ar Mt rare 5 tee as eretemmmeessseae/ ie "einsencon: This model of the earth’s interior, one of the exhibits on the structure of the & WICKEL-IRON Core earth, shows four distinct layers of rock of different composition and density. examined. The bulldozing activities of geophysical prospecting parties working west of the town of De Beque had temporarily made available a large area of Paleocene deposits that had previously been very difficult of access. Full advantage was taken of this opportunity, and work was also done in new territory north and east of the town of Rifle. Some fossil material was collected, but the results were disappointing compared with previous years. The old collecting grounds yielded almost nothing, indicating that the rate of erosion was slow, and the new areas proved to be very sparingly fossiliferous. The law of diminishing returns has obviously set in, and further field work in this region would hardly be justified. 57 The collecting phase of this program is over, but much work remains to be done on the material obtained. To sum up the results briefly: a new late Paleocene fauna and a new area of occurrence of the magnificent early Eocene North American fauna have been made known, specimens discovered have profoundly modified previ- ous concepts of several groups of mammals, and much information on the geology of the region has been accumulated. Several preliminary reports on the large Paleocene hoofed mam- mals, pantodontes and uintatheres, have been published over the years since the program began. A study of the mammalian order Taenidonta, an outgrowth of the program that has been referred to in previous Reports, is essentially ready for the press, and a faunal on the Paleocene mammals is nearing completion. A detailed study of the late Paleocene Pantodonta, a faunal paper on the early Eocene mammals, and a report on the stratigraphy of the region will complete the research phase of the program. The study and exhibi- tion collections of the Department have, of course, been greatly enriched by the specimens collected, neither the Paleocene nor the early Eocene having been represented by material before the in- ception of the program. In addition to his work in Colorado, Curator Patterson carried on studies of fossil peccaries and musk- oxen in response to problems that arose in the course of general curatorial work. A month’s field work conducted by Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, in the Washakie Beds (Late Eocene) in south- This group of stibnite crystals from Japan, shown here in one-third natural size, may be seen in Hall 34. Stibnite is the chief ore of antimony. Robert Kriss Wyant, Assistant Curator of Economic Geology, is determining quan- titatively the carbonate content of a rock in the departmental chemical laboratory. western Wyoming furnished considerable turtle material and led to the discovery of an extensive turtle and crocodile bone bed. During the latter part of the year, Dr. Zangerl was granted a three-month leave of absence to make a study trip to Switzerland, France, Italy, and Belgium and to visit the museums of these countries. He examined some of the more important collections and resumed con- nection with his European colleagues. A New Anosteirine Turtle from Manchuria and Redescription of Taphrosphys Olssom, A Fossil Turtle from Peru, two monographs by Dr. Zangerl, were issued during the year by the Museum Press. He also completed Parts I and II of “‘Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama.” Both of these are now in press. His work on Part III, of the same series, on marine turtles of the Family Toxochelyidae, is under way. An important treatise on the primitive reptilian family Diadec- tidae and on the classification of the Reptilia as a whole by Dr. Everett C. Olson, Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates, was published in April by the Museum Press. In this significant con- tribution to the general subject, he has adduced much evidence in support of a two-fold major division of this class, the turtles and certain primitive extinct groups standing apart in sharp contrast. >) Dr. Rainer Zangerl (left), Curator of Fossil Reptiles, and William D. Turnbull, Preparator, are taking an X-ray photograph of the skull of a saber-tooth tiger. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, con- tinued his work on the Ordovician Bryozoa that he collected from Centre County, Pennsylvania, before he joined the Department of Geology. He prepared a paper, for the Museum Press, on the geographic range of Parabolina andina (Hoek) with a brief discussion on the significance of the occurence of this form from the standpoint of paleogeography. The species in question is one of the trilobites collected by Dr. Roy in Newfoundland but it has long been known to occur in South America. Another collection made by Dr. Roy in Southampton Island during the war was also studied by Curator Richardson. Preliminary survey of the material leaves little doubt as to its affiliation with the much-discussed Ordovician faunas known from Greenland, Baffin Island, and various other places in Canada 60 and the United States. Late in the year, Curator Richardson col- lected a number of Pre-Cambrian stromatolites (algae-like speci- mens characterized by banded structure) in the vicinity of Felch, Michigan. His studies showed no life forms but he concluded that the stromatolites were of value in determining the original bedding planes. He also accompanied a party from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia to visit Cambrian localities in Wisconsin. Immediately after Robert Kriss Wyant was appointed Assistant Curator of Economic Geology, he made a complete inventory of the chemical laboratory. This was followed by the purchase of additional equipment, the assembly of chemical apparatus into working units, and the standardization of the numerous chemical reagents used in analytical studies. To check his own methods and as a prelude to making chemical analyses of a large number of undescribed iron and stone meteorites in the Department’s collection, Assistant Curator Wyant made several check analyses of meteorites and rock samples that already had been analysed by his predecessors. He is now engaged in the formulation of standard analytical procedures by the partial and complete analyses of standard samples of nickel- steel, nickel-chromium iron, and other samples furnished by the U. S. Bureau of Standards. Present objectives in the chemical laboratory include the development of techniques and procedures for the complete chemical analyses of meteorites, silicate rocks, and ore specimens. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Whitfield, Associates in Paleobotany, checked old identifications and compiled the cataloguing of the Lang- ford Collection of Pennsylvanian plants, a task that they began in 1946. They also contributed greatly to the systematization of the general paleobotanical collection in the new storeroom. George Langford, Assistant in Paleobotany, worked steadily on the prepara- tion of a manuscript on the Lower Pennsylvanian flora and fauna of Will County, Illinois. The material upon which the manuscript is based was collected by Mr. Langford himself and represents many years of laborious field work and unceasing interest. The paper will contain descriptions in nontechnical language of approximately four hundred specimens and varieties and a resumé of widely scattered information on the coal flora. In May, Preparator Turnbull conducted a five-week field trip in western Alabama. He was assisted by C. M. Barber, of Flint, Michigan. Several fossil turtles, mosasaurs, and whales and an almost perfectly preserved fish were collected. Nearly all the specimens are from the Selma Formation of late Cretaceous time, 61 although the whales and a few others were found in the Jackson Formation of the Eocene epoch. In the vertebrate paleontological laboratories, work has been continued on the Cretaceous dinosaurs. The skeleton of Parasauro- lophus from New Mexico has now been fully prepared by Preparator Stanley Kuczek. Preparation of the Texas collection made in 1946 is well advanced, and the material should be available for study in 1948. Progress has been made on material obtained in Colorado, Wyoming, and Alabama. Much rearrangement of the study collec- tions of fossil vertebrates has been carried out by Miss Priscilla Freudenheim, temporary assistant. Accessions — Geology The greatest event of the year for the Department and one of the greatest in its history was the donation to the Museum by the University of Chicago of the university’s collection of fossil ver- tebrates. This magnificent gift brings to the Museum one of the outstanding collections of this kind in the world. It includes what the paleontologists believe to be the finest assemblage of North American Permian amphibians and reptiles in existence, an ex- cellent representation of the classic South African Permian and Triassic faunas, including many of the highly important mammal- like reptiles, a notable series of fossil fishes, chiefly Paleozoic, and a goodly number of North American Tertiary and Pleistocene mam- mals. The collection has been extensively studied by successive professors of vertebrate paleontology of the University of Chicago and by their students and is, as a result, particularly rich in type and figured specimens. Since the late Pennsylvanian and Permian Cacops,a large-headed amphibian about eighteen inches long, 1s one of the early Permian types represented in the magnificent collection of fossil vertebrates presented by the University of Chicago to the Museum in 1947. 62 witnessed the decline of amphibians and the rise of reptiles, it will readily be apparent that the specimens of these animals and the studies based upon them are of the utmost importance to our under- standing of vertebrate evolution. The fossil mammals donated by the university supplement and to some extent complement those already in the Museum. The remainder, and the greater bulk, of the university collection was previously unrepresented here, since the university has concentrated its field activities on the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic whereas the Museum has worked almost exclusively in the Cenozoic and later Mesozoic. Union of the two collections results in a well-rounded whole that will be to the advantage of all. The gift is a further step in the integration of effort of the two institutions in the field of paleontology. The advanced teaching in vertebrate paleontology, now carried on in the Museum, will be greatly facilitated by the merger. The general public will also benefit. The University of Chicago collection, although appreciated by specialists the world over, remained almost completely unknown to Chicagoans. Its treasures will now be more readily available to them. Exhibits — Geology In Hall 36 (Economic Geology) five exhibits were installed. Three of these are new and two are old, but the old exhibits are completely renovated, relabeled, and displayed in keeping with modern methods of installation. Of the three new exhibits two are introductory in nature, relating to metallic ores: “‘Distribution of Igneous Rocks and Ore Deposits,’ showing that there is a basic relation between igneous action and the origin of ore deposits, and “Ore Deposits of Igneous Origin,’ showing how different types of ores related to igneous action are formed. The third new exhibit, ‘Important Steel-Making Minerals,’ is displayed in a special table case. It shows the part that certain minerals play in the making of special alloy steels. Both of the two renovated exhibits, ““Mining and Extraction of Gold” and “Evolution of Blast Furnace,” are repre- sented by scale models with a painted background. In Hall 34 (Minerals, Crystals, and Meteorites) the exhibit of fluorescent minerals was also renovated and reinstalled in a new type of case with addition of new specimens. A new system of fluorescent lighting has been employed—the result of experimenta- tions with various types of mercury tubes by Chief Engineer William KH. Lake. It has completely eliminated mechanical difficulties. 63 Department of Zoology It is the basic function of the Department of Zoology to contribute to the description and classification of the Animal Kingdom. The extent to which this kind of zoology forms the foundation of every other development of the science, even in the most abstruse experi- mental fields, is not widely realized. The emphasis on the descrip- tive, observational, and comparative is the discernible common principle underlying the great diversity of research interests and activities of the Museum staff. It is the fundamentally descriptive aspect of zoology that is reflected in the Museum’s conspectus of the Animal Kingdom in its exhibition halls, and it lies also at the root of the interpretive types of exhibition that represent a part of the modern trend of exhibition plans. Research and Expeditions It is often not realized that much remains to be done toward the accurate description of the animal life of the world. Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood, Curator Emeritus, was engaged upon his “‘Check-list of South American Mammals” at the time of his death in June. This important reference work is to be completed by Colin C. Sanborn, Curator, Division of Mammals, and Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator, whose current research on mammals of Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia contributes essential clarification of the problems raised in the course of the larger work. Curator Sanborn has continued his special interest in bats and has prepared several papers on them. In the Division of Birds, Curator Austin L. Rand, who joined the staff in July, has had a large hold-over of manuscripts from his recent interest in Canadian and other northern mammals and birds. He has been engaged especially in the study of the Museum’s birds of the Philippines, collected in 1946-47, and the collection from Mt. Cameroon, in Nigeria, made by Rudyerd Boulton, former Curator of Birds, now Research Associate. Boardman Conover, Research Associate, has continued his studies on game birds and has been occupied also with the concluding volumes of Birds of the Americas. Associate Curator Emmet R. Blake and Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Associate, have been occupied mainly with studies on neotropical birds, with a number of papers published or in manuscript. Mrs. Ellen T. Smith, Associate, has continued her aid, taking an active share in the planning and preparation of seasonal exhibition panels for “‘Birds of the Chicago Region.” 64 In the Division of Reptiles, Curator Clifford H. Pope read proof on the definitive report by Dr. Arnold A. Zimmermann and himself of growth of the rattlesnake rattle and interested himself in the growth rate of snakes, specifically of a specimen of python in cap- tivity. With Nelson G. Hairston, of Northwestern University, Curator Pope continued his studies on the salamanders of the Appalachian region, based on collections made in 1946. Robert F. Inger, graduate student at the University of Chicago, concluded a preliminary account of the amphibians of the Riukiu Islands, made much progress in the identification and study of the collection of Philippine amphibians (frogs, toads, and caecilians), and a beginning, in association with Chief Curator Karl P. Schmidt, on a new edition of the Check-list of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. An important research project of the year was the preparation of a large manuscript on the “Amphibians of West China” by Research Associate Ch’eng-chao Liu, of West China Union University, Chengtu, China. Dr. Liu, as guest of the State Department’s Division of Cultural Relations, found the Museum’s Division of Reptiles and our library facilities most favorable for the study of the West China collections accumulated by him in the war years. Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, continued his work at the United States National Museum on the fishes of the Central Pacific and especially on the Bikini Island material collected, in advance of the test atomic bomb explosions, under the auspices of the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Marion Grey, Associate, completed her list of type specimens of fishes in the Museum’s collections and continued her studies in distribution and bibliography of deep-sea fishes. The major research program of the Division of Vertebrate Anatomy continued to center around the morphology and inter- relationships of the Carnivora. Work on the giant panda monograph A life-size model of a 350- pound Galapagos turtle is a recent addition in Hall 18. Dr. Austin L. Rand, Curator of Birds, continues his researches on the classifica- tion of birds. Such studies form a characteristic activity of museum zoologists. was carried forward both in written manuscript and in the inking and labeling of the numerous illustrations. Miss H. Elizabeth Story, Assistant, completed a study of the arteries of the head in the raccoon-like carnivores. A study of the pectoral musculature in carnivores, by D. Dwight Davis, Curator, was nearly complete by the end of the year. The pectoral muscles of twenty-one forms have been dissected, described, and drawn. Curator Davis made a study of a unique series of fruit bat bacula, a part of a collection assembled by military personnel in the Pacific area during the war. Dr. R. M. Strong, Research Associate, completed the “‘Finding Index’’ for his Bibliography of Birds and continued work on his manuscripts on the anatomy of birds and on the salamander Necturus. Dr. Walter Segall, of Chicago, completed a study of the auditory ossicles of the 66 great apes early in the year. In March, William J. Beecher began an investigation of adaptive radiation in the feeding mechanism of certain passerine birds that has disclosed suggestive differences and parallel developments between closely related forms. The Division of Insects was greatly engrossed with curatorial duties, but salvaged research time for the publications on beetles of the family Cleridae, for Assistant Curator Rupert L. Wenzel’s studies on the Histeridae, and the continuation of an important Divisional interest in the ectoparasitic insects of vertebrates. Re- search Associates Charles H. Seevers and Alex K. Wyatt continued their helpful work on staphylinid beetles and Lepidoptera. Eugene Ray, temporary assistant, in addition to effective curatorial aid, made much progress in his studies on the beetle family Mordellidae. In the Division of Lower Invertebrates Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator, prepared a continuation of his miscellaneous Malacological Notes as a by-product of curatorial duties. He engaged late in the year on the study of two major collections of the South American fresh- water shells, respectively from Lake Titicaca and the Amazon Basin. Further details of the research accomplishments of the Depart- ment for the year are reflected in the list of Museum publications (page 83) and in the list of papers published by members of the staff in other journals (page 78). The most noteworthy expedition to conclude its work in 1947 was the Philippines Zoological Expedition, 1946-47, under the leader- ship of Harry Hoogstraal, now Assistant Curator, Division of Insects. Mr. Hoogstraal and Floyd G. Werner, of Ottawa, Illinois, returned in August, 1947, having been preceded by Lieutenant Donald Heyneman in December, 1946. This expedition engaged in general collecting of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, insects, and various other types of invertebrates, with especial attention to the ectoparasites of mammals and birds and to certain groups of insects in fields in which specialists are available at the Museum. The expedition was made in co-operation with the new Philippine National Museum and was thus able to employ members of the Philippine Bureau of Science, whose laboratories and collections were totally destroyed during the war. The party collected abundant material of some of the peculiar Philippine mammals hitherto regarded as extremely rare, among which the Philippine ground shrew (Podo- gymnura), a tarsier (Tarsius), and a flying lemur (Galeopithecus, sive Cynocephalus) are of notable anatomical and evolutionary interest. The total vertebrate collections amount to 7,348 specimens. The insects and invertebrates number many thousands of specimens and 67 The Philippine tarsier, formerly regarded as extremely rare, was found in great abundance by the Museum’s zoological expedition of 1946-47. The anatomy of this little goggle-eyed lemur-like creature throws light on the ancestry of man. will require some years before they can be roughly identified, acces- sioned, and distributed to specialists for study. Reports on the vertebrate groups are actively in progress and will disclose numerous additions to our knowledge of the Philippine fauna. The Trinidad Zoological Expedition, organized primarily in the interest of the late Dr. Osgood’s needs for the ‘“Check-list of South American Mammals,”’ was conducted by Staff Taxidermist Frank C. Wonder, who was in the field for four months. He was hospitably aided, while in Trinidad, by Dr. E. M. Chenery and by the officials of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. Mr. Wonder col- lected 986 zoological specimens, among which a distinct new species of bat is especially noteworthy. The difficulties encountered by him in collecting terrestrial mammals appear to reflect the progressive extermination of the native fauna by the introduced mongoose. The Philippines and Trinidad expeditions illustrate the type of Museum field exploration directed mainly toward research interests and toward additions to the collections for study. The type of expedition specifically in the interest of the exhibition program is 68 illustrated by The Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street Zoological Ex- pedition to Alaska to secure specimens of the Alaskan brown bear for exhibition in Richard T. Crane, Jr., Hall (Hall 16, American Mammals). The expedition secured a female and two cubs, but failed in its effort to obtain the large male desired to complete the proposed new habitat group. In continuation of a program of faunal studies on the vertebrates of Peru, the Museum has maintained a field collector, José M. Schunke. He has worked at Contamina, on the Ucayali River, and in the Divisoria, the watershed between the Ucayali and the Huallaga rivers. The Bermuda Zoological Expedition was primarily in the interest of exhibition in the Hall of Marine Invertebrates (Hall M). Curator Haas, accompanied by Joseph B. Krstolich, Artist, spent the months of August and September in the Bermudas, where they found the Biological Station for Research, on St. George’s Island, most favor- able for Mr. Krstolich’s detailed study of coloration and translucence of marine animals. Dr. Dugald E.S. Brown, Director of the Station, was extremely helpful to Dr. Haas’s scientific interests and to Mr. Krstolich’s collecting. This association in the 1947 season has resulted in plans for further co-operation between the Bermuda Research Station and the Museum. Henry S. Dybas, Assistant Curator, Division of Insects, left in October for the western Pacific to take part in another co-operative project—that of the study of the land life of Palau Islands under the auspices of the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council. Within the United States, Chief Curator Schmidt, accompanied by John M. Schmidt, of Plainfield, Illinois, and Research Associate Liu, spent three weeks in April collecting small mammals and reptiles in western and central Texas. John W. Winn, Assistant Curator, Division of Fishes, and Mrs. Winn twice visited the Mammoth Cave region to accumulate a regional collection to accompany specimens of the especially interesting cave invertebrates and fishes. Curator Sanborn initiated a program of field studies of mammals in Arkansas intended as an accessory interest, to be carried on in successive years. Curator Pope spent the months of July and August in the Southwest, with headquarters at the field station of the Museum’s Department of Anthropology at Pine Lawn, New Mexico. Curator Pope was joined by C. M. Bogert of the American Museum of Natural History and, in turn, joined Mr. Bogert for a brief trip into Mexico. New Mexico offers a most notable area of biological interest in the nearly juxtaposed White Sands and black 69 lava areas, where effects of environment on animal coloration are especially conspicuous. Local field work was engaged in by the Division of Fishes (1,500 specimens) and the Division of Birds (165 specimens). The bird collections made were in the interest of the project for revolving seasonal panels of local birds intended to aid and to stimulate the interest in birds in the Chicago region. Accessions — Zoology Among the more noteworthy gifts were 308 specimens of insects from Japan, presented by Major Howard T. Wright, and 3,753 insects and related forms from the United States and the Pacific Islands, presented by Assistant Curator Henry 8. Dybas. Gifts from the Chicago Zoological Society, the John G. Shedd Aquarium, and the Lincoln Park Zoo continued to add valued material, especially for the skeleton collection and for anatomical study. By far the most important additions to the various divisional collections in 1947 were the accessions from the Philippines Zoo- logical Expedition. In the Division of Insects much of this material remains to be sorted and roughly identified before accessioning can be completed. A notable purchase added the F. W. Nunnenmacher Collection of nearly 40,000 beetles to the collections of the Division of Insects. The specimens, largely identified and chiefly from areas in North America poorly represented in the Museum, form an especially valuable addition to the reference collections in most active use. A significant collection of 347 Mexican birds was pur- chased from the veteran collector, Wilmot W. Brown. Exhibits — Zoology A pampas deer was remounted by Staff Taxidermist Julius Friesser for the systematic series in George M. Pullman Hall (Hall 18, Horned and Hoofed Mammals). The last of the habitat group spaces in the Hall of Marine Mammals (Hall N), for which a group of sea otters is in preparation, was provided with a background, by Staff Artist Arthur G. Rueckert, that shows some of the unusual habits of this remarkable marine mammal. Staff Taxidermist Frank C. Wonder completed the artificial rock work on which are to be the intertidal seaweed beds for the mounted sea otters. In the Division of Birds, Curator Rand made a comprehensive plan for biological exhibits for the alcove spaces in Hall 21 (Birds in Systematic Arrangement). The central panel, ‘‘Birds of a Chicago 70 Garden,” is nearing completion. This is for the proposed exhibit of birds of the Chicago region, with changing seasonal panels for the spring and fall migrants. In the Division of Reptiles much material for which labels are ready is awaiting cases. The long-planned special alcove for the local amphibians and reptiles is nearing completion by means of models and accessories made by Staff Taxidermist Leon L. Walters and Ronald J. Lambert, Assistant Taxidermist. A cellulose acetate model of a 350-pound Galapagos land turtle was placed on exhibition in September in Albert W. Harris Hall (Hall 18, Reptiles, Am- phibians, and Insects). In the systematic exhibits of Fishes, Staff Taxidermist L. L. Pray continued a program of replacement of old models having cracked skins or fins by new models made with newer techniques of painting and fin modeling. One of the most important new directions of Museum exhibition, based on enlarged models of insects and insect- relatives, made much progress during the year in solving basic technical problems that have developed in the use of plastic materials for models. Numerous visiting entomologists have expressed great interest in the malaria-cycle models already completed by James E. Trott, Artist-Preparator, for the Division of Insects. This region was searched by the Philippines Zoological Expedition of 1946-47, 71 The Library The newly created Advisory Committee on the Library, composed of the Librarian, the four Chief Curators, and members of their departments chosen by the Chief Curators, has met three times during the year. The initial meeting, in January, was devoted to a discussion of classification schemes. The Farmington Plan for the co-operative acquisition of foreign research publications was considered in May. The meeting in June was concerned with some of the problems incident to the change to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme and recataloguing the Library’s collections. The discussion and the opinions expressed in these meetings have been helpful in formulating policies for the Library. After continued study of the problem of cataloguing, it was decided to make a major change in this Library’s system. As a result, beginning July 1, all incoming new materials have been pro- cessed according to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme, using Library of Congress cards and following Library of Congress practice whenever possible. An appropriation has been made for the recataloguing of material acquired before July 1. At the same time, it was decided that the catalogue should be in two parts: an author-title section and a subject section. During the year, 5,629 volumes were added to the collection, as compared with 3,299 for the preceding report period. Of this number, 1,829 were secured by purchase and the remainder by gift and exchange. Two hundred and eleven volumes were withdrawn. On December 31, 1947, the number of accessioned items in the Museum Library stood at 127,691, a net gain of 5,418 for the year. This number does not include 85 maps added since October 1, when a separate accession record for maps was instituted. As a participant in the Army Map Service Depository Program, the Library received an additional 7,130 maps during the year. It is impossible in this type of library to keep an accurate record of the amount of use made of books by members of the staff. Print, however, is one of the foundation stones of research and every expedi- tion and every publication by staff members is testimony to the value of the Library. Through the Interlibrary Loan System, we borrowed thirty-six items for the use of staff members; we lent eighty-six items to other institutions. The number of volumes used by visitors during the year was 1,829. Serials continue to form the bulk and the backbone of our acquisitions. During the year, 13,449 pieces were received. Op- 72 portunities for the purchase of desirable material have been particu- larly great during the period under review, as many items that have been almost unobtainable for years have appeared on the market. Our problem, then, has been what not to buy rather than what to buy. Purchases have run heavily to serial publications, of which the following selective list is illustrative: Annales de Cryptogamie Exotique, V. 1-8 (1928-1935) Annales de Protistologie, V. 1-5 (1928-1936) Avicultural Magazine (1928-1946) Berwickshire Naturalists Club. History and Proceedings, V. 1-29 (1834-1937) Bulletin of Entomological Research, V. 1-37 (1910-1946) Entomological Magazine, V. 1-5 (18382-1838) Entomologist (1866-1945) Entomologists Record (1890-1920) Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes, V. 1-44 (1877-1914) Forestry Abstracts, V. 1-7 (1939-1946) Institut Oceanographique, Monaco. Bulletin, Nos. 1-900 (lacks six nos.) Journal of Forestry (completed set) Journal of Wild Life Management, V. 1-11 (1937-1947) Musee Heude, Shanghai. Publications (complete set) New Phytologist, V. 14-45 Phytopathology, V. 9-35 (1919-1945) Plant Breeding Abstracts, V. 1-17 (1980-1947) Ray Society. Publications Revue Francaise d’Entomologie, V. 1-13 (19384-1946) Royal Entomological Society, London. Proceedings, V. 1-10 (1926-19386) Proceedings, Series A, V. 11-21 Proceedings, Series B, V. 1-15 (1982-1946) Transactions (1877-1945) Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions (1852-1886) Philosophical Transactions, Series B, V. 178-209 (1887-1920) Societe Entomologique de Belgique. Annales, V. 1-80 (1857-1940) South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Proceedings (1884-1943; lacks 1920/21, 1933/34) Studia Botanica Cechoslovaca, V. 1-7 (1938-1946) Relief for the overcrowded condition of the General Library has failed to materialize because of non-delivery of shelving ordered late in 1946. The shelving is to be installed in the space previously occupied by the Division of Printing (Room 72) and will provide space for approximately 18,000 volumes, or three to four years’ additions at our present rate of growth. The problem of providing for an ever-increasing book collection is also of concern to the four scientific departments, as the departmental libraries are rapidly reaching the saturation point. A small room has been constructed in Room 72 for rare books. The map cases, formerly in the room immediately outside the Librarian’s office, have been moved into Room 72. By relocating some stack ranges and the John Crerar Library catalogue, suitable work space for processing was made. 73 Activities of Staff Members in Scientific Societies The active participation of members of the Museum staff in the learned societies of their various fields is encouraged by the Museum. Such participation by staff members is of great value because through it the influence of the Museum is widened, its contributions to science are made more generally known, and, as a result, scientific research is advanced. It is also essential that scientists working in various institutions on similar or related problems should have opportunities to become personally acquainted. Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, and George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits in Anthropology, attended the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in May at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Curator Collier presented a paper on the Indians of South America, and Curator Quimby took part in asymposium. In July, Curator Collier participated in a conference entitled “‘“A Reappraisal of Peruvian Prehistory,” held in New York under the joint auspices of the Institute of Andean Research and the Viking Fund. His paper, “‘Peruvian Stylistic Influences in Ecuador,” was one of eleven presented. They will be issued early in 1948 as a Memoir of the Society for American Archaeology. Dr. Wilfrid D. Hambly, Curator of African Ethnology, took part in the meeting of the African Anthropology Committee of the National Research Council at Northwestern University in March. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, attended the annual meetings of Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held in Chicago in December and served as chairman of the session on linguistics and culture. In December, Chief Curator Martin and Curator Collier attended the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association and the Society for American Archaeology at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Martin presented a paper on the results of the Museum’s South- west Archaeological Expedition of 1947, and Curator Collier partici- pated in round-table discussions on problems pertaining to Peruvian and Mexican archaeology. This was the first time that these meet- ings had ever been held west of the Mississippi River, and because of the location many members from western United States and from Latin-American countries attended. At the Chicago meetings in December of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian 74 Botany, and Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Assistant Curator of the Herbarium, presented papers before the Systematic Section of the Botanical Society of America. Dr. Cutler discussed “Species Rela- tions in Cucurbita’ and Dr. Cuatrecasas spoke on “Life-forms of the Plant Associations in the High Andes of Colombia.” Dr. Steyermark’s subject was “Speciation in the Venezuelan Guayana.”’ Dr. Earl E. Sherff, Research Associate in Systematic Botany, organized the symposium on botanical nomenclature and presented the introductory paper. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator of Botany, presented two papers, one on ‘‘Paleobotanists and Nomenclature’”’ as part of the symposium on botanical nomenclature and the other on “Gymnosperms and the Origin of Angiosperms” as part of a symposium on the evolution and classification of gymnosperms. Dr. Just, who was secretary of the Paleobotanical Section and chairman of its committee on paleobotanical nomenclature, was elected chair- man for the coming year. Dr. Sherff served as chairman of the Systematic Section and Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Cryptogamic Botany, as secretary of the same section. Dr. Steyermark pre- sented a paper on “The Flora of Guatemala” before the Ecological Society of America, whose meetings were also held in connection with those of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In November, Llewelyn Williams, Curator of Wood Technology, attended meetings in Chicago of the newly founded Forest Products Research Society, and Dr. Cutler took part in a conference in St. Louis on the structure of corn plants. Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, attended the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Paleontologists at Geneva, Switzerland, in September, and presented a paper on Chelonia knorri from the Eocene shales of Glarus, Switzerland. In October, Harry E. Changnon, Assistant Curator of Geology, and Robert Kriss Wyant, Assistant Curator of Economic Geology, attended the Tri-State Geological Field Conference in Wisconsin, which was chiefly a reconnaissance of the geology of northeastern Wisconsin conducted by staff members of the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology, attended meetings of the Geological Society of America held at Ottawa, Canada, in December, and Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, and Dr. Zangerl attended the seventh annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, an affiliated society of the Geological Society of America, also at Ottawa. Curator Patterson continued as secretary- treasurer of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, presented, by title 75) only, a paper on “Paleontology and Nomenclature” at the annual meeting of the Northwest Scientific Association held in December at Spokane, Washington. Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology, was made a member of the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council, a group of American scientists concerned with various problems in the islands of the South Seas, and attended meetings of the Board im May and November. As delegate of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, he attended the annual meeting of the Division of Biology and Agriculture of the National Research Council in Washington, D.C., in April, and on the same occasion took part in the organization meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. In August, Chief Curator Schmidt, John W. Winn, Assistant Curator of Fishes, and Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes (on leave of absence), attended the meetings of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists at Higgins Lake, Michigan. Chief Curator Schmidt, as the Society’s representative to the National Research Council, made committee reports, and Curator Woods presented an account of the coral reef fishes of Bikini Atoll, on which he is working under the direction of Dr. L. P. Schultz at the United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator of Mammals, and Luis de la Torre, temporary assistant in the Division of Mammals, attended the meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists in August, also at Higgins Lake. During the meetings in Chicago in December of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chief Curator Schmidt was host to a group of leading taxonomists at a round-table discussion of the problems of zoological nomenclature, the occasion being the presence of Francis Hemming, Secretary of the International Commission for Zoological Nomen- Speakers at the symposium on botanical nomenclature, sponsored by the Systematic Section of the Botanical Society of America and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, held in the James Simpson Theatre of the Museum on December 29, 1947, in connection with the Chicago meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, were, left to right (seated), Charles A. Weatherby, Gray Herbarium of Harvard University; Liberty Hyde Bailey, Bailey Hortorium of Cornell University; Elmer Drew Merrill, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University; (standing) Earl E. Sherff, Chicago Teachers College and Museum Research Associate; Carl Otto Rosendahl, University of Minnesota; Sidney Fay Blake, United States Bureau of Plant Industry; and Theodor Just, Chief Curator, Department of Botany. —~ 76 clature. Emmet R. Blake, Associate Curator of Birds, was elected a director of the Illinois Audubon Society and vice-president of the Chicago Ornithological Society. Carl W. Hintz, Librarian, continued to serve on the Board of Resources of American Libraries and on the Committee on Book Acquisitions of the American Library Association. He also partici- pated, by invitation, in a conference on recruiting sponsored by the Board of Education for Librarianship of the American Library Association, held in Chicago in November. The Director of this Museum attended the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums in the city of Quebec, Canada, in May. He addressed the science section on the subject “Live Ideas or Dead Storage.” A number of the Museum’s staff members served in editorial capacities on various scientific journals. Chief Curator Schmidt continued as member of the editorial staff of the American Midland Naturalist, herpetological editor of Copeia, and section editor of “Reptiles and Amphibians” for Biological Abstracts. During the first half of the year, Chief Curator Just continued his duties as editor of the American Midland Naturalist until he resigned from that post. He also edited Lloydia throughout the year and was appointed to the editorial board of Ecology, while carrying on his activities as assistant editor of Chronica Botanica. Dr. Sherff con- 7 7/7 tinued as member of the editorial board of Brittonia. Curator Collier was appointed contributing editor of El Palacio, monthly anthropo- logical journal of the School of American Research and the Museum of New Mexico. Curator Zangerl continued his duties as regional editor of the bulletin of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Publications of staff members during 1947 other than those issued by the Museum included: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY COLLIER, DONALD Review of Wendell C. Bennett’s Archeological Regions of Colombia: A Ceramic Survey and James A. Ford’s Excavations in the Vicinity of Cali, Colombia, in American Anthropologist, vol. 49, no. 4, pt. 1, pp. 647-649 “South America: Archaeology,’’ in Handbook of Latin American Studies: 1944, No. 10 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1947), pp. 26-31 HAMBLY, WILFRID D. Jamba, Pellegrini and Cudahy, Chicago, 1947, 246 pp. Review of Melville J. Herskovits’s Backgrounds of African Art, in American Anthropologist, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 297-298 “Visual Aids to Teaching African Ethnology,” Journal of Negro History, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 354-356 MARTIN, PAUL S. ‘‘Man in New Mexico 1,400 Years Ago,” Think, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 16-17 MARTIN, PAUL S., GEORGE I. QUIMBY, AND DONALD COLLIER Indians before Columbus, Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archeology, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1947, xxiii+ 582 pp., 122 illustrations QUIMBY, GEORGE I. ‘“Archaeology, Western Hemisphere,” in 1947 Britannica Book of the Year, A Record of... Events of 1946 (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago [1947]), pp. 66-68 ‘‘Archaeology, Western Hemisphere,” in Ten Eventful Years, A Record of Events of the Years...1937 through 1946 (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago [1947], 4 vols.), vol. 1, pp. 154-157 “The Prehistory of Kamchatka,’’ American Antiquity, vol. 12, no. 8, pt. 1, pp. 173-179 SPOEHR, ALEXANDER Review of Andrew J. Lind’s Hawaii’s Japanese, in Applied Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 34-35 Review of Laura Thompson’s Guam and Its People, in Applied Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 27-28 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY CUATRECASAS, JOSE “Vistazo a la Vegetacion Natural del Bajo Calima,”’ Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisico-Quimicas y Naturales, vol. 7, no. 27, pp. 306-3812 78 CUTLER, HUGH C. “Chica: A Native South American Beer,” Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 338-60 [with Martin Cardenas] Mejoramiento del Maiz en los Valles de Bolivia, Universidad Autonoma “‘Simon Bolivar,’ Cochabamba, Bolivia [1947], 32 pp. [with Martin Cardenas] JUST, THEODOR “Geology and Plant Distribution,’’ Ecological Monographs, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 127-137 STEYERMARK, JULIAN A. ‘Hermann C. Benke,’’ Rhodora, vol. 49, no. 581, pp. 142-1438 ‘‘Exploracion Botanica a las Regiones Orientales de Venezuela,” Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, vol. 10, no. 67, pp. 263-280 “Informe de la Mision de Cinchona en Venezuela,’ Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, vol. 10, no. 65-66, pp. 163-189 [with H. Arthur Meyer] ““A Native Oxalis as a Garden Plant,’ Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 207-208 “Notes on Drying Plants,’ Rhodora, vol. 49, no. 585, pp. 220-227 “Speciation in the Venezuelan Guyana,’’ Abstract, American Journal of Botany, Supplement to vol. 34, no. 10, p. 29a WILLIAMS, LLEWELYN “Forests of the Upper Orinoco,” Tropical Woods, no. 91, pp. 17-88 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BLAKE, EMMET R. ““A Note on the Barred Owl,’’ Wilson Bulletin, vol. 59, p. 111 CONOVER, BOARDMAN ‘“‘La Distribucion Geografica de las Subespecies de la Pava de Monte Penelope granti,”’ Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, vol. 10, pp. 321-325 HERSHKOVITZ, PHILIP ‘‘Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary Report No. 1: Squirrels (Sciuridae),’”’ Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 97, pp. 1-46, 1 figure RAND, AUSTIN L. “Clutch Size in Spruce Grouse and Theoretic Considerations of Some Factors Affecting Clutch Size,” Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 61, pp. 127-130 “‘Notes on Some Greenland Birds,’”’ Awk, vol. 64, pp. 281-284 SANBORN, COLIN C. “‘Bats from the Solomon Islands,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 28, pp. 387— 391 [with William J. Beecher] “The History of the Type of Pachyotis temminckiui panayensis Sody,”’ Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 28, pp. 67-68 “The Tuco-tucos of Peru (Genus Ctenomys),’’ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 60, pp. 135-1388 [with Oliver P. Pearson] SCHMIDT, KARL P. “A New Fringe-footed Sand Lizard from Coahuila, Mexico,” American Museum Novitates, no. 138389, pp. 1-9, 4 figures Te) Photography and Illustration The Division of Photography continued to produce negatives, prints, enlargements, transparencies, and lantern slides to fill the needs of the Museum, including exchanges with other institutions, releases to the press, and miscellaneous sales. Total production for the Division in 1947 was 22,287 items, a slight increase over the total number of items in 1946. There are now more than 104,000 negatives in the files. Arthur G. Rueckert, Staff Artist, completed a large mural for the Department of Botany and a painted background for the sea- otter group that is in preparation by the Department of Zoology. Both exhibits are described elsewhere in this Report. Miss Norma Lockwood, Staff Illustrator, furnished drawings, maps, lettering, and general art work as required throughout the year by the departments and divisions of the Museum. Motion Pictures The first work of the new Division of Motion Pictures after its establishment in 1946 was the salvaging of all 35mm motion picture film, both in negative and positive form, that remained in the Museum’s Film Library. This undertaking has been brought to completion and all film is now in 16mm, printed on new stock. The salvaged film is being edited into complete productions that will be valuable aids to the Museum’s visual-education projects. The processes of salvaging, checking, reprinting, editing, and accessioning have been applied to 1,242,250 feet of film. This figure not only represents the footage now in the film vault but also includes a total of forty-seven complete motion pictures. The Division produced, from script to screening, the Museum’s first color motion picture, “Archaeologists in Action.’’ As a member of the Museum’s Archaeological Expedition of 1947 to the Southwest, John W. Moyer, Chief of the Division of Motion Pictures, spent four weeks in the field photographing expedition material to augment footage taken for this film during the previous year. The film was shown in November as one of the series of Saturday afternoon programs sponsored by the Museum. Currently in production is a film, temporarily titled ““Museum Activities,’ that has been planned especially for audiences interested in the Museum’s policies, general educational programs, and scientific resources. The picture sequences are to constitute a behind-the-scenes tour of the Museum, showing each department and division engaged in characteristic work, and 80 Hall 29, ion of the Curator In 1e€S ’’ a new mural in the ser Colomb “Espeletias in the High Andes, irect Rueckert under the di + d by Staff Artist Arthur G of Colombian Botany, Dr. Jose Cuatrecasas. A detail of the pa was painte 81 is shown here. ing int filming may require several years. In addition to work on this project, two complete films were edited for use by the Museum in programs for schools and the general public. Publications and Printing Distribution of the Museum’s publications to institutions and in- dividuals on our foreign exchange list was restored almost to prewar routine during the year, with wartime accumulations and current issues dispatched to all on the list except those in Germany and Japan. A total of 25,270 copies was sent to individuals and institu- tions on both our domestic and foreign exchange lists, to which forty-three new names were added. Sales during 1947 totaled 4,758 copies in the Scientific Series, 8,585 copies in the Popular Series, and 29,386 copies of miscellaneous publications, such as guides, handbooks, and memoirs (see page 91). For future sales and other distributions, an additional 15,241 copies of publications were wrapped, labeled, and stored. The Museum Press issued during the year thirty-two titles in the Scientific Series of publications, one in the Popular Series, one in the Administrative Series, and two reprints. The total number of pages printed in all books, including indexes for three completed volumes in the Scientific Series, was 1,513, and the total number of copies printed was 46,682. Twelve numbers of Chicago Natural History Bulletin were printed, averaging six thousand copies an issue. Other work of the Division of Printing included posters, price lists, Museum Stories for Children (Raymond Foundation), lecture schedules, Museum labels, specimen tags, and post cards. It is desired to record sincere appreciation of Mrs. Elsie H. Thomas, Recorder, and her efficient organization in handling the tremendous volume of publications that was sent out from the Mu- seum during the year. It was, indeed, a tremendous task to distribute correctly the wartime accumulation of publications. The problem was further complicated by the fact that it was necessary to check on the existence of many of the institutions that formerly carried on exchange relations with us. It is further desired to record appreciation for the efforts of the Associate Editors, whose work assisted materially in the production of our publications. Miss Lillian A. Ross continued her superior work in handling the scientific publications of the Museum and Mrs. Helen A. MacMinn handled capably the miscellaneous and nonscientific publications. 82 A list of titles in the publications series issued in 1947 by Chicago Natural History Museum Press follows: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY HAMBLY, WILFRID D. Cranial Capacities, A Study in Methods, Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 36, no. 3, 51 pp. MARTIN, PAUL S., AND JOHN B. RINALDO The SU Site, Excavations at a Mogollon Village, Western New Mexico, Third Season, 1946, Anthropological Series, vol. 32, no. 3, 110 pp., 42 text figures, 12 maps SPOEHR, ALEXANDER Changing Kinship Systems, Anthropological Series, vol. 83, no. 4, 85 pp., 13 text figures DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY DAHLGREN, B. E. Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Popular Series, Botany, no. 26, 82 pp., 68 text figures SHERFF, EARL EDWARD Further Studies in the Genus Dodonaea, Botanical Series, vol. 23, no. 6, 53 pp. A Preliminary Study of Hawaiian Species of the Genus Rauvolfia, Additions to the Genera Scalesia and Hidalgoa, Botanical Series, vol. 23, no. 7,17 pp., 1 plate STANDLEY, PAUL C., AND JULIAN A. STEYERMARK Studies of Central American Plants-V II, Botanical Series, vol. 28, no. 5, 73 pp., 4 text figures DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY HUuSSAKOF, LOUIS A New Pycnodont Fish from the Cretaceous of Arkansas, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 4, 5 pp., 1 text figure OLSON, EVERETT CLAIRE The Family Diadectidae and Its Bearing on the Classification of Reptiles, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 11, no. 1, 53 pp., 8 text figures ZANGERL, RAINER A New Anosteirine Turtle from Manchuria, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 3, 9 pp., 4 text figures Redescription of Taphrosphys Olssoni, A Fossil Turtle from Peru, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 5, 12 pp., 4 text figures DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BAISAS, F. E. Notes on Philippine Mosquitoes-XI, A New Species of Tripteroides, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 15, 4 pp., 1 text figure 83 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (Continued) BANKS, NATHAN Some Neuropterous Insects from Szechwan, China, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 12, 11 pp., 5 text figures BLAKE, EMMET R., AND MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, JR. The Subspecies of Aratinga Acuticaudata, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 21, 7 pp. Davis, Dwicut D. The Bacula of Some Fruit Bats (Pteropus), Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 16, 7 pp., 2 text figures DAVIS, DWIGHT D., AND U. R. GORE Clearing and Staining Skeletons of Small Vertebrates, Fieldiana: Technique, no. 4, Second Edition, 16 pp., 3 text figures DyBASs, HENRY S., AND RUPERT L. WENZEL A New Genus of Batflies From Guatemala (Diptera Acalypterae: Streblidae), Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 19, 6 pp., 3 text figures FLEMING, ROBERT L. A New Race of Koklas Pheasant, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 11, 4 pp. GOODNIGHT, CLARENCE J., AND MARIE L. Phalangida from Tropical America, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32, no. 1, 58 pp., 30 text figures GRAY, MARION Catalogue of Type Specimens of Fishes in Chicago Natural History Museum, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32, no. 3, 99 pp., 24 text figures HAAS, FRITZ Malacological Notes-V, Peruvian Land and Fresh-Water Shells, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 22, 18 pp., 8 text figures INGER, ROBERT F. Preliminary Survey of the Amphibians of the Riukiu Islands, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32, no. 5, 58 pp., 2 text figures, 4 maps POPE, CLIFFORD H. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Chicago Area, Reprint, 275 pp., 50 text figures, 12 plates POPE, CLIFFORD H., AND NELSON G. HAIRSTON The Distribution of Leurognathus, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 20, 8 pp., 2 text figures SANBORN, COLIN CAMPBELL The South American Rodents of the Genus Neotomys, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 7, 7 pp., 2 text figures The Sheath-Tailed Bat of the Palau and Marshall Islands, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 8, 4 pp., 1 text figure Geographical Races of the Rodent Akodon Jelskit Thomas, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 17, 10 pp., 1 text figure Catalogue of Type Specimens of Mammals in Chicago Natural History Museum, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32, no. 4, 85 pp., 1 plate 84 SEGALL, WALTER The Malleus (Ossiculum Auditus) of the Anthropoid Apes, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 14, 8 pp., 3 text figures ScHMIDT, KARL P. A New Kinosternid Turtle from Colombia, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 18, 4 pp., 1 text figure SCHMIDT, KARL P., AND FREDERICK A. SHANNON Notes on Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacan, Mexico, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 9, 23 pp., 1 text figure VAN RosseEM, A. J. Two Races of the Bridled Titmouse, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 10, 6 pp. Wo.LcoTT, ALBERT B. Catalogue of North American Beetles of the Family Cleridae, Fieldiana: Zoology, WO, By 104 Ay 248} 10) 9 Wo.LcoTtT, ALBERT B., AND HENRY S. DYBAS Two New Beetles from Costa Rica and Australia, with a Description of a New Genus (Coleoptera, Cleridae), Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 18, 6 pp., 3 text figures ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLICATIONS Annual Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees for the Year 1946, 189 pp., 22 text figures, 5 plates General Guide, Twenty-seventh Edition, Reprint, 48 pp., 3 text figures, 5 plates Public Relations The newspapers of Chicago and of hundreds of other cities continued to give generous space to pictures, news stories, and features con- nected with activities of the Museum. In addition to the more routine publicity in the black-and-white of the dailies, there were several spreads of one to two pages of rotogravure pictures and pages in full color. Releases of the year issued through the office of the Public Relations Counsel numbered 329. Many features commanded especially good space and widespread circulation, some of them through national news and picture agencies as well as the large Chicago dailies. Syndicated rotogravure pages of the work in plastics carried on in the taxidermy and modeling studios of the Museum were prepared by Acme Newspictures, Inc., and published in newspapers of principal cities from coast to coast. A rotogravure spread was printed in the Chicago Daily News on the Museum’s activities in the training of students from the University of Chicago, Antioch College, and the Art Institute of Chicago. There were: a page layout in the Chicago Sunday Times on work of the 85 Robert Miller is announcing Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology, for a radio broadcast to the Chicago public schools on opportunities in museum work. James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation, a page in four colors of Museum exhibits in a “Chicago Vacation”’ series of articles in the Chicago Tribune, a rotogravure layout in the Chicago Sunday Tribune of bird photographs in connection with a special Museum exhibit, and a full-page picture of the Museum building on the cover of the Saturday rotogravure section of the Chicago Daily News. These examples are representative. Many other picture layouts and extended stories appeared not only in the papers mentioned but also in the Chicago Sun, Chicago Herald-American, Chicago Journal of Commerce, and Downtown Shopping News. For national and world- 86 wide circulation of its stories and pictures the Museum is indebted to the Associated Press and its affiliate (Wide-World Photos), United Press, International News Service, Acme Newspictures, Science Service, and others. For the courtesy of transmission by pneumatic tube into the offices of local newspapers of urgent “spot news’’ from the Museum, grateful acknowledgement is made to the City News Bureau of Chicago. In addition to the metropolitan press, the Museum continued to distribute its news to hundreds of other publications, such as the community newspapers of various areas of Chicago, the foreign language newspapers of Chicago, the newspapers of the city’s suburbs, and newspapers in upstate and downstate Illinois towns and cities. The Museum received attention in both news and special- feature programs of radio stations in Chicago and on national net- works. Among those that gave air time to the Museum were WMAQ, WGN, WIND, WBBM, WENR, WLS, WCFL, WJJD, American Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting System, National Broadcasting Company, and Mutual Broadcasting System. After wartime curtailment of publication for several years, the Bulletin of the Museum was restored this year to a monthly basis. With twelve issues, with greater emphasis than ever before upon illustrations, and with the introduction of a number of changes, this monthly periodical kept the Members of the Museum more fully informed of Museum activities than hitherto. A supplemental value of the Bulletin arises from the fact that, because it is circulated to the full publicity list of newspapers, news agencies, and magazines, many of its articles are reprinted by these, thus adding to the total of Museum publicity. The Bulletin also is sent as an exchange publication to other museums, scientific societies, and libraries. The Museum, as in other years, was advertised by means of posters announcing its lecture courses for adults and Raymond Foundation programs for children. Thousands of folders were distributed through widespread agencies. The Museum also con- tinued, with the other principal museums of the city, the publication and distribution of thousands of copies of a folder describing the attractions of each institution. The advertising efforts of the Museum were assisted without charge by the Chicago and North Western Railway; the Illinois Central System; the Chicago Rapid Transit Lines (which in the latter part of the year became part of the Chicago Transit Authority); the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Railroad; and the public-service bureaus of newspapers, hotels, department stores, and other organizations. 87 The Book Shop More and more, visitors at the Museum are finding the Book Shop a delightful place in which to shop. From its beginning in 1938, every successive year, with the exception of 1940, has shown an increase in sales. Book Shop service is partly responsible for this unusual success. On special order, the Book Shop will obtain for purchasers almost any book available from any publisher or dealer in the world. Books may be ordered by mail, and increasing numbers of people are taking advantage of this convenience. Here a visitor may obtain books for the youngest nature lover as well as for the mature scientist. And he may buy them secure in the knowledge that they are accurate, because all books sold in the Book Shop have been approved by members of the Museum’s scientific staff. We take pride in this method of teaching natural history. Cafeteria More customers were served by the Museum cafeteria in 1947 than in any year since the cafeteria was opened. ‘There were 111,112 persons served in the cafeteria and 134,274 served in the lunchroom, making a total of 245,386, in comparison with 213,536 for 1946. The lunchroom is open to all visitors, but it is used principally by school children who bring their own lunches and wish to supplement them by the purchase of milk, soft drinks, or dessert. Maintenance, Construction, and Engineering All exterior woodwork of the Museum building was painted and heavy wire-mesh window guards were installed on all terrace-level windows. Frames and sash in the second floor light courts were repainted and repaired as needed. The discovery of termites in certain ground-floor areas necessitated the undertaking of immediate and thorough measures for their extermination. A small room for rare books was constructed in one corner of the new extension stackroom of the Library, and the bindery was moved into larger quarters across the hall from its former location. A rubber tile floor was laid in the new stackroom and one of asphalt tile in the Recorder’s office. A new office and laboratory were prepared and equipped for the Division of Motion Pictures. A small room and storage closet were built at one end of the photo-operating room, which was redecorated; and a small area of the shipping room, on the ground floor, was partitioned off for use of the shipping clerk. An acoustical ceiling was installed in the cafeteria and in the projec- 88 tion booths of the James Simpson Theatre and the lecture hall. These new ceilings, by reducing echo, have noticeably decreased the noise in the cafeteria and, in the Theatre and lecture hall, have greatly increased the carrying quality and clarity of the voice. Extensive repairs were made in the heating plant, and all four boilers were thoroughly cleaned. A new and more efficient incinerator was installed. A number of steam lines on the third floor were rerouted and additional radiators were connected where necessary. Sixty-eight large fluorescent light fixtures were hung in offices and workrooms throughout the building, and several electric circuits were run in to supply power for new machinery, power tools, and exhaust fans. A flake-ice machine was installed to effect a saving in the cost of ice needed for the operation of the cafeteria. Additional electric water coolers were installed throughout the building. Under con- tracts in force, a total of 16,107,550 pounds of steam was sold to the John G. Shedd Aquarium and 17,014,688 to the Chicago Park District, a total of 33,122,288 pounds delivered during the year. It would be impossible to detail the multiplicity of tasks accom- plished by the Maintenance and Engineering Divisions in the normal routine of their work. It is a major achievement just to keep the Museum building and its equipment in good condition and in operat- ing order. In addition, personnel of these divisions are habitually called upon, in connection with the exhibition program, to assist in moving equipment and exhibit cases for the various departments. In the pages that follow are submitted the Museum’s financial statements (1946, 1947), attendance statistics and door receipts (1946, 1947), list of accessions, list of Members, articles of incorpora- tion, and amended by-laws. CLIFFORD C. GREGG Director, Chicago Natural History Museum 89 COMPAR AI ES BUNAINGIAIs SABE NES FOR YEARS 1946 AND 1947 INCOME 1947 1946 Endowment funds...........$641,264.02 $558,331.93 Funds held under annuity AgKeement ee 17,839.28 18,242.30 Life Membership fund....... 9,071.61 9,246.57 Associate Membership fund... 11,729.14 11,811.06 Chicago Park District........ 182,071.98 136,242.43 Annual and Sustaining Mem- bershipsenn. | ee Seles 0 cO0 16,775.00 AGMISSIONS:. 21.0 oe ee 34,420.00 31,826.25 Sundry srecelp tse eee ee 31,659.80 27,978.95 Contributions, pence pur- poses. 634.00 373.99 Contribacions: speciell purposes (expended per contra). . 82,968.46 7,060.18 Special funds—part opened for purposes designated (included per contra)..... 22,152.47 32,152.37 $1,002,260.76 EXPENDITURES Collections. . 2) Ad MD (OS $ 11,633.88 Operating expenses capitalized and added to collections. 44,878.63 44,544.14 Expeditions. . é 25,998.04 32,588.07 Furniture, Recon, ate Bis eee 152,803.20 19,017.60 Wages capitalized and added CO fXCUECS ES uo ater e yee: 6,148.85 945.65 Pensions and group insurance. 59,583.62 64,286.42 Departmental expenses....... 83,087.30 72,346.32 General operating expenses... 516,766.70 395,527.27 Building repairs and altera- tions. 13,811.23 126,958.62 Annuity on Weontmcen he. 25,000.00 25,000.00 Reserve for building repairs and mechanical plant de- DFCCIAtIONS <2 8) ae et 10,000.00 Reserve for contingencies aris- ing from the War....... i ree A 40,000.00 $1,012,703.22 $842,847.97 Balance: <5 a ee ee $ 8,293.06 Denicitnares: $ 10,442.46 The N. W. Harris Public School Extension 1947 1946 Income from endowment..... $ 18,142.03 $ 17,032.18 Expendituress.] sneer S0OL0S 18,529.31 DDGR CG) 30 cise eee $ 3,164.05 Se LY ls} 90 COMPARATIVE ATTENDANCE Sw istics AND DOOR RECEIPTS EORG Ge Aion 4or ANID 947, 1947 1946 wotaleacbendance nase. ete ke 1,183,308 1,287,436 aideacbendanCer 642.8 deel. o.aciea 3: 137,680 127,305 Free admissions on pay days: SHRUGS se ale es ee ee 26,522 20,730 Schoolachildrents 35-6452 0h on shoe 68,230 61,699 ANSBYCI CIOS Ste elas te eels Reale aie esata 2,815 2,244 WISIN ORS Hee rt eae EE Wh ey 474 540 Service men and women........... 1,696 9,757 Special meetings attendance....... 6,120 602 Admissions on free days: “Marsclanvs) (Gil)o= tsco5 Heed bb 6 oe 129,586 (52) 154,965 SacundaySa(OZ hs ses es eels 300,990 (QQ) Be Hil Suim@danysn (52) eetesy (res cee ces yo se 509,195 (51) 581,684 Highest attendance on any day @Novemiber29))j pe ss0k ste. x: 16,789 (April 6) 35,769 Lowest attendance on any day (VENTE (ONG ss 2 aie nee ee ee 124 (December 18) 148 Highest paid attendance (September 1). 4,930 (September 2) 4,399 Average daily admissions (363 days).... 3,260 (362 days) 3,006 Average paid admissions (208 days)... . 662 (207 days) 615 INumiberot guides sold)... 5.3.55... . 23,329 18,152 Number of articles checked............ 38,023 41,334 Number of picture post cards sold...... 245,081 170,656 Sales of publications, both scientific and popular, and photographs......... $11,882.34 $9,058.96 91 ACCESSIONS, 1947 Department of Anthropology — Accessions BARTLETT, FLORENCE DIBELL, Chi- cago: 12 carved wooden manikins, 126 textiles, 8 decorated gourds, 1 silver necklace, 5 painted clay figurines, 14 negatives, 8 Navaho blankets—Guate- mala and Southwest (gift). BAYLESS, DR. HAROLD S., Chicago: 1 robe of Maori chief—New Zealand (gift). BULLOCK DR] De 1S.) Detrontas archaeological specimens of stone— Chile (exchange). Capps, MARCIA, Minneapolis: 1 shell lei—Tahiti (gift). CARD, Mrs. PAUL Q., Minneapolis: 1 bowl, 1 jar, and 25 projectile points, all Hohokam, and 1 Hupa basket— Arizona (gift). CARPENTER, MRS. GEORGE A., Chi- eago: 1 Alaskan fishhook, 1 Mexican mask, 1 Balinese tortoise-shell fan, and 1 tapa cloth and 1 food bowl, both from Polynesia (gift). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Paul S. Martin (Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1947): 369 artifacts, 30 whole or restor- able pots, 10,000 potsherds—near Re- serve, New Mexico. Collected by Dr. Alexander Spoehr (Ethnological Expedition to Micronesia, 1947): 44 ethnological specimens— Marshall and Mortlock Islands, Micro- nesia. Collected by Dr. and Mrs. James B. Watson: 166 anthropometric forms, 527 negatives—Mato Grosso, Brazil. Purchase: 340 prehistoric artifacts— Western Aleutian Islands. DOUBLEDAY, RICHARD AL, Morgan Park, Illinois: 1 boy’s costume— Guatemala (gift). FIELD, Dr. HENRY, Thomasville, Georgia: 1 partially finished fishing net, with 2 netting shuttles and ball of fine cotton netting twine—Michoacan, Mexico (gift). GREGORY, Mrs. ALICE H., Chicago: 36 textiles and 2 costumed dolls— Guatemala (gift). HuGHES, THOMAS §S., Chicago: 1 vase —Italy (gift). McCormick, Mrs. CHAUNCEY, Chi- cago: 2 amulets of animal gods—Egypt (gift). MEAD, AARON B. (deceased): 26 dentalium shells used as medium of exchange—Puget Sound (gift). NIKLAUS, GEORGE F., Boise, Idaho: 1 Chinese dollar (gift). OAKES, GRADIE, Chicago: Collection of about 500 scrapers, projectile points, and fragments, of Archaic and Wood- land types—near Mammoth Cave, Kentucky (gift). WANG, MAJOR CHING-YIEN, Rantoul, Illinois: 1 rubbing from inscription on stone monument—Shansi Province, China (gift). Department of Botany — Accessions Acosta SOLIS, PROFESSOR MISAEL, Quito, Ecuador: 8,000 specimens of plants from Ecuador (gift). AGOSTINHO, LIEUTENANT COLONEL J., Angra de Heroismo, Azores Islands: 1 plant specimen (gift). ANCEITA, FELIPE, Lima, specimens of algae (gift). yD Peru: 4 ANDERSON, DR. EDGAR, St. Louis: 1 specimen of Tripsacum (gift). ARCHER, W. A., Belem, Para, Brazil: 1 trunk section of Malouetia (gift). ARNOLD ARBORETUM, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts: 1 plant specimen (ex- change). BAILEY HORTORIUM, Ithaca, New York: 47 specimens of Rubus (exchange). BAUER, BILL, Webster Groves, Mis- souri: 40 plant specimens (gift). BELCHER, Dr. R. O., Ann Arbor, Michigan: 1 cryptogamicspecimen (gift). BERNICE P. BISHOP MUSEUM, Hono- lulu, Hawaii: 3 plant specimens (gift). Binny, H. B., Victoria, British Co- lumbia: 20 samples of woods (exchange). BONDAR, DR. GREGORIO, Bahia, Brazil: 91 specimens of Brazilian plants (gift). BOTANIC GARDENS, Sydney, Aus- tralia: 73 specimens of plants from New South Wales (exchange). BRANNON, DR. M. A., Gainesville, Florida: 47 specimens of algae (gift). BROMLEY, Mrs. S. W., Stamford, Connecticut: 3 specimens of algae (gift). BUELL, Mrs. HELEN Foot, New Brunswick, New Jersey: 13 specimens of algae (gift). CAIN, Dr. STANLEY A., Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: 3 specimens of plankton algae (gift). CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, San Francisco: 108 specimens of Cali- fornia plants (exchange). CARDENAS, PROFESSOR MARTIN, La Paz, Bolivia: 3 plant specimens (gift). CHAPMAN, Dr. V. J., Auckland, New Zealand: 23 specimens of algae (gift). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. B. E. Dahlgren (Botanical Expedition to Cuba, 1947): 30 specimens of Cuban plants. Collected by Dr. Fritz Haas (Ber- muda Zoological Expedition, 1947): 41 marine algae. Collected by Donald Richards and Dr. Francis Drouet: 500 cryptogamic specimens from Indiana. Collected by Dr. Alexander Spoehr (Ethnological Expedition to Micro- nesia, 1947): 25 cecryptogams from Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Collected by Paul C. Standley (Botanical Expedition to Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador, 1946-47): 25,000 plant specimens. Collected by Llewelyn Williams: 52 specimens of Cuban plants, 92 specimens of Venezuelan woods. Collected by Llewelyn Williams and W. A. Toole: 18 specimens of culinary herbs from Michigan. Transferred from the Division of Photography: 59 photographic prints. Purchases: 244 plant specimens— Brazil; 660 plant specimens—Colombia; 230 plant specimens—Ecuador; 275 plant specimens—Korea; 50 plant speci- mens—Venezuela; 568 plant specimens —West Indies and South America; 615 cryptogamic specimens—Colorado; 620 cryptogamic specimens—New Zealand; 1,800 cryptogamic specimens—Scandi- navia; 28,869 miscellaneous crypto- gamic specimens. CIBULSKIS, PETER, Hinsdale, Illinois: 1 plant specimen (gift). COLEGIO DE LA SALLE, Vedado, Havana, Cuba: 388 cryptogamic speci- mens (exchange). CookE, DR. WILLIAM BRIDGE, Pull- man, Washington: 4 specimens of algae (gift). CUATRECASAS, DR. Josh, Chicago: 6 specimens of algae, about 30,000 her- barium specimens, nearly 1,000 wood samples (gift). CUTLER, DR. HuGH C., Chicago: 51 plant specimens, 63 cryptogamic speci- mens (gift). DalLy, Mrs. Fay K., Indianapolis, Indiana: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). DAILY, WILLIAM A., Indianapolis, Indiana: 105 specimens of algae (gift). DAMANN, DR. KENNETH E., Charles- ton, Illinois: 22 specimens of algae (gift). DASTON, J. S., Chicago: 1 specimen of orchid, 6 specimens of fungi (gift). Doty, DR. MAXWELL S., Evanston, Illinois: 85 specimens of algae (gift). DROUET, DR. FRANCIS, Chicago: 188 plant specimens and 353 cryptogamic specimens from Moravia; 192 crypto- gamic specimens from Indiana and Illinois (gift). DURHAM, OREN C., North Chicago, Illinois: 5 plant specimens (gift). Epwarps, T. H., Palawan Island, Philippine Islands: 1 economic speci- men (gift). ESCUELA AGRICOLA PANAMERICANA, Tegucigalpa, Honduras: 1 wood sample (gift). FIELD, Dr. HENRY, Thomasville, Georgia: 18 specimens of fungi, 2 economic specimens (gift). FISHER, GEORGE L., Houston, Texas: 21 specimens of Texas plants, 15 speci- mens of algae and mosses (gift). 93 FLINT, DR. LEwIs H., Baton Rouge, Louisiana: 16 specimens of algae (ex- change). FONNER, JOHN W., Chicago: 1 plant specimen (gift). FOSBERG, DR. F. RAYMOND, Washing- ton, D. C.: 54 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). FRANCK, BARBARA, Chicago: 8 speci- mens of lichens (gift). FRANK, PETER W., Chicago: 1 crypto- gamic specimen (gift). FULLER, DR. GEORGE D., Chicago: 159 specimens of Illinois plants (gift). GARFIELD PARK CONSERVATORY, Chi- cago: 6 specimens of cultivated plants (gift). GARNIER, BROTHER ANTONIO, Ma- nagua, Nicaragua: 450 specimens of plants from Nicaragua (gift). GRAHAM, DR. VERNE O., Chicago: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). GRAY HERBARIUM, Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts: 859 plant specimens (ex- change). GREENBERG, ALBERT, Tampa, Florida: 1 plant specimen (gift). GREGG, COLONEL CLIFFORD C., Val- paraiso, Indiana: 2 specimens of fungi (gift). GUSTAFSON, DR. A. G., Brunswick, Maine: 11 specimens of algae (gift). HABEEB, DR. HERBERT, Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada: 314 speci- mens of algae (gift); 201 specimens of mosses (exchange). HEWETSON, W. T., Freeport, Illinois: 2 plant specimens (gift). Hstao, Dr. SIDNEY, Woods Hole, Massachusetts: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). HOWARD, DR. RICHARD A., New York: 89 specimens of Rubiaceae (ex- change). HumM, DR. HAROLD J., Beaufort, North Carolina: 60 specimens of algae (gift). HUNZIKER, A. T., Buenos Aires, Argentina: 168 specimens of plants from Argentina (exchange). INSTITUTE BOTANIQUE, UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL, Montreal, Canada: 720 specimens of Canadian plants (ex- change). INSTITUTO AGRONOMICO DO NORTE, Belem, Para, Brazil: 695 specimens of Brazilian plants (exchange). 94 INSTITUTO MIGUEL LILLO, UNIVERSI- DAD DE TUCUMAN, Tucuman, Argentina: 2,000 specimens of plants from Argen- tina (exchange). KIENER, DR. WALTER, Lincoln, Ne- braska: 949 specimens of Nebraska plants, 379 specimens of algae (gift); 156 specimens of algae (exchange). KILLIP, ELLSWORTH P., Washington, D. C.: 9 specimens of Venezuela plants (gift). KorsTIAN, C. F., Durham, North Carolina: 50 plant specimens (gift). KRAPOVICKAS, DR. ANTONIO, Buenos Aires, Argentina: 80 plant specimens (exchange). LAcAsS, PROFESSOR M. M., Mon- terrey, Mexico: 446 specimens of Mexican plants (gift). LINDAUER, DR. V. W., Pihama, New Zealand: 3 specimens of algae (gift). LINDSEY, Dr. A. A., Lafayette, In- diana: 39 specimens of algae (gift). LonG, LEwIs E., Washington, D. C.: 105 plant specimens and collection of seeds from Nicaragua (gift). LOUDERBACK, HAROLD B., Argo, Illinois: 92 ceryptogamic specimens (gift). MACBRIDE, J. FRANCIS, Palo Alto, California: 336 cryptogamic specimens (gift). MAcDouGAtn, T., New York plant specimens (gift). McATEE, DR. WALDO L., Chicago: 2 plant specimens (gift). McBRyYDE, PROFESSOR J. B., Denton, Texas: 118 specimens of Texas plants (gift). McNEILL, DR. E. MEADE, Athens, West Virginia: 3 cryptogamic specimens (gift). McVAuGH, Dr. RocErRs, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 47 specimens of Michigan plants (exchange). MARGALEF, DR. RAMON, Barcelona, Spain: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). MARKLE, Dr. M. S., Richmond, Indiana: 28 specimens of algae (gift). MATUDA, PROFESSOR E1zI, Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico: 1,319 specimens of Mexican plants (gift). Maxon, DR. WILLIAM R., Washing- ton, D. C.: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). May, Dr. VALERIE, Cronulla, Aus- tralia: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). MIssouRI BOTANICAL GARDEN, St. Louis: 20 plant specimens (gift). MOLDENKE, DR. HAROLD N., New York: 105 plant specimens (gift); 7 plant specimens, 117 photographic prints (exchange). MusEo NACIONAL, San José, Costa Rica: 326 specimens of Costa Rican plants (gift). Musg&uM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE, LABORATOIRE DE CRYPTO- GAMIE, Paris, France: 20 specimens of bryophytes (exchange). NATIONAL HERBARIUM, BOTANIC GARDENS, Sydney, Australia: 125 speci- mens of Australian plants (exchange). NATIONAL MUSEUM OF PRAGUE, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Prague, Czecho- slovakia: 200 plant specimens (ex- change). NATURHISTORISKA RIKSMUSEET, BOTANISKA AVDELNINGEN, Stockholm, Sweden: 1,358 specimens of plants from Brazil and Argentina (exchange). NEw YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, New York: 6 plant specimens (gift); 704 plant specimens, 331 specimens of mosses (exchange). NOcCKLER, A., Omaruru, Southwest Africa: 1 plant specimen (gift). OrR, ANNE ESTELLE, Dallas, Texas: 21 specimens of algae (gift). OVERTON, WILLIAM R., WESLEY GILLESPIE, Arlington Heights, Illinois, AND J. FRANCIS MACBRIDE, Palo Alto, California: 518 miscellaneous crypto- gams (gift). PALMER, DR. C. M., Indianapolis, Indiana: 3 specimens of algae (gift). PATINO, Dr. VICTOR M., Cali, Co- lombia: 5 specimens of pop corn from Colombia (exchange). PATRICK, DR. RUTH, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 8 specimens of algae (gift). PATTERSON, BRYAN, Harvey, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). PHILLIPS, O. D., Belize, British Hon- duras: 49 plant specimens (gift). PHINNEY, Dr. Harry K., Chicago: 1 plant specimen (gift). PRZYDATEK, HALYNA, Chicago: 1 model of a victory garden (gift). RADDIN, LOUISE, Chicago: 1,250 mis- cellaneous plant specimens (gift). RANCHO SANTA ANA BOTANIC GARDEN, Anaheim, California: 174 specimens of conifers (exchange). Rapp, WILLIAM F., JR., Urbana, Illinois: 6 plant specimens (gift). RICHARDS, DONALD, Chicago: 50 specimens of mosses (gift). RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR., Win- netka, Illinois: 6 cryptogamic speci- mens (gift). RIJKSHERBARIUM, Leiden, Holland: 1 cryptogamic specimen (exchange). ROUSSEAU, DR. JACQUES, Montreal, Canada: 18 specimens of algae (gift). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, Kew, Surrey, England: 513 specimens of Peruvian plants, 44 cryptogamic speci- mens (exchange). RUBINSTEIN, Mrs. HARRIET, Chi- cago: 53 plant specimens (gift). SANBORN, COLIN C., Highland Park, Illinois: 8 cryptogamic specimens (gift). SCHALLERT, Dr. P. O., Orlando, Florida: 140 specimens of algae (gift); 31 specimens of algae, 561 specimens of United States plants (exchange). SCHARF, GRACE E., Evanston, Illi- nois: 4 cryptogamic specimens (gift). Scott, Dr. A. M., New Orleans, Louisiana: 2 specimens of fresh-water algae (gift). ScoTT, MILTON, Miami, Florida: 25 wood specimens (exchange). SHARP, PROFESSOR AARON J., Knox- ville, Tennessee: 2 plant specimens (gift). SHERFF, DR. EARL E., Chicago: 21 negatives, 28 photographic prints (gift). SIERRA, PROFESSOR HEcTOR M., Guatemala City, Guatemala: 1 water- color sketch, 1 plant specimen (gift). SILVA, HERMAN, Knoxville, Tennessee: 44 specimens of algae (gift). SINSABAUGH, CHARLES F.., Columbus, Ohio: 1 specimen of bacteria (gift). SMITH, PROFESSOR E. C., Fort Collins, Colorado: 2 plant specimens (gift). SOUKUP, PROFESSOR J., Lima, Peru: 232 specimens of Peruvian plants (gift). STARRETT, DR. W. C., Ames, Iowa: 11 specimens of plankton algae (gift). STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, HER- BARIUM, Iowa City: 521 specimens of Iowa plants (exchange). STEVENS, Dr. O. A., Fargo, North Dakota: 2 cryptogamic specimens (gift). STEYERMARK, DR. JULIAN A., Bar- rington, Illinois: 1,510 miscellaneous plant specimens, 22 specimens of com- mercial seeds (gift). yD STEYERMARK, DR. JULIAN A., Bar- rington, Illinois, AND DR. THEODOR JUST, Oak Park, Illinois: 3 specimens of fungi (gift). STouT, Mrs. CLIFFORD, Barrington, Illinois: 29 plant specimens (gift). SWINK, FLOYD A., Chicago: 9 plant specimens (gift). TAYLOR, DR. WILLIAM RANDOLPH, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 59 specimens of algae (gift); 2 specimens of algae (ex- change). UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE, Wash- ington, D. C.: 7 plant specimens (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D. C.: 77 plant specimens (exchange). UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL, SECCION DE BoTANIcA, Medellin, Colombia: 178 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, DEPART- MENT OF BoTANY, Adelaide, Australia: 268 specimens of marine algae and vascular plants (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Berkeley: 989 speci- mens of algae (gift); 12 specimens of plants from Mexico and Central America (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, DEPART- MENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, Chicago: 2 plant specimens (gift). UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Minneapolis: 43 plant specimens (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, DEPARTMENT OF Botany, Austin: 2,143 plant speci- mens (gift); 482 plant specimens (ex- change). UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Madison: 20 plant specimens (exchange). VARGAS, DR. CESAR, Cuzco, Peru: 97 specimens of Peruvian plants (gift). VAUGHAN’S SEED COMPANY, Chicago: 310 packets of commercial flower and vegetable seeds, 2 catalogues (gift). VoTH, DR. PAUL, Chicago: 286 speci- mens of ferns (gift). WALPOLE, STEWART J., Park Ridge, Illinois: 1 specimen of cola nuts (gift). WILLIAMS, Louis G., Durham, North Carolina: 8 specimens of blue-green algae (gift). WILLIAMS, Dr. M. W., La Jolla, California: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). WYNNE, DR. FRANCES E., Chicago: 15 specimens of mosses (gift). Department of Geology — Accessions BAILEY, ALFRED M., Denver: 5 photographs showing differential ero- sion—Utah and Colorado (gift). BARBER, C. M., Flint, Michigan: Collection of fossil vertebrates, 22 in- vertebrate fossils—various localities (gift). BERNER, DR. LEOPOLD, Marseille, France: 11 invertebrate fossils—near des Aygalaees pres Marseille (transfer). BoybD, Houston, Lindsberg, Kansas: 4 quartz rosettes—Georgia (gift). BRITISH MusEvum, London, England: Collection of casts of fossil birds (ex- change). BROWN EDR DUGALDESH A Ss na ote George’s, Bermuda: 48 fossil inverte- brates—Bermuda (gift). CHAPPERS, MICHAEL, Chicago: 1 specimen of fluorite, 1 specimen of conglomerate—near Cincinnati, Ohio (gift). 96 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Fritz Haas (Ber- muda Zoological Expedition, 1947): 12 geological specimens—Bermuda. Collected by Harry Hoogstraal (Philippines Zoological Expedition, 1946-47): 1 specimen of psilomelane— near Dimaniang, Philippine Islands. Collected by Bryan Patterson and James H. Quinn: (Colorado Paleonto- logical Expedition, 1947): Collection of fossil vertebrates—Nebraska and Colo- rado. Collected by Bryan Patterson, James H. Quinn, and John M. Schmidt (Pale- ontological Expedition to the South- west, 1946): Collection of vertebrate fossils, invertebrate fossils, and fossil plants—Presidio County, Texas. Collected by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr.: 30 specimens of stromatolites, 7 lithological specimens—Wisconsin and Michigan. Collected by William D. Turnbull and C. M. Barber (Field Trip to Ala- bama, 1947): Collection of vertebrate and invertebrate fossils—Alabama. Collected by John W. Winn: 4 gypsum: helictites—near Mammoth Cave, Ken- tucky. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl (Field Trip to the Washakie Basin in Wyoming, 1947): Collection of verte- brate fossils—Sweetwater County, Wyoming. Made in Paleontological Laboratory: Cast of part of palate of Felsinotherium ossivallense—(made from original loaned by C. M. Elmore, Horn Lake, Missis- sippl). Made in Paleontological Laboratory: Cast and mold of natural cast of turtle carapace—(original specimen owned by Mrs. Julia Latham, De Beque, Colo- rado). Purchases: 6 specimens of Param- phibian trails; 34 mineral specimens; 1 fossil sea shell; individual stone meteorite; cast of jaw and cast of facial region of skull of Proconsul africanus Hopwood; 3 invertebrate fossils—vari- ous localities. Cox, DR. GEORGE H., St. Petersburg, Florida: 2 specimens of Ostrea coxi Gardner—Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Florida (gift). EVANS, GLEN L., Austin, Texas: 1 fossil gastropod—Williamson County, Texas (gift). EVERSOLE, Roy, Bitter Creek, Wyo- ming: 1 specimen of dakeite—Carbon County, Wyoming (gift). Fay, ROBERT O., St. Louis: Collection of invertebrate fossils—various localities (exchange). FIELD, DR. HENRY, Thomasville, Georgia: 16 geological specimens—M ex- ico (gift). FREUDENHEIM, PRISCILLA, Chicago: 1 specimen of chrome ore—near Manila, Philippine Islands (gift). GOUGH, JOHN ROBERT, Canal Zone, Panama: Collection of fossil inverte- brates and plants—Canal Zone, Panama (gift). HAMBLETON, ELIZABETH, Washing- ton, D. C.: 100 shark teeth (fossil)— Breezy Point, Maryland (exchange). HEIDE, Mrs. B. H., Chicago: Skull and jaws of Merycoidodon culbertsoni, 2 agates—unknown localities (gift). HOOGSTRAAL, HARRY, Chicago: 5 specimens of basalt and tuff—Hawaiian Islands (gift). JENNINGS, JOHN W., Eureka Springs, Arkansas: 6 geological specimens— Eureka Springs, Arkansas (gift). JONES, JOHN E., Benton, Illinois: 14 fossil plants—West Frankfort, Illinois (gift). JONES, KENT, Joplin, Missouri: 2 fossil pelecypods—Bosque County, Texas (gift). KING, RICHARD CHARLES, Colorado Springs, Colorado: 1 specimen of green quartzite—Colorado Springs (gift). LANGFORD, GEORGE, Chicago: 1 fossil fish scale, 2 invertebrate fossils—Wil- mington, Illinois (gift). LOFQUIST, RALPH J., Chicago: 1 specimen of lead ore—unknown locality (gift). LOWENSTAMM, H. A., Urbana, IIli- nois: Portion of carapace of Terrapene ef. ornata (Agassiz)— Yellville, Arkansas (gift). MENZEL, WILLIAM E., Chicago: 1 specimen of dakeite, 1 specimen of fluorite—Wyoming and Illinois (gift). Museo ARGENTINO DE CIENCES NATURELLES, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Casts of original specimens of Phoro- rhacos affinis, Auchornis euryrhyncus, Pseudolarus guaraneticus, Smiliornis penetrans (exchange); casts of speci- mens of anteater foot bones (gift). NOLAN, DR. THOMAS B., Washington, D. C.: 1. stibnite specimen—near Shikoku, Japan (gift). PERRY, STUART H., Adrian, Michigan: 3 meteorites—various localities, (gift). PETIT, MAURICE, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands: 20 Upper Cretaceous fossils, 3 lithological samples—Coki Point, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (gift). PRICE, ARTHUR C., Los Angeles: Collection of invertebrate fossils, collec- tion of Pleistocene fossils—California (gift). RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR., Win- netka, Illinois: 1 specimen of petrified wood, 2 mineral and 6 rock specimens, 1 specimen of Cryptozoon undulatum Bassler, 197 specimens of invertebrate fossils—various localities (gift). ROTHROCK, DAVID P., Vermillion, South Dakota: Fragment of roofing tile fused by atomic bomb dropped on 7. Hiroshimo, Japan—Hiroshimo, Japan (exchange). ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM OF PALE- ONTOLOGY, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 4 plaster casts of skulls and jaws of vertebrate fossils (exchange). TOWEY, CHARLES, Westmont, IIli- nois: 4 minerals, 1 invertebrate fossil— South Dakota and Illinois (gift). TURNER, FILMORE, Oak Park, Illinois: 17 invertebrate fossils—New Mexico (gift). UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago: Collection of fossil vertebrates—various localities (gift). UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Austin: Cast of skull of Felsinotherium ossivallense (exchange). » Woopcock, PAUL J., St. Clair, Mis- souri: 1 specimen of drusy quartz, 1 specimen of barite—Washington County, Missouri (gift). ZANGERL, DR. MRAINER, Harvey, Illinois: 23 invertebrate fossils—Was- hakie Basin, Wyoming (gift). Department of Zoology — Accessions AcosTA Y LARA, EDUARDO F., Uru- guay: 19 mammals— Uruguay and Para- guay (exchange). ALLEN, Ross, Silver Springs, Florida: 480 reptiles and amphibians—Florida (gift). BARNES, JUDGE R. MAGOON (de- ceased): 280 egg clutches, 39 shells— various localities (gift). BAUER, MARGARET J., Chicago: 1 bird—Chicago (gift). BEECHER, WILLIAM J., Chicago: 8 birds, 8 insects—Chicago and New Caledonia (gift). BIESE, DR. WALTER, Chile, South America: 16 shells—Antofagasta, Chile (gift). BRANDT, WILLIAM, Herrala, Finland: 20 insects—Europe (gift). BRODIE, LAURA, Chicago: 76 reptiles and amphibians—North America (gift). BROWN, WALTER C., Rochester, New York: 3 amphibians—North Carolina (gift). CAMRAS, DR. SIDNEY, Chicago: 1 lot of accessories for sea-otter group, 11 birds—various localities (gift). CANSDALB, G.S., Africa: 1 mammal— Gold Coast, Africa (gift). CARLSON, RUTH, AND ELLEN CARL- SON, West Chicago, Illinois: 1 mammal —Isle of Man (gift). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by C. J. Albrecht and T. Moore (The Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street Zoological Expedition to Alaska): 1 adult and 2 juvenile Alaskan bears, a skull, leg bones, and casts—Alaska. 98 Collected by Harry Hoogstraal and Floyd G. Werner (Philippines Zoological Expedition, 1946-47): 2,625 mammals, 966 birds, 7 birds’ eggs, 1 bird nest, 1,134 reptiles, 1,852 amphibians, 771 fishes, 242 crustacea, slugs, and earthworms— Philippine Islands. Collected by Bryan Patterson and James H. Quinn (Colorado Paleonto- logical Expedition, 1947): 6 reptiles and amphibians—Colorado and Ne- braska. Collected by Bryan Patterson, James H. Quinn, and John M. Schmidt (Paleontological Expedition to the Southwest, 1946): 1 bird, 68 reptiles and amphibians, 1 series of tadpoles— Texas. Collected by Colin C. Sanborn: 4 mammals, 5 reptiles and amphibians, 9 shells—Arkansas. Collected by Karl P. Schmidt and others: 126 reptiles and amphibians, 24 lower invertebrates—Texas and Louisiana. Collected by Dr. Alexander Spoehr (Ethnological Expedition to Micro- nesia, 1947): 49 shells—Micronesia. Collected by Dr. Paul C. Standley (Botanical Expedition to Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador, 1946-47): Part of a mammal skull, 1 amphibian, 78 insects and their allies, 160 shells— Nicaragua and Honduras. Collected by William D. Turnbull and C. M. Barber (Field Trip to Alabama, 1947): 16 reptiles and am- phibians—Alabama. Collected by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Winn: 6 amphibians, 1,483 fishes, 18 erustacea and shells—Middlewest United States. Collected by Frank C. Wonder (Trinidad Zoological Expedition, 1947): 219 mammals, 38 birds, 359 reptiles and amphibians, 5 series of tadpoles, 213 fishes, 373 insects and their allies, 157 lower invertebrates—Trinidad. Purchases: 644 mammals, 876 birds, 2,091 reptiles and amphibians, 414 fishes, 42,679 insects and their allies, 925 lower invertebrates—various locali- ties. CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Brookfield, Illinois: 9 mammals, 16 birds, 33 reptiles and amphibians— various localities (gift). COLORADO MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Denver: 1 bird—North America (gift). CONANT, ROGER, Philadelphia: 115 reptiles and amphibians—Del-Mar-Va Peninsula (gift). CONOVER, BOARDMAN, Chicago: 2 birds, 1 reproduction of a Labrador duck, 1 pair of rhinoceros horns— various localities (gift). Davis, D. DwiGut, Richton, Illinois: 28 amphibians, 27 shells—lIllinois and Colorado (gift). DEMAREE, DELZIE, Jonesboro, Ar- kansas: 182 clams—Arkansas (gift). Dos Passos, CYRIL F., Mendham, New Jersey: 89 insects—North America (gift). DRAKE, ROBERT J., Albuquerque, New Mexico: 79 shells—New Mexico and Nevada (gift). Ducorr, H. S., Chicago: 112 fishes, 820 shells and crustacea—South Pacific (gift). DyBas, HENRY S., Chicago: 3,753 insects and their allies, 27 shells— various localities (gift). Eiest1, W. E., Hastings, Nebraska: 60 ectoparasitic insects and allies— Hastings, Nebraska (gift). EvLIs, A. E., Surrey, England: 39 clams—KEKurope (exchange). EMERSON, JOHN A., Chicago: 1 bird— Chicago (gift). FIELD, Dr. HENRY, Thomasville, Georgia: 1 reptile, 2 amphibians, 37 insects, 97 shells—various localities (gift). FOWLER, JAMES A., Washington, D. C.: 120 reptiles and amphibians— Maryland and Virginia (exchange). FRANZEN, ALBERT J., Chicago: 3 birds—Illinois (gift). GRAEFE, C. F., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio: 2 birds—domestic (gift). GREGG, COLONEL AND MRS. CLIFFORD C., Valparaiso, Indiana: 1 mammal, 1 amphibian— Valparaiso, Indiana (gift). GUILLAUDEU, ROBERT, Chicago: 17 reptiles and amphibians—lIllinois and Indiana (gift). GYLDENSTOLPE, COUNT NILS, Stock- holm, Sweden: 258 birds—South America (exchange). HAAS, ERNST B., New York: 37 shells—Gloucester, Massachusetts (gift). Haas, Dr. FRiITz, Chicago: 36 shells —west coast of North America (gift). Haas, Dr. GEorG, Jerusalem, Pales- tine: 68 reptiles—various localities (ex- change); 50 shells—various localities (gift). Haas, RoBeRT L., Chicago: fishes—TIllinois (gift). HAGEN, ELLSWORTH, South Pacific: 3 mammals—Marianas Islands (gift). HINTON, SAM, La Jolla, California: 7 reptiles—California (gift). HOOGSTRAAL, HARRY, AND S. G. JEWETT, JR., Chicago and Portland, Oregon: 28 birds—Dutch New Guinea (gift). HOTALEN, ESTHER, Chicago: 2 lower invertebrates—Texas (gift). Howorka, H., Wonder Lake, IIli- nois: 1 mammal—domestic (gift). HUBRICHT, LESLIE, Battle Creek, Michigan: 5 fishes, 1,093 lower in- vertebrates—various localities (gift). HUMPHREYS, PAUL, Whiting, Indiana: 4 reptiles—New Mexico (gift). HURLEY, JOHN B., Yakima, Wash- ington: 16 sets of birds’ eggs—North America (exchange). ILLINOIS HUMANE SOCIETY, Chicago: 1 mammal—Chicago (gift). JACOBSEN, Morris K., Rockaway, New York: 19 lower invertebrates— Illinois (gift). JEWETT, STANLEY G., JR., Portland, Oregon: 174 mammals—Dutch New Guinea (gift). JOHNSON, J. E., JR., Waco, Texas: 232 reptiles and amphibians—Texas (gift). JOHNSON, MurrAy L., Tacoma, Washington: 3 reptiles—Tacoma, Wash- ington (gift). 288 99 JUST, DR. THEODOR, Oak Park, Illinois: 43 shells—Greece (gift). KERN, EDWIN G., Chicago: 4 fishes— Michigan (gift). KLEMM, WALTER, Strasswalchen, Aus- tria: 1,532 lower invertebrates—Aus- tria (exchange). Keeraus, N. . oCanal? Zone; Panama: 32 reptiles and amphibians, 7 shells—various localities (gift). KREUGER, R., Helsingfors, Finland: 102 sets of birds’ eggs—various localities (exchange). KURFESS, JOHN A., Pensacola, Florida: 34 reptiles, 2 shells—various localities (gift). LAENEN, JULIAN, Brussels, Belgium: 150 birds—various localities (exchange). LEVI, WENDELL M., Sumter, South Carolina: 7 birds—domestic (gift). LEwy, Dr. ALFRED, Chicago: 2 birds—Chicago (gift). LINCOLN PARK ZOO, Chicago: 4 mam- mals, 1 bird, 18 reptiles and amphibians, 26 lower invertebrates—various locali- ties (gift). LOWRIE, DR. D. C., Las Vegas, New Mexico: 71 lower invertebrates—Texas (gift). LYNN, VERNON, Whiting, Indiana: 4 reptiles—Georgia and Indiana (gift). MALKIN, Borys, Eugene, Oregon: 180 insects—United States (exchange). MARIA, BROTHER NICEFORO, Bogota, Colombia: 16 mammals—Colombia (gift). MARTIN, ALBERT IRVIN, Altoona, Pennsylvania: 1 reptile—Pennsylvania (gift). McELVARE, ROWLAN R., Long Is- land, New York: 6 inseects—North America (gift). McVICKER, DON, Chicago: 1 mam- mal—Europe (gift). MOooJEN, DR. JoAo, Lawrence, Kan- sas: 31 mammals—Brazil (gift). MOSELEY, PROFESSOR E. L., Bowling Green, Ohio: 1 mammal—Ohio (ex- change). MOYER, JOHN W., Chicago: 1 bird— North America (gift). MUSEO PAULISTA, Sao Paulo, Brazil: 1 mammal—Brazil (exchange). MUSEU NACIONAL DE RIO DE JANEIRO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 24 reptiles—Brazil (exchange). 100 MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTORIA NATURELLE, Paris, France: 5 mammals —Africa and Madagascar (exchange). NECKER, WALTER L., Chicago: 4,000 insects and their allies—various locali- ties (exchange); 26 lots of lower in- vertebrates—various localities (gift). NELSON, CHARLES D., Grand Rapids, Michigan: 9 lower invertebrates— Michigan and Indiana (gift). NELSON, EDWARD M., Madison, Wisconsin: 54 reptiles and amphibians —North America (exchange); 72 fishes, 35 insects and their allies—North America (gift). NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Bronx, New York: 2 mammals—South America (gift). NICHOLSON, DR. ARNOLD J., Billings, Montana: 1 lower invertebrate—New Caledonia (gift). ODELL, JAY, West Lake Forest, Illi- nois: 1 bird—West Lake Forest, IIli- nois (gift). O’MAHOoNy, EUGENE, Dublin, Ire- land: 37 insects—England and Ireland (exchange). OsIER, DANNY, Chicago: 1 reptile— Texas (gift). PARVA, V., AND J. CAJA, Chicago: 1 bird—Chicago (gift). PAULIAN, DR. RENAUD, Paris, France: 29 insects—various localities (exchange). PLATH, KARL, Brookfield, Illinois: 1 right humerus of extinct great auk— Funk Island, Newfoundland (gift). PoPE, CLIFFORD H., Winnetka, IIli- nois: 1 mammal—Europe (gift). PoTTER, Mrs. JANE, Chicago: 1 lower invertebrate—lllinois (gift). QUINN, DEAN, Ainsworth, Nebraska: 2 reptiles—Ainsworth, Nebraska (gift). RICKETTS, EDWARD F., Pacific Grove, California: 2 lower invertebrates— Vancouver Island, British Columbia (gift). ROSENBAUM, PETER, Winnetka, IlIli- nois: 1 amphibian—Porter County, Indiana (gift). Ross, LILLIAN A., Chicago: 1 mam- mal, 1 reptile, 1 amphibian—vVirgin Islands (gift). RUECKERT, Mrs. ARTHUR G., Chi- cago: 14 insects and their allies—Zolfo Springs, Florida (gift). SAMPSON, W. B., Stockton, Cali- fornia: 17 clutches of eggs—various localities (gift). SANG, PHILIP D., River Forest, IIli- nois: 1 bird—Kayanphate, Japan (gift). SCHUBART, Dr. OTTO, Sao Paulo, Brazil: 48 lower invertebrates—Sao Paulo, Brazil (gift). SCHWENGEL, DR. JEANNE S., Scars- dale, New York: 80 shells—various localities (gift). SHEDD AQUARIUM, JOHN G., Chicago: 5 fishes—various localities (gift). SLATER, JAMES A., Urbana, Illinois: 19 reptiles, 2 fishes—South Pacific (gift). SMITH, PROFESSOR CLARENCE R., Aurora, Illinois: 8 mammals, 6 reptiles and amphibians—lIllinois (gift). STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY: Urbana, Illinois: 54 insects—Mexico (gift). STEVENS, GEORGE M., Marcella, Arkansas: 1 mammal—Arkansas (gift). STEYERMARK, DR. JULIAN A., Bar- rington, Illinois: 1 snail—lIllinois (gift). STorY, H. ELIZABETH, Chicago: 1 fish—Chicago (gift). TERRA, DR. HELMUT DE, Mexico, D. F., Mexico: 20 shells—Mexico (gift). TORRE, LUIS DE LA, Highland Park, Illinois: 4 mammals—Wisconsin (gift). TRANSVAAL MUSEUM, Pretoria, South Africa: 2 mammals—South Africa (ex- change). TRAPIDO, HAROLD, Panama, Panama: 10 reptiles and amphibians—Puerto Rico (gift). James Nelson and Anna Louise — Accessions BAZZONI, FRANK, Ottawa, Illinois: 4 color slides (gift). CARLSON, Dr. C. MARGERY, Evans- ton, Illinois: 38 color slides (purchase). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: 19 color slides, made by Division of Photography. _ DIEMER STUDIOS, Madison, Wiscon- sin: 2 color slides (purchase). EASTMAN KopAk STORES, Chicago: 120 color slides (purchase). FUGUET, WILLIAM D., New York: 1 color slide (gift). GiBBons, S. L., Chicago: 18 color slides (gift). TRAUB, CAPTAIN ROBERT, 10 mam- mals, 2 insects—Mexico (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D. C., 9 reptiles—Syria (gift). UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, Cincin- nati, Ohio: 2 birds—Europe (exchange). VAN DER SCHALIE, DR. HENRY, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 385 lower inverte- brates—Kentucky (gift). WARNER, DWAIN WILLARD, Ithaca, New York: 1 mammal—Mexico (gift). WENZEL, RUPERT L., Oak Park, Illinois: 58 insects—various localities (gift). WESTMAN, BURTON J., Etna, Cali- fornia: 1 rattlesnake skin—California (gift). WILLIAMS, Dr. E. C., Chicago: 37 insects—Chicago (gift). WINN, Mr. AND Mrs. JOHN W., Chicago: 7 reptiles and amphibians, 237 fishes, 5 lots of lower invertebrates —TIllinois and Michigan (gift). WRIGHT, MAJOR HOWARD T., Japan: 308 insects and their allies—Japan (gift). Wyatt, ALEX K., Chicago: 152 in- sects—United States (gift). YOUNGREN, EMIL W., Chicago: 1 fish—Chicago (gift). ZIMRING, DANIEL J., shells—Florida (gift). Chicago: 18 Raymond Foundation HOWE, CHARLES ALBEE, Home- wood, Illinois: 535 color slides (gift). JOHNSON, H. J., Chicago: 10 color slides (gift). MEDBERG, Mrs. H. L., Armington, Illinois: 2 color slides (gift). Oscoop, R. M., Chicago: 1 color slide (gift). PARKER, G. W., Bloomington, Illi- nois: 47 color slides (gift). SOCIETY FOR VISUAL EDUCATION, Chicago: 70 color slides (purchase). TURTOX BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE, Chicago: 3 color slides (purchase). 101 Division of Photography — Accessions CHICAGO NATURAL History MUSEUM: Made by Division of Photography: 1,108 negatives, 19,555 prints, 1,318 en- largements, 215 lantern slides, 65 koda- chromes; 26 rolls of film developed. Made by John Bayalis: 6 negatives of children at the James Simpson Theatre in the Museum. Division of Motion Pictures — Accessions AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL History, New York; 2,900 feet 16mm film (purchase). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Made by Division of Motion Pic- tures: 1,800 feet 16mm color film (Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1947); 200 feet 16mm film, 200 feet 16mm color film (Museum project). EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Chicago: 275 feet 16mm film (purchase). GRAY, RALPH E., Mexico, D. F., Mexico: 400 feet 16mm color film (purchase). MILLAR, JOHN R., Chicago: 625 feet 16mm film (gift). SCHMIDT, KARL P., Homewood, IIli- nois: 200 feet 16mm film, 100 feet 16mm film (gift). SHURCLIFF, SIDNEY N., Ipswich, Massachusetts: 2,400 feet 16mm film (gift). ZEITER, HuGo, Danville, Illinois: 975 feet 16mm film (gift). Library Accessions—List of Donors: Institutions Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C. Consulat General de France, Chicago Melbourne Botanic Garden, Melbourne, Australia Middle America Information Bureau (United Fruit Company), New York Nee Gallery of Art, Washington, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada New Hampshire Planning and Develop- ment Commission, Concord, New Hampshire Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company, Des Moines, Iowa Polish American Congress, Inc., Chicago Propeller Club of the United States, New York Sudan Government, Khartoum, Egyp- tian Sudan U. S. Brewers Foundation, Inc., New York University of Chicago Library, Chicago University of Minnesota Press, Minne- apolis Library Accessions— List of Donors: Individuals Ames, Oakes, Cambridge, Massachu- setts Benesch, B., Downey, Illinois Brumfield, Stanton C., Santa Fe, New Mexico 102 Carson, Mrs. Frank W., Pasadena, California Colby, Carl, Loyol, Wisconsin Collier, Donald, Chicago Coremans, P., Brussels, Belgium Cory, Charles B., Homewood, Illinois Conover, Boardman, Chicago Conover, Margaret, Chicago Cuatrecasas, Dr. José, Chicago Fehringer, Dr. Otto, Heidelberg, Ger- many Field, Dr. Henry, Thomasville, Georgia : Field, Stanley, Chicago Franco, Modesto Chavez, Guayaquil, Ecuador Gregg, Colonel Clifford C., Valparaiso, Indiana Gusinde, Martin, Laxenburg, Austria Haas, Dr. Fritz, Chicago Hambly, Dr. Wilfrid D., Chicago Hitt, Henry C., Seattle, Washington Hoogstraal, Harry, Chicago Hoyne, Mrs. Thomas Temple, Chicago Hubbs, Carl L., La Jolla, California Just, Dr. Theodor, Oak Park, Illinois Kraft, James Lewis, New York Mazur, A., Chicago McAtee, Dr. Waldo L., Chicago Neylan, John Francis, San Francisco Nichols, Dr. H. W., Chicago Perry, Stuart H., Tucson, Arizona Rand, Dr. Austin L., Chesterton, In- diana Richardson, Eugene S., Jr., Winnetka, Illinois Schmidt, Karl P., Homewood, Illinois Standley, Paul C., Chicago Steyermark, Dr. Julian A., Barrington, Illinois Story, H. Elizabeth, Chicago Weed, Alfred C., Cassadaga, Florida Wenzel, Rupert L., Oak Park, Illinois Wright, Major Howard T., San Fran- cisco 103 Contributions and Bequests Contributions and bequests to Chicago Natural History Museum may be made in securities, money, books, or collections. They may, if desired, take the form of a memorial to a person or cause, to be named by the giver. For those desirous of making bequests to the Museum, the following form is suggested: FORM: ©F BEOUEST 104 I do hereby give and bequeath to Chicago Natural History Museum of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois: Cash contributions made within the taxable year to Chicago Natural History Museum to an amount not in excess of 15 per cent of the taxpayer’s net income are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax. Endowments may be made to the Museum with the provision that an annuity be paid to the patron during his or her lifetime. These annuities are guaranteed against fluctua- tion in amount, and may reduce federal income taxes. MEMBERS OF THE MUSEUM FOUNDER Marshall Field* BENEFACTORS Those who have contributed $100,000 or more to the Museum Ayer, Edward E.* Buckingham, Miss Kate S.* Crane, Cornelius Grane, Rk. Le Jr.* Field, Joseph N.* Field, Marshall Field, Stanley Graham, Ernest R.* * DECEASED Harris, Albert W. Harris, Norman W.* Higinbotham, HarlowN.* Kelley, William V.* Pullman, George M.* Rawson, Frederick H.* Raymond, Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond, James Nelson* Ryerson, Martin A.* Ryerson, Mrs. Martin A.* Simpson, James* Smith, Mrs. Frances Gaylord* Smith, George T.* Sturges, Mrs. Mary D.* Suarez, Mrs. Diego HONORARY MEMBERS Those who have rendered eminent service to Science Harris, Albert W. Ludwig, H. R. H. Gustaf Adolf, Crown Prince of Sweden Cutting, C. Suydam Field, Marshall Field, Stanley DECEASED, 1947 McCormick, Stanley PATRONS Sargent, Homer E. Suarez, Mrs. Diego Vernay, Arthur S. Those who have rendered eminent service to the Museum Calderini, Charles J. Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily Crane Chancellor, Philip M. Cherrie, George K. Collins, Alfred M. Conover, Boardman Cutting, C. Suydam Day, Lee Garnett Ellsworth, Duncan S. Field, Mrs. Stanley Hancock, G. Allan Judson, Clay DECEASED, 1947 Hack, Frederick C. Knight, Charles R. Moore, Mrs. William H. Sargent, Homer E. Suarez, Mrs. Diego Vernay, Arthur S. White, Harold A. 105 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Scientists or patrons of science, residing in foreign countries, who have rendered Breuil, Abbé Henri Hochreutiner, Dr. B. P. Georges eminent service to the Museum Humbert, Professor Henri Keissler, Dr. Karl DECEASED, 1947 Christensen, Dr. Car] Diels, Dr. Ludwig CONTRIBUTORS Keith, Professor Sir Arthur Those who have contributed $1,000 to $100,000 to the Museum $75,000 to $100,000 Chancellor, Philip M. $50,000 to $75,000 Keep, Chauncey* Rosenwald, Mrs. Augusta N.* $25,000 to $50,000 Adams, Mrs. Edith Almy* Blackstone, Mrs. Timothy B.* Chalmers, Mrs. Joan A.* Coats, John* Crane, Charles R.* Crane, Mrs. R. T., Jr. Field, Mrs. Stanley Jones, Arthur B.* Murphy, Walter P.* Porter, George F.* Rosenwald, Julius* Vernay, Arthur S. White, Harold A. $10,000 to $25,000 Adams, Joseph* Armour, Allison V.* Armour, P. D.* Babcock, Mrs. Abby K.* * DECEASED 106 in money or materials Barnes, R. Magoon* Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily Crane Chalmers, William J.* Conover, Boardman Cummings, R. F.* Cutting, C. Suydam loners 18, Ibo Gunsaulus, Dr. F. W.* Insull, Samuel* Laufer, Dr. Berthold* Lufkin, Wallace W.* Mandel, Leon McCormick, Cyrus (Estate) McCormick, Stanley Mitchell, John J.* Reese, Lewis* Remmer, Oscar E.* Richards, Elmer J. Robb, Mrs. George W.* Rockefeller Foundation, The Sargent, Homer E. Schweppe, Mrs. Charles H.* Straus, Mrs. Oscar S.* Strong, Walter A.* Wrigley, William, Jr.* $5,000 to $10,000 Adams, George E.* Adams, Milward* American Friends of China Avery, Sewell L. Bartlett, A. C.* Bishop, Heber (Estate) Borland, Mrs. John Jay* Crane, R. T.* Doane, J. W.* Field, Dr. Henry Fuller, William A.* Graves, George Coe, II* Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Norman Dwight Harris, Mrs. Norman W.* Haskell, Frederick T.* Hutchinson, C. L.* Keith, Edson* Langtry, J. C. MacLean, Mrs. M. Haddon* Moore, Mrs. William H. Payne, John Barton* Pearsons, D. K.* Perry, Stuart H. Porter, H. H.* Ream, Norman B.* Revell, Alexander H.* Richards, Donald Salie, Prince M. U. M. Sprague, A. A.* Storey, William Benson* Strawn, Silas H.* Street, William S. CONTRIBUTORS (Continued) Thorne, Bruce Tree, Lambert* Valentine, Louis L.* Watkins, Rush $1,000 to $5,000 Acosta Solis, Dr. M. Avery, Miss Clara A.* Ayer, Mrs. Edward E.* Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Samuel E.* Bensabott, R., Inc. Bishop, Dr. Louis B. Blair, Watson F.* Blaschke, Stanley Field Block, Mrs. Helen M.* Borden, John Brown, Charles Edward* Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Chicago Zoological Society, The Coburn, Mrs. Annie S.* Crocker, Templeton Cummings, Mrs. Robert F.* Doering, O. C. Fish, Mrs. Frederick S. %* DECEASED Graves, Henry, Jr. Gunsaulus, Miss Helen Gurley, William F. E.* Herz, Arthur Wolf* Hibbard, W. G.* Higginson, Mrs. Charles M.* Hill, James J.* Hinde, Thomas W. Hixon, Frank P.* Hoffman, Miss Malvina Hughes, Thomas S. Jackson, Huntington W.* James, F. G. James, S. L. Knickerbocker, Charles K.* Kraft, James L. Lee Ling Yiin Lerner, Michael Look, Alfred A. MacLean, Haddon H. Mandel, Fred L., Jr. Manierre, George* Marshall, Dr. Ruth Martin, Alfred T.* McCormick, Cyrus H.* McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus* Mitchell, Clarence B. Ogden, Mrs. Frances E.* Osgood, Dr. Wilfred H.* Palmer, Potter* Patten, Henry J.* Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Rauchfuss, Charles F.* Raymond, Charles E.* Reynolds, Earle H.* Richardson, Dr. Maurice L. Rumely, William N.* Schapiro, Dr. Louis* Schwab, Martin C.* Schweppe, Charles H.* Shaw, William W. Sherff, Dr. Earl E. Smith, Byron L.* Sprague, Albert A.* Steyermark, Dr. Julian A. Thompson, E. H.* Thorne, Mrs. Louise E. Traylor, Melvin A., Jr. VanValzah, Dr. Robert VonFrantzius, Fritz* Wheeler, Leslie* Willis, L. M. Wolcott, Albert B. Zangerl, Dr. Rainer CORPORATE MEMBERS Armour, Lester Avery, Sewell L. Blair, W. McCormick Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Calderini, Charles J. Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily Crane Chancellor, Philip M. Cherrie, George K. Collins, Alfred M. Conover, Boardman Cummings, Walter J. Cutting, C. Suydam Day, Lee Garnett Dick, Albert B., Jr. Ellsworth, Duncan S. Fenton, Howard W. Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Hancock, G. Allan Harris, Albert W. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Isham, Henry P. Judson, Clay DECEASED, 1947 Hack, Frederick C. Knight, Charles R. McBain, Hughston M. Mitchell, William H. Moore, Mrs. William H. Randall, Clarence B. Richardson, George A. Sargent, Homer E. Smith, Solomon A. Suarez, Mrs. Diego Vernay, Arthur S. Wetten, Albert H. White, Harold A. Wilson, John P. 107 Biles MEMBERS Those who have contributed $500 to the Museum Adler, Max Allerton, Robert H. Armour, A. Watson Armour, Lester Armour, Mrs. Ogden Ascoli, Mrs. Max Asher, Louis E. Avery, Sewell L. Babson, Henry B. Bacon, Edward Richardson, Jr. Banks, Alexander F. Barnhart, Miss Gracia M. F. Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Mrs. A. D. Barrett, Robert L. Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Baur, Mrs. Jacob Bensabott, R. Bermingham, Edward J. Blaine, Mrs. Emmons Blair, Chauncey B. Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Borland, Chauncey B. Brassert, Herman A. Brewster, Walter S. Browne, Aldis J. Buchanan, D. W. Budd, Britton I. Burnham, John Burt, William G. Butler, Julius W. Butler, Rush C. Carpenter, Augustus A. Carpenter, Mrs. John Alden Carr, George R. Carr, Walter S. Casalis, Mrs. Maurice Chatfield-Taylor, Wayne Clegg, William G. Clegg, Mrs. William G. Connor, Ronnoc Hill Conover, Boardman Cook, Mrs. Daphne Field Corley, F. D. Cramer, Corwith Crossett, Edward C. Crossley, Lady Josephine Crossley, Sir Kenneth Cudahy, Edward A. Cummings, Walter J. Cunningham, James D. Cushing, Charles G. 108 Dawes, Charles G. Dawes, Henry M. Decker, Alfred Delano, Frederic A. Dick, Albert B., Jr. Dierssen, Ferdinand W. Dixon, Homer L. Donnelley, Thomas E. Doyle, Edward J. Drake, John B. Durand, Scott S. Edmunds, Philip S. Ely, Mrs. C. Morse Epstein, Max Ewing, Charles Hull Farr, Newton Camp Farr, Miss Shirley Fay, C. N. Fenton, Howard W. Fentress, Calvin Fernald, Charles Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Norman Field, Mrs. Norman Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Gardner, Robert A. Gilbert, Huntly H. Glore, Charles F. Gowing, J. Parker Hamill, Alfred E. Harris, Albert W. Harris, Norman W. Hayes, William F. Hecht, Frank A. Hemmens, Mrs. Walter P. Hibbard, Frank Hickox, Mrs. Charles V. Hill, Louis W. Hinde, Thomas W. Hopkins, L. J. Horowitz, L. J. Hoyt, N. Landon Hughes, Thomas S. Hutchins, James C. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Jarnagin, William N. Jelke, John F., Jr. Joiner, Theodore E. Jones, Miss Gwethalyn Kelley, Russell P. Kidston, William H. King, James G. Kirk, Walter Radcliffe Ladd, John . Lamont, Robert P. Lehmann, E. J. Leonard, Clifford M. Levy, Mrs. David M. Linn, Mrs. Dorothy C. Logan, Spencer H. Lytton, Henry C. MacDowell, Charles H. MacLeish, John E. MacVeagh, Eames Madlener, Mrs. Albert F. Mason, William S. McBain, Hughston M. McCutcheon, John T. McGann, Mrs. Robert G. MclInnerney, Thomas H. McKinlay, John Meyer, Carl Meyne, Gerhardt F. Mitchell, William H. Moore, Edward S. Morse, Charles H. Morton, Mark Munroe, Charles A. Newell, A. B. Ormsby, Dr. Oliver S. Orr, Robert M. Paesch, Charles A. Palmer, Honoré Pick, Albert Poppenhusen, Conrad H. Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Raymond, Mrs. Anna Louise Rinaldo, Mrs. Philip S. Robinson, Theodore W. Rodman, Mrs. Katherine Field Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rosenwald, William Rubloff, Arthur Ryerson, Edward L., Jr. Seabury, Charles W. Shirk, Joseph H. Simpson, William B. Smith, Alexander Smith, Solomon A. Spalding, Keith LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) Spalding, Vaughan C. Tree, Ronald L. F. Whitney, Mrs. Julia L. Sprague, Mrs. Albert A. Tyson, Russell Wickwire, Mrs. Stuart, Harry L. Pe Edward L. Stuart, John Uihlein, Edgar J. Wieboldt, William A. Stuart, Re Douglas Underwood, Morgan P. were ee Je Sturges, George illits, Ward W. Swift, Charles H. Meateliy George L, Wilson, John P. Swift, Harold H. Wanner, Harry C. Wilson, Thomas E. Ward, P. C. Winston, Garrard B. Thorne, Charles H. Welch, Mrs. Edwin P. Woolley, Clarence M. Thorne, Robert J. Welling, John P. Wrigley, Philip K. DECEASED, 1947 Cudahy, Joseph M. Hamill, Mrs. Ernest A. Nikolas, G. J. Hopkins, J. M. Gary, Mrs. John W. Stewart, Robert W. Goodspeed, Charles B. Insull, Martin J. Winter, Wallace C. | McCormick, Stanley Hack, Frederick C. MeNulty, T. J. Yates, David M. N@NARES I DENG EIRE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have contributed $100 to the Museum Bennett, Mrs. Irene Holloman, Mrs. Rosenwald, Lessing J. Stark Delmar W. Sardeson, Orville A. PA ee Johnson, Herbert F., Jr. Stephens, W. C. oo1age, aro - UF. z Stern, Mrs. Maxwell, Gilbert S. Edgar B. O d, Mrs. C li Gregg, John Wyatt ook Oa areriae Vernay, Arthur S. Richardson, Dr. Hearne, Knox Maurice L. Zerk, Oscar U. DECEASED, 1947 Copley, Ira Cliff ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those who have contributed $100 to the Museum Aaron, Charles Ackerman, Charles N. Adams, William C. Aaron, Ely M. Adamick, Gustave H. Adamson, Henry T. Abbott, Donald Adams, Mrs. Charles S. Adler, David Putnam, Jr. Adams, Mrs. David T. Adler, Mrs. Max Abbott, Gordon C. Adams, Mrs. Frances Ahlschlager, Walter W. Abbott, W. Rufus Sprogle Alden, William T. Abbott, William L. Adams, Miss Jane Aldis, Graham Abeles, Mrs. Jerome G. Adams, John Q. Alexander, Mrs. Abrahamsen, Miss Cora Adams, Mrs. S. H. Arline V. Abrams, Duff A. Adams, Mrs. Samuel Alexander, Edward 109 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Alexander, William H. Alford, Mrs. Laura T. C. Allbright, John G. Allen, Mrs. Fred G. Allensworth, A. P. Nba, dls do Allison, Mrs. William M Alsip, Mrs. Charles H. Alter, Harry Alton, Carol W. Ames, Rev. Edward S. Anderson, Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. Alma K. Anderson, Miss Florence Regina Andreen, Otto C. Andrews, Mrs. E. C. Andrews, Milton H. Angelopoulos, Archie Anstiss, George P. Antrim, E. M. Appelt, Mrs. Jessie E. Armbrust, John T. Armour, A. Watson, III Armour, Laurance H. Armour, Philip D. Armstrong, Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Kenneth E. Arn, W. G. Arnold, Mrs. Lioyd Artingstall, Samuel G. Ascher, Fred Ashenhurst, Harold S. Asher, Norman Aurelius, Mrs. Marcus A. Austin, E. F. Avery, George J. Ayres, Robert B. Babb, W. E. Babson, Mrs. Gustavus Bachmann, Mrs. Harrold A. Bachmeyer, Dr. Arthur C. Back, Miss Maude F. Bacon, Dr. Alfons R. Badger, Shreve Cowles Baer, David E. Baer, Mervin K. Baer, Walter S. Bagby, John C. Baggaley, William Blair Bair, W. P. Baird, Harry K. Baker, Mrs. Alfred L. Baker, G. W. Baker, Greeley Baldwin, Vincent Curtis Balgemann, Otto W. Balkin, Louis Ball, Dr. Fred E. 110 Ballard, Mrs. Foster K. Ballenger, A. G Banes, W. C. Banks, Edgar C. Bannister, Miss Ruth D. Bantsolas, John N. Barber, Phil C. Bargquist, Miss Lillian D. Barkhausen, L. H. Barnes, Cecil Barnes, Mrs. Charles Osborne Barnes, Harold O. Barnhart, Mrs. A. M. Barnum, Harry H. Barr, Mrs. Alfred H. Barr, George Barrett, Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett, Mrs. Harold G. Barthell, Gary Bartholomae, Mrs. Emma Bartholomay, F. H. Bartholomay, Henry Bartholomay, Mrs. William, Jr. Bartlett, Frederic C. Barton, Mrs. Enos M. Basile, William B. Basta, George A. Bastian, Charles L. Bastien, A. E. Bateman, Floyd L. Bates, Mrs. A. M. Bates, Joseph A. Battey, Paul L. Baum, Mrs. James E. Baum, Wilhelm Baumann, Harry P. Bausch, William C. Beach, Miss Bess K. Beach, E. Chandler Beachy, Mrs. Walter F. Beck, Alexander Becker, Benjamin F. Becker, Benjamin V. Becker, Frederick G. Becker, Herman T. Becker, James H. Becker, Louis Becker, Louis L. Beckler, R. M. Beckman, Victor A. Beckman, William H. Beddoes, Hubert Behr, Mrs. Edith Beidler, Francis, II Belden, Joseph C., Jr. Bell, Mrs. Laird Benjamin, Jack A. Benner, Harry Bennett, S. A. Bennett, Professor J. Gardner Benson, John Benson, Mrs. Thaddeus R. Bent, John P. Bentley, Mrs. Cyrus Benton, Miss Mabel M. Berend, George F. Berkely, Dr. J. G. Berkson, Mrs. Maurice Berry, V. D. Bersbach, Elmer S. Bertol, Miss Aurelia Bertschinger, Dr. C. F. Besly, Mrs. C. H. Bettman, Dr. Ralph B. Bichl, Thomas A. Biddle, Robert C. Biehn, Dr. J. F. Bigler, Mrs. Albert J. Biggs, Mrs. Joseph H. Billow, Miss Virginia Bird, Miss Frances Birk, Miss Amelia Birk, Frank J. Bishop, Howard P. Bishop, Miss Martha V. Bittel, Mrs. Frank J. Bixby, Edward Randall Blackburn, Oliver A. Blair, Mrs. M. Barbour Blair, W. McCormick Blair, Wolcott Blatchford, Carter Blatchford, Dr. Frank Wicks Blayney, Thomas C. Blecker, Mrs. Michael, Jr. Blessing, Dr. Robert Block, Joseph L. Block, Leigh B. Block, Mrs. Leigh B. Block, Philip D., Jr. Bloom, Mrs. Leopold Bloss, Mrs. Sidney M. Bluford, Mrs. David Blum, Harry H. Blunt debs, or Bluthardt, Edwin Boal, Ayres Boal, Stewart Boericke, Mrs. Anna Boettcher, Arthur H. Bohasseck, Charles Bohrer, Randolph Bolotin, Hyman Bolten, Paul H. Bondy, Berthold Boomer, Dr. Paul C. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Boone, Arthur Booth, Alfred V. Booth, George E. Borg, George W. Bori, Mrs. Albert V. Borland, Mrs. Bruce Borowitz, David Borwell, Robert C. Bosch, Charles Bosch, Mrs. Henry Bosworth, Mrs. Roland I. Botts, Graeme G. Boulton, Mrs. Rudyerd Bousa, Dr. Bohuslav Bowen, Mrs. Louise DeKoven Bowers, Ralph E. Bowman, Johnston A. Boyack, Harry Boyd, Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyden, Miss Ellen Webb Boyden, Miss Rosalie Sturges Boynton, A. J. Boynton, Frederick P. Brach, Mrs. F. V. Bradley, Mrs. A. Ballard Bradley, Charles E. Bradley, Mrs. Natalie Blair Higinbotham Brainerd, Mrs. Arthur T. Bramble, Delhi G. C. Brand, Mrs. Maude G. Brandt, Charles H. Bransfield, John J. Brauer, Mrs. Paul Breckinridge, Professor S. P. Bremner, Mrs. David F. Brendecke, Miss June Brenner, S. L. Brennom, Dr. Elmo F. Brennwasser, S. M. Brenza, Miss Mary Brewer, Mrs. Angeline L. Breyer, Mrs. Theodor Bridges, Arnold Briggs, Mrs. Gertrude Bristol, James T. Brock, A. J. Brodribb, Lawrence C. Brodsky, J. J Brostoff, Harry M. Brown, A. Wilder Brown, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Christy Brown, Mrs. Everett C. Brown, John T. Brown, Dr. Joshua M. Brown, Mark A. Brown, Scott Brown, William F. Brucker, Dr. Edward A. Bruckner, William T. Brugman, John J. Bruhn, H. C. Brundage, Avery Brunswick, Larry Bryant, John J., Jr. Buchner, Dr. E. M. Buck, Guy R. Buck, Nelson Leroy Buckley, Mrs. Warren Bucklin, Mrs. Vail R. Buddig, Carl Buehler, H. L. Buettner, Walter J. Buffington, Mrs. Margaret A. Buhmann, Gilbert G. Bunge, Mrs. Albert J. Bunte, Mrs. Theodore W. Burbott, EH. W. Burch, Clayton B. Burchmore, John S. Burdick, Mrs. Alfred S. Burgmeier, John M. Burgstreser, Newton Burgweger, Mrs. Meta Dewes Burke, Mrs. Lawrence N. Burke, Webster H. Burley, Mrs. Clarence A. Burns, Mrs. Randall W. Burry, William Bush, Mrs. William H. Butler, Burridge D. Butler, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, John M. Butler, Paul Butz, Herbert R. Butz, Theodore C. Butzow, Mrs. Robert C. Byrne, Miss Margaret H. Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Cahn, Bertram J. Cahn, Morton D. Caine, John F. Caine, Leon J. Callender, Mrs. Joseph E. Calmeyn, Frank B. Camenisch, Miss Sophia C. Cameron, Dr. Dan U. Cameron, Will J. Camp, Mrs. Arthur Royce Campbell, Delwin M. Campbell, Herbert J. Canby, Caleb H., Jr. Canman, Richard W. Canmann, Mrs. Harry L. Capes, Lawrence R. Capps, Dr. Joseph A. Cardelli, Mrs. Giovanni Carlin, Leo J. Carmell, Daniel D. Carney, William Roy Caron, O. J. Carpenter, Mrs. Frederic Ives Carpenter, Mrs.GeorgeA. Carpenter, George Sturges Carpenter, Hubbard Carqueville, Mrs. A. R. Carr, Mrs. Clyde M. Carr, Robert A. Carroll, John A. Carry, Joseph C. Carter, Mrs. Armistead B. Carton, Alfred T. Cary, Dr. Eugene Castle, Alfred C. Castruccio, Giuseppe Cates, Dudley Cederlund, R. Stanley Cerling, Fredolph A. Cernoch, Frank Chandler, Henry P. Chapin, William Arthur Chapman, Arthur E. Chatain, Robert N. Cheney, Dr. Henry W. Chenier, Miss Mizpah Cherones, George D. Cherry, Walter L., Jr. Childs, Mrs. C. Frederick Childs, Mrs. George W. Chinlund, Miss Ruth E. Chinnock, Mrs. Ronald J. Chislett, Miss Kate E. Christensen, E. C. Christiansen, Dr. Henry Chritton, George A. Churan, Charles A. Clare, Carl P. Clark, Ainsworth W. Clark, Miss Alice Keep Clark, Charles V. Clark, Mrs. Edward S. Clark, Edwin H. Clark, Willard F. Clarke, Charles F. Clarke, Harley L. Clay, John Clemen, Dr. Rudolph A. Cleveland, Paul W. Clifford, Fred J., Jr. Clinch, Duncan L. Clithero, W. S. Clonick, Abraham J. 11] ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Clonick, Seymour E. Clough, William H. Clow, Mrs. Harry B. Clow, William E., Jr. Coath, V. W. Cochran, John L. Coffin, Fred Y. Cohen, George B. Cohen, Mrs. L. Lewis Colburn, Frederick S. Colby, Mrs. George E. Coldren, Clifton C. Cole, Sidney I. Coleman, Clarence L., Jr. Coleman, Dr. George H. Coleman, Mrs. John Coleman, Loring W. Coleman, Marvin H. Colianni, Paul V. Collins, Beryl B. Collison, E. K. Colvin, Miss Catharine Colvin, Miss Jessie Colvin, Mrs. William H. Colwell, Clyde C. Compton, Mrs. Arthur H. Compton, D. M. Compton, Frank E. Condon, Mrs. James G. Conger, Miss Cornelia Conkey, Henry P. Connell, P. G. Conners, Harry Connor, Mrs. Clara A. Connor, Frank H. Cook, Miss Alice B. Cook, Mrs. David S. Cook, Jonathan Miller Cook, L. Charles Cook, Louis T. Cook, Thomas H. Cooke, Charles E. Cooke, Miss Flora Cooley, Gordon A. Coolidge, Miss Alice Coolidge, E. Channing Coolidge, Dr. Edgar D. Coombs, James F. Coonley, John Stuart Coonley, Prentiss L. Cooper, Samuel Copland, David Corbett, Mrs. William J. Cornell, Dr. Edward L. Cornell, Mrs. John E. Cosford, Thomas H. Coston, James E. Cowan, Mrs. Grace L. Cowen, Maurice L. Cowles, Knight C. Cox, James C. 112 Cox, William D. Coyle, C. H. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Crane, Charles R., II Creange, A. L. Crego, Mrs. Dominica S. Crilly, Edgar Cromwell, Miss Juliette Clara Cubbins, Dr. William R. Cudahy, Edward I. Cummings, Mrs. D. Mark Cummings, Mrs Frances 8S. Cuneo, John F. Curran, Harry R. Curtis, Austin Guthrie, Jr. Curtis, Mrs. Charles S. Cusack, Harold Cushing, John Caleb Cushman, Barney Cutler, Henry E. Cuttle, Harold E. Daemicke, Mrs. Paul Dahlberg, Bror G. Daily, Richard Daley, Harry C. Dalmar, Mrs. Hugo Dalmar, Hugo, Jr. Dammann, J. F. Danforth, Dr. William C. Dangel, W. H. Danielson, Philip A. Danne, William C., Jr. Dantzig, Leonard P. D’ Aquila, George Darbo, Howard H. Darrow, Paul E. Dashiell, C. R. Daughaday, C. Colton Davey, Mrs. Bruce E. David, Dr. Vernon C. Davidson, David W. Davidson, Miss Mary E Davies, Marshall Davis, Arthur DavistiCes: Davis, Dr. Carl B. Davis, Don L. Davis, Frank S. Davis, Dr. Loyal Davis, Dr. Nathan S., III Deahl, Uriah S. Deane, Mrs. Ruthven Decker, Charles O. DeCosta, Lewis M. deDardel, Carl O. Dee, Thomas J. Irwin Degen, David DeGolyer, Robert S. deKoven, Mrs. John DeLemon, H. R. Delph, Dr. John F. Demaree, H. S. Deming, Everett G. Dempster, Mrs. Charles W. Deneen, Mrs. Charles S. Denison, Mrs. John Porter Denkewalter, W. E. Denman, Mrs. Burt J. Dennehy, Thomas C., Jr. Denney, Ellis H. DesIsles, Mrs. Carrie L. Deutsch, Mrs. Perey L. DeVries, David Dick, Edison Dick, Elmer J. Dick, Mrs. Homer T. Dickey, Roy Dickinson, F. R. Dickinson, Robert B. Dickinson, Mrs. Thompson Diestel, Mrs. Herman Dimick, Miss Elizabeth Dimmer, Miss Elizabeth G. Dixon, George W., Jr. Dixon, Mrs. William Warren Doctor, Isidor Dodge, Mrs. Paul C. Doering, Otto C. Doetsch, Miss Anna Dolese, Mrs. John Donker, Mrs. William Donlon, Mrs. Stephen E. Donnelley, Gaylord Donnelley, Mrs. H. P. Donnelley, Miss Naomi Donohue, Edgar T. Donohue, William F. Dornbusch, Charles H. Dorocke, Joseph, Jr. Dorschel, Q. P. Douglas, James H., Jr. Douglass, Kingman Douglass, Mrs. W. A. Dreutzer, Carl Drever, Thomas Dreyfus, Mrs. Moise Dryden, Mrs. George B. Dubbs; CSE DuBois, Laurence M. Dudley, Laurence H. Dulany, George W., Jr. Dulsky, Mrs. Samuel Dunbaugh, Harry J. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Duncan, Albert G. Duner, Joseph A. Dunham, Robert J. Dunlop, Mrs. Simpson Dunn, Samuel O. Dupee, Mrs. F. Kennett Durand, Mrs. N. E. Durbin, Fletcher M. Easterberg, C. J. Eastman, Mrs. George H. Eaton, J. Frank Ebeling, Frederic O. Eckhart, Percy B. Eckstein, Mrs. Louis Eddy, Thomas H. Edwards, Miss Edith E. Edwards, Kenneth P. Egan, William B. Egloff, Dr. Gustav Eichengreen, Edmund K. Eiseman, Fred R. Hisenberg, Sam J. Eisendrath, Edwin W. Eisendrath, Miss Elsa B. Eisendrath, Robert M. Eisendrath, William B. Eisenschiml, Mrs. Otto Eisenstaedt, Harry Eisenstein, Sol Kitel, Karl Eitel, Max Eleock, Mrs. Edward G. Elenbogen, Herman Elich, Robert William Ellbogen, Miss Celia Elliott, Dr. Clinton A. Elliott, Frank R. Ellis, Howard Elting, Howard Embree, Henry S. Embree, J. W., Jr. Emery, Edward W. Emmerich, Miss Clara L. Engberg, Miss Ruth M. Engel, Miss Henrietta Engstrom, Harold Erdmann, Mrs. C. Pardee Erickson, Donovan Y. Ericson, Mrs. Chester F. Ericsson, Clarence Ericsson, Dewey A. Kricsson, Walter H. Ernst, Mrs. Leo Erskine, Albert DeWolf Etten, Henry C. Evans, Miss Anna B. Evans, Mrs. David Evans, David J. Evans, Eliot H. Evans, Evan A. Fabian, Francis G. Fabrice, Edward H. Fabry, Herman Fackt, Mrs. George P. Fader, A. L. Faget, James E. Faherty, Roger Faithorn, Walter E. Falk, Miss Amy Fallon, Dr. W. Raymond Falls, Dr. A. G. Farnham, Mrs. Harry J. Farrell, Mrs. B. J. Faulkner, Charles J. Faulkner, Miss Elizabeth Faurot, Henry Faurot, Henry, Jr. Favill, Mrs. John Fecke, Mrs. Frank J. Feiwell, Morris E. Felix, Benjamin B. Fellows, William K. Felsenthal, Edward George Feltman, Charles H. Fennekohl, Mrs. Arthur C. Fergus, Robert C. Fernald, Robert W. Ferry, Mrs. Frank F. Fetzer, Wade Filkins, A. J. Findlay, Mrs. Roderick Fineman, Oscar Finley, Max H. Finnegan, Richard J. Finnerud, Dr. Clark W. Fischel, Frederic A. Fish, Mrs. Helen S. Fishbein, Dr. Morris Fisher, Mrs. Edward Metcalf Fisher, Harry M. Fisk, Mrs. Burnham M. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. John A. Flavin, Edwin F. Fleming, Mrs. Joseph B. Flood, Walter H. Florsheim, Harold M. Florsheim, Irving S. Florsheim, Mrs. Milton S. Folonie, Mrs. Robert J. Folsom, Mrs. Richard S. Folsom, Mrs. William R. Foote, Mrs. Harley T. Forch, Mrs. John L., Jr. Ford, Mrs. Willis Roland Foreman, Mrs. Alfred K. Foreman, Mrs. E. G. Foreman, Edwin G., Jr. Foreman, Harold E. Forgan, James B., Jr. Forgan, Mrs. J. Russell Forgan, Robert D. Forman, Charles Forstall, James J. Forster, J. George Fortune, Miss Joanna Foster, Mrs. Charles K. Foster, Volney Foute, Albert J. Fox, Charles E. Fox, Jacob Logan Fox, Dr. Paul C. Frank, Arthur A. Frank, Mrs. Joseph K. Frankenstein, William B. Frankenthal, Dr. Lester E., Jr. Frazer, Mrs. George E. Freedman, Dr. I. Val Freeman, Charles Y. Freiler, Abraham J. French, Dudley K. Frenier, A. B. Freudenthal, G. S. Frey, Charles Daniel Freyn, Henry J. Fridstein, Meyer Friedlich, Mrs. Herbert Friend, Mrs. Henry K. Friestedt, Arthur A. Frost, Mrs. Charles Sumner Fuller, Mrs. Gretta Patterson Fuller, J. E. Fuller, Judson M. Furry, William S. Gabathuler, Miss Juanita Gabriel, Adam Gaertner, William Gall, Charles H. Gall, Harry T. Gallup, Rockwell L. Galt, Mrs. A. T. Gamble, D. E. Garcia, José Garden, Hugh M. G. Gardiner, Mrs. John L. Gardner, Addison L. Gardner, Addison L., Jr. Gardner, Henry A. Gardner, Mrs. James P. Garen, Joseph F. Garnett, Joseph B. Garrison, Dr. Lester E. Gates, Mrs. L. F. Gawne, Miss Clara V. Gay, Rev. A. Royal Gaylord, Duane W. Gear, H. B. 113 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Gehl, Dr. W. H. Gehrmann, Felix Geiger, Alfred B. Geiling, Dr. E. M. K. Gellert, Donald N. Gensburg, Samuel H. Gentry, Veit Gentz, Miss Margaret Nina George, Mrs. Albert B. Gerber, Max Gerding, R. W. Gerngross, Mrs. Leo Gettelman, Mrs. Sidney H. Gettleman, Frank E. Getz, Mrs. James R. Getzoff, E. B. Gibbs, Richard F. Gibbs, Dr. William W. Gibson, Dr. Stanley Gidwitz, Alan K. Giffey, Miss Hertha Gifford, Mrs. Frederick C. Gilbert, Miss Clara C. Gilchrist, Mrs. John F. Gilchrist, Mrs. William Albert Giles, Carl C. Giles, Mrs. Guy H. Gillette, Mrs. Ellen D. Gimbel, J. W., Jr. Ginther, Miss Minnie C. Girard, Mrs. Anna Glaescher, Mrs. G. W. Glasner, Rudolph W. Godehn, Paul M. Goehst, Mrs. John Henry Goes, Mrs. Arthur A. Golden, Dr. Isaac J. K. Goldenberg, Sidney D. Goldfine, Dr. Ascher H.C. Golding, Robert N. Goldman, Mrs. Louis Goldstein, Dr. Helen L. Button Goldstein, Nathan S. Goldstine, Dr. Mark T. Goldy, Walter I. Goltra, Mrs. William B. Goode, Mrs. Rowland T. Gooden, G. E. Goodman, Benedict K. Goodman, Mrs. Milton F. Goodman, W. J. Goodman, William E. Goodwin, Clarence Norton Goodwin, George S. Gordon, Colin S. Gordon, Harold J. 114 Gordon, Dr. Richard J. Gordon, Mrs. Robert D. Gorrell, Mrs. Warren Gottlieb, Frederick M. Gould, Jay Gould, Mrs. June K. Grade, Joseph Y. Gradle, Dr. Harry S. Graf, Robert J. Graff, Oscar C. Graham, Douglas Graham, E. V Graham, Miss Margaret H. Gramm, Mrs. Helen Granger, Mrs. Everett J. Grant, James D. Grant, John G. Graves, Howard B. Grawoig, Allen Gray, Dr. Earle Gray, Edward Green, Michael Green, Robert D. Greenacre, Miss Cordelia Ann Greenburg, Dr. Ira E. Greene, Henry E. Greenebaum, M. E.., Jr. Greenlee, Mrs. William Brooks Greenman, Mrs. Earl C. Gregory, Stephen S., Jr. Gregory, Tappan Gressens, Otto Grey, Charles F. Grey, Dr. Dorothy Griest, Mrs. Marianna L. Griffenhagen, Mrs. Edwin O. Griffith, Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith, Mrs. William Griswold, Harold T. Grizzard, James A. Groak, Irwin D. Gronkowski, Rev. C. I. Groot, Cornelius J. Groot, Lawrence A. Gross, Henry R. Grossman, Frank I. Grotenhuis, Mrs. William J. Grotowski, Mrs. Leon Gruhn, Alvah V. Grulee, Lowry K. Grunow, Mrs. William C. Guenzel, Louis Guest, Ward E. Gunthorp, Walter J. Gurley, Miss Helen K. Gurman, Samuel P. Guthman, Edwin I. Gwinn, William R. Hadley, Mrs. Edwin M. Haffner, Mrs. Charles C., Jr. Hagen, Mrs. Daise Hagens, Dr. Garrett J. Hagner, Fred L. Haight, George I. lalehie, Ab, 18. Hajicek, Rudolph F. Haldeman, Walter S. Hale, Mrs. Samuel Hales, William M. Hall, Edward B. Hall, Mrs. J. B. Hallmann, Herman F. Halperin, Aaron Halverstadt, Romaine M. Hamm, Fred B. Hammerschmidt, Mrs. George F. Hammond, Thomas S. Hand, George W. Hanley, Henry L. Hann, J. Roberts Hansen. Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. Fred A. Hansen, Jacob W. Hanson, Mrs. Norman R. Harder, John H. Harders, Mrs. Flora Rassweiler Hardie, George F. Hardin, John H. Harding, John Cowden Harding, Richard T. Harms, Van Deursen Harper, Alfred C. Harrington, David L. Harris, Mrs. Abraham Harris, David J. Harris, Gordon L. Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Stanley G. Hart, Mrs. Herbert L. Hart, Max A. Hart, William M. Hartmann, A. O. Hartshorn, Kenneth L. Hartwig, Otto J. Hartz, W. Homer Harvey, Byron, III Harvey, Richard M. Harwood, Thomas W. Haskell, Mrs. George E. Haskins, Raymond G. Hass, G. C. Hay, Mrs. William Sherman Hayakawa, Dr. S. I. Hayes, Charles M. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Hayes, Harold C. Hayes, Miss Mary E. Haynie, Miss Rachel W. Hays, Mrs. Arthur A. Hayslett, Arthur J. Hazlett, Dr. William H. Hazlett, Mrs. William H. Healy, Vincent Jerrems Heaney, Dr. N. Sproat Hearst, Mrs. Jack W. Heaton, Harry E. Heaton, Herman C. Heck, John Hedberg, Henry E. Heffernan, Miss Lily Heide, Mrs. Bernard H. Heiman, Marcus Heine, Mrs. Albert Heinzelman, Karl Heinzen, Mrs. Carl Heisler, Francis Hejna, Joseph F. Heldmaier, Miss Marie Helfrich, J. Howard Heller, Albert Heller, John A. Heller, Mrs. Walter E. Hellman, George A. Hellyer, Walter Hemple, Miss Anne C. Henderson, Thomas B.G. Henkel, Frederick W. Henley, Dr. Eugene H. Hennings, Mrs. Abraham J. Henry, Huntington B. Henschel, Edmund C. Herrick, Charles E. Herron, James C. Herron, Mrs. Ollie L. Hershey, J. Clarence Hertz, Mrs. Fred Hertzberg, Lawrence Herwig, George Herwig, William D., Jr. Herz, Mrs. Alfred Heverly, Earl L. Hibbard, Mrs. Angus S. Hibbard, Mrs. W. G Higgins, John Higinbotham, Harlow D. Higley, Mrs. Charles W. Hildebrand, Dr. Eugene, Jr. Hildebrand, Grant M. Hill, Mrs. Russell D. Hill, William C. Hill, William E. Hille, Dr. Hermann Hillebrecht, Herbert E. Hills, Edward R. Himrod, Mrs. Frank W. Hind, Mrs. John Dwight Hinkle, Ross O. Hinman, Mrs. Estelle S. Hinrichs, Henry, Jr Hirsch, Jacob H. Histed, J. Roland Hixon, Mrs. Frank P. Hodgkinson, Mrs. W. R. Hodgson, Mrs. G. C. Hoffmann, Edward Hempstead Hogan, Robert E. Hokin, Mrs. Barney E. Holabird, W. S., Jr. Holden, Edward A. Holland, Dr. William E. Hollander, Mrs. Samuel Hollenbach, Louis Holliday, W. J. Hollis, Henry L. Holmburger, Max Holmes, George J. Holmes, Miss Harriet F. Holmes, J. A. Holmes, Mrs. Maud G. Holmes, William Holmes, William N. Holt, Miss Ellen Holt, McPherson Holub, Anthony S. Holzheimer, Carl Homan, Miss Blossom L. Honsik, Mrs. James M. Hoover, Mrs. Fred W. Hoover, H. Earl Hoover, Ray P. Hope, Alfred S. Hopkins, Albert L. Hopkins, Mrs. James M. Hopkins, Mrs. James M., Jr. Horcher, William W. Horne, Mrs. William Dodge, Jr. Horner, Mrs. Maurice L., Jr. Hornung, Joseph J. Horst, Curt A. Horton, Hiram T. Horton, Horace B. Horween, Arnold Horween, Isidore Hosbein, Louis H. Hottinger, Adolph Hovland, Mrs. John P. Howard, Willis G. Howe, Charles Albee Howe, Clinton W. Howe, Mrs. Pierce Lyman Howe, Ralph B. Howe, Warren D. Howe, William G. Howell, Albert S. Howes, Mrs. Frank W. Howie, Mrs. James E. Howse, Richard G. Hoyne, Miss Susan D. Hoyt, Mrs. Phelps B. Hraback, L. W. Hubbard, George W. Huber, Dr. Harry Lee Hudson, Miss Katherine J. Hudson, Walter L. Huey, Mrs. A. S. Hufty, Mrs. F. P. Huggins, Dr. Ben H. Hughes, John E. Hughes, John W. Hume, James P. Hume, John T. Humphrey, H. K. Huncke, Herbert S. Huncke, Oswald W. Hunding, B. N. Hurd, Ferris E. Hurley, Edward N., Jr. Murvaitzs Eee Huska, Mrs. J oseph Hust, George Huszagh, Ralph D. Hutchinson, Foye P. Hutchinson, Samuel S. Hyatt, R. C Ickes, Raymond Idelman, Bernard Igoe, Michael L. Ilg, Robert A. Illich, George M., Jr. Ingalls, Allin K. Inlander, Samuel Irons, Dr. Ernest E. Isaacs, Charles W., Jr. Isham, Henry P. Ives, Clifford E. Jackson, Allan Jackson, Archer L. Jackson, Mrs. Arthur;S. Jackson, Miss Laura?E. Jackson, Mrs. W. A. Jacobi, Miss Emily C. J acobs, Hyman A. Jacobs, Julius Jacobs, Whipple Jacobson, Raphael James, Walter C. Jameson, Clarence W. Jancosek, Thomas A. Janson, Dr. C. Helge M. Janusch, Fred W. Jarchow, Mrs. C. E. 115 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Jarchow, Charles C. Jarrow, Harry W. Jeffreys, Mrs. Mary M. Jeffries, Dr. Daniel W. Jeffries, F. L. Jenkins, David F. D. Jenkins, Mrs. John E. Jenkinson, Mrs. Arthur Gilbert Jennings, Ode D. Jennings, Mrs. Rosa V. Jerger, Wilbur Joseph Jetzinger, David Jirgal, John Jirka, Dr. Frank J. Jirka, Dr. Robert H. John, Dr. Findley D. Johnson, Dr. Adelaide Johnson, Alvin O. Johnson, Arthur L. Johnson, Mrs. Harley Alden Johnson, Joseph M. Johnson, Nels E. Johnson, Mrs. O. W. Johnson, Olaf B. Johnson, Philip C. Johnston, Edward R. Johnston, Miss Fannie S. Johnston, Mrs. Hubert McBean Johnston, Mrs. M. L. Jones, Albert G. Jones, Mrs. C. A. Jones, James B. Jones, Dr. Margaret M. Jones, Melvin Jones, Miss Susan E. Joseph, Mrs. Jacob G. Joseph, Louis L. Joy, Guy A. Joyce, Joseph Judson, Clay Juergens, H. Paul Julien, Victor R. Junckune, Stephen Kaercher, A. W. Kahn, J. Kesner Kahn, Jerome J. Kahn, Louis Kaine, James B. Kamins, Dr. Maclyn M. Kane, Jerome M. Kanter, Jerome J. Kaplan, Morris I. Kaplan, Nathan D. Karcher, Mrs. Leonard D. Karpen, Michael Kasch, Frederick M. Katz, Mrs. Sidney L. Katz, Solomon 116 Katzenstein, Mrs. George P. Katzin, Frank Kauffman, Mrs. R. K. Kauffmann, Alfred Kaufmann, Dr. Gustav L. Kavanagh, Clarence H. Kay, Mrs. Marie E. Keefe, Mrs. George I. Keeney, Albert F. Kehl, Robert Joseph Keith, Stanley Keith, Mrs. Stanley Kelker, Rudolph F., Jr. Kellogg, John L. Kelly, Mrs. Haven Core Kelly, Miss Katherine Marjorie Kelly, William J. Kemper, Hathaway G. Kemper, Miss Hilda M. Kempner, Harry B. Kempner, Stan Kendall, Mrs. Virginia H. Kendrick, John F. Kennedy, Mrs. E. J. Kennedy, Lesley Kennelly, Martin H. Kenney, Clarence B. Kent, Dr. O. B. Keogh, Gordon E. Kern, Mrs. August Kern, H. A. Kern, Dr. Nicholas H. Kern, Trude Kerwin, Edward M. Kesner, Jacob L. Kestnbaum, Meyer Kettering, Mrs. Eugene W. Kiessling, Mrs. Charles S. Kile, Miss Jessie J. Kimball, David W. Kimball, William W. Kimbark, John R. King, Clinton B. King, Joseph H. Kingman, Mrs. Arthur G. Kinsey, Robert S. Kintzel, Richard Kirkland, Mrs. Weymouth Kitchell, Howell W. Kitzelman, Otto Klee, Mrs. Nathan Kleinpell, Dr. Henry H. Kleist, Mrs. Harry Kleppinger, William H. Kleutgen, Dr. Arthur C. Klinetop, Mrs. Charles W. Knickerbocker, Miss Paula Knopf, Andrew J. Knott, Mrs. Stephen R. Knutson, George H. Koch, Mrs. Fred J. Koch, Raymond J. Kochs, August Kochs, Mrs. Robert T. Kohl, Mrs. Caroline L. Kohler, Eric L. Kohlsaat, Edward C. Konsberg, Alvin V. Kopf, Miss Isabel Koppenaal, Dr. Eliza- beth Thompson Kosobud, William F. Kotal, John A. Kotin, George N. Koucky, Dr. J. D. Kovace, Stefan Krafft, Mrs. Walter A. Geeite, (Go JBL. Kraft, James L. Kraft, John H. Kraft, Norman Kralovec, Emil G. Kralovec, Mrs. Otto J. Kramer, Leroy Kraus, Peter J. Kraus, Samuel B. Kreidler, D. C. Kresl, Carl Kretschmer, Dr. Herman L. Kretschmer, Herman L., Jr. Kropff, C. G. Krost, Dr. Gerard N. Krutckoff, Charles Kuehn, A. L. Kuh, Mrs. Edwin J., Jr. Kuhl, Harry J. Kuhn, Frederick T. Kuhn, Dr. Hedwig S. Kunka, Bernard J. Kunstadter, Albert Kunstadter, Sigmund W. Kurfess, John Fredric Kurtz, W. O Kurtzon, Morris Lacey, Miss Edith M. LaChance, Mrs. Leander H. Laflin, Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Louis E., Jr. Lambert, C. A. Lampert, Wilson W. Lanahan, Mrs. M. J. Lane, F. Howard Lane, Ray E. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Lang, Edward J. Langenbach, Mrs. AliceR. Langford, Mrs. Robert E. Langhorne, George Tayloe Langworthy, Benjamin Franklin Lanman, E. B. Lansinger, Mrs. John M. Larimer, Howard S. Larsen, Samuel A. Larson, Mrs. Sarah G. Lashley, Mrs. Karl S. Lasker, Albert D. Lassers, Sanford B. Latshaw, Dr. Blair S. Lau, Max Lauren, Newton B. Lauter, Mrs. Vera Lautmann, Herbert M. Lavezzorio, Mrs. J. B. Lavidge, Arthur W. Law, Mrs. Robert O. Lawless, Dr. Theodore K. Lawson, David A. Lax, John Franklin Layden, Michael J. Laylander, O. J. Lazar, Maurice Lazear, George C. Leahy, James F. Leahy, Thomas F. Leavell, James R. Leavens, Theodore LeBaron, Miss Edna Lebold, Foreman N. Lebold, Samuel N. Lebolt, John Michael Lederer, Dr. Francis L. Lee, David Arthur Lee, Mrs. John H. S. Lefens, Miss Katherine J. Lefens, Walter C. Leichenko, Peter M. Leight, Mrs. Albert E. Leland, Miss Alice J. Leland, Mrs. Roscoe G. LeMoon, A. R. Lennon, George W. Lenz, J. Mayo Leonard, Arthur G. Leonard, Arthur T. Leslie, Dr. Eleanor I. Leslie, John Woodworth LeTourneau, Mrs. Robert Leverone, Louis E. Levinson, Mrs. Salmon O. Levis, Mrs. Albert Cotter Levitan, Benjamin Levitetz, Nathan Levy, Alexander M. Levy, Arthur G. Lewis, Mrs. Ellis R. Lewy, Dr. Alfred L’Hommedieu, Arthur Liebman, A. J. Ligman, Rev. Thaddeus Lillyblade, Clarence O. Lindahl, Mrs. Edward J. Linden, John A. Lindheimer, B. F. Lingle, Bowman C. Lipman, Robert R. Liss, Samuel Little, Mrs. E. H. Littler, Harry E., Jr. Livingston, Julian M. Livingston, Mrs. Milton L. Llewellyn, Paul Lochman, Philip Loeb, Mrs. A. H. Loeb, Hamilton M. Loeb, Leo A. Loewenberg, Israel S. Loewenberg, M. L. Loewenherz, Emanuel Loewenstein, Sidney Loewenthal, Richard J. Logan, L. B. Long, William E. Lord, Arthur R. Lord, John S. Lord, Mrs. Russell Loucks, Charles O. Louer, Albert E. M. Louis, Mrs. John J. Love, Chase W. Lovell, William H. Lovgren, Carl Lucey, Patrick J. Ludolph, Wilbur M. Lueder, Arthur C. Luria, Herbert A. Lurie, H. J. Musk, ROR: Lustgarten, Samuel Lyford, Harry B. Lynch, William Joseph Lyon, Charles H. Maass, J. Edward Mabee, Mrs. Melbourne MacDonald, E. K. Macfarland, Mrs. Henry J. MacKenzie, William J. Mackey, Frank J. Mackinson, Dr. John C. MacLellan, K. F. MacMullen, Dr. Della M. MacMurray, Mrs. Donald Madlener, Mrs. Albert F., Jr. Madlener, Otto Magan, Miss Jane A. Magerstadt, Madeline Magill, John R. Magnus, Albert, Jr. Magnuson, Mrs. Paul Maher, Mrs. D. W. Main, Walter D. Majors, Mrs. B. S. Maling, Albert Malone, William H. Manaster, Harry Mandel, Mrs. Aaron W. Mandel, Edwin F. Mandel, Miss Florence Mandel, Mrs. Robert Manegold, Mrs. Frank W. Manierre, Francis E. Manierre, Louis Manley, John A. Mann, Albert C. Mann, John P. Mark, Mrs. Cyrus Mark, Griffith Marquart, Arthur A. Marsh, A. Fletcher Marsh, John MeWilliams, II Marsh, Mrs. John P. Marsh, Mrs. Marshall S. Marston, Mrs. Thomas B. Martin, Mrs. George B. Martin, George F. Martin, Samuel H. Martin, W. B. Martin, Wells Martin, Mrs. William P. Marwick, Maurice Marx, Frederick Z. Marzluff, Frank W. Marzola, Leo A. Mason, Willard J. Massee, B. A. Massey, Peter J. Masterson, Peter Mathesius, Mrs. Walther Matson, J. Edward Matter, Mrs. John Maurer, Dr. Siegfried Maxant, Basil Maxwell, Lloyd R. Mayer, Frank D. Mayer, Mrs. Herbert G. Mayer, Herman J., Jr. Mayer, Isaac H. Mayer, Leo Mayer, Oscar F. Mayer, Oscar G. 117 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Mayer, Theodore S. McAloon, Owen J. McArthur, Billings M. McBirney, Mrs. Hugh J. McCahey, James B. McCarthy, Edmond J. McCarthy, Joseph W. McCausland, Mrs. Clara L. McClun, John M. McCord, Downer McCormack, Professor Harry McCormick, Mrs. Chauncey McCormick, Fowler McCormick, Howard H. McCormick, Leander J. McCormick, Robert H., Jr. McCrea, Mrs. W. S. McCready, Mrs. E. W. McCreight, Louis Ralph McDonald, E. F., Jr. McDonald, Lewis McDougal, Mrs. James B. McDougal, Mrs. Robert McErlean, Charles V. McGraw, Max MeGuinn, Edward B. MeGurn, Mathew S. McelIntosh, Arthur T. McIntosh, Mrs. Walter G. McKenna, Dr. Charles H. McKinney, Mrs. Hayes McMenemy, Logan T. MeMillan, James G. MeMillan, John McMillan, W. B. McNamara, Louis G. McNamee, Peter F. McNulty, Joseph D. McQuarrie, Mrs. Fannie MecVoy, John M. Mead, Dr. Henry C. A. Medsker, Dr. Ora L. Melcher, George Clinch Melendy, Dr. R. A. Melnick, Leopold B. Merrell, John H. Merriam, Miss Eleanor Merrill, William W. Metz, Dr. A. R. Metz, Mrs. Robert Meyer, Mrs. A. H. Meyer, Abraham W. Meyer, Dr. Charles A. Meyer, Charles Z. Meyers, Erwin A. Meyers, Jonas Michaels, Everett B. 118 Michel, Dr. William J. Midowicz, C. E. Mielenz, Robert K. Milburn, Miss Anne L. Milhening, Frank Miller, Miss Bertie E. Miller, Mrs. Clayton W. Miller, Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Mrs. F. H. Miller, Hyman Miller, John S. Miller, Mrs. Olive Beaupre Miller, Oscar C. Miller, Mrs. Phillip Miller, R. T. Mills, Allen G. Mills, Lloyd Langdon Miner, Dr. Carl S. Minturn, Benjamin E. Mitchell, George F. Mitchell, John J. Mitchell, Leeds Mitchell, Oliver MGbc, IDye, 18% dl Mock, Dr. Harry Edgar Moderwell, Charles M. Moeling, Mrs. Walter G. Moeller, George Moeller, Rev. Herman H. Moist, Mrs. Samuel E. Mojonnier, Timothy Mollan, Mrs. Ferne T. Molloy, David J. Monheimer, Henry I. Monroe, William S. Montgomery, Dr. Albert H. Moore, C. B. Moore, Paul Moore, Philip Wyatt Moran, Miss Margaret Morey, Charles W. Morf, F. William Morgan, Alden K. Morris, Mrs. Seymour Morrison, Mrs. C. R. Morrison, Mrs. Harry Morrison, James C. Morrison, Matthew A. Morrisson, James W. Morse, Mrs. Charles J. Morse, Leland R. Morse, Mrs. Milton Morse, Robert H. Morton, Sterling Morton, William Morris Moses, Howard A. Moss, Jerome A. Mouat, Andrew J. Mowry, Louis C. Moxon, Dr. George W. Moyer, Mrs. Paul S. Mudge, Mrs. John B. Muehlstein, Mrs. Charles Mueller, Austin M. Mueller, Miss Hedwig H. Mueller, J. Herbert Mueller, Paul H. Mulford, Miss Melinda Jane Mulhern, Edward F. Mulholand, William H. Mulligan, George F. Munroe, Moray Murphy, Mrs. Helen C. Murphy, Joseph D. Murphy, O. R. Murphy, Robert E. Musselman, Dr. George H. Muszynski, John J. Myrland, Arthur L. Naber, Henry G. Nadler, Dr. Walter H. Naess, Sigurd E. Nahigian, Sarkis H. Nance, Willis D. Nast, Mrs. A. D. Nathan, Claude Naumann, Miss Susan Nebel, Herman C. Neely, Mrs. Lloyd F. Nehls, Arthur L. Nellegar, Mrs. Jay C. Nelson, Arthur W. Nelson, Charles G. Nelson, Donald M. Nelson, N. J. Nelson, Victor W. Neu, Clarence L. Neuffer, Paul A. Neuman, Sidney Neumann, Arthur E. Newhall, R. Frank Newhouse, Karl H. Newman, Mrs. Albert A. Newman, Charles H. Nichols, Mrs. George R.., Jr. Nichols, J. C. Nichols, S. F. Nilsson, Mrs. Goodwin M. Nishkian, Mrs. Vaughn G. Nitze, Mrs. William A. Noble, Samuel R. Nollau, Miss Emma Noonan, Edward J. Norecott, Mrs. Ernest J. Norman, Harold W. Norris, Mrs. Lester ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Norton, R. H. Novak, Charles J. Noyes, A. H. Noyes, Allan S. Noyes, Mrs. May Wells Nufer, Gene Nusbaum, Mrs. Hermien D. Nyman, Dr. John Egbert Oates, James F. Oberfelder, Herbert M. Oberfelder, Walter S. Obermaier, John A. O’Brien, Miss Janet O’Connell, Edmund Daniel Odell, William R. Odell, William R., Jr. Offield, James R. Oglesbee, Nathan H. O’ Keefe, Mrs. Dennis D. O’ Keeffe, William F. Oleott, Mrs. Henry C. Oldberg, Dr. Eric Oldefest, Edward G. Oleson, Wrisley B. Oliver, Mrs. Paul Olsen, Miss Agnes J. Olsen, Mrs. Arthur O. Olson, Gustaf Olson, Rudolph J. O’Neil, Dr. Owen Onofrio, Mrs. Michael J. Ooms, Casper William Oppenheimer, Alfred Oppenheimer, Mrs. Harry D. Orndoff, Dr. Benjamin H. O’Rourke, Albert Orr, Mrs. Robert C. Orr, Thomas C. Orthal, A. J. Ortmayer, Dr. Marie Osborn, Mrs. Gertrude L. Osborn, Theodore L. Ostrom, Mrs. J. Augustus Otis, J. Sanford Otis, Joseph E. Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr. Otis, Ralph C. Otis, Stuart Huntington Owings, Mrs. Nathaniel A. Paasche, Jens A. Packard, Dr. Rollo K. Paepcke, Walter P. Palmer, James L. Palmgren, Mrs. Charles A. Pardee, Harvey S. Pardridge, Mrs. E. W. Rark Re Parker, Dr. Gaston C. Parker, Norman S. Parker, Troy L. Parks, C. R. Parmelee, Dr. A. H. Partridge, Lloyd C. Paschen, Mrs. Henry Pashkow, A. D. Patterson, Grier D. Patterson, Mrs. L. B. Patterson, Mrs. Wallace Patzelt, Miss Janet Peabody, Mrs. Francis S. Peabody, Howard B. Peabody, Miss Susan W. Pearl, Allen S. Pearse, Langdon Pearson, F. W. Pearson, George Albert, Jr. Peck, Dr. David B. Peel, Richard H. Peet, Mrs. Belle G. Peirce, Albert E. Pelley, John J. PenDell, Charles W. Percy, Dr. Mortimer Nelson Perel, Harry Z. Perkins, A. T. Perkins, Mrs. Herbert F. Perry, Dr. Ethel B. Perry, Mrs. I. Newton Peter, William F. Peters, Harry A. Petersen, Jurgen Petersen, Dr. William F. Peterson, Albert Peterson, Alexander B. Peterson, Arthur J. Peterson, Axel A. Peterson, Mrs. Bertha I. Peterson, Mrs. Richard E. Pfaelzer, Miss Elizabeth W. Pflaum, A. J. Pflock, Dr. John J. Phelps, Mrs. W. L. Phemister, Dr. Dallas B. Phillips, Dr. Herbert Morrow Phillips, Mervyn C. Pick, Albert, Jr. Pick, Frederic G. Pierce, J. Norman Pierce, Paul, Jr. Pierson, Joseph B. Pink, Mrs. Ira M. Pirie, Mrs. John T. Pitzner, Alwin Frederick Plapp, Miss Doris A. Platt, Edward Vilas Platt, Mrs. Robert S. Plummer, Comer Plunkett, William H. Pobloske, Albert C. Podell, Mrs. Beatrice Hayes Polk, Mrs. Stella F. Pollak, Charles A. Pool, Marvin B. Poole, Mrs. Frederick Arthur Poole, Mrs. Marie R. Poor, Fred A. Pope, Herbert Poppenhagen, Henry J. Porter, Charles H. Porter, Edward C. Porter, Mrs. Frank S. Porter, Henry H. Porter, Louis Porter, Mrs. Sidney S. Porterfield, Mrs. John F. Portis, Dr. Sidney A. Post, Mrs. Philip Sidney Pottenger, William A. Pottenger, Miss Zipporah Herrick Poulson, Mrs. Clara L. Powills, Michael A. Pratt, Mrs. William E. Prentice, John K. Price, John McC. Primley, Walter S. Prince, Harry Prince, Rev. Herbert W. Prince, Leonard M. Pritchard, Richard E. Probst, Marvin G. Proxmire, Dr. Theodore Stanley Prussing, Mrs. R. E. Pucci, Lawrence Puckey, F. W. Pulver, Hugo Purcell, Joseph D. Purcey, Victor W. Purdy, Sparrow E. Putnam, Miss Mabel C. Puttkammer, E. W. Pyterek, Rev. Peter H. Quick, Miss Hattiemae Raber, Franklin Racheff, Ivan Radau, Hugo Radford, Mrs. W. A., Jr. Radniecki, Rev. Stanley Raff, Mrs. Arthur 119 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Raftree, Miss Julia M. Railton, Miss Frances Ramis, Leon Lipman Randall, Rev. Edwin J. Randall, Irving Raney, Mrs. R. J. Rankin, Miss Jessie H. Rassweiler, August Rathje, Frank C. Ravenscroft, Edward H. Raymond, Mrs. Howard D. Razim, A. J. Reach, Benjamin F. Reach, William Redfield, William M. Redington, F. B. Redmond, Forrest H. Reed, Mrs. Frank D. Reed, Mrs. Lila H. Reed, Norris H. Reed, Mrs. Philip L. Reeve, Mrs. Earl Reffelt, Miss F. A. Regan, Mrs. Robert G. Regenstein, Joseph Regensteiner, Theodore Regnery, Frederick L. Regnery, William H. Reichmann, Alexander F. Reid, Mrs. Bryan Reingold, J. J. Remy, Mrs. William Renaldi, George J. Renshaw, Mrs. Charles ReQua, Mrs. Charles Howard, Jr. ReQua, Haven A. Rew, Mrs. Irwin Reynolds, Mrs. G. William Reynolds, Harold F. Reynolds, Mrs. J. J. Rice, Mrs. Charles R. Rice, Laurence A. Rich, Elmer Rich, Harry Richards, Mrs. Bartlett Richards, J. DeForest Richards, Donald Richards, Marcus D. Richardson, George A. Richardson, Guy A. Richter, Mrs. Adelyn W. Rickeords, Francis S. Ridgeway, Ernest Rieser, Leonard M. Rietz, Elmer W. Rietz, Walter H. Ripstra, J. Henri Ritchie, Mrs. John Rittenhouse, Charles J. 120 Roberts, Mrs. John Roberts, John M. Roberts, Shepherd M. Roberts, Mrs. Warren R. Roberts, William Munsell Robertson, Hugh Robinson, Theodore W., Jr. Robson, Miss Sarah C. Roche, Miss Emily Roderick, Solomon P. Rodgers, Dr. David C. Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rodman, Mrs. Hugh Roehling, Mrs. Otto G. Roehm, George R. Roesch, Frank P. Rogers, Miss Annie T. Rogers, Mrs. Bernard F. Rogers, Edward S. Rogers, Joseph E. Rogerson, Everett E. Roggenkamp, John Rogovsky, W. P. Rolfes, Gerald A. Roller, Fred S. Rolnick, Dr. Harry C. Romer, Miss Dagmar E. Root, John W. Rosborough, Dr. Paul A. Rosen, M. R. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Edwin S. Rosenfeld, M. J. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Maurice Rosenfield, Mrs. Morris S. Rosenstone, Nathan Rosenstone, Samuel Rosenthal, Kurt Rosenthal, Lessing Rosenthal, Samuel R. Rosenwald, Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Richard M. Ross, Robert C. Ross, Mrs. Robert E. Ross, Thompson Ross, Walter S. Roth, Aaron Roth, Mrs. Margit Hochsinger Rothacker, Watterson R. Rothschild, George William Routh, George E., Jr. Rozelle, Mrs. Emma Rubens, Mrs. Charles Rubloff, Arthur Rubovits, Theodore Ruckelhausen, Mrs. Henry Ruettinger, John W. Runnells, Mrs. Clive Rupprecht, Mrs. Edgar P. Rushton, Joseph A. Russell, Dr. Joseph W. Russell, Paul S. Rutledge, George E. Ryan, Mrs. William A. Ryerson, Mrs. Donald M. Sackley, Mrs. James A. Sage, W. Otis Salmon, Mrs. E. D. Sammons, Wheeler Sample, John Glen Sampsell, Marshall G. Sandidge, Miss Daisy Sands, Mrs. Frances B. Santini, Mrs. Randolph Sargent, Chester F. Sargent, John R. W. Sargent, Ralph Sauter, Fred J. Sawyer, Ainslie Y. Sawyer, Dr. Alvah L. Schacht, John H. Schafer, Mrs. Elmer J. Schafer, O. J. Schaffner, Mrs. Joseph Schaffner, Mrs. L. L. Scharin, Mrs. J. Hippach Scheinman, Jesse D. Schenck, Frederick Schermerhorn, W. I. Schlichting, Justus L. Schmidt, Dr. Charles L. Schmidt, Mrs. Minna Schmitz, Dr. Henry Schneider, D. G. Schneider, F. P. Schnering, Otto Y. Schnur, Ruth A. Scholl, Dr. William M. Schram, Harry S. Schreiner, Sigurd Schroeder, Dr. George H. Schroeder, Dr. Mary G. Schueren, Arnold C. Schukraft, William Schulze, Mrs. Mathilde Schupp, Philip C. Schurig, Robert Roy Schuyler, Mrs. Daniel SJ: Schwander, J. J. Schwanke, Arthur Schwartz, Charles K. Schwartz, Charles P. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Schwartz, Dr. Otto Schwarz, Herbert E. Schwarzhaupt, Emil Sclanders, Mrs. Alexander Scott, Miss Maud E. Scott, Robert L. Scribner, Gilbert Scully, Mrs. D. B. Sears, Miss Dorothy Sears, J. Alden Sears, Richard W., Jr. Seaton, G. Leland Seaverns, Louis C. Sedgwick, C. Galen See, Dr. Agnes Chester Seeberger, Miss Dora A. Seeburg, Justus P. Seifert, Mrs. Walter J. Seip, Emil G. Seipp, Clarence T. Seipp, Edwin A., Jr. Seipp, William C. Sello, George W. Sencenbaugh, Mrs. C. W. Seng, V. J. Senne, John A. Shaffer, Carroll Shakman, James G. Shanahan, Mrs. David E. Shanesy, Ralph D. Shannon, Angus Roy Shapiro, Meyer Sharpe, N. M. Shaw, Alfred P. Shaw, Mrs. Arch W. Sheldon, James M. Shelton, Dr. W. Eugene Shepherd, Mrs. Edith P. Shepherd, Miss Olive M. Sherman, Mrs. Francis C., Sr. Sherman, Mrs. W. W. Shields, James Culver Shillestad, John N. Shire, Moses E. Shoan, Nels Shorey, Clyde E. Shorter eebve Short, Miss Shirley Jane Shoup, A. D. Shumway, Mrs. Edward DeWitt Sidley, William P. Siebel, Mrs. Ewald H. Sieck, Herbert Siegel, David T. Sigman, Leon Silander, A. I. Silberman, Charles Silberman, David B. Silberman, Hubert S. Sills, Clarence W. Silverstein, Ramond Silverthorne, George M. Simond, Robert E. Simonds, Dr. James P. Simpson, John M. Sincere, Henry B. Sinelair, Dr. J. Frank Singer, Mrs. Mortimer H. Sinsheimer, Allen Sisskind, Louis Sitzer, Dr. L. Grace Powell Skarrn, Kenneth W. Skleba, Dr. Leonard F. Sleeper, Mrs. Olive C. Smith, Charles Herbert. Smith, Clinton F. Smith, Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mrs. Emery J. Smith, Mrs. Frank S. Smith, Franklin P. Smith, Harold Byron Smith, Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Jens Smith, Mrs. Katharine Walker Smith, Mrs. Kinney Smith, Miss Marion D. Smith, Paul C. Smith, Samuel K. Smith, Mrs. Theodore White Smith, Z. Erol smuk, Dr. J. E. Smullan, Alexander Snyder, Harry Socrates, Nicholas A. Solem, Dr. George O. Sonnenschein, Hugo Soper, Henry M. Soper, James P., Jr. Sopkin, Mrs. Setia H. Soravia, Joseph Speer, Robert J. Spencer, Mrs. Egbert H. Spencer, John P. Spencer, Mrs. William M. Sperry, Mrs. Leonard M. Spertus, Herman Spiegel, Mrs. Arthur H. Spiegel, Mrs. Frederick W. Spitz, Joel Spitz, Leo Spohn, John F. Spooner, Charles W. Spoor, Mrs. John A. Sprague, Dr. John P. Spray, Cranston Squires, John G. Staack, Otto C. Stacey, Mrs. Thomas I. Staley, Miss Mary B. Stanley, Sinclair G. Stanton, Henry T. Starbird, Miss Myrtle I. Starrels, Joel Stearns, Mrs. Richard I. Stebbins, Fred J. Steele, Henry B., Jr. Steele, W. D. Steepleton, A. Forrest Steffey, David R. Stein, Benjamin F. Stein, Dr. Irving Stein, L. Montefiore Stein, Sydney, Jr. Steinberg, Dr. Milton Stenson, Frank R. Stephan, Mrs. John Sterba, Dr. Joseph V. Sterling, Joseph Stern, Mrs. Alfred Stern, Alfred Whital Stern, David B. Stern, Felix Stern, Gardner H. Stern, Oscar D. Stevens, Delmar A. Stevens, Elmer T. Stevens, Harold L. Stevenson, Engval Stewart, Miss Eglantine Daisy Stewart, Miss Mercedes Graeme Stirling, Miss Dorothy Stockton, Eugene M. Stone, Mrs. Jacob S. Stone, Mrs. Theodore Straus, Henry H. Straus, Martin L. Straus, Melvin L. Strauss, Dr. Alfred A. Strauss, Ivan Strauss, John L. Straw, Mrs. H. Foster Street, Mrs. Charles A. Strickfaden, Miss Alma E. Stromberg, Charles J. Strong, Edmund H. Strong, Mrs. Walter A. Strotz, Harold C. Stulik, Dr. Charles Sturm, William G. Sullivan, John J. Sulzberger, Frank L. Summer, Mrs. Edward Sundin, Ernest G. Sutcliffe, Mrs. Gary Sutherland, William Sutton, Harold I. 121 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Swanson, Holgar G. Swanson, Joseph E. Swartchild, Edward G. Swartchild, William G. Swenson, S. P. O. Swett, Robert Wheeler Swift, Mrs. Alden B. Swift, Edward F., Jr. Swigart, John D. Sykes, Aubrey L. Sykes, Mrs. Wilfred Taft, Mrs. Oren E. Tarrant, Mrs. Robert Tatge, Mrs. Gustavus J. Taylor, Frank F. Taylor, Herbert J. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, James L. dbenylore, Jl, Se Taylor, William G. Templeton, Stuart J. Templeton, Walter L. Templeton, Mrs. William Terry, Foss Bell Teter, Lucius Thal, Dr. Paul E. Thatcher, Everett A. Theobald, Dr. John J. Thomas, Mrs. Florence T. Thomas, Frank W. Thomas, Dr. William A. Thompson, Arthur H. Thompson, Edward F. Thompson, Ernest H. Thompson, Floyd E. Thompson, Fred L. Thompson, Dr. George F. Thompson, John E. Thompson, Mrs. John R. Thompson, John R., Jr. Thorne, Hallett W. Thornton, Dr. Francis E. Thornton, Roy V Thorp, Harry W. Thresher, C. J. Thulin, F. A. Tibbetts, Mrs. N. L. Tilden, Averill Tilden, Louis Edward Tilt, Charles A. Tobey, William Robert Tobias, Clayton H. Todt, Mrs. Edward G. Torbet, A. W. Touchstone, John Henry Towler, Kenneth F. Towne, Mrs. John D. C. Traer, Glenn W. Trask, Arthur C. Traylor, Mrs. Dorothy J. ZZ Traylor, Mrs. Melvin A., Jr. Trees, Merle J. Trenkmann, Richard A. Tripp, Chester D. Trombly, Dr. F. F. Trowbridge, Mrs. A. Buel, Jr. Trude, Mrs. Mark W. True, Charles H. Tumpeer, Joseph J. murcks eels We Turner, Alfred M. Turner, Mrs. Horace E. Tuthill, Mrs. Beulah L. Tuthill, Gray B. Tuttle, Mrs. Henry N. Ullmann, Herbert S. Upham, Mrs. Frederic W. Utter, Mrs. Arthur J. Vacin, Emil F. Valentine, Joseph L. Valentine, Mrs. May L. Valentine, Patrick A. VanArtsdale, Mrs. Flora D. VanCleef, Felix VanCleef, Mrs. Noah VanCleef, Paul VanDellen, Dr. Theodore R. VanDeventer, Christopher Vanek, John C. VanSchaack, R. H.., Jr. VanWinkle, James Z. VanZwoll, Henry B. Vawter, William A., II Vehe, Dr. K. L. Vehon, Morris Verson, David C. Vial, Charles H. Vial, F. K. Vickery, Miss Mabel S. Vierling, Mrs. Louis Vogl, Otto VonColditz, Dr. G. Thomsen- vonGlahn, Mrs. August Voorhees, Mrs. Condit Voorhees, H. Belin Voynow, Edward E. Wade, Walter A. Wager, William Wagner, Fritz, Jr. Wagner, Louis A. Wahl, Arnold Spencer Wakerlin, Dr. George E. Walgreen, C. R., Jr. Walgreen, Mrs. Charles R. Walker, James Walker, Mrs. Paul Walker, Samuel J. Walker, William E. Wallace, Walter F. Waller, Mrs. Edward C. Waller, James B., Jr. Wallerich, George W. Wallovick, J. H. Walpole, S. J. Walsh, Miss Mary Walther, Mrs. S. Arthur Wanner, Arthur L. Ward, Edwin J. Ward, Mrs. N. C. Wardwell, H. F. Wares, Mrs. Helen Worth Warfield, Edwin A. Warner, Mrs. John Eliot Warren, Allyn D. Warren, Paul C. Warren, Paul G. Warren, Walter G. Warsh, Leo G. Washburne, Clarke Washburne, Hempstead, Jr. Washington, Laurence W. Wassell, Joseph Watson, William Upton Watts, Harry C. Watzek, J. W., Jr. Waud, E. P. Wayman, Charles A. G. Weber, Mrs. Will S. Webster, Arthur L. Webster, Miss Helen R. Webster, Henry A. Wedelstaedt, H. A. Wegner, Charles T., Jr. Weil, Mrs. Leon Weil, Martin Weiler, Rudolph Weiner, Charles Weiner, George Weinstein, Dr. M. L. Weinzelbaum, Louis L. Weis, Samuel W. Weisbrod, Benjamin H. Weiss, Mrs. Morton Weiss, Siegfried Weissbrenner, A. W. Weisskopf, Maurice J. Weisskopf, Dr. Max A. Welles, Mrs. Donald P. Welles, Mrs. Edward Kenneth Wells, Arthur H. Wells, Miss Cecilia Wells, Harry L. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Wells, John E. Wells, Preston A. Wendell, Barrett Wendell, Miss Josephine A. Wentworth, John Wentworth, Mrs. Sylvia B. Wentz, Peter L. Werner, Frank A. Wertheimer, Joseph West, Miss Mary Sylvia West, Thomas H. Westerfeld, Simon Wetten, Albert H. Weymer, Earl M. Whealan, Emmett P. Wheeler, George A. Wheeler, Leo W. Wheeler, Leslie M. Wheeler, Mrs. Robert C. Whinery, Charles C. White, Mrs. James C. White, Joseph J. White, Richard T. White, Sanford B. White, Selden Freeman Whiting, Mrs. Adele H. Whiting, Lawrence H. Whittier, C. C. Widdicombe, Mrs. R. A. Wieland, Charles J. Wieland, Mrs. George C. Wienhoeber, George V. Wilcox, Robyn Wilder, Harold, Jr. Wilder, Mrs. John E. Andersen, Arthur Austin, Henry W. Buehler, Mrs. Carl Cassels, Edwin H. Cromer, Clarence E. DeVries, Peter Diehl, Harry L. Dole, Arthur Engel, E. J. Ericsson, Henry Goedke, Charles F. Goldsmith, Mitchel Gordon, Miss Bertha F. Gregory, Mrs. Robert B. Griffiths, George W. Hamill, Mrs. Ernest A. Hinsberg, Stanley K. Hollingsworth, R. G. Hollister, Francis H. Wilder, Mrs. Paul Wilker, Mrs. Milton W. Wilkey, Fred S. Wilkins, George Lester Wilkins, Miss Ruth C. Wilkinson, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson, John C. Willems, Dr. J. Daniel Willens, Joseph R. Willey, Mrs. Charles B. Williams, Miss Anna P. Williams, J. M. Williams, Kenneth Williamson, George H. Willis, Paul, Jr. Willis, Thomas H. Willner, Benton Jack, Jr. Wills, H. E. Wilms, Hermann P. Wilson, Harry Bertram Wilson, Mrs. John R. Wilson, Miss Lillian M. Wilson, Morris Karl Wilson, Percy Wilson, Mrs. Robert E. Wilson, William Winans, Frank F. Windsor, H. H., Jr. Winston, Mrs. Bertram M. Winston, Hampden Winston, James H. Winter, Irving Wolf, Mrs. Albert H. Wolf, Walter B. Wolfe, Lloyd R. DECEASED, 1947 Huston, Ward T. Kittredge, R. J. Klein, Henry A. Knox, Harry S. Komiss, David S. Landry, Alvar A. Lange, Mrs. August Letts, Mrs. Frank C. Lillie, Frank R. Lobdell, Mrs. Edwin L. Ludington, Nelson J. MacLeish, Mrs. Andrew Marks, Arnold K. Massena, Roy McCloud, Walter S. McDougall, Mrs. Arthur R. McMillan, William M. Netcher, Mrs. Charles Off, Mrs. Clifford Wood, Mrs. Gertrude D. Wood, Mrs. Hettie R. Wood, Kay, Jr. Wood, Mrs. R. Arthur Wood, Robert E. Wood, William G. Woodmansee, Fay Woods, Weightstill Worcester, Mrs. Charles H. Work, Robert Works, George A. Wright, H. C. Wright, Warren Wrigley, Mrs. Charles W. Wupper, Benjamin F. Yerkes, Richard W. Yondorf, John David Yondorf, Milton S. Yondorf, Milton S., Jr. Yorkey, Mrs. Margaret Young, B. Botsford Young, E. Frank Young, George W. Young, Hugh E. Zabel, Max W. Zabel, Mrs. Max W. Zapel, Elmer J. Zerler, Charles F. Ziebarth, Charles A. Zimmerman, Herbert P. Zimmerman, Louis W. Zinke, Otto A. Zork, David Pardridge, Albert J. Pomeroy, Mrs. Frank W. Pope, Henry Preston, Fred A. Riemenschneider, Mrs. Julius H. Rueckheim, Miss Lillian Ryerson, Joseph T. Scheidenhelm, Edward L. Shambaugh, Dr. George E. Skooglund, David Smith, Mrs. William A. Snow, Fred A. Stevens, Edward J. Stoll, John O. Veeder, Miss Jessie Waterman, Dr. A. H. Wavrinek, Miss Anna J. 123 NON-RESIDENT ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have Baum, Mrs. James Colby, Carl Lindboe, S. R. contributed $50 to the Museum Niederhauser, Homer Phillips, Montagu Austin Meevers, Harvey Mitchell, W. A. Porter, Dr. Eliot F. Stevens, Edmund W. SUSTAINING MEMBERS Those who contribute $25 annually to the Museum Bigelow, Mrs. Ann Eitel, Emil Fay, Eugene C. Knight, Mrs. John Kroehler, Kenneth Lessman, Gerhard ANNUAL Lynch, J. W. McLennan, Mrs. Donald R., Sr. Meyerhoff, A. E. Page, John W Price, W. G. F. Raymond, Dr. Albert L. MEMBERS Shillinglaw, David L. Stebler, W. J. Thorne, Mrs. James W. Treadwell, H. A Weil, Morton M. Williams, Rowland L. Wolnak, George Those who contribute $10 annually to the Museum Abbott, Mrs. Howard C. Abbott, Mrs. John Jay Abeles, Alfred T. Adams, Cyrus H. Adams, F. W. Adams, Harvey M. Adams, Hugh R. Adams, Hugh R., Jr. Adesko, Mrs. Thaddeus V. Adler, Mrs. William S. Adsit, Harold C. Agar, Mrs. John T. Aggerbeck, Leslie P. Aguinaldo, Miss Carmen Aitchison, Robert J. Alessio, Frank Alex, Harold R. Alexander, John F. Alger, Frederick W. Allais, Mrs. Arthur L. Allen, Albert H. Allen, Amos G. Allen, Frank W. Alton, Robert Leslie Amberg, Harold V. 124 Amberg, Miss Mary Agnes Ambrose, J. F. Ameismaier, Julius Andersen, Mrs. Helen Somerville Anschicks, R. J. Antonow, Joseph P. Apfelbach, Mrs. George L. Appley, Lawrence A. Arado, A. D. Arden, Percy H. Armstrong, George M. Arndt, Albert Arnkoff, Dr. Morris Arnold, Mrs. Hugo F. Arnold, Robert M. Arnolt, Kenneth Arvey, Mrs. Jacob M. Aschermann, N. J. Ashcraft, Edwin M., III Atwood, Carl E. Atwood, Fred G. Austerlade, William R. Austin, Edwin C. Austin, Dr. Margaret Howard Austrian, Mrs. H. S. Avery, Guy T. Babbitt, Mrs. Ross M. Bach, Peter A. Bacon, Wilbur C. Baer, Arthur A. Bailey, Warren G. Baird, E. E. Baker, Mrs. Eloise Parsons Baldwin, Dr. S. Glidden Baldwin, Mrs. Walsh Balfanz, Henry W. Ballard, Mrs. E. S. Ballis, Samuel R. Bankard, E. Hoover, Jr. Banks, Miss Ann R. Barbee, Beatrice Barber, Mrs. Albert H. Barber EB: Bard, Albert T. Bardwell, William U. Barker, Charles P. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Barker, James M. Barker, William R. Barnes, Mrs. Harold Osborne Barnes, William H. Barr, Charles L. Barrett, Miss Adela Barrett, Lawrence H. Barrett, Oliver R. Barrett, Timothy A. Barriger, John W., III Barron, John F. Barron, Maurice J. Barrowclough, George L. Bartholomay, Henry C. Bartholomay, William,Jr. Bartky, Mrs. Walter Bas, Marvin J. Basler, Norbert Bass, Charles Bast, O. D. Bates, Dr. A. Allan Baukus, J. Algert Bay, Dr. Emmet B. Bay, Joseph T. Beall, R. M. Bean, Ferrel M. Beatty, Ross J., Jr. Bechtner, Paul Becker, Matthew G. Beckwith, William J. Beelman, Hugh C. Beers-Jones, L. Beifus, Morris Beilin, Dr. David S. Bell, Charles M. Bell, Herbert E. Beman, Lynn W. Bender, Mrs. Charles Bengston, Henry Bengtson, J. Ludvig Benjamin, Mrs. Bert R. Benjamin, Edward Benner, Miss Harriet Bennett, Bertram W. Bennett, Dwight W. Bennington, Harold Bensinger, Robert F. Benson, Arnon N. Benson, Rev. Oscar A. Benson, Paul Benson, William A. Bentley, Claude R. Berberian, Hagop Bere, Lambert Bergen, Garret L. Berger, E. M Berger, R. O. Bergfors, Emery E. Berk, Benjamin Berman, Irving Berman, Louis G. Bernstein, George E. Bernstein, Philip Beutel, Henry J. Beven, T. D. Biddle, Robert C. Bidwell, Dr. Charles L. Bielefeld, Herbert J. Bigelow, Miss Florence E. Biggio, Mrs. Louise T. Birchwood, Dr. Eugene Birmingham, Frederic A. Bishop, James R. Bissell, Mrs. C. B. Black, E. D. Black, J. Walker Black, John D. Blackburn, John W. Blaha, Ralph C. Blaine, James B. Blair, John P. Blair, Mrs. W. McCormick Blake, Arthur T. Blake, Robert W. Blanksten, Mrs. Samuel B. Blewett, Quentin H., Jr. Blitzsten, Dr. N. Lionel] Block, Mrs. Joseph L. Blomquist, Alfred Bloom, H. L. Bloom, Mrs. Leon D. Blumberg, Nathan S. Blume, Ernest Blumenthal, Barre Boening, Mrs. Louis A. Bokman, Dr. A. F. Bond, Richard C. Bond, William Scott Bonfig, Henry C. Booth, Sheldon M. Borden, Gail Borland, C. A. Borland, Mrs. John Jay, III Borrowdale, Thomas M. Boswell, Mrs. J. Stewart Both, Mrs. William C. Bothman, Dr. Louis Bowes, W. R. Bowman, Mrs. E. M. Bowman, Jay Boyd, Darrell S. Boyd, Miss Helen Boyden, Mrs. William C. Boyle, Mrs. John R. Bracken, Charles W. Bradford, Mrs. Chester T. Bradford, Mrs. Jane Marian Bradley, Dr. Garnet Brandel, Paul W. Brando, Marlon Brandt, Fred T. Branit, J. 1. Brant, Rev. Gordon E. Brashears, J. W. Bratton, L. G. Braudy, Mrs. Louis C. Braun, Mrs. James Burton Breckinridge, Miss Mary Breed, Dr. J. Ernest Breen, James W. Breen, John A. Bremner, Dr. M. D. K. Breskin, Louis A. Brettman, Herbert P. Brewer, Harry F. Brichetto, John L. Bridgeman, Wallace C. Briede, Henry J. Briggs, Edward A., Jr. Briggs, George L. Briggs, J. H. Briggs, Ralph E. Bright, Mrs. Orville T. Broderick, W. J. Brodie, Dr. Allan G. Brodow, W. B. Brooks, Arthur L. Broude, Mrs. William S. Brouwer, Rev. Jacob G. Brown, Alexander Brown, Garfield W. Brown, Mrs. George W. Brown, H. Templeton Brown, Mrs. Isidore Brown, Paul W. Brown, Robert C., Jr. Brown, William W. Browne, Mrs. Grace Greenwood Browne, Leon S. Brucker, Dr. Matthew W. Bruckner, Mrs. Eugene E. Brush, Kenneth H. Bucklen, Harley R. Buik, George C. Bunn, B. H. Burdick, Dr. Allison L. Burdick, Charles B. Burke, L. J. Burnell, Edward J. Burnet, Mrs. W. A. Burns, Kenneth J. Burns, Patrick C. Burtis, Clyde L. Burton, Mrs. Anna W. Busch, Francis X. Bush, Earl J. 12S) ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Butler, Burtram B. Butler, Mrs. Evelyn Butterfield, George P. Butterfield, Peter Edwin Butz, Mrs. Robert O. Byfield, Ernest L. Byrnes, William Jerome Byron, Samuel S. Cabeen, Richard McP. Caesar, O. E. Caldwell, Lynton W. Callahan, B. E. Callan, T. J. Campbell, Charles H. Campbell, Chesser M. Campbell, Donald A. Campbell, Donald F., Jr. Campbell, G. Murray Cannon, John I. Carl, Otto Frederick Carleton, Horace M. Carlington, William M. Carlisle, Mrs. William T. Carlstrom, Mrs. Oscar D. Carlton, Mrs. Frank A. Carney, Robert F. Carp, Joseph T. Carpenter, John Alden Carr, George Wallace Carroll, James J. Carry, James M. Carson, Mrs. William Sherman Carstens, Milton S. Carter, C. B. Casey, Rev. Joseph A. Caspers, Paul Cassady, Thomas G. Cassetty, Rev. W. M., Jr. Catheart, Mrs. James A. Cavanagh, Mrs. Joseph J. Cervenka, John A. Chapman, Ralph Chapman, Richard R. Cheskin, David B. Chesler, Morton C. Chesrow, David S. Chimenti, Dante Chrisos, Dr. Sam S. Chrissinger, Horace B. Christiansen, Carl H. Christopher, Dr. G. L. Citterman, Solomon Cizinauskas, Henry Clark, A. B. Clark, Mrs. Ralph E. Clark, Robert H. Clarke, Mrs. A. S. C. Clarke, David R. Clarke, Mrs. Philip R. 126 Clasen, W. N. Clements, J. A. Clifford, Barry J. Clifford J. S. Clizbe, Mrs. F. O. Clonick, Herbert J. Clow, J. Beach Clow, Kent S. Cobbey, J. A. Coen, Thomas M. Coffey, Miss Mary Coghlan, David L. Cohen, Archie H. Cohen, Harry Cohen, Louis L. Cohn, Harry Cole, Cornelius C. Coleman, Hamilton Coleman, Harry M. Collier, John H. Collings, Charles H. Collins, Arthur W. Collins, Mrs. Frank P. Colvin, Miss Bonnie Combiths, Mrs. Wallace T. Combs, Earle M., Jr. Conant, EB. D., Jr: Cone, Fairfax M. Conn, Warner S. Connolly, R. E. Connors, Mrs. Thomas A. Conquest, Victor Conroy, D. A. Consoer, Arthur W. Converse, Earl M. Coogan Draws Je Cook, Charles E. Cook, H. L. Cook, Junius F., Jr. Cook, Robert B. Cook, Sidney A. Cook, Wallace L. Cook, William V. Cooke, Thomas Edward Cooper, Charles H. Corey, Ernest F. Cornwell, Dr. H. J. Costigan, Mrs. Eve Charles Coverley, Mrs. Cecile Covington, John R. Coyne, Richard T. Crage, Dr. Francis M. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Craig, Arthur B. Cram, Mrs. Norman Creden, Samuel G. Crites, Joe Crocker, Miss Edith E. Crone, Charles E. Croney, William B. Crowder, James L. Crowell, Dr. Bowman Corning Crown, Mrs. Irving Culbertson, James G. Culbertson, Samuel A., II Cullen, Matthew J. Culpepper, Dr. William L. Culver, Charles G. Culver, Sydney K. Cummings, Dr. C. A. Cummings, Mrs. Tilden Cummings, Nathan Cunningham, Robert M. Curda, Frank R. Curry, Rev. James C. Curtis, D. C. Curtis, John G. Cuseaden, Fred A. Cushman, Dr. Beulah Cushman, Robert S. Daemicke, Mrs. Estella Dahl, William G. Dale, Arthur G. Dallwig, P. G. Dalton, Mrs. John W. Daly, James J. Danielson, Reuben G. Danits, Samuel Darby, Raymond J. Darfler, Walter L. Dever, 16l, Se Daspit, Walter David, Sigmund W. Davidson, Donald Davies, Mrs. H. G. Davis, Arthur G. Davis, Mrs. Charles P. Davis, Charles S. Davis, David Davis, Mrs. DeWitt, III Davis, Harry E. Davis, Paul H. Davis, Ralph W. Davis, Roy H. Dawson, John A. DeBruyn, Dr. Peter P. DeCosta, H. J. Dee, Mrs. Orville A. Dee, P. J. Deeming, W. S. Deffenbaugh, Roy R. Degener, August W. Dempsey, John 8S. Dennison, Craig E. DePareg, William H. DePencier, Mrs. Joseph R. Depue, Oscar B. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Derkers, George C. D’Esposito, Joshua DeWitt, E. J. Dick, Mrs. Edison Dickerson, Earl B. Dickerson, Mrs. Fred G. Dickinson, Phil S. Dietz, Carl A. Diggs, Dr. N. Alfred Dillbahner, Frank Dingeldein, Karl A. Dinkelman, Harry Director, Harry J. Dixon, Mrs. Wesley M. Dixson, Mrs. V. B. Dodd, Walter F. Dole, Mrs. Andrew R. Dolke, W. Fred Donahue, Elmer W. Donaldson, Miss Mima L. Donaldson, Richard J. Donberg, Joseph H. Donnelley, Thorne Doolittle, John R. Doroshaw, J. M. Dorpols, Frank L. Dougherty, Mrs. Jean E. Douglas, William C. Dovenmuehle, George H. Dover, S. M. Dowd, Mrs. Frank J. Dowell, Maynard Downey, John J. Downing, Dr. James R. Downs, James C., Jr. Doyle, Miss Alice Drake, Charles R. Drake, G. T. Drake, L. J. Drake, Robert T. Drake, Mrs. Seth C. Draper, Mrs. Walter D. Dressel, Charles L. Dreyfus, Maurice M. Driscoll, Robert Drobny, Mrs. Herman Dry, Meyer Dubiel, Dr. John C. Dubin, Joseph Dubkin, Leonard Dudley, Mrs. Raymond C. Duggan, Charles F. Dulsky, Louis Dunigan, Edward B. Dunkleman, Gabriel Dunlap, George G. Dupee, Mrs. Ralph K. DuVal, Edward R. Duval, Dr. Emile C. Duval, Nathaniel E. Dwyer, J. E. Dyon, Miss Jane Easter, Mrs. Donald W. EKekert, Edward L. Eckhouse, George H. Eddy, Alfred K. Edelstone, Benjamin J. Edgerly, Daniel W. Edquist, ee Bertil Edwards, G Ehrlicher, taetes G. Kichin, Mrs. Charles Eiger, Richard Norris Kirinberg, Robert Eisenberg, David B. EKismann, William Eitel, Emil Kitel, Robert J. Ekman, Stanley V. Elden, Ae 1D). Eldred, Mrs. Harriot W. Elkan, Leo H. Ellerd, Arthur A. Ellington, J. E. Elliott, Dr. Arthur R. Elliott, Mrs. Edwin P. Ellis, Hubert C. Ellis, Will S. Elmer, Miss Nancy T. Emery, Mrs. Fred A. Emery, Robert B. Endicott, George F. Engelhardt, Mrs. Elizabeth Enid, Miss Carolyn Epstein, Mrs. Arnold Erickson, L. Hyland Erikson, Carl A. Eshbaugh, C. Harold Essley, E. Porter Etheredge, Gilbert Kttlinger, A. Eulass, E. A. Eustice, Mrs. Alfred L. Evans, Mrs. Arthur T. Evers, John W., Jr. Eyler, Godfrey J. Fair, Charles L. Fairchild, Edmund Fairman, Miss Marian Faissler, John J. Falls, Dr. F. H. Fantus, Ernest L. Faricy, Mrs. William T. Farnsworth, Mrs. George J. Farrell, Mrs. Ernest H. Farwell, Albert D. Farwell, Mrs. Arthur Feil, Peter V. Feld, Max Fenn, John F. Fensholt, A. H. Ferrara, Salvatore Ferry, Mrs. Frank Fiedler, Stuart O. Field, Mrs. James A. Field, John S. Field, Mrs. Wentworth G. Field, Mrs. William A. Figueira, W. A. Finn, B. L. Finn, Leo P. Finnegan, Thomas J. Fischer, Mrs. Louis E. Fish, Mrs. Sigmund C. Fishburn, Mrs. A. M. Fishlove, Irving H. Fishman, Samuel Fisk, Albert Fitpold, Michael H. Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, Dr. J. E. Flacks, Reuben S. Flavin, Lawrence P. Flesch, Stanley J. Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher, R. F. Fletcher, R. P. Flett, James Floreen, Adolph R. Flores, Dr. Marguerite S. Florsheim, Leonard S. Fogo, Mrs. Hugh M. Foley, Dr. Edmund F. Forth, Milburn L. Fortin, Joseph T. Foster, George P. Foster, Mrs. Kellam Foster, William S. Fouche, Mrs. G. R. Fowler, Mrs. Earle B. Fowler, Edgar C. Fowler, Gordon F. Fowler, Walter E. Franche, Mrs. Darius C., Sr. Franche, Mrs. D. C., III Frank, Augustus J. Frank, Marvin Frank, Raymond W. Frankenberg, Arthur E. Frankenbush, O. E. Frankenstein, Rudolph Franz, Herbert G. Franz, Mrs. John N. Frazee, Seward C. Frederick, Mrs. George B. Frederick, Mrs. Juanita E. Fredrickson, Carl 127 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Fredrickson, J. Simon Freeman, Charles Y., Jr. Freeman, David A. Freeman, Thomas B. Freeto, Clarence E. Fremont, Miss Ruby Freund, Mrs. I. H. Friedberg, Dr. Stanton A. Frieder, Edward Friedeman, Richard F. Fugard, John R. Fuhrer, Max Fuhry, Joseph G. Fuller, Mrs. Eugene White Furedy, Frank Furth, Lee J. Gabel, Walter H. Gage, John N. Galanti, Mrs. Charles P. Gale, Abram Gale, M. J. Galgano, John H. Gallagher, John T. Gallauer, William Gamrath, Elmer H. Gardner, George M. Garrabrant, Monroe F. Garside, Dr. Earl Gatenby, John W., Jr. Gatzert, Mrs. August Gaul, Hermann J., Sr. Gaw, George D. Gaylord, Mrs. Sol H. Genther, Charles B. Geraghty, James K. Geraghty, Mrs. Thomas F. Gettleman, Samuel R. Getz, Oscar Gidwitz, Gerald Giesbert, Mrs. Carl A. Gilbert, Theodore Gilchrist, Mrs. James M. Giles, Dr. Chauncey D. Gill, Joseph L. Gillett, W. N. Gillies, Fred M. Gilman, Mrs. George P. Gilman, James W. Gilroy, John F. Girard, Charles A. Girvin, Ramon B. Giryotas, Dr. Emelia J. Gits, Mrs. Remi J. Glader, Frank J. Gladstone, Myer H. Glaser, James M. R. Glasser, Joshua B. 128 Glenn, Bruce W. Glenn, Robert R. Glick, Edward R. Glick, Louis G. Glover, Chester L. Gluesing, Mrs. C. Edward Godchaux, Leon G. Goes, Otto W. Golden, Mrs. Samuel M. Goldschmidt, M. Goldsmith, Henry M. Goldsmith, Melvin M. Goldstein, Dr. Abraham Goldstein, Mrs. Benjamin F. Goldthorp, Ellsworth Gomberg, Dr. Harry Gonnerman, Mrs. Allan W. Good, Arthur P. Good, Charles E. Goodall, John C. Goodbar, Harry L. Goodhart, Mrs. H. J. Goodman, Ralph L. Goodman, Mrs. William D. Goodrich, Miss Josephine Goodrich, Miss Juliet T. Goodson, Orr Gordon, Edward Gorski, Martin Gott, Philip P. Gourfain, A. S., Jr. Grabbe, Werner H. Graff, Earl H. Graffis, Herbert Grauer, Milton H. Grauer, Dr. Theophil P. Graves, Austin T. Graves, Dr. Robert Elliott Graw, Harry J. Gray, A. S. Gray, Carl Rear: Gray, E. Richmond Green, Mrs. Dwight H. Green, Norman C. Green, Walter H. Greenhouse, Jacob Greenlee, William B. Gregg, John P. Grein, Joseph Gresham, Mrs. Laura E. Grier, Dr. Robert M. Griglik, Casimir Grimes, J. Frank Groble, Edward B. Grochowski, Mrs. G. S. Groebe, Louis G. Groenwald, F. A. Grosberg, Charles Grosse, Richard H. Grove, C. G. Grove, Miss Helen H. Gruendel, Mrs. George H. Gumbinger, Miss Dora Gunnar, Mrs. H. P. Gunther, George E. Gurley, F. G. Gustafson, Rev. David Gustafson, Harry M. Gutgsell, Mrs. Emil J. Guthrie, S. Ashley Haas, Mrs. Caroline M. Hackett, Mrs. Karleton S. Haeger, E. H. Hagey, Harry H., Jr. Hagey, J. F. Haigh, D.S. Haines, Mrs. Charles J. Haines, Mrs. James J. Hajek, Henry F. Hall, Arthur B. Hall, Cameron A. Hall, Clifford F. Hall, Miss Fanny A. Hall, Harry Hall, Louis W. Halligan, W. J. Halperin, Max Halvorsen, Mrs. F. H. Ham, Mrs. Harold Hamill, Dr. Ralph C. Hamill, Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton, Mrs. Gurdon H. Hamm, George A. Hammond, Stevens H. Handtmann, G. E. Hank, Bernard J. Hanley, R. Emmett Hansen, Mrs. Arthur R. Hansen, Helmer Hanses, Edward H. Harding, William H. Hardwicke, Harry Hargrave, Homer P. Hargreaves, Mellor Harman, Dr. Hubert F. Harper, Mrs. Paul V. Harpole, Louis Harrington, Miss Frances Harrington, George Bates Harris, Benjamin R. Harris, Mrs. Maude Dowdell Harris, Mrs. Mortimer B. Harshaw, Myron T. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) HartC..B: Hart, Mrs. G. H. Hart, Mrs. H. G. Hart, Mrs. Harry Hart, Louis E. Hart, Mrs. Maleolm Hartman, Mrs. Irvin H. Hartman, Milton C. Harvey, Byron S. Harvey, Mrs. Harold B. Harvey, James D. Hasbrook, Howard F. Haserodt, E. V. Haskell, Clinton H. Hatfield, W. A. Hathaway, Mrs. Carter H. Hattstaedt, Mrs. John J. Hauck, Clayson J. Hausen, Gerard E. Hauter, Mrs. A. N. Hawes, Hardin H. Hawkes, Joseph B. Hawkinson, Dr. Oscar Hawthorne, Vaughn R. Haywood, Ralph Hazen, Theodore D. Headley, Mrs. Ida M. Heald, Mrs. Henry T. Healy, John J. Heavey, John C. Heckel, Edmund P. Hedly, Arthur H. Hedrich, Mrs. Otto H. Hefner, Adam Heifetz, Samuel Hein, Paul S. Helgason, Arni Henderson, B. E. Henderson, Kenneth M. Henner, Hymen I. Hennessey, William S. Henriksen, H. M. Henry, Sister Mary Herman, Eli Hernandez, Mrs. A. B. Hershenson, Edward Hertz, J. H Hesse, E. E. Hesseltine, Dr. H. Close Hetherington, Mrs. Murray D. Hetreed, Dr. Francis W. Hewes, Howard H. Heyden, Edward B. Heyworth, Mrs. John R. Hibben, Joseph W. Hicks, Joseph W. Hieber, Reynolds Conrad Hill, Mrs. Cyrus G. Hill, Mrs. Elmer C. Hill, Miss Meda A. Hilton, Henry Mark Hilton, Howard H. Hinman, Sherwood V. Hinshaw, Hainer Hipskind, Donald F. Hirsch, Edwin W. Hirsh, Morris Henry Hirtenstein, Robert E. Hitchings, LeRoy K. Hoag, Mrs. Junius C. Hoag, Dr. Walter C. Hoban, Dr. Eugene T. Hobbs, Mrs. J. P. Hobbs, Russell D. Hoben, H. H. Hobson, J. E. Hochfeldt, William F. Hocking, Charles H. Hockman, Miss Miriam L. Hoefer, Max Hoffman, Joseph Hogenson, William Hogsten, Mrs. Yngve Hohenadel, Frank A. Hohman, Dr. Ned U. Hokin, Barney E. Hokin, Samuel E. Holabird, Mrs. Bolter Holabird, William Holeomb, Mrs. R. R. Holgate, H. Nels Holland, Herbert H. Holland, Jesse J. Holland, Milton I. Holleb, A. Paul Hollerbach, Joseph Holloway, J. L. Holzman, Alfred Honor, Herzl W. Hooper, A. F. Hopkins, Dr. M. B. Horton, Mrs. Arthur Horween, Ralph Horwich, Alan H. Horwich, Philip Horwitz, Herbert Horwitz, Irving A. Hottinger, William H., Jr. Hotz, Ferdinand L. Houda, Dr. Leo Hough, William J. House, Woodford W. Howard, Mrs. Edith Sackett Howard, Hubert E. Howe, Roger F. Howell, Mrs. Thomas M. Howell, William C. Hoyt, N. Landon, Jr. Hrdlicka, Miss Bohnmilla Hrdlicka, Mrs. John D. Hubachek, Frank Brookes Hudson, William J. Huettmann, Fred Hughes, Frank W. Huguenor, Lloyd B. Hukar, corse Hull, A.E Hulson, J. W. Humphreys, J. Ross Humphreys, Mrs Robert E Hunnemann, Miss Alma M. Hunt, Mrs. William O. Hurlbut, Miss Elizabeth J. Hurley, G. B. Hurley, Stephen E. Hutchison, Dr. William A. Hutmacher, Ray R. Hutton, Miss Frances Ione Huxley, Henry M. Huxtable, Miss Barbara Leslie Hynes, D. P. Hypes, S. L. Iker, Charles Ingram, Lawrence Ives, R. O. Jackett, C. A. Jackson, Byrne A. Jackson, W. H. Jacky, Fred Jacobs, Nate Jacobs, Mrs. Walter H. Jalkut, Lee D. James, Ralph C. Jameson, A. R. Janda, Joseph J. Janus, Christopher G. Jarratt, Walter J. Jarvis, William B. Jenner, Mrs. Austin Jennings, Ralph C. Jensen, George P. Jewell, Robert W. Job, Dr. Thesle T. Johanigman, S. E. Johnson, Alfred C. Johnson, Mrs. Doris Hurtig Johnson, Edmund G. Johnson, Dr. G. Erman Johnson, Dr. Harvey C. 12g ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Johnson, Julius Johnson, Miss Mayde B. Johnson, Miss Millie C. Johnson, R. C. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, R. W. Johnson, Dr. Torrey M. Johnson, Voyle C. Johnston, A. J. Johnston, Bernard F. Jolls, Thomas H. Jolly, John W. Jones, D. C. Jones, Howard B. Jones, Kent Jones, Owen Barton Jones, Mrs. Walter Clyde Julian, John A. doin, (Os Ge Kahler, William V. Kahn, Mrs. Arthur S. Kahn, Fred S. Kahn, Louis Kahoun, John A. Kamm, Harold J. Kampmeier, August G. Kane, Mrs. Charles E. Kane, Daniel Francis Kanter, Dr. Aaron E. Kaplan, Samuel Karp, Elmer H. Karpen, Leo Karras, Sidney G. Kasbohm, Leonard H. Kaspar, Ray Katz, Miss Jessie Kaufmann, Charles D. Kaumeyer, Mrs. E. A. Kay, Paul Kay, Richard Kearns, Mrs. Jerry J. Keck, Mathew Keeler, Mrs. Edwin R. Keeler, Leonarde Keene, William J. Keeney, Frank P. Keeton, Dr. Robert W. Keim, Melville Keller, I. C. Kelley, Mrs. Phelps Kellogg, Harry E. Kellogg, James G. Kellogg, JohnfPayne Kelly, T. L. Kelly, Mrs. T. L. Kelly, Charles’ Scott Kelsey, L. L. Kendall, G. R. Kennedy, J. G. Keranen, George M. Kerr, Leslie H. 130 Kettles, Alan Kidwell, James E. Kidwell, Richard E. Kiefer, Mrs. Rose M. Kilberry, F. H. Kiley, Dr. Matthew J. Kimball, Mrs. Ralph R. Kimes, Gerald C. King, H. R. King, J. Andrews King, Mrs. John Lord King, Thomas R. King, Willard L. Kingham, J. J. Kipp, Lester E. Kirkman, Robert A. Kirst, Lyman R. Kittner, Ralph D. Klapman, Philip A. Klein, Mrs. A. S. Klein, Dr. David Klemperer, Leo A. Kling, Leopold Kloppenstein, J. D. Knecht, Mrs. T. L. Knight, Dr. Alva A. Knol, Nicholas Knoll, George Knourek, William M. Knowlson, J. 8S Knutson, A. C. Koch, Carl Koenig, Mrs. E. H. Kohlmann, Henry J. Kohn, Henry L. Kohn, Louis A. Kolkmeyer, Ralph W. Kolssak, Louis A. Koltz, George C. Kopinski, Louis Koplin, Mrs. Harry Kort, George Korten, Miss Hattie C. Kosner, Mrs. Jaroslava B. Kotas, Rudolph J. Krafft, Walter A. Krag, Franz K. Kramer, Herman J. Krane, Leonard J. Krasberg, Rudolph Kratsch, Charles Krautter, L. Martin Krawetz, Mrs. John Krez, Leonard O. Krol, Dr. Edward J. Kroll, Harry Kroll, Morris Krotter, Miss Nellie M. Kruggel, Arthur Krumdieck, Leo Krumske, Paul A. Kruse, W. K. Kuehn, Miss Katherine Kuehn, Oswald L. Kuester, Albert J. Kuhnen, Mrs. George H. Kuhns, Mrs. H. B. Lacey, Miss Clara R. Lachman, Harold Laird, Robert S. Lambert, Ronald J. Lancaster, A. Pope Lane, George A. Lane, Howard Lange, A. G. Langert, A. M. Langford, Joseph P. Laramore, Florian E. Large, Judson Larsen, Roy R. Larson, Elis L. Larson, Simon P. Lasch, Charles F. Lasch, Harry Laser, M. T. Lash, Dr. A. F. Latham, Carl Ray Latimer, William L. Lau, Mrs. John Arnold Launder, Ray S. Laven, C. L. Lavieri, Miss Elaine Law, M. A. Lea, Mrs. Theodore E. Leaf, Harry LeBeau, C. A. LeBeau, Mrs. Oscar T. Lederer, Sigmund M. Lee, A. Franklin Lee, Miss Alice Stephana Lee, Arthur K. Lee, John H. Lehman, O. W. Lehmann, Miss Thesy R. Leibrandt, George F. Leonard, Arthur G., Jr. Leonard, Arthur S. Leonard, John D. Lerch, William H. Levin, Louis Levin, Robert E. Levine, William Levine, William D. Levinson, John O. Levitan, Moses Levy, Paul Levy, Paul Lewis, B. F. Lewis, Mrs. Walker O. Lichtenstein, Walter Liebenow, J. Gus Lindeman, John H. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Lindsay, Mrs. Martin Lindsley, A. J. Line, Dr. Eva J. Lingott, Richard H. Linthicum, J. Francis Lipman, Abraham Lippincott, R. R. Lippman, Mrs. William Lipsey, Howard Lipshutz, Joseph Litschgi, Dr. J. J. Livingston, Charles C. Llewellyn, Mrs. K. Lloyd, C. L. Lloyd, Miss Georgia Lloyd, Glen A. Lloyd, William B., Jr. Lochridge, Ben S. Lochridge, W. F. Lock, Gilbert L. Lockefer, Frank V. Lockwood, Lawrence A. Lockwood, Robert R. Loeb, Arthur A Loeb, Mrs. Ernest G. Loebe, David E. Loebe, Edward E. Loevenhart, Edward H. Loewenstein, Richard M. Lofquist, Karl E. Logan, Waldo H. Lome, Philip Loomis, Miss Marie Loomis, W. W. Looney, Charles C. Lopez, Abelardo G. Lopez, Joseph G. Lorance, Mrs. Luther M. Loring, Mrs. Arthur A. Losos, Edward J. Loung, George, Jr. Love, John T. Lovejoy, Mrs. Winfred L. Ludolph, Arthur L. Lund, Harry A. Lundgren, Dr. Albert T. Lung, Miss Carole A. Luning, Mrs. Henry H. Lynch, Mrs. Cora E. Lyon, James L. Lyon, Mrs. Jeneva A. Macdonald, Miss Dorothy MacFarland, Hays Macfarland, Lanning Macfarlane, Mrs. W. E. MacIntyre, Mrs. M. K. Mack, Joseph MackKellar, Dr. John D. Mackenzie, Wentworth Park MacKenzie, William J. Mackie, N. S. MacKiewich, Justin MacLean, Mrs. John A., Jr. MacLean, William P. Maddock, Miss Alice E. Maison, Mrs. L. G. Mall, Arthur W. Manasse, DeWitt J. Manchester, Donald S. Mandeville, Maurice Mangan, R. K. Mannette, Mrs. Russell L. Manning, Frank E. Manning, Frederick W. Manning, Mrs Herbert S. Manning, Dr. Paul D. V. Mansfield, Alfred W. Mansfield, Ralph Manta, Mrs. John L. Manz, George R. Marchant, Miss Lilian Marcus, Abel Marcussen, Miss Esther L. Maremont, Arnold H. Markman, Samuel K. Markoff, William Marks, Dr. Louis M. Markus, Henry A. Marling, Mrs. Franklin, Jr. Marnane, James D. Marquart, Arthur A. Marrs, Dean Marsh, E. S. Marshall, Charles A. Martin, Cecil Martin, Mrs. John Sayre, Jr. Martin, Mrs. Louise C.M. Marx, Archibald B. Mastri, Dr. Aquil Matchett, Hugh M. Mathewson, Lynn L. Mathieu, Auguste Mattes, Harold C. Matthews, Francis E. Matthews, J. H. Mautner, Leo A. Maxwell, Mrs. Augustus K. Maxwell, Lee R. May, Sol Maybrun, Arthur E. Mayer, Edwin W. C. Mayer, Mrs. James Leo Mayer, Richard Maynard, Edwin T. Maynard, Robert W. Maywald, Elmer C. MeAllister, H. J. McArthur, Mrs. S. W. McBride, W. Paul McCaffrey, J. L. McCain, Patrick D. McCaleb, Albert G. McCann, Charles J. McCarty, Miss Ada MeCay: Charles S. McCreery, C. L. McCullough, Robert Osgood McCurdie, N. J. McDaniel, Mrs. Paul H. McDowell, Miss Ada V. McGraw, John F. McGregor, Robert C. McGuire, Simms D. McHenry, Irving McHenry, Roland McKay, Dwight McKay, Miss Mabel McKibbin, Mrs. George B. McLaughlin, A. G. McLaughlin, Mrs. George D. McLaughlin, Dr. James H. McLaurin, John M. McMahon, Miss Nellie G McMaster, A. B. MeMullen, A. W. MeNall, Quinlan J. MeNally, Frederick L. McNamara, Donald McC. McNamara, Robert C. McNulty, James J. McSurely, Mrs. William H. Medberry, Mrs. L. J. Meek, Miss Margaret E. Meers, James D. Meers, Miss Martha Megan, Graydon Mehan, J. H. Mekler, L. A. Mentzer, John P. Merkle, B. J. Merritt, Thomas W. Mertz, Miss Henriette Metcalf, Gordon M. Metecoff, Eli Metzenberg, John B. Meyer, Albert F. Meyer, Mrs. Alfred C. 131 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Meyer, Stanton M. Meyer, Wallace Meyerson, Joel Michaelsen, Christian S. Michalaros, Demetrios Milbrook, A. T. Millard, A. E. Millard, Mrs. E. L. Miller, Amos C. Miller, Dr. C. O. Miller, Charles L. Miller, Claude R. Miller, Mrs. Grace Edwards Miller, Karl B. Miller, M. Glen Miller, W. S. Miller, William H. Milleren, Glenn A. Milles, Leo H. Milliken, J. H. Mills, Ben Mills, Mrs. Herbert S., Jr. Milnor, George S. Mirabella, Mrs. S. F. Miske, Erwin K. Mitchell, Harry L. Mitchell, Mrs. James Herbert Mitchell, Mrs. R. B. Mizen, Frederic Kimball Modene, Oscar F. Mohr, Albert, Jr. Mollendorf, J. D. Molter, Harold Monroe, Walter D. Monsen, Myron T. Moore, Donald F. Moore, Dr. E. M. Moore, Harold A. Moore, Harold T. Moore, Dr. Josiah J. Moore, Kenneth W. Moore, Lucien W. Moore, Oscar L. Moorman, Charles L. Moran, John T. Morgan, Fred C. Morgaridge, K. E. Mork, P. R. Morris, Milton H. Morrow, Mrs. John, Jr. Mossman, John E. Moulder, P. V. Mower, Mrs. Della Moyer, E. J. T. Mudd, Mrs. J. A., Jr. Mudge, Frederick S. Mueller, Mrs. Florian Mueller, Richard 132 Muench, C. G. Muir, Edward G. Mulford, Holbrook Mullady, Walter F. Mulligan, Joseph B. Mullins, Harley W. Munnecke, Mrs. Wilbur C. Munsert, Mrs. Helen W. Munson, Lyle Murchison, T. E. Murphy, J. P. Murphy, P. M. Murphy, Thomas J., Jr. Murray, Dr. Alfred N. Murray, M. W. Murray, William M. Musick, Philip Lee Myers, Harold B. Myers, Milton M. Nacey, Harry M. Naffz, Mrs. L. E. Nafziger, R. L. Nash, R. D. Nath, Bernard Nau, Otto F. Nauman, J. C. Neff, Ward A. Nelson, Charles M. Nelson, Earl W. Nelson, Mrs. Henri E. Ness, J. Stanley Newberger, Ralph Newcomer, Mrs. Paul Newman, Charles H. Newman, Mrs. Jacob Newton, Dr. Roy C. Nichols, Donald E. Nichols, Dr. Harry Nielsen, Thorvald Nilson, Alfred R. Nisen, Charles M. Noble, Guy L. Nolte, Mrs. Charles B. Norris, Mrs. James North, Mrs. F. S. North, Harold F. Norton, G. A. Norton, Harold K. Norton, Thomas L. Notz, Mrs. John K. Novotny, Richard R. Nussear, George 8. Nyhan, Thomas J. Nylander, Dr. Victor T. Oberhelman, Dr. Harry A. Oberne, George S. Mulcahy, Mrs. MichaelF. Mullin, Miss Frances M. O’Brien, M. J. Ochsner, Dr. Edward H. O’Connell, Dr. John S. Ogilvie, Alexander W. T. Ogilvie, Elmer E. O’Hara, Arthur J. O’Hearn, Rev. John J. O’ Keefe, John F. Oleson, Philip H. Olin, Mrs. David Olin, Edward L. Oliver, James P. Oliver, Dr. Marguerite Olsen, Dr. Charles W. Olsen, Harvey W. Olson, Benjamin Franklin Olson, Edward M. Olson, H. Edsall O’Neal, William James O’Neill, Dr. Eugene J. Opeka, Frank M. Oppenheimer, Alvin Orban, Dr. Balint Orschel, Albert K. Osanai, Mrs. Mary M. Osborne, W. Irving, Jr. Ossendorff, Dr. K. W. Ostrander, E. L. Overend, Robert B. Overmyer, Franklin R. Owen, Robert R. Paddock, Forrest G. Palmer, Mrs. Claude Irwin Palmer, Curtis H. Pandaleon, Costa A. Parker, Austin H. Parker, Miss Edith P. Parker, George S. Parks, Burritt A. Parks, Robey Parrott, George H. Parry, Mrs. Norman G. Patch, A. Huntington Patterson, W. A. Patterson, William F. Pauley, Clarence O. Paulus, Mrs. Max G. Payson, Randolph Peabody, Mrs. Stuyvesant Pearce, Charles S. Pearson, Mrs. George Peirce, Mrs. Clarence A. Pencik, Mrs. Miles F. Pendergast, Frank Pendleton, Maurice B. Pennebaker, Elliott H. Pennebaker, John Paul Penner, Louis L. Penner, Samuel ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Peponis, Arthur H. Perin, Reuben L. Perlman, I. B. Perlman, Morris Perlstein, Mrs. Harris Perreault, Earl E. Perry, Arthur C. Person, Dr. Allgot G. Peterkin, Daniel, Jr. Peterson, V. W. Petrie, John Petrie, Morton H. Pettibone, Holman D. Pfaelzer, Mrs. Monroe Pflager, Charles W. Phelps, Erastus R. Phelps, William Henry Phillips, Arno H. Phillips, Mrs. Howard C. Picha, Miss Sylvia M. Picher, William S. Pick, Joseph Richard Pier, H. M. Pillinger, Douglass Pillsbury, Mrs. Charles S. Pirie, Mrs. S. C., Jr. Pitman, Mrs. Harold M. Pitt, A. A. Pletz, S. R. Plimpton, Miss Bonita V. Plotkin, Mrs. Oscar H. Plummer, Daniel C., Jr. Plunkett, Paul M. Poe, Miss Frances Pollock, Mrs. Lewis J. Pond, Mrs. Harold M. Pond, M. C. Pontius, Mrs. G. V. Pope, George J. Pope, Mrs. Henry, Jr. Pope, Mrs. S. Austin Pope, Sidney T. Porter, Dr. George J. Post, Myron H. Potter, Mrs. T. A. Power, John W. Powers, William F. Poyer, Stephen A. Praed, William G. Praeger, Charles H. Pratt, J. H. Preble, Robert C. Preikschat, Ray W. Prentice, J. Rockefeller Press, Robert Preus, J. A. O. Price, Allen H. Price, Mrs. George EF. Price, Griswold A. Price, John C. Priest, MacMillan Prietsch, Miss Mary Jeannette Prince, William Wood Prindle, James H. Pritchard, N. H. Proby, Dr. Edmund A. Prosser, John A. Pruitt, Raymond S. Quackenbush, E. W. Quan, John B. Quisenberry, T. E. Radack, Mrs. Dorothy W. Randall, Frank A. Randolph, Murray Rane, Max R. Ranney, Mrs. George A. Rappold, Samuel R. Rasmussen, Frank Ray, Mrs. Herbert S. Raymond, Mrs. Clifford S. Rayner, Lawrence Rayunec, Miss Ollie Reace, William T. Read, Freeman C. Ready, Charles H. Reed, Mrs. Frank C. Reese, Mrs. C. W. Reilly, Vincent P. Rein, Lester E. Reiser, Miss Irene K. Renholm, Harold A. Renier, Edward P. Renken, Miss Martha Renouf, William ReQua, Mrs. Charles H. Resag, Horace J. Reskin, Charles G. Revelli, Mrs. Yvonne Sohn Reynolds, Mrs. Agnes H. Reynolds, Mrs. Thomas A. Richards, Oron E. Richert, John C. Ricker, Jewett E. Ricks, Ivan Riggs, Mrs. Joseph A. Riggs, Dr. Lloyd K. Riley, John H. Rinaker, Samuel M. Ritter, Miss Lavinia Rix, Bernard J. Robbins, Burr L. Robbins, Mrs. Charles C. Robbins, Laurence B. Roberts, J. K. Roberts, Miss Margaret A. Robertson, Egbert Robertson, Theodore B. Robinson, Miss Nellie Robinson, Sanger P. Robson, Mrs. Oscar Rocca, Mrs. Josephine Roche, Burke B. Roche, Mrs. Donald M. Roche, John Pierre Rochlitz, O. A. Rockhold, Mrs. Charles W. Rockwell, Theodore G. Roden, Car] B. Rodger, John H. Roefer, Henry A. Rogers, Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Miss Martha Jane Rogers, Milton P. Rogers, Thomas W. Roman, B. F. Ronning, Magnus I. Roos, Edwin J. Rootberg, Philip Rosenbaum, Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Ben L. Rosenberg, Mrs. Bernhard Rosenfels, Mrs. Irwin S. Rosenson, Herzl Rosenthal, M. A. Rosenthal, Mrs. N. H. Ross, Earl Ross, Dr. H. M. Ross, Dr. Chester John Ross, Joseph F. Ross, K. B. Ross, Dr. Martin T. Ross, Ralph H. Ross, Mrs. Sophie S. Rosset, Harry Roth, Arthur J. Rothschild, Mrs. Maurice L. Rowley, William A. Roy, Mrs. Rupert C. Rubert, William F. Rugen, Fred A. Ruskin, Mrs. Harry H. Rutherford, M. Drexel Ryan, Arnold W. Ryan, Mrs. Lawrence J. Ryerson, Mrs. Anthony M. Ryser, Adolph Saalfeld, Harry H. Sabin, Eben T. Sager, Mrs. S. Norman Saladin, Harry J. 133 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Salberg, Emil B. Salk, Miss Betsy Ruth Sallemi, James V. Salomon, Ira Salomon, William E. Saltarelli, Dr. Gabriel Saltiel, Dr. Thomas P. Salzman, Philip H. Sampsell, Mrs. Joseph C. Samuels, Benjamin Sanborn, Mrs. V. C. Sandberg, Harry S. Sandberg, John V. Sandel, Mrs. Clara Sando, E. E. Sandrok, Edward G. Sandvold, Mrs. W. C. Sang, Philip D. Sapp, Warren H.., Jr. Sauerman, John A. Saunders, Thomas W. Sayers, Mrs. A. J. Sayre, Dr. Loren D. Scalbom, O. Trumbull Scalbom, Oscar L. Scanlan, Thomas P. Scarborough, Mrs. Henry Schaar, B. E. Schaffner, Arthur B. Schaffner, Miss Marion Schalla, Ralph W. Scheinfeld, Aaron Schelly, Mrs. Herbert S. Schenker, Ben W. Scheuber, Alphons J. Schiff, Max Schiller, Dr. A. L. Schiltz, M. A. Schipfer, Dr. L. A. Schlatter, Miss Nina E. Schlossberg, Mrs. Harry Schlossberg, Max Schlossman, Norman J. Schmidt, George A. Schmidt, Mrs. Siegfried G. Schmus, Elmer E. Schneider, Benjamin B. Schnering, Robert B. Schnur, Joseph M. Schnute, Dr. William J. Schobinger, Miss Elsie Schoeneberger, Charles A. Scholl, Bertha M. Schott, Harold C. Schottenhamel, Mrs. Max P. Schuetz, Ralph E. Schulz, George H. Schulze, Paul Schuman, J. R. Schureman, Jean L. 134 Schuttler, Mrs. Peter Schuyler, L. H. Schwab, Laurence E. Schwab, Raymond J. Schwab, Dr. Walford A. Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Milton H. Schwartz, Selwyn S. Schweitzer, E. O. Schwemm, Earl M. Sciaky, Mario M. Scofield, Clarence P. Scott, Mrs. Cortlandt N. Scott, Frederick H. Scott, George A. H. Scudder, Mrs. Barrett Seaberg, Edward R. Searles, Donald K. Seaverns, George A., Jr. Secord, Burton F. Seder, A. R. Segal, Myron M. Segal, Victor Segil, Harold T. Selby, J. F. Selfridge, Calvin F. Selig, Lester N. Sellers, Paul A. Selz, A. K. Senear, Dr. F. E. Sexton, Mrs. Thomas G. Shapiro, Joseph R. Shaw, John I. Shay, Grant F. Shedd, Mrs. Charles C. Sheffer, K. A. Shennan, A. G. Shepard, Robert Philip Sheridan, Leo J. Sherman, H. C. Shirk, Miss Lydia E. Shlopack, Wallace B. Shrader, Frank K. Shroyer, Maleolm E. Shuflitowski, Joseph T. Sibley, Joseph C., Jr. Sieger, Joseph F. Sillani, Mrs. Mabel W. Silverman, Harry Silverstein, Milton Sima, Dr. Charles A. Simmons, William P. Simpson, Bruce L. Singer, William A. Sinnerud, Dr. O. P. Slamin, Henry A. Slasor, Floyd Sloan, William F. Smaha, O. O. Smalley, B. L. Smalley, Dr. Charles Smart, David A. Smerz, E. J. Smick, Robert W. Smith, Mrs. G. O. Smith, George W. Smith, Dr. H. Reginald Smith, H.S. Smith, Harold A. Smith, Harry E., Jr. Smith, John F., Jr. Smith, Joseph Herbert Smith, Monroe A., Jr. Smith, Reynold S. Smith, Robert C. Snider, Dr. S. Sinclair Snydacker, Mrs. E. F. Sola, Joseph G. Sollitt, Mrs. Ralph T. Sollitt, Sumner S. Somes, J. J. Sonne, Mrs. Fred T. Sonnenschein, Mrs. ward Sorley, Dr. Milford S. Soukup, Mrs. Raymond J. Speed, Dr. Kellogg Spencer, Arthur T. Sperry, Mrs. Albert F. Spiegel, Miss Katherine J. Spiegel, Mrs. Philip Spielmann, Willson Spiess, Carlos A. Spieth, Mrs. Angeline Spitz, M. W. Spivack, Dr. Julius L. Springsguth, Robert C. Staffelbach, Earl T. Stahl, Felix B. Stanbery, J. N. Stanton, Mrs. John W. Stanton, Lyman A. Starrett, Miss Carolyn J. Starshak, A. L. Stathass Bake Steffen, Charles Steffey, D. Earl Steger, Miss Josephine Stein, Mrs. Henry L. Stein, Mrs. S. Sidney Steins, Mrs. Halsey Steinwedell, William Stemm, R. Edward Stensgaard, W. L. Stephens, Miss Laura G. Stern, David B., Jr. Stern, Herbert L. Stern, Herbert L., Jr. Stern, Jacob S. Steuer, Mrs. Joseph True Stevens, Miss Charlotte M. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Stevens, Mrs. R. St. John Stevenson, Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson, Miss Lillian Stevers, Martin D. Stewart, E. E. Stewart, George R. Stibgen, Geary V. Stifler, Mrs. J. M. Stiles, J. F., Jr. Stoehr, Kurt Stoetzel, Herbert W. Stoffels, Oscar A. Stokes, Mrs. Edward J. Stolle, Arthur E. Stone, Dr. F. Lee Stone, Mrs. John Sheppard Stone, Saul Storkan, Mrs. James Stormont, Dr. D. L. Storms, North Stout, Frederick E. Straka, Frank B. Stransky, Franklin J. Stratton, Mrs. E. W. Stratton, Paul Stratton, Robert C. Straus, Harry C. Straus, Mrs. Robert E. Stresenreuter, Mrs. Charles H. Stresen-Reuter, Frederick A. Strodel, F. A. Strohmeier, Dr. Otto E. Strong, Joseph L. Strong, M. D. Stuart, Robert K. Stuart, William M. Stude, Henry Stumes, Charles B. Sturla, Harry L. Sudler, Carroll H., Jr. Sullivan, Joseph P. Suyker, Hector Swift, T. Philip Switzer, Mrs. James W. Symes, J. M. Symmes, William H. Symonds, Merrill Tadrowski, Anton J. Talbot, Mrs Eugene S., Jr. Tannenbaum, Dr. Karl H Tarlow, Dr. Lillian S. Tarnopol, Emil Tarrson, Albert J. Tartak, Paul H. Tatge, Paul W. Tatman, James H. Taussig, Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor, Fitzhugh Taylor, George H. Taylor, Mrs. Samuel G. Tegarden, J. E. Teich, Mrs. Ernest A. Temps, Leupold Teninga, Alfred J. Tenney, Henry F. Theiss, Otto H. Thomas, Mrs. John W., Sr. Thomas, Lee B. Thompson, Mrs. G. F. Thompson, Dr Willard O. Thorek, Dr. Philip Thoren, Mrs. J. N. Thorne, Mrs. Gordon C Thorson, Reuben Throop, Mrs. George Enos Thurrott, J. Angus Tichy, Dr. Elsie M. Tighe, Thomas Timmings, G. H. Timpson, Mrs. T. William Tippens, Mrs. Albert H. Todd, A Tomhave, Mrs. William H. Tonk, Percy A. Toomin, Philip R. Topaz, Martin Toren, E. Clifford Torrence, George P. Towne, Claude Towner, Mrs. Frank H. Townley, Mrs. Paula H. Townley, W. Fred Townsend, Hubert F. Traver, George W. Traynor, William B. Traynor, William Knowlton Tregenza, A. E. Trier, Robert Troeger, Louis P. Trumbull, Mrs. Charles L. Trumbull, Robert F. Trumbull, William M. Tucker, J. C. Turnbull, Mrs. George C. Turner, Mrs. Christopher F. Turner, G. H. Turner, Dr. Herbert A. Tuteur, Charles Tuteur, Irving M. Tyrrell, Miss Frances Ullmann, S. E. Unwin, Mrs. Parkinson Urban, Andrew Ursin, "Mrs. Ben E. Utley, Mrs. Clifton M. Valentine, Andrew L. VanBuskirk, M. G. VanDahm, Peter Van Deventer, William E. VanHagen, Mrs. George E. VanNice, Errett VanSchaick, Mrs. Ethel R. Varel, Mrs. C. D. Varty, Leo G. Vastine, Lee B. Velde, James A. Velvel, Charles Vilsoet, William Vincent, James L. Vineyard, Philip W. Vloedman, Dr. D. A. Vogel, James B. Vogt, Earle E. Voltz, D. H. vonPerbandt, Mrs. Louis Vose, Mrs. Frederic P. Wach, Dr. Edward C. Wacker, Fred G. Wade, Glenn D. Wadler, Milton Arnold Wagner, Richard Wahl, Herman L. Wain, Mrs. Philip H.° Waite, Roy E. Walcher, Alfred Waldeck, Herman Waldstein, Herman S. Walker, Dr. Alfred O. Walker, Wendell Wallace, Charles Ross Wallace, George H. Wallenstein, Sidney Waller, William, Jr. Wallgren, Eric M. Walsh, Donald J. Walsh, Dr. Eugene L. Walters, Gary G. Walz, John W. Wanzer, Howard H. Wardwell, H. F. Ware, John Angus Ware, Mrs. Robert R. Ware, Willis C. Warner, Ernest N. Warner, Mason LSS ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Warren, L. Parsons Warren, Patrick Warren, William G. Washburn, Dr. Kenneth C. Wasserman, Hy Wasson, Theron Waterhouse, Paul G. Watkins, Frank A. Watkins, Frederick A. Watkins, Mrs. Richard W. Watling, John Watt, Herbert J. Way, Mrs. Henry J. Weary, Allen M. Weaver, Sheldon A. Weber, James E. Webster, A. Webster, James Webster, Maurice Webster, N. C. Weeks, Miss Dorothy Weidert, William C. Weil, Mrs. Benjamin Weil, David M. Weiner, Charles Weiner, George H. Weinress, Morton Weinress, S. J. Weiser, Frederick S. Weismantel, Miss Theresa A. Weiss, Alexander Weiss, Louis A. Weissenborn, Leo Julius Weitzel, Carl J. Welch, R. T. Welch, W. M. Wells, Charles C. Wells, F. Harris Wescott, Dr. Virgil West, Alfred C. West, James D. West, Mrs. Mary Lavelle West, Dr. Olin Westerlin, Mrs. J. M. Wetmore, Horace O. Wexler, Mrs. Jerrold Wezeman, Frederick H. Wheeler, Mrs. Seymour Wheelock, Miss Ellen P. Aagard, Walter S. Alrutz, Dr. Louis F. Berger, E. M. Blake, Mrs. Freeman K. Channon, Carl 136 Whipple, Mrs. Jay N. Whipple, Miss Velma D. Whiston, Frank M. Whitaker, James E. White, Mrs. Harold R. White, William J. Whitelock, John B. Whitnell, Mrs. William W. Whitney, Mrs. Charles R. Whitney, Emerson C. Whyte, W. J. Wible, R. R. Wick, William D. Wickersham, Mrs. Lucille Wickland, Algot A. Wickman, C. E. Wigdahl, Edward H. Wilbur, Lawrence S. Wilby, A. C. Wilcox, Edward B. Wilcox, Mrs. Harold C. Wilcox, Howard A. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Arthur L. Wilds, John L. Wiley, Mrs. Edwin G. Wilhelm, Mrs. Frank E. Wilkinson, William D. Willard, Mrs. Charles H. Willard, Nelson W. Williams, Albert W. Williams, Mrs. Allan C., Jr. Williams, Harry W. Williams, Lawrence Williams, Ralph E. Williams, Thomas L. Willingham, G. J. Wilson, Arlen J. Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wilson, H. Fred Wilson, Holmes Wilson, Percival C. Wilson, Miss S. Edna Wing, Wallace E. Winsberg, Herbert H. Winsberg, Leo Winsberg, Samuel DECEASED, 1947 Christensen, Dr. Henry C. Clark, Robert H. Davis, Mrs. F. Ben Freund, Erwin O. Winston, Mrs. Farwell Winterbotham, John R. Wise, Herman Wise, James E. Wiseman, William P. Witkowsky, James Wolf, Morris E. Wolff, Frank C. Wolff, Oscar M. Woltersdorf, Arthur F. Wood, Miss Aileen Wood, Edward W. Wood, F. Upton Wood, John W. Wood, Kenneth H. Wood, Milton G. Wood, Rev. Walter S. Woodson, William T. Woodward, Arthur H. Woodyatt, Dr. Rollin Turner Woolard, Francis C. Woolf, S. Roger Woollard, Ernest V. Worthy, Mrs. James C. Woulfe, Henry F. Wright, William Ryer Wright, Mrs. R. G. Wrisley, George A. Wrisley, L. Norton Yanofsky, Dr. Hyman Yates, John E. Yates, William H. Young, C.S. Youngberg, Arthur C. Youngren, W. W. Youngsma, T. S. Zadek, Milton Zahn, Louis Zaleski, Boleslaw Zangerle, A. Arthur Zelzer, Harry Zillman, Mrs. L. C. Zimmerman, Austin M. Zimmermann, Mrs. P. T. Zipse, Edwin W. Zischke, Herman Zitzewitz, Elmer K. Zolla, Abner M. Zusser, Maurice M. Graves, Mrs. Marie J. Harrold, James P. Hokin, Mrs. David E. Jewett, George F. Kraemer, Leo Matheny, Willard R. Miller, Edward L. Moore, Mrs. Agnes C. Murphy, Henry C. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) DECEASED, 1947 (Continued) Prescott, Morton S. Regensburg, James Schwab, Martin C. Strauch, Dr. August Turner, Frederick W. Warr, Harold G. Webster, Harry C. Werth, A. Herman Wood, Harvey E. 137 Articles of Incorporation STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF STATE WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, Secretary of State To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: Whereas, a Certificate duly signed and acknowledged having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 16th day of September, A.D. 1893, for the organization of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO, under and in accordance with the provisions of “‘An Act Concerning Corporations,” approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached. Now, therefore, I, William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 16th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. W. H. HINRICHSEN, [SEAL] Secretary of State. TO HON. WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: SIR: We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, propose to form a cor- poration under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “‘An Act Concerning Corporations,”’ approved April 18, 1872, and all acts amenda- tory thereof; and that for the purposes of such organization we hereby state as follows, to-wit: 1. The name of such corporation is the “COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO.” 2. The object for which it is formed is for the accumulation and dissemi- nation of knowledge, and the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating Art, Archaeology, Science and History. 3. The management of the aforesaid museum shall be vested in a Board of FIFTEEN (15) TRUSTEES, five of whom are to be elected every year. 4. The following named persons are hereby selected as the Trustees for the first year of its corporate existence: Edward E. Ayer, Charles B. Farwell, George E. Adams, George R. Davis, Charles L. Hutchinson, Daniel H. Burnham, John A. Roche, M. C. Bullock, Emil G. Hirsch, James W. Ellsworth, Allison V. Armour, O. F. Aldis, Edwin Walker, John C. Black and Frank W. Gunsaulus. 5. The location of the Museum is in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois. (Signed) George E. Adams, C. B. Farwell, Sidney C. Eastman, F. W. Putnam, Robert McCurdy, Andrew Peterson, L. J. Gage, Charles L. Hutchinson, Ebenezer 138 Buckingham, Andrew McNally, Edward E. Ayer, John M. Clark, Herman H. Kohlsaat, George Schneider, Henry H. Getty, William R. Harper, Franklin H. Head, E. G. Keith, J. Irving Pearce, Azel F. Hatch, Henry Wade Rogers, Thomas B. Bryan, L. Z. Leiter, A. C. Bartlett, A. A. Sprague, A. C. McClurg, James W. Scott, Geo. F. Bissell, John R. Walsh, Chas. Fitzsimmons, John A. Roche, E. B. McCagg, Owen F. Aldis, Ferdinand W. Peck, James H. Dole, Joseph Stockton, Edward B. Butler, John McConnell, R. A. Waller, H. C. Chatfield-Taylor, A. Crawford, Wm. Sooy Smith, P. S. Peterson, John C. Black, Jno. J. Mitchell, C. F. Gunther, George R. Davis, Stephen A. Forbes, Robert W. Patterson, Jr., M. C. Bullock, Edwin Walker, George M. Pullman, William E. Curtis, James W. Ellsworth, William E. Hale, Wm. T. Baker, Martin A. Ryerson, Huntington W. Jackson, N. B. Ream, Norman Williams, Melville E. Stone, Bryan Lathrop, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Philip D. Armour. STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. Cook CouNTy } I, G. R. MITCHELL, a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing petitioners personally appeared before me and acknowl- edged severally that they signed the foregoing petition as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 14th day of September, 1893. G. R. MITCHELL, [SEAL] NOTARY PUBLIC, COOK COUNTY, ILL. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 25th day of June, 1894, the name of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. A eertificate to this effect was filed June 26, 1894, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 8th day of November, 1905, the name of the FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. A certificate to this effect was filed November 10, 1905, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 3 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 10th day of May, 1920, the management of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY shall be invested in a Board of TWENTY-ONE (21) TRUSTEES, who shall be elected in such manner and for such time and term of office as may be provided for by the By-Laws. A certificate to this effect was filed May 21, 1920, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 15th day of November, 1943, the name of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY was changed to CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. A certificate to this effect was filed November 238, 1943, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. 139, Amended By-Laws DECEMBER, 1945 ARTICLE I MEMBERS SECTION 1. Members shall be of twelve classes, Corporate Members, Hon- orary Members, Patrons, Corresponding Members, Benefactors, Contributors, Life Members, Non-Resident Life Members, Associate Members, Non-Resident Associate Members, Sustaining Members, and Annual Members. SECTION 2. The Corporate Members shall consist of the persons named in the articles of incorporation, and of such other persons as shall be chosen from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, upon the recom- mendation of the Executive Committee; provided, that such person named in the articles of incorporation shall, within ninety days from the adoption of these By-Laws, and persons hereafter chosen as Corporate Members shall, within ninety days of their election, pay into the treasury the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) or more. Corporate Members becoming Life Members, Patrons or Honorary Members shall be exempt from dues. Annual meetings of said Corporate Members shall be held at the same place and on the same day that the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees is held. SECTION 8. Honorary Members shall be chosen by the Board from among persons who have rendered eminent service to science, and only upon unanimous nomination of the Executive Committee. They shall be exempt from all dues. SECTION 4. Patrons shall be chosen by the Board upon recommendation of the Executive Committee from among persons who have rendered eminent ser- vice to the Museum. They shall be exempt from all dues, and, by virtue of their election as Patrons, shall also be Corporate Members. SECTION 5. Any person contributing or devising the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in cash, or securities, or property to the funds of the Museum, may be elected a Benefactor of the Museum. SECTION 6. Corresponding Members shall be chosen by the Board from among scientists or patrons of science residing in foreign countries, who render important service to the Museum. They shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings. They shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 7. Any person contributing to the Museum One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or more in cash, securities, or material, may be elected a Contributor of the Museum. Contributors shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 8. Any person paying into the treasury the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Life Member. Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to mem- bers of the Board of Trustees. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Life Member. Non-Resident Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to members of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 9. Any person paying into the treasury of the Museum the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the vote of the Board, 140 db ecome an Associate Member. Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall be entitled to tickets admitting Member and members of family, includ- ing non-resident home guests; all publications of the Museum issued during the period of their membership, if so desired; reserved seats for all lectures and enter- tainments under the auspices of the Museum, provided reservation is requested in advance; and admission of holder of membership and accompanying party to all special exhibits and Museum functions day or evening. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Associate Member. Non-Resident Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to Associate Members. SECTION 10. Sustaining Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), payable within thirty days after notice of election and within thirty days after each recurring annual date. This Sustaining Membership entitles the Member to free admission for the Mem- ber and family to the Museum on any day, the Annual Report and such other Museum documents or publications issued during the period of their membership as may be requested in writing. When a Sustaining Member has paid the annual fee of $25.00 for six years, such Member shall be entitled to become an Associate Member. SECTION 11. Annual Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00), payable within thirty days after each recurring annual date. An Annual Membership shall entitle the Member to a card of admission for the Member and family during all hours when the Museum is open to the public, and free admission for the Member and family to all Museum lectures and entertainments. This membership will also entitle the holder to the courtesies of the membership privileges of every museum of note in the United States and Canada, so long as the existing system of co-operative interchange of membership tickets shall be maintained, including tickets for any lectures given under the auspices of any of the museums during a visit to the cities in which the co-operative museums are located. SECTION 12. All membership fees, excepting Sustaining and Annual, shall hereafter be applied to a permanent Membership Endowment Fund, the interest only of which shall be applied for the use of the Museum as the Board of Trustees may order. ARTICLE II BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall consist of twenty-one members. The respective members of the Board now in office, and those who shall here- after be elected, shall hold office during life. Vacancies occurring in the Board shall be filled at a regular meeting of the Board, upon the nomination of the Executive Committee made at a preceding regular meeting of the Board, by a majority vote of the members of the Board present. SECTION 2. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the third Mon- day of the month. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, and shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of three Trustees. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum, except for the election of officers or the adoption of the Annual Budget, when seven Trustees shall be required, but meet- ings may be adjourned by any less number from day to day, or to a day fixed, previous to the next regular meeting. SECTION 8. Reasonable written notice, designating the time and place of holding meetings, shall be given by the Secretary. ARTICLE III HONORARY TRUSTEES SECTION 1. As a mark of respect, and in appreciation of services performed for the Institution, any Trustee who by reason of inability, on account of change 141 of residence, or for other cause or from indisposition to serve longer in such capa- city shall resign his place upon the Board, may be elected, by a majority of those present at any regular meeting of the Board, an Honorary Trustee for life. Such Honorary Trustee will receive notice of all meetings of the Board of Trustees, whether regular or special, and will be expected to be present at all such meetings and participate in the deliberations thereof, but an Honorary Trustee shall not have the right to vote. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS SECTION 1. The officers shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Third Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be chosen by ballot by the Board of Trustees, a majority of those present and voting being necessary to elect. The President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, and the Third Vice-President shall be chosen from among the members of the Board of Trustees. The meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the third Monday of January of each year, and shall be called the Annual Meeting. SECTION 2. The officers shall hold office for one year, or until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified, but any officer may be removed at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Board. Vacancies in any office may be filled by the Board at any meeting. SECTION 8. The officers shall perform such duties as ordinarily appertain to their respective offices, and such as shall be prescribed by the By-Laws, or designated from time to time by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE V THE TREASURER SECTION 1. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Corpora- tion, except as hereinafter provided. He shall make disbursements only upon warrants, signed by such officer, or officers, or other persons as the Board of Trustees may from time to time designate. SECTION 2. The securities and muniments of title belonging to the cor- poration shall be placed in the custody of some Trust Company of Chicago to be designated by the Board of Trustees, which Trust Company shall collect the income and principal of said securities as the same become due, and pay same to the Treasurer, except as hereinafter provided. Said Trust Company shall allow access to and deliver any or all securities or muniments of title to the joint order of the following officers, namely: the President or one of the Vice- Presidents, jointly with the Chairman, or one of the Vice-Chairmen, of the Finance Committee of the Museum. The President or any one of the Vice-Presidents, jointly with either the Chairman or any one of the other members of the Finance Committee, are authorized and empowered (a) to sell, assign and transfer as a whole or in part the securities owned by or registered in the name of the Chicago Natural History Museum, and, for that purpose, to endorse certificates in blank or to a named person, appoint one or more attorneys, and execute such other instru- ments as may be necessary, and (b) to cause any securities belonging to this Corpo- ration now, or acquired in the future, to be held or registered in the name or names of a nominee or nominees designated by them. SECTION 3. The Treasurer shall give bond in such amount, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 4. The Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago shall be Cus- todian of ‘‘The N. W. Harris Public School Extension of the Chicago Natural History Museum” fund. The bank shall make disbursements only upon warrants drawn by the Director and countersigned by the President. In the absence or inability of the Director, warrants may be signed by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and in the absence or inability of the President, may be countersigned by one of the Vice-Presidents, or any member of the Finance Committee. 142 ARTICLE VI THE DIRECTOR SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall elect a Director of the Museum, who shall remain in office until his successor shall be elected. He shall have im- mediate charge and supervision of the Museum, and shall control the operations of the Institution, subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees and its Com- mittees. The Director shall be the official medium of communication between the Board, or its Committees, and the scientific staff and maintenance force. SECTION 2. There shall be four scientific Departments of the Museum— Anthropology, Botany, Geology, and Zoology—each under the charge of a Chief Curator, subject to the authority of the Director. The Chief Curators shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Director, and shall serve during the pleasure of the Board. Subordinate staff officers in the scientific Depart- ments shall be appointed and removed by the Director upon the recommendation of the Chief Curators of the respective Departments. The Director shall have authority to employ and remove all other employees of the Museum. SECTION 8. The Director shall make report to the Board at each regular meeting, recounting the operations of the Museum for the previous month. At the Annual Meeting, the Director shall make an Annual Report, reviewing the work for the previous year, which Annual Report shall be published in pamphlet form for the information of the Trustees and Members, and for free distribution in such number as the Board may direct. ARTICLE VII THE AUDITOR SECTION 1. The Board shall appoint an Auditor, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall keep proper books of account, setting forth the financial condition and transactions of the Corporation, and of the Museum, and report thereon at each regular meeting, and at such other times as may be required by the Board. He shall certify to the correctness of all bills rendered for the expenditure of the money of the Corporation. ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES € SECTION 1. There shall be five Committees, as follows: Finance, Building, Auditing, Pension, and Executive. SECTION 2. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than five or more than seven members, the Auditing and Pension Committees shall each consist of three members, and the Building Committee shall consist of five members. All members of these four Committees shall be elected by ballot by the Board at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold office for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. In electing the members of these Committees, the Board shall designate the Chairman and Vice-Chairman by the order in which the mem- bers are named in the respective Committee; the first member named shall be Chairman, the second named the Vice-Chairman, and the third named, Second Vice-Chairman, succession to the Chairmanship being in this order in the event of the absence or disability of the Chairman. SECTION 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Building Committee, the Chairman of the Auditing Committee, the Chairman of the Pension Committee, and three other members of the Board to be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting. SECTION 4. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Com- mittee, and in all standing Committees two members shall constitute a quorum. In the event that, owing to the absence or inability of members, a quorum of the regularly elected members cannot be present at any meeting of any Com- mittee, then the Chairman thereof, or his successor, as herein provided, may summon any members of the Board of Trustees to act in place of the absentee. 143 SECTION 5. The Finance Committee shall have supervision of investing the endowment and other funds of the Corporation, and the care of such real estate as may become its property. It shall have authority to make and alter investments from time to time, reporting its actions to the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee is fully authorized to cause any funds or investments of the Corpora- tion to be made payable to bearer, and it is further authorized to cause real estate of the Corporation, its funds and investments, to be held or registered in the name of a nominee selected by it. SECTION 6. The Building Committee shall have supervision of the con- struction, reconstruction, and extension of any and all buildings used for Museum purposes. SECTION 7. The Executive Committee shall be called together from time to time as the Chairman may consider necessary, or as he may be requested to do by three members of the Committee, to act upon such matters affecting the administration of the Museum as cannot await consideration at the Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board of Trustees. It shall, before the beginning of each fiscal year, prepare and submit to the Board an itemized Budget, setting forth the probable receipts from all sources for the ensuing year, and make recom- mendations as to the expenditures which should be made for routine maintenance and fixed charges. Upon the adoption of the Budget by the Board, the expendi- tures stated are authorized. SECTION 8. The Auditing Committee shall have supervision over all account- ing and bookkeeping, and full control of the financial records. It shall cause the same, once each year, or oftener, to be examined by an expert individual or firm, and shall transmit the report of such expert individual or firm to the Board at the next ensuing regular meeting after such examination shall have taken place. SECTION 9. The Pension Committee shall determine by such means and processes as shall be established by the Board of Trustees to whom and in what amount the Pension Fund shall be distributed. These determinations or findings shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 10. The Chairman of each Committee shall report the acts and proceedings thereof at the next ensuing regular meeting of the Board. SECTION 11. The President shall be ex-officio a member of all Committees and Chairman of the Executive Committee. Vacancies occurring in any Com- mittee may be filled by ballot at any regular meeting of the Board. ARTICLE IX NOMINATING COMMITTEE SECTION 1. At the November meeting of the Board each year, a Nomi- nating Committee of three shall be chosen by lot. Said Committee shall make nominations for membership of the Finance Committee, the Building Committee, the Auditing Committee, and the Pension Committee, and for three members of the Executive Committee, from among the Trustees, to be submitted at the ensuing December meeting and voted upon at the following Annual Meeting in January. ARTICLE X SECTION 1. Whenever the word ‘‘Museum”’ is employed in the By-Laws of the Corporation, it shall be taken to mean the building in which the Museum as an Institution is located and operated, the material exhibited, the material in study collections, or in storage, furniture, fixtures, cases, tools, records, books, and all appurtenances of the Institution and the workings, researches, installa- tions, expenditures, field work, laboratories, library, publications, lecture courses, and all scientific and maintenance activities. SECTION 2. The By-Laws, and likewise the Articles of Incorporation, may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote in favor thereof of not less than two-thirds of all the members present, provided the amendment shall have been proposed at a preceding regular meeting. 144 | le — “Aci ? F. A-8 -_ - v4 ‘ye &, 0 fon nas eo Os cy a roel | } Li 4 ‘ 5 [4 \ } w | \ | { es 4 ‘ a2 i i PH hie | = . ip 1 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT 1948 FP aie eatidtesinlvelialiid a re ME Pia Anh OF AMER Cg, . seus ® hy 4 9 1049 rg CAN : . ma di ma TYOLOGY LIBRES LY eee ee ROT Ln Chicago Natural Flistory Museum DuBois-Drake Studio BOARDMAN CONOVER Research Associate, Division of Birds Member of the Board of Trustees The final parts of “Catalogue of Birds of the Americas,” publication of which was begun in 1918, were completed by Mr. Conover and were ready for the press late in 1948. ele NGOeNATURAL HistORY MUSEUM Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees for the year 1948 CHICAGO? TEAIN@IS JANUARY 1949 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Contents FORMER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES . FORMER OFFICERS . OFFICERS, TRUSTEES, AND COMMITTEES, 1948 . LIST OF STAFF, 1948 . REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Membership James Nelson and Anne Louise Raamond cmogndation . N. W. Harris Public School Extension . Department of Anthropology . Department of Botany . Department of Geology Department of Zoology Library. . Photography al Meereacion Motion Pictures . Publications and Evite, Public Relations ; Maintenance, (Gonetruction; and Raginesring Financial Statements Attendance and Door Receipts Accessions, 1948 MEMBERS OF THE MUSEUM . Benefactors . Honorary Members Patrons Corresponding Members Contributors : Corporate Members . Life Members . Non-Resident Life Meombers Associate Members ; Non-Resident Associate Members : Sustaining Members . Annual Members ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AMENDED By-LAws PAGE 10 et 12 13 19 20 22 26 32 4] 46 52 61 64 65 66 80 82 84 85 86 99 99 99 99 » LOO ~ LOO 5 Ion OZ . 103 . 103 >» LIU > ile) > LIS) . 132 . 134 ax | oe : 2 am : ir Illustrations Boardman Conover, Trustee and Research Associate West Entrance of Chicago Natural History Museum Chicago Natural History Museum Raymond Foundation Tour for School Children Portable Exhibits, N. W. Harris Public School Extension Donald Richards, Research Associate . Three Circle Red-on-White Pottery Bowl Hallmarks (Enlarged) on Silver Gorget Diorama of Ancient Chichén Itza “Dating Layers by Position”’ Headdress of Vaupés Indians Hall of Plant Life. Western Larch . South American Corn . Examining Invertebrate Fossils Crystals of Manganosiderite Wyoming Paleontological Expedition, 1948 African Chameleons “Family Tree of Living Mammals” . Model of Anopheles Mosquito Stackroom, General Library . Zonal Map of Soil Groups . Art Students in Museum Class in Vertebrate Paleontology . Rock-Cutting Saw “Birds as Solar Machines” Cuban Botanical Field Trip, 1948. PAGE FRONTISPIECE 9 5 lis) 36, 58, " a i a mS 1 ' j LS 1 BG Ss Se Sees Chicago Natural FItstory Museum, formerly Field Museum of Natural Fitstory, faces Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive. The west entrance leads into The James Simpson Theatre. Flundreds of 4-FL Club delegates from all parts of the world are assembling for a program in the Theatre during their annual meeting in Chicago. Former Members of the GEORGE E. ADAMS,* 1898-1917 OwEN F. ALDIS,* 18938-1898 ALLISON V. ARMOUR,* 1893-1894 EDWARD E. AYER,* 1893-1927 JOHN C. BLACK,* 1893-1894 M. C. BULLOCK,* 1893-1894 DANIEL H. BURNHAM,* 18938-1894 GEORGE R. DAVIS,* 18938-1899 JAMES W. ELLSWORTH,* 18938-1894 CHARLES B. FARWELL,* 1893-1894 FRANK W. GUNSAULUS,* 1893-1894, 1918-1921 EMIL G. HIRSCH,* 1898-1894 CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,* 1893-1894 JOHN A. ROCHE,* 18938-1894 MARTIN A. RYERSON,* 18938-1932 EDWIN WALKER,* 1893-1910 WATSON F. BLAIR,* 1894-1928 WILLIAM J. CHALMERS,* 1894-1938 HARLOW N. HIGINBOTHAM,* 1894-1919 HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON,* 1894-1900 ARTHUR B. JONES,* 1894-1927 GEORGE MANIERRE,* 1894-1924 Cyrus H. McCormick,* 1894-1936 NORMAN B. REAM,* 1894-1910 Board of Trustees NORMAN WILLIAMS,* 1894-1899 MARSHALL FIELD, JR.,* 1899-1905 FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF,* 1902-1921 GEORGE F. PORTER,* 1907-1916 RICHARD T. CRANE, JR.,* 1908-1912, 1921-1931 JOHN BARTON PAYNE,* 1910-1911 ALBERT A. SPRAGUE,* 1910-1946 CHAUNCEY KEEP,* 1915-1929 HENRY FIELD,* 1916-1917 WILLIAM WRIGLEY, JR.,* 1919-1931 JOHN BORDEN, 1920-1938 ALBERT W. HARRIS, 1920-1941 JAMES SIMPSON,* 1920-1939 HARRY E. BYRAM,* 1921-1928 ERNEST R. GRAHAM,* 1921-1936 D. C. DAVIES,* 1922-1928 CHARLES H. MARKHAM,* 1924-1930 SILAS H. STRAWN,* 1924-1946 FREDERICK H. RAWSON,* 1927-19385 STEPHEN C. SIMMS,* 1928-1937 WILLIAM V. KELLEY,* 1929-1932 FRED W. SARGENT,* 1929-1939 LESLIE WHEELER,* 1934-1937 CHARLES A. MCCULLOCH,* 1936-1945 THEODORE ROOSEVELT,* 1938-1944 * Deceased 10 PRESIDENTS FIRST VICE-PRESIDENTS SECOND VICE-PRESIDENTS THIRD VICE-PRESIDENTS SECRETARIES TREASURERS DIRECTORS Former Officers EDWARD E. AYER* . HARLOW N. HIGINBOTHAM* . MARTIN A. RYERSON* ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* NORMAN B. REAM* MARSHALL FIELD, JR.* . STANLEY FIELD WATSON F. BLAIR* ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* JAMES SIMPSON* . SILAS H. STRAWN* . ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* JAMES SIMPSON* . ALBERT W. HARRIS RALPH METCALF GEORGE MANIERRE* . FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF*. D. C. DAVIES* STEPHEN C. SIMMS* BYRON L. SMITH* FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF* DACs DAVIES: STEPHEN C. SIMMS* * Deceased . 1894-1898 . 1898-1908 . 1894-1932 . 1933-1946 . 1894-1902 . 1902-1905 . 1906-1908 . 1909-1928 . 1929-1932 . 1933-1959 . 1940-1946 . 1921-1928 . 1929-1932 . 19383-1941 . 1894 . 1894-1907 » 1907—1921 - 1921-1928 . 1928-1937 . 1894-1914 el soomlozil . 1921-1928 . 1928-1937 I] Officers, Irustees, and Committees, 1943 OFFICERS BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEES 12 STANLEY FIELD, President MARSHALL FIELD, First Vice-President ALBERT B. DICK, JR., Second Vice-President SAMUEL INSULL, JR., Third Vice-President SOLOMON A. SMITH, Treasurer CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Secretary JOHN R. MILLAR, Assistant Secretary LESTER ARMOUR MARSHALL FIELD, JR. SEWELL L. AVERY STANLEY FIELD Wo. McCormIck BLAIR SAMUEL INSULL, JR. LEOPOLD E. BLOCK HENRY P. ISHAM BOARDMAN CONOVER HUGHSTON M. MCBAIN WALTER J. CUMMINGS WILLIAM H. MITCHELL ALBERT B. DICK, JR. CLARENCE B. RANDALL HOWARD W. FENTON GEORGE A. RICHARDSON JOSEPH N. FIELD SOLOMON A. SMITH MARSHALL FIELD ALBERT H. WETTEN JOHN P. WILSON Executive—Stanley Field, Solomon A. Smith, Albert H. Wetten, Wm. McCormick Blair, Samuel Insull, Jr., Marshall Field, John P. Wilson, Albert B. Dick, Jr. Finance—Solomon A. Smith, Leopold E. Block, Albert B. Dick, Jr., John P. Wilson, Walter J. Cummings, Albert H. Wetten, Henry P. Isham Building—Albert H. Wetten, William H. Mitchell, Lester Armour, Joseph N. Field, Boardman Conover Auditing—Wm. McCormick Blair, Clarence B. Randall Marshall Field, Jr. Pension—Samuel Insull, Jr., Sewell L. Avery, Hughston M. McBain Lise of Gea, 1OAG DIRECTOR CLIFFORD C. GREGG DEPUTY DIRECTOR JOHN R. MILLAR DEPARTMENT PAUL S. MARTIN, Chief Curator Oe) WILFRID D. HAMBLY, Curator, African Ethnology ANTHROPOLOGY , T. GEORGE ALLEN, Research Associate, Egyptian Archaeology FAy-CoOoPER COLE, Research Associate, Malaysian Ethnology ALEXANDER SPOEHR, Curator, Oceanic Ethnology DONALD COLLIER, Curator, South American Ethnology and Archaeology J. ERIC THOMPSON, Research Associate, Central American Archaeology A. L. KROEBER, Research Associate, American Archaeology GEORGE I. QuimBy, Curator of Exhibits WILTON M. KROGMAN, Research Associate, Physical Anthropology ROBERT J. BRAIDWOOD, Research Associate, Old World Prehistory MIGUEL COVARRUBIAS, Research Associate, Primitive Art JOHN B. RINALDO, Assistant, Archaeology ALFRED LEE ROWELL, Dioramist GUSTAF DALSTROM, Artist JOHN PLETINCKX, Ceramic Restorer WALTER C. REESE, Preparator PAUL J. WARNER, Preparator AGNES H. McNAry, Departmental Secretary DEPARTMENT THEODOR JUST, Chief Curator OF B. E. DAHLGREN, Curator Emeritus BOTANY : PAUL C. STANDLEY, Curator, Herbarium JULIAN A. STEYERMARK, Associate Curator, Herbarium HAROLD HINSHAW, Assistant, Herbarium J. FRANCIS MACBRIDE, Curator, Peruvian Botany JOSE CUATRECASAS, Curator, Colombian Botany EARL FE. SHERFF, Research Associate, Systematic Botany FRANCIS DROUET, Curator, Cryptogamic Botany L. H. TIFFANY, Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany DONALD RICHARDS, Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany HuGu C. CUTLER, Curator, Economic Botany LLEWELYN WILLIAMS, Associate, Forest Products J. S. DASTON, Asszstant, Botany EMIL SELLA, Curator of Exhibits 13 Ree EEN MILTON COPULOS, Artist-Preparator BOTANY SAMUEL H. GROVE, JR., Assistant, Plant Reproduction (Continued) FRANK Boryca, Assistant, Plant Reproduction MATHIAS DOoNgs, Preparator EDITH M. VINCENT, Departmental Secretary DEPARTMENT SHARAT K. Roy, Chief Curator OF GEOLOGY BRYAN PATTERSON, Curator, Fossil Mammals RAINER ZANGERL, Curator, Fossil Reptiles ROBERT H. DENISON, Curator, Fossil Fishes ALBERT A. DAHLBERG, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates EVERETT C. OLSON, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates EUGENE S. RICHARDSON, JR., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates GEORGE LANGFORD, Assistant, Fossil Plants R. H. WHITFIELD, Associate, Fossil Plants VIOLET S. WHITFIELD, Associate, Fossil Plants ERNST ANTEVS, Research Associate, Glacial Geology ROBERT KRISS WYANT, Curator, Economic Geology HARRY E. CHANGNON, Curator of Exhibits ORVILLE L. GILPIN, Chief Preparator, Fossils HENRY HORBACK, Preparator WILLIAM D. TURNBULL, Preparator STANLEY KUCZEK, Preparator KENT JONES, Preparator JOHN CONRAD HANSEN, Artist JOANNE NEHER, Departmental Secretary DEPARTMENT KARL P. SCHMIDT, Chief Curator OF COLIN CAMPBELL SANBORN, Curator, Mammals ZOOLOGY PHILIP HERSHKOVITZ, Assistant Curator, Mammals AUSTIN L. RAND, Curator, Birds EMMET R. BLAKE, Associate Curator, Birds BOARDMAN CONOVER, Research Associate, Birds Louis B. BisHopP, Research Associate, Birds RUDYERD BOULTON, Research Associate, Birds MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, JR., Research Associate, Birds ELLEN T. SMITH, Associate, Birds CLIFFORD H. PopPg, Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles CH’ENG-CHAO Liu, Research Associate, Reptiles LOREN P. Woops, Curator, Fishes JOHN W. WINN,* Assistant Curator, Fishes MARION GREY, Associate, Fishes WILLIAM J. GERHARD, Curator, Insects * Resigned, 1948 14 DEPARTMENT RUPERT L. WENZEL, Assistant Curator, Insects ieee HENRY S. DYBAS, Assistant Curator, Insects (Continued) HARRY HOOGSTRAAL, Assistant Curator, Insects ALFRED E.. EMERSON, Research Associate, Insects GREGORIO BONDAR, Research Associate, Insects CHARLES H. SEEVERS, Research Associate, Insects ALEX K. WYATT, Research Associate, Insects RUTH MARSHALL, Research Associate, Arachnids FRITZ HAAS, Curator, Lower Invertebrates D. DwicutT Davis, Curator, Vertebrate Anatomy H. ELIZABETH STORY,* Assistant, Vertebrate Anatomy Dorotnuy B. Foss, Osteologist CARL W. Cotton, Assistant, Vertebrate Anatomy R. M. STRONG, Research Associate, Anatomy JULIUS FRIESSER,{| Taxidermist L. L. PRAy,* Taxidermist LEON L. WALTERS, TJ'axidermist FRANK C. WONDER, Taxidermist RONALD J. LAMBERT, Asszstant.Taxidermist KENNETH WOEHLCK, Assistant Taxidermist JOSEPH B. KRSTOLICH, Artist MARGARET G. BRADBURY, Artist JAMES E. TROTT, Artist-Preparator MARGARET J. BAUER, Departmental Secretary ASSOCIATE LILLIAN A. Ross, Scientific Publications EDITORS Mary P. Murray, Assistant HELEN ATKINSON MACMINN, Miscellaneous Publications DEPARTMENT OF RICHARD A. MARTIN, Curator THE N. W. HARRIS ALBERT J. FRANZEN, Preparator and Taxidermist PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION LEONARD ROSENTHAL, Preparator JAMES NELSON MIRIAM WOOD, Chief AND WINONA HINKLEY COSNER* ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND JUNE RUZICKA BUCHWALD FOUNDATION LORAIN FARMER MARIE SVOBODA HARRIET SMITH JANE ANN SHARPE * Resigned, 1948 T Retired, 1948 15 THE LAYMAN LECTURER THE LIBRARY ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATION AND RECORDS PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSEL DIVISION OF MEMBERSHIPS DIVISIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND ILLUSTRATION DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES STAFF ARTIST DIVISION OF PRINTING 16 PAUL G. DALLWIGt CARL W. HINTz,* Librarian META P. HOWELL, Librarian EMILY M. WILCOXSON, Librarian Emerita Mary W. BAKRR, Associate Librarian Emerita EUNICE MARTHENS GEMMILL, Assistant Librarian LOUISE BOYNTON, Assistant Librarian DAWN DAVEY, Assistant Librarian WINIFRED E. WEISSMAN, Assistant Librarian M. EILEEN Rocourt, Assistant Librarian FRANK L. HEYSER,§ Bookbinder WILLIAM A. BENDER, Auditor BENJAMIN BRIDGE, Auditor Emeritus A. L. STEBBINS, Assistant Auditor ROBERT E.. BRUCE, Purchasing Agent SusAN M. CARPENTER, Secretary to the Director MARION G. GORDON, Registrar ELSIE H. THOMAS, Recorder EDNA T. ECKERT, Assistant Recorder H. B. HARTE PEARLE BILINSKE, 77 charge HERMAN ABENDROTH, Photographer JOHN BAYALIS, Asszstant Photographer NorRMA LOCKWOOD, II/lustrator JOHN W. MOYER, in charge ARTHUR G. RUECKERT$ RAYMOND H. HALLSTEIN, 2n charge tOn leave * Resigned, 1948 § Deceased, 1948 GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT OF MAINTENANCE CHIEF ENGINEER CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD W. H. CorNING{ JAMES R. SHOUBA WILLIAM FE. LAKE DAVID J. CONWILL t Retired, 1948 The Museum 1s open to the public every day of the year except Christmas and New Years Day. It may be reached by elevated or surface railways, South Shore and Illinots Central suburban trains, or bus. There 1s ample free parking space near the Museum. Annual Report of the Director To the Trustees: I have the honor to present a report of the operation of the Museum for the year ended December 31, 1948. While in most respects this might be considered a year of normal operation, it is appropriate to point out that there has been no return to the operating conditions that existed before World War II. In- flated prices, higher wage and salary levels, and the relatively fixed income yields of corporate securities have brought to the Museum the necessity for careful study of a retrenchment program. Funds that were generously contributed a few years ago for the purpose of rounding out the activities of the Museum into a better-balanced and more-inclusive program have of necessity been used in retaining the organization, with only small increases and with the postpone- ment or abandonment of certain of its progressive plans. The problem of operating a museum during the period of high inflation is not restricted to this institution but is common to all endowed institutions. High taxes and uncertainties concerning Government policies with relation to business have tended to restrict income from investments, while at the same time com- modity prices have risen to exorbitant levels that, in turn, have necessitated increased payrolls in order that loyal workers might be provided with the necessities of life. While the Museum can at the moment restrict its activities without serious difficulty, it is not pleasant to contemplate a projection of the conditions that make such retrenchment necessary. A need of additional endowments is constantly before us, if the high quality of research and educational 19 program of the Museum is to be maintained. Grateful acknowledg- ment is made to the many Members whose endowment memberships will help to support the Museum in the future, as well as to the many other Members whose annual fees are supporting the Museum at the present time. News of the death of Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond on August 1, 1948, was received with deep regret at the Museum. As an out- growth of her interest in the children of Chicago and her appreciation of the value of the work of the Museum in their education, Mrs. Raymond had established, in 1925, an endowment at the Museum of one-half million dollars titled ““The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Public School and Children’s Lecture Fund of Field Mu- seum of Natural History.”’ For some years, before her health began to fail, she was a frequent visitor at the Museum, and her continuing interest in the work of the Foundation that she had created was further evidenced by repeated annual gifts in furtherance of that program. Her personal interest lent considerable encouragement to the staff of Raymond Foundation. Subsequent to her death it was learned that she had made the Museum beneficiary of half of her residuary estate. Her contributions to the Museum have established a lasting and living monument to her memory. TROSMEESSANDROERIGERS At the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in January, Stanley Field was re-elected President of Chicago Natural History Museum to serve for his fortieth consecutive year. All other officers who served in the preceding year were likewise re-elected. They are: Marshall Field, First Vice-President; Albert B. Dick, Jr., Second Vice-President; Samuel Insull, Jr., Third Vice-President; Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer; Clifford C. Gregg, Secretary; and John R. Miuillar, Assistant Secretary. MEMBERSHIP It is gratifying again to report an increase in the number of Museum Members, since increase in membership indicates growing apprecia- tion by the community of the scientific and educational work of Chicago Natural History Museum. The number of new Members added to the membership roster during the year was 488, and the number of Members lost through transfer, cancellation, and death was 439. The total number of Members recorded on December 31, 1948, including all membership classifications, was 4,777. 20 The names of all persons listed as Members of the Museum during 1948 will be found on the pages at the end of this Report. The number of Members in each membership classification at the close of 1948 is as follows: Benefactors—23; Honorary Members—8; Patrons—18; Corresponding Members—5; Contributors—165; Corpo- rate Members—41; Life Members—177; Non-Resident Life Members —15; Associate Members—2,378; Non-Resident Associate Members— 10; Sustaining Members—17; Annual Members—1,920. By their support the Museum’s many Members help to make possible the continuance and progress of the scientific and educational work of the institution, and, therefore, an acknowledgment of gratitude is here expressed to them and also to those Members who found it necessary to cancel their memberships. It is earnestly hoped that those Members who have discontinued their memberships will again enroll as Members of the Museum and resume their association with its cultural program. ATTENDANCE Attendance at the Museum in 1948 exceeded a million for the twenty- second successive year. The total number of visitors for the year was 1,134,648, of which number 1,005,798 were admitted without charge because they came on free admission days or belonged to classifications admitted free on all days—school children, students, teachers, members of the armed forces of the United Nations, and Members of this Museum. (For comparative attendance statistics and door receipts for 1947 and 1948, see page 85.) During the year the Museum received a great many distinguished visitors from foreign countries. The Museum welcomes this evidence of good will and takes especial pleasure in making available for study by its guests whatever is of interest to them in its vast collections and exhibition halls. The Museum was host also to a number of organizations, among them the eighth annual convention of the Midwest Federation of Geological Societies. Members of the National Congress of 4-H Clubs from all parts of the United States and Canada, who earn their trip to the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago, paid their annual visit to the Museum. The group in 1948 numbered 1,200 teen-age boys and girls. Another group of about 1,200 children from 1238 different elementary schools in Allegan County, Michigan, accompanied by their teachers and several parents, came to Chicago by special train for an educational trip that included two of Chicago’s museums. 21 JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CRiL DREN SPEEGHORES In the twenty-three years since its founding by Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond, the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation has grown from a staff of one to seven and from a limited program of tours, motion pictures, and lectures to a diversified program that uses all types of teaching techniques. Printed stories, still and motion pictures, demonstrations with objects, and radio are a few of these methods. All, both old and new, are ways of presenting information requested by students visiting the Museum and of offering opportunities of an educational nature to thousands of children in this Midwestern region. Extension-lecture work has continued, and several motion pic- tures have been incorporated into the lectures. Eight new extension lectures have included carefully selected motion pictures. They are: “‘“‘Amazon to Andes,’ “Master Farmers,’ “‘Marine Inverte- brates,” “Strange Sea Animals,” “From Polar Bears to Penguins,” ‘“‘Close-ups of Three Mammals,” ““Three Playful Pets,” and “Simba.” The first four lectures utilize selected still pictures with the movies because it has been found that certain subjects can be presented best with a combination of motion and still pictures. Two series of Following a radio program on “When Chicago Wasa Lake,” public school children meet in the Museum lecture hall for an illustrated talk, after which they go to the exhibition halls to study evidence of glaciers (right). Raymond Foundation guides help the children to see and understand what the gla- cier did in the Chicago region. Museum Stories were published in connection with the spring and fall series of motion-picture programs for children. As in the past three years, each series is a group of related stories that forms a booklet at the conclusion of the series. The spring series was on foods and the fall series on insects. For the third consecutive year a course for nature counselors in summer camps was conducted by members of Raymond Foundation staff. Instead of four evening meetings as in past years, the 1948 course was given as a one-day conference of six hours of concentrated work. ‘The program was organized into four discussion sessions developing eleven correlated areas of thought and work that were illustrated and demonstrated by still and motion pictures and by seventeen brief tours using Museum exhibits. The course was summarized and made more useful with mimeographed questions, suggestions, and organized aids for nature counselors. One hundred and seventeen people actively engaged in nature camp work attended. Raymond Foundation has co-operated with the Radio Council of the Chicago Public Schools for many years. Following certain selected broadcasts, when additional Museum material is available for study by school children, programs have been offered in the Museum. In addition to these regular types of programs, in 1948 two Raymond Foundation staff members were guest-speakers on “Your Science Story-Teller’ series. “Migration Mystery” and “Some Strange Fish Stories’ were their subjects, each of which was followed with a program the next day in the Museum. Early in the year, Raymond Foundation was requested to submit brief stories to be told on the “Children’s Corner’ over WCFL. A summary of all activities of Raymond Foundation for the year, with attendance figures, follows: ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE MUSEUM For children Groups Attendance Groups Attendance MOUS ty MOUSSE INAS. ccc secccrcse OUY All, WHI Radio follow-up programs........... 0 989 Lectures preceding tours............. 68 6,108 Motion-picture programs............ 7s) 2A NAY) POTAD oie ote) oe ae Ue nr 780 52,968 For adults Tours ine Viuseumphallsseae eon 6,125 Nature: Course iis en) ee 1 LUG TOT AG 2 cae Re os ee ee 3717 6,242 EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Chicago Public Schools Miementary.:4) co) ee py eae eee ee 104 35,248 HighiSchool\ 5.) .ace aera eee 6 4,200 DBECIAIR A: tA Se AeA eer a. Cater eee I 185 Sul Ula a Mies es aoe ee Ss eee 5 1,170 Miscellaneous. 2 255 se eee: I 30 ToT AI ies Tee pe a ne Ten 117 40,833 TOTAL FOR RAYMOND FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES............... IL Aas 100,043 LECTURE PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS Approximately 15,000 people took advantage of the lecture programs presented on Saturday afternoons during March, April, October, and November in the James Simpson Theatre. As in former years, an effort was made to bring to the platform outstanding authorities in the various fields of study within the scope of the Museum. Of unusual interest was a presentation by John W. Moyer, of the Museum staff, who gave an inside picture of the preparation of habitat groups at the Museum. One of the more scientific presenta- tions, which attracted wide attention, was that on “Human Evolu- tion’”’ by Dr. Sherwood L. Washburn, of the University of Chicago. The value of the Museum’s lecture programs has been favorably commented upon by leaders in the field of adult education. 24 SPECIAL EXHIBITS A special exhibit, “Great Books of Natural History,” was held in Stanley Field Hall in September in observance of Great Books Week, a celebration sponsored by Great Books Foundation. Outstanding scientific works from the shelves of the Museum Library, among them rare and historic volumes, were displayed. Other special exhibits in the Museum during the year were the Third Chicago International Exhibition of Nature Photography, held under the auspices of the Museum and the Nature Camera Club of Chicago; a showing of pastels, drawings, and paintings done directly from Museum exhibits by students of the Junior School of the Art In- stitute of Chicago; and two series of photographs prepared by Life magazine, one on atomic energy and the other on Navaho Indians. Additions to the permanent exhibits of the Museum are described in this Report under the headings of the scientific departments. Gimts © Wine MUSEUM Elmer J. Richards and Donald Richards, Research Associate in Cryptogamic Botany, of Chicago, each made an additional gift to the Museum of $5,000 for the purchase of specimens for the crypto- gamic herbarium. Joseph Desloge, of St. Louis, added $1,000 to The Desloge Peruvian Botanical Expedition Fund; Dr. Maurice L. Richardson, of Lansing, Michigan, added $1,000 to The Maurice L. Richardson Paleontological Fund; and William S. Street, of Seattle, added $100 to The Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street Expedition Fund. C. Suydam Cutting, of New York City, a Patron of the Museum, again gave $500. Peder A. Christensen, of San Francisco, made an additional gift of money. Accretions for the year in various trust funds were: from the estate of Mrs. Abby K. Babcock, $169.50 for The Frederick Reynolds and Abby Kettelle Babcock Fund; from the estate of Mrs. Joan A. Chalmers, $1,333.34 for The Joan A. Chalmers Fund; from the estate of Frederick T. Haskell, $23.18 for The Frederick T. Haskell Fund; from the estate of Oscar E. Remmer, $44,508.35 for The Oscar E. Remmer Fund; and from the estate of Martin A. Ryerson, $475.61 for The Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Fund. The Museum received $25,000 from Stanley Field, its President; $12,000 from Marshall Field, First Vice-President, for the Marshall Field Fiftieth Anniversary Fund; and $3,625 from Boardman Con- over, Trustee and Research Associate in Birds. Other gifts of money were received from Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Associate, US) Division of Birds; Miss Lillian A. Ross, Associate Editor, Scientific Publications; Clarence B. Randall, Trustee; and Colonel Clifford C. Gregg, Director. Under an act of the legislature of the State of Illinois, the Chicago Park District turned over to the Museum $118,038.05 as its share of taxes levied to aid several museums. Donors who give or devise to the Museum between $1,000 and $100,000 in money or materials are elected by the Board of Trustees to a special membership classification designated as “‘Contributors”’ and their names are enrolled in perpetuity (see page 100 for names of Contributors). Contributors elected in 1948 are: Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany; Harry Hoogstraal, Assistant Curator of Insects; George Langford, Assistant, Fossil Plants; Mrs. Charles V. Riley (posthumously elected); Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology; and Dr. J. Daniel Willems, of Chicago. Dr. Cuatrecasas gave to the Museum a collection of her- barium and wood specimens and a collection of books; Mr. Hoog- straal, zoological specimens; Mr. Langford, natural-history speci- mens and books; estate of Mrs. Charles V. Riley, scientific books and eighteen letters written by Charles Darwin; and Dr. Willems, a golden beryl found in Minas Geraes, Brazil. A complete list of gifts of materials from individuals and institutions appears else- where in this Report. Some of the collections are described under the headings of the departments in which they have been deposited. THE, No We HARRIS» PUBLIC SCEOOE DENSON Schools and other institutions receiving portable Museum exhibits on loan through the service of the Department of the N. W. Harris Public School Extension numbered 501 at the close of 1948. Of these, 396 were public schools, 81 were parochial and private schools, and 24 were social-service institutions. Inasmuch as there are avail- able for loan only 1,050 portable exhibits and as each recipient of Harris Extension service has on hand at all times during the school year two exhibits, which are exchanged on a system of regular rotation every tenth school day, registration for service cannot far exceed the present number. Yet requests continue to come in. In formulating a policy for considering new applications, Harris Extension was faced with two alternatives: immediate preparation of many new exhibits for circulation or restricted service to institu- tions other than schools and rejection of applications from schools with low pupil-enrollments. Of these two courses, the first is im- possible for financial reasons. The second, then, is the one that 26 Chicago school children become interested in natural phenomena by observation and study of portable exhibits circulated by N. W. Harris Public School Extension. perforce has been followed. It is believed that the exhibits are less likely to be used merely as display material when in the hands of trained teachers and that service to very small parochial and private schools is not justifiable under the present pressure situation. The services of John Conrad Hansen, Artist in the Department of Geology, were available to Harris Extension for only a few weeks during the year, and, in consequence, the program, begun some years back, of using painted scenes rather than tinted photographs as backgrounds in habitat settings in new or revised exhibits has been hampered. Work, therefore, has consisted mainly in-the preparation of those exhibits that can be made effective by using simple back- grounds painted by the preparators themselves. Damage to cases in circulation was somewhat higher than in other recent years. A total of forty-six cases was damaged. In only four of the forty-six broken cases was there damage to the exhibit material, but two of these four were so completely demolished that very little of the installations could be salvaged. Four cases— exhibits of the Galapagos penguin, the double-crested cormorant, sunfishes, and mink—were stolen in public schools. In addition to these unusually severe losses in circulation, a great many exhibits DY were withdrawn from the circuit as unsatisfactory. Wax installa- tions disintegrate in the course of years, colors are altered, and the subject-matter of certain exhibits becomes obsolete. During the year twelve exhibits were revised, six of them so thoroughly that they are in reality new exhibits. Three hundred and sixty-eight cases were repaired in the shop. Special loans of instructional material other than the routine circulating exhibits totaled thirty. VOLUNTEER WORKERS The Museum is grateful to its faithful volunteer workers who, as for many years past, have contributed time and effort in the interests of the Museum and of science. Names of some of these volunteer workers are included in the List of Staff at the beginning of this Report, where they are distinguished from salaried workers by the titles ‘‘Research Associate,” “Associate,” and, in one case, “‘Layman Lecturer.’ Other volunteers in 1948, not in that list, are: Depart- ment of Botany—Carlos Bumzahem, Miss Margaret Feigley, and Dr. Herbert Habeeb; and Department of Zoologyy—Raymond Even- stad, Mrs. Dorothy S. Helmer, Robert MacArthur, Hyman Marx, J. N. Nilles, Miss Constance Peck, Mrs. Clifford H. Pope, Ross Tarrant, and Miss Mary Weaver. PERSONNEL Robert Yule, Assistant in the Department of Anthropology until forced to resign because of failing eyesight, returned to the Museum and has been employed in the cryptogamic herbarium, Department of Botany. Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Assistant Curator of the Herbarium, was promoted to Associate Curator of the Herbarium. Dr. Robert H. Denison, former assistant curator at Dartmouth College Museum, was appointed in August to the staff of the Depart- ment of Geology as Curator of Fossil Fishes. Robert Kriss Wyant, Assistant Curator of Economic Geology, was promoted to Curator of Economic Geology, and Harry E. Changnon, Assistant Curator of Geology, was made Curator of Exhibits. Kent Jones was ap- pointed Preparator. John W. Winn, Assistant Curator of Fishes, Department of Zoology, resigned in June to accept a position with the Fish and Wildlife Service to work on the Missouri River Basin Survey. Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, on leave at the United States National Museum, Washington, D.C., returned to take part in the 28 Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition and resumed his duties at the Museum on October 1. L. L. Pray, Taxidermist, who was in charge of preparation in the Division of Fishes, resigned in November to undertake reinstallation of exhibits at the Natural History Museum in San Diego, California. Mrs. Dorothy B. Foss, Assistant in Vertebrate Anatomy, was promoted to Osteologist. Miss H. Eliza- beth Story, Assistant in Vertebrate Anatomy, resigned in January, and Carl W. Cotton was appointed Assistant in Vertebrate Anatomy. Carl W. Hintz, Librarian of the Museum since July 1, 1946, resigned to accept the position of librarian at the University of Oregon. Mrs. Meta P. Howell, Assistant Librarian, formerly librarian of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, was appointed Librarian of the Museum, effective September 1. Mrs. Mary W. Baker, a member of the staff since 1930, retired as Associate Librarian to become Associate Librarian Emerita. Miss Dawn Davey, assistant in the Library, and Miss Louise Boynton, Secretary, were made Assistant Librarians. Two new Assistant Librarians were appointed, Mrs. Winifred E. Weissman, formerly of the First National Bank library staff, Chicago, and Mrs. M. Eileen Rocourt, from the library of Columbia University. Mrs. Winona Hinkley Cosner, guide-lecturer, resigned from the staff of the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation. Miss Mary P. Murray was made Assistant to the Associate Editor of Scientific Publications. Benjamin Bridge, who joined the staff on February 17, 1897, retired as Auditor of the Museum to take the position of Auditor Emeritus. William A. Bender, Assistant Auditor, was made Auditor, and A. L. Stebbins, Bookkeeper, became Assistant Auditor. Herman Abendroth, Assistant Photographer, was appointed Photographer, to succeed C. H. Carpenter, retired, and John Bayalis, Preparator in the Department of the N. W. Harris Public School Extension, was transferred to the Division of Photography as Assistant Photog- rapher. Leonard Rosenthal was made Preparator in Harris Exten- sion. David J. Conwill, Sergeant of the Guard, became Captain of the Guard upon the retirement of Captain E. S. Abbey. Three Research Associates were appointed. Research appoint- ments, based upon scientific achievement, are honorary. Miguel Covarrubias, of the School of Anthropology in Mexico City, noted artist, ethnologist, and archaeologist, was appointed Research As- sociate in Primitive Art, Department of Anthropology. Mr. Covar- rubias, an expert in primitive art, is the author of several important books on the ethnology of Bali and of Mexico. In recognition of his DY) New research equipment includes a sliding microtome for cutting thin sections of plant material and a binocular research microscope with a low voltage light source. Donald Richards, Research Associate in Cryptogamic Botany, demonstrates their use. long association with the Museum and great assistance rendered in caring for its bryological collections, Donald Richards, of Chicago, was appointed Research Associate in Cryptogamic Botany, Depart- ment of Botany. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Associate, Division of Birds, was appointed Research Associate in Birds, Department of Zoology, in recognition of his valuable association with the Museum in the field and in the laboratory. Mr. Traylor’s main studies have been on birds of tropical and subtropical America. Julius Friesser, Taxidermist in the Department of Zoology, retired from the service of the Museum after nearly forty-four years on the staff. W. H. Corning, General Superintendent, who came to the Museum on December 26, 1920, as Chief Engineer, also retired from the service of the Museum. The Museum thanks these faithful employees for their long years of service and extends its best wishes to them in the years of their retirement. 30 It is with regret that I record the death of three Museum em- ployees and two Museum pensioners: Arthur G. Rueckert, Staff Artist; Frank L. Heyser, Bookbinder; Frank Klampferer, Guard; Patrick Walsh, a pensioner, formerly a Guard; and Mrs. Harriet W. Cory, a pensioner, widow of the late Charles B. Cory, Curator of Zoology from 1906 to 1921. EXPEDITIONS The Museum sent sixteen expeditions into the field during 1948. Their work is described in this Report under the headings of the scientific departments. Expeditions of 1948 were: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Southwest Archaeological Ex- pedition—conducted by Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY: Cuban Botanical Field Trip—con- ducted by Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus; Desloge Peruvian Botanical Expedition—conducted by Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany; Gulf States Botanical E'xpedition—conducted by Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Cryptogamic Botany; Middle Central American Botanical Expedition, 1948—49—conducted by Paul C. Standley, Curator of the Herbarium. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY: Eastern States Geological Field Trip— conducted by Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator; Pennsylvania Geological Field Trip—conducted by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates; Southwest Geological Field Trip— conducted by Harry E. Changnon, Curator of Exhibits; Wyoming Paleontological Expedition—conducted by Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY: Arkansas Zoological Field Trip— conducted by Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals; Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition—conducted by Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates; Colombian Zoological Expedition, 1948-19, conducted by Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator of Mammals; Guatemalan Zoological Expedition—conducted by Rupert L. Wenzel, Assistant Curator of Insects; Mexican Zoological E'xpedition—con- ducted by Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Research Associate in Birds; Palau Entomological Expedition, 1947-48—Henry S. Dybas, Assistant Curator of Insects, Museum representative; University of California African Expedition—Harry Hoogstraal, Assistant Curator of Insects, Museum representative. 3] This rare Three Circle Red-on-White pottery bowl was recovered from the floor of a pit house at the Turkey Foot Ridge village site, New Mexico, by the Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1948. The estimated age of the bowl is 1,000 years. Department of Anthropology Research and Expeditions Excavations in the Apache National Forest, in western New Mexico, were continued by Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator, under a permit issued to the Museum by the Forest Service, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. The Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1948, took to the field in June and returned to Chicago in October. The excavations were under the supervision of Dr. Martin and Dr. John B. Rinaldo, Assistant in Archaeology, who were aided by Dr. Ernst Antevs, Research Associate in Glacial Geology, and three students, W. T. Egan, Leonard G. Johnson, and I. J. Wood, Jr. Research on Mogollon culture was again directed in two main channels: (1) a continuation of the search for more evidence con- cerning early man in America to supplement that found in 1947 and (2) extensive digging in pit houses, the data from which would help fill the gap between A.D. 500 and A.D. 900 in our knowledge of Mogollon culture. In seeking to accomplish the first objective, the archaeologists let Nature do their excavating for them. To make this statement clear, it must be borne in mind that the evidence of early man consists of crude, scarcely worked stone tools that are buried to a depth of several feet. Discovering these early tools is difficult and 32) laborious, for to do so the archaeologist must walk up and down the bed of an ancient stream that is eight to fifteen feet below the present surface. Jutting from the banks of this stream are numerous rocks of all shapes and sizes. It requires trained eyes and years of experience to determine which, if any, of the rocks may be tools of early man. Each stone that appears to bear a resemblance to a primitive tool has to be dug out of the banks so that whether the “‘suspicious’”’ looking stone is definitely a tool or just another stone can be determined. It was stated above that the archaeologists let Nature excavate for them, and by that was meant the natural erosion that took place between September, 1947, and June, 1948. Obviously, the banks of the stream had been combed and recorded with the greatest care in the summer of 1947. During the winter, rains sloughed off more dirt and thus exposed new bank surfaces, so that once again search could be made for traces of ancient man. Daily Dr. Antevs studied fresh surfaces of banks and exposures of arroyos in the hope of gleaning more evidence of house sites or tools of early man. His exhaustive quest was rewarded by the finding of two hearths, each containing bits of charcoal that had glowed as embers about six thousand years ago, and several food- grinding stones, choppers, and handstones. One of the grinding stones had been buried to a depth of twelve feet; hence it may be slightly older than others that were not so deeply buried. After further study of the geological and archaeological evidence in Pine Lawn Valley and surrounding country, Dr. Antevs sees no reason for modifying the conclusions that he set forth in the Museum report on the Southwest Archaeological Expedition of 1947. Hallmarks (enlarged) on a silver gorget identify its maker as Luke Kendall and indicate that the place and year of manufacture was London, May 1775 to May 1776. Marked silver objects can be used to date Indian burials with which they are found. The other phase of the expedition, that of excavating, was success- ful beyond expectations. Fifteen pit houses were completely ex- cavated, photographed, and mapped. One of these houses, occupied between A.D. 500 and A.D. 700, is classed as belonging to the George- town Phase; four, between A.D. 700 and A.D. 900, to the San Francisco Phase; and ten, between A.D. 900 and A.D. 1000, to the Three Circle Phase. These pit houses are different in some respects from those of the earlier Pine Lawn period. They tend to be deep and rectangu- lar, with long, stepped passage-entryways facing the east. Food- stuffs were no longer stored in pits dug into the floor, for fashion now dictated cupboards more conveniently placed in the walls. The long history (three or four hundred years) of plain, undecorated brown pottery was broken, and for the first time in Mogollon history delicate pottery appeared bearing well-executed designs. These consist of rectangular elements set forth with restraint in red on a pleasing, warm background. During the year Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, carried out special research on the ancient Peruvians in connection with two exhibits on Peruvian archaeology prepared for the Hall of New World Archaeology (Hall B). The collection excavated by Curator Collier in Peru in 1946 finally reached the Museum in June, and he expects to complete a report on this work in 1949. In connection with the exchange of collections being negotiated with the National Museum of Mexico, he made a survey to determine the types and quantity of specimens needed to round out the Mexican collections of Chicago Natural History Museum, spent several weeks assisting Dr. Daniel Rubin de la Borbolla and Research Associate Miguel Covarrubias, both of the National Museum of Mexico, in the selection of Oceanic and North American duplicate specimens that might be used in the exchange, and compiled data to go with the selected collection. Curator Collier spent considerable time working with and cataloguing a collection of ethnological specimens from the Rio Vaupés region of southeastern Colombia, purchased from Paul H. Allen at the beginning of the year. Mr. Allen was able, fortunately, to spend several days at the Museum going over the collection with Curator Collier and imparting to him data on provenience, material, and use. It was thus possible to record the manner of assembling the elaborate feather headdresses of the Vaupés Indians, headdresses that contain scores of feathers of many colors and are composed of ten to twelve separate demountable parts ingeniously fitted together. Museum displays generally show these headdresses disassembled, Sy Rinnai A new diorama of part of the ancient city, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, prepared by Dioramist Alfred Lee Rowell, portrays phases of Mayan life in about A.D. 1000. with the result that mass and three-dimensional effect are entirely lost. One of the interesting conclusions from the study of the Allen Collection is that there is an extensive native development of tribal specialization in handicrafts and in trade among the Vaupés Indians, which is surprising in these jungle tribes of simple culture. Trade is particularly active in basketry utensils, ceremonial equipment and feather ornaments, blowguns and darts, and curare poison. During the year Dr. Wilfrid D. Hambly, Curator of African Ethnology, has continued the research necessary for compilation of a bibliography on African anthropology. This bibliography will in- clude the literature available in a large number of periodicals as well as books and is intended as a supplement to Dr. Hambly’s Source Book for African Anthropology (Museum Press, 2 vols., 1937), now long out of print. The arrangement of material is under names of authors, subjects, and political regions, with a separate section given to a bibliography of periodical literature. Good progress has been made with research on the craniometry of Melanesia and Polynesia. Most of the data from measurements and descriptions of the large collection of crania in the Department of Anthropology are now assembled, and a manuscript entitled “Craniometry of Malekula 35) bGo 2) della LASS - aA yelou “Dating Layers by Position,’”’ a new exhibit, demonstrates simple stratigraphy in an ancient Indian village trash heap in Arizona (section pictured above) and in and New Caledonia’”’ will soon be ready for the press. The study of deformed skulls of Malekula is of exceptional interest because the Museum has an unrivaled collection of these crania. Publica- tions have included Craniometry of New Guinea, Craniometry of Ambrym Island, and Cranial Capacities, A Study in Methods. In addition to research for exhibits in American archaeology, George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits, completed a report on a Plaquemine period site in Louisiana and began a report on the Natchezan occupancy of the Bayou Goula site in Iberville Parish, Louisiana. He also continued his research on archaeology of the Aleutian Islands. In December the Museum Press issued Prehistoric 36 \\ a modern city trash heap in the Middle West (section pictured above). The top layer is latest, the middle layer, intermediate, and the bottom layer, earliest. Art of the Aleutian Islands, a brief article by Curator Quimby on Aleut prehistory as revealed by engraved designs and stratigraphy. During the first four months of the year Dr. Rinaldo collaborated with Dr. Martin in writing a detailed report on excavations in Pine Lawn Valley of west-central New Mexico by the Southwest Archaeo- logical Expedition during the summer of 1947. He also prepared a chart showing the development of Mogollon culture traits, such as architecture, pottery, and stone and bone tools, from 3000 B.c. to A.D. 1000, which is included in that report. From time to time he assisted in the planning and preparation of exhibits for the Hall of New World Archaeology (Hall B). He also continued research on 37 and cataloguing of the extensive Herzfeld Collection of Persian antiquities. After his return from the field in the fall he made a detailed analysis of the pottery and artifacts recovered from the Turkey Foot Ridge village site in Pine Lawn Valley preliminary to preparation of a report on the summer’s field work. As an aid to pottery analysis Dr. Rinaldo made a trip to Logan Museum, at Beloit, Wisconsin, and the University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis, where he studied their extensive Mogollon and Mimbres pottery collections for comparison with pottery collections made in Pine Lawn Valley by our Southwest Archaeological Expeditions. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, devoted the year to the completion of his report on results of the field work conducted on Majuro Atoll in the Marshall Islands by the Ethno- logical Expedition to Micronesia, 1947, a Museum expedition that was part of a larger program, the Co-ordinated Investigation of Micronesian Anthropology, sponsored by the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council. The aim of Dr. Spoehr’s work, This spectacular ceremonial headdress of Vaupes Indians is in the Paul H. Allen Collec- tion of ethnological specimens from the Rio Vaupes region of southeastern Colombia. The elaborate, brilliantly colored headdresses are made of egret, macaw, and toucan feathers, and each one is composed of about 12 demountable parts. as well as that of the other investigators in the larger program, was to obtain basic ethnographic knowledge of present-day peoples of Micronesia. Dr. Spoehr’s report is a study of a single, type com- munity, to show the social, economic, and political organization of contemporary Marshallese life. His material is valuable in clarifying the picture of aboriginal culture. More important, however, is the fact that the knowledge gained contributes to an understanding of those processes of culture change that have been operative in Micro- nesia and assists in the delineation of the cultural types that are forming in the Pacific area as a result of the impact of Western civilization. This ethnographic information is also essential for the solution of administrative problems in Micronesia, which is now under American control. Dr. Spoehr’s report has been forwarded to the National Research Council and will be published at a later date by the Museum Press. The subject index of specimens in the collections of the Depart- ment of Anthropology is nearing completion. Research and organiza- tional work have been proceeding on this project for a number of years. A great deal of time will be saved by users of the subject index. For example, the index will make it comparatively easy to answer inquiries about the quantity and quality of material from a particular region as well as those about one type of object found in several different areas. In November the Museum Press issued, in the Popular Series of Publications, Prehistoric Men, by Dr. Robert J. Braidwood, Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology. This book is written expressly for laymen and beginning students in- terested in the prehistory of Europe and the Near East. The story of man’s earliest cultural beginnings (about 500,000 years ago) is a fascinating one, and Dr. Braidwood tells it in a clear, condensed style. Prehistoric Men is attractively illustrated with a large number of drawings, many of them in two colors. Accessions—Anthropology The Museum was fortunate to be able to purchase from Paul H. Allen a representative collection of 331 ethnological specimens from the Rio Vaupés region of southeastern Colombia. Mr. Allen, who is a botanist, collected the material during a three-year stay in that region while working on the wartime rubber program. The collec- tion consists of weapons, baskets, pottery, toys, musical instruments, personal ornaments, and a great variety of ceremonial paraphernalia, 39 including equipment used by medicine men in ceremonies for curing. Most spectacular are the brilliantly colored headdresses constructed of toucan, macaw, and egret feathers. This collection is of great value not only because it is well documented but also because the relatively intact cultures of the Vaupés tribes have just entered a period of rapid change that will witness the loss of many aboriginal crafts and customs in the next few years. Exhibits—Anthropology Nine new exhibits and one diorama were completed in the Depart- ment of Anthropology under the direction of Curator of Exhibits Quimby, Chief Curator Martin, Curator Spoehr, Curator Collier, and Dr. Rinaldo, with the assistance of Artist Gustaf Dalstrom, Research Associate Covarrubias, Dioramist Alfred Lee Rowell, Ceramic Restorer John Pletinckx, and Preparators Paul J. Warner and Walter C. Reese. Seven of the new exhibits are on display in the Hall of New World Archaeology (Hall B). These are: “Empire Builders of the Andes— the Incas of Peru’ (A.D. 1200-1500); ‘“‘Pre-Inca Cultures of Peru’”’ (500 B.c. to A.D. 1450); “‘Indian Civilization during the Burial Mound Period” (A.D. 900-1400); ‘“SSome Tools and Weapons of Chipped Stone and How They Were Made by the Indians’; “‘Quarry- ing Flint” (rearrangement of a group originally prepared under the supervision of W. H. Holmes, the first Curator of Anthropology); “Dating Layers by Position’; and ‘“‘Dating Indian Remains by Trade Objects of Known Age.’”’ Two of the new exhibits, decorated shields of the Crow Indians, were designed by Artist Dalstrom and Research Associate Covarrubias for installation in Mary D. Sturgis Hall (Hall 5, Indian Tribes of the Great Plains). The Maya diorama was completed during the year and installed in Hall B, where it takes its place as the last of a series of similar model exhibits that have proved extremely popular with Museum visitors. The Maya diorama is a model of part of the ancient city of Chichén Itza, in northern Yucatan, Mexico, which, like other Maya cities, was a religious and ceremonial center. The diorama portrays a cross section of life in the city as it must have been in about the year A.D. 1000 and was constructed by Dioramist Rowell, with the co-operation of Ceramic Restorer Pletinckx. The necessary research and planning were done by Mr. Rowell, who was sent by the Museum to Yucatan in 1946, and by Chief Curator Martin, Curator Spoehr, Curator Collier, and other Department members. 40 Visibility of details in exhibits and murals is aided by new lighting in Hall 29. Department of Botany Research and Expeditions In September, 1948, Paul C. Standley, Curator of the Herbarium, left Chicago for his second expedition to middle Central America to continue the botanical exploration of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the three countries he had previously explored in 1946 and 1947. Reports received from him indicate that he is con- tinuing to find many important new plant records for those countries. Until the end of 1948 he had confined his activities to Honduras. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator, pursued his studies of the American species of the genera Chenopodium and Gnetum. He was also occupied with revision for publication of the manuscript on the Cycadaceae by the late Professor Charles J. Chamberlain, Research Associate in the Department of Botany, and Professor A. W. Haupt, of the University of California at Los Angeles. 4] Throughout the year, Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus, con- tinued his extensive studies of American palms. He spent several months in Cuba collecting palms and economic plants for the special palm collection and for exhibit purposes. In his field work he enjoyed frequently the company and collaboration of the distinguished Cuban botanist, Brother Leon, of Colegio de La Salle. Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, continued the study of his large collections made in Ecuador and Venezuela as well as those made in Venezuela by Llewelyn Williams, Associate in Forest Products. The first portion of the manuscript dealing with the new species collected in Venezuela by Dr. Steyer- mark is scheduled for publication in Brittonia early in 1949. Much time was spent on the identification of miscellaneous collections sent to the Museum, especially those from parts of Central and South America, Mexico, and the United States. J. Francis Macbride, Curator of Peruvian Botany, carried on studies of the flora of Peru at various herbaria in California. Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, was occupied with A new installation in Hall 26 includes wood specimens, dis- tribution map, photograph of typical trees, and model of a branch of western larch, by Emil Sella, Curator of Ex- hibits, Department of Botany. organization, identification, and monographic studies of his extensive collections of Colombian plants. Dr. Earl E. Sherff, Research Associate in Systematic Botany, completed for publication in North American Flora taxonomic revisions of ten genera of Compositae. In addition, he carried on extensive cultural investigations of critical species of Dahlia in conjunction with his monographic studies. Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Cryptogamic Botany, spent much of his time preparing and filing the collections of cryptogams on hand and naming the several thousand algae received for identi- fication. With William A. Daily, of Butler University, he con- tinued work on a revision of the non-filamentous Myxophyceae. Dr. Drouet left in October on an expedition to collect plants along the Gulf of Mexico from Louisiana to Florida. Dr. Walter Kiener, of the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission of Nebraska, visitor on the Museum staff during September, worked on the collection of lichens. Dr. L. H. Tiffany and Donald Richards, Research Associates, pursued their studies of algae and mosses, respectively. - Dr. Herbert Habeeb and Miss Margaret Feigley, volunteer workers, determined the species of large numbers of North American mosses and hepatics. Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, continued his studies of American cultivated plants, especially corn and squashes, and their wild relatives. In February he joined Dr. Dahlgren in Cuba to study palms in the field and to gather material for cytological studies of the genus Copernicia. April and May were spent on a botanical expedition to the highlands of Peru to study varieties of cultivated plants peculiar to that region. Seeds brought back from this expedition were planted in Chicago, and the plants grown from these were studied throughout the summer. In the Museum, Dr. Cutler worked with the collections made on the expeditions. In addition, he determined several collections of plant fragments sent in by archaeologists of several institutions. Approximately forty-two thousand specimens and many type photographs of the Linnaean Herbarium were mounted and distrib- uted in the phanerogamic and cryptogamic herbaria, through the efforts of Carl Gervens and Mrs. Effie Schugman and their assistants. During the year the Department of Botany sold more than five thousand photographic prints and sent in exchange to other institu- tions and to botanists for study purposes or insertion in their her- baria nearly four thousand prints and accompanying labels from its large collection of negatives of type and historical specimens of American plants in European herbaria. 43 Interesting specimens of South American corn were collected during the Desloge Peruvian Expedition, 1948, by Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany. Accessions—Botany The most important additions to the phanerogamic herbarium during the year were various collections from Central and South America. Among the most noteworthy may be mentioned the follow- ing: 2,498 specimens from Central America, mostly Honduran, collected by Dr. Louis O. Williams; 1,919 Argentinian plants sent in exchange by the Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad de Tucu- man; 769 plants from Chiapas, Mexico, collected by Eizi Matuda; 459 plants of the Guianas, including many species new to science, as well as to the Herbarium, collected by Dr. Bassett Maguire, sent as exchange by the New York Botanical Garden; 1,403 specimens of cultivated plants collected by Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, of the University of California, as exchange; and 717 Peruvian plants collected by Felix Woytkowski and sent as exchange by the University of Cali- fornia. Other important additions, received as exchanges, were sent by the University of Michigan, Allan Hancock Foundation of 44 the University of Southern California, and Missouri Botanical Garden. Besides the cryptogams collected on Museum expeditions, more than 21,000 specimens were received during the year by the cryptogamic herbarium, of which 3,500 were purchased with funds provided by Elmer J. Richards and Donald Richards. Some 12,000 algae were received in exchange for curatorial services rendered to Yale University in connection with the D. C. Eaton algal herbarium. The remainder were either exchanges or gifts. The wood collections were increased through various gifts, such as 43 wood specimens from Cuba, collected by Dr. Ramon Gomez and presented by Dr. Dahlgren. A collection of 49 microscope slides of tropical woods was presented by Professor Misael Acosta Solis, of Quito, Ecuador. The extensive collection of photographs of plants and vegetation has been greatly augmented by recent additions, especially the large gift of several thousand negatives by Dr. Ezra Kraus, Professor Emeritus of Botany, University of Chicago. Prints of all botanical negatives are being made, mounted, labeled, and filed. Exhibits—Botany Work on the reconstruction of the fossil cycadophyte Cycadeoidea imgens required considerable time of staff members of the Plant Reproduction Laboratory. Additions to the synoptic exhibits in Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Hall (Hall 29, Plant Life) include a fruiting branch of the Australian or dammar pine (Agathis sp.) and small branches of Podocarpus, yew, and white cedar. Shortly, all of these will be installed with the exhibits of other representatives of living conifers. The Agathis and Podocarpus branches were assembled by Artist-Preparator Milton Copulos. Restorations of branches of western larch (Larix), noble fir (Abies), western red cedar (Thuja), and so forth, prepared by Curator of Exhibits Emil Sella, were installed in Charles F. Mills- paugh Hall (Hall 26, North American Trees) with the assistance of Preparator Mathias Dones. During the latter part of the year, Curator Sella was occupied with planning new lighting and with reconditioning the exhibits in Hall 29. The vast improvement in lighting shows to greater advantage the extensive and unique collection of plant models that is the result of many years of un- stinting effort and infinite care. Completion of this project will probably require the undivided attention of the entire staff of the Laboratory during most of the coming year. aS) Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, works on preliminary identification of specimens in the collection of invertebrate fossils made by Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology, at the Salt Range, Punjab, India. Department of Geology Research and Expeditions Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator, in collaboration with Robert Kriss Wyant, Curator of Economic Geology, completed studies on the Mapleton meteorite. Dr. Roy also carried on his studies of several other undescribed meteorites, both stony and iron, and made substantial progress in the compilation of a descriptive catalogue of the Museum’s collection of meteorites. In addition to his studies on the Mapleton meteorite, Curator Wyant spent considerable time in the calibration of instruments for meteorite analysis and made quantitative analyses, both metal and silicate, of portions of the Houck, the Holbrook, and the Benld meteorites. Studies by Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, on the peculiar extinct mammalian order Taeniodonta were essentially 46 completed during the year. A general paper on the evolution of the group was prepared for inclusion in Genetics, Paleontology and Evolution, a volume to be published by Princeton University Press, and a more detailed discussion will shortly be submitted to the Museum Press. Curator Patterson began his work on the determina- tion of the early Oligocene mammals from trans-Pecos, Texas, col- lected in 1946. In this connection, to make the necessary first- hand comparisons, he visited various eastern Museums during November and December. Two papers, Part I (“Introduction”) and Part II (“The Pleu- rodiran Turtles’) of The Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama, were completed by Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, and issued by the Museum Press. Progress was made on the preparation of Part III, which will contain descriptions of the forms belonging to the family Toxochelydae, a highly aquatic group of turtles. Another research project under preparation by Dr. Zangerl concerns a proposal for a new classification of the order Chelonia, in which living as well as fossil turtles are being considered. Dr. Zangerl has, for many years, been interested in basic concepts of comparative morphological methodology. He completed an essay on this subject, which was published in Evolution. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, prepared two papers for publication by the Museum Press: a descrip- tion of eight fossil crustaceans and a discussion of the pre-Cambrian stromatolites of an area in northern Michigan. He also made pre- liminary identifications of the fossils collected by Chief Curator Roy from the Salt Range in northern India. Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, who became a member of the staff in August, is engaged in completing a series of studies on one of the earliest known groups of vertebrates, the Osteostraci. The results of his studies will appear in two papers, both of which are nearly ready for publication. The first is a general study on the evolution and classification of the group; the second is a description of the micro- scopic structure of the skeleton, particularly of the earliest Osteo- straci from the Island of Oesel in the Baltic. George Langford, Assistant in Fossil Plants, devoted most of his time to new material for his report on the Wilmington coal flora and fauna. All the fossils described have been collected from the strip coal mine area near Wilmington, Will County, Illinois. The manuscript, on which Assistant Langford has been working for more than ten years, covers, to date, 480 species and forms representing 183 genera and sub-genera. Illustrative material con- a7) sists of over 1,200 photographs and 400 drawings. Completion of the work is delayed by periodic influxes of hitherto undiscovered materials that necessitate revisions and new interpretations. Preparation of vertebrate materials for study consisted chiefly of specimens collected in Texas by Curator Patterson and James H. Quinn, former Chief Preparator, and by Dr. Zangerl and William D. Turnbull, Preparator, in Alabama. Preparation of a large fish specimen, also from Alabama, has been nearly completed. Thirty- eight specimens of mammals and reptiles from scattered localities also were prepared for study. John Conrad Hansen, Artist, com- pleted a total of 140 pen-and-ink and wash drawings and paintings for publications and exhibits. His services were lent to the N. W. Harris Public School Extension for a month. During the year several expeditions worked in the field, all of them in the United States. Dr. Roy spent five weeks during Sep- tember and October in the eastern states, chiefly New York, collect- ing specimens for the systematic rock collection. Curator Wyant and Harry E. Changnon, Curator of Exhibits, spent a month in several of the mining districts of the Southwest collecting ores and associated minerals, chiefly for use in exhibits under preparation. Included were collections from the bauxite district in Arkansas, the Petaca pegmatite district in New Mexico, the molybdenum deposits in Questa, New Mexico, and several lead, silver, and gold districts of Colorado. An excellent collection of copper and zinc was also obtained from Santa Rita, New Mexico. Curator Richardson covered nearly six thousand miles in the eastern part of the country during June and July. The fossils collected on this trip are intended for the stratigraphic series and for exhibits in the new Hall of Fossil Invertebrates and Plants. He also collected fossils and gray clay to be used in making a reproduc- Crystals en masse of such petr- fection as this group of erys- tals of manganosiderite from Eagle Mine, Colorado, are rare (one-fourth its natural size). 48 tion of the famous Miocene fossil beds on the shore of Chesapeake Bay. Local field trips included Grand Tower and Percy, Illinois, where he found some very well preserved Pennsylvanian brachiopods, now added to the study collection. Dr. Zangerl led an expedition to west-central Wyoming with the specific purpose of searching for nothosaur material in the Alcova limestone, a member of the Chugwater Formation. A single speci- men, the only representative of this group of reptiles in the New World, had previously been discovered in this formation. The expedition succeeded in obtaining about a dozen additional partial skeletons as well as another reptile whose identity cannot be de- termined until the specimen is prepared for study. The Popo Agie Formation, which directly overlies the Alcova limestone, was also searched, and it produced several interesting specimens. Assistant Langford made several short trips to the strip coal mines, near Wilmington, Will County, Illinois, where he spent a total of thirty days. He was assisted part of the time by Chief Preparator Orville L. Gilpin and by Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Whitfield, both Associates in Fossil Plants. Mr. Langford, a veteran collector, whose knowledge of the Wilmington area is second to none, brought back and added to the fossil collection nearly three thousand speci- mens, many of which are extremely rare, the outstanding finds being a number of fossil spiders, scorpions, and annelids. Accessions—Geology Additions of new materials to the collections during the year were of especial interest, particularly from the standpoint of quality and unrepresented materials. The Division of Fossil Fishes was enriched by a collection of fossil fishes from the Mowry shale (Cretaceous) of Wyoming, collected during the summer by the Wyoming expedition under the leadership of Dr. Zangerl. The Mowry fishes have, hitherto, been known only from scales. Dr. Zangerl’s collection of nothosaur materials from the Chugwater Formation of Wyoming is also noteworthy, since this group of reptiles in the New World was heretofore known by a solitary specimen. Important accessions in the Division of Fossil Invertebrates in- clude a collection of Pleistocene or Pliocene mollusk shells from the Caloosahatchie Canal excavation in Florida, presented to the Mu- seum by A. A. Bakewell, of Solon Springs, Wisconsin, and a gift of 77 fossil insects collected by Dr. and Mrs. Whitfield and Jack Whitfield from the Oligocene beds at Florissant, Colorado. By 49 exchange with the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the Museum gained 477 specimens of Pleistocene and Tertiary fossils, chiefly mollusks, from the Atlantic coastal plain. Some rare forms were included in this accession. The most important addition to the collection of invertebrate fossils during the year, however, was a collection of about 4,000 specimens of Permian fossils from the Salt Range of northern India, collected in 1945 by Chief Curator Roy while on leave from the United States Army Air Forces. A splendid collection of onyx, gift of Dr. Carlos A. Friz, of Chicago, and 19 rare minerals, gift of the New Jersey Zinc Company, were added to the economic geology and mineral collections, respec- tively. The Anaconda Copper Mining Company, the Reynolds Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles (right), and his assistant quarry nothosaur skeletal material during the Wyoming Paleontological Expedition, 1948. Metals Company, the Republic Steel Corporation, and the American Brass Company donated several series of finished metal products to be applied as ‘“‘uses’”’ of various ores exhibited in Hall 36 (Economic Geology). At the close of the year the Museum was again fortunate to receive as a gift five meteorites from Stuart H. Perry, of Adrian, Michigan. They form an especially valuable addition, for none was hitherto represented in the Museum’s collection of meteorites. A final notable addition to the collections for the year was 34.4 carat step-cut golden beryl, from Dr. J. Daniel Willems, of Chicago. Exhibits—Geology In Hall 36 (Economic Geology) eight exhibits of metallic ores were installed under the supervision of Curator of Exhibits Changnon, with the assistance of Preparators Henry Horback and Kent Jones. Included are exhibits of the nonferrous metals (gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum, and tin), iron, ferroalloys, and rare and minor minerals of industrial importance. Each exhibit contains the im- portant ore minerals of the metal, typical ores of leading producing deposits, and information regarding their occurence and production. Two major additions were made in Ernest R. Graham Hall (Hall 38, Fossil Vertebrates). For the first time since their installation in the late ’20s and early ’30s, the famous Knight murals showing life of the past were adequately captioned. This was accomplished by forty large raised-letter plaques bearing titles and explanations of the prehistoric scenes. The new plaques enable visitors easily to associ- ate the murals with the fossil materials exhibited and thereby gain a clearer view of life and conditions in past geologic ages. Sixteen skeletons of Permian reptiles and amphibians, the cream of the Permian fossils from the magnificent gift of fossil vertebrates received from the University of Chicago in 1947, were placed on temporary exhibit in Hall 38. Frederick J. V. Skiff Hall (Hall 37, Fossil Invertebrates and Fossil Plants) was completely remodeled during the year to furnish fifty-three new-type built-in wall cases to house the new fossil in- vertebrate and fossil plant exhibits. Installation of these new ex- hibits began in September, and four introductory exhibits were installed. Plans call for completion of the hall in 1950. When completed, the hall will represent one of the most comprehensive exhibits—stratigraphic and systematic—of fossil invertebrates and plants ever attempted. Included will be seven underwater inverte- brate habitat groups and three plant groups. SI Valuable information on the habits of African chameleons was derived from a study of live specimens received from Harry Hoogstraal, Assistant Curator of Insects. Department of Zoology Research and Expeditions Research within the Museum was focused mainly on reports on specific collections, often largely by-products of the basic routine of identification by which all specimens enter the research collections. Segments of the collections made in 1946-47 by the Museum’s Philippines Zoological Expedition were reported on in whole or in part by the Divisions of Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles. Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals, continued his special interest in bats, completing two papers and working on the large manuscript of a revision of the horse-shoe nosed bats of the genus Rhinolophus. Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator of Mammals, continued his work on Colombian mammals (begun under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution), prepared a series of short papers on mammalian nomenclature, and reported on the tropical American mammals that were collected by Ivan T. Sanderson for the British Museum and stored at this Museum during the war. 2 In the Division of Birds, Curator Austin L. Rand was engaged in studies of faunal, systematic, and ecological aspects of African birds from both sides of the continent. Emmet R. Blake, Associate Curator, and Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Research Associate, continued work on neotropical birds and prepared a series of papers for publica- tion. The problem of definition of subspecies, a subject of consider- able current taxonomic importance, engaged the attention of Dr. Rand and Mr. Traylor. The long-term project of the Division of Birds, Catalogue of Birds of the Americas, made large advances during 1948 under the supervision of Boardman Conover, Research As- sociate, and of Miss Lillian A. Ross, Associate Editor of Scientific Publications. Two sections of the final part of this work, each of volume length, were published; the final section had gone to press at the end of the year. In addition to her work with exhibits, Mrs. Ellen T. Smith, Associate, carried on considerable curatorial work. In the Division of Reptiles, Robert F. Inger, temporary assistant, made excellent progress on a comprehensive report on Philippine amphibians. Curator Clifford H. Pope continued his studies on North American salamanders and continued also his interest in the - operation of snake venom, both as to the mechanics of striking and the effects of venom. The small Burmese python, presented to the Division in 1945, has afforded opportunity for a unique growth- record and for observations of behavior, with a by-product of im- portant practical hints for zoological-garden management. The Division was host during the year to a series of twenty-nine East African chameleons. After being studied by Bernard Greenberg, of Roosevelt College, as to life history and behavior, the specimens remaining were deposited with the Chicago Zoological Society and Lincoln Park Zoo. The chameleon studies, in fact, serve as an example of the large areas of overlapping interest in zoological studies in museums and zoological gardens. Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, was essentially ‘‘on loan’’ to the United States National Museum for the first part of the year, where he was engaged with Dr. Leonard P. Schultz of that museum on the monumental report on Pacific fishes resulting from the col- lections made at Bikini Atoll. His work on this project (which results in the accession of a share of the Bikini fish collection by this Museum) is continuing. Preliminary studies of Bermuda shore fishes, in which Curator Woods has been aided by Robert Kanazawa, temporary assistant, have disclosed interesting material. One of the principal objectives of the Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition, the collection of a representation of the remarkable types of fishes from JS) the lightless depths of the ocean, has provided a fresh stimulus to the studies on this fauna, the special interest of Mrs. Marion Grey, Associate in the Division of Fishes. Studies toward a monograph on the giant panda, long the major research interest of D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anat- omy, has disclosed so many serious deficiencies in our knowledge of the allied bears and raccoons and of the flesh-eating mammals in general that their scope has long since been enlarged to a review of the morphology of the Carnivora. However, much progress was made during the year on the manuscript dealing specifically with the giant panda. It is fortunate to find that this creature embodies in almost diagrammatic form many of the most interesting principles of what has been called “‘functional comparative anatomy.’ Various studies on locomotion of mammals and reptiles and observations on the remarkable behavior of the brilliantly colored North American mud snake and on the locomotion of geckos were among Curator Davis’ accessory interests during the year. Dr. R. M. Strong, Research Associate, continued his research work on the anatomy of the salamander Necturus. The Division of Insects, still largely absorbed in curatorial routine, reports the continuing research on special families of beetles, the Histeridae, by Assistant Curator Rupert P. Wenzel, and the Ptiliidae, by Assistant Curator Henry S. Dybas, together with the studies on Staphylinidae by Research Associate Charles H. Seevers and work on the Mordellidae by Eugene Ray, temporary assistant. In the Division of Lower Invertebrates, Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator, was engaged in studies of the fresh-water mollusks of Lake Titicaca, on loan from the British Museum, and of other Peruvian material received from the Museo Javier Prado, in Lima. In lieu of original research Chief Curator Karl P. Schmidt was engaged in the revision of Ecological Animal Geography (Hesse, Allee, and Schmidt, 1937) for a second edition. The translation of the German original of this work was made by Chief Curator Schmidt during long sea voyages in connection with Museum expeditions, and the American edition has been favorably received. As the year closed he had finished reading galley proof of a second work with university colleagues, The Principles of Animal Ecology, begun in 1941 in collaboration with Professors W. C. Allee, Alfred E. Emerson, and Thomas Park, of the University of Chicago, and Orlando Park, of Northwestern University. The major expedition of 1948 was the Bermuda Deep-Sea Ex- pedition, in which the operation of the oceanographic vessel, the 54 LIVING MAMMALS The evolutionary relationship of the principal types of living mammals is illus- trated by models prepared by Joseph B. Krstolich, Artist, Department of Zoology. 98-foot ketch Caryn, was made possible by co-operation with the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc. Leader of our Bermuda party was Dr. Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, who was ably seconded by Curator Woods, of the Division of Fishes. Mrs. Grey, Associate in Fishes, accompanied the party, with Ronald J. Lambert, Assistant Taxidermist. Miss Margaret J. Bauer, Departmental Secretary, joined the party as volunteer for five weeks. Dr. Dugald E. S. Brown, Director of the Bermuda Biological Station, through whom the use of the Caryn was arranged, main- tained a most active interest in the deep-sea trawling operations. The material obtained proved of great interest also to visiting scientists working in the laboratories of the Biological Station. The Divisions of Insects and Mammals collaborated effectively in the Guatemalan Zoological Expedition, which left New Orleans in April. Assistant Curator of Insects Wenzel was accompanied SD) by Rodger D. Mitchell, of Wayne, Illinois, and Mr. de la Torre, temporary assistant in the Division of Mammals, who is a student at the University of Michigan. The attachment of Mr. de la Torre to the Guatemala party was especially effective because the Mu- seum’s entomological staff maintains an active interest in the ectoparasites of mammals. Illness necessitated the return of As- sistant Curator Wenzel at the end of May, but Mr. Mitchell and Mr. de la Torre carried on their respective insect and mammal col- lecting until October, when Mr. Mitchell returned, leaving Mr. de la Torre to continue the search for mammals, more particularly for bats. One or more members of the party visited the Departments of Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez, Escuintla, Progreso, Zacapa, Alta Verapaz, and Huehuetenango. A principal focus of interest of the expedition was the collecting of material from the type localities of the species described in the monumental Biologia Centrali-Americana, in which the report on beetles alone extends to eighteen bound volumes describing about twelve thousand new species. The fresh material from Guatemala makes possible renewed studies from modern viewpoints on this fascinating and complex fauna. Under the auspices of the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council, as part of the scientific surveys of the Pacific islands under United States control, Assistant Curator Dybas, of the Division of Insects, was engaged in the entomological survey of the Palau Islands and of Ponape, in the eastern Carolines. The islands of the western Pacific, long behind a Japanese curtain, are now being actively explored from every scientific aspect. Mr. Dybas returned to the Museum in April. Harry Hoogstraal, at- tached to the Museum staff as Assistant Curator of Insects, repre- sented the Museum on the University of California African Expedi- tion. He was engaged primarily in the collection of blood samples of mammals and lizards and ectoparasites of mammals for the Naval Research Institute. A share of his host specimens will be assigned to the Museum. Research Associate Traylor, of the Division of Birds, was accom- panied by Mrs. Traylor on a bird-collecting expedition to Veracruz, with special effort directed to the altitudinal zones of the great mountain mass of Orizaba. The party was hospitably entertained at Potrero Viejo, the hacienda of Dyfrig McH. Forbes, host to a long succession of zoological collectors. Mr. and Mrs. Traylor were in Mexico from July 3 to September 11, traveling by means of the Museum’s new carryall. At the end of the year Assistant Curator Hershkovitz, of the Division of Mammals, was established in 56 Colombia for the completion of his mammal survey of that country, where he had worked extensively as Walter Rathbone Bacon Travel- ing Scholar of the Smithsonian Institution. Within the United States, Chief Curator Schmidt, accompanied by his son, John M. Schmidt, and by Mr. Inger, of the Division of Reptiles, used the new carryall for a brief trip to western Texas, where specimens of the remarkable “barking frog’? and of the interesting neotenous salamanders (“‘permanent larvae’) of the border of the Edwards Plateau were collected. Curator Sanborn made brief field trips to Arkansas for mammals in April and June as part of a continuing program of study in that state, also by means of the carryall. Curator Pope spent July and August at the Mountain Lake Biological Station of the University of Virginia, where the co-operation of staff and students of the graduate summer school greatly promoted his studies on salamander life-histories and distribution. In November he was accompanied by Dr. James Kezer, of Roosevelt College, to southern Missouri, where a collection of living cave salamanders was obtained for Dr. Kezer’s studies on chromosome structures and for further investigation of the reduction and loss of eyes in these creatures of darkness. In October and November Mr. Inger returned to the interesting study of the autumn aggregation of blue racers in the Indiana Dunes. This “hibernating colony,’ in which the snakes come to a limited area each autumn, was discovered, or perhaps re-discovered, by Chief Curator Schmidt and Taxidermist Leon L. Walters in 1935. In the intervening time, with unfortunately interrupted studies, 103 specimens were marked and released. Mr. Inger was able to mark no less than 92 specimens in the 1948 season, employing a greatly improved marking technique. It is hoped that future studies may yield information on return to the locality, growth, longevity, and population numbers. The carryall served also in an emergency when living mosquitoes were urgently desired in connection with the making of a large model of Anopheles, the malaria bearer. As- sistant Curators Wenzel and Dybas were promptly successful in finding specimens when other sources had failed. Accessions—Zoology The more important gifts of specimens received during the year are the large male Alaska brown bear, intended for exhibition, received from Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street, of Seattle, Washington; the continuing gifts of important anatomical material received from the SI Chicago Zoological Society and Lincoln Park Zoo; 71 mammals from British Honduras and Yucatan, collected by Ivan T. Sanderson and presented by the British Museum (Natural History); 77 birds from East Africa, mainly from high altitudes on Mt. Kenya, presented by Walther Buchen, of Chicago; and two ivory-billed woodpeckers (a North American species on the verge of extinction), from Arkansas, presented by Robert Burton, of Chicago. A notable gift in the Division of Reptiles was the collection of 522 specimens of salamanders of the Appalachian region, from Dr. Nelson G. Hairston, of the University of Michigan; 17 living geckos, from C. B. Perkins, of San Diego Zoological Society; and a series of the beautiful iguanid lizards of the species Dipsosaurus dorsalis, from Kenneth S. Norris, of Los Angeles. In the Division of Insects the largest gift of the year was a miscellaneous collection of insects and other arthropods from Assistant Curator Hoogstraal, mainly from New Guinea and the Philippines, collected during the war. Major Howard T. Wright collected and presented 3,252 specimens of insects from Japan, and Dr. C. L. Remington, of New Haven, Connecticut, presented his wartime collection of 1,149 specimens, mostly beetles, from New Caledonia. Of especial interest is the James E. Trott, Artist-Prepar- ator, works on enlarged model of an anopheles mosquito, one of several anatomical models that will show the life cycle of the malaria organism. Right: Total length of the completed model is approximately 2 feet. series of 31 named beetles, all remarkable as “‘ant guests,’’ including 10 paratypes, received as a gift from Colonel Clifford C. Gregg, Director. In the Division of Lower Invertebrates a noteworthy gift of 296 specimens of Amazonian mollusks came from Dr. Harald Sioli, of Belem, Brazil, and of 18 lots of fresh-water shells, from Dr. Walter Biese, of Santiago, Chile, including a number of paratypes of species described by Dr. Biese. The most important accessions of the year consist of material from the Museum’s own expeditions, some still from previous years, and from purchases. The largest single accession in 1948 from one source is the series of 18,247 specimens of insects from the Philippines Zoological Expedition of 1946-47. Exhibits—Zoology The program for a series of biological exhibits to supplement and explain the systematic exhibits of birds in Hall 21 was advanced by the installation of four alcove cases prepared by Assistant Taxi- dermist Kenneth Woehlck, with the co-operation of Miss Norma Lockwood, Staff Illustrator, and of members of the taxidermy staff. SY The subjects represented are “Birds as Solar Machines,” ‘‘Variation Is the Rule in Nature,” “Speciation in Galapagos Birds,’ and “Migration of Some North American Birds.” The restorations of fossil birds in Hall 21 were repainted by Taxidermist L. L. Pray. A new model by Mr. Pray of the gigantic predaceous South American Phororhacos, which has become known as the “Argentine terror bird,’ makes it seem evident that we are fortunate that the bird became extinct in Miocene times. An exhibition screen, “Birds in a Chicago Garden,” featuring the means of attracting birds in sub- urban areas, is approaching completion under the supervision of Associate Ellen T. Smith, of the Division of Birds. This screen forms one of the units in a much-needed exhibit of birds of the Chicago area in which the changes with spring and fall migration can be featured. The principal exhibition work in progress for the Division of Mammals was the mounting of four Alaska brown bears, which was well advanced at the close of the year. In the Division of Reptiles, exhibition work in progress consisted of models made for a Chicago area alcove and of a Central American basilisk lizard, whose bipedal running is of especial interest in connection with the development of bipedal locomotion in the extinct dinosaurs. No new exhibits were installed in the Division of Fishes. Work con- tinued on the improvement of models in the synoptic series of fishes by replacement of shriveled or warped fins of old models with fins of carved celluloid. The Division of Vertebrate Anatomy reports progress on the case reserved for the anatomy of whales in the Hall of Whales, with the preparation of new models by Joseph B. Krstolich, Artist, under the general supervision of Curator Davis. “Family Tree of Living Mammals,” an exhibition screen that shows the interrelation of mammals, was prepared by Mr. Krstolich under the direction of Chief Curator Schmidt and installed in George M. Pullman Hall (Hall 18, Horned and Hoofed Mammals). The staff of the Division of Insects was engaged on plans for a Hall of Insects (the west half of Hall 18), and James E. Trott, Artist-Preparator, has completed several of the anatomical models that will show the life cycle of the malaria organism. The completed enlarged model of an adult anopheles mosquito intended for the malaria case is a triumph of the combination of artistic skill and patience necessary in insect model-making. It incorporates no less than 13,000 separate scales on the legs and 3,400 on the wings, with- out which details a mosquito model is curiously inadequate. The finished model is composed of about 20,160 parts. 60 Reclassification and growth of the Library require additional shelving. The new installation in the stackroom (above) accommodates approximately 18,000 volumes. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM The fundamental objective of the Library is to function as an integral division of the Museum by furnishing the printed-word working tools and supplementary data needed in the ever-expanding specialization of research performed in the scientific departments. The accomplishment of this long-range purpose has been intensified this past year through the fortunate acquisition of a choice number of publications long needed, many unobtainable during the war years or even directly thereafter. Represented among the new resources of the Library are rare and important volumes made available through the disposal of private libraries, desiderata urgently needed for the projects planned in the newly created divisions of departments as well as for further research in established divisions, recently published works on current scientific developments in allied fields, and foreign periodicals—some new and others that round out incomplete sets. A selective list, illustrative of the items acquired, is given on the following pages. 61 BOOKS Artedi, Peter, I[chthyologia, 5 pts. (1738) Bellardi, Luigi, and Federico Sacco, I. Molluschi det Tereni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Ligiria, 7 v. (1873-1904) Blainville, H. M. D. de, Osteographie, ou description tconographique comparee du Squelette et du systeme dentaire des mammiferes recents et fossiles pour servir de base a la zoologie et a la geologie, 4 v. (1839-64) [very rare] Blume, C. L., Forae Javae nec non insularum adjacentium, 3 v. in 4 (1829) Boheman, K. H., Monographia Cassidarum, 4 v. (1850-62) Bronn, H. G., Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, abt. 2, Gastropoda prosobranchia (1896-1907) , Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, abt. 3 ———, Malacozoa, 2 v. (1862-66) , Mollusca, abt. Amphineura und Scaphopoda (1892-95) ———, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs—Pulmonata (1908-12) Buffon, G. L. L. de, Histoire Naturelle, genérale et particuliére, avec la descrip- tion du cabinet du Roi, 1st ed., 44 v. (1750-1804) Burmeister, Hermann, Handbuch der Entomologie, 5 v. and plates (1832-47) Curtis, John, British entomology, 16 v. (1828-40) [one of the most important works from the standpoint of genotype designations; only set in Chicago] Dejean, Comte, Species general des Coleopteres Cicindelidae and Carabidae, 5 v. (1825-31) Ehrenberg, C. G., Symbolae Physicae (1828-838) Gmelin, G. Friedrich, An universal system of natural history, including man, the Orang-Outang, and the whole tribe of Simia (1744-1810) Gronovius, L. T., Zoophylacit Gronoviani fasciculus primus (et secundus) ex- hibens animalia quadrupeda amphibia atque pisces enumerationem in- sectorum (1763-64) [the Library of Congress has the only other copy of this in its rare book division] Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften, 2nd ed., 10 v. (1931-35) Horn, Walther, and Isle Kahle, Uber entomologischen Sammlungen, v. 1-8 (1935-37) [very rare] International Congress of Entomology. Proceedings and transactions, first to seventh meetings, 17 v. Jablonsky, C. G., and J. F. W. Herbst, Natursystem aller bekannten in-und- auslandischen Insecten der Kdfer, 10 v. (1789-1806) Jacquelin du Val, Camille, and L. M. H. Fairmair, Genera des Coleopteres d’ Europe, 3 v. (1857-68) [rare and important work] Morley, Claude, [chneumonologia Britannica, 5 v. (1903-14) Orbigny, Alcide d’, Voyage dans l Amerique Meridionale—Mollusques, 2 v. (1835-43) ———, Voyage dans l Amerique Meridionale, 11 v. (1837-47) SERIES (new) 62 California Zoological Club. Proceedings, v. 1, no. 5 Cavanillesia, v. 1-8 (complete series) Discovery Committee, Colonial Office, London. Dvuscovery reports, v. 1-24 (continuation) Entomologisk Meddelelser, 24 v. (1887-1947) L’ Institut Oceanographique de Monaco. Annales, v. 1 (continuation) Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Archives, ser. 2, v. 1-10; ser. 3 v. 1-10; ser. 4, v. 1-10; ser. 5, v. 1-6 Revue Scientifique, 1988-41, 1945, 1948 (continuation) SERIES (purchased to fill gaps in our runs) Botanisches Zentralblatt, v. 33-56, 59, 60, 63, 70, 81-94, 101-103 California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, ser. 1 and 2 (1854-96), 18 v. Conchological magazine (1907-09) Genera Insectorum, fase. 194-196, 199a, 200-207 Geological Society of America. Memorres, nos. 9, 11, 21 Geologiska Féreningens, Stockholm. Fdérhandlingar, v. 1-12, 15-652 Indians at work, v. 1-3, 4 Société Botanique de France. Bulletin, tomes 1-8, 45, 48-53, 57-58 The Library’s holdings have been augmented further through the Museum’s policy of exchange of scientific publications with other institutions and by valuable gifts. Outstanding among gifts are the Darwin letters, the Stuart H. Perry photographs of meteoric irons, the twenty-five paintings of birds by Karl Plath, and the Charles V. Riley collection of books on entomology. The continued growth of the Library has been inevitable. It has come as a corollary of highly selective augmentation along intensive lines and has established Chicago Natural History Museum as one of the foremost sources of specialized information in its field. An indication of this distinction has been shown by the frequency of requests received for interlibrary loans from libraries ranking high in their special fields and from industrial and research organiza- tions throughout the country. The transfer from John Crerar Library to the Museum of the extremely important series, Palae- ontographica (Volumes 1 to 80, and the Supplements), evidences the prestige achieved by this Library as a center of information on natural history. A point in illustration of the appreciation indicated by the public in the Library facilities may be made by mentioning the group attendance by teachers from the Board of Education for the purpose of compiling bibliographies in the field of natural history to be used in future courses of study. During the year, 3,585 items were added to the collection. Of this number, 1,166 were secured by gift, 157 by exchange, and the remainder by purchase. The number of accessioned items in the Museum Library now totals 182,610. The Kardex Visible File, installed in 1947, has grown to the extent that soon a third tier will be in use. Primarily, this file was installed to assemble in one place all the pertinent data dealing with the great volume of material received in the Library in serial form. The shelving ordered in December of 1946 was received and installed during the past year, providing accommodations for approximately 18,000 volumes in the new stackroom. 63 Upon the resignation on August 31, 1948, of the Librarian, Carl W. Hintz, and the retirement of the Associate Librarian, Mrs. | Mary W. Baker, a reorganization of staff personnel was effected, together with a new division of duties and relocation of office arrange- ments. Mrs. Meta P. Howell, of the cataloguing division, was appointed to the post of Librarian. Mrs. Eunice M. Gemmill, of the reference department, was placed in charge of that department and its personnel, and the services of Mrs. Baker were retained to assist in the important work of reclassification. Mrs. Emily M. Wilcoxson has continued her valuable work as Librarian Emerita. She has completed two special projects—an index to another volume of the Museum Bulletin and a bibliography of the works of the late Dr. Berthold Laufer, eminent Sinologist who was on the staff of the Museum for many years. A severe loss to the Library was occasioned by the death of Frank L. Heyser, the bookbinder. The quality of his work and the service he gave to the Museum Library undoubtedly can never be replaced. His pride and interest in his work was reflected in the meticulous care given to the restoration of rare books, the binding of new material, and the high quality of workmanship in every task. PHOTOGRAPHY AND ILLUSTRATION Total production for the Division of Photography for the year was 19,802 items. Output consisted of negatives, prints, enlargements, lantern slides, and transparencies made for the Museun, other institutions, the press, and general sales. There are now in the files nearly 105,000 negatives. At the time of his sudden death in October, Arthur G. Rueckert, Staff Artist, had just begun preliminary work on background paintings of dioramas for the new hall of paleontology, planning and research for which had occupied his time for a number of months. Earlier in the year he had completed for Charles F. Millspaugh Hall (Hall 26, North American Trees) two large wall maps showing the major zones of soil groups. By his ability as an artist and museum tech- nician Mr. Rueckert contributed much to the development of natural-history exhibition work. The loss to the Museum by his death is great. Miss Norma Lockwood, Staff Illustrator, furnished drawings, lettering, and miscellaneous art work as required throughout the year by the departments and divisions of the Museum. She also prepared four exhibition screens for the Division of Birds. 64 4 ARABIAN StA | Maps of the hemispheres showing the distribution of the zonal great soil groups, on exhibit in Hall 26, are the work of the late Arthur G. Rueckert, Staff Artist. MOON PIGLURES During the year approximately eighty-five per cent of the footage was taken for the Museum’s educational motion picture, temporarily titled “Museum Activities.” This film, in color, with a sound track to be “dubbed”’ in, will take the public on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Museum’s studios, laboratories, and exhibits. It is planned to complete production early in 1949 and to have this film ready by the latter part of the year for screening to all audiences interested in the Museum’s over-all program of education. In addition, ten complete motion pictures were re-edited and titled for use by the Museum in programs for schools and the general public. This footage was edited from material purchased or pre- 65 sented to the Museum and from films taken on Museum expeditions by staff members. There are at present four films, also from desir- able material in the Film Library, in the re-editing stages for the coming year. Color transparencies and motion-picture records of natural-history subjects were taken for the scientific departments, work that has become an important function of the Division both for research and general information. The year’s outstanding accession was approximately 12,500 feet of 35mm film presented to the Museum by Rudyerd Boulton, of Washington, D.C., former Curator of Birds, now Research Associate. This footage represents a motion-picture record of numerous expedi- tions of which Mr. Boulton was a member and contains sequences on bird, mammal, and reptile life as well as travelogue material in both Panama and Africa. It is planned, after selecting the out- standing scenes, to reduce this footage to 16mm so that this film can be used in several Museum productions. PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING Distribution of wartime accumulations and postwar issues of the Museum’s publications was made to twenty more of the institutions and individuals on our regular foreign exchange list with which prewar routine exchange had not been restored before 1948. Con- tact with many of the scientific institutions and individual scientists in Germany also was made, although forwarding of the large quantities of publications that have accumulated for them during the past nine years awaits more favorable shipping conditions to Berlin and other areas. A total of 11,958 copies was sent to in- dividuals and institutions on both the domestic and foreign exchange lists, to which twenty-eight new names were added. Sales during 1948 totaled 3,207 copies in the Scientific Series, 8,235 copies in the Popular Series, and 29,816 copies of miscellaneous publications, such as guides, handbooks, and memoirs (see page 85). For future sales and other distribution an additional 26,700 copies of publica- tions were wrapped, labeled, and stored. The Museum Press issued during the year seven titles in the Scientific Series of publications, one in the Popular Series, one in the Memoirs Series, one in the Administrative Series, and one reprint. The total number of pages printed in all books, including an index for one completed volume in the Scientific Series, was 1,297, and the total number of copies was 26,641. Twelve numbers of Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin were printed, averaging 66 6,000 copies an issue. Other work of the Division of Printing in- cluded posters, price lists, Museum Stories for Children (Raymond Foundation), lecture schedules, Museum labels, post cards, Museum stationery, and specimen tags, totaling 88,990 impressions. A list of titles in the publications series issued in 1948 by Chicago Natural History Museum Press follows: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BRAIDWOOD, ROBERT J. Prehistoric Men, Popular Series, Anthropology, no. 37, 117 pp., 37 text figures MARTIN, RICHARD A. Mummies, Reprint, 18 pp., 10 text figures, 11 plates QUIMBY, GEORGE I. Prehistoric Art of the Aleutian Islands, Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 36, no. 4, 16 pp., 7 text figures DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY ZANGERL, RAINER The Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama, Fieldiana: Geology Memoirs, vol. 8, nos. 1 and 2, 56 pp., 4 plates, 16 text figures DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY HAAS, FRITZ Three New Land Shells from Peru, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 23, 5 pp., 3 text figures HELLMAYR, CHARLES E., AND BOARDMAN CONOVER Catalogue of Birds of the Americas, Zoological Series, vol. 18, part 1, no. 2, vii+434 pp. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas, Zoological Series, vol. 18, part 1, no. 3, vi+383 pp. RAND, A. L. Five New Birds from the Philippines, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 25, 5 pp. TRAYLOR, MELVIN A., JR. New Birds from Peru and Ecuador, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 24, 6 pp. ZIMMERMANN, ARNOLD A., AND CLIFFORD H. POPE Development and Growth of the Rattle of Rattlesnakes, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32, no. 6, 61 pp., 25 text figures ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLICATIONS Annual Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees for the Year 1947, 141 pp., 32 illustrations 67 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS The Museum continued throughout the year its co-operative educa- tional arrangements with the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Antioch College, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Frequent use of Museum exhibits was made by students from Roosevelt College, for whom the Museum kept a special record of attendance. The laboratories and research collections of the Museum were open to visiting scientists, as in past years, and through interlibrary loan the resources of the Library of the Museum were available to other institutions. Every year more and more art students use the Museum exhibits as they seek ideas in their classes in sketching, modeling, and design. They make use of the exhibits in anthropology to study primitive designs in masks, headdresses, African wood carving, and textiles. The animal groups in zoology offer them models for life drawings that are next best to live animals and superior to them in that the students can really get form and line. Botany and geology exhibits are studied and used for natural designs. The School of the Art Institute sends its adult and junior classes to study in the Museum. These students, in fact, number the largest from any school in groups and attendance at the Museum. Some of them come on weekdays but many more come on Saturdays, when they can be found all through the Museum studying and sketch- ing. The results of their work are exhibited in the Museum for one month in early summer. This selective exhibit shows some delightful and remarkable work, both of young and adult students. Other art schools using the Museum for study are Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Applied Art, Institute of Design, and Chicago Technical College. Some of the students from these schools made an objective survey of the design and art of primitive peoples in order to develop their own appreciation of functional art. Other students studied looms, weaving, and textile materials of primitive peoples. Several groups made trips through the halls of trees and woods to study patterns in the grain of the many different species from all parts of the world. Still another use of Museum exhibits and programs has been made in teacher-training classes by several colleges and universities. These student-teachers are brought to the Museum to see how its exhibits can be used in teaching, to learn how to organize successful field or museum trips, and to find out just how much the Museum can help them in their future teaching. Roosevelt College, Chicago 68 The Art Institute of Chicago sends adult and junior classes to sketch in the Museum. Teachers College, and Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College make most frequent use of the Museum in this type of education work. Under the co-operative educational plan adopted in 1946 by this Museum and Antioch College, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, successive groups of undergraduate students, alternating periods of study on the college campus with periods of work with pay, are temporarily employed by the Museum in its scientific departments, its Library, and its administrative offices. This plan brought thirteen young men and women to the Museum in 1948, two of whom accompanied Museum expeditions in the summer months. A year’s course in museology covering complete training in curatorial duties in a museum was given at the Museum by the staff of the Department of Anthropology in co-operation with the Depart- ment of Anthropology of the University of Chicago. In the spring Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, and Fred Eggan, of the Department of Anthropology of the University of Chicago, conducted a seminar at the Museum for advanced students in anthropology on problems in Southwestern archaeology and eth- nology. During the year the curators gave occasional lectures at the University of Chicago in their special fields. Donald Collier, 69 Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, delivered six lectures on anthropology at the University of Chicago, supervised a research course in South American ethnology and archaeology for students from the University of Chicago, and gave a lecture on the Tairona culture of Colombia at Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, was on leave from the Museum in July and August to teach anthropology in the recently formed department of social relations at Harvard University. At that time he partici- pated in a series of open seminars for foreign students attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the remainder of the year Curator Spoehr taught a course in anthropology at the University of Chicago and also gave a number of lectures to advanced graduate students. Classes in botany from the University of Chicago and Wheaton College visited the Department of Botany on several occasions and were conducted through the laboratories and herbaria. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator of Botany, Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, and Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, were speakers in a series of five lectures on botanical subjects given early in the spring at Northwestern University. In March Chief Curator Just and Curator Cutler conducted seminars at the University of Chicago and Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, respectively. Curator Cutler gave talks on native Ameri- can food plants before the Academy of Science of St. Louis and the faculty in botany and graduate students of Washington University and addressed several groups of plant breeders during a trip through Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota to study developments in plant science in the Middle West. Associate Curator Steyermark con- ducted a botanical field trip, through areas of southern Missouri, for graduate students of the Henry Shaw School of Botany, Wash- ington University, and Missouri Botanical Garden. Advanced courses in vertebrate paleontology offered by the University of Chicago were again held at the Museum under the direction of Dr. Everett C. Olson, Associate Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Chicago, and Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates at the Museum. Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, and Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, participated in the instruction and acted as counselors. In addition to formal classes Curator Zanger] discussed the problem of aquatic specializa- 70 Dr. Everett C. Olson, Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates, is lecturing at the Museum to the class in vertebrate paleontology of the University of Chicago. tion in higher vertebrates, and Curator Denison gave a lecture on early fishes. Curator Patterson took part in a seminar on physical anthropology at the University of Chicago and in continental drift at Northwestern University. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, talked at Hubbard Woods School, Winnetka, Illinois, on the tidal theory of origin of the solar system. The class in historical geology at the University of Illinois (Navy Pier Branch) met twice at the Museum and examined the study collections of invertebrate fossils. Undergraduate classes from the University of Chicago made use of the zoological laboratories and exhibition halls as in other years. Classes in mammalogy and wild-life management from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin visited the Museum in December and were conducted through the preparation laboratories and collection ranges. During January and February Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, held a series of demonstrations for the advanced course in invertebrate zoology of the University of Chicago. Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology, and D. Dwight Davis, Curator 71 of Vertebrate Anatomy, continued their association with the Uni- versity of Chicago as Lecturer in Zoology and Lecturer in Paleo- zoology, respectively. Chief Curator Schmidt presented ‘‘The Biotic Environment of the Individual” to the ecology group, and Curator Davis gave a series of three lectures before the seminar in physical anthropology. Clifford H. Pope, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles, aided in the work of the summer school of the University of Virginia at Mountain Lake, Virginia, in exchange for much counter- ald from students and staff in his studies of salamanders. Scientists from other institutions have continued to make use of the research materials and laboratories of the Museum. Dr. Robert F. Gray, of the University of Chicago, did research on food habits of the peoples of Africa, Dr. Mafalda Riedel, of the University of Basel, Switzerland, made a complete examination of the Museum’s textiles from the New Hebrides, and Bredo Rost, teacher of handi- crafts under the Chicago Board of Education, studied African leatherwork. Dr. Richard C. Thometz, of Loyola University, J. K. Woo, of the School of Medicine, Washington University, Dr. E. L. Du Brul, of the College of Dentistry, University of Illinois, and Dr. Margot Ulloa, of the University of Toronto, did research in physical anthropology related to problems of modern dentistry. Dr. Misael Acosta Solis, Director of the Ecuadorian Institute of Natural Sciences, Quito, Ecuador, spent six weeks at the Museum studying tropical timbers in preparation for his book on woods of Ecuador. Dr. Samuel Welles, of the University of California, visited the Museum to study the type specimens of Araescelis and the Plesiosaur materials in the collections of the Department of Geology. Among those making use of the laboratories and collections in vertebrate anatomy were Dr. C. O. Bechtol, of Oakland, California, Frederick Barth, of the University of Chicago, Philip S. Humphrey, of Amherst College, and Dr. Du Brul. The Museum’s Deep-Sea Expedition of 1948 should be especially mentioned in connection with co-operation with other institutions. Through the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc., the expedition material was made available to Dr. Martha Baylor, of Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Ralph Dennell, of the University of Manchester, and Dr. Lyell J. Thomas, of the University of Illinois. Donald Lehmer, University of Chicago Museum Fellow, spent the autumn months at the Museum studying the Cochise materials in the Department of Anthropology. Miss Ruth Marzano, Uni- versity of Chicago Museum Fellow, continued her researches on the skeletons of the American Indian. Miss Margaret Murley, 2 graduate student of Northwestern University, worked on seeds of the Cruciferae of northeastern United States, and Hao-Jan Chu, Northwestern University student, studied blue-green algae. Robert Sokol, University of Chicago Museum Fellow, and William J. Beecher, graduate student at the University of Chicago, carried on studies in the Department of Zoology. Other special staff activities included lectures before general groups and radio talks. Curator Cutler showed some of the work done on expedition in a television broadcast called “‘A Scientist Reports on South America,’ over station KSD-TV, of St. Louis. Curator Cutler and Curator Collier took part in a “Flying Reporter’’ program on radio station WAIT, telling of expeditionary activities in South America. Curator Spoehr gave a radio interview on a special museum program over station WMBI. In another field of activity, Museum zoologists were consulted in connection with the proposal for the extermination of red foxes in the Cook County Forest Preserve districts. Dr. R. M. Strong, Research Associate in Anatomy, Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals, and Chief Curator Schmidt attended hearings on the proposal before the com- mittee of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Kent Jones, Preparator, is sawing a rock in the laboratories of the Department of Geology, preparatory to making a thin section for microscopic examination. AGTIVIMES OE STAFE MEMBERS MINeSGlENMEKGE SOCGIEMES Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, and Dr. John B. Rinaldo, Assistant in Archaeology, attended a large and important conference on archaeology of the Southwest held in August at Point of Pines, Arizona, the camp of the Archaeological School of the University of Arizona. Dr. Martin was chairman of the meetings on Mogollon problems and served as member of the program committee. In May Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits, Curator Collier, and Dr. Rinaldo attended the annual meetings of the Society for American Archaeology and Central States Branch of the American Anthropological Association held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Curator Quimby was elected secretary of the Society for American Archaeology and first vice-president of the Central States Branch of the American Anthropological Association. In November Curator Quimby took part in a symposium on methods of pottery typology at the Sixth Plains Archaeological Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. During the year Curator Collier was appointed representative of the American Anthropological Association to the National Research Council. He was appointed also to the Committee on Carbon-14 Dating of the American Anthropological Association. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator of Botany, Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, and Dr. Earl E. Sherff, Research Associate in Systematic Botany, attended the meetings of the Botanical Society of America held in Washington, D.C., in Sep- tember. Dr. Just was appointed chairman of the Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America and continued to serve as chairman of its Committee on Paleobotanical Nomenclature. Dr. Sherff was elected president of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and, during the year, was made an honorary life member of Friends of Native Landscape. Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, was appointed Honorary Research As- sociate of Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Dr. L. H. Tiffany, Research Associate in Cryptogamic Botany, was elected vice- president of the American Phycological Society. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, at- tended the annual meeting of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science at Benton, Illinois, in May and gave an address on major features of the earth’s crust. Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, 74 BIRDS 4s SOLAR MACHINES ALL ENERCY COMES FROM THE SUN EWXERCY ALL MATERIAL COMES FROM THE EARTH FROM THE SUR SOME ANIMALS CET THESE SOME ANIMALS GET THESE FROM PLANTS FROM PLANT EATING AWIMALS PLAKTS ALONE CAN USE THIS RAW MATERIAL AND EXGROY OIECTLY “SeTHE BIRDS DIGESTIVE SYSTEH i$ THE MECHANISM FOR UTILIZING THESE RAW MATERIALS DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF GROUSE “Birds as Solar Machines,’”’ a new installation in Hall 21, presents pictorially the fundamental biological energy relations of all forms of life as applied to birds. and Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, attended the Field Conference of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology held in northeastern Wyoming in August. In November Curator Patter- son, Curator Zangerl, and Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, attended the meetings of the Society of Vertebrate Paleon- tology and the Society for the Study of Evolution held in New York City, and Robert Kriss Wyant, Curator of Economic Geology, at- tended concurrent meetings of the Geological Society of America. Curator Patterson and Curator Zangerl presented papers and Curator Denison gave an informal report on his researches on Osteostraci, one of the earliest known groups of vertebrates. Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology, was elected a member of the Executive Board of the American Polar Society. Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology, and John W. Winn, Assistant Curator of Fishes (since resigned), attended the annual meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists held in New Orleans in March. Dr. Austin L. Rand, Curator of Birds, took part in the Council meeting and was chairman of the Brewster Award Committee at the meetings of the American Ornithologists’ Union in Omaha, Nebraska, in October. Emmet R. Blake, Associate Curator of Birds, was appointed regional repre- WS) sentative of the American Ornithologists’ Union and served as vice- president of the Chicago Ornithological Society until June. In November Chief Curator Schmidt and D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy, attended the meetings in New York City of the Society for the Study of Evolution. Chief Curator Schmidt attended the Council meeting and the business meeting of the . Society and presented the treasurer’s annual report. He was re- elected treasurer. Both Chief Curator Schmidt and Curator Davis took part in the program. Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, was elected vice-president of the American Malacalogists’ Union at its meeting in Pittsburgh and, during the year, was made an honorary member of the Sociedad Malacologica “Carlos de la Torre’ of Havana, Cuba. Chief Curator Schmidt and Curator Haas were honored by election to membership in the Corporation of the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc. Chief Curator Schmidt was elected to the Board of Governors (Honorary) and to the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Zoological Society. Rupert L. Wenzel, Assistant Curator of Insects, was elected president of the Chicago Entomo- logical Society. Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals, received notice of his election to corresponding membership in the Zoological Society of London. This Museum was represented at the annual meeting of the Mid- west Museums Conference in Minneapolis in October by its Director, who, as principal speaker, addressed the Conference on “The Mu- seum and Its Relation to the Community.” In February the Director delivered the annual address at the Academy of Science of St. Louis. John R. Millar, Deputy Director, attended the educa- tion symposium and other sections of the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held in Washington, D.C., in September. Miss Miriam Wood, Chief of Raymond Foundation, spoke on “Conservation Education at Chicago Natural History Museum” at a meeting in February of the Conservation Council of Chicago. John W. Moyer, Chief of the Division of Motion Pictures, attended the Calvin Motion Picture Workshop in Kansas City in November, when problems of motion-picture pro- duction were presented to people from other educational institutions and from commercial companies producing visual aids in several different media. The Librarian represented the Library of the Museum during the year at the monthly meetings of the American Library Association, Special Libraries Association, Chicago Library Club, and Illinois Regional Group of Cataloguers. 76 Publications of staff members during 1948 other than those issued by the Museum Press included the following titles: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY COLLIER, DONALD ‘Peruvian Stylistic Influences in Ecuador,’ American Antiquity, vol. 18, no. 4, pt. 2, pp. 80-86 MARTIN, PAUL S., GEORGE I. QUIMBY, AND DONALD COLLIER Indians before Columbus, Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archeology, University of Chicago Press, Chicago [1947, second impression 1948], xxili+582 pages, 122 illustrations QUIMBY, GEORGE I. ‘‘Archaeology, Western Hemisphere,” in 1948 Britannica Book of the Year, A Record of .. . Events of 1947 (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago [1948]), pp. 59-62 “Culture Contact on the Northwest Coast, 1785-1795,’ American Anthro- pologist, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 247-255 Review of Man in Northeastern North America, Frederick Johnson, Editor, in American Anthropologist, vol. 50, no. 3, pt. 1, pp. 525-527 SPOEHR, ALEXANDER Review of Abraham L. Gitlow’s Economics of the Mt. Hagen Tribes, in Scien- tific Monthly, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 381-882 Review of John Gillin’s The Ways of Men, in American Journal of Sociology, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 175-176 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY CUATRECASAS, JOSE “Studies in South American Plants, I,” Lloydia, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 185-225 CUTLER, HuGH C. ‘‘A Comparative Study of Tripsacum australe and Its Relatives,’ Lloydia, vol. 10, no. 4 [issued 1948], pp. 229-234 “Studies on the Structure of the Maize Plant,” Annals of the Missouri Botani- cal Garden, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 301-3816 [with Marian Cutler] DROUET, FRANCIS “‘Nomenclatural Transfers among Coccoid Algae,’’ Lloydia, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 77-79 [with William A. Daily] JUST, THEODOR ““Gymnosperms and the Origin of Angiosperms,”’ Botanical Gazette, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 91-1038 “Introduction” to “Symposium on Evolution and Classification of Gymno- sperms,” Botanical Gazette, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 1-2 STEYERMARK, JULIAN A. eects as Summer Flowers,’ Missour: Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 93 “Hens and Roosters of the Plant World,” Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 8, p. 140 “Lentibulariaceae,”’ Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 657-662 Bn sane bus chimboracensis and Its Varieties,’ Lloydia, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 14-20 TT, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR. “‘Paleogeography and Nomenclature,” Journal of Paleontology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 369-370 TURNBULL, WILLIAM D. eae Cocoa-Sand Type Locality,’ Journal of Paleontology, vol. 22, no. 3, p. 872 ZANGERL, RAINER “The Methods of Comparative Anatomy and Its Contribution to the Study of Evolution,” Evolution, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 351-374 “The Use of X-Rays in the Study of Fossils,’’ Non-Destructive Testing, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 29-31 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BLAKE, EMMET R. ‘““Middle Western Season Report,’ Audubon Field Notes, vol. 2, pp. 14-15 ‘““Middle Western Season Report,’’ Audubon Field Notes, vol. 2, pp. 142-1438 ‘““Middle Western Season Report,’ Audubon Field Notes, vol. 2, pp. 180-181 “Three New Records for British Guinea,’ Auk, vol. 65, pp. 316-317 Davis, D. DWIGHT “Flash Display of Aposematic Colors in Farancia and Other Snakes,’ Copeza, 1948, pp. 208-211, 2 figures HAAS, FRITZ “On Margaritifera durrovensis Phillips and Its Affinities,’ Journal of Con- chology, vol. 28, pp. 6-8 HERSHKOVITZ, PHILIP “Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary Report No. 2: Spiny Rats (Echimyidae), with Supplemental Notes on Related Forms,” Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 97, pp. 125-140 “Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary Report No. 3: Water Rats (Genus Nectomys), with Supplemental Notes on Related Forms,’’ Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 98, pp. 49-56 ‘“‘Names of Mammals Dated from Frisch, 1775, and Zimmermann, 1777,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 29, pp. 272-277 “The Technical Name of the Virginia Deer, with a List of the South American Forms,”’ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 61, pp. 41-48 INGER, ROBERT F. “The Systematic Status of the Crocodile Osteoblepharon osborni,’’ Copeia, 1948, pp. 15-19, 2 figures POPE, CLIFFORD H. ‘Geographic Variation and Speciation in Appalachian Salamanders (Plethodon jordani Group), Evolution, vol. 2, pp. 266-278, 11 figures [with Nelson G. Hairston] Island Life, A Study of the Land Vertebrates of the Islands of Eastern Lake Michigan, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bulletin No. 27 [Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 1948], xi+179 pages, frontispiece, map, 43 figures [with Robert T. Hatt and others] “Two New Subspecies of the Salamander Plethodon shermani,”’ Copeia, 1948, pp. 106-107 [with Nelson G. Hairston] 78 RAND, AUSTIN L. “Geographical Variation in the Loon, Gavia immer (Brunnich),’’ Canadian Field- Naturalist, vol. 61, p. 198-195 “Mr. W. H. Bryenton’s Notes on Manitoba Mammals of the Herb Lake— Flin Flon Area,” Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 62, pp. 140-150 “Note on the Red Crossbills in the Ottawa District,’ Canadian Field- Naturalist, vol. 62, pp. 162-163 “Probability in Subspecific Identification of Single Specimens,’ Awk, vol. 65, pp. 416-4382 “Stomach Stone in a Muskrat,’’ Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 62, p. 41 [with P. A. Orkin] “Summer Flocking of the Loon, Gavia immer (Brun.),’’ Canadian Field- Naturalist, vol. 62, pp. 42-48, 1 photograph “Variation in the Spruce Grouse in Canada,” Auk, vol. 65, pp. 33-40 SANBORN, COLIN C. ‘Wilfred Hudson Osgood: 1875-1947,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 29, pp. 95-112, 3 plates SCHMIDT, KARL P. “Distribution of Animals,” in Encyclopedia Britannica [1948], vol. 7, pp. 432-443, 9 figures, 4 colored plates [with Richard Hesse and W. C. Allee] Woops, LOREN P. ‘“Acanthurus triostegus marquensis, A New Subspecies of Surgeonfish, Family Acanthuridae, with Notes on Related Forms,’ Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 38, pp. 248-251, 1 figure, 1 table [with Leonard P. Schultz] “A New Name for Synchiropus altivelis Regan, with a Key to the Genera of the Fish Family Callionymidae,” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 38, pp. 419-420 [with Leonard P. Schultz] DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES Moyer, JOHN W. Es eemny in Encyclopedia Britannica [1948], vol. 21, pp. 850D-—850E, 3 plates “Taxidermy,” in Britannica Junior [1948], vol. 14, pp. 24-26, 3 plates Several staff members of the Museum serve in editorial capacities on scientific journals. Curator Spoehr was appointed book-review editor of the American Anthropologist, and Curator Collier continued as contributing editor of El Palacio. Chief Curator Just is editor of Lloydia and member of the editorial board of Ecology and Chronica Botanica, and Dr. Sherff is on the editorial board of Brittonia. Chief Curator Schmidt is herpetological editor of Copeia, consulting editor for lower invertebrates for American Midland Naturalist, and section editor for amphibians and reptiles for Biological Abstracts. Associate Curator Blake was appointed editor of the ‘‘Middle Western Season Report” of Audubon Field Notes. Curator Zangerl continued as re- gional editor of the bulletin of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. HY PUBLIC] REEAMONS The public was kept aware constantly throughout the year of the activities of the Museum through continuance of the long-established policy of maintaining a continuous flow of news stories, feature articles, and pictures covering events that transpired at the institu- tion. In all, the Public Relations Counsel issued 302 news releases, many of them accompanied with photographs, to the metropolitan press of Chicago, to the press of hundreds of other cities all over the country, and through international news agencies to the rest of the world. All news releases were sent also to the community and foreign-language newspapers of Chicago, the dailies and weeklies of the suburbs, and newspapers of upstate and downstate Illinois. The Museum is indebted to the Chicago newspapers and the national press organizations for their interest and co-operation and for generous space in the news columns. Beyond the routine publica- tion of news from the Museum, there were numerous spreads of pictures not only in the black-and-white of the dailies but also in rotogravure supplements. Acknowledgment of co-operation is made particularly to the Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Sun-Times, Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, is shown collecting flowers of the guano palm of Cuba during Cuban Botanical Field Trip, 1948. The continuing palm project is being carried on by Curator Cutler and Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus of Botany. Chicago Tribune, Chicago Herald-American, Associated Press, United Press, International News Service, Acme News Pictures, and Science Service. An especially valuable aid to the Museum was the courtesy of the City News Bureau of Chicago in making available its pneu- matic tubes for the transmission of urgent “‘spot’’ news. At the invitation of radio station WCFL, the Museum began in March a series of stories on the ‘‘Children’s Corner’’ program. These continued each Saturday and Sunday through the rest of the year, and no cessation was contemplated with the approach of 1949. Material for the programs was supplied by the staff of the Raymond Foundation. Another special series of programs, in which the Director of the Museum and members of the four scientific departments were presented to tell the story of Museum research, was given on radio station WMBI. The Museum continued to receive other radio time, both in news and special-feature programs, on Chicago radio stations and national networks. Among them are WGN, WIND, WMAQ, WBBM, WENR, WLS, WJJD, American Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting System, National Broadcasting Company, and Mutual Broadcasting System. In the motion picture field, as a follow-up of a similar feature published in rotogravure by the Chicago Daily News, a newsreel feature was made in March by Fox-Movietone of models from the Patricia Stevens Studios wearing fur coats of primitive peoples. Beginning with the February issue, a “new dress’ was adopted for the Museum Bulletin. The new format, full-page cover pictures, aroused more favorable comment than almost any other innovation during the nineteen years in which the Museum has published this periodical for its membership. The Bulletin continued to function not only as an organ for the information of Members but also as an additional publicity medium, for it is circulated to the full list of newspapers, news agencies, and magazines, many of which re- printed its articles. Miscellaneous publicity activities consisted of the distribution of thousands of Museum folders through available agencies, such as travel bureaus, department stores, libraries, and seven Chicago museums covering other fields of science and art. Display facilities were again made available, without charge, for posters announcing the Museum’s lecture course for adults and the Raymond Founda- tion motion-picture programs for children. Organizations that ex- tended this co-operation included the Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois Central System, the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Railroad, and the Chicago and North Western Railway. 81 Wale BOOS SOP Sales in the Museum’s Book Shop amounted to $24,614.28, which included both over-the-counter transactions and orders received in the mail. There has been no persistent attempt to increase the volume of sales at the Book Shop because it is regarded primarily as a service unit, catering to the needs of the public in fields of study encompassed by the Museum. Careful selection of publica- tions in order to present only authoritative texts necessarily limits the offerings of the Book Shop, but there is no intention of abandon- ing this policy in favor of greater volume. An increasing demand for souvenir items has been responsible in recent years for an ap- preciable number of sales. CAFETERIA Again the Museum’s cafeteria reached a new record in the number of customers served, the total increase for both cafeteria and lunch- room being 3,458 and the grand total for the year being 249,102. The cafeteria is regarded primarily as a service unit because the Museum is located at a considerable distance from any other lunch- room open to the public. Facilities are also available for groups of school children and others who bring their lunches and who may or may not wish to supplement them by additional purchases. MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, AND ENGINEERING Constant vigilance and persistent repair work are needed to maintain - the Museum building in good condition and its equipment in working order. During the year two light courts in the east wing of the building were thoroughly tuckpointed and broken terra-cotta sills and lintels were replaced. This work will continue until all six light courts have been reconditioned. Window sills on the ground floor were replaced with reinforced concrete wherever they showed damage, and window frames were protected against termites with a wood preservative. To eliminate condensation of moisture on the glass and to serve as storm protection, double window panes were installed in the offices of the chief curators. Frederick J. V. Skiff Hall (Hall 37, Fossil Invertebrates and Fossil Plants) was completely remodeled into six sections with a total of fifty-three built-in cases to house the exhibition collections of invertebrate fossils and fossil plants (see page 51). Steel shelving that had been on order for several years was delivered and set up 82 in the new stackroom of the Library. A storage room for the Depart- ment of Botany was constructed in a portion of the corridor on the third floor, and asphalt tile floors were laid in the north corridor of the ground floor and in the children’s lunchroom. A new walk-in refrigerator was built for the cafeteria and a larger dish-washing machine was purchased and connected. A multiplicity of expedition boxes, cases, trunks, and crates, storage trays and shelves, bookcases, and exhibition cases were constructed for the scientific departments. A new type of lighting was designed and installed in Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Hall (Hall 29, Plant Life) to illuminate the exhibition cases and murals more effectively (see page 45). Installa- tion of fluorescent lighting was continued throughout the building and a total of sixty-seven fluorescent light fixtures was hung. A new press in the Division of Printing necessitated moving the mono- type machines to a new location, which move was accomplished with an interruption of but two hours in operation of the machines. The old printing press was moved and reconnected, and power lines were supplied for the new press. A new machine for degreasing bones and other materials was installed in the ground-floor macerat- ing room, and necessary drains, water, gas, and ventilating ducts were provided. A degreaser is essential in a museum because skulls and skeletons intended for permanent storage must be completely free from fats, which decompose and ultimately destroy the bones. Because of the opening of the Island Airport southeast of the Museum, warning lights were installed on the roof of the Museum building. A new air compressor was installed in the ground-floor pump room and pipe lines were painted. All needed repairs were made during the year in the heating plant, and the four boilers were cleaned. Under contracts in force, a total of 16,358,789 pounds of steam was sold to the John G. Shedd Aquarium and 16,979,460 pounds to the Chicago Park District, a total of 33,338,249 pounds delivered during the year. In the pages that follow are submitted the Museum’s financial statements (1947, 1948), attendance statistics and door receipts (1947, 1948), list of accessions, list of Members, articles of incorpora- tion, and amended by-laws. CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Director Chicago Natural History Museum 83 COMPA RAT Ee EiINAIN Gis SIDE USN. N IS FOR YEARS 1947 AND 1948 INCOME 1948 1947 Endowment tundsees sae: $655,156.94 $641,264.02 Funds held under annuity agreement ae ae lloszo 0200 17,839.28 Life Membership fund...... 8,957.65 9,071.61 Associate Membership fund. 11,739.92 S29 alee Chicago Park District...... 118,038.05 132,071.98 Annual and Sustaining Mem- bershipsee. tie see 18,525.00 17,850.00 IAGINISSIONS Hse eae elle Zee 34,420.00 Sundry arenes. econ oles 31,659.80 Contributions, yensnall pur- DOSES Gs. Anon Cara 641.00 634.00 Contributions, special pur- poses (expended per GOMUTD) oacos54c 5 USO 82,968.46 Special foramen sxryendled for purpose designated (included per contra)... 18,935.24 ZORA $1,019,506.49 $1,002,260.76 EXPENDITURES Collections. peti $ 28,478.96 $ 25,130.65 Operating expenses capital- ized and added to collec- LIONS See eee en OO OOOROO 44,878.63 Expeditions anes eee ee 49,178.50 25,998.04 Furniture, fixtures, etc...... 110,036.31 152,803.20 Wages capitalized and added COMUXGUTES ae eee ee 2,981.16 6,148.85 Pensions and groupinsurance 68,860.25 59,583.62 Departmental expenses..... (VAAL 83,087.30 General operating expenses. 521,897.48 516,766.70 Building repairs and altera- LIONS Gee pete eee er. 76,672.37 13,311 23 Annuity on contingent gift. 16,250.00 25,000.00 $1,008,604.63 $1,012,703.22 Deficits: sen bene eee Be ee $ 10,442.46 Balance... $ 10,901.86 The N. W. Harris Public School Extension 1948 1947 Income from endowments. .$ 17,493.74 $ 18,142.03 Expendituressss4- eee __ 19,649.22 21,306.08 Denciteea ee Eee eee ors $ 3,164.05 84 COMPARA TINE Al fEINDANCE Semis AND DOOR RECEIPTS FOR YEARNS hovaleattendancesss- 9a sass Radsarcecnaancenans as ae see aan. Free admissions on pay days: SGC enmtsmercn ela ctes ois ceed Schoolxchildientase nen ar cae INO NETS 5... oe a Abs geen cee ee IMilemmilbenseen 2 ne es cat it e Service men and women........... Specialemectingsss... 4-602. Admissions on free days: ibnuTsGdaysi(OZ) ha nate es SOUIRO ENS) (IDS Sates Gee supe a eo SWINGS, COZ Se ee ee Highest attendance on any day (ILS 4) Schoen 8 colle coun MeO ene oes Lowest attendance on any day (Vitor ches) ee Shins a bene. Highest paid attendance (July 5)..... Average daily admissions (364 days).... Average paid admissions (209 days).... iNiumber of guidesisoldy)) 4-2 ..5- Number of articles checked............ Number of picture post cards sold.... 1947 AND 1948 1948 . Lee 128,845 ‘) 26,721 71,285 Me 2,672 a 402 1,581 871 143,502 by 274,785 ei: 483,979 ce 14,609 et 165 = 3,616 3,117 616 + 23,810 40,836 241,776 Sales of publications, both scientific and popular, and photographs....... .. $11,898.41 (51) (52) (52) (November 29) (January 7) (September 1) (363 days) (208 days) 1947 1,183,308 137,680 26,522 68,230 2.815 474 1,696 6,120 129,586 300,990 509,195 16,789 124 4,930 3,260 662 23,329 38,023 245,081 $11,832.34 85 ACCESSIONS, 48 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY—ACCESSIONS BRUEHL, W. A. R., JR., Cincinnati: 2 Eskimo baskets—Port Clarence, Alaska (gift). CHEoy Dre NEme ry be Chenetur China: 4 Chinese musical instruments— Chengtu, Szechwan Province, China (gift). CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Chi- cago: 5 ethnohistorical specimens for exhibit explaining stratigraphy, Hall B (exchange). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Paul S. Martin (Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1948): 252 specimens, including stone and bone artifacts, shell ornaments, pottery vessels and sherds, 1 clay figurine, and 1 skeleton—near Reserve, New Mexico. Purchases: 381 ethnological speci- mens from Cubeo, Desano, and other Rio Vaupés tribes in Colombia, South America, and photographic negatives covering same region; 1 vegetable dye Navaho rug from Wide Ruin, Arizona. CRANBROOK INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: 3 ethno- historical specimens for exhibit explain- ing stratigraphy, Hall B—Michigan and Indiana (exchange). Cump, PrERcy W., JR., Chicago: model of canoe—Kiriwina, Trobriand Islands (gift). FIELD, JOSEPH N., Lake Forest, Illi- nois: 2 beaded yokes, 2 pairs of beaded cuffs for women’s costumes—Greenland (gift). GREGORY, Mrs. ALICE H., Chicago: 4 costumed dolls, groups of dolls— Guatemala (gift). SARGENT, HOMER E., Pasadena, Cali- fornia: 25 pieces of Kabyle jewelry— Algeria (gift). Spoor, Mrs. JOHN A. (deceased): 1 Greek vase, 1 Egyptian figurine (gift). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DE- PARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, Berkeley: 10 pottery sherds—Viti Levu, Fiji Is- lands (gift). UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, DEPART- MENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, Chicago: 8 archaeological specimens—Illinois (gift). UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, DEPARTMENT OF ANAT- omy, Chicago: 1 male pelvis—Chicago (gift). WARNER, PAUL J., Chicago: 2 brass bells—North and South Dakota (gift). DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY—ACCESSIONS ABBOTT, CHARLES C., West Chester, Pennsylvania: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). AcCOsTA SOLIS, PROFESSOR MISAEL, Quito, Ecuador: 1 cryptogamic speci- men, 49 microscope slides of wood sections (gift). ANDERSEN, SVEND, Copenhagen, Den- mark: 1 plant specimen (gift). ANGULO, DR. NICOLAS, Trujillo, Peru: 30 specimens of Peruvian plants (gift). BAILEY HORTORIUM, Ithaca, New York: 1 plant specimen (gift). BARBOSA, Luis AUGUSTO GRAND- VAUX, Lourenco Marques, Africa: 28 specimens of African plants (gift). 86 BARKLEY, DR. FRED A., Medellin, Colombia: 10 cryptogamic specimens (gift). BASCHANT, DR. R., Steyr, Austria: 46 specimens of bryophytes (exchange). BAUER, BILL, Webster Groves, Mis- souri: 12 specimens of Missouri plants (gift). BuuM, Dr. J. L., Buffalo: 74 speci- mens of algae (gift). BRANNON, Dr. M. A., Gainesville, Florida: 86 specimens of algae (gift). BRITTON, DR. MAx E., Evanston, Illinois: 154 specimens of plants from the Dutch East Indies (gift). Brown, Dr. WILLIAM L., Johnston, Iowa: 10 ears of corn (gift). CaIN, Dr. STANLEY A., Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: 20 specimens of algae (gift). CARTER, Dr. ANNETTA, Berkeley, California: 9 specimens of fresh-water algae (gift). CASTANEDA, DR. RAFAEL ROMERO, Bogoté, Colombia: 77 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). CHANDLER, ALBERT, St. plant specimen (gift). CHAPMAN, Dr. V. J., Auckland, New Zealand: 1 specimen of Sirocoleum (gift); 16 specimens of algae (exchange). CHICAGO NATURAL History MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Hugh C. Cutler: 14 plant specimens from Bolivia; 103 plant specimens from Mexico, Texas, and Arizona; (Desloge Peruvian Botanical Expedition, 1948) 22 ears of corn. Collected by Dr. B. E. Dahlgren (Cuban Botanical Field Trip, 1948): 156 collections (about 600 items) of Cuban palm material, 686 negatives. Transferred from the Division of Photography: 29 photographic prints. Purchases: 310 plant specimens— Uruguay; 528 orchid specimens—Brazil; 615 miscellaneous plant specimens; 2,498 specimens of algae—New Bruns- wick; 100 moss specimens—Japan; 124 specimens and 34 lots (number of speci- mens not given) of mosses—New Zea- land; 197 miscellaneous specimens of bryophytes; 500 cryptogamic speci- mens—Czechoslovakia; 259 crypto- gamic specimens—Europe. Cuu, Hao-JAN, Evanston, Illinois: 36 specimens of algae (gift). COLEGIO DE LA SALLE, Vedado, Havana, Cuba: 51 cryptogamic speci- mens (exchange). COLORADO STATE COLLEGE OF AGRI- CULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTs, Fort Collins: 4 plant specimens (gift). CONARD, Dr. HENRY S., Grinnell, Iowa: 27 specimens of bryophytes (ex- change). CONDIT, PROFESSOR IRA J., River- side, California: 10 specimens of Ficus (gift). CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS, Belize, British Honduras: 5 plant specimens (gift). CUTLER, Dr. HUGH C., Chicago: 69 plant specimens, 10 cryptogamic speci- mens, 50 ears of corn (gift). Louis: 1 DAILY, WILLIAM A., Indianapolis, Indiana: 143 specimens of algae (ex- change). DALMAT, CAPTAIN HERBERT T., New Orleans: 48 plant specimens from Guate- mala (gift). DARROW, DR. ROBERT A., Tucson, Arizona: 45 specimens of lichens (ex- change). Dawson, Dr. EK. YALE, Los Angeles: 90 specimens of algae (gift). DETONI, DR. GIUSEPPE, Brescia, Italy: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). DILLER, DR. VIOLET M., Cincinnati: 19 specimens of algae in cultures (gift). Doty, Dr. MAXWELL S., Evanston, Illinois: 104 cryptogamic specimens (gift). DROUET, DR. FRANCIS, Chicago: 275 cryptogamic specimens (gift). ECHEVERRIA, DR. JOSE ANTONIO, San José, Costa Rica: 97 specimens of Costa Rican plants (gift). EHRHARDT, ROBERT P., Gambier, Ohio: 2 cryptogamic specimens (gift). ESCUELA AGRICOLA PANAMERICANA, Tegucigalpa, Honduras: 2,498 plant specimens from Central America (ex- change). FACULTAD NACIONAL DE AGRONOMIA, Medellin, Colombia: 342 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). FRIGLEY, MARGARET, Wilmette, Illi- nois: 57 cryptogamic specimens (gift). FELL, DR. EGBERT W., Rockford, Illinois: 4 plant specimens (gift). FERREYRA, DR. RAMON, Lima, Peru: 30 specimens of algae (gift). FISHER, GEORGE L., Houston, Texas: 20 specimens of algae (gift). FLINT, DR. SAM E., Portland, Oregon: 7 specimens of algae in cultures (gift). FOGELBERG, DR. S. O., Elon College, North Carolina: 1 cryptogamic speci- men (gift). Fott, DR. BOHUSLAV, Prague, Czecho- slovakia: 39 cryptogamic specimens (ex- change). FRENKEL, DR. A. W., Minneapolis: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). FULLER, DR. GEORGE D., Chicago: 33 plant specimens from Illinois and California (gift). FULLER, Dr. HArRRy J., Urbana, Illinois: 2 plant specimens (gift). GiER, Dr. L. J., Liberty, Missouri: 52 specimens of algae (gift). 87 GOMEZ, DR. RAMON, Havana, Cuba: 43 wood samples (gift). GRAHAM, DR. VERNE O., Chicago: 1 plant specimen (gift). GULDNER, DR. LupwiG F., Daven- port, Iowa: 6 plant specimens (gift). JBUNAS, IDR, bs, 124, JBoleclalomas i cryptogamic specimen (gift). HABEEB, DR. HERBERT, Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada: 22 specimens of algae (gift). HAMILL, Mrs. ALFRED, Lake Forest, Illinois: 1 plant specimen (gift). HANKLA, DONALD J., Carbondale, Illinois: 2 cryptogamic specimens (gift). HEATH, CHARLES A., Chicago: 12 specimens of corn and beans (gift). HECKER, RICHARD C., Urbana, IIli- nois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). HERTER, DR. W. O., Montevideo, Uruguay: 9 specimens of algae (gift). HumM, Dr. HAROLD J., Beaufort, North Carolina: 56 specimens of algae (gift). HUMPHREYS, PAUL, Whiting, In- diana: 35 specimens of plants from Norway (gift). INGER, Mrs. ROBERT F., Chicago: 2 cryptogamic specimens (gift). INSTITUTO DE BOTANICA DARWINION, San Isidro, Argentina: 50 specimens of Argentine plants (exchange). INSTITUTO DEL MUSEO, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA PLATA, La Plata, Argentina: 303 specimens of Argentine plants (ex- change). INSTITUTO MIGUEL LILLO, UNIVERSI- DAD DE TUCUMAN, Tucuman, Argentina: 1,919 specimens of Argentine plants (ex- change). JARDIM BOTANICO DO RIO DE JANEIRO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 48 specimens of Rubiaceae (exchange). KARLING, DR. JOHN S., New York: 6 cryptogamic specimens (gift). KIENER, DR. WALTER, Lincoln, Ne- braska: 180 specimens of algae (gift); 154 specimens of Juniperus, 73 speci- mens of cryptogams (exchange). LacAs, PROFESSOR M. M., Laredo, Texas: 56 plant specimens, 38 crypto- gamic specimens (gift). LASSER, DR. TOBIAS, Caracas, Vene- zuela: 208 specimens of Venezuelan plants (exchange). LEITE, REVEREND BROTHER JOSE EUGENIO, Nova-Friburgo, Brazil: 119 88 specimens change). LEON, REVEREND BROTHER, Havana, Cuba: 30 specimens of Cuban plants (gift); 168 photographs of Cuban palms (exchange). LEWIN, R. A., New Haven, Con- necticut: 2 eryptogamic specimens (gift). Lone, LEwis E., Bluefields, Nica- ragua: 202 plant specimens and a large collection of seeds from Nicaragua (gift). MACBRIDE, J. FRANCIS, Palo Alto, California: 87 cryptogamic specimens, 6 samples of breadstuffs (gift). MANGELSDORF, DR. PAUL C., Cam- bridge, Massachusetts: 11 ears of corn (gift). MARKLE, DR. M. S., Richmond, In- diana: 17 specimens of algae (gift). MATUDA, E1z1, Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico: 769 specimens of Mexican plants (gift). MAXON, DR. WILLIAM R., Terra Ceia, Florida: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). May, DR. VALERIE, Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia: 16 specimens of algae (gift). MERRILL, DR. ELMER D., Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts: 2 specimens of Metasequoia (gift). MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN, St. Louis: 630 plant specimens, 8 ears of corn (exchange). MITCHELL, RODGER D., Wayne, IlIli- nois: 1 plant specimen (gift). MOLDENKE, HAROLD N., New York: 6 plant specimens (gift); 49 plant speci- mens, 133 photographic prints (ex- change). MoorE, GEORGE E., Glencoe, Mis- souri: 6 plant specimens (gift). MorRTON ARBORETUM, Lisle, Illinois: 1 plant specimen (gift). Musgeo NACIONAL, San José, Costa Rica: 366 specimens of Costa Rican Plants (gift). NATIONAL HERBARIUM, BOTANIC GARDENS, Sydney, Australia: 133 speci- mens of plants from New South Wales (exchange). NEw YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, New York: 1 plant specimen (gift); 513 plant specimens, 10 cryptogamic specimens, 10 photographic prints (exchange). NIELL, GEORGE N., Tarenton, Penn- sylvania: 3 specimens of algae (gift). of Brazilian plants (ex- NIELSEN, Dr. CHESTER S., Talla- hassee, Florida: 294 specimens of algae (gift). NIELSEN, DR. JENS E., Chicago: 31 specimens of diatoms (gift). PALMER, DR. C. M., Calcutta, India: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). PATRICK, DR. RuTH, Philadelphia: 35 cryptogamic specimens (gift). PETERSEN, OSCAR, Glendale, Mis- souri: 3 specimens of Quercus (gift). PLAGGE, DR. JAMES, Barrington, IIli- nois: 70 specimens of Iowa plants (gift). PRIOR, SOPHIA, Chicago: 4 specimens of plants from New Caledonia (gift). RAMBO, FATHER B., Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 125 specimens of Brazilian plants (exchange). ROBBINS, PROFESSOR G. THOMAS, Ada, Oklahoma: 1 plant specimen (gift). RODRIGUEZ, DR. A., Madrid, Spain: 1 economic specimen (gift). ROUSSEAU, DR. JACQUES, Montreal, Canada: 13 specimens of algae (gift). RoyAL BOTANIC GARDENS, Kew, Surrey, England: 815 plant specimens (exchange). RUBINSTEIN, DR. JOSEPH, Chicago: 9 cryptogamic specimens (gift). RunkK, Dr. B. F. D., Charlottesville, Virginia: 70 specimens of algae (ex- change). SANBORN, COLIN C., Highland Park, Illinois: 78 specimens of Arkansas plants, 25 cryptogamic specimens (gift). SCHALLERT, Dr. P. O., Orlando, Florida: 11 specimens of algae (gift); 7 specimens of algae (exchange). SHERFF, Dr. EARL E., Chicago: 26 plant specimens, 14 negatives, 15 photo- graphic prints (gift). SILVA, HERMAN, East Lansing, Michi- gan: 218 specimens of algae (gift). SMITH, DR. ALBERT C., Washington, D.C.: 10 specimens of algae (gift). SOUKUP, PROFESSOR J., Lima, Peru: 117 specimens of Peruvian plants (gift). STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Iowa City: 506 specimens of Iowa plants (exchange). STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, HER- BARIUM, Iowa City: 32 specimens of Iowa plants (exchange). STEPHENSON, Dr. T. A., Aberystwyth, Wales: 524 specimens of algae (gift). STEYERMARK, Mrs. CorA, Barring- ton, Illinois: 105 specimens of plants from western United States, 1 photo- graphic print (gift). SUTLIFF, Mrs. E. C., San Francisco: 69 specimens of hepatics (exchange). SWINK, FLOYD, Chicago: 1 plant specimen (gift). TASMANIAN FORESTRY COMMISSION, Hobart, Tasmania: 1 board of King William pine (gift). TAYLOR, DR. WILLIAM RANDOLPH, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 18 specimens of algae (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D.C.: 133 plant specimens, 2 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, DEPART- MENT OF BoTANY, Adelaide, Australia: 78 plant specimens, 156 specimens of marine algae (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Tucson: 142 speci- mens of Arizona plants (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Berkeley: 6 specimens of cultivated plants, 10 specimens of algae (gift); 1,403 speci- mens of cultivated plants, 835 plant specimens from Central and South America, 1,272 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Urbana: 1380 speci- mens of Illinois plants (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, DEPART- MENT OF BoTANy, Ann Arbor: 996 plant specimens, 867 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Philadelphia: 57 specimens of mosses (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA, ALLAN HANCOCK FOUNDATION, Los Angeles: 737 plant specimens, 347 specimens of marine algae (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, DEPARTMENT OF BoTANy, Austin: 20 specimens of Ruellia (gift). UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Seattle: 112 plant specimens (exchange). VAN HORN, MRS. GEORGE E., Casa Grande, Arizona: 1 cryptogamic speci- men (gift). VARGAS, DR. CESAR, Cuzco, Peru: 50 specimens of Peruvian plants (gift). VATTER, DR. ALBERT E., Chicago: 5 specimens of algae (gift). VoGL, REVEREND FATHER CORNELI- US, Caracas, Venezuela: 2 specimens of seeds of Ormosia (gift). 89 WADE, W. E., East Lansing, Michi- gan: 9 specimens of algae (gift). WHITEHOUSE, DR. EULA, Dallas, Texas: 87 specimens of algae (gift). WILLIAMS, Dr. LOUIS G., Beaufort, North Carolina: 1 cryptogamic speci- men (gift). WoMERSLEY, DR. H. B. S., Adelaide, Australia: 6 specimens of algae (gift). WYNNE, Dr. FRANCES E., Chicago: 36 specimens of mosses (gift). YALE UNIVERSITY, OSBORN BOTANI- CAL LABORATORY, New Haven, Con- necticut: 12,000 specimens of algae (exchange). Younc, Mary, Boyce, Virginia: 14 specimens of Solanaceae (gift). DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY—ACCESSIONS ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Philadelphia: collection of invertebrate fossils—various localities (exchange). AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY, Water- bury, Connecticut: 27 economic geology specimens—various localities (gift). ANACONDA COPPER MINING COoOM- PANY, Butte, Montana: 7 mineral speci- mens—Butte, Montana; collection of economic geology specimens—various localities (gift). BAKEWELL, A. A., Solon Springs, Wisconsin: collection of fossil shells— Caloosahatchie Canal, Florida (gift). BINGHAM, WILLIAM J., St. Paul: 26 semiprecious gem specimens—various localities (gift). BRANDT, KARL, British Zone, Ger- many: 4 fossil plant specimens—Hagen, Vorhalle (exchange). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Harry E. Changnon (Eastern States Geological Expedition, 1947): collection of rock, mineral, and ore specimens—various localities. Collected by Harry E. Changnon and Robert Kriss Wyant (Southwest Geo- logical Field Trip, 1948): collection of rock and ore specimens—various locali- ties. Collected by George Langford: 730 fossil plant specimens—Wilmington, Illinois. Collected by George Langford and Orville L. Gilpin (Wilmington Field Trips, 1948): 954 fossil flora specimens, 83 fossil fauna specimens—Wilmington and Braidwood, Illinois. Collected by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., and Alan Jager (Southern Illinois Field Trip, 1948): 177 fossil inverte- brates—Illinois. Collected by Dr. Sharat K. Roy: (Field Museum Expedition to Erie 90 County, New York, 1941) 9 vertebrate fossil specimens—Erie County, New York; 50 economic geology specimens— various localities in India. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl and William D. Turnbull (Wyoming Pale- ontological Expedition, 1948): collec- tion of fossil mammals, fossil reptiles, fossil fishes, and fossil invertebrates— various localities. Transferred from the Department of Zoology: 1 fossil clam specimen— Amazon Basin. Purchases: 2 Sabellaria worm speci- mens—North Sea; fossil plant collec- tion—Germany; shattuckite specimen— Arizona; 7 fossil turtles—Kansas. COMER, EARL, South Bend, Indiana: 5 fossil shark teeth—Everglades, Florida (gift). DONOR UNKNOWN: 10 shark teeth— Calvert County, Maryland (collected). DuPont, JAMES M., Chatham, New Jersey: 2 silicified wood specimens, 15 marine invertebrate specimens—various localities (gift). EAGLE PICHER RESEARCH LABORA- TORY, Joplin, Missouri: 8 samples of lead and zine by-products (gift). FIELD, HENRY, Washington, D.C.: 1 box of sand—Freeport, Maine (gift). Friz, Dr. CARLOS A., Chicago: 98 rock and mineral specimens—various localities (gift). GOTHAM, W., Merseburg, Prussia: 2 fragments of fossil rubber plants— Prussia (exchange). GRIESBACH, JOHN O., Duluth: 3 in- vertebrate fossils, 1 fossil fish—various localities (gift). GROSVENOR, CAPTAIN RICHARD, Canal Zone, Panama: 6 groups of zeolite speci- mens, 2 groups of stilbite crystals, 1 pectolite specimen, 1 heulandite speci- men—Canal Zone, Panama (gift). HACKENBARY, ELMER, SR., Pine Ridge, South Dakota: cheek region of an oredon skull—Shannon County, South Dakota (gift). HAWK, ROBERT M., Denver: 5 neph- rite fragments—Long Creek Mine, Colorado (gift). LANGFORD, GEORGE, Chicago: 617 fossil plant specimens—Wilmington, Illinois (gift). Loox, ALFRED A., Grand Junction, Colorado: 25 specimens of barite crys- tals—Appleton, Colorado (gift). Mok, EDWIN, Chicago: 2 ammonite specimens—Black Hills, South Dakota (gift). NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY, New York: 19 rare mineral specimens— various localities (gift). PERRY, STUART H., Adrian, Michi- gan: 5 meteorite specimens—various localities (gift). PLUMMER, Roy O., San Diego: slab of Pliocene fossils, concretion with snail shell—San Diego (exchange). PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, New Jersey: 26 invertebrate fossil speci- mens—various localities (exchange). REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION, Mas- sillon, Ohio: collection of economic geology specimens—various localities (gift). REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY, Rich- mond, Virginia: 38 aluminum samples (gift). REYNOLDS MINING COMPANY, Alex- ander, Arkansas: 3 bauxite specimens— Arkansas (gift). RICHARDSON, EDWARDS N., Winnetka, Illinois: 1 invertebrate fossil specimen— Racine, Wisconsin (gift). RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR., Win- netka, Illinois: 1 invertebrate fossil specimen, 1 ventifact specimen, 1 box of odlitic sand—various localities (gift). ROHWER, O. H. D., Chicago: Devon- ian coral specimen—locality unknown (gift). SINCLAIR, G. WINSTON, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada: Bryozoan collection—Quebec, Canada (gift). SMITH, EGBERT T., Fort Meyers, Florida: pink conch pearl—Florida (gift). STANDARD OIL CoMPANY, New York: 10 panels telling the story of oil (gift). STRAIGHT, H. R., Redfield, Iowa: 1 variscite specimen—locality unknown (gift). THOMPSON, R. T., Phoenix, Arizona: 1 specimen of fluorescent chaleedony— Arizona (gift). UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago: 9 fossil turtles—Kansas (gift). VERNON, OLIVE, Rosemont, Cali- fornia: 1 trilobite specimen—locality unknown (gift). WARD’S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTAB- LISHMENT, Rochester, New York: 12 Upper Cambrian fossils— Wisconsin and Minnesote (exchange). WHITFIELD, DR. AND Mrs. R. H., AND JACK WHITFIELD, Evanston, IIli- nois: 77 fossil insects, 3 fossil fishes, col- lection of invertebrate fossils—Floris- sant, Colorado (gift). WILLEMS, Dr. J. DANIEL, Chicago: 1 step-cut golden beryl specimen— Brazil (gift). ZANGERL, DR. RAINER, Harvey, IIli- nois: 5 fossil shark teeth—Switzerland (gift). DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY—ACCESSIONS ALLEN, Ross, Silver Springs, Florida: 1 reptile—Mexico (gift). ANDERSON, ARTHUR E., Chesterton, Indiana: 1 snake skin—Indiana (gift). ARNETT, DR. Ross H., JR., Washing- ton, D.C.: 3 insect paratypes—Florida (gift). BAECHLE, REVEREND JOHN W., Col- legeville, Indiana: 1 mollusk—locality unknown (gift). BAYALIS, JOHN, Chicago: 2 insects— Chicago (gift). BEAMER, DR. RAYMOND H., Lawrence, Kansas: 6 insects—United States (gift). BEECHER, WILLIAM J., Chicago: 3 insects—New Caledonia (gift). BENESH, BERNARD, North Chicago, Illinois: 7 reptiles and amphibians— Tennessee (gift). 9] BERLIOZ, M., Paris, France: 163 birds—Madagascar (exchange). BIESE, DR. WALTER, Santiago, Chile: 18 lots of fresh-water mollusks, 10 of which are paratypes—Chile (gift). BLAKE, EMMET R., Winnetka, Illi- nois: 15 insects—Barrington, Illinois gift). BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HIs- TORY), London, England: 71 mammals, 22 lots of lower invertebrates—various localities (exchange). BucH, FATHER A., Ningpo, China: 652 insects—China (gift). BUCHEN, WALTHER, Chicago: 77 birds—Mt. Kenya, Africa (gift). BULLOCK, BDe Ss, -Angol, (Chiles mammals—Chile (gift). BurcH, JOHN Q., Los Angeles: 2 mollusks—West Mexico (gift). BURTON, ROBERT, Chicago: 2 ivory- billed woodpeckers—Arkansas (gift). CALLAN, PROFESSOR E. MCC., Trini- dad, British West Indies: 4 reptiles— Trinidad, British West Indies (gift). CAM, MENBUE, Kisantu, Congo Belge: 10 insects—Belgian Congo (gift). CAMRAS, DR. SIDNEY, Chicago: 9 in- sects—various localities (gift). CAREY, DR. JOSHUA H., Chicago: 35 birds—Idaho (exchange). CARNEGIE MUSEUM, Pittsburgh: 28 reptiles—Honduras (exchange). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Henry S. Dybas (Palau Entomological Expedition, 1947-48): 253 insects and their allies—Berkeley, California. Collected by Dr. Fritz Haas (Bermuda Zoological Expedition, 1947): 18 rep- tiles, 121 insects and their allies, 330 lots of lower invertebrates—Bermuda. Collected by Dr. Fritz Haas and others (Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition, 1948): 21 reptiles and amphibians, 91 insects and their allies, 729 lots of lower invertebrates—Bermuda. Collected by Harry Hoogstraal (Uni- versity of California African Expedi- tion, 1948): 80 chameleons—Africa. Collected by Harry Hoogstraal and others (Philippines Zoological Expedi- tion, 1946-47): 1 monkey-eating eagle, 18,247 insects and their allies—Philip- pine Islands. Collected by Robert F. Inger and Henry S. Dybas (local field work): 1 reptile—TIllinois. 2 Collected by Dr. James Kezer and the Clifford H. Popes (Kezer-Pope Missouri Cave Field Trip, 1948): 1 mammal, 25 amphibians—Missouri. Collected by Rodger D. Mitchell (Guatemalan Zoological Expedition, 1948): 12 birds—Guatemala. Collected by Bryan Patterson (Pale- ontological Expedition to the South- west, 1946): 1,444 insects and their allies—Texas. Collected by the Clifford H. Popes and others (Mountain Lake Biological Station Field Trip, 1948): 527 reptiles and amphibians—Virginia, West Vir- ginia, Kentucky. Collected by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. (Grand Tower Field Trip, 1948): 4 lots of lower invertebrates—Grand Tower, Illinois. Collected by Colin C. Sanborn (local field work): 2 mammals—Illinois. Collected by Colin C. Sanborn and others (Arkansas Zoological Field Trip, 1948): 116 mammals, 388 reptiles and amphibians, 22 lots of lower inverte- brates—Arkansas. Collected by Karl P. Schmidt and others (Texas Herpetological Field Trip, 1948): 4 mammals, 170 reptiles and amphibians, 409 insects and their allies —Texas. Collected by Dr. Alexander Spoehr (Ethnological Expedition to Micronesia, 1947): 38 insects and their allies— Micronesia. Collected by Luis de la Torre (Guate- malan Zoological Expedition, 1948): 859 mammals—Guatemala. Collected by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. (Mexican Zoological Ex- pedition, 1948): 15 mammals, 4 reptiles —Mexico. Collected by William D. Turnbull and C. M. Barber (Field Trip to Ala- bama, 1947): 4 insects—Alabama. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel (from animals brought in for Museum collec- tion): 58 insects and their allies—in Museum. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel and others (local field work): 67 insects and their allies—Indiana. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel, Rodger D. Mitchell, and Luis de la Torre (Guatemalan Zoological Expedi- tion, 1948): 51 reptiles and amphibians, 2,408 insects and their allies, 32 lots of lower invertebrates—Guatemala. Collected by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Winn (Field Trip to Mammoth and New Discovery Caves, 1947): 103 in- sects and their allies—Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. Collected by Loren P. Woods and others (Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition, 1948): 5,294 fishes—Bermuda. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl (Wyoming Paleontological Expedition, 1948): 50 lots of lower invertebrates— Wyoming and South Dakota. Purchases: 267 mammals, 2,293 birds, 1,073 reptiles and amphibians, 128 fishes, 5,818 insects and their allies, 106 lots of lower invertebrates. CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Brook- field, Illinois: 13 mammals, 72 birds, 7 reptiles and amphibians, 1 reptile egg— various localities (gift). CIESLAK, DR. EDWIN S., Minneapolis: 10 insects—Minnesota (gift). CIFERRI, CLAUDIO, Caracas, Vene- zuela: 6 birds—Venezuela (gift). CiTy EXTERMINATING COMPANY, Chi- cago: 5 insects—Chicago (gift). COLLINS, STEPHEN, Ithaca, York: 1 reptile—Indiana (gift). CONANT, ROGER, Philadelphia: 39 snakes (1 type, 19 paratypes), 16 am- phibians—United States (gift). CONOVER, BOARDMAN, Chicago: 9 birds—various localities (gift). COONLEY, Mrs. JOHN STUART, Chi- cago: 5 mollusks—tropical seas (gift). CORDELL, JERRY, Savannah, Georgia: 1 reptile—Savannah, Georgia (gift). CURTIS, LAWRENCE, Dallas, Texas: 14 reptiles—Texas (gift). DAHLGREN, DR. B. E. Chicago: 4 reptiles and amphibians—Cuba (gift). DAVEY, DAwN, Chicago: 3 lots of mollusks—St. Petersburg, Florida (gift). Davis, D. DwiGuTt, Richton Park, Illinois: 8 mammals, 1 reptile—various localities (gift). DICKINSON, J. C., JR., Gainesville, Florida: 6 reptiles—Florida (gift). DOWLING, HERNDON, JR., Ann Arbor, Michigan: 8 reptiles—Florida (gift). DRAKE, DR. CARL J., Ames, Iowa: 111 insects and their allies—various localities (gift). DRAKE, ROBERT J., Albuquerque, New Mexico: 5 lots of mollusks— Texas and New Mexico (gift). DuBois, ERNEST P., Talara, Peru: 69 reptiles, 3 insects and their allies— Peru and Ecuador (gift). New DyBas, HENRY S., Chicago: 81 in- sects—various localities (gift). EMERSON, DR. ALFRED E., Chicago: 8 reptiles—Belgian Congo (gift). FIELD, DR. HENRY, Washington, D.C.: 3 mammals, 9 insects and their allies, 6 lots of lower invertebrates— Egypt (gift). FLEMING, ROBERT, Mussoorie, India: 123 insects and their allies—Mussoorie, India (gift). Foss, Mrs. Dorotuy B., Chicago: 4 mammals, 1 mammal skull—domestie (gift). FRANZEN, ALBERT J., Chicago: 1 bird, 4 insects—Barrington, Illinois (gift). FREEMAN, F. J., Itasca, Illinois: 3 birds—Itasca, Illinois (gift). GEMMILL, MRs. EUNICE M., Chicago: 1 mollusk—Ogunquit, Maine (gift). GRAEFE, C. F., Coyahoga Falls, Ohio: 2 birds—domestic (gift). GREELEY, MR. AND Mrs. FRED, Madison, Wisconsin: 2 reptiles, 1 lot of mollusks—Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada (gift). GREGG, COLONEL CLIFFORD C., Val- paraiso, Indiana: 1 bird, 31 insects (in- cluding 10 paratypes), 1 lower inverte- brate—mostly Brazil (gift). HAAS, EDITH P., Chicago: 2 insects, 1 lot of mollusks—Wisconsin (gift). HAAS, DR. FRITZ, Chicago: 6 lots of mollusks—Chicago (gift). Hacrty, Rosert H., Chicago: 1 mammal—Barrington, Illinois (gift). HAIRSTON, DR. NELSON G., Ann Arbor, Michigan: 522 amphibians— Southern Appalachians (gift). HANSON, HAROLD, Urbana, Illinois: 5 mammal skeletons, 12 amphibians— Canada (exchange). HARRIS, Mrs. LUCILE B., St. Peters- burg, Florida: 1 reptile—St. Petersburg, Florida (gift). HASLER, DR. ARTHUR D., Madison, Wisconsin: 11 fishes—Madison, Wis- consin (gift). HERBST, JOHN C., Chicago: 1 bird— Chicago (gift). HILDER, CHARLES F., Pacific Grove, California: 4 snake skins—East Africa and Brazil (gift). Houuey, F. E., Lombard, Illinois: 32 insects—various localities (gift). HOooGSsTRAAL, HARRY, Chicago: 4,963 insects—various localities (gift). 93 HOOGSTRAAL, HARRY, STANLEY G. JEWETT, JR., AND DEAN AMADON, Chicago: 37 birds—Dutch New Guinea (gift). HoORBACK, ALEXANDER, Cicero, IIli- nois: 1 insect—Cicero, Illinois (gift). HORBACK, STEPHEN, Chicago: 1 mam- mal—Chicago (gift). HUMPHREYS, PAUL, Whiting, Indiana: 17 lots of mollusks—Norway (gift). INGER, ROBERT F., Chicago: 8 insects and their allies—Dune Acres, Indiana (gift). JAVIER PRADO, MUSEO DE HISTORIA NATURAL: Lima, Peru: 9 mammals— Peru (gift). JOHNSON, J. E., JR., Waco, Texas: 32 reptiles and amphibians—Texas (gift). KELLER, PAUL J., Dyer, Indiana: 1 reptile—lIllinois (gift). KLEMM, WALTER, Strasswalchen, Aus- tria: 34 lots of mollusks—Austria (ex- change). KNULL, JOSEF N., Columbus, Ohio: 21 insects—United States (gift). KOHN, ROBERT R., Madison, Wis- consin: 6 reptiles—southwest Pacific (gift). Krauss, N. L. H., Honolulu, Hawaii: 6 reptiles and amphibians—various localities (gift). KREUGER, R., Almvagen, Finland: 51 birds’ eggs—Old World (exchange). KURFESS, LIEUTENANT JOHN, War- rington, Florida: 26 reptiles and am- phibians—Florida and Texas (gift). LEEcH, HuGH B., San Francisco: 2 insects (1 paratype)—British Columbia (gift). LINCOLN PARK ZOO, Chicago: 6 mam- mals, 9 reptiles and amphibians, 1 spider—various localities (gift). LoosANoFF, V. L., Milford, Con- necticut: 1 lot of mollusks—Oregon (gift). LowRIE, Dr. Don C., Las Vegas, New Mexico: 31 mammals—Las Vegas, New Mexico (gift). LYONS, SERGEANT ALOYSUS V., PATROLMAN WILLIAM MCNULTY, AND PATROLMAN EDWARD OHLEN, Chicago: 1 bird—South Chicago (gift). MANUEL, CANUTO, Manila, Philip- pine Islands: 6 birds—Philippine Is- lands (gift). MarIA, BROTHER NICEFORO, Bogota, Colombia: 8 mammals, 1 reptile—Co- lombia (gift); 2 reptiles—Colombia (ex- change). Yai MARTIN, RICHARD A., Chicago: 14 insects and their allies—Wheatfield, Indiana (gift). MazzoTT1, Dr. Luis, Mexico, D.F.: 1 mammal— Mexico (gift). McGrew, Dr. PAuL O., Laramie, Wyoming: 3 mammal skeletons—Wy- oming (exchange). MILLER, CHARLES M., Los Angeles: 3 reptiles—California (gift). MITCHELL, RODGER D., Wayne, IIli- nois: 34 insects and their allies—TIllinois (gift). MOgk, VIRGINIA, River Forest, Illinois: 3 insects—lIllinois (gift). Mogck, ARTHUR H., Milwaukee, Wis- consin: 2 butterflies (paratypes)—New Mexico (gift). Moore, J. E., Alberta, Canada: 48 reptiles and amphibians—Canada (ex- change). Morrow, Mrs. JOHN, AND MAR- GARET CLow, Lake Bluff, Illinois: 1 bird—Lake Bluff, Illinois (gift). MuRPHY, WALTER P. (deceased): 177 birds (one type)—North America (gift). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 58 insects (14 paratypes), 23 lots of lower inver- tebrates—various localities (gift). NECKER, WALTER L., Chicago: 5 mammals, 3 lots of mollusks—New Mexico (exchange); 2 reptiles—Europe (gift). Nouasco, Dr. J. O., Calamianes, Philippine Islands: 29 parasites—Philip- pine Islands (gift). NorrRISs, KENNETH S., Los Angeles: 6 reptiles—California (gift). O’BRIEN, MARI, Evanston, Illinois: 11 insects and their allies—various localities (gift). PARK, DR. ORLANDO, Evanston, IIli- nois: 384 insects—United States (gift). PATTERSON, BRYAN, Chicago Heights, Illinois: 1 mammal, 1 amphibian, 88 insects and their allies—Wyoming and Illinois (gift). PERKINS, C. B., San Diego: 17 living geckos—San Diego, California (gift). PHELPS, WILLIAM H., Caracas, Venezuela: 1 bird—Paraguay (gift); 1 bird—Venezuela (exchange). PoPE, CLIFFORD H., Winnetka, IIli- nois: 6 amphibians—Louisiana (gift). Popp, JOHANN, Munich, Germany: 3 mammals—Germany (gift). PUENTE, JAVIER ORTIZ DE LA, Lima, Peru: 3 birds—Peru (gift). RAFFLES MUSEUM, Singapore: 155 mammals, 5 mammal skulls—Malaysia (gift). RAY, EUGENE, Chicago: 42 insects— Illinois and Indiana (gift); 10,000 in- sects—South Pacific (exchange). REED, Dr. C. A., Tucson, Arizona: 5 amphibians—Oregon (gift). REMINGTON, DR. C. L., New Haven, Connecticut: 1,149 insects—New Cale- donia (gift). RIVERO, Dr. JUAN A., Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: 16 amphibians, 3 fishes, 2 lots of lower invertebrates—Puerto Rico (gift) RoMER, J. D., Hong Kong, China: 14 reptiles and amphibians—Hong Kong, China (gift). ROOSEVELT COLLEGE, Chicago: 5 typist chairs; 1,653 insects—various localities (exchange). RosE, DR. WILLIAM, Chicago: 4 in- sects—Philippine Islands (exchange). Ross, CAPTAIN J. M., Chicago: 1 lot of mollusks—Solomon Islands (gift). SCHLESCH, DR. HANS, Copenhagen, Denmark: 6 lots of mollusks—Paraguay (gift). SCHMIDT, KARL P., Homewood, IIli- nois: 1 bird—Homewood, Illinois (gift). SEIG, C. H., Angar, Palau Islands: 25 amphibians—Angar, Palau Islands (gift). SENCHENBERG MusSEuM, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany: 2 amphibians— Madagascar (exchange). SIOLI, DR. HARALD, Belem, Brazil: 108 lots of mollusks—Amazonas (ex- change). SMITH, EGBERT T., Fort Myers, Florida: 1 lot of mollusks—West Indies (gift). SMITH, Dr. HoBART M., Urbana, Illinois: 1 paratype of a lizard—Miami, Florida (gift). SPRINGER, PAUL, La Grange, Illinois: 5 amphibians—La Grange, Illinois (gift). _STEYERMARK, Dr. JULIAN A., Bar- rington, Illinois: 1 bird, 1 amphibian, 11 insects—Missouri and Illinois (gift). STORM, ROBERT M., Corvallis, Ore- gon:62amphibians—Oregon (exchange). STREET, MR. AND Mrs. WILLIAM S., Seattle, Washington: 1 Alaska brown bear—Alaska (gift). SWAYNE, JULIUS R., Carbondale, IIli- nois: 4 mammal skeletons—Illinois (ex- change). TARRANT, Ross, Wilmette, Illinois: 1 mammal, 7 fishes—various localities (gift). TERRA, HELMUT DE, Cuernavaca, Mexico: 3 lots of mollusks—Mexico (gift). THOMAS, JAY, AND T. W. PAPE, JR., Chesterton, Indiana: left mandible of Canada porcupine—Indiana (gift). THOMPSON, DR. DAVIS, River Forest, Illinois: 1 mammal skull—lIllinois (gift). TORRE, LUIS DE LA, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 22 insects—Hayward, Wis- consin (gift). TSCHAMBERS, BERT, Chicago: 5 in- sects—Florida and Chicago (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D.C.: 1 snail paratype —Philippine Islands (gift); 64 fishes (5 paratypes)—various localities (ex- change). UNIVERSITY OF AREQUIPA, Arequipa, Peru: 97 reptiles and amphibians— Peru (exchange). UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, Cincin- nati, Ohio: 2 birds—Sweden and Cyprus (exchange). VAN DER SCHALIE, HENRY, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 111 lots of mollusks— various localities (gift). WENZEL, RUPERT L., Oak Park, IIli- nois: 404 insects—various localities (gift). WEYRAUCH, DR. WOLFGANG, Tingo Maria, Peru: 21 lots of mollusks—Peru (gift). WHITE, DR. JESSE S., Cleveland, Mississippi: 6 insects—Ocean Springs, Mississippi (gift). WILLIAMS, DR. ELLIOTT C., Craw- fordsville, Indiana: 5 reptiles and am- phibians—various localities (gift). WINN, MR. AND Mrs. JOHN W., Madison, Wisconsin: 9 insects and their allies—Illinois and Michigan (gift). Woops, LOREN P., Richton Park, Illinois: 2 fishes, 9 amphibians—United States (gift). Woops, SAMUEL A., Culver, Indiana: 1 elk antler—Indiana (gift). WRIGHT, MAJOR HOWARD T., Japan: 368 reptiles and amphibians, 14 fishes, 3,252 insects and their allies, 12 lots of lower invertebrates—Japan (gift). YS Wyatt, ALEX K., Chicago: 125 in- sects and their allies—United States (gift). WYCKOFF, WALTER, Yellow Springs, Ohio: 1 lot of aphids—Chicago (gift). ZANGERL, DR. RAINER, Harvey, IIli- nois: 18 reptiles and amphibians, 144 lots of mollusks—various _ localities (gift). ZIMRING, DANIEL J., Chicago: 23 insects and their allies—Palm Beach, Florida (gift). JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION—ACCESSIONS CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Made by Dr. Hugh C. Cutler (Desloge Peruvian Botanical Expedition, 1948): 83 2x2 natural-color slides, originals. Made by Museum Photographer: 95 2x2 natural-color slides, originals. CUTLER, DR. HuGH C., Chicago: 7 2x2 natural-color slides, originals (gift); 48 2x2 natural-color slides, origi- nals (purchase). EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Chicago: 98 2x2 natural-color slides, duplicates (purchase). HOWE, CHARLES ALBEE, Homewood, Illinois: 131 2x2 natural-color slides, originals and duplicates (gift). LOWER, GEORGE, Westtown, Penn- sylvania: 50 2x2 natural-color slides, duplicates (purchase). MOYER, JOHN W., Chicago: 14 2x2 natural-color slides, originals (gift). WARD’S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTAB- LISHMENT, Rochester, New York: 4 2x2 natural-color slides, duplicates (purchase). DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPHY—ACCESSIONS CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Made by Division of Photography: 860 negatives, 18,199 prints, 530 en- largements, 162 lantern slides, 39 color films; 4 rolls of film developed. DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES—ACCESSIONS BOULTON, RUDYERD, Washington, D.C.: 12,500 feet of 85mm negative and positive film (gift). CUTLER, DR. HUGH C., Chicago: 650 feet of color film (purchase). FELT AND TARRANT MANUFACTURING CoMPANY, Chicago: 125 feet of color film (gift). LIBRARY ACCESSIONS—LIST INSTR GMONS American Philosophical Society, Phila- delphia Caribbean Research Council, Caribbean Commission, Washington, D.C. 96 HOWE, CHARLES ALBEE, Homewood, Illinois: 350 feet of color film (gift). UNITED FRUIT ComMPANY, New York: 400 feet of sound film (gift). UNITED WORLD FILMS, New York: 200 feet of sound film (purchase). @OETDONORS: Colorado Scientific Society, Denver Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C. Viking Fund, New York LIBRARY ACCESSIONS—LIST INDIVIDUALS Adams, William C., Chicago Briigger, Mafalda, Basal, Switzerland Conover, Boardman, Chicago Cosner, Mrs. Winona Hinkley, Chicago Field, Henry, Washington, D.C. Gregg, Colonel Clifford C., Valparaiso, Indiana Guzman, Luis Pena, Santiago, Chile Haas, Dr. Fritz, Chicago Hambly, Dr. Wilfrid D., Chicago Hershkovitz, Phillip, Chicago Hodges, Sarah B., and Edward L. Brewster, Chicago Hoyle, Rafael Larco, Trujillo, Peru Izmirli, M. Celaleddin, Istambul, Turkey Kim, Dr. C., Seoul, Korea Langford, George, Chicago Leon, Reverend Brother, Havana, Cuba OF DONORS: Nichols, Dr. H. W., Chicago Palmer, Harold S., Honolulu, Hawaii Perry, Stuart H., Tucson, Arizona Regnell, Gerhard, Lund, Sweden Richardson, Eugene S., Jr., Winnetka, Illinois Riley, Mrs. Charles V. (estate of), Washington, D.C. Ross, Lillian A., Chicago Schmidt, Karl P., Homewood, Illinois Schuser, H., London, England Standley, Paul C., Chicago Steyermark, Dr. Julian A., Barrington, Illinois Tuttle, Mrs. Henry Nelson Vargas, Dr. César, Cuzco, Peru Walters, Leon L., Chicago Wenzel, Rupert ioe Oak jaa Illinois Wilson, Marie, Evanston, Illinois Wilson, Laurence, Baguio, Philippine Islands Wy, Contributions and Bequests Contributions and bequests to Chicago Natural History Museum may be made in securities, money, books, or collections. They may, if desired, take the form of a memorial to a person or cause, to be named by the giver. For those desirous of making bequests to the Museum, the following form is suggested: FORM (@OF2BEO@UEST 98 I do hereby give and bequeath to Chicago Natural History Museum of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois: Cash contributions made within the taxable year to Chicago Natural History Museum to an amount not in excess of 15 per cent of the taxpayer’s net income are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal ancome tax. Endowments may be made to the Museum with the provision that an annuity be paid to the patron during his or her lifetime. These annuities are guaranteed against fluctua- tion in amount, and may reduce federal income taxes. MEMEBERS OF Tae MUSEUM FOUNDER Marshall Field* BENEFACTORS Those who have contributed $100,000 or more to the Museum Ayer, Edward E.* Harris, ee We Raymond, James Nelson* : . Harris, Norman W.* Ryerson, Martin A.* Be aneam, Miss Higinbotham,HarlowN.* Ryerson, Mrs. : Martin A.* Crane, Cornelius Kelley, William V.* Crane; Rk. T., Jr:* Simpson, James* Field, Joseph N.* Pullman, George M.* Smith, Mrs. Frances Field, Marshall Gaylord elds Seanle Rawson, Frederick H.* Smith, George T.* D y Raymond, Mrs. Anna Sturges, Mrs. Mary D.* Graham, Ernest R.* Louise* Suarez, Mrs. Diego * DECEASED HONORARY MEMBERS Those who have rendered eminent service to Science Cutting, C. Suydam Harris, Albert W. Sargent, Homer E. Ludwig, H.R.H. Gustaf %Uarez, Mrs. Diego Field, Marshall Adolf, Crown Prince of Field, Stanley Sweden Vernay, Arthur S. PATRONS Those who have rendered eminent service to the Museum Calderini, Charles J. Day, Lee Garnett Knight, Charles R. eadbourne, Mrs. Emily Ellsworth, Duncan 8. Moore, Mrs. William H. Chancellor, Philip M. Hicldeiree stanley, Sargent, Homer E. Collins, Alfred M. ough, Wiles. DMerye Conover, Boardman Hancock, G. Allan Vernay, Arthur S. Cutting, C. Suydam Judson, Clay White, Harold A. DECEASED, 1948 Cherrie, George K. Dy) CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Scientists or patrons of science, residing in foreign countries, who have rendered Breuil, Abbé Henri Hochreutiner, Dr. B. P. Georges eminent service to the Museum Humbert, Professor Henri Keissler, Dr. Karl CONTRIBUTORS Keith, Professor Sir Arthur Those who have contributed $1,000 to $100,000 to the Musewm $75,000 to $100,000 Chancellor, Philip M. $50,000 to $75,000 Keep, Chauncey* Remmer, Oscar E.* Rosenwald, Mrs. Augusta N.* $25,000 to $50,000 Adams, Mrs. Edith Almy* Blackstone, Mrs. Timothy B.* Chalmers, Mrs. Joan A.* Coats, John* Crane, Charles R.* Crane, Mis. R.., Jr: Field, Mrs. Stanley Jones, Arthur B.* Murphy, Walter P.* Porter, George F.* Rosenwald, Julius* Vernay, Arthur S. White, Harold A. $10,000 to $25,000 Adams, Joseph* Armour, Allison V.* Armour, P. D.* * DECEASED 100 in money or materials Babcock, Mrs. Abby K.* Barnes, R. Magoon* Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily rane Chalmers, William J.* Conover, Boardman Cummings, R. F.* Cutting, C. Suydam Everard, R. T.* Gunsaulus, Dr. F. W.* Insull, Samuel* Laufer, Dr. Berthold* Lufkin, Wallace W.* Mandel, Leon McCormick, Cyrus (Estate) McCormick, Stanley Mitchell, John J.* Reese, Lewis* Richards, Elmer J. Robb, Mrs. George W.* Rockefeller Foundation, The Sargent, Homer E. Schweppe, Mrs. Charles H.* Straus, Mrs. Oscar S.* Strong, Walter A.* Wrigley, William, Jr.* $5,000 to $10,000 Adams, George E.* Adams, Milward* American Friends of China Avery, Sewell L. Bartlett, A. C.* Bishop, Heber (Estate) Borland, Mrs. John Jay* Crane, R. T.* Cuatrecasas, Dr. José Doane, J. W.* Field, Dr. Henry Fuller, William A.* Graves, George Coe, II* Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Norman Dwight Harris, Mrs. Norman W.* Haskell, Frederick T.* Hutchinson, C. L.* Keith, Edson* Manetiryardeaes MacLean, Mrs. M. Haddon* Moore, Mrs. William H. Payne, John Barton* Pearsons, D. K.* Perry, Stuart H. Porter, H. H.* Ream, Norman B.* Revell, Alexander H.* Richards, Donald Riley, Mrs. Charles V.* Salie, Prince M. U. M. Sprague, A. A.* Storey, William Benson* Strawn, Silas H.* Street, William S. CONTRIBUTORS (Continued) Thorne, Bruce Tree, Lambert* Valentine, Louis L.* Watkins, Rush Wetten, Albert H. $1,000 to $5,000 Acosta Solis, Dr. M. Avery, Miss Clara A.* Ayer, Mrs. Edward E.* Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Samuel E.* Bensabott, R., Inc. Bishop, Dr. Louis B. Blair, Watson F.* Blaschke, Stanley Field Block, Mrs. Helen M.* Borden, John Brown, Charles Edward* Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Chicago Zoological Society, The Coburn, Mrs. Annie S.* Crocker, Templeton Cummings, Mrs. Robert F.* Desloge, Joseph Doering, O. C. Fish, Mrs. Frederick S. * DECEASED Graves, Henry, Jr. Gunsaulus, Miss Helen Gurley, William F. E.* Herz, Arthur Wolf* Hibbard, W. G.* Higginson, Mrs. Charles M.* Hill, James J.* Hinde, Thomas W. Hixon, Frank P.* Hoffman, Miss Malvina Hoogstraal, Harry Howe, Charles Albee Hughes, Thomas S.* Jackson, Huntington W.* James, F. G. James, S. L. Knickerbocker, Charles K.* Kraft, James L. Langford, George Lee Ling Yiin Lerner, Michael Look, Alfred A. MacLean, Haddon H. Mandel, Fred L., Jr. Manierre, George* Marshall, Dr. Ruth Martin, Alfred T.* McCormick, Cyrus H.* McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus* Mitchell, Clarence B. Ogden, Mrs. Frances E.* Osgood, Dr. Wilfred H.* Palmer, Potter* Patten, Henry J.* Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Rauchfuss, Charles F.* Raymond, Charles E.* Reynolds, Earle H.* Richardson, Dr. Maurice L. Rumely, William N.* Schapiro, Dr. Louis* Schmidt, Karl P. Schwab, Martin C.* Schweppe, Charles H.* Shaw, William W. Sherff, Dr. Ear] E. Smith, Byron L.* Sprague, Albert A.* Steyermark, Dr. Julian A. Thompson, E. H.* Thorne, Mrs. Louise E. Traylor, Melvin A., Jr. VanValzah, Dr. Robert VonFrantzius, Fritz* Wheeler, Leslie* Willems, Dr. J. Daniel Willis, L. M.* Wolcott, Albert B. Zangerl, Dr. Rainer CORPORATE MEMBERS Armour, Lester Avery, Sewell L. Blair, Wm. McCormick Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Calderini, Charles J. Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily Crane Chancellor, Philip M. Collins, Alfred M. Conover, Boardman Cummings, Walter J. Cutting, C. Suydam Day, Lee Garnett Dick, Albert B., Jr. Ellsworth, Duncan S. Fenton, Howard W. Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Hancock, G. Allan Harris, Albert W. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Isham, Henry P. Judson, Clay DECEASED, 1948 Cherrie, George K. Knight, Charles R. McBain, Hughston M. Mitchell, William H. Moore, Mrs. William H. Randall, Clarence B. Richardson, George A. Sargent, Homer E. Smith, Solomon A. Suarez, Mrs. Diego Vernay, Arthur S. Wetten, Albert H. White, Harold A. Wilson, John P. 101 LIVE IE, YENI BIBIRS Those who have contributed $500 to the Museum Adler, Max Allerton, Robert H. Armour, A. Watson Armour, Lester Armour, Mrs. Ogden Ascoli, Mrs. Max Avery, Sewell L. Babson, Henry B. Bacon, Edward Richardson, Jr. Banks, Alexander F. Barnhart, Miss Gracia M. F. Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Mrs. A. D. Barrett, Robert L. Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Baur, Mrs. Jacob Bensabott, R. Bermingham, Edward J. Blaine, Mrs. Emmons Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Borland, Chauncey B. Brassert, Herman A. Brewster, Walter S. Browne, Aldis J. Buchanan, D. W. Budd, Britton I. Burnham, John Burt, William G. Butler, Julius W. Butler, Rush C. Carpenter, Augustus A. Carpenter, Mrs. John Iden Carr, George R. Carr, Walter S. Casalis, Mrs. Maurice Chatfield-Taylor, Wayne Clegg, William G. Clegg, Mrs. William G. Connor, Ronnoc Hill Conover, Boardman Cook, Mrs. Daphne Field Corley, F. D. Cramer, Corwith Crossett, Edward C. Crossley, Lady Josephine Crossley, Sir Kenneth Cudahy, Edward A. Cummings, Walter J. Cunningham, James D. Cushing, Charles G. Dahl, Ernest A. Dawes, Charles G. 102 Dawes, Henry M. Delano, Frederic A. Dick, Albert B., Jr. Dierssen, Ferdinand W. Dixon, Homer L. Donnelley, Thomas E. Doyle, Edward J. Drake, John B. Durand, Scott S. Edmunds, Philip S. Ely, Mrs. C. Morse Epstein, Max Ewing, Charles Hull Farr, Newton Camp Farr, Miss Shirley Fay, C.N. Fenton, Howard W. Fentress, Calvin Fernald, Charles Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Norman Field, Mrs. Norman Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Gardner, Robert A. Gilbert, Huntly H. Glore, Charles F. Gowing, J. Parker Hamill, Alfred E. Harris, Albert W. Harris, Norman W. Hayes, William F. Hecht, Frank A. Hemmens, Mrs. Walter P. Hibbard, Frank Hickox, Mrs. Charles V. Hill, Louis W. Hinde, Thomas W. Hopkins, L. J. Horowitz, L. J. Hoyt, N. Landon Hutchins, James C. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Jarnagin, William N. Jelke, John F. Joiner, Theodore E. Jones, Miss Gwethalyn Kelley, Russell P. Kidston, William H. King, James G. Kirk, Walter Radcliffe Ladd, John Lehmann, E. J. Leonard, Clifford M. Levy, Mrs. David M. Linn, Mrs. Dorothy C. Logan, Spencer H. Lytton, Henry C. MacDowell, Charles H. MacLeish, John E. MacVeagh, Eames Madlener, Mrs. Albert F. Mason, William S. McBain, Hughston M. McCutcheon, John T.- McGann, Mrs. Robert G. MelInnerney, Thomas H. McKinlay, John Meyer, Carl Meyne, Gerhardt F. Mitchell, William H. Morse, Charles H. Morton, Mark Munroe, Charles A. Myrland, Arthur L. Newell, A. B. Ormsby, Dr. Oliver S. Orr, Robert M. Paesch, Charles A. Palmer, Honoré Pick, Albert Poppenhusen, Conrad H. Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Rinaldo, Mrs. Philip S. Rodman, Mrs. Katherine Field Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rosenwald, William Rubloff, Arthur Ryerson, Edward L., Jr. Seabury, Charles W. Shirk, Joseph H. Smith, Alexander Smith, Solomon A. Spalding, Keith Spalding, Vaughan C. Sprague, Mrs. Albert A. Stuart, Harry L. Stuart, John Stuart, R. Douglas Sturges, George Swift, Harold H. LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) Thorne, Robert J. Wanner, Harry C. Willard, Alonzo J. Tree, Ronald L. F. MWiard aia; ; Willits, Ward W. Tyson, Russell wretch: ae eave Ey, Wilson, John P. elling, John P. . Uihlein, Edgar J. Whitney, Mrs. Julia L. eee ees Underwood, Morgan P. Wickwire, Mrs. DSO CACY os Edward L. Woolley, Clarence M. Veatch, George L. Wieboldt, William A. Wrigley, Philip K. DECEASED, 1948 Asher, Louis E. Lamont, Robert P. Robinson, Theodore W. Blair, Chauncey B. Moore, Edward S. Simpson, William B. Swift, Charles H. Alf ’ Dect, lied Raymond, Mrs. Anna Hughes, Thomas S. Louise Thorne, Charles H. NON-RESIDENT LIFE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have contributed $100 to the Museum Bennett, Mrs. Irene Holloman, Mrs. Rosenwald, Lessing J. Stark Delmar W. Sardeson, Orville A. Johnson, Herbert F., Jr. Stephens, W. C. Coolidge, Harold J., Jr. ‘ Stern, Mrs. Maxwell, Gilbert S. Edgar B. d, Mrs. C li Gregg, John Wyatt Os200 er ae Vernay, Arthur S. Richardson, Dr. Hearne, Knox Maurice L. Zerk, Oscar U. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those who have contributed $100 to the Museum Aaron, Charles Adams, Mrs. S. H. Allison, Mrs. William M. Aaron, Ely M. Adams, Mrs. Samuel Alsip, Mrs. Charles H. Abbott, Donald Adams, William C. Alter, Harry Putnam, Jr. Adamson, Henry T. Alton, Carol W. Abbott, Gordon C. Adler, David Ames, Rev. Edward S. Abbott, W. Rufus Adler, Mrs. Max Anderson, Mrs. A. W. Abbott, William L. Ahlschlager, Walter W. Anderson, Mrs. Alma K. Abeles, Mrs. Jerome G. Alden, William T. Anderson, Miss Florence Abrahamsen, Miss Cora Aldis, Graham Regina Abrams, Duff A. Alexander, Mrs. Andreen, Otto C. Ackerman, Charles N. Arline V. Andrews, Mrs. E. C. Adamick, Gustave H. Alexander, Edward Andrews, Milton H. Adams, Mrs. Charles S. Alexander, William H. Angelopoulos, Archie Adams, Mrs. David T. Alford, Mrs. Laura T.C. Anstiss, George P. Adams, Mrs. Frances Allbright, John G. Antrim, E. M. Sprogle Allen, Mrs. Grace G. Appelt, Mrs. Jessie E. Adams, Miss Jane Allensworth, A. P. Armbrust, John T. Adams, John Q. Allin, J. J. Armour, A. Watson, III 103 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Armour, Laurance H. Armour, Philip D. Armstrong, Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Kenneth E. Arn, W. G. Arnold, Mrs. Lioyd Artingstall, Samuel G. Ascher, Fre Ashenhurst, Harold S. Asher, Norman Aurelius, Mrs. Marcus A. Austin, E. F Avery, George J. Ayres, Robert B. Babson, Mrs. Gustavus Bachmann, Mrs. Harrold A. Bachmeyer, Dr. Arthur C. Back, Miss Maude F. Bacon, Dr. Alfons R. Badger, Shreve Cowles Baer, David E. Baer, Mervin K. Baer, Walter S. Bagby, John C. Baggaley, William Blair Bair, W. P. Baird, Harry K. Baker, Mrs. Alfred L. Baker, G. W Baker, Greeley Baldwin, Vincent Curtis Balgemann, Otto W. Balkin, Louis Ball, Dr. Fred E. Ballard, Mrs. Foster K. Ballenger, A. G. Banes, W. C. Banks, Edgar C. Bannister, Miss Ruth D. Bantsolas, John N. Barber, Phil C. Bargquist, Miss Lillian D Barkhausen, L. H. Barnard, Harrison B. Barnes, Cecil Barnes, Mrs. Charles Osborne Barnes, Harold O. Barnhart, Mrs. A. M. Barnum, Harry H. Barr, Mrs. Alfred H. Barr, George Barrett, Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett, Mrs. Harold G. Barthell, Gary Bartholomae, Mrs. Emma 104 Bartholomay, F. H. Bartholomay, Henry Bartholomay, Mrs. William, Jr Bartlett, Frederic C. Barton, Mrs. Enos M. Basile, William B. Basta, George A. Bastian, Charles L. Bastien, A. E. Bateman, Floyd L. Bates, Mrs. A. M. Bates, Joseph A. Battey, Paul L. Baum, Mrs. James E. Baum, Wilhelm Baumann, Harry P. Bausch, William C. Beach, Miss Bess K. Beach, E. Chandler Beachy, Mrs. Walter F. Beck, Alexander Becker, Benjamin V. Becker, Frederick G. Becker, Herman T. Becker, James H. Becker, Louis Becker, Louis L. Beckler, R. M. Beckman, Victor A. Beckman, William H. Beddoes, Hubert Behr, Mrs. Edith Beidler, Francis, II Belden, Joseph C., Jr. Bell, Mrs. Laird Benjamin, Jack A. Benner, Harry Bennett, S. A. Bennett, Professor J. Gardner Benson, John Benson, Mrs. Thaddeus R. Bent, John P. Bentley, Mrs. Cyrus Benton, Miss Mabel M. Berend, George F. Berkely, Dr. J. G. Berkson, Mrs. Maurice Bernstein, Philip Byer, Wo 1D) Bersbach, Elmer S. Bertol, Miss Aurelia Bertschinger, ID ye, (Ge 1k. Besly, Mrs. C. H. Bettman, Dr. Ralph B. Bichl, Thomas A. Biddle, Robert C. Biehn, Dr J. ke Biggers, Bryan B. Biggs, Mrs. Joseph H. Bigler, Mrs. Albert J. Billow, Miss Virginia Bird, Miss Frances Birk, Miss Amelia Birk, Frank J. Bishop, Howard P. Bishop, Miss Martha V. Bittel, Mrs. Frank J. Bixby, Edward Randall Blackburn, Oliver A. Blair, Mrs. M. Barbour Blair, Wm. McCormick Blair, Wolcott Blatchford, Carter Blatchford, Dr. Frank Wicks Blayney, Thomas C. Blecker, Mrs Michael, Jr. Blessing, Dr. Robert Block, Joseph L. Block, Leigh B. Block, Mrs. Leigh B. Block, Philip D., Jr. Bloom, Mrs. Leopold Bloss, Mrs. Sidney M. Bluford, Mrs. David Blum, Harry H. Blunt eters Bluthardt, Edwin Boal, Ayres Boal, Stewart Boericke, Mrs. Anna Boettcher, Arthur H. Bohasseck, Charles Bohrer, Randolph Bolotin, Hyman Bolten, Paul H. Bondy, Berthold Boomer, Dr. Paul C. Boone, Arthur Booth, Alfred V. Booth, George E. Borg, George W. Bori, Mrs. Albert V. Borland, Mrs. Bruce Borowitz, David Borwell, Robert C. Bosch, Charles Bosch, Mrs. Henry Bosworth, Mrs. Roland I. Botts, Graeme G. Boulton, Mrs. Rudyerd Bousa, Dr. Bohuslav Bowen, Mrs. Louise DeKoven Bowers, Ralph E. Bowman, Johnston A. Boyack, Harry Boyd, Mrs. T. Kenneth ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Boyden, Miss Rosalie Sturges Boynton, A. J. Boynton, Frederick P. Brach, Mrs. F. V. Bradley, Mrs. A. Ballard Bradley, Charles E. Bradley, Mrs. Natalie Blair Higinbotham Brainerd, Mrs. Arthur T. Bramble, Delhi G. C. Brand, Mrs. Maude G. Brandt, Charles H. Bransfield, John J. Brauer, Mrs. Paul Bremner, Mrs. David F. Brendecke, Miss June Brenner, S. L. Brennom, Dr. Elmo F. Brennwasser, S. M. Brenza, Miss Mary Brewer, Mrs. Angeline L. Breyer, Mrs. Theodor Bridges, Arnold Briggs, Mrs. Gertrude Bristol, James T. Brock, A. J. Brodribb, Lawrence C. Brodsky, J. J Brostoff, Harry M. Brown, A. Wilder Brown, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Christy Brown, Mrs. Everett C. Brown, John T. Brown, Dr. Joshua M. Brown, Mark A. Brown, Scott Brown, William F. Brucker, Dr. Edward A. Bruckner, William T. Brugman, John J. Bruhn, Ee. C. Brundage, Avery Brunswick, Larry Bryant, John J., Jr. Buchner, Dr. E. M. Buck, Guy R. Buck, Nelson Leroy Buckley, Mrs. Warren Bucklin, Mrs. Vail R. Buddig, Carl Buehler, H. L. Buettner, Walter J. -- Buffington, Mrs. Margaret A. Buhmann, Gilbert G. Bunge, Mrs. Albert J. Bunte, Mrs. Theodore W. Burbott, E. W. Burch, Clayton B. Burchmore, John S. Burdick, Mrs. Alfred S. Burgmeier, John M. Burgstreser, Newton Burgweger, Mrs. Meta Dewes Burke, Mrs. Lawrence N. Burke, Webster H. Burley, Mrs. Clarence A. Burns, Mrs. Randall W. Burry, William Bush, Earl J. Bush, Mrs. William H. Butler, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, John M. Butler, Paul Butz, Theodore C. Butzow, Mrs. Robert C. Byrne, Miss Margaret H. Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Cahn, Bertram J. Cahn, Morton D. Caine, John F. Caine, Leon J. Callender, Mrs. Joseph E. Calmeyn, Frank B. Camenisch, Miss Sophia C. Cameron, Dr. Dan U. Cameron, Will J. Camp, Mrs. Arthur Royce Campbell, Delwin M. Campbell, Herbert J. Canby, Caleb H., Jr. Canman, Richard W. Canmann, Mrs. Harry L. Capes, Lawrence R. Capps, Dr. Joseph A. Cardelli, Mrs. Giovanni Carlin, Leo J. Carmell, Daniel D. Carney, William Roy CaronwOnwJ: Carpenter, Mrs. Frederic Ives Carpenter, George Sturges Carpenter, Hubbard Carqueville, Mrs. A. R. Carr, Mrs. Clyde M. Carr, Robert A. Carroll, John A. Carry, Joseph C. Carter, Mrs. Armistead B. Carton, Alfred T. Cary, Dr. Eugene Castle, Alfred C. Castruccio, Giuseppe Cates, Dudley Cederlund, R. Stanley Cerling, Fredolph A. Cernoch, Frank Chandler, Henry P. Chapin, William Arthur Chapman, Arthur E. Chatain, Robert N. Cheney, Dr. Henry W. Chenier, Miss Mizpah Cherones, George D. Cherry, Walter L., Jr. Childs, Mrs. C. Frederick Childs, Mrs. George W. Chinlund, Miss Ruth E. Chislett, Miss Kate E. Christensen, E. C. Christiansen, Dr. Henry Churan, Charles A. Clare, Carl P. Clark, Ainsworth W. Clark, Miss Alice Keep Clark, Charles V. Clark, Mrs. Edward S. Clark, Edwin H. Clark, Willard F. Clarke, Charles F. Clarke, Harley L. Clay, John Clemen, Dr. Rudolph A. Cleveland, Paul W. Clifford, Fred J., Jr. Clinch, Duncan L. Clithero, W. S. Clonick, Abraham J. Clonick, Seymour E. Clough, William H. Clow, Mrs. Harry B. Clow, William E., Jr. Coath, V. W. Cochran, John L. Coffin, Fred Y. Cohen, George B. Cohen, Mrs. L. Lewis Colburn, Frederick S. Colby, Mrs. George E. Coldren, Clifton C. Cole, Sidney I. Coleman, Clarence L., Jr. Coleman, Dr. George H. Coleman, Mrs. John Coleman, Loring W. Coleman, Marvin H. Colianni, Paul V. Collins, Beryl B. Collison, E. K. Colvin, Miss Catharine Colvin, Miss Jessie Colvin, Mrs. William H. Colwell, Clyde C. Compton, Mrs. Arthur H. Compton, D. M. 105 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Compton, Frank E. Condon, Mrs. James G. Conger, Miss Cornelia Conkey, Henry P. Connell, P. G. Conners, Harry Connor, Mrs. Clara A. Connor, Frank H. Cook, Miss Alice B. Cook, Mrs. David S. Cook, Jonathan Miller Cook, L. Charles Cook, Louis T. Cook, Thomas H. Cooke, Charles E. Cooke, Miss Flora Cooley, Gordon A. Coolidge, Miss Alice Coolidge, E. Channing Coolidge, Dr. Edgar D. Coombs, James F. Coonley, John Stuart Coonley, Prentiss L. Cooper, Samuel Copland, David Corbett, Mrs. William J. Cornell, Dr. Edward L. Cornell, Mrs. John E. Cosford, Thomas H. Coston, James E. Cowan, Mrs. Grace L. Cowen, Maurice L. Cowles, Knight C. Cox, James C. Cox, William D. Coyle, C. H. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Crane, Charles R., II Creange, A. L. Crego, Mrs. Dominica S Crilly, Edgar Cromwell, Miss Juliette Clara Cubbins, Dr. William R. Cudahy, Edward I. Cummings, Mrs. D. Mark Cummings, Mrs Frances S. Cuneo, John F. Curran, Harry R. Curtis, Austin Guthrie, Jr. Curtis, Mrs. Charles S. Cusack, Harold Cushing, John Caleb Cushman, Barney Cutler, Henry E. Cuttle, Harold E. Daemicke, Mrs. Paul Dahlberg, Bror G. 106 Irwin Daily, Richard Daley, Harry C. Dalmar, Mrs. Hugo Dalmar, Hugo, Jr. Dammann, J. F. Danforth, Dr. William C. Dangel, W. H. Danielson, Philip A. Danley, Jared Gage Danne, William C., Jr. Dantzig, Leonard P. D’ Aquila, George Darbo, Howard H. Darrow, Paul E. Dashiell, C. R. Daughaday, C. Colton Davey, Mrs. Bruce E. David, Dr. Vernon C. Davidson, David W. Davidson, Miss Mary E Davies, Marshall Davis, Arthur Davis, C.S. Davis, Dr. Car] B. Davis, Don L. Davis, Frank S. Davis, Dr. Loyal Davis, Dr. Nathan S., Ill Deahl, Uriah S. Deane, Mrs. Ruthven Decker, Charles O. DeCosta, Lewis M. deDardel, Carl O. Dee, Thomas J. Degen, David DeGolyer, Robert S. DeLemon, H. R. Delph, Dr. John F. Demaree, H. S. Deming, Everett G. Dempster, Mrs. Charles W. Deneen, Mrs. Charles S. Denison, Mrs. John Porter Denkewalter, W. E. Denman, Mrs. Burt J. Dennehy, Thomas C., Jr. Denney, Ellis H. DesIsles, Mrs. Carrie L. Deutsch, Mrs. Percy L. DeVries, David Dick, Edison Dick, Elmer J. Dick, Mrs. Homer T. Dickey, Roy Dickinson, F. R. Dickinson, Robert B. Dickinson, Mrs. Thompson Diestel, Mrs. Herman Dimick, Miss Elizabeth Dimmer, Miss Elizabeth G. Dixon, George W., Jr. Dixon, Mrs. William Warren Dobyns, Mrs. Henry F. Doctor, Isidor Dodge, Mrs. Paul C. Doering, Otto C. Doetsch, Miss Anna Dolese, Mrs. John Donker, Mrs. William Donlon, Mrs. Stephen E. Donnelley, Gaylord Donnelley, Mrs. H. P. Donnelley, Miss Naomi Donohue, Edgar T. Donohue, William F. Dornbusch, Charles H. Dorocke, Joseph, Jr. Dorschel, Q. P. Douglas, James H.., Jr. Douglass, Kingman Douglass, Mrs. W. A. Dreutzer, Carl Drever, Thomas Dreyfus, Mrs. Moise Dryden, Mrs. George B. IDK oo, (Co 12 DuBois, Laurence M. Dudley, Laurence H. Dulany, George W., Jr. Dulsky, Mrs. Samuel Dunbaugh, Harry J. Duncan, Albert G. Duner, Joseph A. Dunlop, Mrs. Simpson Dunn, Samuel O. Dupee, Mrs. F. Kennett Durand, Mrs. N. E. Durbin, Fletcher M. Easterberg, C. J. Eastman, Mrs. George H. Eaton, J. Frank Ebeling, Frederic O. Eckhart, Percy B. Eckstein, Mrs. Louis Eddy, Thomas H. Edwards, Miss Edith E. Edwards, Kenneth P. Egan, William B. Egloff, Dr. Gustav Eichengreen, Edmund K. Eiseman, Fred R. Eisenberg, Sam J. EFisendrath, Edwin W. Eisendrath, Miss Elsa B. EKisendrath, Robert M. Eisendrath, William B. Eisenschiml, Mrs. Otto ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) EKisenstaedt, Harry Kisenstein, Sol Eitel, Karl Kitel, Max Eleock, Mrs. Edward G. Elenbogen, Herman Elich, Robert William Ellbogen, Miss Celia Elliott, Dr. Clinton A. Elliott, Frank R. Ellis, Howard Elting, Howard Embree, Henry S. Embree, J. W., Jr. Emery, Edward W. Emmerich, Miss Clara L. Engberg, Miss Ruth M. Engel, Miss Henrietta Engstrom, Harold Erdmann, Mrs. C. Pardee Erickson, Donovan Y. Ericson, Mrs. Chester F. Ericsson, Clarence Ericsson, Dewey A. Ericsson, Walter H. Erikson, Carl A. Ernst, Mrs. Leo Erskine, Albert DeWolf Etten, Henry C. Eustice, Mrs. Alfred L. Evans, Miss Anna B. Evans, Mrs. David Evans, David J. Evans, Eliot H. Fabian, Francis G. Fabrice, Edward H. Fabry, Herman Fackt, Mrs. George P. Fader, A. L. Faget, James E. Faherty, Roger Faithorn, Walter E. Falk, Miss Amy Fallon, Mrs. J. B. Fallon, Dr. W. Raymond Falls, Dr. A. G. Farnham, Mrs. Harry J. Farrell, Mrs. B. J. Farwell, John V., III Faulkner, Charles J. Faulkner, Miss Elizabeth Faurot, Henry, Jr. Favill, Mrs. John Fay, Eugene C. Fecke, Mrs. Frank J. Feiwell, Morris E. Felix, Benjamin B. Fellows, William K. Felsenthal, Edward George Fennekohl, Mrs. Arthur C. Fergus, Robert C. Fernald, Robert W. Ferry, Mrs. Frank F. Fetzer, Wade Filkins, A. J. Fineman, Oscar Finley, Max H. Finnegan, Richard J. Finnerud, Dr. Clark W. Fischel, Frederic A. Fish, Mrs. Helen S. Fishbein, Dr. Morris Fisher, Harry M. Fisk, Mrs. Burnham M. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. John A. Flavin, Edwin F. Fleming, Mrs. Joseph B. Flood, Walter H. Florsheim, Harold M. Florsheim, Irving S. Florsheim, Mrs. Milton S. Folonie, Mrs. Robert J. Folsom, Mrs. Richard S. Folsom, Mrs. William R. Foote, Mrs. Harley T. Forch, Mrs. John L., Jr. Ford, Mrs. Willis Roland Foreman, Mrs. Alfred K. Foreman, Mrs. E. G. Foreman, Edwin G., Jr. Foreman, Harold E. Forgan, James B., Jr. Forgan, Mrs. J. Russell Forgan, Robert D. Forman, Charles Forstall, James J. Forster, J. George Fortune, Miss Joanna Foster, Mrs. Charles K. Foster, Volney Foute, Albert J. Fox, Jacob Logan Fox, Dr. Paul C. Franche, Mrs. D. C., III Frank, Arthur A. Frank, Mrs. Joseph K. Frankel, Louis Frankenstein, William B. Frankenthal, Dr. Lester E., Jr. Frazer, Mrs. George E. Freedman, Dr. I. Val Freeman, Charles Y. Freiler, Abraham J. French, Dudley K. Frenier, A. B. Freudenthal, G. S. Frey, Charles Daniel Freyn, Henry J. Fridstein, Meyer Friedlich, Mrs. Herbert Friend, Mrs. Henry K. Friestedt, Arthur A. Frost, Mrs. Charles Sumner Fuller, Mrs. Gretta Patterson Fuller, J. E. Fuller, Judson M. Furry, William S. Gabathuler, Miss Juanita Gabriel, Adam Gaertner, William Galgano, John H. Gall, Charles H. Gall, Harry T. Gallup, Rockwell L. Galt, Mrs. A. T. Gamble, D. E. Garcia, José Garden, Hugh M. G. Gardiner, Mrs. John L. Gardner, Addison L. Gardner, Addison L., Jr. Gardner, Henry A. Gardner, Mrs. James P. Garen, Joseph F. Garnett, Joseph B. Garrison, Dr. Lester E. Gates, Mrs. L. F. Gawne, Miss Clara V. Gay, Rev. A. Royal Gaylord, Duane W. Gear, H. B. Gehl, Dr. W. H. Gehrmann, Felix Geiger, Alfred B. Geiling, Dr. E. M. K. Gellert, Donald N. Gensburg, Samuel H. Gentry, Veit Gentz, Miss Margaret Nina George, Mrs. Albert B. Gerber, Max Gerding, R. W. Gerngross, Mrs. Leo Gettelman, Mrs. Sidney H. Gettleman, Frank E. Getz, Mrs. James R. Getzoff, E. B. Gibbs, Richard F. Gibson, Dr. Stanley Gidwitz, Alan K. Giffey, Miss Hertha Gifford, Mrs. Frederick C. Gilbert, Miss Clara C. Gilchrist, Mrs. John F. 107 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Gilchrist, Mrs. William Albert Giles, Carl C. Giles, Mrs. Guy H. Gillette, Mrs. Ellen D. Gimbel, J. W., Jr. Ginther, Miss Minnie C. Girard, Mrs. Anna Giryotas, Dr. Emelia J. Glaescher, Mrs. G. W. Glasner, Rudolph W. Glasser, Joshua B. Godehn, Paul M. Goehst, Mrs. John Henry Goes, Mrs. Arthur A. Golden, Dr. Isaac J. K. Goldfine, Dr. Ascher H.C. Golding, Robert N. Goldman, Mrs. Louis Goldstein, Dr. Helen L. Button Goldstein, Nathan S. Goldstine, Dr. Mark T. Goldy, Walter I. Goltra, Mrs. William B. Goode, Mrs. Rowland T. Gooden, G. E. Goodman, Benedict K. Goodman, Mrs. Milton F. Goodman, W. J. Goodman, William E. Goodwin, Clarence Norton Goodwin, George S. Gordon, Colin S. Gordon, Harold J. Gordon, Dr. Richard J. Gordon, Mrs. Robert D. Gorrell, Mrs. Warren Gottlieb, Frederick M. Gould, Jay Gould, Mrs. June K. Grade, Joseph Y. Gradle, Dr. Harry S. Graf, Robert J. Graff, Oscar C. Graham, Douglas Graham, E. V. Graham, Miss Margaret H. Gramm, Mrs. Helen Grant, James D. Grant, John G. Graves, Austin T. Graves, Howard B. Grawoig, Allen Gray, Dr. Earle Gray, Edward Green, Michael Green, Robert D. Greenacre, Miss Cordelia Ann 108 Greenburg, Dr. Ira E. Greene, Henry E. Greenebaum, M. E., Jr. Greenlee, Mrs. William Brooks Greenman, Mrs. Earl C. Gregory, Stephen S., Jr. Gregory, Tappan Gressens, Otto Grey, Charles F. Grey, Dr. Dorothy Griest, Mrs. Marianna L. Griffenhagen, Mrs. Edwin O. Griffith, Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith, Mrs. William Griswold, Harold T. Grizzard, James A. Groak, Irwin D. Gronkowski, Rev. C. I. Groot, Cornelius J. Groot, Lawrence A. Gross, Henry R. Grossman, Frank I. Grotenhuis, Mrs. William J. Grotowski, Mrs. Leon Gruhn, Alvah V. Grunow, Mrs. William C. Guenzel, Louis Guest, Ward E. Gunthorp, Walter J. Gurley, Miss Helen K. Gurman, Samuel P. Guthman, Edwin I. Gwinn, William R. Hadley, Mrs. Edwin M. Haffner, Mrs. Charles C., Jr. Hagen, Mrs. Daise Hagens, Dr. Garrett J. Hagner, Fred L. Haight, George I. lnleybe, Ab, 18. Hajicek, Rudolph F. Haldeman, Walter S. Hale, Mrs. Samuel Hales, William M. Hall, Edward B. Hall, Mrs. J. B. Hallmann, Herman F. Halperin, Aaron Halverstadt, Romaine M. Hamm, Fred B. Hammaker, Paul M. Hammerschmidt, Mrs. George F. Hammond, Thomas S. Hand, George W. Hanley, Henry L. Hann, J. Roberts Hansen. Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. Fred A. Hansen, Jacob W. Hanson, Mrs. Norman R. Harder, John H. Harders, Mrs. Flora Rassweiler Hardie, George F. Hardin, John H. Harding, John Cowden Harding, Richard T. Harms, Van Deursen Harper, Alfred C. Harrington, David L. Harris, Mrs. Abraham Harris, David J. Harris, Gordon L. Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Stanley G. Hart, Mrs. Herbert L. Hart, Max A. Hart, William M. Hartmann, A. O. Hartshorn, Kenneth L. Hartwig, Otto J. Hartz, W. Homer Harvey, Byron, III Harvey, Richard M. Harwood, Thomas W. Haskell, Mrs. George E. Hass, G. C. Hay, Mrs. William Sherman Hayakawa, Dr. S. I. Hayes, Charles M. Hayes, Harold C. Hayes, Miss Mary E. Haynie, Miss Rachel W. Hays, Mrs. Arthur A. Hayslett, Arthur J. Hazlett, Dr. William H. Hazlett, Mrs. William H. Healy, Vincent Jerrems Heaney, Dr. N. Sproat Hearst, Mrs. Jack W. Heaton, Harry E. Heaton, Herman C. Heck, John Hedberg, Henry E. Heffernan, Miss Lili Hefner, Adam Heide, Mrs. Bernard H. Heiman, Marcus Heine, Mrs. Albert Heinzelman, Karl Heinzen, Mrs. Carl Heisler, Francis Hejna, Joseph F. Heldmaier, Miss Marie Helfrich, J. Howard Heller, Albert Heller, John A. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Heller, Mrs. Walter E. Hellman, George A. Hellyer, Walter Hemple, Miss Anne C. Henderson, Thomas B.G. Henkel, Frederick W. Henley, Dr. Eugene H. Hennings, Mrs. Abraham J. Henry, Huntington B. Henschel, Edmund C. Herrick, Charles E. Herron, James C. Herron, Mrs. Ollie L. Hershey, J. Clarence Hertz, Mrs. Fred Hertzberg, Lawrence Herwig, George Herwig, William D., Jr. Herz, Mrs. Alfred Hesse, E. E. Heverly, Earl] L. Hibbard, Mrs. Angus S. Hibbard, Mrs. W. G. Hieber, Master J. Patrick Higgins, John Higley, Mrs. Charles W. Hildebrand, Dr. Eugene, Jr. Hildebrand, Grant M. Hill, Mrs. Russell D. Hill, William C. Hill, William E. Hille, Dr. Hermann Hillebrecht, Herbert E. Hills, Edward R. Hind, Mrs. John Dwight Hinkle, Ross O. Hinman, Mrs. Estelle S. Hinrichs, Henry, Jr. Hirsch, Jacob H. Histed, J. Roland Hixon, Mrs. Frank P. Hodgkinson, Mrs. W. R. Hodgson, Mrs. G. C. Hoffmann, Edward Hempstead Hogan, Robert E. Hokin, Mrs. Barney E. Holabird, W. S., Jr. Holden, Edward A. Holland, Dr. William E. Hollander, Mrs. Samuel Holleb, A. Paul Hollenbach, Louis Holliday, W. J. Hollis, Henry L. Holmburger, Max Holmes, George J. Holmes, Miss Harriet F. Holmes, J. A. Holmes, Mrs. Maud G. Holmes, William Holmes, William N. Holt, Miss Ellen Holt, McPherson Holub, Anthony S. Holzheimer, Carl Homan, Miss Blossom L. Honsik, Mrs. James M. Hoover, Mrs. Fred W. Hoover, H. Earl Hoover, Ray P. Hope, Alfred S. Hopkins, Albert L. Hopkins, Mrs. James M., Jr. Horcher, William W. Horne, Mrs. William Dodge, Jr. Horner, Mrs. Maurice L., Jr. Hornung, Joseph J. Horst, Curt A. Horton, Hiram T. Horton, Horace B. Horween, Arnold Horween, Isidore Hosbein, Louis H. Hottinger, Adolph Hovland, Mrs. John P. Howard, Willis G. Howe, Charles Albee Howe, Clinton W. Howe, Mrs. Pierce Lyman Howe, Ralph B. Howe, Roger F. Howe, Warren D. Howe, William G. Howell, Albert S. Howes, Mrs. Frank W. Howie, Mrs. James E. Howse, Richard G. Hoyne, Miss Susan D. Hoyt, Mrs. Phelps B. Hraback, L. W. Hrdlicka, Mrs. John D. Hubbard, George W. Huber, Dr. Harry Lee Hudson, Miss Katherine J. Hudson, Walter L. Huey, Mrs. A. S. Hufty, Mrs. F. P. Huggins, Dr. Ben H. Hughes, John E. Hughes, John W. Hume, James P. Hume, John T. Humphrey, H. K. Huncke, Herbert S. Huncke, Oswald W. Hunding, B. N. Hurd, Ferris E. lelonevanws, Jal, 18%. Huska, Mrs. Joseph Hust, George Huszagh, Ralph D. Hutchinson, Foye P. Hutchinson, Samuel S. ivattalve Cs Ickes, Raymond W. Idelman, Bernard Igoe, Michael L. Ilg, Robert A. Illich, George M., Jr. Ingalls, Allin K. Inlander, Samuel Irons, Dr. Ernest E. Isaacs, Charles W., Jr. Isham, Henry P. Ives, Clifford E. Jackson, Allan Jackson, Archer L. Jackson, Mrs. Arthur S. Jackson, Miss Laura E. Jackson, Mrs. W. A. Jacobi, Miss Emily C. Jacobs, Hyman A. Jacobs, Julius Jacobs, Whipple Jacobson, Raphael James, Walter C. Jameson, Clarence W. Jancosek, Thomas A. Janson, Dr. C. Helge M. Janusch, Fred W. Jarchow, Mrs. C. E. Jarchow, Charles C. Jarrow, Harry W. Jeffreys, Mrs. Mary M. Jeffries, Dr. Daniel W. Jeffries, F. L. Jenkins, David F. D. Jenkins, Mrs. John E. Jenkinson, Mrs. Arthur Gilbert Jennings, Ode D. Jerger, Wilbur Joseph Jetzinger, David Jirgal, John Jirka, Dr. Frank J. Jirka, Dr. Robert H. John, Dr. Findley D. Johnson, Dr. Adelaide Johnson, Alvin O. Johnson, Arthur L. Johnson, Calmer L. Johnson, Mrs. Harley Alden Johnson, Joseph M. Johnson, Nels E. 109 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Johnson, Mrs. O. W. Johnson, Olaf B. Johnson, Philip C. Johnston, Edward R. Johnston, Miss Fannie S. Johnston, Mrs. Hubert McBean Johnston, Mrs. M. L. Jones, Albert G. Jones, Mrs. C. A. Jones, James B. Jones, Dr. Margaret M. Jones, Melvin Jones, Miss Susan E. Joseph, Mrs. Jacob G. Joseph, Louis L. Joy, Guy A. Joyce, Joseph Judson, Clay Juergens, H. Paul Julien, Victor R. Kahn, Mrs. Arthur S. Kahn, J. Kesner Kahn, Jerome J. Kahn, Louis Kaine, James B. Kamins, Dr. Maclyn M. Kane, Jerome M. Kanter, Jerome J. Kaplan, Morris I. Kaplan, Nathan D. Karcher, Mrs. Leonard D. Karpen, Michael Kasch, Frederick M. Katz, Mrs. Sidney L. Katz, Solomon Katzenstein, Mrs. George P. Katzin, Frank Kauffman, Mrs. R. K. Kauffmann, Alfred Kaufman, Justin Kaufmann, Dr. Gustav L. Kavanagh, Clarence H. Kay, Mrs. Marie EB. Keefe, Mrs. George I. Keeney, Albert F. Kehl, Robert Joseph Keith, Stanley Keith, Mrs. Stanley Kelker, Rudolph F., Jr. Kellogg, John L. Kelly, Mrs. Haven Core Kelly, Miss Katherine Marjorie Kelly, William J. Kemper, Hathaway G. Kemper, Miss Hilda M. Kempner, Harry B. Kempner, Stan 110 Kendall, Mrs. Virginia H. Kendrick, John F. Kennedy, Mrs. E. J. Kennedy, Lesley Kennelly, Martin H. Kenney, Clarence B. Kent, Dr. O. B. Keogh, Gordon E. Kern, Mrs. August Kern, H. A. Kern, Dr. Nicholas H. Kern, Trude Kerwin, Edward M. Kesner, Jacob L. Kestnbaum, Meyer Kettering, Mrs. Eugene W. Kiessling, Mrs. Charles S. Kile, Miss Jessie J. Kimball, David W. Kimball, William W. Kimbark, John R. King, Clinton B. King, Joseph H. Kingman, Mrs. Arthur G. Kinsey, Robert S. Kintzel, Richard Kirkland, Mrs. Weymouth Kitchell, Howell W. Kitzelman, Otto Klee, Mrs. Nathan Kleinpell, Dr. Henry H. Kleist, Mrs. Harry Kleppinger, William H. Kleutgen, Dr. Arthur C. Klinetop, Mrs. CharlesW. Knickerbocker, Miss Paula Knopf, Andrew J. Knutson, George H. Koch, Mrs. Fred J. Koch, Raymond J. Kochs, August Kochs, Mrs. Robert T. Kohl, Mrs. Caroline L. Kohler, Eric L. Kohlsaat, Edward C. Konsberg, Alvin V. Kopf, Miss Isabel Koppenaal, Dr. Eliza- beth Thompson Kosobud, William F. Kotal, John A. Kotin, George N. Koucky, Dr. J. D. Kovac, Stefan Krafft, Mrs. Walter A. Kraft, C. H. Kraft, James L. Kraft, John H. Kraft, Norman Kralovee, Emil G. Kralovec, Mrs. Otto J. Kramer, Leroy Kraus, Peter J. Kraus, Samuel B. Kreidler, D. C. Kresl, Carl Kretschmer, Dr. Herman L. Kretschmer, Herman L., Jr. Kropff, C. G. Krost, Dr. Gerard N. Kuehn, A. L. Kuh, Mrs. Edwin J., Jr. Kuhl, Harry J. Kuhn, Frederick T. Kuhn, Dr. Hedwig S. Kunka, Bernard J. Kunstadter, Albert Kunstadter, Sigmund W. Kurfess, John Fredric Kurtz, W. O Kurtzon, Morris Lacey, Miss Edith M. LaChance, Mrs. Leander H. Laflin, Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Louis E., Jr. Laflin, Louis E., III Lambert, C. A. Lampert, Wilson W. Lanahan, Mrs. M. J. Lane, F. Howard Lane, Ray E. Lang, Edward J. Langenbach, Mrs. AliceR. Langford, Mrs. Robert E. Langhorne, George Tayloe Langworthy, Benjamin Franklin Lanman, E. B. Lansinger, Mrs. John M. Larimer, Howard S. Larsen, Samuel A. Larson, Mrs. Sarah G. Lasker, Albert D. Lassers, Sanford B. Latshaw, Dr. Blair S. Lau, Max Lauren, Newton B. Lauter, Mrs. Vera Lautmann, Herbert M. Lavezzorio, Mrs. J. B. Lavidge, Arthur W. Law, Mrs. Robert O. Lawless, Dr. Theodore K. Lawson, David A. Lax, John Franklin ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Layden, Michael J. Lazar, Maurice Lazear, George C. Leahy, James F. Leahy, Thomas F. Leavell, James R. LeBaron, Miss Edna Lebold, Foreman N. Lebold, Samuel N. Lebolt, John Michael Lederer, Dr. Francis L. Lee, David Arthur Lee, Mrs. John H. S. Lefens, Miss Katherine J. Lefens, Walter C. Leichenko, Peter M. Leight, Mrs. Albert E. Leland,- Miss Alice J. Leland, Mrs. Roscoe G. LeMoon, A. R. Lennon, George W. Lenz, J. Mayo Leonard, Arthur G. Leonard, Arthur T. Leslie, Dr. Eleanor I. Leslie, John Woodworth LeTourneau, Mrs. Robert Leverone, Louis E. Levinson, Mrs. Salmon 0. Levitan, Benjamin Levitetz, Nathan Levy, Alexander M. Levy, Arthur G. Lewis, Mrs. Ellis R. Lewy, Dr. Alfred L’Hommedieu, Arthur Liebman, A. J. Ligman, Rev. Thaddeus Lillyblade, Clarence O. Lindahl, Mrs. Edward J. Linden, John A. Lindheimer, B. F. Lingle, Bowman C. Lipman, Robert R. Liss, Samuel Little, Mrs. E. H. Littler, Harry E., Jr. Livingston, Julian M. Livingston, Mrs. Milton L. Llewellyn, Paul Lochman, Philip Loeb, Mrs. A. H. Loeb, Hamilton M. Loeb, Leo A. Loewenberg, Israel S. Loewenberg, M. L. Loewenherz, Emanuel Loewenstein, Sidney Loewenthal, Richard J. Logan, L. B. Long, William E. Lord, Arthur R. Lord, John S. Lord, Mrs. Russell Loucks, Charles O. Louer, Albert E. M. Louis, Mrs. John J. Love, Chase-W. Lovell, William H. Lovgren, Carl Lucey, Patrick J. Ludolph, Wilbur M. Lueder, Arthur C. Lunding, Franklin J. Luria, Herbert A. Lurie, H. J Lusk, R. R. Lustgarten, Samuel Lyford, Harry B. Lyon, Charles H. Maass, J. Edward Mabee, Mrs. Melbourne MacDonald, E. K. Macfarland, Mrs. Henry J. MacIntyre, Mrs. M. K. MacKenzie, William J. Mackey, Frank J. Mackinson, Dr. John C. MacLellan, K. F. MacecMullen, Dr. Della M. MacMurray, Mrs. Donald Madlener, Mrs. Albert F., Jr. Madlener, Otto Magan, Miss Jane A. Magerstadt, Madeline Magill, John R. Magnus, Albert, Jr. Magnuson, Mrs. Paul Maher, Mrs. D. W. Main, Walter D. Majors, Mrs. B. S. 'Maling, Albert Malone, William H. Manaster, Harry Mandel, Mrs. Aaron W. Mandel, Edwin F. Mandel, Miss Florence Mandel, Mrs. Robert Manegold, Mrs. Frank W. Manierre, Francis E. Manierre, Louis Manley, John A. Mann, John P. Mark, Mrs. Cyrus Mark, Griffith Marquart, Arthur A. Marsh, A. Fletcher Marsh, John MeWilliams, II Marsh, Mrs. John P. Marsh, Mrs. Marshall S. Marston, Mrs. Thomas B. Martin, Mrs. George B. Martin, George F. Martin, Samuel H. Martin, W. B. Martin, Wells Martin, Mrs. William P. Marx, Frederick Z. Marzluff, Frank W. Marzola, Leo A. Mason, Willard J. Massee, B. A. Massey, Peter J. Masterson, Peter Mathesius, Mrs. Walther Matson, J. Edward Matter, Mrs. John Maurer, Dr. Siegfried Maxant, Basil Maxwell, Lloyd R. Mayer, Frank D. Mayer, Mrs. Herbert G. Mayer, Herman J., Jr. Mayer, Isaac H. Mayer, Leo Mayer, Oscar F. Mayer, Oscar G. Mayer, Theodore 8S. McAloon, Owen J. McArthur, Billings M. McBirney, Mrs. Hugh J. McCahey, James B. McCarthy, Edmond J. McCarthy, Joseph W. McCausland, Mrs. Clara L. McClun, John M. McCord, Downer McCormack, Professor Harry McCormick, Mrs. Chauncey McCormick, Fowler McCormick, Howard H. McCormick, Leander J. McCormick, Robert H., Jr. McCrea, Mrs. W. S. McCready, Mrs. E. W. McCreight, Louis Ralph McDonald, E. F., Jr. MeDonald, Lewis McDougal, Mrs. JamesB. McDougal, Mrs. Robert McErlean, Charles V. McGraw, Max McGuinn, Edward B. McGurn, Mathew S. 111 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) MelIntosh, Arthur T. McIntosh, Mrs. Walter G. McKenna, Dr. Charles H. McKinney, Mrs. Hayes McMenemy, Logan T. McMillan, James G. McMillan, John MeMillan, W. B. McNamara, Louis G. McNamee, Peter F. McNulty, Joseph D. McQuarrie, Mrs. Fannie MeVoy, John M. Mead, Dr. Henry C. A. Medsker, Dr. Ora L. Melcher, George Clinch Melendy, Dr. R. A. Melnick, Leopold B. Merrell, John H. Merriam, Miss Eleanor Merrill, William W. Metz.) Dr An Re Metz, Mrs. Robert Meyer, Mrs. A. H. Meyer, Abraham W. Meyer, Dr. Charles A. Meyer, Charles Z. Meyers, Erwin A. Meyers, Jonas Michaels, Everett B. Michel, Dr. William J. Midowicz, C. E. Mielenz, Robert K. Milburn, Miss Anne L. Milhening, Frank Miller, Miss Bertie E. Miller, Mrs. Clayton W. Miller, Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Mrs. F. H. Miller, Hyman Miller, John S. Miller, Mrs. Olive Beaupre Miller, Oscar C. Miller, Mrs. Phillip Miller, R. T. Mills, Allen G. Mills, Lloyd Langdon Miner, Dr. Carl S Minturn, Benjamin E. Mitchell, George F. Mitchell, John J. Mitchell, Leeds Mitchell, Oliver Wb, IDye, 18 di Mock, Dr. Harry Edgar Moderwell, Charles M. Moeling, Mrs. Walter G. Moeller, George Moeller, Rev. Herman H. Moist, Mrs. Samuel E. WZ Mojonnier, Timothy Mollan, Mrs. Ferne T. Molloy, David J. Mong, Mrs. C. R. Monheimer, Henry I. Monroe, William S. Moore, C. B. Moore, Paul Moore, Philip Wyatt Moran, Miss Margaret Morey, Charles W. Morf, F. William Morrison, Mrs. C. R. Morrison, Mrs. Harry Morrison, James C Morrison, Matthew A. Morrisson, James W. Morse, Mrs. Charles J. Morse, Leland R. Morse, Mrs. Milton Morse, Robert H. Morton, Sterling Morton, William Morris Moses, Howard A. Moss, Jerome A. Mouat, Andrew J. Moxon, Dr. George W. Moyer, E. J. T. Moyer, Mrs. Paul S. Mudge, Mrs. John B. Muehlstein, Mrs. Charles Mueller, Austin M Mueller, Miss Hedwig H. Mueller, J. Herbert Mueller, Paul H. Mulford, Miss Melinda ane Mulhern, Edward F. Mulholand, William H. Mulligan, George F. Munroe, Moray Murphy, Mrs. Helen C. Murphy, Joseph D. Murphy, O. R. Murphy, Robert E. Musselman, Dr. George H. Muszynski, John J. Myrland, Arthur L. Naber, Henry G. Nadler, Dr. Walter H. Naess, Sigurd E. Nance, Willis D Nast, Mrs. A. D. Nathan, Claude Naumann, Miss Susan Nebel, Herman C. Neely, Mrs. Lloyd F. Nehls, Arthur L. Nellegar, Mrs. Jay C. Nelson, Arthur W. Nelson, Charles G. Nelson, Donald M. Nelson, N. J. Nelson, Victor W. Neuman, Sidney Neumann, Arthur E. Newhall, R. Frank Newhouse, Karl H. Newman, Mrs. Albert A. Newman, Charles H. Nichols, Mrs. George R.., Jr. Nichols, J. C. Nichols, S. F. Nilsson, Mrs. Goodwin M. Nishkian, Mrs. Vaug hn G. Nitze, Mrs. William A. Noble, Samuel R. Nollau, Miss Emma Noonan, Edward J. Norcott, Mrs. Ernest J. Norman, Harold W. Norris, Mrs. Lester Norton, R. H. Novak, Charles J. Noyes, A. H. Noyes, Allan 8. Noyes, Mrs. May Wells Nufer, Gene Nusbaum, Mrs. Hermien D. Nyman, Dr. John Egbert Oates, James F. Oberfelder, Herbert M. Oberfelder, Walter S. Obermaier, John A. O’Brien, Miss Janet O’Connell, Edmund Daniel Odell, William R. Odell, William R., Jr. Offield, James R. Oglesbee, Nathan H. O’ Keefe, Mrs. Dennis D. O’ Keeffe, William F. Oleott, Mrs. Henry C. Oldberg, Dr. Eric Oldefest, Edward G. Oleson, Wrisley B. Oliver, Mrs. Paul Olsen, Miss Agnes J. Olsen, Mrs. Arthur O. Olson, Gustaf Olson, Rudolph J. O’Neil, Dr. Owen Onofrio, Mrs. Michael J. Ooms, Casper William Opeka, Frank M. Oppenheimer, Alfred ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Oppenheimer, Mrs. Harry D. Orndoff, Dr. Benjamin H. O’Rourke, Albert Orr, Mrs. Robert C. Orr, Thomas C. Orthal, A. J. Ortmayer, Dr. Marie Osborn, Mrs. Gertrude L. Osborn, Theodore L. Ostrom, Mrs. J. Augustus Otis, J. Sanford Otis, Joseph E. Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr. Otis, Ralph C. Otis, Stuart Huntington Owings, Mrs. Nathaniel A. Paasche, Jens A. Packard, Dr. Rollo K. Paepcke, Walter P. Page, John Palmer, James L. Palmgren, Mrs. Charles A Pardee, Harvey S. Pardridge, Mrs. E. W. Park, Parker, Dr. Gaston C. Parker, Norman S. Parker, Troy L. Parks, Cin: Parmelee, IDye, JN ISL, Parry, Mrs. Norman G. Partridge, Lloyd C. Paschen, Mrs. Henry Pashkow, A. D. Patterson, Grier D. Patterson, Mrs. L. B. Patterson, Mrs. Wallace Patzelt, Miss Janet Peabody, Mrs. Francis S. Peabody, Howard B. Peabody, Miss Susan W. Pearl, Allen S. Pearse, Langdon Pearson, F. W Pearson, George Ibert, Jr Peck, Dr. David B. Peel, Richard H. Peet, Mrs. Belle G. Peirce, Albert E. PenDell, Charles W. Percy, Dr. Mortimer . Nelson Perel, Harry Z. Perkins, A. T. Perkins, Mrs. Herbert F. Perry, Dr. Ethel B. Perry, Mrs. I. Newton Peter, William F. Peters, Harry A. Petersen, Jurgen Petersen, Dr. William F. Peterson, Albert Peterson, Alexander B. Peterson, Arthur J. Peterson, Axel A. Peterson, Mrs. Bertha I. Peterson, Mrs. Richard E. Pfaelzer, Miss Elizabeth W. Pflaum, A. J. Pflock, Dr. John J. Phelps, Mrs. W. L. Phemister, Dr. Dallas B Phillips, Dr. Herbert Morrow Phillips, Mervyn C. Pick, Albert, Jr. Pick, Frederic G. Pierce, J. Norman Pierce, Paul, Jr. Pierson, Joseph B. Pink, Mrs. Ira M. Pirie, Mrs. John T. Pitzner, Alwin Frederick Plapp, Miss Doris A. Platt, Edward Vilas Platt, Mrs. Robert S. Plummer, Comer Plunkett, William H. Pobloske, Albert C. Podell, Mrs. Beatrice Hayes Polk, eS Stella F. Pollak, Charles A. Pool, Marvin B. Poole, Mrs. Frederick Arthur Poole, Mrs. Marie R. Poor, Fred A. Pope, Herbert Poppenhagen, Henry J. Porter, Charles H. Porter, Edward C. Porter, Mrs. Frank S. Porter, Henry H. Porter, Louis Porter, Mrs. Sidney S. Portis, Dr. Sidney A. Post, Mrs. Philip Sidney Pottenger, William A. Poulson, Mrs. Clara L. Powills, Michael A. Pratt, Mrs. William E. Prentice, John K. Price, John McC. Primley, Walter S. Prince, Harry Prince, Rev. Herbert W. Prince, Leonard M. Pritchard, Richard E. Probst, Marvin G. Proxmire, Dr. Theodore Stanley Prussing, Mrs. R. E. Pucci, Lawrence Puckey, F. W. Pulver, Hugo Purcell, Joseph D. Purcey, Victor W. Purdy, Sparrow E. Putnam, Miss Mabel C. Puttkammer, E. W. Pyterek, Rev. Peter H. Quick, Miss Hattiemae Raber, Franklin Racheff, Ivan Radau, Hugo Radford, Mrs. W. A., Jr. Radniecki, Rev. Stanley Raff, Mrs. Arthur Raftree, Miss Julia M. Railton, Miss Frances Ramis, Leon Lipman Randall, Rev. Edwin J. Randall, Irving Raney, Mrs. R. J. Rankin, Miss Jessie H. Rassweiler, August Rathje, Frank C. Ravenscroft, Edward H. Raymond, Mrs Howard D. Razim, A. J. Reach, Benjamin F. Redfield, William M. Redington, F. B. Redmond, Forrest H. Reed, Mrs. Frank D. Reed, Mrs. Lila H. Reed, Norris H. Reed, Mrs. Philip L. Reeve, Mrs. Earl Reffelt, Miss F. A. Regan, Mrs. Robert G. Regenstein, Joseph Regensteiner, Theodore Regnery, Frederick L. Regnery, William H. Reid, Mrs. Bryan Reingold, J. J. Remy, Mrs. William Renaldi, George J. Renshaw, Mrs. Charles ReQua, Mrs. Charles Howard, Jr. ReQua, Haven A. Rew, Mrs. Irwin 113 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Reynolds, Mrs. G. William Reynolds, Harold F. Reynolds, Mrs. J. J. Rice, Mrs. Charles R. Rice, Laurence A. Rich, Elmer Rich, Harry Richards, Mrs. Bartlett Richards, J. DeForest Richards, Donald Richards, Marcus D. Richardson, George A. Richardson, Guy A. Richter, Mrs. Adelyn W. Rickeords, Francis S. Ridgeway, Ernest Rieser, Leonard M. Rietz, Elmer W. Rietz, Walter H. Ripstra, J. Henri Ritchie, Mrs. John Rittenhouse, Charles J. Roberts, Mrs. John Roberts, John M. Roberts, Shepherd M. Roberts, Mrs. Warren R. Roberts, William Munsell Robertson, Hugh Robinson, Sanger P. Robinson, Theodore W., Jr. Robson, Miss Sarah C. Roche, Miss Emily Roderick, Solomon P. Rodgers, Dr. David C. Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rodman, Mrs. Hugh Roehling, Mrs. Otto G. Roehm, George R. Roesch, Frank P. Rogers, Miss Annie T. Rogers, Mrs. Bernard F. Rogers, Edward S. Rogers, Joseph E. Rogerson, Everett E. Roggenkamp, John Rogovsky, W. P. Rolfes, Gerald A. Roller, Fred S. Rolnick, Dr. Harry C. Romer, Miss Dagmar E. Root, John W. Rosborough, Dr. Paul A. Rosen, M. R. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Edwin S8. Rosenfeld, M. J. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Maurice 114 Rosenfield, Mrs. Morris S. Rosenstone, Nathan Rosenstone, Samuel Rosenthal, Kurt Rosenthal, Lessing Rosenthal, Samuel R. Rosenwald, Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Richard M. Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Robert C. Ross, Mrs. Robert E. Ross, Thompson Ross, Walter S. Roth, Aaron Roth, Mrs. Margit Hochsinger Rothacker, Watterson R. Rothschild, George William Routh, George E., Jr. Rozelle, Mrs. Emma Rubens, Mrs. Charles Rubloff, Arthur Rubovits, Theodore Ruckelhausen, Mrs. Henry Ruettinger, John W. Runnells, Mrs. Clive Rupprecht, Mrs. Edgar P. Rushton, Joseph A. Russell, Dr. Joseph W. Russell, Paul S. Rutledge, George E. Ryan, Mrs. William A. Ryerson, Mrs. Donald M. Sackley, Mrs. James A. Sage, W. Otis Salmon, Mrs. E. D. Sammons, Wheeler Sample, John Glen Sampsell, Marshall G. Sandidge, Miss Daisy Sands, Mrs. Frances B. Santini, Mrs. Randolph Sargent, Chester F. Sargent, John R. W. Sargent, Ralph Sauter, Fred J. Sawyer, Ainslie Y. Sawyer, Dr. Alvah L. Schacht, John H. Schafer, Mrs. Elmer J. Schafer, O. J. Schaffner, Mrs. Joseph Schaffner, Mrs. L. L. Scharin, Mrs. J. Hippach Scheinman, Jesse D. Schenck, Frederick Schermerhorn, W. I. Schlichting, Justus L. Schmidt, Dr. Charles L. Schmidt, Mrs. Minna Schmitz, Dr. Henry Schneider, D. G. Schneider, F. P. Schnering, Otto Y. Schnur, Ruth A. Scholl, Dr. William M. Schram, Harry S. Schreiner, Sigurd Schroeder, Dr. George H. Schroeder, Dr. Mary G. Schueren, Arnold C. Schukraft, William Schulze, Mrs. Mathilde Schupp, Philip C. Schurig, Robert Roy Schutz, Thomas A. Schuyler, Mrs. Daniel J., Jr. Schwab, Laurence E. Schwander, J. J. Schwanke, Arthur Schwartz, Charles K. Schwartz, Charles P. Schwartz, Dr. Otto Schwarz, Herbert E. Schwarzhaupt, Emil Sclanders, Mrs. Alexander Scott, Miss Maud E. Scott, Robert L. Scribner, Gilbert Scully, Mrs. D. B. Sears, Miss Dorothy Sears, J. Alden Sears, Richard W., Jr. Seaton, G. Leland Seaverns, Louis C. Sedgwick, C. Galen See, Dr. Agnes Chester Seeberger, Miss Dora A. Seeburg, Justus P. Segal, Victor Seifert, Mrs. Walter J. Seip, Emil G. Seipp, Clarence T. Seipp, Edwin A., Jr. Seipp, William C. Sello, George W. Sencenbaugh, Mrs. C. W. Seng, V. J. Senne, John A. Shaffer, Carroll Shakman, James G. Shanahan, Mrs. David E. Shanesy, Ralph D. Shannon, Angus Roy Shapiro, Meyer Sharpe, N. M. Shaw, Alfred P. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Shaw, Mrs. Arch W. Sheldon, James M. Shelton, Dr. W. Eugene Shepherd, Mrs. Edith P. Shepherd, Miss Olive M. Sherman, Mrs. Francis C., Sr. Sherman, Mrs. W. W. Shields, James Culver Shillestad, John N. Shire, Moses E. Shoan, Nels Shorey, Clyde E. Short, J. R. Short, Miss Shirley Jane Shoup, A. D. Shroyer, Malcolm E. Shumway, Mrs. Edward DeWitt Sidley, William P. Siebel, Mrs. Ewald H. Sieck, Herbert Siegel, David T. Sigman, Leon Silander, A. I. Silberman, Charles Silberman, David B. Silberman, Hubert S. Sills, Clarence W. Silverstein, Ramond Silverthorne, George M. Simond, Robert E. Simonds, Dr. James P. Simpson, John M. Sincere, Henry B. Sinelair, Dr. J. Frank Singer, Mrs. Mortimer H. Sinsheimer, Allen Sisskind, Louis Sitzer, Dr. L. Grace Powell Skarrn, Kenneth W. Skleba, Dr. Leonard F. Sleeper, Mrs. Olive C. Smith, Charles Herbert Smith, Clinton F. Smith, Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mrs. Emery J. Smith, Mrs. Frank S. Smith, Franklin P. Smith, Harold Byron Smith, Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Jens Smith, Mrs. Katharine Walker Smith, Mrs. Kinney Smith, Miss Marion D. Smith, Paul C. Smith, Samuel K. Smith, Mrs. Theodore White Smith, W. Lynwood Smith, Z. Erol Smuk, Dr. J. E. Smullan, Alexander Snyder, Harry Socrates, Nicholas A. Sola, Joseph G. Solem, Dr. George O. Sonnenschein, Hugo Soper, Henry M. Soper, James P., Jr. Sopkin, Mrs. Setia H. Soravia, Joseph Speer, Robert J. Spencer, Mrs. Egbert H. Spencer, John P. Spencer, Mrs. William M. Sperry, Mrs. Leonard M. Spertus, Herman Spiegel, Mrs. Arthur H. Spiegel, Mrs. Frederick W. Spitz, Joel Spitz, Leo Spohn, John F. Spooner, Charles W. Sprague, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Dr. John P. Spray, Cranston Squires, John G. Staack, Otto C. Stacey, Mrs. Thomas I. Stanley, Sinclair G. Stanton, Henry T. Starbird, Miss Myrtle I. Starrels, Joel Stearns, Mrs. Richard I. Stebbins, Fred J. Steele, Henry B., Jr. Steele, W. D. Steepleton, A. Forrest Steffey, David R. Stein, Mrs. Henry L. Stein, Dr. Irving Stein, L. Montefiore Stein, Sydney, Jr. Steinberg, Dr. Milton Stenson, Frank R. Stephan, Mrs. John Sterba, Dr. Joseph V. Stern, Mrs. Alfred Stern, Alfred Whital Stern, David B. Stern, Felix Stern, Gardner H. Stern, Oscar D. Stevens, Delmar A. Stevens, Elmer T. Stevens, Harold L. Stevenson, Engval Stewart, Miss Mercedes Graeme Stirling, Miss Dorothy Stockton, Eugene M. Stone, Mrs. Jacob S. Stone, Mrs. Theodore Straus, Henry H. Straus, Martin L. Straus, Melvin L. Strauss, Dr. Alfred A. Strauss, Ivan Strauss, John L. Straw, Mrs. H. Foster Street, Mrs. Charles A. Strickfaden, Miss Alma E. Stromberg, Charles J. Strong, Edmund H. Strong, M. D. Strong, Mrs. Walter A. Strotz, Harold C. Stulik, Dr. Charles Sturm, William G. Sullivan, John J. Sulzberger, Frank L. Summer, Mrs. Edward Sundin, Ernest G. Sutcliffe, Mrs. Gary Sutherland, William Sutton, Harold I. Swanson, Holgar G. Swanson, Joseph E. Swartchild, Edward G. Swartchild, William G. Swenson, S. P. O. Swett, Robert Wheeler Swift, Mrs. Alden B. Swift, Edward F., Jr. Swigart, John D. Sykes, Aubrey L. Sykes, Mrs. Wilfred Tarrant, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Frank F. Taylor, Herbert J. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, James L. Maylor lS: Taylor, William G. Templeton, Stuart J. Templeton, Walter L. Templeton, Mrs. William Terry, Foss Bell Teter, Lucius Thal, Dr. Paul E. Thatcher, Everett A. Theobald, Dr. John J. Thomas, Mrs. Florence T. Thomas, Frank W. Thomas, Dr. William A. Thompson, Arthur H. Thompson, Edward F. Thompson, Ernest H. Thompson, Floyd E. iS ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Thompson, Dr. George F. Thompson, John E. Thompson, Mrs. John R. Thompson, John R.., Jr. Thorne, Hallett W. Thornton, Dr. Francis E. Thornton, Roy V. Thorp, Harry W. Thresher, C. J. Thulin, F. A. Tibbetts, Mrs. N. L. Tilden, Averill Tilden, Louis Edward Tilt, Charles A. Tobey, William Robert Tobias, Clayton H. Todt, Mrs. Edward G. Torbet, A. W. Torrence, George P. Touchstone, John Henry Towler, Kenneth F. Towne, Mrs. John D. C. Traer, Glenn W. Trask, Arthur C. Traylor, Mrs. Dorothy J. Traylor, Mrs. Melvin A., Jr. Treadwell, H. A. Trees, Merle J. Trenkmann, Richard A. Tripp, Chester D. Trombly, Dr. F. F. Trowbridge, Mrs. A. Buel, Jr. Trude, Mrs. Mark W. True, Charles H. Tumpeer, Joseph J. Turck, J. A. V. Turner, Alfred M. Turner, Mrs. Horace E. Tuthill, Mrs. Beulah L. Tuthill, Gray B. Tuttle, Mrs. Henry N. Ullmann, Herbert S. Upham, Mrs. Frederic W. Uriell, Francis H. Utter, Mrs. Arthur J. Vacin, Emil F. Valentine, Andrew L. Valentine, Joseph L. Valentine, Mrs. May L. Valentine, Patrick A. VanArtsdale, Mrs. Flora D. VanCleef, Felix VanCleef, Mrs. Noah VanCleef, Paul VanDellen, Dr. Theodore R. 116 VanDeventer, Christopher Vanek, John C. VanSchaack, R. H., Jr. VanWinkle, James Z. VanZwoll, Henry B. Varel, Mrs. C. D. Vawter, William A., II Vehe, Dr. K. L. Vehon, Morris Verson, David C. Vial, Charles H. Wael, 18, 1K. Vickery, Miss Mabel S. Vierling, Mrs. Louis Vogl, Otto VonColditz, Dr. G. Thomsen- vonGlahn, Mrs. August Voorhees, Mrs. Condit Voorhees, H. Belin Voynow, Edward E. Wade, Walter A. Wager, William Wagner, Fritz, Jr. Wagner, Louis A. Wahl, Arnold Spencer Wakerlin, Dr. George E. Walgreen, C. R., Jr. Walgreen, Mrs. Charles R. Walker, James Walker, Mrs. Paul Walker, Samuel J. Walker, William E. Wallace, Walter F. Waller, Mrs. Edward C. Waller, James B., Jr. Wallerich, George W. Wallovick, J. H. Walpole, S. J. Walsh, Dr. Eugene L. Walsh, Miss Mary Walther, Mrs. S. Arthur Wanner, Arthur L. Ward, Edwin J. Ward, Mrs. N. C. Wardwell, H. F. Wares, Mrs. Helen Worth Warfield, Edwin A. Warner, Mrs. John Eliot Warren, Allyn D. Warren, Paul G. Warren, Walter G. Warsh, Leo G. Washburne, Clarke Washburne, Hempstead, Jr. Washington, Laurence W. Wassell, Joseph Watson, William Upton Watts, Harry C. Watzek, J. W., Jr. Waud, E. P. Wayman, Charles A. G. Weber, Mrs. Will S. Webster, Arthur L. Webster, Miss Helen R. Webster, Henry A. Wedelstaedt, H. A. Wegner, Charles T., Jr. Weil, Mrs. Leon Weil, Martin Weiler, Rudolph Weiner, Charles Weiner, George Weinstein, Dr. M. L. Weinzelbaum, Louis L. Weis, Samuel W. Weisbrod, Benjamin H. Weiss, Mrs. Morton Weiss, Siegfried Weissbrenner, A. W. Weisskopf, Maurice J. Weisskopf, Dr. Max A. Welles, Mrs. Donald P. Welles, Mrs. Edward Kenneth Wells, Arthur H. Wells, Miss Cecilia Wells, Harry L. Wells, John E. Wells, Preston A. Wendell, Barrett Wendell, Miss Josephine A. Wentworth, John Wentworth, Mrs. Sylvia B. Wentz, Peter L. Werner, Frank A. Wertheimer, Joseph West, Miss Mary Sylvia West, Thomas H. Westerfeld, Simon Wetten, Albert H. Weymer, Earl M. Whealan, Emmett P. Wheeler, George A. Wheeler, Leo W. Wheeler, Leslie M. Wheeler, Mrs. Robert C. Whinery, Charles C. White, Mrs. James C. White, Joseph J. White, Richard T. White, Sanford B. White, Selden Freeman Whiting, Mrs. Adele H. Whiting, Lawrence H. Whittier, C. C. Widdicombe, Mrs. R. A. Wieland, Charles J. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Wieland, Mrs. George C. Wienhoeber, George V. Wilcox, Robyn Wilder, Harold, Jr. Wilder, Mrs. John E. Wilder, Mrs. Paul Wilker, Mrs. Milton W. Wilkey, Fred S. Wilkins, George Lester Wilkins, Miss Ruth C. Wilkinson, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson, John C. Willems, Dr. J. Daniel Willens, Joseph R. Willey, Mrs. Charles B. Williams, J. M. Williams, Kenneth Williamson, George H. Willis, Paul, Jr. Willis, Thomas H. Willner, Benton Jack, Jr. Wills, H. E. Wilms, Hermann P. Wilson, Harry Bertram Wilson, Mrs. John R. Babb, W. E. Becker, Benjamin F. Breckinridge, Professor S. P. Butler, Burridge D. Butz, Herbert R. Carpenter, Mrs. George A. Chinnock, Mrs. Ronald J. Chritton, George A. deKoven, Mrs. John Dunham, Robert J. Evans, Evan A. Faurot, Henry Feltman, Charles H. Fox, Charles E. Gibbs, Dr. William W. Wilson, Miss Lillian M. Wilson, Morris Karl Wilson, Percy Wilson, Mrs. Robert E. Wilson, William Winans, Frank F. Windsor, H. H., Jr. Winston, Mrs. Bertram M. Winston, Hampden Winston, James H. Winter, Irving Wolf, Mrs. Albert H. Wolf, Walter B. Wolfe, Lloyd R. Wood, Mrs. Gertrude D. Wood, Mrs. Hettie R. Wood, Kay, Jr. Wood, Mrs. R. Arthur Wood, Robert E. Wood, William G. Woodmansee, Fay Woods, Weightstill Worcester, Mrs. Charles H. Work, Robert DECEASED, 1948 Goldenberg, Sidney D. Grulee, Lowry K. Haskins, Raymond G. Higinbotham, Harlow D. Himrod, Mrs. Frank W. Hurley, Edward N., Jr. Jennings, Mrs. Rosa V. Junkune, Stephen Knott, Mrs. Stephen R. Krutckoff, Charles Lashley, Mrs. Karl S. Laylander, O. J. Leavens, Theodore Lynch, William Joseph Mann, Albert C. Marwick, Maurice Montgomery, Dr. Albert H. Works, George A. Wright, H. C. Wright, Warren Wrigley, Mrs. Charles W. Wupper, Benjamin F. Yerkes, Richard W. Yondorf, John David Yondorf, Milton S. Yondorf, Milton S., Jr. Yorkey, Mrs. Margaret Young, B. Botsford Young, E. Frank Young, George W. Young, Hugh E. Zabel, Max W. Zabel, Mrs. Max W. Zapel, Elmer J. Zerler, Charles F. 7% Ziebarth, Charles A. Zimmerman, Herbert P. Zimmerman, Louis W. Zinke, Otto A. Zork, David Morgan, Alden K. Morris, Mrs. Seymour Nahigian, Sarkis H. Neu, Clarence L. Neuffer, Paul A. Reach, William Reichmann, Alexander F. Spoor, Mrs. John A. Staley, Miss Mary B. Stein, Benjamin F. Stewart, Miss Eglantine Daisy Tatge, Mrs. Gustavus J. Thompson, Fred L. Warren, Paul C. Williams, Miss Anna P. NONZRESIDENG VASS@OCrIATE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have Baum, Mrs. James Brigham, Miss Lucy M. Lindboe, S. R. contributed $50 to the Museum Meevers, Harvey Mitchell, W. A. Niederhauser, Homer Phillips, Montagu Austin Porter, Dr. Eliot F. Stevens, Edmund W. 117 SUSTAINING MEMBERS Those who contribute $25 annually to the Museum Bigelow, Mrs. Ann Caples, William G. Horton, Mrs. Helen Hunt, George L. Knight, Mrs. John Kroehler, Kenneth Laing, William Lessman, Gerhard iynchedeawe McLennan, Mrs. Donald R., Sr. Meyerhoff, A. E. Moore, Chester G. Price, W. G. F. DECEASED, 1948 Eitel, Emil ANNUAL MEMBERS Raymond, Dr. Albert L. Shillinglaw, David L. Simpson, Lyman M. Stebler, W. J. Thorne, Mrs. James W. Weil, Morton M. Williams, Rowland L. Those who contribute $10 annually to the Museum Abbell, Joseph J. Abbell, Maxwell Abbott, Edmund B. Abbott, Mrs. Howard C. Abbott, Mrs. John Jay Abeles, Alfred T. Adam, Re Re Adams, Cyrus H. Adams, F. W. Adams, Harvey M. Adams, Hugh R. Adams, Hugh R., Jr. Adesko, Mrs. Thaddeus V. Adler, Mrs. William S. Adsit, Harold C. Agar, Mrs. John T. Aggerbeck, Leslie P. Aguinaldo, Miss Carmen Aitchison, Robert J. Alberts, Mrs. M. Lee Alessio, Frank Alex, Harold R. Alexander, John F. Alger, Frederick W. Allais, Mrs. Arthur L. Allen, Albert H. Allen, Amos G. Allen, Frank W. Alton, Robert Leslie Amberg, Harold V. Amberg, Miss Mary Agnes Ameismaier, Julius Amtman, Dr. Leo Andersen, Mrs. Helen Somerville Anderson, Hugo A. Antonow, Joseph P. Appleton, Albert I. 118 Appleton, John Albert Appley, Lawrence A. Arado, A. D. Arden, Percy H. Arndt, Albert Arneson, H. D. Arnkoff, Dr. Morris Arnold, Mrs. Clarice Arnold, Frank M. Arnold, Mrs. Hugo F. Arnold, Robert M. Arnolt, Kenneth Arvey, Mrs. Jacob M. Aschermann, N. J. Ashcraft, Edwin M., III Ashenhurst, John Atwood, Carl E. Augustiny, Edward D. Austerlade, William R. Austin, Edwin C. Austin, Dr. Margaret Howard Austrian, Mrs. H. S. Avery, Guy T. Babbitt, Mrs. Ross M. Bach, Peter A. Bacon, Wilbur C. Baer, Arthur A. Bailey, Warren G. Baird, E. E. Baker, Mrs. Marion Herbert Baldwin, C. M. Baldwin, George Baldwin, Dr. S. Glidden Baldwin, Mrs. Walsh Balfanz, Henry W. Ballard, Mrs. E. S. Balter, Aaron L. Bankard, E. Hoover, Jr. Banks, Miss Ann R. Barbee, Beatrice Barber, H. B. Bard, Albert T. Bardwell, William U. Barker, Charles P Barker, James M. Barker, William R. Barnes, George Barnes, Mrs. Harold Osborne Barnes, William H. Baroody, E. T. Barr, Charles L. Barr, Lyman Barrett, Miss Adela Barrett, Lawrence H. Barrett, Oliver R. Barrett, Timothy A. Barriger, John W., III Barron, Maurice J. Barrowclough, George L. Bartholomay, Henry C. Bartholomay, William,Jr. Bartlett, George S. Bas, Marvin J. Basler, Norbert Bass, Charles Bast, O. D. Basten, Ray F. Bates, Dr. A. Allan Baukus, J. Algert Bauman, John Sprague Bauman, Walter J. Bay, Dr. Emmet B. Bay, Joseph T. Beall, R. M. Bean, Ferrel M. Beatty, Ross J., Jr. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Bechtner, Paul Becker, Matthew G. Beckwith, William J. Beelman, Hugh C. Beers-Jones, L. Beilin, Dr. David S. Bell, Charles M. Bell, Herbert E. Beman, Lynn W. Bender, Mrs. Charles Bengston, Henry Bengtson, J. Ludvig Benjamin, Mrs. Bert R. Benjamin, Edward Benner, Miss Harriet Bennett, Bertram W. Bennett, Dwight W. Bensinger, Robert F. Benson, Arnon N. Benson, Rev. Oscar A. Benson, Paul Benson, William A. Bentley, Claude R. Benton, Daniel L. Bere, Lambert Bergen, Garret L. Berger, R. O. Bergfors, Emery E. Berk, Benjamin Berman, Irving Berman, Louis G. Berner, George Bernstein, George E. Beutel, Henry J. Beven, T. D. Biddle, Robert C. Bidwell, Dr. Charles L. Bielefeld, Herbert J. Bigelow, Miss Florence E. Biggio, Mrs. Louise T. Birchwood, Dr. Eugene Birmingham, Frederic A. Bishop, James R. Bissell, Mrs. C. B. Bjork, Eskil I. Bjorkman, Carl G. Black, E. D. Black, J. Walker Black, John D. Blackburn, John W. Blaine, James B. Blairs Dr br. E. Blair, John P. Blair, Mrs. Wm. McCormick Blaise, Mrs. Frank J. Blake, Arthur T. Blanksten, Mrs. Samuel B. Blewett, Quentin H., Jr. Blitzsten, Dr. N. Lionel Block, Alex W. Block, Mrs. Joseph L. Blomquist, Alfred Bloom, H. L. Bloom, Mrs. Leon D. Blumberg, Nathan S. Blume, Ernest L. Blumenthal, Barre Bock, William G. Boening, Mrs. Louis A. Bokman, Dr. A. F. Bond, Richard C. Bond, William Scott Bonfig, Henry C. Booth, Sheldon M. Borden, Gail Borland, C. A. Borland, Mrs. John Jay, III Borman, Mrs. Emil Borrowdale, Thomas M. Both, Mrs. William C. Bothman, Dr. Louis Bowes, Harlowe E. Bowes, W. R. Bowman, Mrs. E. M. Bowman, Jay Boyd, Darrell S. Boyd, Miss Helen Boyden, Mrs. William C. Bracken, Charles W. Bradburn, Robert F. Bradford, Mrs. Chester T. Bradford, Miss Jane Marian Bradley, Charles C. Bradley, Dr. Garnet Brandel, Paul W. Brando, Marlon Brandt, Fred T. Brandt, Mrs. Robert C. Brashears, J. W. Bratton, L. G. Braudy, Mrs. Louis C. Braun, Mrs. James Burton Breckinridge, Miss Mary Breed, Dr. J. Ernest Breen, James W. Breen, John A. Bremner, Dr. M. D. K. Breskin, Louis A. Brewer, Harry F. Brichetto, John L. Bridgeman, Wallace C. Briede, Henry J. Briggs, Edward A., Jr. Briggs, George L. Briggs, J. H. Briggs, Ralph E. Bright, Mrs. Orville T. Brock, Edson M. Broderick, W. J. Brodie, Dr. Allan G. Brodow, W. B. Brooks, Arthur L. Brookstone, Reuben F. Broude, Mrs. William S. Brown, Alexander Brown, David S. Brown, Garfield W. Brown, Mrs. George W. Brown, H. Templeton Brown, Mrs. Isidore Brown, Paul W. Brown, Robert C., Jr. Brown, William W. Browne, Mrs. Grace Greenwood Browne, Leon S. Browning, John T. Brucker, Dr. Matthew W. Bruckner, Mrs. Eugene E. Brunker, Albert R. Brush, Kenneth H. Bucklen, Harley R. Budd, John M. Buik, George C. Bulfer, Dr. Andrew F. Bulger, Thomas S§. Bull, Otto E. Bunn, B. H. Burckert, F. D. Burdick, Charles B. Burgee, Joseph Z. Burke, James E. Burkill, Edward W. Burnell, Edward J. Burnet, Mrs. W. A. Burns, Patrick C. Burrows, Arthur A. Burrows, Robert Burtis, Clyde L. Busch, Francis X. Buswell, Guy T. Butler, Burtram B. Butterfield, George P. Butz, Mrs. Robert O. Byfield, Ernest L. Byrnes, William Jerome Byron, Samuel S. Cabeen, Richard McP. Cadwell, Charles S. Caesar, O. E. Caiazza, Theodore M. Caldwell, Lynton W. Callahan, B. E. Callan, T. J. Calvin, Frank J. Campbell, Charles H. Campbell, Chesser M. 119 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Campbell, Donald A. Campbell, Donald F., Jr. Campbell, G. Murray Cantwell, L. Yager Carl, Otto Frederick Carleton, Horace M. Carlington, William M. Carlisle, Mrs. William T. Carlton, Mrs. Frank A. Carney, Robert F. Carp, Joseph T. Carpenter, John Alden Carr, George Wallace Carroll, Albert Carroll, James J. Carroll, Martin F. Carstens, Milton S. Carter, C. B. Casey, Rev. Joseph A. Caspers, Paul Cassady, Thomas G. Cassetty, Rev. W. M., Jr. Cassinerio, Mrs. Edna D. Catheart, Mrs. James A. Cech, James F. Cervenka, John A. Chapman, Ralph Chapman, Richard R. Chase, Edward G. Chermayeff, Serge Cheskin, David B. Chesler, Morton C. Chimenti, Dante Chrisos, Dr. Sam S. Chrissinger, Horace B. Christiansen, Carl H. Christopher, Dr. G. L. Citterman, Solomon Cizinauskas, Henry Clark, A. B. Clark, Chester J. Clark, Glenn A. Clark, James H. Clark, Dr. James Wilson Clark, Miss O. M. Clark, Mrs. Ralph E. Clark, Robert H. Clarke, Mrs. A. S. C. Clarke, David R. Clarke, Mrs. Philip R. Clements, J. A. Clifford, Barry J. Clifford J. 8S. Clizbe, Mrs. F. O. Clonick, Herbert J. Clow, J. Beach Clow, Kent S. Cobbey, J. A. Coen, Thomas M. Cohen, Archie H. Cohen, Harry Cohen, Louis L. 120 Cole, Cornelius C. Cole, Miss Marion W. Cole, Sander W. Coleman, Harry M. Collier, John H. Collings, Charles H. Collins, Arthur W. Collins, Mrs. Frank P. Colvin, Miss Bonnie Combiths, Mrs. Wallace T. Combs, Earle M., Jr. Conant, He Dewi: Condon, E. J. Cone, Fairfax M. Conn, Warner S. Connolly, R. E. Connors, Mrs. Thomas A. Conquest, Victor Conroy, D. A. Consoer, Arthur W. Coogan, Dr. T. J. Cook, Charles E. Cook, Junius F., Jr. Cook, Leslie H. Cook, Robert B. Cook, Wallace L. Cook, William V. Cooke, Thomas Edward Cooper, Charles H. Cooper, S. Robert Corey, Ernest F. Corliss, Allen G. Cornwell, Dr. H. J. Costigan, Mrs. Eve Charles Coutney, Worth C. Coverley, Mrs. Cecile Covington, John R. Crage, Dr. Francis M. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Craig, Arthur B. Cram, Mrs. Norman Creden, Samuel G. Cretors, C. J. Crew, Ben L. Crippen, Phillip R., Jr. Crites, Joe Crocker, Miss Edith E. Crowder, James L. Crowell, Dr. Bowman Corning Culbertson, James G. Culbertson, Samuel A., II Cullinan, George J. Culpepper, Dr. William L. Culver, Charles G. Culver, Sydney K. Cummings, Dr. C. A. Cummings, Mrs. Tilden Cummings, Nathan Cunningham, Robert M. Curda, Frank R. Curry, Rev. James C. Curtis, John G. Cushman, Dr. Beulah Cushman, Robert S. Cutler, Paul William Dahl, William G. Dale, Arthur G. Dallwig, P. G. Daly, James J. Danielson, Reuben G. Darby, Raymond J. Darfler, Walter L. Darr, H. S. Daspit, Walter David, Sigmund W. Davidson, Donald Davies, Mrs. H. G. Davis, Arthur G. Davis, Mrs. Charles P. Davis, Charles S. Davis, David Davis, Mrs. DeWitt, III Davis, Harry E. Davis, Paul H. Davis, Ralph W. Davis, W. DeO., Jr. DeCosta, H. J. Dee, P. J. Deeming, W. S. Deffenbaugh, Roy R. Dekker, Miss Louise Dempsey, John S. DeParcq, William H. DePencier, Mrs. Joseph R. Depue, Oscar B. D’Esposito, Joshua DeWitt, E. J. Dick, Mrs. Edison Dick, Mrs. Robert F. Dickerson, Earl B. Dickerson, Mrs. Fred G. Dickinson, Phil S. Diehl, Newcomb W. Diercks, Wilford R. Diggs, Dr. N. Alfred Dillbahner, Frank Dingeldein, Karl A. Dinkelman, Harry Director, Harry J. Dixon, Mrs. Wesley M. Dixson, Mrs. V. B. Dodd, Walter F. Doddridge, Lee B. Dole, Mrs. Andrew R. Dolke, W. Fred Donahue, Elmer W. Donnelley, Thorne ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Doolittle, John R. Doroshaw, J. M. Dorpols, Frank L. Dougherty, Mrs. Jean E. Douglas, William C. Douglass, F. S Douglass, Dr. Thomas C. Dovenmuehle, George H. Dowd, Mrs. Frank J. Dowell, Maynard Downey, John J. Downing, Dr. James R. Downs, Charles S. Downs, James C., Jr. Doyle, Miss Alice Drake, Charles R. Drake, G. T. Drake, L. J. Drake, Robert T. Drake, Mrs. Seth C. Draper, Henry P. Draper, Mrs. Walter D. Dressel, Charles L. Dreyfus, Maurice M. Driscoll, Robert Dry, Meyer Dubin, Joseph Dubkin, Leonard Dudak, Paul Dudley, Mrs. Raymond C. Duggan, Charles F. Dulsky, Louis Dunigan, Edward B. Dunkleman, Gabriel Dunlap, George G. Dunwody, A. B. Durham, R. Gregory Durham, R. J. Durham, William E. DuVal, Edward R. Duval, Dr. Emile C. Duval, Nathaniel E. Dvonch, Dr. William J. Dwyer, J. E. Dyon, Miss Jane Easter, Mrs. Donald W. Eckhouse, George H. Eddy, Alfred K. Eddy, Philip E. Edelstone, Benjamin J. Edgerly, Daniel W. Edwards, G. H. Ehrlicher, James G. Kichin, Mrs. Charles Kiger, Richard Norris Kirinberg, Robert Eisenberg, David B. Kismann, William Elden, A. D Eldred, Mrs. Harriot W. Elkan, Leo H. Ellington, J. E. Elliott, Dr. Arthur R. Elliott, Mrs. Edwin P. Ellis, Hubert C. Ellis, Will 8S. Elson, Alex Emery, DeWitt Emery, Mrs. Fred A. Endicott, DeWitt Endicott, George F. Engh, Arthur C. Epstein, Mrs. Arnold Erickson, L. Hyland Eshbaugh, C. Harold Kssley, E. Porter Etheredge, Gilbert Ettlinger, A. Evans, Mrs. Arthur T. Evans, John Ford Evans, Thomas W. Evers, John W., Jr. Fair, Charles L. Fairchild, Edmund Fairman, Miss Marian Faissler, John J. Falls, Dr. F. H. Fantus, Ernest L. Farnsworth, Mrs. George J. Farrell, Mrs. Ernest H. Farwell, Albert D. Farwell, Mrs. Arthur Feil, Peter V. Feld, Max Fenn, John F. Fensholt, A. H. Ferguson, H. K. Ferrara, Salvatore Ferry, Mrs. Frank Fiedler, Stuart O. Field, Mrs. James A. Field, John S. Field, Mrs. Wentworth G. Field, Mrs. William A. Fifelski, Edwin P. Fifer, Russell Figueira, W. A. Finlay, Henry A., Jr. Finn, B. L. Fischer, Mrs. Louis E. Fish, Mrs. Sigmund C. Fisher, G. Howard Fisher, Ira I. Fisher, Mrs. Katrinka Fisher, Maurice Fisher, Nathan Fisher, Mrs. Raymond Fishlove, Irving H. Fishman, Samuel Fisk, Albert Fitpold, Michael H. Fitzgerald, Dr. J. E. Fitzgerald, R. W. Fitzpatrick, James J. Flacks, Reuben S. Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher, R. F. Fletcher, R. P. Flett, James Floreen, Adolph R. Florsheim, Leonard S. Fogo, Mrs. Hugh M. Foley, Dr. Edmund F. Foley, Frank J. Forth, Milburn L. Fortin, Joseph T. Foss, Allan A. Foster, George P. Foster, Mrs. Kellam Foster, William S. Fouche, Mrs. G. R. Fowler, Mrs. Earle B. Fowler, Edgar C. Fowler, Walter E. Fox, Clarence E. Franche, Mrs.’ Darius C., Sr. Frank, Augustus J. Frank, Mrs. Lee Frank, Marvin Frank, Raymond W. Frankenberg, Arthur E. Frankenbush, O. E. Frankenstein, Rudolph Franklin, Egington Franz, Herbert G. Franz, Mrs. John N. Frazee, Seward C. Frederick, Mrs. George B. Fredrickson, Carl Fredrickson, J. Simon Freeman, Charles Y., Jr. Freeman, David A. Freeman, Thomas B. Freeto, Clarence E. Fremont, Miss Ruby Freund, Mrs. I. H. Friedberg, Dr. Stanton A. Frieder, Edward Friedeman, Richard F. Friedlob, Fred M. Friedman, Dr. Townsend B. Frothingham, Mrs. Naneen R. Fugard, John R. Fuhrer, Max Fuhry, Joseph G. 121 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Fuller, Mrs. Eugene White Furedy, Frank Furth, Lee J. Gabel, Walter H. Gage, John N. Galanti, Mrs. Charles P. Gale, Abram Gale, M. J. Gallauer, William GaMache, Louis L. Gamrath, Elmer H. Gantner, Edward G. Garside, Dr. Earl Gary, Charles V. Gary, Theodore S. Gatenby, John W., Jr. Gatzert, Mrs. August Gaudio, Charles C. Gaul, Hermann J., Sr. Gaw, George D. Gaylord, Mrs. Sol H. Genther, Charles B. Geiger, Joseph S. Geiger, S. G. Gelder, Miss Madeline Geraghty, James K. Geraghty, Mrs. Thomas F. Gerrard, J. M. Gettleman, Samuel R. Getz, Oscar Giblin, John N. Gidwitz, Gerald Giesbert, Mrs. Car] A. Giles, Dr. Chauncey D. Gill, Joseph L. Gillett, W. N. Gillies, Fred M. Gilman, James W. Gilroy, John F. Girard, Charles A. Girvin, Ramon B. Gits, Mrs. Remi J., Sr. Glade, George H., Jr. Glader, Frank J. Glaser, James M. R. Glavin, Dr. Edmund M. Glenn, Robert R. Glick, Edward R. Glick, Louis G. Glover, Chester L. Gluesing, Mrs. C. Edward Godchaux, Leon G. Goder, Joseph Godey, John W. Godie, A. L. Goes, Otto W. Goff, Moulton B. Golden, Mrs. Samuel M. 122 Goldich, David E. Goldschmidt, M. Goldstein, Dr. Abraham Goldstein, Mrs. Benjamin F. Goldthorp, Ellsworth Gomberg, Dr. Harry Gonnerman, Mrs. Allan W. Good, Arthur P. Good, Charles E. Goodall, John C. Goodbar, Harry L. Goodhart, Mrs. H. J. Goodman, Ralph L. Goodman, Mrs. William D. Goodrich, Miss Josephine Goodrich, Miss Juliet T. Goodson, Orr Gordon, Edward Gorski, Martin Gourfain, A. S., Jr. Grabbe, Werner H. Graff, Earl H. Graffis, Herbert Grage, William Graham, John L. Grauer, Milton H. Grauer, Dr. Theophil P. Graves, Dr. Robert Elliott Graw, Harry J. Gray, A.S. GrayeuCarlekroic. Gray, E. Richmond Green, Mrs. Dwight H. Green, Norman C. Green, Walter H. Greenhouse, Jacob Greenlee, William B. Gregg, John P. Grein, Joseph Gresham, Mrs. Laura E. Griffin, Mrs. James A., Jr. Griglik, Casimir Grimes, J. Frank Groble, Edward B. Grochowski, Mrs. G. S. Groebe, Louis G. Groenwald, F. A. Grosberg, Charles Grosse, Richard H. Grove, C. G. Grove, Miss Helen H. Gruendel, Mrs. George H. Gudis, Theodore B. Gumbinger, Miss Dora Gunnar, Mrs. H. P Gunther, George E. Gurley, F. G Gustafson, C. I. Gustafson, Rev. David Gutgsell, Mrs. Emil J. Guthenz, S. M. Guthrie, S. Ashley Haas, Mrs. Caroline M. Hachmeister, A. W. Hackett, Mrs. Karleton S. Haddow, William Haeger, E. H. Hagey, Harry H., Jr. Hagey, J. F. Haigh, D. S. Haines, Mrs. James J. Hajek, Henry F. Hall, Arthur B. Hall, Cameron A. Hall, Clifford F. Hall, Mrs. Evelyn F. Hall, Miss Fanny A. Hall, Harry Hall, Louis W. Halligan, W. J. Halvorsen, Mrs. F. H. Ham, Mrs. Harold Hamill, Dr. Ralph C. Hamill, Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton, Mrs. Gurdon H. Hamm, George A. Hammond, Stevens H. Handtmann, G. E. Hank, Bernard J. Hanley, R. Emmett Hansen, Mrs. Arthur R. Hansen, Helmer Hanses, Edward H. Harding, Carroll Rede Harding, William H. Hardwicke, Harry Hardy, Edward K. Hardy, Julian H. Hardy, Mrs. L. Martin Hardy, Dr. Thomas E. Hargrave, Homer P. Harman, Dr. Hubert F. Harper, Mrs. Paul V. Harpole, Louis Harrington, Miss Frances Harrington, George Bates Harris, Benjamin R. Harris, Mrs. Mortimer B. Harshaw, Myron T. Hart, C. B. Hart, Mrs. G. H. Hart, Mrs. H. G. Hart, Louis E. Hartman, Mrs. Irvin H. Hartman, Milton C. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Harvey, Byron S. Harvey, Mrs. Harold B. Harvey, James D. Hasbrook, Howard F. Haserodt, E. V. Haskell, Clinton H. Haskins, Robert E. Hatfield, W. A. Hathaway, Mrs. Carter H. Hattstaedt, Mrs. John J. Hauck, Clayson J. Hauter, Mrs. A. N. Hawkes, Joseph B. Hawkinson, Dr. Oscar Hawthorne, Vaughn R. Haynes, Charles Webster Haynes, Frank M. Haynes, Gideon, Jr. Haynes, John Thompson Haynes, L. S. Haynie, R. G. Haywood, Ralph Hazen, Theodore D. Heald, Mrs. Henry T. Heavey, John C. Hechler, Mrs. William D. Heckel, Edmund P. Hedly, Arthur H. Hedrich, Mrs. Otto H. Heifetz, Samuel Hein, Paul S. Helgason, Arni Henderson, B. E. Henderson, G. B. Henderson, Kenneth M. Henner, H. I. Henner, Dr. Robert Hennessey, William S. Henriksen, H. M. Henry, Sister Mary Hensel, Paul G., Jr. Herman, Eli Herman, Maxwell R. Hershenson, Edward Hertwig, Fred A. Hertz, J. H. Hesseltine, Dr. H. Close Hetherington, Mrs. Murray D. Hetreed, Dr. Francis W. Hewes, Howard H. Heyden, Edward B. Heyworth, Mrs. John R. Hibben, Joseph W. Hickey, C. R. Hicks, Joseph W. Hildebrand, Walter H. Hilker, Carl Hill, Mrs. Cyrus G. Hill, Mrs. Elmer C. Hill, Miss Meda A. Hilton, Henry Mark Hilton, Howard H. Hinman, Sherwood V. Hinshaw, Hainer Hipskind, Donald F. Hirsch, Edwin W. Hirtenstein, Robert E. Hitchings, LeRoy K. Hoag, Mrs. Junius C. Hoag, Dr. Walter C. Hoban, Dr. Eugene T. Hobbs, Mrs. J. P. Hobbs, Russell D. Hoben, H. H. Hochfeldt, William F. Hocking, Charles H. Hoekman, Miss Miriam L. Hoefer, Max Hoefman, Harold L. Hoffman, Joseph Hogenson, William Hogsten, Mrs. Yngve Hohenadel, Frank A. Hohman, Dr. Ned U. Hokin, Barney E. Hokin, Samuel E. Holabird, Mrs. I. B. Holabird, William Holcomb, Mrs. R. R. Holgate, H. Nels Holland, Jesse J. Hollar, Philip A. Holloway, J. L. Holzman, Alfred Honor, Herzl W. Hooper, A. F. Hopkins, Dr. M. B. Hoppe, Carl E. Horowitz, Charles I. Horton, Mrs. Arthur Horween, Ralph Horwich, Alan H. Horwich, Philip Horwitz, Irving A. Hottinger, William H., Jr. Houda, Dr. Leo Hough, William J. House, Woodford W. Houser, A. M. Howard, Mrs. Edith Sackett Howard, Hubert E. Howell, William C. Hoyt, N. Landon, Jr. Hubachek, Frank Brookes Hudson, William J. Huettmann, Fred Hughes, Frank W. Huguenor, Lloyd B. Hull, A. E. Hulson, J. W. Humphreys, J. Ross Humphreys, Mrs. Robert E. Hunnemann, Miss Alma M. Hunt, Mrs. William O. Hurlbut, Miss Elizabeth J. Hurley, G. B. Hurley, Mrs. John A. Hurley, Raymond J. Hurley, Stephen E. Hutchison, Dr. William A. Hutmacher, Ray R. Hutton, Miss Frances Ione Huxley, Henry M. Huxtable, Miss Barbara Leslie Hynes, D. P. Hypes, S. L. Iker, Charles Ingram, Lawrence Ireland, Ray W. Ives, R. O. Jackett, C. A. Jackson, Byrne A. Jackson, W. H. Jacky, Fred Jacobs, Nate Jacobs, Mrs. Walter H. Jacobsohn, Master Richard Harvey - Jalkut, Lee D. James, Ralph C. Jameson, A. R. Janda, Joseph J. Janus, Christopher G. Jarvis, William B. Jenner, Mrs. Austin Jennings, Ralph C. Jensen, George P. Jesmer, Julius Job, Dr. Thesle T. Johanigman, S. E. Johnson, Alfred C. Johnson, Mrs. Doris Hurtig Johnson, Edmund G. Johnson, Dr. G. Erman Johnson, H. A. Johnson, Dr. Harvey C. Johnson, Herbert M. Johnson, Julius Johnson, Miss Mayde B. Johnson, Miss Millie C. Johnson, R. C. 123 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Johnson, R. T. Johnson, R. W. Johnson, Dr. Torrey M. Johnston, A. J. Johnston, Bernard F. Johnston, Hulburd Jolls, Thomas H. Jolly, John W. Jones, Howard B. Jones, Owen Barton Jones, Mrs. Walter Clyde Julian, John A. Jung, C. C Kahler, William V. Kahn, Fred S. Kahoun, John A. Kamm, Harold J. Kampmeier, August G. Kane, Daniel Francis Kanter, Dr. Aaron E. Kaplan, Samuel Karp, Elmer H. Karpen, Leo Karras, Sidney G. Kasbohm, Leonard H. Kaspar, Ray Kaumeyer, Mrs. E. A. Kaye, Harry Keach, Benjamin Kearns, Mrs. Jerry J. Keck, Mathew Keeler, Mrs. Edwin R. Keeler, Leonarde Keene, William J. Keeney, Frank P. Keeton, Dr. Robert W. Keim, Melville Keith, Elbridge Keller, I. C. Keller, M. J. Kelley, Mrs. Phelps Kellogg, Harry E. Kellogg, James G. Kellogg, John Payne Kelly, T. L. Kellys Missive. Kelly, Charles Scott Kendall, G. R. Kendall, Victor R. Kennedy, Dr. Fred A. Kennedy, J. G. Kennedy, James H. Kenney, Hugh D. Kerr, Leslie H. Ketcham, Leon J. Kidwell, James E. Kidwell, L. B. Kidwell, Richard E. Kiefer, Mrs. Rose M. Kilanowski, Mitchell Kilberry, F. H. 124 Kiley, Dr. Matthew J. Kimball, Paul G. Kimball, Mrs. Ralph R. Kimes, Gerald C. “ King, H. R. King, J. Andrews King, Mrs. John Lord King, Thomas R. King, Wilfred J. King, Willard L. Kingham, J.J. Kinnett, D. H. Kipp, Lester E. Kirby, Dr. William Kirkman, Robert A. Kirst, Lyman R. Klapman, Philip A. Klein, Mrs. A. S. Klein, Dr. David Klemperer, Leo A. Kling, Leopold Knecht, Mrs. T. L. Knight, Dr. Alva A. Knol, Nicholas Knourek, William M. Knowlson, J. S. Knutson, A. C. Koch, Carl Koehn, Carl W. Koehnlein, Wilson O. Koenig, O. N. Koenig, Dr. Z. C. Kohn, Henry L. Kohn, Louis A. Kolkmeyer, Ralph W. Kollar, Dr. John A., Jr. Kollenberg, A. E. Kolssak, Louis A. Koltz, George C., Jr. Kopinski, Louis Kort, George Kos, Victor A. Kosner, Mrs. Jaroslava B. Kostrzewski, Dr. M. J. Kotas, Rudolph J. Krafft, Walter A. Krag, Franz K. Kramer, Herman J. Krane, Leonard J. Krasberg, Rudolph Kratsch, Charles Krautter, L. Martin Krinsley, Lazarus Krogh, E. E. Kroll, Harry Kroll, Morris Krotter, Miss Nellie M. Krotz, Harry W., Jr. Kruggel, Arthur Krumdieck, Leo Kruse, W. K. Kuechenberg, W. A. Kuehn, Miss Katherine Kuehn, Oswald L. Kuhnen, Mrs. George H. Kuhns, Mrs. H. B. Lacey, Miss Clara R. Lachman, Harold Laird, Robert S. Lancaster, A. Pope Landis, Maxwell Landreth, John T. Lane, George A. Lane, Howard Laney, Seymour J. Lang, Eugene C. Langan, Harley B. Lange, A. G. Lange, Hugo C. Lange, Dr. William H. Langen, Ray Langer, Joseph S. Langert, A. M. Langford, Joseph P. Laramore, Florian E. Large, Judson Larsen, Roy R. Larson, Elis L. Larson, Simon P. Lasch, Charles F. © Lasch, Harry Laser, M. T. Lash, Dr. A. F. Latham, Carl Ray Launder, Ray S. Laven, C. L. Lavers, A. W. Law, M. A. LeBeau, C. A. Lee, A. Franklin Lee, Miss Alice Stephana Lee, Arthur K. Lee, John H. Lehman, O. W. Leibrandt, George F. Leonard, Arthur G., Jr. Leonard, Arthur S. Leonard, John D. Lerch, William H. Levin, Louis Levin, Robert E. Levine, William Levine, William D. Levinson, John O. Levitan, Moses Levy, Harry W. Levy, Paul Lewis, B. F. Lewis, Mrs. Walker O. Lichtenstein, Walter Liebenow, J. Gus Liffshin, Reuben J. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Lifvendahl, Dr. Richard A. Lind, Paul B. N. Lindeman, John H. Lindenmeyer, Conrad A. Lindsay, Mrs. Martin Lindsey, Dr. Maude L. Lindsley, A. J Line, Dr. Eva J. Lingott, Richard H. Linthicum, J. Francis Lipman, Abraham Lippincott, R. R. Lippman, Mrs. William Lipsey, Howard Lipshutz, Joseph Litschgi, Dr. J. J. Llewellyn, Mrs. K. Lloyd, Miss Georgia Lloyd, Glen A. Lloyd, William B., Jr. Lochridge, Ben S. Lochridge, W. F. Lock, Dr. Frank Lock, Gilbert L. Lockefer, Frank V. Lockett, Harold Lockwood, Lawrence A. Lockwood, Robert R. Loeb, Arthur A Loeb, Mrs. Ernest G. Loebe, David E. Loebe, Edward E. Loeser, Edward M. Loevenhart, Edward H. Loewenstein, Richard M. Lofquist, Karl E. Loftus, Mrs. Clarence J. Logan, Waldo H. Logelin, Edward C., Jr. Lome, Philip Loomis, Miss Marie Looney, Charles C. Lorance, Mrs. Luther M. Lorber, Herbert J. Loring, Mrs. Arthur A. Loung, George, Jr. Love, John T. Love, John T. Lovejoy, Mrs. Winfred L. Low, John M. Lowitz, Joseph Lowry, Miss Caryl A. Lowy, Walter H. Ludolph, Arthur L. Lund, Harry A. Lundgren, Dr. Albert T. Lundgren, Sten J. Lundy, Dr. Clayton J. Lundy, Francis L. Luthmers, Francis E. Lutterbeck, Dr. Eugene F. Lynch, Mrs. Cora E. Lyon, Mrs. Jeneva A. MacArthur, Donald Macdonald, Miss Dorothy MacFarland, Hays Macfarland, Lanning Macfarlane, Mrs. W. E. Mack, Joseph a, Wentworth ar MacKenzie, William J. Mackie, N. S. MacKiewich, Justin MacLean, William 12 Maddock, Miss Alice E. Maddock, Mrs. Walter G. Maison, Mrs. L. G Mall, Arthur W. Mallegg, O. O. Manasse, DeWitt J. Manchester, Donald S. Mandeville, Maurice Mangan, R. K. Mannette, Mrs. Russell L. Manning, Frank E. Manning, Frederick W. Manning, Mrs Herbert S. Manning, Dr. Paul D. V. Mannion, Michael H. Manno, Vincent P. Mansfield, Alfred W. Manta, Mrs. John L. Manz, George R. Marchant, Miss Lilian Marcus, Abel Maremont, Arnold H. Markman, Samuel K. Markoff, William Marks, Dr. Louis M. Marling, Mrs. Franklin, Jr. Marnane, James D. Marquart, Arthur A. Marrs, Dean Marsh, E. S. Marshall, Charles A. Martin, Miss Blanche Martin, Cecil Martin, Mrs. John Sayre, Jr ae Mrs. Louise Marx, Archibald B. Mastri, Dr. Aquil Matchett, Hugh M. Mathewson, Lynn L Mathieu, Auguste Mattes, Harold C. Matthews, Francis E. Matthews, J. H. Mautner, Leo A. Maxon, Rae: Maxwell, Mrs. Augustus K. Maxwell, Lee R. » May, Sol Maybrun, Arthur E. Mayer, Edwin W. C. Mayer, Richard Maywald, Elmer C. Mazurek, Miss Olive McAllister, H. J. McAnly, H. T. McArthur, Mrs. S. W. McBride, W. Paul McCaffrey, J. L. McCain, Patrick D. McCaleb, Albert G. McCann, Charles J. McClellan, John H. McClintock, J. O. McClurg, Verne O. McCollum, C. E. McCoy, Charles 8S. McCreery, C. L. McCurdie, N. J. McDowell, Miss Ada V. McDuffie, George J. McEldowney, C. R, McErlean, Charles F. McGraw, John F. McGreevy, R. E. McGuigan, James V. McGuire, Simms D. McHenry, Irving McHenry, Roland McInerney, Joseph A. McKay, Dwight McKay, Miss Mabel McKee, Albert E. McKee, William F. McKellar, Archibald D. McKibbin, Mrs. George B. McKittrick, C. E. McKy, Keith B. McLaughlin, A. G. McLaughlin, Mrs. George D. McLaughlin, Dr. James H. McLaurin, John M. McMahon, Miss Nellie G McMaster, A. B. MeNally, Frederick L. 25) ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) McNamara, Donald McC. McNamara, Robert C. McNamee, Miss Margie McNulty, James J. McPherson, David C. McSurely, Mrs. William H. Meadors, Mrs. Howard C. Meek, Miss Margaret E. Meers, James D. Megan, Graydon Mehaffey, Robert V. Mehan, J. H. Meidell, Harold Meiszner, John C. Mekler, L. A. Melgaard, B. B. Mell, William E. Mellinghausen, Parker Melum, H. William Mentzer, John P. Merkle, B. J. Merricks, Mrs. James W. Merritt, Thomas W. Mertz, Miss Henriette Mesirow, H. G. Mesirow, Norman M. Metcalf, Gordon M. Metcoff, Eli Metzenberg, John B. Meyer, Albert F. Meyer, Mrs. Alfred C. Meyer, Stanton M. Meyer, Wallace Michels, Mrs. George Milbrook, A. T. Millard, A. E. Millard, Mrs. E. L. Miller, Dr. C. O. Miller, C. R. Miller, Claude R. Miller, Creighton S. Miller, Gilbert H. Miller, Mrs. Grace Edwards Miller, Harvey O. Miller, Karl B. Miller, M. Glen Miller, Mahlon D. Miller, Miss Marian Miller, Marvin D. Miller, Milton T. Miller, Robert H. Miller, W. S. Miller, Willard M. Miller, William H. Milles, Leo H. Milliken, J. H. Milliren, Glenn A. Mills, Ben 126 Michaelsen, Christian S. Milnor, George S. Mirabella, Mrs. S. F. Miske, Erwin K. Mitchell, Harry L. Mitchell, Mrs. James Herbert Mitchell, Mrs. R. B. Mizen, Frederic Kimball Modene, Oscar F. Mollendorf, J. D. Molter, Harold Monsen, Myron T. Moore, Donald F. Moore, Harold A. Moore, Harold T. Moore, Dr. Josiah J. Moore, Kenneth W. Moore, Lucien W. Moore, Oscar L. Moorman, Charles L. Moran, John T. Morey, Albert A. Morgan, Fred C. Morgaridge, K. E. Mork, P. R. Morris, Milton H. Morrow, Mrs. John, Jr. Mortimer, Charles A. Mortvedt, Rev. Ariel O. Mossman, John E. Moulder, P. V. Mudd, Mrs. J. A., Jr. Mudge, Frederick S. Mueller, Mrs. Florian Muench, C. G. Muir, Edward G. Mulcahy, Mrs. Michael F. Mulford, Holbrook Mulligan, Joseph B. Mullin, Miss Frances M. Mullins, Harley W. Munnecke, Mrs. Wilbur C. Munson, Lyle Murchison, T. E. Murphy, J. P. Murphy, Morgan F. Murphy, P. M. Murray, M. W. Murray, William M. Musick, Philip Lee Myers, Harold B. Myers, Milton M. Nabat, A. S. Naffz, Mrs. L. E. Nafziger, R. L. Nagel, Mrs. Frank E. Nash, R. D. Nath, Bernard Nau, Otto F. Neff, Ward A. Nelson, Charles M. Nelson, Earl W. Nelson, Mrs. Henri E. Nemer, Fred Ness, J. Stanley Newberger, Ralph Newcomer, Mrs. Paul Newman, Charles H. Newman, Mrs. Jacob Newton, Dr. Roy C. Nichols, Donald E. Nichols, Dr. Harry Nielsen, Thorvald Nilson, Alfred R. Nisen, Charles M. Noble, Daniel E. Noble, Guy L. Nolte, Mrs. Charles B. Norman, Dr. F. E. Norman, Mrs. Hedwig Norris, Mrs. James North, Mrs. F. S. North, Harold F. Norton, Christopher D. Norton, G. A. Norton, Thomas L. Norville, Leo T. Novak, Edward E. Novotny, Richard R. Noyes, W. H.., Jr. Nyhan, Thomas J. Nylander, Dr. Victor T. Oberhelman, Dr. Harry A. O’Brien, M. J. Ochsner, Dr. Edward H. O’Connell, Dr. John S. O’Connor, Fred J. O7Connor Eek Odell, Jay G. Odell, Joseph R. Ogden, Walter Headden O’Hara, Arthur J. O’Hearn, Rev. John J. O’ Keefe, John F. Oleson, Philip H. Olin, Mrs. David Olin, Edward L. Oliver, James P. Oliver, Dr. Marguerite Olsen, Dr. Charles W. Olsen, Harvey W. Olson, Albert M. Olson, Benjamin Franklin Olson, H. Edsall O’Neal, Wendell O’Neal, William James O’Neill, Dr. Eugene J. Orban, Dr. Balint Orschel, Albert K. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Osanai, Mrs. Mary M. Osborne, W. Irving, Jr. Osburn, M. B. Ossendorff, Dr. K. W. Ostrander, E. L. Overend, Robert B. Overmyer, Franklin R. Owen, Robert R. Owens, Harry J. Pallasch, Paul V. Palmer, Mrs. Claude Irwin Palmer, Curtis H. Pandaleon, Costa A. Parker, Austin H. Parker, Miss Edith P. Parks, Burritt A. Parks, Robey Parrott, George H. Patch, A. Huntington Patterson, W. A. Patterson, William F. Pauley, Clarence O. Paulus, Mrs. Max G. Payson, Randolph Peabody, Mrs. Stuyvesant Pearce, Charles S. Pearson, Mrs. George Pederson, Alfred S. Peirce, Mrs. Clarence A. Pencik, Mrs. Miles F. Pendergast, Frank Pendleton, Maurice B. Pennebaker, Elliott H. Penner, Louis L. Penner, Samuel Peponis, Arthur H. Perin, Reuben L. Perlman, I. B. Perlman, Morris Perlstein, Mrs. Harris Perreault, Earl E. Perry, Arthur C. Person, Dr. Allgot G. Peterkin, Daniel, Jr. Peters, Dr. Fredus N. Peterson, V. W. Petrie, John Petrie, Morton H. Pettibone, Holman D. Pfaelzer, Mrs. Monroe Pflager, Charles W. Phelps, Erastus R. Phelps, William Henry Phillips, Mrs. Howard C. Phillips, John Ward Pier, H. M. Pillinger, Douglass Pillsbury, Mrs. Charles S. Pirie, Mrs. S. C., Jr. Pirofalo, James C. Pitt vACvAS Platt, Robert Pletz, S. R. Plimpton, Miss Bonita V. Plotkin, Mrs. Oscar H. Plummer, Daniel C., Jr. Plunkett, Paul M. Poe, Miss Frances Pollock, Mrs. Lewis J. Pond, Mrs. Harold M. Pond, M. C. Pontius, Mrs. G. V. Pope, George J. Pope, Mrs. Henry, Jr. Pope, Mrs. S. Austin Pope, Sidney T. Porte, James J. Porter, Dr. George J. Post, Myron H. Potter, Howard I. Potter, Mrs. T. A. Power, John W. Powers, William F. Poyer, Stephen A. Prada, William R. Praed, William G. Praeger, Charles H. Bractee cle Preble, Robert C. Preikschat, Ray W. Prentice, J. Rockefeller Press, Robert M. Preus, J. A. O. Price, Allen H. Price, Frederick J. Price, Griswold A. Price, John C. Price, Owen N. Priest, MacMillan Prietsch, Miss Mary Jeannette Prince, William Wood Pritchard, N. H. Proby, Dr. Edmund A. Prosser, John A. Pruitt, Raymond S. Puestow, Dr. Charles B. Puzey, Russell V. Quackenbush, E. W. Quan, John B. Quisenberry, T. E. Radack, Mrs. Dorothy W. Randall, Frank A. Ranney, Mrs. George A. Rappold, Samuel R. Rasmussen, Frank Rasmussen, L. M. Rathburn, M. Hudson Rau, John M. Rauh, Morris Ray, Mrs. Herbert S. Raymond, Mrs. Clifford S. Rayner, Lawrence Reace, William T. Read, Freeman C. Ready, Charles H. Reber, M. D. Reddy, Mrs. Philip J. Reed, Mrs. Frank C. Reeds litehyas: Reese, Mrs. C. W. Regan, Mrs. Ben Reichert, Hugh J. Reilly, Vincent P. Rein, Lester E. Reiser, Miss Irene K. Renholm, Harold A. Renier, Edward P. Renken, Miss Martha Replogle, Dr. Fred A. ReQua, Mrs. Charles H. Reskin, Charles G. Reticker, Edward Revzan, Theodore Reynolds, Milton Rhodes, Charles M. Rhodes, Martin C. Richards, Oron E. Richert, John C. Ricker, Jewett E. Ricks, Ivan Riggs, Mrs. Joseph A. Riggs, Dr. Lloyd K. Riley, John H. Rinaker, Samuel M. Ritter, Miss Lavinia Ritzwoller, Earle H. Rivenes, A. I. Riveray JapAe Robbins, Burr L. Robbins, Laurence B. Roberts, J. K. Roberts, Miss Margaret A. Robertson, Egbert Robertson, Theodore B. Robinson, Miss Nellie Robson, Mrs. Oscar Roche, Burke B. Roche, Mrs. Donald M. Roche, John Pierre Rochlitz, O. A. Rockafellow, G. B. Rockhold, Mrs. Charles W. Rockwell, Theodore G. Roden, Carl B. Rodger, John H. Rodwick, Frank P. 27), ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Roefer, Henry A. Rogers, Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Miss Suzanne Rogers, Milton P. Rogers, Thomas W. Roman, B. F. Ronning, Magnus I. Roos, Edwin J. Rootberg, Philip Roseland, J. G. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Ben L. Rosenberg, Mrs. Bernhard Rosenfels, Mrs. Irwin S Rosenson, Herzl Rosenthal, M. A. Ross, Earl Ross, Dr. Chester John Ross, Dr. Martin T. Ross, Ralph H. Ross, Mrs. Sophie S. Rosset, Harry Roth, Arthur J. Rothschild, Mrs. Maurice L. Rowley, William A. Rubert, William F. Rugen, Fred A. Ruskin, Mrs. Harry H. Rutherford, M. Drexel Ryan, Arnold W Ryan, Mrs. Lawrence J. Ryder, F. W Ryerson, Mrs, Anthony M. Ryser, Adolph Saalfeld, Harry H. Sabath, Milton J. Sabin, Eben T. Sager, Mrs. S. Norman Saladin, Harry J. Salk, Miss Betsy Ruth Sallemi, James V. Salomon, Ira Salomon, William E. Saltarelli, Dr. Gabriel Saltiel, Dr. Thomas P. Salzman, Philip H. Sampsell, Mrs. Joseph C. Samuels, Benjamin Sanborn, Mrs. V. C. Sandberg, Harry S. Sandberg, John V. Sandel, Mrs. Clara Sando, E. E. Sandrok, Edward G. Sandvold, Mrs. W. C. Sang, Bernard G. Sang, Philip D. 128 Sapp, Warren H.., Jr. Sauerman, John A. Saunders, Thomas W. Sawicki, Michael J. Sayers, Mrs. A. J. Sayre, Dr. Loren D. Scalbom, O. Trumbull Scalbom, Oscar L. Scanlan, Thomas P. Scarborough, Mrs. Henry Schaar, B. E. Schaffner, Arthur B. Schaffner, Miss Marion Schalla, Ralph W. Scheinfeld, Aaron Schelly, Mrs. Herbert S. Schenker, Ben W. Scheu, Ralph J. Schick, Miss Inez M. Schiff, Max Schiller, Dr. A. L. Schiltz, M. A. Schipfer, Dr. L. A. Schlatter, Miss Nina E. Schlossberg, Mrs. Harry Schlossman, Norman J. Schmidt, George A. Schmidt, John Schmidt, Mrs. Siegfried G. Schmus, Elmer E. Schneider, Benjamin B. Schnering, Robert B. Schnur, Joseph M. Schnute, Dr. William J. Schoeneberger, Charles A. Scholl, Bertha M. Schonthal, B. E. Schott, Harold C. Schottenhamel, Mrs. Max P. Schuetz, Ralph E. Schulman, Harry Schultz, Mrs. Arnold C. Schultz, Chester H. Schultz, William F. Schulz, George H. Schuman, J. R. Schureman, Jean L. Schuttler, Mrs. Peter Schutz, Reuben M. Schuyler, L. H. Schwab, Raymond J. Schwab, Dr. Walford A. Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Milton H. Schwartz, Nathan H. Schwartz, Selwyn S. Schweitzer, E. O. Schwemm, Earl M. Sciaky, Mario M. Scofield, Clarence P. Scott, Mrs. Cortlandt N. Scott, Frederick H. Scott, George A. H. Scott, Mrs. Marion R. Scovel, Harold F. Scrimgeour, Miss Gladys Scudder, Mrs. Barrett Scudder, Mrs. William M. Seuderi, Mrs. Carlo Seaberg, Edward R. Seaholm, A. T. Seaman, Henry L. Sears, A. T. Searles, Donald K. Seaverns, George A., Jr. Secord, Burton F. Seder, A. R. Segal, Myron M. Segil, Harold T. Selby, J. F. Selfridge, Calvin F. Selig, Lester N. Sellers, Paul A. Selz, A. K. Senear, Dr. F. E. Severson, D. O. Sexton, Mrs. Thomas G. Shafer, Walter S. Shapiro, Joseph R. Shaw, John I. Shay, Grant F. Shaykin, Dr. Jacob B. Shedd, Mrs. Charles C. Sheffer, K. A. Sheldon, Walter M.., Jr. Shennan, A. G. Shepard, Robert Philip Sheppard, Joseph L. Sheridan, Leo J. Sherman, H. C. Shlopack, Wallace B. Short, William H. Shrader, Frank K. Shuflitowski, Joseph T. Sibley, Joseph C., Jr. Siebel, George E Sieger, Joseph F. Sillani, Mrs. Mabel W. Silverman, Harry Silverstein, Milton Sima, Dr. Charles A. Simmons, William P. Simpson, Bruce L. Sinaiko, Dr. Edwin S. Singer, Albert H. Singer, William A. Sinnerud, Dr. O. P. Slamin, Henry A. Sloan, William F. Smart, David A. Smerz, E. J. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Smick, Robert W. Smith, George W. Smith, Dr. H. Reginald Smith, H.S. Smith, Harold A. Smith, John F., Jr. Smith, Joseph Herbert Smith, Monroe A., Jr. Smith, Reynold S. Smith, Robert C. Smith, T. A. Snider, Dr. S. Sinclair Snydacker, Mrs. E. F. Sollitt, Mrs. Ralph T. Sollitt, Sumner S. Somes, J. J. Sonne, Mrs. Fred T. Sonnenschein, Mrs. Edward Spark, David I. Sparr, Mrs. Caroline H. Speed, Dr. Kellogg Spencer, Arthur T. Sperry, Mrs. Albert F. Spiegel, Miss Katherine J. Spiegel, Mrs. Philip Spielmann, Willson Spitz, M. W. Spivack, Dr. Julius L. Sporrer, M. J. Springsguth, Robert C. Staffelbach, Earl T. Stahl, Felix B. Stahmer, George F., II Staller, Joseph H. Stanbery, J. N. Stanley, J. Paul Stanton, Lyman A. Starbuck, J. C. Starrett, Miss Carolyn J. Starshak, A. L. Stathas, P. P. Steffen, Charles Steffey, D. Earl Stein, Mrs. S. Sidney Steins, Mrs. Halsey Steinwedell, William Stemm, R. Edward Stensgaard, W. L. Stephens, Miss Laura G. Stern, David B., Jr. Stern, Herbert L. Stern, Herbert L., Jr. Stern, Jacob S. Steuer, Mrs. Joseph True Stevens, Miss Charlotte M. Stevens, E. W. Stevens, Mrs. R. St. John Stevenson, Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson, Miss Lillian Stevers, Martin D. Stewart, E. E. Stewart, George R. Stiles, J. F., Jr. Stoehr, Kurt Stoetzel, Herbert W. Stoffels, Oscar A. Stokes, Mrs. Edward J. Stolle, Arthur E. Stone, Dr. F. Lee Stone, Mrs. J. S. Stone, Saul Storkan, Mrs. James Stormont, Dr. D. L. Storms, North Stout, Frederick E. Straka, Frank B. Stransky, Franklin J. Stratton, Mrs. E. W. Stratton, Paul Stratton, Robert C. Straus, Harry C. Straus, Mrs. Robert E. Stresenreuter, Mrs. Charles H. Stresen-Reuter, Frederick A. Strodel, F. A. Strohmeier, Dr. Otto E. Strong, Joseph L. Stuart, Robert K. Stuart, William M. Stude, Henry Stumes, Charles B. Sturla, Harry L. Sudler, Carroll H., Jr. Sullivan, Joseph P. Suyker, Hector Swift, T. Philip Switzer, Mrs. James W. Sylvanus, Alfred Sylvester, Edmund Q. Sylvester, Dr. Emmy Symmes, William H. Symonds, Merrill Tadrowski, Anton J. Talbot, Mrs. Kugene S., Jr. Tannenbaum, Dr. Karl H. Tarnopol, Emil Tarrson, Albert J. Tartak, Paul H. Tatge, Paul W. Tatman, James H. Taussig, Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor, Fitzhugh Taylor, George H. Taylor, Mrs. Samuel G. Tegarden, J. E. Templeton, Kenneth S. Temps, Leupold Teninga, Alfred J. Tenney, Henry F. Tevis, Paul F. Thiel, Raymond F. Thiele, George C. Thomas, Mrs. John W., Sr. Thomas, Lee B. Thompson, Dr. Willard O. Thoren, Mrs. J. N. Thorne, Mrs. Gordon C. Thorson, Reuben Throop, Mrs. George Enos Thurrott, J. Angus Tichy, Dr. Elsie M. Timmings, G. H. Timpson, Mrs. T. William Tippens, Mrs. Albert H. Todd, A. Tomhave, Mrs. William H. Tonk, Percy A. Toomin, Philip R. Topaz, Martin Towne, Claude Towner, Mrs. Frank H. Townley, Mrs. Paula H. Townley, W. Fred Townsend, Hubert F. Traut, Bernard H. Traver, George W. Traynor, William B. Traynor, William Knowlton Treffeisen, Gustave Tregenza, A. E Trier, Robert Troeger, Louis P. Trumbull, Mrs. Charles L. Trumbull, Robert F. Trumbull, William M. Tuck, Walter R. Tucker, Irwin R. Tucker, J. C. Turnbull, Mrs. George C. Turner, Mrs. Christopher F. Turner, G. H. Turner, Dr. Herbert A. Tuteur, Charles Tuteur, Irving M. Tyrrell, Miss Frances Uhlmann, Richard F. Ullmann, S. E. 129 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Unwin, Mrs. Parkinson Urban, Andrew Ursin, Mrs. Ben E. Utley, Mrs. Clifton M. VanBuskirk, M. G. VanDeventer, William E. VanHoosen, Dr. Bertha VanSchaick, Mrs. Kthel R. Varty, Leo G. Vastine, Lee B. Vaughan, Alan W. Velde, James A. Velvel, Charles Vilsoet, William Vincent, James L. Vineyard, Philip W. Vloedman, Dr. D Vogel, James B. Vogel, Mrs. Leslie H. Vogt, Earle E. Wolkw, IDs Isl. vonPerbandt, Mrs. Louis Vose, Mrs. Frederic P. Wach, Dr. Edward C. Wade, Glenn D. Wadler, Milton Arnold Wagner, Richard Wahl, Herman L. Wain, Mrs. Philip H. Waite, Roy E. Walcher, Alfred Waldeck, Herman Waldstein, Herman S. Walker, Dr. Alfred O. Walker, Wendell Wall, Dr. James M. Wallace, Charles Ross Wallace, George H. Wallenstein, Sidney Waller, Edward M. Waller, William, Jr. Wallgren, Eric M. Walsh, Donald J. Walters, Gary G. Walz, John W. Wanzer, Howard H. Wardwell, H. F. Ware, Mrs. Robert R. Ware, Willis C. Warner, Ernest N. Warner, Mason Warren, L. Parsons Warren, William G. Washburn, Dr. Kenneth C. Wasserman, Hy Wasson, Theron Waterhouse, Paul G. Watkins, Frank A. 130 Watling, John Watt, Herbert J. Way, Mrs. Henry J. Weary, Allen M. Weaver, R. B. Weaver, Sheldon A. Webb, Dr. Edward F. Weber, James E. Webster, Maurice Webster, N. C. Weeks, Miss Dorothy Weidert, William C. Weil, Mrs. Benjamin Weil, David M. Weiner, Charles Weiner, George H. Weinress, Morton Weinress, S. J. Weiser, Frederick S. Weismantel, Miss Theresa A. Weiss, Alexander Weiss, Louis A. Weitzel, Carl J. Welch, M. W. Welch, R. T. Welfeld, Marvin J. Wells, F. Harris Wescott, Dr. Virgil West, Alfred C. West, James D. Westbrook, Charles H. Westerlin, Mrs. J. M. Wetten, Walton Wetmore, Horace O. Wezeman, Frederick H. Wheeler, Mrs. Seymour Wheelock, Miss Ellen P. Whipple, Gaylord C. Whipple, Mrs. Jay N. Whipple, Miss Velma D. Whiston, Frank M. Whitaker, James E. White, Mrs. Harold R. White, William J. Whitelock, John B. Whitney, Mrs. Charles R. Whitney, Emerson C. Whyte, W. J. Wible, R. R. Wick, William D. Wickersham, Mrs. Lucille Wickland, Algot A. Wickman, C. E. Wigdahl, Edward H. Wilbur, Lawrence S. Wilby, A. C. Wilcox, Edward B. Wilcox, Mrs. Harold C. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Arthur L. Wilds, John L. Wiley, Mrs. Edwin G. Wilhelm, Mrs. Frank E. Wilkinson, William D. Willard, Nelson W. Williams, Albert W. Williams, Mrs. Allan C., Jr. Williams, Lawrence Williams, Ralph E. Williams, Russell V. Willingham, G. J. Willis, Ivan L. Wilson, Allen B. Wilson, Arlen J. Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wilson, H. Fred Wilson, Holmes Wilson, Percival C. Wilson, Miss S. Edna Wincher, John A. Windchy, Mrs. Frederick O. Winsberg, Herbert H. Winsberg, Samuel Winston, Mrs. Farwell Winterbotham, John R. Wise, Herman Wise, James E. Wiseman, William P. Witkowsky, James Witt, Earl J. Wolf, Morris E. Wolff, Frank C. Wolff, Oscar M. Wood, Miss Aileen Wood, Edward W. Wood, Milton G. Woodson, William T. Woodward, Arthur H. Woodyatt, Dr. Rollin Turner Woolard, Francis C. Woolf, S. Roger Worthy, Mrs. James C. Woulfe, Henry F. Wright, William Ryer Wright, Mrs. R. G. Wrisley, George A. Wrisley, L. Norton Yanofsky, Dr. Hyman Yates, John E. Yates, William H. Yohe, C. Lloyd York, Melvin S. Young, C. 8. Young, Dr. Donald R. Youngberg, Arthur C. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Youngren, W. W. Youngsma, T. S. Zadek, Milton Zangerle, A. Arthur Barron, John F. Belden, Mrs. Joseph C. Brady, Earl J. Degener, August W. Kitel, Robert J. Eulass, E. A. Fowler, Gordon F. Goldsmith, Henry M. Zelezny, John G. Zelzer, Harry Zillman, Mrs. L. C. Zimmerman, Austin M. Zimmermann, Mrs. P. T. DECEASED, 1948 Goldsmith, Melvin M. Headley, Mrs. Ida M. Healy, John J. Kaufmann, Charles D. Latimer, William L. Monroe, Walter D. Zipse, Edwin W. Zischke, Herman Zitzewitz, Elmer K. Zolla, Abner M. Zusser, Maurice M. Ross, Dr. H. M. Schobinger, Miss Elsie Schulze, Paul Shirk, Miss Lydia E. Stibgen, Geary V. Wacker, Fred G. Webster, James West, Mrs. Mary Lavelle Woltersdorf, Arthur F. 13} Articles of Incorporation STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF STATE WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, Secretary of State To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: Whereas, a Certificate duly signed and acknowledged having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 16th day of September, A.D. 1893, for the organization of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO, under and in accordance with the provisions of ‘“‘An Act Concerning Corporations,’ approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached. Now, therefore, I, William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 16th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. W. H. HINRICHSEN, [SEAL] Secretary of State. TO HON. WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: SIR: We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, propose to form a cor- poration under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “‘An Act Concerning Corporations,’’ approved April 18, 1872, and all acts amenda- tory thereof; and that for the purposes of such organization we hereby state as follows, to-wit: 1. The name of such corporation is the “COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO.” 2. The object for which it is formed is for the accumulation and dissemi- nation of knowledge, and the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating Art, Archaeology, Science and History. 3. The management of the aforesaid museum shall be vested in a Board of FIFTEEN (15) TRUSTEES, five of whom are to be elected every year. 4. The following named persons are hereby selected as the Trustees for the first year of its corporate existence: Edward E. Ayer, Charles B. Farwell, George E. Adams, George R. Davis, Charles L. Hutchinson, Daniel H. Burnham, John A. Roche, M. C. Bullock, Emil G. Hirsch, James W. Ellsworth, Allison V. Armour, O. F. Aldis, Edwin Walker, John C. Black and Frank W. Gunsaulus. 5. The location of the Museum is in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois. (Szgned) George E. Adams, C. B. Farwell, Sidney C. Eastman, F. W. Putnam, Robert McCurdy, Andrew Peterson, L. J. Gage, Charles L. Hutchinson, Ebenezer 132 Buckingham, Andrew McNally, Edward E. Ayer, John M. Clark, Herman H. Kohlsaat, George Schneider, Henry H. Getty, William R. Harper, Franklin H. Head, E. G. Keith, J. Irving Pearce, Azel F. Hatch, Henry Wade Rogers, Thomas B. Bryan, L. Z. Leiter, A. C. Bartlett, A. A. Sprague, A. C. McClurg, James W. Seott, Geo. F. Bissell, John R. Walsh, Chas. Fitzsimmons, John A. Roche, E. B. McCagg, Owen F. Aldis, Ferdinand W. Peck, James H. Dole, Joseph Stockton, Edward B. Butler, John McConnell, R. A. Waller, H. C. Chatfield-Taylor, A. Crawford, Wm. Sooy Smith, P. S. Peterson, John C. Black, Jno. J. Mitchell, C. F. Gunther, George R. Davis, Stephen A. Forbes, Robert W. Patterson, Jr., M. C. Bullock, Edwin Walker, George M. Pullman, William E. Curtis, James W. Ellsworth, William E. Hale, Wm. T. Baker, Martin A. Ryerson, Huntington W. Jackson, N. B. Ream, Norman Williams, Melville E. Stone, Bryan Lathrop, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Philip D. Armour. STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. Cook CouNTYy )} I, G. R. MITCHELL, a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing petitioners personally appeared before me and acknowl- edged severally that they signed the foregoing petition as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 14th day of September, 1893. G. R. MITCHELL, [SEAL] NOTARY PUBLIC, COOK COUNTY, ILL. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 25th day of June, 1894, the name of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. A eertificate to this effect was filed June 26, 1894, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 8th day of November, 1905, the name of the FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. A certificate to this effect was filed November 10, 1905, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 3 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 10th day of May, 1920, the management of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY shall be invested in a Board of TWENTY-ONE (21) TRUSTEES, who shall be elected in such manner and for such time and term of office as may be provided for by the By-Laws. A certificate to this effect was filed May 21, 1920, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 15th day of November, 1943, the name of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY was changed to CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. A certificate to this effect was filed November 23, 1948, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. 133 Amended By-Laws DECEMBER, 1945 ARTICLE I MEMBERS SECTION 1. Members shall be of twelve classes, Corporate Members, Hon- orary Members, Patrons, Corresponding Members, Benefactors, Contributors, Life Members, Non-Resident Life Members, Associate Members, Non-Resident Associate Members, Sustaining Members, and Annual Members. SECTION 2. The Corporate Members shall consist of the persons named in the articles of incorporation, and of such other persons as shall be chosen from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, upon the recom- mendation of the Executive Committee; provided, that such person named in the articles of incorporation shall, within ninety days from the adoption of these By-Laws, and persons hereafter chosen as Corporate Members shall, within ninety days of their election, pay into the treasury the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) or more. Corporate Members becoming Life Members, Patrons or Honorary Members shall be exempt from dues. Annual meetings of said Corporate Members shall be held at the same place and on the same day that the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees is held. SECTION 8. Honorary Members shall be chosen by the Board from among persons who have rendered eminent service to science, and only upon unanimous nomination of the Executive Committee. They shall be exempt from all dues. SECTION 4. Patrons shall be chosen by the Board upon recommendation of the Executive Committee from among persons who have rendered eminent ser- vice to the Museum. They shall be exempt from all dues, and, by virtue of their election as Patrons, shall also be Corporate Members. SECTION 5. Any person contributing or devising the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in cash, or securities, or property to the funds of the Museum, may be elected a Benefactor of the Museum. SECTION 6. Corresponding Members shall be chosen by the Board from among scientists or patrons of science residing in foreign countries, who render important service to the Museum. They shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings. They shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 7. Any person contributing to the Museum One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or more in cash, securities, or material, may be elected a Contributor of the Museum. Contributors shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 8. Any person paying into the treasury the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Life Member. Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to mem- bers of the Board of Trustees. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Life Member. Non-Resident Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to members of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 9. Any person paying into the treasury of the Museum the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the vote of the Board, 134 become an Associate Member. Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall be entitled to tickets admitting Member and members of family, includ- ing non-resident home guests; all publications of the Museum issued during the period of their membership, if so desired; reserved seats for all lectures and enter- tainments under the auspices of the Museum, provided reservation is requested in advance; and admission of holder of membership and accompanying party to all special exhibits and Museum functions day or evening. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Associate Member. Non-Resident Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to Associate Members. SECTION 10. Sustaining Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), payable within thirty days after notice of election and within thirty days after each recurring annual date. This Sustaining Membership entitles the Member to free admission for the Mem- ber and family to the Museum on any day, the Annual Report and such other Museum documents or publications issued during the period of their membership as may be requested in writing. When a Sustaining Member has paid the annual fee of $25.00 for six years, such Member shall be entitled to become an Associate Member. SECTION 11. Annual Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00), payable within thirty days after each recurring annual date. An Annual Membership shall entitle the Member to a card of admission for the Member and family during all hours when the Museum is open to the public, and free admission for the Member and family to all Museum lectures and entertainments. This membership will also entitle the holder to the courtesies of the membership privileges of every museum of note in the United States and Canada, so long as the existing system of co-operative interchange of membership tickets shall be maintained, including tickets for any lectures given under the auspices of any of the museums during a visit to the cities in which the co-operative museums are located. SECTION 12. All membership fees, excepting Sustaining and Annual, shall hereafter be applied to a permanent Membership Endowment Fund, the interest only of which shall be applied for the use of the Museum as the Board of Trustees may order. ARTICLE II BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall consist of twenty-one members. The respective members of the Board now in office, and those who shall here- after be elected, shall hold office during life. Vacancies occurring in the Board shall be filled at a regular meeting of the Board, upon the nomination of the Executive Committee made at a preceding regular meeting of the Board, by a majority vote of the members of the Board present. SECTION 2. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the third Mon- day of the month. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, and shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of three Trustees. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum, except for the election of officers or the adoption of the Annual Budget, when seven Trustees shall be required, but meet- ings may be adjourned by any less number from day to day, or to a day fixed, previous to the next regular meeting. SECTION 3. Reasonable written notice, designating the time and place of holding meetings, shall be given by the Secretary. ARTICLE III HONORARY TRUSTEES SECTION 1. As a mark of respect, and in appreciation of services performed for the Institution, any Trustee who by reason of inability, on account of change 13S of residence, or for other cause or from indisposition to serve longer in such capa- city shall resign his place upon the Board, may be elected, by a majority of those present at any regular meeting of the Board, an Honorary Trustee for life. Such Honorary Trustee will receive notice of all meetings of the Board of Trustees, whether regular or special, and will be expected to be present at all such meetings and participate in the deliberations thereof, but an Honorary Trustee shall not have the right to vote. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS SECTION 1. The officers shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Third Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be chosen by ballot by the Board of Trustees, a majority of those present and voting being necessary to elect. The President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, and the Third Vice-President shall be chosen from among the members of the Board of Trustees. The meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the third Monday of January of each year, and shall be called the Annual Meeting. SECTION 2. The officers shall hold office for one year, or until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified, but any officer may be removed at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote of two+thirds of all the members of the Board. Vacancies in any office may be filled by the Board at any meeting. SECTION 8. The officers shall perform such duties as ordinarily appertain to their respective offices, and such as shall be prescribed by the By-Laws, or designated from time to time by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE V THE TREASURER SECTION 1. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Corpora- tion, except as hereinafter provided. He shall make disbursements only upon warrants, signed by such officer, or officers, or other persons as the Board of Trustees may from time to time designate. SECTION 2. The securities and muniments of title belonging to the cor- poration shall be placed in the custody of some Trust Company of Chicago to be designated by the Board of Trustees, which Trust Company shall collect the income and principal of said securities as the same become due, and pay same to the Treasurer, except as hereinafter provided. Said Trust Company shall allow access to and deliver any or all securities or muniments of title to the joint order of the following officers, namely: the President or one of the Vice- Presidents, jointly with the Chairman, or one of the Vice-Chairmen, of the Finance Committee of the Museum. The President or any one of the Vice-Presidents, jointly with either the Chairman or any one of the other members of the Finance Committee, are authorized and empowered (a) to sell, assign and transfer as a whole or in part the securities owned by or registered in the name of the Chicago Natural History Museum, and, for that purpose, to endorse certificates in blank or to a named person, appoint one or more attorneys, and execute such other instru- ments as may be necessary, and (b) to cause any securities belonging to this Corpo- ration now, or acquired in the future, to be held or registered in the name or names of a nominee or nominees designated by them. SECTION 3. The Treasurer shall give bond in such amount, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 4. The Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago shall be Cus- todian of ‘‘The N. W. Harris Public School Extension of the Chicago Natural History Museum” fund. The bank shall make disbursements only upon warrants drawn by the Director and countersigned by the President. In the absence or inability of the Director, warrants may be signed by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and in the absence or inability of the President, may be countersigned by one of the Vice-Presidents, or any member of the Finance Committee. 136 ARTICLE VI THE DIRECTOR SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall elect a Director of the Museum, who shall remain in office until his successor shall be elected. He shall have im- mediate charge and supervision of the Museum, and shall control the operations of the Institution, subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees and its Com- mittees. The Director shall be the official medium of communication between the Board, or its Committees, and the scientific staff and maintenance force. SECTION 2. There shall be four scientific Departments of the Museum— Anthropology, Botany, Geology, and Zoology—each under the charge of a Chief Curator, subject to the authority of the Director. The Chief Curators shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Director, and shall serve during the pleasure of the Board. Subordinate staff officers in the scientific Depart- ments shall be appointed and removed by the Director upon the recommendation of the Chief Curators of the respective Departments. The Director shall have authority to employ and remove all other employees of the Museum. SECTION 38. The Director shall make report to the Board at each regular meeting, recounting the operations of the Museum for the previous month. At the Annual Meeting, the Director shall make an Annual Report, reviewing the work for the previous year, which Annual Report shall be published in pamphlet form for the information of the Trustees and Members, and for free distribution in such number as the Board may direct. ARTICLE VII THE AUDITOR SECTION 1. The Board shall appoint an Auditor, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall keep proper books of account, setting forth the financial condition and transactions of the Corporation, and of the Museum, and report thereon at each regular meeting, and at such other times as may be required by the Board. He shall certify to the correctness of all bills rendered for the expenditure of the money of the Corporation. ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES SECTION 1. There shall be five Committees, as follows: Finance, Building, Auditing, Pension, and Executive. SECTION 2. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than five or more than seven members, the Auditing and Pension Committees shall each consist of three members, and the Building Committee shall consist of five members. All members of these four Committees shall be elected by ballot by the Board at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold office for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. In electing the members of these Committees, the Board shall designate the Chairman and Vice-Chairman by the order in which the mem- bers are named in the respective Committee; the first member named shall be Chairman, the second named the Vice-Chairman, and the third named, Second Vice-Chairman, succession to the Chairmanship being in this order in the event of the absence or disability of the Chairman. SECTION 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Building Committee, the Chairman of the Auditing Committee, the Chairman of the Pension Committee, and three other members of the Board to be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting. SECTION 4. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Com- mittee, and in all standing Committees two members shall constitute a quorum. In the event that, owing to the absence or inability of members, a quorum of the regularly elected members cannot be present at any meeting of any Com- mittee, then the Chairman thereof, or his successor, as herein provided, may summon any members of the Board of Trustees to act in place of the absentee. S37, SECTION 5. The Finance Committee shall have supervision of investing th. endowment and other funds of the Corporation, and the care of such real estate as may become its property. It shall have authority to make and alter investments from time to time, reporting its actions to the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee is fully authorized to cause any funds or investments of the Corpora- tion to be made payable to bearer, and it is further authorized to cause real estate of the Corporation, its funds and investments, to be held or registered in the name of a nominee selected by it. SECTION 6. The Building Committee shall have supervision of the con- struction, reconstruction, and extension of any and all buildings used for Museum purposes. SECTION 7. The Executive Committee shall be called together from time to time as the Chairman may consider necessary, or as he may be requested to do by three members of the Committee, to act upon such matters affecting the administration of the Museum as cannot await consideration at the Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board of Trustees. It shall, before the beginning of each fiscal year, prepare and submit to the Board an itemized Budget, setting forth the probable receipts from all sources for the ensuing year, and make recom- mendations as to the expenditures which should be made for routine maintenance and fixed charges. Upon the adoption of the Budget by the Board, the expendi- tures stated are authorized. SECTION 8. The Auditing Committee shall have supervision over all account- ing and bookkeeping, and full control of the financial records. It shall cause the same, once each year, or oftener, to be examined by an expert individual or firm, and shall transmit the report of such expert individual or firm to the Board at the next ensuing regular meeting after such examination shall have taken place. SECTION 9. The Pension Committee shall determine by such means and processes as shall be established by the Board of Trustees to whom and in what: amount the Pension Fund shall be distributed. These determinations or findings shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 10. The Chairman of each Committee shall report the acts and proceedings thereof at the next ensuing regular meeting of the Board. SECTION 11. The President shall be ex-officio a member of all Committees and Chairman of the Executive Committee. Vacancies occurring in any Com- mittee may be filled by ballot at any regular meeting of the Board. ARTICLE IX NOMINATING COMMITTEE SECTION 1. At the November meeting of the Board each year, a Nomi- nating Committee of three shall be chosen by lot. Said Committee shall make nominations for membership of the Finance Committee, the Building Committee, the Auditing Committee, and the Pension Committee, and for three members of the Executive Committee, from among the Trustees, to be submitted at the ensuing December meeting and voted upon at the following Annual Meeting in January. ARTICLE X SECTION 1. Whenever the word ‘‘Museum” is employed in the By-Laws of the Corporation, it shall be taken to mean the building in which the Museum as an Institution is located and operated, the material exhibited, the material in study collections, or in storage, furniture, fixtures, cases, tools, records, books, and all appurtenances of the Institution and the workings, researches, installa- tions, expenditures, field work, laboratories, library, publications, lecture courses, and all scientific and maintenance activities. SECTION 2. The By-Laws, and likewise the Articles of Incorporation, may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote in favor thereof of not less than two-thirds of all the members present, provided the amendment shall have been proposed at a preceding regular meeting. 138 j ney Silent iliy uae ale ty LI Met ee & ANNUAL REPORT Chicago Natural Aistory Museum A , 5 i } i ; } NLA Fabian Bachrach ALBERT B. DICK, JR. Second Vice-President of the Museum Member of the Board of Trustees since 1936, now serving on the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee Cre AGOeNATURAL mils hORY MUSEUM Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees WOmne wear! 949 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM li RESEARCH rte EDUCAT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS JANUARY 1950 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Contents FORMER OFFICERS . FORMER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES . OFFICERS, TRUSTEES, AND COMMITTEES, 1949 . LIST OF STAFF, 1949 . REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Membership James Nelson and Anne hiss Raimond Wroundation : N. W. Harris Public School Extension . Department of Anthropology . Department of Botany . Department of Geology Department of Zoology Library. Photography and iithoettien tana Motion Pictures . Publications and Printing Public Relations : Maintenance, Construction: and Rnemecting Financial Statements Attendance and Door Rocce Accessions, 1949 MEMBERS OF THE MUSEUM . Benefactors . Honorary Members Patrons Corresponding Miemibers Contributors ; Corporate Members . Life Members . Non-Resident Life Members Associate Members ; Non-Resident Associate Mienihers Sustaining Members . Annual Members ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AMENDED By-LAWS PAGE Illustrations Albert B. Dick, Jr., Second Vice-President Chicago Sky Line, from the Museum . Chicago Natural History Museum Raymond Foundation Tour for School Children Portable Exhibits, N. W. Harris Public School Extension Orchid Exhibit, Stanley Field Hall . Northern Woodlands Indians, Men’s Costumes Three Pines Pueblo, New Mexico Shell Gorget . Northern Woodlands Indians, Women’s Costumes Wood or Shield Fern Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus of Botany Devonian Coral Reef . Remounting Eryops, from University of Chicago Collection Ordovician Sea . Class in Cranial Morphology of Vertebrates . Unpacking Collections from the Philippines William J. Gerhard, Curator of Insects Alaska Brown Bears Letter from a Series Written by Charles Darwin . Sumacs . Art Students in Museum Antioch Students . Grammar-school Students and Teacher 4-H Club Delegates Children’s Lunchroom PAGE FRONTISPIECE ith Ui BR SR OR ERB Se Chicago Natural History Museum, formerly Field Museum of Natural History, faces Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive. It is open every day except Christmas and New Year’s Day and may be reached by elevated or surface railways, South Shore and Illinois Central suburban trains, or bus. There is ample free parking space. SKY LINE, FROM THE NORTH TERRACE PRESIDENTS FIRST VICE-PRESIDENTS SECOND VICE-PRESIDENTS THIRD VICE-PRESIDENTS SECRETARIES TREASURERS DIRECTORS 10 Former Officers EDWARD E. AYER* . HARLOW N. HIGINBOTHAM* . MARTIN A. RYERSON* ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* . NORMAN B. REAM* . MARSHALL FIELD, JR.* STANLEY FIELD WATSON F. BLAIR* . ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* . JAMES SIMPSON* . SILAS H. STRAWN* . ALBERT A. SPRAGUE* . JAMES SIMPSON* . ALBERT W. HARRIS RALPH METCALF . GEORGE MANIERRE* FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF* D. C. DAVIES* STEPHEN C. SIMMS*. BYRON L. SMITH* FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF* D. C. DAVIES* STEPHEN C. SIMMS*. * Deceased . 1894-1898 . 1898-1908 . 1894-1932 . 1933-1946 . 1894-1902 . 1902-1905 . 1906-1908 . 1909-1928 . 1929-1932 . 1933-1939 . 1940-1946 . 1921-1928 . 1929-1932 . 1933-1941 . 1894 . 1894-1907 ~ 1907-19211 5 1921 StSZs . 1928-1937 . 1894-1914 > 189SS09 7a » 192Z1EESZS . 1928-1937 Former Members of the GEORGE E. ADAMS,* 1893-1917 OwEN F. ALDIS,* 1893-1898 ALLISON V. ARMOUR,* 1893-1894 EDWARD E. AYER,* 1893-1927 JOHN C. BLACK,* 1893-1894 M. C. BULLOCK,* 1893-1894 DANIEL H. BURNHAM,* 1893-1894 GEORGE R. DAvIs,* 1893-1899 JAMES W. ELLSWORTH,* 1893-1894 CHARLES B. FARWELL,* 1893-1894 FRANK W. GUNSAULUS,* 1893-1894, 1918-1921 EMIL G. HIRSCH,* 1893-1894 CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,* 1893-1894 JOHN A. ROCHE,* 1893-1894 MARTIN A. RYERSON,* 1893-1932 EDWIN WALKER,* 1893-1910 WATSON F. Buair,* 1894-1928 WILLIAM J. CHALMERS,* 1894-1938 HARLOW N. HIGINBOTHAM,* 1894-1919 HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON,* 1894-1900 ARTHUR B. JONES,* 1894-1927 GEORGE MANIERRE,* 1894-1924 Cyrus H. McCormick,* 1894-1936 NORMAN B. REAM,* 1894-1910 Board of Trustees NORMAN WILLIAMS,* 1894-1899 MARSHALL FIELD, JR.,* 1899-1905 FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF,* 1902-1921 GEORGE F. PorRTER,* 1907-1916 RICHARD T. CRANE, JR.,* 1908-1912, 1921-1931 JOHN BARTON PAYNE,* 1910-1911 ALBERT A. SPRAGUE,* 1910-1946 CHAUNCEY KEEP,* 1915-1929 HENRY FIELD,* 1916-1917 WILLIAM WRIGLEY, JR.,* 1919-1931 JOHN BORDEN, 1920-1938 ALBERT W. HARRIS, 1920-1941 JAMES SIMPSON,* 1920-1939 Harry E. ByRAm,* 1921-1928 ERNEST R. GRAHAM,* 1921-1936 D. C. DAVIES,* 1922-1928 CHARLES H. MARKHAM,* 1924-1930 SILAS H. STRAWN,* 1924-1946 FREDERICK H. RAWSON,* 1927-1935 STEPHEN C. SIMMS,* 1928-1937 WILLIAM V. KELLEY,* 1929-19382 FRED W. SARGENT,* 1929-1939 LESLIE WHEELER,* 1934-1937 CHARLES A. MCCULLOCH,* 1936-1945 THEODORE ROOSEVELT,* 1938-1944 * Deceased 1] Officers, Trustees, and Committees, 1949 OFFICERS BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEES 12 STANLEY FIELD, President MARSHALL FIELD, First Vice-President ALBERT B. DICK, JR., Second Vice-President SAMUEL INSULL, JR., Third Vice-President SOLOMON A. SMITH, Treasurer CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Secretary JOHN R. MILLAR, Assistant Secretary LESTER ARMOUR MARSHALL FIELD, JR. SEWELL L. AVERY STANLEY FIELD Wm. McCormick BLAIR SAMUEL INSULL, JR. LEOPOLD E. BLOCK HENRY P. ISHAM BOARDMAN CONOVER HUGHSTON M. McBAIN WALTER J. CUMMINGS WILLIAM H. MITCHELL ALBERT B. DICK, JR. CLARENCE B. RANDALL HOWARD W. FENTON GEORGE A. RICHARDSON JOSEPH N. FIELD SOLOMON A. SMITH MARSHALL FIELD ALBERT H. WETTEN JOHN P. WILSON Executive—Stanley Field, Solomon A. Smith, Albert H. Wetten, Wm. McCormick Blair, Samuel Insull, Jr., Marshall Field, John P. Wilson, Albert B. Dick, Jr. Finance—Solomon A. Smith, Leopold E. Block, Albert B. Dick, Jr., John P. Wilson, Walter J. Cummings, Albert H. Wetten, Henry P. Isham Building—Albert H. Wetten, William H. Mitchell, Lester Armour, Joseph N. Field, Boardman Conover Auditing—Wm. McCormick Blair, Clarence B. Randall, Marshall Field, Jr. Pension—Samuel Insull, Jr., Sewell L. Avery, Hughston M. McBain DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Lise of Seah, 1946 CLIFFORD C. GREGG JOHN R. MILLAR PAUL S. MARTIN, Chief Curator WILFRID D. HAMBLY, Curator, African Ethnology T. GEORGE ALLEN, Research Associate, Egyptian Archaeology FAyY-COOPER COLE, Research Associate, Malaysian Ethnology ALEXANDER SPOEHR, Curator, Oceanic Ethnology DONALD COLLIER, Curator, South American Ethnology and Archaeology J. ERIC THOMPSON, Research Associate, Central American Archaeology A. L. KROEBER, Research Associate, American Archaeology GEORGE I. QuimBy, Curator of Exhibits WILTON M. KROGMAN, Research Associate, Physical Anthropology ROBERT J. BRAIDWOOD, Research Associate, Old World Prehistory MIGUEL COVARRUBIAS, Research Associate, Primitive Art JOHN B. RINALDO, Assistant, Archaeology ALFRED LEE ROWELL, Dioramist GUSTAF DALSTROM, Artist JOHN PLETINCKX, Ceramic Restorer WALTER C. REESE, Preparator PAUL J. WARNER, Preparator AGNES H. McNary, Departmental Secretary THEODOR JUST, Chief Curator B. E. DAHLGREN, Curator Emeritus PAUL C. STANDLEY, Curator, Herbarium JULIAN A. STEYERMARK, Associate Curator, Herbarium HAROLD HINSHAW,* Assistant, Herbarium GEORGE A. DAVIS, Assistant, Herbarium J. FRANCIS MACBRIDE, Curator, Peruvian Botany JOSE CUATRECASAS, Curator, Colombian Botany EARL E. SHERFF, Research Associate, Systematic Botany FRANCIS DROUET, Curator, Cryptogamic Botany HANFORD TIFFANY, Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany DONALD RICHARDS, fFesearch Associate, Cryptogamic Botany * Resigned, 1949 Is DEPARTMENT HuGH C. CUTLER, Curator, Economic Botany i ee LLEWELYN WILLIAMS, Associate, Forest Products (Continued) J. S. DASTON, Assistant, Botany EMIL SELLA, Curator of Exhibits MILTON CoPuLOS, Aritist-Preparator SAMUEL H. GROVE, JR., Assistant, Plant Reproduction FRANK Boryca, Assistant, Plant Reproduction MATHIAS DONEs, Preparator EDITH M. VINCENT, Departmental Secretary DEPARTMENT SHARAT K. Roy, Chief Curator OE BRYAN PATTERSON, Curator, Fossil Mammals GEOLOGY : RAINER ZANGERL, Curator, Fossil Reptiles ROBERT H. DENISON, Curator, Fossil Fishes ALBERT A. DAHLBERG, Fesearch Associate, Fossil Vertebrates EVERETT C. OLSON, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates EUGENE S. RICHARDSON, JR., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates GEORGE LANGFORD, Assistant Curator, Fossil Plants R. H. WHITFIELD, Associate, Fossil Plants VIOLET S. WHITFIELD, Associate, Fossil Plants ERNST ANTEVS, Research Associate, Glacial Geology ROBERT K. WYANT, Curator, Economic Geology Harry E. CHANGNON, Curator of Exhibits ORVILLE L. GILPIN, Chief Preparator, Fossils HENRY HORBACK, Preparator WILLIAM D. TURNBULL, Preparator STANLEY KUCZEK, Preparator KENT JONES,* Preparator HENRY U. TAYLOR, Preparator JOHN CONRAD HANSEN, Artist JOANNE NEHER, Departmental Secretary DEPARTMENT | KARL P. SCHMIDT, Chief Curator CF COLIN CAMPBELL SANBORN, Curator, Mammals ZOOLOGY : PHILIP HERSHKOVITZ, Assistant Curator, Mammals AUSTIN L. RAND, Curator, Birds EMMET R. BLAKE, Associate Curator, Birds BOARDMAN CONOVER, Research Associate, Birds Louis B. BisHop, Research Associate, Birds RUDYERD BOULTON, Research Associate, Birds MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, JR., Research Associate, Birds ELLEN T. SMITH, Associate, Birds CLIFFORD H. PoPE, Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles CH’ENG-CHAO LIU, Research Associate, Reptiles * Resigned, 1949 14 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (Continued) ASSOCIATE EDITORS DEPARTMENT OF THE N. W. HARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION LOREN P. Woops, Curator, Fishes ROBERT F. INGER, Assistant Curator, Fishes ROBERT KANAZAWA, Assistant, Fishes MARION GREY, Associate, Fishes WILLIAM J. GERHARD, Curator, Insects RUPERT L. WENZEL, Assistant Curator, Insects HENRY S. DyBAS, Assistant Curator, Insects ALFRED E.. EMERSON, Research Associate, Insects GREGORIO BONDAR, Research Associate, Insects CHARLES H. SEEVERS, Research Associate, Insects ALEX K. WYATT, Research Associate, Insects RuTH MARSHALL, Research Associate, Arachnids FRITZ HAAS, Curator, Lower Invertebrates D. DwicuT Davis, Curator, Vertebrate Anatomy Dorotuy B. Foss, Osteologist CARL W. CoTTON, Assistant, Vertebrate Anatomy R. M. STRONG, Research Associate, Anatomy HARRY HOOGSTRAAL, Field Associate LEON L. WALTERS, Taxidermist FRANK C. WONDER, Taxidermist RONALD J. LAMBERT, Assistant Taxidermist KENNETH WOEHLCK, Assistant Taxidermist JOSEPH B. KRSTOLICH, Artist MARGARET G. BRADBURY, Artist JAMES E.. TROTT,* Artist-Preparator MARGARET J. BAUER, Departmental Secretary LILLIAN A. Ross, Scientific Publications Mary P. MurRAy, Assistant HELEN ATKINSON MACMINN, Miscellaneous Publications RICHARD A. MARTIN, Curator ALBERT J. FRANZEN, Preparator and Taxidermist LEONARD ROSENTHAL, Preparator MIRIAM WOOD, Chief JUNE BUCHWALD LORAIN FARMER MARIE SVOBODA HARRIET SMITH JANE SHARPE ANNE STROMQUIST * Resigned, 1949 THE LAYMAN LECTURER THE LIBRARY ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATION AND RECORDS PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNCIL DIVISION OF MEMBERSHIPS DIVISIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND ILLUSTRATION DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES DIVISION OF PRINTING 16 PAUL G. DALLWIG{ META P. HOWELL, Librarian EmILy M. WILcoxson, Librarian Emerita Mary W. BAKER, Associate Librarian Emeritat EUNICE MARTHENS GEMMILL, Associate Librarian LOUISE BOYNTON, Assistant Librarian DAWN DAVEY, Assistant Librarian WINIFRED E. WEISSMAN, Assistant Librarian M. EILEEN Rocourt, Assistant Librarian WILLIAM A. BENDER, Auditor BENJAMIN BRIDGE, Auditor Emeritus A. L. STEBBINS, Assistant Auditor ROBERT E. BRUCE, Purchasing Agent SUSAN MM. CARPENTER, Secretary to the Director MARION G. GORDON, Registrar ELSIE H. THOMAS, Recorder EpDNA T. ECKERT, Assistant Recorder HILDA NORDLAND, Assistant Recorder H. B. HARTE PEARLE BILINSKE, in charge HERMAN ABENDROTH, Photographer JOHN BAYALIS, Assistant Photographer NorMA LOCKWOOD,* Illustrator Douc.Las E. TIBBITTS, Illustrator JOHN W. MOYER, 7n charge RAYMOND H. HALLSTEIN, in charge HAROLD M. GRUTZMACHER, Assistant 7 On leave it Retired, 1949 * Resigned, 1949 MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING THE GUARD JAMES R. SHOUBA, Superintendent GusTAV A. NOREN, Assistant Superintendent WILLIAM E. LAKE, Chief Engineer LEONARD CARRION, Assistant Chief Engineer DAVID J. CONWILL, Captain 1v/ Annual Report of the Durector To the Trustees: I have the honor to present a report of the operation of the Museum for the year ending December 31, 1949. Care and preservation of the building and its contents came in for major study, which resulted in heavy expenditures being made to block the ravages of time and climate. Early in the year it be- came evident that the Museum heating plant, more than thirty years old, would require rebuilding or replacement because of hard usage and obsolescence. A contract was thereupon entered into for new modern boilers that were estimated approximately to cost $182,000. Of this sum, $130,791.52 was paid out during 1949, $10,000 being charged to current operating expenses and the balance of $120,791.52 being charged to a previously established “‘Reserve for Depreciation of Mechanical Plant.’”’ The reserve fund declined during the year from $208,572.99 to $87,782.78. As a result of the change the Museum’s heating equipment is in superior condition, and, owing to the greater efficiency of modern boilers, economies are being realized in lower costs of fuel and maintenance charges. Gradual settling of the filled land surrounding the Museum had during the past thirty-five years brought about a sinking of the terrace walks to a point where they had become uneven and, in some measure, dangerous. The situation was remedied by the application of a black top-covering that, in addition to giving safe 19 and ample approaches to the building, provided a completely water- proof topping to the areas affected. The installation of air-con- ditioning equipment promises longer life to the Museum’s extensive collection of motion-picture films and photographic negatives by controlling both the heat and the humidity in the storage area. Continuation of tuckpointing and the addition of lightning-rod pro- tection completes the program of building rehabilitation undertaken as soon after the war as it was possible to obtain materials. Except for changes necessitated by expansion and operating requirements the maintenance of the building in the immediate future, while still extensive, may be looked upon as normal. TRUSTEESVANDFOEFICERS Stanley Field, President of Chicago Natural History Museum, was re-elected at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in January to serve for his forty-first consecutive year. All other officers were likewise re-elected. They are: Marshall Field, First Vice-President; Albert B. Dick, Jr., Second Vice-President; Samuel Insull, Jr., Third Vice-President; Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer; Clifford C. Gregg, Secretary; and John R. Millar, Assistant Secretary. MEMBERSHIP It is regretted that only a slight net increase can be reported for 1949 in the number of new Members of the Museum. The total number of Members at the close of 1949 was 4,782. The number of Members in each membership classification was as follows: Bene- factors—23; Honorary Members—8; Patrons—18; Corresponding Members—6; Contributors—168; Corporate Members—41; Life Mem- bers—168; Non-Resident Life Members—15; Associate Members— 2,336; Non-Resident Associate Members—11; Sustaining Members— 22; Annual Members—1,966. The names of all Members of the Museum in 1949 are listed at the end of this Report. Grateful appreciation is here expressed to the Members of the Museum for loyal support that has helped to make possible the prog- ress and continuation of the work of this institution. An expression of appreciation for past support is given also to those Members who, for various reasons, found it necessary to discontinue their mem- berships. It is hoped that whenever they find it favorable to do so they will again become Members and resume their association with the activities of the Museum. 20 LECTURE PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS The popularity of the lecture programs for adults presented by the Museum in spring and fall is indicated by an increased attendance this year of almost 4,000 people, the total recorded attendance for the year being 18,888. It is interesting to note the great improve- ment in quality of portrayal that has taken place over a period of years. When the Museum began its series of lectures late in the 19th century, the presentations were either unillustrated or illus- trated with black-and-white slides. Later the 35mm motion picture brought about a complete change in our offerings, while today the lectures are habitually illustrated either with color slides or 16mm motion pictures in color. So, too, the technical lecture has given way to lectures that present scientifically accurate information in language readily acceptable to the general public. The lectures this year, as usual, offered a wide range of subject matter. ATTENDANCE For the twenty-third successive year attendance at the Museum exceeded a million. The total number of visitors in 1949 was 1,145,359, of which number 1,002,580 were admitted without charge because they came on free admission days or belonged to classifica- tions admitted free on all days—school children, students, teachers, members of the armed forces of the United Nations, and Members of this Museum. (For comparative attendance statistics and door receipts for 1948 and 1949, see page 87.) The number of out-of-Chicago school groups visiting the Museum during the spring months reached an all-time high in May of 1949. These groups, which each year are steadily increasing in number as regular visitors of the Museum, come by bus, train, and automobile, and many of them start at three or four o’clock in the morning in order to spend a day in the Museum. Members of 4-H Clubs repre- senting communities in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all parts of the United States, who win their trips to the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago by constructive work in their own 4-H Clubs, again were welcome visitors in the Museum. Of all the young people who visited the Museum during the year these 1,200 teen-age boys and girls were among the most appreciative and by their conduct demonstrated their qualifications as chosen leaders. The Museum was host also to a number of organizations, among them the American Association of Museums during its annual meeting in Chicago and the Illinois Audubon Society. Z| JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDAMINON TE ORT LUBEIGyS Gi © @OLFAND CEIIEDRENS LEGHORES The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation has continued its ever-widening plan of offering programs and infor- mation of all kinds to individuals and groups both in the Museum and in its extension service. These programs consist of many com- binations of tours, lectures, motion pictures, demonstrations, printed stories, radio stories, and illustrated extension lectures in the schools. Many revisions and additions were made in the extension- lecture series. One lecture, ‘““Chicago’s Green Mantle,’ was com- pletely reorganized with the addition of an excellent color motion- picture of the growth and movement of plants. One entirely new lecture, ‘Indian Folk Art,’ was added. This lecture demonstrates in still and motion pictures how art was an integral part of the daily and ceremonial life of the North American Indians. Two series of ‘“‘Museum Stories for Children” were published in connection with the spring and fall series of motion pictures for children. The spring Following a Raymond Foundation tour of the halls and a lecture on fossil plants and animals, school children point out fossils in the marble of the Museum floor. series, on living giants, described the biggest mammal, snake, lizard, bird, fish, invertebrate, tree, and grass. The fall series was on children of Indian America and included stories about the children of the cliff dwellers, Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas. Raymond Foundation again co-operated with the Radio Council of the Chicago Public Schools in presenting eight programs in the Museum following radio broadcasts. These programs provided additional information on the radio subjects as well as opportunity for the students to see and study the materials discussed. Co-opera- tion continued with radio station WCFL, from which a weekly children’s story is broadcast on “Children’s Corner.’ Fifty-one stories were written for this program and broadcast during the year. A television sketch on primitive hats was presented just before Easter over station WGN-TV. A summary of all activities of Raymond Foundation for the year, with attendance figures, follows: RAYMOND FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE MUSEUM For children Groups Attendance Groups Attendance Tours in Museum halls........... 826 26,768 Radio follow-up programs......... 8 945 Lectures preceding tours.......... 64 4,721 Motion-picture programs......... 30 25,866 NGPA Tyg & 6.555 iB es mop CRs SRR ae at ae eR 928 58,300 For adults Tours in Museum halls........... 386 6,995 SIN OWA rere pene wir Ets een, Sores ist, ee Rgds ak 386 6,995 EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Chicago public schools blementanyescChoolseeea sete LOO 36.029 IN HYSCHOOISS 8 oats als 3 468 Specialischoolsee.. 4.025) 62.5... i 275 Chicago private schools.....;......... 2 215 Suburnbantschoolseess soe oe. il 300 Miscellaneous 56 os a oe ee nee oe il 50 BIN) TYAUE NE earn Pon On Ap ee ety ie 2 1138 38,037 TOTAL FOR RAYMOND FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES.............. 1,427 103,382 De} GIFTS 1© THE MUSEUM S. C. Johnson and Sons, Incorporated, of Racine, Wisconsin, gave $4,000 to the Museum to be used for research on wax-bearing palms. Elmer J. Richards and Donald Richards, Research Associate in Cryptogamic Botany, of Chicago, each made an additional gift of $5,000 to be used for the purchase of specimens for the cryptogamic herbarium. A. Rush Watkins, of Chicago, added $2,000 to The Rush Watkins Zoological Expedition Fund. Dr. Maurice L. Richard- son, of Lansing, Michigan, added $1,250 to The Maurice L. Richard- son Paleontological Fund. C. Suydam Cutting, of New York, a Patron of the Museum, again gave $500. Peder A. Christensen, of San Francisco, made an additional gift of money. Accretions for the year in trust funds were: from the estate of Mrs. Abby K. Babcock, $284.27 for The Frederick Reynolds and Abby Kettelle Babcock Fund; from the estate of Mrs. Joan A. Chalmers, $666.67 for The Joan A. Chalmers Fund; and from the estate of Martin A. Ryerson, $704.47 for The Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Fund. The Museum received $32,000 from Stanley Field, its President; $10,000.51 from Marshall Field, First Vice-President, for the Mar- shall Field Fiftieth Anniversary Fund; and $3,391.57 from Board- man Conover, Trustee and Research Associate in the Division of Birds. Other gifts of money were received from Mrs. Ellen T. Smith, Associate, Division of Birds; Miss Lillian A. Ross, Associate Editor, Scientific Publications; Harry Hoogstraal, Field Associate in Zoology; Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology; Clarence B. Randall, Trustee; and Colonel Clifford C. Gregg, Director. In recognition of eminent service to the Museum in repeated assistance to various expeditions from the Museum, Brother Leon (Joseph S. Sauget y Barbier), of the Museo de Historia Natural del Colegio de La Salle, Vedado, Havana, distinguished Cuban botanist, was elected by the Board of Trustees a Corresponding Member of the Museum, the membership designation for scientists or patrons of science residing in foreign countries who have rendered important service to the Museum (see page 102 for names of Corresponding Members). Donors who give or devise to the Museum between $1,000 and $100,000 in money or materials are elected by the Board of Trustees to a special membership classification designated as “Contributors” and their names are enrolled in perpetuity (see page 102 for names of Contributors). Contributors elected in 1949 are: Walther Buchen, of Chicago; Henry S. Dybas, Assistant Curator of Insects; John W. Moyer, Chief of the Division of Motion Pictures; and Mrs. L. Byron Nash, of Highland Park, Illinois. Mr. Buchen 24 gave zoological specimens and $1,158.83 in cash; Assistant Curator Dybas, natural-history specimens and books; Mr. Moyer, natural- history specimens, books, and motion-picture film; and Mrs. Nash, Polynesian ethnological specimens and an exhibition case. A com- plete list of gifts of materials from individuals and institutions appears elsewhere in this Report. Some of the collections are described under the headings of the scientific departments. (meee Wee nARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION Half a million Chicago school children know Chicago Natural History Museum chiefly through the portable exhibits prepared and main- tained by the Department of the N. W. Harris Public School Exten- sion. These exhibits, which are circulated on a planned schedule of regular rotation among Chicago schools, are designed both for free observation and for directed study. Most of them deal with bio- logical subjects. During the ten school months of the year two exhibits are delivered every tenth school day to each school on the circulation list, and the two exhibits left on the previous routine visit are taken away and delivered to the next school in the rotation. Benjamin Cascard and Chris Priesmeyer load exhibition cases into one of the new trucks of the N. W. Harris Extension Department for delivery to schools of Chicago. This plan assures that there will be no repetition of exhibits in any school over a period of several years. In a school year seventeen exchanges are made; that is, each school receives thirty-four exhibits. Five hundred and four schools and social-service institutions were receiving Harris Extension service at the close of 1949. In past practice the four drivers who deliver Harris Extension exhibits on school days repaired damage to cases and assisted in the preparation of new exhibits on Saturday mornings. With the adoption of a five-day work week for the Museum staff in the summer of 1949 the delivery schedule was revised so that the services of the men would be available in the workshop every tenth school day and yet each school would receive the same number of exhibits as under the old schedule. After thirteen years of duty the two trucks used to deliver the exhibits were replaced in June by two half-ton panel trucks. During the summer the Museum maintenance staff equipped the interiors of the new trucks with the racks and rubber padding essential to efficient and safe transportation of exhibits. Eight new exhibits were prepared in 1949, and seven were revised. Repairs were made on 313 cases. Thirty exhibits were damaged in circulation, a more normal figure than the high number of forty-six reported for 1948. Special loans of exhibit material other than the standard portable cases amounted to thirty-four for the year. SPECIAL EXGibBins A special exhibit on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin was held in February in Stanley Field Hall to display the series of eighteen letters by Charles Darwin that was presented to the Museum in 1948 by the estate of the late Mrs. Charles V. Riley. The letters (nine in Darwin’s hand and nine by an amanuensis) are addressed to Benjamin D. Walsh, of Rockford, Illinois, Darwin’s one zoological correspondent in the Middle West. Various memorabilia collected by Museum expeditions that followed Darwin’s travels in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and the Galapagos Islands were available for the exhibit. Darwin’s fox from Chiloe Island, for example, was obtained at the type locality by the late Wilfred H. Osgood, for many years Chief Curator of Zoology, and ‘“‘Darwin’s lost bird”’ from Uruguay was rediscovered in 1926 after nearly one hundred years by Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals. The exhibit of Darwiniana was planned and installed by Mrs. Ellen T. Smith, Associate in the Division of Birds, with the aid of other members of the staff (see page 60). 26 One of the special exhibits in Stanley Field Hall displayed water-color paintings of orchids by H. Gilbert Foote in combination with living plants furnished by the courtesy of William C. Blaesing and Merton C. Logsdon, of Chicago Park District. During the year the Department of Botany prepared or assisted with four special exhibits: water-color paintings of California flowers by Miss Ethelynde Smith, on exhibit in April; a case demonstrating present methods of making plant models, prepared in connection with the forty-fourth annual meeting of the American Association of Museums, on exhibit during May; dawn-redwood material, on exhibit during July; and a group of fifty life-size water-color paintings of orchids shown in combination with a display of a series of living plants furnished by the Chicago Park District, on exhibit in No- vember. Other special exhibits during the year were the Fourth Chicago International Exhibition of Nature Photography, held under the auspices of the Nature Camera Club of Chicago and the Museum; drawings and paintings done directly from Museum ex- hibits by students of the Junior School of the Art Institute of Chicago; and anatomical models of the common malaria mosquito. Additions to the permanent exhibits of the Museum are described in this Report under the headings of the scientific departments. DY PERSONNEL James E.. Trott, Artist-Preparator in the Division of Insects, Depart- ment of Zoology, began leave of absence in March and resigned from the staff of the Museum in September. Mrs. Mary W. Baker, Associate Librarian Emerita, who came to the Museum in 1930 as Assistant Librarian, retired at the end of March. Harold Hinshaw, Assistant in the Herbarium, Kent Jones, Preparator in Geology, and Miss Norma Lockwood, Staff Illustrator, resigned during the year. George Langford, Assistant in the Division of Fossil Plants, Department of Geology, was promoted to Assistant Curator, and Henry U. Taylor was appointed Preparator in Geology. George A. Davis was appointed Assistant in the Herbarium, Department of Botany. Robert F. Inger, Assistant in the Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, Department of Zoology, was transferred to the Division of Fishes as Assistant Curator, and Robert Kanazawa was made Assistant. The title of Harry Hoogstraal was changed from Assistant Curator of Insects to Field Associate in Zoology. Douglas E. Tibbitts, temporary assistant in the Division of Vertebrate Anatomy, was appointed Staff Illustrator on November 1. Mrs. Anne Strom- quist, formerly associated with New York Botanical Garden, joined the staff of the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation in February. Mrs. Eunice M. Gemmill, Assistant Librarian, was promoted on January 1 to Associate Librarian. Miss Hilda Nord- land, of the Recorder’s office, was given the title of Assistant Re- eorder, and Harold M. Grutzmacher, of the Division of Printing, was made Assistant to the Chief of that Division. It is with regret that I record the death of three Museum pensioners and one Museum employee: E. S. Abbey, former Captain of the Guard, who retired in 1947 after more than forty years of service; C. H. Carpenter, former Chief Photographer, who retired in 1947 after almost fifty years of service; Joseph Freeman, retired, formerly assistant engineer; and Carl Gervens, plant mounter in the Department of Botany, employed by the Museum since 1924. The Museum thanks its volunteer workers for their faithful con- tribution of time and effort. Names of some of them are included in the List of Staff at the beginning of this Report, where they are designated by the titles ““Research Associate’ and “‘Associate.”’ Other volunteers in 1949, not in that list, are: Department of Anthro- pology—Miss Rose Marie Allen, Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner, Leo Shigut; Department of Botany—Miss Margaret Feigley; Department of Zoology—Gus Kalous, Edward Palencsar. 28 EXPEDITIONS The Museum had eighteen expeditions in the field during 1949. Their work is described in this Report under the headings of the scientific departments. Expeditions of 1949, including those expedi- tions that left for the field in 1948 and have not yet returned to the Museum, are as follows: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Mexican (Sonora) Archaeo- logical Expedition—conducted by Donald J. Lehmer, University of Chicago Museum Fellow in Anthropology; Micronesian Anthropo- logical Expedition, 1949-50—conducted by Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology; Southwest Archaeological Expedition— conducted by Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY: Cuban Botanical Expedition—con- ducted by Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus; Cuban Botanical Field Trip—conducted by Curator Emeritus Dahlgren; Eastern States Botanical Field Trip—conducted by Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium; Gulf States Botanical Expedi- tion, 1948-49—conducted by Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Crypto- gamic Botany; Middle Central American Botanical Expedition, 1948—50—conducted by Paul C. Standley, Curator of the Her- barium; New York State Botanical Field Trip—conducted by Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany; Southwestern Botanical Eixpedition—conducted by Curator Cutler. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY: Eastern States Invertebrate Paleonto- logical E'xpedition—conducted by Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator; Tennessee Invertebrate Paleontological Field Trip—conducted by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates; Western Paleontological Expedition—conducted by Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY: Colombian Zoological Expedition, 1948—50—conducted by Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator of Mammals; Rush Watkins Siamese Zoological E'xpedition—conducted by A. Rush Watkins and Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals; Southeastern States Zoological Field Trip—conducted by Henry S. Dybas, Assistant Curator of Insects; Southeastern States Zoological Field Trip—conducted by Clifford H. Pope, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles; United States Naval Medical Research Unit No. 8, Cairo, Egypt, 1949-50—Harry Hoogstraal (in charge, Sudan Sub- Station), Field Associate, Museum representative. Dg CLOTHING © NORTHERN WOOL aNgiill RE 465: PERI RD BRIERE A new exhibit for Hall 5 shows men’s costumes of Northern Woodlands Indians. Department of Anthropology Research and Expeditions Archaeological researches were conducted in Pine Lawn Valley in the Apache National Forest of western New Mexico under a permit issued to Chicago Natural History Museum by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. The excavations, com- menced in June and continued until late September, were under the direction of Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator. Assisting him were Dr. John B. Rinaldo, Assistant in Archaeology, Dr. Ernst Antevs, Research Associate in Glacial Geology, and two students, W. T. Egan and James Barter. The Pine Lawn Valley of western New Mexico was chosen for field work because it lies in the heart of the Southwest. This region has largely been unexplored archaeologically and for this reason our work there has proved fruitful beyond measure. The Mogollon cul- ture, a fairly recent discovery, has become better known through the researches and publications of this Museum. The report of our work of 1949, when published, will throw even more light on the development of this culture. 30 The objectives of the 1949 expedition were: (1) to excavate several pueblos of the Reserve period, which is tentatively dated at about A.D. 900-1000 (stone-walled surface houses first occur in Pine Lawn Valley in the Reserve period); (2) to continue the search for more evidence of the cultural remains of Early Man; and (8) to hunt for deposits of cultural materials indicating human occupation that might help close the gap in our time-scale of 800 B.c. to A.D. 500 (the estimated date of the SU site). Three pueblos containing a total of twenty rooms were completely excavated. These pueblos were named Wet Leggett Pueblo, Three Pines Pueblo, and South Leggett Pueblo. In addition, while search- ing for the cemeteries and ceremonial rooms of these pueblos, three early pit rooms were found. These, too, were completely excavated. Briefly summed up, these excavations added enormously to the knowledge of the prehistory of this area and of the time-period of A.D. 900-1000. Previous to this era the Mogollon Indians had lived in underground structures called pit houses and had produced pottery that was typically Mogollon—namely, red-on-white ware. In the Reserve period we find that the centuries-long isolation of the Mogollon people had been breached. Influences from without— probably from the northern part of New Mexico—had penetrated the Mogollon stronghold and had profoundly changed the existing culture patterns. Surface houses of contiguous rooms built with masonry walls were introduced. Thereafter the people lived in multi- roomed surface houses instead of isolated, underground pit houses. A surface house, in effect, constituted a small village, and that mode of life probably entailed changes in the social organization of the Mogollon Indians. Not the least important of these social changes would be the need for some governmental mechanisms, such as chiefs or councils or both. No longer could each family go its own way. Forms of social control with which to co-ordinate effort and reduce friction in a larger and more compact community would be needed. Habits of co-operation would develop. Farming would probably be done communally. This might produce a greater food supply, and this in turn would create more stability and a somewhat greater density of population. Since all the time of all the population would not be needed for food production, some energies could be devoted to the development of specialties—such as pottery-making, weaving, basket-making, architecture, art, re- ligion, politics. All the patterns of human relationships were probably changed by this invasion of ideas or of people from the north. Although these small towns were distinctly rural, yet they 3] had started along the road toward urbanism, specializations, different roles (ruler and ruled, priests, artisans, etc.), and co-ordination of human efforts. Thus, in these humble ruins one can observe the very first faltering steps that man took on the way toward civilization. The road to civilization is fraught with many uncertainties; the Mogollon Indians never attained this goal because enough time was not available. Shortly after their start on this road they were forced to abandon the Pine Lawn Valley and all adjacent areas. The reasons for this exodus are unknown at the present time. This is one of the ultimate problems that Chief Curator Martin and Dr. Rinaldo are seeking to solve. Where the Mogollon Indians went is likewise unknown, although Dr. Martin conjectures that they might have joined some other village or tribe and thus have been absorbed. This is a problem for future research. Dr. Antevs continued his climatological studies of the Pine Lawn Valley to check the work and conclusions of past summers. This was important because heavy precipitation during the winter A general view of Three Pines Pueblo, New Mexico, shows remains of an earlier wooden house (see rows of post holes) and stone walls put up later, dated at about A.D. 1000. of 1948-49 had changed the exposures in the arroyos and uncovered more strata. With the aid of Dr. Rinaldo, twenty more stone tools of the Cochise culture (about 1500 B.c. to about 800 B.c.) were recovered in these geological studies. In this connection, a most important discovery was made—the finding of the floor of a Cochise house or camp site. The area that showed irrefutable proof of occupation was small, perhaps seven feet in diameter. It is possible that this floor, on which two Cochise- type grinding stones were found, may have been roofed over by a tent of skins or possibly of brush. This is the first Cochise ‘‘house’’ found in the area. Now, it is known that the Pine Lawn Valley was occupied by the Cochise people from about 1500 B.c. to about 800 B.c. and by their descendants, the Mogollon people, from about A.D. 500 to about A.D. 1800. However, one puzzling problem re- mains: was the Pine Lawn Valley occupied continuously from 800 B.c. to A.D. 500? On the basis of indirect evidence, Chief Curator Martin and Dr. Rinaldo feel strongly that the answer should be in the affirmative, but as yet no cultural remains of human occupation for this period have been discovered. Another puzzling item is the absence of kivas (ceremonial rooms). To date, none have been found for the villages of the Reserve period. In April the Museum Press issued Cochise and Mogollon Sites, Pine Lawn Valley, Western New Mexico by Chief Curator Martin, Dr. Rinaldo, and Dr. Antevs, a detailed and well-illustrated report of the results of the 1947 Southwest Archaeological Expedition. At the end of the volume is a summary written especially for interested laymen. This publication, which has brought forth new and much- needed data and has settled several controversies, has been cited as a model for students to follow in drawing up comprehensive data. The Mexican (Sonora) Archaeological Expedition, sponsored jointly by Chicago Natural History Museum, the University of Chicago, and the University of Arizona, started field work in Febru- ary and finished in May. Work was done under a permit granted by the Direccion de Monumentos Prehispanicos of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. The expedition was under the direction of Donald J. Lehmer, University of Chicago Museum Fellow in Anthropology, and Bryant Bannister, student at Yale University. Dr. Antevs joined the expedition in the last weeks to study the geological exposures. The purposes of the expedition were: (1) to determine if possible the southern limits of the Cochise cul- ture—the same culture that Chief Curator Martin, Dr. Antevs, and Dr. Rinaldo had found in west-central New Mexico (the Cochise 33) culture was first discovered in southern Arizona and has been tentatively dated at 8000 B.c. to 500 B.c.) and (2) to find traces of prehistoric contacts between the Indians inhabiting the southwestern United States and those in Middle America. Although the expedition was greatly hampered be the worst floods in fifty years, it managed to travel some five thousand miles over a mountainous terrain. Unfortunately, contemporary erosion had not progressed far enough to determine if early sites had been buried by later depositions. However, some Cochise stone tools were found, and these may date at about 1000 B.c. Pottery ap- peared in the Southwest about the time of Christ, and it is generally believed that this art came from Mexico. But the pottery dis- covered by Mr. Lehmer is fairly late (that is, about A.D. 1000). Therefore it seems safe to say that if the art of pottery-making diffused northward from Mexico, the diffusion did not take place through the Sonoran area. The collection of stone tools and pot- sherds made by Mr. Lehmer will be divided between the National Museum of Mexico and Chicago Natural History Museum. During the year Dr. Wilfrid D. Hambly, Curator of African Ethnology, completed a bibliography of African anthropology. This work, which covers the period 1937-49, brings up to date the material presented in his Source Book for African Anthropology (Museum Press, 2 vols., 1937), now long out of print. In preparing the bib- liography, the word “‘anthropology’’ has been broadly interpreted to include archaeology, physical anthroplogy, and the general situa- tion resulting from contact of Europeans and Africans. The section dealing with periodicals containing articles on African anthropology comprises 260 titles. Work has continued with the manuscript “‘Craniometry of Malekula,’”’ which is of exceptional interest because of the Museum’s unique collection of deformed skulls from that island. To this work has been added a section on the craniometry of New Caledonia. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, conducted work on comparative problems in Micronesian ethnology based on the results of postwar research in the area and prepared for publica- tion two papers on social organization. In November the Museum Press issued his report, Majuro, A Village in the Marshall Islands, a comprehensive study of the contemporary, formal social organiza- tion of an acculturated Micronesian community. Although much of the report is meant for anthropologists, there are sections that will interest many people who are concerned with our responsibilities in the administration of the Micronesian peoples. 34 ay Y , 7 This shell gorget engraved with the image of a Death Cult deity is one of several shell pendants displayed in the Hall of Indian America before Columbus (Hall 4). In October Curator Spoehr left for a year’s field work in the Marianas Islands, Micronesia, with headquarters on Saipan. The expedition has two objectives: The first is an examination of the culture change that is taking place among the native inhabitants of the northern Marianas Islands. These islands were greatly disturbed by the war, and one aspect of the problem is to investigate the manner in which community life is re-forming among the native peoples of the area and the processes of culture change that are of particular importance. The second objective is archaeological. It is planned to conduct surveys and excavations on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota— 35) the major islands in the Northern Marianas—in order to throw light on the problem of when and how these islands were first peopled as well as to delineate the culture flows that have emanated from the Malaysian area into Micronesia. The archaeological project in the Marianas is a first step in a little-known field, for excavations conducted according to the refined standards of modern archaeology have not heretofore been made in Micronesia, although valuable information has been collected by lay observers. The Micronesian expedition has been arranged through the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council, which is currently sponsoring a series of scientific investigations in Micronesia. The expedition has also been greatly assisted by the active co-operation and support of the Navy Department. Curator Spoehr and George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits, collaborated in preparing a paper on historic Creek Indian pottery. This pottery is of particular interest in that it is a culture trait that bridges the gap between the prehistoric and historic periods in the southeastern United States. Also in collaboration with Curator Quimby, Curator Spoehr worked on a research project dealing with acculturation as manifest in specimens in the Museum collection from the Oceanic and North American areas. The aim of the project is to delineate regularities in culture change during the period when tribal cultures were first modified through contact with Western civilization. An illustrated paper on this project has been prepared for publication in the Museum series. Curator Quimby carried out research in North American eth- nology in conjunction with the exhibition program and undertook research on stone and bone artifacts from ancient sites in the Aleutian Islands. In April he spent two weeks at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge in order to select type specimens illustrative of the archaeological sequence in the lower Mississippi Valley. He also obtained larger collections from late period sites for analyses and eventual inclusion in reports dealing with the archaeology of the Plaquemine and Natchezan culture types. Chief Curator Martin and Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, spent January and February in Mexico making a selection of specimens and arrangements for an extensive exchange of collections with the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. The exchange is still in negotiation. This trip was made possible by a grant from the Viking Fund, Ine. While in Mexico, Chief Curator Martin and Curator Collier were able to study thoroughly the archaeological collections in the National 36 Museum of Anthropology, to discuss current data and problems with Mexican archaeologists, and to visit ten important archaeological sites. About 120 kodachrome pictures of archaeological interest were taken. Dr. Martin returned to Chicago by way of New York City and Washington, D.C. Visits to the anthropologists of these cities were of great benefit because mutual problems concerning archaeological work and the technique of exhibitions were discussed and several problems solved. On his way from Mexico Curator Collier spent two days in Wash- ington, D.C., with Dr. Gordon Willey, of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, in order to work on a paper they have written jointly with Dr. John Rowe, of the University of California, on their investigations of Huari, a little-known but extremely important archaeological site of the Tiahuanaco period in the south-central highland of Peru. Curator Collier next spent ten days in New York conferring with Junius Bird and Dr. James Ford, of the American Museum of Natural History, and Dr. Duncan Strong, of Columbia University, concerning problems of classification of the pottery excavated in the Virt Valley during the Museum’s 1946 Archaeological Expedition to Peru. Crucial samples had been shipped to New York, and these were compared with pottery excavated by these men in the same region. During the remainder of the year time was devoted to re- search on this collection and to the preparation of a report, not yet completed, on the 1946 expedition. During the first months of the year Dr. Rinaldo collaborated with Chief Curator Martin in preparing a detailed report on the excava- tion during the summer of 1948 of Turkey Foot Ridge village located in the Pine Lawn Valley of west-central New Mexico. He also prepared graphs showing the development of Mogollon pottery and pottery designs for this report. He continued research on and cataloguing of the extensive Herzfeld collection of Persian antiquities. In addition he prepared for the Museum Press a paper on culture change in the Ackmen-Lowry area, a detailed analysis of trends and rates of change in the culture of the prehistoric Pueblo Indians of southwestern Colorado. During the summer he assisted Chief Curator Martin in the excavation of three Indian-village ruins in the Pine Lawn Valley of west-central New Mexico and, after his return from the field in the fall, made a detailed analysis of the pottery and artifacts recovered from these sites preliminary to the preparation of a report on the summer’s field work. He also wrote a short paper entitled ‘“Notes on the Turkey Foot Ridge Site Dates,”’ to be published in the Tree-Ring Bulletin. Sy Accessions—Anthropology The Museum is happy to record a valuable gift of 75 rare and beautiful Polynesian specimens from Hawaii and Samoa presented by Mrs. L. Byron Nash of Highland Park, Illinois. These specimens were collected by Mrs. Nash’s maternal ancestors. The collection, much of which is on exhibition in Hall F (Peoples of Polynesia and Micronesia), consists of fly whisks, capes, and ornamental bands of gay-colored feathers, many of which are from birds now extinct. In addition, there are old necklaces of ivory and amber and numerous tapa (bark) cloth blankets. It would be impossible to duplicate this collection today, and the Museum is fortunate to be the recipient of a gift of this value and character. Exhibits—Anthropology One hall of exhibits was completed and a new series of exhibits on Indians of eastern North America was begun under the direction of Curator of Exhibits Quimby, Chief Curator Martin, Curator Spoehr, Curator Collier, and Dr. Rinaldo, with the assistance of Artist Gustaf Dalstrom, Dioramist Alfred Lee Rowell, Preparator Walter C. Reese, Ceramic Restorer John Pletinckx, and Preparator Paul J. Warner. The Hall of New World Archaeology (Indian America before Columbus) was moved from the ground floor (Hall B) to James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Hall (Hall 4) on the main floor of the Museum. This hall was opened officially on Columbus Day, October 12, with a tea and a special preview for Members and friends of the Museum. On May 19 and 20 there was a special showing of this hall for the meeting of the American Association of Museums. The new exhibits for Mary D. Sturgis Hall (Hall 5) are devoted to the subject of the historic Indians (ethnology) of eastern North America. This hall is divided into the following sections: Indians of the Prairies, Indians of the Chicago Region, Indians of the Northern Woodlands, Indians of the Middle Woodlands, and Indians of the Southern Woodlands (see pages 30 and 39 for pictures of two of the five new exhibits that have been completed for the section on Indians of the Northern Woodlands). Eleven exhibits and one diorama were completed for the section on Indians of the Chicago Region (the Indians of the Chicago region were the Miami, Illinois, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Sauk and Fox, Ottawa, Menomini, Winnebago, and southern Chippewa). These 38 exhibits illustrate men’s clothing, women’s clothing, decorative art, household goods, warfare, hunting, games, farming and gathering, the Medicine Society, medicine men, and physical appearance as shown by portraits painted by George Catlin about 1832. The diorama shows a summer village of the Sauk and Fox Indians of Illinois of about 1750. Five exhibits for the section on Indians of the Northern Woodlands were completed (representative tribes of the Northern Woodlands are the Cree, northern Chippewa, Algonkin, Montagnais-Naskapi, and Micmac). These exhibits illustrate travel and transportation, hunting, decorative art, women’s clothing, and men’s clothing. One exhibit completed for the Middle Woodlands section deals with decorative art and clothing of the Iroquois. Many additional exhibits are planned for all of the sections of the new hall of historic Indians of eastern North America. During the year a diorama showing excavation of an Indian mound was rebuilt and modernized. This diorama illustrates the excavation of a Hopewell type of mound in the middle-western United States (the Hopewell culture existed sometime between 500 B.c. and A.D. 1300). The work on this diorama was carried out by Dioramist Rowell, and the exhibit was installed in Hall 4. Two exhibits illustrating Polynesian featherwork and mats were installed in Hall F (Peoples of Polynesia and Micronesia). These exhibits were arranged by Curator Spoehr and Artist Dalstrom. A new exhibit for Hall 5 shows women’s costumes of Northern Woodlands Indians. WOMEN'S CLOTHING Dlahs OF THE ERR WOODLANDS — . 1 eer Se A reproduction of wood or shield fern (Dryopteris) is a new exhibit in Hall 29. Department of Botany Research and Expeditions During 1949 Paul C. Standley, Curator of the Herbarium, continued his expedition to middle Central America, where he visited botanically unexplored regions in Honduras and Nicaragua and discovered many new and interesting records. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator, studied living and fossil Cycadaceae in connection with the revision for publication of the manuscript on this group of gymnosperms by the late Professor Charles J. Chamberlain, who was a Research Associate in the Department of Botany, and Professor A. W. Haupt, of the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus, continued his studies of American palms and collected for several months in Cuba. Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, studied his large collections from Ecuador and Venezuela as well as the Venezuelan collections made by Llewelyn Williams, Associate in Forest Products. In connection with the “Flora of Guatemala,”’ 40 now in process of publication by the Museum Press, Dr. Steyermark visited the United States National Herbarium and the New York Botanical Garden to check critical material and records of distribu- tion. After his return he spent considerable time on the identification of miscellaneous collections sent to the Museum, especially from Central and South America, Mexico, and the United States. In connection with his work as Research Associate of the Missouri Botanical Garden, he was in the field at several times during the season to get new records of Missouri plants and to make surveys. J. Francis Macbride, Curator of Peruvian Botany, carried on studies of the flora of Peru at various herbaria in California. Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, was occupied with organization, identification, and monographic studies of his extensive collections of Colombian plants. Dr. Earl E. Sherff, Research Associate in Systematic Botany, visited Guatemala in search of tree dahlias and carried on cultural investigations of critical species of this genus. He also pursued his monographic studies. Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Cryptogamic Botany, returned in February from an expedition along the Gulf of Mexico from Louisiana to Florida. Some 15,000 specimens, chiefly algae, were collected, largely in co-operation with Robert P. Ehrhardt, of Seattle, Percy Viosca, Jr., of New Orleans, Dr. Lewis H. Flint, of Louisiana State University, Dr. R. L. Caylor, of Mississippi Delta State Teachers College, Dr. A. J. Bajkov, of the Biloxi Oyster Laboratory, Harold B. Louderback, of Roosevelt College, Dr. Melvin A. Brannon, of the University of Florida, and Dr. Chester S. Nielsen, Dr. Grace C. Madsen, and Miss Dorothy Crowson, of Florida State University. Most of these collections, along with hundreds of algae received from other people for identification, were named and filed in the Her- barium during the year. With William A. Daily, of Butler Uni- versity, Curator Drouet continued work on a revision of the non- filamentous Myxophyceae. Mr. and Mrs. Daily photographed several hundred type specimens concerned in this project. Dr. Hanford Tiffany and Donald Richards, Research Associates, pursued their studies of algae and bryophytes respectively. Miss Margaret Feigley, volunteer worker, determined the species of large numbers of mosses and hepatics. Miss Crowson, who spent three months at the Museum, studied algae and assisted with the last of the prepara- tion of the fungus collections. During January and February Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, accompanied Dr. Dahlgren on an expedition to Cuba to study and collect palms. Curator Cutler studied some of 41 this material after his return and, during the summer, made viability studies on pollen samples collected by Curator Emeritus Dahlgren on his second trip in 1949 to Cuba. During April and May Curator Cutler studied populations of desert plants, especially of Ephedra, in northern Arizona. Several large collections of cultivated plants made by archaeologists and ethnologists in various parts of the New World were identified, and work on an especially large and complete collection from Peru is being continued. During the last part of the year considerable time was spent in assembling materials for displays and for reinstallations of the economic plant exhibits. At the end of the year he went to the Bailey Hortorium, Ithaca, New York, where he studied collections of useful plants. Approximately forty-four thousand specimens and type photo- graphs were mounted and distributed in the phanerogamice and cryptogamic herbaria. Under the direction of Mrs. Effie M. Schug- man more than twenty thousand specimens and photographs of cryptogams were mounted on sheets. These were filed in the herbarium cases by Curator Drouet. From its large collections of negatives of type and historical specimens of American plants in European herbaria the Department of Botany sold and sent in exchange during the year more than nine thousand prints to other institutions and to botanists for study purposes. Exhibits—Botany Considerable progress was made toward the reinstallation of the botanical exhibits to take full advantage of the new lighting recently introduced in Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Hall (Hall 29, Plant Life), a project to which the entire staff of the Plant Reproduction Laboratories devoted most of its time. During the year forty-three exhibition cases and their respective contents were reconditioned and rearranged. Two new plant models were added to the synoptic exhibit of plant families in Hall 29—a flowering plant of meadow beauty (Rhexia), the only local member of the tropical Melastoma family, and a reproduction of a wood or shield fern (Dryopteris), a widely distributed genus of handsome ferns with compound foliage. A leafy branch of the American linden (Tilia) was prepared and installed in Charles F. Millspaugh Hall (Hall 26, North American Trees). Ten small models to illustrate the principal groups of the plant kingdom, including bacteria, fungi, algae, mosses, and vascular plants, which were requested over a year ago by the Department of Geology, have been completed and delivered. 42 Accessions—Botany A number of important additions to the phanerogamic herbarium were made during the year. The most noteworthy of these are the following: 1,178 plants sent as exchange by the United States National Museum, representing specimens mostly from South America and the West Indies; 1,018 Illinois plants collected by Virginius H. Chase, sent as exchange from the Peoria Academy of Science; 708 specimens from Colombia and Brazil collected by Dr. Richard Evans Schultes; 560 specimens from Chiapas, Mexico, collected by Eizi Matuda; 522 Kansas plants collected by W. H. Horr, sent as exchange from the Department of Botany, University of Kansas; 462 plants from Texas and neighboring states, collected by Dr. Rogers McVaugh and sent as exchange from the University of Michigan Herbarium; and 380 Panama plants collected by Paul H. Allen, sent as exchange by the Missouri Botanical Garden. Aside from material accruing from Museum expeditions, more than 9,000 cryptogams were accessioned. About 5,000 cryptogams were pur- chased with funds provided by Elmer J. Richards, of Chicago, and Research Associate Richards. Among these were 2,011 algae of the herbarium of the Reverend Francis Wolle, which had been on loan to the Museum from Philip W. Wolle since 19389. More than 2,000 cryptogams were received in exchange; the remainder were gifts. Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus of Botany, is shown studying collections of palms, Nueva Gerona, Isle of Pines. Life on a Devonian coral reef about 330 million years ago is shown in a colorful new restoration group of actual-size models made for Hall 37 by George Marchand. Department of Geology Research and Expeditions Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, studied one of the primitive Arthrodires, a group of peculiar Devonian armored fishes, and, in an attempt to determine the exact geological age of the fossils, visited the area in eastern New York State where the specimens originally were collected many years ago. His studies essentially have been completed, and he expects to submit the manuscript for publication early in 1950. Dr. Everett C. Olson, Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates, continued his work on the evolution of the amphibians and reptiles of the Early Permian of Texas. He com- pleted seven papers on various components of the fauna and sub- mitted these for publication. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, was occupied chiefly with the work of identifying, checking, and selecting specimens for the new exhibits of invertebrate fossils for Frederick 44 J. V. Skiff Hall (Hall 37, Fossil Invertebrates and Fossil Plants) and also wrote a large number of labels relating to these exhibits. Curator Richardson thus had very little time at his disposal for concentrated studies, but nevertheless he prepared for the Museum Press a description of a new species of Devonian sponge that was collected during the summer by Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator, at a quarry near Buffalo, New York. In addition, Curator Richard- son spent his spare time surveying the fauna of the Pennsylvanian deposits near Coal City, Illinois. For many years the flora of these deposits has interested George Langford, Assistant Curator of Fossil Plants, and he was actively engaged in preparing a comprehensive report on this flora before joining the staff. During the year he revised and added considerable new material to his manuscript. Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, completed Part III of ‘““The Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama,”’ dealing with a revision of a marine turtle family Protostegidae. He also made considerable progress in his studies on the turtles of the family Toxochelyidae. In connection with this he visited various museums in Kansas, Texas, and the eastern states to examine their collections for certain hitherto undescribed specimens of these groups. Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, continued his work on the mammalian fauna from the Vieja formation in trans- Pecos Texas and problems associated with it. The fauna is an ex- ceedingly interesting one that stands in time very near the Eocene- Oligocene boundary. Comparison of the Viejan mammals with related forms from earlier formations suggests that current concepts of the ages of certain faunas hitherto regarded as Late Eocene may have to be revised. Other work carried on by Curator Patterson during the year included studies on the auditory region of edentates, in collaboration with Dr. Walter Segall, of Northwestern University, and on the early Cretaceous triconodonts discovered in Texas. Chief Curator Roy, in collaboration with Robert K. Wyant, Curator of Economic Geology, completed studies on three meteorites —Mapleton, Navajo, and Benld. The results of the studies of the first two of these meteorites were issued by the Museum Press during the year. The manuscript on Benld has been completed and, save for making up the plates, is ready for the press. Metallographic studies and chemical analysis of another meteorite, La Porte, have been completed, but the results of the work have not yet been summed up. Other work by Curator Wyant, done independently, consisted of chemical and petrographic examination of several silicified country rocks from Missouri and southwestern Illinois. 4iD) Ww : William D. Turnbull, Preparator in Geology, is shown at work on the remounting of Eryops, an Early Permian amphibian from the University of Chicago Collection. Chief Curator Roy began his studies on the so-called veins in meteor- ites with the object of determining whether they are terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This has been a debatable subject for many years. Almost by accident an exceedingly interesting discovery was made during the year. On their way to attend the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, held in El Paso in November, Curators Zangerl and Denison made a brief stop in northern Texas to examine an area that had been recommended by Glen L. Evans, of the Texas Memorial Museum, as a promising one for Early Cretaceous turtles. Noticing minute bone fragments on the surface of the ground, they made a close examination and, almost at once, Curator Denison picked up a partial lower jaw of a mammal, the most exciting paleontological find of recent years. Further search yielded hundreds of fragmentary remains of other vertebrates, among which were those of dinosaurs, crocodiles, flying reptiles, and frogs—the first thus far found in deposits of Cretaceous age. On a return visit following the meetings, Curator Denison found a second mammal jaw, better preserved than the first. The interest of the discovery lies in the fact that it was made in Early Cretaceous 46 deposits and so begins to close a gap in our knowledge of mammalian history that, except for a few isolated teeth found at a locality in southern England, extends from the end of the Jurassic until near the end of the Cretaceous, a span of some sixty million years. The two specimens thus far found belong to an extinct group, the Tri- conodonta, that was not ancestral to any living forms, but their finding holds forth the prospect that such ancestors may be found there in the future. Further work in the region, in co-operation with the Texas Memorial Museum, is planned for 1950. Curator Denison spent the months of May, June, and July, in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming, inspecting a number of localities from which Ordovician and Devonian fishes had been previously reported. Considerable collections were made, of which the Early Devonian forms from Utah and Wyoming are now being prepared and studied. In September Curator Richardson visited three localities in western states to secure specimens required for certain exhibits in Hall 37. These included fossil mollusks from Oligocene beds near Rocky Point, Oregon, impressions of fossil leaves from Miocene lake beds in Nez Perce and Idaho counties, Idaho, and from Tertiary beds near Decker, Montana. In November Curator Richardson and Assistant Curator Lang- ford visited well-known localities in Tennessee, where they collected Late Cretaceous mollusks from the Ripley formation on Coon Creek, MeNairy County, and from the Selma formation near Michie, in McNairy County. These mollusks will be the basis for a group- restoration of life in a Cretaceous sea to be made during the year by George Marchand, dioramist, at his studio in Ebenezer, New York. They also collected Late Cretaceous (Ripley formation) leaf im- pressions from Carroll County, among which are some interesting undescribed forms, and from the Early Eocene (Wilcox group) in Henry County. Specimens from these two trips not placed on exhibition will constitute a needed addition to the paleobotanical study collection. Curator Richardson accompanied Assistant Curator Langford on one of his many short collecting trips to the Pennsylvanian deposits near Coal City, Illinois. Chief Curator Roy spent six weeks in August and September in various localities in western New York collecting Ordovician and Devonian invertebrates. During the first two weeks of the trip he was accompanied by Orville L. Gilpin, Chief Preparator. Although Mr. Gilpin is primarily trained in collecting and preparing vertebrate fossils, he mastered the technique of collecting invertebrate fossils 47 almost the first day he was in the field. Together they made a comprehensive collection and succeeded in securing the particular specimens needed for the new exhibits and dioramas now being in- stalled in Hall 37. Early in the year Curator Zangerl and C. M. Barber, of Flint, Michigan, were given a grant from the Geological Society of America that enabled Mr. Barber to make one more intensive collecting trip in the Mooreville Chalk of the Selma formation of Alabama, an area that had been visited by several Museum expeditions and has furnished a wealth of interesting Late Cretaceous reptiles and fishes. Mr. Barber was accompanied by J. A. Robbins, of Flint, Michigan, who assisted him in the field and who materially helped in making the project a success. Curator Zangerl will study the specimens collected and write up the results for publication. The skeleton of the American mastodon that has been on exhibi- tion since the Museum first opened its doors is a rather unsatisfactory representative of this well-known fossil mammal because it is com- posed of bones from several individuals. Mastodon remains come to light frequently in the Middle West and a number of such occur- rences are reported to the Museum every year. Any that appear to be particularly promising are investigated in the hope that a specimen complete enough for exhibition or study purposes will be recovered. One such find, a few miles southwest of Valparaiso, Indiana, was reported during the year by Myron Benedict. Curator Patterson and Chief Preparator Gilpin spent the greater part of October in excavation of the site. The specimen proved to be badly scattered, so that a great deal of digging was required, and only one-third of the skeleton was recovered, the missing parts evidently having been washed away shortly after the death of the animal. On account of the general local interest that the excavation aroused, arrangements were made to present the specimen to the Porter County Historical Society. The bones occurred on the boundary between farms owned by Mr. Benedict and C. J. Spindler, both of whom kindly permitted the necessary digging to be done. Exhibits—Geology Installation of new exhibits in Frederick J. V. Skiff Hall (Hall 37, Fossil Invertebrates and Fossil Plants) began in September, 1948. During 1949, sixteen additional exhibits have been completed. Of these, three are restoration groups executed in various mediums and thirteen are of fossil invertebrates and plants arranged in taxonomic 48 and stratigraphic sequence. With the exception of the restoration groups or dioramas that are the work of George Marchand, a noted sculptor-artist of Ebenezer, New York, all other exhibition work in this hall has been done under the supervision of Curator Richardson and the technical direction of Harry E. Changnon, Curator of Exhibits, with the assistance of Preparators Henry Horback, Henry U. Taylor, and Kent Jones. Curator Changnon, who is to be com- mended for his able planning of the exhibition material, is largely responsible for the esthetic qualities of the exhibits. The Prepar- ators also deserve equal commendation for the infinite care with which they have installed the specimens and labels. Other members of the Museum staff who have contributed to the success of the ex- hibits are the three Artists, Gustaf Dalstrom, John Conrad Hansen, and Joseph B. Krstolich, and Emil Sella, Curator of Exhibits in the Department of Botany. In the Hall of Economic Geology (Hall 36) five new exhibits were installed during the year. Four of these exhibits concern the ores and uses of lead, zinc, and copper, while the fifth exhibit, for which photographs were donated to the Museum by the Standard Oil Company, is a photographic presentation of the story of oil. The exhibits show the subjects with remarkable clarity and sim- plicity. In Vertebrate Paleontology a beginning was made in the task of remounting the skeletons of Permian amphibians and reptiles that were donated by the University of Chicago in 1947 and put on temporary exhibition in 1948. In order to place these skeletons in cases of standard Museum design it was necessary to remove them from their bases. Since many of them had been mounted more than a generation ago, it was decided to take this opportunity to remount each specimen in accordance with modern knowledge of these very early land vertebrates. Remounting of seven skeletons has been completed and work on another skeleton is well advanced. The remountings are being done by Chief Preparator Gilpin and Prepar- ators Stanley Kuezek and William D. Turnbull. Accessions—Geology A large portion of the year’s important additions to the collections were made by Museum expeditions. The collection of primitive fossil fish was more than doubled as a result of the expedition of Curator Denison to the western states. From Colorado came numerous remains of Ordovician ostracoderms, the earliest known vertebrates. Early Devonian fishes were obtained from Beartooth Ag Butte, Wyoming, and the Bear River Range, Utah. A good collec- tion of Late Devonian marine fishes was made in central Arizona, while the fresh-water fish fauna of this age was represented by smaller collections from a number of localities in the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. By far the most noteworthy addition of the year, reference to which has been made earlier in the Report, was the two Early Cretaceous mammal jaws belonging to an extinct group, the Triconodonta. Other additions to the vertebrate collections con- sisted of Cretaceous reptiles and fishes from Alabama, collected by C. M. Barber under a grant from the Geological Society of America, and Permian reptiles and amphibians from Texas, collected by Research Associate Olson, whose field work was sponsored by the University of Chicago. Among the gifts, mention should be made of the invertebrate fossils and fossil plants presented by Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Whitfield, Associates in Fossil Plants, and their son, Jon S. Whitfield, of Evanston, Illinois. The Museum was again fortunate to receive three meteorites as a gift from Stuart H. Perry, of Adrian, Michigan, two of which are new to the Museum’s collection of meteorites. This scene, a life-size reconstruction of animals extinct for almost 400 million years, is one of three completed by George Marchand for installation in Hall 37. A class from the University of Chicago studies cranial morphology of vertebrates at the Museum, with D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy (center), and Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles (left), who are acting as instructors. Department of Zoology Research and Expeditions Research within the Museum led to progress on various long-term projects and to the completion of some manuscripts and the publica- tion of others. In the Division of Mammals Curator Colin C. Sanborn, a world authority on the classification of bats, continued his studies on the taxonomy of these creatures, which constitute one of the most sharply defined of the mammalian orders. In connection with his expedition to Siam he was able to study collections of bats in the Raffles Museum in Singapore, the Indian Museum in Calcutta, and the British Museum (Natural History) in London. Luis de la Torre, temporary assistant, worked on Guatemalan collections of mammals through January, when he returned to his studies at the University of Michigan. South American and Central American birds occupied Associate Curator Emmet R. Blake and Research Associate Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., in the Division of Birds. Curator Austin L. Rand continued Sl his studies on the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of African and other Old World birds. The conclusion of Catalogue of Birds of the Americas with the publication of the section on birds of prey, by Research Associate Boardman Conover and the late Charles E. Hellmayr, forms a landmark in the history of the Division of Birds, for this work, begun in 1909 by the former Curator of Zoology, Charles B. Cory, had grown to fifteen volumes. Mr. Conover con- tinued his studies on game birds, especially the South American tinamous. Mrs. Ellen T. Smith, Associate, carried on considerable curatorial work in addition to her work with exhibits. Clifford H. Pope, Curator of Reptiles, continued his detailed studies of the altitudinal and ecological distribution of the remarkable salamander fauna of the Appalachian Region. Curator Pope’s studies bear on the currently much-discussed topic of “speciation,” 1.e., the origin of species. Robert F. Inger, Assistant Curator of Fishes, on loan from the Division of Fishes, made much progress on his report on the amphibians of the Philippines, based on the specimens collected by the Museum’s Philippines Zoological Ex- pedition of 1946-47. In the Division of Fishes Curator Loren P. Woods continued the studies on fishes of the northern Marshall Islands in co-operation with Dr. Leonard P. Schultz of the United States National Museum. He engaged also on a review of the marine fish family Pomacentridae, the damselfishes. It was agreed late in the year that Curator Woods should bring to a close the work on the marine and fresh-water fishes of Panama. This work, of which five volumes have been published by the Museum Press, represents a definitive account of the Panama fish fauna undertaken by the Smithsonian Institution on the occasion of the construction of the Panama Canal. The former Assistant Curator of Zoology at the Museum, the late Seth E. Meek, was associated with Samuel F.. Hildebrand (representing the Smithsonian) in both field work and publication. The manuscript for the supple- mentary volume on the marine fishes was well advanced by Mr. Hildebrand at the time of his death, and Curator Woods had had the advantage of association with him during his 1947-48 studies at the National Museum. The collections made by the Museum’s Bermuda Deep-Sea Expedition in 1948 were supplemented by collec- tions of shore fishes, most notably by the deposit for study of the Mowbray collection, accumulated in Bermuda during the past thirty-nine years by Louis L. Mowbray, Sr. Studies on the deep- sea material by Mrs. Marion Grey, Associate, and on the shore fishes by Robert Kanazawa, Assistant, promise important results. S32 Dr. Austin L. Rand, Curator of Birds, and Miss Pearl Sonoda, secretary, Division of Mammals, unpack incoming collections of birds and mammals from the Philippines. In the Division of Vertebrate Anatomy the major research program continued to center around the giant panda and related carnivores. Curator D. Dwight Davis is attempting to determine, as the final and most important phase of this study, the nature of the adaptive changes seen in the panda, to define some of these in terms of mechanics, and to elucidate their bearing on broad evolu- tionary questions. Excellent progress was made on completing and labeling the drawings that will illustrate this report. Curator Davis also made a detailed study of the head of the dogfish shark, the example of a generalized vertebrate used in all courses in com- parative anatomy, in order to bring together the results of numerous special studies on the shark’s head reported in the literature of the subject and to combine them with original data. The burrowing locomotion of specialized amphibians and reptiles received continuing attention during the year, and observations and photographic records 5S were made of “‘sand-swimming” lizards. Dr. R. M. Strong, Research Associate in Anatomy, continued work on his detailed anatomy of the salamander Necturus. In the Division of Insects, research by the staff was of necessity subordinated to the work of distributing new collections for study and of rearrangement of the collections in new cases. Continuing studies on beetles of the families Histeridae and Ptilidae were carried on by Assistant Curators Rupert L. Wenzel and Henry S. Dybas, on the Mordellidae by Eugene Ray, temporary assistant, and on the Staphylinidae by Research Associate Charles H. Seevers. Re- search on the Museum’s collections of insects is in progress at various museums and other institutions by specialists to whom special collections have been sent. Thus Major Robert Traub, of the Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., is reporting on fleas, and Dr. P. J. Darlington, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard University, is engaged on the carabid beetles, both studies being based on the collections of the Museum’s Philippines Zoological Expedition of 1946-47. In the Division of Lower Invertebrates Curator Fritz Haas concluded his studies of the mollusks of Lake Titicaca, collected by the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition in 1937 and consigned to him for report by the British Museum (Natural History). Chicago Natural History Museum will retain duplicate specimens of the surprisingly large number of new species and new genera to be described. Curator Haas identified and described much new South American material from miscellaneous sources, especially from the Museo de Historia Natural “Javier Prado,” in Lima. Chief Curator Karl P. Schmidt was engaged during the year in the revision of Hcological Animal Geography (Hesse, Allee, and Schmidt) for a new edition. He also completed the final proof- reading of Principles of Animal Ecology (with W. C. Allee and others), which appeared in October. The major expedition of 1949 was the Rush Watkins Siamese Zoological Expedition. A. Rush Watkins, sponsor of the expedition, Curator Sanborn, and Frank C. Wonder, Taxidermist, left in May for Bangkok. Six weeks were spent in the north-central part of Siam at the Gairdner rice plantation at Wang Pratart. After speci- mens of the rare Eld’s deer were obtained, together with a series of small mammals including a representation of the squirrels for which the fauna of southeast Asia is remarkable, the party moved to southern Siam, on the Malay border, where Curator Sanborn and Mr. Watkins were successful in obtaining two Malay tapirs, to be 54 William J. Gerhard, Curator of Insects, is checking the Museum’s great Strecker Collection of moths and butterflies according to identification, type, and locality. used in a projected habitat group for William V. Kelley Hall (Hall 17, Asiatic Mammals). In addition to mammals, the expedition col- lected fresh-water fishes, amphibians and reptiles, and birds. The Colombian Zoological Expedition, which went into the field in 1948, is directed mainly toward a comprehensive report on the mammals of Colombia. Philip Hershkovitz, Assistant Curator of Mammals, had been engaged on this project for the Smithsonian Institution before coming to the Museum, a project that forms a logical continuation of Andean studies begun by the late Wilfred H. Osgood, Chief Curator, and continued by Curator Sanborn in Peru and Chile. Assistant Curator Hershkovitz established his base for the early part of 1949 in Barranquilla, collecting at six localities in northern Colombia before moving to Medellin in November. Field studies within the borders of the United States included Curator Pope’s collecting and field observations on salamanders in Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Arkansas. He worked effectively during July and August from the convenient base afforded by the University of Virginia summer school at Mountain Lake, 5D) Virginia. In early autumn Assistant Curator Dybas visited Florida and other southeastern states to collect the minute beetles of the family Ptilidae on which he specializes. Because these beetles are especially to be found in the pores of the polypore fungi, the trip was arranged to coincide with the peak of development of the poly- pores. Assistant Curator Dybas was accompanied by two graduate students in the Department of Zoology of the University of Chicago, Harry Nelson and Robert Sokol, University of Chicago Museum Fellow in Zoology. In the local field, the remarkable autumn aggregation of blue racers in the Indiana Dunes was again observed. Assistant Curator Inger, assisted by various willing members of the zoological staff, marked and released snakes and recaptured eight of the specimens marked in 1948. Chief Curator Schmidt represented the Museum and the National Research Council at the Seventh Pacific Science Congress in New Zealand in February. This enabled him also to make collections in the field of lizards and frogs and to study the lizard-like reptile of New Zealand, the tuatara. To observe this remarkable creature, he visited the outlying islands of Karewa, in the Bay of Plenty, and Stephen and Middle Trios islands in Cook Strait. He was aided by William H. Dawbin, Lecturer at Victoria University College, Wellington, and arranged for Mr. Dawbin’s continuance of studies on the tuatara. Field work in the Philippines and Peru was supported by the Museum during the year, with gratifying resulting additions to the collections. D.S. Rabor, Professor of Zoology at Silliman University, who had aided the Museum’s Philippines Zoological Expedition in 1946-47, continued collecting on Negros Island. Celestino Kali- nowski, who returned to Peru after a year’s training and study in the Museum’s laboratories, began collecting immediately on his return to the Kalinowski estate, “La Cadena,’ at Marcapata, in the “‘montana”’ of Peru. The first installment of collections received from him indicate that he is established in a favorable region to aid in the program of studies on the zoology of Peru initiated by the Museum in 1911, the logical continuation of the Chilean program. Accessions—Zoology The more important gifts of specimens during the year include a collection of 452 East African bird skins and a rare African viper, from Mr. and Mrs. Walther Buchen, of Chicago; 247 South American bird skins from Research Associate Conover; the type and paratype 56 of a new species of salamander from Dr. S. C. Bishop, of the Uni- versity of Rochester; 499 specimens of amphibians and reptiles from Panama, collected and presented by Harold Trapido; and 391 specimens of reptiles and amphibians from East Africa, presented by Dr. Henry Field, of Washington, D.C. A notable collection of 101 specimens of fishes from the Mediterranean, representing 28 species, was presented by Leander J. McCormick, fishes that are of particular importance to West Indian (and Bermudan) studies of marine fishes because early descriptions of tropical marine fishes were mainly based on the Mediterranean fauna. In connection with enquiries regarding the relations of the domestic pig with its wild relatives, the Armour Livestock Bureau, through Colonel Edward N. Wentworth, presented the heads of five purebred pigs of different breeds, from which skulls were prepared. As in previous years, the Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois, and the Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, made major contributions to the Museum’s materials for anatomical study and to the general collections of birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. In the Division of Insects the largest single gift was of 3,035 specimens from Mexico, Colombia, and Micronesia, collected by Assistant Curator Dybas on collecting trips before joining the Mu- seum staff and during his years in the Pacific Islands with the United States Army (1948-45). Important gifts of land and fresh- water shells were received in the Division of Lower Invertebrates from Dr. Otto Schubart, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Harald Sioli, of Belem, Brazil, and R. Wright Barker, of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Walter J. Eyerdam, of Seattle, Washington, presented mollusks that he had collected in various parts of South America. A collec- tion of marine shells especially selected to fill gaps in our collections was presented by Dr. Jeanne S. Schwengel, of Greenwich, Con- necticut. This collection contains a specimen of one of the living species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of snails, mainly known from fossils, whose lineage extends to the Silurian period. The largest single accession of mammals was that from the Colombian Zoological Expedition (1948-50), from which 755 speci- mens reached the Museum, together with unaccessioned birds, reptiles, and amphibians. An important purchase of West African bird skins from Reverend A. I. Good added 721 specimens to the growing African collections. In the Division of Reptiles Curator Pope’s summer collecting added 863 amphibians and reptiles. For the Division of Fishes a collection of about 1,000 specimens of fresh-water fishes from northern Siam was the major accession of S/ the year. In the Division of Insects an especially valued collection of beetles of the family Lucanidae (the stag beetles) was obtained by purchase. This collection, which amounts to 4,069 specimens, all identified, and includes some two dozen types and numerous other unique specimens, was, like other similar collections made by specialists, a “labor of love’? extending over many years. Ex- changes of mollusks led to the addition of paratypes of species for the most part not previously represented in the Museum. Exhibits—Zoology The reinstallation of the habitat group of Alaska brown bears was a major improvement in Richard T. Crane, Jr., Hall (Hall 16), where American mammals are shown in their natural surroundings. The group now shows a gigantic male, in standing position, with a female and two yearling cubs. The specimens were collected by Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street at Mother Goose Lake in the Alaska Peninsula and mounted by C. J. Albrecht, formerly of the Museum’s taxidermy staff, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Street in Alaska. In Hall 21, devoted to the exhibition of a systematic series of North American and exotic birds, the program of addition of “‘sub- jective exhibits’? that present anatomical and other information has continued under the direction of Curator Rand, with Kenneth Woehlck, Assistant Taxidermist, in change of preparation. This program, initiated by Rudyerd Boulton, former Curator of Birds, has been emphasized by Curator Rand, whose plans resulted in the addition of four alcove cases of this nature in 1948 (see 1948 Report). Cases placed on exhibition in 1949 deal with the phenomena of reproduction in birds, with the association of birds with man in the suburban environment of Chicago, with the architecture of nests, and with the aberrant types of nests and the range of variation in birds’ eggs, together with eggs of the commoner species nesting in the Chicago region. Mrs. Smith, Associate, directed the preparation of ‘Resident Birds of Chicago,” the case exhibiting the principal species of birds resident throughout the year in the Chicago region as well as devices for attracting, sheltering, and feeding them. Progress was made in Albert W. Harris Hall (Hall 18, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Insects) in the installation of models of amphibians and reptiles made in celluloid by Taxidermist Leon L. Walters and, more recently, by Ronald J. Lambert, Assistant Taxidermist, under Mr. Walters’ direction. A screen is devoted to the “‘front-fanged snakes,’ the cobras, mambas, coral snakes, and sea snakes. Re- 58 arrangements of other screens were made to bring together the vipers and pit vipers (with an enlarged model of a rattlesnake head to show the pit) and to insert models of frogs and toads, such as the giant marine toad so abundant in tropical America, bright-colored tree frogs, and other forms new to the exhibits of these creatures. The protectively colored green tree-boa, in its typical resting pose in a saddle-shaped coil on the limb of a tree, is shown with the boas and pythons, and the large water snake of the East Indies, one of the principal sources of snake-skin leather for shoes, is placed with them. Further work of installation and reinstallation of the amphibian and reptile models isin progress. In the Division of Insects exhibition work was centered on the completion of the case showing the life- history of the malaria-bearing mosquito, which has been combined with an explanation of the malaria cycle in the human blood. This magnificent group of giant Alaska brown bears in Hall 16 was collected and presented by Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street, of Seattle, Washington. Taxidermy is by C. J. Albrecht and background by the late Arthur G. Rueckert, Staff Artist. Ge eB Se OO Cees FR ee : : 7 ee > fro ee Sas Fac s : ‘ AMBIT LE LMM OOO OV Y(UTT0 rere 2 tx, 4 Ce ee FO Ge C Yi ea fo Rafe rr bia 7 udyz Pais lit fan A series of eighteen letters written by Charles Darwin was displayed in a special exhibit. This valuable collection is a highly prized possession of the Museum Library. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM Demands on the resources of the Library become more exacting as research expands in the scientific departments of the Museum, and acquisitions through purchase and exchange have been made in terms of what the Library is expected to provide in printed informa- tion covering the specialized fields. Bearing in mind also the relation- ship of the Library with the future of the Museum, trends in research and exploration are taken into account so that required material will be at hand when it is needed. The Library’s resources are excellent, the collection is strong in scientific journals and serials, and, through continued effort, gaps in the periodical holdings have been filled and runs completed. Every effort is being made to secure additional basic material not already in the Library. Acquisitions during the past year from all sources aggregated 3,505, of which 375 were gifts. The total collection is 60 now 136,126. Among notable acquisitions of the past year are the following representative selections of books and serials: BOOKS Anton, Hermann E., Verzeichnis der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung von Hermann Eduard Anton befinden (1839) Bakmet’ev, Porfirii Ivanovich, Experimentelle entomologische studien vom physikalisch-chemischen standpunkt aus ...v. 1-2 (1901, 1907) Berlese, Antonio, Gli insetti; loro organizzazione sviluppo, abitudini e rapporti coll’uomo, v. 1-2 (1909, 1925) Black, John McConnell, Flora of South Australia, 2nd ed., pts. 1-4 (1922-29) Bois, Désiré Georges Jean Marie, Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et a travers les dges, 4 v. (1927-37) Bresadola, Giacomo, Iconographia mycologica, 26 v. (1927-33) Bruttini, Arturo, Dictionnaire de sylviculture en cing langues: francais (texte), allemand, anglais, espagnol, italien... (1930) Camus, Aimée, Les chénes; monographie du genre Quercus, 3 v. (1984-39, 1948) Carpenter, George Herbert, The biology of insects (1928) Chenu, Jean Charles, Illustrationes conchyliologiques ou descriptions et figures de toutes les coquilles connues vivantes et fossiles, 84 pts. (1843-53) Dallimore, W., and A. Bruce Jackson, A handbook of coniferae, 3rd ed. (1948) Dalziel, John McEwen, The useful plants of west tropical Africa (1948) [reprint] Dautzenberg, Philippe, Crozsieres du Yacht Chazalie dans l Atlantique. Mol- lusques (1900) Degener, Otto, Flore Hawaziensis (1932—) [Library has books 1-4] Descole, Horacio Rail, Genera et species plantarum argentinarum, v. 4 [Library has v. 1-8] Dukes, Henry Hugh, The physiology of domestic animals, 8rd rev. ed. (1935) Eimer, Gustav Heinrich Theodor, Organic evolution as the result of the in- heritance of acquired characters, according to the laws of organic growth, trans. by J. T. Cunningham (1890) Faune Ichthyologique de l Atlantique Nord (1829-38) Giebel, Christoph Gottfried Andreas, Insecta epizoa (1874) Gistl, Rudolf, Naturgeschichte pflanzlicher rohstoffe (1938) Goldfuss, Otto, Die Binnenmollusken Muittel-Deutschlands (1900) Hanley, Sylvanus Charles Thorp, An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of recent bivalve shells (1842-56) Hindekoper, Rush Shippen, Age of domestic animals (1891) Hooker, William Jackson, Garden ferns (1862) Houlbert, Constant Vincent, Les coléoptéres d Europe: France et régions voisines, 3 v. (1921-22) Jickeli, Carl Friedrich, Fauna der land-und-stisswasser-mollusken nord-Ost Afrikas (1875) Kiener, L. C., Species général et iconographie des coquilles vivantes, 11 v. (1834-80) Lecomte, M. H., and H. Humbert, Flore générale de l Indo-Chine [certain fascicules of v. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7] Lemée, Albert Marie Victor, Dictionnaire descriptif et synonymique des genres de plantes phanerogames, v. 7-8 Maynard, Charles Johnson, Contributions to the history of the Cerionidae, with descriptions of many new species and notes on evolution in birds and plants, pts. 1-12 (1919-26) Meyer, Heinrich Adolf, and Karl August Mobius, Fauna der Kieler bucht, 2 v. (1865-72) 61 BOOKS (continued) Moquin-Tandon, Christian, Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de France, 2 v. and atlas (1804-63) Oudemans, Anthonie Cornelis, Kritisch historisch overzicht der acarologie, 3 v. (1926-37) Owen, Richard, Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil reptilia of South Africa in the collection of the British Museum (1876) Post, George Edward, Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai, 2 v. (1932-83) Schimper, Wilhelm P., Trazté de paléontologie végétale, ou la flore du monde primitif dans ses rapports avec les formations géologiques et la flore du monde actuel, 3 v. and atlas (1869-74) Sowerby, Arthur de Carle, The naturalist in Manchuria, v. 2-3 (1922-23) [Library has v. 1] Stehlé, Henri, Flore descriptive des Antilles francaises, v. 1, Les orchidales (1989) Thiébaut, J., Flore libano-syrienne (Mémoires presentés a l'Institut d’ Egypte, v. 81, 40) Tierreich, Das, Lfg. 28, Hymenoptera. Apidae I. Megachilinae, bearbeitet von H. Friese , Lfg. 48, Scelionidae, von Jean Jaques Kieffer (1916) SERIALS Anatomical Record, v. 1-61 Aquarium, v. 1— Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, v. 1-58 City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, London. Trans- actions (London Naturalist), v. 1-38 Entomological Society of New South Wales. Transactions, v. 1-2 (1863-73) Faune de France, v. 1-50 (1921-49) [continuation] Linnean Society of London. Transactions, 2nd ser. Botany, v. 1-9 (1875-1922) Schweizerische entomologische gesellschaft. Muttezlungen, v. 1-9 (1865—) Tuatara, v. 1— (1947—) SERIALS (purchased to fill gaps) Academie des Sciences, Paris. Comptes-rendus, v. 106-120 (1888-95) American Folklore Society. Memoirs, nos. 7, 9, 10, 12, 18, 15-18, 20, 21, 23-31, 33, 35 Botanische Jahrbticher, v. 71-74 (1940-45) Journal of Comparative Neurology, v. 14-18, 26-53 (1904-8) Linnean Society of London. Journal (Zoology), v. 1-82 The growing importance of the Library collection has increased the interlibrary loan service not only locally but also throughout the country. The exchange of scientific and serial publications with other organizations has expanded the Kardex record to four files. As in any highly specialized research institution, the’ material published by other scientific organizations forms the backbone of the Library of this Museum. These publications consist of journals, bulletins, memoirs, proceedings, and transactions in which new 62 species are described (of first importance in taxonomy and nomencla- ture) and a record of research published. In this field of literature, back numbers are never old. They are constantly referred to and are bound so that they may become permanent parts of the collec- tion. The Kardex system provides a control record that gives finger-tip information on the Library’s holdings, last number re- ceived, and missing parts to be acquired. Recataloguing of the Library’s collection according to the Library of Congress classification, begun in 1947, has continued. Progress has been made in reclassifying a sizable portion of the periodical holdings, many volumes in the Museum’s four departments, and separate series of special publications. Collections such as the Berthold Laufer library and the Charles V. Riley collection of books on entomology, as well as all new purchases and material currently received, have been catalogued under the new classification. In May the card catalogue was moved to a new location in the center of the south end of the reading room. At the same time, to serve better the specialized needs of the Library, the plan of the catalogue was changed by dividing it into two sections: author and title section and classified subject section. ‘The catalogue of the John Crerar Library was moved from a stackroom and aligned with the Museum Library catalogue in its new location so that convenient consultation of both catalogues is possible. A survey of the depart- mental libraries showed overcrowded shelves and resulted in the decision to transfer to the general library (with the approval of the Chief Curators and Curators) all volumes not needed for constant reference, a move that provided shelf space in the departmental libraries but added to the shelving problem in the general library. The space vacated by the change in location of the card catalogues has been used for additional shelving. PHOTOGRAPHY AND ILLUSTRATION The Division of Photography made during the year a total of 15,926 negatives, prints, enlargements, lantern slides, and transparencies for the Museum, other institutions, the press, and general sales. More than 106,000 negatives are now in the files. Until her resignation in September Miss Norma Lockwood, Staff Illustrator, prepared drawings, lettering, and miscellaneous art work for the departments and divisions of the Museum as their needs required. The work of the office was ably continued by Douglas E. Tibbitts, who succeeded Miss Lockwood as Staff Illustrator. 63 M@TTONEPIGIHORES Activities during the year in the Division of Motion Pictures were devoted almost entirely to completion of the Museum’s motion- picture production, ““Treasure House.” This film, which pictures the tremendous amount of work done by the Museum staff in pre- paring science and natural-history exhibits, will be ready for showing in 1950 as one of the Museum’s educational services. In addition, two complete motion pictures were re-edited for use in the public schools, and similar productions are being put together from material in the Museum’s film library. Color transparencies and motion- picture records of natural-history subjects were made for the scien- tific departments of the Museum, a type of material that has come to be important to the scientific staff both as visual aid and as help in research problems. PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING Distribution of the Museum’s publications to institutions and scientists on our foreign exchange list was brought back to a fairly normal basis by the resumption of exchange with western Germany and by the sending of accumulated wartime and postwar issues to that area, although publications intended for Berlin and certain other areas still await more favorable shipping conditions. Seventy- two names that had been on the exchange mailing list before the war were reinstated, and forty new names were added. A total of 21,436 copies of the Museum’s publications was distributed in both foreign and domestic exchange. Sales totaled 3,654 copies in the Scientific Series, 10,283 copies in the Popular Series, and 27,846 copies of miscellaneous publications, such as guides, handbooks, memoirs, and technique papers (see page 87). For future sales and other distribu- tion an additional 12,895 copies of publications were wrapped, labeled, and stored. The Museum Press issued during the year twenty-two titles in the Scientific Series of publications and one in the Administrative Series. The total number of pages printed in all books, including an index for one completed volume in the Scientific Series, was 2,694, and the total number of copies was 27,289. Twelve numbers of Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin were printed, averaging 6,000 copies an issue. Other work of the Division of Printing in- cluded posters, price lists, ““Museum Stories for Children’ (Raymond Foundation), lecture schedules, Museum labels, post cards, Museum stationery, and specimen tags, totaling 850,292 impressions. 64 A list of titles in the publications series issued in 1949 by Chicago Natural History Museum Press follows: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY FIELD, HENRY The Anthropology of Iraq, The Lower Euphrates—Tigris Region, Anthropological Series, vol. 30, part 1, no. 2, 202 pages, 180 plates, 4 text figures, 2 maps MARTIN, PAUL S., JOHN B. RINALDO, AND ERNST ANTEVS Cochise and Mogollon Sites, Pine Lawn Valley, Western New Mexico, Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 38, no. 1, 232 pages, 24 text figures SPOEHR, ALEXANDER Majuro, A Village in the Marshall Islands, Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 39, 266 pages, 50 text figures, 11 maps DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY BARTRAM, EDWIN B. Mosses of Guatemala, Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 25, 442 pages, 190 text figures MACBRIDE, J. FRANCIS Flora of Peru, Botanical Series, vol. 18, part 3, no. 2, 270 pages STANDLEY, PAUL C., AND JULIAN A. STEYERMARK Flora of Guatemala, Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 24, part 6, 440 pages DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY PATTERSON, BRYAN A New Genus of Taeniodonts from the Late Paleocene, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 6, 2 pages RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR. A New Silurian Trilobite, Dalmanites Oklahomae, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 7, 4 pages, 1 text figure Some Lower Huronian Stromatolites of Northern Michigan, Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 10, no. 8, 16 pages Roy, SHARAT K., AND ROBERT K. WYANT The Mapleton Meteorite, Geological Series, vol. 7, no. 7, 13 pages, 10 text figures The Navajo Meteorite, Geological Series, vol. 7, no. 8, 15 pages DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BLAKE, EMMET R. Distribution and Variation of Caprimulgus Maculicaudus, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 26, 8 pages A New Ant-Thrush from British Guiana, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 31, 2 pages 65 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (continued) CONOVER, BOARDMAN A New Species of Tinamus from Peru, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 30, 4 pages, 2 text figures Davis, D. DWIGHT The Shoulder Architecture of Bears and Other Carnivores, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 34, 21 pages, 8 text figures Davis, D. DWIGHT, AND H. ELIZABETH STORY The Female External Genitalia of the Spotted Hyena, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 33, 7 pages HAAS, FRITZ Land and Fresh-Water Mollusks from Peru, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 28, 16 pages, 1 text figure HELLMAYR, CHARLES E.., AND BOARDMAN CONOVER Catalogue of Birds of the Americas, Zoological Series, vol. 18, part 1, no. 4, iv+358 pages POPE, CLIFFORD H., AND SARAH H. POPE Notes on Growth and Reproduction of the Slimy Salamander, Plethodon Glu- tinosus, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 29, 12 pages, 6 text figures RAND, A. L. The Faces of the African Wood-Dove, Turtur Afer, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 35, 6 pages SANBORN, COLIN C. Bats of the Genus Micronycteris and Its Subgenera, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 27, 20 pages TRAYLOR, MELVIN A., JR. Notes on Some Veracruz Birds, Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 31, no. 32, 7 pages ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLICATIONS Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees for the Year 1948, 138 pages, 30 illustrations PUBLIC RELATIONS For an entire year the Museum was brought to the mind of every person who looked up a telephone number in The Red Book, Chicago Classified Telephone Directory. Through the courtesy of the Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation, directory publishers, and the Illinois Bell Telephone Company the Museum’s name and a picture in colors of its north central facade appears on the front cover of the edition of The Red Book that was distributed in June, 1949. Inside the book in prominent page-one position appears the story of Chicago Natural History Museum. Inasmuch as millions of people constantly consult 66 The exhibit in Hall 29 showing the sumacs has been reconditioned and rearranged. this directory and the number of their references to it in a year mounts up to millions upon millions, the powerful cumulative effect of this important publicity almost defies estimation. The use of this space, free of all charges, was graciously extended to the Museum by the Donnelley Corporation, and the Museum acknowledges this valuable contribution with deepest gratitude to the publishers and the sponsoring telephone company. Publicity on all Museum activities was maintained at the usual pace by news releases, feature articles, and pictures. Direct news releases from the office of the Public Relations Counsel numbered 263. Additional publicity was obtained through issuing advance proofs of the Museum Bulletin to editors, through follow-ups by newspapers on released material, and through “‘tie-ins’’ with organizations whose scope of activity appropriately could be associated with exhibits or events in the Museum. Although the major emphasis was upon publicity in the metropolitan newspapers of Chicago, all releases were sent to community and foreign-language newspapers circulating 67 among residents of the various city neighborhoods and groups of various national origins, to the dailies and weeklies published in Chicago suburbs, and to newspapers in the IlIlinois-Wisconsin- Indiana-Michigan area beyond the city’s suburban radius. The more important news from the Museum was carried by wire and mail news-services to newspapers throughout the United States, and in many instances international circulation was obtained. For their interest in the Museum and their generous co-operation, acknowledgment is made to the publishers, executives, and editorial staffs of all the newspapers, large and small, that have contributed to keeping the public informed about the institution. Gratitude is expressed in particular to the Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily Sun-Times, Chicago Herald-American, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, United Press, International News Service, Science Service, Acme News Pictures, and the City News Bureau of Chicago. The Museum continued to be represented each Saturday through- out the year with a series of stories on the “‘Children’s Corner’’ program over radio station WCFL. Among other radio stations that offered their facilities to the Museum for special-feature pro- grams, educational programs, and representation in general news broadcasts are WGN, WMBI, WMAQ, WIND, WBBM, WENR, WLS, WJJD, Columbia Broadcasting System, National Broadeast- ing Company, American Broadcasting Company, and Mutual Broad- casting System. The Museum was represented also in several tele- vision-newsreel programs and by two special-feature programs, on “Women’s Magazine of the Air’ over station WGN-TV, in which material from Museum exhibits was shown. Continuous contact between the Museum and its Members was maintained through the Bulletin, a monthly publication that gives coverage of all Museum activities and news both in articles and pictures. The usual other publicity activities were maintained. Folders by the thousands telling of the Museum’s exhibits and services were distributed through the co-operation of department stores, libraries, travel agencies, hotels, civic bureaus, and through seven other Chicago museums in other fields of science and art that advertise themselves in a jointly published folder. The Museum’s lecture courses for adults and the children’s programs presented by the Raymond Foundation were advertised by posters displayed in rail- road stations and on suburban trains. This was made possible, without charge, by the co-operation of the Illinois Central System, Chicago and North Western Railway, the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Railroad, and the Chicago Transit Authority. 68 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS The laboratories and research collections of the Museum were open to visiting scientists, as in past years, and through interlibrary loan the resources of the Library of the Museum were available to other institutions. The Museum continued its co-operative educational plans with the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Antioch College, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Classes from the School of the Art Institute, the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, the Academy of Applied Arts, and the Institute of Design use the Museum exhibits regularly as a part of their class work. These students, ranging in age from children of six years to adults, can be seen sketching in the halls any day of the week, but they come in greatest number on Saturdays. They find that natural- history exhibits can take the place of living models and that the designs of primitive people offer many new ideas. Most of these Classes from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago sketch in the Museum halls. young students are from the School of the Art Institute, and results of their work are of such interest that for one month in the summer selected ceramic objects and sketches in water color, chalk, and oil are shown in a special exhibit in Stanley Field Hall of the Museum. The Museum is a school in another sense when teachers-in- training come in organized classes from near-by colleges in their search for the community resources available to them in future teaching. As they use the Museum exhibits they observe other teachers and school classes studying in the Museum and thus learn what to do and what not to do in planning trips to museums and other similar institutions. Roosevelt College, Northwestern Uni- versity, Chicago Teachers College, and Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College make use of the Museum in this teaching project. Frequent use is made of Museum exhibits by individual students from Roose- velt College, with which the Museum co-operates by certifying attendance of the students at the Museum. The co-operative educational plan adopted in 1946 by this Museum and Antioch College, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, provides for the temporary em- ployment by the Museum of successive groups of undergraduate students who alternate periods of study on the college campus with periods of work with pay. Under this plan ten young men and women were temporarily employed in 1949 by the Museum in its scientific departments and administrative offices. The course in museology covering all details of curatorial duties in a museum was continued at the Museum by the staff of the Department of Anthropology in co-operation with the Department of Anthropology of the University of Chicago. Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, supervised a research course at the Museum in South American and Middle American archaeology for three graduate students from the Uni- versity of Chicago. During the year Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits, and Curator Collier gave lectures in their special fields at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Art Institute of Chicago. While in Mexico City in January both Chief Curator Martin and Curator Collier gave lectures for the Mexican Society of Anthro- pology and the National School of Anthropology. Dr. Martin also lectured at the Museum of New Mexico in Santa Fe in June and at the Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in December. He acted as consultant in anthropology for Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. 70 Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator of Botany, held a botanical seminar for faculty and students at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in June, on aspects of plant morphology and evolution, conducted a class in the summer session at Northwestern University in biological evolution and modern society, and gave two botanical seminar talks in November at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, spoke before the ecology group at the University of Chicago in November, and in January Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, was Biology Day speaker at William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri. Classes in botany from the University of Illinois, the University of Chicago, and Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, visited the Department of Botany at various times during the year and were conducted through the laboratories and herbaria. The second section of the graduate course offered by the Uni- versity of Chicago in vertebrate paleontology (reptiles and mammals) was given in the Museum during the winter quarter by Dr. Everett C. Olson, Associate Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Uni- versity of Chicago and Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates at the Museum. During the course Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Ann Paton (left) and Anne Crawford, undergraduate stu- dents from Antioch College employed in the Department of Geology, check Museum photographs of meteorites with originals. The Navajo meteorite in the foreground is one of about 850 specimens. Mammals, lectured on various mammalian orders. An advanced course in the cranial morphology of vertebrates was offered at the Museum by the University of Chicago during the autumn quarter under the direction of Research Associate Olson. Lectures and demonstrations were given in the Division of Vertebrate Paleon- tology, Department of Geology, and dissection was conducted in the laboratory of the Division of Vertebrate Anatomy, Department of Zoology, under the supervision of D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy. Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Rep- tiles, Curator Patterson, and Curator Davis participated with Dr. Olson in the instruction. Curator Zangerl and Curator Patterson served as Lecturers in the Department of Geology of the University of Chicago. Lectures presented at other institutions by members of the staff of the Department of Zoology include the conduct of the course on arthropods at the University of Chicago, in the spring quarter, by Rupert L. Wenzel, Assistant Curator of Insects; a lecture before the zoology club of the University of Chicago by Curator Davis, who continued his association with the university as member of the Paleozoology Committee; a lecture before the ecology group of the university by Henry S. Dybas, Assistant Curator of Insects; two lectures before the undergraduate course in biology at the same university by Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes; and lectures at the University of Illinois by Curator Woods and Colin C. Sanborn, Curator of Mammals. A series of demonstrations and lectures by Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, was held in the Museum for a small group of students of the University of Chicago. The work of Clifford H. Pope, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles, at the Biological Station of the University of Virginia at Mountain Lake was essentially a co-operative arrangement in which the students who aided him profited from his instruction. Scientists from other institutions continued to make use of the research materials and laboratories of the Museum. Adrian Digby, Assistant Keeper of the American Collections, British Museum, London, spent a week in the Museum in the course of his survey of storage and exhibition methods in museums of the United States and examined the Middle and South American anthropological collections. Dr. José Cruxent, director of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Caracas, Venezuela, spent some time studying the South American anthropological collections as well as methods of exhibition in anthropology and zoology. Dr. Heinrich Doering, director of the Museum fiir Voélkerkunde, Munich, studied the 72. Nazca ceramics from Peru; Miss Grace Denny, Professor of Textile Arts at the University of Washington, the Peruvian collection; Dr. Tullio Tentori, of the Royal Museum of Prehistory and Eth- nography, Rome, the collection of bows and arrows from North and South America; Dr. Henri Lehmann, of the Musee de l’Homme, Paris, the Aztec clay figurines; Dr. S. V. Cammann, of the University Museum, Philadelphia, the collection of Tibetan paintings and the Chinese collection; and E. B. Sayles, of Arizona State Museum, techniques of exhibition. R. B. Inverarity, director of the recently established International Folk Art Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico, spent several days in consultation with the staff of the Department of Anthropology on problems of museum architecture, storage, and exhibition and, in connection with his researches on Northwest Coast art, studied the Northwest Coast collection. S. A. Cohagan, director of a museum-planning group in Waterloo, Iowa, consulted with Chief Curator Martin and other staff members. Many visiting botanists studied the collections in the Museum’s Herbarium. Dr. Gabriel Gutiérrez, of Medellin, Colombia, studied Cinchona and Leguminosae; Dr. David D. Keck, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Division of Plant Biology, Stanford, California, grasses; Dr. John T. Buchholz, of the University of Illinois, conifers of the Pacific area; Dr. Carlos Mufioz, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Santiago, Chile, Chilean plants; Emil P. Kruschke, of the Milwaukee Public Museum, Crataegus; Jesus Idrobo, of the Instituto Ciencias Naturales, Bogata, Colombia, Maranthaceae; and Dr. Grace C. Madsen and Dr. Chester S. Nielsen, both of Florida State University, Florida algae. Dr. Frank E. Peabody, of the University of Kansas, made use of the collections and facilities of the Division of Vertebrate Paleon- tology, Department of Geology, in his study of the type of Araeo- scelis. Dr. Charles A. Reed, of the College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, worked on fossil carnivores; Dr. Walter Segall, of North- western University, continued his study of edentates; and Morris Skinner, of the Frick Laboratories, American Museum of Natural History, New York, investigated various fossil mammals. Dr. William E. Swinton, of the British Museum (Natural History), London, who was in the United States to study museum methods in many institutions, found time while in the Museum to investigate a few dinosaurs, his particular interest. The collections of the Department of Zoology in all of its Divisions were consulted by numerous visitors for specific studies, supple- menting the large use of the collections by loan to other institutions. 73 Of especial interest were consultations with Dr. William A. Craft, director of the Swine Breeding Laboratory at Ames, Iowa, and Colonel Edward N. Wentworth, of the Armour Livestock Bureau, with regard to the living species of wild pigs and their relation to problems in the domestic breeds. Dr. Robert Mertens, director of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfort, Germany, who as one of the University of Frankfort—University of Chicago exchange of staff was invited to make the Museum his headquarters while in Chicago, spent two months working on the collections in the Division of Reptiles and engaging in local field work with members of the staff. Use of the laboratory and collections of the Division of Anatomy during the year by various persons engaged in medical research was a gratifying demonstration of the usefulness of this Division to a wide field outside the Museum. Among those making such studies were Dr. E. L. Du Brul, of the College of Dentistry, University of Illinois (architecture of the skull in rabbits); Waldemar Meister, Chicago College of Osteopathy (microarchitecture of bone); Arne Bjork, of Vasteras, Sweden (prognathism in primate skulls); Dr. C. O. Bechtol, of Oakland, California (anatomy of the shoulder); and H. F. Moseley, Toronto (anatomy of the shoulder in primates). The Museum co-operated with Dr. Willard F. Libby, of the Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, in his develop- ment of the carbon-14 method of dating archaeological, paleonto- logical, and paleobotanical remains. A number of wood samples of contemporary age from various parts of the world furnished to Dr. Libby from the Museum’s anthropological and botanical collections were used in a world assay of organic materials that proved that the carbon-14 content of contemporary organic matter is the same re- gardless of the climate, altitude, and latitude of the place of origin. A sample of planking from the mortuary boat of King Sesostris III of Egypt, who died about 1849 B.c., was furnished to Dr. Libby as one of a half-dozen ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian speci- mens of known age used to test further the carbon-14 method. The carbon-14 date for this sample was 1751+400 B.c., the deviation from the known date, which is not absolutely accurate, thus falling well within the range of the calculated error. Dr. J. R. Arnold, of the Institute for Nuclear Studies and the carbon-14 project, visited the Museum’s archaeological camp in New Mexico in order to co- operate with Chief Curator Martin on the techniques of gathering suitable samples to be used in carbon-14 dating of archaeological materials. He also wished to obtain first-hand knowledge of the most advanced methods of doing archaeological work. 74 Interested grammar-school students listen to their teacher’s story of the panda. Students of African ethnology and physical anthropology, who came to the Museum mainly from the Air University Libraries, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and the dental schools of the University of Illinois and Northwestern University, were given assistance in their work. Miss Vivian Broman, of the University of Chicago, undertook the classification of the Maya collection in terms of the phase or period names in current use in Maya archae- ology; Miss Rose Lilien worked with the Museum’s collection of Peruvian clay figurines in preparing a thesis for the degree of master of arts at Columbia University; and Philip Dark, graduate student at Yale University, made a study of the Djuka collection from IS) Dutch Guiana for a thesis on Djuka art. Miss Margaret Murley, graduate student in botany at Northwestern University, wrote her doctoral dissertation on seeds of the Cruciferae of eastern United States under the supervision of Chief Curator Just, and Nicholas Hotton III, a graduate student in geology at the University of Chicago, worked on the jaw apparatus of Xenecanth fishes under the direction of Research Associate Olson. Two graduate students at the University of Chicago, William J. Beecher, working on the functional anatomy of birds, and Robert F. Inger (of the staff), working on the Philippines Amphibia, were assigned to the general supervision of Chief Curator Schmidt, as Lecturer in the Depart- ment of Zoology of the University of Chicago. Much of the work of Robert Sokol, University of Chicago Museum Fellow in Zoology, studying plant lice under the direction of Research Associate Alfred EK. Emerson, was done in the Museum’s Division of Insects. Several staff members took part in radio and television programs during the year. Chief Curator Martin gave an interview-talk for the Voice of America radio program, which was broadcast to twenty- eight countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. He participated in a roundtable program on archaeology of the Southwest for the radio station in Santa Fe, New Mexico, was interviewed for the 20th Century Limited radio program concerning the 1949 Southwest Archaeological Expedition, and, with Curator Quimby, gave an interview over radio station WMBI on the Museum’s new Hall of Indian America (Hall 4). Chief Curator Schmidt made a transcrip- tion at the WMAQ radio studios for the radio station in Norfolk, Virginia, on the nature of a natural-history museum. Curator Woods appeared on a television program dealing with the Marineland aquarium at St. Augustine, Florida, and acted as consultant to Coronet Films in connection with short educational films. AGIOS Oe SIVNIS MISMIGILS UN SCUININIPIKC SOGIEMMES Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, George I. Quimby, Curator of Exhibits, and Dr. John B. Rinaldo, Assistant in Archaeology, attended the annual meetings of the Society for American Archae- ology and the Central States Branch of the American Anthropo- logical Association held in Bloomington, Indiana, in May. Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, was chairman of the program committee of the first-named organization 76 and a member of the program committee of the second. Chief Curator Martin was elected a member of the Executive Council of the Society for American Archaeology and a member of the Council of the American Anthropological Association, and Curator Quimby was elected president of the Central States Branch. In August Chief Curator Martin, Dr. Rinaldo, and Miss Elaine Bluhm, assistant in the Department of Anthropology, attended the Southwestern Archaeological Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for which Dr. Martin was a member of a planning committee of three. Dr. Martin also visited Gila Pueblo, Globe, Arizona, for a conference on Southwestern pottery. As representative from the American Anthropological Association, Curator Collier attended the annual meeting of the Division of Anthropology and Psychology of the National Research Council, held in Washington, D.C., in May. He continued to serve as a member of the Committee on Carbon-14 Dating of the American Anthropological Association and during the year attended three meetings of the committee, two in Chicago and one in New York. In September he attended in New York the annual meetings of the Institute of Andean Research, the Viking Fund seminars, and, as official representative of the Museum, the International Congress of Americanists. Curator Quimby also attended the seminars and the Congress, to which his expenses were generously defrayed by the Viking Fund, Inc. Dr. Theodor Just, Chief Curator of Botany, Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Curator of Colombian Botany, Dr. Francis Drouet, Curator of Cryptogamic Botany, Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Curator of Economic Botany, Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Associate Curator of the Herbar- ium, and Dr. Hanford Tiffany and Donald Richards, Research Asso- ciates in Cryptogamic Botany, attended the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in New York in De- cember. Chief Curator Just reported to the Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America on the activities of the Com- mittee on Paleobotanical Nomenclature, of which he is chairman. He served in 1949 as chairman of the membership committee of the Society for the Study of Evolution and was elected secretary of the society for 1950-52. Curator Cuatrecasas was appointed a member of the organization committee of the Third South American Botanical Congress, to be held in Bogata, Colombia, in 1958, and Associate Curator Steyermark was elected secretary of the Systematic Section of the Society of Plant Taxonomists. Research Associate Tiffany as president presided over the meetings of the Phycological Society of America, and Research Associate Richards was elected chairman TH of the nominating committee of the American Bryological Society. During the year Associate Curator Steyermark was elected to honorary membership in Friends of Our Native Landscape, re-elected president of the Barrington (Illinois) Natural History Society, and re-appointed delegate from the Museum to the Conservation Council of Chicago. Bryan Patterson, Curator of Fossil Mammals, and Dr. Albert A. Dahlberg, Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates, attended a conference on the fossil man-apes, Australopithecinae, of South Africa, held in New York in August under the sponsorship of the Viking Fund, Inc. Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Curator of Fossil Reptiles, Dr. Robert H. Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, Dr. Everett C. Olson, Research Associate in Fossil Vertebrates, and Curator Patterson attended the annual meetings of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and the Geological Society of America held in El Paso, Texas, in November and gave reports on work in progress. Research Associate Olson served as secretary-treasurer of the Society of Verte- brate Paleontology throughout the year. Emmet R. Blake, Associate Curator of Birds, and Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Research Associate, attended the 1949 meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union at Buffalo. Dr. Austin L. Rand, Curator of Birds, is a member of the Council and chairman of the Brewster Award Committee of this society. Curator Rand and Associate Curator Blake served on the board of directors of the Illinois Audubon Society, of which Dr. R. M. Strong, Research Associate in Anatomy, is president. Rupert L. Wenzel, Assistant Curator of Insects, was president in 1949 of the Chicago Entomo- logical Society, and Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, was elected president of the American Malacological Union. Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator of Zoology, continued as treasurer of the Society for the Study of Evolution. As representative of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists on the National Research Council and to the American Institute of Bio- logical Sciences he attended the annual meetings in May of both Council and Institute, and as delegate of the Museum and of the National Research Council he attended the Seventh Pacific Science Congress in New Zealand in February. He is a member of the Pacific Science Board, the committee of the National Research Council charged with the screening of Fulbright Fund applications in zoology, and the Committee for Research of the Chicago Zoological Society, and was elected a corresponding member of the Zoological Society of London. 78 Publications of staff members during 1949 other than those issued by the Museum Press included the following titles: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY COLLIER, DONALD Review of A Bibliography of Ancient Man in oes (by Robert F. Heizer), in American Anthropologist, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 497 Review of Boletin Buibliografico de Anthropologia Americana, Vol. 10, in American Anthropologist, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 498 Review of Excavations in the Cuenca Region, Ecuador (by Wendell C. Bennett), in American Antiquity, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 168-169 Review of Handbook of Latin American Studies, No. 11, in American An- thropologist, vol. 51, no. 8, p. 497 HAMBLY, WILFRID D. Talking Animals (Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc.), x+100 pages, illustrated by James A. Porter MARTIN, PAUL S., GEORGE I. QUIMBY, AND DONALD COLLIER Indians before Columbus, Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archeology (University of Chicago Press [1947, third impression 1949]), xxiii+582 pages, 122 illustrations QUIMBY, GEORGE I. “‘Archaeology, Western Hemisphere,” in 1949 Britannica Book of the Year, A Record of ...Hvents of 1948 (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), pp. 58-60 ‘““A Hopewell Tool for Decorating Pottery,’ American Antiquity, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 344 RINALDO, JOHN B. Review of An Early Pit House Village of the Mogollon Culture, Forestdale Valley, Arizona (by Emil W. Haury), in American Antiquity, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 66-67 SPOEHR, ALEXANDER Review of Fijian Village (by Buell Quain), in Social Forces, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 440-441 “The Generation Type Kinship System in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands,”’ Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 5, no. 2. pp. 107-116 Review of Social Organization (by Robert H. Lowie), in American Sociological Review, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 175 ‘Southwestern Pithouses,’’ American Antiquity, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 55 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY CUATRECASAS, JOSE ‘Una Nueva Fruta Tropical Americana: El Boroj6,”’ Serie Botanica Aplicada, Departamento del Valle del Cauca, Republica de Colombia, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 474-481 CUTLER, HuGH C. ‘Races of Maize in South America,” Revista de Agricultura, no. 4, pp. 18-29; no. 5, pp. 3-28 72, Allison-Lighthall Delegates attending the National Congress of 4-H Clubs in Chicago look over the display of picture post cards in the Museum Book Shop during their annual visit. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY (continued) JUST, THEODOR “The Nomenclature of Fossil Plants,’ American Journal of Botany, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 28-382 ‘Some Aspects of Plant Morphology and Evolution,” in Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution (Princeton University Press), pp. 90-100 SHERFF, EARL E. “Tntroduction”” to “Symposium on Botanical Nomenclature,’ American Journal of Botany, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1—4 ‘Miscellaneous Notes on Dicotyledonous Plants,’ American Journal of Botany, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 499-511 “A New Variety of Gnaphalium sandwicensium Gaud. in the Hawaiian Islands,”’ Lloydia, vol. 11, no. 4, p. 309 “Some New or Otherwise Noteworthy Dicotyledonous Plants from the Hawaiian Islands,’’ Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1—25 STEYERMARK, JULIAN A. “Effects of Damming Ozark Springs,’’ Missourt Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 41-48 “Fate of Missouri’s Forests,’’ Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 126-127 ‘‘Lindera melissaefolia,’’ Rhodora, vol. 51, no. 608, pp. 1538-161 ‘“‘New Missouri Plant Records (1946-1948),’’ Rhodora, vol. 51, no. 606, pp. 115-119 “The Persimmon Tree,” Missourt Botanical Garden Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 192-195 80 STEYERMARK, JULIAN A. (continued) “Plants New to Illinois or Chicago Area in Illinois,’’ Rhodora, vol. 51, no. 607, pp. 147-148 “Plant Survey in Fountain Grove Reveals Rare Shrub,” Missouri Conserva- tionist, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 14-15 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY PATTERSON, BRYAN “Rates of Evolution in Taeniodonts,” in Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution (Princeton University Press), pp. 248-278 Roy, SHARAT K. “Gem Collection of Chicago Natural History Museum,” Gems and Gemology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 99-103 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BAUER, MARGARET JEAN Animal Babies (Chicago and New York: M. A. Donohue and Company), 88 pages, 12 color plates, 58 marginal drawings BLAKE, EMMET R. “Booby’s Beak Imbedded in Black Marlin’s Back,’’ Awk, vol. 66, p. 78 “First American Records of Tropical American Birds,’ Natural History Miscellanea, no. 42, pp. 1-38 “Tctinia missisipiensis Collected in Paraguay,” Awk, vol. 66, p. 82 “The Nest of the Colima Warbler in Texas,’ Wilson Bulletin, vol. 61, pp. 65-67, 1 photograph CONOVER, BOARDMAN “A New Race of Rallus nigricans from Colombia,’ Proceedings of the Bio- logical Society of Washington, vol. 62, pp. 1738-174 DAVIS, D. DWIGHT “Comparative Anatomy and the Evolution of Vertebrates,’”’ in Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution (Princeton University Press), pp. 64-89 HAAS, FRITZ “An Overlooked Chinese Unionid,’’ Nautilus, vol. 63, p. 70 “Some Land and Freshwater Mollusks from Guatemala,’ Nautilus, vol. 62, pp. 136-138 HERSHKOVITZ, PHILIP ‘‘Generic Names of the Four-eyed Pouch Opossum and the Woolly Opossum (Didelphidae),’’ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 62, pp. 11-12 ‘Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary Report No. 4: Monkeys (Primates), with Taxonomic Revisions of Some Forms,” Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 98, pp. 823-427, 3 figures “Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary Report No. 5: Bats (Chirop- tera),’’ Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 99, pp. 429- 454, 1 figure “Technical Names for the Fallow Deer,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 30, p. 94 “Technical Names of the African Muishond (Genus Zorilla) and the Co- lombian Hog-nosed Skunk (Genus Conepatus),’’ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 62, pp. 138-16 81 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (continued) PoprE, CLIFFORD H. Review of Bibliography of Animal Venoms (by R. W. Harmon and C. B. Pollard), in Copeza, 1949, p. 88 ‘““A New Species of Salamander (Plethodon) from Southwestern Virginia,” Natural History Miscellanea, no. 47, pp. 1-4 [with J. A. Fowler] “The Salamander Desmognathus quadramaculatus amphileucus Reduced to Synonymy,” Natural History Miscellanea, no. 44, pp. 1-4 RAND, AUSTIN L. ‘“‘Altitudinal Variation in an African Grass Warbler (Cisticola hunteri Shelley),”’ Natural History Miscellanea, no. 48, pp. 1-8 ‘Distributional Notes on Canadian Birds,”’ Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 62, pp. 175-180 Review of Ecologic Races of Song Sparrows in the San Francisco Bay Region: Part I, Habitat and Abundance; Part II, Geographical Variation (by Joe T. Condor Marshall), in Awk, vol. 66, pp. 295-296 Review of The Parasitic Cuckoos of Africa (by Herbert Friedmann), in Scientific Monthly, vol. 49, pp. 67-69 ‘Variation in Dumetella carolinensis,” Auk, vol. 66, pp. 25-28 [with Melvin A. Traylor, Jr.| SANBORN, COLIN CAMPBELL “‘Cavies of Southern Peru,’’ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 68, pp. 133-134 “Extension of the Range of the African Bat, Myotis bocagei cupreolus Thomas,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 30, p. 315 ““Hoy’s Pygmy Shrew in Illinois,’”’ Natural History Miscellanea, no. 36, pp. 1-2 [with Douglas E. Tibbitts] “Mammals from the Rio Ucayali, Peru,’ Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 30, pp. 277-288, 1 figure ““Mexican Records of the Bat, Centurio senex,” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 30, pp. 198-199 ‘“A New Species of Rice Rat (Oryzomys) from the Coast of Peru,’ Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural ‘‘Javier Prado,’ Lima, Peru, Ser. A., Zoologica, Afio 1, no. 8, pp. 1-4 ‘‘Notes on the Caroline Sheath-tailed Bat (E’mballonura sulcata Miller),”’ Natural History Miscellanea, no. 48, pp. 1—2 “The Status of Akodon andinus polius Osgood,” Journal of Mammalogy: vol. 30, p. 315 SCHMIDT, KARL P. Review of Boy’s Book of Snakes, How to Recognize and Understand Them (by Perey A. Morris), in Copeza, 1949, p. 83 Review of Hast of the Andes and West of Nowhere, A Naturalists Wife in Colombia (by Nancy Bell Bates), in Copeia, 1949, pp. 302-303 Review of High Jungle (by William Beebe), in Copeza, 1949, p. 303 Review of Naturalist’s South Pacific Expedition: Fiji (by Otto Degener), in Scientific Monthly, vol. 49, p. 344 Principles of Animal Ecology (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company), vii+837 pages, 263 figures [with W. C. Allee, Alfred E. Emerson, Orlando Park, and Thomas Park] TRAYLOR, MELVIN A., JR. “The Prediction of Longshore Currents, Geophysical Union, vol. 30, pp. 337-345 82 9) Transactions of the American At the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums held in Chicago in May the Director of this Museum was elected a member of the Council, governing board of the Association. Miss Miriam Wood, Chief of the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation, spoke on teaching botany to children before the Children’s Museum Section of the Association, which met in the lecture hall of this Museum, and Mrs. Meta P. Howell, Librarian of the Museum, read a paper on exchange of serial publications among scientific organizations before the Librarians’ Section, which met at the Oriental Institute. Mrs. Eunice M. Gemmill, Associate Li- brarian, and Mrs. Howell attended the Midwinter Conference of the American Library Association in Chicago in January and meet- ings during the year of the American Library Association, Chicago Library Club, Illinois Regional Group of Cataloguers, and Special Libraries Association. Several staff members of the Museum serve in editorial capacities on scientific journals. Upon his departure in October for field work on Saipan Curator Spoehr resigned the book-review editorship of the American Anthropologist, and Curator Collier, who continued as contributing editor of Hl Palacio, was appointed to the position. Chief Curator Just is editor of Lloydia and on the editorial board of Ecology and Evolution, and Research Associate Sherff is a member of the editorial committee of Brittonia. Curator Zangerl continued as regional editor of the news bulletin of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Chief Curator Schmidt is herpetological editor of Copeia, section editor of Biological Abstracts for amphibians and reptiles, and consulting editor of American Midland Naturalist. One of the busiest spots in the Museum is the children’s lunchroom, where tables and benches are provided for the hundreds of school children who bring lunches. Wale BOOK Sake Sales in the Museum’s Book Shop totaled $29,614.53, of which mail orders amounted to $2,137.98. The Book Shop is the exclusive distributor of a number of items, including the book Heads and Tales by Malvina Hoffman, the “‘Map of Mankind” (a chart and pamphlet that deal with the world distribution of racial types, both illustrated with photographs of Hoffman sculptures), and certain publications of the Geographic Society of Chicago. During the year the Museum, through the Book Shop, undertook to act as distributor for the publications of the late Dr. A. J. Grout, well-known authority on mosses, by taking over from the executor of his estate the entire stock of his books. In acting as agent, the Museum is chiefly con- cerned with making these fundamental reference works and text- books available to students and research workers in the special field of cryptogamic botany. A reprint of eight bird plates from the portfolio of paintings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Abyssinian Birds and Mammals, a Museum publication long out of print, was placed on sale in the Book Shop late in the year. The sale of “Museum Stories for Children,’’ written by members of the Raymond Founda- tion staff, continued as an important activity. Orders received by mail accounted for the sale of 30,589 copies of these stories. CAFETERIA The Museum again achieved new records in attendance in its cafe- teria and lunchroom. In all, 256,179 people were served, an increase of almost 7,000 over last year, which marks the first time that the service has reached more than a quarter of a million people. Total sales, however, were slightly less than in the preceding year. Altera- tions in kitchen and serving equipment have speeded up service, resulting in considerably less delay to customers. MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, AND ENGINEERING Tuckpointing and masonry repairs in all light courts of the Museum building were completed during the year. The lower marble steps at the North Entrance were reset where necessary and tuckpointed, and a black top-covering was put on the north and west-door terraces and over the shipping and boiler rooms to re-establish smooth walking surfaces and to waterproof the areas beneath them. Light- ning-rod points were installed on high points of the roof and stack. Extensive measures for the extermination of termites were continued. 84 Moving of exhibits and exhibition cases from Hall B on the ground floor to Hall! 4 (Indian America) on the first floor was com- pleted. Larger poison pans were installed in the cases in eight of the exhibition halls to provide for the use of a bulkier insecticide that would eliminate any possibility of fire or explosion hazard. A room on the third floor in the Department of Botany was remodeled for use as a plant-poisoning room. A much-needed addition was the installation in the photography storage room of a large air- conditioning unit that allows valuable film negatives to be stored under the ideal conditions of temperature and humidity necessary for safe preservation of all photographic emulsions. Lighting of exhibition cases was improved in several exhibition halls, and Hall 4 was rewired to accommodate the exhibition cases moved from Hall B. Installation of fluorescent lighting was con- tinued, and maintenance work was done on electrical fixtures and plumbing as needed during the year. The heating plant was com- pletely renovated. One of the four old boilers was rebuilt for use in emergency and three were replaced with two new boilers of larger capacity. This improvement necessitated wrecking three old boilers, tearing out and replacing the boiler-room floor and foundations, and contracting for plumbing, electrical work, pipe covering, steam fitting, and brick work. Fires were laid under the rebuilt boiler the last of September to dry out the brick work, and steam was furnished with this boiler until completion of the new units, which were placed in service about the middle of November. An automatic firing- control panel and a new feed water-heater tank were installed. The steam pressure has been raised from eighty to one hundred pounds, with the result that more even temperature can be maintained throughout the building than was possible with the old boilers. Under contracts in force, 13,443,747 pounds of steam were furnished to the John G. Shedd Aquarium and 14,222,792 pounds to the Chicago Park District, a total of 27,666,539 pounds delivered. In the pages that follow are submitted the Museum’s financial statements (1948, 1949), attendance statistics and door receipts (1948, 1949), list of accessions, list of Members, articles of incorpora- tion, and amended by-laws. CLIFFORD C. GREGG, Director Chicago Natural History Museum 85 COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL SAE Mi INGES FOR YEARS 1948 AND 1949 INCOME 1949 Endowment funds.......... $708,582.49 Funds held under annuity agreement 2.02 Mey tee bara ee eee Life Membership Fund...... 9,723.03 Associate Membership Fund. 12,891.34 Chicago Park District....... 134,003.04 Annual and Sustaining Mem- berships ape ee LO neZ 5x00 AdmiIssionsee eerie 30,694.75 Sundry receipts............ Pasi Pala Contributions, peucral pur- poses........ 886.83 Contipunon grace pur- poses (expended per COND) eee 25,927.67 Special funds—part expended for purpose designated (included per contra).... 17,894.10 EXPENDITURES Collections. . Be 2 ZOLA 7s Operating expenses geyaiiele ized and added to collec- GIONS Aca ee ee ee 67,114.92 healt Rone. les © gaceOd Do: Furniture, Baxiarnaes, ae ee ore 11,116.06 Wages capitalized and added to fixturesia she Aa. 4,718.70 Pensions and group insurance 174,830.94 Departmental expenses...... 89,171.29 General operating expense... 519,799.74 Building tepals and altera- tions. hy nse eee lOO Rn OIE9O Annuity on ponemeent Pitts ee eee Balance 3k ae En ee ee $983,656.02 $981,516.26 $ 2,139.76 1948 $655,156.94 16,250.00 8,957.65 11,739.92 118,038.05 18,525.00 32,211.25 26,461.23 641.00 117,590.21 13,935.24 $ 28,478.96 55,036.99 49,178.50 110,036.31 2,981.16 68,860.25 79,212.61 523,762.48 74,807.37 16,250.00 $1,019,506.49 $1,008,604.63 $ 10,901.86 The N. W. Harris Public School Extension 1949 Income from endowments... $ 18,328.29 Expendituressenae ere aoe 21,932.94 Deficit: Ss ea tee eg Ne $ 3,604.65 86 1948 $ 17,493.74 19,649.22 $ 2,155.48 COMPARATIVE ATTENDANCE SP ristics, AND DOOR RECEIPTS FOR YEARS 1948 AND 1949 Motaleattendanceme-. 24450565 esac. Raideattendancess 4... 0-0. Free admissions on pay days: Studentsiae pean le Fe Schoolechildren® = 4.2... 574. 45s: Special meetings..).0505.......5. Admissions on free days: abursdayse (Diese. a) ok eee Satundavcn(O2) ee fe Ms we oe is Sundiaysa(Gillmee ss. ext. 2 ee Highest attendance on any day (September 4) esse ea) Lowest attendance on any day @@ecember 16) es fice le. Highest paid attendance (September 5). Average daily admissions (863 days).... Average paid admissions (209 days).... Number of guides sold................ Number of articles checked............ Number of picture post cards sold...... Sales of publications, both scientific and popular, and photographs......... 1949 1,145,359 122,779 26,923 79,487 2.974 455 1,380 2,096 145,902 302,946 460,417 11,859 169 3,739 3,155 587 22,207 33,763 168,862 $10,387.98 (52) (51) (52) (July 4) (March 8) (July 5) (364 days) (209 days) 1948 1,134,643 128,845 26,721 71,285 2,672 402 1,581 871 143,502 274,785 483,979 14,609 165 3,616 3,117 616 23,810 40,836 241,776 $11,898.41 87 ACCESSIONS) 1949 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY—ACCESSIONS BauHR, A. W., Montreal, Canada: 1 stone Buddhistic head—China (gift in memory of Dr. Berthold Laufer). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Donald J. Lehmer (Mexican [Sonora] Archaeological Ex- pedition, 1949): stone implements and potsherds—Sonora, Mexico. Collected by Dr. Paul S. Martin (Southwest Archaeological Expedition, 1949): 170 specimens, including stone and bone artifacts, shell ornaments, pottery vessels and sherds, 1 clay figurine, and 3 fragmentary skeletons— near Reserve, New Mexico. Purchase: 4 Indian peace medals, 174 arrowheads, 11 bone awls, 1 bone flesher, 1 antler hoe, 38 stone scrapers, 1 stone celt, 1 stone blade, 6 stone knives, 5 arrow smoothers, 1 stone club- head, 1 stone ball, 1 stone amulet, and 104 potsherds—near Pierre, South Dakota. FIELD, Dr. HENRy, Washington, D.C.: 2 flint flakes—Spain (gift). HAEGER, E. A., Palos Heights, Illi- nois: 1 carved wood statue—Tabar Island, Melanesia (gift). HELLER, DR. HILDA H., Arequipa, Peru: 1 stone club-head, probably Inca —near Huanuco, Peru (gift). LARSEN, GLADYS, Chicago: 3 flint axes—Denmark (gift). LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Baton Rouge: about 5,000 specimens, includ- ing some restorable pots, artifacts of stone, bone, shell, and fired clay, and many potsherds, representing prehistory of the Lower Mississippi Valley— Louisiana (gift). MALLory, NIVVIE G., Chicago: 1 Indian mortar—near Cambridge, Ne- braska (gift). MILLER, B. T., Logansport, Indiana: 18 ethnological specimens—Geelvink Bay, Dutch New Guinea (gift). MorriLL, Mrs. W. P., Chicago: 50 stone axes and broken arrowheads (gift). NaAsH, Mrs. L. Byron, Highland Park, Illinois: 74 Polynesian ethno- logical specimens, 1 from Samoa, and 1 case of koa wood—Hawaii and Samoa (gift). PUTNAM, P., Belgian Congo, Africa: 1 Bantu mask of wood, 1 Bantu basket —Belgian Congo (gift). SoGGE, ESTHER M., Oak Park, IIli- nois: 3 pots, 1 drill, 1 bone awl, 6 pro- jectile points—Spur Lake, New Mexico (gift). TULLY, COLONEL J. K., Evanston, Illinois: 1 whaling harpoon, 2 bone arrowheads—Nome, Alaska (gift). WARREN, ALLYN D., Chicago: 1 wood carving of Vishnu mounted on Garuda, 1 carved wood plaque—Bali, Dutch East Indies (gift). WHEELER, Mrs. R. C., Chicago: 1 shrunken head—Ecuador (gift). DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY—ACCESSIONS ANDERSON, DR. EDGAR, St Louis: 3 plant specimens (gift). ANDRADE, DR. HUMBERTO DB, Forta- leza, Brazil: 5 specimens of Carnauba wax (gift). APOLINAR-MARIE, BROTHER, Bogota, Colombia: 23 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). ARRAZAGOLA, RAOUL, Buenaventura, Colombia: 15 boards for exhibits (gift). 88 BARKLEY, DR. FRED A., Medellin, Colombia: 83 specimens of algae (gift). BAUER, BILL, Webster Groves, Mis- souri: 1 plant specimen (gift). BENNINGHOFF, DR. W. S., Washing- ton, D.C.: 4 specimens of soil algae (gift). BERMUDEZ, Dr. Luis A., Cali, Co- lombia: 60 specimens of Colombian plants (exchange). BEvuTTAS, PAUL J., Highland Park, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). BLOMQUIST, DR. Huco L., Durham, North Carolina: 2 cryptogamic speci- mens (gift). BuiuM, Dr. JOHN L., Buffalo: 153 specimens of algae (gift). BoLtp, Dr. HAROLD C., Nashville, Tennessee: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). BOTANICAL MUSEUM, HARVARD UNI- VERSITY, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 185 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). BOTANISCHE STAATSANSTALT, Munich, Germany: 56 plant specimens, 189 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). BOWDEN, DR. WRAY M., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: 6 plant specimens (gift). BRANNON, DR. MELVIN A., Gaines- ville, Florida: 70 specimens of algae (gift). BREEN, DR. RUTH O. Schornhurst, Tallahassee, Florida: 11 specimens of marine algae (gift). BRENCKLE, DR. J. F., Mellette, South Dakota: 170 plant specimens (ex- change). BRIEGER, Dr. F. G., Piracicaba, Brazil: 50 ears of Indian maize (gift). BRITISH GUIANA FOREST DEPART- MENT, Georgetown: 12 boards of local lumber for exhibit (gift). BUCHHOLZ, DR. JOHN T., Urbana, Illinois: 2 photographic prints, 2 speci- mens of Kauri gum (gift). CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF, DE- PARTMENT OF BoTANY, Berkeley: 148 specimens of Colombian plants, 63 specimens of algae (gift); 376 plant specimens, 250 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, San Francisco: 1 specimen of Metase- quoia (exchange). CARDENAS, Dr. MARTIN, Cocha- bamba, Bolivia: 276 specimens of Bolivian plants (gift). CASCARD, BEN, Chicago: 8 specimens of fungi (gift). CASTANEDA, DR. RAFAEL ROMERO, Bogota, Colombia: 33 specimens of Bolivian plants (exchange). CAYLOR, DR. R. L., Cleveland, Missis- sippi: 22 specimens of algae (gift). CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM, Ot- tawa, Ontario, Canada: 94 specimens of Canadian plants (exchange). CHANDLER, ALBERT, Kirkwood, Mis- souri: 1 plant specimen (gift). CHAPMAN, Dr. V. J., Auckland, New Zealand: 11 specimens of algae (gift). CHASE, VIRGINIUS H., Peoria, IIli- nois: 2 plant specimens (gift); 1,018 plant specimens (exchange). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Francis Drouet and others (Gulf States Botanical Expedi- tion, 1948-49): about 15,000 specimens of cryptogams. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel and Rodger D. Mitchell (Guatemalan Zoo- logical Expedition, 1948): 27 crypto- gamic specimens. Purchases: 87 plant specimens— Uruguay. ConpDIT, Dr. IRA J., Riverside, California: 1 plant specimen (gift). CooPER, Dr. I. C. G., Westerleigh, Staten Island, New York: 2 crypto- gamic specimens (gift). CORNELL UNIVERSITY, WIEGAND HERBARIUM, Ithaca, New York: 364 plant specimens from Georgia (ex- change). COURSEN, DR. B., Chicago: 9 speci- mens of marine algae (gift). CRIBB, DR. A. B., Brisbane, Aus- tralia: 51 specimens of algae (gift). CROWSON, DoroTuHy, ‘Tallahassee, Florida: 11 specimens of algae (gift). CULBERSON, WILLIAM, Cincinnati: 52 specimens of fungi (gift). CUTLER, Dr. HUGH C., Chicago: 39 plant specimens from Brazil and United States (gift). DaILy, Mrs. Fay K., Indianapolis, Indiana: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). DAILY, WILLIAM A., Indianapolis, Indiana: 2 specimens of algae (ex- change). DALMAT, DR. HERBERT T., Guate- mala City, Guatemala: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). DAwson, DR. E. YALE, Los Angeles: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). DEAM, CHARLES C., Bluffton, In- diana: 7 plant specimens (gift). DILLER, DR. VIOLET M., Cincinnati: 25 specimens of cultures of algae (gift). Dorr, REVEREND THOMAS LOUIS, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada: 5 speci- mens of algae (gift). Doty, DR. MAXWELL S., Evanston, Illinois: 79 specimens of hepatics (gift). 89 DROUET, DR. FRANCIS, Chicago: 3 plant specimens (gift). DyBAs, HENRY S., Hazelcrest, IIli- nois: 27 specimens of fungi (gift). ECUADORIAN BALSA EXPORT COM- PANY, Guyaquil, Ecuador: 17 boards of tropical woods for exhibit (gift). ENSLIN, Mrs. CHARLOTTE M., Oma- ruru, South West Africa: 2 wood speci- mens (gift). EVANS, DR. R., Madison, Wisconsin: 33 specimens of cultures of Myxo- phyceae (gift). FACULTAD AGRONOMIA DE COLOMBIA, Cali, Colombia: 170 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). FEIGLEY, MARGARET, Wilmette, IIli- nois: 35 cryptogamic specimens (gift). FIELD, DR. HENRY, Washington, D.C.: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). F1Ix, CAROLINE E., Utica, New York: 14 eryptogamic specimens (gift). FLINT, Dr. LEwis H., Baton Rouge, Louisiana: 34 specimens of algae (ex- change). FLORIDA, UNIVERSITY OF, HERBAR- IUM, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- TION, Gainesville: 80 specimens of fungi (exchange). FRASE, Mrs. Louis D., Chicago: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). FULLER, DR. GEORGE D., Chicago: 105 plant specimens from Illinois and California (gift). GIER, Dr. L. J., Liberty, Missouri: 4 specimens of algae (gift). GILES, GEORGE H., Wilsonville, Ne- braska: 13 specimens of algae (gift). GLASSMAN, SIDNEY F., Norman, Oklahoma: 28 specimens of algae (gift). GRAHAM, DR. VERNE O., Chicago: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC MUSEUM, Grand Rapids, Michigan: 187 speci- mens of ferns (gift). GREGG, COLONEL CLIFFORD C., Val- paraiso, Indiana: 17 cryptogamic speci- mens (gift). HAAS, DR. FRITZ, Chicago: 5 crypto- gamic specimens (gift). HABEEB, DR. HERBERT, Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada: 590 speci- mens of mosses and lichens (exchange). HEWETSON, WILLIAM T., Freeport, Illinois: 1 grass specimen (gift). HILLIER, DR. FRANCES WYNNE, Chi- cago: 15 specimens of mosses (gift). 90 HopGE, DR. WALTER H., Amherst, Massachusetts: 155 specimens of South American plants (exchange). HOGSHEAD, RAYMOND C., North Miami, Florida: 13 plant specimens (gift). HOLDRIDGE, Dr. L. R., Turrialba; Costa Rica: 6 plant specimens (gift). HOTCHKISS, ARLAND T., Dryden, New York: 10 specimens of algae (gift). HumM, Dr. HAROLD J., Beaufort, North Carolina: 28 specimens of algae (gift); 41 specimens of algae (exchange). INSTITUTO DE BOTANICA DARWINION, San Isidro, Argentina: 30 specimens of Argentine plants (exchange). INSTITUTO GEOBIOLOGICO LA SALLE, Canoas, Brazil: 50 specimens of Bra- zilian plants (exchange). INSTITUTO MIGUEL LILLO, UNIVERSI- DAD NACIONAL DE TUCUMAN, Tucuman, Argentina: 294 specimens of Argentine plants (exchange). JONES, Mrs. EpDITH, West Palm Beach, Florida: 7 cryptogamic speci- mens (gift). JONES, DR. G. NEVILLE, Urbana, Illinois: 1 plant specimen (gift). KANSAS, UNIVERSITY OF, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Lawrence: 522 speci- mens of Kansas plants (exchange). KIENER, DR. WALTER, Lincoln, Ne- braska: 144 specimens of algae (gift); 77 specimens of algae (exchange). KLOUZER, JAMES V., Berwyn, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). LE FRois, BERNARD J., S.V.D., Techny, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic speci- men (gift). LEITE, Dr. J. EUGENIO, Nova-Fri- burgo, Brazil: 48 specimens of Brazilian plants (exchange). LEON, BROTHER, Havana, Cuba: 1 specimen of palm seeds (gift). Loomis, DR. NINA H., Los Angeles: 36 specimens of algae (gift). LOUDERBACK, HAROLD B., Argo, IIli- nois: 5 specimens of algae (gift). Macepo, Dr. AMARO, Ituitaba, Bra- zil: 9 plant specimens (gift). MADSEN, DR. GRACE C., Tallahassee, Florida: 45 specimens of marine algae (gift). MANEVAL, DR. W. E., Columbia, Missouri: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). MatTupA, E1ziI, Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico: 560 specimens of Mexican plants (gift); 250 specimens of Mexican plants (exchange). May, Dr. VALERIE, Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia: 12 cryptogamic specimens (gift). ME Hus, Dr. I. E., Antigua, Guate- mala: 8 plant specimens (gift). MERINO Y CORONADO, DR. J., Caracas, Venezuela: 10 plant specimens (gift). MEYER, DR. FRED G., St. Louis: 91 specimens of North American plants (gift). MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF, HER- BARIUM, Ann Arbor: 699 plant speci- mens (exchange). MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Minneapolis: 69 specimens of Minnesota plants (ex- change). MISSOURI, UNIVERSITY OF, DEPART- MENT OF BOTANY, Columbia: 122 speci- mens of fungi (exchange). MIssourRI BOTANICAL GARDEN, St. Louis: 13 specimens of Panama plants (gift); 380 specimens of Panama plants (exchange). MOLDENKE, Dr. HAROLD N., New York: 518 photographic prints (ex- change). MUSEO FORESTAL UNIVERSIDAD DE AGRICULTURA, Bogota, Colombia: 52 specimens of Colombian plants (ex- change). MUSEO DE HISTORIA NATURAL, UNI- VERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN AGUSTIN, Arequipa, Peru: 26 specimens of Peru- vian plants (gift). MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NAT- URAL, Santiago, Chile: 23 photographic prints (exchange). MusgEuM NATIONAL D’ HISTOIRE NAT- URELLE, LABORATOIRE DE CRYPTO- GAMIE, Paris, France: 420 specimens of algae (exchange). Myers, Dr. JAck, Austin, Texas: 10 specimens of cultures of algae (gift). NELSON, Mrs. NATALIE C., Chicago: 3 specimens of fungi (gift). NEw YorK BOTANICAL GARDEN, New York: 34 specimens of Ecuadorian plants (gift); 79 plant specimens (ex- change). NIELSEN, DR. CHESTER S., AND DR. GRACE C. MADSEN, Tallahassee, Florida: 423 specimens of algae (gift). OAKES, ORVILLE A., Wilmette, Illi- nois: 1 specimen of Metasequoia wood (gift). OSBORN, DR. BEN O., San Angelo, Texas: 13 cryptogamic specimens (gift). PATRICK, DR. RUTH, Philadelphia: 52 specimens of algae (gift). PENNAK, DR. R. W., Boulder, Colo- rado: 2 specimens of algae (gift). PIONEER HYBRID CORN COMPANY, Johnston, Iowa: 400 ears of corn (gift). QUEENSLAND, UNIVERSITY OF, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Brisbane, Aus- tralia: 17 specimens of marine algae (exchange). REED, T. J., Libertyville, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). RICHARDS, DONALD, FUND: 2,300 specimens of algae from New Bruns- wick; 100 specimens of hepatics from Japan; 50 specimens of algae, 500 speci- mens of mosses, and 17 large lots of mosses from New Zealand (gift). RICHARDS, ELMER J., FUND: 2,011 specimens of algae of the Francis Wolle Herbarium (gift). RODRIGUEZ, DR. JOSE CALIENES, Arequipa, Peru: 26 specimens of Peru- vian plants (gift). Ross, LILLIAN A., Chicago: 6 speci- mens of lichens (gift). ROUSSEAU, DR. JACQUES, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: 82 specimens of algae (gift). SAINSBURY, G. O. A., Wairoa, New Zealand: 50 specimens of mosses (ex- change). SCHULTES, DR. RICHARD EVANS, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 708 speci- mens of South American plants (gift); 13 specimens of South American plants (exchange). Scott, Dr. A. M., New Orleans: 2 specimens of algae (gift). Scott, MILTON, Miami, Florida: 119 wood specimens (exchange). SHERFF, DR. EARL E., Chicago: 108 specimens of Hawaiian plants, 18 nega- tives, 25 photographic prints (gift). SILBERMAN, Mrs. OTTo A., Chicago: 4 cryptogamic specimens (gift). SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY oF, ALLAN HANCOCK FOUNDATION, Los Angeles: 175 cryptogamic specimens (exchange). STEYERMARK, MRs. Cora S., Barring- ton, Illinois: 1 cryptogamic specimen (gift). Storrs, H. C., De Funiak Springs, Florida: 1 plant specimen (gift). 91 SUTLIFFE, Mrs. E. C., San Francisco: 11 specimens of hepatics (exchange). TAYLOR, DR. WILLIAM RANDOLPH, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 96 specimens of algae (gift). TENNESSEE, UNIVERSITY OF, DE- PARTMENT OF BOoTANy, Knoxville: 7 plant specimens (gift); 295 specimens of plants from Mexico and Guatemala (exchange). TESSMANN, DR. GUNTER, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: 48 specimens of Bra- zilian plants (gift). TEXAS, UNIVERSITY OF, DEPARTMENT OF BoTANY, Austin: 260 plant speci- mens, 51 specimens of mosses (ex- change). THARP, DR. BENJAMIN C., Austin, Texas: 4 specimens of algae (gift). TIFFANY, DR. HANFORD, Evanston, Illinois: 2 cryptogamic specimens (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D.C.: 6 fossil specimens of Metasequoia for exhibit (gift); 1,178 plant specimens, 130 photographic prints, 1 photostat, 50 specimens of algae (exchange). VATTER, DR. ALBERT E., Chicago: 1 specimen of culture of Calothrix (gift). VAUGHAN’S SEED STORE, Chicago: 1 aquarium (gift). WALPOLE, STEWART J., Mount Dora, Florida: 1 plant specimen (gift). WASHINGTON, UNIVERSITY OF, DE- PARTMENT OF BOTANY, Seattle: 95 specimens of Washington plants (ex- change). WILLIAMS, LLEWELYN, Randolph, Wisconsin: 1 palm trunk (gift). WILLIAMS, DR. LOUIS G., Greenville, South Carolina: 14 specimens of algae (gift). WILSON, ARCHIE F., Flossmoor, IIli- nois: 1 plant specimen (gift); 14 wood specimens (exchange). WILSON, ARCHIE F., Flossmoor, IIli- nois, AND HAROLD NAGLE, Port Arthur, Texas: 2 plant specimens, 2 wood speci- mens (gift). WITOKT, Mrs. CHARLOTTE, Franklin Park, Illinois: 5 specimens of fungi (gift). WOLFF, SIMON E., Fort Worth, Texas: 5 cryptogamic specimens (gift). WoMERSLEY, DR. H. B. S., Adelaide, Australia: 9 specimens of algae (gift). Woop, DR. CARROLL E., JR., Cam- bridge, Massachusetts: 7 specimens of algae (gift). YALE UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF FORESTRY, New Haven, Connecticut: 63 specimens of plants from Panama and Venezuela (gift). YEPES, SILVIO, Popayan, Colombia: 300 specimens of Colombian plants (gift). DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY—ACCESSIONS AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL History, New York: 1 plaster model of a foraminifera (gift). BARBER, C. M., Flint, Michigan: 2 fossil turtles (Toxochelyids)—Alabama (gift). BELL, Mrs. E. M., Trinidad, Colo- rado: 1 fossil bowfin fish—Colorado (gift). BELL, RODNEY L.: 17 fossil brachio- pods—Tennessee (gift). CHALMERS CRYSTAL FUND: 1 chryso- beryl crystal—South Dakota; 1 thort- veitite crystal—Norway (gift). CHICAGO, UNIVERSITY OF, Chicago: 10 fossil fish teeth, 2 trilobites—various localities (gift). 92 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Dr. Robert H. Denison (Geology Field Trip to the Catskill Mountains, New York, 1949): 1 fossil pelecypod, Amnigenia catskillensis (Van- uxem)—New York; (Western Paleonto- logical Expedition, 1949): 68 fossil fish— various localities. Collected by George Langford (Wil- mington, Illinois, Paleobotanical Field Trips, 1949): 1387 fossil invertebrates, 5 fossil fish, 3,863 fossil plants—Will County, Illinois. Collected by George Langford and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. (Field Trip to Will County, Illinois, 1949): 7 king crabs—Will County, Illinois. Collected by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. (Pennsylvania Geological Field Trip, 1948): collection of fossil inverte- brates—various localities; (Western States Invertebrate Paleontological Field Trip, 1949): collection of fossil in- vertebrates and fossil plants-—various localities. Collected by Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., and George Langford (Tennessee Invertebrate Paleontological Field Trip, 1949): collection of fossil invertebrates and plants-—various localities. Collected by Dr. Sharat K. Roy and Orville L. Gilpin (Eastern States In- vertebrate Paleontological Expedition, 1949): collection of Ordovician and Devonian invertebrates—various locali- ties. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Bryan Patterson, and Dr. Robert H. Denison (Texas Paleontological Field Trip, 1949): collection of fossil fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals— Texas. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl and Jack Wilson (geology study trip, 1949): 16 fossil invertebrates—Texas. Purchases: 10 fossil cephalopods, 1 fossil brachiopod, 1 trilobite, 28 fossil sponges, 6 mollusk (Chiton) shells, 2 modern brachiopods, 1 modern worm— various localities. CLARK, LORIN, San Francisco: 3 Stromatolite specimens— Michigan (gift). CLARK, S. L., South Lancaster, Mas- sachusetts: 1 uranium mineral (gum- mite)—New Hampshire (exchange). CLARKE, BEVERLY, Vicksburg, Missis- sippi: femur of fossil mammal—locality unknown (gift). DAHLBERG, DR. ALBERT A., Chicago: cast of lower jaw of Australopithecus promethus—South Africa (gift). DUNBAR, DR. CARL O., New Haven, Connecticut: 1 fossil invertebrate— Labrador (exchange). EAGLE PICHER RESEARCH LABORA- TORIES, Joplin, Missouri: 18 samples of lead and zine products—manufactured (gift). GAMMELL, R. E., Chicago: 2 trilo- bites—locality unknown (exchange). GOLDRING, DR. WINIFRED, Albany, New York: 3 graptolites—New York (exchange). HARRINGTON, DR. HoRAcIO H., Buenos Aires, Argentina: 5 trilobites— locality unknown (gift). Kay, Dr. J. LERoy, Pittsburgh: 3 fossil mammals—various localities (gift). LANGFORD, GEORGE, Chicago: col- lection of fossil fish, reptiles, and mam- -mals—South Dakota (gift). LEES, ARTHUR H., Mexico: 3. fossil Mexico (gift). Look, ALFRED A., Grand Junction, Colorado: 2 fossil mammals, 1 fossil reptile—Colorado (gift). McLAUGHLIN, KENNETH, Pullman, Washington: 4 fossil corals, 28 fossil plants—various localities (exchange). Murray, WILLIAM M., Chicago: 1 physical geology specimen showing differential weathering—Glacier Park (gift). MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1 fossil reptile, Diadectes—Texas (exchange). NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Washington, D.C.: 26 cave minerals— Virginia (gift). OAKLEY, DR. KENNETH P., London, England: Silurian trilobites—England (exchange). PERRY, STUART H., Adrian, Michigan: 1 stone meteorite—Girgenti, Italy; 2 iron meteorites—Hill City, Kansas, and Weaver, Arizona (gift). RICHARDSON, EDWARDS N., Win- netka, Illinois: 1 tent for field work (gift). RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR., Win- netka, Illinois: 1 Silurian trilobite, Dalmanites Platycaudatus—lIllinois (gift). SANBORN, COLIN C., Highland Park, Illinois: 1 Mississippian bryozoan— Arkansas (gift). STERNBERG, G. F., Hays, Kansas: 1 fossil turtle (Ctenochelys)—Kansas (gift). STOCKWELL, H. O., Hutchinson, Kansas: 1 stone-iron—Brenham, Kan- sas; 1 stone meteorite—Norcator, Kan- sas (gift). THOMPSON, R. T., Pheonix, Arizona: 1 specimen of fluorescent mineral (ara- gonite)—Arizona (gift). WHITFIELD, DR. AND Mrs. R. H., AND JON S. WHITFIELD, Evanston, Illi- nois: 319 fossil plants, 5 fossil inverte- brates—various localities (gift). ZANGERL, DR. RAINER, Harvey, IIli- nois, AND C. M. BARBER, Flint, Michi- gan: collection of fossil fish, reptiles, and invertebrates—Alabama (gift). 93 Socorro, New invertebrates—New DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY—ACCESSIONS ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, Philadelphia: 3 lots of fresh-water mollusks—South America . (exchange). AcCosTA Y LARA, EDUARDO, Montevi- deo, Uruguay: 2 mammals—Uruguay (gift). ALLEN, DR. THOMAS D., Chicago: 2 snake skins—South America (gift). AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL History, New York: 1 fish—Key West, Florida (exchange); 1 fish, 75 damselfish—British West Indies (gift). ARCHBOLD, RICHARD, Lake Placid, Florida: 1 reptile—Lake Placid, Florida (gift). BARD, F. G., Regina, Saskatchewan: 5 mammals—Bredin, Saskatchewan (gift). BARKER, R. WRIGHT, Maracaibo, Venezuela: collection of fresh-water mollusks—Venezuela (gift). BAUER, MARGARET J., Chicago: 1 mollusk—Mammoth Cave State Park, Kentucky (gift). BEECHER, WILLIAM J., Chicago: 248 insects—Solomon Islands (gift). BENESH, BERNARD, Chicago: 2 rep- tiles, 5 amphibians—Tennessee (gift). BIESE, DR. WALTER, Santiago, Chile: 14 lots of mollusks (including para- types)—Chile (exchange). Bippus, ALVIN C., Toledo, Ohio: 1 mollusk—Mazatlan, Mexico (gift). BisHop, Dr. S. C., Rochester, New York: 2 amphibians (type and allotype) —Alabama (gift). BLANKE, JOHN H. D., Barrington, Illinois: 177 fresh-water mollusks— Barrington, Illinois (gift). BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HIs- TORY), London, England: 332 lots of fresh-water mollusks (including para- types)—Lake Titicaca, Peru (exchange). BRODIE, LAURA, Chicago: 82 reptiles, 64 amphibians, 4 fishes, 35 insects and their allies, 10 lower invertebrates— South Carolina (gift). BucH, REVEREND A., Ningpo, China: 33 insects—Ningpo, China (gift). BUCHEN, WALTHER, Chicago: birds, 1 reptile—East Africa (gift). CAHN, Dr. ALVINE R., Japan: 5 amphibians, series of amphibian eggs and larva—Japan (gift). 94 452 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, San Francisco: 110 insects (2 paratypes) —Africa and North America (exchange). CARLSON, RUTH, AND ELLEN CARL- SON, West Chicago, Illinois: 1 skeleton of champion Manx cat, 1 preserved hind quarters of champion Manx cat— domestic (gift). CARRERA, MEssIAs, Sao Paulo, Bra- zil: 50 insects (2 paratypes)—Brazil (gift). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Collected by Laura Brodie (local field work): 1 mammal—Indiana. Collected by Dr. Francis Drouet (Gulf States Botanical Expedition, 1948-49): 16 mollusks—Florida. Collected by Henry S. Dybas (Palau Entomological Expedition, 1947-48): 6 mammals—Caroline Islands; (South- eastern States Zoological Field Trip, 1949): 1 amphibian—Alabama. Collected by Philip Hershkovitz (Co- lombian Zoological Expedition, 1948-— 50): 755 mammals——Colombia. Collected by Harry Hoogstraal (Uni- versity of California African Expedition, 1948): 2 reptiles—Madagascar. Collected by Harry Hoogstraal and others (Philippines Zoological Expedi- tion, 1946-47): 10,828 insects and their allies—Philippine Islands. Collected by Clifford H. Pope (Moun- tain Lake Biological Station Field Trip, 1949): 863 reptiles and amphibians— southeastern United States. Collected by Clifford H. Pope and Robert F. Inger (Havana, Illinois, Field Trip, 1949): 30 fishes—TIllinois. Collected by D. S. Rabor (Philippine Islands field work): 10 birds—Negros Island, Philippine Islands. Collected by Colin C. Sanborn (Arkansas Zoological Field Trip, 1948): 455 insects—Arkansas. Collected by Karl P. Schmidt, Brian Bary, and William H. Dawbin (New Zealand field work): 1 mammary ap- paratus and section of aorta of hump- backed whale, 68 reptiles and amphib- ians, 40 fishes, 96 insects and their allies, 40 lots of lower invertebrates, 11 peripatus—New Zealand. Collected by William D. Turnbull (Wyoming Paleontological Expedition, 1948): 87 insects and their allies— Wyoming and South Dakota. Collected by A. Rush Watkins, Colin C. Sanborn, and Frank C. Wonder (Rush Watkins Siamese Zoological Ex- pedition, 1949): 196 mammals, 64 birds, 972 fishes, 52 lots of lower invertebrates —Siam. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel and Henry S. Dybas (from animals brought in for Museum collection): 46 insects and their allies. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel, Henry S. Dybas, and Robert F. Inger (local field work): 496 insects and their allies—Illinois and Indiana. Collected by Rupert L. Wenzel, Rodger D. Mitchell, and Luis de la Torre (Guatemalan Zoological Expedi- tion, 1948): 5 mammals, 7 reptiles and amphibians, 406 insects—Guatemala. Collected by Dr. Rainer Zangerl (study trip to paleontological museums): 117 mollusks—Texas. Purchases: 447 mammals, 2 mammal skulls, 1,636 birds, 464 reptiles and amphibians, 272 fishes, 8,561 insects and their allies, 641 lower invertebrates. CHICAGO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Brook- field, Illinois: 11 mammals, 29 birds, 3 reptiles, 7 reptile eggs—various localities (gift). CIFERRI, CLAUDIO, Caracas, Vene- zuela: 66 birds—Venezuela (exchange). CINCINNATI, UNIVERSITY OF, Cincin- nati: 7 birds—Ohio (exchange). CONOVER, BOARDMAN, Chicago: 88 mammals, 247 birds, 18 fishes, 41 rep- tiles and amphibians, 9 lower inverte- brates—various localities (gift). Cory, CAROLYN, Homewood, Illinois: 1 bird—Homewood, Illinois (gift). COTTERILL, CLARE, Chicago: 48 in- sects— Maine (gift). CrousE, Mrs. WALTER L., Yuma, Arizona: 1 reptile—Yuma, Arizona (gift). CUATRECASAS, DR. JOSE, Bensonville, Illinois: 1 reptile—Colombia (gift). Davis, D. DwicuTt, Richton Park, Illinois: 1 reptile—lIllinois (gift). DE CoOoMAN, A., Shanghai, China: 21 insects—Tonkin, Indo-China (gift). DEUQUET, C., Oatley, New South Wales, Australia: 5 insects—New South Wales, Australia (gift). Dopp, F. O., Chicago: 2 insects— Chicago (gift). DRAKE, ROBERT J., Albuquerque, New Mexico: 9 mollusks—Mexico (ex- change). DROPKIN, DR. VICTOR, Chicago: 84 insects and their allies—Texas (gift). DyBaAs, HENRY S., Hazelcrest, Illi- nois: 3,035 insects and their allies— various localities (gift); 2,000 insects— various localities (exchange). EDGAR, SAMUEL, Papeete, Tahiti: 43 insects— Marianas Islands (gift). EIGsTI, WILBUR E., Hastings, Ne- braska: 29 insects and their allies— Nebraska and Colorado (gift). Evuis, A. E., Surrey, England: 58 lots of mollusks—Europe (exchange). ESTANOVE, DR. JACQUES, Toulouse, France:4mammals—France (exchange). EYERDAM, WALTER J., Seattle, Wash- ington: 111 mollusks—South America (gift). FIELD, Dr. HENRY, Washington, D.C.: 391 reptiles and amphibians, 40 mollusks—Africa (gift). FORCART, DR. LOTHAR, Basel, Switz- erland: 4 mollusk paratypes—Vene- zuela (exchange). FOSTER, COLEMAN A., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa: 19 mammals— Portuguese East Africa (gift). FRAME, Dr. C. L., Asheville, North Carolina: 1 mounted sailfish—locality unknown (gift). FRANZEN, ALBERT J., reptile—Wisconsin (gift). FRIZZELL, Dr. DON L., Rolla, Mon- tana: 3 mollusks—Ecuador (gift). Gay, Mrs. HAZEL B., Chicago: 17 insects—Mexico and Guatemala (gift). Gist, Mrs. L. H., Chicago: 1 bird— Europe (gift). GLoyD, Dr. Howarp K., Chicago: 2 reptiles—Tonga Island (gift). GOODNIGHT, DR. CLARENCE J., La- fayette, Indiana: 3 lots of mollusks— Mexico (gift). GREGG, COLONEL CLIFFORD C., Val- paraiso, Indiana: 17 mammals, 39 rep- tiles and amphibians, 15 insects and their allies—various localities (gift). GROBMAN, DR. ARNOLD A., Gaines- ville, Florida: 1 amphibian—Virginia (gift). HAAS, EDITH P., Chicago: 4 mollusks —Wisconsin (gift). HAAS, DR. FRITZ, Chicago: 2 amphib- ians, 119 mollusks—Minnesota (gift). HAAS, DR. GEORG, Jerusalem, Israel: 553 lower invertebrates—Palestine (ex- change). Chicago: 1 75) HABEEB, DR. HERBERT, Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada: 5 insects (2 paratypes)—New Brunswick, Canada (exchange). HALL, HARVEY, Homewood, Illinois: 1 bird—Homewood, Illinois (gift). HANNELL, MR. AND MRs. VINOL, Chesterton, Indiana: 1 insect—Indiana (gift). HEFFERAN, Mrs. LiLy, Winnetka, Illinois: 1 bird—Kenya Colony, Africa (gift). HERMANN, A. P., Joliet, Illinois: 3 mollusks—Midway Island (gift). HERRING, LOUIS C., Orlando, Florida: 3 amphibians—Union of South Africa (gift). HILL, Dr. H. R., Los Angeles: 124 mollusks—various localities (exchange). HOOGSTRAAL, HARRY, Chicago: 128 reptiles and amphibians, 39 fishes, 821 insects and their allies, 89 mollusks— various localities (gift). HOOPER FOUNDATION, GEORGE WILLIAMS, San Francisco: 4 insects— California (exchange). HUBRICHT, LESLIE, Danville, Vir- ginia: 62 amphibians—southeastern United States (gift). IDAHO, UNIVERSITY OF, Moscow: 1 insect—Idaho (exchange). ILLINOIS, UNIVERSITY OF, Chicago: 1 fish mandible—locality unknown (ex- change). ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM, Spring- field: 5 fishes—Costa Rica (gift). INGER, ROBERT F., Homewood, IIli- nois: 14 insects and their allies—Pensa- cola, Florida (gift). JABLONSKI, RAYMOND, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 4 insects—Japan (gift). KURFESS, LIEUTENANT JOHN, War- rington, Florida: 31 reptiles—Guam (gift). LAIRD, DR. MARSHALL, Wellington, New Zealand: 1 reptile—Fiji Islands (gift). LAMBERT, RONALD J., Zion, Illinois: 1 mammal—Wisconsin (gift). LEE, Fanny, Vero Beach, Florida: 2 lower invertebrates—F ort Pierce, Flori- da (gift). LINCOLN PARK ZOO, Chicago: 8 mam- mals, 1 reptile—various localities (gift). LourR, Major LENNOX R., Chicago: 1 reptile—United States (gift). Lonc, LEwIs E., Washington, D.C.: 9 lower invertebrates—Nicaragua (gift). 96 LOWRIE, DR. DONALD C., Moscow, Idaho: 21 reptiles and amphibians, 251 insects— United States (gift). MAHLER, IRVIN H., Chicago: 6 mollusks—Key West, Florida (gift). MAINA, BARTHOLOMEW, Chicago: 1,006 insects and their allies—various localities (exchange). MANGARAS, WILLIAM, Chicago: 1 mounted skull of an alligator snapping turtle—locality unknown (gift). MARIA, BROTHER NICEFORO, Bogota, Colombia: 5mammals—Colombia (gift). MATUDA, E1z1, Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico: 95 birds—Chiapas, Mexico (ex- change). May, J. F., Colorado Springs, Colo- rado: 5 insects—New Guinea and New Britain (exchange). McCormick, LEANDER J., La Fonta- nette, France: 101 fishes—Mediterra- nean Sea (gift). McGinty, THOMAS L., Boynton Beach, Florida: 12 mollusks—Florida (exchange). MEAD, ALBERT R., Berkeley, Cali- fornia: 4 reptiles and amphibians— Nigeria (gift). MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Hamil- ton, Montana: 2 insect paratypes— Burma (gift). MILLAR, JOHN R., Chicago: 2 lower invertebrates—Florida (gift). MILLs, H. ROBIN, St. Petersburg, Florida: 1 reptile—Florida (gift). Mott, FLORENCE, Benton Harbor, Michigan: 25 insects, 2 hornet nests— Michigan (gift). MUNGO, JOHN, Chicago: 1 two-headed pigeon squab—Chicago (gift). MUSEO DE HISTORIA NATURAL “JAVIER PRADO,” Lima, Peru: 3 mam- mals—Peru (gift). NECKER, WALTER L., Chicago: 191 reptiles and amphibians, 180 insects and their allies—various localities (ex- change). NICHOLLS, J. C., JR., Murphy, North Carolina: 2 salamander paratypes— Tennessee (gift). NICHOLSON, Dr. A. J., Billings, Montana: 1 mammal—Montana (gift). Nouasco, Dr. JosE O., Palawan, Philippine Islands: 4 lots of internal parasites of the dugong—Palawan (gift). ORIENTAL INSTITUTE, Chicago: 13 lower invertebrates—Kurdistan (gift). Owans, Marco, Chicago: 16 mol- lusks—Cebu City, Philippine Islands (gift). PATTERSON, BRYAN, Chicago Heights, Illinois: 500 insects—Bucks, England (exchange). PATTERSON, BRYAN, AND ALAN PAT- TERSON, Chicago Heights, Illinois: 18 reptiles and amphibians, 148 insects and their allies, 8 lower invertebrates— Illinois and Florida (gift). PETERSEN, Mrs. F. LIND, Escuintla, Guatemala: 3 insects—Zapote, Guate- mala (gift). PHELPS, WILLIAM, Caracas, Vene- zuela: 8 birds—Venezuela (exchange). RAFFLES MUSEUM, Singapore: 6 mammals—Malay States (gift). RAMSTADT, HENRY, Chicago: 23 in- sects and their allies—Punta Gorda, Florida (gift). RAND, Dr. AUSTIN L., Chesterton, Indiana: 1 amphibian—Indiana (gift). Ross, LILLIAN A., Chicago: 178 in- sects—various localities (gift). SALISBURY, COMMODORE GEORGE R., Columbia, Missouri: 45 birds—Laysan Island (gift). SANDERSON, GLEN Missouri: 2 snakes, Okinawa (gift). SCHARBACH, ALBERT, spider—Chicago (gift). SCHLESCH, DR. HANS, Copenhagen, Denmark: 26 lots of mollusks—various localities (gift). SCHMIDT, JOHN M.., Plainfield, Illinois: 11 reptiles and amphibians—North Carolina (gift). SCHUBART, DR. OTTO, Sao Paulo, Brazil: 40 mollusks—Brazil (gift). SCHWENGEL, DR. JEANNE S., Green- wich, Connecticut: 94 mollusks—vari- ous localities (gift). SEATON, FRANK H., Tampa, Florida: 1 reptile—Florida (gift). _ SEEVERS, DR. CHARLES H., Home- wood, Illinois: 120 insects and their allies—North America (gift). SENCKENBERG MusSEuM, Frankfurt- on-the-Main, Germany: 3 mollusks (2 paratypes)—Africa (exchange). SHAPLAND, Mrs. FRANK, Kankakee, Illinois: 1 butterfly chrysalis with 50- plus emerged parasitic wasps—Kanka- kee, Illinois (gift). SHIRK, JOSEPH H., Peru, Indiana: 7 mammal skulls—North America (gift). C., Columbus, 1 snake skin— Chicago: 1 SINGH, RAm S., Georgetown, British Guiana: 107 birds—British Guiana (ex- change). SIOLI, DR. HARALD, Belem, Brazil: 301 mollusks—Brazil (gift). SLATER, DR. JAMES R., Tacoma, Washington: 2 amphibians—Washing- ton (exchange). SOLEM, ALAN, Oak Park, Illinois: 4 insects—Oak Park, Illinois (gift). STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIvIsIoNn, Urbana, Illinois: 3 insects— Arizona (exchange). STEYERMARK, DR. JULIAN A., Bar- rington, Illinois: 69 mollusks— Missouri (gift). STORM, ROBERT M., Corvallis, Ore- gon: 13 salamanders—Oregon (ex- change). STRAW, RICHARD M., Minneapolis: 1 reptile—Maryland (gift). STROUD, CLYDE P., Chicago: 1 am- phibian—New Mexico (gift). TARRANT, Ross, Wilmette, Illinois: 1 set of fishing tackle, 1 set of laboratory instruments; 73 fishes, 8 lower inverte- brates—various localities (gift). TEXAS, AGRICULTURAL AND ME- CHANICAL COLLEGE OF, College Station: 38 mammals—Colorado (gift). THOMPSON, ROBERT T., Phoenix, Arizona: 2 mollusks—Phoenix, Arizona (gift). THUROW, GORDON, Chicago: 2 lizards —Bermuda (gift). TIBBITTS, DOUGLAS E., Palatine, IIli- nois: 2 mammals, 77 insects—Palatine, Illinois (gift). TRAPIDO, HAROLD, Panama, Panama: 499 reptiles and amphibians—Central and South America (gift). TRAUB, MAJOR ROBERT, Washington, D.C.: 29 mammals, 12 insects—various localities (gift); 4 insects—Costa Rica (exchange). UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Washington, D.C.: 5 fishes— Florida and Texas (gift). UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Washington, D.C.: 1 insect paratype— Allentown, Pennsylvania (exchange). UNITED STATES NAVAL MEDICAL RE- SEARCH INSTITUTE, Bethesda, Maryland: 2 mammals—Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (gift). WEED, ALFRED C., DeLand, Florida: 28 fish skeletons—various localities (gift). 97, WENTWORTH, COLONEL EDWARD N., Chicago: 5 pig skulls—domestiec (gift). WENZEL, RUPPERT L., Oak Park, Illinois: 21 insects—United States (gift). WERNER, FLOYD, Ottawa, Illinois: 700-plus insects—Louisiana (exchange). WEYRAUCH, DR. WOLFGANG, Lima, Peru: 31 lots of mollusks—South America (gift). WILLIAMS, DR. ELIOT C., JR., Craw- fordsville, Indiana: 476 insects and their allies—various localities (exchange) ; 128 lots of lower invertebrates—Canal Zone, Panama (gift). WONDER, FRANK C., Chicago: 1 1 mammal—Chicago (gift). Woops, Mrs. ADELE, Richton Park, Illinois: 5 fishes—Fort Lauderdale, Florida (gift). Woops, LOREN P., Richton Park, Illinois: 2 fishes—Washington, D.C. (gift). WRIGHT, MAJor Howarp T., Or- lando, Florida: 445 insects and their allies, 1 lot of lower invertebrates— various localities (gift). WyaTT, ALEX K., Chicago: 68 in- sects—United States (gift). ZOOLOGISCH MUSEUM, Amsterdam, Netherlands: 10 birds, 1 mollusk—vari- ous localities (exchange). JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION—ACCESSIONS BLock, DR. FRED, Hollywood, Cali- fornia: 20 2x2 natural-color (duplicate) slides (gift). CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Made by Emmet R. Blake (South- west and Rocky Mountains Expedition, 1941): 183 2x2 natural-color (original) slides. Made by Museum Photographer: 145 2x2 natural-color (original) slides. EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Chicago: 57 2x2 natural-color (duplicate) slides (purchase). HOWE, CHARLES ALBEE, Homewood, Illinois: 144 2x2 natural-color (original) slides (gift). URE, ROLAND W., Nashua, New Hampshire: 26 2x2 natural-color (dupli- cate) slides (purchase). WILEY, JOHN, AND SONS, INC., New York: 163 2x2 natural-color (duplicate) slides (gift). Woop, MIRIAM, Chicago: 6 2x2 natural-color (original) slides (gift). DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPH Y—ACCESSIONS CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: Made by Division of Photography: 13,183 prints, 2,286 negatives, 170 en- largements, 274 lantern slides, 6 koda- chromes, 7 transparencies. WONDER, FRANK C., Chicago: 74 negatives of orangutan studies, made in the Philippine Islands in 1933-34. DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES—ACCESSIONS ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA FILMS, Inc., Wilmette, Illinois: 400 feet of sound color-film (purchase). GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION, Mil- ford, Michigan: 400 feet of black-and- white film (gift). LOWER, GEORGE, Westtown, Penn- sylvania: 1,200 feet of color film (pur- chase). 98 Moyer, JOHN W., Chicago: 1,200 feet of black-and-white film (gift). OTTO, JOHN, FILM LIBRARY, INC., Winnetka, Illinois: 850 feet of film (purchase). LIBRARY ACCESSIONS—LIST OF DONORS: INSTITUTIONS American Dental Association Library, Chicago Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. Harvard Yenching Institute, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts Mayuyama and Company, Tokyo, Japan Ministerio de Education Publica de Guatemala, Instituto de Anthropo- LIBRARY ACCESSIONS—LIST INDIVIDUALS Aldred, C., Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, Scotland Bondar, Gregorio, Bahaia, Brazil Bourret, Dr. René, |’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences de 1|’Université Indo- chinoise, Hanoi, Indo-China Conover, Boardman, Chicago Davis, D. Dwight, Richton Park, Illinois Field, Dr. Henry, Washington, D.C. Gerhard, William J., Chicago Gregg, Colonel Clifford C., Valparaiso, Indiana Gressitt, J. L., Lingnan Natural History Survey and Museum, Canton, China Haas, Dr. Fritz, Chicago Hatai, Dr. K., Tokoku University, Sendai, Japan Hewes, Dr. G. W., University of South- ern California, Los Angeles Hinton, A. C., Chicago Hoogstraal, Harry, Chicago Mayr, Dr. Ernst, American Museum of Natural History, New York logia e Historia, Guatemala City, Guatemala Natural History Books, Chicago Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, San Diego, California Philosophical Publishing Company, Quakertown, Pennsylvania Société des Missions Paris, France United States Department of State, Division of Libraries and Institutes, Washington, D.C. Evangeliques, @ES DONORS: Mazur, Anthony, Chicago McCormick, L. J., St. Tropez (Var), France McNary, Agnes, Chicago Morales y Sanchez, Augusto, Teguci- galpa, Honduras Richardson, Eugene S., Jr., Winnetka, Illinois Ridaura, G. de Caso, Spanish Consulate, Chicago Riggs, Elmer S., Arkansas Siloam Springs, Sax, Karl, Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts Schmidt, Karl P., Homewood, Illinois Spoehr, Dr. Alexander, Winnetka, Illinois Standley, Paul C., Chicago Stephanides, Dr. Theodore, London, England Stuart, L. C., Ann Arbor, Michigan Wilcoxson, Mrs. Emily M., Chicago Wilson, Archie F., Flossmoor, IIlinois Wright, Major Howard T., Orlando, Florida 99 Contributions and Bequests Contributions and bequests to Chicago Natural History Museum may be made in securities, money, books, or collections. They may, if desired, take the form of a memorial to a person or cause, to be named by the giver. For those desirous of making bequests to the Museum, the following form is suggested: EORMVOESBEOUESI 100 I do hereby give and bequeath to Chicago Natural History Museum of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois: Cash contributions made within the taxable year to Chicago Natural History Museum to an amount not in excess of 15 per cent of the taxpayer’s net income are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax. Endowments may be made to the Museum with the provision that an annuity be paid to the patron during his or her lifetime. These annuities are guaranteed against fluctua- tion in amount, and may reduce federal income taxes. MEMbEhorOr Tae MUSEUM FOUNDER Marshall Field* BENEFACTORS Those who have contributed $100,000 or more to the Museum Ayer, Edward E.* Harris, ee Ne Raymond, James Nelson* : : Harris, Norman W.* Ryerson, Martin A.* Ey onenam, Miss Higinbotham, HarlowN.* Ryerson, Mrs. ; Martin A.* Crane, Cornelius Kelley, William V.* Crane, R. T., Jr.* Simpson, James* Field, Joseph N.* Pullman, George M.* Smith, Mrs. Frances Field, Marshall Cement! Mek. Saale Rawson, Frederick H.* Smith, George T.* , y Raymond, Mrs. Anna Sturges, Mrs. Mary D.* Graham, Ernest R.* Louise* Suarez, Mrs. Diego * DECEASED HONORARY MEMBERS Those who have rendered eminent service to Science Cutting, C. Suydam Harris, Albert W. Sargent, Homer E. Ludwig, H.R. H. Gustaf Suarez, Mrs. Diego Field, Marshall Adolf, Crown Prince of Field, Stanley Sweden Vernay, Arthur S. PATRONS Those who have rendered eminent service to the Museum Calderini, Charles J. Day, Lee Garnett Knight, Charles R. Goadoure, Ons. SUNY areca in Beran Moore, Mrs. William H. rane ’ ; Chancellor, Philip M. Field, Mrs. Stanley Se eee Collins, Alfred M. H tee Olan Conover, Boardman aa Vernay, Arthur S. Cutting, C. Suydam Judson, Clay White, Harold A. 101 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Scientists or patrons of science, residing in foreign countries, who have rendered Breuil, Abbé Henri Hochreutiner, Dr. B. P Georges eminent service to the Museum Humbert, Professor Henri Keissler, Dr. Karl CONTRIBUSEORS Keith, Professor Sir Arthur Leon, Brother (Sauget y Barbier, Joseph 8.) Those who have contributed $1,000 to $100,000 to the Museum $75,000 to $100,000 Chancellor, Philip M. $50,000 to $75,000 Keep, Chauncey* Remmer, Oscar E.* Rosenwald, Mrs. Augusta N.* $25,000 to $50,000 Adams, Mrs. Edith Almy* Blackstone, Mrs. Timothy B.* Chalmers, Mrs. Joan A.* Coats, John* Crane, Charles R.* Cranes Wits. Raden Field, Mrs. Stanley Jones, Arthur B.* Murphy, Walter P.* Porter, George F.* Rosenwald, Julius* Vernay, Arthur S. White, Harold A. $10,000 to $25,000 Adams, Joseph* Armour, Allison V.* ATMOouUTS bs Des * DECEASED 102 in money or materials Babcock, Mrs. Abby K.* Barnes, R. Magoon* Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily rane Chalmers, William J.* Conover, Boardman Cummings, R. F.* Cutting, C. Suydam Everard, R. T.* Gunsaulus, Dr. F. W.* Insull, Samuel* Laufer, Dr. Berthold* Lufkin, Wallace W.* Mandel, Leon McCormick, Cyrus (Estate) McCormick, Stanley Mitchell, John J.* Reese, Lewis* Richards, Elmer J. Robb, Mrs. George W.* ee Foundation, e Sargent, Homer E. Schweppe, Mrs. Charles H.* Straus, Mrs. Oscar S.* Strong, Walter A.* Wrigley, William, Jr.* $5,000 to $10,000 Adams, George E.* Adams, Milward* American Friends of China Avery, Sewell L. Bartlett, A. C.* Bishop, Heber (Estate) Borland, Mrs. John Jay* Crane, R. T.* Cuatrecasas, Dr. José Doane, J. W.* Field, Dr. Henry Fuller, William A.* Graves, George Coe, II* Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Norman Dwight Harris, Mrs. Norman W.* Haskell, Frederick T.* Hutchinson, C. L.* Keith, Edson* Langtry, J. C. MacLean, Mrs. M. Haddon* Moore, Mrs. William H. Payne, John Barton* Pearsons, D. K.* Perry, Stuart H. Porter, H. H.* Ream, Norman B.* Revell, Alexander H.* Richards, Donald Riley, Mrs. Charles V.* Salie, Prince M. U. M. Sprague, A. A.* Storey, William Benson* Strawn, Silas H.* Street, William S. CONTRIBUTORS (Continued) Thorne, Bruce Tree, Lambert* Valentine, Louis L.* Watkins, Rush Wetten, Albert H. $1,000 to $5,000 Acosta Solis, Dr. M. Avery, Miss Clara A.* Ayer, Mrs. Edward E.* Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Samuel E.* Bensabott, R., Inc. Bishop, Dr. Louis B. Blair, Watson F.* Blaschke, Stanley Field Block, Mrs. Helen M.* Borden, John Brown, Charles Edward* Buchen, Walther Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Chicago Zoological Society, The Coburn, Mrs. Annie S.* Crocker, Templeton Cummings, Mrs. Robert F.* Desloge, Joseph Doering, O. C. Dybas, Henry 8S. * DECEASED Fish, Mrs. Frederick S.* Graves, Henry, Jr. Gunsaulus, Miss Helen Gurley, William F. E.* Herz, Arthur Wolf* Hibbard, W. G.* Higginson, Mrs. Charles M.* Hill, James J.* Hinde, Thomas W. Hixon, Frank P.* Hoffman, Miss Malvina Hoogstraal, Harry Howe, Charles Albee Hughes, Thomas S.* Jackson, Huntington W.* James, F. G. James, S. L. Knickerbocker, Charles K.* Kraft, James L. Langford, George Lee Ling Yun Lerner, Michael Look, Alfred A. MacLean, Haddon H. Mandel, Fred L., Jr. Manierre, George* Marshall, Dr. Ruth Martin, Alfred T.* McCormick, Cyrus H.* McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus* Mitchell, Clarence B. Moyer, John W. Nash, Mrs. L. Byron Ogden, Mrs. Frances E.* Osgood, Dr. Wilfred H.* Palmer, Potter* Patten, Henry J.* Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Rauchfuss, Charles F.* Raymond, Charles E.* Reynolds, Earle H.* Richardson, Dr. Maurice L. Rumely, William N.* Schapiro, Dr. Louis* Schmidt, Karl P. Schwab, Martin C.* Schweppe, Charles H.* Shaw, William W. Sherff, Dr. Earl E. Smith, Bryon L.* Sprague, Albert A.* Steyermark, Dr. Julian A. Thompson, E. H.* Thorne, Mrs. Louise E. Traylor, Melvin A., Jr. VanValzah, Dr. Robert VonFrantzius, Fritz* Wheeler, Leslie* Willems, Dr. J. Daniel Willis, L. M.* Wolcott, Albert B. Zangerl, Dr. Rainer CORPORATE MEMBERS Armour, Lester Avery, Sewell L. Blair, Wm. McCormick Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Calderini, Charles J. Chadbourne, Mrs. Emily Crane Chancellor, Philip M. Collins, Alfred M. Conover, Boardman Cummings, Walter J. Cutting, C. Suydam Day, Lee Garnett Dick, Albert B., Jr. Ellsworth, Duncan S. Fenton, Howard W. Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Hancock, G. Allan Harris, Albert W. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Isham, Henry P. Judson, Clay Knight, Charles R. McBain, Hughston M. Mitchell, William H. Moore, Mrs. William H. Randall, Clarence B. Richardson, George A. Sargent, Homer E. Smith, Solomon A. Suarez, Mrs. Diego Vernay, Arthur S. Wetten, Albert H. White, Harold A. Wilson, John P. 103 LIFE MEMBERS Those who have contributed $500 to the Museum Adler, Max Allerton, Robert H. Armour, A. Watson Armour, Lester Armour, Mrs. Ogden Ascoli, Mrs. Max Avery, Sewell L. Babson, Henry B. Bacon, Edward Richardson, Jr. Banks, Alexander F. Barnhart, Miss Gracia M. F. Barr, Mrs. Roy Evan Barrett, Mrs. A. D. Barrett, Robert L. Bartlett, Miss Florence Dibell Baur, Mrs. Jacob Bensabott, R. Bermingham, Edward J. Blaine, Mrs. Emmons Block, Leopold E. Borden, John Borland, Chauncey B. Brassert, Herman A. Brewster, Walter S. Browne, Aldis J. Buchanan, D. W. Budd, Britton I. Burnham, John Burt, William G. Butler, Julius W. Butler, Rush C. Carpenter, Augustus A. Carpenter, Mrs. John Alden Carr, George R. Carr, Walter S. Casalis, Mrs. Maurice Chatfield-Taylor, Wayne Clegg, Mrs. William G. Connor, Ronnoc Hill Conover, Boardman Cook, Mrs. Daphne Field Corley, F. D. Cramer, Corwith Crossett, Edward C. Crossley, Lady Josephine Crossley, Sir Kenneth Cudahy, Edward A. Cummings, Walter J. Cunningham, James D. Cushing, Charles G. Dahl, Ernest A. Dawes, Charles G. 104 Dawes, Henry M. Delano, Frederic A. Dick, Albert B., Jr. Dierssen, Ferdinand W. Dixon, Homer L. Donnelley, Thomas E. Doyle, Edward J. Drake, John B. Edmunds, Philip S. Ely, Mrs. C. Morse Epstein, Max Ewing, Charles Hull Farr, Newton Camp Farr, Miss Shirley Fay, C.N. Fenton, Howard W. Fentress, Calvin Fernald, Charles Field, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field, Marshall, Jr. Field, Norman Field, Mrs. Norman Field, Stanley Field, Mrs. Stanley Gardner, Robert A. Gilbert, Huntly H. Glore, Charles F. Gowing, J. Parker Hamill, Alfred E. Harris, Albert W. Harris, Norman W. Hayes, William F. Hecht, Frank A. Hemmens, Mrs. Walter P. Hibbard, Frank Hickox, Mrs. Charles V. Hill, Louis W. Hinde, Thomas W. Hopkins, L. J. Horowitz, L. J. Hoyt, N. Landon Hutchins, James C. Insull, Samuel, Jr. Jarnagin, William N. Jelke, John F. Joiner, Theodore E. Jones, Miss Gwethalyn Kelley, Russell P. Kidston, William H. King, James G. Kirk, Walter Radcliffe Ladd, John Lehmann, E. J. Leonard, Clifford M. Levy, Mrs. David M. Linn, Mrs. Dorothy C. Logan, Spencer H. MacDowell, Charles H. MacLeish, John E. MacVeagh, Eames Madlener, Mrs. Albert F. Mason, William S. McBain, Hughston M. MclInnerney, Thomas H. McKinlay, John Meyer, Carl Meyne, Gerhardt F. Mitchell, William H. Morse, Charles H. Morton, Mark Munroe, Charles A. Myrland, Arthur L. Newell, A. B. Ormsby, Dr. Oliver S. Orr, Robert M. Paesch, Charles A. Palmer, Honoré Pick, Albert Prentice, Mrs. Clarence C. Rodman, Mrs. Katherine Field Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rosenwald, William Rubloff, Arthur Ryerson, Edward L., Jr. Seabury, Charles W. Shirk, Joseph H. Smith, Alexander Smith, Solomon A. Spalding, Keith Sprague, Mrs. Albert A. Stuart, Harry L. Stuart, John Stuart, R. Douglas Sturges, George Swift, Harold H. Thorne, Robert J. Tree, Ronald L. F. Tyson, Russell Uihlein, Edgar J. Veatch, George L. Wanner, Harry C. Ward, P. C. Welch, Mrs. Edwin P. Welling, John P. Whitney, Mrs. Julia L. Clegg, William G. Durand, Scott S. Lytton, Henry C. Wickwire, Mrs. Edward L. Wieboldt, William A. Willard, Alonzo J. Willits, Ward W. DECEASED, 1949 McCutcheon, John T. McGann, Mrs. Robert G. Poppenhusen, Conrad H. LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) Wilson, John P. Wilson, Thomas E. Winston, Garrard B. Woolley, Clarence M. Wrigley, Philip K. Rinaldo, Mrs. Philip S. Spalding, Vaughan C. Underwood, Morgan P. NON-RESIDENT LIFE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have Bennett, Mrs. Irene Stark Coolidge, Harold J. Gregg, John Wyatt Hearne, Knox contributed $100 to the Museum Holloman, Mrs. Delmar W. Johnson, Herbert F., Jr. Maxwell, Gilbert S. Osgood, Mrs. Cornelius Richardson, Dr. Maurice L. Rosenwald, Lessing J. Sardeson, Orville A. Stephens, W. C. Stern, Mrs. Edgar B. Vernay, Arthur S. Zerk, Oscar U. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those who have contributed $100 to the Museum Aaron, Charles Aaron, Ely M. Abbott, Donald Putnam, Jr. Abbott, Gordon C. Abbott, W. Rufus Abbott, William L. Abeles, Mrs. Jerome G. Abrahamsen, Miss Cora Abrams, Duff A. Ackerman, Charles N. Adamick, Gustave H. Adams, Mrs. Charles S. Adams, Mrs. David T. Adams, Mrs. Frances Sprogle Adams, Miss Jane Adams, John Q. Adams, Mrs. S. H. Adams, Mrs. Samuel Adams, William C. Adamson, Henry T. Adler, Mrs. Max Ahlschlager, Walter W. Alden, William T. Aldis, Graham Alexander, Mrs. Arline V. Alexander, Edward Alexander, William H. Alford, Mrs. Laura T. C. Allbright, John G. Allen, Mrs. Grace G. Allensworth, A. P. Allin, J. J. Allison, Mrs. William M. Alsip, Mrs. Charles H. Alter, Harry Alton, Carol W. Ames, Rev. Edward S. Anderson, Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. Alma K. Anderson, Miss Florence Regina Andrews, Mrs. E. C. Andrews, Milton H. Angelopoulos, Archie Anstiss, George P. Antrim, E. M. Appelt, Mrs. Jessie E. Appleton, John Albert Armbrust, John T. Armour, A. Watson, III Armour, Laurance H. Armour, Philip D. Armstrong, Mrs. Julian Armstrong, Kenneth E. Arn, W. G. Arnold, Mrs. Lloyd Artingstall, Samuel G. Ascher, Fred Ashenhurst, Harold S. Asher, Norman Aurelius, Mrs. Marcus A. Austin, E. F. Avery, George J. Ayres, Robert B. 105 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Babson, Mrs. Gustavus Bachmeyer, Dr Arthur C. Back, Miss Maude F. Bacon, Dr. Alfons R. Badger, Shreve Cowles Baer, David E. Baer, Mervin K. Baer, Walter S. Bagby, John C. Baggaley, William Blair Barwick Baird, Harry K. Baker, Mrs. a Mlived IL Baker, Gear Baker, Greeley Baldwin, Vincent Curtis Balgemann, Otto W. Balkin, Louis Ball, Dr. Fred E. Ballard, Mrs. Foster K. Ballenger, A. G. Baltis, Walter S. Banes, W. C. Banks, Edgar C. Bannister, Miss Ruth D. Bantsolas, John N. Barber, Phil C. Bargquist, Miss Lillian D. Barkhausen, L. H. Barnard, Harrison B. Barnes, Cecil Barnes, Mrs. Charles Osborne Barnes, Harold O. Barnett, Claude A. Barnhart, Mrs. A. M. Barnum, Harry H. Barr, Mrs. Alfred H. Barr, George Barrett, Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett, Mrs. Harold G. Barthell, Gary Bartholomae, Mrs. Emma Bartholomay, F. H. Bartholomay, Henry Bartholomay, Mrs. William, Jr. Bartlett, Frederic C. Barton, Mrs. Enos M. Basile, William B. Basta, George A. Bastian, Charles L. Bastien, A. E. Bates, Mrs. A. M. Bates, George A. Bates, Joseph A. Battey, Paul L. Baum, Mrs. James E. Baum, Wilhelm 106 Baumann, Harry P. Bausch, William C. Beach, Miss Bess K. Beach, E. Chandler Beachy, Mrs. Walter F. Beck, Alexander Becker, Benjamin V. Becker, Frederick G. Becker, Herman T. Becker, James H. Becker, Louis Becker, Louis L. Beckler, R. M. Beckman, Victor A. Beckman, Mrs. Victor A. Beckman, William H. Beddoes, Hubert Behr, Mrs. Edith Beidler, Francis, II Belden, Joseph C., Jr. Bell, Mrs. Laird Benjamin, Jack A. Benner, Harry Bennett, Bertram W. Bennett, S. A Bennett, Professor J. Gardner Benson, John Benson, Mrs. Thaddeus R. Bent, John P. Bentley, Mrs. Cyrus Berend, George F. Berkely, Dr. J. G. Berkson, Mrs. Maurice Bernstein, Philip Berry, V. D. Bersbach, Elmer S. Bertol, Miss Aurelia Bertschinger, Dr. C. F. Besly, Mrs. C. H. Bettman, Dr. Ralph B. Bichl, Thomas A. Biddle, Robert C. Biehn, Dr. J. F. Biggers, Bryan B. Biggs, Mrs. Joseph H. Bigler, Mrs. Albert J. Bigler, Dr. John A. Billow, Miss Virginia Bird, Miss Frances Birk, Miss Amelia Birk, Frank J. Bishop, Howard P. Bishop, Miss Martha V. Bittel, Mrs. Frank J. Bixby, Edward Randall Blackburn, Oliver A. Blair, Mrs. M. Barbour Blair, Wm. McCormick Blair, Wolcott Blatchford, Carter Blatchford, Dr. Frank Wicks Blecker, Mrs. Michael, Jr. Blessing, Dr. Robert Block, Joseph L. Block, Leigh B. Block, Mrs. Leigh B. Block, Philip D., Jr. Bloom, Mrs. Leopold Bloss, Mrs. Sidney M. Bluford, Mrs. David Blum, Harry H. Blunt) Jhon Bluthardt, Edwin Boal, Ayres Boal, Stewart Boericke, Mrs. Anna Boettcher, Arthur H. Bohasseck, Charles Bohrer, Randolph Bolotin, Hyman Bolten, Paul H. Bondy, Berthold Boomer, Dr. Paul C. Boone, Arthur Booth, Alfred V. Booth, George E. Borg, George W. Bori, Mrs. Albert V. Borland, Mrs. Bruce Borowitz, David Borwell, Robert C. Bosch, Charles Bosch, Mrs. Henry Bosworth, Mrs. Roland I Botts, Graeme G. Boulton, Mrs. Rudyerd Bousa, Dr. Bohuslav Bowen, Mrs. Louise DeKoven Bowers, Ralph E. Bowman, Mrs. E. M. Bowman, Johnston A. Boyack, Harry Boyd, Mrs. T. Kenneth Boynton, A. J. Boynton, Frederick P. Brach, Mrs. F. V. Bradley, Meet ‘A. Ballard Bradley, Mrs. Natalie Blair Higinbotham Brainerd, Mrs. Arthur T. Bramble, Delhi G. C. Brand, Mrs. Maude G. Brandt, Charles H. Bransfield, John J. Brauer, Mrs. Paul Bremner, Mrs. David F. Brendecke, Miss June Brenner, S. L ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Brennom, Dr. Elmo F. Brennwasser, S. M. Brenza, Miss Mary Brewer, Mrs. Angeline L. Breyer, Mrs. Theodor Bridges, Arnold Bristol, James T. Brock, A. J. Brodribb, Lawrence C. Brodsky, J. J. Brostoff, Harry M. Brown, A. Wilder Brown, Mrs. C. H. Brown, Christy Brown, Mrs. Everett C. Brown, John T. Brown, Dr. Joshua M. Brown, Mark A. Brown, Scott Brown, William F. Brucker, Dr. Edward A. Bruckner, William T. Brugman, John J. Bruhn, H. C. Brundage, Avery Brunswick, Larry Bryant, John J., Jr. Buchner, Dr. E. M. Buck, Nelson Leroy Buckley, Mrs. Warren Bucklin, Mrs. Vail R. Buddig, Carl Buehler, H. L. Buettner, Walter J. Buffington, Mrs. Margaret A. Buhmann, Gilbert G. Bunge, Mrs. Albert J. Bunte, Mrs. Theodore W. Burbott, E. W. Burch, Clayton B. Burchmore, John S. Burdick, Mrs. Alfred S. Burgmeier, John M. Burgstreser, Newton Burgweger, Mrs. Meta Dewes Burke, Mrs. Lawrence N. Burke, Webster H. Burley, Mrs. Clarence A. Burnham, Mrs. George Burns, Mrs. Randall W. Burry, William Bush, Earl J. Bush, Mrs. William H. Butler, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, John M. Butler, Paul Butz, Theodore C. Butzow, Mrs. Robert C. Byrne, Miss Margaret H. Cahn, Dr. Alvin R. Cahn, Bertram J. Cahn, Morton D. Caine, John F. Caine, Leon J. Callender, Mrs. Joseph E. Calmeyn, Frank B. Camenisch, Miss Sophia C. Cameron, Dr. Dan U. Cameron, Will J. Camp, Mrs. Arthur Royce Campbell, Delwin M. Campbell, Herbert J. Canby, Caleb H., Jr. Canman, Richard W. Canmann, Mrs. Harry L. Capes, Lawrence R. Capps, Dr. Joseph A. Cardelli, Mrs. Giovanni Carlin, Leo J. Carmell, Daniel D. Carney, William Roy Caron, O. J. Carpenter, Mrs. Frederic Ives Carpenter, Hubbard Carqueville, Mrs. A. R. Carr, Mrs. Clyde M. Carr, Robert A. Carroll, John A. Carry, Joseph C. Carter, Mrs. Armistead B. Carton, Alfred T. Cary, Dr. Eugene Castle, Alfred C. Castruccio, Giuseppe Cates, Dudley Cedar, Merwyn E. Cederlund, R. Stanley Cerling, Fredolph A. Cernoch, Frank Chandler, Henry P. Chapin, William Arthur Chapman, Arthur E. Chatain, Robert N. Cheney, Dr. Henry W. Chenier, Miss Mizpah Cherones, George D. Cherry, Walter L., Jr. Childs, Mrs. C. Frederick Childs, Mrs. George W. Chinlund, Miss Ruth E. Chislett, Miss Kate E. Christensen, E. C. Christiansen, Dr. Henry Churan, Charles A. Clare, Carl P. Clark, Ainsworth W. Clark, Miss Alice Keep Clark, Charles V. Clark, Mrs. Edward S. Clark, Edwin H. Clarke, Charles F. Clarke, Harley L. Clay, John Clemen, Dr. Rudolph A. Cleveland, Paul W. Clifford, Fred J., Jr. Clinch, Duncan L. Clithero, W. S. Clonick, Abraham J. Clonick, Seymour E. Clough, William H. Clow, Mrs. Harry B. Clow, William E., Jr. Coath, V. W. Cochran, John L. Coffin, Fred Y. Cohen, George B. Cohen, Mrs. L. Lewis Colburn, Frederick S. Colby, Mrs. George E. Cole, Sidney I. Coleman, Clarence L., Jr. Coleman, Dr. George H. Coleman, Mrs. John Coleman, Loring W. Coleman, Marvin H. Colianni, Paul V. Collins, Beryl B. Collison, E. K. Colvin, Miss Catharine Colvin, Miss Jessie Colvin, Mrs. William H. Colwell, Clyde C. Compton, Mrs. Arthur H. Compton, D. M. Compton, Frank E. Conger, Miss Cornelia Conkey, Henry P. Connell, P. G. Conners, Harry Connor, Mrs. Clara A. Connor, Frank H. Cook, Miss Alice B. Cook, Mrs. Charles B. Cook, Mrs. David S. Cook, Jonathan Miller Cook, L. Charles Cook, Louis T. Cook, Thomas H. Cooke, Charles E. Cooke, Miss Flora Cooley, Gordon A. Coolidge, Miss Alice Coolidge, E. Channing Coolidge, Dr. Edgar D. Coombs, James F. Coonley, John Stuart Coonley, Prentiss L. 107 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Cooper, Samuel Copland, David Corbett, Mrs. William J. Cornell, Dr. Edward L. Cornell, Mrs. John E. Cosford, Thomas H. Coston, James E. Cowan, Mrs. Grace L. Cowen, Maurice L. Cowles, Knight C. Cox, James C Cox, William D. Coyle, C. H. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Crane, Charles R., II Creange, A. L Crego, Mrs. Dominica S. Crerar, Mrs. John Crilly, Edgar Cromwell, Miss Juliette Clara Cubbins, Dr. William R. Cudahy, Edward I. Cudahy, Mrs. Joseph M. Cummings, Mrs. D. Mark Cummings, Mrs. Frances S. Cuneo, John F. Curran, Harry R. Curtis, Austin Guthrie, Jr. Curtis, Mrs. Charles S. Cusack, Harold Cushing, John Caleb Cushman, Barney Cutler, Henry E. Cuttle, Harold E. Daemicke, Mrs. Irwin au Dahlberg, Bror G. Daily, Richard Daley, Harry C. Dalmar, Mrs. Hugo Dalmar, Hugo, Jr. Dammann, J. F Dangel, W. H. Danielson, Philip A. Danley, Jared Gage Danne, William C., Jr. Dantzig, Leonard P. D’ Aquila, George Darbo, Howard H. Darrow, Paul E. Daughaday, C. Colton Davey, Mrs. Bruce E. David, Dr. Vernon C. Davidson, David W. Davidson, Miss Mary E. Davies, Marshall Davis, Arthur Davis, C. S. 108 Davis, Dr. Carl B. Davis, Don L. Davis, Frank S. Davis, Dr. Loyal Davis, Dr. Nathan S., III Deahl, Uriah S. Deane, Mrs. Ruthven Decker, Charles O. DeCosta, Lewis M. deDardel, Car] O. Dee, Thomas J. Degen, David DeGolyer, Robert S. DeLemon, H. Delph, Dr. John F. Demaree, H. S. Deming, Everett G. Dempster, Mrs. Charles W. Deneen, Mrs. Charles S. Denison, Mrs. John Porter Denman, Mrs. Burt J. Dennehy, Thomas C., Jr. Denney, Ellis H. DeslIsles, Mrs. Carrie L. Deutsch, Mrs. Percy L. DeVries, David Dick, Edison Dick, Elmer J. Dick, Mrs. Homer T. Dickey, Roy Dickinson, F. R. Dickinson, Robert B. Dickinson, Mrs. Thompson Diestel, Mrs. Herman Dimick, Miss Elizabeth Dimmer, Miss Elizabeth G. Dixon, George W., Jr. Dixon, Mrs. William Warren Dobyns, Mrs. Henry F. Doctor, Isidor Dodge, Mrs. Paul C. Doering, Otto C. Doetsch, Miss Anna Dolese, Mrs. John Donker, Mrs. William Donlon, Mrs. Stephen E. Donnelley, Gaylord Donnelley, Mrs. H. P. Donnelley, Miss Naomi Donohue, Edgar T. Dornbusch, Charles H. Dorocke, Joseph, Jr. Dorschel, Q. P. Douglas, James H., Jr. Douglass, Kingman Douglass, Mrs. W. A. Dreutzer, Carl Drever, Thomas Dreyfus, Mrs. Moise Dryden, Mrs. George Dubbs, C. P. DuBois, Laurence M. Dudley, Laurence H. Dulany, George W., Jr. Dulsky, Mrs. Samuel Dunbaugh, Harry J. Duncan, Albert G. Duner, Joseph A. Dunlop, Mrs. Simpson Dunn, Samuel O. Durand, Mrs. N. E. Durbin, Fletcher M. Easterberg, C. J. Eastman, Mrs. George H. Katon, J. Frank Ebeling, Frederic O. Eckhart, Percy B. Eckstein, Mrs. Louis Eddy, Thomas H. Edwards, Miss Edith E. Edwards, Kenneth P. Egan, William B. Egloff, Dr. Gustav Eichengreen, Edmund K. Eiseman, Fred R. HKisenberg, Sam J. Hisendrath, Edwin W. Eisendrath, Miss Elsa B. Eisendrath, Robert M. Eisendrath, William B. Eisenschiml, Mrs. Otto Eisenstaedt, Harry Eisenstein, Sol HKitel, Karl EKitel, Max Eleock, Mrs. Edward G. Elenbogen, Herman Elich, Robert William Ellbogen, Miss Celia Elliott, Dr. Clinton A. Elliott, Frank R. Ellis, Howard Elting, Howard Embree, Henry S. Embree, J. W., Jr. Emery, Edward W. Emmerich, Miss Clara L. Engberg, Miss Ruth M. Engel, Miss Henrietta Engstrom, Harold Erdmann, Mrs. C. Pardee Erickson, Donovan Y. Erickson, James A. Ericson, Mrs. Chester F. Ericsson, Clarence Ericsson, Dewey A. Ericsson, Walter H. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Erikson, Carl A. Ernst, Mrs. Leo Erskine, Albert DeWolf Etten, Henry C. Eustice, Mrs. Alfred L. Evans, Miss Anna B. Evans, Mrs. David Evans, David J. Evans, Eliot H. Fabrice, Edward H. Fabry, Herman Fackt, Mrs. George P. Fader, A. L. Faget, James E. Faherty, Roger Faithorn, Walter E. Falk, Miss Amy Fallon, Mrs. J. B. Fallon, Dr. W. Raymond Falls, Dr. A. G. Farnham, Mrs. Harry J. Farrell, Mrs. B. J. Farwell, John V., III Faulkner, Charles J. Faulkner, Miss Elizabeth Faurot, Henry, Jr. Favill, Mrs. John Fay, Eugene C. Fecke, Mrs. Frank J. Feiwell, Morris E. Felix, Benjamin B. Fellows, William K. Felsenthal, Edward George Fennekohl, Mrs. Arthur C. Fergus, Robert C. Fernald, Robert W. Ferry, Mrs. Frank F. Fetzer, Wade Filkins, A. J. Fineman, Oscar Finley, Max H. Finnegan, Richard J. Finnerud, Dr. Clark W. Fischel, Frederic A. Fish, Mrs. Helen S. Fishbein, Dr. Morris Fisher, Harry M. Fisk, Mrs. Burnham M. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. John A. Flavin, Edwin F. Fleming, Mrs. Joseph B. Flood, Walter H. Florsheim, Harold M. Florsheim, Irving S. Florsheim, Mrs. Milton S. Folonie, Mrs. Robert J. Folsom, Mrs. Richard S. Folsom, Mrs. William R. Foote, Mrs. Harley T. Forch, Mrs. John L., Jr. Ford, Mrs. Willis Roland Foreman, Mrs. Alfred K. Foreman, Mrs. E. G. Foreman, Edwin G., Jr. Foreman, Harold E. Forgan, James B., Jr. Forgan, Mrs. J. Russell Forgan, Robert D. Forman, Charles Forster, J. George Fortune, Miss Joanna Foster, Mrs. Charles K. Foster, Volney Foute, Albert J. Fox, Jacob Logan Fox, Dr. Paul C. Franche, Mrs. D. C., III Frank, Arthur A. Frankel, Louis Frankenstein, William B. Frankenthal, Dr. Lester E., Jr. Frazer, Mrs. George E. Freedman, Dr. I. Val Freeman, Charles Y. Freiler, Abraham J. French, Dudley K. Frenier, A. B. Freudenthal, G. S. Frey, Charles Daniel Freyn, Henry J. Fridstein, Meyer Friedlich, Mrs. Herbert Friend, Mrs. Henry K. Friestedt, Arthur A. Fuller, Mrs. Gretta Patterson Fuller, J. E. Fuller, Judson M. Furry, William S. Gabathuler, Miss Juanita Gabriel, Adam Gaertner, William Galgano, John H. Gall, Charles H. Gall, Harry T. Gallup, Rockwell L. Galt, Mrs. A. T. Gamble, D. E. Garcia, José Garden, Hugh M. G. Gardiner, Mrs. John L. Gardner, Addison L. Gardner, Addison L., Jr. Gardner, Henry A. Gardner, Mrs. James P. Garen, Joseph F. Garnett, Joseph B. Garrison, Dr. Lester E. Gates, Mrs. L. F. Gawne, Miss Clara V. Gay, Rev. A. Royal Gaylord, Duane W. Gearn EBs Gehl, Dr. W. H. Gehrmann, Felix Geiger, Alfred B. Geiling, Dr. E. M. K. Gellert, Donald N. Gensburg, Samuel H. Gentry, Veit Gentz, Miss Margaret Nina George, Mrs. Albert B. Gerber, Max Gerding, R. W. Gerngross, Mrs. Leo Gettelman, Mrs. Sidney H. Gettleman, Frank E. Getz, Mrs. James R. Getzoff, E. B. Gibbs, Richard F. Gibson, Dr. Stanley Gidwitz, Alan K. Giffey, Miss Hertha Gifford, Mrs. Frederick C. Gilchrist, Mrs. John F. Gilchrist, Mrs. William Albert Giles, Carl C. Giles, Mrs. Guy H. Gillette, Mrs. Ellen D. Gilmore, Dr. John H. Gimbel, J. W., Jr. Ginther, Miss Minnie C. Girard, Mrs. Anna Giryotas, Dr. Emelia J. Glaescher, Mrs. G. W. Glasner, Rudolph W. Glasser, Joshua B. Godehn, Paul M. Goehst, Mrs. John Henry Goes, Mrs. Arthur A. Golden, Dr. Isaac J. K. Golding, Robert N. Goldman, Mrs. Louis Goldstein, Dr. Helen L. Button Goldstein, Nathan S. Goldstine, Dr. Mark T. Goldy, Walter I. Goltra, Mrs. William B. Goode, Mrs. Rowland T. Gooden, G. E. Goodman, Benedict K. Goodman, Mrs. Milton F. Goodman, W. J. Goodman, William E. 109 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Goodwin, Clarence Norton Goodwin, George S. Gordon, Colin S. Gordon, Harold J. Gordon, Dr. Richard J. Gordon, Mrs. Robert D. Gorrell, Mrs. Warren Gottlieb, Frederick M. Gould, Jay Gould, Mrs. June K. Grade, Joseph Y. Gradle, Dr. Harry S. Graff, Osear C. Graham, Douglas Graham, E. V. Graham, Miss Margaret H. Gramm, Mrs. Helen Grant, James D. Grant, John G. Graves, Austin T. Graves, Howard B. Grawoig, Allen Gray, Dr. Earle Gray, Edward Green, Michael Green, Robert D. Greenacre, Miss Cordelia Ann Greenburg, Dr. Ira E. Greene, Henry E. Greenlee, Mrs. William Brooks Greenman, Mrs. Earl C. Gregory, Stephen S., Jr. Gregory, Tappan Gressens, Otto Grey, Charles F. Grey, Dr. Dorothy Griest, Mrs. Marianna L. Griffenhagen, Mrs. Edwin O. Griffith, Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith, Mrs. William Griswold, Harold T. Grizzard, James A. Groak, Irwin D. Gronkowski, Rev. C. I. Groot, Cornelius J. Groot, Lawrence A. Gross, Henry R. Grossman, Frank I. Grothenhuis, Mrs. William J. Grotowski, Mrs. Leon Gruhn, Alvah V. Grunow, Mrs. William C. Guenzel, Louis Guest, Ward E. Gunthorp, Walter J. Gurley, Miss Helen K. 110 Gurman, Samuel P. Gustafson, Gilbert E. Guthman, Edwin I. Gwinn, William R. Hadley, Mrs. Edwin M. Haffner, Mrs. Charles C., Jr. Hagen, Mrs. Daise Hagner, Fred L. Haight, George I. loleibe, Ate 18%, Hajicek, Rudolph F. Haldeman, Walter S. Hale, Mrs. Samuel Hales, William M. Hall, Edward B. Hall, Mrs. J. B. Halligan, W. J. Hallmann, Herman F. Halperin, Aaron Halverstadt, Romaine M. Hamm, Fred B. Hammaker, Paul M. Hammerschmidt, Mrs. George F. Hammond, Thomas S. Hand, George W. Hanley, Henry L. Hann, J. Roberts Hansen, Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. Fred A. Hansen, Jacob W. Hanson, Mrs. Norman R. Harder, John H. Harders, Mrs. Flora Rassweiler Hardie, George F. Hardin, John H. Harding, John Cowden Harding, Richard T. Harms, VanDeursen Harper, Alfred C. Harrington, David L. Harris, Mrs. Abraham Harris, David J. Harris, Gordon L. Harris, Hayden B. Harris, Stanley G. Hart, Mrs. Herbert L. Hart, Max A. Hart, William M. Hartmann, A. O. Hartshorn, Kenneth L. Hartwig, Otto J. Hartz, W. Homer Harvey, Byron, III Harvey, Richard M. Harwood, Thomas W. Haskell, Mrs. George E. Hass, G. C. Hay, Mrs. William Sherman Hayakawa, Dr. S. I. Hayes, Charles M. Hayes, Harold C. Hayes, Miss Mary E. Haynie, Miss Rachel W. Hays, Mrs. Arthur A. Hayslett, Arthur J. Hazlett, Dr. William H. Hazlett, Mrs. William H. Healy, Vincent Jerrems Heaney, Dr. N. Sproat Hearst, Mrs. Jack W. Heaton, Harry E. Heaton, Herman C. Heck, John Hedberg, Henry E. Heffernan, Miss Lili Hefner, Adam Heide, Mrs. Bernard H. Heiman, Marcus Heinzelman, Karl Heinzen, Mrs. Carl Heisler, Francis Hejna, Joseph F. Heldmaier, Miss Marie Helfrich, J. Howard Heller, Albert Heller, John A. Heller, Mrs. Walter E. Hellman, George A. Hellyer, Walter Hemple, Miss Anne C. Henderson, Thomas B. G. Henkel, Frederick W. Henley, Dr. Eugene H. Hennings, Mrs. Abraham J. Henry, Huntington B. Henschel, Edmund C. Herrick, Charles E. Herron, James C. Herron, Mrs. Ollie L. Hershey, J. Clarence Hertz, Mrs. Fred Hertzberg, Lawrence Herwig, George Herwig, William D., Jr. Herz, Mrs. Alfred Hesse, E. E. Heverly, Earl L. Hibbard, Mrs. Angus S. Hibbard, Mrs. W. G. Hieber, Master J. Patrick Higgins, John Higley, Mrs. Charles W. Hildebrand, Dr. Eugene, Jr. Hildebrand, Grant M. Hill, Mrs. Russell D. Hill, William C. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Hill, William E. Hille, Dr. Hermann Hillebrecht, Herbert E. Hills, Edward R. Hind, Mrs. John Dwight Hinkle, Ross O. Hinman, Mrs. Estelle S. Hinrichs, Henry, Jr. Hirsch, Jacob H. Histed, J. Roland Hixon, Mrs. Frank P. Hodgkinson, Mrs. W. R. Hodgson, Mrs. G. C. Hoefman, Harold L. Hoffmann, Edward Hempstead Hogan, Robert E. Hokin, Mrs. Barney E. Holabird, W. S., Jr. Holden, Edward A. Hollander, Mrs. Samuel Holleb, A. Paul Hollenbach, Louis Holliday, W. J. Hollis, Henry L. Holmburger, Max Holmes, George J. Holmes, Miss Harriet F. Holmes, J. A. Holmes, Mrs. Maud G. Holmes, William Holmes, William N. Holt, Miss Ellen Holt, McPherson Holub, Anthony S. Holzheimer, Carl Homan, Miss Blossom L. Honsik, Mrs. James M. Hoover, Mrs. Fred W. Hoover, H. Earl Hoover, Ray P. Hope, Alfred S. Hopkins, Albert L. Hopkins, Mrs. James M. Hopkins, Mrs. James M., Jr. Horcher, William W. Horne, Mrs. William Dodge, Jr. Horner, Mrs. Maurice L., Jr. Hornung, Joseph J. Horton, Hiram T. Horton, Horace B. Horween, Arnold Horween, Isidore Hosbein, Louis H. Hottinger, Adolph Hovland, Mrs. John P. Howard, Willis G. Howe, Charles ‘Albee Howe, Clinton W. Howe, Mrs. Pierce Layman Howe, Ralph B. Howe, Roger F. Howe, Warren D. Howell, Albert S. Howes, Mrs. Frank W. Howie, Mrs. James E. Howse, Richard G. Hoyne, Miss Susan D. Hoyt, Mrs. Phelps B. Hraback, L. W. Hrdlicka, Mrs. John D. Hubbard, George W. Huber, Dr. Harry Lee Hudson, Miss Katherine J. Hudson, Walter L. Huey, Mrs. A. S. Hufty, Mrs. F. P. Huggins, Dr. Ben H. Hughes, John E. Hughes, John W. Hume, James P. Humphrey, H. K. Huncke, Herbert S. Huncke, Oswald W. Hunding, B. N. Hurd, Ferris E. Hurvitz, H. R. Huska, Mrs. Joseph Hust, George Huszagh, Ralph D. Hutchinson, Foye P. Hutchinson, Samuel S. Hyatt, R. C. Ickes, Raymond W. Idelman, Bernard Igo, Michael L. Ilg, Robert A. Illich, George M., Jr. Ingalls, Allin K. Inlander, N. Newton Inlander, Samuel Irons, Dr. Ernest E. Isaacs, Charles W., Jr. Isham, Henry P. Ives, Clifford E. Jackson, Allan Jackson, Archer L. Jackson, Mrs. Arthur S. Jackson, Miss Laura E. Jackson, Mrs. W. A. Jacobi, Miss Emily C. Jacobs, Hyman A. Jacobs, Julius Jacobs, Whipple Jacobson, Raphael James, Walter C. Jameson, Clarence W. Jancosek, Thomas A. Janson, Dr. C. Helge M. Janusch, Fred W. Jarchow, Mrs. C. E. Jarchow, Charles C. Jarrow, Harry W. Jeffreys, Mrs. Mary M. Jeffries, Dr. Daniel W. Jenkins, David F. D. Jenkinson, Mrs. Arthur Gilbert Jennings, Ode D. Jerger, Wilbur Joseph Jetzinger, David Jirgal, John Jirka, Dr. Frank J. Jirka, Dr. Robert H. John, Dr. Findley D. Johnson, Dr. Adelaide Johnson, Alvin O. Johnson, Arthur L. Johnson, Calmer L. Johnson, Mrs. Harley Iden Johnson, Joseph M. Johnson, Nels E. Johnson, Mrs. O. W. Johnson, Olaf B. Johnson, Philip C. Johnston, Edward R. Johnston, Miss Fannie S. Johnston, Mrs. Hubert McBean Johnston, Mrs. M. L. Jones, Albert G. Jones, Mrs. C. A. Jones, James B. Jones, Dr. Margaret M. Jones, Melvin ; Jones, Miss Susan E. Joseph, Mrs. Jacob G. Joseph, Louis L. Joy, Guy A. Joyce, Joseph Judson, Clay Juergens, H. Paul Julien, Victor R. Kahn, Mrs. Arthur S. Kahn, J. Kesner Kahn, Jerome J. Kahn, Louis Kaine, James B. Kamins, Dr. Maclyn M. Kane, Jerome M. Kanter, Jerome J. Kaplan, Morris I. Kaplan, Nathan D. Karcher, Mrs. Leonard D. Karpen, Michael Kasch, Frederick M. Katz, Mrs. Sidney L. 111 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Katz, Solomon Katzenstein, Mrs. George P. Katzin, Frank Kauffman, Mrs. R. K. Kauffmann, Alfred Kaufman, Justin Kaufmann, Dr. Gustav L. Kavanagh, Clarence H. Kay, Mrs. Marie E. Keefe, Mrs. George I. Keeney, Albert F. Kehl, Robert Joseph Kehoe, Mrs. High Boles Keith, Stanley Keith, Mrs. Stanley Kelker, Rudolph F., Jr. Kellogg, John L. Kelly, Mrs. Haven Core Kelly, Miss Katherine Marjorie Kelly, William J. Kemper, Hathaway G. Kemper, Miss Hilda M. Kempner, Harry B. Kempner, Stan Kendall, Mrs. Virginia H. Kendrick, John F. Kennedy, Mrs. E. J. Kennedy, Lesley Kennelly, Martin H. Kenney, Clarence B. Kent, Dr. O. B. Keogh, Gordon E. Kern, Mrs. August Kern, H. A. Kern, Dr. Nicholas H. Kern, Trude Kerwin, Edward M. Kesner, Jacob L. Kestnbaum, Meyer Kettering, Mrs. Eugene W. Kew, Mrs. Stephen M. Kiessling, Mrs. Charles S. Kile, Miss Jessie J. Kimball, David W. Kimball, William W. Kimbark, John R. King, Clinton B. King, Joseph H. Kingman, Mrs. Arthur G. Kinsey, Robert S. Kintzel, Richard Kirkland, Mrs. Weymouth Kitchell, Howell W. Kitzelman, Otto Klee, Mrs. Nathan Kleinpell, Dr. Henry H. Kleist, Mrs. Harry 112 Kleppinger, William H. Kleutgen, Dr. Arthur C. Klinetop, Mrs. Charles W. Knickerbocker, Miss Paula Knopf, Andrew J. Knutson, George H. Koch, Mrs. Fred J. Koch, Raymond J. Koch, Robert J. Kochs, August Kochs, Mrs. Robert T. Koehnlein, Wilson O. Kohl, Mrs. Caroline L. Kohler, Eric L. Kohlsaat, Edward C. Konsberg, Alvin V. Kopf, Miss Isabel Koppenaal, Dr. Elizabeth Thompson Kosobud, William F. Kotal, John A. Kotin, George N. Koucky, Dr. J. D. Kovac, Stefan Krafft, Mrs. Walter A. Kraft, C. H. Kraft, James L. Kraft, John H. Kraft, Norman Kralovec, Emil G. Kralovec, Mrs. Otto J. Kramer, Leroy Kraus, Peter J. Kraus, Samuel B. Kresl, Carl Kretschmer, Dr. Herman L. Kretschmer, Herman L., Jr. Kropff, C. G. Krost, Dr. Gerard N. Kuehn, A. L. Kuh, Mrs. Edwin J., Jr. Kuhn, Frederick T. Kuhn, Dr. Hedwig S. Kunka, Bernard J. Kunstadter, Albert Kunstadter, Sigmund W. Kurfess, John Fredric Kurtz, W. O. Kurtzon, Morris Lacey, Miss Edith M. Laflin, Louis E., Jr. Laflin, Louis E., III Lambert, C. A. Lampert, Wilson W. Lanahan, Mrs. M. J. Lane, F. Howard Lane, Ray E. Lang, Edward J. Langenbach, Mrs. AliceR. Langford, Mrs. Robert E. Langhorne, George Tayloe Langworthy, Benjamin Franklin Lanman, E. B. Lansinger, Mrs. John M. Larimer, Howard S. Larsen, Samuel A. Larson, Mrs. Sarah G. Lasker, Albert D. Lassers, Sanford B. Latshaw, Dr. Blair S. Lauren, Newton B. Lauter, Mrs. Vera Lautmann, Herbert M. Lavers, A. W. Lavezzorio, Mrs. J. B. Lavidge, Arthur W. Law, Mrs. Robert O. Lawless, Dr. Theodore K. Lawson, David A. Lax, John Franklin Layden, Michael J. Lazar, Maurice Lazear, George C. Leahy, James F. Leahy, Thomas F. Leavell, James R. LeBaron, Miss Edna Lebold, Foreman N. Lebold, Samuel N. Lebolt, John Michael Lederer, Dr. Francis L. Lee, David Arthur Lee, Mrs. John H. S. Lefens, Miss Katherine J. Lefens, Walter C. Leichenko, Peter M. Leight, Mrs. Albert E. Leland, Miss Alice J. Leland, Mrs. Roscoe G. LeMoon, A. R. Lennon, George W. Lenz, J. Mayo Leonard, Arthur T. Leslie, Dr. Eleanor I. Leslie, John Woodworth LeTourneau, Mrs. Robert Leverone, Louis E. Levinson, Mrs. Salmon O. Levitan, Benjamin Levitetz, Nathan Levy, Alexander M. Levy, Arthur G. Lewis, Mrs. Ellis R. Lewy, Dr. Alfred L’Hommedieu, Arthur Liebman, A. J. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Ligman, Rev. Thaddeus Lillyblade, Clarence O. Lindahl, Mrs. Edward J. Linden, John A. Lindheimer, B. F. Lingle, Bowman C. Lipman, Robert R. Liss, Samuel Little, Mrs. E. H. Littler, Harry E., Jr. Livingston, Julian M. Livingston, Mrs. Milton L. Llewellyn, Paul Lochman, Philip Loeb, Mrs. A. H. Loeb, Hamilton M. Loeb, Leo A. Loewenberg, Israel S. Loewenberg, M. L. Loewenherz, Emanuel Loewenstein, Richard M. Loewenstein, Sidney Loewenthal, Richard J. Logan, L. B. Long, William E. Loomis, Reamer G. Lord, Arthur R. Lord, John S. Lord, Mrs. Russell Loucks, Charles O. Louer, Albert E. M. Louis, Mrs. John J. Love, Chase W. Lovell, William H. Lovgren, Carl Lucey, Patrick J. Ludolph, Wilbur M. Lueder, Arthur C. Lunding, Franklin J. Luria, Herbert A. Lurie, H. J. Lusk, R. R. Lustgarten, Samuel Lyford, Harry B. Lynch, J. W. Lyon, Charles H. Maass, J. Edward Mabee, Mrs. Melbourne MacDonald, E. K. MacIntyre, Mrs. M. K. MacKenzie, William J. Mackey, Frank J. Mackinson, Dr. John C. MacLellan, K. F. MacMullen, Dr. Della M. MacMurray, Mrs. Donald Madlener, Mrs. Albert F., Jr. Madlener, Otto Maehler, Edgar E. Magan, Miss Jane A. Magerstadt, Madeline Magill, John R. Magnus, Albert, Jr. Magnuson, Mrs. Paul Maher, Mrs. D. W. Main, Walter D. Majors, Mrs. B. S. Maling, Albert Malone, William H. Manaster, Harry Mandel, Mrs. Aaron W. Mandel, Edwin F. Mandel, Miss Florence Mandel, Mrs. Robert Manegold, Mrs. Frank W. Manierre, Francis E. Manierre, Louis Manley, John A. Mark, Mrs. Cyrus Mark, Griffith Marquart, Arthur A. Marsh, A. Fletcher Marsh, John MeWilliams, II Marsh, Mrs. John P. Marsh, Mrs. Marshall S. Marston, Mrs. Thomas B. Martin, Mrs. George B. Martin, George F. Martin, Samuel H. Martin, W. B. Martin, Wells Martin, Mrs. William P. Marx, Frederick Z. Marzluff, Frank W. Marzola, Leo A. Mason, Willard J. Massee, B. A. Massey, Peter J. Masterson, Peter Mathesius, Mrs. Walther Matson, J. Edward Matter, Mrs. John Maurer, Dr. Siegfried Maxant, Basil Maxwell, Lloyd R. Mayer, Frank D. Mayer, Mrs. Herbert G. Mayer, Herman J., Jr. Mayer, Isaac H. Mayer, Leo Mayer, Oscar F. Mayer, Oscar G. Mayer, Theodore S. Mazurek, Miss Olive McAloon, Owen J. McArthur, Billings M. McBirney, Mrs. Hugh J. McCahey, James B. McCarthy, Edmond J. McCarthy, Joseph W. McCausland, Mrs. Clara L. McClun, John M. McCord, Downer McCormack, Professor Harry McCormick, Mrs. Chauncey McCormick, Fowler McCormick, Howard H. McCormick, Leander J. McCormick, Robert H., Jr. McCrea, Mrs. W. S. McCready, Mrs. E. W. McCreight, Louis Ralph McDonald, E. F., Jr. McDonald, Lewis McDougal, Mrs. James B. McDougal, Mrs. Robert McErlean, Charles V. McGraw, Max MeGuinn, Edward B. McGurn, Matthew S. McIntosh, Arthur T. McIntosh, Mrs. Walter G. McKenna, Dr. Charles H. McKinney, Mrs. Hayes McMenemy, Logan T. McMillan, James G. MeMillan, John MeMillan, W. B. McNamara, Louis G. McNamee, Peter F. McNulty, Joseph D. McQuarrie, Mrs. Fannie MeVoy, John M. Mead, Dr. Henry C. A. Medsker, Dr. Ora L. Melcher, George Clinch Melnick, Leopold B. Merrell, John H. Merriam, Miss Eleanor Merrill, William W. Metz, Dr. A. R. Meyer, Mrs. A. H. Meyer, Abraham W. Meyer, Dr. Charles A. Meyer, Charles Z. Meyerhoff, A. E. Meyers, Erwin A. Meyers, Jonas Michaels, Everett B. Michel, Dr. William J. Midowicz, C. E. Mielenz, Robert K. Milburn, Miss Anne L. Milhening, Frank Miller, Miss Bertie E. Miller, Mrs. Clayton W. 113 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Miller, Mrs. Donald J. Miller, Mrs. F. H. Miller, Hyman Miller, John S. Miller, Mrs. Olive Beaupre Miller, Oscar C. Miller, Mrs. Phillip Miller, R. T. Mills, Allen G. Mills, Lloyd Langdon Miner, Dr. Carl S. Minturn, Benjamin E. Mitchell, George F. Mitchell, John J. Mitchell, Leeds Mitchell, Oliver WGb<, 1D%e, 183, do Mock, Dr. Harry Edgar Moderwell, Charles M. Moeling, Mrs. Walter G. Moeller, George Moeller, Rev. Herman H. Moist, Mrs. Samuel E. Mojonnier, Timothy Mollan, Mrs. Ferne T. Molloy, David J. Mong, Mrs. C. R. Monheimer, Henry I. Monroe, William S. Moore, C. B. Moore, Paul, Moore, Philip Wyatt Moran, Miss Margaret Morey, Charles W. Morf, F. William Morrison, Mrs. C. R. Morrison, Mrs. Harry Morrison, James C. Morrisson, James W. Morrow, Mrs. John, Jr. Morse, Mrs. Charles J. Morse, Leland R. Morse, Mrs. Milton Morse, Robert H. Morton, Sterling Morton, William Morris Moses, Howard A. Moss, Jerome A. Mouat, Andrew J. Moxon, Dr. George W. Moyer, E. J. T. Moyer, Mrs. Paul S. Mudge, Mrs. John B. Muehlstein, Mrs. Charles Mueller, Austin M. Mueller, Miss Hedwig Ee Mueller, J. Herbert Mueller, Paul H. Mulford, Miss Melinda Jane Mulhern, Edward F. 114 Mulholand, William H. Mulligan, George F. Munroe, Moray Murphy, Mrs. Helen C. Murphy, Joseph D. Murphy, O. R. Murphy, Robert E. Musselman, Dr. George H. Muszynski, John J. Myrland, Arthur L. Naber, Henry G. Nadler, Dr. Walter H. Naess, Sigurd E. Nagel, Mrs. Frank E. Nance, Willis D. Naumann, Miss Susan Nebel, Herman C. Neely, Mrs. Lloyd F. Nehls, Arthur L. Nellegar, Mrs. Jay C. Nelson, Arthur W. Nelson, Charles G. Nelson, Donald M. Nelson, N. J. Nelson, Victor W. Neuman, Sidney Neumann, Arthur E. Newhall, R. Frank Newhouse, Karl H. Newman, Mrs. Albert A. Newman, Charles H. Nichols, Mrs. George R., Jr. Nichols, J. C. Nichols, S. F. Nilsson, Mrs. Goodwin M. Nishkian, Mrs. Vaughn G. Nitze, Mrs. William A. Noble, Samuel R. Nollau, Miss Emma Noonan, Edward J. Norman, Harold W. Norris, Mrs. Lester Norton, Christopher D. Norton, R. Novak, Charles J. Noyes, A. H. Noyes, Allan S. Noyes, Mrs. May Wells Nufer, Gene Nusbaum, Mrs. Hermien D. Nyman, Dr. John Egbert Oates, James F. Oberfelder, Herbert M. Oberfelder, Walter S. Obermaier, John A. O’Brien, Miss Janet O’Connell, Edmund Daniel Odell, William R., Jr. Offield, James R. Oglesbee, Nathan H. O’ Keefe, Mrs. Dennis D. O’ Keeffe, William F. Olcott, Mrs. Henry C. Oldberg, Dr. Eric Oldefest, Edward G. Oleson, Wrisley B. Oliver, Mrs. Paul Olsen, Miss Agnes J. Olsen, Mrs. Arthur O. Olson, Gustaf Olson, Rudolph J. O’Neil, Dr. Owen Onofrio, Mrs. Michael J. Ooms, Casper William Opeka, Frank M. Oppenheimer, Alfred Oppenheimer, Mrs. Harry D. Orndoff, Dr. Benjamin H. O’ Rourke, Albert Orr, Mrs. Robert C. Orr, Thomas C. Orthal, A. J. Ortmayer, Dr. Marie Osborn, Mrs. Gertrude L. Osborn, Theodore L. Ostrom, Mrs. J. Augustus Otis, J. Sanford Otis, Joseph E. Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr. Otis, Ralph C. Otis, Stuart Huntington Owings, Mrs. Nathaniel A. Paasche, Jens A. Packard, Dr. Rollo K. Paepcke, Walter P. Page, John W. Palmer, James L. Palmgren, Mrs. Charles A Pardee, Harvey S. Pardridge, Mrs. E. W. Park, R. E. Paker, Dr. Gaston C. Paker, Norman S. Parker, Troy L. Parks, C. R. Parmelee, Dr. A. H. Parry, Mrs. Norman G. Partridge, Lloyd: C. Paschen, Mrs. Henry Pashkow, A. D. Patterson, Grier D. Patterson, Mrs. L. B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Patterson, Mrs. Wallace Patzelt, Miss Janet Peabody, Howard B. Peabody, Miss Susan W. Pearl, Allen S. Pearse, Langdon Pearson, F. W Pearson, George Albert, Jr Peck, Dr. David B. Peet, Mrs. Belle G. Peirce, Albert E. PenDell, Charles W. Percy, Dr. Mortimer Nelson Perel, Harry Z. Perkins, A. T. Perkins, Mrs. Herbert F. Perry, Dr. Ethel B. Perry, Mrs. I. Newton Peter, William F. Peters, Harry A. Petersen, Elmer M. Petersen, Jurgen Petersen, Dr. William F. Peterson, Arthur J. Peterson, Axel A. Peterson, Mrs. Bertha I. Peterson, Mrs. Richard E. Pfaelzer, Miss Elizabeth W. Pflaum, A. J. Pflock, Dr. John J. Phelps, Mrs. W. L. Phemister, Dr. Dallas B. Phillips, Dr. Herbert Morrow Phillips, Mervyn C. Pick, Albert, Jr. Pick, Frederic G. Pierce, J. Norman Pierce, Paul, Jr. Pierson, Joseph B. Pink, Mrs. Ira M. Pirie, Mrs. John T. Pitzner, Alwin Frederick ‘Plapp, Miss Doris A. Platt, Edward Vilas Platt, Mrs. Robert S. Plummer, Comer Plunkett, William H. Pobloske, Albert C. Podell, Mrs. Beatrice Hayes Polk, es Stella F. Pollak, Charles A. Pool, Marvin B. Poole, Mrs. Marie R. Poor, Fred A. Pope, Herbert Poppenhagen, Henry J. Porter, Charles H. Porter, Edward C. Porter, Mrs. Frank S. Porter, Henry H. Porter, Louis Porter, Mrs. Sidney S. Portis, Dr. Sidney A. Post, Mrs. Philip Sidney Pottenger, William A. Poulson, Mrs. Clara L. Powills, Michael A. Pratt, Mrs. William E. Prentice, John K. Price, John McC. Primley, Walter S. Prince, Harry Prince, Rev. Herbert W. Prince, Leonard M. Pritchard, Richard E. Probst, Marvin G. Proxmire, Dr. Theodore Stanley Prussing, Mrs. R. E. Pucci, Lawrence Puckey, F. W. Pulver, Hugo Purcell, Joseph D. Purcey, Victor W. Purdy, Sparrow E. Putnam, Miss Mabel C. Puttkammer, E. W. Pyterek, Rev. Peter H. Quick, Miss Hattiemae Raber, Franklin Racheff, Ivan Radford, Mrs. W. A., Jr. Radniecki, Rev. Stanley Raff, Mrs. Arthur Raftree, Miss Julia M. Railton, Miss Frances Ramis, Leon Lipman Randall, Rev. Edwin J. Randall, Irving Raney, Mrs. R. J. Rankin, Miss Jessie H. Rassweiler, August Rathje, Frank C. Ravenscroft, Edward H. Raymond, Mrs. Howard D. RazimevAe dr Reach, Benjamin F. Redfield, William M. Redington, F. B. Redmond, Forrest H. Reed, Mrs. Frank D. Reed, Mrs. Lila H. Reed, Norris H. Reed, Mrs. Philip L. Reeve, Mrs. Earl Regan, Mrs. Robert G. Rengenstein, Joseph Regensteiner, Theodore Regnery, Frederick L. Regnery, William H. Reid, Mrs. Bryan Reilly, Vincent P. Reingold, J. J. Remy, Mrs. William . Renaldi, George J. Renshaw, Mrs. Charles ReQua, Mrs. Charles Howard, Jr. ReQua, Haven A. Rew, Mrs. Irwin Reynolds, Mrs. G. William Reynolds, Harold F. Rice, Mrs. Charles R. Rice, Laurence A. Rich, Elmer Rich, Harry Richards, ieee Bartlett Richards, Donald Richards, Marcus D. Richardson, George A. Richardson, Guy A. Richter, Mrs. Adelyn W. Rickeords, Francis S. Ridgeway, Ernest Rieser, Leonard M. Rietz, Elmer W. Rietz, Walter H. Ripstra, J. Henri Ritchie, Mrs. John Rittenhouse, Charles J. Roberts, Mrs. John Roberts, John M. Roberts, Shepherd M. Roberts, Mrs. Warren R. Roberts, William Munsell Robertson, Hugh Robinson, Sanger P. Robinson, Theodore W., Jr. Robson, Miss Sarah C. Roderick, Solomon P. Rodgers, Dr. David C. Rodman, Thomas Clifford Rodman, Mrs. Hugh Roehling, Mrs. Otto G. Roehm, George R. Roesch, Frank P. Rogers, Miss Annie T. Rogers, Mrs. Bernard F. Rogers, Edward S. Rogers, Joseph E. Rogerson, Everett E. Roggenkamp, John Rogovsky, W. P. 115 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Roller, Fred S. Rolnick, Dr. Harry C. Romer, Miss Dagmar E. Root, John W. Rosborough, Dr. Paul A. Rosen, M. R. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Edwin S. Rosenfeld, M. J. Rosenfield, Mrs. Morris S. Rosenstone, Nathan Rosenstone, Samuel Rosenthal, Kurt Rosenthal, Samuel R. Rosenwald, Richard M. Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Robert C. Ross, Mrs. Robert E. Ross, Thompson Ross, Walter S. Roth, Aaron Roth, Mrs. Margit Hochsinger Rothacker, Watterson R. Rothschild, George William Routh, George E., Jr. Rozelle, Mrs. Emma Rubens, Mrs. Charles Rubloff, Arthur Rubovits, Theodore Ruettinger, John W. Runnells, Mrs. Clive Rupprecht, Mrs. Edgar P. Rushton, Joseph A. Russell, Dr. Joseph W. Russell, Paul S. Rutledge, George E. Ryan, Mrs. William A. Ryerson, Mrs. ~ Donald M. Sackley, Mrs. James A. Sage, W. Otis Salmon, Mrs. E. D. Sammons, Wheeler Sample, John Glen Sampsell, Marshall G. Sandidge, Miss Daisy Sands, Mrs. Frances B. Santini, Mrs. Randolph Sargent, Chester F. Sargent, John R. W. Sargent, Ralph Sauter, Fred J. Sawyer, Ainslie Y. Sawyer, Dr. Alvah L. Schacht, John H. Schafer, Mrs. Elmer J. Schafer, O. J. 116 Schaffner, Mrs. Joseph Schaffner, Mrs. L. L. Scharin, Mrs. J. Hippach Scheinman, Jesse D. Schenck, Frederick Schlichting, Justus L. Schmidt, Dr. Charles L. Schmidt, Mrs. Minna Schmitz, Dr. Henry Schneider, D. G. Schneider, F. P. Schnering, Otto Y. Schnur, Ruth A. Scholl, Dr. William M. Schreiner, Sigurd Schroeder, Dr. George H. Schroeder, Dr. Mary G. Schueren, Arnold C. Schukraft, William Schulze, Mrs. Mathilde Schupp, Philip C. Schurig, Robert Roy Schutz, Thomas A. Schuyler, Mrs. Daniel J., Jr. Schwab, Laurence E. Schwander, J. J. Schwanke, Arthur Schwartz, Charles K. Schwartz, Charles P. Schwartz, Dr. Otto Schwarz, Herbert E. Schwarzhaupt, Emil Schwinn, Frank W. Sclanders, Mrs. Alexander Scott, Miss Maud E. Seott, Robert L. Scribner, Gilbert Scudder, Mrs. Barrett Scully, Mrs. D. B. Sears, Miss Dorothy Sears, J. Alden Seaton, G. Leland Seaverns, Louis C. Sedgwick, C. Galen See, Dr. Agnes Chester Seeberger, Miss Dora A. Seeburg, Justus P. Segal, Victor Seifert, Mrs. Walter J. Seip, Emil G Seipp, Clarence T. Seipp, Edwin A., Jr. Seipp, William C. Sello, George W. Sencenbaugh, Mrs. C. W. Senne, John A. Shaffer, Carroll Shakman, James G. Shanahan, Mrs. David E. Shanesy, Ralph D. Shannon, Angus Roy Shapiro, Meyer Sharpe, N. M. Shaw, Alfred P. Shaw, Mrs. Arch W. Sheldon, James M. Shelton, Dr. W. Eugene Shepherd, Mrs. Edith P. Shepherd, Miss Olive M. Sherman, Mrs. Francis C., Sr. Sherman, Mrs. W. W. Shields, James Culver Shillestad, John N. Shire, Moses E. Shoan, Nels Shorey, Clyde E. Short, J. R. Short, Miss Shirley Jane Shroyer, Malcolm E. Shumway, Mrs. Edward DeWitt Sidley, William P. Siebel, Mrs. Ewald H. Sieck, Herbert Siegel, David T. Sigman, Leon Silander, A. I. Silberman, Charles Silberman, David B. Silberman, Hubert S. Sills, Clarence W. Silverstein, Ramond Silverthorne, George M. Simond, Robert E. Simonds, Dr. James P. Simpson, John M. Sincere, Henry B. Sinclair, Dr. J. Frank Singer, Mrs. Mortimer H. Sinsheimer, Allen Sisskind, Louis Skarrn, Kenneth W. Skleba, Dr. Leonard F. Sleeper, Mrs. Olive C. Smith, Charles Herbert Smith, Clinton F. Smith, Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mrs. Emery J. Smith, Franklin P. Smith, Harold Byron Smith, Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Jens Smith, Mrs. Katharine Walker Smith, Mrs. Kinney Smith, Miss Marion D. Smith, Paul C. Smith, Samuel K. Smith, Mrs. Theodore White Mises Smith, W. Lynwood ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Smith, Z. Erol Smuk, Dr. J. E. Smullan, Alexander Snyder, Harry Socrates, Nicholas A. Sola, Joseph G. Solem, Dr. George O. Sonnenschein, Hugo Soper, Henry M. Soper, James P., Jr. Sopkin, Mrs. Setia H. Soravia, Joseph Speer, Robert J. Spencer, Mrs. Egbert H. Spencer, John P. Spencer, Mrs. William M. Sperry, Mrs. Leonard M. Spertus, Herman Spiegel, Mrs. Arthur H. Spiegel, Mrs. Frederick W. Spitz, Joel Spitz, Leo Spohn, John F. Spooner, Charles W. Sprague, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Dr. John P. Spray, Cranston Squires, John G. Staack, Otto C. Stacey, Mrs. Thomas I. Stanton, Henry T. Starbird, Miss Myrtle I. Starrels, Joel Stearns, Mrs. Richard I. Stebbins, Fred J. Steele, Henry B., Jr. Steele, W. D. Steepleton, A. Forrest Steffey, David R. Stein, Mrs. Henry L. Stein, Dr. Irving Stein, L. Montefiore Stein, Sydney, Jr. Steinberg, Dr. Milton Stenson, Frank R. Stephan, Mrs. John Stephani, Edward J. Sterba, Dr. Joseph V. Stern, Mrs. Alfred Stern, Alfred Whital Stern, David B. Stern, Gardner H. Stern, Oscar D. Stevens, Delmar A. Stevens, Elmer T. Stevens, Harold L. Stevenson, Engval Stewart, Miss Mercedes Graeme Stirling, Miss Dorothy Stockton, Eugene M. Stone, Mrs. Jacob S. Stone, Mrs. Theodore Straus, Henry H. Straus, Martin L. Straus, Melvin L. Strauss, Dr. Alfred A. Strauss, Ivan Strauss, John L. Straw, Mrs. H. Foster Street, Mrs. Charles A. Strickfaden, Miss Alma E. Stromberg, Charles J. Strong, Edmund H. Strong, M. D. Strong, Mrs. Walter A. Strotz, Harold C. Stulik, Dr. Charles Sturm, William G. Sullivan, John J. Sulzberger, Frank L. Summer, Mrs. Edward Sundin, Ernest G. Sutcliffe, Mrs. Gary Sutherland, William Sutton, Harold I. Swanson, Holgar G. Swanson, Joseph E. Swartchild, Edward G. Swartchild, William G. Swenson, S. P. O. Swett, Robert Wheeler Swift, Mrs. Alden B. Swift, Edward F., Jr. Sykes, Aubrey L. Sykes, Mrs. Wilfred Tarrant, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Frank F. Taylor, Herbert J. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, James L. Taylor, L. S. Taylor, William G. Templeton, Stuart J. Templeton, Walter L. Templeton, Mrs. William Terry, Foss Bell Teter, Lucius Thal, Dr. Paul E. Thatcher, Everett A. Theobald, Dr. John J. Thomas, Mrs. Florence T. Thomas, Frank W. Thomas, Dr. William A. Thompson, Arthur H. Thompson, Edward F. Thompson, Ernest H. Thompson, Floyd E. Thompson, Dr. George F. Thompson, John E. Thompson, Mrs. John R. Thompson, John R., Jr. Thorne, Hallett W. Thornton, Dr. Francis E. Thornton, Roy V. Thorp, Harry W. Thresher, C. J. Thulin, F. A. Tibbetts, Mrs. N. L. Tilden, Averill Tilden, Louis Edward Tilt, Charles A. Tobey, William Robert Tobias, Clayton H. Todt, Mrs. Edward G. Torbet, A. W. Torrence, George P. Touchstone, John Henry Towler, Kenneth F. Towne, Mrs. John D. C. Traer, Glenn W. Trask, Arthur C. Traylor, Mrs. Dorothy J. Traylor, Mrs. Melvin A., Jr. Treadwell, H. A. Trees, Merle J. Trenkmann, Richard A. Tripp, Chester D. Trombly, Dr. F. F. Trowbridge, Mrs. A. Buel, Jr. Trude, Mrs. Mark W. True, Charles H. Tumpeer, Joseph J. Turck, J. A. V. Turner, Alfred M. Turner, G. H. Turner, Mrs. Horace E. Tuthill, Gray B. Tuttle, Mrs. Henry N. Ullmann, Herbert S. Upham, Mrs. Frederic W. Uriell, Francis H. Utter, Mrs. Arthur J. Vacin, Emil F. Valentine, Andrew L. Valentine, Joseph L. Valentine, Mrs. May L. Valentine, Patrick A. VanArtsdale, Mrs. Flora D. VanCleef, Felix VanCleef, Mrs. Noah VanCleef, Paul VanDellen, Dr. Theodore R. Van Deventer, Christopher Vanek, John C. VanSchaack, R. H., Jr. 117 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) VanWinkle, James Z. VanZwoll, Henry B. Varel, Mrs. C. D. Vawter, William A., II Vehe, Dr. K. L. Vehon, Morris Verson, David C. Vial, Charles H. Vickery, Miss Mabel S. Vierling, Mrs. Louis Vogl, Otto VonColditz, Dr. G. Thomsen- vonGlahn, Mrs. August Voorhees, Mrs. Condit Voorhees, H. Belin Voynow, Edward E. Wade, Walter A. Wager, William Wagner, Fritz, Jr. Wagner, Louis A. Wahl, Arnold Spencer Wakerlin, Dr. George E. Walgreen, C. R., Jr. Walgreen, Mrs. Charles R. Walker, James Walker, Mrs. Paul Walker, Samuel J. Walker, William E. Wallace, Walter F. Waller, Mrs. Edward C. Wallerich, George W. Wallovick, J. H. Walpole, S. J. Walsh, Dr. Eugene L. Walsh, Miss Mary Wanner, Arthur L. Ward, Edwin J. Ward, Mrs. N. C. Wardwell, H. F. Wares, Mrs. Helen Worth Warfield, Edwin A. Warner, Mrs. John Eliot Warren, Allyn D. Warren, Paul G. Warren, Walter G. Warsh, Leo G. Washburne, Clarke Washburne, Hempstead, Jr. Washington, Laurence W. Wassell, Joseph Watson, William Upton Watts, Harry C. Watzek, J. W., Jr. Waud, E. P. Weber, Mrs. Will S. Webster, Arthur L. Webster, Miss Helen R. Webster, Henry A. 118 Wedelstaedt, H. A. Weil, Mrs. Leon Weil, Martin Weiler, Rudolph Weiner, Charles Weiner, George Weinstein, Dr. M. L. Weinzelbaum, Louis L. Weis, Samuel W. Weisbrod, Benjamin H. Weiss, Mrs. Morton Weiss, Siegfried Weissbrenner, A. W. Weisskopf, Maurice J. Weisskopf, Dr. Max A. Welles, Mrs. Donald P. Welles, Mrs. Edward Kenneth Wells, Arthur H. Wells, Miss Cecilia Wells, Harry L. Wells, John E. Wells, Preston A. Wendell, Barrett Wendell, Miss Josephine A. Wentworth, John Wentworth, Mrs. Sylvia B Wentz, Peter L. Werner, Frank A. Wertheimer, Joseph West, Miss Mary Sylvia West, Thomas H. Westerfeld, Simon Wetten, Albert H. Weymer, Earl M. Whealan, Emmett P. Wheeler, George A. Wheeler, Leo W. Wheeler, Leslie M. Wheeler, Mrs. Robert C. Whinery, Charles C. White, Mrs. James C. White, Joseph J. White, Richard T. White, Sanford B. White, Selden Freeman Whiting, Mrs. Adele H. Whiting, Lawrence H. Whittier, C. C. Widdicombe, Mrs. R. A. Wieland, Charles J. Wieland, Mrs. George C. Wienhoeber, George V. Wilcox, Robyn Wilder, Harold, Jr. Wilder, Mrs. John E. Wilder, Mrs. Paul Wilker, Mrs. Milton W. Wilkey, Fred S. Wilkins, George Lester Wilkins, Miss Ruth C. Wilkinson, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson, John C. Willems, Dr. J. Daniel Willens, Joseph R. Willey, Mrs. Charles B. Williams, J. M Williams, Kenneth Williamson, George H. Willis, Paul, Jr. Willis, Thomas H. Willner, Benton Jack, Jr. Wilms, Hermann P. Wilson, Edward Foss Wilson, Harry Bertram Wilson, Mrs. John R. Wilson, Miss Lillian M. Wilson, Morris Karl Wilson, Percy Wilson, Mrs. Robert E. Wilson, William Winans, Frank F. Windsor, H. H., Jr. Winston, Mrs. Bertram M. Winston, Hampden Winston, James H. Winston, Mrs. James H. Winter, Irving Wolf, Mrs. Albert H. Wolf, Walter B. Wolfe, Lloyd R. Wood, Mrs. Gertrude D. Wood, Mrs. Hettie R. Wood, Kay, Jr. Wood, Mrs. R. Arthur Wood, Robert E. Wood, William G. Woodmansee, Fay Woods, Weightstill Worcester, Mrs. Charles H. Work, Robert Works, George A. Wright, H. C. Wright, Warren Wrigley, Mrs. Charles W. Wupper, Benjamin F. Yerkes, Richard W. Yondorf, John David Yondorf, Milton S., Jr. Yorkey, Mrs. Margaret Young, B. Botsford Young, E. Frank Young, George W. Young, Hugh E. Zabel, Max W. Zabel, Mrs. Max W. Zapel, Elmer J. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Continued) Zerler, Charles F. Ziebarth, Charles A. Adler, David Andreen, Otto C. Barnes, Cecil Bateman, Floyd L. Benton, Miss Mabel M. Blayney, Thomas C. Bradley, Charles E. Briggs, Mrs. Gertrude Buck, Guy R. Carpenter, George Sturges Coldren, Clifton C. Danforth, Dr. William C. Dashiell, C. R. Denkewalter, W. E. Donohue, William F. Fabian, Francis G. Forstall, James J. Frank, Mrs. Joseph K. Frost, Mrs. Charles Sumner Goldfine, Dr. Ascher H. C. Graf, Robert J. Zimmerman, Herbert P. Zimmerman, Louis W. DECEASED, 1949 Greenebaum, M. E., Jr. Hagens, Dr. Garrett J. Holland, Dr. William E. Hume, John T. Jefferies, F. L. Kreidler, D. C. Kuhl, Harry J. LaChance, Mrs. Leander H. Laflin, Mrs. Louis E. Leonard, Arthur G. Melendy, Dr. R. A. Morrison, Matthew A. Nast, Mrs. A. D. Nathan, Claude Odell, William R. Peabody, Mrs. Francis S. Peel, Richard H. Peterson, Alexander B. Poole, Mrs. Frederick Arthur Radau, Hugo Zinke, Otto A. Zork, David Reffelt, Miss F. A. Reynolds, Mrs. J. J. Richards, J. DeForest Roche, Miss Emily Rolfes, Gerald A. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Maurice Rosenthal, Lessing Rosenwald, Mrs. Julius Ruckelhausen, Mrs. Henry Schermerhorn, W. I. Sears, Richard W., Jr. Seng, V. J. Shoup, A. D. Sitzer, Dr. L. Grace Powell Smith, Mrs. Frank S. Stern, Felix Swigart, John D. Tuthill, Mrs. Beulah L. Vial, F. K. Waller, James B., Jr. Wayman, Charles A. G. Wegner, Charles T., Jr. Yondorf, Milton S. NON-RESIDENT ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Those, residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, who have Baum, Mrs. James. Brigham, Miss Lucy M. Lindboe, S. R. Meevers, Harvey contributed $50 to the Museum Mitchell, W. A. Niederhauser, Homer Phillips, Montagu Austin Porter, Dr. Eliot F. Stevens, Edmund W. Trott, James Edwards SUSTAINING MEMBERS Those who contribute $25 annually to the Museum Bigelow, Mrs. Ann Caples, William G. Crooks, Harry D. Holmblad, Dr. Edward C. Horton, Mrs. Helen Huggins, G. A. Hunt, George L. Kroehler, Kenneth Laing, William — Lessman, Gerhard Levi, Julian H.: Mabson, Miss Eugenie A. McLennan, Mrs. Donald R., Sr. Moore, Chester G. Pope, John W. Price, W. G. F. Raymond, Dr. Albert L. Scott, Willis H. Seeburg, J. P., II Shillinglaw, David L. Simpson, Lyman M. Smith, J. P. Stebler, W. J. Thorne, Mrs. James W. Williams, Rowland L. 119 ANNUAL MEMBERS Those who contribute $10 annually to the Museum Abbell, Joseph J. Abbell, Maxwell Abbott, Edmund B. Abbott, Mrs. Howard C. Abbott, Mrs. John Jay Abeles, Alfred T. Adam, R. R. Adams, Cyrus H. Adams, Cyrus H., III Adams, F. W. Adams, Harvey M. Adams, Hugh R.., Jr. Addison, Michael E. Adesko, Mrs. Thaddeus V. Adsit, Harold C. Agar, Mrs. John T. Agar, Mrs. Stearns Aggerbeck, Leslie P. Aguinaldo, Miss Carmen Albade, Wells T. Alberts, Mrs. M. Lee Alderdyce, D. D. Alessio, Frank Alger, Frederick W. Allais, Mrs. Arthur L. Allen, Albert H. Allen, Amos G. Allen, Frank W. Allen, Joseph M. Allen, Mrs. T. George Allingham, Norman C. Alton, Robert Leslie Amberg, Harold V. Amberg, Miss Mary Agnes Ameismaier, Julius American, John G. Amtman, Dr. Leo Anderson, Hugo A. Appel, Dr. David M. Appleton, Albert I. Appley, Lawrence A. Arado, A. D. Arden, Percy H. Arneson, H. D. Arnkoff, Dr. Morris Arnold, Mrs. Clarice Arnold, Frank M. Arnold, Mrs. Hugo F. Arnold, Robert M. Arnolt, Kenneth Arvey, Mrs. Jacob M. Aschermann, N. J. Ashcraft, Edwin M., III Ashenhurst, John Atwood, Carl E. Atwood, Philip T. Auerbach, Henry B. Augustiny, Edward D. 120 Austerlade, William R. Austin, Edwin C. Austin, Dr. Margaret Howard Austrian, Mrs. H. S. Avery, Guy T. Babbitt, Mrs. Ross M. Bach, Peter A. Bacon, Wilbur C. Baer, Arthur A. Bailey, Warren G. Baird, E. E. Baker, Mrs. Marion Herbert Baldwin, C. M. Baldwin, George Baldwin, John R. Walsh Baldwin, Mrs. Walsh Balfanz, Henry W. Ballard, Mrs. E. S. Balter, Aaron L. Bankard, E. Hoover, Jr. Banks, Miss Ann R. Barbee, Beatrice Barber, H. B. Bard, Albert T. Bard, Ralph Austin, Jr. Bard, Roy E. Barker, Charles P. Barker, James M. Barker, William R. Barkhausen, Mrs. Henry G. Barnes, George Barnes, Mrs. Harold Osborne Barnes, William H. Baroody, E. T. Barr, Charles L. Barr, Lyman Barrett, Miss Adela Barrett, Lawrence H. Barrett, Oliver R. Barriger, John W., III Barron, Maurice J. Bartholomay, Henry C. Bartholomay, William, Jr. Bartlett, George S. Bas, Marvin J. Bass, Charles Bast, O. D. Basten, Ray F. Bates, Dr. A. Allan Baukus, J. Algert Bauman, John Sprague Bauman, Walter J. Bay, Dr. Emmet B. Beall, R. M. Beamsley, Foster G. Bean, Ferrel M. Beatty, John T. Beatty, Ross J., Jr. Beaven, Joseph C. Bechtner, Paul Becker, Mrs. George A. Becker, Matthew G. Beckwith, William J. Beelman, Hugh C. Beers-Jones, L. Beilin, Dr. David S. Bell, Herbert E. Beman, Lynn W. Bender, Mrs. Charles Bengston, Henry Bengtson, J. Ludvig Benjamin, Mrs. Bert R. Benjamin, Edward Benner, Miss Harriet Bennett, Dwight W. Bennett, Richard M. Bennett, Robert C., Jr. Bensinger, Robert F. Benson, Arnon N. Bentley, Claude R. Benton, Daniel L. Bere, Lambert Berger, R. O. Bergfors, Emery E. Berk, Benjamin Berman, Irving Berner, George Bernstein, George E. Beutel, Henry J. Beven, T. D. Bianco, Mrs. Mildred M. Biddle, Robert C. Bidwell, Dr. Charles L. Bielefeld, Herbert J. Bigelow, Miss Florence E. Biggio, Mrs. Louise T. Birchwood, Dr. Eugene Birmingham, Frederic A. Bishop, James R. Bissel, Otto Bjork, Eskil I. Bjorkman, Carl G. Black, E. D. Black, John D. Blackburn, John W. Blaine, James B. Blair, Dr hae Blair, John P. Blair, Mrs. Wm. McCormick Blaise, Mrs. Frank J. Blake, Arthur T. Blanksten, Mrs. Samuel B. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Blewett, Quentin H., Jr. Blitzsten, Dr. N. Lionel Block, Alex W. Block, Mrs. Joseph L. Blomquist, Alfred Bloom, H. L. Bloom, Mrs. Leon D. Blumberg, Nathan S8. Blume, Ernest L. Blumenthal, Barre Bock, William G. Bodfish, Morton Bohlin, Louis E. Bokman, Dr. A. F. Bond, William Scott Bonfig, Henry C. Bonk, Joseph E. Booth, Sheldon M. Boothby, Donald Borden, Gail Borland, Mrs. John Jay, III Borman, Mrs. Emil Borrowdale, Thomas M. Both, Mrs. William C. Bouris, George C. Bourke, Dr. Henry P. Bowersox, W. A. Bowes, Harlowe E. Bowes, W. R. Bowles, H. S. Bowman, Jay Boyd, B. W. Boyd, Darrell S. Boyd, Miss Helen Boyer, Miss Olga C. Bradburn, Robert F. Bradford, Miss Jane Marian Bradley, Charles C. Bradley, Dr. Garnet Brady, Harold Brandel, Paul W. Brando, Marlon Brandt, Fred T. Brandt, Mrs. Robert C. Brashears, J. W. Bratton, L. G. Braudy, Mrs. Louis C. Braun, Mrs. James Burton Breckinridge, Miss Mary Breed, Dr. J. Ernest Breen, James W. Bremner, Dr. M. D. K. Brichetto, John L. Bridgeman, Wallace C. Briede, Henry J. Briggs, Edward A.., Jr. Briggs, George L. Briggs, J. H. Briggs, Ralph E. Bright, Mrs. Orville T. Brock, Edson M. Broderick, W. J. Brodie, Dr. Allan G. Brodow, W. B. Brookstone, Reuben F. Brown, Alexander Brown, David S. Brown, Garfield W. Brown, Mrs. George W. Brown, H. Templeton Brown, Mrs. Isidore Brown, Paul W. Brown, Robert C., Jr. Brown, William W. Browne, Mrs. Grace Greenwood Browning, John T. Bruce, A. D. Bruce, Harley N. Bruce, Ralph R. Brucker, Dr. Matthew W. Bruckner, Mrs. Eugene E. Bruckner, Frederick J. Brunker, Albert R. Brye, Edvin Bucklen, Harley R. Budd, John M. Buik, George C. Bulfer, Dr. Andrew F. Bulger, Thomas S. Bull, Otto E. Bunn, B. H. Burckert, F. D. Burdick, Charles B. Burgee, Joseph Z. Burke, James E. Burkill, Edward W. Burnet, Mrs. W. A. Burns, Patrick C. Burrows, Arthur A. Burrows, Robert Burtis, Clyde L. Busch, Francis X. Buswell, Guy T. Butler, Burtram B. Butterfield, George P. Byfield, Ernest L. Byrnes, William Jerome Byron, Samuel 8S. Cabeen, Richard McP. Cadwell, Charles S. Caesar, O. E. Caiazza, Theodore M. Callan, T. J. Calvin, Frank J. Cameron, Anson W. Cameron, John W. Cameron, William T. Campbell, Charles H. Campbell, Chesser M. Campbell, Donald F., Jr. Campbell, G. Murray Campbell, John B. Cantwell, L. Yager Carl, Otto Frederick Carlington, William M. Carlisle, Mrs. William T. Carlton, Mrs. Frank A. Carney, Robert F. Carp, Joseph T. Carpenter, John Alden Carqueville, Charles Carr, George Wallace Carroll, Albert Carroll, James J. Carroll, Martin F. Carstens, Edward E. Carstens, Milton S. Carter, C. B. Carton, Lawrence A. Casey, C. L. Caspers, Paul Cassady, Thomas G. Cassetty, Rev. W. M., Jr. Cassinerio, Mrs. Edna D. Cathcart, Mrs. James A. Cech, James F. Cedarburg, Miss Blanche C. Cervenka, John A. Chace, Thomas B. Chandler, Dr. Fremont A. Chapman, Dave Chapman, Ralph Chapman, Richard R. Chase, Edward G. Chermayeff, Serge Cheskin, David B. Chesler, Morton C. Chimenti, Dante Chrisos, Dr. Sam S. Chrissinger, Horace B. Christiansen, Carl H. Christopher, Dr. G. L. Citterman, Solomon Clark, Chester J. Clark, Claude T. Clark, Glenn A. Clark, James H. Clark, Dr. James Wilson Clark, Miss O. M. Clark, Mrs. Ralph E. Clark, Robert H. Clarke, Mrs. A. S. C. Clarke, David R. Clarke, Mrs. Philip R. Clements, J. A. Cleveland, Chester W. Cleven, Peter H. Clifford, J. S. Clizbe, Mrs. F. O. 121 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Clonick, Herbert J. Clow, J. Beach Clow, Kent S. Cobbey, J. A. Coen, Thomas M. Cohen, Archie H. Cohen, Harry Cohen, Louis L. Cole, Cornelius C. Cole, Miss Marion W. Cole, Sander W. Coleman, Harry M. Collier, John H. Collins, Arthur W. Collins, Mrs. Frank P. Colvin, Miss Bonnie Combs, Earle M., Jr. Conant, E. D., Jr. Condee, Elbridge H. Condon, E. J. Conn, Warner S. Connolly, R. E. Connors, Mrs. Thomas A. Conquest, Victor Consoer, Arthur W. Cook, Charles E. Cook, David C., III Cook, Junius F., Jr. Cook, Leslie H. Cook, Wallace L. Cooke, Thomas Edward Cooper, Charles H. Cooper, S. Robert Cooperman, Miss Lynn Coreoran, Thomas J. Corey, Ernest F. Corliss, Allen G. Cornelius, Mrs. R. W. Cornwell, Dr. H. J. Cotterman, I. D. Coutney, Worth C. Covington, John R. Cowles, Alfred Cox, Arthur M. Coy, C. Lynn Crage, Dr. Francis M. Cragg, Mrs. George L. Cram, Mrs. Norman Cretors, C. J. Crew, Ben L. Crippen, Phillip R., Jr. Crites, Joe Crofoot, Mrs. Mary Crowell, Dr. Bowman Corning Crowley, C. A. Crowley, S. J. Culbertson, James G. Cullinan, George J. Culpepper, Dr. William L. Culver, Charles G. 122 Culver, Sydney K. Cummings, Dr. C. A. Cummings, Dexter Cummings, Nathan Cummings, Mrs. Tilden Cunningham, Robert M. Curry, Rev. James C. Curtis, John G. Curtis, Paul Cushman, Dr. Beulah Cushman, Robert S. Cutler, Paul William Dahl, William G. Dallwig, P. G. Daly, James J. Danielson, Reuben G. Darby, Raymond J. Daspit, Walter David, Sigmund W. Davidson, David E. Davidson, Donald Davidson, Louis G. Davis, Mrs. Charles P. Davis, Charles S. Davis, David Davis, Mrs. DeWitt, III Davis, Paul H. Davis, Ralph W. Davis, W. DeO., Jr. DeCosta, H. J. Dee, P. J. Deeming, W. S. Deffenbaugh, Roy R. Defrees, Donald Dekker, Miss Louise Delafield, Richard M. DeMotte, R. J. Dempsey, John §. DeParcgq, William H. DePencier, Mrs. Joseph R. D’Esposito, Joshua DeWitt, E. J. Dick, Mrs. Edison Dick, Mrs. Robert F. Dicken, Clinton O. Dickens, Robert Sidney Dickerson, Earl! B. Dickinson, Phil S. Diehl, Newcomb W. Diercks, Wilford R. Diggs, Dr. N. Alfred Dillbahner, Frank Dingeldein, Karl A. Dinkelman, Harry Director, Harry J. Dixon, Mrs. Wesley M. Dixson, Mrs. V. B Dodd, Walter F. Doddridge, Lee B. Dolan, Tom Dolke, W. Fred Donahue, Elmer W. Doolittle, John R. Doroshaw, J. M. Dorpols, Frank L. Dorsey, John K. Dosé, Raymond W. Dougherty, Mrs. Jean E. Douglas, William C. Douglass, F. S. Douglass, Dr. Thomas C. Dovenmuehle, George H. Dowd, Mrs. Frank J. Downey, John J. Downing, Dr. James R. Downs, Mrs. Cecil James Downs, Charles S. Downs, James C., Jr. Doyle, Miss Alice Drake, Charles R. Drake, G. T. Drake, L. J. Drake, Mrs. Seth C. Draper, Henry P. Dressel, Charles L. Dreyfus, Maurice M. Driscoll, Robert Dry, Meyer Dubin, Joseph Dubkin, Leonard Dudak, Paul Dudley, Mrs. Raymond C. Duggan, Charles F. Dulsky, Louis Dunigan, Edward B. Dunkleman, Gabriel Dunlap, George G. Dunphy, Charles S. Dunwody, A. B. Durham, R. Gregory Durham, R. J. Durham, William E. DuVal, Edward R. Duval, Dr. Emile C. Duval, Nathaniel E. Dvonch, Dr. William J. Dyon, Miss Jane Eben, Mrs. A. Bradley Eckhouse, George H. Eddy, Alfred K. Eddy, Philip E. Edelson, Dave Edelstone, Benjamin J. Edgerly, Daniel W. Edmonds, Robert K. Edwards, G. H. Egan, A. J. Eiger, Richard Norris Eisenberg, David B. Eismann, William ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Elden, A. D. Eldred, Mrs. Harriot W. Elkan, Leo H. Ellington, J. E. Elliott, Dr. Arthur R. Elliott, Mrs. Edwin P. Ellis, Hubert C. Elson, Alex Emery, DeWitt Emery, Mrs. Fred A. Endicott, DeWitt Engebretson, Einar N. Engh, Arthur C. English, Miss Frances C. English, Roger M. Epstein, Mrs. Arnold Erickson, L. Hyland Eshbaugh, C. Harold Kssley, E. Porter Estey, F. Clifford Etheredge, Gilbert Ettlinger, A. Evans, John Ford Evans, Thomas W. Evers, John W., Jr. Fager, Raymond Alton Fair, Charles L. Fairman, Miss Marian Faissler, John J. Falls, Dr. F. H. Fantus, Ernest L. Farin, Sheridan E. Farmans, Dr. Michael S. Farnsworth, Mrs. George J. Farrell, Mrs. Ernest H. Farwell, Albert D. Farwell, Mrs. Arthur Feil, Peter V. Fellers, Francis S. Fenn, John F. Fensholt, A. H. Ferguson, H. K. Ferrara, Salvatore Ferry, Mrs. Frank Fiala, Joseph F. Field, Mrs. James A. Field, John S. Field, Mrs. Wentworth G. Field, Mrs. William A. Fields, Sidney M. Fifelski, Edwin P. Fifer, Russell Finlay, Henry A., Jr. Finlay, James H. Finn, B. L. Fischer, Mrs. Louis E. Fischer, Mrs. Robert J. Fish, Mrs. Sigmund C. Fisher, C. P. Fisher, G. Howard Fisher, Ira I. Fisher, Mrs. Katrinka Fisher, Maurice Fisher, Nathan Fisher, Mrs. Raymond Fishman, Samuel Fisk, Albert Fitzgerald, Dr. J. E. Fitzgerald, R. W. Fitzpatrick, James J. Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher, R. F. Fletcher, R. P. Flett, James Floreen, Adolph R. Florsheim, Leonard S. Foley, Dr. Edmund F. Foley, Frank J. Foote, Eric C. Forth, Milburn L. Fortin, Joseph T. Foss, Allan A. Foster, George P. Foster, Mrs. Kellam Foster, William S. Fouche, Mrs. G. R. Fowler, Clifford C. Fowler, Mrs. Earle B. Fowler, Edgar C. Fowler, Walter E. Fox, Clarence E. Fox, George E. Frank, Augustus J. Frank, Mrs. Lee Frank, Marvin Frank, Raymond W. Frankenberg, Arthur E. Frankenbush, O. E. Frankenstein, Rudolph Franklin, Egington Franz, Herbert G. Frazee, Seward C. Freeman, Charles Y., Jr. Freeman, David A. Freeman, Thomas B. Freeto, Clarence E. Fremont, Miss Ruby Freund Mrs. I. H. Friedberg, Dr. Stanton A. Friedeman, Richard F. Frieder, Edward Friedlob, Fred M. Friedman, Dr. Townsend B. Frothingham, Mrs. Naneen R. Fugard, John R. Fuhrer, Max Fuller, C. C. Fuller, Mrs. Eugene hite Furth, Lee J. Gabel, Walter H. Gage, John N. Galanti, Mrs. Charles P. Gale, Abram Gale, M. J. Gallauer, William Galloway, Dr. Charles E. GaMache, Louis L. Gamrath, Elmer H. Ganey, Miss Helen M. Gantner, Edward G. Garside, Dr. Earl Gary, Charles V. Gary, Theodore S. Gatenby, John W., Jr. Gatzert, Mrs. August Gaudio, Charles C. Gaylord, Mrs. Sol H. Geiger, Joseph S. Geiger, S. G. Geis, George D. Geittmann, Dr. W. F. Gekas, John C. Gelder, Miss Madeline Genther, Charles B. Geraghty, James K. Geraghty, Mrs. Thomas F. Gerow, Theron G. Gerrard, J. M. Gettleman, Samuel R. Getz, Oscar Giblin, John N. Gidwitz, Gerald Giles, Dr. Chauncey D. Gill, Joseph L. Gillett, W. N. Gillies, Fred M. Gilroy, John F. Girard, Charles A. Girvin, Ramon B. Gitelson, Dr. Maxwell Gits, Mrs. Remi J., Sr. Glade, George H., Jr. Glader, Frank J. Glassford, Gordon L. Glavin, Dr. Edmund M. Glen, Harold V. Glick, Edward R. Glick, Louis G. Glover, Chester L. Goble, Lawrence E. Godchaux, Leon G. Goder, Joseph Godey, John W. Godie, A. L. Goes, Otto W. Goessele, John H. 123 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Goetz, Carl L. Goff, Moulton B. Golan, Samuel L. Goldberg, Bertrand Goldberg, Philip S. Golden, Mrs. Samuel M. Goldich, David E. Goldschmidt, M. Goldstein, Dr. Abraham Goldstein, Mrs. Benjamin F. Goldthorp, Dr. Ellsworth Golman, Joseph Gomberg, Dr. Harry Gonnerman, Mrs. Allan W. Good, Charles E. Goodall, John C. Goodbar, Harry L. Goodhart, Mrs. H. J. Goodman, Ralph L. Goodman, Mrs. William D. Goodrich, Miss Josephine Goodrich, Miss Juliet T. Goodson, Orr Goodwin, Maxwell A. Gourfain, A. S., Jr. Grabbe, Werner H. Graffis, Herbert Grage, William Graham, Errett O. Graham, John L. Grauer, Milton H. Graw, Harry J. Gray, A. S. Green, Mrs. Dwight H. Green, Norman C. Greene, Dr. Charles F. Greenhouse, Jacob Greenlee, William B. Gregg, John P. Greig, Dr. H. Wallace Grein, Joseph Griffin, Mrs. James A., Jr. Griglik, Casimir Grimes, J. Frank Groble, Edward B. Grochowski, Mrs. G. S. Groebe, Louis G. Groenwald, F. A. Grosberg, Charles Grove, C. G. Grove, Miss Helen H. Gruendel, Mrs. George H. Gudis, Theodore B. Gumbinger, Miss Dora Gunther, George E. Gurley, F. G. Gustafson, C. I. Gustafson, Rev. David 124 Gutgsell, Mrs. Emil J. Guthenz, S. M. Guthrie, S. Ashley Hachmeister, A. W. Haddow, William Haeger, E. H. Hagenah, William J., Jr. Hagerty, Walter H. Hagey, Harry H., Jr. Hagey, J. F. Hagg, Arthur H. Haigh, D. S. Haines, Mrs. James J. Hall, Arthur B. Hall, Cameron A. Hall, Miss Eliza P. Hall, Mrs. Evelyn F. Hall, Harry Hall, Louis W. Halperin, Arthur Halperin, Robert S. Ham, Mrs. Harold Hamill, Dr. Ralph C. Hamill, Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton, Mrs. Gurdon H. Hamm, George A. Hammel, W. F., Jr. Hammond, Stevens H. Handtmann, G. E. Hank, Bernard J. Hanley, R. Emmett Hansen, Mrs. Arthur R. Hansen, Helmer Hanses, Edward H. Harbinson, David K. Harding, Carroll Rede Harding, William H. Hardwicke, Harry Hardy, Edward K. Hardy, Julian H. Hardy, Mrs. L. Martin Hardy, Dr. Thomas E. Hargrave, Homer P. Harig, Herbert Harman, Dr. Hubert F. Harrington, George Bates Harris, BenjamingR Harris, Mrs. Mortimer B. Harris, R. Neison Harrison, Dr. R. Wendell Harshaw, Myron T. Hart CBs Hart, Mrs. H. G. Hart, Louis E. Hartman, Mrs. Irvin H. Hartman, Milton C. Hartung, Miss Elizabeth Harvey, Byron S Harvey, George W., Jr. Harvey, Mrs. Harold B. Harvey, James D. Hasbrook, Howard F. Haskell, Clinton H. Haskins, Robert E. Hassell, Warren S. Hastings, Mrs. James E. Hatfield, W. A. Hathaway, Mrs. Carter H. Hattstaedt, Mrs. John J. Hauter, Mrs. A. N. Hawkes, Joseph B. Hawkinson, Dr. Oscar Hawley, Frederick W., Jr. Hawthorne, Vaughn R. Haynes, Charles Webster Haynes, Frank M Haynes, Gideon, Jr. Haynes, John Thompson Haynes, L. S. Haynie, R. G. Hazen, Theodore D. Heald, Mrs. Henry T. Heavey, John C. Hechler, Mrs. William D. Heckel, Edmund P. Hedges, Dr. Robert N. Hedly, Arthur H. Hedrich, Mrs. Otto H. Heifetz, Samuel Helgason, Arni Henderson, B. E. Henderson, G. B. Henderson, Kenneth M. Henner, H. I Henner, Dr. Robert Hennessey, William S. Henriksen, H. M. Henry, Sister Mary Hensel, Paul G., Jr. Herbst, LeRoy B. Herman, Maxwell R. Hertwig, Fred A. Hertz Jeetae Hesseltine, Dr. H. Close Hetreed, Dr. Francis W. Heyworth, Mrs. John R. Hibben, Joseph W. Hickey, C. R. Hicks, Joseph W. Hildebrand, Walter H. Hilker, Carl Hill, Mrs. Cyrus G. Hill, Mrs. Elmer C. Hill, Miss Meda A. Hilton, Henry Mark Hinman, Sherwood V. Hirsch, Edwin W. Hirtenstein, Robert E. Hitchings, LeRoy K. Hoag, Mrs. Junius C. Hoag, Dr. Walter C. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Hoban, Dr. Eugene T. Hobbs, Mrs. J. P. Hobbs, Russell D. Hoben, H. H. Hochfeldt, William F. Hockman, Miss Miriam L. Hoefer, Max Hoffman, Joseph Hogenson, William Hogsten, Mrs. Yngve Hohman, Dr. Ned U. Hokenson, Gustave Hokin, Barney E. Hokin, Samuel E. Holabird, Mrs. I. B. Holabird, William Holcomb, Mrs. R. R. Holgate, H. Nels Holinger, Dr. Paul H. Holland, Jesse J. Hollar, Philip A. Hollingbery, Mrs. George P. Holloway, J. L. Homan, Joseph Homan, Max Hooper, A. F. Hooper, Henry, Jr. Hooper, Dr. J. Gerald Hopkins, Dr. M. B. Hoppe, Carl E. Horowitz, Charles I. Horton, Mrs. Arthur Horween, Ralph Horwich, Philip Horwitz, Irving A. Hottinger, William H., Jr. Houda, Dr. Leo Hough, William J. Houha, Vitus J. House, Woodford W. Houser, A. M. Howard, Mrs. Edith Sackett Howard, Hubert E. Howell, Mrs. Thomas M. Howson, L. R. Hoyt, N. Landon, Jr. Hubachek, Frank Brookes Huber, Andrew V. Huch, Herbert F. Hudson, William J. Huettmann, Fred Hughes, Frank W. Huguenor, Lloyd B. Hulson, J. W. Humphreys, J. Ross Humphreys, Mrs. Robert E. Hunnemann, Miss Alma M. Hunt, Mrs. William O. Hurlbut, Miss Elizabeth J. Hurley, G. B. Hurley, Mrs. John A. Hurley, Raymond J. Hurley, Stephen E. Hutchinson, George A., Jr. Hutton, Miss Frances Ione Huxley, Henry M. Huxtable, Miss Barbara Leslie Hynes, D. P. Hypes, S. L. Iker, Charles Ingram, Lawrence Ireland, Ray W. Ives, R. O. Jackett, C. A. Jackson, Byrne A. Jackson, W. H. Jacky, Frederick Jacobs, Nate Jacobs, Mrs. Walter H. Jacobson, Egbert G. Jager, Dr. Elizabeth Jalkut, Lee D. James, Ralph C. Jameson, A. R. Jarvis, William B. Jenner, Mrs. Austin Jennings, Ralph C. Jensen, George P. Jesmer, Julius Job, Dr. Thesle T. Johanigman, S. E. Johnson, A. William Johnson, Miss Agnes E. Johnson, Alfred C. Johnson, Mrs. Doris Hurtig Johnson, Edmund G. Johnson, Dr. G. Erman Johnson, H. A. Johnson, Herbert M. Johnson, Julius Johnson, Miss Mayde B. Johnson, Miss Millie C. Johnson, R. C. Johnson, R. W. Johnston, A. J. Johnston, Hulburd Jolls, Thomas H. Jolly, John W. Jones, Howard B. Jones, Owen Barton Jones, Mrs. Walter Clyde Joseph, Albert G. Joseph, Dr. Paul Julian, John A. Jung, C. C. Kahler, William V. Kahn, Fred S. Kahoun, John A. Kamm, Harold J. Kane, Daniel Francis Kane, Mrs. Marion O. Kanter, Dr. Aaron E. Kaplan, Samuel Karp, Elmer H. Karpen, Leo Karras, Sidney G. Kasbohm, Leonard H. Kaspar, Ray Kaumeyer, Mrs. E. A. Kay, Joseph C. Kaye, Harry Keach, Benjamin Kearney, E. L. Kearns, Mrs. Jerry J. Keck, Mathew Keehn, L. D. Keeler, Mrs. Edwin R. Keeley, Robert E. Keene, William J. Keeney, Frank P. Keeton, Dr. Robert W. Keim, Melville Keith, Elbridge Kellar, Herbert A. Keller, I. C. Keller, M. J. Kelley, Mrs. Phelps Kellogg, G. H. Kellogg, Harry E. Kellogg, James G. Kellogg, John Payne Kelly, Charles Scott Kelly, T. L. Kelly, Mrs. T. L. Kendall, G. R. Kendall, Victor R. Kennedy, Dr. Fred A. Kennedy, J. G. Kennedy, James H. Kennedy, R. J. Kenney, Hugh D. Kerr, Leslie H. Ketcham, Leon J. Kidwell, James E. Kidwell, L. B. Kidwell, Richard E. Kiefer, Mrs. Rose M. Kilanowski, Mitchell Kilberry, F. H. Kiley, Dr. Matthew J. Kimball, Paul G. Is) ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Kimball, Mrs. Ralph R. Kimes, Gerald C King, H. R. King, J. Andrews King, Thomas R. King, Wilfred J. King, Willard L. Kingham, J. J. Kinnett, D. H. Kipp, Lester E. Kirby, Dr. William Kirst, Lyman R. Klapman, Philip A. Klawans, Leslie H. Klein, Mrs. A. 8. Klein, Dr. David Klein, Dr. Ernest L. Klemperer, Leo A. Kling, Leopold Klutznick, Philip M. Knight, Dr. Alva A. Knight, Lester B. Knourek, William M. Knowlson, J. 8. Knowlton, John M. Knox, Merrill B. Knutson, A. C. Koch, Carl Koehn, Carl W. Koenig, O. N. Koenig, Dr. Z. C. Kohn, Henry L. Kohn, Louis A. Kolbe, Frank F. Kolkmeyer, Ralph W. Kollar, Dr. John A., Jr. Kollenberg, A. E. Koltz, George C., Jr. Kopinski, Louis Kort, George Kos, Victor A. Kostrzewski, Dr. M. J. Kotas, Rudolph J. Krafft, Walter A. Krag, Franz K. Kramer, Herman J. Krane, Leonard J. Krasberg, Rudolph Kratsch, Charles Krautter, L. Martin Kresge, M. L Krinsley, Lazarus Krogh, E. E. Kroll, Harry Kroll, Morris Krotter, Miss Nellie M. Krotz, Harry W., Jr. Kruggel, Arthur Krumdieck, Leo Kruse, W. K. Kuechenberg, W. A. Kuehn, Miss Katherine 126 Kuehn, Oswald L. Kuhnen, Mrs. George H. Kuhns, Mrs. H. B. Lacey, Miss Clara R. Lachman, Harold Laird, Robert S. Lancaster, A. Pope Landis, Maxwell Landreth, John T. Lane, George A. Lane, Howard Laney, Seymour J. Lang, Eugene C. Langan, Harley B. Lange, A. G. Lange, Hugo C. Langen, Ray Langer, Joseph S. Langert, A. M. Langford, Joseph P. Laramore, Florian E. Large, Judson Larkin, Mrs. Walter D. Larsen, Roy R. Larson, Elis L. Larson, Simon P. Lasch, Charles F. Lasch, Harry Lash, Dr. A. F. Latham, re Ray Law, Leander, Russell AJ. Lee, A. Franklin Lee, Miss Alice Stephana Lee, Arthur K. Lee, John H. Lehman, O. W. Leibrandt, George F. Leland, Samuel Lello, Herbert F. Leonard, Arthur G., Jr. Lerch, William H. Levi, Stanley B. Levin, Mrs. Dorothy Young Levin, Louis Levin, Robert E. Levine, William Levine, William D. Levinson, John O. Levitan, Moses Levy, Harry W. Lewis, B. F. Lewis, Mrs. Walker O. Liebenow, J. Gus Liffshin, Reuben J. Lifvendahl, Dr. Richard A. Lind, Paul B. N. Lindell, Arthur G. Lindeman, John H. Lindenmeyer, Conrad A. Lindsay, Mrs. Martin Lindsey, Dr. Maude L. Lindsley, A. J. Line, Dr. Eva J. Lingott, Richard H. Linn, Joseph M. Linthicum, J. Francis Lipman, Abraham Lippincott, R. R. Lippman, Mrs. William Lipsey, Howard Lipshutz, Joseph Litschgi, Dr. J. J. Llewellyn, Mrs. K. Lloyd, Carl S. Lloyd, Miss Georgia Lloyd, Glen A. Lloyd, William B., Jr. Lochridge, Ben S. Lochridge, W. F. Lock, Dr. Frank Lock, Gilbert L. Lockefer, Frank V. Lockett, Harold Lockwood, Lawrence A. Loeb, Mrs. Ernest G. Loebe, Edward E. Loeser, Edward M. Lofquist, Karl E. Loftus, Mrs. Clarence J. Logelin, Edward C., Jr. Lome, Philip Loomis, D. P. Loomis, Miss Marie Looney, Charles C. Loosli, Dr. Clayton G. Lorance, Mrs. Luther M. Lorber, Herbert J. Loring, Mrs. Arthur A. Loung, George, Jr. Love, John T. Love, John T. Lovejoy, Mrs. Winfred L. Loverde, Dr. Albert A. Low, John M. Lowitz, Joseph Lowrey, Forest R. Lowry, Miss Caryl A. Lowy, Walter H. Ludolph, Arthur L. Lund, Harry A. Lundgren, Sten J. Lundy, Dr. Clayton J. Lundy, Francis L. Luthmers, Francis E. Lutterbeck, Dr. Eugene F. Lydon, Eugene K. Lyon, Mrs. Jeneva A. Lyons, Philip ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) MacArthur, Donald MacFarland, Hays Macfarland, Lanning Mack, John J. Mack, Joseph Mackenzie, Wentworth ar MacKenzie, William J. MackKiewich, Justin MacLean, Mrs. John A., Jr. MacLean, William P. Maddock, Miss Alice E. Maddock, Mrs. Walter G. Magnuson, Gustav V. Magnuson, Hugo E. Magnuson, Paul B., Jr. Mahler, I. H. Maison, Mrs. L. G. Mall, Arthur W. Mallegg, O. O. Manasse, DeWitt J. Manchester, Donald S. Mannette, Mrs. Russell L. Manning, Frederick W. Manning, Mrs. Herbert S. Manning, Dr. Paul D. V. Mannion, Michael H. Manno, Vincent P. Manz, George R. Manzelmann, George F. Marchant, Miss Lilian Marcus, Abel Maremont, Arnold H. Markman, Samuel K. Markoff, William Marling, Mrs. Franklin, Jr. Marnane, James D. Marqua, P. J. Marquardt, Dr. Gilbert H. Marquart, Arthur A. Marrs, Dean Marsh, E. S. Marshall, Charles A. Martin, Miss Blanche Martin, Cecil Martin, Mrs. John Sayre, Jr. Martin, Mrs. Leroy Marx, Adolf Marx, Archibald B. Mastri, Dr. Aquil Matchett, Hugh M. Mathewson, Lynn L. Mathieu, Auguste Matthews, Francis E. Matthews, J. H. Maxon, R. C. Maxwell, Mrs. Augustus K. May, Sol Maybrun, Arthur E. Mayer, Edwin W. C. Mayer, Richard Maywald, Elmer C. McAnly, H. T. McArthur, Mrs. S. W. McBride, W. Paul McBurney, Kenneth McCaffrey, J. L McCain, Patrick D. McCann, Charles J. McClellan, John H. McClintock, J. O. McCloud, Miss Edna W. McClurg, Verne O. McCollum, C. E. McCoy, Charles S. McCreery, C. L. McCurdie, N. J. McDermott, Franklin McDermott, H. T. McDermott, William F. McDuffie, George J. McEldowney, C. R. McErlean, Charles F. McGreevy, R. E. McGuigan, James V. McGuire, F. Willis McGuire, Simms D. McHenry, Irving McHenry, Roland McInerney, Joseph A. McKay, Dwight McKay, Miss Mabel McKee, Albert E. McKee, William F. McKellar, Archibald D. McKibbin, Mrs. George B. McKittrick, C. E. MckKy, Keith B. McLaughlin, A. G. McLaughlin, Mrs. George D. McLaughlin, Dr. James H. McLaughlin, L. B. McLaughlin, Luke Yore McLaughlin, William J. McLaurin, John M. MeNally, Frederick L. McNamara, Donald McC. McNamara, Robert C. McNamee, Miss Margie MeNear, Everett C. McNerney, Frank J. McPherson, David C. McSurely, Mrs. William H. Meadors, Mrs. Howard C. Meek, Miss Margaret E. Megahey, Rev. Thomas J. Mehaffey, Robert V. Mehan, J. H. Meidell, Harold Meistrell, Frank J. Meiszner, John C. Melgaard, B. B. Mell, William E. Mellinghausen, Parker Melum, H. William Menendian, Dr. Rose Mentzer, John P. Merkle, B. J. Merricks, Mrs. James W. Merritt, Thomas W. Mertz, Miss Henriette Mesirow, H. G. Mesirow, Norman M. Metcalf, Gordon M. Metcoff, Eli Metzenberg, John B. Meyer, Albert F. Meyer, Mrs. Alfred C. Meyer, Stanton M. Meyer, Wallace Michels, Mrs. George Milbrook, A. T. Millard, A. E. Millard, Mrs. E. L. Miller, Dr. C. O. Miller, C. R. Miller, Creighton S. Miller, Ernest P. Miller, Gilbert H. Miller, Mrs. Grace Edwards Miller, Mrs. Harvey O. Miller, M. Glen Miller, Mahlon D. Miller, Miss Marian Miller, Marvin D. Miller, Milton T. Miller, R. W. Miller, Robert H. Miller, W. S. Miller, Willard M. Miller, William H. Milles, Leo H. Milliken, J. H. Milliren, Glenn A. Mills, Ben Milnor, George S. Minor, R. R. Mirabella, Mrs. S. F. Miske, Erwin K. Mitchell, Harry L. Mitchell, Mrs. James Herbert Wy), ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Mitchell, Mrs. R. B. Mizen, Frederic Kimball Modene, Oscar F. Moench, Miss Malinda Mollendorf, J. D. Molter, Harold Monsen, Myron T. Moore, Donald F. Moore, Harold A. Moore, Harold T. Moore, Dr. Josiah J. Moore, Kenneth W. Moore, Lucien W. Moore, Malcolm B. Moore, Oscar L. Moorman, Charles L. Moran, John T. Moreland, James C. Morey, Albert A. Morgan, Fred C. Mork, P. R. Morris, Milton H. Morris, Sidney H. Morris, Sidney L. Morrow, C. Allen Mortimer, Charles A. Mortvedt, Rev. Ariel O. Mossman, John E. Moulder, P. V. Mudd, Mrs. J. A., Jr. Muench, C. G. Muench, Hans Muhs, G. F. Mulligan, Joseph B. Munnecke, Mrs. Wilbur C. Munson, Lyle Murchison, T. E. Murdough, Thomas G. Murphy, J. P. Murphy, Morgan F. Murphy, P. M. Murray, Edwin A. Murray, M. W. Murray, William M. Musick, Philip Lee Myers, Milton M. Nabat, A. S. Naffz, Mrs. L. E. Nafziger, R. L. Nash, R. D. Nath, Bernard Nau, Otto F. Neff, Ward A. Nelson, Charles M. Nelson, Earl W. Nelson, Mrs. Henri E. Nemer, Fred 128 Mueller, Mrs. Florian F. Mulcahy, Mrs. Michael F. Ness, J. Stanley Newberger, Ralph Newcomer, Mrs. Paul Newman, Charles H. Newman, Mrs. Jacob Newton, Dr. Roy C. Nielsen, Aksel Nilson, Alfred R. Nisen, Charles M. Noble, Daniel E. Noble, Guy L. Nolte, Mrs. Charles B. Norman, Dr. F. E. Norman, Mrs. Hedwig Norris, Mrs. James North, Mrs. F. S. North, Harold F. Norton, G. A. Norville, Leo T. Novak, Edward E. Novotny, Richard R. Noyes, W. H., Jr. Nyhan, Thomas J. Oberfelder, Joseph H. Oberhelman, Dr. Harry A. O’Brien, M. J. Ochsner, Dr. Edward H. O’Connor, Fred J. O’Connor, P. K. O’Connor, P. T. Odell, Jay G. Odell, Joseph R. Ogden, Walter Headden O’Hara, Arthur J. O’ Hearn, Rev. John J. O’ Keefe, John F. Oleson, Philip H. Olin, Edward L. Oliver, Dr. Marguerite Olsen, Andrew P. Olsen, Dr. Charles W. Olson, Albert M. Olson, Benjamin Franklin Olson, H. Edsall O’Neal, Wendell O’Neal, William James O’Neill, Dr. Eugene J. Orschel, Albert K. Osanai, Mrs. Mary M. Osborn, Cyrus R. Osborne, W. Irving, Jr. Osburn, M. B. Ossendorff, Dr. K. W. Ostrander, E. L. O’Sullivan, James J. Overend, Robert B. Overmyer, Franklin R. Owen, Mrs. Ralph W. Owens, Harry J. Pacholke, Fred Pallasch, Paul V. Palmer, Curtis H. Pandaleon, Costa A. Parker, Austin H. Parker, Miss Edith P. Parker, Lee N. Parks, Burritt A. Parks, Robey Parrott, George H. Parsino, Mrs. James Patch, A. Huntington Patterson, W. A. Patterson, William F. Patton, A. E. Patton, Ralph E. Pauley, Clarence O. Paulus, Mrs. Max G. Payson, Randolph Peabody, Mrs. Stuyvesant Pearce, Charles S. Peck, Miss Constance L. Peck, Nelson C. Pederson, Alfred S. Peirce, Mrs. Clarence A. Pencik, Mrs. Miles F. Pendergast, Frank Pendleton, Maurice B. Penner, Louis L. Penner, Samuel Peponis, Arthur H. Perin, Reuben L. Perlman, Dr. Henry B. Perlman, I. B. Perlman, Morris Perlstein, Mrs. Harris Perreault, Earl E. Person, Dr. Allgot G. Peterkin, Daniel, Jr. Peters, Dr. Fredus N. Petersen, Lawrence A. Petersen, M. H. Petersen, Niels Peterson, H. R. Peterson, V. W. Petrie, Morton H. Pettibone, Holman D. Pettingell, C. D. Pettinger, Andrew Pfaelzer, Mrs. Monroe Pflager, Charles W. Phelps, Erastus R. Phelps, William Henry Phillips, Mrs. Howard C. Phillips, John Ward Pickering, John F. Bier HesVie Piers, Dr. Gerhart Pike, Wayne S. Pillinger, Douglass Pillsbury, Mrs. Charles 8S. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Pirie, Mrs. S. C., Jr. Pirofalo, James C. Pitt, A. A. Platt, Robert Pletsch, George B. Pletz, S. R. Plummer, Daniel C., Jr. Plunkett, Paul M. Pollock, Mrs. Lewis J. Pond, Mrs. Harold M. Pond, M. C. Pontius, Mrs. G. V. Poole, Arthur B., Jr. Poore, Robert W. Pope, George J. Pope, Mrs. Henry, Jr. Pope, Mrs. S. Austin Pope, Sidney T. Porte, James J. Porter, Dr. George J. Post, Myron H. Potter, Howard I. Potter, Mrs. T. A. Power, John W. Powers, William F. Poyer, Stephen A. Prada, William R. Praed, William G. Praeger, Charles H. IPR, di lel Preble, Robert C. Preikschat, Raymond W. Prentice, J. Rockefeller Press, Robert M. Preus, J. A. O. Price, Allen H. Price, Frederick J. Price, Griswold A. Price, Owen N. Prince, William Wood Pritchard, N. H. Proby, Dr. Edmund A. Pruitt, Raymond S8. Puestow, Dr. Charles B. Purcell, Dr. James W. Purdue, Miss Maude Purdy, John P. Puzey, Russell V. Quackenbush, E. W. Quan, John B. Queen, John W. Quetsch, L. J. Quisenberry, T. E. Radack, Mrs. Dorothy W. Ragland, John M. Ragland, T. C. Rambeau, William G. Randall, Frank A. Ranney, Mrs. George A. Rappold, Samuel R. Rasmussen, Frank Rasmussen, L. M. Rathburn, M. Hudson Rau, John M. Rauh, Morris Ray, Harold R. Ray, Mrs. Herbert S. Rayner, Lawrence Reace, William T. Read, Freeman C. Ready, Charles H. Reber, M. D. Redding, George H. Reddy, Mrs. Philip J. Reed, Mrs. Frank C. Reed, L. F. B. Reese, Mrs. C. W. Reese, William D. Regan, Mrs. Ben Reich, Dr. Jerome B. Reichert, Hugh J. Reicin, Frank E. Reid, Bryan S., Jr. Reilly, David J. Reilly, George A. Reilly, W. J. Rein, Lester E. Reiner, John S. Reiser, Miss Irene K. Render, Miss Forsythe Renier, Edward P. Renken, Miss Martha Rentfro, Dr. Charles C. Replogle, Dr. Fred A. ReQua, Mrs. Charles H. Ressler, Harold M. B. Reskin, Charles G. Reticker, Edward Revzan, Theodore Reynolds, Milton Rhodes, Charles M. Rhodes, Martin C. Rice, Dr. Frank E. Rich, Keith Richards, Longley Richards, Oron E. Ricker, Jewett E. Ricks, Ivan Riedeman, H. T. Riggs, Mrs. Joseph A. Riley, John H. Rinaker, Samuel M. Ritter, Miss Lavinia Ritzwoller, Earle H. Rivenes, A. I. Rivera, J. A. Robbins, Burr L. Robbins, Laurence B. Roberts, Harlow P. Roberts, J. K. Robertson, Egbert Robertson, Theodore B. Robinson, Alan 8. Robinson, Dr. M. J. Robinson, Miss Nellie Robinson, Thomas G. Robson, Mrs. Oscar Roche, Burke B. Roche, Mrs. Donald M. Roche, John Pierre Rochlitz, O. A. Rockafellow, G. B. Roden, Carl B. Rodger, John H. Rodwick, Frank P. Roefer, Henry A. Rogers, Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Milton P. Rogers, Miss Suzanne Rogers, Thomas W. Roll, Earl D. Roman, B. F. Ronning, Magnus I. Roos, Edwin J. Rose, Ben Rose, George Rose, Jack Rose, John W. Roseland, J. G. Rosenberg, Ben L. Rosenberg, Mrs. Bernhard Rosenfels, Mrs. Irwin S Rosenson, Herzl Rosenthal, M. A. Ross, Dr. Chester John Ross, Earl Ross, Dr. Martin T. Ross, Mrs. Sophie 8. Roth, Arthur J. Rothschild, Mrs. Maurice L. Rowley, William A. Rozmarek, Charles Rubert, William F. Rudolph, Dr. A. H. Rudolph, Walter D. Ruehlmann, William R. Rugen, Fred A. Ruskin, Mrs. Harry H. Rutherford, M. Drexel Ryan, Mrs. Lawrence J. Ryder, F. W. Ryerson, Anthony M. Ryser, Adolph Saalfeld, Harry H. Saarinen, W Sabin, Eben T. Sager, Mrs. S. Norman Salk, Miss Betsy Ruth Sallemi, James V. NY ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Salomon, Ira Salomon, William E. Saltarelli, Dr. Gabriel Saltiel, Dr. Thomas P. Salzman, Philip H. Sampsell, Mrs. Joseph C. Samuels, Benjamin Sanborn, Mrs. V. C. Sandel, Mrs. Clara Sandrok, Edward G. SanFilippo, Dr. Paul D. Sang, Bernard G. Sang, Philip D. Sauerman, John A. Sawicki, Michael J. Sayers, Mrs. A. J. Sayre, Dr. Loren D. Scala, Hugo R. Scalbom, O. Trumbull Scalbom, Oscar L. Scanlan, Thomas P. Scarborough, Mrs. Henry Schaar, B. E. Schaefer, Fred A. Schaefer, W.A. Schaffner, Arthur B. Schaffner, Miss Marion Schelly, Mrs. Herbert S. Schenker, Ben W. Scheu, Ralph J. Schick, Miss Inez M. Schiff, Max Schiller, Dr. A. L. Schiltz, M. A. Schipfer, Dr. L. A. Schlatter, Miss Nina E. Schlossberg, Mrs. Harry Schlossman, Norman J. Schmidt, George A. Schmidt, John Schmidt, Mrs. Siegfried G. Schmus, Elmer E. Schneider, Benjamin B. Schnering, Robert B. Schnute, Dr. William J. Schoch, M. G. Schoeneberger, Charles A. Schonthal, B. E. Schottenhamel, Mrs. Max P. Schroeder, Leo E. Schroeder, Werner W. Schuetz, Ralph E. Schulman, Harry Schultz, Mrs. Arnold C. Schultz, Chester H. Schultz, W. Norman Schultz, William F. Schultz, William H. Schulz, George H. Schuman, J. R. 130 Schureman, Jean L. Schuttler, Mrs. Peter Schutz, Reuben M. Schuyler, L. H. Schwab, Raymond J. Schwab, Dr. Walford A. Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Milton H. Schwartz, Nathan H. Schwartz, Selwyn S. Schwartz, Dr. Steven O. Schwemm, Ear] M. Sciaky, Sam Scofield, Clarence P. Seott, Mrs. Cortlandt N. Scott, Frederick H. Scott, George A. H. Scott, Mrs. Marion R. Scott, William Edouard Scott, Dr. Winfield W. Scovel, Harold F. Scrimgeour, Miss adys Scudder, Mrs. William M. Scuderi, Mrs. Carlo Seaberg, Edward R. Seaholm, A. T. Seaman, H. Gilbert Seaman, Henry L. Searles, Donald K. Seaverns, George A., Jr. Secord, Burton F. Seder, A. R. Segal, Myron M. Segil, Harold T. Selby, J. F. Selfridge, Calvin F. Sellers, Paul A. Senear, Dr. F. E. Severson, D. O. Sexton, Mrs. Shafer, Walter S. Shaw, John I. Shaykin, Dr. Jacob B. Shearer, James, II Shedd, Mrs. Charles C. Shedd, Jeffrey Sheffer, K. A. Sheldon, Walter M., Jr. Shepard, Robert Philip Sheppard, Joseph L. Sheridan, Leo J. Sherman, H. C. Shlopack, Wallace B. Short, William H. Shrader, Frank K. Shuflitowski, Joseph T. Sibley, Joseph C., Jr. Siebel, George E. Sieger, Joseph F. Siemund, Roy W. Sillani, Mrs. Mabel W. Thomas G. Silverstein, Milton Simpson, Bruce L. Sims, Frank S. Sims, Paul K. Sinaiko, Dr. Edwin S. Singer, Albert H. Singer, William A. Sinnerud, Dr. O. P. Siragusa, Ross D. Sittler, Edwin C. Sittler, Dr. W. Walter Skudera, Mrs. Marie Slifka, George C. Sloan, William F. Sloup, Frank J. Smart, David A. Smerge, Raymond A. Smick, Robert W. Smith, George W. Smith, H. S: Smith, Harold A. Smith, John F., Jr. Smith, Joseph Herbert Smith, Monroe A., Jr. Smith, Robert C. Smith, Ty gle Snow, Lendol D., Jr. Snydacker, Mrs. E. 1d. Sollitt, Mrs. Ralph T. Sollitt, Sumner S. Somes, J. J. Sonne, Mrs. Fred T. Snite, John T. Soule, Leo N. Soule, M. M. Spacek, Leonard P. Spark, David I. Sparr, Mrs. Caroline H. Spaulding, Raymond C. Speed, Dr. Kellogg Spencer, Arthur T. Sperry, Mrs. Albert F. Spiegel, Miss Katherine J. Spiegel, Mrs. Philip Spielmann, Willson Sporrer, M. J. Springer, Clement F. Springsguth, Robert C. Staffelbach, Earl T. Stahl, Felix B. Stahmer, George F., II Staller, Joseph H. Stanbery, J. N. Stanley, J. Paul Stanton, Mrs. Francis R. Stanton, Lyman A. Starbuck, J. C. Starrett, Miss Carolyn J. Starshak, A. L. Stathas™ eee: Staudt, Mrs. Louis ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Steelman, Berton J. Steen, Enoch Steffen, Charles Steffey, D. Earl Stein, Mrs. S. Sidney Steins, Mrs. Halsey Steinwedell, William Stern, David B., Jr. Stern, Herbert L. Stern, Herbert L., Jr. Stern, Jacob S. Steuer, Mrs. Joseph True Stevens, E. W. Stevens, Mrs. R. St. John Stevenson, Mrs. Adlai E. Stevers, Martin D. Stewart, George R. Stewart, W. Ellis Stewart, William Scott Stiles, J. F., Jr. Stockton, Joseph D. Stoddard, Robert M. Stoddart, William M. Stoehr, Kurt Stokes, Mrs. Edward J. Stolle, Arthur E. Stolp, John A. Stone, Dr. F. Lee Stone, Mrs. J. S. Storey, Oliver W. Storkan, Mrs. James Stormont, Dr. D. L. Storms, North Stout, Frederick E. Straka, Frank B. Stratton, Mrs. E. W. Stratton, Paul Stratton, Robert C. Straus, Mrs. Robert E. Stresenreuter, Mrs. Charles H. Stresen-Reuter, Frederick A. Strodel, F. A. Strohmeier, Dr. Otto E. Strong, Joseph L. Stuart, Robert K. Stuart, William M. Stude, Henry Stuenkel, Leon H. Stuermer, Ray Stumes, Charles B. Sudler, Carroll H., Jr. Suyker, Hector Swain, David F. Swift, Nathan B. Swift, T. Philip Sylvanus, Alfred Sylvester, Edmund Q. Sylvester, Dr. Emmy Symmes, William H. Symonds, Merrill Szymanski, Dr. Frederick J. Tadrowski, Anton J. Talbot, Mrs. Eugene S. Tannenbaum, Dr. Kar] H. Tarnopol, Emil Tarrson, Albert J. Tartak, Mrs. Gertrude C. Tatge, Paul W. Tatman, George R. Taussig, Noah William Taylor, Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor, Fitzhugh Taylor, George H. Taylor, Mrs. Samuel G. Tegarden, J. E. Templeton, Kenneth S. Temps, Leupold Teninga, Alfred J. Tenney, Henry F. Tevis, Paul F. Thiel, Raymond F. Thiele, George C. Thillens, Melvin Thomas, Lee B. Thomas, Miss Martha Thompson, A. Mac Thompson, Bert A. Thompson, Dr. Willard O. Thoren, Mrs. J. N. Thorne, Mrs. Gordon C. Thorson, Reuben Throop, Mrs. George Enos Timmings, G. H. Tippens, Mrs. Albert H. Todd, A. Toepper, Edward F. Tonk, Percy A. Toomin, Philip R. Topaz, Martin Torosian, Peter G. Towne, Claude Townsend, Hubert F. Trager, D. C. Traut, Bernard H. Traver, George W. Traynor, William B. Traynor, William Knowlton Treffeisen, Gustave Tregenza, A. E Trier, Robert Trimarco, Ralph R. Troeger, Louis P. Trumbull, Mrs. Charles L. Trumbull, Robert F. Trumbull, William M. Tuck, Walter R. Tucker, Irwin R. Tucker, J. C. Turner, Dr. Herbert A. Tuteur, Charles Tuteur, Irving M. Tyler, Thomas S. Tyrakowski, Steven S. Tyrrell, Miss Frances Uhlmann, Richard F. Ullmann, S. E Urban, Andrew Utley, Mrs. Clifton M. VanBuskirk, M. G. Vanderkloot, Dr. Albert VanderKloot, Nicholas J. VanDeventer, William E. VanHoosen, Dr. Bertha VanKampen, A. H. VanMell, Herman T. VanNatta, V. R. VanSchaick, Mrs. Ethel R. VanStraaten, Herbert VanVoorhies, Rousseau Varty, Leo G. Vastine, Lee B. Vaughan, Alan W. Velvel, Charles Vilsoet, William Vincent, James L. Vloedman, Dr. D. A. Vogel, James B. Vogel, Mrs. Leslie H. Vogt, Earle E. Voltz, D. H. Vose, Mrs. Frederic P. Vydra, Frank C. Vye, George P. Wach, Dr. Edward C. Wade, Albert G., II Wadler, Milton Arnold Wagner, Richard Wahl, Herman L. Waite, Roy E. Waldeck, Herman Waldman, Dr. Albert G. Wales, Robert M. Walker, Dr. Alfred O. Walker, Wendell Wall, Dr. Frank J. Wall, Dr. James M. Wallace, Charles Ross Wallenstein, Sidney Waller, Edward M. Waller, William, Jr. Wallgren, Eric M. 131 ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Walters, Gary G. Walz, John W. Wanzer, Howard H. Wardwell, H. F. Ware, Mrs. Robert R. Ware, Willis C. Warner, Ernest N. Warner, Mason Warren, L. Parsons Washburn, Dr. Kenneth C. Wasserman, Hy Wasson, Theron Waterhouse, Paul G. Watkins, Frank A. Watling, John Watson, David R. Watson, Norman E. Watt, Herbert J. Way, Mrs. Henry J. Weaver, R. B. Webb, Dr. Edward F. Weber, James E. Webster, Dr. Augusta Webster, N. C. Wehmeier, H. A. Weidert, William C. Weiler, C. J. Weiner, Charles Weinress, S. J. Weinzimmer, Dr. H. R. Weisbrod, Maxfield Weismantel, Miss Theresa A. Weiss, Alexander Weiss, Louis A. Weitzel, Carl J. Welch, M. W. Welfeld, Marvin J. Wells, C. A. Wells, F. Harris Wells, Frank C. Wells, Henry L. Wescott, Dr. Virgil West, James D. Westbrook, Charles H. Westerlin, Mrs. J. M. Wetten, Walton Wetmore, Horace O. Wezeman, Frederick H. Wheeler, Mrs. Seymour Wheelock, Miss Ellen P. Adams, Hugh R. Alexander, John F. Boening, Mrs. Louis A. Bothman, Dr. Louis Broude, Mrs. William S. Burnell, Edward J. 132 Whipple, Gaylord C. Whipple, Mrs. Jay N. Whipple, Miss Velma D. Whiston, Frank M. White, Mrs. Harold R. White, William J. Whitelock, John B. Whitney, Mrs. Charles R. Whitney, Emerson C. Wholey, Mrs. Leota Gregory Wible, R. R. Wickersham, Mrs. Lucille Wickland, Algot A. Wickman, C. E. Wilbur, Lawrence S. Wilby, A. C. Wilcox, Edward B. Wilds, John L. Wiley, Mrs. Edwin G. Wilhite, James A. Wilk, Dr. Clifford M. Wilkinson, William D. Willard, Nelson W. Williams, Albert W. Williams, Mrs. Allan C., Jr. Williams, Lawrence Williams, Ralph E. Williams, Russell V. Williamson, Henry T. Williamson, John T. Willis, Ivan L. Wilson, Allen B. Wilson, Arlen J. Wilson, H. Fred Wilson, Percival C. Wincher, John A. Windchy, Mrs. Frederick O. Winsberg, Herbert H. Winsberg, Samuel Winston, Mrs. Farwell Winterbotham, John R. Wise, James E. Wiseman, William P. Witkowsky, James Witt, Earl J. Wolf, Morris E. DECEASED, 1949 Curda, Frank R. Dole, Mrs. Andrew R. Gaul, Hermann J., Sr. Good, Arthur P. Gorski, Martin Wolf, Orrin E. Wolff, Frank C. Wolff, Oscar M. Wood, Edward W. Wood, Milton G. Wood, William A. Woodson, William T. Woodward, Arthur H. Woodyatt, Dr. Rollin Turner Woolard, Francis C. Woolf, S. Roger Wooster, Charles C. Worthy, Mrs. James C. Woulfe, Henry F. Wright, William Ryer Wrisley, George A. Wrisley, L. Norton Yager, Mrs. Vincent Yates, John E. Yohe, C. Lloyd York, Melvin S. Youker, Mrs. Claude W. Youmans, Mrs. M. A. Young, C.S. Young, Dr. Donald R. Young) Jp He Young, Je i: Youngberg, Arthur C. Youngren, W. W. Youngsma, T. S. Zaczek, Miss Genevieve A. Zadek, Milton Zangerle, A. Arthur Zaus, Mrs. Earl A. Zelezny, John G. Zelzer, Harry Zillman, Mrs. L. C. Zimmerman, Austin M. Zimmerman, Carl Zimmerman, E. W. Zimmerman, Dr. Harold W. Zimmerman, Preston Zimmermann, Mrs. P. T. Zipse, Edwin W. Zitzewitz, Elmer K. Zolla, Abner M. Green, Walter H. Gunnar, Mrs. H. P. Hall, Miss Fanny A. Hart, Mrs. G. H Herman, Eli Hewes, Howard H. ANNUAL MEMBERS (Continued) Keeler, Leonarde Saladin, Harry J. Lange, Dr. William H. Schweitzer, E. O. Lundgren, Dr. Albert T. Sears, A. T. Rockhold, Mrs. Sonnenschein, Mrs. Charles W. Edward Spitz, M. W. Unwin, Mrs. Parkinson Weiss, Louis A. 33 Articles of Incorporation STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF STATE WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, Secretary of State To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: Whereas, a Certificate duly signed and acknowledged having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 16th day of September, A.D. 18938, for the organization of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO, under and in accordance with the provisions of ““An Act Concerning Corporations,’ approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached. Now, therefore, I, William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 16th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. W. H. HINRICHSEN, [SEAL] Secretary of State. TO HON. WILLIAM H. HINRICHSEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: SIR: We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, propose to form a cor- poration under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “‘An Act Concerning Corporations,’ approved April 18, 1872, and all acts amenda- tory thereof; and that for the purposes of such organization we hereby state as follows, to-wit: 1. The name of such corporation is the “COLUMBIAN MUSEUM OF CHICAGO.” 2. The object for which it is formed is for the accumulation and dissemi- nation of knowledge, and the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating Art, Archaeology, Science and History. 3. The management of the aforesaid museum shall be vested in a Board of FIFTEEN (15) TRUSTEES, five of whom are to be elected every year. 4, The following named persons are hereby selected as the Trustees for the first year of its corporate existence: Edward E. Ayer, Charles B. Farwell, George E. Adams, George R. Davis, Charles L. Hutchinson, Daniel H. Burnham, John A. Roche, M. C. Bullock, Emil G. Hirsch, James W. Ellsworth, Allison V. Armour, O. F. Aldis, Edwin Walker, John C. Black and Frank W. Gunsaulus. 5. The location of the Museum is in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois. (Signed) George E. Adams, C. B. Farwell, Sidney C. Eastman, F. W. Putnam, Robert McCurdy, Andrew Peterson, L. J. Gage, Charles L. Hutchinson, Ebenezer 134 Buckingham, Andrew McNally, Edward E. Ayer, John M. Clark, Herman H. Kohlsaat, George Schneider, Henry H. Getty, William R. Harper, Franklin H. Head, E. G. Keith, J. Irving Pearce, Azel F. Hatch, Henry Wade Rogers, Thomas B. Bryan, L. Z. Leiter, A. C. Bartlett, A. A. Sprague, A. C. McClurg, James W. Scott, Geo. F. Bissell, John R. Walsh, Chas. Fitzsimmons, John A. Roche, E. B. McCagg, Owen F. Aldis, Ferdinand W. Peck, James H. Dole, Joseph Stockton, Edward B. Butler, John McConnell, R. A. Waller, H. C. Chatfield-Taylor, A. Crawford, Wm. Sooy Smith, P. S. Peterson, John C. Black, Jno. J. Mitchell, C. F. Gunther, George R. Davis, Stephen A. Forbes, Robert W. Patterson, Jr., M. C. Bullock, Edwin Walker, George M. Pullman, William E. Curtis, James W. Ellsworth, William E. Hale, Wm. T. Baker, Martin A. Ryerson, Huntington W. Jackson, N. B. Ream, Norman Williams, Melville E. Stone, Bryan Lathrop, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Philip D. Armour. STATE OF re, SS Cook COUNTY I, G. R. MITCHELL, a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing petitioners personally appeared before me and acknowl- edged severally that they signed the foregoing petition as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 14th day of September, 1893. G. R. MITCHELL, [SEAL] NOTARY PUBLIC, CooK COUNTY, ILL. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 25th day of June, 1894, the name of the COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. A eertificate to this effect was filed June 26, 1894, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 8th day of November, 1905, the name of the FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM was changed to FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. A certificate to this effect was filed November 10, 1905, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 3 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 10th day of May, 1920, the management of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY shall be invested in a Board of TWENTY-ONE (21) TRUSTEES, who shall be elected in such manner and for such time and term of office as may be provided for by the By-Laws. A certificate to this effect was filed May 21, 1920, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. CHANGE IN ARTICLE 1 Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the corporate members held the 15th day of November, 1948, the name of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY was changed to CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. A certificate to this effect was filed November 28, 1943, in the office of the Secretary of State for Illinois. 135 murenales a By Laws DECEMBER, 1945 ARTICLE I MEMBERS SECTION 1. Members shall be of twelve classes, Corporate Members, Hon- orary Members, Patrons, Corresponding Members, Benefactors, Contributors, Life Members, Non-Resident Life Members, Associate Members, Non-Resident Associate Members, Sustaining Members, and Annual Members. SECTION 2. The Corporate Members shall consist of the persons named in the articles of incorporation, and of such other persons as shall be chosen from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, upon the recom- mendation of the Executive Committee; provided, that such person named in the articles of incorporation shall, within ninety days from the adoption of these By-Laws, and persons hereafter chosen as Corporate Members shall, within ninety days of their election, pay into the treasury the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) or more. Corporate Members becoming Life Members, Patrons or Honorary Members shall be exempt from dues. Annual meetings of said Corporate Members shall be held at the same place and on the same day that the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees is held. SECTION 38. Honorary Members shall be chosen by the Board from among persons who have rendered eminent service to science, and only upon unanimous nomination of the Executive Committee. They shall be exempt from all dues. SECTION 4. Patrons shall be chosen by the Board upon recommendation of the Executive Committee from among persons who have rendered eminent ser- vice to the Museum. They shall be exempt from all dues, and, by virtue of their election as Patrons, shall also be Corporate Members. SECTION 5. Any person contributing or devising the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in cash, or securities, or property to the funds of the Museum, may be elected a Benefactor of the Museum. SECTION 6. Corresponding Members shall be chosen by the Board from among scientists or patrons of science residing in foreign countries, who render important service to the Museum. They shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings. They shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 7. Any person contributing to the Museum One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or more in cash, securities, or material, may be elected a Contributor of the Museum. Contributors shall be exempt from all dues and shall enjoy all courtesies of the Museum. SECTION 8. Any person paying into the treasury the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Life Member. Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to mem- bers of the Board of Trustees. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Life Member. Non-Resident Life Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to members of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 9. Any person paying into the treasury of the Museum the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) at any one time, shall, upon the vote of the Board, 136 become an Associate Member. Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall be entitled to tickets admitting Member and members of family, includ- ing non-resident home guests; all publications of the Museum issued during the period of their membership, if so desired; reserved seats for all lectures and enter- tainments under the auspices of the Museum, provided reservation is requested in advance; and admission of holder of membership and accompanying party to all special exhibits and Museum functions day or evening. Any person residing fifty miles or more from the city of Chicago, paying into the treasury the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) at any one time, shall, upon the unanimous vote of the Board, become a Non-Resident Associate Member. Non-Resident Associate Members shall be exempt from all dues, and shall enjoy all the privileges and courtesies of the Museum that are accorded to Associate Members. SECTION 10. Sustaining Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), payable within thirty days after notice of election and within thirty days after each recurring annual date. This Sustaining Membership entitles the Member to free admission for the Mem- ber and family to the Museum on any day, the Annual Report and such other Museum documents or publications issued during the period of their membership as may be requested in writing. When a Sustaining Member has paid the annual fee Beene 0k for six years, such Member shall be entitled to become an Associate Member. SECTION 11. Annual Members shall consist of such persons as are selected from time to time by the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings, and who shall pay an annual fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00), payable within thirty days after each recurring annual date. An Annual Membership shall entitle the Member to a card of admission for the Member and family during all hours when the Museum is open to the public, and free admission for the Member and family to all Museum lectures and entertainments. This membership will also entitle the holder to the courtesies of the membership privileges of every museum of note in the United States and Canada, so long as the existing system of co-operative interchange of membership tickets shall be maintained, including tickets for any lectures given under the auspices of any of the museums during a visit to the cities in which the co-operative museums are located. SECTION 12. All membership fees, excepting Sustaining and Annual, shall hereafter be applied to a permanent Membership Endowment Fund, the interest only of which shall be applied for the use of the Museum as the Board of Trustees may order. ARTICLE II BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall consist of twenty-one members. The respective members of the Board now in office, and those who shall here- after be elected, shall hold office during life. Vacancies occurring in the Board shall be filled at a regular meeting of the Board, upon the nomination of the Executive Committee made at a preceding regular meeting of the Board, by a majority vote of the members of the Board present. SECTION 2. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the third Mon- day of the month. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, and shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of three Trustees. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum, except for the election of officers or the adoption of the Annual Budget, when seven Trustees shall be required, but meet- ings may be adjourned by any less number from day to day, or to a day fixed, previous to the next regular meeting. SECTION 8. Reasonable written notice, designating the time and place of holding meetings, shall be given by the Secretary. ARTICLE III HONORARY TRUSTEES SECTION 1. As a mark of respect, and in appreciation of services performed for the Institution, any Trustee who by reason of inability, on account of change NS of residence, or for other cause or from indisposition to serve longer in such capa- city shall resign his place upon the Board, may be elected, by a majority of those present at any regular meeting of the Board, an Honorary Trustee for life. Such Honorary Trustee will receive notice of all meetings of the Board of Trustees, whether regular or special, and will be expected to be present at all such meetings and participate in the deliberations thereof, but an Honorary Trustee shall not have the right to vote. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS SECTION 1. The officers shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Third Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be chosen by ballot by the Board of Trustees, a majority of those present and voting being necessary to elect. The President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, and the Third Vice-President shall be chosen from among the members of the Board of Trustees. The meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the third Monday of January of each year, and shall be called the Annual Meeting. SECTION 2. The officers shall hold office for one year, or until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified, but any officer may be removed at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Board. Vacancies in any office may be filled by the Board at any meeting. SECTION 8. The officers shall perform such duties as ordinarily appertain to their respective offices, and such as shall be prescribed by the By-Laws, or designated from time to time by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE V THE TREASURER SECTION 1. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Corpora- tion, except as hereinafter provided. He shall make disbursements only upon warrants, signed by such officer, or officers, or other persons as the Board of Trustees may from time to time designate. SECTION 2. The securities and muniments of title belonging to the cor- poration shall be placed in the custody of some Trust Company of Chicago to be designated by the Board of Trustees, which Trust Company shall collect the income and principal of said securities as the same become due, and pay same to the Treasurer, except as hereinafter provided. Said Trust Company shall allow access to and deliver any or all securities or muniments of title to the joint order of the following officers, namely: the President or one of the Vice- Presidents, jointly with the Chairman, or one of the Vice-Chairmen, of the Finance Committee of the Museum. The President or any one of the Vice-Presidents, jointly with either the Chairman or any one of the other members of the Finance Committee, are authorized and empowered (a) to sell, assign and transfer as a whole or in part the securities owned by or registered in the name of the Chicago Natural History Museum, and, for that purpose, to endorse certificates in blank or to a named person, appoint one or more attorneys, and execute such other instru- ments as may be necessary, and (b) to cause any securities belonging to this Corpo- ration now, or acquired in the future, to be held or registered in the name or names of a nominee or nominees designated by them. SECTION 38. The Treasurer shall give bond in such amount, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 4. The Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago shall be Cus- todian of ‘‘The N. W. Harris Public School Extension of the Chicago Natural History Museum” fund. The bank shall make disbursements only upon warrants drawn by the Director and countersigned by the President. In the absence or inability of the Director, warrants may be signed by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and in the absence or inability of the President, may be countersigned by one of the Vice-Presidents, or any member of the Finance Committee. 138 ARTICLE VI THE DIRECTOR SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall elect a Director of the Museum, who shall remain in office until his successor shall be elected. He shall have im- mediate charge and supervision of the Museum, and shall control the operations of the Institution, subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees and its Com- mittees. The Director shall be the official medium of communication between the Board, or its Committees, and the scientific staff and maintenance force. SECTION 2. There shall be four scientific Departments of the Museum— Anthropology, Botany, Geology, and Zoology—each under the charge of a Chief Curator, subject to the authority of the Director. The Chief Curators shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Director, and shall serve during the pleasure of the Board. Subordinate staff officers in the scientific Depart- ments shall be appointed and removed by the Director upon the recommendation of the Chief Curators of the respective Departments. The Director shall have authority to employ and remove all other employees of the Museum. SECTION 8. The Director shall make report to the Board at each regular meeting, recounting the operations of the Museum for the previous month. At the Annual Meeting, the Director shall make an Annual Report, reviewing the work for the previous year, which Annual Report shall be published in pamphlet form for the information of the Trustees and Members, and for free distribution in such number as the Board may direct. ARTICLE VII THE AUDITOR SECTION 1. The Board shall appoint an Auditor, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall keep proper books of account, setting forth the financial condition and transactions of the Corporation, and of the Museum, and report thereon at each regular meeting, and at such other times as may be required by the Board. He shall certify to the correctness of all bills rendered for the expenditure of the money of the Corporation. ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES SECTION 1. There shall be five Committees, as follows: Finance, Building, Auditing, Pension, and Executive. SECTION 2. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than five or more than seven members, the Auditing and Pension Committees shall each consist of three members, and the Building Committee shall consist of five members. All members of these four Committees shall be elected by ballot by the Board at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold office for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. In electing the members of these Committees, the Board shall designate the Chairman and Vice-Chairman by the order in which the mem- bers are named in the respective Committee; the first member named shall be Chairman, the second named the Vice-Chairman, and the third named, Second Vice-Chairman, succession to the Chairmanship being in this order in the event of the absence or disability of the Chairman. SECTION 8. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Building Committee, the Chairman of the Auditing Committee, the Chairman of the Pension Committee, and three other members of the Board to be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting. SECTION 4. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Com- mittee, and in all standing Committees two members shall constitute a quorum. In the event that, owing to the absence or inability of members, a quorum of the regularly elected members cannot be present at any meeting of any Com- mittee, then the Chairman thereof, or his successor, as herein provided, may summon any members of the Board of Trustees to act in place of the absentee. 139 SECTION 5. The Finance Committee shall have supervision of investing the endowment and other funds of the Corporation, and the care of such real estate as may become its property. It shall have authority to make and alter investments from time to time, reporting its actions to the Board of Trustees. The Finance Committee is fully authorized to cause any funds or investments of the Corpora- tion to be made payable to bearer, and it is further authorized to cause real estate of the Corporation, its funds and investments, to be held or registered in the name of a nominee selected by it. SECTION 6. The Building Committee shall have supervision of the con- struction, reconstruction, and extension of any and all buildings used for Museum purposes. SECTION 7. The Executive Committee shall be called together from time to time as the Chairman may consider necessary, or as he may be requested to do by three members of the Committee, to act upon such matters affecting the administration of the Museum as cannot await consideration at the Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board of Trustees. It shall, before the beginning of each fiscal year, prepare and submit to the Board an itemized Budget, setting forth the probable receipts from all sources for the ensuing year, and make recom- mendations as to the expenditures which should be made for routine maintenance and fixed charges. Upon the adoption of the Budget by the Board, the expendi- tures stated are authorized. SECTION 8. The Auditing Committee shall have supervision over all account- ing and bookkeeping, and full control of the financial records. It shall cause the same, once each year, or oftener, to be examined by an expert individual or firm, and shall transmit the report of such expert individual or firm to the Board at the next ensuing regular meeting after such examination shall have taken place. SECTION 9. The Pension Committee shall determine by such means and processes as shall be established by the Board of Trustees to whom and in what amount the Pension Fund shall be distributed. These determinations or findings shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 10. The Chairman of each Committee shall report the acts and proceedings thereof at the next ensuing regular meeting of the Board. SECTION 11. The President shall be ex-officio a member of all Committees and Chairman of the Executive Committee. Vacancies occurring in any Com- mittee may be filled by ballot at any regular meeting of the Board. ARTICLE IX NOMINATING COMMITTEE SECTION 1. At the November meeting of the Board each year, a Nomi- nating Committee of three shall be chosen by lot. Said Committee shall make nominations for membership of the Finance Committee, the Building Committee, the Auditing Committee, and the Pension Committee, and for three members of the Executive Committee, from among the Trustees, to be submitted at the ensuing December meeting and voted upon at the following Annual Meeting in January. ARTICLE X SECTION 1. Whenever the word ‘‘Museum”’ is employed in the By-Laws of the Corporation, it shall be taken to mean the building in which the Museum as an Institution is located and operated, the material exhibited, the material in study collections, or in storage, furniture, fixtures, cases, tools, records, books, and all appurtenances of the Institution and the workings, researches, installa- tions, expenditures, field work, laboratories, library, publications, lecture courses, and all scientific and maintenance activities. SECTION 2. The By-Laws, and likewise the Articles of Incorporation, may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote in favor thereof of not less than two-thirds of all the members present, provided the amendment shall have been proposed at a preceding regular meeting. 140 OVARY te i bide \ ah 4 hi . a We ; iS ie | | I j i ‘ i Re é Gata) iN hy ‘ i, i} iy) : Ey ‘ Cr ie nents ya <7 br = fi “y, : = e = en ge C= : : Ales te de ree y = Cf te aye teeth fl Pr : in = Ma cm ee eel Oat anontriaoae. ee ANE a ; ine “es Cen ou wicgtas : inet eee ‘ ‘i is : ‘ ‘if v . onthe b a (i , iy Wa } C oe i Life, ane hepa he, ae ot wu an my ees he i eR Bite SY : wil " cs, crest oe ieperra se unica Wencrote” tr fat Se I 7 ¥ ar Bp eee : Pe — Diep =: ay 7 Ok tag sg coer nae cies Hos agent Sr ANC MIRON F Ag ee ‘i Fre FS a, ee paed I | SMITHSONIAN iii LIBRAR 3 9088 01698 731 Ss i | |