GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS JAMES HORNELL, rau.s., Murine Biologist fo the Coniinment of Ceylon and iihiebeen of Pear Bunks, Sea nt eat Me ai hy : ug (932, an oS ” 377 L 4he me 18) 11a, OEE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS : ON THE. INDIAN PEARL FISHERIES IN THE GULF OF aera! BY JAMES HORNELL, rits., ) Harine Biologist to the Government ‘of Ceylon and Inspector of Pearl Banks. - MADRAS: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS. —_—— 1905. ey: ’ | - ut (ee mM bY iy : CONTENTS. PREFACE .. we . os 30 on : +. . an sre + ee os an an I. Historical survey of the Pearl fisheries off the Ande Coust— (a) Prior to the arrival of the Portuguese .. BO 30 00 ae oe O0 re o0 90 (4) Under Portuguese control, 1524—1658 .. an os oie oe O0 AG ee po .. (c) Under the Dutch, 1658—1796 m5 20 . o0 an +e ee +s se 90 (d) Under the British ., Se a a0 . 00 a6 30 a0 a6 os 20 00 (e) Tabulation of the localities and the financial results of all Indian fisheries from 1663—1900 .. a Il. The Topography of the Banks— Proposed scheme for the simplified classification of the known banks .. d0 . a a5 +e IIl. Notes upon the derivation and signification of the names of the Oyster banks da 60 00 00 IY. Narrative of the examination of the Banks made in May 1904. Oo 90 00 O° V. Natural Characteristics of the principal banks, with comparisons (historical, topographical and feunisti with one another and with typical Ceylon Banks to determine the relative importance of each .. YI. Conclusions and recommendations— A. Conclusions— (a) Imperfect methods of inspection .. 29 ve ae .- ve 09 oe . (3) Short supply of divers attending the faorioas reasons and remedies 00 30 O00 30 (c) The Banks of greatest potential value ee sie . 00 ate oe 00 . oe (2) Rate of Pearl production and causes of premature Gent D0 an ee oe 00 (e) Character of supervision required in the future 00 50 or co OO . 06 B. Recommendations— (a) Improvements in the system of inspection— (1) Preparation of reliable charts a0 oc 36 ate *e a 00 +e (2) Adoption of detailed ‘‘ Circle-inspection ”* 00 90 D0 00 ste J (3) Purchase or charter of an inspection depot-ship .. OO &5 2° B0 0 (4) Beacons to be charted and improved oo G0 b0 Bo sie oe oe (5) Improvements in recording the details of iHepestion results, sie Se se ate () Regulations relating to the capture of fish on the Pearl banks go ee oe oe (c) Determination of the direction of surface drift at different seasons .. (2) Culture of the banks— (1) & (2) Transplantation of young oysters and the concurrent cultching of the hanks .. (3) Cleaning of the banks by means of the dredge .. Oo oe ee oe oe Ao (4) Thinning out of overcrowded oysters 00 20 30 oe On oo 55 On (2) Creation of a fisheries department oe oe ae ee oe oe ae 50 APPENDICES, Appenprx A.—A contemporary official account of the condition of the Indian Pearl Banks in 1663 re B.—Detailed financial statement of the Ceylon Pearl Fishery of 1694 .. oo oe 53 C.—Governor Rumpf’s instructions defining the respective rights of the Company and the native Princes of Madura and Ramnad, 1722 00 90 oe o° 00 00 00 00 ¢ D.—Despateh written in 1744 by the Dutch Governor of ee on the advantages of leasing out the Pearl Fisheries oc oe ° c oe 00 oe. ole O0 E.—Summary of inspection peat from 1885— 1903 . Be fe 06 O00 00 Aes Gs ANNEXURES. Nos. I & I1.— Sketch plans (charts A & B) of the Central Pearl Bank region showing graphically the groups which I propose to form by the linking together of adjacent and related pars. Nos. 111 & lV.—Similar sketch plans (charts C & D) showing the manner in which I propose the Pearl Bank region should be examined by means of ‘‘ Circle-inspection.’’ No. V.—Specimen of a coxswain’s inspection diagram, blank. No. VI.—Specimen of the same filled up at the end of a day’s work. No VII.—One of the Inspector’s master-diagrams filled up by combining the four diagrams furnished by the inspection coxswains, No. VIII.—Skeleton diagram showing the sub-division of a large bank (Cheval Par, Ceylon) into culture blocks. No, IX,.—Sketch plan showing how the skeleton plan No. VIII should be filled in after inspection has been completed, the distribution of oysters of different generations heing indicated by distinc- tive colouring. PREFACH. THE aceompanying report upon the present condition and future prospects of the Pearl Banks off the Coast of Madura and Tinnevelly is the outcome of a request for the loan of my services made by the Government of Madras to that of Ceylon in the Spring of 1904. I appreciate most highly the honour thus done me and I have endeavoured to the utmost of my ability to discharge satisfactorily the duty laid upon me. The working up of the material, however, proved unexpectedly tedious and arduous ; the volume of the material to be digested was very much greater than I had anticipated ; wide historical enquiries had to be instituted and all this to be carried on concurrently with the exacting duties of my first year in office as Inspector of Pearl Banks and Marine Biologist to the Government of Ceylon. Critics will therefore, I trust, deal gently with the many shortcomings which I am conscious mar the present report ; they will kindly bear in mind that it has been built up Jargely in fragments of time snatched from an all tco scanty leisure. I should like indeed to devote further study to the enquiry, but under present circumstances, I see no prospect of the necessary time-opportunity. I reluctantly decide that it is better to send in the report as it stands than to postpone its issue indefinitely. Possibly I have striven to do more than was expected from me, but having put my hand to the work I could not refrain from the attempt to review the position in all its bearings. However many shortcomings pertain to this effort I have cleared some stumbling blocks from the way and have indicated the lines on which success may be attained eventually by the workers who will follow me. My aim has been to sift the whole of the evidence available, historical, zoological and physiographical; to present the conclusions in a simple and succinct form and to formulate remedial measures on a practical and business-like basis. It has not been found necessary to treat herein of the anatomy and habits of the pearl oyster as such are dealt with fully by Professor Herdman and myself in the “‘ Report on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar,”’ recently published by the Royal Society. : My grateful acknowledgements are made to my predecessors in this investigation ; my work has been immensely facilitated by the extensive data recorded and ably presented in Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas’ “ Report on Pearl Fisheries ” published by the Madras Government in 1884, and in the valuable reports made from time to time by Dr. E. Thurston in the Bulletins of the Madras Museum. It has always appeared to mea thousand pities that Dr. Thurston’s abilities have not been utilized to a much greater extent than they have been in Pearl Fishery investigation, seeing how highly qualified he has proved himself for the task. I am also pleased to have this opportunity to thank Captain Carlyon, the Port officer of Tuticorin and Superintendent of Pearl Banks, and Don Gabriel de Cruz Lazarus Motha Vas, the Jati Talaivan of the Parawas, for their courtesy and help during the actual work of inspection in May 1904. The Jati Talaivan, indeed, spared no pains to put me in possession of all the historical and traditional information of which he is the depositary owing to the close connection which has existed for centuries between his forefathers and the Pearl Fishery organization ; such has been of great value to me. Tue Pears, Banks, Ceyton, 28th March 1905. JAMES HORNELL. REPORT ON THE INDIAN PEARL FISHERIES IN THE GULF OF MANNAR. I HISTORICAL SURVEY OF THE PEARL FISHERIES OFF THE MADURA COAST. * The well-known lack of the historica] faculty among the peoples of India prior to the advent of Muhammadanism involves us in all but utter ignorance of the exact localities, course, and conduct of the pearl fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar, as well on the Ceylon as on the Indian side, until the date when European control began. Anterior to the Portuguese seizure of the fisheries in 1524,+ the glimpses we catch are hazy anc unsatisfactory—glimpses recorded on their return home by sailors and travelling merchants belonging to other countries. Greeks, Egyptians, Barbary Moors, Arabs, Venetians and Genoese have all referred incidentally to these fisheries as among the notable sights seen during their jeurneyings, whereas Tamil and Singha- lese writers had no thoughts save for the glory and exploits of their kings and the adyaneement and excellence of their religious systems. The latter refer to pearls solely to utilise the idea of their beauty and the mystery of their origin for the pur- poses of their exuberant and florid imagery and in the exaggerated descriptions of the riches of their kings and temples. When the pearl fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar were first exploited we have no hint ; even two thousand years ago they were celebrated throughout the known world from China to the Mediterranean. In Rome, in the days of Pliny, pearls from the Gulf of Mannar were valued at a high price and Pliny refers to this fishery as the most productive of pearls of all parts of the world, while more than six centuries before (550 —540 B.C.), Wijaya, the Aryan Conqueror of Ceylon, is said to have included rich offerings of pearls among the presents to his father-in-law, the Pandyan King of Madura. ¢ The earliest definite reference to a particular locality in the Gulf of Mannar where a fishery was carried on, occurs in the “ Periplus of the Erythraean Sea”, written about the end of the first century A. D. by an Alexandrian Greek. In a description of the ports on the Indian Coast, he writes— ‘“‘ Upon leaving § Ela-bakara or the Ruddy Mountain, the country which succeeds “is under the Government of Pandian ; it is called Paralia(Purali) and lies almost “¢ directly north and south ; it reaches to Kolkhi in the vicinity of the pearl fishery. « But the first port after leaving the Ruddy Mountain is Balita and next to that is “ Komar which hasa portandaharbour . . . . From Komar the district extends ‘* to Kolkhi and the pearl fishery which is conducted by slaves or criminals condemned “to the service, and the whole southern point of the continent is part of Pandyan’s “dominion. ‘The first place that succeeds after leaving Kolkhi is the Bay Argulus ‘“‘ connected with a district inland (of the same name). Here and here only the pearls ‘‘ obtained in the fishery at the island of Epidorus || are perforated and prepared for the “ market and from the same island are procured the fine muslins sprinkled with “ pearls.” * The term ‘‘ Madura Coast ’’ is employed in these pages, unless it be specified otherwise, in its wider and more ancient sense ; it signifies here the sea board of the ancient Kingdom of Madura and therefore includes the shore of the modern district of Tinnevelly as well as that of the Madura district. + Gaspar Correa, “ Lendas da India’’, volume II. t Vide the ‘‘ Mahawanea.”’ § Vaikkaraiin theCochin district. | Most probably this is the island of Mannar, formerly the head-quarters of the Ceylon Pearl-fishery. Ptolemy (who died in 163 A.D.) adds further interesting references, mentioning in his description of the provinces, towns, and rivers of the East Coast— “Country of the Kareoi; in the Kolkhie gulf, where there is the pearl fishery; “ Sosikourai and Kolkhoi, an emporium at the mouth of the river Solen.” So unchanging are names and peoples in this district that at the present day the majority of these names can be readily recognised—in itself also a tribute to the accuracy of the two Greco-Egyptian geographers of 1800 years ago. Komar is obviously Kumari anglicised into Comorin: the Kareoi are the caste of Karaiyar or coast people— fishermen and boatmen—of whom the Parathavar or Parawas are a branch or section, described in the Tamil poem “ Maturack-kanchi” (LL. 140—144) * as men who dived for pearls or for conch shells and knew the charm to keep off sharks from that part of the sea where they dived. The town of Sésikourai has, I notice, not been identified by any writers with any now-existing place name, but I have little doubt it represents Tuticorin—the present principal town on the coast. The Tamil 8 is commouly corrupted into Ch, as Sippi into Chippi, and then Chéchikourai would readily pass into Totikourai and Tiaticourai from which Tuticorin, the present rendering of the name of this town, is readily derivable. Of Kolkhi, identified by the Greeco-Egyptian writers as the head- quarters of the pearl fishery, no name trace remains, even in that;of a decadent village. The loeali- sation is however rendered easy by reference to the Tamil poems of the pericd in question. In them is frequent meution of the great city of Korkai. ‘Thus the “¢ Maturaik-kanchi” describes it as the chief town in the country of the Parathavar and the seat of the pearl fishery, with a population consisting chiefly of pearl-divers aud chank-cutters. The great epic ‘¢ Chilappatikaram ” (XX VII. 127) further records that on account of the importance of the revenue derived from the pearl fishery, Korkai was a sub-capital of the Pandyan Kingdom, and the usnal residence of the heir-apparent. In its prime it boasted great magnificence, adorned with temples and palaces befitting its wealth and importance. It was situated at the mouth of the river Tambraparni } a river draining the present district of Tinnevelly and carrying down to the sea immense quantities of sand. The harbour of Korkai gradually silted up, and deltaic accumulation eventually cut off ready access to the sea. In consequence the old city gradually decayed and the population drifted to the new mouth of the river where a daughter town sprang into being at the expense of the parent. Exactly when this occurred I cannot make out. Medizval travellers make no mention of Korkai or Kolkhi: the head-quarters of the Indian Pearl fishery still remained located at the mouth of the Tambraparni, but its name was altered to Chayl, Cail, or Kay], wherein we recognize the Kayal of to-day. Marco Polo in the thirteenth century speaks of Cail asa great and noble city; Ludovico de Vathema mentions that he saw pearls fished for in the sea near the town of Chayl in about A.D. 1500, while Barbosa, who travelled about the same time, says that the people of Chayl are jewellers who trade in pearls. To-day Kayal is a miserable village some miles inland and situated four or five miles northward of Pinnacoil, a Parawa town on an island in the present embouchure of the Tambraparni. The old name still clings, and the ruined remains of what must have been the great buildings of a noble city are within gunshot—the old Kayal and possibly the Korkhi of classic geographers and the Korkai of the ancient Tamil epies. Kanakasabhai in his “ Tamils of 1800 years ago”} appears to think Kayal and Korkai were separate cities, saying, ‘‘The site of this town (Korkai) which stood on * Probably written about the same time as the “ Periplus’’. + This name Tambraparni in its Romano-Greek form of Taprobane was also the accepted cognomen of the island of Ceylon among the Romans of the empire. Variations in the manner of spelling are many—Tambrapurni, Tamraparni, Tambrapanni, Vamrapanni and others. Much ingenuity has heen displayed (and wasted) in seeking plausible derivations. All those quoted in Tennent’s “Ceylon’’ seem to be purely fanciful; I do not think we ueed go beyond the terms Zwmtiram, copper, aud Varnam, or Farnam, colour, words in common use among Tamils, in seeking for the meaning of the name. : No feature strikes the stranger on arival in Colombo more forcibly than the copper-red hue of the roads and soil: ‘€ Copper-coloured Isle ’’ is a most appropriate descriptive term to apply to Ceylon and equally so is the ‘‘ Copper-coloured water ’’ to the Tinnevelly river in question, when in flood it becomes turbid with the red mud it carries seawards. ~ Madras, 1904, 3 the sea coast is now about five miles inland. After the sea had retired from Korkai, anew emporium arose on the coast. This was Kayal . . . . whichin turn became in time too far from the sea and Kayal was also abandoned.” The accuracy of this statemen. I have no means of judging, except that none of the people of the Tambraparni district whom I have met have any knowledge of the ruins of Korkai, whereas they al. «now those of Kayal, and we have ample evidence that the abandonment of Kaya! and the creation of the new ports and daughter towns ot Kayalpattanam and Pinnacoil, or more properly Pinnekayal, by the Moor and Parawa inhabitants respectively of Kayal took place in early Portuguese times as will be noted further on. When the Portuguese rounded Cape Camorin they found the pearl fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar in the hands of the caste of shore-dwelling people, fishermen and divers, already alluded to as Parawas whom tradition shows to have had control of this industry from time immemorial. Of the origin of these people we know extremely little. We know, however, thatin the old days, from 600 B. C. and for 1,500 years or more thereafter, the country now comprehended in the districts of Madura and Tinnevelly, formed the great Tamil Kingdom of Pandya, and in the old Tamil work ealled the ‘‘ Kalveddu” the position of the pearl-fishing caste to this monarchy is incidentally mentioned in the following extract :— “ Vidanarayanen Cheddi and the Paravu men who fished pearls by paying “ tribute to Alliyarasani, daughter of Pandya, King of Madura, who went on a voyage, “‘ experienced bad weather in the sea, and were driven to the shores of Lanka, where ‘‘ they founded Karainerkai (Karativo) and Kutiraimalai. Vidanarayanen Cheddi had “ the treasures of his ship stored there by the Parawas, and established pearl fisheries ‘‘ at Kadalihilapam (Chilavaturai) and Kallachihilapam (Chilaw) and introduced the ‘* trees which change iron intogold”, ete., ete. (Herdman, ‘‘ Report on the pearl oyster “‘ fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar’’, volume I, page 2). In the ‘‘ Maturaik-kanchi”” they are described as being most powerful in the country round Korkai, “ well-fed on fish and flesh and armed with bows, their hordes terrified their enemies by their dashing valour.*”” It is very probable that they were of Naga origin and of the same race as the inhabitants of Ceylon at the time of the Wijayan conquest of that island. When the Pandyan kingdom was powerful the Parawas had grants of certain rights from the monarchy, paying tribute from the produce of the fisheries and receiv- ing protection and immunity from taxationin return. The fishery in these early days appears to have been extremely prosperous—thus in A.D. 1330 Friar Jordanus, who visited India at this time, tells us that as many as 8,000 boats were employed in the pearl fisheries of Tinnevelly and Ceylon +. The organization of the fisheries was also well ordered even prior to the advent of Europeans, as we learn from the following extract written by the Nawab of the Carnatic in 1771 to the Governor-General of Batavia, namely— “In the time of the King of Madura, Terniel Nadu Raja and the second king ‘« Minaatje Ringeja Dalway, in the year 1470 it was decided that in January all things “connected with the fishery should be arranged and that the same arrangement should “hold good so long as the kingdom remained under the Carnatic. ¢ ” The conditions under which the Parawas lived and the far-reaching changes which at this period—the opening of the 16th century-—were beginning to be felt owing tv the weakening of the paramount power of Vijayanagar are graphically set forth in a report, dated 19th December 1669, written by Van Reede and Laurens Pyl, respec- tively Commandant of the Coast of Malabar and Canara and Senior Merchant and Chief of the sea-ports of Madura, in justification of their action in undertaking war with the Nayak or King of Madura. This report addressed to Van Goens, the Governor of Ceylon and Datch-India, contains the following exposition of the * Kanakasabhai, loc. cit., page 44. + Thurston, E. ‘* Pearl and Chank Fisheries ;’’ Mad , 1894, p. 9. t At this period the kingdom had lost its independence and was tributary to the great Hindu state of Vijayanagar, which comprised the region known as the Carnatic. 4 condition of the Parawas prior to the arrival of the Portuguese, and the manner in which the Portuguese obtained possession of the fisheries and subsequently carried them on :— ‘“‘ Under the protection of those Rajas there lived a people, which had come to “these parts from other countries *—they are called Parruas—they lived a sea- “faring life, gaining their bread by fishing, and by diving for pearls ; they had ‘purchased from the petty Rajas small streaks of the shore, along which they settled “and built villages, and they divided themselves as their numbers progressively “ increased. ‘Tn these purchased lands they lived under the rule of their own headmen, ‘* paying to the Rajas only an annual present, free from all other taxes which bore ‘upon the natives so heavily, looked upon as strangers, exempt from tribute or “subjection to the Rajas, having a chief of their own election, whose descendants are “still called Kings of the Parruas, and who drew a revenue from the whole people “‘ which in process of time has spread itself from Quilon to Bengal. Their importance ‘‘and power have not been reduced by this dispersion, for they are seen at every ‘pearl fishery (on which occasions the Parruas assemble together), surpassing in ‘distinction, dignity and outward honours, all other persons there, and still bearing “ their own appellation. _ “The pearl fishery was the principal resource and expedient from which the ‘‘ Parruas obtained a livelihood, but as from their residence so near the sea, they had “no manner of disposing of their pearls, they made an agreement with the Rajas that a ‘““market day should be proclaimed throughout their dominions, when merchants might “securely come from all parts of India, and at which the divers an@ sutlers neces- “‘sary to furnish provisions for the multitude might also meet, and as this assemblage “would consist of two different races, namely, the Parruas and subjects 0! the Rajas, ‘as wellas strangers and travellers, two kinds of guards and tribunals were to be “‘ established to prevent all disputes and quarrels arising during this open market, ‘Cevery man being subject to his own judge, and his case being decided by him; all ‘‘ payments were then also divided among the headmen of the Parruas, who were the “ owners of that fishery, and who hence became rich and powerful ; they had weapons “and soldiers of their own, with which they were able to defend themselves against “the violence of the Rajas or their subjects. “The Moors who had spread themselves over India, and principally along the ‘¢ coasts of Madura, were strengthened by the natives professing Mahomedanism and “by the Arabs, Saracens, and the privateers of the Sammoryn +, and they began also ‘to take to pearl-diving as an occupation, but being led away by ill-feeling and hope “of gain, they often attempted to outreach the Parruas, some of whom even they “‘ gained to their party and to their religion, by which means they obtained so much ‘importance, that the Rajas joined themselves to the Moors, anticipating great “advantages from the trade which they carried on and from their power at sea; and “ thus the Parruas were oppressed, although they frequently rose against their adver- “saries, but they always got the worst of it, until at last in a pearl fishery at ‘‘Tutucoryn, having purposely raised a dispute, they fell upon the Moors, and killed “ some thousands of them, burnt their vessels, and remained masters of the country, ‘‘though much in fear that the Moors, joined by the pirates of Calicut, would rise ‘against them in revenge. ‘The Portuguese arrived about this time with one ship at Tutucoryn; the ‘* Parruas requested them for assistance, and obtained a promise of it, on conditions “that they should become Christians ; this they generally agreed to, and having sent ‘¢ Commissioners with some of the Portuguese to Goa, they were received under the “protection of that nation, and their Commissioners returned with priests, and a “naval foree conveying troops, on which all the Parruas of the seven ports were ‘baptized, accepted as subjects of the King of Portugal, and they dwindled thus from ‘“‘having their own chiefs and their own laws into subordination to priests and * This is most improbable; they are more probably the descendants of Naga fishermen settled in the district prior to the immigration of''l’amil invadere. + The Zamorin of Caliout, a powerful sea-chief of this period, but himself belonging to the Hindu religion. 5 “Portuguese, who however settled the rights and privileges of the Parruas so firmly, ‘‘ that the Rajas no longer dared interfere with them, or attempt to impede or abridge ‘their prerogative ; on the contrary they were compelled to admit of separate laws ‘for the Parruas from those which bound their own subjects. The Portuguese kept “for themselves the command at sea, the pearl fisheries, the sovereignty over the ‘* Parruas, their villages and harbours, whilst the Naick of Madura, who was a subject ‘of the King of the Carnatic, made himself master at this time of the lands about “ Madura, and in a short time afterwards of all the lower countries from Cape Comoryn ‘“to Tanjore, expelling and rooting out all the princes and land proprietors, who were ‘“ living and reigning there ; but on obtaining the sovereignty of all these countries, ‘“‘ he wished to subject the Parruas to his authority, in which attempt he was opposed “by the Portuguese, who often, not being powerful enough effectually to resist, left “the land with the priests and Parruasand went to the islands of Mannar and Jafina- ““ patam, from whence they sent coasting vessels along the Madara shores, and caused *‘so much disquiet, that the revenue was ruined, trade circumscribed and almost “annihilated, for which reasons the Naick himself was obliged to solicit the Portu- “ ouese to come back again. ‘ 45 No living coral was seen except a small Fuvia sp. and an occasional Gorgonid. While on the bottom I saw many fishes including both Ailat (Trigger fishes) and Vellamin together with a beautifully striped sponge-eating fish (Holocanthus émperatvr). The Asterid, Pentaceros lincki, was not abundant. No Suran (Modiola barbata) was seen. After I had completed my examination of the bottom, Captain Carlyon being of opinion that it was now too late in the season to do further work, and as the coal supply was on the point of giving out, under the circumstances I determined to bring the investigation to a close. When the anchor was brought up we had a repetition of our former experience on this bank—the chain being studded with young oysters of about two months old affixed by their byssal cables near the attachment to the anchor. Two hours later we landed for the last time at Tuticorin and although I had not been able to examine every bank charted, I considered that I now knew the general characteristics of the principal groups sufficiently well to answer all practical purposes. and enable me to furnish solutions to the majority of the preblems I had set eat te solve. i tex) COMPARISON OF THE CHARACTERISTICS AND RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE VARIOUS PEARL BANKS. Tn the present section an attempt is made to sieze upon the essentially charac- teristic features of the chief pars—historical, topographical, physical and biological—and therefrom by comparison with one another and with typical banks on the Ceylon side to evolve a knowledge of their relative economic importance in regard to the prospect they respectively hold out of successfully maturing such oyster spat as may from time to time settle thereon: Such a comparative survey will also go some distance towards enabling us to say what direction any measures of cultivation should take, if it be found advisable or possible to assist nature by artificial means. The configuration of the Indian coast of the Gulf of Mannar is simpler than that on the Ceylon side. On the former there is no great shoal like that of the Ceylon Karativu, which stretches northwards into the sea for a distance of nine miles giving a certain amount of shelter to a great area of varied bottom, rock and sand, lying in the Bay of Kondachehi. On the contrary the Indian Pearl Banks lie open to the full force of the south-west monsoon which on this coast sweeps up in great violence from south to north. Again lying as they do on the west side of the Gulf, they also experience much reugh weather during the north-east monsoon, a time when the Ceylon banks, lying under the lee of the land, enjoy comparative quictude. The period of immunity from storm disturbance on the Indian coast is accordingly greatly curtailed and is restricted under normal conditions to the months of February, March and April. Occasionally fairly quiet conditions prevail during the greater part of May—the onset of the south-west monsoon in full force being experienced somewhat more tardily there than on the Ceylon side. This geographical disability of the Indian Banks is linked with and intensified by the mechanical disadvantage entailed by the inferior character of the sand on that side, its finer grain and the admixture with it of mud—characteristics which contribute to increase greatly the turbidity of the water whenever heavy seas sweep the Pearl Bank region. As already noted these are conditions which have probably become intensified concurrently with the erosion of the southern extremity of India and which tend, though with extreme slowness, in the historic sense, to reduce the pearl oyster productiveness of this locality—deductions from which we infer greater prosperity in times past. That there was such anterior prosperity we have indications in the existence of remains of ancient oyster-shell heaps close to Cape Comorin, in the frequent allusions of classical writers to the wealth of the Pearl Fisheries of Kolkoi, which town we have seen was situated on the river Tambraparni, in the statement of Friar Jordanus that as many as 8,000 boats were engaged about the year 1330 in the Indian and Ceylon fisheries and in the fact that Kayal or Cail near Pinnacoil is spoken of by Marco Polo, Ludovico de Vathema, Barbosa and other medieval travellers as the head-quarters of the Pearl Fishery—a ‘‘ great and noble city inhabited by jewellers who trade in pearls.” Dealing with the} conditions as they ‘are at present, we find that so far as our available modern records permit us to judge, all the known oyster-productive banks are comprised in the division which I have termed the Central, lying between Vaipar and Manapad point, a distance roughly of 40 miles. A list of these banks and of the groups into which I propose to classify them has been given above on pages 25 and 26. It now remains to describe the varying characteristics of each group and to institute comparisons as detailed as the material at our command will allow, 1. ToLayirau Grovp. This group possesses the distinction of being the most productive and remunera- tive collection of pars along the Tinneyelly coast. ‘Iwo banks only are comprised : 13 50 under the group title—the large Tolayiram Par and the small Kutadiar Pdr. The former is by far the largest of the productive pars ; the latter, which lies to the south- west extremity of its huge neighbour, being on the contrary one of the smallest, an oval-outlined rocky patch one mile long by half that in breadth. The Tolayiram Par lies 8 to 11 miles off the coast and opposite Hare island and Tuticorin Bay, the northern extremity due east from the town of Tuticorin. In shape the bank is roughly crescentic, the concave side turned shorewards. Its long axis lies roughly north-east by south-west measuring over six miles in this direction. The width varies from one to two miles, broadening as we approach the upper extremity. The depth of water over it ranges from 8 to 11 fathoms. Hight fisheries have taken place upon this locality during the past 120 years, namely, in 1784, 1787, 1807, 1810, 1822, 1830, 1889 and 1890. The annexed table shows the results of these fisheries so far as I can obtain particulars :— vine Number of Gross Govern- Net Govern- oysters fished. | ment revenue. ment revenue. RS. RS. 1784 AY ae as es iis 42,420 42,420 1787 oe os ee o. ap08 63,900 63,000 1807 40 56 50 os 71,647,305 2,91,539 neiats More than 1810 50 oe 60 ote 22,000,000 2,38,897 1822 ee 5b os po eee 1,55.693 1830 56 O60 oe oie O000 Separate revenue not given. 1889 oe ee oe 50 12,600,531 1,89,984 1,568,483 1890 ve oe .. 60 1,806,762 25,061 7,803 Total revenue over Rs. 10,06,594 The name Tolayiram Par, literally “(900 banks”, pithily describes the peculiar physical conditions which prevail over the area so denominated. The character of the bottom is an alternation of rocky patches scattered irregularly in a vast setting of sand. The sizes of the outcrops of rock differ greatly, from little tabular fragments a foot or two across to great areas of several acres in extent. The sand is nowhere deep, seldom forming a layer of more than six inches in depth, filling up inequalities in the rocky framework of the bank. The rock is a fine grained limestone compact and resonant, the colour yellowish brown. Here and there a small admixture of quartz is present but never in any large proportion. Loose blocks and many parts of the exposed surfaces are in a “ rotten ” condition, tunnelled and excavated by boring molluses and occasionally by Chine. The character of the sand is fine grained and almost entirely caleareous—a similar material to that from which the underlying rock has originated. Cultch is fairly abundant in places, scattered over the sand. It consists of dead shells, broken branches of Madrepore coral (‘‘chullai”), Echinoid tests and similar material. A striking parallelism can be traced in nearly every characteristic between this bank and the well known Periya Par on the Ceylon side of the Gulf of Mannar. In both cases the bottom consists of a few inches of sand covering flat rock in those places where the rock does not outcrop and with a fair amount of small cultch scattered over the sand. The average depth, 93 to 10 and 11 fathoms, is the same in both; both are situated further seaward than any other true oyster pars on their respective sides—the Periya Par 16 to 18 miles off land, the Tolayiram Par 11 to 12 miles. The faunistic characters approximate in a remarkable manner, the larger and more conspicuous species of animals are the same in both localities. 51 Tn the sponge, coral, echinoderm, molluscan and fish fauna there is practical identity. One list will serve for both. Thus we have as common to each :— Petrosia testudinaria, Spongionella nigra, and Axinella donnuni typifying the sponges ; the abundance on these two banks of Petrosia is one of the most remarkable of the many of the striking resemblances between these banks, for this sponge, striking in its strangely massive form, may be said to be hmited to them. I have scarcely eyer seen it elsewhere. Corals are scarce on both banks, represented by isolated colonies of Astraeids (Favia sp.) and of Meandrina. Occasional Aleyonarians and Pennatulids are found together with numbers of knobbed horse chanks and small lamellibranchs of identical species. Pentaceros link, Linkia laevigata and Antedon sp. are the chief starfishes on the Tolayiram Par. On both banks the fish population as represented by the trigger fishes (A7atz), and Vellamin (Lethrinus spp.) and gobies, appears to be greater in numbers than on the banks nearer the shore. On the whole both banks are decidedly poor faunistically, with little diversity of life-forms which in the majority of cases are also poor numerically. The absence of Madrepores, of Pinna and of the tubes of Eunice tubsfer, is characteristic and note-worthy. The Periya Par is cited by Professor Herdman * as especially suitable for dredging over. The Tolayi ivam Par is equally so, or if anything somewhat superior as the rocky surface is quite free from upstanding growths or rugged inequalities. Reviewing the history of the Tclayiram Par as shown by the Inspection diaries dating from 1860, we find that subsequent to the year named—when the bank was covered with oysters said to be 33 years old—there are records of the bank having been stocked extensively with spat four times, one of which resulted in the fisheries of 1889 and 1890. The particulars of these are— 1803. “ Some young oysters (It would appear that the numbers could not have been large. ‘* Suran”’ was noted as present the same year). 1874. “Some young oysters on Kuthadiar Pdr with ‘ Suran *. Gai 1878. ‘“ Thickly stocked with oysters of one year age.” 1881. “‘ Some oysters of one year.” 1884. The Inspection sammary reads “ plenty of oysters of one year age; clean and healthy.” ‘hese oysters survived and furdished the two successive fisheries of 1889 and 1890, at which a total of 14,407,293 oysters were fished. 1904. Since 1890 only one spat fall has been recorded—that found during the present year’s examination. The bank was not examined in the spring of 1861, nor in 1862, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1874, 1893 and 1900. From the above we observe that out of a total of 44 years, 1860—1904, there have been five recorded spat falls on this bank with the probability of a sixth in 1874, when this bank was not examined although the adjcining Kuthadiar Par bore young. The bank brought one lot of these—that of 1884—to maturity and from what I can see the prospects of a fishery resulting from the present population of young oysters are good if they survive till next spring. By that time they will be too large to suffer much from the depredations of oyster-eating fish (Trigger-fishes and Vellamin). They will then be more robust and better fitted to endure the discomforts and danger of starvation, which are the concomitants of the disturbed water conditions during the stormy period of the year. Comparing the history of the Periya Par, we find that in 26 years ending 1904, this bank was restocked at least 12 times without yielding a fishery. We know also that one fishery, that of 1879, is the only one yielded by this bank during the past century (7,645,901 oysters realizing Rs. 95,694). * loc. cit, Pt. 1, page 111. 02 So while the Ceylon bank is infinitely more fertile in the number of times it is replenished with oyster spat, its Indian counterpart has greater reliability ; six times do we know that it has brought its oysters to fishing maturity, namely, in 1784, 1787, 1807, 1810, 1822 and 1889-1890, and very probably a third time as well, for the oysters noted in 1860 as 35 years old were in all probability there in 1841, in the spring of which no examination was made, the officers in charge being busy with the fishing of oysters of a similar age on the inshore pars. This divergence in results is due in great part to the Ceylon bank being situated in a relatively more exposed position being close to the edge of the precipitous submarine cliff that margins the seaward aspect of the Ceylon Pearl Bank plateau. As a consequence the heavy seas which characterise the period of the south-west monsoon break in unmitigated violence upon the Periya Par, whereas on the Indian coast the movement of the water during the same season has undergone considerable amelioration when it reaches the Tolayiram Par from travelling over a couple of hnndred miles of comparatively shallow water. Faunistic and many physical (chiefly geological) characteristics link the Tola- yiram with the Periya Par; but in regard to the aspect and degree in which the former meets the fury of the south-west monsoon, its position is more comparable with that of the Cheval Pdr which lies on the leeward side of the Periya Par, and is as consistently reliable as the latter is the converse. The value of the Tolayiram Par may be assessed as midway between the Cheval Par and the Periya Par, inferior to the latter chiefly by reason of oyster spat being less abundant and to current conditions (surface-drift) being less favourable to the deposit of such spat on the Indian than the Ceylon side ;—partly also to the conditions of life being somewhat less favourable on the Tolayiram Par owing to the greater amount of sediment present in the sea on the Indian side. The data for the institution of comparison between the rate of growth normally characteristic of the Tolayiram Par oysters with that of oysters from typical localities on the Ceylon side rests upon a single series of measurements and weights of that generation of the former that survived to a fishable age in 1889, The resultant comparisons based upon these dimensions are highly jinstructive and while in my opinion I believe it is probable that they are quite typical of the normal progress of growth of oysters on this pdr, further series of growth observations are desirable and Inspectors after this should be instructed to record the necessary particulars on every available opportunity. Two methods of comparison are available: (@) the external dimensions of the oysters when alive, and (4) the weight of the cleaned shells. Making use of the former method we find usually but little increase in the length and depth of the shell after the third year; the shell secreting energy of the animals being thereafter occupied chiefly in adding to the thickness of the valves. T now attach greater importance to observations upon the average weight of oyster shells than upon measurements of length and depth, inerease being nearly as steadily progressive in old age in the case of weight of shell as it is during the first three years of existence ; it furnishes us with the most reliable guide available in the assessment of age that I know of. But we necd to have considerable knowledge of the special growth peculiarities of the ground we deal with. Some pirs by reason of abundant food supply hasten the growth of their oysters toa surprising degree, while others where less favourable conditions prevail bear oysters of an unhealthy appearance and of stunted size. - On the Ceylon side two distinct types of oysters are found, the one large and vigorous, peculiar to the Southern and Eastern Cheval and Moderagam Pars, the other slow-growing, small and stunted, characteristic of the rocky banks of the Muttuvaratu, Mid- West and North-West Cheval. We will now proceed to compare the sizes and weights of the generation of oysters carefully guarded on the Tolayiram Pdr by Captain Phipps from 1884 to 1889 with those of oysters of the two types referred to on the Ceylon side, Weiyht of Pearl Oyster Shells. 55 , Weight [Increase in 5 Number | per 100 | weight in Locality. Date. oe. weighed. | pairs of year values. | preceding. YEAR, PAIRS. OUNCES. | OUNCES. (| March 1884 oe 56 . st 10 1:00 50 | | October 1884 aa 86 6 1} 10 3°75 ue March 1885 50 6 . ' 1g 10 6:25 5°25 October 1885 . oe S 24 10 7:00 3:25 April 1886 .. 50 30 : 22 LO 7:50 1:25 Tolayiram Par... re + November 1886 a0 ee 9 3t 10 8-50 1:50 March 1887 06 65 50 O 3¢ 10 10-75 3°25 | October 1887 0 a6 50 60 43 10 13°00 4°50 November 1888... 50 50 50 54 10 15:25 2°25 | (Fished} March 1889 ‘ 50 56 53 10 16-62 a0 i Solaey SEORISO Oe) al) ee 68 3 17°64 1:02 Western Cheval Par * (| March 1871 es sie ; 0 = 13 2-50 0 (Type intermediate between 1 1872 + an ve : is 13 7:50 5-00 the freely grown oysters of 8 . 6 the South and South-East 4 op ultei6} we oe 0 22 50 11°88 4°33 Cheval and the extremely || November 1873 ., ee an 0 3h 100 12-81 06 stunted ones from the Mut- (Fished) March 1874 O06 6 Bee 45 15°31 4:43 tuyaratu). rears a sis fe $ 43 47 18-75 3-44 March 1874 eae rere 8 33 2°25 a South-East Cheval Par* Sc Pl Sta Se 00 Rie ‘ és 60 8:50 6°25 (Free growth type) .. een) 1876 6 5 : 23 150 13°44 3°94 Whibstan eer sicz Bone age e 51 18°75 5°31 * In Captain Donnan’s table the ages of these are given as three months older than shown given, I believe, approximate more closely to the actual ages. Analysing the above table we obtain the following comparisons: Tolayiram Par. Weight at $year . : 3 g sn 12 years... : 93 59 oy 9 eee oe 23 oe a 9 002 vee ” = ” eee eee ” Oy wee ae ee Weight at jyear ... oy 1Z years... : 93 2 Ut op =e vs oS) Un 0 - eee 3 oP) ae 2» eee ase + 3 Weight at $year... oc cf 1? years ... sete 93 ” pce 9) C COL 23 » “4 ” ees eee ” Age 5g oct ee 2°25 8:50 13°44 18°75 here; the figures now The weight of three typical oysters from the fishery held on the Muttuvaratu P4r in 1891 is 5°375 ounces, equivalent to a weight of 17-916 ounces per 10 pairs of shells when the oysters were approximately 6% years old. The annual increase in weight of oysters on the Tolayiram Par compares, as will be seen from the above, very unfavourably with the comparatively stunted oysters characteristic of the Western Cheval. 12 year, when 10 Tolayiram Pdr oysters weighing 6} ounces were but 11 ounce less than the weight of a similar number from the North-Western Cheval. The nearest approximation was at the age of During the next twelve months, however, the latter gained 44 ounces as against an increase of 14 54 1} ounce by the former. This disparity continued toincrease more slowly thereafter, but unfortunately for want of data we cannot give the exact amount for the age of 4% ears. y It is a pity that we have not available a record of the yearly weight increase of the oysters tished on the Ceylon Muttuvaratu Par in the same years as those of the Tolayiram Pir. If we had J think we should find that there would be shown close approximation between the two; the Muttuvaratu oysters of that generation were markedly stunted and poor and the fishery of 1889 was decided upon only after considerable hesitation. The only datum I possess is the weight given above of three typical oysters from the 1891 fishery. This which is equivalent to a weight of 17-916 ounces for LO shells at 64 years of age as against 17°64 ounces for a similar number of 6$ years old oysters from the Tolayiram Par in 1890 indicates practical identity in growth-rate. By the courtesy of Captain Carlyon I have been enabled to measure a few indivi- duals of this last fished generation of Tolayiram Par oysters and append a table thereof in which the measurements of some of the oysters from the Muttuvaratu Par are included for the sake of comparison. The numbers are too restricted to give an average that may be taken as thoroughly trustworthy. They constitute, however, the only data available and till systematic records extending over a ¢consider- able series of years be obtained by work in the future it is well to place them on record :—— Date. Age. | Size. Average. v | March 1835 .. ee| 12 years co 1165 58:5 xX 22-75 April 1886 60 e- | 22 years .. sie 9 ee 110-5 Seaieae October 1887 .. ..|4i years oe | lees X 71:33 X 33. November 1888 .. -- | d3 years o> 00 { 76°66 X 77°33 X 32:83. March 1889 .» _»» | 52 years Ho { } 79 X 17 x 31°38. > 1890 oC .. | 62 years p= [ 72°66 X 71 X 32°16. J Muttuvaratu Par, Ceylon. (| 63 years (deep short { ] | | oysters covered with | living growths— March 1891 60 ..¢ | Lithothamnion and | + | | corals ; much corro- | L J 73 X 63 X 36 67 X 57 X 355 ” +. 73°33 X 59°33 X 35°83. 80 X 58 X 386 ded by the tunnel- ling of Clione). It would appear from the preceding tables that the growth of the Indian oysters is distinctly retarded after the third year, the life conditions being more favourable to the young than to the old—a condition which I believe will be found due largely to the great abundance of encrusting organisms, sponges and polyzoa especially, which begin to flourish upon the valves of the Indian oysters in wonderful abundance from the age of 14 year. A similar state of marked retardation in growth is charac- teristic of the oysters from the Ceylon South Moderagam Par, after the attainment of the same age, a retardation coincident with the appearance of luxuriant sponge, tunicate, and polyzoa growth upon the valves. On the South Cheval where such commensal growth is rare, no such marked slackening in the rate of growth is apparent.* The oysters of the Tolayiram Par in October 1887, when 41 years old, gave a pearl valuation of but Rs. 83-11-5 per 1,000 and as this was much too low to justify a profitable fishery, it was not till after the valuation of November 1888, affording a valuation of Rs. 13-12-8 per 1,000, that a fishery was decided upon. The oysters were therefore 5? years old when first fished in 1889. * See my ‘‘Report on the Biological results of the Ceylon Pearl Oyster Fishery of 1904”, Ceylon Marine Biological Reports, No. 1, Colombo, 1908. NS) Against this we find that the comparatively stunted oysters of the North-West Cheval Par were ready for fishing at 3} years of age—a sample lifted in February 1874 giving the high valuation of Rs. 36-8—0 per 1,000. Finely grown oysters on the South-East Cheval were also fished in 1878 at the reputed age of 4 years; their valuation three months prior thereto was Rs. 39-14—2 per 1,000. The oysters fished on the Muttuvaratu Par in March 1889 were reputed to be 44 years old, and in the November preceding, at the approximate age of 4} years, the valuation sample worked out at Rs. 10-2-4 per 1,000. 2. Urt Par Group. A chain of six banks, the Nagara, Uti, Uduruvi, Kilati, Attuvaiarpagam and Patarai Pars constitute this group. All are of small and of about equal size, averag- ing from $ to = of a mile in diameter. They lie in a depth of 7 to 84 fathoms, landwards of the Tolayiram Par, at a distance of 5 to 7 miles from the shore. They stretch north and south about 3 miles. The area is essentially rocky, the proportion of sandy ground intermingled with the rock insignificant. Fanunistically this area is richer and more diversified than the Tolayiram region, the intimate intermingling of rock and sand upon the latter producing effects when the sea is disturbed which but a comparatively few species of animals can tolerate. The fauna agrees closely with that of those southern Ceylon banks lying off Negombo, notably with Uluwitte Par which lies at the same depth. The features characterising the Uti banks in common with those off Negombo are as follows :— An abundance of sponges including a larger number of small species than in the case of the Tolayiram. Stphonochalina communis with its numerous commensals is among the most common; fixed corals are scarce ; Zoophytes are profuse with many colonial masses of Filograna tubes and everywhere the curious branched tubes of Eunice tubifex. Pinna sp. covered with large Balani are conspicuous on the sandy ground. The rocky bottom on the Uti banks is calerete, containing in some places a considerable quantity of quartz grains embedded in a calcerous matrix—a quartzose limestone. The only fisheries recorded from these banks during the last 120 years took place in 1792, 1830 and 1860-1861. In the last instance the oysters, said to be 44 years old, were abundant and of good fishing value. Adjacent banks are usually fished in the same season with these and separate figures of the number of oysters fished from the Uti banks are not available. 3. Past GRovp. Two banks, the Pasi Pir and the Attonpatu P4r, may be linked together under this head. They he 6 to 7 miles off Hare Island, Tuticorin, at a depth of 8 to 9 fathoms, and are situated nearly midway between the Uti Par group and the western margin of the Tolayiram Par. These also were fished in 1861 together with the adjoining Uti Par and associated banks. Since then the only records of oysters present in quantity are— 1865 COE aa ... “ Very young oysters and Suran.”’ 1876 het dr ... “ Plenty of young oysters of 14 years.” 1881 Bee ot ... “ Large numbers of oysters of one year of age with Suran in some places and covered with weeds.” In addition, in 1394, 1896 and 1901 some few young were found, but as their number was limited we may disregard them and draw the interence that like so many other banks on this side these two suffer rather from a shortage of spat than from inability to support in health those that do appear and survive the dangers of the first 15 months of existence. : 56 The bottom on the rocky patches is the usual calerete, the remainder of the ground fine sand with occasional chanks. The young oysters found in 1901 lay principally on the sandy stretches. 4, CRUXIAN GROUP. Another group of small pars, three in number, lying west of the island of Vantivu and about six miles from the mainland. ‘The three constituent pars, Cruxian, Tundu and Vantivur Arupagam are to the north-north-west of the Uti group in rather shallower water, 6 to 63 fathoms. The bottom on the pars consists of level stretches of continuous rock, brownish tinted calerete exactly similar to that on the Uti pars. The fauna differs considerably from that of the last-named banks. Sponges are less extensive, Siphonochalina communis being the most conspicuous and numerous. Among other animals noted were large (inna sp. in abundance rooted in the thin layer of sand covering the rock in many places, with Balunus and zoophytes crowding the exposed surfaces of the Pinna ; Eunice tubifex in quantity ; Heteroneid form of Nere’s sp. in the canal system of Suberttes tnconstans ; Botrylloides sp. ; Turbinella rapa in the sand on the western side. The large fishery of 1861 was contributed to from these banks, which appear more favourably situated than many others for receiving spat falls, some eight being recorded since 1861. Untortunately in only three instances, 1878, 1884, and 1902, did the re-stocking take place on an extensive scale ;—even in 1902 the quantity of 14 to 2 years old then present was estimated at but 1,700,000, a number too small to give good results two to three years after in view of the unpreventuble wastage that must be allowed for. In many respects the Cruxian group has points of resemblance with the North and South Moderagam Pars on the Ceylon side, notably in the in-shore situation, the comparative shallowness of the water and in the characteristic abundance and associa- tion together of Pinna and Balanus. The ground referred to on the Ceylon side is much the more clean of the two, both faunistically and physically ; the sand there is of the usual coarse grit and this, by the attrition of its movement during disturbed weather conditions effectually scours the bank, keeping down the growth of weed and other organisms unprotected by a hard external protective casing. This mechanical cleansing of the bottom is nowhere well seen on the in-shore Indian banks where the fineness and low specifie gravity of the sand lacks not only an adequate scouring force, but by reason of the presence in it of a certain amount of mud exercises a retarding influence upon oysters when they are present—an influence resulting in a stunting of the growth. The fact has long been noted * that the size of Ceylon oysters of a given age from the Cheval par is markedly superior to that of those of the same age from the in-shore Indian banks, the latter approximating more closely to those from the Muttuvaratu Par, a bank with a bad reputation for the starved appearance characteristic of its oysters. 5. VAIPAR KARAI GROUP. The largest of these is the Vaipar Karai Par, a bank of some importance not located upon the present inspection chart. From the observations made and the information supplied by the par mandadai, it appears to lie north-west of the Devi Par and about five miles due south of the village of Vaipar. The other banks in this grouping are the Devi, Pernandu, Padutta Marikan and Padutta Marikan Tundu Pars, varying in diameter from half to three quarters of a mile. Depth 6 to 64 fathoms. The bottom is of the usual reddish-brown limestone common to the other groups in this neighbourhood, interrupted and more or less overlaid by a fine muddy sand, the larger particles consisting chiefly of comminuted shells. Numerous dead * Thomas3H, Sullivan, /oc. cit., page 14. 57 pearl oyster valves, entire and also fragmentary, were abundant, fully 15 years old ; of live ones but a few odd individuals were found greatly overgrown with tunicates and polyzoa and distinctly stunted in appearance. The sand on the Vaipar Karai Par is appreciably more dirty and muddy than that on the Cruxian pars, a difference due to the vicinity of the embouchure of the Vaipar river. The other pars of the group are probably less affected but all have borne mature oysters, the group being included in the fishery ground of 1861. The faunistic characters approximate to that of the Cruxian pars. Pinna sp. bearing large Balani predominate. A few corals (astreids) were seen with lepto- clinids and zoophytes. Sponges are neither numerous nor conspicuous. It appears from the records that these banks have suffered neglect in recent years, which in view of the fishery held there in 1861 and of the record by Captain Phipps of an abundance of young oysters in 1867, 1873, 1877, 1881 and 1884 they do not justify. Thus the Karai Par received no attention for the years 1887 to 1894 and again from 1897 to 1903, both inclusive, a period of eight years in the one case and of seven in the other. In the case of the other pars of the group the years of neglect are 1888 to 1890, 1892, 1893, 1898, 1900 and 1901, eight years in all. It is quite conceivable that fishable oysters were missed through such omission and it emphasizes the contention I make elsewhere for a reorganization of the work of inspection upon such a scientific basis of accuracy and method as will preclude such lengthy periods of neglect. A significant incident pointing to the imperfection of the methods in use in the management of these banks is the statement made in Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas’ report * that oysters of 24 to 3 years of age were found in December 1869 upon the Pernandu, Padutta Marikan and Padutta Marikan Tundu Pars, while the entry for March 1869 states that these banks were totally devoid of oysters,—-‘ blank ”’. Comment is superfluous on sucha state of affairs, not unknown either in the past history of the Ceylon banks.+ : The Padutta Marikan Tundu par was one of the banks fished in 1830, the only record of a fishery on this par during the past century. 6. NensuricHcHan Par Group. Three of the usual small pars, 7 to one mile long, compose this group, namely, Nenjurichchan, Kundanjan, and Mela Onpatu Pars and cannot be treated otherwise than asasingle unit. They lie at a distance of about 6 miles fromthe shore midway between Tuticorin and Pinnacoil. The depth is 72? to 8} fathoms. The rocky surface is extensive and comparatively free from inorganic sand, what there is being composed largely of Foraminifera (Orbitohtes and Heterostegina). The rock surface is level and well adapted for dredging purposes. Physically and faunistically this group resembles closely the seaward side of the Ceylon Muttuvaratu Par. Like the latter it is rich in sponges and in Gorgonoids (Gorgonia miniacea, Suberogorgia suberosa, Juncella juncea), while the long-armed Asterid Linckia leavigata is fairly common. The group has a disappointing history we]l expressed in the name of the median par—Nenjurichchan, literally “‘ Heart-harrower”. Why this should be so is difficult to say as the group lies but less than a mile to the south of the Tolayiram Par group ; even the sandy stretch separating these groups carries occasional clusters of oysters and on the chank bed to the north-west it is not uncommon to find a dozen young oysters making use of the chanks in the absence of cultch and rock. * Loe, cit., page 52. + Lwynam, Sir William—‘ Report on the Pearl Fishery of 1888,” Ceylon, 1888, page 13, also Stewart— ** Account of the Pearl Fisheries.’’ 15 58 Probably the reason for such continued lack of oysters is due to some peculiarity in the set of the surface drift over these beds. This gronp should reeeive regular attention during the next few years with a view to elucidate the reasons for this characteristic, note being taken (and recorded) of the character of the surface at each inspection, together, with particulars of the relative abundance of chief organisms met with, sponges, Gorgonoids, corals, the tubes of Eunice, ‘‘Suran”’, chanks, fishes and seaweeds. 7. Purr Punpvu Grovp. South-west of the Nenjurichchan group, this collection of small rocky banks comprising the Vada Onpatu, Saith Onpatu, Puli Pundu and Kanna Puli Pundu Pars, is situated about 9 miles norib-east of Pinnacoil and some 8 miles west from the coast. The depth ranges between 73 to 83 fathoms. The bottom of the pars is of flat-surfaced rock, somewhat patchy in distribution. Here and there is a small amount of eulich, more especially on the landward side, where a considerable amount of water-worn coral branches, ‘ ehullai”’, is present. The par is mostly a fine grained and exceedingly dense limestone, reddish brown in tint and so hard as to ring under the hammer. Occasionally the traces of dead massive corals, As/re@a or Mcandrina, appcar embedded zn the surjace layer of this rock, and are usually much bored into by tunuelling molluses and sponges. The parchment like tubes of Lunice tubifex are most profuse, their lower portions penetrating the tunnels already existing in the surface of the par-calerete. The usual massive sponges, Stphonochalina communis, Spongella nigra, and Suberdtes inconstans are met with, while off the edge of the banks on the west and north chanks. were met with in number together with occasional Pinne. The history of the group is disappoimting, no record existing of any fishery having taken place here, although there were spat falls noted in 1867, 1874, 1878, 18£5, 1895, 1897 and 1901, all of small extent and of no practical importance. The bank was not examined during the 8 years belween 1886 and 1895. Fishes are very plentiful on this ground and the area of rocky ground exposed is practically insignificant compared wiih the area of sand, while culteh is quite insufficient. It is possible that in these three disabilities we have the reasons for the smallness of the numbers of oysters noticed here from time to time. 8. Invern Kupamuttu Grove. A series, stretching north and south, of 6 small banks lying 5 to 6 miles off the coast between Pinnacoil and Kayalpattanam. The most northerly is the smalk Pinnacoil Scltan Par, the most southerly a small bank, unnamed upon the chart, lying a quaricr of a mile south of the Saith Kudamuttu Par—the depth in all eases being 74 to 83 fathoms. : The general character of the rocky ground is almost identical with that characterising the Uti Par group which lies in the same depth of water. Many of the larger organisms found in the latter locality are also present here, sponges and Eunicid tubes coming up at nearly every dive. Pinna and Balanus were noted as absent from these bauks—common features of the Uti pars. As on the latter, a few odd oysters remain from the generation noted in 1902 as being from 14 to 2 years old; all were more or less enveloped in the orange-red sponge Clathria indica. In 1818 Kudamuitu, Saith Kudamuttu and Putu Pars gave a fishery yielding Rs. 1,67,693. Ten years later they were fished again in conjunction with the neighbouring pars, and from an entry in Captain Phipp’s list * that oysters 24 to 3 vears old were present in May 1860 and that no inspection was made in the twe following years, I think there can be no doubt that mature fishable oysters were here also in 1561 or 1862, not being fished owing to a large number of other banks being stocked at the same date and receiving preference in the order of fishing. —_—. * Tl amas, H. Sulliva, /oc. cit, p. 58. 59 The rocks show some diversity in character, dense and compact limestone passing in some places into a somewhat quartzose stone having a calcareous matrix. ‘The hard bottom is much cut up by more or less extensive stretches of sand. Here and there we meet with loose fragments of calcrete similar in composition to the bed reck of the par; dead coral is “fairly common in the form either of much honey- eombed tabulae or of rolled and much worn broken madrepore branches, derived probably by the action of baekwash and under-current from the extensive coral reefs that fringe the adjacent coast. Chank beds lie to the south, east, and west of these banks, forming virtually a girdling of chank-producing sands. A list of the common forms of life met with here is given on page 102 together with other details. The term Kudamuttu used in the names of these banks is significant. It means literally the ‘‘ Pearl Bay”’, so that the shallow indentation off which these banks lie and which has Hare Island, Tuticorin, and Trichendur point as its northern and southern limits, with the mouth of the Tambraparni river at the centre of its eurye, appears to haye been termed the Pearl-bay, par excellvnce, from the renown of the pearl fisheries held there. Kolkoi and Kayal were at the embochure of the Tambraparni, so we have in Kudamuttu further indirect evidence that the towns named were located near the centre of the most prolifie pearl fisheries of early and medieval times, the periods when they flourished respectively. 9. OutER Kupamuttu Group. This is a eongery of some six small banks lying due east of the Inner Kudamuttu group. It measures some two miles north and south by the same from east to west, with an average depth of 9 to 10 fathoms. No fishery i is recorded from these banks; neither do we know of any extensive spat fall in any year since the inspection record begins in 1863. ‘Time did not permit of an extensive examination this year. 10. Kapitan Group. This collection lies about seven miles west of Pinnacoil and due south of the Kudamuttu group from which it is separated by a narrow chank bed. To the south it marches with the Karuwal group. Ia depth it agrees with the former—7+ to 8 fathoms. The two principal patches of rocky ground are the Kadian and Kanawa Pars, each of about half a mile in diameter. The whole group covers an extent measur- lng approximately two miles from north to south by one and a half from east to west. In its fauna, physical structure, and history, it isin close agreement with the inner Kudamuttu region, and was fished in conjunction with the Kudamuttu Pars in 1828. Spat falls have several times been recorded since 1861, namely 1 in 1878, 1881, 1895 and 1597 when young oysicrs Jay thick on all the rocky outerops and wherever there was any cultch, quantities being found adhering even to the valves of Pinna, which are fairly abundant on the edge “of. the sandy ground on the western margin. The generation of oysters seen for the first time in 1897 were reported healthy and stiil plentiful j in the following year, but in 1899 the bank was described as almost bare of oysters. A very large ‘number of byssal cables was noticed at this 1899 inspection, indicating|probably a recent inroad by rays (R/inoptera sp. ) upon what must have been a promising bed of oysters. The Inspector, I observe, remarks that the presence of these byssal strands ““ shows plainly that the oysters of last year have migrated”, a deduction not warranted by an intimate knowledge of the habits of the pearl oyster. Whenever an occurrence of this nature be met with, care should be taken to eseertain the condition of the individual byssal cables; we require to know whether the majority show signs of having been broken with violence as happens normally when oysters are torn away from “their attachment, or if the strands of each cable 60 join together at the free end in a pale coloured semi-gelatinous ‘“‘root”. Only if such ‘‘roots’? be present can we infer voluntary migration, for when an oyster decides to shift its quarters it sloughs the root of the byssus; it never severs it —indeed such is an impossibility. In any case a pearl oyster’s migration is hardly worthy of such a designation ; at the most its journey can be measured in yards and for practical purposes the power may be ignored—a power of little advantage to the possessor except to shift position from one side of a fragment of rock to another. ‘hus I have seen an oyster three years old crawl four inches up the side of a stone to get away from an eddy of sand playing round the base. 11. KaruwatL GRovpr. A series of the usual small rocky patches called pars lying seven miles east-north- east from Tiruchendur Pagoda. The depth is 75 to 8 fathoms. The principal banks are Velangu Karuwal and the Karai Karuwal oceupying the southern portion of the group, with the Periya Malai Piditta and Naduvu Malai Piditta Pars on the north, the whole scattered over an area about three miles long by from one to two miles broad in an east to west direction, The rocky areas have the same general features as the other pars of the Central division lying in a similar depth—flat-surfaced rock outcropping in patches of different size from a surrounding waste of sand. The rock is the usual somewhat variable calcareous calcrete. The sand to the west of the group is fine grained and passes gradually into a chank bed. On the par region proper the composition of the sand varies considerably ; on the surface of the lock foraminifera (Ordctolites and allied forms) form a notable proportion of the bulk ; elsewhere the grain becomes frequently coarse and occasionally grades into a distinct gravel. On the northern section a considerable amount of small Lithothamnion balls is locally abundant. Among the characteristic organisms we have Stphonchalina communis, Spongio- nella nigra, Axinella tubulata, Axinella donnani, Clathria indica. A few corals, chiefly Fava sp. (no Madrepores were seen) ; euntce tubifer is abundant. Other common organisms are Pentaceros lincki, Linckia levigata, Antedon spp. Ophuiroids ; Scrupocellaria sp ; Padina commersoni, Codium tomentosum. A considerable number of dead oyster shells were found of a size of those from two and a half to three years old. Living oysters of about the same age were present here and there, the majority enveloped in the encrusting mass of Clathria indica. The Karuwal group has brought oysters to maturity more frequently than any other bank save the Tolayiram Pdr during the last century—in 1805, 1815 and 1862. Since the last named date young oysters have appeared here in quantity at ieast five times,—in 1863, 1874, 1878, 1884 and 1897; no inspection of the Karai Karuwal was made in 1865, 1870, 1878, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1887, 1889-1890, 1892-1893, 1900 and 1902. The oysters found in 187 were still on the pars in 1899 and would have been ready to fish the following year when however the bank was not examined, owing presumably to the fishery then in progress on the neighbouring Teradi Puli Piditta Par. The fishery of 1862 on these banks produced a net profit to Government of Rs. 1,10,619. The general characteristics of the Karuwal group are the most favourable of any scen during the investigation, the ground approximating most nearly to the condition found on certain of the better parts of the Cheval Par—the most valuable and reliable of all the Ceylon banks. In both cases we find the depth of water about the same, while the bottom on the Karuwal group has a diversity in physical characters somewhat approaching that found on the Cheval, stretches of rock much broken up by patches of sand overlaid in places with a considerable quantity of eultch consisting of loose blocks of calcrete, 61 nodular masses of Lithothamuion (‘‘kotteipakku”’) and worn fragments of dead coral (“‘chullai”). Such diversity seems a condition specially suited to the require- ments of oysters. 12. OpaKaRal Par. A bank lying six miles west of Trichendur and due south of the Karuwal group with which it appears to be linked in its main characteristics. Much of the bottom is well cultched with Lithothamnion nodules * and the extent of rocky bottom is satisfactory, the par extending about 13 mile north and south. The depth is 8 to 84 fathoms. Prior to 1885, this, in common with the banks included under the term Manapad group, received insufficient attention and there can be little doubt that fishable oysters occupied the bank in 1900 and perhaps in 1901,—years when no examination was made, although it was reported in 1899 that oysters of 25 inches in depth were sufficiently numerous to give 20 to a dive. In the 44 years since 1860 the bank was examined sixteen times only, so that no inspection was made during 28 years. Twice there was no examination for five years in succession, and this in view of the bank being for all practical purposes a portion of the most prolific oyster-maturing ground on this coast ! 13. Cuopr Par. A bank four miles west of Trichendur in 81 to 9 fathoms of water. I had no opportunity to examine it. According to the inspection records it bore oysters of one, two and three years of age in 1869 and is described as being covered with shells and coarse sand about six inches to a foot deep in 1591 and 1894. It is marked as ‘ useless ” in the summary of 1899, a conclusion I do not think is justifiable in view of (a) the oysters met with here in 1869 and (6) its proximity (one mile north) to the Tundu Par which yielded oysters at the fishery of 1900. Itis noteworthy im this connection to observe that these Tundu Par oysters were not known to the Inspector prior to the fishery in question, being discovered accidentally by the divers on their way to the fishery ground on the Teradi Puli Piditta Par. Once again I feel driven to the conclusion that inspection work has too frequently been performed in perfunctory manner, with want of method and over too limited an area. Only ten times since 1860 has any attention been paid to this bank and in view of the imperfect method of inspection employed I am far from being convinced that the examination was efficiently carried cut and that the results shown are reliable. In most years no note is supplied of the number of dives made, and in the absence of this we have no guide to the thorough- ness of the work done. I shall return to a consideration of this vitally important subject when dealing with general conclusions. 14. Tunpu Par. A bank lving one mile south of Chodi Par at the same distance from land, depth from 9 to 94 fathoms. It appears to have been fourteen times examined in the course of the last 44 years. In 1897 it was not examined ; in 1898 oysters were ‘‘ plentiful, 35 to a dive, two inches in size and healthy in appearance”’; the succeeding year states ‘‘ Nothing of value”’, while in 1900 the fishing fleet stumbled by chance on a fine bed of oysters, fully four years old on this very bank, a telling impeachment of the accuracy of the general results of the examination carried out in the preceding year! The oysters plentiful in 1898, and missed at the regular inspection of 1899, would assuredly have matured and died unknown had the accidental rediscovery of the bed not been made by the divers on their way to the “ official” fishing ground. The fishery of 1900 proves the good potentialities of this bank, which deserves regular and careful attention in common with all the groups in this neighbourhood. It is also to be noted to the credit of this bank that the oysters fished here in 1900 were larger shells than those from the Teradi Puli Piditta Par and fetched better prices than the latter. 4 Tnepection Report, 1887. 16 62 It was remarked that the Tundu Par oysters were covered with weed, whereas those from the other par were practically clean.* 15. Manapapd Group. Under this name I propose to include a one ranked series of pars extending over 6 miles north-east and south-west parallel with the coast between Trichendur Pagoda and Manapad point. They lie at an average distance of 8 miles from land. The depth ranges within close limits from 8 to 9 fathoms. From north to south the names of the constituent banks read—Trichendur Puntottam Par, Sandamacoil Piditta Par, Teradi Puli Piditta Par, Semman Patt Par, and Manapad Par, together with a few smaller rocky patches. Prior to 1885 these banks received scant attention and were seldom examined, under the impression I believe, that they were of little or no value. However in 1897, oysters ranging from 2 inch to 14 inch in depth were found on Sandamacoil Piditta, Teradi Puli Piditta, Semman Patt Par, Surukku Onpatu Par (Manapad Par appears omitted from every inspection since 1860!) and in 1899 well-grown healthy oysters were found plentiful on all the four banks. The following year the Teradi Puli Piditta Par was fished together with the Tundu Par already described. Unfortunately the quality of the oysters from the former par was too poor to encourage the divers to attend in large numbers and continue for a prolonged period. It appears possible that they were fished a year too early, though this is a point that was not definitely settled. The valu: eso of a sample of these oysters in the October preceding was reported to be Rs. 10-20 per 1,000 and according to the experience of many fisheries on the Ceylon side, the actual price obtained at the fishery following is invariably considerably higher. In the present cas2 Government had the utmost difficulty in obtaining the valuation figure and indeed were we to exclude the larger and finer Tundu par oysters, the price at which the Teradi Puli Piditta oysters were sold would be found to be below the sample valuation. It would be found of great assistance to Government and to buyers alike if a second valuation sample of oysters were drawn immediately prior to the fishery, say ten days preceding, in addition to the one obtained in the October or November of the preceding year. This is regularly done at the Ceylon fisheries and serves as an efficient check and corroboration both of the accuracy of the preliminary valuation and of the identity of the ground selected for fishing with that from which the first sample was taken. As showing the possibility of error in localization of patches of oysters when the organization is imperfect, are the two well-known instances of this given Be Sir William T'wynam, namely— (a) How in 1836 two beds of young oysters were fished in error instead of one bearing old and properly matured ones, and (6) how the fishery of 1860 on the Moderagam was all but lost, a long continued search of three days being necessitated ere the bed was rediscover ed. T An omission which I cannot understand is the fact that no inspection was ace of the Semman Patt and Surukku Onpatu Pars in 1901 as they bore oysters in 1899 of the same age and in the same abundance as those on the Teradi Puli Piditta Par. No examination of these was made in 1900 and it is quite probable that patches of fine quality and large sized oysters might have furnished a fishery on these pars in the year named. This region in 1901 was by far the most important to examine and for some reason or lack of system the obvious was not carried out. SouUTHERN OR Comorin D1yisron. Of the banks forming this division and stretching from Manapad southwards to Cape Comorin little is known. A list of some of these banks is given on page 103. Of these only the Manapad Periya Par appears to have received any attention. This bank lying in 53 to 7 fathoms is nearly 10 miles in length by about one mile * “ Proceedings, Board of Revenue, Madras,’’ No. 208, October 1900. f ‘‘ Report on the Ceylon Pearl Fisheries’’, 1902, page 20. 63 in breadth. it lies from 6 to 10 miles off the coast, south-east of Manapad and about 5 miles south-west of the southern extremity of the Manapad group of pars. No information is given in the inspection summary of the character of the bottom. It would be advisable if the Inspector be instructed to pay special attention to this group during the next few inspections in order to obtain data for comparison of these banks with the better-known ones of the Central division. Historical evidence as already quoted points to some at least of these banks being oceasionally productive. I know of no physical reason why such conditions should cease. NortHEeRN oR Kinaxkarar Drviston. The lmits of the banks comprised in this category lie between Vaipar on the south and the Island of Ramésvaram on the north, a distance of 60 miies. In the past considerable attention has been devoted to their examination, very much more indeed than that given to those of the Southern division which are more deserving of such eare. All these northern pars suffer from the excessive turbidity of the sea which prevails during stormy weather. The proportion of mud present in their sand is much greater than in the case of either the Central or the Southern division, and as a consequence pearl oysters exist in a condition of chronic starvation, are stunted from an early period and never survive to a fishable age, if we may judge by the records of the past 100 years and from the effects I have noticed in those experiments where I have kept oysters under circumstances simulating a like condition of silt-laden water. Mauch of this mua is derived from the rivers entering the sea between Vaipar and Pamban, mud which moves north-east up the coast during the south-west monsoon period. In several places eddies eansed by the deflection of the current by the presence of the chain of islands lying parallel with this part of the coast conduce to the formation of mud deposits at definite localities, one of which we found between Nallatanni Tivu and Upputanni Tivu Pars; other mud deposits are marked on the Admiralty chart. Between Nallatanni Tivu and Pdémban the banks have all the useless character- istics of the Ceylon banks immediately south of Mannaar island and are distinguished by an inordinate luxuriance in growth and variety of Algae, such as Luurencia, Polysiphonia, Corallina, Chrysymenia uvaria, Halimida tuna, and Kallymenia perforata. Such pars are, I fear, uniformly valueless and unworthy of inspection oftener than once in four years. Greater attention 1s required in the southern portion of the division where there exists the possibility, rendered somewhat definite by the presence of the remains of a fishery camp on Nallatanni Tivu, of oysters some day maturing. The prospect is not hopeful but is sufficient to justify an inspection in alternate years. The pars requiring the most attention are the Upputanni Tivu, the Nallatanni Tivu and the Vembar Periya Pars. The two first Jie four miles off the coast south and south-east of Valinukam Point, the last south-east of Vembar village. The rocky bottom on all these pars is the usual brownish dense limestone calcrete, while the sand is in most cases rather finer than that from the Central and Southern divisions and the amount of mud mingled with it is very markedly greater in quantity. When inspection of this ground be made, diving and dredging traverses should be made oyer the whole of the ground at depths between 73 and 10 fathoms to the south and east of the two Tanni Tivu and Vembar Pars. Some of the ground we met here was distinctly promising, and being further from land and at greater depth the bottom is more free from mud than on the inshore banks. The characteristic organisms of the Tanni Tivu Pars are sponges in great abund- ance (see page 28 for names), various Gorgonoids, notably Juncel/a juncea, an occa- sional Astraeid, the tubes of Hunice tubifer and numbers of Pinna ; Modiola barbata (suran) generally absent. Kumulam Par is valueless, as are also Valinukam and Valinukam Tundu Pars and some others in shallow water between Valinukam and Vembar. VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. A. CONCLUSIONS. The outstanding conclusions of supreme importance to which my investigation of the records and natural characteristics of the Tinnevelly and Madura pearl banks has led are that the banks have latterly given inferior returns owing to— (a) The imperfections of past and present methods of inspection, and (4) Deficiency in the supply of divers when fisheries are held. Imperrect Metuops or INSPECTION. The Ceylon banks have certainly enjoyed larger measures of supervision and a more developed inspectional organization during the past half century than the Madras banks and probably during the preceding 50 years as well. They were, however, inspected in a very imperfect manner till the early sixties, when Captain Donnan introduced improved methods. Prior to that time, owing to the charts in use being imperfect and the landmarks insufficient in number and in conspicuousness, the Inspectors relied in great part upon information supplied by native headmen. ‘The boats employed were often ill-adapted to the purpose and the search for beds was not eonducted with anything approaching scientific precision. As already mentioned, Captain Donnan, who was Inspector from 1863 to 1902, organized matters on an improved basis and so far as nautical knowledge permits brought the mechanical part of the inspection to a high level of excellence. By the preparation of large scale charts, whereon he plotted every landmark of value and the outlines of many of the pars, he was enabled to dispense with the services of the headmen ; he abolished the unhandy ‘‘ ballams” which served as the inspection divers’ boats, introducing in their place a handy type of whale boat; he elaborated an admirable system of ‘‘ cirele inspection” capable of supplying detailed information in regard to the minute features of the ground iuspected—the respective numbers of old and young oysters present, the ratio of sandy ground to rocky and the distribution of oysters over it. He trained intelligent natives (Parawas) to act as coxswains of these bvats and to record in diagram form the results of each and every dive made during the day’s work. The present state of the Tuticorin inspection organization is similar to that characterising Ceylon inspection prior to the inception of Captain Donnan’s improve- ments. Charts are imperfect and do not show the position of the chief landmarks ; * native pilots (par-mandadais) have to be employed ; circle inspection is not carried on in an adequate and systematic manner; native boats are still employed for the divers’ use and no attempt has been made to train efficient coxswains to keep records of the work done with exactitude. Asa consequence of such imperfect methods I am con- vineed that beds of oysters have been missed and fisheries lost from time to time. Such mischanees certainly did happen on the Ceylon side under similar conditions. In the experiences given by Captain Steuart in his ‘‘ Account of the Pearl Fisheries ” his belief is several times stated that beds of oysters had repeatedly been missed and that even in 1836 a bank was lost and two or three beds of young oysters fished by mistake. He ‘attributed this in great measure to the clumsy boats used for inspeec- tions and the ignorance of the native headmen”. Sir William Twynam (‘ Report on the Pearl Fishery of 1888,” page 13) in commenting on this has no doubt that want of proper landmarks, incorrect (or rather confused) compass bearings, incorrect charts and unsatisfactory inspections hada great deal to do with such lost fisheries—a conclu- sion which I cannot improve upon when commenting upon the past and present methods in use in the examination of the Tuticorin banks. —— * See charts A and B in annexures, 65 Until the present day, a sea-faring education has been considered the fitting mental equipment for Officers in charge of the Pearl Banks of Ceylon and India. Men who had passed their youth and early manhood on the sea were appointed, the impres- sion being that nautical knowledge and elementary marine surveying were the chief qualifications for these duties. Captain Donnan has been without doubt the ablest of these nautical Inspectors, but far as he carried the improvement of inspection methods, lack of biological knowledge prevented him from so economizing his time as to enable him to examine each season the whole of the potential oyster-bearing ground in his charge. In this way it was that often enough precious days and weeks were devoted to the examinaation of ground which a biologist would have decided at once to be unworthy of detailed circle inspection, while other large areas, biologically more fayourable to oyster growth, had to be left wholly or partially unsurveyed for want of available time. A concrete instance of the imperfection of present inspection methods on the Tuticorin banks is afforded by the last fishery held, that of 1900. The bed to be fished was the Teradi Puli Piditta Par off Trichendur; fishing went on there for three days, but, on the fourth, some of the boats, owing to a strong head wind, were not able to fetch the proper bank and anchored three miles away on the Tundu Par, where to the surprise of everyone—officials included—they found quantities of oysters larger and apparently older than those on the advertised bank *. The inspection records for the preceding four years, if the examination had been efficiently carried out should have indicated the presence of oysters each year at this locality. The actual record is, however, as follows ¢ :— ae ‘« Bare of oysters ”’. ©1897 ... Not examined”’. 1898 ... Oysters plentiful, 35 to a dive, 2 inches in size, healthy in appearance.” «© 1899 ... Nothing of value.” (sic !) The inefficiency of present inspection methods is palpable. The oysters fished in 1900 were estimated by Captain James as four years old (oc. cct.), so that by the Inspector’s own showing this particular bed was missed on two occasions out of the three that it was examined. Oysters do not and cannot migrate, and if the oysters seen in 1898 and fished in 1900, were missed in 1896 and 1899, we cannot do other- wise than condemn the character of the methods employed in inspection. Who can say how many similar oversights there have been? Careful scrutiny of the inspection records show many suspicious entries. Take the Karai Karuwal Par, one of the most productive banks in this region. The records for 1897-1902 run thus :— UES ... Large quantities of young oysters, healthy in appearance, 1} to 3 inch in size. ©1898 ... Oysters plentiful, 35 to a dive, 2 inches in size, healthy in appearance. 1899 ... Hundred and seventeen oysters, 27 inches in size; among these eleven dead shells. “1900 ... Not examined. “1901 .». Coral, weeds, pinna. No oysters. «1902 Not examined.” Can we doubt that a fishery was missed in 1900 ? The records of the Velangu Karuwal Par and the Trichendtr Puntottam Par are identical. On the Odakarai Par in 1899 there were ‘‘ oysters, 20 toa dive, 24 inches in size, healthy. A very small quantity of dead shells were found. Divers eae that the undertow was very heavy and that they had much difficulty in keeping on* their feet. Large quantity of weed on this bank,” but no examination was made in 1900, 1901 or 1902! Mr. Sullivan Thomas remarked the same discrepancies in the inspection records.t He says :— * “ Madras Board of Revenue Proceedings,’’ No. 208, dated October 1900, page 4. + Copied trom the Inspection Registers in the office of the Superintendent of Pearl Fisheries, Tuticorin. + “ Report on Pearl Fisheries and Chank Fisheries ’’, Madras, 1884, page 24, paragraphs 76 and 77. 17 66 “ Looking for instances of oysters that have been obviously missed, we find that ‘in 1869, banks 15 and 16 contained oysters of 2} and 3 years old in December, “ eae a blank was recorded in March of the same year. ‘Again, in March of the ‘same year, bank 49 held ‘ many oysters of 1, 2 and 3 years of age,’ which for want of . inspection had not been found before. Tn April 1878, banks 44 and 45 ‘ were “thickly covered with oysters of one year age’, and in May of the following year the “record is ‘blank’. If. they had not migri ‘ated and been missed, we might ‘perhaps ‘have found some traces of at least a few dead shells. In 1882, we find ‘dead ‘shells’ of we know not what age on bank 20, which the previous year was SOS anik75 ‘¢ Banks 15, 16, 17 might seemingly have been fished in 1870, but they were not ‘finspected. Perhaps Captain Phipps was away; perhaps the necessity for inspection “was lost sight of for want of statement b.” I may add that long weeks before [ made my investigation and before I had acquaintance with the facts above related, my most intelligent coxswain, a Tuticorin man himself, in reply to my inquiry if he had any theory why oysters came to maturity so seldom on the Indian banks, said ‘‘ oysters often come, inspection not good, not wide enough”’. He remarked that he and his people often said among themselves that if the Indian inspection was carried out in the thorough manner it is on the Ceylon side there would be more frequent fisheries. As he said, long ago fisheries were very good off Tuticorin and Kayalpatnam,—why should they now be so very few and unprofitable ? This opinion expressed, I believe, his honest belief; there was nojadvan- tage in deceiving me and at that time he had no idea that I was likely to have any connection with the Indian banks. Candid opinion of the native fishermen is often shrewd and well considered, and I agree cordially with Mr. Sullivan Thomas in his remark “as regards fisherfolk know ledge—it i is marvellously good and should never be neglected, but at the same time always tested.” * In other words the ideas of the local fishermen and divers may often furnish a valuable working hypothesis. NumericaL Derictency oF DIVERS ATTENDING THE FISHERIES. Apart from any question of the fertility of the banks, the inadequate supply of divers attending the Tuticorin fisheries has frequently entailed disastrous financial consequences, notably in 1889 and 1890. In those years large fisheries took place concurrently off the Ceylon coast, and as the Ceylon fisheries are believed by the divers to yield them better results than those on the Indian coast, it was with consider- able difficulty that any men were prevailed upon to attend the latter. This state of affairs was well known among the native merchants and all the more wealthy resorted accordingly to Ceylon as the market possessed of the greater attractions. Their abstention further influenced the results adversely. Take the fishery of 1889 for example. In that year the Tolayiram Par was densely stocked with fine oysters nearly six years old. Captain Phipps, the then Superintendent of Pearl Fisheries, caleulated that there were 309,760,000 oysters upon the bank; but for want of sufficient boats and divers the gross take, 12,600,000 oysters, barely reached 4 per cent. of the estimated total available. The average number of boats out per day was 35; the largest on any one occasion was but 48. The next year, when the oysters were dying off, an even worse state of affairs prevailed ; the average number of boats employed per day fell to 21 and the total take of oysters was a miserable million and three quarters (1,806,762), bringing in a paltry profit of Rs. 7,803 to the Government. The ensuing year, as was to be expected from the age limit being exceeded, no oysters were found on the banks. The combined takes of 1889 and 1890 were under 14,500,000 oysters, so that if we accept Captain Phipps’ estimate of over 309,000,000 on the bank in 1889, the Government harvested a wholly inadequate proportion of the crop. Can we justly characterize the Indian banks as being poor and unsatisfactory when one bank brings such a multitude to maturity in one year? Is it not more reasonable to lay the * Toc. cit., page 25, 67 blame on antiquated methods and lack of foresight and method in organization? The average price obtained per thousand in 1889 was Rs. 22-8-6 ; therefore if the organi- zation of the fishery had ensured, as it ought to have done, the lifting, we will not say of the whole 309,000,000 of Captain Phipps’ estimate, but merely of a modest 50,000,000 oysters, then, instead of taking but Rs. 1,89,986 in 1889, Government would have had arevenue of Rs. 7,50,000—a preventible loss occurred of over 0 lakhs of rupees. The actual take was, however, as I have stated, but 4 per cent. of the estimated crop ; 96 per cent. was literally thrown away for want of the means to gather it in. To overcome the labour difficulty created by the preference shown by the divers for Ceylon when fisheries coincide in the same year on each side of the Gulf of Mannar, it was recommended by the Board of Revenue in August 1890 that efforts should be made to arrive at some arrangement with the Ceylon Government, the basis of arrangement to be either a division of the fishing season in point of time or a limitation of the number of boats employed upon the Ceylon side. Subsequently an agreement was actually arrived at* upon the former basis whereby when fisheries on the two sides of the Gulf should occur in the same season in any future year, it was agreed that the Ceylon fishery should begin in February and close at the end of March, leaving April and May for the prosecution of the Tuticorin fishery. From the experience I have had of actual fishing conditions, I am of opinion that in practice this agreement will be found unworkable. The beginning of February is too early in the season to start fishing on the Ceylon coast. Divers will not attend till weather conditions become settled, till the intermonsoon lull begins, characterized by alternating land and sea breezes and by clear limpid water free from suspended particles of mud and sand. No dependence can be placed upon the oncome of this period prior to the first week in March, and I cannot see how the Ceylon Government can agree to close their fishery some three weeks after the date of actual opening and just when the fishing is probably at its best. Apart from governmental considerations such a proceeding would be deeply resented by the divers and the merchants ; if they were compelled to go, the fishery being summarily closed, the consequences would be felt at subsequent fisheries. The proposal is only practicable if fishing could be begun early in February and this as I have said is impossible owing to circumstances beyond the control of the Ceylon Goverament. Neither can the Ceylon Government limit the number of boats participating if there be sufficient abundance of pearl oysters to justify the work, indeed it would be an advantage to Madras if the Ceylon Government were able to obtain such a number of boats as would clear the bank to be fished in a limited period, as then the divers would be at liberty to depart and would be available for the Indian beds. However, even in the case of a cessation of the Ceylon fishery at the end of March, I am convinced that an Indian fishery in April and May would benefit there- by very little if the Ceylon fishery had been at all successful. At a fishery, such as the Ceylon one of this year, the divers make so much money as to be wealthy beyond their dreams of avarice for that year at least. The more prudent Moormen have made enough money to enable them to invest in new fishing nets, new boats, or jewellery and dowries for their women, while the thriftless Parawas find enough money in their pockets to hand a substantial sum to their Church and leave enough over to permit them to feast and be merry for several weeks or, perhaps, even months. Such men will be induced only with the utmost difficulty to undertake a second diving season hard on the heels of the first ; they will be restless, discontented, and eager to selze any excuse to get away. Witness what happened in 1890 when a number of divers returning from fishing on the Ceylon banks, were pursuaded to resume operations off Tuticorin; only eight days fishing was obtained as the divers utilized with their usual skill the stalking-horse cry of “sharks on the banks”. As any stick is good enough to beat a dog, so any excuse is considered good enough to utilize when the divers for any reason wish a fishery to come to an end. At one time if is *‘ sharks” ; at another, the alleged scarcity of oysters, ‘‘chippi illei”’. Illness, * In February 1892, according to information supplied from the Colonial Secretary’s office, Colombo. 68 rumours of cholera, small profits, rough weather, chill winds, are all utilized with the utmost cunning but the true reason—that they have made enough money—is 2lways kept in the background. Hence I conclude that relief must be sought in some other manner and that it is necessary for the Madras Government to proceed entirely independently of the Ceylon authorities and to accept, as an unpalatable but none the less living reality, the fact that till present conditions be radically reformed, the Tuticorin and Kilakarai divers have not the requisite confidence in the Tinnevelly pearl fishery administration to induce them to forego attendance at a Ceylon fishery when such clashes with one on the Indian banks. Many years ago Captain Worsley, when acting as Supervisor of the Ceylon Pearl Banks, summed up his conception of the Inspector’s duties towards the oysters under his charge in the dictum “ find them, watch them, fish them”. I have shown that the organization of the Indian Pearl Fishery Department has failed notable in all these operations, lamentably so in 1889. Detailed inspection carried out with scientific accuracy by a capable officer endowed with biclogical knowledge and with acquaintance with elementary marine surveying, furnishes a sufficient remedy for the first and second of these administra- tive diseases; the third is more difficult to cure, though much improvement might be counted on as certain to take place when the divers become aware of the improvements taking place in the methods of inspection. With confidence in their Inspector and in the statements he might publish regarding the promising character of a bank about to be fished, many would, I believe, voluntarily remain at home in spite of Ceylouese counter attraction. This we must not, however, count upon till the new organization proves its efficiency by results, and we come back again to the problem, how can we fish a large number of oysters, say 90,000,000, during a fishing period not exceeding eight weeks (March and April), in spite of the defection of the great bulk of the local divers ? I can think of but two alternatives, (@) the utilization of mechanical means and (0) the drafting to the fishery of a sufficient body of Arab divers. Regarding the former plan, although the character of the bottom on the Tolayi- ram Par is favourable to the employment of the dredge, the numbers of oysters to be dealt with are so enormous and the occurrence of fisheries so erratic and occasionally so long deferred, that at present I cannot see that this is a practicable solution, so long as the fishery be conducted by Government. A fleet of dredging vessels would be required and the maintenance of these cannot be justified till a cultural scheme be perfected which will ensure tolerably regular periodic (annual) fisheries. The most that is feasible is to fit the fishery steamer with dredging equipment and so enable her to do her share in the actual fishing operations.*¥ The same equipment would serve for the dredging of young oysters for the purposes of transplantation, and it might also be utilized for the dredging of chanks, though I doubt whether the results from the last-named work would be sufficiently remunerative and would counterbalance the extra expenditure that would be occasioned in coal and oil. The alternative of obtaining a supply of Arab divers adequate to work the fishery is left us. It appears to me that if due precautions be taken to obtain true Persian Gulf divers in small gangs under men who can give adequate monetary guarantee for the good behaviour of the men supplied by them, that this plan is eminently feasible. At the present year’s Ceylon Fishery (1904) 258 Arabs were allowed employment and Mr. Lewis, Superintendent of the Fishery, states in his report :+ ~ * The results obtained daring the Ceylon fishery of 1905, show that an arerage of 35,000 oysters may be reckoned as the daily cateh of a properly equipped small dredging steamer under good management. The cost of wages and upkeep is considerably less than the value of the divers’ share of oysters, so we find dredging to bea more economical mode of fishing than the employment of divers on the one-third share basis, provided work can be found for the steamer in the off seascn. ¢ ‘‘Keports on the Pearl Fishery of 1904.’ Sessional paper No. XIII, Ceylon, 1904, page 6. 69 “© As the fishery proceeded and the advantage of having them had become “ apparent, I was prepared to take more. They gave very little troubie, and were ‘‘very useful both for the starting of the fishing and for keeping it going towards the “end. They were always most keen on going out, no matter what the weather was, and “they rather roughly handled a Jaffna tindal who started for the fishing one morning “ but turned back because his sail split. They offered to mend it for him, but he said ‘he had no materials. Their indignation was great, and they were loud in their ‘complaints. They are as used to handling boats as they are to diving, and had ‘‘ sreat contempt for tindals who were deterred from proceeding to the banks owing “to small accidents to their boat or gear.” Further evidence of the good work and reasonable disposition of these Arab divers when treated justly, is afforded in Captain James’ report on the 1900 ‘Tinnevelly fishery, * his words being—‘‘ At first there must have been quite 1,500 divers, of “which about 200 were Arabs. These latter I consider quite the best men to have ‘at a fishery, quiet, good-tempered and hardworking, and quite amenable to all “ discipline, much more so than the Paravas who are a constant source of trouble, both “‘ on the banks and in the Kottoo, where they were constantly being caught concealing “oysters, which of course were always confiscated. Only one Arab was caught ‘‘doing this, and his companions abused him for disgracing them. The Malayali ‘¢ divers left the banks after the first few days as the water was too deep.” Fortified with such favourable opinions from men who had to meet and control these divers ashore, where trouble is more likely to occur than at sea, I have no hesitation in saying that I have the highest possible opinion of these men and of the quiet, methodical, and energetic manner in which they conduct their work. I watched them at work daily throughout the last two fisheries, and they were ship-companions with me when toward the end of the 1904 fishery they agreed to fish from the Government steamers. Such daily contact afforded me opportunity to obtain insight into their characters and as a result I found them more willing to obey my orders and follow suggestions than either the Parawas or the Kilakarai Moormen—a result due naturally to their higher intelligence. Quick tempered they are and restive under even the suspicion of injustice, but withal reasonable and eminently amenable to fair treatment. Personally I should not hesitate to run a fishery entirely with Arabs, and if ordinary precautions were taken to exclude the scum of Bombay, I am satisfied that perfect order would prevail. j During the north-east monsoon, numbers of these men visit the ports of Canara and Malabar, whence they might readily be obtained.f Banks OF GREATEST VALUE. Descending to matters of detail, the present investigation shows that certain of the Pars or rather certain groups of Pars are more worthy of particular attention than others, The same conclusion has been drawn with regard to the Ceylon Pars; some are clearly to be classed as favourable to the maturimg of oysters, while others—the majority—are wholly unreliable in this respect. Of the banks off the Indian coast, historical, physical, and biological evidence combine to show that the Tolayiram Pdr and the Kudamuttu and Karuwal groups of P4rs are the highest in relative importance, bearing the more frequent spat falls and yielding the major number of the fisheries that we are able to localize. The Northern or Kilakarai division is of little economic importance ; prolonged inspection is not requisite in this region and the time formerly devoted to this purpose can be employed to better advantage in making more detailed examination of the Pars of the Central division and in carefully prospecting in the region lying between the Karuwal group and Cape Comorin. * “ Procsedings, Board of Revenue,’’ Madras, No. 208, 1900. 4 Since the above was written, I have had experience of another large pearl fishery, at which a largely increased contingent of Arabs, some 2,000 in number, was employed. Their conduct was again eminently satisfactory. They gave no trouble whatsoever. 18 70 The region last named has been neglected almost entirely in the past; during the last 45 years only a small portion of the area has received any attention on thirteen oecasions, while many square miles of sea bottom have been systematically ignored in this region, which we have conelusive evidence to show formerly yielded fisheries. The Tolayiram Pdr deserves the Inspector’s greatest attention; it is the sole region seen during the investigation suitable for cultural operations, The bottom resembles the better parts of the Ceylon Cheval Par and like the latter premier bank is the largest among its fellows in individual area. It has also a favourable record for rearing its spat to maturity in great abundance. It may not receive so many spat fails as the Karuwal group, but from its superior extent one successful fishery here, is, if it be properly exploited by a sufficiency of divers, worth several of the smaller Karuwal group fisheries. The Tolayiram Pfr should be mapped into blocks in the way in which I have mapped out the Ceylon Cheval Par (Annexure No. 8) and each of these should be carefully studied, periodically inspected, and the results shown graphically in chart or diagram form annually. Those parts of this region which came under my personal notice bore but small quantities of loose stony material, “cultch” as it is technically termed, a decidedly unfavourable factor, as the oysters need such material for the purpose of attachment. Attention should in future be given to this detail during inspection, in order to ascer- tain if this deficiency is, as I think it is, general over the whole area. In the event of this proving to be case means should be taken to increase the available quantity whenever an extensive spat fall is found to have occurred. PrEaRL Propuction—Caovses or Deatn. Pearl production by the oysters fished in 1889 on the Tolayiram Par, the only bank regarding which I have any data, was less rapid than that noted during the past two years on the Ceylon Cheval Pir. On some sections of the latter satisfactory pearl production is found at the age of four years, valued at over Rs. 21 per 1,000 in the case of those fished in 1903, whereas the last oysters fished on the Tolayiram Par were at a similar age valued at but Rs. 3-11-65 per 1,000. It was not till they attained the age of 54 years that they brought in an equivalent value (Rs, 22—8-6 being the actual average price per 1,000 at the 1889 fishery) to that of Ceylon oysters 1$ year younger. The latter, however, were those from the richest known beds and there were others which at the same age—35 to 4 years—were not rich enough in pearls to give a profitable fishery. Pearl production is, however, very variable and the yield by one generation is not necessarily a criterion as to what the next may furnish, even upon the same ground. Examination and comparison of the Tolayiram Par oysters of 1887—90 with those of Ceylon give fairly satisfactory results in respect to shell growth. They are not equal to the finely grown oysters of the Cheval, but in general appearance are of a healthy type. They are nowise stunted-looking as so many of the oysters on the Pars more inshore are, or, as are the oysters characteristic of the Ceylon Muttuvaratu Par. But although they are distinctly of the Cheval Par type, they are of slower growth and the weight of the shells approximated closely to that of Muttuvaratu oysters. Given an abundant infection of pearl-inducing cestode parasites, the pearl production should be profitable in quality and quantity. This question is still one on which we are imper- fectly informed ; the life-history of the parasite is still unsolved, and till we know the animals which lodge the adult stage, we cannot formulate any plan for furthering the increase in numbers of those of the larval stage, whose presence in the pearl oyster controls the production of valuable pearls. The ratio of infection—and of consequent pearl production—varies greatly as is to be expected consequent upon the local abundance or otherwise of the host of the adult parasite whatever it may be, and also upon the relative profusion or scarcity of the oysters themselves. Time after time I have proved by the dissection of large numbers of oysters of the same age from different beds that the cestode infection may vary within consider- able limits and as a consequence the pearl yield is proportionately variable. For 71 example in November 1902 samples of the same generation of 3} to 34 years old oysters were obtained from four different beds, with valuation results as follows :— RS.) AP. Periya Par Karai 500 mee S00 60° St 13 4 0 per 1,000 South-east Cheval ... oon ae ae ase 1) Zh Oo 5s Mid-east Cheval wee Re Heh oe 50 NS BO oe North-east Cheval ... 000 ae a ae 23 2 Os In March 1887, oysters of a similar age from the Moderagam Par gave a pearl valuation yield of but Rs. 9-14-3 per 1,000, while other individuals of identical age from the North-west Cheval in the same year were valued as low as Rs. 6-15-0 per 1,000. Another instance of wide variation in pearl yield occurred in the valuation of the 42 to 43 years old oysters fished this year (1904) from the Western Cheval. Three lots varied as follows :— RS. A. P. South-west Cheval ve 360 0c O00 ae 36 0 O per 1,000 North-west Cheval 50 ane Sa os aes 338 12 0 a Mid-west Cheval 360 coc 500 500 at 20 4 0 - With such wide divergence in oyster value from closely adjoining areas we can never be sure of the pearl yield from a particular bank till we solve the riddle of the pearl Cestode’s life-history and are enabled to artificially increase the proportion of infected oysters—a matter for marine biological investigation. Meanwhile it is satisfactory to know that the oysters which the Tolayiram Par rears are of fair quality and capable of giving a high pearl yield. I have had no opportunity to inspect a series of successive generations of oysters from any other Indian Pir. The individuals seen from the Devi, Cruxian, and other inshore Pars appear much inferior to those from the Tolayiram Par. They are small for their reputed age, stunted in growth, and much encrusted with sponges, corals and polyzoa. In general appearance they approximate to those Ceylon oysters that hail from rocky beds—from the Muttuvaratu Par and the Mid-west and North-west Cheval. The Tolayiram Par is the bank by far best suited to rear healthy oysters in quantity. Unfortunately some of the characters which render it so suitable for this, expose the oysters to heavy risks from the depredations of fishes. The bare level bottom, free from clefts and crannies and boulders, gives the rock-perch and trigger fish (Vellamin and Kilati) every facility to devour enormous quantities of oysters during the first year of their existence. The bank swarmed with these fishes in May last and the question of the possibility of the present young oyster population coming to maturity depends largely on whether there be many more oysters present than can be consumed by these fishes in nine months or a year. When about one year old the shells become stout enough to resist the sharp teeth of these fishes and the survi- vors have a fair chance of living the allotted span of oyster existence, if the bank be not harried by a shoal of oyster-eating rays (Riinoptera spp.). These fishes, the principal enemies of the adult oyster, are often of large size, five feet or more across the dise and with mouth armed with milling teeth of great crushing power. They are able to feed only upon comparatively level ground and unfortunately the Tolayiram Par is of this character. On the Ceylon side, I once walked over an oyster bed ravaged at the most but a few days previously. The sight was one never to be forgotten ; everywhere the flat rock surfaces, originally densely packed with oysters, as evidenced by occasional clumps remaining, and by multitudes of torn byssal cables adhering still to the denuded surfaces, were stripped in large part. Wide lanes had been ploughed through, every oyster gone within the breadth of the lane. At frequent intervals lay piles of broken shells, crushed flat as if passed through a mill. 72 It isa significant fact that this ground is particularly “ clean ’’, free from culteh and from any impediment to an animal scraping the oysters off in wholesale quantities. It is ideal dredging ground. Equally significant is the fact that on rougher ground and on areas where bulky cultch occurs, no depredation whatever took place. From this I infer that the presence of fragmentary material is a safeguard against rays; they are unable to differentiate between oysters and rubble when feeding, and when the latter is present, mastication being prevented, the rays find the ground unsuitable and move away. Hence the cultching of the Tolayiram Pdr would serve two purposes of vital importance ; it would give additional and much needed holding ground to oysters and would tend largely to diminish the damage lable to result from the inroads of rays. Much more sediment is held in suspension in the water on the Indian banks than in the case of the Ceylon banks. Ido not however consider that this exercises any greatly deleterious effects upon oysters on the outer banks of the central and southern divisions ; on the Kilakarai banks the profusion of muddy sediment is exces- sive, as it also is on some of the inner of the more southern banks, and in such places we cannot expect any spat-fall ever to reach maturity. From the mouths of all the rivers along this coast great amounts of mud are poured forth annually and this in conjunction with the growth of new fringing coral reefs along the shore, each succes- sive one further seaward than its predecessor, causes encroachment upon the sea. The old pars are thus brought more within the harmful influence of river sediment. The process is an exceedingly slow one and the danger to the beds appears greater on paper than it isin reality, even though we know that Korkai, the Kolkhi of the Greeco-Romans of 1,800 years ago, and the great pearling centre of that day, 1s now several miles inland, and its successor, Kayal, converted as well from a flourishing seaport into an inland village. Again while the presence of so much sediment is harmful, at least to the inshore banks, it has beneficial effects upon the prosperity of the chank-beds, which flourish most vigorously wherever there is a plentiful admixture of mud with the sand, especially if there be much organic matter present, as happens off the mouth of rivers. To this great abundance of mud is due the superior richness of the Tuticorin chank-beds over those in the neighbourhood of the Ceylon Pearl Banks, where the sand is composed largely of a coarse clean quartz- grit. CHARACTER OF THE SUPERVISION REQUIRED. To place the entire management of the pearl banks under scientifie control is: the only way whereby the inspection methods can be satisfactorily reorganized and a permanent return to prosperity assured in regard to the pearl fishing industry. I ecan- not well improve upon the words used in 1884 by the Hon’le Mr. H Sullivan Thomas, then First Member of the Board of Revenue, in his very valuable report to Government on this fishery, namely :— ‘J think the deficiencies in the record of facts tend to show that though in “‘ Captain Phipps the Government has had an intelligent and painstaking officer, he “has not been seconded by any scientific supervision anywhere, and that his active ‘‘interest in his duties might have been turned to better effect ifhe had had from time “to time the assistance of some one who had leisure and appliances for adding a- ‘scientific turn to his inquiries. It appears therefore that if the Government contem- “plate ever constituting a fisheries department, pearl fisheries should be combined ‘‘with it and have the advantage of any scientific knowledge that department may have.) * Looking at the matter from a practical point of view, I do not consider that under present circumstances it would be advisable to engage a qualified expert in economic biology to devote himself solely to the care of the pearl banks, even though he be so * Loc. cit., ~paragraph 96, page 29. 73 exceptionally qualified as to be able to combine the duties of marine biologist with those at present performed by the Superintendent-Inspector of Pearl Banks. To secure a really competent officer, a substantial salary would have to be allotted to the post and, as we know, pearl fishery work can only be carried out on the Madras coast for a maximum of five months in the year. On the other hand, the potentialities of profitable research in other directions are practically unlimited and I think that the time is now ripe, and economic fishery science sufficiently developed, to carry out the suggestion of organizing a Fisheries Department as suggested twenty years ago by the Hon’ble Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas. If this were done, and an officer appointed as Director, he might be instructed to give his primary attention to the reorganization of the pearl bank inspectional methods, the proper charting and landmarking of the beds, the elaboration of a scheme for the culture of oysters—cultching and transplantation chiefly, the recruitment of an adequate diving labour force prior to any fishery and, if possible, the means for the mechanical raising of oysters by means of dredges and trawls. Control of the chank fishery should be placed with him. He would elaborate fishing methods, experimenting especially with a suitable modification of the oyster dredge ; if successful, he would take steps to ensure the adoption of such improved mothods by the native chank fishers. He would also investigate the feasibility of the artificial hatching and breeding of chanks—a promising departure that opposes few difficulties to success. Other shellfish of economic value are the Window-pane oyster (Placuna Placenta) and the Edible oyster. Large quantities of the former have been fished in a land- locked bay in Ceylon and the lease of this fishery has yielded considerable sums to the revenue in the past owing to the fact that these molluscs yield abundance of seed pearls. In the Madras Presidency they are found in several places in quantity— notably in Pulicat Take, whereof the great area affords ample scope for the creation of an extensive industry. Béche-de-mer is an industry as yet little developed on the Indian coast and one susceptible of considerable enlargement. In the economic investigation and control of ordinary sea and fresh water fishing, the field for the exercise of the beneficient labours of a Fishery Department is bound- less. It is not necessary here to enter on these desirable developments in detail ; I will content myself with pointing out that the fish supply at many localities on the coast of the Madras Presidency might be greatly increased by the introduction of new methods ; that a wide field for remunerative trawling awaits the capitalist on banks as yet scarcely touched by the native fishermen ; that much help could be given to the latter by a fishery expert in teaching improved methods of net tanning and by experi- menting with new fibres, such as ramie, for the production of nets cheaper and stronger and of better lasting properties than the materials now in use; that the cause of public health would be greatly served by the oversight that would be given to fish-curing yards. A general survey of present fishery methods would be one of the results of the working of the department suggested, and from the facts ascertained it would be possible to consolidate present fishery laws, modifying or enlarging the scope of such enactments as might be found advisable. The field for improving and augmenting the fish supply from fresh water sources is still more extensive. Practically nothing is done among the natives to improve the quality and the quantity of fish in tanks, a branch of work offering immense scope for well directed cautious efforts. The restocking of inland waters that dry up annually with selected fry of species characterised by rapid growth and good table qualities should be taught, encouraged, and organized on a@ practical basis. Were this done, the results obtained in other countries and even in some parts of Northern India justify the prediction that the fresh water fish supply of the Presidency would be doubled in quantity and greatly improved in quality within a very short period. Nowhere in the world are the potentialities of aqriculture greater than in India and as yet nothing has been done to utilise modern piscicultural knowledge. 19 74 RECOMMENDATIONS. J. Improvep System or INspEcrion. (a) The preparation of reliable charts—The present charts of the Pearl Bank region are extremely unsatisfactory. The positions of none of the many landmarks dotting the whole length of the Tinnevelly and Madura coasts are shown. It is quite impossible to lay off the ship’s position with exactitude upon certain of the banks because of this deficiency ; numbers of good marks—chapels, mosques, topes and the like—are in sight, but because their existence has been ignored by the cartographer they are practically useless for the purpose of the inspection of the banks, even actually misleading if we attempt to fix their positions on the coast line and fail, as is probable, in placing them correctly. This lack of beacon indications upon the charts is further adverted to in section d below. The scale of the charts in use—one mile to the half inch—-is also too small for careful survey and for the insertion of the necessary details in regard to the distribution of oysters, rock, and sand in the areas inspected. All the charts used for fishery work should be on the uniform scale of 1 nautical mile to the inch. A 2-inch scale is unnecessarily great and is unwieldy to handle. It is a size especially inconvenient in making comparisons of surveys effected and in furnishing comparative diagrams of oyster distribution to accompany the periodical inspection reports. In the past there has been unnecessary sub-division of the potential oyster- bearing area, resulting in the creation of 64 so-called banks. Many of these are extremely small patches of rocky bottom often not more than half a mile long by a quarter in breadth. Many again lie adjacent to one another and hence lend themselves readily to a system of grouping. I propose therefore a grouping of the banks in the manner shown upon charts C and D (annexures III and IV). Each group may be denominated by the name of the best known bank included. The grouping suggested is that which has been detailed fully in the section dealing with the topography of the banks (wide ante p. 24) and which need not be here recapitulated. Accompanying the revised working chart, which should be put in hand at the earliest opportunity, should be a list of at least three cross bearings taken from the central point in each inspection cirele (see ¢zfra). (b) Adoption of a system of detailed ‘‘ Circle-inspection.”—-To ascertain the presence and distribution of oysters over the whole of the effective Pearl Bank region, an exhaustive examination by what I term “ Cirele-inspection ”’ is absolutely essential. Any bank found bearing oysters should be inspected by this method so long as they remain, and all hitherto unexamined ground should be covered with a net- work of tangent circles to ascertain the distribution of rock and sand and the potentialities of oyster-bearing. Picked divers should be employed for the work and the services of the sam@ men secured permanently by giving them either an annual retaining fee or an extra rate of pay. They should be placed under the charge of four inspection coxswains, also on a permanent engagement for the annual inspections in the same way as has been adopted with marked success in the Ceylon service. The banks grouped as suggested in the preceding section should next be mapped out into circular inspection areas which may be termed ‘‘ Inspection- circles”, of 1} mile in diameter, each denoted by a serial number and, where it can be done with advantage, by a distinctive name. The larger banks, like the Tolayiram and Manapad Pars, will require several circles to cover them, whereas in the case of the smaller pars several will frequently have to be grouped within one circle. In the latter case, the cirele for convenience may take the name of the largest or most important of the included pars ; in the former from its compass bearing. For example the four divisions of the Tolayiram Par may be denominated respeetively the north, the central, the south, and the south-west sections, while the circle including the Karai Karuwal and the Velangu Karuwal Pdrs may be termed simply the Karuwal section or circle. 75 During examination the inspection vessel should moor as near the centre of each section as possible, and if to one side, modify the outer boat circuits to suit this as shown in the accompanying diagram. \ EIEN OO ( ar, pees a. e. \ uy, wh / La The black circle is the outline of the Pearl Rank section to be examined— (2) The ship’s position. (d) A $ mile semi-circuit. (4) The 4 mile cireuit. (e) A 1 mile semi-circuit. (c) The 3 mile circuit. With good landmarks, reliable compass, and painstaking endeavour it should not be difficult to anchor with approximate accuracy upon the centre of each section. The banks of superior value lie from south of Vembar to off Manapad, the Devi Par being the most northerly, the Manapad group marking the most southerly limit. Charts C and D (annexures III and iV) show the inspection sections which I propose. They are based upon the Pearl Bank chart at present in use and which in turn is based upon the Admiralty Chart of this part of the coast. Each of the circles, of which there are 35 according to my arrangement, is marked with its own distinctive number. The inspection of each circle should be completed in one morning, leaving the afternoon wherein to lift the twelve mark- buoys, shift the inspection vessel, locate the centre of the next circle, and to lay out the buoys for the following day’s work. Given average fair weather, such an inspection would occupy six weeks. If the weather be favourable and other circumstances allow, I recommend that the whole programme be completed in one season, in which case, should the results show no considerable deposit of oysters to be present, the inspection of the following year may be greatly curtailed and be in the nature of traverse prospection rather than detailed circle inspection. Circle inspection and zigzag prospecting may be used in alternate years, but wherever oysters be found in quantity, detailed circle inspection with careful numerical estimates should be carried out annually. Where oysters of over 24 years of age are known to exist, inspection should take place if possible twzce a year anda valuation sample drawn at the age of 34 years and thereafter twice annually until such time as the valuation amounts to over Rs. 10 per 1,000, where- upon it becomes incumbent to consider whether or not a fishery should be held at as early a date as possible. Detaile of the method of circle inspection—The essential features may be stated as follows :— ‘ Three flag-buoys are laid out by the attendant launch or tug-boat in the direction of each cardinal point of the compass at distances apart of a quarter of a mile, the inmost buoys taking their distance from the inspection vessel, which is anchored to serve as a pivot mark in the centre of the area to be inspected. Four inspection boats (modified whale boats), each manned by a crew of six, together with three divers and two munduks, under the charge of an experienced coxswain, take up equidistant positions between the ship and the first buoy on the north line and row slowly round the ship, retaining their relative positions the while. At regular intervals the crews rest on their oars to allow the divers opportunity to inake descents. The result of each dive is reported to the coxswain of the respective boat, who records it upon a diagram with which he is provided. 76 The four boats having each performed a complete circuit are next ranged in line abreast in the same manner as before, between the quarter and the half mile buoy and each makes a second circuit. The day’s work is completed by a third and last circle, in this case between the buoys distant respectively half mile and three- fourth mile from the ship. The four boats make a total of twelve concentric circuits, each boat making three. The results shown upon the coxswains’ diagrams—each of which has three concentric circles drawn upon it (see plan No. V) representing the three circular paths eovered—are transferred by the Inspector to a final diagram or plan furnished with twelve concentric circles. When this has been done the distribution of old and of young oysters is graphically shown for a circular area having a diameter of a mile and a half (plan V1). After calculating in square yards the area occupied by oysters the approximate number thereon may be estimated by taking the average number of oysters per dive (ascertained by scrutiny of the divers’ results) in conjunction with the average amount of ground which a diver is credited with being able to clear at one descent. Usually this area is considered on average ground to be from two and a half to three square yards. By assuming the area per dive to be three square yards the danger of an overestimate is avoided. (c) Purchase or charter of an inspection depit ship.—To carry out inspection satisfactorily I recommend that either a schooner be built, purchased, or chartered, to serve as the head-quarters or depot upon which the inspection staff of divers and boat men may live. Tf purchased or built specially, the latter of which would be the more economical and satisfactory plan in the long run, cooler and more commodious quarters could be fitted up than upon a steamer, and being wooden there would be practicaily no liability to error in the accurate taking of compass bearings. A steam vessel would be required for towing purposes. The “ Margarita” might be used for the present and when it becomes necessary to replace her, the next vessel should be a screw steamer built and fitted specially for dredging and towing so that when not engaged in the latter duty, she might be used for the dredging either of chanks or of fishable oysters for market and for valuation sample. Meanwhile the “ Margarita” should be altered and fitted to serve dredging purposes for which she is by no means unsuited. (d) Beacons to be charted and improved.—An improved scheme of landmarks should be provided and the positions of the several beacons accurately fixed on the chart. It is almost incredible that none are marked on the charts in use; the Inspector has to roughly guess their relative position to the headlands and indenta- tions of the coast indicated on the chart. Even the Admiralty Chart, which is wonderfully accurate in other respects, shows the position of but a very few with precision—the others either being omitted or not defined with exactitude. In taking bearings from the sea, it is of little value to see upon the chart a number of marks at a certain spot indicating the presence of a conglomeration of buildings ; we require the position of the most conspicuous one to be placed with precision. The beacon on Vantivu should be increased in height and an additional one erected on one of the islands to the northward. (e) Improvements in recording the details of inspection results—The officer in charge of the Inspection of the Pearl Banks should be directed by the Government to. insert in the records kept in his office as well as in the report furnished by him to Government at the termination of each inspection, the following details concerning the condition and abundance of the pearl oysters and associated organisms met with on each of the inspection sections, namely :— (1) The number of individual dives made upon each group of pars, and the number of those where oysters were found, together with the average number of oysters per dive over the whole of the productive ground. Not less than 300 dives should be made upon each section, if a reliable conception of the character and condi- tion of the area under examination is to be arrived at. The number of dives made upon the banks in the past, even upon the important Tolayiram Pdr, have been totally insufficient. The Tolayiram Par is of such large extent that four inspection 77 circles are needed to cover it adequately, equivalent therefore to a total of 1,200 dives. From the office records I notice that in 1890, ninety dives were made; in 1892, 158 . dives; in 1896, 220 dives—far too few to give a reliable conception of the condition of the bank as a whole. Other banks fared even worse. Taking some figures at random I find that 12 dives were made to suffice for the Alluva Par in 1886 and 382 in the following year. On the Tundu Par 35 dives were made in 1885, 31 in 1887, 7 (!) only in 1889. On the Karai Karuwal ‘Par, one of the most frequently productive of the Indian banks, a sorry seven dives sufficed for the examination of 1888, while the Velangu Karuwal Par had 74 dives in 1887 and 63 in 1891. (2) The average weight and dimensions of an average sample of the living oysters found in each locality should be recorded with exactitude. Where the oysters are numerous, the sample should be as large as possible to diminish the possi- bilities of error. The weight should be recorded in pounds, ounces, and drams, and where possible 100 oysters should be weighed together. In expressing the average weight of the individual oyster it might be useful to express the result in grammes, as the metric system is more convenient for the purposes of comparison than avoirdu- pois weight. : When there are large numbers of oysters present and possibilities of an eventual fishery, the cleaned (empty) shells of 25 individuals should be averaged in like manner. I think it probable that we shall eventually find the average weight per shell the most reliable guide in ascertaining whether growth be satisfactory or not and also in ascertaining the approximate age of oysters of unknown history. In the same way I recommend the dimensions to be recorded in centimeters and millimeters, recording the length, depth, and thickness of 25 individuals taken haphazard and without selection from the samples brought in by the divers. The length is the greatest horizontal distance between the anterior and the posterior margin of the shell taken parallel with the hinge-line, as shown upon the accompanying diagram. The depth is the longest line that could be drawn (measured) at right angles to the line of greatest length; it extends from the hinge to the most ventral point of the free margin of the shell. HINGE .. DORSAL ASPECT ANTERIOR ASPECT POSTERIOR ASPECT VENTRAL MARGIN The anterior aspect of the shell can readily be distinguished as such because of the presence of the byssus at that side. The thickness should be measured by means of a pair of eallipers, clasping the pie mee the thickest part of the oyster, a point indicated in the diagram by the etter A, 20 78 (3) The general outward appearance, stunted or of free vigorous growth, should be stated and also whether the oysters be extensively covered or not with sponges and other crusting organisms in exceptional degree. (4) The comparative abundance of the following animals should be noted, so far as it is possible to ascertain the facts :— (a) Chanks (with a view to utilizing this knowledge in further exploiting the chank fishery). (2) Starfishes (especially the scarlet-lake coloured Pentaceros lineki, a great enemy of the pearl-oyster). (ec) Rockfishes and Trigger-fishes ( Vellamin and Kilatt). (d) Sdran (Modiola barbata). (e) False-spat (Avicula vexillum). The abundance of sea-weed might also be recorded. Charting the results —Kach of the four Inspection Coxswains should fill up, each day that circle inspection be employed, a diagram form similar to that shown in annexure V, while the Inspector should the same day transfer to a master—form (annexure VII) provided with twelve concentric cireles, the information contained in the diagrams furnished by the four Coxswains. By this means he will be enabled to lay down the extent of the rocky bottom present, and later, when the entire inspection 1s complete, the outlines of these areas of rock should be filled inupon a skeleton chart. The final results, if carried out with eare and accuracy would provide material, in the course of a few years’ work, sufficient to enable a revision of the Pearl Bank chart to be undertaken, in respect of the par outlines or boundaries. The resultant chart would then indicate the rocky areas which remain compara- tively free from sand from year to year, 2.e., the mean distribution or exposure of rocky bottom during normal seasons. If the distribution of oysters be also shown upon another similar skeleton chart, comparison of a series of these with the rock distribution chart would show if any part of the sandy areas frequently bear oysters, and what parts, if any, bring their oysters to maturity most regularly. Further and much needed light would also be shed upon the relative value of different sections and would lead probably to a concentration of effort upon certain patches, while others might be found so uniformly unprofitable as to be ignored there- after, whereby time would be economized or devoted more usefully to the more favourably situated pars. The Inspector, when he furnishes his periodical reports, should accompany it by the two charts named—one showing the distribution of rock and sand over the ground examined, and the other that of the distribution of oysters, a separate colour being used for different ages, the average size being given of each age. Copies of these charts should be kept in the Inspector’s office, and bound into permanent form every few years for the purpose of future reference. ai Il. REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE CAPTURE oF FISH UPON THE PrarL Banks. Whenever a large deposit of young oysters be found on any of the pars, if there be little siran present, I recommend that encouragement be given to fishermen to go there and fish for Vellamin and Trigger-fish (Av/at) as these are the great enemies of the pearl oyster at this age. Stone anchors should, however, be interdicted, and the use of grapnels or iron anchors insisted on. At other times, except when the pearl oysters are in their third year, I should recommend fishing to be permitted with the one restriction regarding the non- employment of stone anchors. When oysters on a bank approach maturity probably it would be advisable to prohibit fishing—this chiefly for two reasons, the one being the danger of disturbance of the oysters, and the other that at this time sponge-eating fish (Holacanthus spp.), Gymnodonts, Vellamin (Lethrinus spp.), and Trigger-fish perform a useful function in devouring and helping to keep under various competing organisms, sponges, small molluses (sfiran and brood oysters), and crusting growths that overload and overrun the valves of the older oysters. 79 II]. DETERMINATION OF SURFACE-DRIFT OVER THE BANKs. An accurate Knowledge of the movement of the surface-water over the pearl banks isa matter of the utmost importance in their management. Without this knowledge we cannot form even an approximately accurate idea of the source whence eomes the spat that from time to time replenishes one or other of our banks. So long as we are in the dark upon this subject, we cannot define in what location a reserve of oysters should be to produce the most useful results. There are banks so situated as to be normally of no breeding value, of no importance in replenishing the banks which are our reliance; conversely certain banks must be of supreme importance in the conservation of our beds, and it is obvious that information on these points is of vital importance in the farming of the banks. It should be ascertained whether any proportion of the spat that settles, say on the Tolayiram Par, originated from the oyster beds on the Ceylon side of the Gulf of Mannaar, whether the converse be the case, or again whether there be mutual interchange of spat. The plan offering the greatest advantages is to obtain the co-operation of the Ceylon Government in order to secure both uniformity of method and mutual assist- ance im carrying on this investigation. I recommend that batches of small sealed bottles, each containing a post card inscribed in English and Tamil, be thrown into the sea, at intervals and places yet to be determined, on both the Indian and the Ceylon side of the Gulf of Mannar, and that small rewards be given to those finders who place the cards in the hands of the nearest revenue officer or native headman, who would despatch them to the authority appointed, with particulars of the date and place of recovery. After investigation on these lines has been carried out systematically for two or three years, it will become possible to determine the place of origin of much of the oyster spat, and we shall be enabled to trace the course of its wanderings while in the laryal swimming condition, and in consequence know where to conserve breeding reserves of oysters for the further replenishment of the banks. IV. CuLture of THE Banks. (a) and (b). Transplantation and Cultching—The principal means whereby the banks can be permanently improved and the quantity of fishable oysters increased lies in the adoption of the correlated operations of cultching and transplantation of young oysters. The latter is admittedly the most important cultural means at our disposal for increasing the harvest of the pearl banks and I am of opinion that it might be adopted with very favourable financial results on certain of the Tuticorin banks, notably upon the Tolayiram Par, provided there be proper organization of the diver labour-force, so that when the oysters become of fishable age we may be assured that the means will be adequate to bring the greater part of them ashore during the limited available season of favourable weather. Ti this long-standing labour difficulty be removed I advise the fitting up of the inspection steamer as an oyster dredger in order that, when young oysters are found in profusion upon unsuitable ground, a substantial proportion may be transferred to a bank where the conditions are favourable to the maturing of oysters. My experience with the Ceylon dredging steamer “ Violet” shows that from 500,000 to 700,060 oysters of the size attained in six months, may be transplanted during each day’s employment, equivalent to a transplantation of from 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 per month—extremely satisfactory figures. The Tolayiram Pér is a suitable bank and there I should advise the laying of any oysters lifted from other localities, as it is in many ways the best for this purpose. It has, however, the great defect of possessing an insufficient quantity of loose stony fragments spread over the major part of the surface. ‘To fit it to receive and protect the oysters transplanted there to and to give satisfactory fishery results, I recommend whenever transplantation is in operation that several hundred tons of broken coral obtainable from the reefs fringing the coast in many places, be spread over the bottom where the transplanted young oysters are laid. The cost would be comparatively small, as coral collection is a local industry at Tuticorin and as the Jaden ballams and dhoneys would proceed direct from the Hare Island reef to the bank, where their cargoes would be scattered over culture areas merked out by means of flag bearing buoys. 80 (ce) Cleaning of the Banks.—In this, as in the matter of cultching, we may with the greatest advantage profit by the experience of European oyster-culturists, who find it absolutely necessary to check the growth upon the banks of all organisms other than oysters. Not only must those that are active enemies of the oyster (starfishes, whelks and the like), be destroyed, but also those animals that curtail the area that oysters may oecupy, and which also consume food that would otherwise fall to the oysters. Sea weeds too are ruthlessly rooted out. As a consequence much of the oystermen’s time is taken up in cleaning the beds by means of the dredge. If the beds are in preparation to receive spat, all harmful matter is taken ashore—starfishes, whelks, mussels, and the thousand and one animals that may be termed the passive enemies of the oysters—where it finds a ready sale as manure. Sea weeds share the same fate, while all solid material that is overgrown with any form of life is regarded as “foul”, and laid out on the beach to be cleansed and bleached by the combined influences of sunshine and rain. Unfortutiately many of the Tuticorin banks, the Tolayiram Parbeing a notable exception, are more or less “foul”. Sponges, corals, aleyonarians, echinoderms and ascidians abound on nearly all the inshore pars, as for example, the Uti, Uduruvi, Kilati, and Kudamuttu Pars and such oysters as live there are stunted and poor, suffering by competition with the host of creatures living upon the same diet of microscopical organisms. The only means to clean a bed is to dredge it thoroughly, separating and treating the materials brought up in the way above described. The Indian banks are too extensive to permit of dredging being undertaken with this sole object in view, but, as this cleansing can and should go on concurrently with the dredging of spat for transplantation or of mature oysters for sale, we have herein - one of the chief arguments in favour of taking up dredging on a scale of considerable magnitude. Sight should never be lost of the fact that dredging has four-fold utility, namely, (a) fishing oysters, (6) cleaning ground and removing enemies, (¢) in thinning out overcrowded beds, and (d) spat transplantation. Its value is not properly assessed if account be taken of the first item alone or even of the first and the last. Every live coral removed and replaced by a fragment of clean eulteh may mean the addition of three oysters at the next fishery; every starfish destroyed does mean scores of oysters saved from destruction ; every Clione-riddled block of coral bleached on the shore will tend to reduce the widespread havoc this inconspievous sponge causes amongst the oysters. The immense advantage that accrues from keeping the banks ina state of thorough cleanliness can well be appreciated by an agriculturist who knows how his erops tall off if weeds be allowed to run riot unchecked, if fungoid and insect pests be ignored, if the soil be never disturbed and if sun and air be excluded therefrom. (d) Thinning out of oysters.—The evil effects attendant upon overcrowding of the oysters which so often takes place upon certain of the Indian banks have been laid stress upon, and I think sufficiently demonstrated. The remedy suggested consists of thinning out at suitable time. The dredge again is the only remedial agent. Thinning out, transplantation, and cleaning the bank may all proceed eonjointly— the thinned out: oysters being deposited on unoccupied ground, while the foreign organisms and the cultch materials will be taken ashore, the former to be destroyed, the latter to be bleached. V. Creation oF A FisHeRIES DEPARTMENT. A Fisheries Department should be constituted under scientifie control and the work of inspection of the pearl banks and superintendence of the chank fishery transferred thereto as the most important duties under its control. Such a plan would enable these two important departments to be developed economically and on sound practical lines, would enable attention to be given to the development of other fishing industries, marine and fresh-water, at present under no scientific supervision, and finally would set free the Port Officer at Tuticorin from work foreign to the important duties involved in the charge of the port and harbour of Tuticorin, which would then receive his undivided attention. CEYLON, JAMES HORNELL, February 1905, Marine Biologist to the Govt. of Ceylon. APPENDICES AND ANNEXURES. 21 A PPENDICHS. Pace Arpesprx A.—An account of the condition of the Coast of Madura and of the Pearl Fisheries there in 1663, from Valentyn’s ‘‘ History of the East Indies,’’ 1724-26, Volume V, page 164 ae 50 60 85 =; B.—Detailed financial statement of the Ceylon Pearl Fishery of 1694 06 O0 Bo sis 50 87 “¢ C.—Instructions defining the extent of the respective rights of the Dutch, the Nayak, and the Setupati at Pearl Fisheries in the Gulf of Mannar, given to the ‘‘ Senior merchant ’’ at Jaffna by Governor Rumpf in 1722 .. 50 a0 oe on os 00 00 60 o 89 » D.—Renting out of the pearl banks. Advantages to be gained by Government from renting out of the pearl banks, as set forth ina despatch to the Governor-General of the Dutch Indies, by Van Gollenesse, Governor of Ceylon, in 1744 .. 20 co oD On ae 00 50 90 ,, £.—Tabulation of the results of tha Inspections of the pearl banks off the Indian coast cf the Gulf of Mannar from 1885 to 1903 inclusive. (A continuation to date of thel records given in Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas’ ‘‘ Report on Pearl Fisheries”’, etc., Madras, 1884) ,. ae its 93 85 APPENDIX A. AN ACCOUNT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COAST OF MADURA AND OF THE PEARL FISHERIES THERE IN THE YEAR 1663, TRANSLATED FROM VALENTYN’S ‘“ HISTORY OF THE EAST INDIES”, VOLUME V, PAGE 164. “©1663. Madwra.—Under the Coasts of Madura are included the seven ports or harbours, and the country of the Prince Ragonada Catta Theuver, commonly called the ‘ Teuver,’ with whom we are on good terms. His contract, written on copper, is hereunto annexed. But we consider a further description necessary of the Gulf between Ceylon and Manaar, and we shall commence with the island Ramanacoil, which is in the inner Bay, and makes a narrow separa- tion between the Continent of India on the one side and Adam’s Bridge on the other, but the passage, with the highest water towards the land is scarcely six feet deep. This passage is called Pamben-aar, signifying, on account of its many windings and curlings, the ‘ Snake River’ which gives the Theuver sufficient profit not only from the tax laid upon the Pass, but also on account of the excursion over to the Island, on which there stands a very old pagoda of their much revered idol Ramana, to honour whom people come from Hindostan, Orissa and Bengal, from which circumstance it may well be imagined that a tolerable revenue is derived. ‘This said Teuyer is subject and tributary to the Naick of Madura; but since we have entered into terms of alliance and friendship with him, he cares far less for the Naick than he did previously ; but he greatly respects us, knowing that it is in our power to take this island of Ramanacoil from him, and therefore we can always retain him to our interests, as a balance against the great power of the Naick, although it is not by any means requisite that we should show any great deference to either the one or the other. “ The western lands of the Theuver are situated next to Ramanacoil, farther eight or ten miles in the Gulf, within which lie his principal places on the sea-coast, named Wedale Peri- patnam, Killekare and Wallemoeke, over which we have no authority. But still farther to the west follow By-paer, Bem-paer, Pattenemandoer, Tcetecoryn, Pondecail, Cailpatnam and Manepaar, constituting the Seven Harbours,’ all (excepting Cailpatnam, whose inhabitants are principally Moors) being inhabited by Christian Parruas, and provided with commodious churches. The number of these Christians consist at least of 20,000 families, maintaining themselves chiefly by diving for chanks, catching fresh fish, and diving at the pearl-fisheries when they take place, and which last employment gives them their chief profit, and causes them to live comfortably. These Parrua Christians are all under the Government of the Honourable Company, since the conquest of Tutucoryn, and they have readily submitted to our power on account of the prompt justice which we afford them. The poorer classes are more especially well satisfied with our Government. ** Great care should always be taken to treat the people with justice and prudence, and to place a mild and sensible person as their Captain, for they are, like all Malabars, of a capricious temper and easily migrate if they are not well treated. We have used great efforts to bring the people to our religion, but as long as the Naick of Madura, or his regent Barmiliappa Pulle do not adopt a course different from their present one, and do not specially banish the Romish priests, we shall have little chance of attaining our object. “ Pearl Fishery.— The whole of the inner gulf was always under the authority of the King of Portugal, during the time of his possessing Ceylon and Tutucoryn, and on that account the Portuguese always took to themselves the full empire of the sea, including the income of the pearl-fishery, which is of some consequence, particularly when diving can take place on all the banks at once, as used frequently to be the case; but for some time the banks of Mannaar have given no profit, although the revenue from them was once the most considerable, and it is now fixed that they should be tried next March. But as there is some distinction with regard to the Company’s interests between the banks of Tutucoryn and those of Manaar, we must give a farther account of them. Whenever the pearl-fishery is limited to Bempaer, Bypaer, and as far as Tutucoryn, all the oysters must be brought ashore at the last place, the market being held there and at Pondecayl, from which the Armane (as the Court of Madura is named) draws a large revenue. The Moors are, with our permission, allowed to fish also, but they are bound to pay a large duty to the Company as may be seen in the Report of M.M. Valckenberg and Boesem. 22 “ The fishery of Tutucoryn gave last season a profit of 18,000 florins, as ap books of our factory at that place. Whenever a pearl-fishery may take place at Me Company mey expect much larger returns, for then the oysters will be brought ashore about three miles distant from Manaar, or Mantotte, being a place on the Compan: territory, and where the sale of the pearls will then be held. Y.E. should take care guard be stationed, to watch against irruptions of the Wannias, Wedas, or King’s peopl in order to give confidence to the divers for themselves and their boats. If there 100 soldiers and 100 lascoryns, the guard will be sufficiently strong, if Manaar and Jafinapatam haye their garrisons also strengthened.” (From the Memoir left by Governor van Goens for the guidance of his successor Governor Hustaart, 26th Dece: 1663.) 87 APPENDIX B. DETAILED FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE CEYLON PEARL FISHERY OF 1694, (TRANSLATION FROM THE DUTCH OFFICIAL RECORD.) Free Stones of the Naick of Madura, The Theuver, The Pattangatyns of Jaffnapatam, Manaar and Tutucoryn, according to old Customs. 962 different free stones of the Naick of Madura in six boats, viz. :— RDS. RDS. 4 Christian stones, at 64 Rds. each ... 000 000 26 1 Gentoo stones, ... ash we se éap ais i) 914 Moorish stone at 11} Rds. each Abe aos ... 1,0522 —- 1,0872 RDS. 60 Moorish stones in three boats for the Theuver (of which 1 is given to the Maniagaar of Pambenaar) at 112 Rixdollarseach ... O0C eon O00 900 coo MO) == 699 9 stones to Pariboe-neyna, Head-Moorman, viz. :— 7 Christian stones at 63} Rds. ... 500 S00 as 454 2 Moorish do. at1li ,, oe 23 = _- 684 9 The following to the Pattangatyns of Jaffna and Manaar: 43 stones, namely :— 10 for the Pattangatyn Moor of the Parruas of Mannnaar, Jan de Cruz. 10 to Anthony de Melho, Head Pattangatyn of Uarreas. 8 to the Nayenkarreas, namely : 2 at St. Pedro. 2 at Pesale. 1 at Tellemanaar. 2 at Ikelampalle or Lugaar, 1 at Aripo, 8 3 to the Pattangatyn of Jaffnapatam, Don Rodrigo. 3 to the Pattangatyns of the Carreas. 3 to the Pallewellys. 3 to 3 General Pattangatyns of Parruas, Carreas and Pallewellys. : 1 to the Head Moorman of Jaffnapatam. 2 to the Pattangatyns’ Canacapulles, 43 at 6i Rds, each ... Onc soe 000 oat 660 2794 SEA 181 stones to the Pattangatyn of Tutucoryn, viz. :— 130 to Pattangatyns, 1 Canacapulle and the Topas Moor- man, each 26 stones. 6 to 2 Head Pattangatyns. 3 to 3 Cavacapulles of the Community and of the Pattangatyn Moorman. 1 tothe Bazaar Guard. 1 to the executioner. 40 to 40 common Pattangatyns of the seven harbours. 181 stones at 64 Rds. each at Bee bun oe AGEL = Total 3892 stones valued at Rds. 600 C00 500 ie 3,301 88 Frnancrat Accounr of THE Peart FIsHEeRy or 1694. Dr. Expenses for the inspection of the pearl banks at various times from the year 1667 (2nd Fishery) FLORINS. to 1694 (8rd Fishery) as pipe by the books kept at Manaar 6; 76a Gee To expenses incurred for the same purpose at T'utucoryn, as appears by the commercial books of that place and of Manaar 2,493 1 11 9,260 18 0 Expenses at this fishery, namely, expense of soldiers and sailors, lascoreens, cooly hire, arrack, RxDs. medicine, and sundr 'y expenses of the Commis- sioners according to their separate account 1,709 = 521713 0 Cost of 38894 free stones, which according to old custom are not paid for — see separate account, 3,301 = 9,905 5 0 To the Shroffs who counted and sorted the money and prepared it for jae pas over... a0 40° = 1205 700 + Clear profit Beh, 63,057 18 0 Total florins 7,561 9 QO Cr. The amount of the rent of the ‘change, ’ of the bazaar, and of the clothes shop, viz. :— RIXDOLLARS. The ‘ change’... : 1,500 The Bazaar 5 ay 137 The Clothes wee 5 . 3l 1,668 Stones purchased in the fishery and paid for, namely :— 1,690 Christian stones paying 6} Rds. each 10,985 204 Gentoo do. do. 9 do. see LE eS6 1,268 Moorish do. do. 114 do. wee «14,2423 27,0632 Customs formerly collected by the Topas-Moor of Tuutcoryn, but now taken by the Company and held at the disposal of the Governor and Council of Colombo 201 Gentoo stones at 1 fanam each ie 2035 1,014 Moorish do. 2 do. 600 ese 2024 —= 222.2. 12 ounces, 17 angels, and 3 asof pearls gained from oysters ‘brought up by the divers of the cepa as Wally, sold for a 180 Sifting the sand where the pearls were laid 25 == 205 13£ ammonams of concealed arrack found in the bushes and out-of-the-way places at 6 Rds. the ammuna 822 Deduct two-thirds given to the discoverers of the arrack ore eee 55 a 27% —— Total Rds. 29,187,2, or fl 87,561 9 O Thus drawn up in the Fishery to the S. of Aripo, 7th May 1694. (Signed) FLORIS BLOM, » ) A. BERGAIGNE, ( ,»°) D! DE CHAVONNES: 89 APPENDIX C. NSIRUCTIONS GIVEN IN 1722 BY THE GOVERNOR OF CEYLON DEFINING THE RESPECTIVE RIGHTS OF THE DUTCH, TH# NAYAK, AND THE SETUPATI AT PEARL FISHERIES HELD 1N THE GULF OF MANNAR. Extracts froma despatch, dated 20th January 1722, from the Extraordinary Councillor and Governor of Ceylon, M. J. A. Rumpf, and his Council in Colombo, addressed to the Senior Merchant and Chief Authority at Jaffna, Jacob deJong, and his Council there.* “It is now upwards of 22 years since the Company has indulged its own subjects or strangers with any fishery in the Bay of Condatchy. “The Valy, or general fishing on the Company’s account, is together with the payment for the stones, a double token of the Company’s sovereignty over the divers and the Banks from Cape Comorin, north, to Negombo, south; or at least by these tributes enough is done to show the dominion conceded to the Company over those seas, the bay and the pearl-banks lying there, and the result of the enquiry of the Commissioners for the last three years proves that this claim is indisputably made with greater foundation than that of the Naick to the ships along the coast of Madura, when that Prince, to show his mixed authority, sets up his flag next to the Company’s standard at the fort of Tutucoryn, assists in laying down rules for the fishery, exercises magistracy over the black people who come to that fishery, permits all misdeeds, except treason, to go unpunished among his own subjects during the time of fishing, and the Company winks at this and receives tax from all pearls carried away from Tutucoryn, but with the exception of 963 free stones he has no part or share in the produce of the stones sold at the Banks of Madura or Aripo, which payments are received and kept solely for the Company as Lords of these seas and bays; but at the same time (though it appears rather nnreasonable) from old custom, a kind of authority is exercised by the Naick over the Cham- panothy of eyery nation, which obliges them to give to this Prince of Madura one day’s fishing free of payment, but His Highness, through his ambassadors who came to the fishery of Condatchy, has now and then endeavoured and more especially in the year 1695, according to the custom of all black people, to institute a claim to enjoy the same tribute from all dhonies, but this has always been boldly refused to him, except with regard to his own subjects from whom he takes this tribute, as the Theuver does from his own subjects, but no further as the Commissioners will find fully explained in the reports of 1694 and 1695, where the Company’s absolute and undivided authority, if not along the coasts of Madura, at least in the Bay of Condatchy as being Sovereigns there, in the same way as this is given to Princes on the coast of Madara, etc., etc., ete. “The Maniagaars of the Armane and Theuver, as envoys sent to take care of their masters’ interests in the Fishery of Aripo, must be treated with politeness and cordiality. The olas which they usually bring with them must be received ard forwarded ta me, and nothing must be granted to them except what is authorized by old custom, viz., to the Naick 964, and to the Thenyer 60, free Moorish stones, as appears by the lists which I mentioned to you, although the latter Prince, being limited to three boats, was accustomed to have an unequal number of stones in them, which gave rise to frequent disputes; until at last in the year 1694 it was stipulated that whether the boats were large or small no more than 60 stones were to be employed in them, which you will unreservedly take notice of; and if any claim be made, you will refer to this rule laid down in 1694 and followed till 1699, Andas to his request of 27 free stones for the Pagoda of Ramanacoil, His Hacellency may give as much as he pleases from those 60 stones which are granted to him from the Valy which he receives from his own subjects, but the pretensions of Peria Tamby, or whoever now fills his place as the Theuver’s Marcair, seem better founded. This claim is not a rule, but an act of liberality on the part of the Company, and granted or not, in proportion to the care and fayour which he gives to the Company’s trade at Kilikerry,” etce., ete, * Ceylon Literary Register, Volume ILI, pp. 166, 167. 99 APPENDIX D. 1744. ADVANTAGES TO BE GAENED BY GOVERNMENT BY RENTING OUT THE PEARL FISHERIES OF THE GULF OF MANNA .R Respectful considerations relating to the renting out of the Aripo Pearl-Banks and the Chank Fishery on the shores of the North of Adam's Brilge, submitted to His Hacellency Gustuvus William Baron Van Imhoff, Governor-General, and the Members of the Council of Netherlands India, by Julius Valentyn Stein Van Gollenesse, Governor of Ceylon. (Ceylon Literary Register, Volume ILI, page 181.) Although the undersigned has not as yet acquired sufficient experience to be able to judge fully of all matters relating to the Pearl Fishery, yet he is unwilling to defer obeving the order conveyed in your letter of 5th November 1743,* and which desires that he should lay before you his humble opinion with regard to the Chank Fishery, and also state whether it would not be as aavisable, or even preferable to rent out the Aripo Pearl Banks, as to continue the present custom of settling whole or half fisheries, and he hopes that Your Excellency will look over any errors in his views of the subject, and kindly supply any defects in this statement of his opinion. In the first place then, I must admit, as a matter beyond dispute, the remark which Your Excellency makes in the memoir left here for the guidance of your successor in this Govern- ment, namely that the Honourable Company is rather a loser than a gainer in our Pearl Fisheries ; no person will deny this who hasa grain of local knowledge respecting the affairs of Ceylon. It is therefore necessary to seek some mode of conducting these fisueries, which may secure to the Company the profit to be derived from them without its being accompanied by the many drawbacks detailed in your memoir; and who can doubt that this may best be effected by renting them out, or by selling the freedom of diving on the banks, with a limited number of boats and persons in the same manner as now takes place with regard to the Chank Fishery. It is evident that this may be done without any hindrance, and more profit will result than is expected, at all events the gain will be real and not merely ostensible. It is not to be denied that at first sight some difficulties appear to rise in opposition to this plan, but the undersigned will now relate everything that to the best of his knowledge can offer hindrance, and show how in his opinion every obstacle may at once be removed. I. The Theuver and the Naick of Madura having had from all times three days free diving in each fishery will not allow this privilege to be taken from them. Answer 1 (a)—This privilege seems to have been merely conceded because the greater number of the dhonies and people required at a public fishery come out of their country, and these will not be required if the diying takes place with a limited number of persons ; the right may therefore be withdrawn. (b) If they venture to pretend that their right rests upon a better ground, and cannot therefore so easily be withdrawn, it is certain that on the other_ side they have never fulfilled that portion of their concessions which are laid down in legal contracts between the Company and themselves and the Company is therefore fully authorised to deny their right, even if 16 can be called by that name. (c) If there remain any doubt that this can justly be done, yet this need not prevent the rentings, as their privileges may still be guaranteed to them under proper restrictions. 2nd Objection.—It will be difficult to find persons of so much property as to pay the price of the rent in advance. 2nd Answer.—Even if they be not found in this island, speculators enough will come from the coast, and even money enough exists among the Ceylon merchants, for many together will make a Company to take shares in the adventure. 3rd Objection.—Even though the number of the dhonies be limited speculators will arrive from all sides, and there will be as large a crowd of persons to purchase the pearls as ever there was at an open fishery, and then the Company will not obtain its purpose in this respect. * Mercly calling his attention to the preceding remarks of Baron Van Imhoff. * ? 91 ard Answer (a).—It is very different from an open fishery wluch is preclaimed on all sides, and to which all persons are invited, but ina rented fishery it would only be necessary to give orders that no person should be admitted except those who are absolutely required to be present, and the uninvited might be sent away. (6) The oysters might be opened on the shore by the renter’s people, and might be taken away at pleasure, but if it be imagined that this would bring too great a concourse of people to this island, it would be easy to order the renter to take away the oysters with him to the coast, as is done with the Chanks, and not to allow him to land them on this side the water. 4th Objection.—For a complete fishery 800 or 1,000 boats are required, and how could then the work be done with a limited number of 25 or 50. 4th Answer (a).—In the memoir already quoted a full and complete fishery is excepted from being rented. (6) But the same rule might hold good even in a full fishery, for (1) as a fishery seldom lasts longer than 24 days, a rented fishery might last three times as long; (2) the bank which could not be open in one year, might be rented the following years, as the assertion of the Commissioners at the last fishery seems very improbable, that the oysters being too mature loosen the pearl and let it drop; this may be the case with some few of too full a growth, the place of which others will supply which were not so mature previously. 5th Objection—It has just been answered to an objection, that what cannot be done in one year, may be done in the next one or two years immediately following, but since it has happered that there have been full fisheries for many successive years, how is it possible that these continued full fisheries could be carried on with a small number of dhonies? and then the loss to the company could be exceedingly great. 5th Answer (a).—A moderate profit in a rented fishery would be far more advantageous to the company than great apparent gain in an open fishery, at which if all matters would be weighed and balanced, the company really gains nothing; (6) it has not yet been proved that the oysters lose their pearls so quickly, and it is therefore uncertain if the company would sustain any injury by the delay. 6th Objection.—The renter will fish the banks so bare, that the profit of the company will be quite ruined. 6th Answer (a).—I cannot perceive why a small number of divers should strip the banks more than a greater number. (b) If that idea should prove to be well founded, proper directions should be established oa the subject, and it must be prohibited to bring up small or young oysters ; and although it is desirable to get rid of the trouble of having constant guard over the banks, yet it would not be very difficult to have two or three persons commissioned to see what’ goes on. 7th Objection.—It will be necessary to inspect the banks in the same manner as previously, in order to know how the conditions of the rent are to be made out, for certainly speculators will make large or small offers according to the greater or fewer appearances of profit, and there will always be differences of opmion ; for the renter will constantly urge that the duty was not well performed, in order to obtain some deduction for his amount of rent. 7th Answer (a).—The renter may have full liberty to obtain indemnification from the natiye inspectors, in the event of an incorrect report being given in by them. (b) In the conditions care may be taken to guard against all after-claims, and to let the banks in whatever condition they may be found. (c) Public notice may be given that persons inclined to make an offer for the banks may be present at the inspection of them. 8th Objection. —This rent will prejudice the chank fishery, for this latter will be at a stand- still from the want of divers. 8th Answer.—lf divers can be found for 800 or 1,000 dhonies, then it can surely not be thought that they will be so scarce as not to be found for 50 boats, and both fisheries may easily go at the same time. 2th Objection.—The inspection of the pearl banks takes place in November, and it is late in December before the Government is able to make out the conditions of the fishery which is to be held in the middle of February. Now, it would be impossible to fix a day for offering the rent before the beginning of February, in order that speculators from the coast may have time to come to Ceylon, If then there should chance to be no speculators, or if they should not make an offer large enough, it would be too late to commence preparations for an open fishery, and Government would be compelled to be satisfied with a bidding however small, lest it should be deprived of the advantage of fishery on its own account or of letting out the fishery. 9th Answer (a).—It is not one instant to be doubted, but there will be a sufficient number of bidders ; (b) at all events, even if they should bid little, and we should be compelled to accept their trifling offer, it would always be satisfactory to think that the gain is clear profit. 92 Finally, with respect to the Manaar and Calpentyn chank-fishery, the Governor is of opinion that a diving on the company’s own account would be far more profitable than renting the fishery, and if we resolved in our sitting on the 11th January last to rent that fishery again, it was because Mr. Raket, the Chief Officer at Manaar, was so indifferent upon the subject as to hold out no hopes of a successful attempt on our own account, yet we have since then given up renting that fishery, and it now takes place at our own risk, and although it is as yet not by any means so well conducted as it ought to be, still we by no means doubt but the company will derive a larger profit from it than 4,800 Rixdollars, which were offered for the rent of the last fishery. The undersigned hopes he has now satisfactorily obeyed Your Excellencies’ wish, and clearly proved first, that the renting of the pearl banks is in every respect preferable to having an open fishery ; second, that it would be better to dive for the chanks at Calpentyn and Manaar on the company’s own account. 93 APPENDIX KE. Y TABULATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE INSPECTIONS OF THE PEARL BANKS i) OFF THE INDIAN COAST OF THE GULF OF MANNAR, FROM 1885 TO 1903 INCLUSIVE. (A continuation brought up to date of the records given in Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas? Report on Pearl Wisheries”’, 1884.) . PAMBAN Karat PAR— 1885. Nil. 1886. Few oysters of 3 to 2 inches, no value. 1887. 117 dives; 6 oysters of $ to } inch. 1888 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. Weed, chully and sea branch coral. 1896 to 1903. Not examined. . Pawpan VELANGU PArR— 1885. Weeds, no spat. Bare, 3 young oysters in 2 dives. 1886. 31 dives. No oysters, much sea weed. 1887. 59 dives ; 5 oysters. 1888 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. Weed, chuily and sea branch coral. 1896 to 1903. Not examined. . Musa Tivo PAr-— 1885. False spat plentiful. 1886 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. A few young oysters, measuring 14 inch, on weed. 1896 to 1903. Not examined. . CHotava Karat PAr— 1885. Weeds diminishing. 1886 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. Weeds and 6 young oysters. 1896 to 1903. Not examined. . KimaKARAI VALLAI Matar PAr— 1885. Killikoy ; sea weed, useless. 1886. Not examined. 1887. Sixty-five dives, 4 oysters, averaging} to inch in size. 1888 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. Red coral, weed, chully and shells. 1896. Bare. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. . Vauiat Matar Karat PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. Not examined. 1887. Twenty-one dives ; blank. 1888 to 1894. Not examined. 1895. Red coral, weed, chully and shells. 1896. Bare. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. . Anna Pir— 1885. Blank. 1886. Blank. 1887. Twenty-five dives, blank. 1888 to 1890. Not examined. 1691. Six young oysters measuring from 1 to 1} inches, killikoy (small) and red branched coral. Sea weed and red coral. 1892 to 1893. Not examined. 1894. A few small oysters, measuring } inch, on weed. 1395. Red coral, weed, chully and shells. 24 94 7. Anna PAr—cont. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. 8. Nazua Tannr Tivou PAr— 1885. Two examinations, sea weed only. 1886. Blank. 1887. Sixty-eight dives; weed and chully; 1 oyster of } inch. 1888 to 1895. Not examined. 1894. Chully and weed. 1895. Three live oysters measuring 1 to 1} inch, sea weed, chully and red coral. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. 9. Uproranni Tivu PAr— 10. 1885. Blank. : 1886 to 1887. Blank. 1888 to 1898. Not examined. 1894. Chully and weed. 1895. One small oyster, red coral and sea weed. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. A few young oysters, average 8 to a dive, 1} to } inch, very poor in condition and unhealthy looking, probably due to the mud bank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. KoumuLtam PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. Thirty-four dives, no oysters ; weeds and stones. 1887. Thirty-three dives, no oysters but weed and chully. 1888 to 1893. Not examined. 1894. Chully. 1895. Blank. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. 10 (a). VatisuKam PAr— 1885. A few killikoys. 1888 to 1890. Not examined. 1891. No oysters, small killikoys on red coral, 20 dives. 1892 to 1893. Not examined. 1894. Killikoy on red coral. 1895. Weed, red coral and one live oyster. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. 10 (6). Vatinvxam Tunpv PAr— Wl 1885. Bare. 1891. Quite bare, only chullies, 10 dives. 1894. Weed and 2 small oysters. 1896. Weed and chullies. 1897. Blank. 1898 to 1903. Not examined. Vempark Periya PAr—= 1885. Blank. 1886. Seventy-seven dives, a few oysters } to } inch, plenty of stiran. 1887. Two oysters only found, no stiran, no value. 1888 to 1898. Not examined. 1894. ORs a live oyster, small quantity of spat on rock aud weed, red coral and chully. 1895 to 1896. Not examined. 1897. A few young oysters 13 to 7’; inch in size. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900 to 1901. Not examined. 1902. No oysters, some stiran and mud. 1903. Not examined. 12. Varpar Pertya Pir— 1885. Not examined. 1885. Very few oysters of no value, plenty of sfran. ail 13. 14. 16. Life 2. Varpar Periya PAr-—cont. 1887. Seven dives, blank. 1888-1893. Not examined. 1896-1903. Not examined. Karat PAr— 1885. Probably affected by river water. Average 13 oysters to a dive, apparently new deaths. 1886. Seventy-eight dives, very old, empty dead shells and small coral stones. One oyster toa dive. Examined by “ Pearl ”’, no oysters, no stran. 1894. Weed and chully. 1896. Oysters 1 inch in size, 5 per dive; several dead killikoy and a small quantity of small stiran. 1897-1903. Not examined. Devi PAr— 1885. Four examinations; oysters plentiful but as many empty shells as live oysters, 1886. No oysters, no stiran ; no oysters, plenty of stiran. 1887. Four oysters of 3? to 1 inch, plenty of stiran, 33 dives. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Forty-two dives, some siran, 20 chanks. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. A good number of young oysters, average 3 inch, killed by large siran. 1895. False and true spat mixed. 1896. Oysters varying from 12 to 7; inch in size, 7 to a dive, dead sfiran but no dead oysters among them. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare ; divers report that they found a large quantity of sand deposited on this bank. 1960-1901. Not examined. 1902. Very few one year old healthy oysters. . PERNANDU PAr— 1885. Four examinations ; oysters plentiful but as many empty shells as live oysters. 1886. No oysters, much siiran. ~ 1887. Two oysters of linch. This bank is now covered with stran ; 4 dives. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Forty dives, no oysters ; in some parts stran. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Blank. 1895. False and true spat mixed. 1896. Oysters ranging from 1} to 7; inch in size; 6 to adive. Dead stiran but no dead oysters among them. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900-1901. Not examined. 1902. Very few 1 year old healthy oysters. PapntHa Marian Pirn— 1885. Oysters plentiful but as many empty shells as live oysters. 1886. Found 11 dead oysters of 2 to 21 inches. Much weed in some places. 1887. Four oysters of } and 1 inch on weed, no siiran. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1895. False and true spat. 1896. Oysters average 10 to a dive measuring 1} toZinch Found oysters on dead pinna, also a large quantity of dead shellson sand. On‘north side of the bank found dead shells with dead stiran, also 2 live oysters 2} to 2 inch on dead stiran. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. - 1899. Blank. 1900-1901. Not examined. 1902. Very few oysters 1 year old, healthy looking. Paputta Marixan Tunpv PAr— 1885. Two examinations, both found stran only. 1886. Bare, all sfiran. 1887. Stiran; 23 dives. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891, Sixty dives, some sjiran, no oysters. 1892-1593. Not examined. 1894, Blank, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 96 PapurraA Marixan Tonpu PAr—cont. 1895. False and true spat mixed on weed and rock. 1896. (Same as Par No. 16.) 1897. J3lank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900-1902. Not examined. Turicorin Kupa Pir— 1885. Pinna, stiran; oysters few ; apparently a valuable bank. 1886. Found covered with stiran. No oysters, no stiran. 1887. Twenty-nine dives. One oyster of } inch, siran and weed. 1888-1894. Not examined. 1895. False and true spat mixed on weed and rock. 1896. One live oyster 1 inch, weed and red coral. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900-1903. Not examined. Cruxtan Pir— 1885. Chanks on rock, stan, killikoy. 1886. One oyster } inch, no stiran, 4 killikoys and a good deal of weed on rocky bottom. Sand on rock in many places; plenty of stran. 1887. Seventy-two dives, 9 oysters varying in size } to 1} inch; much stran, kil- likoy. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Plenty of stran and killikoy. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. A few young oysters, average 5 inch, on branch coral and killikoy. 1895. Young oysters averaging |} inch in size, 5 to 7 per dive. 1896. A few young oysters 12 to $ inch. Dead chanks and pinna. 1897, Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900-1901. Not examined. 1902. Estimated 1,700,000 oysters (healthy), 13 to 2 years old. Cruxian Tunpu PAr— 1885. Chanks on rock, stiran, killikoy. 1886. Nes 49 dives; nostiran, Much stranand killikoy, also few oysters of qa inch. 1887. Forty-nine dives, 14 oysters of $ inch; much sdran and weed. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Highteen dives, stran , no oysters. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. A few young oysters varying in size from 13 inch down. Sea weed; 5 live chanks and chully, 1895. Young oysters and a small quantity of siran on the southern part of the bank. 1896. A few oysters measuring 14 to 14. Sdran on dead chank shells. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Weed, chullies, and some large live stran. 1900-1901. Not examined. 1902. Estimated about 2,000,000 oysters (healthy), 14 to 2 years old. Vantivu Arupacam Pir— 1885. Stran. 1886. Twenty-three dives, no oysters, no stran. Plenty of stran. 1887. Twenty-five dives, stran and weed. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Twenty-five dives ; stiran, no oysters. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Weed, 8 live chanks. Chully and small killikoy. 1895. Young oysters, measuring 1} inch in size, 5 to 7 per dive and small quantity of siran on the southern part of the bank. 1896. A few young oysters averaging 3 to a dive, 1} to $ inch on pinna and shells; found 10 oysters same size. 1897. A few young oysters mixed with dead shells. 1898. Weed and chullies. 1899. Weed, chullies and some large live stran. 1900-1901. Not examined. 1902. Very oy young oysters from 1 to 1} years old and healthy in scattered parts. 22 24. oii Nagara PAr— 1885. Bare. 1886. Plenty of oysters } to 1} inch mixed with some empty shells. Five dives, some killikoys, no stran, many dives, oysters of 1 inch in size and injured by fish. One chank with 8 oysters and some empty shells. 1887. Thirty-seven dives ; 11 oysters of } inch, much sfran and killikoy and weed. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Blank. 1890. Not examined. 21891. Fifteen dives, 7 chanks, 1 killikoy, some stiran ; small pieces of stones; blank. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. A fowangnne oysters varying in size from 1$ inch down. Five live chanks and chully. 1895. False and true spat, also young oysters varying from 1 to } inch in size. 1896. Five to 7 oysters per dive, averaging 1 inch in size; dead shells of appearance only recently dead. 1897. Blank. 1898. Weed and chully. 1899. Weed, chully, and some large live stiran. _ 1900. Not examined. 1901. Large quantity of dead and crushed young oysters. 1902. Estimated about 1,500,000 oysters 1} to 2 years old and healthy. 3. Urri PAar— 1885. Bare. 1886. A few oysters from 3 to 1} inch, mixed with some empty shells 10 to 20 in a dive. Several dives made, a few oysters of 1 inch in size much mixed with dead shells. 1887. Twenty-six dives; much stran and weed. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Blank. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Ten dives, 4 chanks, small pieces of stone, 1 young oyster, blank. 1892. One oyster 24 inch on chully, nothing more. 1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, chully, and small killikoy. 1895. False and true spat; also young oysters varying from 1 to # inch in size.. 1896. Ten oysters to.a dive ; old and young dead shells ; oysters on live killikoy.. 1897. Blank. 1898. Weed and chullies.. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. A few dead shells ? inch in size. 1902. Oysters found 13 to 2 inches, number not estimated. Healthy. Uptruvi Piér— 1885. Bare. 1886. One oyster 1 inch and a number of dead shells of no value, all stiran.. 1887. Thirty-one dives, 40 oysters varying from 1+ to 3 inch. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Blank. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Seven dives; 3 chanks. Blank. 1892. Blank. 1893. Not examined. 1894. Stran, sea weed and a few live chanks. 1895. False and trae spat, also young oysters varying from 1 to } inch in size. 7896. Bare. 1897. Blank. 1898. Weed and chullies. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Some young oysters, but 90 per cent. dead. 1902. Oysters plentiful, 2 years old and healthy. (Sic): . Kmart P&r. 1885. Saran, a few empty oyster shells. 1886. (a) Plenty of oysterafrom $ to It inch ; 11 dives; 40 to 50 oysters in a dive- ue stran or killikoy. (b) Some oysters ; divers got 20, 30 and 50 to a dive ot 1 inch; many dead - bank of very doubtfnl value.. < fc) Bank covered with stran ; no oysters. 25 98 25. Kitatr PAr—cont. bo 1887. Thirty-nine dives, 5 oysters of { to 14 inch, stran, weed and killikoy. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Blank. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Twenty-two dives, 9 chanks, sand and small pieces of stones. 1892. Chullies—otherwise quite blank. 1893. Not examined. 1894. Stran, sea weed and a few live chanks. 1895. Young oysters, 7 to 8 per dive, size 1 inch. 1896. A few young oysters, 1 inch in size. Weed, chullies and red coral, 1897. Blank. 1898. Weed, bare. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Some young oysters but 90 per cent. dead. 1902. Oysters in moderate numbers. . Arruval ARUPAGAM PAr-= 1885. False spat plentiful. 1886. (a) Eleven dives, two of which oysters of 3, 1, and 14 inch were found. (6) Weed and some dead oyster shells ; 2 oysters of 12 inch. (c) All stiran. 1895. Blank. 1896. A few young oysters, 1 inch in size. Weed, chully and red coral. 1898. Blank, weed, bare. 1899-1900. Not examined. 1902. Not examined. . ATTONPATU PAR-= 1885. Two inspections—chanks on rock and empty shells. No live oysters. 1886. (a) Eleven dives, no oysters. (b) No oysters or stiran, 65 dives made. (c) Saran. 1887. No oysters—stran dead in some places. 387 dives made; 1 chank. 1888. Not examined. 1889. No oysters, much stan; 20 dives. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Twenty-nine dives; 44 chanks, small pieces of stones, stiran. 1892. Forty-four dives ; live and dead stiran, chullies, 8 chanks. 1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea weed, chully, red coral, a few young oysters measuring from ? to $ inch. 1895. Blank. 1896. Four hundred and eighty-one dead shells, 78 live oysters, 4 inch in size, the dead shells were found in perfect preservation, not snipped or fish bitten. 1897. Blank. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Blank. Weed and chully only. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Some few oysters, size 1} inch, 50 per cent. dead, mostly found on the sands and off the bank. 1902. Not examined. . (a) Past PAr—— (6) Parraral PAr— 1885. Bare. 1886. No oysters, bank bare, 56 dives made. 1887. One oyster of $ inch. Pinna, chanks, and much siran ; 40 dives made. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Much stran ; no oysters ; 20 dives. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Forty-four dives ; bare. 1892-1893, Not examined. 1894. Sea weed and stran. A small quantity of oysters varying in size from 2 inches to } inch. Sea weed and a few chanks, One large oyster, 3 inches in size on rock. 1895. A few young oysters. 1896. Seven small oysters, chanks, chully and weed. 1897. Blank. . 1898. Weed ; bare. F 1899. Blank ; weed and chullies only. a 1900. Not examined. < 99 28. (a) Past PAR, ETC,——cont. 1901. (28a) Large quantity of 6 months old dead oysters, in size 3 inch, said to be killed by sdran, also dead sfiran. (28b) A few oysters, size 1; inch; 20 alive, 8 dead. 1902. (28a) Very few oysters, 6 months old, mixed with siiran, (285) Same as above. 29. Korapiar Pir— 1885. Perfectly bare. 1886. (a) Nine dives—380 oysters of 1 inch in size, appear to be very few- (6) Fifty-nine dives—a few oysters, many broken shells. . Stran ; no value at present. 1887. Siiran, 2 chanks, 4 oysters of l inch on dead chank. Thirty-two dives made on this bank. 1888. Not examined. 1889. No oysters, much stiran; 17 dives. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Forty diyes—pinna, 5 young oysters varying from + inch to 1 inch in size, chully and pinna. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Red coral, sea-weed, 2 live oysters, 2} to 2 inches in size—6 live chanks. 1895. Young oysters 10 to 15 per dive. 1896. A few oysters yarying from 22 to } inches in size. 1897. Blank. 1898. Weed ; bare. 1899-1900. Not examined. 1901. No appearance of oysters. 1902. Not examined. 1903. Moderate number of very young oysters. 29-4. Wicks Bank— 1885. Two inspections ; young oysters, size 4 to 2} inch, plentiful, 2 chanks alive, 1886. Sixty-one dives; a very few oysters, size } to 1$ inch. A good number of pinna on the bank which is not of any great estan. Stran; 2 dead chanks ; 1 live chank; weed; 5 dead shells from 2 to 2 4 inch. 1887--1890. Not examined. 1891. Thirty dives, siran in small quantity, seven live chanks, weed and one live oyster 12 inch in size. 1892—1894. Net examined. 1895. Four small oysters, large quantity of siran, chully, and weed. 1896—1903. Not examined. 30. Totayiram PAr— 1885. Seven inspections. Satisfactory, oysters clean and apparently growing well, free from trouble of any kind. The largest live oyster found measured 8 inches, average 2+ inches; trigger fish ; oysters covered with short sea-weed. Plenty of oysters from 2 to 2% inches. 1886. Large number of oysters 2} to 22 inches. The proportion of empty shells was trifling. This bank will be ready fora fishery in 1888. ‘There seems to be much stran round the bank and some of the oysters had it on them. The proportion of empty shells was trifling. 1887. Lifted 745 oysters, some siiran; 13 dead shells only found; plenty of fish. 1888. Plenty of oysters. Lifted 15,000 oysters, dead shells few. 1889. This bank has been partially fished. Net profit to Government Rs. 1,58,483. 1890. Do. do. do. es 7,803 1891. Ninety dives; a quantity of large sized dead shells; 2 live oysters, 23 to 3 inches in size ; on a buoy which was placed to mark chanks in February last, found a large quantity of young oysters, ¢ to linch in size ; lifted the buoy carefully and placed it on the bank on rock, Bxamined! the bank carefully but found no spat deposited. Am placing several more buoys as spat- catchers. 1692. One hundred and fifty-eight dives—8 chanks and a large quantity of full grown oyster shells and some weed. On examining the weed carefully through a magnifying glass found minute oyster spat. The spat-catcher buoys laid down last year werenot to be found. They have unfortunately disappeared. 18°3. Not examined. 1894. Old oyster shells, 2 live oysters measuring 14 and + inch, respectively, live chanks, sea-weed, on which on careful examination small oysters measuring from % inch downward were found ; large sfiranin small quantity, pinna and dead chanks. 1£95. Northern fortion quite bare, only chully. Southern part, sea weed with a few oysters yarying from 2% to % inch. 30, Co BO. 34, bo 100: Torayiram PARr——cont. 1896. Made 220 dives on this bank, result :—old oyster shells, branch sea-weed, red coral, 2 young oysters on rock measuring 1} and 1} inch. 1897. Old dead shells, weeds and challies. 4898. Weeds and chullies ; large siran in some parts. 1899. A quantity of old dead oyster shells, chullies and sea-weed on the northern part. Found some small live siran. 1900. Not examined. 1901. One of the largest banks. No appearance of oysters. 1902. Bare of oysters. . Vana Onpatu Pir— 1885. Bare ; sea-weed, no spat. 1886. Thirty-two dives ; no oysters. 1887. Fifty-four dives; stiran, 3 oysters of 14 inch. 1888—1890. Not examined. 1891. Sixty-two dives; 14 live chanks, pinna, chullies, no oysters. 1892-1898. Not examined. 1894, Bank free from stiran but nothing but sea weed on it. 1895. A few young oysters. 1896. A few oysters on southern side of this bank, large siiran on the western, rest bare. 1897. A few young oysters measuring from 1 to 3 inch in size, 10 to a dive. 1898. Weed and chullies. 1899, Nine oysters ? to 14 inch in size, 6 dead shells, red coral and weed. 1900. Not cniontiacd, 1901. A few live oysters 13 and 1% inch; many of the clusters of oysters on the- edges of the bank loose on sand. 1902. Not examined. (a) SarrH Onpato PAR—— (b) Purr Punpv PAr— (c) Kanna Pott Ponpv PAér— 1885. Young oysters on sandy bottom attached to pinna shells, also on rock, all healthy looking ; some stiran. 1886. Twenty-six dives—no oysters on Puli Pundu Par or on Saith Onpatu Par. On Kanna Puli Pundu Par, 2 oysters of 14 inch, some dead. Oyster shells, 42 dives. 1887. Thirty-three dives made on the two latter banks; chanks, weed, 7 oysters of 22 inches in size. 1888—1894. Not examined. 1895. Young oysters 10 to 15 per dive. 1896. (82a) Bare. (826) Seventeen live oysters, one 5} inch, rest 11 inch. A large quantity of, freshly broken oyster shells ; no stiran or killikoy. (82c) Do. do. do. 1897. A few young oysters mixed with dead shells, same size. Oysters alive 31, dead 35; blank. 1898. Weed and chullies. 1899. Nine oysters $ to 14 inch in size, 6 dead shells and red coral and weed. 1900. Not examined. 1901. (82a) A few live oysters 13 to 1% inch; many of the clusters of oysters on the: edges of the bank ‘Toose on sand. (3826) Weeds small stones and no oysters. (82c) Star fish, weeds and no oysters. 1902. Not examined. Atuya Pir— 1885. Stiran, killikoy ; useless. 1886. Twelve dives ; no oysters. 1887. Thirty-two dives; 3 oysters of ? and I inch; stran. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Nine dives.; blank. 1890--1893. Not examined. 1896-1897. Do. 1898. Weeds and chullies. ‘ 1899-1902. Not examined. Kanna Tiyu Arurpacau PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. (4) Seven dives, no oysters. (b) Twenty-six dives, no oysters, weed and chullies:. £887. Twenty-two dives, siran. 34. 35. 36. 37. 101 Kanna Tivu Arvpacam PAr—cont, 1888. Not examined. 1889, Fifteen dives, 5 young oysters of six months. 1890. Not examined. 1891. Large siran in quantities, no oysters. 1892-18938. Not examined. 1894. Weed, chully and killikoy. 1895. Two small oysters, sea-weed, and a small quantity of small stran. 1896. Sdran and killikoy. 1897. Oysters plentiful ranging in size from 2 to}inch. They are unhealthy in appearance, very poor in condition. This is probably due to the adjacent mud bank. 1898. Weeds and chullies. 1899. Blank, nothing of value. 1900-1992. Not examined. Tounpu PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. Thirty-five dives, no oysters, no stran, no killikoy, some pieces of rock. 1887. Thirty-one dives stran. 1888. Not examined. 1889. Seven dives, blank. 1890-1894. Not examined. 1895. Blank. 1896. Bare. 1897-1898. Not examined. 1899. Blank, nothing of value. 1900-1902. Not examined. (a) NznscricucHan PAr—— (b) Par Kunpansan PAr— (c) Meta Onpatc PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. (a) 13 dives, no oysters. (6) Very few oysters—i52 dives. (c) The bank covered with sdiran entirely; all stones, chanks, etc., thickly covered. 1887. No oysters, mud, suran; of no value. 1888. Not examined. 1889. No oysters, some stran; 47 dives. 1890-1894. Not examined. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Blank. 1898. Bare. 1899. Blank. 1900. Not examined. 1901. {a) Weed, coral and small stones. (6) Broken coral, small stones, no oysters. (c) No oysters ; weed and coral. Piynacot, Sertran Pir— 1885. A very small bank ; bare. 1886. Bare. 1887. Twenty-two dives; blank. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. Two live chanks, one dead chank, two large dead oyster shells; chully and coral. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully. 1895. Young oysters, 10 to 15 per dive, with dead stiran mixed with young dead oyster shells. 1896. Oysters 1} inch, 5 to a dive on south-west side of bank; rest bare. 1897. Young oysters ranging from | to 2 inch in size on weed. 1898-1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Weeds and stones, one healthy oyster, size 2 inches. 1902. Not examined. 1903. Bare of oysters. . SanpamarRAm Pipitta PAr— 1885. Large stran plentiful, also chanks. 1886. One diver brought 28 oysters 14 inch and again 10 of 1 inch, then got 20 to 30 each time, but the bank is of very small extent, and of no value. 1387-1890. Not examined. 26 102 38. SanpamaRam Popirra PAr—cont. 1891. Forty-two dives; a small quantity of large and small oysters, oyster shells evidently old. Chully, red coral and a small quantity of weed. 1892-1893. Not examined. i894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully and two small oysters measuring } inch. 1895. Young oysters 10 to 15 per dive. 1596. Seventy-seven oysters, average 2 to 2 inch in size; chullies and weed. 1897. Oysters plentiful 14 to 3 inch in size on weed, healthy in appearance, byssus strong; weed in large quantities. 1898. Oysters plentiful, 40 to 50 obtained at a dive. Divers report that oysters are firmly attached to bottom and it is only with a strong pull they can detach them. Size 2 to 24 inches. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Not examined. 1902. Not examined. 39. (a) Ira Trvu Kopamutre PAr— (6) Napu Kupamutru PAr-- 1885. Quite bare, no stran or killikoy ; no spat. 1886. A few oysters of 14 inch with dead oysters and stran. One part 15 and 20 to a dive intermixed with stiran ; 43 dives made. 1887. Nineteen dives ; bare. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1&91. ‘lwo dives (sic) ; weed and chully. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed and red coral. 1855. Young oysters, 10 to 15 per dive. 1896. Bare. 1897. Same as No. 38. 1898. Same as No. 33. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Not examined. 1902. Not examined. 40. (a) Kovm Pipirra Patru PAr— (b) Sanauria Parru PAr—- (c) Nuam Kativu Pdr—- (dq) Serau Koria Partro PAr— 1885, Blank. 1886. A few oysters on these banks of 1 and 14 and 3 and 3 inch, not sufficient to be of any value. One diver got 48; another 28, 92 dives made. On the part called Nilam Kallu Par one diver got 9 oysters in two dives, another 7; 62 dives made on this Par. 1887-1890. Not examined. 1891. Twenty-six dives; bare. 1892-1894. Not examined. 1896. Bare. 1897. Blank. 1898. Only chullies and weed, no signs of oysters. 1899. Bare. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Weeds, corals, and no oysters. 1902-19038. Not examined. 4]. (a2) Kupamuttu PAr— (b) Rasavurku Siper Sorichcwa PAR-- (c) Satrh Kupamurru PA&r—- 1885. Blank; suran on the former, none on the latter. 1886. A few oysters $ to 1} inch ; many broken and empty shells, stran. On Kudamuttu Par five! oysters of 1} inch; much sand on this bank, dead oyster shells of { inch with weed, few oysters of 1 inch mixed with stran ; 68 dives. 1887. Thirty-one dives made on these banks. On Kudamuttu Par, 14 oysters of 1 inch; much sitiran. On Rajavukku Sippi Soticheha Pa4r five oysters 4 to 1 inch ; stiran. On Saith Kudamnttu Par two oysters of $ mech ; much stéran. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. (a) Thirty-four dives ; five chanks, no oysters, (b) Twenty-nine dives ; five chanks, four oysters. (c) fourteen dives ; bare. 103 41. (2) Kupamerru P&r, Etc.—-cont. 43, 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, chully and red coral. 1895. Young oysters 10 to 15 per dive. 1896. Bare ; stiran, dead oyster shells and a few young oysters. 1897. Large quantities of oysters on these banks measuring 1% to 3 inch, healtby looking, byssus strong, free from stran and with plenty of weed; on eastern edge large quantities of oysters were found on dead pinna and chank shells, 1898. Oysters varying from 2 to 2} inches, 40 to a dive among weed on rock, byssus strong, oysters healthy ; very few dead and those evidently smashed by fishing stones. 1899. (a) and (b) bare; (c) only 24 oysters, 2$ inch, were found. 1900. Not examined. 1901. (a) weed, coral, no oysters; (c) weeds and coral, 1 oyster. 1902. Not examined. 1903. (6) Very few six months old healthy oysters. 2. (a) Napv Matar Prprrra PAr-— (6) Periya Matar Prpirra PAr— 1885. Two oysters 2 inches and 4 inch respectively only found on the former; the rest bare. 1886. 75 dives made on the former ; two oysters of 1 inch, some empty shells of 134 to 2 inches, many chanks. 65 dives on the latter; bare. 1887. On Nadu Malai Piditta Par 21 dives ; blank. 1888-1893. Not examined. 1894. Red coral, sea-weed, four small live oysters averaging % inch and a few live chanks. 1895. (a) Plenty of oysters, 104 to 106 per dive. Percentage of dead, small; oysters also on sand close to the bank. Young oysters 100 to 106 per dive; healthy looking. 1896. (a) and (4) 3 to 4 young oysters per dive. 1897. Not examined. 1898. Same result as No. 41. (a) Oysters ranging from 1{ to 2 inches in size 10 to 20 per dive, healthy and good. (6) Oysters plentiful; 40 to 50 per dive; size 2 to 24 inches; healthy, byssus strong. No dead shells. 1899. (a) A few oysters, weed, chullies and pinna. (6) Found only a few oysters on dead pinna and rock, found a very large quantity of cast-off byssus showing plainly that the oysters of last year had emigrated (!) (No; rather the ravages of Rhinoptera sp. J.H.). 1900. Not examined. 1901. (a) Weeds, coral, pinna; no oysters. (b) Weeds, and coral, no oysters. In 1897 the banks were full of oysters. (This does not tally with the entry for that year! J.H.) 1902. Not examined. 1903. (6) Bare. (2) Kaprryan PAr— (b) Kanava PAir— (ec) Puro PAr— 1885. A few small live oysters. 1886. A very few oysters, many broken shells, weed, suran, and killikoy ; one oyster of 2 inches ; 54 dives. On Putu Péra very few oysters, varying in size from j to 1 inch, empty shells, and weed on the bank; 40 dives. 1887. 174 dives made on these banks. On Putu Par 71 oysters of 31 to 1} inch; much suran in all parts. On Kadeiyan and Kanava P4rs seven oysters of + to 14; much stran. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. (a) and (6) 40 dives; four chanks, no oysters. 1692-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed and a few live chanks and chully. 1395. (a) On south side young oysters 10 to 15 per dive; young stran.. On the northern side 40 to 58 per dive, free from saran. (4) Young oysters only 10 to 15 toa dive. Small stran. (c) Young oysters only 1 to 2 per dive. 1896. (a) 1 to 2 young oysters to a dive, also dead shells. (b) and (c) A few young oysters. 104 43. (a) Kapriyan PAr, Erc.--cont. 1897. Large quantities of young oysters, healthy in appearance 1{ to § inches in size. (6) and (ec) Same result. 1898. (a) Oysters plentiful averaging 2 to 24 inches in size, healthy in appearance, byssus strong. On western edge oysters were found in large numbers on pinna ; oysters in abundance on the eastern and western edges—oysters in large quantities on pinna lying on sand, 2 to 24 inches in size. (4) and (c) oysters plentiful—healthy in appearance; divers obtained 50 per dive, size 2 to 2} inches. No siran or any trouble. 1899. (wa) Almost bare—found only a few oysters on dead pinna and rock. Found a very large quantity of cast off byssi showing plainly that the oysters of last year had emigrated. (!) (6) Found avery large quantity of cast off byssi showing plainly that the oysters of last year had emigrated (!) Hight oysters 23 inches in size and a few dead shells. (c) Thirty-seven oysters of 2} inches and a few dead shells. 1900. Not examined. 1901. (a) Weeds, stones and no oysters. (6) Weeds, stones and no oysters. (c) Weeds, stones and 1 oyster 1 inch in size. In 1818 a fishery was held on this bank. 1902. Not examined. 1903. Bare. 44, Karat KaruwaL Par— 45, 1885. Seven live oysters to a dive; empty shells, the largest, apparently fresh, measured 23 inches; empty shells intact. Much stran. 1886. Broken shells; siran; 1 live oyster, 1} inches. 1887. Not examined. 1888. Seven dives from canoes; weed, 1 oyster on sand. 1889-1890. Not examined. 1891. A few empty shells, 1 young oyster. 21 dives. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Large quantities of young oysters, healthy in appearance, 1? to $ inch in size. 1898. Oysters plentiful, 35 to a dive, 2 inches in size ; healthy. 1899. One hundred and seventeen oysters, 2% inches in size; among these 11 dead shells. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Coral, weeds, pinna; no oysters. 1902. Not examined. 1903. Bare. Vetanau Karuwat PAr— 1885. Oysters plentiful, measuring from 1$ to 14 inches; 10 per cent. of empty shells, Some apparently bitten by fish and average 2 inches in size. Short sea- weed on oysters plentiful, 1886. Insome parts there are oysters in fair quantities of inch; 10 and 20 to a dive, but many are already dead. Sitran exists, also the bank of little or no value, 92 dives. Last year’s oysters all gone. 1887. Seventy-four dives; some empty oyster shells, 1 and 14 inches; weed, sdran, and round pieces of lime. 1888-1890. Not examined, 1891. (a) 63 dives; 5 oysters, 1 small dead oyster shell, (6) 40 dives; chully, weed, coral, etc. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897-1898. Same results as No. 44. 1899. Oysters 2% inches in size, 10 to a dive. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Coral, weeds and no oysters, 1902. Not examined. 1908. Bare. 46. Tunpu PAr— 1885. Sea-weed and coral, nothing else. 1886. Highty dives ; 54 oysters of 14 inches in size, siran; empty shells, all broken. 1887-1890. Not examined. 1891, Ten dives ; chullies, | . : “| 105 46, Tunpu PAr—cent. 47. 48. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Not examined. 1898. Oysters plentiful, 35 to a dive, 2 inches in size, healthy in appearance. 1899. Nothing of value. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Coral, weeds and no oysters. 1802. Not examined. TricHENDUR PunTHoTTa PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. (a) Several dives; large number of ‘oysters from + to 1} inch attached to small coral stones, mixed with some dead shells ; a very few weeds. (6) Large number of oysters; the appearance of the oysters does not look healthy, Dead shells; several dives. 1887. Some empty oyster shells of 4 to inch; no value. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. (a) Thirty-seven dives; small stones, and chullies. (5) Twenty dives; weeds, coral, pinna, and chullies, 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Sea-weed, red coral, and chully, 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Oysters plentiful, 14 to $ inch in size, healthy in appearance and in good condition. Divers brought up netsfull every dive, average 380 oysters. ' 1898. Oysters plentiful, 2 inches in size, on eastern and western edges. Oysters on pinna in large quantity. All healthy and free from any trouble. 1899. Oysters average 22 inches in size, 8 to a diye. 1900. Not examined. 1901. Coral, weeds and no oysters. - 1902. Not examined. 1903. Do. Opa Karat Pir— 1885. Bank measures 1+ miles north and south; oysters sparse on rock, about 10 to 20 to a square yard; size 1 to 2+ inches. Coloured red and like the coral to which they are attached. 1886. Forty-seven diyes ; last year’s oysters are all gone. Now there are some young ones of and 1 inch; some dead shells also; divers got 11 live oysters of 1 inch, 13 and 8, most part are already dead. 1887, Fifty-five dives; one oyster of 14 inches, four dead oyster shells, 3 to 14 inches. A large quantity of small round lime. 1888-1890. Not examined. 1891. One young oyster, four small dead oyster shells ; 36 diyes, 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. A small quantity of empty oyster shells, weeds and coral. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Oysters plentiful; divers report that they could bring up basketsful at a dive. : a inch. 1898. Oysters 2 to 22 inches in size on weed and pinna, very healthy in appearance but quantity of broken shells shows that this bank lying close inshore and abounding in fish has been visited by fishermen. : 1899. Oysters 20 toa dive, 2} inches in size; healthy, Avery small quantity of dead shells were found; divers report that the undertow was very heavy, and that they had much difficulty in keeping on their feet; large quantity of weed on this bank. 1900-1902. Not examined, 1903. Bare. 48 (a). Opa Karat Tunpu Pir— 49. 1885. Nil, 1386. Several dives; a very few oysters intermixed with many dead oyster shells; weed and chully. 1887-1894. Not examined, 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Only a few young oysters, 1898-1903. Not examined. Cuopr PAr— 1885. Bare. 1886. Fifty-two dives ; no oysters, no stiran, etc. 1287-1890. Not examined, 27 49. 50. 106 Caonr PAr—-cont. 1891. Twenty-two dives; a few dead oyster shells, no oysters. This bank in places is covered by coarse sand and shells about 6 inches deep. 1892-1893. Not examined. 1894. Quite bare, covered with coarse sand 1 foot deep. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897-1898. Not examined. 1899. Useless ; covered with sand. 1900-1903. Not examined. Sanpamacom, Pipirra PAr— 1885. Three or 4 to a dive. - 1886. Large quantities of oysters of } to and 1inch. The divers brought up 6, 50, 21, 30, and 125 ata dive, some of 3 inch. This is a valuable bank, but dead shells are already to be found ; the oysters look clean and moderately healthy. 1887. This bank is also cailed “‘ Surruku Onpatu Par.” * A yery few oysters on it. 1889-1890. Not examined. 1891. Large and small oyster shells, red coral, weed and chully ; 42 dives. 1892—1894. Not examined. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Oysters plentiful ; sizes ranging from 13 to § inches ; very few dead shells, no suran. 1898. Oysters plentiful ; sizes ranging from1§ to 2§ inches. Kuillkoy with oysters attached also found. 1899. Same results as No. 48. 1900. Not examined. 1901. A few scattered mature oysters. 1902. Not examined. . Trraprt Pot Pipirra PAr— 1885. Sea weed and old empty shells. 1886. Bare. 1887. Forty-six dives ; blank; some false spat. 1888-1890. Not examined. » 1891. Twenty dives. A large quantity of small dead oyster shells, pinna and weed, 52. 58. coral and chully. 1892—1894. Not examined. 1895. Sea weed only. 1896. Bare. 1897. Oysters plentiful, 12 to $ inches ; very few dead shells, no suran. 1898. Same as No. 50. 1899. A very large quantity of oysters on this bank, 2 to 2} inches in size; divers report that they could bring up basketsful at a time ; healthy in appearance with good strong byssi. 1900. This bank fished—supposed prematurely—poor prices fetched. Net profit to Government, Rs. 11,088. 1901. A few mature oysters ; 10 per cent. empty shells; weeds 4 feet high in places. 1902-1908, Not examined. Seuman Pare Pir— 1885. Sea weed; no spat. 1886. Blank. This bank is joined on to the large Manapad Par; is of no value. 1887. Seventy-two dives ; blank. 1888—1890. Not examined. 1891. Highty dives; chully, red coral, pinna, six live oysters from 13 to 2 inches; two live chanks. 1892-1894. Not examined. 1895-1896. Bare. 1897. Same result as No. 50. 1898. Weed and chullies only. 1899. Same result as No. 51. 1900-1908. Not examined. Surugku Onparu PAr— 1885. Six dives ; three oysters of 2 inches, 2 inch and 3 inch, respectively ; two kinds of sea- weed, tree and long, broad and flat leafed kind. 1886. 139 oysters from % to 1} inches in size mixed with some recently dead oysters, chully and weed. 1887. Not examined. 1888—1894. Not examined. 1895-1896. Bare. * No; they are distinct banks.—J.H. 107 . Suruxku Onpatu PAr—cont. 1897. Oysters plentiful 14 to inch. Very few dead shells ; no suran. 1898. Not examined. 1899. Oysters 2 to 2 inch ; 10 to 15 per dive. 1900-1903. Not examined. . Manapap Prertya PAr— 1885. Blank. 1886. No oysters; not a likely place at any time. 1887. Thirteen dives blank. 1888—-1898. Not examined. 1899. Bare. 1900-1903. Not examined. . Kanawa Paraxku Sour Tonpu PAr— 1896. Oysters ranging from 23 to l inch; 3 to a dive. 1897—1903. Not examined. . ParacHERRY PAR— 1885. Nui. 1886. Several dives. A very few oysters of inch. A large quantity of empty shells, weed, suran, and sponge. 1887, Thirteen dives; blank. 1888—1903. Not examined. 7. ParRACHERRY PatTHooR. 58. ALANTALAI PatHoor. 59. Manapap PatHoor. . Kint P&r. . Pertya Tatar Seman Terar P&r. . Seman Patter Karuu Pir. - Kopoo Tuatat P&ir. . Oyarze AnruontaR Koyit Prpitra P&z. ), OvarREE AnrHontAR Koyin VELLAI VALLAI PAr-= 1899. Bare. 1900—1903. Not examined, Zé ANNEXURES. Nos. 1 & I1.—Sketch plans (Charts A and B) of the Central Pearl Bank region showing graphically the groups which I propose to form by the linking together of adjacent and related pars. Nos. [11 & 1V.—Similar sketch plans (Charts C ani D) showing the manner in which I propose the Pear] Bank region should be examined by means of ‘‘ circle-inspection ’’. No. V.—Specimen of a Coxswain’s inspection diagram, blank. No. VI.—Specimen of the same filled up at the end of a day’s work. No. VII.—An example of one of the Inspector’s master-diagrams filled up by combining the four diagrams faornished by the inspection coxswains, No. YIl1.—Skeleton diagram showing the sub-division of a large bank (Cheval P4r, Ceylon) into culture blocks. No. [X.—Sketch-plan showing how the Skeleton plan No. VIII should be filled in after inspection has been completed, the distribution of oysters of different generations being indicated by distinctive selouring a ee CIE ' ANNEXURE NO: | CHART of the NORTHERN HALF of the CENTRAL DIVISION of the INDIAN PEARL BANKS, Showing:-— (a). The position, extent, § names of the “Pars” as given in the present Inspection chart; (b). The plan of grouping proposed, whereby pars of similar characteristics are coalesced into larger divisions. The boundaries of the latter are VAIPAR ) i shewn by red lines and to each & a is affixed an index numeral in \ asin LO i — = Note,—The position of no land marks can) be indicated, as none are given in the present Inspection charts. REFERENCE COLOURS a & ” Indicates Pars To. Chaok Reda Vaipar Periya VI Pax = Cruzian T nas Par é: ig 7 68-7; Nagara ET es “pe wii ja Bs #82 uhururi Par b¢-7z Kilati Por _- /Aftonpatu Far /- ne , ao ioe Attnvai Arnpagem Sap EZ? «+ ¢ Kanna Tivo : 2e Ov arupagam Par / « Saith Onpatu Par “272: \ 2 * Pali eae Par (figned) JAMES HORNWLL, 22-8.05 A ae nr : Ziaae Survey Office, Mad Copies — 200 ; I ) eee ce, Madras ANNEXURE NO: fi PINNACOIL (¢ | ByoPeriva Mal Piditta Par : % 4 8 % Kral Karuwal Par - | Book VIII =a TRICHENDUR ()? Peeoda ( ae Oda Karai Par eS DOL ri CHART a of the #/ Southern half of the Central Division af of the i INDIAN PEARL BANKS, — MANAPAD Showing — fee POINT | fp (a). The position, ewtent, § names of the Pars as given in the present Inspection chart. (6). Lhe plan of growping now proposed, whereby * Pars” diwisions. The boundaries of the latter are shewn by red lines, and to each is affixed an index % numeral im red. -— BEFERENCE COLOURS +>— ecaiiees Indicates Para” ie Ce Chank Bads XXIII 2 62-7 falhoms ibs “Morar Periya Par a of similar characteristics are coalesced into larger (Signed) JAMES BORNELL, T53\10 Bast Longitude ; Reg. No, 8587 Zineo, Survey Office, Madias ig lia 1905 VEMBAR ia ANNEXURE NO. Ill CHART of the NORTHERN HALF of the CENTRAL DIVISION of the INDIAN PEARL BANKS, Showing:— | | ( a). The pearl Bank areas simplified as proposed in Chart A. a Their extent is indicated by blue tinting; > | | i 7 the proposed name isaffized to each. (0). The manner whereby exhaustive p examination can be effected in Re : 3 . VAIP. 18<‘inspection-circles”. These ERG are bounded by red lines and Sr are numbered consecutively. ee , Small numbers in black indicate depth in fathems. my | < A ; ~ aN 9 kK a W oF >. 2 Oo : O Chank bed TUTICORIN G a Kanna Tivu Par. Nenjurichchan Par. rang ie Puli Pundi Par : (Signed) JAMES|HORNELD, 22-3.05. : Zinco., Survey Office, Madras z Be. 3 v , Madra Opes ; 1905, z 78! 20 ANNEXURE NO: IV Pe is = | | Chart D Month of River c ~ >| Tambraparni Be Gi (=) $:to10 S\N. | at | ee ; <0 } © Onter Kudamuttu | Co Par | XVIII s Karuwal Par XX NN Chodi Par : | 2 = J ° g 8 30 = 30 eg | IK “ =9.91 :. | HeaQEer | : XXI | Se xcees \ \ . cy 3 ) Oda Karai Par | ; ie 4 ‘] ” CHART of the aa .~) Southern half of the Central Division Pas oo] ee of the : E 4 \ XXIL INDIAN PEARL BANKS, AL SE 7) mansped Par Showing :— E meg Py ji 89 Ye (2). The pearl bank areas simplified F a9 «oy 48 proposed in chart B. i 5) + MANAPAD Their extent is indicated by blue tinteng; ~~ POINT the proposed name is affixed to cache 89" é (b). The manner whereby exhaustive examination — can be secured in 17 “‘inspection-circles.” These are bounded by red lines, and numbered consecutively from 19 to 35. Note:—S mall figures in black indicate the depth in fathoms. g 20 z s) 33 - Ye ac wonere on ee ee 7 fest ze ee eae XORIIT a d on 2 eye cease : 5 ak a ali raaetammaeie ae (Signed) JAMES HORNELL, | : 23:3-05 7810 Bast Longitude. §} 20 Zinco., Survey Olfi¢e, Madras 300n& ge ow a fre ANNEXURE NO. IV Specimen of a Coxswain’s Inspection Diagrain before use. . Par No. of Boat_. Date... s Numbers above the line indicate Old Oysters. ” below ” 4 indicates flat rock. x 6 Young Oysters. Ke Oysters too young to count. @ ” a sandy bottom. Reg No. 8590 Photo-Zinco., Surrey Office, Macliras. Ccpies - 200 1905, of dives on Old Oysters Meda... Young Oysters eee i.e Share ROCK 610 ck ee, oo Br OO CATON EANC reece eee es . Fotal dives of square yards... ORO Sl Orenirmen alec oats Seen ee of Oysters to a dive ANNEXURE NO. V He] Mid West Cheval far No. of Boat. Le Date........23 * February, 19 OL, und Numbers above the tne indicate Old Oysters. caces Slat rocky. belo ee ae Young Oy slers Oo xd | a ee Oysters loo young to count er a sandy bottom 4.4.0. Soe sinles 7 Reg. Mo. 3591 Copies - 200 Photo-Zines., Survey Office, Madras. 1905. ANNEXURE NO- VII Date 27th and 28th February 1904. WN. W. Cheval Par Bearings of landmarks from centre are:- Karativu Pile Beacon, $.31°R. Kutiramalai Trigonometrical Tower, §.33°E. Kellar Beacon, S.72} E. LEG AiR w# afr E 24. Numbers urdicate Wd Oysters...... yz. Nurmbers indicate Young Oysters..... Upon Kock when the figures stand alone xX wndicatesOyslers too young lacount.\Upon Sand when contained within a corcle A tndicales that the bottom 1s flat rock a sandy bottom ............| When Oysters are wa ating i 4.6.0. FY? 125,94 Rez. No. 92 Photo-Zinco., Survey Office, Madras Copies — 200 1905 ANNEXURE NO. Viti woeretteys ECs ss SC ee : Plan of the £ Pavia: Par CHEVAL PAR REGION PS Karat.” To itustrate the Be ee ra proposed system of Se subdiwisvor trto culture teed The dotted outlines usadicate the bounaar ves GF the banks as gwen tw Captacn 7 Sis beach Norra Eas Loum ans chart. /- oi .: S 3 : Norra Wes7r \s. S we ‘ . Cenrpar NX | ., Min- LAST % (0 ie 4 SOUTH-EAST | Sourn - £ SHOAL| BEACON Scate,-One uch toa nautical Mule Sigh], Sames Horndl. IO. G. O%. 2.60 N°? (264 04 S Reg. No. : i w200 Photo-Zinco., Survay Office, Madras. Copies — 200 ve uli Ug c) ~ No. 5 3 ANNEXURE NO: IX, | 7 Sketch Plan | of the Periya Par Karat CHEVAL PAR REGION Showing the distribution of Pearl Oysters in February 1904. The areas shaded red represent the extent of grownd occupied by jishable oysters 41 to 42 years old; those shaded in blue, the distribution of imm- ature oysters about 23 years of age. , N eh. \ ; a \ ot ] }) Karative 7 e - Shoal | Beacon North Moderagam AX Scale-One Inch to a Nautical mile (Signed) JAMES HORNELL, s Reg. No. 8594 Zinco., Survey Office, Madras Copies — 200 1905 | il i iil (ui til 90488 0030? nhanth qSH377. ine Report of the goverment of Madras on th