Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/reportofstateent368conn Bulletin 368 March, 1935 Co/vN S CONNECTICUT STATE ENTOMOLOGIST THIRTY-FOURTH REPORT 1934 W. E. BRITTON, PH.D. State Entomologist Connecticut Agricultural experiment Station CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor Wilbur L. Cross, ex-officio. President Elijah Rogers, Vice-President Southington William L. Slate, Treasurer New Haven Edward C. Schneider, Secretary Middletown Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles G. Morris Newtown Albert B. Plant Branford Olcott F. King South Windsor Administration. STAFF William L. Slate, B.Sc, Director. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss Katherine M. Palmer, B.Litt., Editor. G. E. Graham, In Charge of Buildings and Grounds. Analytical Chemistry. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. C. E. Shepard ] Owen L. Nolan Harry J. Fisher, Ph.D. \ Assistant Chemists. W. T. Mathis I David C. Walden, B.S. J V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Mrs. A. B. Vosburgh, Secretary. Biochemistry. H. B. VicKERY, Ph.D., Biochemist in Charge. Lafayette B. Mendel, Ph.D., Research Associate (Yale University). George W. Pucher, Ph.D., Assistant Biochemist. Botany. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. A. A. DuNLAP, Ph.D., Assistant Mycologist. A. D. McDonnell, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. Entomology. Entomologist in Charge, State Entomologist. Assistant Entom,ologists. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., D.Sc. B. H. Walden, B.Agr. 1 M. p. Zappe, B.S. Philip Garman, Ph.D. |- RoGER B. Friend, Ph.D. | Neely Turner, M.A. J John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Control. R. C. BoTSFORD, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. J. P. Johnson, B.S., Deputy in Charge of Japanese Beetle Quarantine. Miss Helen A. Hulse 1 ^, Miss Betty Scoville j -secretaries. Forestry. W^\LTER O. FiLLEY, Forcster in Charge. H. W. Hicock, M.F.,. Assistant Forester. J. E. Riley, Jr., M.F., In Charge of Blister Rust Control. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Secretary. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, Sc.D., Geneticist in Charge. W. Ralph Singleton, Sc.D., Assistant Geneticist. Lawrence C. Curtis, B.S., Assistant. Soils. M. F. Morgan, M.S., Agronomist in Charge. H. G. M. Jacobson, M.S., Assistant Agronomist. Herbert A. Lunt, Ph.D., Assistant in Forest Soils. Dwight B. Downs, General Assistant. Miss Geraldine Everett, Secretary. Tobacco Substation Paul J. Anderson. Ph.D., Pathologist in Charge. at Windsor. T. R. Swanback, M.S., Agronomist. O. E. Street. Ph.D., Plant Physiologist. Miss Dorothy Lenard, Secretary. Printing by Quinnipiack Press, Inc., New Haven, Conn. CONTENTS PAGE Entomological Features of 1934 151 Insect Record for 1934 154 Fruit Insects 154 ' Vegetable Insects 156 Shade and Forest Tree Insects 158 Insects of Ornamental Shrubs and Vines 163 Insects of Flowers and Greenhouse Plants 164 Insects of Soil and Lawn 165 Insects Infesting Stored Food Products 166 Household Insects 166 Insects Infesting Timbers and Wood Products 167 Miscellaneous Insects 167 Beneficial Insects 168 Conference of Connecticut Entomologists 170 Inspection of Nurseries, 1934 171 Number and Size of Nurseries 171 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934 172 Other Kinds of Certificates Issued 180 Inspection of Imported Nursery Stock 180 Results of Inspection 181 Inspection of Apiaries, 1934 ' 182 Statistics of Inspection 183 Summary 187 Financial Statement 187 Registration of Bees 188 Report on Control of the Gipsy Moth, 1934 188 New Equipment 189 Results of Scouting 189 Statistics of Infestations, 1933-34 193 Summary of Statistics 195 Financial Statement 196 Quarantine Changes 196 Parasites 196 Recommendations 197 The European Corn Borer in Connecticut. 1934 198 Spring Enforcement of the Compulsory Clean-up 198 Fall Clean-up Campaign 199 Damage to the Corn Crop 200 Damage to Early Sweet Corn by First Generation Borers 200 Increase in Degree of Infestation 204 Weed Survey 204 Japanese Beetle Work in Connecticut, 1934 206 Scouting 206 Trapping . 206 Inspection and Certification 207 Present Status of Salt Marsh Mosquito Ditching in Connecticut 208 Tests of Apple Sprays ■ 210 Outbreak of Canker Worms 213 The Fall Canker Worm, Alsophila pomctaria Harr 213 The Spring Canker Worm, Paleacrita vcrnata Peck 215 Food Plants and Injury 216 Control of Canker Worms 216 Spraying 216 Banding the Trees 217 Applying the Bands 217 150 Connecticut hxperiment Station Bulletin 368 PAGE The Beech Scale in Connecticut 220 History in North America 221 History in Europe 223 Life History 223 Effect Upon the Trees 223 Control 224 Literature 224 The Squash Bug in Connecticut 224 Host Plants 225 Feeding Habits and Injury 225 Description of the Stages 225 Life Cycle 226 Control 227 Preparation and Application of the Spray 23JD Literature Cited 231 Report on Parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth 231 Lead Arsenate Substitutes 235 Further Tests with Zinc Sulfate as a Corrective for Lead Arsenate Burn ON Peaches 236 Toxicity of Pure Anabasine and Pure Nicotine for Aphis rumicis 238 Control Experiments Against the White Apple Leafiiopper 239 Observations on Termite Damage in Connecticut 241 Control of Insects of Ornamental Plants 241 Tests on the Control of Certain Vegetable Insects 245 European Pine Shoot Moth and White Pine Weevil Control by the CCC and the CWA 247 Miscellaneous Insect Notes 249 Holly Leaf Miner in Connecticut 249 Forest Tent Caterpillar 249 Summer Squash Injured by Pickle Worm 249 Green Striped Maple Worm 249 Great Abundance of the Monarch Butterfly 251 A New Dermestid Beetle in Connecticut 252 Control of Clothes Moths 252 Note on the Supposed Identity of Ascogaster carpocapsae (Vier.) and A. quadrideniata Wesm 232 A Springtail Troublesome in Houses 253 Sulfur Dusts Effective Against Thrips in Greenhouse (Heliothrips femoralis Reut., and Thrips tabaci Linde.) 253 Note on the Winter Breeding of the Apple Maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) 253 The Pear Leaf Midge, Dasyneura (Perrisia) pyri Bouche 254 Dermestids Troublesome in Houses 255 The American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana Linn., in a Dump 255 Another Probable Carrier of the Dutch Elm Disease 256 Bagworm in Bridgeport 257 Financial Statement 259 Publications, 1934 260 Summary of Office and Inspection Work 262 Illustrations 262 Index xi CONNECTICUT STATE ENTOMOLOGIST THIRTY-FOURTH REPORT 19 3 4 W. E. Britton ENTOMOLOGICAL FEATURES OF 1934 The winter of 1933-34 was unusually severe in Connecticut, probably the most so of any winter since 1917-18. There was abundant precipitation with frequent and sustained sub-zero temperatures. The average mean temperature for February was 14° F., exactly half the normal. The pre- cipitation was considerably above normal for the months of January, April, May, June, September and November, but was somewhat below normal for February, March, July, August and October. After such a severe winter it is with more than the usual amount of interest that one examines a record of the prevalence or scarcity of the usual insect pests. It is fair to expect that a large proportion of the individuals of certain species might be killed by the prevailing low tem- peratures. Thus in 1934, most kinds of aphids were comparatively scarce. This was true of aphids on vegetable crops and also of the rosy apple aphid, Anuraphis roseus Baker, in apple orchards. On the other hand the green apple aphid. Aphis pouii DeG., was scarce in winter and early spring, but in June became more abundant and increased to such an extent as to damage the fruit in certain orchards in Hartford and New Haven Counties. Laboratory examinations of San Jose scale, Aspidiotiis perniciosus Comst., showed a winter mortality of about 75 per cent. The European elm scale, Gossyparia spuria Mod., was nearly all killed and reported from only a few nurseries by the nursery inspectors, whereas for the past few years it has been found in nearly every nursery where elms were grown. The euonymus scale, Ckionaspis euonymi Comst., was also much less destructive than usual, and evidently was checked by a high winter mortality. From an examination of many pine shoots, it was estimated that be- tween 80 and 90 per cent of the larvae of the European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia huoliana Schifif., had been killed by the winter. This reduction by natural causes, together with the artificial check resulting from clipping 152 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 and burning the infested shoots, has so lessened the pest that only Hght infestations were found in pine plantations and in nurseries late in the season. The light-loving grapevine beetle, Pachystethus lucicola Fabr., the corn ear worm, Hcliothis obsoleta Fabr., and the juniper wel^worm, Dichomeris margiiiellus Fabr., were distinctly less abundant than in 1933. The elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Miill., the tulip tree scale, Toumeyella liriodcndri Gmel., were less abundant, and the Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna corrupta Muls., was also slightly less destructive than in 1933. Likewise a beneficial insect, the Chinese praying mantid, Tenodera sinensis Sauss., was scarce in 1934, and only a few examples were ob- served and reported from localities where there were hundreds in 1933. However, some insects were not greatly injured by the winter, and were perhaps more destructive than usual. Thus the fall canker worm, Alsophila pometaria Harr., was very abundant and stripped many un- sprayed fruit, shade and woodland trees in Fairfield, Middlesex and New Haven Counties. The adult moths were extremely abundant late this fall in these areas as well as in certain portions of Hartford County and it is to be expected that the insect will cause wide-spread destruction next May. All choice fruit and shade trees subject to infestation should be sprayed with lead arsenate. The eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma auiericana Fabr., was also extremely prevalent and nests were conspicuous on unsprayed apple and wild cherry trees in May. They were also present on other kinds of fruit trees and occasionally on oak and other native trees in the woodlands. This insect has periods of great abundance varying from eight to twelve years apart and at present it has very nearly reached its height of abundance. Probably it will be prevalent next season and then decline. In 1934 it was perhaps the least in evidence near the shore, and the most prevalent in Litchfield County and in the northern portion of the State. Another insect that has been unusually prevalent in 1934 is the pine needle scale, Chionaspis pinifoliae Fitch. Infestations of red, Scotch, Austrian and mugho pines in nurseries, forest and ornamental plantings have seemingly increased markedly within the last two or three years. The spruce mite, P aratetranychus ununguis Jacobi, infests nearly all kinds of conifers and was very prevalent in 1934. Specimens were received from 16 localities in Connecticut. Another pest that was more prevalent than usual was the twig pruner, Hypermallus villosus Fabr., usually in oak twigs. This insect or evidence of its work was received from nine localities. The barberry webworm, Omphalocera dentosa Grote, an insect noticed only in occasional seasons, was present on barberry plants or hedges in seven dififerent localities. The monarch or milkweed butterfly, Danaus mcnippe Fabr., was very common and in August spent the night by the thousands clustered on trees along the coast jiist before migrating southward. The plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar Hbst., the pear psylla, Psyllia pyricola Forst., and the apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh, were all common and took their annual toll in full measure from the orchards. The Oriental fruit moth, GraphoUtha niolesta Busck, was present as usual. There seemed to be little winter mortality. But, as peach buds were all Entomological Features of igS4 153 killed and there was no fruit, the larvae remained in the twigs until the end of the season. There was severe injury to early sweet corn by the first generation larvae of the European corn borer, Pyrausta nuhilalis Hiibn., particularly near the coast and in the river valleys. There was also considerable injury to later corn by the larvae of the second generation. The fall webworm, Hyphantria cuuea Drury, was present throughout Connecticut but the nests were unusually common and conspicuous in late summer in the northern and eastern portions of the State. The imported willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora Laich., injured smooth-leaved willow trees throughout the State. Mr. Zappe observed the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hbn., to be very abundant on deciduous trees in Hubbard Park, Meriden, June 5. The white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck, was common although checked in forest plantations by cutting and burning the infested leaders, and the black vine weevil, Brachyrhinus sidcatus Fabr., caused the usual amount of injury. Brachyrhinus ovatus Linn., commonly known as the strawberry root weevil, caused severe damage by the grubs or larvae eating off the roots of hemlock and blue spruce in a nursery in Rocky Hill. Some 75,000 hemlock and several hundred thousand blue spruce seedlings were destroyed. The Japanese weevil, Pseud ociieorrhinus setosus Roe., was again found feeding upon the leaves of flowering shrubs in New Haven. This time it was chiefly rhododendron, mountain laurel and Deutzia that were injured. Autoserica castanca Arrow, was found in several new localities and various plants had been injured. The Asiatic beetle, Anomala oricntalis Waterh., has continued to injure lawns in New Haven and West Haven, and has spread to new localities in these towns and into some of the sur- rounding towns. The Japanese beetle, PopilUa japonica Newm., has increased in abundance and in the older infestations of Stamford, Bridgeport and Hartford, severe damage by the adults may soon be expected. There was some damage to grapevines, roses, and flowering plants in Bridgeport in 1934, and beetles were found in Ansonia and Wallingford for the first time. The insect is now distributed in nearly all sections of the State and in a few years, after the beetle population has had time to build up, severe damage to fruit and shade trees, flowering shrubs, and certain vegetable and flowering plants may be expected. The gipsy moth, PortJictria dispar Linn., has built up a number of rather large colonies in woodlands that were not discovered until the woodland areas were scouted last winter by the unemployed under emergency relief appropriations. Federal forces took all of the territory between the Connecticut River and the barrier zone, and under the Public Works Appropriation scouted a large portion of the woodland areas and found several large infestations. The area east of the Connecticut River was in charge of state men under Mr. Ashworth. Some 340 CW^A men were employed for a portion of the time, from November 15 to March 29. These men had to be trained and organized into scouting crews each with a regular trained scout as foreman. This emergencv force was well under 154 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 way when the appropriation was discontinued and the work left uncom- pleted. However, it did uncover rather large infestations in several towns. Two unusual pests are the pickle worm, Diaphania nitidalis Stoll, that infested summer squashes in Guilford, and the bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeforniis Haw., that had partially defoliated several Norway maple street trees in Bridgeport, before it was discovered. Much was accomplished in 1934 by men employed under Federal emergency relief appropriations and supervised by members of this de- partment. The salt marsh areas remaining unditched November 1, 1933, have now all been ditched except in the town of Stratford where the work has not been completed. Many other improvements relating to dikes, tide gates and widening and deepening of outlets have been made, and altogether should greatly diminish the mosquito nuisance in the shore region of Connecticut. Other emergency relief projects have aided in checking the white pine weevil, the European pine shoot moth and the gipsy moth. The following insects have been found in Connecticut during 1934 for the first time : The beech scale, Cryptococcus fagi Baerens., in Hartford ; a Dermestid beetle, Derinestes peruvianus Cast., in Bridgeport ; and the holly leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis Curt., in Hartford and Newington. A summary of the more important entomological features of the season would include : Outbreak of the fall canker worm ; abundance of eastern tent caterpillar, twig pruner, pine needle scale, and spruce mite ; damage to sweet corn by the European corn borer, and to hemlock and blue spruce seedlings by the strawberry root weevil ; injury to summer squash by the pickle worm, and to Norway maple trees by the bagworm ; discovery of important gipsy moth infestations ; decrease in abundance of the European pine shoot moth, European elm scale, euonymus scale, juniper webworm and the comparative scarcity of aphids ; aid from Federal emergency re- lief appropriations for mosquito elimination, and forest insect control ; discovery of the beech scale in Connecticut. Some of the more important features are described in greater detail in separate notes and articles printed elsewhere in this report. The follow- ing list will serve as an insect pest survey for the season : INSECT RECORD FOR 1934 Fruit Insects Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Aegeria exitiosa, peach borer. The usual amount of damage to peach trees throughout the state. Injured trees, Manchester, Dec. 28, 1933. Alsophila pometaria, fall canker worm. Severe outbreak in southwestern portion of the state, where many unsprayed fruit and other trees were defoliated in May. Severe damage to unspra}ed apple tree in Hamden. Egg-mass, Greenwich, Dec. 5, 1933 : egg-mass and adults, New Haven, May 5. Alypia octomaculata. eight-spotted forester. Larvae on grape, Hartford, June 9. Entomological Features of 1934 155 Fruit Insects — (Continued) Name ' Locality, host, date and remarks. Anuraphis roseu's, rosy apple aphid. Scarce in most orchards and no damage from it was observed or reported. Aphis pomi, green apple aphid. Eggs scarce in early spring but in May this aphid became abundant in some orchards and continued throughout the season. It injured the fruit in Hartford and New Haven Counties. Aspidiotus perniciosus, San Jose scale. Scarce in early spring and about 75 per cent winter mortality. However, some fruit was badly scale-spotted at harvest time. Cacoecia argyrospila, fruit tree leaf roller. Certain Wallingford orchards were heavily infested, and the pest was present in surrounding orchards. Cacoecia rosaceana, oblique-banded leaf roller. Present in apple orchards and caused a peculiar side-injury to fruit. Carpocapsa pomonella, codling moth. Rather more prevalent than usual throughout the state. Colaspis favosa, a Chrysomelid beetle. Adults on dewberry, Stratford, June 27. Conotrachelus nenuphar, plum curculio. Adults severely damaged apples in orchards interplanted with peaches. Scars on fruit, Norwalk, Dec. 14, 1933; scars on apple, pear and plum. New Canaan, June 15. Cotalpa lanigera, goldsmith beetle. Adult found in orchard, Northford, June 29. Dasyneura pyri, pear leaf midge. More abundant than heretofore in several orchards in New Haven County, June 23. Datana ministra, yellow-necked caterpillar. Less common than usual. Larvae on apple, North Haven, July 12. Eriosoma lanigera, woolly apple aphid. Galls around injuries, Bristol, Jan. 22. Euphoria inda, bumble flower beetle. Adults on apple, Litchfield, Sept. 24. Euthisanotia grata, pearl wood-nymph. Adults on grape, Woodbury, June 27. Grapholitha molesta. Oriental fruit moth. Present as usual but on account of the absence of fruit, larvae remained in the twigs. Henierocampa leticostigtna, white-marked tussock moth. Not very common. Egg- masses on apple and quince, Hartford, Jan. 4. Hylemyia rubivora, raspberry cane maggot. Infested raspberry tips, Southbury, May 25. Lagoa crispata, crinkled flannel moth. Larva on pear, Hartford, Sept. 7. Lasioptera vitis, grapevine tomato gall. Galls on grape. New Haven, June 16; Wallingford, June 23. Macrodactylus snbspinosus, rose chafer. Adults damaged apple and grape in June in eastern Connecticut. Adults on grape, Hartford, June 9. 156 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Fruit Insects — (Continued) Name . Locality, host, date and remarks. Malacosoina americana, eastern tent caterpillar. Nests exceedingly abundant on apple and cherry throughout the state, and particularly so in Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. Egg-clusters on apple twigs, Wilton, Mar. 19 ; Guilford, July 5 ; Hamden, July 10; Bridgeport, Greenwich, July 14; New Haven, July 19; Newtown, Aug. 22; Hartford, Sept. 21. Oxyptilus pcrisccUdactyhts, grape plume moth. Less abundant than usual. Pachvstethtts lucicola, light-loving grapevine beetle. Aluch less prevalent than in 1933. Adults, New Haven, June 21 ; Milford, June 27. Parafefranychus pilosus, European red mite. Eggs scarce but survived the winter. Severe outbreaks occurred in midsummer nearly all over the state. Pelidnota punctata, spotted grapevine beetle. Not troublesome. Adult on grape, Springfield, Mass., July 13. Phylloxera vitifoliae, grape phylloxera. Grape leaf with characteristic galls, Bristol, Aug. 22. Psyllia pyricola, pear psylla. Fully as prevalent as usual. Severe infestation in pear orchards in New Haven County. On pear, Hamden, July 16. Rhagoletis pomonclla, apple maggot. Unusually prevalent throughout the state. Infested fruit, Norwalk, Dec. 14, 1933 ; Canaan, Feb. 21 ; Milford, Sept. 5. Samia cecropia, cecropia moth. Larva on elderberry, Fairfield, Aug. 22 ; on apple, New Haven, Sept. 12; cocoon, Hartford, Sept. 21. Schizura concinna, red-humped caterpillar. Present in about the usual numbers. Larvae on apple, Waterbury, July 17; Sound View, Aug. 14. Scolytiis rugnlosus, shot-hole borer. Not much in evidence. Larvae in apple twig, Lewisboro, N. Y., Mar. 26. Sibine stimulea, saddle-back caterpillar. Larva on cherry, Meriden, Aug. 27. Sphecodina abbotii, abbot sphinx. Larva on grape, Hamden, July 9. Syntomaspis druparum , apple seed chalcid. In apple, Wilton, June 25. Tolype velleda, a lappet moth. Adult, Prospect, Sept. 20 ; cocoon, Norwichtown, Oct. 8. Trioza tripnnctata, blackberry psyllid. On blackberry, Middletown, July 16. Typhlocyba pomaria, white apple leafhopper. Scarce early in the season but became abundant and injured the foliage in September and October. Vegetable Insects Anasa tristis, squash bug. Present in fully the usual numbers and killed squash plants on at least one truck farm. Entoifiological Features of ip34 157 Vegetable Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Autoserica castanea, Japanese garden beetle. Adults injured vegetable plants, Danbury, July 11. Chelymorpha cassidea, argus tortoise beetle. Adults on corn, Danbury, July 18 ; adults, Windsor, May 18. Cutworms, were present and caused the usual amount of damage. Diabrotica vittata. striped cucumber beetle. Present in the usual numbers. Injured squash plants, Winsted, June 12. Diaphania nitidalis, pickle worm. Uncommon in Connecticut but caused damage in 1931. Larvae in summer squash, Guilford, Sept. 5. Empoasca fabac, potato leafhopper. Present in most fields and in some cases caused severe tip burn. Also injured some fields of beans in the southern portion of the state. Epicauta cinerea var. marginata, margined blister beetle. Adults injured beet, egg- plant and certain other vegetables in July in New Haven County. Epilachna corrupta, Mexican bean beetle. Present on beans in all portions of the state, and slightly less destructive than in 1933. Epitrix cucumeris, potato flea beetle. Normally abundant. Heliothis obsoleta. corn ear worm. Present but less common than in 1933. Larvae on corn, Glastonbury, Hamden and Stratford, July 23. Hylemyia hrassicac, cabbage maggot. Present in Southington and caused some damage but not unusually abundant. Hylemyia cilicrnra, seed corn maggot. Larvae injured tobacco in Windsor and East Hartford. Utinoia solanifolii. potato aphid. More abundant than usual in the Connecticut River Valley. Severe outbreaks were prevented by natural enemies. Avon, June 25. Jidus hortensis. garden millipede. Present in garden. Hartford, May 9. Leptinotarsa decemlincata. Colorado potato beetle. Present in fully the usual numbers. Larvae, New Haven, July 10. Lixus concavus, rhubarb curculio. Injury to rhubarb, Thomaston, JvAy 12. Lygus pratensis, tarnished plant bug. Adults on potato, Newington, June 18; Avon, June 25. Macrodactyhis subspinosiis, rose chafer. Adults on potato, Newington, June 18. Mamestra picta, zebra caterpillar. Larvae on beet, Milford, June 27; on corn, North Plain, July 5 ; on spinach and castor bean, Bristol, July 7. Melittia satyrinijormis, squash borer. Caused the usual amount of damage. Larvae in Hubbard squash, Bloomfield, July 24. 158 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Vegetable Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Papaipema nitela, stalk borer. Present in the usual numbers. Larva in corn, Plain- field, June 27. Papilio polyxenes, celery worm. Normally abundant. Larvae on carrot, Milford, June 27; Waterbury, July 6. Pegomyia hyoscyami, spinach leaf miner. Not abundant but more so than for two or three years. In beet leaves, West Haven, June 9. Phlegethontius quinquemaculata, tobacco worm. Pupa, CoUinsville, May 8 ; larva on tomato, Springdale, Aug. 15. Poecilocapsiis lineatus, four-lined plant bug. Adults, New Haven, June 5 ; New Milford, June 7. Pyrausta nubilalis, European corn borer. Abundant and damaged early sweet corn and infested the stalks of early potatoes near the coast and up the river valleys, particularly in the East Hartford-Glastonbury region. Larvae in weeds, East Hartford, Jan. 22. Wireworms, present in usual numbers. Reported from Windsor and Melrose in soil of tobacco field in May and June. Shade and Forest Tree Insects Acrosternum hilar e, green stink bug. Nymph and adult on linden, Westport, Aug. 20. Adelges abietis, spruce gall aphid. Common on Norway spruce throughout the state. Hamden, May 2; Winsted, May 24; Manchester, June 5; New Haven, June 9; Waterbury, June 13. Adelges pinicorticis, pine bark aphid. Common on white pine but less prevalent than usual in nurseries. Litchfield, Feb. 6. Adelges strobilobius, larch woolly aphid. Common on larch. Wallingford, May 31. Agrilus bilineatus, two-lined chestnut borer. Larvae common in oak in southern Connecticut. Alsophila pometaria, fall canker worm. Very abundant in the southwestern portion of the state in 1934, and defoliated many fruit, shade and woodland trees in Fairfield, Middlesex and New Haven Counties in May. Injured maple and black birch, Wallingford, May 31 ; larva on elm, Old Lyme, June 1 ; larvae on elm and willow, Hamden, June 4; larva, Norwalk, June 11. Amphibolips inanis, larger empty oak apple. Gall on oak, Plantsville, Aug. 30. Andricus seminator, wool sower. Gall on white oak, Scotland, June 11. Anisota rubicunda, green striped maple worm. Seldom injures trees in Connecticut. Larvae on red maple over a large area and several small trees defoliated, Warren, Aug. 8. Anisota senatoria, orange-striped oak worm. Common on oak throughout the state. Larva on white oak, Stony Creek, Branford, Aug. 3. Entomological Features of 1934 ■ 159 Shade and Forest Tree Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Apatela rubricoma, a dagger moth. Larvae on hackberry, Farmington, Sept. 20. Aphrophora parallela, pine spittle bug. On white pine, New Britain, June 11. Argyresthia thuiella, arborvitae leaf miner. Mined leaves, Cheshire, Sept. 20. Aster olecanium variolosum, pit-making oak scale. Very abundant on chestnut oak, Danbury, Oct. 8. Automeris io, io moth. Larva on locust, Hamden, Aug. 10. Brachyrhinus ovatiis, strawberry root weevil. Grubs destroyed large numbers of hemlock and blue spruce seedlings in a commercial nursery in Rocky Hill. Buprestid beetle. Larva in maple, Newington, June 14. Calaphis castaneae, aphid. On chestnut, Hamden, July 28. Calligrapha philadelphica, a Chrysomelid beetle. Adult, New Milford, July 21. Caryomyia caryaecola, hickory seed gall. On hickory, Milford, July 11. Chionaspis pinifoliae, pine needle scale. Common throughout the state and unusually abundant in nurseries in 1934. Seemingly on the increase. On mugho pine. Old Lyme, Jan. 9 ; Manchester, Oct. 29 ; on Scotch pine, Southport, Mar. 26; on red pine, Wallingford, May 31 ; New Haven, Aug. 27; on pitch pine, Hartford, Aug. 30 ; Windsor, Oct. 6. Cincticornia pilulae, oak pill gall. Galls on pin oak, Bloomfield, June 27; Hamden, July 12; Ridgefield, July 31; Bridgeport, Aug. 15; New Britain, Sept. 22. Cincticornia sp. Galls on pin oak, Plymouth, Aug. 16; Orange, Aug. 22; Riverside,. Sept. 10. atheroma regalis, hickory horned devil. Larva on hickor\-, Derby, Aug. 10. Coleophora laricella, larch case bearer. Injured larch leaves, Wallingford, May 31 ; New Haven, June 1 ; Litchfield, July 6. Conotrachelus juglandis, walnut weevil or curculio. Characteristic injury on pecan. Mystic, July 12. Corythucha arcuata, oak lacebug. On chestnut oak, Newtown, Aug. 22. Cryptococcus fagi, beech scale. This European scale was found in Connecticut for the first time. On beech, Hartford, Sept. 13. Cryptorhynchiis lapathi, poplar and willow curculio. Scars on willow twig, Rockville, Aug. 21. Cyllene robiniae, locust borer. Adult in locust, Cornwall Bridge, Sept. 12. Datana ministra, yellow-necked caterpillar. Larvae on oak, Lakeville, Aug. 2. Diapheromera femorata, walkingstick. Adult female, Norwichtown, Oct. 8. Diaspis cariieli, juniper scale. On juniper, East Norwalk, May 7. Dichelonyx elongata, a Scarabaeid leaf beetle. Adults on birch, Marlborough, June 12; 160 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Shade and Forest Tree Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Dilachnns sp. Eggs on needles of red pine, South Willington, Feb. 24. Drcpanaphis acerifoliac, aphid on maple. Avon, Aug. 28. Erineum caused by mites, on maple, Cromwell, July 14. Eriophyes sp.. a mite. On pin oak, Litchfield, July 20. Eriosoma americana, 2l woolly aphid. On elm, Torrington, June 7; New Preston, June IS. Eriosoma sp., a woolly aphid. On elm, Hartford, July 27. Eucosma gloriola, white pine tip moth. Injury to white pine, Greenwich, July 9. Eulia pinatubana, pine tube moth. Injury on white pine, Thompson, Jan. IS. Euphoria inda, bumble flower beetle. Adult on willow, Falls Village, May 24. Fenusa pumila, birch leaf mining sawfly. Common throughout the state. Injury to gray birch, Glastonbury, July 19. Fiorinia japonica, an imported scale. On hemlock, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., Aug. 3. Galerucella luteola, elm leaf beetle. Present throughout the state but probably less abundant than in 1933. Adults, Westport, Apr. 28 ; Weston, May 8 ; New Canaan, June 11; injured leaves, Easton, July 20; Hartford, July 28; West Hartford, July 28; Wallingford, Aug. 18; adults and larvae on Chinese elm. Broad Brook, Sept. 11. Gillettea cooleyi, blue spruce gall aphid. Common throughout the state. On blue spruce, New Haven, June 9 ; Waterbury, June 26, Sept. 20 ; Litchfield, Aug. 15; on Douglas fir. New Britain, June 11. Halfica ulmi, green elm beetle. Injured elm leaves, Kensington, Aug. 29. Hamadryas antiopa, spiny elm caterpillar, mourning cloak butterfly. Larvae, on elm, Hartford, June 7; Hamden, June 12; on hackberry. Westerly, R. I., June 28. Hemerocarnpa sp., a tussock moth. Egg-mass on oak. New Fairfield, Dec. 23, 1933. Hypermallus villosiis, twig pruner. Unusually prevalent throughout the state. In oak twigs, Plainville, June 28 ; West Hartford, July 6 ; Colchester, July 9 ; Orange, Wallingford, July 10; Cornwall, July 11; Wolcott, July 10, 13; Newtown, July 24 ; Winsted, July 2S. Hyphantria ctiiiea, fall webworm. Very abundant in eastern portion of the state. Itycorsia sp., false pine webworm. On red pine. South Kent, April 17, Aug. 3. Kermes sp., an oak gall scale. On white oak, Springfield, Mass., June 28; New Haven, July 9. Lecaninm flefcheri, arborvitae soft scale. More common than usual. On arborvitae, Southport, June 21 ; Chester, July 3 ; Madison, July 19 ; Cheshire, Sept. 20. Lepidosaphes ulmi, oyster-shell scale. Egg stage on willow. New Haven, Mar. 22; on ash, Southington, Aug. 31. Entomological Features of 1934 161 Shade and Forest Tree Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Leucaspis japonica, a Japanese scale. On Japanese maple, New Haven, June 9. Longistigma caryae. a large twig aphid. On beech, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 10; on birch, Bridgeport, Sept. 12. Macrobasis torsa, a southern blister beetle. One adult on an unidentified semi-tropical tree, Darien, June 26. Malacosoma aincricana, eastern tent caterpillar. Abundant on cherry and apple throughout the state, particularly in Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. (See Fruit Insects). Malacosoma disstria, forest tent caterpillar. Larvae very abundant, June 5, on maple, oak and other deciduous trees in Hubbard Park, Meriden ; also in small numbers, Stamford, June 22. Mite galls on elm leaves, Winsted, Aug. 3. Neodiprion lecontci, red-headed pine sawfly. Larvae on pine, Woodmont, June 30. Neodiprion pinetitm, black-headed pine sawfly. , Larvae on white pine, Hartland, July 24. Nepticula sericopeza, Norway maple leaf-stalk borer. Moderately al)undant in the Stamford region. Nerice hidentata, a Notodontid moth. Larva on elm, Chaplin, July 17. Papilio glaucus tiirnus, tiger swallow-tail butterfly. Pupa on liquidambar, Ridgefield, June 28 ; larva, Hamden, July 30. Parafetranvchiis bicolor, oak mite. Oji pin oak, Plymouth, Aug. 16; New Britain, Sept. 22. Paratctranychits pilosus. European red mite. On elm, Groton, Aug. 8. Paratetranychiis luinngitis, spruce mite. Increasingly prevalent throughout the state, infests nearly all kinds of conifers, and in some cases causes severe injury; abundant in manv nurseries. On arborvitae, Bloomfield and Meriden, June 27; Chester, July 3; Wethersfield, July 12; Madison, July 19; Windsor, July 21 ; Cheshire, Sept. 20 ; on hemlock, Middle Haddam, June 26 ; New Haven, Apr. 5, June 6 and 9; on juniper, East Norwalk, May 7; eggs on red pine seedlings, Warrensburg. N. Y., Mar. 2; on Retinospora, Wethers- field, Julv 2 ; on spruce, Woodbridge, Julv 2 ; Bridgeport, Julv 5 ; Ridgefield, July 17. Paria canellus var. attevrinuis. a Chrysomelid beetle. Adults on butternut, West Cornwall, May 17. Paria canellus var. quadrignttafus. Adults on butternut. West Cornwall, May 17; on oak, Bridgeport, May 24. Philonix pezomachoidcs. oak pea gall. On pin oak, Norwalk, June 27. Philonix sp., a gall. On pin oak, Litchfield, July 20. PhyUaphis fagi, beech aphid. On purple beech, Wallingford, May 31, June 11. Phyllocoptes aceris-crnmcna, maple spindle gall. On maple, Litchfield, July 20. 162 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Shade and Forest Tree Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Phyllocoptcs quadripes, maple bladder gall. On silver maple, Waterbury, May 25 ; Kent. May 26 ; Branford, Madison, May 28 ; Niantic, June 1 ; Newington, July 12. Physokermcs piceae, spruce gall scale. On spruce, Winsted, June 22. Pissodes appro.ximatus, a pine weevil. Larvae in red pine. New Haven, May 22 ; Stamford, July 24; New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 26. Pissodes sfrobi, white pine weevil. In white pine, Bethel, July 27; in Norway spruce, Stamford, Aug. 18; in blue spruce, Ridgefield, June 22. Plagiodera vcrsicolora, imported willow leaf beetle. Larvae on willow, Wallingford, May 31 : Old Lyme, July 9 ; New Milford, July 21 ; Bridgeport, July 25 ; New Haven, Aug. 4. Popillia japonica, Japanese beetle. Adult on Japanese elm, Bridgeport, Aug. 13 ; larva, Watertown, Aug. 24. Porthetria dispar, gipsy moth. Larva on Persian walnut, Mystic, July 12; egg-mass, larva and pupa, Stafford Springs, Aug. 17. Prionoxystus robiniae, carpenter worm. Larvae in oak. South Norwalk, Aug. 25. Prionus laticollis, broad-horned prionus. Larva in oak, South Norwalk, Aug. 25. Prociphilus tessellafus, woolly alder aphid. On cut-leaf maple, Litchfield, June 28 ; Chester, Hartford, July 3. Psyllia negundinis, box-elder psyllid. On box-elder, Meriden, June 6. Rhyacionia buoliana, European pine shoot moth. A large proportion of the larvae in the shoots were killed last winter. Much less prevalent in 1934 than in 1933. Rhyacionia comsiockiana, a pine shoot moth. Infested shoots of red pine, East Hart- land, Jan. 18. Rhyacionia frustrana. Nantucket pine moth. Injured red pine shoots, Wallingford, Aug. 20. Saperda calcarata, poplar borer. Adult, Waterbury, Aug. 3. Sawfly larvae on arborvitae, Chester, July 3. Sawfly larvae on various kinds of pine. Common in nurseries in Sept. and Oct. Sawfly larvae on white oak, Scotland, June 11. Scolytid or curculio larvae under bark of Sycamore, Branford, July 18. Scolytus quadrispinosus, hickory bark beetle. Adults in hickory. South Lyme, Sept. 4. Stilpnotia salicis, satin moth. Larva on poplar. West Hartford, June 27 ; adults, West Haven, July 9; egg-mass, Bridgeport, Aug. 15. Tetralopha robustella., a moth whose larvae form balls of frass. On red pine, Amherst, Mass., Oct. 23; on mugho pine, Avon. Oct. 15; Manchester, Oct. 29. Thccodiplosis lir'wdcndri, tulip spot gall. On leaves of tulip tree, Guilford, Sept. 21. Entomological Features of ip_^4 163 Shade and Forest Tree Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Thyridopteryx ephemcraejorniis , bagworm. Injured several Norwaj' maples, Bridge- port, Aug. 6. Tomostefhiis bardiis, a sawfl}^ Larvae on ash, Hartford, I.Iay 29; pupae, New Haven, June 6. Tortri.v quercijoliana, an oak leaf roller. Larvae on oak, Bridgeport, May 24. Toumeyella Hriodendri, tulip tree scale. New Haven, Aug. 9. Xylotrechus colonns, a long-horned beetle. Adult from maple; New Haven, Mar. 13. Insects of Ornamental Shrubs and Vines ApJiis pomi, green apple aphid. On hawthorn. Litchfield, Jul}^ 20. Brachvrhimis siilcafus. black vine weevil. Larvae injured Taxus roots, Wallingford, Sept. 29. Callosamia promethea, promethea moth. Cocoons on lilac. New London, Jan. 17. Chionaspis euonyini, euonymus scale. Heavy winter mortality lessened the destruc- tiveness of this insect in 1934. On Eiionymtts radicans, Waterbury, Dec. 8, 1933. Cingilia caienaria, chain-dotted geometer. Larvae on bayberry, Norwich, July 20. Conistra indirecta, a Noctuid moth. Larvae on witch-hazel. East Haddam, June 27. Dendrothrips ornatus, on California privet, Bridgeport. Aug. 13 ; West Haven, Aug. 17. Dichomeris marginclhis, juniper webworm. Much less prevalent than in 1933. Eriophyes eiicricoles, galls on matrimonj^ vine, Stamford, June 22. Harpipferyx xylostelh, a leaf roller. Larvae injured honeysuckle, Windsor, Oct. 1. Heviaris ihyshe, a clear-wing sphinx moth. Adult, Bristol, July 31. Hetcrodera radicicola, root knot eelworms. Galls on roots of Forsythia, Thompson- ville, Jan. 23. Lasioptcra clavula, dogwood club gall. On dogAvood twigs, South Carolina, Mar. 6. LepidosapJies ulmi, oyster-shell scale. On lilac, Bridgeport, Apr. 9 ; on Persian lilac, Wallingford, Apr. 23. Lygaetis kalmii, milk-weed bug. Adult, New Haven, Aug. 7. Omphalocera dentosa, barberry webworm. Larvae on Japanese barberry. Waterbury, Aug. 7; Hamden. Aug. 18. Also observed in five nurseries in Branford, Bridgeport, Hamden, Orange and Woodmont, in one instance on ]\Iahonia. Pachystefhus Incicola, light-loving grapevine beetle. Much less prevalent than in 1933. Adult on rose. East Haven, June 26. 164 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Insects of Ornamental Shrubs and Vines — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Papilio troiius, green swallow-tail butterfly. Larvae, on spice bush, Hamden, Aug. 3 ; without food plant, Bantam, Aug. 14. Phytomyza ilicis, holly leaf miner. In leaves of Ilex glabra, Newington, Apr. 26; in holly leaves, Hartford, July 18. P sendocneorrhinus setosiis, a Japanese weevil. Now present in New Haven and West Haven. Injures various deciduous and evergreen shrubs. Adults on rhodo- dendron, New Haven, June 11. Psyllia biixi, box psyllid. Injured box leaves, Old Lyme, Feb. 5. Sawfly larvae (unidentified). On dogwood and hawthorn, Rockville, Sept. 14. Sphecodina abbofii, abbot sphinx moth. Larvae, Hartford, Wethersfield, July 13 ; New Haven, July 16. Insects of Flowers and Grreenhouse Plants Anomala orientalis, Asiatic beetle. Adult in hollyhock flower. New Haven, July 9. Aphids (unidentified). On calendula. West Hartford, Sept. 25; on verbena. New Haven, July 27. Autoserica castanea, Japanese garden beetle. Adults injured petunia, zinnia, chrysan- themum, heliotrope, and other flowering plants in several gardens in New Haven in 1934. BracJiyrhuuis siilcatus. black vine weevil. Larvae had injured roots of begonia. New Haven, Dec. 8, 1933 ; Danielson, Jan. 16. Cosmopepla bhuaciilata. a Perttatomid bug. Adults on columbine. New Haven, June 23. Diabrotica diiodecimpuiictata, twelve-spotted cucumber beetle. Adults injured dahlia and chrysanthemum flowers. New London, Oct. 19 ; South Norwalk. Oct. 20. Epicanta pennsylvaiiica. black blister beetle. Common on aster, Mt. Carmel. Lagoa crispata. crinkled flannel moth. Adult on hollyhock, Norwich, June 7. Lycoplwtia margarifosa saiicia. variegated cutworm. Larvae, New Haven, June 5. Macrosiphiim rudbcckiae. golden glow aphid. On stems of golden glow. Bridgeport, Aug. 13. Metriona bicolor, golden tortoise beetle. Adult on morning glorv, Westerlv. R. I., Aug. 31. ' Mites on Euphorbia coroUata (unidentified). Stamford, Aug. 30. Monychiis viilpe cuius, iris weevil. On iris. New Milford, June 7. Olethreutes Jiebesana, a Tortricid moth. Larva boring in stems of PJiysosfegia, New Haven, June 26; Woodbridge, July 28. Entomological Features of 1934 165 Insects of Flowers and Greenhouse Plants — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Pachystethiis lucicola, light-loving grapevine beetle. Less prevalent than in 1933. Adult on hollyhock, New Haven, July 9. Papaipema nitela, stalk borer. Larva in dahlia. West Haven, June 8 ; larva in ager- atum. Old Lyme, July 19. Papaipema piirpurifascia, columbine borer. Larva in columbine, Washington, July 26. Popillia japonica, Japanese beetle. Adults on dahlia. New Haven, July 17, 31 ; on canna, Milford, July 23. Pseudococcus adonidmn, long-tailed mealybug. On Boston fern. New Haven, Feb. 16. Pyrausta mibilalis, European corn borer. Larvae caused severe damage to dahlia and certain other flowering plants. Larva in hollyhock, New Haven, July 16. Taeniothrips gladioli, gladiolus thrips. Prevalent on gladiolus throughout the state. Branford, Ivoryton, Aug. 25. Tarsonemus pallidus, cyclamen mite. On larkspur, New Haven, May 29 ; West Hart- ford, Sept. 25; in chrysanthemum buds, Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 31. Tetranychus telarius, common red spider. On salvia, West Hartford, Sept. 25. Trialeurodes vaporariorum. greenhouse whiteflv. All stages on fuchsia. New Haven, July 19. Thrips (unidentified). On dahlia, New Haven, July 6; Bridgeport, Hamden, July 9. Thrips (unidentified). On Dianfhus. Ridgefield, July 25. Thrips (unidentified). On Japanese iris. Hartford, July 9. Insects of Soil and Lawn Anomala orientalis, Asiatic beetle. Many lawns in New Haven and West Haven damaged by the grubs. Grubs, New Haven. Apr. 24, ^lav 1, 14, Aug. 14, 15, Sept. 20: West Haven, Apr. 30, June 30. Ants, several species, are abundant in lawns. Autoscrica castanea, Japanese garden beetle. Grubs present in lawns on several premises in New Haven, Alay 23, Sept. 25; adults, Danburj^ July 11. Blissus leticoptenis, chinch bug. This bug occasionally becomes very abundant and kills the grass in spots. Greenwich, June 30; New Haven, Sept. 11. Cutworms (unidentified). In golf green, Westport, July 26. Osmodenna scabra, a Scarabaeid beetle. Larvae in soil, Branford, June 14. Phyllophaga sp., June beetle. Larvae in soil. West Haven, May 23. Popillia japonica, Japanese beetle. Grub in lawn, Hamden, Sept. 27 ; Watertown, Aug. 24; adults. New Haven, July 2, 17, 31; Milford. Julv 23; Bridgeport, Aug. 13. 166 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Insects of Soil and Lawn — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Pseudolucanus caprcolus, stag beetle. Adults in lawn, New Haven, July 14. Serica sp., a brown Scarabaeid beetle. Larvae in soil of flower garden, New Haven, May 16. Sphecius spcciosus, cicada killer. Nests in hard ground. Newtown, July 20. Wireworms in lawn, New Haven, July 14. Insects Infesting Stored Food Products Acanthoscelides obtecfus, bean weevil. Adults in stored beans. New Britain, Jan. 23. Dermestes pernviamis, an European Dermestid. Adults, larvae and pupae in the pack- ing material in a case of stout, Bridgeport, Jan. 9. Lasioderma serricorne, cigarette beetle. Adults in tobacco warehouse, West Hartford, Dec. 18, 1933. Lathridius liratus, minute brown scavenger beetle. Adults in tobacco warehouse, West Hartford, Dec. 18, 1933. Orysaephihis surhiamensis, saw-toothed grain beetle. Adults in pantry. New Haven, July 9. Pterodela pedicuJaris, a Psocid. In cereal, Hartford, Sept. 15, 21. Sitophilus granaria, granary weevil. Adults in chicken feed, Hamden, Apr. 27. Household Insects Anthremis scrophidariae, carpet beetle. Larvae in house, Gavlordsville, Nov. 21, 1933; New Haven, Apr. 3, Sept. 10 ; West Hartford, Oct. 19 ; Waterbury, Oct. 29. Ants (unidentified). In house, Branford, June 1; Hamden, July 16. Attagenus piceus, black carpet beetle. Larvae in house, Gaylordsville, Nov. 21, 1933; New Haven, Mar. 11; West Haven, Apr. 3; Stamford, July 16. Cimex lechdarius, bed bug. In house. New Haven, Nov. 14. 1933 ; Cheshire, May 1. Ctenocephaliis canis, fleas. In house, Willimantic, Apr. 17. Dermestes lardarius, larder beetle. Larvae in house, Hartford, June 26. Periplaneta americana, American cockroach. Adults in house, Hamden, July 27. Thermobia domestica, fire brat. Adults in house, New Britain, Mar. 24; Hartford, Oct. 6, 11. Tinea pellionclla, case-bearing clothes moth. Cases and damage to stufifed furniture. West Haven, Tulv 9. Entomological Features of ip34 167 Insects Infesting Timbers and Wood Products Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Callidium jrigidimi, a long-horned beetle. Adults in white pine box boards, Waterbury, May 24. Camponotus herculeanus, carpenter ant. Tunneling in porch, New Haven, July 24. Cyllene caryae, hickory borer. Adults in houses, and probably emerged from fuel wood, Norwichtown, Mar. 7 ; Middletown, May 5 ; New London, May 9. Dorcus parallelus, a Lucanid beetle. Larvae in rotten log, New Haven, June 8. Lyctits linearis, one of the powder post beetles. Injured oak floor, Norwalk. June 5. Neoclytus acnniinatus, a long-horned beetle. Adults in houses and probably emerged from fuel wood, Hamden, Jan. 15, Sept. 25. Phymatodes variabilis, a long-horned beetle. Adults in house and probably emerged from fuel wood, New Haven, Apr. 23. Phymatodes variiis, a long-horned beetle. Adults in house and probably emerged from fuel wood, New Haven, Apr. 23. Reticulitermes flavipes, termites or white ants. Tunneled in trim or construction timbers of buildings, Westport, Mar. 7 ; Stamford, Apr. 17 ; New Haven, May 2 ; North Madison, May 3 ; Hamden, May 8 : Newtown, Sept. 14. Miscellaneous Insects Acroneuria abnormis, a stone fly. Adult, West Cornwall, July 9. Aciicephalus nervosiis, a leafhopper. Hamden, July 16. Alans ocidatiis, eyed elater. Adult, Morris, July 2. Allocapnia pygmaea, a stone fly. Adult, Greenwich, Mar. 14. Bibio sp., a march fly. Larvae in compost heap, Hamden, Mar. 26. Bittacomorpha clavipes, a crane fly. Adult, Bridgeport, July 10. Blatta orientalis. Oriental cockroach. Nymph, Westport, Feb. 16. Catocala epione, epione underwing moth. Larvae on pecan, Mystic, July 12. Cerastipsocus venosus, a Psocid. Nymphs and adults, Westerly, R. I., Aug. 7. Chaidiodes sp., a fish fly. Egg-masses on elm, Greenwich, June 18. Chrysochus auratus, green gold beetle. Adults on spreading dogbane, and thought to be the Japanese beetle. Orange, July 7. Corethrine larvae in drinking water. New Haven, July 7. Corydalis cornuta, hellgramite or dobson fly. Adult, West Cornwall, July 9 ; egg- masses. New Milford, July 25. Danatis menippe. monarch butterfly. Chrysalis on fence. Falls Village, Sept. 14. 168 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Miscellaneous Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Ecpantheria deflorata, a large Arctiid moth. Adult on lawn, Milford, June 8. Euclea chloris, a slug caterpillar moth. Adult, Milford, July 10. Euphoria fulgida, a green Scarabaeid beetle. Adult, Union, May 16. Euxesta notata, an Ortalid fly. Adult in house, New Haven, Feb. 6. Glischrochilus quadriguttafus, a sap beetle. In fermenting oak sap, Wallingford, July 26. Hypera punctata, clover weevil. Adult hibernating in trim of building, Westport, Mar. 7. Lethocerus americanus, giant water bug. Adult, Danbury, N. H., July, 27. Lucilia sericata, a scavenger fly. Reared from maggots in bottle of milk, Hartford, July 7. Myrmcleon immaculatus, ant-lion. Larvae, Northford, Aug. 29 ; Southington, Oct. 18. Panchlora cubensis, a tropical green cockroach. Adult in bananas, New Haven, May 1. Perlesta -placida, a stone fly. Adults, West Cornwall, July 9. Porcello scaher, a sowbug or pillbug. Westport, Mar. 29. Pyrophila pyramidi aides, a Noctuid moth. Adults on tree, Woodbridge, Aug. 11. Sira nigromacnlata, a springtail. Numerous in house, Bridgeport, May 3. Tahanus atratus, black horse fly. Adult, Westport, Mar. 29. Tibicen canicularis, a cicada. Adult, Milford, Aug. 6. Tropaea luna, luna moth. Adult, North Woodbur3% June 2. Tropical cockroach (unidentified) . Nymph on bananas. New Haven, May 24. Beneficial Insects AchoUa midtispinosa. an assassin bug. Egg-cluster on elm. West Haven, May 9. Apanteles conqregatus, a Braconid parasite. Cocoons on tomato worm, Springdale, Aug. '15. Calosoma colidum, a large ground beetle. Adult in soil, Milford, June 8. Carabid larva, in garden, Southport, June 14. Casnonia pcnnsylz'a)iica, an ant-like ground beetle. Adult, Stratford, July 21. Chrysopa oculata, aphis lion. Adult, New Haven, Aug. 18. Coccinella transversoguttata, five-spotted ladybeetle. Adults, Milford, June 27. Entomological Features of ipS4 169 Beneficial Insects — (Continued) Name Locality, host, date and remarks. Erax aestuans, a robber fly. Adult, New Britain, June 25. Gynandropus hylacis, a ground beetle. Adults on trees, Newington, Jan. 13. Hippodamia convergens, convergent ladybeetle. Larvae on potatoes. Sterling, July 27. Ladybeetle (unidentified). Pupae on box elder, Meriden, June 6. Megarhyssa Innator, lunate long sting. On maple, New Haven, July 27 ; Westerly, R. I., Aug. 9. Parasite (unidentified) of Olethreiites hebesana, New Haven, June 26. Podisiis macnliventris, a pentatomid bug predaceous on other insects. Adults, Hamden, June 4 ; Middletown, Aug. 21. Sinea diadema, an assassin bug. Nymph on elm, Hartford, July 28. Syrphid fly. Larva on Artemisia, New Haven, June 26. Tcnodera sinensis, Chinese praying mantid. Much less common than in 1933. Egg- mass on twig, Stamford, Feb. 21; Greenwich, May 11; adults, West Haven, Oct. 15, 18, also New Canaan. Triphlcps insidiosus. an Anthocorid bug. On dahlia, Bridgeport, July 9. 170 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 CONFERENCE OF CONNECTICUT ENTOMOLOGISTS The eleventh annual conference of- entomologists working in Connecti- cut was held in Room 429, Beach Building, at the Connecticut State College, Storrs, on Friday, October 26, 1934. Dr. R. B. Friend was elected chairman and 74 persons were present. A cafeteria luncheon was served in the college dining hall. Professor Crandall and Mr. Worthley were unable to be present but both submitted papers. Professor Crandall's paper was read by Professor J. A. Manter, and Mr. Worthley's paper was read by H. N. Bartley. It was the opinion of several present that this was one of the most interesting and successful of all the meetings held. The following program was carried out: Greeting/ President Charles C. McCracken, Storrs Some Recent Investigations of the Honey Bee, Prof. L. B. Crandall, Storrs Entomological Features of the Season of 1934, Dr. W. E. Britton, New Haven Present Status of Salt Marsh Mosquito Ditching in Connecticut, R. C. Botsford, New Haven Status of the Japanese Beetle in the United States, L. H. Worthley, Harris- burg, Pa. Gipsy Moth Conditions in 1934, A. F. Burgess, Greenfield, Mass. Effect of Weevil Injury on White Pine, Dr. R. B. Friend, New Haven Contributions of Entomology to Sociology, Dr. J. L. H>T3es, Storrs Entomological Work in the Orient (Motion picture), Charles A. Clark, Melrose Highlands, Mass. The Hickory Horned Devil (Motion picture), Prof. J. A. Manter, Storrs Luncheon The Dutch Elm Disease Menace to Our Elm Trees, Dr. E. P. Felt, Stamford Notes on Insects Concerned with Dutch Elm Disease Studies in Connecticut, Dr. B. J. Kaston, New Haven General Status of the Oriental Fruit Moth in Connecticut, Dr. Philip Garman, New Haven Breeding and Distribution of Perisierola angulata, an Australian Parasite of the Oriental Fruit Moth, J. C. Schread, New Haven Mass Production of Macrocentriis ancylivorus, W. T. Brigham, New Haven Apparatus for Dusting Sulfur on Plants in Controlled Amounts, and ^Iethod OF Testing for Minute Quantities, M. V. Anthony, New Haven Toxicity of Pure Nicotine and Pure Anabasine for Aphis rumicis. Dr. Philip Garman, New Haven European Corn Borer: The European Corn Borer as a Pest of Dahlias, Dr. C. H. Batchelder, New Haven The Problem of Weed Infestation in Connecticut, Neely Turner, New Haven Enforcing the Compulsory Clean-up in Connecticut in 1934, M. P. Zappe, New Haven Damage to Early Sweet Corn in Connecticut in 1934, J. P. Johnson, New Haven Inspection of Nurseries, JQ34 171 INSPECTION OF NURSERIES, 1934 W. E. Brixton and M. P. Zappe On July 2, the annual inspection of nurseries, as provided in Section 2136 of the General Statutes, was commenced. This work was in charge of Mr. Zappe, who was assisted during July and August by A. F. Clark, W. T. Rowe and R. J. Walker. Most of the larger nurseries had then been inspected, and Mr. Zappe inspected the remaining ones during Septem- ber but was assisted in special cases by Neely Turner. In certain cases nurseries were again visited one or more times to make sure that the pests had been eradicated. In general the nurseries were found to be in fully as good condition as usual, although some had been neglected. Due to the unusually severe winter and the cutting and burning of infested shoots during the fall and winter, the European pine shoot moth was much less prevalent than in 1933. On the other hand, there was a marked increase in the pine needle scale, and this season many nurserymen had to eradicate it before receiving their certificates. In 1934 there were 21 nurseries in which no pests were found. Altogether about 117 different insect pests and 60 dift'erent plant diseases were found in nurseries. These pests cannot all be mentioned here but some of the more important are shown, with their records for the past ten years, in the following table : Table 1. Ten-Year Record of Certain Nursery Pests Pest 1925 1926 1927 192S 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Oyster-shell scale 38 39 45 57 78 86 72> 68 78 104 San Jose scale 32 19 16 30 22 8 11 10 13 19 Spruce gall aphids' 27 42 82 120 147 99 124 141 231 244 White pine weevil 5 8 17 19 Z7 66 74 70 61 67 Pine leaf scale 4 5 6 13 13 10 20 26' 46 66 European pine shoot moth 0 0 1 7 7 17 32 77 137 120 Poplar canker 34 32 39 35 c,7 35 23 40 34 39 Pine bhster rust 7 9 9 5 7 7 13 12 11 7 Nurseries uninfested 34 46 Z7 18 13 18 32 24 22 21 Number of nurseries 151 162 191 228 266 302 327 351 362 381 Each year there has been an increase in the number of nurseries.- and therefore the increase in the number of pests may not mean that a larger percentage are infested than heretofore. In fact, the percentage is smaller in some cases. Number and Size of Nurseries The list of nursery men for 1934 contains 381 names, an increase of 19 over 1933. A classification on account of size may be indicated as follows: ' Includes both Adelges abietis and Gillettea cooleyi. 172 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Area Number 50 acres or more 20 10 acres to 50 acres 42 5 acres to 10 acres ZZ 2 acres to 5 acres 89 1 acre or less 197 381 Percentage 5 11 9 24 51 100 Of the 381 nurseries listed for 1934, six new nurseries registered during the winter and were inspected before the spring shipping season and again in the fall. These nurseries are marked (2) after the name, because each was given two inspections and two certificates were issued to each during the year. Six nurseries holding certificates in 1933 failed to register before July 1, 1934, and, as provided in Section 2137 of the General Statutes, were required to pay the costs of inspection. Consequently, the sum of $45 was collected from them and turned over to the Treasurer of the Station to be deposited in the State Treasury. The area of Connecticut nurseries in 1934 is 4,659 acres, an increase of 14 acres over 1933. Altogether, 37 new names have been added and 18 have discontinued business since last year. Twenty nurseries on the list for 1933 are now included under different names. The new list contains 381 names, an increase of 19 over last year. The nursery firms granted certificates in 1934 are as follows : Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934 Name of firm Ackerman, H. S. (2) Adamec, Evergreen Nursery, George Aiken Nurseries Aldrich Gardens Allara, Emanuel Allen, Henry L. Amelunxen & DeWyn Ampelopsis Nurseries Anderson Avenue Nursery Andover Gardens Anstett, Louis Arnold of Orange Artistree Nursery Aunt Cotton's Nursery Austin, M. E. Backiel, Adolf Baldwin, Linus Barnes Bros. Nursery Co., Barnes Eastern Nurseries Bartolotta, S. Barton Nursery Beach, Rov G. Beattie, W. H. Bedford Gardens Beers. H. P. Belltown Nurseries Certificate Certificate Address Acreage date number West Hartford 2 Oct. 9 2742 East Haven Oct. 3 2724 Norwalk 1 Nov. 27 2813 Guilford 1 Aug. 30 2579 Hamden 1 July 26 2483 Pawcatuck Aug. 18 2540 Yalesville ' \ Sept. 6 2603 Groton June 7 2456 West Haven Sept. 29 2706 Andover Aug. 31 2586 Norfolk Sept. 6 2606 Orange ^ I Sept. 29 2716 Branford 1 Nov. 13 2792 Westport Dec. 29 2828 Clinton L Aug. 30 2580 Southport Dec. 31 2827 Middletown Nov. 13 2793 The Yalesville 14( ) Aug. 30 2571 Wallingford L 5 Aug. 30 2572 Cromwell Aug. 30 2578 Hamden Sept. 19 2655 Forestvillc Nov. 17 2800 New Haven '. Sept. 22 2672 Plainville Sept. 26 2697 Southport Nov. 10 2789 Stamford ^ \ Aug. 23 2554 Inspection of Nurseries, 1934 173 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934 — (Confinued) Name of firm Benbow, Abram Beran, Andrew, Pequot Florist Berkshire Gate Nurseries Bertolf Bros., Inc. Blue Hills Nurseries Boggini, Louis Bolton Perennial Gardens Bonnie Brook Gardens Booy, H. W. Brack Nursery, Ernest Brainard Nursery & Seed Co. Brandriff's Rock & Perennial Gardens Branford Nurseries Bretschneider, A. Bridgeport Hydraulic Co. Brimfield Gardens Nursery Bristol Nurseries, Inc. Brooklawn Conservatories, Inc. Brooklawn Nursery Brooks. Howard P. Brookside Nursery Brouwer's Nurseries Brouwer's Nursery, Peter Bulpitt, Henry F. Bureau of Trees Burke the Florist Burnside Avenue Greenhouse and Nursery Burr, Morris L. Burr & Co., Inc., C. R. Burwell, E. E. Busch. A. H. Byram Evergreen Nursery Candee, Hollis S. Cant. Alexander Cardarelli. E. J. Carlson, John B. Case, Mrs. Louis L. Cherry Hill Nursery Co. Chesman, Joseph Chiapperini, Michele Chippendale Nurseries, Inc. Choate School, The City Line Florist Clark, Raymond H. Cleary, Arthur R. Clinton Nurseries Clyne Nurseries Cobb, Levi S. Collington. E. . H. Conine Nursery Co. Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta. (W. O. Fillev. Forester) Conn. Forestry Dept. Conn. Forestry Nurseries Conn. State College (S. P. Hollister) Address Acreage Norfolk 1 New London 1 D anbury 1 Old Greenwich 45 Hartford 26 South Manchester 1 South Manchester 1 Rowayton 2 Yalesville 4 Brookfield 1 Thompsonville 20 Branford 1 Branford 6 Danielson 1 Bridgeport 15 Wethersfield 8 Bristol 55 Bridgeport 1 Bridgeport 2 West Haven 1 Ridgefield 2 New London 20 New London 3 Darien 4 New Haven 7 Rockville 1 East Hartford 4 Westport 1 Manchester 500 New Haven 1 Greenwich 1 East Port Chester 1 Hartford 7 Springdaie 1 Cromwell 5 Newington 1 Simsbury 1 Rockfall 36 East Haven 1 Groton 1 Old Lyme 2 Wallingford 4 Bridgeport 1 Milford 1 Bethel 1 Clinton 60 Water bury 6 Bridgeport 1 West Mystic 1 Stratford 75 New Haven 1 Hartford 8 Deep River 16 Storrs 1 Certificate Certificate date number Sept. 6 2607 Aug. 18 2528 Sept. 24 2682 Aug. 7 2506 Sept. 24 2680 luly 7 2457 Tulv 20 2470 Oct. 9 2740 Sept. 10 2627 Sept. 24 2684 Aug. 2 2489 Oct. 5 2731 Oct. 4 2727 Aug. 18 2531 Nov. 9 2786 Sept. 14 2634 Aug. 7 2503 Oct. 24 2767 Aug. 23 2553 Nov. 22 2809 Sept. 1 2589 Sept. 22 2671 Aug. 23 2549 Aug. 2 2490 Aug. 8 2508 July 17 2468 Aug. 23 2552 Oct. 5 2729 Tulv 25 2482 "Oct. 8 2738 Aug. 8 2509 Aug. 20 2545 Dec. 31 2832 Aug. 23 2556 Sept. 17 2646 Sept. 8 2622 Sept. 14 2638 Sept. 8 2621 Sept. 21 2665 Aug. 18 2527 Oct. 20 2762 Sept. 26 2693 Oct. 11 2749 Nov. 8 2783 Sept. 19 2657 Oct. 3 2723 Oct. 3 2726 Oct. 24 2768 Aug. 18 2542 Aug. 4 2491 Sept. 14 2639 Sept. 25 2686 Dec. 31 2831 Aug. 4 2492 174 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 193^1 — {Conlinned) Name of firm Conn. State Highway Dept. Conn. Valley Nurseries Conn. Valley Nursery Corrigan's West Haven Nurseries Couture, E. R. Covey, Mrs. Arthur Cragholme Nurseries, Inc. Cromie, G. A. Cronamere Alpine Nurseries, Inc. Culver, W. B. Curtiss, C. F. Daisy Hill Gardens Dallas, Inc., Alexander Damen, Peter J. Darien Nurseries Dawson, Florist, Wm. A. Daybreak Nurseries Dearden Bros. Deepstrom, Leon E. DeMars, F. H. Devon Nursery Dewey, V. E. Dietrich & Son, Nursery, B. Dillon, Thomas Dingwall, Joseph N. Doane, David F. Doebeli, Charles A. Donovan, William H. Donovan, Wm. J. Dowd, Inc., F. C. Drescher, John Dunlap, Daniel S. Dunn, James F. Eager, E. M. East Haven Nursery Edendale Gardens Edgewood Nurseries Eells' Sons Elfgren Nurseries Ellington Evergreen Nurseries Elm City Nurseries Elmgren, C. J. Elm Grove Cemetery Association Evergreen Nursery Co. Eyberse's Nursery Farmington Valley Nursery Fern Hill Nursery Fletcher, Walter G. Flower City Rose Co. Fpllett Nursery Folly Farm. Inc., The Ford, George R. Certificate Certificate Address Acreage date numbei Hartford 18 Oct, 9 2744 Manchester 25 July 30 2485 East Hartford 1 Nov. 3 2775 West Haven 1 Sept. 29 2711 Westport 2 Aug. 17 2523 Harwinton 1 Sept. 6 2608 Greenwich 4 Aug. 20 2546 New Haven 2 Aug. 4 2502 Greens Farms 3 Sept. 24 2679 Suffield 1 July 10 2465 Plantsville 2 Dec. 24 2825 Derby 1 Sept. 29 2709 Waterbury 2 Aug. 8 2507 Foxon 2 Sept. 29 2704 Darien 6 Oct. 31 2773 Willimantic 1 Dec. 13 2818 Westport 3 Dec. 8 2817 East Hartford 5 Sept. 13 2632 Fairfield 3 Nov. 8 2784 Winsted 1 Sept. 6 2609 Devon 1 Oct. 18 2759 Groton 2 Nov. 7 2778 Greenwich 8 Sept. 6 2604 Greenwich 1 Nov. 22 2807 West Haven 1 Sept. 29 2717 Haddam 1 Aug. 30 2581 Bridgeport 1 Sept. 26 2696 Talcottville 1 Sept. 24 2676 North Haven 1 Nov. 22 2808 Madison 1 Dec. 15 2822 Sharon 1 Sept. 6 2610 Cromwell 3 Sept. 4 2592 Stamford 4 Dec. 29 2829 Bridgeport 1 Sept. 7 2618 East Haven 1 Sept. 29 2703 Winsted 1 Sept. 6 2611 New Haven 1 Sept. 29 2707 Manchester 1 July 17 2467 East Killingly 3 Aug. 28 2566 Ellington 5 Julv 20 2471 New Haven 1 Nov. 19 2803 Cromwell 1 Oct. 5 2732 Mvstic 1 Aug. 24 2558 Wilton 25 July 17 2469 Norwich 1 Aug. 18 2530 Avon 5 Sept. 11 2628 Hartford 3 Oct. 6 2733 Guilford 5 Sept. 17 2645 Manchester 23 July 7 2458 Westport 10 Aug. 30 2575 Greens Farms 1 May 1 2452 Farmington 10 Sept. 26 2691 Inspection of Nurseries, igS4 175 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified IN 1934— (C ontimie d) Certificate Certificat Name of firm Address Acreage dat e numbe Franklyn Nursery (2) Rockville 2 July 9 2459 Eraser's Nurseries & Dahlia Gardens Willimantic 3 Sept. 1 2588 Galligan, C. W. New Haven 1 Nov. 22 2811 Gallup, Amos M. Pawcatuck 1 Aug. 18 2534 Garden of Romance Old Saybrook 2 Dec. 14 2819 Gardner's Berlin 1 Sept. 26 2695 Gardner's Nurseries Rocky Hill 250 Aug. 28 2564 Geduldig's Greenhouses Norwich 6 Aug. 28 2567 Giant Valley Nursery Mount Carmel 1 Sept. 5 2596 Gilbert, Henry G. Danielson 2 Sept. 10 2624 Glastonbury Gardens Glastonbury 3 July 23 2472 Glenbrook Greenhouses Glenbrook 2 Aug. 17 2524 Glen Terrace Nurseries Hamden 60 Nov. 17 2798 Godfrey's Stratfield Nurseries Bridgeport 50 Dec. 14 2820 Golden Hill Nurseries Shelton 3 Nov. 14 2796 Goodwin Nurseries Bloomfield July 23 2473 Goshen Nurseries Goshen Sept. 20 2662 Green Acre Farms, Inc. Waterford Dec. 19 2823 Green, Martin A. Danbury Nov. 14 2797 Griswold, George Old Lyme Sept. 10 2626 Gunn, Mrs. Charles Kent Sept. 17 2651 Haas, Florist, E. Milford Oct. 9 2739 Hall, Henry A. L. West Haven Sept. 29 2712 Hamden Nursery Hamden Aug. 9 2510 Hammonassett Gardens Madison Sept. 5 2597 Hansen Florist & Nursery Fairfield Aug. 17 2519 Happy Days Farm Norwalk 10 Sept. 15 2642 Hawes, Frank M. West Hartford Oct. 16 2757 Hearn. Thomas H. \\"ashington Sept. 21 2669 Heath & Co. Manchester 25 Tulv 9 2460 Henninger, Christ. New Britain Sept. 26 2700 Hildebrand's Nursery Norwich Aug. 24 2560 Hillcrest Gardens Woodbridge Oct. 10 2748 HiUiard. H. J. Sound View Nov. 7 2779 Hinckley Hill Nursery Stonington Aug. 18 2541 Hiti Nurseries Pomfret Center 11 Aug. 4 2494 Hofmann, Henry F. Cromwell Aug. 20 2544 Holcomb, Ernest L. Granby Sept. 14 2636 Holcomb's Evergreen Nursery Winsted Sept. 24 2681 Holdridge & Son, S. E. Norwich Aug. 18 2529 Hope Street Nursery Springdale Aug. 23 2551 Horan, James F. Hartford Nov. 3 2777 Horan, Kieran W. West Hartford Nov. 3 2776 Horowitz, Ben (2) ■ East Hampton Aug. 18 2532 Houston's Nurseries Mansfield 13 Oct. 17 2758 Hoyt. Charles E. Bethel 25 Aug. 24 2559 Hoyt's Sons Co.. Inc., Stephen New Canaan 500 Aug. 17 2517 Intravaia & Sons, J. Aliddletown 1 Oct. 1 2719 Jennings, Mrs. George S. Southport 2 Oct. 6 2734 Joel Nursery Co. Yalesville 10 Aug. 30 2573 Johnson's Nursery South Meriden 1 Sept. 8 2623 Johnson, Tom Stratford 1 Sept. 7 2617 Judd. T. H. Danbury 1 Dec. 1 281.« 176 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified IN 1934— (C ontinued) Certificate Certificate Name of firm Address Acreage date number Kateley, Milton M. East River 1 Aug. 30 2582 Kelley & Son, James J. New Canaan 6 Oct. 6 2737 Kellner, Arthur H. Norwalk 1 Nov. 10 2791 Keogh, H. W. Norwalk 2 Nov. 10 2790 Keser's Sons, Inc., Otto Portland 1 Nov. 7 2781 Key Rock Gardens Newtown 1 Oct. 2 2721 Keystone Nurseries Danbury 1 Sept. 19 2659 Knapp's Perennial Gardens Plainville 1 Oct. 10 2746 Kosty's Perennial Garden Nurseries Clintonville 1 Nov. 7 2782 Lanedale Farm Nursery New Canaan 10 Sept. 6 2602 Langstroth Nurseries Danbury 6 Sept. 28 2702 Laviola Nursery New Haven 1 Sept. 22 2673 Lawrence Greenhouses Branford 1 Nov. 22 2810 Leghorn's Evergreen Nurseries Cromwell 25 Sept. 11 2629 Lewis Gardening Service Kensington 1 Aug. 25 2562 Lewis & Valentine, Inc. (Construction Department) Darien 9 Oct. 19 2760 Loring Nursery, Inc., The Robert Yalesville 2 Sept. 4 2590 Lowescroft Gardens Manchester 1 May 15 2453 Luckner, Jr., Wm. Stepney 1 Sept. 25 2688 Lynch, Mrs. John H. Ridgefield 3 Sept. 5 2599 Main, Walter G. North Stonington 1 Aug. 18 2536 Mallett Nursery Bridgeport 6 Sept. 26 2692 Maplewood Nursery Co. Norwich 2 Dec. 28 2826 Marigold Farm Nursery New Canaan 20 Aug. 13 2512 Mather Homestead Darien 1 Aug. 23 2550 Mayapple Nursery Stamford 1 Oct. 9 2741 McCarthy, John P. Danbury 1 Sept. 19 2658 McConville, John Manchester 2 July 9 2461 Meier, A. R. West Hartford 1 Oct. 11 2753 Melville Nurseries Bridgeport 1 Oct. 4 2728 Merwin Lane Nursery East Norwalk 3 Oct. 11 2751 Meyer, Carl H. H. Riverside 10 July 30 2486 Meyer Nursery, Ludwig Bridgeport 4 Oct. 27 2771 Middeleer, Inc. Darien 28 Oct. 22 2765 Midvale Nursery Manchester 1 Nov. 20 2804 Milford Nursery Milford 2 Oct. 27 2770 Millane Nurseries & Tree Experts Co., Inc. Cromwell 35 Sept. 26 2690 Mill River Nursery Fairfield 12 Aug. 23 2548 Millstone Garden Terryville 1 July 23 2474 Minge, G. H. Rocky Hill 1 Aug. 28 2563 Montgomery Evergreen Nursery, Inc. Cos Cob 5 Aug. 4 2496 Moraio Bros. Old Greenwich 5 Aug. 13 2515 Morgan & Sons, Wm. F. North Stonington 2 Aug. 18 2535 Mountain Farm Nursery West Hartford 2 Oct. 11 2752 Mountain Grove Cemetery Association Bridgeport 1 Oct. 3 2725 Mount Airy Gardens Stamford 1 Nov. 10 2788 Mount Carmel Nursery Mount Carmel 1 Nov. 19 2802 Munro, Florist New Haven 1 May 23 2454 Napolitano, Alfonso Cromwell 1 Nov. 3 2774 Newell Nurseries, The Bloomfield 6 Sept. 24 2675 Inspection of Nurseries, 1934 177 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934— (C ontinued) Certificate Certificate JSIame of firm Address Acreage date number New Haven Park Commission New Haven 10 Aug. 17 2525 JSTewington Gardens & Nurseries Newington Junction 1 Sept. 22 2670 New London Cemetery Association New London 1 Aug. 31 2584 New London County Nurseries New London 5 Nov. 8 2785 JSTewton's Nursery West Granby 1- Sept. 14 2637 New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Co. Bridgeport 4 Sept. 11 2631 Niantic Bouquet Shoppe Niantic 1 Aug. 18 2526 Nicolson & Thurston Litchfield 1 Sept. 6 2612 North Avenue Nursery Bridgeport 1 Sept. 7 2619 North-Eastern Forestry Co. Cheshire 96 Aug. 7 2505 Northville Gardens New Milford 1 Julv 25 2477 Norwood Nursery Hamden 1 Sept. 17 2648 Nyveldt, Albert New London 1 Aug. 18 2533 Oakland Nurseries Ellington 40 July 9 2462 Oakwood Novelty Gardens East Hartford 1 Aug. 4 2499 Oldfield Nursery Stratford 1 Sept. 25 2687 Old House Gardens, The Yalesville 1 Aug. 25 2561 Old Orchard Nursery Norwalk 4 Oct. 9 2745 Outpost Nurseries, Inc. Ridgefield 635 Aug. 24 2557 Ouwerkerk, D. K. Yalesville 10 Aug. 30 2577 Over-the-Garden-Wall West Hartford 3 Sept. 26 2701 Ox Yoke Farm Nursery Bridgeport 1 Oct. 6 2736 Palmieri Nursery & Florist New Haven 1 Nov. 20 2805 Parfitt, Mary T. New Milford 1 July 25 2478 Park Place Nurseries Marion 2 Sept. 20 2663 Paton, Wm. D. Mount Carmel 2 Aug. 28 2568 Patrick, Charles Bridgeport 2 Sept. 19 2660 Peatt, Wm. T. Ridgefield 1 Sept. 6 2600 Pedersen, Anthon, Nurseryman Stamford 3 Aug. 20 2543 Peschko. Robert Danbury 1 Sept. 6 2605 Pestretto. Frank \\'cst Hartford 1 Sept. 24 2677 Pestretto, Salvatore Hartford 1 Sept. 26 2694 Pflomm. Charles W. Bridgeport 1 Sept. 25 2689 Phelps & V. T. Hammer Co., The J. W. Branford 2 .Oct. 1 2720 Piemontese, Dominick Foxon 1 Sept. 21 2664 Pierson, Inc.. A. N. Cromwell 250 Aug. 17 2520 Pinchbeck Bros., Inc. Ridgefield 10 Sept. 4 2595 Pinecrest Gardens Wapping 1 Sept. 13 2633 Pine Hirst Gardens Guilford 1 Aug. 30 2583 Pine Plains Greenhouse, Inc. Norwich 2 Sept. 7 2614 Polish Orphanage New Britain 1 Sept. 26 2698 Pomeroy Blue Spruce Gardens New Milford 5 Aug. 13 2513 Prospect Nurseries, Inc. Cromwell 25 Aug. 28 2565 Putzig, Adolf Stamford 1 Dec. 29 2830 Q Garden Farm Milford 1 Nov. 9 2787 Quinebaug Forestry Co. Stafford Springs 2 July 31 2487 Rabinak, Louis Deep River 3 Sept. 4 2594 Race Brook Gardens, Inc. Orange 1 Sept. 29 2708 Reliable Nursery. The East Hartford 2 Sent. 19 2661 Rengerman's Garden Granby 1 Sept. 14 2635 178 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934 — {Continued) Name of firm Reveley, F. J. Reynolds Farms Richmond, Gordon L. Ridgewood Nurseries Rockfall Nursery Co. Rose Hill Nursery Rosery Rest, The Russell St. Perennial Garden (2) Certificate Certificat Address Acreage date numbe Clinton 2 Nov. 7 2780 South Norwalk 1 July 25 2476 New Milford 12 July 25 2479 Milford 1 Nov. 24 2812 Rockfall 30 Sept. 17 2647 Gildersleeve 3 Sept. 25 2685 Bridgeport 5 Dec. 15 2821 South Manchester July 2463 Sachem Forest Landscape Service Sage, Hollister Sakson's Nursery Sandelli's Greenhouse Sasco Hill Evergreen Nursery Saxe-Floto . Scarano, Alphonso Schaeffer Bros. Schafrik, George H. (2) Schaghticoke Farm Nursery Schleichert Nursery Schneider, Godfrey Schulze, "Edward E. Schulze Nursery, C. T. Scott's Nurseries Selleck, Joel F. Seltsam's Pequonnock Gardens Seymour's Hemlock Nursery Silver City Nursery Silvermine Nurseries Simonsen, H. C. ' Sipocz Arrowhead Farm Smith & Son, Edward A. Soltes Nursery, M. J. Southington Nursery, Inc. Southport Nursery South Wilton Nurseries Spring Nursery Stack. Charlotte E. StafiFord Conservatories Stalzer & Son, John Stannard, E. H. State Street Nursery Steck Nursery Steck, Sarah B. Steck & Sons, Inc., C. A. Steele's Nurseries, Charles Strayer Nursery. Paul Sunridge Nurseries Thomas & Sons, Inc., W. D. Torizzo. P. A. Tower Crispette Co. Tow Path Gardens Triangle Nursery Turchi, Nazareno New Haven 1 Sept. 21 2666 North Woodbury 1 Sept. 5 2598 Greenwich 1 Aug. 17 2521 New Britain 1 Sept. 26 2699 Southport 1 Aug. 4 2500 Waterbury 1 Aug. 13 2514 Groton 1 ■ Aug. 18 2539 Norwich 4 Aug. 30 2576 Meriden 1 Sept. 10 2625 Bridgewater 4 Sept. 29 2705 Bridgeport 1 Sept. 7 2616 West Haven 1 Sept. 29 2713 Bethel 3 Oct. 6 2735 Bethel 3 Nov. 19 2801 Bloomfield 10 Aug. 11 2511 Nichols 1 Sept. 17 2649 Bridgeport 1 Nov. 14 2794 Riverton 1 Sept. 6 2613 Meriden 3 Sept. 24 2678 Norwalk 1 Sept. 11 2630 Plainville 3 Oct. 25 2769 Fairfield 1 Dec. 4 2816 Mystic 1 Aug. 18 2538 Shelton 2 Sept. 18 2653 Southington 25 Aug. 4 2493 Southport 35 Aug. 20 2547 Wilton 5 • Aug. 4 2495 Bristol 3 Sept. 29 2718 New Milford 1 Tulv 25 2480 Stafford Springs 2 July 9 2464 Brooklvn 1 Aug. 31 2587 Wilton 2 Sept. 15 2641 Hamden 2 Sept. 24 2683 Bethel 4 Nov. 14 2795 Bethel 1 Sept. 4 2591 Newtown 12 Sept. 19 2654 Greenwich 2 Aug. 7 2504 Stratford ^1 Sept. 19 2656 Greenwich 75 Dec. 1 2814 Hamden 1 Tulv 26 2484 West Hartford 5 Sept. 21 2667 Guilford 1 Sept. 21 2668 Hartford 15 Oct. 22 2764 Yalesville 1 Sept. 6 2601 Orange 1 Sept. 29 2715 Inspection of Nurseries, 1934 179 Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1934 — {Continued) Certificate Certificate Name of firm Address Acreage date number Uplands Flower Gardens Woodbury 1 Aug. 28 2570 Valentine, William Pomfret Center 1 Aug. 4 2498 Valley View Nursery Southington 1 Nov. 17 2799 Van der Bom, F. Bethel 5 Oct. 23 2766 Vanderbrook & Son, C. L. Manchester 50 July 25 2475 Van Wilgen Nurseries Branford 22 Oct. 10 2747 Van Wilgen, Wm. Branford 1 Oct. 5 2730 Vasileff, Nicholas Greenwich 4 Aug. 17 2522 Verkade's Nurseries New London 60 Sept. 4 2593 Vernick, John H. Bridgeport 2 Aug. 8 2555 Wallace Nursery Wallingford 5 Aug. 31 2585 Wallingford Nurseries (of Barnes Nursery & Orchard Co.) Wallingford 75 Sept. 17 2644 Ward & Son, J. F. Windsor 1 July 10 2466 Water Bureau of the Metro- politan District Hartford 50 Oct. 27 2772 Watertown Nurseries, Inc. Watertown 1 Aug. 28 2569 Wayside Farm Gardens Thomaston 2 Aug. 16 2516 Westerly Nursery Pawcatuck 2 Aug. 30 2574 West Hartford Gardens West Hartford 3 Oct. 15 2756 Westover Nurseries Stamford 1 Nov. 22 2806 Westville Nurseries, Inc. New Haven 3 Dec. 22 2824 Wethersfield Nursery Wethersfield 2 Sept. 8 2620 Wheeler. Charles B. Stonington 1 Aug. 18 2537 Whittemore Co., J. H. Naugatuck 3 Sept. 7 2615 Whittle, John Mystic 1 Oct. 20 2763 Wightman, Elton G. Wethersfield 1 Oct. 15 2755 Wildflower Nursery, The Brookfield 1 July 25 2481 Wild's Nursery, Henry Norwalk 30 Aug. 4 2497 Wilridge Nurseries Ridgefield 5 Aug. 17 2518 Wilson, Michael L. Litchfield 3 Sept. 17 2652 Wilson & Co., Inc.. C. E. Manchester 125 Tulv 31 2488 Woodbridge Nurseries New Haven 4 Oct. 19 2761 Woodcrythe New Canaan 1 Sept. 15 2640 Woodmont Gardens Woodmont 1 Sept. 29 2714 Woodmont Nurseries Woodmont 83 Oct. 11 2750 Woodruff, C. V. Orange 2 Oct. 9 2743 Woody Crest Rock Garden Woodmont 1 Oct. 11 2754 Woody Tree Nursery Woodmont 1 Tune 2 2455 Wyllie, David Hamden 1 Sept. 29 2710 Yacko, Stephen Clinton 2 Sept. 17 2650 Yale University Forest School Nursery New Haven 1 Sept. 24 2674 Yale University Landscape Department New Haven 6 Aug. 4 2501 Young's Nurseries Wilton 1 Sept. 15 2643 Zack Co., H. J. Deep River 381 nurseries 10 Oct. 3 2722 TOTAL 4,659 acres ISO Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 The cost of inspecting these nurseries in 1934, including additional in- spection and rechecking because of European pine shoot moth and to make sure that pests had been eradicated, was approximately $1,926. Other Kinds of Certificates Issued During 1934, 112 duplicate certificates were issued to Connecticut nur- serymen to be filed in other states. Altogether 123 dealer's permits were issued to registered dealers who do not grow the stock that they sell. Shipper's permits were issued to nurserymen in other states, who wish to ship stock into Connecticut, to the number of 152. Altogether 237 parcels of nursery stock were inspected and certified for shipment to accommodate individuals. To meet the requirements of Federal Quarantine No. 62, 125,000 nar- cissus bulbs were inspected in the field in May, and 9,000 inspected when dug for shipment, and 16 certificates issued. There were also issued 131 miscellaneous certificates and special permits. Of other certificates issued, 1,772 were for shipments of shelled corn and other seeds, 85 for freedom from European corn borer, and 127 were blister rust control area permits. Inspection of Imported Nursery Stock A larger number of shipments containing a smaller number of plants entered Connecticut in 1934 from foreign countries than in 1933. As in other years, this stock entered the United States under specifications and permits of the Federal Bureau of Plant Quarantine, and at ports of entry was released for transit to destination points, where it was examined by state inspectors. In 1933-1934 there were 24 shipments containing 108 separate cases and 751,475 plants, all of which were rose stocks. The inspections were made by Mr. Zappe, B. W. McFarland and L. A. Devaux. This stock was imported by four commercial rose growers : One had nine shipments containing 468,775 plants; one had eight shipments containing 160,000; one had six shipments containing 86,300, and one had one shipment con- taining 36,400. This stock came from the following sources : Country No. shipments No. plants Holland 21 ' 676,475 England 2 45,000 i,. France 1 30,000 24 751,475 This stock consisted of Rosa manetti, 715,075, and R. imiltiiiora, 36,400 plants. The time required to inspect this imported rose stock was equivalent to 16 days of work for one man, and together with the cost of travel, 1,497 Inspection of Imported Stock 181 miles, and other necessary expenses, made a total cost of approximately $242. In addition to the shipments of rose stocks mentioned above, there were 11 shipments of perennial and other plants, including iris, orchids, dahlia, apple and evergreens, altogether 1,093 plants of new varieties, and five ship- ments containing 56 pounds of tree seeds, that were examined at the Bureau of Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C, and were not inspected in Connecticut. Reports of the 24 shipments inspected were sent to the Federal Bureau of Plant Quarantine. Results of Inspection Of the 24 shipments inspected, eight shipments, or ZZ.Z per cent, were found infested with insects or plant diseases as follows : Insects Emphytus cinctiis Linn 8 shipments Plant Diseases Crown gall 1 shipment 182 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 INSPECTION OF APIARIES, 1934 W. E. Britton In 1934, the apiaries were inspected in the same manner and by the same men as in preceding years. Altogether, 1,429 apiaries, containing 7,128 colonies, were inspected in 1934, as against 1,342 apiaries and 10,927 colonies in 1933. The inspections were made by H. W. Coley of Westport, and A, W. Yates of Hartford. The total cost of inspection of apiaries in 1934 was $1,998.67. It may be noted that these apiaries averaged 4.98 colonies each in 1934, in comparison with 8.1 colonies each in 1933. American foul brood was discovered in 27 apiaries, where 55 colonies were infested, the disease occurring in each county in the State. European foul brood was found only in one colony each in two apiaries, one in Hartford County and one in New London County. Table 2 shows the number of apiaries and colonies inspected, the aver- age number of colonies per apiary, and the average cost of inspecting each apiary and colony for each year since inspection began in 1910. Table 2. Twenty-Five Year Record of Apiary Inspection in Connecticut Average Average Number Number No. colonies cost of inspection Year apiaries colonies per apiary Per apiary Per colony 1910 208 1,595 7.6 $2.40 .28 1911 162 1,571 9.7 1.99 .21 1912 153 1.431 9.3 1.96 .21 1913 189 1,500 7.9 1.63 .21 1914 463 3,882 8.38 1.62 .19 1915 494 4,241 8.58 1.51 .175 1916 467 3.898 8.34 1.61 .19 1917 473 4,506 9.52 1.58 .166 1918 395 3,047 7.8 1.97 .25 1919 723 6,070 11.2 2.45 .29 1920 762 4.797 6.5 2.565 .41 1921 751 6,972 9.2 2.638 .24 1922 797 8,007 10.04 2.60 .257 1923 725 6,802 9.38 2.55 .27 1924 953 8,929 9.4 2.42 .25 1925 766 8,257 10.7 2.45 .22 1926 814 7,923 9.7 2.35 .24 1927 803 8,133 10.1 2.37 .234 1928 852 8,023 9.41 2.12 .225 1929 990 9,559 9.55 2.19 .227 1930 1,059 10,335 9.76 2.01 .206 1931 1,232 10,678 8.66 1.83 .212 1932 1,397 11,459 8.2 1.60 .195 1933 1,342 10,927 8.1 1.69 .208 1934 1,429 7,128 4.98 1.40 .28 In 1934, apiaries were inspected in 164 towns. Inspections were made in 1934 in the following 19 towns not visited in 1933: Fairfield County : Brookfield, Darien ; New Haven County : Ansonia, North Branford, Seymour, West Haven ; Middlesex County : Westbrook ; Litchfield County : Kent, Sharon, Warren, Washington ; Hartford County : Inspection of Apiaries, 1934 183 East Hartford, East Windsor, Enfield, Manchester, Marlborough, South Windsor, Suffield, Windsor Locks. On the other hand, in the following four towns visited in 1933, no in- spections were made in 1934 : New Haven County, Derby ; New London County, Lyme ; Hartford County, Hartford ; Tolland County, Coventry. There were two apiaries infested with European foul brood, one apiary infested with sacbrood, one apiary infested with bee paralysis, and 27 apiaries infested with American foul brood. In 1934, European foul brood was discovered in the following towns : New London County, North Stonington ; Hartford County, Avon. In 1934, American foul brood was discovered in the following 20 towns : Fairfield County : Bridgeport, Greenwich, New Fairfield, Redding, Stamford ; New Haven County : Cheshire, Guilford ; Middlesex County : Middletown ; New London County : East Lyme, Ledyard, Norwich ; Litchfield County : Cornwall, Morris, Sharon ; Hartford County : Bloom- field, Farmington, Glastonbury ; Tolland County : Tolland, Vernon ; Wind- ham County, Windham. Statistics of Inspection The statistics of apiary inspection by towns and counties are given on the following pages, with summary on page 187 : Inspection of Apiaries, 1934 Town Inspected ■Apiaries Fairfield Coxrnty Bethel 9 Bridgeport 2 Brookrteld 1 Danbury 10 Darien 5 Easton 5 Fairfield 8 Greenwich 26 Monroe 1 New Canaan 3 New Fairfield 16 Newtown 8 Norwalk 2 Redding 9 Ridgefield 4 Shelton 1 Sherman 4 Stamford 29 Stratford 4 Trumbull 18 Weston 2 Westport 7 Wilton 13 Diseased Inspected Diseased (Am. f b.) (Am. f. b.) _ 34 2 9 2 78 3 __ — IS — 47 — — 42 — 1 130 3 16 2 ^_ _ 1 93 1 — 55 8 51 — 2 4 — 30 — — 16 — 46 — 1 100 1 — 16 — 79 — 13 — 51 — 145 — 187 1,079 11 Cdnnecticut Experinlent Station Bulletin 368 Town Inspected -Apiaries- New Haven County Ansonia 4 ■ Bethany ■ '1 Branford 2 Cheshire 10 East Haven. 1 Guilford .... .'.' .'!.:..... 2 Hamden 8 Madison ..................... 1 Meriden .,...„ 12 Middlebury . '. .',...' 5 Miiford- ..... ..J....;....'.... 1 Naugatuck ...:..-..... 5 New Haven .... ... . . : ; ...... 1 North Branford 1 North Haven ................. 3 Orange ' 1 : Oxford 6 Prospect 3 Seymour 5 Southbury 4 Wallingford 4 Waterbury 6 West Haven . •. 2 .. Wolcott .4 Woodbridge 4 96 Diseased (Am. f. b.) inspected -Colonies- 19 Diseased (Am. f. b.) 9 — 71 11 5 — ' 11 1 r ■ 51 — 'i ir ■ ■ 4 — - 122 — 44 — 14 — 34 — 3 — 24 — 19 — ■'■"' ■■ 8 — 48 — 13 — 20 — 161 — 177 — 22 — 13 — 14 — 21 — 935 12 Middlesex County Chester 4 Clinton , 3 Cromwell^ 10 Durham 8 East Haddam , '. 5 East Hampton 9 Essex 13 Haddam .'. 2 Killingworth 2 Middlefield ..'..: 4 Middletown" ; 13 Old Saybrook ' 7 Portland 8 Saybrook 4 Westbrook 1 93 New London County Bozrah 1 Colchester 18 East Lyme v 7 Franklin .'■ 1 ' Two apiaries inspected twice. ^ One colony with bee paralysis. 17 15 57 72 70 58 43 34 5 114 81 29 35 17 655 35 122 29 3 Inspection of Apiaries, i^^ 4 185 Town Inspected -Apiaries- New London County — Continued Griswold 4 Groton 10 Lebanon 10 Ledyard 2 Lisbon 4 Montville 5 New London 3 North Stonington' 4 Norwich"' ' 9 Old Lyme 2 Preston 3 Salem 2 Sprague 6 Stonington 7 Voluntown 2 Waterford 11 Disea 3ed Inspected Diseased (Am. f b.) (Am. f . b.) 67 — 50 — , — 124 2 4 4 — 27 — — . , 78 — 15 ' — 60 ■..-, --^. 1 359 ■<,. 3,, — . 29 — i^ ,■ — 66 T-': ' — 7 — i ■■ — 28 , — 33 — - — 11 — • — 86 — ■■■ 111 1,233 11 Litchfield County Barkhamsted 10 Bethlehem ■. 10 Bridgewater 4 Canaan 1 Colebrook 5 Cornwall 7 Goshen 9 Harwinton 9 Kent 9 Litchfield 10 Morris 9 New Hartford 20 New Milford 18 Norfolk 9 North Canaan 4 Plymouth 8 Roxbury 8 Salisbury 11 Sharon 14 Thomaston 14 Torrington 20 Warren 2 Washington 8 Watertown 17 Winchester 17 Woodbury 9 1- :vV 21 ,.< -^v 55 — ' 39 — i.-.' 9 __>^' 19 13 1 38 — 13 — 40 — 57 — 13 3 22 — 95 — 16 — 54 rr_).: 18 ■■■■ r:.:_aj^/' 23 ' Tiwe: 38 T-jjjr^: 119 ., ,1! 33 '■'-IL 76 I ■ r_- 9 ■ 1 ;• ; : . • 30 — 58 — 52 — 39 — 262 992 Hartford County Avon^ ' 11 Berlin 20 Bloomfield 17 ^ One colony with European foul brood. " One apiary inspected twice. ' One sacbrood. 23 _L 60 ■ i(|ir:.ui 09 ■■■■■' -2- 186 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Town Inspected -Apiaries- Hartford County — {Continued) Bristol 12 Burlington 12 Canton 14 East Granby 9 East Hartford 15 East Windsor 13 Enfield ^ 10 Farmington * 14 Glastonbury 23 Granby 12 Hartland 5 Manchester 19 Marlborough 2 New Britain 27 Newington 18 Plainville 12 Rocky Hill 3 Simsbury , 9 Southington 25 South Windsor 14 Suffield 17 West Hartford 23 Wethersfield 19 Windsor 23 Windsor Locks 3 401 Diseased (Am. f. b.) inspected 33 30 42 16 36 28 23 ZZ 90 45 25 51 27 108 48 29 11 10 126 45 41 87 49 67 15 1,307 -Colonies- Diseased (Am. f. b.) Tolland County Andover 3 Bolton 2 Columbia 10 Ellington 10 Hebron 8 Mansfield 23 Somers 12 Stafford 18 Tolland 10 Union 3 Vernon 17 Willirtgton 13 129 5 3 69 56 25 65 39 21 35 1 54 32 405 Windham County Ashford " 17 Brooklyn 10 Canterbury 5 Chaplin 2 Eastford 6 Hampton 12 Killingly 20 Plainfield 19 Pomf ret 9 50 86 28 10 12 22 44 67 28 Inspection of Apiaries, 1934 187 Town Inspected -Apiaries- Diseased (Am. f. b.) Windham County — (Continued) Putnam 3 Scotland 7 Sterling 4 Thompson 10 Windham 15 Woodstock 11 150 Number County towns Fairfield 23 New Haven 25 Middlesex' 15 New London-''.... 20 Litchfield 26 Hartford- 28 Tolland 12 Windham IS SUMMARY -Apiaries- Inspected 187 96 93 111 262 401 129 150 Diseased (Am. f. b.) 7 3 2 4 3 5 2 1 inspected -Colonies- Diseased (Am. f. b.) 11 30 8 34 35 57 522 inspected 1,079 935 655 1,233 992 1,307 405 522 -Colonies- 164 1.429 27 7,128 Diseased (Am. f. b.) 11 12 5 11 5 6 3 2 55 Inspected Infested with American foul brood . . . . Percentage infested Colonies treated Colonies destroyed Infested with European foul brood Average number of colonies per apiary Cost of inspection Average cost * One colony with bee paralysis. 2 One colony with European foul brood. ' One sacbrood. Number apiaries 1.429 27 .019 $1,998.67 1.40 Number colonies 7,128 55 .0077 30 25 2 4.99 :.28 Financial Statement RECEIPTS Appropriation year ending June 30, 1934 $2,000.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries $ 971.52 Travel expense (outlying) 1,017.40 Miscellaneous 9.75 Total $1,998.67 Balance on hand July 1, 1934 1.33* Grand Total $2,000.00 *Reverts to State Treasury. 188 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Registration of Bees Section 2129 of the General Statutes provides that each beekeeper shall register his bees on or before October 1 of each year with the town clerk of the town in which the bees are kept, and that each town clerk, on or before December 1, shall report to the State Entomologist whether or not any bees have been registered, and if so, shall send a list of the names and number of colonies of each. In 1934, 1,429 apiaries containing 7,128 colonies were inspected. There were registered 642 apiaries and 4,311 .colonies in 1934, and after checking the registrations and inspections, and deducting the duplications, the following figures show that at least this number of apiaries and colonies were kept in Connecticut in 1934 : Apiaries Colonies ; Inspected 1,429 7,128 Registered but not inspected 269 1,278 ■ Total .., 1,698 8,406 REPORT ON CONTROL OF THE GIPSY MOTH, 1934 W. E. Britton and John T. Ashworth For many years efforts to suppress the gipsy moth in Connecticut have been expended in collaboration with the Bureau of Entomology and Pl^nt Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, and thanks for hearty cooperation is hereby tendered to A. F. Burgess, H. L. Blais(|ell and S. S. Crossman of the Federal gipsy moth control organization, |at Greenfield, Mass. ■;. ' It was possible for the Federal organization to employ additional men under a grant for the purpose from the Public Works Appropriation, and the territory adjoining the barrier zone was examined through Connec- ticut, Massachusetts and Vermont. Consequently, in planning the control work in Connecticut for 1933-34, it was agreed that the Federal fprces cover the area west of the Connecticut River and that the state forces- cover that portion of the State east of the Connecticut River. Neither state nor Federal forces fully attained their objectives. The areas were not en- tirely covered. Some additional help was received, both east and west of the Connec- ticut River, from men in the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps in charge of A. F. Hawes, State Forester, and thanks and appreciation are herein expressed for his cordial cooperation. Also east of the Connecticut River additional help was received through the employment of untrained men tinder the Civil Works Appropriation, which became available November 15, 1933, and terminated March 29, 1934. These men had to be given a short period of training by the regular scouts, then formed into crews, each with a regular scout as foreman. Soon after these CWA men were trained and were nicely started on this work the project came to an end. However, these crews did discover several large infestations in wood- lands which probably would not otherwise have been found. Some of these ■■ Control oj Gipsy Moth, 1^34 189 infestations were sprayed by regular state employees in May and. June. This report covers all gipsy moth suppression work in Connecticut, under whatever agency it was conducted. ; : , I . New Equipment As the 1931 Chevrolet sedan used in this work had been driven ap- proximately 78,000 miles, it was thought best to exchange it for a new one. .This was done on September 14, 1933. In April, 1934, a new Fitzhenry-Guptill 1,000-lb. pressure sprayer: mounted on a Kord chassis was purchased. (See Figure 13) It is like the sprayer purchased in Figure 13.^ New Fitzhenry-Guptill Power Spraj-er with Ford Chassis 1931, except for a few .improvements. Both of the old Netco truck sprayers, one purchased in 1918 and the other in 1920, were disposed of after a long and satisfactory period of service. A few small tools, such as wrenches and screw drivers that were either worn out or broken, have also been replaced. Results of Scouting Eastern District In the territory east of the Connecticut River, before the CWA work was started, state crews had completed work in seven towns, and had done some work in each of nine other towns in New London and Wind- ham Counties. In East Windsor and Manchester in Hartford County, no trace of the gipsy moth was found. In East Hartford, a rather large 190 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 •colony of 113 egg-clusters was discovered in oak woodland owned by Arthur Ulric, near Pewterpot Brook, in the southern central portion of the town. Here about four acres of woodland were sprayed early in June. This was the largest infestation found in Har-tford County, east of the Connecticut River. The towns of Andover and Bolton in Tolland County were scouted by .state crews and four infestations were discovered in each town. In An- dover, the largest infestation was in the southern end of the town near the Columbia-Hebron town line, and contained 2,342 egg-clusters. The largest infestation in Bolton contained 170 egg-clusters and was near the center of the town on land owned by S. M. Alvord. As soon as the egg-laying season was over, a crew was put to work in Groton at the large infestation where some 30 acres of woodland were defoliated last year, and were kept there until November 24, when CWA "work was started. Then all state men were needed elsewhere for the training and supervision of the CWA men. After a short period of train- ing, crews were organized and put to work in each of the following towns : Ashford, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Eastford, Killingly, Plainfield, Pomfret, Putnam, Sterling, Thompson, Windham and Woodstock in Windham County ; Colchester, Griswold, Groton, Lebanon, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Salem, Stonington and Waterford in New London County. Infestations were discovered in each of these towns. Thus the employment of CWA men gave us an opportunity to obtain a check on conditions over the eastern third of the State, which would not have been possible inasmuch as the appropriation for the biennial period was materially reduced so that it became necessary to discharge some of the regular trained men. Although the scouting work was com- pleted in only four of the towns mentioned above, and two of these were finished by state men after the CWA work ceased in March, the results ■of the scouting work done in this territory brought to light several large infestations. It proved, what had been suspected, that colonies, which must be reckoned with later, are building up in the woodlands in this section of the State. Unless larger appropriations are forthcoming, ex- tensive defoliation may be expected in some localities within the near future. Scouting work was completed in the towns of Groton and New London, in New London County, and in Plainfield and Windham, in Windham County. As has already been mentioned, much work was done at the large Groton Long Point infestation. Early in the fall, arrangements were made with State Forester Hawes, in charge of the CCC camps in Connecticut, to have a force of men from Camp Chapman cut and burn b)rush in and around the infested area. These men kept busy until the arrival of the CWA men, when they were returned to their camp. State and CWA men then finished the work, and altogether 284,664 egg-clusters were found and creosoted at this infestation and more than a ton of lead arsenate was used to spray the area. Most of the territory around this infestation has already been scouted this season and we are pleased to report that there will be nearly 280,000 fewer egg-clusters this year than were found last year. However, some of the trees defoliated there in 1933 did not put out leaves in 1934, as may be seen in Figure 14, photographed in July, Control of Gipsy Moth, IQS4 191 The towns along the eastern border of Connecticut were found to be generally infested, and in Stonington and North Stonington heavy feed- ing by the caterpillars was observed in certain localities in July. Heavy infestations also occurred in portions of Colchester, Columbia, Ellington,.. Lebanon, Mansfield, Stafford and Union. The table of statistics shows that several thousand egg-clusters were destroyed in each of these towns. So far as gipsy moth suppression is concerned, it is to be regretted that the life of the CWA project was so short. It required about two of the four months, or half its life, to assemble, equip and train the men before they could do this work efficiently. However, the results accomplished- may be considered well worth the efforts expended. Figure 14. View of Trees at Grotun, Uefuliated by Gipsy Aluth Caterpillars in 1933. Some of these Trees did not Leaf out in 1934. Photo June 14, 1934. After the CWA work ceased late in March, the regular scouts re- assembled and carried forward the work in some of the towns where the CWA men had left off', and continued scouting until the spraying season opened. At the close of the spraying season, they scouted for caterpillars and pupae around infestations that had just been sprayed. Infestations in 12 towns west of the Connecticut River were visited, and in eight of these towns, 1,621 larvae and pupae were destroyed. In the territory east of the Connecticut River, 11 towns were visited and 11,520 larvae and pupae were found and destroyed. Western District In the territory west of the Connecticut River, all scouting and spraying was done by PWA and CCC men under Federal supervision. Altogether,. 192 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 36 towns were completely scouted and 32 towns partially covered. The gipsy moth was fomid to be present in 35 of these towns. More than 1,000 egg-clusters were creosoted in each of four towns as follows : Canton, 1,572; Granby, 10,661; Middletown, 1,462 and Wolcott, 2,670. Under the system of "block scouting", or scouting everything between roads, approximately 417,274 acres of woodland were examined in addition to all scattered trees in the open country. The most heavily infested of these was Granby, where about two-fifths of the town was covered and about 9,007 acres of woodland, and 28 miles of roadside in the western portion of the town were examined. Most of the infestations were in the southwest corner which is generally infested, and the scouts found scattered egg-clusters nearly everywhere. Altogether, 10,661 egg-clusters were creosoted in Granby. In Wolcott, the second most heavily infested town, 7,821 acres of wood- land were scouted and 470 acres sprayed. Altogether, 2,670 egg-clusters were creosoted ; 2,590 of these were in and around last year's infestation, and the others were in two small colonies outside of that area. Canton was the third town most heavily infested, and in it 1,572 egg- clusters were found and creosoted. These were in eight colonies scattered over the northern third of the town, and the largest colony in the northeast corner near the Granby-Simsbury line contained 1,300 egg-clusters. Middletown was the fourth most heavily infested town, and in it four infestations were discovered, altogether containing 1,462 egg-clusters. Two of these were large and particularly dangerous because they were both situated on high elevations with great possibilities of wind spread. One, on a wooded ridge in the northwest corner of the town near the Berlin line, contained 771 egg-clusters. The other was just west of the city propfer, on willow trees along the Air Line Railroad, and contained 655 egg-clusters. Altogether, 12,046 acres of woodland were scouted in Mid- dletown and 483 acres were sprayed. Guilford and Killingworth were found infested this year for the first time. In Guilford the scouting revealed two infestations containing 92 egg-clusters; 203 acres of woodland were sprayed by Federal men. In Killingworth a colony of 36 egg-clusters was discovered. Durham and North Branford were completely scouted and no traces of the gipsy moth were found. In Cheshire, Chester and Wallingford, scout- ing was confined to the territory around former infestations, and no gipsy moths were discovered. Thus in 1933-34, work was done in 107 towns ; 453 infestations were found; 434,410 egg-clusters creosoted; 13,125 larvae and pupae killed; 47 infestations, including 3,045 acres of woodland and 1,721 separate trees, sprayed ; 4,252 miles of roadside and 435,581 acres of woodland were scouted. In addition 13,828 acres of open country were scouted by CCC men. In the spraying operations state men used 7,500 pounds of lead arsenate. Federal men applied 37,425 pounds in the barrier zone and 62,910 pounds between the barrier zone and the Connecticut River. This makes a grand total of 107,835 pounds, or 53.9 tons of lead arsenate. The statistics of the infestations in these towns are given on the following pages, with a summary on page 195. Control of Gipsy Moth, ip34 193 Statistics of Infestations, 1933-34 Town Windham County Ashford Brooklyn Canterbury Eastford Hampton Killingly Plainfield Pomfret Putnam Sterling Thompson Windham ' Woodstock Infesta- tions found 1 5 18 2 3 24 68 8 16 14 4 6 2 Egg- Infesta- Poison Larvae Roadside Woodland clusters tions used and pupae scouted scouted creosoted sprayed (lbs.) killed (miles) (acres) 171 256 5,701 1,322 1,884 27 3,647 11,012 1,182 6,761 1,268 2,484 4,370 2,510 42,424 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 0 0 1 0 3 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 53 116 • 0 0 15 0 270 0 0 3,243 0 0 0 1,677 3,351 0 0 0 585 0 0 454 8,856 0 2 13 0 1 3 97 13 11 4 0 72 4 220 50 382 168 376 34 1,031 446 124 874 506 403 2,056 263 6,713 New London County Colchester 1 4,461 .East Lyme 0 0 Griswold 11 831 Groton 13 286,651 Lebanon 4 10,008 New London 1 9,210 Norwich 5 1,500 No. Stonington 10 5,521 Preston 6 2,889 Salem 5 541 Stonington 1 6,792 Waterford 3 92 60 328,496 Tolland County Andover 4 2,561 Bolton 4 363 Columbia 17 17,705 Ellington 4 907 Mansfield 1 1,760 'Stafford 33 16,983 Tolland 2 11 Willington 9 1,461 74 41,751 Middlesex County Chester' 0 0 Clinton' 0 0 Cromweir 0 0 Durham' 0 0 East Hampton' 0 0 Haddam' 1 1 Killingworth' 1 36 Middlefield' 3 77 Middletown' 4 1,462 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 1 11 0 0 0 2,655 0 0 0 143 0 535 750 143 1.275 540 0 360 10 290 105 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 acres 483 acres 0 0 0 184 0 95 640 0 62 77 0 36 4,226 1,094 0 0 1,570 0 0 0 0 0 14 2,595 1,570 0 16 64 107 4 17 66 9 16 0 11 77 387 40 58 20 0 1 66 0 0 185 17 29 38 59 1 85 86 37 136 444 0 159 2,239 824 24 50 408 1,354 103 13 1,531 7,149 96 0 1,552 299 0 1,521 614 363 4,445 9,771 4,175 2,948 6,330 998 23,020 14,238 3,688 12,046 ^ Indicates work performed by men under Federal supervision. 194 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Infesta- Egg- Infesta- I 'oison Larvae Roadside : Woodland tions clusters tions used and pupae scouted scouted Town found creosoted sprayed (lbs.) killed (miles) (acres) Middlesex County — (Continued) Old Saybrook' 0 0 0 0 0 36 2,655 Saybrook' 0 0 0 0 0 36 4,410 Westbrook^ 0 9 , 0 0 793 acres 0 0 0 9 569 3,905 1,576 0 88,184 Hartford County Avon' 0 0 0 0 0 10 873 Berlin' 2 34 32 acres 0 0 58 5,236 Bristol' 0 0 0 0 0 80 6,993 Burlington' 4 296 18 acres 0 176 76 12,078 Canton' 8 1,572 0 0 0 68 6,861 East Granby' 6 189 0 0 0 26 6,192 East Hartford 1 113 1 105 0 65 0 East Windsor 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 Enfield 2 47 1 120 0 92 5 Farmington' 3 59 0 0 0 78 8,284 Granby' 20 10,661 0 0 0 28 9,007 Hartford' 0 0 0 0 0 16 41 Hartland' 24 872 0 0 351 55 16,112 Manchester 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 Marlboro 1 15 0 0 0 54 3 New Britain' 2 558 29 acres 0 9 50 2,400 Newington' 1 30 0 0 0 37 3,635 Plainville' 0 0 0 0 0 26 2,290 Rocky Hill' 1 7 0 0 0 39 3,442 Simsbury' 4 425 0 0 7 31 6,475 Southington' 2 64 40 acres 0 0 109 10,207 Suffield' 1 26 0 0 0 25 1,200 West Hartford' 1 6 0 0 0 47 890 Wethersfield- 1 641 0 0 554 41 1,388 Windsor' 2 27 0 0 0 55 4,445 Windsor Locks' 0 86 0 0 2 col. 0 225 0 28 1,336 1,187 15,642 1,081 109,244 119 acres New Haven County Ansonia' 0 0 0 0 0 10 873 Beacon Falls' 0 0 0 0 0 3 890 Branford' 2 40 1,721 trees 0 0 58 6,185 Cheshire' 0 0 0 0 0 9 1,029 Derby' 0 0 0 0 0 1 155 Guilford' 2 , 92 203 acres 0 0 119 18,079 Madison' 0 0 0 0 0 85 22.815 Meriden' 1 326 375 acres 0 0 110 4,174 North Branford' 0 0 0 0 0 39 9,427 North Haven' 0 0 0 0 0 69 3,213 Orange' 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Prospect' 0 0 0 0 0 2 196 Seymour' 0 0 0 0 0 3 270 Southbury' 0 0 0 0 0 35 3,544 Wallingford' 0 0 0 0 0 1 451 Waterbury' 0 0 0 0 0 136 2,003 ^Indicates work performed by men under Federal supervision. ^194 egg-clusters, 554 larvae and pupae killed by state men; other work in Wethersfield done by Federal men. Control of Gipsy Moth, ipS4 195 Infesta- Egg- Infesta- Poison Larvae Roadside Woodland tions clusters tions 1 used and pupae scouted scouted Town found creosoted sprayed (lbs.) killed (miles) (acres) New Haven County- -(Continued) Wolcott' 3 2,670 470 acres 0 0 52 7,821 Woodbury' 0 8 0 0 1,048 acres 0 0 0 1 733 50 3,128 0 81,200 1,721 trees Litchfield County Barkhamsted' 10 369 0 0 432 73 12,614 Canaan' 10 125 347 acres 0 0 37 11.440 Colebrook' 1 1 0 0 46 60 16.114 Cornwair 5 28 87 acres 0 0 43 9.495 Harwinton' 3 75 62 acres 0 0 84 10.425 Kent' 1 36 124 acres 0 0 25 6,994 New Hartford' 3 138 39 acres 0 46 84 13.780 Norfolk' 4 411 254 acres 0 0 20 6,797 North Canaan' 2 89 172 acres 0 0 24 2.887 Plymouth' 0 0 0 0 0 57 6.638 Roxbury' 0 0 0 0 0 1 150 Salisbury' 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.798 Sharon' 0 0 0 0 0 15 3,117 Thomaston' 0 0 0 0 0 49 3,976 Torrington' 0 0 0 0 0 114 10.836 Warren' 5 115 0 0 0 38 6,880 Winchester' 1 6 0 0 0 87 12.655 Woodbury' 0 45 0 0 1,085 acres 0 0 0 1 822 50 1,393 524 138,646 Summary of Statistics Infesta- Towns tions County covered found Windham 13 New London 12 Tolland 8 Middlesex 12 Hartford 26 New Haven 18 Litchfield 18 171 60 74 9 8 45 Egg- Infesta- clusters tions creosoted sprayed 42,424 328.496 41.751 1,576 15,642 3,128 1,393 107 453 434,410 20 11 14 793 acres I 2 I 119 acres 1,048 acres 1,085 acres 47 3,045 acres 1,721 trees Poison Larvae and Roadside Woodland used pupae scouted scouted (lbs.) killed (miles) (acres) 454 4.226 2,595 0 7.500 100.335' 8.856 1,094 1,570 0 0 524 220 387 185 569 733 822 13,125 4,252 6,713 7,149 4,445 88,184 225 1,081 1,336 109,244 81,200 138,646 435,581 13,828' ^ Indicates work performed by men under Federal supervision. ^ Federal men applied 37,425 pounds of lead arsenate in barrier zone and 62,910 pounds between barrier zone and the Connecticut River. ■* CCC workers scouted 13,828 acres of open country. 196 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Financial Statement RECEIPTS Appropriation year ending June 30, 1934 $39,430.00 June 28, 1934, transferred from Insect Pest Appropriation 600.00 $40,030.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries $12,377.75 Labor 18,745.08 Stationery and office supplies 75.74 Insecticides 1,026.50 Small hardware 17.22 Automobile oil 97.75 Telephone 86.45 Travel expense (outlying) 275.84 Travel expense (gasoline for automobiles) 956.45 Freight and express 14.71 Fuel 42.50 Electricity 23.00 Automobiles (new) 4,600.90 Automobiles (repairs) 382.10 Other equipment (new) 380.81 Other equipment (repairs) 20.82 Rent of land, storehouse 418.50 Insurance 399.02 Medical supplies 5.30 Scientific supplies 22.50 Fees 13.50 Miscellaneous contingent expenses 46.95 Total Disbursements $40,029.39* Balance on hand July 1, 1934 .61** $40,030.00 *In addition to this amount, $179. 25 was paid out of Insect Pest Appropriation. **Reverts to State Treasury. Quarantine Changes During the year the only quarantine changes affecting Connecticut were made in Federal Quarantine No. 45, involving the three towns of Montville, Salem and Waterford in New London County. These towns for several years have been considered as being lightly infested and were in the green area on the Federal quarantine map. Becoming effective October 2, 1934, these towns were transferred to the generally infested area and are shown on the accompanying- map, Figure 15. Parasites Little work was done on parasites by the state staff in 1933-1934. Some egg-clusters, larvae and pupae were collected in Thompson, and sent to the Gipsy Moth Laboratory, 1156 Main Street, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Mr. C. W. Collins has reported on this material as follows : Of 24 egg- clusters examined, 9.84 per cent of the eggs had been parasitized by Anastatus disparts Ruschka, formerly known as Anastatiis bifasciatus; Control of Gipsy Moth, 1934 197 71 third instar larvae, no parasitism ; 100 fifth instar larvae, 26 per cent parasitized by the two-winged fly, Compsilura concinnata Meig. ; from 34 male and 35 female pupae, three maggots of the two- winged fly, Stunnia scutellata Rob.-Desv., were reared from the female pupae ; of 206 pupal remains, 11.16 per cent showed that the pupae had been destroyed by the European Calosoma or ground beetle, Calosorna sycophanta Linn., which is not a parasite but a predator. These records show that natural enemies are present in Thompson, where little control work has been done for several years, and evidently destroy 40 per cent or more of certain stages of the gipsy moth. Recommendations The present gipsy moth conditions are set forth in the preceding pages. In view of the fact that former appropriations have permitted roadside Figure 15. Map of Connecticut Showing Areas Regulated by Federal and State Quarantines, because of the Gipsy Moth. A, Generally Infested; B, Lightly Infested. and open scouting on only a portion of the territory that needed to be covered ; that several large woodland infestations have been disco vei-ed ; that there is reason to expect that infestations have been building up in other towns, although not yet discovered ; we recommend that the ap- propriation for the biennial period of 1935-1937 be increased to $100,000, or $50,000, annually. 198 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER IN CONNECTICUT, 1934 W. E. Britton, M. p. Zappe, J. P. Johnson and N. Turner This paper is a report for 1934 on : The European corn borer com- 23ulsory clean-up, in charge of Mr. Zappe ; surveys of damage to early and late sweet corn, degree of infestation by first and second generation borers, in charge of Mr. Johnson ; and infestation conditions in certain weed areas, the information for which was supphed by Mr. Turner. Spring Enforcement of the Compulsory Clean-up The compulsory clean-up was enforced under the provisions of Section 2125 of the General Statutes. On February 13, Director Slate issued the clean-up order requiring that all cornstalks, stubble, and the larger weeds be disposed of on or before April 10, by feeding to live stock, burn- ing, or plowing under cleanly to a depth of six inches. Beginning April 18, 22 inspectors canvassed cornfields in the four southern counties of the State. After this territory had been covered, they moved into the four northern counties where the season was later. Each inspector was supplied with a motor vehicle and allotted seven or eight towns, depending on the size and agricultural development of the towns. Most of the motor cars were borrowed from the Bureau of Plant Quar- antine of the United States Department of Agriculture, and this Station paid for their operation. Inspectors were supplied with road maps, and instructed to drive over all roads and see and issue clean-up cards to all growers who had not yet disposed of their cornstalks and other corn material. The system in vogue for several years, of issuing cards to growers who still had cornstalks or stubble present on their land, was followed in 1934. The inspectors gave instructions to the growers to dispose of their corn- stalks and corn refuse, and in most cases requested an approximate date when the clean-up could be completed. This record was made on the card, signed by the grower, and returned to the office by the inspector. Another portion of the card filled out at the same time was left for the grower to sign and mail to the office on completion of the clean-up work. A few growers refused to sign cards. Several mislaid or lost them and replied by letter. Some failed to reply and it was necessary for the in- spector to visit them again. Altogether, 4,853 order cards were issued by the inspectors, and 3,736 replies (or 77 per cent) returned to the office stating that the clean-up had been completed. There were no replies received from 1,117, or 23 per cent, of the order cards issued. It was discovered that some growers had returned their cards before they had disposed of their cornstalks, stubble and weeds. In such cases the inspectors visited the growers again and warned them that they must finish the clean-up work immediately or legal measures would be taken to force them to do so. On account of the abnormal rainfall the land was unusually wet and could not be plowed. Some fields were under water until after the first of May. Consequently, many extensions of time were requested by growers, and granted. In general the farmers were willing to cooperate with the European Corn Borer Control, ip34 199 inspectors, but there are always a few who either refuse or fail to do so. After warning such persons two or three times without results, 20 growers were arrested. All were found guilty. Some were given small fines and costs and others were assessed only costs ; some were fined and the fines remitted if the clean-up was completed by a definite date. In all cases the courts required the growers to clean up the land and the inspectors notified the courts when the clean-up had been completed. The entire cost of the spring clean-up was about $5,156.21. Fall Clean-up Campaign Because of the difficulties encountered in obtaining a satisfactory dis- posal of cornstalks, stubble and weeds before the time of emergence of adult moths in May, it was thought best to try beginning inspections in the fall in certain heavily infested areas. Consequently, the clean-up order was issued on September 24, 1934, by Director Slate. It included rules and regulations regarding close cutting, plowing under of stubble before December 1, and the disposal of cornstalks, cobs and the larger weeds on or before April 10, 1935. In other words this clean-up order covered both late fall and early spring operations, and the printed order contained the statement that "this will be . the only notice given to the owner". On September 27, 10 inspectors were sent into the field to talk with the growers and to persuade them to have all stubble plowed under before December 1, and to dispose of all cornstalks, weeds, flower stems and other material subject to infestation by the European corn borer, before April 10, 1935. In case corn had not been harvested, the inspectors were instructed to persuade the growers to cut the stalks flush with the ground, so that early spring plowing would not be necessary for the control of the European corn borer. As it was manifestly impossible to cover the entire area of the State in six or eight weeks with this number of men, the inspectors were sent into the principal corn growing sections, particularly where there had been heavy infestation by the European corn borer. The inspectors, therefore, covered the southern, central and southwestern portions of the State, and no work was done in the northeastern or northwestern portions where inspections will undoubtedly be made next spring. The inspectors were permitted to use their own cars, for which they were remunerated on a mileage basis. Their work ceased at the end of November. Altogether. 5,796 notices were issued to growers in the towns covered, which are about half the number of towns in the State. Instead of the return post card notices formerly used, a new form of notice printed on one side of a sheet was adopted. The top half of the sheet was a blank for registering the grower, to be filled out by the in- spector with name, address, date, location, acreage and uses of corn, kind of corn, acreage of weed areas, owner or tenant, and instructions for clean- up. When filled out. the inspector placed a piece of carbon paper under it and made a carbon copy for the office files. The sheet was signed by both the inspector and the grower. The original sheet was left with the grower, and on the lower half was printed the clean-up order with rules and regulations, and the law, Section 2125. 200 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 The results of this fall clean-up campaign have been rather encouraging. The weather during October and November was favorable for plowing and clean-up work and many fields have been cleaned up and plowed that ordinarily would have been left until spring. Second visits were not made, but if any corn refuse remains after April 10, 1935, the owners or managers may be prosecuted without further warning. The cost of this fall clean-up campaign was approximately $3,510.48. Damage to the Corn Crop Notwithstanding the compulsory clean-up, which for five years has been enforced as thoroughly as was possible at reasonable cost, there was severe damage to the sweet corn crop in certain sections of Connecticut in 1934. This was particularly noticeable in the Hartford area on early sweet corn. Consequently it seemed advisable to make damage surveys in certain areas of heavy infestation, and the methods and results of these surveys are described in the following pages. Damage to Early Sweet Com by First Generation Borers The corn borer damage survey was conducted in a manner similar to that used during the season of 1933. Three men were engaged to collect the field data from the growers. The actual number of ears damaged and the resulting loss in dollars and cents were obtained from the information received from the growers and by checking the fields. This included the number of ears that were discarded because of injury, or that could not be sold because of the borer infestation. The prices used to compute the financial loss were those existing on the day or days the information was obtained. These prices included wholesale as well as retail sales. As a great many of the growers have roadside stands, it was very simple to obtain prevailing retail prices, while a check was made in the markets for prevailing wholesale prices. By questioning growers, information was obtained concerning fields where the corn borer infestation was heavy enough to cause damage. Many other sources were also used in collecting information concerning fields where corn borer damage had occurred. On the whole, only those growers whose farms were heavily infested were visited to obtain the com- mercial losses. The figures presented below are not average figures for a given section, but represent actual losses to the growers interviewed. The losses varied from six dollars ($6.00) to several hundred dollars each for individual growers. The authors do not claim that these figures are the total losses for the year in Connecticut, but are those which occurred on one hundred a:nd seventy-nine (179) farms visited. If more men had been employed in gathering this information, more farms could have been visited, and the total damage observed and recorded would have been increased. There is no question that the figures presented represent only a portion of the total losses of the growers of sweet corn in the State of Connecticut during the season of 1934. European Corn Borer Control, ipS4 201 Table 3. Damage by First Generation Borers Roadside Stands Loss to No. No. Commercial Without Roadside County Locality Farms Acres Loss Acreage Stand Owners Hartford Wethersfield 4 2.89 $164.90 Windsor 12 17.92 738.72 Rocky Hill 7 14.89 1,350.60 Manchester 4 18.35 440.75 Glastonbury 6 13.38 614.55 Southington 2 2.25 44.33 New Britain 3 5.00 196.75 Enfield 3 6.00 376.35 East Hartford 23 37.53 2,421.84 West Hartford 5 15.00 508.50 Bloomfield 6 75 12.25 480.00 Total 145.46 $7,337.29 New Haven Northford 1 10.00 129.60 Milford 15 29.08 1,819.45 2 $23.15 Wallingford 1 .37 7.14 Hamden 16 44.56 1,878.50 3 83.81 North Branford 5 11.11 495.85 New Haven 1 1.25 37.50 Seymour 1 1.50 91.70 Orange 1 .19 6.00 2 60.84 East Haven 3 6.00 583.50 Cheshire 4 6.00 308.70 North Haven 17 34.60 2,144.90 Clintonville 3 68 4.50 63.08 7 . Total 149.16 $7,565.92 $167.80 Middlesex i Middletown 5 6.00 195.25 Portland 4 9 3.76 358.90 ' Total 9.76 $554.15 Windham Putnam 1 1.00 50.00 Woodstock 2 5.00 465.00 WilHmantic 3 6 7.00 105.00 Total 13.00 $620.00 Fairfield Stratford 7 14.75 555.83 Westport 4 9.00 401.25 Brookfield 1 2.50 18.60 Trumbull 1 2.00 36.00 Danbury 2 2.40 73.60 1 75.00 Norwalk — 1 15.00 Bridgeport 15 1 3 78.75 Total 30.65 $1,085.28 $168.75 202 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Table 3. Damage by First Generation Borers — (Continued) County Locality • Roadside Stands Loss to No. No. Commercial Without Roadside Farms Acres Loss Acreage Stand Owners Litchfield New Milford 5 New London Stonington 1 Grand Total 179 18.50 1.00 367.53 $561.25 $120.00 $17,843.89 10 $336.55 Table 3 indicates that there was an average loss of $48.55 an acre for the 367.53 acres investigated on 179 farms by the first generation corn borer. It was noticed during the season, where extensive damage occurred, that the districts extended over a much larger area than in 1933. This was true in the Hartford and New Haven market gardening sections, and damage was also noticeable in southern Fairfield County and in the Windsor section of Hartford County. As yet, comparatively little damage has occurred around Danbury and that portion that lies north of it in Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. Table 4. Damage by Second Generation Borers County Locality No. Farms No. Acres Commercial Loss Hartford East Hartford Wethersfield Glastonbury Manchester Rocky Hill Bloomfield West Hartford 4 5 7 1 1 2 1 21 4.82 13.95 11.85 .50 4.00 4.00 1.00 $253.61 272.50 185.65 10.00 96.00 84.00 84.00 Total 40.12 $985.76 New Haven Branford Guilford Northford North Haven 5 2 1 2 10 11.50 3.00 .35 8.03 $316.50 105.00 6.80 61.40 Total 22.88 $489.70 Middlesex Middletown 1 32 .63 28.00 Grand Total 63.63 $1,503.46 As in the preceding year, it was rather difficult to obtain information on a large scale basis concerning damage done by the second generation borer to the late sweet corn, due to the scarcity of large fields of late However, the survey results, as shown in Table 4, indicate that corn. European Corn Borer Control, ip34 203 there was an average loss of $23.63 an acre to 63.63 acres, on the 32 farms visited. Ensilage corn was heavily infested in many districts and stalk breakage was observed in a number of fields. Table 5. Reduction in Acres Due to Heavy Infestation County Locality Acres Reduced Total New Haven North Haven 19.50 New Haven 2.50 Milford 8.00 Clintonville 1.50 Cheshire 2.50 East Haven 12.00 Fairfield Stratford 5.00 Westport 10.00 Hartford East Hartford 80.00 Glastonbury 26.00 Bloomfield 8.25 Southington 2.00 South Windsor 5.60 Enfield 7.75 New Britain 1.50 Middlesex Portland 1.50 Middletown 2.40 Windham Woodstock 1.00 Willimantic 4.50 Putnam 1.00 New London Stonington 1.00 46.00 15.00 131.10 3.90 6.50 1.00 Grand Total 203.50 When growers were interrogated on the damage survey, they were asked if they had reduced the number of acres planted to sweet corn because of the European corn borer infestation the previous season. The figures in Table 5 show that there was a reduction of 203.50 acres planted in 1934 under those planted in 1933. Estimating a conservative yield of 6,000 ears, or 500 dozen per acre, at an average price of 20 cents 204 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 per dozen, there is an added loss to the growers' income of $20,350.00, because of the reduction in the acreage planted to sweet corn. Increase in Degree of Infestation A survey to determine the degree of infestation in various corn-growing areas in Connecticut has been made each year for the past four years, beginning in 1931. In certain sections the survey covers only three years. So far as possible, the same farms were visited and the corn examined was either in the same fields or on fields not far distant. When the survey was being made on the first generation corn borer damage in early sweet corn, it was found that the borer population was as high as 1,810 borers per 100 stalks, or 351,140 borers to an acre. This occurred in a field of sweet corn in East Hartford. There were many fields in this town, as well as others, where it was found that the borer population was over 1,000 to 100 stalks. The fall borer population survey, or what might properly be called the second generation survey, was made in Glastonbury, Wethersfield, Milford, Orange, Woodbridge, Groton, Ledyard, Montville, New London, Stoning- ton and Waterford. The figures obtained are shown in Table 6. It will be noted in Table 6, that a great increase in infestation over that of 1933 was reported in every town except New London where a slight decrease was noted. This survey was made in fields of sweet, flint, dent, and ensilage corn, and it was made near or on the farms surveyed in 1933. The approximate cost of this survey of cornfields was $917.59. Weed Survey Late in the season it became evident that weed infestation has an im- portant bearing on the corn borer situation, and a survey of weed infesta- tion, particularly in the Connecticut River Valley, was undertaken. Pre- liminary observations made in Danbury, Westport, Groton and Hamden showed that the population of borers in weeds was unimportant in these towns. Extensive examinations of weed areas in East Hartford showed that on waste land in the Connecticut River meadows as many as 28,000 borers to the acre were present in weeds. Weeds growing in cornfields contained from 100,000 to 212,000 borers to the acre. Corn itself con- tained as many as 218,000 borers to the acre. Land out of cultivation showed from 9,000 to 77,000 borers to the acre. In Glastonbury, weeds on waste land had 8,000 borers, weeds in corn- fields 43,000, and corn itself 54,000 borers to the acre. In Wethersfield, field corn had 23,000 borers, weeds in the field, 26,000, and weeds on the meadows, 15,000, to the acre. A small weed area in Rocky Hill had 19,000 borers to the acre. In South Windsor, no borers were found in weeds in 10 different localities. The infested weeds were mostly smartweed (Polygonum, several species), ragweed {Ambrosia artemisiifolia) , giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida), pigweed {Amaranthus retroHexus) , lambs quarters (Chenopodium album) and cocklebur (Xanthium sp.). European Corn Borer Control, ip34 Table 6. Increase in Degree of Infestation, 1931 to 1934 205 Towns Acres Surveyed Per cent of Infes- tation Average No. Borers per. Inf. Plant Maximum Borers per Plant Borers per 100 Plants Inf. or Uninfested Borers per Acrei Hartford County Glastonbury 1934 1933 1932 4.61 4.59 6.6 88.00 49.80 42.40 8.52 7.80 5.47 21 26 13 749.76 388.40 231.93 145,453 75,349 44,994 Wethersfield 1934 1933 1932 5.30 25.60 12.71 82.40 83.00 47.40 9.46 6.10 8.60 34 14 53 778.50 506.30 407.64 151,029 98,222 79,082 New Haven County Milford 1934 1933 1932 1931 9.32 21.24 16.88 14.26 89.20 87.20 35.40 24.00 7.46 4.56 1.58 3.00 20 13 7 10 665.43 397.60 55.93 72.00 129,093 76,124 10,850 13,967 Orange 1934 1933 1932 1931 12.53 11.05 14.38 2.33 93.12 61.80 20.80 4.88 9.24 3.90 2.04 1.74 20 16 8 8 860.42 241.00 42.43 8.49 166,921 46,754 8,231 1,643 Woodbridge 1934 .1933 1932 9.28 13.39 9.00 55.60 13.60 7.6 4.46 1.82 1.87 19 8 3 247.98 24.75 14.21 48,108 4,792 2,757 New London County Groton 1934 1933 1932 1931 9.87 13.69 2.91 2.39 74.4 80.8 75.6 62.32 7.30 5.92 3.76 7.14 14 20 8 27 547.5 478.3 284.26 444.96 106,215 92,790 55,146 85,883 Ledyard 1934 1933 1932 1931 7.73 2.52 3.06 6.00 77.00 39.00 37.00 26.96 5.10 2.24 2.08 2.64 11 9 6 13 398.80 87.36 76.96 68.48 77,378 16,948 14,930 13,308 Montville 1934 1933 1932 1931 10.92 3.83 2.82 6.50 76.8 35.6 24.8 17.52 7.10 2.44 1.60 3.58 21 9 4 20 551.40 86.86 ^ 39.68 62.72 109,416 16,851 7,698 12,158 New London 1934 1933 1932 1931 2.20 .15 Back Yard 1.04 86.00 100.00 60.00 69.84 6.52 6.8 2.6 7.5 13 8 5 17 560.7 680.0 156.00 523.8 108,776 131,920 30,264 101,738 Stonington 1934 1933 1932 1931 28.91 3.37 4.09 6.57 72.8 70.6 46.8 44.08 8.16 3.30 2.28 5.48 14 11 12 35 594.04 232.98 106.7 241.56 115,243 45,188 20,700 46,841 Waterford 1934 1933 1932 1931 8.54 7.49 4.85 8.18 73.00 89.6 63.00 35.04 5.70 4.08 3.08 2.82 14 8 7 10 416.1 365.5 194.04 98.81 80,723 70,907 37,644 19,185 ^Average based on 19,400 plants per acre. 206 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 This survey showed that weeds were infested with borers in several towns, but that only East Hartford, Glastonbury, Rocky Hill and Wethers- field had weed areas heavily infested. In these towns the most heavily infested weeds were in the cornfields and these will be destroyed by regu- lar clean-up measures. Weeds on land out of cultivation and on waste land in the river meadows were less heavily infested, but contained many borers. In the other towns surveyed, weed infestation by the European corn borer was unimportant. The cost of this weed survey was approxi- mately $450. JAPANESE BEETLE WORK IN CONNECTICUT, 1934 J. Peter Johnson Scouting Scouting began on July 9, and ended September 8. There were three crews each consisting of one foreman and two scouts, stationed in Bridge- port, Hartford and New Haven, and one crew consisting of one foreman and one scout was placed at Storrs. Four Chevrolet half-ton trucks were furnished by the United States Department of Agriculture for transpor- tation. Each crew was furnished with an itinerary for the summer's work and each classified establishment was scouted on an average of three times. There was a total of 86 establishments scouted, many of which were sub- divided, meaning that more than 86 areas were scouted within the State. The minimum distance scouted around each firm was 500 feet. A total of 131 beetles was found. The premises of 29 dealers in sand, soil and manure, were scouted from one to three times. Summary of Beetles Found Location Dates found No. of beetles Branford July 14— Aug. 23 50 East Hartford July 23— Aug. 8 4 Norwalk Aug. 10 2 Norwich July 18, 30— Aug. 11, 23 35 New Canaan July 31— Aug. 6, 7 3 New London July 11, 24— Aug. 6, 18 22 Ridgefield ' July 24— Aug. 10 13 Shelton Aug. 15 1 West Haven Aug. 21 1 Total beetles found 131 Mr. Gray of 249 Millville Avenue, Naugatuck, Conn., gave a beetle found on his premises to F. M. Brooks, inspector. It was identified as a female Japanese beetle. This was the first time beetles were reported from Naugatuck. Trapping Japanese beetle traps baited with liquid bait composed of geraniol and euginol were placed in the field, beginning July 2, to learn whether or not these beetles were present. Ninety-six traps were placed in New Japanese Beetle Work in Connecticut, ip^4 207 Milford, 100 in Winsted and 94 in Ansonia. Upon positive capture of Japanese beetles, the traps were removed and placed in another town. Records so obtained indicate the spread of the Japanese beetle within the State and assist the inspectors in determining how to proceed with the inspectiow and certification of products from the surrounding district. Positive beetle captures were made in Ansonia, and on July 27, 25 traps were removed to Clinton. The remaining traps, together with 20 from Winsted and 9 from New Milford, totaling 100 in all, were placed in Wallingford and Cheshire. Twenty-five were placed in Cheshire and 75 in WalHngford. On August 13, because of beetle captures, 25 traps were removed from Wallingford and placed in Windsor, and on August 15, 25 more traps were removed from W^allingford and placed in Norfolk. Trapping activities ended September 8. The results of trapping will be found below : Locality Date No. of beetles Ansonia July 11— July 28 172 Wallingford July 31— August 27 13 Total beetles caught in traps 185 Inspection and Certification Because of the large area under quarantine on account of the Japanese beetle, the farm products quarantine inspection work dwindled to such an extent that the district inspectors were able to take care of it with very little interference to their routine nursery and greenhouse work. Prac- tically all of the shipments were made by non-commercial shippers. As can be seen by the table below, the farm products work amounted to only a very small portion of the total work carried on in Connecticut. It was not necessary to make additions to the force as the regular per- sonnel could make all inspections. Inspection points were located as follows : Location No. of inspectors New Haven 3 Manchester 1 Middletown 1 Willimantic 1 Westerly, R. 1 1 Total 7 Kind and amount of products certified : Products No. of packages Corn 24 Beans 262 Apples 1 Huckleberries 1 Cut flowers 532 Total 820 The total number of plants inspected and certified for shipment to other states and foreign countries was 1.484,138, while twelve carloads of sand 208 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 and two and one-half carloads of manure were shipped to other states. The number of certificates issued is shown below : Nursery and Soil, Kind Farm products Cut flowers Ornamental stock sand Manure Total 'A' 514 32,687 55 33,256 'B' 8 1,507 77 8 1,600 Stamp 39 18 4,175 Zi 4,265 Total 47 532 38,369 165 8 39,121 Japanese beetles were more numerous during the summer season of 1934 in the old centers of infestation — Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford and Hartford — and small increases were noted in many other communi- ties. As yet we have no knowledge of Japanese beetles being common in any of the rural sections. It was noted during the past season, that the peak infestation of the Japanese beetle was approximately ten days to two weeks earlier than normally. Usually this peak is in the latter part of July and the first week in August. This year, however, Japanese beetles were very numerous during the third and fourth weeks of July where old infestations occurred, and very few could be found after the first week in August. There were exceptions in some small infestations, where beetles were present late in August. After September 1, it was rather difficult to find beetles present. PRESENT STATUS OF SALT MARSH MOSQUITO DITCHING IN CONNECTICUT R. C. BOTSFORD The greatest advancement in so short a period in mosquito control work in Connecticut was accomplished during the past eleven months with thef use of Federal funds under the CWA and FERA projects, super- vised by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Labor drawn from the ranks of the unemployed was first put to work cutting ditches in the remaining unditched salt marshes. As the salt marsh work was completed, the workers were transferred to fresh water swamps, mosquito breeding streams and construction work such as dikes, tidegates and culvert outlets. Twenty-seven towns in Connecticut contain salt marsh areas totalling about 20,000 acres. In the period of the past 29 years, from 1904 to 1933, about 11,000 acres of salt marsh have been ditched and approved for state maintenance. The remaining 9,000 acres of salt marsh, with the exception of small areas in Stratford, Milford, North Haven and Saybrook, where work is now in progress, have been ditched since November, 1933, under our state-wide project. Altogether 1,478,756 feet of ditches have been installed to date and 259,825 feet of stream banks cleaned. Many of the ditched areas are protected from high tides by dikes and tidegates, which were originally built by the landowners to protect the hay crop. These have always been in a bad state of repair and funds have never been sufficient to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. With the Present Status of Mosquito Ditching 209 use of labor paid by CWA and FERA funds, two dikes with tidegates have been completed, three are under construction and three more con- templated. A tidegate at Morris Creek in East Haven and New Haven was con- structed as an auxiliary outlet to a large salt marsh and allows the water level in the marsh to be lowered about three feet below the old level. This lowering of the water level allows the installation of a main drainage ditch about 22,000 feet long, which will facilitate run off from a water- shed of about five square miles. It will eliminate mosquito breeding in about 500 acres of both salt and fresh water swamps, relieve storm drains and do away with many insanitary conditions. The creek was dredged for a distance of 8,400 feet with a dredge bor- rowed from the New Haven Park Department, the operator was paid from an unused mosquito fund in the New Haven Chamber of Commerce ; labor was paid from CWA funds ; materials and small tools were supplied jointly by the City of New Haven and the Town of East Haven, and the job was supervised by the Experiment Station. This is but one example of many drainage projects under way whose costs are far more than any municipality or town could ordinarily afford. At the same time such projects are of unquestionable importance to health and property value. In all this work the towns supplied the tools, the boots for the men and materials where necessary. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station requisitioned the men from the local FERA administrator accord- ing to a money allotment set aside in that town for our project, compiled the payroll and supervised the work. All the work was done through close cooperation with the local officials. Although we supervised projects in 25 different towns, no difficulties or misunderstandings occurred that were not quickW and satisfactorily ironed out. Last January, 1,056 men were employed on ditching work, but at present our projects employ 360 laborers, 18 field supervisors, 2 blacksmiths, 4 administrators and 7 engineers. There are also 112 additional employees paid from town relief funds, making a total of 503 persons. Since the beginning of the CWA ditching work up to October 1, $287,299.22 of Federal funds have been expended for wages to unem- ployed. The estimated state and town contributions to the project for tools, equipment, transportation and materials, amount to $34,729.06. The present status of salt marsh ditching in Connecticut shows the work nearly completed over the 20,000 acres. The remaining work to be done in Milford, North Haven and Saybrook can be completed this winter, but the large area in Stratford may take another year. The continued repair of dikes and tidegates is imperative, and the construction of more dikes and tidegates and jetties at the salt marsh outlets into the sound will reduce the future cost of maintenance of the salt marsh ditches, and aid in the prevention of shore erosion. Mosquito control in fresh water swamps should be mentioned. Important improvements have been under way in Guilford, East Haven, Norwalk, New Canaan, Southington, Manchester, Derby, Ansonia, New London, Waterford, and Groton. Many more towns and cities have requested drainage work under our project, and it seems apparent that the mosquito control project will continue as long as Federal funds can be allotted to the work. 210 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 TESTS OF APPLE SPRAYS M. P. Zappe and E. M. Stoddard Tests of various sprays for the control of apple insects and diseases have been carried on for several years in the Experiment Station orchard at Mount Carmel. During the summer of 1934, only four materials were tried, some of which had proved valuable in previous years. Liquid lime- sulfur, which was a standard fungicide for many years, has been largely discarded by the commercial fruit growers of Connecticut. Many other forms of sulfur have been recommended as a substitute for this material because liquid lime-sulfur, of itself, has a tendency to cause burning on leaves and fruit, especially on the Baldwin variety. Two rather new fungicides were tried this year, magnetic sulfur and flotation sulfur, neither of which caused any appreciable amount of leaf or fruit burn. In 1933, flotation sulfur was used with good results and was again included in the 1934 tests. The orchard used for the tests contains many varieties of apples and is not particularly good for experimental work. It is practically impossible to arrange the plots so that all varieties are represented in all the plots. The season of 1934 promised to be a year of heavy curculio damage on account of the severe winter of 1933-34, which killed practically all of the fruit buds in an adjoining peach orchard. As a result it was expected that the curculios which would normally breed in the peach orchard would attack the fruit in the adjoining apple orchard. This proved to be true because the check trees in the apple orchard showed an average of about 75 per cent curculio injury on the apples at harvest time. The orchard was divided into four plots, each sprayed as outlined in the succeeding paragraphs : The largest plot, containing the largest number of varieties, was sprayed with the following materials : Lead arsenate 3 lbs. Fish oil 1 qt. Hydrated lime 10 lbs. Water 100 gals. (Fish oil was not readily obtainable at the time; therefore linseed oil was substituted after the calyx spray.) This combination has given consistently good results for several years, particularly in the control of plum curculio, which is a serious pest in this orchard. However, we have felt that on varieties susceptible to apple scab, such as Mcintosh, it was not completely successful in con- trolling this disease when used throughout the entire spraying season. When pre-blossom sprays of lime-sulfur were applied to Mcintosh, fol- lowed by lead, lime and fish oil, the treatment was satisfactory. The other three plots had Mcintosh trees in them and were used to compare the efficiency of dry lime-sulfur, flotation sulfur and magnetic sulfur in controlling apple scab. These materials were used in the fol- lowing combinations : Row F. Dry lime-sulfur 6 lbs. Lead arsenate 3 lbs. Water 100 gals. Tests of Apple Sprays 211 Row G. Flotation sulfur (dry) 5 lbs. Lead arsenate 3 lbs. Water 100 gals. Row H. Magnetic sulfur 5 lbs. Lead arsenate 3 lbs. Water 100 gals. Spraying operations began on May 7, on the Alclntosh variety only, for scab control. The calyx spray was applied to all Mcintosh trees on May 15. All other varieties in all plots received their first spray on May. 23 and 24. On May 24, the Mcintosh trees received the seven-day spray. On June 1 and 8 all varieties were sprayed again and the last spray was appHed July 12, to all varieties. All spraying was done with a quad spray gun from the top of a tower mounted on the spray truck. Results at Harvest Time The crop of fruit was very light in 1934. Sprayed fruit was of fair quality except that most varieties had rather more curculio injury than usual. This happens whenever the crop of fruit is light. In addition, as mentioned before, there was no fruit in the adjacent peach orchard. Table 7. Results of Spray Treatment CHECKS (no spray) Average of all Baldwin Greening Russett Fall Pippin Mcintosh varieties Good 1.12 1.72 3.3 1.6 31.5 1.43 Curculio 78.94 84.8 93.3 50. 54.4 74.99 Codling moth 18.74 18.34 13.3 2.61 2.6 15.23 Other chewing insects 38.74 49.72 16.6 30.52 13.8 40.04 Scab 1.86 52.81 5.9 11.37 Blotch 62.12 28.04 38.11 LEAD ARSENATE. LIME AND FISH OIL Av. of Green- Fall Northern all va- Baldwin ing Russett Pippin Spy Sutton King rieties Good 61.15 61.96 56.55 70.09 80.77 73.31 61.58 65.2 Curculio 3S.93 34.22 42.46 17.42 16.13 25.69 35.57 31.4 Codling moth .11 .12 .15 .27 .07 .43 .13 Other chewing insects 2.62 1.88 .86 .76 2.46 .71 2.49 1.91 Scab .62 .69 14.36 .76 .51 .68 1.37 Blotch 2.17 .68 212 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 DRY LIME-SULFUR, LEAD ARSENATE Average of Mcintosh Stark Gravenstein all varieties Good 79.46 81.29 60.13 71.69 Curculio 16.9 15.03 37.27 25.1 Codling moth .30 .07 .03 .14 Other chewing insects 2.37 3.39 2.63 2.70 Scab 1.16 .21 .59 .71 FLOTATION SULFUR, LEAD ARSENATE Average of Mcintosh Wealthy all varieties Good 95.17 56.93 68.86 Curculio 3.26 6.86 5.75 Codling moth Other chewing insects .91 1.92 1.60 Scab .60 .41 .47 Rust 35.53 24.43 MAGNETIC SULFUR, LEAD ARSENATE Average of Mcintosh Fall Pippin all varieties Good 86.1 59.6 69.79 Curculio 12.98 34.71 26.36 Codling moth .99 .61 Other chewing insects .23 1.14 .78 Scab .91 5.4 3.67 This year there was not very much difference between the dry hme- sulfur plot and the fish oil plot. In other years the fish oil plot gave much better curculio control than any other treatment used. The flotation sulfur plot had the smallest amount of curculio damage of any of the plots. This was also true with previous trials of this material and suggests the pos- sibility of its possessing some merit for the control of this insect. Most of the other pests were controlled fairly well with any of the treat- ments. Flotation sulfur also had less apple scab than either dry lime- sulfur or magnetic sulfur, although scab was not very serious on either plot, and even on the Mcintosh checks scab was present on less than 6 per cent of the fruit. There was considerable cedar rust on the Wealthy variety, but according to all investigators, there is no good, known remedy for this disease. Sooty blotch was well controlled by all the treatments. Outbreak of Canker Worms 213 OUTBREAK OF CANKER WORMS W. E. Brixton Mention has already been made in this report of the great abundance of canker worms in Connecticut in 1934. They were prevalent in the towns bordering on Long Island Sound, and particularly so in Fairfield County, in the southwestern corner of the State. Many unsprayed fruit trees were stripped by June 1, and there were areas of native woodland, several acres in extent, that were completely defoliated. When the cater- pillars were feeding, one could hear the pellets of excrement dropping, like a shower of rain. Street and roadside shade trees that had not been sprayed were stripped in many localities. When disturbed, the caterpillars spin downward on delicate silk threads and a person passing under in- fested trees becomes covered with the slender loopers, commonly called inch worms, or measuring worms. There are two kinds of canker worms in Connecticut. One is known as the spring canker worm, because the eggs are laid in the spring, and the other, the fall canker worm, because most of the eggs are laid in the fall, although some of the females do not emerge and lay eggs until March. Both kinds have wingless females and a single generation each year. The caterpillars of both kinds are often found feeding together and do the same kind of injury. The fall canker worm is far more abundant and is usually responsible for the defoliation in Connecticut. The Fall Canker Worm, Alsophila pometaria Harr. On the warm foggy days of November and December the adult moths emerge from the ground, mate, and the wingless females crawl up the trees and deposit their eggs in irregular, compact clusters. The eggs are grayish brown, cylindrical, are fastened by one end to the bark and are closely set side by side. The diameter of the top is sometimes greater than that of the base, which no doubt is the reason that some authors have described the eggs as flower-pot-shaped. The base is rounded, but the top is nearly flat. On the flat top of each ^.gg there is a dark concentric ring with diameter about two-thirds that of the &gg. In the center of this ring there is a- very small depression, or pit. The top of each egg re- sembles a jar fitted with circular cover, inside a circular, protruding flange. In truth, this cover lifts and comes off on the hatching of the eggs in spring. The egg-clusters vary in size, and. may contain from 50 to 300 eggs each, perhaps averaging about 100. The female has a rather large, smooth, gray body with prominent legs and antennae, but no wings. The males are brownish gray, with rather feeble markings on the wings, and have a wing spread of from one to one and one-fourth inches. A lighter spot usually occurs on the margin of the fore-wings, about two-thirds the distance from base to apex. The males fly about and may often be seen in large numbers at rest on the trunks of trees, with wings folded and flattened against the bark. They are attracted by automobile headlights and other lights near the ground. The eggs usually hatch during the last few days of April or early in May, depending upon weather conditions. The tiny larvae soon begin to 214 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 feed upon the tender unfolding leaves. They eat holes entirely through the leaves and may devour all the green tissue except the veins. Later, when the foliage becomes firmer and more mature, they often leave a greater portion of the network which turns brown. Unsprayed apple trees in June often look as if a fire had gone through the orchard. Figure 16. Eggs, Larvae, Male and Female Moths of the Fall Canker Worm, and Elm Leaf Injured by the Caterpillars. A, Leaf and Full Grown Caterpillars about Natural Size; B, Eggs, and Female Moth; C, Male Moth ; both about Five Times Enlarged. Some of the caterpillars are pale green when fully grown ; many are dark gray, brown or nearly black, and all are striped longitudinally with narrow, whitish lines. Both light green and dark brown caterpillars may emerge from the same egg cluster. Caterpillars of the fall canker worm have three pairs of false legs, or pro-legs, the pair on the eighth segment being smaller than the others. The caterpillars are three-fourths or seven- eighths of an inch long when fully grown. Usually by the end of the first week of June, the caterpillars have reached maturity. They go into the ground to pupate in earthen cells in which Outbreak of Canker Worms 215 particles of soil are firmly held together by silk threads to form a cocoon which is not easily crushed. The pupa is dark brown, one-third of an inch or less in length, with apex rather blunt and with apical spine decurved and always forked. The adults emerge late in the fall. f I Figure 17. Cocoons and Pupae of the Fall Canker Worm. Twice Natural Size. The eggs, larvae, male and female moths of the fall canker worm, and elm leaf injured by the caterpillars, are shown in Figure 16, and the pupae in Figure 17. The Spring Canker Worm, Palcacrita vcruata Peck The eggs are light brown, oval, two-thirds as broad as long, and are usually laid in INIarch in loose, irregular clusters in the crevices of the bark, as shown in Figure 18. Each cluster may contain from 17 to 119 Figure 18. Egg-Cluster of the Spring Canker Worm. Twice Natural Size. eggs, and the average is 47. The shells are more or less iridescent and are thin and much less firm than those of the fall canker worm. The eggs hatch at about the same time as those of the fall species and the larvae of both are often found feeding together on the leaves. The larvae are dark gray or brownish, longitudinally striped with narrow pale lines. They can be distinguished from those of the fall canker worm by the entire absence of pro-legs on the eighth segment. In other words, there are only two pairs of pro-legs. The female has a body that is somewhat shorter and more hairy than the fall canker worm. It is generally gray in color, with a black or dark 216 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 brown longitudinal, dorsal stripe. The two- jointed ovipositor can be exserted and is then rather conspicuous. Like the fall species, the female is wingless. The male has thin, brownish gray, semitransparent wings, without prominent markings. There are three rather indistinct dark lines on the fore-wings with a dark line bisecting the apical angle. There is no whitish spot on the costal margin as in the fall canker worm. The pupa is light brown, somewhat more slender than the fall species, length one-third of an inch or less, the apex more sharply pointed. The male pupa is tipped with an apical spine that is generally simple. The pupal cells are less firm and more easily broken than those of the fall species. Fdod Plants and Injury Canker worms seem to prefer apple, elm and oak, but also feed on nearly all kinds of fruit trees, hickory, birch, maple and in fact almost all kinds of trees and shrubs. The tulip tree and the Norway maple are perhaps as nearly immune as any. Frequently, when abundant, the caterpillars eat the leaves as fast as they grow, so the trees really have no foliage until after the canker worms have become mature and entered the ground to pupate, when new leaves will form. It weakens trees materially to grow two crops of foliage in a season, and such conditions should not be per- mitted to occur. Late in May, 1934, the writer observed oak and elm trees where every green leaf had been eaten by canker worms. Some of the mid-ribs and other veins had not been devoured, but these turned brown and gave the trees a decidedly brownish appearance. A strong northwest wind blew unpleasantly, and hundreds of canker worms dangled on their slender threads from each tree. Evidently they had either been dislodged by the wind or else they had exhausted their food supply, and spun downward seeking other worlds of foliage to devour. The wind blew so strongly that many of these threads were twisted together like twine, and stood or hung suspended at an angle of 45 or more degrees from the main trunk. Sometimes the threads break and the caterpillars drift some distance and find food on trees not hitherto infested. Control of Canker Worms Spraying Perhaps the best method of control is to spray the trees thoroughly with lead arsenate. The chief difficulty arises from the fact that when numerous, the canker worms eat the leaves as fast as they develop, and there is little or no foliage surface to receive and hold the poison. The writer believes that the addition of one pint of a 40 per cent nicotine solution to 100 gallons of the poison spray will kill by contact many of the young caterpillars that are hit by it. Even if all canker worms are killed by an application early in May, and a fair growth of foliage develops, the trees may become re- infested by wind drift or by caterpillars crawling up the trunks of the trees. In such cases a second application may be necessary or advisable. It is known that certain oil sprays containing 6 to 8 per cent of oil, and also lime-sulfur and nicotine sulfate, applied to the dormant trees, will Outbreak of Canker Worms 217 kill 80 per cent or more of the canker worm eggs that are well soaked by the spray. Banding the Trees Partial and fairly good control may be obtained on isolated shade and ornamental trees by the application of sticky bands. This method can also be adopted for rows of shade trees that stand by themselves with no other trees near them. Banding is not advised for coppice and woodland areas containing underbrush and vines by means of which the caterpillars can crawl into the trees above the bands. In such areas spraying is the proper treatment and all undergrowth should be covered. It is hardly worth while to band the trees in apple orchards, because such trees need spray treatment for the control of other insects. Moreover, banded trees may become lightly or moderately infested by wind-drifted caterpillars, and usually show more or less leaf injury by their feeding. In fact, some writers do not recommend banding at all, except where it is not possible to spray the trees that were known to be infested the preceding season. The practice of banding is based on the fact that the female moths are wingless and must crawl up the trunks in order to lay their eggs in the trees. The bands should be applied just before the time for the emergence of the adults, and kept in sticky condition during the entire emergence period, in which case large numbers of eggs will be laid below the bands. Otherwise, some of the females will ascend the trees and lay their eggs above the bands. The bands should also be in a sticky condition at the time the eggs hatch, otherwise the young caterpillars may crawl over the bands and ascend the trees. Failure to maintain the bands in effective condition, either during the egg-laying period or the hatching period, will render them useless. In the vicinity of New Haven the bands should be applied the last of October and kept stick}^ during November and Decem- ber, for it is during the warm days of these two months that most of the eggs of the fall canker worms are laid. Emergence and egg laying usually cease with heavy freezing weather in December. Again the bands should be in a sticky condition during April and May. Should there be much warm and thawing weather in March, some eggs of both the fall and spring species may be laid, and the bands should be rendered effective at this time instead of waiting until April. The sticky material has a tendency to harden on the surface if storms and low temperatures prevail ; leaves and other litter may blow around and stick on the bands, and particularly the male moths become stuck on the bands in such numbers as to bridge them. (See Figure 19). If any of these things occur, the females in late fall, or the young caterpillars in early spring, can crawl over the bands and render them futile as a pro- tection of the foliage. When the bands reach such a condition, they should be combed or stirred so as to present a sticky surface, which will make them effective for another period. Applying the Bands The sticky bands are often applied directly to the bark without injuring the vitality of the tree. However, they will disfigure it and the writer 218 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 does not recommend the practice. It is far better, on choice trees, to apply the sticky material to a removable band encircling the trunk, that can readily be taken off as soon as the danger is over, and l^ave the trees without disfiguring marks. Such a banding method was devised at this Station many years ago and is as follows : Place a two-inch strip of cheap cotton batting around the trunk, to prevent the insects from crawling under the band in the crevices of the bark. Over the cotton batting, wrap firmly a four- or five-inch strip of single ply, tarred paper tacked into the tree where the ends lap, and so Figure 19. Male and Female Lanker Worm Moths and Egg-Clusters on Sticky Band placed that none of the white cotton batting is visible. Use narrow bands on small trees and wider ones on trees of large trunk diameter. Over the upper half of the band smear a layer of "Tree Tanglefoot", a quarter of an inch in thickness. Thus, if the Tanglefoot should liquefy and run downward on warm da3-s, the lower half of the band would absorb it. If placed near the lower edge of the band, some may run down upon the bark. A wood paddle about 12 inches long, with thin blade about two and one-half inches wide, is very satisfactory for applying the Tanglefoot, and such a paddle can readily be made from a shingle. A similar paddle with sharp, half- inch teeth cut across the end of the blade, makes a satisfactory comb for stirring up the Tanglefoot when it becomes hardened or filled with litter. Bands properly applied not later than November 1 probably may need combing once or twice during the egg-laying period, and again once or Outbreak of Canker Worms 219 Figure 20. Method of Applying Sticky Bands to Protect Trees from Injury by Canker \\^orms. 220 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 twice in the spring. Usually the original application of Tanglefoot will suffice for a season if occasionally combed, but in some instances it may be necessary to add fresh Tanglefoot in the spring. If desired, these bands may be entirely removed by the middle of June, leaving no disfiguring marks upon the trees, although many property owners permit them to remain for service the following season. The bands should be placed far enough from the ground to prevent persons and domestic animals from coming in contact with them, and yet within easy reach without climbing. "Tree Tanglefoot" is similar to the adhesive on "Tanglefoot Fly Paper", but comes in the form of a paste or salve, and may be obtained in 5, 10, 25 and 100 pound cans. It is manufactured by the O. and W. Thum Company, Grand Rapids, Mich., and it is either sold by, or may be ordered from, all dealers in insecticides and garden supplies. This firm now manufactures canker worm bands in which the cotton batting is replaced by a wood fiber material attached to the tarred paper, and both trimmed to the same width. As the wood fiber material is light buff and the tarred paper dark brown or black, the edges of the fiber show more or less above and below the band. Figure 20 shows the method of applying canker worm bands. Banding of trees to control canker worms is not recommended as a substitute for spraying, but serious defoliation to many trees has been prevented by the intelligent use of bands, especially where it is not prac-- ticable to spray the trees. As a rule, banded trees are not deprived of their early leaves, but if they should later become infested by wind drift, a poison spray should be applied. THE BEECH SCALE IN CONNECTICUT Cryptococcus fagi Baerensprung W. E. Brixton On September 13, 1934, Dr. Rush P. Marshall brought to the of=fice some pieces of bark from beech trees on the grounds of the Mark Twain Library, Farmington Avenue, Hartford, infested with the beech scale. Microscope preparations of this 'insect were studied to verify its identity. Doctor Friend, in company with Dr. H. J. MacAloney of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, visited the place on Septem- ber 18 and found the scale on beech trees along Woodland Street northerly into Keney Park, a distance of some two miles. Later, J. E. R. Holbrook and C. L. Griswold of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, stationed at the Gipsy Moth Laboratory, Melrose Highlands, Mass., made an extensive examination of the area in and around Hartford. . Altogether 23 towns besides Hartford were visited. The only infested beech trees discovered were those in the area mentioned above, and num- bered 138. Of these, 37 were in Keney Park and 101 were outside the park and mostly on private premises. Doctors Marshall and MacAloney The Beech Scale in Connecticut 221 have watched for this insect and have examined many beech trees in their journeys about the State during the past two years, without finding it. Through correspondence, the infestation was reported to the Superin- tendent of Parks of the City of Hartford, who gave assurance that the infested trees on pubhc grounds would be sprayed before growth starts next season. On December 4, at his office, the matter was discussed, and he expressed the opinion that probably every property owner having beech trees infested with beech scale would have them sprayed. The latest information regarding treatment was sent to each of the four leading tree spraying firms in Hartford, so that in case they are called to treat any of these infested beech trees they will know what to use as a spray. The appearance of this insect on the bark is shown in Figure 21, and structural details may be seen in Figure 22. Figure 21. General Appearance of the Beech Scale on the Bark. Twice Enlara;ed. History in North America Apparently the first evidence of the presence of this insect in America came to Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt," * Dominion Entomologist of Canada, at Ottawa, in August." 1911, when specimens were received by him from Bedford, near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Careful investigations revealed that both the native forest beeches and the ornamental European beeches in the vicinity of Halifax were infested by this scale, which had been present, for a number of years. The Superintendent of Public Gardens, Halifax, in September, 1911, sent specimens and stated that he had known of the pest for the last 20 years, and had kept it in check on purple beeches by spraying. In October, 1913, the manager of the Canadian Davey Tree Expert Company of Montreal sent to the headquarters office of the firm at Kent, *See bibliography at the end of the chapter. 222 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Ohio\ specimens of this insect, evidently taken near Halifax, because the letter stated that "the trouble is noticeable all through the woods in the vicinity of Halifax, N. S.". The specimens were submitted to Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology at Washington, D. C, who shortly reported it as Cryptococcus jagi Baerens. For about 10 years after the publication of the discovery of the beech scale in Canada, there were few references to the insect in the literature Figure 22. Diagram of Ventral Aspect of Beech Scale Insect, Showing Structures. Outline about 200 Times Enlarged. Structures of i\nal Area about 500 Times Enlarged. Transverse Lines on Thorax Represent Wrinkles and not Segmentation. of American economic entomology. Within the past few years several notes and articles have appeared calling attention to the presence and spread of this insect and its effect upon the trees. This scale was first recognized in the United States at the Arnold Arboretum, Boston, Mass., in 1929". In 1931, the Gipsy IMoth Lab- oratory at Melrose Highlands, Mass., began investigations to determine the distribution of the insect, and scouted most of the towns in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and those in the southern half each of Maine and New Hampshire. The Maine Forest Service, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and the State Entomologist of New Hamp- shire cooperated in this scouting work. At the present time the beech scale is known to occur in the United States as follows : Maine — 57 towns : 27 towns in \\'ashington Countv in The Beech Scale in Connecticut 223 the southeastern corner of the state, seven towns in Hancock County, three towns in Aroostook County, seven towns in Penobscot County, seven in Waldo County, two in Knox County, two in Lincoln County and two in York County in the southwestern corner of the state near the New Hampshire border ; New Hampshire — three towns : one town in Straf- ford County and two towns in Rockingham County; Massachusetts — 14 towns : five towns in Essex County, five in Middlesex County, three in Norfolk County and one in Suffolk County ; Connecticut — one town, Hartford, in Hartford County ; New York — three towns : all in West- chester County. Many of the infested trees in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and some of them in Maine, have died. History in Europe From all accounts the beech scale is widely distributed throughout cen- tral Europe and Great Britain, being present in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Erance, Holland, Belgium, German}^ Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Czechoslovakia. Many, notes and articles have been pub- lished about it during the past 85 years. At first it was thought to be a fungus until Baerensprung in 1849 described it as Coccus fagi. Both in England and on the Continent many fine old beech trees have died. Life History Apparently the life history of the beech scale has not been thoroughly investigated in this country. According to Brown'-, "in the vicinity of Boston, egg deposition begins about June 15 and reaches a maximum in July". About August 1, the eggs begin to hatch, and hatching continues into September. The young crawlers are, therefore, present in August and September, and are readily blown about by the wind. Many of them crawl under the felted secretion of the female scales and remain upon the same tree. When a suitable location has been found, the crawler attaches itself to the bark by inserting its proboscis, becomes quiescent, and begins to secrete the wax fibers that cover the insect for the remainder of its life. It is in this stage that the scale passes the winter. In May it transforms to the pre-adult stage and about two weeks later it reaches maturity. Males are unknown and the species is probably wholly par- thenogenetic. There is one generation each year. Effect Upon the Trees Most writers seem to agree that the beech scale of itself does not cause death or severe injury to the trees. Infestation by the insect does, however, afford a point of entrance favorable to various infectious organisms. For instance, spots of "slime flux" are very common on infested trees and not on healthy trees. Several fungi are usually present, but according to Ehrlich^, the trees are killed by a variety of Nectria coccinea (Pers.) Fries. The scale punctures the living tissues of the bark and sucks the sap, causing the death of punctured cells. The death of large groups of such cells causes a shrinkage that often ruptures the bark, and this is the 224 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 main point of entrance of the fungus. Experiments of Ehrlich^ indicated that the Nectria fungus could infect only such trees as had some mechanical injury, and trees infested by the beech scale furnish satisfactory conditions for the entrance of the fungus, usually two or three years after the tree first became infested by the scale. So far the Nectria has not been found in connection with the scale in Massachusetts or in Connecticut. Control The beech scale is apparently readily killed by contact sprays. Various soap emulsions have been used in England. In North America, Ehrlich^ has used kerosene-soap emulsion, a commercial oil, and nicotine solution; of these materials, the most effective in controlling the scale was the oil. Mr. Collins writes in a letter that satisfactory control has been obtained by spraying with liquid lime-sulfur, 7 gallons in 93 gallons of water, or dry lime-sulfur, 17 pounds in 100 gallons of water. He also states that the scale can be killed with the oil sprays, but as the beech is rather susceptible to oil injury, his office is not recommending oil sprays at present. Literature 1. Braucher, R. W. An Undesirable Foreigner on the American Continent (Cryptococcns fagi Baerens.). Canadian Entomologist, 46: 14. 1914. 2. Brown, R. C. Notes on the Beech Scale, Cryptococcns fagi (Baer.) Dougl., in New England. Jour. Econ. Ent, 27: 327; 6^ pp., 1 pi, 2 figs. Apr., 1934. 3. Collins, C. W. Parasite Introductions for the Gipsy Moth and Some Other Forest and Shade-Tree Insects. Proc. Seventh Nat. Shade Tree Conference, 130. 1931. 4. • ■ — The Beech Scale (Cryptococcns fagi Baerenspr.) Recently Dis- covered in New England. Jour. Econ. Ent., 25: 144; V/2 pp. February, 1932. 5. Ehrlich, J. The Beech Bark Disease ; A Nectria Following Cryptococcns fagi (Baer.). Canadian Journal of Research, Vol. 10; Special Number, June 1934, pp. 593-692; IX pis., 19 figs. 6. Hewitt, C. Gordon. Note on the Occurrence of the Felted Beech Coccus, Cryptococcns fagi (Baerens.) Dougl., in Nova Scotia. Canadian Entomologist, 46: 15. 1914. 7. Peirson, H. B. Manual of Forest Insects. Maine Forest Service, Bui. 5 ; 36. 1927. 8. SwAiNE, J. M. and Hutchings, C. B. Can. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 63, Ent. Bui. 28. 1926. THE SQUASH BUG IN CONNECTICUT (Aiiasa tristis DeGeer) D. C. Elliott This work was carried out during the summer of 1934, in an eft'ort to find a more efficient method of controlling the squash bug than any com- monly recommended to date. The squash bug has been a pest of cucurbits in the United States for many years. It was first described by DeGeer in 1773 and has been found The Squash Bug in Connecticut 225 everywhere in this country, from Canada to Central America, where its host plants are grown. In Connecticut it has been numerous enough in recent years to cause serious injury to summer squash. Host Plants The squash bug has been known to attack practically all of the plants in the squash family, (Cucurbitaceae). This includes many farm and garden crops such as squash, cucumber, pumpkin, melon, and others. The bug ordinarily confines its feeding to this group of plants, and has a de- cided preference for a few of them, but we have one case reported where it was found feeding on the leaves and fruit of the fig (Rosewall 1920). In an endeavor to find which plants were preferred in Connecticut, a series of cucurbits were planted. These included squash, pumpkin, cucumber, citron, watermelon, and muskmelon. It was found that summer squash, Hubbard squash, and pumpkin were the favored host plants. All of these were attacked in the field and eggs were deposited upon them, while the remainder of the group were not attacked at all. Attempts to rear young nymphs upon cucumber, citron, and melon, all failed. The insects fed very little and died in the second or third instar. Feeding Habits and Injury As soon as the young plants come up in the spring they are attacked by the adult bugs which have hibernated the preceding winter. These plants are often killed outright at this stage, as the feeding of the bugs seems to have a decided "burning" effect. Heavy feeding causes the young plants to wilt, and in a few days they are completely dead. Mild winters permit a relatively high survival of the hibernating adults and in the following season the damage to young plants is especially severe. The feeding of a single nymph is not very detrimental, but the congre- gation of nymphs upon the leaves soon causes the latter to wilt or "burn" in the area where feeding occurs. The plants are seldom killed outright because they are fairl}'- large by the time the nymphs appear in great numbers, but sometimes the infestation is so heavy that the crop is a total loss. One small field of squash under observation this season was almost entirely killed by July 20, about one month after the beginning of ovi- position. Description of the Stages Eggs: The eggs of the squash bug are deposited in irregular clusters on the leaves of the host. Ordinarily they are placed at the base of the under side of the leaves near the larger veins, but they may occur out near the edge or even on the upper side. When first deposited they are pale, almost yellow, but darken with age until they are dark brown before hatching. The eggs are oval in shape and are about one-sixteenth of an inch long. They are attached along one side to the leaf surface. Their large size and brown color make them very conspicuous on the green leaves of the plants. 226 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Nymphs : Upon hatching, the young nymphs are brilHantly colored, the antennae, head, thorax, and legs being bright crimson and the ab- domen green. After a few hours the parts of the body colored crimson turn black. In this instar, however, the abdomen remains green. These young nymphs are gregarious and, unless disturbed, will feed near one another on the under side of the leaf. When the first molt is completed, the same portions are again crimson and later turn black, as in the first instar. The abdomen, however, does not remain green but becomes a dusky, greenish gray. This instar shows very little evidence of wing pads and, being very little larger than the first, is not difficult to distinguish. The third, fourth, and fifth instars may be distinguished from one an- other by their size and the relative development of the wing pads. The Figure 2i. Different Stages of Squash Buy uii Leal ui Summer Squash. 1, Egg-Cluster: 2, Second Instar; 3, Third Instar; 4, Fourth Instar; 5, Fifth Instar; 6, Adult. All About Natural Size. third instar attains a length of about one-fourth inch and has very rudi- mentary wing pads. The fourth instar attains a length of about five- sixteenths of an inch and the wing pads are noticeably developed, while the fifth instar has well developed wing pads and is about the size of the adult. All instars, after the first, have bodies that are mottled light gray in color. Adults: The adult bug is about three-quarters of an inch long, the male being slightly smaller than the female. In color it is mottled dark brown, with the wing membranes black. The accompanying photograph (Figure 23) shows most of the stages. Life Cycle There is a single generation of the squash bug each year in Connecticut. All of the nymphs during any one summer originate from eggs deposited The Squash Bug in Connecticut 227 by adults which developed the preceding fall and wintered over. As the egg-laying season extends over a period of about 'six or seven weeks, nymphs of all sizes may be found in the field at the same time^ The time required for the completion of the life cycle, from oviposition until the adults emerge, compares favorably with that observed in. Massa- chusetts and other localities (Worthley 1923). The data given for Connec- ticut in the following table were obtained from insectary rearings carried on from June 20 into August, 1934. Table 8. Length of Developmental Stages in Connecticut and Other Localities Massa- New Washington, Connecticut chusetts Hampshire D. C. Kansas Stage Time (days) Av. Time Time Time Time Egg 9-12 10 13.7 11 9-10 7-17 1st instar 3 3 3.3 3 3 2.1-5.2 2nd instar 6-11 7 6.6 9 8-9 6.2-9.2 3rd instar 5-9 7 6.6 8 7-8 8.1-13 4th instar 6-16 8.3 6.4 7 6 10 5th instar 7-17 9 16.6 9 8 12 Total 36-67 44.3 53.2 47 41-44 45.4-66.4 The oviposition trend for the season was determined by collecting and counting, at weekly intervals, all of the eggs deposited on a sample plot of 68 hills of summer squash composing two rows in the middle of a half- acre field. The data are given in Figure 24. During the summer a total of 431 egg-clusters collected in the field con- tained 7,285 eggs, an average of approximately 17 eggs per cluster. The size of the clusters ranged from as few as three eggs to as many as 44. One female bug lays about 150 eggs during its life (Girault 1904). These are deposited over a period of six or seven weeks, but in Connecticut most of them are deposited during the month of July. Out of 984 eggs kept under observation, 946 (about 96 per cent) hatched. Oviposition by adults during the same season as that in which they de- velop has not been observed. On September 18 a number of adults were dissected and the reproductive organs examined. These were all incom- pletely developed, indicating that a second generation did not occur. Control Natural Enemies: Although the squash bug has only a few natural enemies, it is not entirely without them. The most important one of these in Connecticut is the parasitic Tachinid fly, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr., which develops within the body of the bug. There are two generations of this parasite in Connecticut, the first generation coming out as adults in the spring. These deposit their eggs upon the bodies of the adult bugs that have come out of hibernation. The first generation of parasites is perhaps initially of little importance in controlling the pest because, al- though parasitized, the bugs are still able to lay some of their eggs before thev die. The second generation of flies emerges during late summer and 228 Connecticut IS.vperiment Station Bulletin 368 deposits eggs upon the adults and larger nymphs that have developed during the current season. These parasitized bugs have been found to be unable to survive the winter and deposit their eggs the following year. Undoubtedly this fly is an important factor in reducing the number of bugs that successfully pass the winter, but due to its scarcity during the fall it cannot, at present, be considered a controlling factor. Two small parasites have been reported to attack the eggs of the squash bug. These are two small wasps, Hadronotus anasae Ashm. and Hadronotus carinatifrons Ashm. Neither of these parasites was en- countered in this work but both may, at times, be important in squash bug control. mo 100 1500 1100 i "^900 f\ v^ V ^ ^ r % ^ boo / V vv y 300 0 \^ _^ -^ SO bO 'iO I 10 1 II 21 -^ I II 21 31 10 July August September Figure 24. Chart Showing Egg Deposition of the Squash Bug Mechanical Methods of Control: Due to the difficulty of killing the bugs with sprays or dusts, mechanical means of control have played an important part in the fight against this insect from the beginning. In the past, chemical methods of control have been mentioned as unsatisfactory, or not even mentioned at all in some cases. On the other hand, practically every paper giving information upon control advised some mechanical means of combating the pest. The mechanical methods of control used on the squash bug may be classed as (1) hand picking (2) trap boards (3) trap crops and (4) clean farming. Hand picking is a good method where only a few plants are concerned. The adults may be caught or the egg-clusters may be gathered and destroyed. This method takes too much time to be practical for com- mercial growers. The Squash Bug in Connecticut 229 The trap board is used in connection with hand picking and simpHfies the gathering of the adults. Taking advantage of their habit of hiding under any available rubbish during the night, boards may be placed near the plants. By visiting these boards early in the morning the bugs may be easily collected and destroyed. This is particularly applicable early in the season to capture adults that have hibernated the previous winter. Trap crops of early squash are sometimes planted among other, later crops of cucurbits which are less attractive to the pest. In this way the main crop is saved from serious damage. Clean farming should be practiced regardless of insect pests. As the bugs hibernate in rubbish, all old vines and other material should be plowed under or burned in the fall, as soon as the crop is harvested. This makes hibernating quarters harder to find and, if done early enough, destroys many of the late nymphs. Chemical Methods of Control: Much work has been done in the past in an effort to find a spray or a dust which would efifectively control this pest. Much of this has been discouraging because of the resistance of this insect to insecticides. When insecticides first came into prominence, kerosene emulsion was recommended for most sucking insects including the squash bug. Later nicotine sulfate was recommended at 1 to 400. This latter substance is still used generally but gives very poor results on other than the first instar. Of all the substances tried in this work, a kerosene extract of pyrethrum has given the best results. It has given good results upon the first three instars at 1 to 800, and by spraying periodically with it the nx'mphs may be controlled. Tests were made on a number of insecticides, including both dusts and sprays. Of the dusts, cyanogas gave the most promising results. It was , used in the concentrated form or diluted with nicotine dust or gypsum. Fair results were obtained when the conditions were such that it could be applied when no breeze was blowing. In most cases, however, when the dust was applied in the field the results were poor. Pyrethrum dust under field conditions killed about 30 per cent of the third instar nymphs, while rotenone dust killed only about 25 per cent of the third instar. Each of the sprays was given a laboratory test and if it showed merit a field trial followed. The nicotine sprays were disappointing. It was not possible to kill all of the second instar individuals with nicotine sulfate at a dilution of 1 to 200. while nicofume gave very poor results at any dilution. Anabasine sulfate, an isomer of nicotine, gave much better results than the nicotine sulfate, killing about 75 per cent of the third instar nymphs at 1 to 200. Very poor results were obtained with Penti- cide and carbon disulfide emulsion, while Rotecide was efifective on the second instar at 1 to 100, and Grasselli Contact Insecticide No. 1 was efifective on these two instars at 1 to 500. Pyrethrum extracted in kerosene gave the most promising results of any of the insecticides. This pyrethrum spray should give good results under regular field spraying conditions. SPRAY FORMULA 1. For 1 gallon of spray : Kerosene extract of pyrethrum containing 2.15% pyrethrins . . 1 34 teaspoonf uls Potash soap containing 40% soap 20 cc. . or laundry soap 1 ounce Water < 1 gallon 230 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 2. For 50 gallons of spray : Kerosene extract of pyrethrum containing 2.15% pyrethrins . . ^ pint Potash soap containing 40% soap 1 pint or laundry soap 1 ^^ lbs. Water 50 gals. The following table shows the results that were obtained with this material under both laboratory and field conditions. The figures are in each case the total of three trials, each trial having given similar results. Table 9. Results Obtained with Pyrethrum Spray at 1 to 800 Laboratory Test Field Test Stage No. of Insects Killed % No. of Insects Killed % 1st instar 2nd instar 3rd instar 4th instar 5th instar 1 21 12 18 11 11 ^22 21 J 11 13 5 100 92 72 43 11 18 42 46 78 111 ^28 17J 34 31 36 96.4 80.9 71.3 39.7 Preparation and Application of Spray The kerosene extract will not mix directly with water, but must be first emulsified with part of the soap. This may be accomplished by adding a little water to the soap, making a ver}^ thick solution. Add the extract, a little at a time, to this soap solution while it is being stirred vigorously, (a small electric mixer is excellent for making small quantities.) The re- sult should be a thick, milky emulsion that will mix readily with water. The preparation of this emulsion is very important because, if not properly done, part of the kerosene will float on the surface rather than mix properly. For best results the emulsion should be prepared immediately before using, as soap has a detrimental efifect upon pyrethrum if it is left standing. Since the average time spent in the first instar is three days, and in the second instar seven days, if the plants are sprayed once every ten days practically all of the nymphs will be in the first or second instar when sprayed. The first application should be made when the nymphs first be- gin to hatch in the field (about July 1 in Connecticut). Three more ap- plications made at ten day intervals will carry the spray program through the month of July, and as practically all of the eggs are deposited in this one month (see Figure 24), these four sprays should be sufficient. Care should be taken to wet all of the insects. A thorough application must be made and the spray nozzle should be directed so as to hit the under side of the leaves with the spray. Pyrethrum kills the insects by its action upon the nervous system. It does not kill immediately, but when wet with the spray, the bugs drop to the ground in a stupor where they remain for as long as 40 hours before finally succumbing. Some of the Parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth 231 larger nymphs will recover from the effects of the pyrethrum, but the younger ones will be killed if thoroughly wet. Literature Cited Barre, W. H. and Conradi, A. F., 1908, "Plant Diseases and Injurious Insects." South Carolina Bulletin 141, page 38. Brixton, W. E., 1919, "Insects Attacking Squash, Cucumber and Allied Plants in Connecticut." Connecticut Bulletin 215, page 44. CoMPTON, C. C, 1925, "Insects Feeding on Truck and Garden Crops and How to Control Them." Illinois Circular 297, page 36. Davis, J. J., 1910, "Insect Notes From Illinois." Jour. Econ. Ent, 3 : 181. Drake, C. J. and Harris, H. M., 1926, "Insect Enemies of Melon and Cucumber in Iowa." Iowa Circular 90 rev. Carman, H., 1901, "Enemies of Cucumbers and Related Plants." Kentucky Bulletin 91, page 29. GiRAULT, A. A., 1904, "Anasa tristis DeGeer, History of Confined Adults; Another Egg Parasite." Ent. News, 15: 335. Jones, T. H., 1916, "Notes on Anasa tristis DeGeer, An Enemy of the Cucurbits." Jour. Econ. Ent., 9: 431. Little, V. A., 1927, "Calcium Cyanide for Control of the Squash Bug." Jour. Econ. Ent., 20 : 575. Morrill, A. W., 1913, "Entomological Pioneering in Arizona." Jour. Econ. Ent., 6: 190. Parshley, H. M., 1918, "Three Species of Anasa Injurious in the North." Jour. Econ. Ent., 11: 471. Pettit, R. H., 1924, "Common Pests of Field and Garden Crops." Michigan Special Bulletin 132, page 23. ., 1929, Michigan Special Bulletin 183, page 29. Rosewall, O. W., "Anasa tristis DeGeer, Feeding on the Leaves and Fruit of the Fig." Jour. Econ. Ent., 13 : 148. Watson, J. R., 1917, "Truck and Garden Insects." Florida Bulletin 134, page 103. ■ ., 1919, "Truck and Garden Insects." Florida Bulletin 151, page 181. Worthley. N. H., 1923, "The Squash Bug in Massachusetts." Jour. Econ. Ent., 16: 73. REPORT ON PARASITES OF THE ORIENTAL FRUIT MOTH Philip Garman and J. C. Schread Propagation of parasites of the Oriental fruit moth continued in 1934 with the following results.^ More Macrocentrus larval parasites were reared than ever before. Nineteen colonies of Perisierola angulata were distributed evenly over the State. (Figure 25) A few colonies of Asco- gaster were placed in orchards but it appears that this species is the same as our native American form. (See note, page 252) Trichogramma production was carried on with funds furnished by the growers, and 105 subscribers were supplied at a cost of about $475. About 11 million were distributed but more than 16 million were reared. A total of 1,566 new parasites (8 species) were placed by the Federal Bureau of Entomology in 10 colonies. Two of the most promising of these are ^All breeding work was handled by J. C. Schread, W. T. Brigham and George R. Smith. 232 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 now being reared and increased at the Experiment Station for liberation in 1935. Table 10. Parasite Record for June to September, 1934 Reared Liberated Ascogaster quadridentata 1,197 895 Macrocentrus ancylivorus 33,143 24,400 Perisierola angulata 4,148 3,433 Trichogramma 16,400,000 11,000,000 Other parasites^ 1,566 Collections in different locations in the State revealed that Macrocentrus is still scarce in some orchards. Notable among these localities are the higher elevations in Glastonbury and Somers. After two years' liberations at the Connecticut State College at Storrs, however, Macrocentrus now Figure 25.' Map of Connecticut Showing where Colonies of Perisierola angulata were Liberated in 1934. appears fairly well established. In certain orchards in the center of the State the parasitism of the second generation was high in spite of the cold weather during the winter which apparently had little or no effect upon the parasites. It remains to be seen, of course, whether the parasitism will remain at its present level in 1935, following a no-crop year. Improved breeding methods accounted for the large increase of Macro- centrus available this year. The total production of live adults between January 1, 1934, and August 31, 1934, was 41,000. Some of these data were presented to the American Association of Economic Entomologists, Eastern Branch. The cost of breeding remains relatively high, but re- duction of the work to routine procedures will, it is believed, bring the "^Bassus diversus. Diodes molestac, Macrocentrus thoracic*t,s , Phanerotoma grapholithae, Orgilus sp. Apantcles sp.. Elodia sp.. Pristomeriis vulnerator and Crcmastus sp. Additional liberations by the U. S. Bur. of Ent. bring the total to 16 colonies of 1,864 individuals. Parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth 233 expense of laboratory bred parasites to a figure comparable with field collected material. As a result of tests over the winter it was determined that Oriental fruit moth larvae reared at 60° F., and then placed in storage at tem- peratures not below freezing, wintered as well as could be expected. (Table 11) Larvae placed in the insectary in October showed a tendency for the moths to pupate, but loss of. parasites was not increased. During November, survival of both moths and parasites was good. In all cases, the larvae were placed in common storage after a short period in the insectary. The same procedure was followed in December and January with disastrous results. The loss of larvae increased to 53 and 78 per cent, and the percentage of parasite emergence (per cent of total reared) dropped accordingly. It is apparent that the method will yield nearly 30 per cent of the total in parasites if breeding conditions are favorable and the temperature does not drop too low after the larvae have spun. Thus in February, larvae reared at 60° F. and placed in common storage at a temperature above freezing wintered nearly as well as those obtained in November when conditions in our insectary were apparently suitable for hibernation purposes. It is evident, however, that undersized larvae are frequently lost during hibernation, so that feeding must also be considered of considerable importance. Table 11. Showing Results of Hibernation Tests. Counts Showing Emergence of Moths and Parasites at the End of the Season Dead fruit No. moths Dead No. Macro. % Macro.' Month reared Total moth larvae emerging Macro. emerging emergence October 632 304 175 7 146 23.1 November 1,570 120 930 9 511 32.4 December 2.308 1,802 388 5 113 4.9 January 2.737 1.440 865 32 400 14.6 February 1.479 323 684 49 423 28.5 During the summer, J. C. Schread and W. T. Brigham made a series of collections in commercial peach orchards, in order (1) to recover, if possible, fqreign parasites that were liberated in 1933, and (2) to learn more accurately the extent of native parasitism, as well as (3) to study the situation regarding Macrocentrus. The compiled results appear in the following table. The total average parasitism of Macrocentrus was 32 per cent. July parasitism in several cases, however, was much higher, reaching 86 to 91 per cent of the total larvae collected. The second most important parasite is Glypta, which in some orchards accounts for the only parasitism of any value. 'Per cent of total larvae reared. 234 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 < VO CO IT) ro 'Tt- CO ON -<* On ,_ CO U-) o O 1 O ,_ t^ CM LO CM ro a ^ \c C "* CN] OO O O U3 rt ^ o .-H CM -f NC ,_, oc r> u- K O cm' cm' tT u-j 1 e^ o "-■ CO \o ■* CM ON CM CN lO <>> 1 CO , m it . CM CM J3 in o> * a O a O t-^ 1— t VC r>. r>. 3 CM ^ OC >— ; «D fO \o >— 1 «o W - B 'Jn 3 rt to r-^ C c C C C c > (Z a. l- JZ s- it < c -< c c C c ^ ,_ ^ CA ^ n 1 c C > -. > ^ > -. > ■. > -, E a c i •c ^ C t- !- ;- u u !- o 1. ^: ^ *" n 0 c 1. 1- 1- "S 0 X x: X c X C ^ r- o "^ c c .^ c c C c C c y \- c i-J ^ •c •E C C E CI _rt a: l- s- C 1, E X c ii i >- C C c C C ^ CA c ^ -d ta (U S o O l- 0. i- -, > ^ C C c u (J u O ni "o % P: PC 1- ^ ^ Pi cr IT (/] N fe U oo Lead Arsenate Substitutes 235 LEAD ARSENATE SUBSTITUTES Philip Garman Lead arsenate substitutes continued to occupy our attention in 1934. Experiments were conducted along two lines: (1) an effort to correct burn caused by calcium arsenate, (2) continued study of synthetic cryolite. In the case of calcium arsenate, zinc sulfate was used as a corrective and severely russeted the fruit. The cryolite used was ineffective against codling moth and plum curculio, which may have been due to (1) mixture with lime which is said to render it less toxic, or (2) to the physical characteristics of the material which appeared to be inferior to that of the brand used in 1933. As in 1933, however, there was no foliage burn from the use of cryolite, flotation sulfur, and lime, and some control was se- cured but not as much as with lead arsenate. For apple maggot (Table 14), however, control continues to appear promising and to compare favorably with that of lead and calcium arsenate. For purposes of com- parison, the percentage of maggoty Mother apples should be compared with Hurlbut, which ripened almost at the same time in our orchard. Control of this insect with all poisons was unsatisfactory in our orchard in 1934. A large number of codling moth "stings" were seen on apples sprayed with cryolite, which were not evident in the lead arsenate or calcium arsenate plot. Table 13. General Summary of Results with Cryolite, Calcium Arsenate and Lead Arsenate for Control of Apple Insects Excepting Apple Maggot Codling Good Curculio moth fruit* Orchard Treatment % % % Notes Cryolite (1) 23.9 11.9 46.6 Little or no russet. Experiment Calcium 19.5% of fruit rejected Station Farm, arsenate (2) 21.4 .9 43.8 because of russet. Mount Carmel Lead arsenate (3) 17.6 .6 75.2 Little or no russet. None — check 48 11.5 1.0 Little or no russet. Connecticut Cryolite (1) 34.5 2.6 46.6 The amount of curculio State College, injured fruit here was Storrs Lead arsenate influenced to some ex- tent by location of the treated trees. (3) 8.4 .2 81.2 (1) Cryolite-flotation sulfur-lime. 4 lbs. cryolite per 100 gallons. (2) Calcium arsenate-zinc sulfate-Iime. Last two sprays omitting zinc sulfate and substituting bentonite. 3 lbs. calcium arsenate per 100 gallons. (3) Lead arsenate-flotation sulfur and lime. 3 lbs. lead arsenate per 100 gallons. * Count of good fruit excludes maggot of which there was little or none in fruit from the Con- necticut State College. For results at the Experiment Station farm at Mount Carmel, see Table 14. 236 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 In addition to the test at Mount Carmel, Professor S. P. Hollister had his men apply cryoHte at the college orchard at Storrs, using for this purpose four rows across the north end of the orchard. Examination of drop fruits by C. O. Dunbar, early in the summer at thinning time, indi- cated inferior control for cryolite. A check-up of picked fruit at the end of the season gave similar results and showed an increase of both codling moth and curculio where cryolite was used. The same formula (4 pounds lime, 4 pounds cryolite and 4 pounds flotation sulfur) was used in both orchards, although the number of applications was. different. The russet produced by zinc sulfate was of the same order as that produced by Bordeaux mixture and eliminates the possibility of using this material on apple trees. Thanks are dug to Professor Hollister and Mr. Dunbar for their very cordial cooperation in this project. Table 14. Control of Apple Maggot Experiment Station Farm, Mount Carmel, 1934 Variety ^ Total fruits Number cut open* Number maggoty Estimated number of total fruits maggoty % maggoty Synthetic Cryolite Stark Baldwin Mother 2,893 10,662 3,364 505 1,568 739 Lead Arsenate 151 250 236 543 1,577 1,000 18.7 14.8 29.7 Greening Hurlbut 3,815 6,499 501 1,537 Calcium Arsenate 189 1,168 1,616 3,551 42.3 54.6 Greening Hurlbut 5,227 1,745 859 272 624 158 2,977 678 56.9 38.8 c HECK — No Treatment Greening 915 227 183 676 73.8 *A sample from each lot of fruits was examined by cutting open and the percentage maggoty applied to that lot only. By estimating the probable number maggoty on the basis of the sample and adding the numbers obtained for the different lots, the total number of maggoty fruit may be obtained. This appears under "Estimated number of total fruits maggoty". The procedure was followed because there is frequently a larger percentage of maggoty fruit among the drops and windfalls than in the picked fruit. FURTHER TESTS WITH ZINC SULFATE AS A CORRECTIVE FOR LEAD ARSENATE BURN ON PEACHES Philip Garman Field tests with zinc sulfate corrective in 1933 appeared so promising that experiments with it were conducted again in 1934. Early sprays applied June 1 and 14, 1934, however, began to show bum and leaf drop about the first of July. A series of 14 different combinations were then applied on the remainder of the orchard to learn what was the cause of the trouble and whether any combination of materiel s was responsible. Further Tests with Zinc Sulfate 237 Pure zinc sulfate, U.S. P. grade, was compared with the technical grade used earlier in the summer. Various combinations of lead arsenate with lime ; lime, flotation sulfur and lead arsenate ; lime, bentonite and lead arsenate ; were compared with one another and with cryolite and barium fluosilicate. Counts of leaf scars and remaining leaves on new growth were made September 7 with a view to finding which combinations were best. As indicated in the table, the best lead arsenate combination in these tests apparently consisted of ( 1 ) 4 pounds zinc sulfate, 4 pounds lime, 3 pounds lead arsenate and 4 pounds dry flotation sulfur; and (2) a combination of 4 pounds zinc sulfate, 4 pounds lime, 3 pounds lead arsenate, to which were added 2 pounds bentonite and 1 pound Casco "waterproof glue". Only in the case of the plots sprayed with barium fluosilicate and cryolite, however, did results equal that of check trees. Increased lime was also of some benefit in the combinations containing lead arsenate. In view of the results this year, it appears advisable to add a wettable sulfur to zinc sulfate when it is used as a corrective for lead arsenate burn. Glue-bentonite buffer is also promising, and further work should be done with barium fluosilicate and cryolite as substitutes for lead arsenate. In view of the danger of burn from lead arsenate combinations, it is recommended that this material be used in Connecticut only where curculio threatens the crop, and that whatever formula is used should include a wettable sulfur similar to the one used. It also seems advisable to use at least eight pounds of hydrated lime in the mixture. Table 15. Count of Leaves and Leaf Scars on Trees at Mount Carmel Farm Sprayed with Various Poisons and Correcti\tes Plot Materials Total leaves remaining % leaf drop 754 . 22.2 1005 16.5 712 10.3 919 6.7 794 5.8 761 9.5 811 8.7 810 866 875 10.0 1.7 2.0 929 961 6.1 2.9 758 220 12.8 2.7 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV Zinc sulfate (U.S. P.) 4, lime 4, lead arsenate 3 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4. lead arsenate 3 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4. lead arsenate 3 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 8, lead arsenate 3 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4, lead arsenate 3. flo- tation sulfur 4 lbs. — 100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4, lead arsenate 2 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 6, lead arsenate 2 lbs. —100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4. lead arsenate 2, ben- tonite 2 lbs. — 100 gallons Check — no treatment Lime 4. cryolite 4, flotation sulfur 4 lbs. — 100 gallons Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4, lead arsenate 4, ben- tonite 2. glue 1 lb. — 100 gallons Barium fluosilicate 4, lime 4 lbs.— 100 gallons .... Zinc sulfate (Tech) 4, lime 4, lead arsenate 3. ben- tonite 2 lbs. — 100 gallons Check — no treatment Note counts of leaves on at least four trees of uniform vigor in each plot. Variety Elberta. Sprays applied July 10 and July 26. 238 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 TOXICITY OF PURE ANABASINE AND PURE NICOTINE FOR Aphis Rumicis Philip Garman During the winter of 1934, pure nicotine was obtained from Dr. G. W. Pucher, of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Biochemistry, who isolated it from the tobacco plant. At the same time Dr. H. J. Fisher, of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, isolated pure anabasine from anabasine sulfate supplied by the Department of Entomology. Since the commercial products containing nicotine or anabasine are both more or less impure, it was considered worth while to compare the two JOO ^ JO Z U u n «50 ^0 10 J- 5, 750 y^J-'?SOO 1^5,000 " .026 ^/ .013 .0065 Dilution ty weight ]-ja,ooo 1-60,000 i-iso,ooo ^^.0033 .0016 .0008 Percent nicotine or andddsine Figure 26. Chart Showing Toxicity of Pure Nicotine and Pure Anabasine to Aphis rumicis. alkaloids in water solution to learn which is the more efifective killing agent for Aphis rumicis. Dilutions were made carefully on a weight basis and spraying of the apliids as well as subsequent handling of the insects was done under as carefully controlled and comparable conditions as possible. Only mature wingless agamic females were counted in each experiment. C. P. sodium oleate, 1 to 1000, was used as a spreader. CorUrol of the White Apple Leafhopper 239 The percentage killed in every case was better with anabasine than with nicotine, and dilutions of anabasine, three to four times as great as nicotine, gave the same kill. Thus from data that we have secured so far there appears little doubt that anabasine is the stronger killing agent for the aphids on which it has been tested and is probably so for other species. Figure 26 gives a general picture of the results with pure alkaloids. Table 16 gives results of tests from which the curves were drawn. Table 16. Results of Spraying Aphis rumicis^ on Nasturtium Leaves WITH Pure Anabasine and Pure Nicotine Dilution Nicotine sulfate Anabasine sulfate Dead Moribund Alive Per cent dead and moribund Dead Moribund Alive Per cent dead and moribund 1-3,750 113 2 2 98.2 1-7,500 108 13 10 92.3 154 1 0 100.0 1-15,000 97 26 30 80.3 104 2 1 99.0 1-30,000 86 42 86 59.7 130 15 11 92.9 1-60,000 67 8 146 33.6 227 34 101 71.9 1-90,000 7Z 15 49 64.2 Check — no treatment Sodium oleate — 1-1000 3 0 143 2.3 36 3 103 27.4 ^Sprayed at 10 pounds pressure; DeVilbiss nozzle nine inches from leaf, length of exposure to spray uniform. Aphids kept under battery jars with saturated salt solution maintaining humidity at about 70 per cent. CONTROL EXPERIMENTS AGAINST THE WHITE APPLE LEAFHOPPER Philip Garman The white apple leafhopper became abundant enough in 1934 to warrant further tests with control measures. Field experiments were conducted on trees at the Mount Carmel farm using (1) nicotine sulfate 1-800 (2) nicotine sulfate 1-800 and three pounds of flake soap per 100 gallons (3) anabasine sulfate 1-800, with and without the addition of three pounds of soap per 100 gallons. Two pyrethrum compounds were used, both having stood for one 3'ear before application. It will be seen from Table 17 that there was no advantage from the addition of three pounds of soap to nicotine or anabasine sulfate. Neither of the pyrethrum compounds appeared to be equal in toxicity to either nicotine sulfate or anabasine sulfate. Counts were made by Mr. Townsend before and after treatments, without knowledge regarding which trees were sprayed and which were unsprayed. 240 Connecticut Experiment Station Table 17 Bulletin 368 Treatment Nymphs per 100 leaves before Nymphs per 100 leaves after Percentage reduction spraying spraying Nicotine sulfate Flake soap . 1 pint to 100 gals. 3 lbs. to 100 gals. 261' 479 10.2 53 96.8 88.9 Nicotine sulfate 1 pint to 100 gals. 222 417 10 2.5 95.5 99.6 Anabasine sulfate Flake soap 1 pint to 100 gals. 3 lbs. to 100 gals. 142 375 1.3 2.5 99.1 99.3 Anabasine sulfate 1 pint to 100 gals. 227 440 .6 0.0 99.7 100.0 Penetrol extract pyrethrum Plus penetrol 1 pint to 100 gals. 1 quart to 100 gals. 279 292 120.0 27.0 57.0 90.7 Pyrethrum soap 6 lbs. to 100 gals. 280 282 7.0 36.0 97.5 87.2 Check — no treatment (Av. 15 trees) (Av. 3 trees) 138 241 171.0 161.0 00.0 ^Average of 2 or 3 trees. -Probably due to emergence of adults from nymphal stage. In addition, an experiment was made with a view to determining whether reduced nicotine sulfate would be effective and whether the re- duced charge would be more effective with soap than without. This is shown in Table 18, and indicates that there is no advantage in immediate kill with the soap content used. Counts were made on the morning of September 11. The sprays were applied between 1 and 3 P. M. the same day, and the follow up counts made the morning of September 12.- The spraying was done with a power sprayer maintaining 300-310 pounds pressure at the pump and was applied with the same length hose and a quad nozzle in both cases. One-half pint of nicotine sulfate per 100 gallons was used in each test. Soap was used at the rate of three pounds flake soap per 100 gallons, completely dissolved in hot water. The mate- rials were thoroughly applied to all parts of the tree. It appears from this and previous work that ( 1 ) nicotine sulfate affords good protection at 1-800 without soap, (2) that anabasine sulfate is at least as effective for leafhoppers as nicotine sulfate and in some cases more effective. It would appear also that supposed liberation of nicotine by the soap is a disadvantage in leafhopper control since part of the insecticidal action is residual. More inert spreaders, therefore, would probably be ad- vantageous in control of this insect. Observations on Termite Damage 241 Table 18 Nymphs per Nymphs per 100 leaves 100 leaves Per cent Treatment Tree No. before spraying after spraying reduction Nicotine sulfate No soap G. 1 138 10 2 295 15 3 213 21 4 255 14 5 375 27 6 335 31 7 238 22 8 Totals 180 28 2,029 168 Av. per tree 253.6 21.0 91.7 Nicotine sulfate plus soap H. 1 88 7 2 240 43 3 230 14 4 133 4 5 180 23 7 235 17 8 Totals 88 14 1,194 122 Av. per tree 170.5 17.4 89.8 Check — no treatment H.6 253 188 25.7 OBSERVATIONS ON TERMITE DAMAGE IN CONNECTICUT Neely Turner. J. F. Townsend axd M. P. Zappe The eastern subterranean termite, RcticuUtcnnes fiavipes KoUar, has been common in stumps and logs in Connecticut woodlands for many years. However, damage to buildings was not commonly reported until 1932. The first report of infestation in a building was received in 1909, and during the period between 1909 and 1932, three reports were received. li: is evident that termite injury to buildings in Connecticut has increased during the past three years. In 1932, seven cases were investigated ; in 1933, 13 cases ; and in 1934. 24 cases. For many years property owners have been under the impression that termites were injurious only in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Since they have realized that termites occur in Connecticut and frequentl}- damage buildings, more reports of injury have been received. This report includes the records of 24 cases of termite injury investigated as a result of requests made by property owners. In addition, 22 un- solicited examinations were made to determine whether or not termites Termites present Termites not present 10 3 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 242 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 were present. These examinations were made at random and usually in localities from which no reports of termite injury had been received. These locality records are as follows : Town New Haven Hamden Branford Madison Saybrook 15 7 In eight instances the termites found were in buildings and had caused some damage. In seven cases, termites were present in posts, fences and the like on the property. These examinations were not extensive, but they showed a very large percentage of properties where termites were present. Since the ob- servations were made at random it would appear that termite infestations are common in Connecticut, and that there is a possibility of damage to a large percentage of buildings. The 24 requests for examinations to determine the presence of termites were located as follows : Town No. infested buildings Town No. infested buildings New Haven 10 North Madison Hamden 2 Bristol Meriden 2 Easton Milford 2 Weston Westport 2 Stamford Newtown 1 Total 24 Three cases of termite infestation were found in houses more than 75 years old, seven occurred in houses from 25 to 50 years old, and the remain- ing 14 infestations were in houses of modern construction. Some of the older houses had wood touching the soil in many places and were, therefore, very susceptible to termite infestation. The classified list is as follows : No. of cases Point of entry Modern houses Old houses Direct contact between wood and soil Sills, cellar w"indows, etc. on soil Sill underneath porch or terrace in contact with fill Through cracks in foundation and floor Entering cellar door casing or bulkhead Entering sills Entering through cracks in concrete floor Miscellaneous 2 0 16 10 Wood in contact with soil. In one modern house joists were in contact with soil under a portion where the soil had not been excavated. The other 2 4 7 0 1 4 1 2 3 0 Observations on Termite Damage 243 modern house had too high a grade on one side and the soil was in contact with the sheathing and siding. In an old house in Newtown, the wooden basement floor was laid directly on soil. In an old house in North Madison, the sills were in contact with the soil in several places. A wooden porch was infested in a house in New Haven, and in a house in Meriden the cellar window frames were in contact with the soil. Underneath terrace or porch. Many modern houses have concrete or stone porches or terraces laid over cinder, dirt or gravel fills. In a majority of these houses the fill comes in contact with the sill and offers an excellent opportunity for termites to enter the house. Five of the seven houses in this group had no other termite-susceptible points except under ?uch a terrace. In the other instances, soil was poorly graded around one, allov, '.ig direct contact between soil and sheathing, and termites were entering the cellar bulkhead in the other. Through foundation into cellar door casing. Frequently termites entered through cracks in the foundation near an outside basement en- trance. They entered the wooden door casing or the wooden portion of the bulkhead and worked up into the sill. Four such cases were observed in old houses, and one in a modern house. In three of the five cases, serious damage had been done to the sills. Through cracks in foundation. The one modern house in this group was built in woodland which offered ideal conditions for termite develop- ment. Termites were abundant in the locality, and the use of stumps and wood scraps in a large fill resulted in establishment of a termite colony within a few feet of the house foundation. Termites had entered through the foundation, which was stone laid in lime and cement mortar. Some damage was found in the sill and in other wood portions of the house. This house was new and well constructed, and in a locality where termites were less abundant would not have been damaged. The two other houses in this group were colonial houses. One of these had been remodeled several years ago. Old termite injury was evident in the house and in two old barns near by. Since the house has been heated during the winter, the termites have extended their activity both in the original house and in two wings added during relDuilding. They had entered at numerous places through the old foundation, which was of stone laid in lime mortar. Termites were also entering through the foundation for tlie fireplaces. The new wings were built without exca\'a- tion of, the soil, and termites had built tubes along the inside of the foundation walls and had entered sills, joists and studding. Pine paneling and trim was ruined in several places in the house. The second of these colonial houses had been purchased for remodeling. Termites had entered the sills in numerous places through the stone foundation, which was stone laid in cement mortar. There was much evidence of termite damage extending over a period of years. About 35 years ago the house was repaired and new joists had been set in place beside the old ones. These older joists had been badly damaged by termites. It appeared that termite injury had made the use of additional joists necessary. When the house was examined these additional joists were found to be infested by termites. The fireplace foundation was also 244 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 a source of entry. This foundation was made of large timbers and stone laid in lime mortar. Cracks in concrete floors. In two of these cases winged termites were coming out of cracks in concrete floors. In one instance there was no evidence of termite injury, since no wood had been used in constructing the basement of the building. In the other case the building was made of brick, and the only wood was a door frame. In the remaining case in this group, termites had entered through a crack in a concrete floor and had partially destroyed an oak floor laid over the concrete on sleepers. Miscellaneous. In one of these cases termites had damaged posts in the lawn, but had not entered the house. This house was practically termite-proof. In the o.ther instance termites had ruined a trellis near a garage and were entering the garage through a direct soil contact re- sulting from improper grading. Discussion. These records show that both old and modern houses are susceptible to termite attack. In both classes of houses the most frequent source of entry was in wood in actual contact with soil. In old houses this contact resulted from improper construction and included sills, cellar window frames and wooden porches in direct contact with soil. In modern houses, this type of difficulty was more common underneath stone or concrete porches or terraces. The type of construction commonly used allowed direct contact between the fill and the sill or easy access from the fill to the sill. As a rule the foundations of modern houses were more resistant to termite entry than foundations of old houses. The older types of foundation were usually of stone or brick laid in lime mortar. Such foundations were commonly entered by termites. Damage caused by termites. It is very difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of the loss caused by termites. In the 24 cases investigated during the past year, it has been possible in three instances to obtain accurate figures as to the actual cost of replacement of seriously injured timbers and changes in construction necessary to avoid further damage. On the basis of these figures, estimates have been made for the other 21 cases. The accompanying table gives these figures, together with an estimate of the amount of money spent: Table 19. Cost of Repairs Because of Termite Damage Estimated cost of repairs Location Number and termite-resistant Estimated amount of cases construction actually spent New Haven 10 $1,510 $ 880 Hamden 2 100 10 Meriden 2 750 100 Milford 2 550 150 Westport 2 400 400 Newtown 1,500 200 Bristol 250 250 Weston 1,250 1,250 Stamford 100 100 North Madison 250* 0 Easton 250* 0 $6,910 ^House to be remodeled, cost estimated in addition to remodeling $3,340 Control of Insects of Ornamental Plants 245 The amount actually spent is less than the estimated cost, since several property owners decided to stop entry of termites in the parts of the houses now affected without making the rest of the house termite-proof. It is probable that in many cases the rest of the buildings will require protection within a few years. CONTROL OF INSECTS OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, 1934 Neely Turner Growth of Asters and Dahlias Under Shade A small shade tent was constructed for the purpose of controlling yellows on asters and mosaic on dahlias. Both of these diseases are carried by leaf hoppers. Late varieties of asters (wilt resistant) were planted both under shade and in the open on June 8. The shaded plants grew much more rapidly than the plants in the open, and produced about twice as many blooms. The flowers were slightly larger under shade, and the colors were richer. Due to wind storms, the tent was torn and leafhoppers entered carrying in yellows. At no time was the yellows as prevalent in the tent as it was in the open. Furthermore, the blister beetles which damaged field-grown plants did not enter the tent. In this season, at least, growth of asters under shade was highly successful. The dahlias grew well under shade and produced larger blooms of deli- cate hues. However, although no mosaic developed under the tent, there was no marked advantage in dahlia culture under shade-. Some tent cloth was furnished for C. Louis Ailing of West Haven. Mr. Ailing was able to grow very fine dahlias under shade, but the plants were tender and the growth almost too succulent. The damage from the European corn borer was much less under shade than in the open. TESTS ON THE CONTROL OF CERTAIN VEGETABLE INSECTS Neely Turxer Mexican Bean Beetle The study of the eft'ect of spacing of bean plants on injury by the Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna cornipta Muls., was completed in 1934. The total 3aeld was largest on plants spaced two inches apart in the row, and the yield decreased as the spacing was increased to four, six and eight inches. HowcA^er, the yield per plant, size of the pods and percentage of uninjured pods increased with wider spacing. More bean beetle injury 246 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 was noticed on the plots in which the spacing was two inches than on the other plots. Sprays were more efficient when the plants were spaced four inches or more apart in the row. Insecticide investigations showed that one application of derris dust containing .6 per cent rotenone, or pyrethrum dust containing 50 per cent pyrethrum, controlled a light infestation of bean beetles. Three appli- cations of derris dust containing .4 per cent rotenone, or pyrethrum dust containing 25 per cent pyrethrum, controlled a moderate infestation of bean beetles and also reduced the injury caused by the bean leaf hopper (Empoasca fabae Harr.). Both of these dusts controlled bean beetles as efficiently as two sprays of magnesium arsenate at the rate of three pounds in 100 gallons of water. Bordeaux mixture (4-4-50) applied to lima beans three times during the season, was slightly less effective in controlling bean beetles than cop- per-lime-calcium arsenate dust applied once and followed by two applications of derris dust containing .6 per cent rotenone. Two applications of magnesium arsenate dust (one pound magnesium arsenate and five pounds lime), or of copper-lime-calcium arsenate dust controlled bean beetles on horticultural beans. Potato Flea Beetle Further tests were made on Irish Cobbler potatoes to control the potato flea beetle (Epitrix cucumeris Harris), with the following results: Number of Calculated acre Treatment applications yield-bushels Lead arsenate 3 lbs., fish oil 1 qt., water 100 gals 4 225 Bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50 4 5 217 189 Barium fluosilicate dust (1 lb. — 3 lbs. lime) No treatment — 149 For the third year in succession the lead arsenate and fish oil spray was slightly more effective than Bordeaux mixture. The barium fluosilicate dust controlled flea beetles but did not produce as high a yield as either of the two sprays. On Green Mountain potatoes, tests were made with the following results : Number of Calculated acre Treatment applications yield-bushels 6-6-50 Bordeaux mixture 8 538 6-6-50 Bordeaux mixture plus lyi lbs. calcium arsenate 8 463 Barium fluosilicate dust (1-3) followed by 2| e-.- 6-6-50 Bordeaux mixture 6 J Barium fluosilicate dust (1-3) 6 272 No treatment — 261 In this test the barium fluosilicate dust applied in June, followed by Bordeaux mixture in July, August and September, produced the highest yield. The dust used throughout the season was not effective because it did not control leafhoppers. The delayed application of Bordeaux mixture in the combination treatment was effective in leafhopper control. The European Pine Shoot Moth Control 247 reduced yield from the addition of calcium arsenate to Bordeaux mixture was unexpected and is certainly not due to the calcium arsenate. Onion Thrips Dusts of crude chipped naphthalene, ground and mixed with lime at the rate of 40 pounds naphthalene and 60 pounds lime, were used in tests to control the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Linde. Applications were made three times on set onions and four times on seed onions. There was no evidence of any control, and the dusted plots appeared less healthy than the check plots. Control of Leafhoppers on Dahlias Through the cooperation of George A. Hopson, sprays were applied to pompon dahlias for control of leafhoppers. These leafhoppers (Euipoasca jabae Harris) caused severe tipburn, some leaf curl, some dwarfing, and much mosaic. During the season of 1933, repeated applications of nicotine sulfate and soap failed to give any permanent relief. The plants improved markedly for a few days following spray application, but were injured by migrating leafhoppers. On August 9 an application of 4-4-50 Bordeaux mixture was made. The sprayed plants showed improvement immediately. The tipburn did not Qccur on the new growth and leafhoppers were much less abundant. On August 30 a second application of 4-4-50 Bordeaux mixture was made. Following this spray the plants improved remarkalily and blossomed normally. This was the first time in three years that these pompons had produced blossoms in normal numbers. The results would have been even more striking if spraying had been done in July as well, but it was very apparent that the Bordeaux mixture sprays were highly efifective in preventing injury from leafhopper attacks. EUROPEAN PINE SHOOT MOTH AND WHITE PINE WEEVIL CONTROL BY THE CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS AND THE CIVIL WORKS ADMINISTRATION R. B. Friexd The control of the European pine shoot moth and the white pine weevil in certain forested areas of the State was undertaken by the Civilian Con- servation Corps under the direction of A. F. Hawes, State Forester. General supervision was given this control work by the offices of the forester and entomologist of the Agricultural Experiment Station. The European pine shoot moth control operations covered practically all of the red pine plantations in the State wdiich covild be worked except those in Fairfield County, and were carried out between October 1, 1933, and January, 1934, and between April 10 and June 15, 1934. The object was to eliminate the insect as far as possible from the area involved by 248 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 clipping off infested tips and burning them. This can obviously be done only in stands where all parts of the trees can be reached from the ground. Young trees are, however, much more susceptible to shoot moth injury and much more heavily infested as a rule than trees which have reached a height sufficient to close the stand. The insect normally spreads rather slowly and it takes from three to five years to build up a bad infestation after the insect is introduced. The severely cold weather of the winter of 1933-34 markedly reduced the shoot moth population and thus tended to increase the efficiency of the control operations. In Fairfield County the general infestation in years past has been so heavy and many of the plantations were, as a consequence, so severely injured that no control operations were undertaken there by men from the CCC camps. Between October 1, 1933, and January, 1934, 4,033 acres were covered. Between April 10 and June 15, 1934, 3,501 acres of the above were re- worked and an additional 2,567 acres covered for the first time. The trees on 112 ornamental plantings near forest plantations were also gone over thoroughly. Crews from 13 camps were employed. In addition to this work, crews of men employed under the CWA carried out control operations of a similar nature on about 1,800 acres of forest plantations and on several ornamental plantings in New Haven, Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. The forest plantations covered were, in general, immediately south of the area covered by the CCC crews and were aimed at supplementing this work. In Fairfield County, for example, the work was confined to the northeastern sections. The opera- tions on ornamental plantings were confined to a row of towns east and north of the border of that part of the State most heavily infested by the insect. It was necessary to stop the CWA work before all plantations scheduled for control operations were covered, but much excellent work was accomplished. This project was under the immediate direction of John Wulff, a forester temporarily employed by the Experiment Station for this purpose. Between the effect of the low temperature during the winter of 1933-34 and the control operations, the shoot moth population was noticeably de- pressed. An examination of about 50 plantations scattered over much of the control area in the fall has shown either the absence of the insect or the presence of a very light infestation. The white pine weevil control operations were carried out by the Civilian Conservation Corps primarily for the protection of the public forests in the State. It is useless to attempt weevil control in a small area, so no total area of less than 100 acres was considered. This meant control operations on a few privately owned stands adjacent to the state forests and parks. Crews from 10 camps covered a total area of 5,017 acres and removed and burned 127,481 infested white pine leaders. This work was carried on between the middle of June and the first part of August. In the eastern part of the State there was approximately four times as much infested pine as in the western part. In the former region the net area of white pine covered was about five times that in the latter. In 1933, crews from seven camps covered a much smaller net area of white pine stands and removed 35,000 infested leaders (Plumb and Hicock, Jour. Econ. Ent. 27: 344-345). The 1934 operations included all of the area covered in 1933. The infestation in some areas in 1934 was less than that Miscellaneous Insect Notes 249 of 1933 and in some areas more, according to reports made b}^ the foremen in charge of the crews. Weevil control is essentially a silvicultural opera- tion which should be carried out every year in Connecticut white pine stands. All insect control operations by the Civilian Conservation Corps must be approved by the Federal Bureau of Entomology, and the cooperation of Dr. H. J. MacAloney of this Bureau has been appreciated by those connected with the work. MISCELLANEOUS INSECT NOTES Holly Leaf Miner in Connecticut. On April 26, leaves of Ilex glabra infested by the holly leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis Curt., were received at the Station from Newington. On July 18, leaves of holly. Ilex opaca, similarly infested were received from Hartford. This insect has one annual generation and the larvae pass the winter in the leaves. Doctor Felt^ recommends spraying the foliage, soon after the mines have first become noticeable, with nicotine solution and soap or some other spreader. [W. E. Britton] Forest Tent Caterpillar. While collecting insects in company with Neely Turner of the I^jitomology Department of this Station, at Hubl^ard Park, Meriden, on May 29, 1934, the presence of great numbers of larvae of the forest tent caterpillars, Malacosoma disstria Hubn., was noticed. The caterpillars were nearly full grown, were feeding on oak and maple, and many of the trees had lost about half their foliage. On June 20, a few full-grown caterpillars were oliserved on oak, maple and wild cherry at the Highland Golf Club in >\Ieriden. No marked defoliation was .noticeable. [M. P. Zappe] Summer Squash Injured by Pickle Worm. On September 5, 1934, larvae boring in summer crookneck squash were received from Guilford, as shown in Figure 27. The insect causing the injury is the pickle worm, Diaphania nifidalis StoU. A more extended account of this insect may be found in Bulletin 338 of this Station, page 584. The office of State Entomologist was established in 1901, and since that time the only injury by this insect, observed by members of this department or called to their attention, occurred in 1931 and in 1934. The pickle worm is a southern insect rarely causing damage in Connecticut, but in 1931 it injured cucum- ber and squash in eight towns near th^l^coast. [W. E. Britton] Green Striped Maple Worm. On August 8, specimens of the green striped maple worm, Anisofa ruhicunda Fabr., on red maple were received from Warren, where the caterpillars were observed on red maple over a large area, and several small trees had been entirely defoliated. The caterpillars are pale yellowish green, striped longitudinally with darker ' Manual of Tree and Shrub Insects, page 109. 1924. 250 Conneciicut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 .J^- Figure 27. Injury to Summer Squash by Pickle Worm. About Natural Size. Figure 28. The Green ' Striped Maple Worm. Natural Size. Miscellaneous Insect Noles 251 green, and reach a length of about one and one-half inches. The second segment near the head bears two slender black spines with two lateral rows of shorter spines. The adult moth is rose pink wnth each front wing crossed by a broad yellowish band, and has a wing spread of about two inches. The caterpillar stage is shown in Figure 28. Spraying with lead arsenate will protect the foliage. [W. E. Britton] n m \f f^ A. Figure 29. Jklor.arch Butterflies Clustered Upon the Branch of a Tree Great Abundance of the Monarch Butterfly, The monarch or milk- weed butterfly, Danaus nieyiippe Fabr., was unusually common in Connec- ticut in 1934. In August the butterflies congregated in large numbers, as is their habit preparatory to migrating southward. Mr. Norman Bryant observed thousands of them clustered on trees along the shore at Sachem 252 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Head, Guilford, August 20. They alighted at dusk between 7 :00 and 7 :30 o'clock P. M., and resumed their flight the next morning. In the early morning Mr. Bryant took some snapshots, one of which is shown in Figure 29. These migrating swarms have been seen by other observers in other seasons. Photographs of the butterflies have also been made, and nearly all are underexposed as is Mr. Bryant's, because the light condi- tions are very poor while the butterflies are clustered on the trees. [W. E. Britton] A New Dermestid Beetle in Connecticut. On January 9, some beetles were brought to the Station from a store in Bridgeport, where they were found in the packing of a case of stout from Sweden. Mr. Schread of this department visited the store and found large numbers of adults, larvae and pupae in the grooves and holes of single faced, corrugated, strawboard wrappers placed around the bottles. Specimens were sent to the Bureau of Entomology at Washington, where they were identified as Dermestes peruvianus Cast., a European species which has been recorded from several localities in the United States. It is not known whether this insect will become established in Bridgeport, or if it does, how much trouble it may cause. [W. E. Britton] Control of Clothes Moths. Tests of "moth-proofing" materials were made using wool flannel exposed to larvae of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola hiselliella Hum. Three materials were tested: (1) rotenone in carbon tetrachloride at the rate of 1-1000 (2) "Larvex", a proprietary compound containing sodium aluminum silicofluoride and (3) "Konate", a proprietary compound containing cinchona alkaloids. The rotenone solu- tion was not satisfactory in the tests made. The two proprietary compounds were very efifective in half-disc and whole-disc tests in petri dishes. The "Konate" discolored the white flannel which was used, and when used according to the manufacturer's directions left an oily residue on the fabric. Rug-pads were tested for resistance to clothes moths, and under the test conditions moth larvae did not survive in any of four types of pads. Some of the samples were not labelled as moth- proofed, but these, as well as "moth-proofed" brands, resisted clothes moth attack. [Neely Turner] Note on the Supposed Indentity of Ascogaster carpocapsae (Vier.) and A. quadridentata Wesm. During 1934, parasitized codling moth larvae were obtained through the courtesy of Dr. H. N. Worthley of Pennsylvania State College. From this material there emerged a single Ascogaster car- pocapsae female. Having on hand a stock of A. quadridentata obtained from imported stock of the Federal Bureau several years ago, the female was confined with a male quadridentata in a small glass vial. Mating took place immediately and the female was then isolated with eggs of the Oriental fruit moth for oviposition. As a result, 31 male Ascogaster and 26 females were reared. In an attempt to determine whether normal parthenogenesis (thelyotoky^) occurs in the genus, several unmated females of quadridentata 'Or deuterotoky. Miscellaneous Insect Notes 253 were then confined separately with fruit moth eggs and from these a total of 30 males (no females) were obtained. These observations tend to sup- port the contention of some entomologists that the two species are identical. [Philip Garman and W. T. Brigham] A Springtail Troublesome in Houses. On May 3, specimens of a spotted springtail were received from Bridgeport with the statement that they were numerous around the windows on the outside of the house. Whenever a window was raised they came inside. Some even gained entrance when the windows were closed. The owner used liquid sprays and insect powder, or pyrethrum, and although the insects that were hit by the spray were killed, and probably some were killed by the powder, others came in such numbers that they constituted a real nuisance. Speci- mens were sent to Dr. J. W. Folsom who identified the insects as Sira (Seira) nigromaciilata Lubb., a common species in this country and in Europe. It feeds upon decaying vegetable matter and often occurs in large numbers around compost heaps and garbage cans, and commonly enters houses. A spray of nicotine solution and soap for the outside of the house, and pyrethrum powder dusted freely around the rooms inside, were recommended. [W. E. Britton] Sulfur Dusts Effective Against Thrips in Greenhouse (Hciiotlirips jemoralis Reut. and Thrips tabaci Linde.) In a test in which Pinto bean plants were dusted weekly with Magnetic Dusting Sulfur,^ and then placed at random among undusted plants, it was observed that adult thrips were definitely repelled by sulfur dusts. Counts made on two different oc- casions, eight days apart, revealed for seven check plants a total of 89 and 125 adult thrips as compared with 11 and 3 on seven dusted plants. Three weeks after the first dust application, the first and second leaves from each plant were removed and the larval and adult thrips counted. On the check leaves there was a total of 917 thrips and on the dusted, 94. The test was repeated, using different grades of sulfur dusts and ten plants for each grade. The same quantity of sulfur by weight was used in each case. There was a correlation between fineness of particles and effective- ness of control, the plants dusted with the finer dusts having fewer thrips. Analogous results were obtained against the same thrips on peanuts and on four o'clocks growing in the greenhouse. Success of treatment depends largely upon repellency of adults and death of young larvae, so for ef- fective control the plants must be kept covered with dust. [M. V. Anthony] Note on the Winter Breeding of the Apple Maggot (Rhagoletis ponwuella Walsh). Continuous breeding of the apple maggot appears possible during the winter months, if favorable conditions for this de- velopment are maintained. Flies were brought to our breeding room laboratory during the summer of 1934, and were fed according to the method of Fluke.- Temperature in the breeding room varies from 75 to 80° F., and is held most of the time at 75-76°. Humidity varies between 60-70 per cent. Flies were kept alive for a maximum of four months, the ' Furnished by National Sulphur Co. Inc.. N. Y. City. 300 mesh, 99.8 per cent Sulfur. 2 Jour. Econ. Ent. 26:1111-1112. 1933. 254 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 average maximum for five cages (194 flies) being 93 days. Fifty per cent were dead in three cages after 42 days. Oviposition begins in about 10 days, continues regularly under these conditions, and has been observed to last in some of the cages from 40 days to more than two months. Develop- ment of the larvae takes place readily in green, immature fruit, and a total of 900 flies emerged from larvae bred in the laboratory between September and January 1. Between January 1 and February 15, 1934, 861 flies emerged from laboratory bred stock. The larvae were placed in jelly glasses in moist sand, and kept in a room maintained at 75-80° F. with about 40 per cent relative humidity. [Philip Garman] The Pear Leaf Midge, Dasyneura (Perrisia) pyri Bouche. Our attention was first called to this insect by A. T. Henry who observed it Figure 30. Tender Pear Leaves Injured by the Pear Leaf Midge. About Two-Thirds Natural Size. injuring pear terminals on his place in 1933. Dr. Felt reports having observed similar damage at Stamford in 1929, but the first published report was made by Mundinger^ who observed it in New York. Since the first observation, the pear leaf midge has been noticed in a number of New Haven County orchards and seems to be increasing in numbers on our trees at Mount Carmel. The leaves of rapidly growing shoots are curled and distorted by the maggots which live within the curled portion. (See Figure 30) After development, the larvae drop to the ground to transform, the total larval period being about 18 days, according to Mundinger. The edges of the leaves are rolled parallel to the midrib, so there is little chance for development after they become infested. The affected leaves finally turn black. The pear leaf midge is known to occur in Europe (Italy to ^ Jour. Econ. Ent., 25; 728-729. 1932. Miscellaneous Insect Notes 255 Sweden) and has been observed in New Zealand since 1920. Damage is said to be severe to young trees and nursery stock in the latter country and control measures have not been completely satisfactory. Some para- sites have been introduced from Europe. Mundinger^ suggests the use of lime sulfur (1 to 8) early in the season (cluster bud stage) to control the pear leaf midge, but the efifectiveness of this treatment is not known. Among the various remedies tried in New Zealand, distribution of calcium cyanide under the trees, at the rate of 1)4 pounds to 200 square feet, is said to be one of the most effective. The more important parasites in Europe are listed by Ferriere.- [Philip Garman] Dermestids Troublesome in Houses. Late in November, 1934, two complaints were received at the Station concerning New Haven houses infested by beetles. Upon investigation the beetles proved to be one of the skin, or larder beetles, Dermestes niduin Arrow. This insect is rather new to Connecticut, as the first specimens recorded from the State were found in a house in Norwalk in 1930. The larvae feed upon scraps of meat, skins and furs. In each of the infested houses an incinerator had been built in the basement for the disposal of rubbish and garbage by burning. Constructed of brick and cement, there were places where particles of food might lodge on projecting bricks or between the bricks where the mortar had fallen out. Evidently the fires were not sufticiently hot to consume all of the garbage nor to heat the bricks to a temperature high enough to kill the beetles, their eggs, larvae and pupae that were present. Furthermore they were not cleaned out often enough. When such incinerators are thoroughly cleaned of all refuse once a week, the nuisance has usually subsided. A hot fire of burning papers, kindling wood, or litter once each week would probably kill all insects. In con- structing incinerators, architects should see that the interior walls are perfectly smooth so there will be no place for the lodgment of animal material. Lining with smooth fire tiles or a plaster coat of cement will obviate this difficulty. Nevertheless, it would still be necessary to heat it to a rather high temperature or thoroughly clean it once a week to prevent these insects from breeding on the floor of the incinerator. [M. P. Zappe] The American Cockroach, Pcriplaneta americana Linn., in a Dump. On July 27, specimens of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana Linn., were brought to the Station with the information that a number of these insects had been found in the basement of a new house located in Treadwell Street, Hamden. Four to six specimens would be found and destroyed during the day, and the following day as many more were present. The occupants had treated the floor with sodium fluoride, and a few dead roaches were found, but it was feared that the pest would become estab- lished in the house. It was learned that there was a public dump a short distance from the house, and this was suggested as the probable source of the roaches. In addition to the continued use of the sodium fluoride, screening the door and windows of the basement was advised. Early in September, another report was received regarding the presence of roaches 1 Jour. Econ. Ent., 25: 728-729. 1932. = Bui. Ent. Research. XVII: 421-422. 1927. 256 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 in this section and the dump was visited September 11, Although the small German cockroach was abundant, only a few of the American cock- roaches were found. One of the residents in the vicinity informed us that this large cockroach was much more abundant in 1933 than it had been during 1934. The American cockroach is a tropical .or sub-tropical insett, and in this locality can probably live through the winter only where there is artificial heat, plenty of moisture and organic refuse for food. When this infested debris is taken to the dump during warm weather, the cockroaches will continue to thrive until freezing weather. In 1921 the American cockroach was found in a dump in New Haven. ^ The most effective treatment tried was to spray with kerosene oil and burn as much of the rubbish as possible. [B. H. Walden] Another Probable Carrier of the Dutch Elm Disease. The Dutch elm disease caused by the fungus, Graphium Ulmi, has already infected many elm trees in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut and thousands Figure 31. The Lesser European Bark Beetle, Scolytus miiltistriatus , female, lateral view, about 23 times enlarged. A, left fore tibia, posterior aspect ; B, left antenna, lateral aspect ; both about 76 times enlarged. C, head of male, lateral aspect, about 23 times enlarged. of trees have been removed and burned, including 57 in Connecticut. The lesser European bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus Marsh., shown in Figure 31, has been found on most of the diseased trees and is considered to be the principal carrier of the fungus in this country. Bulletin 360 of this Station, page 477, contains a note about this insect with localities where, up to that time, it had been found in Connecticut. In scouting for the Dutch elm disease in Connecticut in August and September, 1934, Station men discovered one Dutch elm diseased tree in Old Lyme at least 50 miles distant from the nearest known infested locality in Fairfield. The lesser European bark beetle did not seem to be present in the locality, and there was no evidence of its presence on the diseased tree, but there was heavy infestation by a native Scolytid or bark beetle, Hylurgopinus rufipes 1 Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 234, p. 188. 1921. Miscellaneous Insect Notes 257 (Eich.), the appearance of which is shown in Figure 32. This beetle was found to eat into the axils of elm twigs in much the same manner as Scolytiis multistriatus. Moreover, when these beetles were placed in Petri dishes of sterilized cultured media, by Dr. McCormick of the Botany Department, a beautiful growth of Graphium Ulmi followed. Also the surfaces of healthy cut elm twigs were sterilized, and each twig placed in a test tube with a beetle, and in most cases the beetle gnawed into the bark and 75 per cent of the twigs produced the coremial stage of the fungus.^ Although little is known about its life history and habits, these facts in- dicate that Hyhirgopinus rufipcs may be a carrier of the Dutch elm disease. [W. E. Britton] Bagworm in Bridgeport. On August 6, Mr. Schread brought to the Station some specimens of the bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemerae- formis Haw., feeding on Norway maple. The superintendent of parks had called his attention to the matter. The writer, happening to drive through Bridgeport later that same day, stopped and examined the trees. Figure 32. The Native Elm Bark Beetle. Hylurgopinns rufipes, lateral view, about 23 times enlarged. A, left fore tibia, posterior aspect; B. left antenna, lateral aspect; both about 76 times enlarged. These trees had a trunk diameter of about six inches and had been planted as street trees between curb and sidewalk on Washington Avenue near the corner of Coleman Street. Some three or four of these trees were partially riddled at the top and at the ends of those branches extending over the street. Each bagworm lives within a silken case to which are attached small particles of leaves of its food plant, and the case is dragged by the larva as it crawls about and feeds. When mature as a larva, the case is fastened to a twig and serves as a cocoon. After pupation, the male emerges as a winged moth. The female has no wings and never leaves the cocoon but deposits several hundred eggs in the case. In this way the insect passes the winter. There is only one generation each season. The eggs hatch the following May or June and the young larvae at once spin silken cases for themselves. They feed upon more than twenty different kinds of trees including all of the common ones. Arborvitae is a pre- ' Science, Vol. 81, page 68. Jan. 18, ]935. 258 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 ferred food plant and the cases covered with bits of arborvitae leaves present a somewhat different appearance from those covered with frag- ments of maple or elm leaves. The appearance of these bagworms on Norway maple is shown in Figure 33. The principal injury caused by this insect is the defoliation of the trees, but a secondary form of injury is the girdling of the twigs where the cases are fastened by the strong silk threads. It is almost impossible to break them ofif. This insect is not Figure 33. Bagworm and Injured Leaf on Norway Maple. Natural Size. usually destructive in Connecticut but has been found frequently on small nursery trees brought into the State in the spring from points to the south- ward. Possibly this infestation in Bridgeport may have had a similar origin. One or more egg-sacs may have been brought into the neighbor- hood on small trees, from which the bagworms made their way to the larger street trees. Spraying with lead arsenate will prevent defoliation. [W.E. Britton] Financial Statement 259 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Insect Pest Appropriation (Section 2124 of General Statutes, Revision of 1930) July 1, 1933— June 30, 1934 RECEIPTS Insect Pest Appropriation $ 46.807.00 Contribution from peach growers for peach moth parasite work 200.00 $47,007.00 Less transfer to.Gips}- Moth Appropriation, June 28, 1934 600.00 $46.407.00 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries $ 26.983.27 Labor 8.656.59 Stationery and office supplies 390.50 Scientific supplies (chemicals) 14.53 Scientific supplies (other laboratory supplies) 158.42 Scientific supplies (photographic supplies) 66.57 Feeding stuffs 1.00 Insecticides, fungicides, etc 177.46 Lumber and small hardware 4.62 Miscellaneous supplies 224.40 Automobile oil 195.04 Fertilizer 11.68 Telegraph and telephone 531.99 Postage 396.85 Travel (outlying investigations) 1,650.48 Travel (meetings, conferences, etc.) 149.20 Travel (gasoline for automobiles) 1,077.96 Transportation of things, (freight, express and parcel post) .... 18.76 Transportation of things, (other expenses) 28.80 Publications (reprints, etc.) 284.75 Gas and electricitv 235.64 Water ' 49.10 Furniture and fixtures (new) 291.99 Furniture and fixtures (repairs) 37.85 Library (books and periodicals) 262.75 Library (binding) 41.50 Scientific equipment (new) 228.60 Scientific equipment (repairs) 49.95 Automobiles (repairs) 604.45 Tools, machinery and appliances (new) 891.77 Tools, machinery and appliances (repairs) 10.70 Buildings (repairs and alterations) 55.39 Rent of building 1 1.00 Insurance (automobile) 343.96 Taxes (check tax) .68 Miscellaneous contingent expenses 33.00 Total disbursements $44,171.20 Balance on hand June 30, 1934 2,235.80* $ 46,407.00 'Reverts to State Treasury. 260 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 EXPENDITURES CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS (Approximate) General $ 22,559.99 Nursery Inspection 3,471.73 Japanese Beetle 6,361.64 European Corn Borer 5,334.64 Oriental Fruit Moth Parasites 5,668.50 European Pine Shoot Moth 774.70 Total $ 44,171.20 PUBLICATIONS, 1934 W. E. Britton Connecticut State Entomologist, Thirty-Third Report. Bui. 360, 110 and vi pp., 16 figs. March, 1934, (issued in June, 1934). Law and Regulations Concerning the Inspection and Shipment of Nursery Stock in Connecticut. Circ. 103, 5 pp. July, 1934. Quarantine Measures Restricting Shipments of Connecticut Plants. Circ. 104, 4 pp. July, 1934. Regulations Concerning Transportation of Nursery Stock in the United States and Canada. Circ. 105, 26 pp. July, 1934. Injuries to Trees by Squirrels. Ninth Annual Shade Tree Conference, 85, 7 pp. January, 1934. The Mosquito Problem of Connecticut and How to Solve It. 16 pp., 10 figs. (Published by State Dept. of Health). Revised edition, Hartford. January, 1934. A Tropical Moth in Connecticut. Ent. News, XLV, 43. February, 1934. (One- half page). Some Insect Pests of Cultivated Plants. In Garden Guide, 411, 20 pp. (Pub- lished by A. T. De La Mare Co., New York). Revised edition.- March, 1934. Need of Further Research on the European Corn Borer. Hearings before Sub- Committee of Committee on Appropriations, U. S. Senate on H. R. 8134, 67, 2 pp. March, 1934. Report of Committee on Injurious Insects. Proc. 43rd Ann. Meeting, Conn. Pomol. Soc, 110, 4 pp. April, 1934. Report on Vegetable Insects in 1933. Proc. 21st Ann. Meeting, Conn. Veg. Growers' Assoc, 42, 2 pp. May, 1934. Experimental Work on Vegetable Insects in 1933. Proc. 21st Ann. Meeting, Conn. Veg. Growers' Assoc, 41, 2 pp. May, 1934. The Corn Ear Worm and the European Corn Borer. Proc. 21st Ann. Meeting, Conn. Veg. Growers' Assoc, 72, 3j^ pp. May, 1934. Miscellaneous Problems in Beekeeping. Jour. Econ. Ent., 27 : 596 ; 2 pp. June, 1934. Additional Inspection of Nurseries on Account of the European Pine Shoot Moth. Jour. Econ. Ent., 27 : 572 ; 2 pp. June, 1934. Insects Attacking the Potato Crop in Connecticut. Bui. 208, 20 pp., 8 pis., 7 figs. October, 1918; reprinted with slight revision, August, 1934. W. E. Britton and Quincy S. Lowry Insects Attacking Cabbage and Allied Crops in Connecticut. Bui. 190, 24 pp., 17 figs. January, 1916; reprinted with slight revision, July, 1934. W. E. Britton and M. P. Zappe Inspection of Nurseries, 1933. Reprinted from Bui. 360, 13 pp. June, 1934. W. E. Britton and W. L. Slate European Corn Borer. Spec. Bui., 1 p., 2 figs. August, 1934. Publications, 1934 261 Philip Garman Control of the Plum Curculio on Fruit Trees. Circ. 99, 7 pp., 9 figs. March, 1934. Control of Apple Maggot. Circ. 101, 5 pp., 6 figs. April, 1934. Report on Results of Tests with Lead Arsenate Substitutes. Proc. 43rd Ann. Meeting, Conn. Pomol. Soc, 70, 10 pp. May, 1934. Studies on Control of the White Apple Leafhopper in Connecticut. Jour. Econ. Ent., 27 : 361 ; 4 pp., 1 fig. April, 1934. Philip Garman and W. T. Brigham Studies on Parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth. II. Macrocentrus.. Bui. 356, 48 pp., 12 figs. December, 1933, (issued in February, 1934). Philip Garman and Neely Turner Substitutes for Lead Arsenate on Fruits and Vegetables in Connecticut. Circ. 100, 4 pp. March, 1934. J. C. ScHREAD and Philip Garman Some Effects of Refrigeration on the Biology of Trichogramma in Artificial Breeding. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XLII: 263; 21 pp. September, 1934. R. B. Friend and B. H. Wilford The Spruce Gall Aphid as a Forest Pest. Jour. Forestry, XXXI: No. 7, 816; 10 pp. November, 1933. R. B. Friend and A. S. West, Jr. Spray Experiments for the Control of the European Pine Shoot Moth. Jour. Econ. Ent, 27: 334; 3 pp. April, 1934. B. H. Walden Fleas and Their Control. Circ. 97, 6 pp., 2 figs. February, 1934, (issued in iMarch, 1934). R. C. BOTSFORD Mosquito Control in Connecticut, 1933-1934. Proc. 21st Ann. Meeting, N. J. Mosq. Exterm. Assoc, 112, 2 pp. July, 1934. A. A. Dunlap and Neely Turner Potato Spraying. Circ. 102, 8 pp., 5 figs. May, 1934. J. P. Johnson Corn Borer Clean-up Law. Hartford County Farm News, 1 column. February, 1934. G. H. Plumb and H. W. Hicock Insect Control Work by the Civilian Conservation Corps in Connecticut. Jour. Econ. Ent., 27 : 344 ; 2 pp. April, 1934. D. S. Lacroix Tobacco Insects in 1933. In Bui. 359, i77 ; 5^4 pp., 1 fig. May, 1934. 262 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 SUMMARY OF OFFICE AND INSPECTION WORK Insects received for identification 751 Nurseries inspected 395 Regular nursery certificates granted (381 nurseries) 386 Duplicate nursery certificates for filing in other states 112 Miscellaneous certificates and special permits granted 131 Nursery dealer's permits issued 123 Shipper's permits issued to nurserymen in other states 152 Certification and inspection Parcels of nursery stock '. . 237 Narcissus bulbs (in field 125,000) for sale (16 certificates) 9,000 Corn borer certificates 85 Packages of shelled corn and other seeds 1,772 Blister rust control area permits issued 127 Japanese beetle certificates issued for the shipment of nurserj- and floral stock and farm products 39,086 Japanese beetle certificates issued for the shipment of soil, sand and manure 172 Orchards and gardens examined 169 Shipments of imported nursery stock inspected 24 Number cases 108 Number plants 751,475 Apiaries inspected 1,429 Colonies inspected 7,128 Apiaries infested with American foul brood 27 Apiaries infested with European foul brood 2 Towns covered by gipsy moth scouts 107 Infestations found 453 Egg-clusters creosoted 434,410 Larvae and pupae killed by hand 13,125 Infestations sprayed 47 Lead arsenate used (pounds) 7,500 Miles of roadside scouted 4,252 Acres of woodland scouted 435,581 Acres of open country scouted by CCC men 13,828 Letters written' \ 5,320 Circular letters issued 1,134 Bulletins and circulars mailed 8,499 Packages sent by mail and express 203 Post cards 235 Lectures, papers and addresses at meetings 64 ILLUSTRATIONS The illustrations used as figures in this bulletin are from the following sources: Figure 22 from a drawing by G. H. Plumb; Figures 16, 31 and 32 from drawings by Elizabeth H. Kaston ; Figure 24 from a drawing by R. B. Friend ; Figure 25 from a drawing by J. C. Schread ; Figure 26 from a drawing by Philip Garman ; Figure 15 from a drawling by B. H. Walden ; Figure 29 from a photograph by Norman Bryant ; all others from photo- graphs by B. H. Walden. ^Includes 8S3 written from the Japanese beetle office. 269 from the CWA office, 337 from the FERA office and 174 from the gipsy moth office at Danielson. INDEX Abbot sphinx moth, 156, 164 Acanthoscelides obtectns, 166 Acholla miiltispinosa, 168 Acroneuria abnormis, 167 Acrosternum hilare, 158 Acucephalns nervosiis, 167 Adelges ahietis, 158, 171 pinicorticis, 158 strobilobius, 158 Aegeria exitiosa, 154 Agrilus bilineaius, 158 Alatis oculatuSj 167 Allocapnia pygmaea, 167 Alsophila pometaria, 152, 154, 158, 213 Alypia ocfomacnlata, 154 Amaranthus retroflexiis, 204 Ambrosia arteiuisiifolia, 204 ?n^c?o, 204 American cockroach, 166, 255, 256 Amphibolips inanis, 158 Anabasine, pure, 238, 239 sulfate, 229, 238, 239, 240 Anasa tristis, 156, 224 Anastatus disparis, 196 Andricus seminator, 158 Anisota rubicunda, 158, 249 senatoria, 158 Anomala oriciifalis, 153, 164, 165 Anthrenus scrophulariae, 166 Ant-lion, 168 Anur aphis rose us, 151, 155 Apanteles congrcgatus, 168 sp., 232 Apatela rubriconta, 159 Aphis lion, 168 /i/'/z/j /'omi, 151, 155, 163 rumicis, 238 Aphrophora parallcla. 159 Apple maggot, 152, 156, 235, 236, 253 winter breeding of, 253 scab, 210, 211, 212 seed chalcid, 156 sprays, tests of, 210-212 Arborvitae leaf miner, 159 soft scale, 160 Argus tortoise beetle, 157 Argyrcsfhia thniella, 159 Ascogaster, 231 Ascogastcr carpocapsae, 252 quadridcutata. 232, 252 Asiatic beetle. 153, 164, 165 Aspidiotus pcrniciosns, 151, 155 Asferolccanium variolosum, 159 Attagenus piccus, 166 Aufomeris io, 159 Autoserica castanca, 153, 157, 164, 165 Bagworm, 154, 163, 257, 258 Barberry webworm, 152, 163 Barium fluosilicate, 237, 246 Bassus diversiis, 232 Bean leafhopper, 246 weevil, 166 Bed bug, 166 Beech aphid, 161 scale, 154, 159, 220-224 control, 224 Bentonite, 235, 237 Bibio sp., 167 Birch leaf mining sawfly, 160 Bittacomorpha clavipcs, 167 Black blister beetle, 164 carpet beetle, 166 -headed pine sawfly, 161 horse fly, 168 __ vine weevil, 153, 163. 164 Blackberry psyllid, 156 Blatta orieiitaUs, \67 Blissus leucopterus, 165 Bhie spruce gall aphid, 160 Bordeaux mixture, 236, 246, 247 Box psyllid, 164 -elder psyllid, 162 Brachyrhinus ovatus. 153, 159 sulcafus, 153, 163, 164 Broad-horned prionus, 162 Bumble flower beetle. 155. 160 Cabbage maggot, 157 Cacoecia argyrospila, 155 rosaceana, 155 Calapliis castancae, 159 Calcium arsenate, 235, 236, 246, 247 cyanide, 255 Callidinm frigidutu, 167 Calligrapha philadclpliica, 159 Callosamia provicthea, 163 Calosovia caliduiii, 168 sy CO pliant a. 196 Camponohis hcrcidcanns, 167 Canker worms, outbreak of, 213-220 control, 216 spraying, 216 banding, 217 Carbon disulfide. 229 tetrachloride. 251 Carpenter ant. 167 worm, 162 Carpet beetle, 166 Carpocapsa pomonella, 155 Caryomyia caryaccola, 159 Case-bearing clothes moth, 166 Casnonia pennsylvanica, 168 ■Cafocala epionc, 167 Cecropia moth, 156 Cedar rust, 212 Celery worm, 158 Cerastipsocus venosus, 167 Chain-dotted geometer, 163 Chauliodes sp., 167 Xtl Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Chelymorpha cassidea, 157 Chcnopodium album, 204 Chinch bug, 165 Chinese praying mantid, 152, 169 Chinonaspis euonymi, 151, 163 pinifoliae, 152, 159 Chrysochus auratus, 167 Chrysopa ocnlafa, 168 Cicada killer, 166 Cigarette beetle, 166 Cimex lectulariiis, 166 Cincticornia pilulae, 159 sp., 159 Cingilia catenaria, 163 Cither onia regalis, 159 Clothes moths, control, 252 Clover weevil, 168 CoccincUa transversoguttata, 168 Codling moth, 155, 2il, 212, 235, 236 Col as pis favosa^ 155 Coleophora laricella, 159 Colorado potato beetle, 157 Columbine borer, 165 Common red spider, 165 Compsilura concinnata, 197 Conference of Connecticut Entomologists, 170 Conistra indirccta, 163 Conotrachchis jnglandis, 159 nenuphar, 152, 155 Copper, 246 Corethrine larvae in drinking water, 167 Corn ear worm, 152, 157 Corydalis cormita, 167 Covythucha arcuata, 159 Cosmopepla biviaculaia, 164 Cotalpa lanigera, 155 Crane fly, 167 Cremastus sp., 232, 234 Crinkled flannel moth, 155, 164 Crown gall, 181 Cryolite, 235, 236, 237 Cryptococcus fagi, 154, 159, 220, 222, 224 Crypforhynchus lapathi, 159 Ctenoccphaliis canis, 166 Cutworms, 157, 165 Cyanogas, 229 Cyclamen mite, 165 Cyllene caryae, 167 robiniae, 159 Danaiis menippe, 152, 167, 251 Dasyncnra pyri, 155, 254 Datana ministva, 155, 159 Dendrothrips ornatus, 163 Dcnnesfes lardarins, 166 nidinn, 255 pernvianns, 154, 166, 252 Derris dust, 246 Diabrotica duodecimpnnctata, 164 vittata, 157 Diaphania nitidalis, 154, 157, 249 Diapheromera jemoraia, 159 Diaspis carneli, 159 Dichclonyx elongata, 159 Dichomeris marginellus, 152, 163 Dilachnus sp., 160 Diodes molestae, 232 Dobson fly, 167 Dogwood club gall, 163 Dorms parallelus, 167 Drepanaphis acerifoliae, 160 Dutch elm disease, 256, 257 Eastern tent caterpillar, 152, 154, 156, 161 Ecpantheria deflorata, 168 Eight-spotted forester, 154 Elm leaf beetle, 152, 160 Elodia sp., 232 Emphytus cinctns, 181 Empoasca fabae, 157, 246, 247 Epicauta cinerea var. marginata, 157 pennsylvanica, 164 Epilachna corriipta, 152, 157, 245 Epione underwing moth, 167 Epitrix ciictimeris, 157, 246 Erax aestuans, 169 Eriophves eucricotes, 163 sp.^ 160 Eriosoma americana, 160 lanigera, 155 sp., 160 Eubadison sp., 234 Enclca chloris, 168 Eucosma gloriola, 160 Eulia pinatubaiia, 160 Euonynius radicans, 163 Euonymus scale, 151, 154, 163 Euphoria fulgida, 168 inda, 155, 160 European corn borer, 153, 154, 158, 165, 245 control, 198-206 damage to the corn crop, 200 fall clean-up campaign, 199 spring enforcement of the com- pulsory clean-up, 198 weed survey, 204 European elm scale, 151. 154 pine shoot moth, 151, 154, 162, 171 red mite, 156, 161 Euthisanotia grata, 155 Euxesta notata, 168 Eyed elater, 167 Fall canker worm, 152, 154, 158, 213, 214 215, 217 web worm, 153. 160 False pine webworm^ 160 Fenusa pumila, 160 Fiorinia japonica, 160 Fire brat, 166 Fish oil, 210, 212, 246 Fleas, 166 Report of State Entomologist Xlll Flotation sulfur, 210, 211, 212, 235, 236, 237 Forest tent caterpillar, 153, 161, 249 Four-lined plant bug, 158 Fruit tree leaf roller, 155 Galenicella Inteola, 152, 160 Garden millipede, 157 Giant water bug, 168 Gilletlea cooleyi, 160, 171 Gipsy moth, 153, 154, 162 control, 188-197 Gladiolus thrips, 165 Glischrochilus quadriguttatiis, 168 Glue, 237 Glypta .rufisciifellaris, 234 sp., 233 Golden glow aphid, 164 tortoise beetle, 164 Goldsmith beetle, 155 Gossyparia spuria, 151 Granary weevil, 166 Grape phylloxera, 156 plume moth, 156 Grapevine tomato gall, 155 Graphinni Ulmi, 256, 257 Grapholitha molesta, 152, 155 Grasselli Contact Insecticide No. 1, 229 Green apple aphid, 151, 155, 163 elm beetle, 160 gold beetle, 167 stink bug, 158 striped maple worm, 158, 249 Greenhouse whitefly, 165 Gynandropiis hylacis, 169 Gypsum, 229 Hadronotus anasae, 228 carinatifrons, 228 Haltica ulmi, 160 Hamad ryas antiopa. 160 Harpipteryx xylostcUa, 163 Heliothis obsoleta, 152, 157 Heliothrips fcinoralis, 253 Hellgramite, 167 Heniaris thyshe, 163 Hemerocampa lencostigma, 155 sp., 160 Heterodera radicle ola, 163 Hickory bark beetle, 162 borer, 167 horned devil, 159 seed gall, 159 Hippodamla convcrgens, 169 Holly leaf miner, 154, 164, 249 Hydrated lime, 210, 237 Hylemyla brassicac, 157 cilicrura, 157 riibivora, 155 Hylurgopinus riifipcs, 256, 257 Hypera punctata, 168 Hypermallus vlllosus, 152, 160 Hyphantria cunea, 153, 160 Ilex glabra, 164, 249 opaca, 249 Illinoia solanifolii, 157 Imported willow leaf beetle, 153, 162 Inspection of apiaries, 182-188 imported nursery stock, 180-181 nurseries, 171-180 lo moth, 159 Iris weevil, 164 Itycorsia sp., 160 Japanese beetle, 153, 162, 165, 206-208 . inspection and. certification, 207 scouting, 206 trapping, 206 Japanese garden beetle, 157, 164, 165 scale, 161 weevil, 153 Julus hortensis, 157 June beetle, 165 Juniper scale, 159 webworm, 152, 154, 163 Kernies, sp., 160 Kerosene emulsion, 229 extract of pyrethrum, 229, 230 -soap emulsion, 224 "Konate", 252 Ladybeetle, 169 convergent, 169 five-spotted, 168 Lagoa crispata, 155, 164 Larcli case bearer, 159 woolly aphid, 158 Larder beetle, 166 Larger empty oak apple, 158 "Larvex", 252 Lasiodcrnia serricorne, 166 Lasioptcra clavula, 163 vitis, 155 Lathridius liratiis, 166 Lead arsenate, 210, 211, 216, 235, 236, 237, 246 substitutes, 235-236 Lecanimn fletcheri, 160 Lepidosaphes ulmi, 160, 163 Leptinotarsa dccemlineata, 157 Lesser European bark beetle, 256 Lethocerus amcricanus, 168 Leucaspis japonica, 161 Light-loving grapevine beetle, 152, 156, 163, 165 Lime, 235, 236, 237, 246, 247 -sulfur, 210, 212, 216, 224, 255 Linseed oil, 210 Lixus concaviis, 157 Locust borer, 159 xw Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Longlstigma carycie, 161 Long-tailed mealybug, 165 Luna moth, 168 Lunate long sting, 169 Lucilia sericata, 168 Lycophotia niargaritosa saucla, 164 Lyctus linearis, 167 Lygaeiis kahnii, 163 Lygus pratensis, 157 Macrobasis torsa, 161 Macrocentrus, 231, 233 Macroccnirns ancylivoruSj 232 thoracicus, 232 Macrodactylus suhspinosus, 155, 157 Macrosiphmn rudbeckiae, 164 Magnesium arsenate, 246 Magnetic sulfur, 210, 211, 212 dusting sulfur, 253 Malacosoma americana, 152, 156, 161 disstria, 153, 161, 249 Mamestra picta, 157 A'laple bladder gall, 162 spindle gall, 161 Margined blister beetle, 157 Megarhyssa lunator, 169 Melittia satyrinijormis, 157 Metriona hicolor, 164 Mexican bean beetle, 152, 157, 245, 246 Milk-weed bug, 163 Minute brown scavenger beetle, 166 Mite galls on elm leaves, 161 Erineum caused by, 160 on matrimony vine, 163 Mites on Euphorbia corollata, 164 Monarch or milkweed butterfly, 152, 167, 251 Monychus viilpe cuius, 164 Mosaic, 245, 247 Mosquito control, 208-209 Mourning cloak butterfly, 160 Myrmeleon immaculatiis , 168 Nantucket pine moth, 162 Naphthalene, 247 Nectria coccinea, 223, 224 Neodytus acuminatus, 167 Neodiprion lecontei, 161 pinetum, 161 Nepticula sericopeza, 161 Nerice bidentata, 161 Nicofume, 229 Nicotine dust, 229 pure, 238, 239 solution, 249, 253 sulfate, 216, 229, 239, 240, 241 Norway maple leaf-stalk borer, 161 Oak lacebug, 159 mite, 161 pea gall, 161 pill gall, 159 Oblique-banded leaf roller, 155 Olethreutcs hebcsana, 164 Omphalocera dentosa, 152, 163 Onion thrips, 247 Opheltes sp., 234 Orange-striped oak worm, 158 Orgihis sp., 232 Oriental cockroach, 167 fruit moth, 152, 155, 233, 252 Oryzaephilus surinaniensis, 166 Osmoderma scabra, 165 Oxyptilus periscelidactylus , 156 Oyster-shell scale, 160, 163, 171 Pachystethns lucicola, 152, 156, 163, 165 Paleacrita vernata, 215 Panchlora cubensis, 168 Papaipema nitela, 158, 165 purpurifascia, 165 Papilio glaums tiirnus, 161 polyxenes, 158 troilus, 164 Parasite of Olethreutes hebesana, 169 of the Oriental fruit moth, 231-234 P aratetranychus bicolor, 161 pilosus, 156, 161 ununguis, 152, 161 Paria canellus var. afterrimus, 161 var. quadriguttatus, 161 Peach borer, 154 Pear leaf midge, 155, 254, 255 psylla, 152, 156 Pearl wood-nymph, 155 Pegomyia hyoscyami, 158 Pelidnota pimctata, 156 Penetrol extract pyrethrum, 240 Penticide, 229 Periplaneta americana, 166, 255 Perisierola angulata, 231, 232 Perlesta placida, 168 Phanerotoma grapholithae, 232 Philonix pezomachoides, 161 sp., 161 Phlegethontius qiiinquemaciilata, 158 Phyllaphis fagi, 161 Phyllocoptes aceris-crumena, 161 quadripes, 162 Phyllophaga sp., 165 Phylloxera vitifoliae, 156 Phymatodes variabilis, 167 varius, 167 Physokermes piceae, 162 Phytomyza ilicis, 154, 164, 249 Pickle worm, 154, 157, 249 Pillbug, 168 Pine bark aphid, 158 •blister rust, 171 leaf scale, 171 needle scale, 152, 154, 159, 171 Report of State Entomologist XV spittle bug, 159 tube moth, 160 Pissodes approximatiis, 162 strohi, 153, 162 Pit-makin.c oak scale, 159 Plagiodcra versicolora, 153, 162 Plum curculio, 152, 155, 210, 235, 236 Podisus maculiventris, 169 PoccUocapsiis lineatus, 158 Popillia japonica, 153, 162, 165 Poplar and willow curculio, 159 borer, 162 canker, 171 Porcello scaber, 168 Porfhetria dispar, 153, 162 Potash soap, 229, 230 Potato aphid, 157 flea beetle, 157, 246 leaf hopper, 157 Prionoxystns robiniae, 162 Priouus laticollis, 162 Pristomerus vulnerator, 232 Prociphiliis tessellafus, 162 Promethea moth, 163 Pscudocncorrhimis setosiis, 153, 164 Pscudococcus adonidum, 165 Pseudoliicanns capreolus, 166 Psyllia buxi, 164 ncgiDidinis, 162 pyricola, 152, 156 Pterodela pcdicularis, 166 Pvrausfa nnbilalis, 153, 158, 165 Pyrethrum, 229, 230, 231, 240, 246, 253 Pyrophila pyramidioides, 168 Raspberry cane maggot, 155 Red-headed pine sawfl}', 161 -humped caterpillar, 156 Reticulifermes flavipes, 167, 241 Rhagoletis pomonella. 152, 156, 253 Rhubarb curculio, 157 Rhyacionia bitoliaiia, 151, 162 comstockiana, 162 frustrana, 162 Root knot eelworms, 163 Rosa manetti, 180 midtiflora, 180 Rose chafer, 155, 157 Rosy apple aphid, 151, 155 Rotecide, 229 Rotenone, 246, 252 Saddle-back caterpillar, 156 Samia cecropia, 156 San Jose scale, 151, 155, 171 Saperda cat car at a, 162 Satin moth, 162 Sawfly larvae on arborvitae, 162 on dogwood and hawthorn, 164 on various kinds of pine, 162 on white oak, 162 Saw-toothed grain beetle, 166 Schizura concbina, 156 Scolytus multisfriatus, 256, 257 qiiadrispinosHS, 162 rugidosiis, 156 Seed corn maggot, 157 S erica sp., 166 Shot-hole borer, 156 Sibine stimulea, 156 Sinea diadema, 169 Sira nigromaculata, 168, 253 Sitophilus granaria, 166 Small German cockroach, 256. Sodium aluminum silicofluoride, 252 fluoride, 255 oleate, 238. 239 Sooty blotch, 212 Sowbug, 168 Sphechis speciosus, 166 Sphecodina abbotii, 156, 164 Spinach leaf miner, 158 Spiny elm caterpillar, 160 Spotted grapevine beetle, 156 Spring canker worm, 213, 215 Spruce gall aphid, 158, 171 gall scale, 162 mite, 152, 154, 161 Squash borer, 157 bug, 156, 224-231 control, 227-231 Stag beetle, 166 Stalk borer, 158, 165 St'dpnotia salicis, 162 Strawberry root weevil, 153, 154, 159 Striped cucumber beetle, 157 Sturmia scutellata, 197 Swallow-tail butterfly, green, 164 tiger, 161 Synthetic cryolite, 235 Syntomaspis druparum, 156 Tabanus atratus, 168 Taeniothrips gladioli, 165 Tarnished plant bug, 157 Tarsonemus pallidiis, 165 Tenodcra sinensis, 152, 169 Termite, 167 damage, 241-245 Tctralopha robustella, 162 Tctranychus tclarius, 165 Thecodiplosis liriodendri, 162 Thermobia doniestica, 166 Thrips on dahlia, 165 on Dianthus, 165 on Japanese iris, 165 Thrips tabaci, 247, 253 Thyridopteryx ephemeraefonnis, 154, 163, 257 Tibicen canicularis, 168 Tinea pellionella, 166 Tineola biselliella, 252 xvt Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 368 Tobacco worm, 158 Tolype vellcda, 156 Tomostethus tardus, 163 Torfrix qucrcifoliana, 163 TomncycUa liriodcndri, 152, 163 "Tree Tanglefoot", 218, 220 Trial enr odes vaporarioruvi, 165 Trichogramma, 231, 232 Trichopoda pcnnipes, 227 Trioza tripunctata, 156 Triphleps iiisidiosus, 169 Tropaca luna, 168 Tulip spot gall, 162 tree scale, 152, 163 Twelve-spotted cucumber beetle, 164 Twig pruner, 152, 154, 160 Two-lined chestnut borer, 158 Typhlocyba pomaria, 156 Variegated cutworm, 164 Walkingstick, 159 Walnut weevil or curculio, 159 Webbing clothes moth, 252 Wettable sulfur, 237 White ants, 167 apple leaf hopper, 156, 239, 240 -marked tussock moth, 155 pine tip moth, 160 pine weevil, 153, 162, 171, 247, 248 Wireworms, 158,' 166 Wool sower, 158 Woolly alder aphid, 162 apple aphid, 155 Xylotrcchus colonus, 163 Yellow-necked caterpillar, 155, 159 Yellows, 245 Zebra caterpillar, 157 Zinc sulfate, 235, 236, 237 6 '<*^ i University of Connecticut Libraries 39153028906560