Sor <3¢5 . Ce or “ss ee HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. WRX. GIFT OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. Sh WAG ALMM.AQoH. Be SUL 21 p89 eho ‘XVO Wo EX REPORT A FOR !:\1900 s ON THE -. LANCASHIRE SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL, oe AND THE ” BA, SEA-FISH HATCHERY, AT PIEL.. DRAWN UP BY Professor W. A. Herpman, D:Sc., F.R.S., Hon. Director of the Scientific Work : ‘Assisted by Mr. AnpreEw Scorr and Mr. JAMEs JOHNSTONE. | Rs, we , a WITH NINE PLATES, AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. “ | ae LIVERPOOL: B. Printep By C, Tinting anp Co., 53, Vicroris STREET. Y96 1, yree fie ~ pk Report oN THE InvestiGarrons carried on during 1900 in . connection with the Lancasnire Sa - FIsHerres Laporarory at University College, Liverpoo!, and the Sea-Fisu Harcuery at Piel, near Barrow. Drawn up by Professor W. A. Herpman, F.R.S., Honorary Director of the Scientific Work ; assisted by Mr. ANDREW Scorr, Resident Fisheries Assistant at Piel, and Mr. JAMES JOHNSTONE, B.Sc., Fisheries Assistant at Liverpool. With Nine Plates, and other Illustrations. : CONTENTS. . Introduction and General Account of the Work — - = ] 1 2, Required Survey of Fishing Grounds © - = : - 16 3. Fish Hatching at Piel - 2 2 - = = 31 4. Note on the Spawning of the Mussel — - - - . 36 5. Statistics of the Mersey Shrimping Grounds - - : 39 6. Report on Deposits and Shrimps — - - - - : 56 7. Note on a Sporozoon Parasite of the Plaice — - - - 59 8. On the Fish Parasites Lepeophtheirus and Lernca- - 63 Inrropuction AND GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE Work. Ixy the main the work of the past year has been similar in its nature to that of the previous one, and has consisted in: — (1) The hatching operations and other work carried out at Piel by Mr. Andrew Scott; (2) Laboratory investigations by Mr. Johnstone at Liverpool ; (3) Certain observations at sea taken from the steamer, at Piel, at the Isle-of-Man, and at various other points in the district, by Mr. Dawson, Mr. Ascroft, and others—all discussed and reduced to order at the Liverpool Laboratory ; (4) The work of the circulating Fisheries Kxhibit : (5) Practical laboratory classes at University College, Liverpool, for fishermen ; and 2 -_ (6) Various memoranda and reports that I have had oceasion to address to the Chairman and Committee during the year. I shall remark upon some of these matters here, and the others will be treated more fully in the separate sections which follow. Last vear I commenced the plan, which I hope to be able to adhere to, of having in each annual report a detailed account of some animal of local economic importance. It was then a memoir on the common Cockle, by Mr. Johnstone; this time it is a full account of two closely allied and very important Fish-Parasites, Lernea and Lepeophtheirus, by Mr. Scott; while next year it will be the memoir on the Plaice by Mr. Cole and Mr. Johnstone, for which the plates are already drawn. Mr. Scott’s remarks upon the effect which the fish-parasites have on their hosts, and upon their nutrition and mode of life, will be found of interest. The preparation of this account of the fish-parasites has occupied a large portion of Mr. Scott’s time during that period of the year when hatching operations were not in progress. An account of the hatching work will be found at p. 51. The plan of storing up spawning fish* in the tanks in place of trusting to the steamer for supplies has been most successful, and the increase from the three and a half millions of the previous year to fourteen millions of young fish set free this vear is most satisfactory. For the rest, Mr. Scott’s time has been filled up by collecting and observing, by giving demonstrations to parties of fisher- men, by experiments with shellfish, and by various other pieces of useful work. The determination of the spawn- * We had over 100 adult flounders in the tanks. I see from the Report of the Scottish Sea Fishery Board that in their first year’s work at their new hatchery at Aberdeen they had 400 spawning plaice, from which over 16 millions of fry were hatched. The female flounder, however, produces about three times as many eggs as the plaice. ») o ing times and the habits of the mussel at Piel will be found on p. 56. Mr. Johnstone's time—in addition to helping me with general work, correspondence, the examination of any specimens that arrive, the preparation of ‘‘ memoranda” throughout the year, and of this Report—has been largely taken up with arranging and superintending the removal of the travelling Fisheries Exhibit from place to place. The packing and unpacking of specimens, the renewal of labels, &e., takes up a good deal of the time of both Mr. Johnstone and of the fisheries laboratory boy, W. Raw. The Exhibit, it will be remembered, after being at Liverpool, Salford, Preston and Bolton, was at University College in the winter of 1899-1900. = In March it was removed to St. Helens, where it remained at the Public Museum till November. The Curator, Mr. Alfred Lancaster, has sent me a letter on behalf of his Museum Committee, tendering their thanks to the Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Committee for the loan of ‘‘ the very interesting and instructive collection of Sea-Fisheries Exhibits.” He states further that “the exhibition was visited by upwards of 16,000 persons,” and he refers to the use which school teachers made of the exhibition as the subject of object lessons. It will be remembered that a couple of years ago some desire was expressed to have the exhibit at Barrow, but negotiations eventually broke down. Mr. Scott has since suggested that if the cases were exhibited for a time in the large laboratory at Piel, that might serve for visitors from Barrow and from the neighbouring fishing villages. Accordingly in November the collection was transferred to Piel, and is now on exhibition there.* * Any other Museums or public Institutions desiring to have the Fisheries Exhibit on loan should apply for a copy of the conditions and regulations. 4 During the past year the following have occupied work places in the laboratory at Piel for the purpose of carrying on Zoological investigations : — Dr. F. W. Gamble, Owens College, Manchester. Working at Crustacea. Dr. J. T. Jenkins, University College, Liverpool. Working at digestive glands of Oyster. Mr. F. H. Smith, B.Sc., Barrow-in-Furness. Working at Algee and Diatoms. Mr. J. E. Turner, B.A., Barrow-in- Furness. Working at Marine Zoology and Fisheries. Mr. John Graham, B.Sc., Barrow-in-Furness. Working at Marine Biology and Physics. These gentlemen have sent me short reports upon their work, in which they express their thanks to the Com- mittee and their appreciation of the facilities given by the institution and the help rendered by Mr. Scott. Parties of fishermen from Bardsea and Baicliff have been brought on various occasions by Rey. R. B. Billinge and Rev. Dr. Hayman, when explanations and demonstra- tions were given by Mr. Scott and Mr. Johnstone. Many other visitors, more or less connected with fisheries and scientific work, including Mr. A. Milman, C.B., Mr. J. B. Feilding, Mr. J. Fell and other members of the Sea- Tisheries Committee, and the members of the Barrow Field Naturalists’ Club, have been shown over the estab- lishment, and have had the operations explained to them. I regret that the applications for the two £60 Scholar- ships for higher education in Fisheries Science, each tenable for two years at University College, Liverpool, which had been offered by the Lancashire County Council, were most unsatisfactory. Only one candidate applied, and from his defective preliminary education he was evidently quite unsuitable. This unfortunate result was ~ apparently due to want of information among the higher schools in the county of the advantages to be derived from these scholarships. Several suitable candidates were heard of when it was too late. Considering the increase of work and of interest in Marine Biology and its appli- eation to Fishery questions of late years, it will be very unfortunate if this important experiment is allowed to lapse merely because of the absence of candidates in the first year, before the scheme was sufliciently known. In addition to these scholarships, the County Council granted last year a sum of £100 for studentships to enable fishermen to undertake a short course of practical instruc- tion in the Zoological Department at University College, Liverpool. It was, after careful consideration by a Com- mittee, decided to send 20 elected fishermen representa- tive of different centres and branches of industry, to University College; each to have a fortnight’s instruction, and the sum of £5 to be paid to each man to cover his travelling expenses and board and lodging, and to re- imburse him to some extent for what he might have lost by not following his ordinary vocation during the two weeks. These laboratory classes were held in February and March, 1900; and the main part of the work was carried on by Mr. Johnstone under my personal direction and supervision. The course was divided up into ten days, the work upon which was as shown in the following sections : — 1. Tue Common Mussen.—Structure (especially in regard to feeding, breathing, reproducing and _ habits), spawning and life-history. 2. Hapvpocx.—Structure, feeding, breathing, spawning, and life-history. 8. Cras, Prawn, Surime and Lossrer.—Habits, food, eggs, reproduction and life-history. 6 4. Surrace Lirz or Sea.—lownet gatherings, fish eggs, diatoms, copepoda. 5. Fisnerres Muspum.—An examination of the cases in the museum at University College. 6. Eprste Motiusca.—Oyster, cockle and mussel. . Fish Parasrres.—External and internal, and their hosts. 8. Fish SrructurE.—Cod—Also stages of growth and changes in reproductive organs. 9. Foop or Fisues.—How to examine fishes’ stomachs and determine principal food matters. 10. Eaes anp Larva Staces or Fisu.—How to dis- tinguish them and where they are found. Also egos of Shell-Fish and Crustacea. The whole course was made entirely practical in character. Each man examined everything for himself. The course was preceded by an introductory address by myself, and I finished it with a short concluding lecture. The Committee may like to have recorded here the list of those who attended this first laboratory class for fisher- men. It is as follows: — In Febrnary— John Wright, Southport. Wilham Wright, Southport. George Alexander, Morecambe. Luke Woodhouse, Morecambe. In March— Walter Baxter, Morecambe. Robert Gardner, Morecambe. James Allan, Morecambe. Thomas Wilson, Morecambe. Edward Woodhouse, Morecambe. Jolin Wright, Southport. Albert Robinson, Southport. = ( John Rigby, Southport. R. Rimmer, Marshside. R. Ball, Marshside. W. Houldsworth, Marshside. John Hardman, Lytham. Thomas Clarkson, Jun., Lytham. John Parkinson, Lytham. Robert Wright, St. Annes. Mr. Dawson has already reported as to the way in which the men appreciated these practical classes, and he has now written to me of the benefit which, in his opinion, the studentships were to the fishermen. He says: * From Morecambe, Lytham, St. Annes, and Southport and the district I have heard the work spoken of with praise, and how satisfied the men were. I have also had several enquiries as to when more classes would be held, as the men wanted to go to them.” And again, “On all sides I am informed that the fishermen were most interested in the work, and that if any more studentships are offered the difficulty will be not to get men to go, but to choose from amongst the number of applicants.” In October some questions arose in regard to the con- dition of the Oysters on the bed at the mouth of the Ogwen River, near Bangor, so I arranged that Mr. Andrew Scott, from Piel, should visit the locality, take certain observations, and bring back samples of oysters, of deposits, of water and of microscopic food materials in the neighbourhood of the bed, for examination in the Liverpoo] Laboratory. Mr. Scott carried out his inspec- tion on October 9th, along with Mr. Jones, the Head Bailiff of that division, and brought back material which I examined with him. The oysters are Ostrea edulis in yarious stages of growth (from one to three inches in diameter), and are evidently living and reproducing 8 between tide-marks. Many were attached to stones. It is consequently a natural oyster-bed, but it is evident from the condition of the specimens examined that there is not sufficient food on the ground or in the water to constitute the locality a good fattening area. The bodies of the oysters were found to be very thin and in poor condition generally. The bed is entirely covered at each tide, and only ebbs completely dry at low water of an eighteen-foot tide with favourable weather. The bottom is hard, being composed of gravel and shells, with some fine mud_ between. Samples from the ground and from the water showed that diatoms and other minute forms of life which are so necessary in the case of a flourishing oyster fishery were so few as to be almost absent. It is quite possible that during summer, at the breeding season, more microscopic food may be present—perhaps part to the river, and it is probable that the bed in favourable seasons forms a good enough spatting ground; but all the evidence before us shows that it is not a favourable locality for the rearing and fattening of oysters. Pro- bably the best plan would be to use it as a place for the production of spat, from which a certain proportion of the young oysters should be transferred to other localities where they can be more satisfactorily nourished. I think it worth while to try whether if would not be possible by the judicious placing of tiles and other collectors, and by certain obstructions in the water channels over the bed, to largely increase the deposit of spat; and I should recommend that some of the half-grown oysters be removed to certain grounds in the neighbourhood of Piel, on the south and south-east sides of Foulney Island, which we know to be richly supplied with diatoms and the othe unecessary food, in order that their growth may be 4) watched and compared with that of similar oysters left on the bed at Bangor. I think it is a question whether the spat on the Ogwen bed is derived wholly from the old oysters in sight, or whether its source may not be individuals in deeper water somewhere in the neighbourhood. I propose to visit the bed myself during next spawning season in order to try to settle this and several other questions in connection with the reproduction and spatting of the oyster. The further point has been raised that the Ogwen River oyster-bed may be liable to sewage contamination from the drains of Bangor. The observations made by Mr. Scott and the samples brought back by him, although not absolutely conclusive on this poimt, certainly suggest material of sewage origin, and it is difficult to believe that under certain conditions of wind and tide the bed can escape from pollution by the town drainage. However, this is a matter that may require further investigation, and in any case it does not affect the value of the locality for the production of spat and the rearing of young oysters which may be fattened elsewhere before being placed on the market. The whole question of the dis- posal of sewage and the pollution of our rivers, estuaries and sea shores is one that is in an unsatisfactory condi- tion, and requires more careful consideration than it has yet received. I desire to draw the attention of the Committee to some points In connection with the so-called * Bacterial treat- ment” of sewage (by coke filter beds or by septic tanks), which is now being adopted in various parts of the country. The recently published report to the London County Council by Professor Clowes and Dr. Houston shows that the effluent discharged after such treatment, although it may seem pure and have some objectionable 10 features removed, contains practically all the bacteria found in the crude sewage.* From the public health point of view the clarifed effluent apparently may be little if at all better than the original untreated sewage. Under these circumstances I would ask—is it not a very serious matter that such an effluent should be allowed to discharge anywhere in the neighbourhood of shell-fish beds, or where any fishery contaminationst could take place? I may also remark in passing that however pure such an effluent may look in mixing with the sea, bathers should be warned against its dangers. Another point with which we are not directly concerned at present, although it is of great interest to the scientific man, and may be of practical importance to the country, is whether enormous quantities of valuable fertilising materials which ought to be applied to the land are not now being wasted in the sea. We can leave the bathers to the sanitary authorities, the question of fertilisers is one for the chemist and the agriculturist; but we are directly concerned with the coast fisheries, and I would urge that the Committee, and all fisheries authorities, should give most careful consideration to the relations between shell- fish beds and any sewage effluents, whether “ treated ” or not. Early in the year | asked Mr. Johnstone and Dr. J. T. Jenkins, who was at that time working in my laboratory at Fisheries subjects, to devote a certain amount of time in each week to a careful examination and classification of all our fisheries statistics (accumulated during eight or nine years), with a view to the drawing of any conclusions * London County Council Bacterial Treatment of Crude Sewage. Third Report by Dr. Clowes and Dr. Houston, 1900. + Lam not alluding to the conditions in the Thames, which I do not know personally. It may be that no difficulty arises there. I am speak- ing of the question generally, as such effluents may be likely to increase around our coast, and will require careful attention. 11 which might be indicated. It has been a lengthy and troublesome piece of work, lasting most of the winter, and over a thousand sheets of statistics have been very carefully analysed. The results, I regret to say, are by no means commensurate with the labour that has been expended. For the majority of fishes and localities the statistics are so defective or so vitiated from one cause or another that we felt that no reliable conclusions could be drawn. In fact it was decided in the end that the only area in regard to which we had sufficiently detailed information was the shrimping area at the mouth of the Mersey. Hence the article on that area by Mr. Johnstone and Dr. Jenkins which I include in this Report (p. 39). But it must not be thought that I regard the time and labour which these gentlemen have spent in trying in vain to draw conclusions from the remaining statistics as lost because they have deduced nothing which we are able to publish yet. Var from it: it has led to the very important conclusion that the system we have hitherto employed on the fisheries steamer and elsewhere in the district is really inadequate, that the statistics are not taken sufficiently often or with sufficient regularity, and are not taken with sufficient detail. If this discovery leads to the adoption of a better scheme (such as the one I suggest below, p. 24), and to its faithful performance in the future, the disappointment we have had in finding one after another of the series of statistics broken by unfortunate omissions* will be mitigated, and we may then hope that the next decade will be so traversed by *Due to the circumstance that we have only one small steamer avail- able for all the police and other administrative work of a large district, in addition to what I cannot but regard as of still greater importance—viz.., the observational work on the condition and variations of the fisheries and their causes, 12 observations as to leave no doubt as to the conditions of fisheries and the progress of events. I have spoken of the statistics as being incomplete and inadequate ; but although they do not give us the informa- tion we expected, they are by no means useless. Every correct observation, and there are many thousands of such in our sheets, is of value even if it deals with isolated facts. It may give useful information which may be required at any time, and we hope that all these observa- tions may fit in with our future records of facts, and so play their part eventually in the elucidation of important points. Statistics obtained as the result of investigations made with regularity at fixed spots in accordance with a definite scheme are the more necessary since such very different conclusions have been drawn of late years from the com- mercial statistics as supplied by the Board of Trade. One of the most recently expressed of these is an article by Mr. Walter Garstang, entitled ‘The Impoverishment of the Sea,’ in which the conclusion is arrived at that the fish population is decreasing because although the total catch increases year by year, the take per unit of catching power diminishes. I do not quarrel with Mr. Garstang’s conclusion, but the argument by which he arrives at it does not carry conviction. Except on ground where there is practically an unlimited number of fish, doubling the number of boats would surely not lead to doubling the catch, and consequently as the boats increased the take per boat would diminish to some extent without there being necessarily a permanent reduction of the fish population. Turning to another important side of fisheries work, namely, experimental investigation, it is of interest to note that in the twenty-fifth Report of the United States 13 Commission of Fish and Fisheries, just published, Commissioner G. M. Bowers states, ‘‘ Our leading fishery product, the oyster, worth about $14,000,000 annually, is readily susceptible of increase by methods of cultivation, and each season shows a larger proportion of the market- able output taken from planted grounds, thus insuring a permanent and increasing supply.” He states further that while the natural supply of oysters is surely becoming exhausted, the areas of the sea-bottom which are being artificially cultivated are becoming more and more pro- ductive, and certain States which have adopted * advanced cultural methods” are “reaping important pecuniary returns.” Then again, “There is unmistakable evidence of an increased abundance of Cod in the inshore waters along the entire coast from Maine to New Jersey. This may, without hesitation, be attributed principally to the work of artificial propagation centering at the stations of the Commission at Gloucester and Woods Hole.” The Commissioner urges that new work should be undertaken for increasing the lobster supply by artificial propagation. He states:——‘‘ During the past five years over 500,000,000 young lobsters have been artificially hatched by the Commission and planted on the East Coast. As practically all the eggs from which these were produced would have been destroyed had not the Com- mission purchased the egg-bearing adults from the fisher- men, it can hardly be doubted that these operations have had a decided influence on the supply, but they have not as vet seemed to arrest the decline, in the face of over- fishing and the destruction of short lobsters and brood lobsters carrying eggs.” I have had an interesting letter from Professor H. C. Bumpus, who has charge of the work at Woods Hole, telling of the details of the methods l4 he has devised “for the rearing of young lobsters up to the fourth moult, at which time, as you are well aware, the animals become pugnacious, their shells become hard, and they adopt many of the peculiarities of habit of the adult, and, moreover, they appear to be hardy and well able to look out for themselves.” Professor Bumpus goes on to say— “ For convenience I have termed this stage the ‘ Lobsterling’ stage, and I am inclined to think that if we should succeed in raising even a small percentage of the fry to this lobsterling stage before berating them, we might accomplish for the lobster fishery what the release of ‘ fingerlings’ has accomplished for the trout fishery. Inasmuch as you are experimenting in the same line, and since one of the most important, and at the same time one of the most inviting problems of marine biology to-day is the preservation of the lobster industry, I take the liberty to tell you of our experiments during the past year, and if vou should have opportunity or inclination to adopt similar methods, I should be very glad to learn of your results.” The further details which are given have been sent to Mr. Andrew Scott for use in his work at Piel. During last summer the disturbance of work consequent upon the sale of the old steamer and the purchase of the new one prevented any supply of lobsters from reaching the hatchery until it was too late, but during the coming season we hope to resume work upon the hatching and rearing of this very important economic animal. In concluding this general part of the Annual Report I desire to draw the Committee's attention once more to the pressing need of a pond or some large open-air tanks at Piel, both for the reception of spawning fish and also, later in the season, for the purpose of rearing the fry obtained by the hatching operations, The tanks would 15 also be useful during the remainder of the year for many other purposes.* In the special parts of this Report which follow will be found: —Mr. Scott's account of the hatching operations at Piel, with a description of the new apparatus he has devised for keeping the water in motion: Mr. Johnstone's statistics of the Mersey Shrimping Grounds: a report upon the deposits on these grounds in relation to shrimps and young fish; a note on a new parasite in the plaice ; Mr. Scott’s memoir on the two Copepod Fish-Parasites ; and an article I have thought it well to write on the necessity for a more detailed examination of our fishing grounds, with an outline of a scheme of observational work for use on board the steamer, to which I desire to call the special attention of the Committee. W. A. HerpMAN. Universtry Couuecr, Liverroon, January, 1901, * These were referred to in detail in last year’s report, at p. 10 16 REQUIRED StuRVEY OF oUR FiIsHinG GROUNDS, WITH New ScHEME oF Work aT SEA. By W. A. Herpman. In last year’s Report, at p. 14, in an article on ‘‘ Sea- Fisheries Conferences and the need of a ‘ Census’ of our Seas,’ I pointed out that *‘ what we stand most in need of at present is full and accurate statistics in regard to our fisheries, and much more detailed information than we have as to the distribution round the coast both of Fishes, in all stages of growth, and also of the lower animals with which they are associated, and upon which they feed.” I then proceeded to propose a scheme of investigation which I characterised as “the nearest possible approximation to a census of our seas—beginning with the territorial waters and those offshore grounds that supply them and are definitely related to them.” The work would be partly of a statistical nature and partly scientific observations and investigations, and it seems clear that it is only by such methods that we can hope to settle many important fishery questions. I do not think that I am under-estimating the magni- tude, the difficulties and the probable imnerfections of such a scheme as I propose. I am aware that all we can hope to attain is an approximation, but even a rough approximation will be of use, and if carried out on the right lines it is an approximation which will approach more and more nearly to the truth with each successive year of work. The fishery statistics collected and published at present by the Board of Trade are, I contend, inadequate. They do not give us the information we require. The system does not seem to be designed so as to realise and Mv tackle the problem which ought to be tackled. What we should aim at ascertaining is not what a fisherma catches, but what there is for him to catch. We must in fact get series of accurate observations which will give us fair samples of the more sedentary populations of our seas on the different grounds, such as trawling grounds, shrimping grounds, nurseries and spawning banks, at the different seasons. I have spoken of this in brief as to aim at taking an approximate “census”’ of the sea, but that, of course, is too ambitious a word, and indicates an exactness to which we probably could never hope to attain. Still the word serves to remind us of our approximate aim, and if we can even determine the numbers of a species on an area between wide limits, it will be of great importance. The investigation is, of course, beset with difficulties, but they are not insuperable. One great difficulty is to determine to what extent we can safely draw conclusions from our observations. In speaking of this matter recently to a Liverpool audience I made use of a homely illustration, which may be worth repeating here as a possible help to some readers in realising the problem. I compared the investigation to the case of an aeronaut in a balloon trawling along the streets of Liverpool through a thick fog. We may suppose that a drag in the neighbour- hood of University College would yield some students— male and female—and a professor; one somewhere about the docks would doubtless capture some sailors, dock labourers, and a stevedore or two, while a lucky shot opposite the Town Hall might bring up a policeman, an electric car, and a couple of Aldermen. Now, if such experiences were repeated over and over again, would the conclusions that might naturally be drawn by the intelli- gent aeronaut as to the relations between organisms and B 18 environment in Liverpool be correct ? The observed association of students with a professor, and of both with a college, would be justifiable. It would be correct to conclude that sailors, dock labourers and_ stevedores frequent the docks, and that Aldermen have some con- nection with a Town Hall; but the fact that electric cars are also abundant in front of the Town Hall is non- essential, and any conclusion such as that Aldermen and electric cars are usually associated with the same habitat, and are in any way inter-dependent, would be erroneous. We can imagine many other cases of this kind where appearances might at first be deceptive, and false inferences might be drawn from observed facts. On the other hand, some true conclusions would be clearly indi- cated; and I do not doubt that it 1s much the same in our investigations as to the condition and population of the sea-bottom. It is probable, moreover, that the false inferences would be corrected by the accumulation of a greater number of statistics. It might be made out from further observations that electric cars are liable to become massed in various parts of the town, and have no necessary connection with Aldermen, and that policemen are widely but sporadically distributed. The more numerous our observations, the more our statistics accumulate, the less chance is there of erroneous conclusions. My contention, then, is that such an investigation of our seas must be made, that it is urgent and should be made now, and that the Irish Sea is favourably situated and circumstanced at present to be made a test case before undertaking the much wider and still more difficult expanse of the North Sea, complicated by international questions. The Irish Sea is of moderate and manageable dimensions (see fig. p. 19). It is all bounded by British territory and by sea fisheries authorities who might agree . 1g as to their regulations. It is a “ self-contained ”’ fish area, containing spawning banks, feeding grounds and “nurseries.” It has several laboratories (Liverpool, co Hilbrel.. o Plan of the Irish Sea, showing depths of water. The deepest shading is from 50 to 80 fathoms. Dublin, Port Erin and Piel) on its borders which would form centres for investigation, and it is controlled by powerful sea-fisheries authorities, two of which at least (Lancashire and Ireland) are provided with excellent steamers which might combine in the work. All that is required, beyond a carefully considered scheme of work, is authority from the Government to the local Committees to carry out such work, and a subsidy for say five years to meet the increased expense. The Select Committee of the House of Commons, which considered the Undersized Fish Bill last summer, clearly recognised in their report the need of some such scheme 20 of investigations, and they recommended that a Govern- ment Department should be equipped to carry it out. I am of opinion that the matter would be better entrusted, as I have indicated above, to the local Sea-Fisheries Committees. However, there are the two methods— 1. To form a properly equipped Government Depart- ment (comparable with the Geological Survey), with laboratories and steamers and a scientific staff competent to tackle the scientific problems involved. This is the method adopted in the United States and elsewhere. 2. The other, and perhaps the more characteristically Knglish method, is to give fuller powers to the local authorities, and to encourage them to spend money on the necessary investigations in their own districts. Correct statistics are very important, and they could probably be taken at least as efficiently by the sea-fisheries officers, under the control and supervision of the Fisheries Superintendent in each district, as by the Board of Trade officials; but no system for the collection of statistics even if much better than that now employed can take the place of a scheme of periodic scientific observations and inyesti- gations such as I desire to see carried out all around the coast by the local Sea-Fisheries Committees. It is, I think, agreed on all hands that what is most urgently required is facts—but facts that can only be ascertained by continuous work on a sufficiently large scale. The Select Committee on the Sea-Fisheries Bill last summer reported that the Scottish Fishery Board’s ‘investigations have been hampered by inadequate means. They have not much money at their disposal, and the vessel which they have for the purpose of scientific inves- tigation is undoubtedly too small.” But, incredible as it may seem, Mngland has no vessel at all, large or small, devoted to the purpose of such investigations. How long will this absurd condition of affairs be allowed to continue in this rich country, with its boasted advanced position, enlightened views and keen eye to practical applications’ Not only other civilised countries but even some of our own colonies are far in advance of us in the public utilisation of Marine Biolo- gical investigations. Norway is a poor country, but, in some directions at least, an enlightened one. Here is the latest item of news in regard to her fisheries investigations : —‘ The Norwegian Government has built and fitted out a steain vessel for the express purpose of marine scientific research, and has placed her, as well as a trained staff of assistants, in charge of Dr. Johan Hyjort as leader of the Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. The vessel herself, the ‘‘ Michael Sars,” has been constructed in Norway on the lines of an English steam trawler—that type of boat being regarded as the most seaworthy and suitable for such an expedition—but considerably larger, being 132 feet in length, 25 feet beam, and fitted with triple-expansion engines of 300 horse-power. The fishing gear includes znter alia, trawls, nets, and lines of all kinds, with massive steel hawsers and powerful steam winches to work the heavy apparatus; while the numerous scientific instruments are of the very best and latest description. The expedition left Christiania in the middle of July on what may be termed its trial trip along the Norwegian coast (accompanied for part of the time by Dr. Nansen, who was desirous of testing various instruments in which he had made improvements), and has just sailed from Tromsé on a lengthy cruise to the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Dr. Hjort has os) od hl already added so much to the knowledge of pelagic fishes, their life, habits, and the causes affecting their migra- tions, that, with the means now at his disposal, a con- siderable amount of valuable information will probably be gained which will prove of service to the fishing industry of all nations.” What Norway can do, surely the whole western sea- board of England, from Cumberland to South Wales, now united in one Sea-Fishery District, ought to be supplied with, or be able to afford. Surely we may hope to see in the immediate future a steamer, at least of the size and equipment of a modern steam trawler, devoted solely to that combination of scientific and economic oceano- graphic investigations in the Irish Sea of which every conference of Fisheries Authorities, Commissions and Select Committees of recent years has had to deplore the absence. In addition to the investigation of the bottom by dredging and trawling, the plankton in the surface and other waters of the sea would require periodic examina- tion. This matter has been discussed fully during the past summer, both at Port Erin and Liverpool, amongst our local naturalists, some of whom have had much experience of late years in plankton work. In order to get an adequate idea of the distribution of the minute floating organisms of our seas, we should certainly require to have weekly observations (or possibly even twice a week) taken, at both surface and bottom, at certain specified stations round the coast, of which we should recognise four as being necessary in the Irish Sea, and about 15 round the whole British Coast. The Lancashire Naturalists are willing to play their part in any such general scheme, but in the meantime we are going on with the work in our own district. Mr. Isaac Thompson at Liverpool, Mr. A. Scott at Piel, Mr. Chadwick at Port Erin, and Mr. Ascroft at Lytham, are all at work, and we have drawn up and agreed upon the following common list of pelagic organisms the occurrences and relative abundance of which in the various parts of our district will be periodically registered for each week in the year: — Fish eggs, fish larvee, Appendicularia, gastropod larve, larval lamellibranchs, larval crabs, other larval crustacea, Alteutha interrupta, Jonesiella hyene, Acartia sp., Temora longicornis, Isias clavipes, Centropages sp., Euterpe acutifrons, Calanus finmarchicus, Anomalocera patersoni, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Oithona spinifrons, eggs and larvee of copepoda, Podon intermedium, Hvadne nordmanni, larval Cirripedia, Echinoderm larve, Autoly- tus sp., Tomopteris onisciformis, larval Polycheta, Sagitta sp., larval Polyzoa, Ctenophora (state which), Meduse (do.), Medusoid Gonophores (do), Noctiluca sp., Ceratium sp-, Rhizosolenia sp., Chaetoceros sp., Biddulphia sp., Coscinodiscus sp., Nitzchia sp. Mr. Ascroft is especially devoting his attention to our plankton work, and is now receiving and examining collections from various parts of the district. We hope that he will be able to contribute an account of these to our next Report. With a view to making the best use of the time until the “census” investigations which 1 have recommended above are started, or until a steamer is obtained solely for scientific work in the Irish Sea, I drew up in October the following scheme of observational work which I hoped would be carried out by the new Lancashire Sea-F isheries steamer when she started on her routine work. The scheme was submitted to the Committee, and although it has not yet been formally adopted for execution, I hope 24 that it will now, in the hght of the arguments as to the importance of such work which | have urged above, receive further consideration, and become as soon as possible an important part of the monthly work of the steamer. I reprint the scheme verbatim from the docu- ment privately issued in November : — * Laneashire and Western Sea Fisheries. “Dr. Herdman’s Scheme of Investigations. ‘Preston, 1900. * To the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Commuttee. ‘From Professor W. A. Herdman, D.Sc., F.R.S., ‘“ University College, Liverpool, “ October, 1900. “If there is one point more than another that the numerous Fisheries Congresses and Enquiries of recent years have made quite clear, it is that what we now need most for a proper understanding of the condition of the Sea Fisheries of North-Western Europe is a much more detailed knowledge than we have of the populations of all parts of our seas. Such knowledge can only be obtained by trawlings and other observations conducted regularly, frequently, and according to a definite scheme. Accurate practical work of this kind is usually called * scientific investigation, but it must be remembered that science 1S merely organised common-sense: and that any observa- tions made accurately, and intelligently directed towards the ascertainment of facts, are scien'tific. The Select Committee of the House of Commons refused, last summer, to recommend the Sea Fisheries Bill because of the want of statistics based upon such ‘scientific investi- gations.’ It is thus evident that the systematic scientific investigation of our seas is of practical importance, and 25 is very urgent, since Fisheries legislation is blocked for want of the information which such investigations alone can give. * A scheme of scientific work has been carried out for some years on board the ‘John Fell, but the observations —although useful for many purposes—have been neither sufficiently numerous nor sufficiently regular to admit of reliable conclusions as to the abundance, movements, and life-histories of the fish being drawn. Now that a more efficient steamer has been obtained, I would urge strongly upon the Committee the importance—and even necessity —if we are to make any advance in our knowledge of how and where fishes live in the sea, of devoting a certain amount of the steamer’s time to the taking of regular periodic observations at fixed points according to a definite plan. * After full consideration of what is desirable and what is possible in our District, with a steamer which has also to carry out police and other administrative duties, I have drawn up the following, which I believe to be a workable scheme, and one which is calculated to give us the kind of information we require as a basis for the just and adequate regulation and administration of our District. “TT venture to think that if some such plan of observa- ticns had been adopted fifty or even twenty years ago, it is not too much to say that the results would be invaluable at the present day to the Naturalist and to the Fisheries Administrator alike. In face of the statistics so acquired, many of our Fisheries questions could not have arisen. There could no longer be doubt as to whether a particular Fishery, or Coast Fisheries in general, had or had not declined ; as to whether the destruction of immature dabs benefitted or not the neighbouring population of young plaice; as to whether solenettes can possibly interfere 26 with young soles of the same size; as to whether ‘nurseries’ are already overstocked with young fish, or may with advantage be replenished as the result of arti- ficial hatching operations. “If public opinion has advanced, and _ Fisheries administration is more enlightened now than it was fifty or twenty vears ago, let us see to it that the reproach of the nineteenth century is not continued on into the twentieth. I submit this Scheme to the Committee in the hope that they will authorise its immediate adoption on board the steamer, with a view to starting the new century well by having reliable and adequate monthly Fishery Statistics taken for the first time in January, 1901.” “W. A. Herdman.” “Suggested Scheme of Fishery Observations. “Regular Monthly Observations (as far as possible during the first week or ten days of each month) should be made on the following five Stations—as shown on a Chart marked by Mr. Dawson : — Station 1.—Blackpoo] Closed Ground. STaTion 2.—A similar area a little further South. Station 5.—Mersey Shrimping Ground, Burbo Bk. Station 4.—Outside N.W. Lightship to 20 fath. line. Station 5.—Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey. “Stations 1 and 2 are important for comparison with one another; Station 5 gives information on shrimping and immature fish questions; Station 4 is on interesting ground, just outside the territorial waters; and Station 4 is an important trawling area in the newly amalgamated Welsh portion of the District. “The Observations made should include: — I. Drags with the fish trawl and shrimp trawl. II. Plankton collections with surface and bottom tow-nets. 27 III. Physical Observations with thermometers, hydrometers, &e. I.—Fish and Shrimp Trawling Observations. “ (a) Drags should be made under strictly uniform conditions: that is, the same trawl net should always be used, and the drags should be of uniform length and duration, in order that they may be as strictly as possible comparable with one another. In addition to the fish trawl, it would be very useful—especially at Stations 1, 2, and 5—if a haul of the shrimp trawl could also be taken. “(b) Every drag should be recorded, irrespective of the numbers of fish caught. A poor haul is just as important for statistical purposes as a successful one. “(c) All the fish caught should be measured, and the numbers of each kind and size accurately recorded on a Form similar to the one appended. “(d) Two or three individuals of each of the more important kinds of fish—such as plaice, sole, cod, haddock—from every haul should be weighed and measured separately. The ovaries should then be taken out and weighed, and the results recorded on the Form. Any- thing noteworthy in the condition or appearance of the ovaries should also be added. ‘(e) Mention should be made of any unusual fishes or invertebrata taken in the trawl, and also of any special abundance of common things such as star-fishes, crabs, molluscs, jelly-fish, zoophytes, worms, or other fish food. 28 Unusual specimens, or anything not recognised should always be preserved for examination in the Liverpool Laboratory. II.—‘* Plankton” cor Tow-Net/ Collections. * Tow-nettings should be taken along with every drag of the fish trawl. One haul with a bottom and one with a surface net should be made on each occasion. The collections should be at once preserved in formaline solution, and sent to the Liverpool Laboratory as soon as convenient after landing. Extra tow-nettings should be taken as frequently as possible. Al such observations on the floating life of the sea (which includes the eggs and the microscopic food of many fishes) are most useful. Even short hauls of ‘half-an-hour’s duration, taken twice a week, will probably suttice to give a fairly accurate idea of the movements of the Plankton in the District. TII.—Physical Observations. (a) Spa Temperatures.—Surface and bottom obser- vations should be taken at the beginning and end of each drag. Bottom temperatures should be taken with a reversing thermometer. (6) Sprciric GRAVITY OF THE SEA WateR.—NSurface and bottom observations should be taken at the beginning and end of each drag. Bottom observations should be made on samples of the bottom water, taken with a Mill’s bottle. “(¢) Arr TrmMprraturE.—One observation at the beginning of each drag should be taken for comparison with the sea temperature. ‘“(d) Bsrometric PressurE.—One observation taken at the beginning of each drag is sufficient. ‘* (e) TRANSPARENCY OF THE SEA Water.—One obser- vation should be taken at the beginning of 29 each drag, and if any notable change has taken place in the water, a second observation should be made at the end. ““(f) Tur State oF Wind, Tipe, SEA, WEATHER, &c., should be recorded on the Form supplied. “The above scheme applies only to the work on board the steamer. The observations carried on by the bailiffs in inshore waters should, of course, be continued, and weekly tow-nettings should be taken in each division of the District. “The Forms containing the results of the above obser- vations should be posted to the Fisheries Laboratory, University College, Liverpool, with the least possible delay, as it is important that early information should be obtained of any unusual occurrence or any change in the distribution of fish and Plankton throughout the District. “A copy of the Form upon which the observations should be recorded is appended.” [N.B.—The Form on p. 30 is a compressed version of the original. | 30 Record of Observations made op Station No. Diatte Positions at beginning and end of drag. Description of net. Drscription oF CATCH, Time net down, beginning and end of drag. Name of | Size in inches, Tot fish. 4 6 |8,&c} No State of tide at beginning of drag. : | Weather. Sole Wind. ‘| Plaice . Depth during drag, beginning and end of drag. Dab Nature of bottom. Flounder General remarks. Lemon Sole Cod Whiting ... Haddock . . PHYSICAL OBSERVATIONS. Skate Transparency of water, beginning and end of drag. Barometer, beginning of drag. Air temperature, beginning of drag. Si Surface temperature of water, beginning & end of drag. Any other food fishes Bottom temperature of water, do. g er : Surface tow-netting— led Specific gravity of surface water, do. Suriace tow et he = up in Laboratory. Specific gravity of bottom water, do. General remarks. Bottom tow-netting—To be filled No. of fish lo rst Wt. of | General up in Laboratory. selected. Size. | Weight. Ovaries. |condition. I ; ‘ \ -@ Place a es Beemer |} 3 Sole... Note any unusual ‘fishes ot =n al be a iz invertebrates. Cod i i ae | en PP 2 ee | | | Haddock.. a a 31 THe Fish HatcHery at PIs. By ANDREW SCOTT. In last year’s Report, p. 25, it is stated that white flukes were being collected and kept in the tanks at Piel in the hope of their spawning in the spring. Before the end of January 150 fish had been placed in the tanks. The ratio of the sexes was three females to two males. The fish were all collected in Barrow Channel by the local police boat in charge of Mr. Wright. The fish thus collected, owing to unforeseen circum- stances, proved to be the main source from which the egos were obtained for incubation during the spawning season of 1900. The rough weather which prevailed in the earlier part of the year, along with the necessary arrangements for the sale of the steamer, which took place in the middle of the spawning season, prevented the steamer from doing very much to help in collecting eggs at sea or from the trawlers. In the earlier part of the year, however, the steamer made a number of visits to the spawning grounds. On three occasions eggs were obtained, twice from the Clyde and once from fish caught by the trawlers working on the offshore grounds. The first eggs, collected from fish caught in the Clyde, March 12th-16th, were practically all lost through the rough weather encountered on the homeward journey. The second lot, also from the Clyde, arrived on March 28th in much better condition, and yielded good results. The third lot, from the offshore grounds, collected April 5th to 6th, were equally satis- factory. Altogether 2,454,800 fry were hatched and set free from the eggs collected by the steamer. A number of nearly ripe plaice were brought from the Clyde on the first visit. Some of these spawned in our tanks, vielding an additional 65,000 fry. 32 The first fertilised eggs from the flounders stored in our tanks were obtained on March 8th. These fish con- tinued to supply eggs until the middle of May, and from these nearly twelve millions of fry were eventually set free. The total number of living eggs placed in the boxes was 16,000,000, and the number of fry set free 14,144,400, so that the loss during incubation was only a little over 11°5 per cent., a very low percentage. The duration of incubation was 16 to 17 days for the plaice, cod, and haddock, and 7 to 9 days for the flounder. The success of the incubation was probably due to the healthy condition of the eggs dealt with, and also to the employment of apparatus giving a rocking motion to the hatehing boxes (see below, p. 33). The following list gives the number of fry set free, and the dates on which they were liberated. Those marked with an asterisk were hatched from eggs collected by the steamer. All were placed in some part of that wide area of our sea known as Morecambe Bay. March 21. 1,126,000 flounder. 31. 848,000 45 99 Aprils «2: 598,000 yey shrimps put aside, and we believe that they really wish to preserve the life of as many of the immature fish caught (which are not marketable, and are of no use to them) as possible. And we have seen that the contents of the net ean be very rapidly sorted out. But in a large catch the process is somewhat tedious, and as the deck space in a shrimping boat is very limited, part of the catch may be put into fish ‘baskets wnsorted, while the remainder is being dealt with. In these circumstances the immature fish in the reserved portion have little chance of life. It is clear that with long drags, with large catches, and in warm weather the mortality among the immature fish taken in the trawl is much greater. Considering all things, there is not much doubt that of the immature fish taken in the course of shrimp trawling, as at present carried on, a large proportion must necessarily be destroyed. We have made an attempt to determine the distribu- tion from year to year of the four fishes considered above. The average hauls for each fish for the third quarters of each of the years 1895-9 have been calculated, and these are the values compared. ‘The third quarters (July, August, September) are selected since those are the periods during which the greater number of hauls were made, and because they contain the maximum catches for all the years and fishes considered. The values dealt with, therefore, are those representing most probably the condition of the fishery in each year. The results are tabulated in Table VI., and they are represented graphi- cally in the corresponding set of curves (VI.) on Plate C. During this period the average catches of plaice have decreased from the maximum catch (2,045) in 1893 to the minimum (176) in 1899. The decrease from 1893 to 1894 was very great. From 1895 to 1897 the catches were ot nearly constant, dropping again in 1898. The maximum catch of dabs was made in 1894; from 1894 to 1897 the catches of dabs steadily declined, recovering again in 1898. The maximum catch of whiting was made in 1896, and the catches then decreased till 1897, when they again began to increase. It is singular that the maximum catches of these three fishes, plaice, dabs, and whiting, are observed in three consecutive years. The catches of soles, on the contrary, show a nearly regular increase during those seven years. The minimum catch was made in 1894, the maximum in 1898. The decrease from 1898 to 1899 is very slight. We have evidence that a similar, though greater, increase in soles has taken place on the Blackpool closed ground. No deduction as to the effect of fishing on the distribu- tion of these fishes during the period considered can, of course, be made. The period is too short and the varia- tions observed are too great. There can be little doubt but that the fluctuations are due in the main to the operation of natural causes. We must insist on the inadequacy of these statistics to a thorough understanding of the causes influencing the distribution, on different areas and at different times, of the fish population of the Mersey shrimping grounds. So far as they go they are valuable, and they do give some information regarding the seasonal variation and the relation to each other of the various forms considered. But they suggest many more problems than they aid us in answering. The increase in the catches of soles on the Blackpool and Mersey grounds is an instance. This happening on two grounds, one preserved against, the other open to, shrimp trawling, is remarkable. A satis- factory answer might have been given by a much more complete series of observations than we possess, which ~ ~ might have enabled us, from a consideration of the relative increments in the catches from year to year, to have connected the increase on the Blackpool ground with its closure against the destruction of immature soles by shrimp trawling. But comparatively few hauls have been made on the Blackpool ground, and the opportunity has been lost. No regular observations regarding the distribution of the plankton or of the bottom invertebrate fauna of the Mersey ground have been made, and we have therefore no material for a possible explanation of the fluctuation in the fish fauna outlined above. It is particularly un- fortunate that regular and exact physical determinations of temperature, specific gravity, salinity, &c., were not made during the last eight years. These must be essential portions of any future investigation of this area.* The nature of the sea bottom is very peculiar, and a com- plete investigation of this is to be desired. We believe that observations on this ground, with a view to the regulation of the fishing, will be unsatis- factory unless accompanied by enquiries into the relations of its fish population with the spawning fish on the off- shore grounds on the one hand, and with the larger immature fish population of the offshore grounds on the other. Such investigation and enquiries into the stability of the immature fish population of the shrimping ground are very relevant. * See scheme given in this Report, p. 24. REPORT ON THE DEPOSITS FROM THE LIVERPOOL ‘“ Hoprers”’ IN RELATION TO SHRIMPS AND YounG FIsH. By W. A. Herpmay. Early in the year the General Purposes Committee asked for a report on the eftect produced upon the move- ments of shrimps and young fishes by the materials carried out to sea from Liverpool in the hopper barges and deposited near the Burbo Bank. It had, I believe, been suggested (1) that the shrimps were attracted to this particular ground—where young fishes are also found in great abundance—to feed upon the refuse in the deposits ; and (2) that if the attractive material were deposited on some other neighbouring ground not frequented by small fish the shrimps would follow, thus leading to such a separation of shrimps from young fish on the bottom as would admit of shrimping being carried on freely without causing any destruction of young fish. It would certainly be very convenient if it were so, but a careful examination of the facts shows that there is no real foundation for the ingenious suggestion. Mr. Dawson, after discussing the matter with me, caused the necessary samples and specimens to be obtained from chosen localities in the area in question, and these were sent to the laboratory where Mr. Johnstone and I carefully examined them, and drew up the follow- ing report for the Committee : — “Report by Dr. Herdman on Deposits, Shrimps, and Young Fish. * A number of samples have been obtained during the last two weeks by Mr. G. Eccles, and were brought by him to the Laboratory for examination. C =~] These represent : — ies 5O Samples of the sea bottom at and about the * Deposit buoy.” (See map on page 46). . Samples of the sea bottom near the Rock Channel (No. 7 buoy). . Samples of the deposit found in gutters on the edge of the Burbo Bank at low tide. . Material taken from a ‘ Hopper” in the Man- chester Ship Canal. . Samples of shrimps caught near the Deposit buoy. . Samples of young flat fish caught near the Deposit buoy. “These have all been carefully examined in the Sea- Fisheries Laboratory, and microscope preparations of the various substances have been made and compared. The examination has shown : — be. 20 4°. That there is comparatively little fine mud or dirty material at the Deposit buoy. The bottom appears to consist largely of coarse crystalline sand. . At No. 7 buoy the deposit is dirtier, and has more mud and amorphous decomposing material. In the gutters at low tide the deposit is also dirtier than at the Deposit buoy, and more like the refuse from the Hoppers. The material from the Hopper was very dark coloured, and had much more yellow and black amorphous decomposing stuff than is found on the sea bottom at or near the Deposit buoy. . The shrimps caught about the Deposit buoy con- tained in the stomachs—sand, vegetable tissue, animal debris, legs, &c., of small Crustaceans, 58 Foraminifera, Annelid sete, along with a certain amount of sand. 6°. The stomachs and intestines of the young fish (mainly dabs) brought to the Laboratory from near the Deposit buoy were full of sand, with fragments of shells and remains of animals. ‘“ ConcLustons.—So far as these samples show, there is no reason to think that either the shrimps or the young fish feed upon the stuff deposited by the Hoppers. They did not show any traces of it in their stomachs, nor are they specially abundant where the bottom shows the greatest amount of dirt and decomposable material.” * University College, “W. A. HERDMAN.” “ March 15th, 1900.” Mr. Dawson and I therefore agree that it is a mistake to suppose (1) that the Liverpool refuse is especially abundant at the bottom in the neighbourhood of the so- called “deposit” buoy, which is on the Burbo Bank Shrimping Ground, and (2) that shrimps feed specially upon such refuse. Consequently the idea that the shrimps are attracted to the ground they frequent by the Liverpool deposits may be relinquished, and it is very improbable that changing the place of deposition would have any favourable effect upon the present distribution of shrimps and young fish. As a matter of fact, as Mr. Dawson has pointed out in one of his quarterly reports, the steam hopper barges con- veying the refuse generally go much further out to sea than the area in question before discharging; and, with the exception of sand, no material of any kind has apparently been deposited in the neighbourhood of the deposit buoy and from there to the Burbo Bank for some time. 59 It is probable that the conditions in these shallow sandy channels which suit the shrimps are also the most suitable conditions for young fish—especially flat fish— in certain stages of growth, and consequently it is futile to hope that any artificial operations will lead to the separation of the two kinds of animals. NorE oN A SPoROZOON PARASITE OF THE PLAIcr. (PLEURONECTES PLATESSA). By James JOHNSTONE. (With Plate D.) Two specimens of plaice have come to the Fisheries Laboratory during the year which showed a_ peculiar modification of the intestinal wall. One specimen was sent by Mr. G. Kecles, Chief Fishery Officer at New Brighton. It was caught near the Mersey Bar at the beginning of October. The other was sent to me by Mr. A. Scott. It had been caught by Mr. Wright, Fishery Officer, in Barrow Channel, on October Ist, 1900. The first specimen was a female about 8 inches long. Ti had been opened, and the head cut partly off. Mr. Kecles was struck by the granular appearance of the viscera, suggesting the presence of a large quantity of spawn. As however the fish was much too small to con- tain ripe ovaries, he thought it worth sending to the Laboratory. It was fresh when it came to hand, and the fish looked in good enough condition. ‘The ovaries were about one inch in length but perfectly normal for a fish of this size. The intestine, liver, kidney, &c., had their usual relations. But the greater portion of the intestine, from the pylorus to about 13 inches from the anus was thickened, and had the appearance of a ripe ovary. ‘That is, the surface was studded with little round white opaque bodies 60 lying close together, and shining through the peritoneum. The fresh intestine was precisely similar to that of the second specimen, which is represented in Plate D, fig. 1. On cutting open a portion of the gut it was seen to have a much reduced lumen. The wall was 3 or 4 mm. thick. Its internal surface was thrown into close set and deep longitudinal folds pursuing a zigzag course. All the surface of these showed the same round white bodies pro- jecting from their surfaces. The stomach was normal in form and relations except that its walls seemed thinner than usual. No food con- tents were present. In the modified portion of the intes- tine there were traces of decomposed food matter. A few fragments of Lamellibranch shells were found, and were identified as young Donaa vittatus. The second specimen, sent by Mr. Scott, was the intestine of a female plaice 11 inches long. It had been preserved in corrosive-acetic fixative before reaching here. From Mr. Scott's description the fish seems to have been quite normal in other respects. The ovaries were of normal size and relationships. Almost the entire post-pyloric portion of the intestine in this specimen was modified in precisely the same way as in the other case described above. Fig. 1 represents a portion of the intestine of this fish. ‘The maximum diameter was about 1 inch. This thickest portion lay immediately behind the stomach. The pyloric caeca could be recognised, but were greatly flattened out. Near the anus the inclusions in the wall became fewer, and a small portion was free from them. No traces of food matter could be recognised in the lumen. Pieces of both intestines were hardened in alcohol, embedded in paraftin, and sections were made. Fig. 2 represents a small portion of the wall of the first specimen 61 cut in transverse section. No mucous membrane is recognisable, and the whole wall is filled up with roundish bodies, each of which appears on examination with a moderately low power to be filled up with a homogeneous material. These bodies are closely packed together, and between them lie a few connective tissue fibres. Some masses of disintegrated tissue lay between the folds which may possibly have represented the disintegrated mucosa. Fig. 3 represents a small portion of the same section under a much higher magnification. Outside of all may be seen a layer of peritoneum (/’e7.) and internal to this is a thin longitudinal layer of plain muscle fibre (J//.). Within this layer of longitudinal muscle fibres is a layer of eireular fibres (J/.¢.), also unstriated and about three times the thickness of the former layer. Within this, again is a layer of loose areolar tissue (S. muc.) from which fibres pass through the thickness of the wall of the intestine between the spherical bodies. The arrangement of the muscle layer is therefore normal, and the foreign structures lie in the sub-mucosa. Of the mucosa itself there is no definite trace. A delicate sheet of connective tissue covers the free surface of the folds. This is easily torn, and the little spherical bodies can be readily dissociated. ‘They are perfectly spherical in the fresh state, and have an average diameter of about 0G mm. The structure of a portion of one of these cysts is shown in Fig. 5. There is a capsule (C.c.), consisting of an outer cuticular layer and an inner irregular layer, which is fibrous in appearance, and apparently contains no nuclei. Within this capsule the cyst is filled up by a vast number of minute spore-like bodies. These are oval in shape. They have a maximum diameter of about 5 #. They do not stain, and present no obvious internal structure. 62 It is obvious from the above description that we have to deal here with a Protozoon parasite, most probably a Sporozoon form. Possibly it is one of the Gregarinida, but at present I am unable to determine the genus. Explanation of Plate D. Fig. 1.—A small portion of the gut of the second specimen. Natural size. Fig. 2.—Part of a transverse section of the wall of the gut of the first specimen. x 15 diameters. / internal, # external, surface. Fig. 3.—Part of the same transverse section; x 390 diameters. Per. peritoneum; J//, longi- tudinal muscle layer; dc, circular muscle layer; S.muc, sub-mucosa; Cc, capsule of a cyst; Sp, spore contents of the cyst. Fig. 4.Several spores from the first specimen x 2,500 diameters. 63 On THE FisH Parasites, LeEPEOPHTHELRUS AND LERN@&A. By ANDREW Scort, Resident Fisheries Assistant at the Piel Hatchery. (With five Plates.) INTRODUCTION. There are comparatively few fishes that do not, at some period of their life history, prove on careful examination to be the host of at least one kind of parasite, either crus- tacean or worm. ‘The worm parasites are usually found infesting the alimentary canal (Nematodes and Cestodes), the gills and skin (Trematodes and Bdellodes), while Crustacean (Copepod) parasites are almost entirely con- fined to places in direct communication with the exterior, such as the skin itself, the fins, the mouth, the branchial chamber, attached to the gills and operculum, in the nostrils, and in the mucous canals. ‘They may even be found attached to the eye, as Lernwenicus spratte in the sprat (Clupea sprattus); and Lerneopoda elongata in the Greenland Shark* (Acanthorhinus carcharias), causing in the latter at any rate partial blindness; or burrowing into the abdominal cavity, as Penella évoceti in the flying fisht (Hvocetus volitans), till only the ends of the ovisacs are visible from the exterior. The Copepod fish parasites have attracted much atten- tion from Zoologists for a very long period, since the time when Aristotle, in his * Historia Animalium,” tells us that the tunny and the sword fish are tormented by a sort of worm which fastens itself under the fin. Many of * Mr. R. L. Ascroft, of Lytham, who visited Iceland on a ‘‘ steam liner,” fishing for halibut, &c., a year or two ago, says nearly all the sharks caught on the lines had these parasites in their eyes. + One was exhibited at a meeting of the Liverpool Biol. Soc. in 1897, infested by two such parasites, recorded as P. blainvilli, which in turn were covered with a number of small Cirripedes.—Trans. L’pool Biol. Soc., vol. xi,, p. Xil. 64 the parasites now known to be Copepods were not at first recognised as Crustacea, chiefly because of the diffi- culty of making out the true characters and the absence of knowledge as to the life-histories. There was much difference of opinion even as to which were really the anterior and posterior extremities of these animals, due to the fact that the posteriorly placed ovisacs of the then known forms are cylindrical tubes which were by some supposed to be the antennules, and therefore that end was called the anterior. Hence many of the drawings of the earlier authors represent the animals standing on their heads. Baird’s “ British Entomostraca,” published by the Ray Society in 1850, marks an important epoch in our knowledge. This author gives an interesting historical account of the group, brings together all that was pre- viously known, and gives a very full account, with excellent figures, of all the British species known at that time, and although some of these are inaccurate in detail, or have been added to by more recent investiga- tions, still Baird’s monograph is indispensable to any one working at the subject. Since 1850 comparatively little has been done in this country to increase our knowledge regarding the distribution or habits of these crustaceans. Within the past few years, however, the study has revived and some important papers, mainly speciographic, have been published. The latest classification of the Copepod fish parasites arranges them under seven families, as follows :—Ereast- LIDH, CaLicipm, DicHeLEstipm, Parinicntayip®, LERNIDA, CHONDRACANTHIDEH, and Lernmopopipm. With the excep- tion of the Puimicurnuyipm, all these families have representatives living on fishes found in the seas around our coasts. 65 These parasites vary considerably in size, ranging from one-thirtieth of an inch to nearly two inches in length. They also differ very much in shape. Some have their locomotor organs well developed, and are capable when necessary of leading a pelagic life for a period. Others have lost all swimming power, and become mere inert sacs, securely attached to their host by anchor processes, embedded in the tissues, and when. taken off their host they soon die from want of food and oxygen. The sexes are separate, the males as a rule being much smaller than the females. In many cases the males are practically parasitic on the females, especially those of the Chondracanthide and Lerneopodide. The fact that the males are found upon egg-bearing females of the above families is due to their power of locomotion having been lost when they reached maturity. When once they have settled down and matured they are unable to change their position to any extent. Fertilisation of the female is effected early in its life history, before the metamorphosis is completed. One copulation, apparently, is all that is necessary to fertilise the female for hfe. The resulting embryos remain attached to the external opening of the oviduets, either in a single or multiserial column, enclosed in a sac, until they hatch. The period of incubation extends over several weeks. The young parasites hatch out as nauplii, with three pairs of appendages. The nauplii undergo metamorphosis, which in some forms after a certain stage is reached is retrogressive, finally leading to the adult condition. The Copepod fish parasites are generally regarded as being composed of about sixteen somites. Usually, how- ever, some of these somites are suppressed or fused together, forming one compound segment, the true character of which is rendered evident by the appendages b 66 attached to it, each pair indicating a somite. At one end of the series, these parasites approach very nearly in structure and general appearance to the non-parasitic Copepods. At the other end they are extremely different, exhibiting most remarkable examples of retrograde development, and without a complete study of their life history it would be quite impossible to recognise them even as Crustacea. In the following pages an account is given of the anatomy and metamorphosis of one member from each of the two very different families, the Caligide and the Lerneide, the forms chosen being Lepeophthewrus pectoralis and Lernea branchialis. The Caligide is the most extensive family of the Cope- pod fish parasites, and contains a larger number of genera and species than any of the others. As it stands at present, there are 124 species representing 25 genera. Three-fifths of the known species of Caligide belong to two genera, Caligus and Lepeophtheirus. Some earlier authors have not recognised the latter genus, and include the various species belonging to it in Caligus. There are, however, very important differences between the two which make their appearance early in life. These differences are constant, and give good cause for establish- ing a separate genus. Caligus has two semicircular suckers on the frontal margin of the cephalic shield, which are developed before the “ chalimus’’* stage is completed, and the biting part of the second maxille has only one tooth. In Lepeophtheirus these suckers are entirely absent all through life, and the biting part of the second maxille has two teeth. The changes that take place between the ‘“nauplius” stage, when the animal is hatched from the * The stage at which the animal first becomes attached to its host. — (see p. 94). 67 egg, and the adult condition are practically the same in the two genera, and probably also in the other members of this family. From investigations carried on during the past two years, it may reasonably be concluded that Lepeophtheirus, throughout the remainder of its life and under normal conditions remains on the same fish that it attached itself to at the beginning of the “ chalimus ” stage. It is very rarely met with in tow-net collections. On the other hand, Caligus does not always remain on the same fish. At the completion of its ‘chalimus”’ stage it frequently leaves its host, and for a time leads a pelagic life. Tow-net collections often contain immature males and females, and occasionally mature males of Calzgus, especially of Caligus rapax. Amongst these some may be found with a large notch in the middle of the frontal margin. This is due to the breaking of the chitinous filament by which they were secured to their host. The metamorphosis is a progressive one. I.—LEPEOPHTHEIRUS (Miller). This species was first described by O. I’. Miiller* under the name Lernwa pectoralis. MoprE or OccURRENCE. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis is most frequently found upon the ‘“‘white fluke” or flounder (Pleuronectes flesus). It also occurs on the plaice, dab, sole, &e. It does not con- fine itself to any particular part of the exterior. Males and immature forms of both sexes are to be found all over the skin on each side of the fish. Mature egg-bearing females, however, are usually found under the pectoral, the pelvic, the ventral and the dorsal fins. With careful * Prodrom. Zoolog. Dan., 1776. 68 examination it is possible to collect a series of these parasites, from the early “‘chalimus” stage to the adult condition, from one fish. Sometimes only a few speci- mens occur on the fish. At other times large numbers are to be found. It is by no means rare to find between twenty and thirty mature females under each pectoral fin alone, as in the case which is illustrated in the cut. One hundred specimens of another species, L. heppoglossi, have been collected from the ‘‘ white” side of a halibut in the Aberdeen Fish Market. The average length of a mature Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, 32 specimens, on the pectoral fin of a Flounder, from a photograph. ege-bearing female is one-fifth of an inch, and of a male one-ninth of an inch. A mature female measures about one-tenth of an inch at its greatest breadth, and a male one-twelfth of an inch. These parasites attach themselves to the fish by means of their powerful second maxillipedes, assisted by the antenne, and a decided pull has to be exerted before they can be torn away. By depressing the edges of the carapace and applying them closely to the skin, the parasite can increase its: holding power to such an extent that the posterior end can be torn from the anterior part without detaching it. The anterior part, when thus separated from the posterior, retains its vital powers for at least twenty-four hours. At first it swims about vigorously, but after some hours begins to get sluggish in its movements, and then finally dies. The posterior part does not live long when separated from the anterior. The parasites can be kept alive in sea water for upwards of six weeks after removal from the fish. EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. The animal is depressed dorso-ventrally, and is of a more or less oval shape, and distinctly divided into four parts (Plate I., fig. 1). The foremost one of these parts, and usually the largest, is almost circular in outline, and has all the appendages, with the exception of the fourth and fifth pairs of feet, attached to it. This part is known as the cephalo-thorax. Viewed from above, this region is seen to be slightly convex and divided into four portions by imperfect sutures. Two of these sutures are longitudinal, and separate the lateral parts of the region from the central. The remaining suture joins the centre of the two longi- tudinal sutures like the cross line of the letter H, dividing the centre of the cephalo-thorax into an anterior and a posterior portion, of which the anterior is the greater. There is also an apparent suture near the frontal margin. The frontal margin is indented, the greatest depth being in the middle line. This indentation to some extent is due to the sear caused by the breaking away of the filament for attachment in the “chalimus” stage. In the centre of the hollow, situated on the ventral surface, is an oval- shaped opening (6) with a chitinous fringe. This ts evidently a sucker, and represents the remains of a median sucker which is considerably developed during the * chali- 70 mus” stage, when the maxillipedes are rudimentary. Pro- bably in the adult, it acts as a first aid in securing the animal to its host. Passing backwards from this sucker, but distinctly over it, there is a transparent rod (c, fig. 1, Plate I.; fig. 3, Plate III.), lying inside a triangular blood space, which terminates in a gland (cg, fig. 3, Plate Ill.). The gland is probably the organ that secretes the substance for the filament in the ‘‘chalimus”’ stage and the rod the remains of the filament. The filament and duct are in actual contact during the early part of the parasite’s life (Plate I., figs 4 to 6, c). The eyes, two in number, are situated in the middle of the cephalo-thorax. The frontal and lateral margins are surrounded by a trans- parent membrane with faint transverse lines. This membrane is simply an extension of the chitinous exo- skeleton which covers the whole animal. It has frequently a serrated edge caused by tearing. The second part of the body is very small, and repre- sents the fourth thoracic segment of the pelagic Copepoda. The fourth feet are attached to the external margins of this segment. The third part of the body known as the “ genital segment,’ is of variable shape, according to the degree of maturity of the reproductive organs. In an immature female (Plate II., fig. 6), it is usually very little larger than the fourth part, whilst in a mature one it is nearly as large as the cephalo-thorax. The genital segment of a mature female is somewhat quadrangular in outline, shghtly wider posteriorly than in front. The same segment in a mature male (Plate I., fig. 2) is oval in shape and about one-third wider than the fourth part. The fourth part of the body is short and narrow, being only one-fourth of the width of the female genital seg- ment, and corresponds to the abdomen of the pelagic Cope- FQ poda. There is an incomplete articulation near the middle. At the apex of the abdomen there are two short papille known as the furca or caudal stylets, which usually have four or five plumose hairs on their posterior margins. There are twelve pairs of appendages* (Plate IT., fig. 1) as follows: —One pair of antennules, one pair of antenne, one pair of mandibles, two pairs of maxille, two pairs of maxillipedes, and five pairs of feet, the first three pairs of feet only being adapted for swimming. The eyes appear as a reddish spot in the living animal, and are situated on the dorsal surface mid-way between the frontal margin and the transverse line of the cephalo- thorax. When this spot is examined microscopically (Plate III., fig. 13) it is found to consist of two lateral eyes closely approximated, embedded in a mass of reddish- black pigment, and wholly under the carapace. Hach eye has a simple, spherical, crystalline lens, beneath a thin cornea. Behind the lens is a row of retinal cells of fairly large size, lined internally with a tapetum or pigment layer. A chitin division lined with deep red pigment separates the two eyes. The earlier Zoologists had con- siderable doubt as to the true position of the eyes, some even believed the animals were’ blind. Others mistook the semi-circular suckers on the frontal margin of Caligus already referred to for the organs of vision, giving them the name “ Binoculus.”’ The antennules are placed at the external margin, just behind the suture on the frontal plate, and each consists of two joints. The basal joint is much larger than the apical, and is clothed on its upper margin with plumose sete. * The minute details of the jointing and sete of the appendages are not shown in these figures. 12 The other appendages are all on the ventral surface. The first are the antenne. These consist each of two joints, a short stout basal one, and an apical one in the form of a strong prehensile claw. The antenne are used to assist the second maxillipedes in grasping.* The apex of the claw projects into a small cup in front of the first maxille. The mandibles are enclosed in the suctorial mouth (Plate IT., fig. 8). They are stvlet shaped, and composed of four joints. The apical joint of each mandible is flattened, curved inwardly, and serrated on its inner margin. There is no mandibular palp. The appendages described here as the first maxille are given that name with some doubt. The pelagic Copepoda have only one pair of maxille, which correspond to the second pair in this memoir. The identification of the appendages now to be described as maxille is based upon the fact that they are innervated by a nerve from the sub- esophageal ganglion that has its origin just anterior to the nerve supplving the maxille proper. The first maxille consist of one joint which is considerably swollen at the base, and tapers to a sharp point at the apex, forming as a whole, a curved claw. Two minute sete are attached to the basal part, and probably represent the exopodite or palp. These appendages are situated near the lateral margins, and slightly posterior to the base of the antenne. The second maxille are placed at the sides of the mouth, and consist of a single joint, robust at the base and dividing into two slightly curved teeth at the apex, representing the exopodite. There is a distinct endo- podite, with two sete at its apex, attached to the base of the anterior surface of the exopodite. The second maxille * Baird (op. cit. p. 263) describes these organs as the first pair of footjaws. 73 appear to act as a scraping apparatus for removing the skin of the host. The first maxillipedes consist of two-jointed appendages placed mid-way between the apex of the mouth, when it is at rest, and the lateral margin. Their chief function is apparently to keep the mouth free from obstruction. The second mawxillipedes situated near the middle line, mid-way between the first maxillipedes and the first pair of feet, are composed of two joints. The basal joint is considerably swollen and the apical is in the form of a powerful claw, which closes upon the basal joint, forming a strong grasping apparatus. According to Claus, and others, the first and second mavxillipedes are really only the exopodite and endopodite of one and the same appendage. The first three pairs of feet consist of an endopodite and an exopodite attached to a two-jointed protopodite. In the first pair the endopodite is rudimentary, and is represented by a single minute joint bearing a few sete at its apex. The exopodite is two-jointed. In the second pair both the endopodite and exopodite are three-jointed. The third pair has the protopodite well developed, form- ing a lamella. The endopodite and exopodite are very small, the former being composed of two joints and the latter of three joints. Each of the first three pairs of feet is attached to a median sternal plate. The exopodite of the first, and the endopodite and exopodite of the second and third pairs, are provided with a number of plumose setee along the internal margins of the joints. The dorsal and ventral margins of the protopodites of the second and third pairs of feet are furnished with movable setose plates. The sterna of the second and third feet are clothed with sete on the posterior margins. The fourth pair of feet (Plate I., fig. 1) have two-jointed protopodites, 74 and exopodites also two-jointed, but no trace of endopo- dites. The external angles of the joints are furnished with short spines. The fifth pair are rudimentary, are attached to the posterior end of the genital segment, and consist of a thin lamella, furnished with three sete along the posterior margin. Situated on the. middle line between the second maxillipedes is a strong chitinous plate with a bifid apex pointing posteriorly. This is known as the sternal fork, but its function is unknown.* The external openings are the mouth, the vulve, the openings of the oviducts and vasa deferentia and the anus. The mouth (Plate I1., fig. 1 and fig. 8) is situated on the ventral surface of the cephalo-thorax, and is placed at the apex of a short, movable, conical tube. This tube is com- posed of the upper and lower lips fused together. The vulvee (Plate IT., fig. 6) are situated on each side of the middle line near the posterior end of the genital segment, ‘ and communicate with the “receptacula seminis.” They are difficult to see in the adult female, but have each frequently a spermatophore attached which indicates the position. The openings of the oviducts are in the same segment, but nearer the lateral margins and just under the fifth feet. The openings of the vasa deferentia (Plate IL., fig. 5) are situated on the postero-lateral margins of the genital segment of the male. The anus is situated in the middle line at the apex of the abdomen. In addition to these more important openings, there are also apertures of pore-canals and glands on the anterior surface of the basal joint of the protopodites of the second and third pairs of feet, and also on the dorsal surface of cephalo-thorax and abdomen. The opening in some cases * Mr. I. C. Thompson suggests that the sternal fork appears to him to be a support or crutch, serving to raise the body sufficiently from the host to enable either the swimming feet or the mouth organs to be used, but I have not seen it used in this manner. 75 is at the apex of a small papilla, and communicates with a sac in the interior. When resting, Lepeophtherus lies upon the ventral surface, keeping the first three pairs of feet moving with spasmodic jerks. When irritated, as in attempts to remove them from their host, the males and immature females move very rapidly over the skin of the fish. The mature females make no attempt to escape, only clinging more securely. On transferring them to clean sea water they settle on the sides and bottom of the vessel, and sometimes adhere to the surface film of the water, remaining quiescent for long periods. When the water is shaken slightly they detach themselves and swim about rapidly on their backs. They soon tire, however, and return to rest again. Lepeo- phtheirus makes no attempt to leave the water when kept in small aquaria. The allied form, Caligus, on the other hand, crawls out of the water and up the sides of the glass, where it remains, making no attempt to return, and soon dies owing to the evaporation of the water from under the carapace. These parasites are very tenacious of life, and live for a considerable time after the host has died if they are not allowed to dry up. In some instances, although the host had been dead over twelve hours, and the parasites to all appearance were also dead, they soon revived when placed in sea water. Increase of temperature to 16° C. and over is fatal to them. They can, however, stand very considerable decrease of tem- perature. On one or two occasions during February, 1900, the small aquaria in the tank room at Piel, some of which contained parasites under observation, were frozen, and the temperature of the room itself stood at —1°C., but the parasites suffered no harm. They can also be kept alive in sea water for weeks without change if the aquaria are kept cool. 76 The colour of the living animal varies with the position in which it lives. On the dark side of the fish they are of a deep brown, almost black, colour. On the “white” side and under the fins they are nearly colourless, due to the contraction of the pigment cells, which appear as brown spots under the microscope. The dark coloured forms soon become almost colourless when exposed to light. Tuer Bopy-watLt AND Bopy-caVITY. The body-wall consists of (1) the chitinous cuticle or exoskeleton, which has been described in the external characters, (2) the cellular hvpodermis, and (3) the con- nective tissue laminew which line the integument, traverse the body cavity, and support the alimentary canal and other organs. The only cavity left inside the body-wall is the system of lacune, in which the colourless blood flows (see below under blood system, p. 81). THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. The mouth, already described, leads into a short, narrow curved oesophagus, lined with a thin chitinous coat which is continuous with the exoskeleton. Near the anterior end the chitinous coat is much folded. The cesophagus (Plate ITT., figs. 5 and 5) passes through the anterior part of the nervous system, and in a transverse section of that region appears as a minute pinhole. After leaving the nervous system, it courses over the sub-cesophageal gang- lion, and under a short cecal projection of the stomach, finally entering the stomach on its ventral aspect, at the posterior end of the sub-cesophageal ganglion. The stomach lies along the ventral surface, and is lageniform in shape (Plate IT., fig. 3). At the anterior end it is produced into a short cecum which extends over the posterior end of the esophagus and it terminates by - | | opening into the intestine in front of the second pair of feet. The tmtestine is the direct continuation of the stomach. It commences in front of the second pair of feet, and passes through the thoracic and genital segments into the abdomen. It widens slightly behind its junction with the stomach, and then contracts as it passes through the fourth thoracic segment. It expands again in the genital segment, and contracts as it enters the abdomen. It terminates in a short rectum leading into the anus at the apex of the abdomen. ‘There are no convolutions in this alimentary canal. The intestine at its anterior end lies on the ventral surtace of the animal. In the centre where it passes through the genital segment, it courses along the dorsal surface. It bends down as it approaches the abdomen, and occupies the centre of that part of the body. In transverse sections of a mature female the stomach is iriangular in shape, with the apex pointing dorsally. The intestine in the genital segment is also triangular in transverse section, but the apex is directed ventrally. In immature females the stomach and intestine are of almost circular outline when cut transversely, so that the alimentary canal is considerably compressed when the reproductive organs arrive at maturity. The wall of the whole alimentary canal is lined with a thin layer of chitin continuous with the exterior. In many places it is considerably broken up, giving it the appearance of fine striation. Underneath the chitin is a layer of nucleated cells, which extends from the posterior portion of the esophagus to the rectum. There does not appear to be any marked regional differentiation in the cells. The lining of the stomach and intestine is thrown into a number of longitudinal folds (Plate III.,fig. 11), the 78 height of which varies considerably. In the anterior por- tion of the stomach these folds are very little higher than the general line, but as they pass posteriorly they increase considerably, diminishing again in the intestine as they approach the rectum. The greatest height of the folds is reached in the portion of the intestine passing through the genital segment. In the intestine and posterior por- tion of the stomach there are a number of glandular cells, usually at the apices of the longitudinal folds, the contents of which stain deeply with eosin. In many of these the cell contents have disappeared, leaving a clear space, only the cell wall remaining. The wall of the stomach and intestine is marked by a series of transverse constrictions, giving it a crenate appearance, which is easily seen in the hving animal. In the hving animal an intermittent movement of the intes- tine and stomach is kept up. The action is wave-like, starting at one end, and passing to the other. After con- tinuing in one direction for a time, it reverses and passes the opposite way. There is no valve between the stomach and intestine, and when the peristaltic motion is reversed the fluid in the intestine is sent back into the stomach again. The only portions of the alimentary canal that can be closed are the esophagus and anal end of the rectum. The former is controlled by two longitudinal muscles which compress it, the latter by a number of muscles passing obliquely to the body-wall at the sides of the abdomen. The fluids contained in the alimentary canal are usually colourless, but occasionally when taken direct from the fish and placed under the microscope, a reddish tint may be detected at the posterior end of the cesophagus. In connection with the alimentary canal there is a distinct paired digestive gland (Plate IL., fig. 3 and fig. 9). yi) It consists of three portions, two moderately large masses on the lateral margins of the cephalo-thorax, just behind the antennules, and a median, smaller one, in front of the base of the mouth. The lateral portions are connected with the median by a duct. The median por- tion gives off a duct, which passes posteriorly along the cesophagus and enters the cecum at the anterior end of the stomach. When the parasite is first removed from the fish the digestive gland is usually of a dark brown colour, but after starving for a few weeks it becomes colourless. The product of the gland is a pale, yellow fluid, which can be seen as it passes along the duct between the lateral and median portions. Situated between the first and second pairs ot thoracic feet is a pair of glands visible in the lying animal as brown spots. A minute duct passes downward and then forward along the stomach. The duct appears to enter the stomach near the posterior end. The food of this parasite is said to be mucus, and blood has not been detected in the stomach.* This fact gives some cause for the opinion advanced by many Zoologists that Lepeophtheirus and other allied genera are therefore not parasites in the strict sense of the term, and may not be hurtful to their hosts. There is considerable difficulty in settling the question of their true food. Specimens taken direct from the living fish and placed under the microscope, rarely show even the faintest trace of red colouring matter in the alimentary canal. The difference in structure between the Caligide and the obviously blood- sucking Lernez is very great. This will be pointed out in the section dealing with Lernea branchialis, and may account for the apparent absence of blood. Mucus at the best is a poor food, but Lepeophtheirus can live for upwards * They do not hesitate, however, to eat their comrades when these become feeble. of six weeks in filtered sea water without visible food of any kind. From the large numbers of flounders examined in the Piel laboratory, partly in connection with this memoir, but chiefly in connection with fisheries work, during the past year or two, the conclusion has been arrived at, that Lepeophtheirus pectoralis to some extent feeds on blood, and may be hurtful to the fish, especially when present in numbers (see figure on p. 68). The appendages are more suited for a sedentary life than even a semi-pelagic one. ‘The animals can only remain swimming for short periods, and their presence in tow-nettings, therefore, is accidental. They do not, under normal conditions, and as long as the fish remains in a healthy state, leave their host. In the fish tanks at Piel over 150 flounders, all more or less infested with Lepeophtheirus, are kept during the spawning season. The waste water from the tanks is carefully filtered for periods of at least three months in the spring, to collect the eggs shed by the fish. Yet not even one specimen of the parasite has been found in the filter. When the fish are examined and the parasites removed, no matter how carefully, the skin, especially where there are a number close together, is usually lacerated and bleeding. The males and immature females on the general surface of the body do not seem to remain long enough in one place to cause obvious injuries. Under the fins, however, and on the fins themselves, where the egg-bearing females are usually found, and where they le for weeks in the same position if not disturbed, is the part of the fish chiefly injured. The pectoral fin in some instances may be partially destroyed, and pieces of the tissues are fre- quently found enclosed in the second maxillipedes of the parasite. $1 The antennz and claws of the second maxillipedes are plunged into the tissues of the fish along with the teeth of the maxilla, lacerating the skin, and into this wound the suctorial mouth is directed. The blade-like mandibles assist in collecting the particles of food material. These ave sucked up, pass down the oesophagus into the stomach, where they are at once acted on by the fluid from the digestive glands, and the colour of any blood present may then be discharged. It is usually at the junction of the esophagus with the stomach that any red coloured particles occur. The food can then be traced along the stomach and intestine, and the waste matter is expelled from the anus in long strings. On comparing transverse sections of the alimentary canal of Lepeophtheirus and of Lernea which happen to contain food, and have been stained in eosin and hema- toxylin, there is seen to be a marked similarity in the nature of the food in the two cases. Both are finely granular, and stain red with eosin. Mucus from the flounder has no such granular appearance. It is stated by some Zoologists that copepod parasites are generally found most abundantly on weak and diseased fishes. It is not so with Lepeophtheirus pectoralis. Flounders with many parasites in our tanks were in as good condition as those that had none. They were never found on flounders which were thin and in poor condition, as they detach themselves and swim away when the fish becomes feeble. This was proved by actual experiments and observations at the Piel Hatchery. THE Bioop anp CIRCULATION. There is no heart in Lepeophtheirus, nor are there any proper blood vessels. F 82 The circulation is wholly lacunar, and simply consists of broad, irregular streams passing through the spaces left among the internal organs, and between the connec- tive-tissue bands of the body-wall. These streams have in general certain definite directions, but they are not uniform, continuous currents. The fluid advances by successive jerks, depending upon the movements of the alimentary canal and, in part, of the reproductive system. The blood is a clear fluid, containing numerous colourless corpuscles. The corpuscles vary in size and shape, and can accommodate themselves in diameter to the spaces through which they pass. Plate IT., fig. 2, shows the course of the main blood currents. Starting from behind the eye, there are two currents passing posteriorly, one flowing to each postero- lateral angle of the cephalo-thorax, where it turns and courses forward along the lateral margin of the carapace till it reaches the group of muscles connected with the mandibles. It then divides, one portion continuing along the margin to the base of the antennules, where it splits up into minute currents, all converging to the base of the mouth, while the other branch of this cephalo-thoracic current passes along the muscles of the mandibles and duct of the digestive gland, and meets the currents of the former branch at the base of the mouth. A second main current courses posteriorly through the cephalo-thorax and the fourth thoracic segment, into the genital segment. It flows there along the reproductive organs in a broad stream, and turns round at the end of the segment. The currents from both sides meet in the middle line, and flow forward under the alimentary canal. In the region of the second maxillipede, this median ventral current breaks up into a complicated series of smaller currents, some of which pass into the two currents ) 83 flowing posteriorly, and the others into the currents passing to the base of the mouth. The main currents are easily seen by placing the living animal on its back, in a drop of sea water on a slide. then covering with a thin cover glass and examining with a tin. objective. The blood currents described above do not continue to flow for any length of time in the one direction. At one period they may be flowing as indicated by the arrows in Plate II., fig. 2. Then they suddenly slacken and reverse, and stream for a time in exactly the opposite course. Sometimes the blood corpuscles are seen to simply oscillate backwards and forwards, making no advance, but at other times they pass rapidly along in a definite manner. There are no independent organs of respiration. It has been suggested by Hartog and others that the blood is probably aerated from the sea water contained in the thin- walled alimentary canal by the method of “anal respira- tion,” which has been described in Cyclops, Caliqus, Argulus, Daphnia, Cypris and other lower Crustacea. The cuticular exoskeleton over the surface of the body is in most places so thick that the respiratory change of gases may be supposed to take place much more readily through the very thin layer of chitin which lines the rectum. There are dilator muscles attached to the wall close to the anus, and the peristaltic movements of the whole alimentary canal may aid in the production of inhalent and exhalent currents of water. It appears, however, to the present author that further precise obser- vations are required to substantiate this hypothesis. No organ corresponding to the “shell gland” described in. various lower crustacea, and shown by Claus, Hartog and others to be a renal organ, has been found. S4 THe Muscutar System. The muscles moving the appendages and segments of the body can be distinctly seen and traced to their extremities through the transparent exoskeleton (Plate IT., fig. 1 and fig. 2). The frontal portion of the cephalo-thorax is controlled by two short slender muscles, m//., (Plate II., fig. 2) passing postero-laterally from near the lateral edge of the cara- pace. They act in depressing the margin so as to produce a close attachment to the host. The posterior region of the cephalo-thorax is supplied with a number of pairs of muscles, some passing forward and others laterally, which contract and expand that part of the body. The lateral margins are controlled by long muscles passing obliquely outwards from the anterior end of the lateral suture. The muscles of the fourth thoracic and genital segments arise near the median line of the posterior portion of the cephalo-thorax, and pass backwards. They produce a lateral motion of the posterior parts of the body, and also a sort of telescoping contraction which draws the genital segment into the cephalo-thorax. The muscles of the abdomen arise near the middle of the genital segment and pass backwards. They produce a telescoping move- ment of the abdomen. The various appendages and other organs are also well supphed with muscles. The antennules have each a pair, which elevate and depress the joints. The grasping action of the antennz is produced by muscles passing obliquely to the lateral margins. The movements of the mouth are controlled by a complicated series of muscles passing anteriorly, posteriorly and laterally, all of which assist in elevating and depressing it when sucking up food. ‘The mandibles are provided with muscles of extra- ~ ordinary length and power, which pass obliquely back- ward to the lateral margins of the carapace nearly opposite the first pair of feet. The muscles of the first maxille are very short and thin. They pass along the posterior surface of the muscles of the antenna, to the lateral margins. The second maxille are controlled by powerful muscles passing to the lateral margins. The muscles of the first maxillipedes pass obliquely forward to the lateral margins. The second maxillipedes are supplied with short and powerful muscles which pass forward under the second maxilla. The terminal claw is, provided with muscles of great strength. The first three pairs of feet are supplied with a complicated series of muscles passing dorsally amongst those controlling the posterior portion of the cephalo-thorax. The fourth pair of feet are apparently little used, and consequently are only supplied with feeble muscles. The alimentary canal is controlled by longitudinal muscles, and also by muscles passing transversely, which produce the wave-like peristallic motions and crenated appearance. The anus is opened and shut by muscles passing obliquely, which open and shut each side alternately or simultaneously according to the requirements of the animal. The reproductive organs are also controlled by muscles, which give rise to pulsating movements, and assist in expelling the ova and spermatophores. Tue NerRvous SYSTEM. The central nervous system in Lepeophthevrus consists of a cerebral or supra-cesophageal ganglion and a large sub-cesophageal ganglion placed on the ventral surface, in the median line, and extending from slightly in front of the second pair of maxille to near the articulation of the second pair of maxillipedes with the body. The 56 ganglia are connected by broad commissures passing on each side of the esophagus, leaving only a narrow opening for its passage. The sub-cesophageal ganglion projects slightly forward under the supra-csophageal, giving it the appearance of being separated from it, when viewed from the ventral aspect (Plate III., fig. 2). These are the only ganglia, and they supply the various parts of the body with nerves. The supra-csophageal ganglion is about half the size of the sub-cesophageal. It is produced on its dorsal surface into an optic lobe (Plate III., fig. 5), from which arises a distinct pair of optic nerves. Horizontal sections of the optic lobe show that the roots of these nerves cross each other (Plate III., fig. 12). Hach optic nerve, there- fore, is supplied by fibres from both sides of the brain. The nerves supplying the antennules arise from near the anterior angles of the ganglion. They pass obliquely forward to the base of the antennules, and there sub- divide into a number of branches which pass to the sete clothing the anterior surface of the basal joint and apex oi the second (Plate IIL, fig. 4). From the manner in which the antennules are supplied by this nerve it 1s evident that they are important sensory organs (Plate IIL., fig 4). The antenne are supplied by nerves arising from the anterior angles of the ganglion, which pass anteriorly under the nerves of the antennules and enter the base of the antenne. These are the only appendages suppled from the supra-cesophageal ganglion. The sub-cesophageal ganglion is heart-shaped, and fully twice the size of the supra-cesophageal. It represents the whole of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the higher crustacea, and supplies the remainder of the appendages. S7 The nerves passing to the mandibles have their origin on the anterior margin near the middle line. They course along the muscles of the ceesophagus, and reach the mandibles near the base of the mouth. The next pair of nerves arise at the anterior angle of the ganglion, course forward, under the nerves of the antenne and antennules, to the frontal plate which they enter about midway between the lateral margin and middle line. They then turn abruptly and pass out to the lateral margins of the frontal plate, just above the antennules. The margin at this point is destitute of the transparent membrane which surrounds the carapace. The nerves terminate in a shallow cup, evidently a sensory organ. Three other pairs of nerves arise from the anterior angles of this ventral ganglion. The first passes to the rudimentary first pair of maxille, the second, a short nerve, passes to the second pair of maxille, and the third to the muscles controlling the lateral margins of the cephalo-thorax. The nerves supplying the first pair of maxillipedes arise from the anterior portion of the lateral margin. They are large nerves at their origin, but immediately divide into four branches, passing to the maxillipedes and muscles. The second pair of maxillipedes are also supplied by nerves arising from the lateral margins. Like those of the first maxillipedes they have strong roots, and at once divide into three branches which pass to the second maxillipedes and their muscles. The remaining nerves have their roots in the posterior end of the ganglion. There are three pairs. These supply the five pairs of feet and the abdomen. The outer pair of nerves supply the first pair of feet. Near the origin a branch is given off which passes to the muscles 85 of the stomach. The next pair supply the second pair of feet. They course along the median nerves as far as the sternal fork and then diverge. Just under the sternal fork a branch is given off which appears to pass to the muscles of the posterior region of the cephalo-thorax. The median pair course close together, and unless carefully examined are easily mistaken for a single nerve. There is a distinct division, however, which is apparent even in the roots. Between the second and third pairs of feet a strong branch is given off which passes to the third pair of feet. The nerves then diverge, and just before entering the fourth thoracic segment give off a branch that passes to the fourth feet. The main trunks course on through the genital segment, still further diverging. Shortly after entering the broad part of this segment a third branch is given off which takes a semi- oval course along the ventral surface of each half of the segment, finally passing to the sete of the fifth feet. On entering the abdomen the main trunks split into two branches, one passing to the anus and the other to the sete on the apex of the caudal stylets (Plate III., fig. 2). Each nerve, after leaving the main trunk, sends out numerous branches which pass to the various muscles controlling the appendages innervated by that nerve. [xcepting the nerve passing to the fifth feet, the branches are not shown in the figure (Plate III., fig. 1). There is considerable difficulty in tracing the endings of the branches when they pass amongst the muscles. The chief sense organs connected with the nervous system are the conspicuous eyes which are described above (p. 71). There are also the numerous sete scattered over the surface of the body and appendages, which are possibly tactile in function. Probably the setae upon the anten- nules, which are richly supphed with nerves from the t * 89 supra-cesophageal ganglion, have a special function, which may be olfactory. THe RepropucrivE OrGaANs. The reproductive organs are paired, and as already stated, the sexes are separate. In the female (Plate II., fig. 4) the ovaries are large kidney-shaped organs lying on each side of the anterior portion of the stomach and extending from under the first pair of feet to the base of the second maxille, when fully matured. Each oviduct (od.) arises near the anterior end of the ventral surface of the ovary, and courses posteriorly as a narrow tube till it enters the genital segment. It then expands rapidly, and passes to near the end of the segment. It then reverses its course, passing forward to the central portion of the segment, where it turns again in a posterior direction, and passing out to the centre of each half of the segment, it opens to the exterior just under the fifth feet. Hach oviduct thus forms two loops in the genital segment. On the ventral aspect of the loops of each oviduct there is a short, semi-transparent eylindrical tube (sg.) with the anterior end closed and rounded, and the posterior produced into a fine duct, which communicates with the oviduct near its extremity. This organ is evidently a cement gland for secreting the enclosing membrane of the ovisac. Each yulva (fig. 6, vw.) is situated near the middle line behind the junction of the genital segment with the abdomen. It appears to consist of a simple opening leading into the vagina which expands ‘ into a “‘receptaculum seminis.” This is an elongated sac passing from the median line to the oviduct, which it enters alongside the duct of the cement gland. In the male the reproductive organs (Plate II., fig. 5) consist of a pyriform testis, on each side, situated in a position corresponding with that of the ovary. It is only 90 about one-fourth the size of the ovary. Hach vas deferens courses posteriorly into the oval genital segment. It com- municates with the sac of the spermatophore on the external margin near the posterior end. p” fifth A pg. pigment. R. right. 7. rostrum. rep. receptaculum seminis. rt. rectum. rin. retina. ry. fin ray. S. spermatozoa. sbg. subcesophageal ganglion. sf. sternal fork. sg. cement gland. sp. spermatophore. spg. supra-cesophageal ganglion. st. stomach. t. testis. V. ventral. va, vagina. ud. vas deferens. vu. vulva. y. opening of digestive duct into the stomach. z. pore canals. Nos. 1 to 18 nerves, as follows :— 1. optic. 2. antennules. 3. antenne. 4, mandibles. 4a. lateral frontal margins. 4b. first maxille. d. second maxille. 5a. lateral cephalic muscles. 6. first maxillipedes. 7. second maxillipedes. 8. first feet. 8a. stomach muscles. 9. second feet. 9a. posterior cephalic muscles. 10. third feet. 11. fourth feet. 12. abdomen. 13. fifth feet. Puate I. Fig. 1. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, mature female, dorsal view. ™ 17. Fig. 2. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, mature male, dorsal view. xX 17. Fig. 38. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, nauplus stage, newly hatched. Fig. 6. ~T jew) 6. 10. 112 Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, “ chalimus”’ stage. x 26. Caligus rapax, early “‘chalimus” stage attached to fin ray of young cod, the line d’e' represents the surface of the skin. X 54°4. Caligus rapax, “chalimus”’ stage, previous to throwing off the filament attachment. On tail of young lumpsucker. xX 15°24. Caligus rapax, mature, part of the frontal plate showing a lateral sucker. x 22. Pirate IT. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis. Female, ventral view, showing the various appendages and their muscles. x 17. Female, dorsal view, showing the chief muscles and blood currents. ‘The arrows indicate the course of the blood. x 17. Female, ventral view, showing the digestive gland, its duct and alimentary canal. x 17. Female, ventral view, showing the reproduc- tive organs. x 17. ' Male, ventral view, showing the reproductive organs. x 26. Genital segment and abdomen of an immature female, ventral view, showing vulva (vw.). x 40. Spermatophores detached from genital openings of a female. x 206. Mouth from the anterior base, with the mandibles inside, showing the muscles and ducts of digestive gland. x 28. Digestive gland. x 77. Longitudinal section of the ovary. x 40. Fig. ~~ 6. 10. le 118 Transverse section of pore-canal at the base of the mouth. x 590. Prate IIT. Le peo phtheirus pectoralis. Female, ventral view, showing the nervous system in setu. x 17. The nervous system from the ventral aspect. Female, nearly median longitudinal section. x UT. One of the antennules, showing the nerve endings. x 76. Median longitudinal section of the ganglha, showing the “pinhole” cesophagus passing through between the supra and sub-cesophageal parts. x 77. Transverse section in the region of the eyes. x 38. Transverse section in the region of the supra- and sub-cesophageal ganglia. x 39. Transverse section in the region of the second maxillipedes. x 30. Transverse section through the genital segment, female. x 30. Transverse section through the genital segment, male. x 38. Part of a transverse section of the intestine. x 76. Horizontal section of the dorsal aspect of the supra-cesophageal ganglion, showing the cross- ing of the fibres of the optic nerves. x 152. Transverse section of the eyes. x 152. Fig. 114 Prats IV. Lernea branchialis. Mature female, from the right side. The line f’ g' shows how much of the anterior portion is buried in the branchial arch. x 4°5. Nauplius stage, newly hatched. x 50°8. Very young female, unfertilised, dorsal view. From gills of flounder. x 515. Fertilised female, dorsal view. Just after leaving the gills of flounder. x 27°6. Mature male, dorsal view. From gills of flounder. x 28°5. Fertilised female, ‘* Penella” stage, dorsal view. Just after settling on gills of Gadus (whiting). x 15°5. Later stage than Fig. 6, from the left side. The folding has just finished. Nat. size. Apex of gill filament of flounder, showing mal- formation caused by the young Lernea. x 18°6. Apex of gill filament of flounder, normal. x 18°6, Puate V. Lernea branehialis. Fertilised female, ventral view, showing the appendages, the reproductive organs, and nervous system. x 47°6. Nearly median longitudinal section of the same. x 47°6. . Transverse section in the region of the eyes. x 80. Mature female, from the right side, showing the first maxillipede and the four pairs of feet, the alimentary canal and the reproductive Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 115 organs. The specimen was cleared in xylol, and the right anchor process removed. x 4. Transverse section through « £8, (Fig. 4,) showing the museular wall, the ovary, oviduct, cement gland, and intestine. x 9. Transverse section through « @, (Fig. 4,) just anterior to the rectum. X 20. Portion of the cement gland. x 20. Front view of the anchor processes of an adult female. x 4, Taste I.—Abstract of the results of Hauls with a Shrimp (Area A) during the Average SHRIMPS. Trawl made on the Burbo Bank Shrimping Ground period 1893—1899. PLAICE. Soues. Dass. WHITING oyu Number) Total Nos.) ° Nos F Su RIMPS. “Average Nos. PLAICE. Average SoLns. Average Ds et Average Watt ING.) Ayers ge ATE. of of ae Total Nos. =) otal : : otal = Total = otal = ar jefraeily. hh. of Fish SPoatte of quarts | Wanbers. | Numbers NnEA eRe: Numbers Namba Numbers Numbers. Numbers per haul. | "| perthaul: |= per haul. per haul. per haul. per haul. 1893—May 4 1005 251 164 4 742 185 28 7 127 32 69 17 June 4 5948 1489 38 gh 1868 467 48 12 3304 526 965 241 August 3 8165 2722 61 204 1810 603 109 36 2276 758 3850, 1283 September 5 19593 BOL) 78 15°6 14548 2910 173 35 2115 425 2480 496 October ... 1 662 662 07125 0-125 280 280 2 2 241 241 53. 53 November 2 866 433 2:25 1-125 170 85 2 1 536 268 130 65 December 2 621 310 10 5 162 | 81 ) O 426 213 18 9 1894—January ... 2 1235 617 14 uf 492 246 15 i) 531 265 165 82 February 4 1792 448 16 699 175 20 5 746 186 266 66 March 5 5237 1047 48 96 1474 295 301 60 2084 417 1101 220 April 4 3922 980 30°5 76 1067 267 83 21 2379 595 524 131 May 4 5376 1344 26°75 67 2010 502 82 20°5 : 636 571 143 June 9 6599 733 TO5 8-5 2932 326 318 35 293 227 25 July 3 3838 1279 24:5 8-1 461 153 69 23 : 327 2160 720 August 6 21913 3652 62°5 10-4 3329 555 95 16 10801 1800 7493 1249 September 4 8111 2028 133 3352 2283 571 39 9 1288 321 4014 1003 q October ... 3 3682 1227 130 43°3 680, 226 28 9 1410 470 1561 520 = = cE = = 1895—March 2 53 26 0-5 0-25 40 20 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) April 3 734 245 18 6 170 56 4 1°3 306 102 237 79 May 8 3671 459 102°5 13 571 | 71 158 20 1977 247 683 85 June 4 3575 894 50 12°5 272 68 29 Ti 2765 691 302 75 July 5 19245 3849 136 27 3104 | 621 129 26 5117 1023 9500 1900 August 3 8750 2916 22 73 982 527 63 21 1621 540 5272 1757 September 1 4404 4404 7 U 2315 2315 5 5 705 705 1224 1224 October ... 3 S897 2965 25°5 8:5 1747 582 O 0 3003 1001 2434 B11 November il 1000 1000 9 9 284 284 0 0 345 345 292 292 December 1 385 385 6 6 4 62 62 0 0 193 193 (le | 71 1896— March 2 1911 955 12 6 954 477 5 2°5 546 273 258 129 April 2 2819 1409 5 Dy 1258 629 13 65 626 313 741 370 May 2 1481 740 10°5 5°25 649 524 a) 2°5 498 249 294 147 June 3 4199 1399 13 4:3 1703 568 29 10 1963 654 361 120 July 2 6996 3498 8:5 4°25 2219 1109 49 25 1169 584 3534 1767 August il 2608 2608 O75 O75 206 206, 1 1 981 981 1433 1433 September 1 723 723 8 8 120 120 57 57 150 150 298 298 October ... 3 2920 973 92 30-6 397 132 128 43 1534 511 800 266 1897—February 1 446 446 a3) 1°5 94 94 34 34 96 96 | 215 215 April 2 490 245 25 1:25 190 95 66 33 88 44 | 257 128 August 1 1913 1913 2°5 25 1278 1278 197 197 287 287 150 150 September 2 2591 1295 5°5 2°75 685 342 62 31 658 329 1186 593 October ... 1 1228 1228 7 7 111 111 58 58 756 756 252 252 1898—July 4 5464 1366 41 10°2 1175 294 1060 265 16258 407 1352 338 August 3 4226 1409 16 5'3 166 55 341 114 1678 559 1967 656 September if 20330 2904 57-5 8:2 1316 188 979 | 140 8374 1196 9677 1382 October ... 2 4686 2343 7 35 625 312 254 127 1071 535 2676 1338 1899—June 6 1308 218 60 10 112 18 223, 37 718 119 94 16 July 1 201 201 / Ti 30 30 43 43 3 3 71 71 August 15 31718 2114 292 20 2951 197 2361 158 $340 556 17608 1174 September 2 2133 1066 39 19°5 190 95 209. 104 982 491 654 327 October ... 4 1237 309 23 a7 79 20 236 59 829 207 933 233 . oe clei _ Taste H.—Abstract of the results of Hauls with a Shrimp Channels (Area B) during the period 1893—1899. | Dass. Total number. | WHITING. Total number. = ;. | Average MPS. a PLAICE. oe | per haul. | of quarts. | numbers. | 1893. | | April . 5 1019 204 13 | 2°6 378 May....... 1 312 312 0-5 Oo 283 August 3° 7065 | 2355 | 48 | 1 13 September YT | (425 coy Ie 7 321 October:.....:...: 5 | 3739 748 } 36 Xi 1846 November ...... 2 1054 527 8 4 843 December ...... 4 2933 | 733 1-75 0: 1591 1894. | January ......... | al 5310 | 483 45 3400 February 1 669 | 669 0-125 | 530 March.... 1 647 647 0-125 | 284 3 430 148 12 166 1 257 | 257 4-25 212 1 753 753 13 367 1 132 USP a} 6:5 61 1 394 394} 6 201 | —| 2 1141 570 15 0-75 328 1 12) | 12 10) 0 0 2 758 | 379 15 75 62 3 399 | 138 | 105 3:5 26 2 3946 | 1973 12 6 674 1 466 | 466 2 2 166 1 666 | 666 | 22 22 52 November 2 4591 2995 | tS} | 4 1135 al = | 1896. | January ......... 2 3830 1915 | 1 2393 February : 1 591 591 0-5 365 UNION gstaccecase=e] 1 ge Li 4 6 | ae at 1897. WMarehie. cesses: 1 213 213 1 129 IMB eceosonced 1 243 248 | Od 158 1898. | January ......... 2 2749 1374 alt 1772 Oye esas ee 2 1344 672 8 933 September me 417 417 | 18 18 November 2 | 2350 1175 | 60 410 December ...... il | 724 724 | 16 174 1 | 167 167 2 62 4 3851 963 | 106°5 413 uf 2977 425 198 622 4 1100 275 | 202 266 Trawl made in the Horse, Rock, Queen's and Crosby WHITING. Average No. per 1280 7 161 17 338 2767 Flounders and Cod only. | 1381 ay Praticr. . Average SOLES Noupaue| Total No. per Lag haul, | Zumber. = 76 92 283 14 4 14 321 29 369 22 421 2 398 0 310 0 530 0 284 0 55 109 212 15 367 55 61 3 201 0 164 0 0 0 31 0 8 2 337 87 166 \) peat 52 0 567 0 1196 0 365 0 6 0 129 34 158 50 886 99 466 352 18 108 205 628 174 240 62 95 103 84 89 258 66 44 | | Pee ea monte lh er . ra : Q |" Taquirad.eq . G PPL OF | OF | 8zE 9961 b | GLO LGOF ts 0G ST I OFC : is ) O89 R6E | 88&EG ¢ [ | OL | CSET C66L 9 | TOQULIAO NT GTI 069 TG LOEF GOL 069 «=| 868 | L =| et ener Mai case a ‘ 68 ! 99 | 916 | F9T2 9% 096 | OFG GOFS | OT 19G099() GIT | G6IT | OGT 868T = | | ar > OnE | * Taquteydog ta) “7Q | OOF €1I etcelale GGG GGG SGP | G86r | OF TAQ UTI} AOS raat | OTTI Z8T ERT (See me | | atte ari || eee Foe : hee oe 7, inOye Pee) ah C61 9c- | I88T SP0IT | 8 | ysnsny OFS S9L9 Gcg OFS? val ootane st ae bee e sdf : ; . ac LOP EEF | OO&8T L H 1G | 669 | L606 & ATUY ge GUT 09 OST 981 L | , aes eo Miura yg eee qlee oune 9 6 L&9 PSTE 6 PKG} aes (eG 215 GPF | 96-36 | bg L8E 1 lee cee we = ze Coie | eon = | ci | GS &B E91 [PTI Lo Avy TE 6G&E SI is) ST ake ees { | | | stn aps Jeeeeeeees Tr dyy 9 ise 9G SPF 6 Cem GLEE Ale aGe "| TxOxe sera | 696 | 0008 | 8 ft Edy Me | FI 19 cise asi: ic jeee | sip | ele CBT-T Tes | Bk8 | eft oxen FI | 6% 1) FST 0 0 | LPP G68 318-0 | $200 | 089 | 09st | @ | Aoenictea 1G an = | = meve) | : ~NeET | seoeee Lam 2p LT G6 LE gege 9 66 | OF | sé68L P-& G-8G | 99) | OGOET | LT | Arena ‘(q Rory) spauuRryy AOS.LO TY oy} UL YStyp pur sduyg JO SOV ATTJUOUL BOVADAVR AY} COUIMBYQ—* A] ATAVY, : | lanes rae 1 refer 90 7 “* Jaqurese Og 68 90% 619 | Of 0 sh rt | ee | tae | a poe | 3 Lees pe kee! [Fl GCP FOG T88 me S ae ia na 5Qr Le Zeke ! “98"" T9q/010 ZIG GOLS 0ZE PPS LF 90L | 08% 6168 1-91 eee) fe : Hee oleee | Pe dageanios 88s CECT SP9 LOGPT | 69 POST | GL6 LEFTG rel ies ire ae e6t6L | Ge ft asn8ny OSIT CLINE Z18 F86% | 66 LOTE | 9&6 GGLOT | LB-FT G) ogF SLPG See a [seer tmp SOTI LT991 €6¢ 0068 | 06 OGEL | 99F 6869 pia F LI E86 as ae A june Gh G6F61 SEF ESEIL | G% LEY GO L889 6-6 G LEG ae soe | a nde tage 06 LT9I 98% LeTG | GT ELE Seal fore - ane | oo COG | TT qudy .G 508 6G G 99T PPT G89 G Va Rao | _ ape an tee 6gL1 ie oe eds une bz gore | 9 6.09 008 TOsL | 6 Yael G 206 BA : era = We 2 ! SEZG G | Ageniqe; 96 IS 891 ZPS yi £G 8¢1 G61 as | G-LT Lop eae eet 52 yee a GOT COG 1e¢ 1, GT IF C6F L iat ATO SEG g | ; fh ate Ax E ae 5 SS | x k {_ oes = = = — —————e — (+ - - , =| | << | | ae “meu | \ sae cy. 1) 5 eee joey mod | es | ‘mney aed | cust “Mey He ney we ae “ON ‘ ON ‘win ate EGS POR LE el -smey| sod “oN ee oO inal Snel reo eeo Oke, sama Sqaun? FON [MO TST JO°ON Jo ‘ON com “aa¥C aSnIiovy (IO loseaoay | TOL |agereay| .[? nq | C2BIeAYV | ‘sorvtg | ON OPMPAV | -sawrang | o8vaoay | peqoy, |FOON nes i | “ONTLLTH AY | Savy “SHIOS | SaTOS | { c “SaWITH ¢ y valy) panowy Surdanyg “MOTYV'T | ; ‘ ce “TTT: Sp 2 0 SALAS — aTAV yurg oqing ety uo Yysty paw sdummyg Jo sarpozyro ATyJUOUT asvaerv ayy SatmeyQ— [IT if ‘ & a Taste V.—Showing the ratio of Immature Fishes to Shrimps in the average monthly catches (Tables III. and IY.) taken on the Mersey Shrimping Grounds :— AREA A. AREA B. be ae | SOLEs. | PLAICE. | WHITING. | Sones. | PLAICE. | WHITING. ~~", | per Qt. | per Qt.| per Qt. | per Qt. | per Qt. | per Qt. | Shrimps Shrimps) Shrimps. Shrimps|Shrimps.’ Shrimps. January esl 35-1 11:8 Lf | S49 5 February 31 45°3 27-5 0) 1432 48°3 March Spal 40:8 22-4 30-2 B67 12-7 April 3:0 47°9 B14 2°5 20-9 ily May ASF 25°5 O35 ye ose: 20°7 13 dnmaey see aaa) | ET 29 8:2 4-7 22°6 0-8 July | 6:2 32-2 (Als) | 19°3 61-9 8:3 August... ...| 6°9 23°5 82-7 | 0-6 3-1 43-7 September 4:6 65-4 59-5 1:8 5 5 October... 2-4 13°8 341 0-3 8:3 4-6 November O-2 40-4 37-6 8:3 31:4 | ) December 0) 14 a) 10-0 81:9 | 5 Taste VI.—Shewing the Average Hauls made with a Shrimp Trawl during the 8rd quarters of the years 1893 1899 on the Burbo Bank Shrimping Ground (Area A) :— th aa] | | | | L < n a | el : oo par Nanos: ; oo Se 2 S| | = ap| g| al = la 2 Deke: C4) B85 |8S| 84 [Seledlad| ad lgzlee 82 Ss) a5 ge| 25 Belssclss zties Es A2sa\|n SF At! 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SB Ath. FIG/. SPOROZOON FROM PLAICE, S/S ae/ P ff f SLB. Mth LEPEOPHTHEIRUS & LERNAJA i> te Nw ST ats SG — eS aS ghar a cos aa a x st A. Scott de/ _A.Scort. del S.B. ITA. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS & LERNAA. $6 ml Puate III. | TAO > \ \ 13. \ di LEPEOPHTHEIRUS & LERNAAA. SB /ith S.B. Sith. Puate LV, A Scot del LEPEOPHTHEIRUS & LERNAA. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1 1 ' ' ' I 1 ‘ is} ’ SS ee A. Scorf, de/. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS & LERN AA. WQUANN NNN