GQuvOgssaug bu zs ars 2 } Pa i og g a 4 _ ve. PO Rae ae be LANDS OF THE ARID REGION Or THE UNTER D STATES, WITH A MORE DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE LANDS OF UTAH. WDE MAUR S. Tower Ow ET T.. . ERNHSONIAN APR 06 1988 LIBRARIES, SECOND EDITION. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. BBS) 1/5 CONGRESSTOF THE UNITED STaTEs (3D SEsston), Ingrur House or REPRESENTATIVES, March 3, 1879. The following resolution, originating in the House of Representatives, has this day been con- _ eurred in by the Senate: F Resolved, by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That there be printed five thou- sand copies of the Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, by J. W. Powell; one thousand for the use of the Senate, two thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and two thousand for the use of the Department of the Interior. : | Attest: GEO. M. ADAMS, Clerk. | J. W. POWELL’S REPORT ON SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION. DETER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, TRANSMITTING Report of J. W. Powell, geologist in charge of the United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, upon the lands of the Arid Region of the United States. APRIL 3, 1878.—Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. DrePARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Wasuineton, D. C., April 3, 1878. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report from Maj. J. W. Powell, geologist in charge of the United States Geographical and Geolog- ical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, upon the lands of the Arid Region of the United States, setting forth the extent of said region, and making suggestions as to the conditions under which the lands embraced within its limit may be rendered available for agricultural and grazing purposes. With the report is transmitted a statement of the rainfall of the western portion of the United States, with reports upon the subject of irrigation by Capt. C. E. Dutton, U.S. A., Prot. A. TH. Thompson, and Mr. G. K. Gilbert. . Herewith are also transmitted draughts of two bills, one entitled ‘A bill to authorize the organization of pasturage districts by homestead settie- iii iv LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. ments on the public lands which are of value for pasturage purposes only”, and the other “A bill to authorize the organization of irrigation districts by homestead settlements upon the public lands requiring irrigation for agricultural purposes”, intended to carry into effect a new system for the disposal of the public lands of said region, and to promote the settlement and development of that portion of the country. In view of the importance of rendering the vast extent of country referred to available for agricultural and grazing purposes, I have the honor to commend the views set forth by Major Powell and the bills submitted herewith to the consideration of Congress. Very respectfully, C. SCHURZ, Secretary. Hon. Samvurt J. RanDAtu, Speaker of the House of Representatives. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wasninaton, D. C., April 1, 1878. Str: I have the honor to submit herewith a report from Maj. J. W. Powell, in charge of the Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountains, in regard to the Arid Region of the United States, and draughts of two bills, one entitled ‘A bill-to authorize the organization of pasturage districts by homestead settlements on the public lands which are of value for pasturage purposes only”, and the other “A pill to authorize the organ- ization of irrigation districts by homestead settlements upon the public lands requiring irrigation for agricultural purposes”. Major Powell reviews at length the features of, and furnishes statistics relative to, the Arid Region of the United States, which is substantially the territory west of the one hundredth meridian and east of the Cascade Range, and the bills named are intended, if passed, to carry into effect the views expressed in his report for the settlement and development of this region. He has, in the performance of his duties in conducting the geological and geographical survey, been over much of the country referred to, and LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. V is qualified by observation, research, and study to speak of the top. graphy, characteristics, and adaptability of the same. I have not been able, on account of more urgent official duties, to give Major Powell’s report and proposed bills the careful investigation necessary, in view of their great importance, to enable me to express a decided opinion as to their merits. Some change is necessary in the survey and disposal of the lands, and I think his views are entitled to great weight, and would respectfully recommend that such action be taken as will bring his report and bills before Congress for consideration by that body. Very respectfully, J. A. WILLIAMSON, Commissioner. Hon. C. Scuurz, Secretary of the Interior. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION, WasuinetTon, D. C., April 1, 1878. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the lands of the Arid Region of the United States. After setting forth the general facts relating to the conditions under which these lands must be utilized, I have taken the liberty to suggest a system for their disposal which I believe would be adapted to the wants of the country. I wish to express my sincere thanks for the assistance you have given me in the collection of many of the facts necessary to the discussion, and especially for the aid you have rendered in the preparation of the maps. Permit me to express the hope that the great interest you take in the public domain will be rewarded by the consciousness that you have assisted many citizens in the establishment of farm homes thereon. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, J. W. POWELL, In charge U.S. G. and G. Survey Rocky Mountain Region. Hon. J. A. WILLIAMSON, Commissioner General Land Office, Washington, D. C. PREFACE. It was my intention to write a work on the Public Domain. The object of the volume was to give the extent and character of the lands yet belonging to the Government of the United States. Compared with the ‘whole extent of these lands, but a very small fraction is immediately available for agriculture; in general, they require drainage or irrigation for their redemption. It is true that in the Southern States there are some millions of acres, chiefly timber lands, which at no remote time will be occupied for agricul- tural purposes. Westward toward the Great Plains, the lands in what I have, in the body of this volume, termed the Humid Region have passed from the hands of the General Government. ‘lo this statement there are some sinall exceptions here and there—tractional tracts, which, for special reasons, have not been considered desirable by persons in search of lands for purposes of investment or occupation. In the Sub-humid Region settlements are rapidly extending westward to the verge of the country where agriculture is possible without irrigation. In the Humid Region of the Columbia the agricultural lands are largely covered by great forests, and for this reason settlements will pro- gress slowly, as the lands must be cleared of their timber. The redemption of the Arid Region involves engineering problems requiring for their solution the greatest skill. In the present volume only these lands are considered. Had I been able to execute the original plan to my satisfaction, I should have treated of the coast swamps of the South Atlantic and the Gulf slopes, the Everglade lands of the Floridian Penin- sula, the flood plain lands of the great rivers of the south, which have here- vii vill LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. tofore been made available only to a limited extent by a system of levees, and the lake swamp lands found about the headwaters of the Mississippi and the region of the upper Great Lakes. All of these lands require either drainage or protection from overflow, and the engineering problems involved are of diverse nature. These lands are to be redeemed from excessive humidity, while the former are to be redeemed from excessive aridity. When the excessively humid lands are redeemed, their fertility is almost inexhaustible, and the agricultural capacity of the United States will eventually be largely increased by the rescue of these lands from their present valueless condition. In like manner, on the other hand, the arid lands, so far as they can be redeemed by irrigation, will perennially yield bountiful crops, as the means for their redemption involves their constant fertilization. To a great extent, the redemption of all these lands will require exten- sive and comprehensive plans, for the execution of which aggregated capi- tal or coéperative labor will be necessary. Here, individual farmers, being poor men, cannot undertake the task. For its accomplishment a wise prevision, embodied in carefully considered legislation, is necessary. It was my purpose not only to consider the character of the lands themselves, but also the engineering problems involved in their redemption, and further to make suggestions for the legislative action necessary to inaugurate the enterprises by which these lands may eventually be rescued from their present .worthless state. When I addressed myself to the broader task as indicated above, I found that my facts in relation to some of the classes of lands mentioned, especially the coast swamps of the Gulf and some of the flood plain lands of the southern rivers, were too meager for anything more than general statements. There seemed to be no immediate necessity for the discussion of these subjects; but to the Arid Region of the west thou- sands of persons are annually repairing, and the questions relating to the c=) utilization of these lands are of present importance. Under these considera- tions I have decided to publish that portion of the volume relating to the arid lands, and to postpone to some future time that part relating to the excessively humid lands. In the preparation of the contemplated volume I desired to give a PREFACE. ix historical sketch of the legislation relating to swamp lands and executive action thereunder; another chapter on bounty lands and land grants for agricultural schools, and still another on land grants in aid of internal improvements—chiefly railroads. The latter chapter has already been prepared by Mr. Willis Drummond, jr., and as the necessary map is ready I have concluded to publish it now, more especially as the granted lands largely lie in the Arid Region. Mr. Drummond’s chapter has been carefully prepared and finely written, and contains much valuable information. To the late Prof. Joseph Henry, secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, I am greatly indebted for access to the records of the Institution relating to rainfall. Since beginning my explorations and surveys in the far west, I have received the counsel and assistance of the venerable professor on all important matters relating to my investigations ; and what- ever of value has been accomplished is due in no small part to his wisdom and advice. I cannot but express profound sorrow at the loss of a coun- selor so wise, so patient, and so courteous. Iam also indebted to Mr. Charles A. Schott, of the United States Coast Survey, to whom the discussion of the rain gauge records has been intrusted by the Smithsonian Institution, for furnishing to me the required data in advance of publication by himself. Unfortunately, the chapters written by Messrs. Gilbert, Dutton, Thomp- son, and Drummond have not been proof-read by themselves, by reason of their absence during the time when the volume was going through the press; but this is the less to be regretted from the fact that the whole volume has been proof-read by Mr. J. C. Pilling, whose critical skill is all that could be desired. J WOR: Avueust, 1878. sae PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of this report having been exhausted in a few months and without satisfying the demand which the importance of the subject created, a second was ordered by Congress in March, 1879. The authors were thus given an opportunity to revise their text and eliminate a few formal errors which had crept in by reason of their absence while the first edition was passing through the press. The substance of the report is unchanged. Jar We et Juny, 18.79. xI TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER T. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ARID REGION: The Arid Region ....--...---- .----+ e222 ee nn eee ce nee cee tens ce tees eee e eee nee cee eee Irrigable lands..--.. .-----. se--<+ --=-<-=--- Se aan ae eee en aa eee NO VaN GAP OS OLIFT SALON soc. see's soa 5 oa emeniominnie = cise wee ena as towalsoe ens enna Codperative labor or capital necessary for the development of irrigation ...-....---- The use of smaller streams sometimes interferes with the use of the laTeerecssesataste Increase of irrigable area by the storage of water ..-.......-.----0¢ ------05 +--+ eee Mim ber land8 accesses see wie comes oso ce seh eas eminent seins sa'scie onseseeeei=aeeis sae Agricultural and timber industries differentiated GniltivatopOfeuiMh Oleee see sas eaten o actos mae ate lela wiomia) emesis 9) ciel Dacetn noel ele sls setae siete Pasturage lands ..-.... ME RAG Sods He eae anes en OEE REE O RE OAC d Se Seer er See oe acerca) see Pasturage farms need small tracts of irrigable land ...-...----- ---. ------ e2- 22+ eee The farm unit for pasturage lands... ..-. 22... weener cocces wosnne seceeecennes o- 2-8 Regular division lines for pasturage tf Farm residences should be grouped Pasturage lands cannot be fenced ..---..--------+ ---. ------ e+ 222 ee 22-2 eee ee eee Recapitulation -.-..--- .---2- eee eee ene eee ne ee ene ce eee ee eee ce eee eens cree ee cone Inrigable lands ...-.. .---22 ----22 ---- on n-ne one ene eee cece ne a nnn n cone cone nnceseee- aN DOW ANS ae mie e se tee were ae anlaa see ciacicm Seeman \clenectaman an sctesest=—cinipmnn mel Pasturage lands 2... 2c. ccc ncn an= cnccee comms tnsn no cennns on=nesinaaeessecsaesess arms not practicable CHAPTER II. THE LAND-SYSTEM NEEDED FOR THE ARID REGION: Irrigable lands..-... ..---- 2-20 2-22 eee ene cee re cee cere tee nen cern teen ene cee nee Mimperilandsetecoseeceo css saiic eco) aeeccls anne amen caneee nseces cncen= shassaceassnees=weeel Pasturage lands ...--. .----- -----+ e200 2-2 = enn en nn enn renee ne nen s conte e cee ne erence ee A bill to authorize the organization of irrigation districts -....----.-+------------+----+ A bill to authorize the organization of pasturage districts..-.-.----------------+- +--+ NV SLELEIO NS steam cacctenescsta= = Pee e see seeweues asics wasawe The lands should be classified CHAPTER III. Tur RAINFALL OF THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE UNITED STATES: Precipitation of the Sub-humid Region .-.. --------.----+ -----+ ee-eee cece ee eee eee cee eee eee Precipitation of the Arid Region ....-.-.--.- ---. e222 2-2 eee eee eee een nee eee ee cree cee Precipitation of the San Francisco Region - ..-..---------++ -+++ --+- +--+ 22-22-2222 rete eeeeee Precipitation of the Region of the Lower Columbia..--- Sap e cone acea ac sSeetccsimaescee seeee 47 48 49 49 Xiv LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. THE RAINFALL OF THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE UNITED STaATES—Continued. Distribution of rain through the year..---------------. ------ ---- --- = eee een ree ee eee Precipitaton ot lexag meee eens ena eemiaee san welee aa ae elem eee =e i Precipitation of Dakota .....--------------- ---- ---- === 2-0-2 = ee enn rns enn ne mene corner Seasonal precipitation in the Region of the Plains --.-..-.---------------- ---- +--+ ---+--++- Seasonal precipitation in the San Francisco Region..-..----- +--+ +--+ ---+ --++ +--+ +--+ ---+-- Mean temperature, by seasons, for the San Francisco Region..-.-..------------------------ Seasonal precipitation and temperature on the Pacifie Coast, ete.-.---.-------------------+- Seasonal precipitation in Arizona and New Mexico .----- ------------------- Aaesatessoancese CHAPTER IV. WaTER SuppLy.—By G. K. GILBERT: IncreaseOlmstrealns cases aoe anes ae se cole ose e hennien eta mte = = melee eet (oe miele > Tats? Gram osinLE Cs soso comaedeose sasaAe BSSasodSsne conSso Se nscoss seqoce Sado besos ona9 Wiolcanienbheory eee == sions sen aa aie melee se ee ee wee ee lane (iinibhnkealGiay poemoe caeano Ree eee nosebco des sotach pads ComeSc eo sess RoSesc beSE aces SCS Theory of human agencies ...-. -. ------ 02.0 22-3 -~ cee ne wens enews nwo e san ene www mann Farming without irrigation......---. ..---- .-2--- ---- ---- 2+ -- 2-3 = conn ne ones ee enn e oan eee = CHAPTER V. CERTAIN IMPORTANT QUESTIONS RELATING TO IRRIGABLE LANDS: iPHe amitiob sw aber WSO im ArT O's LOW ee eres ste ee atta se ce lel eel tae tele The quantitative value of water in irrigation ---.-....--. ---------- ..---- -----------+ ------ Area of irrigable land sometimes not limited by water supply-.----.:-----.------------------ Method of determining the supply of water....--..---.---- .-----2- 22-020 «+= - 22 eons eee Methods of determining the extent of irrigable land unlimited by water supply ---.---------- The selection ofirrigable lands. ~~ = 22.5. <<. oi - oan ence ene a aan een increassanwohe mater supply ae sers sam celem ae seis see eats a ne alee ete alae CHAPTER VI. THE LANDS OF UTAH: Teaser TEN Abels seo aoe ss ESS 6 GS S08 BE QCOd 0506s ooc0 code sabmes Coos sesSesenSoSeeS a Wirt) 61) ee po mG EEG HSB Ea SEE OOSEEe cOneod Basnbocbcs checds sdacos Sdaecd cSesds ocm5¢ Irrigable and pasturage lands .....-.. .-.- ---------+ 220-20 --- 22+ oo snes we === === --- LOSI BERENS ooo msoasOseeo SanootoSo To neeces DOSED caso mores sous Sasse6 Dare Ohio) ILERVG Goo Gomcosneoenee sececo CooRS, SoHo Sect enc HE soOseres cece ocoenoscs Thelsevierwuake DiSttiebass==ae aetna isan alates ee laine ele le eel The Great Salt Lake District....-.-...-..-.. COE CED REED SROS CQHO RCO SECOUS SoREnD oSans = (pe EES) aosogens cosneS SOSESo boob Huse Geos SOSee> SESE Sc Gone ashe SHoSaa ens nesses SacSeinicacc Table of Irrigable lands in Utah Territory -....----.-------------- ---- ------ -----+ +--+ CHAPTER VII. TRRIGABLE LANDS oF THE Sarr LAkE DrarNaGE SystemM.—By G. K. GILBERT: Lrrigation by the larger streams. .... .---..---. .----- ------ ++ - 0-0 = 2-2 = eee oe eee eens Bear River draimage basin ...--..-...--- ---- s----2 ---- ---- ---- oo = 2 2 = se enn e === =e Weber River drainage basin .....-.--..----- --- == - 2-2 eo - oan enn on no ow one -=- == Jordan River drainage basin. ...-.. 2.2. 2200-2 == 200 - see ene <= n= en nnn eons === === Irrigation by smaller streams........----- -o 2-02 ccna oon ene on ene mone on nnn s conn ee one e = -- = CHAPTER VIII. TRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER RrvER.—By Capr. C. E. Dutton: Altitudes of the|Sam Pete Valley <2 = -c-\.--- =-=----.--2------- 41 58 | 117 40 4,700 3. 02 0.72) 1.18 3. 66 8.53 6 4 Camp tMeDowellivAsiz..<-seeee eene-eaene sae 33 46 | 111 36 }........ TEaGl 4.79 1.73 3.82} 11.45 8 2 CampEMohaverani7 bass eee aoe clea ec ysoo- 35 02) 114 36 | 604 0. 81 1.27 0. 93 1. 64 4. 65 9) Camp MELO PATI Zee eects eee se nee ta teen 34 84] 111 54 | 3, 160 1.25 4.65) 2.41 2.54} 10.85) 6 1 CampaWarner Orep anne eee eee eee see 42/28)| DIO AZs sea se 4. 31 1.10} 2.53 6.47 | 14.41 bye Camp Whipple, Ariz -. 3427] 11220] 5,700} 3.88| 807] 215) 5.18] 1928) 7 5 Cantonment Burgwin, N. Mex....-.....------- 36 26 | 105 30 | 7,900 1.57 2. 92 2.42 1.74 8. 65 DB .9)| Drum Barracks, Cal... 33 47 | 118 17 32 2. 26 0. 26 0.35 5. 87 8.74 5 5 Menwer\Golocsses=peaseos w= s oe eee eee ee case ee 39 45 | 105 01 | 5,250 5. 02 3.69] 3.16 1.90 | 13.77 5 1 Morb Bayard sNMex =— see sace ce asce ote seen 32 46 | 108 30 | 4,450 1. 54 7.22 2. 28 3.28 | 14.32 7 6) Fort Benton, Mont 47 50 | 110 39 | 2,730 5. 34 4.48 1. 65 1.79 | 18.26 Wl MortiBidwells|Calis se cosesc ca. cote ecco tee | 4150 |} 12010) 4,680 4.95 1, 54 3.03 | 10.71 | 20.23 8 3 Fort Bliss (FE) Paso); Tex: 2... 22025. .252... 31 47 | 106 30 | 3,830 0. 43 3.49 | 3.38 1.23 8.53) 14 3 Fort Boisé, Idaho ..--.. 43 40 | 116 00 | 1,998 5.16 abil 2.50 6.67 | 15.48 OF5) Fort Bridger, Wyo 41 20 | 110 23 | 6, 656 2. 99 2.05 1. 68 1.71 8. 43 12 10 Mort bafordDalces o-2o-caneae ce ee eee aces 48 01 | 103 58 | 1,900 3.76 4.06 2.01 2.01 11. 84 7 10 Fort Colville, Wash -.| 48 42 | 118 02 | 1,963 3. 63 3. 04 2. 56 4.83 | 14.06] 11 0 Worti Craig iNy Mex. s-tos.cosa~ same: Aes ees 33 38 | 107 00 | 4, 619 0. 70 5. 87 3.43 TAGs | eld OGs i Tome, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo peeled LOU eee 4.76 4.56 3. 27 1.50; 14.09} 5 1 Fort Davis, Tex ..| 8040 | 104 07 | 4,700 1. 84 8.76 4.72 1.80 | 17.12 8 11 MortiDehancevAtizmece= ceo eee eases cent 35 43 | 109 10 6,500 2. 03 5. 91 3. 72 2.55 | 14.21 | Sab. Fort) Fetterman; Wy0:-.2--<.= 48 28 | 123 01 150 5.01 4. 60 7.89 9 4 TAG R: ' 50 LANDS UF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN THROUGH THE YEAR. In a general way the limit of agriculture without irrigation, or ‘dry farming”, is indicated by the curve of 20 inches rainfall, and where the rainfall is equally distributed through the year this limitation is without exception. But in certain districts the rainfall is concentrated in certain months so as to produce a “rainy season”, and wherever the temperature of the rainy season is adapted to the raising of crops it is found that “dry farming” can be carried on with less than 20 inches of annual rain. There are two such districts upon the borders of the Arid Region, and within its limits there may be a third. ks First District—Along the eastern border of the Arid Region a contrast has been observed between the results obtained at the north and at the south. In Texas 20 inches of rain are not sufficient for agriculture, while in Dakota and Minnesota a less amount is sufficient. The explanation is clearly developed by a comparison-of the tables of rainfall with reference to the distribution of rain in different seasons. TaBLE V.—Precipitation of Texas. b =S | | - | Mean precipitation, in inches. 5 - | © aioe a = ce Station. ates = a3 . FA FI 2 = a z iS a 2 = a 5 ¥ 4 a | DR | A 4 E A cs —— — — —— - —— ————— —| | I, On sea SOL ekaet. | | | Austin Stig SSeS So RE OE oonosceescaapnacss 3017 | 97 44 650 8. 61 7.94 | 10.74 6. 23 | Camp Verde 30 00, 99 10 1, 400 6.11 9. 81 8.30) 5.05 | Fort Relknap eres saat see cee ee ae ees eee eas | 33 08] 98 46 1, 600 6. 41 9. 44 8. 34 3. 86 | Fort Bliss (El Paso) .........----------+--+--- | 3147] 106 30 | 3,830| 0.43] 3.49] 3.38] 1.23 | | Fort Brown --| 255 97 37 50 3.18 7. 64 13, 02 4, 04 RoniG@hadbournotea ss: sees aaa ene anaes | 31 58 | 100 15 | 2,020 5.77 | 6.53 7. 06 3. 52 Worti@larichsaewceceee ase se aes tee voce cease secs 29 17 | 100 25 1, 000 4.14 7.57 6.55 4. 35 | Fort; Davis.----.---.. 30 40 | 104 07 4, 700 1. 84 8. 76 4.72; 1.80 | Hort: Duncans -=-.== 28 39 | 100 30 1, 460 3.56| 8.60 6. 54 2. 63 | Hort Grifiin =-------2-- | 3254] 9914 |........ 4.95 | 6. 25 6.14 4.17 |) INQ rE GVH season sen Roo ee SSoaSbor rota. Bosh bSodce 2910 | 99 50 845 5. 38 9. 67 6. 88 3.53 | PG CbPM AR OMe eee ee eee eee - | 8040) 9915 | 1,200 6. 36 10. 44 8. 22 3. 96 Fort MeIntosh......-.-. | 2735] 9948 | g06| 3.22] 656] 5.38| 295] 17.5 | RorteMiCkavevte seprisn ster merterioa = esa 30 48 | 100 08 2, 060 5. 21 6.71 7.81 4,22 23. 95 9 7 | Helorhis too kbomeeceerer =o ae se 30 20 | 102 30 | 4, 950 1. 24 5. 66 3.31 | 1.29 11.50 5 8 | (Galveston=--->t6. -\-~.--|- 29 18 94 47 30 13.15 14. 90 16.83 | 12.19 57. 07 (iy) a | Gilmer (near) | 32 40| 94 59 950 | 13.36) 9.93] 11.77] 10.93] 45.99] 7 9| IMG AON Cee aaa seas seaseac Re anabebr oct 2942) 9815 720 7. 60 6. 90 8. 83 4.25 27. 58 5 1 | Ringgold Barracks | 2623] 99 00 521 3.71 | 7. 00 6. 34 2.58 | 19.60} 14 2 SaneAnN Oni mee sec meas ae ne me cere } 2925] 98 25 600 6.77 8.91 9. 30 | 6.32} 31.30 | 10 2] Means tsaenacoeee: sees ose vives hacus a. Bee seeee coe seeeeeereeee 4. 62 | Bh78 || eis! 369) aia) ae ee RAINFALL OF WESTERN PORTION OF UNITED STATES. 51 TABLE VI.—Precipitation of Dakota. Mean precipitation, in inches. A oS Station. = ; a : | S 2 = 2 S 3 = AB) © = =) a = | = a ra = a Stal n 4 S HK Suc a CeeEaoe Spe TerLan 8 57 | 97 03 768 4.02} 7.24 2.71 1:53") 115/50 4 8 TIGR SAGE ASS AAO R Sea Aen ae eee Oe eer ae 4.78 | 6.74 2. 61 1.65} 15.78 | eae | Table V includes every station in Texas that has a record of five years or more, in all twenty stations. If the means of rainfall for the state be compared with the means for single stations, it will be seen that there is a general correspondence in the ratios pertaining to the different seasons, so that the former can fairly be considered to represent for the state the distri- bution through the year. Table VI presents the data for Dakota in the same way, and the correspondence between the general mean and the station mean is here exceedingly close. At each of the nine stations, the ereatest rainfall is recorded in summer, the next greatest in spring, and the least in winter. Placing the two series of results in the form of percentages, they show a decided contrast : Winter. | Year. Spring. Summer. | Autumn. | | ROE eocleieane Woes ee ee eee eee eee 30 | 43 | 7 | 10 100 | TRERE Cacia ects selec ea eee ee 21 31 31 17 100 | In Dakota a rainy season is well marked, and 73 per cent. of the rain falls in spring and summer, or at the time when it is most needed by the farmer. In Texas only 52 per cent. of the rain falls in the season of agriculture. The availability of rain in the two regions is therefore in the ratio of 73 to 52, and for agricultural, purposes 20 inches of rainfall in Texas is equivalent to about 15 inches in Dakota. For the further exhibition of the subject, Table VII has been prepared, 52 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. comprising stations in the Region of the Plains all the way from our northern to our southern boundary. By way of restricting attention to the practical problem of the limit of “dry farming” , only those stations are admitted which exhibit a mean annual rainfall of more than 15 and less than 25 inches. The order of arrangement is by latitudes, and in the columns at the right the seasonal rainfalls are expressed in percentages of the yearly. The column at the extreme right gives the sum of the spring and summer quotas, and is taken to express the availability of the rain- fall. TABLE VII.—Seasonal precipitation in the Region of the Plains. | 3 a Percentages of annual rainfall. | | S12. | E Station. | iS 4 E rc | 3 | 5 F ies a | es + ye bob) ee 8) 8 |}wa 4 ag |a ala |4]-E |e) ° Y.M. | Inches. | TECHN Ob TOW ee eines Sask bam RHSe eer aaaob and case pes arcs esses 48 57 4 8) 15.50 26 ay aly 10| 73 | Fort Totten, Dak 4756| 5 5| 16.44] 31] 44] 15| 10] 75 | Fort Abercrombie, Dak 27| 13 6| 18.78| 26| 46] 18| 10] 72| Fort Wadsworth, Dak -.- 6 5| 24.15| 29) 42] 17| 12| w It Ste IDA 6 ps peat sees se See SOarOSe mice Debacou so -cceneaSsooe 7 8| 16.54 39| 44) 10 7 83 | Salus GMURN S425 toe shoes Sonos senda tocoset sess gescscossensgacs gf bil 24, 74 21 40 | 29 10 61 | MontpbandalliMalcqees osceee se eae scenes es coke ee ue ean 15 6| 15.52] 30| 40] 22| 8| 70| THOT EVUCIS ODS OM NG DT ete ee ate ete ale fe eel eee otter 6 18.96 | 36 40) 17 7 | 76 | | = ———- = = - > ] i > ae a lees Se Fort Riley, Kans. ..-.--.. oaDANE Ee And ROU SabBULSSE SHS Seeacapne SR ouESe 2010) 24.52 22 43 24 11 65 Fort Hays, Kans--....-.. 6 11 22. 70 31 27 25 17 58 iy rd BE rarGG VEN cin aS aor en sas bao Sea mSaod Seber a Ace SseasmecasasoS | 10 9) 21.42 24 45 23 8 69 if = ia ee ee = ae Fort Griffin, Tex... --- f 5 3] 2151) 23 29 29 19 | 2 Fort Chadbourne, Tex - F 8 | 8 7 | 22.88 | 25 29 31 15 54 | IUCN E Hit ALES Sahoo cos aeeseno sss Svea e soccer mSccgo eon ces 30 48 9 7] 23.95 22 28 32 18 50 WAMon Oats, IU cscs ascsSoss ain cOapee oS aoSads Sones Soon ---.--| 30 40 8 11 yeah 3b 51 28 10} 62 Fort Clark, Tex.-...:---.- 29 17 12 5 22. 61 | 18 34 29 19 | 52 | Fort Duncan, Tex...-.. 28 39) 11 7 | 21.33 7 40} 31) 12 | 57 Fort McIntosh, Tex.....- 2735 || 14.7 17. 51 | 18 88) — 31 13 56 Ringgold Barracks) Lex.---- co. aniscae eee ocean cisely 26 23; 14 2) 19.60 19 36 32 13 55 | \ 2 | The graduation of the ratios from north to south is apparent to inspec- tion, but is somewhat irregular. The irregularity, however, is not greater han should be anticipated from the shortness of the terms of observation at the several stations, and it disappears when the stations are combined in natural groups. Dividine the whole series into three groups, as indicated as] ? RAINFALL OF WESTERN PORTION OF UNITED STATES. 53 by the cross lines in Table VII, and computing weighted means of the seasonal ratios, we have— TABLE VII (a).* | Candi lath | Rotel Percentages of annual rainfall. Groups of stations. tude of | years of ] a hs iad : | group. record. Spring. |Summer. Autumn. | Winter. | Sasi summer. ee | Eight stations in Dakota, Minnesota, and | INGDIOSKdicereeae ee asaceaassasewen sce os semis 45 20 | 67 29 43 19 9 | 72, ‘Three: stations in Kansas: s2- 22 scesecee ss 38 45 38 24 41 a4 | 11 65 Right stationsin Texas ... .<:..-...200---.--| 29 45 85 19 36 31 14 | DO. *In computing the several means of Table VII (a) from the seasonal means of Table VIT, the latter were weighted according to the lengths of the records by which they had been obtained, A moment’s inspection will show that the middle group is intermediate between the northern and southern in all its characters. ‘The spring quota of rainfall progressively diminishes from north to south, and so does the summer, while the fall and winter quotas increase. What is lost in summer _is gained in winter, and thereby the inequality of rainfall from season to season is diminished, so that a rainy season is not so well defined in Texas as in Dakota. What is lost in spring is gained in autumn, and thereby the place of the rainy season in the year is shifted In Dakota the maximum of rain is earlier than in Texas, and corresponds more nearly with the maximum of temperature. TaBLE VIII.—Sceasonal precipitation in the San Francisco Region. | | Percentages of annual rainfall. .| Mean an- | Station. Extent of | jualrain- - a a ae - | | record. fall. 14. " - Winter and | | Spring. | Summer. | Autumn.) Winter. spring, | | Y. M. | Inches. | | Alcatraz Island ........-2-2266s-2+seese-see- 9 5 16. 49 16 0 11 73 89 Ari geliislandtr2s-ssn-c2 se stcessa5s sSe0s2s 511 | 1858 19 0 15 66 85 | Benicia Barracks ..-. 18 3 14. 90 28 af 15 56 84 | Nort Millersc.--- 02. 69 | 19. 00 38 0 16 46 84 Fort Point ........-- 14 11 17. 36 21 0 13 66 87 HVOMtere ya. --- Seon ew ann cee -Heceesececcs ssee | 12 3 15. 71 28 2 14 56 St SacraMmen tO seeeen ee ett secceseess|) | 18.78 | 49.24 29 1 | 14 56 85 San Francisco; Pre 20 2 20. 29 24 2 13 61 85 | San Francisco ....-.--2-- 24.4 | 2149 | 24 1 4 61 85 | Weighted means .<-.--.--....-.2,--. | eee Pe OE eee | 25 1 14 60 85 Total extent of record = 130 years. Mean of yearly rainfalls = 15. 90 54 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Second District—In the San Francisco Region a rainy season is still more definitely marked, but occurs at a different time of year. It will be seen by Tables III and VIII that no rain falls in summer, while the winter months receive 60 per cent. of the annual precipitation, and the spring 25 per cent. The general yearly rainfalt of the district is only about 16 inches, but by this remarkable concentration a period of five months is made to receive 13 inches. The winter temperature of the district is no less remarkable, and supplies the remaining condition essential to agriculture. Frosts are rare, and in the valleys all the precipitation has the form of rain. The nine stations which afford the rainfall records given above show a mean spring temperature of 57° (see Table IX). Thirteen inches of rain coming in a frostless winter and spring have been found sufficient for remunerative agriculture TABLE IX.—Mean temperatures, by seasons, for the San Francisco Region. Mean temperatures, in degrees Fahr. | Sika Extent of | | record. | | Spring. | Summer.| Autumn.) Winter. Year. | | - ie —- = Y. i. | | | AGE VA EI EG Shssocosnen dan toonesridon Sonnac sn sneer, 8 6 55 57 | 60 54 57 | PAmpal alan datas seen eee seul cece Ss ee MO meee Gail 58 GE aaa 52 58 | Benicia Barracks.......- 15 7 58 67 62 49 59. ortiMiller=:=>-22------- 7 6 64 86 67 49 67 SMomt SONG anor iene 10 11 55 59 58 52 56 | \Monterey:=c2o05- -es-e-o- meee Ssce ss 12 5 55 | 60 | 57 50 55 I Shoramentorsnameote cine ae 14 0 BO eee vdke ay 9262 48 60 | San Francisco; Presidio 19 0 54 | 57 57 50 55 || (eth eR en 5s eGeor nine soe rasnccic eaomanosssoesossscoce 11 2 55 58 58 50 55 | | INT eects Se en tons IR SEED | RE aS sv | Ga 60 50 58 The same winter maximum of rainfall is characteristic of the whole Pacific coast. The Region of the Lower Columbia, with an average rain- fall of 46 inches, receives 47 per cent. of it in winter and 24 per cent. in spring. Southward on the coast, Drum Barracks (near Los Angeles) and San Diego receive more than half their rain in winter, but as the whole amount is only 9 inches agriculture is not benefited. The eastern bases of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range exhibit the winter maximum of rainfall, and this feature can be traced eastward in Idaho and Nevada, but RAINFALL OF WESTERN PORTION OF UNITED STATES. 5D in these districts it is accompanied by no amelioration of winter tempera- ture. (See Table X.) TABLE X.—Seasonal precipitation and temperatures on the Pacific coast, ete. Mean an- Percentages of rainfall: Mean temperature. Station. | nual rain- | | fall. | Spring. |Summer. Autumn. Winter. Spring. | Winter. | | Inches. | | man*Franciscd; Region, +. 2- cen - 2s esac cesceer eee 15.90 | 25 1 14 60 57 50 Region of Lower Columbia. .- 46.45 24 6 | Ze 47 | 51 40 | Drum Barracks, Cal.......--- 8.74 | 26 | 3 4 67 60 56 | San Diego, Cal .......-2----.+ 9.31 20 4 20 56 60 54 | Camp independence) Call oc: 2.2 2s ss02e.ces- 6.60 | 17 5 9 69 57 39 | Rorigbidwall Galles se ec. tere sn seencs oct 20.23 | 24 8 15 53 48 20) Camp Warner Ores sces.2cos.cces ccs we nusac 14.41 30 8 wy |) 45 42 29 =| MOA DALLALN Oy OTCl ess as oe aaceoecc es ws coals. 8. 76 26 13 18 43 | 47 20 Fort Colville, Wash .--....... Eeaeateee «ane 14. 06 26 22 18 34 45 24 Fort Walla Walla, Wash ....-...----..--s0cse- 19.36 | 24 11 26 39 | 52 84 || Camp! MeDermitt,-Nevi.< se.e2- ceece ares | 112 20 19.28 | 20 Die ool 27 (CRA IW ROL eh Jul ceca pees Joc cnceSenecoSeecsaso 114 36. | 4.65. | 18 27 20 35 —— = = | = =e Sarrsicran CISCOpe pilose se ee oes eee trials selene ee ete ea ree eee | 25 i 14 60 In all this region the daily range of temperature is great, and frosts occur so early in autumn that no use can be made of the autumnal rainfall. The yearly precipitation is very small, and the summer quota rarely exceeds seven or eight inches. Nevertheless the Pueblo Indians have succeeded, in a few localities, and by-a unique method, in raising maize without irrigation. The yield is too meagre to tempt the white man to follow their example, and for his use the region is agricultural only where it can be watered artificially. CHAPTER IV. WATER SUPPLY. By G. K. GILBerr. The following discussion is based upon a special study of the drainage- basin of Great Salt Lake. INCREASE OF STREAMS. The residents of Utah who practice irrigation have observed that many of the streams have increased in volume since the settlement of the country. Of the actuality of this increase there can be no question. A popular impression in regard to the fluctuations of an unmeasured element of climate may be very erroneneous, as, for example, the impression that the rainfall of the timbered states has been diminished by the clearing of the land, but in the case of these streams relative measurements have practically been made. Some of them were so fully in use twenty years ago that all of their water was diverted from its-channels at the “critical period”, and yet the depend- ent fields suffered from drought in the drier years. Afterward, it was found that in all years there was enough water and to spare, and opera- tions were extended. Additional canals were dug and new lands were added to the fields ; and this was repeated from time to time, until in many places the service of a stream was doubled, and in a few it was increased tenfold, or even fiftyfold. It is a matter of great importance to the agricul- tural interests, not only of Utah but of the whole district dependent on irri- gation, that the cause or causes of this change shall be understood. Until they are known we cannot tell whether the present gain is an omen of future gain or of future loss, nor whether the future changes are within or beyond our control. I shall therefore take the liberty to examine somewhat at length the considerations which are supposed by myself or others to bear upon the problem. Fortunately we are not compelled to depend on the incidental observa- 57 SAR 58 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. tions of the farming community for the amount of the increase of the streams, but merely for the fact of their increase. The amount is recorded in an independent and most thorough manner, by the accumulation of the water in Great Salt Lake. RISE OF GREAT SALT LAKE. A lake with an outlet has its level determined by the height of the outlet Great Salt Lake, having no outlet, has its level determined by the relation of evaporation to inflow. On one hand the drainage of a great basin pours into it a continuous though variable tribute; on the other, there is a continuous absorption of its water by the atmosphere above it. The inflow is greatest in the spring time, while the snows are melting in the mountains, and least in the autumn after the melting has ceased, but before the cooling of the air has greatly checked evaporation on the uplands. The lake evaporation is greatest in summer, while the air is warm, and least in winter. Through the winter and spring the inflow exceeds the evaporation, and the lake rises. In the latter part of the summer and in autumn the loss is greater than the gain, and the lake falls. The maximum occurs in June or July, and the minimum probably in November. The difference between the two, or the height of the annual tide, is about 20 inches. But it rarely happens that the annual evaporation is precisely equal to the annual inflow, and each year the lake gains or loses an amount which depends upon the climate of the year. If the air which crosses the drainage basin of the lake in any year is unusually moist, there is a twofold tendency to raise the mean level. On one hand there is a greater precipitation, whereby the inflow is increased, and on the other hand there is a less evaporation. So, too, if the air is unusually dry, the inflow is correspond- ingly small, the loss by evaporation is correspondingly great, and the contents of the lake diminish. This annual gain or loss is an expression, and a very delicate expression, of the mean annual humidity of a large district of country, and as such is more trustworthy than any result which might be derived from local observations with psychrometer and rain gauge. A succession of relatively dry years causes a progressive fall of the lake, and a succession of moist years a progressive rise. As the water falls it WATER SUPPLY. 59 retires from its shore, and the slopes being exceedingly gentle the area of the lake is rapidly contracted. The surface for evaporation diminishes and its ratio to the inflow becomes less. As the water rises the surface of the lake rapidly increases, and the ratio of evaporation to inflow becomes greater. In this way a limit is set to the oscillation of the lake as dependent on the ordinary fluctuations of climate, and the cumulation of results is prevented. Whenever the variation of the water level from its mean position becomes ereat, the resistance to its further advance in that direction becomes pro- portionally great. For the convenience of a name, I shall speak of this oscillation of the lake as the limited oscillation. It depends on an oscillation of climate which is universally experienced, but which has not been found to exhibit either periodicity, or synchrony over large areas, or other features of regularity. Beside the annual tide and the limited oscillation, the lake has been found to exhibit a third change, and this third or abnormal change seems to be connected with the increase of the tributary streams. In order to exhibit it, it will be necessary to discuss somewhat fully the history of the rise and fall of the lake, and I shall take occasion at the same time to call attention to the preparations that have recently been made for future observations. Previous to the year 1875 no definite record was made. In 1874 Prof. Joseph Henry, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, began a correspondence with Dr. John R. Park, of Salt Lake City, in regard to the fluctuations and other peculiarities of the lake, and as a chief result a systematic record was begun. With the codperation of Mr. J. L. Bartoot and other citizens of Utah, Dr. Park erected a graduated pillar at Black Rock, a point on the southern shore which was then a popular summer resort. It consisted of a granite block cut in the form of an obelisk and engraved on one side with a scale of feet and inches. It was set in gravel beneath shallow water, with the zero of its scale near the surface. ‘The water level was read on the pillar by Mr. John T. Mitchell at frequent intervals from September 14, 1875, to October 9, 1876, when the locality ceased to be used as a watering place, and the systematic record was discontinued. Two observations were made by the writer in 1877, and it 60 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. was found in making the second that the shifting gravel of the beach had buried the column so deeply as to conceal half the graduation. Dr. Park has kindly furnished me a copy of Mr. Mitchell’s record. The observer was instructed to choose such times of observation that the influence of wind storms upon the level of the lake would be eliminated, and the work appears to have been faithfully performed. Record of the height of Great Salt Lake above the zero of the granite pillar at Black Rock. Date. | Reading. Wind. | Date. Reading. Wind. HP al ae aia ; = a pI 5 | nD Be] s Year. | Month. | 3 eS 3 8 Year. Month. | # & 3 8 | eet ce mae as 2.) ScleewlGe aes 1875.------ September..|14, 0] 6 | N. | Gentle. | 1876......... Revvilccesd (abel) WN A Wee Calm 22 | 0 5k | N. E.| Quiet. 25 1 3 |N.E.| Quiet. | = 23| Oo} 5 |N.E.| Quiet. | May ...-.--. 2 1] 4 |N.E.| Quiet October..-.- 6 0 44) N. | Quiet. 22 1 N. | Quiet | | o| 4 |N.E.| Quiet. dune ee. see 2| 1] 1 | W. | Quiet 18 0] 3% /N.E.| Quiet. || 8 WO WNesesos Calm. | 26 0 3 | N. E.| Quiet. 13 2| .2 |N.E.} Quiet. November ..| 9 > 0 2 W. | Quiet. 23 2 4 |N.E.} Quiet. 16} Oo} 1! N. | Quiet. || 30 2} 6 | S. | Quiet. 23| o| 4 |N.E.| Quiet. Tulyaes.s2e 18 2| 3 |N.E.| Quiet. 29 0 54 | E. Quiet. 25 2 4 |N.E.| Quiet. December ..| 7 | 0 5 | E. | Quiet. || August .--. 2 3 |N.E.} Quiet. | 14 | | 5t| E. | Quiet. || 10 2| 2 |N.E.} Quiet. 21 0 6 |N.E.| Quiet. | 22 1 9 |N.E.| Quiet. 1g 76 see | January...) 5| 0] 8 |N-E.| Quiet. | 29/ 1] 8 |S.E.| Strong. 11 0| 8 |N.E.| Quiet. 30 1| 8 | N. | Quiet. | loe9| o| 9 | = | Qniet. | September: |i14i aia |i aren eee Calm. | February...| 1) 0] 9 |S.E.| Quiet. | : 19 1| Gt] N. | Quiet. | 5} 0) Oop Pepe Calm. | 26 a VG: | eocees Calm. | 22 0 93 | N.E.| Quiet. || October. -.-- 9 1 54 | N. E.| Quiet | Mareh ...... 15 0| 11 |N.E.| Quiet. HILO 77 eee iy seas 12 2 (Ye hoes Calm. | 22| 1] oO |N.E.| Quiet. | October. .... TE) OP AO. aces Calm | 28) 1 4|N.E.| Quiet. || | | | | } Comparing the October observations for three years, it appears that the lake rose 13 inches from 1875 to 1876, and fell in the next year 64 inches. The Black Rock pillar has not the permanence that is desirable. Although it has thus far been only the more firmly established by the action of the waves, it is still true that the lake is encroaching on the land in this part of the coast, and a storm may at any time undermine and overthrow the pillar. To provide for such a contingency it was deter- mined to establish a bench mark out of reach of the waves, and connect it with the pillar by leveling, so that if the existing standard should be Corral Corral prleoonnncnnne wan rN n WANS AW 1(188 WSF IW \ RRStatio Scale of feet. 100 4 SKETCH OF BLACK ROCK AND VICINITY, UTAH TERRITORY. Prepared to show the position of the graduated pillar erected by Dr. John Park for observations on the water-level of Great Salt Lake, and the position of the granite bench-mark. q Rod Ty de sig iV x : ; nal ee a : ' _ g : 8 my ) a ; t . oy i ws * ey ' ; i 4 , 1 ; i i ee i F f a S ib v - th + 1 2 i 4 s . : : ‘ie > : T i , teat , s f > Mt ; aa a a . ' 7 x - rh v i 7 7 s ’ : ios; & ‘ = ‘ti a — As Pe ee io j : i : f eta ava) at mos! ; Ra ae (se aa ; : i : —_T oe eae en i td eu ~~? pe : pe ; - hie oT i ' © i pit a eS ‘ : rama bens v6 : Le. io Ga 0 : ; ‘ a * ly tus 1 aa ( : % ; . : # ary f : 7 = i i i : i a f ' ‘ 7 ; : ll 5 \ : ‘ av J : - # e udp tes f f i M i ‘. 7 i , j 7 i F ; WATER SUPPLY. 61 destroyed its record would still have a definite meaning, and the relative height of a new standard could be ascertained with precision. In this undertaking I was joined by Mr. Jesse W. Fox, a gentleman who has long held. the office of territorial surveyor of Utah. A suitable stone was furnished by the Hon. Brigham Young, and was carried to Black Rock without charge through the courtesy of Mr. Heber P. Kimball, superintendent of the Utah Western Railroad. The block is of granite, and is three feet in length. It was sunk in the earth, all but a few inches, on the northern slope of a small limestone knoll just south of the railroad track at Black Rock. Its top is dressed square, about 10 LO inches, and is marked with a+. It will be convenient to speak of the top of this monu- ment as the Black Rock bench. On the 11th of July, 1877, the surface of the lake was 34.5 feet below the bench, and it then marked 2.0 feet on the pillar erected by Dr. Park. The zero of the observation pillar is therefore 36.5 feet below the bench. The accompanying topographic sketch will serve at any time to identify the position of the bench. After consultation with Dr. Park, I concluded that it would be better not to depend on the Black Rock station for observations in the future—at least in the immediate future—and other points were discussed. Eventually it was determined to establish a new station near Farmington, on the eastern shore of the lake. The point selected is in an inlet so sheltered that a heavy swell in the lake will not interfere with accurate observation. At the present stage of water the spot is well adapted to the purpose, and it can be used with the water 2 feet lower or 5 feet higher. I was not able to attend personally to the erection of the pillar, but left the matter in the hands of Mr. Jacob Miller, of Farmington, who writes me that it was placed in position and the record begun on the 24th of November, 1877. The pillar is of wood, and is graduated to inches for 9 feet of its length. On the day of its establishment the reading of the water surface was 2 feet 1 inch. On the 21st of January, 1878, the reading was 2 feet 13 inches. The Farmington and Black Rock pillars are 23 miles apart. The relative height of their zeros will be ascertained as soon as practicable by making coincident readings, during still weather, of the water surface at 6 62 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. the two stations. It is already known that the Farmington zero is approw- mately 16 inches lower than the Black Rock. A stone ‘‘bench” or monument for permanent reference has also been placed on rising ground near the observation pillar, and the two will be connected by spirit level. The Farmington bench is of gneiss, and is marked with a + in the same manner as the Black Rock. The stone was contributed by Mr. Abbott, of Farmington, and was gratuitously shaped and placed by Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller has also voluntarily assumed charge of the record, and will make or superintend the observations. It will not be practicable to visit the pillar daily, nor even at regular intervals, but it is expected that the record will be as full as the one tabulated above. The following items are to be noted: — Time of observation, including year, month, day, and hour. ) tomy ? 5] bo Reading of water surface in feet and inches. 3. Direction and force of wind. 4. Account of wind for the preceding 24 hours. 5. Name of observer. These observations will not only determine the annual gain or loss of the lake, but willin a few years give data to construct the curve of the annual tide. The history of past changes not having been the subject of record, it became necessary to compile it from such collateral data as were attainable. The enquiries inaugurated by Professor Henry have been prosecuted, and have resulted in a tolerably definite determination of the principal changes since 1847, together with the indication of a superior limit to earlier oscillations. Ever since the settlement of Salt Lake City, in 1847, the islands of the lake have been used as herd grounds. Fremont and Carrington islands have been reached by boat, and Antelope and Stansbury islands partly by boat, partly by fording, and partly by land communication. A large share of the navigation has been performed by citizens of Farmington, and the shore is in that neighborhood so flat that the changes of water level have necessitated frequent changes of landing place. The pursuits of the boatmen have been so greatly affected that all of the more important fluctuations were impressed upon their memories, and most of the changes WATER SUPPLY. 63 were so associated with features of the topography that some estimate of their quantitative values could be made. The data which became thus available were collated for Professor Henry by Mr. Miller, a gentleman who himself took part in the navigation, and of whom I have already had occasion to speak. His results agree very closely with those derived from an independent investigation of my own, to which I will now proceed. — Antelope Island is connected with the delta of the Jordan River by a broad, flat sand bar that has been usually submerged but occasionally exposed. It slopes very gently toward the island, and just where it joins it is interrupted by a narrow channel a few inches in depth. For a num- ber of years this bar afforded the means of access to the island, and many persons traversed it. By combining the evidence of such persons it has been practicable to learn the condition of the ford up to the time of its final abandonment. From 1847 to 1850 the bar was dry during the low stage of each winter, and in summer covered by not more than 20 inches of water. Then began a rise which continued until 1855 or 1856. At that time a horseman could with difficulty ford in the winter, but all com- munication was by boat in summer. Then the water fell for a series of years until in 1860 and 1861 the bar was again dry in winter. The spring of 1862 was marked by an unusual fall of rain and snow, whereby the streams were greatly flooded and the lake surface was raised several feet. In subsequent years the rise continued, until in 1865 the ford became impassable. According to Mr. Miller the present height was attained in about 1868, and there have since occurred only minor fluctuations. For the purpose of connecting the traditional history as derived from the ford with the systematic record that has now been inaugurated, I visited the bar in company with Mr. Miller on the 19th of October, 1877, and made careful soundings. The features of the ford had been minutely described, and there was no uncertainty as to the identification of the locality. We found 9 feet of water on the sand flat, and 9 feet 6 inches in the little channel at its edge. The examination was completed at 11 a. m.; at 5 p. m. the water stood at 0 feet 10 inches on the Black Rock pillar; and on the follow- ing day at 8 a. m. we marked its level at the place where the Farmington pillar now stands, our mark being 2 feet 2 inches above the zero of the pillar. 64 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. The Antelope Island bar thus affords a tolerably complete record from 1847 to 1865, but fails to give any later details. It happens, however, that the hiatus is filled at another locality. Stansbury Island is joined to the mainland by a similar bar, which was entirely above water at the time of Captain Stansbury’s survey, and so continued for many years. In 1866, the year following that in which the Antelope bar became unfordable, the water for the first time covered the Stansbury bar, and its subsequent advance and recession have so aftected the pursuits of the citizens of Grants- ville, who used the island for a winter herd ground, that it will not be difficult to obtain a full record by compiling their forced observations. Since undertaking the inquiry I have had no opportunity to visit that town, but the following facts have been elicited by correspondence. Since the first flooding of the bar the depth of water has never been less than 1 foot, and it has never been so great as to prevent fording in winter. But in the summers of 1872, 1873, and 1874, during the flood stage of the annual tide, there was no access except by boat, and in those years the lake level attained its greatest height. In the spring of 1869 the depth was 44 feet, and in the autumn of 1877, 24 feet. The last item shows that the Stansbury bar is 7 feet higher than the Antelope, and serves to connect the two series of observations. Further inquiries will probably render the record more complete and 5 1860 870 Diagram showing the rise and fall of Great Salt Lake from 1847 to 1877. N. 8.= Level of new storm line. O. 8S. = Level of old storm line. 8. B. = Level of Stansbury Island bar. A. B. = Level of Antelope Island bar. WATER SUPPLY. 69 exact, but, as it now stands, all the general features of the fluctuations are clearly indicated. In the accompanying diagram the horizontal spaces rep- resent years, and the vertical, feet. The irregular curve shows the height of the lake in different years. Where it is drawn as a full line the data are definite; the dotted portions are interpolated. Upon the same diagram are indicated the levels of two storm lines. The upper is the limit of wave action at the present time, and is 3 feet above the winter stage (October, 1877). It is everywhere marked by drift wood, and in many places by a ridge of sand. Above it there is a growth, on all steep shores, of sage and other bushes, but those in immediate prox- imity are dead, having evidently been killed by the salt spray. Below the line are still standing the stumps of similar bushes, and the same can be found 2 or 3 feet below the surface of the water. The lower storm line was observed by Captain Stansbury in 1850, and has been described to me by a number of citizens of Utah to whom it was familiar at that time and subsequently. Like the line now visible, it was marked by drift wood, and a growth of bushes, including the sage, extended down to it; but below it there were seen no stumps. Its position is now several feet under water, and it is probable that the advancing waves destroyed most of its features, but the vestiges of the bushy growth above it remain. The peculiarities of the two storm lines have an important bearing on the history of the lake. The fact that the belt of land between them sup- ported sage bushes shows that previous to its present submergence the lake had not covered it for many years. Lands washed by the brine of the lake become saturated with salt to such extent that even salt-loving plants cannot live upon them, and it is a familiar fact that the sage (Artemisia sempervirens) never grows in Utah upon soil so saline as to be unfavorable for grain. The rains of many years, and perhaps even of centuries, would be needed to clense land abandoned by the lake so that it could sustain the salt-hating bushes, and we cannot avoid the conclusion that the ancient storm line had been for a long period the superior limit of the fluctuations of the lake surface. To avoid misapprehension, it should be stated that the storm lines DAR 66 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. have been described as they appear on the eastern shore of Antelope Island, a locality where the slope of the ground amounts to three or four degrees. The circumstances are different at the margin of the mainland, and especially where the slopes are very gentle. The lake is so shallow that its equilibrium is greatly disturbed by strong winds. Its waves are small, but in storms the water is pushed high up on the land toward which the wind blows, the extreme effects being produced where the inclination is most gentle. The islands, however, are little flooded; the water does not accumulate against them, but is driven past; and the easterly gales that produced the present storm line on the east shore of Antelope Island may have driven so much water to the westward as even to have depressed the level in that locality. Moreover, where the land surface is nearly level, the cleansing by rain of portions once submerged is indefinitely retarded. On all the flatter shores the lake is bordered by tracts too saline for reclamation by the farmer, and either bare of vegetation or scantily covered by salt- loving shrubs. These tracts are above the modern storm line, and they acquired their salt during some flood too remote to be considered in this conneetion. The largest of them is called the Great Salt Lake Desert, and has a greater area than the lake itself. : Thus it appears that in recent times the lake has overstepped a bound to which it had long been subject. Previous to the year 1865, and for a period of indefinite duration, it rose and fell with the limited oscillation and with the annual tide, but was never carried above a certain limiting 3) yet returned. ‘The annual tide and the limited oscillation are continued as before, but the lowest stage of the new regime is higher than the highest line. In that year, or the one following, it passed the line, and it has not stage of the old. The mean stage of the new regime is 7 or 8 feet higher than the mean stage of the old. The mean area of the water surface is:a sixth part greater under the new regime than under the old. The last statement is based on the United States surveys of Captain Stansbury and Mr. King. The former gathered the material for his map in 1850, when the water was at its lowest stage, and the latter in the spring of 1869, when the water was near its highest stage. The one map shows an area of 1,750 and the other of 2,166 square miles. From these I ; sentir raat 1 Explanation “Ny Shere line in 1850 . (Stansbury) hy Th ty rit, iit wn MU tl ree of lake tn 1850 > ——s SSS ie Submerged by the rise of the lake between TSS 1850 and 1869 Scale of miles (one | QT a " Wn utile yet Waa nn it rit mt ity AT 1 mre Hee at » EN COMPARATIVE MAP GREAT SALT LAKE,UTAH COMPI LED TO SHOW ITS INCREASE OF AREA The topography and later shore-line are taken from t Survey of Mr Clurence King. U.S Geologist; the earlier shore-line from the Survey of Capt. Howard Stansbury, USA = octet es = Ole Wantage ve UAT di Ae |, (NN or, crak, WATER SUPPLY. 67 estimate the old mean area at 1,820 miles, the new at 2,125 miles, and the increase at 305 miles, or 17 per cent. The “abnormal change” of the lake may then be described as an infilling or rise of the water whereby its ordinary level has been raised 7 or 8 feet and its ordinary area has been increased a sixth part; and this appears to be distinct from the limited oscillation and annual tide, which may be regarded as comparatively normal. ‘To account for it a number of theories have been proposed, and three of them seem worthy of considera- tion. They appeal respectively to volcanic, climatic, and human agencies. VOLCANIC THEORY. It has been surmised that upheavals of the land, such as sometimes accompany earthquakes, might have changed the form of the lake bed and displaced from some region the water that has overflowed others. This hypothesis acquires a certain plausibility from the fact that the series of uplifts and downthrows by which the mountains of the region were formed have been traced down to a very recent date, but it is negatived by such an array of facts that it cannot be regarded as tenable. In the first place, the water has risen against all the shores and about every island of which we have account. The farmers of the eastern and southern margins have lost pastures and meadows by submergence. At the north, Bear River Bay has advanced several miles upon the land. At the west, a boat has recently sailed a number of miles across tracts that were traversed by Captain Stansbury’s land parties. That officer has described and mapped Strong's Knob and Stansbury Island as peninsulas, but they have since become islands. Antelope Island is no longer accessible by ford, and Egg Island, the nesting ground of the gulls and pelicans, has become a reef. Springs that supplied Captain Stansbury with fresh water near Promontory Point are now submerged and inaccessible ; and other springs have been covered on the shores of Antelope, Stansbury, and Fremont islands. ; In the second place, the rise of the lake is correlated in time with the increase of the inflowing streams, which has been everywhere observed by irrigators, and it is logical to refer the two phenomena to the same cause. And, finally, if upheaval could account for the enlargement of the lake, it would still be inadequate to account for the maintenance of its 68 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. increased size, in the face of an evaporation that yearly removes a layer several feet in depth. The same compensatory principle that restricts the “limited oscillation” would quickly restore the equilibrium between inflow and evaporation, in whatever manner in was disturbed. CLIMATIC THEORY. It is generally supposed that the change is a phenomenon of cli- mate, and this hypothesis includes harmoniously the increase of streams with the increase of lake surface. By some it is thought that the climate of the district is undergoing, or has undergone, a permanent change; and by others that the series of oscillations about a mean condition which char- acterizes every climate has in this case developed a moist phase of excep- tional degree and duration. The latter view was my own before I became aware of the features of the ancient storm line, but it now appears to me untenable. That a variable surface of evaporation, which had for a long period recognized a limit to its expansion, should not merely exceed that limit, but should maintain an abnormal extent for more than a decade, is in a high degree improbable. It is far more probable that one of those gradual climatic changes, of which geology has shown the magnitude and meteorology has illustrated the slowness, here finds a manifestation. ‘The observed change is apparently abrupt, and even saltatory ; but of this we cannot be certain, since it is impossible from a record of only thirty years to eliminate the limited oscil- lation. It is quite conceivable that were such elimination effected, the residual change would appear as a continuous and equable increase of the lake. However that may be, a certain degree of rapidity of change is necessarily involved, for the climatic change which is able in a decade to augment by a sixth part the mean area of evaporation cannot be of exceeding slowness. If we can ascertain how great a change would be demanded, it will be well to compare it with such changes as have been observed in other parts of the country, and see whether its magnitude is such as to interfere with its assumption. The prevailing winds of Utah are westerly, and it may be said in a general way that the atmosphere of the drainage basin of Great Salt Lake WATER SUPPLY. 69 is part of an air current moving from west to east. The basin having no outlet, the precipitation of rain and snow within its limits must be counter- balanced by the evaporation. The air current must on the average absorb the same quantity of moisture that it discharges. Part of the absorption is from land surfaces and part from water, the latter being the more rapid. If, now, the equilibrium be disturbed by an augmented humidity of the inflowing air, two results ensue. On the one hand the precipitation is increased, and on the other, the absorbent power of the air being less, the rate of evaporation is diminished. In so dry a climate the precipitation is increased in greater ratio than the humidity, and the rate of evaporation is diminished in less ratio; while of the increased precipitation an increased percentage gathers in streams and finds its way to the lake. That reservoir, having its inflow augmented and its rate of evaporation decreased, gains in volume and grows in breadth until the evaporation from the added expanse is sufficient to restore the equilibrium. Giving attention to the fact that the lake receives a greater percentage of the total downfall than before, and to the fact that its rate of evaporation is at the same time diminished it is evident that the resultant augmentation of the lake surface is more than proportional to the augmentation of the precipitation. We are therefore warranted in assuming that an increase of humidity sufficient to account for the observed increase of 17 per cent. in the size of the lake would modify the rainfall by less than 17 per cent. The actual change of rainfall cannot be estimated with any degree of precision, but from a review of such data as are at my command I am led to the opinion that an allowance of 10 per cent. would be as likely to exceed as to fall short, while an allowance of 7 per cent. would be at the verge of possibility. The rainfall of some other portions of the continent has been recorded with such a degree of thoroughness and for such a period that a term of comparison is afforded. In his discussion of the precipitation of the United States, Mr. Schott has grouped the stations by climatic districts, and deduced the annual means for the several districts. Making use of his table on page 154 (Smithsonian Contributions, No. 222), and restricting my attention to the results derived from five or more stations, I select the following extreme cases of variation between the mean annual rainfalls of 7O LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. consecutive decades. District I comprises the sea coast from Maine to Virginia, and the record includes five or more stations from 1827 to 1867. From the decade 183140 to the decade 184150 the rainfall increased 6 per cent. District II comprises the state of New York and adjacent regions, and includes five or more stations from 1830 to 1866. Irom the decade 184756 to the decade 185766 the rainfall increased 9 per cent. District IV comprises the Ohio Valley and adjacent regions, and includes five or more stations from 1837 to 1866. From decade 1841—50 to decade 1851-60 the rainfall diminished 8 per cent. The case, then, stands that the best comparable districts and epochs exhibit extreme fluctuations from decade to decade of from 6 to 9 per cent, while the rise of Great Salt Lake implies a fluctuation of about 10 per cent. But before deciding that the hypothetical fluctuation in Utah is extraordinary, consideration should be given to the fact that in the dry climate of that region a given change in humidity will produce a relatively great change in rainfall, while an identical change of rainfall, measured in inches, acquires an exaggerated importance when expressed as the percent- age of a small total rainfall. Giving due weight to these considerations, I am led to conclude that the assumed increase of rainfall in Utah is not of incredible magnitude, and consequently that the hypothesis which ascribes the rise of the lake to a change of climate should be regarded as tenable. It by no means follows that it is proven, and so long as it depends on an assumption the truth of which is merely possible, but not established, it can claim no more than a provisional acceptance. It is proper to add that, so far as I entertain the idea of a change of climate, I do so without referring the change to any local cause. It is frequently asserted that the cultivated lands of Utah ‘draw the rain”; or that the prayers of the religious community inhabiting the territory have brought water to their growing crops; or that the telegraph wires and iron rails which gird the country have in some way caused electricity to induce precipitation; but none of these agencies seem to be competent. The weather of the globe is a complex whole, each part of which reacts on every other, and each part of which depends on every other. The weather of Utah is an interdependent part of the whole, and cannot be referred to its WATER SUPPLY. 71 causes until the entire subject is mastered. The simpler and more imme- diate meteoric reactions have been so far analyzed that their results are daily predicted ; but the remote sources of our daily changes, as well as the causes of the greater cycles of change, are still beyond our reach. Although withdrawn from the domain of the unknowable, they remain within that of the unknown. THEORY OF HUMAN AGENCIES. The only remaining theory of value is the one advocated by Pro- fessor Powell: that the phenomena are to be ascribed to the modifica- tion of the surface of the earth by the agency of man. The rise of the lake and the increase of streams have been observed since the settlement of the country by the white man, and the sage brush on the old storm line shows that they had not been carried to the same extent at any previous period in the century. They have coincided in time with the extension of the operations of civilization; and the settlers attach this idea to the facts in detail as well as in general. They have frequently told me that wherever and whenever a settlement was established, there followed in a few years an increase of the water supply, and these statements have been supported by such enumerations of details that they seem worthy of consid- eration. If they are well founded, the secret of the change will surely be found among the modifications incident to the operations of the settler. Similar testimony was gathered by Prof. Cyrus Thomas in 1869 in regard to the increase of water supply at the western edge of the plains, and the following conclusion appears in his report to Dr. Hayden (page 237 of the reprint of Dr. Hayden’s reports for 1867, 1868, and 1869): All this, it seems to me, must lead to the conclusion that since the territory [Colorado] has begun to be settled, towns and cities built up, farms cultivated, mines opened, and roads made and travelled, there has been a gradual increase of moisture. Be the cause what it may, unless it is assumed that there is a cycle of years through which there is an increase, and that there will be a corresponding decrease, the fact must be admitted upon this accumulated testimony. I therefore give it as my firm conviction that this increase is of a permanent nature, and not periodical, and that it has commenced within eight years past, and that it is in some way connected with the settlement of the country, and that as the population increases the moisture will increase. Notwithstanding the confidence of Professor Thomas’s conclusions, he appears to have reached them by a leap, for he makes no attempt to analyze the influence of civilized man on nature to which he appeals. Before we ae LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. accept his results, it will be necessary to inquire in what way the white man has modified the conditions by which the water supply is controlled. To facilitate this inquiry, an attempt will be made to give a new and more convenient form to our expression of the amount of change for which it is necessary to account in the basin of Great Salt Lake. The inflow of the lake is derived chiefly from three rivers, and is susceptible of very exact determination. Thorough measurement has not yet been made, but there has been a single determination of each river and minor stream, and a rough estimate can be based on them. The Bear and the Weber were measured in October, 1877, and I am led by the analogy of other streams and by the characters of the river channels to judge that the mean volume of the Bear for the year was twice its volume at the date of measurement, and that of the Weber four times. The mean flow of the Jordan can be estimated with more confidence, for reasons which will appear in a following chapter. The ‘supply from other sources” mentioned in the table includes all the creeks that flow from the Wasatch Mountains, between Draper and Hampden, together with the Malade River, Blue Creek, the creeks of Skull and Tooele Valleys, and the line of springs that encircles the lake. mean Rivers, ete. Estimated Bear River, measured October 4, 1877, at Hampden Bridge.....-.---.-.....----.----+---2-+-------2---- 2, 600 5, 200 | \ieber River measured: October Li meariOrcdenee.--- one. Sea jak ole fe eee aerate mieereieieeeisiee 500 2,000 | POLGCANERUKON Mn eCASULEM diy tS eT Sane Np Cuma stelet =r etetetniclofetalate tase =taiaeteials wie tare a) atalsixtada}atal ro, 112 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Table of irrigable lands in Utah Territory—Continued. 7 | Cultivated in 1877. | Square miles. Acres. ea tea aa |Square miles. —_ Acres. — = es _ — ——= Salt Lake drainage system—Coutinued. Crystal Springs, T. 14 N., R. 7 W 2 | 100 = 1l| 60 Antelope Springs, T. 9 N., 1 BOD a eects creases 30) TeE MUGS ates aos Seon co csaade coco so poe Roe See bsarocgocoDaSeEecn 1 ILD A ete the raleis ator 15 | Promontory, east base an 9 600 | 5 300 | TICS eG) ern perscocassaase 23 1, 500 | Neh aks MERI) Sone ee Re aoe | Brackish Springs, near Blue Creek .....--.-----.--.-------+---- 5 | 1, 000 | .3 200 | Aitelopeyls | etn) ges =a le se ee eee ee eee ae ee eee i) D0.||eseemesee- ses) seaeeeeetar a= | The valley of the Sevier River. San Pete Valléy-| > oO a 7c 3 re eu | ol a B+. mos em cle [ 2 4 3 2 = KH BR =| ity Creek: 3-F 2.04.2) 5 ee cesta She csr Ee oe Seen ee oe eee 119 |, 32 3.7 Lia fae) NW ONGEd see emode pages oS e sess oor ea Ab Edcom ep meartiocbens so aceacosoredoosreeeeee 24 | 8 3.0 ) LEE TSG) so se Gna sanos cer deStnncemes cess Jocncon Asa sucpansSegqecooasucacnasoaneeted 72 29 2.5 The comparison is not decisive, but it seems to show that the problem demands for its solution a careful examination at the ‘critical season.” If IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE SALT LAKE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 121 the Ogden and Weber had been measured in September, as were the other streams, their volumes would probably have been found less than in October; and this consideration appears to throw the balance of evidence against the competence of the rivers to water the contiguous lands. But if their incompetence shall be proved, it does not follow that the lands must go dry. The Bear at the north and the Jordan at the south have each a great volume of surplus water, and either supply can be led without serious engineering difficulty to the lower levels of the delta of the Weber. In the following table are summed the agricultural resources of the Weber drainage basin : | Square miles— Tracts. a A = = ultivated . | in 1877. Cultivable. amasgvbrairre (OLUDOL GOLO)ic asa acice and oe cnancccane cascecndsccoaucanctsniscescsinenosstecsewcuee aif 3.0 Peoa to Hennefer, inclusive Bat ba 8.5 9.0 22Y wd Ee VL a ee ee a ACS AGT ORE OOOO fan reece OS CISer eer ee | 3.2 3. 2 | PRU Th G0 Veiner Sea a octal p orec aaa a Raa ars eer ote aera eng n ae oete o etnn ata eas = rarerne ee ee | eae 2. 0 Echo Creek 3 mat Croydonyencss see ceesecn as « 4 25 PRVOLLD Gua ViHLLO Vice pinesi st oa clot ieishne cee futclnre tet) e aiarniemre in. anrainstatsiais geranin eteg ae sana inisioles a eer taatme cy 5 5 | Morgan Valley | 6.0 6.9 Ogden ay alloy. >= cccccecen> =o Pee eds ois Thebes athe sack seeds eee ores oees eee seeaceeeeee ees) 4.1 8.0 [PD Glta Plain tse os ete-cc sts oka seesicad ss aoc Peele Saar ac cseaNs ceeds caseesnasascasuosterseeciewcees | - 91.0 219.0 jee Ota les ae see oes EAC anno COR OCELE BOE a CLERIC See er eee rine SO conor eerie | 115.2 253. 0 The estimate of 219 miles of cultivable land on the Delta Plain includes 15 miles that will probably never be irrigated, but may neverthe- less be farmed. The total area of the Weber basin (including the whole plain from Bonneville to Centerville, and excluding the main body of Kamas Prairie) is 2,450 square miles; 4} per cent. of the area is now under cultivation, and 104 per cent. is susceptible of cultivation. The Jordan River is the outlet of Utah Lake, and runs northward, entering Great Salt Lake at its southeastern angle. On the right it receives a number of large tributaries from the Wasatch Range. The largest trib- utary of Utah Lake is the Provo River, which rises in the Uinta Mountains close to the heads of the Weber and Bear. From the mouth of its mountain canon the Provo enters Kamas Prairie, and it hugs the south margin of the plain just as the Weber hugs 16AR 122 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. the north margin, passing out by a narrow defile at the southwest corner. At one time in the history of the prairie the Provo flowed northward through it and joined itself to the Weber. The surface of the prairie was then lower than now, and the sand and gravel which the river brought from the mountains accumulated upon it. Eventually the Provo built its alluvium so high that its water found a new passage over the wall of the valley. The new channel, affording a more rapid descent than the old, quickened the current through the valley, and caused it to reverse its action and begin the excavation of the material it had deposited. So long as the river built up its bed, its channel was inconstant, shifting from place to place over the whole plain;. but so soon as it began to cut away the bed, its position became fixed and the plain was abandoned. The river now flows in a narrow valley of its own making, 150 feet below the surface of the plain. As a result of this mode of origin, Kamas Prairie slopes uni- formly from the Provo to the Weber, and it would be an immense under- taking to irrigate it with the water of the Weber. But the Provo River can be returned to its ancient duty with comparative ease. A few miles of canal will suffice to carry its water to the upper edge of the plain, and thence it can be led to every part. Already a small canal has been con- structed, and its enlargement may convert the whole prairie into a meadow. Thus the prairie, although part of the drainage basin of the Weber, belongs to the irrigation district of the Provo. The Provo next follows a narrow rock bound valley for 7 miles, being skirted by bottom lands that admit of some farming. It then enters Provo Valley, an opening about as large as the last, and favored by a warm climate that permits the growth of breadstuffs. Thence to Utah Valley it follows a deep, close canon. j The volume of the Provo is sufficient to water about 100 square miles. If it be permitted to serve 28 miles in Kamas Prairie and 40 miles in Provo Valley and its adjuncts, there will remain for Utah Valley the quota for 32 miles. The minor streams of the valley, American Fork, Spanish Fork, Hobble Creek, Payson Creek, ete., will irrigate 120 miles, making a total of 152 square miles supplied with water. The total land of the valley which might be irrigated if the water were sufficient amounts to no less than 225 miles. IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE SALT LAKE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 123 Thus it appears that if all available lands on the upper Provo are reclaimed, one-third of Utah Valley must go unwatered, while if none of them are irrigated, nearly the whole of the valley will be supplied. A middle course would appear most wise, and will undoubtedly be followed. A eradual extension of the canals, as the demands and means of the com- munities dictate and permit, will bring lands successively into use in the order of their value and convenience, and when the limit is reached and title has been acquired to all the water, the most available lands in each of the three valleys traversed by the Provo will have been reclaimed. The residents of Kamas Prairie will probably have increased their meadows so as to furnish winter hay for herds sufticient to stock the summer pastures of the vicinity; Provo Valley, having a less favorable climate than Utah Valley, will have irrigated only its choicest soils; and the major part of the river will belong to Utah Valley. The apportionment may be roughly estimated as—Kamas Prairie, 10 miles; Provo Valley and Waldsburg, 20 miles, and Utah Valley, 70 miles. Below Utah Lake there is little inequality of volume dependent on season. The lake is a natural reservoir 127 square miles in extent, and so far equalizes the outflow through the Jordan that the volume of that stream is less affected by the mean level of the lake than by the influence of north- erly and southerly winds. With suitable head works its volume can be completely controlled, and, if desirable, the entire discharge of the lake can be concentrated in the season of irrigation. The highest stage of the lake is in July, and the lowest in March or April; and the natural volume of its outlet has of course a corresponding change. In July 1 found that volume to be 1,275 feet per second, and I am informed by residents that the stream carried more than one-half as much water in its low stage; 1,000 feet is perhaps not far from the mean volume. When all possible use is made of Provo River and other tribu- taries the annual inflow of the lake will be diminished by about one-eighth, and the outflow by a greater fraction, which we will assume to be one- quarter. (This postulates that the evaporation is at the rate of 90 inches per year for the whole lake surface.) The remaining perennial outflow of 750 feet per second, if concentrated into four months, would irrigate for 124 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. that period 350 square miles. It will be practicable to include under canals from the Jordan only about 160 square miles of farming land, and I think it safe to assume that the supply of water will be greatly in excess of the demand. At the present time the Jordan is little used, the chief irrigation of Salt Lake Valley being performed by the large creeks that flow from the mountains at the east. It will not be long, however, before large canals are constructed to carry the Jordan water to all parts of the valley that lie below the level of Utah Lake. They will include 120 square miles of farming land. The mountain streams, being no longer needed in the lower parts of the valley, will be carried to higher land and made to serve the benches at the base of the mountains. By these means the total agricultural area of the valley will be increased to 192 square miles. Eventually, the western canal will be carried about the north end of the Oquirrh range and made to irrigate the northern third of Tooele Valley. It will pass above the farming lands of E. T. City and Grantsville, and enable the streams which irrigate the latter town to be used upon the higher slopes. The service of the Jordan will amount to no less than 40 miles and the agricultural area of the valley will be increased to about 45 square miles. Including Tooele Valley and Kamas Prairie with the drainage basin of the Jordan, its agricultural resources sum up as follows: ie as E Square miles— Tracts. | Cultivated in 1877. Cultivable. | Kamas brainiot-t ee ss oes scene nh tS) set ee Cee See ieeee See eee ree eee 4.0 10.0 | Hailstone Ranche and RENN [= S555. SR Se coc seniS SD Sne os Sn eh Sasa Se geS ago SEE mISO EME ECDONDN 2.0 2.0 IPTOV OAV al OY gee nee mene enn eee mere so nieieieleimin = = alsian aim wenn ene eine oe main miialainimeie mm mmm mwa mim 6.0 16. 0 AVG En i eee Se ae sce Santeoenacrinntr SeeCs url oanmace a= sya HRS SA CKOs oo ceo net doee orice nee seeders 2.0 2.0 LORRAINE Oc apo Sorba cea HU S de IaReeO SASS Sond SoeneSte Seno case mesos ss dessdoddoooseanAResbeescE 59. 0 190.0 Goshen....---. | Mona nies-- oan Salt Creek soscce donne sae scchn ale ae owe aoe ee nee ces sneer eee ease mana ee 14.0 | 16.0 Nephieseeriera if Salt Lake Valley (including Bountiful and Centerville) ---.-..-.-...----..-------.---------------- 89. 8 | 192.0 ERODE Ge Vall Oyseee aes sea anism ale e(n te eee eee oi Nefa ace Strata cee ee ele oe eT MER acre Bia barat 5.4 | 45.0 Motel’ 2c cpceeaceccesitss «act ecce caress MASRSE Soe aa2 ee ech See tee tra SAaee 182. 2 473.0 The drainage district has an area of 4,010 miles; 44 per cent. are culti- vated, and 113 per cent. may be cultivated. IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE SALT LAKE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 125 It will be observed that in these estimates the available water above Utah Lake is regarded as insufticient for the available land, while below the lake there is a superabundance of water, and yet the lower stream is only a continuation of the upper streams. The difference arises from the function of the lake as a reservoir. Below the reservoir the whole of the annual supply can be controlled, but above it I have assumed that irrigation will merely make use for the irrigating season of the quantity which flows at the critical period. If artificial reservoirs can be constructed so as to store water for use in Utah Valley, a greater area can be cultivated. With adequate storage facilities the streams tributary to the lake can irrigate in Kamas Prairie 28 miles; in Provo Valley and vicinity 40 miles; in Thistle Valley 6 miles; on Salt Creek 16 miles, and in Utah Valley 225 miles, making a total of 815 miles; and there will still escape to the Jordan enough water to serve all the land assigned to that stream. IH such storage is practicable, the estimate tabulated above should show 542 instead of 473 miles of cultivable land. ‘The region most likely to afford storage facilities lies in the mountains where the waters rise. I did not visit it, and until it has been examined I shall not venture to increase the estimate. The following table gives a summary for the Great Salt Lake river system : Areas, in square miles. Districts. Whole district. | SPeUL SP CUGRE® ee be reclaimed] Total cultiva- | tionin1877. in the future. | ble. Rear Riverssac=so-6~ 2 2.)0 522 taco ee vk Gewetac sewennwe 3, 620 | 89.3 462.7 Weber River 2, 450 1Hbs2 137.8 Jordan River 4,010 192. 2 } 280. 8 Totals sec eee ttose ceases ae Piiyesavanedinesce tet: 10, 080 | 396.7 881.3 1, 278.0 | Ota ON meinen aan senate nineess sicomueieaacam sec eke 1, 000 | - 039 | - 088 . 127 This region includes an eighth part of the land area of the Territory, and more than one-half the agricultural land. It is the richest section of Utah. Nearly one-third of its available land is already in use. The cost of the canals by which its cultivated lands have been furnished with water has been about 52,000,000. To complete its system of irrigation will probably cost $5,000,000 more. 126 IRRIGATION LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. BY SMALL STREAMS. Through the remainder of the drainage basin of Great Salt Lake there are no large bodies of farming land. At wide intervals are small tracts, dependent on springs and sinall creeks, and the available land is in nearly every case greatly in excess of the available water. A few exceptional spots are cultivated without irrigation, but so far as they have been discoy- ered they are so situated as to be moistened from beneath. been raised on dry bench lands. The principal facts are gathered in No crops have the following table: | | Localities. | Cedar Fort | Fairfield Vernon Creek Saint Johns East Caton Creek, Rush Valley Stockton Skull Valley Government Creek Willow Spring, township 10 south, range 17 west.| Redding Spring........-.....----------- Bran nese Dodoquibe Spring ......---..---------+---------- Deep Creek, township 9 south, range 19 west. -. DI ede A ane eee sauestecio aa neo ces Sssnce sass | Grouse Valley . Owl Spring Rosebud Creek Muddy Creek, township 10 north, range 15 west.) Park Valley | Widow Spring Indian Creek, township 13 north, range 12 west. East base Clear Creek Mountains. .-...--------- Cazure Creek Clear Creek, township 15 north, range 12 west-- Junction Creek Goose Creek ..- (Pilot Spriun Pees oe eect etiaree =e slaersta ee Deseret Creek (or Deep Creek) Crystal Springs, township 14 north, range 7 west. Antelope Spring, township 9 north, range 6 west- iHanZelies PrN Geese ease cecil menee ae ece Eee Promontory, east base Blue Creek Brackish Springs near Blue Creek Antelope Island Total Total in square miles . -........-..---.--- 2 . 5 | om | = + Sie 5 = 3 n a wien « § ca = L 5 | 2 & = temarks. . £2 PA siesta oe S (47 |pa [688 1 800 IBC | Ss5ace5 50 With aid of reservoirs. 1 800 900i): =2--22 | 1 900 1, 200 Lect me ie With aid of reservoirs. 1 700 | 700 | 1 500 GY) | eossecsas 1 200 | iN) ISeoadsecce 11 1, 000 | 2,500 @ | With aid of reservoirs; visited in | part only. | 1 300 | S00) eee seer Not visited. | 1 250 | PAN sete ces Do. of 20 | eM Seciodecene | Liiseeestee: 50) |eeceecem Not visited. 1 500 000) eee seees With aid of reservoirs. 1 Baceooocee 200 200 Not visited. 6 500 | IRM!) | apacsao se With aid of reservoirs. ab easscharns 10 | 10 1 150 BOON Seeeeete = With aid of reservoirs. 1 300 | 300 300 6 700 DECI bSsoccceen With aid of reservoirs. I |i | 20 20 | Not visited. 1 See 100 100 With aid of reservoirs. 6 5 150 100 | Do. Th ue ls oa | 200 200 | Not visited. 1 80, 200 200 | 1 500 500 | Not visited. 2 200 200 | Do. Ali Ssctoe eae 15.) Seerccecie. 1 300 8: 000 | sxe seecn a2 | With aid of reservoirs. 1 60 100 100 Do. ul 30 30 30 , Not visited. 1 15 15 15 al 300 | 600 600 |The greater part is not irrigated. S| ee ee P5001 | Meee | 1 200 TNOOOs|epeceeees| | Seren | 50 50 Not visited. 60 8, 610 | 21, 740 1, 625 Sasees 13.5 33.9 2.5 IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE SALT LAKE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 127 Nineteen tracts have not yet been surveyed by the land office. The total area of the district is 13,370 square miles, of which one- tenth of one per cent. is cultivated, and one-fourth of one per cent. may be cultivated. The contrast between the districts east and west of Great Salt Lake illustrates the combination of physical conditions essential to agriculture in our arid territories. An atmosphere endowed with but a small share of moisture precipitates freely only when it is reduced to a low temperature. Agriculture is dependent on the precipitation of moisture, but cannot endure the associated cold climate. It can flourish only where mountain masses turn over the aqueous product of their cold climates to low valleys endowed with genial climates. The Wasatch and Uinta crests stand from 6,000 to 9,000 feet higher than the valleys bordermg Great Salt Lake. Their climate has a temperature from 20° to 30° lower. The snows that accu- mulate upon them in winter are not melted by the first warmth of spring, but yield slowly to the advancing sun, and all through the season of erowing crops feed the streams that water the valleys. The Bear, the Weber, and the Jordan carry the moisture of the mountains to the warmth of the valleys, and fertility is the result. To the north and west of the lake there are many mountains, but they are too low and small to store up snow banks until the time of need. Their streams are spent before the summer comes; and only a few springs are perennial. The result is a general desert, dotted by a few oases. CAEL ASP ISECEES av eek eal IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER RIVER. By CAPTAIN C. BE. DUTTON. As an agricultural region, the valley of the Sevier River and of its tributaries is one of the most important in Utah. The amount of arable land which may be reached by the waters of the stream is very much larger than the stream can water advantageously, and the time is probably not far distant when all the water that can be obtained will be utilized in producing cereals, and there is probably no other region in Utah where the various problems relating to the most economic use of water will be solved so speedily. It is, therefore, a region of unusual interest, regarded in the light of the new industrial problems which the irrigation of these western lands is now bringing forward. Fortunately, there is a smaller prospect of difficulty and obstruction in the settlement of the legal contro- versies which must inevitably arise elsewhere out of disputes about water rights than will be encountered in other regions, for the Mormon Church is an institution which quietly, yet resistlessly, assumes the power to settle such disputes, and the Mormon people in these outlying settlements yield to its assumptions an unhesitating obedience. Whatever the church deems best for the general welfare of its dependencies it dictates, and what it dictates is invariably done with promptitude, and none have yet been found to resist. This communal arrangement has been attended with great success so far as the development of the water resources are concerned, 128 IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 129 and the system of management has ordinarily been so conducted that the general welfare has been immensely benefited; and if individuals have suffered, it has not been made manifest by any apparent symptoms of general discontent or of individual resistance. The system is by no means perfect as yet, but its imperfections may be found in details which produce no present serious inconvenience, and they will no doubt be remedied as rapidly as they attain the magnitude of great evils. The Sevier River has its course along the southeastern border of the Great Basin of the west, and its upper streams head in the lofty divide which separates the drainage system of the Colorado River on the south and east trom the drainage system of the Great Basin on the north and west. ‘The general course of the upper portion of the stream is from south to north, though its tributaries flow in many directions. The lower portion of the stream, within 60 miles of its end, suddenly breaks through one of the Basin Ranges on the west—the Pavant—and then turns south- westward and empties into Sevier Lake, one of the salinas of the Great Basin. The main valley of the Sevier River has a N.S. trend, and begins on the divide referred to, about 270 miles almost due south of Great Salt Lake, and continues northward a distance of about 170 miles. There are three principal forks of this stream. The lowest fork is at Gunnison, 140 niles south of Salt Lake City, and called the San Pete, which waters a fine valley about 45 miles in length, and which is at present the most important agricultural district in Utah. About 80 miles farther up the stream, at Cirele Valley, the river divides into two very nearly equal branches; one coming from the south, the other breaking through a great plateau on the east. These are called, respectively, the South and East Fork of the Sevier. The South Fork has its principal fountains far up on the surface of a great platean—the Panguitch Plateaun—whose broad expanse it drains by three considerable streams, which finally unite in the valley at the foot of its eastern slope. The East Fork of the Sevier receives the waters of a beautiful valley lying to the eastward of and parallel to the main valley of the Sevier, and separated from it by a lofty plateau 90 miles in length from north to 17 AR 150 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. south, and from 10 to 20 miles in breadth, called the Sevier Plateau. Through this great barrier the stream has cut a wide gorge 4,000 feet in depth and 10 miles long, called East Fork Canon, and right at its lower end it joins the South Fork of the Sevier. The physical geography of the region drained by the waters of the river is highly interesting, and has an important relation to the subject. The area in question consists of a series of tabular blocks, of vast proportions, cut out of the general platform of the country by great faults, and lifted above it from 2,000 to nearly 6,000 feet, so that the absolute altitudes (above sea level) of the tables range from #,000 to 11,500 feet. Where the valleys are lowest the tables are highest, and vice versa. ‘The valleys or lowlands stand from 5,000 to 7,500 feet above the sea. The plateaus have areas ranging from 400 to 1,800 square miles, and collectively with the included lowlands within the drainage system of the Sevier have an area of about 5,400 square miles. The tables front the valleys with barriers which are more continuous and which more closely resemble long lines of cliffs than the mountain chains and sierras of other portions of the Rocky Mountain Region, and there are stretches of unbroken walls, crowned with vast precipices, 10, 20, and even 40 miles in Iength, which look down from snowy altitudes upon the broad and almost torrid expanses below. If the palisades of the Hudson had ten times their present altitude and five or six times their present length, and if they had been battered, notched, and crumbled by an unequal erosion, they would offer much the same appearance as that presented by the wall of the Sevier Plateau which fronts the main valley of the Sevier. If they were from six to eight times multiplied, and extended from Hoboken to West Point, and were similarly shattered, they would present the appearance of the eastern wall of Grass Valley. If they were eight to ten times multiplied, and imagined to extend around three- fourths of the periphery of an area 40 miles by 20, and but little damaged by erosion, they would represent the solemn battlements of the Aquarius Plateau. These great plateaus are masses of volcanic rock overlying sedimentaries, the latter so deeply buried that they are seldom seen even in the deepest chasms, while superposed floods of volcanic outflows are shown in sections, reaching sometimes a thickness of 5,000 feet. The dark IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 131 colors of these rocks give a somber aspect to the scenery, and the gloomy fronts of the towering precipices are rendered peculiarly grand and imposing. The prevailing winds of this region are from the west, northwest, and southwest, and are a portion of the more general movement of the atmos- pherie ocean which moves bodily from the Pacific to the heart of the continent. In crossing the Sierra Nevada a large portion of its moisture is wrung from the air, which blows hot and arid across the Great Basin. Notwithstanding the aridity of the basin area, the air gains about as much moisture as it loses in crossing it, until it strikes the great barriers on the east side of the basin—the Wasatch and the chain of high plateaus which are mapped as its southerly continuation. Here the winds are projected by the bold fronts several thousands of feet upward. The consequent cooling and rarefaction condense from them an amount of moisture which, relatively to that arid country, may be called large, though far less than that of more favored regions. In the valleys the rainfall is exceedingly small ; almost the whole of the precipitation is in the high altitudes. It is no uncommon thing to see the heavy masses of the cumulus clouds enveloping the summits of all the plateaus while the valleys lie under a sky but little obscured. The plateaus, then, are the reservoirs where the waters accumulate, and from which they descend in many rivulets and rills, while around their bases are copious springs fed by the waters which fall above. The rainfall in the valleys is very small, as compared with that upon the plateaus, and it is also highly variable. No record has been kept of the precipitation within the drainage system of the Sevier, and the nearest point where such a record has been kept is at Fort Cameron, near Beaver, at the western base of the Tushar Mountains These observations cover but a_ brief period, and no doubt represent a much larger precipitation than that which occurs in the valleys and plains generally, because the situation of the point of observation is just at the base of the loftiest range in southern Utah, where the air currents from the west first strike it. Moreover, these observations are not yet published, and are not at present available. In the narrow valleys between closely approximated and lofty mountain walls, like the valley of the Sevier at Marys vale, the rainfall is greater than where 132 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. the valley is wider, with lower walls, as at Panguitch, Richfield, and Gun- nison. An estimate of the amount would be very hazardous; but, judging from what is known of similar localities, the amount in the wider valleys may be as low as 7 or 8 inches, or as high as 10 or 11. In the narrower and deeper valleys it may be between 10 and 12 inches. Upon the plateaus it may be as large as 30 to 35 inches. ‘The principal fall is in the winter and spring months, from the middle of November to the first of June; and in this period at least seven-eighths of the precipitation must be accom- plished in the valleys and three-fourths upon the plateaus. There is, how- ever, a large amount of variation in the distribution of the monthly falls from year to year. No two consecutive years correspond in this respect. In 1876 a heavy storm, with great rainfall and snow, occurred in the month of October, but in 1875 and 1877 no such storm occurred. In 1875 many drenching showers occurred in the months of July and August, but none occurred at the same months of 1877. In general, however, no sum- mer rainfall has ever been known of such extent as to dispense with the necessity of irrigation, or even to materially reduce the necessary amount. Great variability in the distribution of the fall over different months of the year is one of the characteristics of the climate. But whatever the distri- bution, it is never such as to affect this one conspicuous feature—that the season in which crops must have their chief growth and reach their maturity is the dry season. Connected with the irrigation of the Sevier Valley is a limiting condi- tion, which rarely has to be considered in connection with the lands watered by the Bear and Weber Rivers, and which does not enter at all into the lands lying about Great Salt Lake. It is the dependence of climate upon altitude. There are lands along the upper portions of the forks of the Sevier which can be irrigated easily enough, but which are not cultivable for grain on account of the shortness of the summer and of the danger of frosts during the growth and ripening of the grain. This in turn is directly connected with the altitude. At the point where the Sevier leaves its main valley and enters the Pavant range, its altitude is 5,050 feet above sea- level, At Gunnison it is 5,150 feet. IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 133 The altitudes of the San Pete Valley are approximately as follows : Feet, NT erie et ee ate ed See Pre Sasa pacioas ao ou ieeeinebsec sem spe deieleiaa= Sociale Say Semis mae clin ae 5, 850 Espiner sete ete ere cate weiner Saree eee bc aialsjalae'sle Sea niview ne eeiainie sista) Commi niacin Sia 5, 450 IM Fay ea tise ose ge Se SRS Se tee Re Is ES TSS PS area ah ier aa 5, 500 SOMO TOW ees asta = so steerage nee cea yecine si sasinn bo aalen elem tamslencisereeesan =a saeeets So 5, 550 WMoaniieleasantie it ockece acco ae SoScad ascs le Sees 226 Se Geass Beale ae feleeis Mes cise nwentemcaain cies 5, 600 Weer Tree oy Mette mete eal carci ee ee Sec, showers Sots ers cemaeiee ewe Melensemeenis es a's seeeiciein nels sane 5, 725 TMOG A ICOM be ee acta oe on colelec ees a aii Sere S cfds'e smart stem sete mine iaieisiatenera main salem viele = Siete mein a 5, 650 Beeinning at Gunnison and ascending the Sevier along its mail Course, the altitudes are as follows : Feet Gali Se ee ere ee cs oS SiS a co wreclei ciate) aratat ee emy eee asels Stata Sateen ee bela ia ate teitas 5, 100 RO TIT ae eA ee Penne wien ule cnisie Ue. «esi Sas sacle meme eMbaisteamis as. Jaa ccame(aiieceise 5,175 Rachie) dines ete ec crete, aye isin wise © viws.a.n.c) Solo yet a g's ole aisle elimi! wiggle aleiel= iain cacle te neko in 5, 300 MDT OG ee eee ee eee bic edntedaveiee 6 Gude ceemass 8a% asiemmeteece normals sis etme soem acismetsci 5, 850 ROSGDHN@IU yee tosh as at soe emiee a Sec en cme new cein seein site 'a Sect eel eeeieee re tee oe 5, 375 MARYSV3 Oost aese ss aioe Se ae ence Gace ctscwercce aceeseescens vem meseaee! sewn aesec me commana os 5, 600 Circle Valley 6, 000 Taking the East Fork in Grass Valley : Feet. Heid ofemastork Cano. acccoss<-dc0c5d0,06 cecsjce soee0Sanse boas s ceepeeeaseuscerie tes tema sinwes 6, 800 TTI TTS ee et ac oe awa je hc, Sw ieee Sa 5 cre els Sian elem eielclete ema) eat sina aie emioel7 = Wriciesai. 6, 700 WanielSemanli ks ten .c eee css sal waie cee ceed Sere cae esters eomie Ss mene “erie ise = tein talwe (ele (emininiz a) 7, QUO Taking the South Fork : ‘i Feet. Hendtom Panpnitchs@an0n. <<<. --cse0 ooo vs~ oss ean sweeet eine rae eaie we ne Seine memati sm ice 6, 250 PaO uticlies ee teense esa e< accu =a - = 2-s~ sets onie eee gem tase se mseince = sree Sar ge 6, 400 CaiL Sch ail ete operat we Sie atcha wna Se Soa ae se wee metiema manne nites amie mac 6, 550 Junction of Mammoth Creelk......--- 2-2. ee nce cane teense eens case enieie eeeld Mane ese scln venice 6, 900 In the San Pete Valley, which has been cultivated as far up as Mount Pleasant for twenty years, I cannot learn that any crop has ever been injured by frosts, and we may therefore conelude that this valley is safe from such an attack, unless a most abnormal one. ‘The same may be said of the main Sevier Valley from Joseph City downward. From Joseph City to Circle Valley there is a relatively small proportion of irigable land, but such as there is may, I think, be regarded as safe from frost. Cirele Valley, where the two forks unite, has been cultivated for cereals for four years, and has not yet suffered from frost, and it is fair to assume that such a calamity will be very infrequent there, though it may not be possible to say there is no danger. In Panguitch Valley, a severe frost in August, 1874, inflicted great injury upon the crops, and only a small quantity of very inferior erain was harvested. But in 1875, 1876, and 1877, excellent crops were > 134 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. secured. Above Panguitch the amount of arable land is not great, and the danger to crops is increased. In Grass Valley there is a magnificent expanse of fertile arable land, but there can be no question that a large portion of it is so liable to killing frosts in August, or even in July, that the cereals cannot flourish there. The lower portion of the valley, near the head of East Fork Canon, is more hopeful, and it is probable that a large majority of crops planted there will mature, though occasional damage may be reasonably looked for. The general result may be summarized as follows: Below 6,000 feet crops may be considered as safe from serious damage by frosts. From 6,000 to 7,000 feet crops are liable to damage in a degree proportional to the excess of altitude above 6,°00 feet. Above 7,000 feet the danger is probably such as to render agriculture of little value to those who may pursue it. The climate has shown in past times a longer period of variation than the annual one. Panguitch was settled once in 1860, but was abandoned on account of the destruction of crops by the frosts. The settlement was renewed in 1867, and again abandoned, in consequence of the attacks of Indians: It was settled a third time in 1870, and, though crops have occasionally been injured, the agriculture has on the whole proved remn- nerative. Let us now look at the irrigable lands of the Sevier and its tributaries. Above the town of Panguitch, on the South Fork, there is a considerable area of arable land, which could be easily reached by canals from the main stream and below 7,000 feet altitude, but for want of a detailed survey it is impossible to do more than guess at the area. I think, however, that 8,000 acres would be the maximum limit. This portion of the valley is liable to killing frosts, though during the last three years it has not suffered from this cause. In the long run, I believe agriculture will not prove remunerative here. From Panguitch northward to the head of the Pan- guitch Canon, a distance of 18 miles, is a broad valley, averaging 5 miles in width, a very large portion of which is irrigable, provided the water supply is adequate. At least 24,000 acres may be cultivated without resort to anything more than the usual methods of distributing the water; but not the whole of this area is fertile. The greater part of the area of Panguitch IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 135 Valley is composed of alluvial slopes; or, as they have been termed by geologists, alluvial cones. Although these surface features are presented in a somewhat more typical and striking manner in Grass Valley, yet they are well enough exhibited here; and as they have an important relation to the subject, I will briefly discuss them. In a mountainous country like this, where the melting of the snows in spring or heavy rainfalls at other seasons create sudden and great torrents, large quantities of detritus are carried down trom the mountains into the valleys. These mountain streams, which in summer, autumn, and early winter are ordinarily either very small or wholly dried up, may upon certain oceasions become devastating floods. The bottoms of the ravines are steep water courses, down which the angry torrents rush with a power which is seldom comprehended by those who dwell in less rugged regions. Huge » several tons, great trees, with smaller débris of rocks, boulders weighing o eravel, sand, and clay, are swept alone with resistless force, until the decreasing slope diminishes the energy sufficiently to permit the greater boulders to come to rest, while the smaller ones are still swept onward. The decrease of slope is continuous, so that smaller and smaller fragments reach a stable position, and only cobblestones, grayel, or sand reach the junctions of the streams with the main rivers. Around the openings of the greater gorges and ravines the deposits of coarser detritus build up in the lapse of time the alluvial cones. As it accumulates, each torrent builds up its bed and constantly changes the position of its channel, and with the mouth of the ravine for a center it sweeps around from right to left and left to right like a radius, adding continually, year after year, to the aceumula- tions of detritus. Thus a portion of a flat cone is formed, having its apex at the mouth of the ravine. At the foot of mountain ranges these alluvial cones are formed at the mouth of every ravine, and are sometimes so near together that they intersect each other, or become confluent. They are composed of rudely stratified materials, ranging in size or grain from fine silt and sand to rounded stones of several hundredweight, and occasionally a block of a ton or more may be seen near the apex of the cone. In regions where the rocks are soft and readily disintegrated the stones are 156 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. more worn, less in number, and smaller in size, and this is the case generally with unaltered sedimentary rocks. But in valleys running among voleanic ranges, the much greater hardness and durability of the materials preserve them from disintegration, and the stones are more numerous, larger, and less worn by attrition, composing indeed a very large proportion of the bulk of the alluvial cones. A large portion of the valley of the Sevier lies in the midst of a voleanic region, and its sides are everywhere flanked with these alluvial cones, which are very stony and gravelly. The lower portion of the Sevier is in a country made of sedimentary beds, and though the alluvial cones are equally common, they consist of finer material, and are less burdened with stones. The Panguitch Valley is between volcanic plateaus, and most of its area consists of alluvial cone land, which is no doubt fertile wherever the stones and rubble are not sufficient to prevent plowing and planting, but this difficulty must render it at least very undesirable. There is, however, a large area of land of another description in Panguitch Valley, composed of the finest silt brought down by the gentler current of the river itself, and deposited within its own basin. This is good bottom land, and the amount of it I estimate at not less than 7,000 acres. It has already been remarked that Panguitch Valley stands at an altitude above 6,000 feet, and is not free from danger of summer frosts. These have been known to destroy or seriously injure the grain, though in a majority of years crops will no doubt be safely harvested. Whether the danger is such as to make agriculture unremunerative in the long run experience can alone demonstrate. Following the South Fork of the Sevier downward through the Panguitch canons, the next important agricultural area is Circle Valley. This is a broad, nearly circular area, situated in the midst of scenery of the most magnificent description. Upon the east and west sides rise those gigantic cliffs which are the peculiar feature of the scenery of this elevated region, looking down upon the valley below from altitudes of 4,000 to 5,000 feet. This valley also has upon its sides long sloping areas of stony alluvial cones, full of blocks of trachyte and basalt washed down from the cliffs above. It has also a large area of arable land. There is IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. es 4 in addition, a certain area of sandy land of an inferior degree of excellence. The area of best bottom land will probably reach as high as 6,000 acres. In this area there is probably very little danger from early frosts, as the 6,000 feet contour passes through the middle of the valley, and, as already stated, the areas which lie within this limit are reasonably safe from this occurrence. At the north end of Cirele Valley we find the junction of the two main forks of the Sevier River. From the junction the main stream runs northward for nearly 20 miles, and throughout this entire stretch there is but little arable land. Upon both sides of the river there are long alluvial slopes, made up of stony materials and coarse gravels, through which a plow could scarcely be driven. A portion of the way the river runs between rocks and low cliffs and in abrupt canons, cutting through old trachyte and basaltic outflows. Reaching Marysvale, we find a sufti- cient area for three or four good sized farms, consisting of bottom land of the finest quality, which can be watered either from the Sevier River itself or from two considerable aftluents which come roaring down out of the Beaver Mountains. North of Marysvale is a barrier thrown across the valley, consisting of rugged hills of rhyolitic rocks, through which the river has cut a deep canon; but agriculture in any portion of this barrier is out of the question. The river emerges from it at the head of what may be vulled its main or lower valley, near the Mormon settlement called Joseph City. From this point northward we find what must undoubtedly become the great agricultural area of southern Utah. It is a magnificent valley, nowhere less than 5 miles in width, and at least 60 miles in length, with abrupt mountain walls on either side, and almost the whole of its soil consisting of alluvial cones, and susceptible of a high degree of cultivation. The limit of the amount of land in this valley which can be irrigated is measured by the quantity of water which can be found to turn upon it. The western side of the valley is flanked by abrupt walls of sedimentary rocks. As I have before stated, the alluvial cones which find their origin in the degradation of these sedimentary walls are invariably composed of finer materials than those which come from the breaking up of voleanic rocks. The soil, therefore, is much more readily plowed and planted than the corresponding cones farther up the river. The surface of these cones, 18 aRk 13 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. moreover, is coated with a thick layer of fine loam, and it is not until penetrated to a considerable depth that we come upon a coarser material. This portion of the valley of the Sevier has been under cultivation for more than eight years. he art of irrigation has also reached a certain stage of advancement, at which it can be studied with some interest. A canal of sufficient magnitude to carry the entire body of the water of the Sevier during the dry season has been run for a distance of 8 miles, and is used for irrigating the large grain fields which lie around Richfield ; and, as irrigation is now conducted, the entire flow of the stream is turned through this canal after having. been employed for irrigating the various fields, which extend for the distance of nearly 7 miles. The total amount of irrigable land which may be found between Joseph City on the south and the point where the Sevier leaves its proper valley, 65 miles to the north- yard, cannot be much less than 90,000 acres. The limit of irrigation throughout this entire valley is the limit of the water supply. There is one other valley to which we must advert, namely, the valley of the San Pete. his is fully equal in fertility and in the convenience of every element connected with irrigation to the best part of the main valley of the Sevier. The San Pete is a stream of considerable magnitude, and experience has shown that it is probably capable, under a more improved system of irrigation than that now in use, of watering the greater portion of its valley. The cultivable acreage of the San Pete Valley is about 55,000 acres, provided the whole could be watered. The quantity of water carried by the Sevier will now be considered, This, of course, is highly variable from month to month. The time for measurement, if the true irrigating capacity of the stream is to be con- sidered, should be that time at which the ratio of water in the stream to the amount required is smallest. At different stages of growth of the crops the amount of water required differs considerably. The largest amount is needed about the time the seeds of the grain begin to fill out. Ordinarily this is in the latter part of July and early in August throughout the lower and most extensive portion of the valley, and a week later in the upper portions. At this season the water is not at its minimum. ‘There is a gradual diminution of the flow during July, but the great shrinkage of the IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. ibys) stream oceurs during the middle of August, just after, or sometimes even during, those irrigations in which the greatest amount is required. ‘The critical period of the crops occurs, therefore, just before, and sometimes dangerously near, the period of rapid decline in the water supply. It will therefore be evident that it is not a very easy matter to determine the exact stage of water which can serve as a criterion of the irrigating capacity. My own measurements, however, were hardly a matter of choice, but were made at the most advantageous period which could be selected without interfering with the primary objects of the expedition. The Sevier was measured at the junction of the two main forks, at the north end of Circle Valley, on the 6th and 7th of July. The method adopted was first to find a section of the water at a given point by soundings and by actual measurement of the width of the water surfaces, and measuring the surface velocity by means of floats. ‘The most probable mean result of several measurements was found to be 410 cubic feet per second for the East Fork, and 450 feet per second for the South Fork, or a total of 860 feet. While this measurement was made the South Fork was being drawn upon above for the watering of about 1,100 acres near Panguitch, 35 miles farther up the stream, and also for watering about 600 acres in Cirele Val- ley, about 3 to 4 miles above. The amount of water used in Circle Valley was probably greater than that at Panguiteh, since the method employed was much more wasteful, and no provision made for returning the tail water to the stream. On the other hand, a large proportion of the tail water from both places finds its way back to the channel in spite of waste, but how much it is impossible to conjecture. I think, however, that 75 cubic feet per second would cover the loss from these sources. Below the point of measurement the Sevier receives the following affuents: At Van Buren’s ranch is a cluster of very large springs, fur- nishing about 55 cubic feet per second. Between Van Buren’s and Marys- vale are three streams, yielding together about 30 feet, and Bullion Creek at Marysvale carries about 40 feet. There is still another affluent at Marysvale with about 30 feet. Finally, Clear Creek, north of Marysvale Canon, gives about 45 feet, making the total contributions between the junction of the forks and Joseph City about 200 feet. 140 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. At Monroe a stream issues from the Sevier table, and is used for the irrigation of the field cultivated by that settlement. Its flow is estimated at 40 feet in the middle of July. At Richfield, on the other side of the valley, is a stream coming from the Pavant, with a flow of about 20 feet, and at Glencove a stream of 25 feet. At Salina is a large tributary issuing from a great canon through the north end of the Sevier Plateau, and its measurement indicated a flow of 165 feet. The total between Monroe and Salina, inclusive, would thus reach 250 feet, to which might be added some smnaller tributaries, not specifically mentioned, amounting perhaps to 10 feet, giving a total of 260 feet. Adding this to the tributaries between the upper forks and Joseph City, and to the main river itself, we have, as the total above Gunnison, 1,320 feet. This estimate being for the early part of July, and obviously largely in excess of the amount which is available at the critical period, in the last week of that month and the first week in August, what allowance should be made for the diminution of supply during the month of July it is difficult to determine. The smaller tributaries, as a rule, shrink much more than the larger. Those which enter the stream lower down decline more during July than those which join it farther up. ‘Taken altogether, I am satisfied that it would be unsafe to estimate the irrigating capacity in the first week of August at more than 60 per cent. of that found in the first week of July, and I regard 50 per cent. as a much more probable estimate. For want of a better one, | adopt it, and this gives the estimated irrigating capacity of the Sevier and its tributaries above the junction of the San Pete at 660 cubic feet per second during the critical period. The water supply in the San Pete Valley was measured by Mr. Renshawe during the latter part of July, and found by him to be as follows: Volume of flowing water, in cubic feet per second, of streams in San Pete Valley. Feet 1A GY phi Oe) esse sels Seco Se Sass EO OS5U06 5OG0 0nSnSa Sk aad. docoss doaSac SSctes sdacad Ssoasesashanes 28 IDp Any OCC ae on mean ocod Sana CAO DSn OD So5 Scieood Sosene oseG0Tbn00 SSHceu sre peSeonscercscs 28 Mam ti @reeks sa no ooo a iayeia & 2 oie anise cian ate Sse ine Selo ee ele sae eee eee eaa= sae eee ae sees ssenee 28 Sy HaanthON gel Cell oe a ee cobs aoc padoce soodueembos aceccndoog Sebeeonse Hentdesoce uses oreese cosses 14 BWalEVIL@ Ws CLEC oo ae) anita gas ote aa imin itso mle annie ee eefate eee aie eee oe eee ie te oe la eters 10 Wiales! Creeknerrsseeesacsset eet se nee eee ee aieeeeee walkin Harceciefesienisinde S csicsyesic wines eee 6 Fountain! Vote sites ae ace nae ser baa cate neces ee a eeeenne Meets ores Sialslniciovtersioteleteletemte 10 IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 141 Feet IMORONU 2c oe eo ncceioas cee sens neces oeaeies ee b Sea nboatatiecictnct nae Ser acne aera 10 Creek between Ephraim and Manti....-........----- Been Dacomeps once Saeed ane aearmer cce 5 Gresksueumeeny Marit ana: GunNISOM 2 cece: strccsier ceeniseice sinipiomais'Sls aainiewis'el/aia n'a c\a'ss aG/ars'so:welon a 5 Creeks a Over ai nviews acces acta mae oi cistotalslete sleiicro sic eels: sajcisisaite siaici cowl kmisiaaste oar eelsiwic cinike~ ociew cle 'Se 24 WEL C-BORGIOT Obese o ccc's cieata cs Shin = a a1 taidatalajs staleemielsisiteiotes 40 cote Ste smslere nels cies ee dees abicc es 28 SanMBeteratiGoanmnisonys aaarcers cyare.c re wsys «a.arare teil aletore ka rice tarelevele Sieus cs oce a a fo cerigelalateie sleeves s s1atiee elesjes 60 SO Lou lbeatee eee os eae eens a Oo oes aitiee ate en aoe ame een es cdl ee cea cteni ee ancswoet one rm asee ay ae This estimate is also liable to reduction, being undoubtedly a little in excess of the amount available at the critical period. This reduction may be as great as 15 per cent., which would leave very closely 200 cubic feet as the water supply of the San Pete Valley, which, added to the total of the Sevier above Gunnison, gives for the whole drainage system of the Sevier River a water supply of 860 feet per second at the time when the greatest amount is required. The next factor to be inquired into is the amount of land which a cubic foot per second of water can irrigate. This is, of course, highly variable, depending upon the nature of the soil, and the economy with which the water is applied, and the frequency of the irrigations. New lands freshly broken require much more water than the older ones which have been planted and watered for several years; and in fact the quantity diminishes with each season for a long term of years. In the San Pete Valley, which has been longest cultivated, the decrease in the amount of water applied to the oldest lands has not yet ceased, though some fields have been cultivated with regularity since 1857. The fresh soils are highly porous and absorp- tive, requiring a large quantity of water for their irrigation, and not retain- ing this moisture well under the great evaporative power of a dry and hot atmosphere. With successive irrigations, the pores of the soil are gradually closed and the earth is slowly compacted by the infiltration of impalpable silt brought by the irrigating waters. It absorbs water much more slowly, and retains it a much longer time. There is, however, a check to this increased irrigating power, arising from a wasteful mode of agriculture. — It has not been the practice to employ fertilizers, nor any other conservative means of keeping up the fertility of the soil, and the yield of the crops growing smaller, the old lands are frequently abandoned, and fresh adjoin- ing lands are broken, planted, and watered. It has been the practice to 142 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. cut the straw, which is never returned as mulch; and, as there is but little rotation in crops, the result can be easily comprehended. So long as new land costs nothing but the labor to clear of the Artemisia or sage brush, there is always the tendency to invade it as rapidly as the old lands show signs of fatigue. Thus the waters are constantly irrigating every year a large proportion of new land, and the consumption of water is correspond- ingly great. A serious loss of water and fertility is produced by any method of irrigation which employs more water than is just sufficient to saturate the soil. Whatever water runs off from a field carries with it great quantities of mud and fine silt, together with the most precious elements of fertility. These elements are the soluble alkaline salts and organic manner which are readily taken up by the water, and once removed are not speedily restored. A field which is so irrigated that a large surplus of water is continually running from the tail ditches during the flow will rapidly deteriorate in fertility. But a field which receives water which is allowed to stand until it has soaked into the earth, without any surplus passing into the tail ditches, will increase in fertility. These irrigating waters bring with them a sufficiency of plant food to compensate, and more too, for the drain upon the soil caused by the harvest ; but they will carry off more than they bring if they are permitted to run over the field and escape from it, instead of being caught and held until they are absorbed. It is not always prac- ticable to attain this exact distribution of water, and many cases occur where great expense and labor might be required to arrange the ditches and fields in this manner. Ordinarily, it is cheaper to throw away old land and take up new than to improve the system of irrigation, and there are many fields in the valley of the Sevier which have been abandoned because the fertility of the soil has been washed out by a reckless method of irriga- tion. Connected with this is another source of waste, arising from very unequal requirements of contiguous areas, in consequence of which many lands, especially old ones, are liable to be excessively watered. When a community farms a large number of small fields, using water from the same canals, it is usually impossible so to regulate the distribution of the privilege that each field will receive the exact amount it needs. Some fields can IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 143 remain unwatered much longer than others, and the tendency always is to get as much water as possible—each farmer fearing a deficiency of water and wasting its surplus. Experience on the part of the watermasters and a more and more settled habit in the lands themselves gradually diminish this source of loss and create economy. Far better results, therefore, may ordinarily be anticipated in old lands than in new. Better results, also, are found where circumstances render difficult or impracticable the abandon- ment of old fields for new, and this is ordinarily in those portions where the water is nearly or quite sufticient for all the irrigable land, and where all the irrigable land is taken up. Recurring, then, to the inquiry as to the amount of land which a cubic foot per second of running water will irrigate, this area is in many of the new lands as low as 40 acres, and it seldom exceeds 80 acres with the old lands. Probably there are very few regions in the world where the demand of the soil for water is so great as here where the supply is so small. In California a cubic foot of water is said to be capable of irrigating more than a hundred acres, in India 200, and in Spain and Italy a much larger area. The reason is obvious. It is the direct consequence of the extreme aridity of the climate of Utah. The irrigating capacity of the unit of water is even less in the southern counties of Utah than in those around Great Salt Lake. Mr. Gilbert’s estimate of 100 acres for this last locality being accepted as the best that can be hoped for, it will not be rating the factor too low to say that 80 acres is the best that can be hoped for in the valley of the Sevier. The present factor will not, I am convinced, have a higher average value than 50 acres. The total acreage, therefore, which can be irrigated in the drainage system of the Sevier by the present system of watering and of agriculture may be estimated at about 43,000 acres, and the greatest improvements and economies in the system of farming and watering cannot, with the present water supply, be expected to raise the irrigable area above 70,000 acres. 144 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Square miles | Acres cultiva- | ae eee 1 - . Square milesof Acres irrigable Districts cultivated ted during... : nae Be irrigable land. land. during 1877. 1877. ||, Sank etouviQll 6 yess ee ate sere me eae eee ee eee tere 17 11, 000 31.2 20, 000 Gumnisont 2s 2226.22 2 .cseteccs nts ese aaeee teen aeeee ese 4.4 2, 800 6.2 4, 000 Sevier Valley above Gunnison ...-....-..--..-.-..+----- 16.5 10, 500 54.7 35, 000 CircleVialle ya nces= seer ace eee nee eee re 1,2 750 6.3 4, 000 | Panenitchand above +2. =n s2ses tenance a= tae eee 2.8 1, 800 11 7, 000 | | , | HRT lamin anor eng aaOO Re 0 OSR ODAC AnICOn ecm eeEsa= | 41.9 26, 850 109. 4 | 70, 000 | | Nevertheless, I am persuaded that it will be practicable to extend the possibility of irrigation by an increase of water supply to a degree sufficient to irrigate every acre of the main valley of the Sevier which can be reached by canals, and which is also fit for cultivation. It is by the method of artificial reservoirs. There is probably no region in the world more admirably suited to the easy, cheap, and efficient application of this method than this very region drained by the Sevier River. The sources of this river are found at high altitudes, but these high places are not mountains in the ordinary sense, but great plateaus with broad summits. These table tops have vast numbers of large basins broad enough for great ponds, which are now drained by narrow gorges cut through volcanic sheets and leading down to lower levels. These gorges are in most cases narrow canons, which, being once barred across, will dam the waters above them. I could not select a better example than the following: About 15 miles southwest of the town of Panguitch is a broad basin, the central part of which is occupied by a shallow lake, about 14 miles long and nearly a mile wide, called Panguitch Lake. Its altitude is about 8,200 feet. It is completely surrounded with barriers, nowhere less than 100 feet in height, and finds its drainage through a narrow cleft on the northeast side. It receives the influx of two fine streams, which in May and June must carry heavy floods of water from the lofty rim and broad watershed of the Panguitch Plateau lying to the westward. Even in August their united flow must reach 50 feet per second. By throwing a dam 30 feet high and 50 or 60 feet long across the outlet between its walls of solid trachyte, a lake would be formed with an area of 6 or 7 square miles. There are many such basins upon the Panguitch Plateau, and it would be a low estimate to say that it would be possible, at comparatively small expense, IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 145 to create 30 or 40 square miles of lake surface, with an average depth of 20 feet, upon that plateau alone The precipitation upon its surface would be more than sufficient to fill these lakes every year. A dam across the upper part of East Fork Canon would create a lake behind it which might have an area of 12 to 15 square miles. Numerous reservoirs could be created at small expense in Grass Valley, upon the Fish Lake Plateau, and upon the Sevier Plateau, and in those valleys which are drained by Salina Creek and its tributaries. The Sevier River itself can be cheaply dammed at several gorges and made to overflow swampy flats above—notably at the head of Marysvale Canon, and again just north of Van Buren’s ranch. Other things equal, it would be better, as well as cheaper, to build dams at higher levels, since the evaporation is much less there than in the valleys, and the natural facilities for creating lakes are also greater. In this way, I believe it to be practicable to reserve a store of water sufficient to irrigate every acre of ground in the Sevier Valley, which is by the nature of its soil and its situation suitable for irrigation. It may be noted, too, that the ‘tank system” thus suggested would not interfere with or take the place of the present system, but would be supplementary to it. ‘The streams would in June and early July run through the lakes and over the dams, yielding about as much water as they now yield in those months, and the reservoirs would not have to be drawn upon before the middle of July. A very interesting subject connected with the peculiar conditions of agriculture in the west is the origin and distribution of alkaline salts in the soil. In moist regions such occurrences are rare. They are peculiar to arid regions, and, in truth, very few arid regions fail to exhibit them. The cause in a general way is well known. The small amount of rain which falls during the wet season penetrates deeply into the earth, where it gradually takes up such soluble salts as it encounters there. During the dry season which follows, there is always going on an evaporation from the surface, however dry it may appear to the senses. It is a mistake to suppose that because the saline soil is as dry as ashes no evaporation is in progress. In many cases this may be true; but often in the most arid regions there are many localities where the water collects far below the 1S) NTR, 146 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. immediate surface. By capillary action, this water always tends to diffuse itself throughout the loose materials which make up the overlying soils. As fast as it is evaporated at the surface, more water from below rises by capillary action to take its place. When the air is exceedingly dry, as it jnvariably is in summer throughout the whole Rocky Mountain Region at moderate altitudes, the evaporative power becomes so great and extends to such a depth below the immediate surface, that we are unable to recog- nize the slightest traces of moisture indicating that evaporation is going on The water which may have accumulated beneath has gradually risen by percolation through the interstices of the unconsolidated materials of the soil, bringing with it whatever soluble salts it may have taken into solution during its sojourn beneath the surface. These soluble salts are left at the surface by the final evaporation of the water, and, as the process is contin- uous until the reservoir beneath is exhausted, the salts accumulate. Contrast this now with the action going on ina moist country. Here the copious waters wash the soils as rapidly as the salts come up from below, and carry them in solution into the drainage channels. During the greater part of the year the movement of the waters is partly from the surface downward into the subterranean water courses, from which they emerge in springs ; partly by surface drainages into rills, and thence into living streams. By both movements, any tendency to accumulate soluble salts at the surface during the relatively brief periods of dryness is prevented. In a dry country the periods of dryness are very much longer, and the rainfall is seldom sufficient to wash the accumulated salts from the soil. There is, however, usually a limit to this accumulation, since at long intervals rains occur sufficient to remove a large portion of the salts. The difference between a dry and wet country in this respect is therefore one of degree rather than of kind. In a dry country the periods of accumulation of salts at the surface are long and continuous, while the washings of the soil are rare and imperfect. In a wet country the periods of accumulation are short and rare, while the washings are frequent, copious, and thorough. The saline materials vary widely in character and constitution. They are, however, chiefly salts of soda, lime, potash, and magnesia. Sometimes they exist in the condition of chlorides, sometimes of carbonates, and IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 147 sometimes of sulphates. The reactions from which they are derived are many, and it will be proper here to give only a few illustrations. A portion of the salts of magnesia and soda are derived from the decomposition, by atmospheric influences, of volcanic, granitic, and other crystalline rocks. Where these materials exist in the form of felspar, hornblende, and pyroxene, the great decomposing agent is water charged with the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, by the action of which soda, magnesia, and lime are, with inconceivable slowness, dissolved out of the constituents of these rocks. There is no stream, however pure it may apparently be, which does not carry more or less of chlorides and carbonates in solution. The sulphates are derived mainly from subterranean sources. In the Rocky Mountain Region, one of the most common forms of sulphate is found very abun- dantly in the rocks of the Carboniferous, Triassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary Ages, in the forms of gypsum and selenite, which are sulphates of lime Whenever waters containing carbonate of soda are filtered through strata. containing these sulphates, a double decomposition takes place, by which rarbonate of lime and sulphate of soda are formed. The carbonate of lime is very slightly soluble in water, while the sulphate of soda is highly so, and it is well known that waters emanating from the sedimentary rocks just spoken of are very frequently highly charged with it. Such, doubtless, is the origin of this mineral in the so called alkaline waters of the west, and of all the soluble minerals which pass under the name of alkali it is one of the most common. Carbonate of soda is also abundant in the soils. It is frequently found in the summer time, coating the surface of bottom lands which earlier in the season have been submerged by the augmented streams. Common salt (chloride of sodium) is even more abundant than the sulphate. It is well known, however, that many of the sedimentary rocks, particularly those of the Triassic and Jurassic Age, contain an abundance of it, and there are many localities in the west where a very fair article of common salt is obtained by the lixiviation of the detritus of the red Triassic rocks. Incrustations of these soluble saline materials occur most abundantly in the vicinity of the rivers and in the bottom lands. This may at first seem somewhat strange, but it is susceptible of a ready explanation. In order that these salts may accumu- 148 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. late at the surface, there must be going on continually a slow transmission of moisture from under ground upward, and since a continuous supply of water is more frequently found in the bottom lands than elsewhere, it follows that the conditions of these accumulations are here more frequently fulfilled. They may, however, and do oceur at localities which probably contain subterranean reservoirs of water, which are annually filled during the wet season. Sometimes these salts are so abundant that the land requires a thorough washing before it is fit for agriculture, and the Mor- mons have on several occasions, when founding settlements, been obliged to allow the waters from their ditches to leach the land for many months, and in one or two cases for two, and even three, years, before a good crop could be raised. There is no difficulty, however, in removing any quantity of these readily soluble salts from the soil, provided. this leaching process be continued long enough; and it is usually found that lands which were originally highly akaline become, when reclaimed from their alkalinity, among the most fertile. There yet remains for mention a number of small areas served by some minor streams in southwestern Utah. These little creeks head in the mountains, but are soon lost in the deserts of that arid and torrid region, none of their waters finding their way to the ocean. The greater number of them belong to the drainage basin of Sevier Lake. In each case the water supply is small, and inadequate to supply the available land. In nearly every case the competence of the supply has been determined in- the most practical way—by the operations of settlers; but some allowance has been made for an increase of the irrigable land by the more economic use of the water. This can be accomplished by the construction of better waterways, and by more carefully flowing the water over the lands. a IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE SEVIER. 149 The following table exhibits the extent of these areas: Districts. | eee Acres. @henmva © neg kermstect atta cve st otear ian eect ec een ema eae Ness La yeaa es eum oe EOF e NL een ROR ee ae 2 100 UCM OleOle eens tcc fa cbace scene secsa oe saces noc oe ve cee Soap eeeeaue secure sae Sate eneel Tene Se Sen eeeeeens «2 100 Levan : | 3.1 2, 000 Sorpio Meee eee acceler too ot ten Ne Oe des NT KEES Oe Beeere ee See | 2.6] 1,700 Holden 1.6 1, 000 Fillmore and Oak Creek 5.5)| 8,500: Meadow Creels..:...--+----2---- 1.9} 1,200 Kanosh Bil 2, 000 Beaver Creek and tributaries 21.9 14, 000 PaTArOUNalie seeps nos See Sn cee sas ca acle Feo ee pie ace Oe ee ee ie ee en ee Ae eee oe 1.5) 1,000 HSE ELEC Wy Sel oer ee ee) Se PO oe armen IRS = Se Na aa ee che RO ae te as ee a 1D. 1, 000 SOI Gee seca le tae tee ete oe re AA RS ce oS e Gato den eee meer ee sacs esicce seat eee de eee 6 | 400 CadamGity erro ivy an eOrt Pl emiGOW, testers ale crm sic cieieee cre ape alts aie Beier a eee ne aie eco eialens eee tenes sees 3.6 | 2,300 Moun CainiMeadOwss. cece -a cee ies cae eae ea sae sess ok es ilae cess aaa ce Memes Deere ee me ems See a ew oe tee 3 200 LOT ED) on pc bOO ECE OHOUE TASS SECS COERIGH COREE tI CICERO AAO oer Sig hor ance ao ae a adore eerd .3 200 Hebron... 1.6 1,000 LO Ublmeceice tates. caret wcseteecc seis SEAS eek els sisieds a hee eae ieeta cena le eaten tee es poms Se ects 49. 5 | 81, 700° CEVA? We Lax? IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THAT PORTION OF UTAH DRAINED BY THE COLORADO RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES. By A. H. THOMPSON. That portion of Utah drained by the Colorado River and its tributaries belongs to -a great basin limited on the north by the Uinta Mountains and on the west by the high plateaus that separate the drainage of the Colorado from that of the salt lakes of the interior, and extending beyond the limits of the Territory on the east and south. ‘The floor of this basin is extremely rough, being broken by isolated groups of rugged mountains, by plateaus encircled with cliffs of almost vertical rock, by mesas and amphitheaters, and huge monumental and castellated buttes. Everywhere the surface is cut and carved with a network of canons, hundreds and often thousands of feet in depth. The main channel through which its drainage passes to the sea is the Jolorado, and its proper upper continuation, the Green River. The principal tributaries to these streams from the east are the White, the Grand, and the San Juan Rivers—all rising in the high mountains east of the Territory and flowing in a general westerly course—the White enter- ing the Green River, the Grand uniting with the Green to form the Colorado, and the San Juan entering the latter about 125 miles below the junction of the Grand and the Green. The Virgin, the Kanab, the Paria, the Escalante, the Fremont, the San Rafael, the Price, the Minnie Maud, the Uinta, and Ashley Fork are the principal tributaries from the west. This portion of Utah is but sparsely settled by white people, the only 150 TRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. ail permanent locations being in the southwestern part, and in the Uinta Valley at the north. Information concerning its agricultural resources is limited, being confined, except in relation to the localities before mentioned, to data collected by the geographical and geological parties of this survey. Many of the streams have been visited but a single time, and different streams at widely different dates, during a field season. Often the exigencies of the survey prevented as close an examination into the flow of water, and the loca- tion and character of the soil of the arable tracts, as was desirable ; yet, on the whole, it is thought that the data collected can be relied upon as a very close approximation. The climate of the basin is one of extreme aridity. The prevailing wind is westerly. The high plateaus and mountains forming the western rim of the basin force these winds up to an altitude above the sea of over 10,000 feet, and thus act as great condensers to deprive them of their moisture. Flowing down from the higher lands into the warmer regions below, their capacity for absorption is increased, and during the greater portion of the year the winds abstract from rather than add to the humidity o the actual amount of precipitation of moisture within the basin. Below an altitude of 7,000 of the lower altitudes. But little is known concernin feet it is very small, probably not over an average of 5 inches yearly. At greater, probably reaching 24 inches, but this is higher altitudes it is much mostly during the winter months and in the form of snow. The elevation of the region under consideration is from 2,500 feet to 11,500 feet above the sea, thus giving great range in temperature. In the valleys of the extreme southwestern portion an almost subtropical warmth is experienced, and the different valleys containing arable lands we pass from these by insensible gradations to those where frosts occur during every month in the year. Generally, the limit of successful cultivation of the soil is below 7,000 feet. . In this portion of Utah irrigation is essential to agriculture. If all the single acres it is possible to cultivate without artificial irrigation were ageregated, I do not believe the sum would reach one-fourth of one square mile, and every foot of this meager amount is irrigated naturally. Springs are of infrequent occurrence. The great source of the water supply is the 152 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. streams fed by the rains and snows of the high table lands and mountains. All these streams have a rapid fall in their upper courses, and are here often of considerable size; but upon reaching the lower and more level country their waters are rapidly absorbed by the porous soil and evaporated by the higher temperature. So great is the loss from these causes that some streams fail to reach the main drainage channel during the warmer months, and all are greatly shrunken in volume. All the arable lands—or lands where altitude, slope of surface, and quality of soil permit successful culti- vation, if a supply of water can be obtained, and from which lands to irrigate, or irrigable lands, may be selected—are in the valleys adjacent to the streams. Usually this area in many valleys is in excess of that which the water in the streams can irrigate, and choice in the location of lands to cultivate is often practicable. In this report I have considered irrigable lands to be such only as possess all the necessary qualifications of altitude, slope of surface, and fertility of soil, and have, in addition, an available supply of one cubic foot of water per second for each hundred acres. The great dissimilarity between the valleys makes it desirable to consider the drainage basin of each separately, in respect to arable lands, irrigable lands, volume of water, and practicability of increasing this supply during the irrigating season. THE VIRGIN RIVER. This stream is in the extreme southwest corner of the area under con- sideration. Its branches rise in the Colob Plateau, at altitudes varying from 8,000 to 10,000 feet above the sea. It flows in a southwesterly course, and joins the Colorado beyond the boundaries of Utah. The smaller creeks draining the eastern portion of the plateau unite, after descend- ing to an altitude of 5,500 feet above the sea, and form what is called the Pa-ru-nu-weap Fork of the Virgin. At and below the junction of these creeks, the canon valley in which they flow widens into what. is known as Long Valley. There a considerable area of available land is found. The soil is excellent, and wherever cultivated yields abundant crops. Below Long Valley the stream enters Pa-ru-nu-weap Canon, and is simply a series of cascades for 15 miles, descending in this distance from IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. 153 5,000 to 3,500 feet above the sea level. Emerging, it enters the valley of the Virgin. This valley is 44 miles in length. Its upper portion is only an enlargement of the canon, in which small areas of available land are found. Its lower portion is a broader valley, much broken by low, basalt covered mesas, and sharp ridges of tilted sedimentary rocks. In the upper portion of the valley the river receives several accessions, the principal ones being Little Zion, North Fork, “La Verkin, and Ash Creeks. With the exception of the Ash, but very little cultivable land is found along these creeks. Midway in the valley two streams enter, coming from the Pine Valley Mountains and having small areas of irrigable land along their courses, and near the foot the Santa Clara River adds its water. The united streams leave the valley by a deep canon cut through the Beaver Dam Mountains. The valley of the Virgin has a lower altitude than any other portion of Utah, and a warmer climate. The soil of the arable lands is usually good, and wherever it is possible to irrigate produces abundant crops. Some little difficulty is occasionally experienced in the first years of cultivation from an excess of alkaline constituents in the soil, but plentiful applications of water soon remove this difficulty, and these lands often become the most productive. No reliable data concerning the amount of arable land in the drainage basin, or the volume of water carried by the Virgin River and its tributaries, have been collected. From the best information attainable, the amount of land actually irrigated in 1875, is placed at eleven square miles This conclusion is based in the main upon returns made in 1875 to the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society, the amount under culti- vation in Long Valley having been ascertained by Mr. J. H. Renshawe, of this survey. To irrigate this, all the water in most of the tributary streams is used, but a large surplus remains in the main river. The amount of arable land is far in excess of the water supply, but some considerable expense for dams and canals would be necessary to utilize the whole amount. It is probable that a portion of the Virgin River can be used to advantage below the Beaver Dam Mountains in Nevada, and that a sufficient amount to irrigate 25 square miles can be used to good advantage in Utah. 20 AR 154 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. The time when the volume of available water furnished by any stream bears the least ratio to the demands of the growing crops is the most critical period in the cultivation of the soil where artificial irrigation is a necessity. This time, depending as it does upon the crops cultivated, the character of the soil, and the source of the water supply, whether from springs or from melting snows, differs in different localities. In the valley of the Virgin it occurs in June. At this time the river, though not at flood height, which occurs in April, carries a large volume of water, and, by reason of the source of this supply being in the rapidly melting snows of the Colob Plateau, is decreasing but slowly, and thus the amount available at this critical period bears a greater ratio to the flood of the stream than is usual in Utah. But little information has been obtained concerning the amount of water necessary to irrigate an acre. It is thought, however, to be much greater than in any other portion of Utah. KANAB CREEK. Kanab Creek rises in springs bursting from underneath the cliffs forming the southern boundary of the Pauns-a-gunt Plateau, and flows southward until it joins the Colorado River in Arizona. Small areas of arable land are found along its course after it has descended to an altitude of 7,500 feet, and thence until it passes beyond the boundaries of Utah. The largest area in one body is in Kanab Valley, at the foot of the Vermilion Cliffs. It is greatly in excess of the water supply, is at an altitude of about 5,000 feet, has a fertile soil, and requires but compara- tively a small amount of irrigation, The amount actually under cul- tivation in 1877 is placed by the best information attainable at 700 acres. The critical period in the cultivation of this area occurs in June. At that time the stream is falling rapidly, and crops have sometimes been seriously damaged. Estimates of the volume of water in the stream, made at different seasons and in different years, give 15 cubie feet per second as the flow in June. Some desultory attempts have been made to increase the supply by ponding, the canon through the Vermilion Cliffs TRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. 155 above the arable lands affording many opportunities. When this improve- ment is made on some well considered and well executed plan, and the waterways flumed through some bad sandy ground that now absorbs much water, the amount available at the critical period can be at least doubled. Some years ago a settlement was established at the foot of the Pink Cliffs, on the headwaters of the Kanab, but the town site was eventually abandoned because of the deep snows of winter and the frosts of summer. THE PARIA RIVER. The Paria River rises under the eastern escarpment of the Pauns-a- gunt Plateau, at about the same altitude as Kanab Creek, and flows ina southwesterly course for 100 miles, joining the Colorado in Arizona. Through the greater part of its course the river flows in a deep cafion, but near its head, and at an altitude of 6,000 feet, the canon expands into a valley. Lower in its course, and at an altitude of 4,500 feet, the canon again widens into a smaller valley. These are the only areas of arable lands within its drainage basin in Utah. ‘The larger contains 15 and the smaller 10 square miles. In August, 1874, this stream flowed 30 cubic feet per second in the upper valley. The flow in the lower would be one-third greater. High water oceurs in April or early in May. At this time the volume is three times greater than in August. Settlements have been made in both valleys, and quite a large area is under cultivation. The soil is excellent. : The critical period in irrigation is the latter part of June or early in July. At this time the stream probably carries 40 feet per second. ‘The land in the lower valley is much subject to flooding from heavy showers that, falling on the table lands and mesas in the upper portion of the drainage basin, pour a torrent often beyond the capacity of the channel to convey through the lower valley. So great was the damage done by these floods in sweeping away dams, breaking through ditches, and inundating the growing crops at the site first selected for settlement, that it was abandoned after three years’ occupation, and other parts, where these sudden rushes could be controlled, selected. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in the lower valley from the vast amount of argillaceous sediment deposited 156 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. on it. So great during the floods is this deposit from the water used in irrigation that the ground becomes completely coated with an impervious layer, and growing crops, especially of small grains, suffer from the inability of the soil to absorb the water conducted on it. The irrigating capacity of this stream during the critical period could be greatly increased by the construction of reservoirs in which to store the great surplus of water that flows earlier in the season. The canons above the valleys offer very favorable opportunities for building the necessary dams and embankments. THE ESCALANTE RIVER. This stream enters the Colorado next north of the Paria. It rises under the wall forming the eastern face of the Aquarius Plateau; flows first northeast, then east, and finally southeast, before reaching the Colorado. Its length is 90 miles, the lower three-fourths being in a narrow canon having vertical walls ranging from 900 to 1,200 feet in height. Through this gorge the river sweeps, sometimes filling the whole space from wall to wall; sometimes winding from side to side in a flood plain of sand, and always shifting its bed more or less with every freshet. Not an acre of accessible arable land is known in the whole length of the canon, and its depth precludes the possibility of using the waters of the river on the lands above. Near the head of the southern branch of the Escalante, in what is known as Potato Valley, and at an elevation of about 5,000 feet, is an area of about 6 square miles of available land. The flow of water in this branch was 90 cubic feet per second in July, 1875. A portion of this area is now under cultivation, and is said to produce good crops. A portion of the east flank of the Aquarius Plateau is drained by a number of creeks that join the Escalante in the deep gorge below Potato Valley; but they all enter close canons, in which no areas of arable land are known at an altitude low enough for successful cultivation. Part of the waters of these creeks might be used to irrigate grass lands at an altitude of about 8,000 feet; but the conditions of pasturage are such in this region that the amount practically available is small. IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. 157 THE FREMONT RIVER. The largest branch of this stream rises in the Un-ca-pa-ga Mountains, and after flowing in an easterly direction for 125 miles enters the Colo- ‘ado about 40 miles below the junction of the Grand and Green. It is joined by one considerable tributary, Curtis Creek, from the north, and another smaller, Tantalus Creek, from the south. The lower half of its course is through two deep canons, separated by an intervening valley called Graves Valley, in which is an area of 10 square miles of arable land, with an altitude of 4,500 feet above sea level. On the upper waters of the main river, in what is known as Rabbit Valley, and at an altitude of nearly 7,000 feet, are 25 square miles of arable land of good quality. This area, from its altitude, should be subject to late and early frosts, but the warm sandy soil and southeastern slope of the whole valley will probably prevent much damage from this cause. The valley is now used as a herd ground for cattle belonging to the settlements in Sevier Valley, and the few experiments made by the herdsmen in cultivating the soil also indicate that the danger to be apprehended is slight. The volume of water flowing through Rabbit Valley in July, 1875, was 175 cubic feet per second. Tantalus Creek drains the northern portion of the eastern slope of the Aquarius Plateau. It enters a close canon at 8,000 feet altitude, and continues in canons until it has passed through Water Pocket Fold. It then flows along a desolate valley at the foot of the fold until it joins the Fremont River. During the warmer months the water in this creek is usually absorbed and evaporated before reaching its mouth. In the valley at the foot of Water Pocket Fold are about 10 square miles of arable land ; but the almost inaccessible situation of the valley and the desolation and ruggedness of the surrounding country may present insurmountable obsta- cles to its settlement. Curtis Creek, the northern tributary of Fremont River, is formed by the union of several smaller streams that rise in the Wasatch Plateau. Debouching from the plateau, these branches flow across what is known as Castle Valley, and here, at an altitude of 6,000 feet, are 25 square miles of good arable land. They were measured in September, 1876, and 158 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. gave an aggregated flow of 47 cubic feet per second. As they derive a greater part of their waters from the melting snows on the plateau, double this amount, or 94 cubic feet, would not be an overestimate of the volume during the irrigating season. After the union of these branches, the united stream flows in a deep canon until near its junction with the Fremont River in Graves Valley. Both Curtis Creek and the Fremont receive some accessions to their volume from springs in the canons through which they flow above this valley. If all the water in their upper courses should be used to irrigate lands in Castle and Rabbit Valleys, a sufficient amount would be returned to their channels by percolation to irrigate, with the addition of the accessions in the canons, all the arable land in Graves Valley. THE SAN RAFAEL RIVER. This stream flows in an easterly course, and enters the Green 32 miles above the junction of that stream with the Grand. It has three principal branches—Ferron, Cottonwood, and Huntington Creeks—all rising in the Wasatch Plateau at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. These streams have a rapid fall in their upper courses, and leave the plateau through almost impassable canons cut in its eastern wall overlooking Castle Valley. They flow across that at intervals of a few miles apart, and, then uniting, cut a deep, narrow canon through the San Rafael Swell. Emerg- ing from the swell, the river flows across a low, broken country until its junction with the Green. The largest body of arable land within the drainage basin of the San Rafael is in Castle Valley, a long, narrow depression lying between the eastern escarpment of the Wasatch Plateau and the San Rafael Swell. It is nearly 60 miles in length from north to south, and has an average elevation of 6,000 feet above the sea. Its southern end, as has been before mentioned, is drained by the tributaries of Curtis Creek, the central portion by the three streams forming the San Rafael, and the northern by Price River. No permanent settlements have been made in the valley, but it is much used as a winter herding ground for stock owned by the settlers in other portions of Utah. Lying near the branches of the San Rafael that cross it, and in such position that the water can be easily conducted over it, are 200 square miles of arable land, IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. 159 generally of good quality. East of the San Rafael Swell, and lying on both sides of the river, at an altitude of 4,000 feet, are 20 square miles of arable land, which could be easily irrigated. The river was carefully measured in July, 1876, and the volume of flow found to be 1,676 cubic feet per second. The three branches in Castle Valley were also measured, with results closely approximating the measurement of the united streams. These measurements were made at high water, though not when the streams were at their flood. As most of this volume is derived from the melting snow, which rarely disappears from the high plateau before the middle of July, the flow would be maintained with considerable steadiness during a large part of what would be the critical period in the irrigation of this valley. After the middle of July the decrease would be very rapid until September, and the lowest stage of water reached about the first of October, when the river would not flow probably more than 400 cubic feet. THE PRICE RIVER. This river rises in the angle formed by the intersection of the Wasatch and Western Tayaputs Plateaus, receiving tributaries from both these table lands, and has a general easterly course for 100 miles. It crosses the northern end of Castle Valley, and then flows through a broken country near the foot of the escarpment called the Book Cliffs, forming the southern boundary of the Tavaputs Plateau, till within 20 miles of the Green River, when it cuts through this escarpment into the plateau and joins the Green a few miles above the foot of Gray Canon. The arable lands along its course are mostly found in Castle Valley, where there are at least 50 square miles—a quantity considerably in excess of the irrigating capacity of the stream. The volume of water was measured in July, 1877, a few miles below where it debouches into Castle Valley, and found to be 189 cubic feet per second. It must suffer great loss from absorption, as the volume when leaving the cliffs is much greater, and the aggregated flow of the branches on the plateaus is at least twice as great. MINNIE MAUD CREEK. This stream rises in the broken country, where the Western Tavaputs and Wasatch Plateaus break into the Uinta Mountains. It has a general co) 160 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. easterly course, and joins the Green midway in the Canon of Desolation. For the greater part of its course it flows in a canon that widens enough occasionally to give a small area of arable land. One such area, containing 6 square miles, occurs at an altitude of 5,500 feet. Here the volume of ater was measured in July, 1877, and found to be 16 cubic feet per second. THE UINTA RIVER. This is the largest tributary emptying into the main drainage channel from the west. It rises in the Uinta Mountains, and has a southerly course for 65 miles. ‘The Duchesne River, its western branch, rises in the same mountains, and the two streams unite only a few miles before the Uinta joins the Green. The drainage basin of the Uinta has an area of 1,300 square miles, lying between the altitudes of 4,500 and 7,000 feet above the sea. It has, generally speaking, a regular slope from the foot of the Uinta Mountains to the mouth of the streams, or in a direction toward the southeast. The surface of the basin is greatly diversified, consisting of broad reaches of bottom lands along the rivers; elevated, level, or gently sloping benches, sometimes partially arable, but oftener gravelly barrens; broken, rock- faced terraces; and low cliffs and ridges. It is difficult to estimate the amount of arable land. All the bottom lands are such, and can be easily irrigated. ‘The streams have a rapid fall, but flow near the surface, and no deep canons are found anywhere in the basin. This renders it possible to conduct the water over considerable areas of bench land, and wherever the soil of these is sufficiently fertile, selections of good farming land can be made. Above the limit in altitude for successful cultivation, large tracts of meadow lands can be irrigated. Those best acquainted with the extent of these classes of land place the arable, including irrigable natural meadow lands, at 40 per cent. of the whole basin. This would give an area of 520 square miles, and I do not think it is an overestimate. The volume of water flowing in the Duchesne River above its junction with Lake Fork was measured in August, 1877, and found to be 1,011 cubic feet per second. The Uinta was measured above its junction with the Duchesne in October, 1877, and then flowed 214 cubic feet per second. IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE 161 These streams all rise in high mountains, from whose summits the snow is never completely melted. The line of highest water is usually in June, but the flow is well sustained through July. After that the volume rapidly decreases, and lowest water occurs in October. The critical period in the irrigation of this basin would occur in August. I think it may safely be assumed that the measurements of the Duchesne and the Uinta represent the flow at the critical period, but that Lake Fork should be doubled. This would give 1,825 cubic feet per second, or enough to irri- gate, at the assumed standard, 285 square miles, or 22 per cent. of the whole area of the basin, and indicates the Uinta drainage as one of the best, if not the best, agricultural valley in Utah. ASHLEY FORK. . This stream is the most northern tributary of the Green River south of the Uinta Mountains. It rises in that range, but at a lower altitude than the branches of the Uinta, and has a southeasterly course 48 miles in leneth. On its lower course, at an altitude of 5,500 feet, are 75 square miles of arable land of excellent quality, a few acres of which are now cultivated. There is sufficient water in the stream during the critical season to irrigate 25 square miles. HENRYS FORK. But a small portion of the valley of Henrys Fork lies within the Territory of Utah, but this portion includes its best lands. A beautiful natural meadow is here found, affording a large quantity of hay to the ranchmen of that country. The altitude is great, the valley being 6,000 feet above the level of the sea, and hence lable to late and early frosts. About 10 square miles can be redeemed by irrigation. ‘The volume of the stream is sufficient to irrigate a much larger tract, but a part is needed for other lands which lie farther up the river, within the Territory of Wyoming. THE WHITE RIVER. The White River enters the Green from the east, about two miles below the mouth of the Uinta. This stream rises in Colorado, and has only 21 ARB 162 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. a small portion of its course in Utah, but lying within the boundaries of the Territory are 75 square miles of arable land which may be irrigated with its water. The river was measured in October, 1877, near its mouth, and flowed 734 cubic feet per second. High water usually occurs in June, and the critical period in the irrigation of the land is probably in August, when the stream should flow at least double the volume of October, or, 1,468 cubic feet per second. ‘This would be greatly m excess of the amount needed to irrigate the available land in Utah, and, from the best information attainable, it seems doubtful if it could be used higher up on the course of the stream. THE GREEN RIVER. Brown’s Park—Brown’s Park is a valley through which the Green River meanders. Three or four small streams head in the mountains to the north and a like number in the moutains to the south and find their way into the river in the midst of the park. But a small portion of the park lies within Utah and the small streams will be used for irrigation in the portion which falls in Colorado. The flood plain lands of the Green are extensive, and here many natural meadow lands are found, interspersed with fine groves of cottonwood. Some of the bench lands are well adapted to irrigation, but a portion of them and the foot hills back of them are naked, valueless bad-lands. When the general industries of the country shall warrant the great expenditure necessary, the Green will be taken out to irrigate the bench lands on either side. About 10 square miles of these bench lands will fall within Utah. Below Split Mountain Canon.—Lying along the Green, and between the foot of Split Mountain Canon and the mouth of the Uinta, are 50 square miles of arable land. Some portions of this may be subject to inundations at times of extraordinary floods, but the greater part is above high water mark, Green River here carries sufficient water to irrigate many times this amount of land, and while the cost for the construction of suitable dams and canals would be greater than on smaller streams, neither this nor the IRRIGABLE LANDS OF THE COLORADO DRAINAGE. 163 engineering skill required would be beyond the resources of any ordinary settlement. Gunnison Valley—In Gunnison Valley, below the foot of Gray Canon, are 25 square miles of arable land. The cost of constructing the necessary irrigation works at this point would be greater than above the mouth of the Uinta, but still not beyond the ability of a colony. Green River flowed in Gunnison Valley in September, 1877, 4,400 cubic feet of water per second, enough to irrigate at the standard adopted 860 square miles. There seems to be no arable land to which it is possible to take this great surplus, and probably for many years to come it will be suffered to flow ‘‘unvexed to the sea” The area colored on the map is much greater than above indicated. The selections of irrigable lands will be made on either side of the river, in patches, within the colored district. THE GRAND RIVER. The Grand River has but a small amount of arable land along its course in Utah, and flows for most of the distance in a close canon. The volume of the stream, about 40 miles above its junction with the Green, was measured in September, 1877, and found to be 4,860 feet per second. It is probable that selections can be made to the extent of 40 square miles from the areas colored on the map. THE SAN JUAN RIVER. But little is known concerning the arable lands or volume of water in the valley of the San Juan. It flows for the most of its course through Utah in a cafion, and all the arable land is thought to be so much subject to overflow that cultivation is impracticable. OTHER STREAMS. A few smaller streams are also tributary to the Colorado and Green within the Territory of Utah, but they mostly flow in deep canons, are often dry in some portion of their course during every year, have at best only a few acres of arable land anywhere along their courses, and have been omitted in this report. 164 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. The following table gives a summary of the facts relating to the flow of the several streams and the amount of arable and irrigable lands in the districts described above : Sie) Hee vail ee fe ee ss 2 oueat ‘e Name of stream. aes 2 g = 3 i | [3383) & mn | ae 2 € Z | Wired Rivetict onsite cs ects tee oe rae ae oe a Re eee 30 19,200 | Kanab Creek..-...--s= 52222 -easss ok seen stan ealee ee ean Hemeteee ese ee eee 77 Lop me ta Tee sree E ME are UNE Ot 555 H5 5a5d55. co0S sc00 sae ass Sscbe so5SS50 codecs es gooSsebsseouSe 22 (rebar reve joy TAINS) WER) aes Sos coomeooesos casceU AChOd SoSSds dSco DeSeES Hoon oSsoEeSaSSCC 21, 28 Ikebe (Oe je NEE) [ETOCS oe boos Shoe posse bead ooo nose Ses 5 Ones Hoo Condes Soca Ss essmco cscs 23 IDE) hed 1H oe) beMNYe PINOY Gems pono esas oSSaee Sono Oneceo ones gseaee Cosadecose caseeosd sasHoseses 15, 99 WanlselOL ctcces sone sek eceteee nora ee chee eee Ree eee mae esemicea em acaee 17,99 Protection trome--e cease eee cee em ern eteee oes eee se sere eee eeceaecr 18, 99 IM eng ly Mleyin 1en0G Cepecan Sesciane Race Hoos Conn Soe o Scosd oases oc aSee Emap cooboo cece todo ccateoce case 88 Forests, Amount of rainfall necessary to the growth of:.--...-....---.---------2----+-------- 15 POX, Mr. .Je@sse0Wiessae sccccscs ccc cacsmccccsscbeasasocsiss capsecsieeaaismaecseecascs secceeeceae TOL Ids PRADINUS NOMA ao ones Dac cn nee cos eae cl te meses oe Sesion s sec lecom cna eaiser een ieneeeetoseseteeneee 103 COMACED we ono as.tace dese Se eeeuece cus ecco Secimecescme crests oa sbe se sceaneeneeceeere 103 IMremont Islands saesocise ce se ccs cdatsaea caso Sake seat be oe Saco cauciseeeeensioe ce acne ee nen Sema tican uOcTOd, River winrie ablegandsiof GhGysecsscacieaes+ cle aasi steer nein eee er eter career 157 ADHD OUENSES) OE TNE 5 5 pac5 Hoo Sou cas sob esas acns H5Sh650Sa0 Sone sccee cos pcssser 157 Volume of tows olathe ce. catelscscinecc cy eacatee Scie melee ete stele el eee enor 157, 158 Gilberts Ga Kerictbedtesaces\es= sea t= a eeaee ease a eeeia eae Sd Done OSHnES Doomog Coen saScacsE deanca 84, 110 on irrigable land of the Salt Lake drainage system..--....---...-.----..--.--- 113 QUIN UES NB Ano S5Sn.cec5 Gabe coop bandos oooode aeoeaSnSSecc coneoo oHesoORes oS 57 Government right) to use of subsidized railroads: 22-- 2. 22-6 2-22 s enon nm ene ens see ane eae ae aa 181 GrandsRiverlimmicabledlandsiofaihe)sses esse steae ees aa ae eee aera eee eaten ets ree 163 iVolumeyo fet owgo tthe ee emotes ote ae aie te ee eet ta ete ere 163 Grasses.of the pasturage lands. 5522-222 s2c2 cocese ec eec conse cece easecs enseanesccosseceeces 19 LOPE S56 6 Sbe5d Seed en cb eseo cmb SSO eee Ha AGS Sacn cont HoSSed Ben Iee ashe peoaces ears 107 Great Salt dake: Accumulationiof® the waberainesesosssece see eee sense ane ee eee eee eee 58 ATCA Olas oe ee cee Ae Te Seis Onan steam ninco ware oS oicie 6 creme Riot iete aoe 66,73 Basin. (See Great Salt Lake District.) Causesiof abnormalichan geo fesesastese eee see eee ee eee eee aes eee eee aee 67 OES) qian e om HOn aaa oo Sas ioeco cboE SHOU O=c5 DOSE AGEC Se OdHeeSEOdSeanOedac saesoC 66 Diaoram showin e118 and taillllO faerie cies o ieee ete tele ere eee ete 64 1D Eng Lip SOS Ree eSd SE OREO ED CEDSRD acaSas Oa SOS BOS GAO SNINOSESS UESOMA SSCS 94 Amountiof imipable land in theess=-ssesssee—s ences se seee ease eee 107 Change in’ theiclimate of theese sesereereeenseses eee ae ese eeeeeee 68, 70 Deseription of the -22-- 22 --ee sees eee eatee eens senna ence eoeeee see 107 Innigable land stot ease eee sees eee eet ae tea tee 113 Pluctuations inthe raintallof thesessseensceses a-+e-=-se=- sec eeeeee 7 INDEX. 187 Pa Great Salt Lake District, Irrigation by large streams in the ..---------- +--+: ----+----+++-++- “W Bmalll streams; In The... 5. 2-225. coos coc n we sone coe csice 126 Evaporation of the water of ...- ---- ---- --2. s-2- =--- esecee cone concn score ee 58, 72 History of the past changes of... ..-- .2-- 2-2 e220 ---- 22 eo eee eens Sees cee eee 62 Increase and decrease of: the size of... .... ---- ------ woo cee e seen ooo en ee eee 58 TS] A110 fee ee re ee ea ett Cec mnse sc acee cescie nscale 62 Taimited oscillation Ofeas see ae ce mace eta eae o eee ole ae atceieecsacces = se see es 59 IGiMIiOleWwave ACULOM Olea scan see tase naaes aeesee ee ea eclecci ae sales Sama ws == 65 Record ofeheirhtwot esas scan saa cestisees Cosa codec cemie cite vicm=ai= a msino=s sein 60 PASO andi Ore eete ceite cee smle cee cece ceed cumieesatceescccicawanes weemacc sss 59 StormulinosOlses settee stances eciee temas Sa eae cence ce ncrewarea side asteeesisnce 65 Streams flowing into. oo. soc cca cceccwas coeeinee soe BE REO C EOL ADEE CAG AaSecoe 72 Green Rivers Irrigablovlandsiof thes 222-2. cen cacs cone soos cose cadeses eee escccecens Sncsesicnns 162 Volumeloretlows Of thOle-no = oseescece sectasons see cm ascnssce Same neaccsecweastcesals 162 TUDTHSONS Oaplaileeenaeme nace Sonn aoe ce cee aces Sense an ac eesmicess sacs cesses seo cniossese > 98 AV] ey Seen erie ine Oe ren ae A cee ne oe ase anls eee acm alow eemesRealcewawae=a/oee sees 105 TeripabloWands Of thé.-sc).ccacescesec cece se soccces sae cinssereancesicasssnss 163 Hayden. Dri ly Viecesicete cose esac oss cesidaseccontcsslececesiacette sca cS cacniss/oe'sescarivessems ‘ 71 Henry, Mountains’. ssccssc cose cose recs cone sos sau -aceccieciccseleeneinnsasera sors csaccaeseiaisswcns= 105 Profle. JOS pl acceesiosnatectccceecieseacceitsclseccicea ces es sees coc cine nainislscive’saaiannn'aaa 46, 59, 62,79 Henrys Fork, Irrigable lands of 2... <2 c-06 2222 cece ee cone ewes cons cen n ns cnc cce cnc c ee cane ne ee 161 Tlinois, Wand) erantsto. 222 see scecc sce essence cwesat cece cosensocceescsasssesseca=s\casicem= 168, 172 Increase in water supply in the Arid Region.---. BH Ge ee oeet asec abide $e se aieanas al sanidac OO 1OUs 0) DP TAA Tal le ee = Oe oe oe een cee tt ae eee Bebe ee ac SakemereC Suaaae ses oeeinaiee 69,91 Indiana WAaAndeerante:tOeccceesccns 19 <--csiaccoosemeasiseaisiamieiace/sss==- scons none se aclemaa~e 166, 167 Internal improvements, Land grants in aid of -.-.....-.----++---- + +--+ --- + eee ee eee cree 165 Towa, Wand! prants t0.cse=son- ene sinct ass we ce ne anos were com cor ecieseeee anna seen ananasinces 169, 179 Trrigable and pasturage lands of Utah......--..------ -- +--+ see eee eee eee cee eee cece cee eee 104 areas, Increase of, by storage of water ..---..----- .-++ -2--2+ eee ee cee eee eee eee 12,13 land, Area of, sometimes not limited by water supply .-..-------.+--++----+ ---+--+- 85, 86 Extent of, increased by the use of springs ..---------.-----+------+-++-+------ 9 TAU Gh s AMOUNG OL. ccet secotassoygsosssoesse0 ss05) 125 isthaltthige @? UNG pasnos baaseo cscSetiasecas cba5 noad GonSSU ono SsonsenSgasnsso saasse 72 BI Tikalhs JEU GTS opcemee Doo soo Ce Oo0 CODECOSHaSos CeSSSc Gseces copp-eess-6 sqcnce sadoos aoe aapooc 109 Juniperus Californicus - ..---0---- 2-2 22-2 eee eee ee ee ree cee ene cee nen cen ee eee ee eee 103 Virginiana..--- Hep age REO BboGeS DSSEas GSU sou REeooS Daudaocodd Sasa toons cone ddecco boca 103 Kanab Creek, Irrigable lands of...--. .----.------ --- +--+ = eo ene e teen ne = nen cee een eee nee 154 Tetse(ibheys (0)? Beno asco Gone Beso noes SosicoocSoeeS Deoaso enn oseece Sa aseecocndacsaD c= 154 Kansas, Land grants to...-.. ------ 222. -e00 -- 2+ -- 22 cone eon = ene nnn een one een eens ene 178,179 Pacific Railroad Company, Land grants to the..---...---. .--..----. - ------ -----+ ---- 177 Kamball Mr beberibia= eet nominee aa aoe lee iam eet 61 King, Mr. Clarence .... ..---. ---. = ------ - 220 22 cone cnn mene cone cen cen ene wens enn renee e nee 66 Wake Bonneyillemecerer cosmic ce sels oe etree els ee ansaid elena = fete le lote telat ole aaa oie 96 UtahsHunction 0 fvas8ia Tesely Olt meee a a aee alae eo eae areola ale welt lala tele 123 Land grants in aid of internal improvements .---- .------------- --------+++----+ eee 25 eee: 165 Lands, Classification of ....-. .--. ---+-----+ 2-222 eee ee eee cee cee cee eee cee eee tee 43 Irrigable. (See Inrigable Lands. ) Of! Utah\sc ses cises a oeae sass sacs ace afosice eeetelote ete oinleyaeini= orient eceielenennee 93 and Idaho fertilized by water .-.- ---- --.- --- 2s. - scene oe ee oon = 23 = = ~~ n= ~ == 75 Physical features of the...-...----.-~---- -----+ 22222 eens eee ee ee eee eee eee 93 Pasturage. (See Pasturage Lands.) Land system needed for the Arid Region... -----------------++--++ ---++-222+ eee ee cere e eee eee 25 Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Company, Land grants to the --.----.------- 178 Lower Columbia Region ..---. .----. -----2 --- 22+ oo 28 2 e 2 cee ee eee cee ree renee tenes 1 Precipitation of the ...-- as te Se ee See once ease sectwodeccastasees 49 INDEX. 189 Page. Marshes) Tait at Ge tem mmesa pee etn cs aie ane malay coe teiniamieenis ais eye fiaisiereiaieteacis om n= = Ha. aln aad ale em — 74 Evaporation from.. .. 74 Martineau, Mr: J. H.......--.- 113 Mean temperature by seasons for the San Francisco Region ...-.. .... 2. -------- ----2+ eee ee : 54 Methodiofidetermiminoxthe supply Of Water <<< 2-5 2 ...sccs can nee ese eres ene neice sane we nienn 85, 86 INDYClaneg a, IDERNGL PAT sce pete Be CCUDTE eC eCEe NEES seu eNO emnSce co SceCeSesed se ee Seaae Hene 179 Ml Terpe hiner aCODme ene meee Nica chase nas wamecsine So cecdaccet own eter ene cece cece ee ceccteacse 61, 62 MIN GT As Uns eee tena eet se ae see = Saal eae seen dant as accesories saints ot eerie 44 Disposaliot. sean eesia acl ate are is Sic ase Newica aloo em eroe 44 not suited to agriculture 44 Minnie Maud Creek, Irrigable lands of 160 Volume of flow of 160 Minnesota and Northwestern Railroad Company 176 MiIssissippiE Valley lOwsOtmunerlVvers Oni Oremmasaesaanwatanse elena ces eaes snes 76 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad Company, Land grants to the.......----.----.----+.---- 178 handsorants Loser sacttes sects aae sere vecmcte cmccise cmiosier scans seciss seccce ears 179 Mitehel Pein (0 Wie latenseneete eee msteee say acta ete aia ce ome ate ies cea mcle tia lee cae wa oem nee 59 Mon opolyzo tap asburas Geran Svan a sete este eam cele ee fae canis = ee aisaainta win sis aay a aials ain] ccisiesiee =) 22 Mountaing Pllent yy esses testes ose ese hne ena eee see ane Baa a ates ens se an gescee 105 Uinta. (See Uinta Mountains.) Wasatch. (See Wasatch Mountains. ) NEGUNAOMACENOULES == alors nln a etamvied a ci-lereioia[efe'aisiviclclisieveleielny sla.cisisisie!s[ajehu's wieta)sje(ae'eis\o 103 Nevada, Mean annual precipitation in 79 New Mexico and Arizona, Seasonal precipitation im -... 02. 12-6. 225. 122 -- cences copereeese-- 56 New Orleans and Nashville Railroad Company, Land grants to the ............-----.--------- 168 New York, Rainfall of the State of Ohio, Land grants to....---- notes Ohio Valley, Rainfall of the.----.......-.--.-.- Orographic structure of the Book Cliffs .--.-.--------.--------------- --------- Colonado drainage: area 22222. So scs occ csccce cess ceceesceccesice ees 95 Desertidrainaere area ts. 2socc.tascce nas seiesesclcawle- sce eaaeseicesie 95 (Chinas Mountainsisan snaccose sane Fe aoe se aoe seaeeneaas 97 Wasatch: Mountains) 22-1: socseseecestaas eecccercenccms cess scicct= 96 Pacific coast, Seasonal precipitation and temperature of the..-.- Bociioceiisccce eds Stvesee LAMA 55 PanguitchsVialley,.Amountiofurnipable land) in). ccjocceesenc sas sce anscaccceesecs sess sas sss 136 Paria River, Irrigable lands of the - 155 Wolimerotat ommoteth@ersc. saan clan sini =e eae eetaas 155 12h Died Kola i645 655505 HSOSS0 SHOORE CORO DDS EI mEEneS BodSoe Dascbo cera borne Boa weee esses A 59 Pasturage farms, Division lines of ..-...<--. .-ss<- --s-<0.c50 o-- dnbes ndcacdnauods Baeeetbe Sears 22, 28, 37 Irrigation) ofe 25s... < CHASH dodequbsugno sade cdeceebBeaudseea eR aesconeric 21 mecdismall tracts ofirrigable land 22 Seccses eo cce teens snscac ces secce sincere 21,28 190 LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Page. Pasturage lands, Boundaries of ...--..---- BEOSOSSSS05 8255 SONEISD Gono HONDO SHER Steaencccosecas 19 Disposaliof- cscs cenisce ome sscses Qs S SEBS SHO ROSbbCR SSaaec CONcad aso Saaenesade 28 xen Of: ssaasisess/sccece sais sine e oe acon ee ee Sere cee enon eee ee eee e ree nneee 19 Harm anit ifOr \Sscosaec-tervcosmccaiccsenesecahecsscsces ocOne oct eee 21, 28 MencingOf coo ess seas esemaseteseneciss saeeee esceesc —sn)seee nets nateeeeaemeee 23 (GrassesiOfethe i - o-ssee ese a ealsonelceee seine eete cr coeme eee OBS boas HoseesoS0gs 19 Monopoly olsthe =--seese cee seeeae een n ee aoe ee eee een eee eee eee eee Enero 22 partially/supplied by scattered Springs =---\-2-)2ss2 «see noes see ae cleeeeeseeeer 21 SIUMETOUIT OS UG! Gogeconododh pocdsecs soctocan stoncemescasnscsesease Saeogdesbe 6 EN AGINVULES! CONVNUMNIS a wialewie oat alee enisineaiseieatnnetie eral cecal ae tena eine eee eee eee eee 109 PUNUS OMISUGE oaloio aete nats a aletn lala alnte ws oe aaeia= aiale aisle ae eee a a See ese eee eee Sean eee eee Eee eens 100 COWS gemma nayoaeinslointse astra aaete em aeie sats nine hen seteceele See eciseee SCE O SEER Ee CADOHOTOEAG 100 PRN Sarees tees coe ae ee eee Te ama ee See Se ne ae oie eae Bee eee ee 100 MUOTUMNCOLG) atetars) ome wsinte 9 Faint alsin aelenms eae Veh ee ome se asta senie siete se cee Sane ceaie ee eee 100 FUELS ROU 06 Ba GODd CO EOI HEAD EE BODOS6 DDD BO> Hana cubSRb Sescda46e5 bese coe qoou dicen casein 100 Pioneers sn benprise;an dain Gus tcles|0 fee eeee eae see eee nee ate eee eee 41 TEI RHEEHTEE ANN) Jeb one cso. cbco SAREed C2550 0SSE00 COCO EHS eOH Db SSnn aSSenS DEBS SEB HiScasoSscodess 94 Plateau ehavalp UUs see meet esate a= setae alee = icleela) oaeanele ea aoe oie ante eee 93 MERE) o56525 soossn ca5se0cescce suns 5 OSS ODS BE56 5560 SE06 ASne soSaso caso osteo cdenca $4e0 105 TRUDE Boee 6ebocd Snob pooooS ShOnS6 SbaSEs caeneSShso BH Sse doSS HS ScSo Hoes Goad coSeeSascecsonsseos 108 IRD GINS oa60 SSocoGoDese eaSee Boone Gacdbep socn Boca Deda tases cose Saso car Sdcsd soos eoonSbuecds 12,13 LAGE, WENO INKL Wes) WEEE OT a5 ooo coe cco Scop aoed Sa SeSe Sane Gas bH6s Saoo casa odso sos 73 Populus angustifoud .- << == een one eens nen omen co nens aoecio sac Os aseSaS SoceenSseescosssscs0¢ 102 TEGO Soo G30 0eS Ba6s 5255 08a SaS0 OS Gens CS5E50 CSS Sed eae Sooses coos oeas eases soeoce 102 URDU Sepa ceo CO0s Sen 09] 30 6005 Bode DSA Necos0 cnnd abcd Sosod ors Boge seer cess ceseac 102 Preeipitation mithe Rerioniof the Plains 22- = o..-(-se ee em wee elee alan nem ele ele ole le eee 52 Meanvannnrall, in! olorad Olesescisemeales ae -iee EE eae ace ener asbecesone 79 INGWANG Bhs S6o5 coos 500 sHSes SaaS CoS ocos sadness cheoetotsconessse5 79 WIPO, ore bopSceconssumorS nob DSonoN aooSc0 Saesoe éSceroesondestes 79 WADERS 655 one coco cmbescoNSSacD Sans osceSo Sas SSdooSes9sese05 79 Talon Hal Ce (Haley OL hvien eA eth eye eo o cop ose oma SOOO CSInces Soon Sec so 0e55 SecoensecS os 1 Ot WUAIRG Re) osc oninsen heen ce boSeos Conoco case bosese Sosinss Hacc. capecooese ns oosace 51 ANE 555555 os sb eeSoSs oonSEd See 2 Se Aa eR SRR s SE Sea ate ea 50 las) ZATaG | Terr, cos oee eaoSes sone Seng Seren Ooceeasocecin Sso5 OnaSSSsSSao5 48 Repioniof the Lower Colum Dia. =o oe eee i nee aioe nine lenne 49 Spinel DOE REI (e0) INERT 655555 cooHse comets Sa cesenSrned pose Sen sesacsoscesce 49 Shillings TREY eas pase sooo eccOdoSos0 onema Sosccousecosomsssass0 47 Precipitation, Seasonal, of the Pacific Coast -.-----.-----------------------+----++----+------ ” 55 Price River, Irrigable lands of the ........---------- -----+ -----+ se-0-+ 2+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ ---- 159 Volume of flow of the ..---- -- 2-5-2202 -pacmnn omen en nnn ane Cee nnn sane enews === 159 Provo River... -- .2c sce 2.2 ces ene commen conn n none nnn wns ones e n= wenn ens cane ser ase weness sesens 121 Public lands, How to acquire title to .......-..------ ------ o---2- ~~ one «2 os = = 0 oon 25 (QE ETE TTL Teese B00 GREG BEE BOO0GS E00 5o COSU BS bo nS S556 Scenes Ss ecese0 Sa SoeC mans ceeecs Sane 103 Railroads, Land grants in aid of .-..-. 22. ----20 cee nee .o-eee one nne = nne owe nnnne onnne 165, 168, 172 Rainfall; Areallidistribution Of. <--. <=) --- ccs =e so = alealen eine lane enews aad ee re 82 90 Conditions affecting the distribution of..-.........------- «---.----. ---- ------------ INDEX. 191 Page. Rainfall, Distribution of, throughout the year ..---.----.--++------ + e-2eee cere eee ee nee 50 ImCraase Olen meee eee se slassaalenconusitccsienseacises===an-—msinsseinnea= Slscehiesec cannes 91 of the Arid Region .----. .0. 200 ---- 20 nnn nnn nnn ewan em neinneesecnn nan cane rete ccce 5,48 belt between Great Salt Lake and Wasatch Mountains .....----.-----+-------- 6,79 Sub-humid Region...-.- Pe asehencceesee eek rst aniecceesleasens ca cininniepecm sie sis 4,47 of the western portion of the United States...-...----.------- +--+ +--+ --++0erre oe MG Rain gauge records ..-.-....--- .----- ---- eee sn- 22 oon 2 oon nan eens arenes ene e ee een ane anes 1,3, 91, 131 Meficlency: Olive see. mk ee ce ree eee emelneecnaienssin ahaa oan ee ae an ene Grasses Of s.2 26's Sock os ec

~eei=='== aren amine een Wasatch Mountains ...-.. .-- 22... e202 cone oe ne ne ee ee ne ne ne ee ne ee ce ee ne ee ne ee ne ee ne ne ee ce ewes TTA ASCO GO) me cca sae a mm et eee ee ee Orographie structure of the ...--..----. .--- ---. --- doen eocoo sees ct ei Wastage of water ...- ..2. 2200-22 once enon eo nee sicaeisae seen snemicecsisnosiccssineceisans seca sane 89, 128 166 103 93, 94 96 96 84 INDEX. 195 - Page. Water, Pvaporationiits ao eee oe ewe oe occ ne cade eae eee acecues aes ane & ee 13 Trnigating. capacity: Of 2.0 cote. . 2c es comgee ec cees ---- n+ coe paws se eoee ~ 3 < Se § ome Sates 12 in tice ae ipsene eeate ai ae a rr i... Beef oe 40 should inhere in the lands to be irrigated BLN le ee ei ei nah anere ow net enn oe Ome = : +57 affected by the cutting of timber..........---..----- - 75 i farming ...-- eg AE Pees eee Soe TRIN etn ete site cn ce cerean s/s Sones eae BRE RO oc. = 7A Economic bearings of the... 52... .«-.--. ..-2 i, SES SS ee i 76 TRRBI STNG «tasted eae ote keniian =e ane ow Sy GE sn son nnens smo «an ees aemre OE eee 116, 125, 144 used in irrigation, Quantitative value of ...--..----- Pe eee 61 LOD ene, 9 FE eee 81 . SR ee See S4, 42 ways rudely constructed ....-.- ..---+ .----+ -----2 6 BEG or cals mnye em wn oe seciews sscmas aa 8 WABtAR8 OU seo ewan ngs ceeeicee = ey oon enass-~- ---- WiSEOMINE WRI E ender Soot ace sasiesee cas taste a= ass oe eS ee oe 119 drainage basin, Agricultural resources of the ..-..+-+---+ +--+ -+-+ 2-- 2-222 seer ee: 121 Area/Of thG s.--<...--..- Be Be caeeeee a apenieee = oannnot xm 121 Mean flow of the <. -<<.<- nsec ccs co o> -- oe So abe asiae eee - a> mannan -oeb en 72 White River, Invigable lands of the ........ .... -- -- -- 22 bo - 222 ee ee ee en ee ce ce ee ee tree nese ceee 162 Volume of flow of the... 2... 2-2 2 - one cape -- eon cee ee = cece ne cece en coc ene ones 162 VOUS ON CMAN eta aais oerce en seen caw nse Pa 2 MR oo ee es eo OS 68 Wisconsin, Land grants to ......-.-.--2---------2--- EE OE eee nS Ber RE) Wyoming, Mean annual precipitation in .-.-.- a pec acceheniies sacss> meses 79 Yampa Plateaw....... - 2) CE ed By Mee tee one us eee ona hace temns ae 105 Young, Hon. Brigham ...... RE Satan ES ar Sp MPacsceeeos e= == Poe asec SF Re See 105 x | ° * 2 smtp te 2 =: FE ois Ras lint Flier iain pays KoWiewe : i +=3--7 44 ch ¥ p’ + amas at ; SEE BRO Pn a Sa dO bain ae ; a F w.. e3 ; Shes 2s ‘ : bs nee ¢ | ‘yyiet CHEE pase ae : 1 as ; J re CY eaeae oe WOMANI