y ‘ % i c 4 * , s . i Dp) i ae he ' ¥ ‘ f ‘ Jon ' - 7 my = y a ' j UP REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 1933 (Part 2 of the Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to the Board of Regents for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933) aM ING Ree FENG li Ss Coote ane “EO ‘es a er aU) le SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Bo WASHINGTON a aN ; 4 | | . : | D.C, PART 2. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS AND CONDITION OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 380, 1933 By ALEXANDER WerETMORE Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in Charge of the National Museum CONTENTS Page Page Operations for the year. 2-222 82 69 | Detailed reports on the collections___________ 87 FAMNTOPrIAbiONS e585 .8 eA 69 Department of anthropology___.________ 87 (CONG TORS SG i SUS eat sp ari ete me anc 71 Department of biology__..-_-____________ 94 Explorations and field work____________-_ 71 Department of geology___.-___.____.____ 108 Ba@ueational- work -.. .. 2222-2 2. 77 Department of arts and industries_______ 118 RISTO MS ere ee a Ne a 77 DAVASIONYO fH IShOT yee or a eee 130 LF SLICED oT) Spl lh SS er ae (8) eISG.Of ACCESSIONSe . ee eae See 134 UL ATDO go ee Tae ee 79 | List of publications issued by the National Photographic laboratory-__.._.-_. -_-___ 81 IT UES @ un TMs se atch Sool 184 Buildings and equipment________________ 81 Meetings and receptions_____.___________ 83 Changes in organization and staff________ 85 OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR APPROPRIATIONS Provision for the maintenance of the United States National Museum for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933, made by appropria- tions carried in the Executive and Independent Offices Act approved June 30, 1932, was subsequently affected by the Economy Act (legislative appropriation act for 1933). Funds available for Museum. operations were as follows: PECcenvauaniGhCOllectiong it. ike Sk $617, 760. 00 Impounded deductions (returned to Treasury)!._ 74, 031. 60 ATNGUITL ceria Seema tute TCU Da aty et) 1% 043, 728. 40 Maintenance and operation. G0) 09 fio Joy 148, 370. 00: Impounded deductions (returned to Treasury)!__ 12, 995. 74 ZA OUD Ayala le: eee cee Sema 135, 374. 26: Pane and binding ye sagan le eee 22, 354. 00: Total appropriation available_______ 701, 456. 66. 1 Legislative appropriation act of June 30, 1932, 69 70 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 For the Museum, the appropriations for 1933 were $8,960 less than those for 1932, the reduction under preservation of collections being $2,750 and under maintenance and operation $6,210. Under preserva- tion of collections, the reduction was taken from the amount available for supplies, and under maintenance and operation from the funds provided for repairs and replacements to buildings. Under the Economy Act (pt. 2, legislative appropriation act for 1933), approved June 30, 1932, provision was made for the impound- ing of certain items connected with the funds allotted for personnel. Total amounts so impounded during the year under the National Museum were $87 ,027.34, of which $74,031.60 came from the appropria- tion preservation of collections and $12,995.74 from maintenance and operation. Under preservation of collections, $56,252.54 came from stipulated salary reductions and was thus made up by the personnel included under this appropriation. The remaining funds impounded under this heading totaled $17,769.05 and consisted of salaries of vacant positions. The latter amount therefore was a direct reduc- tion in appropriation, since it lowered the amount available for tem- porary personnel and made impossible the utilization of savings on the salary roll for the purchase of miscellaneous supplies, the allotment for which has always been inadequate. Under maintenance and operation, $8,230.74 was impounded as a result of salary reductions, while $4,764 resulted from the impounding of salaries of vacant positions. The latter amount was a direct reduction of the appropria- tion, since it lowered the amount available for temporary services and the purchase of supplies and equipment for the mechanics. The impounding of salaries for vacant positions thus withdrew $22,534.06 from funds usually available. The sum available for printing and binding was decreased $27,646 below the amount of the previous year. This reduction is a serious one, since the printing of manuscripts is now greatly in arrears, and additional funds for this purpose are much needed. No additions to the personnel of the Museum were made during the year, and a serious condition resulting from an undermanned force continued. More help is urgently needed in the clerical service and the guard and labor forces and also in the scientific personnel. The Museum is greatly overcrowded, and under present conditions the proper exhibition and care of the collections with the available personnel are becoming increasingly difficult. Arrangements looking toward additional space for the Museum have been outlined in previous reports. Congress has authorized appropriations of $6,500,000 for building wings at each end of the Natural History Building, but this authorization like all others was reduced 10 percent (legislative act for 1933, 212, sec. 320). Plans for the additions have been made by the Allied Architects, Inc., of REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM igi Washington, D.C., under an appropriation of $10,000 in the second deficiency bill of 1931 and have been approved by the Fine Arts Commission. The building of these wings has been submitted as the principal construction project recommended for the Smithsonian Institution under the National Industrial Recovery Act. If the required funds are allotted, the first major step in the plan for ade- quate museums and galleries under the Institution will be under way, and work can begin on the construction without delay. COLLECTIONS Steady addition of excellent material to the collections continued throughout the year, the new accessions including hundreds of speci- mens of the most valuable kind. They came in 1,698 separate accessions, with a total of 348,012 specimens, divided among the various departments as follows: Anthropology, 4,877; biology, 295,782; geology, 37,555; arts and industries, 4,261; history, 5,537. Statement regarding some of the important additions will be found in the reports of the departments that follow, and they are all included in the acces- sion list. The total increase for the previous year was 157,870 speci- mens of all kinds. | For examination and report 1,575 lots of material were received, including much of a botanical and geological nature, and many indi- vidual specimens. Part was returned by request to the senders, when it was not consumed during analysis, and part retained for the collections under arrangement with the donors. Gifts of specimens to schools and other educational organizations numbered 5,558 specimens, including collections of mollusks and fishes, sets to illustrate rock weathering and soils, and illustrative groups of rocks, ores, and minerals. Exchanges of duplicate materials with other institutions and individuals totaled 45,872 specimens, and 12 specimens were transferred to other departments. Loans to workers outside of Washington numbered 24,552 individual specimens. Following is a summary of specimens now covered in the Museum catalogs: PACU HUE O LOLO Cay fae eae eae oe Ly OM ee sua a ete 672, 022 JEST O NMG YR mt pct cia a oS tm ea t= Ak eS ant 10, 815, 307 Creio) (ay ay gee ee Ye Beek ONT ee ae Ee ee eae Pappa i rfe a dle. Eve RSME AKON OKC I DESAI Cikstsjege oo = 2 Wey |) ARR Oe Re RRS te Aco A 115, 467 BIS CORY ste ce RN ae eg RE A ON ee oe ed MO a 488, 788 4 Dia e721 as ee A SRE Seg ae’ AGN ot ba a 14, 219, 302 EXPLORATIONS AND FIELD WORK Investigations in the field covered the usual wide range of interests connected with man, the lower animals, and plants, both living and extinct. The work was carried on mainly through grants from the 12 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 general income of the Smithsonian Institution, assisted by contribu- tions from individuals, while certain projects were financed through the income of special funds held as endowments by the Smithsonian. Financial assistance in field expenses from the annual governmental appropriations for the National Museum was small and concerned only part of the various projects. Funds to assist in these matters, especi- ally from private sources, are one of the definite needs of our organization. Archeological work in northern Alaska was continued during the summer of 1932 by James A. Ford under the general direction of Henry B. Collins, Jr. Mr. Ford arrived at Point Barrow late in August 1931, when the ground was beginning to freeze. He found ice conditions in the Arctic the worst in many years, and so remained at Barrow through the winter in order to allow a full season of excava- tion in the summer of 1932. He returned to Washington in November 1932. Barrow seems the most promising locality at which to find dependable evidence of the relationship between the old Bering Sea culture and the Thule, the dominant prehistoric Eskimo culture of the eastern Arctic regions. In addition to archeological material Mr. Ford obtained the skull of a bowhead whale and a series of birds. From February 18 to June 5, 1933, Frank M. Setzler, assistant curator of archeology, continued archeological investigations in south- western Texas, restricting this year’s work to the Pecos River area, to trace the eastern limits of the cave culture. One large cave over- looking the Pecos and a medium-sized shelter near Deadmans Canyon were completely excavated. It is not yet practicable to evaluate the results of this third season in the Big Bend area, but the cultural material recovered obviously belongs to the same horizon as that found farther west. Though a general relationship to the Basket Maker culture of the Southwest is apparent in the material collected both in 1932 and 1933, enough distinct characteristics appear in the remains that Mr. Setzler has exposed in Texas to warrant a temporary desig- nation as the Big Bend cave culture. Neither-pottery nor any other class of artifact commonly used by archeologists in establishing a relative chronology has yet been found in association with remains peculiar to these cave dwellers of ancient Texas, and no bond has been discovered to connect them definitely with any other primitive group known in the Rio Grange drainage. One result of the 1932 expedition was the finding of 27 bones of the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) associated with human remains in a cave on the south tip of Mule Ear Peaks. This is the first indication of the former existence of this bird in Texas and is the largest collection of bones recovered outside its present range. In his 1933 investigations, as in those of previous years, Mr. Setzler was greatly assisted by the staff of the United States Bureau of Plant Quarantine at San Antonio. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 73 On his way to Washington late in May, Mr. Setzler spent a week in east-central Louisiana investigating mounds and village sites that available data indicated might be related to the so-called ‘‘ Hopewell culture’’ of the northern Mississippi Valley. The results of this brief examination are such as to warrant more intensive research. In order to complete the enormous task of reorganizing its collec- tions and exhibits, the division of Old World archeology deferred actual field work for the year. Assistant’ Curator J. Townsend Russell, however, spent a brief period in France during midsummer in connection with the cooperative investigations inaugurated in November 1931 between the University of Toulouse and the Smith- sonian Institution. Dr. Ale§ Hrdlitka conducted an anthropological and archeological survey of Kodiak Island and made extensive excavations at Uyak Bay, Alaska. These excavations, which have already yielded much valuable and new material, are now more than a third finished. Dr. R.S. Bassler, head curator of geology, spent several weeks in the Mississippi Valley collecting Silurian and Mississippian echinoderms for the Springer collection. Several hundred crinoids and blastoids and many specimens of other classes of fossils were obtained, and some interesting facts in silicification and related phenomena were checked. | Under the auspices of the Canfield fund, EK. P. Henderson spent 4 months collecting minerals, rocks, and ores in the Rocky Mountain States, assisted by F. A. Gonyer, of Harvard University. Among the districts visited were the geode region about Keokuk, Iowa; the Black Hills of South Dakota; Butte and Helena, Mont.; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; Park City, Bingham, Thomas Range, and other localities in Utah; the carnotite fields of Colorado and Utah; and Leadville, Breckenridge, Alma, and Cripple Creek, Colo. Among the material obtained were a huge quartz geode, numerous well-crystallized copper minerals, and rare vanadium minerals. Dr. W. F. Foshag, accompanied by James Benn, visited the mica and gem mines about Amelia, Va., and collected a number of rare minerals. Mr. Benn also explored a newly discovered cave near Beaver Creek, Md., and obtained unusual stalagmitic growths of beautiful and perfect form. Explorations for the division of stratigraphic paleontology were made by Dr. G. A. Cooper during 6 weeks spent in the richly fossilif- erous country on Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, resulting in the acquisition of many fine fossils. Following this Dr. Cooper made stratigraphic studies in New York State’s classical sequence of Devonian rocks. Though supplementary to previous studies by Dr. Cooper in this State, this year’s task was to trace the stratigraphic units eastward from the Unadilla Valley. The needed columnar sections were pre- pared, and many specimens, some new to science, were obtained. 16528—33——6 74 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 193838 _ As the field expedition under C. W. Gilmore, curator of vertebrate paleontology, extended well into the present year, only brief mention was made of it in last year’s report. This expedition in the Oligocene of Montana, western Nebraska, southeastern South Dakota, and eastern Wyoming brought gratifying results in the acquisition of a large and representative collection of this important fauna. Out- standing among many valuable specimens is a nearly complete skeleton of an eagle of a type distinct from any hitherto known. An important accomplishment of the department of biology was the organization of the Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea expedition, under the direction of Dr. Paul Bartsch, curator of mollusks and Cenozoic invertebrates, and the successful completion of the first of a series of cruises planned for oceanographic work. Eldridge R. Johnson in the fail of 1932 placed his palatial yacht Caroline at the disposal of the Smithsonian Institution for the purpose of deep-sea exploration, to- gether with funds for equipment of the vessel, necessary gear and instruments, and an adequate scientific staff. At the suggestion of Dr. Bartsch an oceanographic survey of the Puerto Rican Deep was undertaken. Various agencies of the Government interested in oceanographic work, including bureaus in the Navy, Agriculture, and _ Commerce Departments, rendered valuable assistance in the way of suggestions and material, as did the authorities of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Oceanographic Institution of Woods Hole, the American Museum of Natural History, Dr. William Beebe, and others. The gathering of equipment and its installation began m October, and on January 21, 1933, the Caroline left New York. The program for the cruise was carried out successfully, and on March 14 the Caroline returned to Washington loaded with valuable collections, embracing many forms of life unknown to science, and with extensive observations in the various branches of oceanography, all of which are now in the hands of specialists for study. During the cruise more than 900 soundings were made, and serial gatherings of water samples and temperatures were taken down to 3,200 fathoms. Collections were made at 109 stations, mostly at depths below 200 fathoms, with gear ranging from tangles to dredges, beam trawls, otter trawls, and intermediate nets. Several cores were taken, and morning and evening observations of air draft were made by means of pilot balloons observed through a theodolite. It is planned to continue the work during another cruise in the same general area. Another important marine expedition was that of Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, curator of marine invertebrates, to the Galapagos Islands on the yacht Velero III, through invitation of Capt. G. Allan Hancock, owner of the ship and leader of the expedition. Dr. Schmitt em- barked at Los Angeles on December 28, 1932, and returned on March 25, 1933. Fully equipped for scientific work both on land and sea REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM afd and with a staff representing several branches of zoology, the expedi- tion visited 11 of the 16 principal islands of the Galapagos Archi- ‘pelago and 13 other places on the coasts of South and Central America and Mexico, including the Malpelo, Cocos, and Isabel Islands. The expedition obtained large series of invertebrates of which a first set of Crustacea, to which Dr. Schmitt paid special attention, becomes the property of the National Museum. Many additions to scientific knowledge in this group are included in these collections. Dr. Hugh M. Smith continued explorations in Siam covering various parts of the country not previously visited. The work ‘included a trip up the tortuous Pasak River, which marks the bound- ary between central Siam and the eastern plateau, journeys to Sam Roy Yot (Three Hundred Peaks) in western Siam, and to the moun- tain-forest jungle of the northwestern corner of Siam. The large collections of mammals, birds, reptiles, and mollusks received testify to Dr. Smith’s continued interest in the Museum and will yield many ‘scientific novelties. Collections received from Dr. D. ©. Graham indicate that he has safely returned to his old field in western China and has resumed his zoological activities in behalf of the Smithsonian Institution. Con- tinuation of his former explorations has been planned in cooperation with the recently established West China Museum. Dr. Alan Mozley, awarded the Walter Rathbone Bacon traveling scholarship under the Smithsonian Institution for study of the land and fresh-water molluscan fauna of Siberia, had a successful season during the summer of 1932. Through the cooperation of local authorities he was enabled to carry out plans for a visit to the Akhmo- linsk Steppe and to the taiga north of Tomsk. Thanks to the generous assistance of the director of the limnological station at Lake Baikal, he was able to spend nearly 2 months in the Baikal region, where he circumnavigated the lake in the motor yacht of the station and made various land excursions. During the winter Dr. Mozley worked on his collections at the University of Edinburgh, where facilities were generously provided him. Dr. Herbert Friedmann, curator of birds, through the courtesy of Hobart Ames, visited Grand Junction, Tenn., to study a curious red phase among the quail found in that locality. Dr. A. Wetmore, assistant secretary, during a trip to New Mexico and Arizona, col- lected series of bird skins and skeletons. The beginning of the year found Dr. J. M. Aldrich, curator of insects, west of the Rocky Mountains collecting Diptera, work that was completed the middle of August. P. W. Oman, of the Bureau of Entomology, made an extended trip by automobile through the northwestern United States to obtain specimens of leafhoppers and other homopterous insects, and returned with many valuable addi- tions to the Museum collections. 76 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933. Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt spent the first 6 weeks of the year at the marine laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Dry Tortugas, Fla., in continuation of studies of the crustacean fauna of the region. A comprehensive collection of marine invertebrates, mainly crustaceans, was brought back. During the early part of the year Dr. Paul Bartsch continued studies of Cerion colonies on the Florida Keys, with the financial. assistance of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. On his return he collected mollusks on several mountain peaks of the southern Alleghenies. Austin H. Clark made several trips to the region included in the proposed Shenandoah National Park in furtherance of a project for coordinating and extending knowledge of the biology of the area, in cooperation with the National Park Service, the United States. Bureau of Public Roads, and the Virginia State Commission on Con- servation and Development. In July and August 1932, J. R. Swallen, assistant botanist in the section of grasses, collected in Yucatan under a cooperative arrange- ment between the United States Department of Agriculture, the University of Michigan, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in connection with a biological survey of the Mayan area. The col- lection obtained, about 1,000 specimens, has increased the known erass flora of the region by more than 50 percent. C. V. Morton, aid in the division of plants, left in March for a 3-months’ botanical exploration in Oaxaca. Because of an unfavorable season and Mr. Morton’s illness, this work, which was conducted with the kind assistance of Dr. Emil Makrinius, of Pochutla, had to be considerably curtailed. The 2,000 specimens collected, however, will prove valu- able, since they come from a region little represented in the National Herbarium. | During the summer of 1932, Prof. C. E. Burt, of Southwestern College, Winfield, Kans., carried on field work in herpetology designed to obtain series of turtles in the region of the upper reaches of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. The Museum has long needed material from that portion of the Appalachian system. ‘The trip, made by automobile, was eminently successful and resulted in large and important collections. During the Peary Memorial expedition to the west coast of Green- land, under command of Capt. R. A. Bartlett, arranged by the Peary family, Arthur D. Norcross, and friends, Captain Bartlett obtained a large collection of marine invertebrates mostly from the vicinity of Cape York, which with customary generosity he presented to the Museum. W. G. Sheldon and Richard Borden, during July, August, and September 1932, undertook a second expedition to the mountain REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM is region in east-central British Columbia, reaching Mount Selwyn on the Peace River on July 17 and Hudson Hope on August 1. The Sukunka River, which drains the mountains just south of Pine Pass, was investigated to its source, and a grizzly bear was collected. The expedition, difficult and arduous, terminated at the railroad at Dawson Creek, and was highly successful in its collections, which included a moose, a grizzly bear, mountain goats, wolves, red fox, marten, weasels, marmots, rabbits, squirrels, and various smaller mammals. EDUCATIONAL WORK The National Museum during the year continued its customary activities in educational lines. Our exhibition halls display great series of objects so arranged as to demonstrate facts of many kinds, on subjects ranging from the tools and dress of primitive man to complicated modern machinery, examples of the life of strange lands, of the elements that compose the earth, fossil animals and plants of former ages, and many other things. Descriptive labels accom- pany all these, and there is constant change to keep them properly arranged and up to date. The whole serves as a compendium of reference to the student or as an attractive display to the one of more casual interest, from which all may profit according to their desires. In addition, the Museum is constantly active in the dissemination of knowledge in response to many hundreds of inquiries that come by mail or from visitors. Classes from the city schools are guided through the halls, and groups of students from a distance are given similar service. Although the Museum does not maintain regular series of lectures, members of the staff are called on regularly to address meetings. Students throughout the country interested in definite problems come to work with our collections and libraries, and frequently workers from abroad are engaged in investigations here that sometimes continue for months. Thus it may be seen how widely varied is the range of our educational activities and how extensive the field that they cover. VISITORS The Museum buildings were open to visitors during the year on week days from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., except the Aircraft Building, which was open only on week days. All the buildings were closed all day on Christmas and New Year’s Days, and part of the day on December 24, 26, and 31, Jan- uary 2, and March 4. The total number of visitors to the various Museum buildings during the year was 1,427,358, or 202,672 less than during 1931-32, a decrease clearly reflecting economic conditions throughout the 78 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 country. The average attendance for week days was 3,825 and for Sundays 4,571. The number of visitors to the Smithsonian Building on week days was 183,928, a daily average of 591, and on Sundays 40,561, an average of 780; to the Arts and Industries Building 478,160 on week days (average, 1,537) and 103,642 on Sundays. (average, 1,993); to the Natural History Building 426,514 on week days (average, 1,371) and 93,463 on Sundays (average, 1,797); and to the Aircraft Building 101,091, a daily average of 325. Table 1 shows the number of visitors during each month for the: past year. TABLE 1.—-Visitors to Museum buildings during the year ended June 80, 1933 Museum buildings Smithers Year and month ian Build- Total me | AREAS, | Netaral | adrenet 1932 July. a: eens se e's 28, 251 | 70, 878 | 53, 540 | 13, 426 166, 095. AVE US 4 eeeepemnor es SSE i 33, 310 | 90, 225 | 66, 900 | 15, 967 206, 402 Septem were es ee uy 21, 250 | 54, 857 | 42, 911 9, 420 128, 438. October eae 15, 018 | 39, 861 | 38,270 | 5, 947 99, 096 INOvembermene ss 2) Vo ey 11, 024 | 27, 586 | 30, 397 4,429 73, 436 Decempcwgummras ti he 6, 942 |, 16,422 |. 17,202) 3 516 44,172 1933 aa antira Ty ype 88 ius 20 St 8, 503 | 21, 368 | 28,925 | 4, 449 63, 245 Bepnuanyeeet 0 ea ys 8 138 20, 302 | 23,807, 13 wea 56, 034 Menon Ohl era IS ae 20, 588 | 45, 487 | 47,853 | 8, 886 122,714 IV Sek, eee i 33, 114 | 84, 684 | 65, 146 | 12, 457 195, 401 Wenyeeee 2) eee ee 18, 863 | 56, 337 | 57,388 | 9, 075 141, 663. rape 0 ee ai Ca 19, 587 | 53, 845 | 47,548 | 9, 732 130, 662. Oba cae es Ae wa ke 224, 488 |581, 802 Ee 977 |101, 091 | 1, 427, 358. PUBLICATIONS The publications issued during the year include nine volumes,. as follows: The Annual Report for 1932; Bulletin 39, part N (6th rev.), Directions for Preparing Specimens of Mammals, by Gerrit. S. Miller, Jr.; Bulletin 100, volume 12, The Fishes of the Families Banjosidae, Lethrinidae, Sparidae, Girellidae, Kyphosidae, Opleg- nathidae, Gerridae, Mullidae, Emmelichthyidae, Sciaenidae, Sillag- inidae, Arripidae, and Enoplosidae Collected by the United States. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross, Chiefly in Philippine Seas. and Adjacent Waters, by Henry W. Fowler; Bulletin 158, The Copepods of the Woods Hole Region, Mass., by Charles Branch Wilson; Bulletin 163, American and European Swords in the His-. torical Collections of the United States National Museum, by Theo- dore T. Belote; Bulletin 164, The Canadian and Ordovician Forma-- tions and Fossils of South Manchuria, by Riuji Endo; and small. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 79 editions for office use of the complete volumes 79, 80, and 81 of the Proceedings of the National Museum. Forty-one separate papers published include 2 in the Bulletins and 39 in the Proceedings. The distribution of volumes and separates to libraries and indi- viduals on the regular mailing lists aggregated 71,294 copies; while in addition 14,256 copies of publications issued during this and pre- vious years were supplied in response to special requests. The mailing lists have been revised to avoid loss in distribution. During the year 504,770 forms, labels, and other items were printed and 970 volumes were bound. LIBRARY In the library system of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum Library is second in importance only to the Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress. Its collections, concerned chiefly with natural history and technology, were increased during the year by 2,436 volumes and 786 pamphlets, and now number 84,580 volumes and 110,748 pamphlets. The accessions came, as usual, from four sources: Purchases, gifts, exchanges, and binding periodicals. Gifts were received from many members and associates of the Museum staff. Mrs. Charles D. Walcott gave the library many publications, as did also the late Dr. William H. Holmes, former director of the National Gallery of Art, his gifts for the year totaling more than 600. Important gifts also were received by assignment from the Smithsonian Institution. One was a collection of letters written by Asa Gray, John Torrey, Charles Pickering, Capt. Charles Wilkes, and others of the United States exploring expedition, 1838-42, to William D. Brackenridge, a prominent botanist of the expedition. The collection was presented to the Institution by Mrs. Isabel Brack- enridge Hendry, acting for the grandchildren of Mr. Brackenridge. It constitutes a valuable addition to the manuscript material on the subject already in the library. The staff kept the current work up to date and performed certain extra activities. They entered 10,458 periodicals, or 1,433 more than in 1932. Among these were 204 volumes and 1,092 parts that they obtained by special exchange letters in the process of completing standard sets. They also began 86 new exchanges for the Museum; sent 795 volumes to the bindery; cataloged 2,108 volumes, 954 pam- phlets, and 15 charts; and added 20,242 cards to the catalogs and shelf lists. Until toward the close of the year the library work for the National Gallery of Art was done, as usual, by the main library staff; it consisted of entering 428 periodicals and cataloging 344 volumes and 93 pamphlets. The number of volumes and parts sent to the sectional libraries for filing was 5,901. The number of intramural loans was SO ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 8,344, of which more than a third were made at the loan desk in the Arts and Industries Building. Of these, 2,359 publications were borrowed from the Library of Congress and 535 from other libraries, including those of the Department of Agriculture, Geological Survey, Army Medical Museum; and the Boston Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, John Crerar Library, Newberry Library; the libraries of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, American Mu- seum of Natural History, Arnold Arboretum, Field Museum of Natural History, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Peabody Museum; and Columbia, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale Universities. In all, 42 publications were bor- rowed from libraries out of town, and 30 lent to them. The number of publications returned to the Library of Congress was 2,526 and to other libraries 608. The staff filed the Wistar Institute cards to date and sorted and distributed the systematic set of the Concilium Bibliographicum cards to the sectional libraries. They began the rearrangement and classifying of the contents of the manuscript case, taking up first the Berlandier manuscripts, consisting of several thousand pages mainly on the natural history of Mexico. They returned hundreds of publi- cations no longer needed to the Superintendent of Documents, and transferred other hundreds to the Library of Congress, the Patent Office, and Howard University. One of the most important tasks of the staff during the year was making analyticals for the first 36 volumes of the Proceedings of the National Museum. This work was undertaken in cooperation with the Library of Congress, to which the 1,694 manuscript cards prepared were sent for printing, and completes the analysis of this well-known set of Museum publications. Library-of-Congress printed cards will soon be available for all the publications that have been issued by the Smithsonian Institution and its bureaus. Several sets of these cards are being received by the library, of which two are being filed in the union and Museum catalogs. One is also being used as the basis of the dictionary index that was begun at the Smithsonian early in the year. Finally, the difficult task of reorganizing the technological library in the Old Museum was notably advanced. The wooden shelving in the north gallery on the third floor was replaced by steel to the extent of 1,134 linear feet, the collections were reshelved, and a careful reading of the shelves was begun, preparatory to taking an inventory. : As time permitted, the staff continued to render special assistance in solving the problems of the sectional libraries, including those of the divisions of mammals, botany, and physical anthropology. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 81 PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORY The photographic laboratory made during the year 3,025 negatives, 20,037 prints, 867 lantern slides, and 104 enlargements; developed 98 rolls of film and 48 film packs; and dry-mounted 39 prints. This work represents a slight increase over last year in the number of negatives and prints made, and was required by the National Museum and by the National Gallery of Art and the Bureau of American Ethnology, whose photographic needs are supplied by the laboratory through a cooperative arrangement. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT Repairs and alterations—Among the more important repairs and alterations to Museum buildings performed during the year are the following: The exterior walls of the Natural History Building were washed by a detail of firemen from the District of Columbia Fire Department. The plaster ceiling and side walls in the north lobby, Natural History Building, were given three coats of paint, and other painting was done as needed, both interior and exterior, including the tin roofs of the Arts and Industries Building and the Smithsonian Building. The women’s comfort room in the Natural History Building was thoroughly renovated. The large second-floor east-corner room and the small room adjoin- ing it, in the Arts and Industries Building, were remodeled in the spring of 1933 for the occupancy of the associate director and his assistants. The small anteroom was also renovated. Also, room 90 was remodeled for the use of the new illustrator. The cafe dining room in the Arts and Industries Building was remodeled, the walls and ceiling covered with composition board, and new fixtures installed. Work was completed on the installation of the pneumatic collecting and conveying system in the two woodworking rooms in the carpenter shop for removing sawdust. The work of dismantling the George Washington Bicentennial Art Exhibit was completed in January. The two stone lions on the pedes- tals at each side of the south steps, Natural History Building, were removed and shipped to Newport News, Va., for permanent exhibi- tion. Several of the plaster figures remained in the rotunda, having been presented to the National Gallery of Art. Heat, light, and power.—The heat, light, and power plant, located in the Natural History Building, was in continuous operation for about 8 months of the year. The consumption of coal was somewhat more than it was last year, but not above the average for the past few years. For heat, light, and power production 3,297.1 tons of bitu- minous coal were purchased at $4.62 a ton. 82 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 The electric current purchased for the Arts and Industries Building during the year amounted to 124,790 kilowatt-hours and cost $2,849.66, while the current purchased during the summer for the other buildings was 264,310 kilowatt-hours and cost $4,645.08, which makes a total of 389,100 kilowatt-hours purchased at a cost of $7,494.74. The rate per kilowatt-hour was 1.93 cents, which is materially less than for last year, owing primarily to the fact that the current for the Arts and Industries Building was on a different schedule. The current generated in the Museum plant was 621,384 kilowatt-hours, produced at a cost of 1.63 cents a kilowatt-hour. When the new lead-covered cables were purchased last year for enlarging the connection between the Museum lines and the Potomac Electric Power Co. cables where they enter the Natural History Building on the north side, the central line was not increased. To make this connection safe, a new 500,000 circular mils cable was bought and will be installed during the coming year. A good deal of electrical repair work has been done during the year, including not only regular repair and upkeep, but also installation of new wiring systems where the old wires have been found to be overloaded or defective. Repair work too has been necessary on some of the elevators, especially the automatic push-button elevator in the east end of the Smithsonian Building, which for safety’s sake should be replaced by a manually operated car at the earliest possible time. New electric-light equipment to be installed includes 191 ceiling fixtures purchased for the third floor of the Natural History Building. The lighting of the stamp collection, in the Arts and Industries - Building, which has been desired for a long time, has now been com- pleted. This consists of white porcelain-lined inverted trough reflec- tors supported from the tops of the cases in such a way as to deflect the light down against each surface of the slides on which the stamps are mounted. The method has proved very satisfactory and efficient. To provide convenient connections for the twelve 500-watt reflec- tors purchased last year for added interior illumination of the dome of the Natural History Building, 12 outlet boxes with twin receptacles have been installed around the rotunda on the fourth floor, with direct control in the engine room. The installation of small, low-voltage lamps for microscopic work in the National Herbarium has gone forward. This method of furnishing light for such work was begun last year, and has proved so satisfactory that it has been called for by other workers. The new heating system at the north front of the Smithsonian Building was completed and was in operation throughout the year. Further improvement in heating efficiency was effected by replacing with new low radiators, in various offices in the Natural History REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 83 Building, the radiators of the taller type, some of which were badly situated. Work has progressed, too, on the installation, begun last year, of new pipe in the hot-water system in the Natural History Building. This pipe, brass instead of galvanized iron, will tend to retard the accumulation of scale and dirt and thus aid in the proper flow and distribution of the water. Because of the congested location of the old equipment, the tank and other new apparatus are to be placed in the east end of the engine room. Ice production—The refrigerating machine, located in the base- ment of the Natural History Building, for manufacturing ice for all the Museum buildings, was operated a total of 4,058 hours during the year and produced 413.9 tons of ice at a cost of $827.68, or at the rate of $2 a ton (35 cents a ton less than for last year). During the extremely hot weather, it was necessary: to purchase 12% tons of ice, at a cost of $3.80 a ton. Fire protection.—The fire alarms in the various Museum buildings have been regularly inspected and tested, the fire hose examined and the plugs flushed, and the sprinkler system in the Aircraft Building properly cared for. In the Arts and Industries Building some ihagiees was made in reducing fire hazards along lines recommended by the Federal Fire Council. The improvements include fillmg window openings and open arches with plaster block, replacing wooden partitions with plaster block, replacing old electric wiring with modern wiring, and replacing wooden library shelves with steel shelves. Although many of the fire hazards still remain, especially in the Smithsonian Building and the Arts and Industries Building, they are being removed as rapidly as funds permit, and fire protection is being generally improved. Furmture and fixtures—The furniture added during the year in- cluded 10 exhibition cases, 365 pieces of storage, office, laboratory, and other furniture, and 2,373 drawers, boxes, and frames of various kinds. During the same period, 19 exhibition cases and bases, 93 pieces of storage, office, and laboratory furniture, and 112 wooden drawers were condemned as unfit for further use. An inventory of furniture on hand June 30, 1933, showed 3,743 exhibition cases and bases, 17,001 pieces of storage, office, and lab- oratory furniture, and 103,062 drawers, boxes, and frames. MEETINGS AND RECEPTIONS The facilities of the auditorium and lecture room are offered by the Museum to scientific and educational organizations for regular and ‘special meetings, and whenever possible it assists in carrying out their programs. Ninety-five such meetings were held in the audi- torium and lecture room during the year by a wide range of societies -and organizations. 84 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Memorial meeting —To commemorate the many years of service in the Smithsonian Institution of Prof. William Henry Holmes, who died on April 20, 1933, a memorial meeting was held on the morning of April 22, Dr. Abbot presiding. The meeting was widely attended by his coworkers and friends. Receptions.—On the evening of January 26, 1933, a reception was. held by the Washington Real Estate Board in connection with the convention in Washington of the National Organization of Real Estate Boards. The foyer and all the first floor of the Natural History Building were open for the occasion. About 1,775 persons attended an informal reception given on the: evening of March 28, 1933, in the Natural History Building by the American Chemical Society, convening in Washington at that time. Music was furnished by the United States Marine Band, and motion pictures on chemical subjects were shown in the auditorium. The Congress of Physicians and Surgeons held a reception for Members of Congress on the evening of May 9, 1933, in the rotunda, art gallery, and auditorium of the Natural History Building. Nearly 1,500 persons attended. Gellatly Art Collection opening.—The official opening of the Gellatly Art Collection took place in the Natural History Building on the: evening of June 22, 1933. Secretary and Mrs. Abbot, Assistant Secretary and Mrs. Wetmore, and the Acting Director of the National. Gallery of Art and Mrs. Tolman received. Special exhibits —The annual forestry notebook contest, under the: auspices of the public schools of the District of Columbia, was held in the foyer of the Natural History Building, November 16 to 28, 1932. Some of the notebooks were attached to Museum floor screens, while: others were exhibited on temporary tables furnished by the Museum. The wooden screens forming alcoves on both sides of the foyer in the Natural History Building were used from December 10, 1932, until January 10, 1933, for an exhibit of architectural drawings from the architectural departments of colleges and schools in the District. of Columbia, which was held under the auspices of the Washington. Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The exhibition was opened on the evening of December 10, with a reception in the foyer. Drawings were exhibited by the following institutions: George: Washington University, University of Maryland, Central High School, Catholic University of America, Gallaudet College, and McKinley High School. From March 30 to April 14, 1933, four alcoves on the west side of the foyer were assigned for an exhibit of material collected under the: direction of Dr. Paul Bartsch on the Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea. expedition. The deep-sea specimens, in jars, were placed on plain: wooden shelves installed on the semipermanent screens. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 85 The foyer was occupied from April 17 until May 5, 1933, for an exhibition of public school art under the auspices of the Kastern Arts Association, and from May 8 to 20 part of the foyer was given over to an exhibition of colored posters on wild-flower preservation, under the auspices of the Wild Flower Preservation Society. CHANGES IN ORGANIZATION AND STAFF The changes this year in organization and staff were caused chiefly by the compulsory retirement on June 30, 1932, of a number of employees in key positions. The retirement of W. deC. Ravenel deprived the department of arts and industries of its director and the division of history of its administrative supervisor. The duties of both -of these offices were on July 1, 1932, temporarily assumed by J. E. Graf, associate director of the Museum. .On September 6, 1932, the position of director of the department of arts and industries was replaced by a new position of head curator—bringing the department in line with the natural history departments—and Carl W. Mitman, curator of engineering, was advanced to the head curatorship. Frank. A. Taylor, assistant curator of engineering, succeeded Mr. Mitman as curator of the division of engineering. The division of history con- tinued to remain an independent division, reporting to the head of the Museum through the associate director. In the department of biology, the assistant curatorship of the division of fishes, vacated by the retirement of Barton A. Bean on June 30, 1932, was filled on January 3, 1933, by the appointment of Dr. George S. Myers. Dr. Horace G. Richards, assistant curator in the division of mollusks, resigned on September 10, 1932. In the department of anthropology, the position of scientific aide that had been held by Richard A. Allen was abolished, and the clerical force was strengthened by the appointment of an assistant clerk- stenographer for the division of ethnology. In the department of geology, James Benn was made scientific aide on March 1, 1933, taking over part of the work formerly done by Miss Margaret W. Moodey. In the mechanical shops, H. C. Taylor, head of the paint shop, who retired on June 30, 1932, was succeeded on September 6, 1932, by William Crossingham, who had been associated with this branch of the Museum work for over 30 years. In the administration office, James G. Traylor, appointment clerk, was retired on June 30, 1932, but he continued as clerk to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. On January 16, 1933, the appointment work of the Smithsonian Institution was consoli- ‘dated with the classification and retirement work, and Miss Helen A. Olmsted, from the administrative office of the Museum, was made ‘personnel officer of the Institution. S6 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 On August 29, 1932, Carl W. Mitman was appointed contact officer to represent the Smithsonian Institution in its participation in the Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, June 1 to November 1, 1933. On June 15, Roderic F. Davis was made special agent under Mr. Mitman for work in Chicago. Honorary connections with the national collections were conferred on several scientists of note. David J. Bushnell, Jr., long associated with the ethnological and archeological work of the Institution, was given an honorary appointment as collaborator in anthropology on July 27, 1932. J. Townsend Russell, who had for several years held an honorary position as collaborator in Old World archeology, was made honorary assistant curator of that subject on May 13, 1933. In the department of biology, the work of Dr. Charles Branch Wilson, who has collaborated on Museum collections for a quarter of a century, was recognized by his honorary appointment on June 30, 1933, as collaborator in Copepoda. In the department of geology, the active interest for many years of Dr. August F. Foerste was again recognized, this time by his honorary appointment on September 29, 1932, as associate in paleontology. Dr. Foerste served the Museum in an honorary capacity as collabo- rator in paleontology from April 16 to December 31, 1928. The Smithsonian was fortunately able, after her retirement from active Government service, to take advantage of Miss Margaret W. Moodey’s long experience in identifying, classifying, and cataloging geological specimens by procuring her services under the income of the Springer fund as aide for work on the Springer collection of fossil echinoderms. Four employees were retired during the year under the provisions of the Civil Service retirement act. Of these Frank T. Wright, laborer, was retired for disability on August 31, 1982. Others were retired because of age limitation, as follows: Margaret W. Moodey, aide in the department of geology, on December 31, 1932, after over 30 years of service; Ambrose Green, guard, on March 31, 1933, with nearly 38 years of service; and Walter A. Barkley, guard, on January 15, 1933, after 2 years at the Museum but with other civil and military service for the Government. The Museum lost through death 2 active workers and 3 others long associated with its activities. George Emmert, guard, died on Feb- ruary 1, 1933, and John J. Veit, guard, on April 26, 1933, after services of 14 and 15 years, respectively. The death should be recorded, also, of Dr. Marcus Benjamin, retired, for many years editor of the National Museum, on October 22, 1932. DETAILED REPORTS ON THE COLLECTIONS REPORT ON THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY (Wa.LTER Hoven, Head Curator) Many things of exceptional value came to the department of anthropology during the year, mostly by gift. Though exploration, the source of first-grade scientific material, was curtailed, archeo- logical work on Kodiak Island and at Point Barrow, Alaska, and exploration of caves in Texas was continued; a reconnaissance was made of remains of Indian irrigation projects and house structure in southern Arizona; and cooperative archeological investigations were pursued in Europe. ACCESSIONS FOR THE YEAR The division of ethnology received 48 accessions and 961 speci- mens, compared with 60 accessions and 931 specimens last year. Noteworthy among them is a series of Philippine material, including Moro and other Malay textiles collected by Gen. Tasker H. Bliss while Governor of Moro Province, 1905-9, and presented by Mrs. Bliss; textiles and beadwork of the Moro, Bagobo, and Igorot Tribes collected by the late Capt. Lewis Patstone and presented by Miss M. A. Patstone; and several embroidered garments of Pina cloth, donated by Miss Sarah 8. Metcalf. From Cambodia, Indo-China, came a crossbow and from China and Japan large and artistic collec- tions of lacquer, porcelains, brasses, bronzes, ivory carvings, and many objects of minor art. Africa is represented by an inscribed gold ring from the Gold Coast and by a miscellaneous ethnological collec- tion from the Kivu district, Belgian Congo, presented by Miss Ellen I. Burk. A headdress and war club from Rapa Island, Society Group, came as the gift of Stanley W. Bird. Russia is the source of a small collection of brasses, including an excellent samovar, teapot, and tray, the gift of Mrs. F. Ostrach. Mexican material received includes Guadalajara earthenware, the gift of Miss Susan P. Keech, and horse trappings of braided horsehair. By transfer from the Bureau of American Ethnology, a unique collection was received from the Chama Indians of the Ucayali River area of Peru and from several Jivaro groups of eastern Ecuador. This material was obtained by M. W. Stirling, chief of the Bureau, while a member of the Latin-American expedition to eastern Ecuador 87 88 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 and Peru, and scientifically is the outstanding collection of the year, though intrinsically the gift of imperial Chinese porcelains, brasses, and other objects of high art secured in Peiping by Gen. Charles A. Coolidge in 1900, and presented by Mrs. Coolidge, is of first rank. The Mrs. Alexius McGlannan collection of Japanese, Chinese, and Kuropean folk and minor arts is likewise highly valuable. The bequest to the National Museum by the late Osage chief, Tom Baconrind, of his personal belongings and ceremonial parapher- nalia aroused unusual interest, as Chief Baconrind was prominent in Oklahoma and learned in the ceremonial lore of his tribe. He assisted the late Francis La Flesche, of the Bureau of American Ethnology, in his studies of the Osage language. The Baconrind gift includes decorative embellishments of native Indian, peyote, and Christian cult elements. A valuable addition to the collection of historical and comparative religious art is the large gift from the estate of Mrs. Alice Pike Barney. ’ In the division of archeology 64 new accessions, totaling 2,737 specimens, were added, as against 69 accessions and 6,712 specimens during the previous year. The following are worthy of special notice: 339 stone, bone, and wooden implements, basketry, and other materials collected by Frank M. Setzler from six caves in Brewster County, Tex.; 477 flint implements from Aurignacian, Upper Paleo- lithic, and other early cultural horizons in two caves at the foot of Mount Carmel, Palestine, collected by the American School of Prehistoric Research and received as a loan from the Archaeological Society of Washington; 789 stone, bone, ‘and ivory implements and ornaments collected by Dr. Ales Hrdli¢ka on Kodiak Island, Alaska; 58 specimens of stone and copper implements and pottery collected in Ecuador by M. W. Stirling; 218 stone artifacts from Monasuka- panough and other Indian village sites, mostly in Albemarle County, Va., collected and presented by D. I. Bushnell, Jr.; 58 stone, shell, and earthenware objects from five village sites in Puerto Rico, collected by Gerrit S. Miller, Jr.; 26 earthenware vessels and stone implements from Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua, presented by Corp. Emil M. Krieger; 9 wood carvings, copper pins, and an earthenware effigy collected at Pachacamac and other prehistoric sites in Peru and presented by George Hewitt Myers; a quipu, or knotted string record, and 15 fragments of textiles from Pachacamac and Trapiche ruins, Peru, a gift from Mrs. J. P. Compton; 38 lots of potsherds, bone projectile points, and implements from the Gran Chaco of Argentina, from E. R. Wagner, Museo Arcaico Provincial, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. In the division of physical anthropology 18 accessions, 658 speci- mens, included important skull and skeletal material from Kodiak Island, Aleutian Islands, Point Barrow, and St. Lawrence Island, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 89 Alaska, and from California and New Mexico. A series of 262 photographs of Filipinos came from Dr. R. B. Bean. Two accessions were received in the section of musical instruments; 7 (378 specimens) in the section of ceramics, including 80 pieces of older glass and pottery and 143 pieces of Irish and American Belleek ware; and 8 (141 specimens) in art textiles, including noteworthy embroideries and laces. INSTALLATION AND PRESERVATION OF COLLECTIONS New exhibits were arranged for each of the major exhibition halls assigned to ethnology. South American exhibits were enriched by a large collection of Chama pottery from a group once believed not to practice pottery manufacture. The collection shows them to be the equal of the Coneba in producing a thin-walled, creamy-textured ware. This and three additional exhibit units resulting from the Latin-American expedition to eastern Ecuador have been installed. Material included is from various groups of Jivaro and comprises blowguns, looms and weaving apparatus, woven textiles, decorated pottery, and potterymaking implements, objects of personal adorn- ment, and various objects representing decadent stages in the art of head-hunting. Mexican folk pottery and examples of the folk arts of Mexican, Nicaraguan, and Guatemalan peoples were assembled to form a new exhibit in the Mexican alcove. This includes textiles, wood carving, model figures in wax, and objects of personal adorn- ment. The Colombian and Panamanian exhibits were improved through the addition of the W. W. Archer Choco collection and the M. W. Stirling Tule and Choco material. A case was arranged to show historical Indian sculpture from modern Indian tribes. Masks and figurine carvings in wood collected by Gibbs, Stuckley, and Wilkes from tribes of the Columbia Valley and the Pacific Northwest are shown, as well as a portrait bust of himself modeled by the Ute, Chief Shem, and the famous Haida slate carving known as the ‘‘ Bear Mother.”’ During the year the division of archeology concentrated its efforts on complete revision of the hall devoted to Old World pre- history. An important feature is the synoptic series, portraying diagrammatically the cultural evolution of man in relation to geo- logical events, from Pliocene times to the period of modern civiliza- tion, and including type artifacts, charts showing environmental conditions, and water-color sketches suggesting characteristic human activities and industries of the successive periods. Other major exhibits installed deal with the following cultures: LEolithic, pre- Chellean, Chellean, Acheulian, Micoqgien, Mousterian, Aurignacian, Maedalenian, Azilian, Final Capsian, Maglemosian, the Proto- 16528—33—7 90 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Neolothic of France and Italy (Campignian), of Scandinavia (Erte- belle), and of Central Africa and India, the Neolithic of western, northern, and Alpine Europe, of North Africa, Indo-China, Japan, and Siberia, and the later Sumerian-Babylonian. Five charts tracing the correlation between cultural and geo- logical events in the Old World, 5 illustrations for the synoptic series, 13 maps showing cultural distributions, and 6 maps depicting the range of glacial advance and retreat were prepared and in- corporated in the exhibits. Study collections of the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods were reclassified and the accompanying records corrected wherever neces- sary to include new information. These have also been regrouped into cultural-geographical series, so that students may examine the material with greater ease and effectiveness. The collection from Casa Grande, southern Arizona, secured early in the present century by the late Jesse Walter Fewkes, was reexamined, and the exhibit illustrating the material culture of this famous ruin was greatly improved. In the division of physical anthropology a temporary exhibit of 6 cases was arranged from the newly recovered Alaska (Kodiak Island) materials, and 3 cases of new exhibits were added to the permanent display. A case of exhibits prepared for the National Academy of Sciences meeting in April remained for 2 weeks on view in the academy. Two cases of exhibits were prepared for the meet- ing of the American Surgical Association. INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH In ethnology, Henry B. Collins, Jr., continued the study of Eskimo archeology, particularly on materials collected by himself, J. A. Ford, and M. B. Chambers. For several years the Smithsonian Institution has conducted archeological studies along the west Alaskan coast, to obtain data on the chronological sequence of certain early phases of Eskimo culture. During this year and last the scene has been shifted to the north Alaska coast in the vicinity of Point Barrow. Here the problem involved concerns the historical sequence of Punuk and Thule phases of Eskimo culture. James A. Ford spent the winter of 1931-32 at Point Barrow on the Arctic coast and devoted the following summer to excavating at several old Eskimo sites in the region. Point Barrow has for some time been recognized as one of the most important places archeo- logically in Alaska, since it was the westernmost limit of the extinct Thule culture, which centered in northern Canada, and also the most eastward point to which the Old Bering Sea culture extended. Mr. Ford’s excavations were the first of a systematic nature to be car- ried on at this strategic point, and the material obtained throws REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 91 light on the relationships between the Thule, Punuk, and Old Bering Sea cultures. Mr. Collins also devoted some time to research on southeastern archeology, and participated in the conference on southern prehistory held by the National Research Council at Birmingham, Ala., in December. Phases of Arawakan occupation of the Greater Antilles have become known through five seasons of active field work by Smith- sonian expeditions sponsored by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Cuba. Problems involved concern the inter- relationships among Ciboney, Arawak, Carib, and perhaps other tribal cultures in central and western Cuba. H. W. Krieger during the year studied material assembled on these expeditions and belong- ing to these tribal cultures. The greater problem of northern and southern affiliation of the prehistoric Antillean cultures is much nearer a solution, but much work remains to be done in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and perhaps Florida. ‘The 1932 season’s work, during which Mr. Krieger investigated mounds, earthworks, and kitchenmiddens in central and western Cuba, has confirmed the belief of students that Mayan influence did not reach western Cuba. It was also found that pre-Arawak cultures of the Ciboney type are much more extensive than had previously been known. The principal evidence for this is the large number of village sites yielding no pottery. Art design areas of North America and of Oceania and certain problems connected with the distribution of aboriginal application of design were other topics of research by Mr. Krieger. The quilled and painted designs on the George Catlin collection of Indian cos- tumes from unidentified northern Plains tribes, and the costumes displayed in the Indian portraits by George Catlin, also received his attention. The culture of the historic tidewater Indians of Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas continues of major interest. The strictly prehistoric cultures and the physical anthropology of this area are receiving the attention, respectively, of Frank M. Setzler and Dr. T. Dale Stewart. The curator of archeology, Neil M. Judd, continued work on his report on the Pueblo Bonito explorations of the National Geographic Society. Assistant Curator Setzler studied archeological material he had previously collected in the Big Bend region of Texas and published a description of certain fragmentary vessels from east- central Louisiana collected in 1926 by the late Gerard Fowke. The importance of these fragments lies in their definite resemblance to a type of pottery generally designated by archeologists as ‘‘ Hopewell’”’ and heretofore reported only from the northern Mississippi Valley. Research by the curator of physical anthropology, Dr. Ales Hrdliéka, was concentrated on his field work in Alaska and on study 92 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 of the skeletal materials brought back. He also finished an extensive work on ‘‘The Anthropology of the Pueblos’’, measured the col- lection of Chinese skeletons, and prepared for publication a mono- graph on ‘‘Kar Exostoses: Contribution to Racial Pathology.”’ The assistant curator, Dr. T. D. Stewart, measured the tympanic plate and external auditory meatus in the Eskimo, California Indians, and related groups; tested the skull-capacity machine and studied the skull-capacity problem in general; studied the vertebral column in the Eskimo; and continued research on the hair directions of primates. DISTRIBUTION AND EXCHANGE OF SPECIMENS Four gifts made to other institutions included 72 specimens. One lot consisted of prehistoric Eskimo objects collected in dupli- cate by Dr. Hrdli¢ka and Mr. Collins. Two small gifts represent- ing the history of the Japanese Red Cross Society were made to the National Red Cross Museum of Washington, D.C., and a large collection. was sent to the City Museum of Talladega, Ala. Sixteen specimens were transferred to the divisions of textiles and archeology. During the year eight lots of archeological material (612 speci- mens) were sent out in exchange or as gifts to educational institu- tions, as follows: 104 specimens (gift) for scientific purposes to Rev. David C. Graham, Suifu, Szechwan, China; 167 specimens (gift) to the City Museum of Talladega, Ala.; 1 cast of a slate tube to Dr. Charles Back, Montezuma, Ind., in exchange for permission to make and retain a cast of the original; 4 lots of potsherds (gift) to the Antelope Valley Museum, Lancaster, Calif.; 3 casts of Easter Island wooden tablets as a gift to the Musée d’Ethnographie, Palais du Trocadero, Paris; 4 casts (2 sendings) to W. J. Curtis, Piqua, Ky., in exchange for permission to make similar replicas; 329 Old World archeological specimens (gift) to the Hastings College Museum, Hast- ngs, Nebr. a NUMBER OF SPECIMENS UNDER DEPARTMENT During the year the department received 131 accessions, a total of 4,877 specimens. Of these, 4 accessions comprising 510 specimens were loans. The material was distributed as follows: Ethnology, 48 accessions (961 specimens); archeology, 64 accessions (2,737 specimens); physical anthropology, 18 accessions (658 specimens); musical instruments, 2 accessions (2 specimens); ceramics, 7 ac- cessions (378 specimens); and art textiles, 8 accessions (141 specimens). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 93 On June 30, 1933, the total number of specimens in the depart- ment of anthropology was as follows: PE UIA @ LO Dyan: oom mer rene a mee are ieee Tear Sie ae, eed 187, 919 PECTIC OL OCG ss aera Kp EEN NNN ED Me RE UOI ONG 2 La 440, 817 Physicalvanthropology aces Wa eee dure 2 up | et re ee 33, 497 MIM Ste a eImSErUIMOeMbS sie ee eel ed ey 2, 074 Geramics. 22 nth Sey 8h) che opener pape wewetin eter as $y oo 6, 178 PREGRCC MULCH Ms sto mene UL SCR ecg rot, ANS ee UE 1, 528 Anthropology Mot assigned) 2) TUM: Poe ey ey 9 Mo tailie EB BME hoe ie ab spy Oy elas Sunnah gt MR ol 672, 022 REPORT ON THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY (LEONHARD STEJNEGER, Head Curator) The past year promises to open a new era in the development of the divisions which deal with marine fauna, especially of the deeper waters of the ocean. Thanks to Eldridge R. Johnson’s initiative and offer of the use of his yacht Caroline, together with generous funds for its equipment for oceanographic work, the first Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea expedition, under the direction of Dr. Paul Bartsch, curator of mollusks, made a successful cruise of exploration of the Puerto Rican Deep, which resulted in greatly enriching the Museum collections, in addition to giving observations bearing on biological, chemical, and physical problems of the ocean.. Capt. G. Allan Hancock generously offered the Museum participa- tion in the Hancock Galapagos expedition on the yacht Velero III during a 3-months’ oceanographic cruise to the Galapagos Islands and the western coast of Central America. Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, curator of marine invertebrates, was detailed for this service and returned with much valuable material, chiefly crustacean, for the Museum collections. ACCESSIONS FOR THE YEAR There were 1,200 accessions for the year with a total of 295,782 specimens, more than double the number received during the previ- ous year. Through the two expeditions alluded to, the scientific importance of the invertebrate material is probably greater than that of the vertebrate, though the high scientific value of some of the fish collections should be emphasized, as well as the acquisition of material of various classes from French Indo-China, important on account of the locality being hitherto poorly represented in the Museum. Dr. Hugh M. Smith’s collections of Siamese mammals, birds, and mollusks maintain their standing as first-class contribu- tions, and the first collections from Dr. D. C. Graham after his return to his old field in China are coming up to the expectations raised by previous experience. Many of the plant collections ac- cessioned during the year are scientifically of a high order. Mammals.—The outstanding accession was the skull, with six blades of baleen, of the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), col- lected by J. A. Ford at Point Barrow, Alaska. This is the first skull of its kind to come to any museum from the Pacific side of 94 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 95 the Arctic Ocean, and the only bowhead in any American museum, while in European museums the species is represented by less than half a dozen specimens. From Dr. Hugh M. Smith m Siam 151 mammals, supplementing the large collections of previous years, were received. By exchange with H. J. V. Sody, Buitenzorg, Java, 59 mammal skins with skulls from Java and Celebes, were obtained, mostly forms new to the Museum. W. G. Sheldon and Richard Borden presented 63 specimens collected in British Columbia. Dr. R. K. Enders collected in Panama 51 mammals for the Museum, two species being new to the region. Noteworthy among the many specimens obtained from the National Zoological Park by transfer were a young mountain gorilla, Cacajao calvus, Hylobates agilis, and a young fur seal born at the park. Two gibbons (Hylobates hoolock), a species new to the Museum, were obtained in exchange, and a skele- ton of a dugong, from Australia, by purchase. Birds —The 456 birdskins and 2 skeletons from Siam sent by Dr. Hugh M. Smith take first place. James Ford collected 169 bird- skins in Alaska, and Dr. A. Wetmore 95 skins and 38 skeletons in the southwestern United States, besides about 100 local birds. A number of species and genera new to the Museum were obtained by exchange, including an Hawaiian honey creeper (Paroreomyza jflammea), 10 forms of hummingbirds, and 13 of other birds. A skin and skeleton of the rare Hawaiian goose (Nesochen sandvicensis) were presented by the Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry at Honolulu, and the first known nestling wandering tattlers (Hetero- scelus incanus), collected by Joseph S. Dixon, came from the National Park Service. Among transfers of specimens from the National Zoological Park was an egg of the California condor. Eggs of 148 forms hitherto not represented in the Museum were obtained in exchange. Percy Shufeldt placed a valuable collection of 2,316 birdskins on deposit in the division. Reptiles and amphibians.—The largest additions of the year came from Dr. C. EK. Burt, the most important being collected for the Museum during a trip to the upper reaches of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, when he obtained 1,491 specimens. He also donated 1,325 specimens from the West. An important collection from Puerto Rico containing topotype material of some recently described frogs was the result of G. S. Miller’s visit to that island early in 1932. Three small herpetological collections obtained from French Indo-China are highly important as the locality was not represented in the Museum collections previously, except for a few specimens recently received. From the National Zoological Park the» division received by transfer an unusually interesting lot of animals, among which is a series of the pipa, or Surinam toad. A splendidly preserved series of Californian Batrachoseps is of great 96 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 value for the study of that difficult group of salamanders. A good collection of reptiles and amphibians from Kansas was contributed by H. K. Gloyd. Fishes —Of special importance was the fine collection of fishes obtained by the Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea expedition off Puerto Rico, containing many remarkable deep-sea forms, among them a new genus and species of Triacanthidae, the second one of the family to be recorded from the New World. Another collection of great interest is a lot of 67 specimens presented by Dr. George S. Myers, assistant curator of fishes, consisting mostly of type specimens of West African and South American fresh-water fishes described by the donor and others. Holotypes of 2 species, cotypes of 8, and paratypes of 13 are included. Altogether this accession brings to the Museum 26 species, 13 genera, and 1 family hitherto not represented in its collections. From the United States Bureau of Fisheries a fine series of 1,177 fishes from the Catawba and Tuckasegee Rivers, N.C., including the type of a new darter, and another lot consisting of 3 type specimens from the Gulf of Mexico, were received by transfer. C. R. Aschemeier obtained 1,959 fresh-water fishes in Florida, partly collected for the Museum, partly as a gift. The British Museum presented two paratypes of Notobranchius kiyawensis. Two paratypes of a new smelt were a gift from Dr. L. P. Schultz, of the University of Washington. ) Ghrough, Dr... Vi. Coville) 286 plants (chiefly Com- positae) from Western United States; 4 plants from Chesapeake Bay region; 1 plant from Maine; 1 plant from Alaska; 8 plants collected in New Hampshire by Dr. F. V. Coville; 3,333 plants from Argentina collected by Dr. S. Venturi; 5,308 plants from Ar- gentina; 4 plants from South- ‘western United States (120154, 120866, 121852, 121091, 121266, Pt 292 A 22207, L22528% 122552. 123724); (through W. W. Eggles- ton) .595 plants from Western United States (120249, 120369); (through Dr. 8S. F. Blake) 20 plants from Oregon, California, and Arizona; 113 botanical speci- mens (17 plants, 56 photographs, and 40 fragmentary specimens) (120333, 1223882, 122121, 122136) ; (through J. A. Stevenson) 273 plants, chiefly mosses; 46 plants, chiefly from Hawaiian Islands; 1 alga from Germany (120374, 121226, 122054); 12 worms (Naididae) (120398); 5 isopods from various localities and 3 land mollusks, 2 species, from Belgium and Holland (121218); 1 plant from Maine (121266); (through Dr. T. H. Kearney) 1,192 plants from Western United States (122036, 1220387, 122065, 122200, 122367, P2302 123013, 125125," 1238252; 123258, 124587); 265 plants col- lected in Death Valley region, Calif., by Dr. F. V. Coville and M. French Gilman in 1932 (h22038)5) (through “Dr fh. Ia: Lewton) 3 specimens of a malva- ceous plant from Haiti (122137); (through George M. Darrow) 1 plant from California (122368); (through Dr. Carl O. Erlanson) 13 photographs of South American plants (123566); 114 plants col- lected by Dr. David Fairchild in ~ Mediterranean region, 1930-31 (123706); (through P. L. Ricker) 41 photographs and 32 fragmen- tary plants (123818); (through H. N. Vinall) 1 plant from Texas (123970); (through H. C. Skeels) 854 plants collected in tropical America by Dr. David Fairchild, 1931-32 (124815); 1 royal salep (124586). Bureau of Plant Quarantine: 18 lots of material, comprising 147 crus- taceans, mollusks, lizards, insects, and plants intercepted at various ports and forwarded for identifi- cation (117066, 117229, 119520, 119817, 120293, 120340, 120403, 120698, 121400, 1216638, 121873, 122193, 122542, 122813, 122978, 123965, 124252, 124492). Hawa Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Honolulu, Hawaii (through Dr. W. T. Pope): 1 plant (121227). 136 Aauayo, Dr. C. G., Habana, Cuba: 67 Cuban land shells of 11 species (123465). Arr REpuctTIon Saues Co., New York, N.Y.: 8 rare gas tubes, mounted (124234). ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Au- burn, Ala. (through Prof. F. S. Arant): 2 flies from Alabama (120595). ALASKA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND Scuoou or Minss, College, Alaska: Human skeletal material excavated by Otto W. Geist on St. Lawrence Island, 1931-32 (114040); 3 fishes and i insect from Alaska (122815). AuprRicH Musrum, Balboa, Calif.: 1 lot of mollusk eggs from California (1202683). ALEXANDER, W. C., Bellbuckle, Tenn.: 1 fossil hydroid coral from Ordovician rocks of Tennessee (121272). ALLEGANY ScHooL oF NatTuRAL His- TORY, Quaker Bridge, N.Y. (through R. E. Coker): 1 beetle from New York (120818). AuLEN, C. C., St. Petersburg, Fla.: 44 fresh-water mussels from Florida (123088, 124498). ALLEN, E. R., Silversprings, Fla.: 4 snakes and 11 crustaceans from Flor- ida (121647, exchange); 2 bats (122735). ALLEN, JOHN, Philadelphia, Pa.: 1 print, ‘‘Old Man River” (123689). ALLEN, Miss Satty, Durham, N.C.: 2 nematodes (123509). AMERICAN HospiTaL ASSOCIATION, Chicago, Ill. (through Richard P. Borden): 8 colored transparencies for illustrating hospitalization (122042). AMERICAN MusEeum or Natura His- Tory, New York, N.Y.: 93 decapods and 81 amphipods from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands (113579); 11 flies (114799, 123091); 8 beetles new to the collections (120326); 1 lemur skin and skull (120372, exchange) ; 2 rare Alaskan butterflies (122085) ; 1 mounted skeleton of dinosaur from ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Upper Cretaceous of Alberta and 1 skeleton of fossilmammal from Lower Miocene of Nebraska (123258, ex- change). AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION, New York, N.Y.: 9 coins of Danzig, Germany, Portugal, Syria, and Tibet (120384). Loan. AMERICAN Woouren Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.: 1 fleece of Ohio Delaine wool, and 1 specimen each of scoured wool, combed tops, and _ noils (123975). AmgEs, Hopart, Grand Junction, Tenn.: 1 red quail (122658). AMORTEGUI, BALTAZAR GUEVARA, Bo- gota, Colombia: 2 moths (119770); 308 plants, 20 birds, and 1 lizard from Colombia (120902, 121251, 121652, 122421). ANDREWS, E. A., Baltimore, Md.: 9 mussels from Jamaica (128363). Arant, Prof. F. S. (See under Ala- bama Polytechnic Institute.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL Society oF WaASH- INGTON, Washington, D.C.: 477 paleolithic artifacts collected by American School of Prehistoric Re- searchin Europe (121286). Loan. Armineton, A. A. (See under Univer- sal Winding Co.) Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill.: 1 chart and 28 specimens illustrating manu- facture of soap (124816). ARMSTRONG Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.: Samples of corkwood and cork prod- ucts (120350); specimens illustrating steps in manufacture of plain, printed, and inlaid linoleum (1203851). ARMSTRONG, F. K. (See under Cream- ery Package Manufacturing Co.) ARNOLD, Miss Ipa F., Canton, Mass.: 2 Iroquois beaded bags (120983); 4 daguerreotypes, 4 ambrotypes, 2 tin- types, 1 cabinet portrait, 1 nurse’s badge, and a cast-iron dragon can- dlestick made about 1870, (121418, 121676). ARSENE, Rev. Brother G., Las Vegas, N.Mex.: 50 plants from Mexico (124642). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Artuur, S. C., New Orleans, La.: 1 manatee skull from Louisiana . (106951). ASCHEMEIER, C. R., Washington, D.C.: 61 mammals and 534 fishes collected in Florida, December 1932 (124577) ; 2 birds (120221, 121468). (See also under Herman Gunter, and Smith- sonian Institution, U.S. National Museum.) AsHLEY, T. F., Oakland, Calif.: 1 plant from California (121681). ASSOCIATED TELEPHONE CAMERA Ciugs, Washiagton, D.C.: 58 pho- tographs, for exhibition during March 1933 (1238495). Loan. ATKINSON, HERBERT, New Bedford, Mass.: Model, % size, of ‘‘Travel- air’’ biplane of 1930, with 2-place, open cockpit, half skeletonized (122275). Loan. AustTEN, Maj. E. E. (See under Brit- ish Government, British Museum.) AUSTRALIA, BuREAU OF SuGAR; Ex- PERIMENT STATIONS, Queensland, Australia (through E. Jarvis): 36 flies from Australia (119829). BaBASHAN, Miss Mary, Washington, D.C.: 1 Milbert’s shark collected at Solomons Island, Md., by Benny Babashan (121054). Baspcock, H., Columbia, 8.C.: Head of large-mouth black bass (1238695). Backus, Miss Constance A., Glen- catlyn, Va. (through Prof.” R. ¥. Griggs):. 1 plant from Virginia (120377). Bacon, Mrs. Caronine E., Washing- ton, D.C.: Small collection of family and personal relics (123260); black satin dress of 19th century (123854). BACONRIND, Estate of Chief Tom (through W. H. McKenzie): Per- sonal wearing apparel of the late Chief Tom Baconrind (120063). BaDDER, JOHN, Lebanon, Syria: Bronze coin of Constantine I, 306-337 A.D., and silver coin of Macrianus, Junior, 261-262 A.D. (123840). Battery, Dr. C. R., Gatesville, Tex.: 2 Indian skulls, male and female, from 16528—33——10 137 dry rock shelter near Gatesville, Tex. (123288). BAILEY, VERNON. Ynes Mexia.) Bartrp, Mrs. Cornetia H., Yonkers, N.Y.: (See under Estate of Mrs. James 8. Harlan.) BAKER, MH. C., “Urbana; Wkeselots: 2 species, of mollusks, from [Illinois (123203). (See also under Uni- versity of Illinois.) BAKER, Dr. FRED, Point Loma, Calif.: 3 mollusks from Philippine Islands (122398). BakER, Howarp, Washington, D.C.: 1 cut-throat finch (123491). BakErR, W. W., Puyallup, Wash. (See under U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Bureau of Entomology.) BaLpwIn, J. T., Jr., Keysville, Va.: 1 beetle from Virginia (119858). Batt, Wm. H., Washington, D.C-.: 23 birdskins (120019, 120286, 121387, 122391, 122405); 4 bird skeletons (120870); 2 land shells from On- tario (120849). Bauuiet, Letson, Tonopah, Nev.: 5 insects from Nevada (1205838). Bancrort, HE. N., Kingston, Jamaica: 56 wood samples of Jamaican trees (82 accompanied by herbarium speci- mens) (114780). Banpy, Marx C., Chuquicamata, Chile: 1 specimen of quetenite with green coquimbite and 1 vial of efflorescent halotrichite (123698). Exchange. Barsour, THomas, Rock Point, Md.: Collection of reptiles, amphibians, fishes, mollusks, insects, and marine invertebrates (119878). Bartow, Miss CATHERINE B., Wash- ington, D.C.: Tortoise-shell lor- gnette of 19th century (128708). BarRLow, Ropert, Washington, D.C.: 1 moth and 2 butterflies (including a rare form) from District of Colum- bia (122051). Barnes, R. M., Lacon, Il.: 28 moths (119972, 122691). (See under Mrs. 138 BarNEY, Daucuters of Mrs. ALicE Pike, Washington, D.C.: Antiqua- rian material presented in memory of their mother, the late Mrs. Alice Pike Barney (124068). Barrows, R. A., Philadelphia, Pa.: 2 photographs, ‘‘Dunes’’ and ‘‘Shrouds”’ (1238717). Bartu, Dr. Tom, Washington, D.C.: Examples of rocks chiefly from Nor- way, collected by donor (1218386). Barrienn; (Prof; al. University of Michigan.) BarRTLETT, Capt. R. A., New York, N.Y.: 5 hydroids, 1 anemone, 25 amphipods, 50 isopods, 24 barnacles, 100 shrimps, 100 mysids, 50 marine (See under annelids, 3 bryozoans, 10 townet samples, 25 ascidians, 13 bottom samples, 2 pycnogonids, 65 mol- lusks, bird stomachs, mammal stom- achs, fish stomachs, fish, echino- derms, parasitic worm, plants, in- sects, collected on coast of Green- land, 1932 (1193859). BartrRaM, E. B., Bushkill, Pa.: 108 mosses from Hawaiian Islands (121279). Exchange. Bartscu, Dr. Pau, Washington, D.C.: 1 mole from Bluemont, Va. (120965) ; 2 plants from Virginia (120989, 121941); 2 birds (121562, 124314); 1 nest of warbling vireo (124619). (See also under Smithsonian Institution, National Museum.) BassuER, Dr. R. S. (See under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) Bates, Marston, Cambridge, Mass.: 6 flies, 2 species, all paratypes (124658). Exchange. Baywuirr, Prof. W. H., Annapolis, Md.: 1 slide of tapeworm (122842). BaYNARD, Oscar, Plant City, Fla.: 2 cotton rats (122734). Breacu, W. N., New York, N.Y.: 2 Rocky Mountain sheep skins with skulls and leg bones, from White River, Alaska (120730). Brean, B. A. (See under Norman R. Hoffman.) ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Bran, Dr. R. B., University, Va.: 262 photographs, mostly of Filipinos (122068). Beaton, Dr. C., Para, Brazil. (See under Companhia Ford Industrial do Brasil.) Brecxuam, W. P., Salisbury, N.C.: 12 flies from North Carolina (119315). Brure, Dr. E. H., Baton Rouge, La.: 8 medusae, 1 anemone, 2 phyllopods, 1 porcellanid, 1 crab, 3 shrimps, 5 marine annelids (115967). BEeLcHER, Sir Cuarues F., Port of Spain, Trinidad: 1 Trinidad fly- catcher (121862). Bewtuun, M. P., Sacramento, Calif.: 2 plants from California (120868). Benepict, J. E., Jr., Linden, Md.: 6 frogs, 1 crayfish, 23 insects from southern United States (120288, 120373); 1 plant from near Peters- burg, Va. (121228); 1 fish from Tall Timbers, Md. (122800). BrenesH, BERNARD, Chicago, Ill.: 6 beetles (122593). Exchange. Brenetson, Dr. Ipa A. (See under U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of the Public Health Service.) BrengAMIN, F. H. (See under Otto Buchholz and Fred W. Walker.) Benn, JAMES. (See under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) Benson, Lyman, Bakersfield, Calif.: 2 ferns from California (123268). BEQUAERT, Dr. JosEPH, Boston, Mass.: 2 flies new to the collection (121084) ; 21 flies of 10 species (124569). BERNIcE P. Bishop Muszum, Hono- lulu, Hawaii: 4 rats in alcohol (2 with skulls removed) from Mar- quesas Islands (118700); 396 plants from Fiji and Society Islands (123402, exchange); 348 plants from Hawai- ian Islands (123961, 1241938, ex- change). Berry, Mrs. C. M., Sanford, Fla.: 1 plant (120828). Brerry, ©. -1., ‘Baltimore, Medial metatarsal of fossil horse (121271): REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM BETTER BEDDING ALLIANCE OF AMER- ica. (See under International Bed- ding Co.) BEVERLY Hit~ts CHAMBER OF Com- MERCE, Beverly Hills, Calif.: Original parachute and harness used by Frederick Rodman Law in his dem- onstration jump from a _ Burgess- Wright airplane at Marblehead, Mass., April 138, 1912 (123992). Brevers, Mrs. Cuara JELLIcO, Oleta, Calif.: Saber carried during Civil War by Lt. Thomas D. Jellico, 169th New York Volunteer Infantry (113435). BEYER, CLARENCE, Baltimore, Md.: Edison ‘‘Amberola-50”’ phonograph of about 1915 and 11 ‘‘Amberol”’ cylinder records (121498). Bietey, A. L., Butte, Mont.: (through E. P. Henderson): Series of copper minerals from Butte district, Mont. (122088). Birp, STANLEY W., Salt Lake City, Utah: War club and native hat from Society Islands (124514). BisELL, Mrs. ELEANOR WOLFLEY, Mrs. CAROLINE WOLFLEY SHANNON, and Mrs. EvizABETH WOLFLEY HARMAN, Washington, D.C. (through Thomas J. Shannon): 1 brass mortar and pestle (121412); 3 personal relics of Surgeon Lewis Wolfley, U.S.N., and Lt. Col. (Surgeon) William I. Wolfley (121866); 1 silver-mounted, ivory physician’s call-record pocket-book (124473). Buain, Prof. W. L. (See under South- eastern Teachers College.) Buarir, A. E., Butte, Mont. (through E. P. Henderson): Examples of enargite and other minerals from Butte district, Mont. (122089). Buake, Dr. S. F., Washington, D.C.: 32 plants from United States (123594). Exchange. (See also under U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) Buiss, Mrs. Tasker H., Washington, D.C.: Philippine ethnological ma- terial collected by Gen. Tasker H. 139 Bliss while governor of Moro Prov- ince, 1905-1909 (124602). Biomauist, Prof. H. L. Duke University.) (See under Biount Mansion AssociaTION, Knox- ville, Tenn.: Plans and specifications of Gov. William Blount Mansion (120409). BLUMENTHAL AND Co., SIDNEY, INc., New York, N.Y.: 24 upholstery and drapery pile fabrics, 14 cloaking and velvet dress fabrics, and a printed velour bathmat (123720). BuutTuHeEeNn, P., Naumburg, Germany: 4 bees, 4 species (128184). Ex- change. BoERIcKE & TAFEL, INc., Philadelphia, Pa.: 123 homeopathic pharmaceuti- cal preparations (121548). Botus Herparium, Newlands, South Africa: 100 plants from Africa (124588). Exchange. Bono, R. M., New Haven, Conn.: ‘About 75 amphipods (124290). Bootn, F. 8., Tokyo, Japan (through Sidney Morgan): 2 mounted crabs (121765). Bootu, L. M., Balboa Island, Calif.: 2 plants from California (120309). BorpEN, RicHarp. (See under W. G. Sheldon.) BorpEN, R. P., Fall River, Mass.: (See under American Hospital Asso- ciation.) Boss, N. H. (See under Smithsonian Institution, National Museum.) Botanic GARDENS, Sydney, New South Wales: 268 plants from Australia (122995, 123206). Exchange. BoTanicaAL INSTITUTE OF CHARLES UNIVERSITY, Prague, Czechoslova- kia: 100 plants from Czechoslo- vakia (122201). Exchange. BoOTANISCHES INSTITUT DER UNIVERSI- TAT, Riga, Latvia: 18 plants from Latvia (122732). Exchange. BoTaniscHES Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany: 1 plant, Cordia, collected by Weberbauer (121469). Exchange. 140 Bowman, H. B., fishes from New York (124208). Box, H. E., Antigua, British West In- dies: 42 ferns from Antigua and St. Kitts (120348, 121536, 122073). Boyprn, Lt. H. D., Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Lustre-ware pitcher excavated from old French ruin near St. Mare, Haiti (122834). Loan. Brav ey, F. F., Toledo, Ohio (through HK. P. Henderson): 21 specimens of celestite from Clay Center, Ohio (120248). BravDuey, G. H. (See under U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.) BRAECKLEIN, J. G., Kansas City, Kans.: Unfinished boat-stone (121043). Branpt, B. B., Washington, N.C.: 2 frogs from North Carolina (123276). Brant, JAcK, Lower Matacumbe, Fla.: 1 land shell from Lower Matacumbe Key, Fla. (120865). BreAKzEy, E. P., Columbus, Ohio: 34 bugs, 15 species (8 represented by 17 paratypes) (118324). BripGe, Dr. Jostan. (See under Dr. Asa L. Mathews and Ramie Inman.) BrRIDWELL, J. C., Washington, D.C.: 1 mussel from Bull Run, Va. (123737). BricHaM, Mrs. A. P., and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Rotu, Hamilton, N.Y.: 25 trilobites from Hamilton and Utica formations, and 22 brachio- pods, 3 starfishes, and 2 blastoids, from Devonian rocks of New York (120695). BricHT, JOHN, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 16 plants mainly from California and Nevada (123396). Brisco, N. M., Marion, Va.: Archeo- logical specimens collected by donor in Smyth County, Va. (122991). BRITISH GOVERNMENT: British Museum (Natural History), London, England: 12 flies from Patagonian region of South Amer- ica (114608, exchange); stem of echinoderm from south of western Timor (118756); about 40 Bryozoa Ithaca, N.Y.: 176 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 (119699, exchange); 375 Ordovi-- cian and Silurian fossils from Gir- van (119709, exchange); 45 wasps (120251, exchange); specimens of 6 species of early Paleozoic corals (120217); (through Maj. E. E. Aus- ten and Herbert Stringer) about. 600 specimens, of same number of species, of Microlepidoptera, mostly type material (121027); 1 crab (122529, exchange); (through Miss Helen Muir Wood) 163 Jur- assic brachiopods from England (123336, exchange); (through Dr. J. B. Reeside, Jr.) 2 specimens of rare Cretaceous fossil (123563, ex- change); (through J. R. Norman) 2 fishes (1238856); 1,088 plants, col- lected chiefly in Colombia by J. Triana (124044, exchange); 2 gib- bon skins with skulls from Assam and Burma (124065, exchange). Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford, England: 81 plants, chiefly from Africa (1223883). Exchange. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Eng- land: 458 plants largely from South America (122126); 37 prints and portions of specimens, mainly of types in Kew Herbarium (123568); 35 photographs of her- barium specimens, mostly types (123714). Exchange. Science Museum, London, England: 2 photographic prints of litho- sraphs illustrating method in- tended for launching Henson’s pro- posed aircraft of {42 (120250). BroapBEnt, 8S. R. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.) Broapway, W. E., Trinidad, British West Indies: 3 plants from Trinidad (121474, 121945). Bropiz, Miss Laura, Leesville, $.C.: 8 box turtles from Leesville, S.C. (124644). BronaueH, C. B., Afton, Okla.: 10 brachiopods, 1 bison tooth, and 1 horse tooth (121660); 3 specimens of fossil shell and teeth (123571); in- terior of dorsal valve of brachiopod from Craig County, Okla. (124286). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Brooxtyn Botanic GARDEN, Brook- lyn, N.Y.: 3 plants from Plummers Island, Md. (121382). Exchange. Brooxs, Maurice, French Creek, W.Va.: 1 fern from West Virginia (120898). Brooks, Dr. 8S. T., Pittsburgh, Pa.: 5 amphipods from Quebec (120981 Brown, E. J., and 8. K. Brown, Eus- tis, Fla.: 1 snake from Florida (120790). Brown, Estate of Mrs. Grace Dvu- Four, Washington, D.C. (through Miss Violet A. Marshall): 12 hum- mingbirds and 1 trogon, mounted (120011). Brown, 8S. K. Brown.) Brown, W. L., Washington, D.C. 3: birds (121090, exchange); 2 fishes from Cobb Island, Md. (122299). Brucsu, Dr. Cartos, Olivos, Argentina: 1 fly from South America (123373). Bruner, Prof. 8. C., Habana, Cuba: 5 bugs from Cuba (121571, exchange); 11 beetles, 4 new species (all para- types and 2 types) (123185). BucHanan, L. L., Washington, D.C.: 3 isopods from Chesapeake Bay (121894); 1 Australian Coleoptera new to Museum (122850). ‘Bucuer, W. F., Washington, D.C.: 15 framed photographs of trees, the wood forming the frame being in most cases of same species as tree photographed (124450). Loan. BucuHouz, Oto, Westfield, N.J. (through F. H. Benjamin): 14 moths, 13 holotypes (121029). Exchange. Bucxstarfr, J. D., and Douguas Van Dyxn: Rigged model of ice yacht Debutante III (123076). BuFrraLo MusEvM OF ScIENCE, Buffalo, N.Y.: 3 isopods from body of tarpon (120304). Burrato NuMIsMATIC ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Bronze token of the association struck in 1932 (122442). (See under E. J. ‘Bounock, BD. S.;. Angol, Chile: 320 miscellaneous insects from Chile (118372). 141 Bunton, Pau, Washington, D.C.: 14 Miocene corals from Yorktown, Va. (123809); 1 slab of echinoids from Tertiary rocks of Mississippi (124601). Burk, Miss Eien I., Belgian Congo, Africa: 16 ethnological specimens from natives of Kivu district, Belgian Congo (119570). BuRKENROAD, M. D.: 40 lots of mis- cellaneous invertebrates (121489). BurueiGcH, Mrs. Rospert, Jeanerette, La. (through Charles W. Rees): 1 drumfish from near Weeks Island, La. (119861). Burns, Prof. G. P., Burlington, Vt.: (See under University of Vermont.) Burr, Mrs. Lypra K., Washington, D.C.: 15 military decorations and certificates awarded to Maj. Gen. George M. Burr, U.S.A., in recogni- tion of services during War with Spain and World War (121467). Burt, Dr. C. E., Winfield, Kans.: 3 turtles from Kansas (119531); 31 amphibians and reptiles, mostly from Texas (119562); 1 salamander from Harz Mountains, Germany (121287); 1,257 reptiles and amphibians, 3 crayfishes, 67 insects, and 39 mol- lusks from Kansas and Western States (122414, 122715, 124285, 124463); 64 reptiles and amphibians (123510); collection of reptiles and amphibians, mostly from Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee, and 4 crayfishes (120556, collected for the Museum). Buscx, Auaust, Washington, D.C.: 1 parasitic isopod from fish (121472). BusHNELL, D. I., Jr., Washington, D.C.: Archeological material col- lected by donor in Virginia (122092), 123352); 2 archeological specimens from mound near Chinchuba Creek, north of Lake Pontchartrain, La. (123810). ButLeR, Rosert, Boston, Mass.: 1 unusually complete specimen of Scaphites from Cretaceous of Mon- tanitenn i2ools). 142 CaBRERA, Dr. ANGEL L., La Plata, Argentina: 200 plants from Argen- tina (1238229). Exchange. CaLpERON, Dr. Satvapor, San Salva- dor, Salvador: 1 jumping viper from Salvador (120880); 1 plant (123567). CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, San Francisco, Calif.: 2 plants (124592). Exchange. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- CULTURE, Sacramento, Calif.: 2 flies from California (123681, 124516). CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOL- oay, Pasadena, Calif.: Examples of sloth dung (fossil) (121948). Exchange. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF, Berkeley, Calif.: 181 specimens of American willows, prepared by Dr. C. R. Ball for distribution (120023, exchange); 397 plants (120285, 122093, ex- change) ; 63 fossil plants, chiefly from Oregon (120783); 273 plants from California and Alaska (122819, ex- change). CaMERA CuUus, Chicago, I[ll.: 60 prints for exhibition during December 1932 (122059). Loan. CaMERA Cuius, New York, N.Y.: 50 photographs for exhibition in June 1933 (124541). Loan. CAMPBELL, BERRy, Baltimore, Md.: 395 reptiles and amphibians, 1 bat, and 3 lots of fishes mostly from California (122374). CamMPBELL, Dr. C. B., Washington, D.C.: Miniature boat stone found in Loudoun County, Va. (121558). Campos R., Dr. F., Guayaquil, Ecua- dor: 61 insects (122098). CANADIAN GOVERNMENT: Department of Agriculture, Entomo- logical Branch, Ottawa: 4 flies paratypes of 2 species (121859) ; 12 moths, 8 new species (11 para- types) (123070, exchange). Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa: 15 plaster casts of Canadian Cretaceous types (123466). National Museum of Canada, Ottawa: 11 plants from Arctic America (124547). Exchange. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 CanaL ZONE EXPERIMENT GARDENS, Summit, Canal Zone: 41 plants from Panama (121019, 124087). CaNFIELD Funp, Smithsonian Institu- tion: 1 specimen of epidote from Traversalla, Piedmont, Italy (120- 145); 1 large pyrite crystal (120170); 1 gold nugget and 6 specimens of gold-bearing altered pyrite from South Carolina (120172); 4 speci- mens of linarite from Southside mine | Galena, Kans. (120784); 3 gold nuggets from Breckenridge, Colo. (121235); 1 specimen of malachite from Bisbee, Ariz. (121937); a third of Ahfeld collection of Bolivian minerals (207 specimens) (123574); 1 specimen each of McGovernite and zincite crystals (123708); 5 minerals, one each of azurite, atacamite, cerussite, strengite, and pyromor- phite (124297) a group of crystals of cassiterite from New South Wales (124321); 1 specimen of ganophyllite and 1 of ganophyllite and riebeckite (124487); a specimen of lapis lazuli from Siberia, 1 of jade from Siberia, and 1 of gadolinite (124555). Cannon, M. D., Ithaca, N.Y.: 1 slab of Devonian crinoids from Ithaca formation near Ithaca, N.Y. (123400) Niagara Falls, carborundum CaRBORUNDUM Co., N.Y.: Model of a grain sifter (120850). CarpmEnas, Prof. M., Potosi, Bolivia: 179 plants from Bolivia (124549). CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHING- TON, Washington, D.C.: 88 isopods, 1 lizard, 14 echinoderms, and a small lot of corals collected by the Carnegie, 1928-29 (116211); 5 colored plates of pottery vessels (120348); 3 skulls and a partial skeleton of blackfish from Tortugas, Fla. (120788).. Carr, F. S., Medicine Hat, Alberta: 6 beetles, 3 species (123359). CarRRo.u, F. M., New Orleans, La.: 438 birds in alcohol (118836). Casz, R: E.;. New, York, =Naxe under International Nickel Co.) (See Casry, Mrs. Laura WetsH, Washing- ton, D.C.: 2 Pima Indian baskets C212 5aNe REPORT OF THE Cassy, Miss Sopuie P., Washington, D.C.: Silver vase presented to Maj. Gen. Silas Casey when captain, 2d Infantry, U.S.A., in recognition of his services during war with Mexico (120812). Loan. Casu, Miss Linit1an C., Washington, D.C.: 1 moss from New York (123463). Cass, C. A., Lake Placid, Fla.: 1 giant whip-scorpion from Florida (120587). Cassepy, E. G., Washington, D.C.: Projectile points and blade frag- ments found in a plowed field on Maryland side of Potomac River near Chain Bridge (123960). Catiin, R. M., Sr., Piedmont, Calif.: 1 fossil batrachian from Elko shales, Elko, Nev. (120006). Cawston, Dr. F. G., Durban, Natal, South Africa: 15 specimens, 3 spe- cies, of marine and fresh-water shells from Natal (121157). Caum, E. L., Honolulu, Hawaii: 20 eggs and 1 skin of Laysan rail (121525). CELANESE CORPORATION OF AMERICA, New York, N.Y.: 14 _ piece-dyed Celanese dress fabrics (124576). CryLton, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- TURE, Peradeniya, Ceylon (through J. C. Haigh): 60 Ceylon plants, col- lected by G. H. K. Thwaites (124302). Exchange. CHAMBERLAIN FunpD, Frances Lea, Smithsonian Institution: About 100,000 mollusks, being half of Maynard collection of cerions, pur- chased jointly with Museum of Comparative Zoology (109260); gem stones of labradorite and feldspar (119990); 2 cut stones of citrine quartz (120171); 1 engraved emerald weighing 11.42 carats, and 1 carved tourmaline (120324); 91 mollusks collected in Uganda by Dr. Hale Carpenter (120893); a carving of old Burmese amber (121255); 1 yellow beryl and 2 tourmalines from Mada- gascar (121666); 83 lots, 157 speci- mens, of mollusks from Gulf of Oman SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 143 and South Africa (123110); 1 amber pendant (124269). CHAMBERS, F. V., Philadelphia, Pa.: Collection of photographs compris- ing 25 oils by Leonard Misonne and 32 portraits by Minya Dihrkoop, for exhibition during April 1933 (123812). Loan. CHAMPION SILLIMANITE, INc., Laws, Calif.: A specimen of rutile, diaspore, and pyrophyllite, from Champion Mine, White Mountain, Calif. (121860). Exchange. CHANDLER, Dr. A. C., Houston, Tex.: 11 land mollusks, of 5 species, from Texas (120227). CHARLESTON Minine Co., Richmond, Va.: About 10 pounds of Curacoa phosphate rock (123712). CHasen, F. N., Singapore, Straits Settlements. (See under Raffles Mu- seum and Library.) CuetHamM, H. R., Somerville, Mass.: A wireless telegraph wave-length conversion rule and a Marconi V-24c radio vacuum tube (122097). Cuitwoop, Dr. B. G., Washington, D.C.: 12 fresh-water mollusks from near Alexandria, Va. (120405); 50 edible land and marine snails, of 3 species, from Europe, bought in market in New York City (1208388). Cuopra, Dr. B. N. (See under India, Zoological Survey of.) CHRISTENSON, L. D., Wellsville, Utah: 4,550 insects, mostly beetles, from Baragua, Cuba, May-June 1932 (118608). CuurcH oF Jesus CuHRIst oF LATTER Day Saints, Washington, D.C.: Specimens of fresh-water limestone from near Thistle Junction, Utah (123996). Cia MeExicana DE PrErTROLEO “EL Aeuita’”’, 8. A., Tampico, Mexico: Small collection of mammal teeth from near Vera Cruz, Mexico (121549). CirerRI, E., Santiago, Dominican Re- public: 1 alcoholic specimen of goat- sucker (123487). 144 CinELoG Corporation, New York, N.Y.: Photographie print of a diver ready to descend in search of sponges from a vessel engaged in sponge industry at Tarpon Springs, Fla. (123816). CLAGHORN, J. C., Cabin John, Md.: 1 etching by donor, ‘‘From the South Portico of the White House” (a print from the plate done for Presi- dent and Mrs. Hoover and used by them for their Christmas card, 1931) (120028). CuarK, A. H., Washington, D.C.: 1 brown bat from District of Columbia (120966); 2 hawks (1238739). CuiarK, M. H., Newark, N.J.: 1 speci- men each of pectolite and calcite and 2 specimens of prehnite from West Paterson, N.J. (123459); 1 lot of clay stone concretions from a clay. pit about 2 miles north of Basking Ridge, N.J., and 4 specimens of prehnite and 1 of pectolite (123858). CLARKE, J. F., Pullman, Wash.: 27 Lepidoptera from Washington (122197). Ciausen, C. P., Washington, D.C.: A Japanese drawing in color of a Norris locomotive, tender, and car of 1858, probably made within a few years after that date (122056). CiencH, W. J. (See under Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology.) CLEVELAND, Mrs. GertrupE O. §., Quinebaug, Conn.: American wear- ing apparel of 19th century, a watch, and a piece of homespun linen (122830). Cuinton, H. G., Manhattan, Nev.: 6 bees (122960); 1 lot of miscellaneous antimony and arsenic ores and min- erals from White Caps Mine, Man- hattan, Nev. (124186). Cocuran, Dr. Doris M., Washington, D.C.: 1 plant (123817). (See also under Jack O’ Hare.) CocKERELL, Prof. T. D. A., Boulder, Colo.: 4 bees, representing 4 named species (123069). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Coz, Capt. C. H., Washington, D.C.: Male Indian skull from Florida (124449). Coxrer, R. E. (See under Allegany School of Natural History.) Coxer, Dr. R. E., Chapel Hill, N.C.: 56 slides and about 75 alcoholic specimens of copepods (holotypes, paratypes, and other representative material) (121405). Coutpurn, B. S., Biltmore, N.C: 3 conical objects of fired clay found near base of Etowah Mound, Car- tersville, Ga. (120009); crystals of torbernite from Mitchell County, N.C. (120323); miscellaneous min- erals from North Carolina (120406); 1 specimen of torbernite from Pine Mountain Mine, Spruce Pine, N.C. (124582). Coutsurn, G. L., Norfolk Downs, Mass.: Relics of stone and iron rail used on Granite Railway at Quincy, Mass., about 1826 (120214). Couz, F. H., Washington, D.C.: A carpenter’s framing chisel of about 1860, and a carpenter’s hand brace and spoon bit of about 1870 (122532). Couz, Mrs. Pzaru, Washington, D.C.: Potsherds collected by donor on Boca Siga Island, Fla. (120282). Coin, W. T., Hutchinson,) aansit snake from Kansas (121247). Couuins, H. B., Jr. (See under Paul Silook, and Smithsonian Institution, National Museum.) Couuins, Miss SusannaH C., Wash- ington, D.C.: Carved wooden corset bone made in England in 1720 (123824). Cottom, Mrs. W. B., Payson, Ariz.: 9 plants from Arizona (120692, 124480). CoLtorapo AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Fort Collins, Colo.: (Through Prof. E. C. Smith) 47 plants (120706, exchange); 27 reared insects from Colorado (122666, 124202). Cotorapo Museum or Naturat His- tory, Denver, Colo.: Skeleton of fossil rhinoceros Trigonias, from REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Weld County, Colo. (122520). Ex- change. Cotorapo ScHoou or Mines, Golden, Colo.: Specimens of zeolites from Table Mountain, Colo. (122586). Exchange. Couorapo, UNIvEeRsITy or, Boulder, Colo.: 3 flies, types of 2 species, described by M. T. James (122826). Commerce, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF: Bureau of Fisheries (through Dr. J. S. Gutsell): About 66 marine invertebrates, comprising crabs, crayfishes, shrimps, amphipods, isopods, callianassa, leeches, and 6 beetles (114854, 123270); 115 lots of plankton from Gulf of Maine and east coast of United States taken by Grampus, Halcyon, Fish Hawk, and Albatross (116785); 2 fishes (120278); (through Dr. S. F. Hildebrand) 8 amphipods, 25 isopods, 50 copepods, 8 hippas, 2 shrimps, 13 crabs from Beaufort, N.C. (120328, 121384); a box tur- tle found on highway off Indian Sound, Apalachicola Bay, Fla., by Isaac Ginsburg (120359); 1 sturgeon from La Crosse, Wis. (120597); 6 medusae, 14 crabs, 1 hermit crab, 2 porcellanid crabs (121051); 1,177 fishes from Upper Catawba and Tuckasegee River Basins of North Carolina and 1 turtle (121124); 129 lots of plank- ton samples collected by Grampus in 1916 (121854); (through P. R. Needham) about 235 amphipods and 21 isopods from west coast (122213, 122862); 3 type speci- mens of fishes (122964); 3 sala- manders from South Carolina (1238870); 4 photographs illustrat- ing sponge industry in Florida (124251); 1 crab with deformed claw, taken in Elizabeth River, Va., by W. L. Hughes, Ports- mouth, Va. (124676). (See also under Department of Health of Virgin Islands.) Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. (See under Prof. T. Jonson.) 145 Bureau of Mines. (See under R. A. Logan.) CoMPANHIA ForpD INDUSTRIAL DO Brasit, Para, Brazil (through Dr. C. Beaton): 462 pinned mosquitoes and 167 other insects, 69 slides, and 3 capsules (124210). Compton, Mrs. J. P., Washington, D.C.: 15 archeological specimens, mainly textile, from Peru (124557). Connaway, Cass, New York, N.Y:: 2 bronze casts from which were made medals awarded to winners of interallied games held in Pershing Stadium, Paris, France, in 1919, and 2 portrait medalets of General Pershing by Mlle. Anie Mouroux (121140). Conover, H. B., Chicago, Ill.: 13 birds (1213825). Exchange. Coox, H. J., Agate, Nebr.: 2 fossil shells, holotype and _ paratype (124618). Coox, Lt. Commander 8. 8., Washing- ton, D.C. (See under J. H. Ivey.) Coouiper, Mrs. CHaruzes A., Wash- ington, D.C.: Collection of Chinese ceramics, brasses, etc., presented as: a memorial to her late husband, Brig. Gen. Charles Austin Coolidge,. U.S.A. (123704). Coorzr, Dr. G. A., Washington, D.C.: 5 specimens of Devonian trilobite (123954). (See also under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) Corsy, Mrs. Witutam S., Chevy Chase, Md.: 14 early American woven coverlets, 1 ‘‘ Declaration of Independence’”’ coverlet corner, and 1 ‘‘Tree of Life’ cotton applique quilt (123842). Loan. CorNELL UNIveERsITY, Ithaca, N.Y. (through Prof. Robert Matheson): 5 mosquitoes, with 3. slides of genitalia (123399). Cory, Prof. E. N. (See under Univer- sity of Maryland.) Costa Lima, Dr. A. pa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 14 insects from Brazil Cr2 750): 146 Cora, F. M., San Diego, Calif.: 52 plants from California and Lower California (122048, 123840). Corram, CLARENCE, Washington, D.C.: 2 marine mollusks from Long Island, N.Y. (122653). (See also under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey.) Cotron-TextTiLE Instirurs, Inc., New York, N.Y.: 35 cotton fabrics (121032); 43 cotton fabrics produced by American manufacturers for spring and summer of 1933 (1238492). CoviLuE, Dr. F. V. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and Bureau of Plant Indus- try; Pomona College and National Geographic Society.) Cow es, EvGcEng, Shelbyville, Ky.: A Newell patent powder-proof bank lock of about 1851 (122956). Craic, Miss Mary C., Keymar, Md.: Trunk section of coffeetree (121116). CrawrorpD, Miss EK. Janz, La Porte, Ind.: Bronze portrait badge of Abra- ham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson (122822). Crawrorp, W. P., Bisbee, Ariz.: 7 copper ores from Bisbee, Ariz. (121938); examples of cerussite and hetearolite from Arizona (122654). CREAMERY PackaGE MANUFACTURING Co., Philadelphia, Pa. (through K. F. Armstrong): Chart or sectional sketch of a modern dairy plant (123843). Creaser, Dr. E. P., Ann Arbor, Mich. (See under University of Michigan.) Crorrut, Mrs. W. A., Washington, D.C.: Tinned-iron chafing dish of about 1812 (120010). Cross, J:, ©. sane Marco, Tex 92 plants from Texas (120979); 1 seed (123682). Curtiss AEROPLANE & Motor Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y.: Blueprints of 7 types of air-mail planes (121764). CurtTIss-WRiIGHT AIRPLANE Co., Rob- ertson, Mo.: 2 ‘‘Robin” airplane wing ribs and a ‘‘Moth”’ airplane wing slot (124386). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 19338 Cusuman, R. A., Washington, D.C.: 1 plant from Virginia (124282). DaiLEy, SAMUEL, Turtle Creek, Pa.: 1 worm (110567). Daxg, Dr. C. L., Rolla, Mo. (through U.S. Geological Survey): 11 fossil invertebrates from Texas, used to illustrate a report by Dr. Josiah Bridge on stratigraphy of Texas (120964). Dauton, F. K.,. Toronto, Ontario: Wood sample of kaikawaka (New Zealand cedar) (120551). Dauty Funp, Smithsonian Institution: 2 birds new to collection (121668); 1 Ugandan rail (122035); 1 birdskin (124187). DamMERS, Commander C. M., River- side, Calif.: 293 insects (122206, 122865). Damper, Dr. Atrons, Mexico, D. F.: 1 fly from Mexico (123181). (See also under Oficina Federal para la Defensa Agricola.) DanrortH, Dr. 8S. T., Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: 45 beetles (121541). Exchange. DanisEL, Brother, Medellin, Colombia: 1 species, 2 specimens, of fresh- water mollusks from Jerico, Colom- bia (119508); 19 miscellaneous in- sects and 1. slide of amphipod (119558); 3 snakes from Colombia (120335); 2 land shells from Colom- bia (121477); 66 land, fresh-water, and marine shells from Colombia (122976, 124327). Da Rocua, Prof. Dias, Ceara, Brazil: 12 beetles from Brazil (119448); 40 beetles, 22 species, from Brazil (121527); 7 Lepidoptera from Brazil (122437). Darrow, G. M., Washington, D.C. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant In- dustry.) Dram, C. C., Bluffton, Ind.: 1 short- tailed shrew from Bluffton, Ind. (120709); 2 plants fron Indiana (121670, exchange); 10 plants (121673, exchange). REPORT OF THE DEARDEN, WILLIAM, Putnam, Conn.: 2 insects (grasshopper ‘‘tick’’) from Connecticut (123946). Drcx, C. J., Washington, D.C.; 1 specimen of Virginia black serpentine (123808). . DEGENER, OtTTo, Honolulu, Hawaii: 11 ferns from Hawaiian Islands (105654). Deieman, H. G., Washington, D.C.: 3 bats (121282); 1 Ovoperzpatus from Lake Barrine, Queensland (122729). DELLENBAUGH, F.S., New York, N.Y.: Flag carried on boat Emma Dean by Maj. J. W. Powell and his party during their exploring expedition down Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 (103820). Det Veccuio, DomEnNico, Washington, D.C., 1 silver-case English watch of 1768 (122835). DeEMAREE, Prof. DEuziI£, Indianapolis, Ind.: 171 plants from California (121036); 705 plants from Arkansas (121109, 121567, 121769, 122127, 122318, 122664); 141 plants from Florida (124550). Deminc, M. F., Tappan, N.Y.: 6 concretions and examples of eal- careous algae (122379). Denury, C. F., Silver Spring, Md.: 1 HElliot’s pheasant (120014); 1 golden pheasant and 1 albino pea- cock (120153); 1 Bornean argus pheasant (120207); 1 Reeves’s pheas- ant (121273); 1 green peafowl (122657); 1 peacock (124080). (See under Smith- National Mu- DENMARK, C. R. sonian Institution, seum.) DERNEDDE, Prof. K., Hanover, Ger- many: 10 hummingbirds of forms new to the Museum (1225380). Exchange. Dewey, L. H. (See under U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) Dickson, Dr. D. F., Lewistown, IIL: 1 dog skull from Indian mound, Fulton County, Ill. (121120). SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 147 DinnineG, E. L., Towson, Md. (through F. L. Hess): 1 specimen of rutile from near Pylesville, Md. (122852). Dixon, H. N., Northampton, England: 90 mosses (121210). Exchange. Dixon, Josrru S., Berkeley, Calif.: 6 bird skeletons (121372). (See also under U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.) DosBin, FRANK, Shushan, N.Y.: 32 plants from New York (121118). Dominion Museum, Wellington, New Zealand: 103 Tertiary brachiopods from New Zealand (122086). Ex- change. Donaupson, C. S., Avon Park, Fla.: 1 plant from Florida (124003). DoneR, MeELvin, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.: 4 Hymenoptera (119560). DoongeR, R. T., Philadelphia, Pa.: 48 advertising and illustrative photo- graphs for exhibition during May 1933 (124284). Loan. Dorsty, Harry, Hyattsville, Md.:: 1 sparrow hawk (124448). Drak, Proty ©2% J. Amessedlowa: 25 bugs, including 19 paratypes of 7 species (122119, 122967); 2 bugs, paratypes of 2 species, from South America (123335, exchange). Drummonp, G. L., Washington, D.C.: Model of a Napoleonic coach (123943). Loan. DrRusHEL, Dr. J. A., New York, N.Y.: 96 plants (121654, 123201). Ducanp, Dr. ArmanpD, Barranquilla, Colombia: 6 plants from Colombia (124331). Duke University, Durham, N.C. (Through Prof. H. L. Blomquist): 252 plants from North Carolina (121695). Duncan, G. A., Jr., Pensacola, Fla.: 1 lot of potsherds and stone imple- ments collected by donor at Terriere Rouge, Haiti (123462). Dunn, L. H. (See under Memorial Laboratory.) Du Pont pE Nemours & Co., E. L., Inc., Newburgh, N.Y.: 17 articles Gorgas 148 showing applications of Fabrikoid (1238250). Dv Pont Viscoutoip Co., Inc., Arling- ton, N.J.: 476 specimens of pyralin in sheets, rods, and tubes, and a series of articles showing numerous applications of this material (124240). Durant, Mrs. Emma, New York, N.Y.: Data on ascensions of Charles F: Durant, first professional American aeronaut, comprising portrait, news clippings, and magazine article (120851). Durtron, E. C., Washington, D.C. (See under Estate of Beatrice Meegan.) Dwicut, R. D. (See under James B. Lund.) Dyr, Mrs. Dantet §S., Wallingford, Pa.: 1 White’s thrush from Szech- wan, China (122659). | East AFricAN AGRICULTURAL RE- SEARCH STATION, Amani, Tanganyika Territory (through R. EK. Moreau): 5 skins of East African birds (121098). Expy, Kerr, Westport, Conn.: 47 etch- ings and drypoints for exhibition. March 27 to April 23, 1933 (123482). Loan. : Ecxe., E. B., Golden, Colo.: 1 speci- men of lepidolite from Ohio City, Colo. (123089). EpFetptT, G. E., District Heights, Md. (through G. I. Hightower): 1 marsh hawk (121834). Epmonpson, Dr. C. H.,. Honolulu, Hawaii: 10 fresh-water shrimps (115507, 121048); 5 corals from Washington Island, Fanning Group (120392). Epmunpson, Miss M. Inrz, Houston, Tex.: 1 plant from Texas (121052). Ecateston, W. W. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) EHRENBERG, Dr. K. (See under Palae- ontologisches Institut der Universi- tat.) ERHARDT, Mrs. Nancy, Washington, D.C.: Sitting Bull’s catlinite pipe and wooden stem, beaded knife ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 sheath, and beaded (120862). EHRMANN, M. L., New York, N.Y.: Carving of precious serpentine (122052); 1 specimen of villaumite from French Guinea and 1 of malacon from Madagascar (124499) ; chert hoe from St. Clair County, Ill. (124661). Extras, Brother, Barranquilla, Colom- bia: 105 plants from Colombia (120947, 122423). Euuiott, Mrs. I. W., Talladega, Ala.: String of glass trade beads found in Indian grave in Talladega County, Ala. (121275). EvTInG, PuHinurp, New York, N.Y.: Portuguese half-dobra gold piece struck in Brazil in 1761 (123205). Enpers, Dr. R. K., Swarthmore, Pa.: Collection of mammals from Panama pipe pouch (118207). Collected for the Mu- seum. ENGLEBRECHT, Mrs. Haznu, Des Moines, Iowa: 2 radiographs of flowers (122058); 9 X-ray negatives of specimens, some of which were obtained from the Museum (124504). EneuisH, Mrs. Mat J., and Mrs. L. F. Spricu, Washington, D.C.: Collec- tion of old photographie apparatus comprising 3 burnishers, 1 view camera, and 2 plate holders; also an electric fan (123707). ERLANSON, Dr. C. O., Washington, D.C. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) Erwin, Miss Isanette M., and Miss MitpRep A. Erwin, Washington, D.C.: All-white quilted counterpane made in 1850 at Lancaster County, S.C., for Mary T. Barnes, mother of donors, for her dower chest (120169) ; 1 cotton patchwork quilt pieced in “Trish Chain” pattern and made in 1850 in Lancaster County, 8.C., for dower chest of Mary T. Barnes. (122856). Erwin, Miss Miuprep A. Miss Isabelle M. Erwin.) Erwin, R. P., Boise, Idaho: 4 scorpions. from Idaho (118009). (See under REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: Esxry, Dr. C. R., Honolulu, Hawaii: 23 rats from Hawaiian Islands (119977); 38 murine rodents from Hawali (122963). Estss, C. H., Sperryville, Va.: 4 pieces of old wooden mill gearing (121864). EVERETT, WALTER, Washington, D.C.: 1 albino crab (124629). FarnHAM, Dr. C. M., Barre Plains, Mass.: 8 miscellaneous minerals from Peru and 1 specimen of opalized porphyry from Mexico (124247). Exchange. FEATHERLY, Prof. H. I., Stillwater, Okla.: 4 ferns from Oklahoma (119969). FELIPPONE, Dr. F., Montevideo, Uru- guay: 1 isopod, 5 species (7 speci- mens) of land and fresh-water shells, 2 bats, and 5 Lepidoptera from South - America (120143); 1 hydroid, 2 frag- ments of alcyonarian, and 2 bryo- zoans (120300); 12 Lepidoptera from Uruguay (122428); 3 snakes from Uruguay (123474). Feut, Dr. E. P., Stamford, Conn.: 22 flies (on 2 slides) from California (121665); 6 slides of gall midges, 2 species (122404). FERNALD, Dr. H. T., Orlando, Fla.: 16 flies, 11 species, determined by Dr. C. P. Alexander (120963). ‘Fipuccia, C. §., New Orleans, La.: 8 mollusks from swamps of St. Bernard Parish, La. (123497); 1 spider from ‘New Orleans, La. (124049). Fietp Musrum or Natura History, ‘Chicago, Ill.: 7 parasitic copepods from Parana River, Argentina (100966); 40 plants from Hawaii (121020, 124194, exchange); 1,210 plants chiefly from South America (121056, exchange); 1 fern from Guatemala (121148, exchange); 1 slice of Oroville meteoric iron, Butte County, Calif., 262 grams, and 1 slice of Nagy-Vazsony meteoric iron, Hungary (122293, exchange) ; 6 plants from Ecuador (123384, 123981, ex- change); 375 photographs of plant type specimens in European herbaria (123962, exchange). 149 Firtu, L. G., McKeesport, Pa.: Speci- men of ‘‘firthite’”’ and examples of its use as inserts in production tools (122558). NATIONAL MUSEUM Fiscoer, Carztos R., Sao Paulo, Brazil: 8 flies of 3 rare species (123827). Fisuer, Dr. A. K., Washington, D.C. (See under Eastham Guild.) FisHer, G. L., Houston, plants from Texas (123986). Fisuer, G. S., Finleyville, Pa.: Frag- mentary male human _ skeleton (123404). FisHer, Dr. W. K., Pacific Grove, Calif.: 34 amphipods, 2 isopods, 1 pycnogonid (123394). Fuaae, Mrs. L. L., Takoma Park, Md.: 1 albino gray squirrel from Takoma Park, Md. (124451). FLATAU Faprics CorPoRATION, New York, N.Y.: 8 specimens of novelty, warp-printed, silk crepe (122844). FLEETWOOD, R. J., Elkhart, Ind.: 1 shrew and 1 big brown bat from Elkhart, Ind. (121281, 121750). FLETcHER, F. C., Minneapolis, Minn.: 131 beetles (120734). FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, Tallahassee, Fla.: 2 insect larvae from Florida (121566); (through Herman Gunter) 2 fox squirrels and 1 gray squirrel from Tallahassee, Fla. (123748). FLoRIDA, UNIVERSITY oF, Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville, Fla.: 3 insects from Florida (123580). Fiorin, Dr. Rupour. (See under Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet.) ForrstE, Dr. A. F., Dayton, Ohio: About 10,000 fossils, including types ‘Pex ip from donor’s. private collection (120245). FourMAN, Mrs. Mitton H. (See un- der Mrs. Catherine M. Henney.) ForAKER, Mrs. ArtHuR, Washington, D.C.: Spanish carbine and sword of Spanish-American War period (120325). Forses, Miss Lerna G., Washington, D.C.: 2 moths (120002). 150 Forp, J. A. | (See under Stanley Mor- gan and Smithsonian Institution, National Museum.) FosHaa, Dr. W. F. (See under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) Fostmr, J. G., Lyerly, Ga.: 2 insects from Georgia (120000). Fox, Dr. Carrouu, Rosebank, Staten Island, N.Y. (See under Treasury Department, U.S. Public Health Service). Fracuia, EnNriquEe, Lomas, Peru: 14 earthenware vessels from prehistoric sites near Lomas, Peru (120383). FRANCE, GOVERNMENT OF, Directors of the Mint (through French Embassy, Washington, D.C.): Bronze medal commemorating tercentennial anni- versary of birth of Benedict Spinoza, Dutch philosopher, 1632-1677 (124548). FRANKLIN, J. M., Washington, D.C: 1 bobwhite nest and 18 eggs (120220). FREER, R.S8., Lynchburg, Va.: 2 plants from Virginia (121863, 122068). Frencu Empassy. (See under Gov- ernment of France.) FRIEDMANN, Dr. HERBERT, Washing- ton, D.C.: 2 white-throated sparrows (123814). Frost, C. A., Framingham, Mass.: 42 insects from New England (122652). Fuuurr, H. S.,).Washington, D:C:: 1 fly from Sagamore Beach, Mass, (122968). FuuueR, Leo H., Inc., Long Island City, N.Y.: 2 specimens of silk stenci] printing in water color (120027). Fuuuer, Mrs. Nerriz, Breedsville, Mich.: 54 insects from Michigan (113556, 120142). Fuuiton, H. C., London, England: 2 fresh-water mussels from Uruguay (123464). Exchange. Furtos, Miss Norma C., Cleveland Heights, Ohio: 51 amphipods and 7 isopods from fresh-water pools in Ohio (123985). GABRIEL, C. J., Abbotsford, Victoria: 13 marine shells, of 6 species, from Victoria (120606). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Gary & Lorp, Inc., New York, N.Y.: 6 three-yard cuts of fancy weave cotton and rayon dress goods, ‘‘Jerselle’”’ and ‘‘Nuancelle’” (120798). GALLAGHERS, SEARS, Boston, Mass.: 50 etchings and drypoints for ex- hibition November 28, 1932, to January 1, 1933 (122094). Loan, GaLLARDO, J. A., Washington, D.C.: About 500 land, fresh-water, and marine shells from Puerto Rico (123968). GALLIHER, I. W., Pacific Grove, Calif.: 12 pinnotherid crabs, including types of new species described by Dr. Mary J. Rathbun (110166). Ex- change. GARBER, Pauu E., Washington, D.C.: Reproduction of a Korean kite reel (124672). GaRDNER, Mrs. DanrieL, Newburgh, N.Y.: Glassware, silverware, jewelry, and a carved ivory penholder (12 specimens) (121291); chinaware, glassware, silverware, and miscel- laneous tableware (65 specimens), and 27 specimens of textile material (121578) ; tall case clock with wooden works, a watch, and 45 miscellaneous specimens of costume accessories (123794). GarRDNER, I. C. M., Dehra Dun, India: 5 beetle larvae (122989). Garpner, J. H., Tulsa, Okla.: 1 large slab containing Pennsylvanian fu- coids (120212). GARDNER, Dr. Jutia A., Washington, D.C. (See under Texas Petroleum Co.) GarFiEtp, .C.. A., .Peconic, (Ne Yet conch shell from Long Island, N.Y. (120688). GARNIER, Brother A., Managua, Nica- ragua. (See under Instituto Peda- gégico de Varones.) Gates, Prof. F. C., Manhattan, Kans. (See under Kansas State Agricultural College.) Gatewoop, Mrs. C. B., Sr., Los Gatos, Calif.: 4 pieces of old lace (118080). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Geez, Prof. N. Gist, New York, N.Y.: Collection of fresh-water sponges from China and Philippines (118078). GEOLOGICKO-PALEONTOLOGICKY Ustav, Karlovy University, Prague, Czechoslovakia: 140 Bohemian fos- sils (118816); about 220 invertebrate fossils (123847). Exchange. GEOLOGISK-MINERALOGISKA INSTITUT 1 Lunp, Lund, Sweden: 67 Cretaceous brachiopods from Sweden (124312.) Exchange. GropHysicHEes Institut, Prague, Czechoslovakia: 1 film, showing ap- plication of motion-picture film in copying books (1225388). GrorGcE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Washington, D.C. (through Prof. R. F. Griggs): 2 plants from Alaska (121749). Exchange. GERHARD, W. J., Chicago, IIl.: 2 tiger- beetles (121822). Exchange. GIANELLA, V. P., Reno, Nev. (through K. EK. Lohman): 2 specimens of dia- tomaceous earth from Nevada (122120). GiLtBERT, C. M., Ithaca, N.Y.: About 1,000 mollusks from near Lake George, N.Y. (121008). (See also under Smithsonian Institution, Na- tional Museum, Dr. Paul Bartsch.) GILBERT, Mr. and Mrs. WALTER, Wash- ington, D.C.: 110 land snails, of 8 species, from Chichen Itza, Yucatan (123841). GILBERTSON, Prof. GEORGE, Brookings, S.Dak. (See under South Dakota State College of Agriculture.) GitLt, DeLancry, Alexandria, Va.: Specimens of early photographic ap- paratus, viz, 1 Thornton Pickard shutter, 1 triplex shutter, 1 focusing glass, and 1 Watkins meter (120278) ; 1 pair of cotton hand ecards collected by donor in Chester, S.C. (120875). GitmorE, C. W. sonian Institution, seum.) Gitson, Miss Fiorence S., Nyack, N.Y.: 1,400 mollusks, mostly marine, (See under Smith- National Mu- 151 collected by donor’s mother, Minnie A. Gilson (118652). GLASSELL, S. A., Beverly Hills, Calif.: 2 crabs and 1 annelid worm from California (121956); 25 amphipods from California (124091, exchange). Gurason, M. C., Washington D,C..: 1 fossil bison tooth from near Virginia Beach, Va. (121542). Gutoyp, H. K., Ann Arbor, Mich.: 35 salamanders, 121 frogs, 68 lizards, 74 snakes, 5 turtles (121042). GNAEDINGER, E. G., Wallace, Idaho (through E. P. Henderson): Speci- mens of plattnerite, cerussite, and pyromorphite, from Mammoth Mine, Wallace, Idaho (122091). GoLpMAN, Dr. Marcus I. Bergrat Karl Krieger.) (See under GoopricH RuBBER Co., B. F., Akron, Ohio: 111 specimens of wild and plantation rubber, rubber druggists’ sundries, bathing suit, caps, belts, sandals, gloves, mats, balls, dolls, and pneumatic tires showing de- velopment since 1904 (124662). GoopyEAR TirE & RuBBER Co., INC., Akron, Ohio: Gondola of the Pilgrim, first airship designed for helium gas, 1925 (119497); a duralumin girder joint as used in U.S. Navy airships Akron and Macon (123075). GorGcas MrmmoriaL Laporatory, An- con, Canal Zone: 31 insects (117505) ; (through L. H. Dunn) 2 insects (119973). Gosutin, Rosrert, Lancaster, Ohio: 3 batskins with skulls from Indiana (122678); 31 small mammals from Ohio (123950, 124053). GrauaM, Dr. D. C., Chengtu, Szech- wan, China: 121 mammals, 57 fishes 9 snakes, 1 lizard, 17 bird skins, and 7 bird skeletons from China (124378). Gray, J. H., Statesville, N.C.: 7 pieces of chinaware owned by James Madi- son (123685). GRIEPENTROG, EH. L., Salem, Oreg.: 33 birds’ sterna (120743). 152 Griaes, Prof. R. F. (See under Con- stance A. Backus, George Washing- ton University, and C. H. Marvin.) Gross, Rup., Berlin, Germany: 277 plants from EHurope, Brazil, and East Indies (123855). Exchange. GuiLtD, HEastHamM, Papeete, Tahiti (through Dr. A. K. Fisher): 1 dried specimen of fish (121828). GUNTER, HerMAN, Tallahassee, Fla. (through C. R. Aschemeier): 2 tur- tles from Lake Jackson, Fla. (120329). (See also under Florida Geological Department and Clarence Simpson.) Gurtorr, A., Hughesville, Mo.: About 100 Cladocera and 10 isopods, taken from cistern (120885). GUTSELL, Dr. J. S., Beaufort, N.C. (See under U.S. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of Fisheries.) Haas, Miss Frora A., Conway, Ark:.: 6 plants from Arkansas (1238860, 124306). Haiau, J. C. (See under Ceylon, De- partment of Agriculture.) Haut, Prof. G. M., Knoxville, Tenn.: 117 Upper Cambrian fossils from Thornhill section, near Knoxville, Tenn. (122814). Haut, R. D., East Wenatchee, Wash.: Archeological specimens from along Columbia River in Kittitas and Grant Counties, and the Grand Coulee in Douglas County, Wash. (122656). HAMMERMILL PAPER Co., Erie, Pa.: 8 specimens illustrating manufacture and use of sulphite wood pulp for writing papers (124665). Hancock, Capt. G. ALLAN. (See under Smithsonian Institution, National Museum, Dr. W. L. Schmitt.) Hanpy, W. K., Barcroft, Va.: 1 young loggerhead turtle taken in Chesa- peake Bay near Reedville, Va. (120815). Hapreman, Dr. H., Minden, Nebr.: 5 plants from Nebraska (121355). Haran, Estate of Mrs. James S. (through Mrs. Cornelia H. Baird, Yonkers, N.Y.): 39 embroideries, 8 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 fans, and 2 illuminated manuscript music sheets on parchment (124192). Haranp, 8. E., Norfolk, Va.: 1 por- poise skull from Virginia (118408). - Haruey, Huey J., Pottsville, Pa. (through Dr. C. S. Ross): Sample of dickite from near Pottsville, Pa. (21 TZGe Harman, Mrs. EvizABETH WOLFLEY. (See under Mrs. Eleanor Wolfley Bisell.) Harper, Dr. Francis, Swarthmore, Pa.: 1 tree toad from Georgia (121537). Harper, Dr. R.'M., University, Ala.: 20 plants mainly from Alabama (120375). Harrineton, Dr. J. P., Santa Ana, Calif.: 1 alga from San Diego County, Calif. (120881). Harvarp UNIvEersity, Cambridge, Mass. (through Dr. Perey Ray- mond): 525 Paleozoic brachiopods from Bohemia and Montana and Mesozoic brachiopods from north- ern Europe (124323). Exchange. Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass.: 12 fragmentary Asiatic plants (115965); 20 ferns collected in Cuba by J. G. Jack (121046); 763 plants mainly from Cuba and China (123716); 91 plants from west- ern Africa (124256). Exchange. Gray Herbartum, Cambridge, Mass.: 159 plants chiefly from tropical America (122535); 65 plants from Southeastern United States (122690); 244 plants from New England and South Carolina (123956). Exchange. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.: 6 turtles from Cienfuegos, Cuba (119586); 1 Hawaiian honey creeper, new to the collection (120016, exchange) ; 2 co- types of turtles (122083, exchange) ; 1 skin of flycatcher (122672, ex- change) (through W. J. Clench); 6 mollusks (122974); 7 flies, all cotypes, 7 species (123512). Haskin, J. R., Auburndale, Fla.: 51. butterflies, also biological material REPORT OF THE in alcohol (122309); 2 butterflies and larval material (122376). Hatuaway, L. J., Cherrydale, Va. A 20-horsepower Stanley steam auto- mobile engine of about 1923 (121968). Hawatt, COMMISSIONERS OF AGRICUL- TURE AND Forestry, Honolulu, Hawaii: 1 skin and skeleton of Hawaiian goose (119828). HaweEIs, STEPHEN, Mount Joy, Do- minica: 54 plants from Dominica (114166). Hazarp, Miss Epitx C., Salem, Oreg.: 5 plants from Oregon (123591, 124073, 124488). Herxns, V. C. (See under Manhattan Gold Mines Co.) Heinricu, Dr. Gerp, Borowki, powiat Sepolno, Poland: 16 Hymenoptera of 14 species and including 4 para- types, from Celebes, Madagascar, and Europe (120549). Exchange. Heizer, R. F., Sacramento, Calif.: Arche- ological and skeletal remains from Indian village sites in Sacramento Valley, Calif. (122648). (See also under Sacramento Junior College.) HENDERLITE, H. B., Baton Rouge, La.: Skeletal material found in a mound near Bayou Sorrell in Atchafalaya Basin, La. (123099). HenpDERSON, HE. P. (See under A. L. Bigley, A. E. Blair, E. G. Gnaedinger, J. D. Sawyer, Smithsonian Institu- tion, National Museum, and J. C. Wells.) HenpErRson, Prof. Junius, Boulder Colo.: 5 fresh-water shells, 2 species, from Venezuela (124526). Hrnpry, Mrs. Isapet B., Rosslyn, Va.: About 3,100 land, fresh water, and marine shells (123948). Henie, Lupwie, Kissimmee, Fla.: Potsherds and skeletal remains from mound at Alligator Lake, Fla., ex- cavated by L. J. Denning, Benjamin Miller, and donor (120517). Henney, Mrs. CaturringE M., De Smet, S.Dak. (through Mrs. Milton H. Fohrman): Early 19th century 16528—33——11 SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 153 linen damask towel of patriotic design, commemorating American independence and Presidency of Washington, presented to donor by her grandmother, Catherine Van Ness of Connecticut (120206). Loan. Henry, I. H., Easton, Md.: Models of two World War airplanes, a German ‘‘Gotha”’’ and an Allies “Spad”’ (124671). Heron, Mrs. Luuv A., Bethel, Alaska: Inlaid whalebone snow _ knife (121165). Herre, A. W., Stanford University, Calif.: 87 crabs, 288 shrimps, 2 hermit crabs, 20 stomatopods, 1 isopod, 20 crustacean larvae; worms, echinoderms, and mollusks (122953). Herrera, Prof. F. L., Cusco, Peru: 87 plants from Peru (120237). Herring, Mrs. Grace G., Washing- ton, D.C. (See under Miss Sarah S. Metcalf.) Hess, F. L., Washington, D.C.: 6 specimens of microlite from Custer, S.Dak. (120247); columbite from Mitchell County, N.C. (120346); 10 rocks and minerals from Northwest Territories and elsewhere (123204); 4 specimens of graphite from Ceylon and 1 of tellurium from New Mexico (124600). (See also under E. L. Dinning, and 8. I. Perham.) Hess, R. D., Fairmont, W.Va.: Sam- ple of discolored oak wood from Germany cut from log found along Elbe River and originally used in a dugout built between 800 and 900 A.D. (115889). Exchange. Hisparp, R. R., Buffalo, N.Y.: Rare crinoid collected at 18 Mile Creek, Erie County, N.Y. (120164). Ex- change. Higpon, Major, Cullasaja, N.C.: 1 specimen of rhodolite from Masons Mountain, N.C. (123697). Hien, G. H., Chicago, Ill.: 67 prints for exhibition during August 1932 (120352, loan); 3 pictorial photo- graphs, ‘‘Lady Burney”’, “A Genial Friend’’, and ‘‘Street in Montrueil”’ (121488). 154 HicutToweEr, G. I. Edfeldt.) HILDEBRAND, Dr. S. F. (See under G. E. (See under U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries.) Hitut, C. C., Carlisle, Pa.: 1 slide of parasitic copepods (120877). Hiuu, R. A., Allentown, Pa.: 4 speci- mens of calamine (123010). Hinuier’s Son Corporation, R., New York, N.Y.: 18 crude vegetable drugs (121106). Hitcucock, Dr. A. 8. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, and J. G. Myers.) Hopes, Mrs. RutH P., Philadelphia, Pa.: 47 lots of diatom material from specimens of tadpoles in National Museum (119687). Horune, Dr. F. C. tuto Biologico.) Horrman, N. R., Bainbridge, Pa. (through B. A. Bean): Chert spear- head or knife picked up near Bain- bridge, Pa. (124542). Houuins CouurGet, Hollins, Va.: 1 louse collected on mouse in Virginia (117829). HouuineswortH, R. V. University of Oklahoma.) Houuiston Miuzis, Inc., Norwood, Mass.: Series of Holliston sample books of bookbinding cloths and cabinet holding them (1238494). Houmes, P. H., Clarendon, Va.: 2 small baskets of white-oak splints, made by donor in Edinburg, Va., in 1900 (122406). Houroyp, Rouanp, Philadelphia, Pa.: 12 plants from Peru (1224386). HomestakKE Muinine Co., Lead, S.Dak.: 1 large specimen of gold ore (119951). Hoorir, RicHarp, Washington, D.C.: Model of a Curtiss ‘‘ Hawk” airplane, a type now in use for pursuit flying by U.S. Army Air Corps (122057). Loan. (See under Insti- (See under Horr Proressor or Zoouoey, Oxford, England: 2 male and 2 female flies from West Greenland (123389). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Hopxins & Co., J. L., New York, N.Y.: 12 vegetable drugs (121546). Horxins Marine Srarvion, Pacific Grove, Calif. (through Dr. Tage Skogsberg): 3 anemones from the Pacific (122096). Hopkins, Miss Martua, Damariscot- ta, Maine (through T. L. Jackson): A single ox yoke of about 1845 (120618). Hopptn, C. A., New York, N.Y.: Lith- ograph copy of portrait of Mary Ball Washington by Robert Edge Pine (128990). Horn, Dr. WattuEr, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany: 4 flies (121952) Horter, Earu, Philadelphia, Pa.: 36 etchings for exhibition October 31 to November 27, 1932 (121751). Loan. Horton, F. W., Washington, D.C.: Specimen of silver from Molly Gib- son Mine, Aspen, Colo. (121097). Exchange. Hoscueck, Dr. A. B., Sevnica, Yugo- slavia: 7 beetles, of 7 species (122139). Exchange. Horrtss, F. C., Decatur, Ill.: 24 slides of plant lice, 14 species, all types (123341). Hovuaeu, Dr. WattrerR, Washington, D.C.: 20 basketry trays and mats made by Hopi Indians of Arizona (121940) ; 2 Indian blankets (124585). Houston Museum or Natura His- tory, Houston, Tex.: 60 plants col- lected in Texas by G. L. Fisher (1237385). Howe .u, A. H., Washington, D.C.: 1 set of 3 eggs of Macgillivray’s seaside sparrow (120167). HrouiéKa, Dr. A., Washington, D.C.: Needle case, 2 needles, and a thimble of fossil ivory, from upper Bering Sea region (122709). (See also under Lt. H.. B. Hutchinson; ey Baeor, C. Mathews, and Smithsonian Insti- tution, National Museum.) Hvupsarp, Dr. L. L., Houghton, Mich.: 1 cluster of bryozoans (121754); 1 hermit crab (123381); 1) erab; REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM largest specimen in Museum collec- tions, and 1 hermit crab in bryozoan housing, both specimens collected by sponge fishermen at Sanibel, Fla. (124512). Hvusss, Dr. C. L. Myers.) (See under Dr. G.S. Hupricut, Lesuiz, St. Louis, Mo.: 1 flatworm (122101); about 40 mol- lusks from St. Louis, Mo. (123115). HuMmMELINCK, Dr. P., Utrecht, Nether- lands: 85 Crustacea from Bonaire, Aruba, and Curagao (115839). HunGrERFORD, Prof. H. B., Lawrence, Kans.: Paratypes of 2 insects (121402). Huston, Prof. R. C., East Lansing, Mich. (See under Michigan State College.) Hutcuins, R. E., State College, Miss.: 27 land and fresh-water shells from Mississippi and Montana (121776). HvutTcHINSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Hutchinson, Kans.: Sheaf of hard red winter wheat grown by R. M. Woodruff, Hutchinson, Kans., which took first award at grain and hay show, International Livestock Ex- position, Chicago, 1931 (120240). Hutcuinson, Lt. H. B., Washington, | D.C. (through Dr. A. Hrdliéka): Archeological specimens from Alaska (123196). Hype, F. B., Coconut Grove, Fla.: 1 rare moth (122841). Ipano, UNiIvEeRsITy oF, Moscow, Idaho: 8 flies from Idaho (118456). ILuinois, UNIvERsITYy or, Urbana, III. (through F. C. Baker): 10 specimens, paratypes, of fresh-water shells; 30 specimens (in 5 lots, including 3 lots of paratypes) of fresh-water shells from United States and Canada; 9 mollusks (120380, 121163, 1231838). InpIA, ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY oF, Cal- cutta, India (through Dr. B. N. Chopra): 6 shrimps (120401). Ex- change. Inman, Ramiz, Fredericktown, Mo. (through Dr. Josiah Bridge): 2 large blocks of porphyry from near Fred- ericktown, Mo. (120219). 155 Instituto Bioutocico, Sao Paulo, Bra- zil (through Dr. F. C. Hoehne): 1382 plants from Brazil (111362). Ex- change. InstTiITuTO GEOLOGICO y MINERO DE Espana. (See under Minas de Po- tasa de Suria.) Instituto PEpDAG6GICO DE VARONES, Managua, Nicaragua (through Brother A. Garnier): 470 plants from Nicaragua (121414). INSTITUUT VOOR PLANTENZEIKTEN, Buitenzorg, Java (through Dr. S. Leefmans): 43 flies from Java (118537). IntTERIOR, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE: Geological Survey: Types and figured specimens of ‘Tertiary inverte- brates described by W. C. Mans- field in U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pa- per 170-D (120032); 1 specimen of albite replacing green microcline from Morefield mine, Winterham, Va. (120038); specimens described and figured in U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 167 (120084); miscellaneous collections by Arthur Keith, L. LaForge, H. G. Ferguson, G. R. Mansfield, and E. S. Larsen (1203816); 76 Ozarkian and Cana- dian invertebrates described by Drs. EH. O. Ulrich, A. F. Foerste, and Josiah Bridge (120690); sam- ples descriptive of a report on non- metallic mineral resources of east- ern Oregon and other materials from same region (121130); speci- mens and slides of Triassic diabase from Quakertown—Doylestown Quadrangle, Pa. (121951); speci- mens illustrating a report by H. G. Ferguson on geology and ore de- posits of Tybo district, Nev. (122079); 103 specimens repre- senting rocks and ores of copper deposits of Squaw Creek and Silver Peak districts, and Almeda mine, in Oregon, described in a bulletin of the Survey (122296); 3 suites aggregating 34 specimens repre- senting rocks and associated ores described in U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 842 (122431); 95 specimens repre- senting 9 small lots of Cambrian 156 fossils from Afton Quadrangle, Wyo., collected by W. W. Rubey (122839); 1 lot of type specimens of minerals from Utah (123247); sundry lots of matrix with foram- inifera (123813); 5 lots of Cam- brian invertebrates collected in Delamar district, Nev., by Eugene Callaghan (124047). (See also under Dr. C. L. Dake.) National Park Service (through Jo- seph 8. Dixon): 49 plants from Alaska (122064); 31 bird skins and 6 mammal skins with skulls (1243808). INTERNATIONAL BrppiInG Co., Balti- more, Md. (through Better Bedding Alliance of America): 9 feathers, showing principal commercial grades, 1 standard-size pillow of goose feath- ers, and 1 of chicken feathers (123354). INTERNATIONAL NicKEL Co., INc., New York, N.Y. (through R. E. Case): 47 nickel coins of Albania, Austria, Belgium, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mon- tenegro, Morocco, Poland, Siam, Switzerland, Turkey, and Vatican City (123285). Iowa, State UNIVERSITY oF, Iowa City, Iowa: 55 plants chiefly from Iowa (122731). Exchange. Ives, FrepERiIc H., Philadelphia, Pa.: 1 photograph of donor (123496). Ives, J. D., Jefferson City, Tenn.: 10 cave insects from Tennessee (123093). Ivey, J. H. (through Lt. Comdr. S. S. Cook): 5 snakes, 4 lizards, and 5 in- sects from Nicaragua collected by himself—including type of a new species of skink (122681). Jackson, T. L., Silver Spring, Md.: 2 old spoke shaves and a wooden grooving plane (120354); asurgeon’s scarificator of type used in 18th cen- tury (121573). (See also under Miss Martha Hopkins, Reuben Sibley, and Charles Sproul.) JAEGER, E. C., Riverside, Calif.: 3 Lep- idoptera from California (122308). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 JanES, W. N., Oxen Hill, Md.: 1 ground skink from Fort Foote, Md. . (124505). James, M. T., Boulder, Colo.: 3 flies (121949). JAPAN PaprEeR Co., New York, N.Y.: 2 specimens of paper bearing Italian watermarks by Fabriano (123979). JARDIM Boranico, Madrid, Spain: 3,639 plants collected by Jose Celes- tino Mutis in Colombia between 1760 and 1808 (118075). Exchange. Jarvis, E. (See under Australia Bu- reau of Sugar Experiment Stations.) JENNISON, Prof. H. M. University of Tennessee.) JEPSON, Prof. W. L., Berkeley, Calif.: 4 plants from California (122671). Exchange. (See under JouHns Hopkins UNIversity, Balti- more, Md.: 4 plants from Guate- mala (122820, 123124). Exchange. Medical School (through Dr. A. H. Schultz): 7 embalmed mammals (123742). JOHNSON & JOHNSON, New Brunswick, N.J.: 54 specimens of surgical dress- ings (1204138); specimens of bella- donna root (122978). JOHNSON, HLpRIDGE R., Camden, N.J.: A specimen of ammonite from Lower Jurassic of France (123969). (See also. under Johnson-Smithsonian Deep-Sea Expedition.) JOHNSON, FRANK, New York, N.Y.: 600 Lepidoptera, chiefly Neotropical (120003); 373 Lepidoptera including 2 pairs of rare and valuable Orni- thoptera (121053, 121410, 122366); 47 butterflies from South America (121759). Jounson, Mrs. S—Eweutu M., Washing- ton, D.C.: A Columbia electric buggy of about 1903-1906 (123348). JOHNSON-SMITHSONIAN Dernp-Sea Ex- PEDITION, Washington, D.C.: Col- lection of reptiles, fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, insects, echinoderms, worms, bryozoans, brachiopods, par- asites, corals, stony corals, coelen- terates, sponges, protozoans, dia- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM toms, algae, and bottom samples (124263). JOHNSTON, Prof. H. G. (See under Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.) Jones, N. F., Landover, Md.: Pair of candlesticks and vinegar cruet of blue glass, and a brittania-ware molasses jug (122439). Jonson, Prof. T., Stockholm, Sweden (through U.S. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce): trunk section of European white birch from demon- stration forest of College of Forestry, Garpenberg, Sweden (122384). JORGENSEN, N. W., Hampton Roads, Va.: 269 mollusks from Guam (120280). Jutio, Rev. Brother, Cochabamba, Bolivia: 92 plants from Bolivia (120238); 66 miscellaneous insects i202:75) Kansas State AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE, Manhattan, Kans.: (Through Prof. F. C. Gates) 52 plants from Kansas (123595, exchange); 1 fly bred in Kansas (121777). Kansas, UNIVERSITY oF, Lawrence, Kans.: 20 bugs, 9 species, all but 6 being paratypes (121507, exchange); 26 bugs, 11 species, of which 2 are represented by paratypes (122403, exchange); 25 bugs (1238684); 2 moose from Minnesota, skulls with scalps (122776, exchange). Kay, Dr. G. M., New York, N.Y.: 29 brachiopods from Trenton limestone (123361). KEADLE, EMMeEtt, Williamson, W.Va.:: Blueprint indicating dimensions of a white oak in Mingo County, W.Va. (124534). KEARNEY, Dr. T. H. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, and Pomona College.) Keercu, Susan P., Washington, D.C.:: 4 earthenware containers and a coy- erlet (123277). KEEFER, P. B., Washington, D.C.: 1 junco (123998); section of railroad 157 rail (hollow rail) laid on Isthmus of Panama about 1852 (124389). KELEHER, T. A., Washington, D.C.: 300 live silkworms (124464). Kertioce, Dr. Remineton, Washing- ton, D.C.: 1 skeleton of common loon (120012). (See also under Smithsonian Institution, National Museum, N. H. Boss. Kewuity, Dr. Howarp A., Baltimore, Md.: 1 wasp (121661). KeEennEepDy, Miss M. H., Washington, D.C.: A Miocene echinoid from Fairhaven, Md. (121386). Keprett & Co., INnc., FREDERICK. (See under Cadwallader Washburn.) KieEKHOFER, Prof. W. H., Madison, Wis.: (See under Estate of Edward T. Owen.) Kisseu, C. W., Honolulu, Hawaii: An aircraft instrument termed a ‘‘balom- eter’’; a combined lateral and ver- tical inclinometer for use in blind flying. Invented by donor (121059). Kiturp, E. P., Washington, D.C.: 84 plants from United States (121403). Kitmer, Dr. F. B., New Brunswick, N.J.: 3 specimens of surgical dressings representing introduction of anti- septic surgical dressings in this country (121752). Kincaip, Dr. TREvor, Seattle, Wash.: 5 anemones from Puget Sound (121758). Kine, R. H., Austin, Tex.: 14 fossils of Pennsylvanian age, from Wise County, Tex. (122643). Kuve, GuiLtueERMoO, Iquitos, Peru: 279 plants from Peru (118785). KwnaprEen, Miss PHorsrt, Washington, D.C.: 13 birdskins (121672). Kwnieuat, Dr. J. B., New Haven, Conn.: Plesiotypes and paratypes of Penn- sylvanian gastropods (120007) ; about 125 brachiopods from Pennsylvania Outlier, St. Louis, Mo. (123096); 160 Pennsylvania gastropods (124553). Knicut, W. A., Biltmore, N.C.: 1 fern (121088). Knott, Dr. James. (See under De- partment of Health of Virgin Islands.) 158 KNow.es, W. A., Washington, D.C.: | 1 fresh-water mussel from Great Falls, Va. (121465); 8 valves, 2 species, of mussels from Shenandoah River, W.Va. (121763). KnowutTon, F. G., Barksdale, Wis.: 1 fern from northern Michigan (122448). KovacH, CHARLES, St. Brides, Va.: Unfinished plummet plowed up near Blackwater Creek, Princess Anne County, Va. (121030). KRAEMER, ADoOLF, Arnsberg, Germany: 75 conodonts from Westphalia, Ger- many (122999). KRIEGER, BERGRAT Kartu, Hallstatt, Austria (through Dr. Marcus I. Goldman): Specimens of halite from Germany (122081). KRIEGER, Corp. Emit M., Washington, D.C.: Earthenware vessels and stone objects collected on southwest shore of Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua (123959). Kruuut, Dr. W. H. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry.) Krycer, I. P., Gentofte, Denmark: 36 beetle larvae (120279). Lazsor, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF: Chil- dren’s Bureau: 6 models and 1 panel illustrating phases of child welfare (120211). LABORATORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY, Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Photograph of Navaho silversmith, Baji-ie-schluch-a-ichin, with some of his handicraft (122930). LasporatTory Press, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 7 specimens of fine printing, all the work of students of Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology (120026). LAFFERTY, ‘Maj. F. R., Santa Fe, N.Mex. (See under New Mexico National Guard.) LAKIN,’ Dr: KE. Ee) Vienna, Mid. 1 tiger salamander from Nanticoke River at Vienna, Md. (123178). Lanz, Boopuz, Galena, Kans.: Speci- men of galena with covellite and cerussite, from Galena, Kans. (122128); specimen of crystallized ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 galena with dolomite and spalerite on chert (122198). Lanry, Dr. F. B., Salt Lake City, Utah: Collection of cassiterites and country rocks from pegmatites of South Carolina (123071). Lanewortuy, Dr. C. F., Elizabeth, N.J. (through Mrs. Anna S. Thomp- son): Collection of glassware and pottery (120236). Bequest. LAskowirz, 1. B., Brooklyn ey Model used in wind-tunnel tests of a rotary airfoil system invented by donor (124004). LAUBENFELS, Dr. M. W. pu, Pasadena, Calif.: 63 alcoholic and 16 dry sponges taken at Tortugas, Fla., in 1927-28 (120814); a ‘“‘yellow” sponge, pre- served with flesh intact and cut to illustrate interior canals and method of feeding (prepared specially for sponge exhibit) (121574); 95 lots of sponges, in alcohol, taken at Tor- tugas, 1932 (122066). Laustg, E. A., Bloomfield, N.J.: 21 photographs of Mr. Lauste’s inven- tions in silent and sound motion pic- tures, 1 portrait of Mr. Lauste, and a copy of the Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Octo- ber 1931 (124316). Lawson, Ropert, Westport, Conn.: 41 etchings, trial proofs, and drawings for exhibition during January 1933 (122385). Loan. Lear, Emity B., and Vrrernta B. Lewis, Washington, D.C.: Brass belt buckle owned during War of 1812 by Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown, U.S.A. (120008). Les, E. J., Minneapolis, Minn.: Pho- tograph of a composite wooden vase turned by donor (122095). Ex- change. Lez, Mrs. Mary H., Fairhope, Ala.: 2 plants from Alabama (122210). LEEDS, University or, Leeds, Eng- land: 57 plants from New Zealand (122440, 122992). Exchange. LEEFMANS, Dr. 8. (See under Insti- tuut voor Plantenzeikten.) REPORT OF THE LEFFINGWELL, Prof. D. F., Pullman, Wash.: 1 vial of parasitic worms taken from bird at Rochester, Al- berta (106025). LELLMAN, K. V., Stanley, Falkland Islands: 4 jars of stomach contents, 1 fish, a small collection of plants, and 4 fragmentary bryozoans (120618). LeMMER, FRED, Irvington, N.J.: 281 Lepidoptera (120004, 124059). Ex- change. LENINGRAD INSTITUTE OF MINERAL- ocy, Moscow, U.S.S.R. (through So- viet Union Information Bureau, Washington, D.C.): Specimens of Russian minerals leuchtenbergite, oxykertschenite, L-kertschenite, and B-kertschenite (121506). Exchange. LEonarRD, A. B., Lawrence, Kans.: 2 fly larvae taken from cottontail rab- bit in Oklahoma (122196). LEONARD, E. C., Washington, D.C.: 719 flowering plants from Ohio and near Washington, D.C. (1213874, 124501). Lercu, RupoueH, New York, N.Y.: A tongue saw from Hungary, a peculiar type in use there now (120222). LETTNER, Ivan, Anacostia, D.C.: Model, %e6 size, of English seaplane, Supermarine §8.6.B., fastest vehicle thus far developed and final winner of Schneider trophy at 340 miles an hour in 1931 (121471). Levy, B., Wankie, Southern Rhodesia: 2 plants from Southern Rhodesia (122422). Levy, H.S., Philadelphia, Pa.: 2 pho- tographs, 1 of Max Levy and 1 of his brother, Louis EK. Levy, two early workers in photomechanical proc- esses (123819). LEwis, VIRGINIA B. B. Leaf.) Lewton, Dr. F. L., Washington, D.C.: Wood samples of big scentless mock- orange and Japanese honeysuckle, collected by donor at Takoma Park, Md. (124622). (See also under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) (See under Emily SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 159 Li, Fene-Swen, Chekiang, China: 10 mosquitoes (121747). Lieut, Dr. S. F., Berkeley, Calif.: 4 stomatopods and 1 starfish (119048). Litty & Co., Evi, Indianapolis, Ind.: 2 framed and 16 unframed photo- graphs illustrating manufacture of insulin (122855); 1 title card and 15 photographs illustrating progressive steps in manufacture of insulin (124664). Lincotn, F. C., Washington, D.C.: 1 skeleton of chimney swift (120015); 6 ducks (122208). LInDBERGH, Col. CHarues A., New York, N.Y.: Personal equipment carried in Spirit of St. Louis on flight from Washington, D.C., to Mexico City and around Caribbean Sea in 1927-28 (123709); series of 36 maps used by Colonel Lindbergh on his Pan American flight of 1927-28 (124385). LINGNAN UNIVERSITY, Canton, China (through Prof. F. P. Metcalf): 2,263 Chinese plants (123702). Exchange, Linsey, E. G., Oakland, Calif.: 3 beetles, all paratypes (124060). Ex- change. Littie, E. L., Jr., Weatherford, Okla.: 1 plant from Oklahoma (120292). LittLte, V. L., College Station, Tex.: 6 grasshoppers from Walker County, Tex. (122205). LITTLETON, FRANK, Aldie, Va.: 1 small slab of shale containing dinosaur tracks from Virginia (123072). Luoyp, R. H., North Tonawanda, N.Y.: Brass store card of Robert Hapworth Lloyd, North Tonawanda, N.Y., 1932 (122655). LocxHart, W. E., Ashland, Ky.: 3 slabs of limestone containing fossils (120894); a slab of amazonstone from Colorado (121262). Logan, Miss Amy D., Washington, D.C.: 2 beetle larvae (121248). Logan, R. A., Ship Harbor Lake, Nova Scotia (through U.S. Bureau of Mines): 4 specimens of algal-iron- manganese deposit from Nova Sco- tia (121462). 160 Louman, K. E. Gianella.) Lonpon, University or, London, Eng- land: 75 Carboniferous fossils (topo- types) from England (123319). Ex- change. Lone, W. 8., Lawrence, Kans.: 6 bird skeletons (122667). Loorr, H. B., Oak Harbor, Wash. (through Dr. A. Hrdliéka): Archeo- logical specimens from Alaska and Washington (123097). Los ANGELES Musreum oF History, ScIENCE AND ART, Calif.: Composite skeleton of fossil horse from Rancho La Brea (118478). Indefinite loan. Lowsz, H. N., Long Beach, Calif.: 1 fragment of alecyonarian, 5 shrimps, 15 isopods (118911). Lowry, Mrs. Doris G., Durham, N.H. (See under Prof. Philip R. Lowry.) Lowry, Prof. Puinip R. (through Mrs. Doris G. Lowry): 637 slide mounts of scale insects, of which 486 are determined and 151 undetermined; and 271 slide mounts of aphids, of which 170 are determined and 101 undetermined (121808). Lowry, Q. S., Boston, Mass.: 1 hel- minth (120960). Lowry, Dr. R. C., Boyle, Miss.: Lot of potsherds from a village site west of Blaine, Miss. (121651). LUEDERWALDT, Dr. H., Sao Paulo, Brazil. (See under Museu Paulista.) Lurrs, Miss E. M., Bowie, Md.: A model, 7 size, of a Vought ‘‘Cor- sair”’ airplane, 1929 (124670). Loan. Luister, Rev. Father A., Caldas da Saude (Minho), Portugal: 24 mosses from Portugal and Madeira (123598). Exchange. Lunp, J. B., and R. D. Dwieut, Chi- cago, IIl.: (See under V. P. A propeller blade, wing rib, and control mechanism from a tandem quadruplane designed and constructed by donors in 1911 (116671). LyppANE, Mrs. Mary E., Washington, D.C.: 1 sampler made in 1804 by Los Angeles, |- ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Sarah Kurtz, grandmother of donor, 1 sampler made November 9, 1838, by Elizabeth Orme, daughter of Sarah Kurtz and aunt of Mrs. Lyddane (124663). Lyte, Cuay, State College, Miss. (See under State Plant Board of Missis- sippi.) Lynn, Dr. W. G., Baltimore, Md.: 31 frogs and 6 lizards from Jamaica (124066). MacCreary, Donaup, Newark, Del.: 2 flies reared by L. A. Stearns (121556). MacponovuGH, Ropney, Boston, Mass.: Gold watch, gold-mounted sword and belt, and 7 pieces of silverware owned by Commodore Thomas Macdonough, U.S.N. (113607). Loan. MacGinitiz, Dr. G. E., Corona Del Mar, Calif.: About 35 isopods, 125 amphipods, 1 crab, 2 Nebalia, 125 shrimps, 10 hermit crabs (120848). MacNeiu, F. 8., Washington, D.C.: Marine invertebrates from lower Potomac: 2 hydroids, 30 anemones, 4 bryozoans, 75 amphipods, 10 iso- pods, 100 barnacles, 12 shrimps, 10 crabs, ascidians, annelids, sponges, and ostracods (121118). Macnus, Maser & ReEynarp, INc., New York, N.Y. (through J. B. Magnus): A druggist’s mortar (122694). Mauaise, Dr. Renz, Stockholm, Swe- den: 25 sawflies, 17 species, 11 of which are represented by paratypes, all new to the collection (123334). Exchange. Matuocg, J. R., Washington, D.C.: 1 fly, a paratype, from New Zealand (120810). Manuattan Goutp Mines Co., San Francisco, Calif. (through V. C. Heikes): 1 specimen of gold in quartz from Manhattan District. Nye County, Nev. (123713). Mann, Miss Carouine, Lakemont, Ga.: 1 plant from Georgia (120602). Mann, Dr. W. M., Washington, D.C.: Bark beehive used by natives of Tanganyika, East. Africa (120356). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM (See also under Mrs. Gordon McCreagh.) Mannine, Mrs. J. S., Washington, D.C.: Child’s white pique cap and coat embroidered in early 1860’s in New Orleans, La. (120165). Manter, H. W., Lincoln, Nebr.: 2 specimens, types, of trematodes from Tortugas, Fla. (123193). ManvEt, Miss Marcaret, Lake Grove Long Island, N.Y.: 50 drypoints and etchings for exhibition during Feb- ruary 1933 (122829). Loan. Mari, Dr. Joszr Giner, San Agustin, Balearic Islands, Spain: 70 mollusks from Balearic Islands (114637). Ex- change. MarsHatt, B. C., Imboden, Ark.: 25 Cladocera (111143); 6 shrimps from Arkansas (117324); 64 aphids (119809, 122566, 123256); 4 para- sitic worms from gizzard of a chicken (119815); 27 specimens, 27 species, of fresh-water mussels from Arkan- sas (120271); 4 fly larvae (121369); 55 specimens, 25 species, of land, fresh-water, and marine shells from Florida, Arkansas, etc. (123576). MARSHALL, ERNEST, Washington, D.C. 3.skeletons of birds (123592). MaArRsHALL, Patrick, Wellington, New Zealand: 2 specimens of rock con- taining the new mineral tuhualite and 2 containing riebeckite and aegerine (123468). Exchange. MarsHautu, Miss Viotet A., Wash- ington, D.C.: (See under estate of Mrs. Grace D. Brown.) _ Marvin, Cioyp H., Jr., Washington, D.C. (through Prof. R. F. Griggs): 1 plant from Washington, D.C. (120376). MARYLAND CONSERVATION DEPART- MENT, Baltimore, Md. (through Dr. R. V. Truitt): About 200 crabs from Cape Charles and Hampton, Va., and Crisfield and Rock Hall, Md. (124520). MaryYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Balti- more, Md.: 3 type specimens of fossil cetaceans (122214). Deposit. 161 MaryYLAND, UNIVERSITY oF, College Park, Md. (through Prof. E. N. Cory): 4 beetles from Preston, Md. (120404); (through Mrs. F. W. McFarland) 9 original water-color sketches as suggestions for textile fabrics designed by members of 1933 class in principles of design (124624). Loan. : Masaryk University, Botanical Instt- tute, Brno, Czechoslovakia: 100 plants from Czechoslovakia (122993). Exchange. Mason REGULATOR Co., Boston, Mass.: Steam automobile engine built by donor company in 1897 for first Stanley automobile (120060). Matrueson, Prof. Rosert, Ithaca, N.Y. (See under Cornell University.) Matuews, Dr. A. A. L., Oberlin, Ohio (through Dr. Josiah Bridge): Large exhibition slab of fossiliferous chert from early Paleozoic rocks of Vir- ginia (121096). Matuews, C., San Francisco, Calif.: Stone hammer from Olga Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska (123098). Maxon, Dr. W. R., Washington, D.C.: 2 plants from Maryland (123479). (See also under Smithsonian Institu- tion, National Museum.) McAtrz, W. L. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey.) McCasz, Miss Mary, Blairsville, Pa.: Compass carried by William Clark during Lewis and Clark expedition to Pacific coast (122864). McCormick-GoopHarT, LEANDER, Washington, D.C.: British medals commemorating exploits of Admiral Edward Vernon, R.N., during his expedition against the Spanish pos- sessions in Caribbean Sea, 1739-1741 (186 specimens) (128061). Loan. McCormick HistoricaL ASSOCIATION, Chicago, Ill.: 3 groups of documents relating, respectively, to invention and development of 2 hillside plows, invented and patented by Cyrus Hall McCormick in 1831 and 162 1833; invention of reaper by Cyrus Hall McCormick in 1831 and its subsequent development; and a threshing machine invented by Robert McCormick in 1834 (124605) ; models of reapers patented January 31, 1845, and October 23, 1847, by Cyrus Hall McCormick. Construct- ed on a scale of \% according to specifications of U.S. Patents nos. 3895 and 5335, by Roderic Davis, Takoma Park, Md. (124615). McCrary, O. F., Raleigh, N.C.: 1 plant from North Carolina (124466). McCreacu, Mrs. Gorpon, New York, N.Y.: 83 African insects, distributed through 7 orders, received through Dr. W. M. Mann (124568). McFaruanp, Mrs. F. W. University of Maryland.) (See under McGuannan, Mrs. Autexius, Balti- more, Md.: Japanese and Chinese carvings (14 specimens) (124300); collection of ethnological and art textile specimens, consisting .mainly of Chinese and Japanese art handi- eraft (124621). McGrecor, Rosert, Clarksburg, W.Va.: Model, %6 size, of Boeing P-26 low-wing military airplane, latest type adopted for pursuit service in U.S. Army Air Corps (121601). McInrosu, ALLEN, Washington, D.C.: 18 birds (121225, 121258); 1 bat from Washington, D.C. (124258). McKenna, Puiuip, Latrobe, Pa.: A specimen of ‘‘Vascoloy”’, showing its use as an insert in a lathe tool (122555). McKenzizn, W. H. (See under Estate of Chief Tom Baconrind.) McLean, Mrs. Luciuue S., Shrub Oak, N.Y.: 10 marine shells, 2 species, from Jamaica (121114). MerEnGAN, BEATRICE, ESTATE OF (through. Fo @: Dutton): Pair. of Huguenot scissors (109467). Menu, Dr.'C.D.,. iNew (York, Ney.: 92 plants from Mexico (124467). Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J.: 1 specimen of quinine dihydrobromide ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 (121283); 12 specimens of cinchoan alkaloids and _ alkaloidal salts (121058). MBmRIDEN GRAVURE Co., Meriden, Conn.: 18 examples of collotype, 1 with overtint imprinted by letter- press, 1 with airbrush color, 1 with airbrush color and varnish, and 15 in black and white (121496). Merritt, C. C., Larchmont, N.Y.: A Merritt typewriter of about 1890, originally the property of donor’s father, William J. Merritt (119845). Mercatr, Prof. F. P., Canton, China. (See under Lingnaa University.) Metcatr, Senator and Mrs. JessEe H., Washington, D.C.: An 18th-century brass Sabbath lamp (123376). Mertcatr, Miss Sarau S., Washington, D.C.: Examples of Philippine ap- plique embroidery, white cotton on rangue of pineapple fiber (123977); (through Mrs. Grace Graves Her- ring) 2 examples of Bagobo unfin- ished beadwork on looms and 5 bead- work necklaces (124603). METROPOLITAN Lire INSURANCE Co., New York, N.Y.: 5 strip films en- titled ‘‘How to Live Long’’, ‘‘ Life of Louis Pasteur’’, ‘‘Life of Florence Nightingale’’, “Life of Walter Reed’”’, and ‘‘Life of Edward L. Trudeau”’, for health exhibits (124082); 60 health placards illus- trating personal and general hygiene (124626). METROPOLITAN Museum or NATURAL History, Nanking, China: 282 Chinese plants, chiefly from Kwei- chow (120022, 124388). Exchange. Mexia, Mrs. Ynzs, Berkeley, Cailif.: 97 plants from Alaska (1223881); (through Vernon Bailey) 2 snake skins and 1 lizard skin from Brazil (124246). Meyrick, Epwarp, Thornhanger, Eng- land: About 600 specimens, of about an equal number of species, of Micro- lepidoptera, mostly type material (121028). Micuicsan, UNIVERSITY orf, Ann Arbor, Mich. (through Prof. H. H. Bartlett): REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 27 West Indian plants, collected by Gordon Finch (119985), 470 plants from Guatemala and British Hon- duras; 520 plants from Sumatra col- lected by Rahmat Si Toroes (119895, 120619, 120786, 1243338, exchange); 28 plants collected by C. L. Lundell in Peten, Guatemala (122411, ex- change); 63 mosses from Central America (122551, exchange); 1 head bone and 2 interspinal bones of an extinct angelfish from Bone Valley, Grand Phosphate deposits, Polk County, Fla. (123284); 36 plants from Yucatan (123508, exchange); (through Dr. E. P. Creaser) 2 crabs and 38 porcellanid crabs from Yuca- tan (124291); 565 plants from Su- matra (124666, exchange). MicHIGAN StaTE CoLuEGs#, Kast Lans- ing, Mich. (through Prof. R. C. Huston): 26 chemicals for the Loeb collection of chemical types (120187). Mitte, Rey. Father Luis, Guayaquil, Ecuador: 28 plants from Ecuador (122132, 124288). Miuuer, G. 8., Jr. (See under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) MitierR, Huex, Washington, D.C.: A Korean kite collected about 1920, a type used for sport in kite-fighting contests (123971). MinuerR, WALTER, Tucapau, S.C.: 3 species, 4 specimens, of land shells from South Carolina (122105). Minune, tw: .J:, Von” Ormy,,, Tex.: About 4 pounds of bentonitic clay (122828). Mi.urer, ArtHuR, Los Angeles, Calif.: 50 prints, for exhibition during October 1932 (121294). Loan. Mitts, Capt. J. W., Miami, Fla.: 5 shrimps from Miami River (122534, 122710, 124452). Minas DE Porasa DE SurtaA, Suria (Barcelona), Spain (through Insti- tuto Geologico y Minero De Espana, Madrid): 2 specimens of potash minerals, 1 of sylvinite and 1 of carnalite, from potash mines at Suria (123733). 163 MINERALOGICKY USTAV KaRLovy UNI- VERSITY, Prague, Czechoslovakia (through Prof. F. Slavik): 7 mineral specimens from coal basin of Kladno, Czechoslovakia (124292). Exchange. Minker, H. L., Washington, D.C.: A 75-inch length of a girder from the Shenandoah, first American-built rigid airship, wrecked over Ava, Ohio, in 1925 (122699). Loan. Minnesota, UNIVERSITY oF, Minne- apolis Minn.: 116 plants from Min- nesota (123261). Exchange. MississipP1, STATE PLANT BoaRD OF, State College, Miss.: 6 snails from Pascagoula, Miss. (124277); (through Clay Lyle) 2 species, 8 specimens, of fresh-water shells from ‘Mississippi (124522). Morrett, Henry, Herndon, Va.: 5 blacksmith’s and wheelwright’s tools (123726). MotrFino, Prof. Josz F., Buenos Aires, Argentina: 6 plants from Argentina (123942). Mooney, Rosert, Washington, D.C. (See under D. F. Poole.) Moorrt, Commodore J. M., Washing- ton, D.C.: 53 items of northwest coast basketry and ivory carvings (120347); grass mat from Aleutian Islands and an ivory carving from Point Hope (124570). Morass, Dr. L. J., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Specimen of dennisonite from Damasio, near Diamantina, Minas Geraes, Brazil (120334). Moranp, F. W., McKinley Park, Alaska: 1,925 miscellaneous insects from Alaska (109995). Moreau, R. E. (See under East African Agricultural Research Sta- tion.) Morgan, Brent, Washington, D.C.: 3 pipits (122216). Morean, Paut, Washington, D.C.: A round case shelf clock made by Ingra- ham & Co. about 1871 (123254). Loan. MorGan, Sipney. (See under F. S. Booth.) 164 Morean, STANLEY, Barrow, Alaska (through J. A. Ford): Collection of Eskimo ethnological material manu- factured about 1928-29 by John Semiglooak for Sergeant Morgan (122301). Loan. Morris, J. S., San German, Puerto Rico: 2 bats from Corozal and a small collection of bones from Utu- ado and San German (120379). Morris, Dr. R. T., Stamford, Conn.: 2 moles (121470). Morrow, W. C., West Palm Beach, Fla.: 20 photographs (124098). Morscuer, L. N., Washington, D.C.: 1 ovenbird (124281). Morton, C. V. (See under Smith- sonian Institution, National Mu- seum.) Mosses, Mrs. Zesina, Washington, D.C.: Small collection of laces (124238). Mossop, M. C., Pretoria, South Af- rica: 293 insects and a small collec- tion of shells from South Africa (122387). MurparGcer, W. B., Oroville, Calif.: 1 western ring-necked snake from California (123508). Murray, ARLToNn, Washington, D.C.: 1 fern from Montgomery County, Md. (122994); 1 silicified fossil log from Northwest Branch, Washing- ton, D.C. (124500). Musto Nacrtonat, San Jose, Costa Rica: 5 plants from Costa Rica (122075); 6 leeches from Costa Rica (120341). Museu Pauvuista, Sao Paulo, Brazil (through Dr. H. Luederwaldt): Type specimen of crab (1238272). Mustum National pD’Historre Na- TURELLE, Paris, France: 12 plants (120708); 1 bird, Pitta (121899). Exchange. Museum or NorTHERN ARIZONA, Flag- staff, Ariz.: Collection of potsherds illustrating several types described by Lyndon L. Hargrave in his paper, ““Guide to Forty Pottery Types”’ (122828). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Mvustum Roya p’Historre Natur- ELLE DE BELGIQUE, Brussels, Bel- gium: 211 specimens and 48 casts of invertebrate fossils (119374). Ex- change. Muserave, Prof. Paut, Fairmont, W. Va.: 15 beetles (123583). Myers, G. H., Washington, D.C.: Ancient Peruvian wood carvings, copper pins, and a pottery human effigy (121099). Myers, Dr. G. 8., Washington, D.C.: 67 fishes representing types, cotypes, and paratypes of species mostly not previously represented in national collections (124667). MYERs, Dr. G...8., Dr. Ce ii ees, and EK. D. Rep, Washington, D.C.: 23 fishes from southern Maryland (124668). Myers, J. G., Trinidad, British West Indies (through Prof. A. S. Hitch- cock): 11 plants chiefly from British Guiana (124884). Myers, W. 8. (See under T. R. Ste- men.) Nagao, Dr. T., Sendai, Japan: 2 fossil shells (121164). Exchange. NANKING, UNIvEeRsITy oF, Nanking, China: 500 Chinese plants (115630). Exchange. NaTIoNAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION, Washington, D.C.: Photographic copy of a chart showing types of early balloons (120332). Exchange. NATIONAL CARBON Co., INnc., New York, N.Y. (through W. H. Wilson): 13 photographs of early lighting devices (120368). NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Socinty, Wash- ingion, D.C. (through Dr. F. V. Coville): 464 plants from Death Valley region, Calif., collected in 1931 by Dr. Coville, M. French Gilman, and A. F. Gilman (121972, 122053); 2 lantern flies from Guaya- curus, Brazil (122737). Nationat Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa: 10 vertebrate fossils, Lystrosaurus and Dicynodon (121576). Exchange. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Nationa Musrtum, Melbourne, Vic- toria: 154 Tertiary brachiopods (123251). Exchange. NATURHISTORISCHES Museum, Vienna, Austria: 765 plants of the Ecklon- Zeyher collection from South Africa (123741). Exchange. NATURHISTORISKA RIKSMUSEET, Bot- aniska Avdelning, Stockholm, Swe- den: 349 plants from Scandinavia (122522, 123100, 123480) ; 388 plants, chiefly from South America (122733); 449 plants from South America col- lected chiefly by Dusen (123515); (through Dr. Rudolf Florin) 1 plant fragment of type (124616). Exchange. NerEpHAM, P. R., Palo Alto, Calif.: 32 shrimps and 14 mysids (123282). (See also under U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries.) Netson, Dr. E. W., Washington, D.C.: 1 red quail (122660). (See also under A. D. Sproat.) Neon, Brother, Lafayette, La.: 80 mosses from Louisiana (121851, 123585). Neumann, W. A., Washington, D.C.: 1 young Canadian warbler (121055). New Mexico NartrionaL GUARD (through Maj. F. R. Lafferty): Long- service medal and drill-attendance medal of type awarded to members of New Mexico National Guard (124527). New Mexico, University or, Depart- ment of Geology, Albuquerque, N. Mex.: 178 Carboniferous brachiopods from New Mexico (123671). Ex- change. New York Botanica GARDEN, New York, N.Y.: 13 fragmentary speci- mens of Asiatic plants (111952); 29 plants from Puerto Rico (120021); 47 plants from China (121092); 1 plant from Colombia (121133); 263 fernsfrom western Himalayas (121158 121267, 121280); 9 photographs of types or authenticated specimens of plants (121229); 15 plants from Florida (121276); 52 plants from Mexico (121277); 2 fragmentary specimens of Chinese plants (121568) ; 165 1 plant from Ecuador (124465). Exchange. New YorK SrtTatTE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, Geneva, N.Y.: 11 flies (121868). New York STATE COLLEGE OF AGRI- CULTURE, Ithaca, N.Y.: 39 plants from New York (121101, 121278). Exchange. New York State Museum, Albany, N.Y.: 67 plants from New York (124265). Exchange. Nirtsen, Dr. K. B., Copenhagen, Denmark: Examples of opercula of serpulids from Upper Cretaceous of Denmark (122818). NININGER, H. H., Denver, Colo.: 16- pound 10-ounce section of an iron meteorite from Chile (121969). Ex- change. Noagara, A. J.. Washington, D.C.: 1 ruby-throated hummingbird (124280) Norman, J. R., London, England: 1 European sardine from Bahia de Algeciras, Spain (122392). (See also under British Government, British Museum.) NortH Daxota AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE, Fargo, N.Dak.: 2 phyllopods from pools (123516). Norts Dakota, UNIVERSITY OF, Grand Forks, N.Dak.: 21 insects from North Dakota (119975). Norton, Prof. J. B. 8., College Park, Md.: 1 plant (120707). Nova Scotia DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- CULTURE, Truro, Nova Scotia: 12 flies taken from foliage of apple, hawthorn, and blueberry (122954). NussMAnn, Rev. O., Wichita, Kans.: 1 fox skull from India (123290). ODENWALD Birp Co., New York, N.Y.: 1 fish from aquarium (124628). OFIcINA FEDERAL PARA LA DEFENSA AGRIcoLA, San Jacinto, Mexico (through Dr. Alfons Dampf): 4 flies from Mexico (119771). Oceano, Rar, Bronx, N.Y.: 71 por- trait photographs for exhibition dur- ing January 1933 (121760). Loan. 166 O’Harz, Jack, Hyattsville, Md. (through Dr. Doris M. Cochran): Small collection of worms from near Hyattsville (124552). O’Harra, Dr. C. C. (See under South Dakota State School of Mines.) Onavs, Dr. F., Mainz, Germany: 8 specimens, 6 species, of beetles, 3 represented by 4 cotypes (122152). Exchange. OKLAHOMA, UNIvERsITy oF, School of Geology, Norman, Okla. (through R. V. Hollingsworth): 200 brachio- pods from Devonian and Pennsyl- vanian of Oklahoma (123721.) Ex- change. Outp WorLp ARCHEOLOGY FUND, Smith- sonian Institution: 31 photographs of paleolithic cave art of Ariege and Haute Garonne, France (121411). O’Leary, A. L., Washington, D.C.: 1 robin (124325). OLIVARES, ALEJANDRO, Jr., Bogota, Colombia: Sample of diatomaceous earth (122563). OuivER, J. O., Rock Point, Md.: 4 fishes from Potomac River at Cobb Island, Md. (120878). Oem, Dr) * A.} 4 Martu,stonias 26 Ordovician and Devonian brachbio- pods from Estonia (123122). Exchange. OREGON AGATE AND MINERAL SOCIETY, Portland, Oreg.: 1 iris agate (123366). O’RovurKE, B. F., Brooklyn, N.Y.: Belt buckle worn at Battle of Cold Harbor, Va., by Thomas O’ Rourke, Company E, 88th New York Volun- teers, and bearing a rifle ball embed- ded during that engagement (123388). OsBorn BotTanicaL LABORATORY, New Haven, Conn.: 41 plants from Ja- maica (122055). Exchange. Ossporn, Prof. Hrrsert, Columbus, Ohio: 249 bugs of 70 species, 22 of which are represented by 35 types, paratypes, etc. (124330). Osten, C., Montevideo, Uruguay: 1 plant from Uruguay (122202). OstracH, Mrs. F., Atlantic City, N.J.: An old samovar and tray, and a tea- pot (119827). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 OuspaL, Dr. A. P., Santa Barbara, Calif.: Skull of fossil whale (121417). Over, Epwin, Jr., Colorado Springs, Colo.: 2 specimens of bismuthinite from Clear Creek district, Colo. (122310). Ovineton, Earutr, Santa Barbara, Calif.: An envelope carried by air mail by donor on 20th anniversary of first American air-mail flight, which he piloted in 1911, and a recent photograph of donor (121298). Owen, Estate or Epwarp T. (through Prof. W. H. Kiekhofer): About 40,000 Lepidoptera (124298). Paciric BrioLocicaL LABORATORIES, Pacific Grove, Calif. (through E. F. Ricketts): 9 isopods, 95 amphipods, and 6 copepods from California (117520). PaGcan,. O. E., Washington, D.C. (through Mrs. O. E. Pagan): 1 mounted white-tailed deer from Butternut Lake, Wis. (119668). Painter, Prof. R. H., Manhattan, Kans.: 35 specimens, all types (1 paratype), of 19 species of insects (122805). Exchange. PALAEONTOLOGISCHES INSTITUT DER UNIVERSITAT, Vienna, Austria (through Drs. O. Abel and K. Ehrenberg): 39 Triassic brachiopods from Austria, Hungary, and Italy (122172). Exchange. PALEONTOLOGISK MusrEvum, Oslo, Nor- way: 42 Cambrian fossils from Nor- way (120180). Exchange. Parsons, RHEA, Bonny Blue, Va.: 6 Pennsylvanian invertebrate fossils from Bonny Blue, Va. (121476). Patrick, Dr. Leon, Orange, Calif.: 1 yellow-bellied mountain parakeet (122661); 8 Bolivian seed-snipe (122739); 1 blue-winged grass para- quet (123375); 1 red-capped parrot (124373). Patstonn, Miss M. A., Washington, D.C.: A collection of material from Philippine Islands presented in mem- ory of donor’s father, the late Capt. Lewis Patstone, U.S.A., 46th Volun- teer Infantry (122394). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM Pavut, Rev. Brother, Panama City, Panama: 341 plants from Panama (121490, 122965, 124611). Prasopy Museum, New Haven, Conn.: 4 complete fossil brachiopods from Anticosti Island (128121). Ex- change. Prex & Veusor, Inc., New York, N.Y.: 8 ‘specimens of vegetable drugs (121104). Prettoux, ALBERTO, Genoa, Italy: 14 minerals from Italy (122837). Ex- change. PENFOUND, Dr. W. T., New Orleans, La. (See under Tulane University of Louisiana.) Penick & Co., 8S. B., New York, N.Y.: 10 specimens of vegetable drugs (121544). Penney, Dr. J. T., Columbia, 8.C.: 1 alcoholic specimen and 8 slides (type material) of a new sponge (118594). PENNSYLVANIA STATE TEACHERS COL- LEGE, Millersville, Pa.: 12 Lower Cambrian fossils(121832). Exchange. Perez, G. S., Manila, Philippine Is- lands: 4 shells from Laganglilang, Abra Province, Philippine Islands (1223877). PrerRHAM, S. I., West Paris, Maine (through F. L. Hess): Specimen of rose quartz from Maine (121778). Prerryco, W. M., Washington, D.C.: 1 gray fox from -Oxen Hill, Md. (124257). PETELOT, Prof. A., Hanoi, Indo-China: 15 plants from Indo-China (120156); 180 plants from Indo-China (123955, exchange). Peters, J. F., Washington, D.C.: A man’s woolen shawl of Civil War period (122389). PETERSON, A. B., Richmond, Va.: Wood samples of common castor- bean (120295). PETROCELLI, Mrs. Mary O., Brooklyn, N.Y.: 86 framed pictorial prints as follows: 1 transfer, 3 resinotipias, 81 bromoils, 1 portrait of Mr. Petro- celli (117570). 167 PFLUEGER, AL, Miami, Fla.: 1 porpoise skull (122409). PHENIX AIRCRAFT PRopucts Co., Wil- liamsville, N.Y.: Brass token of Buffalo Numismatic Association struck in 1933 (123387). PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND ScIENCE, Philadelphia, Pa.: 6 photographic enlargements of murals, depicting progress of- pharmacy (123688). PHILIPPINE ISLANDS GOVERNMENT, Bu- reau of Science, Manila, P.I.: 35 plants from Philippines (124208). Exchange. PHILIPPINE SuGAR ASssocIATION, La Carlota, Occidental Negros, P.I.: 6 flies from Philippines (120135); 8 flies, reared from grasshoppers in Philippines (122179). PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, Pa.: 60 photographs for exhi- bition during October and Novem- ber 1932 (121389). Loan. PIccINELLI, Dr. PrrRo, Bergamo, Italy: 29 specimens of Italian minerals (119859). Exchange. PicKEL, Prof. D. Bento, Pernambuco, Brazil: 94 plants from Brazil (120697, 121108, 122531, 122817, 124332). Pickens, A. L., Greenville, 8.C.: 3 insects from California and 2 lots of parasitic worms (119454). PicTORIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS OF AMER- 1cA, New York, N.Y.: 100 pictorial prints for exhibition during February 1933 (122866). Loan. PiELTAIN, Dr. C. Bouivar, Madrid, Spain: 11 slides of 5 species of Col- lembola from American caves (121967). ’ Piuspry, Dr. H. A., Philadelphia, Pa.: 2 fresh-water mussels from Belgian Congo (121560). (See also under Academy of Natural Sciences.) Pirion, P. Anastasio, Santiago, Chile: 101 flies from Chile (122560). PiTTsBuRGH Screw & Bott Corpora- TION, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 1 blade of a Dicks hollow-steel propeller (124232). 168 Pizzini, ANDREW, Washington, D.C.: 100 shrimps, 15 crabs, 1 parasitic isopod, 23 isopods, 5 marine anne- lids, 500 amphipods, from Cobb Is- land, Md. (121375); 36 amphipods and 25 isopods from a spring west of Georgetown, D.C. (121418) ; 31 crabs, 7 shrimps, 200 amphipods, and 15 isopods from Florida (1227386). PokoRNy, FRANK, Spencer, Nebr.: 2 fragmentary lower jaws repre- senting 2 Neocene equids (121531). PoLAND, GOVERNMENT OF’ (through the Polish Embassy): Polish mili- tary uniforms and _ accessories (114295). Pouey, H. S., Colorado Springs, Colo.: 7 photographs of Pueblo Indian sub- jects (123830). PotisH EmpBassy, Washington, D.C. (See under Government of Poland.) Pomona CouuEeGE, Claremont, Calif. (through Dr. T. H. Kearney) 10 plants from southern California (122524) ;s (through Dr. F. V. Coville): 1 plant from southern California; 24 plants from Death Valley region, Calif. (121971, 122523). Exchange. Pootsz, A. J.. Washington, D.C.: 11 birdskins (120704). Pootr, DD. E., Washington; 9 DiC: (through Robert Mooney): 2 Maxim incandescent electric lamps of about. 1885 and 2 sockets for same (121545). Porr, Dr. W. T. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.) Porenog, C. H., Silver Spring, Md.: 1 parrot (122730); 1 lovebird (122853); 1 Cooper’s hawk from Virginia (123401); cotton and wool hand-woven coverlets in overshot weave, 3 made in Stewart, Va., about 1815, by Mary Martin, and 1 woven about 1830 at Horse Creek, Tenn., by Lavina Rogers (124301, deposit); a collection of miscel- laneous insects, assembled by Mr. Popenoe’s father, who was professor in the Kansas Agricultural College from about 1872 to 1909 (124532). Popov, Dr. A. M., Leningrad, U.S.S.R.: 9 fishes (120879). Exchange. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Popov, VLADIMIR, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.: 11 bees, of 7 species (122686). Exchange. Porter, Dr. C. E., Santiago, Chile: 4 flies from Santiago (121397). Post Orrice DerpartTMENT, U.S., Washington, D.C.: 11 sets of speci- men stamps in triplicate (4,950 specimens), received by Post Office Department from International Bu- reau of Universal Postal Union, Berne, Switzerland (120276, 120358, 120775, | 1213881, (121 (35) eae. 122721, 122849, 123386, 1238848, 124491); 3 specimens each of 3- cent and 5-cent postage stamps issued in honor of Olympic Games (120298); 3 specimens each of 8- cent air mail, Daniel Webster com- memorative and William Penn com- memorative stamps (122181); 3 specimens each of 3-cent George Washington stamp and 3-cent Gen- eral Oglethorpe commemorative stamp (123343); 6 Delft ware tiles from Danish West Indies (123514). Poznan, UNIVERSITY OF, Poznan, Po- land: Institute of Forest Engineer- ing (through Prof. Julian Rafalski): 63 samples of woods of Poland (119686). Exchange. Pratt & Wuitrnry AIRCRAFT Co., Hartford, Conn.: A ‘‘ Wasp” radial aircraft engine, sectioned to show construction, and driven, for exhi- bition purposes, by a small electric motor (115991). PREFONTAINE, Prof. Grorages, Mon- treal, Canada: 1 leech and 35 echinoderms (122371). (See also under Station Biologique du St.- Laurent.) Price, Dr. E. W., Washington, D.C. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal In- dustry.) Puerto Rico DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- CULTURE AND CoMMERcE, Insular Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: 13 insects from Puerto Rico (122429, 122825, 122955). QuicLtEY, E. W., Philadelphia, Pa.: 1 pictorial print, ‘‘Bowl of ,Grapes”’ (123718). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM RaFauskl, Prof. JULIAN. University of Poznan.) RaFFrLEs Museum Amp Lisrary, Sing- apore, Straits Settlements (through F. N. Chasen): 6 swiftlets from North Borneo and Straits Settle- ments (121481). Exchange. Rankin, M., Greensburg, Ind.: 1 specimen and 2 photographs of plant from Indiana (120980). Ranson, Rosert, St. Augustine, Fla.: 3 shrimps (121161). Rapp, F. A., Washington, D.C.: A specimen of gold ore from Great Falls Mine, Great Falls, Md. (120246). RayMonp, Dr. Prrcy. (See under Harvard University.) REED, Prof. C. T., Kingsville, Tex.: 1 female glowworm from ‘Texas, and approximately 100 barnacles from gills of crab taken at Aransas Pass, Tex. (120891); 6 insects from Texas (121352). Reep, Prof. E. L., Lubbock, Tex.: 146 plants from Texas (120823). Reep, Dr. E. P., Valparaiso, Chile: 24 insects from Chile (120703, 122186). Reep, F. C., Washington, D.C.: An old, hand-made, wrought-iron hand brace (124283). Loan. Ress, C. W., Jeanerette, La. under Mrs. Robert Burleigh.) Reese, Prof. A. M., Morgantown, W.Va.: 33 insects, collected in caves, and 6 land mollusks from cave, Greenbrier County, W.Va., also 6 crayfishes, 1 amphipod, and 2 earthworms (122985). ReEesipe, Dro J. B., Jr: British Government, seum.) Rew, Miss EMmMa, Oaxaca, Mexico: 1 elephant tooth from Santa Catarina Tayata, Oaxaca (122990). ReuperR, H. A., Washington, D.C-:: About 12,000 land, fresh-water, and marine shells (123202). Rep, E. D., Washington, D.C.: 2 fishes (120872). (See also under Dr. G. 8S. Myers.) 16528—33——12 (See (See under British Mu- (See under | 169 REINHARD, H. J., College Station, Tex.: 3 flies from Texas (121079). Exchange. REINHART, P. W., Palo Alto, Calif.: 16 Cretaceous fossils from California (121842). REMBRANDT PHOTOGRAVURE, LZTD., London, England: 1 photograph of Karl Klic, and 4 photogravures, ‘‘From the Terrace on Richmond Hill’, ‘‘Will Rogers’, ‘‘Flowers’’ (3 colors), and ‘‘ Karl Klic”’ (123952). REPETEK SAND DESERT STATION, Turk- menistan, St. Repetek. U.S.S.R.: 9 plants from Turkmenistan (120166). Exchange. REPUBLICA DE CoLomBiaA, Seccion de Entomologia, Departamento de Agri- cultura y Ganaderia: 121 miscel- laneous insects from Colombia (123501). RESNER, ERNEST, Washington, D.C.: 1 shark (123377). RuoavDeEs, WiLii1AM, Indianapolis, Ind.: 4 plants from Indiana (120134). RuovE IsLtanp StaTE CoLuEGE, Kings- ton, R.I. (through A. E. Stene): 2 insects (123364). RicHaEt, C. L., Grove City, Violin made by donor (122570). Ricuarps, Dr. H. G., Philadelphia, Pa.: 2 concretions and miscellaneous paleontological material (120972) ; 12 fossil crabs from Pleistocene, Two Mile Beach, N.J. (1238989). (See also under Smithsonian Institution, National Museum.) Ricwarpson, A. M., Ore Bank, Va.: Unusually large leaf from a young hickory (120594). Ricker, P. L., Washington, D.C.: 1 plant from Virginia (121942). (See also under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant In- dustry.) Ricketts, EH. F. (See under Pacific Biological Laboratories.) Riuey, J. H., Washington, D.C.; 1 red squirrel from Falls Church, Va. (124259). RINGDAHL, O., Halsingborg, Sweden: 273 flies, of 129 species, all named, iPass 170 most of them new to the collection (122851). Exchange. Roperts, C. E., Keokuk, Iowa: 1 specimen of millerite from Keokuk, Towa (123424). Ropinson, N. B., El Paso, Tex.: 1 lot of topaz crystals from ‘Thomas Mountains, Utah (128506). Roppy, Dr. H. Justin, Lancaster, Pa.: 55 Lower Cambrian fossils (121848). Exchange. RoEBLING FuNpb, Smithsonian Insti- tution: One half-ton iron meteorite (119530); 1 specimen of crystalline quartz including euclase and topaz (121022); 1 polished section of tour- maline from Paris, Maine (121087); 4 specimens of the Toluca meteoric iron said to have been used as ham- merstones (121256); portion of a meteoric iron from Pinon, N.Mex. (121391); 2 crystals of euclase and 1 crystal of tourmaline (121745); por- tion of Kunz collection of minerals, gems, meteorites, and building stones (121767); specimen of cassiterite in quartz, from Buckfield, Maine (121780); 1 rose precious topaz (121839); 3 specimens of crystallized gold (122032); 1 cut stone of pink amethyst (122033); 4 specimens of minerals from Franklin, N.J. (122199); 15 ounces of platinum- palladium concentrates from Trans- vaal, South Africa (122212); 3 specimens of bianchite from Tren- tino, Italy (122256); an iron meteor- ite weighing 14,206 grams from Hen- bury, Central Australia (122305); a twin crystal of phenacite and 2 speci- mens of fluorite (122388); 7 speci- mens of minerals from Franklin Furnace, N.J. (122687); 1 large mass of pitchblende and 1 of native silver from Great Bear Lake, Can- ada (123265); 1 meteoric stone from Archie, Mo., and 1 slice of meteoric stone from Melrose, N. Mex. (123410); 1 pink tourmaline from Brazil (123415); 1 specimen each of bastnasite, fayalite, fayalite and anthophyllite, and fayalite on the matrix from Cripple Creek and Bear ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Creek Canyon, Colo. (123723); 1 ruby tourmaline (123738) ; 5 meteoric specimens (124097); 4 black opals from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales (124554); 1 specimen of ardea- lite from Rumania and 1 of halite from Thuringia (124607). Rore, Dr. Mario S., Habana, Cuba: 3 shrimps from Cuba _ (120025, 123120). Rouurns, E. J., West Somerville, Mass.; Fancy knitted cotton counterpane made in 1887 by donor’s great-grand- mother, Susanna Jacquith Abbott, of Bedford, Mass., when she was 90 years old (119568). Rosicky, Prof. Dr. V., Brno, Czecho- slovakia: 1 specimen each of rosicky- ite, cristobalite, and pisekite (123266). Exchange. Ross, Dr. C. S. Harley.) Rots, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Mrs. A. P. Brigham.) Rousseau, Jacques, Montreal, Can- ada: 3 brachiopods from Pennsyl- vania formation, Jemez Mountains, N.Mex. (120959). Royaut Botanica GARDEN, Sibpore, India: 150 plants from India (124675). Exchange. Royat Ontario Musrum or MINER- ALOGY, Toronto, Ontario: 40 speci- mens of syenitic rocks from Port Coldwell, Canada (124513). Ex- change. Royvat Ontario MusEeuM oF PALAEN- TOLOGY, Toronto, Ontario: 2 dino- saurian skulls (122314). Exchange. RuBBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA- TION, Inc., New York, N.Y.: 60 specimens of rubber latex, gutta percha, balata, and a series of rubber toys and inflated balls (121555); 3 charts showing causes of rapid wear and failure in automobile tires (122128). Rupce, WILLIAM EDWIN, PRINTING Hovust or, New York, N.Y.: A book, ‘‘Picturesque United States of America 1811, 1812, 1818, Being (See under Hugh J. (See under REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL A MEMOIR ON PAUL SVININ’’, Avrahm Yarmolinsky (122662). inuce nd. Ce, Hanover, .Nsi:7ck fern from Glacier National Park (121970). Runyon, Rosert, Tamaulipas, Mex- ico: 61 plants from Texas (121965, 124100). Busey. Or..H.H.,” New York, N.Y: 1 plant from Mexico (122527). RussEvu, P. G. (See under U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) Russia Cement Co., Gloucester, Mass. 1 ear of yellow dent corn and 1 dried root of bitter cassava to illustrate sources of vegetable glues (124625). (See also under Wayne Colorplate Co.) SACRAMENTO JUNIOR COLLEGE, Mu- seum of Anthropology, Sacramento, Calif. (Through Robert F. Heizer): 2 skulls from Bennett Mound, Sacra- mento Valley, Calif. (124540). SAKAGUCHI, SoicHiRo, Okianawa, Ja- pan; 14 annelid worms, 2 hydroids, 1 crustacean, 2 sipunculid worms, and 3 nemertean worms from Japan (85657). Santa BarBparaA Musnum or Nat- URAL History, Santa Barbara, Calif.: 1 plant (123186); 11 species of Pleis- tocene plants from Carpinteria as- phalt pits, Calif. (124162, exchange). SarpEson, Dr. F. W., Minneapolis, Minn.: Small collection of Middle Ordovician bryozoans from Minne- sota (121463). Savace, L. A., Newberry, S.C.: 2 scorpions from South Carolina (119994). Sawyer, J. D., Park City, Utah (Through E. P. Henderson): speci- men of jamesonite from Park City, Utah (122087). Sayues, Dr. R. W., Chestnut Hill, ' Mass.: 2 large specimens of glacial conglomerate (Squantum _ tillite) from Boston, Mass. (123976). SCHELLENBERG, Dr. A., Berlin, Ger- many: 20 amphipods (116384). Exchange. 171 MUSEUM by | ScHeNcK, Dr. H. G., Stanford Uni- versity, Calif.: 6 fossil crustaceans from California (119731, 121841, 124511). ScHERNIKOW, ERNEST, San Francisco, Calif.: 1 specimen of opal from near Erandique, Honduras (124061). Scumip, E. S8., Washington, D.C.: 2 parrots (120013, 120785); 2 grass paroquets (120208, 123687); 1 blue jay (120331); 2 South American monkeys (123187, 124250). Scumitt, Dr. W. L., Washington, D.C.: (See under Smithsonian In- stitution, National Museum.) ScHNECKENBERGER, M., Buffalo, N.Y.: 2 cameras, 1 an Eastman kodak and the other an E. & H. T. Anthony box camera (120223). Loan. ScHNORRENBERG, Haroun, Still-water, Okla:;: 2 flies (120072); 15 flies including type, paratypes, and 9 others of a new species described by Dr. Alan Stone, through whom the specimens were received (124581). Scuorr, H. L., Sarasota, Fla.: Archeo- logical and skeletal material from mounds along Sarasota Bay, Fla. (122716). ScuunH, R. E., Washington, D.C.: 284 algae (microscopic mounts) (120277, 121554); 17 plants from Maine (121669, 121853); 6 algae from Maine (124255). Scuuttz, Dr. A. H. (See under Johns Hopkins University, Medical School.) ScuHuttz, Dr. L. P., Seattle, Wash. (See under University of Washing- ton.) ScHuuLzE, ALBERTO, Horqueta, Para- guay: 1 Azara’s woodpecker (120378). ScHWARTING, A. C., De Pere, Wis.: Newfoundland 12-cent postage stamp of 1928 (121024). ScoFIELD, JoHN, Washington, D.C.: Skin of Philadelphia vireo (121274). Scott, Prof. GAYLE, Fort Worth, Tex.: Specimen of Lower Cretaceous am- monite (123467). SeEty, T. D., Jacksonville, Fla.: Lower pharyngeal bones of black drum- 172 fish, from West Jacksonville, Fla. (124518). Serrriz, Prof. WiLu1AM, Philadelphia, Pa.: 4 crabs and 4 insects from the Sierra Nevada of Colombia (119360) ; 388 plants from Santa Marta region, Colombia (119943); 61 plants col- lected in Colombia by Juan Giaco- metto (122135). SENCKENBERGISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT, Frankfurt, Germany: 1 cast of a fossil reptile (124235). Exchange. Serty, L. R., Parkville, Mo.: 4 flies (122541). SETzLER, F. M. sonian Institution, seum. ) (See under Smith- National Mu- Seyric, M. ANprE, Mulhouse, Haut- Rhin, France: 64 Hymenoptera (121162). SHANNON, Mrs. CAarRoLINE WOLFLEY. (See under Mrs. Eleanor Wolfley Biseli.) SHannon, Dr. R. C., Washington, D.C.: 1 fish and 1 salamander from Iquitos, Peru (120159). SHANNON, T. J. (See under Eleanor Wolfley Bisell.) SHaw-Box Crane & Hoist Co., Mus- kegon, Mich.: A Shaw, heavy-duty, 3de-horsepower, direct-current elec- tric motor of 1899 (121675). SHaw, Miss I., Norfolk, Va.: 1 large horseshoe crab (1238395). Mrs. SuHaw, S. F., Guatemala City, Guate- mala: Inscribed mica schist pebble from Las Quebradas, Guatemala (122550). : SHAWBAKER, J. G., Monrovia, Md.: An old pick for dressing millstones (123725). SHEARER, JoHN, Inwood, Long Island, N.Y.: 1 deformed lobster claw (122189). SHELDON, W. G., and Ricwarp Bor- DEN, Milton, Mass.: 63 mammals from British Columbia (119501). SHILLINGER, Dr. J. E., Washington, D.C. (See under U.S. Department ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey.) SHOEMAKER, Mrs. Evia O., Conway, Mich.: 1 barnacle from Tybee Island, Ga. (120306). SHUFELDT, P. W., La Cueva, N.Mex:: 2,316 birds (121837). SIBLEY, ReruBEN, Freedom, Maine (through T. L. Jackson): Ship car- penter’s broadax and adz said to have been used by Jacob Sibley, grandfather of donor, when em- ployed in building U.8S.S. Constitution (120611). Srtoox, Pau, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska (through H. B. Collins, Jr.): 7 birds from St. Lawrence Island (122397). Sim, R. J., Riverton, N.J.: 58 Seara- baeidae of 7 species from Syria (123087). SIMPSON, CLARENCE, and HERMAN GunteER, Tallahassee, Fla.: 3 fox squirrels from Tallahassee, Fla. (124249). Simpson, Dr. E.8., Perth, Western Aus- tralia: 10 specimens of minerals (121831). Exchange. Simpson, Dr. G. G., New York, N.Y.: 1 lot of fossils (12 plants, 20 inverte- brates, and 7 vertebrates) collected for the Museum from Fort Union and Deep River formations in Montana, 1932 (124322). SinGcER, J. W., Stamping Ground, Ky.: 3 plants from Kentucky (121756). SKEELS, H. C., Washington, D.C. (See under U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) SKINNER, K. L., Weybridge, Surrey, England: 12 birds’ eggs (121479); 148 foreign birds’ eggs (121480, ex- change). SxoesBere, Dr. Tacs, Pacific Grove, Calif. (See under Hopkins Marine Station.) Sxutcu, Dr. F., Tecpam, Guatemala: 2 birds (121257); 200 plants from Guatemala (122358). SuAvik, Prof. F. (See under Mineral- ogicky ustav Karlovy University.) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 173 SMAIL, RR: Ps Pine> Knot,!) Calif.: 2 large water jars made by Cahuilla Indians (121977). suitH, C. S., San Marcos, Tex.: 2 shrimps from Ezellir Cave, San Mar- cos, Tex. (123857). Smiru, Prof. E. C. (See under Colo- rado Agricultural College.) SmitH, Dr. H. M., Bangkok, Siam: 456 birdskins, 2 bird skeletons, 15 mammal skins, 1,635 insects, 575 mollusks, 2 turtles, 386 ferns, 12 leeches, and 16 ostracods from Siam (122398). Smitu, L. H., Washington, D.C.: A fossil fish from White River beds, Sentinel Butte, S.Dak. (122378). Smitu, THorn, Jr., New York, N.Y.: 21 marine shells of 10 species from west coast of Florida (120821). SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: A wood mortising machine of about 1884 (120867) ; hand-colored photograph of a page of an 11th-century Ar- menian Bible, water color by Mrs. C. D. Walcott, original in Freer Gallery (121107); 1 etching, ‘‘We Fix Flats’? by Robert Lawson, associate member’s print for 1932 of American Society of Etchers (121284). Deposit. Bureau of American Ethnology: Arch- eological material from between Rio Salada and Rio Dulce, an area known as Mesopotonua Santia- guena, of the Gran Chaco, Argen- tina (114181); 5 human skeletons excavated by Dr. F. H. H. Roberts, Jr., on Zuni Indian Reservation, N.Mex., and 1 lot of wild-turkey bones from Arizona, collected in 1930 (120252); teeth of American antelope from western Nebraska, collected by Dr. W. D. Strong (121548); 17 daguerreotypes, 13 ambrotypes, and 1 tintype of Indian subjects (121824); 1 lot of turkey bones, nymph of bug, and 2 fragments of swamp cane col- lected by W. M. Walker from Jonesville mound, La., 1932 (122561); fragment of an earthen- ware vessel from Weeden Island, Tampa Bay, Fla., collected in 1925 by D. I. Bushnell, Jr. (122696); an earthenware vessel from the Keams Canyon district, Ariz., and 1 from near Gettysburg, Pa., trans- ferred to Bureau from Bureau of Indian Affairs (122697); pottery elbow pipe and an earthenware shallow bowl made by Tule Indians of Mulatupa on San Blaz coast of Panama (122701); archeological and ethnological specimens from Ecuador and Peru, and collection of land snail shells obtained by M. W. Stirling in 1932 (122704); fragment of a coarse shell-tem- pered pottery slab found in a stone grave near Nashville, Tenn. (122705); 1 lot of bones, consisting of wild turkey, raven, golden eagle, and little brown crane collected by Dr. F. H. H. Roberts, Jr., at Long H Ranch, eastern Arizona, 1929 (120772); quirt and beaded bag collected by George R. Cassedy at Pawnee Junction, Nebr., in 1869 from Buckskin Charlie (122979); 6 projectile points from Yuma County, Colo. (124507). Nattonal Museum, collected by mem- bers of staff: Aschemeier, C. R.: 13 birds, 1,436 fishes, 200 shrimps, 25 crawfishes, 6 turtles, 9 frogs, 4 lots of tadpoles, 4 lizards, 12 insects and larvae, and 50 shells collected in Florida, 1932-33 (122689). Bartsch, Dr. Paul: 49 birds in alcohol, 4 turtles, 7 inver- tebrates, 21 echinoderms, and 250 land and marine shells from the Tortugas and Florida (120571). Bartsch, Dr. Paul, and Charles Gilbert: 3,400 fresh-water shells and 340 land shells from Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia (121095). Bassler, Dr. R. 8.: About 300 Silurian and Mississippian crinoids and cystids and 1,000 miscellaneous fossils from Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee (121127). Benn, James H.: minerals from Forest of Dean, Kingston and Ellenville, N.Y., and 174. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 Franklin, N.J. (120330); 2 speci- mens of calcitic stalagmites from Mount Etna, near Beaver Creek, Md. (123080). Division of Birds: 39 birds in alcohol (124588). Boss, N. H.,and Dr. Remington Kel- logg: A cetacean specimen con- sisting of 2 dorsal vertebrae and 7 ribs, from Miocene, Calvert forma- tion, south of Plum Point, Md. (121779). Collins, Henry B., Jr.: 1 lot of bird bones from Alaska (121088). Cooper, Dr. G. A.:: Invertebrate fossils from Cam- brian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian of Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, and Chenango, Otsego, Schoharie, and Albany Counties, N.Y. (120092). Denmark, C. R.: Large master clock and accessories from electric-clock system in- stalled in Arts and _ lIudustries Building about 1880 (123081). Ford, J. A.: 1 bowhead whale skull from Point Barrow, Alaska (121774) ; 190 specimens of skeletal material, 169 birdskins, 15 mam- mals, and some Pleistocene horse material from Point Barrow, Alas- ka (122649). Foshag, W. F., and James H. Benn: About 55 speci- mens of minerals from Amelia, Va. (121861). Gilmore, C. W.: Miocene and Oligocene fossils ob- tained by expedition of 1932 in Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota (121290). Henderson, E. P.: Rocks, ores, and minerals col- lected in 1932 for the Museum with cooperation of Canfield fund (124181). Hrdliéka, Dr. Ales: Archeological and human skeletal material, bird and mammal bones, and mollusks, obtained in Alaska in 19382 (119325, 121089); 156 mollusks from Middle Goose Is- land, Kodiak, Alaska (121561). Division of Insects: Old micro- scope, Queens & Co., no. 1392 (124271)... Maxon, HDr-eWiwk.: 5 ferns from Georgetown, D.C. (121057). Miller, G.S., Jr.: Mam- mals, reptiles, plants, archeological material, insects, shells, and woods collected in Puerto Rico in 19382, also 25 fishes from Lake Guanica, Puerto Rico (118458). Morton, C. V.: 1,897 plants collected in Oaxaca by C. V. Morton and Dr. Emil Makrinius, also 180 insects (122747) . “Richards, Dr. ie sGe 786 mollusks, 1 echinoderm, small collection of Crustacea, from Ber- muda (120209). Schmitt, Dr. W. L.: Specimens taken at Tortugas, Fla., in 1932 under auspices of Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton, comprising about 1,900 crus- taceans, 1 sponge, 35 coelenterates, 5 bryozoans, 1 pycnogonid, 6 lots of foraminifera, 300 mollusks, 3 plants, echinoderms, fishes, and 5 insects (119885) ; iarge collection of Crustacea and 9 birds for skeleton- izing and 1 bird skull collected for the Museum while guest of Capt. G. Allan Hancock on cruise of yacht Velero III to Galapagos Islands, 1933 (122445). Setzler, F. M.: Archeological and skeletal material, including miscellaneous mammal bones, collected in 1932 from six caves in Brewster County, in Big Bend region of Texas, also bird bones (118169). Wetmore, Dr. A.: 95 bird skins and 38 skele- tons (122034). Nattonal Museum, obtained by pur- chase: Skeleton of a dugong from Bribie Island, Brisbane, Queens- land (118656); 1 Edison projecting kinetoscope (119335); 58 beetles (119760); 311 plants from Texas (119807); a fossil fish from Nio- brara cretaceous chalk, Logan County, Kans. (119810); 3 bird- skins of forms new to the collec- tion (119838) ; 451 plants collected in Brazil by Mrs. Ynes Mexia (119963); 2 Attu baskets from Aleutian Islands (119991); 100 plants from Switzerland (119992) ; collection of copepod crustaceans of the late Charles Dwight Marsh consisting of 3,307 slide mounts of copepods, including representative REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM CES material of 26 new species, to- gether with card catalogs, li- brary pamphlets, and other ma- terial (120079); 52 microscopic slide mounts of isopods and 49 alcoholic specimen of isopods (120082); 3 snakes from Colombia (120335); skins and skulls of 3 bamboo rats, and 2 jackal skins and skulls from Ceylon (120367); 35 small Siberian mammals (120371); 3 birdskins from St. Lawrence Island (120382); 13 birds from Korea (120408); pho- tostatic prints of specifications and drawings of British patents of Robert Fulton, John Cox Stevens, and James Rumsey (120610); blueprints and photographs of early steam boilers and engines, purchased abroad by C. W. Mitman (120612); 1 Aru Island kingfisher (120819); a photograph of a watercolor by Bourne, showing C. F. Durant’s balloon over Park Place, New York City, in 1830 (121128); collection of fossils from Cuba (121129); 185 plants from northern Paraguay (121246); 144 insects, mostly Diptera (121251); 3 meteorite hammerstones found at Zichipilco, Valley of Toluca, Mexico (121264); collection of reptiles and amphibians and 2 fresh-water crayfish from Tazewell, Tenn. (121268); motion-picture film of walrus in San Diego Zoo (121322); 500 photographs of type specimens of plants in European herbaria (121482); 2,279 miscel- laneous natural-history specimens, comprising insects, birdskins, snakes, lizards, and mammal skins, and mollusk (121522); 9 birds new to the Museum (121844); 2381 Brazilian plants collected by Mrs. Ynes Mexia (122116); 9 lots, 272 specimens, of land and fresh-water mollusks (122420); 766 insects (122421); skeleton of a mosasaur from near Wakeeney, Kans. (122438) ; 100 Hepaticae (122670) ; 30 Silurian fossils from Amerika, Bohemia (122688); 2 model air- planes, 4%» size, illustrating An- toinette and Herring-Curtiss Push- er, early types that established world records in 1909 (122859); 4 photographs of type specimens of plants (123126); 5 Collotypes (Albertina facsimiles)—‘‘ Marie’s Himmelfahrt’’, after Tinteretto; Solna wcbawerhn< 4 ands iq chaverny & after A. Van Ostade; ‘‘Christ Child with Bali’’ and ‘‘Grass’’, after A. Diirer (123255); 1 Hem- field Railroad coverlet hand-woven about 1851 near Wheeling, W.Va. (123286); 1 6-arm clock reel for measuring yarn, and 1 pair of wool hand cards originally from Wardensville, W.Va. (123287) ; 232 plants collected in Boyaca, Colom- bia, by A. E. Lawrence (123288) 279 butterflies, many rare and new to the Museum collection (123350) ; 200 original etchings assembled by J. Kay, 1826 (123353); 26 mam- mals, 34 birds, 24 reptiles, and 1 lump of fossil resin (123397); 1 Choctaw flute and 1 Chitimacha basket (123461); 160 miscellaneous insects (123477); cotton and wool, hand woven coverlet, in overshot weave, made in Stewart, Va., about 1815, by Mary Martin (123565); 3 birds from Korea (123694); 36 prints, 12 from each of 3 plates made by Fox Talbot (1238728) ; 6 pieces of Mexican jades from collection of the late George F. Kunz (124081); 3. birdskins (124188) ; 9 silhouettes, 5 of which are purchases and 4 are small ad- vertisements (124189); 90 plants from Ecuador (124273); 11 pieces of glassware (124597) ; 143 pieces of American and Irish Belleek china (124598) ; 500 photographs of type specimens of plants in European herbaria (124606); 2 airplane pro- pellers (124669). National Museum, made in Museum laboratories: 4 casts of fossil ear of corn, made from specimen no. 35367 (120086); 3 casts of an un- 176 finished slate tube from original belonging to Dr. Charles Back (120266); cast of lobster from specimen in Museum of Compara- tive Zoology (121860); casts of various archeological specimens from Kentucky (122548); an ex- hibit arranged to illustrate Arabian period of history of medicine (122854); a series of charts, photo- graphs, and specimens arranged to illustrate history of pharmacy (122857); an exhibit illustrating evolution of United States medical standards, the pharmacopoeia and formulary, and commentaries on these books, the dispensatories (122969); 29 charts, maps, and drawings pertaining to archeology of the Old World, prepared in the Museum by S. E. Perkins under direction of J. Townsend Russell and Lorne Wedlock (123811); 14 photographs of Paleolithic sites and places yielding remains of fossil man, made from photographs furnished by Dr. A. Hrdlitka and films belonging to J. Townsend Russell (124072). National Zoological Park: 1 egg of California condor (120017); 149 birds (120018, 121100, 121667, 122369, 123259, 124062); 1 horse- shoe crab taken at Chesapeake Beach by W. W. Gingell (120215); 71 mammals (120235, 120787, 121404, 122138, 122858, 1238844, 124266); 3 pairs of antlers shed by animals and 2 pairs of deer antlers with a portion of skull attached from animals that died in the park (120705); 1 lot of 14 skeletons, 4 alcoholics, 2 birdskins, and 1 bird’s egg (120874); 1. gorilla from Alumbongo Mountains, 100 miles inland, west of southern end of Lake Edward (121674); a collec- tion of reptiles (78 specimens) collected by National Zoological Park British Guiana expedition, August-September 1931 (121867); skeleton of a Rocky Mountain goat, skin and skull of a Rocky ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 19383 Mountain sheep, and skeleton of a black bear (122396). SmMooker, G. D., St. Joseph, Trinidad, British West Indies: 1 birdskin and 2 sets, 5 specimens, of eggs (120132). Sopy, H. J. V., Buitenzorg, Java: 59 mammal skins with skulls from Java and Celebes, and 5 birdskins from Java and Sunda Islands (120188). Exchange. Soria University, Sofia, Bulgaria: 100 plants, chiefly from Bulgaria (120241). Exchange. SorpaHL, Mrs. L. O., Washington, D.C.: 1 plant from Southwest Africa (120155). (See also under Dr. Zschokke.) SoutH DaxKota STATE CoLueGE, Brook- ings, S.Dak.: 16 flies from South Dakota (123500); (through Prof. George Gilbertson) an uncrushed humerus of a mosasaurian reptile (128821). SoutH DaxKota StTatTE ScHOOL OF MINEs, Rapid City, S.Dak. (through Dr. C. C. O’Harra): 1 cast of Black Hills ‘‘ Bear Lodge” mete- orite (123104); 1 slab of Bear Lodge meteorite from Bear Lodge Moun- tains, Crook County, Wyo. (123579, exchange). SOUTHEASTERN TEACHERS’ COLLEGE, Durant, Okla. (through Prof. W. L. Blain): 100 plants from Oklahoma (1221383). Exchange. SouTHERN BroLocicat Suppty Co., Inc., New Orleans, La.: 16 shrimps (116365). Soviet UNION INFORMATION BUREAU. (See under Leningrad Institute of Mineralogy.) SPALDING & Bros., A. G., New York, N.Y.: 3 modern aviators’ helmets, 1 for winter flying, 1 for summer, and 1 provided with ear pockets for radio receivers (123074). re! Spreicu, Mrs. L. F. (See under Mrs. Mae I. English and Mrs. L. F. Speich. ) SpencE, Dr. G. C., Brooklands, Eng- land: 1 mollusk from Umyamweoi, East Africa (122031). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM SPRINGER FuNpD, Smithsonian Institu- tion: Collection of Paleozoic echino- derms and related fossils (123195). Sproat, A. D., Zacatecas, Mexico (through Dr. E. W. Nelson): 2 mountain-lion skulls from Zacatecas (120158). SPROUL, CHARLES, Walpole, Maine (through T. L. Jackson): 1 all-wood hame and an old pod auger (120614). Squier, Maj. Gen. GrorcsE O., Wash- ington, D. C.: Portrait of Maj. Gen. George O. Squier, U.S.A., retired, by E. Hodgson Smart (122728). STAATLICHEN Musrum, Dresden, Ger- many (through Dr. Fritz von Emden): 6 rare, determined, beetle larvae (120761, exchange) ; 32 beetles (122185). | STAATS-SAMMLUNG FUR PALAONTOL. UND Histor. Grou., Miinchen, Ger- many: A cast of type of a fossil mammal (124027). Exchange. StaBLerR, Mrs. LavurEeNcgE, Alexandria, Va.: 2 hand-made quilts, one in “stuffed work” with applique of printed cotton ‘Tree of Life”’ design, made in 1802 by Mary Mitchel; the other, appliqued with printed cotton floral motifs, made by her daughter in 1830, and a small sampler worked in 1733 by Hannah Reeve (123978). Loan. StTapDER, Capt. J. A., Washington, D.C.: Hand-woven, double-weave coverlet in blue and white, made in 1855, and a Jacquard weave coverlet in red, green, and purple, woven full width, formerly owned by lender’s grand- mother in Columbus, Ind. (120168). Loan. StaFrrorD, E. W., State College, Miss.: 6 crayfishes from Mississippi (116498). STANDARD TEXTILE PrRopucts Co., New York, N.Y.: 70 specimens illustrating manufacture of oilcloth (121138). STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. (through Prof. LeRoy Abrams): 3 plants from California (120242). Exchange. 177 Stan.LEy, Mrs. Ipa, Washington, D.C.: 2 plates, part of table service used on Graf Zeppelin during its maiden voyage to United States and return, 1928 (1238073). Loan. STANLEY, Dr. W. F., Minot, N.Dak.: 3 toads and 9 frogs from Minot, N.Dak. (124529). STARKWEATHER, Mrs. J. A., East Orange, N.J.: Sword and cane owned during early part of 19th century by Dr. Thomas Williamson, U.S.N. (124539). Stats, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF: Bronze medal issued by Government of Republic of San Marino in com- memoration of inauguration of first San Marino railway, June 12, 1932 (123269). STATION BIoLOGIQUE DU St.-LAURENT, Trois Pistoles, Quebee: (Through Prof. G. H. Prefontaine) About 105 marine invertebrates, composed of isopods, marine worms, anemones, Bryozoa, hermit crabs, hydroids, parasitic copepods, shrimps, amphi- pods, sponges, nemertean, leech, ascidian, and 2 species, 10 specimens, of marine and fresh-water mollusks from the St. Lawrence Estuary (116249) ; 12 marine shells, 20 amphi- pods, 2 isopods, 5 crabs, 102 shrimp. 39 hermit crabs, 1 galatheid, 55 euphausids, 9 mysids, 1 cumacean, from Trois Pistoles, Quebec (120948) ; 10 barnacles, 4 amphipods, 5 isopods, 5 mysids, 6 pycnogonids, from Trois Pistoles, Quebec (121656). STEELE, Capt. R. D., Port Arthur, Tex.: 1 porpoise skull from coast of Texas (113986). STEERE, Mrs. Grace E. Hotcoms, and Mrs. Eva C. Hotcomsp STOREY, Southwick, Mass.: A Herschelian telescope, a small astronomical transit and an instrument tripod made by Amasa Holcomb, and an astronomical notebook kept by him (123587). Stein, Miss Hrupa A., Carbondale, IIL: 2 salamanders from near Olive Branch, Ill. (124509). 178 Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Myzrs, Ok- lahoma City, Okla.: 25 plants from Oklahoma (120274). Stene, A. E., Kingston, R.I.: (See un- der the Rhode Island State College.) STEPHENSON, Dr. N. W., Silver Spring, Md.: Rose-breasted cockatoo (120608). STERNHEIMER Bros., Richmond, Va.: 3 aerostatic gas valves, a radiator _ shutter assembly, a crash helmet, and a parachute pump (124669). STERNKE, W. A., Opa Locka, Fla.: 20 fishes from Yucatan and Jamaica (124617). Stevens, G. W., Alva, Okla.: 2 fishes (120605). STEVENSON, J. A. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) STEYERMARK, J. A., St. Louis, Mo.: 12 photographs of type specimens of plants (120020). STILLINGER, C. R., Spokane, Wash.: 64 plants from Idaho (116397). Strrtine, M. W., Washington, D.C.: 350 Lepidoptera from eastern Peru (120152); copper and stone axes found by Indians in fields near Azo- gues, Ecuador, and purchased from them by donor (122702); archeologi- cal, skeletal, and ethnological mate- rial (83 specimens) collected by donor near Cuenca, Ecuador, in 1931 (123369). Stoter, M. H., Washington, D.C.: 2 slabs of graptolites from Middle Ordovician rocks near Pembroke, Va. (120811). Stone, Dr. ALLEN. Schnorrenberg.) (See under Harold Storry, Mrs. Eva C. Hotcoms. (See under Mrs. Grace E. Holcomb Steere.) STRINGER, HERBERT. (See under Brit- ish Government, British Museum.) STRONG,’ Hy. °T.,. New York,“eNsy:: 3 specimens of willemite (124185). Exchange. SuHRIE, J. E., Lansdowne, Pa.: 1 mount- ed raccoon skin (122295). ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 SupLten, H. H., Washington, D.C.: Piece of wire said to be from experi- mental telegraph circuit used by Morse and Vail in 1837-88 (124084). Svec, CHarues, Relay, Md.: 19 fresh- water shells of 2 species from Florida (123082). Swauuen, J. R., Washington, D.C.: 23 plants from Tennessee (121378). Swanton, Dr. J. R., Washington, D.C.: So-called Hopewell type pottery bowl, recovered from Marksville Works, Avoyelles Parish, La., by Mrs. Virginia D. Miller (122679). Swartz, Dr. F. M., State College, Pa.: 83 Devonian Ostracoda comprising types of 13 recently described species (120288). Tart, Prof. Roprert, Lawrence, Kans.: Portrait of H. L. Smith, inventor of tintype (124503). TatHoku ImpERIAL UNiversity, Tai- hoku (Formosa), Japan: 200 plants from Formosa (122680). Exchange. Taytor, C. H., Clarendon, Va.: Scale model, %o size, of a Curtiss Condor airplane, a modern type used for commercial transport and military bombing (120024). Taytor, F. A., Washington, D.C.: An old tool for sharpening millstones (121865). TeHon, L. R., Urbana, Ill: 4 plants (128362). TENNESSEE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Nashville, Tenn.: Fossil coral from Tennessee (121270). TENNESSEE, UNIVERSITY OF, Knox- ville, Tenn. (through Prof. H. M. Jennison): 50 plants from Tennessee (122218). Exchange. Texas AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANI- cAL CoLuEeGE, College Station, Tex. (through Prof. H. G. Johnston): 7 beetles from Texas (120688). Texas Pxrtrroteum Co., New York, N.Y. (through Dr. Julia A. Gard- ner): 10 Upper Cretaceous fossils from Tachira, Venezuela (123123). Texas, University or, Austin, Tex.: 3 ferns from western Texas (122401). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 179 Tuomas, Bos, Bowie, Ariz.: Fossil jaw | TRANSCONTINENTAL & WESTERN AIR, of a camel from Arizona (121125). Tuomas, C. C., Washington, D.C:: Inc., Kansas City, Mo.: Airplane pilot’s uniform cap (122203). Model of a 5-inch naval gun on 4 | Treasury, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE: pedestal mount (1218383). Tuomas, W. M., Keokuk, Iowa: A large quartz geode from Keokuk, Iowa (120216). TuHompson, Mrs. Anna S. Dr. C. F. Langworthy.) THompson, J. W., Seattle, Wash.: 576 plants from Washington (1208138, 120978, 122108). Exchange. TuHomsEN, Ricarpo, Montevideo, Uru- guay: 40 amphipods, 12 copepods, 8 shrimps, 4 ostracods, 3 cladocerans, 5 flatworms, 1 leech (122677). Tipp, W. M., Columbus, Ohio: 5 para- sitic copepods, new species including type, 3 paratypes, and 1 specimen covered with stalked protozoan (124318). TinpE, Miss Anna, Washington, D.C.: 1 book of veneer cut from western white pine with a slicing knife (See under (122390). TITHERINGTON, GEoRGE, Stockton, Calif.: Miscellaneous skeletal frag- ments excavated near Calif. (121144). Toutman, R. P., Washington, D.C.: Wood samples of black gum (121885). Tomxins, I. R., Savannah, Ga.: 16 shrimps (119840). Townes, C. H., Greenville, S.C.: 1 marine shell from Horry County, S.C. (128248). Towns, M. C., New York, N.Y.: 2 gold finger rings, one Chinese and the other Abyssinian (124584). Tracy, ArtHur, Hollywood, Calif.: 1 bee (121957). Train, Percy, Lower Rochester, Nev.: A fossil plant from Trout Creek, Oreg. (120901); 1 plant from Nevada and 2 fossil leaves (121356); 9 plants (121534); an unusually fine specimen of an iron stone concretion from Cre- taceous rocks of Cannonball River, N.Dak. (124236). Stockton, Bureau of the Mint: 14 United States bronze, silver, and gold coins struck in 1932 (1238584). Bureau of the Public Health Service: (Through Dr. Ida A. Bengtson) 6 flies from Georgia (121135); (through Dr. Carroll Fox) 4 botfly larvae (123079). TRENCHARD, Mrs. Epwarp, Babylon, Long Island, N.Y.: Gold and enamel badge of Company K, 7th Regiment, N.Y.N.G., and a bronze _ sharp- shooter’s badge, owned by Edward Trenchard (124248). Loan. TRENHOLM, LEONARD, Chattanooga, Tenn.: 1 scorpion from Tennessee (120952). Trout, G. A., St. Clairsville, Ohio: Frock coat and vest worn by William McKinley prior to his election as President of United States in 1896 (123575). Truitt, Dr. R. V., College Park, Md.: (See under Maryland Conservation Department.) TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA, New Orleans, La. (through Dr. W. T. Penfound): 4 plants from Louisiana 22107). Turton, JosEPpH, Washington, D.C.: 1 starling (121572). ULKE, Prof. Titus, Washington, D.C.: 4 rare beetles collected by donor near Great Falls, Va. (123344); 2 speci- mens of ankerite from Huddlestone mine, Bethesda, Md. (124299). UnpERWoop, Hatton, Madisonville, Tenn.: 1 beetle (121775). UNION oF SoutH Arrica, DEPARTMENT oF AGRICULTURE, Pretoria, South Africa: 13 grasses (123114). Ex- change. Unitep SHok MacHINERY CORPORA- TION, Boston, Mass.: 33 specimens illustrating new process in shoe manufacture (124674). 180 Unitep States GEorGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION, Wash- ington, D.C.: 2 official Bicentennial commemorative medals (121216). UNIVERSAL WinpING Co., Boston, Mass. (through A. A. Armington): 13 specimens illustrating work of Uni- versal winder (124604). UNIVERSITE DE LAUSANNE, Lausanne, Switzerland (through Prof. E. Wilc- zek): 107 plants (122526). Exchange. UNIVERSITEIT VAN STELLENBOSCH, Stel- lenbosch, South Africa (through Prof. C. G. 8. de Villiers): 140 mol- lusks from South Africa (118526). UNIVERSITETETS BoTaniskKE MusEum, Copenhagen, Denmark: 106 ferns from Dominican Republic (112984); 8 plants from tropical America (120244); 2 specimens of fern from Mexico (120988) ; 866 plants (122676, 124589); 2 ferns from Hispaniola (124319). Exchange. UNIVERSITY oF Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland: 38 Jurassic brachiopods from Poland (123374). Exchange. Uprrrcu, I. M., Keyport, N.J.: An adjustable metal airplane propeller of 1914 (123991). Uran State AGRICULTURAL CoL- LEGE, Logan, Utah: 14 insects (119724, 121955); 28 flies from Utah (121828, 121857, 123699); 29 beetles from Utah (121825, 122304, 123980) ; 136 bugs from Utah (121826, 122539, 123836); 36 bugs from’ Idaho and Utah (122983). Vacuum Oi Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.: Album of photographs illus- trating Col. Charles A. Lindbergh’s flights in Europe from May 21 to June 4, 1927; a vial of oil drained from his engine at Le Bourget Air- port, and a frame of certificates authenticating this oil (120349). VALENTINE, Dr. J. M., Chapel Hill, N.C.: 6 beetles, of 5 species, 5 of the specimens being types of the species and the other an allotype (120005). Exchange. VALERIO, Prof. Manuru, San Jose, Costa Rica: 92 miscellaneous insects, ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 2 lizards, 6 amphipods, 1 crab, 1 fresh-water mussel, 2 species (4 specimens) of marine and land shells, and 6 plants from Costa Rica (116237); 1 plant from Cocos Island (121155). VANDERBILT UNiIversity, Nashville, Tenn.: 41 Ordovician and Silurian trilobites from Tennessee (122311). Exchange. VANDER ScHALIE, Hpnry, Ann Arbor, Mich.: 7 mollusks from North Caro- lina (121407, 122395). Van Duznz, M. C., Buffalo, N.Y.: 11 flies, of 4 species (1 holotype, others paratypes) (123696). Van Dyker, Dovatas. J. D. Buckstaff.) Van Horn, Mrs. J. R., Washington, D.C.: A tall case clock of early 19th century (123481). Loan. van Horn, Miss Marian, Washington, D.C.: Fern from Virginia (121943). Van Hynine, Dr. O. C., Marianna, Fla.: 5 turtles from near Marianna, Fla. (122191, 122663) VENEZUELA O1L Co., Maracaibo, Vene- zuela: 25 fossil crabs from Venezuela (121840). VercsEs, E. M., Brookline, Mass.: 75 pottery and stone artifacts from Maunabo and Yabucoa, Puerto Rico (120355); small clay head from Dominican Republic and a rude stone mask from Puerto Rico (124462). VERMONT, UNIVERSITY OF, Burlington, Vt. (through Prof. G. P. Burns): 306 plants collected in Mexico by Dr. C. G. Pringle (123715). Victorias Minuine Co., Manila, P.L.: 187 miscellaneous insects from Philip- pines (118728). Vissaxicu, L. S., Ithaca, N.Y.: 1 bird from Siam (123829). VILLENEUVE, Dr. J., Rambouillett, France: 21 flies (121223). Exchange. Viutinrs, Profy ‘Ci G.) Ss DE Gsee under Universiteit van Stellenbosch.) Vinatt, H. N. (See under U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.) (See under REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL Vinson, Mrs. Kate C. Moran, Wash- ington, D.C.: A silk applique quilt designed and made in Baltimore, Md., 1845, by Mrs. Mary Jane Green Moran, mother of donor, when 18 years of age (123393). VirGIn Isuanps (U.S.), DEPARTMENT oF Hrattu orf, St. Croix, Virgin Islands (through Dr. James Knott): 1 crab and 5 shrimps from Virgin Islands (122067). VITREFRAX CORPORATION, Los Angeles, Calif.: A sample of kyanite ore from near Ogilby, Calif. (118672). Von Empern, Dr. Fritz, Blaseqitz, Germany: 7 coleopterous larvae of 5 species (121094). Exchange. (See also under Staatlichen Museum.) Von Escuen, F., Modesto, Calif.: 3 specimens of river-limpet and 17 star- fish from Oregon (1182385). VonsENn, M., Petaluma, Calif.: 9 speci- mens of minerals from California (121464) ; a specimen of glaucophane with apatite in chlorite (122380, ex- change); specimen of actinolite from Sonoma County, Calif. (124476). WaGGAMAN, Maj. ENNALLS, Washing- ton, D.C.: Crossbow, quiver, and 6 arrows collected by donor in Cam- bodia in March 1933 (124620). Waites, G. H., Vancouver, British Columbia: 94 amphipods (117319, 119853, 120205, 123596); 1 lot, 4 specimens, of shrimp larvae, and 500 copepods (123939). Watcott, Mrs. C. D., Washington, D.C.: 4 plants from Tennessee (120157); 2 plants (124064); 1 plant from Great Smoky National Park (1245383). Waker, E. P., Washington, D.C.: 3 gray-fox and 3 coyote skulls from Phoenix, Ariz. (122441). WaLkEeR, F. W., Monticello, Fla. (through F. H. Benjamin): 2 rare and beautiful moths, reared by donor (121263). War, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF: 2 copies of United States military decora- tion, the Purple Heart, with lapel buttons and ribbons (120213); 1 181 MUSEUM large reconnoitering telescope with heliotrope attachment and folding tripod, and 1 astronomical transit with cast-iron base (122836). Air Corps, 19th Airship Company, Langley Field, Va.: 7 propellers used on various airships operated by U.S. Army at Langley Field, Va., 1919-25 (124144). WarvDiaW, F. A., Jr., Inspiration, Ariz., and F. A. Warpitaw, New York, N.Y.: 4 original Edison incandescent lamps, an early Edison tin-foil phono- graph, a bust of Thomas A. Edison, 3 models of locomotives, 3 models of marine engines, and a galvanometer said to have been used by Joseph Henry (123470). Warp’s NaTuRAL SCIENCE ESTABLISH- MENT, Rochester, N.Y.: 33 crinoids selected by Dr. G. A. Cooper (120345); 1 Orthoceras from Bertie waterlime and 71 stromatoporoids from Devonian of Iowa (1219389). Exchange. Warez, E.R. (See under U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service.) WarRREN, E. R., Colorado Springs, Colo.: 8 bird skeletons (123346). WASHBURN, CADWALLADER, Mallorca, Spain (through Frederick Keppell & Co., Inc.): 54 etchings by donor for exhibition April 24 to May 21, 1933 (123845). Loan. WASHBURN, Rey. O. R., Orford, N.H.: 1 beetle (121358). WASHINGTON Firtp Musrum, Wash- ington, N.C.: 20 fossil shells from Runyon Creek, Beaufort County, N.C. (124883). WASHINGTON, STATE COLLEGE OF, Pullman, Wash.: 300 plants from western United States (122122). Exchange. WasHINGTON, UNIvERsITy oF, Depart- ment of Fisheries, Seattle, Wash. (through Dr. L. P. Schultz): 2 fishes, paratypes of a new species (123170). Watkins, W. N., Washington, D.C:, Wood samples of sweet cherry, col- lected by donor at Bethesda, Md. (124623). y 182 WayYNE CouorPLtaTE Co., Detroit, Mich. (through Russia Cement Co.): 1 small halftone print with 3 enlarge- ments to 4, 16, and 100 times original size, resulting from use of halftone screens, to illustrate use of glue in photo-engraving (120696). Wess, T. W., Lake Placid, Fla.: 1 moth from Florida (121220). Wess, W. F., Rochester, N.Y.: 161 pearly fresh-water mussels from United States and Australia (119989, 120254, 120869). Wepser, Mrs. Sypinua M., New York, N.Y.: 50 drypoints for exhibition February 27 to March 26, 19383 (123262, loan); 2 drypoints entitled ‘‘Listening’’ and “‘At Top Speed” (123727). WEIDHAAS, Ernest, New York, N.Y-.: 32 chalcedonic fossils (123722). Weiu, M. K., Montgomery, Ala.: Pots- herds from 3 Indian village sites in Alabama (124254). WeELLs, J. C., Custer, 8.Dak. (through E. P. Henderson): Examples of a phosphate mineral from South Da- kota (122090). Weis, J. W., Homer, N.Y.: (See under Dr. H. Yabe.) WESTMAN, JORGE, Santiago, Chile: Rough and polished samples of min- eral alkanasul from Chile (121494). Exchange. Wetmore, Dr. A., Washington, D.C.: 102 birds and 1 shrew (121265, (231d 1283845 Mees yl 2eeonF 123478, 123564, 123686, 123740, 123828, 123941, 123997, 124069, 124070, 124237, 124264, 124313, 124324, 124387, 124447, 124472, 124556, 124596); relic of a large wood cart axle, with iron skeins, skein ring, linch hoop, linch, and axle-box, from Stafford County, Va. (122554); 2 ptarmigan skulls (122827); speci- mens of bird bones from Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea, Calif. (122962). (See also under Smithsonian Institu- tion, National Museum.) Wuerry, Dr. E. T., Philadelphia, Pa.: 1 cultivated plant from Pennsylvania ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 (121259); 1 plant from Delaware (123999). WuittTaLtL Associates, Lrp., M. J., Worcester, Mass.: 22 specimens illustrating manufacture of wool car- pet yarns (123498). WIELAND, Prof. G. R., New Haven, Conn.: 2 specimens of fossil plant (120218). Wiaut, Mrs. Carvin, Washington, D.C.: Small collection of Chinese costumes, 4 scrolls, and a print (124071). Loan. WiuczEK, Prof. E. site de Lausanne.) WiuuiamMs, Mrs. Matintpa Dart, Al- bany, N.Y.: Early electric fan, am- meter, and framed coin associated with activities of Leo Daft, electric traction pioneer (123398). WiuuiAMs, 8S. E., Marco, Fla.: 1 sea- turtle egg (124077). WiuuiAMson, E. B., Ann Arbor, Mich.: 1 slide of a moth (122706). Wine, J. H., Los Angeles, Calif.: 3 gold stickpins reported to have been made in 1855 and worn by early California gold miners (123257). Wiis, W. N., Trappe, Md.: Working model of steam engine fitted with pear-shaped cam patented by donor in 1883 (124510). WILson, CHARLES, Clarno, Oreg.: 50 specimens of fossil fruit and impres- sions of leaves from Oregon (120601). Witson, W. H. (See under National Carbon Co., Inc.) Wine, L. W., Ann Arbor, Mich.: 2 horned larks (skins) (123275). WINKELSTEIN, CHARLES, Stamford, Conn.: 1 ‘‘gem” clam from Connec- ticut (120864). Wisconsin, UNIvERsITy oF, Madison, Wis.: Plant from Ontario (122047); 17 plants from Wisconsin (122108). Exchange. Witcomse, McGzracuin & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.: 2 scenic printed cotton drapery fabrics, Lindbergh Epic Toile and Abraham Lincoln Print (124182). (See under Univer- REPORT OF THE Woop, Miss Heten M. British Government, seum.) Woop, R. M., Philadelphia, Pa.: 54 in- sects (122642). WoopwarpD, ODorotny, Lawrence, Kans.: Plant from Missouri (122114). Wire BH. Penn Yan, N.Y¥oi2 specimens (type and paratype) of a pearly fresh-water mussel from Flor- ida (123488). Yass, Dr. H., Sendai, Japan (through J. W. Wells): 2 fossil corals from near Kamikatetsu, Kikaijima, Riu- kiu Islands (124659). Yoruers, W. W. (See under U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology.) Young, B. P., Ithaca, N.Y.: 5 mollusks from alimentary canal of a wood- chuck (121466). (See under British Mu- SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 183 Youne, Prof. R. T., Missoula, Mont.: 45 amphipods, 1 copepod, 2 Clado- cera, and 22 miscellaneous insects, from near Flathead Lake, Mont. (118247); 2 beetles (122831). ZELIFF, Dr. C. C., Washingtonville, Pa.: 1 helminth (115497); 13 (120609): 2 stoneflies (124195). ZOELLER, Miss Linian, Solomons Is- land, Md.: 1 crab and 2 lots of zoea from Patuxent River (120327). ZOOLOGISCHES MUSEUM DER UNIVERSI- TaT, Berlin, Germany: 1 crab, para- type (119190). Exchange. ZscHOKKE, Dr., Keetmanshoop, South- west Africa (through Mrs. L. O. Sordahl): 10 phyllopods, collected in 1931 at Omaruru, Southwest Africa (119554). fungi PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1932-33 REPORT Report on the progress and condition of the United States National Museum for the year ended June 30, 1932. 8vo., pp. i-vi, 1-181, pl. 1. PROCEEDINGS Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Volume 79. 8vo., arts. 1-34, xvi+626 pp., 76 figs., 115 pls. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Volume 80. 8vo., arts. 1-23, xii+603 pp., 54 figs., 65 pls. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Volume 81. 8vo., arts. 1-18, xii+571 pp., 136 figs., 64 pls. BULLETINS No. 39, part N. Directions for preparing specimens of mammals. Sixth edition, revised. By Gerrit S. Miller, Jr. 8vo., pp. i-ii, 1-20, 5 figs. No. 100, volume 12. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions: The fishes of the families Banjosidae, Lethrinidae, Sparidae, Girellidae, Kyphosidae, Oplegnathidae, Gerridae, Maullidae, Emmelichthyidae, Sciaenidae, Sillaginidae, Arripidae, and Enoplosidae collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross, chiefly in Philippine seas and adjacent waters. By Henry W. Fowler. 8vo., pp. i-vi, 1-465, 32 figs. No. 158. The copepods of the Woods Hole region, Massachusetts. By Charles Branch Wilson. 8vo., pp. i-xix, 1-635, 316 figs., pls. 1-41 (colored frontispiece). No. 168. American and EKuropean swords in the historical collections of the United States National Museum. By Theodore T. Belote. 8vo., pp. i-vii, 1-163, pls. 1-46. No. 164. The Canadian and Ordovician formations and fossils of South Man- churia. By Riuji Endo. 8vo., pp. i-iil, 1-152, pls. 1-38 (including 5 folding maps). PAPERS PUBLISHED IN SEPARATE FORM FROM THE BULLETINS From no. 100, volume 6. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archi- pelago and adjacent regions: Part 7, The Philippine land mollusks Cochlo- styla rufogaster and Obba marmorata and their races. By Paul Bartsch. 8V0., Dp. 329-342, pls. 83-86. From the same: Part 8, The land shells of the genus Obba from Mindoro Province, Philippine Islands. By Paul Bartsch. 8v0., Dp. 343-371, pls. 87-93. 184 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 185 FROM VOLUME 80 OF THE PROCEEDINGS . 2921. Insects of the order Orthoptera of the Pinchot expedition of 1929, By A. N. Caudell. Art. 21, pp. 1-7. . 2923. Revision of the nearctic ichneumon-flies belonging to the genus Macrocentrus. By C. F. Muesebeck. Art. 23, pp. 1-55. FROM VOLUME 81 OF THE PROCEEDINGS . 2925. Birds collected in Cuba and Haiti by the Parish-Smithsonian expedi- tion of 1930. By Alexander Wetmore. Art. 2, pp. 1-40, pls. 1-7. . 2927. The marine and fresh-water sponges of California. By M. W. de Laubenfels. Art. 4, pp. 1-140, 79 figs. . 2928. A new trematode of the genus Urotrema from bats. By Joseph E. Alicata. Art. 5, pp. 1-4, 1 fig. . 2929. A newly discovered West Indian mollusk faunula. By Paul Bartsch. Art. 6, pp. 1-12, pls. 1-3. . 2930. Decorative designs on Elden Pueblo pottery, Flagstaff, Ariz. By Walter Hough. Art. 7, pp. 1-11, 1 fig., pls. 1-10. . 2931. The fishes obtained by Lieut. H. C. Kellers, of the United States Naval Eclipse expedition of 1930, at Niuafoou Island, Tonga group, in Oceania. By Henry W. Fowler. Art. 8, pp. 1-9, 3 figs. . 2934. The forms of the common Old World swallowtail butterfly (Papzlio machaon) in North America, with descriptions of two new species. By Austin H. Clark. Art. 11, pp. 1-15, pls. 1-8. . 29385. Report on the hexactinellid sponges collected by the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross in the northwestern Pacific during the summer of — 1906. By Yaichiro Okada. Art. 12, pp. 1-118, 16 figs., pls. 1-6. . 29386. The trematode parasites of marinemammals. By Emmett W. Price. Art. 13, pp. 1-68, pls. 1-12. . 2937. Two new land shells of the genus Bulimulus from Bolivia. By Wil- liam B. Marshall. Art. 14, pp. 1-8, pl. 1. . 2938. A Miocene mollusk of the genus Haliotis from the Temblor Range, California. By W. P. Woodring. Art. 15, pp. 1-4, pl. 1. . 2939. Notes on the helminth parasites of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in southeast Texas, with descriptions of four new species. By Asa C. Chandler. Art. 16, pp. 1-15, 5 figs. . 2940. The helminths parasitic in the Amphibia and Reptilia of Houston, Tex., and vicinity. By Paul D. Harwood. Art. 17, pp. 1-71, pls. 1-5. . 2941. On a newly mounted skeleton of Diplodocus in the United States National Museum. By Charles W. Gilmore. Art. 18, pp. 1-21, 3 figs., pls. 1-6. 16528—33——13 186 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 No. FROM VOLUME 82 OF THE PROCEEDINGS . 2942. A remarkable new genus and species of two-winged flies related to: the Oestridae. By Charles H. T. Townsend. Art. 1, pp. 1-4, 2 figs. . 2943. A new Paleocene mammal from a deep wellin Louisiana. By George’ Gaylord Simpson. Art. 2, pp. 1-4, 1 fig. . 2944. The Chinese lizards of the genus Gekko. By Leonhard Stejneger. Art. 3, pp. 1-8. . 2945. Description of a tick, Dermacentor halli, from the Texas peccary, with. a key to the North American species of Dermacentor. By Allen McIntosh. Art. 4, pp. 1-6, 1 fig., pl. 1. . 2946. New fossil fresh-water mollusks from Ecuador. By William B.. Marshall and Edgar O. Bowles. Art. 5, pp. 1-7, pl. 1. . 2947. Two new nematodes, and notes on new findings of nematodes parasitic’ in Amphibia. By A. C. Walton. Art. 6, pp. 1-5, 1 fig. . 2948. A fossil rhinoceros (Diceratherium armatum Marsh) from Gallatin: County, Montana. By Horace Elmer Wood, 2d. Art. 7, pp. 1-4, pls. 1-3. . 2949. New fresh-water gastropod mollusks of the genus Chilina of South- America. By William B. Marshall. Art. 8, pp. 1-6, pl. 1. . 2950. A new species of extinct turtle from the Upper Pliocene of Idaho.. By Charles W. Gilmore. Art. 9, pp. 1-7, 5 figs., pls. 1-3. . 2951. A collection of birds from Great Namaqualand, Southwest Africa.. By Herbert Friedmann. Art. 10, pp. 1-12, pl. 1. . 2952. Five new species of North American ichneumon-flies. By Frank D.. DeGant. Art. 11, pp. 1-6. 2953. Fossil plants from the Aspen shale of SOROS ee Wyoming. By Roland W. Brown. Art. 12, pp. 1-10, 2 figs., pls. 1, 2. . 2954. Camptostroma, a Lower Cambrian floating hydrozoan. By Rudolf Ruedemann. Art. 13, pp. 1-8, 2 figs., pls. 1-4. . 2955. Descriptions of new ichneumon-flies with taxonomic notes. By R. A.. Cushman. Art. 14, pp. 1-16. . 2956. Description of two parasitic nematodes from the Texas peccary. By- Benjamin Schwartz and Joseph E. Alicata. Art. 16, pp. 1-6, 4 figs. . 2957. New termites from India. By Thomas E. Snyder. Art. 16, pp. 1-15, 8 figs., pl. 1. . 2958. A new nematode from the rhea. By Everett E. Wehr. Art. 17, pp. 1-5, 3 figs. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: NATIONAL MUSEUM 187 . 2959. Synopsis of the calanoid crustaceans, exclusive of the Diaptomidae, found in fresh and brackish waters, chiefly of North America. By C. Dwight Marsh. Art. 18, pp. 1-58, pls. 1-24. . 2960. West African snails of the family Achatinidae in the United States National Museum. By Henry A. Pilsbry. Art. 19, pp. 1-6, pls. 1, 2. . 2961. Descriptions of new and imperfectly known species and genera of gobioid and pleuronectid fishes in the United States National Museum. By Isaac Ginsburg. Art. 20, pp. 1-23, 3 figs. . 2962. Crossochir koelzi: A new California surf-fish of the SEL Embiotoe cidae. By Carl L. Hubbs. Art. 21, pp. 1-9, pl. 1. . 2963. Pottery of the Hopewell type from Louisiana. By Frank M. Setzler. Art. 22, pp. 1-21, 6 figs., pls. 1-7. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1933 To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution: Your executive committee respectfully submits the following report in relation to the funds of the Smithsonian Institution, together with a statement of the appropriations by Congress for the Government bureaus in the administrative charge of the Institution: SMITHSONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND The original bequest of James Smithson was £104,960, 8 shillings, 6 pence; $508,318.46. Refunds of money expended in prosecu- tion of the claim, freights, insurance, etc., together with pay- ment into the fund of the sum of £5,015 which had been with- held during the lifetime of Madame de la Batut, brought the fund tothe, amon toh sie ek Ne eee ea $550, 000. 00 Since the original bequest the Institution has received gifts from various sources, chiefly in the years prior to 1898, the income from which may be used for the general work of the Institution. To these gifts has been added capital from savings on income, gain from sale of securities, etc., bringing the total endowment for ‘general purposes toytheramoum bain ys a6 ho Ae 1, 121, 938. 03 The Institution holds also a number of endowment gifts the income of each being restricted to specific use. These are invested and stand on the books of the Institution as follows: Arthur, James, fund, income for investigations and study of sun and lecture on. the sume ce aie s oo eine Rae eee 2 an ee $46, 176. 01 Bacon, Virginia Purdy, fund, for a traveling scholarship to investi- gate fauna of countries other than the United States___________- 57, 846. 04 Baird, Lucy H., fund, for creating a memorial to Secretary Baird____ 9, 492. 74 Barstow, Frederic D., fund, for purchase of animals for the Zoological Pape OE cas De aD WA Rs 1 Os. Ine ipa 0 9) Gh naa A 878. 26 Canfield Collection fund, for increase and care of the Canfield collec- Fionn: Of Maite alls es sie a hh Meee ey Sy aaa ay i a 44, 162. 63 Casey, Thomas L., fund, for maintenance of the Casey collection and promotion of researches relating to Coleoptera___._.__.__-------- 8, 923. 05 Chamberlain, Francis Lea, fund, for increase and promotion of Isaac Lea collection of gems and mollusks________._----------- 32, 513. 80 Hodgkins fund, specific, for increase and diffusion of more exact knowledge in regard to nature and properties of atmospheric air__ 100, 000. 00 188 REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 189 Hughes, Bruce, fund, to found Hughes aleove --__.----.--------- 17, 492. 15 Myer, Catherine Walden, fund, for purchase of first-class works of art for the use of and benefit of the National Gallery of Art____-_- 21, 886. 49 Pell, Cornelia Livingston, fund, for maintenance of Alfred Duane ROWE COM. bt see), sl pues ey tS et es ee 2, 787. 63 Poore, Lucy T. and George W., fund, for general use of the Institu- tion when principal amounts to the sum of $250,000_______---_- 63, 642. 83 Reid, Addison T., fund, for founding chair in biology in memory of PANAMA TERT once. Uae 0 a Ee RE NG oh 24) RS og LEN SL 25,025. 08 Roebling fund, for care, improvement, and increase of Roebling col- Femmannarminendigt (oe Melis. ok ME ET ES ya 139, 339. 01 Rollins, Miriam and William, fund, for investigations in physics and PLBERT TASH TE yp 290M A i AS, SP 5 a 58, 779. 04 Springer, Frank, fund, for care, etc., of Springer collection and [Us PEA tg RUE e eR EG BAER SECU Meee een es 7 St) Sn ee ie eee ae 14, 883. 04 Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux, research fund, for develop- ment of geological and paleontological studies and publishing ECM RUMEN e Ola ai sche ICEL lee Ce a ie epee ea 11, 615. 48 wMounger-kelen Walcott; fund, held im trusts222-7-2- 22. -.-4 = 49, 812. 50 Zerbee, Frances Brincklé, fund, for endowment of aquaria-_-_-_------ 878. 73 Total endowment for specific purposes other than Freer EPELCKO AON SS 01 ONY epee ORR ate EN LMA SE awe aA eee 706, 835. 18 The capital funds of the Institution, except the Freer funds, are invested as follows: US. | Consolidated} Separate Treasury fund funds AASB ONB UR. Veena av ey 9 (00010 Gee een NS a SE al cae ed S46 SOS Olle a ae eee ae IBACUM VITA eundy, funda 2s 222222 le ee ee OT S4On OAR oe Pee 8 SE EDIT Cems TG Varley LUT eat Bea OOS Ae ON ES We EN QYAO Dy (45 hoes Se srs) fat Barstow, Hrederic D., Tund. = 22.2.2 tee ee S7 SH 260 Se ee SEN ee Cantreldi Collection; fund 2.2 ssono2 se SI RE eS 44 1G2S Gan et See Caseyahomasela:s fund. 228 3 Ue eh SEQISR Ope | ken sak uns (WHATCHA se yk AI Te eS Ae S2RSTSESO | So aE ey ve Hodekinsi(Gpecific)tund. 22252022 soe eee S100"0005 00/2 ascetic ee LEH OE ORS Jey aK ALOK Se ee I ees eee eee AO Deel hie | ees) Mae WiverseCotherinenWe, tind tet OF 2S eee eee PAR SSGYAO) | es Se Hell RC Ornelia ui vaneScoms LUT Gig eee ee ee ee DLS OIA ketal Poore, Lucy T. and George W., fund__-_.____- 26, 670. 00 SO; O26 83u,* see ok ee ReldseAddison i fundy 2) eee a 11, 000. 00 NAST 20 (ON | en ae ee Gp pune Collection fund... -2 5 )fogos ele Be IEE as oh Neg UBL BBO (ON bey Mae ees ky 3 OMIM S wViiTiam rama Williaris fume yokes es ieee eee Caf IATAO VI He ea dae a aes ae Smithsonian unrestricted funds: ANSAESES TF VHD 006 Ua SS TRS a es 14, 000. 00 AD OO SAS OF | tr ct he AE PEEGLO WAIT TUG PUTTAR Tie | ea hae DA GA A Ol oe eae Ee ANNE RB Repn NCU e MCU asic Sy a A SOONOO | Sette eras ot Sil eere Pee Nd irHaekenbers fin des. e552) Wee wie Onl te eng AS G45 N45 | Seve elle JS ieao oul \Roso Gh boVe lee Mee RAL Se 2, 500. 00 AGG: OG) tea EMO T UES yr E LTA CL ae PP ee MT Se Ee Ae Lie S96 SO nlp 28 Hodpkins general funds s- oo. se 116, 000. 00 SA O20 900 | eee ae ae IRATGnG TING 2227 Set NAIR Oe ee 727, 640. 00 1,409: 48 beens sy. eee BITE eS funds ete ok a a Beha oe a 590. 00 INGE TK)? | (Mare See ee tSYEGTN CO} x6 Fe fb 0 V0 [ae a eee aan OU, OUSLY as Se 1, 100. 00 TROD TeuOml teense eae SSG GOL Tie cent LE he OES Vee ee eegee getre |e RASA Re ILE oe 8d $14, 883. 04 Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux, fund._____|________ HTS GL OYA Ga ee ee oy Miouncer Helen Walcott: funde-- = a). eae | Se UNO AT uoa Eee, 49, 812. 50 Zerbee, Hrances Brincklé, fund 22222-2225 2 ee S257 ASH 37 | ae ree PDN UA oy LS eS oe eee 1, 000, 000. 00 764, 077. 67 64, 695. 54 Total $46, 176. 01 57, 846. 04 9, 492. 74 878. 26 44, 162. 63 8, 923. 05 32, 513. 80 100, 000. 00 17, 492. 15 21, 886. 49 2, 787. 63 63, 642. 83 25, 725. 75 139, 339. 01 58, 779. 04 56, 995. 35 172, 494, 45 500. 00 4, 645. 45 2, 966. 06 1, 396. 39 150, 626. 90 729, 049. 48 1, 136. 19 2, 127. 76 14, 883. 04 11, 615. 48 49, 812. 50 878. 73 1, 828, 773. 21 190 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 FREER GALLERY OF ART FUND Early in 1906, by deed of gift, Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, gave to the Institution his collection of Chinese and other oriental objects of art, as well as paintings, etchings, and other works of art by Whistler, Thayer, Dewing, and other artists. Later he also gave funds for the construction of a building to house the collection, and finally, in his will, probated November 6, 1919, he provided stock and securities to the estimated value of $1,958,591.42 as an endowment fund for the operation of the gallery. From the above date to the present time these funds have been increased by stock dividends, savings of income, etc., to a total of $4,736,907.59. In view of the importance and special nature of the gift and the requirements of the testator in respect to it, all Freer funds are kept separate from the other funds of the Institution, and the accounting in respect to them is stated separately. The invested funds of the Freer bequest are classified as follows: “Courtaandserounds fumells 6 01. MRT CT a $530, 719. 72 Court and grounds maintenance fund#si2 5 soos eee eee 133, 392. 99 Grito Par is Ge a ti oe a aE as ee 540, 030. 57 Residtiary: legacy soot io hs alae a ges ded Nar a a 3, 5382, 764. 31 pba a aS Re OEE Ea UIT LE te Ue 4, 736, 907. 59 SUMMARY Invested endowment for general purposes. _-.-.-.------------ $1, 121, 938. 03 Invested endowment for specific purposes other than Freer en- LO Wren Gs 2 Ei AWE SOIT TL es psn 706, 835. 18 Total invested endowment other than Freer endowment___ 1, 828, 773. 21 Freer invested endowment for specific purposes_-------------- 4, 736, 907. 59 Total invested endowment for all purposes_------------ 6, 565, 680. 80 CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS Deposited in the United States Treasury at 6 percent per annum as authorized in the U. S. Revised Statutes, sec. 5591____-_- $1, 000, 000. 00 Investments other than Freer endowment (cost or market value at date acquired): Bonds (20 different groups) -~2_2-_-...---- $368, 873. 41 Stocks (36 different groups) _...-.----.--- 430, 252. 66 Real estate first-mortgage notes__.-------- 16, 750. 00 Uninvested) capitals aa fein Nee a 12, 897. 14 SSS 828, 773. 21 Total investments other than Freer endowment-_--_------ 1, 828, 773. 21 Investments of Freer endowment (cost or market value at date acquired): Bonds (48 different groups) .._._--------- $2, 275, 487. 44 Stocks (3/ diflerent 2roups) eee ene nee oa 2, 371, 085. 15 Real estate first-mortgage notes_._.------- 58, 500. 00 Uninvested ieapitals.2 2s ae 31, 835. 00 ——__—_—_—_—— 4, 786, 907. 59 Total: investmentsic252 223 ee ee eee 6, 565, 680. 80 REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 191 CASH BALANCES, RECEIPTS, AND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE FISCAL 1 YEAR Washsbalance on hand June 30; 19322-2025. 22.2.2 2S Sees elt ee $250, 270. 59 Receipts: Cash income from various sources for general MOR OhLheInNstituuon. -- 2 ===eeere == 2S $67, 978. 99 Cash gifts expendable for special scientific objects (not to be invested) _.___-------- 124, 500. 00 ‘Cash received as royalties from sales of Smith- Sonianm oclentific Series. 222. 22 ee 2, 500. 00 Cash income from endowments for specific use other than Freer endowments and from miscellaneous sources (including re- fund of temporary advances) ___.-------- 58, 373. 59 ‘Cash capital from sale, call of securities, etc. (coubesreinvested)) 2b sie Se i eee . 226, 107. 44 Total receipts other than Freer endowment___---------- 479, 460. 02 Cash receipts from Freer endowment, income from! tmvestments, ete. loo 2. 2 2k ee 217, 437. 92 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, etc. Gtombe reimvested)is. 2. 52 ee Be 1, 190, 648. 13 ——_—_—_—_————_ 1, 408, 086. 05 “TEED Ss a i a RT Le a a 2, 187, 816. 66 Disbursements: From funds for general work of the Institution: Buildings, care, repairs and alterations_- $2, 013. 48 HurcMIcGuUTesand fixtures. 2 2 42 ee 58. 20 General administration ?-___..________ 24, 384. 37 Neioramy ss teil LEE eee Sees DS SE | 1, 882. 75 Publications (comprising preparation, printing, and distribution) 22-4. 2) 2 Oeil om Researches and explorations______----- 10, 605. 94 International exchanges______.-_.----- 3, 903. 48 ——_-——_—————- 52, 619. 79 From funds for specific use, other than Freer endowment: Investments made from gifts, from gain from sales, etc., of securities and from SAVIN ES ON COMCL es + eu hate meee 117, 601. 49 Other expenditures, consisting largely of research work, travel, increase and care of special collections, etc., from income of endowment funds and from cash gifts for specific use (including Lem pPoraly aAdvances)= aa ee ee 161, 978. 87 Reinvestment of cash capital from sale, call Of securities, ete. 9 yaaa) Foes uke 214, 539. 95 a 494, 120. 31 ————— 1 This statement does not include Government appropriations under the administrative charge of the Institution. 2 This includes salaries of the Secretary and certain others. 192 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 CASH BALANCES, RECEIPTS, AND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE FISCAL YEAR—continued Disbursements—Continued. From Freer endowment: Operating expenses of the gallery, salaries, field ‘expenses\epe soe bees. 2 Sy ueee $57, 896. 01 Purchases| of art iobyectses 2). se 166, 548. 77 Investments made from gain from sale, etc., of securities and from income__-_ los, OD Reinvestment of cash capital, from sale, call-of securities, ete. 2.0 > Moe eee 1, 175, 697. 63 —_—_—__—————. $1, 407, 668. 31 Cash, balancegune 30,1933. oie aera omer een 183, 408. 25: Potala sepsis eae dy FO ce ae ag 2, 137, 816. 66: EXPENDITURES FOR RESEARCHES IN PURE SCIENCE, EXPLORATIONS,, CARE, INCREASE, AND STUDY OF COLLECTIONS, ETC. Expenditures from general endowment: JAP CD Ca tionse twine 2 eek komm Basa lee agen eg ca yl $9, 771. 57 Researches and explorations__.__-____...-2___+- 20, 645. 32 Soop oe Expenditures from funds devoted to specific purposes: Researches and’ explorations. 2021-22222 22 es 121, 629. 71 Care, increase, and study of special collections__.__ 15, 7438. 11 Pao ee Gi ys i AU SE a 2, 117. 28 ——_—— 139, 490. 10 Total. 2 210 ee Soh DITO a0 A ee The practice of depositing on time in local trust companies and banks such revenues as may be spared temporarily has been continued during the past year, and interest on these deposits has amounted to $2,020.04. The Institution gratefully acknowledges gifts or bequests from the following: Dr. Adolph M. Hanson, income from certain royalties for conducting scientific work of the Institution. Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson, for deep-sea and other oceanographic explorations. Research Corporation, for further contributions for researches in radiation. Mr. John A. Roebling, for further contributions for researches in radiation. Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott, for purchase of Indian sand paintings. All payments are made by check, signed by the Secretary of the Institution, on the Treasurer of the United States, and all revenues. are deposited to the credit of the same account. In many instances. deposits are placed in bank for convenience of collection and later are withdrawn in round amounts and deposited in the Treasury. The foregoing report relates only to the private funds of the Institution. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 193 The following appropriations were made by Congress for the Government bureaus under the administrative charge of the Smith- sonian Institution for the fiscal year 1933. Snead Cx PENSES! tees te Uae Ee eS $38, 644 PR cieanne ST COUCCLION] ao eres ok eee 17, 500 arena tional. exchanges j.. 2 eee eZ ee 47, 529 PMc rey iNGlOg yo. See. i See os ee ee 66, 640 International Catalog of Scientific Literature_.-......------------ 5, 650 crap MsicAlbO ser ValOnyt ©. ose ee kes eek 32, 094 National Museum: Me mtenanceand operation _— “1-222 ee ess $148, 370 ibrescuvation of collections. =. =. 2 eee ee 617, 760 —#—— 766, 130 Patani Grallery of wArtss 2). bl 6 le oS 38, 220 iain ieOOlOsical “Parks! 5522.00 te ee ee 228, 880 Maren aren GH DIMM 2 = Fa Le kL) Re Be oe Se 62, 422 “TDS ese eee NR 2 UMN prs SD sD) ae ete 1, 303, 709 There was also an allotment of $12,500 made by the United States Commission of the Chicago World’s Fair Centennial Celebration for participation by the Smithsonian Institution in ‘‘A Century of Progress.”’ The report of the audit of the Smithsonian private funds is printed below: OcToBER 4, 1933. EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE, BoaRD oF REGENTS, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Sirs: Pursuant to agreement we have audited the accounts of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933, and certify the balance of cash on hand June 30, 1938, to be $185,308.25. We have verified the record of receipts and disbursements maintained by the Institution and the agreement of the book balances with the bank balances. We have examined all the securities in the custody of the Institution and in the custody of the banks and found them to agree with the book records. We have compared the stated income of such securities with the receipts of record and found them in agreement therewith. We have examined all vouchers covering disbursements for account of the Institution during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933, together with the authority therefor, and have compared them with the Institution’s record of expenditures and found them to agree. We have examined and verified the accounts of the Institution with each trust fund. We found the books of account and records well and accurately kept and the securities conveniently filed and securely cared for. All information requested by your auditors was promptly and courteously furnished. 194 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1933 We certify the balance sheet, in our opinion, correctly presents the financial! condition of the Institution as at June 30, 1933. WiuuiamM L. YAEGER & Co. WiuuiaAmM L. YAEGER, Certified Public Accountant. Respectfully submitted. Freperic A. DELaANo, R. Watton Moors, JoHn C. MeRRIAM, — Executwe Commattee.. 3 9088 01583 1217