Spearenckna tn eins ne ey SS oy tea mts f nan onthe ann tert hathnt ha no gn tn Lae bent adn tata no fat 4 Sahoo wt i Kt rin i Ht A iar PPL a . Ae O's ie Isis, VOYAGE OF HM Ss. CHALEENGER ZOOLOGY-—VOL. XIX. ON THE SCREEN PIEErG “RESULTS OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER DURING PES YOR Sat 87 3-7 6 UNDER THE COMMAND OF Captain GEORGE S. NARES, R.N., F.R.S. AND THE LATE Captain FRANK TOURLE THOMSON, R.N. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE LATE Sie Ca WY VILL Es LE OMS Oe Kents AE: RaSeattcs REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH DIRECTOR OF THE CIVILIAN SCIENTIFIC STAFF ON BOARD AND NOW OF JOHN MURRAY ONE OF THE NATURALISTS OF THE EXPEDITION ZooLOGY—VOL. XIX. Published bp Order of ber Majesty's Government PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE AND SOLD BY LONDON :—EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FETTER LANE EDINBURGH :—ADAM & CHARLES BLACK DUBLIN :—HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO. 1887 Price Twenty-five Shillings. oe J oe BP oe & jae “7 Pil 4 ry | 4 i Ps ¥ ‘ ‘ wi a eA ’ ' ‘ ‘ t i sd ‘ ' : 4 { F ' ” 4 oa A ~ { ; . . ‘ g PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY, EDINBURGH, FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. ' | CONTENTS. I.—Report on the Nemertea collected by H.M.S. CHaLLencer during the years 1873-1876. By Dr. A. A. W. Husrecut, LL.D., C.M.Z.S., Professor of Zoology in the University of Utrecht. (The Manuscript was received in Instalments between 12th October and 18th November 1886.) I1.—Report on the Cumacga collected by H.M.S. CHAaLLenGcEr during the years 1873-1876. By Professor G. O. Sars, of the University of Christiania. (The Manuscript was received in Instalments between 11th October and 15th December 1886.) I1J.—Report on the PHyLiocaripa collected by H.M.S. CHALLENGER during the years 1873-1876. By Professor G. O. Sars, of the University of Christiania. (The Manuscript was received 15th January 1887.) .—Report on the PTERopopa collected by H.M.S. CHaLLencer during the years IV.—R the P llected by H.M.S. C luring the y 1873-1876.—First Part. By Pav PEtseneEr, D.Sc. (Brussels). (The Manuscript was received 15th November 1886.) rate Jeti are ae x ee Pia i. i ASS ae - ~ | ee sal ei t= capone « ) AC CAT ay <9 a “Ca. A ; 7 a as o ie Pe y = EDITORIAL NOTES. Tuts Volume contains Parts LIV., LV., LVI., and LVIII. of the Zoological Series of Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition. Part LIV.—On the return of the Expedition the specimens of NEMERTEA, along with the Annetpa, were placed in the hands of Professor W. C. M‘Intosh, F.R.S., for description. In the year 1884, however, Professor M‘Intosh’s time being fully occupied with the Annetipa, Professor A. A. W. Hubrecht, of the University of Utrecht, was requested to undertake the investigation and description of the Nemertea, and the results of his labours are presented in this interesting and valuable Report. Parts LV. and LVI. are respectively Reports on the Cumacra and Paytiocaripa, by Professor G. O. Sars, of the University of Christiania, who has already contributed a most excellent Memoir on the Scuizopopa collected by the Expedition, which forms Part XXIX. of the Zoological Series of Reports. Part LVIII.—This Memoir, which is the first instalment of the Report on the Preroropa, by Dr. Paul Pelseneer of Brussels, treats of the Gymnosomata, and embraces a critical examination of all the genera and species of this little known order of pelagic aimals. The Report will be completed by subsequent Parts dealing with the Tuucosomara and with the Anatomy of the whole class. JouNn Murray. CHALLENGER Orrice, 32 QuEEN STREET, Epinsurau, 9th February 1887. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.8. CHALLENGER. ZO OMOGY: REPORT on the Newertea collected by H.M.S8. Challenger during the Years 1873-76. By Dr. A. A. W. Huprecut, LL.D., C.M.ZS., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of Utrecht. IN PROD UC LON: Ir was in September 1884 that the collection of the Challenger Nemertea was handed over to me for investigation, on the express condition that the whole of the MS. and plates were to be ready within fifteen months. I mention this, not only with a view of finding an excuse for omissions and curtailings which cannot fail to have been occasioned in this Report by its rather rapid elaboration, but at the same time in order to be able at the earliest moment to express my thanks to Professor W. C. M‘Intosh of St. Andrews, in whose hands the Nemertea were placed on the return of the Expedition, for his suggestion that the working up of this group should be entrusted to me, his own time being fully occupied with the description of the Annelida of the Expedition. He moreover placed at my disposal such notes as he had already found occasion to make upon the contents of the collection, some of them referring to species which he recognised as new to science. When in the following Report these notes are made use of, such passages will be specially indicated. The material, as it was put into my hands, was contained in about thirty small bottles, and was without exception preserved in spirit. It looked far from promising from a (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP.—PART LIV.—1886.) Hhh 1 th 2 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. systematist’s point of view. Hardly any traces of coloration were visible, no external appendages distinguished the different species, no definite shape, marked out by hard portions of the integument, which facilitate the recognition of representatives of so many other divisions of the animal kingdom, were anywhere noticeable. The majority of the specimens in the collection were cylindrical or flattened fragments, generally truncated, and rarely so intact that it was possible at first sight to distinguish between head and tail. The cephalic slits of those specimens which belong to the group of the Schizonemertea, and the mouths of many of the fragments, were the only external marks that could serve both for the discernment of what was posterior and anterior, and for a rough and provisional arrangement of the forms as they were probably related to each other. The various figures on PI. I. will give a general impression of the appearance of the fragments just alluded to. I more especially insist upon the poor aspect presented by the preserved material of the Nemertea in order to impress the reader with the fallacy of pronouncing an unfavourable judgment on a collection of marine invertebrates by relying merely upon the external appearance of the specimens. For I can hardly sufficiently emphasise the exceedingly good state of preservation of the large majority of the Challenger Nemertea. They were, indeed, in so perfect a state that the internal anatomy of all the fragments could be determined, and in very many cases delicate histological details could be revealed with as much facility as if the specimens had been captured a few days instead of ten years ago. I feel the more called upon to make this statement, and to express my admiration for the extreme care which the scientific staff have so evidently given even to unattractive and small-sized fragments, as it has been occasionally stated (even in certain of these Reports) that the Challenger material was sometimes unfit for the minute investigation of internal anatomical struc- tures. So far as the collection of Nemertea is concerned, this statement is absolutely unfounded. The study of the fragments and complete worms constituting this collection was only possible by aid of the microtome. This instrument was very freely made use of, and the most important improvement to which it has been subjected by Caldwell, whose automatic microtome was available, has enabled me to go into many more details than would otherwise have been possible. The total number of sections through different specimens of the Challenger material which have been prepared in the drawing up of this Report amounts to 19,560. They were all of them stained with Ranvier’s picrocarmine. As already mentioned in the Narrative of the Voyage,’ the number of Stations from which the Challenger obtained Nemertea is more than twenty. It cannot be said that any of the three large subdivisions of the group is limited to any special region of the globe, although representatives of the very lowest and most primitive genera of Palzo- Narr. Chall. Exp., vol. i. pt. ii, p. 831, 1885. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 3 nemertea are as yet only on record from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It is, however, very probable that these genera (the Carinellidee) are cosmopolitan, and have as yet only escaped detection because even in the region from which they are known they count among the rare forms. I have here only to add that in drawing up the list of the Challenger Nemertea, I will follow the subdivision into larger groups that was proposed by myself several years ago (VIL, p. 204),* and will successively treat of the Paleeonemertea, Hoplonemertea, and Schizonemertea. It may be remarked that in the first named group, which contains the most primitive and least differentiated representatives, the genera Valencinia and Eupolia (=Polia) were also provisionally placed. These two may be looked upon as, to a certain degree, transitional forms. New light has been thrown by the Challenger material upon at least one of these genera, and it appears advisable to let them stand in that subdivision, however far they may differ in certain respects from the typical Paleeonemertea, such as Carella, Carinoma, Carinina, &c., and however strong their | affinities may be in other respects either to the Schizonemertea or to the Hoplonemertea. 1 The heavy numerals refer to the Bibliography at the end of the Report. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERA AND SPECIES. NEMERTEA. A. PALZONEMERTEA. Family CARINELLID4. Carinina, n. gen. Closely allied to Carinella, from which it differs in the presence of a distinct posterior brain lobe, situated with the rest of the brain and nerve-stems in the integu- ment, outside of the body musculature. A ciliated canal penetrates into this posterior brain lobe. Carinina grata, un. sp. (Pl. I. figs. 1-38; Pls. I, IIL, IV.; Pl. VI. figs. 1-3; Pl. XI. figs. 1, 2). Two specimens of this new genus and species were obtained in the dredge, both from considerable depths, and from the same part of the Atlantic Ocean, namely, to the east of the United States (Stations 45, 47). The bottom is recorded to be blue mud, and the depth 1240 and 1340 fathoms respectively. This is the greatest depth from which Nemertea have been brought to light, and it is worthy of notice that this deep-sea form, which is at the same time the representative of a new and distinct genus, should be characterised by peculiarities of structure, hereafter to be more fully recorded, which are diametrically opposite to certain of the most striking features of the pelagic genus Pelagonemertes and of other forms that generally occur close to the surface. The most striking of these characters is the exceptionally strong development of muscular tissue in the body-wall, and coincident with this, the considerable reduction of the inter- muscular connective tissue, which in the surface forms becomes a gelatinous matrix in which both the internal organs and the musculature are embedded. It can hardly be doubted that this opposite line of development is to a large extent influenced by the much more considerable resistance to be overcome by an animal that has to move about at so great a depth of water. Of the external appearance of the fragments of this new species little need be said. 6 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. They are reproduced both in the Narrative of the Cruise (vol. 1. pt. i. p. 831) and on Pl. I. figs. 1-8. There is no trace of longitudinal lateral slits—so characteristic of the Schizonemertea—but a terminal crescentic groove (marked out by darker pigment and by more profuse ciliation in one of the two specimens) was present in both. The pro- boscidian opening could be easily detected in both specimens, the subterminal mouth in one of them. Incomplete as was the information that could be gathered from superficial examina- tion, very interesting data came to light after the two specimens had been transferred to the microscopic slides. From specimen @, which was dredged at Station 45, a con- tinuous series of transverse sections was made, whereas specimen b, from Station 47, was cut transversely along the region behind the brain, nearly horizontally through the brain and tip of the snout, and longitudinally through that region of the body where the nephridia are found. It is very striking that in all these sections the cellular integument is of a consider- able thickness when compared with the muscular (PI. II.; Pl. XL. figs. 1, 2). In it we may distinguish several strata successively characterised (Pl. IV. fig. 1) by an accumu- lation of nuclei, by profuse integumentary gland-cells, &e., which will be more fully described in another chapter of this Report. Curiously enough the contents of the deeper glands have a well-marked green colour in the anterior portion of one of the body fragments of specimen b, whereas they are brownish-red in the posterior portion, the whole fragment having first been stained with picrocarmine. A homogeneous basement-membrane separates the integument from the subjacent muscles. This membrane is more deeply stained than other portions of the intercellular substance and thus stands out very clearly. In the outermost cellular layer, distinct unicellular, flask-shaped glands are present (PL IV. fig. 1), although they are not so numerous as in many Schizonemertea, These facts authorise us to look upon the integument of Carinina as similar in all its essential elements to that of other Nemertea. We will further insist upon this similarity when describing Hupolia and Cerebratulus. Before we pass from the integument to the muscular investment of the body we have to mention the central nervous system, which is found outside the homogeneous basement layer just referred to. Where the tissue of brain and nerve-stems takes its course in the deeper layers of the integument, it is directly applied against the subjacent muscles, the basement-membrane being indistinct if not interrupted beneath these central parts of the nervous system (PI. IIL. fig. 7). In addition to the two lateral stems, each transverse section reveals the presence of a dorso-median thinner nerve-stem, corresponding to what I have formerly termed the proboscidian sheath-nerve. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. G There is, moreover, positive evidence as to the presence of a delicate nervous plexus, situated just outside of the basement membrane already alluded to, and which, judging from the available fragments, is present throughout the whole length of the animal. The transverse sections also show that a second nervous plexus may be presumed to be present just outside the inner layer of circular muscles. The details of this will be discussed hereafter when considering the nervous system. Passing forwards along the lateral nerve-stems we find them in every section fixed to the subjacent muscles by semicircular fibres indicated in figs. 7 and 8 on PI. IIL. Anteriorly the stems pass insensibly into the brain, which, as a mere thickening of the lateral stems, has as yet only attained to a very low degree of differentiation. In this respect the brain much resembles that of Carinella, from which, however, it differs in a very important point, viz., the presence of a posterior lobe into which penetrates a ciliated duct ending blindly and communicating with the exterior. This posterior lobe is situated, as is the anterior one, outside the muscles of the body- wall (Pl. VI. figs. 1-3), the inner channel is coated by a ciliated epithelium, differing in texture from the surrounding nerve-cells. The latter, however, can hardly be sharply distinguished from adjacent cells of a more indifferent character, and belonging to the lower strata of the integument. The muscular elements partaking in the formation of the body-wall are kept distinctly apart from the tissue, which we have described as the integument, by the homogeneous membrane above mentioned. Below this membrane we find a thin, circular, muscular layer (Pl. XI. figs. 1,2, 8), then follows the much thicker layer of longitudinal fibres (a), and finally an inner layer, thinner again, of circular fibres (6). The comparative thickness of these two latter layers throughout the cesophageal region may be gathered from Pl. Il. fig. 5. In the two circular layers the fibres appear to be more elosely set than in the longitudinal. In the outer circular layer the direction of all the fibres is, however, not perpendicular to the body-axis, a very regular network of other fibres which have their direction at an angle of 45° both with the longitudinal and the transverse axis, being closely interwoven with this layer. These are, however, not massive enough to form a distinct layer by themselves. The homogeneous intercellular substance, which is also present here between the bundles of muscular fibres, and which stains very distinctly with picro- carmine, is of course best visible when the bundles are widest apart. Such a portion is ficured in Pl. III. fig. 6. This intercellular substance is also seen to be again traversed by radial fibres passing between the two circular layers; nuclei are, moreover, present both in the intercellular substance and enclosed along with the bundles of fibres. Within the muscular body-wall are lodged—(1) the proboscis and its sheath; (2) the intestine ; (3) the blood-spaces; (4) the nephridia; and (5) the generative sacs. The space not occupied by any of these is entirely filled up by a tissue, which I will call the gelatinous tissue, and regarding which more ample details will be given in the chapter 8 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. dealing with the anatomy of the group. It is wholly continuous, and a body-cavity in which the above-named organs may be said to float, or to be suspended, is totally absent. A rapid survey of the peculiarities which these five systems present must complete this descriptive account of the new genus. The aperture for the proboscis, which is situated terminally, leads into an anterior cylindrical compartment, which remains passive when the proboscis is protruded or retracted. It is coated by ciliated cells, and at the posterior end the anterior insertion of the proboscis into the body musculature takes place (Pl. II. fig. 8; Pl. III. fig. 5). Although the name is etymologically not wholly adapted for the purpose, I still am inclined to adopt for this compartment, which is present in all Nemertea, the name of rhynchodeeum. ‘This name as clearly separates it from the cavity of the proboscis or its sheath, as that of stomodzum and proctodeeum distinguishes certain portions of the intestine of other invertebrates from the mid-gut. The rhynchodseum of Carinina has a great resemblance to that of Carinella, more especially because of the wide and much distended blood-space which wholly surrounds it, and in which it is kept in place by numerous strings of tissue starting from the muscular body-wall and inserting themselves on the muscular investment of the rhynchodeeum (PI. III. fig. 5; cf TX, pl. i. fig. 2). From the same figure it may be gathered that the internal cellular coating of the rhynchodeeum is more than one row of cells thick, and that these cells have a clear and distended aspect, with a comparatively small nucleus. The proboscis itself is inserted in a very simple way in the muscular tissue of the body-wall. The muscular investment of the proboscis curves round at an angle of 90°, and becomes continuous with the longitudinal muscular layer of the body-wall. The details of this arrangement may be gathered from PI. III. fig. 5, and it will there also be seen how the protruded proboscis remains fixed to the body all along this annular point of attachment. Thence it extends backwards as far as the proboscidian sheath permits, which, in the forms allied to Carinella, is only the anterior portion of the body. It is drawn back again by its retractor. How far backwards the proboscidian sheath reaches in Carinina could not be made out, as I only possessed two small anterior fragments, in neither of which the proboscidian sheath terminated. The proboscis itself could be examined with detail in the single specimen which was cut longitudinally. An anterior and a posterior portion of different textures are exceedingly distinct. They are separated from each other by a constriction. In the posterior portion the cells are eminently glandular, high and flask-shaped; in the anterior portion they are less high and appa- rently less glandular (PI. II. figs. 1, 2). Great differences in aspect, but not in actual texture, are of course occasioned by the different stages of contraction in which the various parts of the proboscis happen to be, The mouth, situated ventrally close to the anterior extremity, was very small in both specimens. The cellular coating of the cesophagus is very distinct, and the direct REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 9 application of the cesophageal epithelium against the muscular tissue most marked (Pl. IV. fig. 8), not even a basement membrane separating the two, whereas a suspension of the intestine by means of the gelatinous tissue is of common occurrence in other forms. The longitudinal sections prove that further back the intestine does not con- tinue as a straight tube as it sometimes does in Paleonemertea, but is constricted (PL. IV. fig. 2), the constrictions and resulting cxeca being, however, much less marked and prominent than in the Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea. Right and left of the intestine are situated the two longitudinal blood-spaces, which are direct continuations of the blood-spaces already noticed in the head, and which com- municate with these by passages that are encircled, together with the proboscis and its sheath, by the annular nerve ring formed out of the right and left halves of the brain and their superior and inferior commissures. The arrangement of these spaces has been fully described for Carinella by Oudemans,' and I may refer to that description, the arrangement being on the whole very much the same. There is no median dorsal blood-vessel in Carinina, and there is a very distinct: internal epithelium to the longitudinal blood-spaces, two of which are figured on Pl. LV. figs. 2, 5, 6. Transverse vessels of communication are not present in these two forms. I may perhaps remark that my researches (XIV.) on the development of one of the Schizo- nemertea have rendered it probable that also in the Paleeonemertea we shall have to look upon the blood-spaces in the same light as upon the cavity of the proboscidian sheath, viz., as a direct derivative or continuation of the blastoccele, for which cavities (in the adult state) I have proposed the name of archiccele. The nephridia are situated partly in the anterior portion of the blood-spaces, another portion traversing the muscular body-wall and leading to the exterior. In the portion of the paired nephridia exclusive of this excretory duct we may distinguish two distinct parts, one a continuous tube of varying dimensions, formed out of very regularly arranged cells with large nuclei, but not in any way forming a series of perforated cells such as are known in the nephridia of both Turbellaria and Discophora. These cells are distinctly ciliated and figured on PI. IV. figs. 4-6, Ne. The structure of the second part of the nephridium is not so easily unravelled, and my preparations of the two specimens do not suffice to reveal all the details. I find it to consist of a cellular mass of spongy appearance protruding along a certain distance into the blood- space, here and there giving evidence of a tubuliform structure, no internal funnels being, however, anywhere recognisable (Pl. IV. figs. 4-6, NV. sp.). I must here remark that the researches of Oudemans, who described in detail the arrangement of the nephridia of Carinella and Carinoma,? render it very possible that in 1 Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., Suppl. volume, 1885. 2 Loc. cit., p. 71, pl. i. figs. 4,55 pl. ili. figs. 56, 57. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART Liv.—1886.) Hhh 2 10 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Carinina internal communications between the biood-spaces and the nephridian channels exist, communications by which the cavity of the blood-spaces is thus directly connected with the exterior. As I have, however, remarked, I could not detect the presence of similar communications in my two specimens. The aspect of the spongy portion of the nephridium and its connection with the canalicular portion, as well as of this with the exterior, is represented in Pl. IV. figs. 1, 2, 4. As to the generative apparatus of Carina, 1 can only observe that one of the Challenger specimens is a male, that the fragment contains only two sperm-sacs in its posterior portion, and that these communicate with the exterior, each by a separate pore. Whether in Carinina the sperm-sacs are disposed metamerically as in most Nemertea, or irregularly distributed beneath the dorsal integument as in Carinella, could not be made out from this specimen. The general distribution of integumentary and muscular tissue, as well as of the cavities of the intestine (D), the proboscidian sheath (Ps), and the blood-space (b/) in the body of Carinina is indicated by the various figures of Pl. I. The proboscis itself is here indicated by Pr, the rhynchodeeum by a#Pr. Family EuPoLIIpD&. Eupolia, n. gen. Poiia, dele Chiaje. Integument generally thick in comparison with the body musculature, the two layers of contractile fibres of the integument never coalescing with the outer larger one of longi- tudinal body muscles as in certain Cerebratuli. Proboscis and proboscidian sheath thin and inconspicuous. Brain-lobes compact, posterior lobe long, wedged in between the superior and inferior ones. Often a commisssure of the longitudinal nerve-stems below the anus. No longitudinal cephalic slits but transverse grooves as in many Hoplo- nemerted. The necessity for creating a new generic name for the species of Palzonemertea | am now about to discuss is evident from the following considerations. The generic name Polia, when it was applied by delle Chiaje to a genus of Nemertea which he introduced into science (Polia delineata heing the typical species of this genus) had already been preoccupied in Zoology by Ochsenheimer, who in 1826 so designated a genus of Lepidoptera. This reason alone suffices to reject it henceforth from Nemertean nomen- clature, and this rejection is also facilitated by the fact that the same generic name has been used by other naturalists, such as Quatrefages (XXVIIL), Schneider (XXXL), &e., for Nemertea widely different from delle Chiaje’s type. It was an error of judgement on REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. itil my own part, when giving my critical revision of Nemertean genera and species (VIL), to retain the name Pola in that list, although I was aware of its inapplicability according to the accepted rules of nomenclature. I retain delle Chiaje’s Polia delineata as the type species for Hupolia. Eupolia delineata, (delle Chiaje) Hubrecht (PI. VII. figs. 9, 10). This species, which is very common in the Mediterranean, more especially at Naples, is represented in the Challenger collection by one fragmentary specimen, captured at St. Vincent, one of the Cape Verde Islands. The fragments showed no head, but the characteristic colouring of the specimen by thin brown stripes on a lighter brown back- ground, was still so distinct in the spirit specimen, that even in the absence of a head, I do not hesitate to identify this form with the above-mentioned species, especially after com- paring the sections through the fragments with those through Mediterranean specimens. In one of the fragments, which is the tail, a terminal commissure between the two nerve-trunks can be demonstrated; by a curious twisting of the fragment the sections seem to prove this commissure to lie above the intestine. Such a commissure is found in other species of Nemertea (e.g. Amphiporus, Drepanophorus), but a close inspection soon reveals that here, and also in other Hupolix, the posterior commissure is indeed found below the posterior portion of the intestine instead of above it. In M‘Intosh’s preliminary notes on the Challenger Nemertea, I find a notice made of this specimen to the following effect :—‘‘ The specimen is incomplete, neither head nor tail being present. The body is firm and rounded, measuring about 45 mm. in length and about 8 mm. in diameter at the wider part anteriorly The body is closely striated longitudinally, dorsally, and ventrally by alternate white and brownish belts, the pigment constituting the latter being situated on the inner side of the basement layer of the cutis, which forms a simple stratum.” oso sale Vist Vales. 4 ieee Eupolia geardi, (M‘Intosh) Hubrecht (PI. I. fi I. fig. 12). Pee Vitis 45 5s 8.5 el Xs fesiGise Ele: Kuborlasia giardii, M‘Intosh, in litt. This new species, which shows interesting peculiarities, is represented by one specimen, which was cut up into different portions when I first examined it, so that I can only give a sketch of the head but no figure of the animal 7n toto. A well-marked peculiarity of this species of Hupolia is its shortness, which even surpasses that of Hupolia curta from Naples. The head shows (see Pl. I. figs. 7-9) a faint annular constriction, not contmuous in the median ventral line. In this constriction the right and left external openings leading into the posterior brain-lobe are situated. Judging from what we find in other 12 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.5. CHALLENGER. Eupoliz, I suppose that this constriction is not so marked in the living animal, but that here, as in the Mediterranean species, two very shallow, strongly ciliated grooves in the integument, curving laterally round both sides of the head, were present, and that, during the process of preservation in spirit, the fold just mentioned made its appearance in the region where normally these transverse grooves are situated, What immediately distinguishes Kupolia giardii from its congeners is the thickness of the circular muscular layer in the cesophageal region. In M‘Intosh’s preliminary MS. notes on the Challenger Nemertea, I find the following remarks upon this specimen, which he perfectly recognised as a new species (the specific name giardii is taken from M‘Intosh’s provisional label), without, however, at that time referring it to delle Chiaje’s Mediterranean genus. “A comparatively large form, measuring about 40 mm. in length, with a diameter in its widest part of 6°55 mm. This specimen is colourless, bluntly rounded at each end and somewhat fusiform in outline. “The anterior end is almost truncate, with a dimple in the middle, caused by the proboscidian aperture, and there are traces of a transverse and a vertical groove, thus forming a cross at the tip of the snout. “ The latter is separated from the body by a well-marked fold which probably indicates a furrow, and which on each side does not quite reach the mouth. The mouth occurs on the ventral surface somewhat behind the foregoing furrow and in the form of a triangular dimple. A small aperture (anus) is situated at the dorsal margin of the blunt posterior end. . . . . The small size of the proboscidian sheath is remarkable. It has an external layer of circular fibres and an inner layer of longitudinal muscular fibres. Both are thin. It is continued to the posterior third. . . . . In the middle and towards the posterior third the body-wall presents a decided change from the foregoing—the alimentary cavity forming a large central space and the solid wall is considerably diminished in proportion.” In studying the sections of this species several additional points of interest came to light. ‘Those concerning the brain-lobes will be discussed in the paragraph treating of the nervous system in general; the general aspect of the brain as it may be gathered from a reconstruction of the sections is figured on Pl. V. The outline of the whole of the lobes and that of the internal fibrous core are here figured side by side in order to show the relations of the parts and the actual position of the ciliated canal that penetrates into a separate part of the brain-lobes more clearly. There is a terminal commissure between the longitudinal nerve-stems below the anus (PI. VII. fig. 8). The right and left longitudinal nephridial ducts (Pl. VI. fiz. 9, Nep.) communicate by deferent ductules (PI. VII. fig. 5, Nep.) with the exterior. Of the latter there are several; in the available transverse series through the head and cesophageal region | count five to the left and seven to the right, some of these (sections 298-325 left and REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 13 303-308 right, as well as 448-485 left and 450-485 right) being unmistakably opposite. The duplicity of these deferent ductules, as figured on Pl. VII. fig. 5, is the exception ; it was only noticed in this one case, all the other ductules being single. As to the generative ceca I find in this specimen (which is a male) that they are very full, and that dorsally and ventrally they assume a conspicuously lobed and arbor- escent appearance. The integument offers many points of interest which will not be detailed here as they will be more fully described in the paragraph devoted to it. Eupolia australis, n. sp. (PI. I. fig. 6; Pl. VIL figs. 1-8, 7). From M‘Intosh’s notes on this specimen I copy the following :—~ “Another type of a whitish colour, measuring about 19 mm. in length and about 2 mm. in its widest part in front. The body is tapered from the wide anterior region to the fractured posterior end. It is rounded in front, somewhat flattened towards the pos- terior region. The head having been retracted forms a short blunt cone projecting from the folds of the wider nuchal region. No trace of furrows exists, but the mouth seems to be at the bottom of the transverse dimple at the base ventrally. . . . . The inner longitudinal (muscular) layer is peculiar, for its fibres are somewhat regularly arranged, in long, parallel, and cccasionally pennate fasciculi, which in transverse section run inward from the former coat. There is a slight hiatus in the dorsal middle line above the proboscidian sheath, . . . . The proboscidian canal is somewhat thin. The specimen is a male and the sperm-cells form large masses.” The sections showed that the species was distinct from Hupolia giardii, which comes from the same locality, as also from the Japanese Hupolia nipponensis, which will be described below. They furnish the following data which it may be of use to recapitulate, in order to facilitate identification of the species when it is again captured in the same waters, and may then be described with its external coloration, of which no indication can here be given. The primary difference between every section of Hupolia australis and all the other species of Hupolia here described is found in its integument. That portion of the integu- ment which lies outside of the secondary basement membrane, 6 (Pl. VII. figs. 1-3), is by far the most prominent and the thickest portion, whereas in the other Hupolie it attains only half or even less of the thickness of the whole integumentary layers that are found outside the primary basement layer, Bct (Pl. VII. figs. 5, 9). In correspondence with this the secondary basement membrane is much thinner in these latter species than it is in Hupolia australis. The regular distribution of the blood-spaces round the cesophagus, and just behind it, is such that in addition to the medio-dorsal and the two ventral blood-vessels (br) it 14 . THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. would appear as if there were two other longitudinal ones, situated right and left of the proboscidian sheath (Pl. VII. fig. 1). This may perhaps also turn out to be a special feature of this species. Certain other peculiarities observed concerning the intestinal system must for the present be passed over in silence, for want of material to verify them. It may, however, be added that the nervous plexus and the dorso-median nerve are much less conspicuous (though present) in Lupolia australis than in Hupolia npponensis, where the plexus is in some places very thick (Pl. VII. fig. 11). In this respect Hupolia australis more resembles Hupolia giardii, where the plexus is not so very prominent, although the dorso-median nerve (PI. VIL. fig. 4) is distinct though not massive (cf, Pl. XI. fig. 12). Eupolia nipponensis, n. sp. (PI. I. figs. 4, 5, 10; Pl. VII. figs. 6, 11, 12). By this name I wish henceforth to designate a species of which fragments, partly heads, partly posterior body regions, which obviously belonged to different specimens, were collected by the Challenger in the Japanese waters. The series of sections reveal enough of common characters to deter one from assigning the fragments to different species. The species is characterised by certain features already alluded to in the foregoing description of Hupolia australis. If it resembles Hupolia giardi in the disposition of the different layers of its integument, it differs from this species in the absence of the unusually thick circular muscular layer (Pl. VI. fig. 9) found in the cesophageal region of the latter species. The deeper layers of the integument are most conspicuously developed and vacuolated. That its nervous plexus is more conspicuous than that of the other Hupoliw was noted before, and I may add that in the available sections a very good horizontal aspect was obtained of the brain-lobes, which showed these to differ in certain minor but still easily verifiable pomts from those of Eupolia giardii. The upper lobe appears to be much more cylindrical; so does the inner fibrous core. There is no superior additional gyrus to the superior brain-lobe with special fibrous core corresponding to what is described and figured for Hupolia giardii (Pl. V. figs. 1, 5, 7-9; Pl. VI. fig. 8). The connection between the posterior brain-lobe carrying the ciliated canal and the rest of the brain is, however, very intimate; they are soldered together along a very extensive surface. ; As to the proboscidian sheath, one of the sections clearly demonstrates how exceed- ingly thin and delicate it is, and how the separation of its cavity from that of the blood lacuna is even difficult to observe. In this as in other species of Huwpolia the distinction in the cesophageal epithelium REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 15 between the layer of ciliated cells immediately surrounding the lumen and the deeper layer of granular gland-cells is very marked. There is no muscular layer in the cesophagus as in Hupolia giardi (Pl. VI. fig. 9) or in Cerebratulus corrugatus (Pl. XIII. fig. 6); the thick layer of glandular cells just alluded to may here and there show a longitudinal fibre in addition to the radial ones that serve to suspend it in the circum-cesophageal lacuna ; for the greater part these cells project freely into this cavity and are bathed by the fluid it contains. B. HOPLONEMERTEA. Amongst the Hoplonemertea collected by the Challenger none are so different from those that are at present known as to necessitate the establishment of a new genus. Still several of them present certain notable points of interest by which our knowledge of this order of worms is extended, and which at the same time offer valuable material for more general speculations. The three genera Drepanophorus, Amphiporus and Tetrastemma, to which all the Challenger Hoplonemertea belong (when we except Pelagonemertes) appear to be very cosmopolitan; the same remark, however, applymg to the Schizonemertean Cere- bratulus, as will be shown in the sequel. Family AMPHIPORIDA. Drepanophorus, Hubrecht. The mouth and the aperture of the proboscis are separate openings. The exceedingly muscular proboscidian sheath communicates with lateral spaces that are metamerically placed, and have thin cellular or membranous walls. The armature of the proboscis often conforms to an aberrant type. Drepanophorus rubrostriatus, Hubrecht. This species, although not represented by complete specimens, was dredged by the Challenger off St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands, in July 1873. M‘Intosh identified the fragments before they came into my hands, and remarks upon them in his preliminary notes as follows :— . “Two fragments of a form apparently closely related to Drepanophorus rubrostriatus, the two measuring about 14 mm. by about 3 mm. in breadth. The colour of the animal is reddish-brown on the dorsum, with longitudinal pale stripes. “The ganglia and cephalic sacs are remarkably distinct and fer nerve-cords have a cellular investment. A very remarkable feature is the presence of large granular tubes which communicate with the cavity of the proboscis. 16 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. “The structure of the proboscidian sheath is peculiar, since the longitudinal fibres are . i) . OR . clasped in spaces made of the circular coat and in transverse section the lining is papillose.” Not only the remains of the external coloration but also the internal anatomy \\\\ \ \ WY XW RX WY \\ LAN \\\ SSS \ AN WS NY . SX SQ NN UI QXSSS WA AAS fia, 1.—Armature of the proboscis of an adult Drepanophorus serraticollis. H, curved handle of stylets with muscle- fibres attached to it; s¢, nail-shaped stylets in action; s¢’, nail-shaped stylets in accessory reservoirs, the number of these reservoirs more or less corresponding to that of the active stylets, and also increasing with age. convinced me of the identity of this fragmentary specimen with the Mediterranean species, which has, moreover, already been found by Langerhans at Madeira. Although REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 17 the Challenger specimen contained no proboscis (which had apparently been expelled), I cannot refrain from giving a woodcut of the curious and divergent armature of the proboscis as it was observed by me both in young and in older specimens of Drepano- phorus from the Mediterranean. In young specimens the number of pointed stylets and of reserve sacs is less considerable. This proboscidian armature is certainly one of the most marked and distinctive features of the genus, although, as we shall presently see, I feel justified in assigning other species to it even when the presence of a similar armature has not been definitely demonstrated. The specimen was a female ; the generative products are, however, yet very far from ripe. Drepanophorus serraticollis, Hubrecht (Pl. IX. figs. 5, 6; Pl X. fig. 5; Pl. XI. 10s Sin el eX freee leexey aig. 17): Drepanophorus serraticollis, Hubrecht, Aanteekeningen over Anat. van eenige Nemertinen, Utrecht, 1874. Concerning the specimens here referred to this species, I find the following notice in M‘Intosh’s preliminary MS. :— “Two specimens were dredged at Station 162 (off East Moncceur Island, Bass Strait), 38-40 fathoms, sand, length about 30 mm., with a diameter of about 7 mm., but both are broken. “The ventral surface is marked by a median and two lateral longitudinal grooves. “Externally the dorsum is tinted of a pale madder-brown without stripes. A darker patch runs in the centre of the head in front of the cephalic furrows. The under surface is pale. “The head is wider than the neck and seems to have been somewhat bluntly conical. The aperture for the proboscis is slightly inferior. It is marked by a prominent ridge indicating the cephalic furrows, which slope slightly forward on each side to the middle line, where they are separated by a short interval. Inferiorly they slope more distinctly forwards and inwards, and are separated by a wide interval, from which a median ridge goes forward to the proboscidian aperture. In front of this furrow, both dorsally and ventrally, there are a series of secondary furrows about thirteen or fourteen in number, running forward from the main groove. ee “In regard to the structure of the proboscis it agrees with the others of the genus, presenting no stylets. ‘“«The proboscidian sheath presents a regularly interwoven or basket-like pattern of circular and longitudinal fibres, and the inner surface is papillose in transverse section. No diverticula seem to be present. . . . . Many ova are found partially projecting through apertures a little external to the nerve-cord and corresponding to the very evident raised line on the ventral surface.” (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART LiIv,—1886.) Hhh 3 18 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. It needs no comment that it is at the least rather hazardous to identify with the Mediterranean species (which seems also to have been examined and figured by Quatre- fages when he gave the description of his Cerebratulus crassus), a specimen in which the proboscis, as well as its armature, is absent. Still the transverse sections offer such a very close resemblance to those of actual specimens of Drepanophorus serraticollis, that it would be again hazardous to establish a new species for the fragments, of which the colora- tion affords a less decisive clue than in the case of the foregoing Drepanophorus rubro- striatus—the madder-brown hue referred to by M‘Intosh being all that is preserved of the uniform though bright coloration which the specimen must have had when alive, if it agreed in this respect with the Mediterranean Drepanophorus serraticollis. I have, moreover, hazarded the identification with the foregoing specimens of a third fragment collected in the Kerguelen waters, of which not only the proboscis but also the head was absent. Here, too, the internal characters enabled me to refer the specimen to the genus Drepanophorus (the transverse ceca of the proboscidian sheath being in this case the guiding feature). The systematic position of this specimen thus only rests upon the similarity of the transverse sections and on the general yellow hue of the fragment, darker on the dorsal than on the ventral surface. The very thick-walled proboscidian sheath with its delicate lateral sacs, different in certain respects from that of a new species of Drepanophorus hereafter to be described, is figured on Pl. X. fig. 5. Drepanophorus lankesteri, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 22; Pl. IX. figs. 1, 2, 10; Pl. X. figs. 2,45 Pl OX, figs.) 5 PIS XLV: figs: :95 a0 = Sele xeverhi og 3): Of the three species of Drepanophorus contained in the Challenger collection, this is without doubt in several respects the most remarkable. One specimen measuring 30 mm. in length and 3} mm. in breadth was obtained; it was dredged at Station 49, in the waters of Nova Scotia. As to its colour when alive, the spirit specimen allows of no other certain conclusion than that the dorsal surface is darker than the ventral, which may have been whitish. No special markings are now traceable on the dorsal integument, and we may thus surmise that its natural colour, which has been only partly preserved in spirit, was in life brown or red. If I nevertheless feel justified in creating it a new species, it is because certain internal characters are so well marked as to allow of no confusion with the species of Drepano- phorus hitherto known. The two characteristic features which immediately attract attention in studying a series of sections through this species are, first, the presence of a series of transverse commissures (P], IX. fig. 10) metamerically placed at intervals of about 0:2 to 0°15 mm., and connecting the two longitudinal nerve-stems all along their course below the intes- REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 19 tinal ceca. Close to the posterior end of the body I cannot vouch for their presence; their extreme tenuity, and a folding of the sections, preventing the transverse commissures, if present, from being seen. Nor could I make out with certainty in the one specimen available, whether the longitudinal stems themselves coalesce above the anus as they do in the other Hoplonemertea, but on @ priori grounds, I can hardly doubt their doing so. Anteriorly, the transverse commissures were present even in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the brain, up to the point where the so-called vagus nerve branches off and stretches forwards towards the cesophagus. Although, on the whole, they have a very regular course, and are situated at equal intervals, still a few irregularities in these commissures must be noticed ; some of them branching into two, others being connected with the preceding or the succeeding commis- sure by a small bundle of nerve-fibres. The significance of this nervous arrangement will be discussed further on. The second characteristic to which I wish to draw attention is the presence of trans- verse czeca belonging to the proboscidian sheath. Although they are present in other species of Drepanophorus, so that we are justified in looking upon their presence as one of the typical generic characters, still I never found their walls so markedly developed as in Drepanophorus lankestert. Generally the walls are exceedingly thin and membranaceous (e.g., Drepanophorus rubrostriatus); here, however, they attract attention by the thick cellular coating which immediately reveals its presence both in longitudinal and in trans- verse sections. On Pl. X. fig. 4, the nature of this arrangement is clearly shown. Another peculiar feature of these ceeca of the proboscidian sheath is that I have found a few of them coalescing peripherally with the one preceding or following them by means of a short longitudinal extension, which allows these few successive ceca to intercommunicate not only by means of the proboscidian cavity, but also by means of this distal connection. The muscular body-wall of this, as of most other Hoplonemertea, may be shown to contain, in addition to the two layers a and B (cf. Pl. XI. fig. 8), certain cross fibres not forming a definite layer, but arranged at angles of 45°, and visible in sections parallel to the surface. The openings of the longitudinal canals of the nephridia to the exterior are situated . ventrally, posteriorly, and at the same time terminally; this constitutes another difference as compared with Drepanophorus rubrostriaius which has been already described and figured by Oudemans.’ On one side of the specimen investigated two openings of the nephridial duct piercing the integument are at all events observable, although somewhat more internally, before these deferent ducts have pierced the muscular body-wall, they coalesce. There is a very close proximity between the anterior nephridial ramifications and the lateral longitudinal blood-vessels. They do not, however, intercommunicate, nor do, as was supposed by M‘Intosh, the proboscidian sheath-ceeca and the blood vascular system. 1 Loe. cit., pl. i. fig. 7. 20 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Eyes are present in Drepanophorus lankesteri. In the (detached) posterior lobes of the brain there is a double canal as in most other Hoplonemertea, the one branch taking its course along the glandular cells, the other in the ganglionic part of this brain-lobe. As to the sexual elements, they are in this species enclosed in sacs that are ventrally situated, and although I have only one specimen at my disposal, which is just beginning to ripen, I still believe I may lay it down as a rule for the species that the gemital ceca are arranged in pairs in the vicinity of each nerve-stem, so that four are very often simultaneously met with in one section. This is, as we will presently see, a more compli- cated arrangement than that which obtains in the other species of Drepanophorus, but it is a simplification of the more profuse and less regular distribution of the genital sacs, as it occurs in Aimphiporus moseleyr. Amplhiporus, Ehrenberg. Stylet in the proboscis of the normal shape. Oral and proboscidian aperture con- fluent. No lateral ceca to the proboscidian sheath. Numerous longitudinal nerves in the proboscis as in Drepanophorus. Amphiporus moseleyi, n. sp. (PI. I. figs. 20, 21; Pl. IX. figs. 4, 7-9, 11; Pl. X. Hoss el eV. tes, Wt l2;, 20): Professor M‘Intosh has drafted the following notes on a provisional examination of the specimens before they were handed over to me, which I may here be allowed to insert :— “A large flattened species, the largest specimens about 68 mm. in length, and about 12 mm. at the broadest part. The body in those best preserved is somewhat flattened and with an acute edge along both sides of the tip of the tail. Anteriorly the body is thick and rounded both dorsally and ventrally, but posteriorly it is much flattened. In the preparation the anterior end is more pointed than the posterior. The ventral surface throughout is flatter than the dorsal. “The larger specimens are deprived of much of their cutaneous tissue so that they are comparatively pallid; in one (the smaller) the dorsum is of a dull blackish-grey ; while the ventral surface is either whitish or pale greyish. The lip of the snout is pale, and from this a pale line runs backwards to the tail on each side. This is not altogether due to pigment, for in those devoid of cutis a very evident whitish band is found along the anterior third, but it becomes indistinet posteriorly. “The head is somewhat truneated anteriorly and marked by a series of eyes which are rather deeply seated. In the large specimens these form a marginal band on each side along the antero-lateral margin of the snout. In the smaller a series begins on each side of the median line of the snout and runs in a tolerably straight line backwards to the slight narrowing of the furrow, while a somewhat triangular area superiorly is covered REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. ; Zi with similar eyes. The posterior boundary especially being so distinct as almost to make a special row. ‘Behind these a band of similar eyes runs upwards and slightly forwards, a consider- able interval on the summit of the dorsum separating those of each side. “The cephalic furrows slope outwards and backwards on each side to the margins dorsally, and from the latter point are continued ventrally outwards and forwards. “So far as can be observed in this form only a single aperture exists for the proboscis and mouth. This forms a well-marked slit in the ventral surface, a little behind the tipoftHe snout. . . = . “Th minute structure the proboscis corresponds to that of the typical form the stylet is simple and normal.” To this description of the external characters I have nothing to add, but may proceed to remark that the examination of the internal structure by means of sections has revealed the significance of the white lateral stripe, noticed by Professor M‘Intosh as not being due to pigment. It is, indeed, a peculiar feature by which this species is characterised, and which I have hitherto not observed in other Nemertea. All along the extent of this lateral and longitudinal whitish line (Pl. IX. fig. 8) the sections show the presence of numerous glandular (or sensory ?) cavities, opening to the exterior by very numerous pores piercing the integument, and both accumulated at, and limited to, the region where the dorsal musculature merges into the ventral (Pl. XV. fig. 11), and where, as in so many Hoplonemertea, the muscularity of the body-wall is reduced to a minimum, i.e., in the right and left lateral line. In the posterior portion of the body these organs were no longer present ; anteriorly, however, they could be traced even in the head (PI. X. fig. 3, gls.). Further details about their structure will be given in the anatomical part of this Report. The other chief peculiarities of the species which are revealed by a study of the sections, and which must be briefly enumerated in this summarising description, are :— the situation of the longitudinal nerve-stems, in the portion of the body where the intestinal cxeca are clearly developed, above these ceca about one-third or halfway between the lateral margin and the proboscidian sheath. It should be remarked that this arrangement is the opposite of what is observed in Drepanophorus, where the longitudinal nerve-stems, as elsewhere described, have their course below the intestine, or below the lateral ceca. The significance of this different arrangement will be elsewhere discussed ; in itself it is a feature very much facilitating the discrimination of Amphi- porus moseleyr from other Amphipori, where the nerve-stems are found much more strictly laterally, at least in those hitherto known. There is a very distinct commissure between the longitudinal stems above the anus. Another most characteristic feature which may generally be distinguished in every transverse section of the animal, especially when it is ripe for reproduction, is the situation 22, THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. a hl of the numerous reproductive receptacles. These are not situated alternately between each pair of intestinal ceeca right and left, as we find in the majority both of Hoplo- nemertea and Schizonemertea. In Amphiporus moseleyi, the distribution of the genital receptacles appears to follow a more primitive arrangement, and offers many points of similarity with what obtains in the Paleeonemertean Carinella, where there is not yet a regular metamerical arrangement of the genital sacs, but where there are short independent cavities, irregularly distributed under the dorsal body-wall, which they pierce \by means of short ducts. The outer openings of these ducts are seen on the dark dorsal ‘surface of the animal as so many fine white dots irregularly spread between the transverse aind longi- tudinal white lines that form such well-defined external markings in the species in question. Amphiporus moseleyi, as will be seen on comparison of figs. 4 and 7 of Pl. IX.,\has its generative sacs distributed very much in the same way, with this difference, however, that generative pores are situated not only on the dorsal but also on the ventral surface of the animal. When the animal is very ripe and the generative sacs are overfilled, it is manifest that this specific character may be more easily detected im every transverse section than in young or unripe specimens. As many as seven separate sacs/in one section were noticed. Both the male and female sex were found to agree in this respect. Another character peculiar to nearly all Amphipori—the coalescence of the oral and the proboscidian aperture into a common wider opening, situated just below the tip of the snout—is also met with in Amphiporus moseleyi. Amphiporus marion, n. sp. (Pl. IX. fig. 3; Pl. X. fig. 1; Pl. XV. figs. 14, 15). A second species of Amphiporus is represented in the Challenger collections by two specimens, the larger coming from Marion Island, and having been collected on December 26, 1873; the other from Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen, at a depth of 120 fathoms. The place at which the first specimen was obtained was an inducement to dedicate this species, in preference to any other of the novelties of the Challenger, to the indefatig- able naturalist of Marseilles, so well known by his numerous researches in the field of invertebrate morphology. Aimphiporus marioni, was one of the larger sized specimens, measuring 54 mm. in diameter anteriorly in its widest region. The body musculature may be said to be stronger than in most of the other Hoplonemertea (cf. Pl. IX. figs. 1-6); the longi- tudinal muscular layer shows a very marked pennate arrangement of the bundles (Pl. X. fig. 1) between which the gelatinous tissue penetrates, carrying with it massive nerve- stems which assume a more or less flattened, plexus-like arrangement, just between this longitudinal layer a and the circular layer B (PI. X. fig. 1, ne). The proboscidian sheath is also very muscular; the proboscis has the stylet of the normal Amphiporean shape. The nephridial system is comparatively short and has one pair of deferent ducts REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 23 situated at the posterior extremity; the longitudinal canal is anteriorly very copiously branched (Pl. X. fig. 1, Nep). There is a very thick basement membrane (P) to the integument, and very strongly de- veloped gelatinous tissue (Gt) inside the muscular body-wall. Curious granular enclosures (inc) occurring in this tissue, both in the head and in the body, will be elsewhere described. The longitudinal nerve-trunks are not wholly lateral but nearly so; there are no ventral commissures between them. The generative caeca assume the ordinary character of paired dorsal receptacles meta- merically distributed between the intestinal ceca. The generative pores are dorsal and situated above the nerve-trunks. The ova, present in both specimens, are in both of them characterised by a curious refractive body constantly present in addition to the nucleus, and staining deeply ? with picrocarmine. This “ paranucleus” can be seen to be present at the very earliest stages of the development of the eggs which came under observation; stages at which the eggs could still hardly be distinguished from the surrounding cellular elements in the wall of the generative ceca (PI. XV. figs. 14, 15). Family TETRASTEMMID &. Tetrastemma, Ehrenberg. Eyes four ; arranged so as to indicate a square or oblong. Specimens generally small. Tetrastemma agricola, Willemoes Suhm. Of this species, collected by Suhm in Bermuda (Mangrove swamps, Hungry Bay) and which is the only Land Nemertean procured during the voyage, no specimens have been preserved, although Suhm tells us that he collected a good many of them. So I must content myself with reproducing the chief points of its anatomy as they were made out by him in the Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. for June 1874. At the same time I have repro- duced one of his figures in woodcut. Suhm writes (Joc. cit., p. 409):— “The largest of these worms have a length of 35 mm. by 2 mm. in width. They are of a milky-white colour. Their movements are slow and sometimes catterpillar-like ; they shoot out their long proboscis, fix it at some distant point to which it adheres by means of its papillee, and draw their body after them. Their skin is filled with rod-like bodies as described by Max Schultze and others, and is covered on the outside all over with cilia. In the front we find two pairs of eyes, one of them near the entrance of the proboscis, the other smaller one further out ; they consist of a fine granulated pigment, imbedded in a colourless substance, which holds these granules together, in which, how- ever, a regular lens could not be observed; underneath these eyes is seen the prominent centre of the nervous system (fig. 1,4); it consists of two lobes and a ring which connects 24 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. them and encircles the proboscis. From the lobes depart the two lateral nerves (7) and some other cephalic nerves, which were not quite clearly visible. . . . . The cephalic fissures or ciliated sacs. . . . are either very small or wanting entirely. Sometimes a folding of the skin seemed to indicate their presence ; but in the contractile bodies of these worms it is very difficult to say whether you have a small cephalic fissure or a folding of the skin before you. “Underneath the ganglion, on the under surface, is the semicircular opening of the mouth (0) leading into an intestinal tube (¢), which runs through the whole length of the animal, without showing anything particular, and is terminated by an anus (a). The proboscis is divided into two portions— the papilligerous part and the glandular part. At the bottom of the former we find a peculiar spine . . . . this spine is remarkable because it differs in form according to the sex of its owner. In the male it has a rounded base and is pear-shaped (fig. 2, pr’),* while in the female the base has sharpened angles (fig. 3, pr’)... I do not think that such sexual differences have hitherto been observed in Nemerteans. “The ovaries and testes are, as usual, situ- ated between the intestine and the walls of the bodys som eee Le, establish for it the specific name of agricola, as there is probably no described marine species of Tetrastemma with which it could be identified. Fic, 2.—Tetrastemma agricola, Willemoes Suhm, 0, mouth ; “|, however, do not attach much import- g, brain; m, lateral nerve; 72, intestine; P¢ 1, rhyn- chodwum ; P¢2, papilliferous; P24, glandular part of ance to this point, as the object of these lines the proboscis; 3 and ca, region of the stylet and 5 : reservoir. is only to show that in America also land Nemerteans exist. Hitherto they were only known from the Pelew Islands, where Semper has found another, to which he has given the name of Geonemertes palxensis. I think it is highly probable that land Nemerteans exist to a greater extent in tropical countries than has hitherto been supposed, and that from their hidden life, and the impossibility of preserving them, they have hitherto escaped the attention of travelling naturalists. Especially in such islands as the Bermudas, where the earth of the lower grounds contains a great deal of salt, it may easily be imagined how marine animals have taken to terrestrial habits; and it was interesting for me to see that one Tetrastemma 1 These figures referred to by Sukm have not been here reproduced. REPORT ON. THE NEMERTEA. 25 when put into salt water would live there for twenty-four hours, but when put into fresh water died after a few hours time. Fresh water, however, poured over the earth which contained them, did not damage them in the least.” Tetrastemma fuscum, Willemoes Suhm (nec CArsted). A second species of Tetrastemma was noticed by Suhm during the first year of the Challenger cruise. In the paper just referred to, in which he describes Tetrastemma agricola, it is noticed in the following words:— “T may here also add that on our cruise from the Bermudas to the Azores I found parasitical Nemerteans on Nautilograpsus minutus, one of the gulf-weed crabs. They were small brownish animals, and occupied especially the underside of the crab, under the abdomen of which I found most of them. They did not exceed the length of 2 mm. and in none of them could I see genital organs. In fig. 4 I have figured one of these small parasites, which probably also belong to the genus Tetrastemma, though the second pair of eyes is only punctiform, situated on both sides of the proboscis. Nervous system and digestive apparatus do not present anything particular, and the proboscis (fig. 4, pr", pr”), is remarkable for its shortness. “T do not think that these worms attain their full size on the crab, but believe them to be young parasitical stages of some Nemertean which possibly lives on the gulf-weed.” In his journal, of which an abstract is given in the Narrative of the Cruise, vol. i. p- 169, Suhm further remarks about this species :— “The worm presents no modification induced by parasitism ; it appears to be a new species, and from its colour may be called Tetrastemma fuscum. . . . The ganglia are especially large and conspicuous. . . . The proboscis is very short, and distinguished from all other species I know of by having the stylet-sac placed close behind the ganglion and just above the mouth. . . . Length 0°75 mm., breadth 0°25 mm.” Suhm was apparently not aware that the specific name which he gives to his specimen was preoccupied for another Tetrastemma, as early as 1844, by Cirsted for the species that is now known as Tetrastemma dorsalis. No specimen being preserved, the special features enumerated by Suhm do not justify me in proposing a new specific name. For completeness’ sake it was, however, necessary to mention his observations. Family PELAGONEMERTID4. Pelagonemertes, Moseley. Pelagonemertes rollestoni, Moseley. It was indeed a novel and startling fact when detailed news’ appeared regarding the capture by the Challenger naturalists of a pelagic Nemertean, which, in addition to other 1 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xv. p. 165, 1875 ; vol. xvi. p. 377. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PART Liv.—1886.) Hhh 4 26 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. characteristic differences, was recognisable by a change in the constitution of its tissues, similar to that which is noticed in pelagic animals belonging to other groups, when compared with their non-pelagic allies, viz., the hyaline transparency of the body, with undiminished, or even with rather increased bulk. The first specimen captured was a ripe female, the second a very young female. No further specimens were met with. The first specimen, though somewhat lacerated, was preserved ; the second was observed alive and figured, but was destroyed. Before mentioning the results which have been obtained by a careful microtomy of the available specimen, I will here insert in full the interesting descriptions with which Professor Moseley furnished us as early as 1875,’ soon after the specimens were captured, and when he had been able to observe them in the fresh state. His first article? On Pelagonemertes rollestont rans as follows :— “This remarkable form was found in the trawl, together with a number of deep-sea animals, from 1800 fathoms, near the southern verge of the South Australian current, lat. 50° 1’ S., long. 123° 4’ E., March 7, 1874. Its appearance at once pronounced it a pelagic animal, the body being gelatinous and transparent as in Salpa, with the exception of the alimentary canal, which stood out in relief, being of a deep burnt-sienna colour (as is the nucleus in many Salpx), and the region of the sheath of the proboscis, which was less transparent than the remainder of the body. The animal was living when obtained, and when placed in fresh sea-water gave evidence of life by a feeble, regular, peristaltic contraction of the external muscular tunic, which increased on irritation ; the proboscis was also protruded and retracted several times. “The animal was about 4 cm. long and 2 broad, and 5 mm. in thickness. Hence its dimensions, and especially its thickness, render it unfavourable for a perfect examination of its structure under the microscope whilst in the entire condition. As only one specimen was procured, and as this was believed to be unique, no dissection was resorted to, excepting the removal of a small portion of the epidermis and external muscular tunic for microscopic examination. Hence the investigation of the structure of this Nemertine necessarily remained an imperfect one, and the affinities of the animal amongst other Nemertines could not be determined. “The animal is leaf-like in shape, narrowing to a blunt point at the posterior extremity, and commencing abruptly at the anterior. The proboscis is protruded from the summit of a protuberance occupying the middle region of the anterior extremity. The mouth is situate on the ventral surface of the body, just posterior to the aperture for the proboscis. It is a simple aperture with a plaited margin composed of five or six folds. It is the commencement of a short muscular tube, the cesophagus, which was seen to pass behind the most anterior prolongation of the main mesial digestive canal, but the communication of which with the latter was not traced. The digestive system stands 1 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, No. 87 and No, 96. * The figures which accompanied the article have all been reproduced on PI. I. figs. 24-27. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. ; 27 out very conspicuously in the fresh condition of the animal, from being of the deep burnt-sienna colour already mentioned. It consists of a broad, flattened mesial canal, somewhat broadest in the middle region of the body, anteriorly ending in a bluntly terminated cecal prolongation, and posteriorly narrowing gradually. As the posterior part of the animal was somewhat injured it could not be determined whether the canal terminates in an anus or not. “The mesial canal receives on either side lateral tributaries in pairs, which tributaries remain simple for some distance of their horizontal course, and then break up into ramifications. The most anterior pair of lateral canals is split up into by far the most ramifications. The ramifications become less and less in each pair towards the posterior extremity of the body, some of the most posterior lateral canals being simply bifureate, and one merely enlarged at the extremity. There are thirteen pairs of lateral canals in all. “The nervous system was plainly seen in part. A pair of rounded ganglia lie on the ventral and lateral surface of the sheath of the proboscis, being a little posterior in position to the mouth. A commissure passes above the cesophagus and between it and the proboscis-sheath. From the ganglia a pair of fine simple nerve-cords pass in a curved course down to the posterior extremity, where their termination could not be ascertained. “The cords cross ventrally the lateral digestive canals about the pomt where ramification commences. Further connections of the ganglia could not be ascertained. “The specimen obtained was a female. 1670" W. 80 | Volcanic sand Cerebratulus corrugatus. 06 >» 9», | Royal Sound, Kerguelen Ree Amphiporus moseleyi, Drepanophorus serra- ticollis, Cerebratulus corrugatus. »> >, | Christmas Harbour Cerebratulus sp. inc. (medullatus?), Amphi- porus moseleyt. 151 | Feb. 7 | 52°59’ 30”S., 73° 33’ 30” E. 75 | Voleanic sand Cerebratulus corrugatus. 158 Mar. 7 | 50°1'0”S., 123° 4’ 0” E. naa oe Pelagonemertes rollestoni. 162 | Apr. 2 | 39°10’ 30”S., 146° 37’ 0” E. 88 | Sand and shells | Drepanophorus serraticollis. 167A} June 27 | 41° 4’ 0"S., 174° 19’ 0” E. 10 | Mud Cerebratulus parkeri, Cerebratulus angusti- ceps. 168 | July 8 | 40° 28’ 0"S., 177° 43’ 0” BE. 1100 | Blue mud Cerebratulus angusticeps. 169 SLOW tS eS 4407 See 92.227\07 ih. 700 | Blue mud Eupolia giardii, Cerebratulus macroren, ELupolia australis. 1875. 209 | Jan. 22 | 10° 14’0" N., 123° 54’ 0” E. 95 | Blue mud Cerebratulus sp. inc. 232 | May 12 | 35°11’ 0” N., 189° 28’ 0” E. 345 | Green mud Cerebratulus macroren, Cerebratulus sp. inc., Eupolia nipponensis. June 5 | 34° 58’ 0" N., 139° 30’ 0” E. off Pelagonemertes rollestoni. Japan 1876. 821 | Feb. 25 | 35° 2’0'S., 55° 15’ 0” W. 13 | Mud Cerebratulus sp. inc. A glance at the foregoing table shows that the very large majority of Nemertea were captured in shallow water, and that they may, as a rule, be said to belong to the The most aberrant new types are the pelagic Pelagonemertes, and the genus that has come from the greatest depth, Carinina grata. The interesting peculiarity of a strongly developed medullary nerve, which is much less conspicuous in the European species hitherto investigated, occurs in species so widely apart as the waters of Nova Scotia (Cerebratulus medullatus), of Kerguelen (Cerebra- tulus sp. ine. (medullatus ?), of New Zealand (Cerebratulus parker), and of Japan (Cere- bratulus macroren). If we group the species according to geographical distribution, we find as novelties in the American part of the Atlantic— littoral fauna. Carinina grata, Drepanophorus lankesteri, Cerebratulus medullatus, and Cere- bratulus truncatus. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 51 Off Marion Island : Amphiporus marioni, Cerebratulus longifissus. Off Kerguelen : Amphiporus moseleyi, Cerebratulus corrugatus. Off New Zealand :! Eiupolia giardi, Eupolia australis, Cerebratulus parkeri, and Cerebratulus angusticeps. Off Japan : Hupolia nipponensis and Cerebratulus macroren. It might have been expected that a collection of Nemertea from different parts of the globe, preserved in spirit, would prove to be less valuable for our intimate knowledge of genera and species, and for our elaboration of the systematic arrangement of this group, than it would be for anatomical and histological purposes. Where external specific characters have come to be totally effaced, the details of the internal framework remain most per- fectly preserved for microscopic investigation. In the preceding pages we have encoun- tered difficulty in attempting specifically to determine the fragments forming this collection, and we have at the same time seen that only in four cases (Hupolia delineata, Drepanophorus rubrostriatus, Drepanophorus serraticollis and Cerebratulus corrugatus) coincident with extraordinarily favourable circumstances, was identification possible with species already known. That nevertheless new species could be established with certainty must merely be ascribed to the fact that the distinguishing internal specific characters, gathered by means of microtomy, were so marked and so divergent. Still we cannot picture to ourselves the appearance of these new species when alive and in the fresh state. As just noted, we have in this collection a much more reliable basis for the study of the anatomical and histological details. We must, indeed, recognise that we have to thank the exceedingly well-preserved collection of Challenger Nemertea for several new facts and suggestive results, to the description of which we will now devote a new chapter. 1 Mention is made in M‘Intosh’s Monograph (XTX., p. 96) of a New Zealand Nemertean, distinguished by Baird as Lineus nove-zelandiz, I have nowhere been able to find any description of this species by that author. After personal inspection of Dr. Baird’s specimen, which is preserved under that name in the British Museum, I do not, however, feel justified in identifying with it any of the Challenger specimens from New Zealand. Externally it much more resembles Cerebratulus corrugatus, and if this latter species is really encountered in New Zealand, Baird’s name will have to be dropped altogether. . ‘ ry n " : oF 7 ; nue 7 ian nae : a Ut. im t at ° ee . i os » an aM i, a a - r in ' - , : wl : aye : ' - . 5 a - Hey a a) _ a 7 7 : _ i} vt ; DY ‘ , | Ae = 3 = , : a) 4 ~ - : a =. = ’ , wm aa . an 2 : ’ . che 7 a : a ap , : va : f ; x ui - _ ; ; ; - o ie oe ne i a ” on) 7 : if , _ ; n : ae ry a te : a 7 7 ; : =| ro mi] 7 iy 7 " 7 : 7 ie : 7 - : a - Jap ' : Ys - i , - Tu i) a a f 7 » ; 7 7 - - . cz a, ‘7 - 7 i" - Bie! ‘ : 7 = Was 7 : : : AY! - : - la a +a a a: Si a ; = 7 i “ey sy el ai _ a ad et ae ee oo : gS has bY db iat vir) 7 i) ’ © Ue 1 - - y ‘ : am 4 pa, ~ oF rs ei 7 f acl te aie ay See . ; a wi ¥ . ier "9 ike 7 : ad Z .ve ; i yas ia - a khke bs. (7 red On : ja. ri ce ; ae ae a 7 vt 7 7 ue 7 a i te 7h. % ci 4 aoe 7) 4 q - Fae ae waif v eo Thay rae re a0 , f 7 ' : , i if a 7 - : wie} may oe) ne | vc an ; i : : 7 .) a i 7,4 L s 3 uy, P 7 + 2 —— ¥ Ds vy) ag) 7 Veta ws ew 7) ' : J _ ia hs ‘et ie na * La p i ee ‘ 7 Ty a. Brey ne uM, ea » ta = DL re j i : a 7 - ’ 7 ; , ears ) ~of Stee it dal re i 7 _ oD : , s oe ee ee eo : 7 a i ire z y . D ; : ) & URL mi - ap i J y oe i. a ' 0G : ou; | A | ' A 1A 7 : 7 i‘ ’ i = 7 : . if 7 . - = : 1 : ' ce i : a OP t cf oe ca : 7 1 3) 1 5 : ~~ ANAT OMT CAT SEN VRS i Gea PON'S: INTEGUMENT. By ‘“‘integument” I wish to designate the cellular layers as they are found outside the more or less stratified connective tissue, which is known as the basement membrane. The latter is of very varying thickness, and, for reasons to be given subsequently, will be treated in another paragraph. Glandular structures of the integument, whether enclosed within the cellular layers just alluded to, or stretching inwards between the muscles and piercing a secondary basement membrane, hereafter to be described, only by means of their communicating ducts with the exterior, will also be treated of here. Commencing with a description of the integument of the Palzeonemertea, it will be well to take the more important genus of which representatives are found amongst the Chal- lenger Nemertea, viz., Carinina, as a type. This is all the more desirable as we shall here find the central nervous system still clearly belonging to the integument, its constituents imperceptibly merging into those of the deeper cellular layers of the skin, and also lying outside of the basement membrane. The two specimens of Carinina at my disposal revealed the same features with respect to their integument, although in one of them the granular secretion in the glands that form part of it is much more copious. When we leave out of consideration the basement membrane, that can be easily detected in the sections by the uniform and deep red tint it acquires by the staining reagent (picrocarmine), we can roughly distinguish four constituent strata in the integument not in any way separated by sharp boundary lines, but characterised by the presence of different histological elements which we will now proceed to describe more fully. It will be understood that the absence of fresh material and the scanty supply of spirit specimens has necessarily limited the exact discrimination of these histological elements. Of the four strata alluded to, the one adjoining the basement membrane is extremely important, being the seat of those cellular modifications which must be looked upon as the differentiation of the central nervous system within the domain of the integu- ment. This position—it was already noticed in the description of the species given 54 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. above—remains the same in the adult, and we have in this more superficial situation of the central nervous system one of the surest indications of the more primitive position that ought to be assigned to Carinina and the allied genera, when compared with the other Nemertea. The intermixture of integumentary and nervous tissue is none the less evident in the medio-dorsal longitudinal nerve than in the lateral stems. The first named nerve, which in former publications (IX, X) I have, not wholly adequately (cf p. 182), desig- nated as the proboscidian-sheath-nerve, can readily be distinguished in my transverse sections of Carinina as a delicate stem. It is not situated, as in the Schizonemertca, just outside the circular and below the outer longitudinal muscular coat, nor, as in Drepano- phorus, Amphiporus marioni, &c., below the basement membrane just outside the same circular muscular coat, but it lies in this case actually outside the basement membrane, and forms part of the deepest layer of the cellular integument. Further, a plexus-like distribution of nervous tissue between dorgo-median and lateral nerve-stems obtains in this species, as was more fully described elsewhere for the Schizonemertea, connecting the three longitudinal stems and spreading round the body as a cylindrical investment. It must be remarked that this plexus-like arrangement is thus necessarily situated in the very layer of the integument with which we are occupied, and it may be added, that in numerous transverse sections of Carinina the presence of fibrillar nerve-tracts in this layer can be easily demoustrated, and these exactly resemble those that are met with in the nervous plexus of Schizonemertea. This plexus has, since my first notice of its presence (IX, X) been again observed by Dewoletzky (11) and other naturalists, and will be more fully discussed in a succeeding paragraph. The plexus here alluded to merges into the lateral nerve-stems. I may here once more emphasize the fact that the whole system les outside the basement membrane. At .the same time, however, the lateral stems would seem to be separated, though very incompletely, from the integument by bundles of fibres which bind them down to the underlying layer of circular fibres (Pl. II. figs. 7, 8.) In the vicinity of the brain-lobes it is impossible to distinguish between the cells of the deepest intecumentary layer and the nerve-cells. With respect to this layer I have further to state that its nuclei are less conspicuous, its cells paler, and the boundary lines of the latter less easily distinguished than in the other layers. Extremely delicate fibrillar tracts were already noticed as occurring in it. The next layer to this, when we pass outwards, is the glandular layer of the integu- ment. It is the thickest of the four, being alone often as massive as the three others taken together. The large, flask-shaped, and tubular glands it encloses contain a thick granular secretion, which is partly stained brownish-yellow, partly dark red in my pre- parations (Pl. IIT. figs. 3, 7, 8, gv; Pl. IV. fig. 1; Pl. VI. figs. 1-3). The ducts leading to the exterior penetrate the two outermost layers. The presence in the most peripherally REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 5d situated of the two latter layers of similar though much shorter glandular cells (PE V es fioss te Pl. VI. fig. 2, #), immediately contiguous with others of a larger size, makes it a subject for inquiry whether these are connected by transitional forms to those larger ones which form the layer we are now describing. This involves the not unimportant question, whether the glands constituting this layer are or are not unicellular. While I am inclined to accept the latter proposition, I feel that the question can only be solved by the aid of a careful inquiry into fresh specimens. The layer external to the glandular is one in which very numerous and deeply stained nuclei are heaped together. These nuclei occupy several rows in one section. The same may be said to apply, as will be indicated further on, to the corresponding layer of deeply staining nuclei in the integument of the Hoplonemertea. The very outermost layer bearing the cilia clearly contains, in Carinina, the same elements as will be described more in detail (vide infra, pp. 58, 61) for the Schizonemertea, 2.e., nervous end-cells, alternating with supporting cells, “ Stiitzzellen.” This layer, containing fewer nuclei and less granular protoplasm, is more transparent in transverse sections, and distinguished by fine radial striz, indicating the boundary lines between the contiguous cells. The four layers here described are not equally distinct in all sections, nor are they equally well marked in all the sections figured. Thus, for example, in fig. 4 of Pl. III. the glandular layer is feebly developed, and the two external layers are so indifferently preserved that their distinctive character, just described, fails to attract attention. The chief points enumerated can, however, even there, be easily ascertained. The partial absence, or, at any rate, temporary indistinctness of these eland-cells in certain portions of the integument can also be observed in tangential sections, such as the one of Pl. Ill. fig. 8. There, too, the groups of glandular cells to the right and the left are separated by a band of integument, in which they are decidedly absent. The same figure shows the different ways in which the contents of these gland-cells react on staining agents ; those to the right in this section have decidedly yellowish contents, whereas the contents of the group on the left had a deep carmine tint. This description of the integument of Carmina must now be followed by that of Eupolia, the only other genus of Palzeonemertea contained in the Challenger collection. The interesting genera Carinella, Cephalothria and Carinoma, are not represented in those collections and certain intermediate characters displayed by these genera, which serve to justify the identification of the different layers, which as I am going to propose can only be touched upon as far as they elucidate the phenomena. This I will defer till after the detailed description of the integument of Hupolia. Instead of four layers it would not be difficult to distinguish eight in the integument of this genus, not all of them separately and clearly represented in every section, but sometimes (e.g. Pl. VII. fig. 5, 9) sufficiently distinct. This arrangement may be looked upon as a further differentiation of an earlier phase, corresponding to that of Carinina, 56 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER, the chief difference being that the basement membrane upon which the whole integument rests, is not here, at least not in all specimens, so clearly defined, nor comparatively so structureless, as it is in Carinina, and as we shall again find it in the Hoplonemertea. Moreover, identification is somewhat obscured by the appearance of a second, homo- geneous, very thin basement membrane, which has also a strong affinity for the staining reagent, and which we must be careful separately to distinguish, if we wish to establish an adequate comparison between the parts in the different genera. This second basement membrane (B, in Pl. VIL figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9; b, im Pl. XI. fic. 2; Pl. XIII. fig. 6) divides the an external one, comprising the peripheral sense-cells and integument into two strata ciliated cells, the unicellular glands, and the layer of deeply-staimed nuclei; and an internal one, containing the longer and more tortuous glands, the deepest integumentary tissue, and, moreover, at least two very thin layers of fibres. If we count the thin basement membrane alluded to for one layer, this makes three strata externally and four internally to it—eight altogether. The different aspects of these strata may be gathered from the figures on Pl. VI. Fig. 6 shows the three layers outside the membrane B, and though the histological elements were not isolated, it was very obvious that large unicellular glands were here pouring their secretion to the exterior. The very outermost layer was here, as in all Nemertea, formed of strictly radially arranged cells, with far less distinct nuclei, whereas between and just below the secreting cells strongly stained nuclei give to this part of the integu- ment the peculiar radially striped appearance which it has when viewed with lower powers (figs. 2, 3, 5, 9). This same peculiarity is only less visible in fig. 6 because of the very copious discharge of secretion in the gland-cells. From figs. 5 and 9 it is sufficiently obvious, however, that these glands are not the only ones, but that in the layer indicated by Gi the darkly-stained secretion of more deeply lying, larger, and more irregularly-shaped glands is unmistakable, and is also seen to communicate with the exterior by fine tortuous tubes piercing the superposed membranous and cellular strata, about ten of these ducts being specially indicated in fig. 5. Their direct passage into the respective glands is not always visible in one section, the course of the tubes being tortuous. The same glands, though also present in the sections shown in figs. 2 and 3, are there less marked, because the secretion has not yet so distinctly accumulated. Here, too, the reference letters G7, point to the stratum in which we find them imbedded. A second constituent of this stratum is seen in cells similar to the secreting cells in the unripe stage (figs. 2, 3), but having afterwards a very distinctly vacuolated character, and then forming the surrounding and sustaining tissue for the functional glands. They might, then, best be designated as vesicular connective tissue (“ blasenformiges Bindegewebe”), with hardly any intercellular substance. The comparative thickness to which this part of the integument may attain is best understood from Pl. VII. fies. 5,9, Gi. That there is a sharp line of demarcation between it and the gelatinous or REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 57 lamellar connective tissue of the basement layer Bet, upon which the whole of the integu- ment rests, may here be specially insisted upon, and is indicated in the same figures. Finally, I have to mention the two layers of fibres which, though very delicate, form in Hupolia very constant and characteristic parts of the integument. They are imme- diately applied against the inner surface of the supernumerary basement layer B—an outer layer of circular and an inner one of longitudinal fibres. Fig. 9 (Hupolia delineata, long. sec.) shows them to be more conspicuous than figs. 2, 3 (Hupolia australis). Fig. 9 moreover, serves to demonstrate that the pigment, to which in this species the peculiar longitudinal brown stripes are due, is accumulated in the same stratum of the integument, where these fibrous layers are found; the section represented shows an unpigmented zone between two pigmented ones. The pigment is granular, and appears to be limited to this stratum. It was not met with in the other species of Hupolia. That I am justified in looking upon the integumentary arrangement of Hupolia as a higher differentiation of a lower type, which in general resembles the integument of Cari- nina, must now be shown by a short account of the condition of things in Cephalothrix and Carinoma, two other Palzeonemertea, both of them inhabitants of the European seas. Cephalothrix shows an advance in differentiation upon Carinina, by the deeper situation of the lateral nerve-stems (Pl. XI. fig. 15), imbedded in the outer longitudinal muscular layer. Still it deserves special attention, that in this genus the medio-dorsal nerve is still situated in the deepest layer of the integument (Pl. XI. fig. 5) outside of the basement membrane, and that, at the same time, the integument wholly answers to the description that we have given of the integument of Carinina. Carinoma, whilst generally agreeing with Cephalothrix in the situation of the lateral nerve-stems, no longer retains the longitudinal medio-dorsal nerve as part of the integu- ment, but in a somewhat deeper situation, enclosed in the basement-membrane. It also shows very decided complications in the structure of the integument. Whereas the basement layer is most closely similar to that of Carinina and Carinella, the outermost integumentary layer is much more distinctly cellular, provided with unicellular glands, and separated from the deeper glandular layer by the development of two layers of muscular fibres that were first noticed by M‘Intosh (XXIV), and by him interpreted as two accessory muscular layers of the body-wall. They are such, in fact, although I feel confident that we may look upon them as forming an integral part of the integument, and as being, together with it, wholly of epiblastic origin. Not wishing to give a figure of Carinoma, which does not form part of the Challenger collection (the diagrams on Pl. XI. may, however, be consulted), I must needs appeal to the confidence of the reader that a glance at a transverse section of the integument of Carinomea carries with it the conviction that it is, in this respect, truly the most conclusive intermediate form between Carinina and Eupolia, so that we are amply justified (1) in declaring the basement membrane (B of Pl. II. figs. 3, 4, 7; Pl. IV. fig. 1) to be not homologous with the one (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP.—PART LIv.—1887.) Hhh 8 58 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. also lettered B on Pl. VII., but to be so with the deeper layer, Bet of the latter plate ; and (2) in comparing the glandular structures of Carinina more especially with the deeper layer of glands of Hupolia, and in looking upon the unicellular glands of the latter as more particularly developed in the outermost layer. These latter are then comparable to the smaller and superficial unicellular glands which are met with in Carinina (PI. IV. fig. 1). Similar considerations concerning the homology of the differ- ent portions of the integument can be applied, as we shall see in the sequel, to the Schizonemertea, their integument in so many points resembling that of Hupolia, and being thus also linked to that of Carinina by intermediate forms, such as Carinoma. Amongst the Hoplonemertea it is most difficult to obtain specimens in which the integument is in a fair state of preservation. Even in the specimens that have been treated with special care, it is a rare occurrence to find a portion of the integument in which its different layers can be clearly made out. From what I have noticed in the Challenger specimens, there is a certain amount of uniformity which must first be noticed and compared with what obtains in Paleeonemertea and Schizonemertea. Sharply distinct from the basement-membrane, which, after removal of the integument, would even show a more or less honeycombed surface, are the deeper cell-layers of the integument, the rounded bases of these cells fitting into the honeycomb- like pits in the basement-membrane just alluded to (PI. X. fig. 2). These cell-layers, with very distinct nuclei, are in thin sections many rows thick. The nuclei are, however, never so close together as they are in the subsequent layer, which is generally situated about halfway between the basement-membrane and the ciliated surface (Pl. X. fig. 1). On teasing out the elements of this layer, we find long spindle-shaped cells, considerably thinning out at the ends, and only bulging at the spot where the deeply stained nucleus is situated. These nuclei, again arranged in several rows even in the thinnest transverse sections, are there disposed so as to fit close between each other, the thin ends of the cells being directed one towards the outer surface and the other towards the deeper layers before mentioned. It cannot be doubted that sense-cells, which very generally have a similar shape and position, are among these (cf: Dewoletzky, II). Towards the outer surface, the remaining stratum of the integument has the peculiar radially streaked appearance already described for the Palzeonemertea; nuclei being rarer in this layer than in the two foregoing. Finally, the cilia are implanted upon the outer margin of this region, and teased preparations reveal the presence of special cells with a nucleus of a very much paler hue, and very faintly coloured. Only ina few preparations have the ciha been well preserved; a cuticula upon which they are implanted, as elsewhere (XIV) described in embryonic stages, was also only noticed in certain favourable sections. These are the principal features marking the integumentary system of the Hoplone- mertea. A few further details, however, may still be added. The deepest layer (PI. X. fig. 2) contains fibrous nerve elements, not distinetly indicated in the figure. The absolute REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 59 thickness of the layers, above described as integument, does not vary very much in smaller and larger-sized individuals. Also, in the tip of the tail, where growth is continually going on, and where the newly formed parts are thus, in the first instance, found, the integument is very much in advance of the underlying tissues in obtaining its definite size. For example, in Drepanophorus lankesteri I find the cellular integumentary layer (the basement membrane not included) to be on the thickest part of the body, 0°15 mm. (.e., one-twentieth the horizontal diameter in this region), and close to the tail end 0-1 mm. (7.e., one-tenth the horizontal diameter in this region). In the largest specimens of Amphiporus moseleyi, which have more than twice the length and more than two and a half times the transverse diameter of Drepanophorus lankesteri, I find the integument to measure 0°12 to 0°15 mm. Both in specimens of Amphiporus moseleyi and in one of Amphiporus marioni, as well as in one of Drepanophorus, it is easy to demonstrate glands in the integument by the evident presence of the secretion, partly extruding towards the exterior, partly still enclosed between the deeper layers (PI. X. fig. 2). These glands are, however, neither so massive, nor do they form such a conspicuous layer as in Carinina, above described. Whether they may be regarded as unicellular, and as comparable to the superficial ones already mentioned in the integument of Hupolia, and also present in the Schizonemertea, or whether they are more directly homologous to the deeper glands of that division, is for the present difficult to decide by means of the preserved material in the Challenger collection. Histological investigation of fresh specimens will be necessary to clear up this point. Drepanophorus serraticollis would certainly tend to a direct comparison with the flask glands of Cerebratulus, &c. In a general way, however, the Hoplone- mertean integument offers more analogy to the more primitive arrangement than to the higher differentiation of the layers in Hupolia and the Schizonemertea. One further detail deserving mention is the presence of a granular deposit (pigment ?) in the lower cell-strata of the integument of the last mentioned specimen of Drepano- phorus. This deposit is different from the one hereafter to be mentioned in the tissues of Amphiporus marion. A deposit comparable to the latter was absent in the specimen of Drepanophorus here alluded to. The granules have more resemblance to the pigment granules of Hupolia delineata, described above, and may probably be looked upon as such. While we see that the Hoplonemertean integument is directly connected—at least in general outlines—with that of the Paleeonemertean genera Carinina and its allies, the Schizonemertea are linked to the primitive stock by the intervention of Hupolia and Carinoma, Certain Schizonemertea (e.g., Cerebratulus corrugatus) in some portions of the integument reveal a complete uniformity with what we have described for Ewpolia ; a stratified basement layer separating the outer longitudinal muscle-bundles of the body- wall from the layer of vesicular tissue sustaining the deeper skin glands, these glands 60 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. communicating by tortuous tubes with the exterior, and being separated from the outer- most eell-layers with unicellular glands by a special secondary and continuous, though thin basement layer (Pl. XIII. fig. 6). Below the latter, longitudinal and circular fibres proper to the integument are also present, corresponding, even in their more massive development, to those of Carinoma. There appears to me to be no doubt that this same arrangement holds good for the ereat majority of Linet and Cerebratuli, and the only reason why the separation of the parts is often less marked is the stronger development of the outer longitudinal muscles of the body-wall, concordant with the disappearance of the connective tissue separating the integument and body musculature, and also the fusion to a smaller or larger extent of the longitudinal muscle-fibres proper to the integument with those of the body-wall. From this it inevitably results that the line of separation between the body-wall and the integument seems to be formed by the external, secondary basement membrane, the deeper glands having the appearance of being imbedded within the longi- tudinal muscles of the body (PI. XI. figs. 10,11; Pl. XII. figs. 2 and 10). That this is a secondary arrangement, and that the real and original line of separation was another one, has been demonstrated in the foregoing pages. It is not necessary, after the detailed description of Expolia given above, once more fully to discuss the same details for those Schizonemertea that wholly correspond to the same type of integument. In those species in which the more developed longitudinal muscular layer more or less effaces the boundary line between integument and muscles (Cerebratulus macroren, Cerebratulus medullatus, &c.), the characteristic and sometimes massive layer of vacuolated cells surrounding the deeper glands is considerably reduced. The other con- stituent parts have retained their original character, with the exception of the thin muscu- lar strata of the integument, which are no longer separately recognisable (PI. XI. fig. 10). The integument is generally very completely preserved in the cephalic fissures; it may here be noted that there, too, the deeper gland-structures of the integument may be noticed, although they are much more sparingly set. In a few cases it would appear as if they are wholly absent, and as if only the outer integumentary cell-layer is preserved in the cephalic fissures ; others, again (PI. XIV. fig. 11), offer special differentiations in the region of the cephalic fissures of the glands, which may there be united in paired accumu- lations. I must also mention a somewhat aberrant type of integument, as we find it represented in a Cerebratulus sp. inc. (medullatus?), from Kerguelen Island. The integu- mentary layers offer more general resemblance to what obtains in the more prunitive Paleonemertea (Carinina, Cephalothrix, &e.) than to Hupolia. Eventually it might be said to retain a more primitive embryonic condition. I have at least described a develop- mental phase of the integument very similar to what I am now about to describe for adult forms, as occurring in the ontogeny of Lineus obscurus (XIV). The integument in question may, however, also be looked upon in another light, 7.e., as in no way REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA 61 more primitive, but rather as a special differentiation of the normal type of the Schizo- nemertean integument, the result being an apparent simplification. This simplification (Pl. X. fig. 7) consists in the absence of the deeper layer of gland-cells below the superficial secondary basement membrane b. The whole integument of this species would thus only seem to correspond to the very outermost layer (the layer of the unicellular flask glands) of the other Schizonemertea. I have, indeed, the conviction, that far from being more primitive, this condition may be linked with what obtains in other Schizonemertea and in Hupolia by such transitional forms as Cerebratulus medullatus, &c. (Pl. XII. figs. 10 and 2; Pl. XI. figs. 10, 11). These species have evidently well- developed glands belonging to the deeper layer; and whilst the glands are on all sides surrounded by the longitudinal muscles, they at the same time penetrate more deeply into this layer, even at a few points touching the nervous stratum, which is superposed upon the layer of circular muscular fibres (Pl. XII. fig. 10). The special character of the integument of Cerebratulus sp. ince. (medullatus ?), and the deceptive reminiscences it evokes of the more primitive stages of the integument may well be said to be due to the strong secondary basement membrane. Thus in this species the layer of the deeper glands seems to have altogether disappeared. Before passing to another paragraph, I cannot refrain from pointing out the many points of resemblance that may be noticed between the integument of the Polyclada, now so well known, thanks to A. Lang’s beautiful monograph, and of certain Nemertea, viz., those in which the integument is secondarily simplified as in those last discussed. Our external layer of unicellular glands is evidently comparable to what Lang and Griff eall the “ Schleimstibchenzellen” or ‘ pseudorhabdites,” and these in their turn are compared by Lang, on very plausible grounds, with the “ Rhabditenzellen,” in which the peculiar rod-like enclosures of the integument are found. The highly refractive, uniform contents of what I have called the unicellular glands, their general shape and properties, wholly coincide in their semi-viscous nature with what are described by Lang as the “ Schleimkérper,” and looked upon by him as merging into true glandular structures. The Nemertean layer of deep glands is also found in the Polyclada, below the (also secondary ?) basement membrane. So is the layer of nuclei regarded by Lang as belonging to a continuous stroma, by which both sense-cells and gland-cells are sustained and which was recognised by me in all the subdivisions of Nemertea. The figure given by Lang (XVI; Pl. XI. fig. 11) would fit very well for different genera of Nemertea ; only in Nemertea the rod-like viscous bodies are not subdivided into superposed blocks. More- over, the tactile and sensory cells in the integument, as Lang describes and figures them, more especially for the tentacular integument, offer without doubt a close analogy to that outermost layer of the Nemertean integument, with its triangular cells (tip down- wards), which is also found in the vast majority of species where the skin is uninjured, which is uniformly distributed over the body, and which, if mdeed sensory, as appears 62 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. to me most probable, would go a long way to explain the high degree of sensibility of every portion of the Nemertean body-wall. MUSCULAR SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (GELATINOUS TISSUE, BASEMENT MEMBRANE, &c.). In describing in the foregoing paragraphs the integument and its varied constituents, glands, sense-cells, ciliated cells, &c., the tacit assumption has been made that the structures there described might be looked upon as so many derivatives of the epiblast. Although reliable embryological data are as yet very scanty, my own experience on this head (XIV, XV) appeared to me to afford justification for this assumption. However, I agree that the question, whether the thin layers of longitudinal or circular fibres, that, more especially in Hupolia and Cerebratulus corrugatus (Pl. VII. figs. 5, 9; Pl. XIII. fig. 6), form so intrinsic and conspicuous a part of the integument, are also epiblastic derivatives, or whether they are due to mesoblastic elements, is open to dispute, and cannot be solved for the present on any other than the a priori arguments just alluded to. Hence, if I look upon the tissues that are treated of in the present section as essentially meso- blastic structures, I wish it to be well understood that this distinction may after all not be a final one. I have purposely omitted discussing the basement membrane of the integument under the head of the integument, because it appears to find its more natural place amongst what we are now going to describe: the tissues between the outer cell layers and the intestinal epithelium, 7.e., the muscular body-wall and the connective tissue (better, gelatinous tissue, ‘ Full-Gewebe”). The latter is not only present in the space between the body-wall and the intestine (so far as it is not encroached upon by the generative, blood-vascular, or nephridial systems), but also between the individual muscle-bundles, when these are not very closely applied against each other, and outside of these, between the muscles and the integument, as the so-called basement membrane above mentioned. The question as to the exact nature of this tissue is, in my opinion, a very important one. It represents the tissue which in Ccelenterata fills the space between epiblast and hypoblast, the “jelly” of Medusee and Ctenophora, with its multifarious inclusions of muscular, fibrous, and eventually nervous nature. This jelly is the more im- portant since its distribution, in the way above defined furnishes a strong argument for the view, also held by me, that the Nemertea are devoid of a body-cavity comparable to that of Arthropods, Annelids, and of Vertebrates. The only body-cavity proper to the Nemertea is the modified segmentation cavity, the archiccelome, as I have elsewhere pro- posed to call it (XIII, XIV). Of the cavities of the generative sacs and of the nephridia mention will be made in the respective paragraphs. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 63 It will be well to consider this connective tissue more closely before we pass to the description of the muscular layers of the body-wall. From the foregoing it may already be inferred that there is a direct continuity between the different parts of this gela- tinous tissue, be it situated close to the intestinal epithelium or to the integument, and that this continuity is more or less completely interrupted by the muscular layers. We may thus conclude that it will be most prominent in those species that have the muscular body-wall reduced to a minimum, whereas it will be hardly visible in species that have a very strongly and massively developed musculature. This is indeed the case, Pelagonemertes offering a very striking example of the first category, Carinina of the second, Although the latter species is by far the most primitive, I would hesitate very much in at the same time regarding the relation of the gelatinous tissue to the body-muscu- lature of this deep-sea form as typically representing the original arrangement. Both species mentioned represent an extreme; the normal starting point may be more easily derived from what we find in Kupolia and in most Hoplonomertea. It then becomes obvious that our gelatinous tissue, though uniform and continuous, still appears in three principal modifications, which, however, are often connected by transitional phases having the characteristic features of more than one of these modifications. The first of these modifications is found between the muscles and the integument, the second in the midst of the muscular bundles, the third between the muscular invest- ment and the internal organs. The first modification just alluded to appears in Carinina (as also in Carinella and other Palzeonomertea not collected by the Challenger) as a wholly homogeneous base- ment layer, on which the deeper cell layers of the integument are implanted, partially honeycombing it in the way above noticed. It is strongly stained by picrocarmine, and in Carinella traversed along circular and longitudinal tracts by nervous tissue. In Carinina the corresponding tracts are still situated in the deeper layers of the integument itself. Nuclei are very rare. What is a distinct basement layer in the more primitive Palzeo- nemertea just named, retains this character with but little change in the Hoplonemertea. One change which is revealed at first sight is a distinct though exceedingly fine stratifica- tion, that becomes apparent in the basement membrane of nearly all Hoplonemertea. Along with this we very often find included in the Hoplonemertean basement layer distinct and sometimes numerous ‘nuclei. The other inclusions in it, as they are fieured on Pl. X. fig. 1, B, appear to be parasitic unicellular organisms infesting this particular specimen (see p. 49). Besides the exceedingly fine stratification which is parallel to the surface of the body, and which is often thrown into wavy folds, there are numerous radial tracts that would seem to transverse this basement layer, but are often only due to slight differences in texture and coloration, or to hardly susceptible folding or contraction (Pl. VIII. fig. 13). Where actual radiating fibres can be demonstrated, they 64 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. sometimes are found to be extremely thin nerve-stems connecting the cellular integu- ment with the central nervous system, whereas in other cases their spiral coiling and their affinity for staining solutions permits us to define them as contractile or elastic fibrils. It is, however, not to these radial fibrils that the extreme plability and continual change in thickness of the basement membrane of the Hoplonemertea can be ascribed. This phenomenon must be an inherent quality of the tissue itself, and may be studied in every transverse section, where the outer boundary line of the basement membrane is only very rarely parallel to the inner one. Generally it is strongly undulated, in accordance with the folds and wrinkles into which the integument may be thrown, not only during life, but also when the animal is preserved in spirit. The consequence of this undulation is, that in several places the integument much more closely approaches the muscular body-wall than in others, where it is kept very widely apart, the basement membrane being in the first case compressed ; in the second, extended to its utmost limit. Together with this extension and contraction, the fine parallel stratification changes its aspect, becoming more coarse, and sometimes so coarse that it might be difficult not to look upon the basement layer as composed of fibres. A confusion with subjacent mus- cular layers would in some cases be pardonable. A comparison of longitudinal and transverse sections reveals, however, the fact that it is indeed no fibrillar, but a stratified condition. Another change accompanying these phenomena of extreme plasticity is the change in colour, the staining appearing far more intense when the strata are in the contracted than when they are in the expanded condition. The nuclei remain visible in both cases. How the change of shape and the successive expansions and contractions are actually brought about in this homogeneous though laminated tissue, which has more the appearance of being intercellular ground substance than anything else, must here remain an open question, which we shall again meet when treating of the contractions of the muscular body-wall. In Pl. VUI. fig. 13, and Pl. X. figs. 1, 2, different aspects of the Hoplonemertean basement membrane are given. I will now pass to those of the Palzeonemertean genus, Eupolia, that in so many respects leads over to the Schizonemertea. In certain speci- mens of this genus an arrangement, more or less corresponding to what has just been described, was in a few cases met with, the basement membrane being of about the same thickness all round, finely striated, with imbedded nuclei, and sharply separated from the integument (Pl. VIL figs. 3, 9, Bet). In other cases the membrane separating the muscles and the integument is much more folded, more irregularly striated, and less characterised as a separate band of distinct tissue (Pl. VII. figs. 2, 5, Bct; Pl. X. fig. 6, B). Especially in these latter cases it is quite clear that this band of tissue, to which the name of basement membrane can only be applied with particular restrictions, imperceptibly passes into the connective tissue found between the longitudinal muscular bundles of the outer layer, where it is moulded REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 65 between these bundles, and also carries in the nephridial regions the terminal deferent portions of the nephridial ducts (Pl. VII. fig. 5, Nep). The originally cellular nature of this connective tissue is retained in the head and in the anterior portion of the trunk, where the outer longitudinal layer of muscles is not less thick, but certainly contains a very much smaller number of fibres, because of the permanence of the intermuscular cellular stroma just alluded to. A comparison of figs. 2 and 3, Pl. VIL, the one taken through an anterior, the other through a more posterior region of the trunk of a Ewpolia, will elucidate this, as will also the comparison of fig. 5, Pl. VII., with the more enlarged fig. 6 of Pl. X. (taken from the same specimen), which represents a section through the region marked #ct in the former figure situated further forwards, and thus decidedly cellular as far as concerns the intermuscular tissue. One important fact is clearly mdicated in this latter figure, viz., that the cells situated between the muscle bundles of the outer longi- tudinal layer (y.v/), although their general aspect, vacuolation and arrangement very much resemble that of the similarly vacuolated cells of the deepest layers of the integu- ment (Jdvl), may nevertheless be immediately distinguished from these by their much larger nucleus. The same fact follows quite as unmistakably, though somewhat less clearly, from Pl. VII. fig. 2. It gives some support to the hypothesis, that the whole of the deeper cell-rows of the integument, vacuolated or otherwise, being substantially different from the subjacent mesoblast cells, may be looked upon as epiblastic. However, this question, which pertains more to an ontogenetic than to an anatomical investigation, may safely be left out of further consideration. This basement tissue of Hupolia, much less regularly arranged than in Hoplonemertea and in the Carinellidee, is thus still directly homologous with that of the latter. A secondary external homogeneous basement layer is found immediately below the outer stratum of unicellular glands of the integument ; in the paragraph devoted to the integument the comparison with Carmina, Carinella and Carinoma has been already instituted, and it was at the same time shown in what way these different arrangements may be identified with one another. In the anterior portion of the body the stratified basement layer Bet (Pl. VIL) fuses with the sparse intercellular tissue that is present round the vacuolated cells, and appears to be a direct continuation of it. In the posterior portion, however, where the muscular bundles are more strongly developed, this stratified tissue appears more limited to the region between the muscles and the integument, principally because here the character of the intermuscular tissue is also changed and becomes more homogeneous, although it is here and there traversed by radial fibres, is also provided with nuclei, and contains numerous nerve-tracts. The general aspect, and the effect of the staiming reagents, show this intermuscular tissue to be identical with the homogeneous, more or less gelatinous tissue, that is observed between the outer longitudinal bundles of Carinina (PI. Hl. fig. 6). The cells, of which traces are found (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP.—PART LIv.—1887.) Hhh 9 66 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. around the nuclei contained in this homogeneous intercellular substance, show a very delicate granulation, and it is often very difficult to decide whether a given one belongs to the nervous network, or whether it is a more indifferent cell, appertaining to the gelatinous ground-substance. In the former case the connection with the nerve- plexus is of great advantage in the decision, and but for this such a decision would often be wholly impossible. The fibres generally offer less difficulty, the delicate nervous fibres being. sufficiently distinct from the elastic or contractile fibrils. The intermuscular homogeneous tissue of Hwpolia, and its inclusions in the region somewhat behind the head, are figured in Pl. VII. figs. 4, 5. In its deepest part, immediately surrounding the circular muscular layer, we find the nervous stratum, that will be more fully discussed further on. We must mention this, because in certain of the Schizonemertea (Pl. XII. fiz. 10), to whose basement membrane and intermuscular tissue we have now to direct our attention, glandular structures belonging to the integument reach as far down as this layer ; a factor which we have to keep well in view when discussing the tissues to which this paragraph is devoted. This is all the more necessary, because in that case the other deeper cellular components of the integument are reduced in number, whereas the outer longitudinal muscular layer having become more compact and dense, the imter- vening region between these two, the region Bet of Pl. VII., has vanished from view. The secondary basement membrane (#) is then the sole representative of such a structure, and might easily, but as [ hope I have demonstrated, imjudiciously, be looked upon as homologous with the basement membrane of Carinina, Carinella, &e. (Ge PLS): An arrangement of the basement membrane, wholly comparable to what we have deseribed in Hupolia, is found in such Schizonemertea as Cerebratulus corrugatus (Pl. XIII. fig. 6, Bb). In most of the others the strongly developed and massive outer longitudinal muscular coat so much encroaches upon the deeper layers of the integument in the way just noticed, that it is no longer possible clearly to distinguish between the two integumentary muscular strata (J7em) and the subjacent one constituting the body-wall (y). The extreme representatives of this development are figured on Pl. X. fig. 7, and Pl. XII. fig. 10. We now resume our examination of the gelatinous tissue, which we have as yet only examined as subintegumentary basement membrane (Carinina and Hoplonemertea), or also as intermuscular substance (Hupolia and Schizonemertea) in its further partici- pation in the muscular investment. In the cireular and inner longitudinal layers gela- tinous intermuscular tissue is unmistakably present, and its presence is revealed both by the nuclei and by its peculiar homogeneous appearance, but at the same time, owing to the far greater compactness of these last named muscular layers, when compared with the outer longitudinal one of Hupolia, the position of the connective jelly is much more sub- ordinate, and its presence less easily demonstrable. Still it may be observed in the larger REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 67 species that, besides the distinctly granular cells included in it, striation in nearly every direction forms a prominent feature of this intermuscular substance. Inside the innermost muscular coat the gelatinous tissue appears in the third modifica- tion which we have established for it. This modification is in many respects the most im- portant, and at the same time most liable to a considerable amount of variation according to the species we happen to examine. It has been already noticed that of all Nemertea Pelago- nemertes shows it in its fullest development, whereas the eminently muscular Carinina is only very sparsely provided with it. It will thus be safest first of all to examine it in Pelagonemertes, and to indicate by what features the other genera differ and gradually lead to grades of development as far down as Carinina. The most striking feature in examining any section of Pelagonemertes, either with low or high powers, with a special view to the gelatinous tissue inside the muscular body- wall, is the homogeneity of this tissue, the comparative scarceness of nuclei, and the uniform imbibition of the staining reagent, by which it has obtained a delicate rose colour. A comparison with the medusoid jelly, or, more distantly, with the intercellular substance of cartilage, is here inevitable. This general feature being established, the secondary characteristics are—(1) the imbedded nuclei of this jelly; (2) the fibres forming part of its substance, other fibres tra- versing it in apparently tubiform channels; (3) differences in the coloration of the jelly in different regions, and lastly, a fibrillation of the utmost tenuity, only visible by the aid of very high powers, which appears in different regions of the apparently homogeneous jelly, other and large portions, however, retaining the homogeneous aspect even with these high powers, though then not appearing wholly limpid but cloudy, perhaps an indi- cation of a yet finer fibrillation escaping the analysing power of our objectives when studied, not in the fresh state, but in Canada balsam. The different coloration of the jelly in different regions is partly arbitrary, 7.e., darker- coloured patches are irregularly seattered throughout the general lighter hue. At certain places the darker staining is, however, constant, viz., contiguous to those regions where the jelly is interrupted. Thus the channels above alluded to, in which nerve-fibres and others take their course through the jelly, are marked by a double boundary line of darker colour (PI. VIIL fig. 6, 7”), corresponding to the tract along which the continuity of the jelly is interrupted for the passage of these fibres. These nervous tracts being exceedingly numerous, the transversely or obliquely cut ends of similar distinctly red tubes are discovered in every section (Pl. VIIL. fig. 3). Moreover, all round the two principal nerve-stems (figs. 6, 8), and bounding the cavity of the proboscidian sheath (Pl. VUI. fiz. 12, B), the blood spaces (fig. 8, bl), and the cavities in which the generative products are lodged (fig. 8), the same continuous dark red tint, which that portion of the jelly has acquired by the picrocarmine, is observed. A peculiarity which I have further to notice in the sections, is the different hue that 68 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. has been acquired by two superposed layers of the basement membrane of Pelagonemertes (Pl. VIII. fig. 18, B, B’); the outer one being darker than the inner. I have no explanation to offer of this phenomenon, nor of the fact shown by the same figure (Pl. VIII. fig. 13) that the same phenomenon is repeated just below the basement membrane, the jelly between the bundles of longitudinal muscles being much darker than that which is found inside. The latter, into which the former gradually merges, is not specially indicated in fig. 13. Mention ought here to be made of what is marked dy in that figure, and what appears to be im several cases (PI. VIII. fig. 5) a central cavity enclosed by peculiar cells, of which the nuclei are specially distinct. I must leave it undecided whether these structures, radially directed towards the surface of the body, are the same as the masses dr (Pl. VIII. fig. 4), which I see in a glycerine preparation of the integument made by Professor Moseley on board the Challenger from the fresh animals, and also whether these structures might be looked upon as glandular, and comparable to similar gland-masses in the jelly of Amphiporus moseleys (Pl. XV. figs. 11, 12). That the course of the fibrils traversing the jelly is in no way strictly limited to certain directions, but that we find them now parallel to the proboscidian sheath, now to the intestinal wall, now convergingly directed against the generative ducts, is sufficiently demonstrated in Pl. VIII. figs. 3,8. A very large number are, however, radially directed towards the surface, and though it was not observed in one section, it might perhaps be possible to find dorso-ventral fibres uniting both surfaces. That the nerve-stems, spring- ing from the lateral cords N (Pl. VIII. fig. 3), are indeed encased in a tubular space bounded by darker stained gelatinous substance, is best seen in fig. 6 of the same plate, as well as the fact that in the immediate neighbourhood cells and fibres (f) form part of that substance. In the other Hoplonemertea this continuous jelly, though much less prominent, has very much the same character as in Carinella, with the exception that no special tubi- form tracts for the passage of nerves, &c., are as distinct as they are in Pelagonemertes. The passage of radial fibrous tracts through the gelatinous tissue is, however, everywhere demonstrable (Pl. X. figs. 1, 2), as is also the origin of these fibres out of cells (Pl. X. fig. 2), and the continuity of the gelatinous stroma with that contained between the muscular bundles of the body-wall. The Challenger Nemertea not offering anything very special in this respect, I will postpone a more circumstantial discussion of this tissue for the monograph which I am preparing for the Naples series. Similarly I may rapidly call to mind that, in the Schizonemertea, where this gelatinous substance is best observed in the posterior region of the body, and better in large speci- mens than in small ones (PI. XV. figs. 7, 10), it offers the same characters. Anteriorly, where the cireumeesophageal blood-space is present, it does not play any conspicuous part ; pos- teriorly, however, it carries not only the tubular continuations of this space (the three longi- tudinal blood-vessels) but also the other internal organs, to all of which it is closely applied. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 69 Here, again, its generally homogeneous character, with the addition of the same cellular and fibrous inclusions (intermediate stages between the two being similarly represented) as were noticed above, gives it an aspect similar to the corresponding tissue in the other groups of Nemertea. It cannot be denied, and has been already noticed above, that from a morphological point of view there are certain strong points of resemblance between the gelatinous tissue of the Nemertea and the jelly of the Meduse. I was very desirous to know whether this would also apply to the chemical constitution, and owing to Professor Krukenbere’s kind aid Tam now able to make definite statements on this head. Having sent him a small quantity of the Nemertean jelly, he kindly examined it and writes as follows :— “Tn accordance with your desire I have attempted, as far as it is possible, chemi- cally to solve the question, whether the jelly of the Nemertea is more closely allied to that of the Medusz or to the collagenous substances, such as I have with certainty demonstrated in Sipunculus nudus (Vergl. physiol. Studien., i. 1882). As collagenous tissue is digested by trypsine, on/y in case of its having before been treated with acids or been boiled with water (Ewald and Kiihne), I tested the reaction of the Nemertean jelly towards this ferment. It proved to be very easily digested by trypsine, and would thus have to be regarded as a true proteid substance. Wholly in accordance with this result is the intense red colour which the tissue acquires when boiled with Millon’s reagent ; whereas, on the contrary, tissues that contain more collagen are only faintly stained, and pure collagen is not stained at all by Millon’s reagent. Moreover, the Nemertean jelly is not acted upon as are the collagens (‘leimgebendes Gewebe’) by boiling water, nor does it furnish, when treated with diluted acids and soda, such reducing solutions as are the so-called mucins (Hyalogene, mihi). The Medusa-jelly consists of true proteid bodies. A similar substance is the vitreous body of the eye of vertebrates, and I am thus fully prepared, after the experimental results obtained, to agree with you in regarding the Nemertean jelly as an analogous product to the jelly of the Meduse, and similarly of an albuminoid nature.” We now pass to a discussion of the muscular layers. We will first discuss the general distribution of muscular tissue, and reserve histological remarks for the conclusion. In discussing the muscular layers of the body-wall of the Nemertea, considerable confusion still obtains in the writings of most of the older authors, and I must confess that it took me a long time to see my way to a safe basis of comparison of the layers, that may sometimes be only one, sometimes no less than five in number, three or two being also very common occurrences. An outline of the homologies of the muscular layers was given by myself in the article Nemertea in the recent edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and in the views there propounded I have no changes to make, only certain further additions have been rendered possible by the aid of the Challenger material. 1 Krukenberg, Vergl. physiol. Studien., ii., 1 Abth., pp. 23-84. 70 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In all Nemertea, to whatever order or genus they may belong, there is one muscular layer that is always present. This layer may, indeed, be looked upon as identical through- out the whole series, and consists of longitudinal muscle-fibres. It is the longitudinal layer of Cephalothriz, in which genus definite or conspicuous circular layers sometimes appear to be absent (Pl. XI.); it is the only longitudinal layer of the Carinellidee—the longitudinal layer of muscle-fibres in the integument of Carinoma not being here taken into account, as indeed belonging to another system—and it is the so-called inner longi- tudinal layer of Polia, Valencinia, and of all Schizonemertea. In Pl. XI. this layer has uniformly been lettered a. I hold it to be the most primitive of all the Nemertean muscular layers, both on account of its constant presence and on account of the fact that in the posterior region of the body, where growth in length of the animal takes place, it often appears before the other layers that are present in addition to it in the anterior region of the body. The layer second in importance to it (morphologically speaking) is a layer of circular fibres marked 8, of very varying thickness, and which in the Carinellide and the Hoplonemertea is immediately subjacent to the basement membrane, and external to the layer a. The very outermost fibres of this circular layer often take a differ- ent course, making an angle of about 45° with the longitudinal body axis, instead of being perpendicular to it. This, then, being the case in two directions, a decussation of this exterior portion of the layer, especially in Hoplonemertea and Carinellide, is often noticed. Outside of the circular layer 8 there is in the Schizonemertea and in Polia and Valencinia the outer longitudinal layer y, sometimes exceeding in thickness the two layers just noticed, and offering very varying conditions as to the compactness of its bundles. In most cases it remains entirely distinct from the two thin epiblastic muscular layers (see pp. 57 and 60) that make their first appearance in Carinoma, and are very generally present in Polia, Valencinia, and the Schizonemertea (Pl. VII. figs. 5, 9, ef; Pl. XII. fig. 6, Zvem). In some of the latter, however, a fusion occurs between the outer bundles of the longitudinal muscular layer y, and those that are decidedly of integumentary origin and significance, as was already noticed in discussing the integu- ment. It needs no explanation that these latter species offer more difficulties in rightly interpreting the relations between muscular system and integument than many others (Pl exe fies Lexie tie, 10); The difference in compactness just alluded to is often dependent upon the degree of development of the deep glandular layers of the integument. Sometimes these glands penetrate the whole depth of the muscular layer, reaching as far down as the nervous stratum (PI. XII. figs. 2, 10); sometimes the muscles are kept further apart by the gelatinous ground substance, as was more fully discussed in a preceding paragraph. Eupolia may on the whole be cited as an example in which the degree of compactness of REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 71 this muscular layer remains at the lowest level (Pl. VI. figs. 2,5), in Cerebratulus corrugatus I found it very compact, and composed of very delicate fibres (Pl. XIII. fig. 6). Another additional muscular layer, which is not found in all but only in certain Nemertea, is marked 6 in the figures of Pl. XI. Itis an inner circular layer, and in the more primitive types (Carmina, Carinella, and Carinoma) it may even become exceedingly massive. It is directly applied against the longitudinal muscular layer a; it forms at the same time the dorsal wall of the proboscidian sheath, the exceedingly thin ventral wall of which is in these species formed by fibres of the same inner circular layer that branch off, and are directed inwards between the space for the proboscis and the cesophagus or intes- tine, thus creating a floor to that proboscidian space. The inner circular layer is continued ventrally, and embraces the other internal organs as well. In Carinoma, where the layer has such a considerable thickness in the proboscidian and cesophageal region, and where it has disappeared in the posterior region of the body, leaving only the longi- tudinal and outer circular layers, the conclusion is of course tempting that the special development of this layer is in a certain functional connection both with proboscis and cesophagus. And if we then find that in the Schizonemertea this layer is absent, but that, on the other hand, there is a circular muscular coat to the proboscidian sheath and that this sheath has been raised to greater independence, and remains dorsally connected with the rest of the muscular body-wall in exactly the way it would be if it were the modified remnant of a restricted portion of the inner circular layer, we are led to the further hypothesis that these two may indeed be homologous. Thus all the transverse sections of the dorsal body-wall of Schizonemertea on Pl. XI., were they to be completed by adding the circular muscular layer of the proboscis-sheath immediately applied against them in the median line, would very strongly resemble the figures given of Carinoma and Carinina. I will not at present venture to decide whether any of the muscular layers of the cesophagus, noticed both in Hupolia and Cerebratulus (Pl. VI. fig. 9, oe.m; Pl. XII. fig 6, mto), may also be looked upon as derivatives of this inner circular layer, but will only add that in Hoplonemertea such a musculature is hardly developed; whereas, on the contrary, the circular muscles of the proboscidian sheath have attained a very high importance, and are even more independent of the dorsal muscular body-wall than they are in Schizonemertea (Pl. IX. figs. 1-9; Pl. X. fig. 1). Here, too, I would be tempted to hazard a comparison between the absent inner circular layer and the musculature of the proboscidian sheath, The detailed histology of the Nemertean muscular system is hardly in its place here, and may perhaps be more fitly reserved for the monograph that will shortly appear in the Naples series. One point must, however, be mentioned, as its definite establishment seemed im- 72 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. portant to the Hertwigs,! viz., the question whether the delicate longitudinal fibres composing the longitudinal muscular layers, and which in transverse sections are often arranged in rings (PI. IIT. fig. 6; Pl. XIII. fig. 6), have their matrix cells between them or not. Having very often succeeded in demonstrating an evident nucleus in the midst of this ring of cut fibres, and having constantly observed a difference in the effect of the staining reagent upon this central space and upon the connective tissue surrounding the muscle bundles, I must answer this question in the affirmative. Finally, two points deserve a short notice in this place. First, that the layer a of the longitudinal Nemertean muscles is very often separated into two, a right and a left half, by a dorso-median, sometimes also by an additional ventro-median solution of con- tinuity. It is very marked in the primitive Paleonemertea, especially in those cases where this layer is the preponderating component part of the body musculature (cf. Pl. XI.); it is very rarely wholly absent in Lupolia and the Schizonemertea ; it is less marked or even absent in the Hoplonemertea. In how far this separation may have general morphological significance, will be discussed in the chapter devoted to general considerations. The second point on which I shall offer speculative remarks in that chapter (cf p. 127) has again reference to the same muscular layer. Sometimes it was observed that in this layer darker patches of contracted fibres alternate with hghter ones in which these contractions were absent (Pl. XV. figs. 9,10). As this phenomenon of contraction was not wholly local but stretched all round the body in rings, the question must be considered whether we have here successive waves of contraction preserved at the moment of death, or whether the phenomenon has a deeper significance, is more permanent and indeed allows of direct comparison with myotomes. The comparative rarity of the phenomenon for the present prevents us from very emphatically advocating the latter view. How the circular layer of the Schizonemertea only stretches to the posterior brain-lobes, how the longitudinal muscles decussate in all directions m the head, how the develop- ment of the cephalic musculature is ontogenetically separated from that of the body musculature, are points already known to former investigators of the anatomy and embryology of the group. The fact of their having found ample discussion and mention m other monographs, and the Challenger material not having furnished new points of interest, will explain my silence in this Report on these and other points (such as the muscular dissepiments, the musculature of the cephalic slits, &c.) connected with the muscular system. ! Die Celomtheorie, p. 37. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. “I ee NERVOUS SYSTEM. With respect to the nervous system, I am indebted to the Challenger collection for very valuable additional data. In former publications (IX, X) Ihave dwelt at length on the peculiar arrangement of nervous tissue in the Nemertea as I had found it to exist in specimens that were obtained at Naples; I am now enabled to give a more exhaustive description of this important system, and will commence by a short account of certain points in the latest investigations into the nervous apparatus of the lower forms of animal life, in order the better to explain the bearing upon questions of general morphology which the arrangements as we find them in the Nemertea may happen to have. The general and important conclusions arrived at by Kleinenberg in his classical Memoir on Hydra, conclusions which have since found their way into handbooks and textbooks as Kleinenberg’s Theory of the neuro-muscular cells, have of late years been emendated by O. and R. Hertwig. These investigators have propounded a general hypo- thesis on the phylogenetic development of the nervous system, which in their treatise Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen (Leipzig, 1878), is formulated (p. 170) as follows :— : “We assume that in all Metazoa the ectoderm from which the (animal) nervous system, with its motor and sensory terminal apparatus, has originated, was primitively constituted of a simple layer of homogeneous cells in the same way as may be noticed everywhere in the earliest ontogenetic stages. We further assume that these cells, or at least part of them, have at an early period entered into mutual connection by protoplasmic processes, and have thus formed a more closely connected cell-stratum. According to our hypothesis, and on the principle of division of labour between the cells thus connected, there has been gradually developed a primitive nerve system out of this connected stratum. Whilst certain of these cells secreted contractile substance, others were provided on their surface with tactile hairs, and a third set acquired very numerous connections, the simple epithelium cells of the one-layered ectoderm thus becoming gradually and more or less simultaneously differentiated into epithelial muscle- cells, sense-cells, and ganglion-cells. Their protoplasmic connections, modified into specific nerve substance, have part passu become converted into a plexus of nerve fibrils. When, later on, the ectoderm became constituted of more than one layer, the ganglion- cells were the first (of all the three elements just mentioned) to separate from the surface epithelium and to acquire a deeper situation.” Balfour, in his Comparative Embryology (vol. ii. p. 333), accepts the leading features of this important hypothesis, partly substituting it for the earlier suggestion of Kleinenberg. The latter, in his latest publication,’ revindicates his original theory against the 1 Zeitschr. f. wiss, Zool., Bd. xliv. p. 204. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART LIv.—1887.) hh 10 74 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Hertwigs’ objections, and maintains that these naturalists have furnished arguments in favour of his hypothesis rather than of their own interpretation (loc. cit., p. 205). Kleinen- berg holds that the naked nerve-cells of Hydra, that are in mutual and direct communica- tion, may transmit a stimulus by contact without the intervention of a delicate network of inter-cellular protoplasmic threads forming a network. He, moreover, holds that the epithelial cells had all of them the double significance of nerve-cells and muscle-cells, 7.e., were true neuro-muscular cells before further division of labour set in, whereas the Hertwigs maintain that this division of labour took place between epithelial cells that were not yet physiologically so far differentiated. A nerve plexus, which covers a very large surface, was actually demonstrated by the brothers Hertwig not only in Actinia and other Coelenterata but also in the Cheetognatha. Of the latter O. Hertwig says :‘— “ By the fact of the nerve-fibres crossing and decussating in the most complex and diverse ways, there is formed a nerve plexus which spreads over the whole surface of the body, and in which the above described nerve-stems represent the single collecting tracts.” A more or less similar plexiform arrangement of nerve-tissue has since been demon- strated in nearly all the lower groups of invertebrates, Annelids*? and Arthropods excepted. Thus in the works of Lovén, Greeff, Teuscher, Ludwig, and Carpenter the nervous system of the Echinoderms is described as offering many analogies with the type propounded as the most primitive by the Hertwigs. Nemertea, Turbellaria, Trematodes, and Cestodes can now be very fully compared, as far as their nervous system is concerned, with Hertwig’s starting point, when we consider the results obtained by myself (IX, X)—which were afterwards confirmed (II) by Dewoletzky —for Nemertea; by Lang, Graff, and Pintner for Turbellaria, Trematodes, and Cestodes. Among aberrant forms one of the most striking examples of a thick epiblastic nerve- plexus with longitudinal collecting tracts is offered by Balanoglossus, as described by Spengel and more lately by Bateson. We shall have occasion again to refer to this interesting nervous system further on. For Mollusca, remnants of a more or less plexiform arrangement were found to exist in the Amphineura by myself* (Proneomenia) and by Haller‘ (Chiton), and also in other groups of Mollusca by Semper,’ Simroth,° and others. 1 Die Cheetognathen, p. 34. ? Lately Fraipont (Archives de Biologie, 1884, p. 274) has demonstrated the presence of an intermuscular nervous plexus in Polygordius, Protodrilus, and Saccocirrus, and thus opened the possibility of also bringing the Annelids within the region of comparison so far as this point of their organisation goes. Bergh describes a nerve-plexus in the larval Aulostoma (Arbeit. Zool. Zoot. Inst. Wiirzburg, Ba. vii. p. 238). As to Arthropods there are facts which also point in the same direction, ¢.g., that Hoek mentions “a continuous network of ganglia and nerves” on the inner surface of the in- tegument in Pycnogonida (Zool. Chall. Exp., pt. x. p. 116). 3 Niederliind. Archiv f. Zool., Suppl. Band, 1881. 4 Zool. Anzeiger, No. 76. ® Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., Bd. xix., p. 124, 1877; Arbeit. Zool. Zoot. Inst. Wiirzburg, Ba. iii., 1877. 6 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxii. p. 304. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 75 For Vertebrates a plexiform arrangement is known to exist in the embryonic stages of Amphibia, since the researches of Remak and Stricker, and has lately been fully com- mented upon by Geette and Baldwin Spencer. The last writes :'—“ There may be said to exist in the Amphibian embryo a complete superficially-placed nervous sheath, out of which not only the central nervous system but all the sense organs of both head and trunk are formed, and which gradually disappears as these reach their full development.” And further on :—‘“ Along certain lines the cells of the nervous layer proliferate, and it is by this proliferation that the rudiments of the cranial nerves are laid down” (cf. p. 183). The significance of this plexiform arrangement of the embryonic Vertebrate nervous system will be discussed in the chapter devoted to General Considerations, and also the peri- pheral plexus of the adult Amphioxus, which lately has been more fully described by Rohon.” Hence, since my former publications above cited, the necessity has grown more and more obvious of not looking upon the brain-lobes and the lateral nerve-stems of the Nemertea as the nervous system, but, though recognising their significance as more highly developed centres, to admit the presence of a most complicated and intricate network of nerve-tissue, originally—and in the more primitive species still—belonging to the integument. This network is most fully developed in the Schizonemertea. In Carinina its situation in the integument makes it more difficult to observe; still I succeeded in demonstrating it both here (cf p. 54) and in the other Carinellidz, In the Hoplonemertea the plexus has been replaced for the greater part by distinct nerves, of which the majority show a metameric arrangement. We will now pass to a more detailed description of this network, thereby purposely inverting the natural order by reserving the centres for the last. This apparent dis- crepancy disappears, however, when we look upon the network as the most ancient nervous arrangement, in which the centres have only gradually come forward. When once the eye has been trained by repeated observation to notice this particular nervous tissue of the Nemertea, it is comparatively easy to distinguish it from the surrounding tissue. The peculiar punctate striation, the yellowish tint of the fibrous elements, the very pale carmine hue of the nuclear ones, immediately reveal the presence of nerve-tissue in sections, longitudinal or transverse, that have been made through specimens stained with picrocarmine. And when we take for our starting point, and as a basis for further description, one of the Schizonemertea of the Challenger, e.g., Cerebratulus corrugatus (PL. XIVe tess; 4: Pl. XIII. fig. 6, pl), we observe in all transverse sections that the two lateral nerve-stems are in continuous connection with each other by nervous tissue that spreads out all round the circular muscular layer 8, both dorsally and ventrally. Immediately outside of 1 Some Notes on the Early Development of Rana temporaria, Quart. Jour Micr. Sci., Suppl., 1885. 2 Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien (math.-nat. Cl.), vol. xlv. 76 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. this nervous layer the longitudinal muscular coat y is situated. There is, moreover, present a third longitudinal nerve-stem, also situated, as are the two lateral ones, in this plexus, but medio-dorsally in the vertical plane that passes through the animal. It is this nerve which I have in a former publication (IX) proposed to call the proboscidian- sheath nerve, but of which I will, in the chapter devoted to General Considerations, offer a modified interpretation (p. 131) and which I will henceforth call the medullary nerve. The nerve-plexus uniting the three longitudinal nerve-stems, as a cylindrical coat of tissue between the longitudinal and the circular layers of muscles, cannot be separated or spread out flat, nor can we succeed in getting horizontal sections of it, just because of this cylindrical curvature. A portion of it may, however, be contained in the few consecutive sections passing in a horizontal plane through the medio-dorsal nerve or elsewhere, tangential to the cylindrical surface of the nerve-plexus. From such horizontal sections figs. 2, 3, and 4 of Pl. XIII. and fig. 1 of Pl. XIV. have been taken, and where the plexus (n. pl) is touched right and left of the medio-dorsal nerve m, it has wholly the appearance of a dense network, the meshes of which are more especially due to the fact that radial bundles of contractile tissuae—by which the muscular layers and the integument are held together, and which may even pass from the dorsal to the ventral body-wall of the animal—pierce the nerve-plexus. The longitudinal dorsal nerve stands out very boldly in the midst of the plexus. It is extremely important, and may be verified in any other surface section of the nerve- plexus, that from this dorsal nerve spring, both right and left, at more or less regular distances, thicker tracts of nerve-tissue (tr. 7.), also forming part of the plexus, but being straight instead of tortuous, and having altogether the character of metamerically arranged nerve-stems that are not yet recognisable as independent structures, but that are fairly on the way to special differentiation as so many chief conducting tracts of nervous energy in the midst of the plexiform nervous tissue which binds them together. The presence of these transverse stems may also be noticed in transverse and longitu- dinal sections as a local thickening of the plexus, but as the whole stem is rarely attained in one transverse section, this thickening may be followed in consecutive sections, and is found stretching from the medio-dorsal down to the lateral nerve-stems.* How far these transverse stems may be said to be metamerically arranged, everyone may judge for himself by consulting fig. 1 of Pl. XIV. The chief tracts are certainly symmetrical, 2.€., spring from the longitudinal dorsal medullary nerve at opposite points, and about the same distance may also be seen to separate each successive pair from the foregoing, Other transverse bundles, some thinner, some thicker, some more obliquely placed, &c., but all similarly forming part and portion of the plexus, are, however, visible between the 1 Von Kennel, who has so considerably advanced our knowledge of the Nemertea, appears to have observed, as early as 1879 (Die in Deutschland gefundenen Landplanarien, p. 39), the presence of certain of these transverse dorsal nerve-stems (commissures, v. Kenn.). He did not, however, notice or describe the nerve-plexus, nor the fact of the existence of a ventral connection, both by means of the plexus and of ventral metameric stems. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. Ute principal ones, and it is this fact that more or less obscures the metamery here alluded to (Pl. XIII. figs. 2, 4). This metamery in the nervous plexus is of the same character as the metamery that is noticed in the intestinal arrangement, in the nephridia, in the generative organs, and in the blood vascular system of the Nemertea; it may indeed be called incipient. To its significance, for the important question of the origin of seemen- tation, we shall have occasion to return by and by. Amongst the forms in which I found the metamery to be very distinct, Cerebratulus angusticeps stands foremost (Pl. XIV. fig. 1). And I must here call attention to the fact that the transverse stems here described are not only dorsally, but also ventrally, most regular and conspicuous, uniting the longitudinal nerve-stems below the intestine by a regular series of transverse commissures in the plexus, which is the primary connecting medium. It is important to note that there is no ventro-median longitudinal stem in Nemertea opposite the dorso-median one; and not less important, that the same favourable species just named enables me to establish with certainty that the ventral transverse stems reach much further forwards than might originally be expected. The mouth alone inter- feres with their course; they are, however, found immediately before as well as behind it, and whilst in front of the mouth the lateral stems very soon merge into the lower brain- lobes, it is clearly seen that the transverse commissures are still recognisable, 7.¢., that the lower brain-lobes are united by thin ventral commissures, separated by a very short distance, till close up to the massive ventral commissure that has been hitherto regarded as the only ventral connection between the brain-lobes. The thin commissures just described are, however, not directly connected with the fibrous core of the brain-lobes, which is, on the contrary, directly continued into the massive inferior commissure, but they seem to derive their fibres from the outer cellular coating of these lobes. They pass underneath the two vagus stems, where these spring from the lower brain-lobes, and where these are in their turn, in front of the mouth, united by transverse commissures, as was noticed above (p. 38, 45; cf Pl. XIV. fig. 5). The histological description of the plexus may be very short, and has already been touched upon in the beginning of this section. Fibrous and cellular nerve-tissue aré very regularly intermixed, the direction of the fibres follows that of the tracts in which they are found, and the fibres are, on the whole, closer together than they are often found in other Platyelminthes, where the designation of the nerve-stems—before they were recognised as such as “ spongiose strands” (spongidse Balkenstriinge) was current, and not inadequate. The nerve-fibres, however, are not so closely bound together, that the bundles are not very frequently found to be pierced by radial contractile fibres, as was noticed above, and is rendered evident by comparison of Pl. XIII. figs. 3, 4, 7 That this intermixture is indeed a primitive character may safely be concluded, if we observe that Lang in his monograph on the Polyclada (XVIII) specially mentions similar features in the nervous arrangement of that group of Turbellaria, and also if we remem- 78 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ber that in Carinella the passage of strong contractile fibres, even through the substance of the brain, was already known (IX). Of the cellular elements enclosed in the plexus the nuclei alone are conspicuous, and it is rare to find, either in the plexus or in the medullary nerve, distinct cell outlines (multipolar or other) round these nuclei, such as they are very often found in the brain. The nuclei characteristic of medullary nerve and plexus have exactly the same dimen- sions and shape as those that constitute by far the greater portion of the cellular coating, both of the brain-lobes (Pl. XIII. fig. 1; Pl. XII. figs. 1-4) and of the lateral nerve-stems. The direct continuity between the nerve-fibres of the plexus, and those forming the axis of the lateral nerve-stems, can be demonstrated in all well-preserved sections, at any rate in those species where the plexus is well developed (Pl. XII. fig. 2). Nor is the continuity with the fibres of the medullary nerve subject to any doubt (Pl. XII. figs. 3, 4). This medullary nerve, a dorso-median thickening in the plexus, may be traced back- wards down to the hindmost extremity of the body, forwards up to the brain-lobes, and even in front of these. A section of that foremost extremity of the medullary nerve can hardly be distinguished from that of an ordinary cephalic nerve, but for its median situation, and greater size and distinctness. It is here independent, 7.e., not enclosed in the plexus, which does not stretch further forwards than the brain-lobes, or than the layer of circular muscles. The latter is known to cease in the region of the brain. The connection of the brain-lobes with the plexus, and with the medullary nerve, is much more intimate than I was hitherto inclined to believe. Certain specimens of Cerebratulus col- lected by the Challenger (Pl. XII. figs. 7, 8; Pl. XIII. fig. 1) permit me to form a definite judgment on this question. We there see that the anterior prolongation of the medullary nerve bends downwards in the region of the dorsal commissure of the brain-lobes, and enters into connection with a nervous stratum which may, in this region, be either con- sidered as a median portion of the brain, or as an anterior thickening of the plexus. Large ganglion-cells can be detected in it, also fibrous nerve-matter, both of them in the most intimate connection with the nerve-cells and nerve-fibres of the brain-lobes (Pl. XII. figs. 7, 8). From this anterior thickened region of the plexus, in which a transverse core of fibres— the dorsal commissure of the brain-lobes—takes its course (Pl. XIII. fig. 1), other fibres are seen to start in the direction of the body-axis and to arrange themselves into a longitu- dinal tract, which is also provided with nerve-cells, and which becomes the medullary nerve (PL XIII. fig. 2). My former statement (IX), that the medullary or proboscidian sheath nerve emerges from the dorsal commissure (loc. cit., pl. i. fig. 1), although exact, must thus be amplified in the way just described. I may add that a direct passage of fibres of the medullary nerve into those of the commissure, though sometimes noticed, is not always a constant phenomenon, Fig. 1 of Pl. XIII shows a state of things in which the fibres belonging to the plexus and medullary nerve appear to be more or less REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 79 independent from those of the brain commissure that is seen to pass under it, and to have a different texture and arrangement. Our observations on the nerve-plexus would not be complete if we did not allude to the very elaborate branches that pass out from it into the superposed muscular layers which they innervate. Some of them can even be traced as thick radial nerves piercing these muscles, and spreading out into the integument (PI. XIII. fig. 6,7). Similarly the underlying muscular layers receive fine nerve-twigs out of the plexus, which are thus directed inwards as well, and first penetrate into the circular layer 8. For this reason they are best seen in longitudinal sections. The peripheral nerve system of the Schizo- nemertea has thus—as was already fully indicated in a former publication (K)—a totally different character from that of the Hoplonemertea. The profusion of radial nerve-stems springing from the plexus, every transverse section showing a great number of them, may convince us of the high degree of elaboration to which the nerve system of this group attains, and of which the great sensitiveness and quickly reacting movements of the worms themselves are the outwardly visible tokens. Nor may we omit to record the important fact, which was first observed in a Challenger specimen of Cerebratulus corrugatus, that in the region of the long slit-like mouth and cesophagus (behind the region where the very strong nerve, to which the name of vagus-nerve has been given (V, TX), leaves the inferior brain-lobes on its way to inner- vate the cesophagus) we can observe that from the plexus distinct nerves become detached, pierce the circular and inner, longitudinal muscle layers (8 and a), cross the circum- esophageal blood-space and enter the tissue of the wall of the blood lacunz and of the cesophagus to assist in innervating these important organs. The morphological significance of this fact will be further insisted upon later on (cf: pp. 134, 142). The phenomenon is figured on Pl. XIV. figs. 3, 4. We have now traced the facts concerning the plexus and the medullary nerve. In a general way these descriptions may be said to be applicable to the plexus of Carinina, which, however, as was already noticed, is a less favourable object for study. It would seem as if in this species the nervous tissue, passing inwards amidst the muscles, again spreads out into a second plexiform arrangement between the muscular layers a and 6. This phenomenon, however, requires confirmation in more specimens than the two that have been available for the present investigation. One point alone requires a few words of further elucidation before we can pass from the nerve plexus to another paragraph, viz., the question as to whether the name of proboscidian sheath-nerve, formerly given by me to what I now propose to call the medullary nerve or the Nemertean medulla, must for the future be dropped altogether. It certainly must, if we wish to retain it for the longitudinal nerve originally so called ; but, curiously enough, I have now been able to make out the presence of another longi- tudinal nerve to which the name may very properly apply. 80 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. This nerve is furnished with fibres directly passing downwards out of the medullary nerve (PI. XIL. fig. 9; Pl. XV. fig. 1); it is situated below this, and is entirely parallel to it. In one case of a very large specimen of Cerebratulus it appeared in its turn to be splitting up into two parallel nerve-stems. This proboscidian sheath-nerve more especially deserves its name because of its situation immediately above the muscular wall of the proboscidian sheath, into which it may be seen to give off fibres. It is not noticed in Carinina, Carinella, or the Hoplonemertea, but itis in Carinoma, Eupolia, and all the Schizonemertea. Its absence in the two first-named genera would appear unaccount- able if we did not remember that in both of them the proboscidian sheath is of hardly any importance, being extremely thin-walled (cf. Pl. IL. figs. 4-7). And in this case it is all the more natural that in the cesophageal region of Carinoma it has become specially developed, being here even thicker than the medullary nerve, and about as thick as the lateral nerve-trunks of this species (Pl. XI. fig. 6). This is another example of sudden increase of a portion of the nervous system, and at the same time of the existence of a very marked degree of supremacy to which certain apparently subordinate parts of the organism may all at once attain. This unexpected change of size of the proboscidian sheath-nerve in one species is certainly a valuable fact for a hypothesis that will in a further chapter be enunciated (p. 133), according to which the possibility of a decrease in size of the lateral nerve-trunks is supposed to have been accompanied by an increase in significance of the medullary nerve. The fact that in this region of Carinoma the proboscidian sheath-nerve comes into the foreground so strongly that it might easily be mistaken for the medulla, may probably be ascribed to the massive development of the inner circular muscular layer 8, which in Carinina, Carinella and Carinoma acts at the same time as part of the wall of the proboscidian sheath. The fact was already noticed as a peculiar feature of the species by M‘Intosh (XXIV), when he first described Carinoma (under the name of Valencinia armandt). That a proboscidian sheath-nerve is wholly absent in the Hoplonemertea is still more easily accounted for. From the moment the brain and longitudinal trunks of the ances- tral Hoplonemertea were no longer lodged in the midst of the muscular tissue of the body-wall, but have come to be situated within the gelatinous tissue that fills up the space inside this muscular body-wall, not only has the plexus disappeared and been replaced by the remaining metameric nerves described above, but at the same time the innervation of the proboscidian sheath has altered. This innervation is now brought about by the peripheral and metameric nerves, which, in favourable cases (Pelagonemertes, &c.), may be seen to send fine twigs into the muscular tissue of that wall. With this freer develop- ment of the peripheral nerve-system, the special arrangement by which the innervation of the proboscidian sheath is brought about, as long as the nerve-sheath is the source from which all peripheral nerve-fibres take their origin, has at the same time disappeared. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 81 It is certainly all the more remarkable that in the Hoplonemertea we nevertheless find such very distinct traces of the medio-dorsal medullary nerve, notwithstanding the disappearance of the plexus. And more remarkable still that this remnant—not dis- tinctly traceable in only one specimen of Amphiporus, whilst other specimens of the same species still have it, and whilst it 1s even very conspicuous in Drepanophorus and others—should occupy the same position as it does in the most primitive Palzeonemertea, 2.€., In or even outside the basement membrane of the integument. This is another argument for directly deriving the Hoplonemertea from the Palzeonemertea. Cephalothrix may be said to fill up part of the distance which separates Carinina and Carinella from the Hoplonemertea as far as the situation of the nerve-system is concerned (cf. Pl. XI. fig. 5), whereas Hupolia may be said to do the same with respect to the ciliated grooves on the head, and partly also to the posterior brain-lobe, its glandular investment, and the long duct leading from it to the exterior. We must now pass on to the description of the brain-lobes and the lateral nerve-stems. Tt is known that these offer the lowest degree of specialisation in the more primitive genera of Palzeonemertea, e.g., Carinella. For this genus the brain- and nerve-stems have been sufficiently described before (IX), and, in comparing this with what we find in Al. Fic. 5.—Side view of the brain of Carinina in outline, reconstructed from the sections. The fibrous core is indicated by a dotted line. A./., anterior lohe; P.l., posterior lobe ; Co., ventral commissure ; Ln, Lateral nerve-stem. Carinina, the latter genus must be recognised as representing in this respect a somewhat higher scale in the developmental series. This higher development finds its expression in the presence of a posterior brain-lobe, comparable to the same lobe of the Schizonemertea which was often designated as the side organ, although it is formed of nerve-substance directly merging into that of the brain. Carinella inexpectata has been formerly shown (VIII) to possess a ciliated passage leading into the brain-substance, without any special differentiation of that portion of the brain into which this ciliated channel pene- trates. In Carinina such a differentiation has set in, and the brain-substance, into which a ciliated canal leads, has become a separate lobe.’ In consequence of this we are, moreover, enabled to draw a general—though by no means a sharply defined—distinction between the portion of the brain-mass with which this accessory lobe is in contact, and 1 Chapuis has lately noticed posterior brain-lobes in a Cephalothrix (Arch. d. Zool. Exp., vol. iv. p. xxi., 1886). His description is, however, very incomplete. (Z00L. CHALL. EXP.—PaRT Liv,—1887.) Hbh 11 82 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. that which is continued into the lateral nerve-stems, 7.e., an incipient distinction between a pair of upper and a pair of lower lobes, respectively limited by the dorsal and ventral brain commissure; the whole forming a ring round the proboscis and its sheath. A side view of the brain of Carinina—reconstructed from a series of sections—is given in the accompanying woodcut, in which the very thin dorsal commissure is not indicated. A comparison with figs. 4 and 7 of Pl. V. will at once show the relation of this stage of differentiation to that to which Hupolia has attained. In the Schizonemertea the separation between upper and posterior lobes is more marked still than in Eupolia (Pl XIV. fig. 6); in the Hoplonemertea they are definitely separated, and only con- nected by one or more nerve-strands (Pl. IX. fig. 10), their situation being then some- times behind, and even sometimes before the rest of the brain. The ciliated canal penetrating into the posterior lobe of Carinina is simple (not divided in two as in certain Hoplonemertea), and provided with a high, ciliated epithe- lium of its own. It is figured in figs. 1 to 3 of Pl. VI. Certain glandular cells, g/. br, are seen in this same figure to have become specially developed in connection with this posterior lobe and its ciliated canal. Similar glandular cells also form a characteristic feature of the posterior brain-lobes of Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea. In Carinina it is evident that these glandular cells are derivatives, or at least morphological equiva- lents, of the deeper glands G7, of the integument. The nerve-cells themselves, out of which the brain is built up, still undoubtedly belong to the integument, and it is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to draw a sharp distinction between the outermost brain-cells and the surrounding integument-cells. In the figures just cited this difference has been artificially very much accentuated in order to bring out more distinctly the outline of the brain ; for the same reason, the integu- ment in this figure was on purpose not fully worked up. The inner core of the brain is fibrous, so is the core of the longitudinal stems, where, however, the attempt at a distinction between nerve-cells and cells of the surrounding integument is equally hazardous (PI. ILI. fig. 8). This fibrous core is in direct continuity with the nerve-plexus, that spreads out in the deeper integumentary layers. A vagus nerve passing from the lower portion of the brain on both sides towards the cesophagus is also distinct in Carinina (Pl. VI. fig. 1, Nv). The passage of contractile fibres through the brain-substance is unmistakable, though less evident than in Carinedla. Passing on to the description of the nerve-centres of Hupolia, we immediately recognise the difference resulting from the fact that here the brain is imbedded inside the muscular layers, as is also the case in all Schizonemertea. = Our description of the brain of Hwpolia may be based upon the figures of Pl. V., which were obtained not de visu, but by reconstruction from a series of sections.’ Figs. 1-4 ? For the making of these and many other series of sections, and for assistance in the reconstruction above alluded to, I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Oudemans, my former assistant, now director of the Zoological Garden at the Hague. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 83 and 8 represent the whole of the brain tissue, figs. 5-7 and 9 the fibrous core, as it is enclosed by the nerve-cells, the limit of this cellular investment being given in outline in the latter figures. It must, however, from the first be remarked, that this outline should be completed by the plexus, and by the median medullary nerve. They are not indicated in these figures, although both of them are found along the whole length of the lateral nerve-stems, and reach forward as far as the region of the dorsal brain commissure. It is seen at a glance that the fibrous core repeats the external folds and prominences of the brain-masses, that.the lateral nerve-stem is continued into the lower lobe, and that the upper lobe is distinguished by a prominent fold of its surface, a gyrus (fig. 1, SL), into which a separate knob of the fibrous core is seen to pass, and by two other fibrous projections—the one stretching towards the blunt end of the posterior lobe, the other running forwards and accompanying the ciliated canal, which is also marked in outline in fig. 6, and (in red) in fig. 5. The canal cc, in figs. 2, 3, 4, 8, is the exterior portion of this duct. The different thickness of dorsal and ventral brain commissure may be gathered from figs. 1, 3, 8, 9; from the latter two, the fact that the nerve-fibres are very strongly preponderant in these commissures over the cells. Close behind the ventral commissure the nerve for the cesophageal wall, vg, the so-called vagus nerve, is seen to leave the common fibrous core of the brain, whereas the nerves for the proboscis (pn) spring from the inner surface of the ring, where the fibrous core turns up from the ventral to the dorsal commissure (figs. 5, 9). The vagus nerve is soon after its origin connected by transverse fibres with its opposite neighbour; this vagus commissure is sometimes repeated ; it will be again referred to in the general considerations on the nervous system. The cephalic nerves that leave the brain and innervate the head are only very imperfectly rendered in these figures; their number is far greater than might be concluded from figs. 5, 6, an. The aspect of several portions of the brain of Hupolia, in transverse section, is repre- sented in Pl. VI. ; It will there be noticed that fig. 4 represents an anterior section through the inferior brain commissure and the point of innervation of the proboscis, fig. 5 one just behind this, cutting the dorsal commissure and the vagus root at the same time. The exact situation of these sections will be best understood by comparing them with PI. V. fig. 9, where the respective positions of the commissural ring, the proboscidian nerve, and the vagus are clearly indicated. Fig. 7 is a transverse section lying further backwards, almost in the level where the dotted line, SZ, in Pl. V. fig. 4 terminates, whereas the section fig. 8 lies again somewhat behind this, at a point where the “gyrus” of the superior brain-lobe actually divides the central fibrous nerve-substance into an upper and a lower portion. These sections, at the same time, show the difference in size between the brain-cells and the glandular elements partaking in the constitution of the brain, along the superficial part of what I have called the posterior brain-lobe (side-organ, auct.). 84 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The brain of the Schizonemertea was fully discussed in a former publication (Ix). The Challenger Schizonemertea all conform to this type, with the additional facts alluded to above in connection with the medullary nerve. The difference in the size of the ganglion cells in different regions of the brain, as it appears in’ PLOxitigs 7,8; and Pl xa fig. 1, is much more marked in certain species of Cerebratulus than in others. The larger sized nerve-cells appear to be principally peripherally and anteriorly situated ; that they are absent, or less numerous, in certain other species, may be seen by comparing Pl. XII. fig. 1, with the above mentioned figures. The relative distribution of fibrous and cellular nerve-matter in the brain need not be any further described in detail after our foregoing description and figures of Hupolia, The size and shape of the posterior lobe is, however, somewhat different in the Schizonemertea. This will be obvious by com- paring pl. i. fig. 1 of the treatise referred to (IX) with our present figures of Hupolia. Not having been able to study any of the Challenger species alive, we should have to be content with reconstruction from section series, if I were to enter more fully into the discussion of the respective differences, and for that reason I wish to restrict myself to these general remarks. One other point connected with the posterior lobe and its ciliated duct deserves special mention, viz., the observation I was able to make that the duct which leads from the bottom of the cephalic slits into the nerve-tissue of the posterior brain-lobe (inside the brain-lobe it very generally has an S-shaped, and, at the same time, a spiral twist, thus being very often as in Pl. XIV. fig. 6, cut in three places, all in one section), and which is clothed in the neighbourhood of its external opening with an epithelium directly con- tinous with, and similar to, that of the outer surface, not only shows certain differences in its epithelium, as we pass further inwards (Pl. XIV. fig. 11), but also offers certain complications, which we have now to consider. These complications very distinctly con- cern the participation of deeper cellular layers of the integument. As indicated by g/ in Pl. XIV. fig. 11, these deeper layers segregate and form a ring-shaped or cushion-shaped addendum to the simple epithelial tube. It must be doubted whether they communi- cate with the exterior, as do the deeper glands of the integument, although this deserves special attention, because of the glandular significance which must be attached, according to Dewoltezky (II), to the strongly refractive cells present on the posterior surface of the hinder brain-lobe (cf. p. 94). The epithelium has undergone still more con- siderable alteration when it passes inside the posterior brain-lobe. Its nuclei are distinct (Pl. XIV. figs. 6, 7, 8), but instead of direct cell partitions we may observe a fine striation vertical to the axis of the ciliated canal (fig. 8). This feature, known to former observers (IX, figs. 35, 36), may here be more especially alluded to, because in Hoplonemertea (Pl. XIV. fig. 10) we find that the discharge of glandular products from the deeper gland- cells takes place between the interstices of this striated region. This discharge into the lumen of the canal is a point that is put beyond doubt by numerous Challenger sections. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 85 The fact that the canal is single in the Schizonemertea, whereas it is double in the Hoplonemertea, was known before (IX). It was also found to be confirmed in all the Challenger species ; the bifurcation of the canal taking place in such a manner, that the one branch passes through the distinct nerve-cells, forming the greater mass of the lobe, whereas the other one immediately penetrates—more peripherally—amongst the much larger glandular cells overcapping the foregoing. Carinina corresponds with the Schizo- nemertea in having the canal single. Having considered the central fibrous substance of the brain in the Paleonemertea and Schizonemertea, we have only to add that the Challenger Hoplonemertea have also con- firmed the fact that here this fibrous core is less complicated, the brain-lobes being at the same time more compact, the cephalic nerves very numerous. In Cerebratulus angus- ticeps (PI. XIV. fig. 6) the fibrous core is very massive and conspicuous also. As to the innervation of the numerous eyes, I have no new observations to record (cf V and IX), nor as to that of the proboscis, with the exception of the fact that in Drepanophorus and Amphiporus I could distinguish numerous nerves springing from the brain-ring and corresponding to the numerous longitudinal trunks in that organ. This point, which was left in doubt by v. Kennel (XVI), is thus definitely settled. The phenomenon was parti- cularly distinct in one specimen of Amphiporus moseleyi that had retained its proboscis. It has only been partly figured in Pl. IX. fig. 10, where only two are indicated, so as not to obscure the diagrams. As to the innervation of the cesophagus, little need be said as far as the Schizo- nemertea are concerned, the well-known strong and double vagus nerve being constantly met with. Distinct nerve-branches are seen to take their course in the walls of the cesophagus (Pl. XIV. figs. 3, 4); it was already noticed above (p. 79) that these may be partly traced to separate branches springing independently from the nerve-plexus, whereas for the other part they are ramifications of the so-called vagus. Nerves to the intestinal canal, very easily detected in the cesophageal region, could not be traced with the same accuracy and distinctness in the post-cesophageal region of the intestine, most probably owing to the extreme tenuity which these fine and delicate nerve- twigs may here have obtained. It cannot be determined atipresent whether this portion of the intestine also receives branches from the cesophageal vagus system or only directly from the plexus, now that the existence of such a double method of innervation (Cerebra- tulus corrugatus) has been actually demonstrated for the anterior regions of the intestine. On @ prior? grounds, I look upon the latter arrangement as by far the most probable." The course of the vagus is somewhat modified in Drepanophorus, and perhaps in Amphiporus. I find the strongest nerve-stem, connecting the brain with the cesophagus, in Drepanophorus, running forwards instead of backwards (PI. IX. fig. 10). Other smaller 1 Tt should here be noticed that Kleinenberg (loc. cit., p. 114) has also failed to detect visceral nerve-branches to the endodermal intestinal epithelium of the Annelid, Lopadorhynchus. 86 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. stems leave the brain in corresponding regions of the lower brain-lobe, z.e., along the surface turned towards the proboscidian sheath, and run in the direction of the cesophageal epithelium. This secondary innervation, though different in morphological aspects, is more or less homologous with the facts above disclosed in the case of Cerebratulus corru- gatus. That the vagus proper—the massive and thick stem—is here turned forwards may be a consequence of the change in the situation of the mouth, which in the Hoplo- nemertea is no longer behind the brain, but in front of it. This gradual change of position may very possibly have drawn the vagus-stem with it. In concluding our remarks upon the brain I have only to add that the well-known difference between Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea with respect to the connection between anterior and posterior brain-lobes (side organs) also obtains in the Challenger specimens. The latter are connected in Drepanophorus and Amphiporus with the brain by one or more fibrous commissures. Another difference several times observed between the fibrous brain-tissue of these two Hoplonemertean genera on the one hand, and Cerebratulus, Eupolia, &ec., on the other, is a marked increase in compactness of the fibres, so much so that the fibrous character of the central portions of the brain has often more the aspect of Leydig’s “ Punktsubstanz,” and even shows a still more delicate and more compact texture by ? the appearance in this “ Punktsubstanz” of regular patches with very faint outlines, which apparently are still more compact regions of this tissue. The longitudinal nerve-stems, which are the posterior continuations of the lower brain-lobes, hardly need any special mention. It must only be insisted upon that in them, as well as in the brain-lobes, there is no absolute distinction between the cellular envelope and the fibrous core, but that imside this core nuclei are invariably scattered, which bear testimony to the absence of any such definite boundary. Still, there is generally a homogeneous and very thin layer between the cellular coating and the fibrillar core, a kind of membranous neuroglia, through which the fine processes of nerve-cells may be seen to take their course in groups, which then become lost amongst the fibres of the core. Then, again, certain favourable sections (Pl. XII. fig. 2) very distinctly show the course of nerve-fibres inside this fibrous core that are not longitudinal, and thus puncti- form in transverse sections, but that are interwoven at right angles with the latter and continue their way into the nerve-plexus. The transparent sheath of the fibrous core of the nerve-stem is more distinct in Cerebratulus than in either Palzeonemertea or Hoplonemertea. It is rarely encountered in the brain, where fibrous and nervous elements are more intimately interwoven (cf: Pl. VI. figs. 4-8; Pl. XII. figs. 7, 8; Pl. XIV. figs. 7, 8). Outside of the stems there is another accumulation of homogeneous connective tissue arranged as a protecting envelope round the nerve-stems. This is much more conspicuous in the brain-lobes, and more so in the Hoplonemertea (Pl. XII. fig. 5) than in the Schizonemertea (Pl. XII. fig. 2; Pl. XIV. fig. 2). Still in the latter it is far more REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 87 conspicuous than in Carinina, where we have already pointed out the apparent absence of any sharp or distinct boundary line between the cellular brain-tissue and the sur- rounding cellular tissue of the integument. We cannot pass on to the description of the peripheral nerves without first referring to the terminal portion of the lateral nerve-stems, known to terminate at the posterior end of the body, right and left of the anus in the Schizonemertea, but also known to meet in a connecting commissure above the anus in several Hoplonemertea (TX). This commissure was found by me in several Challenger species, but at the same time I was able to verify the unexpected fact that in Hupolia the fibrous cores of the longitudinal nerve-stems are also posteriorly united by a commissure. What most especially deserves attention in this posterior commissure of Hupolia is, that it is found below the anus, the longitudinal stems and the commissure, together with the brain, thus forming an immensely elongated ring round the intestine, whereas in most of the Hoplonemertea alluded to, all the portions of the nerve-system may be said to remain above the intes- tine. This is, indeed, very emphatically the case in Amphiporus moseleyi, where we find (Pl. IX. fig. 4) not only the brain and the anal commissure above the intestine, but also the longitudinal stems, that take their course above the intestinal ceca. Nevertheless, in Drepanophorus the anal commissure is above the intestine, although here the longitudinal stems are diametrically opposite in position, 7.e., below the intestinal czeca. They were for this reason considered (IX) to furnish a transition stage to the ventral cord and cireumcesophageal ring of Annelids and Arthropods, a consideration which derives very strong support from the existence of transverse commissures that will hereafter be described. At all events, these very curious differences—the anal commissure of Hupolia is figured on PI. VII. fig. 8—furnish another proof of the extraordinary plasticity which we meet with in the group of the Nemertea, with respect to the morphology of the most important components of the system; a plasticity and diversity which are at the same time indicative of the primitive and low scale on which the Nemertea may be said to find themselves. Coming now to the peripheral’ nerve-system, I may note that I have already, some years ago (X), stated that it is difficult to apply this name in its generally accepted significance to the arrangement which we find in Schizonemertea and in Palzeonemertea. It is, however, applicable to that of the Hoplonemertea. Here only we find distinct metamerical peripheral nerves leaving the longitudinal nerve-stems at regular intervals, and innervating the body musculature, the integument, the internal organs, &e. In the Schizonemertea and Paleeonemertea the cephalic nerves, starting from the brain, are directly comparable with those of the Hoplonemertea, but the rest of the peripheral system is here represented by the plexus and its innumerable branches and twigs, which are directed upwards and downwards, serve for the same purpose, and render the peripheral arrangement in this group so primitive and so important. Still, in very large specimens 88 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. of Schizonemertea (Pl. XIV. fig. 2) I could observe that from the thickened part of the plexus, which forms the longitudinal stem, fine nerve-branches also take their origin, and pass directly to the periphery. The essential difference between Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea in this respect nevertheless remains the same as above formulated. We may now turn to the Hoplonemertea. The different species contained in the Challenger collection confirm the well-known facts about the metamerically placed pairs of peripheral nerves of the Hoplonemertea, some of which are turned dorsally, others ventrally, and which, dividing dichotomously, finally spread out im very numerous bundles of nerve-fibrils, serving for the innervation of the environing regions. In addi- tion they also furnished me with certain important new points. To begin with the latter, I will first draw attention to the two longitudinal nerve-stems of Drepanophorus lankesteri, which are situated, as is characteristic of this genus, below the intestinal ceca (Pl. IX. figs. 1, 5, 6), about midway between the lateral margin of the body and the median ventral line. These stems in transverse section very much resemble those of other Hoplonemertea. One of them is figured on Pl. XII. fig. 5; from this it may be seen that the nerve-cellular coating is generally not distributed as a sheath all round the fibrous core, but as a double band applied upon this core at two diametrically opposite points. The participation of this cellular coating in providing the outgoing peripheral nerves with delicate nerve-fibres is distinctly seen in this section, as is also the direct continuity of other portions of the peripherally directed nerve-fibres with those of the core. When in Drepanophorus lankesteri I followed some of these peripheral nerves in their further course, by examining the consecutive sections in which they are continued, I was struck by the very remarkable fact, never noticed before, that some of them did not dichotomise—or at least very rarely—and did not taper towards the periphery, but passed directly under the intestine from the one longitudinal nerve-stem into the other, a distance in this specimen of 14 mm. This was an unmistakable com- missure, Which could in no way be compared to the well-known commissure above alluded to, which connects the two longitudinal stems above the anus. And not only was one such ventral commissure present, but on closer inspection I found a great number of them, and by registering the respective distances at which they were present, the one behind the other (about + mm.), I was forced to the conclusion that we here have before us a system of very regular metamerically placed commis- sures between the longitudinal stems, and forming a nerve-ladder (Pl. IX. fig. 10), which is very directly comparable to that of Sabel/a and other species among Annelids, and to that of Proneomenia and Chiton among Molluses. In a few of these commissures I detected dichotomy and fusion of one of the branches thus formed with the fore- going or with the following commissure, a peculiarity also known to exist in Chiton, but evidently of rarer occurrence in Drepanophorus lankesteri. Moreover, I may also men- REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 89 tion that in certain commissures it was clear that fine nerve-twigs spring from them and serve to innervate the surrounding tissues, their significance thus not being solely com- missural. The different facts just recorded are represented semi-diagrammatically on Pl. IX. fig. 10, which was reconstructed from the very large number of sections which I have of this species. It is, moreover, seen in this reconstruction how other peripheral nerves spring from the longitudinal stems as well, some being directed upwards or downwards, some towards the side or inwards. These peripheral stems are metamerical, as are the commissures, a metamery which, though not absolute, and sometimes broken by certain irregularities, is still more advanced towards perfect regularity than is the incipient metamery which we observe in the nerve-tracts that are noticed inside the plexus of the Schizonemertea, and that were more fully described above. The transverse commissures between the lateral stems may be noticed to go up quite close to the brain- lobes, as indicated in the diagram on Pl. IX. fig. 10. Both in this respect and in the fact of their existence, they call to mind the ventral commissural tracts in the plexus of Schizonemertea. I have no doubt that the two systems are homologous, the commissures having subsisted im Drepanophorus lankesteri although the plexus has disappeared. Finally, it must be mentioned that as yet I have looked for them in vain in other species of Drepanophorus, or in other Hoplonemertea. My other specimens of Drepanophorus are, however, less well preserved than is the one specimen of Drepanophorus lankesteri. Another peculiar feature of the peripheral nerve-system of the Challenger Hoplo- nemertea, which has also remained hitherto unnoticed, is most favourably observed in Amphiporus marion, although I afterwards noticed it in other Hoplonemertea. It is figured on Pl. X. fig. 1, ne, and consists in the fact of a peripheral stem, which has taken its outward course away from the longitudinal nerve-trunk, and which has penetrated amongst the pennate fasciculi of longitudinal muscle-fibres of the layer a, spreading out in a plane parallel to that of the body-surface, and thus forming a kind of local plexus between the muscular layers a and B. It must for the present remain an open question whether this arrangement, which can be noticed in different regions of the game section, and which in no section was absent, must be regarded as a primitive feature connected with the plexiform arrangement which must have obtained in the ancestral forms of the Hoplonemertea, or whether it is merely a special adaptation, having arisen in certain Hoplonemertea, and being in some way subservient to the innervation of the muscular investment or the integument. At all events it is a peculiar arrangement, and, as such, deserves special mention. How intricately and yet how regularly the peripheral nerve-system of the Hoplo- nemertea may be said to be distributed can also be gathered from Moseley’s figure of Pelagonemertes, which we have copied on Pl. I. fig. 23, where the peripheral nerves are seen to spring, two at a time, from the lateral trunks, which here, too, are united posteriorly by a commissure above the anus. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PART LIv.—1887.) Hhh 12 90 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. One peculiarity, finally, deserving special mention is the presence in the majority of well-preserved specimens of Hoplonemertea of a medio-dorsal longitudinal nerve homo- logous to the medullary nerve described above (cf: p. 81, and Pl. XI. fig. 8). Its connection with the rest of the nervous system could not be satisfactorily made out, although traces of a connection with the dorsal brain commissure were not wanting in many specimens. Its presence is, however, significant, and its retention in the Hoplonemertea, where the arrangement of the nerve-system has so considerably deviated from the primitive Palzo- nemertea and Schizonemertea, must prevent us from underrating its morphological significance. This will be more fully entered into in the chapter of General Considera- tions at the end of this Report. SENSE-ORGANS, ACCESSORY GLANDULAR STRUCTURES, AND ORGANS OF UNKNOWN SIGNIFICANCE. The most conspicuous sense-organs of the Nemertea are without doubt the eyes. Although eyes are absent in very many genera and species, and although in some species pigment spots at the tip of the snout are regarded as such, other genera have very well- marked and numerous eyes, with a hyaline hemispherical refractive body, a layer of visual rods, and an optic nerve connecting the eye with the brain-lobes. These more highly- developed eyes were previously known to occur in the Hoplonemertea, and the Challenger material has confirmed these general conclusions. The most primitive of the Palzeo- nemertea, Carinina, is not provided with eyes. Nor do I find traces of eyes in those species of Hupolia which were contained in the collection, and of which the head was studied in sections. Hupolia giardii is among these. However, it is known from other researches (VIZ) that different species of Hupolia have often very numerous eyes, increasing in number with the growth and the age of the animal, and, moreover, that these eyes resemble those of the Hoplonemertea in many respects. Nor were the Schizo- nemertea of the Challenger provided with eyes that revealed their presence in the microscopic sections, although I would not venture to affirm the total absence of eye- like structures or pigment spots. In this respect the fresh animal often shows at a glance what is very difficult to demonstrate in the series of sections, e.g., the number and disposition of the eyes or pigment spots. As, moreover, these data can hardly be of any taxonomic value for the determination of the Schizonemertea, I think I may pass on to the discussion of the eyes of the Challenger Hoplonemertea. They have the characteristic histological arrangement already described and figured by myself in a former publication on the subject (IX, fig. 42). A posterior layer of rod- like elements, which is in direct connection with the optic nerve, is enclosed by pigment, REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. ot and the whole completed into a more or less oval cup-form of which the anterior part shows very distinct cellular elements with nuclei. Distinct lenticular structures, which were formerly noticed in Mediterranean Nemertea, could not be certainly made out in the Challenger specimens. What varies most is the pigment coating the posterior hemispherical surface. Sometimes this pigment is intensely black, and so extremely fine that it looks almost homogeneous (Aimphiporus moseley’), whereas in other cases (Amphi- porus mariont) the pigment granules are uncommonly coarse and large sized, the colour being in this case a brownish-green rather than black. In discussing the further sense-organs of the Nemertea, a great significance must certainly be ascribed to the sensory elements distributed in the skin, and primarily serving for tactile functions. With respect to this organ of sense, the spirit specimens at my disposal have, however, revealed no new facts of importance. I have only convinced myself—as has been already noticed both when describing the cellular integument and its innervation—of the presence of distinct sense-cells in all parts of the integument. They have the well-known form of the sense-cells described by the Hertwigs, by Lang, and by others in the Ccelenterata, in the Platyelminthes, &c., and it is to them that the extreme delicacy of the tactile sense, which is revealed in living specimens of Nemertea, must be ascribed. Bateson’s fig. 777 of Balanoglossus comes very close to what was observed in the Nemertea in connection with these sense-cells. Their direct innervation by nerve-fibres, starting radially from the plexus in the two more primitive groups, has been noticed above (cf. Pl. XIII. fig. 6 ; Pl. XIV. fig. 2). Sense-cells with distinctly longer and stiffer hairs, such as I have been able to observe in living specimens from the Bay of Naples, have not come under my notice in the Challenger sections. The similarity with Balanoglossus, just alluded to, is increased if we consider Bateson’s figs. 70, 75, and 79, and compare them with the integument of Carinina. The similarity is significant. In sections of Balanoglossus made by myself I was very much struck by this resemblance, reaching from the cilia down to the nerve-plexus and subjacent muscles. Another question I wish to allude to here, and which has been pressed upon me by certain of the Challenger specimens, is whether the terminal transverse furrow which is encountered at the tip of the head in Carinina (PI. I. fig. 1-8; PL II. fig. 1), which is also distinctly seen in certain Amphipori (Pl. IX. fig. 9), has not also primarily a tactile significance. And, in addition to that, I wish to ask whether we might not look upon this terminal groove, which lies more or less in a horizontal plane passing through the animal, as having preceded the paired longitudinal cephalic furrows which form the distinctive feature of all the Schizonemertea. When considering the probability of this suggestion, the following points should not be lost sight of—(1) that in certain Cerebratult these cephalic furrows do meet at the tip of the head (Pl I. figs. 13. 14, 18,19); (2) that the furrows in this case are comparatively short (figs. 13, 14); 1 Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., June 1886. 92 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. (3) that in Carinina the opening through which the proboscis is everted lies ventrally to this furrow; (4) that in most Cerebratuli the proboscidian opening would similarly lie ventrally to the point of meeting of the lateral cephalic furrows if we supposed these to meet at the tip of the snout; (5) that in a few cases the opening appears to have shifted into the central part of the fissure; (6) that in other Cerebratuli the fissures, though continued on the anterior and apparently truncated portion of the snout, do not wholly fuse (Pl. I. fig. 12), but that just in the interval the proboscidian opening is situated ; (7) that again im other Cerebratuli this anterior truncated portion is wholly devoid of any continuation of the fissures, which in their turn may be exceedingly deep and long (PL I. fig. 16); (8) that in the Amphipori alluded to (Pl. IX. fig. 9) the common opening for proboscis and digestive cavity is also situated ventrally to the terminal fold ; (9) that in Hupolia transverse and very shallow cephalic fissures are found, which very strongly resemble those of the Hoplonemertea (even in the presence of short and numerous secondary grooves perpendicular to the principal groove), and which similarly contain the opening that leads into the posterior brain-lobe, as is the case in Carinina and the Hoplonemertea, and that even yet in certain Hupolix a trace of a terminal horizontal furrow has been retained (PI. I. fig. 7). Tabulating these different facts, the case would appear to stand thus :— Carinella annulata, one terminal shallow horizontal groove, two transverse lateral ones, no ciliated canal. 53 inexpectata, (VIII) terminal groove uncertain, transverse lateral grooves, ciliated canals into the brain-substance opening out into these orooves, Carinina, . : . terminal groove present, lateral grooves, with openings of . ciliated canal leading into a separate posterior brain-lobe. Amphiporus, —. . terminal groove present, lateral grooves, with openings of ciliated canal leading into a separate posterior brain-lobe. Eupolia, . . hardly a trace of terminal horizontal groove, lateral grooves as in the Carinellidze and Hoplonemertea. Valencinia, . no grooves at all, simple round opening for ciliated canal. Schizonemertea, . two longitudinal (never transverse!) cephalic grooves which in some cases are wholly separate, in other cases meet at the tip of the snout, and might then in their entirety be compared to a terminal horizontal groove such as that of Carmina. If the latter conjecture be true, “.e., if we may suppose the lateral furrows of the Schizonemertea to be derived from an ancestral phase, in which a terminal groove like that of Carinina was separated into two halves which deepened and widened on both sides of the head, reaching down as far as the opening of the ciliated canal into the REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 93 posterior brain-lobe, then, indeed, Carinina may be said to represent—also with respect to the fissures and grooves on the head—a stage of development in which both the characteristic features of the Hoplonemertea and the Schizonemertea are still present in combination. In deviating from the original arrangement, the Schizonemertea would have gone a longer way than would the Hoplonemertea, some of which still answer to the original type of structure found in Carinina. I now wish to consider more closely certain details of these different cephalic fissures, which cannot be discussed in a more appropriate place than in the section treating of the sense-organs, although their exact significance must for the present remain unsolved. In spirit preparations the ciliated coating of the body is generally never better preserved than in these furrows ; and the cells carrying the cilia, as well as their nuclei, are in most cases exceedingly distinct. However, in a few cases it is only the superficial layer of the integument that is thus continued as a clothing of the inner surface of these furrows. In most cases I could observe the deeper layer of integumentary glands (Schizonemertea) to be continued, although less compact, along the whole inner surface of the cephalic slits. Generally these deeper glandular layers appear to have undergone some special modifica- tion in connection with the canal that opens out at the bottom of the furrow, and leads into the brain-substance, a modification which may already be noticed in so primitive a genus as Carinina, which, however, with respect to this apparatus, may be said to be more differentiated than the allied genus Carinella. We find in Carinina (Pl. VI. figs. 1-3) that all round the bottom of this groove (Cg) there is a marked increase of the number of nuclei in the integumentary tissue; and although these nuclei can scarcely be said to belong to the layer of the deeper glands (c/- Pl. IV. fig. 1 £, and the paragraph on the integument), but rather to the one exterior to this, the fact of their accumulation in this marked way, just along the inner surface of the cephalic groove, is a most reliable indication that the integument is In some way modified in adaptation to the significance of these grooves. In PI. VI. fig. 1 a distinctly pointed shape is assumed by this wedge-like or horse-shoe-shaped accumulation of nuclei, and a fibrous band connecting them with the intermuscular tissue is even visible, more or less clearly, separating—at least in this section—a posterior brain-lobe Br’, into which the canal passes, from the anterior brain-mass Br (cf. woodcut, p. 81). The glandular layer is, however, not indifferent or neutral during these changes in the exterior nuclear one; and although the two specimens at my disposal do not permit me to unravel the whole of the modifications it undergoes, I may still be permitted to observe that in figs. 2 and 3 of PI.VI. its participation (Gi and gl.br) cannot be denied, whereas a comparison of all the three figures here given makes it appear very probable that these glandular elements (gi.br), derived from the deeper layer of the integument (G7), play a part with respect to the posterior brain-lobe of Carinina, which may best be compared to the glandular investment of the posterior brain-lobe, as it is encountered in all the other Nemertea 94 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. (cf. Pl. VI. figs. 7, 8; Pl. XIV. figs. 6-8, 11). What the physiological meaning of this glandular investment may be must remain unsolved for the present, although we will return to this question further on. Carinina demonstrates that, as the brain-lobes are direct derivatives of the integument, so is the glandular investment of the posterior one. I may here note that, in studying the development of Lineus obscuwrus, 1 have (XIV) been able to determine the fact that the glandular investment and the nerve-cells of the posterior brain-lobes also arise in that species out of the same mass of embryonic cells.. Moreover, I must add that the glandular significance of this investment was for the first time more emphatically brought forward by Dewoletzky in a short notice on the Nemertea (II), Although I cannot accept all the conclusions to which this naturalist arrives with respect to the apparatus of which we are here treating, and must demur when he rejects the specially adapted respiratory significance which the brain canal must necessarily have in very many species, still it is only fair to call attention to his inquiry into the nature of this cellulo-glandular investment. The only point which has still to be noticed, and which is partly a repetition of what has been already described in the paragraph on the nervous system, is the fact of the actual observation by myself in Drepanophorus lankesteri, from the Challenger collection, of the passage of the contents of part of these glandular investing cells into the lumen of the canal (Pl. XIV. fig. 10). Moreover, one point should not be lost sight of, viz., that between the glandular cells that form an actual investment of the posterior lobe (and which in Carinina could be identified with the deeper glandular structure of the integu- ment) and the actual integumentary glands, there exists in Schizonemertea a constant and considerable difference, even with respect to the affinities for staining reagents, and still more in the general aspect. The case of Carinina is on this account all the more interesting. We must only be careful not to look upon the exceptional case which I was able to observe and to figure (PI. XIV. fig. 11, gl), in which an additional glandular (7?) ring surrounds the ciliated canal after it has passed out of the brain-lobe on its way to the exterior, as.one of transition. I hardly think that this special adaptation, which has been already noticed above (p. 60), pertains to the layer of the deeper skin-glands ; and though I am not prepared to offer a definite opinion, I am much more inclined to compare this curious accumulation of distinct and nucleated cells with a similar accumulation which we have also noticed in Carinina, and have there encountered more peripherally but still surrounding the ciliated canal (Pl. VI. figs. 1-3). In either case the physiological significance of the arrangement cannot at present be decided. And to a certain extent this may also be said to be the case with respect to the whole of the posterior brain-lobe. As long as it went by the name of side-organ—which, how- ever, did no justice to its intimate connection with the brain—it was generally regarded as a specific sense-organ of unknown function (Quatrefages, M‘Intosh, &c.). Later on I published a paper (IX) in which the attempt was made to show that, in a very large number REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 95 of cases, the ciliated canal is adapted to give the oxygenated sea-water access to the hemoglobiniferous nerve-tissue. At the same time (loc. cit., p. 35) I did not deny all sensory significance to the organ, but repeated that we had not found any specialised sensory epithelium in it, and could not judge of what kind the sensory impressions might be that were carried by the apparatus to the animal’s sensorium. Since then I have been able to fix the exact mode of origin of the apparatus in at least one species of Nemertea (XIV, XV), and may here recall to mind that the central lining of the canal most decidedly takes its origin as an invagination of the epiblast. This invagination second- arily coalesces with the brain. In these two ontogenetic data we have only very vague indications. They allow of a comparison both with olfactory and with auditory pits. Strange as it may seem, I do not see that the first comparison has many more @ priori arguments for it than the second. Otoliths, it is true, have not been found in this lobe, but who can tell what purpose the minute concretions, formed by the ensheathing gland-cells, and sometimes accumulated inside the lumen of the canal, may serve ? We have, however, to suspend our judgment. Graeffe’s, Keferstein’s, and Claparéde’s observations on the existence of special otolith capsules in the Nemertea require further confirmation. They may, perhaps, have mistaken the highly refractive globules in the gland-cells of the posterior brain-lobe for otoliths. One more point may be mentioned, viz., that the comparison of the cavity of these lobes with a branchial slit of Balanoglossus, &c. (cf. Bateson, loc. cit.), which I tenta- tively attempted in a former paper (IX, p. 33) has to be definitely abandoned, now that the epiblastic origin of the cavity has been indubitably shown by myself and afterwards by Salensky (XIV, XXX), and since on this point the statements of earlier authors as to the hypoblastic origin of this cavity (Barrois, &c.), which led to my former suggestion, have to be definitely abandoned. If the comparison with a gill-slit is no longer tenable on morphological grounds, this in no way changes my views as to the physiological importance that must be attached to the direct respiratory function of the nerve-tissue, which can nowhere be so perfectly accomplished as in the posterior canalised lobe. I have no doubt, however, that in some species—more especially of Hoplonemertea—its significance as an organ of sense may supersede its importance as a respiratory chamber, the hemoglobin, though present in these species, being there much more diluted, at any rate colouring the brain less intensely red, and the connection between posterior and anterior lobes being at the same time less intimate. Having now discussed all those parts of the organism which we have any sometimes even questionable—right to consider as sense-organs, I must pass on to those which are of a still more dubitable nature, and which fall under the head for which the further part of the superscription of this section was intended. Since in some cases I find them in the head and directly innervated by the brain, since though 96 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. in another case they are at the sides of the head stretching backwards for a not incon- siderable distance, but always exactly at the lateral margin, and because a glandular epithelium plays an important part in their constitution, there is indeed some, though of course very distant, analogy with the glandular parts of the posterior brain-lobes which we have considered before. I do not wish to attach any importance or significance to this analogy for the present, for we have no sutlicient data; but I mention it by way of explanation as to how I come to intercalate the description of these parts of the organism in this place. The first structure which I have to mention occurs in the head of Drepanophorus lankesteri, and something analogous to it was noticed by former observers (XVI) in Geonemertes palaeensis. In the Challenger specimen the horizontal sections through the precerebral region demonstrate, when viewed with low powers, the presence of a lobulated mass which is imbedded in the gelatinous ground-substance and partly traversed by contractile fibres that radiate through the head in so many directions. When higher powers are applied, this mass is dissolved into groups of cells enclosing more or less circular free spaces, which, being present in consecutive sections, represent a system of canals coated by the cells just mentioned, the whole forming a kind of spongy tissue. A branch by which this canalicular system communicates with the exterior could not be made out in my specimen, although von Kennel has found such an opening in his Geonemertes, and thus I do not wish to lay too much stress on the fact of my being unable to rediscover it in the only Challenger specimen in which I found this structure. The cells are much more granular and at the same time larger than the surrounding cells of the intermuscular gelatinous mass ; the nuclei are large and distinct (Pl. XV. fig. 13). It must be noted that the character of the cells and the aspect of the organ differ very essentially from von Kennel’s description. It is the situation that is correspondent. A similar precerebral glandular lobulated organ was found by me in Drepanophorus rubrostriatus from the Mediterranean, though not in the Challenger specimens of this species, in which, as was remarked above, the head was deficient. A special innervation by nerve-fibres belonging to the cerebral nerves was in both cases made out. The second structure to which I alluded as occurring in Challenger Hoplonemertea was found by me in the different specimens of Amphiporus moseleyi, both in transverse and horizontal sections. It may shortly be characterised as being an accumulation of short, saccular tubes, blind posteriorly and opening to the exterior by a distinct neck, which pierces muscular layers as well as basement membrane, its internal epithelium then fusing with the integument. These short flask-like sacs sometimes internally coalesce with each other, the same interior cavity then communicating outwards by more than one duct. This, however, appears to be more or less exceptional. They are very numerous, though short, at the tip of the head (Pl. X. fig. 3, gl.s). They become larger when we follow them further backwards, where we find them situated laterally in that REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 97 region of the body where the dorsal musculature passes into the ventral, and where the intervening layer of muscular tissue is either very thin or even (sometimes locally) absent, at least as a special layer. In every transverse section some three or four of these glandular flasks are simultaneously cut (Pl. XV. fig. 11). They show no further variety of structure, but are not found along the whole length of the body. In the hinder half at least I have not detected them. The histological constitution of these flask-shaped glands is difficult to make out in the spirit specimens. The epithelium clothing them had a very much changed and deteriorated aspect, and only in certain favourable regions could I definitely establish the fact that it was built up of largish cells with large nuclei (Pl. XV. fig. 12), the contents of the cells being granular like those of the cells of the median precerebral organ before described. Innervation was not so clearly traced here, though in the head these flask-shaped organs certainly receive fibres from the very numerous cerebral branches there present. Having once determined the presence of the organs just described and their situation, it was found that their presence is even externally traceable in the specimens of Amphi- porus moseleyi (see Pl. IX. fig. 8) by a white line running backwards from the tip of the head along the comparatively sharply edged margin of the body (see pp. 20, 21). Whena transverse section is made in this region with a razor, the naked eye can trace this white line extending inwards for a short distance as if the pigment occasioning it were very thickly applied. Viewed with the microscope, it is then easily seen that this white spot breaks up into the accumulated flasks as above described, which are surrounded and supported by the gelatinous tissue. In such a section the latter tissue is much more transparent and homogeneous, thus bringing out the glands as white lateral spots in this transparent imbedding mass, in which also the rest of the internal organs may be seen to be suspended, and which is dorsally and ventrally limited by the body musculature and the integument. It may finally be noticed that I have never succeeded in finding the necks of these flasks that lead to the exterior wholly free and open, as I have the canal of the posterior brain-lobe or the excretory duct of the nephridia. These very numerous necks of the flask-shaped organs are always filled with a mass that has a streaked and fibrous appear- ance. I mention this because it partly contributes to establish my conviction that the physiological significance may indeed be glandular, and that the secreted, viscid mass, passing out perhaps more copiously when the animals are immersed in spirit, remains fixed in this passage to the exterior. If it be not premature—as I consider it to be—to establish any comparison between these organs and parts of the organism of Vertebrates, one would certainly be reminded of those canals in the head which are known as the “Schleimcaniile,” and which are continued along the sides of the body as the lateral line. The significance which of late has been more and more definitely assigned to these organs in the Vertebrates, as (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PaRT Liv.—1887.) Hhbh 13 98 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. accessory to the sense-organs forming the system of the lateral line, a sensory epithelium being protected by and combined with them, has no direct parallel in Amphiporus moseleyi, although it cannot be denied that the flask-shaped glands are in the immediate vicinity of and on a level with the lateral nerve-trunks. The absence of these glandular structures in the Paleeonemertea and Schizonemertea hitherto observed, renders the suggestion of any close homology very hazardous. Still, I would not wholly refrain from pointing out the distant kind of parallelism which may be noticed, and which has certainly contributed to induce me to consider these organs in the paragraph devoted to the sense-organs, a proceeding which future inves- tigations may perhaps show to have been wholly unfounded. The significance of this parallelism will once more be discussed, when, in the chapter of General Considerations, there is further scope for speculation. PROBOSCIS AND PROBOSCIDIAN SHEATH. Concerning this important organ, so very fully described by M‘Intosh in his Monograph on the group (XIX), the Challenger material has not revealed any startling peculiarities. Nevertheless, it deserves some closer consideration, because certain points, e.g., the exact mode of the anterior attachment of the proboscis in these worms, could be studied more favourably by me in certain of the Challenger sections than ever before. Moreover, the Russian naturalist Salensky has lately! propounded certain views concerning the proboscis and its sheath which deserve consideration and refutation. I will first describe the facts with respect to the proboscis which we notice in the Challenger Nemertea. Carinina has a proboscis which, in transverse section, reveals the remarkable peculiarity that the primitive order of succession, according to which in the body-wall we meet with (1) integument, (2) longitudinal nerves, (3) musculature, also obtains in the proboscis, the innervation of which takes place through the intervention of two longitudinal nerves, which are so situated as to be enclosed by the internal cellular epithelium (Pl. II. figs. 11, 12), just as is the body nerve-stem in a section of the trunk. This fact, though it cannot be looked upon as a direct confirmation of the hypothesis advocated by me after I had become acquainted with Graff's Monograph on the Rhabdoccela, viz., that in the Nemertea also the proboscis should be looked upon as a gradual derivative of an original continuation of the body-wall, which has become introvertible like the snout of the Rhabdoccela proboscidea, still throws a very favourable light on these views. And this is further the case when we notice that in many Schizo- nemertea there is also an order of succession of the layers in the proboscis-wall which is 1 Zeitsehr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xliii. p. 509. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 99 similarly more or less a repetition of the same arrangement in the body-wall (Pl. XV. fig. 2, a’, B’, npl., y’). In addition to the peculiarity just described, there is another morphological consider- ation which tends to show that this interpretation of the significance of the proboscis is indeed the right one. When we consider a horizontal section through the region of insertion of the proboscis in the head (Pl. III. fig. 5), we see that in Carinina the mode of fixation of the proboscis is exceedingly simple, its longitudinal muscular coat being in direct continuity with the longitudinal muscle-layer of the body-wall. Somewhat in front of the transverse cephalic grooves, about on a level with the anterior brain-lobe, we see certain of the fibres of this longitudinal coat, instead of pursuing their course onwards towards the tip of the head, bending inwards, traversing the space which I have termed (XIII, XV) the archiccele, and then running backwards as the longitudinal fibres of the proboscis. Other fibres, parallel to those just referred to, do not contribute towards the formation of the proboscis, but continuing in their original direction, take part in the formation of the muscular wall of the head (PI. III. fig. 5). It certainly deserves remark that the same comparatively simple arrangement is met with in the much more highly differentiated Hoplonemertea, as a glance at fig. 3, Pl. X. will show. There, too, the longitudinal musculature (a) of the body-wall is partly continued towards the tip of the head, where it partly bends round and largely contributes to the formation of the muscular layers of the proboscis. I suppose this way of stating the facts is more in accordance with their actual relations, than to say that the longitudinal musculature of the proboscis is internally inserted upon that of the body. Here also the direct continuity of body-wall and proboscidian-wall, the latter appearing merely as an inverted portion of the former, is forced upon our attention, as is in the same way the direct continuity of the exterior integument J, through that of the rhynchodeum Rh to that which clothes the proboscis itself, and which on the eversion of that organ forms the exterior surface. We must now consider these different parts more in detail. Commencing with the rhynchodeeum (cf. p. 8), we find in the Paleeonemertea and Schizonemertea its walls bathed by the blood-spaces in the head, as may be gathered from a comparison of the figures in Oudemans’ paper (KXVII) on the blood-vascular system. This is no longer the case in the Hoplonemertea, where these blood-spaces are replaced by the distinct vascular loops. The proboscidian walls, fusing anteriorly with the musculature and the external epithe- lium of the head, are different in the different subdivisions. Contractile fibres and cellular elements, the materials of which the rhynchodzeum is built up, are present in Carinina in quite a different relation from that in which they occur in Cerebratulus or Am phiporus. In Carinina, as a glance at Pl. III. fig. 5 will show, it is the cellular elements (4 Pe) that are extremely preponderant. These cells are vacuolated, more than one layer thick, different in aspect from the true proboscidian epithelium, and held together by a fibrous 100 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. coating, which is attached by radial fibrous bands to the cephalic musculature. The rhynchodeum is thus suspended in the cephalic blood-space, as was formerly (IX) described by me in Carinella. The histological difference between the vacuolated cells of the rhynchodeeum of Carinina and the cells of the outer integument, is less than that between the former and the epithelium of the proboscis proper. A comparison between figs. 3, 4 of Pl. IIL, fig. 1 of Pl. IV., and figs. 1-3 of Pl. VI. will sufficiently demonstrate this, vacuolated cells playing a very prominent part in the outer strata of the integument in Carinina. Still the three epithelia (external, rhynchodeeal, and proboscidian) are immediately contiguous, the passage from the one to the other being gradual and only in the latter case relatively abrupt. In the rhynchodzeum of the Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea the cellular and ciliated layer of the rhynchodzeum of the earliest Paleeonemertea has been relegated to the back- ground, and the whole has become more a muscular sheath, in which the muscles have, however, a different arrangement in the first and in the second group. The increase in muscularity is in the Schizonemertea more a regular thickening of the fibrous investment, whereas in the Hoplonemertea it is much more massive in one region than in the other. In this way an annular and massive muscular sphincter (as it may be adequately termed) arises in the posterior part of the rhynchodeeum (Pl. X. fig. 3, Sp. Pr.). In this muscular sphincter longitudinal and circular fibres are very intimately inter- woven, more or less in basket fashion, as indicated in the figure. Moreover, the connection with the general musculature of the head is again brought about by radial bundles, also visible in the figure. Of the Schizonemertean rhynchodzeum no special figure is given; it answers to the short description which was given above, it can be well observed in several figures in M‘Intosh’s monograph, and, like the rhynchodeeum of the other groups, it reaches back- wards just as far as the implantation of the proboscis in the musculature of the head. The epithelium of the rhynchodzeum is in most cases distinctly ciliated. The proboscis itself has been the subject of so detailed study and so elaborate description by M‘Intosh and other investigators, that I must necessarily restrict myself to those few points on which the Challenger material furnishes certain deviations or additions. The inner epithelium of the proboscis of Carinina shows considerable differences according to the region under observation. In front there are papillee of a more or less arborescent shape, on which a coating of fairly large cells, with distinct nuclei, and partly vacuolated, is present. Posteriorly the cells are lower and more closely set (PI. III. figs. 1, 2, Pe). This may be partially the result of a different state of contraction, by which the anterior portion is thrown more into folds. The difference is, on the other hand, further accentuated by the presence of a con- REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 101 striction in the proboscis, which I observed in the longitudinal sections of the only specimen of Carinina that had retained its proboscis. I cannot affirm that this constriction was natural, 7.e., that it would also be found in fresh specimens. Since, however, I have formerly described (VIZ) similar constric- tions in the proboscis of Carinella and Valencinia, there are many @ priori grounds for also accepting its normal occurrence in Carinina. At the same time it more or less coincides with the change in the character of the epithelium just noticed. The epithelium of the proboscis of certain Schizonemertea was known to be charac- terised by the presence of nematocysts. In a former publication (VII) I showed that the observation of Max Miiller, who first noticed urticating elements in Cerebratulus urticans, might be extended to nearly all Schizonemertea, although the size of these elements is generally considerably below that of the type species just mentioned, Miiller has given good figures of the shape of the elements in his species; of the others no figures have hitherto been given, and fig. 2 of Pl. XV. is intended to show the situa- tion of packets of urticating elements, batteries, as they might be called, in a transverse section of the anterior part of the proboscis, rather than to furnish particulars concerning the histology of these nematocysts. They are seen to be situated close to the free surface of the cells, and to be of different sizes on the dorsal and on the ventral surface of the proboscis. Three batteries are figured lying free in the lumen of the proboscis; when seen from the side they have the aspect of a brush with close hairs seen in the same way, when seen from above they appear to be more or less circular, and each of the elements composing the battery is then found to be represented by a fine dot instead of by a straight line, as was the case in the side view. In the spirit specimens of Cerebratulus more than these general facts could not be ascer- tained. I may add that fresh specimens from the Mediterranean showed that each of the elements out of which such a battery is composed has a spindle-shaped form, being more or less pointed at both ends and somewhat bulging in the middle, and that from one of the pointed ends—which in its natural position is directed away from the proboscidian epithelium—the fine urticating thread may be observed to issue. This thread is, in most cases, comparatively short. While in Cerebratulus urticans there is hardly any doubt that each urticating element may act independently of the others, it is not improbable that in some species, as the one here described, they remain connected in batteries by whose joint action, when the proboscis is projected, delicate animals may be wounded or para- lysed upon extrusion of the proboscis, and may thus fall an easy prey to the proprietor of this formidable weapon. As to the more detailed histology of this epithelium, I wish to withhold further remarks till I am enabled to publish the observations on the fresh specimens examined at Naples. Similarly the curious and very adhesive epithelium of the foremost portion of the Hoplonemertean proboscis which I have formerly described (IV, V), which was well 102 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. known to M‘Intosh, Graff, and other observers, and which I have again met with in the Challenger Hoplonomertea, cannot be more circumstantially described. Moreover, the stylets in the different Hoplonemertea did not offer any remarkable deviation from the well-known type, and though the transverse sections gave very clear details regarding the arrangement of the muscle-fibres in the muscular bulb, about the epithelium of the glandular duct that conveys the probably venomous secretion of the posterior cavity to the base of the stylet, &c., these are only confirmations of facts already known and need not be recapitulated here. The shape of the stylets was mentioned when the species were described; those of Drepanophorus, though not obtained from an actual Challenger specimen, are represented in the woodcut on p. 16. The muscular walls of the proboscis differ in the various genera, and these differences speak for themselves when we compare figs. 11 and 12 of Pl. IL, and figs. 1, 2, and 5 of Pl. IIL. (Carinina), fig. 11 of Pl. VI. (Eupolia), fig. 7 of Pl. VIII. (Pelagonemertes), fig. 6 of Pl. XIL (Amphiporus), and figs. 2 and 3 of Pl. XV. (Cerebratulus). These latter show the muscular layers of the proboscis of the Schizonemertea to be a repetition of the muscular layers of their body-wall: a circular layer between two longitudinal ones, the circular layer giving off fibres at diametrically opposite poles to the external membranous sheath (b), and moreover, a nervous plexus (7. pl), which is also situated between the outer longitudinal muscular coat y’ (that just below the epithelium), and the circular one f’. This nerve-plexus does not go all round, at least it cannot be distinctly made out except throughout one-half of the circumference. It is also traversed by radial fibres, and is again replaced by definite longitudinal stems when we examine a transverse section of the proboscis further back (Pl. XV. fig. 3). These longitudinal stems are characteristic of certain species of Cerebratulus, and a plexus, even a far more complete and cylindrical one than the one figured (Pl. XV. fig. 2) for Cerebratulus macroren, is characteristic of others. The nerve-stems enter the proboscis at its point of insertion, and spring from the right and left extremity of the ventral brain commissure. In the posterior regions of the proboscis of Hupolia, of Pelagonemertes, and of nearly all the other species, the musculature appears to be reduced to a simple longitudinal layer, carrying the epithelium on one side, and being held together by an ensheathing membrane on the other (PI. VI. fig. 11, and Pl. VIIL fig. 7). In Carinina there is an additional circular layer, and the remarkable fact, which has been already noticed above, of the situation of the nerves still enclosed in the epithelium. In Amphiporus, Drepanophorus, and Pelagonemertes (anterior portion) the proboscis-wall exhibits the notable complications corresponding with the curious dis- position of the nerves in the proboscis, and which was described in sufficient detail by M‘Intosh (beaded layer) (XIX, XX), myself (EX), von Kennel (XVI), and Graff (111). To von Kennel the merit is due of having definitely established the nervous significance of the parts in question. The innervation may here be REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 103 said to represent a plexus with numerous longitudinal thickened portions or stems. The passage of the nerves from the brain into the proboscis can very rarely be well observed, because the proboscis is nearly always extruded and torn off when the animal is killed. I may, however, repeat what was noticed above (p. 85), viz., that in Amphiporus moseleyi, more particularly, this doubt has now been dispelled. I can observe in my sections that, instead of two strong nerves innervating the proboscis, as in the Paleonemertea and Schizonemertea, a much larger number of branches leave the brain-ring and enter the proboscis in the region of its attachment. That these may dichotomise and give rise to a larger number of longitudinal stems has been already stated by von Kennel (XVI). This nervous plexus and the longitudinal stems subdivide the longitudinal muscle- layer into an outer and an inner portion, the latter (when the proboscis is everted) being again subdivided into as many longitudinal columns as there are nerve-stems in the proboscis (Pl. XII. fig. 6). Outside and inside of this longitudinal layer there is a circular layer of fibres, outside of the exterior one of these the epithelium. As to the nerve-stems and the plexus, one specimen of Amphiporus marioni showed very distinct cellular accumulations just between each nerve-stem, as if a longitudinal tract of nerve-cells alternated with one of nerve-fibres in the plexus. For the study of this phenomenon fresh specimens will be absolutely necessary. The phenomenon itself has been already noticed, but has not yet been wholly understood, either by von Kennel (XVI) or by Graff (ITT). Just as it has been necessary to curtail our observations on the proboscis because of the detailed information already available concerning this important organ, the probos- cidian sheath need not be treated at any length in view of the data that are already furnished by others. It is known to be a closed space surrounding the proboscis, having in the majority of cases its own muscular wall, by the contractions of which the fluid contained in the space is driven against the anterior proboscidian attachment. The muscular sheath thus serves to protrude the proboscis as far as the length of the posterior portion —acting as a retractor-muscle—will allow it. There can hardly be any doubt, when we take into consideration all the morpholo- gical data at our disposal, that the muscles composing the proboscidian sheath gradually took their origin by the increase and modification of pre-existing muscular elements, which belonged to the body-wall and to the body-parenchyma before the proboscis, modified from a tactile organ, as it appears to have primitively been, had yet become evolved, through the growth inwards of the anterior tip of the body, into an aggressive weapon, with stylet or nematocysts, &e. We find the shorter proboscides, and the less significant proboscidian sheaths among the more primitive genera of Nemertea. Carinella has a short proboscis ; the dorsal wall of its sheath is still a component part of the musculature of the body-wall; the ventral wall is thin, and only composed of a 104 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. few fibres. So it isin Carinina (PI. IL figs. 3, 6,7, 9,10; Pl. IV. fig. 6, Ps). In Eupolia the proboscis is longer, but the sheath is still most insignificant, as may be gathered from the figures (Pl. VI. figs. 9,10; Pl. VII. fig. 10). It is a space having internally a cellular coating very similar to that of the blood-spaces, the cells of this internal epithelial covering often more or less projecting into the lumen of the sheath. Outside of these cells a few circular fibres are seen to have developed ; outside of these there is again the body-paren- chyma, with the enclosed blood-lacunee. There is no doubt that from sections of Hupolia alone nobody would be inclined to look upon the cavity of the proboscidian sheath as a very independent cavity, nor is it possible to affirm that the mode of the protrusion of the proboscis, as it was sketched above, is indeed fully developed in Hupolia and Carinella. There is no doubt that of all Nemertea observed alive, these two were never seen to protrude their proboscis spontaneously, and very often even preserved them in death, when the Hoplonemertea always forcibly expel and even spontaneously detach their proboscis. There is, on the other hand, no evidence at all which would justify us in regarding the arrangement of these Paleonemertea as secondary or degenerated from a higher differentiated stage. The participation of the body musculature in bringing about the movements of the proboscis in these lower forms renders this more intelligible. Only in the more highly differentiated Schizonemertea, and especially in the Hoplo- nemertea, the muscular walls of the proboscidian sheath undergo a very rapid increase in bulk, and at the same time become more and more, and in the last-named group even wholly independent of the body musculature. This increase of an organ so eminently mesoblastic as the proboscidian sheath, by gradual addition of new fibres that are even arranged in multiple layers, can thus be traced in all its various stages in the different genera of Nemertea. Salensky would probably not have made his startling hypothesis above alluded to, based on ontogenetical observations of a scission in the proboscidian wall, by which (1) a muscular proboscidian sheath surrounding the proboscis becomes separated from, and independent of, the musculature of the proboscis itself, and (2) an isolated coelome—the proboseidian cavity—is originated, if he had been as well acquainted with the comparative anatomy of the animals about which he writes as he is with certain details of their ontogeny. Granting even that the development may, in the species observed by him, follow the paths he has sketched (my own observations on the ontogeny of Lineus obscurus (XIV) have led to wholly different results on this head), it is not yet per- missible to base upon those two ontogenetic observations phylogenetic speculations wholly at variance with all the facts that are furnished by a comparison of the different living genera. The woodcuts given by Salensky, in which a Rhabdoccele proboscis and a Nemertean one are put side by side, look very tempting, but cannot be accepted by me. 1 Archives de Biologie, vol. v. p. 561 ; Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xliii. p. 508. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 105 While fully recognising the importance of Graff's observations for our own interpretation of the Nemertean proboscis, and the genetic relation of this organ to that of the Rhab- docceles (not direct but collateral), I must as emphatically reject the proposed derivation of the proboscidian sheath advocated by Salensky. We must, indeed, represent to ourselves the gradual evolution of the proboscis as that of an epiblastic organ reaching further and further inwards in successive genera- tions, and strengthened and completed by a mesoblastic musculature ; and outside of this the free and independent development out of other mesoblastic elements (primarily belonging to the body-wall) of the sheath. It has been already noticed elsewhere (XIV, XV), that if these mesoblastie structures could be traced down to amceboid mesoblast cells derived im loco out of the subjacent hypoblast, an ontogenetic homology between the tissues constituting the proboscidian sheath and those forming the notochord of Vertebrates would be established. Returning to the proboscidian sheath of the Schizonemertea, we find it to consist of an outer layer of circular fibres and an inner one of longitudinal (PI. X. fig. 8, m Prs ; Pl. XV. fig. 1). The former sometimes, when the sheath is thick and contracted, shows a wavy line. Radial fibres, piercing the two fibrous layers, insert themselves against the inner epithelium, which covers the whole inner surface, looking towards the cavity of the proboscidian sheath. Between this epithelium and the muscular layers there is a broad band of transparent basement tissue (Pl. XV. fig. 1, 6) following the numerous longitu- dinal folds of the epithelium just mentioned. These folds disappear when the proboscidian sheath is in distension (Pl. X. fig. 8), a phase that may repeatedly be noticed, even without any extrusion of the proboscis, e.g., as a consequence of complicated coilings of the proboscis inside its sheath. It is easily understood that during such distension the thickness of the subepithelial homogeneous basement layer and of the muscular layers is considerably reduced. A maximum degree of distension is figured on PI. X. fig. 9, where the epithelium was no longer separately visible, and even the cesophageal epithelium has been flattened out, together with the proboscidian-sheath wall. As will be seen from Pl. XV. fig. 1, we find outside of the outer circular layer of the sheath the gelatinous body-parenchyma, a thin layer of this even separating the probos- cidian sheath from the longitudinal muscular layer a, in the midst of which we notice the true proboscidian-sheath-nerve (pr.sn). In addition, I think it is not unimportant to remark, that just below this layer of longitudinal fibres, there are strands of circular fibres which do not apparently belong to the proboscidian sheath, and which, after having been closely applied against the dorsal musculature in the middle line of the back, radiate amongst the parenchyma and the intestinal ceca. It is these fibres (and perhaps in addition to them the circular layer of the sheath itself) which may possibly be looked upon as representative of the layer § in the Carinellide (cf. Pl. XI.), and which there takes such a conspicuous part in the dorsal delimitation of the proboscidian sheath. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PaRT LIv.—1887.) Hhbh 14 106 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. In many Schizonemertea the proboscidian sheath is thus constituted ; in others I find that a phenomenon, which receives its more final expression in certain Hoplonemertea, is not wholly absent—I mean the presence of varicosities, in which the inner space of the sheath is bulged out, without the musculature following. In this way more or less irregular appendages are brought about, generally along the side or the lower corners, having the aspect of accessory reservoirs. In Cerebratulus sp. inc. (Pl. XV. fig. 6), from Japan, it seems as if these appendages in the posterior region of the body even surpass in size the sheath itself, which is not a very significant organ in that region of the body, and, moreover, as if these two ceca are filled with a sub- stance of the nature of which the available spirit specimens do not enable me to judge. I do not wish to discuss here the significance of these facts, not having for the present sufficient material to study them more fully; it is only my purpose to call the attention of future investigators to the phenomenon, which may be so significant for a correct inter- pretation of the posterior, often semi-rudimentary portion of the proboscidian sheath. It has been observed that in certain Hoplonemertea the phenomenon just noticed finds a more definite and more regular expression. The first observation of this is due to M‘Intosh, who detected in the proboscidian sheath of Drepanophorus reeular metameri- cally placed openings, by which the space inside the muscular sheath communicated with other cavities outside of it, that had no muscular walls (KX). While M‘Intosh supposed these accessory cavities to establish a communication between the cavity of the proboscidian sheath and the blood-vascular system, I have since demonstrated (VIZ) that no such communication exists, but that Drepanophorus possesses closed membranous sacs communicating with the proboscidian sheath, and probably serving as reserve spaces for the fluid contents of the proboscidian sheath during the very powerful contractions and distentions which the organ may undergo. In the Challenger specimens the same phenomenon was observed, and I have even ventured to assign all those specimens in which these recular paired appendages of the proboscidian sheath were found to the genus Drepanophorus, even when I have not succeeded in deter- mining the armature of the proboscis so characteristic of the genus. Two sections through the proboscidian sheath of Challenger Drepanophori are figured on Pl. X. figs. 4, 5. The curious arrangement of circular and longitudinal fibres, having the appearance of basket-work in the transverse section, may be understood from these figures, even without any further description. Between the musculature and the inner epithelial layer there is again a homogeneous membrane, with longitudinal folds indicative of the contracted state in which the sheath here figured was at the moment of its.preservation. In neither of the two was the section quite vertical, thus only one of the lateral diverticula is cut, instead of the pair that are REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 107 opposite each other. The epithelium which coats the internal cavity of the sheath is seen to be continued uninterruptedly in these lateral spaces, whereas the musculature is deficient, and these ceca may thus with propriety be called membranous. There is a decidedly thicker epithelial coating in the lateral sacs of fig. 4 (Drepanophorus lankesteri) than in those of fig. 5 (Drepanophorus serraticollis). On the other hand, the musculature of the proboscidian sheath of the latter is much more massively developed than that of the former. One remarkable detail concerning the lateral appendages in Drepanophorus lan- kesteri, is the fact that I found a few of the anterior ones connected by a short longitu- dinal communicating tube at their distal extremity, this connection being thus parallel to the proboscidian sheath itself. Similar connections were not noted further backwards, nor in any other species of Drepanophorus. While the proboscidian sheath of Amphiporus marioni (Pl. X. fig. 1) is built on the same plan as that of Drepanophorus, that of Pelagonemertes is seen to be much simpler (Pl. VIII. fig. 7). Both are quite freely suspended in the gelatinous tissue, and only connected with the body musculature in the head (PI. X. fig. 3). DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. The digestive canal of the Nemertea cannot be said, from a morphological point of view, to be very complicated. Communicating with the exterior by a ventral mouth close behind the tip of the head and by a terminal anus, it stretches along the whole length of the body, and only two rather sharply defined regions may be distinguished in it: the cesophagus and the hind gut or intestine proper. Still, even the mouth is not always an independent structure, as it is known to become confluent with the opening through which the proboscis pro- trudes, 7.e., the terminal opening of the rhynchodzeum," in at least two genera (Amphiporus and Malacobdella?). In that case this common opening is either terminal or nearly so (Pl. IX. fig. 9), and generally larger than the separate openings in other Hoplonemertea. This feature is clearly not primitive but derived from that condition in which the mouth lies behind the brain-lobes on the ventral surface, as it does in the most primitive 1 Rhynchodeum (see p. 8) is the name that may conveniently be given to the passage stretching from the point of insertion of the proboscis in the head to the level of the exterior opening on the surface of the body through which the proboscis is seen to be thrust forth. Its walls are marked A Pe in fig. 5 of Pl. IIL; RA. and Sp. Pr. in fig. 3, Pl. X. ? Salensky has lately (Biologisches Centralblatt, 1883, p.740,and Archives de Biologie, vol. v.), in publishing embryo- logical researches on a certain species of Nemertea, imagined that the feature here alluded to was then and there discovered by him for the first time, and necessitated the creation of a new genus (Monopora). Although his attention was drawn to the superfluity of this proceeding (XIV. p. 41), he still retains the name in a later publication (Zeztschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xliii. p. 481). Still, I am afraid this will not extend its longevity, as all the other anatomical characters most decidedly conform to Amphiporus. 108 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Carinellidee and in the Schizonemertea, in fact in all Nemertea, with the exception of the Hoplonemertea. In the latter the mouth is always in front of the brain; it has thus shifted forwards, the extreme range of this shifting process being reached when the mouth becomes confluent with the opening of the rhynchodzeum just recorded. Another difference between the Hoplonemertea and the two other orders of the class, with respect to the digestive system, is found in the relative position of the cesophagus and hind-gut. While in the two last-named groups these two subdivisions of the intestine pass into each other along astraight line and do not overlap, we see that such an overlap- ping does occur to a more or less considerable extent in the Hoplonemertea. Ina number of transverse sections the hind-gut is cut when the cesophagus is also still present in the section, showing that the latter overlaps the former. Still, I should be inclined to adopt the view that the gradual process by which this came about was not so much a further extension backwards of the cesophagus, as a tendency of the hind-gut to spread out and to reach forwards below the cesophagus. This would seem to be indicated by the fact that in these Hoplonemertea the intestinal ceeca, that properly belong to the hind- cut, but that have come to be situated below the cesophagus (PI. XV. fig. 20), may even reach so far forwards as to become situated close to the brain-lobes, a phenomenon which is never observed in the lower groups, where the whole length of the esophagus separates the brain-lobes from the hind-gut. Possibly the shifting forwards of the hind-gut and its diverticula may be a phenomenon that runs parallel with (if not due to the same cause as) the disappearance of the lacunar blood-spaces round the cesophagus, and the substitu- tion for them of cylindrical blood-vessels communicating by transverse ducts with the medio-dorsal vessel. The latter arrangement is also typical of the region of the hind- gut im the Schizonemertea, where, however, the circumcesophageal portion of the blood- system is eminently lacunar. These speculations need not, however, be further insisted upon, and we may now pass to a description of the cesophagus in the Challenger Paleeonemertea. Here, again, Carinina offers features of interest. In the first place, the exceedingly close application of the cesophageal epithelium against the muscular body-wall below and the thin muscular layer of the proboscidian sheath above is peculiar (Pl. IV. fig. 3). There is no gelatinous connective tissue between the cells and the bundles of circular muscles, not even a base- ment membrane, and strong powers are wanted to demonstrate any intervening tissue between the bundles themselves, so strongly are they interwoven, and so dense are the muscular layers in this region of the body-wall. Anteriorly there is a sharp bend down- wards where the mouth is situated, and in front of this a short bulging out forms a prostomial extension to the cesophagus, which is seen to be cut through in Pl. II. fig. 3. The cells of the cesophagus, as seen from the section figured, are finely granular, and below those which actually clothe the lumen there are sometimes seen others also with large nuclei (Pl. IV. fig. 7) but less granular and with less distinct boundaries. This REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 109 ficure at the same time reveals the presence of a conspicuous cuticula covering the free surface of the cesophageal cells. It is not streaked, as the figure erroneously indicates, but homogeneous. On it the cilia are implanted. Concerning the behaviour of the intestine in the posterior body-regions of Carinina, nothing can be said, as only anterior fragments were preserved. In Eupolia the cesophagus has become more independent of the body-musculature than in Carinina, and in addition to this a separate cesophageal musculature—at least in Eupolia giardii—is present (Pl. VI. fig. 9, 0e.m). In this cesophageal muscular investment an inner longitudinal and an outer circular layer may be distinguished ; between the latter and the body-wall there is the gelatinous tissue, only locally inter- rupted by the lacunar spaces of the vascular system (in which the nephridia [np] are suspended), by the dorsal blood-vessel, and by the proboscidian sheath. I mention this, because there is no evidence that this splanchnic musculature has directly evolved out of hypoblastic elements, whereas the evidence that it is enclosed in one continuous stroma with the ‘‘ somatic” musculature—which in Carinina was the only musculature noticed— and not separated from this by a body-cavity, is very complete. It should, moreover, be remarked that where this more prominent intestinal musculature makes its appear- ance (certain Schizonemertea, Hupolia giardi, &c.), the internal circular muscular layer of the body-wall of the Carinellide (6, Pl. XI.) is no longer present in that situation. How far thése two may be considered as homologous, must be left undecided as long as we do not possess more complete ontogenetical data. This cesophageal musculature was not noticed in all species of Euwpolia, and it is certainly curious that it should be present in Lupolia giardii, where the body musculature is so exceptionally thick, and might be expected to serve the purpose of compressing and dilating the cesophageal wall quite as efficiently as we must suppose this body musculature to do in the Carinellidee. M‘Intosh, who detected it in Cerebratulus corrugatus, suggests (KXII) that the oesophageal musculature might assist in a partial protrusion of the cesophagus. In Eupolia nipponensis and Eupolia australis this special musculature is absent, and we find, on the contrary, a much more considerable development of the deeper cellular layers of the cesophageal wall (Pl. VII. fig. 12), and a comparatively sharp demarcation between the internal ciliated epithelium (Je) and this thick cellular coating (Jm), this demarcation even sometimes rising to the importance of an apparent basement membrane (B). Between these cells radial fibres, starting from the body musculature, penetrate, and solitary tangential fibres may be observed, but a separate muscular investment of the cesophagus can never be shown to exist. I am not inclined to believe that this difference may be caused by the age or the size of the individual, one of the specimens of Hupolia nipponensis being indeed of considerable size and nearly as thick as Eupolia giardia. The same deep cell-layer is met with in the cesophagus of the Schizonemertea (Pl. XIII. fig. 6), and is no doubt of glandular significance. Generally many of the 110 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. component cells are flask-shaped, the thinner extremity shoving in between the pallisade- shaped inner ciliated epithelium. Moreover, among the Schizonemertea there appear to be differences in the development of muscular tissue in the cesophageal wall, sometimes the cireumeesophageal blood-lacuna directly bathing this cellular coating, sometimes (eg., Cerebratulus corrugatus) a special muscular investment of conspicuous development (Pl. XIII. fig. 6, mto) being again present together with very strong nerves (7). The passage from the cesophagus to the sacculated intestine is more or less gradual, in the absence of any forward extension of the latter below the former, as was noticed for the Hoplonemertea. Macroscopic dissection enables us, nevertheless, to make a clear distinction between these two portions of the gut, although microscopic investigation of transverse sections shows that, histologically speaking, the passage is tolerably gradual. The cell layers of the posterior portion of the intestine have been more than once sufficiently described (see von Kennel (XVI), pl. xviii. fig. 11), and it is not always easy to show them to be provided with a nucleus or with cilia. Still 1 do not hesitate to declare that the whole of the intestine is ciliated, both the central passage and the lateral, generally sym- metrical ceca. But this ciliation is often rendered inconspicuous by the fact that the very elongated cells, composing the wall of this portion of the gut, are so overfilled with small spherical globules as not only to render the ciliation invisible, but even to efface the traces of the boundaries between the cells, so that in certain cases—both amongst Schizo- nemertea and Hoplonemertea it would seem as if the intestinal wall were replaced by a compact mass of those globules enclosing the intestinal lumen between them. Similar phenomena were observed by Lang (XVIII) in the Polyclada, and have been described by other naturalists for other groups of Invertebrates. I will not here enter upon the question of the relation of this phenomenon to the process of intracellular digestion, which on a priori grounds may also be presumed to exist in the Nemertea, but will only add that the nuclei of these high and elongated cells may in favourable specimens be discerned, and are deeply situated, far away from the surface. Whilst strong vertical muscle-fibres pass from the dorsal to the ventral body-wall in a lamellar arrangement, thus constituting what I have termed in a former publication (V) the muscular dissepiments, placed alternately between the intestinal ceca, these czeca themselves are destitute of any special musculature. The muscular lamellee just men- tioned, together with the general body musculature, appear to be sufficient to bring about all the contractions in the intestinal wall needed for the progress along this channel of the food swallowed. The intestinal epithelium itself is thus directly implanted upon the gelatinous tissue, and this phenomenon is no less clear in the Schizonemertea than in the Hoplonemertea (Pl. VIII. fig. 3; Pl. IX. figs. 1-6; Pl. XV. figs. 7, 10). Among the latter Pelagonemertes is the most striking example of this, because of the preponderance of the gelatinous tissue. It has been already noticed in a preceding REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 111 paragraph that this jelly appears to be somewhat denser, and that at any rate it more strongly imbibes staining reagents, all round the circumference of the intestinal epithelium where this is implanted upon it. As to the cesophagus of the Hoplonemertea, I wish to observe that it is less thick and massive than that of Hupolia and the Schizonemertea, and more resembles the simple arrangement of Carinina. Its wall is generally only one cell-layer thick, and a distinct cuticula, as was noticed in Carinina, may also be often observed here. Fig. 1, Oe, of Pl. X., representing a section of the cesophacus of Amphiporus marioni, gives a very fair representation of it. Outside the cesophageal epithelium there are indicated in this figure a layer of flattened cells which I at first expected to form an outer tunic to the cesophagus. Closer investigation revealed the presence of these cells in all the tissues—they may also be seen in the basement layer 6 of the same figure—and at the same time convinced me that these unicellular bodies are parasitic organisms. They infest all the tissues of their host, and are more abundantly heaped together just outside the cesophageal epithelium, where nutritive substances may be expected to be more plentiful. Curiously enough, they were also noticed in the smaller specimens of Amphiporus mariont. Similar cases of specimens of Nemertea infected with unicellular parasites were noticed by me on other occasions. There is another case amongst the Challenger material (see p- 48), but there the parasite is much larger than in Amphiporus marioni, and altogether differently constituted. It agrees with the former only in the fact of its presence in all parts of the tissues. These parasites differ from others which are found in the lumen of the intestine, and which have already been noticed by former observers. Another view of the Hoplonemertean cesophagus is given (in longitudinal section) in Pl. XV. fig. 20. Here, too, the comparative thinness of the walls is conspicuous, and the connection with the posterior gut portion which stretches forwards under it, is clearly indicated. In Pelagonemertes the last mentioned phenomenon could not be observed. The sec- tions through the mouth and cesophagus were, however, not intact, because of the macro- scopic dissection to which the specimen had previously been subjected by M‘Intosh. As to the ceca of the posterior body region little remains to be noticed, but that they are more regularly distributed as we approach the tail, 7.e., the region where new ceca are being continually formed. Their metameric and paired arrangement is here more evident than further forwards, where the degree in which they are filled with food par- ticles may be more or less different, and may thereby become the cause of a partial, but not very common, asymmetry. The innervation of the intestine was for the greater part described in the paragraph treating of the nervous system. It may be remarked here, in addition, that in transverse sections of the foremost portions of the cesophagus it is very easy to detect the consider- 112 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. able nerve-stems, both of the vagus nerve and of the visceral nerves, by which this is brought about, and that in longitudinal sections also (PI. XIV. fig. 5) the vagus nerve may often be followed uninterruptedly for a very considerable distance backwards, being applied upon the outer surface of the cesophagus, and only gradually dichotomising and sending delicate nerve-fibres amongst the cesophageal epithelium (cf: Pl, XVI. fig. 1). Of the two sources of innervation of the intestine, the one by the nerve-stem directly issuing from the brain-lobes (the so-called vagus nerve) is the most conspicuous, and can be demonstrated in all species from Carimina to the more specialised Hoplonemertea without exception. In Carinina it is represented in Pl. VI. fig. 1, Nv; in this species the visceral nerves (Pl. XVI. fig. 1, w.sy; Pl XIV. figs. 3, 4, vi.) have not been definitely demonstrated as yet in either of the two available fragments. These latter nerves are more easily detected in larger Schizonemertea, where the thick nerve-plexus is itself so much more conspicuous. Cerebratulus corrugatus especially answers this purpose, In the Hoplonemertea too the vagus is very evident, and already represented on Quatrefages’ figures (XXVIII); in Drepanophorus lankesteri I saw its principal stem running forwards towards the anterior cesophageal portion that passes under the brain. In this species we find numerous thin nerves, both from the lower brain-lobes and the lateral stems, further participating in the innervation of the cesophagus—a state of things which may be directly compared to the mixed innervation described above for Cere- bratulus corrugatus. I cannot as yet supply any definite statement regarding the innervation of the posterior region of the intestine. NEPHRIDIAL APPARATUS AND BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM. Our knowledge of the nephridia of the Nemertea is only of a comparatively recent date. Though discovered by Max Schultze as early as 1851 in a Tetrastemma (XXXII), the observations of this naturalist concerning the Nemertean nephridia were for a long , time wholly unjustifiably disregarded, and this general scepticism made me very careful in formulating any definite opinion, when I also discovered in Schizonemertea separate lumina (IV), which I could hardly account for in any other way than by regarding them as parts of a nephridial system. This was afterwards more emphatically done by von Kennel (XVI), to whom is due all the credit of having rediscovered the nephridia, and of having described their histo- logical appearance in several different genera. His results were later on confirmed by other authors (II, III, XI). I have afterwards observed and described (XII) a special modifica- tion of the nephridial system in Nemertea, in which an indubitable internal opening is REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 115 present. This was found by me in the nephridial system of Carinoma, and these nephridia thus establish a communication between the internal blood-spaces (archiccelome) and the exterior. In other genera, Carinella excepted, similar internal communications were, however, sought for in vain. A very notable and exhaustive contribution to our knowledge of the Nemertean nephridia was then furnished: by Oudemans (KXVII), and the Challenger material, which was partly made subservient to that publication, only furnishes a few additional data here worth recording, most of the peculiarities having been already mentioned by Oudemans. I hold it to be one of the principal results arrived at by this author, that he definitely demonstrated the presence in numerous species of Nemertea of a very large number of exterior openings, connected by short transverse branches with the principal and longitudinal canals of the nephridial system, and that, at the same time, he noticed that these transverse canals were paired and opposite, and showed an arrangement which might most assuredly be compared to an incipient stage of metamery in the nephridial system. This fact is most distinctly borne out by the Schizonemertea. The Paleeonemertea (at any rate the Carinellidee) and Hoplonemertea show an arrangement which presents different features, although, again, certain Hoplonemertea (Amphiporus lactifloreus) answer very well to the Schizonemertean type. A very remarkable form of nephridia is found in Carinina grata. The two fragments of this species that form part of the Challenger collection both contain this important structure in toto, so that I am able to figure both transverse and longitudinal sections. These figures are brought together on Pl. IV., and will first have to be discussed. Two portions may be distinguished in the nephridia of Carinina. in the first place, a glan- dular canalicular portion in which numerous delicate tubes appear to be closely applied together into a larger lobulate mass, which is situated right and left in the blood-space, not being freely suspended in it, but applied on one side against the muscular layers (figs. 5, 6), and on the other side, offering a free surface towards the cavity of this blood space. PI. IV. fig. 4 gives a more enlarged view (Nsp) of a longitudinal section through this portion of the nephridial apparatus, and, at the same time, enables one to judge of its extension, the whole of this glandular spongy portion having been reached in this section. It is, of course, also present in other sections, but does not stretch either further forwards or backwards. The furthest blind ends of the anterior ceeca of the digestive canal are found to pene- trate between the lobes of this glandular mass (Je, fig. 4). These lobes are, moreover, subdivided by bundles of muscle-fibres detached from the inner circular layer (fig. 5), against which the whole apparatus is so closely applied (fig. 4, Cm). The cells composing the glandular portion are filled with a granular protoplasm, and have very distinct large nuclei. However much I have looked out in my different sections for a definite opening by which the canalicular system here described might enter into communication with the (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP,—PART LIV.—1887.) Hhh 15 114 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. blood-space (archiccelome) surrounding it, I did not succeed in demonstrating one. Con- sidering that I had found such openings in Carinoma, and that Oudemans had afterwards demonstrated them in Carinella, I expected they would also be present in Carinina. For the present, however, the result of a very attentive search is that they are absent ; at least no opening is visible which can be said to prove a similar communication beyond all doubt and by which it might be demonstrated once for all. Questionable points of communication, which might eventually be interpreted as such, | have not allowed to influence my testimony, so that, for the present, I must answer the question in the negative. The case stands in a similar light with respect to the Schizonemertea and Hoplonemertea, as will be seen hereafter. If this communication with the blood-spaces is thus not demonstrated, that with the cavity of the second part of the nephridial system is subject to a much less degree of doubt ; and though I did not actually see the lumen at the point of communication, I did see the communication itself as represented in fig. 4. It is then seen that this second portion is distinguished from the one just mentioned by the presence of a spacious cavity. This cavity, which may be called the nephridial canal, is first found ventrally to the glandular spongy portion (figs. 4-6), but then gradually bends upwards as it passes further backwards along the animal, until it becomes a narrow channel with a very distinct and ciliated epithelium (figs. 1, 2), which passes at a very strongly inclined angle (fig. 1) through the successive muscular layers, then makes a very sharp bend towards the exterior surface, and traversing also the basement membrane and the integument, opens on the exterior. This exterior opening has not been figured, but is found in the sections following upon that which is represented in fig. 1. The two exterior openings of the nephridial system lie on the dorsal surface of the animal, and at the same time mark the point where the nephridial system reaches furthest backwards, the glandular portion of it stretching forwards towards the head. That this nephridial canal may, at all events in its proximal part, be more or less folded, is seen both in figs. 4 and 5, Ne, in the latter figure the lumen having an appearance as if it were doubled. The nephridial system of our second Challenger genus of Paleeonemertea, Hupolia, is, as was already known from Oudemans’ researches, more comparable to that of the Schizo- nemertea than to that which has just been described in Carinina. It offers certain peculiarities which deserve special mention, Here, too, we may distinguish, as we may throughout the whole class of the Nemertea, longitudinal and principal nephridial ducts situated in the blood-spaces or enclosed by the gelatinous tissue (Hoplonemertea), and transverse or deferent ducts placed perpendicular to the foregoing, varying in number and somewhat in size, and bringing about a communication between the ducts before mentioned and the exterior. Of the aspect and situation of these two portions in a transverse section, a comparison of figs. 9 on Pl. VI. and 3 on Pl. VII. may convince us. Each of them represents REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 115 about one-half of the thickness of the body-wall of the animal, and though somewhat differently magnified, the position of the nerve-stem and of the layer em may easily guide us how to combine them. It is then seen that in Pl. VI. fig. 9 the longitudinal trunk, situated in the circum- cesophageal blood-space, is not only cut through, but that even more than one nephridial lumen (nep) appears in this section, showing that there is a doubling or at least a branching of the principal nephridial duct in this region. Internal openings of this system, funnels or anything comparable to them, were not detected by me in Eupolia geardi or any other Hupolia; there were, however, very definite bends at right angles, piercing first the inner longitudinal and then the cireular muscular layer, next the nervous plexus, and then arriving in the outer layer of longitudinal muscles. In this position the deferent branches of the nephridial system are seen in fig. 5, Pl. VIL, which, moreover, reveals the important fact that sometimes more than one of them is found at exactly the same level. I could not make out whether this duplication is in any way related to that of the longitudinal tube ; I can hardly conceive it to be so, the increase of the number of deferent vessels being also noticed in other cases, though hardly as a regular phenomenon. In Hupolia giardii, too, I find it to be exceptional in this sense, that most of the deferent ducts are single; one section of another species (Cere- bratulus truncatus) contains the double duct on both sides, making the exceptional phenomenon at the same time symmetrical. The number of deferent ducts observed in the Challenger specimen of Hupolia giardii is seven on the right and five on the left side, the latter being opposite to and symmetrically placed with five out of the seven on the right. These numbers, however, only apply to that portion of the trunk behind the head which was transversely cut, and belongs to the same series. I have not followed up the nephridial apparatus to its posterior portion, but we may feel assured, on the authority of Oudemans’ researches, that it will on the whole answer to the diagram given on pl. i. fig. 11 of his treatise. One point deserving mention is that the first trace of the nephridial apparatus of this Hupolia is visible in about the ninetieth section behind the tip of the snout. When I add that the upper brain-lobes occupy sections 25 to 45, the forward extension of the nephridia can more easily be imagined. Nothing special can be said of the deferent or of the principal ducts but that their epithelium is distinctly one cell thick, nucleated, and unmistakably ciliated. Nor have I any special discoveries to record with respect to the nephridial system of any of the Challenger Schizonemertea, and may refer the reader for certain specific peculiarities, number and disposition of deferent ducts, &c., to the description of the species where I have embodied these details when they did not appear to have any general significance. I should like, however, to refer a little more fully to the conspicuous development at which the main, longitudinal canal of the nephridia has arrived in a certain species of Cerebratulus (Cerebratulus macroren), where its walls are unusually massive (PI. 116 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. XIII. figs. 7-9), although, when these walls are distended by the contents, their thickness correspondingly diminishes (Pl. XIII. fig. 8). In this species, moreover, it could be observed that towards the anterior end of this massive nephridial canal it subdivides into smaller branches (Pl. XIII. fig. 9), applied against the wall of the blood lacuna, and nearly escaping observation amongst the epithelial cells of these lacunee. Here, again, no internal opening could be demonstrated ; whereas, at the posterior end, the nephridial canal, making a sharp curve, passes outwards above the nerve-stems. We thus observe differences in the nephridial system of the Schizonemertea, which may be classified under the following heads :— (a) The nephridial canal may be massive and single throughout the greater part of its course, only ramifying anteriorly (Cerebratulus macroren, &c). (b) It may be very copiously subdivided, every transverse section showing a consider- able number of lumina, the whole thus forming a kind of network, with certain principal longitudinal ducts, and being suspended against the wall of the circumcesophageal blood lacuna (Hupolia). (c) The meshes of this network may be situated in the region between the probo- scidian sheath and the longitudinal nerve-stems (most Cerebratuli), or they may stretch ventrally to these nerve-stems (Hupolia). (d) The ducts leading to the exterior may be one on each side, and these generally terminal (posteriorly). (ec) There may be two on each side, and they may then communicate with the chief longitudinal canal about its middle. (f) They may be more numerous, often in various phases of distension, and arranged more or less metamerically. The histological characters are fairly uniform, the lumen is never excavated in a row of cells as is the case in so many Platyelminthes, in the Discophora, &c., but is always bounded by a certain number of cells in every section. Each of these cells has a large and distinct nucleus ; its protoplasm is granular, and the free surface, which is turned towards the lumen, is ciliated. We have now to examine the nephridia of the Challenger Hoplonemertea. In Oudemans’ paper several points concerning them have been already noticed ; other details referring to the situation and the number of the deferent ducts were mentioned above when the species were described. Hence it may here be sufficient to call attention to the fact, made specially palpable by certain of the Challenger preparations, that whereas the nephridia of the Hoplone- mertea are no longer suspended in blood lacune, but wholly surrounded by the gelatinous tissue, they are at the same time much more intricately coiled and ramified, as can be very easily seen from a comparison of fig. 1 (Nep), Pl. X., with figs. 7,9, Pl. XHi. This involves, however, no important change in the histology; what we have noticed under this head in the Schizonemertea holds good for the Hoplonemertea as well. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 117 Even less remains to be said when we consider the blood-spaces of the Challenger Nemertea, be they the closed longitudinal and the metameric transverse vessels of the Hoplonemertea and of the posterior body-region of the Schizonemertea, or the cireum- cesophageal and circumrhynchodeal lacunze of the latter, or the two spacious lateral longitudinal cavities of Carinina. All these points have been dwelt upon at leneth by Oudemans (KXVII), and the Challenger material furnishes a general confirmation of his results. Doubt cannot be any longer entertained that these spaces are all clothed by an epithelium,—at any rate by a special and continuous cellular coating, either applied against the muscular tissue when this surrounds (Pl. IV. figs. 5,6; Pl. XIII. fig. 6; Pl. XIV. fig. 4), or traverses (PI. VII. fig. 10) the cavities or against the gelatinous tissue, when it is in this that the vessel takes its course (Pl. X. figs. 1, 8). In the latter case the structure of the vessel is still more complicated, so that, as described by Oudemans, there is constantly a tubular, denser layer of the homogeneous tissue just outside the inner epithelial coating; and outside this tubular layer, which might be termed the basement layer of the vessel, we find a second layer of generally more spherical cells, amongst which a layer of fibres, specially belonging to the blood-vessel, may be seen to make its appearance (Pl. XV. fig. 1, dv). This same description holds good for the longitudinal vessel, as far as it takes its course ‘inside the proboscidian sheath (Pl. X. fig. 8). The gradual narrowing of the circumeesophageal lacunar space into the two ventral vessels shows the passage of the epithelium of the one into that of the other very clearly. The difference in the distance along which the medio-dorsal vessel is enclosed in the proboscidian sheath was mentioned and figured by Oudemans (xxvit) for different species ; my own observations on the Challenger specimens fit into the same general outlines ; a few additional data concerning these points are contained in the systematic description of the species. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Certain not unimportant additions to our knowledge of the generative organs of the Nemertea are due to the Challenger specimens. Among these facts I wish successively to record : (a) The irregular distribution in certain species of very numerous generative sacs enclosed in the gelatinous tissue, and having each its separate external opening, which are consequently neither paired nor metameric. (6) The comparatively late period at which the definite external opening is formed, although long before that time the sac is characterised by a pointed projection reaching between the muscular tissue and foreshadowing the definite openings, dehiscence of the body-wall being certainly not the normal way of exit of the generative products. 118 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. As to the first point, it has been hitherto the current idea that in the Nemertea the generative sacs, alternating with the intestinal ceeca, are paired and more or less meta- meric. This is no doubt the case in the very large majority, and relieves us from the duty of further describing the position of the generative sacs in Hupolia, the Schizonemertea and most Hoplonemertea. In other Hoplonemertea, however, we find a multiplicity of generative sacs in one transverse section (Pl. IX. fig. 4) which cannot possibly be made to answer to the type just alluded to, and this regularity reaches its extreme expression in Amphiporus moseleyr. The specimens of this species are literally full of sacs, which [ was able to notice in their first stages, as well as in their later development and ripest stages. In each transverse section (Pl. IX. fig. 4) a great number of them may be seen; in horizontal sections (Pl. IX. fig. 7) the same irregular multiplicity is met with. Externally I did not notice the openings, but it must be remarked that only in very ripe specimens are these distinctly present. Now this aberrant distribution is not wholly limited to Amphiporus moseleyi. There are even reasons for considering it as an arrangement which has been retained in this species, but which was common in the more primitive ancestral species of both the Hoplonemertea and Schizonemertea. Atleast I find it in a similar condition in Carinella annulata, with this difference, (1) that it is here only in the dorsal half, above the intestine, that the gene- rative products are found ; and (2) that the external openings are generally very distinctly visible as numerous irregular whitish dots on the dorsal surface of the animal, in the dark coloured space between the dorsal median white line and two successive transverse ones. Whether in Carinina similar conditions exist could not be verified, because the preserved fragments contain no generative products. At any rate the fact is fully established for one of the most primitive genera of Paleeonemertea, and this may justify our insisting upon its having an archaic significance. With the exception of Amphiporus moseleyi, Drepanophorus lankesteri is perhaps the only Hoplonemertean in which still another trace of it is preserved, at least if we may consider the fact that in this species (Pl. IX. fig. 1) two ventral generative sacs are present on each side, as a reduced phase of the phenomenon, which we have found represented in Amphiporus moseleyi, instead of looking upon it as a secondary dupli- cation of primarily simple generative ceca. For myself, I should feel inclined to take the first view as rather the more probable. The other Hoplonemertea have not this peculiarity. The generative sacs are paired and metameric, and if in ripe specimens two of them are cut in one section (PI. IX. fig. 3) it is generally an indication that the section was not perpendicular. There is then also found an adequate distance between the external pores. This same figure clearly illustrates the fact that the generative products (in this in- stance ova) may attain a considerable development and closely approach the ripe condition before the generative sac itself communicates by a pore with the exterior, as indicated REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. UNG) in the second of the two propositions above enumerated. At the same time we find the spot where the pore will appear indicated by a pointed projection of the sac between the muscles, and it is a fact very worthy of notice that the more we approach this preformed outward duct, the less ripe are the ova (Pl. XV. fig. 14). The same fact is noticed in many other Nemertea; Pelagonemertes even shows traces of it (Pl. VIII. fig, 8, ov.) In Carinella I found it persisting even after the definite pore is established, and the most plausible explanation appears to me to be this, that the deeper inwards the developing generative products are situated, the more they are surrounded by the gelatinous tissue, and the better their conditions of nutrition must be; whereas those which are observed close to the duct, piercing the muscles, will only gradually increase in size, when in their turn similar favourable conditions are offered to them. The fact of the occurrence of definite preformed ducts without pores was observed by me in Amphiporus moseleyi, Amphiporus marioni, Drepanophorus lankesteri, and Drepanophorus serraticollis, and of several of these I also had ripe specimens, in which the fact could be determined that it is, indeed, in the places where these pointed projections are found that the pores afterwards appear (PI. IX. figs. 5, 6). In this place I may mention that according to embryological observations (XIV) the generative sacs are primitively in connection, at least im the species investigated, with the epiblast by means of a strand of tissue which is not indicative of the ultimate duct. These strands, however, are situated on the other side of the nerve-stem, and thus are in no way identical with the projections which were here described and discussed as preced- ing the definite generative pores. The duct which pierces the muscles to afford a passage to the generative products is generally shortened as maturity advances, through the distension of the body by the ripening of ova or spermatozoa, and the consequent decrease in thickness of the mus- cular body-wall. Still, in Cerebratulus macroren this duct presented an uncommon feature, which must here be mentioned, and which is figured on Pl. XV. fig. 19. After having pierced the circular muscular layer 8, it distends in the layer y to a second sac-like expansion, which in its turn communicates with the exterior by a small opening. This was not a local disturbance, but was met with in very numerous generative ducts, both on the right and left sides of the animal. In Eupolia and Schizonemertea the ripening sacs, developing in pairs between each successive pair of intestinal ceeca, are often wedge-shaped, with the sharp edge turned outwards, and the broad end between the two intestinal ceeca, where these emerge from the principal longitudinal cavity of the intestine (see woodeut fig. 6, p. 120). And, in addition to this, another fact is very marked in Hupolia giardu, viz., that dorsally and ventrally the generative ceca become lobulated or arborescent, sending out short lobes of indented and irregular shape. It would, however, lead us too far, and hardly offer any additional interest, to discuss 120 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.8. CHALLENGER. the changes in shape which the developing generative sac may undergo ; accordingly we will now consider a few diverging peculiarities of the generative products themselves, which I was able to observe in the Challenger Nemertea. That they are developed from the epithelium of the generative sacs has long been known; this is figured on Pl. XV. fig. 14, in a Hoplonemertean. It was particularly evident and very distinctly visible in Cerebratulus longifissus, where it was at the same time also demonstrable that there is a very sudden decrease in ripeness of the generative products close to the tail-end, where growth in length of the animal is going on, and where new generative sacs are being formed between the intestinal ceca. In this region all the most different stages of ripeness of the ova may be studied side by side in the same longitudinal section. The ova of Amphiporus mariont Fra. 6.—Portion of a horizontal (P], XV, fig. 15) are characterised by the presence, in addition to the section of a Cerebratulus, i.l. 5 the digestive tract, 7.c., its ar > penitor 1eh 7 1 Bab aa re vat eeative: fact eee ta) Nucleus, of a round or reniform body, which is stained dark red by glands; g, gelatinous tissue ; ni erocarmine, and but for this offers a certain analogy to the oil-drop > g | T & M., integument and mus- culature, in fish egos, being also more refractive than the nucleus, though not quite so highly as the latter. This paranucleus was already observed in the youngest eggs (Pl. XV. fig. 15, a); at that time its relative size, when compared to that of the whole ege, was much more considerable. A second smaller specimen of Amphiporus marioni was distinguished by the same peculiarity, which may thus in certain cases help to identify the species, as I did not find the same feature in any other species of Hoplonemertea. Of the eges of Pelagonemertes it has already been recorded that they are distinguished by an investment of follicle cells (Pl. VIII. fig. 11); the development of this could also be traced downwards to early stages, which were present in the same specimen (fig. 10) side by side with the riper stages. In the Schizonemertea two facts deserve mention, although their significance cannot well be discussed as long as fresh specimens are not available. The one is the pre- sence round the ripe eggs in Cerebratulus, sp. inc. (Pl. XV. fig. 18), and Drepanophorus serraticollis (Pl. XV. fig. 17) of a hyaline, apparently mucous layer, which surrounds each ege separately, and which is pressed into a polygonal shape when many ripe eggs are enclosed together in the same sac. ‘The layer is comparatively thick. The second fact was observed in Cerebratulus parker, where the peripheral proto- plasm was much more darkly stained and more coarsely granular, all the eggs having thus the aspect as figured on Pl. XV. fig. 16. As to the spermatogenesis I have no new observations to record, spirit specimens alone rarely presenting favourable material for such researches. These phenomena have, moreover, been recently fully studied by Sabatier (XXVIIIq). Hermaphrodite specimens were not encountered by me in the Challenger collection. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. In venturing at the close of this Report on the Nemertea, collected by H.MLS. Challenger, to leave the region of demonstrated facts and actual observations, and to enter upon that of speculation and suggestion, I gladly avail myself of the permission for so doing granted to me by the editor, Mr. John Murray. I thought it necessary to ask for ‘that permission, because general speculations on the ancestry of the Chordata hardly appeared to me to fit into the framework of these Reports. My desire in this case to deviate from a rule which J held to be salutary, was due to the fact that of late these speculations have been conducted along very varying channels, an entirely new one having only very lately been opened by Bateson’s important series of papers on Bal- anoglossus. An attempt to give more depth to one of these channels, and thus to lead into it the attention of a greater number of my fellow-workers, especially commended itself to me, since it was my conviction that the lines laid down by myself in former publications derived considerable support from the Challenger material, and were thus entitled to a renewed and full consideration. I would formulate the proposition, to the further development of which this chapter is to be devoted, as follows :— More than any other class of invertebrate animals, the Nemertea have preserved in their organisation traces of such features as must have been characteristic of those animal forms, by which a transition has been gradually brought about from the archi- celous Diploblastic (Calenterate) type to those enterocalous Triploblastica, that have afterwards developed into the Chordata (Urochorda, Hemichorda, Cephalochorda, and Vertebrata). It will be seen that this statement excludes the idea of any direct ancestral relations between Nemertea and Chordata. If any such relation were proposed, it might with good reason be asked—considering the very extensive variation which is met with amongst Nemertea—which species or which genus was more particularly pointed to. The question in itself condemns the proposition which leads to it. It will, moreover, be seen that this statement accepts the outcome of Bateson’s researches and speculations, in so far as the points of agreement between Balanoglossus and Amphioxus are fully recognised. A provisional link between these two, and an (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP,—PART LiIv.—1887.) Hhbh 16 122 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. arrangement of Balanoglossus amongst the Chordata, appears to be quite as justifiable as the elevation of the Urochorda to their new dignity in zoological classification. There is, however, a great difference between looking at Balanoglossus as a low type “amongst the Chordata (in which I fully agree with Bateson) and rejecting the signifi- cance of the Nemertean type as one of transition in the way above indicated. There is no doubt that the Nemertea represent a more primitive phase than the Enteropneusta (Hemichorda). They have no enterocele, and they have no gill-slits ; but their nervous system shows certain unexpected analogies with that of the higher Chordata of more intrinsic value than those that obtain between Balanoglossus and the Chordata in general. Also for the important question, which is so vital in any considera- tion of the ancestry of the Vertebrates, viz., the origin of metameric segmentation, it appears to me that the Nemertea offer points very worthy of consideration, The question of the proboscis and its sheath, as comparable to hypophysis and notochord, was fully treated by me in another paper, and will here only be very briefly touched upon. In my opinion, this comparison is all the more forced upon us, now that in other respects (nervous system, &c.) new evidence of genetic relationship is here brought forward. The first point I wish to consider is that of metameric segmentation. It has been specially treated of late years by various authors of renown, with whom I do not wish to enter at this moment into any lengthy controversy, but will briefly state what may be gathered for the theory in general, from a careful consideration of the incipient metamery of the Nemertea. If we start from a more or less radiate ancestor of the earliest diploblastie type, in which neither a radial nor a serial repetition of organs or organ systems has yet come about, and which may indifferently be considered to resemble either a more flattened Trichoplax or a more spherical gastrula, we may assume that in the course of the development of other internal organs (towards the formation of which the secondary accumulation of cells between the two primary layers often so largely contributes) the radial symmetry may either be further accentuated or may be replaced by a tendency towards bilateral symmetry. In the latter case we are inclined to ascribe the first impulse towards this bilateral symmetry to a preference, which slowly establishes itself in the animal mechanism, for moving in one direction rather than in any other, we., for generally stretching forward, when moving about, one particular portion of the body. One impulse of this sort will suffice to lead us to understand, or rather to deduce, a very considerable number of consequences, which cannot fail to make their appearance under the influence of natural selection acting upon the organisms that have inherited this tendency in different degrees. Thus we may understand the narrowing and lengthening of an animal that moves in one direction in preference to any other; and sunilarly the development in the nervous system of a centralisation not far away from the anterior extremity. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 123 All this has already been stated by Balfour in clearer terms in his Comparative Embryology (vol. ii. pp. 308, 311), where he describes the gradual steps by which a radiate medusa-like animal may have passed into a bilateral worm-like form, with two longitudinal nerve-stems, which are regarded by Balfour as the stretched nerve-ring of the Medusa. I fully endorse these views ; only, with respect to the nervous system, I hold it to be safer to leave out of comparison the already specialised nerve-ring of the Medusa, and rather to go back to a Ceelenterate nervous system as primitive as that of the Actiua, where the plexus, both of the epiblast and the hypoblast, with an increase in density im the region of the mouth and the tentacles, may be said to be the fair representative of one of the lowest starting points. In this the plexiform arrangement predominates. Now we find in all the lower invertebrates various though distinct nerve tracts that are being specialised in this plexiform nerve-tissue according to the modes of motion of the animal, and according to the general shape of the body. Thus in the Medusee, which move about in the water by annular contractions of the lower portion of the bell-shaped body, one of the nerve-rings already alluded to was demonstrated by the Hertwigs to innervate the musculature by which this is brought about. In the Ctenophora the nerve-system is less satisfactorily known, but still Lang does not hesitate to bring them into genetic relationship with the Polyclada (KVIII). Among the latter, Gunda, with its two longitudinal lateral stems, may be looked upon as an extreme term in this series. Another series may indeed be supposed to have derived longitudinal stems from a ring which became extended to form lateral cords, as the animal passed from the radial to the bilateral symmetry, in the way suggested by Balfour. Still, even in this case, a nerve-plexus may be expected to be co-existent with or to have preceded the nerve-ring. The longitudinal stems originating from the anterior thickenings of the plexus that innervate the sense organs and the tip of the head (specially sensitive in connection with the forwardly-directed movements of the body), would all the more probably be preserved and increase in development, as during this forward movement they form a right and a left centre for the reception of outward stimuli. In the same way those of the radially-arranged stems of the Polyclada that are parallel to the longitudinal body-axis, and mark out right and left, are more strongly developed than the others, presumably on account of their importance in connection with the well-directed movements of the body in response to external agents. ‘Tn the ancestral Mollusca, I think we may assume with great probability the presence of four longitudinal stems—two latero-dorsal, and two latero-ventral ones ; in the ances- tral forms of Annelids and Arthropods two, which have oradually coalesced ventrally, as was first suggested by Gegenbaur. Again, in Nematodes differently situated longitudinal 124 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. stems in what was originally a uniform plexus are preserved; whereas, in ancestral Nemertea, two lateral longitudinal trunks in the plexus were undoubtedly characteristic features. That one medio-dorsal stem in this plexus, in which all the impressions made by out- ward agencies on both halves of the body might be concentrated, and from whence the corresponding movements might be regulated, will more fully answer the purpose than two lateral stems, however they may be united by an intervening plexus, is @ priori probable, and would explain the first impulse towards the formation of such a longitu- dinal concentration in the uniform plexus. And when once such a dorso-median stem is present, in addition to two lateral ones, a strugele for supremacy, presided over by natural selection, may lead to a diminution of the lateral stems, and to an increase of the dorso-median one. This, in my opinion, as will be more fully developed below, was the case in the ances- tors of the Chordata, traces of this struggle and of the competing structural elements being duly preserved. If we suppose the bilateral symmetry to be established in one of the lower re- presentatives of the Metazoa, and the type to go on increasing in length in the course of generations ; then this increase, indeed, exposes it to very different, and perhaps more numerous dangers and enemies than would threaten it were the same bulk concentrated in a spherical or radial circumference. And if, even in the latter case, injuries to the specimen might prove fatal were it not provided with strong powers of regeneration (cf: Star-fishes, Ophiurids, Crinoids, &c.), still it needs no comment that, when bilateral symmetry and increase in length so considerably enlarges the surface which is open to attacks, and so enormously facilitates the rupture of the specimen, or the severing of parts by rapacious enemies preying upon it, similar regenerative powers are none the less required to insure the persistence of the type. These dangers, continually threatening the existence of the specimens, and thus in- jurious to the species, counteracted as they are by regenerative processes (power of repro- duction of lost parts), I hold to be at the base of all those cases of metamery in the animal kingdom which do not fall under the head of strobilation, the latter being comparatively rare with respect to the former. Incipient metamery, once established by this cause, may further differentiate in the most diverse directions (heteronomous segmentation, &c.), even after the absolute cessation of the causes that in the first instance have provoked it. The explanation has, moreover, the advantage of being applicable to radial as well as to serial metamery. These propositions must now be more fully developed. The power of reproduction of lost parts comes, without doubt, under the general laws of formation and growth. We find it even in the lowest Protozoa. If the material which heredity has accumulated, either in such a unicellular being or in the egg of a Metazoon, and out of which the elements of REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA, 125 the different organ systems will gradually develop, is hereditarily so disposed that a compensation for the loss of important parts is facilitated, this will, of course, constitute an advantage. Such a compensation may, ¢.g., be obtained where the generative pro- ducts are developed in very many separate centra, and not in one closed sac. Injury to the latter will, ceteris paribus, be more fatal than an equivalent injury destroying one or more of the former. The same holds good for diffused instead of concentrated nervous centra, for the case of liver saccules to the intestine, instead of one compact liver, for numerous apertures and deferent ducts to the nephridial system instead of one, &e, And all this is still more evident when we have before us a long, bilaterally symmetri- cal animal, which is easily snapped in two. In this case it must be of pre-eminent importance, that the remaining halves, which may in their turn be severed by the same cause into smaller parts, possess sufficient power of reproduction to repair the damage. Now, it cannot be doubted that an equal distribution of the important components of the organism (nervous centra, generative organs, nephridia, intestinal appendages, &c.) throughout the whole length of the animal meets this requirement. Any severed portion will then be provided with these more important parts, and will be more or less adapted for a separate and individual existence. The formation of a new mouth and of new brain-lobes in a fragment of this descrip- tion remains, of course, quite as wonderful and inexplicable as before, but still we cannot fail to see that such an arrangement as here indicated must somehow be beneficial to the - species, and that we need not stop short with Bateson,’ when he says that “ the repetition of various structures is one of the chief factors in the composition of animal forms. . .. . The reason for their appearance is as yet unknown, and the laws that control and modify them are utterly obscured.” Obscurity is not exchanged for broad daylight, but some- thing is gained when we can see that a growth of the principal organ-systems in separate and more or less independent batches, which in an elongated and bilaterally symmetrical animal insensibly passes into the phenomenon of incipient metamery, may be of the highest value for the persistence of the species. Now this is actually the way in which we find the important organ-systems distributed in the lower Nemertea. And out of this more irregular distribution a gradual metamery, in some incipient, in others more complete, is seen to evolve within the boundaries of the class. Even the nephridial system, in the primitive forms provided with only one opening to the exterior, participates in this tendency towards metamery, and acquires a greater number of apertures, serially arranged in pairs, thereby also tending towards a diminution of damage when artificial division into two takes place in the nephridial region. The meta- mery, the regular and serial repetition of parts, is thus seen to be of great importance in aiding towards repair after damage to a lengthened bilateral form, in the same way as the radial repetition of parts facilitates repair in the Echinodermata. In both cases the } Bateson, The Ancestry of the Chordata, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. xxvi. pp. 545, 546, 1886. 126 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. destruction is only partial, the other homonodynamic portions temporarily ministering, thanks to their more independent relation to the injured region. When the faculty of repair of damage, occasioned by the severing of the animal into two or more portions, has in the course of generations become more and more complete, it can be readily understood that it becomes at the same time a defensive instead of being only a curative process. An animal that at the approach of danger can separate in two or more parts, each of them capable of reproducing an entire new animal, evades this danger very effectively by doing so; whereas another that is attacked in the same way and does not possess this faculty, is laid hold of, shaken about, and wholly or partly swallowed. So in the Nemertea there is indeed a very strong faculty of spontaneous division combined with the faculty of repair’; and anybody who has observed a fresh and living Cerebratulus, with its extremely delicate sense of touch, commence to rupture into two, in preference at the spot where it was grasped with the forceps, cannot fail to see in this a defensive action. This mode of self-defence may in quite another respect be useful to the species, because at the same time it serves for propagation. Thus we see that the passage of this defensive process to that of reproduction by fission is so gradual, that it would be impossible to decide in every case what name should properly be applied to it. It cannot well be denied that in all probability ours is only a special case, in which the power of reproducing the species by a process of fission, reaching down as far as the unicellular ancestors, has come to be regulated by other motor forces than growth and—if it may not be called voluntary fission—still may be regarded as sudden and spontaneous fission, brought about by external influences, of a threatening nature to the further existence of the specimen. This regulation is no doubt a consequence of selection. Schizogony having once been established, it must have been further beneficial to the species, on the grounds that were developed above, that the internal organs should be present in multiple num- bers, and this having once come about it is easy to understand, that a regular, rigorously metamerous arrangement of this multiple material, still more fully answers the same purpose, and is gradually evolved under the influence of selection. Thus we may be said to be able to follow the appearance of metamery in a bilateral animal, along all the gradual steps by which it is evolved, and many of these steps have remained fixed and permanent in different Nemertean genera. The last system that will participate in this metamery is the muscular system, and a rash conclusion—such as is not rare in these days of ontogenetic fetichism—might lead to the rejection of the views concerning metamery here developed, on the consideration that it is exactly the metamery of the muscular system which appears first of all in the ' Both M‘Intosh and Barrois have observed and described very peculiar cases of repair in Nemertea, where the head, brain, side-organs, &c., were reproduced on a headless trunk-piece. These experiments are well worthy of careful repetition. It might be that only those fragments: in which a portion of the cesophagus was retained were capable of repair of the head. 5 REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 1 7/ -_ ontogenetic development of Vertebrates. I will not circumstantially refute this argu- ment, but will only remark that in Polygordius and other Cheetopods, which are representatives of a group of animals in which segmentation reaches such a very high degree of perfection, the longitudinal muscular layer of the body-wall is as yet continuous in the adult, and not divided into metameric sections, as it is in certain Arthropods and in Vertebrates. Now let us consider contractions of the inner muscular layer a of the Nemertea, the only layer that is common to all of them, from Carinella to Cerebratulus and from Cephalothrix to Pelagonemertes. This layer also corresponds with the longi- tudinal muscular layer just alluded to of other lower worms, such as Polygordius, and, as was noticed in our paragraph on the muscular system (cf p. 72), its contraction is sometimes very distinct in favourable sections. We then see the contraction marked out as so many successive blocks of contracted, thickened fibres, separated by intervening parts of non-contracted fibrous tissue (Pl. XV. figs. 9,10). The sections demonstrate that the phenomenon persists throughout the whole breadth of the animal, z.e., that successive rings of contractile tissue alternate with intervening rings in which no contraction is observed. This phenomenon is thus in a certain degree comparable to an arrangement in distinct myomeres. It is not unimportant that it was especially noticed in the fundamental muscular layer, and it may at the same time be remarked that it appears, from what I have as yet been able to observe myself, that the number of these rings in a given length of the animal, is the same, or a multiple of the number of intestinal czeca and transverse nerve-tracts in the plexus; in other words, that the incipient metamery of the internal organs is in a definite relation to these phenomena—which might also deserve the name of incipient metamery—in the muscular layers. For the present the fact is, however, not yet definitely demonstrated that these successive blocks are indeed present as such in the living animal. The possibility is still open that they may be waves of contraction which have been fixed at the moment of the immersion of the animal in the preserving fluid. For this reason I will not lay any undue weight on this observation. The ideas concerning the origin of metamery here expressed, and advocated for several years in my university lectures, differ from those of Lang (XVIII) and Sedgewick,’ in so far as they do not recognise the primary importance of the so-called ccelomic sacs—the paired archenteric diverticula of Amphiowus—for the solution of this question. The question of the Vertebrate ccelome, so full of obscurities and difficulties, is purposely left out of consideration here, where the relation to archiccelous ancestral forms is discussed, and where an attempt is made to show that it is indeed probable that the impulse towards the establishment of metamery is due to forces for which the 1 A. Sedgwick, On the Origin of Metameric Segmentation, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., vol. xxiv. p. 43, 1884. 128 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. archenteron was not the only, nor perhaps the most important part of the organism to act upon. Still more different are they from those advocated by Perrier’ and Cattaneo,’ who have adhered to and extended the idea already held by others, but by them most actively defended, “that the metamery of Arthropods, Vertebrates, and a great many Vermes, has originated out of the multiplication by transverse fission of very simple primitive worms which were not metamerous. The products of this transverse fission remaining connected together have then formed a chain of individuals, or a linear colony; later on the unity of the chain has become more definitely established, the single individuals at the same time becoming different both in form and in function, and the foremost individual thus becoming the head of the series. Each segment (metamere) thus repre- sents a reduced individual ; a metameric (segmented) animal is the result of the more or less complete fusion of single individuals into an individual of higher order.” Emery, from whose paper *I have translated the foregoing sentence, has very success- fully combated these propositions. This author, however, adheres to Lang’s views in ascribing to the archenterie pouches, the “ gemmation ” as Emery calls it (Joc. cit., p. 18) of the intestine, the most important and initial significance for the first origin of metamery, “the sexual glands and excretory canals being in relation to the intestinal diverticula,” and following the lead. I have above explained why I cannot adhere to this argumen- tation, which brings the ccelome and the sacculated intestine too strongly into the fore- ground, and why I rather suppose incipient metamery to have been antecedent to either of these (e.g., Carinella). On the other hand, many views contained in Emery’s im- portant paper coincide with my own. Thus he writes (loc. cit., p. 11), speaking of that interesting marine Triclade, Gunda segmentata :— “The metamery of Gunda is thus manifestly the consequence not of the ‘symbiotic’ fusion of a colony of equivalent ‘ parts’ (meridi), but of the ‘autobiotic’ differentiation and perfectioning of one ‘ part’ (meride);” and further on (p. 15) :—‘‘ When I consider the facility with which certain worms break into one or more pieces even spontaneously, it appears to me that this capacity for rupture may well have been the origin of the reproductive purpose of transverse scission in similar elongated organisms. The rupture, in the first instance accidental, could have contributed to the more rapid multiplication of the organism, being followed by the regeneration of the parts that were deficient in the separate fragments. This process of rupture might further have been so perfected that the spot best adapted for rupture, with a view to the best condition of the fragments, was prepared in advance. Inthe more perfect evolutional phases of the process, which are at the same time those that have till now been more carefully investigated, the new head is formed anteriorly to the rupture, or at least its essential parts are pre-established.” 1K. Perrier, Les colonies animales, Paris, 1881. 2 G. Cattaneo, Le colonie lineari e la morfologia dei Molluschi, Milano, 1883. 3 C, Emery, Colonie lineare e metameria, Napoli, 1883. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 129 My own views emphasise the presence of a peculiar process of development of the internal organs, running parallel to this predisposition for rupture in a particular spot —the spot which will correspond to the outwardly visible demarcation between the future segments. They thus go one step further—and, in my opinion, a very essential step— in the attempt to explain the origin of metamery in the lower Platyelminthes, these bilateral descendants of radiate Coelenterata, and at the same time predecessors of both Chordata and Appendiculata.' This view of the origin of metamery also affords an explanation for the very different degrees in which we find metamery or segmentation expressed in the different divisions of the animal kingdom. The incipient metamery which we have traced (and which we have pictured to ourselves as arising through natural selection amongst those forms, which, while developing in length, find metamery to be a protective peculiarity) imme- diately creates, by the fact of its existence, new and variable material for selection, again to be acted upon. And whilst metamery develops in one direction in one line of descendants, the other line brings to the foreground a different set of advantageous combinations, each of them again the stock of new and varied forms. In other words, metamery once established in its most primitive form, and intimately connected with spontaneous fission under the influence of external agents, has been of very great moment in the bringing about of new and endless variations of animal life. And it is rational, when we have before us, say one of the lowest Vertebrata, in which nobody will deny the presence of distinct metameric segmentation, to conclude that this metamery must necessarily be in many respects redueed, and that in the ancestral forms it must have been far more complete, must have stretched forwards along the whole of the head, must have been more forcibly expressed than it is now—in all the cephalic nerves, in the nephridia, the gill-slits, &c.;—all this on the presumption of the existence of an ancestor so completely and exemplarily segmental as to throw no light on the origin of segmentation and metamery, unless by the aid of Perrier’s and Cattaneo’s exaggerations. Such conclusions must, however, necessarily be made by those who follow Dohrn’s and Semper’s lead concerning the phylogeny of the Chordata. Bateson, in taking Balanoglossus as his starting-point, finds the acknowledged points of resemblance in the metamerous gill-slits, &c., and adds to them important data con- cerning the metamerous ccelomic diverticula. Still, for a general view on the origin of metamery, Balanoglossus offers no points that we do not find more strongly represented and more forcibly expressed in the Nemertea. It certainly deserves mention that long 1 Gegenbaur, in his Grundriss der Vergleichenden Anatomie (1878), hints at similar explanations to those advocated by Emery and myself, when he says (p. 64) :—‘ Die Metamerie . . . . lisst Zustiinde des Beginnes und der nicht aus- - gefiihrten Beendigung mannichfach erkennen . ... In dem Maasse als ein Metamer die Abhingigkeit vom Gesammt- organismus durch die Ausbildung seiner eigenen Organe aufgiebt emancipirt er sich vom Ganzen und gewinnt die Befithigung freier Existenz,” Further on he speaks of incipient metamery as “eine stellenweise, fiir den Organismus praktisch werdende Ausbildung” of the different organ systems. (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP.—PART LIV.—1887.) Hhh 17 150 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. before Bateson drew renewed attention to the numerous points of agreement between Balanoglossus and the Chordata, M‘Intosh had done the same for Balanoglossus and the Nemertea, a separate paragraph of his monograph (XIX) being devoted to the discussion of these homologies. Sedgewick (loc. cit.) holds the unsegmented worms to be wholly “neghgeable quantities,” at any rate superfluous links in the chain that connects the Chordata with the antecedent Diploblastic stages. In my idea both these authors, valuable as certain of their suggestions are, have not been thoroughly aware of the necessity that, in all discussions on the origin of metameric segmentation, we must attempt to grasp at data that give a clue to the possible action of natural selection in the gradual evolution of metamery. ‘This clue appears to me to be far more distinctly contained in the views here advocated than in the other hypotheses. It may further be remarked, now that we have once more alluded to Bateson’s phylogeny of the Chordata, that even this naturalist does not feel justified in wholly rejecting the Nemertea from the Vertebrate pedigree. Whilst in the text of his article (loc. cit., p. 566) he does seem to prefer this negative alternative ; still, in the subjoined diagram of the general relationships of Urochorda, Hemichorda, Cephalochorda, and Vertebrata, the Nemertea are introduced with a point of as a side branch lower down on the common parent stock. interrogation, however Now, this being concordant with my own views of the Chordate phylogeny,— the point of interrogation excepted,—it is necessary to inquire why there is this discrepancy between Bateson’s speculations in the body of his treatise and the hypothetical pedigree at the end of it. It appears to me that this is due to his hesitation (Joc. cit., p. 555) in accepting the views hitherto entertained and advocated by myself as to the phylogenetic connection between the Nemertean and the Vertebrate nervous system. For this hesitation Bateson has good reasons, and while I appreciate the soundness of them, I hope in the remainder of this chapter to remove the reluctance of him and others to accept the phylogenetic significance of the Nemertea, thanks to new light that may be thrown on the evolution of the central nervous system of the Chordata by the observations above recorded on the nervous system of the Challenger Nemertea. It is to these speculations on the nervous system that we now have to turn our attention. As will be seen from the terminology introduced in the paragraph on the nervous system (p. 76), and as it is now time more fully to develop, I am inclined to attach considerable morphological importance to the arrangement of the different constituent parts of the nervous system in the Nemertea. In former publications (X, XIc) I have repeatedly insisted on the significance of certain points in the anatomy of the Nemertea, when considering the general question of the relationship of the Chordata to their REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 131 unknown invertebrate ancestors, and I have insisted not only on the possibility of the homology between the Nemertean proboscis and the hypophysis cerebri of the Verte- brates, but I have, even earlier still, attempted to show that the nerve-system of these two groups might be considered in a common light, as was first indicated by Harting in his Leerboek van de Grondbeginselen der Dierkunde of the year 1874. Further reference to the hypothesis here alluded to is found in Balfour's Monograph on the Elasmobranch Fishes (pp. 170-172), in my own publications (IX, X), and in Balfour's Comparative Embryology* (vol. ii. p. 258). I will not here enter upon this hypothesis more fully, but will briefly state that it attempted to consider the central nervous system of the Vertebrates as a possible median coalescence of two nerve-trunks, that were lateral in the primitive ancestors of the Vertebrates, in the same way as the coalesced ventral nerve-cord (Bauchmark) of Annelids and Arthropods may be considered with Gegenbaur as having arisen out of a double lateral trunk, which in certain, still more highly differen- tiated forms have fused ventro-medially. A strong argument against the first-mentioned hypothesis is the fact that the spinal cord ontogenetically always makes its appearance as a median unpaired plate or thicken- ing, a very faint trace of a possible double origin of this plate being hitherto only observable in one species of Amphibia, Triton teniatus ; whereas in all other vertebrates, Amphioxus and the Cyclostomata not excepted, the unpaired origin is most evident. The bilateral symmetry or the full-erown brain and spinal cord is a much later feature, and can hardly be regarded as the expression of a primary coalescence of two separate halves to form a median whole. Tam the more inclined to abandon this hypothesis, because I will attempt to show that we can establish phylogenetic comparisons between the Chordate and the Nemertean nervous system on a much more simple basis ; comparisons which at the same time cover a far more extensive ground than did those of Harting, Balfour, and myself, which I have just alluded to. Since in the nervous plexus of all the Nemertea a median longitudinal tract, some- times of comparatively large size, has now been detected, since even in the Hoplo- nemertea, where’ the plexus has disappeared, the same medio-dorsal nerve-tract has in most cases been preserved, and, finally, since from this dorso-median stem metameric and paired nerve-tracks may be seen to emerge in Paleeonemertea and Schizonemertea, we must inquire in how far the direct comparison of this medio-dorsal nerve-stem with a primitive spinal cord may be said to hold good. In order to do this we must first consider the relation of this stem, to which we have given the name of medullary nerve or medulla, to the rest of the nervous system, more 1 It may here be remarked that Balfour has omitted to mention that Harting was the first to bring forward this hypothesis: it is well to be reminded of this when Beard, Bateson, and others similarly ignore this claim to priority of my venerated predecessor. 132 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. especially the brain-lobes.’| In a former publication (IX), where the medullary nerve was for the first time noticed and described as the proboscidian-sheath-nerve, I traced its origin to the dorsal commissure between the two lateral halves of the brain (loc. cit., pl. i. fig. 1). Thanks to certain very favourable specimens in the Challenger collection, I have now been able to add new data to this statement. Sections through the brain of Cerebratulus macroren, Cerebratulus corrugatus and Cerebratulus angusticeps (Pl. XI. figs. 1, 7, 8; Pl. XIII. fig. 1) show that the condition of things is indeed less simple than this original statement would imply,—that the medullary nerve is not an eminently fibrous cord springing at right angles from the eminently fibrous upper brain-commissure, but that the nerve-tissue constituting the foremost and uppermost portions of the upper brain-lobes spreads out over a far more considerable surface than the fibrous tract which is known as the dorsal commissure. This expansion of nerve-tissue, in which the cellular elements are no less conspicuous than the fibrous, is posteriorly directly continuous with the plexus above described, laterally with the brain-lobes, anteriorly with the cephalic nerves springing from these lobes. It attains its fullest development just before and behind the region where a transverse bundle of fibres uniting the fibrous core of the lateral brain-lobes forms the well-known dorsal brain-commissure. This commis- sure is a transverse fibrous tract forming part of a more extensive nerve-plate. To this expansion of nerve-tissue the presence of nerve-cells gives a more primitive, at any rate a less specialised, character. These nerve-cells and nerve-fibres are directly continuous with those of the medullary nerve and (backwards) with those of the nerve-plexus, of which this nerve is only the median longitudinal thickening. There is even more reason to look upon the fibres of this medullary nerve as a tract of the general fibrous stroma not necessarily connected with the fibres of the braim-commissure. In other cases a more direct continuity between the commissural and the medullary nerve-fibres was however observed. In order clearly to understand the relative importance of the different parts of the nervous system here noticed, the primitive Paleonemertea offer the best starting-point. Thus in Carinella we find the brain-lobes not yet separated into distinct upper and lower lobes, nor do we find a posterior lobe (side-organ). The brain is a double lateral and anterior thickening in the nerve-plexus, situated like it and like the lateral nerve- stems outside the muscular body-wall in the deeper strata of the integument. The only difference between the medio-dorsal medullary nerve in this species and the lateral nerves with their anterior enlargements (the brain-lobes) is its position and its greater tenuity (Pl. XVI. fig. 1), which, however, does not prevent its being very clearly observable in every transverse section (Pl. XI. figs. 3, 4). Its connection with the brain-commissure was already described (IX, p. 25), and figured by me (loc. cit., pl. iii. fig. 31). It must, ' In the course of these considerations a certain amount of repetition of facts already noticed.in the paragraph on the nervous system cannot well be avoided. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 133 however, be remarked that in these most primitive Palzeonemertea, the anterior dorsat brain-commissure is less significant than in the Schizonemertea, and hardly anything else than the foremost of those numerous transverse metameric tracts in the plexus (dvr, Pl. XVI fig. 1) which connect the lateral stems with the medullary nerve (dorsally) and with each other (veutrally). These important metameric nerve-pairs are most distinctly observed in Carinella. Here, as in the Schizonemertea, the medullary nerve is also continued forwards in front of the brain thickenings. This continuation sometimes shows a short bend just on the level of the commissure, so that both the medullary nerve and its anterior continuation may be seen in one section. This explains at the same time the arrange- ment traced on Pl. XII. fig. 8. Posteriorly the medullary nerve can be followed down to the hindmost extremity of the body. In Hupolia and the Schizonemertea the arrange- meut remains the same, the metamery of the transverse stems is perhaps more clearly expressed, the whole plexus and the longitudinal stems are no longer in the integument, but between the muscular layers. Still the whole of the nervous system also answers to the general type as represented in the diagrammatic fig. 1 on Pl. XVI. We have now seen enough of it to understand that a comparison with the central apparatus of the Vertebrate nervous system cannot indeed be called a strained comparison. On the contrary, the comparison is much less artificial than was the one which Balfour was inclined to adopt, and which, as noted above, rendered necessary the acceptance of the phylogenetic development of the Vertebrate medulla out of a double cord. And so I do not hesitate to proclaim the medullary nerve of the Nemertea to be a very important link in the phylogenetic chain, of which the Vertebrate spinal cord is the outcome. Like the Nemertean medulla, the Vertebrate spinal cord is median, unpaired, and composed of nerve-cells and nerve-fibres ; like the Nemertean medulla, it is a thicken- ing in a nervous plexus, originally wholly epiblastic, of which, among Vertebrates, the Amphibian embryos offer such a striking example. This instructive and suggestive case was known to Remak and Stricker (as the “ Nervenschicht” of the frog embryo), it was more carefully studied and elaborately described by Goette (his “ Grundschicht” of the epiblast, in his Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke), and it has been again recently brought into the foreground by Baldwin Spencer, in his latest paper on the subject." The latter author compares the Amphibian plexus with that of Palazeonemertea and Schizo- nemertea (Joc. cit., p. 134), as had already been done before him by my friend Professor Ray Lankester, with whose suggestion I at that time (1880) did not yet venture fully to associate myself. The numerous data that have since been accumulated for a direct comparison of Nemertea with lower Vertebrates appear, however, now to fully justify that comparison 1 Baldwin Spencer, Some notes on the early Development of Rana temporaria, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., vol. xxv. Suppl., p. 123, 1885. 134 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. which was first expressed in a footnote to a former paper of mine (X, p. 438). There can hardly be any doubt as to the existence, consequent upon natural selection, of a constant tendency in the different component parts of living organisms towards simplifi- cation and increased efficiency (Roux’s Kampf der Theile im Organismus). This fact enables us to understand the gradual supremacy of the median cord in the Nemertean plexus over the two lateral ones. It seems as if it were mathematically demonstrable that for the delicate adjustment of the impressions from the exterior to the co-ordinated movements thereby occasioned, one longitudinal central stem in bilateral, lengthened animals, would be more efficacious than two lateral ones. And if we ask if, at the final stage of this struggle for supremacy between three longitudinal stems, any remnants of the lateral cords are yet detectable in the Vertebrate embryos, perhaps even in the adults, T am inclined to answer in the affirmative. Here I must be allowed to insert a reference to the three figures on Pl. XVI., which will facilitate the exposition of the further conse- quences of the hypothesis I am here developing. Fig. 1 represents the chief points in the nervous system of the Nemertea. The brain-lobes are simple lateral swellings of the longitudinal stems, as in Carinella; plexus, medulla and transverse stems, together with brain-lobes and lateral stems, may be considered as forming part of the integument (cf: Carmina). A double innervation of the respiratory portion of the intestine is indicated ; one due to visceral branches (vi.sy) springing from the plexus (or from its transverse tracts), the other to the more specialised nerve (v), which has above been indicated as the Nemertean vagus nerve. The plexus and its innumerable radial fibres, both sensory and motor, are not indicated in this figure, nor are the nerve-stems which, when present (Pl. XIV. fig. 2), pass from the lateral stems directly to the integument. This figure must now be compared with the two others. Of these, Pl. XVI. fig. 2, diagrammatically represents the chief points that may be considered as characteristic of the nervous system of a lower Vertebrate, in which the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves (dv and vr) are as yet separate nerve-tracts, in which the sympathetic nerve system is as yet only represented by visceral branches given off by these dorsal roots (vi.sy), and in which the polymerous character of a primitive vagus (Vag) is established. PL XVI. fig. 38, stands for Amphiowus, as far as we know its nervous system, more particularly through the researches of Rohon and others. It differs from the foregoing by the absence of a distinct brain swelling, and of a polymerous vagus. A number of spinal nerves are considered as homologues to the vagus of Vertebrates by Rohon. The commissural connections between the successive spinal nerves form a plexus, which is peripherally even much more elaborate, according to Rohon’s figures. This plexus does not reveal the presence of any distinct lateral longitudinal nerve, nor any ganglia of spinal or cephalic nerves. The latter (en) may be said to be three in number. Visceral branches (v7.sy) are given off by the dorsal nerves (dr). The ventral ones, springing from the lower edge of the medulla, are here represented as shorter stems (v7). REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 135 The opposite half of the system, seen in transparent perspective, as given in the two other figures, is purposely omitted here, because of the asymmetry of Amphioxus in this respect. Now a glance at these figures will convince us that the situation of the Nemertean medullary nerve in its plexus, and with its set of transverse nerves, is directly compar- able to the Vertebrate medulla and spinal nerves. The nerve-plexus filling up the intervening spaces in Nemertea is present as a transitory structure in Amphibian embryos. The ulterior appearance of an anterior enlargement forming the Vertebrate brain ; the higher complication attained by the brain and spinal cord when its mass increases, but not its dorsal expansion, by the appearance of medullary ridges ; and the formation of a neural canal by infolding of the neural plate, all these are important developmental facts which do not in any way weaken the grounds for comparison of the two structures. They may be looked upon as adaptations to the much more considerable efficiency and concentration that is gradually attained by the central nervous system as we ascend higher in the scale of the animal kingdom. The fact that the neural ridge in so many Vertebrata precedes the appearance of the spinal nerves, and is inserted along the top of the folds that bend together to form the neural tube, may be thus interpreted, that during the phylogenetic process of infolding, the transverse nerve-tracts (dorsal spinal roots) remain attached in the same way to the medio-dorsal collecting trunk as they did in the ancestral forms, and are dragged upwards by the infolding process. The ventral roots must be phylo- genetically linked to the plexus as well; inasmuch as the musculature originally lies inwards of the nervous plexus, their deeper situation is not surprising. In the points hitherto enumerated there is entire coincidence between Amphioxus and the other Vertebrata, as far as their comparability with the Nemertean diagram goes. Another point of coincidence is the way in which the foremost portion of the intestinal canal and adjacent blood-vessels are innervated by visceral nerve-stems, indicated in all the three diagrams by vi.sy. The claims to validity of the comparison here made between the spinal nerves of the Chordata and the transverse stems of the Nemertea, should be again insisted on, now that the researches of Rohon,! Freud,? Schneider, Ransom, and d’Arcy Thompson ’ 1V. Rohon, Untersuchungen iiber Amphioxus lanceolatus, Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, Bd. xlv. 28, Freud, Ueber Spinalganglién und Riickenmark des Petromyzon (Sitzungsb. math.-nat. cl. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bad. lxxviii., Abth. 3, 1878). This author says (p.154): “Ich kann wenigstensvon den letzten Wurzeln des Caudalmarks sagen dass ihre Selbstindigkeit so gross ist, dass man von vorderen und hinteren Spinalnerven, anstatt von vorderen und hinteren Wurzeln reden konnte”; and Wiedersheim in the 2d edition of his Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Anatomie (p. 321): “Vieles spricht dafiir dass die Vorfahren der heutigen Wirbelthiere getrennte dorsale und ventrale Nervenwurzeln besessen haben miissen.” 3 W. R. Ransom and @’Arcy W. Thompson, On the spinal and visceral nerves of Cyclostomata, Zool. Anceiger, No, 227, July 1886. 136 VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. have established for the lower Chordata (Cephalochorda and Cyclostomata) that the typical chordate spinal nerve is not originally provided with a double root, but that this double root appears to have arisen by the coalescence of what were primitively m the eroups just mentioned, separate and alternating dorsal and ventral nerve-tracts. With these so much simpler spinal nerves the transverse nerve-stems of the Nemertea undoubtedly offer points of comparison. These Nemertean nerves specially differ from the Vertebrate spinal nerves in two respects: (1) they give off nerve-fibres in different directions, which are probably motor as well as sensory and visceral, according to the different organ systems they terminate in; and (2) they go round ventrally, each of them forming a loop all round the body. As to the first point of difference just alluded to, it is the expression of a low and primitive degree of differentiation, and when a step forwards is made, differentiation of labour will tend to develop certain tracts more particularly con- taining sensory and visceral nerve-fibres, which are more especially directed towards the epithelia (the primitive dorsal or posterior roots), and others more particularly containing motor nerve-fibres, and more especially directed inwards towards the muscles (the primitive ventral or anterior roots), because the musculature, as was already mentioned, is originally situated internally to the nervous system. For the present we can only hold it to be established that the fibres of these three categories are blended in the Nemertean plexus, without bemg able to determine in how far the specialisation therem observed, of the appearance of transverse metameric nerves, may at the same time be accompanied by a commencement of differentiation, such as has just been alluded to. We may, in other words, not yet assume that among these metameric stems there is already a tendency to an alternation between such as have sensory and visceral, and such as have motor predispositions. Ouly in a few cases may we be justified in saying that certain nerve-tracts belonging to the Nemertean peripheral system are more especially sensory (Pl. XIV. fig. 2) or visceral (Pl. XIV. fig. 4), and these no doubt offer important analogies in their situation and connections to similar nerve-tracts of the Vertebrata. The second point of difference, viz., the continuity in the ventral median line of the transverse tracts of the Nemertea, is no doubt a consequence (a) of their origin in a perfectly continuous plexus, (b) of the cylindrical arrangement of the muscular layers, which in most cases are uninterrupted both in the dorsal and in the ventral median line. It is all the more important to notice, that more especially in the primitive Carinellide, the tendency is very marked towards a scission of this muscular body-wall into a right and a left half (cf p. 72). A comparison of figs. 4, 5 on Pl. XI. will show this. In the Schizonemertea, too, and in Hupolia it affects the primitive muscular layer (PI. XI. figs. 10, 12), in a more or less marked degree, This longitudinal scission is no doubt the first expression of the phenomenon which shows us the musculature of the right and left half of the body, developing quite inde- REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 137 pendently in the Chordata. It is easily intelligible how, as this phenomenon gradually becomes more and more marked, no more ventral connecting fibres across the non- muscular region were required for the innervation of the musculature of the right and left half of the body. The process by which the transverse nerve-tract, with radial nerve-fibres leaving it at short intervals, both centripetally and centrifugally gradually assumed the form of a nerve-stem with a dorsal and a ventral branch, such as we find in the spinal nerves, must have gone on pari passu with those numerous other changes, which we cannot as yet fully trace, but which must have occurred when (1) the muscular metamery became gradually established, (2) the dorso-median medullary tract became so preponderant that an increase in mass, with economy of bulk, was only to be obtained by a process of folding-in already discussed above, and (3) the attachment of the spinal nerves (transverse tracts) to the medulla was modified in consequence of this process. None of these phenomena, however, offer anything that is in any way inconsistent with, or opposed to, the general theory here developed. We have now sufficiently insisted on the chief point of comparison here proposed, viz., that between the Nemertean medullary nerve and its metameric transverse nerve- cords, and the Vertebrate cerebro-spinal axis and spinal nerves. If Amphioxus were the only Vertebrate known, we should, recognising the phylo- genetic importance of the plexiform arrangement still met with in the adult of that species, admit that, as far as we know at present, the primary lateral nerves with their anterior swellings of the Vermian ancestors had disappeared in the same measure as the dorso-median spinal cord had come more and more into the foreground. But our consideration of other Vertebrates leads us to the conclusion that, when once the general homology between the two nervous systems is admitted, there may perhaps be secondary points in regard to which the comparison can be further extended. And it must be recognised, that if we should also succeed in rendering more or less probable a comparison in secondary details, this might again be favourably interpreted for the primary and more important part of the hypothesis. The search after these secondary points of agreement was instituted by me, when the question above alluded to presented itself, viz., if any remnant could be traced of the central nervous system of Nemertea-like ancestors, ¢.¢., of the brain-lobes and lateral stems, in those Vertebrate descendants in which the medio-dorsal tract had become so preponderant as to give rise to the unpaired medulla and brain. It is clear that if it shall be possible to trace any such remnants, and to render their homology with the Nemertean central nervous system probable, they will have to be sought for—(a) in the head, as lateral more or less independent nerve-centra, innervating sense-organs of the integument, and passing posteriorly into parallel longitudinal stems ; or (b) in the trunk, as longitudinal nerve-stems, in which the central character should (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PART LIv.—1887.) Hhh 18 138 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. be somewhat less marked than in the anterior swelling, but in which the original significance as parts of the central system should still be indicated either by histological or by embryological features. To these latter conditions nothing can answer in the Vertebrate nervous system excepting the so-called ramus lateralis vagi. It is present in all Vertebrates above Amphioxus, long and important in the aquatic Ichthyopsida, gradually disappearing when the aquatic medium is exchanged for an air-breathing existence, and finally only retained in the higher Vertebrates as the inconspicuous ramus auricularis vagi. Its course is indeed strictly lateral, and has always been a puzzle to anatomists. Stannius’ characterises the existence and the course of this sensory nerve along the trunk down to the tail as “ one of the most interesting facts of anatomy.” None the less startling is its development. Whilst Balfour attempted in this respect to bring it on one line with the other parts of the peripheral nervous system, the corresponding results of Semper, Goette, van Wijhe, and Hoffmann are all in the contrary direction. They have seen the nervus lateralis appear as an independent product of the epiblast, arising 7m loco along its whole length, its formation often even preceding that of the spinal nerves. These results have again been fully confirmed and definitely established by the latest investigator of the problem, Beard,’ who also gives a detailed description and figures of the connection between the nervus lateralis and the vagus ganglion, both of them so much more massive and conspicuous in early embryonic stages than later on. And now that we are attempting to find out whether there is a possibility of com- paring the lateral nerve-stems of lower worms with the nervus lateralis of Vertebrata, we are naturally led to consider, in the second place, the question whether the anterior swellings of these lateral stems (the paired brain-lobes of the worm) may have their morphological equivalents, their remnants, in the set of anterior nervous swellings that are found in the head on a level with the nervus lateralis, and longitudinally connected with it; viz., the variable set of ganglia of the cephalic nerves. As to the origin of these ganglia of the cranial nerves I have no observations of my own, and must rely on the data of other observers. It is suggestive to give the opinion of the three latest investigators of the develop- ment of these organs in different groups of Vertebrates in their own words. Professor A. Froriep,’? who studied Mammalian embryos, writes (loc. cit., p. 35) :— “The ganglia (of facialis, glossopharyngeus, and vagus) enter into a peculiar, very inti- mate connection with the epiderm”; further (p. 40), “these ganglionic connections with the epiderm must probably be regarded as rudiments of organs which have phylogenetically 1 Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische, p. 108. 2 The System of Branchial Sense-Organs, &c., in Ichthyopsida, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci.. November 1885, p. 95. 3 Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis, &c., Archiv f. Anat. u. Phys., 1885, Anat. Abth. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 139 disappeared, and which are only now retained in the ontogenetic development”; then (p. 43) “for the Gasserian ganglion there is no indication of a connection with the epiderm”; and, lastly (p. 52), “it appears to be hardly any longer possible to look upon these nerve-ganglia (Nervenknoten) as simply homologous with spinal ganglia.” Baldwin Spencer’ writes (Joc. cit., p. 129) concerning Rana temporaria :—< Along certain lines the cells of the nervous layer proliferate, and it is by this proliferation that the rudiments of the cranial nerves are laid down” ; further (p. 130), “ the development of the ganglia at the level of the lateral line, and the fact of their long connection with the epiblast at this pomt . . . . is of great interest in connection with certain points in the development of the Elasmobranch nerves.” Concerning the developmental phenomena in the trunk-region at this period, the spinal nerves are stated to be not yet visible, “though the nervous sheath is clearly developed and in this the lateral line” The author next mentions observations made by him on Dr. Beard’s sections of Elasmobranch embryos, and goes on to say (loc. cit., p. 1381) :— “The Gasserian ganglion is, at all events in part, formed directly from the epiblast the same development takes place in the case of the ganglion of the third and seventh nerve—in that of the ciliary ganglion the development is particularly clear— The ganglia arise along a level of the lateral line continued on the head.” He next says:—‘‘The curious origin of the ganglia of the cranial nerves points strongly to the conclusion that . . . . their present condition and nature must be regarded as a secondary and certainly not primitive condition. “Tn passing, I may just notice that on this supposition an explanation is offered as to the origin and meaning of the two curious branches which unite respectively the ganglia of the fifth and seventh and fifth and third cranial nerves ; they may be regarded as persistent parts of the lateral nerve . . . . in the head.” In the third place, extracts will be given from Beard’s more extensive paper.” He writes (p. 97) as an introductory statement :—“< At present we are acquainted with no Invertebrate nervous system which is built upon the same plan as that of Vertebrates ”; and then passes to the results of his investigations chiefly carried out on embryos of Torpedo and a few other Elasmobranchs. I make the following selections (p. 101) :— “ At the point of fusion” (of the cephalic nerve with the epiblast) “a local thickening of epiblast has previously taken place. After the fusion has taken place a proliferation of some of the cells composing the thickening ensues. The proliferated cells form a mass of actively-dividing elements still connected with the skin. . . . . This mass of cells is the rudiment of the ganglion of the dorsal root.” On p. 110 he adds :—* Along with the separation of the (vagus) ganglion from the 1 Karly Development of Rana temporaria, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sct., Suppl., 1885, 2 Branchial Sense-Organs in Ichthyopsida, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., November 1885, No. ci. 140 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. skin, the sensory thickening begins to grow backwards along the lateral surface of the trunk. This thickening is the rudiment of the so-called lateral ine. . . . . The so-called lateral nerve is formed from the deeper portion of the sensory thickening. . . . . That there is no actual growth backwards of the nerve is obvious enough.” Recapitulating, we must acknowledge that the mode of origin of the ganglia of the cephalic nerves, as described by these authors, is certainly a peculiar one—a mode of development swi generis. One of Beard’s accompanying diagrammatic figures, repro- duced in Wiedersheim’s second edition (1886) of the Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Anatomie as woodcut No. 265, moreover, shows how the position of the cephalic ganglion, developing as an ectodermal proliferation, is in this early stage eminently lateral, a conclusion corroborated by the figures of his actual sections. This primitive position is, of course, gradually lost, and could never be predicted from a study of these ganglia and their position and significance in the adult animal. Yet it is not without significance, when seen in the light of the suggestion here brought forward. And that the interpre- tation of the phenomena in question as given by these authors is not universally accepted, thus leaving room for new suggestions, is proved by the following citation from Ransom’s and d’Arey Thompson’s latest article," running as follows :—“ Although the lamprey presents a well-marked lateralis nerve, it has not also a regular lateral line, for the sense- organs of the skin are scattered and without segmental arrangement. The sense- organs do not, therefore, appear to be in direct relation with the spinal ganglia, and the view of the close connection between them (Spencer, Beard, Froriep) does not receive support. . . . . It seems more natural to consider the lateralis as a relic of the extensive and irregular commissure system connecting the posterior roots of Amphioaus.” Passing from a consideration of the embryonic ganglia to their connection in the adults, [ must mention the connection of the ramus lateralis vagi with cephalic nerves anterior to the vagus. I will not here give a description of the numerous varieties pre- sented by this nervous connection, but merely refer to the arrangement in Vertebrates so low as the lampreys. We there find, according to Johannes Miiller, the ramus lateralis originating from the seventh as well as from the tenth pair of cephalic nerves, and if we compare the very satisfactory figure which was only lately’ given by Ahlborn of this arrangement, we must recognise that this nervous connection is important, and has more the aspect of a direct forward continuation of the nervus lateralis than of a sensory branch from the facialis, establishing a connection between it and the vagus. Ahlborn mentions the existence of a similar connecting stem reaching further forward still, and connecting the trigeminus and facialis. How these connections vary in the different adult Vertebrata will not be discussed here. The different facts and speculations here brought forward in connection with the 1 On the Spinal and Visceral Nerves of Cyclostomata, Zool. Anzeiger, No. 227, July 1886. * Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool.y Bd. x1., pl. xviii. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 141 cephalic ganglia and the nervus lateralis vagi, may suffice for the present. They may severally be brought to bear upon the question of the eventual homology of Vertebrate cephalic ganglia and nervus lateralis, on the one hand, and Vermian paired brain-lobes and lateral nerve-stems, on the other. The parts here compared, being indicated in figs. 1 and 2 of Pl. XVI. with corresponding letters, Lg and In, a glance at these figures may further convey a notion of the purport of these speculations. There is one fact, however, which is not indicated in these figures, which is never- theless of very high importance for the views here considered, and which I must therefore develop more in detail. It is the connection between the successive spinal nerves and the ramus lateralis vagi. The existence of similar connections between the (eminently sensory and cutaneous) dorsal roots and the (similarly sensory and cutaneous) lateral nerve is for the first time mentioned by Ransom and d’Arcy Thompson for Petromyzon in the following passage (loc. cit., p. 422) :— “The dorsal rami of the posterior roots pass up (over the lateralis nerve) to the skin of the back, but appear also to send fibres into the lateralis. (For this statement we at present rely only on sections, but we hope shortly to test it by dissections of the large Petromyzon marinus. )” Tt hardly needs comment that if this observation should be confirmed the fact would be of the utmost importance for the hypothesis under discussion. We should then be per- mitted to consider these metameric connections between the dorsal roots and the nervus lateralis of Petromyzon, as the relics of an earlier stage, still permanent in the Nemertea, where the metamerically consecutive transverse nerve-tracts similarly unite the medullary nerve and the lateral stems, This connection is, as we know, also brought about in the Nemertea by the plexus, in those parts of it which spread out between the transverse tracts, and it may here be asked if relics of such a plexus between the successive precursors of the spinal nerves are perhaps retained, not only in Amphioxus (see above, p. 134, and Rohon, loc. cit., fig. 13), but also in Osseous Fishes in the numerous superficial nerves described and figured by Stannius,* or whether we must rather look upon this multiplication of lateral nerves (one of which is called by Stannius the nervus lateralis trigemini, others, rami communicantes of the dorsal branches of spinal nerves, &c.) as derivatives from the nervus lateralis vagi.” This question can, of course, only be solved by careful anatomical and embryological investiga- tions. That the nervus lateralis was often (Stannius) observed in the Petromyzontidee only along a part of the length of the body (Schneider and Born, according to Ahlborn,’ 1 Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische, 1849, pls. ii—iv. 2 It should be remembered that Beard is inclined (loc. cit., p. 139) to look upon the superficial longitudinal nerve- fibres, by which the successive epithelial modifications along the lateral line are often connected (Solger, Bodenstein), as such derivatives (by longitudinal fission in its very early stages) of the nervus lateralis. 3 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Ba. xl. pp. 303 and 301. 142 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. observed it “bis an das Hinterende des Kérpers”) is not confirmed by modern investi- gators. Ahlborn’s description (oc. c7t., p. 304) of the variable situation of this nerve in Petromyzon is very suggestive in connection with the views here advocated. Ransom and d’Arcy Thompson consider that the regularity of the integumentary sensory apparatus is not yet established in Petromyzon, as may be concluded from the citation given above (p. 140). We have now considered the superficial ramifications of what I may call the lateral nerve system, both in lower worms and in Vertebrates; we must now turn to the intestinal, to the visceral branches of this same system, from which other and important data may be gathered for further elucidation of the hypothesis under consideration. We have already seen that in Nemertea the typical innervation of the respiratory portion of the intestine is brought about—(a) by a pair of nerves directed backwards and springing from the anterior lateral swellings (the brain-lobes) of the lateral nerve-stems ; (b) by numerous visceral branches starting from the plexus, directed inwards as branches that spread over the wall of blood-lacunze and intestine, In the Vertebrata, Amphioxus excepted, we also find that the innervation of the anterior respiratory portion of the intestine and of the circulatory apparatus is obtained from two sources, viz., (1) the cephalic nerves, amongst which the vagus nerve is in this respect the most important’; (2) the visceral branches of the spinal nerves, which are at the basis of what is afterwards more highly differentiated and separately recognised as the sympathetic nerve-system. In Nemertea it is very difficult to determine in the anterior part of the intestinal wall, which tracts belong to the so-called vagus nerve, which to this system of visceral nerve-branches. So it is often in Vertebrata, and the blending together (in both divisions of the animal kingdom) of two systems, each of them again mutually comparable when separately considered, is an important point of agreement, and would, if no actual homology were at the base of it, be a very puzzling coincidence. It is in this respect highly suggestive that Born notices, as early as 1827, what was after- wards confirmed by Ahlborn (oe. cit.) and others, that in Petromyzon, 1.e., one of the lowest Vertebrates, the spinal nerves send out connecting branches towards the pneumogastric nerves. The existence of superficial metameric connections (Ransom and d’Arcy Thompson, vide supra) as well as of this set of deeper connections between the transverse and the latero-longitudinal nerve-stems (n. lateralis and n. pneumogastricus) of Petromyzon would thus be a most remarkable repetition of the similar arrangement in the Nemertea, as it has been here for the first time demonstrated. 1 Ventrally these nerves (e.g., the n. hypoglossus) are sometimes commissurally united with their representative of the opposite half of the body. It must remain an open question whether these commissures are in any way comparable either to the Nemertean vagus commissures (cf. p. 83), or to the general ventral commissural system of these worms. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 143 The facts as they lie before us do not, however, admit of any very circumstantial com- parison so far as the nerves in particular are concerned, and I purposely refrain from entering into any details. Yetit should be remarked— (1) That the polymerous root of the Vertebrate vagus nerve is very readily explicable if we take the Nemertean arrangement as a starting-point (Pl. XVI. figs. 1, 2, vag), as is also the mixture of sensory and motor elements in this root." (2) That similarly, if the anterior cephalic nerves (e.g., the fifth) should prove to be polymerous, this would in no way be astonishing nor difficult to bring into harmony with that same starting-point. (3) That the presence of superficial branches to the integument and to the muscu- lature, and of deeper branches to the intestinal epithelium in those parts that will contribute to form the cephalic nerves, is similarly foreshadowed in the Nemertea. (4) That the equivalent of the Nemertean vagus nerve will have to be sought for in such branches of the Vertebrate vagus as more especially innervate the intestinal epithelium,’ whereas the innervation of the Vertebrate gill-slits, which marks a later phylo- genetic stage, in which these perforations of the anterior trunk region have appeared, may be as well put to the account of more superficial parts of the transverse tracts. (5) That the common starting-point of the sensory, lateral, and the intestinal portion of the vagus has also attracted the attention of former observers. Ransom and d’Arcy Thompson write :—‘ In the embryo dog-fish the second or ventral commissure described by Balfour, &c., as uniting the roots of the vagus, ventral to the ganglia, is essentially a sympathetic commissure, whose (visceral) fibres pass on, as described by Balfour, to form the intestinal branch of the vagus. In that intestinal branch we have an outflow of visceral fibres, quite comparable to, e.g., a splanchnic branch of the dorsal sympathetic system. The connection between the origin of the lateralis and this ventral commissure connecting the vagus roots in the dog-fish, and similarly the relation of the lateralis to the loops uniting the ganglia of the 5th, 7th, and 10th nerves in Petromyzon may probably be described as indicating a fusion in this region of the two great commissural systems which posteriorly are separate, viz., that of the sensory branches (lateralis) and the visceral or sympathetic. 1 Rohon, Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus vagus bei Selachiern, Arbeit. Zool. Inst. Wien, vol. i. p. 159. 2 T have good reasons, based upon actual observations made by my pupil, Mr. Dobberke, to believe that the ramus — intestinalis vagi in adult Elasmobranchs may be traced centripetally from its region of innervation of the foremost portion of the intestinal wall, towards the brain, as a bundle of nerve-fibres running parallel to and combined with those for the branchial apparatus, but that, nevertheless, this bundle can be separately traced up to the vagus ganglion, without any further intimate relation to those branchial branches (cf. Beard, loc. cit., p. 110). If this should actually be the case, the possibility of a direct comparison between the Nemertean vagus nerve and the Vertebrate ramus intestinalis vagt, of course, comes more closely within ourreach. It need not be insisted upon that if these comparisons prove correct, the separate intestinal nerve-systems (sympathetic nerve system) of other Invertebrates (Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs) cannot be looked upon as homologous with the sympathetic nerve system of the Vertebrates, but would rather be homologous with that portion of the intestinal innervation of the latter which comes to the account of their cephalic nerves, in so far as these represent derivatives of the Nemertean vagus, and are marked v in figs. 1 and 2 of Pl. XVI. 144 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S, CHALLENGER. ““ We agree with Gaskell that the term sympathetic should be suffered to fall into disuse, as tending to perpetuate the old conception of the primary importance of the longitudinal nerve-tract ; whereas the leading fact is the metamerically recurring outflow of visceral fibres, which may or may not be united together by successive longitudinal commissures.” In the Nemertea this anterior “fusion of the great commissural systems” is foreshadowed at the point where brain-lobe, lateral stem, and “‘ vagus nerve” meet, or rather diverge. It has been attempted in figs. 1 and 2 to indicate the points here alluded to in a general way, special comparisons being, on the grounds that have been stated, purposely avoided. If we now turn to Dohrn’s and Semper’s hypothesis we must recognise that no such satisfactory general comparisons are there possible. Even if we were inclined to accept the “turning over” of Geoffroy St. Hilaire, by which back and belly became exchanged, and to admit the braim-piercing cesophagus, regarding the Annelid supracesophageal ganglion and the ventral nerve-cord as respectively homologous to cerebrum and medulla, it must still be conceded that we have not then in any way before us a nerve system offering as many points of comparison with the Vertebrate system as does that of the Nemertea, Concerning the Annelids we have no observations by which the cephalic ganglia and the cephalic nerves are so clearly foreshadowed, none which would throw hight on the origin of the vagus, its connection with the nervus lateralis and with the anterior cephalic ganglia, none concerning the sympathetic system and its blending with the vagus system in the lowest Vertebrates, indications of which are even retained in the highest. Nor is the ventral nerve-cord of Annelids, with its undeniable double character and double origin a match, so far as comparison goes, for the Nemertean medullary nerve, with its transverse nerves preceding the spinal nerves of Amphioxus and the Cyclostomata. And if we are then asked to consider the lens of the Vertebrate eye as a modified ectodermal branchial invagination, as the outer portion of what was once a functional gill-slit," we feel that the ground under our feet is becoming rather uncomfortable, and that it is bigh time to reconsider whether all these ingenious speculations in which the most beautifully pliable hypothetical and unknown Annelids play a too conspicuous part should not be definitely abandoned, and a new departure made by those who are interested in the phylogeny of the Chordata. In due time arduous and detailed morphological investigations on the Platyelminthes in general, and on the Nemertea in particular, may then lead us to more satisfactory conclusions than are the fata morgana that are so temptingly evoked before our eyes by the ingenious manipulations of the indefatigable founder of the first and foremost Zoological Station, when, following his lead, we find ourselves wandering in the barren deserts of that province of phylogeny, in which he attempts to establish a close connection between Chordata and Annelida. 1 Dohrn, Studien, x, p. 459, 1885, REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 145 All these considerations have induced me to give this rapid outline sketch of the degree of comparison which I hold to exist between Chordate and Nemertean (more especially Paleeonemertean and Schizonemertean) nervous systems, although I am per- fectly aware that there is a growing tendency among those authors at present occupied with questions concerning the morphology of the Vertebrate nervous system (Froriep, Baldwin Spencer, Beard, Cunningham, Kleinenberg, and many others) to accept Semper’s and Dohrn’s views of the Annelidan descent of Vertebrates. Wiedersheim, in the new edition of his “ Vergleichende Anatomie ” (1886), does not even hesitate to bring these results in their unripe phase before the more extensive public of students, and this generally in acquiescent terms. It is curious to see how, e.g., the question of the cephalic nerves and their comparison to spinal nerves, that of the nerve-roots, the cephalic ganglia and their respective connecting trunks, have given occasion to the most diverse twisting and retwisting of the facts in order to bring out a fixed scheme or diagram, which might then be compared to what obtained in Annelids, and in which the highest degree of similarity between the respective somites might be obtained, thus establishing a preconceived idea of the Vertebrate ancestor as a most rigorously seg- mented animal. The value of these speculations has been already tested above, and I may be allowed once more to express my conviction that our comparisons between the Chordata and their lower Invertebrate predecessors may only be looked upon as in any way satis- factory so long as they remain on a very broad and general basis, and that any very special homology said to be demonstrated ought for that very reason to be more especially suspected." For my part I believe that, along the lines above indicated, a comparison between Vertebrate and Invertebrate nervous systems will in future prove to be more fruitful, but I wish to repeat that for the present we can only indicate general points of coincidence between the two, and must rigorously refrain from making comparisons in detail. On the other hand, it is suggestive once more to consider what has been recorded above (p. 89) concerning the nervous system of Drepanophorus lankesteri, when compared with that of certain Annelids; and we may, I believe, safely come to the conclusion which was formulated by me seven years ago, but which I now hold to be much more solidly established, that we have in the Nemertea an important group through which definite glimpses may be obtained at the sources from which both Chordata and Appendiculata (Ray Lankester) have respectively sprung. The proposition 1 Bateson (loc. cit., p. 562) seems to take a similar view of the efforts here alluded to. He says :—“No doubt the cranial nerves may, by arbitrary divisions and combinations, be shaped into an arrangement which more or less simulates that which is supposed by some to have been present in the rest of the body, but little is gained by this exercise beyond the production of a false symmetry.”—Dohrn himself, whose suggestions have so largely contributed to the accumulation of all this conflicting evidence, is now rather in the position of Goethe’s Zauberlehrling, and writes (Studien, x., p. 468, 1885)—“ Auch auf diesem Gebiet (die Frage nach der Bedeutung der Hirnnerven)bildet die bisherige . dj < ° on ° ~ L ae Sohiffes ” vergleichende Anatomie das Bild eines auf stiirmischer See steuerlos herumgeschleuderten Schiffes. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. —PART LIV.—1887.) Hhh 19 146 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. first formulated by Gegenbaur, about the phylogenetic origin of the ventral nerve-cord and cesophageal ring of the Annelida out of ancestors with lateral cords, has obtained new support from the arrangement which was met with in the species just mentioned. And just as we have before tentatively discussed the question, in how far remnants of the lateral cords were retained in those descendants in which the median one had been raised to the dignity of a medulla spinalis (the Vertebrata), we might now consider whether any remnants of the median dorsal cord are retained in those descendants in which the lateral cords have differentiated into brain-lobes, cesophageal ring, and ventral cord (the Annelida). To this question I have no definite answer to offer, but I may call attention to the significant fact that the beautiful and exemplary investigations into the embryonic development of Lopadorhynchus, very recently published by Kleinenberg,’ have demonstrated the existence in the larva of that Annelid, of a nerve-stem answering to the conditions here required. It is dorsomedially situated, it is anteriorly connected with the brain, or rather with a transverse nerve-tract (Kleinenberg’s prototrochal nerve-ring), which in its turn is connected with the brain,’ it appears to be connected close to the anus with the ventral cord (the fused lateral stems), and though appearing in early larval life, and having only a temporary existence, it is regarded by Kleinenberg as having considerable physiological importance. If the light in which I am inclined to look at it is not deceptive, its morphological significance also can hardly be overrated. In closing this chapter of general considerations, we may once more bring before our minds the proposition with which it was opened. We have here and in the foregoing chapters adduced facts and arguments which appear to speak in its favour; we will once more rapidly enumerate the common characteristics of Nemertea and Ccelenterata, as well as those of Nemertea and Chordata. The Ccelenterate characteristics that are also found in the Nemertea are the fol- lowing :— a. The presence of nematocysts in the proboscidian epithelium. b. The elaborate nerve-plexus in the integument, and its histological features. ce. The presence of epiblastic muscle-fibres separate from the general body- musculature. d. The presence and the chemical constitution of a sometimes very massive intermuscular jelly, by which the other internal organs are at the same time surrounded. e. The mode of development of the mesoblast (at least in Lineus obscurus), which is less specialised than in most other Invertebrates. Jf. The absence of any distinct enterocoele. 1 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xliv., Heft. i, ii., October 1886, p. 107; pl. vii. fig. 27a. * For comparison with the Nemertea, ef. pl. xvi. fig. 1. REPORT ON THE NEMERTEA. 147 The points of resemblance with the Chordata may be thus tabulated :— a. The general features of the nervous system. b. The presence of a homologue of the hypophysis cerebri as a massive and important organ (the proboscis). c. The presence of tissues which may have become converted into the notochord (viz., the material of which the proboscidian sheath is built up). d. The respiratory significance of the anterior portion of the alimentary tract. At the base of all the speculations contained in this chapter lies the conviction, so strongly insisted upon by Darwin, that new combinations or organs do not appear by the action of natural selection unless others have preceded, from which they are gradually derived by slow change and differentiation. That a notochord should develop out of the archenterie wall because a supporting axis would be beneficial to the animal may be a teleological assumption, but it is at the same time an evolutional heresy. It would never be fruitful to try to connect the different variations offered, e.g., by the nervous system, throughout the animal kingdom, if similar assumptions were admitted, for there would be then quite as much to say for a repeated and independent origin of central nervous systems out of indifferent epiblast just as required in each special case. These would be steps that might bring us back a good way towards the doctrine of independent creations. The remembrance of Darwin’s, Huxley’s and Gegenbaur’s classical foundations, and of Balfour's and Weismann’s brilliant superstructures, ought to warn us away from these dangerous regions, is 7 =e en 7 a 1 af a — s - : 7 - . ue — - 4 * as - - 1 7 7 = © ua i 5 ‘ 7 i eae » AS i - nk LASTS SIF Oy a. . p | : —_ : = Piss eras: Oa |, ike - gree lied af - 7 —_ = a 7 ; LP ti he . Pima wis ay eso : gallina? im is Fare i _ - Pen) is - i 7 : . 7 ‘ : J i re ae 7 _ Doe? ¥ perils th! ni>> - ee i . 7 7 - rt 4 of i i” rm j jf Loe] a - ae i” be - ' : ins § eet 7 pis fs Sa an | ; nD Dolls - : i) m 1 ma j a i aan y : : Hl _ esi er i ae S i a ; : 7 | 4 7 i / iyi wes a oo : 7 ; = 7 i of f oa : gee a ee cr ee ¥ aad ' ~ a a * oe Oe ar . =e i : i mM - oh 7 7 ) i er a) : j Ln] i mare a ans a | <0 7 a 1 2 , i . : oY ee | ! here tidal a ties a oar. Ute ay | —_ 7 ig @@ Sal ob - Eon : i * : —- : - : : — -” a ; ’ . : 1 ; ; i i aa ‘ - : : & : 7 : 1 : co ' = - 1 - a ara . , . =) : 7 . 7 - : . = ae 3 > _ 7 uw : | . 7 A : = : . . . ; > : oe J VE.f fp s _ 0 : Doe, | "Fy e zm _ im | a : : a : : : at 7 i - 5 _ : : a ra _ LIST OF AUTHORS REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT. I. J. Barrors, Recherches sur l’Embryologie des Nemertes, Ann. d. Sct. Nat., sér. 6, vol. vi, 1877. II. R. Dewoterzxy, Zur Anatomie der Nemertinen, Zool. Anzeiger, Jahre. iii, 1880, pp. 872-306, III. L. von Grarr, Geonemertes chalicophora, eine neue Landnemertine. Morph. Jahrb, Bd. v. p. 480. IV. A. A. W. Husrecut, Aanteekeningen over de Anatomie, Histologie en Ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis der Nemertinen, Utrecht, 1874. V. Untersuchungen iiber Nemertinen aus dem Golf von Neapel, Niederliindisches Archiv Sir Zoologie, Bd, ii. S. 99. VI. Some Remarks about the Minute Anatomy of Mediterranean Nemerteans, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sct., vol. xv. p. 249. Vil The genera of European Nemerteans critically revised, with Description of Several New Species. Notes from the Leyden Museum, vol. i. p. 193, 1879. VIII. New Species of European Nemerteans. Notes from the Leyden Museum, vol. ii. TX. Zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Nervensystems der Nemertinen, Verhandel. van de Koninkl. Akad, van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1880, vol. xx. xX. The Peripheral Nervous System of the Paleo- and the Schizonemertea, one of the layers of the body-wall, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sez., vol. xx., 1880. XI. Zur Nemertinen Anatomie, Zool. Anzeiger, Jahrg. iii., 1880, p. 406. XIa. On the Ancestral Forms of the Chordata, Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., vol. xxiii., 1883. XII. Der excretorische Apparat der Nemertinen, Zool. Anzeiger, 1885, p. 51. phag partly protruded proboscis ; 3, nerve ganglia; 4, nerve-cords ; 5, ovaries; 6, digestive canal. The sheath of the proboscis is seen through the body lying behind the digestive canal. Fig. 25. “ Sketch of the proboscis-sheath and contained retracted proboscis, from the dorsal aspect. Retractor muscles inserted into the commencement of the sheath. Fig. 26. ‘1, One of the polygonal areas, enlarged, showing the wrinkles of integument producing the appearance. 2, Peculiar appearance of some of the folds of the integument. Fig. 27. ‘‘ Reticular appearance of the integument observed in certain parts of the body. Natural size. Fig. 28. ‘‘a, Groups of brightly coloured fatty globules forming the contents of the diverticula of the intestine ; 6, portion of the vascular trunk, much enlarged. Fig. 29. ‘* Portion of the invaginated proboscis, much enlarged. a, External gelatinous layer ; ), internal muscular layer ; c, cavity continuous with that of the proboscis-sac ; within these the invaginated portion of the proboscis with the layers reversed ; 0, internal muscular layer ; @, external gelatinous layer! ; d, central tube filled with dark amorphous matter (from the proboscis-sac ¢). Fig. 30. “ The nervous ganglia and ring, much enlarged. A, Superior ganglion ; B, inferior ganglion. Fig. 31, “ One of the ovaries, enlarged. The dark irregular line on the centre represents what is probably an aperture for the discharge of ova.” ! This figure has been incorrectly lettered by the lithographer, a,b,c furthest to the right should be e,b,a, siti The Voyage of HMS “Challenger” Nemertea. PII \ i >W.vd Weyer ltr CARININA. EUPOLIA.CEREBRATULUS. AMPHIPORUS. PELAGONEMERTES. lath PW.vd Werjer-Utr PLATE IL. 7 PLATE II. J. Integument. | Ps. Proboscidian sheath-cavity. AV. Lateral nerve-trunks. M. Musculature. | Pr. Proboscis. im, cm. Musculature of the proboscis. bl. Blood-space. | D, Intestinal cavity. de. Epithelium of do. aPr. Rhynchodeum. | C. Brain-lobes. P.N. Nerve-stems of do. Po. Proboscidian opening. Comm. Inferior brain commissure. | Figs. 1-7. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Transverse sections and parts of sections of one of the specimens in which the proboscis was protruded and ejected from the body—drawn with the camera. The integument and what pertains to it is tinted light sepia, the nervous system yellowish, the muscular investment of the body red, the intestinal epithelium grey. Fig. 1. Section through the tip of the head and the anterior point of meeting (02) of the two lateral blocd-spaces. The terminal furrow at the tip of the head (cf. Pl. I. figs. 1, 3) has been touched in the left lower corner of the section. Fig. 2. Section somewhat further back in which the blood-space shows a right and a left portion, and in which the anterior wall of the rhynchodzeum (cf fig. 8, aP7r) has been touched, the first indication of the opening through which the proboscis is thrust forward being also visible in this section. Fig. 3. Section through the brain thickenings (ec), the ventral commissure and the prestomial blind portion of the cesophagus. Fig. 4. Section through the mouth region. To the left the blood-space appears to be locally subdivided by radial strands of tissue. Ra Fig. 5. Section through the wsophageal region. The layer of longitudinal and inner circular muscle fibres are separated by a thin black line. The blood-spaces are more or less enclosed in the latter layer. Figs. 6, 7. Two sections, still further back, of the inner circular muscular layer and what is encompassed by it. These sections show the change in shape which both the proboscidian sheath-cavity and the blood- spaces undergo in different portions of the body. a iQ ig. 8. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. A horizontal section through the head, brain-lobes and proboscidian insertion of the second specimen, in which the proboscis had remained attached and inverted (c/. Pl. III. fig. 4). Fig. 9. Carinina grata, 1. gen. et sp. Section further backwards (¢f. fig. 3). (The specimen being curved this section and the following are no longer horizontal but transverse). Fig. 10. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Section further backwards still (¢f. fig. 5). Figs. 9 and 10, when compared with figs. 3 and 5, give an idea of the change effected upon the body musculature by the inversion and eversion of the proboscis. Some latitude must, however, be left for the fact of the specimens being different. Figs. 11, 12. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Two transverse sections through the proboscis, with the external thin homo- geneous layer enclosing the outer longitudinal (brown) and inner circular (red) muscular layer. Inside the latter is the proboscidian epithelium. The two strong nerves of the proboscis are still enclosed in this epithelium, as are the nerve-trunks of the body in the integument. Nemertea_ Pill Voyage of HMS “Challenger” lihPW.vd WeierUtr, CARININA. A PLATE I]. PART Liv. —1887. )—Hhh. Fig. Fig. i) PLATE III. . Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Longitudinal section through a loop of the proboscis. In the upper section the proboscidian epithelium (Pe) is much more columnar, in the lower one it is thrown into folds and much more loosely applied against the musculature. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. A part of the last mentioned region, more considerably enlarged. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. A longitudinal section through the body-wall. Cm, the inner circular muscular layer (6 of Pl. XL); 2M, the longitudinal muscles (a of Pl. XI.); ec, the outer circular muscular layer (8 of Pl. XI); B, the homogeneous basement membrane ; WV/, the deepest layer of the integument, with plexiform nerve tissue (the lithographer has given too stellate an appearance to these histological elements); G7, the deeper glandular stratum ; E, the outer stratum of the integument. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. The same, in a region where the gland-cells of the glandular stratum are all considerably reduced and the basement membrane contracted into waves. The nervous plexus is not indicated in this figure. Lettering as in fig. 3. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. A horizontal section through the point of insertion of the pro- boscis in the head. The cellular integument is coloured red. /, the musculature, chiefly longitudinal, from which fibres emerge to pass backwards into the musculature of the proboscis, the epithelium of which is marked Pe. Other radial fibres attach the rhynchodeum in the head, the cellular coating of which (A Pe) is thicker and more vacuolated than that of the pro- boseis. 1 (upper), blood-space in the head; 7 (lower), space of proboscidian sheath ; cf, cephalic furrow. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. More enlarged figure of a transverse section'of the body-muscu- lature. Lettering asin fig. 3. Moreover, ct, hyaline gelatinous tissue between the muscular bundles, carrying nuclei. Other nuclei are detected in the centre of the muscle bundles. To the left of the layer Cm there is a faint indication of what is possibly a second internal layer of plexiform nerve-tissue. . Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Enlarged figure of a transverse section of the lateral nerve-stem. Nst, the fibrous core with sparse nuclei; Vgc, the cellular investment of the stem, continued into V/, the nerve plexus, all three still forming part of the deeper layers of the integument, which by the basement layer B (not passing over the nerve-stem) is separated from the subjacent muscular layers (ec); Gz, the deeper gland-cells of the integument. The nerve-trunk is attached by fibres binding it down to the muscular layers. ig. 8. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. The same in tangential section, Lettering as in the preceding figure. The attaching fibres are seen to be not continuous but arranged im closely set bundles. The integumentary gland-cells show different colours in the left and in the right half of the section ; in the intervening region they are not developed; this would thus correspond to such a region as is represented in fig. 4 in longitudinal section. The Voyage of HMS “Challenger” Neve erent Wart 4 Alta arate ye te, I las Nines cc eae Vian eer ee Weak Hey at diel) r= Waitt ye TE WW Byes ofl oe 2340 iene : ‘ : L ; 2203 tien J NI--B ee H . a Seah @ en > € eit Og. | tO ea MMB LE ec aied Scop gilee Hubrecht et de Groot del An hth PW.vd Weyer Utr. PLATE IV, PLATE IV. The basement membrane and the nephridial apparatus are on this plate indicated by a red tint. Fig. 1. Carinina yrata, n. gen. et sp. A longitudinal section through the body-wall at the point where the terminal duct of the nephridia (Vc) pierces it. Ld and ec, muscular layers (see Pl. III. figs. 3, 4); B,basement membrane; /, cellular integument, with superficial and deeper gland-cells, separated by a layer of closely contiguous nuclei that belong to extremely elongated cells, placed perpendicularly to the surface. Fig 2. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Section through a region where the nephridial canal (Vc) is still enclosed in the blood-space (Bs) in which a distinct cellular coating is observable, and which is separated from the intestinal ceca (Je) by the inner circular muscular layer (cf, Cm, figs. 5, 6); LM, the outer longitudinal muscular layer. Fig. 3. Carinina grata, nu. gen. et sp. A longitudinal section through the oesophagus (Oe). Je, its ciliated epithelium directly applied upon the muscular layers Cm, LM, and ec (see Pl. III. fig. 3); PSW, the proboscidian sheath-wall, very thin, with the cesophageal epithelium below and its own nuclei above it. This fibrous wall is confluent superiorly with the layer of circular muscles Cm (cf. Pl. IT. figs. 5, 9, 10). Fig. 4. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Section through the spongy and canalicular part of the nephridium (Vsp), and the region where it communicates with the principal nephridial duct Ve; Bs, Je, LM, and Cm, as in the preceding figures, Figs. 5,6. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. Transverse sections of the same system. The nephridia lie in the blood-spaces (Bs) which have their own cellular coating, and are partly enclosed in the circular muscular layer Cm. Ps and Oe indicate the respective situation of proboscidian sheath and cesophagus in relation to the nephridia; Vsp and We as in fig. 4. Fig. 7. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. A portion of the cesophageal epithelium under higher power. Je fo) J > 5 ] } fo} 5 the granular epithelium cells; ¢, the cuticula with the cilia, ? ply | ee H(i | eRe GRMN basa aot ee 3 aa . * fi ik is ‘ a 2. MN De in ee Ut all tse eee Say) ae Ny hie es aay ee) PLATE Y. . OL, CHALL. EXP. —PART L1.—1887.)—Hbh. , * dcm, Dorsal commissure. vem, Ventral commissure. SZ, Superior lobe separated into two | ZN, Lateral nerve-stem, with fibrous core | yx, Innervation for the proboscis. lappets by a sulcus. PLATE V. PL, Posterior lobe. vg, Innervation for the respiratory part cc, Ciliated canal to the exterior. of the cesophagus (n. vagus). and cellular coating. an, Cephalic nerves. Figs. 1-9. Hupolia giardii, n. sp. Reconstructions of the brain-lobes from a series of sections. Figs Figs. Figs. Figs. Figs. Fig. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 represent the outward aspect, viewed from different sides. . 5, 6, 7, 9 represent the fibrous core ; the extension of the ganglion cells enclosing this core being indicated by faint outlines. . Seen from above. . Seen from below. . Seen laterally and outwardly. Seen from behind. Seen laterally and inwardly (after section of the commissure and removal of the left half). In figs. 5 and 6 the course of the ciliated canal is specially indicated ; in the former figure by a red outline. The Voyage of HMS ‘Challeng er” Nemertea. PLV oo Lith PW.vd Weyer Utr Hubrecht et Oudernans del. EUPOLIA PLATE VI. 9 PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. The brain as situated in the deeper strata of the integument, seen in horizontal section (cf. woodcut fig. 5, p. 81). Br, Br, the anterior and the posterior brain-lobes. The inner fibrous core of these lobes white ; in the anterior lobe traversed by radial fibres, in the posterior one containing the ciliated canal cc, that opens out in fig. 2 into the cephalic groove Cy ; Nye, the nerve-cells of the brain-lobes (stretching outwards as far as the red tint is applied in the figure); g/.lr, glandular cells connected with them; 4, the outer layer of the integument ; G7, the deeper one with gland-cells ; ec and ZM/, muscular layers ; bs, blood-lacuna between the cesophagus and the muscular body-wall ; Oe, lumen, Ie, epithelium of cesophagus ; Nv, branches of the so-called vagus nerve. Figs. 2,3. Carinina grata, n. gen. et sp. The posterior byain-lobe in following and preceding sections. Lettering as in fig. 1. In all these three figures a marked increase of the nuclei in the immediate vicinity of the cephalic groove is particularly distinct. Figs. 4-8. Hupolia giardii, n. sp. Transverse sections through different parts of the brain. Com- pare the figures on P]. V. The fibrous core white, the nerve-cellular coating light red. Fig. 4. Section through the lower commissure, just in front of the upper commissure. Pr, proboscis, the innervation of which, proceeding from the two brain-lobes, is noticed in this section (ef. Pl. V. fies. 5, 9). Fig. 5. Seetion through both commissures, 7.¢., a few sections further back. Fig. 6. A few sections still further back, through the point of origin of the vagus nerve (Nv). Prs, anterior terminal portion of the proboscidian sheath. ee} G} ~I . Section through superior, inferior and posterior lobe ; the latter coated by the granular glandular cells gl.br, and with the ciliated canal ce. =) gg . 8. In the superior lobe the fibrous core has again subdivided, giving off an uppermost stem, the centre of the outwardly visible superior gyrus (¢f. Pl. V. figs. 5, 7). Fig. 9. = Hupolia giardii, nu. sp. Part of a transverse section through the cesophageal region, em and Ilm, the circular and inner longitudinal muscular layer (8 and a of Pl. XI. fig. 12); PI, the nerve plexus just outside the former; st, the lateral nerve-stem in this plexus ; Prs, the proboscidian sheath with very thin walls ; dv, the dorsal blood-vessel, situated, as are a dozen of circumcesophageal lacunar spaces (that communicate with each other), in the gelatinous tissue between body-wall and intestinal wall. Oe, the lumen of the cesophagus ; Ze, its ciliated epithelium ; oe.m, its longitudinal and circular musculature ; rep, nephridian tubes. The thin longitudinal nerve-stem above the proboscidian sheath has been omitted in this figure. Fig. 10. Hupolia giardii, nu. sp. A transverse section of the dorso-median portion of the body-wall at the furthest end of the body. em, zlm, Prs, as in fig. 9. olm, outer longitudinal muscular layer (y, Pl. XI.); Bet, the much folded primary basement layer ; g, the deeper glandular layer of the integument; ef, the longitudinal and circular fibres of the same ; £, the outer layer of the integument (cf. Pl. VIL fig. 5 and Pl X. fig. 6); bv, dorsal blood-vessel. Fig. 11. Hupolia giardii, n. sp. Transverse section through the posterior part of the proboscis, with internal epithelium (Pre), longitudinal muscle-fibres (Lm), and external flattened epi- thelium (e). Nemertea. PLVI The Voyage of HMS.‘Challenger” 4 s i 1 y x) : “Oe, Fig. 10 Ase MIRO f 3 CARININA EUPOLIA wbr. ct de Gr. del. ‘ PLATE VIL. U a — PLATE VII. Fig. 1. Hupolia australis, n. sp. Diagram of a section through the posterior part of the csophageal region. Ps, proboscidian sheath with underlying dorsal blood-vessel ; bs, lateral blood- spaces, continued backwards, but not much further than the cesophageal region ; by, ventral blood-vessels ; Oc, cavity of the esophagus; Wst, lateral nerve-stems ; /, outer integumentary layer. Fig. 2. Hupolia wustralis, n. sp. Section of the body-wall about in the same-region as the diagram of fig. 1, and in the vicinity of the left ventral blood-vessel. #, outer epithelial layer with unicellular glands ; B, its (secondary) basement membrane; ef, scattered longitudinal and circular fibres beneath this; gi, subepithelial glandular layer; olm, outer longitudinal muscles, as yet very far from being a compact layer ; cm, circular muscular layer; i/m, inner layer of longitudinal muscles; ct, cellular coating of the cireumcesophageal blood-space. (Between olm and gi the reference letter Bet, indicating the primary basement tissue (cf. figs. 3, 5), should be inserted. Fig. 3. Eupolia australis, n. sp. Section of body-wall of the same specimen, very much further back. Lettering as in fig. 2. Moreover, Bet, fibrous connective tissue (primary basement membrane) between gi and olm; Je, epithelium of the intestine; bv, left ventral blood- vessel. The outer longitudinal muscular layer is thinner, but at the same time much more compact than it was in the section of fig. 2. The blood-vessel and its surroundings, as well as the intestinal epithelium, are only represented diagrammatically. Fig. 4. Hupolia giardii, n. sp. A transverse section through the dorso-median (medullary) nerve- stem (dm). The nerve-tibres are transversely cut; the nuclei are distinct. /., the nervous layer, continuous with the median stem; o/m, outer longitudinal muscular layer with a considerable amount of gelatinous connective tissue (ct) between the separate bundles, Fig. 5. Eupolia giardii, n. sp. Portion of a transverse section through the body-wall (ef. Pl. VI. fig. 9). Only asmall portion of the very thick circular muscular layer cm is here represented. Lettering as in figs. 2 and 3. st, longitudinal nerve-stem; Wep, two radial ducts of the nephridia leading outwards, one of them opening to the exterior at neo. The outer longitudinal muscular layer is far from compact, the secretion of the sub-epithelial glands gi can be traced piercing the layers, ef, B and ZL. Fig. 6. Eupolia nipponensis, n.sp. The outer ciliated epithelium (#) and unicellular glands (“ Schleim- stiibchenzellen ”) secreting their product (wg) to the exterior, supported by the basement membrane B. Fig. 7. Eupolia australis, n. sp. Longitudinal section in the posterior region of the body-wall, to show the generative ducts (gd) leading from the generative sacs (gon) outwards and piercing the muscular layers (‘Jm and cm) above the nerve-stem (JVs?). Fig. 8. Hupolia giardii, n. sp. The sub-anal nervous commissures in a horizontal section. J, cavity of intestine ; Je, epithelium of the same; iV, NV’, the right and left longitudinal nerve-stem communicating by the transverse commissure ; Z, external epithelium, Fig. 9. Eupolia delineata, n. sp. Longitudinal section through the body-wall. Lettering as in figs. 2 and 3. e/p, the external longitudinal and circular fibres that belong to the integument and have the pigment between them. Fig. 10. Hupolia delineata, n. sp. Section of the proboscidian sheath. Ps, the cavity of the sheath lined by cells which are again encircled by a very attenuated circular layer ; 0/, blood-spaces outside of the proboscidian sheath ; c¢s, strings of connective tissue by which the proboscidian sheath is suspended to the body-wall. Fig. 11. Eupolia nipponensis, n. sp. Transverse section through the nervous layer (V/). Nuclei are found imbedded in the nerve-substance and fibrous nerve strings stretch out from it radially at different points. o/m and cm, the muscular layers. Fig. 12. Eupolia nipponensis, n. sp. The cesophageal wall, in transverse section. c.7. and i/m, mus- cular layers of body-wall; bs, blood-space inside of these. The wall of the cesophagus is constituted of an inner ciliated epithelium Je, a basement layer B, and a thick layer of glandular cells Jim. The Voyage of HMS."Challenger’ Nemertea. PLVII. aad ie : << “Nst. iho Toor aE TTT , (Se er cae — “hy ity = = ae gn aoe Nati Pee od ; ial aes an iy i ecg: Yes pn ; A STAN yA AANSNE NE ; , z ; ae ; F Huth, Lith” Edin? Hubrecht et de Groot “del PLATE VIII. Figs. 1 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Hig. 1 6: Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Ibias “Yh Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. PLATE VIII. Pterosoma plana, Less. After Lesson, supposed by Moseley to represent a species of Pelayo- nemertes. Fig. 1. Seen from above. Fig. 2. Seen from below. : Pelagonemertes rollestont, H.N. M. , transparent basement tissue. Cerebratulus macroven, n. sp. ‘Transverse section of the superior nervous connection between the two brain-lobes (Japanese specimen). Nerve cellular elements predominate in this region whence the medullary nerve is continued both backwards and forwards. 2, the homo- geneous layer forming an investment to the nerve-tissue ; p's, the proboscidian sheath in outline. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. A few sections further backwards. The medullary nerve 7 is. here more distinct, its anterior continuation m’ being on the point of coalescing with it. Lettering as in fig. 7. pr, outline of the proboscis; Br, fibrous core of the brain-lobe. Cerebratulus medullatus, n. sp. Transverse section of the medullary nerve (7). _p/, the plexus ; B and a, the cireular and longitudinal muscular layers; (inner circular muscular fibres are seen to form the outer layer ‘of the proboseidian sheath) ; pin, the proboscidian sheath nerve, receiving delicate fibres from the medullary nerve and situated just above the pro- boscidian sheath musculature, Cerebratulus medullatus, vn. sp. Integument and muscular body wall. Lettering as in fig. 2. dgl, the deeper glands of the integument enclosed in the musculature. Nemertea.P]. XI] “9 Dien corre 70 ah S OF 3, Oo ied ° fy 0° Ge® i} 4 7 2k Ns: Seay epi e.8 DY G2@) OLo, | The Voyage of H M.S “Challenger.” my As F Huth, Lith Edint Hubrecht et de Groot del DREPANOPHORUS. GiB R Ee BiReA me Wie Wise / . on PLATE XII, : . nr itv. —1887.)—Hhh, ie - 7 ~ Fig. Fig. co) bo ig. 6. PLATE XIII. . Cerebratulus corrugatus, M‘Int. Transverse section through part of the superior brain-lobes and dorsal brain commissure. Part of the fibrous core (h) is represented; its continuation into the fibres of the commissure (f.co) being distinctly noticed on the left side. On the right this connection is only visible a few sections further. The bulk of the brain-lobe is seen to con- sist of nerve-cells of different sizes (7.c/); from these a cephalic nerve (cv) is seen to emerge on the left, whereas this cellular coating is also continued over the commissure, and there forms the starting point (m) for the longitudinal dorso-median medullary nerve. . Cerebratulus corrugatus, MInt. Horizontal section of the same specimen through the medullary nerve 7. In this section only a portion of the cylindrical nerve-plexus (np/), of which the medullary nerve is only the median thickening, is visible. The transverse nerve-tracts tr.n, paired and metamerical, being thicker than the plexus, are cut along a more considerable surface and thus stand out as separate nerves. The openings in the plexus give passage to radial, transverse, contractile fibres, as is specially indicated in fig. 4, rf. Cerebratulus corrugatus, MInt. Portion of a horizontal section through the ventral extension of the nerve-plexus, 7m, the nerve-tissue of the plexus with nuclei of nerve-cells, and bundles of radial fibres rf. piercing it. Cerebratulus corrugatus, MInt. Portion of the same section as fig. 2, more highly magnified. n, the tissue of the nerve-plexus with delicate fibres and distinct nuclei of nerve-cells, also visible in the medullary nerve m ; rf, the bundles of radial, contractile fibres. . Cerebratulus corrugatus, MInt. Ventral view of the head and long mouth with rugose lips of large specimen. Natural size. Cerebratulus corrugatus, M‘Int. Radial strip out of a transverse section in the cesophageal region, Jsq, the outer glandular layer of the integument (with “ Schleimstibchenzellen ”); 6, the secondary basement membrane below this ; J/cm, the longitudinal and circular muscle-fibres peculiar to the integument; Jdg, the deep glandular layer just below these; B, the primary basement membrane of the integument radially traversed by contractile fibres (rf) and nerve-bundles (7) going towards the integument; y, the outer longitudinal muscles; p/, the nerve-plexus with fibres and cells, pierced by the radial contractile bundles 7f; 8, the circular muscular layer; a, the inner longitudinal muscular layer; cos, the circumcesophageal intercommunicating blood-lacun, clothed by a cellular endothelium ; mto, the cesophageal musculature; nv, nerve-tissue in the cesophageal wall; pap, an cesophageal papilla with deeper glandular and superficial ciliated cell-layers. Figs. 7, 8. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Two sections through the principal nephridial duct of a specimen from Japan. Contracted (fig. 7) and distended (fig. 8). Fig. 9. Cerebratulus macroren, n, sp. Anterior tubuliferous proliferation of the nephridia. a, 8, mus- cular layers as in fig. 6; Nep, nephridian tubules applied against the wall of the circum- cesophageal blood-lacuna ; Oe, outline of cesophagus wall. ‘ The Voyage of TH. M.S Challenger Nemertea P] XIII Lath DW. G, Groot. Utr. Hubr. et de Gx. del. _S CEREBRATULUS. ; PLATE XIV, a Higoeal: Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fic. 6. Figs. 7 Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Tite ltl PLATE XIV. Cerebratulus angusticeps, n. sp. The medullary nerve (7) and the transverse paired metamerical nerve-stems (fn). Drawn with the camera. 1 mm. on the same scale is indicated on the left of the figure. Cerebratulus corrugatus, M‘Int. Transverse section of the lateral nerve-stem (/V) and body-wall. a, B, y, the muscular layers ; B, the primary basement membrane, and J, the integument in outline (cf. Pl. XIII. fig. 6); 7 radial fibres piercing the muscular layers; and pn, nerve-tracts, of which one (pm) is seen to emerge directly from the lateral nerve-stem and to innervate the sensory layers of the integument ; 2p/, nerve-plexus. Cerebratulus corrugatus, M‘Int. Diagrammatic figure of a transverse section in the mouth-region to show the innervation of the cesophagus and blood-lacune. Oe#, the cesophageal epithelium; Ps, the proboscidian sheath ; co.l, the cireumcesophageal blood-lacuna. In the nerve-plexus, which is indicated by a black line, m marks the medullary nerve, and nl, the lateral nerve-stems ; vz.n, the visceral branches springing from the plexus; 7.va, the vagus ramifications transversely cut and intermixed with the branches w7.n. Cerebratulus corrugatus, M‘Int. Part of the same section as fig. 3, more considerably enlarged. Lettering asin fig. 3; mpl, nerve-plexus ; rf, radial, not nervous fibres ; a.B.y, the muscular layers ; ¢.o./, the blood-lacunz with cellular coating. The cesophageal epithelium (oe.Z) is not represented in its whole thickness. Cerebratulus parkeri, n. sp. Diagram, drawn with camera, of the inferior brain-lobes, Br, and the vagus nerve (va) springing from them, the two stems being united by a series of trans- verse commissures co close to their origin. The brain-lobes merge into the lateral nerve- stem (V); the ventral metameric connections of the latter are indicated by dotted lines, v.ty.n, those of the brain-lobes being lettered c.t7.n; Oe, outline of the csophageal epithelium. Cerebratulus angusticeps, n. sp. Horizontal section of the left upper and posterior brain-lobes (Br and PBr); c.ol., cl, the free blood-lacuna between the brain, the proboscidian sheath, and the cesophagus, the boundaries of these’two latter being only indicated by dark shading ; a, 8, muscular layers ; ¢n, anterior portion of lateral nerve-stem, the ganglion cells of the cellular investment being here cut; cc, the outwardly directed portion of the ciliated canal inside the posterior brain-lobes ; cc’, ce”, the deeper portion of the same being cut in two places, because of the S-shaped curve which this canal makes inside the brain-lobe. The relatively large size of the posterior brain-lobe, and the preponderance of fibrous nerve-tissue in the upper lobe, are indicated in this figure. , 8. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Two transverse sections (a few sections apart) through the posterior brain-lobe and its investment of large granular glandular cells (g.c/). m, the outer membranous investment of the lobe; m.c/, the ordinary ganglion cells with fibrous core in the centre of the lobe; cc, the ciliated canal with an epithelium of its own, more distinct in fig. 8 than in fig. 7. Drepanophorus lankesteri, nu. sp. Part of a horizontal section through the upper brain-lobe, with interior fibrous core (cf.) and outer layer of ganglion cells, m.c/ ; a few of which are much larger (7C?). Drepanophorus lankester?, n. sp. Part of a horizontal section through the posterior brain-lobe. Bm, the outer investment of the lobe; z.cl, the nerve-cells ; cc, the ciliated canal with its epithelium ; gel, the granular glandular cells ; the anterior ones pouring their contents into the lumen of the ciliated canal. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Part of a transverse section through the head, showing the ciliated canal to the posterior brain-lobe in its course from that lobe (P&r) to the exterior. gel, the granular glandular cells; ec, the lumen of the canal, coated by an epithelium of varied histological character as we pass outwards towards /, the external layer of the integument. At gl. a sort of ring-shaped cushion of peculiar cells may be said to embrace the canal (¢7., Pl. VI. figs. 1-3). Just behind this the epithelial cells are very closely set and provided with elongated nuclei, further backwards they are seen to pass without any sudden transition into those lining the canal, inside the brain-lobe. The Voyage of H MS Challenger. : Nemertea PL XIV 11. Lizz Wisaa: az ‘“é a 2§ ; ; él Be Hubrecht et de Croot del ath DW. G. Groot. Utr CEREBRATULUS DREPANOPHORUS. _ PLATE XY. Fig. a Fig. Fig. ‘cS Co iG PATE Xa. 1. Cerebratulus longifissus, n. sp. Transverse section through the proboscidian sheath. a, the inner longitudinal muscular layer of the body wali; pr.sn, the proboscidian sheath nerve; Pr.S, the lumen of the proboscidian sheath; e, its inner epithelial lining; 6, the homo- geneous basement membrane of this epithelium, traversed by radial fibres and separatine the aforesaid epithelium from the muscular layers (an inner longitudinal, and an outer circular) of the proboscidian sheath; G?, the gelatinous tissue between the proboscidian sheath, the intestine and the body wall; dv, the dorsal blood-vessel. 2. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Transverse section of the proboscis. 0, the ensheathing mem- brane ; a’ and y’, the two layers of longitudinal, f’, the layer of circular muscular fibres, the latter connected crossways at two diametrically opposite points with the membrane / ; .pl, the nerve-plexus between fp and y'; #, the very high inner epithelium with smaller (¢) and larger (C) batteries of nematocysts. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Transverse section of the proboscis much further backwards ; the proboscis is thinner, the muscular fibres (a) only longitudinal, the epithelium (/) flattened, the nervous plexus replaced by two longitudinal nerve-stems JV. . Cerebratulus angusticeps, n. sp. Head. a, from below; 0, side view. Cerebratulus parkert, n. sp. Head. a, side view; b, from below. x 14. Cerebratulus sp. inc. Two fragments from Japan. x 2. a, dorsal view; 0}, ventral view. Cerebratulus sp. inc. Transverse section of one of the fragments of fig. 6. J, the integu- ment; a, 8, and y, the much reduced muscular layers; iV, the lateral nerve-stems ; Znt, the intestinal canal and czeca, suspended in the gelatinous ground tissue Gt; Gt’, the same tissue expanded between the very sparse external fibres of the muscular layer y; PrS, the probos- cidian sheath ; bv, the blood-vessels. 8. Cerebratulus sp. inc. Lateral view of the head of another specimen from Japan (Kobe). 9. Cerebratulus longifissus, n. sp. Longitudinal section of the tail end. JZ, the integument ; Int, the intestinal epithelium ; a, f, y, the muscular layers ; mpl, the nerve plexus. This figure is meant to show the general aspect of the muscular layer a, more highly magnified in fig. 10. 10. Cerebratulus longifissus, nu. sp. The muscle-fibres of the layer a are seen to present a more con- siderable diameter in successive vertical planes, forming rings round the intestine and alternating with others in which this increase in diameter is not visible. Nuclei are also more numerous in the former portions than in the latter; Hp, the intestinal epithelium; G#, the gelatinous tissue between this and the body musculature, with bundles of radial fibres. 11. Amphiporus moseleyi, n. sp. Transverse section of the lateral region with glandular cavities (gl), arranged along the lateral line between the dorsal and ventral musculature a, piercing the circular muscular layer B at e, and suspended by the gelatinous tissue gt. J, integu- ment; B, basement membrane. 12. Amphiporus moseleyi, n. sp. One of the glandular caca, more considerably magnified, with granular epithelium and flattened nuclei exteriorly, the latter belonging to the surrounding gelatinous tissue. a) ww oe Salas 13. Drepanophorus lankestert, n. sp. A section of similar glandular ceca in the dorso-median region of the head. x 14. Amphiporus marioni, n. sp. A very unripe generative cecum, not yet opening to the exterior. f, Circular, a, longitudinal muscular layer. The cecum reaches down into the gelatinous tissue, gt. 15. Amphiporus marioni, n. sp. Ova in different stages of development. 16. Cerebratulus parkeri, n. sp. An ovum. 17. Drepanophorus serraticollis, Huby. An ovum. . 18. Cerebratulus sp. inc. A batch of ova from a ripe generative cecum of a specimen from Station 321. The ova are surrounded by a hyaline membrane (which has erroneously been dotted by the lithographer) and pressed into polygonal shapes. 19. Cerebratulus macroren, n. sp. Part of a transverse section, in outline. rs, The cavity of the proboscidian sheath ; Z, integument ; y, 8, the muscular layers ; NV, the longitudinal nerve-stem ; ge.c, the generative caecum; 0, its exterior opening. The duct to this opening, where it pierces the layer y, is considerably extended in bulk. 20. Amphiporus moseleyi, n. sp. A longitudinal section through the greater part of the compressed «esophagus Oe, and subjacent intestinal caca (co). The Vovage of [LMS Challenger Nemertea Pl. XV. prsn $5099 60) 598 68 hs \\0% ey es eae tg eee ie Hubrecht et de Groot del CEREBRATULUS AMPHIPORUS. PLATE XVI. PLATE XVI. Three diagrammatic figures for the comparison of the nerve system of the Nemertea, of the Vertebrata, and of the Cephalochorda. Fig. 1. The chief points in the nervous system of the Nemertea. /n, In’, the lateral nerve-stems with their anterior swellings, the brain-lobes, Lg. The latter are connected in front by a strong ring-shaped commissure, the former by much thinner but unmistakable commissures, dvr, metamerically placed both dorsally and ventrally in a continuous plexus of nerve-tissue, that ensheathes the body. This plexus is no further indicated in the figure. It moreover carries a longitudinal medio-dorsal nerve-tract m, which is also continued forwards, in front of the brain commissure, with which it is connected. Into this medullary nerve m the transverse tracts dvr converge. From the latter (sensu strictiort from the plexus) radial nerve twigs of sensory and motor significance can be traced both in centripetal and in centrifugal direction, but these are not indicated in the ficure. Other similar nerve twigs, indicated by v7.sy, innervate in a similar way the wall of the cesophagus and of the blood-lacuna surrounding it (cf Pl. XIV. figs. 3, 4). The innervation of the cesophageal wall is, moreover, brought about by a paired nerve, v, springing from the brain-lobes, and not strictly separate in its peripheral distribution from that of the nerves v7.sy. en, nerves to the tip of the head; 1, mouth. Fig. 2. The chief points in the nervous system of the Vertebrata. Instead of the medullary nerve we find here in the corresponding situation the medulla spinalis m and its anterior enlargement, the brain. The spinal nerves are represented in their primitive condition, 7.¢., with the dorsal (sensory) roots dr, and the ventral (motor) roots vr, not yet connected into a spinal nerve of higher order. Anteriorly is represented the union of more than one metameric transverse root into a complex polymerous vagus nerve, Vay, motor and sensory branches of which are represented as innervating the branchial pouches of the fore gut (the latter not specially indicated in the figure). From the vagus ganglion also springs /z, the ramus lateralis nervi vagi or nervus lateralis ; Iv’, the left nervus lateralis. This nerve is continued forwards into other ganglionic swellings Ly, representing the series of ganglia of the cephalic nerves. The visceral branches springing from the dorsal roots and inner- vating vegetative organs are indicated by v7.sy ; they are supposed not yet to have united into a longitudinal ‘‘sympathetic nerve.” In front the region innervated by them overlaps and fuses with that of the intestinal branch v. of the vagus, and of other cephalic nerves. J, mouth. Fig. 3. The chief points in the nervous system of Amphiowus. The medulla spinalis 7 without any considerable anterior enlargement ; en, pairs of cephalic nerves; d7, dorsal roots; wr, ventral roots; the former springing from the medulla at a higher level than the latter. The dorsal roots are connected together in a plexiform arrangement ; they give off visceral branches (v7.sy). M, mouth. The Voyage of HMS. Challenger, Fig 1 oe dvr a m0 - / m i / tL 1} z q on j = a a Nemertea PLXVE | I = In ze \ M € Fig.2 ae ne 5 vag ‘, ee ; — ——— ee” SO—CtCSCCC™C~™~—SCSCSC—C = = =A & — 7 x : dil - i : N * i mL i | = sn ] i i asa - : In z \e i > — re } il =) a a ——* Piece. a" a i : m \ : | 2 | | 5 un | | | } Fh e/ | SoA TS a | fe | eh if \ | 4 r | | | | J } eal | : Ca / . i | | : | | | =i ty \ f _ Hubrecht, del . ; nth DW et Groot. Tn THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ZOOLOGY. REPORT on the Cumacea collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. By Professor G. O. Sars, of the University of Christiania. INTRODUCTION. THE Cumacea obtained during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger form a comparatively small part of the rich collection of Crustacea procured during the Expedition, the number of species amounting to only fifteen. They belong, however, to eight different genera, and thus most of the leading types of this interesting group are in reality found to be represented in the collection. The specimens were, as a rule, preserved in the usual manner in strong spirits; but a few forms had been immediately mounted in Canada balsam on glass slides, and the examination of these could not, of course, be so satisfactorily made as in the case of the others. Four of the species were detected by myself in examining some small samples of dredged material kindly sent to me by Mr. John Murray. The specimens were collected partly in the Atlantic, partly in the Pacific, and partly in the Southern Ocean, especially at Kerguelen Island, where no less than five of the species were procured. The greatest depth from which Cumacea were procured was at Station 246, in the North Pacific (2050 fathoms), and the least depth at Flinders Passage (7 fathoms). Two of the species were, moreover, taken at the very surface of the sea, off Samboangan, Philippine Islands. In describing the species I have made use of the terminology adopted in my Report on the Schizopoda of the Challenger collection,' and have endeavoured to give a more detailed account of such forms as represent separate groups or families of the order. 1 Zool. Chall. Exp., vol. xiii. pt. xxxvii. p. 3. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—ParT LY.—1886.) li 1 2 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The eight genera represented in the collection may be referred to seven different families, viz., Cumide, Vaunthompsoniide, Lampropide, Leuconide, Diastylide, Cumel- lid and Campylaspide, all of which are also represented in the Northern Ocean. Of the fifteen species contained in the collection, one only, Diastylis stygia, has been previously described ; all the others I regard as new, although some of them seem to be very nearly related to earlier known species. PrincipaL WoRKS oN CUMACEA. Kroyer, H., Fire nye Arter af Slegten Cuma. Nat. Hist. Tidsskr., Bd. ii, 1841. Om Cumaernes Familie. Wat. Hist. Tidsskr.. Ny Rekke, Bd. ii., 1846. Goonpsir, H., Description of the Genus Cuma and of two New Genera nearly allied to it. Edin. New Phil. Journ., 1843. Spence Bare, On the British Diastylide. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, 1856. Benepes, P. J. v., Recherches sur la faune littorale du Belgique—Crustacés. Mém. Acad. Sci. Bruzelles, t xxxiii, 1861. Sars, G. O., Om den aberrante Krebsdyrgruppe Cumacea og dens nordiske Arter. Forhandl. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiana, 1864. ; Beskrivelse af de paa Fregatien Josephine’s Expedition fundne Cumaceer. K. Svensk. Vetensk, Akad. Handl., Ba. ix., 1871. Beskrivelse af syv nye Cumaceer fra Vestindien og det Sydatlantiske Hav. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handi., Bd. x1, 1873. Middelhaveis Cumaceer. Archi 7. Mathem. og Naturvid., vols. iii, iv., 1878-79. Doxey, A., Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Cumaceen. Zeitschr. d. gesammt. Naturwiss., Bd. v., 1870. Norway, A. M., Crustacea Cumacea of the “Lightning,” “Porcupine,” and “ Valorous” Expeditions. Azz. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. iL, 1879. Boas, J. E. V., Studien iiber die Verwandtschafisbeziehungen der Malacostraken. Morphol. Jahrb, Bd. viii., 1883. MORPHOLOGY OF THE CUMACEA. The morphological relationship of the Cumacea to the other groups of Crustacea is rather obscure, and hence their systematic position has been much disputed. At first they were even considered by some of the greatest authorities, as Milne-Edwards, Dana, and L. Agassiz, as merely larval forms of higher Crustacea. Both Kroyer and Goodsir, however, clearly showed them to be adult animals, and thus it was necessary to range them within the carcinological system. These two authors regarded them as lower forms of Macrura, whereas Dohrn and others seem to be more inclined to associate them with the Edriophthalmia (Isopoda). 1 think their affinity to either of these groups is so very slight as to justify the establishment of a distinct order for their reception. More recently, Dr. Boas has discussed the affinity of the different groups of the Malacostraca from a phylogenetic point of view, and has been led to the conclusion that the Cumacea are very nearly related to the Mysidz, and may have descended directly from this group of Schizopoda. With this view I cannot, however, fully agree. It is undoubiedly a matter of great difficulty, if not quite impossible, to arrange the recent groups of Crustacea in a genealogical manner, as most of them in all probability represent very diverging branches, the origin of which from one or a few ancestral forms may go back to a very remote period of geological time. The Cumacea would seem to represent such an isolated branch, and cannot, of course, in my opinion, strictly be derived from any of the recent groups. As to the external appearance of these peculiar Crustacea, one would perhaps be most inclined to associate them with the Podophthalmia, but on closer examination we find them to differ materially in many points, and even in that important character from which the name of the above-mentioned group has been derived. The anatomical details present, on the whole, a peculiar mixture of the podophthalmous and edriophthalmous type. and the development is rather unlike that of the Podophthalmia, and evidently much more similar to that of the Isopoda. The oral parts, which are generally regarded as affording highly important characters, I find—in contradiction to the opinion of Dr. Boas —very different from those in the Myside, and on the whole constructed on the same general type as in the Isopoda. On the other hand, the presence of well-developed 4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. natatory exopodites on a certain number of the limbs would seem to remove these Crustacea far from the Isopoda, and to bring them in closer approximation to the Schizopoda, but this character is, perhaps, the only one pointing to a genetic connec- tion between these two groups. In all other respects I find the difference so very great as quite to forbid the adoption of the view of a direct descent of the one from the other. In some characters the Cumacea would seem to occupy a still more primitive position than even the Mysidz. Thus, in the development of the higher Crustacea we find the Cumacean type, as it were, imitated by the early stage preceding the Mysis-stage, and to which the name of Zoea has been applied, the tail being in this stage, as in the Cumacea, very mobile and slender, and at first without any trace of ventral limbs, and the natatory exopodites confined to the anterior limbs only. Moreover, the general form of the body in the Cumacea, and especially that of the tail, strongly remind us of that ancient group to which Mr. Packard has given the name of Phyllocarida, and of which the recent genus Nebalia is regarded as a direct descendant. True, the limbs in the Cumacea are very different from those in Nebalia, but it is by no means proved that the limbs in all of the ancient Phyllocarida were of exactly the same structure as in the recent genus Nebalia. It has been generally admitted that the phyllopodous form of the limbs is the most primitive one in Crustacea, and that all other forms might be derived from this type. But the legs in the oldest of all known Crustacea, the Trilobita, have been stated by Mr. Walcott to exhibit a totally different form, and this fact does not seem to corroborate the general validity of the above supposition. The structure of the branchial apparatus in the Cumacea is very remarkable and quite unlike all that is observed in other Crustacea. It is true that the part to which the gills are affixed represents the epipodite of the maxillipeds, and that this part is also found in the Myside, but here it always constitutes a simple membranous plate without any trace of gills, and may be assumed only indirectly to subserve a respiratory function. As is well known, we also find the same part peculiarly developed for respiratory purposes in the cheliferous Isopoda, but even here without any trace of gills. The antenne in the Cumacea are totally different in structure from those in the Mysidee or any other form of the Podophthalmia, whereas they exhibit, especially as regards their peculiar modification in the males, a certain similarity to those in Nebalia, as also to those in the Amphipoda. In conclusion, I am inclined to regard the Cumacea as representing the descendants of a very ancient form, long ago extinct, which may have combined some characters of both the Phyllocarida and Trilobita. Perhaps even some of the palseozoic forms placed among the Phyllocarida may have formed a direct transition to the Cumacean type. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 5 DEFINITION OF THE FAMILIES. All the known families, except one, the Pseudocumide, being represented in the Challenger collection, I have found it advisable to give here short diagnoses of the same, and to enumerate the several genera contained in each of them. It may be remarked that these families do not seem to have strictly the same systematic value as those of the Schizopoda characterised in my former Report. The latter should perhaps more properly be regarded as groups of a higher rank, or as sections. 1. Cumip&. Integuments generally strong, calcareous. Tail not sharply defined from the trunk ; in female very slender, cylindrical ; in male much stronger, and with distinct epimeral plates. Hye generally present. Antennulz very small, with one of the flagella rudimentary. Antenne in male with posterior part of peduncle distinctly biarticulate, flagellum filiform and composed of numerous short articulations. Mandibles well developed, with the anterior branch produced and armed with a dense lateral series of spines. Epipodite of maxillipeds very large, navicular; gill-lobules numerous, leaf-like, arranged in a straight series ; terminal plate of exopodite scale-like and strongly indurated. Second pair of gnathopoda rather large, with some of the joimts expanded and laminar. The four posterior pairs of legs in both sexes simple, without any trace of exopodites. Five pais of well-developed pleopoda present in male. Uropoda with both branches biarticulate, or the inner uniarticulate. Telson quite wanting, Genera. 1. Cuma, Milne-Edwards. 4, Iphinoé, Sp. Bate. 2. Cyclaspis, G. O. Sars. 5. Cumopsis, G. O. Sars. 3. Stephanomma, G. O. Sars. 2. VAUNTHOMPSONIID. Integuments thin, squamous. General form of body, antennule and mandibles much as in the Cumidz. Hye present or wanting. Antenne in male with flagellum composed of very elongate and slender articulations. Epipodite of maxillipeds (in female) very narrow, with only few and digitiform gill-lobules arranged in a semicircle; terminal plate of exopodite membranous. Second pair of gnathopoda with the joints scarcely expanded. The three anterior pairs of legs in female, and all but the last in male 6 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. provided with well-developed natatory exopodites. Five pairs of pleopoda present in male, as in the Cumide. Uropoda with both branches biarticulate. Telson wanting. Genera. 1 Vaunthompsonia, Sp. Bate. | 2. Leptocuma, G. O. Sars, 3. LAMPROPIDA. Integuments thin, squamous. Form of body generally very slender; tail in both sexes cylindrical, without any epimeral plates. Eye present or wanting. Antennule with both flagella well developed and nearly equal. Antenne in male with flagellum composed of numerous short articulations. Mandibles well developed. Epipodite of maxillipeds comparatively short, with but few, digitiform gill-lobules ; terminal plate of exopodite only slightly indurated. Second pair of gnathopoda rather slender, pedi- form. The two anterior pairs or only the first pair of legs in female, and all but the last in male, with well-developed natatory exopodites. Only three pairs of pleopoda present in male, or all wanting as in female. Uropoda with the branches very slender, inner tri- articulate, outer biarticulate. Telson distinctly defined, more or less laminar, with three or more terminal spines. Genera. 1. Lamprops, G. O. Sars. 4. Platyaspis, G. O. Sars. 2. Hemilamprops, G. O. Sars. 5. Chalarostylis, Norman. 3. Paralamprops, n. gen. 4, LEUCONID. Integuments very thin and pellucid, smooth. Form of body generally slender, with tail very elongate and mobile, not sharply defined from trunk. Eye always quite wanting. Antennulee with one of the flagella small, uniarticulate. Antennze in male with flagellum composed of numerous short articulations. Mandibles rather small, with the body exserted into two angular processes ; anterior branch short, wanting the usual series of lateral spines, molar tubercle very massive. Palp of first pair of maxilla with a single terminal bristle. Epipodite of maxillipeds comparatively small, with but few digitiform gill-lobules ; terminal plate of exopodite membranous, exserted into a narrow flap. Second pair of gnathopoda rather short, with some of the bristles issuing from the outer edge very strongly developed. The three anterior pairs of legs in female, and all but the last in male, with well-developed natatory exopodites. Second pair of legs only REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. ‘ sex-articulate. Only two pairs of pleopoda present in male. Uropoda with both branches biarticulate and somewhat complanate, inner spinous, outer setose. Telson wanting. Genera. 1. Leucon, Kroyer. 3. Eudorellopsis, G. O. Sars. 2. Eudorella, Norman. 5. DIASTYLID2. Integuments generally strongly indurated and often armed with spines. Anterior division of body more or less dilated and sharply defined from tail, which is very slender and mobile. Carapace large and vaulted, with a more or less conspicuous rostriform projection in front. Eye present or wanting. Antennulze more or less dissimilar in the two sexes, rather slender, with the flagella unequal, the smaller one (in female) tri- articulate. Antenne in female forming a simple cylindrical stem divided into distinct articulations, in male more or less elongated. Mandibles well developed, anterior branch with a dense series of lateral spines. Epipodite of maxillipeds rather large, gill-lobules arranged in a more or less distinctly spiral manner; terminal plate of exopodite membranous, triangular. Second pair of gnathopoda with basal joint very large and curved. The two anterior pairs of legs in female, and all but the last in male, with well- developed natatory exopodites. Only two pairs of pleopoda present in male, the posterior pair sometimes imperfectly developed. Uropoda very slender and elongate, outer branch biarticulate, inner bi- or triarticulate and spinous at inner edge. Telson distinctly defined, with the outer part generally narrowed and spinous at the edges, apex with two spines only. Genera 1. Diastylis, Say. | 2. Leptostylis, G. O. Sars. 6. PSEUDOCUMID. Integuments generally thin and squamous. Tail more or less sharply defined from the trunk. Eye present or wanting. Antennule small, with one of the flagella rudi- mentary. Antenne in male with outer part of peduncle indistinctly biarticulate, flagellum composed of rather elongate and slender articulations. Mandibles not very strong, anterior branch with but few lateral spines. Epipodite of maxillipeds with only slight traces of gill-lobules, terminal plate of exopodite scarcely indurated. The two 8 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLNGER. anterior pairs of legs in female and all but the last in male with well-developed natatory exopodites. Only a single pair of pleopoda present in male. Uropoda com- paratively short, with the branches lanceolate, outer biarticulate, inner uniarticulate. Telson distinctly defined, but extremely small, rounded at the tip and unarmed. Genera. 1. Pseudocuma, G. O. Sars. | 2. Petalomera, G. O. Sars. 7. CUMELLIDZ. Integuments more or less indurated. Tail very slender and rather sharply defined from the trunk. Eye single or double, in male much larger than in female. Antennulee quite similar in both sexes, flagella very unequal, the smaller one uni- or biarticulate. Antenne in male with outer part of peduncle distinctly biarticulate, flagellum composed of rather elongate and slender articulations. Mandibles with the anterior branch slender and slightly dilated at the extremity, lateral spines few in number. Epipodite of maxillipeds with the gill-lobules in female very slightly developed, terminal plate of exopodite exserted into a narrow tubular flap. Second pair of gnathopoda with the terminal part irregularly flexuous. The two anterior pairs of legs in female, and all but the last in male, with well-developed natatory exopodites. The three posterior pairs of legs extremely slender and terminating in a distinct claw. Pleopoda quite wanting in both sexes. Uropoda with outer branch biarticulate, inner uniarticulate. Telson wanting. Genera. 1. Cumella, G. O. Sars. 3. Spencebatea, Norman. 2. Nannastacus, Sp. Bate. 8. CAMPYLASPIDA. Integuments strongly indurated and calcareous. Carapace enormously developed and highly vaulted in its hinder part. Tail comparatively short, with the segments somewhat depressed. Eye generally present. Antennulz similar in both sexes, with one of the flagella obsolete. Antenne in male with the flagellum filiform and composed of elongate and slender articulations. Mandibles slender, with apex obliquely truncate and dentate, molar process very narrow, styliform. First pair of maxilla unusually large, with the masticatory lobes strongly spinous; second pair poorly developed, forming simple, small, membranous plates. Maxilhpeds imperfectly developed, terminal part REPORT ON THE CUMACEA, 9 obsolete; epipodite narrow, with digitiform gill-lobules arranged in a_ semicircle ; terminal plate of exopodite membranous and exserted into a narrow flap. First pair of gnathopoda rather strong, with penultimate joint greatly swollen. Second pair pediform, only slightly differing from first pair of legs. The two anterior pairs of legs in female, and all but the last in male, with well-developed natatory exopodites. Pleopoda quite wanting in both sexes. Uropoda with the scape elongate, outer branch biarticulate, inner uniarticulate. Telson wanting. Genus. Campylaspis, G. O. Sars. ' LIST OF THE SPECIES. The following is a list of the species of Cumacea procured during the Challenger Expedition :— CuMID. DIASTYLID#. 1. Cyclaspis australis, n. sp. 9. Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars. 2. ” pusilla, n. sp. 10, Pr horrida, n. sp. 3 » exsculpta, D. sp. ING 7 ertnaceus, N. Sp. 12. ° mystacina, N. sp. VAUNTHOMPSONIID. a= Vaunthompsonia meridionalis, n. sp. CUMELLID. Lampropip#. 7; aie ‘4 5. Paralamprops serrato-costata, n. gen. et sp. 13. Nannastacus suhmit, n. sp. LEUCONID”, 6. Leucon assimitis, n. sp. CaMPYLASPID, 7. 4, tenuirostris, n. sp. 14. Campylaspis pacifica, n. sp. 8. Hudorella abyssi, n. sp. 15. 7 nodulosa, n. sp. (Z00L. CHALL. EXP.—PART Ly.—1886.) li 2 7 fn ; mM) tall is ar | ; ih _ a aint | pits om = tis : a DESCRIPTION OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Order CUMACEA. Family L. Commz. The most characteristic feature of this family is the total want, in both sexes, of exopodites on the four posterior pairs of legs, a character not found in any other known group of Cumacea. These legs also exhibit a very simple structure, and possess only a scanty supply of bristles. On the other hand, the males are distinguished by the presence of five pairs of well-developed pleopoda, and there is only one other family, Vaunthompsoniide, which agrees with the Cumidz in this respect, whereas the males of all other known Cumacea either have a less number of these limbs, or want pleopoda altogether, as in the females. As a character peculiar to this family may also be mentioned the highly indurated and strong integumenis, the full development of the branchial apparatus, and the total want of a telson. Of the five genera comprised within this family, only the genus Cyclaspis is repre- sented in the Challenger collection. Cyclaspis, G. O. Sars, 1864. Cyclaspis, G. O. Sars, Om den aberrante Krebsdyrgruppe Cumacea og dens nordiske Arier, p. 81. Generic Characters.—Carapace large and swollen, almost globular, with the dorsal line strongly curved, and the pseudorostral projection very slight; a distinct notch on each side anteriorly beneath the latter projection. Ocular lobe more or less produced, and usually having at its end a distinct eye. Only four segments of the trunk exposed behind the carapace, the anterior rather large, the three others suddenly much narrower, and scarcely broader than the caudal segments. Tail very slender and elongate, last segment obtusely produced at the tip. Antennule with one of the flagella very small, knob-shaped, the other biarticulate, and bearing two long sensory appendages at the extremity. Posterior lip with the lateral lobes armed at the tip with strong teeth. 12 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Second pair of gnathopoda strongly developed, the basal and meral joints expanded exteriorly at the end into lamellar processes. First pair of legs with the basal joint highly indurated and expanded in the middle, terminal part very slender. Second pair unusually short, with the coxal joint broad and lamellar, terminal joint spinulose at the edges. Uropoda comparatively short, with both branches lanceolate, outer biarticulate, inner uniarticulate. Remarks.—The present genus is nearly allied to Cuma, Milne Edwards, from which genus it is chiefly distinguished by the great development and peculiar form of the carapace, as also by a rather different structure of the uropoda. The genus was founded upon a peculiar deep-sea form, Cyclaspis longicaudata, obtained by the author off the Norwegian coast, and since also met with in the great depths of the Atlantic. In this form the eye is totally wanting, but in all other respects it closely agrees with the species here described. Another form, Cyclaspis cornigera, described by the author from the Mediterranean, would seem to differ much more from the typical species, and may perhaps be regarded as the type of a separate genus. No other species of the genus has hitherto been known. In the Challenger collection no less than three different species are represented, and will be described below. They may be easily distinguished by the sculpture of the carapace, as follows :— { somewhat gibbous in the hinder part and provided on each side with a slight transverse keel, and another obliquely longitudinal, joining each other in about the middle part of the carapace, . Cyelaspis australis, n. sp. Carapace quite glabrous and with the dorsal line evenly arcuate, . . Cyelaspis pusilla, n. sp. very gibbous and highly sculptured by strong keels, both trans- verse and longitudinal, limiting several deeply excavated areas | oneach side, . c : : : : . Cyclaspis exsculpta, n. sp. 1. Cyclaspis australis, n. sp. (PI. I. figs. 1-20). Specific Characters.—Carapace slightly compressed, keeled dorsally and somewhat gibbous in the posterior part, with a slight curved prominence passing down the sides and joining an obliquely longitudinal ridge above, which limits the gastric region. Ocular lobe narrow and produced to the tip of the pseudorostral projection, its outer part swollen and provided with well-marked lenses and pigment. Tail distinctly keeled along the middle line, the three anterior segments, as also the two posterior segments of the trunk with a subdorsal keel on each side of the middle one. First pair of legs with terminal part shorter than basal, the three outer joints nearly equal in length; second pair shorter than third, last joint armed with six spines. Inner branch of uropoda about as long as scape, finely serrate along the inner edge, outer branch a little longer. Length, 10 mm. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 13 Remarks.—This species may easily be distinguished from the typical form, Cyclaspis longicaudata, by the less tumid carapace and the sculpture of the same as well as that of the tail. The ocular lobe has, moreover, at the end distinctly developed visual elements, whereas in the typical species the eye is quite wanting, and the ocular lobe very short and rounded. ‘The species is also very different from the Mediterranean form, Cyclaspis cornigera. Description.—I have been able to examine several specimens of this form, both males and females, but none of them seem to be quite full-grown. The largest specimen, represented on Pl. I. figs. 1, 2, is a young male. The length of this specimen is 10 mm., whereas that of the largest female specimen (fig. 3) is only 8 mm. The form of the body in both sexes (see Pl. I. figs. 1-3) is very slender, with the anterior part, as in the typical form, suddenly and markedly dilated, almost club-shaped. The carapace is large and deep, though somewhat more compressed than in the typical species, its thickness being rather less than its height (compare figs. 1, 2). It is somewhat gibbous in its posterior part, the strongest dorsal curvature lying rather behind the middle, from which point the dorsal line declines almost in a straight line towards the pseudorostral projection. The latter, to which generally the very improper term of “rostrum” has been applied, is quite short and obtusely truncate at the tip, and, as usual, is chiefly composed of the antero-lateral lobes of the carapace projecting in front of the antennal segment. Immediately beneath this projection there occurs on each side a distinct notch, limited by a short projecting angle, from which a short elevated ridge runs backwards over the carapace. The inferior edges of the carapace are evenly curved and join the posterior margin at an obtuse angle. On each side of the carapace, somewhat posterior to the middle, a slight crescent-shaped prominence is seen running transversely down the sides to the inferior edge. Above, this prominence joins an obliquely longitudinal ridge, that begins at the most elevated part of the carapace, limiting posteriorly the gastric region, and disappears at the sides of that area ; between this ridge and the above-mentioned short lateral keel in one of the specimens (fig. 1), a somewhat irregular forked prominence occurs, joing both in the anterior part of the carapace. The gastric area (see fig. 2) exhibits, as usual, a somewhat bell-shaped form, and is limited to each side by a distinctly marked fissure. From the extremity of this area the ocular lobe is seen projecting. This lobe exhibits a rather peculiar appearance, being continued along the whole upper side of the pseudorostral projection to its very tip; it is (fig. 4) almost cylindrical and slightly swollen at the extremity, where an assemblage of distinctly marked and regularly arranged lenses or cornea-facets occurs, as also interiorly a dark pigment. Only four segments of the trunk are found to be exposed behind the carapace. Of these, the first is firmly connected with the carapace and almost of the same height as 14 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. that part, whereas the three others become suddenly much lower and scarcely at all broader than the caudal segments. These hinder segments of the trunk are moreover very movably connected with each other, flexible membranous spaces being interposed both above and below. Besides a median dorsal keel, also continued on the carapace, these segments exhibit on each side of that keel another running along the dorsal surface (see fig. 2). The epimera of the first segment are somewhat expanded and truncated at the tip; those of the three posterior segments are narrowly rounded, The tail, especially in female specimens (fig. 3), is extremely slender, even somewhat longer than the anterior division of the body, and of a narrow cylindrical form. It has a distinct median dorsal keel running along all the segments, and, besides, the two anterior segments exhibit on each side of the median another subdorsal keel, as on the posterior segments of the trunk. Laterally each of the five anterior caudal segments is provided at the anterior margin with a small knob-like process that fits into a corre- sponding notch in the posterior margin of the preceding segment when the tail is fully extended. As to the relative size of the seements, they slightly increase in length posteriorly to the penultimate, which is much longer than any of the others. The last seement is somewhat shorter, and produced at the end as an obtusely rounded protuberance (see fig. 20). The integuments are highly indurated and calcareous, showing under the microscope partly a granular, partly a squamous or densely reticulate structure. The colour of the preserved specimens is light brown with darker shadings, especially on the anterior part of the carapace. The antennule (fig. 5, a') are attached close together beneath the pseudorostral pro- jection, being partly concealed by that prominence, their outer part, however, projecting freely from the anterior notches of the carapace. They consist each of a triarticulate peduncle and two very short flagella. The first joint of the peduncle is rather large and highly indurated ; it is turned obliquely outwards and has the outer edge finely ciliated, the inner, close to the end, is provided with a few short bristles. The two-succeeding joints of the peduncle are much smaller, and taken together scarcely as long as the basal. The second joint has at the end on the inner side a bunch of three auditory sete, and exteriorly a small simple bristle; the last joint is provided with a single auditory seta (see fig. 6). Of the flagella, the one is quite rudimentary, only consisting of a small knob- like joint bearing a very minute auditory seta and two simple bristles. The other flagellum is about as long as the last joint of the peduncle and biarticulate, the terminal joint being the smaller, and bearing at the tip two very long and regularly segmented sensory appendages, besides two simple bristles, one of which is rather long. The latter flagellum must undoubtedly be regarded as homologous with the outer flagellum in other Crustacea, since it bears the sensory appendages, but the antennula is generally twisted in such a manner that it in reality lies inside the other (see fig. 5). REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 15 The antenne (fig. 5, a”), originating immediately behind the antennule, are, as usual, quite rudimentary in the female, only consisting of a broad lamellar basal part and a very small conical terminal segment, the latter representing the rudiment of the flagellum. The basal part is highly indurated, and bears on the inner (or upper) edge two very strong and densely ciliated setae; the terminal segment, which is connected to the basal at an obtuse angle, is tipped by a bunch of very minute auditory sete. In the young male the antennze show an appearance quite similar to that described further on in the male of Paralamprops serrato-costata, and lie folded beneath the lateral parts of the carapace, so as not to be visible in the lateral aspect of the animal. The anterior lip (fig. 5,1) forms a comparatively small rounded lobe, projecting immediately behind the antennal segment. It is slightly emarginate at the free posterior édge, and finely ciliated within the emargination. The posterior lip (fig. 7), on the other hand, is rather large and quite membranous in structure. It consists of two somewhat subtriangular lobes, connected at the base, and terminating in a slightly inflexed angle armed with three strong compressed teeth. The lobes are, moreover, densely ciliated along their inner edge, as also at the outer part of the exterior margin. The mandibles (fig. 8), as usual, do not exhibit the slightest trace of a palp, and are wholly indurated and rather brittle, so that they easily break by slight pressure. Their body is navicular in form and shows an elegantly reticulate structure ; its posterior pointed extremity is articulated to the dorsal part of the carapace at the point where, on each side, the fissure separating the gastric area from the lateral parts begins. From the anterior part of the body two unequal branches originate, the one projecting forward nearly in the axis of the body, the other inward at a right angle to the same. The anterior branch is slightly compressed and has the tip incurved, with the cutting edge somewhat different on the two mandibles. On the right mandible it is simple and only divided into two small teeth, whereas on the left mandible it is double, forming two acute projections, each indistinctly bidentate, and the posterior one movably con- nected with the anterior. Behind the cutting edge there is a dense series of curved spines, arranged in a comb-like manner and occupying almost the whole length of the inner edge of this branch. The posterior branch, representing the so-called molar tubercle, is shorter and more cylindrical in form, and terminates in a finely fluted surface, more oblique on the right than on the left mandible. The first pair of maxille (fig. 9) are composed of a thick muscular basal part, from the end of which originate two slightly incurving masticatory lobes, and of a peculiar recurved palp. The outer masticatory lobe is of rather firm consistency and a little narrowed towards the tip, which is truncated and armed with strong spines forming a double row, besides a few very small bristles. The inner lobe is much shorter and of a more membranous nature ; its tip is narrowly rounded, and bears four curved spines, the 16 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. posterior of which is the longest and finely ciliated. The palp, which is affixed to the outer side of the basal part close to the base of the exterior masticatory lobe, is very elongate and narrow, turned straight backward, and projecting within the branchial cavity. It is uniarticulate and lnear in form, with a distinct muscular band running throughout its axis; from its tip two peculiar compressed sete originate, the outer being somewhat longer than the inner, and both having one of its edges sharpened and armed with fine recurved hooks. The second pair of maxille (fig. 10) are more membranous in structure and of a rather different appearance. The basal part is composed of two segments, the first of which is very short and filled by strong muscles. The second segment is almost triangular, and exhibits on the inner side two very slight masticatory expansions, the anterior one somewhat obliquely truncate and provided with short ciliated bristles, the posterior having a regular series of slender sete arranged in a comb-like manner. From the lower side of the basal part, close to its apex, a very short biarticulate palp originates, directed anteriorly and movably articulated. The last joint of this palp is obliquely truncate at the tip and armed with a dense row of slender curved spines, and the first joint is on the inner side expanded to a lobe of quite a similar appearance. Moreover, the outer edge of the basal part forms a very thin and pellucid expansion, which may be regarded as homologous with an exognath; this expansion has the edges quite smooth, without any trace of bristles. The maxillipeds (fig. 12), which are closely applied against the other masticatory parts, and themselves partly covered by the two pairs of gnathopoda, form each a rather stout and somewhat compressed stem, contiguous with the one of the other side, and having the outer part slightly incurved. The basal part is rather large, occupying half the length of the stem, and consists of two segments, the first of which, however, is very short and rather difficult to see. At the end this part projects inwards as a rounded triangular masticatory lobe, armed at the tip with a few short and thick spines densely ciliated in their outer part. Along the inner edge there also occurs a series of five rather strong plumose sete, and another strongly ciliated seta is found at the base of the masticatory lobe. The terminal part of the stem, or the palp, is composed of but four distinctly defined joints, of which the two first are very broad and lamellar, and connected by a very oblique articulation ; the outer of these latter joints is armed along the inner edge with a series of small; curved, bidentate spines (fig. 12, a), besides numerous fine bristles, and has at the end externally a strong anteriorly curving seta. The two last joints become suddenly much smaller and more or less incurved; the penultimate is provided at the end with three ciliated sete (two on the inner and one on the outer side); the terminal joint is very small and tipped with three or four short bristles. At the base of these limbs the remarkable branchial apparatus is affixed (see fig. 11). REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 17 The greater part of this apparatus constitutes a very large membranous plate of a somewhat navicular form, and curved so as to exhibit an outer convex and an inner concave surface. It terminates in a recurved acuminate lappet, and is furnished along the inner edge with a regular series of lamellar gill-lobules, increasing in size anteriorly, the foremost of which is turned backward. The whole plate is moved in the living animal by an assemblage of strong muscles partly passing from the base of the corre- sponding maxilliped. Anteriorly another smaller plate is seen extending forwards and forming an imperfect funnel; it tapers to a narrow band-like ligament, and terminates in an indurated lamella armed with six curved sete, and encircled by a very thin and pellucid border (fig. 13). This terminal lamella, which is distinctly marked off from the plate by a transverse suture, is found projecting in front of the pseudorostral prominence in close juxtaposition to the corresponding one of the other side, and in living specimens both lamella are seen performing a peculiar snapping movement, whereby the water is expelled at intervals from the branchial cavities, during the rhythmical strokes of the true branchial plate. Although this anteriorly directed plate would seem to be partly connected at its base with the principal plate, I am still disposed to entertain the assumption I have set forth in another work,’ that the former is the highly modified exopodite of the maxillipeds, whereas the latter represents the epipodite. Of the limbs of the trunk the two anterior pairs are closely applied against the oral parts, and do not seem to have any locomotory function, and they may, therefore, properly be termed gnathopoda. These two pairs differ materially from each other both as regards size and structure. The first pair of gnathopoda (fig. 14) form simple stems, composed of the same number of joints as the maxillipeds, but are rather more slender. The basal part is longer than the terminal and somewhat laminar, with a slight longitudinal keel running along the upper surface and terminating posteriorly in a dentiform projection of the outer edge. This part, as in the maxillipeds, chiefly consists of a single joint (the basal), the coxal joint being very small and imperfectly defined. It is furnished at the end with a rather strong ciliated seta, and has, moreover, a few bristles at the outer part of both edges, those of the exterior edge being larger and about eight in number. The first joint of the terminal part is quite short and somewhat swollen, almost globular, with a single bristle at the end on the outer side; the succeeding joint is a little longer, con- stricted at the base, and furnished along the inner edge with several ciliated bristles, and a single one at the end exteriorly. The two last joints are rather small, and beset with bristles at the end. At the base of each of these gnathopoda there is aftixed, in the adult female of all Cumacea, a lamella edged with very long sete projecting within the marsupial pouch. This lamella was, however, only slightly developed in the specimens of the present species, owing to their being not full-grown. 1 Beskrivelse af de paa Fregatten Josephine’s Expedition fundne Cumaceer. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP.—PART Lv.— 1886.) ii 3 18 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The second pair of gnathopoda (fig. 15) are much larger, and also of coarser structure. They originate widely apart, at the outer posterior angles of the carapace, but are suddenly bent inwards so as to meet along the greater part of their length, being more or less closely applied against the ventral side of the body. The basal joint is very large, more than twice as long as the remaining part, and strongly indurated, exhibiting, especi- ally on the lower surface, a distinct nodulose sculpture ; it gradually expands towards the distal extremity, and juts out exteriorly as a large laminar projection of a somewhat trian- cular or broadly lanceolate form, fringed along the inner edge with a row of short ciliated bristles. At the base this joint bears a well-developed natatory exopodite of about half its length, and composed of a simple cylindrical stem and a five-jointed terminal part, furnished with long natatory sete. The ischial joint, not defined in the former pair, is distinctly developed, though rather short and simply cylindrical. The meral joint, on the other hand, exhibits a rather peculiar form, being expanded exteriorly to a large securiform projection, The carpal joint is subtriangular in shape, or produced interiorly to an almost right angle bearing a few simple bristles. The propodal jomt 1s quite narrow and articulated to the outer corner of the preceding joint. The terminal joint, finally, is still more narrow, linear, and together with the propodal, admits of being impinged against the interior projection of the carpal joint. The first pair of legs (fig. 16) are constructed upon the very same type as the last pair of gnathopoda, and in function would seem to be intermediate between gnathopoda and true legs, their basal part being generally closely applied against the ventral side of the body, whereas the terminal part is freely projecting and very mobile, so as partly at least to act as true locomotory organs. They are much larger than any of the other limbs, equalling in length, when fully extended, the carapace and the two first segments of the trunk taken together. The coxal joint, which on the gnathopoda appears but very slightly indicated, is on these limbs distinctly defined (see figs. 1, 3), but so firmly con- nected with the surrounding parts as generally not to be obtained in connection with the leg by dissection. The basal joint is very large and strongly indurated, bemg more- over greatly expanded in the proximal part, and forming an obtuse angle at the middle of the inner edge; whereas the distal part is narrowed, without forming any expansion at the apex. The edges of this joint are quite devoid of bristles except at the apex, where a strong ciliated seta occurs exteriorly, and a much smaller one interiorly. The exopodite affixed to the base of this joint is somewhat larger than that of the last pair of gnathopoda, and its basal part is a little dilated at the middle, and is also more strongly indurated. The remainder or terminal part of the leg is very slender, somewhat shorter than the basal, and generally exhibits a geniculate bend at the junction between the carpal and propodal joints. The lengths of these two joints are nearly equal, whereas the two preceding are considerably shorter and thicker. The terminal joint is a little shorter and also narrower than the preceding joint, and provided at the tip with REPORT ON THE CUMACHA. 19 several slender bristles ; similar bristles are also found along the inner edge of the pro- podal joint. The four remaining pairs of legs are all very small, and, in both sexes, quite simple, without any trace of exopodites. They represent the true ambulatory legs, and for this purpose are also turned more exteriorly. The anterior of these pairs (fig. 17) are somewhat shorter than the succeeding pair, but have the coxal joint very large (see figs. 1, 2), forming an almost semicircular plate firmly connected with the corresponding segment. Of the other joints the basal is as usual the largest. The carpal joint is obliquely truncate at the apex, or produced on the outer side to a blunt process bearing two stiff bristles. The propodal joint is extremely small, whereas the terminal is rather large, compressed, and armed at the tip and along the outer edge with six short spines. The three posterior pairs of legs (figs. 18, 19) are quite similar in structure, de- creasing, however, somewhat in length, owing to the basal joint being shortened succes- sively. The coxal joint in all of them is very small and scale-like; the four outer joints successively decrease in size, and the terminal joint has the form of a simple biarticulate spine. A few strong bristles originate from the tip of each joint. The ventral limbs of the tail are, as usual, completely wanting in the female (fig. 3). In the young male (fig. 1) there are five pairs of imperfectly developed pleopoda, con- sisting of a stout basal segment and two short branches without distinctly developed setee. The uropoda (see fig. 20) are about twice as long as the last caudal segment, with the basal part or scape almost cylindrical or slightly dilated towards the apex. The terminal branches are both lanceolate in form and at the apex drawn out to a sharp point. The inner one is the shorter, about as long as the scape, and uniarticulate, with the inner edge finely serrulate; the outer branch is distinctly biarticulate, with the first joint very short, and the inner edge of the second joint setiferous. Habitat.—Several specimens of this form were collected on April 1, 1874, off the entrance to Port Philip, Australia, Station 161, from a depth of 38 fathoms; sandy bottom. 2. Cyclaspis pusilla, n. sp. (Pl. I. figs. 21-238). Specific Characters.—$. Carapace almost globular, quite smooth at the sides, dorsal line evenly curved; pseudorostral projection very short and obtuse. Ocular lobe only shghtly produced, its outer part swollen and provided with well-developed visual elements. Tail slighty keeled dorsally, but elsewhere quite smooth. Limbs much as in Cyclaspis australis. Colour whitish, anterior part of body mottled with brownish-pink. Length of adult female only 34 mm. Remarks.—This beautiful little form is readily distinguished from the preceding 20 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. species, not to speak of its much smaller size, by the smooth and almost globular carapace, the shorter pseudorostral projection, and the simple structure of the caudal segments. Description.—I have only had a single specimen of this species for examination, a full-grown female with greatly developed marsupial pouch. Its length does not exceed 33 mm., and it thus belongs to the smaller forms of this order. The form of the body (see figs. 21, 22) is that characteristic of the genus, the anterior part being greatly dilated and almost globular, whereas the posterior part is extremely slender. The carapace is very large and quite smooth at the sides, about as thick as high, and with the dorsal line evenly arched. The pseudorostral projection is short and obtuse, and limited below at each side by a well-marked notch. The ocular lobe (fig. 23) is rather shorter than in the preceding species, and is provided at the somewhat dilated extremity with distinctly developed visual elements. The four exposed segments of the trunk decrease rapidly in size, and the two posterior do not exceed the caudal segments in height or thickness. The tail is very slender, cylindrical, and somewhat longer than the anterior division of the body. It haga slight keel running along the middle of the dorsal surface, and this keel is also continued along the seements of the trunk and the carapace ; but for the rest the seements are quite smooth and exhibit the usual relation in length. The colour of the animal is whitish, with small patches of brownish-pink, especially along the sides of the anterior part of the body. As to the limbs, they on the whole seem to agree fairly well with those of the preceding species. The three anterior pairs of legs were, however, partly broken in the specimen examined, and it may be that the terminal part of the first and second pairs might have exhibited some minor differences, as to the relative length of the several joints. The marsupial pouch is greatly developed and projecting below, giving the anterior part of the body an almost completely globular form. Habitat.—I found the above-described specimen among some dredged sand kindly sent to me by Mr. John Murray. The sand was procured with the dredge on September 8, 1874, at Flinders Passage (between Australia and New Guinea), from a depth of 7 fathoms. 3. Cyclaspis exsculpta, n. sp. (Pl. I. figs. 24-26). Specific Characters.—§. Carapace very gibbous and strongly sculptured by elevated crests limiting irregular depressed areas; two of the crests exceedingly strong, crossing the dorsal surface of the carapace transversely, and uniting on each side near the infero- posterior angle, being moreover connected above on each side by a thin longitudinal ridge, whereby a large depressed area of irregularly oval shape is formed on each side of the REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. il carapace. Pseudorostral projection somewhat produced, obtuse at the tip, and limited below on each side by a distinct angular notch. Ocular lobe extending along the dorsal side of the pseudorostral projection to its tip, only slightly dilated at the apex and pro- vided with but few corneal facets. Seoments of trunk angular, with three longitudinal dorsal crests. Integuments highly indurated. Colour uniformly whitish. Length about 5 mm. Remarks.—The present species is at once distinguished by the remarkable sculpture of the carapace and the very strongly indurated integuments. Although the sole specimen is incomplete, it may without any doubt be referred to the genus Cyclaspis. Description.—The specimen examined wants the whole posterior part of the body, as also the terminal part of the first pair of legs. The preserved anterior division of the body has a length of 2 mm., and the whole body may thus have been about 43 or 5 mm. long. The carapace (see figs. 24, 25) is highly remarkable for its strongly marked sculpture. It is rather gibbous in its hinder part and exhibits two very strong transverse crests running across the dorsal surface and continued down the sides towards the infero- posterior corner, where they unite almost at a right angle (see fig. 24). Of these crests the anterior is placed immediately behind the frontal lobe and is uninterrupted in the middle, whereas the posterior is divided in the middle line by a distinct notch at about the posterior third of the length of the carapace (see fig. 25), Both crests are connected by a median longitudinal keel and two lateral ridges, whereby the middle part of the carapace is divided into four depressed areas, two dorsal and two lateral, the latter rather large and of an irregularly oval or rounded triangular form. From the anterior crest, moreover, two slight ridges run forward on each side, the one towards the base of the pseudorostral projection, the other disappearing at some distance from the antero-lateral angle of the carapace. Behind the posterior crest, finally, there occur on the dorsal surface three longi- tudinal keels, each terminating in a somewhat rounded laminar projection at the posterior edge. The pseudorostral projection is rather produced, obtusely triangular in form, and limited below on each side by a distinet angular notch. The ocular lobe (fig. 26) is very narrow and continued along the dorsal side of the pseudorostral projection to its very apex ; it is but slightly dilated at the tip and exhibits a few rather small corneal facets ; of pigment, on the other hand, no trace could be detected in the specimen examined. The four exposed segments of the trunk are at a much lower level than the carapace and exhibit a somewhat angular form, the dorsal surface being scalloped out on each side of the middle line, or provided with three longitudinal crests. As usual, the three posterior segments are rather smaller than the anterior and connected by very movable articulations. All the integuments are very strong and highly indurated, exhibiting under the microscope a closely granulated structure. 22 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The colour of the animal is uniformly whitish, without any distinct pigmentary deposits. The limbs do not seem to differ materially in their structure from those of the two preceding species. The terminal part of the first pair of legs was, however, wanting in the specimen examined. Habitat.—The above-described specimen I found among the same sample of dredged material from which the preceding species was derived. The locality is stated as follows :—September 8, 1874, at Flinders Passage, 7 fathoms. Family Il, VauntHompsonrp &. This family is rather closely related to the Cumide, from which, however, it differs materially by the three anterior pairs of legs in the female, and all but the last pair in the male, being provided with well-developed natatory exopodites. From the Lampro- pide, with which family it agrees somewhat in the general appearance and the thin integuments, it is distinguished by the want of a distinctly defined telson, and by the male having five pairs of strongly developed pleopoda as in the Cumide. The family comprises at present two distinct genera, viz., Vaunthompsonia, Spence Bate, and Lepto- cuma, G. O. Sars. Besides, the form described by the author at an earlier date under the name of Leucon anomalus, from the West Indies, would seem more properly to belong to this family than to the Leuconide, representing in all probability another distinct genus. Of these genera only the first is represented in the Challenger collection. Genus Vaunthompsonia, Spence Bate, 1858. Vaunthompsonia, Spence Bate, Nat. Hist. Review, vol. v. p. 203. Generic Characters.—Form of body not very slender, scarcely compressed; anterior and posterior divisions not sharply defined from each other. Integuments thin, squamous. Carapace only slightly arcuate above; pseudorostral projection very short ; antero-lateral angles more or less produced. Eye distinctly developed. Five segments of the trunk exposed behind the carapace. Last caudal segment produced at the end, but without any distinct telson. Antennule small, similar in both sexes, one of the flagella very minute, uniarticulate. Antenne in female biarticulate, with two strong ciliated setee, in male shorter than the body. First pair of legs rather elongate and slender; second pair spinous, with the ischial joint not defined; penultimate pair in female without any rudiment of exopodite. Pleopoda of male very large, with inner plate uniarticulate, outer biarticulate. Uropoda strongly spinous, scape rather short, both branches biarticulate. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 23. Remarks.—This genus is chiefly distinguished from Leptocuma by the body being less elongate and not compressed, by the presence of a well-developed eye, by the second pair of legs having the ischial joint obsolete, and finally by the penultimate pair of legs in the female wanting the rudimentary exopodite present in the former genus. Of the genus only a single species, Vawnthompsonia cristata, Spence Bate, was hitherto known. The following new species from the Challenger Expedition is now added. 4. Vaunthompsonia meridionalis, n. sp. (Pl. IL. figs. 1-5). Specific Characters.— ¢ . Carapace shorter than the free segments of the trunk taken together, with two short serrate crests on the posterior part of the dorsal surface, anterior part unarmed. Pseudorostral projection broadly truncate at the tip, anterior edges finely serrate and having three stronger serratures at the lower corner ; subrostral notches distinct. Antero-lateral angles of carapace sharply produced, inferior edges strongly serrate in the anterior part. Ocular lobe rather large, almost reaching to the tip of the pseudorostral projection, with two small denticles in its anterior part. First pair of legs shorter than in the typical species, with the three outer joints subequal. Posterior pro- jection of last caudal segment triangular, with five slender spines on each side. Uropoda shorter than the two last caudal segments taken together, scape comparatively stout, inner branch not longer than outer, with last joint small, scarcely half as long as first, both strongly spinous on inner edge. Length, 10 mm. Remarks.—This new species may easily be distinguished from the typical form, Vaunthompsonia cristata, Spence Bate, by the carapace having only two short diverging crests on its posterior part, whereas the anterior part is quite smooth; by the broadly truncate pseudorostral projection and the distinctly marked notch beneath the same ; also by the much shorter legs of the first pair, and finally by a rather different form of the uropoda. Description.—The sole specimen before us is a young female, with the marsupial pouch not yet developed. It measures in length about 10 mm. The general form of the body (see Pl. IL. figs. 1, 2) is nearly as in the typical species, though somewhat less compressed. The anterior division tapers gradually backwards, without being sharply defined from the posterior. The carapace is comparatively rather small, not attaining the length of the free segments of the trunk taken together. The dorsal surface is but very little vaulted, and exhibits posteriorly two short curved serrate crests diverging anteriorly, but for the rest 1s quite smooth, without any trace of the strongly serrate longitudinal crest observed in the typical species. The pseudorostral projection (see fig. 4) is very short, and broadly truncate at the apex, with the anterior edges finely serrate, and having moreover three much stronger denticles inferiorly. The notch limiting this projection inferiorly on each 24 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. side is very distinct and rather deep, and the antero-lateral corners of the carapace are produced to a sharp point. The inferior edges of the carapace are evenly curved, and in the greater part of their length strongly serrate. The ocular lobe (see figs. 3, 4) is rather large and oval in form, almost reaching to the tip of the pseudorostral projection. It is armed on the anterior part with two small anteriorly directed denticles, and seems to exhibit pretty well developed visual elements. The exposed part of the trunk is composed of five well-defined segments, the anterior of which is the shortest, the second the largest. On all the segments the lateral parts form broad laminar epimera, slightly projecting at the sides (see fig. 2). The tail is only very slightly longer than the anterior division of the body, and of the usual slender cylindrical form. Of its segments the penultimate is by far the longest. The last segment (sce fig. 5) is rather short, and has the posterior edge produced in the middle to a short triangular plate arching over the anal orifice, but not defined from the segment by any suture. On each side of this plate is found a row of five slender spines increasing in length posteriorly. All the integuments are rather thin, only very slightly indurated, and exhibiting under the microscope a squamous structure. The colour of the specimen preserved in spirit is whitish, with a few stellate pigmentary patches, especially distinct on the carapace. The antennulz (fig. 4, a') are of moderate size, and have one of the flagella very short , and uniarticulate, the other triarticulate, and bearing at the tip two ribbon-like sensory appendages. The antenne (fig. 4, a’) are very small and biarticulate, their outer part projecting from the bottom of the anterior notch of the carapace. The terminal plate of the exopodite of the maxillipeds projecting in front of the carapace (see figs. 3, 4, z) is very thin and quite membranous, being drawn out to a narrow, somewhat tubular lappet. The first pair of legs (see fig. 1) are rather slender, though not nearly so elongate as in the typical species; they only slightly exceed in length the carapace, and have the three last joints nearly uniform in size. The remaining pairs of legs do not seem to differ materially in structure from those of Vaunthompsonia cristata, and as in that form only the two last pairs are simple, whereas the two preceding pairs are provided with well-developed natatory exopodites of similar structure to those on the first pair. The second pair are only slightly shorter than the first, and composed of but six joints, the ischial jot not being distinctly defined. The uropoda (see fig. 5) do not attain the length of the two posterior caudal segments taken together, and exhibit a comparatively coarser structure than in the typical species. The scape is rather thick, and armed along the inner edge with about ten strong spines. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 25 The branches are about equal in length and somewhat longer than the scape, whereas in the typical species the inner one is by far the longer, and the outer scarcely as long as the trunk. The inner branch is composed of two distinctly defined joints, the first of which is much the larger and somewhat expanded at the base, sublaminar, and armed along the inner edge with a dense series of spines, some of which are more elongate than the rest. The outer joint of this branch does not attain even half the length of the preceding joint, and is also much narrower. It is armed with about eight spines, three of which originate from the apex, the rest from the inner edge; the apical spines being by far the strongest. The outer branch is also biarticulate, but the first joint is here very short, whereas the terminal joint is rather elongate, and furnished along the imner edge with a row of strong ciliated setae; from the apex four somewhat more elongate setze originate, and to the outer edge about six slender spines are affixed, one of which occurs at some distance from the rest, close to the apex. Habitat.—l found the above described specimen in examining a sample of dredged mud preserved in strong spirit, and kindly sent to me by Mr. John Murray. The mud was procured on January 29, 1874, off Cumberland Bay, Kerguelen Islands, from a depth of 127 fathoms, Station 149H. Family III. Lampropip. I have seen fit to establish this family for the reception of three northern genera, Lamprops, Hemilamprops, and Platyaspis, which present several peculiar characteristics not found in other Cumacea, and now [am able to add another generic type from the Challenger Expedition, undoubtedly belonging to the same family. The genus Chalaro- stylis, established by Norman for a Cumacean from the “ Porcupine” expedition, must also, I think, be referred to this family, which thus at present comprises no less than five different generic types. The most characteristic features distinguishing this family from the two preceding are:—the fuller development of the antennulz, both flagella of which are distinctly articulated and nearly equal in size; the less rudimentary structure of the antenne in the female; the comparatively great length of the second pair of legs; the presence in the male of but three pairs of pleopoda (in one of the genera, Lamprops, the pleopoda are even quite wanting); the distinctly developed telson; and finally, the slender form of the uropoda, the inner branch of which is triarticulate. All the known forms belonging to this family, except the one described below, would seem to be restricted to the northern ocean. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP.—PART LY.—1887.) li 4 26 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Genus Paralamprops, n. gen. Generic Characters.—Anterior division of body well defined from posterior. Cara- pace large and sculptured with denticulated crests, dorsal surface vaulted, sides somewhat expanded; pseudorostral projection very slight, subrostral notches obsolete. Ocular lobe very small, eye wanting. Exposed part of trunk composed of five well-defined segments with laterally projecting epimera. Tail very slender. Antennulz unusually large, with both flagella elongate and multiarticulate. Antenne in female five-articulate, with two strong ciliated setae on the middle joint. First pair of maxillee without any trace of palp. Second pair of gnathopoda very slender, basal joint not expanded at the end. The two anterior pairs of lees in female with well-developed natatory exopodites, third and fourth pairs with a small biarticulate appendage at the base. Three pairs of pleopoda present in male. Telson narrow, with the edges spinulose. Uropoda slender, inner branch longer than outer. Remarks.—This new genus is chiefly distinguished by the large vaulted carapace, sculptured with serrate crests, the total want of the eye, the strong development of the antennulee, and the absence of the usual palp on the first pair of maxille, in which latter respect it differs from all hitherto known Cumacea. In the other anatomical details, it would seem to agree most closely with the genus Hemilamprops, though in some particulars also exhibiting a certain aflinity to the genus Platyaspis. Only a single species of this genus is represented in the collection. 5. Paralamprops serrato-costata, n. sp. (Pl. IL figs. 6-13; Pl. IIL). Specific Characters.—Form of body very slender. Carapace much larger than exposed part of trunk, sculptured by seven longitudinal serrate keels, one median running along the anterior half, two subdorsal on each side, occupying the posterior, somewhat gibbous part of the dorsal surface, and two lateral encircling the carapace at the sides and meeting in front. Pseudorostral projection short and somewhat upturned. The three anterior exposed segments of the trunk somewhat gibbous in the dorsal part and armed with small denticles, epimera produced anteriorly as an acute angle. Tail extremely slender and much longer than anterior division of body. Antennulz with the peduncle densely setose; flagella almost as long as peduncle, inner triarticulate, outer six-articulate. Penultimate joint of antennz in female with outer edge denticu- late. First pair of legs about as long as anterior division of body, the three outer joints very slender, penultimate the longest; second pair nearly as long as first, antepenulti- mate joint strongly spinose at inner edge. Telson shorter than scape of uropoda, slightly dilated at base, outer part sublinear, with about nine pairs of lateral denticles, the last one much larger than the rest, apex with three strong spines of equal size. Uropoda REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 27 very elongate, scape narrow and densely spinulose at inner edge, inner branch about as long as scape, first joint almost twice the length of the two others taken together, all three joints densely spinulose at inner edge; outer branch with first jomt very small, second elongate and slender, slightly tapering, with short bristles on both edges. Length of female, 12 mm. Remarks.—The present species being the only one as yet known, it is rather difficult to point out the characters which should be regarded as strictly specific. Meanwhile, I have thought it right to enumerate some structural details, which, from analogy with related genera, may be assigned the value of specific characters. Description.—Of this form I have been able to examine numerous specimens, both males and females. None of them, however, seem to have attained to sexual maturity, as there are neither ovigerous specimens, nor males with fully-developed antennze and pleopoda. The length of the largest female specimen is about 12 mm., that of the males somewhat less. The form of the body (see Pl. II. figs. 6-8) is extremely slender and elongate, with the anterior division well defined from the posterior, and of a somewhat ovoid form. The carapace is of very considerable ‘size, much larger than the exposed part of the trunk. It is somewhat expanded laterally and distinctly sculptured by longitudinal serrate keels, of which the following may be distinguished :—one median, running along the anterior part of the dorsal surface and terminating at the end of the frontal lobe ; two subdorsal keels on each side of the strongly arched branchial regions, the inner one the shorter and curved, occupying the most prominent part of that region and confined to the posterior half of the carapace, the outer keel reaching anteriorly to the base of the frontal lobe ; finally, on each side a lateral keel horizontally encircling the carapace and continued anteriorly along the edges of the pseudorostral projection to its very apex. There is also a more or less distinct but very small and interrupted keel, also serrate, on the posterior part of the carapace between the lateral and outer subdorsal keels. Beneath the lateral keel, on the ventrally inflected parts of the carapace, a shght longi- tudinal keel may moreover be noticed (see Pl. HI. fig. 1), but this keel, unlike the others, is quite smooth. The pseudorostral projection is very short and somewhat upturned; it is not limited beneath by any distinct notches, and there are no projecting angles marking off the inferior from the anterior edges of the carapace. As seen from above (PI. IL. fig. 6) the carapace appears rather broad, on account of the expanded sides, its breadth being considerably greater than its height; anteriorly it is evenly rounded, without any distinctly marked projection in the middle. The ocular lobe (see Pl. IIT. fig. 2) is very small, and of a short conical form, without any trace of pigment or visual elements; it does not extend, as in the above described species of the genera Cyclaspis and Vaunthompsonia, along the dorsal side of the pseudorostral projection, the lateral lobes of which meet in front of it. 28 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The exposed part of the trunk is composed of five well-defined segments, the three anterior of which are somewhat gibbous dorsally and provided above with a short transverse row of small denticles. The epimera of all the segments are distinctly marked and laterally extended ; those of the three anterior segments produced anteriorly as an acute angle. Of the segments, the second is the largest, the last being very small, scarcely broader than the caudal segments. The tail is extremely slender and elongate, almost twice as long as the anterior division of the body. Its segments are cylindrical, with the posterior margin slightly emarginated above and below. They taper somewhat posteriorly and increase successively in length to the penultimate, which is very elongate. The last segment is much shorter than the others, somewhat depressed and expanded at the end. The integuments are not very strong, though somewhat more indurated than in the other forms belonging to this family, and they exhibit a shght squamous structure. The colour—to judge from a fresh specimen mounted in Canada balsam—is uniformly yellowish, without any pigmentary spots or ramifications. The antennule (PI. II. fig. 9) are remarkable for their unusual size, being almost as long as the carapace, and also for the great development of the flagella. The peduncle is rather elongate, and as usual, composed of three distinctly defined joints. The basal joint is about as long as the two others taken together, slightly curved, and provided at the end with several strong, partly ciliated bristles, and a few small denticles. The two succeeding joints are scarcely narrower than the basal and densely setose, especially towards the inner edge; some of the sete are ciliated, some simple and very slender. The second joint, like the basal, is finely denticulate at the end, and somewhat larger than the third. Of the flagella, the outer one is almost as long as the peduncle, and composed of no less than six distinctly defined joints—a quite unusual number—each provided at the end with slender simple bristles. Of the joints, the first and penultimate are the longest, whereas the last joint is very small and might be easily overlooked. Besides the bristles, this flagellum bears at the tip two ribbon-like, densely articulated, sensory appendages, one of which originates from the end of the penultimate joint, the other from the last jot. The inner flagellum, which in the Cumacea generally presents a more or less rudimentary state, is rather fully developed, only slightly shorter than the outer, and composed of three slender joints of about equal size, and beset with bristles. In the young male the antennulz (sce Pl. III. fig. 14) do not differ materially from those in the female, except by the peduncle being slightly thickened, and by the first joint of the outer flagellum being somewhat expanded at the base; in all probability in the adult male this joint bears a bunch of sensory appendages, as in the males of several other Cumacea. The antennze in the female (PI. II. fig. 10; Pl. II. fig. 1, a”) are less rudimentary than in most other Cumacea, forming a slender stem composed of five distinctly defined joints. Of these the four first represent the peduncle, and the last the flagellum. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 29 The peduncle is geniculate in the middle, the two outer joints almost forming a right angle with the two inner ones. The third joimt is the smallest and provided with two strong hairy sete and a little dentiform projection. The fourth joint is linear and armed along the outer edge with a row of five small denticles. The flagellum forms a very slender and narrow joint, about half as long as the peduncle, and provided at the tip with four delicate auditory bristles. In the young male the antennz (see PI. IIT. fig. 14) exhibit the usual appearance, being strongly geniculate at the base and reflexed beneath the carapace. The proximal part of the peduncle is provided with four strong ciliated setee curving anteriorly; the distal part of the peduncle is smooth and composed of two well-defined segments, the outer one the larger. The flagellum has the appearance of a densely annulated vermiform appendage, slightly flexuous, and as yet quite smooth, terminating in an obtuse point. The anterior lip (Pl. I. fig. 11) forms a semi-oval fleshy prominence, slightly emarginate at the tip, with the free edge densely ciliated. The posterior lip (fig. 12) is quite membranous, its lateral lobes rounded, triangular, and terminating in a somewhat incurved, densely ciliated corner. The inner edges of the lobes are also ciliated throughout their whole length. The mandibles (fig. 13) are well developed and similar in structure to those in the genus Cyclaspis, as described above, though somewhat stouter and with the body com- paratively shorter. The first pair of maxillee (PI. LIT. fig. 3) are markedly distinguished by the total want of the usual reflexed palp, of which not even the slightest trace could be found by the most careful dissection of several specimens, both males and females. No other form of Cumacea hitherto known wants this part. In other respects, however, these maxillee do not exhibit any marked peculiarity in their structure. The second pair of maxillee (fig. 4) present quite the usual appearance. The maxillipeds (fig. 1, mp; figs. 5, 6) are rather short and stout. The basal joint, as usual, juts out at the end on the inner side as a linguiform masticatory lobe, having along the inner edge a row of ciliated bristles, and at the tip several short dentiform spines. The meral and carpal joints are broad and laminar, the former provided at the outer edge with a strong ciliated seta, the latter with two somewhat smaller ones; the inner edge of this joint is also provided with a row of curved spinules, which are denticulated at one of their borders in a comb-like manner (fig. 5, @), as also with numerous simple bristles. The propodal joint becomes suddenly much narrower and strongly incurved, bearing at the end internally two ciliated sete, and externally a bunch of somewhat more slender bristles. The terminal joint is very small and linear, with three small spines at the tip. The structure of the branchial apparatus in this form (see fig. 6) would seem to corroborate the supposition set forth by the author at an earlier date, but not adopted by 30 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. Dr. Boas, viz., that both the exopodite and endopodite take part in the formation of this peculiar apparatus. For in this species it is clearly composed of two different parts, well defined from each other, the posterior part apparently representing the epipodite, the anterior the exopodite. The epipodite forms an irregular, oblong, membranous plate, broadest anteriorly, where it exhibits a freely projecting acute corner, and gradually tapering posteriorly, its extremity forming a lanceolate flap curving anteriorly in the form of a hook. To the inner face of this plate are affixed six digitiform gill-lobules pointing forwards, five of which form a row along a narrow inflexed lamella proceeding from the inner edge, whereas the sixth occurs at about the middle line of the plate. The anterior division of the branchial apparatus, which in my opinion represents the highly modified exopodite, forms an anteriorly directed narrow plate, suddenly constricted in front of the middle to a narrow semicylindrical neck, and terminating in a triangular expanded part, which is found protruding from beneath the pseudorostral projection. The whole of this division only serves as an efferent duct for the water introduced into the branchial cavity, and in the living animal probably does not partake in the rhythmical movements of the epipodal division. The first pair of gnathopoda (fig. 1, gn’; fig. 7) are rather slender and have the ischial joint distinctly defined, though very small. At the end of the large and somewhat curved basal joint there occur at both edges several strong plumose setee. The carpal joint is densely setose on the inner edge and considerably larger than the propodal joint, which is slightly dilated at the end, where it is densely beset with bristles. The terminal joint is narrow, conical, and provided with a strong apical spine. At the base of these gnathopoda in the female the usual setose lamella was distinctly developed, though the sete were still very short and rudimentary. The second pair of gnathopoda (fig. 1, gn”; fig. 7 bis) ave, as usual, provided with well-developed natatory exopodites, the terminal part of which is composed of eight setiferous articulations. In other respects the endopodite or stem has much the same appearance as that of the first pair of gnathopoda, though somewhat more elongate and with the basal joint slightly tapering towards the end, and bearing along the inner edge a dense series of strong plumose sete. The first pair of legs (fig. 8) are rather slender, and, when fully extended, about as long as the whole anterior division of the body. The basal joint, occupying somewhat more than one-third of the length of the leg, is strongly curved and setose along the whole of the inner edge and the distal half of the outer. The three succeeding joints exhibit a similar relation in length to each other as in the gnathopoda, though somewhat more slender, and only sparingly beset with bristles. The two next joints, on the other hand, are much more elongate, and form with each other and with the preceding joint distinct geniculate bends. The penultimate or propodal joint is considerably longer than the terminal, which is very narrow and linear; both joints are furnished, especially on REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 31 the inner edge, with scattered, slender sete, three of which arise from the tip of the terminal joint. The exopodite is of the same structure as that of the second pair of enathopoda, except that the terminal part has one joimt more ; the basal part is provided with six slender, ciliated bristles along the outer edge. The second pair of legs (fig. 9) are not very much shorter than the first, and are like- wise very slender and composed of the same number of joints. The basal joint is almost straight and not so densely beset with bristles as that of the first pair. The carpal joint is rather elongate, linear, and armed along the inner edge with a dense row of short spines. The propodal joint, on the other hand, is very small, and constricted at the base, whereas the terminal joint is elongate, linear, and provided with scattered spine-like bristles ; these two joints, taken together, about equal in length the carpal joint. These legs are in both sexes provided with well-developed natatory exopodites of the same structure as those on the first pair. The three posterior pairs of legs (figs. 10, 11) successively decrease in length, and have the basal joint very slender, and longer than all the others combined. In the female all these legs at first sight appear simple, without any exopodites, but on closer examination a very small and narrow appendage is found affixed to the basal joint of the two anterior pairs (see fig. 10), as in the genera Lamprops and Hemilamprops. This appendage (fig. 10, a), which undoubtedly represents a rudimentary exopodite, is composed of two distinctly defined joints of nearly equal length, the last of. which is provided with four simple bristles. In the male the two anterior pairs of these legs (fig. 15) have fully- developed natatory exopodites of the same structure as those of the preceding pairs, and the basal joint exhibits a shght dilatation at the base to receive the muscles moving the exopodite. The last pair of legs (fig. 11) are in both sexes simple and much smaller than the preceding pairs, both the basal and meral joints being considerably shorter. In most of the female specimens the incubatory lamellae forming the marsupial pouch are in the course of development at the bases of the second pair of gnathopoda and the three anterior pairs of legs, though they are still rather small, so as not to meet in the middle line (see fig. 1). Only three pairs of pleopoda are present in the male, as in the genera Henulamprops and Platyaspis, and they belong to the three anterior caudal segments (see Pl. IT. fig. 8). They were not fully developed in the specimens examined (PI. LII. fig. 16), though exhibiting all their parts distinctly defined. The basal part or scape is narrow, quadrangular, and still without any trace of bristles or spines. The terminal plates (fig. 17) are very short, and each of them is provided at the tip with four short and thick bristles. The outer plate is distinctly biarticulate, whereas the inner is uniarticulate ; the latter is somewhat broader than the outer one, and its external edge juts out in the middle as a narrow conical process bearing two auditory bristles. iY) bo THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The telson (see fig. 12), as in the other forms belonging to this family, is distinctly developed, and defined from the last caudal segment by a well-marked transverse suture. It is about twice as long as the last caudal segment and very narrow, almost linear, with the base very slightly dilated to receive the terminal part of the intestine. Its distal part is armed on each edge with a regular series of about ten denticles, the last of which (see fig. 13) is much longer and stronger than the rest, and precisely of the same appearance as the three apical spines, which are quite uniform in size. The uropoda (see fig. 12) are extremely slender and more than half as long as the tail. The scape is considerably longer than the telson, narrow and cylindrical, with the inner edge in the greater part of its length armed with a dense row of somewhat unequal- sized spines. Of the terminal branches the inner one is the longer, nearly equalling in length the scape, and composed of three distinctly defined joints, which are spinulose at their inner edges. The first joint of this branch is by far the largest, being almost twice as long as the two others taken together ; of the latter, the terminal is the smaller one. The outer branch about equals in length the two first joints of the inner taken together, and is only biarticulate, the first joint being very short, and the last slender, and gradually tapering towards the tip, with a series of very delicate bristles on both edges, those of the inner edge being more elongate. From the tip of this branch, more- over, a somewhat stronger seta arises. Habitat.—Numerous specimens of this form were collected on January 29, 1874, off Cumberland Bay, Kerguelen Islands, from a depth of 127 fathoms (Station 149H). A sample of sifted mud from the same locality, kindly sent me by Mr. John Murray, also contained, besides numerous small Amphipoda and Isopoda, several specimens of this Cumacean, which thus seems to have occurred in great profusion at this place. Family [V. Levconip™. This family exhibits some very marked anatomical characters, distinguishing it from all other known Cumacea. Thus the mandibles are quite peculiar in structure, and the other masticatory parts also present certain well-marked differences from the usual structure. Of the legs, the three anterior pairs in the female are provided with fully-developed natatory exopodites, as in the Vaunthompsoniide, but only two pairs of pleopoda are present in the male. The tail in all the forms is very slender and highly movable, but completely wants the telson, whereas the uropoda are powerfully developed. None of the forms show any trace of an eye, and their habits would seem to be chiefly fossorial, the second pair of legs having, in accordance therewith, an unusually strong develop- ment. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 30 The family at present comprises three genera, viz., Leucon, Kroyer, Hudorella, Norman, and EHudorellopsis, G. O. Sars, the two first of which are represented in the Challenger collection. These two genera are easily recognised by the structure of the carapace, as follows :— compressed, with a dorsal serrate crest; pseudorostral projection prominent, antero-lateral corners of carapace more or less produced, . : : . Leucon, Kroyer. Carapace very short, truncated in front, dorsal surface smooth, pseudorostral projection wanting, . : : 3 : 6 : : : 7 : . udorella, Norman. Genus 1. Leucon, Kroyer, 1846. Leucon, Kroyer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr., Bd. ii. Heft. ii p. 208. Generic Characters.—Body very slender. Carapace compressed, with a dorsal serrate crest (sometimes obsolete in male); pseudorostral projection prominent; antero-lateral angles of carapace more or less produced. Antennulz of usual structure, not geniculate, inner flagellum mostly rudimentary; antennee in female triarticulate, in male attaining the @, clothed with ciliated bristles ; terminal jot compressed and armed at the tip with curved spines; second pair rather powerful, ischial joint obsolete, terminal more or less compressed and armed with stiff radiating spines. Last caudal segment slightly produced at the end. Uropoda rather powerful, scape cylindrical, both branches biarticulate, inner spinose, outer setose. Remarks. length of the body. First pair of legs elongate, gradually taperin This genus is chiefly distinguished by the form of the carapace, which exhibits a well-marked dorsal crest, more or less strongly denticulate, and a distinctly prominent, often very elongate, pseudorostral projection. In anatomical details it exhibits great affinity to the genus Hudorella, except that the antennule are less powerful in structure, and not, as in that genus, geniculate. The genus at present comprises, besides the two new forms described below, nine species, seven of which are from the Northern Ocean, one from the Mediterranean, and one from the Atlantic. The two species procured during the Challenger Expedition are easily distinguished by the following characters :— triangular, comparatively short, scarcely longer than frontal lobe. Dorsal crest of carapace densely serrate. Inner branch of uropoda shorter than outer, . - : F : } . Leucon assimilis, n. sp. Pseudorostral poe ’ ’ P. rojection . : : prey conical, very slender and elongate, slightly ascending. Dorsal crest of carapace with scattered denticles. Inner branch of uropoda longer than outer, . : ; : . : . Leucon tenuirostris,n. sp. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP.—PART Ly.—1887.) Tii 5 34 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 6. Leucon assimilis, n. sp. (Pl. IV.). Specifie Characters.—Form of body moderately slender. Carapace with the antero- lateral corners triangularly produced, dorsal crest densely serrate, three of the denticles placed near the posterior margin at some distance from the others; pscudorostral projection triangular, scarcely occupying one-fourth of the length of the carapace. Inner flagellum of antennule very small and knob-like. First pair of legs slender, with penultimate and antepenultimate joints subequal; second pair with terminal joint narrow and linear. Uropoda with inner branch shorter than outer, last joint scarcely half as long as first, both joints strongly spinulose on the inner edge. Length, 9 mm. Remarks.—This form is very nearly allied to the northern species, Lewcon nasicus, Kroyer, from which it may, however, be distinguished by the somewhat different form of the pseudorostral projection, which is comparatively shorter and simply triangular, not as in that form obliquely truncate at the tip. Description.—The form of the body (PI. IV. figs. 1, 2), as in most of the species, is rather slender, though somewhat less so than in Lewcon nasicus, and slightly compressed, especially in the anterior part, with no sharply-marked definition between the anterior and posterior divisions. The carapace, occupying about half the length of the anterior division, is rather deep and distinctly compressed, with a well-marked crest running along the dorsal side. This erest is somewhat arcuate in the anterior part and densely denticulate, the denticles having the form of regular serratures, from eighteen to twenty in number, the three posterior of which are removed from the rest and placed at a short distance from the posterior margin of the carapace. Between each pair of serratures a small hair is affixed. The pseudorostral projection scarcely oceupies one-fourth of the length of the carapace, and is triangularly pointed (see fig. 3), with the upper edge quite smooth and horizontal, the lower edges finely denticulate in the outer part and provided with slender bristles. The fissure limiting the frontal lobe is distinctly marked, and just above it on each side there are three small denticles. The end of the frontal lobe does not exhibit any distinct ocular prominence, and the eye is wholly wanting, as in the other species of the genus. The antero-lateral corners of the carapace are distinctly projecting and triangular in form; between them and the pseudorostral projection the edges of the carapace are evenly incurved and finely denticulate. The inferior edges of the carapace are strongly serrate in the anterior part, and posteriorly curve slightly upwards to the rounded postero-lateral corners. Behind the carapace five distinctly defined segments belonging to the trunk are exposed, all of them having broad laminar epimera slightly projecting laterally. Of these segments the first is very narrow, the others about equal in length, but successively diminishing in height, so that the last segment is not higher than the caudal segments, REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 35 to which it, moreover, seems to bear a closer relation in so far that it is much more movably articulated to the penultimate segment of the trunk than to the first caudal segment. The tail is rather slender and somewhat longer than the anterior division of the body. Its segments are regularly cylindrical, with the posterior edge somewhat more emarginated ventrally than dorsally, and forming on each side an obtuse angle. Of the segments the penultimate as usual is the longest. The last segment is rather small and forms posteriorly a rounded prominence arching over the anal orifice. The integuments are thin and pellucid, without any distinct sculpturing. The colour—to judge from a specimen mounted in Canada balsam—is uniformly light yellowish, without any pigmentary deposits. The antennul (see fig. 1) are seen projecting in front from the sinus between the pseudorostral projection and the antero-lateral corners of the carapace. They are of moderate size (see fig. 4) and have the joints of the peduncle successively diminishing a little both in length and thickness. At the end of each joint there are several slender setee, which on the middle joint form a complete whorl around its end. Of the flagella (see fig. 5), the inner one is very small and knob-like, bearing, besides three simple un- equal sete, a single very delicate auditory bristle (fig. 6) with only two diverging cilia at the tip; a similar bristle is also found affixed to the end of the peduncle internally (see fig. 5). The outer flagellum scarcely exceeds in length the last joint of the peduncle, and is, as usual, composed of three joints, the first being twice as long as the other two taken together. The last joint is very small and bears, besides a few simple bristles, two ribbon-like and closely annulated sensory appendages. The antenne of the young male dissected (see fig. 4) are still imperfectly developed, scarcely reaching the length of the anterior division of the body, but yet exhibiting a distinct definition of the peduncle from the flagellum. The peduncle is geniculate at the base, with the proximal part irregularly constricted and bearing three anteriorly curving ciliated bristles, and the distal part cylindrical and exhibiting an imperfect articulation anterior to the middle, but still without any trace of bristles. The terminal part of the antenna forms a densely annulated sheath, gradually tapering to the tip, and within this sheath the developing filiform flagellum may be traced. The anterior lip (fig. 7) has the form of a small rounded prominence, the posterior part of which is somewhat dilated and slightly emarginated at the free edge, which is finely ciliated. The posterior lip (fig. 9) is very delicate and difficult to separate from the adjoining parts, but seems to exhibit the usual structure. The lateral lobes are very thin and membranous, with the inner corner somewhat projecting and incurved, but without any teeth, whereas a delicate ciliation is found along the inner and part of the outer edges of the lobes. 36 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The mandibles (fig. 8) are comparatively small, and exhibit a structure rather differing from that in the above described Cumacea. Thus the body of the mandibles is not, as in these forms, navicular, but almost triangular, with two projecting angles, the outer pointed, the inner obtusely rounded. By the outer angle the mandible is fixed to the inside of the carapace at the point where the fissure limiting the frontal lobe terminates; to the inner the strong rotatory muscles are affixed, whose points of insertion are visible as a number of lucid spots in the middle part of the carapace, symmetrically arranged on each side of the middle line (see fig. 2). The anterior branch of the mandibles is comparatively short and strongly incurved, with the cutting edge divided into two comparatively simple, dentiform projections ; instead of the regular comb-like series of curved spines occurring in most other Cumacea behind the cutting edge, only two simple bristles are found on each mandible affixed close together. The posterior branch is very thick and massive, with a large fluted molar surface. The first pair of maxills (fig. 10) exhibit the usual structure, with this exception, however, that the posteriorly bent palp has but a single terminal seta. The second pair of maxille (fig. 11) are comparatively small and want the dense series of delicate bristles affixed to the inner edge of the basal part in other Cumacea, instead of which there are only found three hook-lke spines. The maxillipeds (fig. 12) are likewise rather feeble in structure, the basal part beg comparatively short and forming a more or less pronounced angle with the terminal part. The masticatory lobe arising from the basal part is almost quadrangular, and bears at the base a very strong anteriorly curved seta. Of the joints belonging to the terminal part, the antepenultimate is, as usual, the largest, and exhibits along the inner edge a series of short curved spines, provided at one of their edges with a few slender denticles (fiz. 14). Moreover, this joint has on the lower side numerous fine hair-like bristles, partly arranged in fascicles, and at the outer corner a very long anteriorly curving seta, densely ciliate at the outer part. Two similar, but somewhat shorter, sete are also found originating from the succeeding joint. The last joint (see fig. 13) is very small, sublinear, and provided at the tip with three bristles, one of which is quite short but furnished with a few very long cilia on both edges. The branchial apparatus (see fig. 15) affixed to the base of these limbs, is less fully developed than in most other Cumacea. The epipodite-plate is rather narrow and has only five small digitiform gill-lobules, the largest of which is affixed at some distance from the inner edge and points posteriorly. The anteriorly directed narrow division of the apparatus, representing the modified exopodite, is considerably longer than the epipodite-plate and terminates in a somewhat dilated lanceolate plate bordered by a very thin and pellucid membrane. In conjunction with the corresponding plate this part forms an elongated tube, which admits of being exserted from the tip of the pseudo- rostral projection, and serves for the expulsion of the water introduced into the branchial REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 37 cavities. During the rhythmical movements of the epipodite-plates, this tube remains immovably exserted, but is immediately withdrawn when the movements are interrupted. The first pair of gnathopoda (fig. 16) do not exhibit any peculiarity in their structure. The second pair of gnathopoda (fig. 17), on the other hand, exhibit a form rather different from that im most other Cumacea. Thus, the basal part is rather broad and only very shghtly longer than the terminal part. It has several ciliated bristles along the immer edge, and from its external corner four very strong anteriorly curving sete originate, the outer of which especially is of quite unusual size and densely ciliate. The terminal part is provided with comparatively short bristles, with the exception of its second joint, which has externally a strong anteriorly curving seta similar to those arising from the outer corner of the basal part. The exopodite is rather powerful, with the basal part compressed, oblong, and the terminal composed of five articulations. The first pair of legs (fig. 18) are about equal in length to the carapace and the two anterior exposed segments of the trunk taken together, and are rather slender, tapering gradually from the base to the tip. The basal joint is, as usual, somewhat dilated in its proximal part, where it contains the strong muscles moving the exopodite, and is fringed along almost the whole inner edge, and the distal part of the outer, with ciliated bristles; moreover, a row of short spines occurs along the distal part at some distance from the outer edge. The terminal part of the leg is much longer than the basal, and is furnished with scattered plumose sete, especially along the outer edge. Of the joints the antepenultimate and penultimate are the longest and about equal in size. The last joint is shghtly compressed but rather narrow, and armed at the tip with about six strong, claw-like spines. The exopodite has much the same appearance as that of the second pair of gnathopoda, except that its terminal part has one joint more. The second pair of legs (fig. 19) are much shorter than the first, but rather stout, with the basal and terminal parts about equal in length. The ischial joint seems to be quite wanting. The meral joint is rather thick and armed at the end on the inner side with a strong spine. The carpal joint is about twice as long, but much narrower, and has a similar, though somewhat smaller spine at the end. The propodal joint is quite short and unarmed, whereas the terminal is rather elongate, linear, and furnished with numerous stiff spine-lke bristles, forming a spreading bunch at the end of the joint. The exopodite does not differ from that of the first pair of legs. The third pair of legs (fig. 20) in both sexes are furnished with well-developed natatory exopodites. The basal part of the endopodite is more than twice as long as the terminal, and, as in the two preceding pairs, rather dilated to receive the strong muscles moving the exopodite ; along both edges there are a number of ciliated sete. Of the joints composing the terminal part, the three first slightly increase in size, and 38 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. from the third (the carpal) three strong sete originate, the distal part of which is densely annulated and curved at the end in a hook-hke manner. The propodal joint is much smaller and has a single seta of similar structure, and from the tip of the very minute terminal joint a slender spine originates, besides two very small bristles. The two posterior pairs of legs in the female are simple, whereas in the male the penultimate pair (fig. 21) have well-developed natatory exopodites, as on the anterior pairs. The last pair of legs (fig. 22) are quite alike in both sexes and very small, with the basal joint narrow, cylindrical, and about as long as the terminal part. : Of pleopoda only two pairs are present in the male, affixed to the two anterior caudal segments (see fig. 1). These limbs (fig. 23) are not fully developed in the specimens examined, though having the basal part and the two branches distinctly defined from each other. The latter (fig. 24) are very short, and each of them is provided at the tip with four still unciliated setze; the outer branch is biarticulate, whereas the inner is uniarticulate, and, as in the male of Paralamprops, juts out in the middle to an angular projection bearing a single auditory bristle. The uropoda (see fig. 25) are rather stout and about as long as the two posterior caudal segments taken together. The scape is cylindrical and furnished with scattered spiniform bristles, especially along the inner edge. Of the branches, the inner is the shorter and about as long as the scape. It is composed of two well-defined joints, the first of which is more than twice as long as the last, and armed along the inner edge with about twelve spines, three of which are much longer than the others; the last joint is rather narrow and has five equal-sized spines along the inner edge, and two somewhat larger ones arising from the tip. The outer branch is also biarticulate, but the first joint is here very short, whereas the last is elongate and furnished along the inner edge with a row of about ten ciliated sete, besides a few scattered bristles along the outer edge and on the upper side. Habitat.—A few specimens of this form were taken January 29, 1874, off Cumberland Bay, Kerguelen Islands, from a depth of 127 fathoms (Station 149H). 7. Leucon tenwirostris, n. sp. (Pl. V. figs. 1-4). Specific Characters.—Form of body extremely slender. Carapace with the antero- lateral corners only very slightly produced, almost rectangular; anterior edges above the corners denticulate, with a small sinus in the middle; dorsal crest armed with only seven denticles arranged along its anterior half; pseudorostral projection very elongate and slender, almost as long as the carapace, slightly ascending and regularly tapering to the end. Inner flagellum of the antennule about as long as the first joint of outer. The two anterior pairs of legs nearly as in the preceding species; the three posterior REPORT ON THE CUMACEA., 39 pairs successively decreasing in length and densely beset with ciliated bristles. Uropoda with inner branch longer than outer, first joint scarcely twice as long as second, both armed with scattered denticles at inner edge. Length, 10 mm. Remarks.—The present species is nearly related to Lewcon longirostris, described by the author from an imperfect specimen procured during the Swedish Expedition in the frigate “Josephine.” It may, however, easily be distinguished by the rather different form of the pseudorostral projection, the length of which in proportion to the carapace is also much greater. Description.—The sole specimen procured is a young female, in which the marsupial pouch has not yet been developed. Its lengthis about 10 mm. The form of the body (see Pl. V. figs. 1, 2) is extremely slender, more so than in any other of the known species. The carapace (see fig. 3) is distinctly compressed and of the usual form, with the dorsal crest well marked, but denticulate only in its anterior half, the denticles being rather few in number (seven), and hence more widely separated from each other. The pseudorostral projection is quite unusually elongate and slender, almost equalling the carapace in length, and tapers gradually to the tip, which is narrowly truncate. It is somewhat ascending and has the lateral edges provided with a few scattered bristles and a single small denticle behind the middle. The antero-lateral corners of the carapace are less produced than in the preceding species and almost rectangular. The anterior edges joining the pseudorostral projection are strongly denticulate and have a distinct rounded sinus below the middle, from the bottom of which the rudimentary antennze are seen to project. The inferior edges of the carapace form a slight angle at the middle and are, as usual, strongly denticulate in the anterior half. The five exposed segments of the trunk taper successively posteriorly, and the last of them does not exceed the caudal segments, either in height or in breadth. The tail is considerably longer than the anterior division of the body and very slender. Its segments increase successively in leneth to the penultimate, which is by far the longest. The last segment (see fig. 4), on the other hand, is quite short and almost pentagonal, with the end produced to an obtusely triangular projection arching over the anal orifice. The antennulz (see fig. 3) are comparatively rather large, though not nearly reaching to the tip of the pseudorostral projection. They are more especially distinguished by the unusual development of the inner flagellum, which in this case cannot properly be said to be rudimentary, since it fully equals in length the first joint of the outer one; it is, however, as usual, composed of only a single joint, which bears at the tip several stiff bristles, The two anterior pairs of legs (see fig. 1) do not seem to differ materially from those of the preceding species. This is also the case with the succeeding legs, with this difference, however, that they are much more richly supplied with cilated bristles. 40 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The uropoda (see fig. 4) are comparatively a little longer than in the preceding species and have the scape cylindrical, with but four denticles along the inner edge. Of the branches, in this species the inner one is the larger and about as long as the scape. Its first joint is scarcely twice as long as the last, slightly tapering, and provided along the inner edge with only five denticles. The last joint is linear and has three denticles along the inner edge anda much stronger one at the tip, besides another very small apical denticle and a simple slender bristle. The outer branch is considerably shorter than the inner and has the last joint provided with a series of ciliated setee along the inner edge. Habitat.—The above described specimen was taken from a very considerable depth in the North Pacific, at Station 246, July 2, 1875; lat. 36° 10’ N., long. 178° E.; depth, 2050 fathoms; Globigerina ooze ; bottom temperature, 35°'1. Genus 2. Hudorella, Norman, 1866. Eudorella Norman, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1866, p. 197, note. Eudora, Sp. Bate, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xvii. p. 457. Generic Characters—Anterior division of body more or less dilated, almost clavate. Carapace comparatively small, not crested dorsally, truncated in front, without any pseudorostral projection, the lateral lobes ascending perpendicularly and meeting immediately in front of the median lobe, leaving between their extremities an oval orifice for the expulsion of the water. No eye. Five segments of the trunk exposed behind the carapace, rapidly diminishing in height posteriorly. Tail very slender and movable. Antennule rather large, geniculate, outer part being reflexed and doubled upon the inner by an elbow-like flexure ; ner flagellum well developed, uniarticulate, with three strong apical bristles. Antenne in female very small, uniarticulate. Oral parts and legs nearly as in Leucon. Telson wanting. Uropoda with both branches biarticulate. Remarks.—As regards the structure of the several limbs, this genus exhibits great affinity to the genus Lewcon, though it is easily distinguished by the very different form of the carapace, which gives to the species of the present genus quite a peculiar appear ance. The strong development and peculiar curvature of the antennule affords another good generic mark. No less than seven different species of this genus have hitherto been distinguished. Of these, three occur in the Northern Ocean, one in the Arctic Sea, two off the eastern coast of North America and two in the Mediterranean, one of which is also found in the Northern Ocean. Besides these, an eighth species, which is described below, was procured during the Challenger Expedition. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 41 8. Eudorella abyssi, n. sp. (Pl. V. figs. 5-12). Specific Characters.—Body moderately slender and beset with short scattered hairs. Carapace almost perpendicularly truncate in front, with the upper part rounded; anterior edges below the middle with a distinct rounded sinus limited by two obtu se projections, the upper with three, the lower with five teeth ; antero-lateral corners obtusely angled. First pair of legs, when fully extended, about as long as anterior division of body, rather stout, and provided along outer edge of terminal part with elongate ciliated sete; last joint compressed and armed with numerous claw-like spines; second pair with terminal joint sublinear and provided with stiff radiating spines. Uropoda about as Jong as the two last caudal segments taken together, inner branch much the longer, with a regular row of short spinules along the inner edge, last joint very small, armed at the tip with a strong spine and a slender bristle. Length, 9 mm. Remarks.—In its general appearance this species is rather similar to the northern form KEudorella truncatula, but may readily be distinguished by the rounded form of the sinus on the anterior edges of the carapace, and by the different number of teeth occurring on the cbtuse projections, which limit that sinus. Deseription.—The sole specimen procured is an adult female with greatly developed marsupial pouch. Jts length is about 9 mm. The form of the body (see Pl. V. figs. 5, 6) is moderately slender, with the anterior division considerably dilated, and, as seen from the side, almost club-shaped. The carapace is comparatively short, scarcely occupying half the length of the anterior division, and, as seen from the side, nearly quadrangular, the front part being almost perpendicularly truncated, without any trace of a rostrum-like projection. Not- withstanding this, the lateral lobes, usually forming the pseudorostral projection, are present, but instead of projecting in front of the median lobe as usual, they ascend perpendicularly and terminate close to that lobe, leaving between their extremities an oval orifice (see fig. 6), through which the water is expelled from the branchial cavities. The dorsal line of the carapace is almost horizontal and without any trace of a keel. The inferior edges are densely serrate in their anterior half, whereas the posterior part is smooth and obliquely ascending. ‘The anterior edges (see fig. 7) are in the upper part quite smooth, but below the middle there occur two dentate projections limiting a rather deep and rounded sinus, from the bottom of which the antenne project. Of these pro- jections the upper is armed with three, and the lower with five strong teeth. The antero-lateral corners of the carapace are obtusely angled, and armed with an anteriorly- directed tooth, forming a continuation of the series of teeth occurring along the inferior edges. Not the shghtest trace of an eye can be detected, nor is any distinct ocular lobe present. (ZooL, CHALL. EXP.—PaRT Ly,—1887.) » hié 42 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The five segments of the trunk exposed behind the carapace rapidly diminish in height posteriorly, and have all rather broad laminar epimera, somewhat projecting laterally (see fig. 6). The first segment is very narrow, almost band-like, and the last does not exceed the succeeding caudal segment either in height or in breadth. The tail is very slender, considerably longer than the anterior division of the body. The form and relative length of the segments are very nearly as in Leucon. As in that genus the last segment is rather short and obtusely produced posteriorly. The integuments are rather thin and without any distinct sculpturing, but beset with scattered short hairs, especially on the tail. The antennulz (see fig. 5) exhibit the structure and peculiar flexure characteristic of the genus. They are rather stout and affixed to a fleshy segment lying immediately in front of the upper part of the carapace, from which segment they, as it were, hang down, forming a sharp elbow-like bend at the middle. This bend occurs between the two outer joints of the peduncle, in such a manner that the last joint together with the flagella is doubled upon the proximal part of the antennula, pointing obliquely upwards. Of the flagella the inner one is fully as long as the first joint of the outer, but only composed of a single joint bearing three strong spine-like bristles at the tip. The outer flagellum is triarticulate and provided with several strong ciliated bristles, especially along the edges of the first joint ; at the tip this flagellum bears the usual two ribbon-like sensory appendages, which, however, are rather short, scarcely exceeding the simple apical bristles in length. The first pair of legs (fig. 8) are rather strong, projecting considerably in front of the carapace, and when fully extended about as long as the whole anterior division of the body. The basal joint is slightly curved and furnished on both edges of the distal part with several ciliated bristles. The terminal part of the leg is considerably longer than the basal and exhibits the usual well marked geniculate bends; it is furnished along the outer edge with scattered and rather long sete, which are finely ciliate. Of the joints the penultimate is the longest, whereas the terminal joint is comparatively short and much compressed, with numerous claw-like spines at the obliquely truncated apex. The exopodite does not reach to the end of the basal joint and has the terminal part divided into five setiferous articulations. The second pair of legs (see fig. 5) are comparatively stronger than in Lewcon, but as in that genus only sex-articulate, the ischial joint not being distinctly defined. The terminal joint is almost linear and provided with a number of diverging spines, arranged in a double row. The third pair of legs (bid.) have the exopodite well developed and of the same structure as in the two preceding pairs, whereas the two posterior pairs (figs. 10, 11) are simple and rather small, especially the last pair. The uropoda (see fig. 12) are rather strong, fully as long as the two last caudal REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 43 seoments taken together, with the scape cylindrical and armed with a row of about twelve small spines along the inner edge. Both branches are biarticulate, as in the genus Leucon, and on the whole agree fairly well in structure with those in that genus. The inner branch is much the longer, slightly tapering towards the tip and armed with a regular row of denticles along the inner edge. Its terminal joint is very short and has at the tip a strong spine and an elongate seta, besides four small denticles along the inner edge. The outer branch is scarcely longer than the first jomt of the imner, and has the basal joint rather short and obliquely truncate at the end, whereas the terminal joint is elongate and somewhat compressed, with a row of about ten strong ciliated setze along the inner edge and at the tip. Hahitat.—The above described specimen was taken with the trawl from a very considerable depth in the North Atlantic, off the coast of the United States. Station 45, May 3, 1873; lat. 38° 34’ N., long. 72° 10’ W.; depth, 1240 fathoms ; bottom, blue mud; bottom temperature, 37°'2. Family V. Diastyiipa%. The Cumacea referred to this family are easily known by the tumid and ovate form of the anterior division of the body, which is sharply marked off from the slender and very mobile tail; also by the large, superiorly strongly arched carapace terminating in front in a more or less prominent rostriform projection, and finally by the distinctly defined, lageniform telson, and the great length of the scape of the uropoda. The family at present comprises only two genera, viz., Diastylis, Say, and Leptostylis, G. O. Sars. Of these only the first is represented in the Challenger collection. Genus Diastylis, Say, 1817. Diastylis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1817. Condylura, Latreille, Le Régne Animal, t. iv. p. 153, 1829 (not Llliger). Alauna, Goodsir, Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. xxxiv. p. 130, 1843. Cuma, Kroyer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr., Bd. iii. p. 530, 1841 (not Milne-Edwards). Generic Characters.—Form and armature of body generally rather dissimilar in the two sexes, adult male always much more slender than female. Carapace large and tumid, mostly spinous, antero-lateral corners obsolete, pseudorostral projection triangu- larly pointed. Eye present or wanting. Antennule slender, peduncle only slightly thickened in male. Antenne in female four to five-articulate, in male very fully developed, attaining the length of the body, distal part of peduncle composed of a single large segment with numerous fascicles of small sensory appendages along the outer edge, flagellum very slender, with elongate articulations. First pair of legs more 44 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. or less elongate, with the three outer joints very slender; second pair considerably shorter and rapidly tapering toward the apex; third and fourth pairs in female without basal appendages. Pleopoda of male distinctly biramose, outer branch biarticulate, inner uniarticulate. Third and fourth caudal segments in male with four strong ciliated setee in place of pleopoda. Telson rather large, with the terminal part more or less produced and in the male forming a distinct angle with the basal part. Uropoda slender, with the scape elongate, branches comparatively short. Remarks.—This genus is chiefly distinguished from the genus Leptostylis by the antennulz being far less dissimilar in the two sexes, by the much fuller development of the male antennze, and by the third and fourth pairs of legs in the female wanting the basal appendage (rudimentary exopodite) present in the former genus; finally, by the somewhat different form of the caudal appendages. The genus is very abundantly represented, especially in the Northern Ocean, no less than twenty-seven distinct species having been hitherto recorded. The Challenger collection contains four species, one of which has been formerly described, whereas the three others are now added, increasing the number of species to thirty-one. The four Challenger species may be easily known by the armature of the carapace and the form of the telson, as follows :— f f { very minute. Telson with terminal part much longer than basal, and densely denticulate at the edges, . : . Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars. subequal, spinous; rather strong. Telson with outer part ine spines much shorter than basal, and without : lateral denticles, ; : ‘ . Diastylis erinaceus, n. sp. Carapace I unequal; some much larger than the others. Telson comparatively short, with terminal and basal part | about equal in length, . : : 0 ; . Diastylis horrida, n. sp. finely scabrous, with a serrate crest on each side running obliquely backwards from tip of pseudorostral projection. Telson with terminal part shorter than basal and armed with but one pair of | lateral denticles, ; : : : : é : : . Dirastylis mystacina, n, sp. 9. Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars (Pls. VI., VIL, VIII.). Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars, Om Cumaceer fra de store Dybder i Nordishavet, K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., vol. xi. p. 6, pl. ii. figs. 4-7. Specific Characters.—Carapace about twice as long as the exposed part of trunk, moderately tumid and armed (in female) with numerous small subequal spinules, more crowded in the anterior part ; pseudorostral projection conical, scarcely longer than frontal lobe; inferior edges of carapace denticulate in the anterior part only. No eye. Anterior margin of the three first exposed segments of trunk finely denticulate. Tail in both sexes REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 45 smooth, without denticles. First pair of legs scarcely longer than carapace, with the three outer joints subequal ; second pair with antepenultimate joint longer than the two outer taken together. Telson rather elongate, with terminal part much longer than basal, and densely spinous at both edges; apical spines not larger than lateral. Uropoda with scape very slender, branches subequal, about half as long as scape, inner distinctly triarticulate. Length of female, 16 mm., of adult male, 21 mm. Remarks.—The present species was briefly described by the author in the year 1873, from a single young female specimen obtained during the Swedish Spitzbergen Expedition in 1868, from the very considerable depth of 2600 fathoms. During the Challenger Expedition several specimens, both females and adult males, were procured, and I thus have had an opportunity of making a closer examination of this form, to show the very striking differences between the two sexes, as regards both the general appearance and several of the anatomical details. Description of the Female.—The length of the adult specimens is about 16 mm., and the present form thus belongs to the larger species of the order. The form of the body (see Pl. VI. figs. 1, 2) is rather stout, with the anterior division considerably dilated, nearly ovoid in form, and sharply marked off from the slender tail. The carapace is very large and deep, about twice as long as the exposed part of the trunk, and nearly as broad as high. The dorsal surface is strongly vaulted in its posterior part, declining anteriorly to the base of the pseudorostral projection. The latter is conical in form and of moderate length, about as long as the frontal lobe. The inferior edges of the carapace are somewhat irregularly arched, without forming any distinct antero-lateral corners ; they are finely serrate in the anterior part, and join the posterior edge without being defined from it by any distinct angle. The surface of the carapace appears everywhere evenly arched, without any folds or keels, but is beset with numerous small equal-sized spinules, more densely crowded in the anterior part. The exposed part of the trunk consists of five well-defined segments, rapidly decreasing in height posteriorly. The first segment is very narrow, almost band-like, and the three succeeding segments only slightly increase in length, all these segments being firmly connected with each other. The last segment is very small and rather movably connected with the preceding, a space covered by thin skin being interposed dorsally between the two segments. On all the segments the lateral parts form small rounded epimeral plates, slightly projecting laterally. Those of the last segment are somewhat produced posteriorly, without, however, forming acuminate projections as in the adult male. The first three segments have the anterior margin very finely denticulate, and this is also the case with the last segment, which also bears two small dorsal denticles. The tail is scarcely longer than the anterior division of the body, but very slender and cylindrical, with the posterior margin of the segments strongly emarginate both dorsally and ventrally, and forming on each side a slight projecting angle. The three 46 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.8. CHALLENGER. anterior segments are nearly equal in size, whereas the two succeeding somewhat increase in length. The last segment is a little shorter than the preceding, slightly expanded at the end and somewhat depressed. All the segments are quite smooth, without any trace of spines or denticles. The integuments, as in the other species of the genus, are rather strong and calcareous, exhibiting under the microscope a finely reticulate structure. The colour of the body is uniformly whitish, without any pigmentary deposits. No trace of a distinctly developed eye can be detected, though a small rounded ocular lobe is present at the end of the median lobe (frontal lobe) (see fig. 2). The antennule (fig. 5, a') are rather slender, projecting considerably beyond the tip of the pseudorostral projection. ‘They are composed of a triarticulate peduncle, and two well-defined flagella. The first joint of the peduncle is very large, considerably longer than the other two taken together, and also much broader. It is somewhat flattened and finely ciliate along the inner edge; its end is obliquely truncate, and bears at the inner projecting corner a very strong and densely hairy seta pointing anteriorly, and at the outer a much smaller unciliated bristle, somewhat curved outwards. Of the two outer joints of the peduncle, the first is the shorter, and has at the end internally a ciliated seta of moderate size. The flagella are very unequal in size, the inner one being very small, scarcely half as long as the last jomt of the peduncle. Nevertheless, this flagellum is found to be composed of three well-defined articulations, the middle one of which is the longest ; at the tip of the last joint three unequal bristles are affixed. The outer flagellum is about three times as long as the inner, and composed of four articulations, the three first of which are nearly equal in size, whereas the last is very small, and might easily be overlooked. Besides two or three simple bristles, this flagellum bears at the tip two slender ribbon-like sensory appendages, each divided into a number of short regular segments. The antenne (fig. 5, a’) have the form of simple, slightly tapering stems, about half as long as the antennular peduncle, and somewhat curved outwards and forwards. Each stem is composed of four well-defined articulations, and bears five strong, anteriorly curved, plumose sete, two of which arise from the first articulation; of these setz the one affixed to the penultimate articulation is considerably shorter than the others. The anterior lip (fig. 5, L) constitutes a rounded lobe projecting immediately behind the antennal segment. The free edge of this lobe is slightly emarginate in the middle and finely ciliated. The posterior lip (fig. 7) is considerably larger, but quite membranous, and, as usual, consists of two lateral lobes united at the base. The lobes are irregularly oval and have the inner corner slightly incurved, but without any teeth, whereas a fine ciliation is found along the whole inner edge and part of the outer. The mandibles (fig. 6) are strongly developed and rather similar in structure to those REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 47 in the genera Cyclaspis and Paralamprops, as described above. The strong adductor muscles filling the concavity of the body are connected by a broad chitinous tendon, to which two other diverging muscles are affixed posteriorly. The rotatory muscles constitute several strong bundles arising from the inside of the carapace dorsally, and joining successively a very long and slender tendon, which is affixed to the inner edge of the body immediately behind the molar process (cf: Pl. VIII. fig. 1). The first pair of maxillze (fig. 8) exhibit the usual two masticatory lobes, springing from a rather thick and muscular basal part. The reflexed palp is distinctly developed, and about as Jong as the outer masticatory lobe. It bears at the tip two diverging sete of somewhat unequal length. The second pair of maxillee (fig. 9) agree on the whole rather well in structure with those in the genera Cyclaspis and Paralamprops, as described above. The maxillipeds (Pl. VII. fig. 2) have the basal part rather large, and provided with a ridge running along the lower surface and strongly denticulate in its anterior part. The masticatory lobe exhibits the usual structure and has a row of ciliated sete continued along the inner edge of the basal part. Of the joints composing the terminal part, the second (carpal) is, as usual, the largest and rather expanded ; it has at the outer corner a very strong and elongate plumose seta pointing anteriorly, and along the inner edge a row of short, slightly curved spines, which are densely ciliated in the middle (fig. 4), besides numerous, partly plumose bristles. The penultimate joint is much smaller, and provided at the end with two strong anteriorly curving sete. The terminal joint, finally (fig. 3), is conical, with two unequal spines at the tip, and one or two simple hair-like bristles. The branchial apparatus affixed to these limbs (fig. 1) is very fully developed, and the epipodite-plate, especially, is very large and of a distinctly navicular form. The gill- lobules are digitiform, and arranged in a slightly spiral series along a thin flexuous lamella issuing from the inner edge of the epipodite-plate, and partly doubled over it. They rapidly increase in length from behind forwards, the posterior lobules being very small and knob-like; from the bottom of the concave surface of the epipodite-plate, moreover, a single somewhat larger gill-lobule, pointing anteriorly, arises. The exopodite is scarcely half as long as the epipodite, and constitutes a narrow anteriorly directed plate, broadest at the base and gradually tapering to a narrow, somewhat curved neck, which again expands into a triangular lamella bordered by a thin narrow membrane, The inner straight edge of this lamella lies in close contact with that of the lamella of the other side, both together forming an imperfect tube, which can be exserted beyond the tip of the pseudorostral projection (cf: Pl. VIII. fig. 1), and serves for the expulsion of the water introduced into the branchial cavities. The first pair of gnathopoda (fig. 5) are rather slender and exhibit at the base, affixed to the short coxal joint, a quadrangular lamella, to the posterior edge of which a dense 48 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. row of very slender unciliated sete: are affixed. These setee, only found in the adult female, successively increase in length from within outwards, and, together with those on the other side, form a broad fan projecting within the marsupial pouch. The basal joint is much longer than the other joints taken together, and exhibits on the lower side a denticulate ridge similar to that on the maxillipeds. At the end this joint bears some strong ciliated setze, and along the outer edge a regular series of bristles. The terminal part apparently consists of but four joints, the ischial joint not being distinctly defined. Of these joints the antepenultimate (carpal) is by far the longest and bears at the outer corner, like the preceding joint, a ciliated seta of moderate length, and along the inner edge a dense row of smaller sete. The penultimate joint is also densely beset with bristles along the inner edge, and has also an unusually strong and elongated seta affixed to the outer edge close to its base. The terminal joint, finally, is quite small, conical in form, and provided with an apical claw-like spine besides some small bristles. The second pair of gnathopoda (fig. 6) are much larger, and possess the full number of joints. The basal joint is more than twice as long as the terminal part, and strongly curved, Along the outer half of the inner edge there is a dense series of ciliated bristles, and from the outer slightly projecting corner four very strong anteriorly directed plumose set arise. On the lower side this joint has a few scattered denticles, and at the inner corner a somewhat stronger dentiform spine. Of the joints composing the terminal part, the penultimate (propodal) is the longest and rather slender, whereas the terminal is quite short and armed at the tip with several curved spines. The exopodite affixed to the basal joint of these limbs scarcely exceeds half the length of this joint, and has the terminal part divided into six setiferous articulations. The first pair of legs (fig. 7) are, when fully extended, about as long as the carapace. The basal joint is very large, slightly tapering towards the end, and strongly curved at the middle, with a dense series of ciliated bristles along the outer part of both the outer and inner edges. Moreover, this joint is armed with several strong denticles, somewhat irregularly arranged on the lower side, some of them, however, forming a regular series along an elevated ridge close to the outer edge. Of the joints composing the terminal part, the two first are rather short, whereas the three outer are very slender and almost equal in length, forming with each other strong geniculate bends. The exopodite is somewhat larger than that of the last pair of gnathopoda, and, moreover, differs by the basal part being denticulate and setiferous along the outer edge, and by the terminal part having two additional joints. The second pair of legs (fig. 8) do not nearly attain the length of the first pair, and taper rapidly towards the end. The basal joint is scarcely more than half as long as that of the preceding pair, and only slightly curved. It exhibits along the lower side REPORT ON THE CUMACRHA. 49 an elevated ridge, which in the anterior part is armed with four strong denticles and some ciliated bristles issuing between the denticles. Along the inner edge, moreover, a series of rather strong, ciliated setze are present, increasing in length anteriorly. The ischial joint is distinctly defined though very short, and armed on the inner edge with a strong denticle. From the inner edge of the succeeding jomt two similar denticles arise. The antepenultimate joint is very slender and elongate, considerably longer than the two outer joints taken together, and only provided with a few simple bristles. The terminal joint is a little longer than the penultimate and conical in form, with some hair-like bristles, the one issuing from the tip being the longest. The exopodite is exactly of the same structure as that of the first pair of legs. The three posterior pairs of legs (figs. 9-11) are all simple, without any trace of exopodites, and of essentially the same structure. Of the joints the basal is by far the largest, in the two anterior pairs even longer than all the others taken together. The ischial joint is very short, scarcely longer than broad, whereas the two succeeding joints are more elongate and about equal in size. The two last joints are suddenly very much smaller, and taken together scarcely as long as the preceding joint. These legs are rather richly supplied with ciliated bristles, especially along the inner edge. But there is a number of bristles issuing from the outer part of the legs, which differ essentially from the rest in being considerably stronger, unciliated, and terminating in a finely annulated, somewhat curved point. Five such peculiarly modified bristles are present on each leg, four of which arise from the outer corner of the antepenultimate joint, and the fifth from the penultimate one. At the tip of the terminal joint is affixed a claw- like spine and a simple bristle. As to the relative size of these legs, the two anterior pairs are nearly of the same length, whereas the last pair (fig. 11) are considerably smaller, chiefly on account of the shortening of the basal joint. The marsupial pouch, as in other Cumacea, is composed of four pairs of large plates arising from the bases of the second pair of gnathopoda and the three anterior pairs of lees. They were fully developed in only one of the specimens, which was somewhat crushed, and therefore selected for dissection. The marsupial pouch in this specimen contained a number of embryos, of which I have figured one in four different aspects (figs. 14-17), to be described below. The telson (see fig. 12) is distinctly defined and about twice as long as the last caudal segment. It has a rather narrow, lageniform shape, the basal part, containing the terminal portion of the intestine, being somewhat dilated and cylindrical, whereas the outer part is very narrow, gradually tapering, and nearly twice as long as the basal part. At the junction between the two, on the lower side, the anal orifice occurs. The basal part is quite smooth, whereas the terminal is armed at the edges with about nine pairs of denticles, somewhat irregularly arranged, and at the tip with two denticles of a quite similar appearance. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP,—PaRT Lv.—1887.) Ti 7 50 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. The uropoda (7bid.) are very slender, about equalling in length the three last caudal segments taken together, and are articulated to the last caudal segment somewhat in front of the telson. The scape is narrow, cylindrical, slightly dilated at the end, and reaches to about the tip of the telson; it exhibits a regular row of about sixteen spinules along the inner edge. The branches are subequal in length and scarcely more than half as long as the scape. The inner branch is composed of three distinctly defined joints, the first of which is a little longer than the other two taken together. All the joints are spinous at the inner edge, the number of spines in the specimen examined amounting to fifteen (eight on the first, four on the second, and three on the last jot); to the tip of the branch, moreover, a somewhat longer spine and a simple bristle are affixed. The outer branch is only biarticulate, with the first joint quite short, the last very narrow and gradually tapering, with a few small hair-like bristles along the outer edge, and a somewhat longer seta issuing from the tip. Description of the Adult Male. males do not differ materially in their general appearance from the females, the adult Whilst the young or not yet sexually mature males of this and most other species appear so very dissimilar to the females, as easily to be mistaken for distinct species, a fact that has caused much trouble in the synonymy several spurious specimens having been introduced on account of this peculiar dissimi- larity between the sexes.! The adult male of the present species attains a much larger size than the female, measuring 21 mm. in length. The form of the body (see Pl. VI. figs. 3, 4) appears much more slender, the anterior division being far less vaulted and more oblong in shape, and the tail also considerably more elongate. The carapace is about twice as long as deep, whereas its height does not nearly equal its breadth; it is consequently much more depressed than in the female, and its dorsal line appears also more evenly curved and less abruptly declining to the base of the pseudorostral projection. The latter is somewhat shorter than in the female, and exhibits above, at the base, a concave space, into the bottom of which the ocular lobe is received. On each side the anterior edges of the carapace form a somewhat projecting, broadly rounded lobe, arching over the base of the antenns. These lobes are serrate at the edge, and, moreover, beset with numerous short plumose bristles (see fig. 4). The inferior edges of the carapace exhibit in the middle a strong, almest angular curvature, and join the posterior margin at an obtuse angle. When viewed from above (fig. 4) the side-edges appear strongly arched, on account of the great development of the ! The following is a list of such spurious species :— 1. Cuma angulata, Kroyer=Adult male of Diastylis rathkii (Kroyer). 2. Cuma brevirostris, Kroyer = Adult male of Diastylis edwardsti (Kroyer). 3. Diastylis spinosa, Norman= Adult male of Diastylis echinata, Spence Bate. 4. Diastylis strigata, Norman=Adult male of Diastylis rugosa, G. O. Sars. 5. Diastylis calwert, Norman = Adult male of Diastylis biplicata, G. O. Sars. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 51 branchial regions, and the posterior part of the carapace considerably narrower than in the female. As to the armature of the carapace, it differs materially from that in the female by the almost complete want of the spinules, of which only a slight trace can be observed in the most anterior part. Moreover, on the sides of the carapace, below the middle, a distinctly marked keel runs from the postero-lateral corners forwards, limiting the greatly swollen branchial regions below. This keel, found in all adult males of the present genus, is in some species strongly denticulate throughout, and thus gives the carapace a still more anomalous appearance. The exposed part of the trunk is considerably narrower than in the female, and less vaulted, whereas the epimeral plates are more distinctly defined and setose at the edges; those of the last segment especially exhibit a rather peculiar form, each being produced posteriorly to an acute point, and bearing at the outer edge four very strong and densely plumose setze. Of the caudal segments, the two anterior are somewhat thicker than the others, and have, moreover, a serrate crest running along the ventral surface, the crest being also continued along the last segment of the trunk. These segments are otherwise quite smooth, without any dorsal denticles, The antennule (Pl. VIII. fig. 1, a’; fig. 2) are comparatively stouter than in the female, with the outer part of the peduncle less slender, and provided at the base of the outer flagellum with a dense fascicle of delicate sensory filaments. The flagella are nearly equal in length, and each of them has one joint more than in the female, a short articulation being marked off at their base. The antenne (fig. 1, a”; fig. 3) are greatly developed, and fully as long as the whole body. The peduncle is strongly geniculate, with the proximal part consisting of four short and somewhat irregular joints, connected together by rather oblique articulations; it bears at the base three strong ciliated bristles curving anteriorly, two of which issue from the second joint, and the third from the first. The distal reflexed part of the peduncle constitutes a single, very large and slightly compressed segment, gradually tapering to the apex, and provided along the outer edge with numerous fascicles of short sensory bristles. Within this segment several strong muscles are seen converging to the tip; by the aid of these muscles the flagellum is moved. The latter is extremely slender and composed of very elongate articulations, each provided at the outer edge with numerous fascicles of small sensory bristles of the same kind as those on the distal part of the peduncle (see fig. 4). The oral parts do not seem to differ materially from those in the female. The branchial apparatus, on the other hand, is much more fully developed (see fig. 1); the great number and peculiar arrangement of the gill-lobules being especially remarkable. The gill-lobules also differ considerably in form from those in the female, being distinctly lamellar, instead of digitiform (fig. 7). ‘They are 52 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. densely crowded together, and arranged most regularly side by side in a row, forming a double spiral along the membranous lamella, doubled over the concavity of the epipodite- plate, so as anteriorly almost completely to fill up the concavity. As in the female, they increase in size from behind forwards, but much more gradually (see fig. 6). Of the legs, all but the last pair are provided with strongly developed natatory exopo- dites, the basal part of which (see figs. 8-11) is remarkably broad and lamellar. In regard also to the structure of the endopodal part of the legs some differences from that in the female may be found. Thus, in the two anterior pairs (figs. 8, 9) the basal jomt is compara- tively larger and more dilated in the proximal part, to receive the strong muscles moving the exopodite. In the second pair (fig. 9) this joint is twisted in a peculiar manner, the ridge running along the lower side being more elevated and strongly flexuous. More- over, the penultimate joint of this pair of legs is markedly distinguished by its inner edge being strongly denticulate or exhibiting a serrate crest, a condition quite absent in the female. In the third and fourth pairs of legs (figs. 10, 11) the basal joint exhibits a form quite dissimilar to that in the female, not being simple and cylindrical, but considerably dilated in the proximal part, and at the base of the exopodite provided with a number of very strong hairy sete. The last pair of legs (fig. 12) nearly agree in the form and relation of the joints with those in the female, but are distinguished by two unusually strong and densely hairy sete, arising from the outer edge of the basal joint. There are two pairs of well-developed pleopoda affixed to the two anterior caudal segments (see Pl. VI. fig. 3). They consist (Pl. VIL. figs. 13, 14) each of a narrow basal part divided into two unequal segments, and of two very short branches provided with long natatory sete. Of these branches (fig. 13, @) the outer one is distinctly biarticulate, and bears at the tip four setee, whereas the inner is uniarticulate and provided with six sete, two of which are affixed to the inner edge; moreover, this branch exhibits at the outer edge, close to the apex, a small projection bearing two minute auditory bristles. Both pairs of pleopoda are essentially of the same structure, with this difference, however, that the basal part of the first pair (fig. 13) is more richly supplied with bristles. At each side of the pleopoda there are on the two anterior segments a number of strong ciliated setze (see figs. 13, 14), and on the ventral surface of the two succeeding segments four strong sete: likewise occur (see Pl. VI. fig. 3), as it were, in place of pleopoda. The telson (see Pl. VIII. fig. 15) is considerably more elongate than in the female, and, moreover, readily distinguished by the strong geniculate flexure occurring anterior to the middle (see also Pl. VI. fig. 3), whereby the basal part appears sharply marked off from the terminal part. The latter is armed on each side with about fifteen ciliated denticles, whereas in the female, as above stated, the number of denticles is only nine on each side. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 53 The uropoda (see Pl. VII. fig. 15) are very slender and about as long as the five posterior caudal segments taken together. The scape is remarkably elongate, and pro- vided at the inner edge with a great number of ciliated deuticles, somewhat unequal in size. The branches exhibit a structure similar to that in the female, but the number of denticles occurring along the inner edge of the inner branch is far greater, bemg no less than twenty-seven, besides the terminal spine. Nervous System.—In dissecting two specimens of this species, a male and a female, I succeeded in isolating the greater part of the ventral ganglionic cord, and have figured the most anterior part of this cord of the female specimen (PI. VII. fig. 13), and the succeeding part from the male specimen (PI. VIII. fig. 5). The central part of the nervous system in all Cumacea consists, besides the supracesophageal ganglion or brain (visible in Pl. VII. fig. 1), of sixteen ganglia, ten of which belong to the anterior division, and the six others to the tail. Of the former the three anterior (Pl. VII. fig. 13), innervating the oral parts, are closely crowded together and almost confluent, whereas the remaining seven ganglia (see Pl. VIII. fig. 5), belonging to the trunk, are widely separated and connected by rather long double commissures. The three posterior of these ganglia are, however, somewhat closer together than the four pre- ceding, and the last ganglion is also a little smaller. Between each pair of the com- missures connecting the six anterior ganglia of the trunk there is also a narrow median cord, which at first sight has the appearance of another central commissure con- necting the ganglia. On closer examination, however, this part is found to consist of a continuous vessel running along the dorsal surface of that part of the nervous cord, to which it is partly connected, and apparently representing the ventral artery. The caudal ganglia (ibid.) are far less developed and only slightly dilated, whereas the commissures are very long and slender. All the ganglia consist of two well-marked symmetrical halves and give origin on each side to two or three strong nerve-trunks, which soon ramify and enter the corresponding limbs. Another rather large nerve- trunk is seen to issue from the commissures themselves, and seems to innervate the musculature of the corresponding segment. The mandibles together with their com- plex muscles are innervated by two strong nerves issuing from the oral commissures at their junction with the ventral cord (see Pl. VIL. fig. 13), each nerve dividing succes- sively into a great number of diverging branches (partly visible in Pl. VII. fig. 1). Development.—As above stated, the female specimen dissected had the marsupial pouch filled with embryos. These were all in the same rather early stage of develop- ment (Pl. VII. figs. 14-17), merely forming rounded saccular bodies, lined by a thin pellucid cuticle (the egg-membrane). On a closer examination several of the limbs were found in their first stage of development, as rounded buds along the strongly curved ventral surface. On the opposite side a slight sinus occurs, indi- cating the dorsal curvature characteristic of the Cumacean embryos (fig. 14). The a4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER, tail (T) is as yet only represented by a slight rounded prominence limiting the above mentioned sinus posteriorly, and not yet exhibiting any trace of appendages. The anterior extremity of the embryo is considerably broader and more evenly rounded than the posterior, and exhibits most anteriorly two rounded areas (0), which, from analogy with the embryos of the Podophthalmia, may be regarded as the ocular plates, as yet wholly separated, but afterwards becoming confluent and at last quite obliterated. Behind these plates the anterior lip (L) can be distinctly traced, and further back the bipartite posterior lip or metastoma (/), On each side of the anterior lip two transverse prominences occur, representing the antennule (a') and antenne (a), the first of which are the larger, and on each side of the posterior lip the mandibles (M) may be traced as two rounded knobs. Further back two pairs of prominences, somewhat different both from the preceding and succeeding ones, are seen, the anterior (m1) being unequally bipartite, the posterior (m7) slightly tripartite at the free edge. These prominences represent the two pairs of maxilla. Then follows a regular double series of posteriorly pointing prominences, all of a quite similar appearance and unequally bilobed at the end. The number of these prominences is seven pairs,’ of which the first (mp) represent the maxillipeds, the two succeeding the two pairs of gnathopoda (gn', gn”), and the four posterior (p!—p*) the four anterior pairs of legs, the last pair not being formed until very late, even a considerable time after the young have left the marsupial pouch. The two rounded lobes which all of these pairs of limbs exhibit, may undoubtedly be regarded as the first indication of the two principal parts, the endopodite and exopodite, and it is rather striking that even the first pair of gnatho- poda, which never exhibit any trace of exopodites in the adult animal, do not differ in this respect from the following limbs, and that, moreover, in all the embryos the two posterior pairs (third and fourth pairs of legs) have also a similar bilobed form, although these hmbs in the female are quite simple. Immediately above the oral region on each side a curved ridge or slight fold (C) may be traced, representing the first indication of the carapace, and within the area limited below by this fold a rounded cellular body (X) occurs, Which ultimately becomes the liver, or cxeca of the stomach. As may be seen from the above description of the embryo, the development of the Cumacea differs materially from that of the Mysidz and other Podopthalmia in two g, while still enclosed within the ter egg-membrane, a well-marked dorsal curvature, and secondly, by the last pair of legs very important points; firstly, by the embryo exhibitin not being formed until a considerable time after the young have escaped from the marsupial pouch. In both these respects the Cumacea agree, on the other hand, very closely with the Isopoda. Habitat.—Kight more or less perfect specimens of this species were taken by the dredge in the North Atlantic, off Nova Scotia, from a very considerable depth. 1 Jn fig. 14, by a mistake, eight such pairs have been indicated instead of seven. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 55 Station 47, May 7, 1873; lat. 41° 14’ N. long., 65° 45’ W.; depth, 1340 fathoms ; bottom, blue mud. The species has also been taken during the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition in different places in the cold area. 10. Diastylis horrida, n. sp. (Pl. IX. figs. 1-8) Specific Characters.— 3. Carapace not twice as long as the exposed part of trunk, slightly depressed ; surface somewhat irregularly grooved and armed all over with numerous spines, some of which are much larger than the others; pseudorostral projection acute, a little longer than frontal lobe; inferior edges of carapace denticulate in their whole length. No distinct eye. Free segments of trunk with transverse rows of small spines; epimera strongly denticulate at the edges. Tail more or less densely spinulous. Antennule with basal jomt of peduncle armed at the tip with two strong spines, the smooth seta affixed to its outer corner remarkably long. First pair of legs exceeding in length the carapace, terminal joint very slender and much longer than the preceding ; second pair with basal joint strongly spinous, antepenultimate joint equalling in length the two last taken together ; remaining legs rather slender, with basal joint more or less densely spinous. Telson of moderate length, terminal part scarcely longer than basal and densely denticulate at the edges ; apical spines much larger than laterals. Uropoda not very slender, branches unequal, inner shorter than outer, and composed of but two joints. Length, 11 mm. Remarks.—The present species is easily known by the body being armed all over with unequal spines, more densely crowded together on the carapace; by the great length of the terminal joint of the first pair of legs, and finally by the structure of the caudal appendages. In general appearance it would seem to be most nearly related to the northern form, Diastylis lucifera (Kroyer). Description.—Most of the specimens of this form contained in the collection are still immature, but there are one or two female specimens which seem to be nearly full-grown, since the marsupial pouch has been formed. The larger of these specimens measures about 11 mm. in length. The form of the body (see Pl. IX. figs. 1, 2) is rather stout, nearly as in the northern form, Diastylis lucifera, to which species it would seem to bear a rather close affmity. The anterior division of the body is oblongo-ovate, and of about the same length as the posterior, with the dorsal surface rather evenly vaulted. The carapace is comparatively smaller than in the preceding species, not nearly attaining twice the length of the exposed part of the trunk. It is somewhat depressed, the height not nearly equalling the breadth, and, as seen from the side (fig. [1), 56 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. of irregularly triangular form, with the dorsal line gradually declining anteriorly, and the posterior edge somewhat elevated in the middle. The pseudorostral projection is rather produced and sharply pointed, a little longer than the frontal lobe, and quite horizontal. The inferior edges of the carapace are strongly arcuate in the middle, and densely denticulate throughout ; posteriorly they join the posterior edge without forming any angle, and anteriorly they ascend more perpendicularly to the base of the pseudo- rostral projection. As seen from above (fig. 2) the posterior half of the carapace is of about uniform breadth, whereas the anterior rapidly tapers to a conical point. The surface of the carapace is somewhat irregularly grooved, a slight furrow running obliquely along each side from the frontal lobe backwards. It is densely armed all over with sharp anteriorly directed spines, some of which are much larger than the others, and rather regularly arranged on each side of the middle line, especially on the dorsal surface. In young specimens the difference in size between the spines is still more pronounced than in the adult. The eye would seem to be imperfectly developed, as neither pigment nor distinct refracting bodies could be detected within the rounded ocular lobe. The five exposed segments of the trunk are rather sharply defined and armed with scattered spines, forming more or less distinct transverse rows; on each segment two of the spines arranged in pairs dorsally are somewhat larger than the rest. The epimeral plates on all the segments are strongly denticulate at the edges; those of the last seement are obtusely rounded. The tail exhibits the usual slender form and the peculiar nodose shape of the seg- ments characteristic of the present genus, Like the rest of the body, it is more or less densely spinous, especially on the dorsal surface, the number of spines varying in different specimens. The antennule (see fig. 3) are rather slender, with the two outer joints of the peduncle unusually elongate, and, taken together, considerably longer than the basal jomt. The latter is armed on the lower surface at the extremity with two strong spines, and exhibits, moreover, as in the preceding species, two sete, the inner pointing anteriorly, and densely hairy, the outer recurved and quite smooth, and longer than usual, Of the two outer joints of the peduncle, the first is by far the longer. The flagella are comparatively small, the outer scarcely attaining the length of the last joint of the peduncle, and the inner very minute, being about one-third as long. The antennz (cbid.) are also somewhat smaller than in the preceding species, each forming a regularly tapering stem divided into four articulations, each with a single ciliated seta at the end. The first pair of legs (fig. 4) are comparatively slender, and when fully extended, considerably exceeding the carapace in length. The small coxal joint is bordered with a row of strong denticles, and the curved and elongate basal joint also exhibits a number REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 57 of small denticles arranged along its outer part in three rows. The whole inner edge of this joint, as also the greater part of the outer, is moreover provided with numerous slender ciliated sete. The terminal part of the leg is considerably longer than the basal, and has the two first joints comparatively short, and the three outer joits very slender. Of the latter the two first are about equal in length, whereas the last jomt is considerably more elongate, and provided along the inner edge with numerous short bristles, and at the tip with a number of curved claw-like spines. The exopodite exhibits the usual structure and has the basal part armed on the outer edge with a row of about eight spines, besides a few slender sete. The second pair of legs (fig. 5) are scarcely more than half as long as the first, and have the basal jomt rather large, and armed on the lower side with numerous spines, five of which form a regular row along the outer edge. The ischial and meral joints have each two strong spines at the end. The carpal joint exhibits the usual slender form and is devoid of spines, whereas a row of simple bristles occur along its inner edge. The terminal joint is conical, and considerably longer than the propodal joint; both taken together are about as long as the carpal joint. The three posterior pairs of legs (figs. 6, 7) are rather slender, and more or less spinous in their proximal part. Of the joints composing the terminal part, the meral and carpal are the longest and about equal in length. The telson (see fig. 8) is not very elongate, scarcely more than twice as long as the last caudal segment. The basal part is regularly cylindrical, and in some specimens armed along the dorsal surface with a median row of spines. The terminal part does not exceed the basal in length, and tapers gradually to the tip, which is armed with two very elongate spines; the edges are also densely spinous, but the spines are much smaller than those springing from the tip. The uropoda (bid.) are about half as long as the tail, with the scape rather slender, and armed along the inner edge with about ten small denticles. The branches are comparatively short, and somewhat unequal in length, the inner being considerably shorter than the outer, and consisting of but two joints of nearly equal length. Both joints are spinulose along the inner edge, the number of spines in the specimen dissected being seven, besides the strong spine issuing from the tip of the branch. The outer branch is more slender than the inner, and exhibits at the tip three equal-sized spiniform sete, besides a row of very small bristles along the outer edge. Habitat.—Of the present form several specimens were collected on January 29, 1874, off Cumberland Bay, Kerguelen Islands, from a depth of 127 fathoms, Station 1298. (zoOL. CHALL. EXP,—PART Ly.—1887.) Ti 8 58 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 11. Diastylis erinaceus, n. sp. (Pl. EX. figs. 9-14). Specific Characters.— §. Carapace very large and tumid, surface evenly vaulted, and armed with numerous equal-sized spines; pseudorostral projection of moderate length; inferior edges of carapace denticulate in the anterior part only. No distinct eye. Exposed part of trunk smooth, not attaining half the length of the carapace. Tail very slender, slightly spinulose, the three anterior segments each provided dorsally with a pair of somewhat stronger spines and four ciliated sete. Antennule with the basal joint armed with a longitudinal row of spies, outer edge minutely serrate; second joint nearly as long as basal; third much smaller. Antenne somewhat irregularly twisted, with six strong ciliated sete arising from the middle part, and two unciliated, curved sete at the extremity. First pair of legs very elongate, with basal joint strongly spinous, carpal and propodal joints exceedingly elongate and nearly’ subequal, terminal joint much smaller. Second pair of legs with carpal jomt twice as long as the two last joints taken together. Meral joint of the three posterior pairs of legs much longer than carpal. ‘Telson rather elongate, basal part regularly cylindrical and much longer than terminal; the latter gradually tapering, with two small apical denticles ; lateral edge of telson unarmed. Uropoda comparatively small, with the scape shorter than telson. Length, 13 mm. Remarks.—The present species would seem to be very nearly allied to Diastylis josephine, described by the author, from the Swedish Atlantic Expedition. It differs, however, by the carapace being relatively more tumid, and by its spines being equal-sized, whereas in Diastylis josephine some of the spines are much longer than the rest. Moreover, the exposed part of the trunk is not spinous as is the case in that species, and the telson, though exhibiting a very similar form, wants the numerous denticles found along the edges of the basal part in Diastylis josephine. Description.—Of this form I have only had an opportunity of examining a single female specimen, and the broken anterior part of another. The length of the perfect specimen is about 13 mm, The form of the body (see Pl. IX. figs. 9, 10) is that characteristic of the genus, the anterior division being considerably dilated and sharply marked off from the slender tail. The carapace is very large and tumid, considerably broader than high, and more than twice as long as the exposed part of the trunk, with the dorsal surface considerably arched and gradually declining both anteriorly and posteriorly. The pseudorostral projection is of moderate length, horizontally projecting, with the upper surface somewhat depressed at the base, and the tip sharply pointed. The inferior edges of the carapace are strongly curved at the middle, and finely denticulate im their anterior part. As seen from above (fig. 10), the greatest breadth of the carapace occurs anterior REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 59 to the middle, the posterior part bemg slightly narrowed. The surface of the carapace is rather evenly vaulted, without any keels or folds, but armed all over with numerous spines, pointing for the most part anteriorly. These spines are all of nearly equal size and, as in the preceding species, also continued along the lateral parts of the pseudorostral projection. The eye seems to be quite wanting, and the ocular lobe is rather small and depressed. The exposed part of the trunk is considerably narrower than the carapace, and quite smooth ; the epimeral plates are evenly rounded and likewise unarmed. The tail is very narrow, and armed with scattered spines both laterally and dorsally. The first segment has a strongly serrate keel running along the ventral surface, and moreover exhibits dorsally, as do also the two succeeding segments, two somewhat stronger spines arranged in pairs, and four ciliated sete issuing from the posterior edge. The antennul (fig. 11) are rather slender, with the basal joint of moderate length, and armed with a longitudinal row of strong spines running along the lower side towards the inner corner, to which a strong ciliated seta is affixed; the inner edge of this joint is minutely denticulate in the anterior part, but wants the usual unciliated bristle at the end. The second joint of the peduncle is very slender and almost as long as the basal, whereas the third joint is much smaller. The flagella exhibit the usual structure. The antenne (figs. 12, 13) present at first sight a structure rather different from that in other species, the joints being twisted in a peculiar manner so as only with ditticulty to be counted. Moreover, the structure and arrangement of the sete are rather anomalous. Thus, the two outer sets have assumed the character of strongly chitinous filaments curved in a peculiar manner, and quite devoid of cilia, whereas the six other sete are densely ciliated and crowded together in the middle part of the antenna, all but one apparently issuing from a single joint (the second). The first pair of legs (see fig. 9) are of very considerable length, exceeding, when fully extended, half the length of the body. The basal joint is strongly spinous and densely supplied with ciliated sete. The carpal and propodal joints are exceedingly slender and elongate, and about equal in size, whereas the terminal is much shorter. The second pair of legs have the carpal joint very slender and nearly twice as long as the two last joints taken together. The two succeeding pairs of legs are rather powerfully developed, about equal in length, and with the meral joint unusually large, and more than twice as long as the carpal joint. The last pair of legs are much smaller and of the usual structure. The telson (fig. 14) is rather large, about as long as the two last caudal segments taken together, and exhibits in the greater part of its length a regularly cylindrical form, the posterior third part only projecting beyond the anal orifice, and constituting the terminal division. The latter is somewhat flattened and regularly tapering towards 60 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S8. CHALLENGER. the apex, which is narrowly truncate and armed with two small denticles, Excepting these apical denticles, the telson is quite unarmed, and only provided with a few very minute hair-like bristles at the edges. The uropoda were partly broken in the specimen examined. They seem to have been comparatively small, the scape not nearly attaining the length of the telson. Habitat.—The above described specimen, as also the broken example mentioned above, was taken in the North Atlantic from a very considerable depth. Station 79, July 11, 18738; lat. 36° 21’ N., long. 23° 31’ W.; depth, 2025 fathoms ; bottom, Globigerina ooze ; bottom temperature, 35°°9. 12. Diastylis mystacina, n. sp. (Pl. X. figs. 1-3). Specific Characters.— ?. Anterior division of body greatly swollen. Carapace exceedingly large and deep, with the dorsal surface boldly vaulted in the middle ; pseudorostral projection of moderate length, bordered on each side by an elevated and strongly dentate crest, continued along the anterior part of the carapace as a slightly flexuous serrate keel; inferior edges of carapace densely serrate in the anterior half; surface finely scabrous from very small microscopic spikes. No distinct eye. Anterior edge of the two first exposed segments of trunk minutely denticulate ; penultimate seoment with two longitudinal serrate keels dorsally. Epimeral plates of the anterior segments finely serrate at the edges. Last segment of trunk and the three anterior caudal segments each with a pair of small dorsal denticles. First pair of legs of moderate length, terminal joint nearly as long as the preceding. The three posterior pairs of legs very slender, with meral and carpal jomts about equal in size. Telson with terminal part as long as basal, slightly tapering and armed with but one pair of lateral denticles. _ Uropoda comparatively small, inner branch shorter than outer, and composed of two articulations only. Length, 10 mm. Remarks.—This very distinct species seems to be most nearly related to Diastylis insignis, described by the author from the Swedish Atlantic Expedition, though easily dis- tinguished by the peculiar dentate crest on each side of the anterior part of the carapace, as also by the want of the strong lateral projections occurring on the carapace of that species. Description.—The sole specimen contained in the collection is an adult female with fully developed marsupial pouch. It measures about 10 mm. in length. The general form of the body (see Pl. X. figs. 1, 2) is rather similar to that of Diastylis insignis, the anterior division being greatly swollen and very sharply marked off from the slender tail. The carapace is exceedingly large and deep, about twice as long as the exposed part of the trunk, with the dorsal surface boldly arched in the middle, and declining rather abruptly posteriorly, and more gradually anteriorly. The pseudorostral projection is of REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 61 moderate length and deeply excavated above, being bordered on each side by an elevated crest, which is continued along the sides of the anterior part of the carapace. These crests are somewhat flexuous and strongly dentate in their anterior part, some of the denticles being considerably larger than the rest, and the two anterior occupying the tip of the pseudorostral projection. The inferior edges of the carapace are strongly arcuate in the middle, and finely serrate along their anterior half. As seen from above (fig. 2), the carapace appears very tumid, the greatest breadth occurring a little posterior to the middle, and distinctly exceeding the height. The surface is evenly vaulted, and everywhere minutely scabrous from numerous very small microscopic spikes. The eye seems to be quite wanting, though the rounded ocular lobe is distinctly seen at the end of the bell-shaped frontal lobe (see fig. 2). The exposed segments of the trunk are rather sharply marked off from each other, their dorsal part being more or less elevated. The anterior edge of the two first segments is very finely denticulate. The antepenultimate segment has a slight transverse keel above, armed with a few small denticles, and on the dorsal surface of the penultimate segment two short longitudinal serrate keels occur, The last segment is very small and provided with a pair of dorsal denticles. The epimeral plates of the four anterior segments are evenly rounded and finely denticulate; those of the last seoment are obtusely produced posteriorly. The tail is very slender, and about as long as the anterior division of the body. It is quite smooth, with the exception of a pair of small dorsal denticles occurring on each of the three anterior segments. The first pair of legs (see fig. 1) are of moderate length, with the basal joint strongly spinous, the three outer jomts rather slender and slightly decreasing in length. The second pair of legs have also the basal joint densely armed with spines and seem on the whole to agree in form with those of the preceding species. The three posterior pairs of legs are very slender, with the meral and carpal joints subequal. The telson (see fig. 3) about equals in length the two last caudal segments taken together. Its basal part is regularly cylindrical; the terminal part, projecting beyond the anal orifice, is nearly of the same length, and gradually tapers to the apex, which bears the two usual spines. Of lateral spines there are in the specimen examined only a single pair at a short distance from the apex, besides a very minute denticle occurring on the left side immediately in front of the lateral spine. The uropoda (¢bid.) are not very large, scarcely exceeding the length of the three posterior caudal segments taken together. The scape does not nearly attain the length of the telson, and wants every trace of denticles on the inner edge. The branches are rather unequal in size, the inner one being considerably shorter than the outer, and about half as long as the scape. This branch is composed of but two joints of about 62 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. equal length, the last conical in form and terminating in a strong spine; of lateral denticles there are only three (one on the first and two on the last joint). The outer branch exhibits the usual form, its terminal joint being rather slender and provided with a few small hair-like bristles on both edges, and a somewhat stronger apical seta. Habitat.—The above described specimen was taken together with the precedin form at Station 79, July 11, 1873; lat. 36° 21’ N., long. 23° 31’ W.; depth, 202 fathoms ; bottom, Globigerina ooze ; bottom temperature, 35°79. o oO o Family VI. Cume.im2. The Cumacea comprised within this family are generally very small, and at once distinguished by the very slender form of the three posterior pairs of legs, which more- over terminate in a strong curved claw. They also differ considerably from the Cumacea belonging to the preceding families, by the male wanting every trace of pleopoda, The family comprises two distinct genera, easily recognisable by the very different structure of the visual organ, viz., Cumella, G. O. Sars, and Nannastacus, Spence Bate. Moreover, I am inclined to regard the genus Spencebatea, established by Norman, on a single male specimen procured by the “ Porcupine ” expedition, as belonging to this family. Of these three genera only the genus Nannastacus is represented in the Challenger collection, Genus Nannastacus, Spence Bate, 1865. Nannastacus, Spence Bate, Carcinological Gleanings, No. 1, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865. Diops, Paulisona, Tzsljedovanija rakoobraznjikh krasnago morja, p. 128, 1875. Generic Characters. corners more or less produced. Eyes distinctly separated, with well-marked visual elements. Antennulze with one of the flagella rudimentary. Antenne in female very minute, uniarticulate, and provided with three strong hairy sete, in male shorter than body. First pair of legs with terminal part slender and strongly geniculate; second pair much shorter. The three posterior pairs of legs very slender and nearly equal in length; terminal claw very strong. Uropoda with the branches very unequal, inner much larger than outer, and composed of a single joint, strongly spinous at the inner Carapace large, not cristated above, with the antero-lateral edge. Remarks.—This genus, established by Spence Bate for the reception of a peculiar little Cumacean—described by the same author at an earlier date as Cuma unguieulata— is chiefly distinguished by the eyes being widely separated, and never, as in the other Cumacea, confluent. In other respects it comes very near to the genus Cumella. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 63 Besides the typical species, Nannastacus unguiculatus, Spence Bate, another very distinct species, Nannastacus longirostris, has been described by the author from the Mediterranean, and a third species from the Challenger Expedition is now added. 13. Nannastacus suhmi, n. sp. (Pl. X. figs. 4-5). Specific Characters.—Form of body rather stout, especially in female. Carapace very large, more than twice as long as the exposed part of trunk; dorsal surface evenly vaulted, without any spines or projections; posterior part somewhat gibbous; antero- lateral corners greatly produced, but terminating in a blunt point; pseudorostral projection in female tubular and obliquely ascending, in male very short and rounded. Eyes with three well-defined corneal facets, much larger in male than in female. Legs nearly as in Nannastacus unguiculatus. Uropoda with the scape very short, inner branch elongate, outer exceedingly minute. Length scarcely exceeding 2 mm. Remarks.—This form is very nearly related to the typical species, Nannastacus unguiculatus, Spence Bate, but may readily be distinguished by the female wanting every trace of the peculiar laminar spines adorning the carapace, as well as the epimeral plates of the exposed segments of the trunk in that species. Moreover, the antero- lateral corners are not sharply poimted but blunt at the tip, and these corners in the male are comparatively more produced than in the male of Nannastacus unguiculatus. Description—All the specimens of this form contained in the collection, having been mounted together in Canada balsam on a glass-slide, a closer examination of the anatomical details could of course not be instituted. Among the specimens there is but a single female, the rest being males. The length of the body does not exceed 2 mm. The form of the body (see Pl. X. figs. 4, 5) is rather short and stout, though a little more slender in the male (fig. 5) than in the female (fig. 4), with the anterior division somewhat longer than the posterior and rather dilated, especially in the female. The carapace is somewhat differently shaped in the two sexes. In the female (fig. 4) it is very large and tumid, with the dorsal surface boldly arched and distinctly gibbous in the posterior part. The pseudorostral projection is rather prominent, forming a narrow tubular process, which ascends obliquely in front and is tipped with small bristles. The antero-lateral corners of the carapace are greatly produced in the form of conical processes, terminating in a blunt point. Between these processes and the pseudorostral projection there is a broad shallow emargination, from the bottom of which the antennulz are seen projecting. The inferior edges of the carapace form together with the posterior an uninterrupted oblique curve, and are finely denticulate in the anterior part. In the male (fig. 5) the carapace is comparatively much shallower, with the dorsal line almost horizontal, and the pseudorostral projection far less 64 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.8S. CHALLENGER. prominent and obtusely rounded. The antero-lateral corners are also less prominent, though distinctly projecting, and the inferior edges are irregularly flexuous, and through- out smooth. The surface of the carapace in both sexes is quite even, without any trace of crests or spines, except a few small denticles on the posterior gibbous part, more distinct in the female. The eyes, as in the two other known species of the genus, are widely separated, and located on each side of the frontal lobe at the base of the pseudorostral projection. Each of them exhibits a distinct ocular pigment and three strongly projecting corneal facets, much larger in the male than in the female. The exposed part of the trunk is scarcely more than half as long as the carapace, and composed of five well-defined segments, the first of which, however, is very narrow, The epimeral plates are evenly rounded and quite smooth. The tail is very slender in both sexes, with the penultimate segment the longest. The last segment is produced in the middle posteriorly to an obtuse angle. In the female a few very small denticles occur on the dorsal surface of each segment, whereas in the male all the segments are quite smooth. As to the colour of the specimens freshly mounted in Canada balsam, the female specimen is rather pellucid, with only a few dark brown patches, one of which occurs on each side of the carapace close to the inferior edge, another across the penultimate caudal segment (see fig. 4). In the male the whole carapace, as also most of the body, is of a much darker brownish hue. In both sexes a dark transverse band is observed on the first pair of legs occupying the meral jomt, and also on the second pair of enathopoda a similar band occurs. The antennul are quite similar in the two sexes, and rather slender, with one of the flagella very small and knob-shaped. The antennz of the adult male (see fig. 5) are much shorter than the body, and scarcely reach beyond the third caudal segment. The distal part of the peduncle is distinctly biarticulate and densely beset along the lower edge with rather slender sensory bristles. The flagellum is very narrow and composed of much elongated joints. The first pair of legs are about as long as the carapace, with the carpal and pro- podal joints rather slender and subequal, and the terminal considerably shorter. The second pair of legs are much shorter than the first, with the terminal joint linear and provided with a few stiff bristles on both edges and at the tip, the latter being the longest. The exopodites of these two pairs of legs, as also of the second pair of gnathopoda, are remarkably small, especially in the female, with the basal part not at all dilated. The three posterior pairs of legs are in the female simple, without any trace of exopodites, and very slender, considerably longer than the second pair, and about equal in length. They are almost quite naked, and have the carpal and propodal joints very REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 65 elongate. The terminal joint, together with its apical spine, forms a strong biarticulate curved claw. In the male the two anterior of these pairs of legs are provided with well-developed natatory exopodites, as in the preceding legs, and hence the basal joint of these legs is considerably dilated to receive the strong muscles moving the exopodite. The last pair of legs, on the other hand, exhibit a slender form quite similar to that in the female. The pleopoda are quite wanting in both sexes. The uropoda have the scape unusually short and the branches very unequal, the outer one being exceedingly small, though consisting of two well-defined joints. The inner branch, on the other hand, is rather elongate, especially in the male, uniarticulate, and provided with several small denticles along the inner edge, and a slender spine at the tip. Habitat.—No less than eleven specimens of this little Cumacean were collected by the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, on October 27, 1874, off Samboangan, Philippine Islands, and preserved by him in the above mentioned manner. All the specimens were taken at the surface of the sea with the aid of the tow-net. Family VII. Campy Laspip. This family in many essential points differs considerably from the other families, both as to the external appearance and the anatomical details. The enormous development of the carapace affords a good external character. Of the anatomical details the very peculiar structure of the oral parts may be noted, as also of the maxillipeds and the first pair of gnathopoda. As to the legs, the first pair are not, as in other Cumacea, distinguished by any considerable length, being on the whole, both im size and structure, very similar to the second pair of gnathopoda. Also in the internal organisa- tion there would seem to exist essential differences from other Cumacea. Thus, I have found the liver to consist of only a single pair of very large ceca, instead of _ three pairs, as in the genus Diastylis. The family comprises as yet but a single genus, Viz.:— Genus Campylaspis, G. O. Sars, 1864. Campylaspis, G. O. Sars, Om den aberrante Krebsdyreruppe Cumacea og dens nordisk Arter, p. 75. Generic Characters.—Carapace strongly vaulted above, with the anterior part more or less depressed and produced ; pseudorostral projection very short, obliquely truncate ; inferior edges of carapace unarmed. Ocular lobe more or less produced along (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PART Ly.—1887.) Thi 9 66 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. the upper side of the pseudorostral projection ; visual elements imperfectly developed. Exposed part of trunk very short, though composed of five well-defined segments. Segments of tail keeled laterally. Antenne in male attaining the length of the body. First pair of legs comparatively short, not projecting in front of carapace; second pair rather stout, with terminal joint very elongate and linear; the three posterior pairs of legs successively decreasing in length and only sparingly supplied with bristles. Inner branch of uropoda considerably larger than outer, with inner edge spinous. Remarks.—The species of the present genus are easily known by the exceedingly large and vaulted carapace, which in most of the species exhibits a very marked sculpture, partly in the form of keels and partly as variously shaped protuberances. As to the limbs, the comparatively small size of the first pair of legs also furnishes a marked and characteristic feature. No less than ten species belonging to this genus have been described, seven of which occur off the Norwegian coast, two in the Mediterranean, and one in the West Indian Archipelago. Two new species are now added from the Challenger Expedition, 14. Campylaspis pacifica, n. sp. (Pl. X. fig. 6). Specific Characters.— 9. Carapace enormously developed, occupying more than half the length of the body, and being produced posteriorly so as to arch over the exposed part of the trunk; dorsal surface boldly vaulted; anterior part only slightly produced ; pseudorostral projection very short ; subrostral notch rather shallow. Sur- face of carapace without any keels or protuberances, but slightly uneven dorsally. Ocular lobe rather broad, containing a whitish eye-pigment. Penultimate caudal seg- ment entire, not subdivided. Uropoda very elongate, attaining the length of the four posterior caudal segments taken together, branches scarcely half as long as_ scape. Length, about 3 mm. Remarks.—The present species seems to be most nearly related to the Mediterranean form, Campylaspis glabra, G. O. Sars, from which it however differs by the somewhat more slender form of the body, by the carapace being slightly uneven dorsally, by the shorter pseudorostral projection, and by the presence of a distinct, though rather shallow subrostral notch. Description.—I have only had an opportunity of examining a single female specimen of this form. The specimen, which had been mounted in Canada balsam, is fairly well preserved, and measures in length about 3 mm. The form of the body (see Pl. X. fig. 6) is comparatively somewhat more slender than in most of the other species, with the anterior division greatly dilated and some- what longer than the posterior, if the uropoda are excepted. The carapace is of quite a prodigious size, occupying more than half the length of REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 67 the body, and being produced posteriorly so as to arch over nearly the whole exposed part of the trunk. The dorsal surface is boldly arched, with the strongest curvature occurring in the posterior part, whence the dorsal line declines quite gradually anteriorly, and more abruptly posteriorly. The pseudorostral projection is very short and obliquely truncated, with the upper corner slightly projecting; beneath it, on each side, oceurs a distinct though rather shallow sinus, limited below by an obtuse angle. The inferior edges of the carapace are quite unarmed and rather curved in the middle, their posterior part ascending obliquely and without any angle joining the posterior edge, which is also oblique. The surface of the carapace wants any trace of keels or distinct pro- tuberances, but appears somewhat uneven in the dorsal part; it exhibits under the microscope a finely granular structure produced by numerous small depressed pits. The ocular lobe is rather broad and contains within it an accumulation of whitish eye- pigment, whereas distinctly developed refracting bodies seem to be quite wanting. The exposed part of the trunk is very short, and is to a great extent hidden by the posterior projecting part of the carapace. It seems to be composed, as in the other species, of five segments, but only the three posterior segments appear quite distinct in their whole circumference, The epimeral plates of all the segments are evenly rounded and slightly projecting laterally. The tail is rather slender, with the segments sharply marked off from each other and provided with a slight lateral keel. They increase successively in length to the penultimate, which is the longest. The last segment is considerably shorter, and pro- duced at the end to an obtuse angle. The colour of the freshly mounted specimen is a uniform brownish-red. As to the limbs of the anterior division, a closer examination could not of course be made in the sole specimen before us. They, however, seem to agree fairly well with those in the succeeding species, as described below. The uropoda are rather elongate, about equalling in length the four posterior caudal segments taken together. The scape is very slender, more than twice as long as the branches, and quite smooth. The inner branch is composed, as in the other species of the genus, of a simple segment, armed on the inner edge with a few denticles, and at the tip with a strong spine. The outer branch is distinctly biarticulate, but consider- ably smaller than the inner, and provided at the tip with a slender seta. Habitat.—The above described specimen was taken by the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, at the surface of the sea, on October 27, 1874, off Samboangan, Philippine Islands, and was mounted together with the specimens of Nannastacus suhmii on the same glass-slide, 68 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 15. Campylaspis nodulosa, n. sp. (Pl. XL). Specific Characters.— ?. Carapace scarcely attaining half the length of the body ; posterior part not produced over the anterior segments of trunk; dorsal surface evenly vaulted in the posterior part and obliquely declining anteriorly ; pseudorostral pro- jection rather produced; subrostral notches distinctly defined. Surface of carapace everywhere provided with rounded nodiform protuberances. Ocular lobe oval. Pen- ultimate caudal segment subdivided by a transverse sulcus. First pair of maxillee with the palp bisetose ; second pair with eight sete. Terminal joint of second pair of legs scarcely longer than carpal joint. Uropoda comparatively short, about half as long as the tail, scape rather strong, slightly serrate on both edges; inner branch only slightly shorter than scape, serrate on inner edge, and armed with five spines, two lateral and three apical; outer branch a little shorter than inner, with two unequal setee at the tip. Length, nearly 5 mm. Remarks.—Of the earlier known species the Norwegian form, Campylaspis verrucosa, G, O, Sars, would seem to be the one most nearly related to the present species, at least as regards the sculpture of the carapace. In other respects, however, the two species are very easily distinguishable from each other. Description.—I have had for examination four specimens of this form, all of exactly the same size, and having the general appearance of females. But in all specimens the last pair of legs are quite wanting, a fact that would seem to prove the specimens to be still immature, although their size is not inferior to that of adult specimens of other species, and considerably larger than that of the form described above, which un- doubtedly is full-grown. In dissecting one of the specimens, I have found all the remaining limbs well developed and of a structure very similar to that in adult specimens of other species. The length of the specimens is nearly 5 mm. The form of the body (see Pl. XI. figs. 1, 2) is that characteristic of the genus, the anterior division being greatly dilated and somewhat longer than the posterior. The integuments, as in other species, are very strongly indurated and exhibit on the several limbs a more or less pronounced squamous structure. The carapace is very large, though not nearly attaining the enormous development of the preceding species. In a lateral view (fig. 1) it exhibits a somewhat irregular oval form, with the dorsal line forming a bold curve rather abruptly declining anteriorly. The pseudorostral projection is somewhat more produced than in the preceding species, and the notch beneath it deeper and limited below by a distinctly projecting process. The inferior edges of the carapace are evenly curved in their anterior part, whereas the posterior part is slightly sinuous and obliquely ascending. The posterior edge is almost perpendicularly truncate and joins the inferior without forming any distinct angle. As seen from above (fig. 2) the carapace exhibits a rather regular oviform shape, the REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. 69 greatest breadth, which about equals the height, occurring posterior to the middle. The surface of the carapace is evenly vaulted, without any keels or excavations, but exhibits a number of well-marked, rounded, nodiform protuberances, distributed rather evenly, dorsally as well as laterally, the most anterior part alone being nearly smooth. The ocular lobe is rather large and of oval form, but seems to want distinctly developed visual elements. The exposed part of the trunk is not, as in the preceding species, arched over by the posterior part of the carapace, all the segments being distinctly visible in their whole circumference. They are rather sharply defined, with the posterior edge much elevated. The last segment does not differ either in size or in form from the anterior caudal segments, and, like these, is without any trace of limbs. The tail is somewhat shorter than the anterior division of the body, with the seements marked off from each other by deep constrictions. They are slightly keeled laterally, and the penultimate segment exhibits, moreover, posterior to the middle, a transverse sulcus, so that it is, as it were, subdivided into two segments. The last segment (see fig. 21) is, as usual, somewhat dilated posteriorly and of pentagonal form, the posterior edge being produced in the middle as an obtuse angle. The colour of the specimens, preserved in spirit, is whitish, with patches of brownish- red, but may have been in the fresh specimens more uniformily reddish, as several northern forms acquire a quite similar spotted appearance by the action of the spirit, though originally more uniformly coloured. The antennulz (fig. 3), which project anteriorly from the subrostral notches (see fig. 1), are of moderate length, with the first joint of the peduncle strongly curved and somewhat shorter than the two others taken together. Of the latter the first is con- siderably larger than the second. The outer flagellum (see fig. 4) is well developed and composed of three joints, the last of which, however, is exceedingly minute and might be easily overlooked. It is provided at the tip with the two usual ribbon-like sensory appendages, besides a slender seta; moreover, a small auditory bristle is found affixed to the last jomt. The inner flagellum is exceedingly minute, but on closer examination it is found to be composed of two well-defined joints, the last of which is provided at the tip with two diverging auditory bristles. The antenne (figs. 5, 6, a”) are quite rudimentary, constituting a simple, strongly indurated, conical prominence, divided into two segments and without any trace of bristles or spines. The anterior lip (figs. 5, 6) is comparatively large and of a rather peculiar shape, forming a broad quadrangular plate projecting anteriorly between the antennz as a rounded nodulose protuberance, and having the posterior edge sharp and_ broadly incised in the middle. The posterior lip (fig. 7) is scarcely larger than the anterior, and of a very delicate 70 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S8. CHALLENGER. and fragile structure, so as only with great difficulty to be separated from the sur- rounding parts. It consists as usual of two membranous lobes connected at the base, each lobe exhibiting an irregular oval form, with the inner corner produced to a small somewhat incurved poimt. The inner edge of the lobes and part of the outer are finely ciliated. The mandibles (figs. 8, 9) exhibit a structure essentially differing from that of all other known genera of Cumacea. They are not very strong, with the body oblong and on the inner side forming a rounded expansion, to which the chitinous tendon of the rotatory muscles is affixed. The anterior branch (see fig. 10), forming the direct continuation of the body, is slightly incurved and somewhat compressed, terminating in a strongly dentate, oblique, cutting edge. On the mght mandible this edge is simple and armed with six teeth, increasing in size internally; on the left mandible, on the other hand, the edge appears double, a secondary bidentate plate occurring in juxtaposition to the principal plate. At some distance posterior to the cutting edge there is a densely crowded series of strong denticulate spines, six on the right and four on the left mandible. The posterior branch or the molar process is very unlike that im other Cumacea, constituting an exceedingly narrow and somewhat flexuous styliform projection, terminating in a sharp point and bearing a few small denticles along the anterior edge. The first pair of maxille (fig. 11) are unusually strong, with the basal parts very massive and partly connected at the base. The outer masticatory lobe is rather broad and strongly incurved, with the extremity abruptly truncated and armed with numerous powerful spines, some of which are finely dentate on one of the edges. The posterior masticatory lobe is considerably smaller and somewhat tapering, with the extremity narrowly truncate and armed with five spmes, the three median rather strong and densely ciliated. The palp, which as usual points straight backwards, is very slender and elongate, and bears at the tip two unequal setze. The second pair of maxilla (fig. 12), unlike those of the first pair, are poorly developed, forming simple membranous plates, without any trace of the usual bifid palp. The inner slightly produced part, representing the masticatory lobe, is provided with eight bristles, the posterior of which is somewhat removed from the rest and densely ciliated. The maxillipeds (fig. 14) are likewise imperfectly developed, the terminal part appearing at first sight to be represented by only a single oval and lamellar joint, finely ciliated along the outer edge, and provided along the inner with a few small bristles. On closer examination, however, a very small terminal joint is found aftixed to the inner corner. This joint (fig. 14a) is conical in form and provided with only a single small apical bristle. The basal part, which about equals in length the terminal, exhibits at the end, on the inner side, an imperfectly developed, rounded, masticatory lobe, with two ciliated sete at the end, and is, moreover, provided on the inner edge REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. (il with two small hooks, whereby the two maxillipeds become, as it were, clasped together. The branchial apparatus affixed to the base of these limbs (fig. 18) is, as usual, composed of two well-defined principal parts, the one pointing posteriorly, the other anteriorly, the first representing the epipodite, and the second the exopodite. The epipodite constitutes a rather narrow plate, concave on the upper surface and with the posterior part curved in a hook-hke manner. The inner edge of this plate is somewhat expanded in the middle, and exhibits an almost semicircular soft rim, to which is affixed a series of eight digitiform gill-lobules, decreasing in size posteriorly, the two posterior being quite rudimentary. Moreover, a single rather large gill-lobule, pointing posteriorly, arises anterior to the others from the bottom of the plate. The exopodite is nearly as long as the epipodite, and forms a narrow band-like plate, somewhat irregularly twisted and expanding at the end into a very delicate and _pellucid membranous flap, which admits of being exserted from the pseudorostral projection, forming together with the one of the other side an imperfect tube, through which the water, introduced into the branchial cavities, is expelled at reeular intervals. The first pair of gnathopoda (fig. 15) are rather stout, with the basal part comparatively broad and muscular, and provided at the extremity on the inner side with a very long and densely ciliated seta pointing straight forwards, and at the outer corner with a much smaller simple bristle. The terminal part, which about equals in length the basal, is apparently composed of only four joints, the ischial joint not being distinctly defined. The first of these joints is provided at the end, on the inner side, with a rather strong ciliated seta, and the second with two simple bristles at the inner edge. The third joint is somewhat swollen and of oval form, slightly larger than the preceding, and has at the end externally a slender seta, and internally two very small bristles. The terminal joint, finally, is exceedingly minute, and armed at the tip with three unequal spines, the middle one being considerably shorter than the other two. The second pair of gnathopoda (fig. 16) are quite pediform, and nearly twice as long as the first pair, The basal joint is rather large, slightly curved and somewhat tapering, with the outer edge finely ciliated and the inner smooth. The end of this joint is not expanded, and bears exteriorly a very strong and elongate ciliated seta, and anteriorly another much smaller seta. The terminal part is about as long as the basal, and composed of five well-defined joints, the first of which (the ischial), however, is very short, and armed on the inner edge with two denticles. The second or meral joint, on the other hand, is rather large and expanded, and very obliquely truncate at the end. The outer corner of this joint is prolonged to a sharp dentiform projection, and bears, moreover, a strong ciliated seta; the inner edge is serrate, and provided with two small bristles. The succeeding joint is much smaller, and has the outer edge serrate, being, moreover, provided at the outer corner with a ciliated seta, similar to those on the 72 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. preceding joints, and at the inner edge with three smaller bristles. The penultimate joint is oval in form and unarmed, with two bristles on the inner edge. The terminal joint, finally, is rather small and narrow, with four curved, claw-like spines at the tip. The exopodite is about as long as the basal joint, and has the proximal part simple and cylindrical, the distal is of about the same length, and composed of but three joints, the two last being exceedingly small ; each of the joints is provided with two natatory sete, one of which, however, arising from the first jot, is very small. The first pair of legs (fig. 17) are only very slightly larger than the second pair of gnathopoda, and of a very similar structure, though comparatively a little more slender. The basal joint is armed at the end externally with a small dentiform projection and a ciliated seta, and internally with two rather strong denticles. Two similar denticles are also found at the inner edge of the very small ischial jomt. The succeeding joints, on the other hand, are quite unarmed, the two first bearing each at the outer edge a single ciliated seta, the two last only simple bristles. They successively decrease in size, the terminal joint being rather small and linear. The exopodite exhibits a structure similar to that of the second pair of gnathopoda, with this exception, however, that its terminal part has an additional joint. The second pair of legs (fig. 18) are scarcely smaller than the first and comparatively of stronger structure. The basal joint is somewhat dilated at the middle and comparatively shorter than that of the first pair. It has at the end on the inner side a small dentiform projection, and on both edges a simple bristle. The ischial joint is exceedingly small and unarmed. The meral joint is obliquely truncate at the end, and provided on the inner side with a bidentate angular projection. The carpal joint is a little longer and armed at the end internally with two strong denticles. The propodal joint is very small and unarmed, whereas the terminal joint is rather elongate, sublinear, and provided with a number of stiff bristles, two of which issue from the outer edge, and three from the tip. This joint, together with the preceding, is eenerally directed outwardly, forming a geniculate bend with the carpal joint. The exopodite is exactly of the same appearance as that of the first pair of legs. The two succeeding pairs of legs (figs. 19, 20) are quite simple and rather slender, with the terminal part more or less curved exteriorly. Of the joints the basal is, as usual, the largest, though considerably shorter in the posterior pair (fig. 20) than in the anterior (fig. 19). The two succeeding joints are rather short and nearly equal in size, whereas the carpal joint is much more elongate. The two outer joints rapidly decrease in size, and the last joint has the form of a small biarticulate claw. Each of the two preceding joints bears a strong curved seta at the end exteriorly. Elsewhere these legs are only very sparingly supplied with simple bristles. The last pair of legs, as has been stated above, were quite wanting in all the specimens. REPORT ON THE CUMACEA. (9 The uropoda (see fig. 21) are comparatively much shorter than in the preceding species, scarcely attaining half the length of the tail. The scape is slightly serrate on both edges, and exhibits a very marked squamous sculpture, the squamule being rather large and triangularly pointed. The branches exhibit the structure characteristic of the genus. The inner branch is only slightly shorter than the scape, uniarticulate, with the inner edge serrate, and moreover armed with two slender spines; from the tip of this branch three unequal spines arise, the middle one being by far the strongest. The outer branch is a little smaller than the inner, and composed of two well-defined joints, the first of which is quite short, whereas the last is rather elongate and gradually tapers to the apex, bearing a rather long terminal spine, and a much smaller one on the inner edge close to the apex. Habitat.—The specimens of this species were detected by the author in examining a parcel of dredged mud preserved in strong spirits, and kindly sent by Mr. John Murray. The mud was obtained on January 29, 1874, off Cumberland Bay, Kerguelen Island, from a depth of 127 fathoms (Station 1294). (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP, —PART Lv.—1887.) ii 10 - OO ee ee voy = are ys — we ‘i a a kre es ote i _ fi 7 i tf ae 1 ve item am | ; +” ie awe : . , ; 7 ; TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, . 7 a ‘ : : : : PrincipaL Works ON CUMACEA, ye j ; ‘ : Morrno.ocy oF THE CUMACEA, ‘ : - : ” DEFINITION OF THE FAMILIES, . : : : ; 4 List OF THE SPECIES, . 5 . : 5 5 DeEscRIPTION OF GENERA AND SPECIES, . ; : ; : CumIpDms, . G é : 5 : : 5 Cyclaspis, G. O. Sars, F ; : é : australis, 1. sp., . : : c : c pusilla, 0. sp., . : : d : exsculpta, D. Sp., . : : 4 : VAUNTHOMPSONIIDE, 0 : é : : : Vaunthompsonia, Spence Bate, : : , : meridionalis, n. sp., 6 : 7 : c LaAMPROPIDE, ; ; : : : : : Paralamprops, n. gen., : : : : ¢ serrato-costata, 0. Sp.,. c 0 Lruconipa, F : : : : : ¢ Leucon, Kroyer. o ¢ assimtlis, D, Sp., : : : 0 7 tenuirostris, 0. sp., < : . é : Eudorella, Norman, . : é ; : 9 abyssi, N. Sp... - : 0 7 : DIASTYLIDA, , 6 5 : ; 5 6 Diastylis, Say, ; : : : : stygia, G. O. Sars, 4 : ; : : horrida, 0. sp., . : é 9 2 : erinaceus, D. 8p. a ; : a 5 mystacind, D. sp., 0 : : : : CUMELLIDA, . ; : ‘ ‘ : : ; Nannastacus, Spence Bate, . 0 ¢ : : suhmii, n. sp... : é : 6 : CAMPYLASPIDEZ, . ; : : ; j Campylaspis, G. O. Sars, : : : : é pacifica, 0. sp., . : : : ‘ : nodulosa, D. sp., . : : : : ; (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP,—PART LY.—1887.) eo o8 bo bt bo b bo bo b wonoaa ow bd be eo rss : " i : : i . ‘ ‘ wal Ta i 7 : 7 — i - t + eee R Wa a 5 . oO ce ie + ; r ; fi nn fe . r : 5 a ‘ oan . t ' ' i j are ’ a ces er ent ; : A 1 rT o 5 7 ESET GaN | P : uy " at i fu € ’ © 0 : eas Pi separ ee TD if os ‘ _ 2 qd. ABest z a : = , Hy : ‘ ¥ ee 2 a 7 tC. 4 ‘ i = i ‘ m1 i ‘ - he : ° cae + " £: F 4 ra ‘ . a = ; : t 2 » _ © ‘ ‘ y 1 ‘ fi - : i : t 4 4 os . s hae ‘ f : re ts ': Ueotrene TR 4 7 ¢ ‘ ‘ ' e : Thos uiees ft © - © il y ‘ rk . . a 1 . ib . - : : i ie 4 ‘ : . - ie: © « . i : Ne, a y ¢ , : : 7 oF . a INDEX OF SYSTEMATIC NAMES, Synonyms and Species incidentally mentioned are in ¢talies. PAGE Drastynis—continued. PAGE ALAUNA, : : : : 43 spinosa, 50 CAMPYLASPIS, : : ; 5 Bh Oe strigata, 50 glabra, . : ‘ 4 : 66 stygia, 2, 44 nodulosa, . : : ; : 68 | Diasryiipa, 7, 43 pacifica, . : ‘ ‘ ; 66 | Drops, 62 VENTUCOSA, : : , ; 68 | EpRIOPHTHALMIA, 3 CAMPYLASPID&, : : : GOD | Lvpora, 5 40 CHALAROSTYLIS, 6, 25 | Euporrnya, 7, 33, 40 CONDYLURA, . 3 : ; é 43 | abyssi, 41 Cuma, : 5 : 5, 12, 43 truncatula, 41 angulata, . : : é : 50 | ELUDORELLOPSIS, 1, 33 brevirostris, 5 : j : 50 | HemrLAMPRoOPs, 6, 25, 26, 31 unguiculata, : ; : : 62 | LPpHINOe, : 5 CUMELLA, . 8, 62 | Isopopa, A 3, 4, 54 CUMELLIDE, . ‘ 3 F . 8,62 | Lampropipa, Gao CuMIDa, : ; : : . 5,11 | Lamproes, 6, 25, 3 CumoPsis, : : LEPTOCUMA, 6, 22, 23 CycLAspPIs, 5, 11, 21, 27, 29, 47 | ZLzprosryzis, . : 7, 43, 44 australis, . . 12,19 | Lxucon, 7, 33, 40, 42, 43 cornigera, 5A hs} anomalus, 22 exsculpta, . 12, 20 assimilis, . 33, 34 longicaudata, lee ails) longtrostris, 39 pusilla, 5 U2e At) nasicus, . 34 DIASTYLis, j F ; 7, 43, 65 tenuirostris, 33, 38 biplicata, . : : : : 50 | Levuconipa, 6, 32 calweri, . F ; : : 50 | Macrura, 3 echinata, . , : ; F 50 | Matacosrraca, 3 edwardsit, ; : : : 50 | Mysipa, 3, 4, 54 erinaceus, . 4 ' 2 . 44,58 | Nannasracus, . 8, 62 horrida, . ° : 6 . 44, 55 longtrostris, 63 insignis, . ; : : : 60 suhmii, . - 63, 67 josephine, : : ; : 58 unguiculatus, 63 lucifera, . ; ; ‘ . 55 | NEpatia, : 4 mystacina, : : : . 44, 60 | PARALAMPROPS, 6, 26, 38, 47 rathkit, . : : 5 : 50 serrato-costata, . 15, 26 rugosa, . ; F , : 50 | PETALOMERA, 38 78 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. PAGE PAGE PHYLLOCARIDA, : ; : : 4 | SrepHanomma, : : : : 5 PLATYASPIS, . ; : . 6, 25, 26, 31 | Trimosira, 4 PoDOPHTHALMIA, : : ; 3, 4, 54 | VAUNTHOMPSONIA, : : ‘ 6, 22, 27 PSEUDOCUMA,. 8 cristata, | 20, 24 PsEuDOCUMID2, ; : : 7 meridionalis, 23 Scuizopopa, . 4 A . 3,4 | VAUNTHOMPSONIIDEZ, . ‘ : Dylle22 SPENCEBATEA, 8, 62 PLATE [. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PaRT Lv.—1887.)—Ii. PLATE IL. PAGE Figs. 1-20. Cyclaspis australis, n. sp., . ; 12 Fig. 1. Young male, seen from the left side ; magnified about fifteen diameters. Fig. 2. Same, seen from above. Fig. 3. Young female, seen from the right side. Fig. 4. Ocular lobe, seen from above. Fig. 5. Antennal segment, viewed from below, together with antennule (a'), antenne (c*), and anterior lip (L). Fic. 6. Outer part of an antennula; more highly magnified. Fie. 7. Posterior lip. Fig. 8. Mandibles, seen from the front. Fig. 9. Maxilla of first pair. Fig. 10. Maxilla of second pair. Fig. 11. Left maxilliped, together with the corresponding part of the branchial apparatus, seen from above. Fig. 12. Left maxilliped, isolated, seen from below; more highly magnified. Fig. 12a. One of the marginal spines from carpal joint of same maxilliped ; highly magnified. Fig. 13. Terminal lamella of the exopodite of same. Fig. 14. Gnathopod of first pair. Fie. 15. Gnathopod of second pair. Fie. 16. Leg of first pair. Fig. 17. Leg of second pair. Fig. 18. Leg of third pair. Fig. 19. Leg of fifth pair. Fic. 20. Last caudal segment, together with the uropoda, from above. Figs. 21-23. Cyclaspis pusilla, n. sp., . : : 19 Fig. 21. Adult female, seen from the right side; magnified about twenty-six diameters. Fig. 22. Same, seen from above. Fie. 23. Ocular lobe, seen from above. Figs. 24-26. Cyclaspis exsculpta, n. sp., 5 : 20 Fig. 24. Anterior division of a female specimen, seen from the left side ; magnified about twenty-six diameters. Fig. 25. Same part, viewed from above. . 26. Ocular lobe, viewed from above. Cumacea,PL1 The Voyage of H.M.S"Challenger: Lith.W. Schlachter, Stockholtr G.0. Sars, del Fis? 4-20, CYCGLASPIS AUSTRALIS, n.sp. Fig § 21-28, CYCLASPIS PUSILLA, n.sp. Fig® 24-26 CYCLASPIS EXSCULPTA, n.sp. PLATE II. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. INNER ta Fig. 6. Fig. 7 Fig. 8 His 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12. Fig. 13. PLATE II. PAGE Figs. 1-5. Vaunthompsonia meridionalis, n. sp., : ; 23 . Young female, viewed from the right side; magnified about fourteen diameters. Same, seen from above. Anterior part of carapace, seen from above ; more highly magnified. Same part, viewed from the right side. a’, antennula; a x, terminal membranous part of branchial apparatus. , antenna ; Last caudal segment, together with right uropod, seen from above. Figs. 6-13. Paralamprops serrato-costata, n. gen. et sp., : 26 Female, viewed from above; magnified about twelve diameters. . Same, seen from the left side. . Young male, seen from the right side. . Right antennula of female, viewed from below. . Right antenna of female. . Anterior lip. Posterior lip. Mandibles, together with their adductor muscles, seen from the front. Cumacea,Pl Il The Vovage of H.M.S'Challenger” syria teeter renee eels ts, del be 0 G Fi8$ 1-5, VAUNTHOMPSONIA MERIDIONALIS n sp. Fig® 6-13, PARALAMPROPS SERRATO-COSTATA, n.sp. PLATE III. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART Ly,—1887.)—lTii. PLATE III. PAGE Paralamprops serrato-costata, n. gen. et sp., . : 26 (Anatomy—continued.) Anterior division of body of a female specimen, seen from below. The two gnathopoda on the left side, as also all the legs, are omitted, in order to show the incubatory lamellae. a’, antennule ; a’, antennee ; mp, maxillipeds; gn’, right gnathopod of first pair; gn’, nght enathopod of second pair. Anterior part of carapace, seen from above, somewhat compressed, to show the fissure separating the frontal lobe from the two lateral lobes forming the so-called rostrum. Maxilla of first pair. Maxilla of second pair. Left maxilliped, seen from below. One of the spines from inner edge of carpal joint of same maxilliped ; highly magnified. Left maxilliped, together with the corresponding part of the branchial apparatus, seen from above. ex, exopodite ; ep, epipodite. Gnathopod of first pair, together with the basal lamella. 7 bis. Gnathopod of second pair. Le Le Leg of third pair. of first pair. 2 09 » of second pair. g 10a. Rudimentary exopodite of same leg; highly magnified. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 5a. Fig. 6. res Fig. Hig. 7S: Higts 9: Fig. 10. Fig. Higa: Bip. 2. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Bigs li. Leg of fifth pair. Extremity of tail, together with telson and uropoda, viewed from above. Terminal part of telson; more highly magnified. Antennal segment, together with left antennula and antenna of a young male, seen from below. On the right side only the bases of each are represented. Leg of third pair of same specimen. Anterior pair of pleopoda of same. Outer part of a pleopod; more highly magnified. ser, 5'Challen fe of HM) a py far The Voy Cumacea,Pl Il] Lith W. Schlachter Stockholm PARALAMPROPS SERRATO COSTATA, n.sp. (Anatomy) =e w PLATE IV. ee Q es) id ee ga 0g" 09 = ar = ars ga 0a’ 0a «oe 08 oe 09 Hy ~ = = ky = LO CONST c>. OT we _ ar = =n — ar = ge da 0a esi we - de OB ra da" ect da. I oh GI ga” 0a — ier oe) Bates 02° da PLATE IV, PAGE Leucon assimilis, n. sp., . ; : : 34 . Young male, viewed from the right side; magnified about eighteen diameters. . Same, seen from above. . Anterior part of carapace, seen from the left side ; more highly magnified. . Antennal segment, together with antennule and left antenna, seen from below. . Outer part of an antennula; more highly magnified. . An‘auditory bristle from same antennula; very highly magnified. . Anterior lip. . Mandibles, seen from behind. . Posterior lip. . Maxilla of first pair. . Maxilla of second pair. . Right maxilliped, seen from above. . Outer part of same; more highly magnified. . Part of inner edge of carpal joint of same maxilliped, with five of the marginal spines. . Left maxilliped, together with the corresponding part of the branchial apparatus, seen from above. . Gnathopod of first pair. . Gnathopod of second pair. . Leg of first pair. . Leg of second pair. . Leg of third pair. . Leg of fourth pair. . Leg of fifth pair. . A pleopod. . Outer part of same; more highly magnified. . Last caudal segment, together with the uropoda, seen from above. ne) eof HM SChallenger’ The Voyas ith.W.Schlachter Stockholm T ail G.0.Sars del. LEUCON ASSIMILIS, n.sp. (young male). PLATE Y. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.—PART Lv.—1887.)—lii. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 PLATE V. Figs. 1-4. Leucon tenuirostris, n. sp., . Young female, seen from the right side; magnified about eighteen diameters. . Same, seen from above. 3. Carapace, with antennula and antenna, seen from the left side ; more highly magnified. . Last caudal segment, together with left uropod, seen from above. Figs. 5-12. Hudorella abyssi, n. sp., . Adult female, viewed from the left side; magnified about eighteen diameters. . Same, seen from above. . Anterior part of carapace, seen from the left side ; more highly magnified. . Leg of first pair. . Outer part of a leg of second pair. Leg of fourth pair. Leg of fifth pair. Last caudal segment, together with right uropod, from above. PAGE 38 41 Cumacea,P1.V. The Voyage of H.M.S’Challenger” Kholm C. Lith.W. Schlachter Sto G.0. Sars, del ON TENUIROSTRIS nspFig®5-12, EUDORELLA ABYSSI, nsp. 1-4, LEUG s Fi PLATE VI. g. 6. PLATE VI. PAGE Diastylis stygia, G, O. Sars, : : 44 . Female, seen from the right side; magnified about nine diameters. . Same, seen from above. Adult male, viewed from the left side ; magnified about nine diameters. Same, seen from above. . Antennal segment of a female specimen, together with antennule (a'), antennze (a), and anterior lip (L), seen from below. Mandibles, together with adductor and rotatory muscles, seen from pos- terior side, . Posterior lip. Maxilla of first pair. Maxilla of second pair. VI. aL Cumacea,P ge of H.M.S"Challenger.” The Voya IS FAY a eee ER ter reaper epee POLIPL LE LPSE a Lith.W. Schlachter Stockholm DIASTYLIS STYGIA, G.O. Sars, 2.2 3. G.0. Sars, del PLATE VII. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART LV,—1887.)—lii. PLATE VII. PAGE Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars; female, . ; 44 (Anatomy—continued.) Fig. 1. Right maxilliped, together with the corresponding part of the branchial apparatus, seen from above. Fig. 2. Left maxilliped, isolated, seen from below; more highly magnified. Fig. 3. Terminal joint of same; strongly magnified. Fig. 4. Part of inner edge of carpal jomt of same maxilliped, with four of the marginal spines; highly magnified. Fig. 5. Gnathopod of first pair, together with the fully developed basal lamella. Fig. 6. Gnathopod of second pair. Fig. 7. Leg of first pair. Fig. 8. Leg of second pair. Fig. 9. Leg of third pair, together with the corresponding incubatory lamella. Fig. 10. Leg of fourth pair. Fig. 11. Leg of fifth pair. Fig. 12. Extremity of tail, together with telson and uropoda, seen from above. Fig. 13. Anterior part of ventral nervous cord, comprising three partly confluent ganglia, innervating the oral parts. Figs. 14-17. Embryo, taken from the marsupial pouch of an adult female specimen, and still included within the inner egg-membrane, represented in four different aspects; from the right side (fig. 14), from the anterior extremity (fig. 15), from above (fig. 16), and from below (fig. 17); magnified about forty-three diameters. O, ocular plates; a’, anten- nula; a’, antenna; L, anterior lip; /, posterior lip; M, mandible ; im’, maxilla of first pair; m’, maxilla of second pair; mp, maxilliped ; gn’, enathopod of first pair; gn’, gnathopod of second pair; p'—p'*, legs of first to fourth pairs; T, tail; C, carapace; », liver; Z (fig. 14), anterior lip. The Voyage of HM S’Challenger” Cunncen piagm G.0. Sars, del ; Lith W. Schlachter, Stockholm DIASTYLIS STYGIA, G.0. Sars ?. (Anatomy & Embryology) PLATE VIL. Rigs) Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4. Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 igs 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13. Fig Fig. 14. Fig. 15. PLATE VIII. PAGE Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sars; adult male, : : 50 (Anatomy.) . Anterior part of body, after the carapace has been removed, from above, exhibiting the whole branchial apparatus im situ. fr, frontal part ; O, ocular lobe; a, antennula; a’, antenna; ex, exopodite of maxilli- ped; exp, terminal lamella of same; ep, epipodite of maxilliped ; br, gill. . Right antennula; more highly magnified. . Right antenna, with proximal part of flagellum, seen from below. Part of flagellum ; more highly magnified. . Part of the ventral nervous cord, comprising the seven ganglia belonging to the trunk and the three anterior caudal ganglia. . Gill isolated, seen from inner side. . Part of the gill, with three gill-lamelle ; more highly magnified. . Leg of first pair. . Leg of second pair. . Leg of third pair. . Leg of fourth pair. . Leg of fifth pair. Anterior pair of pleopoda. . 18a. Outer part of a pleopod of first pair. Pleopod of second pair. Extremity of tail, together with telson and right uropod, from above. Cumacea, PL.VIIL The Voyage of HM S."Challenger” ps a oe pn eNO Kholm Lith W Schlachter Stoc G.0. Sars, del DIASTYLIS STYGIA, 6.0. Sars, 4 (Anatomy) PLATE IX, (Z00L, CHALL. EXP.—PART LY.—1887.)—Tii. Wyre I Fig. 2. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 ies 25) Fig. 6. Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Bicw 9 Fig. 10. Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13. Fig. 14. PLATE IX. PAGE Figs. 1-8. Diastylis horrida, n. sp., . : : 5D . Adult female, viewed from the right side; magnified about twelve diameters. Same, seen from above. , Antennal segment, together with antennule, antenn, and anterior lip, seen from below. . Leg of first pair. . Leg of second pair. Leg of third pair. . Leg of fifth pair. . Last caudal segment, together with telson and right uropod, seen from above. Figs. 9-14. Diastylis erinaceus, n. sp., . é . 58 . Female, seen from the left side; magnified about twelve diameters. Same, seen from above. . Antennal segment together with left antennula and basal joint of right ; seen from below. . Right antenna, seen from below. Same, seen from above. Telson, seen from below. The Voyage of H.M.S’’Challenger' Cumacea PLIX. G.0. Sars, del. Lith.W, Schlachter, Stockholm. Fig® 1-8, DIASTYLIS HORRIDA, n.sp. Fi§® 9-14, DIASTYLIS ERINACEUS,n. sp. ey 7 a 7 % ‘ ~ i : can ® ‘ ” - : 2 es 5 ? 4 i : = aa . - se se De ee \ a ‘ ~~ 7 “4 arti. S55 ae Loy] a Je ot pred he S et: a Seto £ _ PLATE X. SS bers PER) tar COP PPP uea seh ae, yh : : a me 4 ra af ant ie SDH } eet Pinentn Bs Oye s fi ‘ ® ; 7 7 7 a - e ' Ln os hf ‘ ‘ = t ie rT ‘ a Fig. PLATE X. Figs. 1-8. Diastylis mystacina, n. sp., . . Adult female, viewed from the left side ; magnified about fifteen diameters. . Same, seen from above. . Extremity of tail, together with telson and uropoda, seen from above. Figs. 4-5. Nannastacus suhmi, nu. sp., . Adult female, viewed from the right side ; magnified about fifty diameters. . Adult male, seen from the right side; equally enlarged. Fig. 6. Campylaspis pacifica, n. sp., . Adult female, seen from the left side; magnified about forty-three diameters. PAGE 60 63 66 The Voyage of H.M S’Challenger” Gulazeapix G.0.Sars, del Lith W.Schlachier, Stockholm Fig? 1-3, DIASTYLIS MYSTACI NA, nsp. FigS 4-5, NANNASTACUS SUHMIL n sp. Fig.6, CAMPYLASPIS PACIFICA, n. sp ra a 7v PLATE XL. PLATE XI. PAGE Campylaspis nodulosa, n. sp.. : 68 I 22 go a . Young (immature) female, seen from the right side; magnified about twenty-seven diameters. Fig. 2. Same, seen from above. Fig. 3. Left antennula. 4, Outer part of same; more highly magnified. Fig. 5. Anterior lip, together with left antenna (a’), seen from below. Fig. 6. Same parts, seen from left side. . Left lateral lobe of posterior lip. “NI Fig. 8. Mandibles, seen from posterior side. _ ee. gg © . Left mandible, seen obliquely from outer side. Fig. 10. Masticatory parts of mandibles, seen from posterior side; more highly magnified. Fig. 11. Maxillee of first pair, seen from above. Fig. 12. Maxilla of second pair. Fig. 13. Right maxilliped, together with the corresponding part of the branchial apparatus, seen from above. Fic. 14. Left maxilliped, isolated, seen from above ; more highly magnified. Fig. 14. Terminal joint of same; very strongly magnified. Fig. 15. Gnathopoda of first pair. Fig. 16. Gnathopod of second pair. 17. Leg of first pair. Fig. 18. Leg of second pair. Fig. 19. Leg of third pair. Fig. 20. Leg of fourth pair. {=} Fig. 21. The two last caudal segments, together with uropoda, seen from above. The Voyage of H.M.S’Challenger” Cumacea Pl XL G.0. Sars, del Lith W. Schlachter, Stockholm CAMPYLASPIS NODULOSA,n. sp. THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. LOOLOGY. REPORT on the Puytiocarmwa collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76. By Professor G. O. Sars, of the University of Christiania. INTRODUCTION. Amone the numerous Crustacea brought home by the Challenger Expedition, there are two forms belonging to the above named interesting group, both of which represent new generic types. This addition is especially of high interest since only a single recent genus of Phyllocarida was hitherto known, viz., the genus Nebalza, all the other forms belonging to this group being Paleozoic fossils. Thus, a closer investigation of the two new types added by the Challenger Expedition cannot fail to be of great importance in advancing our knowledge of this very remarkable and anomalous group of Crustacea. One of the forms has already been roughly described by the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm under the name of Nebalia longipes, and in the last edition of Professor Claus’ Zoology this form has been quoted with a new generic name as Paranebalia longipes. I fully agree with Professor Claus that this species ought to be regarded as the type of a new genus, which, however, is rather nearly related to the earlier known genus Nebalia. The other form contained in the Challenger collection seems to deviate much more from the typical genus, and may perhaps throw some light on the structure of certain fossil forms. But the very restricted material has unfortunately prevented me from instituting a satisfactory anatomical investigation of this interesting form. Besides these forms, according to a letter from the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm to Professor v. Siebold,' a 1 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiy. (Z00L, CHALL, EXP,—PART Ly1.—1887.) Kkk 1 2 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. species of Nebalia, closely related to Nebalia geoffroyi, was observed off the Kerguelen Islands. The specimens were, however, not preserved, apparently owing to their being regarded as identical with the above named common species. Principat Works on RECENT PHYLLOCARIDA. Leacu, Zoological Miscellany, vol. i, 1814. Minne-Epwarps, H., Mémoire sur quelques Crustacés nouveaux. 1828. Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, t. iii., 1840. Kroyer, H., Karcinologiske Bidrag. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, 2° Rekke, Bd. ii. pp. 436-446, 1847. Barro, W., British Entomostraca, 1850. Merscunikorr, E., Development of Nebalia (in Russian), 1868. Craus, C., Ueber den Bau und die systematische Stellung von Nebalia. Zettschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxii. pp. 323-330, pl. xxv., 1872. Suum, R. v. Wittemors, On some Atlantic Crustacea from the Challenger Expedition. Lond., ser. 2, vol. i. pp. 23-58, pls, vii.—x., 1875. Packarp, A. S., The Nebaliad Crustacea as Types of a New Order, Amer. Nat., Feb. 1879; also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii. p. 459, 1879. A Monograph of the Phyllopod Crustacea of North America. Ann. Rep. Geol. Geogr. Survey of the Territories, vol. xii, pp. 295-514, 38 pls., 1883. Boas, J. E. V., Studien tiber die Verwandschaftsbeziehtingen der Malacostraken. Morphol. Jahrb., Bd. viii, pp. 519-525, 1883. Ann. d. Sct. Nat., t. xiii. pp. 299, 300, pl. xv., Trans. Linn. Soc. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE PHYLLOCARIDA. The views of zoologists as to the systematic position of the genus Nebalia, the only hitherto known recent form of this group, have been widely different. Leach, the founder of the genus, placed it among the Macrura, and was followed in this view by several other authors, as Lamarck, Bose, and Desmarest, whereas Milne-Edwards in his important work on the Crustacea put the genus among the Phyllopoda, placing it together with the genus Apus in his family Apuside. The great authority of the last named eminent naturalist seemed to have finally settled the question about the systematic position of Nebalia, it being by the general consent of carcinologists regarded as a true Phyllopod, though it was afterwards found necessary to remove it from the genus Apus, and to establish a distinct family, Nebaliadze, for its reception. More recently, however, the phyllopodous nature of this form has been denied by several naturalists. Thus, Dr. E. Metschnikoff, in studying the development of Nebalia, was led to the result, that this form should more properly be referred to the Decapoda than to the Phyllopoda, and accordingly named it a “ phyllopodiform Decapod.” A similar view seems also to have been partly adopted by Professor Claus in transferring Nebalia from the Entomostraca to the Malacostraca. Finally, the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, in describing a new form from the Challenger Expedition, places the family Nebaliidee among the Schizopoda. Mr. Salter’ was the first to point out the apparent affinity of the recent genus Nebalia, to certain Paleozoic fossils, and Claus also recognised the relationship of Nebalia to these old forms of Crustacea. In 1879 Dr. A. Packard established a distinct order, Phyllocarida, for the reception of Nebalia, together with the above mentioned fossil forms, which formerly had generally been regarded as true Phyllopoda most nearly related to the genus Apus; and in the following year Professor Claus in the third edition of his Zoology likewise referred the genus Nebalia to a distinct order, Leptostraca, removing it far from the Phyllopoda and placing it among the Malacostraca. As to my own views, I fully agree with the above named authors, that the genus Nebalia ought to be removed from the Phyllopoda, but I am not prepared to agree with Professor Claus in transferring it to the Malacostraca, and still less can I entertain the . 1 On Peltocaris, a New Genus of Silurian Crustacea, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. xix., 1863. 4 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. view of the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm in placing it among the Schizopoda. In my opinion the genus Nebalia ought to be retained within the order of the Branchiopoda, though representing a distinct subdivision or suborder, for which the name Phyllocarida, proposed by Dr. A. Packard, as the older one, must be preferred to that proposed by Professor Claus. The order Branchiopoda will thus contain the following subdivisions :— Phyllocarida, Phyllopoda, Cladocera, Branchiura, the type of the last division being the genus Argulus, which in my opinion cannot properly be referred to the Copepoda, as proposed by Claus, but, in accordance with the views set forth by Thorell and others, may find its proper place among the Branchiopoda, though it deviates still more from the type of the order, the Phyllopoda, than is the case with the genus Nebalia. It seems to be a generally adopted assumption, that the genus Nebalia forms a distinct transition between the Phyllopoda and the Podophthalmia, and that its affinity to the latter is even closer than to the former. I have been led to a rather different view as to the relationship of Nebalia, and I think we shall find, on closer examination, whether we consider the external or internal organisation, that this presumed affinity to the Podophthalmia is in reality only very slight, and that most of the characters adduced to show the decapodous nature of Nebalia do not hold good, since they are found fully as pronounced either in other Branchiopoda or in certain Crustacea not at all belonging to the Podophthalmian group. Thus, the stalked mobile eyes are not only met with in the Podophthalmia, but also, as is well known, in a section of true Phyllopoda, the Branchipodide, and as to structure the eyes in Nebalia evidently agree much more with those in the latter than in the former. The carapace in Nebalia, it is true, exhibits some resemblance to that in certain Schizopoda, as Gnathophausia, in being not connected with the trunk, but we must remember that this is also the case in the Phyllopoda, both in Apus and in the bivalved forms, and that this character in the Branchiopoda is universal, whereas in the Podophthalmia it is exceptional, only distinguishing a very restricted number of forms. Besides, the carapace in Nebalia shows both in its structure and especially in the presence of a distinct adductor muscle a much closer resemblance to the bivalved shell in the Phyllopoda. The form of the exposed part of the body in Nebalia is very unlike that met with in the Podophthalmia, whereas the resemblance in this respect to certain Phyllopoda and still more to the Copepoda is unmistakable. The internal organisation of Nebalia, though rather deviating from that in the Phyllopoda, does not show any marked resemblance to that in the Podophthalmia, being much more similar to that in the Amphipoda; neither in my opinion can the development be adduced as evidence of the decapodous nature of Nebalia. As to the several limbs, their structure is in fact highly remarkable, indicating a peculiar mixture of characters found in very different groups of Crustacea, and on the whole their presumed resemblance to those in the higher Crustacea may on closer exami- nation turn out to be only very slight. Thus, the structure of the two pairs of antenne i REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 3) and the oral parts certainly appears very different from that generally met with in the other Branchiopoda, but I think it will be fully as difficult to point out any closer resemblance in this respect to the Podophthalmia. The eight pairs of limbs succeeding the oral parts, on the other hand, are evidently constructed on the very same type as those in the Phyllopoda, agreeing, as they do, both as to structure and function with the so called “ branchial feet” in these Crustacea. But in Nebalia these limbs are followed by four pairs of very differently formed appendages, constituting exceedingly powerful natatory organs, and as similar swimming legs, the pleopoda, are also found in the Podophthalmia, this character has hkewise been adduced to show the decapodous nature of Nebalia. It must, however, be remembered, that such organs are not restricted to the Podophthalmia, but are also met with in several other Crustacea, as Amphipoda and Copepoda, and both as regards structure and number, the swimming lees in Nebalia apparently agree much more closely with those in the Copepoda than with those in any other group. This resemblance becomes still more striking by the presence in Nebalia of two additional pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs, evidently answering to the rudi- mentary legs found behind the swimming legs in several Copepoda. On the whole the general appearance of Nebalia bears a very striking resemblance to that in certain free living Copepoda, especially of the Harpactoid section. This similarity I do not regard as merely accidental, but as indicating a true consanguinity, and this has partly also been allowed by Dr. Packard. In order to understand the morphology of the Phyllocarida, it thus becomes necessary not only to pay attention to the higher Crustacea, but also to the lower forms, especially the Copepoda, which seem to be the most primitive of the recent Crustacea. ‘To express shortly my opinion about the relationship of the genus Nebalia, I would call it, instead of a ‘‘ phyllopodiform Decapod” as it has been termed by Metschnikoff, more properly a “copepodiform Branchiopod.” At the end of this Report, when the Challenger forms have been described, I propose to enter more in detail into the question of the homology of the recent Phyllocarida with other known Crustacea. As to the supposed affinity of the genus Nebalia to the fossil Paleeozoic forms referred to the order Phyllocarida, the general appearance of the carapace, and especially the presence in some of them of a similar jointed rostral plate as in Nebalia, seems in fact to point to some closer relationship, but as the limbs of these old Crustacea are still wholly unknown, and moreover, as the tail in most of them exhibits a rather different aspect, the degree of affinity must still be regarded as very doubtful. In any case these Paleozoic forms cannot be placed within the same family as Nebalia, but ought to be separated as a distinct subdivision, and some of the forms exhibit such an anomalous aspect as hardly even to justify the view that they belong to the same order. On the other hand, it is quite evident, that the two new generic types from the Challenger collection, described below, are on the whole so closely related to Nebalia as to be properly classed together with this genus in the same family. 6 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S, CHALLENGER, DEFINITION OF THE FAMILY. NEBALID2. Anterior part of body covered by a large compressed bivalvular carapace, connected with the body only along the cephalic part, its valves admitting of being moved by a distinct adductor muscle and extending down the sides so as to enclose between them all the oral parts as also the greater part of the other limbs. A tongue-shaped rostral plate present in front, movably articulated to the carapace. Trunk covered over by the carapace and composed of eight subequal segments. Posterior part of body tapering backwards and consisting of two more or less distinctly defined subdivisions, pleon and tail, each composed of four segments. Eyes pedunculated and mobile, but without facetted cornea. Both pairs of antennze strongly developed, subpediform, with the peduncle geniculate; anterior pair, or antennule, with the peduncle four-jointed and bearing a setose lamella at the end, besides the flagellum; posterior pair with a single multiarticulate flagellum. Mandibles comparatively small, with the cutting part rudi- mentary, the molar tubercle well developed, palp very large, triarticulate. First pair of maxille with two incurved masticatory lobes and a very elongate and slender reflexed palp; second pair lamellar, with distinctly defined palp and exognath. Eight pairs of subequal phyllopodous legs present on the trunk posterior to the oral parts; endopodite more or less produced, with the inner edge and apex densely setiferous, but without projecting lateral lobes. Four pairs of powerfully developed biramose pleopoda on the succeeding part of the body, followed by two pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs. Penultimate segment without limbs. No telson. Caudal rami simple, forming two diverging plates edged with spinules and sete. Ova deposited within the lower part of the carapace, and supported between the branchial legs. Development direct, without metamorphosis. Internal organisation on the whole rather similar to that in the Amphipoda. Remarks.—As the fossil forms referred to the Phyllocarida are still very imperfectly known, none of the limbs having as yet been found preserved, it is rather difficult to point out the characters which should be regarded as exclusively distinguishing the recent family Nebaliide, There is however at least one character, well seen in the fossil forms, which seems to distinguish them very sharply from the Nebaliidee, viz., the presence of a strongly developed telson, no trace of which is found in any of the recent forms. As above stated the recent Phyllocarida were formerly only represented by a single genus, Nebalia. The two new genera, added by the Challenger Expedition, chiefly REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. if differ from each other, as also from the typical genus, by the different development of the phyllopodous or branchial legs. While in the one form, Paranebalia, both the endopodal and exopodal parts of these limbs are very elongate, so as somewhat to approach the form of the legs met with in the Euphausiide, these parts are in the other form Nebaliopsis, so very much reduced as to cause these limbs to appear as merely simple, slightly lobular plates. We have thus, as regards these limbs in the recent Phyllocarida, a series of modifications tending in the one case to render them apparently more adapted for the prehension of food, in the other case to restrict their function to solely respiratory purposes ; the genus Nebalia occupying in this respect an intermediate position. According to this difference in the structure of the branchial legs, the three recent. genera of Phyllocarida may be characterised as follows :— { scarcely projecting beyond the edges of the carapace, endo- podite narrow, indistinctly jointed, exopodite forming a | broad rounded plate, epipodite very large, expanded at both extremities, : 5 - . . WNebalia, Leach. well Heraloyysts projecting far beyond the edges of the carapace, endopodite very elongate and slender, almost pediform, exopodite also rather produced and ending in a narrow point, epipodite exceedingly small, nearly obsolete, ' . Paranebalia, Claus. legs imperfectly developed, lamelliform, endopodal and exopodal parts only slightly indicated as small triangular lobes, epipodite well defined, . Nebaliopsis, n. gen. f | Branchial | | MO dis f DESCRIPTION OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Order BRANCHIOPODA. Suborder PHYLLOCARIDA. Family NEBALIID&. Paranebalia, Claus, 1880. Paranebalia, Claus, Grundziige der Zoologie, ed. 4, vol. i. p. 576. Generic Characters.—General appearance much as in Nebalia. Carapace smooth, oval, lateral parts or valves produced posteriorly to broadly rounded lobes separated above by an angular incision. Rostral plate well developed. Trunk scarcely longer than pleon. Tail rather sharply defined from pleon, with the first seement smaller than the succeeding. Eyes well developed, with distinct visual elements. Antennule rather stout, with last joint of peduncle produced anteriorly to a serrate lamella; flagellum comparatively short, greatly dilated in male. Antenne slender, with last joint of peduncle elongate and geniculate at the base, flagellum simple, cylindrical, of similar structure in both sexes. First pair of maxillze with the outer masticatory lobe narrowly produced and abruptly truncate at the end; second pair with palp and exognath well defined but comparatively small. Branchial legs projecting far beyond the edges of the carapace; endopodite very elongate and slender, almost pediform; exopodite also very elongate and produced to a narrow point; epipodite exceedingly small, upper end produced. Pleopoda much as in Nebalia. The two succeeding pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs both inarticulate. Caudal rami much as in Nebalia. Remarks.—This genus, founded by Professor Claus upon the description given by the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm of his Nebalia longipes, is chiefly distinguished from Nebalia by the structure of the branchial legs, as also by the male having only the antennular flagellum peculiarly modified, whereas the antennz are quite alike in both sexes. More- over the maxillze exhibit some structural differences apparently of generic value. In all other respects it seems to agree very closely with the typical genus. Only one species is as yet known. (zooL, CHALL. EXP.—PART LvI,—1887.) Kkk 2 10 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. 1. Paranebalia longipes, Willemoes Suhm (Pls. I., II.). Nebalia longipes, Willemoes Suhm, On some Atlantic Crustacea from the Challenger Expedition, iii; Trans. Linn. Soe. Lond., ser. 2, vol. i. p. 26, pl. vi. 1879. Paranebalia longipes, Claus, Grundziige der Zoologie, ed. 4, p. 576. Specific Characters.—Carapace as seen laterally, oval in form, covering besides the trunk also more or less completely the sides of the pleon; rostral plate oblong, narrowed in front and terminating in a spiniform projection. Posterior abdominal division or tail scarcely longer than pleon and suddenly much narrower, the two middle segments denticulate at the posterior edge. Eyes slightly curved and tapering to the end, upper side strongly denticulate. Antennule with the terminal expansion of the peduncle broadly lanceolate and armed with about twelve serrations along the outer edge; flagellum not attaining half the length of the peduncle, and composed of but five articulations, the first by far the longest. Antennze with last jomt of peduncle longer than the preceding and armed at the anterior edge with two recurved denticles, flagellum shorter than peduncle and six-articulate. Epipodite of last pair of branchial legs produced above to a slender flap. The three posterior pairs of pleopoda with the basal part strongly serrate at outer edge. The two pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs nearly equal in size. Caudal rami about as long as the three last caudal segments combined, outer edge minutely spinulose, inner setose, apex blunt, tipped with a fascicle of exceed- ingly long and slender seta. Length of adult female 6 mm. Remarks.—In the above diagnosis I have given some characteristics, to which I am inclined to believe should only be attributed the value of specific marks. As, however, the above named species is the only representative of the genus as yet known, a strictly specific diagnosis cannot of course be drawn up at present. Description.—Among the material sent me for examination no male was found, all the specimens being either immature or adult females, partly laden with eggs or embryos. But the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm has shortly described and figured the adult male of this form, which exhibits some very interesting features not found in the male of Nebalia. Unfortunately the male specimens examined by that naturalist have been lost, and thus my investigations have been solely restricted to the female sex. The length of the adult female does not exceed 6 mm. and hence the present form is rather inferior in size to the known species of Nebalia. All the specimens having been preserved in strong spirit, the body has become rather opaque and of a dark brownish colour, showing however in most of them, at the anterior part dorsally, a peculiar marking in the form of two symmetrical, slightly ramified patches of a whitish colour (see Pl. II. fig. 1). Whether this marking is due to a merely external colouring or indicates some underlying internal tissue, I have not been able to ascertain. By carefully preparing a specimen with absolute alcohol and REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. Nal oil of cloves, and then mounting it in Canada balsam, I have succeeded in rendering the whole body sufficiently pellucid to admit a closer examination of the several parts in their natural connection with each other (see PL. I. fig. 1). As to the external appearance (see Pl. I. fig. 1; Pl. IL fig. 1) the present form exhibits on the whole a great resemblance to the common species of Nebalia, with this exception, however, that the terminal part of the body, comprising the four last segments, is comparatively more slender and also more distinctly marked off from the preceding part than is the case in Nebalia. In describing the body I find it advisable to distinguish four principal divisions, viz., the cephalic part, to which the carapace is connected, the trunk, the pleon, and the urosome or tail, the two latter parts answering to the so-called abdomen in the higher Crustacea, and to the abdomen and thorax in the Copepoda. All these four divisions are pretty well defined in the present form, and are of about equal length, but differ both in form and in the structure of their respective limbs. The cephalic part is somewhat flattened, and along its whole dorsal surface firmly connected with the carapace. It bears the following appendages, enumerated from before backwards :—The eyes, the antennule, the antennze, the anterior lip, the mandibles, the posterior lip, the first pair of maxille, and the second pair of maxilla. Of these appendages only the eyes, the antennule, and the antenne project to a certain extent beyond the free edges of the carapace, all the other parts being wholly concealed within its valves. The trunk is almost cylindrical in form, and only slightly longer than broad. It is composed of eight short segments, well defined in their whole circumference, and nearly equal in size, each bearing a pair of branchial legs, the outer part of which projects beyond the free edges of the carapace. The pleon is at the base fully as broad as the trunk, but tapers gradually, so as scarcely to be more than half as broad at the end. It is composed of four well-defined segments, each bearing a pair of powerfully developed natatory appendages or pleopoda. The last segment is provided with distinct, rounded, epimeral plates, partly covering the base of the corresponding pair of pleopoda. The urosome or tail is rather slender, and very movably connected with the pleon, so as often to form an angular bend with it (see Pl. I. fig. 1). It is nearly cylindrical in form, and composed of four segments, the first of which is the smallest, and, properly speaking, corresponds to the last thoracic segment in the Copepoda. This and the suc- ceeding segment bear each a pair of rudimentary caudal limbs, whereas the third seement is without any trace of limbs. The last segment terminates in two slender, diverging branches, evidently answering to the so-called ‘“furea” in the Copepoda, and to the caudal lamellz in the Branchipodide. The two middle segments of this division are denticulate at the posterior edge, and the last segment projects at the end, beneath the 12 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. terminal branches, as two triangular, pointed processes, having between them the anal orifice (see Pl. IT. fig. 10). The carapace (see Pl. I. fig. 1; Pl. II. fig. 1) is rather large, covering the greater part of the body, including the whole cephalic part, the trunk, and part of the pleon. It is highly compressed, the free lateral parts extending in the form of two valves perpen- dicularly along the sides, so as wholly to cover the oral parts, and to include between them the basal parts of the two pairs of antennze, as also the greater part of the branchial legs. Above, the two valves pass immediately into each other by an even curve, without any intervening hinge. As seen laterally (PI. I. fig. 1), the carapace exhibits a somewhat oval form, with the dorsal line slightly arched, the anterior edges strongly curved, and joining the inferior without any intervening angle. Posteriorly, each valve forms an obtusely rounded lobe, advancing to a more or less extent over the side of the pleon, without however covering the dorsal surface of that division. These lobes are separated above by a deep emargination, at the bottom of which a small and narrow incision is seen (see Pl. I. fig. 1). Owing to this emargination, the posterior edges of the carapace appear in a lateral aspect (PI. I. fig. 1) obliquely truncate, and joining the dorsal line at an obtuse angle. The so-called rostrum (PI. I. fig. 1, R; fig. 2) forms an oblong tongue-shaped plate, movably articulated to the carapace in front, above the insertion of the eyes. It is slightly arcuate, with the upper side convex, the lower concave, and terminates in a sharp spiniform projection issuing from a slight longitudinal eleva- tion running along the concave side of the rostrum. As seen from above or below (fig. 2) this plate appears broadest near the base and tapers slightly towards the end, whereas in Nebalia it is more regularly oblong—oval in form. When lowered and applied against the anterior part of the carapace, it almost reaches to the inferior edges, thus, as it were, closing the anterior aperture of the carapace as an operculum. The carapace is connected with the body dorsally along a rather restricted space, extending from the base of the rostral plate to about the middle of its length. The limits of this space are faintly traced both in the lateral and dorsal aspect of the animal (see Pl. I. fig. 1; Pl. IL fig. 1), and according to its position, this space may properly represent the gastric region in the higher Crustacea. Throughout this limited dorsal area the carapace forms the immediate body-wall, whereas elsewhere it only loosely covers the body, which admits of being moved to a certain extent within it. On each side of the anterior part of the carapace, immediately beneath the above-named region, and at a short distance behind the man- dibles, an assemblage of lucid spots, forming together a well-defined, rounded, oval area (Pl. 1, fig. 1, Cm) may easily be distinguished. This area is produced by the insertion of the strong adductor muscle, by the aid of which the valves of the carapace admit of being approached to each other to a certain extent. Both in form and position this muscle entirely agrees with the strong adductor muscle of the shell met with in the bivalved Phyllopoda, thus giving the carapace an evident phyllopodous character. As REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 13 to structure, the carapace is rather thin and pellucid and very flexible, not at all cal- careous, and without any trace of external sculpturing. It is composed of two distinct layers, an outer chitinous coat, and a soft membrane lining the inside of the carapace. Between the two layers there is a system of hollow spaces anastomosing with each other, and forming together a complicated network of canals, in which the blood circulates. The eyes (PL I. fig. 1, O; fig. 8) are movably articulated to a short segment, lying in front of the antennal segment, and are partly covered by the rostral plate, projecting obliquely at each side (see Pl. II. fig. 1). They are rather large, nearly as long as the rostral plate, slightly curved, and somewhat tapering, and not as in Nebalia, expanded at the end. The upper edge is slightly convex and densely denticulate, the denticles increasing somewhat in size toward the tip of the eye; the lower edge is almost straight and quite smooth. The eye-pigment is black, and does not completely fill up the outer part of the eye, forming a narrow, oblong central mass, from which the small, rounded crystalline cones project all around. There is no distinct facetted cornea similar to that found in higher Crustacea. The antennule (PI. I. figs. 1, a1; fig. 4) are rather powerful organs, almost pediform in character, and more or less projecting in front of the carapace, immediately below the eyes. They consist each of a strong, four-jointed peduncle, geniculate at the middle, and two terminal appendages movably articulated to the same. The first joint of the peduncle is rather firmly connected with the antennal segment and of a nearly quadrate form, without any spines or bristles. The second joint is almost twice as long, and rather movably articulated to the first, forming with it a more or less distinct elbow-shaped flexure. It is shghtly dilated towards the end, which exhibits on the upper side an obtuse projection, at the base of which several slender bristles are affixed ; from the lower side, close to the end of the joint, moreover, four rather strong and recurved ciliated sete arise. The third joint is somewhat shorter than the second, constricted at the base, and likewise very movably articulated, so as generally to form with the preceding joint a strong geniculate bend. At some distance from the extremity there is a slight promin- ence, and between this prominence and the terminal edge a great number of slender, diverging bristles occur. The fourth joint is much shorter, and has only a very restricted mobility in relation to the preceding joint. It is produced along the anterior side to a compressed lanceolate expansion (fig. 6) freely projecting from its end, and strongly serrate along the outer edge. The serrations, from twelve to fourteen in number, are pretty regular, and increase in size toward the tip of the expansion, each of them being finely denticulate at the upper edge. At the base of this expansion a few slender bristles are affixed to the inner surface of the joint. Of the two terminal appendages, the outer one has the form of an oblong-oval lamella clothed along the anterior side and apex with a great number of unequal-sized slender bristles, forming together a dense brush. The inner appendage, representing the true flagellum, is more cylindrical in form, and also 14 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. considerably more elongate, though scarcely exceeding half the length of the peduncle. It shghtly tapers towards the end, and is composed of five articulations, the first of which is nearly twice as long as the four others combined. All the articulations are densely beset with bristles, especially along the anterior edge, where the bristles are arranged in distinctly defined fascicles increasing in length toward the apex. On closer examination, some of the setze are found to be densely ciliated along one of their edges, and besides there is found in each fascicle an exceedingly delicate and pellucid ribbon- shaped appendage (fig. 5), answering to the so-called olfactory cilia in other Crustacea. According to the statements of the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, the flagellum in the adult male has a very different appearance from that in the female, being greatly expanded, and without any distinct articulations. In the male of Nebalia, the flagellum is also some- what different from that in the female, but the difference here consists chiefly in this part being more elongate and having dense clusters of sensory bristles on the proximal joints. The antenne (fig. 1, a’; fig. 7) are somewhat more elongate and slender than the antennulze, and affixed in close approximation to the latter, so as partly to cover them at the base. They are composed of an elongate, triarticulate peduncle, geniculate at the middle, and a single multiarticulate flagellum. The first joint of the peduncle is short and thick, somewhat similar to that of the antennulee and without spines or bristles. The second joint is also quite smooth, but considerably more elongate, cylindrical in shape, and, like the antennulze, forming a more or less distinct, elbow-shaped bend with the basal joint. The last joint of the peduncle is still more elongate and close to its base abruptly curved, so as to render the peduncle distinctly geniculate at the middle. The anterior edge of this joint is somewhat irregularly flexuous, forming above, at the curvature of the joint, a rounded, knee-shaped protuberance, beset with short bristles; two similar but less prominent setose protuberances follow further below, and, besides, two somewhat recurved dentiform projections are found at the same edge, the one nearly in the middle, the other at the end. The outer part of the anterior edge is, moreover, beset with slender ciliated setze, rapidly increasing in length towards the end, and continued transversely on the inside of the joint, so as partly to project also on the posterior side; these sete are very elongate, almost reaching to the end of the flagellum. The posterior edge of the jomt has only a single seta at the middle, but this seta is very strong and more densely ciliated than the others. The flagellum is considerably shorter than the peduncle, cylindrical in form, and composed of six distinctly defined joints, the first of which is by far the longest, and about equals the three succeeding in length. At the end of each of the joints anteriorly, a dense fascicle of bristles occurs, and in addition the first joint has three similar fascicles along its anterior edge. According to the statements of the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, the antenne in the adult male do not differ materially from those in the female, whereas in the male of Nebalia the flagellum is extremely elongate, slender and filiform. REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA, 1155 The anterior lip (fig. 8) forms a rounded fleshy prominence issuing from the antennal seoment and projecting backwards so as to cover the masticatory parts of the mandibles. It is slightly emarginate at the free terminal edge and finely ciliated on each side of the emargination. | The posterior lip I have not succeeded in isolating from the surrounding parts. In Nebalia it constitutes a rather small bifid lobe, limiting the oral orifice posteriorly. The mandibles (fig. 1, W; fig. 9) have the body comparatively small and tapering above to a narrow point reaching rather far up the sides of the body (see fig. 1). The masticatory part is strongly incurved so as to form a right angle with the body. It has the cutting edge quite rudimentary, only forming a small, undivided dentiform projection (see fig. 10), whereas the molar tubercle is well developed, cylindrical in form, and terminating in a large fluted molar surface. No difference whatever can be detected in the armature of the two mandibles. The palp (fig. 11) is very fully developed, being twice as long as the mandible (see fig. 9) and generally pointing obliquely anteriorly so as to reach the inferior edge of the carapace (fig. 1, Mp). It is rather slender and composed of three well-defined joints, the first comparatively short and unarmed, the second very elongate and somewhat curved, bearing at the posterior edge four slender bristles, and at the opposite side near the end another recurved seta. The last joint is nearly as long as the preceding and strongly compressed, forming an oblong vertical lamella, slightly dilated at the middle and provided along the outer part of the posterior edge with a double series of densely ciliated bristles arranged in a comb-like manner and increasing in length towards the tip. As to structure, the mandibles in the present form agree fairly well with those in Nebalia, excepting that the cutting edge is still more rudimentary, and that the last joint of the palp is somewhat differently formed. The first pair of maxille (fig. 1, m'; fig. 12) exhibit two well-defined and rather dissimilar masticatory lobes, and a slender recurved palp. The outer masticatory lobe is rather narrow and strongly incurved, with the apex abruptly truncate and armed with a double row of strong equal-sized spines, besides a few slender bristles, one of which, affixed at a short distance from the apex anteriorly, is somewhat stronger than the others and finely ciliated. The inner masticatory lobe is considerably shorter than the outer and has the form of a rounded lamella, finely ciliated along the free edges and, besides, provided with a row of about twelve strong ciliated setee, curved anteriorly and forming together a broad fan. The palp, which is movably articulated to the end of the basal part, at the base of the outer masticatory lobe, is very elongate and slender. It exhibits at the base two imperfectly defined segments, forming together a more or less sharp bend and followed by a very narrow setiform terminal part, projecting obliquely posteriorly along the sides of the trunk (fig. 1, m’'). The latter part is provided along the lower edge with about fifteen extremely slender unciliated bristles, the posterior of which are rather regularly arranged, two issuing from the tip. In the structure of these maxille, 16 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. which has been wrongly represented by the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, the present form exhibits some well marked differences from Nebalia. Thus, the outer masticatory lobe in the latter genus is very dissimilar, being not nearly so much produced, and its armature is also rather different ; moreover the inner lobe is somewhat smaller, whereas the palp is comparatively more strongly developed. The second pair of maxille (fig. 1, m; fig. 13) are composed of a somewhat lamellar basal part, to the end of which two appendages are movably articulated, the inner one representing the palp, the outer the exognath. The basal part is divided into two segments, and juts out internally as three densely setose masticatory lobes, the posterior of which is by far the largest. In front of these lobes there is a slight expansion, bearing three slender ciliated setze, the outer of which is very elongate. The palp is shorter than the basal part and rather narrow, biarticulate, with the first joint smooth, and the second tipped with three slender ciliated setee. The exognath arising close outside the palp, has the form of a narrow lamella, somewhat shorter than the palp, and provided along the outer edge and apex with about nine finely ciliated sete. The maxillee above described differ from those in Nebalia, chiefly by the far inferior development of both the palp and exognath, which in the latter genus are considerably longer than the basal part, and provided with a much greater number of bristles. The branchial legs (Pl. I. fig. 1, brp; Pl. IL. figs. 2-4) in the present form are, as above stated, modified in a peculiar manner, so as at first sight to appear very different from those in Nebalia, this modification being apparently to make them more adapted for direct prehension of the food, whereas their original function as respiratory organs seems to be much less pronounced than in the typical genus. This is chiefly effected by the excessive prolongation of the endopodite, accompanied also by a peculiar transformation of the exopodite, and a considerable reduction of the epipodite. The branchial legs in the present form thereby acquire an appearance strongly reminding us of the true legs in some of the higher Crustacea, especially those of the Euphausiide. As is also the case in Nebalia, these limbs are considerably more elongate in the adult females than in the young animals and in the males, and are moreover distinguished by the great development of the bristles affixed to them. In both sexes they project considerably beyond the free edge of the carapace (see Pl. I. fig. 1, brp), whereas this is not the case in Nebalia. All the legs present a rather uniform appearance, forming together a densely crowded double series along the ventral side of the trunk, and being extended straight downwards, parallel to each other, and with their outer projecting parts more or less distinctly curved. Their movements in the living animal are undoubtedly performed in a simultaneous and rhythmical manner as in Nebalia. As to structure (see Pl. II. figs. 2-4), the same principal parts as in Nebalia are easily found, though rather modified in form. On the main stem may be distinguished a somewhat expanded laminar basal part, and a slender terminal part or endopodite, the latter being more or less curved and divided into a REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. alr number of segments. These segments are, however, very imperfectly defined, and hence can only be exactly counted with great difficulty, except on the posterior pairs (fig. 4), where they appear more distinct, amounting to six in all. The inner edge of the stem does not show any trace of lateral lobes or endites, but is bordered by a regular series of rather elongate and slender ciliated sete. Besides, at a short distance from the edge along the posterior surface, another similar series of slender setze occurs, and this series on the last pair (fig. 4) successively passes over from the posterior surface to the outer edge, whereby the terminal part of the endopodite becomes densely setiferous on both edges. Finally, a third series of very minute hair-like bristles is found close inside the latter series along the posterior surface of the legs. The setae of the basal part in all the legs are considerably shorter than those affixed to the endopodite, though arranged in a similar manner. The apical setee in most of the legs (figs. 2, 3) differ somewhat from the rest, at least in the female, one of them being densely plumose, whereas the others are quite unciliated, very slender and strongly curved at the tip. On the last pair (fig. 4), however, the apical setae do not differ materially from the lateral, but on close examination a very small spine, some- what reminding one of the terminal claw in higher Crustacea, is found at the tip between the setae. The exopodite, issuing from the base of the endopodite on the outer side, exhibits an appearance very different from that in Nebalia, having the form of a slender plate, somewhat shorter than the endopodite, and produced at the end into a very narrow flap. It is fringed along its whole outer edge with a single regular series of slender ciliated bristles, one of which issues from the tip. In the middle pairs (fig. 3) the exopodite is very elongate, and beyond the middle more or less distinctly geniculate, with an approach to a division into two parts, a basal and a very narrow terminal part, thus acquiring a certain resemblance to the natatory branch in higher Crustacea. In the posterior pairs (fig. 4) the exopodite becomes considerably shortened, and of a more simple form. The epipodite, which in Nebalia is exceedingly large and expanded both superiorly and inferiorly, is in the present form reduced to a very small appendage affixed externally to the end of the basal part. It has the form of a narrow recurved plate, very delicate in structure and finely ciliated along the outer edge. In the anterior pair (fig. 2) this plate is slightly bilobed, the inferior lobe being, however, very short and rounded; in the succeeding pairs (fig. 3) it is more simple and oblong in form, and in the last pair (fig. 4) the plate is considerably more produced above than in the other pairs, forming a narrow, slightly flexuous flap, which projects upwards beyond the base of the leg (see Pl. I. fig. 1). The four succeeding pairs of limbs (Pl. I. fig. 1, pl; Pl. IL. figs. 5-7), affixed to the pleon, constitute very powerful natatory organs or pleopoda, which admit of being moved with great force from before backwards, acting in much the same manner as the swimming legs in the Copepoda. They consist each of a broad and somewhat flattened basal part, to the end of which two diverging linear branches are affixed. The basal part is strongly muscular, and composed of two unequal segments, the proximal quite short, the distal (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP.—PART LYI.—1887.) Kkk 3 18 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. oblongo-quadrangular in form, and in the three posterior pairs having the outer edge regularly serrate. Of the branches the outer one is the shorter, and uniarticulate with the outer edge, and the apex strongly spinose, the inner edge being bordered by a regular row of ciliated setee, two or three of which issue from the apex inside the terminal spines. The inner branch is somewhat more slender and distinctly biarticulate, the proximal joint very short, the distal elongate and slightly tapering to the apex, which juts out as a short dentiform projection and, inside the latter, bears a strong spine. Along both edges of this joint a dense series of ciliated setze increasing successively in length toward the tip is affixed, and from the inner side of the proximal joint a linguiform lateral lobe (fig. 6) arises, armed at the tip with three strongly chitinised hooks (fig. 6b). This lobe meets the one on the other side, and by the aid of the above-mentioned hooks both pleopods become thus, as it were, clasped together, so as only to admit of a quite simultaneous movement. In comparing the four pairs of pleopoda with each other, we find some slight differences in their armature and in the relative length of the branches. Thus, in the first pair (fig. 5) the outer edge of the basal part is quite smooth, without any trace of the regular serrations occurring in the other three pairs. Moreover, the outer branch in this pair is considerably shorter as compared with the inner, and the spines of the outer edge are much more numerous and also arranged in a different manner, being only in the distal part disposed in fascicles, whereas those of the proximal part form a dense comb-like series. In all the other pairs (figs. 6, 7) the spines of the outer branch are arranged in five distinct fascicles, two in each fascicle, besides a small seta, and to the obliquely truncate apex three somewhat stronger spines increasing successively in size are atlixed. The last pair of pleopoda (fig. 7) are somewhat smaller than the preceding pairs, and have the inner branch only very slightly longer than the outer, and the spines of the latter branch are also considerably smaller. The two pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs (PI. I. fig. 1, cp", ep?; Pl. II. figs. 8, 9) succeeding the true pleopoda are both of a very simple structure, forming narrow uniarticulate plates, scarcely at all movable. They are setose at the inner edge and armed at the obliquely truncate apex with three spines. Those of the first pair (fig. 8) are somewhat larger and more densely beset with bristles than the posterior pair (fig. 9), with the apical spines successively increasing in length, whereas on the latter pair the middle spine is the longest. The caudal rami (Pl. I. fig. 1, wr; Pl IL. fig. 10) have the form of two more or less diverging narrow plates, movably articulated to the end of the last segment, and about as long as the two posterior caudal segments taken together. They are minutely spinous along the outer edge, and along the inner they are provided with a row of short ciliated bristles, besides a series of minute spines. From the obliquely truncate apex a dense fascicle of very long and slender sete arises, which, however, were mostly broken in the specimens examined. REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 19 The internal organs I have not succeeded in isolating by dissection, owing to the small size of this form. In the previously mentioned specimen, rendered pellucid by preparation in Canada balsam, and represented on PI. I. fig. 1, the intestine can, however, be easily traced running through the axis of the body and terminating in a strongly muscular rectum, which traverses the last caudal segment (see also Pl. IL fig. 10). At the sides of the intestine the ovaries (PI. I. fig. 1, Ov) appear very distinctly, owing to their being rather more opaque than the surrounding parts. They have the form of two very elongate and narrow tubes running through the whole trunk and pleon, and, moreover, projecting anteriorly to some extent within the cephalic part and posteriorly almost reaching to the end of the second segment of the tail. They were each filled by only a single series of ovarial ova, each with a very distinct germinal vesicle in the centre. The musculature of the body may also be rather distinctly traced in the specimen. Thus, in the cephalic part several strong muscular bundles are seen passing from the dorsal side to the several appendages belonging to that division, and in the succeeding part of the body, besides the muscles moving the respective limbs, there is another group of very powerful muscles running parallel to the axis, and by the aid of which the body admits of being moved in relation to the cephalic part or to the carapace, as does also the tail upon the pleon. Of these muscles the dorsal, or extensores, are the more numerous, passing from the one segment to the other and apparently forming several layers, whereas the ventral musculature is chiefly restricted to two strong muscles running backwards beneath the intestine, and in the tail dividing into separate bundles for each segment. The heart, distinctly visible in living animals from its rapid pulsations, quite escapes attention in dead specimens owing to its very thin and pellucid walls, and the nervous system, as also the ceca of the intestine are very difficult to see even in fresh specimens. That all these parts on the whole may agree with those in Nebalia, I cannot but believe, as these two genera are otherwise very nearly related. Development.—As above stated, some of the specimens in the collection were laden with eggs and embryos. On PI. IL figs. 11, 12, I have represented one of the embryonic stages in a ventral and lateral aspect, having found it somewhat different from the corresponding stage of Nebalia, as figured by Metschnikoff. The length of this embryo is nearly 1 mm. As may be seen, it is still provided with the so-called larval cuticle, forming a pellucid homogeneous sheath investing the greater part of the body, and terminating in a slightly bilobed extremity. The anterior part of the body, constituting the cephalic division, is very considerably dilated, almost globular, and to a great extent filled up with the remainder of the yolk, whereas the succeeding part gradually tapers posteriorly. The latter does not exhibit any trace of the strong dorsal curvature found in the corresponding stage of Nebalia, according to the statement of Metschnikoff, but is quite straight, or with the terminal part even slightly curved 20 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ventrally (fig. 12). Of the several divisions of the body which are distinguished in the adult animal, the anterior or cephalic part is, as above stated, very massive and about as long as the succeeding division or trunk, which exhibits, within the larval cuticle, all its seoments well defined. The posterior part of the body, on the other hand, including the pleon and the tail, is still rather imperfectly developed and scarcely longer than the trunk. It consists of only five segments besides the caudal rami, and if the four anterior of these segments be referred to the pleon, the tail will then only be represented by a single segment. ‘The free edges of the developing carapace (fig. 12, C) can easily be traced on each side as a curved line extending backwards from the base of the eyes and meeting above at the most anterior part of the trunk. The carapace is thus in this stage chiefly confined to the cephalic part, the greater portion of the trunk being exposed behind it. The rostral plate (J?) is also readily detected as an obtuse protuberance curving inferiorly in front and not yet marked off from the carapace. The several appendages belonging to the cephalic division are all visible, though still rather imperfectly developed. The eyes (QO) constitute two rather large recurved prominences, which, however, as yet show no trace of either pigment or visual elements, and are also quite smooth, not as in the adult animal denticulate. The antennule (q') and antenne (a’) are of a very similar appearance, forming simple digitiform recurved processes projecting freely from beneath the anterior part of the head, the former slightly diverging the latter extending straight backwards along the ventral surface. Between the base of the antennze a rounded prominence (Z), still invested by the larval cuticle, is seen, representing the anterior lip. Somewhat posterior to this prominence, three pairs of rather small and closely crowded processes occur, the two anterior pairs exhibiting a slender terminal appendage, distinctly marked off from the proximal part, and somewhat recurved, Of these processes the anterior pair (JZ) represent the mandibles, and their terminal appendage the mandibular palp; the succeeding pair (m’) are the first pair of maxille, and their terminal appendage, which is considerably narrower than that of the preceding pair, is easily recognised as the slender recurved palp of these maxille; the third pair (m’), finally, are as yet quite simple, conical in form and represent the second pair of maxilla. On each of the eight segments of the trunk there are a pair of bilobular appendages (brp) pointing posteriorly and each partly covering the one succeed- ing it. These appendages represent the developing branchial legs and are all exactly alike and slightly extended laterally. They are succeeded by three pairs of appendages (p/), which are also distinctly bilobular at the tip, but much smaller and quite concealed by the larval cuticle. These appendages are the three anterior pairs of pleopoda. No trace can as yet be detected of either member of the fourth pair of pleopoda, or of the two succeeding pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs. The caudal rami (uz) form simple obtusely conical processes, lying within the symmetrically formed bilobular extremity of the larval cuticle and being well defined from the last segment, but as yet without any REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. il trace of spines or bristles. The young, when fully developed and ready to escape from the incubatory cavity of the mother, have much the same appearance as the adult animal, with this exception, however, that the last pair of pleopoda, as is also the case in the young of Nebalia, are not yet developed, but only indicated as a slight projection of the last segment of the pleon. Habitat.—According to the statement of the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, the present interesting form was obtained during the stay of the Expedition at the Bermudas, by Mr. John Murray, who took it in Harrington Sound, a bay which only communicates with the sea through a narrow passage. Afterwards the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm also collected the animal in the same bay, where it occurred not rarely under stones and Corals. But among twenty females he only succeeded in finding two male specimens. eee Nebaliopsis, n. gen. Generic Characters. the dorsal line so as to cover over the whole trunk and the greater part of the pleon; Carapace distinctly sculptured, very large and produced along valves not expanded posteriorly nor separated above by any emargination. Rostral plate very small, tongue-shaped. Trunk much larger than pleon and rather dilated. Tail very small with the segments subequal. Eyes rudimentary, without pigment or visual elements. Antennule not very strong, last joint of peduncle produced anteriorly to a narrow projection, terminal lamella comparatively small, narrowed at the tip, with scattered spines at the edge, flagellum well developed. Antenne with last joint of peduncle divided into two segments, flagellum slender, multiarticulate. Mandibular palp very strong, subpediform. Second pair of maxillee with palp and exognath imperfectly developed and not defined from basal part. Branchial legs very small and simple in structure, forming oblong lanceolate lamelle, setose on the imner edge and slightly lobular at the outer, endopodal and exopodal parts only very faintly indicated, epipodite distinctly defined, narrow, elliptical, upper extremity more produced than lower. Pleopoda well developed, outer branch lamellar, expanded, inner lanceolate. The two succeeding pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs subequal, uniarticulate. Caudal rami lamellar expanded, outer edge spinous, inner setose. Remarks.—The present new genus is chiefly distinguished by the peculiar form and sculpture of the carapace, and by the structure of the branchial legs. In both these respects, as also, it would seem, in the structure of the oral parts, it differs very consider- ably from the two other known genera of recent Phyllocarida. The relative development of the several divisions of the body is likewise rather different, especially when compared with the typical genus Nebalia, the trunk occupying the far greater part of the body, whereas the terminal part or tail—greatly developed in Nebalia—is very much reduced in size. In the form of the carapace, the present genus shows a certain resemblance to 22 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. the Devonian genus Dictyocaris, Salter, in which a distinct external sculpturing has also been described ; but whether this resemblance is only accidental or points to some nearer relationship between the two genera, it is impossible at present to say with any approach to certainty. 2. Nebaliopsis typica, un. sp. (Pl. IIL). Specific Characters. dorsal keel running along the middle, its form, as seen laterally, oblongo-triangular, dorsal Carapace thin and flexible, somewhat compressed, with a slight line very faintly curved, anterior extremity narrowly rounded, posterior obtusely produced above, inferior edges strongly curved in front of the middle. Rostral plate exceedingly small, oval in form, with a slight carina running along the middle and terminating in a blunt point. Surface of carapace sculptured by elevated narrow ridges anastomosing with each other and forming together a somewhat irregular open network, less distinct on the anterior part, where a somewhat flexuous transverse elevation passes down the sides for a short distance from the anterior edge. Trunk very large, about as long as pleon and tail combined. Tail scarcely longer than the three posterior segments of pleon taken together, very narrow, with the posterior edge of the segments indistinctly denti- culate, Eyes exceedingly small, cylindrical, smooth, apex rounded. Antennule with the two first joints of peduncle rather strong and subequal in length, third much smaller, Jamellar appendage about as long as first joint of flagellum. Antenne with the peduncle scarcely longer than that of the antennulee, first jot the largest. Pleopoda with basal part smooth, outer branch shorter than inner and having the outer edge strongly curved and armed with a single row of small denticles. Caudal lamella about as long as tail, expanded in the middle, extremity tapering and slightly incurved, outer edge apparently armed with seven spines, increasing in size posteriorly, tip with two spines (or strong sete). Length reaching about 40 mm. Remarks.—The specific diagnosis given above is of course only provisional, the present form being the only one of the genus as yet known. Most of the characters mentioned above may, however, from analogy with other forms prove to be really specific in value. It is apparently this form that was mentioned by the late Dr. vy. Willemoes Suhm in a letter to Professor v. Siebold,’ as a gigantic Ostracode. This strange mistake may be readily explained by the incompleteness of the first specimen obtained, of which only the carapace and a small fragment of the body was brought up in the dredge. Description.— Of this remarkable form there is in the collection an apparently young specimen with most of the limbs preserved, and also the carapace of a much larger and in all probability adult specimen, together with a fragment of the cephalic part. The former specimen has a length of 22 mm. excluding the caudal rami, which are wanting 1 Zeitsclr. f. wiss, Zool., Bd, xxiv. p. xiii. REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 23 in the specimen. Its carapace measures 16 mm. in length. The carapace of the other specimen is fully 29 mm. long and 16 mm. high, and thus the total length of this specimen may have been about 40 mm.—a very large size, indeed, as compared with that of the other known recent Phyllocarida. The form of the body (see Pl. III. figs. 1, 2) differs considerably from that in the species of Nebalia and Paranebalia, not to speak of the peculiar shape of the carapace, by the large size of the middle division, the trunk, whereas the posterior part of the body, including the pleon and the tail, is comparatively far less developed and scarcely at all longer than the trunk. The carapace is exceedingly large and of a form distinctly deviating from that met with in the other two genera. It is slightly compressed, though somewhat less so than in Nebalia, and covers the greater part of the body, including the cephalic part, the trunk and the greater portion of the pleon, without, however, being connate with the body except along a very limited space in front. As seen from the side (figs. 1, 5) it exhibits an oblong triangular form, with the dorsal line only very slightly arched, the anterior extremity narrowly rounded, and the posterior extremity produced above to an obtuse angle. The inferior edges exhibit somewhat in front of the middle a strong, almost angular curvature, and behind this curvature they ascend obliquely, without forming any projecting lateral lobe, but joining immediately the posterior edges by a very slight curve. The free edges meet above at an obtuse angle, no intervening incision or emargination, similar to that found in the other known forms, being present (see fig. 6). The rostral plate (see figs. 1, 5) is exceedingly small, but distinctly defined from the carapace. As seen from above (fig. 7) it exhibits a quite regular oval form, with a slight keel running along the middle and terminating in front in a small angular projection. In both specimens it curves straight downwards between the free anterior edges of the carapace, partly closing the anterior opening of the shell as an operculum, but in the living animal it undoubtedly may admit of being raised and lowered to a certain extent, as is the case with the other known forms. As to structure, the carapace is very thin and flexible, almost membranaceous, and semitransparent, but provided with a well-marked external sculpturing, especially very distinct on the carapace of the larger specimen (figs. 5, 6). This sculpturing consists of a system of narrow elevated ridges anastomosing with each other, and forming together a somewhat irregular open network, limiting a great number of angular depressed areas of different size and form. Towards the anterior part of the carapace this sculpturing becomes gradually less distinct, and at last wholly disappears, whereas at a short distance from the anterior edge a rather coarse transverse elevation passes down the sides, making at its upper part a sharp curve backwards. In the middle of the dorsal surface (fig. 6) a straight ridge or low keel runs along the carapace from its anterior extremity to the posterior, dividing it into two symmetrical halves, and at the end of the anterior fourth part of the length of the carapace a well-defined obliquely transverse line crosses the ridge 24 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S CHALLENGER. and marks off in front the very small space where the carapace forms the immediate body-wall, at the same time dorsally defining the anterior division of the body,—the cephalic part. Immediately below this area, on each side, the insertion of the adductor muscle of the valves is distinctly seen as an assemblage of small lucid spots. The division of the body behind the cephalic part is very large, occupying more than the third part of the length of the body. It is at once seen to answer to the compara- tively small part described above in Paranebalia as the trunk, and is, as in that genus, composed of eight well-defined segments, slightly increasing in size posteriorly, and each bearing a pair of branchial limbs. The ventral surface of this division bulges out as it were in its posterior part, so as to project further down than the pleon, whereas the contrary is the case in the two other known genera. The pleon is considerably shorter than the trunk and rapidly tapers posteriorly. It is composed of the normal number of segments, none of which, however, exhibits any traces of distinct epimera. The tail is very small and narrow, cylindrical in form, and about as long as the three posterior segments of the pleon taken together. It is composed, as in the other genera, of four segments about equal in size, the three anterior being slightly denticulate at the posterior edge. The last segment is somewhat dilated at the end, and wants the dentiform projections found in the preceding genus on each side of the anal orifice. The eyes (figs. 8, 9,O) exhibit a quite rudimentary condition, wanting, as they do, every trace of pigment and visual elements. They are very small, so as easily to escape attention, and nearly cylindrical in form, or very slightly dilated towards the end, which is obtusely rounded and quite smooth. The antennule (fig. 8, a1) are constructed upon the very same type as in Nebalia and Paranebalia, but appear comparatively shorter and stouter. The first joint of the peduncle is rather massive, irregularly angulated, and, as in the latter genera, very firmly connected with the head. The second joint is scarcely longer than the first, dilated in the proximal part, and rapidly tapering to the end, forming with the succeeding joint a strong geniculate bend. It bears on the inner side near the end a few recurved setee, but is otherwise, like the first, quite smooth. The third joint is scarcely more than half as large as the preceding, constricted at the base and somewhat dilated toward the end, with the terminal edge forming on the outer side an obtuse angle. The fourth joint is still smaller but rather broad, and juts out anteriorly as a slightly curved narrow process, strongly compressed and very finely denticulate at the anterior edge. As in Nebalia and Paranebalia a lamellar appendage is articulated outside at the base of this process. This appendage is, however, rather small and of a somewhat fusiform shape, with a few small spines along the anterior edge, two of which are affixed to an angular projection about the middle. Of the numerous slender bristles which clothe the corresponding lamella in the two other genera, there is no trace to be detected. The flagellum seems REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 25 to have been rather elongate, in all probability much longer than the peduncle, but the outer part is wanting in both specimens. The preserved proximal part is composed of eight joints, the first of which, as usual, is by far the largest and about as long as the lamellar appendage, whereas the succeeding joints are very short. The bristles, which may have clothed these joints anteriorly, were broken off in the specimen examined. The antenne (fig. 8, a) are somewhat more slender than the antennule, and comparatively rather smaller than those in Nebalia and Paranebalia. The peduncle is scarcely longer than that of the antennule and geniculate at the middle. Its first joint is the largest, irregularly quadrangular in form, and exhibits on the outer side at the base a rounded prominence, slightly overlapping the basal joint of the antennule. The second joint is, like the first, quite smooth, and has the distal extremity obliquely truncate, forming with the succeeding joint a sharp geniculate bend. The latter joint is considerably more slender than the two preceding, and divided into two segments by a well-marked transverse suture. It is provided along the anterior edge with a number of small slender bristles, forming on the proximal segment a double row. The flagellum in both specimens is imperfect, the outer part being broken off, but, to judge from the form of the proximal part, it may have been rather elongate and slender. The anterior lip (figs. 8, 9, L) projecting posteriorly between the bases of the antenne, is rather large and almost pentagonal in form, the terminal edge being not, as in the two other genera, emarginate, but on the contrary produced in the middle as an obtuse angle, and without any visible ciliation. The mandibles (fig. 8, MZ) are very small, more so even than in Nebalia and Para- nebalia. The structure of their masticatory part could not be more closely examined, but this part seems to be far less developed than in the genus Paranebalia. The palp (Mp), on the other hand, is very large, almost pediform, and composed of three distinctly defined joints forming angular bends with each other. The basal joint is rather massive, and forms with the succeeding joint apparently a very movable articulation. Both these joints are quite smooth and nearly uniform in size, whereas the terminal joint is considerably smaller and of a narrow elliptical form ; it is moreover strongly compressed, and provided along the posterior edge with a dense row of ciliated bristles, arranged in a comb-like manner. Of the maxillee I have only been able to examine the second pair more closely, the first pair being so much damaged in the specimen examined as not to admit of any satisfactory description. The former pair (fig. 10) are very small and look rather dissimilar to those in Nebalia and Paranebalia, whereas, on the other hand, they show an unmistakable resemblance to the maxille in certain Copepoda. As in the latter group the inner masticatory lobe is very strongly developed and does not extend in the same plane as the others; it is, moreover, provided at the free edge with a dense row of strong spine-like bristles, which are ciliated at one of their edges and recurved, so as to form together a dense comb-like fan projecting towards the oral orifice. The three other (ZOOL, CHALL, EXP,—PART LvI.—1887.) Kkk 4 bo 6 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. masticatory lobes are much smaller, and very narrow, and arise from a common lamellar expansion lying outside the principal lobe. They were devoid of any armature, but it may be that a few bristles have been originally affixed to their obtusely rounded extremities. Neither the palp nor the exognath are distinctly defined from the basal part but appear only as simple expansions of it. The palp has the form of a rather large oval projection extended in the axis of the maxilla, and provided with numerous slender ciliated setae on both edges, those of the outer edge being the longest and arranged in several rows. The apex is evenly rounded and unarmed, whereas a row of very small spine-like bristles is found along the inner edge, inside the slender ciliated setae. The exognath is exceedingly small, constituting only a very slight lamellar expansion of the outer edge, and provided with four densely plumose and somewhat flexuous sete increasing in size towards the base. The branchial legs (fig. 3) are at first sight very unlike those in the two other known genera, and comparatively far inferior in size, as also much more widely separate from one another (see figs. 1, 2). They are very simple in structure, forming, as they do, merely delicate membranous lamella of oblongo-lanceolate form and slightly lobular at the outer edge. There is no marked limit between basal and terminal part, nor are the endopodite and exopodite distinctly defined, the epipodite being the only part distinctly marked off from the plate. The inner edge of the plate forms a very slight and even curve, and is bordered by a single row of slender sete, continued also on the narrowly rounded extremity. Beyond the middle there is outside a very slight lobiform expansion, the distal end of which is somewhat produced and separated from the terminal part of the plate by a narrow incision. This expansion, which is quite smooth, may, from its position, answer to the exopodite, and the part of the leg projecting beyond the above mentioned incision of course corresponds to the terminal part of the endopodite in the other Nebaliide. The epipodite forms a narrow elliptical lamella affixed on the outer side nearer to the base, and separated from the exopodite by another narrow incision. It is connected to the leg by a narrow neck, and has the upper extremity considerably more produced than the lower, the former even reaching somewhat beyond the base of the leg. The substance of the branchial legs is very soft, almost parenchymatous, and between the two investing cuticles there is accumulated a granular opaque mass disposed in small patches, apparently coagulated blood. All parts of the leg, indeed, seem here to be equally well adapted for respiratory purposes. Moreover, in the proximal part several thin muscular bundles are seen, partly crossing each other and disappearing at about the middle of the length of the leg. The pleopoda (fig. 4) are rather powerful and, as in the other genera, composed of a large lamellar basal part, to the end of which two unequal branches are affixed. The basal part is oblongo-quadrangular in form and quite smooth, though projecting at the end externally as an acute angle. Of the branches the outer one is uniarticulate and REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 2. distinguished by its lamellar structure and peculiar expanded form, the outer edge bulging out as a strong curve, whereas the inner is quite straight. The latter bears a row of short sete, whereas the outer edge is armed with numerous small denticles, arranged pretty regularly in a single series. The inner branch is considerably longer than the outer, but much narrower and lanceolate in form. It is composed of two distinctly defined joints, as in the other genera, the first quite short and bearing inside the usual linguiform lobe, the second evenly tapering to the apex, and all around the edges fringed with ciliated sete. The first pair of pleopoda only differ from the other three by the outer branch being some- what less expanded. The last pair, as in the other genera, are somewhat shorter than the preceding pairs, Bi ie oa . ff WY J but otherwise of the very same structure. A oh The two pairs of rudimentary caudal limbs suc- 4 {/ ceeding the pleopoda (see fig. 1) are very small, and < A quite alike, forming simple narrow plates, setose at the ‘ 4 edges and pointing directly backwards. The caudal rami were broken off in the specimen examined, and are only conjecturally indicated in fig, 1 by dotted lines. When, however, recently preparing the specimen for retransmission, I detected at the bottom of the tube in which it was originally pre- served, a part, which, in spite of its anomalous appearance, I cannot but believe to be one of the caudal rami, detached from the specimen. In the accompanying cut I give a figure of this part, drawn to the same scale as figs. 3 and 4 on Pl. HL, which represent limbs from the same specimen. In its general appearance it somewhat resembles the outer branch of the pleopoda, but is very much larger, measuring nearly 5 mm. in leneth and thus about equalling that of the posterior division of the body, or tail. It has the form of a rather broad lamella, somewhat expanded in the middle and drawn out to a slightly imcurved extremity, which is narrowly truncate. The edge, which I regard as the outer, is sharpened and evenly curved, with seven angular notches, to which as many spines may have been affixed, one of which, the most proximal, still remains. The latter is very small, but in all probability the others successively increased in size posteriorly. The inner edge is evenly convex in its proximal part, but becomes slightly sinuous towards the end. It is considerably thickened and exhibits two distinct lips, limiting a narrow Fic. 1.—Caudal ramus of Nebialopsis typica. 28 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.8. CHALLENGER. sulcus, to the bottom of which a series of slender ciliated setze seems to have been affixed, the bases of most of them being still present. From the tip of the lamella a fragment of what may have been either a strong spine or a very clongate seta projects, and external to this another similar spine or seta may have been affixed. The whole lamella exhibits a delicate parenchymatous structure similar to that of the branchial legs. As the younger specimen is rather pellucid, some of the internal parts can also be faintly made out through the integuments. Thus, in a lateral view (fig. 1), a dark string is seen running from the cephalic part through the whole trunk and part of the pleon, at some distance from the dorsal surface. On examining the animal from the dorsal side, this string is found to be composed of two symmetrical narrow tubes filled with an opaque granular mass, and having between them another tube somewhat wider and more transparent. It therefore seems evident that the string referred to must represent the intestine, together with two elongate caeca accompanying it in the greater part of its length. But, besides, the anterior part of the body contains another internal organ of far greater dimensions, constituting a large opaque mass slightly tapering posteriorly and extending through the greater part of the trunk at a short distance from the ventral surface. The significance of this body I am unable to state with certainty. It cannot represent the generative organs, since it apparently forms an unpaired mass, and, moreover, its situa- tion would seem to forbid such an assumption. I am more inclined to regard it either as a kind of liver, or perhaps more properly an accumulation of fatty deposits, answering to the adipose body which in Nebalia envelops the whole intestine together with its ceca. The ventral ganglionic cord—only with great difficulty examined in the two other genera—is here immediately visible when the animal is examined from the lower side (fig. 2), lying, as it does, immediately inside the ventral cuticle and not being concealed by the branchial legs. The ganglia of the trunk, placed in the two other genera so closely together as almost to be coalescent, are in this animal wide apart and connected by very long commissures, in close proximity to each other. The ganglia of the pleon, of which at least the anterior is very distinctly seen, are considerably larger than those of the trunk, and furnish several nerve-trunks to each side, from which numerous fine nerves arise, partly innervating the musculature of the pleon and partly entering the pleopoda. Habitat.—The first specimen obtained, which, as above stated, was only represented by the carapace and a fragment of the front part of the body, was taken with the dredge in the Southern Ocean between Prince Edward Island and the Crozets. Station 146, December 29, 18783; lat. 46° 46’ S., long, 45° 31’ E; depth, 1375 fathoms ; bottom, Globigerina ooze ; bottom temperature, 35°°6. The other more complete specimen came up in the trawl from a very considerable depth in the South Pacific, about midway between New Zealand and Chili. Station 289, October 23, 1875; lat. 39° 41’ 8, long. 131° 23’ W.; depth, 2550 fathoms ; bottom, red clay ; bottom temperature, 34°°3. HOMOLOGY OF THE RECENT PHYLLOCARIDA. In the following pages I propose to discuss more in detail the homologies of the several parts in the Nebaliidee, as compared with those in other recent Crustacea. As has been indicated at the beginning of this Report, my view as to the relationship of the genus Nebalia to other known Crustacea somewhat differs from that set forth by most other naturalists, and the examination of the two related new generic types pro- cured by the Challenger Expedition, and described above, has confirmed me still more in the opinion at first adopted from a thorough investigation of our common northern form, Nebalia bipes, Fabricius. It is certainly astonishing that the great resemblance of Nebalia to certain Copepoda, Fic. 2.—Diosaccus tenuicornis (Claus), male. has escaped the attention of most naturalists who have subjected this genus to a closer examination, whereas the much more remote affinity to the Podophthalmia has always been dwelt upon, and even Professor Claus, to whom we are, as is well known, indebted for an admirable work on the free living Copepoda, does not seem to have been aware of this unmistakable resemblance; I think it may be readily found by a closer com- parison, that the affinity of Nebalia to the Copepoda is in fact much greater than to the Podophthalmia, both as regards the external appearance and the structure of the several appendages. In some other important points it exhibits, on the other hand, an evident agreement with the Phyllopoda, and for that reason it ought to be, in my judgment, 30 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. placed within the same order, the Branchiopoda, though representing the type of an anomalous suborder, the Phyllocarida. In order to facilitate a closer comparison of the Nebaliide with the Copepoda, I sub- join a cut of a male specimen of one of our most common marine forms of the Harpactoid group, viz., Diosaceus tenuicornis (Claus). Homology of the Body-Divisions.—In examining the body of a Nebaliid, its general resemblance to that of a Copepod, especially of the Harpactoid group, may at once be recognised. But itis at the same time readily seen that there is in the Nebaliide a distinct division of the body which is only faintly indicated in the Copepoda, viz., the trunk, or, as it is generally termed, the thorax. What is described as thorax in the Copepoda does not at all answer to the thorax in the higher Crustacea, but undoubtedly is homologous with the anterior part of the ‘‘abdomen” in these Crustacea, or the divi- sion in the Nebaliidee described above as the pleon, whereas the so-called abdomen in the Copepoda evidently answers to only the posterior part of the abdomen in the higher Crustacea or the division in the Nebaliide succeeding the pleon, and described above as the tail. This is especially distinctly seen in the above described form, Paranebalia longupes (Pl. I. fig. 1; Pl. II. fig. 1), where the latter division is very sharply marked off from the pleon, both exhibiting a form very similar to that in the Copepoda, and, more- over, quite agreeing in function, since the tail here evidently admits of being moved as a whole upon the pleon, in the very same manner as in the Copepoda. A closer com- parison between the Nebaliidze and Copepoda thus clearly shows that the terminology generally adopted in describing the higher Crustacea has been wrongly applied as regards the lower forms (Copepoda), since the divisions “ thorax” and “ abdomen” in the former do not answer to the similarly named divisions in the latter. This misapprehension may indeed have been the cause why the affinity of Nebalia to the Copepoda has not been re- cognised. Thus, in order to explain the supposed abnormal number of segments in the “abdomen” of Nebalia, Professor Claus has set forth an hypothesis, which seems to me very unreasonable, viz., that the two last segments together with the caudal rami in Nebalia answer to the telson in the Podophthalmia, which latter part, he suggests, has been originally formed by several segments. The fact is, however, that the so-called abdomen in Nebalia does not show any similarity at all to that division in the higher Crustacea, whereas it is constructed upon the very same type as in the Copepoda, the number of segments being in full accordance with that found in a great number of these Crustacea, admitting the above given explanation of the homology of the body-divisions in both. As to the limit between the two divisions in the Nebaliidze, described above as pleon and tail, it should be remembered that the first segment of the latter division, properly speaking, answers to the segment in the Copepoda generally described as the last thoracic segment, but which in most of the forms evidently has a much closer relation to the succeeding division, the tail, or, as it is wrongly termed, the abdomen. REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. al fLomology of the Carapace.—As above mentioned, the carapace in Nebalia has been adduced as a character showing the affinity of this genus to the Podophthalmia, and especially the Schizopoda. On closer examination we shall, however, find that according to this character it might with quite as good reason be classed among the Phylopoda ; for both the finer structure of the carapace and the manner in which it is connected with the body are rather more in accordance with the latter Crustacea than with the Podoph- thalmia. Moreover, the presence of a well-developed adductor muscle, never found in any Podophthalmia, gives the carapace in the Nebaliide a very marked phyllopodous character. As to form and relation to the body, it exhibits, as it were, an intermediate condition between the carapace in Apus and the bivalved shell in Limnadia. The jointed rostral plate is a character neither found in the Podophthalmia nor in the Phyllopoda, whereas a quite similar movable rostral projection is met with in some Copepoda of the Harpactoid group, and in the latter forms, moreover, the lateral parts of the so-called cephalic segment are found to extend more or less down the sides, so as to include between them the bases of the antennze and most of the oral parts, thus assuming the character of a bivalvular carapace, though being still connate with the body along the dorsal surface. The greatly developed carapace, by which the Nebaliidee at first sight seem to be so very sharply distinguished from the Copepoda, may thus be found to have in fact its homologue also in the latter Crustacea. Homology of the Eyes.—The eyes form another character wrongly adduced to show the affinity of Nebalia to the Podophthalmia. In reality the eyes in the Nebaliide, though properly termed stalked and mobile, differ essentially from those in the Podoph- thalmia by their much simpler structure and by the want of a distinct facetted cornea. On the other hand, they are found to agree, both as to form and structure, very closely with the eyes in a well-known family of the Phyllopoda, the Branchipodide. Homology of the Antennule.—These limbs certainly exhibit a structure very different from that met with in other Branchiopoda, but they are also quite dissimilar to the corresponding limbs in the Podophthalmia, differing essentially as well by the abnormal number of joints in the peduncle, this being in all higher Crustacea invariably but three, as also by the peculiar setose lamella appended to the end of the peduncle. To compare this lamella, as proposed by some authors, to the so-called antennal scale belonging to the succeeding pairs of limbs, the antennz, in Decapods and Schizopods, is, in my opinion, quite unreasonable. Neither can it properly be regarded as homologous with the inner flagellum in these Crustacea or to the accessory flagellum in the Amphipoda, since it is affixed outside the true flagellum, which latter undoubtedly answers to the outer flagellum in other Crustacea, bearing, as it does, the characteristic sensory appendages, generally termed olfactory cilia. Thus the lamella under consideration cannot properly be compared to anything met with in the higher Crustacea, but apparently represents a characteristic feature peculiar to the Nebaliide. I think we may better understand the 32 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. structure of the antennule in the latter forms by instituting a comparison with the cor- responding limbs in the Copepoda. Thus, in the Harpactoidea we find that the anterior pair of antennee, which undoubtedly answer to the antennule in the Nebaliidee, are composed each of two rather distinctly defined divisions, a thicker proximal part and a much narrower distal part, the former consisting pretty constantly of four articulations, the last of which forms anteriorly a lateral expansion bearing a slender, ribbon-like appendage, the latter composed of a varying number of articulations but always very sharply marked off from the proximal part. There cannot in my judgment be any doubt that the proximal part of the anterior antennze in these Copepoda answers to the anten- nular peduncle in the Nebaliide, and the distal part to the flagellum. The lateral expansion of the last joint of the proximal part in the former is also well seen in the Nebaliide, and, moreover, in all probability the ribbon-like appendage affixed to that expansion in the Harpactoidea is a homologue of the setose lamella in the Nebaliide. Thus, all parts of the antennulee in the latter forms seem to be in fact represented in the Copepod antennula, and the apparently abnormal number of joints in the peduncle as compared with that in the higher Crustacea, will turn out to be quite normal in relation to the Copepoda. Homology of the Antenne.—In comparing the antennze in the Nebaliidee with those in the higher Crustacea, we find at once their structure very different from that in any known form of the Podophthalmia, whereas they at first sight somewhat resemble the lower antennee in the Amphipoda. On closer examination, however, it is easily found that they differ materially also from those in the last named group of Crustacea by the peduncle being only triarticulate, whereas in all known Malacostraca the number of joints is far greater, generally amounting to five in all. Moreover, the peculiar geniculate bend at the middle of the peduncle is rather different from what is generally met with in the Malacostraca. I think we may also in the case of these limbs more properly derive their structure from that met with in the Copepoda, especially those of the Harpactoid group. In these Copepoda the posterior antennze are, as is well known, very small but composed of three distinctly defined segments, the last of which forms with the preceding a strong geniculate bend, and it may readily be found, by comparison, that these three segments together perfectly agree in form with the antennal peduncle in the Nebaliide. At the tip of the last joint, moreover, in some forms a small imperfectly defined terminal joint may be distinguished, representing a rudiment of the flagellum. The accessory branch generally found affixed to the middle of the second segment is sometimes quite obsolete, whereby the accordance becomes still more pro- nounced. The peculiar modification of the flagellum in the male of Nebalia, somewhat similar to what is met with in the Amphipoda and Cumacea, does not seem to have any more general significance, since in the nearly related genus Paranebalia there is no difference whatever to be found in the antenne of the male and female, whereas it REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 33 is here only the antennule which are peculiarly modified, as is also the case in the Copepoda. Homology of the Oral Parts.—These appendages appear on the whole very dissimilar to those in other Branchiopoda, and their structure has consequently been adduced to show the closer affinity of Mebalia to the Podophthalmia. Especially is the great development of the mandibular palp certainly a very characteristic feature, since such a palp is never met with in any adult Branchiopod. In form this palp, however, exhibits, as has also been pointed out by Professor Claus, a much closer resemblance to that in the Amphipoda than to the palp in the Podophthalmia, and the structure of the mandible itself is also rather different, showing, by the reduction of the cutting edge and the great development of the molar surface, more similarity to that met with in the greater part of the Branchiopoda. In the Copepoda the mandibles are, as is well known, in most cases provided with a well-developed palp, but this palp is generally biramose or bears a so-called branchial appendage, which however is often very reduced in size and in some forms even quite obsolete, whereby the palp acquires a certain similarity to the mandibular palp in the Nebaliidee. The very slight development of the posterior lip or metastoma in the Nebaliidee is a character apparently more in accordance with the Entomostraca than with the Malacostraca, in which latter this part is always well developed and rather large. As to the structure of the maxille, both pairs seem to me to be essentially different from those in the higher Crustacea, and especially is the structure of the first pair quite peculiar and only admits of a very general comparison with those in other Crustacea. In the structure of the second pair I find, however, a well-marked resemblance to the maxille in a great number of Copepoda, and this resemblance is especially very striking in the case of the genus Nebaliopsis, as stated above. In the Copepoda, it is true, only a single pair of maxilla are present, but this pair I think may more properly be regarded as homologous with the second pair in the Nebaliide, the first pair not being developed in the former Crustacea. The number of maxille in the Nebaliidee cannot be adduced as showing their affinity to the Macacostraca, since we find at least in all Phyllopoda both pairs distinctly developed, though of a rather simple structure. Homology of the Branchial Legs —These limbs, in my opinion, undoubtedly stamp the Nebaliide as true Branchiopoda, agreeing, as they do, both in structure and function with the so-called branchial feet in other forms of this order. This has, however, been partly combated by some naturalists, who regard them as more closely agreeing with the thoracic legs in the Schizopoda; and, in fact, if we had confined our examination to the structure of these limbs in the above described genus Paranebalia, such a view might perhaps to a certain extent be advocated, as in this form they certainly exhibit an appearance somewhat approaching that of the legs in the Euphausiidee. On the other hand, I think, that no one will find any trace of similarity between the simple lamelli- (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART LVI.—1887.) Kkk 5 34 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. form branchial legs in Nebaliopsis and the thoracic legs of any Schizopod or other Malacostracan. In both these genera, however, these limbs are constructed upon the same general plan, the chief agreement being found in their adaptation for solely respir- atory purposes, and in so far they very materially differ from the thoracic legs in the Malacostraca. In Nebalia the branchial legs hold an intermediate position and consequently exhibit the most typical structure, whereas in the two above named generic types they represent, as it were, the extremes of a series of modifications, apparently standing in some connection with the very different conditions of life in the two, the one being a shallow-water form, the other a very marked deep-water form. That these limbs in Nebalia are much more closely related in structure to the branchial legs in other Branchiopoda, than to the thoracic legs in the Malacostraca, cannot in my opinion be disputed. It is true that they somewhat differ from the branchial legs in the Phyllopoda by the want of the so-called endites or lateral lobes of the endopodite. But it must be remembered, that these endites are only peculiar to the Phyllopoda, whereas in other undoubted Branchiopoda, as the Cladocera, they are more or less completely obsolete. Nor can it properly be adduced in support of the assumption of the: nearer relationship of Nebalia to the Schizopoda, that the “ thoracic” legs in the former exhibit the same principal parts as in the latter, since these parts, viz., the endopodite, exopodite, and epipodite, may easily be distinguished in Crustacea belonging to very different groups, and in most other Branchiopoda are quite so well definable as in Nebalia. The number of these limbs in all the known recent Phyllocarida is eight pairs, and if we consider the anterior pair as homologous with the maxillipeds in the Malacostraca, the number will certainly answer to that of the thoracic legs in these Crustacea, whereas their number in other Branchicpoda is very variable and at least in the Phyllopoda is much greater. But on closer examination we shall find that the anterior pair of branchial legs in the Nebaliidee evidently belong to the trunk and not to the cephalic part, as do the maxillipeds in all the known Malacostraca, and even in the Euphausiidee, where the maxillipeds are constructed upon the very same type as the succeeding legs, the development shows them clearly to belong to the head and not to the trunk.’ It thus results that the maxillipeds are wanting in the Nebaliidee, and that the number of the limbs belonging to the trunk is in reality greater than in the Malacostraca. In the Copepoda these limbs are only represented by the so-called maxillipeds, which according to the suggestion of Professor Claus may properly be regarded as the outer and inner branches of a single pair of limbs. Homology of the Pleopoda and Caudal Limbs :—The great agreement both in form and composition between the two posterior divisions of the body in the Nebaliide and the so-called “thorax” and “abdomen” in the Copepoda, has been stated above. This agreement becomes still more evident by a comparison of the respective appendages. 1See my Report on the Challenger Schizopoda, Zool. Chall. Exp., pt. xxxvii. REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 35 Thus, the pleopoda in the Nebaliidze undoubtedly agree very closely with the swimming legs in the Copepoda both as to structure and number, whereas their affinity to the pleopoda in the Malacostraca is much more remote. To compare them to the caudal limbs or the so-called saltatory legs in the Amphipoda, as proposed by Professor Claus, is, I think, objectionable, since the latter limbs belong to a different division of the body and more properly answer to the rudimentary caudal limbs in Nebalia. As to the mode in which the pleopoda are moved, we find also the greatest resemblance between Nebalia and the Copepoda, especially those of the Harpactoid group, the movements being not at all rhythmical nor performed in the same rapid and almost vibratile manner as in the Amphipoda and most Podophthalmia (Euphausiidee). The two rudimentary caudal limbs in the Nebaliidee likewise find their homologues in the Copepoda. The first of these pairs are thus evidently homologous with the generally very small and imperfectly developed so-called last thoracic legs in the latter Crustacea, and on closer examination we shall find that also the second pair of these limbs are represented in the Copepoda, though in a very rudimentary state. Thus, on the segment succeeding the so-called last thoracic segment in the latter Crustacea, and generally described as the first abdominal segment, there occur in most of the forms on each side, close to the genital orifice, a small tubercle provided with a few spine-like bristles. This tubercle, more distinct in the males, is undoubtedly the rudiment of a pair of limbs, evidently answering to the second pair of rudimentary caudal limbs in the Nebaliidee. The succeeding segments in the Copepoda as also in the Nebaliide are entirely devoid of any trace of limbs, and in most of the Harpactoidea these segments exhibit a denticulate armature on the hinder edge quite similar to that in the Nebaliide. Finally, the caudal rami appended to the last segment in the Nebaliidz are undoubtedly homologous with the so-called “ furca”’ in the Copepoda, as also with the caudal lamelle in the Branchipodide, being not true limbs but more properly representing a bipartite terminal segment. These terminal appendages in the Nebaliide are therefore not at all homologous with the so-called uropoda in the Mala- costraca, the latter being true ventral limbs. Homology of the Internal Organs.—The internal organisation of Nebalia, which I have also thoroughly studied in the northern form Nebalia bipes, may on the whole be said to be much more advanced than in any other of the known Entomostraca, but I do not find in this respect any closer resemblance to that of the Podophthalmia, whereas it exhibits some points of apparent affinity to that met with in the Amphipoda. The nervous system seems in fact to differ essentially in structure from that generally met with in the other Branchiopoda by the ganglionic cord being not double but forming a single median series of ganglia, as in most Malacostraca. It must, however, be remembered, that the peculiar double ladder-like ventral cord, though very characteristic of the Branchiopoda, does not form a universal character of these Crustacea. Thus, among the Cladocera we find the nervous system in Leptodora wholly dissimilar from 36 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. that in the other forms, and also in the Branchiura the nervous cord is constructed upon a quite different type. The intestine in Nebalia is markedly distinguished by the presence of a chitinous visceral skeleton never found in any Branchiopoda; but this skeleton does not show any resemblance to that found in the Podophthalmia, whereas its similarity to that found in the Amphipoda is unmistakable. With the latter Crustacea Nebalia also apparently agrees in the two pairs of elongate ceeca arising from the gastric part and accompanying the intestine in the greater part of its length, and more especially in the presence of another pair of elongate ceecal appendages originating from the terminal part of the intestine and running anteriorly along its dorsal side. On the other hand, the occurence of two short curved czeca, projecting forwards within the head, is a character pointing rather more to the Branchiopoda, in some of which, as in the genus Daphma, we find two quite similar curved ceeca arising from the anterior part of the intestine. As to the structure of the heart the genus Nebalia may equally well be compared with the Branchiopoda as with other Crustacea, since the structure of this organ in. the former is very variable, being in some forms quite short and sac-like with only a single pair of lateral venous fissures, in other forms more or less elongate with a varying number of such fissures. As in the Branchiopoda the vascular system is imperfectly developed, though a pair of short arteries may be traced at each end of the heart. The generative organs in both sexes, as in most of the Branchiopoda, are rather similar and very little complicated in structure, forming merely a pair of simple eylindrical tubes extending along the sides of the intestine, and opening by a short excretory duct on the ventral surface of the last segment of the trunk. In the Podophthalmia these organs are, as is well known, much more complicated, and, moreover, always exhibit a very marked difference in their structure in the two SEXES. Development.—The development of Nebalia cannot in my judgment be adduced as showing any close affinity between this form and the Decapoda, as suggested by Metschnikoff ; and this has partly also been admitted by Professor Claus, in so far, at least, that he has pointed out that the stage of the MNebalia-embryo, termed by Metschnikoff the Zoea-stage, and on which this author chiefly bases his suggestion of the decapodous nature of Nebalia, does not in reality correspond to that stage in the Podophthalmia, but more properly to the earliest stage of the Cyclops-form in the Copepoda. Neither can I find that the supposed agreement between the development of Nebalia and that of Mysis points to any true consanguinity between these genera. As is well known, we find a very similar direct development also in a great number of other Crustacea not at all belonging to the Podophthalmia, as in the Cumacea and Isopoda, and even in the Phyllopoda I have recently had an opportunity of stating an instance of a quite direct development, without any metamorphosis, and agreeing, more- REPORT ON THE PHYLLOCARIDA. 37 over, in all essential points rather well with that found in Nebalia The apparent agreement with the Schizopoda in the mode in which the ova and embryos are borne in Nebalia during their development, is considerably lessened by the circumstance that there is in the latter form no trace of any true incubatory pouch, the ova being simply received within the valves of the carapace and kept in place by the aid of the branchial legs. Concluding Remarks on the Phylogeny of the Nebaliide.—Owing to the suggestion made by most naturalists, that Nebalia forms a direct transition between the Phyllopoda and Podophthalmia, it has generally been supposed that the Nebaliidee have descended from the Phyllopoda, and that, on the other hand, all the Podophthalmia should be regarded as descendants from Nebalia-like ancestors. In his interesting treatise on the phylogenetic relationship of the Malacostraca, Dr. Boas has sought to strengthen the latter supposition by instituting a close comparison of the limbs in Nebalia with those in the Malacostraca, and has thereby been led to the result, that the connecting link between Nebalia and the great bulk of the Podophthalmia is represented by the Euphausiidee, from which again all the other forms of that division are supposed to have descended. It would seem that the chief reason that has led Dr. Boas to this view as to the supposed close relationship between Nebalia and the Euphausiide, is the apparent agreement in the number of segments composing the anterior division of the body (cephalothorax), and the uniformity in structure of the eight pairs of limbs succeeding the oral parts in both. For in all other points the difference is in reality so very great, as in most cases only to admit of the statement of a very general homology, such as could also be made by comparing almost any forms of Crustacea. It has been stated above that the resemblance of the branchial legs to the legs in the Euphausiide is in the genus Paranebalia considerably more pronounced than in Nebalia. But notwithstanding this agreement, I still believe that there is no true relationship between the Nebaliide and the Kuphausiide, and that the above mentioned apparent conformity in the con- struction of some of the limbs in both is merely accidental, a view that seems also to be confirmed by the fact that in an otherwise closely related genus, Nebaliopsis, these limbs exhibit a form showing no similarity whatever to the corresponding limbs in the Euphausiide. If any true consanguinity had existed between the Nebaliide and the Euphausiide, the agreement between the two would certainly not be restricted to the above named limbs, but might have been traced also in the rest of the organisation. But this is by no means the case. On the contrary, it may easily be found on closer com- parison, that the Huphausiidee in so far differ from the Nebaludee even considerably more than is the case with a great number of other Malacostraca. As to my own view on the probable phylogenetical relation of the Nebaliidee to other 1 On Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird), a New Generic Type of Bivalved Phyllopoda, Forhandl. Vidensk. Selsk. Christ., 1887 (to be shortly published). 38 THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S8. CHALLENGER. Crustacea, I am inclined to agree on the whole with the suggestion set forth by Dr. A. Packard in his valuable treatise on the Phyllopod Crustacea of North America, believing that the Nebaliidee may have descended from some Copepod-like ancestors, whereas they do not show any relation whatever to the Podophthalmia, the latter having in all probability developed independently by a separate line from some Nauplius- or Zoea-like form. From the same stem that gave origin to the Nebaliide, I think that also the other Branchiopoda may be derived, the latter having apparently become rather con- siderably modified in various ways to adapt them to the somewhat exceptional conditions under which they live, whereas the Nebaliidz have still preserved much of the external appearance which may have distinguished the progenitors of the order, while their internal organisation has become much more modified. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, . PrincipaL WorkKS ON Recent Poytuocaripa, . GrNERAL REMARKS ON THE MorrHoLocy oF THE PayLLocariDa, DEFINITION OF THE Faminy NEBALIIDA, DESCRIPTION OF GENERA AND SPECIES, . NEBALIIDE, . Paranebalia, Claus, longipes (Willemoes Suhm), Nebaliopsis, n. gen., typica, N. sp., Homooey oF THE RECENT PyLLocARIDA, Homology of the Body-Divisions, . x 5, Carapace, ” ”? Ey es, Antennule, yy » Antenne, » », Oral Parts, Branchial Legs, . Pleopoda and Caudal Limbs, Internal Organs, Development, Concluding Remarks on the Phylogeny of the Nebaliide, . ae = PLATE J. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP,—PART Lv1.—1887.)—Kkk. \ Fig. Wig. 2. Fig. 3. Fie. 4. Fie. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Vig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13 PEATE Ae Paranebalia longipes (Willemoes Suhmn). 1. Adult female, seen from the left side; magnified about thirty-four diameters. The specimen has been rendered pellucid by mounting in Canada balsam, so as to exhibit 7 situ the several limbs covered by the carapace, as also some of the internal organs. , rostral plate; O, eye; a’, antennula; a?, antenna; JZ, mandible; Mp, mandibular palp; m’, maxilla of first pair ; m, maxilla of second paw; brp, branchial legs; pl, pleopoda; ep’, ep”, rudimentary caudal limbs of first and second pairs; wr, caudal rami; Cin, adductor muscle of carapace ; Ov, ovary. Rostral plate, seen from below ; magnified fifty diameters. Left eye, lateral view. Left antennula. One of the olfactory filaments from the flagellum of same ; highly magnified. Serrate projection of last segment of peduncle of same. Left antenna. Anterior lip, seen from below. Mandibles, together with the palps and adductor muscle ; front view. Masticatory part of a mandible; more highly magnified. Mandibular palp, lateral view. Maxilla of first pair. . Maxilla of second pair. The Voyage of H.M S’Challenger rate Phyllocarida,Pl | G.0. Sars,del. Lith.W. Schlachter, Stockhol: PARANEBALIA LONGIPES, (Will. Suhm). PLATE Il. dD. 6. PLATE IL. Paranebalia longipes (Willemoes Suhm)—continued. Adult female, viewed from above ; magnified about thirty-four diameters. Branchial lee of first pair; magnified fifty diameters. Branchial leg of fifth pair. Branchial leg of last pair. Pleopod of first pair. Pleopod of second pair. 6a. Lateral lobe of inner branch of same ; more highly magnified. 6b. One of the chitinous hooks from the same lobe; magnified three hundred and cof 10. el: 12. eighty diameters. Pleopod of last pair. First pair of rudimentary caudal limbs. Rudimentary caudal limb of second pair. Last caudal segment, together with right caudal ramus, seen from below. Embryo taken from the incubatory cavity of an adult female specimen, seen from below; magnified seventy-eight diameters. R, rostral plate; O, eyes; a’, antennule ; a, antenne ; L, anterior lip; M, mandibles; m', maxillee of first pair; m*, maxillee of second pair; brp, branchial legs ; pl, pleopoda; ur, caudal rami. Same embryo, viewed from the right side. C{ carapace ; remaining letters as in fig. 11. Phyllocarida P1.II. The Voyage of H MS'Challenger’” Lith W Schlachter, Stockholm. G.0.Sars del. PARANEBALIA LONGIPES, (Will. Suhm). PLATE Il. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP.—PART LVI.—1887.)—Kkk. oo PLATE III. Nebaliopsis typica, n. gen. et sp. Young specimen, viewed from the left side; magnified about five diameters. Same specimen, ventral aspect. Right branchial leg of seventh pair from same specimen ; magnified twenty-four chameters. Pleopod of third pair from same specimen. Carapace of another, apparently adult specimen, seen from the left side; very slightly magnified. Same carapace, viewed from above. Rostral plate of same specimen, seen from above ; somewhat more magnitied. Fragment of the cephalic part of same specimen together with its several appendages, viewed from the left side ; magnified about five diameters. O, eye; a’, antennula; a’, antenna; L, anterior lip; MM, mandible; Mp, mandibular palp. Same fragment, front view. The terminal part of the antennul as also the antennee and mandibles are omitted. O, eyes; a’, bases of the antennule; L, anterior lip. Maxilla of second pair from same specimen; magnified fourteen diameters. Phyllocarida, PL III. f H.M.S'Challenser” The Voyage o fe | | | hter, Stockholm lath W.Schlac 6.0. Sars, del NEBALIOPSIS TYPICA,n. gen. & sp. 4 '