presented to Gbe Xibrar? of tbe Tflnivereit? of Toronto BINDING LIST FEB 1 REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1222 Price : Paper, 60 cents ; Cloth, $1.00. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. VOLUME I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION, NARRATIVE, ETC. Part A: NORTHERN PARTY, 1913-18. By Vilhjalmur Stefansson (In preparation). Part B: SOUTHERN PARTY, 1913-16. By Rudolph Martin Anderson (In preparation). VOLUME II: MAMMALS AND BIRDS Part A: MAMMALS < RN ARCTIC AMERICA. Rudolph Martin Anderson (In preparation). Part B: BIRI N ARCTIC AMERICA. By R. M. Anderson and P. A. Taverner (In preparation). VOLJJME III: INSECTS JN; ION. By C. Gordon Hewitt (Issued December 10,1960). Part ! A. By Justus W. Folsom (Issued July 10, 1919). ROID INSECTS. By Nathan Banks (Issued July 11, 1919). Part . By Charles P. Alexander. y Harrison G. Dyar. Diptornfexcludine Tipulidae and Culicidae). By J. R. Malloch (Issued July 14, 1919). Part D: M AGA AND ANOPLURA. Mallophaga. By A. W. Baker. Anoplura. By G. F. Ferris and G. H. F. Nuttall (Issued September 12, 1919). Part E: ( RA. Forest Insects, including Ipidae, Cerambycidse, and Buprestidse. By J. M. Swaine. Carabidze and Silphidae. By H. C. Fall. Coccinelli lie, Elateridse, Chrysomelidce and Rhynchophora (excluding Ipidae). By C. W. Leng. DytisnVhe. By J. D. Sherman, Jr (Issued December 19, 1919). Part F: HEMIPTERA. By Edward P. VanDuzee (Issued July 11, 1919). Part G: HMKENOPTERA AND PLANT GALLS. (Tenthredinoidea). By Alex. D. MacGillivray. Parasitic Hymenoptera. By Charles T. Brues. •< and Bees. By F. W. L. Sladen. Plant Galls. By E. Porter Felt (Issued November 5, 1919). Part H: SPIDERS, MITES AND MYRIAPODS. Spiders. By J. H. Emerton. Mites. By Nathan Banks. Myrinpods. By Ralph V. Chamberlin (Issued July 14, 1919). Part I: T.I RA. By Arthur Gibson (Issued January 10, 19SO). Part J: ORTHOPTERA. By E. M. Walker (Issued September 4, 1990). Part K: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON INSECT LIFE IN THE ARCTIC. By Frits Johansen (Issued November 7, 1921} . (In press) . VOLUME IV: BOTANY Part A: FRESHWATER ALGAE AND FRESHWATER DIATOMS. By Charles W. Lowe. (In press). Part B: MARINE ALGAE. By F. S. Collins (In preparation). Part ' Py John Dearness (In Part ! VS. By G K. Merrill (In preparation). Part : J. By R. S. Williams (Issued February 8, 1921). VOLUME V: BOTANY Part ' PLANT S. By James M. Macoun and Theo. Holm (Issued October 14, 1921) . Part B TIONS TO MORPHOLOGY, SYNYONMY. AND GEOGRAPHICAL DIS- ' >F ARCTIC PLANTS. By Theo. Holm (Issued February 10, 1922). Part C: Gl NTOTES ON ARCTIC VEGETATION. By Frits Johansen. (In preparation) VOLUME VI: FISHES, TUNIC ATES, ETC. Part By F. Johansen (In preparation). . ETC. By A. G. Huntsman (Issued November 29, 1922) . VOLUME VII: CRUSTACEA Part A: Dl CRUSTACEANS. By Mary J. Rathbun (Issued August 18, 1919). \ CEANS. By Waldo L. Schmitt (Issued September 28, 1919). < 'alman (Issued October 15, 1920). (Issue I November 10, 1920). Part E: A M PH I y Clarence R. Shoemaker (Issued September 7, 1920). •n J. Cole (In press, January S, 1921). v F. Johansen (I suited Mny 10, 1929). Part : mrey Juday (Issued June SS, 1920). irpe (In preparation). I'ODA. By C. Dwight Marsh (Issued April SI, 1920). liy A. \\ illey (Issued June 25, 1920). Part ! I >A. By Charles B. Wilson (Issued August 6, 1920). Part V -bry (In preparation). OF SOME ARCTIC LAGOONS, LAKES AND PONDS. . (In press). REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1922 Q V. This volume is one of a series of reports dealing with the results of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918, which was led by Mr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson under the direction of the Department of the Naval Service. The Geological Survey of the Department of Mines was also interested in the expedi- tion, sending several specialists with it, and is issuing this volume as part of the scries of technical reports. Copies of the papers in this volume may be ob- tained for fifty cents per set from the Department of Mines, Ottawa. PREFACE The series of reports of which this is Volume III and the second com) tide volume to be issued, will give the narrative and scientific results of tin- ( 'anadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. The expedition, under the command of .Mr. Yilhjal- mur Stefansson, was originally planned to remain in the field from 1913 to 1 '.»!•;, and earlier publications refer to it as the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 191 :>-!»>. Although many members of the scientific staff were officers of the Geological Survey of the Department of Mines, the general direction of the expedition for administrative purposes was placed in the hands of the Department of the Naval Service. As the expedition was planned to work in two comparatively distinct fields at some distance from each other, it was divided into two parties. The Northern Party, whose field was primarily the Beaufort sea and the Arctic archipelago, remained in the field from 1913 to 1918 under the immediate supervision of Mr. V. Stefansson. The work of the Southern Party was confined more par- ticularly to the Arctic mainland and the adjacent islands, under the direction of Dr. R. M. Anderson, and returned in the autumn of 1916. General accounts of the work of the two main parties and subsidiary parties, rosters of the scientific staffs and a portion of their contributions to the results of the expedition have been given in summary reports to the Government and in popular narrative and will be summed up in the forthcoming Volume I of this series. In order to have the scientific results of the expedition properly worked up, the specimens distributed to specialists, and the reports adequately published, an Arctic Biological Committee was appointed jointly by the Department of the Naval Service and the Department of Mines in January, 1917. This com- mittee consisted of Chairman, Professor E. E. Prince, F.R.S.C., D.Sc., Dominion Commissioner of Fisheries; Secretary, James M. Macoun, C.M.G., F.L.S., Botanist and Chief of the Biological Division of the Geological Survey; Pro- fessor A. B. Macallum, F.R.S.C., M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., Chairman of the Commission for Scientific and Industrial Research (later professor of bio-chemistry at McGill University) ; C. Gordon Hewitt, F.R.S.C., D.Sc., Dominion Entomologist and Consulting Zoologist of the Department of Agriculture; and R. M. Anderson, Ph.D., Zoologist of the Geological Survey, representing the expedition and the Victoria Memorial Museum, the final depository of the specimens collected by the expedition. Various members of the committee took up the editing of differ- ent sections, and Dr. R. M. Anderson was appointed general editor of the reports. The Committee has been at work for nearly six years and reports have been prepared or are in preparation by seventy-three specialists. Dr. Hewitt had fortunately practically completed his work on Volume III (Insects) before his untimely death on February 29, 1920, but Mr. Macoun had not finished his work on the botanical volumes at the time of his death on January 6, 1920. The scope of the committee was later enlarged to include the geographical, topographical, and anthropological work of the expedition and three new members were added in 1920, namely A. G. Huntsman, F.R.S.C., Ph.D., of the Biological Board of Canada; Edward Sapir, F.R.S.C., Ph.D., Chief ucr as Dominion Entomologist, has aided much in bringing the >•. The index to Volume III was in a large part prepared by Mr. ham. Assistant Entomologist in the Entomological Branch of the nneiit of Agriculture. ARCTIC PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE. ••m her, 1922. Insects CONTENTS Volume III: Insects INTRODUCTION. By C. Gordon Hewitt (Issued December W, 1920). Part A: COLLEMBOLA. By Justus \V. Folsom ................... .{Issued July 10, 1010 . Jri /A - ued J Part B: NEUROPTEROID INSECTS. By Nathan Banks (Issued July 11, 1919)- >L. I a - 4 & Part C: DIPTERA. f f Crane-flies. By Charles P. Alexander. Mosquitoes. By Harrison G. Dyar. Diptera (excluding Tipulida? and Culicidse). By J. R. Malloch (Issued jflt f .C . - 7 O X . July 14, 1919). Part D: MALLOPHAGA AND ANOPLURA. Mallophaga. By. A. W. Baker. Anoplura. By. G. F. Ferris and G. H. F. Nuttall (Issued September 12, 1919). Part E: COLEOPTERA. Forest Insects, including Ipidse, Cerambycidse, and Buprestidse. By J. M. Swaine. Carabida? and Silphidac. By H. C. Fall. Coccinellidse, Elateridse, Chrysomelidse, and Rhynchophora (excluding Ipidse). By C. W. Leng. Dytiscidse. By J. D. Sherman, Jr (Issued December 12, 1919). Part F: HEM1PTERA. By Edward P. Van Duzee Y. (Issued July 11, 1919). Part G: HYMENOPTERA AND PLANT GALLS. Sawflies. (Tenthredinoidea) . By Alex. D. MacGillivray. Parasitic Hymenoptera. By Charles T. Brues. Wasps and Bees. By F. W. L. Sladen. Plant Galls. By E. Porter Felt .................... (Issued November 3, 1919). Part H: SPIDERS, MITES, AND MYRIAPODS. // Spiders. By J. H. Emerton. Mites. By Nathan Banks. Myriapods. By Ralph V. Chamberlin .................. (Issued July 14, 1919). Part I: LEPIDOPTERA. By Arthur Gibson .................. (Isued January 10, 1920}. Part J: ORTHOPTERA. By E. M. Walker ........... ........ (Issued September 4, 1920). M ' ? - <*•* Part K: INSECT LIFE ON THE WESTERN ARCTIC COAST 'OF AMERICA. By Frits Johansen .................... (Issued November 7, 1921}. PartL: GENERAL INDEX. H -^ X»»*, - IK - It ,^A f£ ( • ' V!1*'01 Insects Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18, Volume III, Insects. ERRATA Part C, p. 19, eighteen lines from bottom, read Dr. I. C. Nielsen. p. 37, nineteen lines from bottom, read species of this genus in the collection. p. 40, line 12, for Campocladuis, read Camptocladius. p. 47, eleven lines from bottom, for male, read female, p. 77, line 6, for Sactophaga, read Scatophaga. Part E, p. 17, 8-9 lines from bottom, read: tundra east of Collinson point, Alaska, June 15, 1914, No. 1642. Collinson point, Alaska, Sep- tember 2, 1914. The last one was collected as larva. Part F, p. 3, line 8 from bottom, for Lobopidea read Labopidea. Part G, p. 3, 4 lines from bottom omit (Teredo}. p. 4, 22 lines from bottom, for ? after Heracleum, read lanatum. Part H, p. 20, line 5, for Ethpolys read Ethopolys. Part I, plate facing p. 32, for octopetala, read integrifolia. Part K, p. 4, line 10, for Chamaerium read Chamaenerium. p. 4, line 32, for altitude read latitude, p. 5, line 7, for Micranecta read Microneta. p. 5, line 14, for Iris, read Iris, p. 6, line 10, the citation Canad. Entom., 1917-18, refers to Tipulacora- cina Alex. p. 7, line 1, for Cyperacae, read Cyperaceae. p. 7, under May 21-31, for Martensia, read Mertensia. p. 7, under June 1-10, for Caryophyllacea, read Caryophyllaceae. p. 7, under June 21-30, for chamaemorus read Chamaemorus. p. 7, under June 11-15, for selago read Selago. p. 7, under June 27-28, for nelsoniana read Nelsoniana. p. 7, under June 29-30, for arotica, read arctica. p. 7, under July 2-7, for hirculus read Hirculus. p. 8, footnote, for Johnson, read Johansen. p. 8, under July 17, for^edwardsii read Edwardsii. p. 8, under July 26-27, for rhodiola read Rhodiola. p. 8, under August 3, for Arctogrostis read Arctagrostis. p. 9, footnote, for Dieatoms, read Diatoms, p. 14, eight lines from bottom, for Lo3mnipes, read Lamnipes. p. 14, line 7, for colias, read Colias. p. 14, line 9, for brenthis read Brenthis. p. 15, under August 11-20, for Salix read Salix, and for richardsonii read Richardsonii. p. 17, twenty. six lines from bottom, for Eury cents, read Eurycercus. p. 20, line 29, for armeria read Armeria. p. 20, under July 1-15, for armeria read Armeria. p. 20, under July 1-15, for scirpioidea read scirpoidea. p. 20, under July 1-15, for pallasii read Pallasii. p. 20, under July 16-31, for Roaldii read Roaldi. Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Part K. p. 21, seven lines from top and one line from bottom, read Eriophorum. p. 21, under September, for armeria read Armeria. p. 22, seventeen lines from bottom, read Tanytarsus sp. p. 27, line 27, read midge-larvae, p. 29, liiuv 21, for Hyporaia, read Hyphoraia. p. 36, line 27, for Dvstiscid, read Dytlscid. p. 37, fourteen lines from top, for similar, read similar, p. 38, line 10, for Atropos and Troctes, read Atropos and Troctes. p. 38, footnote 1, MX lines from bottom of page, for anthropods, read arthropods. p. 38, footnote 1, four lines from bottom of page, for T. C. Schiodte, read I. C. Schiodte. p. 38, footnote 1, after W. Lundbeck, Notitser om Gromlands entom- olog. Fauna, read Entomolog. MeddeL, Kbhvn., Bd. Ill, 1891-92, pp. 27-34. p. 39, line 45, for lepidotera, read lepidoptera. p. 39, line 19, for rhynchopora, read rhynehophora. p. 45, Legends under figures transposed. Fig. 1, Tree river; fig. 2, Mackenzie river delta. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES COLLECTED BY THE EXPEDITION By C. GORDON HEWITT OTTAWA THOMAS MULVEY, PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1920 Issued December 10, 1920 INTRODUCTION, 1—2 INTRODUCTION. Our knowledge of the insect fauna of northern and arctic Canada has hitherto been so meagre, and our collections so lacking in material from that region that the invitation given me in 1913 by the Deputy Minister of Mines to prepare a memorandum of instructions concerning the collection of insects by the Canadian Arctic Expedition which was then being organized was more than welcome, and high hopes were entertained that a rich harvest would result. The sad and untimely death of Mr. James Murray, the marine biologist of the expedition, following the loss of the Karluk, placed upon the shoulders of Mr. Frits Johansen, to whom the entomological work had been assigned, a double burden and increased duties and he became responsible for the marine biology in addition to his botanical and entomological work. The large collections of marine and other invertebrates, fishes, and plants testify as to the assiduity with which Mr. Johansen collected. But, as was inevitable the number of insects collected was less than we had originally hoped to receive. Nevertheless, the collection of insects brought back by the expedition was a very representative one, and, as the succeeding reports will show, it has been the means of adding valuable information to our knowledge of the insects of the northern regions of this continent. No less than 8 new genera, 93 new species and 5 new sub- species and varieties have been described in the following pages. In addition, as a result of Mr. Johansen's keen desire to obtain notes on the life-histories and bionomics of these northern forms and the investigations that he carried on under the difficult conditions incident to such work in the north, he has been able to add much to our knowledge of northern insect life, and his notes will be found scattered through the reports in the different orders and families. Mr. Johansen's report on the insect life of the arctic will be read with interest in conjunction with the other reports,, since it gives a picture of the conditions under which the insects were found; too often entomologists lose sight of the ecological aspect of an insect fauna, and reports become mere systematic cata- logues and lifeless. The abundance and variety of the arctic and sub-arctic insect life will be surprising perhaps to many entomologists who have not hitherto appreciated the burst of plant and insect life that takes place during the short arctic summer when the land is clothed with vegetation and flowers which are visited by innumerable bumble bees, moths and butterflies and other sun-loving insects, enjoying the brief spell of existence that release from the gelid land and water permits. We desire to express our warm appreciation of the assistance so willingly rendered by the authors whose names appear on the different reports in this volume in working up this interesting collection of the insects of the arctic and sub-arctic region of North America, and we hope that this volume may stimulate further investigation of a fauna of interest alike to the systematist and to those who are interested in the broader question of the distribution of animal life. C. GORDON HEWITT, Dominion Entomologist. OTTAWA, January, 1920. LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES COLLECTED BY THE EXPEDITION By C. Gordon Hewitt Insects, Arachnids and Myriapods. List of New Genera and New Species of Insects, Arachnids and Myriapods collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Part A. COLLEMBOLA. New Genera. Page. New Species. Page. Achorutes sensilis Folsom Onychiurus duodecimpunctaius Folsom. Entomobrya comparata Folsom . . 6A 13A Part B. NEUROPTEROID INSECTS. Capnia nearctica Banks. . . . Anabolia emarginata Banks. SB IB Part C. DIPTERA. Mydaeina Malloch Pogonomyioides Malloch. . Cordylurella Malloch Dasypleuron Malloch Allomyia Malloch Neoleria Malloch . . 62c 67c 78c 79c 80c 83c Dicranomyia alascaensis Alexander 4c Erioptera angustipennis Alexander 5c Limnophila rhicdoptiloides Alexander. . . 6c Tricyphona brevifurcata Alexander 6c Tricyphona frigida Alexander 7c Stygeropis parrioides Alexander 9c Nephrotoma arcticola Alexander lOc Tipula johanseni Alexander lie diflava Alexander 12c hewitti Alexander He subpolaris Alexander 14c besselsoides Alexander 15c subarctica Alexander 15c Aedes nearcticus Dyar 32c Tanypus alaskensis Malloch 35c Diamesa arctica Malloch 37c Prosimulium borealis Malloch 41c Simulium similis Malloch 42c Rhamphomyia erinacioides Malloch. . . . 45c ursina Malloch 46c similata Malloch 46c herschelli Malloch 47c " conservativa Malloch 48c Dolichopus dasyops Malloch 49c Hydrophorus pilitarsis Malloch 51c Aphiochaeta alaskensis Malloch 52c " platychira Malloch 52c Leptocera transversalis Malloch 53c Syrphus sodalis var. interruptus Malloch 55c Peleteria arctica Malloch 57c Phormia caerulea Malloch 59c Phaonia minima Malloch 61c " imitatri Malloch 61c Mydaeina obscura Malloch 62c Aricia borealis Malloch 64c Pogonomyia quadrisetosa Malloch 66c Pogonomyioides atrata Malloch 67c Hydrophoria arctica Malloch 69c Alliopsis obesa Malloch 70c Hylemyia acrostichalis Malloch 72c Phorbia brevitarsata Malloch 73c Gonatherus atricornis Malloch 77c Cordylurella subvittata Malloch 78c Dasypleuron tibialis Malloch 79c Allomyia unguiculata Malloch 80c Oecothea aristata Malloch 82c Neoleria rotundicornis Malloch 83c Piophila borealis Malloch 84c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1918-18. Part E. COLEOPTERA. New Genera. Page. New Species. Page. Dendroct onus johanseni Swaine 5E Carphoborus andersoni Swaine Callidium subopacum Swaine Trichalophus stefanssoni Leng 6E . . . . 12s 20E Part F. HEMIPTERA. Euscelis hyperboreus Van Duzee. Part G. HYMENOPTERA AND PLANT GALLS. Rhogogastera reliqua MacGillivray 4o Euura abortiva MacGillivray 4o " arctica MacGillivray 5a Pontania atrata MacGillivray GG lorata MacGillivray 80 delicatula MacGillivray 8c deminuta MacGillivray 9a quadrifasciata MacGillivray . . 10o subpallida MacGillivray lla trifasdata MacGillivray llo Amauronematus completus MacGillivray 13o indicatus MacGillivray. 14o digestus MacGillivray. . 14a cogitatus MacGillivray... 15o varianus MacGillivray.. 16o aulatus MacGillivray. . . 16o magnus MacGillivray... 17a Aptesis nivarius Brues 21a Polyblastus arcticus Brues 22a Diodes modestus Brues 23o Bombus neoboreus Sladen 28a Bombus sylvicola var. johanseni Sladen . 30o Part H. SPIDERS, MITES AND MYRIAPODS. Spiders Mites Myriapods... . < -ryophilus Chamberlin . 17n Tmeticus alatus Emerton Microneta maritima Emerton , Lycosa asivak Emerton Stigmaeus arcticus Banks Cryophilus alaskanus Chamberlin. Ethopolys integer Chamberlin Ethopolys integer subsp. alaskanus Chamberlin .... 4n HH 18H 20n 2lH Part I. LEPIDOPTERA. rarmbarrovia Gibson 33 I Oeneis semidea var. arctica Gibson. . . simulans Gibson. cairnesi Gibson " brucei var. yukonensis Gibson Brenlhis natazhati Gibson " distincta Gibson Parabarrovia keelei Gibson Anarta subfumosa Gibson Homoglaza murrayi Gibson Diasemia alaskalis Gibson Pyla arctiella Gibson 25i 33i 34i 36i 45i 46i Insects, Arachnids and Myriapods. SUMMARY. Part. Order. New Gen. New Sp. New Subsp. Var. A Collembola • ... 3 B Neuropteroids . . 2 c Diptera 6 47 1 D. E Mallophaga and Anoplura Coleoptera 4 F Hemiptera 1 G Hym6iiopt6ra 21 1 H. Spiders, Mites and Myriopods — Spiders 3 Mites 1 Myriopods 1 2 1 I L epidoptera 1 9 2 T Totals 8 93 1 4 REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART A: COLLEMBOLA By JUSTUS W. FOLSOM SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol. iii— 54697— 1 Issued July 10th, 1919 Collembola of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By JUSTUS W. FOLSOM Of the University of Illinois. This is a report on the Collembola obtained by tin- Canadian Arctic KXJM- dition, 1913-16. The material, collected by Mr. K. Johansen, consisted <>f numerous well-preserved specimens, in excellent condition for study, and com- prised the following twelve species: — Podura aquatica L. Achorutes tullbergi Schaf. Achorutes sensilis, n. sp. Achorutes armatus (Nic.) Onychiurus duodecimpunctatus , n. sp. Tetracanthella wahlgreni Axels. Folsomia quadrioculata (Tull.). Isotoma viridis Bourl. Isotoma palustris (Mull.). Entomobrya comparata, n. sp. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus TulL Sminthurides aquaticus (Bourl.). The types and other specimens upon which this report is based are deposited in the- National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. Podura aquatica Linnaeus. Plate 1, figs. .1-3. Podura aquatica Linnaeus, 1758. — Nicolet, 1841.— Tullberg, 1871, 1872.— Lubbock, 1868, 1873.— Packard, 1873.— Parona, 1879, 1882.— Dalla Torre, 1888, 1895.— Uzel, 1890.— MacGillivray, 1891.— Schott, 1894, 1902.— Renter, 1895.— Schaffer, 1896, 1900a, 1900b. — Lie-Pettersen, 1896— Poppe and SchiifTer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898b.— Carl, 1899, 1901.— Wahlgren, 1899c, 1906a.— Carpenter and Evans, 1899. — Absolon, 1900, 1901.— Willem, 1900.— Bonn r 1901a.— Krausbauer, 1901.— Agren, 1903.— Guthrie, 1903.— Axelson, 1906.— (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1907, 1912. — Folsom, 1916. Hypogastrura aquatica Bourlet, 1839. Hydropodura aquatica Borner, 1901b, 1902. Podura granulata MacGillivray, 1893. Blackish blue; antennae and legs reddish brown; furcula pale brown. Head hypognathous. Eyes 8 + 8. Ocular areas with conical elevations between the eyes. Postantennal organs apparently absent, represented extern- ally by minute rudiments. Antennae shorter than the head, stout, cylindrical, with segments about as 4:5:6:7 in relative lengths. Olfactory hairs of fourth antenna! segment absent. Sense organ of third antennal segment consisting of a pair of short stiff setse. Body short and stout. A dorsal subsegment occurs on the anterior part of each body segment except the ninth. Unguis (fig. 1 > very long, longer than the tibio-tarsus, slender, curving, unidentate behind the 54697— li -1 A . • ('(tnadi'.ni Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 middle of the inner nr.irgin. I'nguiculus represented only by a toothlike rudi- ment. Tenent hair single, unknohhed. Kami of tenaculum quadridentate. Furcuhi very long, extending as far as the first pair of legs, clearly appended to the fourth al)domin;d segment. Manubrium short. Dentes long, strongly bowed outward, apically convergent, with an obsolete transverse suture two- fifths from the base, and with the tubercles of the distal third arranged in trans- verse rings. Mucrones (figs. 2, 3) three-fifths as long as hind ungues, with outer and inner lamella', and with a prominent dorsal rounded-triangular basal lobe. Anal spines absent. Body clothing of few minute curving setae; dens with 12 t-.i 17 long curving dorsal sehr, most of which are in two longitudinal series. Integument tuberculate. Length, 1.3 mm. I'otlum a. Pigmented with irregular patches of dark blue pigment (typical form) or uniformly pigmented (var. concolor). Eyes (fig. 4) eight on each side. Postan- tennal organs (fig. 1) with four (sometimes five) peripheral tubercles. Antenna- shorter than the head, with segments rs 6:7:9:9 in relative lengths. Sense organ of third antennal segment as in fig. 5. Ungues (fig. 6) stout, slightly curving: inner margin unidentate one third from apex. Unguiculi with setaceously prolonged outer margin and with the basal lamella suboblong on the second and third pairs of feet. Tenent hairs knobbed; 2,3,3, as a rule; occasionally 3,3.3. or 1,3,3. Mucrones (figs. 7-'.)) one-third dentes in length, apically rounded, with narrow outer lamella. Kami of tenaculum quadridentate. Anal spines (figs. 10, 11) two, half as long as hind ungues. arcuate, on prominent contiguous papillae, ('lothing of sparse short curving setuN with longer seta' on the rior part of the abdomen. Length, 2 mm. The specimens collected by the Kxpedition belong to the variety roncolor Carp., which has been taken hitherto in Fran/ .)< set' Land, Kllesmcre land, Bohemia and Massachusetts. The typical form of the species has been reported from Xova Zeinbla, Spitsbergen and Siberia. Several specimens on ponds and from rotten driftwood, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May, 2f>, l!)l(i, June IS, 1<), l<)i:>; also several under driftwood. Demarcation point, Alaska, May Hi, I'M L F. Johansen. Collembola 5 A Achorutes sensilis, n. sp. Plate 2, figs. 12718. Uniform dark blue. Eyes 8 + 8. Postantennal organs (fig. 12) , slightly longer than the diameter of an eye, with lour peripheral mix Antennae snorter than the head, with segments in relative lengths about a> 5:6:7:7. Third antennal segment with many distal lateral sensorj Unguis (fig. 14) long, slender, feebly curving, unideutate two-fifth- from tin- apex. Unguiculus extending one-half as far as the unguis. with proximal half subovate and distal half acuminate. One long knobbed teneut hair. All tin- distal tibio-tarsal setae are apically bent and minutely knobbed. Kami of tenaculum tridentate. Dentes three times, as long as miicn.ins, each with a long curving subapical dorsal seta. Mucro about as long as hind iinguiciilus. variable in form (figs. 15, 16), with broad outer lamella and narrow inner lamella. Anal spines (fig. 17) short, stout, feebly curving, one-fifth as long as hind in, on contiguous papillae one-third as long as the spines. Clothing (fig. 18) of few- short stout curving setae and longer stout suberect setae, the latter often feelily dentate. Maximum length, 2.2 mm. I regarded this form as being A. viaticus Tullberg, until I found the peculiar sense organs of the third antennal segment. In viaticus, of which I have many European specimens, the sense organ of the third antennal segment is as in figure 19, with a pair of sense rods, a single finger-like accessory seta, and one guard seta. In this new species there are, however (fig. 13), two pairs of sense rods, each pair with the usual basal ridge; also a distal ovate petiolate papilla, seated in a«pit and covered basally with an integumentary fold; and in addition as many as nine lanceolate accessory sensory setae, with five guard setae — a wide departure from the condition typical for the genus. The other differences between the two species are of minor importance. In sensilis, as compared with viaticus, there are not three long knobbed tenent hairs; the tenaculum is not quadridentate; and the anal spines are somewhat shorter, stouter, and less curving. The clothing is of the same general type in the two species; the stout suberect setae of the body being, however, somewhat shorter than in viaticus (compare fig. 18 with fig. 20). This species occurred in masses on the surface of a pond at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 5, 1916. F. Johansen. Achorutes armatus (Nicolet). Plate 3, figs. 21-25. Podura armata Nicolet, 1841. Achorutes armatus Gervais 1844.— Nicolet, 1847. Lubbock, 1868, 1873 — Tullberg, 1871, 1872, 1876.— Parona, 1879, 1882, 1888, 1895.— Tomosvary, 1883.— Oudemans, 1890— Uzel, 1890, 1891.— MacGillivray, 1891— Sohott, 1891, 1894, 1896, 1902.— Moniez, 1894.— Dalla Torre, 1895.— Reuter, 1895.— Meinert, 1896.— SchafTer, 1896, 1897, 1900a, 1900b.— Carpenter, 1897.— Lie- Pettersen, 1896, 1898.— Poppe and Schaffer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898b, 1899a, - Carl, 1899, 1901.— Carpenter and Evans, 1899.— Wahlgren, 1900a.— Borner, 1901a.— Krausbauer, 1902.— Willem, 1902.— Agren, 1903, 1904.— Axelson, 1905a, 1905b, 1906. — (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1907, 1909. — Collinge and Shoe- botham, 1910.— Imms, 1912.— Shoebotham, 1914.— Folsom, 1916. Achorutes boletivorus Packard, 1873.— MacGillivray, 1891.— Dalla Torre, 1895.— Guthrie, 1903. Achorutus marmoratus Packard, 1873.— MacGillivray, 1891.— Harvey, 1893. Achorutes texensis Packard, 1873.— MacGillivray, 1891.— Dalla Torre, 1895. Achorutes pratorum Packard, 1873.— MacGillivray, 1891.— Dalla Torre, 1895. 6 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Hypogastrura arnmlu lAxelson) Linnaniemi, 1911, 1912. — Caroli, 1914. Very variable in colouration. General colour vinaceous, pale violet, greenish grey, or dark blue. One variety is' canary yellow marbled with lavender, with two dorsal stripes of the latter colour. The dorsum is commonly mottled or marbled, and the pleura and sternum are pale yellow with round spots made by hypodermal nuclei. A large interocular spot occurs. Ocular patches con- spicuous, black. Fyes eight on each side. Postantennal organs (fig. 21) large, with four unequal peripheral tubercles. Antennae shorter than the head; segments in relative lengths as 5:4:5:6; fourth segment with seven sensory hairs: two outer, two inner, and three dorsal. Between the third and fourth antennal segments is a large ventral eversible bilobed sac. Body stout; abdo- men feebly dilated. Hignis (fig. 22) long, slender, slightly curving, unidentate near the middle of the inner margin; lateral margins each unidentate one-fourth from the base, rnguiculus with suboblong basal lamella and setaceous apex, extending almost as far as the tooth of the opposite claw. One long tenent hair, unknobbed. Dentes stout, subcylindrical. Mucrones (fig. 23) half as long as dentes, apically rounded; inner lamella narrow, simple; outer lamella with a large subtriangular dorsal lobe. Anal spines (fig. 24) long, a little longer than the ungues in adult specimens, slender, curving, on large contiguous papillae, which are one-third to one-half as long as the spines. Clothing (fig. 25) dense, consisting of abundant short setae and numerous long hairs and setae, which are frequently serrate. Length, 1.5 mm. The synonymy of this species I have discussed in a previous paper (Folsom, 1916). The specimens collected by the Expedition were all of the dark blue variety. Achorutes armatus, one of the most abundant species of its genus, occurs in large colonies in a great variety of situations; under the loose moist bark of logs, on damp soil under wood or dead leaves, underground among the roots of grasses or other plants, in moss, on pools of fresh water. This species is the one com- monly found on fungi, particularly agarics, though it occurs on Boletus, Poly- pnnix. Morchella and other genera as well. This is one of the most widely distributed species of Collembola. It occurs in all parts of Kurope, in Siberia, Spitzbergen, Greenland, Northern Africa (Tripoli), Sumatra, Ceylon, New Zealand, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, and doubtless throughout the United States. In Canada it has been taken at Arnprior, Out., in September, by Mr. Charles Macnamara. feral specimens on ponds, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 25, 1916; June 18, 25, 1915. Abundant in moss in swamp, Pihumalerksiak island (Cockburn point), Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories. July ir>, 1916. F. Johansen. Onychiurus duodecimpunctatus, n. sp. I'hte :;, fijrs. •_>(> -:{(); plate 4, figs. :;i, :;-2. White. Postantennal organs (fig. 26) elongate, with simple tubercles numbering ^2 in one example and 44 in another. Pseudocelli of antennal bases (fig. 27) (> -f 0 (two specimens) or 5 + 5 (one specimen); of posterior border of tl(':|(l l f I (two specimens) or 5 + 5 (one specimen). Antennae subequal to head in length. Sense organ of third antennal segment (fig. 28) with five papillae, five guard setae, a pair of sense rods, and two capitate tuberculate sense clubs. Pseudocelli of body (fig. 29) as follows— Prot horax: dorsal, O; lateral, 1 + 1. Mesot horax : dorsal, 2 + 2; lateral, 1 + 1. Met a thorax: dorsal, 2 + 2; lateral, 1 + 1. First abdominal segment : dorsal, 4 + 4. Second abdominal, 4 + 4 (two specimens) or 5 + 5 (one specimen). Third, 5 + 5 (2 spins.) or 4 + 4 ( 1 spm.). Fourth, (i + 6 (2 spins.) or 5 + 5 (1 spm.). Fifth, 5 + 5 (2 spms.) or 4 + 4 (1 spm.). Sixth, 0. Collembola 7 A Unguis (fig. 30) slender, curving, unidentate beyond tin- middle of the inner margin. Unguiculus exceeding the unguis, slender, gradually tapering from the base into a fine filament. Anal spines (fig. 31) two, feebly curving, hall u long as hind ungues, on separated papillae, one-fourth as long as the spines. ( 'lothing (fig. 32) of short curving simple setae, with long erect simple sensory Length, 2.4 mm. This species belongs near the common armatus Tullberg, and conn- nearest to octopunctatus Tullberg, a rarely recorded species that has never been fully described. If the form here described proves to agree with octopunclut respect to pseudocelli and the minute structure of the antennal sense organ-, it should be regarded as a variety of that species. Three cotypes, from rotten driftwood at Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories, June 19, 1915. F. Johansen. Tetracanthella wahlgreni Axelson. Plate 4, figs. 33-37; plate 5, figs. 38-41. Tetracanthella pilosa Schott, 1894 (part), 1902 (part).— Lie-Pet tersen, 1896. Wahlgren, 1899b, 1900b, 1906b.— Axelson, 1900. Tetracanthella coerulea Schaffer, 1900a, 1900b. Tetracanthella wahlgreni (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1907, 1912. Bagnall, 1914. Dark blue. Body elongate, narrowing posteriorly (fig. 33). Eyes on black patches, 8 + 8 (fig. 34) ; the two inner proximal eyes of each side smaller than the others; the three posterior eyes in a group apart from the five anterior. Postantennal organs (fig. 34) elongate, subelliptical, eight or nine times as long as broad, and four times as long as the diameter of an adjacent eye; sometimes constricted near the middle. Antennae shorter than the head, with segment s in relative lengths about as 9:13:10:19. Sense organ of third antennal segment (fig. 35) consisting of a pair of slender curving sense rods, subtended by a thick chitinousridge, and covered with an integumental fold. Fourth antennal segment with subapical papilla and with slender curving sensory setae. Second, third. and fourth abdominal segments subequal in length dorsally. Genital and anal segments confluent, bearing two pairs of spines (figs. 36, 37). Posterior spines a little longer than hind ungues, feebly curving, on stout papillae almost half as long as the spines. Anterior spines similar to the posterior, but a little shorter. Ano-genital segment with long stiff hairs projecting beyond the apex of the abdomen, which are simple in some specimens but apically bent and knobbed in others. Anus ventral. Unguis stout, untoothed (fig. 38). Unguiculus extending half to three-fifths as far as the unguis, lanceolate, acuminate. Clavate tenent hairs two, extending as far as, or farther than, the unguis. Femur with a single long clavate hair (fig. 33). Furcula short, appended to the fourth abdominal segment, and extending to the posterior margin of the third. Manu- brium stout, with several pairs of dorsal setae (fig. 39). Mucro and dens not demarkated from each other. Mucro-dentes convergent, in form as in figs. 39 and 40; each with three setae: two dorsal and one ventral. Kami of tenaculum bidentate (fig. 39); corpus with a single stout seta. General clothing of few short equal curving simple setae in the middle region of each segment, with long outstanding simple sensory setae in a single transverse series on most of the body segments (fig. 41). Cuticula not tuberculate, but figured. Length, 1.8 mm. The term figured, as applied to the cuticula, means that the integument is divided into minute polygonal areas. In two specimens the long distal hairs of the abdomen were simple ; in one specimen, however, they were distinctly bent apically, with a minute terminal knob, as in my fig. 36. Linnaniemi ('12, p. 104), not having seen these clavate hairs as described by Schott, suggested that the appearance of terminal knobs was due to adherent particles of foreign matter. 8 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 As Linnaniemi ('12. p. 102) has shown, the original descriptions of Tetra- ctinthclla iiiloxii by Schott were based upon two distinct species; now known respectively as pilosa and irahlijreni. The specimens that I have studied agree accurately with the description and figures given by Linnaniemi of the latter species. He says that in Finland T. tcahhjrcni livs under moss and lichens, as well as under stones, on the rocky summits of the mountains, where it may almost always be found, not infrequently in considerable numbers. Sometimes it can be taken also on the surfaces of pools of water. It has made its appearance early in summer, before the snows have melted on the mountain tops. Common as the species is on the summits of the mountains, it is seldom found in the timber region, but oftener, however, in the subalpine zone. T. ir fig. 17 i of three kinds: (1) moderately long stiff dense seta-, Collembola 9 A slanting backward; absent on the anterior and posterior regions of the inter- mediate body segments; (2) fewer setae, suberect or curving forward; Ci) long slender outstanding sensory setae. Length, 1.5 nun. The specimens collected by the Expedition agree with my Kuropean exam- ples of the species. Folsomia quadrioculata occurs on damp ground under stone*, wood or fallen leaves, in humus and in moss, under loose bark, in flower pots, and on tin- shore under driftwood, stones or seaweed. The sperie> is easily rerogni/ed by its broad body, characteristic dirty grey colour and slow movements. When disturbed it springs actively, in spite of its short furcula. In Finland it winter- full grown and comes to life now and then on mild days; never appearing on the snow, however, but remaining among leaves or in moss in the woods - Lin- naniemi, '12). This species, one of the commonest coljembolans in northern and middle Europe, has been reported from the following Arctic localities: Nova Zombla. Spitzbergen, King Charles land, White island, Hoar island, .Ian Mayen and Greenland. From Canada, I have received specimens recently from Mr. Charles Mac- namara, taken by him in dead leaves, October, 1917, at Arnprior, Ont. In the United States, the species has been recorded from Minnesota by Guthrie, some of whose specimens I have studied through the courtesy of Prof. Henry F. Nachtrieb. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, on the surface of a pond, June 18, 1915 (2 specimens), July 9, 1915 (1 specimen). F. Johansen. Isotoma viridis Bourlet. Plate 6, figs. 48-52. Isotoma viridis Bourlet, 1839. — Gervais, 1844. — Nicolet, 1847.— Lubbock, 1873.— Parona, 1879, 1883.— Schott, 1891, 1894, 1902.— Dalla Torre, 1895.— Reuter, 1895.— Lie-Pettersen, 1896, 1898, 1907.— MacGillivray, 1896.— Meinert, 1896— Schaffer, 1896, 1900a, 1900b.— Poppe and Schaffer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898a, 1898b, 1899a.— Carl, 1899, 1901.— Absolon, 1900.— Carpenter and Evans, 1899.— Evans, 1901a, 1901b— Wahlgren, 1899a, 1899b, 1900a, 1900b, 1906a, 1906b, 1907, 1909.— Kieffer, 1900.— Skorikow, 1900.— Willem, 1900.— Borner, 1901a, 1903, 1906.— Folsom, 1902.— Krausbauer, 1902.— Voigts, 1902.— Agren, 1903, 1904.— Axelson, 1903, 1904, 1905a, 1906.— (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912.— Guthrie, 1903.— Carpenter, 1907.— Collinge, 1910.— Collinge and Shoebotham, 1910.— Shoebotham, 1914. Isotoma caerulea Rourlet, 1839. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria virescens* Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria cylindrica Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria viatica Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria pallida Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria ebriosa Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Desoria annulata Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Podura viridis Bourlet, 1843. Podura annulata Bourlet, 1843. Heterotoma chlorata Gervais, 1844. Isotoma Desmarestii Gervais, 1844. Isotoma virescens Nicolet, 1847. Isotoma cylindrica Nicolet, 1847. Isotoma viatica Nicolet, 1847. Isotoma ebriosa Nicolet, 1847. Isotoma annulata Nicolet, 1847.— Lubbock, 1873.— Parona, 1883. Isotoma anglicana Lubbock, 1862, 1873 10 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Isotoma palustris Tullberg, 1871, 1872, 1876.— Uzel, 1890. Isotoma BelfriKjn' Packard, 1873. — MacGillivray, 1891. Isntonm tricolor Packard, 1873 (part). — MacGillivray, 1891 (part). Isotonut imrimnisccnx Packard, 1873. — MacGillivray, 1891. Isotoinu plnmhca Packard, 1873. — MacGillivray, 1891. Isotuwu capitola MacGillivray, 1896. Ixotoinn (jlools of water, on the seashore under driftwood or seaweed, and in winter on t he MIOW. The typical form of Ixotoma viridis, ranging throughout Europe and the I'nited States, including Alaska, has been reported from the following Arctic localities: Siberia. Spit/bergen, Hear island. .Ian Mayen, Iceland and Greenland. One specimen under old drift-wood logs in tundra behind house at Collinson Point, Alaska. Sept 27, 11)13. F. Johansen. Two specimens, under driftwood. Demarcation point, Alaska, May 16, I'.tl I. r. Johansen. A few specimens, under loose stones, Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories. May, 191."). F. Johansen. Collembola 1 1 A Isotoma viridis var. riparia Nicolet. Desoria riparia Nicolet, 1841. — Gervais, 1844. Isotoma riparia Nicolet, 1847. Isotoma palustris var. riparia Tullberg, 1871. Isotoma palustris Tullberg, 1872 (part ). Isotoma viridis var. aquatilis Schott, 1891. Isotoma viridis var. riparia Schott, 1894, is'.Hi. |<)!)2. Dalla Torn-. LJ Reuter, 1895. — Schaffer, 1896, 1900a.— Poppe and SchalT.T. Isu7. Lie-Petter- sen, 1898.— Scherbakov, 1898a, 1898b.— ( 'arl, IS!)!), -Walilm-en. lx. Ground colour yellowish, greenish or brownish. Tin- principal charac- teristic of this variety is a dark blue or blackish median dorsal stripe. Dark spots on the sides of the body segments may or may not be present . Maximum length, 5 mm. The specimens' of /. viridis riparia collected by the Expedition arc yellowish or greenish, pale ventrally, with or without the lateral dark spots and with the median stripe complete, or fading out posteriorly. Length, 2.5 mm. This variety prefers humid situations, and is found under damp wood, in moss, on the surface of fresh water, along the shores of ponds or >t reams and on the seashore under seaweed, driftwood or stones. The variety riparia ranges over north and middle Europe, and has been recorded from Arctic Siberia. In Canada, Mr. Charles Macnamara has taken this variety at Arnprior. Ont., in March and April. In the United States, the variety is known to me from New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, and Texas, at present. A few specimens under loose stones, Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories, May, 1915. F. Johansen. Isotoma palustris (Miiller). Plate 6, figs. 53-57. Podura palustris Miiller, 1776.— Gmelin, 1778-93.— Bourlet, 1843. Isotoma palustris Lubbock, 1873.— Reuter, 1876 (part), 1890, 1891, 1895.— Reuter, L. and 0. M., 1880.— Tomos vary, 1882.— Parona, 1885, 1895.— Oude- mans, 1888.— Dalla Torre, 1888, 1895.— Uzel, 1890, 1891.— Parfitt, 1891.— Schott, 1891, 1894, 1896, 1902.— Lie-Pet tersen, 1896, 1898, 1907.— MacGillivray. 1896.— Schaffer, 1896, 1898, 1900a, 1900b.— Poppe and Schaffer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898a— Carl, 1899, 1901.— Carpenter and Evans, 1899.— Absolon, 1900.— Borner, 1901a, 1902.— Krausbauer, 1902.— Agren, 1903.— Guthrie, 1903. Wahlgren, 1906b, 1907.— Collinge, 1910.— Collinge and Shoebotham, 1910.— Shoebotham, 1914. Isotoma tricolor Packard, 1873 (part).— MacGillivray, 1891 (part), 1896. Isotoma aquatilis Lubbock, 1873 (part). — Parona, 1883. Isotoma Stuxbergii Tullberg, 1876 (part). Isotoma Tullbergi Moniez, 1889. Isotoma Stuxbergi Moniez, 1891. Isotoma aequalis MacGillivray, 1896. Isotomurus palustris Borner, 1903, 1906.— Axelson, 1905a, 1906.— (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1911, 1912.— Imms, 1912. Very variable in colouration. The typical form is yellowish with blue, purple or blackish pigment; having a median dorsal irregular margins; and frequently lateral spots, which may coalesce to roni stripe on each side of the body. Head often with a dorsal lunate or am 12 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 shaped spot. Eyes 8 + 8 (fig. 53) subequal; or two inner proximal eyes of each group a little smaller than the others. Postantcnnal organs (fig. 53) near the eyes, elliptical, slightly longer than, to twice as long as, the diameter of an adjacent eye. Antenna' once and one-half to twice as long as the head, with >egmcnt> in relative lengths about as 3:4:5:6. Sense organ of third antennal >egment with a pair of linear feebly curving sense rods, a thick basal ridge, and two guard sehe. Very short curving sensory setae occur on all the antennal segments as follows: segment 1, 2-5; 2, 3-7; 3, 3-7; 4, 10-15. On the first three segments these are on the under side near the distal outer end; on the fourth segment they occur on the distal half along the outer side (Agren, '02). Mesonot uni almost covering the pronotum. Third abdominal segment a little longer than the fourth (about as 5:4). Abdominal segments without ankylosis. l"ngui> (fig. f>4) stout, curving, with a pair of small lateral teeth, and with inner margin untoothed. Unguiculus broadly lanceolate, with inner lamella roundly dilated basally, untoothed as a rule, extending a little beyond the middle of the unguis. Tenent hairs absent, represented by a single long simple hair. Furcula apparently appended to the fifth abdominal segment, and extending to the anterior border of the ventral tube. Dentes twice as long as manubrium, slender, gradually tapering, crenulate dorsally. Mucro two-thirds as long as hind unguis, quadridentate (fig. 55). Apical tooth small, at the base of the >econd tooth; second and third teeth dorsal, large, subequal, subconical, slightly hooked, in longitudinal alinement; fourth tooth lateral, oblique, acute, extending almost half the length of the mucro. Basal lateral mucronal seta present. Kami of tenaculum quadridentate (fig. 56); corpus with many (fifteen or more) ventral setto. General clothing of abundant short simple seta3 (fig. 57). Long outstanding feathered sensory setae occur on the last five abdominal segments; there being one or two pairs of these on each of the segments, and sometimes three pairs on the fourth abdominal segment. Length, 3 mm. Packard's six cotypes of his Isotoma tricolor, from Waco, Texas, in the MiiM-um of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., for which MacGillivray ('96, p. 48) retained the name of tricolor, I found to be palustris. In the same tube with them were five specimens of Isotoma viridis, from Salem, Mass. /. aequalis MacG. is also palustris, as I have found from a study of a cotype >ent to me by MacGillivray. Ixolmna paluxtris lives in moist places, and is especially abundant along the of ponds and streams, frequenting the vegetation in preference to the water, though it is at home on the surface of the water, where it leaps vigorously and repeatedly. The species occurs on the seashore also, under seaweed, drift- wood or stones, and is sometimes found on the snow. This is one of the dominant species of its order. It is cosmopolitan in distribution, everywhere common, and highly variable in colouration, several varieties having received names. The typical form of the species is known from all parts of Kurope, from Canada aiid the Tinted States, Azores islands, India, and .Java: the recorded Arctic distribution being as follows: Siberia, Nova Zembla, Spit/bergen, Hear island. Isotoma palustris var prasina H< uter. I'l.-it.- <;, fin*. r^ r,7. Stu.rlxrt//' var. />/v/.v//m Renter, 1891. imlnstrix var. prasina Schbtt, 1894. — Dalla Torre, IS!);"). Renter, MacGillivray, 1890. Sch-iffer, 1890, 1898, 19()()a, 1900b. Poppe and Schaffer, 1S97. Carl, 1S99. 1901. Carpenter and Kvans, 1899.— \Vahlgren, IVMir. I906b. Homer, I90!a. Kraiisbauer, 1902.— Agren, 1903. ^ Isotoma /iiihixlrix var. /ih red or brownish; unicolorous, or with a trace of the median doi>;tl stripe. Length as great as 4.5 mm. The specimens collected by the Expedition arc uniform olive green in colour, with paler furcula. In some specimens the median doi>:d -tripe i- represented, varying from a mere trace to a well-developed line, on head and body. In some instances the posterior borders of the body segments are - narrowly with blackish. Maximum length, 3 mm. These specimens, which I feel obliged to refer to the >pe< -ies /Hiluxtri*. differ from typical European and North American examples of the species in having more slender ungues, relatively shorter mucrones, unidentate imgiiiculi. and particularly in lacking the characteristic long fringed sensory setffi. Further- more, some of the largest of the curving body-setae are feebly denticulate. In other respects the specimens agree with palustris, as is evident from m\ 53-57. The variety prasina has been recorded from noil hern and middle Kurope. Bismarck archipelago, Siberia, Nova Zembla, and Ellesmere land. Many specimens: on ponds at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories. May 25, 1916, June 16, 18, 25, July 9, 1915; under driftwood, Demarcation point, Alaska, May 16, 1914. F. Johansen. Entomobrya comparata, n. sp. Plate 7, figs. 58-63. This form, like most other species of its genus, varies greatly in colouration. Though the colour varieties intergrade, I have placed them in the following three groups for the purposes of description: — (1) Pale lemon yellow, including antenna? and legs; furcula white. Eye- spots black; also basal antennal ring and a transverse band connecting the eye- spots and the bases of the antennae. (2) Lemon yellow, with black antennal rings and interccular band, and black median subcrescentic spot behind the eyes (fig. 58). Anal segment black dorsally. Antennae purplish distally. Legs and furcula yellow. This is the commonest form in the collection. (3) General colour brownish yellow, faintly and minutely mottled with pigment. Segments bordered narrowly with black, as well as the posterior border of the fourth abdominal segment, as in fig. 59. Anal and genital seg- ments black dorsally. Fourth and fifth abdominal segments with a variable amount of pigment ventrally. First antennal segment blackish apioully; remaining segments blackish. Femora and tibio-tarsi pigmented distally, and the manubrium dorsally. Eves 8 + 8, unequal (fig. 60). Antennae a little more than twice as long as the head, with segments in relative lengths about as 4:10:9:12. Abdominal segments in relative lengths as 13:19:14:40:6:4. Fourth abdominal segment therefore about three times as long as the third. Unguis (fig. 61) with a pair of lateral teeth and with inner margin tridentate in profile; all three teeth being actually doubled, however. Unguiculus extending a little beyond the middle of the unguis, broadly lanceolate, simple. One clavate tenent hair. Dentes one third longer than manubruim. Mucrones half as long as hind unguiculi, of the usual form (fig. 62). Kami of tenaculum quadridentate; corpus with one stout curving seta (fig. 63). General clothing of dense short curving fringed setae. Dorsum of head and body with dense clavate fringed setae, less abundant on the last three abdominal segments. Antennae and legs densely setaceous. A few long fringed sensory setae occur as usual. Length, 1.7 mm. 14 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 It is possible that this form is simply a variety of one of the numerous described species of Kntomobnjd, though if does not agree accurately with any published description that I have seen, or with any of the numerous European >pecies in my collection. Several specimens under driftwood on tundra, Demarcation point, Alaska, May Hi. 1914. F. .lohansen. Many specimens under stones, Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories, May \(M~). F. .lohansen. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus Tullberg. Plate 7, figs. 64-66. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus Tullberg, 1871, 1872, 1876.— Reuter, 1876.— Renter, L. and O. M., 1880— Monies. 1891.— Schott, 1894, 1902.— Dalle Torre, 1895.— Lie-Pettersen, 1890, 1898, 1907.— Schaffer, 1896, 1900a, 1900b.— Poppe and Schaffer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898a, 1898b.— Carl, 1899, 1901.— Carpenter and Evans, 1899.— Bonier, 1901a.— Krausbauer, 1902.— Voigts, 1902.— Axelson, 1) about as long as hind unguiciilus. with long apical tooth and well developed l.a>al spine. Anterior region of head with short stiff fringed clavate seta'. Anterior border of mesonotum with a dense cluster of stiff clavate seta1. Anten- na-, legs and posterior region of abdomen with dense fringed seta1. Dentes with two dorsal rows of subclavate fringed seta*. Manubrium and denies BCaly, the ventral scale- more numerous than the dorsal. Length, 1 mm. Collembola 15 A The preceding description is based upon numerous specimens of typical L. cyaneus from Europe and the United States. Packard's L. metallicus is this species, as I have found by a studv of his cotypes in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. The specimens of this species collected by the Expedition are all typical as regards structural details, but most of them are atypical in ropcct to colouration. Thus, in a heavily pigmented specimen, all four anteimal >egmeut> are \.-llo\\ ; and most of the denuded specimens are olivaceous, tin- effect of tin- \cllou ground colour in combination with minute spots of violet pigment. L. cyaneus is primarily a species of the humus, but occur.- al>o in other situations, as under loose dead bark or in moss. The specie- is common under sticks or stones on the ground, and is often found on soil that i> too dry for tin- existence of collembolans without scales. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus has been reported from northern Siberia. < in-mland, most parts of Europe, the United States, Africa (Egypt. Kamerun. (Ionian East Africa) and the Bismarck archipelago. Nine specimens, under driftwood on higher, dry tundra, Demarcation point, Alaska, May 16, 1914. F. Johansen. Sminthurides aquaticus (Bourlet). Plate 8, figs. 67-72. Smynthurus aquaticus Bourlet, 1843. — Lubbock, 1873. — Oudemans, 1887 - Uzel, 1890. Sminthurus apicalis Reuter, 1880. — Levander, 1894. Smynthurus apicalis Uzel, 1890. Sminthurus aquaticus Reuter, 1891, 1895. — Schott, 1894. — Lie-Pet ter.-en 1896, 1898.— Schaffer, 1896.— Poppe and Schaffer, 1897.— Scherbakov, 1898a, 1898b.— Carl, 1899.— Krausbauer, 1902.— Evans, 1908. Smynthurus amicus Folsom, 1896. Sminthurus (Sminthurides) aquaticus Borner, 1900. Prosminthurus aquaticus Willem, 1900. Sminthurides aquaticus Borner, 1901a, 1906. — Agren, 1903. — Axelson, 1904, 1905a.— Wahlgren, 1906a.— 1906b.— Lie-Pettersen, 1907.— (Axelson) Linnan- iemi, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912.— Collinge, 1910.— Collinge and Shoebotham, 1910. General colour yellow, brownish yellow, greenish, rose, or violet. Eye- spots large, black. Eyes 8 + 8, two in each group being smaller than the others (fig. 67). Antenna purple, slightly longer than the head, with fourth segment not subsegmented. Antennae of male with second and third segments modified to form clasping organs. Abdomen segmented dorsally. Unguis of first and second feet (fig. 68) slender, with inner margin unidentate a little beyond the middle; unguiculus extending two-thirds as far as the unguis, lanceolate, acute, with a subapical filament as long, to twice as long, as the claw proper, ana1 extend- ing often a little beyond the unguis. Ungues of third feet (fig. 69) three-fourths as long as those of the other feet, slender, feebly curving, without teeth ; ungui- culus extending not quite as far as the unguis, broadly lanceolate, untoothed, with apical filament exceeding the unguis. Tenent hairs absent. Third tibio- tarsi with a peculiar distal sense organ (fig. 69) consisting of a pair of slipper- shaped structures, with a stout seta extending beyond the tibio-tarsus. Ventral tube emitting a pair of short rounded sacs. Furcula reaching beyond the mouth. Dentes three times as long as mucrones. Mucrones convergent, spoon-like in general form (figs. 70,71) elliptical from .above, with stout pigmented midrib, and three colourless lamella? as follows: (1) inner dorsal, with radiating ribs terminating in marginal teeth; (2) outer dorsal, with faint radiating ribs due to dorsal ridges, but with entire margin; (3) ventral lamella, narrow and entire. Basal lateral mucronal seta present. Rami of tenaculum tridentate (fig. 72); 16 A Cannditin Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 corpus with a large anterior lobe extending below the rami, and bearing a pair of lon^ anterior seta* and a pair of short apical setae. Clothing of curving setae of moderate length, longer on the posterior part of the abdomen. Ano-genital segment with two slender simple sensory .setae on each side. Integument tuber- cnlate. Length: female, 1 mm.; male, 0.5mm. In small specimens the antenna1 are shorter than the head. The number of teeth of the inner dorsal lamella increases with age. Thus a female specimen 4 mm. in length had seven teeth, and one 0.9 mm. had seventeen. The many specimens that I have seen from the United States and Canada agree with the examples that I have received from Europe. Sminthurides aquaticus var. levanderi Reuter. apic/ilis var. Lcv:i. Wahlgren. 1'HWa, 1906b.— (Axelson) Linnaniemi, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912. Light or dark violet in colour; in other respects like the typical form. The specimens collected by the Expedition belong to this variety, Icrandcrf, and were all females, about half-grown. The genus Sminthurides comprises a few species, that are of special interest in several ways. In this genus, as illustrated by S. aquaticus, the persistence of traces of segmentation in the abdomen, an archaic character (Willem, '00), helps us to understand the morphology of the trunk in the more specialized sminthurids. The antennae of the male, with their peculiar hooks and tubercles, are modified to encircle and to hold those of the female at copulation, as described by Renter ('80) and Levander ('94). N. (H/unticus, like the other species of its genus, lives on the surface of the water of ponds and streams, where it skips about in a lively manner, owing to structural adaptations of the furcula, particularly the large paddle-like mucrones. The species frequents the leaves of various aquatic plants, but occurs sometimes on pools where there is no visible vegetation. A few specimens that I examined at one time had desmids in the alimentary tract. This species is not limited to fresh water, but has been taken on pools of salt water also. N. (H/Hati'dix is a common species in most parts of Europe, and is common also in many parts of the United States. Fourteen specimens, from the surface of ponds. Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories, May 2f>. 1<)H>, July 9, 1915. F. Johansen. REFERENCES. Absolon, K. 1 <)()(). Stndie <> jcskynnich siipinnskach. Vostnik Klubu prirodov. 1'rostcjovc, v<,l. :;. pp. l 39. 1(.)01. t'cbcr \runiii-n li-nchrnrum n. sp. ;ius den Hohlcn dcs nialirischcn Karstcs; iibcr die (lattuiiK Tetrodontophora Renter und cini^c Sinnesorgane dcr Collcmbolcn. Zool. An/,., vol. 2-1, pp. .">7.~> DSC). II. I'M):;. Zm- Kcnutniss dcr Apterygoten-Fauna Siid-Schwrdrns. Stctt. cut. /cit., vol. t'.t, pp. n:; I7«i. l'.»ot. Lapplandische Collcmbola. Arkiv Zool. K. Svcuska V«'tcnsk.. vol. '2, pp. 1 :;o. ' ' •i. \\'. M. !!)()(). \'oi-laiifi^c Mit tliciluiifi iiber cini^e ncur Collembolen-Formen aus Pinnland. Mcdd. Soc. I^auna Kloni Kc-nnicM, vol. 'J(i, pp. 10") \'2'.'>. I'.MKi. Hi-it riiKc -/Air Kciiiitniss dcr Collombolen-Fauna Sibiriens. (')fv. Finska \'ct.-Soc. l-'orh.. vol. -if). ])]). l i:;. I'JOt. Verzeichniss cini^cr bci fiolaa, iin sudost lichen \or\vcjici) ciii^csainiiicltcn Collcni- bolcn. Mm. Ti.lskr., vol. -jr., pp. or, 84. '/Air KfimHiix^ ilrr Apterygotenfaiina von Tvarminnc. Frsl>. Palnicn, No. If), pp. i »i. l(.»0f>b. l-iiiiijri- ncuc Collcinbolcii aus Finidaiul. Zool. An/., vol. 1JS, pp. 7SS 71) t. I'.XMi. Hcitraji xnr Kcnntnis dcr Collcnibolcnt'anna in dcr rini^cbnn.ti RcvaN. Acta Soc. I''anna Mora Fcnnica, vol. 'JS. No. l>. pp. 1-22. Collembola 17 A Bagnell, R. S., 1914. The British Species of the Genus Tetracanlhella (Collembola) Jo in. Econ. Biol., vol. 9, pp. 5-8. Borner, C. 1900. Vorlaufige Mittheilung zur Systematik der Smintlnirida.- Tullb., irwbe*., des Genus Sminthurus Latr. Zool. Anz., vol. '2:i, pp. tio:» tils — 1901a. Zur Kenntnis der Aptery got en-Fauna von Bremen. Ahh. Nat. Ycr Bremen vol. 17, pp. 1-141. — 1901b. 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Podurider fran nordvestra Sibirien, samlade af J. R. Sahlberg. Ofv. Finsk. Vet. SOP. Forh., vol. 33, pp. 226-229. ls'if>. Apterygogenea Fennica. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1-35. Scnaffer, C. 1X96. Die Collembola der Umgebung von Hamburg und benachbarter Gebiete. Mitt, naturh. Mus. Hamburg, vol. 13, pp. 147-216. 1X97. ApteryKoton. Hamb. Magalh. Sammel., pp. 1-48. is'.ts. Die Collembola des Bwrnarck-Archipel nach der Ansbeute von Prof. F. Dahl. Arch. Natur^., vol. 04, pp. 393-425. 1900a. Die arktischen und Bubarktischen Collembola. Fauna Arrtini, vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 237-258. 19001,. •19001). feber Wurttembergische Collembola, Jahresh. Ver. Naturk. Wfirtt., vol. 56, pp. IT, 2SO. Scherbakov, A. M. lX9Sa. Einijie Keinerkungcn fiber Aptorygogwica, die bei Kiew 1X96-1897 Kefnnden wurden. Zool. Anz., vol. 21, pp. 57-65. is9sl>. Materials for the Apterygogenea-Fauna of the Vicinity of Kief, pp. 1-31. Kief. [In Russian.] lx«.»9a. Zur Collembolen-Fauna Spitzlx-rgens. Zool. Anz., vol. 22, p. 47. is'.Mil,. Collembola of Spitsbergen, pp. 1-6. Kief. [In Russian.] bchott, H. ix9i. Beitrage zur Kenntnis Kalifornischer Collembola. Bih. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 17, No. X, pp. 1 :>r>. Collembola 19 A —1894. Zur Systematik und Verbreitung palaearctischer Collembola. K Sv«-n«k-i \Vt - Akad. Handl., vol. 25, (1893), No. 11, pp. 1-100. —1896. North American Apterygogenea. Proc. California Aead. S.-., Mr. 2, vol. ,- >, Petersburg vol :, pp. 190-209. Stuxberg, A. 1887. Faunan pa och kring Novaja-Semlja. In Nor. — 1891. Verzeichniss der auf Helgoland gefundenen Apterygogenea. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol., vol. 5, pp. 919-920. Voigts, H. 1902. Verzeichnis der i. J. 1901 um Gottingen gesammelten Collembolen. Zoo]. Anz., vol. 25, pp. 523, 524. Wahlgren, E. 1899a. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Collembola-Fauna der -ius-eren Sdiaren. Ent. Tidskr., vol. 20, pp. 183-193. — 1899b. Ueber die von der Schwedischen Polar expedition 1898 gesammelten Collem- bolen. Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 335-340. — 1899c. On some Apterygogenea collected in the Volga-delta and in Transcaspia by Dr. E. Lonnberg. Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh.,E vol. 56, No. 8, pp. 847-850. — 1900a. Collembola, wahrend der schwedischen Gronlandsexpedition 1899 auf Jan Mayen und Ost-Gronland eingesammelt. Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 353-375. — 1900b. Beitrage zur fauna der Baren-Insel. Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 3-8. — 1906a. Collembola fran Torne lappmark och angransande trakter. Ent. Tidskr., vol. 27, pp. 219-230. — 1906b. Svensk insektfauna. Ent. Tidskr., vol. 27, pp. 233-270. —1907. Collembola from the 2nd Fram Expedition 1898-1902, pp. 1-6. Kristiania. — 1908. Apterygogenea. 1. Collombola. Wiss. Ergeb. schwed. zool. Exped. Kilimand- jaro, etc., pp. 1-10. Uppsala. 1909. Islandska CoUemboler. Ent. Tidskr., vol. 30, p. 180. Willem, V. 1900. Recherches sur les Collemboles et les Thysanoures. Mem. cour. Mem. sav. e"tr. Acad. roy. Belgique, vol. 58, pp. 1-144. — 1902. Note preliminaire sur les Collemboles des Grottes de Han et de Rochefort. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, vol. 46, pp. 275-283. 54697— 20 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 F.XI'LAXATION OF PLATES. All the figures except \<>s. l<), 'JO, (17. 70 and 71 are from -specimens collected by the Expedition. PLATE 1. Fig. 1. I'otliira di/udlicd, right hand foot, X 337. '2. I'othi/'d d({Udtird, dorsal aspect of left macro, X 577. I'odm'd (ujiidticd, left macro, X 577. \. Ai-honttc* tnllbcriii, eyes of left side, X 577. \flionth'ii tullbt-nji, sense organ of third antenna! segment of right side, X 908. I). Acliorutf* tiillhi'rni. right, mid foot, X 577. 7. .\i-honitrx tiilll)<'r. Oui/cfiiiirux duodecimpuncta^US, right postantennal organ, X 505. 27. Omjchiiirux duodecimpunctatus, pseudocelli of right antennal bas<\ X 295. O////r//////-//.s iliioiliTJin i>iiurt35. :>2. O////f7/////-//.s duodedmpunctatUS, dorsal seta- of second abdominal segment, X 295. :;:;. Tetracanthdla irdhlt/rcn/, X 42. ill. 'l'r/rdrdnlfn'l!d inilil.t/rcn/ , eyes and post ant ennal organ of right side, X 252. Tetracanthella //v////f//v///. sense organ of thii-d antennal segment of left side, X S25. Mil. TetracantheUa irdhlt/rcni, extremity of abdomen, X 1S5. 37. T< trdrdiithclld irdhlijrt ni , dorsal aspect of anal s])ines, X 250. PLATE 5. Fig. 3S. TftmniHlhrlln irnhhjrrni , left hind foot, X 505. :;'.). Trti-dcdttlficlld imhlijreni, furcula and tenaculivin, X 505. 10. T<-ti-lx(). 57. Isotoma palustris, dorsal setae of second abdominal segment, X 250. PLATE 7. Fig. 58. Entomobrya comparata, dorsal pattern of head, X 77. 59. Entomobrya comparata, to show pigmentation, X 34. 60. Entomobrya comparata, eyes of right side, X 278. 61. Entomobrya comparata, left hind foot, X 475. 62. Entomobrya comparata, left mucro and end of dens, X 748. 63. Entomobrya comparata, left aspect of tenaculum, X 237. 64. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus, eyes of left side, X 282. 65. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus, left hind foot, X 748. 66. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus, left aspect of left mucro and end of dens, X 748. PLATE 8. Fig. 67. Sminthurides aquations, eyes of left side, X 400. 68. Sminthurides aquations, right mid foot, X 1010. 69. Sminthurides aquations, left hind foot, X 1010. 70. Sminthurides aquations, dorsal aspect of right mucro, X 513. 71. Sminthurides aquations, left mucro, X 513. 72. Sminthurides aquations, right aspect of tenaculum, X 673. Figures 67, 70 and 71 are from Massachusetts specimens. 22 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE 1 10 oo ooo Collembola 23 A PLATE 2 75 24 A Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE 3 £X\ •cP 21 &•£'•,* 27 300 000 000 ° o "0 29 26 Collembola 25 A 32 26 A Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE 5 Collembola 27 PLATE 6 55 28 A Cunmlian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE 7 61 Collembola 29 A PLATE 8 72 . D / : REPORT LV> o x- b- OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART B: NEUROPTEROID INSECTS By NATHAN BANKS SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 Vol. iii— 54530— 1 Issued July llth, 1919 The Neuropteroid Insects of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By NATHAN BANK>. The Neuropteroid insects taken by the Canadian Arctic Expedi t inn. 1913-16, belong to seven species, two of which are herewith described as new. M« the specimens collected by Mr. Frits Johansen belong to one species which is common in the Arctic regions. PERLIDAE. Alloperla pacifica Banks. Two from Ketchikan, southern Alaska, September 10, 1916. Nemoura, sp. Several specimens, quite possibly of a new species, from Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories, June 30, 1916, and July 30, 1916. They arc in poor condition and cannot now be described. Capnia nearctica, n. sp. Black. Body long and slender. Pronotum plainly broader than long, a little broader behind than in front, with a deep transverse groove in front parallel to the front margin. Wings in the male not reaching one-fourth way to the tip, in the female reaching to the tip of body. Setae about one-half the length of the body. In the male the third segment from the tip has a rather large, rounded, median elevation, the surface of which is deeply pitted and provided with short hairs, and behind over the last two segments is a median groove bordered by nearly parallel elevated ridges; in the posterior part the ridges swell out a little; the groove is fully two and a half times as long as broad. Length, 6 mm. Many specimens from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, Canadian Arctic Expedition, June 25, 1915 (F. Johansen, coll.). Type in Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, paratype in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Differs from other species in the shape and sculpture of the tubercle near tip of body. TRICHOPTERA. Rhyacophila alberta Banks. One from Ketchikan, southern Alaska, September 10, 1916. Chilostigma praeterita Walker. Many specimens. All taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, September 23, 1915. There is much variation in the extent of the markings on the front wings almost uniformly dark-coloured. Described from Canada. I have seen it from several northern localities and it also occurs in the more northern parts of Europe. 4 B Canadian Arctic Expedition •, 1913-18 Anabolia emarginata, n. sp. Black with black bristles, some yellowish bristles on vertex and thorax; antenna1 narrowly annulate with pale; legs yellowish brown, spines black. Forc-win^s blackish, outer and posterior portions with scattered small pale spots, a distinct whitish hyaline spot over the thrydium and one below it near the end of the anal vein; the hind wings are greyish, darker .on the anterior tip; genitalia dark. Venation much as in A. nigricula but the wing is rather shorter so that the apical cells are noticeably shorter than in that species. Male geni- talia, seen from above show two upper appendages close together, each with an excised tip; from the side the lower appendage is seen to be tipped with two little black teeth. In general similar to A. nigricula but the shape of the superior appendages is different, and they are shorter than in that species. Expanse, 26 mm. Two males from Teller, Alaska, July 29, 1913 (F. Johansen, coll.) Type in Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, paratype in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Limnephilus, sp. One female from Nome, Alaska, August 21, 1916 (F. Johansen, coll.) may be the female of L. harrimani Bks., known only'from the male . L. harrimani is closely related to L. sitchensis, and so is this form. The body is greyish brown; vertex and thoracic vittse dull black, latter separated by a grey streak; vertex between lateral ocelli and eyes grey pollinose; palpi, antennae and legs yellowish, latter with black spines, basal joints of antennae dark; genitalia pale. Fore wings yellowish brown, marked with darker brown and whitish hyaline much as in L. sitchensis', an oblique mark across the thyridial cell, and a large area each side of the anastomosis hyaline, this spot extends over bases of apical and first subapical cells and the tips of discal and thyridial cells. The dark brown is mostly on the posterior part, and along the veins; veins pale, anastomosis and lower stigmal vein darker; hind wings grey hyaline, veins pale. Face with yellowish hair in the middle and black on the sides, vertex, pronotum and meso- notum mostly with yellowish hair; some macrochatse on vertex dark. Fore wings have the shape of L. sitchensis; the discal cell is plainly longer than its pedicel; the first apical is wider at base than the second, the fourth is about one-third as wide at base as the third or fifth; in the hind wings the fourth apical cell is slightly pedicellate. The superior appendages of the female are very long, slender, and divaricate, longer than in L. sitchensis, the inferior appendage is much shorter than in that species. Expanse, 29 mm. \OTK.— The collection also included a number of immature stages of Neuropteroids, the identifica- tion of which was not possible. Neuropieroid Insect* 5B EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1. Dorsal, posterior and lateral views of male genitalia of Anabolia emarginata. 2. Dorsal view of tip of male abdomen of Capnia nearctica. 3. Lateral view of tip of male abdomen of Capnia nearctica. 4. Lateral and dorsal views of female genitalia of Limnephilus sp. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART C: DIPTERA Crane-flies C. P. Alexander Mosquitoes . . . . . . . . H. G. Dyar Diptera (excluding the Tipulidae and Culicidae) . J. R. Malloch SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol.iii-46963-1 Issued July 14th, 1919. The Crane-flies collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, Ph. D. INTRODUCTION. The collection of crane-flies made by the Canadian Arctic Kxpcdition is quite extensive, and includes about 100 specimens of .-idulis, l;irv;r. and pupji-. The types and uniques have been placed in the Canadian National Collection: certain of the paratypes and duplicates are retained in the collection of tin- author. The present report has been divided into two general portions, tin- first on the taxonomy of the adult flies, the second a consideration of the imma- ture stages and the biological data secured by the collector, Mr. Frits .lohaiiH-n. The material represents as satisfactory a collection of Arctic American Tipulida3 as has yet been brought together. The itinerary and general narrat i\ c of the Southern Division of the Expedition has been recorded by Dr. Pi. M. Anderson (1917). l BIBLIOGRAPHY. There have been rather numerous species of crane-flies described from the Canadian Arctic Northwest, the more important reports on these collections being as follows: — Kirby. Win., (1824) in the supplement to Capt. Parry's first voyage described Stygeropis parrii (Kirby). Curtis, John (1831) in the appendix to Ross's voyage to the Arctic regions, described Tipula arctica Curtis. Loew, Hermann (1863-1865) in the Centuries of North American Diptera described the numerous species of Tipulinse collected by Robert Kennicott, now in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. These specimens bear the general label of "H.B.T," only a few of them haying any more exact label. In another paper (Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, September, 1915, pp. 458-465) I have discussed Loew's species and their present condition. Osten-Sacken (1859-1869) described most of the Limnobiinse collected by Kennicott and also (1876) Tipula besselsi, from Polaris bay, Greenland, at about 82 degrees north latitude, collected by Dr. E. Bessels in 1872. Bergroth (1888) described several new species mostly from Sitka, Alaska. Most of these were rediscovered on the Harriman expedition (see Coquillett). Williston (1893) described Stygeropis bergrothi from Alaska. The type was recorded as having been placed in the Kansas University collection, but is not mentioned among the types in Hunter's list (Kansas University Science Bulletin, vol. 8, No. 1. p. 18; 1914) nor have I been able to locate the specimen. Doane (1900, 1901) described a very few species from Unalaska, his types being in the collection of the United States National Museum. Coquillett (1900), The Crane-flies of the Harriman Expedition to Alaska, the types are now in the collection of the United States National Museum. Dietz (1915), two Limnobiine crane-flies collected by Francis Harper in the Athabaska country. Alexander (1915-date), species collected by Kennicott in the Loew collection but never described by Loew; the types are now in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The crane-flies of the Pribilof islands, now in the collection of the United States Biological Survey. The most important collections from the Arctic Northwest may be con- sidered to be the following: Kennicott's collections, the Harriman Expedition, the Pribilof islands collections, and the present one. 1 Report of the Department of the Naval Service for the Fiscal Year ending March 31st, 1917. Ottawa: A 1-2, pp. 22-70. Also Summary Report of the Ge ological Survey, Dept. of Mines, for the calendar year 1913. Ibid. 1914, 1915, 1916. Vol. iii— 46963— 1J 4 c Cnna ian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 From the above material a good idea of the general facies of the crane-fly fauna of the Canadian Arctic Northwest may be obtained. The species are almost, if not all, forms of dull, sombre colouration — browns or greys — and most of them are of simple, primitive organization. A considerable number show unmistakable signs of degeneracy in the wings, this condition being particularly noticeable in the Pribilof islands, where fully half of the known species have the wings more or less atrophied. In the present collection, two of the Limno- biine forms showed the first stages of wing-atrophy, but all of the ten Tipuline species are full-winged. Some of the species of Arctic Tipulidae have the head, the thoracic intervals, the pleura, coxae, etc., clothed with an abundant long, erect pubescence. Many of the Arctic crane-flies seem to be very local in their distribution. Thus the collections from the Pribilof islands show not one of the species taken elsewhere in the Canadian northwest (with the possible exception of Trichocera). Similarly, the collections of the Harriman expedition and the present collections show that the species are in large part very local in their distribution, the natural barriers of mountains and large water-bodies having proved a very efficient check upon their dispersal. In the present col- lect ion there are a total of sixteen species, only two or three of which have been found elsewhere; of these Tipula arctica and Stygeropis parrii are rather well- known Arctic American species, and the Trichocera is probably Holarctic in its distribution. The collection that is reported upon in this paper is constituted as follows: — RhyphidoB — Trickocerinas — Trichocera 1 species. Li ntnohiini. Dicranomyia 1 species. Eriopterini. Erioptera I Limnophilini. Limnophila 1 Pedidini. Tricyphona 2 Tipulince — Tipulini. Stygeropis 2 Nephrotoma 1 Tipula 7 The general tendencies of distribution of crane-flies in the high Arctic regions are well shown by the above list, the omnipresent Trichocera, a dominance of Pediciine and Tipuline genera, with a smattering of Limnobiini, Eriopterini and Limnophilini. The extensive tribes Antochini and Hexatomini (in the strict sense)1 seem to be entirely lacking so far as known. The Pty chapter idae nre likewise lacking and the single record for the Tanyderidce (Protoplasa) is unsatisfactory. ADULT FLIES. Family TIPULID^. Subfamily LIMNOBIIN^E. Tribe LIMNOBIINI. Genus Dicranomyia Stephens. Dirmnnnnjiu Stephens; Catalogue of British insects, vol. 2, p. 21)5; 1X29. Dicranomyia alascaensis, n. sp. Antenna- black; halteres short; wings nearly hyaline, with a large1, oval, brown sligma; Sc t remote from the lip of Nr, ; cell first M>2 closed; femora yellow, tipped with brown. inbiiyfi^ er : < onccrnin nearly hyaline; stigma large, oval, brown; veins brown; venation ilM. I. iiu. I £c2'remote from the tip of ScL so that 8c\ alone is about equal to tin- ba-al deflexion of GUI; Sci ends just opposite the origin of Its ; r at the tip of 7^; Rs about twice as long as the basal deflexion of #4+5; cell first Mz closed; basal deflexion of Cu\ at the fork of M. Abdomen dark brown, pruinose, the pleural integument and the valves of the ovipositor yellowish. Locality: Holotype, 9, Nome, Alaska, August 24, 25, 1916 (F. Johai. No. 78. In the elongate Sci this species suggests D. halter ata Osten-Sacken, but this is about the only feature that the two species have in common. In other respects it seems closer to D. aquita Dietz1 from Taltson river, Mackenzie dis- trict (not Rocker river as stated in the original description), but it is a much smaller fly and the details of both colour 'and venation are different. Tribe ERIOPTERINI. Genus Erioptera Meigen. Subgenus Erioptera Meigen. Erioptera Meigen; Illiger's Magazine, vol. 2, p. 262; 1803. Erioptera (Erioptera) angustipennis, n. sp. General colouration dark brown with a grey pruinosity; wings very long and narrow. MALE. — Length, 4-4 mm.; wing, 5-4 mm. Rostrum and palpi black. Antennae black, the flagellar segments oval. Head dark grey. Mesonotum brown, more greyish on the sides; pseudosutural fovese con- spicuous, transverse, black. Pleura dull grey. Halteres rather elongate, brown. Legs dark brownish black throughout. Wings very long and narrow showing the first stages of atrophy although the venation is normal; membrane slightly suffused with brown; stigma indistinct; veins dark brown; venation (PI. I, fig. 2) the veins are all very elongated due to the great narrowing of the wing. Abdomen dull grey, the segments indistinctly paler caudally and here with fringes of long golden hairs that are more sparse elsewhere on the surface; male hypopygium with the pleural appendages slender, pointed at their tips. Locality: Holotype, Xahirelle, Diptcra; Suite a Buffon, vol. 1, p. 95; 1834. Subgenus Dactylolabis Oston-Sacken. Ostrn-Suckcn; Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, ]>. 240; is:>!>. Limnophila (Dactylolabis) rhicnoptiloides, n. sp. General colouration black, dusted with grey; wings long and narrow, the veins heavily spotted and seamed with brown; Rs spurred at its origin. MALI-:.— Length, 8-8.8 mm.; wing, 8-9 mm. Rostrum and palpi dark brownish black. AntennaB black, the first segment elongated. Head narrowed behind, dark coloured with a light grey pruinosity; the whole dorsal surface of the head is beset with short, sharp bristles that are directed forwards. Thorax dark with heavy, clear, light grey bloom; mesonotal praescutum with four brown stripes, the median pair long and parallel. Halteres with the stem pale, the knobs darker brown. Legs with the large coxae dusted with grey; trochanters dark; remainder of the legs broken. Wings long and narrow, subhyaline, the veins heavily seamed with greyish brown so that most of the wing-surface appears of this dark colour; venation (PL I, fig. 3) the wing of the paratype is longer and narrower than that of the type figured; in both wings of this paratype there is a cross- vein in cell R% just proximad of the radial cross- vein; Rs spurred at its origin. Abdomen black, sparsely dusted with grey. Locality: Holotype, d% Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 15, J(.»i:> (F. Johansen), No. 1308. Paratopotype, i)ix Loe\v; Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, vol. 7, p. 298; 1863. A small genus of northern and Arctic Tipuline crane-flies, occurring in both hemispheres. The generally accepted belief that this genus is closely related to Ctenophora and its allies is entirely erroneous. This is best proved by a study of the immature stages which are very Tipuline in nature, in some respects uniting the Longurio and Tipula types. Stygeropis parrii (Kirby). C1( nopliora i>wrii Kirby; Supplement to Capt. Parry's First Voyage; 1824. MALE. — Length, 11-13 mm.; wing, 14-15 mm. I 'I:\IALE. — Length, 17-5 mm.; wing, 15-8 mm. Palpi short, black. Frontal prolongation of the head short, black. Antenna* (PL II, tig. 12) black, the first segment elongate, transversely wrinkled; flagellar segments narrow basally, enlarged distally into a blunt serration on the inner face. Head dull black with a sparse yellowish grey bloom, the sides of the vertex clothed with elongate, pale hairs. Thoracic dorsum light grey with three broad, darker grey stripes, the median one broadest anteriorly; thoracic interspaces with an abundance of long, erect hairs; an indistinct, narrow, blackish, median stripe runs the length of the not uni. Pleura grey, the dorso-pleural membrane more yellowish. Halteres brown, the knobs darker. Legs with the coxic and trochanters dark, the former grey pruinose; femora reddish brown, the tips broadly blackened; tibia- and tarsi black. Wings with a slight brownish grey tinge, the costal and subcostal cells more brownish; stigma dark brown; obliterative streak before the cord not very (list inct ; venation (PI. I, fig. 7) R 2 + 3 long, very slightly arcuated at origin; petiole of cell M\ present but often greatly shortened as in parrioides. Abdomen dark blue-grey, the segments very narrowly ringed with paler on the caudal margin; lateral margins of the tergites broadly paler. Lobes of the male hypopygium conspicuously yellow; female ovipositor with the tergal valves rather high, narrowly blackened at their tips. Male hypopygium having the ninth tergite (PI. II, fig. 2(>) large1, the caudal margin with a very deep, ("-shaped, median notch, the lateral lobes prominent, obliquely truncated; tergite black, the apices of the lobes broadly pale. Ninth pleurite rather exten- sive, the pleural suture indistinct beneath; outer pleura! appendage (PL II, fig. 23) Crane-flies 9 c a suboval flattened lobe, dull yellow in colour, slightly broader at the base than at the tip which is obtusely rounded; the outer face of the appendage with sparse, short, scattered hairs; inner pleural appendage (PI. II, fig. 21.) a lar^e. pale brown lobe, flattened, at the tip produced into a long, curved point thai is slightly expanded at its tip, the inner face with abundant long, pair hair-. Ninth sternite extensive, a deep split on the mid-ventral line, the margin- closely approximated or contiguous. The following ten specimens are in the collection: Localities: Nos. 434, 435, 436, and 438, west of Kongrnrvik. < 'amden hay. Alaska, July 4, 1914. Nos. 1194, 1195, Collinson point, Alaska. June 25 1914. Nos. 422, 423, 822, and 828, Bernard harbour, Northwot Term July 1-14, 1916, and in July-August, 1915. The most conspicuous differences between this species and the next. N. parrioides, are in the dense erect pile of the present species, the clear blue givy colouration, the conspicuous differences in the structure of the antennae and hypopygium of the male sex, etc. S. bergrothi Williston1 is unsatisfactorily described and the type is apparently no longer in existence as was stated earlier in this paper. It is a blackish grey species with the stem of the halteres and the bases of the femora reddish yellow and the wings uniformly tinged with brownish. S. sordida Loew (Century 4, No. 42; 1863) has the rostrum black as in the present species and agrees in some other features, but is apparently a different species. Stygeropis parrioides, n. sp. Frontal prolongation of the head light brown; antennae short, the flagellar segments with an inconspicuous transverse ridge before the middle, this bearing a fringe of short, pale hairs; mesonotum greyish yellow with a narrow, dark brown median line, the sternites and pleurites clear, light grey; abdominal tergites with a broad, dark brown, median line; wings reddish brown; petiole of cell MI very short or lacking; pile on the body short, not conspicuous as in parrii. MALE. — Length, 14-15 mm.; wing, 11-12 mm. Palpi short, dark brown. Frontal prolongation of the head light brown, short; nasus distinct. Antennae (PL II, fig. 13) dark brown, segment one elongate, transversely wrinkled; segment two cyathiform; segment three elongate, broader distally; segments four to seven broad basally with a trans- verse row of pale hairs before mid-length of the segments, on the ventral face with one or two small spicules; terminal segments gradually attenuated. Vertex greyish brown, with numerous black bristles that are lacking on the median line; vertex produced forward on the median line into a tongue between the antennal bases; gense with numerous black, bristle-like hairs. Mesonotal praescutum yellowish grey, brightest before the pseudosutural foveae, the three usual thoracic stripes not distinct, only a very narrow dark brown median line running the entire length of the mesonotum. Dorsal pleurites concolourous with the notum; sternal pleurites and sternum clear light grey. Halteres dark brown. Legs with the coxae clear light grey; trochanters brown: femora brown; tibiae similar, darker at the tips; tarsi dark brown. Wings with a strong reddish brown tinge, cells C and Sc more saturated; stigma brown; the membrane along vein Cu more greyish; venation (PI. I, fig. 8) Rs elongate; cell MI sessile (as in the genus Nephrotoma) or very short-petiolate. Abdominal tergites reddish brown with a broad, distinct, dark brown, median line; caudal margins of the segments less distinctly brownish; a narrow, sublateral, brown line; extreme lateral margins narrowly dull yellow. Sternites somewhat similar, the basal two-thirds reddish brown, the apical third dark 1 Kansas University Quarterly, vol. 2, p. 64; 1894. 10 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 brown; a very narrow and indistinct median brown line. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite (PL II, fig. 27) short, rather tumid, the caudal margin with a broad. T-shaped, median notch, the caudal margin densely provided with short, black hairs; beneath the tergal lobes, between the pleurites, are two small rounded lobes that are densely set with short black bristles. Ninth pleurite extensive, oval, with numerous hairs; outer pleural lobe (PI. II, fig. 22) almost circular in outline, the outer face with numerous short hairs; inner plenral lobe (PL II, fig. 25) of rather simple structure, two armed, the outer arm directed candad, at its tip forming a blackened chitinized hook; the inner arm is directed proximad and slightly dorsad, the blunt apex bent very slightly cephalad. almost the whole appendage with dense, pale hairs that are short or absent on the apex of the lobe, longest on the inner margin; viewed from above it is seen that this inner arm sends out a lobule on the inner dorsal side before the apex; the dorsal margin of this lobule is narrowly but heavily chitinized. Suture between the ninth sternite and pleurite not very distinct, the sternal region destitute of hairs. Locality: Holotype, hrot'»n) 7i'x rather long for this group of flies, a little longer than #2 + s; cell MI sessile or very short-pet iolate. Abdomen greyish black; lateral margins of the tergites very narrowly paler, in some specimens a broad, interrupted, sublateral orange-yellow stripe on either side of the mid-dorsal line. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite (PL III, fig. 2S) quadrate, the caudal margin with a small, deep, U-shaped, median notch, the lateral lobes squarely truncated, finely spiculosc, the outer lateral angle with a blunt point that is minutely toothed beneath. Outer pleural appendage (PL Ill, fig. 2!l) an elongate-oval lobe that is produced into a blunt point at the tip; inner pleural appendage chitini/ed and at its tip produced into a short beak; pleural suture rather long, at its inner end curved slightly Crane-flies Ho dorsad. Eighth sternite with the caudal margin broadly concave, the lateral angles bearing small tufts of hairs. The female is similar but of a less heavy build; the abdominal tergites have the same orange-yellow stripes on either side of the broad median area, these most conspicuous on segments three to five where they appear as bright triangles. Locality: Holotype, cf, Bernard harbour, Northwest Tcrritori.-. .July 1-1 1. 1916 (F. Johansen). No. 425. Allotopotype, 9, July, August, 191."). No. 823. Paratopotypes, five «f, 9, Nos. 419, 429, July 1-14, 1916; Nos. 824, 825, and 827, July-August, 1915. This interesting Arctic Nephrotoma belongs to the same group as the Palaearctic N. pratensis (Linnaeus) and N. nox (Riedel) and the N '. penumbra Alexander from the high mountains of Northeastern North America. I have seen specimens of a species of this same group from Greenland that are close to pratensis but seem to represent a new species. Genus Tipula Linnaeus. Tipula Linnaeus; Systema Naturae, edition 10, p. 585; 1758. The present collection included seven species of this genus, the only des- cribed one being the common and apparently widely distributed Tipula arctica Curtis. I expected that T. pratorum Kirby1 would be found amongst tho material but such was not the case, there being no species having the antennal scape yellow. The only species in this collection with any yellow on the antennae is T. diflava which does not agree at all with Kirby's rather unsatisfactory description. Tipula johanseni, n. sp. Antennae black; head grey, along the inner margin of the eye broadly paler; thoracic dorsum with four dark brown stripes; wings with the tip of vein Rz pale, subatrophied; crossvein m obliterated by atrophy. MALE. — Length, 11-8 mm.; wing, 12-4 mm. Palpi black. Frontal prolongation of the head dark grey, the nasus short, blunt. Antennae (PI. II, fig. 15) black; first segment of the scape relatively short, not as long as the first flagellar segment; flagellar segments rather elon- gated, the basal swelling oval, shorter than the remainder of the segment. Head dull grey, paler along the inner margin of the eye; sides of the veil ex with scattered long, coarse bristles. Thoracic dorsum dull grey with four dark brown stripes, the median pair narrow, separated from one another by a broad stripe of the ground colour. Pleura dark grey, the dorso-pleural membranes dull yellowish. Halteres rather long, brown, the knobs still darker brown. Legs with the coxae dull grey and provided with long pale hairs; trochanters black; remainder of the legs broken. Wings light grey, the costal and subcostal cells a little more yellowish; stigma brown; an indistinct dark cloud at the tip of Rs; veins dark brown; venal ion (PL I, fig. 11) tip of vein R% pale, subatrophied; crossvein m obliterated or nearly so. Abdominal segments blackish, the caudal and lateral margins broadly paler; hypopygium yellow. Male hypopygium withlhe ninth tergite (PL III, fig. 32) not prominent, the sides oblique, the caudal margin very deeply split by a V-shaped median notch that extends almost to the eighth tergite, the lobes thus formed long, subacute. Ninth pleurite extensive, subtriangular, the caudal angle extended out into a short blunt point; outer pleural appendage not prominent, cylindrical to slightly flattened, with long golden hairs; inner pleural appendage greatly compressed. Ninth sternite profoundly incised be- 1 Fauna Boreali-Americana, Insecta, p. 310; 1837. 12 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 neath by a Y-shaped notch, beneath the margin of the eighth sternite a small brush of long golden hairs. Eighth sternite unarmed. Locality: Holotype, d% Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1 (F. Johansen). 'No. 213. Similar to T.. aperta Alexander (imperfecta Alexander, preoccupied) of Labrador in the open cell first M», but distinct in the dark frontal prolongation of the head, the uniformly dark antennae, the blackish trochanters and abdomen, etc. In a/x-rta the tip of tf-j persists for its entire length and the petiole of cell .1/1 is very much longer than in the present species. This interesting species is dedicated to the collector, Mr. F. Johansen. Tipula diflava, n. sp. < leneral colouration grey; antennae black, the second segment abruptly yellow: abdominal tergites orange with three broad black stripes; wings clouded with brown and grey; male hypopygium with the ninth tergite large, the caudal margin deeply notched medially and with a small acute tooth at the base of the notch. MALK. Length, 14mm.; wing, 14-1 mm. FKMALE. — Length, 20-22 mm.; wing, 17-2-18-3 mm. Palpi black. Frontal prolongation of the head black, the nasus elongate. Antemue (PI. II, fig. 16) with the first scapal segment narrow basally, enlarged distally, black, yellowish at the apex; segment two yellow; flagellum black, the flagellar segments with the basal swelling prominent with about four conspicuous bristles. Head black, dark grey pruinose. Thorax grey, the mesonotal praescutum with three broad darker grey stripes, the middle one split by a line of the ground-colour; hairs on the thoracic inter- spaces short, pale, not conspicuous. Halteres yellow, the knobs dark brown, the apices a little brighter. Legs with the coxae dark grey; trochanters brown; femora brownish yellow broadly tipped with black; tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Wings subhyaline, clouded with brown and grey; cells C and Sc yellowish; stigma dark brown; a dark brown spot at the origin of M, origin and end of the sector; apex of the wing brownish grey, interrupted by cell R5/5 which is nearly hyaline; conspicuous, brownish grey clouds along vein Cu, in the middle and end of cell M and including most of cell Ci/ij apices of the anal cells largely grey; in the male the pattern is the same but paler; venation (PI. I, fig. 9), pattern omitted. Abdomen with the first tergite black; second to sixth orange, with three broad black stripes, a narrow median one, broadening out behind and two sub- lateral stripes; on the caudal margins the black stripes tend to be confluent interrupting the orange; terminal segments largely blackish; lateral margins of the tergite pale yellowish; hypopygium mostly blackish; sternites largely bla.-k. Male hypopygium (PL III, fig.' 34) with the ninth tergite (PL III, fig. 33) extensive, the caudal margin with a very dee]) V-shaped notch, at the base of which i> a tiny tooth that sends a carina cephalad onto the dorsum of the sclent e; lateral lobes thin, rounded at their apices. Ninth pleurite complete, moderately large; outer pleural appendage elongate, flatteried-cylindrical, pale, with a dense covering of long hairs; inner pleural appendage flattened into an extensive1 blade, the margin with sharp teeth. The female is similar but larger; valves of the ovipositor slender, elongate, acicular. not at all like the urcticd type where the tergal valves are flattened transversely with the outer margin toothed and the sternal valves are very minute. Locality: Holotype, cf, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 12, 1915 (F. Johansen). No. 71)0. Allotype, 9, Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 1916. No. 838. Paratype, 9, with the allotype. No. 839. Cra'ne-flies 13 c Tipula arctica Curtis. Tipula arctica Curtis; Description of the insects brought home by Comin;m.l<-i .J. Clark Ross. Appendix to Ross's Voyage to the Arctic regions, p. Ixxvii, Plate A, fig. i:>: MALE. — Length, 13-17 mm.; wing, 13-5-17-5 mm. FEMALE. — Length, 20-21-5 mm.; wing, 16-17 mm. Palpi dark brown. Frontal prolongation of the head rather elongate, blue-grey; nasus stout. Antennae (PI. II, fig. 17) deeply serrate, each .-e^ment of the flagellum deeply incised beneath, the apical enlargement bcin-r only a little smaller than the basal swelling but not provided with verticils. Head l.lue- grey. Mesonotal praescutum dull grey with three broad blue-grey stripe-. 1 1n- median one often narrowly split by a vitta of the ground-colour; these -tripes are sometimes narrowly margined with brown; the thoracic inter-pare-, with numerous black setigerous punctures; remainder of the thorax blue-grey includ- ing the coxae of the legs. Halteres brown, the knobs darker. Legs with tin- femora reddish yellow broadly tipped with dark brown; tarsi dark brown. Wings sub hyaline with conspicuous brown and grey markings, cells C and >'r a little more yellowish ; a small brown spot at the origin of /j*.s; stigma large. sending a cloud down the cord to cell first M2; greyish brown clouds in the anal cells, at the base of cell Cu, at midlength and at the end of M and in the apex of the wings; venation (PI. I, fig. 10). Abdominal tergites in the male with segment one, black; two to four, reddish yellow with broad sublateral stripes and an indistinct median stripe brownish grey; remaining segments dark brownish grey; sternites two to four, reddish yellow, broadly darkened laterally; terminal sternites brownish grey; the segments of the abdomen are very narrowly and indistinctly margined with paler. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite (PI. Ill, fig. 35) small with a deep and broad rounded caudal notch, the dorsum rounded into a saucer, the lateral lobes with four or five blunt teeth. The inner pleural appendage is illustrated (Plate III, fig. 37). The female is similar to the male in most respects, but the abdomen is differently coloured being dull grey with a broad, dark brown, interrupted, dorso- median stripe ; the basal tergites a little brightened on either side of the dorso- median line; abdomen not excessively elongated as in the related T. longi- ventris; dorsal shield jet-black, shiny; tergal valves of the ovipositor brownish black. The ovipositor (PI. Ill, fig. 43) has the dorsal shield elongate, a little longer than the tergal valves of the ovipositor; these tergal valves have about fifteen teeth along the outer lateral margin; the sternal valves are very reduced as in this group of species, acicular, the pair forming a sublyriform organ (PI. Ill, fig. 40). This was the most abundantly represented species in the collection including nearly one-half of the material, as follows : — Localities: West of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914 (F. Johansen). Four . i i Locality: Holotype, cf, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July- August 1915 (F. Johansen). No. 826. This species is certainly close to T. hewitti, but I cannot make the two agree. Unfortunately each species is represented only by the unique male type and I do not care to remove the abdomen to submit the male genitalia to the critical study that some day may be necessary. More material from 1 1n- Arctic north-west would probably decide the status of these two species which are closely allied but which certainly appear to be distinct. Tipula besselsoides, n. sp. General colouration grey; antennae rather short, black; body clothed with conspicuous erect hairs; femora light yellowish, tipped with black; ninth termite of the male hypopygium with a small, U-shaped notch, the lateral lobes rounded. MALE. — Length, 12 mm.; wing, 15-5 mm. Palpi black. Frontal prolongation of the head greyish black; nasus pro- minent. Antennae (PL II, fig. 19) black; first segment of the scape long and slender, clothed with numerous outspreading hairs; flagellar segments very short , the basal swelling of the individual segments being about equal to the remainder of the segment. Head broad, eyes rather small, widely separated; vertical tubercle low; head dark grey with 'scattered setigerous punctures. Thorax dark grey, the praescutum with three indistinct, darker grey stripes; thoracic interspaces with an abundant coarse, black hair. Halteres dull brownish yellow. Legs with the coxae grey clothed with numerous long pale hairs as in besselsi O.S.; trochanters dark; femora light brownish yellow, the tips broadly black; tibiae light brown, the tips broadly black; tarsi dark brown. Wings nearly hyaline, the subcostal cell more yellowish; stigma brown, oval; apex of the wings a little darkened; veins dark brown; obliterative streak extend- ing from before the stigma into cell M4; venation: crossvein m-cu not far beyond the fork of M. Abdomen dark grey, the segments conspicuously ringed with pale yellowish ; lobes of the hypopygium yellow. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite (PL III, fig. 39) rather extensive, the caudal margin somewhat rounded and with a deep, U-shaped, median notch; at the inner margin of the lateral lobes a small tubercle; entire sclerite black, clothed with numerous short, appressed hairs; suture between the tergite and sternite well-defined. Ninth pleurite small, incomplete, the suture indicated only beneath; outer pleural appendage (PL III, fig. 31) a small, suboval flattened lobe, pale brownish yellow, the outer face with abundant long pale hairs; inner pleural appendage (PL III, fig. 42) elongate, chitinized, at the base a rounded knob clothed with long, delicate pale hairs, the outer margin with four stout bristles. Penis-guard a long, straight chitinized point, gradually narrowed from the base to the acute apex. Locality: Holotype, cf, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 1-14, 1916 (F. Johansen). No. 422. Paratopotype, d". No. 417. This species bears a strong superficial resemblance to T. besselsi Osten- Sacken in the grey colouration with conspicuous long, erect pile; the legs are differently coloured and the hypopygium of the male is very differently con- structed in the two species. It also resembles Stygeropis parrii (Kirby) super- ficially in colouration and the erect pile, but the verticillate antennae and nearly hyaline wings of the present species offer easy points for separation. Tipula subarctica, n. sp. Related to T. pribilofensis Alexander; general colouration dark; abdomen reddish brown with a dark median stripe on both the tergites and sternites; ninth tergite of the male hypopygium prominent with flattened, acute, lateral arms; eighth sternite produced caudad into a broad, flattened, shovel-like, median lobe. 16 c ('diKitiian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 MALE. — Length, 12-5 mm.; wing, 14 mm. Head discoloured. Antennae broken. Pronotal scutum dark, the scutellum dull yellowish. Mesonotal praescutum dark coloured, almost black in the type, but badly discoloured, the thoracic stripes, if present normally, being obliterated; normal specimens are almost certain to be very dark grey. Pleura blackish, grey pruinose; dorso-pleural membranes dull yellow. ILalteres brown, the knobs darker. Legs with the coxa- black, grey pruinose; trochanters brown; femora reddish brown, the tips narrowly and indistinctly darkened; tibiae brown, the apices blackened; tarsi dark brown. "Wings nearly hyaline, the costal and subcostal cells concolourous with the rest of the wing; veins brown; wings in the vicinity of the stigmal region injured; venation: R» persistent for its entire length; the m-cu crossvein inserted just beyond the fork of M. The fly is full-winged. Abdominal tergites reddish brown with a broad, black, median stripe; ninth tergite black; sternites dull brown with an interrupted blackish median stripe. Male liypopygium with the ninth tergite (PL III, fig. 41) very large and prominent, black, chitinized, the caudal margin with an acute, V-shaped, median notch, finely denticulate, the lateral angles produced far caudad into flattened ears. Ninth pleurite incomplete, the suture indicated beneath, an acute dorso-c'audal arm of the pleurite runs beneath the tergal lobes. Eighth sternite with a broad, shovel-shaped, median lobe extending caudad and dorsad, its caudal margin evenly and gently notched and provided with short, delicate hairs. Eighth tergite completely concealed beneath the seventh tergite. Locality: Holotype, tudying the types of the European species still existant and the added difficulty of obtain- ing authentically named specimens of the European sperirs. the Kuropean specialists, apparently, being as much in doubt concerning the true sialus of the group as are the American workers. Until a, very recent date the genus Trichocera, together with the related genus Ischnothrix Bigot, from Cape Horn, was included as a member of the Tipulid tribe, Limnophilini. A critical study of the immature stages by Johann- sen, Keilin, de Meijere, Malloch, and others has shown the utter impossibility of such an assignment and it seems better to give it subfamily rank in the family Rhyphidse. Trichocera sp. The present collection included three specimens of Trichocera sp., from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 18, 1915, collected by F. Johansen; two males, Nos. 1301 and 1302 and a female, No. 1300 D. IMMATURE STAGES. The present collection of Canadian Arctic crane-flies included a surprising amount of life-history material. This was of very great interest since our knowl- edge of the younger stages of any Arctic crane-flies is almost negligible. Unfor- tunately, very little of the material had been reared and consequently the placing of the species has been attended with considerable doubt and difficulty. As a rule it scarcely pays to describe or figure undetermined larvae or pupae unless they show conspicuous points of difference in their structure, have a peculiar habitat, or else, as in the present case, come from a region where prac- tically nothing is known concerning the early stages. These Arctic crane-flies, especially of the Tipuline group, are sometimes as beautifully patterned in the larva as they are dull and obscure in the adult. The biological data that were supplied by the collector are incorporated with each species concerned. HEXATQMINI. In another paper, not yet published, I have endeavoured to correlate the present classification of crane-flies, based entirely on a study of the adult flies, with a critical survey of all the immature stages that I could obtain. Among other things this study seems to indicate that the tribe Hexatomini is not as clearly set off from the related groups as a study of the adults alone would imply. Several of the groups that have hitherto been considered subordinate groups of the genus Limnophila, such as Ulomorpha, Lasiomastix, Dicranophrag- ma, Poecilostola, etc., all seem now to be more properly referable to the Hexato- mini, or at least closely allied to Eriocera, Penthoptera, etc. The present species has not been reareol and its true affinities must be left in doubt, but I believe that the reference given below will be not entirely erroneous. Poecilostola supposition. This is a small group of flies including seven or eight species of the Palse- arctic region with representatives occurring in Japan. Although no adults of this group of flies or, indeed, any of its relatives have yet been taken in the Canadian Arctic I feel very little hesitation in referring the present larva to the neighbourhood of this genus. It may belong to the subgenus Phylidorea Bigat of the genus Limnophila Macquart. Vol. iii— 46963— 2 18 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Locality: One large larva taken in the melted ponds in the tundra at Demarcation point, Alaska, May, 1914 (F. Johansen). Length, 19-5 mm.; diameter, 2-4 mm. Form cylindrical, the anterior segments narrower, the abdominal segments just before the cauda swollen. Body with a covering of short and delicate appressed hairs. Head-capsule of the long narrow structure of the tribe; mandibles (PL V, fig. 55) long, sickle-shaped; maxilla (PI. V, fig. 54) with the outer lobe projecting from the oral opening when the head is completely retracted. Colouration uniform light yellow throughout. Spiracular disk (PL IV, fig. 44) small, with four lobes, the lateral and ventral pairs. Lateral lobes rather short and blunt, the ventral edge with an irregular linear brown mark, the outer edge with a dense fringe of long hairs; ventral lobes longer with a long, arcuate, brown line down the inner face; outer edge with a dense fringe of long hairs, those at. the tip being very elongate. Anal gills four, short, blunt, oval. TIPULINI. A considerable number of Tipuline forms were included in the present collection. Only one of these, Tipula arctica Curtis, was reared and the generic reference of the remainder must be considered as being somewhat doubtful. I have studied each of these species, however, in the light of our knowledge of other life-histories, and have placed them as closely as the data will warrant. Tipula arctica Curtis. Locality: Larvae in the ground at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 27, 1916 (F. Johansen). A male collected as a larva on May 27 pupated about June 20. (Rearing No. 106.) LARVAE. Length, 23-25 mm.; diameter, about 4 mm. Form cylindrical. Mouth-parts with the mentum (see PL V, fig. 53) long and slender with a large, blunt, median tooth and two smaller teeth on cither side; directly beneath these lateral teeth similar subequal teeth are (hypopharynx) visible. Labrum as in PL V, fig. 52. Chsetotaxy: Dorsal surface, a transverse row of delicate hair-like setae across the dorsum of the last thoracic segment and the abdominal segments, there being usually four of these punctures on the first three segments occurring at about mid-length of the segments; on the abdomen they lie on the posterior ring of each segment (see PL V, fig. 56) ; the lateral puncture bears two bristles, the inner punctures a single seta; they correspond exactly to the condition of the ventral segments except that here the solitary anterior bristle has moved (•alidad into alignment with the posterior paired bristles. In some there are a few weak supplementary bristles in the same line. Ventral surface (PL V, fitf. 57) similar; two prominent widely separated setigerous punctures, each with two long bristle-like hairs nearer the caudal margin and two other smaller and more delicate bristles slightly cephalad and closer to the median line; these anterior ventral bristles are separated from one another by a distance that is a little less than the distance between them and the larger posterior bristles; on the lateral margin of the segment there is usually a more delicate hair. ( 'olouration dull yellow, the thoracic segments with abundant, tiny, appressed dark hairs that give a darker appearance to the anterior end of the body. Spiracular disk (PL IV, fig. 45) surrounded by six short lobes, a dorsal pair, rather closely approximated medially, a dorso-lateral pair and a ventral pair. The dorsal pair are shorter than the lateral pair and the inner face in most specimens has a straight or slightly curved, dark brown, line. The lateral lobes are longer and more slender. The ventral lobes are short and broad. Crane-flies 19 c The spiracles are very large and conspicuous, black. In some specimens there are two black dots just above each spiracle and two somewhat similar dots below the spiracles and on the ventral lobes; of these markings the ventral dots are the most constant. Anal gills, four in number, blunt, fleshy. PUP^. Male : Length, 18-23 mm. ; dorso-ventral depth, 3 • 8-4 mm. ; dextro- sinistral width, 3-2 mm. Female: Length: 23 mm.; depth and width 1 nun. MALE. (PL V, fig. 50): Colouration brown, the abdomen more yellowish brown; the pleural membrane paler; the breathing-horns, appendages, and sheaths dark brown; spines on the abdomen black. Antennal bases situated on a high crest, elevated above the level of the breathing-horns. Pronotal breathing horns not conspicuous, short, directed slightly forwards and slightly divergent. . On the pronotum n small knob just before the breathing horns; on the praescutum two vridely separated tul>en-li-< and just behind these but nearer the median line, two smaller tubercles, tin- space between these tubercles connected by a row of crenulations. Leg-sheaths reaching to the middle of the third abdominal, segment; wing-sheaths reaching the base of the second abdominal segment. Abdominal tergites: segments 1 and 2 with a small tubercle on the caudal ring on either side of the median line; segment 3 with two tubercles on either side, the inner one largest; segments 4 to 6 with three or four tubercles on either side, the inner one largest; segment 7 narrowed, with two lateral spines and two separated blunt tubercles; segment 8 narrowed, the lateral angles ending in powerful tubercles with sharp points. Pleural integument coarsely punctured, on the edge nearest the sternites with a single sharp spine on the caudal ring of segment 1 and on segment 7 and two, one on each ring of segments 2 to 6. Sternites armed with circlets of powerful spines on the caudal ring, on segment 3 there being two, small and widely separated; on segments 4 to 7 there are four such spines, larger and rather approximated. Segment 9 rounded, indistinctly bifid, each side with a small, acute spine at the tip. FEMALE. (PL V, fig. 51) similar to the male above described, the sexual differences being as follows: Sheaths of the tergal valves of the ovipositor elongate, powerful, lying parallel to one another, transversely wrinkled; sheaths of the sternal valves of the ovipositor tiny, located at the apex of the eighth segment. Mr. Johansen has recently called my attention to the description and figures of the immature stages of this species by Dr. T. C. Nielsen.1 As there are some discrepancies between the descriptions and figures of the material from northeast Greenland and that from the Canadian Northwest, it is possible that more than one species is involved under the name of Tipula arctica. Stygeropis, possibly parrii (Kirby) . Locality: Melted ponds in the tundra at Demarcation point, Alaska, May 1914 (F. Johansen). Two smaller specimens measure as follows: length, 20 to 24 mm.; diameter, 2-2 to 2-5 mm. A larger larva (No. 5a), length, 38 mm.; diameter, 3-7 mm. Form cylindrical, moderately elongated. Head-capsule with the antennae long and slender, from three to four times as long as thick, cylindrical, yellowish. Chsetotaxy: Setae very weak and delicate, on the thoracic segments being tiny lateral hairs. Abdominal tergites (PL V, fig. 58) with no setae on the anterior ring; on the posterior ring with the following bristles: a small lateral bristle nearest the false suture; just before the caudal margin of the segment a more or less impressed line, at its outer end with two or three bristles arising from individual punctures ; on either side of the reddish dorso-median vitta a prominent !The Insects of the "Danmark" Expedition: Meddelelser om Gronland, vol. xliii, Copenhagen, 1910 pp. 57-9, PI, vii, figs. 1-7. Vol. iii— 46963— 2$ 20 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 seta directed proximad; on the penultimate and antepenultimate segments of the abdomen the bristles are very long and delicate. The sternites (PI. V, fig. 59) similar, but the median bristles lie further cephalad and there is a smaller tiny bristle in its individual puncture just proximad of it; these median bristles are almost in alignment with the lateral bristles. The caudal bristles, three in number, are in alignment and rather widely separated. Colouration above dark brown, the thoracic region more reddish; a broad, conspicuous dorso-median stripe reddish brown; lower surface greyish with a reddish caste. Skin very smooth without tubercles or roughenings of any sort. The sutures between the individual segments are very well-marked but not conspicuously constricted, at about two-thirds the length of each abdominal segment with a pseudosuture dividing the segment into two rings or annuli. Spiniculur disk (PI. IV, fig. 46) surrounded by six very long, finger-like lobes, of which the ventral pair are slightly the longer. All the lobes are margined with dark brown and here develop long fringes of delicate pale hairs which are longest at the tips of the lobes, much shortened toward the base of the lobes; down the middle of the inner face of each lobe there is a long, narrow, black stripe extending from the tip back toward the centre of the disk, this mark longest on the ventral lobes; the lateral marks on the lobes are all expanded at their inner ends nearest the spiracles, the outer margins of the ventral lobes united with one another across the disk, between the spiracles, by a narrow, arcuated line. Spiracles large. Anal gills short but slender, inconspicuous, the inner pair very short. From its great resemblance to the larva of Stygeropis fuscipennis Loew of northeastern America I would refer this larva to Stygeropis without question. Which species it represents is somewhat doubtful, but very probably either parrii or parrioides. The Tipula No. 1 of Malloch's preliminary classification1 is Stygeropis fuscipennis. Tipuline No. 1 (Stygeropis, supposition). Locality: Two larvae from a lake near Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories, June 25, 1915 (F. Johansen). Two additional specimens from Demarcation point, Alaska (melted ponds in tundra, May, 1914. No. 7). Length, 20-5-23 mm.; diameter, 1-8-2 mm. Form cylindrical, moderately elongated, the anterior end abruptly tapering, the posterior end gradually tapering to the cauda; caudal lobes capable of close application to one another along their inner faces, protecting the spiracles. ( 'hsetotaxy : Dorsal segments (PL V, fig. 60) with the setse all on the posterior ring, an anterior lateral pair located in the lateral yellow line, consisting of two punctures, the more lateral one of which has a tripartite bristle, the proximal one simple. Nearer the caudal margin of the segments three long lateral brist les in alignment and rather widely separated, the distal one located near the inner margin of the yellow stripe, the inner two closer together located in the black lateral stripes, the innermost on its margin. In alignment with these three and located nearer the mid-dorsal region of the segment, one on either side of the apex of the shield-shaped dorsal mark, are two long bristles. All of these caudal bristles are in alignment with the caudal setae of the ventral segments. Lateral setae: On the dark pleural stripe a group of three small, stout bristles on the posterior ring, arranged in a triangle; a single, longer hair on the anterior ring of the segment, much closer to the ventral edge than to the dorsal edge of the stripe. Sternal segments with the setae on the apical ring of the segment arranged as in PL V, fig. 61; there are two anterior setae on each side, and closer to the 1 Malloch, J. It. "A preliminary classification of Diptera based upon larval and pupal characters," Bull. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, vol. 12, pp. 199, 200, figs.; 1917. Crane-flies 21 c median line; of these the distal one is the longest, the proximal one usually very short; there are three posterior setae on either side, the two proximal being longest and in their own punctures, the third one distal in position, lying clo the black pleural stripe and located in a very small puncture on the margin of t he adjoining larger puncture. Colouration: Dorsum (PL V, fig. 60) dull yellow. Just inside the broad lateral stripe and separated from it by a narrow bright yellow line is a narrow dark brown line, almost continuous but slightly interrupted in places; this dark line begins on the mesothorax and continues to the last segment. The dorsum of the abdomen between these dark stripes is handsomely marked with dorsal shields of brown which are narrowly margined with darker brown, the narrow apex of the shield directed caudad; there are about seven of these dorsal shield-, the integument on either side of them with three bright yellow dots in straight diverging lines, all of these dots lying on the cephalic ring of the segment. Pleural region dark brown, very broad but paler on the thoracic segments. gradually narrowed and becoming darker toward the end of the body, terminating near the anal gills. This dark pleural stripe is dotted with numerous yellowish spots. Ventral surface abruptly and conspicuously light yellow. Spiracular disk surrounded by six long, finger-like lobes, the dorsal lobes rather the shortest although still long and finger-like, lying parallel, the ventral lobes longest; all the lobes narrowly margined with black and with a slender black vitta bisecting the inner face of the lobe from the tip inward toward the disk, at the distal end expanded into a blackish apex; the apex and lateral margins bear long fringes of hairs as in Stygeropis, these hairs being longest toward the tips of the lobes. Anal gills six, short but rather slender, incon- spicuous, the two lateral pairs longest, the inner pair much shorter. I would refer this to a position not far removed from Stygeropis although it is very differently coloured from the species last described under that name. However, the structure of the larvae seems to indicate that it is more probably a Stygeropis than a Tipula or a Nephrotoma. If the generic reference is correct the larvae probably belong to either S. parrii or S. parrioides. In the specimens from Demarcation point, Alaska, the anterior end of the body is pale and the median dorsal shields are continuous as a practically un- interrupted dorso-median line, only slightly constricted toward the posterior end of each segment; the lateral dorsal stripes are very dark. However, the structure of the spiracular disk and the chaetotaxy are entirely the same and I feel sure that all the material pertains to the same species. In the vial containing the two larvae from Bernard harbour, described above, there was an additional Tipuline larva that is closest to the Tipuline No. 3 described later, but probably represents a still different species. Because this is the only specimen included in the material it is not further discussed in this report. Tipuline No. 2. Locality: Three larvae, taken at Demarcation point, Alaska, May, 1914. No. 4 (F. Johansen); melted ponds in the tundra. Length, 20-23 mm.; dextro-sinistral width, 3-3-3-6 mm.; dorso-ventral depth, 2-2-2 mm. Body moderately elongated, form strongly depressed; thoracic and first abdominal segments with the margins regular; abdominal segments 3 to 8 with a prominent false constriction or pseudo-suture at about two-thirds the length of the segment, the edges of the segments produced laterad to give a serrate appearance to the margins of the abdomen; the anterior ring of each segment has the serration larger than that of the posterior ring so that these alternate; penultimate segment of the abdomen with the caudal angles produced strongly caudad into long, slender lobes. 22 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Chaetotaxy: Tergites (PL V, fig. 62) with setae on the posterior ring only, these bristles short and weak, the marginal group lying in or close to the dark lateral stripe, the outer one far removed from the inner pair. Bristles of the disk single, one on either side of the median dorsal stripe. Lateral bristles with two on the posterior ring, one on the anterior ring. Sternites (PI. V, fig. 63) with no bristles on the anterior ring; posterior ring with two bristles on either side of the median line and at about mid-length of the ring, the distal bristle longest. Nearer the posterior margin and lying farther distad, three setae almost in a line, rather closely approximated but each one in its own distinct puncture, the proximal two longest, the distal one small and weak. Colouration: A beautiful larva (PL IV, fig. 47), light yellow in colour, the thorax and lateral margins of the abdomen dusky. Three interrupted dark-brown stripes on the dorsum, on the individual segments shaped as follows: on the anterior ring the median mark is rectangular, in front not attaining the segment preceding, connected at its caudal end with the lateral stripes which are dotted with yellow, on the proximal edge clear-cut, laterally passing into the dusky of the margins of the abdomen; posterior ring of each segment with three marks more irregular and diffuse. Sternites dull yellowish with an indis- tinct irregular dusky square on the anterior ring, this dusky area with an arcuated line of four oval spots across the anterior third and two larger yellow blotches on the posterior two-thirds, one on either side of the median line; on the posterior ring of each segment the dusky marks are irregular, shaped somewhat like an hour-glass. Spiracular disk (PL IV, fig. 48) small, surrounded by six small lobes; dorsal lobes very small but slender, slightly divergent; lateral and ventral lobes long and slender, in some the lateral lobes notably shorter than the ventral pair; inner faces of the lobes unmarked with darker. Ventral lobes with a few long, sensory bristles at the apex; a single long bristle on the ventral face at about mid-length; lateral lobes with a similar group of bristles near the tip and a longer one on the outer face near the apex. Spiracles small, widely separated. Gills six in number, small, slender, inconspicuous, the caudal pair longest, the •cephalic pair with a short lobule on the basal inner side so it appears there are six gills of which four are long, two short. I have no idea to which species this Handsome larva belongs. This species and the last are amongst the most beautifully patterned larvae that I have ever seen. The present species exhibits an unusual degree of depression for this tribe of Tipulidae and in some respects gives strong indications of how the even more accentuated conditions in the Cylindrotominse may have been brought about. It seems probable that this larva belongs to the genus Tipula rather than to any of the related genera. Tipuline No. 3. Locality: Tundra at Nome, Alaska, August, 1916 (F. Johansen). Three larvae, two large and one smaller specimen. Two additional badly shrunken larvae bearing the following label: "Tipula larvae C, about one-fourth inch below the plant-covering of the tundra behind the winter house, Collinson point, Alaska, September 20, 1913." Length, 27-5-30 mm.; diameter, 4-5 mm. Form plump and robust ; colouration brown, the body clothed with an abun- dant appressed dark pubescence, the dorsal ring of each segment that bears the setae darkest in colour; each segment is divided by 4 or 5 pale transverse false sutures so the abdomen appears multisegmented. The true limits of each seg- ment are readily determined by the caudal row of setae. Chaetotaxy: Termites (PL V, fig. 64) with four long, powerful bristles in alignment, the median pair closer to one another than either is to the lateral seta; extending proximad from each seta is a narrow, semi-impressed line Crane-flies 23 c destitute of pubesence; each of the outer setigerous areas bears two closely approximated setae. Lateral setae two, one on each primary ring at about mid- length, the anterior one lying closer to the ventral margin, the posterior one closer to the dorsal margin. Sternites (PI. V, fig. 65) with four setigerous areas, the median pair a little anterior to the posterior pair, one on either side of the median line, each area with two stout bristles. The above pertains to the abdominal segments. On the dorsum and lateral portions of the anterior ring of the prothorax at about mid-length there are about ten setigerous areas, the median pair close together and bearing a single seta, the next pair more widely separated, each with two short setae; the third pair closer to the second pair than they are to one another, likewise with two setae, one long slender bristle and a shorter slender one; lateral setae solitary, long and stout, two on each side of the prothorax. The meso- and meta-thoraces at about midlength and almost in alignment have about ten setigerous punctures, the inner six close together and shortest (the innermost simple, the outer two pairs double); lateral bristles longer and more widely separated. Spiracular disk (PI. IV, fig. 49) surrounded by six short lobes, not con- spicuous. Dorsal lobes short, conical, situated close together on the dorso- median line, divergent apically, broad at the base, tapering rapidly to the acute tip. Lateral lobes longest, elongate-conical, tapering to the rather acute apex. Ventral lobes short, broad, and blunt with a broad blackish blotch on the inner face, in the smaller specimen occurring as two parallel transverse lines beneath each spiracle. Gills short, blunt, dark in colour. This is probably a species of Tipula rather than the related genus, Neph- rotoma, but the immature stages of the two genera are very similar to one another. EXPLANATION OF PLATE L Fig. 1. Wing of Dicranomyia alascaensis, n. sp. 2. Erioptera (Erioptera) angustipennis, n. sp. " 3. Limnophila (Dactylolabis) rhicnoptiloides, n. sp. \ " 4. Tricyphona brevifurcata, n. sp. "5. T. frigida, n. sp. " 6. Nephrotoma arcticola, n. sp. " 7. Stygeropis parrii (Kirby). "8. S. parrioides, n. sp. " 9. Tipula diflava, n. sp. (pattern omitted). " 10. T. arctica Curtis. " 11. T.johanseni,n.sp. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. Fig. 12. Antenna of Stygeropis parrii; basal and apical segments. "13. S. parrioides; the same. " 14. Nephrotoma arcticola; basal segments. " 15. Tipula johanseni; the same. " 16. T. diflava; the same. " 17. T. arctica; the same. " 18. T. subpolaris; the same. " 19. T. besselsoides; the same. " 20. Hypopygium of Tricyphona frigida; pleurite and appendages, dorsal aspect. " 21. T. diaphana (Doane); the same. " 22. Stygeropis parrioides; outer pleural appendage. " 23. S. parrii; the same. " 24. S. parrii; inner pleural appendage. " 25. S. parrioides; the same. " 26. S. parrii; ninth tergite, dorsal aspect. " 27. S. parrioides; the same. 24 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Fig. 28. Hypupygium of \< i>luot<»nida hcwitti; the same. Ml. T. besselsoides; the same. 3'J. T.johanseni; ninth tergite, dorsal aspect. :;:;. 7\ 'diflava; the same. T. dijlai'u; lateral aspect; 9 1. ninth tergite; 9 pi. ninth pleurite; 9 s. ninth sternite. :;."). Tipula arctica; ninth tergite, dorsal aspect. Mt>. T. hewitti; the same. F j;. M7. Hypopygium of T. arctica; inner pleural appendage. :;s. T. subpolaris; ninth tergite, dorsal aspect. 3i). T7. besselsoides; the same. 40. Ovipositor of 7\ arctica; female sternal valves. 41. Hypopygium of T. subarctica; ninth tergite, dorsal apsect. 42. T. besselsoides; inner pleural appendage. 43. Ovipositor of T. arctica; dorsal aspect. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 44. Larva of Poecilostola, supposition; spiracular disk. 1."). " Tipula arctica; the same. 46. Stygeropis, supposition; the same. 47. " Tipuline No. 2; dorsal aspect of entire larva. 48. " Tipuline No. 2; spiracular disk. 49. " Tipuline No. 3; the same. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Fig. 50. Pupa of Tipula arctica; male, lateral aspect. 51. T. arctica; female, dorsal aspect. 52. Larva of Tipula arctica* labrum, dorsal aspect. 53. " T arctica; mentum, ventral aspect. 54. " Poecilostola, supp.; outer lobe of maxilla. 55. Poecilostola, ^ supp.; mandible. 56. Tipula arctica; chsetotaxy of third abdominal tergite; dorsal aspect. 57. T. arctica; the same, third abdominal sternite; ventral. 58. Stygeropis, supp.; the same, third abdominal tergite; dorsal. 5(.). Stygeropis, supp.; the same, third abdominal sternite; ventral. 00. Tipuline No. 1; the same, third tergite; dorsal. 61. Tipuline No. 1; the same, third sternite; ventral. 62. Tipuline No. 2; the same, third tergite; dorsal. <»:>- Tipuline No. 2; the same, third sternite; ventral. 64. Tipuline No. 3; the same, third tergite; dorsal. »'»5. ' Tipuline No. 3; the same, third sternite; ventral. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI. Figs. 1, 2. Female of Tipula arctica Curtis (Photos, by Geo. H. Wilkins) Crane-flies 25 c PLATE I. Crane-flies of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-16. 26 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE II. ( V:m<-flicsof the ( '.•iniuli.-ui Arctic Expedition, 1913-16. Crane-flies 27 c I'l.V.i. III. 41 Crane-flies of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-16. 28 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE IV. 47 > (Yam-flics of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-16. 4.9 Crane-flies 29 c PLAT i \ Crane-flies of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-16. 30 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE VI. Tipula arctica Curtis. (Photograph by G. H. Wilkins). The Mosquitoes collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. (Diptera, Culicidae.) By HARRISON G. DYAR. INTRODUCTION. Many stories are current about the extraordinary abundance of mosquitoes in the Arctic regions, rivalling the tropics in this respect. That these stoi it- are not overdrawn, is shown by the accompanying photographs, taken in the deltas of the Colville and Slave rivers by Dr. R. M. Anderson of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. Nevertheless, the number of species present is small in the northern regions, though individuals may be abundant. Along the Arctic coast of the Northwest Territories, here considered, but two species are identified, whereas a collection of an equal number of specimens in the tropics might include thirty or forty species. Head net, as used in the North for pro- tection against mosquitoes. Delta of Slave River, Great Slave lake, N.W.T., June, 1908. Mosquitoes on back of man's hooded coat. Near Nigalik, delta of Colville river. Arctic coast of Alaska. July 3, 1909. The collection before me was made during the years 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916; but it is disappointingly a small one (134 specimens), and the material is in very poor condition. The region, however> is interesting, embracing the Arctic coast of Alaska and the Canadian Northwest Territories. 32 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Aedes (Ochlerotatus) nearcticus, n. sp. .FEMALE. — Proboscis long; palpi one-fifth the length of proboscis; setae long and abundant on head, thorax, coxae, femora, and abdomen, black, becoming whitish in old specimens. Mesonotum with coarse, narrow, curved, dark bronzy brown scales. Abdomen with broad basal segmental dull whitish bands; venter wholly grey-scaled. Integument entirely black. Wing-scales black, some white ones along the costa, subcostal, and first veins, rather numerous toward base. MALE. — Similar to the female, with the usual sexual differences. Palpi about as long as the proboscis, the last joint slightly thickened; end of long joint and last two joints hairy. Antennae weakly plumose. The genitalia have the side pieces conical, about three times as long as wide; apical lobe small, conical, nearly bare; basal lobe conical, with long setae on its lower side, shorter ones without, the margin sometimes seen as a crenulate tuberculous line running upward obliquely from the lobe. Harpes narrow, chitinized on the margins, the tips pointed in a blunt tooth. Harpagones with curved columnar stems, thickened at the basal half, hirsute, with two setae at the base, the outer part smooth; filament sickle-shaped, widened smoothly at base, the wide part tapering to the middle of the filament. Unci forming a pair of hooks simila. to the harpes, but smaller. Basal appendages very small, with stiff spines. Types and Locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 9, 1915 (Frits Johansen), Canadian Arctic Expedition, No. 1395; c?, with the same data, No. 1391. According to the notes of the collector, these were bred from pupae found in a pond (Rearing 59 A). Larvae were collected June 18, 1915, and adults emerged July 14-23. (Rearing 59). Also eighty-four specimens from the same. locality, bred June 21-July 1, 1916 (Rearings 109, 121), and caught, the latter all 99. Apparently the same species from the following localities 1899, West of Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916 (F.J.); one 9, Young point, Northwest Territories, July 18, 1916 (F.J.); 399, Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916 (F.J.); 699, cape Bathurst, Northwest Territories, -July 26, 1916 (F.J.); 19 99, Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914 (F.J.); 1 9, Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 5, 1914 (F.J.). Also bred July 22, 1914, from larvae collected at Collinson Point, Alaska, June 23, 1914, (Rearing 21). The species is allied to A. innuitus Dyar and Knab, of Greenland; but the male genitalia differ in the shape of the harpes and the filaments of the harpa- gones. Also allied to nigripes Zetterstedt from Lapland, for a discussion of which see Dyar and Knab, Ins. Ins. Mens., v, 167, 1917. LARVA. — Head rounded, wider than long; antennae small, uniform, with sparse spirules. 1 he tuft situated near the middle, composed of three short hairs. Head hairs single, at least the lower pair are so, the upper pair are broken in all the specimens; ante-antennal tuft in fours. Body with the skin glabrous; trachea1 thick and uniform, narrowing only in, the end of the airtube, where there is a short closing apparatus. Air-tube short, about two and a half times as long ;is the basal width, tapering outwardly; pecten of 11 to 16 teeth, usually about 14. the single tooth finely pointed and with a rounded branch, followed closely by a three- to four-haired tuft. Lateral comb of the eighth segment of ten to fourteen scales in a patch, the single scale elongate conical from an oval base, with long central thorn and few small lateral spinules. Anal segment with a dorsal plate reaching to about the middle of the side, its edge even but bulging a little posteriorly; barred area preceded by one or two hair tufts, the area situated posteriorly; dorsal hairs a long hair and three-haired tuft on each side. Locality: Specimens taken from a pond, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories June 28, 19 lo (Frits .Johansen), not isolated, but present in dom- inating numbers, so that they doubtless belong to the abundant species, nearcticus. Mosquitoes 33 c Aedes, n. sp. (Odder otatus.} A few larvae collected with Aedes nearcticus Dyar at Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories, represent an apparently undescribed form, but as there is no way of associating an adult, a name is not proposed. - Head hairs single; ante-antennal tuft in two; antennae long, slender, a two- haired tuft at the middle. Skin glabrous. Lateral comb of the eighth segment of fifteen scales in a narrow patch; single scale with long terminal thorn. Air tube about three times as long as wide, tapered on the outer half; pecten reach- ing beyond the middle, the last three teeth detached; hair tuft in four, situated within the last tooth. Anal segment ringed by the plate, the brush posteriorly- directed; anal gills four, tapered, rather short. Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sp. A dozen females from Seward peninsula, Alaska, of an Aedes with dark- brown scales over the mesonotum, the pile apparently less abundant than in A. nearcticus. No advantage would be gained by attempting to apply a name to this form, which must await the collection of males, or at least more perfect specimens. Locality: Three 9 9, Teller, Alaska, July 29, 1913 (Frits Johansen); nine 99, Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F.J.), Canadian Arctic Expedition. Vol. iii— 46963— 3 The Diptera collected by the Canadian Expedition, 1913-1918. (Excluding the Tipulidse and Culicidse.) By J. K. MALLOCH. INTRODUCTION. This paper deals with the Diptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion 1913-Ki, and belonging to the following families: Sciaridae, Chironomidae, Simuliidse, Leptidae, Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Phoridae, Borboridae, Syrphidae, Oestrida1. Tachinidse, Calliphoridae, Anthomyiidae, Scatophagidae, Helomyzidae, Piophilida?, Ephydridse, and Chloropidae. The number of species in the paper is ninety-three, representing fifty-five genera.1 Some of the genera and species included in this list are new to science, but others are recorded for the first time from Arctic America, having been previously known from the Arctic regions of the Old World. It is probable that many of the forms are circumpolar in their distribution, but the difficulties attendant upon their collection in the latitudes where they occur make it almost impossible to obtain representative collections from many regions. ( 'ollections of Diptera from the far north present characteristics that are unmistakable to the eye of one who has previously studied material in other Arctic collections, since in both the remarkably uniform dull colours and in the genera comprising such collections they differ very strikingly from those of tem- perate regions. The predominating body-colour is a deep black, relieved occasionally with blue-black species such as the flesh-flies, and as a general rule the flies are hairy or bristly. Most of the forms are scavengers, living on decay- ing animal or vegetable matter, but a few are parasitic or predaceous. The phytophagous forms are rare, and from the far north no Trypetidae are recorded, tin- most northern locality for that family being the Pribilof islands. The work upon this collection was undertaken with the consent of Dr. Stephen A. Forbes, Thief of the Division of Natural History Survey of Illinois. SCIARID^. The larvae of this family live in decaying vegetable matter, sometimes in fungi, and occasionally in vegetation that has been attacked by other larvae. There are three species in this collection, none of which it is possible to identify specifically on account of their being represented only by females, and also owing to their defective condition. Sciara, sp. 1. This species has a peculiar wing venation which will enable some future st udent In as-ociate t he specimen with others that may be subsequently obtained. The first vein ends in the cost a midway between the cross-vein and the furcation of media, the latter originates about twice the distance of cross-vein proximad of the latter, runs very close to the upper branch of cubitus to the tork, the anterior branch then runs abruptly forward (towards costa) at almost a right angle to lower branch, curves round when about one-third of the distance to radius and runs to apex of wing, the cell it encloses being narrowed apically. 7'///;r.s. The types of the new species described in this report are deposited in the National <»f Insects, < )tta\va. Diptera 35 c The radial vein is setose. Costa extends almost to apex of upper fork of media. The posterior branch of media runs nearly straight from fork to wing margin. Length, 3 mm. Locality: Teller, Alaska, August 3, 1913 (F. Johansen). Sciara, sp. 2. Two females in poor condition. These differ from the preceding spi •»•!«- in having the first vein ending in costa slightly before furcation of im-dia. tin- latter originating midway from cross-vein to base of radius, and gradually di • ing from anterior branch of cubitus, the cell between the anterior branch and radius, and narrowed basally. Length, 2-75 mm. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait. Northwest Terri- tories, August 22, 1915 (F. Johansen). Sciara, sp. 3. This species differ from the preceding one in having the first vein ending in costa a little over midway from cross-vein to fork of media, the latter originating one-third of the distance from cross-vein to base of wing and the third branch of radius ending closer to apex of wing, nearly in vertical line with apex of pos- terior branch of cubitus. Length, 3 mm. Locality: Nome, Alaska, August 21, 1916 (F. Johansen). One female. CHIRONOMID^. There are a number of specimens, representing several species, in the collec- tion, but their condition is very bad so that specific identification is not possible except in a few cases. A number of larvae and pupae in alcohol lend themselves more readily to description and to generic classification than do the imagines, but so little is known of the immature stages of the many species occurring in the Arctic regions that it is impossible to give specific identifications for the specimens in this collection. TANYPIN^E. There are two species of this subfamily in the collection, neither of which is in very good condition. They apparently represent distinct genera. Tanypus Meigen. There is one species of this genus in the collection, some specimens of which are in sufficiently good condition to assure their identification. The larvae of this genus are met with in both swiftly flowing streams and in standing water, such as lakes and pools, or even in water-barrels or other tem- porary receptacles. Tanypus alaskensis, n. sp. . subopaque. Legs fuscous. Wings slightly greyish; cross- vein infuscated, but not broadly so. Halteres brown. Plumes of antennae and hairs of body and legs fuscous. Palpi long, antepenultimate joint distinctly longer than penultimate, the latter longer than ultimate. Dorsum of thorax with numerous long hairs in the Vol. iii— 46963— 3| 36 c < 'lunidian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 slightly sunk lines between the areas usually occupied by vittse in other species, the same areas slightly grey pruinescent. Fore tarsi without conspicuously long hairs, basal joint three-fifths as long as fore tibia and twice as long as second joint; fourth tarsal joint on all legs distinctly longer than fifth. Wings narrow, cost a extending well round apical curve of wing but falling considerably short of reaching apex. Length, (i mm. Tanypus, sp. 1. A pupa which may be that of the species described in this paper is very similar to that of tnonilis Meigen. It differs in having the thoracic respiratory organs more elongate, about 2-25 as long as thick, paler in colour, and with a >hort apical rounded projection. All the abdominal segments have a dark brown line at incisions, both on dorsum and venter; the lateral marginal hairs are very fine and number one or two on each segment near base, the seventh segment has three stronger hairs on each side and the eighth has five or six stronger flattened hairs; caudal fins pointed at apices, with four or five flattened hail's on basal half of outer margin and a slight protuberance at apex, giving each fin a sharply pointed appearance. Length, 7 mm. Locality: Inland lake at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait. Northwest Territories, August 10, 1915 (F. Johansen). Along with this specimen there is one which evidently belongs to the species described as Psilotanypus sp. in this paper. Psilotanypus, sp.? PUPA. — Testaceous, with the thoracic markings of the enclosed imago showing through. Head without tubercles between bases of antennae. Thorax smooth, the respiratory organs like those of Procladius concinnus Loew, but com- paratively broader (PI. VII, figs. 10 and 11). Lateral margins of abdominal segments with narrow flat hairs, each side of eighth segment with 5-6 hairs which are regularly spaced; apical processes very similar to those of Protenthes bellux Loew, but broader and less rounded at apices (PL VII, fig. 5). Length: 7-8 mm. IMAGO. — Head yellowish testaceous, scape of antenna? fuscous, antennal plumes largely fuscous. Thorax testaceous; dorsum with a centrally divided median, and 2 broad, anteriorly interrupted lateral vittae; scutellum black on base above: si ernopleura entirely fuscous; mesopleura and metapleura including post not urn largely fuscous. Abdomen with each dorsal segment with a fuscous spot on each side posteriorly, the spots becoming progress! vely larger to apex of abdomen; segments 6, 7 and 8 each with a narrow fuscous band across base. Legs testaceous, the knees narrowly fuscous. Wings apparently with a dark area surrounding the cross-veins. Fore tarsi similar 1o those of occidentalis, from middle of basal joint to apex of fourth with rather long hairs; mid and hind tibias and tarsi with moderately long hairs; fourth tarsal joint on all legs longer than fifth. Venation very difficult to make out, but the cross-vein like branch of radius between the first and third branches is not distinguishable, and the cubitus forks about midway from cross-vein to margin of wing; in occidentalis, the petiole of cubitus is very short. Length. "•") mm. Locality: From pond at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait. Northwest Territories, July :>>, 1916 (F. Johansen). Diptera 37 c CHIRONOMIN^:. There are representatives of several genera of this subfamily in the collection, some of ttiem represented by larval and pupal stages and some by imagines. Diamesa Meigen. This genus is represented in the collection by one species which <•< not agree in structure with any species known to me. The larvae of Diamesa species are generally found in fast running water and normally on rock surfaces. I have seen females that were collected while in the act of ovipositing in water caused by the melting of snow on mountain- in Montana. Diamesa arctica, n. sp. FEMALE. — Black, subopaque. Wings subfuscous, veins thick and dark, cross-vein infuscated. Halteres brown. Eyes very widely separated, width of frons equal to one-half the width of head; antennae with 8 joints, the apical one four times as long aspreapical, surface hairs long and rather numerous. Pronotum with a deep, moderately wide central, wedge-shaped incision; dorsum of mesonotum and scutellum with rather long fuscous hairs. Abdomen stout, with shaggy fuscous hairs. Legs stouter than in Waltlii Meigen, and with much more conspicuous hairs; fore tarsi with the basal joint very little more than one-half as long as fore tibia; fourth tarsal joint on all legs sub-equal to or very little shorter than fifth; mid tarsi with a series of minute erect setulae on ventral surface of at least the basal two joints. Venation similar to that of Waltlii. Length, 4-5 mm. Type locality: Colville mountains, Wollaston peninsula, Victoria island, July 22, 1915 (D. Jenness). Paratype, lake Angmaloktok, Colville mountains, Wollaston peninsula, Victoria Island, July 29, 1915 (D. Jenness). Chironomus. There are larvae and pupae of one species and one imago of possibly another species of this genus in collection. Chironomus, sp. 1. A male in rather poor condition resembles closely several species I have described from Pribilof islands. It is entirely black and has the fore tarsi long-haired, characters common to nearly all males of this genus I have seen from the far north. Structurally the specimen agrees very well with one I have described as conformis in a paper now in press, but more specimens are necessary to ensure an authentic identification. Length, 7-5 mm. Locality: Barter island, Arctic coast of Alaska, July 2, 1914 (D. Jenness),- Chironomus, sp. 2. LARVA. — Bright red in life. Labium very similar to that of tentans Fabricius. but the median tooth is regularly rounded and the small submedian one larger than in that species: the mandible has three teeth in addition to the large apical one. The ventral and respiratory filaments are absent, the dorsal papillae are small, each with eight long hairs, and the four apical respiratory protuberances between the caudal pseudopods are about three times as long as thick. Length, 17-19 mm. 38 c Cnnndinn Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Pri'A. Similar to that of tcntan*. The second abdominal segment has a transverse line of minute chit ini/ed spinules on posterior margin, and almost tlio entire dorsal surface covered with small brown scale-like eleva- tions. which are most conspicuous posteriorly; a rather long hair is present on each side of median line posteriorly, and the elevations are absent round the «.f those as well as on a number of small round areas on anterior half of disc; segments 3 to "> without transverse line posteriorly, but in otlier respects as second, though the elevations, or scales, become progressively weaker to fifth segment and are present only near posterior margin on sixth and seventh as two small brown patches; eighth segment with each postero-lateral angle armed with a chitinized process similar to that of decorus Johannsen. Length, 11 mm. Locality: Pool at Collinson point, Alaska, June 22, 1914 (F. Johansen). Chironomus, sp. 3. LAKVA. This species differs from the previous one only in being smaller, 1 1 mm., and in having a dark brownish vitta on dorsum of head, and the sub- median labial tooth attached to median one so that it appears more like a pro- tuberance from the side of the latter than a distinct tooth. Locality: Brackish pond, Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, August 4, 1915 (F. Johansen). Tany tarsus Van der Wulp. There are several imagines and some larvae of this genus in the collection. Tany tarsus, sp. 1. Five males in poor condition resemble in most particulars Malloch. The thorax is black, abdomen fuscous, though probably greenish in life, and legs pale fulvous. The fore tarsi have no long hairs and the basal joint i> about 1 -.") as long as second. The wings are not in good enough condition to give an accurate idea of the venation. Length, :i •-"> mm. Locality: 'Feller. Alaska, August 3, 1913 (F. Johansen). Tany tarsus, sp. 2. One male without fore tarsi. Larger than foregoing. Entirely black, including the legs, halteres. and antenna,! plumes. Wings with very short surface hairs: radius extending to beginning of apical curve of wing; cross-vein slightly before middle. Length. 1 -.") mm. Locality: Lake Angmaloktok, Colville mountains. AYollaslon peninsula, Victoria island, July 22. 1(,>L"> (I). Jenness). Tany tarsus, sp. 3. L.\ RVA. ( )range in life; alcoholic specimens, greenish yellow, head brown. Base of antenna* pedunculate; basal antennal joint about five times as long as thick, second joint about one-fourth as long as basal, third and fourth joints pale, their combined lengths not equal to length of second and distinctly less than that of the long pair of filaments at apex of second joint, the filament at apex of basal joint not longer than second joint ; mandibles stout, with a. rather strong, and not very sharp apical tooth, 'and three small teeth along inner margin; Diptera 39 c labium with nine distinct teeth, all of which are rounded at apices, the central one much broader than the first lateral and slightly shorter; surface of the head with the usual hairs. Dorsum of each thoracic segment with four to ail 1mm hairs; thoracic pseudopods stout, armed at apices with weak, pale hair-. I > apical papillae very slightly elevated, each armed with six dark brown h four short, stout, respiratory protuberances caudad of dorsal papilla- and bet wem anal pseudopods, the latter stout and short, the apical armature consist!] rather stout pale thorns. Length, 8-9 mm. Locality: Brackish pond at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Cuion -trait, Northwest Territories, June 6, 1916 (F. Johansen). Along with this species is one of Orthocladius sp. 2. There arc no well- defined larval cases in the vial with the larvae, and only one rude cylindrical " runway " similar to those of Chironomus species. Tanytarsus, sp. 4. This species is much smaller than the preceding, being about 5-0 mm. in length, and forms a cylindrical case which is very little longer than the larva and is entirely covered with fine particles of sand. There are no filament-like pro- tuberances on the cases before me such as are on cases of some members of this genus found in streams in the more temperate portions of this continent. Structurally the larva resembles the preceding species, but the labium is not so straight on its anterior outline laterally, being more like that of Orthocliulin* nivoriundus Fitch, the central portion being almost transverse, with broad, poorly defined teeth, and the lateral portions sloping backward, with sharp teeth. The antennae are almost as in the preceding species. Locality : Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, from bottom of big lake (20 feet), middle of February, 1916 (F. Johansen). Another vial with date December, 1915, station 42y, contains a large number of these larvae. Camptocladius Van der Wulp. Four specimens in the collection appear to belong to this genus. They are all males, but their condition is too poor to enable me to make certain of even their generic status. They, however, have the habitus of Camptocladius and probably belong here. Length, 2-5 mm. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June 18, 1915 (F. Johansen). Orthocladius Van der Wulp. This genus is well represented in northern latitudes; the species occur in the United States very early in the year, March and April being the months in which they are most abundant. There is one imago of a species in this collection and the larvae of one, which may or may not be the same species. Orthocladius, sp. 1. A male in poor condition closely resembles nivoriundus Fitch, but the fore tarsi have much longer hairs, the basal fore tarsal joint is slightly less than three- fifths as long as fore tibia, the wings are milky, and the cross-vein is oblique. Length, 6 mm. Locality: Collinson point, Alaska, June 22-23, 1914 (F. Johansen). 40 c < 'tinadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 This may he the species recorded as pubitarsis Zetterstedt, from Greenland, by Lvindheck, but so many of the northern species of Orthocladius and Chirono- •;;///x have the same habitus and general characters of colour and hairing of the fore tarsi that it is not possible to say definitely whether Zetterstedt's species occurs there or not without a careful comparison of a series of specimens of species from Europe and Greenland. Orthocladius, sp. 2. A species represented by a number of specimens to which I have given this name may not belong to Orthocladius in the restricted sense, but is related to that genus. The colour of the larva in life is greenish or yellowish. In general form the body resembles that of Campocladius, tapering to the apex and being without dorsal papillae and permanently protruded blood-gills. The head is small, tapered anteriorly, about as long as its greatest width, with very minute, un- protruded antennae, and well developed, distinctly toothed mandibles. The labial plate is armed with about eight rounded teeth, the anterior four being in an almost transverse line. Thoracic pseudopods very small, armed with a fewr black hairs at apices. Anal pseudopods at extreme apex of last segment, even smaller than the thoracic pair, armed with a few black hairs and some curved thorns at apex. Body without surface hairs. Length, 3-5-4-5 mm. Locality: Demarcation point, Alaska, May 16, 1914, in mud of freshwater ponds (F. Johansen). Genus incertus. A larva and pupa from the stomach of the Great Lake-trout (Cristivomer namaycush) belong to a genus unknown to me. It is my opinion that the genus belongs to Tanypinse, but so little is known of the immature stages of the aberrant genera of Chironominse that I cannot be absolutely certain of the relationship of the rather imperfect specimens before me. LARVA. Testaceous; posterior margin of head, apices of mandibles, and lateral portions of labium dark brown. Mead with sparse, long, erect pale hairs; antennae either retracted or missing: mandibles very long, apex terminating in a long, slender, sharp tooth, inner margin with three widely spaced, short, truncated teeth; maxillary palpus short, not over 1-5 as long as thick; labium without distinct teeth, minutely irregularly serrated anteriorly, its anterior outline produced anteriorly in centre; hypopharynx with eight to ten small teeth on each side above lateral dark areas of labium; ventral surface of head with a narrow pale central stripe, bor- dered on each side with blackish brown. Anterior pseudopods short and stout, armed apically with many stiff hairs; body without noticeable hairs; anal pH'iidopoiLs stout, with apical retractile claws; dorsal papillae about three times as long as thick, each with about six apical hairs; two apical respiratory pro- tuberances at base of pseudopods dorsally, their length about three times their width, apices sharp. Length, 15 mm. IVi-A. Testaceous. Head missing. Prothoracic respiratory organs not elevated (possibly missing); wings extending to middle of second abdominal segment ; none of the tarsi exceeding apices of wings, the fore and hind legs with the tibia- and tarsi straight, 1 he mid pair with the tibiie and tarsi forming a double curve. Incisions between abdominal segments marked by a dark brown line on dorsum and venter; each segment except first and last with three long, slightly flattened hairs on each side; penultimate segment with two large down- wardly projecting, posteriorly flattened, projections on posterior margin, which are separated hy a distance about e<|iial to their own width; apical segment Diptera 41 c flattened on dprsum, laterally sloping ventrad and mesad, armed along the basal two-thirds of its lateral margins with slender, slightly flattened hairs, and with four long, flat hairs on apical third, venter of apical segment with a large bifid protuberance. Length, 13 mm. Locality: Lake at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 2G, 1 '.»!."> (F. Johansen). In the vial with the specimens is a large sack-shaprd cocoon or pocket of a very tough consistency which may belong to this species, li i- <>p<-n ;tt one end and shaped somewhat like the cocoon of Simulium except thai it does not taper so much at bottom. The surface is coated in part with small \< of rotten wood. There are several lots of larvse, pupse, and imagines of this family in tin- collection. The imagines, with few exceptions, are in very poor condition. The larva and pupa of one species, obtained at Bernard harbour, very closely resemble those of Simulium vittatum Zetterstedt, but as is shown in th< following it is specificially distinct. The larvse of this family are found only in running water, some spccirs preferring very swift streams with rocky beds, and particularly those part- of the streams where there are falls or declivitous rock-surfaces over which tin- water moves at an accelerated speed. Other species are found in streams wit h only a moderate current, and since in these streams the bed is generally more or less muddy and gives an opportunity for a weedy or grassy growth, the larvse and cocoons are usually found attached to this growth or to roots or fallen branches of trees in the stream. The imagines are predaceous, usually feeding upon the blood of mammals, and are a great pest in certain parts of North America and Europe. As a general rule the flies do not bite man, but they cause great discomfort by flying precipi- tately against the face, and by getting into the hair. Their bite is more painful than that of a mosquito. There are imaginal representatives of two genera and three species in the collection. Prosimulium Roubaud. The only species of this genus in the collection is apparently undescribed. Prosimulium borealis, n. sp. MALE. Black, opaque. Thorax and abdomen with yellowish white hair. Wings clear. Halteres brown. Head as in hirtipes Fries, the antennse rather slender, postocular cilia dark Thorax with long, but not very dense, subdepressed hairs, those on posterior margin and scutellum longer than those on disc; mesopleura with a few long hairs near upper margin. Fore tarsus with basal joint slender, not so thick but 1-5 as long as basal joint of mid tarsus; basal joint of hind tarsus almost as thick as hind tibia, and nearly four times as long as second, not produce* at apex; second joint thickest a short distance before apex, three times as long as its greatest diameter, and twice as long as third. Venation similar to that of pecuarum Riley, the radial vein with third branch thickened at apex but not distinctly furcate. Length, 3 mm. Type locality: Wollaston peninsula, Victoria island, summer, J Jenness) . 42 c ('(uuuUnn Arctic Expedition. 1913-18 This species resembles plcnrale Malloch in having the mesopleura hairy on the supper portion. The third branch of radius in pleurale is very distinctly furcate, which is not the case in borealis. A female which is in rather poor condition appears to belong to this species. In colour it is identical with the male, but it is not possible from the condition of the specimen to say whether the mesopleural hairs are present or not. The daws are bifid, as in phiirale, but the third branch of radius is as in the male of borealis. The basal joint of the hind tarsus is of equal thickness throughout its length, its apex is not produced on posterior side, and its length equals 2-5 the length of second. Locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 25, 1916 (F. Johansen). Simulium Latreille. Then; are imagines of two species of this genus in the collection. It is not possible to definitely associate the larval and pupal material in the collection with the adults as no specimens were reared. It is highly probable that the pupa* I describe in the following pages belong to species represented in the adult forms, but there appear to be three distinct species in the former and only two in the latter. Unless the species which has sixteen-branched respiratory organs is that of Prosimulium borealis, which does not appear probable from what I know of the pupaB of that genus, there must be a third species that occurs at Bernard harbour. Simulium, sp. 1. This species closely resembles venustum Say in colour, but is larger than the average for that species, being nearly 3 mm. in length. The specimen is in such poor condition that it is impossible to tell whether the scutum is marked or not. The abdomen has the characteristic colouring of the venustum group, the basal Four segments being opaque black and the apical five shining black dorsally. The legs are black, with the fore coxa3, trochanters, bases' of all femora (narrowly ), basal half of all tibiae, basal two-thirds of hind metatarsus, and basal half of second joint of hind tarsus pale yellow. Mid tarsi missing. Wings clear. Ilalteres yellow. It is impossible to say anything about the structure of the tarsal claws as the only pair that are left are stuck fast in the mounting medium, and are not visible to the extent of showing if they are simple or not. Locality: Hood river, Arctic sound, Northwest Territories, August 28, 1915 ( H. M. Anderson). Simulium similis, n. sp. LK.MAU;. Similar to arcticum Malloch in general coloration and in structure of tarsal claws. Hlack, BUbopaque, covered with whitish pruinescence. Antenna1, palpi, and proboscis entirely black; front and face with dense whitish pruinescence, the former very faintly >hining; hairs of face and frons whitish yellow, those on vertex and upper part of occiput partly brown. Dorsum of thorax, when seen from the front, with an indistinct, broad, whitish pruinose vitta on each side of median line, when viewed from behind with the vittse less distinctly whitish than the area behind each anterior lateral angle; pile of dorsuni all hair-like, rather short and depressed; no erect (lark hairs distinguishable. Abdomen with basal four segments opaque; the apical five segments very faintly shining; surface hairs all yellowish. Lcg.s black, basal two-thirds of fore tibia' dorsally, ba.-al third of mid and hind tibia-, basal third or basal joint of mid tarsi, basal two-thirds of basal and basal third of second joint of hind tarsi yellowish. The tarsal claws are similar to those of nrrtinini Malloch, but besides the differences Diptera 43 c in colour evident from the above description there are no long erect dark hairs on thoracic dorsum as in that species". Length, 2-3 mm. Type locality: Hood river, Arctic sound, Northwest Ten-it orie>. Augi, 1915 (R. M. Anderson). Paratypes, Bathurst inlet, Northwest Territories, September 1, 1915 (R. M. Anderson). This species is closely related to arcticum Malloch, described fn.m Briti-h Columbia, but the points mentioned in the description should serve t.. -«• JIM m ti- the species. ^ Simulium, sp. 2. PUPA. — This species is similar to johannseni Hart in having the thoracic respiratory organs each four-branched (PI. VI, fig. 4). There is also a Kuro- pean species with this characteristic. From johannseni the present differs in the armature of the abdomen. The third and fourth dorsal each have eight stout anteriorly directed thorns near the posterior margin, in a transverse series, four on each side, the space between each series of four about three times as wide as the space between the thorns of each series; dorsal seg- ments five to eight inclusive, each with a transverse series of weak, back wan 11 v directed spines near anterior margin, the series of fifth segment much shorter than that on sixth, those on other segments becoming progressively longer and stronger as they near apex; apical segment with two short spines; fourth, fifth, and sixth ventral segments each with two short spines on each side. Length, 3 mm. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, August 16, 1915, in bed of river (F. Johansen). Simulium, sp. 3. PUPA. — Differs from the foregoing in having the thoracic respiratory organs each with twelve or thirteen branches (PL VI, fig. 13) and the armature of the abdomen as follows. Third and fourth dorsal segments each with eight very small recurved thorns arranged as in the previous species, fifth segment with the anterior transverse armature almost imperceptible, that on sixth, seventh, and eighth consisting of a series of very small, closely placed spinules that extends entirely across the surface from siole to side; apical segment with two very conspicuous upwardly curved thorn-like processes, fifth ventral segment with a pair of small thorns on each side near posterior margin, sixth and seventh each with one such thorn similarly located. Length, 3-5 mm. •Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and' Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, July 10, 1916 (F. Johansen). Simulium, sp. 4. PUPA. — Differs from the previous species in having sixteen-branched thoracic respiratory organs (PL VI, fig. 12). The abdominal armature is as follows: second dorsal segment with eight minute spines on each side — three in a submedian transverse group, three in a sublateral similarly disposed group, and two midway between these groups ; third and fourth segments each with the same number of spines as second, but they are stronger, more appreciably recurved apically, and the submedian and intermediate series are not so distinctly separated and appear as a single rather irregular series of five thorns; fifth and sixth segments without well-developed spinules anteriorly; seventh and eighth each with a complete series of spinules near anterior margin; apical segment wiih two to three small spines on each side; third ventral segment with two thorns on each side, fourth with three, fifth with two, and sixth with one. 44 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Length, 4 -5 nun. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, August 16, 1915, in bed of river; same locality, July 10, 1916 (F. Johan- >rll I. With this last lot there a number of larva of which I dissected the heads of two. In most respects these larvae resemble the larva of johannseni Hart, but the anal respiratory gills are withdrawn in all the examples so that it is not possible to say what they are like structurally. I have drawn some of the cephalic parts as a better index to their structure than a written description. One striking feature in the species is the very conspicuously darkened third antenna! joint. In most species the antennae are uniformly coloured. Structurally the larva is a true Simulium and very likely that of the last described pupa; both probably belong to borealis sp. n. For details of mandibles, labium, antennae, and maxilla, see PL VII, figs. 7, 3, 2, and 1. respectively. In all specimens of the pupae of this species there are either fifteen or sixteen thoracic respiratory branches, usually with two or three much shorter than the others, and the arrangement differs noticeably from that in vittatum which always has the branches paired to near base and very regular in arrangement and length. There is one specimen of a species of Ptiolina in the collection. I have already described this species in a paper on the Diptera of Pribilof islands which • \v in press. Ptiolina arctica Malloch. ( hie male, Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, .July 18, 19, 1915 (F. Johansen). EMPIDID^. This family is usually well represented in collections from northern latitudes and in the material before me there are over twenty specimens representing pecies of the genus Rhamphomyia. The larvae of the species which I have found in Illinois are predaceous, and live in earth and decaying wood or leaves. Some species are aquatic in the larval and pupal stages. The imagines of, the genera Empis, Rhamphyomyia, and II Hard are met with in swarms similar to those of Chironomidae and Culicidae, performing a rhythmical aerial up and down flight generally in the lee of a bush or tree, l.ut some -pecies, especially of Hilara, fly over water, notably close to the surface of pools in streams. The imagines of most species are predaceous, and in some cases the males capture the prey, fly past a swarm of females with it. inducing fVmales to pursue them, and in the process of transference of the prey to the female copulation takes place. Rhamphomyia Meigen. This, the only genus of the family in the present collection, is represented \ species and twenty-two specimens. 1 have experienced so much trouble in alt emjttiiig to identify species of this genus through the lack of synopses in the papers I have used that I have drawn up a key to those dealt with in this paper in the hope that subsequent students may find it useful in identifying collections from this region. With one exception I have failed to associate the specie- before me with any previously described, and even in the case of the Diptera 45 c one I have identified I have a slight doubt as to the correctness of my identifi- cation because I have not the male before me, and it was from that sex that the species was originally described. KEY TO SPECII;>. MAI .1 1. Halteres black or black-brown L, Halteres yellow 2. Femora very distinctly thickened; eyes separated by width acr rior ocelli: »ixth vein extending to margin of wing; hairs on thorax ;ui mm. Type locality: AYest of Kongenevik, Camden Bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914 (F. Johansen) Paratypc, Barter island, Arctic coast of Alaska, July 11, 1914 ( D. Jenn> Rhamphomyia ursina, n. sp. MALE. — Black, slightly shining. Wings slightly brownish, veins black- brown. Halteres brown, knobs black. Hairs on entire insect fuscous. Eyes contiguous; third antennal joint longer and narrower than in the preceding species; proboscis slender, slightly longer than height of head; palpi small; occiput with numerous slender hairs. Hairs on dorsum of mesonotum very fine, erect, and moderately dense; pleura and prothorax as in preceding species; scutellum with marginal fringe of long hairs (12-16). Abdominal hairs fine and short, moderately dense; hypopygium in type badly crushed, but in general structure similar to that of preceding species, differing essentially in having the two stout anteriorly directed processes covered with soft short hairs. Femora slender, barely stouter than tibiae, fore and mid pairs with moderately long hairs, hind pair almost bare; all tibiae and the basal two joints of all tarsi with dense, long, fine hairs dorsally; basal joint of fore tarsi slender, thinner than tibia and as long as joints two and three combined ; basal joint of mid tarsi thicker and distinctly shorter than that of fore tarsi; basal joint of hind tarsi twice as thick as mid pair, and distinctly thicker near apex than hind tibiae at apices. Discal cell normal, the vein closing it on lower portion at apex nearly straight; sixth vein not extending to margin. Length, 4 mm. Type locality: On sandy beach Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915 (F. Johansen). There are two females in the collection which probably belong to this species. ( )ne of them is in fair condition and is described herewith. Identical in colour with the male. Eyes separated by a space greater than distance across posterior ocelli; antennae similar in structure to those of male of erinacioides. Thorax less densely hairy than in male, the scutellum with about eighteen to twenty bristly hairs. Abdomen pointed apically. Legs slender, tarsi not so much thickened as in the male, the basal joint of the hind pair equal to hind tibia in thickness; hairs on tiort, the longest ones not as long as diameter of tibia; no outstanding bristles on basal joints or tarsi. Venation as in male. Localities: Sandy beach, Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915; Bernard harbour, July, 1916 (F. Johansen). Rhamphomyia similata, n. sp. MALI-:. Similar to the preceding species in colour. Eyes closely contiguous for a considerable distance below ocelli; third antennal joint about four times as long as its basal width ; style short, about equal in length to greatest width of third joint ; proboscis nearly t wice as long as height of head; occiput with long ; slender hairs. Dorsum of pronotum wit h dense, long, erect, slender hairs; pleura and prothorax as in preceding species; scutellum with ten to twelve long hairs on margin. Abdomen with raiher sparse hairs, which are longer and more numerous on posterior margins of segments; hypopygium similar to that, of 7//-.S//W. Legs rather stout; all femora, with short sparse hairs, those on apical half on antero-vent ral surface of hind pair more dense and setulose; basal joint of hind tarsi thicker than that of other pairs; all tibiae with numerous Diptera 47 c long hairs dorsally, which exceed in length the diameter of tibige, those on tin- anterior sides less numerous and bristle-like; basal joint of all tarsi with two or more of the hairs on dorsum conspicuously stronger than the others, ventral surfaces with numerous erect setulse among the hairs. Venation similar m that of ursina. FEMALE. — Agrees in colour with the male. Eyes separated by about twice the distance across posterior ocelli; antenna- as in the male. Thorax less conspicuously hairy than in male, the dorsum slightly brown pruinescent, centrally indistinctly bivitate, between the vittae with twn- rowed acrostichals; scutellum with eight slender bristles. Alxlomcn pointed apically, the ovipositor very slender. Legs similar to those of male, except that the basal joint of hind tarsus is not as thick as tibia, and that the hairs arc li->> numerous and more bristly, noticeably so on mid and hind tibia3 and tarsi. Venation as in male, the wings darker. Length, 4-5 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 18, 1915 (F. Johansen). A male in the collection lacking abdomen differs slightly from the type, and may belong to a different species. Locality : Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, Canadian Arctic coast, September 5, 1914 (F. Johansen). Rhamphomyia herschelli, n. sp. FEMALE. — Black, shining. Wings slightly and evenly browned. Halteres black. Hairs throughout fuscous. Eyes separated by distinctly more than twice the width across posterior ocelli; third antennal joint three times as long as its basal width; style one- third as long as third antennal joint; proboscis 1-5 as long as height of head; occiput with numerous hairs. Hairs on dorsum of mesonotum short, confined to anterior half of disc, acrostichals two-rowed; scutellum with about ten bristles. Abdomen pointed apically; ovipositor very slender. Legs rather stout, basal joint of fore and mid tarsi each as thick as tibiae at apices; basal joint of hind tarsus thicker than hind tibia at apex; mid and hind femora with a series of squamulae along the postero-ventral margin; tibial bristles very weak and sparse, none nearly equalling diameter of tibiae. Vein closing lower portion of apex of discal cell very much curved; sixth vein extending to wing margin. Length, 5-6 mm. Type locality: Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916 (F. Johansen) Two specimens. This may be the female of erinaciodes, but it does not agree with the male in such characters as the very slender tibiae and tarsi as, from previous experience, I should judge it ought to do if it were the male of that species. Rhamphomyia albopilosa Coquillett. Rhamphomyia albopilosa Coquillett. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, 1900, p. 418. What I take to be this species is represented in the collection by two females. As the species was originally described from two males, taken at Berg bay, Alaska, the female is described herewith. FEMALE. — Black, slightly shining, distinctly grey pruinescent, especially on pleura and abdomen. Wings slightly and uniformly brownish, veins dark brown. Halteres pale yellow. Hairs on thorax, abdomen, and coxae and femora pale yellow, scutellar bristles, most of the hairs on occiput, and all of those on palpi and antennae black; tibial and tarsal bristles and hairs black. 48 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Eyes widely separated; third antennal joint conical, about 2-5 times as long as its basal width; style slightly over one-third as long as third antennal joint; proboscis fully twice as long as height of head. Hairs on thorax long and soft, the acrostichal scries in two to three irregular rows; plate on venter between fore coxae long-haired; scutellum with four bristles. Abdomen rather acutely pointed apically. Legs very slender; femora with very short surface hairs; fore tibiae without differentiated bristles; mid and hind tibiae with a few short bristles on dorsal surfaces which are not as long as the diameter of the tibiae; tarsi slender, all joints with stiff black setulse ventrally, and a few differentiated setulae on dorsum of at least the basal joint. Wing venation normal; the vein rinsing lower portion of apex of discal cell very oblique, almost straight; sixth vein thick to apex, extending to margin of wing. Length, 7 mm. Localities: Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916; Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 3, 1914 (F. Johansen). Rhamphomyia conservativa, n. sp. MALE. Black, subopaque. Wings brownish, more distinctly so basal ly. Halteres yellowish. Hairs and bristles black. Eyes contiguous; third antennal joint nearly three times as long as its width at base; style stout, rather more than one-third as long as third antennal joint; proboscis about 1-25 as long as height of head. Dorsum of mesonotum rather densely hairy, the hairs upright, slender, and of moderate length; ventral plate between bases of fore coxae bare; hairs in front of base of halteres long and dense; scutellum with eight to twelve fine hairs on posterior margin. Abodmen with rather sparse short hairs, which are longer near posterior margins of segments ; hypopygium of the same general typeas that of erinacioides, but the portion that is directed cephalad over dorsum reaches about three-fourths of the way to base and is pale yellow in colour, contrasting strikingly with the dark abdomen; lower posterior angle of hypopygium produced caudad in the form of a short sul (triangular process; hypopygial filament very thick for a short distance at base, then becoming abruptly setiform, hidden for the greater portion of its length. Legs slender, femora with a number of very short setulae on ventral surfaces, which are confined to basal third on hind pair; apical two-thirds of hind femora and the whole of hind tibiae ventrally with very dense microscopic pile, intermixed on the tibiae with short erect spinulcs; basal joint of hind tarsus nearly as long as the next four joints combined, the entire tarsus much shorter than tibia; dorsum of tibiae and tarsi with short setulae; tarsal claws very much curved, sickle-shaped, of good size. Venation as in previous species except that the vein closing lower portion of discal cell is distinctly curved. I-' KM AM-:. Similar in colour to the male, the wings more distinctly brownish. Kves separated by nearly twice the width across posterior ocelli. Dorsum of niesonotuni with fewer and shorter hairs than in the male, the anterior acrostichals four to six-rowed. Abdomen pointed at apex. Legs more setulosc t han t hose of t he male, t he hind femora with sctulosc hairs on their entire vent ral surface; ventral surface of hind tibiae with short regular setulae instead of erect pile; l>;isal joint of hind tarsus longer than next four combined; tarsal claws much shorter than in male. 'Wings broader than in male, the venation similar, but vein closing lower portion of apex of discal cell less curved. Length. (i-f) 7-:* mm. Type locality: West of Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, North- west Territories, July 14, 1916. Paratypes, Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July L>(.». I'.mi; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 18, 19, and August I 7, WIT); Young point, Northwest Territories, July 18, 1916 (F. Johan- sen). Nine specimens. Diptera 49 c Rhamphomyia sp. Two larvse of a species belonging to this genus are in the collection. In length they are 13 mm., and in colour pure white, with the exception of the cephalic parts which are black. The general structure of the head is the same as that of Rhamphomyia dimidiata Loew, a species I have figured ami described from Illinois.! The mandibles are sharp and much curved, when fully protruded extend- ing beyond apex of the sharply pointed labrum. The prothoracic spiracles are small, rounded, and slightly protruded. Apical segment of abdomen ending in four short, pointed processes, the two upper distinctly smaller than the two lower; spiracles rather small, round, situated on the under side of base of upper processes. No distinguishable hairs on body. Localities: Demarcation point, Alaska, in wet moss-pillow, May 20, 1914; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 28, 1915 (F. Johansen). DOLICHOPODID^:. The larvse of the dolichopodid genera in this collection are, as far as I know, found in muddy streams or pools. The imagines are predaceous, those of Hydrophorus and Scellus almost exclusively so, though Dolichopus is most frequently found feeding upon the nectar or honeydew on plants. Dolichopus Latreille. There are only two specimens of this genus in the collection, one male and one female, possibly representing only one species. Dolichopus dasyops, n. sp. MALE. — Blue-black, with a distinct cupreous tinge. Antennae and arista black; face black, with dense yellowish brown pile; palpi yellow; proboscis black; postocular cilia entirely black; hairs on eyes yellow. Dorsum of thorax with coppery tinge; fringes of squamae black. Hypopygium black, lamellae white, blackened on apical margins and with black hairs. Legs yellow, fore coxae slightly infuscated at bases, mid and hind pairs black; apices of hind tibiae, apices of basal three, and all of apical two, joints of fore tarsi, all but base of mid tarsi, and entire hind tarsi fuscous. Wings clear, veins dark brown. Halteres yellow. Eyes hairy; antennae not elongated, third joint pointed, shorter than high (PL VII, fig. 8) ; arista with second joint much elongated, third densely pubescent; face parallel-sided, about one-sixth the head-width at its middle, not descending to lowest level of eyes. Scutellum with two strong bristles and two weak hairs. Hypopygial lamella as in PL VII, fig. 9. Fore coxae with short black hairs, and a few long bristles near apex; fore tibia with three to four antero-dorsal, two postero-dorsal, and three to four posterior bristles; fourth joint of fore tarsi dilated from base to apex,, fifth very much broadened, its width about equal to its length; mid tibia with one ventral, two to three antero-ventral, four to five antero-dorsal, and five to six posterior bristles; mid tarsi simple, with a few short bristles on apical half of basal joint, one of which on dorsal surface is conspicuous; hind femora with inconspicuous black hairs on apical portion of postero-ventral surface; hind tibia with short regular hairs on basal two-thirds of antero-ventral surface and one long bristle beyond these, antero- and postero-dorsal surfaces each with about eight long bristles; postero-dorsal surface with a slit at apex which runs forward on to dorsum; posterior surface densely black setulose on apical half; basal joint of hind tarsus with about i Bull. Ill, State Lab. Nat. Hist., vol. 12, art. 3, p. 401, 1917. Vol. iii— 46963— 4 50 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 x eight bristles in two irregular series. Curve of fourth vein distinct but not abrupt; apices of third and fourth veins subparallel; costa not noticeably swollen at apex of first vein. Length, 5-25 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1916 (F. Johansen). This species is most closely allied to brevipennis Meigen, but differs in having the hind femora without long pale hairs on ventral surface. Dolichopus, sp. A female in collection which is in very poor condition may belong to dasyops. It agrees very well in colour with the male above described. The wing has a knot-like swelling on the costa at end of first vein. The hind tibia has on basal half of the pcstero-dorsal surface a distinct groove or channel which is evanescent at its extremities, and at apex on dorsal surface another short groove; the bristles on hind tibia are as follows: five almost exactly on the dorsal surface, six to seven on antero-dorsal surface, and four to five on antero-ventral surface which arc very weak but increase in strength to apex. Locality: Nome, Alaska, August 21, 1916 (F. Johansen). Scellus Loew. The flies of this genus are predaceous. There are six described North American species. The single species in the present collection was originally described from northern Europe and was recorded from Fort Resolution, Hudson Bay territory, by Loew. There are no subsequent records for North America. Scellus spinimanus (Zetterstedt.) Iluilrophorus notatus Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp., sp. 701, 1838. Hydrophorus spinimanus, Zetterstedt, Dipt. Scand., vol. 2, p. 445, 1843. Two males and ten females, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 26, 1915; two females, Cockburn point, Arctic coast, Northwest Territories, September 7, 1914 (F. Johansen). Hydrophorus Fallen. There are three species of this genus in the collection. The imagines arc predaceous and run with great facility upon water surfaces. The genus is northern in its distribution. Hydrophorus innotatus Loew. Hydrophorus In.nolaln,* Lo<;w, Mon. X. Am. Dipt., vol.2, p. 212, 18(11. Represented in the collection by three specimens: two males, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June, 1915; and one female, Collinson point, Alaska, -June 20. 11) 1-1 (F. .lohansen). Originally described from Sitka, Alaska. I have seen examples from Pribilof islands. Hydrophorus signiferus Coquillett. Hydrophorus .s/V/////V/-//.s roqnillrtt. The fur seals and fur seal islands of the north Pacific Ocean, veil. K p. 344, 1S'.»!». Mdentily ag this species twelve specimens, representing both sexes. The species was originally described from a female specimen, and several important characters are omitted. I, therefore, redescribe the species from both sexes. Diptera 51 c MALE AND FEMALE. — Black, with a distinct greenish lustre. Frons opaque black-brown; antennae black; face greenish above, the surface with dense brown- ish pollen which rarely obscures the entire surface in either sex, i'aee, In-low, entirely silvery pilose in the male, but in the female the greater portion is brownish pilose with normally a whitish area on each side; postocular region with numerous black bristles and yellow hairs. Thorax almost black, with a cuprrous stripe along line of dorso-centrals and a broad sublateral vitta each >idr. Al.domcu with a more pronounced greenish tinge than thorax and usually slightly cupreous on dorsum at base. Legs black, ^Kstinctly green-tinged, especially on dorsal surfaces of tibiae. Wings clear, with a distinct brown spot on cross-vein and another before middle of last section of fourth vein. Squamae wit h pale t'rinu« •-. MALE. — Third antennal joint short, obtuse at apex; face in both sexes broad, slightly widened below, the upper half slightly vertically rugose. Pro- pleura with a group of bristly black hairs above coxa, among which the normal bristle is barely distinguishable. Scutellum with four strong bristles. Fore femora in male excavated at apex below, and with four to five short stout bri:u<> meso- pleura, but in venation it agrees more nearly with alaskensis. It is not possible to satisfactorily describe the species. Locality: Nome, Alaska, August 24, 25, 1916 (F. Johansen). BORBORID^E. The larvae of this family live in manure, fungi, decaying vegetation, or, rarely, in putrid water in which there is decaying animal or vegetable matter. Several species are commonly found in marshy spots, and I have seen the imagines running upon the surface of stagnant water. In winter and early spring some species occur under dry grasses amongst dead leaves, and when disturbed jump violently about much as do springtails found in similar situations. There is only one species of the family in the collection. Leptocera Olivier. The species in this collection seems to be undescribed. Leptocera transversalis, n. sp. FEMALE (alcoholic specimen). — Head yellow, ocellar triangle, upper half of occiput, greater portion of third antennal joint, arista, and clypeus black. Thorax black, lateral margins, centre of scutellum, and the pleural sutures broadly, yellowish. Abdomen brownish black dorsally, venter largely yellow. Legs black, trochanters, apices of femora, bases of tibise, and the tarsi yellowish. Halteres pale. Wings clear. Ocellar triangle large, sharp anteriorly, extending over midway from vertex to anterior margin of frons; orbital bristles three to four on each side, short but strong; interfrontalia with short setulose hairs, antennae rather large, third joint rounded apically; arista very much shorter than in typical Leptocera, not twice as long as antenna, thickened at base, distinctly tapered, microscopi- cally pubescent; vibrissa weak, genal bristle absent, the marginal bristles very short; cheek about one-third as high as eye. Thorax with numerous discal setulose hairs and only one distinct pair of bristles in dorso-central series, just in front of scutellum; posthumeral bristles absent; scutellum rounded, with a few very short discal hairs and four moderately long marginal bristles. Legs slender, without any distinct bristles, even on femora; hind tarsi with basal joint twice as long as second. Wing venation as in PL VIII, fig. 20, differing from that of most species of this genus in having the cross-veins very nearly directly below apex of first vein. Length, 2-5 mm. Type Locality: Pond at Collinson point, Alaska, June 13, 1914 (F. Johansen) . Two specimens. This species differs so strikingly from others in Leptocera that it might be placed in a new genus, but as several workers are now engaged in revising the family I prefer to leave its removal from or retention in the genus to their decision. The larvae of the species in the present collection are either aphidophagous (Syrphus, etc.) or feed in sewage or decaying vegetable matter such as is found in s,wampy places (Helophilus). 54 c Cnnndian Arctic Expsdition, 1913-18 Melanostoma Schiner. There are tit least two species referable to this genus in the collection. Melanostoma trichopus Thomson. tricht>i>nx Thomson, Kongl. Svensk. Frogatton Eugenics Resa Pmk., lS(>,s. Jordan's Diptera, p. 502. Four specimens agree with the description of this species, which was originally ibed from California and has since been recorded by Coquillett from Alaska. Locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10 and 18-19, and August Hi. '1915 (F. Johansen.) Melanostoma, sp. A Female differs from the preceding species in having the hind tarsi with the apical four joints much flattened and in being larger — 8-5 mm. in length. Locality: Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916 (F. Johansen). Melanostoma, sp. One male and one female, taken at Bernard harbour along with trichopu-x, differ from that species in being slightly smaller, 4-5 mm. in length, in having the long hairs absent on the fore and mid tibiae and fore metatarsi, and the hind metatarsi less swollen in both sexes. The head of the male is missing, and that of the female is so much crushed that it is impossible to tell what the profile is like. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915 (F. Johansen). Scaeva Fabricius. Scaeva pyrastri Linne. .U'/.sm ityraxtri Linne. Syst. Nat., Ed. 10, p. 549, 1758. r ' . This Kuropean species seems to be generally distributed through o t the northwestern and western portions of this continent. It is represented in the present collection by two specirhens from Barter island, Alaska, June 10, 1914 (I). Jemi< Sphaerophoria cylindrica Say. »S'///7>////.s ci/liutlrirux Say, Am. Ent., vol. 1, pi. 11, 1824. A single male specimen from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, Canadian Arctic coast, August 13, 1914, differs from the normal .North American form in the much darker abdomen and legs, the former having the second, third, and fourth segments each with a narrow, centrally interrupted yellow band, and the h'ftli segment with two small dorsal spots. Structurally the specimen differs not at all from specimens taken in Illinois and other parts of the United States and ( 'anada. Syrphus sodalis Williston. N///7>t rrior spiracles and mouth-hooks black. A few dots on segments of abdomen, most conspicuous and numerous on apical three segments. Body much more slender than in (Edemagena, slightly tapered at both ex- t remi1 ies. Mouth-parts well developed, dorsal view as in PL VIII, fig. 16, the hooks long and slender, curved, and sharp at apex. Each segment of body with stout, backwardly directed thorns on anterior half; posterior half of each dorsal seg- ment hare on greater portion of its width, with two small oval swellings on each side, caudad of which there is a transverse series of stout thorns; mesad of these swellings, on each side, there is another, less conspicuous swelling In-hind which are no thorns; ventral segments similar to dorsal, but the sub- median swellings are as distinct as the lateral; posterior spiracles in a very distinct depression, the upper and lower margins of the segment produced, the latter very decidedly elongated, and both evidently capable of retraction BO as to shield the spiracles; caudal view as in PI. VIII, fig. 18. Length in final stage, 30 mm.; width, !) mm. Locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 25, 1916 (F. Johan- -CM i. The larva- closely resemble specimens before me named by C. H. T. Town- send Cephenomyia pmtti Hunter. They differ, however, in having on most ,,f the ventral abdominal segments a small median raised area, cephalad of the broad band of spines, upon which there are several strong spines. The Diptera 57 c penultimate ventral segment in the arctic species has more numerous anterior spines than has pratti, and there are several spines along the latero-ventral margin which I do not find in the latter. The apical spines are much Hum- numerous in the arctic species than in pratti. TACHINID^E. The larvae of nearly all of the species of this family are internal par,- in other insects, mostly in the larvae or pupae. There are only two species in the collection. Euphorocera gelida Coquillett. Euphorocera gelida Coquillett, Revision of the Tachinidse. Tech. Ser., No. 7, I'. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., p. 101, 1897. There are thirteen specimens of this species in the collection. Four of the specimens differ from the others, and from the original descrip- tion, in having only three pairs of postural dorso-centrals. In other respects the specimens of both lots agree perfectly. Pinned with several of the imagines is the empty puparium from which the insect emerged. A comparison of these puparia with those of Euphorocera claripennis Macquart shows that the two species are not congeneric. The characters of the puparium of gelida are as follows: — Brownish red, subopaque; posterior spiracles black-margined, glossly. Surface microscopically, transversely striated; incisions between segments defined by a single series of short stitch-like impressions; each abdominal segment with three small depressed areas on centre of side, in each of which there is an irregular line of minute elevations visible only under a high-power lens; no respiratory elevations at base of abdomen; anal opening minute, consider- ably proximad of apex of abdomen, surrounded by a poorly defined granulose area; spiracles large, slightly elevated, especially above, general appearance and slits as in PL VIII, fig. 15. Length, 8-9-5 mm.; width, 3-3-75 mm. The puparium of claripennis differs in having the posterior spiracles with openings very pronouncedly sinuous, almost W-shaped as in Muscidae, the segments with distinct though miscroscopic locomotor spinules, and the respira- tory organs at base of abdomen in the form of stalks. Locality: The specimens of gelida are from Camden bay, and Demarcation point, Alaska, June and July, 1914 (F. Johansen). The puparia were from inside of the cocoons of a lepidopteron, Dasychirus sp. (?), sometimes as many as six in one cocoon. The records show that the larvae of the host do not succeed in pupating. (Rearing 10). Peleteria Robineau-Desvoidy. This genus is represented in the collection by a single female. Peleteria arctica, n. sp. FEMALE. — Black, shining. Head black, cheeks except near posterior margin, face and its sides reddish yellow, densely white pruinose; interfrontalia reddish; orbits black, shining, but obscured by grey pruinescence; antennae and arista black; proboscis black, palpi ferruginous. Thorax slightly grey pruinose, not distinctly vittate; scutellum reddish yellow. Abdomen black, slightly grey prujnescent on bases of segments; sides of second and third segments broadly reddish. Legs black, hind tibiae reddish. Wings slightly greyish. Calyptrae white. Halteres dark brown. 58 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Frons bristled as in robusta; cheek with four well-differentiated bristles, two of which are much stronger than the others, the normal hairs strong; third antcimal joint very little shorter than second; arista short, thickened to distinct- ly beyond middle; profile as in PL VIII, fig. 21. Dorso-centrals irregular in type, three strong ones on one side and three strong and one weak one on the other; three stenmplurals. Abdominal segments two to four with discal macrochaetse. Wings as in ntlmxta. Fore tarsi dilated. Length. '.)-7">mm. Typo Locality: Cockburn point, Northwest Territories, Canadian Arctic coast, Sept ember o, 1914 (F. Johansen). The only species I find record of from the arctics is aenea Staeger, described from Greenland. This species has the abdomen entirely black and is apparently distinct from nrdica. CALLIPHORID^:. This family contains a number of genera the larvae of which feed normally in carrion. The flies are popularly known as flesh-flies, bluebottles, and blow-flies. Originally the genera now included here formed part of the family Musci <• Phormia terrae-novae Robineau-Desvoidy. Phormia term-novae Robineau-Desvoidy. Essai sur les Myodaires, p. 467, Thirty-eight specimens with data as follows: sixteen specimen-. harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June. .July and At- 1915; one specimen, same locality, July 10, 1916; eight specimens, same locality , June and July, 1916; three specimens, Nome, Alaska. August 24, 25, llilii: five specimens, Teller, Alaska, July and August, 1913; three specimens, Coliin- son point, Alaska, June, 1914; two specimens. Demarcation point. Al May 13, 1914 (F. Johansen). Phormia caerulea, ri. sp. MALE AND FEMALE. — Dark metallic blue, without pruinescrnce. II..M black, frons opaque, orbits slightly shining; third antennal joint sometime.- brownish; palpi yellow, usually fuscous at apices in male. Dorsum of thorax with two slender, widely separated vittse on anterior portion mesad of dorso centrals. Legs black. Wings clear, slightly infuscated at extreme I Squamse brown. Halteres fuscous, paler in female. MALE. — Frons narrowest at centre, where it is one-fifth the head-width. orbit at widest part, just below ocelli, narrower than interfrontalia; orbit - hairy, bristles differentiated but not very strong; arista rather short-plumed, apical third bare; profile as in Plate VIII, figure 19. Thorax not so noticeably depressed as in other species, the postsutural dorso-centrals sometimes well developed, the posterior pair usually so; both spiracles very large, the prothoracic one extending from close to upper margin of pleura to within a short distance of coxa, the covering of both spiracles deep black; lower margin of anterior spiracle with many long bristly hairs; upper calypter with long hairs on upper side, when closed. Hypopygium small; fifth sternite as in terrce-novce. hegs as in terrce-novce. Inner cross-vein very little proximad of apex of first vein; outer cross-vein less distinctly curved than in terrce-novce', fourth vein almost rectangularly bent, usually with a short appendiculate vein at angle. FEMALE. — Similar to the male in colour. Differs in structure by having the frons two-fifths the head-width, the orbit half as wide as interfrontalia, with two distinct supraorbital outer bristles. Length, 6-8-5 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 24, 1915 (F. Johansen). Paratypes, same locality, May, June, and July, 1915, 1916 (F. Johansen). This species resembles Phormia terrce-novce very closely in some respects. but is undoubtedly distinct. Zetterstedt described a species from Greenland under the name groenlandica, which has been sunk as a synonym of terrce-novce. As both species probably occur in Greenland it is not possible to decide the validity of the accepted synonymy without an examination of the type of Zetterstedt's species. The appended key gives a summary of the distinguishing characters of the species. KEY TO SPECIES. MALES. 1. Eyes separated by a narrow line; anterior thoracic spiracle with yellow-haired covering- flaps ............................................ ; • • regina Meigen. Eyes separated above by a space at least twice as broad as distance across posterior ocelli; anterior thoracic spiracle with black-haired covering-flaps ............... 2. Narrowest part of frons about one-half as great as width of eye seen from above; anterior thoracic spiracle very large; outer cross-vein of wing very slightly curved. caerula, n. sp. Narrowest part of frons not over one-fourth as great as width of either eye; anterior thoracic spiracle not very large; outer cross-vein of wing abruptly bent ....... terrce-novce Robineau-Desvoidy . 60 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 FEMALES. 1. Anterior thoracic spiracle with yellow-haired covering-flap; calyptrae white, .regina Meigen. Anterior thoracic spiracle with black-haired covering-flap; calyptrse brown 2 '_'. Anterior spiracle very large; orbit about one-half as wide as interfrontalia, face much produced below caerula, n. sp. Anterior spiracle not very large; orbit less than one-third as wide as interfrontalia below anterior ocellus; face moderately produced below ternr-novce Robin eau-Desvoidy . ANTHOMYIID^:. The larvae of this family are in most cases either scavengers or phytophagous, the greater number belonging to the former category. A few species are aquatic in the larval and pupal stages, and some in the present collection belong to this group. The imagines of the genus Fucellia, and those of the subfamily Coenosiinse are predaceous, feeding upon other insects, especially Diptera. Recently I published a key to the subfamilies of Anthomyiidse in The Canadian Entomologist, which key may be used to advantage in connexion with the present paper, as the characters used in the key are the basis for the sub- family groupings in this paper.1 As two of the genera dealt with in this paper are now described for the first time I have given a key to the genera dealt with as an aid to the recognition of the new forms.- KEYS TO GENERA OF PHAONIN^E IN COLLECTION. MALES. 1. Hind tibia with a long bristle beyond middle on the postero-dorsal surface Phaonia. Hind tibia either without any. bristle as above, or there are several of equal length in a series on postero-dorsal surface 2 2. Hind tibia with several long bristles on postero-dorsal surface 3 Hind tibia with at most a few short bristles on postero-dorsal surface 4 3. Pteropleura hairy; anterior intra-alar bristle absent or very weak; joints of fore tarsi without long bristles at apices ventrally Pogonomyioides. Pteropleura bare or with one or two weak hairs; anterior intra-alar bristle strong; basal four joints of fore tarsi with long bristles at apices ventrally Pogonomyia. 4. Third antennal joint very little longer than second; arista much thickened and densely short-haired basally; facalia hairy more than mid-way to antenna1; bristles on tibiae very weak; lower scale of calyptera attenuated posteriorly Mydaeina. Third antennal joint much longer than second; species without the above combination of characters 5 ."). Abdomen with dor so-central stripe; mid tibiae with a number of bristles on posterior and postero-ventral surfaces Aricia pt. Abdomen with paired spots on dorsum; mid tibia1 with two or three postero-dorsal bristles Limnophbra. FEMALES, 1. None of the orbital bristles directed forward; cruciate frontals absent 2 At least the lower one of the supraorbital bristles directed forward; cruciate frontals pn-sent 5 '2. Hind tibia- with long, preapical postero-dorsal bristle Phnnnin . Hind tibia- without a Jong, preapical postero-dorsal bristle, sometimes a few short bristles present 3 3. Orbits hairy and with lonjr, slender bristles in two series, the outer series on upper portion of Irons directed outward Mydceina. < >rbits hairy or almost bare, with only one series of bristles 4 4. Mid tibia- without short bristles on postero-ventral surface Limnophora. Mid tibia- with one or two bristles on poster-ventral surface \ricin. "). Pteropleura hairy nt/i(i ui. Knt. vol. I'.), p. 100, 1«»17. Diptera 61 c Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy. The larvae of this genus are very little known. The .-pe<-ie> th:tt have been reared are scavengers in the larval stages, feeding in decaying vegetable maii< T. There are several specimens in the collection that are reteral.l- accepting as the criterion the character furnished by the l»ri>iling «•!' the hind tibia. Phaonia minima, n. >p. MALE, — Black, shining. Thorax in type so badly crushed ihat ii i- impo>- sible to say whether or not it is vittated Abdomen with -light pniineseene.- and a dark central longitudinal stripe. Legs black. Squanue and h;i yellow. Wings yellowish brown on anterior half. Eyes bare, narrowly separated above, interfrontalia linear on upper half. not wider than orbit; antenna? short, third joint not twice us loim ad >ec2 C Canndidn- Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 about as long as apical portion of proboscis, slender. Dorsum of thorax with long setulose hairs; presutural acrostichals long but not strong, irregularly four-rowed; post sutural dorso-centrals four; prealar bristle very long. Abdo- men n rirrow, sul) cylindrical, slightly tapered posteriorly; hypopygium small; fifth ventral segment almost transverse apically; dorsum with strong setulose liairs, apical and discal bristles on segments three and four. Legs stout; fore tarsi similar to those of Trichopticus, short, and densely short pilose ventrally; fore tibia unarmed; mid femora with slender bristles on postero-ventral s rface which inv longest on centre; mid tibia with two or three posterior bristles; hind femora with short bristles on basal half ventrally, and an antero-ventral series of long, stout bristles; hind tibia with four to five short antero-ventral, two to three longer antero-dorsal, and one long postero-dorsal, bristles. Costal spine short but distinct; third vein bare, outer cross-vein nearly straight; last section of fourth vein less than 1 -5 as long as preceding section. Length, 7 •;"> mm. Type Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July, 1916 (F. Johansen). This species resembles in general appearance species of Trichopticus, but the hind tibiae are not fringed, the tibiaB of all legs are less bristly, and the mid femora are normal in shape. Mydaeina, n. gen. (•<>/ IM;MAI/K. Black, opaque, the surface obscured by brownish pruinescence, Calyptra- in male subfuscous, in female yellowish'. llalteres yellow. Wings slightly greyish, subfuscous at base, IL'ad of male as in PL IX, fig. 2S. Four poorly distinguished postsutura] dorso-centrals present; disc of scutellum hairy, margin with four bristles; sterno- pleura with one 1,-irge posterior bristle, and many long hairs. .Legs with very few bristles, those on femora long but hair-like, the tibia1 without well-developed apical bristles, one Me;ir apex of dorsal surface of hind pair about as long as diameter of tibia : the bristles on tibia- that are sometimes distinct are as follows Diptera 63 c — one on the posterior side at middle of fore pair, one to two on antero-vcnt ral. one to two on antero-dorsal, and one to two on postero-dorsal surface of mid pair, one on antero-ventral, one on antero-dorsal, and one on posterior sill of hind pair. Outer cross-vein in male at its own length from inner and .-it more than that length from end of fifth vein, in female it is slightly more than its own length from inner, and at its own length from end of fifth; last section of fourth vein four times as long as penultimate in male, three times in female. Length, 6-7 mm. Type Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, North \\«-i Territories, June, 1916, one male specimen (F. Johansen). Paratypes. same locality, August 4, 1915 (F. Johansen); and Colville mountains, \\Oll.-iMon peninsula, Victoria island, July 22, 1915 (D. Jenness). In the collection I find one larva, and several puparia that agree with the puparium mounted on the pin with the type specimen. These pnparia < 1M. IX. fig. 22) differ from any others in the family that I have seen. Descriptions of larva and puparium follow. LARVA. — Whitish testaceous. Cephalopharyngeal skeleton, locomotor spines, and posterior spiracles black. General form similar to that of Anthomyiinse but the apical segment is slightly more elongate, noticeably tapered towards apex, and the spiracles are pedunculate, and situated upon two rounded fleshy elevations (PI. IX, fig. 25). Antennae very minute; cephalopharyngeal skeleton well developed, mouth- hooks paired, long and slender (PL IX, fig. 24). Prothoracic spiracles not developed; body very minutely striated, the segments well differentiated; lateral fusiform area well defined; each segment except apical with four short lateral longitudinal series of dark spot-like markings showing through the skin (PL IX, fig. 26); apical segment unmarked, anal opening at anterior margin, with a pseudopod-like protuberance on each side which is about as long as its basal diameter, tapered apically, and armed at apex with numerous short thorns; the ventral surface of each of the other segments with three short transverse series of dark spots, about three in number, the two outer situated at middle, the central one slightly cephalad of these; locomotor spinules on all except apical segment not noticeably elevated. Length, 10 mm. PUPARIUM (PL IX, fig. 22). Reddish brown, slightly shining, posterior spiracular region black. Surface minutely transversely striated, and with much less distinct and less regular wrinkles transversely on segments; anterior spiracles not distinguishable; thoracic segments much less distinctly striated than abdominals, and with microscopic locomotor setulse; each abdominal segment with an oval clump of short black thorns on each side of median line on ventral surface, on each side of the incisions also with a band of more minute spinules; antepenultimate segment much constricted and more closely and distinctly longitudinally striated than the others; anal opening in the form of an elongate slit- surrounded by a slight rim which encloses a broadly rounded dark brown area 1-5 times as wide as long: on each side of the anal opening and at a considerable distance from it there is a small clump of short, black spines on a slight eminence; posterior spiracles elevated, surrounded by a coarsely granulose blackened area, the openings small, as shown in PL IX, fig. 23. Length, 12-5 mm. The larvae live in ponds and are truly aquatic. The principal characteristics of the larvae are the clumps of locomotor spines on abdomen, the pseudopod-like anal locomotor organs, and the absence of prothoracic spiracles. The caudal part beyong the constriction in puparium is not occupied by any part of the enclosed imago after the induration of the larval skin, and forms an air chamber which serves to keep the puparium at the surface, the posterior spiracles being in this position and so held that they have direct contact with the atmosphere. 64 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Johansen in his notes sketches one of the puparia so curved that the cephalic exiermity extends to or almost to the surface, which is assumably the position immediately before the emergence of the imago, but all the empty puparia in the collection are nearly straight. (Rearing 78). The puparimn of Hydrophoria, an aquatic genus, is not conspicuously dissimilar from those of terrestrial Anthomyiidffi, showing no caudal modification or specialization such as is shown in the present genus. The imago bears a resemblance to some species of Aricia, but differs in having the faealia hairy for a greater length above the vibrissae, the third antennal joint much shorter, the under scale of calyptrae much narrower, and the fore tarsi without spines on ventral surfaces. The female resembles Aricia also, but has, in addition to the differences present in the males, the orbits much more hairy, the upper portion with a double series of long, hair-like bristles, the outer series directed out over the eyes. In some respects the genus resembles Trichophthicus, especially in the character of the fore tarsi, but the tibiae in Trichophthicus are strongly spinose, the third antennal joint is much longer than the second, and the hind coxae have hairs above at apex. Aricia Robineau-Desvoidy. I refer one species in this collection to this genus, although the male differs in many respects from the genotype, and in general habitus resembles Trick- npticHx Rondani. From Trichopticus the present species differs in having the posterior coxae bare above at apices. Aricia borealis, n. sp. MALE. Black, shining. Interfrontalia opaque black, orbits silvery pilose. Thorax very slightly greyish priunescent, not distinctly vittate. Abdomen when viewed from behind, with brownish pruinescence and a black median longitudinal stripe. Legs black. Wings slightly greyish, fuscous at bases. Squamae yellow. Halteres black. Eyes bare, separated by about one-seventh the head-width; orbits linear above, not one-third as wide as interfrontalia at its narrowest point; antennae short, third joint 1-5 as long as second; arista almost entirely nude; cheek with many long hairs; vibrissa poorly differentiated; orbit in profile projecting beyond eye farther than width of third antennal joint. Presutural acrostichals irregularly four-rowed; postsutural dorso-centrals four in number; prealar bristle weak but distinguishable; sternopleura with long hairs and two strong bristles; pterbpleura and hypopleura bare. Abdomen subcylindrical, slightly taperino to apex; fifth sternite with small rounded central excavation in posterior margin. Fore t ibia with three to four bristles in a single series on apical third of posterorventral surface; mid femora slightly attenuated apically, with two to three long bristles at base on anterior side; mid tibia with almost the entire length of the postero-dorsal surface with short bristles, two to three on posterior Mirface, and three to four on postero-ventral surface beyond middle; hind femora with bristles on entire length of antero-ventral surface, the postero- vental surface unarmed; hind tibia slightly curved, the apex on ventral side very distinctly produced, anterior and posterior surfaces with short, regular, setulose hairs, those on postero-dorsal surface longest (PI. IX, fig. 27); hind tarsi with a paii' of bristles at base of first joint noticeably longer than the others. Last sections of third and fourth veins parallel; outer cross- vein slightly curved, last section of fourth vein 2-5 as long as preceding section. Length, 7-5 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union, strait. Northwest Territories, July, 1916 (F. Johansen). Diptera 65 c With the male are several females which I consider to be of this species. The description is as follows : — Black, less distinctly shining than the male, the thorax very densely pruin- escent, the centre with two narrow, pale grey vittse, and the lateral margin- broadly pale grey. Abdomen immaculate. Wings slightly greyish. Calyptrse white. Halteres yellow. Frons, at vertex, about two-fifths the head-width, slightly broadened anteriorly, each orbit at middle about one-third as wide as interfrontalia, tin- surface with many short hairs, four to six incurved bristles on lower portion and two slightly outwardly-directed ones on upper portion; chicks hi^h<-r than in male and with very few short hairs above the marginal brist lea. Thorax much less hairy than in the male, the prealar bristle absent. Abdomen pointed at apex. Bristling of the tibiae very variable, fore pair with zero to three pos- terior and zero to three postero-ventral bristles, and very rarely one antcro- dorsal; mid pair usually with one or more ventral, two to four antero-dorsal, three to four postero-dorsal, and three to four postero-ventral bristles; hind pair with from two to five bristles on antero-ventral, antero-dorsal and postero- dorsal surfaces. Localities: one specimen with same data as male; one specimen same locality as foregoing but with date of July 10, 1916; one specimen, Young point, Northwest Territories, July 18, 1916; one specimen, cape Bathurst, Northwest- Territories, July 26, 1916; one specimen, west of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914 (all F. Johansen). This species differs from any member of this genus known to me in the structure and armature of the hind tibiae, the bare eyes, almost bare arista, and black halteres. Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy. There are two specimens in the collection referable to this genus, a male and a female, neither of which it is possible to identify conclusively because of the poor condition. The only species of the genus which I have previously seen from the arctics of this continent is nobilis Stein. Neither of the specimens before me belongs to that species, and apparently they differ specifically from each other also. The immature stages of the genus are unknown. The flies are commonly found close to water, being usually abundant on the shores of lakes and rivers, and some of the most aberrant forms occur on the seashore. I have found one species in Scotland feeding upon insects, but whether it killed the specimens itself or merely appropriated the discarded prey of other predators I can not say as I did not see it catch any flies. The proposcis is not adapted for piercing, though armed at apex with chitinous rods which may serve to abrade the integument and so enable the insect to feed in a predatory manner. Limnophora, sp. 1. A male specimen taken at Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 7, 1914 (F. Johansen), has the eyes separated by slightly more than the distance across posterior ocelli, the orbits narrower than interfrontalia at its narrowest point; arista pubescent; thorax with three strong pairs of postsutural dorso-centrals; presutural acrostichals irregularly four-rowed; abdomen with large, subtriangular, separate, brown spots; fore tibia with one posterior bristle; mid tibia absent; hind tibia with two antero- dorsal, and two weak postero-dorsal bristles ; third vein bare at base ; veins three and four divergent apically, last section of four about 2-5 as long as preceding •section; outer cross- vein straight. Length, 4-5 mm. Vol. iii— 46963— 5 66 c Ca nailian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 This species differs from any I have seen from North America, but owing to the very close resemblance between species of this genus and the. poor state of preservation of the specimen I do not consider it advisable to give it a name. Limnophora, sp. 2. A female taken on Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916 (F. Johansen), differs from the foregoing in having four pairs of postsutural dorso- centrals. the acrostichals two-rowed, dorsum of thorax distinctly trivittate, mid tibia with two antero-dorsal and three postero-dorsal bristles, hind tibia with one antero-ventral, two antero-dorsal, and two postero-dorsal bristles, and the last section of fourth vein comparatively longer. Length, 4- 75 mm. Fogonomyia Rondani. This genus has much in common with Trichopticus. In fact it is difficult TO separate the males of some species from those of Phaonia and Trichopticus. The male of Pogonomyia nitens Stein was described as a Spilogasier, though the author of that description recognized the female as a Pogonomyia — an error which led me into describing the species in that genus under the name Pogonomyia flavinervis. The characters which are of service in separating Pogononnjia from Tri- cftopticus are summarized as follows: — MALE. — Eyes bare; j>realar bristle long; fore tarsi short and with erect short pile ventrally, the other tarsi spinose vent rally; hind tibiae not curved, with long and short bristles, without fine hairs; hind coxse bare above at apices. FEMALI^ — Differs from the male by the widely separated eyes; in other respects similar, but with the lower supraorbital bristle directed forward and with cruciate frontal bristles, characters which separate the genus from both Phaonia and Aricia. There is one species in the collection, represented by one female, which lacks the abdomen but is otherwise in good condition. The species resembles a] pi cola Rondani, a European species reported as occurring in North America. Pogonomyia quadrisetosa, n. sp. F KM ALE. — Black, shining. Orbits, ptilinum, and upper portion of cheeks silvery pilose, face and lower portion of cheeks less distinctly silvery. Dorsum of thorax slightly greyish brown pruinescent, with three poorly defined vittse anteriorly. Abdomen missing. Legs black. Wings clear, veins yellowish except cost a and base of first. Calyptrse whitish yellow. Halteres black. Cruciate frontal bristles strong; orbitals as in nitens Stein, except that the weak hairs are more numerous; orbits in profile projecting as far beyond eye as half the length of eye — much farther than in nitcnx: anterior angle of cheeks protruding farther than frons at base of antennae; third antennal joint slightly longer than second; arista microscopically pubescent; vibrissa very little stronger than the other bristles, the latter covering a larger area than in nitens; palpi much shorter than in nitens. Thorax with presutural acrostichals weak, irregularly two or three-rowed; postsut rual dorso-cent rals four in number rather weak; presculellars as strong as dorso-cent rals; pteropleura in type with a long hair near middle. Fore tibia with three to four bristles on apical half of postero-ventral surface; mid femora with a series of long bristles on antero-ventral surface; mid tibia with three to four antero-ventral, four to antero-dorsal, five to six postero-dorsal bristles, and three to four postero-ventral bristles; hind femora with a series of long bristles on antero- ventral surface; hind tibia with five to seven long bristles on antero-ventral, antero-dorsal, and postero-dorsal surfaces. Venation as in nitens. Length, (> 7 mm. Diptera 67 c Type locality: West of Bernard harbour, Dolphin and I'mon straits, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916 (F. Johanseni. The type specimen differs from any previously described species of the genus in having four postsutural dorso-centrals. If the specimen i> at.n. in this respect it can be separated from nitens by tin- presence of the long l»i on the antero-ventral surface of the mid femora; from the speciee i»l<-niifi< Stein as alpicola Rondani, by the yellowish wings, almost hare arista, and (he mid-femoral bristles. A third species which occurs in the United States, and which alpicola, is separable from quadrisetosa by the more loosely pih.-e ton tarsi, the more widely spaced and longer bristles on latero-ventral margin- of tin and hind tarsi, the darker wings, and the shorter papli, the latter being les> than half as long as the apical portion of the proboscis. A fifth, and probably a sixth species, found in Colorado, are very di.-i n«-t from quadrisetosa. Pogonomyioides, n. gen. Generic Characters. FEMALE. — Resembles Pogonomyia, differing principally » i the prealar bristle being weak or absent and in having the pteropleura with a number of long hairs on centre. The only species of Pogonomyia in which I have seen any hairs on the pteropleura is the one described in this paper. In addition to the above characters the intra-alar bristles are practically absent in Pogonomy- ioides, usually only the posterior one being distinguishable and that very weak, and there is no long bristle at apex of fore tibia on venter, nor are there any conspicuous bristles at apices of fore tarsal joints vent rally. In other respects as Pogonomyia. Type, Pogonomyioides atrata, n. sp. Pogonomyioides atrata, n. sp. FEMALE. — -Puparium: Brownish red, slightly shining. Surface microscopic- ally granulose, almost without stria? above, finely but very distinctly transversely striate ventrally, becoming more coarsely so posteriorly. Posterior portion of cephalopharyngeal skeleton very slender, as shown in PL IX, fig. 30; dorsal half of thoracic segments absent; apex with a concentrically ridged rim sur- rounding a small but deep cavity; locomotor processes apparently lacking, except in center of each ventral segment, where there is a single transverse series of microscopic elevations extending nearly across the segments; a single series of small, stitch-like impressions between all segments, which is duplicated and surrounds the lateral fusiform area, three or four, short, irregular, longitudinal series of minute elevations on each segment laterally; base of abdomen with the pair of respiratory tubercles well developed, slender, about six tinn long as thick at base; apical segment irregularly shrunken (possibly abnormal), a large depression caudad of spiracles and extending forward to posterior margin of penultimate segment, a subtriangular depression situated in extreme apex, and a large one .on lateral area; spiracles slightly elevated, separated by less than three times their own diameter, the openings directed dorsad, ventrad, and laterad respectively. Length, 6-5 mm. Imago: Black, slightly shining. Orbits and upper part of cheeks silvery •pilose. Thorax with slight greyish pruinescence, distinctly but not conspicu- ously quadrivittate. Abdomen slightly and evenly grey pruinose. Wings clear. Calyptrse yellowish. Halteres black. : Frons about two-fifths the width of head, each orbit above about one-fifth as wide as interfrontalia; interfrontal cruciate bristles strong; orbitals as m Vol. iii— 46963— 5* Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 •'onti/iii (jiiinlr/ilctuxii; antennae short, third joint less than twice as long rond; arista bare1, second joint as long as thick, third swollen for about one-third of its length; cheek about one-fourth as high as eye, densely haired on lower half, the bristly hairs almost uniform in length and strength, vibrissse well differentiated; palpi slender, nearly as long as apical portion of proboscis. Dorsum of thorax not very conspicuously hairy; presutural acrostichals weak, irregularly four-rowed; postsutural dorso-centrals four, prealar bristle very small; a group of numerous bristly hairs above fore coxae; sternopleura with very long hairs and two strong bristles, one in front and the other behind. Abdomen with short bristly hairs and no long bristles. Legs similar to those of Pogonomyia in form; fore coxae without stout bristles; fore tibia with two to three weak posterior bristles, apical spines short ventrally; mid femora with a few weak bristles on basal half of antero-ventral surface; mid tibia with two to three antero-ventral, two to four antero-dorsal, four to six postero-dorsal, and two to three postero-ventral bristles on surface; hind femora with rather weak bristles on greater portion of antero-ventral surface; hind tibia with three to four antero-ventral, three to five antero-dorsal, and six to eight postero- dorsal bristles, none of which are very long; mid and hind tarsi with short, rat her closely placed bristles. Costal thorn indistinct; outer cross-vein straight; last section of fourth vein about 1-75 as long as preceding section. Length, 7 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 7, 1915 (F. Johansen). I have seen a series of specimens of this species from the arctic region in another collection, and find that the pteropleural hairs are rarely absent. The characterization here given holds good throughout the series. GOENOSIIN^. There are two imagines of this sub-family in the collection. Both belong to the genus Coenosia and represent different species, but only one is in good enough condition to permit of its identification. Coenosia octomaculata Zetterstedt. Coenosia octomaculata Zetterstedt. Ins. Lapp., p. 141, 1840. This northern European species has not hitherto been recorded from this continent. Although very closely resembling geniculata Fallen, it is very readily separated from it by the much smaller lower squama, which barely projects beyond the upper. In the specimen before me the mid tibiae have the antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal bristles at the same height, whereas in my specimens of geniculata from Illinois the antero-dorsal one is much nearer apex of tibia. Locality: Nome, Alaska, August 24 and 25, 1916 (F. Johansen). Coenosia, sp. One female in very poor condition. The legs appear to be "black or fuscous, witli only the bases of the tibiae pale. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, July 10, 1915 (F. Johansen). ANTHOMYIIN^:. There is one genus in this collection which has been previously known from arctic Europe only, and another has been listed as belonging to Anthomyia. In Diptera 69 C order to make clear the generic relations of these I have drawn up an abridged key to genera which is presented herewith. KEY TO GENERA IN COLLECTION AND THE GENERA MOST CLOSELY ALLIED mi i: 1. Eyes hairy. Eyes bare 2. Abdomen broadly ovate, little longer than broad; eyes in male distinctly separated; in female the width of frons is very little more than that of male Allioptiia S. and 1 > Abdomen narrow, almost parallel-sided, much longer than brn.-id; eyefl in in:d<- contiguous, in female separated by at least one-third the width of head Lariopt M- 3. Calyptra decidedly unequal in size, the under one projecting beyond upper ... 4 Calyptra not as above, the lower one not projecting .", 4. Lower calypter very much longer than upper; arista plumose ///////-o^Ao/-/,/ |{ -I ) Lower calypter not much longer than upper; arista almost bare Egle li.-l) 5. Legs black; arista pubescent or bare Phorvia 1 ; - ! » Legs black, or with tibiae pale; arista hairy or plumose Hylemyia Meigen. Legs with at least the tibiae pale; arista pubescent or bare Pegomyia R.-D. The last three genera are poorly defined and overlap considerably, but my studies of the family have not been brought to the point where I am prepared to publish reliable characters for their differentiation, sa I use the generally accepted characters. I have in preparation a generic synopsis of this and other sub- families which I hope to publish shortly. Hydrophoria Robineau-Desvoidy. The only species of this genus on which I possess information concerning the early stages is aquatic. The flies are always found in the vicinity of rivers or ponds. There is only one species in the present collection, which is described as new. Hydrophoria arctica, n. sp. MALE. — Black. Frontal triangle opaque black, orbits, cheeks, and face white pilose. Legs black, tibiae slightly brownish. Wings greyish, veins black. Squamae white, with yellow margins. Halteres brownish yellow. Interfrontalia obliterated below ocelli, the orbits at this point linear; third antennal joint about 1-5 as long as second; arista tapered on basal half, long- haired to middle, bare apically; orbit in profile extending beyond eye as far as width of third antennal joint; cheek 1 • 5 as high as width of orbit; vibrissa long, marginal bristles on cheek long and strong. Presutural acrostichals weak, hardly distinguishable among the irregularly four rowed hairs, prescutellars hair- like;, prealar bristle about one-fourth as long as the bristle behind it; sternop- leurals two: two, the lower anterior one weak; upper margin of hypopleurse hairy proximad of spiracle. Abdomen short and broad, cylindrical, segments with long bristles on posterior margins; hypopygium with basal segment polished, the apical, recurved one slightly prominent, armed with many long strong bristles; fifth ventral segment densely covered with setulose hairs. Fore tibiae with two bristles; mid tibia with two to three antero-ventral, three to four antero-dorsal, two to three postero-dorsal, and three to four postero-ventral bristles; almost the entire length of mid-femora with long bristles on the anteroand postero-ventral surfaces; hind tibia with five to six short bristles on antero-ventral surface, seven to eight irregular ones on antero-dorsal, seven to eight on postero-dorsal surface, one beyond middle being very long. Costal thorn at least as long as inner cross-vein; outer cross- vein very much flexed; last section of fourth vein about 1-5 as long as preceding section. FEMALE. — Similar in colour to the male. Frons opaque black, densely brown pruinescent, nearly half as broad as lira. orbits broad, each at broadest part nearly as broad as orbit at same part; cruciate bristles strong; supra-orbital bristles four in number, the lower one directed 70 c ('tuntilnui Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 slightly outward and forward, the others directed outward: orbital hairs numerous and nearly as long as the bristles; one to two long bristles situated above vibrissa. Abdomen tapered at apex; last segment not exposed, making it impossible to say if it is armed with curved thorns. Legs and wings as in male. Length, (i mm. Type locality: Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories. September 5, 1914 (F. Johansen). Allotype, .Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 1915, (F. Johansen). This species agrees with divi^i Meigen in having the hypopleura with hairs on upper portion, but differs from it and all other species known to me in having the orbit in the female armed with long hairs in addition to the bristles, and in the very conspicuously bristly hypopygium and long costal thorn. A female specimen, in very poor condition, from Collinson point, Alaska, June 22-23, 1914, may represent a distinct species. The mid tibia on one side is gone, but the one remaining is reddish and less bristly than in arclica, but without better preserved examples it is impossible to say definitely as to its specific tity . Alliopsis Schnabl and Dziedzicki. Generic Characters. MALK. — Very robust. Head large, eyes long-haired, narrowly separated above; antennae shorter than face; arista almost bare; cheeks with very numerous long bristles on lower margin and anteriorly, the vibrissae not differentiated. Thorax with three pairs of postsutural dorsocentrals; calypt rap of moderate size, lower scale not projecting. Abdomen broad ovate, ii> length barely exceeding its greatest width; hypopygium small; apical visible ventral segment with a wedge-shaped central incision. Legs stout, strongly bristled. Sixth vein extending to margin of wing. FEMALE. — Head as in male but the eyes are more widely separated; orbital bristles numerous, hair-like, erect and slightly inwardly directed, outer supra- orbitals and cruciate interfrontal bristles absent. In other respects similar to male, the abdomen not so broad and more pointed apically. Alliopsis obesa, n. sp. MALE. -—Black, shining. Wings slightly greyish, fuscous at base. Squaime grey, margins brown. Halteres yellow, knobs brown. Narrowest part of frons as wide as distance across posterior ocelli, the orbits linear above and not over one sixth as wide as interfrontalia; profile as in PI. X, iig. />:> ; hairs on eyes pale. Dorsum of thorax with long hairs; acroatichals long and hair-like, irregularly four rowed cephalad of suture; post humeral and presutural bristles strong, the latter duplicated on both sides, and the former on one side, in type1; prescutellar bristles weak; scutellum with four long marginal bristles, numerous long discal hairs, and very distinct ventral pile; propleura above coxa- with a conspicuous clump of long bristly hairs; sternopleurals three in number; hypopleura bare. Abdomen with long setulose hairs on entire surface, those at apices of segments bristle-like; fourth segment the shortest; hypopygium very small, globose, glossy. Legs rather densely covered with moderately long setulose hairs; bristles on fore and mid tibiae hardly distinguish- able from the hail's but apparently as follows: fore tibia1 with two to three on postero-dorsal surface; mid tibia' with two to three on each of the following surfaces antero-dorsal, postero-dorsal, and postero-ventral; hind femora with long bristly hairs from base to well beyond middle of postero-dorsal sur- and much stronger bristles on the whole length of antero-ventral surface; hind tibia- with four to five short bristles on apical half of antero-ventral surface, six to eight longer bristles on entire length of antero-dorsal surface, and six to s<'veii long slender bristles on post ero-dorsal surface, the so-called preapical bristle very long, and very slender at apex; tarsi normal. Wings greatly exceeding Diptera 71 < apex of abdomen, the length of wing equal to that of entire insect; costa with short black setulae, the costal spine not differentiated; outer cross-vein curved; last section of fourth vein twice as long as preceding section. Length, 8 mm. Type locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June, 1915-16 (F. Johansen). Alliopsis, sp. FEMALE. — Similar in colour to obesa. Frons at narrowest part about one-eighth the width of head, tin- orbit- linear and about one-fifth as wide as interfrontalia, bristles as in preceding profile as PI. X, fig. 32, Thorax much less conspicuously haired than in obesa, the dorso-centrals stronger and well differentiated; presutural acrostichal> irregularly four-rowed, presutural bristle single; prealar as in obesa, nearly as long as the bristle behind it; scutellum with a differentiated discal pair of bri>t !«•> in addition to the marginals. Abdominal hairs very long on lateral margins of segments and on apical two, short on disc, the contrast more striking than in obesa', apical genital segment without thorns. Legs less hairy than in obesa, the bristles on tibiae strong and distinct; fore tibiae with three long bristles, one on the anterior dorsal surface and two on the posterior; mid tibiae with three antero- dorsal, four to five postero-dorsal, and three postero-ventral bristles; hind femora as in obesa, but hind tibiae with four to five long bristles on the basal half of posterior surface in addition to those on the other surfaces, the latter stronger than in obesa. Wings as in obesa, but the costal setulae are longer, the costal spine is distinct, and the outer cross-vein is straight. Length, 7 • 5 mm. Locality: Camden bay, Alaska, June, 1914 (F. Johansen). It is possible that the two foregoing forms represent only one species. The genus Alliopsis was erected for the reception of the European arctic species glacialis Zetterstedt, and is closely allied to Lasiops Meigen, both having the eyes very distinctly hairy, but it may be separated from that genus in the male by much more widely separated eyes, those of Lasiops being subcontiguous, and by the very broad abdomen. The female of Lasiops has the frons similar to that of Phorbia, whereas that of Alliopsis is not much wider in the male and all the orbital bristles are directed slightly inward, none directed forward. Egle Robineau-Desvoidy. This genus contains several species that have been placed in Anthomyia by most authors. From the type of the latter Egle differs — at least the species known to me — in having the prothorax bare below and in front of the spiracle. One species is present in this collection. Egle radicum (Linne). Musca radicum Linne, Fauna Suec., 2d ed., p. 454, 1756. Six specimens, with data as follows: .Nome, Alaska, August 21, 1916, two specimens, and August 24-25, 1916, three specimens; and Teller, Alaska, July 29, 1913 (F. Johansen). This is a European species which occurs throughout North Amo] has previously been recorded from Alaska. Schnabl and Dziedzicki have erected the genus Paregle for the reception o the above species and several others, but I do not think the separation warranted. 72 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Hylemyia Robineau-Desvoidy. This genus is not well defined, and it is very difficult, in fact almost im- possible, to separate some species from the genus Phorbia by the application of characters given in published keys to the genera of the family. The larvae are very little known; those that are known live either in decaying vegetation or, rarely, in living plants such as wheat. Hylemyia variata (Fallen.) Mimca variata Fallen. Dipt. Suec., Muse., p. 59, 1820. There is one female of this species in the collection, taken at Nome, Alaska, August 24 and 25th, 1916 (F. Johansen). There are records of this European species from many states in North America, its range extending from Massachusetts to Idaho, and south to Louisiana. It has also been recorded from Ontario and Alaska, so that in all probability it is to be found throughout the entire area of North America. Hylemyia acrostichalis, n. sp. MALE. — Black, shining. Wings clear. Calyptra white. Halteres yellow. Eyes separated by not more than width of anterior ocellus; frons not buccate; antennae nearly as long as face, third joint narrow, about twice as long as second; arista with short, rather dense hairs, the longest hairs longer than diameter of arista at base; cheek not much higher than width of facial orbit in profile, and about one-seventh as high as eye, bristles confined to margin, one short bristle above vibrissa; proboscis not very stout. Prealar bristle long and strong; two pairs of long presutural acrostichals present. Abdomen in type crushed; fifth sternite with a deep central excision, the lateral extensions with a fringe of front hairs on inner margin, and a number of bristles on surface, the longest of which does not exceed in length the lateral extension (PL X, fig. 39); hypopygium small (PL X, fig. 40). Legs slender; fore tibia with one posterior and a weaker antero-dorsal bristle near middle, and a small sharp bristle at apex on posterior side which is directed downward and slightly backward; fore tarsi slender, longer than tibia; mid femur with five to six bristles on basal half of postero-ventral surface ; mid tibia with one to two bristles on each of the following surfaces: — antero-dorsal, postero-dorsal, and postero-ventral; mid tarsus normal, not longer than tibia; hind femur with long widely-spaced bristles on antero- and postero-ventral surfaces, those on the latter weaker and not carried to apex; hind tibia with three to four bristles on each of the following surfaces — antero-ventral, antero-dorsal, and postero-dorsal, those on the latter surface much stronger than the others, especially the one nearest apex, posterior surface with one bristle near middle; hind tarsus normal, shorter than tibia. Costa with weak setulee, the costal thorn distinct but not very long; last section of fourth vein ] -7.") times as long as preceding section. FEMALE. — Similar to male in colour. Frons nearly one-half the head-width; cruciate bristles long; each orbit wit h one strong bristle below the fofwardly directed supraorbital; cheek narrower than in male. Thorax as in male, the bristles stronger. Genital segments not armed with strong spines. Legs similar in armature to those of male. Costal thorn longer than in male, the upper exceeding the inner cross-vein in length; last section of fourth vein very little longer than preceding section. Length, 6-5 mm. Type locality: Nome, Alaska, August 21, 1916 (F. Johansen). This species bears a resemblance to marginata Stein, but differs in armature of fifth abdominal sternite, almost contiguous eyes, and armature of legs. From simpla Coquillett, an Alaskan species, it is readily separated by the bristling of the hind tibia. Diptera X3 c Phorbia Robineau-Desvoidy. There are apparently four species of this genus in the collection, none o which are in good condition. Phorbia brevitarsata, n. sp. MALE.— Black. Anterior portion of interfrontalia, facial orbits, and the greater portion of cheeks rufous. Wings clear. Calyptra yellow. Halteres yellow. Eyes separated at narrowest part of frons by a distance more than equal to width across posterior ocelli; cruciate bristles long and hair-like; antennae short, third joint 1-5 as long as second; arista much swollen at base, tapered to near apex of basal third, almost bare; facial orbit in profile nearly as broad as height of cheek, the latter one-third as high as eye; vibrissal angle weak, almost on a level with lower margin of eye, the portion ventrad of it nearly vert i- cal; cheek with a few weak marginal hairs. Prealar bristle very short; three to four pairs of weak,acrostichals in front of suture. Abdomen subcylindrical. hut little tapered posteriorly. Legs rather short and stout; mid tibia with one to two bristles on antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal surfaces; hind femur with an almost complete series of widely spaced bristles on antero-ventral surface and a number of similarly disposed bristles on basal half of postero-ventral surface; hind tibia with long slender bristles on antero-ventral, antero-dorsal, and postero- dorsal and postero-ventral surfaces, those on the dorsal surfaces stronger, -more irregular, and more widely spaced than those on ventral surfaces, the postero- ventral surface with the bristles very fine and hair-like and in a double series on basal half; hind tarsus distinctly shorter than hind tibia, the basal joint less than one-third the tibial length. Outer cross-vein of wing oblique; last section of fourth vein about 1 • 5 as long as preceding section. FEMALE.- — Similar to the male in colour. Interfrontalia not much wider than orbit; cruciate bristles long and strong; two bristles proximad of anterior supraorbital; facial orbit in profile nearly as wide as height of cheek, the latter half as high as eye. Thorax showing traces of pollinose vittse, a slender one on each side of anterior acrostichals. Abdomen tapered posteriorly; apex of last genital segment with numerous short stout bristles. Fore tibia with one posterior and one antero-dorsal bristle; hind tibia with fewer hair-like bristles on ventral surfaces than male, those on postero- ventral surface confined to basal half. Costal and radial veins noticeably paler than others; costal thorn of moderate length. Length, 5 mm. Type locality: West of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914, and June 1914 (F. Johansen). The much-protruded face, pale colour of orbits and cheeks, and armature of the hind tibia of male separates this species from any known to me. Phorbia, sp. 1. This species closely resembles substriata Stein, but differs in having the facial orbits in profile about as wide as height of cheek, the presutural acrostichals more numerous and much weaker. None of the specimens are in good enough condition to ensure accurate identification. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, July 18-19, 1915, and July 1916 (F. Johansen). Two males and three females. Phorbia, sp. 2. Closely resembling the preceding species. Differs in having the frons entirely black, the wings less conspicuously yellow at base, and the costal thorn much snorter. 74 ( C. and July, 1916 (F. Johansen). Phorbia, sp. 3. One male in very poor condition. Resembles brevitarsata in armature of the legs, but differs in having the abdomen depressed, and the hind tarsi about as long as the tibia. Locality: On sandy beach, Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915 (F. Johansen). Phorbia, spp. Five specimens belonging to this genus are in such poor condition that I cannot satisfactorily assign them to any of the preceding species or to any known to me. Locality: Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916, one female; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 19 If), one male, one female; same locality, June 18, 1915, one female; Collinson point, Alaska, June 20, 1914 (F. Johansen). Pegomyia Robineau-Desvoidy. This genus as at present constituted contains species which are very dissimilar in habitus, and my knowledge of the larval habits of a number of the species leads me to consider certain that such species as unicolor Stein, a finis Stein, and bicolor Wiedemann are not congeneric. The first-named I have reared from mushrooms, and the larva resembles much more closely that of Anthomyia /;////'/////* Linne than that of bicolor, which is a leaf-miner. The larvae of ajfinix are found in burrows of rodents and in caves or holes in the ground which mammals or birds frequent and are essentially scavengers; their structure is unknown to me. Both species in the present collection are more closely related to unicolor than to bicolor and may have the same larval habits. Pegomyia flavipes (Fallen.) Ai, p. 216. iss:;. This species is one of the smallest and most variable in colour in the group. Sometimes the whole insect, including the legs, is black, but commonly the abdomen and at least the tibiae are reddish, or t ranslucent. The thorax is always black and in front is marked with four short vittir, between which the dorsum is conspicuously white pruinescent. The black antenna and palpi serve to distinguish the species from riniyrni Zetterstedt, which it most closely resem- bles in the cha'totaxy of the legs. Diptera 75 c Locality: Three male specimens, Nome, Alaska, August 21 and 24, l!>ir> (F. Johansen). Both these European species are recorded herein for the first time from North America. FUCELLIN^:. Fucellia Robmeau-Desvoidy, The species of this genus are found along the margins of >tream>. on tin- seashore, and on the shores of lakes. Fucellia punctipennis H< -ckci -. Fucellin inincti [H-niiix Becker, Middel. om Gronland, vol. 29, p. 411, 1'JOv This species was described from east Greenland and has not since !>een recorded. All the specimens in the present collection were obtained at Bemanl harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, May I'.lKi. and June 18, 1915. Eleven specimens (F. Johansen). Fucellia ariciiformis Holmgren. Fucellia ariciiformis Holmgren, Kongl. Vetenskap. Forhandl., 1872, No. 6, p. 103. This species was originally described from Greenland. I have seen examples from Pribilof islands. There are twenty-nine specimens in the present collec- tion: nine from Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, taken May 19, 1916, May 20 and 22, June 25, and July 11, 1915; nineteen from Demarcation point, Alaska, May 15, 1914; and one from Collinson point, Alaska, June 20, 1914 (F. Johansen). SCATOPHAGID^E. The larva? of most species of this family feed upon decaying vegetable matter and manure. One North American species, Hydromyza confluens Loew, mines, in the larval stage, in the stems of Nymphaea americana. The imagines of many species are predaceous, feeding upon other small insects, and most of them are found near water, particularly on the shores of rivers, lakes, and on the seashore. Many species can be obtained only by very thorough sweeping with an insect net over grasses and other herbage growing in ponds and along their extreme margins. The literature on this family is in deplorable condition from the point of view of one who has to identify species, and in order to make clear the generic concepts of the writer I have drawn up a key to the genera, which is included in this paper. Very many species of the family occur in northern latitudes — in fact the family is essentially a northern one — and this key will be found useful in future work on arctic Diptera. Some of the genera are proposed herein for the first time, and several are recorded for the first time from this continent. KEY TO GENERA. 1. Species with three sternopleural bristles Species with two sternopleural bristles Species with one sternopleural bristle 2. First wing-vein bristly on apical half; palpi without long apical britsle; arista short- haired or pubescent; scutellum with two or four bristles; fore femora without closely placed or very strong antero-ventral bristles . First wing-vein bare, or the species does not have all of the above characters . 76 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 KEY TO GENERA — Con. 3. Palpi with long apical bristle which is about as long as the palpus; scutellum with six bristles Pleihochaeta Coquillett. . . . Palpi without long apical bristle; scutellum with two or four bristles 4 4. Arista plumose Pycnoglossa Coquillett . . . Arista alomost bare 4a 4a. Fore femora with anterior and antero-ventral surfaces armed with closely placed black bristles Amaurosoma Becker. . . . Fore femora without such bristles Pselaphcphila Becker. 5. Third antenna! joint with apex rounded; scutellum with two bristles Hexamitocera Becker. Third antennal joint with upper portion of apex acute or angulate; scutellum with four bristles 6 6. Arista much thickened on basal half, the second joint much longer than thick, genicu- lated with third Gonatherus Rondani. Arista thickened at base, second joint about as long as thick, not geniculated apioally Trichopalpus Rondani, pt. (Chaetosia Coquillett) 7. Pteropleura bare 8 Pteropleura hairy on at least part of its surface 22 8. Head much longer than high, face much retreating below; palpi with long apical bristle, third antennal joint with a long hair on outer side near base of arista. . . . Acicephala Coquillett. Head at least as high as long, face not much retreating below; third antennal joint without long hair as above 9 9. Orbital bristles very short, distinguishable only with strong lens; cross-vein absent from base of discal cell1 Hydromyza Fallen . Orbital bristles long; discal cell closed at base 10 10. Fore tibiae with a short, stout, rectangular spine near apex on under side Acanthocnema Becker. Fore tibiae without such rectangularly projecting spine lOa lOa. Fore femur and fore tibiae each with a series of strong bristles on antero- and postero- ventral surfaces Norellia Robineau-Desvoidy . Fore femur without strong bristles on antero-ventral surface; bristles on tibia not in two series lOb lOb. Third and fourth wing-veins curved downward on their penultimate sections, the first posterior cell proximad of inner cross-vein distinctly broader than at any other point; stigmatal bristle absent; arista pubescent; palpi with long apical bristle; first vein bristly at apex Scoliaphleps Becker. Wing venation normal, first posterior cell proximad of inner cross-vein not broader 1 ban at any other point lOc lOc. First wing-vein bristly on apical half 11 First wing-vein bare on apical half 16 11. Palpi long and slender, armed at apices with a long bristle; arista plumose 12 Palpi not armed at apex with a long bristle, or if so the arista is bare or almost so. . 13 12. Presutrual dorso-central, prothoracic, stigmatal, humeral, and tibial bristles strong; legs stout , Cordylura Fallen, pt . . Presutural dorso-central bristles weak or absent, prothoracic and stigmata! bristles weak; humeral usually absent; tibiae usually with very weak bristles . Paralleloma Becker, pt. 13. Scutellum with six bristles; lower margins of cheeks with numerous long bristles. . . . Bucephalina, n. gen. Scutellum with two or four bristles 14 14. Male genitalia with very long curled bristles on each side which are directed upward and slightly forward; fore tibiae with short, black spines on inner side Pogonota Zetterstedt. Male genitalia without such bristles; fore tibiae without short black spines on inner side 15 15. Ari(i»l>}itfi(dma Becker. lt'». Sixth wing-vein not extending to margin 17 Sixth wing-vein extending to margin 18 17. Arista plumose; eyes concave on lower posterior margin; legs long and slender I'nnillclnnin Becker, pt. Arista almost bare; eyes rounded; legs short Cordylurella, n. gen. 18. Prealar bristle more than half as long as the bristle behind it; thoracic and leg bristles long and atrong 19 Prealar bristle nnu-li less than half as long as the one behond it; thoracic and !«•» bristles of moderat" length 20a "This last diameter ilof-s not apply to the European species. Diptera 77 c KEY TO GENERA — Con. 19. Cheek much less tnan half as high as eye; palpi with very long apical bristle Cordylura 1 alien, pt . L-neek about nan as high as eve ; palpi without a long apical bristle ..... 20. Mid femur with a long stout bristle at middle on anterior surface. . < Mid femur without such bristle ............................... Sactop) 20a. Third antennal joint rounded at apex; arista almost baro; for*- til>i:e * bristles, the inner surface with minute black setulae ......... \ficropro9&p Third antennal joint angulate'or pointed on upper side at apex ...... j 1 21. Area between dorso-centrals cephalad of suture with more than Area between dorso-centrals cephalad of suture with only two series of rj'ricfni]iiiljiii.^ Hundaiii, pt . •itli/nl ( '(MjllilJctl j 22. Fore tibiae 'with ventral surfaces armed with short stout spines on their cut in- length; male with a large bifid chitinous plate on each side of apical expnx •eparable by the characters indicated herein. Cordylurella, n. gen. Generic Characters. F KM ALE. — Head, viewed from above, subspherical, slightly flattened posteriorly; frons one-third or more than one-third the head-width; orbits differentiated; the bristles well developed, similar to those of Cordi/lnra; antennae slightly shorter than face, third joint rounded apically, arista pubescent; palpi without strong apical bristle. Thoracic chactotaxy as in Cordt/lura,. First wing-vein bare; sixth not reaching margin of wing. Legs similar to those of ( lenot ype: Cordyiura nebulosa Coquillett . There is a male specimen of a species which I refer to this genus in the collection. I can not ident ify it as any previously described species, and describe it herewith as new. Cordylurella subvittata, n. sp. MALI-;. Black, glossy. Head yellow; occiput, ocellar triangle, and greater portion of frontal orbits glossy black, the orbits and triangle slightly pollinose; face and cheeks with distinct white pniinescence: antenna' yellow; arista black; palpi yellow; proboscis yellow at base, .becoming brown at apex. Thorax glossy black, lateral margins, a narrow line along course of dorso-cent rals. and a broad central vitta covered with very short grey pile, giving the dorsum a subvittate appearance. Abdomen glossy black; surface with long but not dense yellow hairs, bristles On penultimate dorsal segment black; hypopygial forceps yellow except at base. Legs yellow, mid and hind coxa' brown. Wings clear, veins brown. Halteres brown. Diptera 7«i ,- Frons over one-half the width of head, orbits narrowed anteriorly; im>ia much swollen on basal fifth of third joint, microscopically pubescent; palpi slightly dilated, weakly bristled. Thorax without presutural acrostichals ; d< centrals weak. Sctitellum with two apical bristles. Abdomen someu -hat incrassated apically, the hypopygium large, forceps long, curved forward, ratlin- slender. Legs normal, so placed in type that it is not possible to say definitely what the arrangement of the bristles is, but they are weak and not numerous, i In- fore tibia lacking them on posterior surface. Wings extending beyond ap abdomen, inner cross-vein slightly beyond apex of first vein and almost exactly at middle of discal cell; penultimate section of fourth vein three-fifths aa l< ultimate section. Length, 4 mm. Type Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Nortliwe>t Territories, July 18-19, 1915 (F. Johansen). This species agrees better with Cordylurella than with any other in tin- appended key to genera though with better material and both sexes available it may be necessary to separate it generically from nebulosa. The latter is readily distinguished from subvittata by its densely pruinose thorax, more strongly spined legs, the antero-dorsal bristles on the femora being noticeably stronger and more numerous, and the presence of a strong posterior bristle on the fore tibia. The scutellum in nebulosa has four bristles. Dasypleuron, n. gen. Generic Characters. Head in type-species so badly crushed that it is not possible to give full description; in general it appears to resemble that of Cordylurella but the antennae are not visible owing to the face being crushed in, the apical portion of one arista, which is distinctly pubescent, alone being visible. The thorax has t In- same chsetotaxy as Cordylura latifrons Loew., but the pteropleura has a number of long soft hairs on the middle. Abdomen short and stout, hypopygium occupying over half of the ventral surface, the forceps chitinized and stout, similar to, but larger than, .those of Cordylurella subvittata. Legs normal. First wing- vein bristly on apical portion; -sixth vein incomplete. Genotype: Dasypleuron tibialis, n. sp. Dasypleuron tibialis, n. sp. MALE, — Glossy black. Head black; frons brownish red, orbits and triangle black, slightly grey pruinose; palpi black; proboscis glossy black. Thmax slightly pruinose on dorsum, not vittate. Abdomen entirely glossy. Legs black; apices of fore femora, and all tibiae reddish yellow, the mid and hind pair darker apically. Wings clear, veins black. Halteres black. Bristles black, hairs fuscous, those on ventral surfaces of femora paler. Orbital bristles -long and slender; palpi spindle-shaped, with rather weak bristles; proboscis normal. Dorsum of thorax with numerous long set u lose hairs on front margin laterally, and laterad of presutural dorso-centrals; presutural acrostichals strong; anterior postsutural dorso-central duplicated in type so that there appears to be two strong and two weak post-suturals; scutellum with four subequal bristles; hairs on pleurae long; prothoracic and stigmatal bristles long and slender; almost entire surface of mesopleura hairy. Abdomen with rather long hairs, basal hypopygial segment with a number of strong bristles; apical visible ventral segment armed with long hairs. Legs normal; femora with long hairs on the ventral and anterior surfaces. those on anterior surface of mid pair and antero-ventral surface of hind pair bristle-like; fore and hind tibiae apparently without bristles, mid pair with one 80 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 bristle on dorsal surface near apex. Inner cross-vein distinctly beyond apex of first vein and at three-sevenths from apex of discal cell; penultimate section of fourth vein about half as lofig as ultimate section. Length, 4-5 mm. Type Locality: Collinson point, Alaska, June 20, 1914 (F. Johansen). Allomyia, n. gen. I described this genus in a paper, which was completed some time ago, on Pribilof Island Diptera, but it will not go to press until after this paper. I had in that collection the female only. The generic synopsis in this paper and the following description may be accepted as embodying characters of the genus, though it is possible that the furcate processes of the fifth abdominal sternite are not present in the male of the other species. Allomyia unguiculata, n. sp. MALE. — Black, thorax and abdomen greyish pruinose. Head brownish, black, anterior portion of frons, lower half of face, and anterior part of cheeks yellowish; antennae black; palpi yellow; proboscis black. Legs black, tibiae brownish, yellow at bases, tarsi brown. Wings clear. Orbital bristles rather weak; antennae large, third joint about twice as long as second, subangulate at apex on upper side (PL X, fig. 37) ; arista bare, tapered on basal third of apical joint; cheek about one- fourth the eye-height. Dorsum of thorax with five well-developed dorso-centrals; scutellum with short discal hairs and four strong marginal bristles; pteropleura with hairs on centre; sterno- pleura with long hairs and one strong bristle. Abdomen subcylindrical, narrow, fifth sternite with a large bifid plate on each side (PL X, fig. 38), hypopygium small (PL X, fig. 36). Legs as in Dasypleurvn, but the fore tibia? with short ventral spines; tibiae with the bristles as follows — fore tibia with one antero- dorsal and one to two posterior, mid tibia with one antero-dorsal, one postero- dorsal, and one posterior, hind tibia with two antero-ventral near apex, two antero-dorsal, and one postero-dorsal. Inner cross-vein well beyond apex of first and at less than two-fifths from apex of discal cell. Length, 3-5 mm. Type locality: Chantry island, Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June 17, 1916 (F. Johansen). This specimen was in very poor condition, and in order to get the structures into condition for examination I had to boil it. Originally pinned, it is now preserved in alcohol, in a fragmentary condition. The foregoing species differs from the genotype in the colour of head and legs, in having the palpi narrower, and the wings longer and with thinner veins. Ernoneura Becker. This genus has only once previously been recorded from the western hemis- phere. There is only one species of the genus, which was originally described by Zetterstedt frowi the European arctics. Ernoneura argus Zetterstedt. Represented by five specimens taken at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, three specimens, .July 19, 1915, and two specimens, July, 1916. Becker states th:it there is no sternopleural bristle present, but it is well developed in the specimens before me. Diptera 81 c Scatophaga Fallen. The members of this genus are much more common in temperate latitudes than in subtropical or tropical, and are, judging from collections I have examim •quilleU . 3. Thorax with one pair of tlorso-centrals ........................... J'orxciitix Darlington. Thorax with at least two pairs of dorso-centrals .................................. 4 4. Mid tibia4 with long bristles on middle ........................ ^. ..... Occothea Haliday. Mid tibia- without bristles except, at apex ........................................ 5 5. Thorax witli five or more pairs of dorso-centrals .................................. 6 Thorax with two pairs of dorso-centrals ................................ Neoleria, gen. n. Thorax with three pairs of dorso-centrals ......................... TephrochUwnys Loew. Thorax \vith four pairs of dorso-centrals .......................................... 8 (i. Scutellum with six bristles; inner cross-vein much before end of first vein; mesopleura ban- ................................................. Anorostomoides Malloch. Scutellum with four bristles ..................................................... 7 7. Inner cross-vein distinctly before end of first vein; frons in male very narrow; propleural and mesopleural bristles present ............................... Hc/cronii/za Fallen. Inner cross-vein at or beyond end of first vein; propleural and mesopleural bristles absent ; eyes of male widely separated ............................ Allopltijla Loew. 8. Eyes very small, not much larger than antennae; arista remarkably long; vibrissae strong ..................................................... Eccoptomera Loew. Eyes much larger than antennae; arista short; vibrissae short and weak; face receding, oral margin not developed. . .................................. Anorostoma Loew. Eyes large; arista long; vibrissse strong; mouth margin well developed ....... Leria Loew. Oecothea Haliday. There is a large series of a species of this genus in the collection. I cannot identify it with any of the previously described European species and it differs essentially from fenestralis Fallen — a species occurring in Europe and North America. Oecothea aristata, n. sp. MALE AND FEMALE. — Head, anterior lateral angles of thorax, greater portion of srutelluin, hypopygium of male, genital segments of female, and the legs reddish testaceous; upper portion of head and greater portion of occiput, thorax abdomen, coxae, sometimes median portion of femora, and whole of tarsi fuscous. AVings yellowish, cross-veins not infuscated. Frons about two-thirds the width of head, orbits with one brislle near middle; Lnterfrontalia with sparse, short hairs; antenna' small, third joint barely longer than second; arista very slender, nearly bare, about 2-5 as long as head, with a Very short swelling at base; face with a broad central carina which is flattened and broadened below, covering the entire centre of face, cheeks with one strong vibrissa and a number of short- setuhe; eye about equal in height to cheek at posterior margin. Three pairs of postsuturals present; propletira with one bristle; a few short setula? below anterior spiracle; mesopleura with or without a short bristle; sternopleura with out' long bristle and a number of short setiihe; pteropleura bare; hypopleura with a number of minute1 setulae below spiracle; scutellum ban- «m disc, margin with four bristles. Abdomen of male 1 7. Diptera 85 c CHLOROPID^E. There is only one species of this family in the collect ion. The larvae of this species feed in stems of wheat ami Botanobia (Oscinis) frit d/mm Muscafrit Linn. Fauna Suecia, 1761, p. 1851. One specimen in very poor condition. This European species occurs throughout Hit- I'niir.l Staio ;mf(////H*. sp.? caudal fin of pupa. " (). Rhaniphonnfm n ittaciniflfx, apex of abdomen of male, lateral view. " 7. SiniH!inni, sp. 4, antenna of larva. s. Dolichopiix aasyops, antenna of male. " <». Same, hypopygial lamella of male. 10. /'.x/7o/Y//////m.s-, sp.? thoracic respiratory organ of pupa, front view. 11. Same, lateral view. " 12. Sit/iuiiutH, sp. 4, thoracic respiratory organ of pupa. " Kj. Situ uli a in, sp. ;•;, same as above. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII. Fig. 14. ()('liurad of female, lateral view. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. 22. Mi/dd'ind dlwunt. jMipariuin, lat(>ral view. 2)5. Same, anal spiracles. 24. Same, cephalopharyngeal skeleton of larva, lateral view. 2"). Same, apical segment of larva, dorsal view. 21). Same, antepenultimate segment of larva, lateral view. 27. Ari.rid lidrcdlix, posterior tibia of male, lateral view. 25. Mi/flirind ohNctmi, head of male, lateral view. 2(.t. Same, fifth sternite of male, ventral view. •'!(). Pogonomyioidzs atrata, posterior portion of cephalopharyngeal skeleton of larva, lateral view. :il. Mi/fid ind ohxcurd, a])(>x of male adbomen, lat(>ral view. EXPLANATION KOH PLAT1-; X. FiU :!2. .I//./O/AS/.S, s|>.? head of female, lateral view. '•\'.*>. /l///o/;.s/.y oltcxa, head of male, lateral view. •'11. (;<>ndl.}n-rnx dlricnrnix, head of female, lateral view. :{"). Scatophaga xniUti, fifth sternite of male, ventral view. Scatopkaga Inl/in/i, same as above. :'>('). Allintii/in Htidiiiciil.dld, apical segments of abdomen of male, ventral view. me, antenna, let era! view. Same, apical segments of abdomen of male, lateral view. : '•'.». Hylemyia tirroxlicltdlix, fifth abdominal sternite of male, ventral view. 10. Same, hypopygiiini of male, one side, caudal view. Diptera I'LATK VII. Diptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-lb'. (Excluding the Tipulidae and Culicidse). 88 c Canadian Arctic Expedition, l'J13-18 PLATE VIII. Dipfrra collected by the ( 'anadiaii Arctic, Expedition, 1913-16. • I iu ling the Tipulidac and Culicidae). Diptera V.I , PLATE IX. Diptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition', 1913-16. (Excluding the Tipulidae and Culicidae) . 90 c Cnutnlioti Arctic K.r/H'd/t/oti. If) 1.1- IS PLAT!.'. X. 34- 40 Dipteni collected l>v the ( ':tiiadi;in Arctic Kxpedition, l(.H:j- 1<>. the Tipulidir :uid / D. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART D: MALLOPHAGA AND ANOPLURA Mallophaga Annnlura An°plUra A- W- Baker • G- F- Ferris and G. H. F. Nuttall. Vol. iii— 62183— 1 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 Issued September 12, 1919 3 Q Mallophaga of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. A. W. BAKER, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. The Mallophaga taken on the Canadian Arctic Expedition comprise a small collection of twenty species occurring in eleven genera. These parn were taken from thirteen species of bird hosts and one mammal. The collection shows three new records for America, and a considerable number of new ho>t records. The specimens were collected by Mr. Frits Johansen and other members of the expedition. In preparing this list I have followed Harrison's generic classification, and also have followed his specific synonymy. The result is that a number of common species appear under names which have not previously been given them in papers from this continent. I have also followed Harrison in giving the original bibliographical record for Nitzschian species. Since the districts where the collections were made are so infrequently worked over I have included the dates of collections for the possible benefit of future collectors. Considerable collections of Mallophaga from Alaskan birds have been worked over by Kellogg and others, and where these workers have made previous records from Alaskan birds of one of the species occurring in this collectioi, I have made mention of the record. I append figures of several forms which are new American ecords or of which descriptions and figures may not be readily available to Canadian students. I am much indebted to Mr. G. F. Ferris, of Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, for examining a number of species in the collection and comparing them with material in the University collections. I am also indebted to Mr. H. G. Crawford, of the Department of Entomology, Ontario Agricultural College, for preparation of the material for microscopic examination. Genus Menopon. Menopon striatum Kellogg, New Mallophaga III, 1899, p. 44, PL IV, f. 6. Numerous specimens, males and females, from Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus rupestris (GmeL), taken at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, in October, 1915, and from Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, in March, 1915. Recorded by Kellogg from Lagopus lagopus taken at Kodiak island, Alaska. Menopon sp. One specimen too immature for specific identification from a Horned Lark, Otocoris alpestris (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in August, 1915. Genus Myrsidea. Myrsidea brunnea Nitzsch. Zeit. f. ges. Nat. XXVII, 1866, p. 120. Numerous specimens, males and females, from American Raven, Corvus corax principalis (Ridgw) . ,taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in August, 1915. 62183—2 3D 4o Can8, p. 612. One female from a Pintail, Dafila acuta (Linn.), taken at Barter island, Alaska, in June, 1914. Recorded by various writers (T. luridum N.) from this and many other species of ducks. Genus Ricinus. Ricinus clypeatus Mjoberg. Arkiv. f. Zool., VI, 1910, p. 60, PI. II, f. 1. ( )ne female from a Horned Lark, Otocoris alpestris (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in August, 1915. Described by Mjoberg from two females from the same host in the Museum of ( iothenburg. Genus Trichodectes. Trichodectes sp. Included in the records of the collection is a statement that a red fox, Vulpes alascensis (Merriain), taken along the Sadlerochit river, in northern Alaska, had a species of Trichodectes (?) in its fur. Unfortunately no specimens were preserved. Genus Goniodes. Goniodes mammillatus Rudow. Zrit, f. ges. Nat. XXXV, 1870, p. 483. Numerous specimens, males and females, from Rock Ptarmigan, LagopUR 7'///>f.s-//-/.v ('(Iiiiel.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest, Territories, in June, P.Mf>,and May, PM(i. and at Demarcation point, Alaska, in .May, P.) 11 ; and from Willow Ptarmigan, 7,m/«/>//.s /m/o/;//.v (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in February, P.M."), and March, 1915, and at Demarcation point Alaska, in May, P.) 14. Recorded by Kellogg from Luyopus lagop-nx taken at Kodiak island, Alaska. Mallophaga 5D Genus Lipeurus. Lipeurus protervus Kellogg. New Mallophaga, III, 1899, p. 31, PI. Ill, f. 4. Many specimens, males and females, from Rock Ptarmigan, /,////<;/,//>• nq (Gmel.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in November, I'.ii:., and May, 1916, and at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1911: an. I Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, in February, 1915, and March, 1915, and at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1914. Also several males and one female from a Lapland Longspur, ('ul, lapponicus (Linn.), taken at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1!M 1. Sin<-«- the species is typically a parasite of grouse, one is led to" question tin- authenticity of this record. Recorded by Kellogg, and Kellogg and Kuwana from Lagopus lagopus from Alaska. From a comparison of the expedition specimens with the description- of European writers, I am led to the conclusion that L. protervu* is closely related to, if not identical with, the Nirmus quadrulatus of Nit/sch. This' species, which Harrison looks on as a synonym of Degeeriella camerata Nitzsch., has been recorded by a number of European writers from various species of Tctmn and Lagopus. Genus Philopterus. Philopterus ceblebrachys Nitzsch. In Denny, Anoplur. Brit., 1842, p. 92, PI. I, f. 3. Numerous specimens, males and females, from Snowy Owl, Nyctea nyctea (Linn.), taken at Barter inland, Alaska, in June, 1914. Recorded by Kellogg from the same host taken at point Barrow, Alaska. I have numerous specimens of this species from the same host taken in Ontario. These specimens are uniformly paler and stouter and the clypeal front more broadly truncate than the expedition specimens. The latter approach more nearly to the descriptions and dimensions given by European writers, especially Piaget, than do my southern specimens. It is doubtful, however, if the two can be separated. < Philopterus cursor Nitzsch. In Burmeister Handbuch II, 1838, p. 426. Mature male and female and numerous immature specimens of both sexes from Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan), A. actipitrinus (Pall.), taken at Barter island, Alaska, and Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1914. Recorded by Kellogg from the same host taken at point Barrow, Alaska. Philopterus dentatus Scopoli. Ent. Cam. 1763, p. 383. One female from a Hutchin's Goose, Branta canadensis hutch in*i (Richardson), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in June. 11)1."). Recorded by European and American writers (P. icterodes) from various species of ducks and geese; by Kellogg from Merganser serrator Linn., taken at Kodiak island, Alaska. 6o Caiuidnui Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Philopterus pustulosus Nit/scli. in Giebol, Zcit. f. gos. Nut., XXVIII, 1866, p. 363. Two mature males and one female and numerous immature specimens of both sexes from a Parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius (Lestris) parasiticus (Linn.), taken at Camden bay, Alaska, in June, 1914. Recorded by various European writers from the same host. Philopterus subflavescens Geoffrey. Hist. Abr. Ins., II, 1762, p. 599. .Numerous specimens, males and females, from Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax (Emberiza) nivalis (Linn.), taken at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1914, and at Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories, in June, 1916; from Lapland Long- spur, Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.), taken at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May, 1914; and from Gambel's Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambeli (Nuttall), taken at Demarcation point, Alaska in May 1914. The latter form is somewhat smaller than those from the other two hosts. Recorded by European and American writers (P. communis) from many species of passerine birds. Philopterus sp. One immature female from Baird's Sandpiper, Pisobia (Actodromas) bairdi (Coues), taken at Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, in June, 1916. The above specimen is too immature for final specific identification. It may be Philopterus fusiformis Denny, recorded by different writers from various Sandpipers. Philopterus sp. One specimen too immature for specific identification, from a Horned Lark, Otocoris alpestris (Linn.), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in June, 1915. Genus Degeeriella. Degeeriella complexiva Kell & Chap., New Mallophaga III, 1899, p. 75, PI. VI, f. 3. Two mature males and one immature specimen from Baird's Sandpiper, Pisobia (Actodromas} bairdi (Coues), taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in June, 1916. Recorded by Kellogg and Kuwana from Tringa canutus, from Alaska and by Kellogg and Chapman from Tringa (Arquatella) couesi from Alaska. Degeeriella vulgata Kellom;. X. w Mallophaga II, 1896, p. 496, PI. LXVII, f. 3. OIK' female of this common parasite of Passrn-s taken from a Gambel's Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambeli (Nuttall), at Demarcation point, Alaska, in May. 1914. Mallophaga 7o Genus Ornithobius. Ornithobius goniopleurus Denny, Anoplur. Brit. 1842, p. 184, PL XXIII, f. 2. Two females from Hutchin's Goose, Branta canadensis hutch / n *> i Kirh;inl-<»ii . taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in June, 1915. Recorded by several writers from Branta canadensis and other sprrics nt' geese and swans. Genus Esthiopterum. Esthiopterum anseris Linne, Syst. Nat. 1758, p. 612. One female from a Hutchin's Goose. Branta canadensis hutchinsi (Richardson; . taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, in June, 1915. Recorded by European and American writers (E. jejunum N.) from various species of geese, including Branta canadensis. LIST OF HOSTS WITH PARASITES. BIRDS — Stercorarius parasiticus (Linn.). Philopterus pustulosus Nitzsch. Dafila acuta (Linn.). Trinoton querquedulae Linne. Branta canadensis hutchinsi (Richardson). Trinoton anserinum Fabricius. Philopterus dentatus Scopoli. Ornithobius goniopleurus Denny. Esthiopterum anseris Linne. Pisobia bairdi (Coues). Philopterus sp. Degeeriella complexiva Kell & Chap. Lagopus lagopus (Linn.). Menopon striatum Kell. Goniodes mammillatus Rudow. Lipeurus protervus Kell. Lagopus rupestris (Linn.) Menopon striatum Kell. Goniodes mammillatus Rudow. Lipeurus protervus Kell. Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan). Philopterus cursor Nitzsch. Nyctea nyctea (Linn.). Philopterus ceblebrachys Nitzsch. * Otocoris alpestris (Linn.). Menopon sp. Ricinus clypeatus Mjoberg. Philopterus sp. Corvus cor ax principalis (Ridgway.) Myrsidea brunnea Nitzsch. Plectrophenax nivalis (Linn.). Philopterus subflavescens Geoffrey. SD Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 C Rothschild, London, England, for identification and report. Un- fortunately, however, they have been lost, and consequently no report on this group has been prepared. They were collected from the following hosts: Continental Arctic Fox. Alnp?x lagopus (Merriam). Parry's (.-I round Squirrel, Citellus parryii (Richardson). Keewatin Arctic Hare, Lcpux arcticus canus Preble. C. GORDON HEWITT, Domfnion Entomologist. 0 / E REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART E: COLEOPTERA Forest Insects, including Ipidse, Cerambycidae, and Buprestidae J. M. Swaine Carabidse and Silphidse . . . . . H. C. Fall Coccinellidse, Elateridae, Chrysomelidae, and Rhynchophora (excluding Ipidse) ....... C. W. Leng Dystiscidae . J. D. Sherman, Jr. OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHfi PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Issued December 12, 1919 65861- 1 3 E The Coleoptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. FOREST INSECTS. The Families IPIDAE, CERAMBYCIDAE and BUPRESTIDAE. By J. M. SWAINE, Chief, Division of Forest Insects, Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The forest insect collection was made principally at " Camp creek " and along; the adjoining river banks, on the east side of the Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, just below Sandstone rapids. Only a few isolated specimens were obtained in other localities. Along the river near Sandstone rapids is the northern limit of forest trees and to examine this Mr. Johansen made a special trip of over 50 miles. The trees here are white spruce, mostly stunted and growing in a very open stand, as is well shown in the accompanying illustration. Plate I. The examination was made in February at a temperature of about 50 degrees below zero. In addition to pieces of bark containing many dead beetles a section of a trunk and part of a dying branch were brought back by Mr. Johansen. A large number of trees were dead or showed dead and dying parts, and a superficial examination of these suggested that many of the dead standing trees had been killed by the bark-beetles whose galleries were extremely abundant on the wood surface wherever this was laid bare. Of the bark-beetles a species of Dendroctonus was found at the base of one dead tree; Polygraphs rufipennis Ky. and Pityophthorus nitidus Sw. appar- ently occurred in abundance, while an undescribed species of Carphoborus was probably less numerous and is represented in the collection by only two specimens exposed in a tunnel in one of the specimen sticks while removing the bark in the laboratory. Polygraphus rufipennis and Pityophthorus nitidus were the most numerous in the dead trees and occurred throughout the trunk. Usually they were well chitinized and dark in colour. These species were found chiefly in timber of medium size, rarely in very young or very old trees. The Dendroctonus beetles came entirely from the base of one large spruce which also carried the two smaller species (Polygraphus and Pityophthorus} in the upper part. There were many adult Dendroctonus beneath the bark, chiefly in cells in a compressed layer of frass lying, upon the surface of the wood. They were all very light in colour and had died before maturity. Mr. Johansen believes that all these beetles were dead when he collected the wood. The cause of their death was not apparent, but was probably due to adverse weather conditions. Cerambycid tunnels cut by larva of several species were also abundant in these dead trees, and had apparently been responsible, in part, for their death. The larger trees were usually quite without bark or had retained it only in patches, particularly about the base of the trunk. The wood surface showed many surface tunnels of cerambycid larvae, and although no living larvae were found, several dead adults of Mereum proteus Ky. were taken from these tunnels beneath the bark. Larval skins were found and dead larvae which had apparently been killed by parasitic hymenoptera whose cocoons, usually empty, were found beside them. The galleries of wood-boring ceram- bycid larvae were also numerous in these trees, and several dead adults were taken from the tunnels by Mr. Johansen. 4E ('(tinuiinn Arctic A'.r/W/7/o//, 1913-18 In his field notes Mr. .Johansen says of these tunnels: " The origin of this burrow could always he traced to a wound on the tree, a branch broken off by storms, a fire wound, or bare patch on which the birk had been killed by bark-beetles." Many of the living trees were examined by Air. Johansen, and although the young trees and those growing in a close stand were but little affected by insects, numbers of the others had dead and dying parts attacked by bark- beetles or cerambycid grubs. Jhndrnctunn* was not found at all in these living trees and the" tunnels of Polygjraphus and Pityophthorus were less numerous than in the dead timber just described. The cerambycid larva1 appeared to be more1 destructive. Trees were found with the top dead ar.d the Imse sound, with fresh cerambycid tunnels in the area between the dead and the healthy wood and extending down into the latter. Many of these tunnels were apparently confined to the inner bark and surface of the wood, while others were started on the wood surface and extended dee)) into the wood itself. From the surface tunnels six larva1 were taken, varying in length from (> mm. to 20 mm. These were kept frozen for eventual roaring;; but when thawed out in A lay, 1916, only two (10 mm. and 15 mm. long) were alive, and these died later before- transforming. Dead adults of Merium proteus Ky. were found in pupal cells at the ends of these surface tunnels, or in exit tunnels leading from them, so that this species was apparently responsible. Alany empty hymenopterous cocoons wore found in these1 tunnels beneath the bark. Mr. .lohansen says: " often I would find, instead of the cerambycid larva and adjacent to the larval skin, the cocoon of the parasitic hymenoptor; those cocoons were empty or contained dead pupa\, excepting one which held a living larva." The tunnels extending into the wood were of two sizes and doubtless made by distinct species. The larger of the two was like those in the dead trees already described from which adults of Xylotrechus undulatux Say were taken. Only two living larvae of this wood borer were found; these were lying fro/en stiff in the inner ends of the burrows. These1 Xylotrechus tunnels always originated at a wound or other exposed surface. They lie on the outer surface for a short distance and are there filled with boring dust, but extend later deep into the wood, eventually becoming longitudinal; there was practically no boring dust in the part of these uncompleted tunnels lying below the wood surface. This species was also heavily parasitized. In the ends of the larval galleries Air. Johansen often found, instead of the beetle larva, an empty cocoon of a hymenopterous parasite, and the large number of these, together with the scarcity of the cerambycid larva1, indicated th it the parasites were exerting effective control. Several s.iwfly l-irva1 were using these wood tunnels as a winter retreat. They are discussed elsewhere in the reports of this expedition. The smaller wood tunnels just referred to were cut by Xcoch/h^ mitrictihdna Ky. One dead adult of this species was removed from a tunnel below the wood surface after the matetial reached our laboratory. These tunnels, in so far as represented in the collection, are on a dead stub projecting from a branch still living when it wa- collected, but containing tunnels of the X i/lolrcc/ni*. In closing his field notes Air. Johansen states that forest injects, including bark-beetles and cerambycid larva-, have caused serious and extensive injury to the white spruce, even in that region, p'-actically the northern limit of trees on the ( 'oppermine river. He considers that those insects Ind killed the majority of the numerous dead trees he saw in that locality; and he suggests that the injuries to the most northern trees previously ascribed by Richardson and others to fires and unfavourable climatic conditions may have1 been really caused by similar insect outbreaks. Coleoptera 5 E Family IPIDAE (Scolytidse). Four species of this family were taken by Mr. Johansen in white spruce on the Coppermine river in latitude 67° 30', and another in hemlock bark at Latouche, Alaska. Genus Dendroctonus Erich. Erickson, Weig., Archiv., 1: 52, 1836. Dendroctonus johanseni, n. sp. Plate II, figure 6. Length 7 mm.; width 3 mm.; colour yellowish brown (immature); rather abundantly clothed with reddish hairs of moderate length; closely allied to punctatus Lee. The head has the front convex, broadly transversely impressed towards the epistoma, coarsely, closely irregularly rugosely punctured and hairy; the dorsal process of the epistoma with the sides oblique, not attaining the epistomal margin, followed behind by a short, acute, median, longitudinal carina; the vertex with the longitudinal line impressed; the eyes narrow, wider above; the antennal club slightly longer than wide, the first segment nearly as long as the rest united. The pronotum wider than long, slightly narrower than the elytra, the sides nearly straight on the caudal two-thirds narrowed from the hind angles con- stricted in front on the sides and dorsum bisinuate on the front margin with wide, oblique, impressions behind the middle; moderately closely and deeply punctured, the punctures irregular, of medium and small sizes, closer on the sides; with a narrow, acute, median carina from the base nearly to the front margin clothed with subrecumbent, short, reddish hairs. The elytra one and one-half times as long as wide; the striae impressed moderately throughout more strongly towards the suture and on the sides; the strial punctures rather coarse, not deep, rather close, smaller at the base, very little reduced in size on the declivity; the interspaces moderately convex, hardly wider or sometimes narrower than the striae confusedly roughened with acute granules, moderate in size, becoming more numerous, larger, transverse asperities at the base, and sparse and acute behind; the larger granules uniseriate towards the declivity, reduced in size upon the declivital face with irregular small, feebly granulate punctures on the declivital interspaces; the granules smaller and the punctures more numerous on the lateral interspaces than on the disc; the suture wider with the granules confused throughout; the punctures of the declivital striae distinct, almost as large as upon the disc; rather sparsely clothed throughout with long, erect, reddish hairs longer upon the declivity. The ventral surface finely granulate punctate. The proepisternal area dis- tinctly moderately punctured, not strongly granulate. The male declivity is brightly polished with the strial punctures somewhat smaller. Type No. 152, Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, F. Johansen, collector; Feb. 15, 1915, 2510. Host, Picea canadensis. This species together with micans, of Europe, and punctutas Lee., of the Eastern States, forms a sharply isolated group, distinguished by the coarse strial punctures of the elytral declivity. It is closely allied to punctatus Lee. but appears to be distinct. The pronotal carina is barely indicated in punctatus, the elytral striae are only feebly impressed on the disc, the strial punctures smaller and tfhe elytral interspaces wider than the striae and less coarsely granu- 65861—2 6 E Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 late than in Arctic species. D. punctatus Lee. has .been recorded from West Virginia, New York, and Pennsylvania, but has apparently never been taken in Kastern Canada. Described from about sixty immature adults, taken by Mr. Johansen, dead, in the dried bark at the base of a large dead tree, in February. The beetles had evidently been dead sometime and were brittle, so that many are in poor condition. Mr. Johansen considers these beetles the primary cause of the death of the tree. It appears that some agency, probably _ abnormal weather conditions, had killed the broods that he found before they emerged from the bark. Genus Carphoborus Eichh. Eichhoff, Berl. Ent. Zeit., 8: 27, 1864. Carphoborus andersoni, n. sp. Plate II, figure 1. Length, 2-5 mm.; width, 1 mm.; colour, pale reddish (immature). DESCRIPTION OF THE FEMALE : The head has the front flattened and densely clothed with a brush of rather short yellow hairs; the antenna? slender, the club longer than wide. The pronotum is slightly wider than long, with the sides arcuately narrowed from base to apex, only feebly constricted in front; the front broadly rounded; the disc closely and deeply but not coarsely punctured, the median line very faint; the pubescence very small, scale-like, not concealing the surface. The elytra are elongate, the sides subparallel, broadly rounded behind; the bases very strongly elevated and rugose as usual; the stria? distinctly im- pressed, as wide as the interspaces, the strial punctures coarse and closely placed; t he interspaces convex, feebly granulate, clothed with abundant rather slender pale scales which do not entirely hide the surface; the declivity with the 1st interspace but little more elevated than the 2nd and only feebly granulate, the 2nd interspace convex, nearly smooth, narrower behind; the 3rd interspace rather strongly elevated and armed with 5 or 6 rather coarse acute serrations; 5th and 7th interspaces united in a rather broad curve slightly elevated behind .'iiid together bearing 3 or 4 acute serrations. This species will go in my key, Dom. Ent. Br. Bull. 14, pt. 2, p. 57, under AA, BB, but is widely separated from bicristatus and bifurcus by the large size, coarse declivital serrations, less elevated declivital alternate interspaces, and characters of the front. Type No. 153, Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, F. Johansen, collector; Feb. 15, 1915; 1 paratype (a few fragments); lot 2908. Host, Picea canadensis. One set of tunnels was found in a white spruce limb about one inch in di;i meter. The nuptial chamber is 6 mm. in diameter with the entrance tunnel indicated and three egg-tunnels; one of these is possibly complete, 6 cm. long, 1 mm. wide, with 28 egg-niches and larval mines developed from 16 of these. The second egg-tunnel is 1 cm. long, with 3 egg-niches cut, and the third tunnel is only started. The egg-niches are small and alternately arranged. The mines are probably not completed; the longest is slightly more than 2 cm in length. Some are model ately elongate and some widen very rapidly. All are filled with white boring dust mixed with red excrement. The species had overwintered as immature larvae and two young immature adults. The stick was collected in February, 1915. Coleoptera 7 E Genus Polygraphus Erich. Erichson, Weig. Archiv., 1 :57. Polygraphus rufipennis Ky. Plate II, figure 2. Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer., 4:193, tab. 8, fig. 2, Apate (Lepisomus) 1837, Apate (Lepisomus) nigriceps Ky. Kieby, loc. cit. 194, Polygraphus saginatus Mannh. Mannerheim, Bui. Mosc., 237, 1853; Apate (Lepisomus) brevicornis Ky. Kirby, loc. cit., 194, (Probably not rufipennis, but injured and unrecog- nizable.) A stout cylindrical species, clothed with scales. Length, 2 mm. to 3 mm., colour black, elytra very dark piceous. DESCRIPTION OF THE FEMALE. — The head has the front flat, shining, finely and closely punctured, and rather densely clothed with short yellow hairs, denser in a subcircular fringe about the margin of the front, extending about the base of the mandibles and between the sections of the eyes; the vertex and gense with dense and minute punctulations and a few large, shallow punc- tures, almost glabrous; the eyes completely divided and surrounded by a narrow shining border; the epistomal margin raised, shining, and very broadly emar- ginate; the antennal funicle usually with six segments, the pedicel large, the club unsegmented, subacute at the tip, closely pubescent. The pronotum is two-thirds as long as wide; the caudal margin sub truncate, bisinuate, the sides on caudal half straight, slightly convergent, deeply, suddenly constricted in front of the middle, front margin broadly arcuate, feebly emarginate at middle line; closely finely granulate-punctate and clothed with short scale-like hairs; with a very fine indistinct median raised line. The elytra are two and one-half times as long as wide; as wide as the pronotum at the base; the bases individually moderately arcuate, finely raised and crenulate, the striae very faintly indicated; the elytra closely, finely asperate- punctate, with a row of coarser asperities along each interspace and these larger asperities confused and numerous towards the base of the disc; the strial punctures with minute slender inconspicuous setae; the numerous punctures of the interspaces with short, blunt, stout, scale-like hairs, with those from the row of coarser asperate punctures longer, particularly towards and upon the declivity and on the sides; so the pubescence is rather closely subscale-like, with a row of longer, lighter coloured, stout hairs on each interspace, and the finely asperate surface showing through. THE MALE. — The male has the front convex above with two small approx- imate tubercles arranged transversely on the middle line; impressed cephalad of the tubercles; the pronotum usually shorter, and more deeply constricted in front. VARIATIONS. — The size varies from 2 mm. to 3 mm. in length. The colour varies from piceous to nearly black. The front of the male has sometimes only one frontal tubercle and the anterior impression varies in depth. The most interesting variation is in the segmentation of the antennal funicle. This is typically six-segmented, with the second segment small and the distal segments widened. Not infrequently however, we find a reduction in the number. Two more common conditions are with four segments on the outer part of the funicle of which the second segment is partly divided by a deep suture, or with the second and third segments almost entirely fused. It is very evident that the segmentation of the antennal funicle is a variable character in this species, as in other allied species. This subject is further referred to under the Genus Polygraphus, Dom. Ent. Br., Bull. 14, Part 2. 65861— 2£ 8 E Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 This species is abundant throughout the spruce forests of Canada, from the Pacific Coast eastward to Newfoundland. It is rare in pine, and rather commonly found in larch. About forty specimens were received in the bark of a section from a dead white spruce trunk collected by Mr. Johansen at Camp creek, below Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, February. 15, 1915. The tunnels of this species, associated with those of Pityophthorus, were numerous on the exposed wood surface of dead standing trees and beneath the patches of bark which remained, particularly on the upper portions of the trunk; numbers of dead adults were taken in the tunnels beneath these patches of bark. On the dead and dying parts of the living trees these Polyyraphus and PUyophthorus tunnels were also found, but they were not so numerous here as on the old dead trees, and were not found at all in some of the dying branches and trunks examined. It was evident that cerambycid larvae had been more injurious than bark-beetles during the season previous to the exam- ination. Genus Pityophthorus Eichh. Eichhoff, Berl. Ent. Zeit., 8; 39, 45, 46, 1864. Pityophthorus nitidus Sw. Plate II, figures 3, 4, 5. Swaine, Dom. Ent. Br., Dept. Agric. Bull. 14, pt. 1, p. 26, 1917. DESCRIPTION OF THE FEMALE.— The length, 2.1 mm.; 2f times as long as the width; the elytral striae not impressed, the strial punctures small; the declivity sulcate-retuse, not acuminate. The head has the front flattened, the flat area bounded by a semi-circular line behind, very densely, minutely punctured and densely pubescent with short yellow hairs: the median carina nearly obsolete except the cephalic end which forms a rather prominent carinate tooth on the epistoma; the eyes rather finely granulate, deeply narrowly emarginate; the antennal club very wide, short oval almost subcircular, the sutures broadly arcuate the third most strongly, the first two segments each distinctly shorter than either of the last two; rather closely pubescent. The pronotum is as long as wide; very broadly rounded behind, strongly arcuate on the sides behind; moderately constricted before the middle, broadly rounded on the front margin which is finely serrate, the asperities slightly stronger at the middle; the summit slightly in front of the middle with a wide transverse impression across the disc immediately behind the summit; finely subconcentrically asperate in front, rather coarsely, very densely, subgranulately punctured behind, the punctures smaller towards the lateral margins; with a small impunctuate spot on the middle of the side, and a smooth median space. The cli/tra are slightly less than twice as long as the pronotum, 9:5, faintly narrower than the pronotum; truncate at the base; the sides subparallel for over two-thirds the length then narrowed and rather broadly rounded behind, very faintly sulcat e-'vt use .is viewed from above; the upper part of the declivity distinctly sulcate-retuse; the sutural striae finely impressed; the remaining striae only very faintly indicated, except near the lateral margins the last two strongly impressed, especially behind; the strial punctures small, fairly close and deep, in only moderately regular rows; the interspaces not convex, sparsely uniseriately punctured in the interspaces of the disc, more closely punctured about the base and lateral margins; the ninth interspace moderately convex behind. The declivity is broadly sulcate above, the sulcus wide, not deep, not widened behind, shining, the sides feebly retuse, with a row of minute Coleoptera 9 E granules on the suture and along the region of the third interspace; the whole declivity smooth and brightly shining, with the punctures extremely minute, hardly visible except towards the sides. The disc and the declivity are almost glabrous, with only minute very sparse pubescence; the pubescence about the lateral margins very short but distinct. The last sternite is rather deeply, broadly emarginate. The male has the front flattened as before, but coarsely, fairly closely punctured with a well-developed median carina, and the pubescence almost invisible, the last ventral is emarginate as in the female. Described from Quebec Province, Tullochgoram; Picea canadensis. Other localities: Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que.; Truro, N.S. About fifty specimens were received from the bark of a section of a dead white spruce trunk, collected by Mr. Johansen at "Camp creek," below Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, February 15, 1915, in associa- tion with Polygraphus rufipennis Ky., page The Coppermine specimens are constantly somewhat larger than the typical form and the elytral striae are usually more finely punctured, but they are left for the present under nitidus Sw. Genus Pseudohylesinus Swaine. Dom. Ent. Br., Dept. Agric., Bull. 14; 11, 1917. Pseudohylesinus tsugae Sw. Latouche, Alaska, C.A.E., Sept. 13, 1916, F. Johansen, collector. One broken specimen, taken in hemlock bark, is doubtfully referred to this species. OTHER NORTHERN RECORDS IN OUR COLLECTION. Dendroctonus valens Lee. Fort Chipewyan, Alta., June 13, 15, 1914, F. Harper, collector, 9 speci- mens. Dryocoetes affaber Mannh. Yukon Territories; lat. 62° 31'-63° 06' N., long. 137° 30/-1.39° 30' W., 1916; D. D. Cairnes, collector, 1 specimen. Orthotomicus vicinus Lee. Yukon Territories; lat. 62° 31'-63° 06' N., long. 137° 30'-139° 30' W., 1916; D. D. Cairnes, collector, 1 specimen. Ips perturbatus Eichh. Yukon Territories; lat. 62° 31'-63° 06' N., long. 137° 30'-139° 30' W., 1916; D. D. Cairnes, collector, 3 specimens, small Arctic race. This is probably the species referred to by Children* as Bostrichus typographies. Back's Overland Expedition, London, 1836, page 532. 10 E Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Family CERAMBYCIDAE. Only four species of this family were obtained in the extreme north including seven specimens in all. Genus Criocephalus Muls. Criocephalus agrestis Kirby. Fn. Bor. Am., IV, p. 140, 1837; Leconte, J. A. P., ser 2, 11, 36, 1850; Leng., Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., VII, 64, 1884; Blatchley, Col. of Indiana, 1015, 1910. One male from the Arctic coast; length, 2.1 cm., width 5.5 mm. at base of elytra, length of elytra 16.5 mm.; width of pronotum 4.5 mm.; length of pronotum 4 mm. The pronotal impressions moderate; the sides narrowly rounded, with only a few rugosities; punctuation close and minutely granulate. The elytra densely punctured and minutely granulate; the two costse rather strongly developed. More densely and coarsely granulate-punctuate than usual, but probably conspecific with the more southern forms. Cape Bathurst, Northwest Territories, August 22, 1914, R. M. Anderson, collector, 886; crawling on beach, probably from driftwood which had come down the Mackenzie river or the Anderson river. Other northern records: Rampart House, Yukon Territory (18 miles south), D. H. Nelles, collector, 9 specimens; 3 much smaller specimens from the same place may be distinct 14 mm. in length; slender, the pronotum subcircular from above, Dawson, Y.T., VIII, 1909, one specimen. Genus Merium Kirby. Merium proteus Kirby. Fn. Bor. Am. LV, p. 172, t.s.; f.s. 1837; Mannerheim, Bull. Mosc. Ill, 1853, 247; Leconte, J. A. P., ser. 2, II, p. 32; Leng, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., VII, p. 100, 1885; Blatchley, Col. of Indiana, p. 1019, 1910; Casey, Memoirs, III, 286, 1912. Three dead specimens of this well known species were taken from the bark of dead white spruce. One specimen has only faint traces of the pale lines on the elytra; otherwise they need no description. Coppermine river, below Sandstone rapids, Northwest Territories, February 17, 1915, F. Johansen, collector. Other northern records: Fort Cudahy, Yukon Territory, August 25, 1896, W. Ogilvie, collector, 3 specimens; Dawson, Yukon Territory, May 17, 1908, 1 specimen. Genus Neoclytus Thomson. Neoclytus muricatulus Kirby. Fn. Bor. Am., IV, p. 177, 1837; Leng, Ent. Am., Ill, 8; Wickham, Can. Ent., XXIX, p. 152, 1897. Length, 9 mm.; width, 2.5 mm.; brown with grayish white markings; the pronotum as wide as long. Below Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, February 15, 1915, F. Johansen, collector; one specimen, taken from the pupal cell in small limb of white spruce. The tunnels of Neoclytus muricatulus are numerous on a short dead branch from a living tree. Part of the bark had fallen; the branch had been dead for Coleoptera HE at least a year; and some of the tunnels were evidently several years old. The tunnels of this species are slender, elongate, winding, more or less longitudinal upon the surface, scoring the wood, then entering the wood through an oval hole to continue below the surface for two or three inches. The pupal period is passed in this tunnel and the adult emerges eventually through a round exit hole. The larvae of this species had evidently been heavily parasitized, for many empty cocoons of a hymenopterous parasite were attached to the tunnels beneath the bark. One dead adult beetle was found in an exit tunnel just below the wood surface. Genus Xylotrechus Chevr. Xylotrechus undulatus Say. Long's Expedition, II, p. 291, 1820; Leng, Ent. Am., II, p. 200. Length of the elytra, 1 cm.; width of pronotum, 4 mm.; length of pronotum, 3.5 mm.; colour dark brown with the transverse markings yellowish white; pronotum with apical band interrupted only at median line, caudal band feebly indicated on the sides, sides of pronotum grayish from superimposed fine gray hairs; elytra with basal line feeble, discal spot strong, median transverse line strong and continued along the suture and side margin forward nearly to the base. The subapical transverse line strong complete (this line almost invariably interrupted in the middle in our collection of over 60 specimens) apical marking strong; longitudinal grayish tracings very faint. One specimen below Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, February 15, 1915; F. Johansen, collector. One specimen was removed in fragments from tunnels in the wood of a white spruce; it had been working in a dead patch on a living tree. A second specimen found in the same stick is lighter brown, and lacks the longitudinal grayish markings. Cerambycid tunnels which may be those of Xylotrechus undulatus are numerous in a part of a branch dying at the time of collection. The surface tunnels are wide and flat, scoring the wood, and filled with frass, freely winding, and very irregular in width. They eventually enter the wood through an oval hole, penetrate to the centre of the branch and continue longitudinally for about two inches. In this last portion the larvae pass the winter. There were no exit holes. Monochamus tunnels, probably those of scutellatus, were on the large stick. Two larvae had entered the wood but neither of them emerged. There were no adults in the collection. OTHER NORTHERN RECORDS IN OUR COLLECTION. Monochamus scutellatus Say. Fort Cudahy, Yukon Territory, 25-VIII-96, W. Ogilvie, collector, Id1, 19 ; Upper Stewart river, Yukon Territory, Jos. Keele, collector, 1881, 1905, 19 ; Rampart House (18 miles south), Yukon Territory, D. A. Nelles collector; Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06' N., long. 137° 20' to 129° 30' W., 2 t two named localities have the hind angles of the thorax more obtuse and perhaps represent a distinct species; some variation in this respect however is noticeable among the others. Genus Amara Bon. Amara haematopa Dej. (similis Kby.) Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 22, 1915; June 20, 1916; Jul}- 9, 1916; 2d"'s, 39 's; F. Johansen, collector. Of these specimens Id1 and 29 's are quite black, Id1 metallic, the third with faintly greenish elytra. The general form of body is quite like that of Pterostichus agonus and it seems not to have been observed by Horn that the penultimate joint of the labial palpus is bisetose in front as in Pterostichus, not plurisetose as in the rest of the AmaraB. Amara brunnipennis Dej. The material sent me contains ninety-three samples of this common and widespread boreal species. The following localities are represented, all speci- mens collected by F. Johansen unless otherwise stated. Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916; Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914; west of Collinson point, Alaska, June 12, 1914, E. deK. Leffingwell, collector; Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, summer of 1911, V. Stefansson, collector; Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 7 and 26, 1914; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 18-September 1, 1915, and 1916; Kugalik river, Wollaston peninsula, Victoria island, August 18, 1915, D. Jenness, collector. Probably Armstrong point, west side of Victoria island, June, 1916, J. Hadley, collector. Amara glacialis Mann. ( 'ocklmrn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, August 30 and September 7, 1914, twelve cf's, eleven 9's; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June and July, 1915 and 1916, sixteen cf's, nine 9's; all collected by F. Johansen. Lebia (?) sp. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 2, 1915, F. Johansen, collector. A mere wreck with dorsum of thorax and all appendages missing. Evidently found in this condition and perhaps not an inhabitant of the region explored. It does not appear to be identical with any of our American species of this genus, none of which have ever been reported from so far north. Family SILPHIDAE. Genus Silpha Linn. Silpha lapponica Hbst. Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska,' July 4, 1914, F. Johansen, collector; Nos. 175-6; Port Kpuorth, Coronation gulf, July 15, 1915 (on dried fish), Nos. 123-7, J. J. O'Xeill, collector; Koglukfualuk river (Tree river), Coronation gulf, Northwest Territories, July 1915, J. J. O'Neill, collector, No. 106. Coleoptera 17 E Family COCCINELLIDAE. By CHAS. W. LENG. Genus Coccinella Linn. Coccinella quinquenotata Kirby. Langton bay, Northwest Territories, 1910-11, No. 1630, R. M. Anderson, collector. Coccinella nugatoria Mulsant. Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, summer 1911, No. 1865, V. Stefansson, collector; Kater point, Bathurst inlet, Northwest Territories, August 24, 1915, J. J. O'Neill, collector, No, 109. Both of these species are closely related to Coccinella transversoguttata Fabricius, a species widely distributed in the northern parts of both hemispheres, the larva feeding on aphids. Family ELATERIDAE. By C. W. LENG. Genus Hypnoidus Steph. Hypnoidus barbatus Sahib. Nome, Alaska, F. Johansen, collector, August 24-25, 1916; Nos. 21, 22. Family CHRYSOMELIDAE. By C. W. LENG. Genus Chrysomela Linn. Chrysomela subsulcata Mann. Tundra plateau, Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914, No. 431; tundra at Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June or July, 1914, No. 436; Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914, No. 458; under old driftwood logs in tundra behind house at Collinson point, Alaskan Arctic coast, September 27, 1913, Nos. 1151, 1152; Collinson point, Alaska, June 18, 1914, No. 1171; Collinson point, Alaska, September 2, 1914; tundra east of Collinson point, Alaska, September 2, 1914, No. 1642. The last one was collected as larva June 18, 1914, and pupated July 13, 1914 (breeding record 8). All collected by F. Johansen. Genus Lina Meg. Lina scripta Linn. Collected as pupae September 10, 1916, on Alnus leaves and reared (breeding record 135). Ketchikan, Alaska, September 16-20, 1916, F. Johansen, collector, Nos. 1211 to 1213. 18 E Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Genus Galerucella Crotch. Galerucella decora Say. Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, 1910-11, V. Stefansson and R. M. Anderson, collectors; Nos. 1700 to 1704 and 1698 to 1699. Genus Haltica Geoff. Haltica bimarginata Say. Langton bay, Northwest Territories, V. Stefansson and R. M. Anderson, collectors, 1910-11; No. 1631. Family DYTISCIDAE. By J. D. SHERMAN, JR. Genus Hydroporus Clairv. Hydroporus humeralis Aube. Teller, Alaska, August, 1913, two specimens; Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June, 1914, three specimens; Demarcation point, Alaska, May, 1914, five specimens; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June, July, six speci- mens. All collected by F. Johansen. A common, variable, Pacific coast species. Hydroporus tartaricus Lee. Collinson point, Alaska, September, 1913, seven specimens; Demarcation point, Alaska, May, 1914, five specimens; Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories, May to August, five specimens; all collected by F. Johansen. Hydroporus sp. (Perhaps tristis Payk.) Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May, July, F. Johansen; two specimens. Genus Coelambus Thorn. Coelambus unguicularis Cr. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June, F. Johansen, collector; four specimens. Genus Ilybius Er. Ilybius angustior Gyll. Teller, Alaska, August 1913, F. Johansen, collector; two specimens. Ex- tremely common in Labrador. Coleoptera 19 E Genus Agabus Leach. Agabus nigripalpis Sahib. Teller, Alaska, August 1913, one specimen, F. Johansen, collector; Collinson point, Alaska, September 1913, six specimens, F. Johansen, collector; Barter island, Alaska, July 1914, one specimen, D. Jenness, collector; Demarcation point, Alaska, May 1914, two specimens, F. Johansen, collector; Bernard har- bour, Northwest Territories, May to August, forty-two specimens, F. Johansen, collector; Colville mountains, Wollaston peninsula, Victoria island, July 1914, one specimen, D. Jenness, collector. This variable species, taken by R. Bell at Stupart's bay and cape Digges, Hudson strait, was regarded by Dr. Sharp as probably a variety of Agabus congener Payk.- Agabus infuscatus Aube. A single specimen; Teller, Alaska, July 29, 1913; F. Johansen, collector. Very common at some points in Labrador. Agabus obsoletus Lee. Collinson point, Alaska, September 1913; F. Johansen, collector, two specimens. Described from San Diego, California. I have a large series from Oregon (Corvallis and Gaston). Genus Colymbetes Clairv. Colymbetes dolobratus Payk. Teller, Alaska, July 1913, F. Johansen, collector, two specimens; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May to July, F. Johansen, collector, seven specimens. An Alaskan and Siberian species. The RHYNCHOPHORA (except IPIDAE). By CHAS. W. LENG. Genus Lepyrus Germ. The species of Lepyrus inhabit the northern parts of both hemispheres, extending southward in America to the White mountains of New Hampshire, the swamps of Genesee county, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Colorado. The larvae live in willows and aspens. Lepyrus gemellus Kirby. Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, V. Stefansson, collector, summer 1911; No. 1687. Lepyrus capucinus Schall. Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, V. Stefansson, collector, summer 1911; Nos. 1671-3. 20 E Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Lepyrus palustris Scopoli. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 4, 1916, F. Johansen, col- lector; No. H>34. Genus Stephanocleonus Motsch. Stephanocleonus plumbeus Leconte. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 6-7, 1915, F. Johansen, collector; No. 1249. Described from the northern shore of Lake Superior; an uncommon species recorded from Telegraph creek, British Columbia, and from Maine, Connecticut, ( 'olorado, and New Mexico. Genus Trichalophus Lee. Trichalophus stefanssoni, n. sp. Oblong-oval, black, thickly clothed above and beneath with short, white, decumbent hairs, sometimes condensed into vaguely defined spots on the elytra and an oblique line at each side of disc of thorax. Beak finely carinate, slightly dilated at apex, antennal groove deep, almost reaching the eye; scape of antennae almost reaching the eye, funicle seven-jointed, first two joints each longer than the succeeding bead-like joints, club three-jointed, oval, pointed, annulated. Eyes oval, transverse, finely granulated. Head slightly protuberant between and above the eyes. Thorax slightly longer than wide, slightly con- stricted and narrower in front; surface uneven, a complete median carina with a minute polished tubercle each side thereof being the most conspicuous inter- ruptions of the surface. Elytra oval, convex, with feeble numeral angles, surface irregularly interrupted and tending to form rows of small tubercular elevations. The surface is very minutely punctulate between the elevations, visible only by removing the hairs. Front coxae contiguous, prominent; middle coxae separated by less than half their width; also prominent; hind coxae widely separated, not prominent first again longer, oval at tip. Femora slightly incrassate, tibiae excavated at apex, with spinulose fringe and a conspicuous spine; tarsi broad, pubescent beneath, third joint divided, claws simple. Re- sembles in many respects Trichalophus didymus Leconte from Vancouver, British Columbia and Colorado, but differs in the shorter antennae, the carination of the beak, the size and obscure maculation. Length, including beak, 10-12 mm.; width, at middle of the elytra, 3-5- 5-0 nun. Bernard harbour, (Cockburn point), Northwest Territories; September 26, 1914, F. Johansen, collector, Nos. 919-927; May 22, 1915, F. Johansen, collector, (.»2(.) to 935; July 6, 7, 1915, F. Johansen, collector, No. 1251; June and September, 19161, F. Johansen, collector, Nos. 268, 269; July 10, 1916, F. Johan- sen, collector, Nos. 267, 218; cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories, July 1916, I). Jeimess, collector, No. 292. No. 929 is designated as the type and is in the National Museum, Ottawa, as well as the other specimens named except No. 925 which is in my own collec- tion. No. 107, Kogluktualuk river, Coronation gulf, Northwest Territories, July 1915, J. J. O'Neill, collector, differs from the above only by the brownish colour of the hairs, possibly as the result of accidental staining. 1 The one that emerged in September 1916, was collected as a larva June 20, 1916, and pupated August 8, 1916. (Breeding-record 122). Coleoptera 21 E No. 167, Langton bay (Franklin bay), Northwest Territories, summer 1911, V. Stefansson, collector, is another aberrant specimen, partly denuded, with brownish hairs. No. 747, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 17, 1915, F. Johanscn, collector, is another still more difficult specimen to place, for it is almost entirely denuded and looks therefore quite different. It is however, the same species as those described above and exhibits actual sculpture of the surface, which is scabrous throughout except that on the front part of the thorax it becomes evidently distinctly punctate. The tribe Alphini, to which the species described above belongs is repre- sented by numerous species in Siberia. I have tried to identify this species with one of them without success; and as most of the described species occur in the region of Lake Baikal, while it is in northeastern Siberia that the fauna more nearly resembles that of America, it seems probable that it has heretofore escaped discovery, though evidently abundant in the Canadian Arctic Region. Genus Sitona Germ. Sitona discoidea Gyllenhal (?). - Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 6, 7, 1915; F. Johansen, collector, No. 1248. The condition of the single specimen of this species makes an exact identifi- cation impossible. Coleoptera 23 E PLATE I. White spruce forest on the Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, below Sandstone rapids, showing also scrub willows; February 15, 1915, F. Johansen, Photo. _> j ,.: Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 i:\IM.A\ATiOX OF PLATE II 1. Bark-beetles. Kit;. 1. Cca'phoborusandersoniSw. '2. I'olijyriipliuH rnjl[)cnnix Ky. l-'iu. :-!. PityopMhorus iiitidn* SA-. Ki«. I. Pttyophthorus ni.!i. l'it.i/<>i>tit-h(>ntx n'tti K Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. PI.ATK '2. Spruce from Coppermine River forest, below Sandstone rapids. Fig. 1. Section showing work of Polygraph us rujifwnnis Ky., beneath the bark. Fiji. 2. Spruce branch showing tunnels of Carphoboni* andersoni Sw. Fig. '.). Spruce branch showing tunnels of Xylotrcchnx nmlitlaln* and Xcocli/titx »tt, the reverse side. Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 27 E Pl ATE III. 4 I F REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART F: HEMIPTERA By EDWARD P. VAN DUZEE SOUTHERN PARTY-1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol. iii— 54698— 1 Issued July llth, 1919 Hemiptera of the Canadian Arctic Expedition By EDWARD P. VAN DUZEE. The small collection of Hemiptera taken by the Canadian Arctic Expedition contains representatives of eleven species of which one is certainly new to science and is here described as Euscelis hyperboreus, and another is a Siberian saldid now first reported from North America. The softer Homoptera and Miridae are in many cases too much changed by their immersion in alcohol to admit of positive identification. All the specimens recorded here were taken by Mr. F. Johansen during the progress of the Expedition. Ligyrocoris constrictus Say. One specimen taken at Ketchikan, Alaska, September 10, 1916. This species has been found throughout Canada and the northern United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Stenodema vicinum Provancher. A single individual taken with the preceding. It is distributed throughout the same territory but extends somewhat farther south in the United States. Orthotylus sp. Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union Strait, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1916. Nine examples. This form is very near Orthotylus discolor J. Sahlberg, described from northern Siberia, and may prove to be identical with that species but the present material is in too poor a condition for positive determination. They are of the same size, 3% mm., and are thickly clothed with stiff black hairs. The base of the vertex is strongly carinate and paler, the posterior field of the pronotum and median line of the scutellum are also pale, the second segment of the antennae is about as long as the hind margin of the pronotum and distinctly paler in the male, the basal segment being shorter than the1 head. All these characters and those of the legs are as described by Dr. Reuter for discolor, but here the inner margin of the corium as well as the clavus is darker, and the elytra of the females are not shorter and distinctly paler than in the males, at least not so far as I can judge from the condition of these specimens. This form seems to belong to the group of willow-inhabiting species represented by Orthotylus pullatus Van D. of the western United States. Lobopidea sp. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 10, 1915. One discoloured and fragmentary specimen certainly represents a small brachypterous species of this genus which was probably green in life. Limnoporus rufoscutellatus Latreille. Ketchikan, southeastern Alaska, September 10, 1916. Four examples taken running on the surface of a pond. Widely distributed in the northern portions of Europe and America. 4F Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Chiloxanthus stellata Curtis. This large saldid seems to be common in Arctic America. Mr. Johansen look adults at Demarcat ion point, Alaska, May 16, 1914; west of Kongenevik, Camden bay. Alaska, July 4, 1914, about the margins of a tundra pond; at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915, and August 4 and 25, 1(.H.">; and the young at Collinson point, Alaska, September 13, 1913; Collinson point. Alaska, .June 2.">, 1914; and Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, .bine 20, H)l(>. The Philadelphia Academy of Sciences possesses a good series taken near the mouth of the Mackenzie river. Calacanthia trybomi J. Sahlberg. Collinson point, Alaska, six adults taken June 23, 1914, and one young, apparently of this species, taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915. These adults agree in all respects with the descriptions of tri/hon// by Sahlberg and Reuter and there can hardly be a question of their identity. It is its first-recorded occurrence in North America. Arctocorixa sp. Two examples taken from a tundra pond at Teller, Alaska, August 6, 1913. Euscelis hyperboreus n. sp. Related to extrusus Van D. and alpinus Ball, but smaller and narrower than either; pale markings on the vertex forming an angled line at apex, a transverse line between the ocelli, and two quadrate spots occupying the base; fuscous margins of the elytral nervures composed of segregated irrorations. Length, \-\\2 mm. Vertex quite strongly produced, forming a right angle in the female, its median length one half the basal width, the length next the eye two-thirds that on the median line; in the male distinctly shorter; passage to the front well rounded. Front broad and short, the sides slightly incurved to the base of the clypeus. Clypeus broad, oblong, the sides rectilinear and scarcely approaching at apex. Lorae broad, almost reaching the margins of the cheeks below. Prorio- tum one-fourth longer than the vertex in the female; nearly a half longer in the male. Elytra short, scarcely surpassing the abdomen in the male; attaining the middle of the fifth tergal segment in the female; the costa strongly arcuate with the apex rounded. Valve of the male as long as the ultimate ventral segment, triangular; plates broad, truncate at apex, together almost quadrangular, their margins with a few stiff bristles. Styles but little surpassing the plates, attaining the apex of the anal tube. Last ventral segment of the female short, broadly excavated; pygofers broad, triangularly narrowed beyond the apex of the last ventral segment . ( 'olour yellowish testaceous becoming paler beneath and a little tinged with fulvous on the abdomen. Vertex fuscous before an arcuated line either side on the anterior margin from the tip to the ocelli; a transverse line across the surface between the ocelli, and the disk posteriorly pale, the latter divided into two quadrate spots by the fuscous median line. Face fuscous, median line and lateral arcs of the front, sides of the clypeus and disk of the lora? and cheeks pale. Pronotum dusky posteriorly, the anterior submargin marked with a concentric row of about ten dark points. Scutellum with the margins pale and calloused on the basal one-half and the basal angles more or less marked with pale. Elytral nervures pale, mostly margined with lines composed of fuscous irrora- tions. Legs pale, varied with fuscous, the anterior and intermediate femora Hemiptera SF being twice-banded. Edge of the connexrvum fulvous, the narrow hind edge of the tergal segments and the disk of the fifth and sixth in the female pate. Described from one male from west of Kongenevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914, and one female from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915. This species approaches alpinus in the shape and markings of the vertex and extrusus in the colouration of the elytra, but it is smaller and narrower than either, being scarcely longer than striatulus. Holotype, male, in the National collection of Insects, Ottawa. Allotype, female, in collection of the California Academy of Sciences. Euscelis sp. West of Kongenevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914, one example taken in the shelter of the tundra bluffs. This form is very near Deltocephalus harrimani Ashmead, also from Alaska, and it probably is that species, but it is impossible to identify it positively from Ashmead's description. Thamnotettix sp. Ketchikan, southeastern Alaska, taken on grass, September 10, 1916; one damaged specimen. This pertains to the inornata group, and perhaps most closely resembles titusi Ball. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART G: HYMENOPTERA AND PLANT GALLS Sawflies-Tenthredinoidea Parasitic Hymenoptera Wasps and Bees Plant Galls Alex. D. MacGillivray, Chas. T. Brues, F. W. L. Sladen, E. P. Felt. OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol. iii— 63374— 1 Issued November 3, 1919 The Saw-flies (Tenthredinoidea) collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. ALEX. D. MAcGiLLivRAY1. The specimens of Tenthredinoidea collected by this Expedition were secured with one exception, by the entomologist of the expedition, Mr. F. Johansen. When the material obtained is compared with that described by Kincaid, the entomologist of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, a striking difference is noted. There was secured from southern Alaska by the Harriman Expedition repre- sentatives of eight groups, families and subfamilies. The collection of the Canadian Arctic Expedition contains representatives of three groups, two of which are represented by single species and specimens, which were collected at Nome, Alaska. One of these belongs to a group not represented in the collection of the Harriman Expedition, the Siricidse. All of the specimens from the northern part of the Northwest Territories belong to the subfamily Nematinse of the family Tenthredinidse. This restriction is further striking in that all the species belong to those genera with cleft claws. The larvae of the species of certain of the genera feed only upon willow, while in others the majority of the species feed upon willow. Some of the new species2 described on the following pages may prove to be the same as some of the species described from the European fauna. There is less liability for confusion and danger from recording species from our fauna that do not belong to it by giving names to these species, and this method has been followed. If later studies prove any of the species to be identical with species described from Siberia or Europe, it will be a simple matter to record them as synonyms. The length given in the case of the larvae is for individuals supposed to be mature. The statements enclosed by quotation marks are from the original notes prepared by Mr. Johansen, to whom I am indebted for reading the original manuscript of this paper, and for many corrections and suggestions. The following suggestion of Mr. Johansen will be of great value to future investigators and travellers collecting and breeding saw-flies in the Arctic regions: "From my notes it is evident that no saw-fly imagines are found in the Arctic outside of the months of July and August (9-10 weeks), a fact that I think is worth mentioning in the report, so that one understands that the speci- mens collected outside this period are all larvae or pupse." Urocerus flavicornis Fab. A single female collected at Nome, Alaska, specimen No. 83F, This- specimen differs from the description of Bradley in that it has the first and sixth and part of the seventh segment of the abdomen and the cornus yellow or brownish instead of the second, seventh, eighth, and sometimes the first more or less. "A big woodwasp (Teredo) caught this summer 1916, in the town of Nome, Alaska, was given to me here. It probably had been imported (as larva or pupa) from the states with lumber, and then emerged in Nome later" Bradley reports this species from Alaska and Siberia. Contributions from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois, No. 56. 2The types of all new species described in this report are deposited in the National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. 63374— 1} 4 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Rhogogastera reliqua, n. sp. FKMALE. — Head smooth and polished; the clypeus long, the emargination shallow, tho bottom of the einarginai ion straight, the sides oblique, the clypeal lobes slightly broader than long their margins rounded; the labrum shield- shaped, pointed, fringed with setae; the antennal plates large; the antennal furrows deep, extending from the pretentorinae to the ridge bounding the caudal aspect of the head; each lateral ocellus placed on a swollen ocellar area; the ocellar areas separated by a prominent interocellar furrow, forming a small oeellar basin ventrad of the median ocellus, bounded by the frontal ridges which are confluent on the meson and continuous with the supraclypeal area, the dorsal end of each continuous with an ocellar area; the ocellar furrow distinct, the post ocellar area quadrangular; antennae with first and second segments subequal, the third longer than the fourth and shorter than the fourth and fifth together; the pronotum, mesonotum, metanotum, mesopleurae, and the nu'tapleune polished and setaceous; the claws cleft, the inner ray slightly shorter than the outer; the abdominal segments finely granular and sparsely setaceous; the saw-guides with the dorsal and ventral margins parallel, the caudal end obliquely rounded to a blunt point above; colour green or yellowish green with the following parts black: the dorsal surface of the antennae, a band covering the antennal furrows, connected between the antennal plates, and extending across the caudal aspect as converging lines to the occipital foramen, the ocellar basin, the interocellar furrow, the transverse furrow of the pronotun, the median furrow of the median lobe of the mesonotum, the furrow separating the median and lateral lobes, the concave part of the mesoscutum, the infolded portion of the mesopostscutellum, the wing veins except the costa and stigma, a spot on the caudal surface of the trochanters, a band on the distal half of the caudal surface of the femora, a band on the caudal surface of the tibiae, the bottom of the infolding between the mesopostscutellum and the basal plates, and spots on the mesal part of each abdominal tergum, larger on the caudal segments, the lateral margins of the spots irregular, on the cephalic segments deeply squarely emarginate. Length, 10 mm. Nome, Alaska, August 21-25, 1916. F. Johansen, collector. "On flowers of common, big umbellifer (Heracleum)?" Specimen No. 45. This species is closely related to evansii Harrg., from which it is readily separated by the difference in colour, the shape of the saw-guides, and the topography of the head. Euura abort iva, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head, except the ventral half of the inner orbits, finely densely punctured; the clypeus roundly rather deeply emarginate, the clypeal lobes broad and broadly rounded; the labrum bluntly pointed and setaceous; the antennal furrows extending from the pretentorinae to the frontal crest as broad shallow depressions and from the frontal crest to the ocellar furrow in which they terminate in rounded concavities as similar depressions; the ocellar furrow, broad and distinct, distant from the lateral ocelli; the interocellar furrow a slight V-shaped depression extending halfway to the median ocellus; postocellar area continuous with the posterior orbits; ocellar basin represented by a rounded depression adjacent to the median ocellus; ocellar areas swollen with rounded sides and separated by slight depressions from the frontal areas, which are continuous with a poorly defined frontal crest; median fovea distinct, puncti- form, continued dorsad as a linear depression slightly interrupting the frontal crest; antennae short, segments three and four subequal, the segments rough- ened and densly setaceous with short setae; pronotum and the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum finely punctured like the head; mesoscutellum and mesopostscutellu n polished; metascutum more closely and coarsely Saw-flies 5 G punctured than the mesoscutum ; mesopleura finely densely punctured and setaceous; front wings fully formed, not reaching beyond the seventh abdominal segment, the petiolate cell abbreviated, veins and stigma brownish; hind wings normal in size and venation; claws deeply cleft, the rays subequal; the abdomen finely granular; saw-guides large and broad, the dorsal margin straight, the ventral margin oblique, the distal end obliquely and broadly rounded; cerci long and slender, extending beyond the end of the abdomen; color black with the tegulse and the legs with the knees, tibiae, and tarsi yellowish infuscated. Length 4 mm. Herschel island, Yukon Territory. F. Johansen, collector. Larvae collected in galls on leaves of Salix reticulata L., August 13, 1914. Adults emerged July, 1915. Specimen No. 253. This specimen was received as a part of Breeding Record 36. "Material (galls) only collected (iji 1914) once and from the same host-plant (Salix reticulata)." There is the further note on larvse from willows on Herschel island: " Host-plant Salix reticulata L. 2 (3) imagines reared. Galls." Mr. Johansen makes the further suggestion regarding this number: "Larvse collected as galls on bushy willow, probably Salix Richardsonii K., on Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916, were not reared (only in alcohol). Their host- plant is different from that of Rearing Record 3Q." The structure of the wings of the adult and the habits of the larvae of the species of Euura, which have always been considered as borers in the stem of willow, precludes its inclusion with the other specimen received under this breeding record number and described later as Pontania delicatula. I mistrust that the feeding habits of the larvse of the species of Euura do not vary but that in bred individuals, the wings; are not always completely matured, with the result that there are specimens bred from galls which lack the free part of R5 and described as species of Euura. This species is related to niger Prov. It is readily separated from this species by the short wings, the difference in the median fovea and frontal crest and in the darker-coloured legs. Euura arctica, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head coarsely granular throughout; the clypeus broadly, deeply, angularly emarginate, the clypeal lobes broad and rounded; the labrum broadly rounded and setaceous; the antennal furrows deep and broad from the pretentorinse to the frontal crest, indefinite on the cephalic aspect, broad and deep adjacent to the lateral ocelli, terminating in a large punctiform depression, not reaching the caudal margin of the head; the interocellar furrow a linear depression extending from the median ocellus to a linear, low, V-shaped ocellar furrow, which is not connected with the antennal furrows; the antennal furrows- widened opposite the median ocellus, extending almost to the compound eyes> limited on the ventral side by a distinct elevation; the ocellar area convex, not elevated above the broad flat ocellar basin; ocellar basin limited on the ventral side by strongly elevated frontal areas which are continuous with the frontal crest, separated by a broad concavity which is continuous with the long broad concave median fovea; median fovea limited by low antennal plates; supraclyp- eal area broadly convex; antennse long and slender, the third segment slightly longer than the fourth, the surface of the segments granular and finely setaceous; the pronotum coarsely granular like the head; the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum uniformly finely granular, the latter sparsely setaceous; the median lobe with a broad longitudinal depression with a mesal carina; the mesoscutellum and mesopostscutellum polished; the metascutum concealed by the wings; the mesopleura with the dorsal portion finely granular and the ventral portion, the mesosternum, and the metapleura, polished; the front wings normal in size, the costa and stigma pale, and the other veins brownish; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray much shorter than the outer; the abdomen 60 Cana'lian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 finely granular; the saw-guides with the dorsal and ventral margins rounded, the distal end bluntly rounded, the distal third and the ventral portion setaceous; the eerci long and pointed; colour black with the following parts infuscated yellowish: the mandibles in part, the tegulse, the knees, and the tibise, and the tarsi. Length, 10 mm. (i.\i,L,s. — The galls, Breeding Record 90, considered as belonging to this species, are small reddish globular ones occurring on the leaves and are similar to those of Pontania and resemble in appearance and shape those of Pontania atrutii. The adult has the wing venation typical of the genus Euura. "Material (larvir) collected on Salix reticulata both by F. Johansen at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 16, 1915, in willow catkins; and by R. M. Anderson at Cape Barrow, Northwest Territories, August 14, MM."), in galls on willow leaves. Owing to shortness of jars the two collections were placed together when Dr. Anderson gave me his material in October, 1915, and nothing has come out of (dead?) my larvae from August 16, at that time nor later. The material from Bernard harbour (if any) probably belongs to the same species as Breeding Record 85; while Breeding Record 90 properly only to the material collected by Dr. Anderson." Bernard harbour and Cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories. F. Johan- >en. collector. July 6, 1916. Specimen No. 295. This species can be separated from insularis Kincaid by the form of the median fovea and the frontal crest and the colour of the labrum and legs. The seven species of Pontania described on the following pages can be separated by means of the following table:— '/ Head, including orbits, and the collar black. b Supraelypeal urea with its dorsal extent limited by a distinct crestal furrow atrata. bb Supraelypeal area not limited by a distinct crestal furrow. c Tegulae black. d Ocellar basin flat lorata. dd Ocellar basin deeply furrowed .delicatnla. cc Tegulae pale deminuta. ('I1(1 <>f tjl(> saw-guides; colour black with the following parts yellowish: the clypeus and labrum, the mandibles, the malar space, extending for a short distance on the inner orbits, the outer orbits; an elongate spot caudad of each compound eye, the pronotum broadly, the tegulse, two spots on the cephalic part of tin- mesoscutellum, a spot on each mesaxilla, a large triangular spot on the mesopleura, the leg- except ihe proximal part of the cox® and the troch- anters in part, the proximal half of the femora and the tarsi more or less infus- cated, the ventral aspect of the abdomen and the last tergum; the saw-guides dark brownish. Length, (j mm. Saw-flies 1 1 G Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories, Arctic Canada. "Collected as larvae in cocoons in old cerambycid burrows in bark of white spruce, February 18, 1915. Imago emerged July, 1915. Breeding Record 46". F. Johansen, collector. Specimen No. 1370. The yellow coxae and the large yellow spot on each mesopleuron will separate this species from its nearest relative, truncata Marlatt. Pontania subpallida, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head polished, the orbits setaceous; the clypeus broadly slightly emarginate, almost truncate; the antennal furrows deep and distinct from the pretentorinae to the caudal margin of the head which they interrupt, broadest between the frontal crest and the lateral ocelli; the ocellar furrow distinct and connecting with the antennal furrows and a short broad interocellar furrow; the postocellar area short and broad with a deep, linear, mesal furrow interru- rupting the caudal margin of the head; the ocellar areas strongly elevated and more or less separated from the frontal crest, forming a distinct pentagonal area ; the frontal crest strongly elevated, its dorsal margin squarely emarginate on the meson, interrupted by a broad furrow extending to the elongate deep puncti- form median fovea; ocellar basin deep, bounded by sharp walls, extending from the frontal crest to the ocellar furrow; the supraclypeal area not strongly elevated; antennae long, the third and fourth segments subequal, the fifth segment shorter, the surface of the segments setaceous; the pronotum setaceous; the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesoscutellum, and the mesopostscutellum polished, sparsely setaceous; the metascutum finely trans- versly striate; the mesopleura, the mesosternum, and the metapleura polished and sparsely setaceous; the wings hyaline, the costa and stigma pale, the veins brownish; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray shorter than the outer; the abdomen finely granular, very sparsely setaceous; the saw-guides stout, the dorsal margin straight and oblique, the ventral margin curved, the distal end bluntly pointed, the distal and ventral portions with short fine setae; the cerci long and clavate; body black with tfhe following parts pale or yellowish: the distal half of the antennae, the mandibles, the labrum the clypeus, the supraclypeal area, the frontal crest in part, the inner and posterior orbits, the cephalic portion of the postocellar area, the pronotum, the tegulae, a broad band on the parapsidial furrows, the mesoscutellum except the caudal margin, the legs except irregularly infuscated areas, the ventral aspect of the abdomen, the saw-guides, and the three caudal terga. Length, 5.5 mm. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 12, 1915. F. Johansen, collector. Specimen No. 797. The strongly elevated ocellar areas, the large uninterrupted frontal crest, the deep ocellar basin, and the shallow emargination of the clypeus will serve to separate this species from desmodioides Walsh, with which it is similar. Pontania trifasciata, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head finely closely punctured; the clypeus narrowly roundly emarginate, the clypeal lobes broadly rounded; the labrum rounded; the antennal furrows deep from the pretentorinae to the dorsal margin of the frontal crest, broad and shallow on the middle of their length, and narrow, deep, con- verging, linear depressions caudad of the lateral ocelli, not interrupting the caudal margin of the head; the ocellar furrow distinct but broad and shallow; the interocellar furrow deep and expanding toward the median ocellus; the ocellar areas not prominent, with a slightly convex surface; the frontal crest distinct, deeply interrupted at middle by a linear long deep furrow continuous with the median fovea; the supraclypeal area convex, not prominent; the 12 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 antennae slender, the third segment shorter than either the fourth or fifth, the fifth shorter than the fourth, the surface finely punctured and setaceous; the pro- notum and the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum finely densely granular; the mesoseutellum and mesopostscutellum polished; the mesopleura finely densely granular, the mesosternum and metapleura polished; the wings hyaline, the veins and stigma pale: the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray nearly as long as the outer; the abdomen faintly granular, polished; the saw-guides broad and stout, the dorsal margin straight, the ventral margin broadly convex, the con- vexity continued to the dorsal margin, forming an oblique bluntly pointed distal end, the distal end and the ventral margin setaceous; color black with the following parts yellowish: the posterior and outer orbits, the collar broadly, the leiiuhe. a broad V-shaped band covering the parapsidial furrows, the cephalic half of the mesopostscutellum and continuous with a similar spot on each axila, a large triangular spot on the mesopleura, the legs except the trochanters in part and the proximal portion of the caudal surface of the femora more or less and the tarsi, the ventral aspect of the abdomen, the saw-guides, and the two caudal terga. Length, 6 mm. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915. Specimen No. 1253. This species resembles pomum Walsh. The punctured head, the shallow emargination of the clypeus, and the general topography of the head will serve to differentiate it. The collection contained specimens of the galls of the following from which no adults were secured:— Breeding Record: The larvae described below were collected on bushy willow (Salix Richardsonii) on Herschel island, end of July, 1916. The portions of the plant enclosed with the larvae in alcohol were the ends of the branches bearing the seed pods and in each case had been mined by a larva. This was considered at first as an indication that it was a species of Euura. It may be this or it may be the larva of a species of Pontania that has completed its feeding and has left its gall and is boring into the seed pod to make a place for pupation. LARVA. — Body white, shading to brownish, with a portion of the head and the articulations of the segments of the legs brownish; ocularium round and black, the ocellus situated in its center; antennae convex oval area near the ventral margin of the ocularia, limited by a brownish line and its surface bearing eight minute brownish areas; head white with minute, round, inconspicuous spots on the dorsal half, forming a fuscous spot on the dorsal half of the front; mandibles distinctly dentate; spinneret prominent, the distal end bluntly rounded; microthorax linear, white; thorax and abdomen with some of the annulets swollen and the summit of the swollen area slightly fuscous and with minute, uncoloun-d spots hearing setae; prothorax with three annulets, the first and third inconspicuous, the second bearing three setae on each side of the meson, the spiracular area large and swollen and bearing two setae, the pedal area swollen and indistinctly separated from the spiracular area; mesothorax and metathorax with four annulets, the first short and swollen, the second and third subequal in length, the mesal portion of the second slightly depressed, the mesal portion of the third swollen and separated from each lateral portion, the lateral portions of the second annulet bearing two seta' and of the third three sehe, the spiracular areas large and each bearing about three inconspicuous >eta>, the pedal areas distinctly marked and swollen, setae inconspicuous; abdominal segments one to eight with four annulets, the first small, the second and third large and swollen and with distinctly elevated lighter coloured mesal creeping ridges, the lateral portions of each bearing about two setae; spiracular are;is swollen and bearing about two setae and distinctly separated from the swollen pedal areas bearing two or three- setae; annulets indistinct on the ninth and tenth segments; setae of the tenth segment fairly numerous and without definite arrangement; prolegs long, cylindrical, and typical in form; spiracles Saw-flies 13 G prominent and conspicuous, due to the semioval brownish mark on each side of each spiracle, the metathoracic spiracles distinct, but not functional and without brownish spots. Length, 8 m. Breeding Record 131: Galls of a species of Pontania collected on Salix reticulata at Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916. The galls included under this number appear to represent two species, one similar to that of Pontania atrata and a very differently shaped gall which consists of two or three closely placed irregular swellings, more prominent on the under than on the upper surface of the leaf. The upper surface is infolded, forming a pocket partially concealing the swollen parts of the gall. Three adults were bred in the same summer but were lost in transit. Breeding Record 74: Galls of Pontania on Creeping willow, Salix arctica, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915. Under this number is included two types of galls, one evidently adult, spherical and similar in size to those of Pontania atrata, the others are small swellings confined in great part to the ventral surface of the leaf and are probably immature. Galls of a species of Pontania collected (alcohol) at cape Bathurst, North- west Territories, July 26, 1916, on Salix arctica. The galls are large, oval in outline, greatly swollen on the underside of the leaf, and project only slightly on the upper side. Apparently of a different species from any of those described. Specimens of two minute galls occurring near the center of the leaves of Salix Richardsonii. Collected end of July, 1916, on Herschel island, Yukon Territory (alcohol). The galls are small kidney-shaped swellings which are more prominent on the dorsal than on the lower surface, and are evidently immature. The species of Amauronematus described on the following pages can be separated by means of the following table: — a Head with the frontal crest not interrupted. b Head mesonotum, and mesopleura wholly or for the most part black. c Antennae with the third segment distinctly shorter than the fourth; clypeus roundly emarginate completus. cc Antennae with the third and fourth segments subequal; clypeus angularly emarginate indicatus. bb Head, mesonotum, and mesopleura distinctly marked with ferruginous. c Clypeus broadly shallowly emarginate; supraclypeal area pale digeslus. cc Clypeus narrowly deeply emarginate; supraclypeal area black cogitatus. aa Head with the frontal crest distinctly interrupted. b Mesonotum, including the mesoscutellum, black varianus. bb Mesonotum, including the mesoscutellum, entirely or for the most part pale. c Ocellar basin concave and broadly continuous with the median fovea aulatus. cc Ocellar basin shallow and narrowly continuous with the median fovea magnus. Amauronematus completus, n. sp. MALE. — Head finely densely punctured and setaceous, clypeus and labrum polished; the clypeus narrowly, moderately deeply emarginate, the clypeal lobes large, angularly rounded at apex; the labrum broadly rounded and setaceous; antennal furrows deep depressions adjacent to the pretentorinse, distinct on the cephalic aspect, and linear adjacent to the lateral ocelli, not reaching the caudal margin of the head; the ocellar and interocellar furrows not well defined; the postocellar area broad, not strongly convex; the portion of the ocellar areas bearing the lateral ocelli small and elevated, flat ventrad of the lateral ocelli and not forming a ridge continuous with the frontal crest; the ocellar basin short, deepest adjacent to the median ocellus; the median fovea a deep pit, three times as long as wide; the frontal crest wanting dorsad of the antennal fossae and not interrupted on the meson; the supraclypeal area 14 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 strongly convex: the antennae roughened by closely placed fine pits, setaceous, the third segment distinctly shorter than the fourth and slightly shorter than the fifth; the prothonix. the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesopost scut rllum. and the mesopleura for the most part finely densely punctured; the mesoscutellum, mesosternum, and metapleura polished with sparse punctures; the wings hyaline, the stigma and the costa pale, the veins brownish; the stigma triangular in outline, the caudal margin almost straight; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray subequal in length to the outer; the abdomen finely granular and setaceous; the procidentia long and truncated at the caudal end. and constricted at the cephalic end; the colour black with the following parts brownish: the labrum, the distal portion of the femora, the tibiae, the tarsi except the distal segments of the metatarsi more or less above, and the caudal abdominal sternum. Length, 7 mm. ('ollinson point. Alaska, June 20, 1914. F. Johansen, collector. Specimen No. 1 ir>r>. This species is related to borealis Marlatt from which it can be separated by the difference in the form of the median fovea and ocellar basin. Amauronematus indicatus, n. sp. MALE. — Head, the clypeus and labrum, finely densely punctured, the punctures tending to form rugosities; the clypeus deeply roundly emarginate, the clypeal lobes large, angular, rounded at apex; the labrum broadly rounded and polished; the antennal furrows deep broad depressions adjacent to the pretentorinse and the dorsal part of the antennal fossae, broad rather shallow but distinct furrows between these depressions and the lateral ocelli and the uninterrupted caudal margin of the head; the ocellar and interocellar furrows broad, deep, rounding furrows,, the former connecting with the antennal furrows; the postocellar area strongly convex, its cephalic margin rounded; the portion of the ocellar areas bearing the lateral ocelli slightly elevated and continuous with the strongly elevated uninterrupted frontal crest; the ocellar basin distinct but shallow, extending from the frontal crest to the median ocellus; the median fovea a large subquadrangular depression; the supraclypeal area strongly convex; the antennas roughened by closely placed fine pits, setaceous, the third segment shorter than the fourth; the prothorax, the median lobe of the mesonotum, the mesopostscutellum, and the metapleura in part finely densely pitted; the lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesoscutellum, the metascutum, and the n i eastern urn polished, sparsely pitted; the wings hyaline, the stigma pale, the veins, including the costa, brownish; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray distinctly shorter than the outer; the abdomen polished and setaceous; the procidentia concealed; the colour black with the following parts brownish: the labrum, the distal portion of the femora, the tibiae, the tarsi, and the caudal end of the abdomen. Length, 6-5 mm. \\Cst of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914. F. Johansen, collector. Specimen No. 521. This species is very similar to completus. The difference in the antennal segments and the clypeal emargination will distinguish them. Amauronematus digestus, n. sp. FKMAI.K. Head finely roughened, sparsely setaceous; the clypeus polished, narrow and shallowly emarginate, the clypeal lobes minute and rounded; the labrum polished, long and broadly rounded, and setaceous; the antennal furrows deep from the pretentorinsB to the middle of the cephalic margin, broad distinct furrows from this to the lateral ocelli, and deep linear furrows interrupting the caudal margin of the head; the interocellar furrow abroad Saw-flies 15 G concave depression, the ocellar furrow deeper and linear; the postocellar area sharply denned and convex with a mesal furrow; the ocellar areas not strongly elevated and only slightly elevated ventrad of the lateral ocelli, enlarged adjacent to the frontal crest; the frontal crest narrow, strongly elevated, and not inter- rupted; the ocellar basin distinct but short and surrounding the median ocellus; the median fovea a deep pit twice as long as wide; the supraclypeal area convex and setaceous; antennae roughened, the third segment shorter than the fourth, the fourth and fifth subequal; the pronotum and the cephalic part of the mesonotum roughened, the remainder of the median lobe and of the lateral lobes polished, with sparse punctures; the meso pleura finely densely roughened; the mesosternum and metapleura polished and setaceous; the wings hyaline, the costa and stigma pale, the veins brownish, and the stigma long with the caudal margin nearly straight; the claws not deeply cleft, the outer ray distinctly longer than the inner; the abdomen indistinctly granular and sparsely setaceous; the saw-guides with the dorsal margin straight, the ventral margin gradually rounded, and the distal end broadly, obliquely, truncately rounded; the colour black with the following parts brownish: the head except the antennal furrows and the median fovea and a spot about the ocelli and the occiput, the pronotum in great part, the tegulse in part, a V-shaped mark on the parapsidial grooves, the axillse, the cephalic half of the mesoscutellum, a large mark on each pleuron, the distal third of the femora, the tibiae, and the saw-guides ; the distal segments of the mesotarsi and metatarsi more or less infuscated. Length, 5-5 mm. West of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914. Specimen No. 520. The elongate median fovea, the form of the clypeus, and the colouration will separate this species from fuliripes Norton, to which it is related. Amauronematus cogitatus, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head, except the clypeus and labrum, roughened throughout, more distinctly on the mesal portion, and setaceous; clypeus polished, narrowly, deeply, roundly emarginate, clypeal lobes large, triangular, blunt projections; the labrum polished, broadly rounded, densely setaceous near the margin; antennal furrows almost completely interrupted ventral of the lateral ocelli, deep and broad ventrad of the interruption, the verticad furrows linear and distinct, not interrupting the caudal margin of the head; the ocellar furrow a broad round depression, almost wanting; the interocellar furrow obsolete, probably represented by a distinct mesal pit in the ocellar furrow; the ocellar areas flat, only slightly elevated for the lateral ocelli, continuous with the frontal crest; the frontal crest not elevated above the ocellar areas, lateral walls precipitous which is due to the deep antennal furrows, interrupted by a deep linear mesal furrow, this furrow not interrupting the ocellar areas and not con- nected with the minute ocellar basin located ventrad of the median ocellus; the median fovea round, deep, pit-like, and continuous with the furrow inter- rupting the frontal crest; the supraclypeal area elevated, the mesal portion flat, continuous with the interrupted longitudinal portions of the frontal crest; antennae wanting beyond the second segment; the pronotum, mesopleura, and metapostscutellum densely finely punctured; the median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesoscutellum, the metascutum, the ventral half of the metapleura, and the mesosternum with sparsely placed round pits bearing setae, more abundant on the median lobe of the mesonotum; the wings with the stigma and costa pale-, the veins only slightly darkened; the claws deeply cleft, the inner rays shorter than the outer, obliquely truncate; the abdomen polished, sparsely setaceous; the saw-guides stout, convex, the dorsal and ventral margins strongly convergent, the distal end short and bluntly rounded; the colour black with the following parts rufous: the ventral ends of the ocellar areas, the inner 16 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 and posterior orbits more or less, the pronotum broadly, the parapsidial furrows more or less, an indefinite spot on the mesoscutellum, each axilla, and the lateral parts of the mesopostscutellum, a large spot on the mesopleura, the knees, the tibiae, the tarsi variable, and the caudal portion of the abdomen more or less; the labruin and clvpeus yellow. Length, 6 mm. Demarcation point, Alaska. " Collected as pupa in cocoon in moss on tundra May 14, 11)14. Imago emerged June 23, 1914. Breeding Record 12a." F. Johansen, collector. ^Specimen No. 148. This species is related to orbitalis Marlatt. The black tegulae, the large median fovea, and the form of the frontal crest will separate it from this species. Amauronematus varianus, n. sp. F i ;MALE. — Head with the inner orbits slightly roughened, otherwise polished and setaceous; the clypeus narrowly, deeply, roundly emarginate, the clypeal lobes narrow, angular, and rounded; the antennal furrows broad and deep from the pretentorinse to the caudal margin of the head, which they interrupt, linear at bottom caudad of the lateral ocelli, not so deep on the middle of their length; the ocellar furrow broad and deep, V-shaped, connected with the antennal furrows; interocellar furrow deep, extending from the median ocellus to the ocellar furrow; the ocellar areas broadly convex; the frontal crest elevated above the ocellar areas, its dorsal surface abrupt, deeply interrupted on the meson by a deep linear furrow, the furrow continuous with the median fovea; the supraclypeal area strongly convex; the ocellar basin shallow, extending from the interrupting furrow of the frontal crest to and around the median ocellus to the interocellar furrow; the postocellar area strongly convex, short and broad; antennae roughened, finely setaceous, the fourth segment slightly longer than the third; the thorax polished throughout and setaceous; the wings hyaline, the stigma and costa pale, the veins brownish; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray about one-half the length of the outer; the abdomen polished and setaceous; the saw-guides broad, the ventral margin convex, the distal end bluntly pointed at middle; colour black with the following parts infuscated brownish: the distal one-third of the femora, the tibiae for the most part, the proximal portion of the tarsi, and the proximal part of the saw^guides. Length, 6-5 mm. MALE. — The male differs from the female in having the head more coarsely punctured, the emargination of the clypeus broader, the clypeal lobes angular and pointed, the ocellar basin less distinct, the prothorax and mesopleura densely pitted, the dorsal aspect of the mesothorax not so densely pitted as the pro- thorax; the fourth segment of the antennae distinctly longer than the third; the procidentia long and broad, the sides nearly straight, and the caudal end truncate; the legs with paler parts much lighter, the dorsal and ventral portions of the caudal segments of the abdomen pale. Length, 6 mm. West of Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914, the date borne by the specimens. F. Johansen, collector. Specimens No. 524, 525. This specimen runs to rapax Cresson by Marlatt's table. The sharply defined ocellar basin will distinguish it. Amauronematus aulatus, n. sp. FKMALK. Head not punctured but irregularly, obscurely roughened or finely granular; the clypeus polished, roundly and rather shallowly emarginate, the clypeal lobes broad, angular, and rounded; the labrum polished and rounded ; the antennal furrows deep depressions from the pretentorinae to near the middle of the cephalic aspect, where they are interrupted for a short distance, then broadly depressed to the lateral ocelli, linear and divergent caudad of the lateral Saw-flies 17 G ocelli; the ocellar furrow broad and shallow, connected with the antennal furrows; interocellar furrow represented by a triangular punctiform depression connected with the antennal furrows, but distinctly separated from the median ocellus; the ocellar areas convex, continued as slightly elevated ridges to the frontal crest; the frontal crest deeply and broadly interrupted, forming a curved strongly elevated ridge on each side continuous with the broad slightly convex supraclypeal area; median fovea continuous with the broad furrow interrupting the frontal crest, this furrow continuous with the well marked ocellar basin, which extends to and around the median ocellus; the antennae with the third and fourth segments subequal; the pronotum, the median lobe and the cephalic part of the lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesoscutellum the mesopostscutellum, the metascutum, and the metapleura finely densely roughened; the lateral lobes of the mesonotum in great part finely granular or polished with a few punctures; the mesosternum and metapleura finely granular and polished; wings greatly abbreviated, not extending beyond the caudal end of the abdomen, the stigma and costa pale, the veins much darker; the claws deeply cleft, the inner rays shorter and blunter than the outer; the abdomen polished with sparsely distributed punctures in which setae are attached; the saw-guides broad and stout, the dorsal and ventral margins converging, the distal end long, straight, and oblique on the ventral portion and the much shorter dorsal portion bluntly truncated; the ventral and distal margins se- taceous; the cerci long, slender, and pointed; colour blapk with the following parts brownish : a spot on the frontal crest and ventral part of the ocellar basin, the inner, posterior, and outer orbits, the postocellar area, the collar narrowly, the tegulae, the median lobe and the caudal half of each lateral lobe of the mesonotum, the cephalic half of the mesoscutellum, a large triangular spot on the mesopleura, and the caudal end of the abdomen more or less; the knees and the tibiae of the prothoracic and mesothoracic legs infuscated whitish. Length, 6 mm. Barter island, Alaskan Arctic coast, June 16, 1914. D. Jenness, collector. Specimen No. 866. This species is related to digestus from which it can be separated by the characters given in the table. Amauronematus magnus, n. sp. FEMALE. — Head densely finely punctured throughout, probably densely setaceous, though the setae are in great part wanting on the specimen;' clypeus deeply, broadly, angularly emarginate, the N clypeal lobes large and bluntly angular; labrum large and truncate; the antennal furrows deep between the pretentorinae and the frontal crest and lateral ocelli, deep linear furrows caudad of the lateral ocelli, not interrupting the caudal margin of the head; the ocellar furrow broad and indefinite; the interocellar furrow distinct, a rounded depression where it joins the ocellar furrow; the portion of the ocellar areas bearing the lateral ocelli sharply raised, in great part elevated; the frontal crest a sharp V-shaped elevation, deeply interrupted on the meson by a broad, deep, linear furrow continuous with the median fovea; the median fovea a large, deep, punctiform depression; the ocellar basin convex with a distinct linear furrow extending from the median ocellus to the frontal crest, not connected with the furrow interrupting it; the supraclypeal area prominent and convex; the antennae wanting beyond the second segment; the pronotum, the median lobe of the mesonotum, the greater part of its lateral lobes, the mesopleura, the mesosternum, and the metapleura densely punctured and setaceous; the caudal portion of the lateral lobes of the mesonotum, the mesoscutellum, the mesopostscutellum, and the metascutum sparsely punctured and setaceous; the 63374—2 18 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 wings hyaline, the veins and stigma brownish; the claws deeply cleft, the inner ray distinctly shorter than the outer; the abdomen sparsely granular and setaceous; the saw-guides large, the dorsal margin oblique, the ventral margin convex, the distal portion rounded and forming a sharp point with the dorsal margin; the cerci long and stout, extending to the caudal end of the saw-guides; colour black with the following parts brownish: the margin of the labrum, the clvpeal lobes, the mandibles, the superior and outer orbits, the postocellar area in great part, the pronotum broadly, the median lobe of the mesonotum except a triangular niesal black spot, the lateral lobes except a line on each axilla, the mesoscutellum, the mesopleura, the legs beyond the coxae, the dorsum of the abdomen in great part, and the venter in part at the caudal end Length, 11.5 mm. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915. F. Johansen, collector. Specimen No. 1254. This species is closely related in colour and size to insularis Kincaid. It differs in the form of the median fovea and the ocellar areas. Breeding Records, Undetermined Species. Breeding Record 7a: "Green coloured" nematid larva (formalin) collected under moss in tundra bluffs at bay coast near winter house at Collinson point, Alaskan Arctic coast, November 29, 1913." F. Johansen, collector. Adult unknown. Breeding Record 7b: "Sawfly (Nematus sp.) pupa in cocoon among dead willow leaves on tundra behind winter house at Collinson point, Alaska. November 21, 1913." F. Johansen, collector. Adult unknown. Breeding Record 46: "Two cocoons of an unknown species of sawfly larva (green) collected February 18, 1915, in the burrows of a cerambycid larva made under White Spruce bark, Sandstone rapids, Coppermine river, Northwest Territories." F. Johansen, collector. Mr. Johansen states that "these two larvae had the same appearance (and were taken in the same, bark) as the larva from which Pontania quadrifasciata was bred." Breeding Record 84: "Dark green saw-fly larva (20mm.) On bushy willow, Salix pulchra. Collected at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 4, 1915. Made pupating cocoon in October." F. Johansen, collector. Adult not bred. Breeding Record 85: "Saw-fly larvae (black and dark green) 7-11 mm. On female catkins of bushy willow, Salix pulchra. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 16, 1915." F. Johansen, collector. Larva distinctive in colour, marked like many species of Amauronematus. The head black except the ventral portion, also the legs except the joints, and the ultimate tergum. The thoracic and abdominal segments with two transverse rows of round or oval blackish spots, largei- on the thoracic segments, forming bands on the penultimate tergum. "Saw-fly larvae in female catkins of bushy willow, Salix pulchra. ( Collected MS Iarva> at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 10, 1915." Two cocoons. Adult unknown. BriM-dmg Record 89: "A saw-fly larva 20mm. long (pink with dark pig- mentation) on leaf of Salix reticulata, collected at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 16, 1915. Pupated after having first assumed a uniformly red-orange colour with black eyes and only a little dark pigment on head and thoracic legs. In December it still had this colour and had begun its pupating cocoon." F. Johansen, collector. Cocoon and dried up larva received, probably «i nematid. "A similar larva was collected the same day and place on leaf of bushy willow. Breeding Record 88." Breeding Record 138: "Saw-fly larvae (green), Ketchikan, Alaska, September 10, 1916. Made cocoon September 13, 1916." Cocoon contained the dead shrivelled larva of a species of Trichiosoma. F. Johansen, collector. Saw-flies 19 o Breeding Records 139 and 140: " Saw-fly larvae (green) on Rubus and Sambucus. Ketchikan, Alaska, September 10, 1916. A fortnight later these larvae, by moulting, acquired a system of black segmental markings connected by a middle-stripe dorsally. Larva of No. 140 dorsal blackish brown, ventral pale. A week later the larva got an orange (also head) colour with black eyes and the same black dorsal markings as the larva from Breeding Record 139." " Record 139. Many larvae collected, which all, except two, quickly died. May be they are younger stages of larva from Breeding Record 140." Specimen (alcohol) badly shrivelled, host plants would suggest that it might be an emphytid larva, the general habitus is also something the same. F. Johansen, collector. Breeding Record 150: " Green saw-fly larva. Jasper park, Alberta, September 15, 1916." F. Johansen, collector. A single discoloured badly shrivelled specimen. Head coloured like larvae of Emphytince. 63374—2^ The Parasitic Hymenoptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 By CHARLES T. BRUES Bussey Institution, Harvard University. The following report is based on the material collected or reared by Mr. F. Johansen. Most of the material was obtained near the headquarters of the Southern Party of the Expedition at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait. Three new species1 are described. It was felt undesirable to give specific names to a number of the specimens. ICHNEUMONID^:. Amblyteles russatus Cress. Icheumon russatus Cresson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1878, p. 353. One specimen from Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, North- west Territories; collected on flowers in a sheltered place, July 18, 1915. Described originally from Vancouver, B.C. Amblyteles suturalis Say. Ichneumon suturalis Say, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, p. 227 (1836); complete writings, vol. 2, p. 685. Two specimens from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 18 ami July 12, 1915. A widely distributed North American species. Amblyteles spp. There are four other species in the collection not referable to any palsearctic or nearctic species so far as I can ascertain. It seems hardly worth while, however, to add isolated descriptions to those of an already large number of North American species which have not been studied in a comparative way. Mesoleptus insular is Ashm. Exolytus insularis Ashmead, Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, vol. 4, p. 168 (1902). Three specimens, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 14, 1915, collected on flowers on southern slope of ridge. Originally described from Popof island, Alaska. Aptesis nivarius, n. sp. FEMALE. — Length, 5 mm. Dull ferruginous, varied with black as follows: cheeks near base of mandibles, propleurae anteriorly, margins of mesopleurse, and propodeum; antennae blackish at tips; abdomen piceous along the sides; legs :The types of all new species described in this report are deposited in the National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. 22 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 lumey yellow. Wings reaching slightly beyond apex of propodeum, hyaline, with pale brown neuration. Head almost twice as wide as thick, full behind the eyes which occupy half of the side in top view; paired ocelli equidistant from one another and the eye-margin. Head shagreened above; face rugulose, dvpeus strongly protuberant, its lower half smooth, malar space as long as the first flagellar joint. Eyes hare. Antennae 23-jointed; scape large, oval; first three joints of fiagellum subequal, about two and one-half times as long as thick at apex; following growing shorter and thicker; those near the middle quadrate. Mesonotum and scutellum shagreened, flat, separated by a shallow impressed line. Propodeum short, convex above, obliquely truncate behind; shagreened above, very finely rugose behind and on the sides; without distinct areas, although the transverse carina and a small median area are faintly indicated by very delicate lines; posterior angles rounded, without trace of tubercle or tooth. Pleurae opaque except for a shining area below the base of the hind wing. .Petiole of abdomen shagreened or minutely rugose, shining; broad behind, the width at apex four times as great as at base and equal to three-fourths the length. Following segments minutely roughened, more nearly smooth and shining after the third. Ovipositor exserted the length of the abdomen, although its sheaths are only half that length. Legs slender; fourth tarsal joint entire; daws simple. Wings with complete venation in miniature as far as the stigma, and beyond this with a very small rounded radial cell. One female from Collinson point, Alaska, June 20, 1914. F. Johansen, collector. Quite distinct in colour of body and antennae from other nearctic and from European species. The nearly complete neuration of the wings is evidently similar to that described by Davis (Entomological News, vol. 4, p. 32, (1893) ), for Aptesis major. Polyblastus arcticus, n. sp. FEMALE. — Length, 8 • 5 mm. Black, varied with fulvous, the fulvous markings as follows: face except median band, antennae, clypeus except extreme base and sides, mandibles except tips, palpi, tegulae, second to fourth segments of abdomen, except spot on tip of fourth, front and middle legs, except coxae, hind trochanters, basal two-thirds of tibiae, spurs and entire tarsi. Wings strongly tinged with fulvous basally, veins and stigma fuscous. Face very closely punctate, much more finely so at the sides; clypeus convex, smooth and shining, except at the edges, labrum projecting beyond the closed mandibles; antennae 31 -jointed, the first fhigellar joint slightly longer than the second, vertex punctulate; head behind shining and almost smooth; mesonotum shining, closely punctate; scutellum strongly sloping and elevated at the apex. Propodeum shining, basal and superomedian areas confluent; petiolar area large, as broad as long, its sides curved. Propleurae very closely punctate, confluently so below, epomia sharp, but not prominent; mesopleura closely punctate; metapleura rugulose- punctate below. Abdomen as long as the head and thorax; petiole slender, slightly over twice as long as broad at apex which is twice as wide as the base, shininu and almost smooth above; spiracles slightly before the middle; discal eaiina- present only on basal fifth of segment; second segment as long as broad, third and fourt h broader than long; ovipositor stout, exserted over half the length of the petiole; without attached eggs; tarsal claws with four or five long pectina- tions on basal half. Areolet small, indistinctly pentangular, with the outer vein, oblique, partly hyaline; submodian cell slightly longer than median; discoidal vein in hind wing but slightly oblique, broken just below the middle, k ' One female. Ketchikan, southern Alaska, September 10, 1914. F. Johansen, collector. This species is coloured much like P. glacialis Ashm. described from St. Paul island, Alaska, but the carinae of the abdominal petiole are much shorter and the Parasitic Hymenoptera 23 G trochanters pale. It is quite distinct from other North American and from all the European species included by Schmieceknecht in his Opuscula Ichneu- monologica. Stenomacrus borealis Ashm? Fur Seals and Fur Sea Islands, vol. 4, p. 358 (1899). One specimen from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916, is probably this species. Ophion bilineatum Say. Ophion bilineatus Say, Contrib. Maclurian Lye. Arts & Sci., vol. 1, p. 75. (1828); Complete writings, vol. 1, p. 378. One specimen from Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 5, 1914. This was collected at a lighted lantern in the evening. A very abundant and widely distributed North American species. Dioctes modestus, n. sp. FEMALE. — Length, 4-4 • 5 mm. ; ovipositor as long as the hind femur. Black, clothed with sparse, short, white hair; the middle of mandibles, tips o.f front femora, all tibiae and base of tarsi brownish yellow; wings hyaline, stigma and veins pale fuscous. Head broad, twice as wide as thick, strongly excavated medially behind, the temples as deep as the eyes; seen from the front, the face is not narrowed below; malar space as long as- the width of mandibles at base. Ocelli large, paired ones closer to the eye margin than to one another. Front and face opaque, minutely roughened, clypeus almost smooth, sub-shining, its lower edge straight. Head behind opaque and finely roughened below, nearly shining above. Eyes bare, twice as high as broad, not emarginate. Antennae 23-jointed; first joint of flagellum one-half longer than the second; four follow- ing subequal; those beyond shortening, but all of them longer than thick. Mesonotum subopaque, finely roughened. Scutellum slightly shining; with a deep, smooth, transverse furrow at the base; strongly convex. Propodeum declivous from base, but more strongly so beyond middle, finely rugose, nearly smooth anteriorly on the sides; supermedian and petiolar areas confluent, the latter the broadest, the former reaching almost to the base of the propodeum; lateral and subspiracular carinse present. Pleurae finely roughened, the meso- pleura with a smooth space near the root of the hind wing and a trace of fine oblique striae below the root of the fore wing. Abdominal petiole with the spiracles placed before the posterior third, distinctly projecting; widened from just before the middle; more than twice as wide at apex as at base and one-third wider than at spiracles; its surface roughened, except at extreme apex. Second and third segments roughened, especially at base; following nearly smooth, the apical segments not very strongly compressed. Ovipositor issuing at the apex of the fourth ventral segment, strongly curved upward. Submedian cell slightly longer than the median; disco-cubital vein angularly broken, with a stump of a vein; areolet open, small and petiolate in position; transverse median vein in hind wing not broken. Tarsal claws pectinate. MALE. — Length, 4-4-25 mm. . Essentially like the female; antennae 24-jointed; abdominal petiole more slender, as wide at spiracles as at apex; tibiae darker, pale fuscous. Four females and two males from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 7 and 12, 1915, the female type taken on the latter date. F. Johansen, collector. 24 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Quite distinct from any of the palsearctic forms listed by Schmiedeknecht, and so far as I can ascertain not identical with any North American species referred to, either Diodes, Angitia, or Limnerium. The species was reared from a lot of galls from Salix, probably produced by a saw-fly. (Breeding Record 37.) Bathyplectes sp. A single male from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, apparently represents an undescribed species, but the specimen is poor and, in the absence of the female, it seems unwise to give it a name. BRACONID^E. Meteorus sp. One specimen from Ketchikan, Alaska, reared October 1 from a cocoon collected September 10, 1916. The cocoon was attached to a pine leaf suspended by a slender thread as is customary with the members of this genus. (Breeding Record 136.) Apanteles sp. Twenty-five specimens from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, taken during July, 1915. Apanteles sp. Eleven specimens from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, reared during July and August, 1915, from an unknown caterpillar. (Breeding Record 40a.) Protapanteles sp. One specimen from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 20, 1915. The Wasps and Bees collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By F. W. L. SLADEN. The wasps and bees brought back by the Canadian Arctic Expedition consist of one species of Vespa, of which twenty-eight specimens were taken in Alaska, and eight species of bumble-bees (Bombus), of which one hundred and fifty specimens have been taken in Canada and Alaska. The purely Canadian material consists of one hundred and eleven specimens of five species of bumble- bees.1 It is worthy of note that Vespa is the only genus of wasps distributed through the temperate region that lives in colonies containing a number of small virgin females or workers which raise the males and the perfect females or queens; and likewise, among the bees, Bombus is the only genus enjoying the same manner of life, if we except Apis, in which the colony survives the winter. In both Vespa and Bombus the colony breaks up at the end of the summer, and the sole survivors, the young queens, after impregnation, pass the winter solitarily in a state of complete torpidity, and establish new colonies in the spring. VESPOIDEA. Represented by twenty-eight specimens from Alaska of one species of Vespa. Vespa marginata Kirby. Vespa marginala Kirby, Fauna Boreal! Americana, Insecta. 1837. Vespa albida Sladen, Ottawa Naturalist, xxxii, p. 71. This species belongs to the Norvegica group which is distinguished from the other groups of the genus Vespa by the fact that the eyes do not nearly reach to the mandibles, and the sagitaa in the male genitalia are not fused together at the tip. This species may be distinguished in the male and worker by the pale yellow, almost white, markings, combined with two red spots on the second dorsal segment of the abdomen. The red spots are absent in the queen. MALE. — Black: mandibles; clypeus, except a median longitudinal line, broad in the middle; bilobate spot between antennae; scape in front; a narrow line on cheek above, behind eyes, another on inner margin of eye; a line on pronotum bordering mesonotum; a small lateral spot on the scutellum, a narrow uninterrupted slightly wavy line on apical margins of dorsal abdominal segments 1 to 5; a narrow line interrupted in the middle on segment 6; two large comma-shaped spots on segment 7 and the margins of ventral segments 2 to 4, pale yellow, almost white. A large red spot on each side of segment 2. Second and base of third antennal joint testaceous beneath. Inner margin of stipes not sharply angled, clothed with dense short red hairs; legs testaceous; coxae, trochanters and bases of femora black; a black spot on fore tibiae, apex of femora and of tibiae, and basal tarsi flavous. Body hairs long, pale, mixed with black, including those on the first segment of abdomen. Length, 13 mm. JThe types of all new species described in this Report are deposited in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. 26 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 QUEEN. — Head, thorax and abdomen coloured like the male, but the abdominal segments 1 to 5 have complete pale bands, emarginate in front on each side and narrowly so in the middle; the sixth segment has two spots; the ventral segments 2 to 4 have marginal bands interrupted in the middle; ventral segment 5 has two large spots. No red on second dorsal segment. Length, about 14 mm. WORKER. — Black, the following parts creamy-white: mandibles except tips, clypeus except a broad longitudinal line, broadest in the middle, scape in front, a bilobate spot above antennae, a narrow line on lower side of emargination of eye, an elongate .spot on cheek behind eye, a parallel sided line on margin of pronotum next mesonotum, a small spot on each side of scutellum near wing, complete bands on the apices of dorsal segments 1 to 5, that on segment 5 deeply emarginate on either side anteriorly, narrowly emarginate in middle; that on segment 4 less and on segment 3 still less deeply so; segment 6 with a large spot on either side containing a small black spot; apical margin of ventral segments 2 to 5, greater part of ventral segment 6, apex of femora, line on tibia and part of basal tarsi. The following parts red: irregular spot, often absent, on side of dorsal segment 1; a large, in some specimens a small, spot on side of dorsal segment 2; apex of segment 5; middle of femora, tibiae and tarsi. Hairs on vertex, dorsum of thorax and abdomen mostly black. Hairs on sides and underside of head, thorax and abdomen and on first dorsal segment of abdomen mostly pale. Length, 10 to 11 mm. One male, Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen). One queen and twenty-six workers from a nest taken at Teller, Alaska, by Mr. Johansen on July 26, 1913. The queen is in alcohol, the other specimens dried. Most of the workers are in perfect condition. The nest contained larvae and was in a hole under an old willow shrub at the brink of the lake. The nest was half hidden in the hole, half protruding from it, and attached to the thick root of the willow, while heather twigs supported the outer layers of the nest. I have here followed Du Buysson in considering this form to be the marginata of Kirby. Kirby's description, however, makes no reference to the red spots on the abdomen or the long malar space. An old and smaller wasp's nest was found at Teller on August 3, 1913, by Mr. Johansen in an old rusty tin-can lying free on the tundra. Neither this nest nor any of the wasps in it were brought home. Dr. Anderson saw a wasp's nest the size of a man's head on a willow branch on the Hula-Hula river, Alaska, in November, 1908. There is no information to show to which species either of these nests belonged. SPHECOIDEA. The collection contains no representatives of this super-family. APOIDEA lie-presented by 150 specimens of bumble-bees. These consist of eight species, belonging to three groups, of the genus Bombus Lat. Five of the species were found in Canada. Bombus Lat. Kirbyellus Group. A'/Y/;//r////.s Group, I'Yanklin. Truiis. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 2S<). large. Pile long and fine. Malar space very long, one-third to one-half as long as the eye. Red-haired areas on the abdomen if present, are at the tip only. In the males the gcnitalia are very different to those of the other groups, and the posterior tibiae are more like those of the female. Wasps and Bees 27 G Bombiis kirbyellus (Curtis) Franklin. Bombus kirbyellu, Franklin. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 291. MALE. — Eighth ventral segment of abdomen (inner spatha) tridentate (see figure). Hair colour pale yellow; black between the antennae, on the inner margins of the eyes, on the outer margins of the eyes and on the third segment of the abdomen: there is an indistinct black band on the thorax between the wings but this is partly bleached, and the fourth to the seventh segments of the abdomen are pale red: on the underside the hairs are long, and almost white. Length, about 15 mm. WORKER. — Hair on head black, on thorax black with a yellow band before and behind, pleura pale yellow. Abdomen; segments 1 and 2 yellow, segment 3 black, segments 4 to 6 dull red; underside with white hairs; legs with long largely pale hairs. Two males, Nome, Alaska, August 24 to 25, 1916 (F. Johansen); one worke'r, Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen); one worker, Collinson point, Alaska, July 10, 1914 (F. Johansen); one worker, Young point, North- west Territories, July 21, 1916 (this specimen has the hairs on the legs and underside black). Specimens of B. kirbyellus in the Canadian National Collection include a queen from Bartlett bay, Alaska (lat. 58-26, long. 135-53), 1907 (D. H. Nelles), two from Fullerton, Northwest Territories, July, 1904 (A. Ha-lkett), one from Nottingham island, Hudson strait, 1886 (J. McKenzie), and one from cape Chudleigh, Hudson strait; a worker from Laggan, Alta. (J. Fletcher), and males from Banff, Alta. (N. Sanson). Bombus polaris (Curtis) Franklin. Bombus polaris Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 299. MALE. — Eighth ventral segment tapering to a blunt point, its side margins deeply incurved (see figure). Hairs on head black with more or less pale yellow on clypeus and vertex. Thorax pale yellow with indistinct interaler black band. Abdomen; basal portion pale yellow, apical portion pale red, with more or less black on the middle portion. Hairs on underside and legs pale with more or less black. Length, 14 to 15 mm. QUEEN AND WORKER. — Head hairs black. Thorax black, with a broad yellow band in front and a narrower one behind, pleura yellow, lower part black. Abdomen with segments 1, 2 and 3 yellow; segment 4 black; segments 5 and 6 red. Length, queen 16 to 19 mm., workers 11 to 13 mm. Two males from Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen); one queen from west of Collinson point, Alaska, June 11, 1914 (E. deK. Leffing- well) ; one worker from Kamarkok, west of Herschel island, Yukon Territory, August 3, 1916, and one from Herschel island, near end of July, 1916 (F. Johansen) one queen from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 2, 1915; two males from Bernard harbour, July 10, 1916 (F. Johansen). The males from Bernard harbour have the coat bleached to a considerable extent, one of them has no black hairs on the abdomen. The queen from Collinson point differs from the description in having segment 3 partly black and segment 4 red. 28 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Bombus neoboreus, n. sp. This species is distinguished from the other species of the Kirbyellus group l>y the structure of the eighth ventral segment in the male and by the strongly in -irked melanism in both sexes. MALE. — Eighth ventral segment truncate (see figure); inner margin of claspers of gen it alia nearly straight. Hair black; but a faint tinge of yellow on centre of face and a few yellow hairs on vertex (occupit); thorax with the anterior yellow band well developed, remainder of thorax black with a faint tinge of yellow on the posterior part, and in the type (the lighter example) yellow on the upper part of the pleura. Abdomen black, segment 1 yellow but black in the middle and at the extreme sides; segment 2 yellow, but in the darker example partly black in the middle apically and at the extreme sides basally; segment 3 entirely black but in the lighter example yellow at the sides apically; segments 4 and o black and segments 5 and 6 pale red. Hairs on legs and underside black. Length, 16 mm. QUEEN. — Hair black; that on the head entirely black; on thorax, anterior yellow band more or less encroached upon from behind in the middle by black, posterior yellow band absent or rudimentary, absent in type; pleura black, faintly tinged with yellow over a considerable area in some examples including the type; abdomen, segment 1 yellow only at the sides, black on extreme sides; segment 2 yellow, but blacK on extreme sides; segment 3 with a little yellow on either side of middle in five specimens including the type, black in the four remaining specimens; apex of segment 4 and whole of segment 5 red in three specimens; segment 4 black and segment 5 tinged with red in eight specimens, including type. Hairs on legs and underside black. Length, 22 to 24 mm. WORKER. — Coloured like the queen. One male, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 17-18, 1915 (F. Johansen); one darker male, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1916 (F. Johansen); eleven females, all from Bernard harbour, North- west Territories, as follows: June 6, June 21, June 25 (type), July 2, July 9, July 30 to August 7, August 8, August 17 to 18 (two), 1915, June 16, July 3, 1916 (F. Johansen); three workers, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 19, August 10, and August 14, 1915 (F. Johansen). Bombus arcticus (Kirby) Franklin. Bombus arcticus Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 302. MALE. — Malar space fully one-half as long as the eye, eighth ventral segment obtusely pointed. Head black, a patch of yellow on the vertex. Thorax Nark with a well-developed anterior yellow band and another equally wide behind; pleura black, the yellow extending only a short way below the bases of the wings. Abdomen, segments 1 and 2 densely clothed with yellow, the remaining segments black. Legs black, underside black. Length, 15-17 mm. QTKKN. --Malar space about one-half as long as the eye. Head black; in two examples a few of the hairs on the vertex are yellow. Thorax black with a Well-developed anterior yellow band and another equally wide behind; pleura black but the yellow extends a short way below the bases of the wings. Abdomen with the two l»asal segments with dense yellow hair, the remaining segments black. Length, 20-23 mm. Ten males as follows: four from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 14, 1915 (F. Johansen) ; one from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1910 (F. Johansen); and five from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July, 1916 (F. Johansen i. Wasps and Bees 29 G Ten queens as follows: Four from Collinson point, Alaska, July 10, 1914, one of them somewhat undersized (F. Johansen); one from Barter island Alaska, June 25, 1914 (D. Jenness); two from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 10, 1915 (F. Johansen) ; two from Bernard harbour, North- west Territories, August 17-18, 1915 (F. Johansen); one from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916 (F. Johansen). In unfaded examples of both males and queens the yellow is of a browner hue than in the other species of the Kirbyellus group. One queen, about 11 mm. long, and five larvae " secured cape Ross, Melville island, Northwest Territories, June 21, 1916, by Emiu (Eskimo)" (V. Stefansson). The Canadian National Collection contains another queen taken at Melville island, July 20, 1909, by F. C. Hennessey. Both the Melville island specimens differ from those taken on the mainland in being slightly smaller, length 19-20 mm., with the yellow pale and dingy, the yellow band on the posterior part of the thorax narrower than on the anterior part, and the pleura only faintly tinged with yellow. It is possible they represent a distinct variety or even species. Bombus arcticus is probably the B. hyperboreus of European authors, found in Greenland and Arctic Eurasia. (Two females of another species of the Kirbyellus group, B. strenuus Cr. from the Kutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory (alt. 9,000 feet), taken by H. F. J. Lambart and Alf. Pattison in June, 1913, are in the Canadian National Collection). Pratorum Group. Vraiorum Group, Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 304. Species of smaller size than those of the Kirbyellus group. Malar space shorter, one-quarter to one-third as long as the eye. Male genitalia very different. Bombus sylvicola Kirby. Bombus sylvicola Kirbv, Fauna Boreali- Americana, Insecta 1837. Bombus sylvicola Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 338. MALE. — Hairs on head black, a patch of yellow on the middle of the face usually reaching upwards to between the antennae, vertex with a yellow patch, ventro-lateral sides of the head more or less yellow, sometimes entirely black malar space about one-fourth as long as the eye. Thorax with a wide anterior yellow band, a medial and about equally wide black band and a yellow band on the scutellum, the anterior median portion of which is more or less covered with an extension of the black from the medial band; pleura yellow to base of legs. Abdomen, first segment yellow, second and third red, sometimes more or less black in the middle, fourth and fifth yellow with more or less black in the middle, sixth and seventh segments black, often more or less yellow at the sides; hairs on venter mostly pale. The specimens from Nome and Teller are smaller (average length, 11 mm.) and have the pile somewhat shorter and less shaggy, and on the average more yellow (less black) on the fourth and fifth segments than those from Herschel island (average length, 12-75 mm.), and Bernard harbour (average length, 13-27 mm.). In five of the specimens from Bernard harbour the red extends more or less on to the fourth segment. 30 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 QUEEN, REGULAR FORM. — Head black with a patch of pale yellow on middle of face between and below bases of antennae and a smaller, fainter one above antennae, vertex yellow. Thorax with a wide pale yellow band in front and a narrower one behind separated by a black band, pleura pale yellow to base of Abdomen: segment 1 pale yellow, segments 2 and 3 red, segments 4, 5 and (I pale yellow with more or less black in the middle of the segments. Length, 20 mm. QUKKN. MKI.ANK YAKIK rv johanseni, n. var. — Head black, face black, a few dingy pale yellow hairs on vertex. Thorax with a band of dingy pale yellow in front, more or less narrowed by encroachment of the black, but black hairs are not mixed in with the yellow to any great extent; a broad black hand between the wings and a narrow pale yellow band on the posterior part of the thorax, this band interrupted in the middle by an extension of the black from the interaler band; pleura black, in some specimens faintly tinged with yellow. Abdomen with the first segment pale yellow interrupted in the middle with decumbent dark hair which is scanty; segments 2 and 3 red; segments 1. ."> and 6 black with more or less pale yellow hair on sides of segment 4. Hair on legs and underside black, corbicular fringes tinged with red in the type and in several specimens. Length, 18 to 20 mm. WORKER, REGULAR FORM. — Coloured like the queen. WORKER, MELANIC VARIETY johanseni. — Coloured like the queen of this variety. Six males from Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen); six males from Teller, Alaska, July 26, and five on July 29, 1913 (F. Johansen); nine males from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916 (F. Johansen); six males from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 30 to August 7, 1915 (F. Johansen); one August 8, two August 10, two August 14, 1915, all from Bernard harbour (F. Johansen). One queen of the regular form from Barter island, Alaska, July 4, 1914 (D. Jenness); one, abdomen missing, from west of Collinson point, Alaska, June 11, 1914 (E. de K. Leffingwell). Twenty-nine queens of the melanic variety johanseni, all taken by Mr. F. Johansen, as follows: One from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 3 (type), two July 4, one July 6, two July 7, one July 11, one July 12, one July 19, nine July 30 to August 7, one August 8, two August 10, one August 14, all from Bernard harbour in 1915; one Chantry island (Bernard harbour), June 17, one Bernard harbour July 9, and three Bernard harbour July 14, 1916. One queen from Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, taken by Mr. J. J. O'Neill on July 15, 1915, in bad condition, appears to agree with the description of johanseni. One queen from Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916 (F. Johansen), has the yellow bands on the thorax as wide as the black band and has a narrow pale yellow band on the apices of segments 2 and 3. The melanic variety johanseni approaches melanopygus Nyl., which, accord- ing to Franklin, can be readily separated from sylvicola by the difference in the coloration of the head and fore part of the thorax, which is of "thoroughly mixed black and yellow hairs." However, in specimens of melanopygus from British Columbia the black hairs stand out conspicuously among the yellow on the fore part of the thorax. r>. Ni/lricold is probably the same species as lapponicus Fab. found in Northern Kurope and the mountains of Britain. The coloration of both species is the same and the spreading of the red to the fourth segment as noted in five of the Bernard harbour males occurs in varieties of lapponicus found in Scotland and the Pyrenees. Wasps and Bees 31 G Bombus pleuralis (Nyl.) Franklin. Bombus pleuralis Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 364. MALE. — Head and thorax clothed with yellow pile; a few black hairs on the inner and outer margins of the eyes and around the ocelli and a well-defined black interaler band. Abdomen with segments 1 and 2 yellow; segments 3 and 4 bright red, with a few black hairs at the bases of the segments in one specimen; segments 5 to 7 black, a few red hairs on segment 5 ; venter mostly pale yellow. Length, 13-14 mm. WORKER. — Head black with a small patch of yellow between the antennae and extending above them, and another on the vertex. Thorax yellow with a well-defined black interalar band. Abdomen: segments 1 and 2 yellow with, in three specimens, a few dark hairs in the middle, segments 3 and 4 red, 5 and 6 variable. Length, 10-12 mm. Two males from Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen); four workers, Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen). This is Franklin's " colour variant" of pleuralis. In the red band on the abdomen it approaches flavifrons Cr. and centralis Cr. but is distinguished therefrom by the clear black interalar band and the weak yellow on the face. However, extensive collecting of the three forms in Western Canada by the writer shows that flavifrons and centralis are merely varieties of pleuralis. The name pleuralis is applied by Vogt to one of the forms of the Kirbyellus group. Bombus frigidus, Smith. Bombus frigidus, Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 360. MALE. — Head and thorax pale yellow, a few black hairs around the margins of the eyes, the insertion of the antennae and the ocelli, and a well-defined black interalar band. Abdomen: segments 1 and 2 pale yellow, segments 3, 4 and base of 5 black. Apex of 5 and remaining segments dingy white with a fer- ruginous tinge, evidently faded. Length, 12^ mm. WORKER. — Face black, vertex pale yellow. Thorax pale yellow with a broad black interalar band. Abdomen: segments 1 and 2 pale yellow, segment 3, and base of 4, black; apex of segment 4 and remaining segments pale fer- ruginous. Length, 10-11 mm. One male, Nome, Alaska, August 24, 25, 1916 (F. Johansen); two workers, Nome, Alaska, August 24, 25, 1916 (F. Johansen). (The Canadian National Collection contains a worker of Bombus mixtus Cr. taken in the Porcupine Mountain district, Yukon Territory, on June 15, 1912, by D. D. Cairnes.) Terrestris Group. Terrestris Group, Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 261. Distinguishable from the other groups by its broad face, very short malar space, less than one-fifth as long as the eye, and the very different genitalia of the males. Bombus lucorum, L., variety moderatus Cr. Bombus terrestris, var moderatus Franklin, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XXXVIII, p. 262. WORKER. — Head black; thorax black, with an anterior pale yellow band. Abdomen: segment 1 black, pale yellow at the sides; segment 2 pale yellow, segment 3 and base of segment 4 black ; apex of segment 4 and segments 5 and 6 white. Length, 12 mm. 32 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 One worker, Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen). Differs from specimens of the queen in the Canadian National Collection from Banff, Alta., in having the first segment of the abdomen not wholly black. NOTES ON THE BUMBLE-BEES. The specimens generally are remarkable for their long shaggy hair and their large size, both well-known attributes of the arctic Bombi. Two species, B, neoboreus and B. sylvicola var. johanseni from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, show pronounced melanism. Melanism is rare in the North American bumble-bee fauna and has been heretofore met with only in occasional specimens, but there is a large region of pronounced melanism in Northwestern Europe centred in Denmark and extending to the Alps, the British Isles and Southern Scandinavia. Bombus is particularly well adapted to arctic conditions. These bees develop considerable body heat and their warm coat enables them to keep active in low temperatures. Even in the temperate region the queens of some of the species may be seen collecting nectar and pollen from the willows and other flowers in the sunshine of early morning while frost is still on the ground. The arctic summer permits such activity at almost any hour of the day or night, provided nectar can be obtained, and this probably is an easy matter on account of the numerous flowers. The home of the bumble-bee colony is always made in a nest composed of warm material, usually the deserted nest of some mammal or bird. The Arctic species, so far as we know, like most of the other species, select nests under the ground, a position which provides good protection from the weather. The brood of Bombus needs to be incubated by heat from the body of the adult bees, but can endure a longer-continued and greater degree of chill than that of Apis without dying, but its development is retarded and the lustre of the coat of the resulting perfect insect is reduced if the pupae are chilled. A lack of lustre is characteristic of some Arctic specimens of Bombus. It is, however, probable that the chilling of the brood is not frequent, because under favourable con- ditions the queen will, in two or three hours, collect and store in a large waxen roll she constructs in her nest, enough nectar to keep herself and her brood warm for twelve to twenty hours, and, in a later stage of the colony, the workers will accumulate enough honey in the vacated cocoons to last several days. One of the species of Bombus from the Canadian Arctic belongs to the Pratorum group, several temperate zone species of which are very hardy and early. B. pratorum itself is the earliest species of Bombus to start nesting in Knghind, where the young colonies occasionally have to withstand a snowstorm in April. The four other species from the Canadian Arctic belong to the KirhiicllH* group which is confined to the Arctic and high mountain regions of the northern hemisphere. The brood and adults of this group may be expected to resist cold still better than those of the Pratorum group, and to be especially well able to survive, in a state of semi-torpidity, a period, lasting several days, when long-contimied bad weather prevents the collecting of food, a character already fairly well developed in Bombus pratorum. The taking by an Eskimo at Cape James Ross, Melville island, on June 21, I9ir». at a latitude of almost 75°, evidently from a nest, of five nearly full-fed BitnihuN larva>, which were brought back by Mr. Stefansson, indicates that the oggs must have been laid not later than the 8th or 9th of June, and is surely a remarkable record of the favourable conditions that exist for bumble-bee life in the far north, at least in some seasons. Half a dozen Bombus cocoons con-1 taming dead pupae were taken from the same locality by Mr. Storkerson in April, 1916. An old Bombus nest containing a couple of dead pupae was brought in by Dr. R. M. Anderson on November 12, 1913, from the Sadlerochit river, Alaska; it Wasps and Bees. 33 G was in an old fly-catcher's nest, composed of ptarmigan feathers, hairs of mountain sheep, etc., and was found in a crevice in bare rock at a creek near the camp. Large empty fly cocoons were found in the bird's nest and in some of the bee cells. Another but inhabited nest was found on the southwest coast of Victoria island by Dr. Anderson in July, 1911; this was in an old lemming burrow at the base of a rock, and was of the size of a child's fist. Many of the specimens of Bombus taken carried parasitic mites (Parasitus bomborum Andemans) in their coat. FROM F. JOHANSEN'S FIELD NOTES. • Observations on bumble-bees at the Arctic Coast of North America from Point Barrow in the west to Coronation gulf in the east, and adjoining islands: — "The first bumble-bees were seen at the beginning or middle of June while the snow was yet covering the ground to a large extent. The summer comes a little earlier west of Mackenzie river than east of it; except when there is an especially early season in the eastern region. The temperature during June is generally above the freezing point, and even if the nights are colder, it is fairly warm during the middle of the day, especially when the sun is out. "The first bumble-bees seen in the season were mostly flying high up at rapid speed. A few days later the bees were seen feeding on the first flowers out (the male catkins of Salix pulchra, S. anglorum, and the flowers of Saxifraga oppositifolia) . From the middle of June additional flowers were out (Salix ovalifolia, Oxytropis nigrescens and 0. arctobia, Pedicularis lanata, and during the end of June still more (Salix reticulata, Dryas integrifolia, Cassiope tetragona, Pedicularis arctica, P. sudetica, etc.), all of importance to the bumble-bees, and greatly utilized by them. From July on, there was no lack of flowers; in addition to the above mentioned were Silene acaule, Lupinus nootkatensis, Hedysarum mackenzii, Astragalus alpinus, A.frigidus, Saxifraga groenlandica, S. tricuspidata, S. Cernua, Aconitum delphinii folium, Pedicularis capitata, Polemonium cceruleum, Castilleja pallida, Myosotis silvatica, Lagotis glauca and Lychnis apetala. Few plants upon which the bees depend for food begin their flowering so late as August ; among these are Epilobium latifolium, Campanula uniflora, and various Composites. Few bumble-bees were seen in September, and none after the first week of this month. Although the temperature in September may be about the same as in June the flowers which are out now are mostly of a kind (Grasses, Composite^} of little use to the bees, which seem to understand that the winter is near. "In the preceding notes the many smaller islands skirting the Arctic coast examined are treated as a part of the latter; a few miles of open sea are no barrier for bumble-bees; they are found on all of the islets and show the same characteristics there. The few observations we have from the two large islands (Banks and Victoria islands) farther north show, however, that over there the season is considerably later, and bumble-bees were therefore not seen much before July. On the other hand, it seems the season along the south side of Coronation gulf and in Bathurst inlet is somewhat earlier than along the Arctic coast farther west, and bumble-bees and flowers may be looked for at the end of May in this more southern latitude. The first bees to appear are naturally all queens; the first workers were noticed in the beginning of July (about July 10) and the first males at the same time." Two sheets of drawings, showing the 8th ventral segment in males of Bombus neoboreus, kirbyellus, polaris and arcticus, accompany this paper. 63374—3 34 G Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 neoboreus Kightli Ventral Segment in c? Bombus. Wasps and Bees 35 G polar is arct/cas Eighth Ventral Segment in c? Bombus. The Plant Galls collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 By E. PORTER FELT. The following report is based upon the material which was collected by Mr. F. Johansen,. It is obviously fragmentary though nevertheless interesting because the records are from a little explored region. The galls on Salix barclayi appear to be new and the deformity produced by the Nematid is especially interesting. A provisional identification was obtained through the courtesy of Dr. L. O. Howard from Mr. S. A. Rowher of the United States National Museum. The Eriophyid galls were submitted to Mr. H. E. Hodgkiss of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N.Y., and the few comments he saw fit to make are appended to the characterizations of the deformities. It hardly appears wise to bestow names upon these galls and thus add invalid or nearly invalid names to a literature already overburdened with such appellations. Salix (willow). Nematid gall on Salix barclayi, labelled Teller, Alaska, July 26, 1913, Frits Johansen. The gall is an irregular, oval, white, woolly mass projecting equally on each surface of the leaf, divided by the midrib and with a major diameter of about 1 cm. The woolly fibers are 2 to 3 mm. long and within the compound mass are two somewhat elongate ovate hollows, one on each side of the midrib. One gall examined contained a Nematid (possibly a species of Pteronidea) and a parasite, a species of Eurytoma. The identification of the larva was made by Mr. S. A. Rohwer of the United States National Museum, and that of the parasite by Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology. Cecidomyia species on Salix barclayi, labelled Teller, Alaska, July 26, 1913, Frits Johansen. The gall is a somewhat irregular, rounded elevation, with a diameter of about 4 mm., projecting almost equally from both surfaces of the leaf. It is pale greenish-yellow, the surface with irregular rounded elevations and located near the midrib. The interior is hollow, whitish, and the walls have a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm. This is possibly the work of an Oligotrophus. Willow beak gall (Phytophaga rigidce O.S.) Specimens labelled Salix species, Jasper Park, Alta., middle September, 1916. The galls are typical for this species except that they are smaller and greatly wrinkled, a condition very suggestive of parasitism. The galls have a length of about 1.5 cm., a diameter of 0.5 cm., and the surface is mostly dark brown or blackened; the distal third of the gall is lighter, rather strongly recurved and with the characteristic partly opened soft tip or beak. This insect ranges across the continent, if one may safely draw conclusions from specimens of the galls. It is one of the more common willow inhabiting forms, occasionally so abundant as to attack the tips of a considerable proportion of the shoots in individual clumps. There is but one generation annually, the insect wintering in the gall, and the midges appearing in early spring. An extended bibliography is given in New York State Museum Bulletin 186, pages 213-214. 38 G The Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Eriophyes species on Salix, labelled Teller, Alaska, July 26, 1913, Frits Johansen. This is a small irregular pouch gall projecting on the upper surface of the leaf and with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm. The enlargement is greenish or yellowish iiivrn. Tin-re is a distinct entrance on the lower side of the leaf frequently guarded l>y a rather thick mass of short, procumbent, whitish hairs. Hodgkiss states that this type of gall does not appear to be described and that no mites were found in the deformities. species on Salix, labelled Teller, Alaska, July 26, 1913, Frits Johansen. These are purplish brown, sparsely haired pouch galls on the leaves, mostly on the under surface, and sometimes so numerous as to deform the basal half or even the whole leaf. They are more or less coalescent. The individual galls have a diameter of 2 to 3 mm., the vestiture is whitish, short, and sparse. Hndirkiss refers this to Eriophyes species, adding that it is possibly new. Eriophyes species, labelled Cecidomyia species, galls on Salix leaves, Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Arctic Canada, August 30, 1914. The individual galls are oval or subglobose, have a diameter of 2 to 3 mm., project distinctly on the upper surface, are somewhat smooth though sometimes slightly hairy, rounded elevations and on the under surface are indicated mostly by corresponding oval depressions filled, or nearly filled with a mass of yellowish or whitish plant hairs. Hodgkiss refers this to Eriophyes n. sp., adding that a single specimen, apparently new to science, was found in this material. Eriophyes species, labelled Cecidomyia (?) galls on leaves of creeping Salix, August 16, 1915, rearing 92. Locality, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories. The leaves were badly browned and discoloured, though the gall appears similar to the preceding. Hodgkiss states that this type of gall is not mentioned in literature, and that no mites were found in the galls. REPORT H ,r ft 0 1 OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART H: SPIDERS, MITES, AND MYRIAPODS Spiders: . J. H. Emerton Acarina: ... N. Banks Chilopoda: ...... Ralph V. Chamberlin SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol. iii— 46957— 1 Issued July 14th, 1919 The Spiders collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By J. H. EMERTON. This collection includes thirteen species, three of which are described as new. Two of these are minute spiders, living under loose stones along the shore, and the third is a large Lycosa, living in large numbers among the low plants of the tundra. Of the other ten species, three have been found by earlier explorers in Greenland, Spitzbergen, or Siberia, and appear to be exclusively Arctic; the rest have been found much farther south. The four species from Nome and Teller, Alaska, all occur in the White mountains of New Hampshire, and two of them at various stations across the continent and south into the United States. Lycosa pictilis, found at Bernard harbour, has long been known in the upper parts of the White mountains, and is also found on the coast of Labrador. Xysticus bimaculatus, found also at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, is known from the Rocky mountains near Banff and from the mountains of Colorado. The two species of Pardosa are widely distributed over the northern part of the continent. All types described in this paper are in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. The specimens were collected by Mr. F. Johansen. Erigone arctica White (1852). 1 This resembles the common Erigone dentigera of the New England coast. The palpus (PL I, fig, 1) has the same general length and proportions, but the process of the patella is somewhat longer, and the end of the tibia wider, with the inner and outer points sharper and more divergent than in dentigera. It has been found at Cornwallis island and in Spitzbergen. Locality: Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tory, autumn of 1914. Typhocraestus spetsbergensis (Thor.) Kulczynski.2 This is 2 mm. long, and grey, without any markings, the legs very little lighter than the thorax. The male palpus has the tibia a little longer than wide and slightly widened at the end. The front edge is nearly straight except a small tooth on the outer corner, which is slightly curved inward at the point (PI. I, figs. 2 and 4.) The tarsal hook is small and curved in more than half a circle, the basal end showing along the edge of the tarsus when seen from above. The palpal organ is distorted in all the specimens, but shows the slender trans- parent appendage and the other details as figured by Kulczynski (PL I, fig. 3). Locality: Three males and two young from Spy island (Jones islands, known also as Thetis islands), on the Arctic coast of Alaska, September 3, 1913, under green algae on the wet seashore. Found also by the English Polar Expedition of 1875-6 in latitude 82° 33' and in Siberia and Spitzbergen. Tmeticus alatus, n. sp. A little over 2 mm. long and pale yellow without markings like pale indi- viduals of Tmeticus flaveolus Banks and T. longisetosus Em. The male palpus seen from above has the tibia longer than wide with a large curved tooth on 1 Cambridge, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1877. 2 Memoirs Acad. Sf Petersburg, 1902. Strand, Fauna Arctica, 1906. Erigone spetsbergensis Thorell, Swedish Acad., 1872. 4n Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 the inner side extending a little over the tarsus (PL I, fig. 5). Seen from the side the tibia is wider than long (PL I, fig. 6). The tarsal hook is much like that of longisetosus, with two short and stout curved teeth at the end and a narrow, long base on which are several hairs and close to the tarsus three long bristles slightly serrated toward the end somewrhat like the bristles in longisetosus and ar matus (PL I, fig. 6). The epigynuin has a middle lobe widened at the end and covered at the base by two depressions divided by a narrow ridge. At the sides of the epigynum are two thickened spots with hairs directed inward (fig. 7). Localities: One male and two females from Cockburn point, Northwest Territories, September 26, 1914. Four females and one immature male from Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June 27. 1916. Tmeticus brunneus Emerton.1 Nome Alaska, August 25, 1916. Originally described from the White mountains, New Hampshire, at 4,000 feet elevation. Microneta maritima, n. sp. Less than 2 mm. long, and dull grey with paler legs. The mandibles are thickened at the base and narrowed toward the point, with two small teeth where the narrowing begins (PL I, fig. 8). The male palpi are, as usual in this genus, large, and the' tarsus angular. It has a small process at the base and the middle is extended and flattened into a keel bent inward on the outer side. This shows plainly from above or below when the palpus is curved in the natural position, (Pl.I, fig. 10). The tarsal hook is wide in the middle and turned abruptly upward at the point, as in olivacea (PL I, fig. 9). Locality: Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tory, September, 1914, under stones. Microneta crassimanus Emerton.2 Nome, Alaska, August 1916. Originally described from the White moun- tains, New Hampshire, at 4,000 feet elevation. Epeira patagiata Clerck (1757.) Nome, Alaska. August 25, 1916. The most common round-web spider throughout Canada, the northern United States, and the north of Europe. Dictyna. Several immature specimens were found under stones along the shore at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June and July ,.,1915. They are \m)})My Dictyna hamif era Thor.. 1872, described from Greenland and among the spiders from the " Danmark Expedition " to northeastern ( limMiland, 1906-8. Lycosa pictilis Emerton.3 Several specimens of this bright-coloured spider, including two adult males, were found at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territory. It is common on mount Washington,^New Hampshire, from 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation, and has been found on tKe coast of Labrador at Hopedale. The Tarantula exasperans Cambridge, from Discovery bay, latitude 81° 44', is possibly this species. It is described and figured by Cambridge in ' The Annals and Magazine of Natural 1 Conn. Acad. 1882 and Conn. Acad. 1909. 2 Conn. Acad. 1882 * Conn. Acad., 1885. Spiders 5 H History', 1877. T. exasperans has been identified by Simon and Kulczynski with Lycosa (Tarantula) alpigena of the Alps, but I cannot confirm this identifi- cation, not having been able to compare European specimens. The usual markings are shown in PL I, fig. 11. The middle stripe of the cephalothorax has a characteristic form, widening behind the eyes, and narrowing again a little farther back. The hinder half of the stripe, especially in young spiders, continues narrow its whole length, but in other individuals and usually in adult males, it widens again opposite the dorsal groove and is sometimes connected by radiating lines with the light areas at the sides. The abdomen has two orange yellow spots at the front end, and sometimes a little orange colour among the grey farther back. The middle spot branches into four black points, and behind it are two or three black spots of variable size on the middle line. Outside of the median spots are four or five pairs of small, bright, white spots alternating with black, forming two lines converging behind (PL I, fig. 1 1) . There are great variations from this pattern and one of the Bernard harbour males is marked as in PL I, fig. 12. Here there is a middle stripe, which in life is probably covered with orange hairs, and from this branches extend to the white spots. The other markings are obscured in the general grey colour. This variety has been seen in specimens from mount Washington. In all varieties the legs are banded with dark and light grey. Locality: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories. Barter island, Alaska, June, 1914. Lycosa asivak, n. sp. This species is 12 mm. to 14 mm. long. Fourth leg as long as the body. Black with light grey markings, which are indistinct and sometimes absent in the female. In the male there is a grey stripe in the middle of the cephalo- thorax from the eyes backward, and on the abdomen a middle grey mark in front, at the sides of which are light spots which unite behind into several trans- verse markings (PL II, fig. 13). The femora are black, but the other joints of the legs are covered above with short grey hairs mixed with longer black ones. The legs and abdomen are covered with fine black hairs, longer than the diameter of the legs. In the female the dorsal markings are much less distinct and usually form on the abdomen a small middle stripe in front and a series of pairs of small white spots. The legs are somewhat lighter in colour toward the end, but there is no strong contrast between the colour of femur and tibia. The fine hairs of the legs and abdomen are shorter in the female than in the male. The epigynum (PL II, fig. 14), has a middle lobe as wide as long throughout its length, and thickened in the middle. At the base of this lobe are two pits with oblique and slightly curved margins. The immature females show the undeveloped epigynum as in PL II, fig. 15. The male palpus is much like that of pictilis, the tibia is a little longer than wide, and about the same length as the patella. The tarsus is a little longer than the tibia. The parts of the palpal organ are small and comparatively simple, (PL II, fig. 16) as in pictilis. This spider appears to be very common and over a hundred specimens were taken, including two adult males in June at Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, and two others at Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914. The females taken at the same time were all immature, but adult females were taken later, July 12 and July 19, 1915, at the latter date with their cocoons and eggs. According to Mr. Johansen's notes, they hide, especially at the breeding season, in holes in the ground or in the sod which they line with silk. In one case a lemming hole was used for this purpose. They were found eating beetles and other spiders, even of the same species. The accompanying photograph or arsivuk is an Eskimo name for a spider, with slight dialectic differences from northwestern Alaska to Coronation gulf. Vol. iii— 46957— 2 6 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 (PL III,) taken by Mr. G. H. Wilkins of the Expedition, shows the spider in its natural surroundings near the mouth of its hole. Localities: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, from June to September. Two males from Camden bay, Alaska, July 4, 1914. Pardosa glacialis Thorell (1872). This widely diffused species occurs at Bernard harbour, Northwest Terri- tories, on the north coast of Alaska, and at Teller, Alaska. The forms of the epigyimm differ from those in other places, but differ also among themselves. A female from Teller, Alaska, has the epigynum somewhat like variety brunnea of New England (PL II, fig. 17). Pardosa groenlandica Thorell (1872). An adult female and several young were found at Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July, 1916. It lives across Canada and southward on the mountain tops of Colorado. Xysticus bimaculatus Emerton.1 Male 5 mm., female 6 mm. long. Pale with light brown and grey markings. The legs are short, the first leg of the male less than one and a half times the length of the body. The first and second legs are covered with fine light brown spots, with some larger marks on the ends of the femur. The third and fourth legs have brown markings on the ends of the joints. The cephalothorax has; (he middle light area lightly spotted in the front half. The dark areas are closely spotted with brown, darkest toward the abdomen. The abdomen is marked with three or four pairs of oblique light brown spots, the edges of which are irregularly spotted with dark grey, more definitely in the male than female. The whole under side is lightly spotted with brown. The male palpus has the tibia of usual form with a blunt outer process and a double process below, the inner branch of which is slightly curved at the point (PL II, fig. 19). The palpal organ is unusually complicated, the lower half of the bulb very much thickened in a curved ridge that ends in a blunt tooth on the inner side. The tube is short and twisted and turned away from the bulb, and under it is a small sharp point. The epigynum has a simple oval opening. Localities: A male and female, in grass, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 25, 1915, and one immature female. Bluffs at lake at Kon- ganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914, young male and female. Found also in the Rocky mountains at Laggan, Alta., and on mount Lincoln, Colorado,, at 1 1,000 feet. Canadian Spiders, Conn. Acnd. 1894. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Fig. 1. Krifjum- (irt-lirn, palpus. !. J'yphocraeslus spetsbergensis, palpus (upper side). 3- (palpal organ showing transparent appendage.) 4. " (side edge). ">. Tmeticus alatus, male palpus (from above). «j- " ' (side view). 7. " epigynum. 8. Microneta maritima, mandibles. 9. " " 10. " " palpus. 11. Lycosa pidilis, usual markings. 12. Lycosa pictilis, occasional variation of markings. Spiders Spiders collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. PLATE I. Vol. iii— 46957— 2J Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Spiders collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. PLATE II. 16 Spiders 9n PLATE III. Lycosa asivak, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 9, 1915. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. Fig. 13. Lycosa asivak, dorsal markings. 14. epigynum. 15. " " undeveloped epigynum. 16. " " male palpus. 17. Pardosa glacialis, epigynum. 18. Xysticus bimaculatus. 19. " male palpus. 20. " " epigynun. The Acarina collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. By NATHAN BANKS. The Acarina collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-16, include seventeen species, all but one previously known, and recorded from other arctic and subarctic localities, some from widely separated places indicating their occurrence all through the arctic regions. The new species of Stigmaeus is the first of this genus to be recorded from the arctic regions, but others are known fairly far north and in high mountains, so that one can hardly be surprised. Doubtless it feeds on moss. EUPODID^:. Rhagidia gelida Thorell. Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, August 16, June 19, 1915; in rotton driftwood and under stones; " largest one 2 mm. long; the abdomen dark purple-brown, cephalothorax rose, legs orange." [Johansen notes.] BDELLID^. Bdella arctica Thorell. Young point, Northwest Territory, July 22, 1916, on rocks on beach; Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 23, 1915; under stones at beach. " Abdomen dark purple, otherwise rose." [Johansen notes.] Bdella frigida Banks. Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 28, 1916, on ground. Bdella decipiens Thorell. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 18, 1915, under stones. TETRANYCHIDyE. Bryobia praetiosa Koch. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 19, 1915, on dead Salix- leaves; and October 4, 1914, under stones; eggs doubtless of this species in a cake on stick at Konganevik, Camden bay, Alaska, June 27, 1914. Stigmaeus arcticus, n. sp. Body bright rose red, legs rather paler, spotted. Body about one and two-thirds times as long as broad, rounded behind, broadest at humeri, narrowed in front; above with about twenty-four long, stiff, erect, rather thickened bristles, in four longitudinal rows; legs (PI. IV", fig. 2) short and stout, first pair hardly as long as body, hind pair reaching very little beyond body; other pairs much shorter; all with fairly numerous long hairs; two long claws as long as the width of the tarsal joint; palpi (P. IV, fig. 1) nearly one-third the length 12 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 of the body, rather stout and curved downward; apical claw very long and stout, thumb rather slender, slightly narrowed at base, with few bristles near and at tip. Length, 5 mm. Locality: Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Terri- tories, Canada. June 18, 1915; from a pond; probably not the normal habitat. Type in Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. Fig. 1. Stigmaeus arcticus, n. sp.. palpus. 2. " « leg. TROMBIDIID^E. Trombidium sucidum Koch. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories; June 28; July 6; July 11, 1915. in grass, all tile-red. HYDRAGHNID^E. Eylais falcata Koenike. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 5, 1916, in pond: and between Bernard harl.onr and cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories, July, 1916. Hydryphantes ruber De Gerr. Pond at Chantry island, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, June 17, 1916. Thyas stolli Koenike. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories. June 28, 1915; June 30, 1916, in pond; and pond at Chantry island, Northwest Territories, June 17, 1916. Acarina 13 H Lebertia porosa Thorell. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, October 6-8, 1915; in stomach of Salvelinus marstoni Garm. Laminipes torris Muller. Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 30, 1916, in pond; although no male is present, I feel sure it is this species. Curvipes reighardi Wolcott, Pond on Chantry island, Northwest Territories, June 17, 1916; pond at Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 30, 1916; lake inland from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 10, 1915; pond at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 28, 1915; pond at Collinson point, Alaska, June 23, 1914; lake at Konganevik, Alaska, June 26, 1914. PARASITID^:. Parasitus bomborum Oudemans. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, on Bombus, June 16, 1916; June 25, 1915; July 2, 6, 9, 11, 1915; and on the catkins of Salix, July 2, 1915. Galumna lucens Koch. Barnard harbour, Northwest Territories, May 25, 1916, on surface of pond; Pikumalerksiak island, near Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, North- west Territories, July 15, 1916, in moss. Scutovertex nigrofemoratus Koch. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, June 30, 1916, with spider cocoon under a stone. Scutovertex lineatus Thorell. Cockburn point, Northwest Territories, September 7, 1914, in colonies in depressions on under sides of flat stones near the seashore; not moving. Chilopoda 15 H The Chilopoda collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. BY RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN. The Myriapod material secured by the Canadian Arctic Expedition and sent to me for report was collected in the Cape Nome region at Nome and Teller. Only two species are represented, both being chilopods, one of the order Litho- biomorpha and one of the Geophilomorpha. It is noted that other specimens were taken at Ketchikan in southern Alaska, and preserved dry; but these specimens were not included in the material transmitted for study. All types described in this paper are in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa. Aside -from members of the two orders above mentioned, the Scolopendro- morpha are also represented, at least in the southern part of Alaska, as I have many specimens of Otocryptops rubiginosus Koch from Forrester island, a species occurring also in China and Japan as well as in other northern parts of North America, such as Canada, Minnesota, etc. The common Otocryptops sexspinosus Say also occurs. The chilopods now known to be found in Alaska are as follows : Otocryptops rubiginosus Koch. Otocryptops sexspinosus Say. Linotaenia chionophila Wood. Arctogeophilus glacialis Attems. Cryophilus alaskanus, gen. et sp. nov. Gnathomerium melanonotum Wood. Geophilus alaskanus Cook. Pachymerium ferrugineum Koch. Escaryus albus Cook. Monotarsobius tricalcaratus Attems. Ezembius stejnegeri Bollman. Oabius uleorus Chamberlin. Paobius boreus Chamberlin. Ethopolys integer alaskanus, subsp. nov. GEOPHILOMORPHA. One family, the Chilenophilidse, is represented in the collection. Three other families of the order are also known to occur in Alaska. The Linotaeniidae are represented by Linotaenia chionophila Wood, a species widespread in the northern United States and Canada and exceedingly close to, if not identical with, the well-known European L. acuminata Leach. This species appears to be common on Pribilof, Aleutian, Kadiak, Baranof, Popof and Forrester islands, etc., as well as at points on the mainland. The Schendylidse have also a single known member here, namely, Escaryus albus Cook, which occurs on Pribilof island (St. Paul). The Geophilidse proper are represented by two species, Geophilus alaskanus and Pachymerium ferrugineum (Koch),, the first being known from Sitka and Forrester island, and the second from Yakutat bay and St. Paul island. CHILENOPHILIDSE. The existence of a group of geophiloid genera differing from typical geophilids in having a strongly developed pleurosternal suture on each side of the second maxillary segment was pointed out by Attems in 19091, this author designating J" Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb. einer Forschungsreise im West. u. Zent. Siidafrika, Myriopoden", in Denks. med.-naturw. Ges. Jena, 1909, 14, p. 22. 16 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 the group as a subfamily, Chilenophilina?, in the GeophilidaB, and in the same year also by Brolemann1 who regarded the group as a subtribe, Ribautiina, under his tribe Geophilini. Since then the group has proved to be increasingly large and widespread. One genus has been previously recorded from Alaska, Arctogeophilus gladalis At terns being listed in the original account as occurring on both sides of Bering strait, namely, from Naniamo and Konyam bay on Seniavine sound on the Siberian side and from Port Clarence on the Alaskan. I suspect, however, that the specimens from the Alaskan side belong rather to the species described below as new, the two forms being very similar in size, structure and general appearance and both possessing thirty-nine pairs of legs, the two apparently to be distinguished only by critical examination. For the Alaskan species, after much hesitation, I have felt compelled to erect a separate genus, the only alternative being to assume that so experienced a student of the group as Graf At terns was mistaken in his observations on several characters of fundamental importance, which, in the .absence of authentic material of his species 1 do not feel justified in doing. In addition, I have specimens of a species of a third genus from Forrester island, this being Gnathomcrium melanonotum AYood, a form common from California northward through Oregon and Wash- ington into British Columbia. The position of the new genus among the other known genera of the Chilenophilidae may be indicated by means of the following key. KEY TO GENERA OF CHILENOPHILID^. a Anal legs with an additional article replacing the claw. (Lateral pieces of the labrum separated by the median piece.) b Coxae of second maxilla? very broadly and completely fused. Ventral pores in four areas. Coxopleural pores small and very numerous both above and below. Telocricus Chamber lin. bb Coxae of second maxillae separated or at most weakly united by a membranous isthmus c With no ventral. pores; no finger-like process from distomesal angle of coxa of second maxillae. d A large lappet on coxa of first maxillae in addition to one upon succeeding article; prosternum without chitinous lines. Watophilus Chamberlin. fid Lappet present only on femuroid of first maxillae; prosternum with chitinous lines. Alloschizotaenia Brolemann. cc Ventral pores present; a finger-like process at distomesal angle of coxa of second maxillae; first maxillse without lappets. Proschizotaenia Silvestri. '/'/ Anal legs without such additional terminal article in place of the claw, either bearing claws or when ('lawless composed simply of the usual six articles distad of the coxopleura. b Lateral pieces of labrum overlapping the median piece and in contact at the median line c Ventral pores present; lappets of second maxilla? rudimentary; coxae of second niaxilhe wholly separated. (A clypeal area present.) Chilenophilus Attems. cc. No ventral pores; lappets of second maxillae well developed ; coxae of second maxillae more or less clearly united. tl No clypeal area present . e Palpus of second maxilla1 quadriarticulate. Arctogeophilus Attems. ee Palpus of second maxilla- triarticulate. Gnathomerium Ribaut. fid A clypral area present. Palpus of second maxilla- triarticulate; anal legs (-lawless. Cryophflus gen. nov. bb Lateral pieces of labrum not in contact at the middle line, more or less widely separated by the median piece. C One or more clypeal areas present. '/ No ventral pores present . e Disloectal angle of tibia, of palpus of second maxilhe prolonged and strongly chitini/ed. (! nuthoribautia Brolemann. Disto.'ctal angle of tibia of second niaxilhe not thus prolonged. Taiyuna Chamberlin. 1 "A propos d'uii Systeme des C.f-ophiloniorphes," in Arch, de Zool. Exp. et Gen., 1909, ser. 5, 3, p. 327. Chilopoda 17 H dd Ventral pores present, these arranged in four areas. Nesidiphilus Chamberlin. cc No clypeal area present. (Distoectal angle of coxae of second maxilla? prolonged.) d No ventral pores present; distoectal angle of tibia of second maxillae prolonged and strongly chitinized. Brachygonarea Ribaut. dd Ventral pores present; distoectal angle of tibia of second maxillae not thus prolonged. e Lappets present on first maxillae. Polygonarea Attems. ee No lappets present on first maxillae. Ribaulia Brolemann. Cryophilus, n. gen. Frontal suture absent or very vaguely indicated. Prebasal plate not exposed, the cephalic overlapping the basal. Dorsal plates bisulcate. Antennae short, filiform. Clypeal area present, finely aerolated. Labrum free, tripartite. Median piece distinct and of good size but com- pletely overlapped and covered from below by the lateral pieces which are in contact at the median line. Lateral pieces fronged throughout with numerous, closely arranged, long spinescent processes. Outer branch of first maxillae distinctly biarticulate; bearing two mem- branous lappets of which the distal one is the larger in the genotype. Inner branch undivided, set off by a suture. Coxae completely coalesced. Coxae of second maxillae weakly united at middle by a less chitinous isthmus; pleuro- sternal sutures strongly developed; pore mesad of anterior part of suture, opening through mesal edge of sclerite; palpus triarticulate, terminating in a large simple claw, none of the joints with processes. Prehensors large, exposed at the sides and projecting well beyond the front, margin of the head. Claw armed at base; femuroid also armed and the inter- mediate joints with weaker teeth. Prosternum without chitinous lines. Anterior margin unarmed. No ventral pores present. Spiracles circular. Last ventral plate of intermediate width, sides converging caudad, trapezi- form. Tergite of last pediferous segment very broad, moderately narrowed and rounded caudad. Coxopleurae moderately inflated, not unusually elongate or exposed at sides of prescutum. Pores small and moderately numerous, mostly near edge of ventral plate. Anal pores present, small. Anal legs clawless; consisting of six joints beyond coxopleurae. Genotype: C. alaskanus, n. sp. This genus' is undoubtedly close to Arctogeophilus, established as a sub- genus in Geophilus by Attems,1 but now obviously distinct from the latter in generic and in subfamily or family standing. Attems' figure of the maxillae of the genotype of Arctogeophilus, A. glacialis2, shows the palpi of the second pair as quadriarticulate. a condition in which, if correctly represented, the species is unique. Prof. Ribaut segregates the genus Gnathomerium from Arctogeophilus on the assumption of the correctness of this figure.3 Aside from this character, with the doubt one can scarcely help feeling as to the exact- ness of Attems' figure, Cryophilus differs in the presence of distinct clypeal area, which is definitely denied to Arctogeophilus by its author. Also, the figure mentioned represents the segmental pore as enclosed on the mesal side, i " Die Myriopoden der Vega Exped.", Arkiv for Zoologi, 1909, 5, p. 23. 2Loc. cit.; pi. 1, f. 2. 3 " Sur un Genre Nouveau de la Sous'-tribu des Ribautiina," Bull. Soc. d'Hist. nat. et de Sci. biol. de Toulouse, 1910, 43, pp. 105, 106. 18 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 whereas in Cryophilus it opens freely through the mesal margin of the sclerite, the caudomesal lobe not extending forward to its level. Cryophilus alaskanus, n. sp. Colour fulvous throughout, the head of dilute ferruginous cast. Body strongly narrowed caudad over posterior third, scarcely at all nar- rowed cephalad. Cephalic plate widest in front of middle, sides evenly convex; anterior niarinn wide, arcuate, being concave on each side and protruding slightly between the antennae; caudal margin truncate or very weakly convex. Longer than wide in ratio 22 : 17. Hairs very few and widely scattered, short. Antennae short, attenuated distad, 2-25 times longer than the cephalic plate. Last article of same length as the two preceding ones taken together. Basal plate overlapped in front by the cephalic, its exposed area being 4 or 4 • 25 times wider than long. Claws of prehensors when closed attaining or a little exceeding the distal end of the first antennal article. Claw armed at base with an acute, conical, only slightly darkened tooth. Femuroid armed at distal end with a smaller dist ally rounded tooth. The intermediate joints with smaller nodules. Anterior margin of prosternum unarmed mesally slightly concave. Sides in front of rounded caudal cornes straight, slightly diverging cephalad. A little wider than long, the ratio being 9 : 8. Nearly 1-7 times longer than the height of femuroid on its ectal side. Paired sulci of tergites deep. On some plates a pair of weaker intermediate sulci may be present but on most such are absent. Presenta in anterior region short. Increasing in length to posterior end of middle region where they are moderately long, always less than half as long as the principal plate, the ratio not exceeding 1 :2-5. Again decreasing in caudal region. Spiracles all circular, moderate or small, decreasing gradually caudad. Anterior ventral plates with a median longitudinal sulcus, the others without sulci. First seven plates with caudad margin angularly produced at middle, the process fitting into an excavation in the succeeding plate. No ventral pores detected. Legs of first pair very little smaller than the second ones. Last ventral plate trapeziform. Caudal and lateral margins straight. Plate with width across anterior end equal to the length. Pores of caxopleurse small, about fourteen in number on each side; mostly near edge of ventral plate, a few isolated on side. Anal legs, exclusive of caxopleura3, not or scarcely longer than the penult, moderately crassate in the male; clothed with few long hairs and on ventral surface in the male with more numerous, fine short ones; clawless. Pairs of legs, thirty-nine. Length, 18-20 mm. Locality : Nome, Alaska. Two specimens taken. August, 1916. The field label states that the specimens were secured " under logs on tundra," and Mr. Johansen, the collector, notes in his journal that the species occurred " under loose stones, boards, etc., on tundra near town." Aside from the differences indicated under the account of the genus, this species differs from A. glacialis, as described and figured in the original account, in various characters. Thus, the figure and text show the lappets of the first maxillae of A. glacialis to be short, thick, and equal; in the present species they are much longer and proportionately more slender, that of the coxa being at the same time shorter and more slender. than that of the succeeding joint, and the second lappet extending beyond the tip of the second joint of the branch, though falling much short of it in glacialis. The median region of the united Chilopoda 19 H coxae of the second maxillae is narrower and apparently more membranous in alaskanus and the anterior margin presents a distinctly reentrant angle at the middle instead of being straight. The cephalic plate is broader anteriorly, the caudal angles more rounded, the anterior margin protruding forward between antennae instead of being excavated or reentrant, and the hairs are fewer and finer. The exposed area of the basal plate is proportionately longer. There is the likelihood that the specimens secured by the Vega at Port Clarence belong to the present species rather than to the true glacialis as fixed by description and figures. LlTHOBIOMORPHA. Of this order one family is represented in the collection made by the Cana- dian Expedition. Another family is also known to occur in the Alaskan fauna, the Ethopolidae, in which a new subspecies of Ethopolys from Sitka is described below. It is very probable that members of the.Henicopidse will also be found in the region; for, though this family on the whole is particularly characteristic of the southern hemisphere, Lamyctes is not uncommon in north temperate latitudes and the Zygethobiine group is characteristically North American. This group embraces largely mountain-loving forms; and Zygethobius is already known to occur in the high mountains of British Columbia which should naturally carry its range into the present territory. LITHOBIID^E. In addition to the species separately listed below, another species has been recorded from Port Clarence, which is very close to the locality from which the specimens of E. stejnegeri were secured by the Expedition. This is Monotar- sobius tricalcaratus Attems. In the southern part of Alaska, namely from Forrester island, are also found Oabius uleorus Chamberlin and Paobius boreus Chamberlin. Ezembius Chamberlin. This genus was established for a group of subarctic species of which the one here listed is the genotype. The following Siberian species, among others, belong in the genus: Ostiacorum, princeps, sulcipes, and scrobiculatus Stuxberg. Ezembius stejnegeri (Bollman). 1893. Lithobius stejnegeri Bollman, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46, p. 149 Lithobius sulcipes Bollman, loc. cit., p. 199. 1909. Monotarsobius arcticus Attems, Arkiv for Zool., 5, No. 3, p. 19. Lithobius (Archilithobius) haasei Attems, loc. cit., p. 22. Of this species Mr. Johansen secured three females at Teller, Alaska, on July 31, 1913, his note stating that they were found " under old sacks, tins, etc., on tundra behind town." The species is widespread in this general region, and appears to abound particularly on Pribilof and other islands. After a study of considerable material, I am unable to detect more than one species and conclude that the sulcipes of Bollman, and certainly the Monotarsobius arcticus and Lithobius (Archilithobius) haasei of Attems, all described from Bering island, are one and the same as E. stejnegeri, which in turn, may prove to be identical with sulcipes Stuxberg (1875), if not, indeed, with the much earlier L. sibiricus of Gerstfeldt (1858). ETHOPOLID^). Occasion is taken to describe here a new Alaskan form of Ethopolys. As this is regarded as a subspecies of a new species occurring in Washington and Oregon, a description of the latter is also introduced. 20 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Ethopolys Chamberlin.1 This genus includes a group of North American species known at present only from the region west of the Rocky mountains where they are common and range from southern California, Nevada, and Utah northward into Alaska. Ethpolys integer, n. sp. Dorsum mostly dark brown with the caudal plates darker; major plates often darkened over the lateral and caudal borders; major plates of posterior half of body typically with a distinct longitudinal median black stripe, this becoming more indistinct on the anterior plates. Head, as also in part the first dorsal plate in some, reddish brown to chestnut; a blackish median longitudinal stripe extending from caudal margin to frontal suture. Antenna? brown to light chestnut, paler distad. Venter light brown, the fourteenth and fifteenth stern ites commonly of chestnut tinge. Prosternum and prehensors also of light chestnut tinge. Legs testaceous, the posterior pairs darker, brown to light chestnut. Hody of same form in male and female. About eight times longer than width of tenth plate. Head and first dorsal plate of same width and narrower than the tenth plate. Head distinctly wider than long (86 : 79) ; widest a little caudad of lateral breaks. A V-shaped impression on caudal half of plate. Entire surface sub- densely punctuate, the punctse distinct. Ocelli from twelve to nineteen in three or four series, but by far most com- monly in four; e.g., 1 + 5, 6, 4, 3; 1 + 6, 5, 4, 3; 1 + 5, 5, 4, 2; 1 + 5, 4, 3, 2; 1 + 5, 4, 2; 1 + 6, 5, 3. Single ocellus much largest, clearly separated by a. space from the others. Seriate ocelli distinct, regular, decreasing moderately ventrad and cephalad. Antennae reaching to from fifth to eighth segments, but mostly to the sixth or seventh. Articles twenty to twenty-four, long and cylindric. Ultimate article long and slender, a little shorter than the two preceding taken together. Prosternum about 1 • 7 times wider than long. Chitinous lines well devel- oped excepting toward caudal ends. Finely densely punctuate. Spine inserted on ventral surface a little caudad of the anterior edge; moderately short, uni- formly attenuated to an acute point; much stouter than the ordinary bristles. Teeth conical; those adjacent to the diastema on each side largest. Most commonly three or four teeth ectad of diastema but also sometimes only two. Examples of dental formulae are the following, the left side being represented first: 3 — 7 + 6 — 3, this being the commonest of number and arrangements; 3-6 + 6-3; 3-5 + 6-3; 4-6 + 6-4; 2-6 + 6-3: 2-6+6-2; 2-6 + 5-2. All dorsal plates distinctly and rather coarsely punctuate, and, especially the caudal ones, rather finely rugose and irregularly tuberculate toward lateral borders, the median portion remaining -nearly smooth excepting on the fifteenth plate. ,. ,. . . 0, 0, 3, 2, 1 0, 0, 3, 2, 2 , .. Opines of first legs f— to - ; of the second to tenth pairs, U, U, Z, o, Z U, U, Z, Oj Z °f the eieventh> ' of the twelfth- or accessory claws; of the anal, T — , claw single or with a very minute 1, 1, 6, Z} 1 -ory claw. Last two pairs, or occasionally only the last pair, of coxae laterally armed. lCan. Entomologist, 1912, p. 13. Chilopoda 21 H Claw of female gonopods long and well curved, entire, with no trace of lateral teeth. Basal spines 3 + 3; acuminate from near middle of length, apically rounded. Length, 20 to 30 mm. Localities: Washington state; Pullman and Wenatschee. Oregon: Corvallis. This species seems to replace E. sierravagus north of Oregon. It is very close in general appearance and structure to the latter species. Ethopolys integer alaskanus, n. subsp. Though in E. integer proper the head and first dorsal plate are strongly and rather coarsely punctate, especially over the anterior portion of the head, these parts in the types of the Alaskan form as represented by the types are smooth and wholly without punctse or nearly so. Posterior angles of thirteenth dorsal plate weakly produced, those of the eleventh showing a more slight similar tendency. The claw of the female gonopods in the two typical females has a distinct tooth on the inner side toward the distal end but none on the outer, being thus bipartite instead of essentially entire as in integer or tripartite as in sierravagus. In the types from Forrester island a median dorsal black stripe is distinctly marked from the caudal end of the fourteenth plate cephalad to the frontal suture of the head. These specimens in whole or in part show a distinct reddish or chestnut cast. The specimens from Sitka (males presumably of this sub- species) lack the reddish tinge, the colour being a dull, nearly uniform, dusky olive brown. Dorsal spines of first legs in Sitka specimens 0, 0, 2, 2, 1. Dorsal spines of second legs in specimens from botn localities may be 0, 0, 3, 2, 1 or 0, 0, 3, 2, 2. Length of maximum female, 23 mm. Localities : Alaska, Forrester island (Ronald and Prof. H. Heath); and Sitka. 22 H Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE IV. Chilopoda collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Cryophilus alaskanus Chamberlin, ventral view of caudal end. 2. LryopMut atoskanus Chamberlin, dorsal view of head and prehensors. 6. Lryophilus oMtkanu* ( 'h;unberlin, ventral view of prehensors. 4. Lryophilus alaskanus Chamberlin, maxillse. .5. Cryophilus alaskanus Chamberlin, clypeal area. ; < REPORT ? OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART I: LEPIDOPTERA By ARTHUR GIBSON OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1920 Issued 10th Jan. 1920. i I The Lepidoptera collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. (With notes on other species collected in Arctic America.) By ARTHUR GIBSON, Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The collection of lepidoptera made by members of the Southern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition during the years 1913 to 1916, is composed largely of butterflies. The material was collected chiefly by Mr. Frits Johansen, although a number of specimens were taken by Mr. D. Jenness and Mr. J. J. O'Neill, other members of the expedition. The localities where the lepidoptera were collected are in some instances the same as those visited by Mr. David T. Hanbury, whose collections were reported upon by Elwes and Hampson1. A small number of specimens of the families Pyralida?, Pterophoridae, and Tortri- cida3 were brought back, but these are in such poor condition that it is impossible to determine them. In addition to the collection made by the Southern Party, I have also examined a small collection brought back by the Northern Party made on Victoria island and Melville island. In the National Collection of Insects at Ottawa there are a number of species which were collected in Arctic regions by officials of the Geological Survey of Canada and which were not obtained by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. It has been thought advisable to include the records of such captures in this report. In the spring of 1917, I had an opportunity of studying portions of the Barnes' collection of lepidoptera, at Decatur, 111., which is undoubtedly one of the most complete collections of North American lepidoptera in existence. On this occasion I compared some doubtful material with specimens in the collection. I received many favours while in Decatur, not only from Dr. Barnes himself but from Dr. J. McDunnough. To both of these gentlemen I am much indebted. A few other specialists were consulted with regard to doubtful species and such assistance as was received is acknowledged in the text. In the following pages nine species are described as new, in addition to which two new varieties are recognized. The majority of these new species and new varieties were collected by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. The photographs from which Plates I to III, inclusive, were made, were taken by Mr. A. E. Kellett, Artist Assistant, Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The arrangement of the species follows Barnes and McDunnough's recently issued Check List of the Lepidoptera of Boreal America. FAMILY PAPILIONIDAE. Genus Papilio L. Papilio machaon aliaska Scudd. Papilio machaon var. aliaska Scudd.: Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XII, 407, 1869. No specimens of this butterfly were met with by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. In the National Collection of Insects at Ottawa there are specimens from: Valley of Mayo river, Yukon Territory, July, 1904 (J. Keele); Gravel river, near Twitya river, Northwest Territories, June 28, 1908 (J. Keele); three miles below summit of Chilkoot pass, July 15, 1886 (McDougall); between latitudes 67° 25' and 66° 30', long. 141°, June 12-27, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). Mr. Keele reported that this butterfly was quite common along the shores of Mayo lake and valley of Mayo river, Yukon, during July and August, 1904. 1 Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1903, part III (Oct.). 65994—1-1 4 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Papilio glaucus canadensis R. & J. Papilio glaucus canadensis R. & J.: Novitates Zoologicse, XIII, 586, 1906. Two Yukon specimens of the form canadensis are in the Canadian National Collection, namely from: Klotassin river area, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06'; long. 137° 30' to 13.9° 30', summer, 1916 (D. D. Cairnes), and Frances river (lat. 60° 29'), July 1, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy). Genus Parnassius Latr. Parnassius smintheus Dbldy. and Hew. I'lirnaxxiux xmintheus 'Dbldy. & Hew.: Gen. Diur. Lep., pi. 4, 1847. Two specimens in the Canadian National collection from the following northern localities: White river district, international boundary, Yukon Terri- tory, lat, 61° 55', long. 141°, July 13, 1913 (D. D. Cairnes); White river, Yukon Territory, long. 141°, July 23, 1913 (D. D. Cairnes). FAMILY PIERIDAE. Genus Pieris Schrank. Pieris occidentalis Reak. /Vm'x occidentalis Reak.: Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., VI, 133, 1866. ( )ne specimen from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 30, 1915, female (F. Johansen). In addition to this specimen there is in the Canadian National collection at Ottawa, specimens from the following Arctic localities: Mackenzie river, opposite Gravel river. Northwest Territories, July 18, 1908 (J. Keele); Mt. Eduni, Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 8, 1908 (J. Keele); Klutlan Glacier, elevation 7,500 feet, 141st meridian, international boundary, June 21, 1913 (E. W. Xesham). Pieris napi L. Verity1 has treated, at length, the various races and forms of this species. More recently, however, Barnes and McDunnough2 have discussed the forms of nfif)}' which occur in the extreme north. No specimens of this species were collected by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition but it is of interest to include here records of specimens in the Canadian National collection, which were collected by other explorers. Pieris napi arctica Verity. /VfY/.v nti/)/ urcticd Verity: Rhopalocera Pala3arctica, 334, 1911. In the Ottawa collection there are ten specimens which we have determined as this form, namely from the following localities: White river district, Yukon Territory, lat. (i2° 31' to f>3° 06', long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer 1916, 2 males (I). I), Cairnes); valley of the Mayo river, Yukon Territory, July, 1904, 1 male (,J. Keele); Nansen creek, Placer Mining camp, Yukon Territory, July 1 7. 1!H I. :> m:ile< (I). 1). Cairnes); near Hear creek, 120 miles from Whitehorse, on Kluane road, .June 17, 1914, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); between latitudes 67° 25' and (H)0 30', long. 141°, June 15, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Pelly river, Yukon Territory, .July 13, 11)07, 1 female (J. Keele). In the Entomological Record for H)07;< this latter specimen is recorded under the name hitltht. 1 Rhopalocera Palsearcti<-;i, \"0|. 1. ttt. Nat. Hist. Lep, \. A.. HI. Xo. 2, and IV, No. 2. 3 Hop. Knt. SOP. On t., 1!H)7. Lepidoptera 5 1 One of the specimens taken between latitudes 67° 25' and 66° 30', long. 141° is shown on Plate III, fig. 3, together with the underside of a specimen from Nansen creek, Yukon Territory (fig. 4). Barnes and McDunnough in their "Contributions," vol. Ill, No. 2, Plate VI, figure a male and a female of arctica from Chatanika, Alaska. Pieris napi pseudobryoniae Verity. Pieris napi pseudobryonice Verity: Rhopalocera Palaearctica, 146, 1908. Specimens of this form in the Ottawa collection are from the following localities: Bartlett bay, off Glacier bay, Alaska, June 10, 1907, 2 males, 1 female (D. H. Nelles); Alaska, 1894, 2 females (Ogilvie). A male and a female from Bartlett bay are shown on Plate III, figs. 1 and 2. In the Ottawa collection there is a specimen of napi taken at Dease lake, northern British Columbia, June 17, 1887 (G. M. Dawson). Fletcher1 recorded this as venosa Scudd. This latter form was described from California. I have recently compared the specimen from Dease lake with Edwards' figure of oleracea-hiemalis on Plate 2, Vol. 1, Papilio, and while the veins are more heavily lined, it otherwise is similar to the figure referred to. It is certainly different from specimens of venosa from California in the Canadian National collection. Long series of such northern forms are required before one can arrive at any satisfactory decision regarding their status. Genus Euchloe Hbn. Euchloe creusa Dbldy. Anthocharis creusa Dbldy. : Gen. Diur. Lep., pi. 7, 1847. Three specimens from northern localities are in the Canadian National collection, namely from Felly river, Yukon Territory (W. Ogilvie), and between latitudes 67° 25' and 66° 30', June 12-15, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). The specimen from Pelly river was named A. hyantis some years ago by the late Dr. Fletcher. This latter name, however, according to Barnes and McDunnough2, should evidently be used for the Californian race of creusa. In 1908, Mr. C. H. Young, of the Canadian Geological Survey, found the larvae abundantly at Departure bay, British Columbia, feeding on tower mustard, Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. Unfortunately he did not make any larval notes, but brought to me on his return to Ottawa a number of the chrysalids, from one .of which a butterfly had emerged and from another a tachinid parasite of the; genus Exorista3. The chrysalid is shown on Plate III, fig. 7. Euchloe ausonides Bdv. Anthocharis ausonides Bdv.: Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), X, 286, 1852. Four northern specimens of this species are in the Canadian National collection taken at the following localities: Telegraph creek, Stikine river, northern British Columbia, May 27, 29, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); Cassiar trail, 10 miles west of Dease lake, British Columbia, June 4, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); Pelly river, below Hoole river, Yukon Territory, July 5, 1907 (J. Keele). 1 Ann. Rep. Geo. Surv. of Canada, 1887. 2 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N.A., III, 2, 60. 3 The specimen which was much damaged was submitted to Mr. John D. Tothill, who reported that it belonged to the genus Exorista and that it may be E. vulgaris Fall. 6 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Genus Eurymus Swains. Eurymus meadi Edw. Colia* meadi Edw.: Tnins. Amer. Ent. Soc., Ill, 267, 1871. One specimen from Bernard harbour, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories. .July 14, 1916, male (F. Johansen). This was the only specimen of this butterfly which was in the Arctic col- lection. It resembles very closely specimens from Colorado in the Canadian National collection. The glandular spot is well developed, and is distinctly tinged with red. The occurrence of this species at Bernard harbour is a most interesting record. It was captured with specimens of hecla glacialis, from which, of course, it was at once separated by the spot referred to. Eurymus hecla glacialis McLach. Colias hecla var. glacialis McLach.: Jour. Linn. Soc., XIV, 108, 1878. Twenty-four specimens from the following localities: Collinson point, northern coast of Alaska, July 10, 1914, 4 males, 2 females (F. Johansen). Barter island, northern Alaska, July 4, 1914, July 17, 1914; July 19, 1914; July 21, 1914; 8 males, 3 females (D. Jenness); Herschel island, Yukon Terri- tory, end of July, 1916, 1 female (F. Johansen); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916; August 1, 1915, August 4, 1915; August 17, 1915, August 25, 1915; 3 males, 3 females (F. Johansen). One of the specimens from Collinson point represents the form pallida of Skinner and Mengel. The specimens collected on Barter island were captured while resting on the tundra. Mr. Jenness in a note which accompanied the speci- mens states: "This butterfly flies with considerable speed in a comparatively straight line for some distance." On Barter island the specimens were all with one exception taken during sunshine, the temperature records noted by Mr. Jenness varying from 44° to 56°F. The exception, a male specimen, was taken on a cloudy day, the temperature at the time being 38°F. In the males the colour of the upper side of the wings is nearest to orange excepting along the costa and along the inner angle of the secondaries where the scales are greenish-yellow and black intermixed. The black marginal band is wide and in most examples is conspicuously crossed on all wings with yellowish- green veins. The discal spot on the primaries is black, conspicuous, and varies in shape from an almost straight short dash to an enlarged almost rounded spot. The centre of the latter spot is in some specimens filled in with white, in others with red. The underside of the males is fairly constant, the secondaries being' greenish-yellow dusted with black. The black dusting is not so heavy along the margins and the marginal area therefore is paler in colour and shows up as a faint marginal band. The discal spot is white, heavily bordered, par- ticularly outwardly with red and frequently prolonged to a point. In some specimens a very small additional spot is present. The primaries beneath are of a similar colour excepting the discal area which is flushed with pale orange. In some examples there is a submarginal row of black spots, in others a single black submarginal spot near the inner angle. The discal spot on the underside of the primaries is conspicuous, and is centred with white or pale orange. The males in expanse of wings vary from 38 to 45 mm. The females are similar in appearance and resemble very much the figures labelled hecla on plate 27 g, vol. v of Seitz's Macrolepidoptera of the World, excepting that the marginal band on all wings is decidedly wider. One female from Bernard harbour has the wide band on the primaries with only traces in two instances of the yellowish-green submarginal spots. The secondaries in Lepidoptera 7 I this specimen are also darker than in the other examples and the yellowish-green submarginal spots are only faintly represented by a few scales of that colour. This specimen in the width of the band approaches meadi Edw. The females vary in size from 42 to 51 mm. Specimens of both sexes have also been compared with Verity's figures of hecla. One or two, possibly more, of our females may be the same as his chrysothemoides. Seven specimens, males, of the same species were brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. These were collected at Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 1-10, 1916 (J. Hadley). In addition to the above specimens there are 21 other examples in the Canadian National collection taken as follows: Klutlan glacier, international boundary, June 21, elevation 7,500 feet, 1 male (E. W. Nesham); Alaska, lat. 59° 30', 141st meridian— lat. 69° 40', 141st meridian, June-July, 1912, 2 males, 1 female (J. M. Jessup). This latter is a white female, and is apparently pallida S. and M. Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 1905, 1 male (J. Keele). This specimen was recorded as Eurymus boothi in the Entomological Record for 19051. Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1905, 1 male (J. Keele). Previously recorded with specimen from Lansing river as E. boothi. Mayo valley, Yukon Territory, 1904 (J. Keele). In the Entomological Record for 19042 Fletcher recorded this specimen as E. boothi, stating that it corresponded exactly with Elwes' fig. 53. Unfortunately this specimen is in very poor condition. I have compared it with Elwes' figure referred to, and would determine it as hecla glacialis not boothi. Kluane road, 135 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, June 21, 1914, 1 male, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes). Near mouth of Nansen creek, head of Nisling river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1914, 2 males, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); White river district, Yukon Territory, lat. 61° 55', long. 141°, July 16, 1913, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); Tatonduk river, international boundary, lat. 65° 02', August 3, 1912, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); Tinder creek, Yukon Territory, July 25, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes) ; west branch of the Thelon river, Northwest Territories, July 6, 1900, 1 male (J. Tyrrell); Sore-head river, east coast of Hudson bay, August 15, 1898, 3 males, 2 females (A. P. Low). Eurymus boothi Curtis. C olios boothii Curtis: Ross' Nar. Second Voyage N.-W. Pass., App., 65, 1835. Six specimens, all males, from the following localities: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916, 5 specimens (F. Johansen); Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, July 15, 1915, one specimen (J. J. O'Neill). I have compared these six specimens with the original figures and description of boothi and cannot associate them with any other species. The specimens have also been compared with Elwes' figures4 of specimens collected at Port Epworth, Barren Grounds and Gray's bay. In the collection of the National Museum at Ottawa are three specimens taken in the Yukon in 1904 and 1905 which were recorded in the Entomological Record5 for 1904 and 1905. I have studied these specimens and am satisfied that they are not boothi but similar to other specimens which we have determined as hecla glacialis McLach. 1 Kept. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1905, 96. 2 Kept. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1904, 61. 3 Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1903, pi. IX. ; Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1903, pi. IX. 5 Reports Ent. Soc. Ont. for years 1904 and 1905. 8 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 The pale orange-coloured scales on the primaries of the above specimens of boothi are in general similar in shade to Elwes' figures, 1, 4 and 5, already referred to and in Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature (1912) come nearest to light orange-yellow or deep chrome, whereas in all of the specimens which we have de- termined as hecla glacialis, the colour of the wings is not yellow but in most ex- amples is nearest to orange as figured by Ridgway in the work referred to. In these latter specimens too (41 examined) there is an absence of the greenish-yellow scales which in the specimens of boothi are present along the marginal band and also for the most part over the entire secondaries. In the three specimens referred to above, recorded erroneously as boothi the colour of the secondaries is similar to the colour of the primaries, as is the case in the series of specimens of glacialis examined. The discal spot on the secondaries in the latter butterfly is also much larger and redder in colour than in the specimens of boothi. The colour of the figures of boothi in Ross' Second Voyage referred to above is very close to bright chalcedony yellow (Ridgway, 1912). Verity1 figures a coloured male (type) of boothi, plate XLIII, 37. Two of our specimens resemble this figure very closely. Examining the six specimens more closely the following differences are apparent: — Three of the specimens from Bernard harbour, have the marginal band well defined. The band on the primaries in these specimens varies in width at vein 3 from about 1 mm. to about 2 mm. On the secondaries there is the sarnie varia- tion in width. The marginal band on the latter wings in two of the examples ends abruptly at about midway between veins 2 and 3. In the other of these three specimens the band on the secondaries is only clearly defined to vein 4. The other three males have, also, narrow marginal bands but these are not so well defined and are preceded on the primaries by yellowish-green spot-like areas which give them a female-like appearance. In none of the specimens are the veins in the marginal band brightly coloured as in hecla glacialis, all are con- colorous with the band itself, but there are, however, in the marginal band on the primaries a series of transverse, short, greenish-yellow dashes midway between the veins. One specimen in fairly good condition has only a slight tinge of yellow in the discal area, all the wings in general being of a greenish- yellow colour. The discal spot on the primaries varies in size; in two examples it is rounded, in the others more like a short dash. The underside of the secondaries is of a dull yellowish-green, the submarginal area being paler and showing up as a band. In the better preserved specimens there is a distinct pale yellowish-green streak near the centre. The discal spot on the hind wings is rounded, white in colour, bordered with rosy-red which colour in two examples runs outwardly to a point. In the basal area near the body there is also a conspicuous rosy-red dash similar to that which occurs on hecla glacialis. The primaries underneath are in general similar, the yellowish flush in the discal area varying in intensity. In one specimen nearly the whole underside of the primaries is yellowish. In this latter specimen there is a conspicuous row of black submarginal spots. The discal spot is conspicuous, whitish in the centre and margined with black. The specimens vary in expanse of wings from 36 mm. to 43 mm. Two examples, both from Bernard harbour are shown on Plate IV, figs. 1 and 2. In the P]ntomological Record for 19102, I recorded a specimen of C. boothi from Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908-(A. Day). This record should undoubtedly refer to hecla glacialis. 1 Rhopaloroni Palsearctica. 2 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1910. Lepidoptera 9 1 Eurymus eurytheme kootenai Cockle. Colias kootenai Cockle: Can. Ent. XLII, 203, 1910. Barnes and McDunnough1 have recently separated the forms which they considered should be arranged under eurytheme. Regarding kootenai which they refer to as being evidently the spring form of British Columbia, it is of interest to include here the following records: Pelly river, at mouth of Campbell creek, Yukon Territory, male, July 8, 1907 (J. Keele); Pelly river, near Hoole river, Yukon Territory, male, July 5, 1907 (J. Keele); Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, 62° 31' to 63° 06'; long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, 1916, male and female (D. D. Cairnes). The above authors, in the publication referred to figure two males and one female, one of the former being of a specimen from Atlin, B.C., which is adjacent to the Alaskan border. Eurymus Christina Edw. Colias Christina Edw.: Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., II, 79, 1863. Mr. Jos. Keele, of the Department of Mines, Ottawa, has on several occasions collected interesting specimens of lepidoptera in northern regions. In 1908 he met with this species on the Mackenzie river opposite Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 17, 18, 1908, 6 males, 5 females. A single female was also collected by Dr. D. D. Cairnes on the west side of Lake Kluane, near Jacquot's road house, Yukon Territory, Aug. 2, 1914. These specimens are similar to others taken in more southern regions in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatche- wan. One of the specimens is apparently the form gigantea Stkr. The species was described from material collected " at the portage of Slave river." In 1888, Mr. F. Bell collected a coliid at Fort Simpson, Northwest Terri- tories, and this was determined by W. H. Edwards as occidentalis, and recorded as such by Fletcher2. Barnes and McDunnough3 state that possibly the Fort Simpson specimens mentioned by Scudder in his description of occidentalis really belonged to a yellow form of Christina, and for this reason they would restrict the name occidentalis to the Vancouver island form which, while close, they mention can at once be distinguished by the much greater suffusion of black at the base of both wings on the upper side, approaching in this respect chrysomelas Hy. Edw. The specimen collected by Mr. Bell and named occidentalis for Fletcher by Edwards certainly lacks the suffusion of black at the base of both wings on the upper side and is thus similar to Christina as we know the latter. Eurymus pelidne Bdv. Colias pelidne Bdv. : Icones, pi. VIII, 1832. In the Canadian National collection there are twelve specimens which we have determined as this species. These specimens were taken as follows: Limestone harbour, opposite northern part of Big island, Hudson strait, July 24, 1897, male (R. Bell); head of Kaliktookduog inlet, north side of Hudson strait, July 26, 1897, male (R. Bell) ; Sore-head river, east coast of Hudson bay, August 15, 1898, male (A. P. Low); Hannah bay, Hudson bay, female; Koong- neow inlet, Hudson strait, July 29, 1897, female (R. Bell); Labrador, July 9, 27, 5 males (A. P. Low); Little Charlton island, James bay, July 14, 1884, male (J. M. Macoun). 1 Cont. Nat. Hist, Lep. N.A., III, 2, 64. 2 An. Rep. Geo. Surv. Can., 1887. 3 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N.A., III, 2, 68. 10 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 The specimen from Hannah bay was identified by W. H. Edwards as pelidne and that from Koong-neow inlet bears the same name in Fletcher's hand- writing. Two of the specimens from Labrador were examined by Dr. H. Skinner. Dr. McDunnough has very kindly sent to me specimens of pelidne from Hopedale, Labrador. The specimens from Hudson bay and Labrador we presume are Idbradorensis Scud. Comparing these specimens with the series determined as chippewa referred to below the following differences are apparent. In both sexes of pelidne the marginal bands are narrower, especially on the secondaries, and the discal spot on the underside of the secondaries is distinctly margined with red mostly of a purplish shade. Barnes and McDunnough1 refer to the discal spot of the forewing of labradorensis as being entirely absent or only faintly outlined by a few scattering dark scales and figure a male specimen from Hopedale, Labra- dor.2 In our specimens the discal spot is present but faint. Verity3 figures a female from Labrador. The butterfly is also figured by Holland4. Eurymus palaeno chippewa Edw. Colias helena Edw.: Butt, of N.A., Vol. I, Colias 1; Colias chippewa Edw.: Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 80, 1863 (helena preoccupied). One specimen, a female, taken at Nome, Alaska, August 24-25, 1916 (F. Johansen). In the Canadian National collection at Ottawa there are fifteen other specimens which we have determined as chippewa. They bear labels as follows : Pelly river, Yukon Territory, 15 miles above Woodside river, July 14, 1907, 3 specimens, males (J. Keele); Stewart river, above Nadaleen river, Yukon Terri- tory, July 18, 1905, 2 males (J. Keele) ; Nansen creek, Placer Mining Camp, Yukon Territory, July 7, 1914, 1 male, 2 females (D. D. Cairnes); Harrington creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 05', long. 141°, July 30, 1912, male (D. D. Cairnes); Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1905, male (J. Keele); Champagne Landing, 50 miles from Whitehorse, by Kluane road, Yukon Territory, June 8, 1914, female (D. D. Cairnes); Siwash creek, international boundary, lat. 65° 57', June 30, 2 males (D. D. Cairnes). Mt. Eduni, Gravel river, Northwest Territories, 6,000 feet, July 8, 1908, male (J. Keele); west branch of the Thelon river, Northwest Territories, July 5, 1900, male (J. Tyrrell). The males are fairly constant in markings, and in general are in good condition. The colour of the upper surface of all wings is chalcedony yellow5, the lower wings being not so bright resulting from the dark scales of the underside showing through. The marginal blackish bands are noticeably wide. Under- neath the colour varies in the specimens from pale yellow to a decidedly greenish- yellow, the secondaries overlaid with blackish scales as is also the costal area. In all the specimens the discal spot on the secondaries, beneath, is white, faintly margined with yellow. The four females are also similar in appearance, being whitish with broad marginal band on primaries particularly at apex. Edwards' figures" resemble closely specimens in our series as do also those of Verity7. 1 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N.A., III, 2, pi. VII, 6. 2 Dr. McDunnough has since informed me that the character is not always constant. In the Barnes collection specimens li;ive recently been added which show the discal spot. 3 Rhopalocera Palsearctica, pi. XL, 20. 4 The Butterfly Book, pi. XXXV, 14; XXXVI, 15, 16. 6 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 6 Butt, of N.A., Vol. 1, Colias 1, figs. 5, 6, 7. 7 Rhopalocera Pahearctica, pi. VIII, 43, 44, 45. Lepidoptera Hi Eurymus nastes Bdv. Colias nastes Bdv. : Icones, p. 245, pi. 8, 1832. Thirty-eight specimens from the following localities : Barter island, northern Alaska, July 17, 1914, 1 female (D. Jenness); Collinson point, Alaska, July 10, 17, 1914, 2 females (F. Johansen); Cockburn point, Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories, September 2, 1914, 1 male, 1 female (F. Johansen). Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, 13 males, 20 females, July 30, 1915, August 1, 4, 6, 11, 14, 17, 25, 1915, July 14, 1916 (F. Johansen). This excellent series has enabled us to form a good idea of the range of variation which may occur within the species. The wing expanse of the males varies from 35 mm. to 38 mm. and the females from 34 mm. to 43 mm. In the males the underside both in colour and markings is fairly constant but the upperside shows more variation. The secondaries are mostly of a pale fluorite green1 more or less dusted with black. The primaries in most specimens are darker than the secondaries, the whole wings in some examples being heavily dusted with black. In the females there is more colour variation on the under- sides, some specimens being greenish-yellow others darker green and others again dark green with a pinkish tinge. In most of the specimens the marginal band of yellow is conspicuous. Verity2 has figured a male and a female (types) of the variety rossii Guenee brought back by Captain Ross. None of our males can with certainty be definitely associated with the figure of the male type but one or two of the females match fairly well the figure of the female type. The figures on plate 27 d. of Seitz's Macrolepidoptera of the World are more like our specimens. A single example (female) was brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. This was collected at Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, early July, 1916 (J. Hadley). In addition to the above specimens there are in the Canadian National collection three females from Sore-head river, east coast of Hudson bay, August 15, 1898 (A. P. Low), and one male specimen from Labrador (collector and exact locality unknown). FAMILY SATYRIDAE. Genus Coenonympha Hbn. Coenonympha kodiak yukonensis Holland. Coenonympha kodiak var. yukonensis Holland: Ent. News, XI, 386, 1900. In 1905, Mr. Joseph Keele, of the Department of Mines, Ottawa, collected five specimens of this butterfly as follows : Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 3 males, 1 female; Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, female. These specimens are in the National collection at Ottawa. This butterfly was not collected by any members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. Genus Oeneis Hbn. Oeneis chryxus Dbldy. and Hew. Oeneis chryxus Dbldy. and Hew.: Gen. Diurn. Lep., II, 383, 1851. In the Canadian National collection are two specimens of this species taken by Mr. J. Keele, on the Pelly river, at Hoole canyon, Yukon Territory, July 3, 1907, both males. One of the specimens, although rubbed, resembles a specimen of the variety Calais Scud, in the Ottawa National collection from Go Home bay, Ontario. 1 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 2 Rhopalocera Palaearctica. 12 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Oeneis jutta Hbn. Oeneisjutta Hbn.: Eur. Schmett, f. 614, 1800. In the Canadian National collection are specimens from the following Yukon localities: North Fork Stewart river, Yukon Territory, June 22, 1905, 1 male (J. Keele); Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06'; long. 137° 30' to 139° 60', summer 1916, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1905, 1 male, 2 females (J. Keele); Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 1915, 1 female (J. Keele). In all of these specimens excepting the male, taken on the Ladue river, the median band on the underside of the secondaries is present. In the exception the band is not definitely marked and in general may be referred to the var. (thtNkt'-nxifi Holl. The specimens on the whole are smaller than, jutta which occurs commonly at the Mer Bleue, Carlsbad Springs, Ont., a favourite collecting ground near Ottawa. Oeneis taygete Hbn. Oeneis taygete Hbn. : Samml. Ex. Schmett, 1816-24. One specimen, a male, as follows: Bay southwest of cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories, July 3, 1916 (D. Jenness). In the Canadian National collection at Ottawa there are nine other specimens bearing locality records as follows: Kluane road, 96 miles from Whitehorse, near Marshall creek, Yukon Territory, June 15, 1914, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); Sit Down creek, lat. 65° 40',long. 141°, July 9, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Nation river, lat, 65° 31' (1700-2500 ft.), July 17, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Siwash creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 57', long. 141°, June 30, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); one other specimen evidently from the Yukon Territory, but without definite data; Labrador, male; King (ieorge sound, south side Hudson strait, July 16, 1897, 2 males, 1 female (R. Bell). In the males the median band on the underside of the secondaries is very distinct, in the females less so. The whitish spots near the margin on the hind wings beneath, are conspicuous on most of the Yukon specimens and equally so on the Labrador specimen. Holland has given a rather good figure of the species in his Butterfly Book 1>1. XXVII, 6, the specimen illustrated being from Nain, Labrador. In none of our specimens is the pale yellowish submarginal band on the upperside so marked as indicated in Seitz's figure 50g, vol. v — The Macrolepidoptera of the American Faunistic Region. The submarginal area of the specimens listed above is, in both sexes, similar in colour to the general colour of the primaries. In some of the examples the yellowish spots on the upperside of the secondaries near the margin are very conspicuous. The general colour of the upper surface of the Labrador example is of a golden-brown shade, while that of the Bernard harbour specimen and other males, is of a darker shade of brown. The median band on the underside of the secondaries while conspicuous in all the specimens indicates considerable variation not only in width but also in shape. The number of white scales on both sides of the median band also varies. In all the specimens the veins are white-lined. The genitalia of the specimen taken on the Kluane road, 96 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, are shown on Plate 1, fig. 1. Lepidoptera 13 i Oeneis semidea Say. Hipparchia semidea Say: Am. Ent., Ill, pi. 50, 1828. In the Canadian National collection there are thirteen specimens of Oeneis from the Yukon Territory which I have compared with semidea from New Hampshire, and from which they do not differ in characters which seem to me to be important. The genitalia, also, are very close to those of specimens from Mount Washington, New Hampshire, as will be seen by comparing the figures on Plate I, figs. 2 and 3. The underside of these specimens is in general very similar to Edwards' figure 21. The females are large, expanding 51-53 mm. The males, excepting one specimen, expand 44-47 mm. the exception having a wing expanse of 53 mm. .These specimens are from the following localities: Mountain 6,500 feet above Wolf canyon, Pelly river, Yukon Territory, July 17, 1907, 2 males (J. Keele); Pelly river at Hoole canyon, Yukon Territory, July 30, 1907, male (J. Keele); Stewart river, Yukon Territory, 4,000 feet above valley, July 18, 1905, male (J. Keele); Mountain top, above Nadaleen river, Yukon Territory, July 10, 1905, male (J. Keele); Mountain near Upper Pelly river, Yukon Terri- tory, July 13, 1907, female (J. Keele); Orange creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 66° 10', international boundary, June 27, 1912, 2 females (D. D. Cairnes); Eduni mountain, 4,500-6,000 feet, Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 5, 8, 1908, 1 male, 3 females (J. Keele) ; Gravel river, mountain below Natla river, North- west Territories, July 2, 1908, female (J. Keele). The underside of two males, one from Pelly river, Yukon Territory, the other from Gravel river, Northwest Territories, together with a female from Orange creek, Yukon Territory, are shown on Plate II, figs, 1, 2 and 3. Oeneis semidea var. arctica, new variety Differs from semidea from New Hampshire in the general colour of both the upperside and the underside of the wings. The upper side of the wings is pale brown, almost drab2, the dark scales of the underside showing through particu- larly on the secondaries. The underside is of a dull grey-brown, the maculation dark brown and not nearly so contrasting with the ground colour as in semidea, the mottlings being much more diffused and there being an absence of the con- spicuous whitish areas present in the latter on the underside of the secondaries, The basal area to anal angle is noticeably darkest, inclining to blackish. Fringes whitish, weakly checkered with brown. Alar expanse, 41 mm. Type, a male, in the Canadian National collection from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1916 (F. Johansen). (PL IV, fig. 4.) Four male paratypes from the same locality and bearing the same data are in general similar, with wing expanse of 37-38 mm. In addition to the five males there are four females which we are placing tentatively with this new variety. Three of these are from Wollaston Land, Victoria island, 1915 (D. Jenness) ; the fourth is from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1915 (F. Johansen). In these females there is an absence of the black suffusion of the basal area. They have a wing expanse of 41-42 mm. The underside of one of the male paratypes is shown on PL II, fig. 4. The claspers of semidea arctica are shown on PL I, fig. 4 beside those of semidea from New Hampshire. It will be seen that they are very close to those of the latter. The general colour of the arctic specimens as well as the nature of the maculation on the underside of the secondaries, and their smaller wing expanse seem to warrant the naming of this variety or race. !Butt. of N.A., Chionobas, IX, f. 2. 2Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 14 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Oeneis simulans, n. sp. Palpi black, upper fringe mostly white. Antennae brown, with conspicuous white scales on inner side, knob orange-brown. Body blackish. The upperside of the wings are immaculate, pale brown in colour, almost drab1, the maculation of the underside showing through particularly on the secondaries. Sex mark faintly indicated. Costa whitish, mottled with black. Underside: primaries dull grey-brown, costa and apex whitish with black mottlings; secondaries pale grey-ln-own inclining to whitish, particularly on outer half, and mottled and streaked with dark brown, blackish at base and along inner angle. Median band rather indistinct but noticeably denned by blackish shading both on its inner and outer margin. Maculation in general similar to semidea but not so contrast- ing as in this latter species and without the conspicuous whitish areas. Fringes whitish, checkered with pale brown. Alar expanse, 43 mm. Type, a male, from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1915 (F. Johansen). Two paratypes from the same locality and bearing the same data, in two of these latter the maculation on the underside of the secondaries is more diffused than in the type, the median band being defined on the outer margin only, the area between this and the base being almost wholly suffused with blackish-brown. A third specimen, which I also associate with the above, differs from the type on the underside of the secondaries in having the median band more heavily suffused with dark brown and more sharply defined with whitish scales on both its inner and outer margin. The outer margin is distinctly angled and in this respect differs from the type. These specimens have a wing expanse of 37-40 mm. The underside of the type specimen is shown on Plate II, fig. 5. All the types are in the Canadian National collection. With the above males are two females from the same locality which are being placed tentatively with this species. The underside of both of these specimens is much darker than that of the males being more heavily mottled and streaked with dark brown. In one of the females there is hardly any indication of a median band but in the other female the band is noticeably present being rather heavily bordered on the outer margin with blackish-brown. The above specimens of 0. simulans were collected at the same locality as were the specimens of 0. semidea arctica, from which on superficial characters they cannot be separated. The genitalia, however, are quite distinct from any of those figured by Elwes and Edwards2 or Barnes and McDunnough3, as will be seen by comparing these with our figure on PL 1, fig. 5. Oeneis peartiae Edw. Chionobas peartice Edw.: Butterflies of North America, III, pi. 14, 1897. Five specimens as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1(.>1(>, three males, 1 female (F. Johansen); Chantry island, near Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 7, 1915, 1 male (F. Johansen). These specimens resemble fairly closely, 1-Mwards' figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8, plate XIV, in his Butterflies of North America, Third Series, part XVII, 1897. In the female there is a faint yellowish spot between viens 5 and 6 on each primary towards the apex. This spot is also present on the underside. This specimen is shown on Plate IV, fig. 5. The underside of the same specimen is illustrated on PI. II, fig. 6. The male genitalia are shown on PI. I, fig. 7. 1 RidgwayV Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 2 Trans. Knt. Soc. Lon., Dor-. 1893. 3 Cont. Nat, Hist. Lep. N.A., IV, 2, 1918. Lepidoptera 15 i Oeneis cairnesi, n. sp. Upperside ochraceous-buff1 lightly washed with brown, noticeably so along veins and outer margin, the markings of the underside showing through particularly on the secondaries; costa whitish, mottled with black. Underside: primaries, centrally similarly coloured to upper side but rather more brownish; costa, apex and outer margin to near inner angle, whitish with dark brown mottlings. In the limbal area between veins 5 and 6 there is a distinct dark brown ocellus with white pupil. Secondaries whitish with brown mottlings, the median band mostly dark brown and well defined, paler in the centre. Area on either side of the median band almost wholly whitish. About midway between the median band and the outer margin there are four round, white spots, the two central ones being much smaller than the two outer ones, which latter are about half the size of the ocellus on the underside of each primary. The four spots are margined with brown, the outer ones distinctly so. Fringes whitish, checkered with brown. Clothing of palpi black and grayish intermixed. Antennae brown with white scales, knob orange-brown. Body blackish. Genitalia shown on Plate 1, fig. 6. Alar expanse 42 mm. Type, a male, from the White river district, Yukon Territory, lat. 61° 55', long. 141°, July 16, 1913 (D. D. Cairnes); in the Canadian National collection. Named in honour of the late Dr. Cairnes who collected many interesting species when on northern explorations for the Canadian Geological Survey. Paratypes, one male and two females (expanse 44 mm.) from the same locality. The females are slightly paler in colour than the males and the median band on the underside of the secondaries is not so well defined as in the type. Before describing the above, I submitted a specimen to Dr. Dyar with a request that he compare it with his species 0. nahanni. This he very kindly did reporting that it differed chiefly from his species in being too light in colour, in having no ocelli on hind wings above and the markings on these latter wings being more of an open character. The upperside of the type of 0. cairnesi is shown on PL IV, fig. 6, the under- side of the same specimen on PL II, fig. 7. The underside of one of the female paratypes is shown on the latter Plate at fig. 8. Oeneis brucei var. yukonensis, new variety. Differs from 0. brucei from Colorado in being smaller in wing expanse, in having a conspicuous submarginal row of yellowish spots on the upper side of both primaries and secondaries, in the costa being almost concolorous with wings not white or whitish as in the typical form, and in the median band on the underside of the secondaries being narrower. On either side of the median band the whitish areas are wider and thus more conspicuous, and there is in addition a distinct submarginal blackish line on the underside of the secondaries. Alar expanse, 41 mm. Type, a male, from Klutlan glacier, Yukon Territory, elevation 8,200 feet, June 14, 1913 (E. W. Nesham). Paratypes, three males and two females collected in the same locality by Mr. Nesham on June 13-15 at elevations of 8,200-8,500 feet; wing expanse, 38-41 mm. The paratypes are in general similar to the type. One of the female paratypes has on each primary two ocelli, one between veins 2 and 3 and the other between veins 5 and 6. All the types are in the Canadian National collection. The upperside of the type is shown on PL IV, fig. 3; the underside of the same specimen on PL II, fig. 9. On this latter plate is also shown at figure 10 the upperside of the female paratype with ocelli. The genitalia of one of the male paratypes are shown on PL 1, 1 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 16 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 fig. 8. Barnes and McDunnough1 have reproduced a drawing of the genitalia of 0. brucei and a comparison of this with our figure of the genitalia of 0. brucei yuko-ncnxi* while indicating a close relationship, at the same time also bears a near resemblance to the figure of 0. katahdin shown by the same authors on the same plate. With a good series of 0. brucei yukonensis, the latter may ultimately prove to be of specific rank. Genus Erebia Dal. Erebia discoidalis Kirby. Ilippun-hia (lixcoidalfs Kirby: Faun. Bor. Am., IV, 298, 1837. Among a small collection of lepidoptera given to me by Mr. L. D. Burling, of the Geological Survey of Canada and collected in Alaska by Mr. J. M. Jessup, is a single male specimen of this species. The label covering all the specimens reads: " lat. 59° 30' and 141st meridian — lat. 69° 40' and 141st meridian, June- •July, 1912." This specimen is now in the Canadian National collection. Erebia fasciata Butler. Erebia fasciata Butler: Cat. Satyr. Brit. Mus., 92, 1868. Eleven specimens, eight males and three females, as follows: Bay southwest of cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories, July 3, 1916, 2 specimens (D. .Jenness); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 4, 1915, 2 specimens (F. Johansen); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1916, 7 specimens (F. Johansen). These specimens show noticeable variation. In two of the males taken at Bernard harbour there is an almost total absence of the reddish patch in the submarginal area of the upper surface of the primaries; in the other males the reddish patch in such area varies not only in size but in intensity of colour. The red in none of the species is as bright as that in Elwes' figure2, but is mahogany red3. The number of white scales present in the basal area and in the band beyond the blackish-brown median band on the underside of the secondaries also varies in the specimens. The underside of one specimen matches almost perfectly that figured by Elwes, in the others the whitish or greyish areas are not nearly so distinct. In the three females the greyish band beyond the dark median band on the underside is very conspicuous there being very little of the reddish colour on the primaries. The reddish area on the upper surface of the primaries is not nearly so bright as in Elwes' fig. 12 in the publication referred to above. The colour of the submarginal band on the underside of the secondaries in our specimen is decidedly greyish, more so than is shown in Elwes' fig. 11 of the male. In addition to the above specimens there are in the Canadian National collection two specimens collected by the late Dr. D. D. Cairnes, of the Geo- logical Survey; one, a male, collected at lat. 66° 58', international boundary, .June 15, 1912, the other, a female, collected at lat. 65° 10', long. 141°, (1,300 feet) on July 30, 1912, (PL IV, fig. 7). Also, seven examples brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, two males from Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, collected during the period June 20 to July 11, 1916 (J. Hadley), and Walker bay, Victoria island, July 6, 1917 (J. Hadley), respectively, and seven females, six of which are from Armstrong point, Victoria island, June 20 to July 1 1, 1916 (J. Hadley) and one from Walker bay, Victoria island, July 6, 1917 'J. Hadley). A male from Armstrong point is shown on PL IV, fig. 8. 1 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N.A., IV, 2, pi. XXV. 2 Trans. Knt. SOP. I.omi., 1WW, pi. IX, fig. 11. 3 Rid^wuv's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. Lepidoptera 17 1 The specimens collected by Messrs. Cairnes and Hadley are in general similar to the series from Bernard harbour and Cape Krusenstern. The band on the underside of the female collected at lat. 65° 10' is faint, as is also the reddish area on both upper and lower sides of primaries. Erebia rossi Curt. Hipparchia rossii Curt.: Ross7 Second Voyage N.-W. Pass, App., 67, 1835. One specimen, a female, from Wollaston Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 22, 1915 (D. Jenness) ; PI. IV, fig. 9. On each forewing of the specimen, above, are three ocelli; the two in the sub-apical area are close together, but entirely separated, similar as in the specimen figured by Curtis ; the lower spot is the larger. About midway between this latter spot and the hind angle is the third spot which is about the size of the upper of the two spots. The spots are ochraceous-orange in colour, the black pupil showing only in the largest of the three spots. The two upper spots are more distinct on the underside, being slightly paler in colour, of a more uniform size, and each having a distinct black pupil. The third spot is only faintly visible on the underside. The colour of the upperside of the wings is close to light seal brown ; the underside is similar but the outer central portion 'of the primaries is reddish, the discal area being suffused with a paler brown than that of the hind wings. The underside of the secondaries are banded as in Elwes' figure1. Two other specimens in the Canadian National collection, both males, one from Kluane P.O., Yukon Territory, June 23, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes), the other from West branch of the Thelon river, Northwest Territories, July 6, 1900 (J. Tyrrell) also appear to be the same species. The one from Kluane is very similar to the Wollaston Land specimen but that from the Thelon river is dif- ferently marked approaching Elwes' fig. 2 in the publication referred to. Erebia disa Thuii. Papilio disa Thun.: Diss. Ent. Ins. Suec., II, 37, 1791. Two specimens taken as follows: Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, North- west Territories, July 15, 1915, 1 male, 1 female (J. J. O'Neill). The former specimen is much like the figure of disa on plate 37h, vol. 1, of Seitz's Macrolepidoptera of the World but is much darker brown in colour. The median band on the underside of the secondaries is well defined, the area on either side being greyish- white. The female is in a poor state of preservation. In the Canadian National collection there are specimens from the Yukon and Northwest Territories, bearing the following labels : — 75 miles from White- horse, near Canyon river, Yukon Territory, June 11, 1914, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes) ; Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, (McLaughlin) ; Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 1905, 1 female (J. Keele) ; Siwash creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65°59', long. 141°, July 29, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); Gravel river, Northwest Territories, June 27, July 20, 1908, 3 specimens, 2 males, 1 female (J. Keele); Black river, Yukon Territory, lat. 66° 34', June 18, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). There is a noticeable variation in these latter specimens, not only in the size of the spots on the primaries, but also in the colour of the lower side of the wings and the faintness or otherwise of the median band on the secondaries. In the specimen from near Canyon river, for instance, the colour of the underside of the secondaries is almost wholly dark brown, very similar to the colour of the reverse side, excepting the outer margin which is greyish. Some of these examples should doubtless be referred to the var. mancinus Dbl. and Hew. The specimen from Lansing river, was recorded by Fletcher as the var. mancinus in the Entomological Record for 1905.2 1 Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1899, pi. XII, fig. 1. 2 Kept. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1905, 96. 65994^-2 18 I Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Erebia epipsodea Butl. Erebia epipsodea Butl.: Cat. Satyr. Brit. Mus., 80, 1868. This species which is evidently rare in northern regions was collected by Mr. J. Keele, in the Yukon Territory, on the Pelly river, below Hoole river, July 5, 1907, 1 male. This specimen is in the Canadian National collection. Two other specimens, 1 male and 1 female collected by the late Dr. D. D. Cairnes, in the Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06'; long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, 1916, are in the same collection. These specimens are similar to examples from more southern localities. Erebia youngi Holl. Erebia youngi Holland: Ent. News, XI, 388, 1900. This species was described from material collected between Fortymile and Mission creeks, northeastern Alaska. No specimens were brought back by the members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, but in the years 1912 and 1914, Dr. D. D. Cairnes, of the Geological Survey of Canada, brought back from the Yukon, nine specimens, five taken in 1912 (all males), and four in 1914 (three males and one female). The 1912 specimens were taken at Siwash creek, international boundary, lat. 65° 57' on June 26-30, and the 1914 examples col- lected at Nansen creek, Placer Mining Camp, Yukon Territory, July 4-7. In addition to the specimens collected by the late Dr. Cairnes, we also have in the Canadian National collection, a male specimen, collected with other material, the label covering all reading: "Alaska, lat. 59° 30' and 141st meridian — lat. 69° 40' and 141st meridian, June-July, 1912 (J. M. Jessup)." In the female the broad dark median band on the underside of the second- aries is more conspicuous than in the males owing to the fact that the basal and submarginal areas are much paler in colour. In one of the males the submar- ginal reddish spots on the upperside of the secondaries are almost absent. When describing E. youngi, Holland stated that the species is not far from E. dabanensis Erschoff. It certainly is close to this latter species as figured by Elwes1. A male from Siwash creek, Yukon Territory, is illustrated on PI. IV, fig. 10. Erebia magdalena Stkr. Erebia magdalena Stkr.: Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., Ill, 35. In the Canadian National collection there are two specimens of an Erebia from the Yukon which we have placed under magdalena Strk. One of these specimens, a male, has been recorded by Fletcher2 as this species. It was collected by Mr. Jos. Keele of the Department of Mines, who captured it " on mountain 12 miles up Rackla river, August 2, 1905." Mr. Keele informed me recently that the specimen was collected on a rocky situation above timber line, the elevation being about 6,000 feet. The other specimen, a female, was collected by the late Dr. D. D. Cairnes, of the Geological Survey, at Nation river, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 30', long. 141°, on July 24, 1912. ( 'ompnring these two specimens with three examples of magdalena presented to Fletcher some years ago and collected by Bruce in Colorado and now in the Ottawa collection, they differ as follows: the male which is in poor condition, being rubbed, is smaller than the Colorado male, measuring 45 mm. with wings expanded, the former being 49 mm. Otherwise both specimens seem to be similar. The Yukon female is also smaller than the two Colorado females in 1 trans. Ent. Soc. Lon., 1899, p. XII. 2 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1905, 96. Lepidoptera 19 1 the collection, measuring 47 mm., the two latter being 50 mm. and 52 mm. re- spectively. The general colour in all three specimens is similar, but on the primaries of the Yukon female the whole central area is flushed with dark red, thus ap- proaching E.fasciata. The specimens in colour are closest to bister1, none of them being the same shade as figured by Edwards2. A comparison of the genitalia of the male from the Yukon with that of a male from Colorado indicates that the clasper, in both specimens is similar and close to that of E. fasciata which has been figured by Chapman3. Erebia sofia Stkr. Erebia sofia Stkr.: Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., Ill, 35, 1880. In the Canadian National collection are five specimens of this interesting butterfly which were taken as follows : White river district, international bound- ary, lat. 61° 55', long. 141°, July 16, 1913, 2 males, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Bonanza creek, Chisana district, Alaska, August 3, 1913, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes) ; Harrington creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 05', long. 141°, July 30, 1912, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes). In specimens of sofia examined from Colorado, which are in the Ottawa collection, the six reddish-brown spots comprising the submarginal band on the upper side of the primaries are of similar size and very conspicuous, whereas in the specimens collected by the late Dr. Cairnes, the spots are more or less indefinite and only the upper three approach in size similar spots in Colorado specimens. The lower three spots of the submarginal band are present on the primaries of the above-mentioned specimens, but are much smaller, being about half the size of the upper spots. In the variety alaskensis* " the specimens are all characterized by the reduction of the number of light spots, both on the upper and lower sides of the wings." The author of this variety further states in his description: " In almost all of the specimens before me there are three spots on the primaries above and below and but two spots on the lower side of the secondaries. Only one specimen approximates the typical form in the number of spots on the lower size of the wings." The specimens in the Canadian National collection do not agree with this description. There is nothing in the above description regarding the difference in the size of the spots on the upper surface of the primaries, and in all of the. northern examples before me there are a greater number of white spots on the underside of the secondaries, two specimens (1 male and 1 female) having four spots and three specimens (1 male and two females) having five spots. The single exception from which sofia was described had four white spots on the underside of the secondaries. The underside of both wings of one of our speci- mens is very similar to fig. 51e of sofia in vol. V of Seitz's Macrolepidoptera •of the World. Strecker in his description of sofia states that it is on the upper side an almost exact counterpart of E. kefersteinii, but as has already been pointed out by Elwes5 he probably meant haberhaueri which was sent out by mistake under the former name. Our specimens of sofia certainly resemble somewhat haberhaueri as figured by Seitz. A male from the White river district, Yukon Territory, is shown on PL IV, fig. 11. The underside of the female from Harrington creek is shown on PL III, fig. 5. 1 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 2 Butt, of N.A., III, pi. 1, Erebia. 3 Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1893, pi. XVI. 4 Ent. News, XI, 387, 1900. 5 Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1889, p. 333. 65994—21 20 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 FAMILY NYMPHALIM). Argynnis bischoffi Edw. Argynnis bischoffii Edw.: Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Ill, 189, 1870. A single specimen taken on August 7, 1904, at Mayo lake, Yukon Territory (J. Keele) was determined by Fletcher as A. eurynome Edw., and has been recorded under this latter name by Keele1. Several years ago I submitted this specimen to Dr. Skinner, who reported that it was a boreal form of A. eurynome Edw. Personally, however, I prefer to place the specimen under the name bischoffi Edw., which was described from Alaska, opposite Kodiak. In the description the spots on the underside are referred to as being pale, not silvered. The above specimen (a male) which is in the Canadian National collection, has silvered spots. Edwards, however, has remarked that the species occurs at Sitka, Alaska, in both silvered and unsilvered forms, and figured a specimen of the former2. Barnes and McDunnough3 in discussing the species briefly point to the fact that the name in sens, strict, can only apply to the unsilvered form. Genus Brenthis Hbn. Brenthis triclaris Hbn. Brenthis triclaris Hbn: Samml. Ex. Schmett., II, 1824. No specimens among the Canadian Arctic Expedition material. There are, however, in the Canadian National collection, specimens from the following northern localities: Nansen creek, Placer Mining camp, Yukon Territory, July 7, 9, 11, 2 females, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); west branch of Thelon river, North- west Territories, July 5,1900, 1 female (J. Tyrrell); Labrador, 1 female (collector unknown); Labrador, July 16, 1894, 1 female (A. P. Low); Charlton island, James bay, July 7, 1887, 1 female (J. M. Macoun). Brenthis chariclea Schneid. Papilio chariclea Schneid. : Neu. Mag. V, 588, 1794. Fourteen specimens from the following localities: Collinson point, Alaska, July 10, 1914, 1 male (F. Johansen); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 4 and 6, 1915, July 14, 1916, 9 males, 1 female (F. Johansen); Wollaston Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, summer 1915, 1 male, 1 female (D. Jenness); Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915, 1 male (J. J. O'Neill). Three specimens were collected by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition at Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 1-10, 1916 (J. Hadley). In addition to the above examples there are in the National collection at Ottawa further specimens from northern localities, as follows: Slopes of mount Ortell, Yukon Territory, July 16, 1906, 1 male (J. Keele); Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1905, 1 male, 1 female (J. Keele); Nansen creek, Placer Mining camp, Yukon Territory, July 7, 1914, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Racquet creek, international boundary, lat. 65° 21', August 3, 1912, 2 males (D. D. Cairnes); Orange creek, international boundary, lat. 65° 05', June 12, 1912, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); on Wagon road, 56 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, 1 female, August 15, 1908 (Geo. Stewart); Pelly river, Yukon Territory, August 3, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); White river district, Yukon Territory, lat. 61° 55', long. 141°, 1 Rep. upper Stewart river region, Yukon, Geo. Surv. Can. 1906. 1 Butt, of N.A. II, pi. 25. » Cont. Nat. Hist., Lep. N.A., II, 95. Lepidoptera 21 1 1 female, July 16, 1913 (D. D. Cairnes); Alaska, collected with other species, the label covering all reading " lat. 59° 30' and 141st meridian-lat. 69° 40' and 141st meridian, June-July, 1912, 1 male (J. M. Jessup)"; Labrador, July 16, 1894, 1 male (A. P. Low) ; Sore-head river, east coast Hudson bay, lat. 60° 35', 2 males, 3 females (A. P. Low); Kalik-took-duag inlet, north side of Hudson strait, July 26, 1897, 1 female (R. Bell); " Nottingham island, John McKenzie, 1886, 2 females (R. Bell)"; Finlayson river, Yukon Territory, lat. 61° 40', long. 130° 16', July 22, 1887 (McConnell)1; Finlayson lake, Yukon Territory, July 27, 1887 (McConnell)1; Pelly or Yukon river, Yukon Territory, August 7, 1887, 3 specimens (McConnell)1. Looking over the above series there is of course considerable variation among the specimens not only in the general colour of the upper surface of the wings, but also in the arrangement and colour of the markings on the underside. The median band particularly on the underside of the secondaries shows marked variation. The specimens brought back by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition and also those from the Yukon Territory approach the variety arctica Zett., in fact one of the examples, namely the male from Ladue riverr Yukon Territory, was some years ago determined as arctica by Dr. Henry Skinner. The specimens from Sore-head river, east coast of Hudson bay, are in general smaller and in the series there is a greater tendency to melanism. The marginal spots on the underside of the secondaries are white, very distinct and tend to coalesce. These examples differ noticeably from the variety boisduvali Dup. which is represented in the Labrador specimens above referred to, collected by Dr. A. P. Low. Two of the males from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, were kindly compared by Mr. H. J. Elwes, with specimens in the British Museum from Arctic America. Mr. Elwes reported that they agreed precisely with specimens collected by Hanbury on the same coast.2 The specimen collected by Jessup in Alaska in 1912, in the district between the Porcupine river and the Arctic coast resembles very much Elwes' figure of chariclea.3 It is of interest to state that the example from Finlayson river was submitted by Fletcher to W. H. Edwards, and on the envelope in which the specimen was sent, the following appears in Edwards' handwriting : " This is very near Helena; if not think (it) is chariclea. Dyar4 refers to Helena as a variety of chariclea. Brenthis pales alaskensis Holl. Brenthis pales var. alaskensis Holland: Ent. News, XI, 383, 1900. One specimen, a female, as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 25, 1915 (F. Johansen). In the National collection at Ottawa there are also three specimens, both males, two taken on July 25, 1912, at Racquet creek, international boundary, ,lat. 65° 20' (D. D. Cairnes), and the other collected on July 5, 1900, on the west branch of the Thelon river, Northwest Territories (J. Tyrrell). The variety alaskensis was described from the " mountains between Forty- mile and Mission creeks." One of the males taken at Racquet creek is shown on PL V, fig. 5. Brenthis natazhati, n. sp. Upper side: ochraceous-orange5 the black markings much heavier than in chariclea or freija, to which species it is closely related, the median and basal areas of the secondaries being without any orange. The median spots on the primaries coalesce forming a wide distinct band. Recorded by Fletcher as chariclea in Ann. Rep. Geo. Surv. Can. 1887. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1903, 239. Ibid, pi. IX, fig. 8. Dyar, H. G., Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. V, 130. Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 22 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 • On the underside the ground colour of the primaries is of a uniform shade similar to ochraceous-buff1, the black markings being dull and much reduced. There is an almost total absence of the pale apical patch which is present in the above closely related species. The median band on the secondaries is very faint but. the band just beyond the median band is conspicuous and silvery. The two central median triangle-shaped spots of the median band as well as the rhomboid spot are dull silvery as are also the basal spot, which is indistinct, and the mar- ginal row of spots, some of which are reduced in size. Between the marginal row of spots and the white silvery band and between the central silvery spots and the rhomboid spot the colour is similar to the under surface of the primaries. The basal area and the median area below the central silvery spots are dark, almost blackish and heavily pubescent. The antennae are almost wholly blackish, there being only a few silvery scales laterad. The seta? on the palpi are dark brown. Alar expanse, 39 mm. Type, a male,, in the Canadian National collection bearing the label " 141st meridian, north of mount Natazhat, international boundary survey, elevation 8,600 feet, June 15, 1913 (E. W. Nesham). Paratypes, three males and -two females from the same locality and bearing the same label. The underside of the secondaries of one of the male paratypes is mostly yellowish-orange in the submarginal area, otherwise all the males are similar in colour and markings. These latter, particularly on the upper surface of the wings are more diffused in two of the specimens than in the type. The upper surface of one of the females is in general darker than in the type and on the underside of this example there are present a greater number of silvery scales in the submarginal area. Two specimens taken during the Canadian Arctic Expedition, namely at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916, male and female (F. Johansen), although somewhat rubbed are apparently this new species. The males differ in expanse of wings from 35 to 39 mm. and the females from 37 to 39.5 mm. The upper side of the male type is figured on PI. V, fig. 6 and the underside of the same specimen shown on PL III, fig. 6. On this latter plate the upperside of a female from Bernard harbour, is shown at fig. 12. I rather hesitate to add a new name to the chariclea-freija group but it scorns advisable under the circumstances as I cannot associate the mount Xatazhat specimens with any of the known forms. The dull silvered spots on the underside of the secondaries and the general colour of the upper and lower sides, of primaries and secondaries should readily separate it from any of the forms in the group referred to. Brenthis freija Tlumb. Papilio freija Thunb.: Diss. Ent. Suec., II, 34, 1791. No specimens brought back by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, but in the National collection at Ottawa there are examples from the following northern localities: Nansen creek, Placer Mining camp, Yukon Territory, July 7, 1914, 2 males (D. D. Cairnes); on Whitehorse-Dawson wagon road, Yukon Territory, June 2, 1914, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); near Jo-Jo's Road House on Kluane road, Yukon Territory, June 9, 1914, 2 females (D. D. Cairnes); Champagne Landing, 50 miles from Whitehorse by Kluane road, Yukon Territory, June 8, 1914, 1 female (D. D. Cairnes); Dease lake, northern British Columbia, June 5, 1887 (G. M. Dawson and J. McEvoy) ; Cassiar trail, 10 miles west of Dease lake, British Columbia, June 4, 1887 (G. M. Dawson 1 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912._ Lepidoptera 23 i and J. McEvoy) ; Gravel river, Northwest Territories, June 18, 1908, 1 male (J. Keele). These specimens are in general similar to examples collected in Alberta and British Columbia. The two examples one from Dease lake, and the other from near Dease lake, were submitted by Fletcher to W. H. Edwards, and the name "freya" given. Three other specimens, males, all below average size, taken in northeastern Alaska, collected with other species, the label covering all reading " lat. 59° 30' and 141st meridian; lat. 69° 40' and 141st meridian; June-July, 1912, (J. M. Jessup)" in the Canadian National collection, I also associate with freija. Brenthis polaris Bdv. Argynnis polaris Bdv.: Ind. Meth., 15, 1829. Thirty-two specimens as follows: Barter island, north coast of Alaska, July 5, 1914, 1 male, July 2, 4, 5, 11, 17, 1914, 6 females (D. Jenness); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1916, 7 males, 2 females (F. Johansen); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, 3 males, 5 females, July 10-20, 1915 (F. Johansen) ; Bay southwest of cape Krusenstern, Northwest Territories, July 3, 4, 1916, 2 males (D. Jenness); Lake Angmaloktak, Colville mountains, Wollas- ton Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 29, 1915, 1 male (D. Jenness); July 22, 1915, 2 females (D. Jenness); Wollaston Land, Victoria island, summer, 1915, 1 female (D. Jenness) ; Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, North- west Territories, July 23, July 30, 1915, 2 females (J. J. O'Neill). In the National collection at Ottawa are two other specimens, one a female collected at Kalik-took-duag inlet, north side of Hudson strait, July 27, 1897 (R. Bell), the other, a male, from cape Chidley, Hudson strait, 1885 (R. Bell). The males do not show any material variation. In size they have a wing expanse of from 36 to 43 mm. The upperside of all specimens is similar. The general colour of the underside of the secondaries of two of the specimens inclines to a uniform reddish shade similar to the underside of the primaries. In the females there is a difference in wing expanse, the variation being from 37 .mm. to 45 mm. The colour of the upper side of the primaries of this latter sex varies in the specimens from a pale reddish-yellow to a dull bluish-white or dull purplish- white. In a few of the specimens many of the scales particularly towards the hind angle are, under a lens, seen to be decidedly bluish. The reddish bands on the underside of the secondaries vary in colour from pale red similar to the general colour of the primaries beneath, to dull brownish-red. Mr. Jenness who collected the specimens on Barter island states that they were captured on the tundra early in the afternoons, in most instances between 1 and 2 p.m. in bright sunshine, the temperature varying from 34° F. to 56° F., the majority being taken when the temperature was about 50° F. In addition to the above specimens, thirty-four examples were brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, from the following localities: Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, June 20 to July 11, 1916, 15 males, 11 females (J. Haclley); Walker bay, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 6, 1917, 4 males, 2 females (J. Hadley); Melville island, main base, August 4 (?), 1916, one male (V. Stefansson); near cape Ross, Melville island, Northwest Territories, about June 20, 1916, 1 male (Castel and Emiu). These specimens in general are similar to the examples collected by members of the Southern Party. The underside of a female from Barter island, Alaska, is shown on PL V, fig. 2. On the same plate is also shgwn the upper side of a male and a female from the same locality (figs. 3 and 4). 24 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Brenthis frigga alaskensis Lehm. Argynnis frigga form alaskensis Lehm.: Macrolepidoptera of the World, (Seitz), V, 424, 1913. Seven specimens as follows: Barter island, north coast of Alaska, July 4 and 11, 1914, 2 males, 3 females (D. Jenness); Collinson point, Alaska, July 10, 1914, 1 female (F. Johansen); west of Konganevik (Camden Bay), Alaska, July, 1914, 1 male (F. Johansen). Accompanying the specimen from Barter island is a note by Mr. Jennesspwhich reads as follows: " Flying on tundra in sunshine; light N.W. breeze; temperature 50° F." I have compared the females with the original figure of alaskensis in the work referred to above. They agree fairly well with this illustration. A female from Collinson point, Alaska, is shown on Plate V, fig. 1. Six examples were brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, three males and three females. These were collected at Armstrong Point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, June 20 to July 11, 1916 (J. Hadley). Brenthis frigga saga Stgr. Argynnis frigga saga Stgr.: Stett. Ent. Zeit., XXII, 350, 1861. In the Canadian National collection there are two specimens from the fol- lowing localities in the Yukon Territory: 96 miles from Whitehorse on Kluane road, near Marshall creek, June 15, 1914, 1 male (D. D. Cairnes); Pelly river, below Hoole river, July 5, 1907, 1 female (J. Keele). Brenthis frigga improba Butl. Argynnis improba Butl.: Ent. Mo. Mag., XIII, 206, 1877. Thirty-four specimens from the following localities: West of Konganevik (Camden bay), Alaska, July, 1914, 5 males, 1 female (F. Johansen); Barter island, Alaska, July 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 1914, 9 males, 5 females (D. Jenness); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1916, 5 males, 7 females (F. Johansen); Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, July 15, 23, 1915, 1 female. 1 male (J. J. O'Neill). Three of the above specimens, namely, one male from Barter island, one male from west of Konganevik and one female from Barter island, were forwarded to Mr. H. J. Elwes, of Colesborne, Cheltenham, Eng., who very kindly compared them with the series in the British Museum. He reported that the specimens agreed precisely with examples collected by Hanbury on the same coast further east. The series above listed is an excellent one. Most of the specimens are in fairly good condition. The males vary in wing expanse from 31 mm. to 36 mm. and the females from 33 mm. to 37 mm. The ground colour of the former shows marked variation. In some of the specimens the colour is very close to hazel1, in one much brighter, more of a vinaceous-rufous2 and in the others dull tawny. In the brighter coloured examples the median band on the upper side of both the primaries and secondaries is very conspicuous. The spots about midway between the median band and the outer margin vary much in size and in a few specimens are joined forming a distinct band. The underside of the males is fairly constant, the chief differences being on the secondaries, namely in the number of pale, slightly bluish-coloured scales present beyond the reddish-brown median area, in some examples these scales being noticeably abundant and forming almost a wide marginal band Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. Lepidoptera 25 1 contrasting noticeably with the reddish-brown median area and in others being much reduced in number. The colour of the median area also varies in the specimens from a rather pale reddish-brown to a decidedly dark reddish-brown. The median band is faint in some of the examples. The underside of the secondaries of the females vary similarly as in the males. A female from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, is shown on PL V, fig. 7, together with a male from near Konganevik, Alaska, fig. 8. In the Entomological Record for 19171 I recorded Brenthis youngi Holl. from Klutlan glacier, 9,000 feet, June, 1913 (H. F. J. Lambart). On further study, however, this specimen is undoubtedly improba Butler. I rather sus- pected that youngi might prove to be the same as improba and for this reason I forwarded the Klutlan glacier specimen to Dr. W. J. Holland who reported as follows: — " I found time this morning, (December 20, 1918), to compare your specimen with my type of Brenthis youngi. It is not the same. It is smaller in size, darker both on the upper and lower side of the wings — a far more melanic insect — and consequently different in not having the dark, sharply defined mesial band, characteristic of the secondaries of B. youngi. I would call it B. improba Butler. It has a fascies quite different from that of B. youngi, which is a much lighter insect. Of course, there is a general similarity in the markings of this genus and the species vary principally in the intensity and accentuation of the markings on the different spots. In B. youngi the spots are not silvered, or only slightly. I should say very decidedly that this specimen is not a representative of my species." Brenthis distincta, n. sp. Close to B. alberta from which it differs in being larger, in the ground colour of the upperside of the wings being of a clear yellowish-red colour, much as in B. astarte Dbldy. and Hew., in the black marginal band being wider, and on the underside in lacking the dull pubescent-like appearance of B. alberta, the median band being decidedly more conspicuous, as are also the other markings on the underside of the secondaries. Discal row of round spots reddish. Alar expanse, 48 mm. Type, a female, from Harrington creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 05' July 30, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). Two paratypes, one male and one female, the former from Eduni mountain, 6,000 feet, Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 8, 1908, (J. Keele) and the latter from Tindir creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 20' international boundary, July 25, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). The male paratype (44 mm.) is in general similar to the holotype, but the underside of the female paratype (49 mm.) is redder in colour, the reddish discal row of spots larger and brighter, and the pale areas whiter. This new species is appar- ently, also, close to amphilochus from the Amur. All the types are in the Canadian National collection. The underside of the type is figured on PI. IV, fig. 12. Genus Phyciodes Dbldy. Phyciodes campestris Behr. Melitcea campestris Behr.: Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 86, 1863. Five specimens from northern localities are in the Canadian National collection. They were collected as follows: Ladue river, Yukon Territory, July 4, 1905, 1 male, 1 female (J. Keele); Harrington creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 05', long. 141°, August 3, 1912, 1* female (D. D. Cairnes); Upper Liard river, June 26, 1887, lat. 60°, 1 male (G. M. Dawson) ; Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908, 1 male (collector unknown). 1 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1917. 26 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Genus Polygonia Hbn. Polygonia faunus Edw. (iraptafaunus Edw.: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 222, 1862. Eleven specimens in the Canadian National collection from the following northern localities: Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long- 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, 1916 (D. D. Cairnes); Alaska, collected with other species the label covering all reading "lat. 59° 30', 141st meridian-lat. 69° 40', 141st meridian, June-July, 1912 (J. M. Jessup)"; Yukon river, inter- national boundary, lat. 64° 40', August 15, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); Porcupine river, 80 miles below Rampart House, Yukon Territory, May 25, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); between lat. 67° 25' and 66° 30' long. 141°, June 16, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); Black river, Yukon Territory, lat. 66° 31', long. 141°, June 18, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); six miles south of New Rampart House, Yukon Teritory, June 6, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). Polygonia zephyrus Edw. Grapta zephyrus Edw.: Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Ill, 16, 1870. Three specimens in the Canadian National collection from the following northern localities: Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, 1916 (D. D. Cairnes); Alaska, collected with other species, the label covering all reading " lat. 59° 30', 141st meridian-lat. 69° 40', 141st meridian, June-July, 1912 (J. M. Jessup)"; between lat. 67° 25' and 66° 30', long. 141°, June 16, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). Polygonia silenus Edw. Grapta silenus Edw.: Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Ill, 15, 1870. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, 1916 (D. D. Cairnes). Polygonia progne Cram. Papilio progne Cram.: Pap. Exot. I, pi. 5, 1775. In 1888, Mr. F. Bell, collected two specimens of this species at Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories.1 One of these, taken on July 20, is in the Canadian National collection. Genus Aglais Dal. Aglais j-album Bdv. and LeConte. Vanessa j -album Bdv. and LeConte: Lep. Am. Sept., 185, 1833. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lal. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer, ]<)!<> (I). I). Cairn< Aglais milberti Codt. Van<>xx'. Siirv. ( ';tn., 1887. Lepidoptera 27 1 Aglais antiopa L. Papilio antiopa L.: Syst. Nat., 476, 1758. This common and widely distributed species has occasionally been recorded from northern localities. Fletcher1 recorded it from ninety miles above Fort Good Hope (lat. 65° 20'), July 19 and from Fort Smith (lat. 60°), August 24 (Dawson and McEvoy). These specimens are not in the Canadian National collection, but we have three specimens, one each from the following places: Fifty miles below Fortymile creek, August 7, 18»87 (It. G. McConnell); Artillery lake, Northwest Territories, May 26, 1900 (J. Tyrrell); Yukon river, at inter- national boundary, August 13, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). Genus Basilarchia Scudd. Basilarchia arthemis rubrofasciata B. and McD. Basilarchia arthemis rubrofasciata B. and McD.: Can. Ent., XLVIII. 221, 1916. Three specimens in the Canadian National collection from the following localities: Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 16, 1908 (J. Keele); Mac- kenzie river, opposite Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 18, 1908 (J. Keele). These records extend considerably the northern range of this form, which was described from examples from the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. FAMILY LYCAENIDAE. Genus Incisalia Scudd. Incisalia irus Godt. Polyommatus irus Godt,: Enc. Meth., IX, 674, 1823. Two specimens in the Canadian National collection from the following localities in northern British Columbia: Telegraph creek, Stikine river, British Columbia, May 29, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy); Cassiar trail, 22 miles east of Telegraph creek, British Columbia, June 1, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy). These examples are similar to specimens found in Canada in more southern localities. Genus Heodes Dalm. Heodes helloides Bdv. Polyommatus helloides Bdv.: Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2) X, 291, 1852. In the Canadian National collection there are three specimens of this species from northern localities, namely: Tepe lake, near head of Wolverine creek, Yukon Territory, August 16; 1914, female (D. D. Cairnes); Upper Pelly river, Yukon Territory, August 7, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy) ; Siwash creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 59', long. 141°, June 30, 1912, female (D. D. Cairnes). Heodes hypophlaeas feildeni McLach. Chrysophanus feildeni McLach.: Jour. Linn. Soc., XIV, 111, 1879. Two specimens, both males, of what is probably this form. The spots are smaller than in typical hypophlceas and the colour of the primaries is paler, 1 Ann. Rep. Geo. Surv. Can., 1887. 28 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 more of a yellowish shade. The specimens were taken as follows: Bernard har- bour, Northwest Territories, August 6, 1915 (F. Johansen); Cockburn point, (near Bernard harbour), Northwest Territories, September 2, 1914 (F. Johansen). In the Canadian National collection at Ottawa is another specimen taken in the Yukon Territory, namely, in the Klotassin river area, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long. 137° 30' to 139° 30', summer of 1916 (D. D. Cairnes). On July 25, 1912, Dr. Cairnes, while at Tindir creek, Yukon Territory, took a female of hypophlceas which approaches arethusa of Dod. This specimen is also in the Ottawa collection. Genus Everes Hbn. Everes amyntula Bdv. Lyccena amyntula Bdv.: Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), X, 294, 1852. Fletcher1 recorded this species from Devil's Portage, Liard river (long. 126° 100, July 17, 1887 (McConnell.) No specimens were brought back by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. In the Government collection at Ottawa are three specimens from the Yukon Territory, taken on the Wagon road, between Dawson and Whitehorse, 1908, by Mr. George Stewart. Genus Plebeius Linn. Plebeius scudderi Edw. Lyccena scudderi Edw.: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., XIII, 164, 1861. In the Canadian National collection there are several specimens from the Yukon and other northern localities which we have associated with this species. Records of these specimens will be of interest to readers of this report. They are from the following localities: Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 1905 (J. Keele); Pelly river, below Hoole river, Yukon Territory, July 5, 1905 (J. Keele); Upper Pelly river, Yukon Territory, August 3, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); Little Charlton island, Hudson bay, July 14, 1887 (J. M. Macoun); Charlton island, Hudson bay, July 7, 1887 (J. M. Macoun)2; Wagon road, 9 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, July 7, 1908 (G. Stewart); west side of lake Kluane, near Jacquot's roadhouse, Yukon Territory, August 2, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes); Stewart river, Yukon Territory, July 17, 1905 (J. Keele); Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908 (collector unknown).3 It must be admitted, however, that th'ere is a misunderstanding regarding the species to which the name scudderi should be definitely given. The type locality is " Lake Winnipeg," but I am informed by Dr. J. McDunnough that the actual types cannot be found. Much further study of material from type localities is required of the scudderi-melissa-anna group before the standing of these species will be stable. The specimen from Upper Pelly river, August 3, 1887 (G. M. Dawson), is undoubtedly the specimen referred to by Fletcher in the Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1887, p. 230s, under the name of Lyccena skasta. The example from Pelly river below Hoole river, July 5, 1905 (Keele), was recorded in the Entomological Record, 1907,4 as Rusticus anna. The underside of the male from west side of lake Kluane, Yukon Territory, is shown on PI. Ill, fig. 15. 1 Ann. Rep. Geo. Survey Can., 1887, 23013. 2 Determined as scudderi years ago by H. Strecker. 3 Determined as scudderi some years ago by H. Skinner 4 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1907. Lepidoptera 29 1 Plebeius aquilo Bdv. Argus aquilo Bdv: Icon. 62, 1833. Six specimens as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 1-25, 1915, 1 female, 3 males (F. Johansen); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1916, female (F. Johansen); Wollaston land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 1, 1915, male (D. Jenness). Four other specimens in the National collection at Ottawa from the Yukon Territory, two labelled " Burwash creek, Kluane district, Yukon Territory, August 8, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes)"; one " Kluane P.O., Yukon Territory, June 23, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes)," and the fourth " Harrington creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 05', long. 141°, July 30, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes)," may possibly be a form of the same species. They are larger than the three specimens collected by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition and the underside is more heavily spotted. Two of these latter specimens are shown on Plate III at figures 16 and 17, together with a male of aquilo from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories (fig. 18). Plebeius saepiolus Bdv. Polyommatus scepiolus Bdv.: Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), X, 297, 1852. In the Canadian National collection there is a specimen of this widely distributed species from the Yukon: namely from Kluane P.O., Yukon Territory, June 21, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes). Fletcher1 recorded this species from Devil's Portage, lower Liard (long. 126° 10'), July 17, 1887 (McConnell), and from Finlayson lake, Yukon Territory, July 25, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy). Plebeius shasta Edw. Lyccena shasta Edw.: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 224, 1862. It is of interest to note that in the Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1887, p. 230s, Fletcher recorded this species from the Upper Pelly river (lat. 61° 50', long. 132°), August 3; Lewes river (lat, 62° 20'), August 21. Recently I located the specimen collected on August 3, 1887, by G. M. Dawson, and it is evident that it should not be referred to as shasta Edw. I have included the record under Plebeius scudderi Edw. Shasta was described from specimens from California. A specimen of this latter species taken at Crane lake, Saskatchewan, June 2, 1894, by Prof. John Macoun, determined by Dr. J. McDunnough as shasta minnehaha Scudd. is in the Canadian National collection. I have not seen any examples from more northern localities. Genus Glaucopsyche Scudd. Glaucopsyche couperi Grt. Glaucopsyche couperi Grt,: Bull. Buff. Soc., I, 185, 1874. In the Canadian National collection are specimens from the following Yukon and northern British Columbia localities: 96 miles from Whitehorse on Kluane road, near Marshall creek, Yukon Territory, June 15, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes) ; on Wagon road, between Whitehorse and Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908 (G. M. Stewart); Mayo lake, Yukon Territory, July 28, 1904 (J. Keele); between lat. 67° 25' and 66° 30', long. 141°, June 12, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908 (collector unknown); Frances river, lat. 60° 29', July 1, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); Upper Liard river, Yukon Territory, June 27, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy). Gravel river, Northwest Territories, below Natla river, June 13, 1908 (J. Keele); Telegraph creek, Stikine river, British Colum- bia, May 31, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy); Dease lake, British Columbia, June 5, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy); 1 Ann. Rep. Geo. Surv. Can. 1887, 230B. 30 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Genus Lycaenopsis Feld. Lycaenopsis pseudargiolus Bdv. and Lee. Argus pseudargiolus Bdv. and Lee.: Lep. Am. Sept, 118, 1833. Nine specimens of this variable species are in the National collection at Ottawa from the following northern localities: Dease lake, British Columbia, •June 8, 1887 (G. M. Dawson); on Whitehorse-Dawson wagon road, Yukon Territory, June 2, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes); Alaska, collected with other species, the label covering all reading " lat. 59° 30', 141st meridian-and lat. 69° 40', 141st meridian, June-July, 1912 (J. M. Jessup); ten miles south of Porcupine river, Yukon Territory, June 8, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); six miles sou-th of New Rampart House, Yukon Territory, June 6, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); between hit. 67° 25' and 66° 30', long 141°, June 15, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes). In the Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1887, page 230B, Fletcher refers to specimens collected in the neighbourhood of Dease lake, British Columbia, referring to the same as representing £he forms lucia Kirby, •marginata Edw. and violacea Edw. FAMILY HESPERIIDAE. Genus Hesperia Fabr. Hesperia centaureae Ramb. Hesperia centaureae Ramb.: Faun. Ent. And., pi. 8, f. 10, 1839. No specimens in the Canadian Arctic Expedition collection. In the Atlin district of northern British Columbia the species has been met with.1 In the Canadian National collection there are three specimens which were taken in Labrador on June 18 and July 16, 1894 (A. P. Low). Genus Thanaos Bdv. Thanaos persius Scudd. Nisoniades persius Scudd.: Proc. Essex Inst., Ill, 170, 1862. Two specimens of this Thanaos from Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1908 (collec- tor unknown) are in the Canadian National collection. Both specimens, one a male, the other a female, were determined as persius, several years ago by Dr. H. Skinner. According to Skinner2 the species has a wide distribution, being found from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. Genus Carterocephalus Led. Carterocephalus palaemon Pall. Pamphila palcemon Pall.: Reise, I, 471, 1771. In 1912, .the late Dr. D. D. Cair,nes collected a single specimen of this species near Siwash creek, Yukon Territory, lat. 65° 59', long. 141°, on June 28. The specimen is in the Canadian National collection. 1 Rep. Prov. Museum of Nat. Hist., B.C., 1914, (1915), F. 24. 2 Trans. Amer. Ent, Soc. XL, p. 204. Lepidoptera 31 I FAMILY ARCTIIDAE. Genus Lexis Wallgr. Lexis bicolor Grt. Lithosia bicolor Grt.: Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Ill, 74, 1864. In the Canadian National collection there is one specimen of this widely distributed species from Sixtymile river, along 141st meridian river, Yukon Territory, 1907 (Thos. P. Reilly). Genus Hyphoraia Hbn. Hyphoraia parthenos Harr. Arctia parthenos Harr.: Agassiz's Lake Sup., 309, 1850. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from the following Yukon locality: Stewart river, above Frazer falls, June 15, 1905 (J. Keele). Hyphoraia alpina Quens. Bombyx alpina Quens.: Acerbi's Travels N. Cape, II, p. 253, pi. 1, f. 4 (1802). Four specimens reared from larvae or cocoons collected at Collinson point, Alaska, emerged July 27, August 3, 14, September 2, 1914, 3 males and 1 female (F. Johansen). One of the males is shown on PL V, fig. 18. All of the specimens are in general similar in appearance and resemble fairly closely Seitz's figure of alpina Quens. ( = thulea Dalm.)1 In these specimens however, the pale coloured spots on the wings in both sexes are decidedly yellowish almost a cream-buff2, not whitish as in the figure referred to above. Hampson3 also refers to the spots as being white in the female. The male antennae in this species are serrate differing from the antennas of the foregoing species which are pectinate. The larvae and cocoons were collected on the tundra, by Mr. Johansen, in the months of May, June, and July. They emerged on the dates mentioned above. (Breeding record 33.) The following brief description of the larva has been made from a cast skin removed from a cocoon: Head 3 mm. wide, rounded, somewhat quadrate, black, polished, setae black; mouth parts reddish. Body blackish, tubercles large and conspicuous, each bearing a bunch of rather long stout hairs, slightly spinulose. The hairs on the dorsum and upper lateral area are yellow and brown intermixed, those along the lower lateral area being of a darker brown shade. Thoracic feet black, reddish at ends; prolegs concolorous with venter. The cocoon, figured on PL III, fig. 8, varies in size from 16-20 mm. in width to about 36 mm. in length. It is rather thin, the pupa inside being readily observable. In colour it is yellowish-white. PUPA. — Length 19 mm., width at widest part 7 mm.; black, polished, anterior half of abdominal segments slightly pitted and with short setae, posterior half smooth. Wing-cases and thorax slightly wrinkled. Cremaster roughened, reddish, shaped as shown on PL III, fig. 10, and bearing a conspicuous bunch of long, rather slender, dark reddish or blackish bristles slightly curved at ends. In addition to the above specimen, Mr. Johansen collected a cocoon of what I take to be of this species, on Herschel island, Yukon Territory, end of July, 1916. It was parasitized by Amblyteles species4 which emerged on August 8, 1916. 1 Macrolep. World, Div. 1, Palsearctica, Vol. 2, pi. 17c. 2 Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912. 3 Cat. Lep. Phalsense in B.M., III, 223. 4 Det. by C. T. Brues. 32 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Hyphoraia festiva Bork. Bombyx festiva Bork.: Eur. Schmett., Ill, p. 191 (1790), nee. Hufn. Bombyx lapponica Thunb.: Diss. Ent., pt. II, p. 40, f. 7 (1791). Four specimens of this rare species from the following localities: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 9, 24, 1915, July 3, 1916, 2 males, 1 female (F. Johansen) ; Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, Northwest Territories, July 15, 1915, 1 male (J. J. O'Neill). The specimen obtained on July 24, 1915, was reared. (Breeding record 68.) These specimens resemble rather closely the figure of the species which is given in Seitz's Macrolepidoptera of the World.1 As is to be expected among arctlid moths the markings are variable. Such variation is indicated in the two male specimens figured on PL V, figs. 19 and 20. The abdomen of the female is much redder than that of the male as is also the underside of the wings. The antennae of the males are distinctly pectinate similar to the males of //. parthenos Harr. On July 7, 1915, Mr. Johansen found the cocoon of the moth which emerged on July 24, attached to a stone near a river bed at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories. His notes indicate that the pupa was 20 mm. long, smooth and black. The resultant moth a female, was kept alive. Mr. Johansen's notes read : "August 8 — Imago still living. During the last few days she laid about one dozen pale-green eggs (1 mm. in diameter) on different places in the jar. "August 16 — Imago dying. She has now laid seventy eggs all told." The cocoon is thin, pale yellowish-white, oval, 25 mm. long, 14 mm. wide; the pupa and cast larval skin are plainly observable through the cocoon. The following notes on the larva have been made from the cast skin removed from the cocoon: Head 3 mm. wide, rounded, black, polished, mouth parts reddish. Body black, tubercles large, each bearing a bunch of spreading, rather long hairs, slightly spinulose, those from the dorsum being mostly of a sordid whitish colour with black and dark brown hairs intermixed, while those from the lower lateral and ventral areas are darker, being black or dark brown. Thoracic feet black, red tipped, shiny; prolegs also black, shiny, crotchets mostly reddish. PUPA. — Length 18 mm., width at widest part 6-5 mm., polished, anterior half of abdominal segments slightly pitted and with short setae; posterior half smooth, as in Hyphoraia alpina Quens. Wing-cases and thorax slightly wrinkled. Cremaster different from this latter species being shaped as shown on PL III at fig. 11, and bearing about forty stout capitate dull reddish bristles. Seit/2 refers to the larva as being dark grey with small black head and long black or foxy red hair. The food plant is given as Vaccinium uliginosum and other bog plants. In addition to the above specimens there is in the Ottawa collection a female bearing the label " Hudson bay, Dr. Bell," which we associate with this' species. Genus Apantesis Wlk. Apantesis quenseli Payk. Hombyx quenselii Payk.: Skriv. of Nat. Selsk., II, 99, 1793. In the Entomological Record for 19153 I recorded this species from 141st meridian, north of mount Natazht, 6,500 feet, July 1, 1913 (E. W. Nesham). This specimen, a female, is in the Canadian National collection. 1 Macrolepidoptera of the World, Div. I, Palsearctica, Vol. 2, plate 17e 2 Ibid. p. 95. 1 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1915. 31 I Dryas octopelala, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 9, 1915; Hyphoraia festiva, male, at rest on rock in foreground (Photo by G. H. WILKINS.) 65994— To face p. Sfi Lepidoptera 33 1 Genus Parasemia Hbn. Parasemia plantaginis L. Bombyx plantaginis L.: Syst. Nat., I, 501, 1758. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from the following Yukon locality: Lansing river, Yukon Territory, June 24, 1905 (J. Keele). FAMILY AGARISTIDAE. Genus Androloma Grt. Androloma mac-cullochi Kirby. Alypia mac-cullochii Kirby: Faun. Bor. Am., IV, 301, 1837. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from slopes of mount Ortell, Yukon Territory, July 16, 1905 (J. Keele). FAMILY NOCTUIDAE. Genus Barrovia B. and McD. Barrovia fasciata Skin. Psychophora fasciata Skin.: Ent. News, XIII, 143, 1902. Two males as follows: Barter island, north coast of Alaska, July 11, 1914, captured in bright sunshine on the tundra, temperature 56° F. (D. Jenness); Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, 1916 (F. Johansen). Both of these specimens are in fair condition. The species, concerning the generic status of which much has been written, is an interesting one. The type locality is Point Barrow, Alaska. The specimen collected on Barter island is shown on PL V, fig. 17. Genus Parabarrovia, n. gen. (Type Parabarrovia keelei, n. sp.) Agrees with Hampson's characterization of the genus A grotiphila, Section I (Schoyenia), excepting that the fore-tibiae are not spined and veins 3 and 4 of secondaries are stalked. In the Canadian Entomologist, vol. XL VIII, 290, Barnes and McDunnough erected the genus Barrovia with type fasciata Skin., placing the genus near A grotiphila Grt., differing therefrom by its unspined fore-tibiae and hairy vesti- ture. Dr. McDunnough has recently informed me, however, that this character- ization is not correct, as the spined fore-tibiae of fasciata were overlooked at the time. Barrovia B. and McD. will, therefore, come very close to Schdyenia, from which it differs in antennal structure. Parabarrovia keelei, n. sp. Antennae serrate and fasciculate. Head, thorax, abdomen and feet clothed with black and gray or silvery hairs intermixed. All the wings brownish, semi- translucent, the primaries darker than the secondaries. The median area of the primaries particularly towards the costa is irrorated with white, as is also the costal margin to near apex. Hairs on costa yellowish. The brown neuration of all the wings is conspicuous. Scales on discal vein black, showing as a black streak. Cilia brownish-yellow. Underside of all wings paler than upper side, the scales being of a creamy white colour. 65994—3 34 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Unfortunately the specimen is rubbed, rendering a more complete descrip- tion impossible. Alar expanse, 26 mm. Type, male, bearing the label " Mountain below Twitya river, near Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 2, 1908 (J. Keele)." Paratype, female from the same locality and bearing the same label. This specimen expands 30 mm., and in general is in rather fair condition. The wings are brownish and semi-translucent as in the type and there is a faint indication of a wide darker brown median band on the primaries, the outer third of the wing being faintly irrorated with white. In the median and basal areas whitish scales are also present. The wings of this specimen are more rounded at apex than are those of the type. The latter is figured on PI. V, fig. 10, the paratype on the same plate at figure 9. Both types are in the Canadian National collection. Genus Epipsilia Hbn. Epipsilia wockei Moeschler. Ayrotix wockei Moeschler: Wien. Ent. Mon., VI, 130, 1862. In the Entomological Record for 19081 I recorded this species from Labrador, July 19 (A. P. Low). This specimen is in the Canadian National collection. Hampson gives the following distribution: Labrador; White mountains, New Hampshire; Ala Tau, W. Turkestan. I have compared our specimen with his figure2 with which it agrees very well. Genus Anarta Ochs. Anarta subfumosa, n.sp. Head, thorax and abdomen brown, thorax with black and gray hairs inter- mixed. Antennae moderately serrate and fasciculate. Primaries dull smoky- brown suffused with gray; costal area black along the edge and thinly irrorated with white. Markings on the primaries indistinct, the most apparent being the t. p. line. The basal line and the t. a. line are specially noticeable on the cost a. All these lines are whitish. The s. t. line is represented by a series of faint dots. Orbicular and reniform small, whitish. Cilia inner third dark brown, outer two-thirds pale brown. Secondaries white with rather broad dark brown terminal band and dark brown discoidal lunule; basal area darkened. Cilia whitish, inner third pale brown. Underside of all wings whitish, veins black-lined; discoidal spot on each wing conspicuous; secondaries with dark terminal band Alar expanse, 26 mm. Type, a male, (PI. V, fig. 16) from Armstrong point, Victoria island, North- west Territories, July, 1916 (J. Hadley). Paratypes, 4 males and 1 female from the same locality, July 1-10, 1916 (J. Hadley). In one of these (male) the median area on the primaries is darkened. In another (male) there are faint golden- yellow scales in the subterminal area and traces of a postmedial line on the secondaries. All are of a similar size to the type. Types in the Canadian National collection. This species evidently comes nearest to A. staudingeri Auriv. 1 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1908. 3 PI. LXXIII, Lep. B.M., Vol. IV. Lepidoptera 35 1 Anarta richardsoni Curt. Hadena richardsoni Curt.: Ross' Narr. Second Voy., App. p. 72. pi. A. f. 11 1834. Two specimens as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1915, male (F. Johansen); Port Epworth, Coronation gulf, Northwest Territories, August 18, 1915, male (J. J. O'Neill). Four specimens (3 males, 1 female), collected at Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, July 1-10, 1916 (J. Hadley), were brought back by the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. In the Canadian National collection are two other specimens labelled as follows: Klutlan glacier, Yukon Territory, 9,000 feet, June, 1913 (H. F. J. Lambart); Gravel river, Northwest Territories, July 2, 1908 (J. Keele). This species has a wide distribution. Hampson records it from Greenland, Hudson bay, Labrador, Alaska, Scandinavia, and Novaya Zembla. Anarta leucocycla Staud. Anarta leucocycla Staud.: Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1875, p. 296. Four specimens, three males and one female, as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 14-18, 1915, 3 males (F. Johansen) ; cape Pullen, Wollaston land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, August 18, 1915, 1 female (D. Jenness). The only locality given by Hampson, in vol. V of the Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalsense in the British Museum, is Greenland. The female from cape Pullen is figured on PI. V, fig. 14. Anarta cordigera Thunb. Noctua cordigera Thunb.: Mus. Nat. Acad. Ups. Diss., VI, 72, 1788. In the Canadian National collection there is one specimen, a female, from the Yukon, collected " 60 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, near Cham- pagne landing, June 10, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes)." Also a specimen, a female, bearing the label " Lake No. 4, Pike's portage, Great Slave lake, May 20, 1900 (J. Tyrrell)." These specimens, in general, resemble examples in the collection from eastern Ontario. Genus Leucania Ochs. Leucania yuconensis Hamp. Leucania yuconensis Hamp. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., VIII, 425, 1911. One specimen of this species from the type locality, namely, Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1909, is in the Canadian National collection. Genus Sympistis Hbn. Sympistis melaleuca Thunb. Noctua melaleuca Thunb.: Diss. Ent., II, 42, 1791. In the Canadian National collection are two specimens of this arctic species , one from Charlton island, James bay, July 8, 1887 (J. M. Macoun), and the other from Burwash creek, Kluane district, Yukon Territory, August 8, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes). The specimen from Charlton island, is in good condition and was determined some years ago by Dr. Dyar. I have recently compared it with the figure of melaleuca on plate 50e, of Seitz's Macrolepidoptera of the World. The Yukon specimen is in rather poor condition, but seems to be this species. 65994^-3^ 36 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Sympistis zetterstedti Staud. Anarta zetterstedti Staud.: Stett. Ent. Zeit., 294, 1857. Two specimens of what is apparently this species taken as follows : Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, females, August 14, 1915 (F. Johansen). The specimens unfortunately are in poor condition. This species was taken on the Barren Grounds by Hanbury. Genus Parastichtis Hbn. Paras tichtis verberata Sm. Orthosia verberata Sm.: Can. Ent., XXXVI, 153, 1904. One specimen in the National collection at Ottawa from Bartlett bay, off Glacier bay, Alaska, June 10, 1907 (D. H. Nelles). This specimen is similar to specimens in the collection from Kaslo, B.C. The type locality is Calgary, Alta. The above specimen agrees fairly well with Hampson's figure.1 Genus Homoglaea Morr. Homoglaea murrayi, n. sp. Head, thorax and abdomen pale drab, immaculate; abdominal hairs darker. Primaries pale drab irrorated with darker brown especially in the median and outer areas; costa pale grayish. T.a. line sepia, darkest on costa, angled inwardly below costa, excurved from cell to inner margin. Orbicular a rather indistinct small greyish annulus. Reniform of moderate size constricted centrally, defined by grey. T.p. line sepia, darkest on costa, greyish on outer edge, dentate, bent outwardly below costa. S.t. line indistinct, greyish on outer edge; a terminal dark line; fringes pale drab. Secondaries pale brownish with darker .brown border. Beneath, both wings whitish, thinly irrorated with brown; discoidal spot dark; on primaries a rather wide smoky longitudinal shading from base to discoidal spot; postmedial line dark; terminal line blackish. Alar expanse, 36 mm. Type, a female, from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July 10, 1916 (F. Johansen). Paratype, a female, from the same locality and bearing the same label; both types in the Canadian National collection. A third specimen, also a female, taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 4, 1915 (F. Johansen j, is broken and rubbed, but is apparently the same species. The specimen which I have made the type was submitted to Dr. Dyar who reported that it 1 >el< lilted to the genus Homoglcea. The paratype is smaller than the type, expanding 33 mm.; the smoky longitudinal shading of the underside of the primaries is indistinct. Tin- type is figured on PI. V, fig. 12. I have pleasure in naming this new species after the late James Murray, a well known biologist of Scotland, who was attached to the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, Mr. Murray, unfortunately, was lost with several associates, in 1914, in attempting to reach Wrangell island. i PI. CVII, 1, Lcp. B.M., Vol. VI. Lepidoptera 37 1 Genus Agroperina Hamp. Agroperina later it ia Hufn. Phalaena lateritia Hufn.: Berl. Mag., Ill, 206, 1767. I have recently received a single worn specimen of this common and wide- spread species from Rev. C. E. Whittaker. The specimen was collected at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Genus Autographa Hbn. Autographa sackeni Grt.? Plusia sackeni Grt.: Can. Ent., IX, 135. In the Entomological Record for 19041 we recorded this species from Mayo lake, Yukon Territory, August 7, 1904 (J. Keele). I submitted this specimen to Dr. R. Ottolengui, and he has kindly studied it and reported that he is practically certain it is sackeni. The species was described from Idaho Springs, Colorado, so its occurrence in the Yukon is noteworthy. Dr. Ottolengui states2: " I have never before seen sackeni from any section except Colorado. However (unlike vaccinii which is found nowhere except on Mount Washington) sackeni has been taken on several of the mountains in Colorado." I cannot, however, agree with Dr. Ottolengui in the above determination. A. sackeni, according to the description, should have a distinct golden-yellow patch on the costa, near the base of the wing, described by the author of the species as an " interior golden patch." This character is entirely absent in the specimen under discussion from Mayo lake, and I am inclined to think that it will ultimately prove to be of a species which is at present undescribed. The specimen is figured on PL III, fig. 14. Autographa altera Ottol. ? Autographa altera Ottol.: Jour. N.Y. Ent. Soc., X, 69, 1902. One male specimen taken at Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August 25, 1915 (F. Johansen). Unfortunately the specimen is in rather poor condition and it is difficult to definitely determine it. I referred it to Dr. Ottolengui who would not name it otherwise than altera? The specimen is shown on PL III, fig. 13. FAMILY LYMANTRIIDAE. Genus Gynaephora Hbn. Gynaephora rossi Curtis. Laria rossii Curtis: Ross' Second Voyage N.-W. Pass, App., 70, 1835. Ten adult specimens, six males and four females from Demarcation point and Collinson point, Alaska, July, 1914, six males and three females (F. Johansen) ; Barter island, Alaska, June 24, 1914, female (D. Jenness). These specimens undoubtly represent the species described by Curtis, The secondaries are yellowish with black border. Under the generic name Dasychira, this species is referred to in several arctic reports. Its life-history is only partially known, so the following obser- vations are worthy of record. 1 Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1904. 2Inlitt.,March 16, 1919. 38 I Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Mr. Johansen in his notes states that the larvae and cocoons were found rather abundantly in 1914 at Collinson point and Demarcation point on the Alaskan coast. The following are his notes: (Breeding record 15) 1914, May 31 — Collinson Point — Two large larvae and two cocoons found on tundra. June 1 — One of the larvae collected yesterday began making its cocoon. 3 — Four mature larvae and six cocoons found. 4 — One mature larva and three cocoons found. 7 — Four cocoons found. 11 — Five cocoons found. 13 — One mature larva and eight cocoons found. 15 — Two larvae found east of Collinson point . 18 — One cocoon found. 20 — Four cocoons found. July 13 — First moth emerged. Other moths emerged on July 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27; August 3, 21, 28; September 2, 15, 1914. Some of the males and females were kept alive by Mr. Johansen and his notes state that copulation took place freely, and that eggs were secured, the same having been deposited upon the cocoon. Pairs were noted to remain in coitu for a whole day. Under natural conditions, Mr. Johansen also found the eggs on empty cocoons. The females which were reared failed to properly develop their wings, these latter in every case being crumpled. The eggs brought back by Mr. Johansen are 1-2 mm. wide, white, smooth, spherical, depressed above and are stuck firmly together and partially covered with hair. One patch contained over 55 eggs. The specimen from Barter island emerged from a cocoon found on the ground on June 23. The temperature at the time varied from 36° to 46°F. On September 7, 1913, Mr. Johansen collected at Collinson point, among old driftwood on tundra elevation, a single specimen of the larva of what is undoubtedly this species. It was placed in alcohol. The following is a description of the specimen: Length, 30 mm. (I should think this specimen when alive and walking would easily measure 45 mm.). Head, 3-5 mm. wide, rounded, dull brownish- grey, excepting clypeus and area around antennae and mouth parts which are shining black, and sides which are reddish-yellow; thickly hairy, the hairs black. Body black, the tubercles with thick bunches of hairs; the lateral hairs are mostly longer than the dorsal hairs and many, brown in colour, are conspicuously feathered and more spreading; the lateral hairs which are not feathered arc spinulose and either long brown or dark-reddish brown hairs or are shorter hairs orange-yellow in colour. The dorsal hairs are shorter than the lateral hairs and the feathered ones are bunched together particularly so on the anterior segments, the yellow hairs which also occur on the dorsum being more or less hidden, excepting in the subdorsal area where they are of a brighter yellow and more conspicuous. This specimen is figured on PI. Ill, fig. 9. Oilier larvae differ from the above in that all the hairs are lighter in colour and in having the yellowish hairs more noticeably intermixed with the dorsal feathered hairs which in these specimens are greyish. The larva has been described by Curtis1 as follows: " Large and hairy of a beautiful shining velvety black, the hairs being somewhat ocherous; there arc two tufts of black on the back, followed by two of orange." This brief description is, of course, of little value. Dyar who has studied the larva of rossi as well as that of groenlandica states2 that " Curtis must have mixed the species, describing the moth of rossi and the larva of groenlandica." Packard described the larva of rossi from Polaris bay3 but his description does not agree with the description of the larva described above from Collinson 1 Ross' Second Voyage. 2 Psyche, VIII, 163. 3 Amer. Nat. XI, 52. Lepidoptera 39 1 point. This latter description is in general similar to Dyar's description of rossi1. The larvae reared by Mr. Johansen were fed in captivity on mountain saxifraga (S. oppositifolia L.) and willow, chiefly the latter as soon as available. In the Entomological Record for 19032 the species is recorded from Black- falds, Alta., where in 1902 and 1903 Mr. P. B. Gregson found the larvae on willow and poplar. Mr. Gregson at the time forwarded to us some larvae and from one of these a male moth was reared. Larvae were also received in 1903 from Mr. D. Tipping, of the same place. Regarding the occurrence of the species at Blackfalds, Alta., Mr. Gregson reported that he first met with the larvae on August 27, 1901, on which date he found three specimens feeding on aspen poplar. In some notes which he sent to us at the time it is stated that larvae seemed to be full grown on September 22, and that since August 27 they had nxoulted once. They fed very little and hibernated among dead leaves and twigs in a breeding cage which was kept in an outhouse. In the spring of 1902, the larvae were brought indoors and early strawberry leaves offered as food, until the leaves of aspen poplar appeared. This latter food was continually present in the breeding cage, but unlike the larvae reared by Mr. Johansen, referred to above, these three Blackfalds larvae refused all food and eventually spun their cocoons among the dead leaves and twigs at the bottom of the cage. The moths emerged about June 10. The Blackfalds larvae are much grayer than the Collinson point larvae and the upper lateral yellow hairs are decidedly brighter being citron-yellow in colour. The number of yellow hairs, however, varies in the specimens. Another larva, immature, in the National collection at Ottawa, from Fuller- ton, Hudson bay, collected on July 7, 1904, by Mr. Andrew Halkett, bears still lighter greyish feathered hairs, but otherwise is similar to the Blackfalds larvae. In addition to the larvae collected at Collinson point and Demarcation point, Mr. Johansen also collected larvae at Nome, Alaska, and at Chantry island, Northwest Territories, but unfortunately no adults were reared. These may be rossi but owing to the condition of the. larvae brought back it is difficult to determine them definitely. In addition to the material collected by the Southern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, I have also examined five cocoons collected by members of the Northern Party, namely, four by Messrs. Castel and Emiu, from near cape Ross, Melville island, about June 20, 1916. Three of these I would determine as being those of G. rossi, but the pupa of the fourth differs from that of the others in having black dorsal hair which according to Dyar3 is a characteristic of G. groenlandica. The fifth cocoon is from Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, summer, 1916 (J. Hadley). From cocoons collected by Mr. Johansen, the tachinid parasite Euphorocera gelida Coq. was reared. As many as six puparia were found in one cocoon. The species was determined by Mr. J. R. Malloch, and is referred to in his report on diptera collected by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition4. From Mr. Johansen's notes I gather that he reared also a hymenopterous para- site. In the Canadian National collection there is a male specimen of the moth from Ashe inlet, North Bluff, Hudson's strait, August 13, 1884 (R. Bell). 1 Psyche, VII, 328. 2 Kept. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1903. 3 Psyche, VIII, 153. 4 Rep. Canad. Arc*. Exped., 1913-18, III, C, p. 57c. 1919. 40 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 FAMILY GEOMETRIDAE. Genus Leucobrephos Grt. Leucobrephos brephoides Walk. Anarta brephoides Walk.: Cat. Brit. Mus., XI, 702, 1857. In the Canadian National collection there are seven specimens of this uncommon moth from northern localities, as follows: Mayo river, Yukon Terri- tory, April 16, 1907, 3 males (J. A. Davidson); Janerk, Klutlan glacier, elevation 5,500 feet, 141st meridian, north of mount Natazhat, May 2, 1913, 2 males (E. W. Nesham); Portage at Grand falls, Hamilton river, Labrador, May 12, 1894, 2 males (A. P. Low). The life-history, habits, and distribution of the insect in Canada were recently published in The Canadian Entomologist.1 Genus Acidalia Tr. Acidalia frigidaria Moesch. « Acidalia frigidaria Moesch.: Wien. Ent. Monat., IV, 373, 1860. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from Baldoff creek, Yukon Territory, White river district, July 7, 1913 (D. D. Cairnes). The species was determined by Mr. L. W. Swett. Acidalia species. Three specimens belonging to this genus all collected in the Yukon Territory by the late Dr. D. D. Cairnes, namely, two in White river district, lat. 61° 55', long. 141°, July 16, 1913, and the other near Nation river, lat.65°30', long. 141°, are in the Canadian National collection. They probably represent an undescribed species, but unfortunately the specimens are in poor condition. Genus Holarctias Prout. Holarctias sentinaria Geyer. Hcematopis sentinaria Geyer in Hubner, Zutr. Exot. Schmett, f. 823, 1837. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from White river district, Yukon Territory, lat. 61° 45', long. 141°, July 20, 1913, female (D. D. Cairnes). The specimen was determined by Dr. McDunnough. Genus Cosymbia Hbn. Cosymbia pendulinaria Guen. Ephyra pendulinaria Guen.: Spec. Gen., IX, 414, 1857. A specimen of what is apparently this species was collected by the late Dr. D. D. Cairnes, near Black river, Yukon Territory, lat. 66° 31', long. 141°, on June 18, 1912; it is in the Canadian National collection. The lines on this specimens are blacker than those of examples in the collection from British Columbia and other localities and the discal spot on all wings is entirely filled with black. Can. Ent., XLVIII, 133. Lepidoptera 41 i Genus Lygris Hbn. Lygris destinata Moesch. Lygris destinata Moeschler: Wien. Ent. Monat., 375, IV, 1860. Among a small collection of lepidoptera made in the Yukon in 1908 by Mr. Geo. Stewart, the specimens being now in the National collection at Ottawa, are three specimens of Lygris destinata Hbn. taken at Nordenskiold, 63 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, August 23, 1908. With these specimens are two other examples taken on the same day and at the same place, which resemble destinata but the antemedian band and the subterminal area are distinctly yellowish, thus approaching, according to Dr. McDunnough, who examined the specimens, similis of Walker. Ten other specimens of what is probably this latter form were brought back by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. These were taken as follows: Nome, Alaska, August 24, 25, 1916, 4 specimens (F. Johansen); cape Pullen, Wollaston Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, August 18, 1915, 4 specimens (D. Jenness); Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, August '25, 1915, 2 specimens (F. Johansen). Unfortunately most of these specimens are in poor condition. Genus Dysstroma Hbn. Dysstroma truncata Hufn. Geometra truncata Hufn. : Berl. Mag., IV, 602, 1769. One specimen in the Canadian National collection from Bartlett bay off Glacier bay, Alaska, June 10, 1907 (D. H. Nelles). This specimen is in poor condition but Dr. J. McDunnough who examined it, considered it to be this species. In the Barnes' collection there are specimens of truncata from southern Alaska. Dysstroma citrata Linn. Phalcena citrata Linn.: Faun. Suec., p. 332, 1761. One specimen from Latouche, southern Alaska, September 3, 1916 (F. Johansen). The specimen is in poor condition but is apparently a form of this species. In addition there is in the Canadian National collection a specimen from the Yukon, namely, from Burwash creek, Kluane district, August 4, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes), the determination of which was confirmed by Mr. Swett. Genus Xanthorhoe Hbn. Xanthorhoe abrasaria congregata Wlk. Thera congregata Wlk.: Cat. Brit. Mus., XXIV, 1,264, 1862. In the Canadian National collection are four specimens from the Yukon, namely from wagon road between Whitehorse and Dawson, Yukon Territory, July 7 to August 2, 1908 (Geo. Stewart). The species was not met with by Mr. Johansen or other members of the Arctic Expedition. In Dyar's Catalogue,1 congregata of Walker is given as a synonym of unangulata of Haworth. This has been corrected by Barnes and McDunnough in their Contributions2 and given in their recently issued check list3 as the American race of abrasaria. 1 List of N. A. -Lepidoptera, 1902. 2 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N. A., II, 5, 204. 3 Check List of the Lep. of Boreal Amer., 1917. 42 i Canadian Arctic Expedition,. 1913- 18 Genus Psychophora Kirby. Psychophora sabini Kirby. Psychophora sabini Kirby.: Supp. App. Parry's Voy. Disc. N.W. Passage, 1824. Two specimens from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, July, 1916 (F. Johansen). These specimens agree fairly well with Curtis' figure in the Appendix to Ross' Second Voyage. Two other specimens, one from Wollaston Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories, summer, 1915 (D. Jenness) ; the other from cape Pullen, Wollaston Land, Victoria island, August 18, 1915 (D. Jenness), may also be this species but the specimens are not in very good condition. Genus Cidaria Treit. Cidaria species. Two Yukon specimens are in the Canadian National collection, both collected by the late D. D. Cairnes, one on July 24, 1912, on the Nation river, hit. 65° 30', long. 141°, the other on July 23, 1913, in the White river district, long. 141°. Both specimens were submitted to Mr. L. W. Swett, who determined them as Cidaria frigidaria Gn.? He reported that the specimens -CCIIKM I to be very close to specimens from Lapland determined by Staudinger. Unfortunately, both specimens are in poor condition. Genus Dasyuris Gn. Dasyuris polata Dup. Dasyuris polata Dup.: Hist. Nat. Lep. Fr., VIII, (V), 402, 1830. Two specimens, on the authority of Mr. L. W. Swett, are at present placed in the Canadian National collection under the above name. Both were studied by Mr. Swett and compared with specimens in the Packard collection. One, a male, was reported to match some of the rubbed specimens in this latter collection. The second specimen, a female, is much larger but was thought by Mr. Swett to be a female of polata. Referring to this latter specimen he stated1 " I think the character of the basal band being accentuated outwardly rather indicates this species or a- race of it". Both specimens were collected ;it Tindir creek, Yukon Territory, international boundary, July 25, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes), Genus Oporinia Him. Oporinia species. In the Canadian National collection there is one specimen belonging to this genus which was collected in the Yukon by Mr. Jos. Keele, the label on the .-pecimen reading " Ladue river, August 21, 1905." This specimen was sub- mitted by Mr. L. W. Swett, who named it Oporinia autuninata ? In reporting upon it Mr. Swett remarked: " The markings are so effaced I cannot tell what race or species it may be. The double lines on the hind wings are nearer together than in typical autumnata, and it is not my race henshawi." 1 In litt. March 22, 1919. Lepidoptera 43 1 Genus Eulype Hbn. Eulype hastata L. Phalcena-Geometra hastata L.: Syst. Nat., 527, 1758. In the Canadian National collection there are nine specimens of this widely distributed and very variable species from the following Yukon localities : Kluane P.O., Yukon Territory, June 23, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes); Klotassin river area, Yukon Territory, lat. 62° 31' to 63° 06', long. 137° 36' to 139° 30', summer of 1916 (D. D. Cairnes); between latitudes 67° 25' and 66° 30', long. 141°, June 18-27, 1912 (D. D. Cairnes); Finlayson river, Yukon Territory, July 25, 1887 (Dawson and McEvoy). Genus Isturgia Hbn. Isturgia truncataria Wlk. Fidonia truncataria Wlk.: Cat. Brit. Mus., XXIV, 1034, 1862. In the Canadian National collection there are five specimens taken in the Yukon, as follows: 50 to 80 miles from Whitehorse, on Kluane road, Yukon Territory, June 8-12, 1914, 4 examples (D. D. Cairnes); between lat. 67° 25' and 66° 30' , long. 141°, June 12, 1912, 1 example (D. D. Cairnes). Genus Macaria Curt. Macaria granitata Gn. Macaria granitata Gn.: Spec. Gen., X, 85, 1857. This common and widely distributed species was not present in the Arctic collection. There is one specimen in the Ottawa National collection from the Yukon, labelled: Burwash creek, Kluane district, Yukon Territory, August 8, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes). Germs Phasiane Dup. Phasiane hebetata Hist. Phasiane hebetata Hulst.: Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., IV, 34, 1881. No specimens in the Arctic collection. In the National collection at Ottawa, there is one specimen which was collected at Canyon river, 75 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, June 11, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes). The species was described from Colorado. It is also known to occur in Arizona and Washington Territory. In addition to the specimen referred to there are in the Ottawa collection specimens from the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Barnes and McDunnough1 figure the species in their " Contri- butions." Genus Itame Hbn. Itame andersoni Swett. Didstictis andersoni Swett.: Can. Ent., XLVIII, 251, 1916. Three specimens of this species are in the Canadian National collection, all bearing the label " Yukon Territory, collected on the wagon road between Whitehorse and Dawson, August 22, 1908 (Geo. Stewart)." One of the speci- mens was submitted to Mr. L. W. Swett, who confirmed the determination. The species was described from Atlin, B.C. Recently Blackmore2 has figured 1 Cont. Nat. Hist. Lep. N. A., IV, 2, pi. 21, f. 13, 1918. 2 Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 10, 1917, (1918) pi. III. 44 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 the species but this illustration is much too pale and cannot be considered as satisfactory. The species is figured in colours on PI. V, fig. 15. Itame brunneata Thunb. Phalcena brunneata Thunb.: Diss. Ent., I, 9, 1784. One specimen from Burwash creek, Kluane district, Yukon Territory, August 8, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes), is in the Canadian National collection. Mr. L. \V. Swett compared this example with material in his collection from Europe and reported that it did not match exactly the specimens in his series. He states1 " Packard's name ferruginaria would hold in case this form was not exactly like the European. It could only be a race of the European brunneata at best and a series of microscopic slides with life-histories, would be necessary to separate them; in Itame the genitalia are not so highly specialized as in some other groups." The Yukon example is rather darker in colour than the other specimens under the name brunneata in the Ottawa government collection from the pro- vinces of Ontario and Nova Scotia. Genus Dysmigia Warr. Dysmigia loricaria Evers. Fidonia loricaria Evers.: Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc., 59, 1837. In the Canadian National collection there are eleven Yukon specimens, all males, of this species which were collected by Mr. Geo. Stewart, in 1908, at the following localities: Wagon road between Whitehorse and Dawson, Yukon Territory, August 2, 18, 1908, and Takhuna, Yukon Territory, July 28, 1908. The species is a common one. We have examples from the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Genus Aspilates Tr. Aspilates orciferaria Wlk. Napuca orciferata Wlk.: Cat. Brit. Mus., XXVI, 1,693, 1862. Three male specimens as follows: Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories> July 10, 1916, 2 specimens (F. Johansen); Kugaluk river, Wollaston Land. Victoria island, Northwest Territories, August 18, 1915 (D. Jenness). In addition to the above the Northern Party of the Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion brought back seven specimens, all collected at Armstrong point, Victoria island. Northwest Territories, June 20 to July 11, 1916 (J. Hadley). These specimens are much darker than others which we have in the National collection at Ottawa, from Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. We have also specimens of this moth from Nansen creek, Placer Mining camp, Yukon Territory, July 7-10, 1914 (D. D. Cairnes). Genus Selenia Hbn. Selenia alciphearia Wlk. Xclt-nin . dijnacpJtora rossi Curtis, larva. (Collinson point, Alaska). 10. Hyphoraia alpina Quens., (remaster, X 9. (Collinson point, Alaska). 11. Hyphoraia f estiva Bork., cremaster, X 9. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territoi 12. Brenthis natazhati Gibson, female. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories). 13. Autographa altera Ottol.? male. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories). 14. Autographa sackeni Ottol.? male. (Mayo lake, Yukon Territory). 15. Plebeius scudderi Edw., male. (West side of Kluane lake, Yukon Territory). Hi. Plebeius aquilo Bdv.?, male. (Burwash creek, Yukon Territory). 17. Plebeius aquilo Bdv.?, male. (Kluane, Yukon Territory). IS. Plflx'hix (if/uilo Bdv., male. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Tcrritori' (All natural size) . 65994—5 PLATh II! 5 -<'/'. ,ss • ? \ v 15 ' 5'tJ 3 5-4 i Ciiinidnin Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 PLATE IV. 1. E urym us boothi Curtis, male. (Bernard harbour, Northwest. Territories). 2. Eurymus boothi Curtis> male. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories). 3. Oeneis brucei yukonensis Gibson, type, male. (Klutlan glacier, Yukon Territory). 4. Oeneis semidea arctica Gibson, type, male. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories) . Genitalia of this specimen shown on Plate I, fig. 4. 5. Oeneis peartice Edw., female. (Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories). 6. Oeneis cairnesi Gibson, type, male. (White river district, Yukon Territory). 7. Erebia fasdata Butler, female. (Lat. 65° 10' long. 141°). . 8. Erebia fasdata Butler, male. (Armstrong point, Victoria island, Northwest Territories) . 9. Erebia rossi Curtis, female. (Wollaston Land, Victoria island, Northwest Territories) . 10. Erebia youngi Holl., male. (Siwash creek, Yukon Territory). 11. Erebia sofia Stkr., male. (White river district, Yukon Territory). 12. Brenthis distincta Gibson, type, female. (Harrington creek, Yukon Territory). (All natural size) . rf 1 ' PLATE IV x ry 5(> i Canadian Arctic Expedition, I !> 13-18 I'l.ATK \". Fiji. I. Brenthis frigga /r//////x /Wa/v'.s- Bdv., female, underside. (Barter island, Alaska). :\. Jlrcntliix /whirix Bdv., male. (Barter island, Alaska). 4. Kt't-nthix polaria Bdv., female. (Barter island, Alaska). .">. Hn-nthis jtalcx o/ax/,v//.s/x Moll., male. ( Raeciuet creek, Intcrimlional J^oundary). , female. (Mountain below Twitya river. North- west Territories). 10. Parrdbarrovia keelei Gibson, ty]>e, male. (Mountain below Twitya river, Northwest Territon. 11. 7 >/f/.sr ////(/ (ildxkdli* (Iibson, tyjie, male. (C'ollinson ])oint, Alaska). 12. Ilo>no(/ltic. r//le, female. (Collinson point, Alaska). 14. Atiartd Irurtici/r/d Stand., female. (C'ape Pullen, \'ictoria island, Northwest Terri- tory 1 "). ft-dttu- () miles from Whifehorse, Yukon Territory). 16. Anarta Hnhftnt/(ixd (iibson, type, male. (. \rmst ron<;- jxiint, A'ictoria island. Northwest, Territorit 17. Barrovia fftsdcUa Skin., male. (Barter island, Alaska). is. f///i>fiorditi dlfn'nti (Aliens., male. (Collinson point, Alaska). 1(.). Hyphoraia festiva Bork., male. (Bernard harbour. Northwest Territories). 20. J/yplmrttid fc.xli.rd Bork,, male. (Port Kpworth, Coronation ^ulf, Northwest. Terri- torii i All natural sixe). PLATE V rtr 11 — wf^ ** 10 13 14 w 15 12 ^PP 16 ifi 17 19 20 18 Lepidoptera INDEX abrasaria congregata, Xanthorhoc Acidalia frigidaria PAGE. 41 40 Dysstroma truncata 41 " species . 40 epipsodea, Erebia Aglais antiopa 27 Erebia disa 17 " j-album . 26 " discoidalis ID " milberti 26 epipsodea Agroperina latentia 37 16 alaskalis, Diasemia 45 " magdalena 18 alteraf , Autographa 37 " rossi 17 alciphearia, Selenia 44 " sofia I1' alpina, Hyphoraia 31 " youngi 18 amyntula Everes 28 -, Anarta cordigera 34 " creusa g " leucocyda " richardsoni 34 34 Eucosma species Eulype hastata l'> 43 " subfumosa 34 Eurymus boothi 7 andersoni, Itame Androloma mac-cullochi 43 33 " christina ' eurytheme kootenai 9 g antiopa, Aglais Apantesis quenseli 27 32 hecla glacialis ' meadi 6 ii aquilo, Plebeius arctiella, Pyla 29 46 1 nastes ' palaeno chippewa 11 10 Argynnis bischoffi arthemis rubrofasciata, Basilarchia Aspilates orciferaria Autographa alteraf sackenif ausonides, Euchloe Barrovia fasciata . 20 27 . 44 37 . 37 5 . 33 27 " pelidne eurytheme kootenai, Eurymus Everes amyntula fasciata , Barrovia fasciata, Erebia faunus, Polygonia J 'estiva, Hyphoraia freija Brenthis 9 9 28 . 33 Hi . 26 32 22 bicolor, Lexis bischoffi, Argynnis boothi, Eurymus brephoides, Leucobrephos Brenthis chariclea . 31 20 7 40 20 frigga alaskensis, Brenthis frigga saga, Brenthis frigga improba, Brenthis frigidaria, Acidalia 24 L>4 . 24 40 distincta . 25 22 Glaucopsyche couperi. glaucus canadensis, Papilio . 29 4 : frigga alaskensis frigga improba : frigga saga natazhati pales alaskensis " polaris " triclaris . 24 24 . 24 21 21 23 20 granitata, Macaria groenlandica, Gynaephora Gynaephora groenlandica " rossi hastata, Eulype hebetata, Phasiane 43 38 38 37 . 43 43 brucei yukonensis, Oeneis 15 hecla glacialis, Eurymus helloides Heodes 6 27 brunneata Itame 44 cairnesi, Oeneis 15 Heodes helloides " hypophlceus feildeni ... 27 . 27 46 campestris, Phyciodes Carter vcephalus palaemon centaureac, Hesperia .... 25 .... 30 30 Hesperia centaurece Holarctias sentinaria 30 in chariclea, Brenthis christina Eurymus .... 20 9 Homoglaea murrayi Hyphoraia alpina .... .".1 chryxus, Oeneis 11 " J 'estiva " parthenos . . -iJ 31 Cidaria species citrata, Dysstroma Coenonympha kodiak yukonensis commixtalis, Loxostege cordigera, Anarta . . 42 41 11 45 35 hypoph lotus feildf.n>, H codex Incisalia irus irus, Incisalia L'7 •27 L'7 4:; Cosymbia pendulinaria couperi, Glaucopsyche creusd, Euchloe Dasyuris polata destinata, Lygris Diasemia alaskalis disa, Erebia . . 40 29 5 . 42 41 45 .... 17 Itame andersoni " brunneata j-album, Aglais jutta, Oeneis '. keelei, Parabarrovia kodiak yukonensis, Coenonympha . 43 44 . 26 12 . 33 11 discoidalis Erebia .. 16 25 46 44 lateritia, Agroperina 37 41 ... 35 58 i Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 Leucobrephos brephoides leucocycla, Anarta Lexis bicolor loricaria, Dysmigia Loxostege commixtalis Lycaenopsis pseudargiolns Lygris destinata Macaria granitata mac-cullochi, Androloma machaon aliaska, Papilio magdalena, Erebia meadi, Eurymus melaleuca, Sympistis milberti, Aglais murrayi, Homoglcea napi arctica, Pieris napi pseudobryonice, Fieri* nastes, Eurymus natazhati, Brenthis occidentalis, Pieris Oeneis brucei yukonensis cairnesi chryxus jutta peartioe semidea semidea arctica simulans taygete. Oporinia species orciferaria, Aspilates palaemon, Carter ocephalus palaeno chippewa, Eurymus pales alaskensis, Brenthis Papilio glaucus canadensis " machaon aliaska Parabarrovia keelei Parasemia plantaginis Parnassius smintheus Parastichtis verberata parthenos, Hyphoraia peartice, Oeneis Pedicularis lanata, larvae in roots of. pelidne, Eurymus pendulinaria, Cosymbia persius, Thanaos Phasiane hebetata Phyciodes campestris Pieris napi arctica : napi pseudobryoniae " occidentalis plantaginis, Parasemia PAGE. PAGE. 40 }'(.<;h, 7//.s aquilo 29 35 saepiolus 29 31 " scudderi 2S 44 xhaxtu 29 45 polaris, Brenthis 23 30 polata, Dasyuris 42 41 Polygonia faunus 2(i progne 2