me eey : ~ \ Ny \ SS AG WH \\ SS ‘ SY NN . -_ — : - s ~» é & ‘- F s* b hP2stog TOEO Q ONE ed i i Oe Ap 7) ) So FurrHerR Report UPON THE EREE-SWIMMING COPEPODA oF tHH-West Coast oF IRELAND. By Isaac C. Thompson, I.L.8. - - - : - - 136 Revisep List oF tHE HypromEepusz or tHe L.M.B.C. Disrricr. By Edward T. Browne, B.A., F.Z.S. - 141 ADDITIONAL NoTEs ON THE TURBELLARIA OF THE L.M.B.C. District (with Plates V. and VI). By H. Lyster Jameson, B.A. - . 2 : = < TS ELEVENTH ANNUAL Report or THE LivErPooL MsRIne Brotoey CoMMITTEE AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL STATION aT Porr Kirin., By W. A. Herpmay, FBS. - - 164 Notre on A ‘TETRAMEROUS SPECIMEN or I[cHINUS Escuuentus (with Plate XVII.). By H. OC. Chadwick, Curator of the Biological Station, Port Krin- . : - : - : - - 209 d047] lV. CONTENTS. By | r ACTINOLOGICAL StupiES—I. MESENTERIES AND OESO- PHAGEAL Grooves or ActiniA Eauina, Lryn. (with Plate XX.). By Joseph A. Clubb, M.Sc. — - . TweL_rrH ANNUAL Report oF THE LiveRPooL MARINE BroLtocy CoMMITTEE AND THEIR BrioLoGicalL STATION aT Port Erin. By W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. - List oF THE ARANEIDA OF Port Erin anp DISTRICT. By A. R. Jackson, B.Sc. - - : - - THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LIVERPOOL MARINE BroLocy CoMMITTEE AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL STATION at Port Erin (with Plates VI. and VII.). By W. A. Herdman, F.R.5. . : : - Some Recent ADDITIONS TO THE CoPEPODA OF LIVERPOOL Bay (with Plate VIII.).. By J. C. Thompson, F.L.S., and Andrew Scott - 2 = c= 2 Tue Marine Zoontocy, Borany, anp GEOLOGY OF THE IrIsH SEsA—FourtH anp FinaL REpPoRT OF THE 212 281 Ho] BririsH Association COMMITTEE - - - Appendix Z aN O% - > s > é Ov, ’ _ me es 8 * ’ Kina vr \ oe © ? 6 2 oy = e INTRODUCTION. THE present volume, like those already issued, consists of reprints of the Annual Reports (from the ninth to the thirteenth inclusive) on the L.M.B.C. work at Port Erin and elsewhere, and of such papers communicated to the Biological Society of Liverpool as deal with the marine biology of the neighbourhood. It includes four papers on Copepoda by Mr. Isaac Thompson and Mr. Andrew Scott, one on Hydromeduse by Mr. E. T. Browne, on Turbellaria by Mr. H. L. Jameson, on Actinia by Mr. Clubb, and a note on an abnormal Echinus by Mr. Chadwick. We have been permitted to reprint in this volume the long list of the marine fauna and flora of the Irish Sea which was prepared by a Committee of the British Association for the Liverpool meeting in 1896.* This list brought together and summed up the results of all the previous marine biological work in the district ; and more- over, as references are given after each species to the report or paper in which the occurrence of that species was first recorded, this ‘‘ B.A. list’? forms a useful classified index to the faunistic work of the L.M.B.C. up to the end of 1896. A few mistakes and omissions which were dis- covered soon after the list was printed will be found noted in the Tenth Annual Report, at p. 102. A somewhat longer interval than usual has been allowed to elapse before the issue of this volume. That is mainly in consequence of the energies of some of the Committee having* been largely diverted from faunistic work during the last couple of years into a new channel, which has * See B.A. Report for 1896, p. 417. vi. L.M.B.C. REPORT V. resulted in the production of a new series of publications (not included in the present volume), “the L.M.B.C. Memoirs.” The following extract from the preface to the ** Memoirs” explains the circumstances and objects of this new departure : — “In these twelve years’ experience of a iological Station (five vears at Puffin Island and seven at Port Erin), where College students and young amateurs formed a large proportion of the workers, the want has been con- stantly felt of a series of detailed descriptions of the structure of certain common typical animals and plants, chosen as representatives of their groups, and dealt with by specialists. The same want has probably been felt in other similar institutions and many College laboratories. * The objects of the Committee and of the workers at the Biological Station have hitherto been chiefiy faunistic and speciographic. The work must necessarily be so at first when opening up a new district. Some of the workers have published papers on morphological points, or on embryology and observations on life-histories and habits; but the majority of the papers in the volumes on the * Fauna and Flora of Liverpool Bay” have been, as was intended from the first, occupied with the names and characteristics and distribution of the many different kinds of marine plants and animals in our district. And this faunistic work will still go on. It is far from finished, and the Committee hope in the future to add greatly to the records of the Fauna and Flora. But the papers in the present series are quite distinct from these previous publications in name, in treatment, and in purpose. They will be called the ‘* L.M.B.C. Memoirs,” each will treat of one type, and they will be. issued separately as they are ready, and will be obtainable Memoir by Memoir as they appear, or later bound up im INTRODUCTION. Vil. convenient volumes. It is hoped that such a series of special studies, written by those who are thoroughly familiar with the forms of which they treat, will be found of value by students of Biology in laboratories and in Marine Stations, and will be weleomed by many others working privately at Marine Natural History. “Tt is proposed that the forms selected should, as far as possible, be common L.M.B.C. (Irish Sea) animals and plants of which no adequate account already exists in the text-books. | Probably most of the specialists who have taken part in the L.M.B.C. work in the past will prepare accounts of one or more representatives of their groups. The following have already promised their services, and in many cases the Memoir is already far advaneed. The first Memoir appeared in October and the second in December, 1899, the third in February and the fourth im April, L900. Others will follow im = rapid succession. Memoir I. Ascrpta, W. A. Herdman, 60 pp., 5 Pls. II. Carproum, J. Johnstone, 92 pp., 7 Pls. III. Ecuinvus, H. C. Chadwick, 36 pp., 5 Pls IV. Copium, R. J. H. Gibson and Helen Auld. Denpronotus, J. A. Clubb. Atcyonium, S. J. Hickson. Prrrpinians, G. Murray and F. G. Whitting. ZostERA, R. J. Harvey Gibson. Himantuatis, C. E. Jones. Diatoms, F. KE. Weiss. Fucus, J. B. Farmer. Gicartina, O. V. Darbishire. Puaice, Ff’. J. Cole and J. Johnstone. BotrYLuLoipEs, W. A. Herdman. CurrLe-Fisn (Mieponr), W. HK. Hoyle. Osrracop (CyTHERE), Andrew Scott. V1ll. L.M.B.C. REPORT V. Patetus, J. R. A. Davis and H. J. Fleure. Catanvs, I. C. Thompson. Actinia, J. A. Clubb. - Buevria, Laura R. Thornely. Hyproip, I. T. Browne. Myxine, G. B.. Howes. Buccinum, M. F. Woodward. LERN«£xA, Andrew Scott. CaLcaAREOUS SPonGE, R. Hanitsch. ARENIcCOLA, J. H. Ashworth. AnTEDON, H. C. Chadwick. Oyster, W. A. Herdman and J. T. Jenkins. Porpoisk, A. M. Paterson. In addition to these, other Memoirs will be arranged for on suitable types, such as Sagitta (by Mr. Cole), Careznus, an Amphipod and a Pyenogonid (probably by Dr. A. Kh. Jackson).” Four Memoirs have now been published,* three Zoological and one Botanical, as follows :— Memoir I. Ascidia—published in October, 1899, with 60 pp. and five plates, ,, II. Cardium—published in December, 1899, with 92 pp., six plates and a map. ,, ILI. Kchinus—published in February, 1900, with 536 pp. and five plates. » IV. Codium—published in April, 1900, with 26 pp. and three plates. The next two Memoirs, No. V., Ancyontum, by Professor Hickson, and No. VI., on the Fish Parasites Lernma and Lerroputuerrus, by Mr. Andrew Scott, are now in the printer’s hands, and will be ready for distribution about the same time as the present volume. Lrveus, by Mr. R. * These can now be obtained from Messrs. Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, INTRODUCTION. 1X. C. Punnett, will probably be out early in 1901. Others, such as the Oyster, Sacrrta, and the Puatce, are in active preparation. IT would say in conclusion, in issuing this fifth volume of our Reports which brings the record of the L.M.B.C. work down to the end of its sixteenth year, that although our Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Isaac Thompson, wants more money for many purposes, such as a larger laboratory at Port Erin, a fish hatchery, a gas engine and pumps, and a larger boat (and, of course, I agree with him that these needs exist and are pressing), still what I even more earnestly desire to see is more workers. The subject of Marine Biology is as wide and as varied as the sea that environs it, and it bristles with problems of every descrip- tion. The collector and classifier, the observer of habits, the investigator of lfe-histories, the morphologist studying structure and the physiologist function, the bacteriologist and the chemico-biologist, the most transcendental evo- lutionist, and even the humble but necessary speciographer, whom it is the fashion now, in some quarters, to despise and deride, will all find in our local Oceanography an ample field for their special researches. Here is work for many minds and many hands for many a year to come. W. A. Herpman. University College, Liverpool, November, 1900. a fo 4 ae a ae vy a) %y . ‘tee. P tuk. ee) {From Trans. Biol. Soc., L’pool. Vol. X.] NINTH ANNUAL REPORT of the LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE and their BIOLOGICAL STATION at PORT ERIN. By Professor W. A. Herpman, D.Sc., F.R.S., DERBY PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL 5 CHAIRMAN CF THE LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR OF THE PORT ERIN STATION, [Read 8th November, 1895.] Tur close of a third triennial period has witnessed the publication (October, 1895) of a Fourth Volume of Collected Reports by our Committee upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay and the Irish Sea. This volume practically brings the account of the work of the Comimitiee up to the end of the tenth year; the Committee was formed in 1885, the first volume of the ‘“‘Fauna’’ was issued in 1886, vol. II. in 1889, vol. IIT. in 1892, and this fourth volume has now appeared in the autumn of 1895—giving an account of the opening of the Port Erin Station by His Excellency Dr. Spencer Walpole in 1892, and of the investigations conducted in the laboratory and at sea up to the date of our last annualreport. The present (ninth) annual report brings on the record to the conclusion of the season 1895. The Committee have carried on their usual exploring work by means of dredging expeditions and otherwise during the past year. The specimens obtained have been worked up by specialists, and some of the most noteworthy additions to our lists are given below. I am specially indebted to my colleagues on the Committee Mr. Isaac Thompson and Mr. Alfred Walker, to my Assistant Mr. Andrew Scott, and to the various other naturalists who 2 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. have worked at Port Erin during the year for kind help given me in the preparation of this report. The following naturalists have worked at the Port STATION RECORD. Erin Laboratory during the past year :— DATE. NAME. February. I. C. Thompson March. July. August. W. A. Herdman .. I. C. Thompson W. A. Herdman ... J. C. Sumner R. Boyce A. Scott F. G. Baily H. O. Forbes f W. A. Herdman ... J. D. F. Gilchrist... J. C. Sumner P. M. C. Kermode A. O. Walker W. A. Herdman R. Boyce } P. M. C. Kermode J. C. Sumner I. C. Thompson R. Boyce A. Leicester W. A. Herdman ... A. M. Paterson W.I1. Beaumont ... T. S. Lea F. W. Gamble J. C. Sumner H. O. Forbes A. Scott W.I1. Beaumont .. J. C. Sumner A ea Se H. Meyer Delius ... WORK. Copepoda. Collecting. Collecting. Collecting. Collecting. Collecting. Collecting. Electric organ of Skate. Tunicata. Opisthobranchiata. Collecting. Collecting. Amphipoda. Oyster experiments General. Collecting. Copepoda Oysters. Mollusca. Tunicata. General. Nemertines. Photographing Algee. Turbellaria. Collecting. Preserving Animals. Copepoda, &c. Nemertines. Collecting. Photographing Alge. Studying fauna MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 3 = J. C. Sumner aes ee a Collecting, — J. D. F. Gilchrist... ae we Mollusca, September. W. A. Herdman ... st was General. os H. Meyer Delius ... ioe san Studying fauna. — J. C. Sumner en “ wea Collecting. — F. W. Gamble ... Ae sis Turbellaria. — R. J. Harvey Gibson... a Marine Algze. October. I. C. Thompson ... oe ee Copepoda. —- Ki. Boyee: .... fe ee ans General. — W. A. Herdman ... ve Se Collecting. — J. C. Sumner oa: ae esi Collecting. November. I. C. Thompson ... a atta Copepoda. _ W. A. Herdman ... cae Pe Oyster experiments. os J. C. Sumner aye Ane ss General. The list compares satisfactorily with those of the last few years. It shows only a slight increase in the number of workers, but some stayed for long periods, e.g., Mr. Beaumont from 3lst May to July 12th, Mr. Lea from June 10th to July 4th, and Mr. Delius for the two months August and September. The work done by the various naturalists at the station will be referred to further on. THE AQUARIUM. There is no new feature to note in connection with this part of the establishment. About 200 visitors paid for admission during the season (July and August) when it was on exhibition, while many other visitors were taken round the tanks and dishes at other times of the year when the aquarium was not formally open. Amongst the animals which have lived in our tanks, during 1895, may be noted the angler fish (Lophius piscatorius), the top knot (Zeugopterus punctatus), the plumose anemone (Actinoloba dianthus) for over six months, the starfish Solaster endeca for over two nionths, the wrasse (Labrus nuxtus), young cod and pollack, and various other fishes. Amongst other Invertebrates the 4 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Mollusca Doris tuberculata, Acanthodoris pilosa and Aplysia punctata (the sea hare) spawned freely. The basement floor of the aquarium was made use of by Professor Boyce and Professor Herdman, during a part of the summer, for some of their investigations on the life conditions and health of the oyster, and the effects of certain diseased conditions. Some further experiments on the same subject are being made in these lower tanks this winter; and the place, from its constant coolness and shade and its proximity to beach and sea, is proving admirably suited for such a purpose. THE CURATOR. Mr. J. C. Sumner, from the Royal College of Science, South Kensington, acted as Curator of the Biological Station from March to November, and_ besides his ordinary routine duties devoted much attention to improving the stock of chemicals and fixing and preserving re-agents in the laboratory. In his report to the Committee he states ‘‘I made an inventory of everything in the laboratory, all the apparatus, books, &c.; and then made a list of all the things I thought were wanted. These have been brought or sent to the station from Liverpool during the summer, so that now the place is really very well equipped...... the shelves contain all the necessary fixing and killing re-agents, together with some of the commoner stains, &c.”’ (For some faunistic notes from the Curator’s diary, see p. 46). The laboratory assistant, William Bridson, is still in the employ of the Committee, at a weekly wage, and continues to give satisfaction. TEMPERATURE OF THE SEA. The temperatures of sea and air have not been taken with regularity through the season, but so far as the MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 5 observations go they entirely corroborate those of the year before last which were printed in full in the Seventh Annual Report. On the whole the sea off Port Erin seems to be of a more equable temperature—slightly warmer in winter and slightly colder in summer—than that of the shallow waters off the Lancashire and Cheshire coasts. THe PROPOSED SEA-FISH HATCHERY. It was hoped that before now some arrangement would have been made with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Committee or with the Manx Government, or with both these bodies, whereby a Sea-Fish Hatchery for the Irish Sea should be established at Port Erin alongside the Biological Station. We have now advocated that scheme for some years, our Committee has disinterestedly offered to assist by lending tanks for preliminary experiments, by giving the services of their Assistant and in other ways, and successive reports by individuals and committees have shown that the Port Erin site is superior in natural advantages to any of those proposed in Lancashire, Cheshire or North Wales. The water is pure and cool and salt, and the configuration of shore and cliffs is such as to lend itself readily to the formation of a large spawning pond on the beach, while an adjacent creek could easily be converted into a deep vivarium for lobster culture. Our own Committee has no funds to apply to such a purpose, but if any of the powerful bodies interested in promoting the fisheries of the Irish Sea, or in the technical instruction of the fishermen, will provide the money to erect a small experimental hatchery and spawning pond at Port Erin, the Committee is willing to superintend the work for the first few years, and to give time and trouble so as to show what can be done in this locality in the artificial cultivation of food fishes, 6 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. DREDGING EXPEDITIONS. During 1895 the following dredging expeditions in steamers have been carried out, partly with the help, as before, of a Committee of the British Association. This B. A. Committee was re-appointed, for one year, at the Ipswich Meeting, but must bring its labours to a conclusion with a final report to the Liverpool Meeting of the Association in September 1896. With that fuller report in view for next year, the Committee do not propose now to give details* of the separate expeditions, but content themselves with the following brief summary of the occasions and localities :— I. April 15th, 1895.— Hired steam-trawler ‘‘ Lady Loch.” ~ Localities dredged, to the west and north-west of Port Erin, at depths of 20 to 40 fathoms. II. April 25th, 1895.—Hired steam-trawler ‘‘ Lady Loch.” Localities dredged, to the west and south of Port Erin, at depths of 30 to 40 fathoms. At one spot, 6 miles 8.E. of Calf Island, 34 fathoms, bottom sand, gravel and shells, such a rich haul was obtained that the trawl-net tore away, and only a small part of the contents was recovered. ‘This contained, however, a number of specimens of a rare shrimp Pontophilus spinosus, Leach, along with Munida rugosa, Ebalia tumefacta and E. tuberosa, Xantho tuberculatus, Pandalus brevirostrus, Anapagurus hyndmann, Campylaspis sp., and Melphi- dippella macera amongst Crustaceans, and the following Echinoderma :—Palmipes membranaceus, Porania pulvil- lus, Stichaster roseus, Lwidea savigni, Synapta inherens, and other Holothurians. There were also, of course, many Mollusca, Worms, &c., and an unfamiliar Actinian, which *The course of procedure on these expeditions was very fully described last year (Eighth Annual Report, p. 16) and need not be further referred to now, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. ¢ Professor Haddon considers to be probably his new species Paraphellia expansa, previously only known from deep water off the south-west coast of Ireland. IIt. June Ist, 1895.—Hired steam-trawler ‘‘ Lady Loch.” Localities dredged, Calf Sound and off S.K. of Isle of Man, at depths of 15 to 20 fathoms. IV. June 23rd, 1895.—Hired steam-trawler ‘‘ Rose Ann.” Localities dredged, to the W. and N.W. of Peel and Ballaugh, on the ‘“‘ North Bank,” at depths about 20 fathoms. V. August 3rd, 1895._Lancashire Sea-Fisheries steamer “ John Fell.” Localities dredged and trawled, Red Wharf Bay and off Point Lynas, on north coast of Anglesey, at depths of 6 to 17 fathoms. VI. August 19th, 1895.—Steamer ‘‘ John Fell.”’ Locali- ties dredged, Carnarvon Bay, on south coast of Anglesey, depths 15 to i8 fathoms. VII. October 27th, 1895.—Hired steamer ‘‘ Rose Ann.”’ Localities dredged and trawled, off Port Erin and along S.E. side of Island from the Calf Sound to Langness, at depths of 15 to 20 fathoms. | ADDITIONS TO THE FAUNA. In addition to these ‘‘steamer’’ expeditions there has been frequent dredging and tow-netting from small boats, and a good deal of ‘‘ shore collecting.”’ Amongst the more noteworthy animals collected in the district during the year are the following :— C@LENTERATA. Mr. Edward T. Browne has drawn up a list of thirty- four species of Mrpusa which are found in the district, and of these the following are specially noteworthy :— Amplhicodon fritillaria (carrying young hydroids in the 8 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. umbrellar cavity), Dysmorphosa minima, Cyteandra areo- lata (?), Lizzia blondina, Laodice calcarata (new to European seas), and Hutima insignis.* Mr. Browne writes, in regard to his work at the Biological Station, ‘Port Erin is a good place for Meduse. The tide sweeps clean into the bay and I have found very little difference between the pelagic fauna inside the breakwater and that a mile or two off shore. At Plymouth one has to go about two miles outside the Sound before meeting the Channel tide.” Miss Li. R. Thornely reports the addition of Perigonimus repens and Tubiclava cornucopra to the list of Hydroids. VERMES. Mr. Beaumont in his recently published report makes the following additions to the list of NEMERTIDA :— Amphiporus pulcher, A. dissimulans, Tetrastenvma flavi- dum, Prosorhochmus claparédu, Micrura purpurea, M. fasciolata, M. candida, and Cerebratulus fuscus. During this summer we have dredged from a gravelly bottom, at 10 to 15 fathoms, in two localities near Port Erin, a species of Polygordius, either P. apogon, M‘Intosh, or a new species. It seems to differ from M‘Intosh’s species in having no eyes. It differs also from all the three species described by Fraipont which have no eyes. Amongst PotycHaztTsa Mr. Sumner records Arenicola ecaudata and Amphitrite johnstont; Mr. Arnold Watson Autolytus alexandri (with egg-sac), and many larval Pectinaria, in membranous tubes ."; inch long. Amongst PotyzoA Miss Thornely reports the rare Triticella boeckw, found attached to the prawn Calocaris macandree, from the deep mud off Port Erin; also * For Mr. Browne’s observations on these and other species see his report in ‘‘ Fauna of Liverpool Bay,” Vol. IV., 1895. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 9 Schizotheca divisa, Mastigophora dutertrei, Schizoporella vulgaris, and S. cristata, Membranipora solidula, M. nodulosa, and M. discreta, Cribrilina gattye, Porella minuta, Stomatopora incurvata, and Lagenipora socialis all from the shelly deposit, at 16 to 20 fathoms, to the east of the Calf Sound. MoLuvusca. The following Opisthobranchiata may be mentioned :— Scaphander lignarius, Pleurobranchus plumula, Oscanius membranaceus, Elysia viridis, Runcina hancocki, Lamel- lidoris aspera, Jorunna johnston, Aigirus punctilucens, Polycera lessont, Favorinus albus, Cuthona aurantiaca and C. nana, Coryphella gracilis, C. lineata and C. landsburgt, Facelina drunvmondi, Holts arenicola, Cratena concinna, C. amoena and C. olivacea, Galvina farran, G. tricolor and G. picta, Embletonia pulchra, Acteona corrugata, Limapontia nigra, Lomanotus gener, and a curious little Dovis, which has been dredged several times in the neighbourhood of Port Erin, and is still unidentified. It may possibly be an unknown species. The Nudi- branchs have been chiefly collected and identified by Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Sumner. CRUSTACEA. This section is contributed by Mr. I. C. Thompson and Mr. A. O. Walker, Mr. Thompson taking the Copepoda and Mr. Walker the higher forms. The following addi- tional records of Copepoda have, however, been supplied by Mr. Andrew Scott independently of Mr. Thompson’s report, viz.:—Sunaristes paguri, Hesse; Stenhelia reflexa, T. Scott; Laophonte intermedia, T. S8.; L. propinqua, T. and A.8.; Cletodes similis, T.S.; Nannopus palustris, Brady; Modtolicola insignis, Aur.; and Dermatomyzon gibberum, T. and A. 8.; all new to our fauna. 10 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. COPEPODA. In the last report mention was made of a new copepod found by Mr. I. C. Thompson in dredged material taken outside Port Erin at 15 fathoms. This has since been described by Mr. Thompson (‘‘ Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc.,” Vol. [X., p. 26, Pls. VI. and VIL.) as Psewdocyclopia stephoides. It was by no means easy to decide in which genus to piace this well-marked species, as it has strong points of resemblance in common with the three genera, Pseudo- calanus, Stephos, and Pseudocyclopia. With Pseudocy- clopia it agrees 1n all points excepting in the number of joints in the anterior antenne, and the primary branch of the posterior antenne, and as in general appearance and in the first four pairs of swimining feet it strongly resem- bles Pseudocyclopia it was decided provisionally to place it in that genus. Its fifth pair of feet, however, are more like those of Stephos. In the “ 'T'welfth Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland” Mr. Thomas Scott added a new species belonging to this genus recently found by him in the Forth area. As the genus Pseudo- cyclopia forms a sort of missing link between the families Calanidze and Misophride, Mr. Scott has wisely consti- tuted a new family, the Pseudocyclopude, for its reception. The species of Pseudocyclopia described by him having respectively sixteen and seventeen joints in the anterior antennze, he has made that number a family character. The species here described has, however, twenty joints in the anterior antenne, and as it otherwise agrees in all respects with the family characters of Pseudocyclopiide Mr. Thompson suggested that the words “sixteen to seventeen jointed”? be altered to “sixteen to twenty jointed”’ as a character of this new family, with which Mr. Scott at once concurred, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 11 One specimen of Modiolicola insignis, Aurivillius, new to the district, was found in the washings of dredged material taken some miles off Peel in June, 1895. This species 1s known as a messmate within the shell of the “horse mussel”’ (Mytilus modiolus), and has been recorded by Canu (“‘ Les Copep. du Boulon.,” p. 238, pl. xxx., fig. 14—20), and more recently by Mr. T. Scott from the Firth of Forth. It had also been found previously by Mr. A. Scott in the ‘‘ Hole”’ to the east of the Isle of Man. The expedition of October 27th in the steamer ‘‘ Rose Ann” was exceedingly prolific, large numbers of Copepoda being found on the bottom in shallow water (15 to 20 fathoms) although there was very little in the surface tow-nets. From some of the dredged stuff (broken shells, &e.) Mr. Scott obtained 35 species three of which, Ameira reflexa, Idya gracilis and Tetragoniceps consimilis, are new to the district, and eight others seem undescribed forms. Mr. Thompson has obtained already, after only a partial examination of the material, 21 species, of which Dyspon- tius brevifurcatus is new to the British fauna, and a Cyclopicera seems new to science. Other rich hauls still remain to be examined by Mr. Thompson. Mr. A. O. Walker reports the following additions to our lists of the HIGHER CRUSTACEA :— PODOPHTHALMATA. Crangon (Pontophilus) spinosus, Leach.—Several, April 25th, 1695, station 3. Colour: whitish, freckled with reddish-brown on the antennal scales and legs; sparsely on the front and hind margins of thorax and first three abdominal segments, and densely on the last three abdominal segments, hind margin of third and generally front margin of fourth abdominal segments and proximal half of telson and lateral appendages white. Length, 2} in. 12 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. CUMACEA. *Hemilamprops assimilis, Sars.—Off Galley Head, Co. Cork, November 24th, 1894. *Iphinoe tenella, Sars—Off North Bank, Peel, June 93rd, 1895. This is new to the British fauna. *Diastylis rugosoides, n.sp.—Galley Head, six males. Very near D. rugosa (Sars), from which it differs in the absence of the vertical plica on the carapace, and in the strong dorso-lateral teeth on the first three pleon segments. ISOPODA. Cirolana borealis, Lilleborg.—Galley Head; off Port Erin, April 25th, 1895, station 2. AMPHIPODA. A small collection has been made by Mr. R. L. Ascroft, of Lytham, from trawl refuse and a tow-net attached to the trawl beam when working in the southern part of the Trish Sea off Galley Head. The most interesting feature of it 1s that nearly all the specimens are adult males, in which condition amphipods are less often taken than any other. This may perhaps be attributed to their having been taken late in November, a season at which collectors do not generally dredge. Parathemisto oblivia, Kroyer.—Galley Head. Callisoma crenata, Bate.-—Galley Head; off Port Erin, April 25th, 1895, station 1. Hippomedon denticulatus, Bate.—Galley Head. Orchomenella ciliata, Sars.—Galley Head. T'ryphosites longipes, Bate.—Galley Head. Lepidepecreum carinatum, Bate.—Galley Head. * Paraphozxus oculatus, Sars.—Off Port Erin, April 25th, 1895, stations 1 and 2. * Those species marked with a star are new to the British fauna, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 13 Epimeria cornigera, Kebr.—Galley Head. Syrrhoé fimbriata, Stebbing and Robertson.—Off Port April 25th, 1895, station 1. Leptocheirus hirsutuemanus (Bate) = L. pilosus, Sars, not Zaddach.—Two miles south-east of Kitterland, 17 fathoms, May 27th, 1894. Photis longicaudatus, Bate.—Off Port Erin, April 25th, 1895, stations 2 and 3. * Photis pollex, n.sp.—Colwyn Bay, shore ; Little Orme; Menai Straits, 5 to 10 fathoms. This species is inter- mediate between Photis reinhardi (Kroyer) and P. tenwuicornis (Sars). The hind margin of the propodos of the second gnathopod in the male is distally produced into a thumb-like process which has its origin much nearer the carpus than in P. reinhardi. Podocerus ocius, Bate.—Sponge débris, Port Erin, 1894. PYCNOGONIDA. The following rare species found during the year at Port Erin have been named by Mr. G. H. Carpenter, of Dublin :—A noplodactylus petiolatus, Kr., Ammothea echin- ata, Hodge, Nymphon gracile, Leach, N. gallicum, Hoek, Chetonymphon hirtum, Ky., and Pallene producta, Sars, the last apparently new to Britain. SOME STATISTICS OF DREDGING RESULTS. During this year’s work we have been paying some attention to the actual numbers of individuals, species, and genera brought up in particular hauls of the dredge or trawl. Our attention has recently been directed to the matter by some statements in Dr. Murray’s summary volumes of the “Challenger” Expedition Report which seemed not to be quite in accord with our own experience. Dr. Murray quotes the statistics of the Scottish Sea- 14 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fisheries Board to show that only 7°3 species of inverte- brates and 8°3 species of fishes are captured on the average by the Fisheries steamer ‘‘Garland’s”’ beam trawl; and he cites as an example of a large and varied haul from deep water one taken by the ‘‘ Challenger” at station 146 in the Southern Ocean, at a depth of 1,375 fathoms, with a 10-foot trawl dragged for at most 2 miles during at most two hours, when 200 specimens were captured belonging to fifty-nine genera and seventy-eight species. Murray then goes on to say: ‘‘ In depths less than 50 fathoms, on the other hand, I cannot find in all my experiments any record of such a variety of organisms in any single haul, even when using much larger trawls and drageing over much greater distances.’”’ Now our experience of dredging in the Irish Sea is that quite ordinary hauls of the dredge or very small trawl (only 4-foot beam) contain often more specimens, species, and genera than the special case cited from the ‘‘ Challenger ”’ results. On the first of our expeditions after the appearance of Dr. Murray’s volumes we counted the contents of the first haul of the trawl. The particulars are as follows :—June 93rd, 7 miles W. of Peel, on North Bank, bottom sand and shells, depth 21 fathoms, trawl 4 feet beam, down for 20 minutes ; 232 specimens were counted, but there may well have been another 100; they belonged to at least 112* species and 103 genera, a larger number in every respect— specimens, species, and genera—than in the ‘‘Challenger’”’ haul quoted. ‘The list of these species is here given, and marine zoologists will see at a glance that it is nothing out of the way, but a fairly ordinary assemblage of not uncommon animals such as is frequently met when dredging in from 15 to 30 fathoms. * Really an under estimate, several other species have been identified since from the same haul, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. SPONGES: Renera, sp. Halichondria, Sp. Cliona celata —Suberites domuncula Chalina oculata C@LENYTERATA: Dicoryne conferta. Haleciwm haleconwm Sertularia abretina Coppinia arcta Hydrallmana falcata Campanularia verticillata Lafoea dumosa Antennularia ramosa Alcyonium digitatum Virgularia nurabilis Sarcodictyon catenata Sagartia, sp. Adamsia palliata ECHINODERMATA: Cucumaria, sp. Thyone fusus Asterias rubens Solaster papposus Stichaster roseus Porama pulvillus Palmipes placenta Ophiocoma nigra Ophiothrix fragilis Amphiura chiajii Ophioglypha ciliata O. albida Echinus sphera Spatangus purpureus Eichinocardium cordatum Brissopsis lyrifera Hchinocyamus pusillus VERMES: Nemertes neesit Chetopterus, sp. Sptrorbis, sp. Serpula, sp. Sabella, sp. Owenra filiformis Aphrodite aculeata Polynoe, sp. CRUSTACEA: Scalpellum vulgare Balanus, sp. Cyclopicera nigripes Acontiophorus elongatus Artotrogus magniceps Dyspontius striatus Zaus goodsirt Laophonte thoracica Stenhelva reflexa Lichomolgus forficula Anonyx, sp. Galathea intermedia Munida bamffica Crangon spinosus Stenorhynchus rostratus Inachus dorsettensis Hyas coarctatus Xantho tuberculatus Portunus pusillus Eupagurus bernhardus 15 16 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. E. prideauxu Solen pellucidus EH. cuanensis Venus gallina Hurynome aspera Lyonsta norvegica bala tuberosa Scrobicularia prismatica PoLyzoa: Astarte sulcata Pedicellina cernua Modwolaria marmorata Tubulipora, sp. Saxicava rugosa Crista cornuta Cyprina islandica Cellepora punuicosa and three Chiton, sp. or four undetermined spec- | Dentaliwm entale ies of Lepralids Emarginula fissura Flustra securifrons Velutina levigata Scrupocellaria reptans Turritella terebra Cellularia fistulosa Natica alderi MOLLUSCA : Fusus antiquus Anomia ephippriwm Aporrhais pes-pelicant Ostrea edulis Oscanius membranaceus Pecten maximus Doris, sp. P. opercularis Coryphella landsburgt P. tigrinus Tritonia plebera P. pusio TUNICATA: Mytilus modiolus . Ascidiella virginea Nucula nucleus Styelopsis grossularva Cardiwm echinatum Eugyra glutinans Lissocardium norvegucwm Botryllus, sp. Ds; Sp: The following are two other similar hauls taken with different instruments (dredge and trawl), but both in less than 20 fathoms. On October 27th, 1895, in the steam- trawler ‘Rose Ann” we counted the first haul of the dredge (2 feet of scraping edge) and the first haul of the small trawl (4 foot beam) with the following results :— First haul of dredge, across mouth of Port Erin Bay, from Bradda Head towards the Calf Sound, depth 17 fathoms, bottom dead shells, 93 species in 81 genera. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. ci Ascetta primordialis Cliona celata Halecium halecinum Sertularella polyzonias Hydrallmama falcata Antennularia antennina Lafoea dumosa Obelia, sp. Asterias rubens Henricia sanguinolenta Solaster papposus Ophiothria fragilis Lchinus sphera. Polynoe, sp. Serpula, sp. Pomatoceros triqueter Spirorbis, sp. Terebella nebulosa Mucronella peachw M. ventricosa Smittria reticulata Membranipora craticula M. flemingu M. dumeriliu M. imbellis Microporella malusu M. ciliata Lichenopora hispida Schizoporella linearis S. hyalina Idmonea serpens Scrupocellaria reptans Tubulipora flabellaris Crista, sp. Diastopora suborbicularis D. patina Porella concinna Chorizopora brongniartit Cellepora costazw Balanus balanordes Chthamalus stellatus Cyclopina gracilis Misophria pallida Thalestris clausir Lictinosoma spinipes Cyclopicera lata C. nigripes Lichomolgus maximus Dermatomyzon gibberum Artotrogus magniceps Zaus goodsirr Iphimedia obesa Melita obtusata Lilyeborgia kinahan Aora gracilis Hrichthonius abditis Phtisica marina Gnathia (Anceus), sp. Hyas araneus H. coarctatus Hippolyte varians Sptrontocarts spunrus Hupagurus bernhardus Galathea intermedia Hbalia tuberosa Portunus, sp. Achelia echinata Anomia ephippiwm 18 Nucula nucleus Mytilus modiolus Pecten opercularis P. maximus P. pusto Saxicava rugosa Venus lincta Tapes, sp. Cyprina islandica Chiton, sp. Emarginula fissura Velutina levigata Capulus hungaricus TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Buccinum undatum Fusus antiquus Trochus cinerarius Holis viridis Polycera quadrilineata Perophora listert Ciona intestinalis Ascidiella virginea Ascidia mentula A. scabra Styelopsis grossularia Cynthia morus The first haul of the small trawl, on the same occasion, off the Halfway Rock, in 18 fathoms yielded 111 species in 93 genera, as follows :— Leucosolenta coriacea Suberites domuncula Cliona celata Coppinia arcta Sertularia abietina Antennularia ramosa Plumularia, sp. Sagartia nivea Sarcodictyon catenata Palmipes membranaceus Solaster endeca Asterias rubens Henricia sanguinolenta Porama pulvillus Echinus sphera Echinocyamus pusillus Lineus marinus Amphiporus pulcher Micrura fasciolata Filograna implexa Serpula, sp. Pomatoceros triqueter Polynoe, sp. Ajtea recta Scrupocellaria scrupea S. reptans L[dmonea serpens Schizotheca fissa Crista ramulosa C. cornuta Cellepora pumicosa C. dichotoma Alcyomdium gelatinosum A. mytilt Cellaria fistulosa Membranipora pilosa MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 19 M. craticula M. flemingw M. imbellis Chorizopora brongniartic Smittia trispinosa S. reticulata Schizoporella linearis Mucronella peachit M. ventricosa M. coccinea Porella concinna Diastopora obelva Microporella malusiva Hippothoa divaricata H. distans Stomatopora johnstont Balanus balanoides Thalestris peltata Dactylopus flavus Laophonte spinosa (?) Ectinosoma atlanticum Cyclopicera gracilicauda Lichomolgus liber Dyspontius striatus Acontiophorus scutatus Artotrogus orbicularis Stenothoe maria Leucothoe spuucarpa Amplilochus manudens Cyproidea brevirostris Triteta gubbosa Cressa dubia Podocerus cumbrensis Spirontocaris spinus Stenorhynchus, sp. Portunus, sp. Hupagurus bernhardus HH. cwanensis Galathea intermedia G. dispersa Pandalus annulicornis Crangon allmant Xantho tuberculatus Pycnogonum littorale Anomia ephippium Ostrea edulis Mytilus modiolus Pecten maximus P. tugrinus P. pusio P. opercularis Astarte, sp. Venus casina Tapes, sp. Nucula nucleus Saxicava rugosa Pectunculus glycimeris Chiton, sp. Cyprina wslandica Tectura virginea Emarginula fissura Plewrotoma, sp. Trochus millegranus T. zizyphinus Gontodoris nodosa Amaroucium, sp. Didemnum, sp. Leptoclinum maculatum 20 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Botryllus, sp. Ascidiella virginea Ascidia mentula A. plebeia Corella parallelogramma Styelopsis grossularia Cynthia morus A third haul, on this same occasion (October 27th) gave us, from 16 fathoms, 156 species (see below, p. 34). In order to get another case, on entirely different sround, not of our own choosing, on the first occasion after the publication of Dr. Murray’s volumes when we were out witnessing the trawling observations of the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries steamer ‘‘ John Fell,” I counted, with the help of Mr. Andrew Scott and the men on board, the results of the first haul of the shrimp trawl. It was taken on July 23rd at the mouth of the Mersey estuary, inside the Liverpool Bar, on very unfavourable eround: bottom muddy sand, depth 6 fathoms. The shrimp trawl (13-inch mesh) was down for 1 hour, and it brought up over seventeen thousand specimens referable to the following thirty-nine species belonging to thirty- four genera :— Solea vulgaris Pleuronectes platessa taf limanda Gadus morrhua G. eglefinus G. merlangus Clupea spratta C. harengus Trachinus vipera Agonus cataphractus Gobius minutus Raia clavata ft. maculata Mytilus edulis Tellina tenutrs Mactra stultorum Fusus antiquus Carcinus menas Portunus, sp. Pagurus bernhardus Crangon vulgaris Sacculina, sp. Amphipoda (undetermined) Longipedia coronata Ectinosoma spinipes Sunaristes pagure Dactylopus rostratus Cletodes lumicola MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Caligus, sp. Hydractinia echinata Flustra foliacea Sertularia abietina Aphrodite aculeata Hydralimama. falcata. Pectinaria belgica Aurelia aurita Nerets, sp. Cyanea, sp. Asterias rubens These numbers have been exceeded on many other hauls in the ordinary course of work by the Fisheries steamer in Liverpool Bay. For example, on this occasion the fish numbered 5,943, and I have records of hauls in which the fish numbered over 20,000. The shrimps probably number as many again, and if the starfishes and other abundant invertebrates are added the total must sometimes reach such enormous numbers as from 45,000 to 50,000 specimens in a single haul of the trawl in shallow water, not including microscopic forms. Hauls such as this are doubtless as prolific of individuals as any of those hauls sometimes quoted containing large numbers of specimens (of a very few species) of Copepoda and Schizopoda from waters deeper than 50 fathoms,* and are certainly far more prolific in species and genera; while hauls such as the three quoted above under dates June 23rd and October 27th compare favourably as to variety of life, 7.e., as to number of species and genera, with the deep water hauls of the ‘‘ Challenger”? expedition made with a far larger trawl. On the next occasion, when on board the “‘ John Fell,”’ on our own expedition of August 3rd, two members of this Committee (A. O. Walker and W. A. Herdman) identified the species brought up in the first haul of the * Such as those referred to by Mr. Turbyne in ‘‘ Nature” for October 24th, 1895, which illustrate an interesting case of distribution of a very few species but do not affect the argument given above for the relative richness, haul for haul, of the shallow as compared with the deeper waters, 21 22 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. trawl (5-inch mesh), taken in Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey, at a depth of 4 to 7 fathoms. They were 78 species, belonging to 67 genera, as follows :— Solea vulgaris S. lutea Pleuronectes platessa P. limanda P. flesus Gadus morrhua G. eglefinus G. merlangus Callionymus lyra Raia maculata Fusus antiquus Buccinum undatum Natica alderi Pleurotoma, sp. Philine, sp. Holts, sp. Polycera quadrilineata Corbula gibba Mactra stultorum Scrobicularia alba Portunus depurator Corystes cassivelaunus Hyas coarctatus Stenorhynchus phalangiuwm Hupagurus bernhardus Crangon vulgaris Pseudocuma cercaria Diastylis rathker D. spinosa Balanus balanoides Paratylus swammerdammii Harpinia neglecta Ampelisca levigata Monoculodes longimanus Amphilochus melanops Pariambus typicus Achelia echinata Aphrodite aculeata Nereis, sp. Terebella, sp. (?) Syllis, sp. Serpula, sp. Spirorbis, sp. Cellaria fistulosa Flustra foliacea Eucratea chelata Scrupocellaria reptans Bugula, sp. Cellepora pumicosa C. avicularis Porella compressa Mucronella peachi Membranipora membranacea M. pilosa Alcyonidium gelatinosum Vesicularia spinosa Gemellaria loricata Lichenopora hispida Crisia eburnew C. cornuta Idmonea serpens Asterias rubens MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Amphiura squamata Antennularta ramosa Ophioglypha albida Coppina arcta Tealva crassicornis Sertularella polyzonias Alcyonium digitatum Sertularva abvetina Clytia johnston S. argentea Lafoéa dumosa Diphasia rosacea Hydrallmania falcata D. tamarisca Halecium halecinum Tubularia indwisa This was a haul—from very shallow water—which combined mere quantity of life, 7.e., number of individuals, with variety of life or nwmber of species and genera. The ten species of fish were represented by 879 individuals, and we estimated that there were some hundreds of crabs and of starfishes, and some thousands of shrimps. The numbers of the Molluscs, of the hermit-crabs, of Balanus and of Spirorbis were also very large. From these statements it is clear that whether it be a question of mere mass of life or of variety of life, haul for haul, the shallow waters can hold their own against the deep sea, and form in all probability the most prolific zone of life on this globe. RELATIONS OF GENERA TO SPECIES. A point which comes out in making complete lists, such as those given above, of the contents of the net on one haul is the relatively large number of genera represented by the species.* In the haul, quoted above, from the expedition of June 23rd, the 112 species were referred to 103 genera; in the haul from the Fisheries steamer on July 23rd, the 39 species obtained belong to 34 genera; on August 3rd, there were 78 species and 67 genera, and *Dr. Murray, in the Challenger ‘‘ Summary,” notes this fact in the case of deep-sea hauls, but does not seem to recognise its application to shallower waters, 23 94 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. in the two hauls of October 27th there were 93 species in 81 genera and 111 species in 93 genera. Taking a few instances of particular groups—on August 25th, 1894, the 15 species of Tunicata taken in one haul represented 10 genera; and Mr. Walker reports the following numbers of species and genera in hauls of the higher Crustacea :— March, 1893, off Rhos, shallow, 19 species in 18 genera; May, 1893, off Rhos, two fathoms, 24 species in 21 genera ; July, 1893, off Little Orme, 5 to 10 fathoms, 31 species in 28 genera; October, 1893, off Little Orme, 4 to 10 fathoms, 41 species in 86 genera; September, 1894, off Little Orme, shallow, 39 species in 35 genera; and April, 1895, off Port Erin, 34 fathoms, 40 species in 35 genera.* These figures are particularly interesting in their bearing on the Darwinian principle that an animal’s most potent enemies are its own close allies.+ Is it then the case, as the above cited instances suggest, that the species of a genus rarely live together; that if in a haul you get half- a-dozen species of lamellibranchs, amphipods, or annelids they will probably belong to as many genera, and if these genera contain other British species these will probably occur in some other locality, perhaps on a different bottom, or at a greater depth? It is obviously necessary to count the total number of genera and species of the groups in the local fauna, as known, and compare these with the numbers obtained in particular hauls. That has been *These numbers refer to the Higher Crustacea only. There were many other animals in the hauls. +‘ As the species of the same genus usually have, though by no means invariably, much similarity in habits and constitution, and always in struc- ture, the struggle will generally be more severe between them, if they come into competition with each other, than between the species of distinct genera.” Darwin, The Origin of Species, sixth edition, p. 59; see also Wallace, Darwinism, second edition, p. 33, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 25 done to some extent with the “Fauna” of Liverpool Bay, and the following instances may be taken as samples. The known number of species of higher Crustacea in Vol. I. of the ‘‘ Fauna” (1886) is 90, and these fall into 60 genera. But many species have been added since then, so Mr. Walker has gone over the records up to date (1895), and states that we now know in our local fauna 230 species which belong to 150 genera. This is still much the same proportion as in the former numbers, so we may take it that in our district the genera are to the species as 2 to 3, whereas in the collections quoted from Mr. Walker above the genera are to the species on the average about as 28 to 31, or nearly 7 to 8. It can also be brought out by similar series of numbers that as one extends the area investigated the number of species per genus is increased. In a single haul, in our district as we have seen, the species are to the genera about as 8 to 7, in our local fauna the proportion is about 3 species to 2 genera, while in the much wider area embraced by Sars’ Amphipoda of Norway the numbers are 365 species to 157 genera or nearly 5 species to 2 genera. Jn other words if allied species, taking a large district, were associated together we might expect to find about twice as many species per genus in each haul as we do find. Mr. Walker has gone carefully into this matter of the proportion of genera to species in our hauls, and in other areas, and from the figures in his notes I extract the following records, 1n support of the above statement :— Rhos Bay, 13/5/93, Amphipoda, 16 sp. in 14 genera. Little Orme, 28/7/93, Amphipoda, 24 sp. in 22 genera. +s 5/10/93, i 5 en Sa The aggregate of the species and genera of Amphipoda in the above three dredgings is 69 species in 60 genera, or an average proportion of 115;100, Now the total number 96 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. of Amphipoda so far recorded in the L. M. B.C. District (about 5000 sq. miles) is 124 species in 78 genera, or in the proportion of 159:100; while G. O. Sars dealing with the Amphipoda of Norway—a very much more extended area—gives 365 species in 157 genera, or in the proportion of 232: 100. To sum up, the proportions of species and genera, in these Amphipoda are :— Rhos, &c., 1 to 10 fms., 115 sp. in 100 gen., or 13:1. L.M.B.C. dist., to 70 fms., 159 sp. in 100 gen., over 13:1. Norway, to 1215 fms., 232 sp. in 100 gen., or 25:1. So, it is clear that as one increases the area and depth investigated the proportion of species to genera in the fauna increases, until e.g., on the coasts of Norway it has become more than twice what it is on the north coast of Wales. Again, the total number of recorded species of L.M.B.C. Tunicata is 46, and these are referred to 20 genera; while in the case given above (August 25th, 1894) the 12 species taken on one spot represented 10 genera, or, a little over a quarter of the species represented half the genera. These and many other series of statistics in regard to other groups which we might quote, seem to show that a disproportionately large number of genera 1s represented by the assemblage of species at one spot, which means that closely related species are, as a rule, not found together. ; We know of some individual cases, of course, of allied species occurring together, but these do not necessarily affect the general argument. Exceptional cases may be due to some special habit which, although the species are allied forms, prevents them from being severe competitors. It is possible also that sessile animals, such as hydroids and polyzoa, may form a partial exception, and may differ MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 27 from wandering forms in their method of competition. However Miss Thornely finds that in most gatherings of Polyzoa the species are less than twice the number of genera, while in our ‘‘ Fauna” the average recorded number is 2'5 species in a genus. Moreover the colonies on dead shells or on stones are generally not only distinct species, but also distinct genera. As many as ten genera are sometimes represented by the Polyzoon colonies on one shell. We are accumulating further statistics on all these points. THE SUBMARINE DEPOSITS. In last year’s report the nature of the deposits forming on the floor of the Irish Sea was discussed in a preliminary manner. During this season’s work the bottom brought up on each occasion has been carefully noted and a sample kept for future study in the Jermyn Street Museum. One point which this collection of deposits from com- paratively shallow shore waters seems to bring out is that the classification of submarine deposits into ‘‘terrigenous”’ and ‘‘pelagic,’’ which was one of the earliest oceanographic results of the ‘‘ Challenger’? Expedition, and which is still adhered to in the latest ‘‘ Challenger”’ volumes as an accepted classification, does not adequately represent or express fully the facts. 'Terrigenous deposits are supposed to be those formed round continents from the waste of the land, and are stated to contain on the average 68 per cent. of silica. Pelagic deposits are those formed in the open ocean from the shells and other remains of animals and plants living on the surface of the sea above, and they are almost wholly free from quartz particles. Ordinary coast sands and gravels and muds are un- doubted terrigenous deposits. Globigerina and Radiolarian oozes are typical pelagic deposits, But in our dredgings 98 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. in the Irish Sea, where the deposits ought all, from their position, to be purely terrigenous, we meet with several distinct varieties of sea-bottom which are not formed mostly from the waste of the land, and do not contain anything like 68 per cent. of silica; but, on the contrary, are formed very largely of the remains of bottom haunting plants and animals, and may contain as little as 17 per cent. of silica. Such are the nullipore bottoms, and the shell sand and shell gravel met with in some places, and the sand formed of comminuted spines and plates of echinoids which we have found off the Calf Island. These deposits are really much more nearly allied in their nature, and in respect of the kind of rock which they would probably form if consolidated,* to the calcareous oozes amongst pelagic deposits, than they are to terri- genous deposits, and yet they are formed on a continental area close to land in shallow water. Moreover, although agreeing with the pelagic deposits in being largely organic in origin, they differ in being derived not from surface organisms, but from plants (the nullipores) and animals which lived on the bottom. Consequently the division of deposits into “terrigenous”’ and ‘“‘pelagic”’ ought to be modified or replaced by the following classification :— 1. Terrigenous (Murray’s term, restricted)—where the deposit 1s formed chiefly (say, at least two-thirds, 66 %) of mineral particles derived from the waste of the land. 2. Neritict—where the deposit is largely of organic origin, its calcareous matter being *They seem closely comparable with the Coralline and Red Crag formations of Suffolk. + Adopted from Haeckel’s term for the zone of shallow water marine fauna, see ‘* Plankton Studien,” Jena, 1890; also Hickson’s ‘‘ Fauna of Deep Sea,” 1894. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 29 derived from the shells and other hard parts of the animals and plants living on the bottom. 3. Planktonic (Murray’s pelagic)—where the greater part of the deposit is formed of the remains of free-swimming animals and plants which lived in the sea above the deposit. The last group is Murray’s “ pelagic’”’ unchanged, and that, there can be no doubt, is a natural group of deposits; but Murray’s “terrigenous”’ is an unnatural or hetero- geneous assemblage containing some deposits, such as the eravel off Bradda Head and the sand of the Liverpool bar, which are clearly terrigenous in their origin, along with others such as shelly sands and nullipore deposits which have much less to do with the waste of the land, but are very largely organic in origin and formed by animals and plants in sitw. The proposal is then to recognise this latter group of deposits by separating them from the truly terrigenous under the name ‘“‘ Neritic.”” Probably some of the Coral sands described by Murray and Renard in their Challenger Report on Sea-Deposits would also fall into this category. Professor Johannes Walther, of Jena, who has of recent years been working on the borderlands of geology and bionomics, in a recent letter to me on my proposed classification of deposits says:—‘‘Ich meine dass der Ausdruck benthonisch statt neritisch richtiger wire. Denn es kommt doch bei der Diagnose weniger daraufan, dass die Ablagerung in der Flachsee, als dass sie durch benthonisch Organismen (Coralline, Korallen, Echinoder- men, Mollusken, Bryozoen, etc.) gebildet wird.”’ With this I can quite agree. I lay most stress on the nature (bottom plants and animals) of the particles composing 30 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the deposits, and I do not mind much whether they are called Neritic or Benthonic so long as the category is recognised as distinct from terrigenous. Dr. C. Kohn has kindly analysed for me a series of fair samples of deposits from different parts of the Irish Sea, with the following results :— NERITIC. TERRIGENOUS. AA RIS Oe WW ooh ML (rh oc Gaal ee Silica. SiO? | 16°83 | 46°65 54-84 | 23-41 84°62 | 83°06 | 77°10 | 78°92 Wal: Sarbonate. | 79.97 | 38-45 | 39 71 | 59°66 | 6-38) 9-18] 9-20] 8-59 3°90 | 14°90 | 6°45 | 19°93 9°00 | 13°70 | 13-70 | 12°69 Residue (other than Silica). 100°00}100°00 100°00/100°00/100-00/100°00 /100-00 100°00 Se a Ss The localities and particulars are,— 1 mile off Spanish Head, 16 faths., shell fragments. . 1 mile off Calf of Man, 20 faths., shells and spines. 1 mile off Calf of Man, 18 faths., shell sand, spines. . 2 miles off Dalby, 15 faths., nullipores. . Liverpool Bar, 3 faths., sand. Bahama Bank, 13 faths., muddy sand. . Kang William Bank, 5 faths., coarse sand. . North end of “ Hole,” 28 faths., mud. It will be noticed that the four terrigenous deposits (sands and muds) all show less than 10 % of calcium carbonate ; mAatHyOWP while the four neritic have all more than 88 %—well over a third—of calcium carbonate, and one (A.) has over 79 ok The silica in these neritic deposits may be less than 17 %, *Shelly deposit. Contained 1:09 % of small stones not included in analysis. t Contained 4°82 % of magnesium carbonate, in addition to calcium carbonate. ‘MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. ob and does not rise in any to 55 %. In round numbers it may be said that in these examples the silica makes up from 20 to 50% and the calcium carbonate from 40 to 80 %. In all the neritic deposits there are in the residue small quantities of calctum phosphate, of iron and of alumina. | In some of these deposits the calcareous matter is formed almost entirely of Lithothamnion. Amongst the Nullipores from our neritic deposits Professor Harvey Gibson has identified the following species :—Lithotham- nion polymorphum, L. calcareum, L. agariciforme, L. fasciculatum, the variety fruticulosum, and Lithophyllum lenormandn. One of these neritic deposits (A) has its calcareous matter formed by a large number of animals, belonging to various groups, in addition to nullipores. One sample (measuring 7 qts., 13 pts., and weighing, when dry, 17 lbs. 34 ozs.) which I have gone over carefully for the purpose of identifying the constituent particles contains more or less fragmentary remains of at least the following 99 species, all of them forms that leave calcareous remains :— NULLIPORES : Cellepora avicularis Lithothamnion fasciculatum C. dichotoma L. calcareum C. pumicosa Lithophyllum lenormands Idmonea serpens HiCHINODERMATA : Microporella ciliata Echinus sphera M. malusia Eichinocyamus pusillus M. violacea Lichinocardium cordatum Schizotheca fissa VERMES : *S. dwisa Serpula, sp. Mastigophora hyndmanna Spirorbis, sp. *M. dutertrer POLYZOA :t Mucronella peachia Cellaria fistulosa M. variolosa * New to district. t Identified by Miss L. R. Thornely. 32 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. M. ventricosa M. coccinea *Do., var. mamillata Schizoporella auriculata S. linearis S. wnicornis S. simplex *S. vulgaris S. discoidea *S. cristata Membranipora catenularia M. solidula M. pilosa *M. nodulosa *M. discreta M. aurita M. craticula M. flemingw Hippothoa distans Cribrilina annulata C. punctata *C. gatty@ Crisia aculeata Aitea recta Amathia lendigera Porella concuvna Do., var. belli *P. minuta Cribrilina radiata Phylactella collaris P. labrosum Micropora coriacea Chorizopora brongniarti Diastopora patina D. obelia D. suborbicularis Stomatopora johnstone *S. incurvata Lepralia foliacea L. pertusa Lagenipora socialis Snuttia trispinosa S. reticulata Lichenopora hispida CRUSTACEA: Balanus balanordes Verruca, sp. Cancer pagurus MOLLUSCA : Anomia ephippium Lina elliptica Pecten opercularis P. pusio Cardium edule Venus casina V. ovata Nucula nucleus Mytilus edulis Saxicava rugosa Tapes, sp. Mactra solida Pectunculus glycimeris Acmea testudinalis A. virginea Emarginula fissura Helcion pellucidum Trochus magus T. millegranus MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. ( T. cinerarius Bucctnum undatum Pleurotoma, sp. Capulus hungaricus FSD: | Cyprea europea Murex erinaceus Nassa incrassata Phasianella pullus ) issoa, sp. Natica, sp. R., sp. From a bag of this shelly Neritic deposit (A), described above, Mr. Andrew Scott has by careful examination managed to extract the following 36 species of Copepoda, of which 4 are new records for our district and 8 others seem new to science :—Pseudocyclops obtusatus, B. & R.; Fictinosoma sarsv, Boeck; EH. melaniceps, Boeck; E. erythrops, Brady; EH. gracile, T. & A. Scott; Tachidius brevicorms, Muller; Stenhelia, n.sp.; Stenhelia, n.sp.3 Ameiwra longipes, Brady; A. longicaudata, T. Scott; A. refleca,'T. Scott; A. gracile, n.sp.; Mesochra macintoshi, T.& A.8.; Paramesochra dubia, T. Scott; Tetragoniceps consimilis, V. Scott; Laophonte thoracica, Boeck; L. cur- ticaudata, Boeck; Pseudolaophonte aculeata, n.gen. and n.sp.; Normanella attenuata, n.sp.; Dactylopus stromiz, Baird; D. tenutrems, B. & R.; D. flavus, Claus; D. brevicornis, Claus; Thalestris rufocincta, Norman; T. peltata, Boeck; Harpacticus chelifer, Muller; Zaus spina- tus, Goodsir; Z. goodsirt, Brady; Idya gracilis, T. Scott ; Lrchomolgus fucicolus, Brady; L. furcillatus, Thorell ; Dermatomyzon nigripes (B. & R.); Ascomyzon thompsont, n.sp.; Acontiophorus scutatus, B. & R. ; and two other species which have not yet been worked out. Mr. Thompson has also identified from a sample of the same deposit which he examined a number of the above species, and in addition the following five:—Porcellidium, sp., Ameira attenuata, Laophonte spinosa, Scutellidiwm fasciatum, and Artotrogus orbicularis, making 41 species of Copepoda in all, 33 384 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. These 41 species added to the 99 species from the same haul noted on p. 31 and to the following 16 species recorded from the trawl on Oct. 27th, when the haul was taken, make in all 156 species :—Mytilus modiolus, Pecten tigrinus, Trochus zizyphinus, Fissurella greca, Eulima polita, Pagurus prideauxti, Ophiothri« fragilis, Ophicoma nigra, Adamsia palliata, Sertularia abietina, Antennu- laria ramosa, Hydrallmania falcata, Tubularia, sp., Glycera, sp., Amphiporus pulcher, Flustra foliacea. It ought to be remembered, however, that a good many (by no means all) of the Mollusca and a few of the Polyzoa were dead. Mr. Clement Reid, F.G.S., of the Geological Survey, has examined the samples of deposits which were sent by us to the Jermyn Street Museum, and reports as follows :— “The series of dredgings examined since the last report is most interesting from a geological point of view. One is again struck by the common occurrence of loose angular stones at places and depths apparently well beyond the reach of any bottom drift—at least beyond the reach of currents likely to move such coarse material. This stony sea-bed is in all probability the result of submarine erosion of glacial deposits. Its occurrence renders comparison between recent marine deposits of these latitudes and Tertiary deposits a task of peculiar difficulty ; for not only is the nature of the true marine sediments masked, but the fauna also must be greatly altered. It is evident that numerous species which need a firm base on which to affix themselves will be encouraged by a stony bottom ; while in a Tertiary deposit, formed under identical conditions, except for the absence of stones, they may be MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 3D entirely missing, having nothing but dead shells to which to attach themselves. “Notwithstanding this peculiarity of most of the dredgings, a few samples may well be compared with our Older Pliocene (Coralline Crag). I would particularly draw attention to certain localities where material almost entirely of organic origin has been obtained. Of these perhaps the most interesting are some samples full of Cellaria fistulosa (found to the south-east of the Calf Sound, 20 fathoms). They are in many respects strikingly like certair parts of the Coralline Crag. The more ordinary type of Coralline Crag, with its extremely varied polyzoon fauna, we cannot yet match in British seas :* it was probably formed, as the mollusca indicate, in a sea several degrees warmer than ours. “Tt was hoped that in the course of these dredgings some light might be thrown on the Tertiary strata under- lying the bed of the Irish Sea, for in the North Sea the dredge occasiunally brings up hauls of Tertiary fossils. This expectation has not yet been realised; but possibly, by dredging in the channels where the submarine scour is greatest, such deposits may yet be reached. It is very important to obtain some knowledge of the Tertiary bed of the Irish Sea, for Irish Pleistocene deposits contain a considerable admixture of extinct forms, which may be derived from Tertiary deposits below the sea-level. The Glacial Drift of Aberdeenshire contains Pliocene Volutes and Astartes, derived from some submarine deposit off the Aberdeenshire coast. The so-called ‘ Middle Glacial Sands’ of Norfolk are full of shells which I now believe to be derived from some older deposit, probably beneath the sea.” * See, however, the deposit described on p. 31, where nearly 60 species of Polyzoa are recorded from one haul.—W, A, H. 36 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The important influence of the shore rocks upon the littoral fauna has not been neglected, and lists and observations are accumulating, but that subject must be left over for a fuller discussion in next year’s report. OTHER INVESTIGATIONS. Several new lines of investigation have been started during the year, and are still in progress. One of these may be called the “larval-attachment inquiry,” and consists in sinking in various parts of the bay an apparatus composed of a rope weighted at one end and buoyed at the other, and having a number of slips of glass, slate, wood, &c., attached at equal distances along its length. These ropes are hauled up and examined periodically, and may be expected, when further observations have been taken, to give information as to the times and modes of attachment of the larvee of various species, and also as to the most suitable substances for particular kinds of larvee to settle down upon. So far, glass seemed in the early spring (February and March) to be the favourite substance. A surprisingly large number of alge, compared with the animals, appeared, and nearly all were on the glass slips. Later on, in the summer, Barnacles (Balanus) made their appearance in great numbers on the slips of wood and on the wooden buoy at the top of the apparatus, while all the upper part of the rope within a few feet of the surface became covered with algw. A number of Ascidians (Ascidiella virginea) were also found, in August, to have attached themselves to the rope, and seemed to have got as far as possible in between the strands and into the coils of the knots. On the upper pieces of slate, and in one instance on a piece of glass, there were young specimens of the tubicolous Annelid, Pomatoceros triqueter, in no case more than } to # inch in length. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Si At the end of October another rope, which had been sunk in the bay since June with a bag of oysters, was hauled up, and the upper 4 or 5 feet, much covered with algae, was removed for examination in the laboratory. It was found to have the following organisms adhering :— AuGz (identified by Prof. Harvey Gibson) : Ceramium rubrum, C. Ag. P. nigrescens, Grev. C.. strictwm, Harv. P. elongata, Grev. C. deslongchampsti, Chauv. | Dictyota dichotoma, Lamx. Chanitransia daviestt, Thur. | Sphacelaria cirrhosa, C. Ag. C. virgatula, Thur. Enteromorpha clathrata, J.Ag. Desmarestia aculeata, Lamx. | Monostroma witrockit, Born. Polysiphonia urceolata, Grev. | Colonies of Gomphonema. ZOOPHYTES (identified by Miss L. R. Thornely) : Obelia geniculata | Bougainvillea muscus | Opercularella lacerata O. longissima Cytia johnston Ponyzoa (Miss 'Thornely) : Membranipora pilosa Scrupocellaria reptans Eucratea chelata | Schizoporella hyalina TuNIcATA (Miss J. H. Willmer) : Diplosoma gelatinosum | Ascidiella virginea ‘CRUSTACEA (identified by Mr. A. O. Walker) : Hippolyte varians Gammarus locusta Idotea maria Lilveborgia kinahani Hyale nilssoni Amphithoe rubricata Apherusa bispinosa Podocerus falcatus Dexanune spinosa Caprella acanthifera. THE Drirt BoTTLES AND SURFACE CURRENTS. In last year’s report the scheme for the distribution of drift bottles over the Irish Sea, for the purpose in helping to determine the set of the chief currents, tidal or other- wise, which might influence the movements of fish food 38 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. and fish embryos, was fully explained. Since then the work has been going on actively, and now at the end of about twelve months one thousand drift bottles in all have been set free. Many have been let out at intervals of ten minutes, or quarter of an hour, or twenty minutes (corresponding to distances of from 3 to 6 miles apart) from the Isle of Man boats when crossing between Liverpool and Douglas—a very convenient line of 75 miles across the middle of the widest part of our area, traversing the ‘‘ head of the tide”’ or meeting place of the tidal currents entering by St. George’s Channel and the North Channel. Others have been let off from Mr. Alfred Holt’s steamers, in going round from Liverpool to Holyhead and in coming down from Greenock. Mr. Dawson on the Fisheries steamer ‘“‘John Fell” has distributed a number along the coast in various parts of the district, and the Fisheries bailiffs have let off some dozens from their small boats. Other series have been set free at stated intervals during the rise and fall of the tide from the Morecambe Bay Light Vessel in the northern part of our area, north of the ‘‘ head of the tide;”’ and, through the kindness of Lieutenant M. Sweny, R.N., a similar periodic distribution has taken place from the Liverpool North-West Light Vessel, to the south of the ‘“‘ head of the tide.’’ Others, finally, have been despatched by Myr. R. L. Ascroft, by Mr. Andrew Scott and by various members of the Committee in other parts of the area from small boats and on our dredging expeditions, in some cases between the Isle of Man and Ireland. Altogether we have pretty well covered this northern area of the Irish Sea in our distribution of floating bottles. The first bottles, and the printed paper they contained, were described last year. We afterwards adopted a rather larger size of bottle, 8°5 cm. in length; and, after MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 39 various postal difficulties and experiments, we hit upon a convenient size and thickness of private post card, which, ready stamped and addressed, and marked with a dis- tinguishing letter or number, is rolled up in its bottle and has printed on its back the following :— For scientific enquiry into the currents of the Sea. Whoever finds this is earnestly requested to write distinctly the DATE and LOCALITY, with full particulars, in the space below, and to put the card in the nearest post office. [No. here] eee eee eee reer eee eee eeeeeeseeeeereeesreeeee eee eee eee eee eee eeeeseeeeeseeseees eee eee eee eee eee see ses eeeseese eee soe eee eee eeeses eee eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeses eee Pe parr | Wace HO MMMOD. oe, oe Paes site clue ele ie «OA eas eo eae Pam and address Of Sender 255952. ces vovcasesn ep sce eiaes [No. here] The number is marked with blue and black pencils in duplicate on opposite corners of the card, in case of one edge of the card getting worn by moisture; and the card is so rolled in the bottle that one of these numbers can be read through the glass, in order that a record may be kept of when and where each bottle is set free. Mr. Andrew Scott, Fisheries Assistant at University College, has collated these records with the particulars of finding of those bottles which have been recovered, and I am indebted to him for the details upon which the following statement of results is based. Altogether out of the 1000 bottles distributed, over 340 or 34 per cent., more than one in three, have been subsequently picked up on the shore, and the paper or post card has been duly filled up and returned to me. I beg to thank the various finders of the bottles for their kindness 40 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. in filling and posting the cards. They come from various parts of the coast of the Irish Sea—Scotiand, England, Wales, Isle of Man, and Ireland. Some of the bottles have gone quite a short distance, having evidently been taken straight ashore by the rising tide; while others have been blown ashore by the wind, e.g., two (post cards 211 and 214) let off near New Brighton stage on 9th October, 1895, the tide ebbing and the wind N.N.W., were found next day near the Red Noses, 1 mile to the west. Others have been carried an unexpected length, e.g., one (No. 35), set free near the Crosby Light Vessel, off Liverpool, at 12.30 p.m., on October 1st, was picked up at Saltcoats, in Ayrshire, on November 7th, having travelled a distance of at least 180 miles* in thirty-seven days; another (H. 20) was set free near the Skerries, Anglesey, on October 6th, and was picked up one mile north of Ardrossan, on November 7th, having travelled 150 miles in thirty-one days; and bottle No. 1, set free at the Liverpool Bar on September 30th, was picked up at Shiskin, Arran, about 165 miles off, on November 12th. On the other hand, a bottle (J. F. 34) set free on November 7th, in the Ribble Estuary, was picked up on November 12th at St. Anne’s, having only gone 4 miles. It may be doubted whether our numbers are sufficiently large to enable us to draw very definite conclusions. It is only by the evidence of large numbers that the vitiating effect of exceptional circumstances, such as an unusual gale, can be eliminated. Prevailing winds, on the other hand, such as would usually affect the drift of surface organisms, are amongst the normally acting causes which we are trying to ascertain. Mr. W. E. Plummer of the Bidston Observatory has kindly given us access to his *More probably, very much further, as during that time it would certainly be carried backwards and forwards by the tide. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Al records of weather for the last twelve months, and we have noted opposite the bottles, from whose travels we are drawing any conclusions, an approximate estimate of the wind influences during the period when the bottle may have been at sea. There have been a few rather extraordinary journeys, e.g., one let off in the middle of Port Erin Bay on April 23rd was found at Fleetwood on July 6th; another let off at Bradda Head on June 3rd was found on Pilling Sands (near Fleetwood) on July 24th. It is important to notice that the bottles may support one another’s evidence, those set free about the same spot often being found in the same locality, e.g., out of a batch of 6 set free off New Brighton, on Oct. 9th, 1895, 5 have come back and all were found at about the same place. Dr. Fulton, who is conducting a similar inquiry by means of drift bottles, in the North Sea, for the Scottish Fishery Board, writes to me that he is now having large numbers of his bottles returned to him from the Continent, chiefly Schleswig and Jutland. And he draws the conclusion, ‘‘ There is no doubt that the current goes across, down as far as Norfolk—none of the bottles have been found south of Lincoln and none in Holland—and this will explain the presence of banks and shallows in the south and east and the immense nurseries of immature fish there.” No detailed account of these experiments on the Scottish coast has yet appeared, and it will be interesting to compare our results with them at some future period.* What is already well-knownt in regard to the tidal * Since the above was in type an account has been published. +All the accounts I have had access to seem based upon Admiral Beechey’s observations published in the Philosophical Trans. for 1848 and 1851. Admiral Wharton, F.R.S., the present Hydrographer to the Navy, has kindly informed me that Admiral Beechey took his observations by the direct method of anchoring his ship in various places and then observing the direction and force of the tide, 42. TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. streams or currents in the Irish Sea is that for nearly six hours after low-water at, say, Liverpool, two tidal streams pour into the Irish Sea, the one from the north of Ireland, through the North Channel, and the other from the south- ward, through St. George’s Channel. Parts of the two streams meet and neutralise each other to the west of the Isle of Man, causing the large elliptical area, about 20 miles in diameter and reaching from off Port Erin to Carlingford, where no tidal streams exist, the level of the water merely rising and falling with the tide. The remaining portions of the two tidal streams pass to the east of the Isle of Man and eventually meet along a line extending from Maughold Head into Morecambe Bay. This line is the “ head of the tide.’ During the ebb the above currents are practically reversed, but in running out the southern current is found to bear more over towards the Irish coast. There is some reason to believe that, as a result of the general drift of the surface waters of the Atlantic and the shape and direction of the openings to the Irish Sea, more water passes out by the North Channel than enters that way, and more water enters by the South (St. George’s) Channel than passes back, and that consequently there is, irrespective of the tides, a slow current passing from south to north through our district. The fact that so many of our drift bottles have crossed the ‘ head of the tide’’ from S. to N., and that of those which have gone out of our district nearly all have gone north to the Clyde Sea-area supports this view, which I learn from Admiral Wharton is a priort probable, and which is believed in by some nautical men in the district from their experience of the drift of wreckage. It may be objected to our observations by means of drift bottles that they are largely influenced by the wind MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 43 and waves, and are not carried entirely by tidal streams. Well, that is an advantage rather than any objection to the method. For our object is to determine not the tidal currents alone but the resulting effect upon small surface organisms such as floating fish eggs, embryos and fish food, of all the factors which can influence their movements, including prevalent winds. The only factors which can vitiate our conclusions are unusual gales or any other quite exceptional occurrences, and the only way to eliminate such influences is (1) to allow for them so far as they are known from the weather reports, and (2) to employ a large number of drift bottles and continue the observations over a considerable time. We have carefully considered the bearing of the weather records, and we think that the large number of bottles we have made use of, during the year, ought to enable us to come to some definite results. Our conclusions so far (November) then are :— (1) A large number (over 34 %) have been stranded and found and returned, (2) only a small proportion (13 %) have been carried out of our part of the Irish Sea, (3) nearly 12 % have crossed the “‘ head of the tide’”’ showing the influence of wind in carrying floating bodies over from one tidal system into another, (4) most of the bottles set free to the west of the Isle of Man have been carried across to Ireland, only a small number (8°8 %) of them have got round to the eastern side of the Island and been carried ashore on the English coasts, (5) the majority of the bottles set free off Dalby have gone to the Co. Down coast, (6) a considerable number of bottles have been set free over the deep water to the east of the Isle of. Man, where our more valuable flat fish spawn, and of those that have been returned the majority had been carried to the Lancashire, Cheshire and Cumberland coasts. So we may reasonably conclude that the embryos 44 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. of fish spawning off Dalby would tend to be carried across to the Irish Coast, while those of fish spawning in the deep water on this eastern side of the Isle of Man would go to supply the nurseries in the shallow Lancashire and Cheshire bays, and very few would be carried altogether out of the district. OTHER FAUNISTIC WORK. Mr. Arnold Watson writes as follows in regard to the Annelids at which he is working :—‘‘ The most interesting item is probably the capture by Mr. R. L. Ascroft, in May last year, and subsequently at intervals, of larval Pectinaria in the waters near Blackpool. ‘The specimens were taken with a tow-net attached to the beam of a trawl, and show that in the first instance the animal secretes a minute free tube of organic matter of somewhat cellular appearance. This tube is about 3, of an inch long, zi, of an inch in its widest diameter, tapering to about si>5 at the narrow end. ‘To the wider end of this membranous tube the worm attaches very minute grains of sand, course after course, forming a sand tube about zs of an inch in external diameter. The length of the larval worm from tip of tail to the outer margin of the minute headbristles, or combs, is about 4; of an inch. Last spring Mr. Ascroft was good enough to send me some living specimens of these larvee which, for a few days, survived their journey, and were very active. At this stage of the animal’s existence a pair of eye-spots are visible. He also sent me in March last, for identification, a specimen of Autolytus alexandri (with its egg sac) taken by surface tow-netting in the daytime off the Bahama Light Ship, near Ramsey, Isle of Man. Hornell recorded in 1892 a MALE specimen of this worm taken by tow-netting off Puffin Island, which was the first recorded from British waters.”’ MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 45 Mr. Watson has completed his work on the tube- building habits of Panthalis oerstedi, referred to in last report, and his paper on the subject, with two plates, has been published in Vol. IV. of the ‘‘ Fauna.’”’ One of the specimens of Panthalis from Port Erin lived in Mr. Watson’s Aquarium at Sheffield from September 380th, 1894, to October 8th, 1895, when as it seemed ailing he killed it with corrosive. Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist who has paid several short visits to the Biological Station, and worked there for some time at Easter, has sent in the following report upon his work to the Director :—‘‘ During my stay at the Marine Station at Port Erin, I was chiefly concerned with the Mollusca, but found the frequent shore collecting and dredging excursions very profitable for general work. Aplysia was found in abundance by dredging and I took this opportunity of trying various methods of killing the animal in an expanded condition. After trying several, ' I found the following the only method which could be depended on with certainty. A few drops of a 5% solution of cocain were mixed with the water in which the Aplysias were. After a time they expanded fully. They were then left in the solution (12 hours or more) till no contraction took place when removed and put into weak alcohol. If contraction took place they would be put back into the cocain solution when they again expanded. This was repeated till no contraction took place, when they could, after a time, be put into stronger alcohol. Other methods though simpler, and not so tedious, were less dependable and at best gave a somewhat abnormally inflated appearance. ‘At Prof. Herdman’s suggestion a solution of formol was tried as a preserving fluid for Aplysia and Pleurobranchus. In both cases a considerable amount of colouring matter 46 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. was dissolved out of the integument and stained the surrounding fluid of a reddish colour. ‘A series of experiments on the method of secdie in Lamellibranchs was begun, to show in what manner the sills exercised the function of collecting food material and the labial palps of discriminative selection of food particles. I hope to be able to give the results of these experiments after further observations. ‘“T also procured at the Station specimens of Opistho- branchs which will form material for future work.” The Rev. T. 8. Lea (who has kindly presented a large ordinance map, 6 inches to the mile, of the 8.W. of the Isle of Man, to the Biological Station) has continued this summer his series of observations upon the zones of alge on the shore, and has taken a number of photographs of species i situ on the rocks and in pools. The work done by Mr. Browne and by Mr. Beaumont at the Station is sufficiently dealt with in their reports, upon the Medusz and the Nemertea respectively, which have now been published in Vol. IV. of the ‘‘ Fauna.” Mr. Walker and Mr. Thompson have discussed the results of their work on Crustacea some pages back (p. 10) ; and the investigations of Prof. Boyce and Prof. Herdman on oysters under various normal and abnormal conditions is work of a very special nature—partly bacteriological and partly experimental—which is still in progress, and will be reported upon in full to the British Association and to the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Committee. In a brief report from the Curator giving an outline of the work of the summer the following observations which seem worthy of permanent record occur :—‘‘ The dredgings in May produced amongst other nudibranchs Cuthona arenicola, new to the fauna round the Isle of Man; and two Polychetes, which though common here MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. AT have not, as yet, been recorded in the L. M.B.C. lists, were found on the shore—these were Amphitrite johnstone and Arenicola ecaudata. The latter species seems to take the place of A. marina amongst stones and muddy shingle where it is invariably found, while A. marina is confined to the sand...The dredgings in June brought to light several interesting animals, some of the more important finds being :—Cratena olivacea, new to the Isle of Man, and which has proved to be not uncommon in the upper Coralline zone off Port Erin; Embletonia pulchra, new to the district, which during June and July appeared in almost every dredging that was taken; Coryphella landsburgi, new to the Isle of Man, taken several times; Oscanius membranaceus, dredged in 15 fathoms off Port Erin; and Eolis concinna. At Whitsuntide, Polygordius was dredged from a gravel bottom off Bradda Head, and it has since turned up in two different localities, from similar ground... About this time of the year (July) and for the rest of the summer the bay was full of young fish known to the fishermen as ‘“‘Gilpins.’”’ These are chiefly young cod and pollach—mostly the latter. Some were caught and put into one the tanks, several are still alive and have erown considerably since their capture... Towards the end of the month the annual cleaning of the buoy took place. This year there were several tubes and worms of what is probably Sabella penicillus...There were, as before, great quantities of Caprellids, Ascidiella virginea and Ciona intestinalis were present, along with the nudibranchs Face- lina drummondi, Cuthona aurantiaca, and Dendronotus arborescens...During the spring months, until towards the middle of June, Aplysia punctata was one of the commonest animals in the bay. It came up in quantities in the dredge, it was to be found commonly on the shore amongst rocks, and after a westerly wind the shore was 48 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. covered with masses of its spawn. After June Aplysia almost entirely disappeared; and was not found again until the end of September...The following common animals could usually be supplied alive to laboratories and museums at any time without much delay :—Actinia mesembryanthemum, Tealia crassicornis, Bunodes gemma- ceus, Actinoloba dianthus, Alcyonium digitatum, Echinus esculentus, EH. miliaris, Ophiothriz fragilis, Ophiocoma nigra, Ophiura ciliaris, Arenicola marina and A. ecaudata, Nereis pelagica, Pecten maximus and P. opercularis, Doris tuberculata, Aplysia punctata (spring), Cancer pagurus, Carcinus moenas, Nephrops norvegicus, Galathea squam- fera.” There are of course many other animals, both common species and rarer forms, which could be obtained alive by civing a little notice, or preserved in spirit, on applying to the Hon. Director, at University College, Liverpool. The little reference library at the Station is growing cradually, but is still badly in want of many common books and pamphlets. Any works on Marine Zoology, on British Animals, or on the structure and development of marine invertebrates will be thankfully received. The Committee are much indebted to Prof. G. B. Howes who has kindly presented to the Station a series of 7 volumes of collected fishery papers—the result of the Fisheries Exhibition of 1883. Other books and pamphlets have been received from members of the Committee, and the following books have been purchased during the year :— Baird’s British Entomostraca, Johnston’s British Mu- seum Catalogue of Worms, and Jeffrey’s British Conchol- ogy (5 vols.). PUBLICATIONS. Since the last Annual Report, we have issued Vol. IV. of the “Fauna of Liverpool Bay.’ It is the largest MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 49 volume of the series and contains about 475 pages and 53 plates, several of which are coloured. In addition to the reports and papers which had been already announced as forthcoming in this volume, Vol. IV. contains a note upon the yellow variety of Sarcodictyon by Prof. Herdman, a paper on the structure of the cerata of Dendronotus by Mr. J. A. Clubb, a revision of the Amphipoda of the L. M. B.C. District by Mr. Walker, and a supplementary report on the Port Krin Nemertines by Mr. Beaumont. It ought to be noticed that although the primary objects of the Committee were originally faunistic and speciographic, yet observations on habits and life-histories, and bionomics in general, have not been neglected ; and now some of our papers in this Vol. IV., such as Mr. Chadwick’s on the Vascular Systems of the Starfishes, and Myr. Clubb’s on the Cerata of Nudibranchs, are coming to deal with purely structural and morphological questions. The other Reports in this volume deal, some of them— such as Mr. Gamble’s on Turbellaria, Mr. Beaumont’s on Nemertea, and Mr. Browne’s on Medusze—with fresh groups of animals which had not been adequately discussed in the previous volumes; while others, such as Mr. Thompson’s and Mr. Walker’s reports, are welcome revisions of these authors’ own previous work on the Crustacea. Dr. Hanitsch has furnished us with a paper on the Classification and Nomenclature of British Sponges, which it may be said does not come strictly within the scope of the L.M.B.C. Reports. Still the subject matter is of such importance to anyone working systematically at our sponge fauna, and the treatment seems so well adapted to render the lists an indispensable working addition to Bowerhank’s Monograph, that I had no hesitation in asking Dr. Hanitsch to allow the paper to be included in our series of reports upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay. 50 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. As to the future, there are a number of reports upon groups, and other pieces of work, in progress. The “ Tist of Fishes”’ is stillin hand. Mr. Andrew Scott has undertaken to collect and report upon the Ostracoda, Dr. Hurst has still charge of our Pycnogonida; while Prof. Boyce and Prof. Herdman are engaged on an extensive investigation on Oysters in healthy and in diseased conditions which has been partly laid before the British Association, but ought to be published in full next year after some further series of observations and experiments have been made. The Infusoria of all kinds, some of the parasitic groups of Crustacea, the marine Rotifera, and some of the lower worms are still not allotted to workers; while there is plenty for many hands to do in working out the detailed distribution of genera and species, and in tabulating and discussing the results of dredging in various depths and localities. There is no need to dwell upon the large number of species now recorded, and the additions that have been made by our explorations both to the British fauna and to science; such results, though very necessary, are no longer the sole, perhaps not even the chief objects which the Committee have in view. I think all who are engaged in this L.M.B.C. work feel that it 1s growing steadily under their hands in every direction. Not only are there many animals and whole groups of animals in our sea awaiting examination and record, but there are many points of view, the speciographic, distributional, anatom- ical, physiological, embryological, bionomical and others, from which even the best known forms would well repay further and more detailed investigation; and wider problems such as the association of animals together on particular sea-bottoms and at particular depths, and other MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. ik questions of bionomics and of oceanography—some of them having important bearings upon Geology and upon Fishery questions—are now opening up before us and pressing for solution. We are a small body, the Naturalists of Liverpool, our laboratory at Port Erin is a modest establishment with but scanty equipment, we have no State, County or Municipal subsidies, and our available funds (private subscriptions) are barely sufficient for the necessary expenses of steamer and apparatus in our explorations, and for the publication of our results; but fortunately there is no lack of work for us to do, work which .1is interesting in the doing, and work which, if we seek it earnestly and do it honestly, we cannot but believe will be of value to science, and may, through its connection with the fishing industries, be of direct benefit to mankind. 52 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. APPENDIX A. LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION at PORT ERIN. REGULATIONS. I.—This Biological Station is under the control of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee, the executive of which consists of the Hon. Director (Prof. Herdman,F.R.S.) and the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. I. C. Thompson, F.L.S8.). II.—In the absence of the Director, and of all other members of the Committee, the Station is under the temporary control of the Resident Curator or Laboratory Assistant, who will keep the keys, and will decide, in the event of any difficulty, which places are to be occupied by workers, and how the tanks, collecting apparatus, &c., are to be employed. III.—The Resident Assistant will be ready at all reasonable hours and within reasonable limits to give assistance to workers at the Station, and to do his best to supply them with material for their investigations. IV.—Visitors will be admitted, on payment of a small specified charge, to see the Aquarium, and the Station, so long as it 1s found not to interfere with the scientific work. V.—Those who are entitled to work in the Station, when there is room, and after formal application to the Director, are :—(1) Annual subscribers of one guinea or upwards to the funds (each guinea subscribed entitling to the use of a work place for four weeks), and (2) others who are not annual subscribers, but who pay the 'Treasurer MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 53 10s. per week for the accommodation and _ privileges. Institutions, such as Colleges and Museums, may become subscribers in order that a work place may be at the disposal of their staff for a certain period annually: a subscription of two guineas will secure a work place for six weeks in the year, a subscription of five guineas for four inonths, and a subscription of £10 for the whole year. VI.—Workers at the Station can always find comfort- able and convenient quarters at the closely adjacent Bellevue Hotel; but lodgings can readily be had by those who prefer them. VII.—Each worker is entitled to a work place opposite a window in the Laboratory, and may make use of the microscopes, reagents, and other apparatus, and of the boats, dredges, tow-nets, &c., so far as is compatible with the claims of other workers and with the routine work of the Station. VIII.—Each worker will be allowed to use one pint of methylated spirit per week, free. Any further amount required must be paid for. All dishes, jars, bottles, tubes, and other glass may be used freely, but must not be taken away from the laboratory. If any workers desire to make, preserve, and take away collections of marine animals and plants, they must make special arrangements with the Director or Treasurer in regard to bottles and preservatives. Although workers in the Station are free to make their own collections at Port Erin, it must be clearly understood that (as in other Biological Stations) no specimens must be taken for such purposes from the laboratory stock, nor from the Aquarium tanks, nor from the steam-boat dredging expeditions, as these specimens are the property of the Committee. The specimens in the Laboratory stock are preserved for sale, the animals in the tanks are for the instruction of visitors to the 54 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Aquarium, and as all the expenses of steam-boat dredging expeditions are defrayed by the Committee the specimens obtained on these occasions must be retained by the Committee (a) for the use of the specialists working at the Fauna of Laverpool Bay, (b) to replenish the tanks, and (c) to add to the stock of duplicate animals for sale from the Laboratory. IX.—EKach worker at the Station is expected to lay a paper on some of his results—or at least a short report upon his work—before the Biological Society of Liverpool during the current or the following session. X.—AIl subscriptions, payments, and other communi- cations relating to finance, should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. I. C. Thompson, F.L.S., 19, Waverley Road, Liverpool. Applications for permission to work at the Station, or for specimens, or any communications in regard to the scientific work should be made to Professor Herdman, F.R.S., University College, Liverpool. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. APPENDIX B. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS. - Subscriptions. Ayre, John W., Ripponden, Halifax Banks, Prof. W. Mitchell, 28, Rodney-st. Beaumont, W. I., Cambridge Bickersteth, Dr., 2, Rodney-st. a Boulnois, H. P., 7, Devonshire-rd. Brown, Prof. J. Campbell, Univ. Coll.... Browne, Edward T., B.A., 141, Uxbridge- road, Shepherd’s Bush, London Boyce, Prof., University College Caton, Dr., 31, Rodney-street ae Clague, Dr., Castletown, Isle of Man ... Clague, Thomas, Bellevue Hotel, Port Erin Comber,Thomas, J.P., Leighton, Parkgate Crellin, John C., J.P., Ballachurry, An- dreas, Isle of Man : Darbishire, R.D., Victoria-pk., Meachees Dawkins, Professor W. Boyd, Owens College, Manchester... Derby, Earl of, Knowsley Delius, W. Meyer, Hamburg Dumergue, A. F., 7 Montpellier- tesa Gair, H. W., a te rd., Wavertree Gamble,Col.C.B.,Windlehurst, St. Helens Gamble, I’. W.,Owens College, Manchester Gaskell, Frank, Woolton Wood.. Gaskell, Holbrook, J.P. susie Wood Gell, James 8., High Bailiff of Castletown Gibson, Prof. R. J. H., 41, Sydenham-avy. £ 1 2 2 2 1 1 i >) ene SS) Se) 1 ea ea eS SC _ Ore. Ss Ce 55 Donations. SG ds Pay” 0 AQ) 56 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Gifford, J., Whitehouse-terrace, Edin. ... 1 0O O Gilchrist, Dr. J. D. F., Edinburgh Univ. 1 1 0 Glynn, Dr., 62, Rodney-street 2° 20 Greening, Linnzeus, 5, Wilson Patten-st., Warrington ... i ay OD Gotch, Prof., Museum, eeu 15 Ly Halls, W. J., 35, Lord-street sed: aga: AB Henderson, W.G., Liverpool Union sya 1 gee age) Herdman, Prof., University College 2 2 0 Holder, Thos., 1, Clarendon-buildings, Tithebarn-street Dee Bae 6) Holland, Walter, Mossley Hill- en Det 0) Holt, Alfred, Crofton, Aigburth ... 2 2 Lf) Holt, George, J.P., Sudley, Mossley Hill 1 O O Howes, Prof. G. B., Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London 1 1 0O Hoyle, W. E., Museum, Owens College, Manchester ... : ge oe) Isle of Man Natural Histees and pers quarian Society Jones, C.W.,J.P., Field House, eee Kermode, P. M. O. Hill-side, Ramsey... Lea, Rev. T. Simcox, 3, Wellington-fields Leicester, Alfred, Harlow, Essex Liverpool Museum Committee ... Macfie, Robert, Airds 2s Be Meyer, Dr. Kuno, University eis ee Meade-King, H. W.,J.P., Sandfield Park Meade-King, R. R., 4, Oldhall-street ' Melly, W. R., 90, Chatham-street Miall, Prof., Yorkshire College, Leeds ... Michael, Albert D., Cadogan Mansions, Sloane Square, London, 8.W. ate if Monks, F. W., Brooklands, Warrington 1 1 Muspratt, E. K., Seaforth Hall ... SOR i ee |) Newton, John, M.R.C.S., 44, Rodney-st. 010 6 HomrOopHEHrFHOH 4 =) BPrHOrFROrF Nr HF HHH no Seay a (_j)™_ SS Fe Ke (Os eS LSS SS MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Poole, Sir James, Tower Buildings Zea @) Rathbone, §.G.,Croxteth-drive, Sefton-pk. 2 2 0O Rathbone, Mrs. Theo., Backwood, Neston 1 1 O Rathbone, Miss May, Backwood, Neston 1 1 O Rathbone, W., Greenbank, Allerton Ate et °C) Roberts, Isaac, F.R.S., Crowborough ... 1 1 O Shaw, Prof. H. 8. Hele, Ullet-road oO Shepheard, T., Kingsley Lodge, Chester 1 1 0O Simpson,J.Hope, Annandale, Aigburth-dr 2 2 QO Smith, A. T., junr., 24, King-street ih Talbot, Rev. T. U., 4, Osborne-terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man fk oO Thompson, Isaac C., 19; Waverley- ae 2 2 0 Thornely, James, Baycliff, Woolton FR e0 Thornely, The Misses, Baycliff, Woolton 1 1 0O Toll, J. M., 340, Walton Breck-road bee Gg Turnbull, ee S., 18, Spring-gardens, Manchester ... ee a ao eh > Walker, A. O., Nant-y-glyn, Colwyn Bay 3 3 O Walker, Horace, South Lodge, Princes-pk. 1 1 O Walters, Rev. Frank, B.A., King William College, Isle of Man.. he 6 Watson, A. T., Tapton-cresent, Sheffield i ot AG Weiss, Prof. F. E.,Owen’sCollege,Man’tr. 1 1 0 Westminster, Duke of, Eaton Hall ac OF @ White, Prof., University College, Bangor 2 0 0O Wiglesworth, Dr., Rainhill EL, Be sG ‘UNof “HLINS iL ‘V Patoo punof puy pappry tT e217" SALVYG "SOF OSNOFT OLQuy SUBUIYIO AY SILI —: pul JUV YSIATT JUOTUMO PUL HO SO 1 N o oD rr rr TONW co ri pten) Bee a eee PA OT ERON aup DULL VA ‘a9 Fm RERUNS SSE ESS SS ETAL UTD Y 04 SUOISSTUUP V ce COR m ee eee ene reser seneeeereseeesesereneenee “8 AS8910ZU] ype ce Se i ea Horhiehass Ra TOMe NI: [O ales ce Siig caida ache lata gan) ug cake cP G1) “py'T “op esnoyy ol[qng S,UeRuyIo A, Ysytg ‘pueprarq ‘‘ ce “'"Haataoal ATTRNJoR suOTZRUOG, pu suorqdttosquy Giese SARE RA CURA Sg ar “A8T¢ ‘a(] ‘purely ul dOUBl[V kq “G68T 'C6SL “SLE “aquiaaq “lOOdUMA'T “CTU OSV, “NOP ‘NOSdNOHL ‘0 OVYSI >. I~ DOrm~onmnwtWonw D Cols e secneccecnccceete 73 “ce ce “ec ‘suveday te GI ccrrteeseee* sees OT BIG TBOISO[OIG ULI qAog jo quey * OOF 42 oes ee nod Aotaromndy pUB LOPBANC "SOLLEBS ‘Ss g Treteeereserscreses SO ‘suatTodG JO esVLIIeDg ‘edvISOg 5 OL UWoyRqg [RoIsoporg ulLg 40g ye snqzeivddy pur syoog ** 0 See A Pe a” wee sae Ae BD ae eae eo ene aaa qyeod ec ce EZ os suotppedxg Sulsperq Jo sosuedxq I Coc cecerecceecenes sass neaes > 5a. TOMOTIGG Cl pur Suyuty oe Z SISO IOUL OE TOOCE RICE IT RTC ‘O99 ‘s0qIq ‘sqaoday Sulu gy oL ‘AWUASVIAL “NOH ‘NOSANOHL ‘0 OVYVSI HIM INN0O00V NJ 1G OHLLININOOD AODOTOIN ANIYVIW TOOdYUAIT AHL [WORK FROM THE PORT ERIN BIOLOGICAL STATION. | DESCRIPTION and NOTES of some NEW and RARE COPEPODA from LIVERPOOL BAY. By Mr. ANDREW Scort. FISHERIES ASSISTANT, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. With Plates I. to V. [Read March 13th, 1896.] THE copepoda which form the subject of the following notes were obtained by washing dredged material, trawl refuse and mud collected in various parts of the L.M.B.C. area by Professor Herdman, Dr. Hanitsch and myself during the past year and latter part of the previous year (1894) while on expeditions to the dredging grounds, trawling stations and mussel beds. They are all additions to the fauna of Liverpool Bay and may form a useful appendix to the valuable papers published by Mr. I. C. Thompson, F'.L.5. Family HARPACTICID2. Sunaristes pagurt, Hesse. This rather peculiar and interesting species was obtained by washing the shells of Buccinwm inhabited by the hermit crabs Pagurus bernhardus, collected in the trawl- net of the steamer while working at the mouth of the Mersey estuary on the 23rd of July, 1895. It seems to be a comparatively rare species and so far as is known this is only the third time it has been found in British waters. From our present knowledge of its distribution it appears to be confined to areas having large volumes of brackish water passing over the bottom, and has not been found in pure sea-water. Sunaristes pagurt is not unlike Canwella perplexa in general appearance but is readily distinguished from that species by the structure of the various appendages, especially the antennules and second pair of swimming feet of the male. 60 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Stenhelia herdmani,n. sp. Pl. L., figs. 1—11. Description of the species—Female. Length 1°43 millim. (,th of an inch. Body moderately stout; rostrum prominent and curved. Antennules long and slender, eight-jointed; the first, second, fourth and eighth joints longer than the others, the fifth joint bemg the smallest of the series; the second, third and fourth joints have each a tuft of setee on their upper distal margins. The proportional lengths of the various joints are as follows :— 14 ee 8 Ab ee eo FS. ee Antenne moderately stout, secondary branch small and slender, two jointed; basal joint elongate narrow with one seta on its upper distal end, second joint short, about one third of the length of the first and furnished with two terminal sete. Mandibles large and well developed, the broad biting part armed with a few large teeth and a number of smaller ones; mandible palp comparatively large, consisting of a one-jointed basal part which carries at its lower extremity two branches, one large and one small, the smaller of the two being two-jointed, whilst the larger one is composed of a single joint. Masticatory portion of the maxillee furnished with a number of strong teeth, palp two branched, the outer one bearing three setiferous lobes. Anterior foot-jaws furnished with one large terminal claw and three digitiform setose tubercles. Posterior foot-jaws stout, of moderate length and furnished with a strong, slightly curved terminal claw at the base of which are two sete; the basal joint of the foot-jaw has four small ciliated tubercles on its lower side, while the second joint has a row of fine cilia on its upper margin and a row of stronger cilia on its lateral surface a little way down from the upper margin, there are also two plumose sete on the upper margin of the joint. First SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 61 pair of swimming feet somewhat similar to those of Stenhelia ima, Brady; basal joints of the inner branches nearly as long as the entire outer branches, second joint about half the leneth of the third which is less than one third the length of the long basal joint. Outer branches of the second, third and fourth pairs elongate, inner branches much shorter, those of the fourth pair only reaching to the end of the second joint of the outer branches. Fifth pair of feet large and well developed, inner branches considerably larger than the outer ones, with a subtriangular apex bearing five plumose sete, two on the outer angle close together and three arranged at: regular intervals along the inner margins; outer branches subovate, bearing six setze on the external distal margins, the second seta from the inside is considerably longer than any of the others. Caudal stylets about as long as broad and about half the length of the last abdominal segment. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms, October 27th, 1895. Remarks.—Vhis large and well marked species though somewhat lke Stenhelia uma in general appearance is readily distinguished from it and the other known members of this genus, by the form and armature of the fifth pair of feet, and by the structure and proportional lengths of the antennules. Stenhelia sumilis, n. sp. Pl. I., figs. 12—25. Description of the species.—Female. Length 1 millim. (;,ofaninch). Bodyelongate, moderately robust; rostrum pronunent and curved with a bifid apex. Antennules long and slender, sparingly setiferous, the second joint longer than any of the others and slightly contracted near the middle, but expanding again towards the distal end, 62 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. third, fifth, sixth and seventh joints small, the others of moderate length as shown by the formula :— 13.24.07 .12o hbo P23, 428 6 ees Antenne well developed, secondary branch three-jointed, second joint very small, terminal joint fully half the length of the basal one and furnished with two sete on its apex, one large and spiniform and one very small; one seta springs from near the middle of the upper margin of the terminal joint, the basal jomt bears one seta on its upper distal angle. Mandibles furnished with several strong and serrated teeth on the biting parts, mandible palp consisting of a basal part carrying two branches, the inner branch which is smaller than the outer is two-jointed, both branches are furnished with a number of setz on the apex and upper margins, the basal part has three terminal plumose sete, and a curved row of short spines on its lateral surface. Maxillee somewhat similar to those of Stenhelia herdmani. Pédsterior foot- jaws slender and furnished with a short curved claw, basal joints short and furnished with three small plumose setee on the upper distal margin, second joint fully three times longer than broad and bearing a few cilia and one seta on its upper margin, there are also a few spines on its lateral surface. The first four pairs of swimming feet are nearly as in Stenhelia ima, the joints of the outer branches of the first pair are subequal, basal joint of the inner branches nearly as long as the entire outer branch, second joint small and about half the length of the third which is about half the length of the basal joint, the apex of the third joint is furnished with one short stout spine and two plumose sete, one long and one short. Fifth pair of feet large, inner branches broad and triangular, bearing five short plumose sete from the middle of the SHA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 63 inner margin to the apex; outer branches elongate ovate, about two-thirds the length of the inner, proximal half of the outer margin ciliated, inner margin slightly ciliated towards the distal end, apex and distal half of the outer margin furnished with six sete, the second from the inner part of the apex considerably longer than the others. Caudal stylets rather shorter than broad and about one- third the length of the last abdominal segment. Male. Antennules ten-jointed, fourth and sixth joints very small. Swimming feet, with the exception of the second pair, similar to those of the female. Inner branches of the second pair two-jointed, second joint bearing at the apex two strong and slightly curved spines, the inner spine which is slightly longer than the outer one, becomes distinctly bifid at the middle. The form of the fifth pair of feet is somewhat similar to those of the female, but smaller_and furnished with fewer set, the inner branches have only two setz which are placed on the apex, the outer branches have two sete on the outer distal margin, the lower one being stout and spiniform, two sete on the middle of the inner margin and one seta on the apex. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms. A considerable number of specimens were obtained. Remarks.—This species comes near Dactylopus tenwi- remis, but can easily be distinguished from it by the structure and proportional lengths of the antennules, the leneth and armature of the inner branches of the first feet, and also by the structure of the fifth feet. Stenhelia reflexa, T. Scott. [T. Scott, Thirteenth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot., pe, iL. p: 166, 1895.) A few specimens of this Stenhelia were obtained from dredged material collected off Port Erin in June, 1895. 64 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIVLOGICAL SOCIETY. Ameira gracile,n. sp. Pl. IL., figs. 1-—11. Description of the species.—Female. Length *5 millim. (;oth of an inch). Body elongate and slender, rostrum small and inconspicuous. Antennules long and very slender, seven-jointed; second and fifth joints longer than any of the others, fourth joint very short, the second, third and fourth joints have each a tuft of long sete on the upper distal margins, the following formula shows the proportional lengths of the joints :— J. to. 10. 8 9 Les OA Bay Antenne slender, three-jointed, secondary branch small, two-jointed, the second joint very small. Mandibles elongate narrow, apex obliquely truncate and armed with a number of teeth, mandible palp with a distinct basal part, narrow at the base but somewhat dilated towards the apex to which is attached a one-jointed elongate narrow branch. Posterior foot-jaws moderately robust and armed with a strong terminal claw, lower margin of the second joint furnished with a row of fine cilia. First pair of swimming feet elongate and slender, basal joint of the inner branches nearly. as long as the entire outer branch, second joint about one-fourth the length of the basal jomt and fully half the leneth of the third joint. Outer branches of the second, third and fourth pairs elongate three-jointed, inner branches also three-jointed but shorter than the outer branches. Fifth pair of feet foliaceous, the inner branch produced into a subtriangular lobe which reaches to about the middle of the outer branch and furnished at the apex with a stout setiform spine and a small seta, outer branch oblong ovate in shape, the greatest breadth being very nearly half the length, furnished with three sete on the outer margin, one on the apex and one on the inner distal margin, both the SHA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 65 inner and outer margins are clothed with fine cilia. Caudal stylets long and narrow, being about five times longer than broad and nearly twice the length of the last abdominal segment. Male. Antennules ten-jointed, fifth and sixth joints very small, hinged between the third and fourth joints and also between the seventh and eighth joints. The form of the fifth pair of feet is somewhat similar to those of the female, but the inner branch is much smaller. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 PE ee a number specimens were obtained. Remarks.—This species in general appearance is not unlike Ameira longicaudata but is readily distinguished from it by the shape of the cephalothoracic segment and on dissection by the characters described above. Nearly all the specimens obtained had the last three joints of the antennules broken off. Ameira refleca, 'T. Scott. [T. Scott, Twelfth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot., pt. III., p. 240, 1894. ] One or two specimens of this Ametra were obtained from the shelly deposit dredged 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, depth 16 fathoms. The species is easily distinguished from the other members of this genus by the structure of the inner branches of the first pair of swimming feet and also by the fifth pair of feet. Canthocamptus palustris, Brady. (Brady, Monograph Brit. Copep., Vol. II., p. 53, 1880.) A considerable number of specimens of a copepod apparently belonging to this species were washed from mud adhering to samples of Mussels (Mytilus edulis) sent from the St. Annes Mussel beds near Lytham, one of the samples was from that part of the bed which never 66 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. becomes dry at low-water, and was obtained by means of a “mussel rake,’ it was from this sample that the first specimens were obtained, other samples sent later on in the year also contained numbers of specimens. The specimens differ a little from the figures given by Dr. Brady in his ‘‘ monograph,” especially in the length of the basal joint of the first pair of swimming feet and also in the shape of the fifth pair of feet of the female. Mesochra macintoshi, T. and A. Scott. [(T. & A. Scott, An. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. XV., p. 53, 1895. ] A number of specimens of this species were obtained from the shelly material dredged 1 mule off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, from a depth of 16 fathoms. The slender appearance of the species along with the structure and armature of its various appendages, enable it to be readily distinguished from the other members of the genus. Tetragoniceps trispinosus,n. sp. Pl. I1., figs. 24 and ae ad ae) ey, Description of the Species.—Female. Length *5 millim. (2th of an inch). Body elongate cylindrical, tapering gently towards the posterior end, rostrum small and tri- angular in shape. Antennules long and slender, six-jointed and sparingly setiferous, the basal joint is considerably longer than any of the others, fifth joint very small, about half the length of the fourth; the proportional lengths of the joints are as shown by the following formula :— 28.45.14 £84 216 i es: Ao Antennee of moderate length and three-jointed, secondary branch small and rudimentary, consisting of a single seta attached to the lower margin of the second joint of the primary branch at a distance of about one-third from the base. Posterior foot-jaw small, with a strong curved SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 67 claw as long as the joint to which it is attached. Both branches of the first pair of swimming feet two-jointed, outer branches small, the joints subequal and reaching to about the middle of the basal jomt of the inner branch ; inner branches long and slender, basal joint nearly twice the length of the entire outer branch and fully seven times longer than broad, a moderately long seta springs from near the base of the inner margin. Second joint short and narrow, fully one-fourth the length of the basal joint, furnished at its apex with a short curved seta, a seta of considerable length springs from near the middle of the inner margin. Outer branches of the second, third and fourth pairs of feet elongate, three-jointed, inner branches short and narrow, one-jointed, in the fourth pair the inner branches are only about one-third the length of the basal joint of the outer branches and furnished at the apex with three short sete. Fifth pair of feet small, one branched and divided into two distinct portions, an inner which is produced into an elongate curved spiniform apex devoid of sete and an outer tubercle-like process which arises from near the base of the elongate portion furnished with two short stout sete and one long slender hair. Caudal stylets elongate narrow, slightly divergent, tapering to an acute apex and about twice the length of the last abdominal segment; on the inner margin of each stylet at a distance of about one-third from the apex there arises a single seta which is fully two-thirds the length of the animal and having a slghly thickened base. Anal operculum semi-circular in shape and produced into three spines, a median and two lateral. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material, dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms. Only two specimens were observed. Remarks.—This species though placed in the genus 68 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Tetragoniceps differs somewhat from the generic des- cription given in the Monograph of the British Copepoda, especially in the number of joints in the outer branches of the first pair of feet and in the inner branches of the second, third and fourth feet, but as the mouth organs have not been satisfactorily worked out, it 1s perhaps better meanwhile to place it under the genus Tetragoniceps its nearest ally rather than institute a new genus for its reception. Tetragoniceps consimilis, 'T. Scott. (T. Scott, Twelfth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot., pt. III., p. 244, 1894.) A few specimens of this species were obtained from the material dredged 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, from a depth of 16 fathoms, it closely resembles Tetra- goniceps bradyi in general appearance as well as in a few structural details, but differs from it in the absence of the strong hook on the second joint of the antennules, in the inner branches of the first pair of feet being three-jointed and in the fifth pair being composed of two distinct branches. Laophonte propinqua, T. and A. Scott. [T. & A. Scott, An. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. XV., p. 460, 1895.] A few specimens of this species were obtained from material washed from sponges collected by Dr. Hanitsch at Port Erin, Isle of Man, in August, 1894; it is not unlike Laophonte denticornis at first sight but on closer examination is found to differ very markedly, not only from that species, but from any of the other known members of the genus. Laophonte intermedia, 'T. Scott. (T. Scott, Thirteenth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot., pt. ITI., p. 168, 1895. ] SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 69 This species was obtained from the same material as the last, and also from the mussel beds at Duddon and Morecambe, it appears to be intermediate between Laophonte lamellata and Laophonte hispida but is quite distinct from either of them, the sub-conical form of the stylets alone enable it to be easily recognised when mixed up in a collection of Copepoda along with L. lamellata and L. hispida. Pseudolaophonte, n. gen. Description of the genus.—Pseudolaophonte resembles Laophonte, Philippi, in the structure of the antennules and antenne ; the mandibles, maxille and foot-jaws, and the first pair of swimming feet, but differs from that genus in the structure of the second and third pairs; the second pair of swimming feet consist of a single one-jointed branch, and the outer and inner branches of the third pair are each composed of two joints. The fourth and fifth pairs of feet are somewhat similar to those of Laophonte. Pseudolaophonte aculeata,n. sp. Pl. IIL., figs. 7—28. Description of the species —Female. Paneth 1 milli. sth of aninch). Body seen from above elongate narrow, of nearly equal breadth throughout, all the segments are more or less angular in shape and furnished with a row of short teeth on their posterior margins; surface of all the segments clothed with minute cilia; rostrum small and inconspicuous, with a small hair on each side of the base. Antennules moderately stout, four-jointed, first and third joints longer than the other two, the fourth joint being the smallest, the basal joint has a row of blunt pointed teeth on its upper margin and three rows on its lateral aspect, the middle row being the longest; a stout tubercle with a quadri-dentate apex arises from near the -middle of the lower margin; second joint furnished on its 70 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. lower margin with a strong slightly curved tooth which reaches to near the middle of the basal joint, and forms with the dentate tubercle of that joint, a powerful grasping apparatus; the third joint is covered with minute spines for about three-fourths of its length, the remaining fourth being covered with fine cilia, the fourth jomt is also covered with cilia and has the lower distal part produced into a strong spine, the following formula shows the- proportional lengths of the joints :— A LT. 16 Ln ieety sy ee Antenne two-jointed and of moderate size, with a small one-jointed secondary branch arising from near the middle of the lower margin of the basal jot and furnished with four sete. Mandibles small, with a few serrated teeth on the truncate apex, mandible palp very smal], with ciliated margins and bearing three set on the apex. Maxille and foot-jaws somewhat similar to those of a typical Laophonte, the second joint of the posterior foot- jaw long and slender, being about four times longer than broad, the terminal claw 1s also long and slender and is considerably longer than the second-joint. First pair of swimming feet similar to those of a typical Laophonte, outer branch composed of two joints. Second pair of swimming feet rudimentary, consisting of a single one- jointed branch, bearing three set at the apex, the innermost being longer than the other two. Both branches of the third pair of feet two-jointed, the inner branch being slightly shorter than the outer. The fourth pair of feet has the outer branch three-jomted and the inner two, the basal jomt of the outer branch is nearly as long as broad and is equal to the combined lengths of the second and third joints, the first and second joints have each one stout ciliated spine on the outer distal angle, the second joint SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 71 which is very narrow, is produced on the inner margin into a hook-like process furnished with a short seta, the third joint has three strong spines on the outer margin and apex, inner branches short, reaching to about the middle of the outer branch, the second joint is furnished with three short setz on its apex. Fifth pair of feet large and foliaceous, inner branch triangular in shape, ciliated on the inner margin and covered with a number of more or less curved rows of cilia, the branch is also furnished with five moderately stout plumose sete on its inner margin and apex; outer branch broadly ovate, and fully half the size of the inner branch, it is also covered with rows of cilia and bears five short stout plumose sete on its apex. Caudal stylets elongate narrow, of moderate length, about three times longer than broad and slightly longer than the last abdominal segment; bearing on the inner angles of the apex, a short stout curved spine and near the middle the dorsal surface, a slightly shorter spine and a seta, the outer margins are furnished with two short sete, the apex also bears two sete, one of which is very long. Anal operculum produced into a short stout spine. Male. Antennules six-jointed, first and second joints hike those of the female, third and sixth joints very small, fourth joint considerably dilated. Mouth organs similar to those of the female. The first and second feet are also similar to to those of the female. The basal joint of the outer branches of the third pair of feet has a strong curved spine on its outer distal angle which is nearly twice the length of the joint itself and extends considerably beyond the end of the second joint, second joint of the inner branches produced into a curved spine which reaches to beyond the end of the outer branch, both branches of the third pair two-jointed. The fourth pair of feet has 72 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the outer branch three-jointed and the inner two; the basal joint of the outer branches is longer than the combined lengths of the second and third joints and bears a strong spine on its outer distal angle, second and third joints of the outer branch of about equal length ; inner branches very short reaching to about the middle of the basal joint of the outer branch, basal joint of the inner branch very small and only about one-fourth the length of the second joint. Fifth pair small, inner branch not produced, furnished with two plumose set on its apex, the inner one being three times longer than the outer; outer branch elongate narrow, bearing at its apex three stout sete. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms; a number of specimens were obtained. Remarks.—This species comes very near Laophonte spinosa, I. C. Thompson, especially in the structure of the antennules and mouth organs, but differs considerably in the structure of the second, third and fourth pairs of swimming feet; the outer branches of the second, third and fourth feet in Laophonte spinosa are two joimted and the inner three, whilst in Psewdolaophonte aculeata the second pair of feet consists of a single one-jointed branch, in the third pair each branch is composed of two joints and in the fourth pair the outer branch consists of three joints and the inner of two, the fifth feet also differ somewhat. The appendages of the male differ also from those of the male Laophonte spinosa. Laophontodes bicornis, n. sp. Pl. III., figs. 24—25 ; LV ., gs. 1—7. Description of the species.—Female. Length 5 millim. ( of aninch). Body seen from above elongate narrow, the breadth gradually decreasing towards the posterior SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 13 end; all the segments are more or less angular in shape and with the exception of the cephalic segment, bear each a row of short teeth on the distal margin. Cephalo- thoracic segment broadly triangular in outline, the frontal portion being produced into a small rostrum, and the lateral margins near the distal end into strong curved spines directed backwards and extending slightly beyond the middle of the second segment. Antennules short, five-jointed, all the joints are of moderate length except the fourth which is very short; the proportional lengths of the joints are as shown in the following formula :— is gra Oy mas a by Ses oh hye ad Antenne small, two-jointed without any secondary appendage. Mandibles and other mouth organs nearly as in Laophonte. The first pair of swimming feet are similar to those of Laophontodes typicus, and the second, third and fourth pairs are also similar to the corresponding feet of that species. The fifth pair are large and prominent and project outwards from the sides of the fifth segment ; each foot consists of a single narrow elongate branch, composed of two-joints, furnished with one seta on the inner distal angle of the first joint and two on the outer angle, the second joint has two setz on the inner marein, two on the apex and one on the outer margin, the basal joint has also a row of cilia on its Inner margin. Caudai stylets long and narrow, about equal to the combined lengths of the last two abdominal segments. Habitat, Off Port Erin, from dredged material collected June, 1895; only one specimen has been observed. Remarks.—This species is easily distinguished from Laophontodes typicus the only other member of the genus, by the lateral projections of the cephalothoracic segment, the proportional lengths of the joints of the antennules 74 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. and the length of the caudal stylets; the fifth feet also differ, in this species they are two-jointed whilst in Laophontodes typicus they are composed of a single joint only. Normanella attenuata, n. sp. Pl. IV., figs. 8—20. Description of the species—Female. Length 1 millim. (;.th of an inch). Body elongate cyclindrical, slender. Antennules nine-jointed; the second much longer than the others, seventh and eighth joints very small, the others are of moderate length as shown by the formula :— 9 (1b. tO TS ao ea so 12k SEA ae Antenne three-jointed, stout and of moderate length, a small one-jointed secondary branch arises from the lower distal end of the basal joint of the primary branch and is furnished with two sets; the lower one of which appears to be articulated to the apex of the joint. Mandibles slender with a serrated apex, basal portion of the mandible palp considerably dilated and bearing two one-jointed branches, the outer branch being much longer than the inner. Maxille and foot-jaws nearly as in Normanella dubia. Inner branches of the first pair of swimming feet long and slender, two-jointed, basal joint longer than the entire outer branch, second joint about one-third the length of the basal joint, bearing one curved spine and two sete on the apex, outer branches three- jointed, shorter than the basal joint of inner branches. In the second and third pairs of feet, the inner branches are short, and two-jointed; the outer branches are consider- ably longer than the inner and three-jointed. Inner branches of the fourth pair of feet three-jointed and very short, only reaching to about the middle of the second joint of the outer branches. Fifth pair of feet foliaceous, two branched, inner branch large and subtriangular SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 13 bearing two sete on the inner distal margin and two on the apex, outer branch pyriform, arising from the middle of the outer margin and extending considerably beyond the apex of the inner branch, bearing four sete on its outer distal margin and two on the apex. Caudal stylets of moderate length, about twice as long as broad and fully half the length of the last abdominal segment. Male. Antennules nine-jointed, sixth joint very short, the others of moderate length, hinged between the fourth and fifth jomts and also between the seventh and eighth, all the other appendages with the exception of the fifth pair of feet are similar to the corresponding appendages of the female. The inner branch of the fifth pair sub- triangular in form bearing one stout plumose spine and two plumose setz on its apex, the outer branch pyriform, bearing three setz on its outer distal margin, and two on the apex, with a strong plumose spine between the two apical sete. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms; very few specimens were obtained. Remarks.—This species differs considerably in shape from Normanella dubia but the structural details are almost similar to those on which the genus was founded, the only differences being that the antennules have nine joints instead of seven, and the inner branches of the fourth pair of feet have three joints instead of two. ‘These differences are not considered to be of sufficient importance to warrant the establishment of a new genus for its reception. Cletodes similis, T. Scott. (T. Scott, Thirteenth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot. Pall .:p. 168, 1895.) A few specimens were obtained from material washed 76 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. from sponges collected by Dr. Hanitsch at Port Erin, Isle of Man, in August, 1894. This species is very lke Cletodes lata in general appearance but is easily dis- tinguished from it on dissection by the structure of the antennules, the proportional lengths and armature of the outer and inner branches of the first pair of swimming feet, and also by the form of the fifth pair of feet. Nannopus palustris, Brady. Several specimens of this species were obtained in the mud collected from the Mussel beds near Duddon and from mud sent to the laboratory from the Fleetwood Oyster beds. It seems to be a brackish water species and in general appearance is very like Platychelipus littoralis another brackish water copepod, it can be distinguished from that species however, even without dissecting, by making an examination of the fifth pair of feet and also of the inner branches of the third and fourth pairs of feet. Nannopus palustris has two ovisacs and Platychelipus littoralis one only. Idyaelongata, ni spr Pl TV. figs 2124; Pie figs. 1—5. Description of the species.—Female. Gength *74 millim. (;.th of aninch). Body seen from above elongate narrow, tapering rapidly towards the posterior end, the length being nearly equal to four times the greatest breadth ; rostrum prominent with a bluntly rounded apex. Anten- nules short and comparatively stout; shorter than the cephalothoracic segment, eight-jointed; second and third joints longer than any of the others, as shown in the following formula :— 11. 26). TT aes Fr 1 L fe Bee Pb 8 Antenne, mandibles and maxille nearly as in Idya gracilis, T. Scott. Foot-jaws also similar to those of that SHA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. TT - species but shorter and stouter. Inner branches of the first pair of swimming feet slender and of moderate length, basal joint nearly as long as the entire outer branch, and furnished with a plumose seta arising from the lower half of the inner margin and extending to shehtly beyond the end of the branch, second joint fully two-thirds the length of the basal joint also furnished with a plumose seta arising from near the middle of its inner margin, third joint very small, bearing on its apex two stout spines and one short plumose seta; outer margins and proximal halves of the inner margins of the first and second joints fringed with short hairs, the joints of the outer branches are short and broad, the second joint is slightly shorter than the first and the third joint a little shorter than the second, the armature of the joints is somewhat similar to that of the first pair in Idya furcata; the spines are furnished with a row of moderately long cilia on the upper margins. Second, third and fourth pairs of swimming feet sunilar to those of Idya furcata. Fifth pair of feet very short being little more than half the leneth of the joint to which they are attached and extending only a little way beyond the base of the first segment of the abdomen, the length of each foot is about equal to twice the breadth, the secondary joint is furnished with three sete on the apex, the innermost one being longer than either of the other two, outer very short; a short seta is attached to the outer margin a little way from the apex. Caudal stylets narrow and _ slightly divergent, length equal to about twice the breadth and nearly as long as the last segment of the abdomen. Male. Antennules nine-jointed, hinged between the third and fourth joints and also between the seventh and eighth joints, fourth joint very small; the other appendages are simular to those of the female, fifth feet also similar to the fifth feet of the female but smaller. 78 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Habitat, obtained from the mud collected on the Mussel beds between Morecambe and Heysham; only a few specimens were obtained. Remarks.—This species is very distinct from Idya fur- cata and also from two other species recently described— Idya longicornis, T. and A. Scott, and Idya gracilis, T. Scott—and can easily be recognised from either of them by the elongate form of the animal, the short antennules and the small fifth feet. Idya gracilis, T. Scott. 'T. Scott, Thirteenth An. Rep. Fish. Board for Scot., pt. JTL, p. 171; 13954 A number of specimens of this species were obtained from the shelly material dredged 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, from a depth of 16 fathoms; it is easily recognised by the long and slender inner branches of the first pair of swimming feet and also by the shape and arrangement of the sete on the fifth pair of feet. Family SAPPHIRINIDA, Thorell. Modiolicola insignis, Aurivillius. Living as a messmate within the mantle of the “ horse mussel,” Mytilus modiolus. A number of specimens were found in the examples of this Mollusc which were brought up in the trawl-net of the steamer, while working in the vicinity of the north end of ‘‘ the Hole” on March 93rd, 1895. This appears to be a widely distributed species of Copepod, its range being probably co-extensive with that of the Mollusc. It has been recorded from the Firth of Forth, the Moray Firth, and from the vicinity of Mull. It has also been obtained in specimens of the same species of Mollusc dredged by Dr. Norman in 1898, off Trondhjem in Norway. SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 79 Family AscomyzontTiD®, Thorell (1859). Dermatomyzon gibberum, T. and A. Scott. [T. & A. Scott, An. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. XITI., p. 144, 1894. | A considerable number of specimens of this species were obtained by washing the common starfish (Asterias rubens)in weak methylated spirit and afterwards examining the sediment. It was taken from starfish collected at Hilbre Island and afterwards from the same species of starfish taken in other parts of the district ; both males and females were found, many of the latter with ovisacs attached. | Collocheres elegans, n. sp. Pl. V., figs. 6—15. Description of the species.—Female. Length 1 millim. (;,th of an inch). Body elongate, subpyriform, anterior seoment large and somewhat triangular in outline and equal to twice the combined lengths of the second, third and fourth segments, rostrum small and inconspicuous. Antennules moderately long, slender and sparingly seti- ferous, twenty-jointed ; the first, eighteenth and twentieth joints of about equal length and longer than any of the others, the second and tenth joints slightly smaller than the others; a sensory filament springs from the end of the third last jomt. The following formula shows the proportional lengths of the joints :— Pees ool. 4 aoa. 6. oS. 3508 mo es f G B) Oe 101112 15 14 Peei6 1718 19°20 Antenne three-jointed, basal joint long and narrow, bear- ing near the middle of the lower margin a small secondary branch, which consists of a single joint, nearly oval in outline and furnished with three small setz on the apex and one near the middle of the upper margin, second joint of the antenne about half the length of the first, third joint about two-thirds the length of the second and 80 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. bearing at the apex a long slender spine having a slightly thickened base, and a small hair; a short seta also springs from near the base of the upper margin. Mandibles elongate narrow, denticulated on the oblique apex, palp rudimentary and consisting of a single moderately long hair. Manxille two-lobed, both lobes of about equal length, but one is slightly narrower than the other and is furnished with one seta at the apex, the broad lobe has four sete on its apex. Foot-jaws somewhat sunilar to those of Collocheres gracilicauda (Brady). First four pairs of swimming feet also similar to those of that species; the outer branches of all the four pairs are armed with short dagger shaped spines and the terminal joint of the inner branch of the fourth pair is furnished with one stout dagger shaped spine on the apex and a smaller one near the middle of the outer margin. Fifth pair of feet somewhat rudimentary, two-jointed, basal joint broadly triangular in shape, the second joint which is attached to near the middle of the outer margin of the basal joint is elongate, curved, and bluntly serrated at its apex, the length being about equal to three and one-half times the breadth; it is furnished with three setz, one on the apex and two a little lower down on the outer margin and_ slightly separated from each other. Abdomen slender, four-jointed, genital segment elongate narrow, length nearly equal to twice the breadth, and longer than the combined lengths of the next three segments, second joint about one-third the length of the first, third joint slightly smaller than the second, fourth joint smaller than the third. Caudal stylets about four times as long as broad and nearly equal to the length of the last two segments of the abdomen. Habitat, off Port Erin, from dredged material collected June, 1895, only one specimen has been observed. Remarks.—This species is not unlike Collocheres gracili- SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 81 cauda and may perhaps have been passed over for that species, but it can be readily distinguished from it by the much shorter caudal stylets and also by the shape of the fifth pair of feet. Ascomyzon thonypson, n. sp. Pl. V., figs. 16—26. Description of the species—female. Length 1 millim. (;,th of an inch). Body broad, suborbicular in shape, cephalothorax broadly ovate, last segment of thorax and abdomen much narrower, rostrum not prominent. An- tennules slender, twenty-one-jointed, the first being the largest and ciliated on its upper margin; second to eighth joints small and of about equal length, ninth joint smaller than any of the others, eighteenth joint furnished with a short sensory filament. The proportional lengths of the joints are shown in the following formula: pet to O0G06.058, 407, Soll, SIDA IA os Bind oe 45)'6.7.8 9 1011 12.15 14 15.16 17) 18-19:20 al Antenne four-jointed, first joint long and bearing near the distal end of the lower margin, a small one-jointed secondary branch, which bears at the apex a moderately long seta, a small hair also springs from near the middle of the upper margin; second joint of the antenne shorter and narrower than the first and having its lower margin ciliated, third joint very small, fourth jomt about as long as broad and bearing at its apex one strong curved spine and two sete. Mandibles slender, and stylet shaped; palp elongate narrow, two-jointed, second joint about one- third the length of the first and bearing at its apex, one long and one short plumose seta. ‘The maxille consist of a short basal joint bearing two lobes of about equal length, but one is considerably narrower than the other, each lobe is furnished with four plumose sete ; one of the setze on the broad lobe is much stouter and longer than the others, two of the other seta on the same lobe are 82 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. also comparatively stout but are only about half the length of the long seta. Anterior foot-jaws simple, bearing a strong curved apical claw. Posterior foot-jaws elongate slender, four-jointed, resembling those of Dermatomyzon nigripes (B. and R.). Both branches of the first four pairs of swimming feet short and stout, three-jointed and nearly equal in length. Fifth pair of feet rudimentary, two-jointed, inner joint short and broad, furnished with one plumose seta on its upper distal angle, outer joint elongate, length about equal to twice the breadth and bearing at its apex two moderately long plumose sete and one small spine, both margins of the joint ciliated. Abdomen three-jointed, genital segment about as long as broad and nearly equal to the combined lengths of the next two segments and caudal stylets, second joint about half the length of the first, third joint about two-thirds the length of the second. Caudal stylets slightly longer than the last abdominal segment, length about equal to twice the breadth. Habitat, 1 mile off Spanish Head, Isle of Man, in neritic material dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms; a few specimens only were obtained. A number of specimens have since been found in material washed from Ophiuroids (Ophioglypha and Ophiothriz) taken in the trawl-net off Blackpool, and sent to us by Mr. Ascroft. Remarks.—This species is readily distinguished from the other members of the Ascomyzontide by the almost oval outline of the cephalothorax and on dissection by the structure of the mandible palp and maxille, the stout setee on the larger lobe of the maxille appears to be a well marked character. Dr. W. Giesbrecht of the Zoological Station Naples, is preparing a monograph on this interesting family and an abstract which appeared in the Ann. and Mag. of Natural History for August, 1895, SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 83 shows a number of changes in the nomenclature and classification of the genera and species. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Puate I. Stenhelia herdmant, n. sp. (A. Scott). Fig. 1. Female seen from the side, X 27. 2. Antennule, x 63. 3. Antenna, X 85. 4. Mandible, x 85. 5. Maxilla, X 85. 6. Anterior foot-jaw, X 127. 7. Posterior foot-jaw, x 90. 8. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 85. 9. Foot of fourth pair, X 85. 10. Foot of fifth pair, x 127. 11. Abdomen and caudal stylets, x 170. Stenhelia similis, n. sp. Fig. 12. Female seen from the side, x 40. 13. Anten- nule, X 127. 14. Antennule of male, x 127. 15. Antenna, X 125. 16. Mandible, x 253. 17. Maxilla, X 253. 18. Posterior foot-jaw, x 253. 19. Rostrum, X 253. 20. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 127. 21. Foot of fourth pair, X 127. 22. Foot of second pair, male, X 127. 23. Foot of fifth pair, x 125. 24. Foot of fifth pair, male, x 125. 25. Abdo- men and caudal stylets, x 53 PuateE IT. Ameira gracile, n. sp. Fig. 1. Female seen from the side, xX 64. 2. Antennule, x 152. 3. Antennule, male, x 152. 4. An- tenna, X 253: 5. Mandible, « 380. 6. Pos- 84 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. terior foot-jaw, X 880. 7. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 170. 8. Foot of fourth pair, X 170. 9. Foot of fifth pair, x 380. 10. Foot of fifth pair, male, X 380. 11. Abdomen and caudal stylets, xX 80. Canthocamptus palustris, Brady. Fig. 12. Female seen from the side, X 50. 13. Anten- Fig nule, X 200. 14. Antennule, male, x 152. 15. Antenna, X 253. 16. Mandible, x 300. 17. Posterior foot-jaw, xX 3880. 18. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 170. 19. Foot of fourth pair, X 170. 20. Foot of fifth pair, x 253. 21. Foot of fifth pair, male, x 253. 22. Appendage to the first abdominal segment, male, X 253. 23. Abdomen and caudal stylets, oe Tetragoniceps trispinosus, N. sp. . 24, Posterior foot-jaw, X 300. 25. Foot of fifth pair, X 380. Pruate III. Tetragoniceps trispinosus, n. sp. . 1. Female seen from above, X 80. 2. Antennule, x 170. 3. Antenna, X 2538. 4. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, xX 253. 5. Foot of fourth pair, X 253. 6. Abdomen and caudal stylets, X 253. Pseudolaophonte aculeata, n. gen. and n. sp. ig. 7. Female seen from above, X 106. 8. Antennule, x 170. 9. Antennule, male, x 170. 10. 4m tenna, < 125. 11. Mandible, x 253. “2 Maxilla, x 253. 138. Anterior foot-jaw, x 253. 14. Posterior foot-jaw, xX 253. 15. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 253. 16. Foot SEA-FISHERIES LABORATORY. 85 of second pair, X 253. 17. Foot of third pair, x 253. 18. Foot of fourth pair, X 253. 19. Foot of fifth pair, x 170. 20. Foot of third pair, male, X 253. 21. Foot of fourth pair, male, X 253, 22. Foot of fifth pair, male, X 380. 23. Abdomen and caudal stylets, x 80. Laophontodes bicornis, n. sp. Fig. 24. Mandible, x 500. 25. Anterior foot-jaw, X 500. Prarse TV. Laophontodes bicornis, n. sp. Fig. 1. Female seen from above, X 120. 2. Antennule, xX 253. 3. Antenna, X 253. 4. Posterior foot- jaw, X 380. 5. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, X 253. 6. Foot of fourth pair, X 253. 7. Foot of fifth pair, X 253. Normanella attenuata, n. sp. io. 8. Female seen from the side, X 50; 9. Antennule, x.) 127 4 10. Antennule, Males: 12977. EL Amenna, * L50.. 12. Mandible, x 253: - Le. Maxilla, x 253. 14. Posterior foot-jaw, X 253. 15. Foot of first pair of swimming feet, x 150. 16. Foot of second pair, X 150. 17. Foot of fourth pair, X 150. 18. Foot of fifth pair, x 300. 19. Foot of fifth pair, male, xX 300. 20. Abdomen and caudal stylets, x 90. Idya elongata, un. sp. Fig. 21. Posterior foot-jaw, x 380. 22. Foot of fifth pair, female, X 115. 23. Foot of fifth pair, male, X 115. 24. Appendage to the first ab- dominal segment, X 115. i Q PLATE V. Idya elongata, n. sp. Fig. 1. Female seen from above, X 64. 2, Antennule, 86 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fell.’ Localities trawled :—Deep channel, 12 miles S.W. of Calf, and further north to opposite Port Erin; also west of Dalby, 8 miles off; reamy bottom; depths 20 to 40 fathoms. VI. May 29 and 30, 1896.—Sea-Fisheries steamer ‘John Fell.’ lLocalities:—Estuary of the Wyre and around Piel Island, in Barrow Channel; shallow water. VIL. August 31, 1896.—Mr. Woodall’s 8.Y. ‘ Vallota.’ Localities dredged and trawled :—Between Port Erin and Calf Island; depth 17 to 22 fathoms. VIII. September 19, 1896.—Sea-Fisheries steamer ‘John Fell.’ Localities :—Liverpool Bay, Hilbre Swash and the Rock Channel; 4 to 10 fathoms. Two of these expeditions—those at Easter in the ‘ Rose Ann,’ and at the end of April in the ‘John Fell’—were particularly successful, and resulted in the capture of a number of new and interesting species. Amongst these is a large green Gephyrean worm, which is either Thalas- sema gigas, M. Muller, or a new species of U'halassema with a remarkable pigment (see p. 108) ; and a Cumacean, for which a new genus is necessary. Additions have been made during the year to most of the groups of invertebrate animals, and these will be found noted in the lists below; in addition Mr, A, O. Walker 98 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. has prepared the following special account of the higher Crustacea obtained on these expeditions :— CRUSTACEA. The following species of MALAcOsTRACA have been added to the fauna since the last report. Nearly all were dredged off the 8. end of the Isle of Man in the ‘John Fell’ expedition, from April 22 to 24, 1896. PoDOPHTHALMA :—Portunus corrugatus (Pennant).— S.E. of Calf Sound, 26 fathoms. Nika edulis, Risso.—Co. Down Coast (Ascroft); and from stomach of whiting, 12 m. S.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 fathoms. ScHi1zopopa :—Erythrops serrata, G. O. Sars; 12 m. S.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 fathoms. ; Siriella armata (M. Edw.). Port Erin harbour, April. CuMACEA :—F amily Leuconidee—Leuconopsis, n. gen. Female with a distinct two-jomted appendage to the fourth pair of feet, not furnished with natatory sete. Lower antenne short, with the third joint conical, with a minute one-jointed rudimentary flagellum. Rami of uropoda subequal. Male with the third pair of feet each provided on the second joint with a pair of curved blade-like processes. Remaining characters as in Lewcon. Leuconopsis ensifer, n. sp. Female :—Carapace about as long as the free thoracic segments, dorsal crest of fourteen teeth beginning about the middle of the upper margin, and curving down to the base of the rostrum ; a small tooth on the upper and near the posterior margin; lower margin with the anterior half coarsely toothed, and forming with the anterior margin an acute angle the upper portion of which is finely toothed. Rostrum about quarter the length of MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 99 the carapace, obliquely truncate; almost horizontal lower margin with two or three teeth near the extremity and two or three near the base. Fourth pair of legs with an exopodite or imperfect natatory appendage, two-jointed, reaching nearly to the end of the first jomt, which is almost as long as the remaining four. Telson triangular, as in Leucon. Uropoda with peduncle and both rami subequal in length; peduncle almost spineless, inner ramus with six unequal spines on the inner and two on the outer side of the first jot; second joint with two very short and slender spines on the inside; outer ramus obliquely truncate, with five plumose setz on the inner side and four at the end. Length 5} mm. Male :—Upper margin of carapace as long as the free segments ; lower margin with five or six teeth on the anterior half increasing in size anteriorly, forming a right angle with the anterior margin which has five teeth just below the rostrum, the second from the rostrum being the largest ; rostruiza horizontal, blunt, about one-sixth the length of the carapace, with five small teeth on the lower margin. First pair of legs with seven teeth on the lower margin of the first joint. Second pair with a large spine at the distal end of the second, and two unequally long spines at the end of the third joint. Third pair with an append- age on the second joint, consisting of two parallel curved blades, twice as long as the succeeding three joints. Length 83 mm. The above interesting species has a general resemblance to Leucon, from which genus, however, it may be at once distinguished by the appendages on the fourth pair of legs in the female and the third pair in the male. It was 100 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. taken in the tow net attached to the back of the trawl net on April 22, 12 m. 8.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 fathoms. Hudorella emarginata (Kroyer).—One female. Same locality as last. Campylaspis glabra, G. O. Sars.—Three specimens, from same locality as last. A Mediterranean species, not previously recorded from British Seas. I have specimens taken by Mr. Ascroft off the Ile d’Yeu. AMPHIPODA :—Normanion quadrimanus (Bate and Westwood).—One small specimen ; length 2 mm., 6 miles W.S.W. of Calf, 23 fathoms. Stenothoe crassicornis, nu. sp. Three males. Same locality as last. Mandibles without a palp. Maxillipedes with the basal lobe very small, divided to its base. Antenne stout, the flagellum of the lower but little longer than the last joint of the peduncle; its first joint almost as long as the remaining four together. First gnathopods as in S. marina. Second gnathopods with the palm of the propodos defined near the base by a triangular tooth, the distal extremity expanded and cut into four blunt lobes, of which the proximal is much the largest ; dactylus with a prominence on the inner margin, coinciding with the palmar lobus. Pereopods short and strong, the third (meros) joint in the last three pairs much produced backwards, as in Probolium calcaratum, G. O. Sars. Third uropods with four spines on the upper surface of the peduncle, which is twice as long as the first joint of the ramus. Telson with three pairs of dorsal spines on its proximal half, the first pair the smallest. Length 2 mm, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 101 In the form of the hand of the second gnathopods this species approaches S. tenella, G.O.S., and S. dollfusi, Chevreux ; but both these (perhaps identical) species are remarkable for the length and slenderness of their antennee and perzeopods. Halimedon parvimanus, Sp. Bate.—Five or six speci- mens, 12 m. 8.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 fathoms. Argissa hamatipes (Norman)=Syrrhoé hamatipes, Norman, ‘Brit. Ass. Rep.,’ 1868 (1869). p. 279. Same locality as last.-—T'wo females, one with ova, 2 mm. long. Fre, 1:—Plan ‘of the L.M:B.C; District. Zz —<———— EVER POOL —4 2BAY Hilbre I. Prof. G. O. Sars, with some hesitation, follows Boeck in placing Argissa among the Pontoporeiide, but there can be little doubt that Canon A. M. Norman was right in classing it with the Syrrhoide. 102 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Gammarus campylops, Leach.—Brackish pond near Colwyn Bay; also Port Erin harbour. Fic. 2.—Section across the Irish Sea through Douglas. LANCASHIRE IRELAND ISLE. OF MAN OTHER ADDITIONS TO THE FAUNA. In making a thorough revisal of our lists of the Local Fauna and Flora for the purpose of presenting a com- plete report to the British Association at the recent Liverpool meeting, it was found that some species we had discovered in the past had escaped record, a few others had been recorded under names that have now been superseded, while a considerable number of previously unknown forms have turned up as the result of the year’s work. It was stated in the British Association Report that all these species would be duly recorded, with their localities, in this the Tenth Annual Report. They are as follows :—* FORAMINIFERA :—Hyperammina arborescens, Norm., off Peel, Isle of Man. Gypsina vesicularis, P. & J., off the Isle of Man. COELENTERATA :—Coryne vaginata, Hincks, I. of Man 8. Corymorpha nutans, Sars, off Port Erin. Hybocodon prolifer, Agassiz, off Port Erin. Podocoryne carnea, Sars, off Port Erin. Phialidium temporarium, Browne, off Port Erin. * For these additional records we are indebted to a number of the Naturalists who are now working at the Fauna of the Irish Sea —especially to Dr. G. W. Chaster, Mr. I. C. Thompson, Mr. A. Leicester, Mr. EB, T. browne, Mr. A. O. Walker Miss L. R. Thornely, and Mr. Andrew Scott. MARINE BIOLOGICAL SIATION AT PORT ERIN. 103 Tiaropsis multicirrata (Sars), off Port Erin. Agalmopsis elegans, Sars, off Port Erin. Virgularia mirabilis, Lamk., off the west of the Isle of Man, deep water. VerMES :—Planaria littoralis, Van Ben., Port Erin. Thalassema, sp. (? 1. sp.), deep water off Port Erin. Polynoe reticulata, Clap., this is recorded in Vol. III. of “ Fauna,” p. 136, as P. extenuata, Grube. P. semisculpta, John. Recorded in Vol. ILI, p. 1387, as P. propinqua, Mgrn. Chetopterus variopedatus, Ren. Recorded as C. insignis, Baird, in Vol. III., p. 158. Arenicola ecaudata, John., Port Erin, &c. Autolytus longisetosus (Orsted), Port Erin. Flabelligera afinis, Mgrn., recorded in Vol. IIL, p. 159, as Stiphonostoma diplochaitos, Otto. Potyzoa :—Membranipora spinifera, Johust., off Garwick Head, and off South Coast, Isle of Man. Schizoporella aldert, Busk, off the West Coast of the Isle of Man. Smittia cheilostoma, Manz., on shells, dredged off the Calf of Man. Cylindrecium gigantewm, Busk, Puttin Island. Loxosoma phascolosomatum, Vogt, on Phascolosoma vulgare, from near Puffin Island. Crustacea :—Portunus corrugatus (Penn.), S.E. Calf Sound, 26 faths. Nika edulis, Risso, Co. Down Coast, 12 m. 8.8. W. of Chicken Rock, in whiting’s stomach. Erythrops serrata, G. O. Sars, 12m, 8.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 faths. Siriella armata (M. Edw.), Port Krin Harbour, April. Nebalia bipes, (M. Edw.), 12 m. §.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 faths. 104 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Leuconopsis ensifer, A. O. Walker, 12 m. 8.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 faths. (new genus—-see p. 98). Eudorella emarginata, (Kroyer), 12 m. S.W. of Chicken Rock, 38 faths. Campylaspis glabra, G. O. Sars, 12 m. 8.W. of Chicken Rock, 33 faths. | Normanion quadrimanus (Bate & Westwood), 6 m. W.S.W. of Calf, 23 fathoms. Stenothie crassicornis, A. O. Walker, same locality. Halimedon parvimanus, Sp. Bate, 12 m. 8.W. of Chicken Rock. Argissa hamatipes (Norman), same locality. Gammarus campylops, Leach, brackish Pond, near Colwyn Bay; and Port Erin Harbour. OsTRACODA :—(?) Argill@cia cylindrica, Sars, off Peel, Isle of Man, 50 faths. Bairdia acanthigera, Brady, off Southport, 25 faths. Cythere albomaculata, Baird, Southport, and Port St. Mary. C. globulifera, Brady, near Nelson buoy, off Ribble, 14 faths. C. lutea, O. F. M., in Laminaria, Port St. Mary. C. robertsont, Brady, Southport shore. Eucythere declivis, Norman, off Peel, 50 faths.; and Nelson buoy, 14 faths. Cytherura nigrescens, Baird, Roosebeck Mussel Bed. C. acuticostata, Sars, Southport, and Nelson buoy, 14 faths. Cytheropteron punctatum, Brady, ott Peel, 50 faths. Paradorostoma flecuosum, Brady, Roosebeck Mussel Bed. Cytheridea elongata, Brady, Morecambe Mussel Beds. C. torosa, Jones, Nelson buoy, 14 faths. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 105 Cytherideis subulata, Brady, Roosebeck Mussel Bed. Bythocythere simplex, Norman, off Peel, 50 faths. CopEpopa :—Scolecithriz hibernica, A. Scott, between Isle of Man and Ireland, off County Down Coast. Centropages typicus, Kroyer, off Port Erin. Pseudocyclops crassiremis, Brady, in Neritic material, off Spanish Head. P. obtusatus, Brady and Rob., in Neritic material, off Spanish Head. Lamippt proteus, Clap., from Alcyontum digitatum, off Peel, Isle of Man. L. forbesi, T. Scott, from Alcyonium digitatum, trawled off Peel, Isle of Man. Stenhelia herdmant, A. Scott, in Neritic material, off Spanish Head. Stenhella similis, A. Scott, in Neritic material, off Spanish Head. Canthocamptus palustris, Brady, Ainsdale Mussel Bed. Tetragoniceps trispinosus, A. Scott, in Neritic mater- ial, off Spanish Head. Laophontodes bicornis, A. Scott, in Nesnic material, off Spanish Head. Thalestris forficuloides, VT. and A. Scott, off Port Erin. Pseudothalestris major, T. and A. Scott, off Port Erin. Idya elongata, A. Scott, Morecambe Mussel Beds. Parartotrogus richardi, T. and A. Scott, off Peel, amongst refuse. Collocheres elegans, A. Scott, off Port Erin. Chondracanthus merlucct, Holt, from Hake, caught off Calf of Man. Lerneonema spratta, Sow., from Sprats caught in the Mersey. Lerneopoda galet, Kyr., from dogfish caught in Menai Straits. 106 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. PycnoGonipa :—Nymphon rubrum, Hodge, Turbot Hole Puftin Island. Mouuvusca :—Mytilus phaseolinus, Phil., Isle of Man, S. Leda minuta, Mull., var. brevirostris, Jeff., Port Erin. Mactra solida, var. truncata, Mont., Puftin Island. Mactra subtruncata, var. striata, Brown, Southport. ’ - var. inequalis, Jeff., Southport. * Saxicava rugosa, var. arctica, L., Isle of Man South. Panopea plicata, Mont., Southport. Teredo megotara, Han., and var. mionota, Southport. T’. norvegica, Speng., var. divaricata, Desh., South- port. Siphonodentalium lofotense, Sars, off Peel, I. of Man. Trochus zizyphinus, var. humilior, Jeff., Port Erin. Emarginula fissura, var. elata, Jeff., central area. Rissoa striatula, Mont., Waterloo. R. zetlandica, Mont., Isle of Man, South. R. striata, var. arctica., Lov., Puffin Island, Port Erin, and Port St. Mary. a var. distorta, Mar., Puffin Island. Hydrobia ventrosa, Mont., Colwyn Bay and South- port. Odostomia minima, Jeff., Isle of Man South; and Puffin Island. O. clavula, Lov., Southport. QO. rissoides, var. glabrata, off Port Erin. O. albella, Lov., Port St. Mary. 5, var. subcylindrica, Marsh., Port Erin. O. insculpta, Mont., Puffin Island, Southport and Isle of Man South. O. turrita, var. nana, Jeff., Port Evin. O. interstincta, var. suturalis, Phil., Southport, Puftin Island, and Isle of Man. Cerithium perversum, L., Isle of Man South. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 107 Buccinum undatum, L., var. littoralis, King, Southport. ~ var. jordont, Chaster (MS.), Southport. E monstr. acuminatum, Brod., Southport. Trophon truncatus, Str., var. alba, Jeff., Port Erin. Fusus propinquus, Ald., var. jeffresiana, Fisch. (see Fauna, vol. I., p. 244). . Lf. antiquus, L., var. alba, Jeff., Isle of Man South. - Ff’, gracilis, Da C., var. convoluta, Jeff., Port Erin. Defrancia linearis, Mont., and var. e@qualis, Jeff., Isle of Man. Pleurotoma attenuata, Mont., Isle of Man South. Utriculus truncatulus, var. pellucida, Bro., Puffin I. U. mammillatus, Phil., Isle of Man South. Philine catena, Mont., Isle of Man South. Melampus bidentatus, var. alba, Turt., Isle of Man S. Tunicata :—fritillariva, sp., Port Evin. CEPHALOCHORDA :—Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Pall. PIscEs :—Zeugopterus norvegicus, Gunth., $8. W.of Chicken Rock. MamMatia :—Phoca vitulina, Linn., Mersey. Balenoptera musculus, Linn., North Coast of Wales. OTHER INVESTIGATIONS. The Rev. T. S. Lea has been continuing his observa- tions on the distribution of the species of sea-weeds and associated animals on the shore at Port Erin. He has produced a very beautiful series of photographs which were exhibited in the Loan Museum at the British Association Meeting, and were also shown as lantern slides to section D. at one of the forenoon sittings. Besides photographs of Alge, natural size, in situ, and as 108 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. microscopic objects, Mr. Lea has a number of views into rock pools, taken with his vertical camera, showing anemones fully expanded and fish lying on variously coloured floors. Some of the foreign Biologists were much pleased with these photographs, and Mr. Lea has supplied Prof. Chodat with a number of reproductions of the lantern slides for use in lectures at the University of Geneva. Mr. Lea has kindly presented the complete series of his photographs as lantern slides to the New Museum of Zoology at University College, where they will be permanently on exhibition, classified and labelled, so as to illustrate the littoral fauna and flora at the south end of the Isle of Man. The large green Thalassema of which several specimens, all more or less mutilated, were trawled from the deep water to the S$. W. of Port Erin at Kaster, seems to be an undescribed form. It must be, when perfect, about 20 cm. in length over all, and 10 or 12 mm. in average thick- ness. ‘he extended proboscis measures about 10 cm. in length, and 15 to 20 mm. in breadth. In appearance it most nearly resembles 7. gigas, M. Muller, but differs from that species in the relative proportions of body and proboscis, in the greater breadth of the proboscis, and in the shape of its extremity. The colour is a rich green. Prof. Lankester, who has seen one of the specimens, calls it a ‘‘ beautiful chrome green,” and says “‘ it is exactly the colour of my specimen of Hamungia.” Our species differs from Hamingia (as defined by Lankester) in having strong sete present at the genital pores in the female, and from Bonellia (another allied, green form) in the shape of the proboscis and other particulars. It is, in its anatomical characters, a member of the genus Thalassema, but differs in some points from all the known species. The ciliated funnels of the cloacal ——_ MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 109 nephridia are borne on tangled twigs of a snow white colour given off by the dark brown central tube of the organ. ‘There is only a single pair of anterior nephridia. These contain ova, but no rudimentary males were found. All our specimens are females. A full description, with figures, of this new species will be published shortly. Prof. Sherrington and Dr. Noél Paton have indepen- dently investigated the green pigment spectroscopically. They report that it is a very remarkable and apparently unknown pigment which is not allied to hemoglobin or chlorophyll. It is not a respiratory pigment and is apparently nearer to ‘‘ bonellein,’”’ described by Dr. Sorby from the Gephyrean Bonellia viridis, than to any other known pigment, but differs markedly in some respects and cannot be identical with it. Prof. Sherrington gives the spectral characters as follows :—‘‘ The solution of the pigment in formol (5% solution) exhibited considerable absorption of the violet end of the spectrum (nearly as far as solar line F, to A 468), less of the red end (to solar a, 716), and a single broad band of absorption in the red between C and D with its centre at 4 617 and extending from \ 602 to 4 630*. No other absorption band existed. Heemoglobin in formol solution exhibits the spectrum of reduced hemoglobin. There is no similarity between the spectrum of the pigment here examined and that of hemoglobin. On the other hand the position of the band recalls that of the strong band given by bonellein \ 643 to A 617 (Sorby). But bonellein was not examined in formol solution. No other definite absorption band was given by the Thalassema pigment in formol.” Mr. J. H. Ashworth, Demonstrator of Zoology at the Owens College, spent some weeks at Port Erin in August, and besides collecting, preserving, and examining various * Dr, Noél Paton gives the centre of the band at A 640, 110 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. marine forms devoted himself specially to the investiga- tion of the Lug-worms, Arenicola. The following extract is from a letter written by Mr. Ashworth to the Hon. Director on leaving the Laboratory :—‘‘ During the last weeks I was engaged nearly all the time upon Arenicola. I took your advice and went over to Bay-ny-Carrickey last Monday, and in about one-and-a-half-hour’s searching obtained five specimens of Arenicola ecaudata, and on Wednesday I went to the same place again and obtained about a dozen more. I have got the ova and sperms from them, the latter almost ripe, and [ have made several dissections and find many points of difference between this species and Arenicola piscatorum. I intend to follow this work up after my return to College in October. I have enjoyed my visit to Port Erin very much, and have found the laboratory very convenient for work. I am ereatly obliged to you for the many valuable suggestions and help you have given me while I have been there, and I thank you most sincerely for them.” Mr. Ashworth is preparing a paper on Arenicola piscatorum and A. ecaudata, which will be laid before the Liverpool Biological Society during the present session. Professor Weiss reports that he investigated the Diatoms of the plankton during the month of April, with special reference to the variation in the preponderance of the various forms at different times. In this connection he observed the breaking-up of the protoplasm of Chetoceros and Coscinodiscus into eight or sixteen nucleated masses within the parent frustule, as recently described by Mr. George Murray before the Linnean Society of London (June 18th). He also collected a large quantity of the Coralline Alege, both shore and deep water forms, an account of which he is preparing for the Liverpool Biological Society. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 111 Mr. Hiern, with the assistance of several other Botanists present at the Biological Station at the end of September, compiled a list of Manx plants which will appear shortly in the “‘ Journal of Botany.” Dr. C. H. Hurst reports as follows in regard to some specimens of Nymphon dredged from the ‘‘ 'Turbot hole,” near Puffin Island :— | ‘“‘There were 14 specimens :— 1 was a typical N. gracile. 3 were spiny N. gracile. 2 ,, N. gracile, but with flat ocular tubercle. 2 ,, N. gracile, but with the tarsus of N. brevitarse. 8 ,, young, and doubtfully N. gracile. 3. ,, vecorded as N. rubruwm—but none were red. “The average species-monger would make s?x species of those 14 specimens out of one “hole.” In spite: of the decision of Sars that N. gracile and N. “rub- rum’”’ (which is not red) are distinct, I do not believe they are. Typical specimens of both were found as well as some specimens possessing some characters of N. brevitarse: but there were also found, 7 the same hole, other forms which bridge over the gap between the sup- posed species. The differences between the most extreme forms were less than those between individuals of Bombus terrestris (workers) found in a single nest and far less than the differences between Araschnia (Vanessa) prorsa and A. levana, which are now known to be a single species. The species (N. gracile-rwbrum-brevitarse) may be a polymorphic species, but I believe it is one species and not three.”’ Mr. James Hornell has supplied the following notes as being supplementary to his Report on the Polychetous Annelids of the L.M.B.C. District published in vol. i. of the “ Fauna” (and Trans. L’pool Biol, Soc., vol. v., p. 223), 112 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ‘The following remarks are intended to bring the above Report up to the present date, so far as the writer (who has been absent from the district for several years) is able. p. 2383. Polynoé extenuata, here mentioned, should be referred to P. reticulata, Claparéde. p. 234. Polynoe propinqua, Mgrn. is the Lepidonotus semisculptus of Johnston’s Brit. Museum Catalogue, and hence should appear now as Polynoé semisculpta. p. 235. Undoubtedly the P. floccosa of Prof. M‘Intosh’s list is also a synonym for the last named species, P. semisculpta. p. 255. Joyeux Lafuie (Archiv. d. Zool. Exp. (Ser. 2), vill., p. 244, 1890) shows that only one European species of Chetopterus exists, viz., C. variopedatus, Ren., hence this name replaces that of C. insignis. p. 256. The form here entered as Siphonostoma dip- lochaitos has been shown by further investigation to be the Flabelligera affinis of Malmeren. p. 248. Here is given a note on the embryology of Arenicola and of Scoloplos, and while the remarks relating to the latter have been found to require no correction, my experience on the Jersey Coast has brought up facts which show that an error was made as to the parent species of those larvee described as belonging to Arenicola ; hence this note must be corrected by the substitution of the name Phyllodoce maculata for that of Avenicola. With this alteration of name the description holds good. In the description of pl. xiv., figs. 12 to 21 refer therefore to the embryology of Phyllodoce maculata, and not to Arenicola.” Since Mr. Hornell left Liverpool for Jersey three additional species of Polycheta have been added, viz., Arenicola ecaudata, Johnston, Magelona papilicornis, Mull., and Awtolytus longisetosus, Orst. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 118 Professor Boyce has continued his important investi- gations into the bacteriology of the oyster and its possible connection with disease in man. He has drawn up a report upon the subject which was read before the Liverpool Meeting of the British Association. As an account of the present state of the question, and a summary of Prof. Boyce’s bacteriological work will be elven, in a few weeks, in the Annual Report of the Lan- cashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory, it is unnecessary to do more here than to state that the fresh experiments on inoculating Oysters with the typhoid Bacillus and keeping them under observation, both in stagnant and in running sea-water, show (1) that the typhoid organism does not multiply in the stomach or tissues of the Oyster, (2) that Oysters fresh from the sea contain fewer bacteria (chiefly the common colon bacillus) than those that have been stored or kept in shops, and (3) the power of the Oyster to get rid of bacterial infection when placed in a stream of running water, there being a great diminution or total disappearance of the Bacillus typhosus in from one to seven days. Mr. Edward T’. Browne has sent me the following notes on the species of Medusz, and other constituents of the pelagic fauna, taken by him at Port Erin during his work there in April 1896 :— “This visit to Port Erin in April, 1896, was specially made to obtain more specimens of the interesting medusa Hybocodon prolifer, for the completion of my work on the development of its ova. This medusa was fairly plentiful in 1893, and very abundant in April 1894, but was un- fortunately absent in 1896. “The pelagic fauna throughout the whole of April 1896. was conspicuously poor in meduse and other pelagic animals usually found in the spring of the year. This 114 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. scarceness is difficult to account for, as the previous winter had been mild and the spring favourable for an early fauna. “The temperature of the sea was 48°F. at the beginning of April, two degrees higher than in 1894, when the temperature did not reach 48° until 26th of April. The fauna, nevertheless, was more like that usually recorded for February than for April. Diatoms throughout the month were exceedingly abundant and aided by the gelatinous alge quickly clogged the meshes of the tow- net. Often when the can at the end of the net was emptied into a glass bottle, the contents had the appear- ance of thick pea-soup, so great was the abundance of diatoms. “The medusz showed a decrease in the number of species compared with 1894, and a great decrease in quantity, especially in the case of Margelliwm octopunc- tatwm, Which swarmed in the Bay in 1894, but of which only four specimens were taken in 1896. Another notice- able feature was that all the medusx, except Obelia, were young forms and usually belonged to the earliest free- swimming stage. ‘The ctenophores usually plentiful in Port Erin Bay in the spring were entirely absent. A species of Fritillaria made its first appearance on 21st of April, and a single specimen of the larval Magelona on 29th of April. ‘‘ A galmopsis elegans, Sars (recorded as Halistemma, sp.? Fauna, iv. p. 279), first taken in April 1894, did not make its appearance in 1896.” Mr. Browne will communicate this session to the Biological Society a revised list of the L.M.B.C. Meduse. The Committee have lately purchased from Mr. M. Treleaven Reade, the inventor, one of his folding “‘ Shell-bend’”’ boats for the use of the Biological Station. ———— MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 115 Although workers at Port Erin will no doubt in the future, as in-the past, make considerable use of the ordinary pleasure boats of the bay, still it frequently happens that one, two, or three desire to go out tow-netting, or collecting round the rocks or the break-water at low tide on occasions when it is inconvenient or impossible to hire a boat. Under these circumstances the ‘‘ Shell-bend ”’ will be most handy. It isa flat-bottomed dinghy 10 feet in length, with plenty of room for three men to work tow-nets and other collecting implements. When hauled ashore, the sides fold down on the bottom, and then one or two men can easily carry the boat for a considerable distance. THE VISIT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. At the conclusion of the Meeting in Liverpool last September, about 100 members of the British Association crossed to the Isle of Man for the purpose of spending five days in exploring the Natural History and Antiquities of the Island. The party broke up into four sections, of which two (the Archzologists and the Geologists) made their headquarters at Douglas, while the other two (Zoologists and Botanists) went on to Port Erin and lived at the Bellevue Hotel. The weather throughout the visit was very unsuitable for Biological work. The steam-trawler ‘“‘ Rose Ann”’ was in attendance, but it was impossible to go to sea in her, although attempts were made both from Port Erin and Port St. Mary. The time was spent in shore-collecting at various parts of the coast, and in searching for the rarer Alge and encrusting animals amongst the banks of Laminaria and other coarser seaweeds cast ashore by the storm. The foreign Botanists were much pleased with the marine flora, and several of the Zoologists were especially interested in the abundant supply of Compound Ascidians, 116 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. belonging to the genera Botryllus, Botryllovdes, Lepto- clinum, Amaroucium and Diplosoma, which were found attached to the stems and roots of the Laminaria. Dr. Johan Hjort was anxious to see the buds in the colonies of as many species as possible. He was also desirous of examining the stolons of Clavelina, of which specimens can usually be procured on the side walls of a deep shore pool near Spaldrick; and we were able to show him the hibernating condition of the buds in the stolons which Professor Giard has lately discussed,* and which have been known for some years at Port Erin. Several of the Zoologists and Botanists preserved and carried off collec- tions, and Prof. Chodat since his return to Geneva has given two public lectures before his University on what he saw of the Marine Fauna and Flora of the Isle of Man during our Expedition. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FUND. The surplus of the Local Fund, collected for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the visit of the British Association to Liverpool, was, by a resolution of the Local Comimittee at their final meeting on November 30th, 1896, placed in the hands of trustees to be invested for the purpose of promoting the work of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee. The view of the British Association Executive Committee in recommending this allocation of the fund, was that the money had been subscribed locally for the purposes of a meeting for the Advancement of Science, and that consequently the sur- plus should be devoted to some investigation which would result in the advancement of local science. In recom- mending the L.M.B.C. as a suitable body to receive the ~ fund and carry on the researches, the Executive Com- * Comptes-rendus, Aug. 3, 1896. MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 117 mittee drew up and circulated amongst the subscribers and the members of the Local Committee the following statement :— ‘* Memorandum on Behalf of the Executive | Committee.” “Tn considering the best allocation for the surplus which the Treasurers are happily able to report, the Committee have sought to select the object which would most commend itself to Subscribers as local, as representative, and as permanently conducive to the great aim of the British Association, the Advancement of Science. After considering various suggestions, the Committee are unanimous in recom- mending that the fund should be entrusted to the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee for adminis- tration under trust. “The group of Sciences promoted by the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee includes those which most admit, and indeed require, local investigation. “Its composition is widely representative, combining members from Liverpool with representatives of North Lancashire, Manchester, North Wales, and the Isle of Man. It is intimately associated with the work of the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Committee, so important to the industrial prosperity and development of Liverpool and the neighbourhood. It has, more- over, been remarkably successful in eliciting the enthusiasm and support of non-professional as well as professional workers in Science. ‘Its scope is comprehensive, and papers directly eman- ating from its action have been read before several different Sections of the British Association. Alike in quality and quantity, the work of the Committee 118 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. has done honour to Liverpool. The Annual Reports and the four published volumes of ‘ Fauna and Flora of Liverpool Bay’ are notable contributions to Marine Biology ; and altogether it has helped to inspire more than a hundred papers contributed to Scientific Journals. At its Laboratory, first at Puffin Island, now at Port Erin, laborious researches have been carried out, such as in other countries rest on State support, but in England are left to the public spirit and enterprise of individuals or communities. ‘A small endowment of the kind contemplated will be invaluable for securing fruit and permanence to the activities of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee. The publication of Proceedings, and the conduct of scientific investigations, make a continuous and heavy drain upon the resources of a voluntary society. A grant which has been allotted for the last four years to the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee from the funds of the British Association, expired with the present year, and the annual income from this endow- ment will at a fortunate moment make good the loss. “The close association of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee with two of the British Association Honorary Local Secretaries, whose exertions contri- buted so much to the success of the recent Meeting, is no mere coincidence. In connection with the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee, Prof. Herdman and Mr. Isaac Thompson established not only their enthusiasm for Science, but also their capacity and resource in organisation. By happy fortune the British Association Meeting, which owed so much to their energy, can make an apt return by permanently forwarding that local development of Science which they have most at heart.”’ MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT EREN. 119 The recommendation of the Executive Committee met with universal approval; and only 2 subscribers out of a total of 300 took advantage of the opportunity which was given to them of withdrawing their share of the surplus. The formal resolutions which were unanimously passed by the Local Committee on November 380th were :— 1°. “That the balance remaining after the settlement of all expenses connected with the Meeting of the Association be handed to Trustees, the income of the fund to be applied in or towards the pub- | lication of Scientific Proceedings and the prose- cution of Scientific Research; the Trustees to pay such income to the Treasurer of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee for the above pur- poses, and the receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge to the Trustees for such payment.” 2°, “That the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurers and the Secretaries be empowered to select Trustees, and to define and settle the exact terms of the Trust.” At the subsequent meeting of these Local Officers, the Trust deed, drawn up by Mr. J. W. Alsop, was submitted and, Mr. WE. Willmk, J.P.; Mr. Charles,.Booth,; Jun. and Professor Herdman were appointed Trustees. The fund which amounts, after the payment of all expenses, to about £950 will be invested, and the annual proceeds will be available as a small fixed income for the advancement of our work. The L.M.B.C. while gratefully accepting this welcome addition to their means, and while they appreciate highly this mark of confidence in their work, cannot but feel that they are accepting also increased responsibility. They have constantly in the past kept before them the view that 120 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. in undertaking to report upon the Marine Biology and Geology of the district, and in asking for subscriptions to defray the necessary expenses of the work, they were in- curring responsibilities both to the scientific world and to the public of Liverpool. They have been responsible to the latter for the wise administration of such funds as are entrusted to them, and to the former both for the energetic and careful prosecution of the scientific work and also for the due recognition and encouragement of all those workers, amateur as well as professional, whose contributions to knowledge come within the scope of their investigation. This sense of responsibility is only in- creased and justified by this trust which has been created for the benefit of the Marine Biological work; and the British Association Local Committee and the Subscribers to the fund may rest assured that the L.M.B.C. Officials will use their utmost endeavour to so direct the investiga- tions that they may be a credit to Liverpool and ‘““ permanently conducive to the great aim of the British Association, the Advancement of Science.”’ It is the view of the Trustees, and also the desire of the L.M.B.C., that the annual interest should not be merely added to the income of the Committee, but should so far as possible be expended either upon the publication of results or upon some definite line of investigation, such as the hire of steamers for dredging explorations, or series of experiments in the Biological Station, so that the name of the fund may from time to time be publicly associated with some tangible result in such a way as to keep alive in Liverpool the memory of the British Association meeting of 1896. It ought to be borne in mind by our own subscribers, by those of the Liverpool public who have in the past so generously helped the L.M.B.C. work, that if this British MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 121 Association Fund is to be a real advantage and bear fruit, it is absolutely necessary that our ordinary income derived from subscriptions should be in no way diminished. We confidently appeal to all those interested in any way in the Natural History of our neighbourhood to co-operate with us. Those who work with the microscope, who are collectors, who have any aptitude for practical work, will be gladly welcomed at the Biological Station or on the expeditions ; while those who feel that they can only appreciate the work of others, but are interested in the extension of our knowledge of nature, can most effectively help and encourage us by adding to the slender annual income of the Committee, which is barely sufficient to meet the necessary expenses of the work at Port Erin and in Liverpool Bay. List oF L.M.B.C. WoRKERsS. We think it useful to give here a list of those Naturalists who are definitely working at special groups of organisms in the L.M.B.C. district, and who, as a rule, undertake the identification of the animals reported upon, and contribute information about their groups to the L.M.B.C. Reports. BacTERIA.—Professor R. Boyce. D1aAToMACEs.—Dr. H. Stolterfoth. AuG#.—Professor Harvey Gibson and Professor Weiss. FORAMINIFERA.—Dr. G. W. Chaster. DINOFLAGELLATA.—Mr. R. L. Ascroft. InFusoriA, &c.—Vacant. PoRIFERA.—Dr. R. Hanitsch. Hyproip ZoopHytEes.—Miss L. R. Thornely. Mepusaz.—Mr. E. T. Browne, B.A., F.Z.S. AcTINIARIA.—Mr. J. A. Clubb, B.Sc. ECHINODERMATA.—Mr. H, C, Chadwick, 122 TRANSAC'TIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TURBELLARIA.—Mr. F. W. Gamble, M.Sc. TREMATODA.— Vacant. NEMERTIDA.——Mr. W. I. Beaumont, B.A. RovTirERA.— Vacant. NEMATODA.— Vacant. GEPHYREA, HIRUDINEA, AND OLIGOCHETA.— Vacant. PotycH#tTA.—Myr. J. Hornell and Mr. Arnold T. Watson. Pouyzoa.—Miss L. R. Thornely. CIRRIPEDIA.— Vacant. CopEropa.—Mr. Isaac C. Thompson, F.L.5. OstracopA.—Mr. Andrew Scott. HIGHER CRUSTACEA.—Mr. A. O. Walker, F.L.S. Pycnoconipa.—Dr. C. H. Hurst. Mouuusca (TESTACEOUS).—Mr. Alfred Leicester. NUDIBRANCHIATA.—Professor Herdman, F.R.S., and Mad. Cinbb, BSc: CrPpHALOPODA.—Mr. W. E. Hoyle, M.A. TunicaTa.—Prof. Herdman, F'.R.S., and Miss J. H. Willmer. FisHes.—Prof. Herdman, Mr. R. A. Dawson, and Mr. A. Scott. Sra-Birps.—Dr. H. O. Forbes. SUBMARINE GEOLOGY.—Mr. J. Lomas, Mr. G. W. Lamplugh, and Mr. Clement Reid. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE SEA.—Vacant. One of our greatest needs 1s a young Chemist or Physicist who would join our expeditions with the object of reporting upon the condition of the sea water at the various localities, depths and seasons. THE LIBRARY. The Committee consider it advisable to publish here a list of the books forming their nucleus of a working library MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 123 at Port Erin, first, for the purpose of letting workers and students know what books they will find in the laboratory, and secondly in the hope that the short list will suggest to members of the Committee, other naturalists, sub- scribers, and friends, some deficiencies in our library which might be made good by contributions from their own shelves. It may be convenient to state that what the Committee aim at is merely a small working library of Marine Biology, and that the most important books for their purposes—after a few standard text books and works of reference—are monographs or important papers on British Marine animals and plants.* In addition to the books in the following list, there is also in the book-case a considerable number of pamphlets kindly sent by authors, and dealing mostly with the Marine Biology of the neighbourhood. We are always glad to have such author’s reprints. ALDER and Hancocx.—Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca.—in seven parts. Ray Society, 1845-55. BatrpD.—British Entomostraca. Ray Society, 1850. BaLrour.—Comparative Embryology. 2 vols., 1880. Bretu.—British Stalk-Eyed Crustacea, 1853. Brapy and Norman.—Monograph of British Ostracoda Part I. Trans. R. Dublin Soc., 1889. Brapy.—Monograph of the Free and semiparasitic Copepoda of the British Islands. 38 vols., Ray poc,, 1878. * A few books and papers which have from time to time been kindly sent to the L.M.B.C., but which have no particular bearing upon British Marine Biology, have been deposited temporarily in the library of the Biological Society in Liverpool, where they will be more used and more appreciated than at Port Erin, 124 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. CAMBRIDGE NATURAL History, vol. II., 1896. Carus.—Prodromus Faunze Mediterranee. 4 vols., 1885-93. CUNNINGHAM.—Marketable Marine Fishes, 1896. Day.—Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols., 1880. Frarpont.—Recherches sur les Acinétiens, &e. ForBes.—Monograph of the British Naked-EKyed Medusee. ay Soc., 1848. GossE.—Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. 2 vols., 1855. GossE.—Handbook to Marine Aquarium, 1856. GossE.—British Sea-Anemones and Corals, 1860. Haucx.—Meeres-Algen. Harvey.—Manual of British Marine Algee. HELLER.—The ‘‘ Novara’’ Crustacea, 1865. HoutmMEs and Batrers.—Revised List Brit. Mar. Alge. HeErRpMAN.—Phylogenetic Classification of Animals, 1885. HERDMAN and LEsLIE.—Marine Invertebrate Fauna of the Firth of. Forth, 1881. HerpMAN.—Annual Reports upon the Biological Station at Puffin Island, 1888-92. (see also Liver- pool Marine Biology Committee). Hincxks.—British Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 vols., 1868. Hincks.—British Marine Polyzoa. 2 vols., 1880. HucuHEs.—Principles and Management of the Marine Aquarium, 1875. INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION in London, 1883, by Huxley, Hubrecht, Holdsworth, Walpole, &e. Addresses and papers read at the Conferences, &e. 9 vols., 1883. JEFFREYS.—British Conchology. 5 vols., 1862-69. JOHNSTON.—Brit. Museum Catalogue of Worms, 1865, MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 125 KENT.—Manual of the Infusoria. 38 vols., 1880-82. KKORSCHELT and HrrpER.—Text Book of Embryology of Invertebrates. 2 vols., 1895. Lane.—Text-book of Comparative Anatomy. 2 vols., 1891-96. LEE.—Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum, 1893. Liverpoon Marine Biotogy CommirrEE.—Reports upon the Fauna of Liverpool Bay, &c., vols. I., IL., III., IV., 1886-95. MALMGREN.—Annulata Polycheta, 1867. MARSHALL and Hursr.—Practical Zoology, 1895. M’IntosH.—Monograph of the British Annelids, Part I., Nemerteans, 2 vols., 1873. Murray.—Introduction to study of seaweeds. NicHouson.—Text-book of Zoology. 7th Edn., 1887. PENNINGTON.—British Zoophytes, 1885. Pizon.—Blastogénése des Botryllides, 1892. PoucHEtT.—Changements de Coloration, &c., 1876. Rouueston.—Forms of Animal Life. 2nd Edition, by W. Hatchett Jackson, 1888. SARS.—Crustacea of Norway, 2 vols. T'Hompson.—Revised Report on the Copepoda. Voet and Yune.—Traité d’Anat. Comp. Prat. 2 vols. PUBLICATIONS. The fifth volume of the “Fauna and Flora” will not be ready for a couple of years; but a revision of all the eroups already reported upon has been carried out during the summer and as the result a complete list, brought up to date, was laid before Section D of the British Associa- tion and is published in the report of that meeting. Copies of this list have been reprinted, and will be issued in our next volume. As references to the literature are given after 126 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the name of each species, the list forms a useful index to all the L.M.B.C. publications up to date; and in addition contains a record of all the F1isHEs we have obtained in the district—a group not yet reported on. The list in question appeared before the British Association as the fourth and final report of that Committee of the Assoc- iation which has for some years been co-operating in the L.M.B.C. work. That report contains the following “Concluding Remarks :— “ Although this is put forward as a final report of the present Committee, they do not desire thereby to indicate that the work of exploring the zoology, botany, and geology of the Irish Sea is finished. Probably such an investi- gation can never be finished; but the Committee feel that the occasion of the British Association meeting in Liver- pool is one that they ought to take advantage of to present a report which is final, in the sense that it completes the present series of reports, and brings together and sums up the results of all previous marine biological work in the district. “For the future, they feel that the work will be carried on actively by the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee, the body of investigators by whom most of the work has been done in the past. The Port Erin Biological Station is equipped for such work, and the British Association can best render effective help by supporting the general investigations carried on at that station, or by giving grants for special researches.”’ MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 127 APPENDIX A. THE LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE (1896). R. D. DARBISHIRE, Esq., B.A., F.G.S., Manchester. Pror. R. J. Harvey Grieson, M.A., F.L.8., Liverpool. Pror. W. A. HERpMAN, D.8c., F.R.5., F.L.8., Liverpool, Chairman of the L..M.B.C., and Hon. Director of the Biological Station. ALFRED LEICESTER, Esq., formerly of Southport and Liverpool. SiR JAMES PoouE, J.P., Liverpool. Dr. Isaac RoBerts, F.R.S., formerly of Liverpool. I. C. THompson, Ksq., F..8., Liverpool, Hon. Treasurer. JOHN VicARS, Esq., formerly of Bootle. A. O. WALKER, Ksq., F'.L.8., J.P., Colwyn Bay. DR. SPENCER WALPOLE, formerly Governor of the Isle of Man. —————— CONSTITUTION OF THE L.M.B.C. (Established March 1885.) I.—The OsJecr of the L.M.B.C. is to investigate the Marine Fauna and Flora (and any related subjects such as submarine geology and the physical condition of the water) of Liverpool Bay and the neighbouring parts of the Irish Sea; and if practicable to establish and maintain a Biological Station on some convenient part of the coast. 128 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BiOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Il.—The CommirTEE shall consist of not more than 12 and not less than 10 members, of whom 3 shall form a.- quorum ; anda meeting shall be called at least once a year for the purpose of arranging the Annual Report, passing the Treasurer’s accounts, and transacting any other necessary business. IIi.—During the year the Arrairs of the Committee shall be conducted by an Hon. Director, who shall be Chairman of the Committee, and an Hon. TREASURER, both of whom shall be appointed at the Annual Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election. IV.—Any Vacancies on the Committee, caused by death or resignation, shall be filled up by the election, at the Annual Meeting, of those who, by their work on the Marine Biology of the district, or by their sympathy with science, seem best fitted to help in advancing the work of the Committee. V.—tThe Exrensss of the investigations, of the publi- cation of results, and of the maintenance of the Biological Station shall be defrayed by the Committee, who for this purpose shall ask for subscriptions or donations from the public, and for grants from scientific funds. V1I.—The BioLtocicaL Srarion shall be used primarily for the Exploring work of the Committee, and the SPECIMENS collected shall, so far as is necessary, be placed in the first instance at the disposal of the members of the Committee and other specialists who are reporting upon eroups of organisms; but, in order to add to the funds, some of the workplaces in the Biological Station may be rented by the week or year to students and others, and duplicate specimens which, in the opinion of the Com- mittee, can be spared may be sold to museums and laboratories. ° of oy MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 129 LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION at PORT ERIN. REGULATIONS. I.—This Biological Station is under the control of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee, the executive of which consists of the Hon. Director (Prof. Herdman,F.R.S.) and the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. I. C. Thompson, F.L.8.). II.—In the absence of the Director, and of all other members of the Committee, the Station is under the temporary control of the Resident Curator or Laboratory Assistant, who will keep the keys, and will decide, in the event of any difficulty, which places are to be occupied by workers, and how the tanks, collecting apparatus, &c., are to be employed. I1I.—The Resident Assistant will be ready at all reasonable hours and within reasonable limits to give assistance to workers at the Station, and to do his best to supply them with material for their investigations. IV.—Visitors will be admitted, on payment of a small specified charge, to see the Aquarium and the Station, so long as it is found not to interfere with the scientific work. V.—Those who are entitled to work in the Station, when there is room, and after formal application to the Director, are :—(1) Annual subscribers of one guinea or upwards to the funds (each guinea subscribed entitling to the use of a work place for four weeks), and (2) others who are not annual subscribers, but who pay the Treasurer 10s. per week for the accommodation and _ privileges. Institutions, such as Colleges and Museums, may become subscribers in order that a work place may be at the disposal of their staff for a certain period annually; a 130 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. subscription of two guineas will secure a work place for six weeks in the year, a subscription of five guineas for four months, and a subscription of £10 for the whole year. VI.—Each worker* is entitled to a work place opposite a window in the Laboratory, and may make use of the microscopes, reagents, and other apparatus, and of the boats, dredges, tow-nets, &c., so far as is compatible with the claims of other workers and with the routine work of the Station. VII.—Each worker will be allowed to use one pint of methylated spirit per week, free. Any further amount required must be paidfor. All dishes, jars, bottles, tubes, and other glass may be used freely, but must not be taken away from the laboratory. If any workers desire to make, preserve, and take away collections of marine animals and plants, they must make special arrangements with the Director or Treasurer in regard to bottles and preservatives. Although workers in the Station are free to make their own collections at Port Erin, it must be clearly understood that (as in other Biological Stations) no specimens must be taken for such purposes from the laboratory stock, nor from the Aquarium tanks, nor from the steam-boat dredging expeditions, as these specimens are the property of the Committee. The specimens in the Laboratory stock are preserved for sale, the animals in the tanks are or the instruction of visitors to the Aquarium, and as all the expenses of steam-boat dredging expeditions are defrayed by the Committee the specimens obtained on these occasions must be retained by the Committee (a) for the use of the specialists working at the Fauna of Liverpool Bay, (b) to replenish the tanks, * Workers at the Station can always find comfortable and convenient quarters at the closely adjacent Bellevue Hotel ; but lodgings can readily be had by those who prefer them, tt - Pe Se APS es Gwe Seta? Fie ™. | 4 a a ee - e. ieet e e MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 131 and (c) to add to the stock of duplicate animals for sale from the Laboratory. VIII.—Each worker at the Station is expected to lay a paper on some of his results—or at least a short report upon his work—before the Biological Society of Liverpool during the current or the following session. IX.—All subscriptions, payments, and other communi- cations relating to finance, should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. I. C. Thompson, F.L.8., 53, Croxteth Road, Liverpool. Applications for permission to work at the Station, or for specimens, or any communications in regard to the scientific work should be made to Professor Herdman, F'.R.S., University College, Liverpool. 132 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. APPENDIX B. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS. Subscriptions. Donations; £ ss. di 2 Seem Ayre, John W., Ripponden, Halifax ; Nahe igs — Banks, Prof. W. Mitchell, 28, Rodney-st. 2 2 0 a Bateson, Alfred, Harrop-road Bowdon... 1 1 0O — Beaumont, W.I., Cambridge... aa a A — Bickersteth, Dr., 2, Rodney-st. ... ee ee — Brown, Prof. J. Campbell, Univ. Coll.... 1 1 0 a Browne, Edward T., B.A., 141, Uxbridge- road, Shepherd’s Bush, London LQ — Braunner,Sir J. 'T:, Bart., Druids ‘Cross... 5 © 10 ~- Boyce, Prof., University College eek: a aD — Caton, Dr., 86, Rodney-street a jee te, | Clague, Dr., Castletown, Isle of Man ... 1 0 — if Clague, Thomas, Bellevue Hotel, PortEHrin 1 1 0 — Comber,Thomas,J.P., Leighton, Parkgate 1 1 Crellin, John C., J.P., Ballachurry, An- dreas, Isle of Man ... f 0-10 36 — Darbishire, R.D., Victoria-pk., Eas i Mpa | Dawkins, Professor W. Boyd, Owens College, Manchester.. : Dumergue, A*E., 7 Aone ee Dwerryhouse, A. R., 8, Livingstone-ay. Gair, H. W., Smithdown-rd., Wavertree Gamble,Col.C.B.,Windlehurst, St. Helens Gamble, F.W.,Owens College, Manchester Gaskell, Frank, Woolton Wood... Gaskell, Holbrook, J.P., Woolton Wood Gell, James S., High Bailiff of Castletown ) mH ee eS DO NH KH CO FH Be ere rR ON FH oo ¢ & 6 O'o & © Borward. ...£31 3 0. 1l-feg MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. Forward ... Gibson, Prof. R. J. Harvey, 5, Adelaide- terrace, Waterloo Lee Glynn, Dr., 62, Rodney-street ... Greening, Linneus, 5, Wilson Patten-st., Warrington ... Gotch, Prof., Museum, Cietonane Halls, W. J., 35, Lord-street Hanitsch, Dr., Museum, Singapore Henderson, W.G., Liverpool Union Bank Herdman, Prof., University College Holder, Thos. (the late), 1, Clarendon- buildings Holland, Walter, Hiiastsey Hill. veal Holt, Alfred, Crofton, Aigburth ... : Holt, George, J.P., (the late), Sudley, Mossley Hill .. Hoyle, W. EH. cee anaee foes Ree chedicr sii : Isle of Man Natural tena er Art? quarian Society Jones, C.W.,J.P., Field House, sWiliotbisa Jones, C. EH. E., Prenton-road, B’head Kermode, P. M. C., Hill-side, Ramsey... Lea, Rey. T. Simcox, 3, Wellington-fields Leicester, Alfred, Buckhurst Farm, Eden- bridge, Kent . Macfie, Robert, onde a Meade-King, H. W.,J.P., Sandfield Bal Meade-King, R. R., 4, Oldhall- street Melly, W. B., 90, Chatham-street Monks, F. W., Brooklands, Warrington Muspratt, E. K., Seaforth Hall... Narramore, W., 5, Geneva-rd., Elm Park Forward ... 133 cium () LL: 8 Dp HH He ee yt i =n) a ae Pee CO eee) Se) 1 1 i) 0 10 1 1 5 I eS > Oo: Oo & © HOR Fr 65 18 0 1 1 134 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Forward ...6518 0 11 0 Newton, John, M.R.C.S., 44, Rodney-st. 010 6 — Poole, Sir James, Tower Buildings 2 0 — Rathbone, 8.G.,Croxteth-drive, Sefton-pk. 2 2 0 — Rathbone, Mrs. Theo., Backwood, Neston 1 1 O ae Rathbone, Miss May, Backwood, Neston 1 1 0 — Rathbone, W., Greenbank, Allerton Bon eB = Roberts, Isaac, F.R.S., Crowborough ... 1 1 0O — Simpson,J. Hope, Annandale, Aigburth-dr 2 2 0 os Smith, A. T., junr., 24, King-street ae me = Talbot, Rev. T. U., 4, Osborne-terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man Li: ip — Thompson, Isaac C., 53, Croxteth- a 2 2 0 — Thornely, James, Baycliff, Woolton ame 8 oo Thornely, The Misses, Baycliff, Woolton 1 1 0 — Toll, J. M., Kirby Park, Kirby ... 5 At. we — Walker, A. O., Nant-y-glyn, Colwyn Bay 3 3 0 — Walker, Horace, South Lodge, Princes-pk. 1 1 0 — Walters, Rev. Frank, B.A., King William College, Isle of Man.. | ee ora = Watson, A. T., Tapton-crescent, Sheffield by abe — Weiss, Prof. F. E.,Owen’sCollege,Man’tr. 1 1 0 -— Westminster, Duke of, Eaton Hall pb 2 2 — Wiglesworth, Dr., Rainhill 1; 158 — £98" 14...) «dine SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE Hire or ‘‘ WorkK-TABLES,’’ OCCUPIED BY COLLEGES, &c. Liverpool Museum Committee Owens College, Manchester University College, Liverpool £2 10 10 £22 "anoe “HLINS ‘iL ‘V oaLl00 punof pun paypny *y € ‘968L MIE Kaquaosg “1O0dUMAl'T IMMASVAUT, “NOP ‘NOSAdNOHL ‘0 OVYSI O LT Slip sarvys *s,09 osnoy oT[qud SUBUTyIO A YSIFNte] —! pung JUSUTASeAUT JUOUIMOPUYT ——— _ — TE 6L 99Te IL 6L 9OTF : G 6 0 Peewee Dea hee ree doce sedos FOC eCeSHereevessessaetemone wee solipung ce Q G g ee ee ‘OR ‘asvo yoo ‘sureday a4 0 0 Gl ct moRyg [RoLsoporg UY Wog Jo Woy 1 6 OLF “rr 96RT ISTE eq ‘loansvery, onp souryeg °° @ ZL eg cur Log £10yetoqe'y pue 1ozeing ‘sorreypeg “ Qo FTG teeestiasecetesese eoeeeecesee se CntTenby Of SMOTESTUIPY “ 1 6 PF cts co ‘suauttoedg jo edettie) ‘edeysog 2 FOP Qo tiittttraesretrruaggraqmy yueg 1 9 0G WOTPRIG [ROISOOIg ULIY 40g 4 rsnqzereddy pur syoog “ 1G eg ccc euneg Jo sounfo, pue sqiodoy jo opeg “ 00 gt cut aeog pueq[eyg o[qe}10g septey sg 6 ST G Cec ee eee rere eee re ree ereseereereeesesessres sarvyg oH ola | Z OT g pec e cece e re eee cere cere r essere eeenseseseeseseseees “Ol qyeog ce “oy asnofx oqug s,ueUDpoA, Ystpag “pueprat( ue @ FP Ap co suortpadxg Surspaaqy Jo sesuodxm 0 Z 2S BOO COU ODCDOOLOTIOODCUOUO OCI volvleiss.e's SARL, YIOM 55 g 6 I Pee eee Kiato1yRY4G pur Surya g “ce Jo ality doy oR ‘soBo[[oQ Wo poAtoood qunoury “* OL Sl OF °° OR ‘Saget ,,“BUNBT,, “AT "[OA ‘sjuodey Surung 9 LT LOL ' podtoood AT[RNJoOR suOTyeUOT pues suotydriiosqng Ag G SL Gg oc TTT ESST ASTE ‘ood ‘lemmsvely, onp souv[ed OL, | 2 ‘9681 pS ‘968T ‘AD ‘IHUASVAAT, “NOH ‘NOSANOHL ‘0 OVVSI HLIM INQOODV NI 1G ‘AALLINNOO ADNOTOIY ANINVN TIOOdUAAIT FHL 136 FURTHER REPORT upon the FREE-SWIMMING COPEPODA of the WEST COAST OF IRELAND. By Isaac C. Tuompson, F.L.S. (Read May 14th, 1897.] THE former Report (Trans. Biol. Soc., L’pool, Vol. X., p. 92) dealt with a collection of plankton, the result of a series of tow-nettings made by my friend Mr. Edward T. Browne, B.A., of London, off Valencia on the West of Ireland during the summer and autumn of 1895. Mr. Browne again made Valencia his head-quarters in July 1896, remaining there until near the end of September, using the tow-net on most suitable days either inside or outside of the harbour. The results are contained in 41 bottles, numbered 1 to 41 in accompanying tabular resumé, the total number of species found being 29. During part of the time Mr. Browne had as companions Mr. A. O. Walker, F'.L.8., of Colwyn Bay, and Mr. F. W. Gamble, of Owens College, Manchester. Both of these gentlemen have kindly sent me material they collected by tow-net. The conditions under which the latter were obtained being similar to those of Mr. Browne, they are included in the tabulated results, having no specially distinctive features. Through the kindness of the Misses Delap, daughters of the Vicar of Valencia, themselves trained naturalists, the work of tow-netting was continued throughout the autumn and winter up to March 1897, the bottles numbered 22 to 41 being contributed by them. The previous Report had to do chiefly with tow-nettings taken during the months—April, May and June 1895, 137 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. while those here referred to were collected from July 1896 to March 1897. We have thus a year’s continuous series of material to report upon which should enable us to obtain a fair knowledge of the distribution of the free- swimming Copepoda of this district. Mr. Browne informs me that the tide flows into Valencia Harbour from the ocean at a good pace. ‘T'wo knots is the speed marked on the chart, being strong enough to keep the tow-net fully extended from a boat at anchor. The average depths to which the tow-net was lowered are given, but the results do not appear to show any great difference in the fauna at the bottom and at the top, possibly to be accounted for by the fact that the tide runs through a narrow entrance and the water is well stirred up. All the material collected for examination was im- mediately preserved in Formaline. A 5% solution appears to be the strength best suited for these small delicate crustaceans, and is probably as efficient a preservative as 1s known. NOTES ON THE SPECIES FOUND. Calanus finmarchicus and Clausia elongata were found in ali the bottles and were generally the prevailing forms. The much rarer Calanus propinquus occurred very sparingly during January and February. It differs from C. finmarchicus chiefly in the profusely plumose character of the sete, and in the 5th swimming feet, and the diverging caudal segments of the male. Pseudocalanus armatus was found but on one occasion (Feb. 27th) and then only one specimen. Temora longicornis was generally abundant up to the end of October, but was not found during the mid-winter months, occurring again sparingly in February, and 138 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. becoming common in March. Metridia armata a species not usually common, occurs in more than half the bottles and on some occasions in fair numbers, especially during the winter months. The gradually tapering setose antenne and the leaf-shaped terminations to the swimming feet, distinguish it readily. One of the rarest species taken, and previously unknown to the district is Rhincalanus cornutus, easily distinguished by its long projecting cruciform rostrum, and by its antenne. On two occasions, in August and October, one specimen only was found. It has only I believe been previously reported in Britain on one occasion, by Mr. Thomas Scott, off the Shetland Isles. Centropages hamatus occurs in half the bottles, but usually sparingly, and C. typicus much less frequently. In a tube sent to me by Mr. A. O. Walker were two specimens belonging to the Dublin Museum collection, and marked ‘‘ West of Ireland,’’ which on examination proved to be Hucheta marina and Pontella kroyert both new to the district and very uncommon in our northern seas, although I have previously taken one specimen of each in the L.M.B.C. district. Isias clavipes occurs on only three occasions. Acartia clausta was generally found and fairly plentiful, except during spring and early summer, and Oithona spinifrons under much the same conditions. Candace pectinata a species generally rare in our seas, has proved to be here not uncommon, occurring, however, only during the summer and early autumn. On only two occasions throughout the year that very conspicuous species the beautifully coloured Anomalocera paterson was found, while as alluded to in the last report 1t sometimes occurs in our seas in dense shoals. It was interesting again to find the southern species _ COPEPODA FROM WEST OF IRELAND. 139 alluded to in the previous report, Coryceus speciosus, though on only one occasion, and more frequently its very similar ally C. anglicus, the latter having been frequently reported from Plymouth. Parapontella brevicornis occurred once in July and on several occasions in February. One specimen of Monstrilla dane was taken on August 3rd. Great interest attaches to the family Monstrillide through the recent important discovery of Prof. Giard of Paris and confirmed by M. Malaquin that the early stages of one or more species of this group are spent parasitic in the body cavity of certain worms (see Comptes rendus, 16 novembre 1896, and 28 decembre 1896, and 11 janvier 1897). Caligus rapax was collected in the tow-net on two occasions by the Misses Delap in December and January. The various species of the genus Caligus, though all fish parasites, are not uncommonly found as free-swimmers particularly at night. The eight species, viz., Harpacticus fulvus, Thalestris longimana, T. clausii, Ectinosoma spinipes, Longipedia coronata, Cyclopina littoralis, Porcellidiwm viride, and Laophonte hispida are all fairly common littoral forms, generally found in rocky pools or near to shore. Their presence again suggests the regret that in addition to the valuable collection taken by tow-net, Mr. Browne and his co-workers did not preserve mud and sand dredged at various depths, and the washings of dredged material. For judging by results in Liverpool Bay it is to these sources we must chiefly look for forms new to science among the Copepoda. While we have doubtless still much to learn as to the causes which influence the distribution of the free-swimming forms, we can hardly now expect to add very many to the number of those 140 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. already known. But with the vastly more numerous, mud loving, sedentary, and wholly or semi-parasitic species of Copepoda the case is different. Investigations as to the food of fishes have shown us that even scarce species, and but recently known Copepoda, as in the case of Jonesiella hyena, are found largely in the stomachs of young fishes, being evidently selected as their chief food and probably found in quantities near to the spawning grounds. From this aspect even apparently lfeless mud has under the microscope much to teach us. In addition to the examin- ation of deposits it 1s evident that Sponges, Coelenterates, Echinoderms, Worms, Molluscs, Nudibranchs, and As- cidians will all richly reward careful search ; for judging from past results, they are the hosts of many highly organized species of Copepoda, each specially adapted to its particular host and that alone. While sincerely thanking Mr. Browne and his friends for the amount of valuable material collected, I must again express the hope that we may at a future time be enabled to know as much of the Valencia sedentary species of Copepoda as we now do of the free-swimmers. The accompanying table represents the distribution of free-swimming Copepoda in or about Valencia harbour from July, 1896 to March, 1897. VALENCIA TOW-NETTINGS—TABLE SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF COPEPODA. “LOST ‘8 YOUN “Mogan pL “LOST ‘9 Yoanyy MOyPR, TL Stnoqvepy “L681 ‘£e Arenaqay “moq.tepy "2ST ‘oT Lawnaqagy ‘sumorqny g Sinoqte Ey "JEST ‘p Aveniqay * *suLolqyey % SIN0g.le Ey "L681 ‘e Aveniqay 23 : ae oe SS Se S'S eee Qs SS asSS gsr. wssg SSAsR sassy Sle gi BS § = | RSE SS ‘S ss na Sms = ose SS 5 SoasQ SVE S. Sess esse mas SQ SO § 2.5 = SSQeuacso's i > SscSs 8 ANSS ANAS Rhincalanus cornuta. Centropages hamatus Isias clavipes ........ Acartia longiremis . Candace pectinata.. Anomalocera paterso Pontella kroyert ..... Oithona spinifrons....... Parapontella brevicorm Harpacticus fulvus... Temora longicornis ... Metridia armata...... Pseudocalanus armatus * Common. ” A signifies Abundant. *Date and locality not recorded. 141 [WORK FROM THE PORT ERIN BIOLOGICAL STATION. ] REVISED LIST OF HYDROMEDUSZS of the Lc M._B.C.. DISTRICL. By Epwarp T. Browne, B.A., F.Z.5. [Read 12th January, 1897.] SINCE the publication of my Report on the Meduse of the L.M.B.C. District, in 1895, fresh researches in some cases have led to changes in the generic and specific names, and in other cases show that medusze formerly regarded as distinct species are only early stages of other — known species. I have given an account of these changes in nomenclature in a paper published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1896, upon which this Revision is based. I append in tabular form a list of the Meduse which I obtained at Port Erin in April, 1896, and notes on a few of the species. HYDROMEDUS. I. ANTHOMEDUSZ. Codonium pulchellum (Forbes). Fauna,* IV., p. 374. Corymorpha nutans, Sars. P.Z.S., 1896, p. 463. = Steenstrupia rubra, Forbes. Fauna, IV., p. 375. Cytaeandra areolata (sp. ?) (Alder). Fauna, IV., p. 390. Dipurena halterata (Forbes). Fauna, [V., p. 375; P.Z.S8., 1896, p. 473. Huphysa aurata, Forbes. Fauna, LV., p. 376; P.Z.S., 1896, p. 474. Hybocodon prolifer, Agassiz. *Fauna of Liverpool Bay, 1895, Vol. IV., pp. 371—414. Reprinted from Trans, Liverpool Biol. Soc., Vol. [X., pp. 2483—286, 142 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. P.Z.S., 1896, p. 466. = Amphicodon fritillarva (Steenstrup). Fauna, IV., p. 379. Lizza blondina, Forbes. P.Z.S., 1896, p. 475; Fauna, IV., p. 393. = Dysmorphosa minima, Heeckel. Fauna, IV., p. 388. Margelis principis, Steenstrup. Fauna, IV., p. 394. Margelis ramosa, Heckel. = Margelis britannica (Forbes). Fauna, IV., p. 395. Margellium octopunctatum (Sars). Fauna, IV., p. 398; P.Z.S., 1896, p. 477. Podocoryne carnea, Sars. P.Z.S., 1896, p. 463. = Dysmorphosa carnea (Sars). Fauna, IV., p. 388. Sarsia tubulosa, Sars. Fauna, [V., p. 375. Tiara pileata (Forskal). Fauna, IV., p. 386. Turris neglecta, Lesson. Fauna, IV., p. 388. II. LEPTOMEDUSZ. Eutima insignis (Keferstein). Fauna, IV., p. 410; P.Z.8., 1896, p. 492. Laodice calcarata, Agassiz. Fauna, [V., p. 404. Melicertidiwm octocostatum (Sars). Fauna, IV., p. 405. Mitrocomella polydiadema (Romanes). Fauna, IV., p. 407. Obelia lucifera, Forbes, —yY LIST OF HYDROMEDUSZ. 143 Fauna, IV., p. 406. Phialidium cymbaloideuwm (Van Beneden). Peas 1896, p. 491. Phialidium temporariwm, Browne. P1Z.8., 1896, p. 489. = Phialidiwm variabile, Heeckel. Fauna, IV., p. 409. Saphenia mirabilis (Wright). Fauna, IV., p. 410; P.Z.8., 1896, p. 493. Tiaropsis multicirrata (Sars). Fauna, IV., p. 406. Notes oN THE MEpDus# taken in April, 1896. Margelis ramosa. A young stage with 3 to 4 tentacles in each of the four groups. The oral tentacles twice dichotomously divided. Margellium octopunctatum. All young stages with medusa-buds upon the manubrium. Phialidium cymbaloideum. Young stages usually hav- ing four perradial tentacles; a few, however, showed the commencement of the four interradial tentacles. Umbrella about 2 to 38 mm. in length and width, which is about twice the size of specimens belonging to a similar stage taken in Valencia Harbour, Kerry. The sudden increase in the number of specimens of the two species of Phialidium on 16th of April I am unable to account for. Phialidium temporarium. All young stages, mostly with four tentacles. Umbrella about 1 mm. in diameter. Podocoryne carnea. A young stage not long liberated from its hydroid. It is possible that the meduse# which I have described as Cyteandra. areolata (Fauna, IV., p. 390) may be the later stages of a medusa budded off from one of the species of the hydroid Podocoryne. Tiaropsis multicirrata. Ail the specimens belonged to young stages. Umbrella about 1 to 3 mm, in diameter, 144 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ‘quepunqy At0A TTA “Udy B4 ‘puepundy TA eee qoquinu jenjoe ey} MOoYs ‘UOUIULOD) A. ‘901809 J] somnsy ,, o1qery ,, OU], ‘aomulog Ape AT ‘goreoG AIOA JT Aes NP Re ee A a De - - (ooeys-vrdydny) vanunlio el eee ee ee Se ae Gee Gee ee |= = | = - - - Sieg ‘naudno aulsooopog a ee eerie oe we heen | UA = at 8 - - - - - ¢'ds ‘nisivg : ar 2 adh ee lie = - - - onl ag - (aseys-vrdydny) 072.0 Dany - | - | |] lIAl- |-. £ il - | oc | Caepeusg ue,) wnapropvquho wnipyny IE Be coil ac se me el ea yA a Co I - (sIBQ) wngnzoundoz90 wnrIp7)abLV IY ~ ah. es : : 2 : : Se et aay ee - - [oyowyTT ‘vsowne syabavyy el tte | es eal ee acy en 2 Donations, £> +s, di ih SG 266 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Subscriptions. Donations. & 80. 2 ae Norward ....32 13 6 11° Halls, W. J., 35, Lord-street ... EE be ek oS —~ Hanitsch, Dr., Museum, Singapore ae — Henderson, W.G., Liverpool Union Bank 1 1 O — Herdman, Prof., University College a BO — Hewitt, David B., J.P., Northwich oo linet 16) — Holland, Walter, Mossley Hill-road 2. 2 — Holt, Alfred, Crofton, Aigburth ... Cn es ee — Holt, Mrs. George, Sudley, Mossley Hill 1 0 0 — Hoyle, W. E., Museum, Owens College, oe ee tee et — Isle of Man Natural fetes Se ae quarian Society j ey ee --- Jarmay, Gustay, Hartford 1. d00 — Jones, C.W.,J.P., Field House,Wavertree 1 0 O — Kermode, P. M. C., Hill-side, Ramsey... 1 1 O — Lea, Rev. T. Simecox, 3, Wellington-fields 1 1 0O — Leicester, Alfred, Buckhurst Farm, Eden- bridge, Kent . Macfie, Robert, ara Meade-King, H. W., J.P., Sandfield Park Meade-King, R. R., 4, Oldhall-street Melly, W. R., 90, Chatham-street Monks, F. W., Brooklands, Warrington Mundy, Randal, Manchester Muspratt, E. K., Seaforth Hall ... Newton, John, M.R.C.S., 44, Rodney-st. O’Kell, Robert, B.A., Sutton, Douglas ... Paterson, Prof., University College Poole, Sir James, Tower Buildings Rathbone, Mrs. Theo., Backwood, Neston Rathbone, Miss May, Backwood, Neston DoprFonodrrorf fF Fe _ bo we (=) Spe stot CaP Gao ao ae ao | .@ @) ite) : : oO Forward ... £6 MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 267 Subscriptions. Donations. ane ee ee © Forward ...68 9 0 1 1 0 Rathbone, W., Greenbank, Allerton a9 @ _ Roberts, Isaac, F.R.S., Crowborough ... 1 1 O — Shackleford, Rev. L. J., Clitheroe 010 O —~ Simpson,J.Hope, Annandale, Aigburth-dr 1 1 0 — Smith, A. T., junr., 24, King-street t-t.20 — Talbot, Rev. T. U., 4, Osborne-terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man i ea 0 ee, — Thompson, Isaac C., 53, Croxteth- soa a= 2: 9 a Thornely, James (the late), Baycliff, Woolton a ee ee | -— Thornely, The Misses, Baycliff, Wfoalion Lie dD) — Toll, J. M., Kirby Park, Kirby . cee ee seg) — Torrance, Gilbert, North Quay, ee 3, & ® — Walker, A. O., Nant-y-glyn, Colwyn Bay 3 3 0 = Walker, Horace, South Lodge, Princes-pk. 1 1 0 — Walters, Rev. Frank, B.A., King Wiliam College, Isle of Man.. le 1D —- Watson, A. T., Tapton- — Sheffield se Mame — Weiss, Prof. F. E.,Owen’s College, Man’tr. 1 1 0 — Westminster, Duke of, Eaton Hall my Oa -- Wiglesworth, Dr., Rainhill ere bee ee 8 = Yates, Harry, 75, Shude-hill, Mctceates 0. a0 — £95-18 -0. fed SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE Hire oF ‘“ WorkK-TABLES,’’ OCCUPIED BY COLLEGES, ce. Owens College, Manchester £10 0 0 University College, Liverpool 10 0 O £20 0.0 'S68L ISLE aquiaoog “1lOOdUMA'T unor ‘HLINS “L 'V ‘UUMASVaUT, ‘NOH “poaLtoa punof pup pappn pr ‘NOSdNOHL ‘0 OVVSI } Ws TOGHOLO OS ASE RWWA SECO) (EIS) omqgu SUBULY LO UStqtl abe Gri | l rat} K ote _: puny JUGUUJSOAUT FUAWUMO PUG G Gg POlLF co 9. POLS @ 8 9 rere er * 868T ‘4STE m1) @ | ‘1dINSBOLT, aup aourleqd * 0 i ik Glee eine [06:06 16) 0.0)0) 6) e\s 008.00 00 d'0.0/6,8 10/000 06/805 eee 808 eae eee 0 ae soltpung [a4 e Lp 9 Be BEECHER OOOIID Ok ci getra 6 aunenby 6} SuOIssIUpY A ae ae es ge ae ULOOAY.AO A\ MONT JO asog § GC eg 0 eG OO TO OSE OOgTE déaG06 HODAOOMOOO “-q4s010qU] pues | 66 OO St exo tae ee one [eo1Boporg] ULG, Jog JO quoyy Zo ZR ct PUN (968T) UOTPRIOOSsSY YSIJg Wo ysotozUuy 87 9O “osacteees- Log ALojmIOgET PUY 1OPRAND ‘salle eg ‘ Ore oe ae Seamer yo emmy «ple sqaodoy Jo ayes | « BO G cesses ow ‘stauttoedg jo eseLi1eD ‘o5uysog ooo fo oe ee eS guounioeds “qsIET FEN JO e186 L L 9f wouyrig [eorBolorg UG HO Fe snyeL eddy pure syoog ‘ 6 ST ¢ re eS SOLEUS 5 1 Tl G , ee ee Ce eee eens ally yeog ce “op osnoH GN SUPUPIOA\ TSHNE ‘puoprayy ‘ SOE cea oa Pcetounmalan if BUISpaaq jo soso xg st Oe th aoe See teres SOIGRT, MUON os Gr sos See «eielelelolele eieisleleleleigiainieeleeisislecciele Krwu01yeyg pur Barun * 73 jo ality 10g Sow ‘soHa][oQ Wor poatooot qunowy * 9: Uk sk geas Se seaara BULARABUG| pur sjiodey Surging 0 OL LQ “ paateooa ATLENJOR stoeUoG pure suorpdrosqug he POLS OCU LEST YSTE ‘20d “tommsvery, enp aourlrg OL ce ae coe ‘868T p 8S F S6S8T hy) “TASVaTL ‘NOH ‘NOSdNOHL 0 OVVSI H4IA IN2000V NJ 1G ‘AALLINNWOO ADOTOIN ANIUVIN TOOdUHAIT AHL 269 APPENDIX C. Mon. Treas. Don. Director. Pror. HERDMAN, F-R.S., L. M. B . C * I. C. THOMPSON, F.L.S. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, 53, CROXTETH ROAD, LIVERPOOL, (JANUARY, 1899.) LIVERPOOL PRICE. . «jbe? SPECIMENS. ETc. SUPPLIED BY THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION PORT ERIN . (ISLE OF MAN). Port ERIN is at the south-west corner of the Isle of Man, in the centre of the Irish Sea, and has a rich fauna, both littoral and pelagic. The Liverpool Marine Biology Committee have now appointed a resident Curator, Mr. H. C. Chadwick, who will devote a portion of his time to the collection and preparation of specimens for laboratories and museums. The following price list may be largely added to in the future, and investigators are invited to correspond with the Curator at Port Erin, or with the Hon. Director, Professor Herdman, at Liverpool, in regard to their wants. 4 The prices named in this list include packages and postage, 270 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ALGAE. Cyanophycee. Lyngbya majuscula Calothrix confervicola ... Chlorophycee. Enteromorpha clathrata ii. compressa ... Urospora bangioides Cladophora rupestris Bryopsis plumosa Codium tomentosum Pheophycee. Kctocarpus confervoides Elachista fucicola Sphacelaria cirrhosa Laminaria saccharina Alaria esculenta ... Fucus vesiculosus Himanthalia lorea Pelvetia canaliculata Rhodophycee. Chantransia virgatula Gigartina mamillosa Plocamium coccineum ... Delesseria alata ... Odonthalia dentata Polysiphonia urceolata ... a fastigiata ... be nigrescens Dasya coccinea .. Callithamnion corymbosum Ptilota plumosa ... Ceramium rubrum per tube 4d. - 8d. re Ad. ie 4d. Fs 4d. - 8d. per doz. 2/- per tube 8d. os Ad. = 8d. per doz. 2/- per plant 4d. per doz. 2/- each 4d. per doz. 8d. per tube 1/- per doz. 2/- pied aie » — Q/- » — Q/- 2h 2, nee a) Qf » — 2/- ”? 2/- ” 2/- 2” 1/- MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION AT PORT ERIN. 271 Polyides rotundus Lithophyllum lichenoides Corallina officinalis - rubens PROTOZOA. Foraminifera, various Gromia sp. Noctiluca miliaris PORIFERA. Leucosolenia botryoides Sycon compressum Leucandra nivea ... Pachymatisma johnstonii Halichondria panicea Halisarca dujardinii HYDROIDA. Clava Hydractinia Coryne Tubularia Obehia Sertularia Hydrallmania Antennularia Plumularia HYDROMEDUS&. Sarsia Amphicodon Thaumantias Obelia per doz. 2/- a eusAp 9 wileedye Feasts per tube L/- oe) 1/- 9 1/- per tube 8d. each 1/6 seanenls eee le 1/- to 1/6 per tube, or 6d. to 1/- per specimen. | 1/- to 1/6 per tube, 272 TRANSACTIONS LIVERPOOL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SCYPHOMEDUSZ. Cyanea capillata ... ae ... each 2/- to 2/6 Aurelia aurita ... sg alli pee ast Cis Chrysaora isosceles » 2/- to 2/6 Depastrum cyathiforme ... bat 9d., three 2/- CTENOPHORA. Pleurobrachia pileus __... Bas per tube 8d. ALCYONARIA. Sarcodictyon catenata... ... per colony 1/6 Alcyonium digitatum —...per colony 9d., three 2/- Do., polyps expanded __ per colony 1/- to 1/6 ACTINIARIA. Sagartia sp., varlous... each 4d., three 10d. Actinia mesembryanthemum ao 40s, ee ee Bunodes gemmacea ee io ay ap re Adamsia palliata ... 5p de eee ee E.\CHINODERMATA. Antedon bifida... ne each 1/-, three 2/6 Asterias glacialis ... a as 7 rubens dow gh PEO. Loe ale Henricia sanguinolenta ... gy, ae. tees Solaster papposus aS yas : - _ 7, 7 ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 5 LIST OF THE SPECIES RECORDED FROM THE IRISH SEA AREA. The species in this list are given in zoological order, commencing with the Alge and the Protozoa, and each name is followed by a brief reference to the volume and page of the. L.M.B.C. publications in which the species was recorded or described. The following contractions have been made use of :—The four published volumes of the ‘ Fauna of Liverpool Bay’ are indicated as i1., il., ii., iv. The L.M.B.C, ‘Annual Reports’ are indicated as lst to 10th A.R. The ‘Transactions’ of the Liverpool Biological Society are referred to as T.L.B.8., I, &e. Species which have been found recently, but of which the record has not yet been published, are followed by 10th A.R. to indicate the Annual Report which will appear in December 1896. The Committee are indebted to some of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee and other naturalists, who have worked at Port Erin, and have written reports upon the marine fauna, for compiling or supervising the compilation of the following lists :— 3 LIST OF THE DIATOMACEA. [See Report by HENRY STOLTERFOTH, M.D., &c., in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. ii.] Achnanthes brevipes, Ag. Campylodiscus bicostatus, W. Sm. A. longipes, Ag. C. cribrosus, W. Sm. A. subsessilis, Ehr. Cestodiscus johnsonianum, Greg. Actinocyclus crassus, W. Sm. Chetoceros armatum, West. A, Ralfsii, W. Sm. C. boreale, Bail. Actinoptychus splendens (Shad), Ralfs. C. paradoxum, Cleve. A, undulatus, thr. C. Wighamii, Brightw. Amphiprora alata, Kiitz. Cocconeis scutellum. A, paludosa, Greg. C. britannica, Negeli. A, plicata, Greg. C. eccentrica, Dn. A. pusilla, Greg. Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, Grunt. A, vilrea, Greg. C. concinnus, W. Sm. Amphora affinis, Kutz, C. eccentricus, Ehr. A. binodis, Greg. C. fimbriatus, Ehr. A. commutata, Grun. C. obscurus, Schmidt. A. complexa, Greg. C. radiatus, Ehr. A. hyalina, Kiitz. Cymbella scotica, W. Sm. A. levis, Greg. Dickeia alvoides, Berk. A. litoralis, Dn. Dimeregramma nanum, Greg. A. membranacea, W. Sm, Epithemia constricta, Greg. A. minutissima, Gray EL. gibba, Kiitz. A. salina, W. Sm. E. turgida, W. Sm. A. spectabilis, Greg. Eucampia zodiacus, Ehr. A. ventricosa, Greg, E.. striata, Stolt. Asterionella Bleakleyii, W. Sm. Eupodiscus argus, Ebr. A. Ralfsii, W. Sm. Gomphonema marinum, W. Sm, Atheya decora, West. Grammalophora marina, Kiitz. Bactereastrum varians, Lauder. G. serpentaria, Kiitz. Berkleya obtusa, Grev. Hantzschia virgata, Grun. Biddulphia aurita, Breb. Hyalodiscus stelliger, Bail. B, Baileyii, W. Sm. Hi. scoticus, Grun. B. obtusa, Kiitz. Lauderia delicatula, Peragello. B. granulata, Roper. Liemophora gracilis, Grun, B. radiatus, Greg. LI. anglica, Grun. B. rhombus, W. Sm. L. dalmatica, Kiitz. RB, suborbicularis, Grun. | Mastogloia lanceolata, Th. B, turgida, W, Sm. | = M. Smithii, Th. 5 kEPORT—1896, Melosira borrerc, Grev. M. nummutoides, Bory: M. sulcata, Ehr. M. Westii, W. Sm. Navicula abrupta, Greg: NV. estiva, Dn. N. affinis, Ebr. NV: aspera, Ebr. N. Boeckii, Herberg: N. bombus, Ebr. N. carassius, Ehr. N. elepsydra, Ebr: N. crabro, Bhr. NV. cyprinus, Ehr. N. didyma, Ehr. N. distans, W. Sni. NV. fortis, Greg. NV. fusca, Greg. NV. fusiformis, Grun: LV. granulata, Breb: NV. interrupta, Kitz: N. Johnsonii, Greg. N. litoralis, Dn. NV. lyra, Ebr. NV. marina, Greg: N. northumbriea, Dn: N. numerosa, Dn. N. palpebralis, Breb. NV. peregrina, Dn. N. pusilia, W. Sm. N. pygmea, Kitz. N. rectangulata, Greg: N. rostrata, Ebr. N. semiplena, Greg. N. suborbicularis, Greg: NV. subsalina, Dn. NV. venata, Kiitz. N. Westii, Greg. _ Niteschia bilobata, W. Su. NV. birostrata, W. Sm. N. closterium, W: Sm. JV. distans, Greg. N. granilata, W. Sm: N. lanceolata, W. Sm: NV. notabilis, Grun. N. obtusa, W. Sm. | N. panduriformis, Greg. N. (Baciilaria) paratowd, Git N. plana, W. Sm: N. pinctata, Grun, N. reversa, W. Sm. N. sigma, W. Sm. N. scalaris, W. Sm. N. tenia, W. Sm. N. tryblionella, Hantz. Plagiograinmea gregortdnum, Grey. | Plagiogramma van- Heurekii, Grin. Pleurosigma estuarti, W. Sin. P. dngilatum, W. Sm. P. balticum, W. Sm. P. delicatuiwm, W. Sm. P. distortum, W. Sm. P. elongitum, W. Sm. P. fasciola, W. Sm. P. formosum, W. Sm. P. hippocampus, W. Sm. P. litorale, W. Sm. P. marinum, W. 8m. P. obscwrum, W. Sm: P. prolongatum, W. Sm. P. scalprum, W. Sm, P. strigilis, W. Sm. P. strigoswm, W. Sm. P. tenwissimum, Greg. P. transveréale, Roper. Rhabdonema arcuatum, Kitz. R. minutum, Kitz. Rhaphoneis amphiceros, Ehr. Do. many varieties of this speties, Rhizosolenia imbricata, Brightw. R. setigera, Brightw. R. siyliformis, Brightw. R. Wighamia, Brightw. Schizonema crucigera, W. Sm. S. etimium, Th. S. helmintosum, Greg. S. vulgare, Th. Scoliopieura latistriata, Breb, S. tumida, Breb. Skettonema costatum, Grun, Stauroneis acuta, W. Sm. S. salina, W. Sm. S. linearis, W. Sm. Stephanopyais twrris, Grev. Striatella unipunctata, Ag. Surtrella constricta, W. Sm, S. crtuména, Breb, S. gemma, Ehr, S. fésttiosa, Eh. S. satinég, W. Sm. S. splendida, Kiits. S. striatwla, Turp. Synedra affinis, Kiitz., var. arvus, Kiits, S. fulgens, Kiitz. S. Galiionii, Bhr. S. obtusa, W. Sm. S. pulchella, var. aciculatis, Kiita Toxonitia gregoriana, Dn. T. insignis, Dn. ‘} Triteratium Brightwellit, West T. favus, Ehr. 7. strtolatus, Ehy, ON THE MARINE, ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 7 LIST OF THE MARINE ALG/Ai. [See Reports by Professor R. J. HARVEY GIBSON, M.A., F.L.S., in * Fauna,’ vol. ii. p. 1, and vol. iii. p. 65.] CYANOPHYCEZ. Ord. CHROOCOCCACE A. Gleocapsa crepidinum, Thur. ii. iii. 90. Ord. CHAMASIPHONACE, Dermocarpa prasina, Born, iii.7, A. R. Ig: ibe BOL. D. schousbei, Born. Ord. OSCILLARIACEA. Spirulina tenuissima, Kiitz. iii. 86, 91. S. pseudotenuissima, Crn. iii. 86, 91. Oscillaria nigroviridis, Thw. ii. 27, iE OL. O. coralline, Gom. ii. 27, iii. 91. Phormidium papyraceum, Gom, ii. 27 (as Ose. spiralis), iii. 91. Lyngbya semiplena, J. Ag. ii. 27, iii. 91. 27, ili. 86, 91. Lyngbya estuarii, Liebm. ii. 27, ili. 91. LI. majuscula, Harv. ii. 27, iii. 91. L. spectabilis, Thur. in herb. ili. 91. Symploca hydnoides, WKiitz, iii. 91. Microcoleus chthonoplastes, Thur. ii. 27, iii. 92. Rivularia biasvlettiana, Menegh. ii. ili. 92. R. atra, Roth. B. ii. 26, iii. 92. Calothrix confervicola, C. Ag. il. iii. 92. C. pulvinata, ©. Ag. C. scopulorum, C. Ag. Ord. NOSTOCACE. Anabena torulosa, Lagerh. ii. 26, iii. 92. Nodularia harveyana, Thur. iii. 92. 26, 26, ili. 92. Li, 26, ili. 92. CHLOROPHYCEA. Ord. BLASTOSPORACEA, Urospora collabens, H. and B. iii. 94. Prasiola stipitata, Suhr. A. R, iv. 8, Chetomorpha tortuosa, Kiitz. ii. 24, i. 92. iii. 96. Ord. ULVACEZ. Ch. linum, Kiitz. ii. 24 (as Conf. Monostroma grevillei, J. Ag. ii, 22, crassa), 26 (as Conferva sutoria, aii. 92: Phyc. Brit.), iii. 96. Diplonema confervoides, Kolm. and Ch. melagonium, Kiitz. ii. 23, iii. 96. Batt. iii. 92. Ch. erea, Kitz. ii. 24, iii. 97. Enteromorpha clathrata, J. Ag. ii. 23, Ch. litorea, H. and B, ii. 26 (as Con- iii. 93. ferva litorea.) £. ralfsit, Harv. ii, 23, ili. 93. E. erecta, J. Ag. ii. 23, iii. 93. E. ramulosa, Harv. i. 24, ii. 23, ii. 93. #. percursa, C. Ag. var. ramosa. J. Ag. ii. 23 (as H. percursa), iii. 93. #. compressa, Grev. 1. 24, ii. 23, iii. 93. #. linea, J. Ag. i. 25, ii. 23, iii. 93. E. intestinalis, Link. 1,24, ii. 23,111. 93. E. canaliculata, Batt. iii. 93. Ulva latissima. i. 314, ii. 23 (as U. lactuca, var. genwina), iii. 93. Ord. ULOTHRICHACE Ulothrix implexa, Kiitz. ii. Rhizoclonium), iii. 93. U. isogona, Thur. ii. 24, Ord. CHATOPHORACE, Entoderma wittrockii, Wille. A. R. tv. 7, ili. 93. EH. flustre, Rke. A. R. iv. 7, iii. 93. Ord. CLADOPHORACE®. Urospora pencilliformis, Aresch. ii. 26 (as Conferva youngana), iii. 94. U. flacca, H. and B. ii. 24 (as J. flacea), iii. 94. UV. bangioides, H. and B. 24 (as ili. 94. Rhizoclonium riparium, Harv. 1. 24, ii. 24, iii. 97. Rh. tortwosum, Kiitz. ii. 24. Rh. arenosa, Kitz, 11.25 (as Conferva arenosa). Rh. casparyi, Harv, iii, 118. Cladophora pellucida, Kitz. A.R. iv. 8, Hi. 97. C. hutchinsia, Kiitz. ii. 24, 25 (as C. diffusa), iii. 97. C. utriculosa, Kiitz. var. letevirens, Hauck. i.25(as spec.), ii. 25, iii. 97. C.rupestris, Kitz. i. 25, ii. 24, iii, 12,97. C. glaucescens, Griff. iii. 97. C. fracta, Kiitz, ii. 25, iii. 97. C. flewuosa, Griff. i. 24, ii. 25, ili, 97, C. albida, Kiitz. ii, 25, ii. 97. var. refracta, H.and B. ii.25 (as spec.), Ul. OT C. arcta, Kiitz. C. lanosa, Kiitz. wneialis, Thur. il, ili. 97, C. rudolphiana, Kitz. ii. 25, ii, 118. C. gracilis, Kiitz. 11. 25. ii. 24, iii. 97. ii, 26, iii, 97) var, 25 (as spec.), 8 REPORT—1896. Ord. BRYOPSIDACEA. Bryop:is hypnoides, Lamx. 11.25, ili. 98. B. plumosa, C. Ag. i. 25, ii. 25, iii. 98. Ord. VAUCHERIACE, Vaucheria dichotoma, Lyngb. var. marina, C. Ag. ii. 22, iii. 98. Vaucheria Thuretii, Wor. ii. 22, 11. 98, Ord. CODIACEA. Codium tomentosum, Stackh. ii. 22, iii. 98. PH HOPHYCEA. Ord. DESMARESTIACE. Desmarestia viridis, Lamx, 1.313, ii. 21, iii. 98. D. aculeata, Lamx. i. 26, 313, ii. 21, iii. 98. D. ligulata, Lamx. iii. 98. Ord. DICTYOSIPRONACEA. Dictyosiphon feeniculaceus, Grev. 11.20, iii. 98. Ord. PUNCTARIACE. Litosiphon pusillus, Harv. ii. 21, A. R. iv. 8, ili. 98. L. laminaria, Harv. ii. 21, iti. 118. Stictyosiphon subarticulatus, Hauck. iii. 99. Punctaria plantaginea, Grev. iii. 99. ii. 20, P. latifolia,Grev. i. 313, ii. 20, iii. 99.: var. zoster@, Le Jol. iii. 99, A. R. iv. 8 (as P. tenwissima). Striaria attenvata, Grev, iii. 118. Ord. ASPEROCOCCACE. Myriotrichia claveformis, Harv. ii. 19, iii. 99. var. filiformis, Farl. ii. 19 (as spec.), ili. 99. Asperococcus echinatus, Grev. i. 26, il. 21,111. 99. var. vermicularis, Griff. iii. 99. A. bulbosus, Lamx. turner), iii. 118. Streblonema velutinum, Thur. ii. 18 (as Ectocarpus), iii. 99. Ectocarpus terminalis, Kiitz. iv. 8, iii. 99. E.. confervoides, Le Jol. var. sivicu- losus, Kjell. ii. 18, iii. 99. E. fasciculatus, Harv. ii. 18, iii. 99. E., Lyngb. ii. 18, iii. 99. E. granulosus, ©. Ag. ii. 19, ili. 99. E. crinitus, Carm. ii. 18. E. hincksie, Harv. ii. 19. ii. 21 (as A. A. R. Isthmoplea spherophora, Kjell. A. R. iv. 8, iii. 100. Pylaiclla litoralis, Kjell. ii. 19 (as Ectocarpus), iii. 100. Ord, ARTHROCLADIACE, Arthrocladia villosa, Duby. iii. 100, Ord. ELACHISTACE®, Hlachistu scutulata, Duby. 100. HL. fucicola, Fries. EF. flaccida, Aresch. Ord. SPHACELARIACEA. Sphacelaria radicans, Harv. LOO, A’ avoir, Si ii. 20, ili. ii. 20, ii. 100. ii. 20, iii. 100. Peele, iin, Sphacelaria cirrhosa, C. Ag. i. 25, ii. 19, iii. 100. var. fusca, H. and B. i, 25, ii. 19 (as spec.), iii. 100. S. plumigera, Holm. iii. 100. Chetopteris plumosa, Kiitz. i. 25, 313 (as Sphacelaria), ii. 19, iii. 100. Halopteris filicina, Kiitz. iii. 101. Stypocaulon scoparium, Kitz. 1. 25, li. 7 (as Sphacelaria), 19, iii. 101. Cladostephus spongiosus, C. Ag. i. 24, $13, 1. 6, 7, 19, iii. TOT. C. verticillatus, C. Ag. ili. 101. Ord. MYRIONEMACE, Myrionema strangulans, Grev. ii. 18 i. 24, ii. 19, (as M. vulgare), iii. 101. var. punctiforme, Thur. ii. 18 (as spec ), iii. 101. Ascocyclus leclancherii, Magn. ii. 18 (as Myrionema), iii. 101. A. reptans, Rke. A. R. iv. 8, iii. 101. Ralfsia verrucosa, Aresch. ii. 22, A. RB; iv. 7, 1: 101. Ord. CHORDARIACE#. Chordaria flagelliformis, C. Ag. i. 25, © ii. 20, iii. 101. Mesoglaa vermiculata, Le Jol. ii. 20, iii. 101. M. verticillata, Ag. ii. 20. Castagnea virescens, Thur. ii. 20, iii. 101. Leathesia difformis, Aresch. ii. 20 (as L. umbeliata), iii. 101. Ord. ScYTOSIPHONACE&. Phyllitis zosterifolia, Rke. Ph. fascia, Kiitz. ii. 21. Scytosiphon lomentarius, J. Ag. iii. 102. Ord. CHORDACE. Chorda filum, Stackb. Ord. LAMINARIACEA. Laminaria saccharina, Lamx. ii. 22, iii. 102. L.hieroglyphica,J.Ag. var. phyllitis, iii. 101. ii, 21, ii. 21, iii. 102. 1. 313, Le Jol. ii. 22, iii. 102. L. digitata, Edm. i. 313, ii. 6, 21, iii. 102. L. hyperborea, Fos. iii. 8 (A. R. iv. 8), 102. Sacchorhiza bulbosa, De la Pyl. iii. 102. Alaria esculenta, Grev. ii. 22, iii. 102. Sargassum linifolium, C. Ag. ii. 17, ili. 119, ON THE Ord. SPOROCHNACEZ. Sporochnus pedunculatus, C. Ag. 102. Ord. CUTLERIACEZ. Cutleria multifida, Grev. ii. LOS: Aglavzonia parvula, Zan. ii. 22, 119% Ord. FUCACE. Fucus ceranvides, Linn. iii. 103. F. vesiculosus, Linn. i. 312, ii. 17, iii. 10.20, 105. F. serratus, Linn. 10, 20, 103. F. platycarpus, Thur. ii. 17, iii. 103. Ascophyllum nodosum, Le Jol. i. 312. (as Fucus), ii. 15, 17, iii. 10, 11, 20 lil. 22, iii. ili. iy O22; ou. U7. iii, | MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IPISH SEA. 9 (as Fweus), 103. var. scorpioides, Hauck.‘ 11,17, 111,119. Himanthalia lorea, Lyngb. 20, iii. 11, 103. Halidrys siliquosa, Lyngb. i. 24, 112, 312; ii. 11 (as F'ueus), 17, iii. 103. Pelvetia canaliculata, Decne et Thur. ii. 17 (as Fucus), iii. 103. Cystoseira, sp. ii. 17, 20, iii. 119. Ord. DICTYOTACE. Dictyota dichotoma, Lamx. i. 313, ii. 18, iii. 104. var. implexa, J. Ag. 111.104. var. intricata. iii.8 (A. R. iv.). Taonia atomaria, J. Ag. 1m 173,18; ili. 104. RHODOPHYCEZ. Ord. PORPHYRACEZ. Porphyra laciniata, C. Ag. i. 24, ii. 5, 8 (as P. vulgaris), iii. 104. Bangia fuscopurpurea, Lyngb. ili. 104. Ord. HELMINTHOCLADIACES. Chantransia virgatula, Thur. 104. Ch. secundata, Thur. iii. 8 (A. R. iv.), 104. Ch. daviesii, Thur. thamnion), ili. 104. Helminthocladia purpurea, J. Ag. 104. Helminthora divaricata, J. Ag. ili. 105. Nemalion multifidum, J. Ag. ii. 6, ili £19, Ord. GELIDIACE2. Nacearia wiggii, End. Gelidium corneum, Lamx. i. 12, iii. 105. G. crinale, J. Ag. Ord. GIGARTINACES. Chondrus crispus, Stackh. i1..9, ii. 12, 105. Ll. a; ee a ne ii. 7 (as Calli- iii. ii. 6, 111. 105. 24, ii. ii. 13, iii. 105. i. 25, 313, Gigartina mamillosa, J. Ag. ii. 10, iii. 105. Phyllophora rubens, Grev. i. 24, ii. 10, 15, tii. 105. P. membranifolia, J. ve i. 24, ii. 10, ili. 106. P. trailliit, H. and B, iii. 8 (A. R. iv.), 105. P. palmettoides, J. Ag. iii. 105. Gymnogongrus griffithsie, Mart. il. 10, iii. 105. G. norvegicus, J. Ag. li. 10 (as Chon- drus), ili. 105. Ahnfeldtia plicata, Fries. iii, 7 (A. R. iv.), 105. Callophyllis laciniata, Kiitz. il. (as Rhodymenia), iii, 106. 11 Dictyopteris polypodioides, Lamx, iii. 119. Ord. RHODOPHYLLIDACE. Cystoclonium purpurascens, Kiitz. i. 24 (as Hypnea), ii. 11, iii. 106. Catenella opuntia, Grev. i. 313, ii. 12, iii. 8 (A. R. iv.), 106. Rhodophyllis bifida, Kiitz. ii. 10 (as Rhodymenia), iii. 107. Ord. SPH #ROCOCCACE®. Spherococcus coronopifolius, Grev. ii. 12, iii. 107. Gracilaria confervoides, Grev. i. 25, i. 1A, tn. LOT. Calliblepharis ciliata, Kiitz. i. 24, ii. 10 (as Rhodymenia), iii. 8 (A. R. iv.), 107. C. jubata, Kiitz. 107. Ord. RHODYMENIACES. Rhodymenia palmata, Grev. iii. 108. fh. palmetta, Grev. iii. 108. Lomentaria articulata, Lyngb. ii. 8 (as Chylocladia), 11, iii. 12, 108. L. clavellosa, Gaill. iii. 108. Champia parvula, Harv. iii. 108. Chylocladia haliformis, Grev. ii. 13 (as Lomentaria), iii. 108. Ch. ovalis, Hook. iii. 108. Plocamium coccineum, Lyngb. ii. 10, iii. 108. Microcladia glandulosa, Grev. iii. 120, Euthora cristata, J. Ag. iii. 120. Ord. DELESSERIACE, Nitophyllum punctatum, Grev. iii. 108. _ NV. laceratum, Grev. Delesseria alata, me ili. 108. D.sinuosa, Lamx. 1. 24,ii.12, iii. 108. D. hypoglossum, Lamx. ii.12,iii. 109. D. ruscifolia, Lamx. ii. 12, iii. 109, D 6—3 iii, 7 (A. R. iv.), WoL, 1S, I> oloy lia), i. 313, i. LZ, ii. 12, iii. 108. i. 24, ii. 12, 10 Delesseria sanguinea, Lamx. i. 24, ii. 10 (as Hydrolapathwm), iii. 109. Ord. BONNEMAISONIACE. Bonnemaisonia asparagoides, C. Ag. ii. 14, iii. 109. Ord. RHODOMELACE2. Bostrychia scorpioides, Mont. iii. 109. Rhodomela subfusca, C, Ag. i. 25, ii. 13, iii. 109. Rh. lycopodioides, C. Ag. 109. Odonthalia dentata, Lyngb. ii. iii. 109. Lawrencia obtusa, Lamx. iii. 109. L. hybrida, Lenorm. iii. 109. L. pinnatifida, Lamx. ii. 13, ii. 109. Chondria tenuissima, C. Ag. iii. 109. Polysiphonia sertularioides, J. Ag. i. 14 (as P. pulvinata), iii. 110. P. pibrata, Harv. ii. 14, iii, 110. P. urceolata, Grev. ii. 14, iii. 110. var. patens, J. Ag. iii.110. var. formosa, J. Ag. i. 313, 1. 15 (as species), ili. 110. P. elongella, Harv. P. elongata, Grev. P. violacea, Wyatt. P. fibrillosa, Grev. UisLS,. aid. 13, ii. 14, iii. 110. ii. 14, iii. 110. ii. 14, iii. 110. i. 313, ii, 15, 111. 110. P. fastigiata, Grev. i. 313, ii. 15, iii. 110. P. atrorubescens, Grev. iii. 110. P. variegata, Zan. ii. 14. P. nigrescens, Grev. ii. 14, iii. 111. P. parasitica, Grev. iii. 111. P. byssoides, Grev, i. 313, ii. 14, iii. LIL. P. brodiei, Grev. ii. 14, iii. 111. P. thuyoides, Harv. ii. 14 (as Rhyti- phlea), iii. 111. P. fruticulosa, Spreng. ii. Rhytiphlea), iii. 111. Dasya coccinea, C, Ag. ili, 111. D. arbuscula, C. Ag. iii. 111. D. ocellata, Harv. iii. 111. Rhytiphlea pinnastroides, Harv. 120. Ord. CERAMIACE. Sphondyluthamnion multifidum, Nag. iii. 111. Spermothamnion turneri, Aresch. ii. 6, 14 (as i. 313, ii. 15, uid. iii. 111. var. repens, Le Jol. iii. be & Griffithsia corallina, C. Ag. i. 314, ii. 8, iii. 111. G. setacea, C. Ag. (A. B, iy:), 112. G. barbata, C. Ag. 1. 20, Sd, HL. ft Als i, Ua Lae, Halurus equisetifolius, Kiitz. i, 25, ii. 8 (as Griffithsia), iii. 112. Monospora pedicellata, Solier. i. 314 (as Callithamnion), ii. 6, iii. 112. | | } } | REPORT—1896. Pleonosporium borreri, Niig. Callithamnion), iii. 112. Rhodochorton rothii, Nag. ii. 6, iii. 112. Lh. floridulum, Nag. ii. 6, iii. 112. Rh. membranaceum, Mag. iii. 8. (A. R. iv.), 112. Rh. seiriolanum, Gibs. iv.), 112. Callithamnion polyspermum, C. Ag. ii. 6, iii. 113. C. byssoideum, Arn. ii. 7. C. rosewm, Harv. ii. 7, iii. 113. C. hookeri, C. Ag. ii. 7, iii. 113. li. 7 (as iii. 7 (A. R. C. brodiei, Harv. iii. 119. C. arbuscula, Lyngb. iii. 113. C. tetragonum, C. Ag. ii. 7, iii. 113. var. brachiatum, J. Ag. ii. 7, iii. 113. C. corymbosum, Lyngb. ii. (A.B. av.), 193. C. granulatum, C. Ag. ii. 7, iii. 113. C. seirospermum, Griff. ii. 7, iii. 113. Compsothamnion thuyoides, Schm. ii. 6 (as Callithamnion), iii. 113. C. gracillimum, Schm. iii. 8 (A. R. iv), LkS: C. pluma, C. Ag. Ptilota plumosa, C. Ag. i, 8,11. 112: Plumaria elegans, Schm. Ptilota), iii. 114. Antithamnion cruciatum, Nag. iii. 114. A. plumula, Thur. (AR 1! Sor ii, 6, iii. 119. i. 25, 314, i. 5, ii. 8 (as ii. 6, Li. 6, 111. 114. Spyridea filamentosa, Harv. ii. 10, iii. 114. Ceramium tenuissimum, J. Ag. ii. 8, ili. 114. C. fastigiatum, Harv. ii. 8, iii. 114. CU. deslongchampsti, Chauv. i. 24, ii. 8, 18, iii. 114. C. strictum, Harv. ii. 9, iii 114. var. divaricata, H.and B. ii. 9 (as C. diaphanumy), iii. 114. C. circinatum, J. Ag. ii. 9 (as C. decurrens), ii, 114. C. rubrum, C. Ag. i. 24, 314, 11.5, 7, 8, 9, 18, iii. 114. var. proliferum, J. Ag. iii. 114. C. ciliatum, Ducluz. ii. 9, iii. 114. C. echionotum, J. Ag. ii. 9, iii. 114, C. flabelligerum, J. Ag. ii. 9, iii. 115. C. acanthonotum, Carm. ii. 9, ili. 7 (A. R. iv.), 115. Ord. GLGOSIPHONIACE. Gleosiphonia capillaris, Carm. ii. 9, aii. 115. Ord. GRATELOUPIACE. Halymenia ligulata, C. Ag. Ord. DUMONTIACE. Dumontia filiformis, Lamx. iii, 116. Dilsea edulis,Stackh. i.25(as Iridea), ii. 10 (as Sarcophyliis), iii. 115. ili. 115. i, 24, 11. 9, ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SFA. ll Ord. NEMASTOMACEX. Furceliaria fastigiata, Lamx. ii. 10, 24 (as Fastigiaria), iii. 115. Ord. RHIZOPHYLLIDACEX. Polyides rotundus, Grev. ii. 13 (as P. lumbricaléis), iii. 7 (A. RB iv.), iW Ord. SQUAMARIACE. Petrocelis cruenta, J. Ag. P. pellita), iii. 115. Peyssonnelia dubyi, Crn. iii. 115. Hildenbrandtia prototypus, Nard. var. rosea, Kiitz. iil. 7 (A. R. iv.), 116. Ord. CoRALLINACEA. Schmitziella endophlea, Born. et Batt. ili. 8 (A. R. iv.), 116. Melobesia confervoides, Kiitz. wu. 15, Wu EEG. li. 5 (as i. 313, 11. 5, Melobesia pustulata, Lamx. iii. 116. M. farinosa, Lamx. ii. 15, iii. 117. MW. membranacea, Lamx. ii. 15, iii. REG M. verrucata, Lamx. Lithophyllum lichenoides, Phil. We LEG: L.lenormandi, Rosan. iv.), £17. Lithothamnion polymorphum, Aresch. il. 16 (as Melobesia), iii. 117. LL. caleareum, Aresch. ii. 16, iii. 117. L. fasciculatum, Aresch. ii. 120. Corallina officinalis, Linn. i. 24, 97, 313, 3215 1.4631; 1 20} ee C. rubens, Ellis et Sol. i. 24, ii. 16, He EEG li. 16, iii. 117. ii. 16, iii. 8 (A. 2. LIST OF THE FORAMINIFERA. {See Mr. J. D. SrpDALL’s Report in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. i., and papers since by Mr. PEARCEY, Vol iii., p. 41, Mr. BURGESS, vol. iii., p.59, Mr. CHAFFER, 7th A. R., 40, and Dr. CHASTER, Southport Soc. N. Sci., 1892, and 10th A. R.] Lieberkiihnia Wageneri, Clap. i. 42. Shepheardella teniformis, Sid. Gromia dujardinit, Sch. G. oriformis, Duj. Squamulina levis, Schul. Nubecularia lucifuga, Defr. Biloculina ringens, Lamk, B. depressa, D’Orb. B. elongata, D’Orb. Spiroloculina limbata, D’Orb. S. planulata, D’Orb. S. excavata, D’Orb. ' S. acutimargo, Brady. S. depressa, D’Orb. Miliolina trigonula, Lamk. M. tricarinata, D’Orb. M. oblonga, Montagu. M. boueana, D’Orb. M. seminulum, Linn. M. venusta, Karrer. M. subrotunda, Mont. M. secans, D’Orb. M. bicornis, W. & J. M., ferussacii, D’Orb. M. fusca, Brady. M. agglutinans, D’Orb, M. spiculifera, Sid. M. contorta, D’Orb, M. auberiana, D’Orb. M. pulchella, D’Orb. M. sclerotica, Karr, Ophthalmidium inconstans, Brady. Sigmoilina tenuis, Cz, S. celata, Costa. Cornuspira involvens, Reuss. Astrorhiza limicola, Sand. Dendropk~ye, radiata, 8. Wright. Dendrophrya erecta, S. Wright. Technitella legumen, Norman. Psamnosphera fusca, Schul. Hyperammina elongata, Brady. H. arborescens, Norm. 10th A. R, Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Bow. Reophax fusiformis, Will. R. scorpiurus, Monte. R. Scottii, Chaster. R. findens, G. M. Dawson. R. moniliforme, Sid. R. nodulosa, Brady. Haplophragmium globigeriniforme, P. & J. H. canariense, D’Orb. Hf. agglutinans, D’Orb. Hf. anceps, Brady. Hi. glomeratum, Brady. Placopsilina bulla, Brady. P. Kingsleyi, Sid. P. varians, Carter. Ammodiscus ineertus, D’Orb. A. gordialis, P. & J. A. charoides, P. & J. A. shoneanus, Sid. A. spectabilis, Brady. Trochammina nitida, Brady. T. squamata, P. & J. T. ochracea, Will. T. plicata, Terq. T. inflata, Mont. T. macrescens, Brady. |. Textularia sagittula, Defr. T. agglutinans, D’Orb. T. porrecta, Brady, T. variabilis, Will. T. trochus, D’Orb. T. gramen, D’Orb. p 6—4 12 Textularia fusiformis, Chaster. Spiroplecta sagittula, Defrance. S. biformis, P. & J. Gaudryina filiformis, Berth. Verneuilina polystropha, Reuss. V. spinulosa, Reuss. Clavalina obscura, Chaster. Bigenerina digitata, D’Orb. Bulimina pupoides, D’Orb. B. elongata, D’Orb. B. marginata, D’Orb. B. aculeata,. D’Oib. B. ovata, D’Orb. B. elegans, D’Orb. B. elegantissima, D’ Orb. B. squamigera, D’Orb. B. fusiformis, Will. Virgulina schrevhersiana, Czjzek. V. bolivina, D’Orb. Bolivina punctata, D’Orb. B. plicata, D’Orb. B. pygmea, D’Orb. B. difformis, Will B. enariensis, Costa. #8. dilatata, Reuss. B. levigata, Will. B. variabilis, Will. Cassidulina levigata, D’Orb. C. crassa, D’Orb. Lagena suleata, W. & J. . interrupta, Will. . eostata, Will. Williamsoni, Alcock. caudata, P. & J. Lyelli, Seguenza. Feildeniana, Brady. striato-punctata, P. & J. levis, Mont. gracillima, Seg. . aprculata, Reuss. . globosa, Mont. . striata, D’Orb. . clawata, D’Orb. . Levigata, Reuss, . protea, Chaster. hertwigiana, Brady. crinata, P. & J. lineata, Will. botelliformis, Br. . semilineata, Wr. . Sprralis, Br. . quadrata, Will. . millettii, Chaster. . faleata, Chaster. . inequilateralis, Wr. . bicarinata, Tergq. . semi-alata, B. & M. castrenxis, Sch lagenoides, Will. . tenuistriata, Br. . depressa, Chaster. . gracilis, Will. . semistriata, Will. . distoma, P. & J. SISSIES Palalalalsisisinlsinistsisisivist sisisinisisislsisislelsisie REPORT—1896, Lagena. aspera, Reuss. . marginata, W. & B. Orbignyana, Seg. trigona-marginata, P. & J, lucida, Will. trigono-oblonga, Seg. & Sid. ornata, Will. . trigono-ornata, Brady. . pulchella, Brady. melo, D’ Orb. . sguamosa, Mont. hexagona, Will. hispida, Reuss. Nodosaria scalaris, Lamk. NV. radicula, Linn: NV. Calomorpha, Reuss. NV. hispida, D’Orb. NV. pyrula, D’Orb. NV. communis, D’Orb. NV. obliqua, D’Orb. Lingulina carinata, D’Orb. L. herdmani, Chaster. Vaginulina legumen, Linn. V. linearis, Mont. Marginulina costata, Batsch. M. glabra, D’ Orb. Cristellaria rotulata, Lamk., C. crepidula, F. & M. C. italica, Defr. C. variabilis, Reuss. C. elongata, Will. C. cultrata, Montfort. CU. gibba, D’Orb. C. vortex, F. & M. Polymorphina lactea, W. & J. Do., var. oblonga, Will. P. oblonga, D’Orb. P. gibba, D’Orb. subequalis, D’Orb. communis, D’Orb. . thouini, D’Orb. compressa, D’Orb. lanceolata, Reuss. coneava, Will. spinosa, D’Orb. orbignyti, Zborzewskii. P. sororia, Reuss, P. rotundata, Born. P. concava, Will. Uvigerina pygmea, D’Orb. U. angulosa, Will. U. canariensis, D’Orb. Globigerina bulloides, D’Orb. Do., var. triloba, Reuss, G. inflata, D’Orb. G. equilateralis, Br. G. rubra, D’Orb. Orbulina universa, D’Ord. Pullenia spheroides, D’Orb. Spheridina dehiscens, P. & J. Spirillinga vivipara, Ehrenb. S. margaritifera, Will. S. tuberculata, Brady. S. limbata, Brady. SSSR SESSA hte hshs ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 13 Patellina corrugata, Will. | Pulvinulina repanda, var. concamerata, Discorbina rosacea, D’ Orb. Mont. D. ochracea, Will. P. awricula, F. & M. D. globularis, D’Orb. P. canariensis, D’Orb. D. orbicularis, Terquem, P. karsteni, Reuss. D. biconeava, P. & J. P. nitidula, Chaster. D. turbo, D’Orb. Rotalia Beccarii, Linn. D. parisiensis, D’Orb. R. nitida, Will. D. nitida, Wright. Gypsina inherens, Schul. D. Wrightii, Br. | G. vesicularis, P.& J. 10th A. R. D. Bertheloti, D’Orb. | Nonionina asteriziias, BF. & M. D. minutissima, Chaster. | LV pauperata, 3. & W. D. tuberculata, Balkwill & Wright. N. turgida, Wil). Planorbulina mediterranensis, D’Orb. NV. scapha, ¥F. & M. Truncatulina Haidengerii, D’Orb. N. umbilicatula, Mont. T. ungeriana, D’ Orb. NV. depressula, W. & J. T. lobatula, Walker & Jacob. N. stelligera, D’Orb. T. refulgens, Montf. N. boueana, D’Orb. 7. reticulata, Czjzek. Polystomella crispa, Linn. Pulvinulina repanda, F, & M. P. striato-punctata, F. & M. LIST OF THE PORIFERA. [See Reports by Mr. T. HIGGIN and Dr. R. HANITSCH in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. i. p. 72, vol. ii. p. 28, vol. ili. p. 192, and Annual Reports. ] CALCAREA. HOMOCGLA. Sycon compressum, auct. ii. p. 45. Leucosolenia botryoides, Ellis and S. coronatum, B. & Sol. iii. p. 237. Solander. iii. p. 233. Aphroceras ramosa, Carter. 1. p. 92. LL. contorta, Bowerbank, iii. p. 233. Leucandra fistulosa, J. 1. p. 92. L. coriacea, Fleming. iii. p. 232. L. Gossei, Bow. iii. p. 236. L. lacunosa, Johnston. iii. p. 233. L. impressa, Hanitsch. iii. p. 234. HETEROCGLA. LL. Johnstoni, Carter. iii. p. 236. Sycon asperum, Gibson. i. p. 365. L. nivea, Grant. iii. p. 236. SILICEA. HEXACERATINA. Reniera pallida, Bow. i. p. 83. Halisarca Dujardini, J. ii. 32. R. simulans, J. i. p. 83. Aplysilla rubra, Hanitsch. iii. p. 196; BR. varians, Bow. iii. p. 198. ‘Irish Sponges,’ T.L.B.S., V., p. 219. Esperiopsis fucorum, J. 1. p. 84. TETRACTINELLIDA. Esperella egagropila, J. iil. p. 202. Dercitus Bucklandi, Bow. iii. p. 221. Desmacidon fruticosum, Mont. 7th A. R. Stryphnus ponderosus, Bow, i. p. 88. p. 22. Do., var. rudis. iii. p. 221. Dendoryx inerustans, Esper. iii. p. Stelletta Grubei, O. Sch. iii. p. 227. 204. Puchymatisma Johnstonia, Bow. iii. Jophon expansum, Bow. 6th A. R. p. 44. p. 229. Myzilla irreyularis, Bow. 8th A. R. MONAXONIDA. p. 18. Chalina oculata, Pall. i. p. 76. Pocillon Hyndmani, Bow. Irishsponges, Acervochalina gracilenta, Bow. _ iii. T.L:B 6. Vag Pe oot p. 199. Plumohalichondria plumosa, Mont. i. A. limbata, Mont. ii. p. 34. p. 78. Chalinula Montagui, Flem. iii. p. 201. Microciona atrasanguinea, Bow. iil. Halichondria panicea, Pall. ii, p. 32. p. 207. H. albescens, J. i. p. 79. Rauspailia ventilabrum, Bow. iii. p. H. coccinea, Bow. i. p. 79. 212. Reniera clava, Bow. i. p. 84. ibulinus rigidus, Mont. iii. p. 213. R. densa, Bow. i. p. 83. Echinoclathria seriata, Grant. iii. p. ft. elegans, Bow. i. p. 82. 205, R. fistulosa, Bow. i. p. 83. Hymeniacidon caruncula, Bow. i. p. 79. Rf. ingalli, Bow. iii. 199. Ai. sanguwineum, Bow. i. p. 87. 14 REPORT—1896. Awinella mammillata, Hanitsch. iii. Polymastia robusta, Bow. p. 209. iii. p. 220. Tethya lyneurium, Linn. iii. p. 220. Suberites carnosus, J. i. p. 86. MONOCERATINA. S. domuneula, Olivi. iii. p. 214. Leiosella pulchella, Sow. 8th A. R. S. ficus, J. ili. p. 216. p. 18. Cliona celata, Grant, iii. p. 216. Polymastia mammillaris, Bow. 220. Spongelia fragilis, Mont. iv. p. 198. lil. p. LIST OF THE CQALENTERATA. A. HYDROZOA. I. HYDROIDA. [See Report by Prof. HERDMAN and others in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. i., and Report by Miss L. R. THORNELY in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iv. | ATHECATA. Clava multicornis, Forskal. 225. C. leptostyla, Agassiz. 1. 97, iv. 225. Tubiclava cornucopia, Norm. 9th A. R., . £0. Hydractinia echinata, Fleming. iv. 225. Coryne ran- Benedeni. C. vaginata, Hineks. 10th A. R. C. pusilla, Gaertner. i. 28, iv. 225. Syncoryne eximia, All. 8thA. R., p.19. Eudendrium rameum, Pallas. i. 98, iv. 225. E. ramosum, Linn. i. 98, iv. 225. EF. capillare, Alder. i. 98, iv. 225. Hydranthea margariea, Hincks. iv. 222, 223, 225. Garveia nutans,T. 8. W. i. 99, iv. 226. Bimeria vestita, T.S.W. i. 100, iv. 226. Perigonimus repens, T.S.W. 9th A. R., pi. Dicoryne eonferta, Ald. 8th A.R., p.19. Bougainvillia muscus, Allman. i. 100, iv. 226. B. ramosa, V. Ben. 97; iv. 1 OF; iv. 222, 225. iv. 222, 226. Tubularia indivisa, Linn. i. 100, iv. | 226. | T. coronata, Abildgaard. i. 100, iii. 49, iv. 226. T. simplex, Ald. i. 100, iv. 226. T. larynx, Eliis and Solander. i. 101, iv. 222, 226. T. britannica, Pennington. i. 101, iv. 226, T. attenuata, Allm. iii. 49, iv. 222, 226. Evtopleura Dumortierii, van Beneden. i. 101, iv. 226. Corymorpha nutans, Sars. i. 101, iv. THECAPHORA. Clytia Johnstoni, Ald. i. 101, iv. 226. Obelia geniculata, Linn. i. 102, iv. 222, 226. O. gelatinosa, Pall. O. longissima, Pall. i. 102, iv. 226. i. 102, iv, 226. Obelia flabellata, Hincks. i. 102, iv. 226. O. dichotoma, Linn. i. 103, iv. 226. O. plicata, Hincks. iv. 222, 226. Campanularia volubilis, Linn, i. 103, iv. 226. C. Hinckhsii, Ald. i. 104, iv. 226. C. fragilis, Hincks. iv. 222, 226. C. caliculata, Hincks. i. 104, iv. 226. C. verticillata, Linn. i. 104, iv. 226. C. flecuosa, Hincks. i. 104, iv. 226. C. angulata, Hincks. i. 105, iv. 226. C. neglecta, Ald. i. 105, iv. 226. C. raridentata, Ald. iii. 49, iv. 222, 226. Gonothyrea Lovéni, Allm. 226. G. gracilis, Sars. iv. 222, 226. G. hyalina, Hincks. iv. 222, 223, 226. Opercularella lacerata, Johnston. i. 105, iv. 226. Lafoéa dumosa, Fleming. i. 226. Do., var. robusta, Sars. iv. 222, 226. L. fruticosa, Sars. iv. 222, 226. Calycella syringa, Linn. i. 106, iv. 227. C. fastigiata, Ald. iv. 222, 224, 227. C. pigmea, Ald. iv. 222, 224, 227. C. grandis, Hincks. iv. 222, 227. C. costata, Hincks. iv. 222, 227. C. humilis, Hincks. iv. 222, 227. Filellum serpens, Hassall. i, 106, iv. 222, 224, 227. Coppinia arcta, Dalyell. i. 106, iv. 227. Halecium halecinum, Linn. i. 107, iv. 227. H, Beanii, Johnst. Hi. tenellum, Hincks. 227. H. muricatum, Ellis & Sol. Sertularella polyzonias, Linn. iv. 227. S. rugosa, Linn. S. Gayi, Lamx. iv. 222, 227. S. tenella, Ald. iii. 49, iv. 222, 227. S. fustformis, Hincks. iv. 222, 227. i. 105, iv. 106, iv. i, 107, iv. 227. ili. 49, iv. 225, ili. 49. i. 108, i. 108, iv. 227. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. Diphasia rosacea, Linn. i. 108, iv. 227. D. attenuata, Hincks. i. 109, iv. 227. D. pinaster, Ellis & Sol. i. 109, iv. 227. D. tamarisca, Linn. D. fallax, Johnst. Sertularia pumila, Linn, 227. S. gracilis, Hassall, i. 110, iv. 227. S. operculata, Linn. i. 110, iv. 227. S. filicula, Ellis & Sol. i. 110, iv. 227. S. abietina, Linn. i. 110, 227. S. argentea, KE. & Sol. i. 110, iv. 227. S. cupressina, Linn. i. 111, iv. 227. i. 109, iv. 227. i. 109, iv. 227. i. 109, iv. | | ~ 15 Thuiaria thuja, Linn. iv. 222, 227. Antennularia antennina, Linn. i. 112, iv. 227. A. ramosa, Lam. i. 112, iv. 227. Aglaophenia pluma, Linn. i. 112, iv. 228 A, myriophylium, Linn, i. 112, iv. 222, 228. A. tubulifera, Hincks. iv. 222, 228. A. pennatula, BH. & Sol. iv. 222, 228. Plumularia pinnata, Linn. i. 113, iv. 228. P. frutescens, &. & Sol. iv. 222, 228. P. setacea Ellis. i. 113, iv. 228. Hydrallmania falcata, Linn. i. 111, P. Catharina, J. i. 113, iv. 228. iv. 227. P echinulata, Lam. iv. 222, 225, 228. Thuiaria articulata, Pall. i. 111, iv. P. similis, Hincks. i. 113. iv. 228. 232, 227. Il MEDUS2. [See ‘ List of Meduse and Ctenophora of the LM.B.C. District,’ by J. A. CLUBB, ‘ Fauna,’ vol. i. p. 114, and ‘ Report on the Meduse of the L.M.B.C. District,’ by E. T. BROWNE, ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iv. p. 371.] HYDROMEDUS&. ANTHOMEDUS2. Laodice cruciata, L. Agassiz. 1.115, Codonium pulehellum, Forb. iv. 374. iv. 404. Corymorpha nutans, Sars. 10th A. R. L. calearata, L. Agassiz. iv. 404. Sarsia tubulosa, Sars. i. 115, iv. 375. LEPTOMEDUS&. Dipurena halierata, Korb. iv. 375 Melicertidium octocostatum, Sars. iv. Steenstrupia rubra, Forb. iv. 575 405. Euphysa aurata, Korb. iv. 376. Clytia Johnstoni, Alder. iv. 406. Hybocodon prolifer, Agassiz. 10th Kucope octona, Forb. i. 115, iv. 406. A. R. Obelia lucifera, Forb. iv. 406. Amphicodon fritillaria, Steenstr. iv.379 Tiaropsis multicirrata, Sars. iv. 406. Tiara pileata, Forskal. iv. 386. Turris neglecta, Lesson. i. 115, iv. 388. Dysmorphosa carnea, M. Sars. iv. 388. D. minuma, Heckel. iv. 388. ? Cyteandra areolata, Ald. iv. 390. Lizzia blondina, Forb. iv. 393. Margelis principis, Steenstrup. iv. 394. M ramosa, Van Beneden. Epenthesis cymbaloidea, Slabber. 1. 116, iv. 407. Mitrocomella polydiadema, Romanes. iv. 407. Phialidium variabile, Heckel. iv. 408. Ph. temporarium, Browne, 10th A. R. Ph. cymbaloidium, Van Beneden. M. britannica, Forb. i. 115, iv. 395. Eutima insignis, Keferstein. iv. 410. Margellium octopunctatum, Sars. i. Saphenia mirabilis, Wright iv. 410. 117, iv. 398. Tiaropsis miulticirrata, Sars. 10th Podocoryne carnea, Sars. 10th A. R. A. R. Thaumantias hemispherica, Mill. i. Thaumantias convexa, Forb. i. 116. 116, 117, iv. 403. T. lucida, Forb. 1. 116. SCYPHOMEDUS&. STAUROMEDUS&. DISCOMEDUS&. Depastrum cyathiforme, Sars. iv. 152, Chrysaora isosceles, Linn. iv. 412. 411. Cyanea capillata, Linn. i. 117, iv, 412, Haliclystus auricula, Rathke. iv. 157, 411, = Lake Agalmopsis elegans, Sars. 10th A. KR. i. 117, Iv eee. i. 118, iv. 413. Aurelia aurita, Lam. | Pilema octopus, Linn. SIPHONOPHORA. | Physalia pelagica, Esch, i. 118. 16 REPORT— 1896. IV. CTENOPHORA. SACCATA. EURYSTOMATA. Pleurobrachia pileus, Flem. i. 118, Beroé ovata, Lam. i. 119. P. pomiformis, Pat. i. 119. LOBATA. Bolina hibernica, Pat. i. 119. B. ACTINOZOA. I. ALCYONARIA. [See Report on the Alcyonaria of the L.M.B.C. District, by Professor HERDMAN ‘Fauna,’ vol. i. p. 120, and also note upon yellow variety of Sarcedictyon catenata in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iv. p. 322.] ALCYONIDA. Alcyonium digitatum, Linn. i. 122. Sarcodictuon catenata, Forb. i, 120, | PENNATULIDA. iv. 322. Virgularia mirabilis, Lamk., A. R. II. ACTINIARIA. [See Report on the Actiniaria of the L.M.B.C. District, by Dr. J. W. ELLIs, ‘Fauna,’ vol. i. p. 123 (nomenclature revised since by Prof. HADDON). } PROTANTHID®. Cylista viduata, Mill. i. 125. Corynactis viridis, All. i. 129. C. undata, Mill. i. 125. Capnea sanguinea, Forb. i. 129. Do., var. candida, Mill. i. 126. HEXACTINID®. Adamsia palliata, Bohadsch. 1. 127. Halcampa chrysanthellum, Peach. i. Actinia equina, Linn. i. 127. : Anemonia sulcata, Penn. i. 128. Metridium dianthus, Ellis. i. 123. Urticina crassicornis, Mill. i. 128. Cereus pedunculatus, Penn. i. 124. Bunodes verrucosa, Penn. i. 129. Sagartia miniata, Gosse. i. 125. Paraphellia expansa, Uadd. 9th S. vosea, Gosse. AH 9, S. venusta, Gosse. i. 125. ZOANTHIDA. S. nivea, Gosse. Epizoanthus arenacea, Delle C. i. 130. S. lacerata, Dall. 7th A. R., 22. CERIANTHIDZ. S. sphyrodeta, Gosse. i. 127, Cerianthus Lloydti, Gosse. i. 130. LIST OF THE ECHINODERMATA. [See Professor HERDMAN’S Report upon the Crinoidea, Asteroidea, Echinoidea, and Holothuroidea, and Mr. H. C. CHADWIck’s Report upon the Ophiuroidea in the ‘Fauna,’ vol. i., and Mr. H. C. CHADWICK’s Second Report on the Echinodermata in the ‘ Fauna,’ vol. ii., and papers in vol. iv.] CRINOIDEA. Antedon bifida, Penn. (rosaceus, Auct.). i. 131, ii. 48. ASTEROIDEA. Asterias rubens, Linn. i. 132, ii. 49. Palmipes placenta, Penn. i. 135, iv. A. glacialis, Linn. i. 133, ii. 50. 23. A. hispida, Penn. i. 133. Porania pulvillus, O.F.M. i. 13¢, ii. Stichaster roseus, Miill. ii. 49. 51. Henricia sanguinolenta, O.F.M. i. 133, Astropecten irregularis, Penn. i. 135, li. 50. ii. 51. Solaster endeca, Linn. i. 134, ii. 50. Luidea ciliaris, Phil. i. 136, ii. 52, S. papposus, Fabr. i. 134, ii. 50. iv. 271, Asterina gibbosa, Penn. i. 134, ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. yy ECHINOIDEA. DESMOSTICHA. Echinus esculentus, Linn. i. 136. HK. miliaris, Linn i. 136. CLYPEASTRIDA. Echinocyamus pusillus, O. F. M. i. 137. PETALOSTICHA. Spatangus purpureus, Mill. i. 137. Lchinocardium cordatum, Penn. i. 138. L. flavescens, O. F. Miill. i. 138. Brissopsis lyrifera, Forb. iv. 23, 175. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. APODA. Synapta inherens, O. F. M. iv. 363. PEDATA. Phyllophorus Drummondi, Thomps. Sin Ae Roto Las; Ocnus brunneus, Forb. i. 139. Cucumaria pentactes, Mill. i. 139. C. Hyndmani, Thomp. i. 139. C. Planci, Marenz. ii. 53. Thyone fusus,O. F. M. i. 138, iv. 178. T. raphanus, D. & K. iv. 175, 178. OPHIUROIDEA. Ophiura ciliaris, Linn. i. 140. O. albida, Forb. i. 141. Ophiopholis aculeata, Linn. i. 141. Amphiuwra elegans, Leach. i. 142. Amphiura Chiajii, Forb. ‘9th A. R. p.. 17. Ophiocoma nigra, Abild. i. 142. Ophiothrix fragilis, Abild. i. 143. LIST OF THE VERMES. TURBELULARIA. [See Report by F. W. GAMBLE, M.Sc., in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iv.] I. POLYCLADIDA. Leptoplana tremellaris, O. F. Mill. iv. 72. Cycloporus papillosus, Lang. iv. 74. Oligociadus sanguinolentus, Quatref. iv. 76. Stylostomum variabile, Lang. iv. 77. II. RHABDOCGLIDA. Aphanostoma diversicolor, Oe. iv. 59. Convoluta paradoxa, Oe. iv. 59. C. flavibacillum, Jens. iv. 61. Promesostoma marmoratum, Schultze. iv. OL, P. ovoideum, Schm. iv. 62. P. lenticulatum, Schm. iv. 62. Byrsophiebs intermedia, v. Graft. iv. 63. Proxenetes flabellifer, Jens. iv. 63. Pseudorhynchus bifidus, McInt. iv. 64. Acrorhynchus caledonicus, Clap. iv. 65. Macrorhynchus Naegelii, Koll. iv. 66. M. helgolandicus, Metsch. iv. 66. Hyporhynchus armatus, Jens. iv. 66. Provortex balticus, Schultze. iv. 67. Plagiostoma sulphureum, v. Graft. iv. 68. P. vittatum, Frey and Leuck. iv. 68, Vorticeros auriculatum, O. F. Miill. iv. 69. Allostoma pallidum, Van Ben. iv. 69. Cylindrastoma quadrioculatum, Leuck. iv. 70 C. inerme, Hallez. iv. 21. Monotus lineatus, O. F. Miill. iv. 70. M. fuscus, Oe. iv. 71. III. TRICLADIDA, Planaria littoralis, Van Ben. 10th A. R. NEMERTEA. [See Report by W. I. BEAUMONT, in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iv. ] Malacobdella grossa, O. F. M. i. 145. Cephalothria bieculata, Oersted. iv. 217, 452, Carinella linearis, Mont. i. 145, 332. C. Aragoi, Joubin. iv. 451. ? C. annulata, Mont. iv. 217. Lineus marinus, Mont. i. 332. D 6.--5 18 Lineus obscurus, Desor. iv. 220, 465. L. longissimus, Sow. iv. 220, 466. Cerebratulus angulatus (?), O. F. Miill. iv. 220. C, fuscus, Hubrecht. iv. 467. Micrura purpurea, J. Mill. iv. 466. M. fasciolata, Ehr. iv. 466. M. candida, Birger. iv. 466. Amphiporus lactifiloreus, M‘Intosh. iv. 217, 453. ~ “-REPORT—1896. Tetrastemma nigrum, Riches. 457. T. dorsale, Abildgaard. iv. 218, 456. T. immutabile, Riches. iv. 219, 458. T. candidum, O. F. Mill. iv. 219, 458. T’. melanocephalum, J. iv. 219, 461. T. vermiculatum, Quatr. iv. 219,461. T. Robertiane, M‘Intosh. iv. 219,463. T. flavidum, Ebr. iv. 455. T. cephalophorum, Biirg. (as Proso- iv. 218, A. puicher, O. F. Mill. iv. 218, 452. rhochmus Claparedii, Kef.) iv. 464. A, dissimulans, Riches. iv. 453. Nemertes Neesii, Oersted. iv. 219, 465. CHAETOGNATHA. Sagitta bipunctata, Quoy & Gaimard. i. 146, 332. GEPHYREA. Thalassema, sp. (2 n. sp.). 10th A. R. Phascolosoma vulgare, de Bl. 3rd A. R., p. 34. HIRUDINEA. RHYNCHOBDELLID&. Pontobdella muricata, Linn. i. 146. CHATOPODA. [See Reports by Prof. R. J. H. GIBSON in ‘Fauna,’ vol. i. p. 144, and by Mr. JAMES HORNELL in vol. iii. p. 126.] ARCHI-ANNELIDA. Dinophilus teniatus, Harmer. 6th A. R.., 34; 7th, 44. Polygordius, sp. 9th A. R., 49. MyZOSTOMIDA. Myzostomum, sp. i. 132. OLIGOCH ETA. Iambricus lineatus, Mill. i. 147. Clitellio arenarius, O. F. M. Tth A. R., p. 43. POLYCH ATA. Section. A—ERRANTIA. Hermione hystrix, Savigny. i. 12,147, 332, iii. 132. Aphrodite aculeata, Linn. i. 7, 148, iii, Lal, Panthalis Oerstedi, Kinb. iv. 328. Acholoé astericola, Delle C. i. 148, iii. 139. Polynoé halieti, MTntosh. i. 12, 149, 332, ili. 135. P. imbricata, Linn. i.149, 332, iii. 134. P. castanea, M‘Intosh. i. 149, 345, 352, iii. 138. P. impar, Johnst. iii. 135. P. setosissima, Sav. iii. 138. P. lunulata, Delle C. iii. 139. P. Johnstoni, Marenzeller. iii, 139. P, reticulata, Claparéde. 10th A. R. P. semisculpta, Sohnst. 10th A. R. Halosydna gelatinosa, Sars. iii. 140. Hermadion assimile, M‘Intosh. i. 12, 150, 332, 348, 353. H. pellucidum, Ehlers. iii. 140, Lepidonotus squamatus, Linn, _ iii, 133. Nychia cirrosa, Pall, iii, 133. Sthenelais boa, Johnst. iii 141. S. limicola, Ehlers. iii. 141. Pholoé minuta, Fab. i. 152, iii. 142. Spinther oniscoides, Johnst. iii. 142. Nephthys ceca, Fab. iii. 147. NV. hombergi, Aud. & M. Edw. | iii. 147 Hulalia viridis, O. F. Mill. i. ili. 149, Phyllodoce maculata, O. F. Mull, iii. 149. P. laminosa, Sav. iii. 149. Syllis tubifex, Gosse. iii. 147. S. armillaris,O. F. Miill. i. 153, 332, iii. 148. Autolytus Alexandri, Malmgren. iii. 148. A. prolifer, O. F. Mill. iii. 148. Ephesia gracilis, Rathke. iii. 148. Psamathe fusca, J. iii. 148. Castalia punctata, Mill. iii. 148. Nereis pelagica, Linn. i. 154, 332, iii. 152, 144, N. Dumerilii, Aud. & M. Edw. i. 154, iii. 144. N. diversicolor, Mill. iii. 144. NV. fucata, Sav. iii. 145. NV. virens, Sars. iii. 146. LInmbriconereis fragilis, O. F. Mill. i. 154, 332. Eunice Harassii, Aud. & M. Edw. iii.142. Onuphis conchilega, Sars. iii. 148. Goniada maculata, J. i. 155. Glycera nigripes, Johnst. iii. 147. G. dubia, Blainville. iii. 147. G. Goési, Mgrn. iii. 147. G. capitata, Oersted. iii. 147. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 19 Section B—SEDENTARIA. Ophelia limacina, Rathke. iii. 150. Ammotrypane aulogaster, H. Fake. iii. 150. Chetopterus variopedatus, Ren. iii. 158. Spio seticornis, Fabr. i. 156, iii. 157. Nerine vulgaris, J. i. 156, iii. 158. N. cirratulus, Delle C. iii. 157. Leucodora ciliata, J. iii. 158. Magelona papillicornis, F. Mill. 10th A.R Areénicola marina, Linn. iii. 151. A. ecaudata, Johnst. 10th A. R. Capitella capitata, Fab. iii. 151. Nicomache lumbricalis, Fab. iii. 154. Awiothea catenata, Malmgren. iii. 155. Owenia filiformis, Delle C. iii. 155. Scoloplos armiger, Mull. iii. 155. Cirratulus cirratus, O. F. Mull. i. 156, apes iH. 156. C. tentacilatus, Montagu. iii. 156. Chetozone setosa, Malmgren. iii. 157. Sabellaria alveolata, Linn. 1. 58, 156, iii. 163. S. spinulosa, R. Leuckart. iii. 163. Pectinaria belgica, Pall. i. 8, 157, 332, 349, iii. 163. Pectinaria auricoma, O. F. Miill. i. 157, iii. 162. Ampharete Grubei, Malmgren. iii. 161. Trophonia plumosa, Mill. iii. 159. Flabelligera affinis, Mgrn. 10th A. R. Terebella nebulosa, Mont. i. 158, 333, iii. 160. Amphitrite figulus, Dalzell. iii. 160. Lanice conchilega, Pall. iii. 160. Thelepus cincinnatus, Fab. i. 158, iii. 160. Nicolea venustula, Mont. iii. 161. Sabella pavonia, Sav. iii. 164. Do., var. bicoronata, Hornell. iii. 164. Dasychone Herdmani, Hornell. iii. 165. Amphicora fabricia, Mill. iii. 166. Serpula vermicularis, Ellis. i. 3, 159. S. reversa, Mont. iii. 167. S. triquetra, Linn. i. 159. Spirorbis borealis, Mérch. i. 159, 333, ili. 167. S. lucidus, Morch. i. 160, iii. 167. Filigrana implexa, Berkeley. i. 12, 160, 333, iii. 167. Tomopteris onisciformis, Eschscholtz. i. 160, 333, iii. 150. BRACHIOPODA. Terebratula caput-serpentis, Linn. 7th A. R., p. 28 Crania anomala, Miiller. iii. 62; 6th A.R., p. 25; 7th, pp. 15, 29 ; 8th, p. 15. POLYZOA. [See Mr. Lomas’ Reports in ‘ Fauna,’ vols. i. and ii., and the various lists and additions made by Miss L. R. THORNELY in the Annual Reports since.] CHEILOSTOMATA, Aetea anguina, Linn. i. 164; ii. 94. A. recta. Hincks. i. 164; ii. 94; 9th A. B., pp- 20, 34. A, truncata, Lands. i. 164; ii. 94. Eucratea chelata, Linn. i. 164; ii. 94. Do., var. repens. i. 164; ii. 94. Do., var. gracilis. i. 165; ii. 94. Do., var. elongata, Lomas. i.165; ii. 94. Gemellaria loricata, Linn, i. 165; ii. 94. Cellularia Peachii, Busk. i. 166; ii. 94. Scrupocellaria scruposa, Linn. i. 166, ii. 94. S. serupea, Busk. i. 166, ii. 94. S. reptans, Linn. i. 166, ii. 94. Bicellaria Ch tb Ean. it 36%,. id, 94, Bugula geile, Linn. i. 168, ii. 94. B. turbinata, Alder. i. 167, ii. 94, Srd A. R., p. 23. B. flabeliata, J. V. Thomp. i. 167, ii. 94. B. plumosa, Pallas. i. 168, ii. 94. B. purpurotincta, Norm, i. 168, ii. 94. Beania mirabilis, Johnst. i. 168, ii. 94. Cellaria fistulosa, Linn. i. 169, ii. 92. C. sinuosa, Hass. ii. 88, iii. 29. - Flustra foliacea, Linn. i. 170, ii. 94. F’. carbasea, Ell. & Sol. i. 170. FE, papyracea, Ell, & Sol. i. 170, ii. 94. F’. securifrons, Pall. i. 170, ii. 94. Membranipora lacroixii, Aud. i. 170, li. 94. M. monostachys, Busk. i. 171, ii. 94. M. catenularia, Jameson. i. 171, ii. 94. M. pilosa, Linn. i. 171, ii. 94. Do., var. dentata. 4th A. R., p. 25. M. membranacea, Linn. i. 171, ii. 95. M. hexagona, Busk. i. 171. M. lineata, Linn. i. 172, ii. 95. M. craticula, Ald. i. 172, ii. 95. M. spinifera, Johnst. 10th A. R. M. disereta, Hincks. 9th A.R., pp. 11, 34, M. Dumerilii, Aud. i. 172, ii. 95. M. solidula, Ald. and Hincks. 9th A. R., pp. 11, 34. M. awrita, Hincks. i. 172, ii. 95. M. imbeilis, Hincks. 7th A. R.,p.18. M. Flemingii, Busk. i. 172, ii. 94. M. Rosselii, Aud. i. 172, ii. 95. M. nodulosa, Hincks, 9th A. R., pp. Lt}, 34, 20 Micropora coriacea, Esper. i. 173, ii. 95. Cribrilina radiatu, Moll. i. 173, ii. 95. C. punctata, Hass. i. 173, il. 95. C. annulata, Fabr. i. 173, ii. 95. C. Gattye, Busk. 9th A. R., pp. 1], 34. Membraniporelia nitida, Johnst. i. 174, ii. 95. Microporella ciliata, Pall. i. 174, ii. 95. M, Malusii, Aud. i. 174, ii. 95. M. impressa, Aud. i. 175, ii. 95. Do., var. cornuta, Busk. 8th A. R., oe. M. violacea, Johnst. i. 175, ii. 95. Chorizopora Brongniartii, Aud. 1.175, ii. 95. Lagenipora socialis, Hincks. 9th A. R., pp. 11, 19, 21, 34. Schizoporella unicornis, Johnst. ii. 88. S. spinifera, Johnst. 1. 175, ii. 95. S. Alderi, Busk. 10th A. R. S. vulgaris, Moll. 9th A. R.,pp.11, 34. S. simplex, Johnst. 6th A. R.,p. 26. S. linearis, Hass. i. 176, ii. 95. Do., var. hastata, Hincks. 7thaA.R., p. 23. S. cristata, Hincks. 9thA.R., pp. 11, 54. S. auriculata, Hass. i. 176, ii. 95. S. discoidea, Busk. 9th. A. R., p. 34. S. hyalina, Linn. i. 176, ii. 95. Mastigophora Dutertrei, Aud. 9th A. R., pp. 11, 33. M. Hyndmanni, Johnst. ii. 89. 9th A. R., p. 33. Schizotheca fissa, Busk. 9th A. R., pp. 20, 33. S. divisa, Norm. 9th A. R., p. 33. Hippothoa diwaricata, Lamour. i. 176, ji. 95. Do., var. carinata, Norm. 7th A. R., p- 23. H. distans, McGill. i. 176, ii. 95. Do., var. vitrea, Hincks. 7th A. R., . 23. Lepralia Pallasiana, Moll. i. 177, ii. 95. L. foliacea, Ell.and Sol. i. 177, ii. 95. L. pertusa, Esper. i. 177, ii. 95. L. edax, Busk. 7th A. R., pp. 19, 23. Umbonula verrucosa, Esper. i. 177, ii. 95. Porella concinna, Busk. i. 178, ii. 95. Do., var. belli, Dawson. 9th A. R., p. 34. P. minuta, Norm. 9th A. R., pp. 11, 34. P. compressa, Sow. i. 178, ii. 95. Smittia Landsborovii, Sohnst. i. 178, ii. 95. S. reticulata, Macgill. i. 178, ii. 95. S. cheilostoma, Manz. 10th A. R. S. trispinosa, Johnst. i. 179, ii. 95. Pihylactelia labrosa, Busk. 9th A. R., p. 34. REPORT—1896. Phylactella collaris, Norm. i. 179, ii. 95. Mucronella Peachii, Johnst. li. 95. M. ventricosa, Hass. ii. 89, 96. M. variolosa, Johnst. i. 179, ii. 95. M. coccinea, Abildg. i. 179, ii. 96. M. cocevnea, var. mamillata. 9th A. R., p. 34. ; Palmicellaria Skenei, Ellis and Sol. 7th. A. R., p. 23. Cellepora pumicosa, Linn. i. 180, ii. 96. C. ramulosa, Linn. 4th A. R., p. 25. C. dichotoma, Hincks, ii. 89. C. avicularis, Hineks. ii. 89. C. armatu, Hincks. ii. 89, 96. C. Costazii, Aud. i. 180, ii. 96. i. 179, CYCLOSTOMATA, Crisia cornuta, Linn. i. 181, ii. 96. C. geniculata, M. Edw. ii. 96. C. eburnea, Linn. i. 181, ii. 96. C. aculeata, Hass. 9th A. R., p. 34. C. denticulata, Lam. i. 181, ii. 96. C. ramosa, Harmer. 7th A.R., p. 23 ; 9th, p. 20. Stomatopora granulata, M. Edw. ii. p. 89, 6th A. R., p. 25, 7th, p. 18. S major, Johnst. i. 181, ii. 96. S. Johnstoni, Heller. ii. 89. _ S. expansa, Hincks. i. 181, ii. 96. S. incurvata, Hincks. 9th A. R., pp. 11, 34. S. incrassata, Smitt. ii. 89, 2nd A. R., - 16. Tubulipora lobulata, Hass. i. 182, ii. 96 T. flabellaris, Fabr. i. 182, ii. 96. Idmonea serpens, Linn. i. 182, ii. 96. Diastopora patina, Lam. i. 183, ii. 96. D. obelia, Johnst. i. 183, ii. 96. D. suborbicularis, Hineks. i. 183, ii. 96. Lichenopora hispida, Flem. i. 183, ii. 96. L. verrucaria, Fabr. i. 183, ii. 96, 7th A. R., p. 42. CTENOSTOMATA. Aleyonidium gelatinosum, Linn. i. 184, 312.91; 96; A. hirsutum, Flem. i. 184, ii. 96. A. mamillatum, Ald. 7th A. R., pp- 16, 23. A. mytili, Dalz. i. 184, ii. 96. A, parasiticum, Flem. i. 185, ii. 96. Flustrella hispida, Fabr. 1.185, ii. 96, ord A. R., p. 15. Arachnidium hippothooides, Hincks, i, 185, ii. 96- Vesicularia spinosa, Linn. i. 186, ii. 96. Amathia lendigera, Linn. i. 186, ii. 96. Bowerbankia imbricata, Adams. i. 187, i: 97; B. caudata, Hineks. 4th A. R., p. 25. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 21 Bowerbankia pustulosa, E. & Sol. i. 187, ii. 97. Farella repens, Farre, var. elongata, i,.188, 018 OF. Buskia nitens, Ald. i. 188, ii. 97. Cylindrecium giganteum, Busk. A.B: C. dilatatum, Hincks. i. 188, ii. 97. 10th Anguinella palmata, Van Ben. i. 188, i: 97: Triticella Boeckii, Sars. 8th A. R., pp. 6, 15; 9th, p. 10. Valkeria uva, Linn. i. 189, ii. 97. V. uva, var. cuscuta. i. 189, ii. 97. V. tremula, Hincks. i. 189, ii. 97. Mimosella gracilis, Hincks. i. 189, ii. 97. ENTOPROCTA. Pedicellina cernua, Pall. i. 190, ii. 97. Do., var. glabra. 4th A. R., p. 25. Barentsia nodosa, Lomas. i. 190, ii. 90, 97. Loxosoma phascolosomatum, Vogt. 10th AR LIST OF THE CRUSTACEA. MALACOSTRACA. [For Podophthalmata and Cumacea see Mr. A. O. WALKER’S Revision (Rev.), in ‘ Fauna,’ vol. iii.p.50; for the other groups of Malacostraca see Mr. Walker’s other reports and papers in the ‘ Fauna.’ | BRACHYURA. Cancer pagurus, Linn. Rev. Xantho tuberculatus, Couch. Rev. Pilumnus hirtellus (Linn.) Rev. Pirimela denticulata (Mont.) Rev., Addenda. Carcinus m@nas, Penn. Rev. Portunus puber (iinn.) Rey. P. depurator (Linn.) Rev. P. corrugatus (Penn.), off Calf of Man, 23 fath. 10th A. R. P. arcuatus, Leach. Rey. P. holsatus, Fabr. Rev. P. pusillus, Leacn. Rev. Portumnus latipes (Penn.) ii 180. Corystes cassivelaunus (Penn.) Rev. Atelecyclus septem-dentatus (Mont.) Rev. Thia residua (Herbst.) Rey. Pinnetheres pisum (Linn.) Rev. P. veterum, Bosc. Rev., Addenda. Macropodia rostrata (Linn.) Rev. M. longirostris (Fabr.) Rev. Inachus dorsettensis (Penn.) Rev. I. dorynchus, Leach. Rev., Addenda. Hyas araneus (Linn.) Rev. Hf, coarctatus, Leach. Rev. Pisa biaculeata, Leach. 8th A. R., p. 25. Eurynome aspera (Penn.) Rev. Ebalia tuberosa (Penn.) Rev. E. tumefacta (Mont.) Rey. ANOMALA. Hupaqurus bernhardus (Linn.) Rev. L.. prideaux (Leach.) Rey. £. cuanensis (Thomp.) Rev. EH. pubescens (Kroyer.) Rev. Anapagurus levis (Thomp.) Rev. Porcellana platycheles (Penn.) Rev. P. longicornis (Linn.) Rev. Galathea squamifera, Leach. G. nexa, Embleton. Rev. Rey. Galathea dispersa, Bate. Rev. G. intermedia, Lillj. Rev. Munida rugosa, Faby. ii. 70. MACRURA. Calocaris Macandree, Bell. 7th A. R., p. 18; Rev. Palinurus vulgaris, Latr. 4th A. R., p 29. Nephrops norvegicus (Linn.) Rey. Astacus gammarus (Linn.) [Common Lobster]. Rev. Crangon vulgaris (Linn.) Rev. C. Allmanni, Kin. Rev. C. trispinosus, Hailstone. C. nanus, Kroyer. Rev. C. sculptus, Beil. Rev. C. fasciatus, Risso. Rev. Pontophilus spinosus, Leach. 9th A. R., p- 13. Nika edulis, Risso. County Down coast, 12 miles S.S.W. of Chicken Rock, in whiting’s stomach. 10th A. R. Caridion Gordoni, Sp. Bate. Rev. Hippolyte varians, Leach. 7th A. R., p. 35. Spirontocaris spinus (Sow.) Rev. S. Cranchii (Leach.) Rev. S. pusiola (Kr.) i. 222, ii. 179. Pandalus Montagui, Leach. Rev. P. brevirostvis, Rathke. Rev. Leander serratus (Penn.) Rev. LD. squilia (Linn.) Rey. Palemonetes varians (Leach.) Rev. SCHIZOPODA. Nyctiphanes Rev. Macromysis flewuosa (Mull) Rev. M. neglecta (Sars ) ili. 245. M. inermis (Rathke.) Rev. Schistomysis spiritus (Norm.) Rev. Rev. Sars.) norvegica (M. 22 Schistomysis ornata (Sars.); and var. Kervillei (Sars.) iii. 245. Rev. Hemimysis Lamorne (Couch.) ii. 178. Rev. Neomysis vulgaris (Thomp.) Rev. Leptomysis lingowra (Sars.) Rev. Mysidopsis gibbosa (Sars.) 7th A. R., p. 26. sigs elegans (Sars.) 7th A. R., ii. 178. p. 2 Opnthitia (Sirtella) norvegica. (Sars.) lii., p. 244. Rev. C. armata (M.-Edw.). Gastrosaccus spinifer (Goes.). G. sanctus (Van Ben.) 6th A. R., p. 38; 7th A. R., p. 25. Hap-ostylus Normanni(Sars.) 7th A.R., p. 25. PHYLLOCARIDA. Nebalia bipes, M.-Edw. 10th A. R. CUMACEA. Cuma scorpioides (Mont.) iii. 246. C. pulehella, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 25. Iphinoé trispinosa (Goodsir.) 8th A. R., p. 25. I. tenella, Sars. 9th A. R., p. 14. Cumopsis Goodsiri (Van Ben.) Rev. Eudorella truncatula, Sp. Bate. Rev. HE. nana, Sars. 8thA.R., p.25; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1895, p. 459. Campylaspis macrophthalma, 8th A. R., p. 25. Pseudocuma longicornis, Sp. Bate. Rev. Petalosarsia declivis, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 25. Lamprops fasciata, Pl. 16. Rev. Se ogee A. R., p. 1 Diastylis Rathhei (Kr.) Rev. D. spinosa (Norm.) ii 178, iii, 247. D. biplicata (Sars.) 7th A. R., p.25. D. rugosoides, Walker. 9th A. R., p. 14; B.A. Rep., 1895, p. 459. Nannastacus unguiculatus, Bate. B. A. Rep., 1894, p. 326. Sars. Bars. ii, 247. assimilis, Sars. 9th ISOPODA. Paratanais Batei, Sars. 7th A.R., p. 25. Leptognathia laticaudata, Sars. 7th A. R., p. 25. Anthura gracilis (Mont.) 7th A. R., p. 25. Gnathia maxillaris (Mont.) Port Erin. 10th A. R Cirolana borealis, Lill}. m14 Conilera cylindracea (Mont.) ELurydice achatus (Slabber.) Spheroma serratum (Fabr.) S. rugicauda, Leach. Bay. Cymodoce emarginata, (Leach.) 8th A. R., p. 25. iii. 241, 248. 9th A. R., iii. 241. i. 218. i. 219. R. Colwyn | REPORT—1896. J Dynamene rubra (Mont.) @ ii. 72. | Nesa bidentata, Leach. 6 ii. 72. Dynamene Montagui, Leach. dg jr. ii. 72. Limnoria lignorum (Rathke.) i. 219. Idotea marina, Linn. i. 219. I. linearis, Linn. i. 219. Astacilla longicornis (Sow.) iii. 248. A. gracilis (Goodsir.) 7th A. R., p. 25. Janira maculosa, Leach. i. 219. Jera albifrons (Mont.) 1. 219. Munna Fabricit, Kr. ii. 71. Ligia oceanica (Linn.) i. 220, ii. 72. BoPYRIDZ. Pleurocrypta nexa, Steb. Tth A. R., p. 43. P. intermedia, G.& B. Tth A. R., p. 43. P. galatea, Hesse. 7th A. R., p. 43. AMPHIPODA. [See Mr. Walker's ‘ Revision ’ (Rev.), in ‘ Fauna,’ iv. | Hyperia galba (Montagu.) Rev. HHyperoche tauriformis ( Bate.) Rey. Parathemista oblivia (Kr) Rey. Talitrus locusta (Pall.) Rev. Orchestia littorea( Mont.) ii. 171; 7th A. R., p. 37... Rev. Hyale Nilssonii (Rathke.) Rev. Lystanax longicornis (Lucas.) ii. 73 (L. ceratinus, Walker.) Rev. Socarnes erythrophthaimus, Robertson. Rev. Perrierelia Audouiniana (Bate.) ii. 76. Rev. Callisoma crenata (Bate.) Rev. Hippomedon denticulatus (Bate.) ii. 76. Rev. Orchomenella nana, Kr. ii. ciliata, Sars.). Rev. Nannonyx Goésiit (Boeck.) Rey. NV. spinimanus, Walker. Rev. Tryphosa Sarsi (Bonn.) Rev. T. Horringii, Boeck. Rev. Tryphosites longipes, Bate. Rev. Hoplonyx similis, Sars. Rev. 172. (£. Lepidepecreum carinatum, Bate. Rev. Euonyx chelatus, Norm. Rev. Bathyporeia norvegica, Sars. Rev. B. pelagica, Bate. Rev. Haustorius arenarius (Slabber.) Rev. Urothoé brevicornis, Bate. Rev. U. elegans, Bate. Rev. U. marinus, Bate. Rev. Phoxocephalus Fultoni, T. Scott. Paraphoxus oculatus, Sars. Rev. Harpinia neglecta, Sars. Rev. H. crenulata, Boeck. Rev. HT, levis, Sars. Rev. Ampelisea typica, Bate. Rev. A, tenuicornis, Lillj. Rev. A, brevicornis (Costa.) Rev. A, spinipes, Boeck. Rev. A. macrocephala, Liilj. Rev. Rev. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SEA. 23 Haploops tubicola, Lillj. Rev. Amphilochus manudens, Bate. Rev. A, melanops, Walker. 7th A. R., p. 27. Rev: Pl. XVII. Amphilochoides pusillus, Sars. Rev. Gitana Sarsii, Boeck. Rev. Cyproidia brevirostris, T. & A. Scott Rev. Stenothoé marina (Bate.) Rev. S. monoculoides (Mont.) Rev. Metopa Alderi, Bate. Rev. M. borealis, Sars. Rev. M. pusilla, Sars. Rev. M. rubro-vittata, Sars. Rev. M. Bruzelii (Goés.) Rev. Cressa dubia (Bate.) Rev. Leucothoé spinicarpa (Abildg.) Rev. L. Lilljeborgvi, Boeck. Rev. Monoculodes carinatus, Bate. Rev. Perioculodes longimanus ( Bate.) Rev. Pontocrates arenarius ( Bate.) ii. p. 172. Synchelidium haplocheles (Grube.) Rev. Paramphithoé bicuspis(Kr.)ii. 173. Rev. P. assimilis, Sars. Rev. Stenopleustes nodifer, Sars. Rev. Epimeria cornigera (Fabr.) Rev. Iphimedia obesa, Rathke. Rev. I. minuta, Sars. Rev. Laphystius sturionis, Kr. Rev. Syrrhoé fimbriatus, Stebb. & Rob. Rev. husirus longipes, Boeck. Rev. Apherusa bispinosa (Bate.) Rev. A, Jurinii (M.-Edw. )ii. 79 (Calliopius norvegicus). Rev. Calliopius leviusculus (Kr.) ii. 79. Rev. Paratylus Swammerdamii (M.-Edw.) Rev. P. faleatus (Metzger.) iii. 249. Rev. P. uncinatus (Sars.) iii. 249. Rev. P. vedlomensis (Bate.) Rev. Dexamine spinosa (Mont.) Rey. D. thea, Boeck. Rev. Triteta gibbosa (Bate.) iii. 249. Pl. 16. Rev. Guernea coalita, Norm. Rev. Melphidippella macera (Norm.) Rev. Amathilla homari (Fabr.) ii. 175. Rev. Gammarus marinus, Leach. Rev. G. locusta (Linn.) Rev. G. campylops, Leach. Brackish pond, Colwyn Bay. 10th A. R. G. pulex (De Geer.) Rev. Melita palmata (Mont.) Rev. \ Melita obtusata (Mont.) Rev. Mera othonis, M.-Edw. Rev. M. semi-serrata, Bate. Rev. M. Batei, Norm. Rev. Megaluropus agilis, Norm. Rev. Cheirocratus Sundevalli (Rathke.) ii. 175. Rev. C. assimilis (Lillj.) Rev. Lilljeborgia pallida, Bate. Rev. L. Kinahani (Bate.) Rev. Aora gracilis, Bate. Rev. Autonoé longipes (Lillj.) Rev. Leptocheirus pilosus, Zaddach. Rev. L. hirsutimanus (Bate.) Rev. Gammaropsis maculata (Johnst.) Rev. G. nana, Sars. Rev. Megamphopus cornutus, Norm. 6th An Rp: 37: ° Rev. Microprotopus maculatus, Norm. Rev. Photis longicaudatus (Bate.) Rev. P. pollew, Walker. 9th A. R., p. 15. Rev. Podoceropsis excavata (Bate.) Rev. Amphithoé rubricata (Mont.) Rev. Pleonexes gammaroides, Bate. Rev. Ischyrocerus minutus, Lillj. ii. 82, iii. 250. Pl. 16 (Podocerus isopus, Walker). Rev. Podocerus faleatus (Mont.) Rev. P. pusillus, Sars. Rev. P. Herdmani, Walker. 6th A. R., p. 37. Rev. P. variegatus, Leach. Rev. P. ocius, Bate. Rev. P. cumbrensis, Stebb.and Rob. Rev. Janassa capillata (Rathke.) 11.81. Rev. Erichthonius abditus (Temp.) Rev. E. difformis, M.-Edw. Rev. Siphonecetes Colletti, Boeck. Rev. Corophium grossipes (Linn.) Rev. C. crassicorne, Bruzelius. Rev. C. bonellii, M.-Edw. ii. 84 (C. erassi- corne). Rev. Unciola crenatipalmata (Bate.) Rev. U. planipes, Norm. Rey. Colomastix pusilla, Grube. Rev. Chelura terebrans, Phil. Rev. Dulichia porrecta, Bate. Rev. Phtisica marina, Slabber. Rev. Protella phasma (Mont.) Rev. Pariambus typicus (Kr.) Rev. Caprella linearis (Linn) Rev. C. acanthifera, Leach. Rev. ENTOMOSTRACA. OSTRACODA. (see 8th Ann. Rep., p. 20), Mr. A. Scorr and Dr. CHASTER } Pontocypris serrulata, Sars. 8th A. R., 20 p. 20. ? Argillecia cylindrica, Sars, 10th A. R. [Identified by Professor G. 8. BRADY | | Bairdia inflata, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 2 B. acanthigera, Brady. 10th A. R 9 Pontocypris trigonella, Sars. 8th A. B., p. 20. P. mytiloides, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 20. | Cythere Jonesii, Baird. 8th A. R., p. On. 0. 24 Cythere tuberculata, Sars. 8th A. R., 4. BO: Us tenera, Brady. 8th A. BR, p. 20. C. finmarchica, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. confusa, B.& N. 8th A.R., p. 20. C. albomaculata, Baird. 10th A. R. C. globulifera, Brady. 10th A. R. C. concinna, Jones. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. dunelmensis, Norm. 8thA. R., p. 20. C. antiquata, Baird. 8th A. R, p. 20. C. emaciata, Brady. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. convexa, Baird. 8thaA. R., p. 20. C. villosa, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. lutea, O. F. M. 10th A. R. C. Robertsoni, Brady. 10th A. R. Eucythere argus, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. E. declivis, Norm. 10th A. R. Krithe bartonensis, Jones. 8tha. R.,p.20. Loxoconcha impressa, Baird. 8th A. R., . 20. L. guttata, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 20. L.tamarindus, Jones. 8thaA.R., p. 20. L. pusilla, Brady. 8th A. R., p. 20. L. multifora, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 20. Cytherura cornuta, Brady. 8th A. R., p- 20. C. angulata, Brady. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. cellulosa, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. striata, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. sella, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. nigrescens, Baird. 10th A. R. C acuticostata, Sars. 10th A. R. Pseudoe ee caudata, Sars. 8th A. E.., C. es latissimum, Norm. A. R., p. 2 C. pyramidale, Brady. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. alatum, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 20. C. punctatum, Brady. 10th A. R. Sclerochilus contortus, Norm. 8th A. B.; p. 20. Paradocostoma Normani, Brady. 8th A.B., p. 20. P. ensiforme, Brady. 8thA. R., p. 20. P. variabile, Baird. 8th A. R., p. 20. P. hibernica, Brady. 8th A. R., p. 20. P. flecuosum, Brady. 10th A. R. ~ 8th Philomedes serene Baird. 8th A Bp. Cyther idea ‘papilla, Bosquet. 8th A; ‘Ei. C. bonita Brady. 8th A. R., p. 21. C. elongata, Brady. 10th A. R. C’. torosa, Jones. 10th A. R. Cytherideis subulata, Brady. 10th A. R. Bythocythere acuta, Norm. 8th A. R., p. 21. B. constricta, Sars. 8thA.R., p. 21. B. turgida, Sars. 8th A. R., p. 21. B. simplex, Norm. 10th A. R. Macherina tenvissima, A.R., p. 21. Norm. 8th REPORT— 1896. CLADOCERA Evadne Nordmanni, Loven. i. p. 325 Podon intermedium, Lillj. 4th A. R., p. 25. COPEPODA. [See Mr. I. C. THOMPson’s Reports, especially the ‘Revision’ in ‘Fauna,’ iv. p. 81.] Calanus finmarchicus, Gunn. iv. 87. Metridia armata, Boeck. iv. 87. Pseudocalanus elongatus, Baird. P. armatus, Bueck. iv. 87. Paracalanus parvus, Claus. iv. 87. Acartia Clausii, Giesbrecht. iv. 88. A, discaudata, Giesb. iv. 88. Temora longicornis, Mill. iv. 88. Eurytemora affinis, Poppe. iv. 88. E. Clausii, Boeck. iv. 88. iv. 87. Scolecithria hibernica, A. Scott. 10th A. R. Isias clavipes, Boeck. iv. 88. Centropages hamatus, Lillj. iv. 89. C. typicus, Kr. (Missed reporting.) Parapontella brevicornis, Lubb. iv. 8¥. Lahidocera Wollastoni, Lubb. iv. 89. L. acutwm, Dana. iv. 90. Anomalucera Patersoni, Temp. iv. 90. EKucheta marina, Prest. iv. 90. Pseudocyclopia stephoides, 'Thomp. iv. 314. Misophria pallida, Boeck. iv. 91. Pseudocyclops crassiremis, Brady. A. R. P. obtusatus, Brady & Rob. A. R. Cervinia Bradyi, Norm. iv. 91. Herdmania stylijera, Thomp. iv. 92. Oithona spinifrons, Boeck. iv. 93. Cyclopina littoralis, Brady. iv. 93. C. gracilis, Claus. iv. 94. Giardella callianasse, Canu. Hersiliwdes puffini, Thomp. iv. 95. Thorellia brunnea, Boeck. iv. 95. Cyclops Enarti, Brady. iv. 318. C. magnoctavus, Cragin. iv. 317. C. marinus, Thomp. iv. 94. Notodelphys Alimani, Thorell. Doropygus pulex, Thor. iv. 95. D. poricauda, Brady. iv. 96. D. gibber, 'horell. iv. 96. Botachus cylinaratus, Thorell. iv. 96. Ascidicola rosea, Thorell. iv. 96. Notopterophorus papilio, Hesse. iv. 96. Lamippi proteus, Clap. 10th A. R. L. Forbesi, T. Scott. 10th A. R. Longipedia coronata, Claus. iv. 97. L. minor, T.& A. Scott. 8th A.R. p. 19. Canuella perplexa, T.& A. Scott. iv. 318. Sunaristes paquri, Hesse. 9th A. R.p. 11. Ectinosoma atlanticum, B. & R. iv. 98. E. curticorne, Boeck. iv. 98. E. erythrops, Brady. iv. 98. E. melaniceps, Brady. iv. 98. E. spinipes, Brady. iv. 98. 10th 10th iv. 95. iv. 95. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE IRISH SFA, Eetinosoma Normani, T, & A, Scott. 8th p; Wa A a Ob H.elongata,T.& A. Scott. 8th A.R.p.19. E.gracile,T.& A.Scott. 8thA. R.p. 20. L. pygmeum, T. & A. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. E. Herdmani, T. & A. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. Bradya typica, Boeck. _ iv. 102. B. minor, T.& A. Scott. 8th A. R, p. 20. Tachidius brevicornis, Mill. iv. 98. tT. littoralis, Pop. iv. 99. Huterpe acutifrons, Dana. iv. 99. iv. 99. iv. 99. Robertsonia tenuis, Br. & Rob. Amymone longimana, Claus. A. spherica, Claus. iv. 99. Stenhelia hispida, Brady. iv. 99. S. ima, Brady. iv. 100. S. denticulata, Thomp. iv. 100. S. hirsuta, Thomp. iv. 100. S. Herdmani, A. Scott. 10th A. R. S. similis, A. Scott. 10th A. R. S. reflexa, T. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 11. Ameira longipes, Boeck. iv. 101. A. attenuata, Thomp. iv. 101. A. longicaudata, T. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. ‘ A. exigua, T. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. A. gracile, A. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 35. A. reflexa, T. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 35. A. longiremis, T. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. Jonesiellafusiformis, Br. & Rob. iv. 102. J. hyene, Thomp. iv. 102. Delavalia palustris, Brady. iv. 103. D. reflexa, Br. & Rob. iv. 103. Canthocamptus palustris, Brady. 10th A. R. Mesochra Lilljeborgii, Boeck. iv. 103. S. Macintoshi,T. & A.Scott. 9th A. R. p. 3d. Paramesochra dubia, T. Scott. iv. 103. Tetragoniceps Bradyi, T. Scott. iv. 103. T. consimilis, T. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 35. T. trispinosus, A. Scott. 10th A. R. Diosaccus tenuicornis, Claus. iv. 103. D. propinquus, T, & A. Scott. 8th A. BR. p. 20. Laophonte serrata, Claus, iv. 104. L. spinosa, Thomp. iv. 104. L. thoracica, Boeck. iv. 105. L. horrida, Norm. iv. 105. LZ. similis, Claus. iv. 105. L. curticauda, Boeck. iv. 105. LL. lamellifera, Claus. iv. 106. L. hispida, Br. & Rob. iv. 106. L. propingua, T. & A. Scott. 1 a L. intermedia, T.Scott. Ith A.R. p.11. I. inopinata,T. Scott, 8th A, R. p.20. Pseudvlaophonte aculeata, A. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 35. Laophontodes bicornis, A. Scott. A. R. Normanella dubia, Br. & Rob. iv. 106. 9th 10th 25 Normanella attenuata, A. Scott. MR ps 3s: Cletodes limicola, Brady. iv. 106. C. longicaudata, Br. & Rob. iv. 106. C. linearis, Claus. iv. 106. C. monensis, Thomp. iv. 106. C. similis, T. Scott. 9th A. R. p. Lnhydrosoma curvatum, Br. & Rob. iv. 107. Nannopus palustris, Brady. p. ll. Platychelipus littoralis, Brady. iv. 107. Dactylopus tishoides, Claus. iv. 107. D. stromii, Baird. iv. 107. Dactylopus tenuiremis, B. & R. iv. 108. D. flavus, Claus. iv. 108. D. brevicornis, Claus. iv. 108. D. minutus, Claus. iv. 108. D. rostratus, T. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. Thalestris helgolandiea, Claus. iv. 108. T. rufocincta, Norm. iv, 108. T. harpactoides, Claus. iv. 109. T. Clausii, Norm. iv. 109. T. rufo-violescens, Claus. iv. 109. T. serrulata, Brady. iv. 109. T. hibernica, Br. & Rob. iv. 109. T. lonyimana, Claus. iv. 109. T. peltata, Boeck. iv. 109. T. forficuloides, T. & A. Scott. 10th A.R Sth 9th A. R. Pseudothalestris pygmea, T. & A. Scott. 8th A. R. p. 20. P. major, T. & A. Scott. Westwoodia nobilis, Baird. Harpacticus chelifer, Miill. H. fulvus, Fischer. H, flexus, Br. & Rob. Zaus spinatus, Goods. iv. 110. Z. Goodsiri, Brady. iv. 110. Cancerilla tubulata, Dal. iv. 319, Alteutha depressa, Baird. iv. 110. A, interrupta, Goods. iv. 111. A. crenulata, Brady. iv. 111. Porcellidium viride, Phil. iv. 111, P. tenuicauda, Claus. iv. 111. Idya furcata, Baird. iv. 111. I. elongata, A. Scott. 10th A. R. I. gracilis, T. Scott. 9th A. R. p. 35, Scutellidium tisboides, Claus. iv. 111. S. fasciatum, Boeck. iv. 111. Cylindropsyllus levis, Brady. iv. 112. Monstrilla Dane, Claparéde. iv. 112. M. anglica, Lubb. iv. 112. M. rigida, Thomp. iv. 112. M. langicornis, Thomp. iv. 112. Modiolicola insignis, Auriv. 9th A. R. ee 2 Lichomolgus albens, Thorell. iv. 113. L. agilis, Leydig. 8th A. R. p. 20. L. fucicolus, Brady. iv. 113. L. fJurcillatus, Thorell. iv. 113. L. maximus, Thomp. iv. 114. Pseudanthessius Sauvagei, Canu. A. R. p. 20. 10th A. R. ive Li iv. LiGé. In, £10. iv. 110. Sth 26 Pseudanthessius liber, Br. & Rob. iv. 113. P. Thorellii, Br. & Rob. iv. 113. Hermanella rostrata, Canu. (Recorded as Lichomolqus agilis, T.& A.S, iv. 33.) Sabelliphilus Sarsii, Clap. iv, 116. Cyclopicera nigripes, Br, & Rob, iv, 116. C. lata, Brady. iv. 116, Dyspontius striatus, Thorell. iv. 118. Artotrogus Boeckii, Brady. iv. 117, A. magniceps, Brady. iv. 117. A. Normani, Br. & Rob. iv. 117. A. orbicularis, Boeck, iv. 117, Parartotrogus Richardi, T. & A, Scott. 10th A. R. Acontiophorus scutatus, Br. & Rob, iv. 117. A. elongatus, T. & A, Scott. iv, 320. Collocheres gracilicauda, Brady. iv. 116. C. elegans, A. Scott, 10th A. R. Dermatomyzon gibberum, T. & A, Scott. 9th A. R: p. 11. Ascomyzon Thompsoni, A. Scott, A. R. p. 35. Chondracanthus merluccii, Holt. A. R. Lernentoma lophii, Johnst. 9th 10th iv, 117. REPORT—1 896. Caligus rapax, M.-Edw. iv. 117. C. curtus, Leach. iv. 118. Lepeopotheirus Stromii, Baird. iv. 118. L. Nordmannii, M.-Edw. iv, 118, L. hippoglossi, Kr. iv. 118. LT. obsowrus, Baird. iv. 118. L. pectoralis, Miiller. iv. 320. Lernea branchialis, Linn, iv, 118. Anchorella appendicuiata, Ker., iv, Bot. A. uncinata, Miill. Lerneonema spratta, Sow. Lerneopoda galei, Kroyer. iv. 119. 10th A. R. 10th A. R, | CIRRIPEDIA. [See Mr. MARRAT’S list in ‘ Fauna,’ i. 209; and records in the Ann, Reports since. Balanus porcatus, Costa. i, 209, B, Hameri, Asean. i. 209. B. balanoides, Linn. i. 210, B. perforatus, Brug. 1. 210. B. orenatus, Brug. i. 210. Chthamalus stellatus, Poli. i. 210. Verruoa Stromia, O. F. M. i. 210. Lepas anatifera, Linn. i. 210. Scalpellum vulgare, Leach. 9th A. R. py PT ece. Sacoulina carcini, Thomp, i. 211, LIST OF THE PYCNOGONIDA, [See Reports by Mr. HALHED in ‘ Fauna,’ i. 227; and also a note in 9th Ann, Report, p. 15.] Nymphon gracile, Leach. i. 228. 9th A. R., p. 15. N. rubrum, Hodge. 10th A. R. NV. gallicum, Hoek. 9th A. R., p, 15. Ammothea echinata (Hodge,) i. 229, A. levis (Hodge,) i. 229 (as A. hispida). Chatonymphon hirtum, As .,\p, 1b: (Kr.) 9th Pallene brevirostris (Jobnst.) 1. 230. P. producta, Sars. 9th A. R., p, 15. Phoxichilidium femoratum (Rathke.) i. 230. Anoplodactylus petiolatus (Kr.) A, B., p18. Phoxichilus spinosus (Mont.) Pycnogonum litorale (Strém.) 9th i. 230. i. 231, [Note.—A few of the marine insects and mites have been identifjed, but the lists - are so far from complete that it would be useless to print them. | LIST OF THE MOLLUSCA. {See Reports by Mr. R. D. DARBISHIRE in ‘ Fauna,’ i. 232 ; and by Mr. F. ARCHER in iii. 59, with additions by Mr. A. LEICESTER and Dr, CHASTER. ] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Anomia ephippium, L, i. 234, 248, 320, oa = iii, 62, Do., var. sguamula, L. iii. 62. Do., var. aculeata, Mill. iii. 62, Do., var. cylindrica, Gm. ili. 62, A. patelliformis, L. 1. 5, 6, 235, 241, 248 ; iii. 62, Ostrea edulis, L. i, iii. 62, 935, 248, 387; Pecten pusio, \. 319, 337. P. varius, L. i, 5, 235, 248, 337; iii, 32, 62. P. opercularis, L. iii. 215, 62. P. tigrinus, Mill. i. 235, 248 ; iii. 62. P. tigrinus, var. costata, Jeff. i. 13, 235, 337. i. 5, 235, 241, 248, i. 235, 248, 337; ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY Pecten Teste, Biv. 7th A. R., pp. 15, 28. P. striatus, Mill. iii. 62; “OR P. similis, Lask.i. 248,319, 337 ; 111. 63. P. maximus, L. i. 241, 248, 319, 337; ii. 14. Lima elliptica, Jeff. 1.13, 235, 248, 337. (2) L. subauriculata, Mont. i. 248. L. loscombii, G. B. Sow. i. 7, 13, 235, 248, 319, 337; ii. 63. L. hians, Gm. i. 248. Mytilus edulis, L. i. 31, 235, 241, 248, sande M. modiolus, L. i. 241,249, 337; iii. 63. ? M. barbatus, L. i. 6, 235, 249; iii. 63. M. adriaticus, Lmk. i. 249. M. phaseolinus, Phil. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. Modiolaria marmorata, Forb. i. 13,31, 235, 249; 320, d2l, 337 ; 1. 120, 121, 127. M. discors, L. i. 249, 337; iii. 63. Nucula suleata, Brown, 7th A. R., pp. 16, 28. N. nucleus, L. i. 235, 249, 337. Do., var. radiata, F. & H. iii. 63. _ WN. nitida, G. B. Sow. i. 249, ili. 63. Leda minuta, Mill. i. 249, iii. 63. Do., var. brevirostris, Jeff. 10th Ain, Ee. Pectunculus glycimeris, L. 249, 319, 323, 337. Arca lactea, lL. i. 249. A. tetragona, Poli: i. 249, 319, 337. Lepton squamosum, Mont. 1. 249, iii. 64. LL. nitidum, Turt. iii. 64. ? L.suleatulum, Jeff. 6th A.B., p. 26. L. Clarkia, Cl. 7th A. R., p. 28. Montacuta substriata, Mont. i. 249, iii. 64. M, bidentata, Mont. i. 250, iii. 64. M. Jerruginosa, Mont. i. 250. Lasea rubra, Mont. i. 250. Kellia suborbicularis, Mont. i. 250. Loripes lacteus, L. i. 250. Incina spinifera, Mont. iii. 64. L. borealis, L. i, 250. iii. 64. Axwnus flexuosus, Mont. i. 250. Diplodonta rotundata, Mont. i. 250. Cyamium minutum, Fabr. i. 250, iii. 64. Cardium echinatum, L. i. 236, 241, 250, iii. 61, 64. C. fasoiatum, Mont. i. 250. ’. nodosum, Turt, iii. 64. C. edule, L. i. 31, 241, 251, C. minimum, Phil. 7th A.R., p. 28; 8th A. R., p. 27. C norcegicum, Speng. i.6, 236, 251, 337 ; iii. 64. Isocardia cor, L. 7th A. R.,p. 28; 8th A. R,, p. 30. Cyprina islandica, L. 6th A. R., i. 13, 236, 1, 242, 251. OF THE IRISH SEA. aT Astart2 sulcata, Da C. i. 251, 337; iii. 65. A. suleata, var. scotica, M. & R. iii. 65. A. triangularis, Mont. i. 251. Circe minima, Mont. i. 251. Venus exoleta, L. 1. 236, 242, 251, 337. V. lancta, Pult. i. 242, 251. V. chione, L. iii. 65. V. fasciata, Da C. 251, 337 ; ili. 65. V. easina, L. i. 13, 236, 251, 337. V. ovata, Penn. i. 31, 236, 251; iii. 65. V. gallina, L. 1. 236, 251, 337. Tapes virgineus, L. i. 236, 242, 251, 337 ; iii. 65. T. pullastra, Mont. i. 242, 251. Do., var. perforans, Mont. i. 8, 236. Tapes decussatus, L. i. 242, 251. Lucinopsis undata, Penn. 1. 242, 251; iii. 65. Tellina crassa, Penn. i. 242, 251. T. balthica, L. i. 31, 236, 251, 337. LT. tenuis, DasGe ots. 21, 251, 1. fabula, Gron. i, 251, iii. 65. T. squalida, Pult. iii. 65. T. donacina, L. i. 6, 236, 252 ; iii. 65. T. pusilla, Phil. i. 252. Psammobia tellinella, Lmk. i. 237, 252, 337 ; ili. 66. P. ferroénsis, Chem. i. 237, 252. P. vespertina, Chem. 8th A.R., p. 27. Donazx vittatus, Da C. i. 252; iii. 61. Mactra solida,L. 1. 5, 237, 239, 262. M.solida, var. truncata, Mont. Puffin Island. 10th A. R. M. solida, var. elliptica, Bro. i. 237, BBY Ee M. subtruncata, Da C. i. 252. Do., var. striata, Brown. 10th A. R. Do., var. inequalis, Jeff. 10th A. R. M, stuliorum, L. i. 237, 242, 252. Do., var. cinerea, Mont, i. 5, Tutraria elliptica, Lmk. i. 237, 252. Scrobicularia prismatica, Mont. i, 6, 237, 252 ; iii. 66, S. nitida, Mill. 8th A. R., p. 27% S. alba, Wood. i, 6, 237, 252. S. tenuis, Mont. i. 253. S. piperata, Gm, i. 253. Solecurtus candidus, Ren. i. 253. S. antiquatus, Pult. 1, 253. Ceratisolen legumen, L. i, 242, 253, Solen pellucidus, Penn. i. 242, 253; iii. 66. S. ensis, L. S. siliqua, L. S. vagina, L. 1. 242, 253. Pandora inequivalvia, L. iii. 66. Iyonsia norvegica, Chem. i. 253; iii. 66. Thracia pretenuis, Pult. i. 13, 237, 253, 337. T. papyracea, Poli, i. 243, 253, T. convewa, W. Wood. i, 242, 253. 13, 236, i. 18, 236, 242, i, 242, 253. 1, 253, 28 REPORT—1896. Thracia distorta, Mont. 1 Corbula gibba, Olivi. i. 7, 237, 253 ; ili. 66, Mya arenaria, L. 1. 238, 253. M. truncata, L. i. 31, 243, 258. M. Binghami, Turt. 1. 6. 238, 253 ; iii. 66. Panopea plicata, Mont. 10th A. R. Saxicava rugosa, L. i. 6, 238, 243, 2538, 320, 337; ii. 120; ili. 12, 149. Do., var. arctica, L. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. Pholas candida, L. 254. P. crispata, lu. i. 8, 31, 238, 243, 254, 322, 337. Pholadidea papyracea, Turt. i. 254, Teredo navalis, L. iii. 67. T. megotara, Han., and var. mionota, Jetf. Southport. 10th A. R. T. norvegica, sp., var. divarieata, Desh. 10th A. R. i. 4,5, Sly 243, SCAPHOPODA. Dentalium entale, L. i. 6, 13, 238, 254, | 338; iii. 67. D. tarentinum, Umk. ay Z5E: | ili. 67. Siphonodentalium lofotense, Sars. 10th A. R. POLYPLACOPHORA. Chiton fascicularis, L. i. 244, 255; iii. 67. C. discrepans, Bro. iii. 29. C. Hanleyi, Bean. 7th A. R., p. 42. C. cancellatus, G. B. Sow. i. 238, 255, 338. C. cinereus, L. i. 18, 238, 255, 338. Chiton albus, L. CU. marginatus, Penn. p. 27. C. ruber, Lowe. 1. 255, C. levis, Mont. i. 238, 255, 338. C. marmoreus, Fabr. 1. 258. 1, 238, 255, 338. 8th A. R., GASTROPODA. Patella vulyata, L. 1. 239, 255, 338. Do., var. athletica, Bean. 1. 321, 338. Helcion pellucidum, L. i. 239, 244, 255, 320. Do., var. levis, Penn. i. 320, 338. Tectura testudinalis, Mill. i. 244, 255 ; iii. 67. T. virginea, Mill. i. 255; iii. 67. Propilidiwm ancyloides, Forb. 7th A. R., p. 28; 8th, p. 27. Punctureila noachina, L. iii. 67. Emarginula fissura, L. i. 239, 255, 338 ; iii. 67. Do., var. elata, Jeff. 10th A. R. E. rosea, Bell. 1. 255. Fissurella greca, L. i, 13, 289, 255, 319, 338; iii. 67. Capulus hungaricus, L. 1. 255. ? Cyclostrema cutlerianum, Cl. 6th A. R., pp. 26, 39. C. nitens, Phil. 6th A. R., pp. 26, 39. C. serpuloidcs, Mont. iii. 68. Trochus helicinus, Fabr. Th A.R., p. 28. T. magus, L. 1. 239, 256, 323, 338. T. tumidus, Mont. i. 239, 256, 338; iii. 68. T. cinerarius, L. i. 18, 239, 256, 338. T. umbilicatus, Mont. i. 256. — T. Montacuti,W.Wood. i. 256; iii. 68. T. striatus, L. i. 256. T. millegranus, Phil. i. 256; iii. 68. T. yranulatus, Born. 1. 257; iil. 68. T. zizyphinus, L. i. 5, 18, 239, 257, 319, 322, 338; iil. 68. Trochus z:zyphinus, var. humilior, Jeff. 10th A. R. Do, var. Lyonsii, Leach. ili. 68. Do., var. Levigata, J. Sow. iii. 68. Phasianella pullus, L. i. 18, 239, 257, 319, 338; iii. 35, 36. Lacuna crassior, Mont. i. 31, 257; iii. 68. L. divaricata, Fabr. i. 31, 257, 338; iii. 68, 69. L. puteolus, Tart. tii. 69. L. pallidula, Da C. 1. 257; iii. 69. Littorina obtusata, L. i. 257, 338. L. rudis, Maton. i, 257. L. littorea, L. i. 31, 257, 338. ? Rissoa striatula, Mont. Waterloo, 10th A. R. R. cancellata, Da C, iii. 69. R. calathus, F. and H. iii. 69, R. reticulata, Mont. i, 257. R. punctura, Mont. i, 257; iii. 69, R. abyssicola, Forb. 7th A. R. pp. 16, 28. R. zetlandica, Mont. Isle of Man, South. l0th A. R. R. costata, Ad. i. 257; iii. 69. R. parva, Da C. i. 257; ini. 69. Do., var. interrupta, Ad. iii. 36, 69. R.inconspicua, Ald. 8th A. R., p. 27. R. violacea, Desm. 7thA. BR, p. 28. R. striata, Ad. i. 258; iii. 69. Do., var. arctica, Lov. Puttin Island. 10th A. R. Do., var. distorta, Mar. 10th A. R. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY OF THE [IRISH SEA. 29 Rissoa vitrea, Mont. i. 31, 2583 111. 69. R. soluta, Phil. iii. 70. R. semistriata, Mont. iii. 36, 70. R. cingillus, Mont. i. 258; iii. 69, 70. Do., var. rupestris, Forb. 7th A. R., pe hb: Hydrobia ulve, Penn. i. 31, 258. H. ventrosa, Mont. Colwyn Bay. 10th A. R. Do., var. ovata, Jeff. iii. 70. Jeffreysia diaphana, Ald. iii. 70. J. opalina, Jeff. iii. 4th A. R.,p. 36. Skenea planorbis, Fabr. i. 258; iii. 70. Homalogyra atomus, Phil. i. 258; iii. 70. H. rota, F.& H. 6th A. R., p. 39. Cecum trachea, Mont. 7th A.R., p. 28; Sth. A. -R., prods C. glabrum, Mont. iii. 70. Turritella terebra, L. 1. 259. Scalaria turtone, Turt. 1 259. S. communis, Lik. i. 259. Aclis unica, Mont. iii. 70. A. ascaris, Turt. iti. 70. A. supranitida, 8. Wood. 1. 259 ; iii. 70. A. Gulsone, Cl. Sth A. R., p. 27. Odostomia minima, Jeff. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. O. nivosa, Mont. 6th A. B., p. 39. O. Lukisi, Jeff. 7th A. R., p. 28. O. clavulu, Lov. 10th A. R, O. albella, Lov. 10th A. R. Do., var. subcylindrica, Marsh. 10th Ao. O. rissoides, Han. iii. 70. Do., var. dubia, Jeff. iii. 70. Do., var. glabrata. 10th A. R. O. pallida, Mont. iii. 71. O. conoidea, Broc. iii. 61, 71. O. conspicua, Ald. iii. 71. O. unidentata, Mont. i. 259. O. turrita, Han. 6th A. R., p. 39. Do., var. nana, Jeff. 10th A. R. O. plicata, Mont. i. 259; iii. 71. O. insculpta, Mont. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. O. Warreni, Thomp. 6th A. R., p. 39. O. dolioliformis, Jeff. ii. 71. O. decussata, Mont. iii. 71. O. indistincta, Mont. iii. 71. Do., var. brevior, Jeff. iii. 71. O. interstincta, Mont. i. 260. Do., var. suturalis, Phil. 10th A. R. O. spiralis, Mont. i. 260. O. scalaris, Phil. 6th A. R., p. 26. O. rufa, Puil. 1.260; 1%. 71. Do, var. fulvocincta, Thomp. iii. 71. O. lactea, L. i. 260. O. pusilla, Phil. iii. 61, 71. O. scille, Scac. iii. 71. O. acicula, Phil. 6th A. R., p. 26, 7th A. B., p. 28; Odostomia nitidissima, Mont. 6th A. R., p. 26. O. diaphana, Jeff. 10th A. R. Hulima polita, L. i. 261. EL. intermedia, Can, 7th A. R,, p. 28. E. distorta, Desh. i. 261; iii. 71. HE. subulata, Don. 1. 261; iii. 71. Lf. bilineata, Ald. 6th A. R., p. 26: 7th Ay R., pr le: Natica catena, DaC. i. 11, 240, 261, 338. NV. Alderi, Forb. i. 240, 244, 261, 338. NV. Montacuti, Forb. i. 261. Adeorbis subcarinatus, Mont. iii. 28,72. A. imperspicuus, Monter. 7th A. R., pp. 16, 17, 28 (as Cyclostrema millepunctatum, Friele). Lamellaria perspicua, L. i. 244, 261. Velutina levigata, Penn. i. 239, 244, 261, 323, 338; ili. 72. Aporrhais pes-pelicani, L. i. 239, 244, 261. Cerithium reticulatum, Da C. i. 261. C. perversum, L. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. Cerithiopsis tubercularis, Mont. iii. Gl 72: Purpura lapillus, L. 1. 31, 262, 338; iii, 72. Do., var. imbricata, Lmk. iii. 72. Bueccinum undatum,L. 1.31, 239, 262,. 338. Do, var. littoralis, King. 10th A. R. Do., var. Jordoni, Chester. 10th A. R. Murex erinaceus, L. i. 5, 240, 262, 319, 333. Lachesis minima, Mont. iii. 72. Trophon muricatus, Mont. i. 240, 262. T. barvicensis, Johnst. 1.240, 262,338. T. truncatus, Str. i. 262, 388. iii. 72. Do, var. alba, Jett. 10th A. R. Fusus antiquus, L. i. 240, 244, 262, 338. Do., var. alba, Jeff. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. F. gracilis, Da C. i. 5, 240, 244, Bo8 F lily tos Do., var. convoluta, Jeff. 10th A. R. F. propinquus, Ald.i. 244, 262 ; iii. 73. F. Jeffreysianus, Fisch. i. 244. Nassa reticulata, L. i. 263. N. inerassata, Str. i. 263; iii. 73. Defrancia teres, Forb. 6th A. R., pp. 26, 39. D. gracilis, Mont. i. 268. D. Leufroyi, Mich, 6th A. R., p. 39. D. linearis, Mont. i. 263; iii. 73. Do., var. equalis, Jeff. 10th A. R. D. purpurea, Mont. i. 263. Pleurotoma attenuata, Mont. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. P. costata, Don. iii. 73. P. nebula, Mont. i. 240, 263, 338; iii. 73. P. septangularis, Mont. i. 263. 30 REPORT—1896. Pleurotoma rufa, Mont. P. turricula, Mont. 838 ; 10: 78. Cyprea Europea, Mont. 263, 317, 338. Cylichna umbilicata, Mont. 7th A. R., . 28. C. cylindracea, Penn, i. 244, 264. Utriculus truncatulus, Brug. iii. 73. Do., var. pellucida, Bro. Puftin Island. 10th A. R. UY. obtusus, Mont. i. 73. U. hyalinis, Turt. 7th A. R., p. 28. U. mamillatus, Phil. 10th A. R. Acta@on tornatilis, L. i. 244, 264. Bulla hydatis, L. 6th A. R., p. 35, i. 263, i, 5, 240, 263, i. 13, 240, 31, 264; ili. 6th A. R., p. 39; Bulla utriculus, Broc. &th A. R., p. 39 7th A. R., p. 28. Scaphander lignarius, L. cg Philine scabra, Mill. 7th A. R.,p. 28. P. catena, Mont. Isle of Man, South. 10th A. R. P. angulata, Jeff. 8th A. R., p. 27. P. punctata, Cl. iii. 74. P. nitida, Jeff. iii, 74. P. aperta, L. i.12, 31, 240, 265, 317; ili. 28, 74. Aplysia punctata, Cuv. i. 13, 240, 265, 323, 339 ; ili. 137. Pleurobranchus membranaceus, Mont. i. 13, 240, 2€5, 322, 339; iii. 74. P. plumila, Mont. i. 133 iii, 74. i. 244, 264; 7th A. R., 28. NUDIBRANCHIATA. [See Reports by Professor HERDMAN and Mr. CLUBB in ‘ Fauna,’ i. 268, ii. 98, and iii. 131.] Archidoris tuberculata, Cuv. i. 268. A. Johnstoni, Ald. & Han. i, 268. A. flammea, Ald. & Han. i. 268. Doris, sp. (7). 9th A. R., p. 11. Lamellidoris bilamellata, Linn. i. 268. L. depressa, Ald. & Han. i, 269. L. proxima, Ald. & Han. i. 269. I. aspera, Ald. & Han. 9thA. R,, jae | Aigirus punctilucens, D’Orb. 9th A. R., Dy it. Acanthodoris pilosa, O. F. M. i, 269. A.quadrangulata, Ald. & Han. 1.269. Goniodoris nodosa, Mont. i. 269. G. castanea, Ald. & Han. 1. 270. Triopa claviger,O. F. M. i, 270. Polycera Lessont, D’Orb. i. 270, Do., var. ocellata, Ald. & Han. i. 270. P. quadrilineata, O. F. M. i. 270. Ancula cristata, Alder. i. 270; iil, 134. Tritonia Hombergi, Cuv. i. 270. T. plebeia, Johnst. i, 271. Dendronotus arborescens, O. F. M. i. 271; ii. 101. Lomanotus genet, Ver. 9th A. R., oe Doto coronata, Gm. i. 272. D. fragilis, Forbes. i. 272. Janus cristatus, D. Ch. i. 272. J. hyalinus, Ald. & Han. i. 272. Eolidia papillosa, Linn, i. 273. Holidiella glauca, Ald. & Han. i, 273. Facelina coronata, Forb, i. 273, F. Drummondi, Thomp, i. 273. Coryphella lineata, lov. i. 274. | | ! Coryphella gracilis, Ald. & Han, i. 274. C. Landsburgi, Ald. & Han. i. 274. C. rufibranchialis, Johnst. i. 274; iii. 140. Favorinus albus, Ald. & Han. 9th AcE gpaut ik. Carolina anqgulata, Ald. & Han, 7th A. R., p. 45. Cratena concinna, Ald. & Han. i. 274. C. olivacea, Ald. & Han. i. 274. C. amena, Ald. & Han. i. 274. C. awrantiaca, Ald. & Han. i. 275. C. arenicola, Forb. i. 275. C. viridis, Forb. i. 275. Cuthona nana, Ald. & Han. i. 275. C. awrantiaca, Ald. & Han. 9th a. Api. Galvina picta, Ald. & Han. i. 275. G. tricolor, Forbes. i. 275. G. Farrani, Ald. & Han. 9th A. R., Belt. Tergipes despecta, Johnst. i. 276. T. exigua, Ald. & Han. i. 276. Embletonia pallida, Ald. & Han. i. 276. #. pulehra, Ald. & Han. p. Ai. Fiona marina, Forsk. ii. 108. Elysia viridis, Mont. 9th A. R., p. 11. Runcina Hancocki, Forb. 9th A. R., p ii Acteenia corrugata, Ald. & Han, 9th A. Bas Dol. Limapontia nigra, John, p. LE 9th ALR, 9th A, R., PULMONIBRANCHIATA. Melampus bidentatus, Mont. iii. 74. Do.,var. alba, Tart. Isle of Man, South. 1@th A. R. Melampus myosotis, Drap. p. 25. Otina otis, Turt, 7th A. BR, 1.265; iii, 74. ON THE MARINE ZOOLOGY Of THE tkISH SEA, 31 PTEROPODA. Spiridlis retroversus, Flem. 7th A. R., p. 15. CEPHALOPODA., [See Mr. Hoy1k's list in ‘ Fauna,’ i. 278, and additions in A. R. since. ] Sépiola atlantica, amk. i. 6, 11, 24, 246, 266, 279. 7th A. R., 28. S. scandica, Stnp. 7th A. R., p. 28. Rossia macrosoma, D: Ch. i. 245, 266. Loligo media, Linn, i. 5, 7, 245, 266, 279. Loligo Forbesi, Stnp. i. 245, 265. 7th A. R., 28. Sepra officinalis, Linn, i. 29, 245, 266, Liledone cirrosa, Lamk, i. 6, 24, 246, 266, 278; iii. 35, LIST OF THE TUNICATA, [See Professor HtrDMAN’s Report upon the Tunicata in the ‘ Fauna,’ vol. i, and Second Report upon the Tunicata in the ‘ Fauna,’ vol. ii, and various passing refer- ences and short lists in the Annual Reports. ] LARVACEA. Oikopleura flidbellum, J. Mill, i, 281; ii, 114, Fritillaria, sp, Port Erin. 10th A, R. ASCIDIACEA, Potycycius Savignyi, Hidm. i. 283, ii, 114, Botryilus moriv, Giard (2). i. 284, 6th D4 R., p. 85. B. smaragdus, M.-Edw. i. 285, ii. 116. B. violaceus, M.-Hdw. i. 286, 6th A.R., p: 35. B. Schlossert, Pall. i. 115. B. gemmeus, Sav. i. 287. B. pruinosus, Giard (7). i. 287. B. curolineatus, Giard (7). 6th A. R., p. 36. Botrylloides rubrum, MEdw. 1. 287; ie ET, B. albicans, M.-Baw. i, 287 ; ii. 116. B, Leachii, Sav. (1). 1. 2883 ii. 116. B. sp. (1). i. 288. Sarcobotrylloides, sp. (2): ii. 116. Distoma rubrum, Sav.(?). i.288} ii.116. D. witrewm, Ald. (1). i. 289. D. sp. (1). i. 289. Aplidium fallax, John. (7). i. 290. Parascidia Forbesii, Ald. i. 290. Morchellium argus, M.Edw. i. 290; aS Ny Morchellioides Alderi, Hrdm. i. 291. Amaroucium proliferum, M.-Edw. i. 293; ii. 117, Amarouciwn, sp. (1). i. 293. @lossophorum sabulosum, Giatd. 7th A. R., p, 17. Leptociinum durum, M..Edw. i. 293; ii. 118. L. maculatum, M.-Edw. i. 293 sii. 117, 287, ii. Z., candidum, Sav. (2). i, 2945 ii, 147. | Leptoctinum aspernm, M.-Edw. i, 294. Dipiosoma punctatum, Forb. i. 294. D.getatinosum, M.+Edw. i. 295; ii. 118. D. erystallinum, Giard. i. 295. Astellium spongiforme, Giard. 7th A. R., p. 17. Clavelina lepadiformis, O. F. M. i. 296; fi. 118. Perophora Listeri, Wieg. i.2973 ii. 119. Ciona intestinalis, Linn. i, 297, 362; ii. 119. Asoidielia virginea, O. F. M. i. 298; if, 124. A. scabra,O. F. M. 1.2993 ii. 1265. A. elliptica, A.& H. i. 299. A. aspersa, O. F. M. i. 3003 ii. 125. A. venosa, O. F. M. ii. 122. Ascidia mentula, O. F. M. i. 2983 ii. 121. A, plebeia, Ald. i. 300; ii. 121. A. depressa, Ald. & H, i. 3013; 6th A. BR., p. 35. A. prunum, O. F. M. i. 301. Corelia parallelogramma, O. F.M, i. 301} ii 126. cae tessellata, Forbes. 3rd A.R., p. 37, ge at grossularia, V. Ben. i, 302; ii, 126. Polycarpa rustica, Linn. (2). i. 303; ii. 12. P. comata, Ald. i. 303; 8th A. R,, a P. pomaria, Sav. i, 304; ii. 127, P, glomerata, Ald, A. R. P. monensis, Hrdm, i. 305. Cynthia echinata, Linn. ii, 127, 32 REPORT—1896. Cynthia morus, Forb. 7th A. R., Molgula citrina, A. & H. i. 128; 6th p. 19. A. B., p. 36. Molgula occulta, Kupf. i. 307; ii. M. Hancocki, Hrdm. ii. 130. 128. Eugyra glutinans, MOll. i. 309; ii. 128. CEPHALOCHORDA. Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Pall. 10th A. R. LIST OF THE FISHES. [See lists by Mr. P. M. C. KERMODE in ‘ Zoologist,’, 1893, and by Prof. HERDMAN in ‘ Transactions’ Liverpool Biological Society for 1893.] Labrax lupus, Cav. Serranus cabrilla, C. and V. Mullus barbatus, var. surmuletus, Linn, Cantharus lineatus, Mont. Pagellus centrodontus, C. and V. Sebastes norvegicus, Ascan. Cottus scorpius, Linn. C. bubalis, Buph. Trigla hirundo, Linn. T. cuculus, Linn, T. lineata, Gm. T. gurnardus, Linn. Agonus cataphractus, Bl. Lophius piscatorius, Linn. Trachinus draco, Linn. T. vipera, C. and V. Scomber scomber, Linn. S. Colias, Gm. Orcynus germo, Lac. Thynnus pelamys, Linn, Lampris luna, Gm. Caranz trachurus, Lac. Zeus faber, Cuv. Xiphias gladius, Linn. Sciena aquila, Risso. Gobius niger, Linn. G. Ruthensparri, Euph. G. minutus, Gm. G. paganellus, Gm. G. pictus, Malm. G. quadrimaculatus, C. and V. G. Parnelli, Day. Aphia pellucida, Nard. Callionymus lyra, Linn. Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn. Liparis Montagui, Don. L. vulgaris, Flem. Lepadogaster Gouanii, Lac. L. bimaculatus, Don. Carelophus Ascanii, Coll Blennius pholis, Linn. B. ocellaris, Linn. B, galerita, Linn. B. gattorugine, Bi. Centronotus gunnellus, Bl. Zoarces viviparus, Linn. Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linn, G. spinachia, Linn. G. pungitius, Linn. Mugil chelo, Cuv. Labrus maculatus, Bi. L. mievtus, Fries and Eks. Centrolabrus exoletus, Linn. Crenilabrus melops, Cuv. Ctenolabrus rupestris, Linn. Gadus morrhua, Linn. G. merlangus, Linn. G. virens, Linn. G. eglefinus, Linn. G. luscus, Linn. G@. minutus, Linn. G. pollachius, Linn. Merluccius vulgaris, Cuv. Molva vulgaris, Flem. Loto vulgaris, Cuv. Phycis blennoides, Bl. Motella tricirrata, Nils. M. cimbria, Linn. M. mustela, Linn. Raniceps raninus, Linn. Ammodytes lanceolatus, Les. A. tobianus, Lion. Rhombus maximus, Cuv. £. levis, Rond. Hippoglossus vulgaris, Flem. © Hippoglossoides limandoides, Bloch. Zeugopterus punctatus, Bl. Z. wnimaculatus, Risso. Z. norvegicus, Giinth. Arnoglossus megastoma, Don, A. laterna, Walb. Pleuronectes platessa, Linn. P. limanda, Linn. P. flesus, Linn. Pleuronectes microcephalus, Don. P. cynoglossus, Linn. Solea vulgaris, Quen. S. lutea, Risso. S. aurantiaca, Giinth. S. lascaris, Risso. S. variegata, Don. 5 Maurolicus Pennantii, Walb. Argentina sphyrena, Linn. Salmo salar, Linn. S. trutta, Linn. S. favio, Linn. Osmerus eperlanus, Linn. Belone vulgaris, Flem. ' Engraulis encrasicholus, Linn, Clupea harengus, Linn. ON Clupea sprattus, Linn. C. finta, Cuv. Anguilla vulgaris, Turt. Conger vulgaris, Cuv, Siphonostoma typhle, Linn, Syngnathus acus, Linn. Nerophis equoreus, Linn, NV. ophidion, Linn. N. lumbriciformis, Willugh, Orthagoriscus mola, Linn. Carcharias glaucus, Cuv, Acipenser sturio, Linn. Galeus vulgaris, Flem, Mustelus vulgaris, Mill. Lamna cornubica, Gm. Alopias vulpes, Gm, Selache maxima, Gunner, THE MARINE ZOOLOG YY: OF THE IRISH SEA, Seyllium canicula, Cav. S. catulus, Cuy. Pristiurus melanostomus, Rat. Acanthias vulgaris, Risso. Rhina squatina, Linn. Torpedo nobiliana, Bonap, Raia batis, Linn. ozyrhynchus, Linn, . alba, Lacép. . clavata, Linn. . maculata, Mont. . circularis, Couch. . macrorhynchus, Raf. R. radiata, Don. Trygon pastinaca, Linn. Petromyzon marinus, Linn. P. fluviatilis, Linn. BU SU bd by BY BY LIST OF THE MARINE MAMMALIA, [See Report on Seals and Whales, by Mr. Moors, in ‘ Fauna,’ ii. p. 134.] PINNIPEDIA. Phoca graenlandica, Fabr. ii. 136. P. vitulina, Linn. 10th A. R. Halisherus grypus, Fabr. ii. 136. Cystophora cristata, Erxl. ii, 137, JETACEA. Megaptera longimana, Rud. ii. 139. Ayperoodon rostratus, Chem, ii. 140. — Balenoptera musculus, Linn. 10th A. R, Phocena communis, F, Cuv, ii. 142. Orea gladiator, Lac. ii. 143. Lagenorhynchus albirostris, Gray. 144. Delphinus delphis, Linn. ii, 147. Tursiops tursio, Faby, ii. 148, il, s See A Cal What Asie} hea i ee pethin ‘ee Paget ; . if van 44 ut ‘ ; ; sie “ 4; : ae fue eae» Ange Z y A, ti Cee CHEE PEEL WNQMH SS SN