Author: Pennsylvania Dept. of Forests and Waters Title: Research circular, no. 3 Place of Publication: Harrisburg, Pa. Copyright Date: 1930 Master Negative Storage Number: MNS# PSt SNPaAg084.2 i-j?. , r. dii&!MmmM£iXM,> ***--^ Kl. tt -, " ilwuriniTiinTriiii ffil^fe -^ " ?-"f -T A,; ■ DEER DAMAGE TO FOREST TREES IN PENNSYLVANIA W i > ! I LeRoy Im'ohI/ COAiMUNWhAl.lii (M i'i.\.\^\ i.\ AM/v ])l.l'ARl\Mi:\ r ()1 1X)R1::STS AMM\ Ai'l-RS CiiAKi.i..- lA 1 )uiv\\ui:i 11^ Seo'cfarij Joseph S. Illick, Depufij Secrctarjj and State Forester Harrisburg, Poinisylvniiin 1930 je J '♦'!•""-,■; if"^ .'■A-Ji ■.S^An/tueXV fc Sji ,'?56'-i ■ • n A.-fl^',s '■t'; *^l _^. „<,.«.,fitJ«%»^«i STATE 1 ORKST ( (»fMISSIO\ TiiAKLKS Iv DoRWoirJii, ('hairr)i(in Ki)\\ AHD JJailia ^Marv Flinx Lawrk.vci: (]\[ks. John W.) N. P. Wiii:i:li:r, .1r A. -1. ( )i)i:.\\\ iiLDi'.iv', .Ii;. OlUiAMZATlON Ol J>E1MKT.M ILNT Ol lOKESTS AND WATKliS ( iiARLEs Iv 1) OR WORTH, S(cnlanj JosEi'H S. li.T.irK. T)( puiij Xfcr( ' J{. Aii;i:K. Ch'u i\ Hinidu. of Fori si F.rh )i.sion ]]:\\\ \V. (Ji.i;a>()N. ('J\i<( llnnnK o( Fon si Jjiiids Iv. Lnnn I^Mi.ixicK. (Imf. liiiridii of Fori si lusrorch and I iifoDnai lon Jacob M. 11<>!I'.m \.\. ('ho \\ Hurion oj For< si piiil,s AV. Tmipm \xx ArDXTcoMKRv. FJn't f, linrnni of A<-coinifs and Moi nifurnjre i'i\:\\iiA.> Iv I\ni>i;r, (Jh'oj F)i(jiiii(r, Waii r mid F<>iV' r Itisoiircts Board I (n:i:sT i{i:si:\K( H rNSTiiiTi: W ii i.i> M . r» \ K\ \i. Hi !•( dor (.i.«)K(.i; S. pKKin'. Senior liistarcJi Foru|)ported a satisfactory stand of Nounu timber were i)racticallv denuded of tree ;;rowth. In some cases the i2']"eatest damaiz'e ap]^eai'ed to be coneeuti'ated uj)on planted areas, while in other instances, and without any known reasons, the greatest damay:c' was found in young stands of natural forest growth. It was also ohs(u*ved that deer show a t(uid(uicy to couLii'(\eate in cer- tain localities in which tlie\' do Lrreat damaiz'e, soiiietimes amoimtiie'' to the com|)lete destruction of all trees and shrubs below an a\erage ludirht of six f(M^t. Such ar(\'is ^vn'e n])s(u*V(Hl in Fi'anklin and rieai'- * Presented t\i ( "(nit'cnMicc of i 'fimsvU ;ini;i Eorc'stcrs, Mcnt Alto, |';i., .1 ;niii;i t \' 29-30, H)oO. field (\)nn1i('s, ;iii(| in ,i niunhcr of (»as(>s they \\cr(> sp]);i r;il,'(i noj '"<»''<" tii;m i\ mil.' tVoni .-n-cns iipoii wliidi litllc or no M'"'''"'- '111(1 wliciv Ihrrc \\;is ;iM a 1)11 1 1( hi iicc of similar i\i',^v \\hh\. This ()hs(M\ali()ii sccnis lo iiidicalc that, ronlrary lo popiihn- ,)i)iiii,,ii, the (Irrr arc nol ac.'iisloiiKM I to ?-ai!U'(> A\i(h'Iy in search oT looih The (h-rr a|)|)c;ir lo haxc no set ovdi^v of prcrcrcncc in I'iMMliiiL!- on U)vvs\ Irccs. In phi iit;it ioii.s, pilch pine and while pine seemed lo be prel'erred. This, ho\\e\er. may he in a mensnre ri11ribut(M] to the f.'iet thni \vhile pine is ihe most wich'ly phinted tree in the Stnte. In -( veral inst;mees it \\;is ohsei'vc! th,-it Scotch pine was ^ivoidcnl, pos- sibly because oj" its slnirp, si iff needles, especially when otheT* tre(\s '>r lender ;m'e were present. rr;icl ic;illy total destniction w;is observed in phintations of white pill.', shorthat pine, pilch pine. Ih-in!oi'ti(»n of llic field woi-k in this special >tiid\- A\as con- fined to phintations, beeansc Inll records are avaihible of i^wvy |>hiii- tation e.stabiislieii jn the State Foi-esls o!' I'minsy l\ ania. \Vitli tliese comph-te ])la]itation recoi-ds it was possible to di-aw acciii-ate con- clusions. il(t\\e\cr. exlensi\-e held obseiwa 1 ioils. supplemented i)\ the study |)h)ls, show ihal natural loi-i'sl i^rowth has been damaged even morn s(>?-ious!y limn pla nlat ions. An examination o\' natural hai-d wood are;is ;ind iialur;il Lirowlh of white pine in 1 1 iiiit iimdoii and ('eiilre <'oni!ties showed thai upon speciUc areas e\er\- sprout and seedliii'j tree jiad Ixv^i killed. ^'"d\' plots in natural iirowth in the .Moshannon State Foi-esl -n ^'h'arlield ('(Uiuty show that cNcry woody plant less than six teel ill heiiili! had been entirely desli-oyed or hopelessly injured b\- deer. 'Hi'' codecteil data sJm.w that a total of '\\i) specimens of woodx' plants ^^■ere present on a one(piarier acre plot. ()t' Ibis numei- KiU were es l(i feet in lieJLdlt W(>re o])s.M'Ve.|. the top- (.!' which li;id been browsed bx' (jeei- ■ It h • ; ii while the trees were load<'d with snow and bent to the o-ponnd. The fore^omji- data record only the nH)re recent damaii-e on this plot. Tor tlH! (li'i^v had been destroyin' •'"•^ ^^^'^^^t fern, have been eaten by the deer. .Moun- ^^JJ>J laurel in places has been practically ext(M'm i n.iied. ^'^'"" "^'l''"''te result (d' dm- dama-e to yoimo' natural forest -rowt!i '"" '"' ""*•''' '■"">" '"iderstood when the present forest stands have 'T'"''"''' "i^'^>"-'bv ;:nd are re.-idy to be lumbered. This is especiallr Mn-nilicanl. lor forestry ni l>ennsyKatiia will )or many vears to ,-om'e '''"'■;' P''""'"''ly ^^>lil natural rather than with planted 'forest slam's. -^ '^^ ^" ^'"'^'' natural Mamls we must h,nk for a lar-e portion of our t'llure wood supply. natural lorest stands are alreadv. for tin' niost part, composed of pnnr specimens of inferior trees 'whicli will surely (ontiniie t(. deteriorate if drov dama-e continues at the ])reseiit rale. ^ An exambiation of European larcli. vrd pine, Scotch pine and • '•'"'•'^^ pine plantations, set out in l'lL>(. 1f)L>:). ;nid ]!»L>«i on Sy-n,. ''^"■'•^^^ ''"'^^ '^' ("learh.hl ( oiinlx. s|,nN\e,| s() ,,, .),v^^-, ,,.• ,,,,, ,,|.,,,,,,,| trees o-rowimr at the end of the first season. In Pi-o .mi inspection of these plantations dis.dosed that ihe phinled trees were bei'e- "'''■'''■'''>■ '''""-'--d by .leer., and presented a verv a|e '"'"■'""'''■ '•> ""' ^b'i"'- -!' l"-'7. It was app;,renl that lo altcept ''"•tina- rHorestation was a waste of i rees. tune, and mn,c.^ . nniss some mens W(>re Puind wlnaoby tlu' planted trees could' be p:o- ''''■^'''' '''•""'' ^''''^'•- I^'^^'' "ii- •••'^ison no p|;,nia1ions |,,v.. p,.,) made ''"'■'"- ^'"' ''-'^^ ^'"■-'•' ^"'"-^ ^" t'i'> l-aii1y. To have a better under- ^^'"^^''"~ "'' ^''^' n^dure and extent of drrr dama-e. a onenuarler acre st ndy pint was established on ihe area i)lante(l wilh >a n i\s pnie D T" 1- 111 1924. ^ This livra ivpmseiits avrra«^-e coii,s. <,nly ir,(i trees h^l't of approximately 400 ori-inally phintcd n,, the study pK)1. This niindx'r consisted of^lead. dyino', and a Few livin-' trees wliich had (h'veh)pcd snriicieidiy vi-or- ons slioots to indicate thcii- al)ility to recc^-er from tlic efleets of !)ein- <'atcM 4. They were spaced live hy live feet. Only four trees of the U>\ found on the area on March ^. 1Sl>S, had suflicient lateral ^^'"'^ ^" ''"••'''''' ^'"•"' ^" live over the followinn. summer. The terminal shoots of e\ei-y phiii|,.,l live had In-en nipped l,y the deer. Tlie fr,\\v trees meniion.-d were tlie oidy ones fo,ind on the plot that possesse,' rven lateral buds. The avera-r li,-ioht (»f the planted trees was seven ""*''^''^- '^'<*^''*'-'l>^ ^»t' pitch pine plantations show that under normal conditions pitch pin.' at lour years after pl;,n1in- should attain an avei-ii-v hei-ht of apj)ro,\im;dely three f.-ct. Tn the sprin,!,' of l!)i>4. two plots of Am.'ricnu elm. 1 1 transolaids ^vere set out within oOO IVet of Korest K>annvr \Vm. F. McKiimev's li<'^'!l. showed that the trees !''''"''''l '" tlic unfenced areas avera-ed but IS inc-h.-s in height ;,nd '''^'■•' •"'^''•"'" ''•''•! '"• ■" '•' '"^' <'!) issu.' ..f "The doiirnal of Heredity," drw -ra/inu- on western yellow i)ine, dist iu-uished between stock d(Muv<>d from seeds that came from the Idack Hills and stock that cam.' from J.eadville and San Isabel sources. Trees o-roNs n from s.'cd collect.'d in the lilack Hills w.'iv almost entirely dest'roy.'.l by d.'cr, while trees ^^V()^\ u from the other sources wer.' (udy sli-iitly damaj,I-ed. Tn Pennsylvania, the difference in severity of dama.uv may be due to tlu^ topooraphy of the country with its resultiuo- infJiMMic on the more or less definite paths followed by (hvr in th.'ii- wander- in(i. an op.'u season was d.'daiv.i on fe- ^''^''<' IcLial do.' w.'i-e shot dui-inir the season. Tt is reported that a .^f l.l'OO dm were kilh-d in lii.' township diir '"- i**'th the iv-i!l;,r an. I spr,'i;d liiiiiliuo- soasoiis. Include.l witiiin this total is tlh' iiumbei- of (la^v estimat.'.l to have b.'en shot by farm- ers \\hil.' f.'edin«i' on their crops. li m-vrs of Idn^t land in the township. lOst ini;it iiiL!' ^•'''^ ''<•'' ^'y^'^y d^'^^y kill.'. I four ivmain.'.l. it is appai-eiit tli;it when lh.' huntinii- season ojx'ued in da.'lxson Township in lULNi. theiv was P''<''>''^''>' '' total of (i.OOO (h'.'r in th,' t.»wnsliip. that is, ap|)!'.)ximat.'ly one (\rvv to e\cry five oi" six acr.'s of for.'st lan.l. lMirop,';in <'xp"ri- <'uce shows that it is |)ossible for one drrv to live on about M) acr.'s. causin-- little or no dama-v. The lab' Dr. JMlb.'rt KN.tli of th,' Tni- versity of Michioan states in his "First F.ook of h^uvstry." that "In hardwood forests lik.' those .d' the A Ih'-h.'iii.'s. :!') .h-er shoiihl fer,! '■'"^^ ''^''' ^^^1 ^^)i)0 a.'ivs of |;in.l without i iit.'rf.-rin-' wiih fh,. r,^;d "'••!''''< '"' t'oH'strx-; but 111 all .-as.-s the tiuitib.-r should be r-'- iil;i t ."d. '""' til.' old does as w.'ll as old bucks should be remove,!." Th.'s.' *'''^'' iippear to indicat.' that th.' iliu^v population .)f da.-ksoii Town- ship in l!ll.>:) w;is from .-i-ht to l.'ii tim.'s -ivat.'r th;iii th.' ii..riii;il carryiiiL!' e;ipa(dty of the forest. ''^''•' '■•"'•"i" 7J7S 7,2S7 2:).()!>7 ,,,; I • , ' ' '^'""' '" ^ <''^'i\vJv;.i,.;, has .lonhh^l ;nu| t,.ip|,,i 1f)14 1!II7 l!tl,S 1!)2() lf)21 1!)22 lf)2r) if)2(; 1*127 1})2.S TL (' II h' of (Irri- ,|;i lllis (■ M. . • . "■•" .■ -ni n.|„.,l.|,. ,„r, ,, /•"T"-'"'-.i''-'—"^'i.v|,i,„. „,„.,. ...„i,iis liv,. ,i„r,.,. ; , '" -'■'■'"— .lots .„h .,„„l,.„. n,.„,„.,.,l „.„„,, „.,„ . ' ,: i ,:",r"^^ t,,,. r,.,,,.,.,! ,.„.,.. ,.„„,,„„.,,.'„„, „. m. . i,, ':■;;; ;^'-- -;' p^.s ,..,. „„.,.„,. , „„ ~ '"'.^ <'"MclllM\r J-,'^11 K -It llii <;.., 1 ^ -ii • Vcar^s f iiPA" AA I ! ! I . • " 1 1 \^ 1 1 , 1 1 n a I ('\\ ..'■Hrstluj u,|| b.,-,n to ,.n,. ,.„,. .„„, ,,.|„|,,., ;„,,,,„,,,„„ ^,^ ,„ 8 I n "' ll''l(lll-<' ,.|lhl ('Mrril ,,!■ ,|, A " "'■'''• ''•"""-'■ '" '•"'•^'^t troos in i.Inntations I'liiiMlvaiiia. '""""■ •'"■ -•""'■Ins.ons 11,..,( I,,,v., ]„,.„ ,1,,,,, ■""' "'"I"-''! ;^Tou||, ,„ .lirtVivnl rooioMs in |> '— -.vsn,,!,. .„■,,,.„, ,|,„„.„,„,.„.,.^, (m.,san. ,h,. r„n 1- DcT r,.,.,|n.Mi)l\- llama..,. I W..s( onnvtl, l,v ..tin,,. ,|„, i;;,,,/, - l"-nan, . ■ ,„, . • """- 'II' I'iKl.s, lcav(.s and \-(inn<>.(.i. ",'""■„ ""^ 'i'"""^" i.s iika.v to p,.«v,. r,„i;„ „;, '"•''^^ l''<''' plaiilalioiis an. I nalnral lilV (;! y tiiiK' (liirino- tiu> ""■■'"" """." -...-I. » Wis .1 ;..,,»,»); ;::,.; .;:■.'.■':;:.'/:.'.";:..;i:;;,:::;':;,,;'::::;:;:/;';:'■''^--^■ -''■'•.■"■^i en loii purposes. I), 's( u'l.owni. ir :i " ' ' "I""' J'l-.-ii-li.-ally ail kiiHls or To,.,.. "'■'■''''■'■ ^ -iinwn itiiiono- Ih,. ,.<,nifV Piiivan,! ul.M,. Pino. ' " '"''"■"" '" '"' '"'• l'i"-li 4. |.;x '■'•^.'-ivo injury in,-,y 1„. ,.onfin,.,i (o a c .'iiTa. w'liil,. t|-|,,, opd^vll tcn.siveJy daniawd. "iiiliaralivi'lN. Iinii!,.,| I" tlu' .siin-ounding ir-ions may r,r,1 h,- ex ^^- T),.,.,- ,i,,na,u,. 11, d,... cheek,.,!, will n-snll i,, th,. rnin of ,v. ■ ■ "'■ " ''''-' "'••■■■' "I""<. !- imiiraWi.-al a. ,lns ,nn,.. 7. Til,. ,]airi,.|i;,. n,,„ i,,.!,,,,. i , , . , , . >'-">'n.y or I .nn; in ;;,:;;. :.'::r,r:' ''' i";':^ ■^'"•'■"■-"" '•■■"•■■•-'■^- ■ i.ii..i-.v,.n„'.n, ..nHin.r ,1^ ::,;;:';'';: ^';'" '-"^ '" ^l"'^'' Pi^^ ri:\\svLA \M \ i);:r\irni|.:M oi i okksts and \vvti:ks K*('s<';irc!i Uiillciin 1. A (; 111(1,. 1,, h\nu'.uy ^t,,(iie^ .,,j(| Deinoiistra- tKHi^ (Ml the Mont Alto ;,M(1 :\ri,.I,;,nx S^tate Foi-t'sts. Ix('s(viit1i r.iilh'tin 2.— rite], !>;,.,. in rciiiisylvania. K'rs.'^in-li n.illniM :>,.— AVo.mIx n.•,Mt^ ol' l!,c- AIo,,t Alto Ko,vM .- .\;itivo .'111(1 1 Mt !•()< hicrd. '^•'^'■;"-*"li CiiviiL'ir 1. K,.r(.\.-i-\ (,[■ lin- cin,^, lint 111 I ('iiiis\j \;ini;i T?(»S(';i rdi ( "ir (•l!l;i 2.— W'liitr PiiK" lMist,.f l^iist in r,.,ii,s\l ''i!ii^\'l \ .■nii.i licscnrch Ciiviihii- :;.— Drcr ]);iiiui,-o to F,,iv>t Tivcs in 1 ! 1 <'llll,s\!v;iHUl The jMl!)lic;itioii.s listed abo\C iilV (listrihiitcd l)y the ^^•'P'""^""'"^ '»'■ Koivsfs ;,n(] AVnt.Ts. ILirn.l.iirL:. l';i.. IN'iiii.syhiiiii;, l<\)re8t lior.ircli 1 nst n m,.. Mnnt Ah(.. |';i. <'!iiisy|\ ;iiiia iiii