J. HENDERSON, | PRICE Is. RESEARCHES ON FOSSIL BONES, IN WHICH ARE ESTABLISHED THE CHARACTERS OF VARIOUS ANIMALS WHOSE SPECIES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED BY TEE REVOLUTIONS OF Che Globe; - BY ARON CUVIER, Great Officer an ne Legion of lopar! Counsellor of State, and Member of the Royal Council of Public Instruction, One of the Forty of the French Academy, Perpetual Secretary to the Academy of Sciences, Member of the Aca- demies and Royal Societies of London, Berlin, Petersburgh, Stockholm, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Gottingen, Turin, Bavaria, Modena, The Netherlands, Calcutta, and of the Linnean Society of London, &c. &c. &c. &e. FOURTH EDITION, Rehised and Completed BY ADDITIONAL NOTES,!,« ‘ AND A SUPPLEMENT LEFT BY THE AUTHOR. y pond Triomphante des eaux, du trépas, et du temps, La terre a cru revoir ses premiers habitaus. ae DELILLE. IN FOUR VOLUMES. LONDON: G. HEN DEBSON, 2, OLD BAILEY, LUDGATE- HILL. AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. ce 1834. a,