Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. a) all . ~ laa _ a cee Ue aA & lg 2 SU on USDA United States ae Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Research Note PNW-RN-522 September 1997 BS Abstract Background and Introduction Methods Research Information Needs on Terrestrial Vertebrate Species of the Interior Columbia River Basin and Northern Portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: A Research, Development, and Application Database ae co i B.G. Marcot ee au) a0) cD Nat Research information needs on selected invertebrates and all vertebrates-of the inte- rior Columbia River basin and adjacent areas in the United States were cbtlected into a research, development, and application database as part of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. The database includes 482 potential research study topics on 232 individual species and 18 species groups of animals, r6Bresenting significant gaps in scientific knowledge. Research study topics in the database can be retrieved by use of keyword searches. Keyword subjects include basic ecology, distri- bution, inventory and monitoring, environmental disturbance, effects of land use man- agement activities, and other topics. Research study topics can be prioritized once a land management plan is in place for the basin and an assessment is conducted of risk management on species and their environments. The database is included on computer files available on the World Wide Web at URL hittp://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/ marcot.html. Keywords: Research needs, info. zon needs, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, wildlife, interior Columbia River basin, Klamath Basin, Great Basin, inventory, monitoring. During 1993-96, the Science Integration Team (SIT) of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP), USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management, engaged in an assessment of the economic, social, ecological, and biological conditions of the interior Columbia River basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins (hereafter, “assessment area”) (Quigley and Arbelbide, in prep.). One part of the ICBEMP charter directed the development of a foundation for research, development, and applications (RD&A) activities, by identifying scientific knowledge critical to ensuring long-term sustainable management and ecological in- tegrity of the inland ecosystems and communities. One facet of this mandate entailed identifying gaps in scientific knowledge of the ecology of species and ecosystems. This report presents results of the evaluation of research information needs on terres- trial species of the assessment area. The terrestrial ecology staff of SIT gathered information on species-environment rela- tions of rare plants, selected invertebrates, and all vertebrates occurring within the assessment area (Marcot and others, in prep.). One part of this information dealt with identifying areas of scientific uncertainty and further research information needs on B.G. MARCOT is a wildlife ecologist, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, OR 97208-3890. Results species. Areas of scientific knowledge gaps were identified by reviewing the literature, from discussions with agency and other biologists, and by soliciting brief written ap- praisals from individual experts. During panel meetings in which base ecological information was gathered on species- environment relations, experts were asked to record key areas of scientific knowl- edge gaps for each species that would provide critical data for the compilation of the species-environment relations (SER) database and to meet the need for effective eco- system management. Marcot and others (in prep.) describe the paneling process and experts involved. The terrestrial ecology staff also worked with numerous agency bio- logists and researchers to determine ongoing and needed studies. Species information needs were then compiled into a database on a personal com- puter by using the RD&A software program of Hessburg and others (1994), which is a compiled script written for the Paradox’ relational database program. The RD&A software allows each research study need to be briefly summarized with a study de- scription, statement of potential application, and up to six keywords for later retrieval. The RD&A database, however, is available separately from the program, as a stand- ard .db format file. Separate RD&A databases on research study needs were developed for plants (rare or potentially rare taxa and rare plant communities) and animals (selected inverte- brates and all vertebrates). One joint set of keywords was developed for all plant and animal entries (table 1). Keywords were then grouped (table 2), which aid retrieving study needs by general subject area. This paper presents results on animals. The plants portion of the RD&A database will be presented elsewhere by the plant task group of the terrestrial ecology staff. Some vertebrate species, mostly those of aquatic environments, were combined into species groups in the SER database. In these cases, their collective research infor- mation needs also were addressed as species groups in the RD&A database. These 18 species groups are listed in table 3. Remaining species were listed individually in both the SER and RD&A databases. | do not discuss specific priorities for species research topics in this paper. Specific research priorities should arise from a fuller evaluation of risk management, including selection of a planning alternative for Federal lands managed in the assessment area and an evaluation of which environments and associated species may be at greatest risk under such a plan. The SER and RD&A databases collectively can help in setting research priorities once such a plan has been selected and is in place, by identifying species associated with at-risk environments and their research needs. Some 482 potential study topics spanning 232 individual species and 18 species groups are identified in the RD&A animals database. The topics are indexed by 135 keywords; some keywords pertain only to plants or only to animals, and others pertain to both. The RD&A database represents knowledge gaps pertinent to completing the SER database on species and for providing management with information on numer- ical or ecological status of species of potential concern. Doubtless, many additional ’ The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service. Research Needs Identified by Topic potential research topics could and should be identified. The RD&A database, and other research needs results summarized in this report, are offered as only one col- lection ef-information needs that should be weighed along with ancillary and more local considerations. The information needs identified here are mostly pertinent to the broad assessment area, although many research topics in the RD&A database identify portions of states in which the information is lacking. Information gaps and study needs also should be identified and refined for specific field management units. | strongly suggest that this be done by ecoregional boundaries rather than state, agency, or administrative unit boundaries. By far, the greatest number of research study needs on species were identified under the broad headings of habitat selection and use (keyword HABITAT, 174 entries) and population demography and dynamics (keyword POPULATION, 165 entries). The many entries under these two topics underscore the rather broad lack of species- specific knowledge of habitat use and population ecology in the assessment area. Much basic work remains to be done to verify the habitat relations depicted in the SER database and to determine population status of many species. Other research topics with a large number of entries (>75) in the RD&A database included studies of life history (keyword LIFE HISTORY) and monitoring (keyword MONITORING). At least 71 individual species and 1 species group were identified for which there are substantial gaps in knowledge of basic life history in the assessment area. Assuredly, many other species, including most invertebrates, could be added to this list. Similarly, at least 60 individual species and about 10 species groups were identfied for which monitoring of trends may be useful. In addition, field monitoring methods need to be developed for at least 11 species, including 3 mustelids, 3 other carnivores, a deer, 2 birds, and others. Other research topics garnering a substantial but lower number of total entries (>20) included studies on species groups (keyword BATS), presence (DISTRIBUTION, INVENTORY), interspecific interactions (COMPETITION, PREDATION), demography (REPRODUCTION), behavior (DIET, DISPERSAL, MIGRATION), environmental factors (FIRE), and management activities (GRAZING, LOGGING, PESTICIDES). In reviewing the RD&A database, it became evident that there is a substantial lack of knowledge of basic distribution and ecology of bats in the assessment area. There is a lack of information on basic distribution of many other species as well, as listed in the RD&A database. Studies of interspecific interactions, demography, and behavior may be important for identifying potential conservation concern for some species. And knowledge of effects of management activities on species can be useful for crafting application guidelines. The remaining topics garnered fewer entries per topic, but they still may be crucial for specific species. The remaining topics include additional areas of management (AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL DAMAGE, CHEMICAL POLLUTION, DEVELOPMENT, DISTURBANCE, EXOTICS, HABITAT FRAGMENTATION, HUNTING, TRAPPING, RECREATION, ROADS), species groups (SOIL BACTERIA, DISEASE, FUNGI, INVERTEBRATES, INVERTEBRATE PLANT HOSTS, POLLINATORS), environmental change (CLIMATE AND WEATHER), basic ecology (FOOD WEBS, HOME RANGE, HYBRIDIZATION, REFUGIA, ROOSTS, SOIL, SUCCESSION), systematics (GENETICS, TAXONOMY), habitats (OLD GROWTH FORESTS), and modeling (MODELS). Studies Needed on Systematics and Taxonomy Far from academic questions of zoology and taxonomy, systematics studies are fundamental to determining the occurrence of taxonomic groups (species and sub- species) in the assessment area as a prelude to identifying key conservation con- cerns of local or regional endemics or rare taxa. | will expand on this topic here because it is of such fundamental importance, and also as an example of informa- tion to be found in the RD&A database. The results of querying the RD&A database on TAXONOMY revealed 14 potential re- search study topics. Results supported our earlier contention that basic studies re- main to be done on taxonomy and systematics of some individual species and spe- cies complexes (Marcot and others, in prep.). Systematics studies are needed ona wide array of invertebrates. As identified in Marcot and others (in prep.): Many species of arthropods, particularly canopy-dwelling forest arthropods and soil mesoinvertebrates, remain undescribed. About 86 percent of arthropods, 67 percent of fungi, and 51 percent of mollusk species estimated to occur in the assessment area have not been studied, surveyed, or, in some cases, even identified. Much inventory and basic systematics work remains to be done on these groups. Soil microorganism groups and microbiotic (soil) crusts of the assessment area, although critical for maintaining soil productivity, are poorly Known and little studied. Most of the soil microbiota of the assessment area is undescribed. This biota includes viruses, bacteria, protozoa, rotifers, nematodes, and soil microfungi, as well as algae. Even though we consider such taxa as species groups, basic empirical work still is needed on taxonomy, diversity, and ecological roles of these species, particularly in how they aid soil productivity and maintain health of forest and rangeland ecosystems. Additional systematics work is also needed on selected vertebrate species. Specif- ically, among amphibians, such studies would help determine whether the Idaho giant salamander (Dicamptodon aterrimus) is conspecific with the Pacific giant salamander (D. tenebrosus), as their species status is in some doubt. Systematics of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) also needs much work; some experts suspect that several species might comprise the current single species. Among reptiles, the systematics of garter snakes need much work throughout the west, including western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) and subspecies of common garter snake (T. sirtalis). One question, in particular, is if variants of the valley garter snake subspecies (T. s. fitchi) in \daho, Washington, and Oregon warrant separate additional subspecies status. Systematics studies also are needed on short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi). Geographic variation in populations of the Mojave black-collared lizard (Crotaphytus bicinctores) needs study to determine if these are subspecies or distinct species. Studies are also needed on the northern alligator lizard’s (Elgaria coerulea) geo- graphic variations, and degrees of intergrades with the southern alligator lizard (E. multicarinata), to better determine the taxonomic status of subspecies and species in the assessment area. Studies Needed on Effects of Grazing Species and Systems: Which to Study? Among birds, systematics studies would be useful for revealing the validity of western subspecies of sage grouse (especially Centrocercus urophasianus phaios). Studies of the Canada goose (Branta canadensis) are needed on relative abundance and percentages of various races and populations, to better determine the taxonomic mix of races in the assessment area, and thus the population status for use in setting hunting guidelines and habitat management. Taxonomic studies of black rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa) would help determine the status of species and subspecies, especially in the Wallowa Mountains where intergrades (“Leucosticte arctoa tephrocotis’) occur between black and gray-crowned rosy finches (L. tephrocotis). |t is unclear if these intergrades represent potentially recent hybrids, an endemic relict subspecies, or even early stages of speciation (emergence of a new species lineage). Among mammals, the pocket gopher complex (Geomyidae) needs studies on system- atic affinities of some taxa, especially western pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama). Studies are needed also to determine taxonomic affinity between vagrant shrew (Sorex vagrans) and montane shrew (S. monticolus). Even the common deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) has not been adequately studied taxonomically; population genetics and subspecies status need refinement, as some authorities (for example, Ingles 1965) separate the forest deer mouse (P. oreas) in the Cascade Range as a separate species. This is also a good species with which to conduct further studies of dynamics of speciation, clines, variations in protective coloration, genetic variability, metapopulation dynamics, and adaptive evolution. In another example, | queried the RD&A database on species research studies needed on grazing, which includes effects of livestock grazing in the assessment area and ecology of wildlife herbivory. Results, listing the 29 research topics in the RD&A database related to grazing, are shown in appendix 1 as an example of the database contents. Other studies needed on grazing aside from those on terrestrial wildlife species are discussed in Quigley and Arbelbide (in prep.). Presenting research needs on species does not mean that | advocate strictly a species-by-species approach to wildlife management. A far greater efficiency and breadth of coverage can be attained by merging selected species management and integrated research with broader scope management and research of ecosystem processes and conditions. This is not to avoid difficult questions about trends of, and management effects on, at least some individual priority species. The studies identi- fied here are intended to help identify real knowledge gaps for potential use in joining species and systems approaches to management, once management direction for the CRB assessment area has been determined. Additional research information needs beyond species studies were identified by Marcot and others (in prep.) and are summarized here in table 4 for invertebrates and in table 5 for vertebrates. Also, studies of biological entities other than species may be important for their evolutionary and biodiversity significance (Marcot and others, in prep.). These include studies of ecological functional groups of species, isolated or disjunct populations, edges of distributional ranges of species, coevolved species complexes, sibling or cryptic species complexes, keystone species, local endemics, and ecotypes. Such studies could help meet the goals of ecological integrity as identified by SIT (Haynes and others 1996). Availability Acknowledgments The RD&A database and its metadata documentation discussed in this research note are available on the World Wide Web at URL http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/marcot.html. The metadata documentation is also included in this report (see appendix 2). | thank John Lehmkuhl for a helpful review of the manuscript. | am particularly grate- ful to the many experts who submitted contract or internal reports and participated on panels to provide information on research information needs during the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. Robert Naney, Kurt Nelson, Christine Niwa, Roger Sandquist, and Barbara Wales helped organize the panels and provided information. Barbara Wales and the GIS and computer support staff led by Becky Gravenmier helped record the panel data in preliminary databases. Diane Smith and Chery! Pittman have facilitated posting this paper and the databases on the World Wide Web. Responsibility for the content of the database rests solely with me. Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* Keyword Definition of keyword ADD SPECIES AGRICULTURE AMPHIBIAN ANIMAL DAMAGE BACTERIA BAT BIODIVERSITY BIRD BM BOATING BOGS BR-OU CB CHEM. POLLUTION CLIMATE COLLECTION potential additions to the list of C-2 candidate plant species as used by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (suggested by the Oregon Basin and Range Plant Panel, ICBEMP) various aspects of agricultural development: agricultural conversion of species habitat, hydrological changesas- sociated with agricultural practices (drainage, irrigation projects), chemical pollution of waterways, or use of her- bicides for the control of exotics in agricultural croplands taxonomic class adverse effects on desired plants (tree plantations, crops, etc.) by physical damage or by consumption by wild animals (e.g., ungulates, rodents, lagomorphs) taxonomic group taxonomic order (Chiroptera) species groups, habitats, centers of endemism, or locations rich in numbers of species taxonomic class plant information from the Blue Mountains Expert Panel, ICBEMP impacts associated with recreational boating, as potential sources of threat to plant species species group or habitat identifier plant information from the Oregon Basin and Range, Owyhee Uplands Expert Panel, ICBEMP plant information from the Columbia Basin Expert Panel, ICBEMP; pertains to Oregon, Washington, or both chemical pollution of terrestrial or aquatic systems (Such as waterways associated with agriculture) as a potential affect on (usually threat to) species or habitats potential effects on species or habitats from weather conditions, especially climatic change (also see GLOBAL WARMING) potential effects on species or habitats from the collection of specimens in the wild (for example, for horticultural propagation of plants) Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs (continued) Keyword COMPETITION CONS. STRATEGY CRYPTOGAM DEVELOPMENT DIET DISEASE DISPERSAL DISPLACEMENT DISTRIBUTION DISTURBANCE EC/HP ECN EDGE Definition of keyword competitive interaction among species, including effects from exotic species and deliberately seeded nonnative plant species refers to the need for completion of conservation strategy guides for key plant species, as a high priority for effective management of the species, or its habitat, or both nonflowering plant species, or plant species closely and symbiotically associated with nonflowering plant species effects of housing, agricultural, or recreational develop- ment as a potential threat to species or habitats for animals, refers to prey selection or prey ecology pathogens as a potential threat to species; for plants, the usual context was fungal destruction of seeds movement of organisms or dissemimules, including dispersal mechanisms, ecology, requirements, and rates; for animals, one-time movements from natal areas (compare with MIGRATION) potential exclusion of plant species from their natural habitat, by the invasion of exotics or by inundation of habitat associated with the pool levels behind hydroelectric dams geographic range of the species of concern; implies that range is not well documented and that inventory for the species is needed changes in environmental conditions from human activities, as affecting species viability; includes soil disturbance, changes in the light regime, changes in fire regime, and changes induced by grazing and other management activities plant information from the Oregon East Cascades/High Lava Plains Expert Panel, ICBEMP plant information from the Washington East Cascades North Expert Panel, ICBEMP ecotones between vegetation patches, such as mature forest and early successional forest; closely associated with habitat FRAGMENTATION Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs? (continued) Keyword ELECTROPHORESIS ENDEMISM EVOLUTION EXCAVATION EXOTICS FERN FIRE FIREWOOD FOOD WEBS FORB FRAGMENTATION FUEL LOAD FUNGUS Definition of keyword indicates that electrophoretic analysis can resolve ques- tions of plant taxonomy, or can lead to an understanding of the impacts of genetic introgression by sympatric plant species “Centers of endemism” group records for plants indicates investigation into plant speciation in response to edaphic variation development of gravel pits or bentonite mines as potential threats to plant species, habitats, biodiversity centers, or centers of endemism invasion of habitat by exotics species, including nonnatives deliberately included in seeding (plant) or transplant (animal) activities taxonomic plant group: vascular cryptogam; that is, a fern or “fern ally” effects of human-induced changes in fire occurrence, fire regimes, or fire Suppression activities; applies to effects on species, centers of endemism, and biodiversity potential effects by fuelwood harvest trophic relations and predator-prey relations among species (see also PREDATION and DIET for animals) herbaceous, vascular, flowering plant species; forbs are annual, biennial, or perennial herbaceous species human-induced fragmentation of habitat; for plants, refers to negative effects on reproduction (pollination, or dispersal, or both) artificially elevated fuel loads resulting from fire suppres- sion, aS a potentially serious threat to the species, habitats, centers of endemism, or floristic biodiversity potential effects on plants from fungal pathogens, usually through destruction of propagules; also refers to a poorly understood symbiotic relation between a plant species and fungus 10 Table 1i—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs? (continued) Keyword Definition of keyword GENETICS GEOG. AMPLITUDE GEOLOGY GERMINATION GLOBAL WARMING GRAMINOID GRASS GRAZING HABITAT HERBICIDES HOME RANGE HORTICULTURE for animals, refers to questions of population genetics as affecting viability; for plants, refers to genetic analysis (cytogenetics, electrophoresis, etc.) as a means to re- solve taxonomic problems, or to determine the degree to which introgression by sympatric species is threatening genetic integrity of species for plants, refers to geographic distribution of species not being well understood, and that more extensive inventories for the species are needed; for animals, see DISTRIBUTION natural geologic processes such as landslides, etc., as potentially affecting species and habitats reproductive biology of plant species, particularly to seed germination, as problematic regional climate change, and particularly global warming, as potentially affecting species, habitats, centers of endemism, and biodiversity (also see CLIMATE) life form group: grasslike plants not belonging to the family Poaceae (grasses); includes sedges and rushes member of the family Poaceae; grasses are annuals or perennials potential effects from grazing activities on species, habitats, centers of endemism, and floristic biodiversity environmental conditions of species; for plants, also implies either that the habitat of the species of concern was limited and threatened or that the record of informa- tion supporting the entry was for a plant species group potential effects from application of herbicides; for plants,refers to indirect (drift) and direct (roadside spraying) application of herbicides for animals, the area over which they traverse (daily or seasonally) for locating food and other resources the “taking” of plant specimens for horticultural propaga- tion (and commercialization) as potential threats to the species of concern; also see COLLECTION Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* (continued) Keyword HOST/PARASITE HOUSING HUNTING HYBRIDIZATION HYDRO. DAMS HYDROLOGY HYDROTHERMAL ID INSECT INSECT DAMAGE INSECTICIDE INTERIOR INVENTORY INVERTEBRATE Definition of keyword refers to a need for better understanding the relation between host and parasite (for plants, particularly for a hemiparasitic Castilleja [Indian paintbrush] species) potential effects from human housing developments on species, habitats, centers of endemism, and floristic biodiversity the taking of animals for sport, game, food, pelts, or other uses genetic mixing of two species; for plants, implies that expert panelists considered genetic introgression by sympatric species to be problematic, where genetic and electrophoretic studies would document this problem and enable its resolution construction and presence of hydroelectric dams and the fluctuations of pool levels behind them alterations in the hydrologic regime through the construc- tion of drainage channels, roads, hydroelectric dams, or hydrothermal development hydrothermal development and diversion; for plants, the context relates to recreational development around hot springs plant information from the Idaho panel taxonomic group Insecta; for animals, refers to relations with insect populations as agents of habitat change or as food refers to potential adverse effects on species or habitats from insects potential effects from pesticides; for plants, refers to the destruction of pollinators by the use of insecticides as a potential threat to species conditions in the interior of vegetation patches, mostly forests, as distinguished from EDGE effects inventory needs to determine population sizes and geographic distributions of species refers to relations with invertebrates as agents of habitat change or as food; also see INSECT 11 12 Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* (continued) Keyword Definition of keyword KEYSTONE a species whose ecological function greatly influences the distribution and abundance of many other species LABORATORY implies that plant expert panelists identified either laboratory involvement, particularly in electrophoretic resolution of taxonomic problems, or the involvement of laboratory-based seed banks to artificially increase seed supply as potential routes to resolution LANDSLIDES natural geologic mass-wasting processes as a potential threat to species LICHEN taxonomic group LIFE HISTORY implies a need for better understanding of the life history of the species LOGGING timber harvest activities and resultant changes in the environment (changes in light regime, changes in hydrology, etc.) MAMMAL taxonomic class MIGRATION for animals, seasonal movement over relatively long distances MILITARY military training maneuvers or the development of bombing ranges, as potentially threatening species MINING mining-associated land disturbance activities, as potentially affecting species MODELS building of predictive ecology models MONIT. METHOD MONITORING MT MYCORRHIZAE NATIVE FOOD specific monitoring methods for species of concern need to be developed, to provide information on species distribution and for accurate assessment of impacts of activities trend, demographic, or ecophysiological monitoring is needed plant information from the Montana Expert Panel, ICBEMP implies a need for understanding the critical role of poorly understood mycorrhizal symbionts collection of food species by Native Americans as affecting species or habitats Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs? (continued) Keyword NATIVE MEDICINE NATIVE SPECIES NI NI-OM NUTRIENT CYC. NV OH OLD GROWTH PESTICIDES PHARMACOLOGY PL. ASSOCIATION PL. COMMUNITY PLANT HOST POLLINATION Definition of keyword collection of medicinal species by Native Americans as affecting species or habitats use of native species in seeding prescriptions or habitat restoration plant information from the North Idaho Expert Panel, ICBEMP plant information from the North Idaho-Overthrust Mountains Expert Panel, ICBEMP refers to the need for information on nutrient cycling information on Nevada plant populations, from the Southern Idaho Expert Panel, ICBEMP; implies needs for information on genetics, distribution, inventory of plant species plant information from the the Washington State Okanogan Highlands Expert Panel, ICBEMP forests of very late successional stages, or with characteristics associated with such stages, such as large live trees with deep and highly differentiated crowns, large standing dead trees, large down logs, and deep litter or duff layers herbicides and insecticides collection of medicinal species by Native Americans as affecting species or habitats (also see NATIVE MEDICINE) implies a need for greater understanding of plant association dynamics and particularly successional aspects, as critical for the conservation of plant species (also see SUCCESSION) implies a need for greater understanding of plant community dynamics as critical for the conservation of plant species (also see PL. ASSOCIATION) for invertebrates (especially insects), refers to the use of a plant species as host for at least part of the life cycle implies a need for greater understanding of the reproductive biology of plant species, as critical information for its conservation 13 14 Table 1i—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* (continued) Keyword POLLINATOR POPULATION PREDATION PREDICTION PROPAGATION RECREATION RECRUITMENT REFUGIUM REPRODUCTION REPTILE RESTORATION ROADS ROOST SEDIMENTATION Definition of keyword for insects, refers to the ecological function of acting as a pollinating vector for a plant species implies a need for greater understanding of various aspects of population dynamics and ecology; for plants, refers to population levels of species of concern to be reaching threshold values and suggested determination of these critical values for animals, refers to predation rates, predation ecology, or dynamics of predator-prey systems use of information for projecting future conditions from models for plants, implies that the method of propagation is not well understood or that artificial propagation of the species is critical for the conservation of the species (also see HORTICULTURE) recreational activities as affecting a species of concern, its habitat, center of endemism, or center of floristic biodiversity for plants, refers to the lack of recruitment to be problematic for the species of concern species of concern limited to relict habitat designated as refugia for plants, implies a need for greater understanding of the life history, environmental requirements, and particularly the reproductive biology of species taxonomic class for vegetation, artificial seed increasing and the use of species of concern into “outplantings” associated with restoration projects as appropriate for the conservation of the species road construction or road maintenance activities for birds and bats, refers to daily or seasonal use of specific sites for resting refers to sedimentation as a component of change in the hydrologic regime as affecting species Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* (continued) Keyword SEED SEED BANKING SEED PRESCRIPT. SHADE SHRUB Sl SI-BHM SI-CV SI-HC SI-NBR SI-OM Sl-OU SI-SRB SNOWMOBILING SOIL Definition of keyword for plants, implies a need for a better understanding of the reproductive biology, and particularly the rate of viable seed production and longevity for plants, implies that artificial storage and efforts to increase seed lot were considered by expert panelists as crucial to the conservation of the species for plants, implies that deliberate introduction of exotic species through seeding prescriptions threatens the species of concern, its habitat, its center of endemism, or its center of floristic biodiversity; also see EXOTICS in the context of timber harvest activities, potential effects of alterations in the light regime through the removal of overstory (also see LOGGING) plant life form class; species in this class have woody stems (usually several) and are less than 12 feet (+ 6 feet) in height information on plants from the Southern Idaho Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Beaverhead Mountains Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho-Challis Volcanic: information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Hells Canyon Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Northwest Basin and Range Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Overthrust Mountains Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Owyhee Uplift Panel information on plants from the Southern Idaho- Snake River Basalts Panel use of snowmobilies as a potential threat to (plant) species, its habitat, its center of endemism, or its center of floristic biodiversity. refers to soil structure, function, texture, conservation, and ecology; for plants, suggests a need for additional information on the plant-soil relationships 1) 16 Table 1—Definitions of keywords used in the research, development, and application (RD&A) database on species research information needs* (continued) Keyword Definition of keyword SPECIATION STREAM DYNAMICS SUCCESSION TAXONOMY TRAMPLING TRAPPING WEATHER WILD HORSES WILDLIFE WINTER WY implies a need for greater understanding of speciation (for plants, in response to edaphic gradients) stream dynamics, alterations in hydrologic regime, flooding, etc., as affecting species or habitats effects of, and need for further information on, seral stage requirements for species of concern need for further study on systematics, such as to resolve the taxonomic status of a species, before monitoring or management guidelines are developed; also used in the context of “altered genetic pool” caused by introgression by sympatric species of plants (see GENETICS) potential effects from domestic livestock by physical compression of the soil (mashing) (also see GRAZING) collection of animals for sport, commercial use, or other use effect of proximate climatic conditions (as contrasted with long-term changes in climate as under GLOBAL WARMING and CLIMATE) potential effects from feral horses on plant species and plant habitats for plants, potential effects from overstocking of wild animals as a threat to species of concern, their habitats, centers of endemism, or centers of biodiversity questions of ecology and life history during winter periods plant information from the Wyoming Expert Panel, ICBEMP his list pertains to both plants and animals, although individual keywords were used for only plants or only animals. Table 2-Some helpful groups of keywords by general topic, for keywords used in the RD&A database (see table 1)? General topic Keywords Plant expert panels and geographic locations Plant growth forms or species groups Collecting or native use of plants Taxonomic groups Management or recreational activities Animal effects, rangeland use, Or grazing Pesticides and pollution Aquatic or riparian conditions Geologic conditions Weather, climate, and climate change Effects of exotic species Inventory and monitoring needs Basic ecology and population biology Animal movement BM, BR-OU, CB, EC/HP, ECN, ID, MT, NI, NI-OM, NV, OH, SI, SI-BHM, SI-CV, SI-HC, SI-NBR, SI-OM, SI-OU, SI-SRB, WY BOGS, CRYPTOGAM, FERN, FORB, FUNGUS, GRAMINOID, GRASS, SHRUB COLLECTION, HORTICULTURE, NATIVE FOOD, NATIVE MEDICINE, PHARMACOLOGY, PROPAGATION, SEED BANKING AMPHIBIAN, BACTERIA, BAT, BIRD, INVERTEBRATE, LICHEN, MAMMAL, REPTILE AGRICULTURE, BOATING, DEVELOPMENT, DISTURBANCE, FIRE, FIREWOOD, FRAGMENTATION, FUEL LOAD, GRAZING, HOUSING, HUNTING, HYDRO. DAMS, HYDROTHERMAL, LOGGING, MILITARY, MINING, RECREATION, ROADS, SNOWMOBILING ANIMAL DAMAGE, GRAZING, TRAMPLING, WILD HORSES, WILDLIFE HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDE, PESTICIDES HYDRO. DAMS, HYDROTHERMAL, SEDIMENTATION, STREAM DYNAMICS GEOLOGY, LANDSLIDES, MINING CLIMATE, GLOBAL WARMING, WEATHER DISPLACEMENT, EXOTICS, SEED PRESCRIPT. DISTRIBUTION, INVENTORY, MONIT. METHOD, MONITORING COMPETITION, DISEASE, DISPERSAL, DISPLACEMENT, ELECTROPHORESIS, EVOLUTION, FOOD WEBS, GENETICS, GEOG. AMPLITUDE, HABITAT, HOST/PARASITE, HYBRIDIZATION, KEYSTONE, LABORATORY, LIFE HISTORY, POPULATION, PREDATION, REFUGIUM, EPRODUCTION, SPECIATION, TAXONOMY HOME RANGE, MIGRATION “This is not a complete listing of all keywords. UZ 18 Table 3-Vertebrates treated as species groups in the RD&A database” Taxonomic class Species groups Amphibians and reptiles Birds Mammals Larch Mountain salamander, slender salamander, kingsnake, and sharptail snake group grebe family species group duck species group freshwater diving duck species group egret family species group loon species group merganser species group red-necked phalarope, Wilson’s phalarope group sandpiper, willet, godwit, curlew, plover group sandpiper, yellowlegs, plover, dowitcher group stilt, avocet group tern species group gulls species group yellow rail, sora, virginia rail group jackrabbit species group kangaroo rat, kangaroo mouse species group shrew species group tree squirrel species group @ail other species were addressed individually. Table 4—Research information needs for invertebrates of terrestrial ecosystems of the interior Columbia basin assessment area, beyond species-specific studies? Research subject Description of research needed Selection of bioindicators identification of indicators—mostly lichens, bryophytes, plants, and invertebrates (largely soil or canopy arthropods)—for use in monitoring studies of eco- system trophic health and diversity (see Marcot and others [in prep.] for discussion and potential species lists) Microorganisms species-specific approach to microorganism manage- ment is not recommended microorganism species groups present in various grassland, shrubland, forest, and riparian settings how species groups are affected by management activities how changes in species groups affect diversity, productivity, and sustainability of resource production Invertebrate predators test the working hypothesis that management activities aimed at maintaining only general conditions of soil productivity would also adequately protect taxa or functional groups of soil invertebrates, particularly predators, and their ecological functions controlled management experiments to determine the distribution, biology, and response to management activities of a few selected arthropod predator species chosen on the basis of rarity, presumed ecological importance, or sensitivity to particular management activities how forest management affects the process of invertebrate predation Invertebrate pollinators sample sandy environments for presence and abundance of pollinator species, particularly for endemic bee species and to determine effects of recreational vehicle use; surveys would determine dunes with particularly high bee diversity and endemism monitor bee composition and abundance under various management regimes develop parallel databases on plants and their pollinators 19 20 Table 4—Research information needs for invertebrates of terrestrial ecosystems of the interior Columbia basin assessment area, beyond species-specific studies* (continued) Research subject Description of research needed Invertebrate grassland herbivores Invertebrate forest herbivores conduct large-scale, controlled, and replicated studies on basic life history and ecological characteristics of pollinators, especially on breeding biology and pollinator behavior effects of reintroductions and evaluate effects of exotic plant and pollinator species effect of range management practices on plant successional changes and effects on associated insect herbivores effects of grazing rotation timing, intensity, spatial and temporal extent, and length of deferment, on invertebrate grassland herbivores in particular, effects of the season of grazing on vegetation regrowth, plant forage quality for grassland invertebrates herbivores, soil compaction, and soil nitrogen content in various grassland types effects of fire interval, intensity, duration, season, patchiness, and spatial extent on plant community composition and diversity and abundance of invertebrate herbivores and predators proposed introductions of exotic organisms to control native pests need to be accompanied by research to determine the effect of the exotic in displacing other native species that perform the same function ecotoxicology of grassland pesticides on invertebrate herbivores, including long-term and residual effects on the entire invertebrate fauna and bioaccumulation in the food chain ecological roles of individual insect species, insect assemblages, and associated diseases continue studies of pest species; develop a hazard rating system for a number of species including bark beetles and pests that damage tree regeneration research and monitoring studies can include popula- tion monitoring, control of pests such as bark beetles, and use of herbivore assemblages as bioindicators of forest health Table 4—Research information needs for invertebrates of terrestrial ecosystems of the interior Columbia basin assessment area, beyond species-specific studies? (continued) Research subject Description of research needed All invertebrate groups adaptive management studies can monitor areas treated by different silviculture practices, particularly various intensities of forest thinning and salvage harvests, to determine conditions inducing insect- caused tree damage or mortality sample arthropod forest herbivores, particularly butterflies, to index localized and short-term changes in the environment from management practices ecosystem functions of invertebrate forest herbivores, including dietary preferences of bats, birds, amphibians, and other predators, and the role of invertebrate herbivores in contributing to wildlife habitat study invertebrate specialists other than forest insect pests, determine how their ecological functions influence structure and function of ecological com- munities and growth and production of desired resources integrated studies on the role of invertebrates in organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling, and in providing food bases for vertebrates monitor abundance, biomass, richness, and diversity of invertebrates to assess effects of treatments on small spatial scales monitor ratio of total bacterivorous nematodes to fungivorous nematodes to help reveal critical dynamics of decomposer microbial food web func- ions or effects of management practices 4Source: Marcot and others, in prep. 21 22 Table 5—Research information needs for vertebrates of terrestrial ecosystems of the interior Columbia Basin assessment area, beyond species-specific studies? Research subject Amphibians Reptiles Neotropical migratory birds Other birds Description of research needed effects of changes in water quality on larval stages influence of vegetation canopy on breeding ponds and streams (shading:sunlight ratios) habitats used for dispersal influence on amphibians and habitats from eutrophica- tion of water bodies and increases in ultraviolet radiation and acid precipitation inventory and monitoring of specific substrates such as down wood, and microhabitat conditions such as deep, moist talus effects on amphibian populations and habitats from livestock grazing and pesticide use survey for presence of species that: currently seem to be patchily distributed with apparently disjunct populations, to determine occurrence in potentially unoccupied portions of their range are currently listed by agencies as sensitive but which may be more common or widely distributed than originally reported appear to be declining in parts of their range for unknown reasons environmental and habitat conditions affecting population trends continued monitoring, as through Breeding Bird Surveys and tracking trends of habitats effects on ground-nesting birds and their habitats of fire occurrence, fire suppression, season of burn, and changes of vegetation pattern resulting from burns and fire suppression species-specific effects of livestock grazing, changes in distribution and density of nest parasites (brown cowbird) changes in insect populations, and availability of free water monitor trends of arid-land raptors Table 5—Research information needs for vertebrates of terrestrial ecosystems of the interior Columbia Basin assessment area, beyond species-specific studies? (continued) Research subject Description of research needed Bats Carnivores Other mammals basic inventory for presence and distribution effects of ectoparasites, pesticides, and timber removal use of substrates for roosts use of forest structures and effects of landscape patterns around roost sites on habitat selection (species-specific information needs; see Marcot and others, in prep) monitor status of populations of carnivores and wild ungulates, particularly those potentially impacted by livestock grazing activities @ Source: Marcot and others, in prep. 23 Literature Citations 24 Haynes, Richard W.; Graham, Russell T.; Quigley, Thomas M., tech. eds. 1996. A framework for ecosystem management in the interior Columbia basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-374. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 66 p. Hessburg, P.; Gutierrez, K.; Stoddard, G. 1994. Research, development and application. Vers. 3.0. Walla Walla WA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. [computer disk]. Ingles, L.G. 1965. Mammals of the Pacific States. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press. 506 p. Marcot, B.G.; Castellano, M.; Christy, J. [and others]. [In prep.]. Terrestrial ecology assessment. In: Quigley, T.M.; Arbelbide, S.J., eds. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Gen. Tech. Rep. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. (Quigley, Thomas M., ed. Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project: scientific assessment). Quigley, Thomas M.; Arbelbide, S.J., tech. eds. [In prep.]. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Gen. Tech. Rep. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. (Quigley, Thomas M., ed. Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project: scientific assessment). Appendix 1 An example of querying the RD&A database on the keyword topic GRAZING, which represents potential effects of livestock grazing on wildlife, or ecology of herbivory of wildlife species. Each of the 29 resulting research study topics is listed with a brief description and statement of potential application. Several research topics were combined in some entries, and in a few cases different research needs were listed separately for the same species. Description: PYGMY SHREW: STUDY EFFECTS OF GRAZING IN WET MEADOWS, USE OF HERBICIDES & INSECTICIDES, AND INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER SHREWS IN FOREST COMMUNITIES Potential Applications: PROVIDES BASIC INFORMATION ON SPECIES INTERACTIONS AND EFFECTS OF GRAZING AS AFFECTING POPULATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION Description: AMERICAN BISON: RELATIONS OF POPULATIONS TO WALLOWS, EARLY SUCCESSION, FORBS & GRASSES, AND ECOLOGICAL DISTURBANCE. Potential Applications: STUDY WOULD PROVIDE KNOWLEDGE OF HOW ECOSYSTEM PATTERNS AND DYNAMICS AFFECT BISON POPULATIONS. COULD BE BASIS FOR ‘ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT’ OF WILD (CONTROLLED) HERDS. Description: AMERICAN BISON: HERBIVORY RELATIONSHIPS, ROLE IN SEED DISPERSAL. Potential Applications: STUDY WOULD PROVIDE INFORMATION ON BISON’S ROLE IN SEED DISTRIBUTION, AND EFFECTS OF HERBIVORY ON PLANT SUCCESSION & PATTERNS. POTENTIALLY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT OF BISON HERDS IN THEIR ECOLOGICAL CONTEXT AND SETTINGS. Description: BOBOLINK: BETTER DEFINE GRAZING, HAYING, IRRIGATION, AND POSSIBLY BURNING PRACTICES, AS AFFECTING BOBOLINK POPULATIONS Potential Applications: INFO COULD DIRECTLY HELP GUIDE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, OR AT LEAST BETTER PREDICT EFFECTS ON BOBOLINK POPULATIONS FROM AG DEVELOPMENT Description: CEDAR WAXWING: STUDY HABITAT ECOLOGY—IMPORTANCE OF WETLANDS FOR NESTING; EFFECTS OF LAND USE ACTIVITIES (LIVESTOCK GRAZING, LOGGING, RECREATION) ON BREEDING & WINTERING HABITATS Potential Applications: WOULD PROVIDE BASE INFORMATION ON LIMITING FACTORS ON DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATIONS, FOR USE IN FUTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Description: COLUMBIAN SHARP-TAILED GROUSE: RESEARCH EFFECTS OF LIVESTOCK GRAZING AND FIRE REGIMES; STUDY MINIMUM ACREAGE OF SUITABLE HABITAT AND MOSAIC PATTERNS OF HABITATS NEEDED TO SUSTAIN POPULATIONS; STUDY EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURAL ENCROACHMENT Potential Applications: WOULD PROVIDE MUCH INFORMATION ON SUITABLE ENVIRONMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT AND RECOVERY OF THIS SPECIES; IDEAL HABITAT TO SUPPORT VIABLE POPULATIONS IS UKNOWN AS MOST POPULATIONS ARE DOWN TO REMNANTS; INTRODUCTIONS LARGELY UNSUCCESSFUL 25 26 Description: MERRIAM’S SHREW: STUDY EFFECTS OF GRAZING Potential Applications: DETERMINES DEGREE TO WHICH GRAZING MIGHT POSE A THREAT TO THIS SPECIES Description: PRONGHORN: STUDY EFFECTS OF: FENCES AS BARRIERS TO MOVEMENT, SAGEBRUSH CONVERSION TO GRASSLAND, FIRE SUPPRESSION AND LARGE FIRES ON MAINTENANCE OF SAGEBRUSH HABITATS, HERBIVORY ON SEASONAL NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF RANGES Potential Applications: BETTER DEFINES HABITATS USED, BARRIERS TO DISPERSAL, AND EFFECTS OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES (BURNING, GRAZING, FENCING, CONVERSION) Description: VEERY: STUDY VULNERABILITY TO LIVESTOCK GRAZING AND HABITAT CHANGES FROM GRAZING EFFECTS ON GROUND COVER AND LOWER CANOPY Potential Applications: DETERMINES DEGREE OF VULNERABILITY OF POPULATIONS TO GRAZING Description: WESTERN SCREECH OWL: STUDY EFFECTS OF GRAZING LEVELS ON SHORT- AND LONG-TERM VIABILITY OF POPULATIONS; STUDY DEGREE TO WHICH THEY ARE CAVITY LIMITED VS FOOD LIMITED Potential Applications: DETERMINES INFLUENCE OF GRAZING ON POPULATIONS; DETERMINES DEGREE TO WHICH SNAG AND CAVITY MANAGEMENT WOULD AID POPULATIONS Description: WESTERN WHIPTAIL: STUDY EFFECTS OF LIVESTOCK GRAZING, FIRE SUPPRESSION, OFF-ROAD VEHICLES Potential Applications: DETERMINES INFLUENCE OF GRAZING, FIRE, AND OFF-ROAD VEHICLE USE Description: WILLOW FLYCATCHER: DETERMINE LIVESTOCK GRAZING LEVELS AND GRAZING SEASONS THAT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH PRODUCTIVE NESTING; STUDY COWBIRD PARASITISM (EXTREMELY HIGH IN SOME PORTIONS OF THE REGION); STUDY RELATIONS BETWEEN GRAZING AND PARASITISM LEVELS Potential Applications: DETERMINES BEST GRAZING REGIME TO PROVIDE FOR THIS SPECIES Description: WILLOW FLYCATCHER: DETERMINE DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT REQUIREMENTS ON WINTERING GROUNDS; STUDY EFFECTS OF FLOODING Potential Applications: DETERMINES WINTERING GROUND REQUIREMENTS AS AFFECTING BREEDING POPULATIONS; DETERMINES EFFECTS OF WATER LEVEL ON BREEDING SUCCESS Description: BURROWING OWL: HABITAT RELATIONS, INCLUDING INFLUENCE OF GRAZING, SAGE TREATMENT, AND CHEATGRASS Potential Applications: WOULD PROVIDE INFORMATION ON HABITAT RELATIONS FOR USE IN SPECIFIC MGT GUIDELINES IN SAGE AND CHEATGRASS AREAS Description: CASCADES FROG: STUDY HABITAT REQUIREMENTS AND POTENTIAL LIMITING FACTORS — WHAT LIMITS THIS SPECIES TO HIGH ELEVATIONS IN MOST REGIONS; GRAZING EFFECTS; EFFECTS OF FOREST CANOPY SHADING; SEASONAL HABITAT SHIFTS Potential Applications: WOULD DETERMINE LIMITING FACTORS ON DISTRIBUTION, HELPING TO PRIORITIZE FUTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Description: FOX SPARROW: STUDY EFFECTS OF LIVESTOCK GRAZING ON REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS Potential Applications: WOULD HELP AMEND GRAZING GUIDELINES, IF NEEDED, TO ACCOUNT FOR POPULATION NEEDS OF THIS SPECIES (LIVESTOCK GRAZING IS DETRIMENTAL TO THIS SPECIES, WHICH IS DEPENDENT ON DENSE GROUND COVER FOR NESTING AND FORAGING) Description: LINCOLN’S SPARROW: APPEARS TO BE PRESENT IN SUITABLE HABITAT; MONITORING IS DESIRABLE BUT NO PROBLEMS ARE EXPECTED AS LONG AS LIVESTOCK GRAZING IS PROPERLY MANAGED Potential Applications: MONITORING WOULD HELP DETERMINE POPULATION STATUS AND TREND IN AREAS OF EXCESSIVE LIVESTOCK GRAZING; MIGHT PROVIDE INFORMATION ON GRAZING THRESHOLDS THAT CAN ALSO SUPPORT POPULATIONS Description: MOOSE: STUDY INFLUENCE OF FIRE MANAGEMENT, GRAZING, AND LOGGING ON FORAGING DYNAMICS Potential Applications: DETERMINES DEGREE TO WHICH EFFECTS OF LAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AFFECT POPULATIONS, TO WEIGH AGAINST POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION WITH OTHER UNGULATES (CATTLE, ELK) Description: PRAIRIE FALCON: STUDY LONG-TERM POPULATION FLUCTUATIONS AND THEIR CAUSES; STUDY INTERACTIONS WITH PEREGRINE FALCONS; STUDY EFFECTS OF GRAZING ON PREY BASE Potential Applications: DETERMINES INTERSPECIFIC INTERACTIONS, GRAZING EFFECTS, AND POPULATION TRENDS Description: PREBLE’S SHREW: STUDY FOOD HABITS, EFFECTS OF RIPARIAN GRAZING, KEY HABITATS (LIT. SUGGESTS MARSHES OR DRIER ALPINE) THROUGHOUT RANGE (MAY VARY; ASSOC. WITH WET AREAS IN E. OREGON, AND SAGEBRUSH/DRY FORESTS AWAY FROM WATER IN MONTANA) Potential Applications: DETERMINES POTENTIAL VULNERABILITY TO GRAZING, AND DEGREE OF LOCAL ECOTYPIC SPECIALIZATION ON HABITATS Description: ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK: STUDY TEMPORAL PROFILES OF DIGESTIBLE ENERGY (DE) AVAILABILITY, BY COMMUNITY; STUDY INFLUENCE OF HERBIVORY ON VEGETATION; DETERMINE INTERACTIVE INFLUENCES OF HERBIVORY & OTHER DISTURBANCES ON DE PROFILES Potential Applications: BETTER DETERMINES HERBIVORY ECOLOGY EFFECTS ON HERD PRODUCTIVITY (DE) AND ON VEGETATION STRUCTURE Description: SAGE GROUSE: STUDY GRAZING IMPACTS ON HABITAT, ROLE OF INTRODUCED CHEATGRASS Potential Applications: DETERMINES HOW GRAZING AND EXOTIC PLANTS AFFECT HABITAT SUITABILITY, FOR POTENTIAL USE IN MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Description: SANDPIPER/WILLET/GODWIT/CURLEW/PLOVER GROUP: DETERMINE POPULATION TRENDS IN CRB (SOME DATA FROM NAT’L REFUGES AND COASTAL WINTERING AREAS); STUDY EFFECTS OF GRAZING, FIRE, HERBICIDES, DROUGHT ON NESTING HABITAT; EFFECTS OF PESTICIDES ON PREY BASE Potential Applications: DETERMINES POPULATION STATUS AND POTENTIAL REASONS FOR DECLINES 27 28 Description: WATER SHREW: STUDY EFFECTS OF WATER QUALITY CHANGES, AND EFFECTS OF LOGGING AND GRAZING ON POPULATIONS, INCLUDING SILTATION AND WATER TEMPS, AND THEIR EFFECTS ON SHREWS AND AQUATIC INSECT PREY Potential Applications: DETERMINES IF LOGGING AND GRAZING ARE DETRIMENTAL, TO WHAT DEGREE, AND IN WHAT WAY Description: WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE: STUDY IMPORTANCE OF RIPARIAN WOODLAND VS. CONIFEROUS FOREST FOR BREEDING HABITATS; AND EFFECTS OF LAND- USE ACTIVITIES (GRAZING, RECREATION, LOGGING) ON BREEDING HABITATS Potential Applications: DETERMINES INFLUENCE OF MGT ACTIVITIES ON REPRODUCTION AND POPULATIONS Description: MOUNTAIN GOAT: STUDY EFFECTS OF FIRE SUPPRESSION ON LOSS OF EARLY SUCCESSION HABITAT USED BY THIS SPECIES; ALSO EFFECTS OF PRESCRIBED BURNING AND OTHER DISTURBANCES (LIVESTOCK GRAZING, LOGGING) ON AVAIL. OF FORAGE AND ITS QUALITY Potential Applications: DETERMINES EFFECTS OF LAND MGT ACTIVITIES ON HABITAT Description: SPOTTED FROG: STUDY RELATION WITH INTRODUCED FISH AT HIGH ELEVATION PONDS, EFFECTS OF WATER LEVEL AND USE ESPECIALLY IN SW IDAHO; EFFECTS OF GRAZING HABITAT, FOREST CANOPY SHADING ON WATER TEMP OF WETLANDS, AND INTRODUCED PREDATORS Potential Applications: DETERMINES SPECIES INTERACTIONS AND EFFECTS ON HABITATS FROM GRAZING, AS AFFECTING POPULATIONS Description: COMMON SNIPE: STUDY HABITAT PREFERENCES AT VARIOUS ELEVATIONS AND WITHIN VARIOUS FOREST TYPES; STUDY EFFECTS OF LOGGING, FIRE, & GRAZING ON POPN DENSITY; DISTRIBUTION AND NUMBERS IN CRB ARE POORLY KNOWN Potential Applications: WOULD DETERMINE DISTRIBUTION, DENSITIES, AND SPECIFIC HABITAT CONDITIONS FOR MGT GUIDELINES Description: ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER: STUDY EFFECTS OF OPENING RIPARIAN AREAS TO PREDATORS, OF LOSS OF RIPARIAN HABITAT FROM INTRODUCTION OF LIVESTOCK; STUDY USE OF RIPARIAN CORRIDORS FOR MIGRATION AND DISPERSAL Potential Applications: DETERMINES CONFLICTS OR COMPATIBILITY WITH RIPARIAN GRAZING AND MGT Appendix 2 Metadata documention on the RD&A database on animals of the interior Columbia River basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. The RD&A database is formatted for Paradox. It is available on the World Wide Web at URL hittp://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/marcot.html. The following metadata documentation describes the database fields of this file. Each record in the database consists of a separate research or information need for an individual species or species group. See table 1 for definitions of keywords. Field name Field type Field description Desc A255 Description of information need Key1 A15 1st keyword Key2 A15 2d keyword Key3 A15 3d keyword Key4 A15 4th keyword Key5 A15 5th keyword Key6 A15 6th keyword Potappl A255 Description of potential application ¥ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1997 — 593-809 / 62053 REGION NO. 10 29 eats *" ry et 20 Afi eS PD ete Ll ee , f ee co sien Mie Sere aegt | ol om Qrereey jie ct a NORCO . 8 i Peg iu ‘et rit ; | _ i! eee rac ssl ” HCY a Wipace"s if wee a ly FP y ¥ nits) cree OG * * 7 L . 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