f IIHlfiilJ ' A RESEARCH ON THE EUCALYPT5 ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO THEIR ESSENTIAL OILS. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. NEW SOUTH WALES. MINISTER : The Honourable THOMAS DAVIES MUTCH, M.L.A. UNDER SECRETARY: PETER BOARD. Esq., M.A., C.M.G. SUPERINTENDENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION: JAMES NANGLE, Esq.. F.R.A S., O.B.E. TECHNICAL EDUCATION SERIES No. 24. Department of Education. I Cr?*»\l'' Technical Education Branch. Technological Museum, New South Wales. A RESEARCH ON THE EUCALYPTS ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO THEIR ESSENTIAL OILS. [2nd Edition.] RICHARD T. BAKER, Curator and Economic Botanist. Technological Museum Sydney Lecturer on Forestry. Sydney University. AND HENRY G. SMITH, F.C.S. Assistant Curator and Economic Chemist. Technological Museum. Sydney. QS\ 10 ■ as Joint Authors of " Pines of Australia," &c. }.lulilt3l]ci> bit Autrforiirj of THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. •^yiuu-ti : William Applecate Gullick. Government Printer — 1920. QK \°{1o Vll PREFACE. The continual applications received by us, during the last few years, for further data concerning the physical and chemical properties and commercial possibilities of the oil products of the Eucalypts than those given in the first edition, which has now been out of print for some time — were the chief incentives which moved us to place our latest researches on these wonderful trees into the present book form. In the previous edition the species more particularly investigated were those restricted to the South Eastern area of the Continent, but since that publication was issued the research has extended to species found in all the States of the mainland, as well as those of Tasmania. No pains have been spared in the endeavour to insure that the material worked upon was true to name — botanically correct ; and in order to determine the constancy of the product from individual species, material has been collected from widely separated localities, so that commercial require- ments for uniformity might be satisfied. The collection of such a mass of material for investigation was no small task, the genus being distributed over an area of about 1,000,000 square miles of territory, more particularly when it is understood that, with two or three exceptions, all the distillations were carried out in Sydney under our own supervision, the necessary botanical control being, m this way, well assured. Eucalyptus species are often very local in their distribution, frequently growing in localities difficult of access and far from rail and road com- munication, and although expert collectors were employed for this work, yet the difficulties of location were none the less in evidence. As illustrating this difficulty of collection in such sparsely settled countries as Australia and Tasmania, Plate cxx is given. In the main the scheme of the original edition is again followed, although, o| course, much amplified in various directions, in agreement with the many new discoveries and fresh facts broughl to light during the last twenty years. Where possible the data given in the first edition have been verified and extended bv further researches on new and larger quantities of material of the same species, growing under varying climatic and geological conditions. With one or two minor exceptions the chemical and botanical information as previously recorded still stands, and is supported by these more extended investigations. To every section has been added the accumulated results of our labours in this direction, during past years, in the research laboratories of this itution. These results clearly show that in the Genus Eucalyptus, Australia has a commercial Foresl asset of so diversified and valuable a nature that it has no compeer in any other genus in the whole botanical world. Vlll Especially is this noticeable in the great variety of timbers and oils, the latter of which is specially treated in this work, the former being monographed in a separate publication by one of us, and issued from this Museum: No. 23 of the Technical Education Series. Since the publication of the 1st edition, the Eucalyptus oil industry has expanded considerably its scope of usefulness in the industrial world, as for instance the utilisation of certain oils in the mineral flotation process for the extraction of metallic sulphides, for perfumery purposes, for solvents, and the preparation of proprietary articles. Besides the amplification of the letterpress and subject matter in the first edition, many new features will be noticed, as, for instance, the sections of leaves in colour photography, magnified by various diameters, which will give some idea of the position of the oil in the leaf. Chromatic photography was employed in this way in order to show more clearly the differentiation of the anatomical structure of the leaf. The bark illustrations also give some idea of the natural groups into which the trees are divided on a cortical system. A series of plates is added, showing the various systems or methods of extracting the oil from the leaf in Australia. As we have now reached the age limit for retirement as laid down by the Government Service Regulations, and so will shortly leave this field of our scientific activities in which we have laboured so long, and, we hope, with some small measure of success, this will be the last joint monograph by us. We therefore take this opportunity of placing on record our appre- ciation of the far-sighted policy of our Department of Education (of which this Museum is an integral part) — a policy that has encouraged and enabled us in our research work, to endeavour to bring to light for the benefit of pure and applied science some of the hidden mysteries of Australia's unique and wonderful Flora. R.T.B. November, 1920.' H.G.S. IX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. \ work of this character, the preparation of which has now extended over many years, and covers such .1 wide range, has necessarily caused u^ to solicit the help ol others residing in the various Australian I ■<■ ind in > instance tln^ assistance has been readilj and generously given. Due acknow ledgmenl was made in the first edition, whilst in this, the second edition, we gratefully recognise the help received in various ways from the following: — To the members of the Scientific Staff: Mr. M. B. Welch, B.Si (Sydney), Economic Botanist, for valuable help l>\ assisting in tru reading of [>!uiin. ,ui.l in ntliri wavs, hut more particularly do we wish to ai knowledge the sectioning of the leaves for their chromatii illustrations, reproduced in t lii?-. work. Mr. A. R. Penfold, F.C.S., Ecoi i< Chemist, for chemical assist .hi., in the later part ..I these investigations, particularly in connection with piperitol, terpineol, the aromatii aldehydes and cineol estimation. Mr. T. C. Roughley, Economic Zoologist, for the Eudesmol and Australol photographs, and Mr. C. F. Laseron, for collecting the material. We are also indebted to Mr. G. Beyer, Chief Clerk, for the indexing; and to Messrs. F. R. Rae and 11. G. Goy for clerical help. Also to Messrs. D. Cannon, F. Morrison, A. J. Holloway, and W. II. Austin. NEW SOCHI WALES: J. 11. Maiden, F.R.S., Government Botanist: Dr. Cuthhert Hall, I'arra- matta; (iillard Gordon Ltd., Sydney; A. J. Bedwell, Sydney; R. H. Cambage, F.L.S., Sydney; D. E. Chalker, Hill Top; W. T. Farrell, Sydney; C. Gough, Youri; E. McGrath, Youri; R. H. McNeice, Sydney; W. j. Quigg, Wingello; and Mr. Tivey, K\ hi ill VICTORIA: Professor A. J. Ewart, D.Sc Government Botanist; J. Cronin, Curator, Botanic Gardens, Melbourne; P. R. H. St. John. Botanic Gardens, Melbourne; Messrs. Cumin,!; Smith & Co., Melbourne; W. Russell Grimwade, B.Sc, Melbourne; I). Clark, Officer; and C. W. D' Alton, The < rrampian SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Walter Gill, F.L.S., Conservator of Forests; Officers of the Education Department ; and E. Burgess, Kangaroo Island WES1 AUSTRALIA: C. E. Lane-Poole, Conservator of Forests; and W, B. Hooper of the Agricultural Department QUEENSLAND The late P. McMal Director of Forests; F. D. Ferguson, Gladstone; the late T. Ingham, Brisbane; J. L. Adams, Cooktown; and II. S. Owbridge, Boyne River. I \^\1 \NI.\ : L. G, frby, Conserval 1 Forests; L. Rodway, Government Botanist; and A. 11. HiggS. \\ 1 also wish to express our thankfulness to the Government Printei Mi W. \ Gullick, and the members of his stall for valuable help and expert ...hi., during tin passage of the work through the press. \1 CONTENTS. PRE! U I . ACKNOW] I DGMENTS . ILLUSTRATIONS: Coloured Plates Black and White Plates PAGl \ ii i\ xiii \i\ PART I. INTRODUCTORY. i., I NUS EUCA] YPTUS : . Natural Order, Myrtaceae Systematic Classification Adopted . Comparative Constancy of Specific Characters I I vbridisation .... Nomenclature .... Geographical Distribution Probable Evolution of the Species . Graphical Arrangement or Evolutionary Table 5 7 13 •4 '5 16 21 PART II. BOTANY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF THE SPECIES. List of Species Investigated Arranged in Groups Descriptions of the Species and their Oils 25 26 531 PART III. TECHNOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL. fable of Physical Constants and Constituents of the Crude Oils Table of Average Yield ol Oil from each Species Alteration in Specific Gravity with Varying Temperatures Alteration in Refractive Index with Varying Temperatures The Principal Constituents of Eucalyptus Oils Comparative Constancy o( Oil Products Variation in Oils due to Aye of Trees and form of Growth Natural Material for Oil Distillation Cultivated Material for Oil Distillation Extraction o\ Eucalyptus Oil in Australia Commercial Applications o\ Eucalyptus Oils 335 348 349 353 354 355 4"J 4*3 4^7 429 437 444 458 Mil LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Coloured Plates MAPS SHOWING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COLOUR OF THE TIMBERS. AND THE OIL CONSTITUENTS OF THE LEAVES. THROUGHOUT THE GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE OF THE SPECIES. I I distribution of red and pali coloured timbei 11. Distribution ol pi ii with varying chemical constituents in theii oils LEAVES SHOWING HOW THE VENATION VARIES WITH THE OIL CONSTITUENTS. 1 1 1 Vng< 'i'li' 'i.i l.i lata I \ Eucalyptus corymb VI E. botryoidi VII I bulus. VIII. E. Smithii. IX. I Sieberiana. X. E. Australiana. XI E. ilives. FLOWERING AND FRUITING SPECIMENS. XI I lin alyptus calophylla XIII E corj mbosa. XIX 1 eugenioides. XXXII E .nil M ixyli 'ii XXXIH E Smithii. XXXIX. 1 puh erulenta XI. VIII E Australiana. I.I. E l-iiii' i.it.i I.IV. l polj Nil' tea. LXI. Eucalyptus rostrata. IX I II. E. hemiphloia. LXVIII. 1-. obliqua. LXXIV. E. Delegatensis. LX.XV. E. dives. LXXVII. E. M.H.irthun. I. XXXI. E. patentinervis. i X X X 1 1 l citriodora. BARKS OF THE DIFFERENT CORTICAL GROUPS. XI \'. Eucalypl us ci irym b \ V I l ..iiiiii Gums). X X. E. ''in.'' nioidi 5ti ingj bai ks . X I.I X I Australiana (Pepperminl I.X I \ i liphli 'i.i (Bo 1.X1X. E. ! inli.uks '. LEAF SECTIONS MAGNIFIED. I \ \ii:'. 'i.h' 'i.i I, mi eolata. XV. Eui .il\ |'t us col XXI. 1 oioides. XXII. 1 panii ii 'i. XXIII. E. paniculata. XXIX 1 XI. 1 E. Moi irei XIII | XI. V l gont L. 1 \ i i i .' ! \ i '.' J I'M) polybractea 1 xv 1 hemiphloia. 1 \\ II 1 h.rli 1 \\ 1 1 < 1 -jus. mi I.XXI 1 I ll.l I.XXII 1 Sietx I.XXV1. 1 ih\ vs. .XXXII] 1 ■ itriodora. 1 XXXIV Baili \1\' LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS— continued. Black and White Plates. Frontispiece. Technological Museum, Sydney. FRUIT. Under each species is given a black and white illustration of the fruit. FLOWERING AND FRUITING SPECIMENS. XVII. Eucalyptus dextropinea XVIII. E. Uevopinea. XXIV. E camphora. XXV. U Rodwa\ i. XXVI. V cinerea. XXVIII. E dealbata. XXX E unialata. XXXV. R Bridgesiana XXXVI F. populifolia. XXXVII. E pumila. XL E Morrisii. XLIII. Eucalyptus XLIV. E. XLVI. E. XLVII. E. LII (a). E. I. VIII. E. LIX. E. I.X. E. LXII. E. I. XXIX. E. LXXX. E. maculosa. goniocalyx. globulus. cordata. oleosa and E. dumosa. cneorifolia. odorata. Risdoni. Woollsiana. aggregata. Staigeriana. TREES IN THEIR NATURAL HABITAT. LVI. E. polybractea. LVII. E. polybractea. I. XVI. E. viridis. LXXIII. E. . oreades. LXXVIII. E. Macarthuri. XXVII. !•:. cinerea. XXXI E. calycogona XXXIV. E. Smithii. XXXVIII. E. pumila. LII. E. oleosa. LIII. E. dumosa. CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY. LXXXV. Eudesmol in bottle. LXXXVI. Eudesmol, microphotograph. LXXXVII. Australol, microphotograph. LXXXVIII. Deposit in bottle, E. goniocalyx . LXXXIX. Growth from lopped trees, E. Smithii. XC. Growth from felled trees, E. Smithii. XCI. Growth from lopped trees, E. dives. XCII. Growth from felled trees, E. dives. XCIII. A Forest of Eucalyptus phellandra. XCIV. Growth from felled trees, E. phellandra. XCV. Roller used in crushing " Mallee." XCVI. Method of rolling down the " Mallee." XCVII. New growth after burning off, E. polybractea. XCVIII. Reproduction of E. polybractea, Victoria. XCIX. First plantation, Eucalyptus Macarthuri. C. Growth from seed, E. Macarthuri. CI. Climbing tree for leaf collecting, E. citriodora. CII. Cultivated tree, Eucalyptus Smithii. CIII. New growth from felled cultivated tree, E. Smithii. CIV. New growth after retelling cultivated tree, E. Smithii. CV. Buddigower Dam, near Wyalong, during drought time. \\ LIS! OF III US! RATIONS continued. Black and White Plates -continued. VARIOUS TYPES OF EUCALYPTUS OIL STILLS. I \ l Single tank, direc t in in{ i V 1 1 I 'a 1 1 i, mk, . Iirci t firing, New South Wall i VIII. rhree tank, direi i imn ■ ■ ■ '« ml h \\ Ji I l\ I in tank, with boiler, New South Wales. i \ Single tank, direct firing, Kangaroo Island, South \um CXI. Three tank, composite, Victoria. CXI I. Two tank, with boiler, Victoria. CXII1 With wooden digester, sunk in ground Victoria. i \I\ Mil., nun digesters, sunk in ground, New Smith Wales, i \V. Two inm digesters, .sunk in ground, New Smith Wales, CXVI. I"" wooden digest i iunk in ground, Victoria. (Will I \n i wi ii iden digesters, sunk in ground, Victoria. CXVIII. Large still in Victoria, i XIX. Largo still in South Australia. i XX. Collecting leaves, in Tasmania, for oil distillation. PART I. INTRODUCTORY. 50068 — A THE GENUS EUCALYPTUS NATURAL ORDER Myrtaceae. This Genus was first named Aromadendron by Dr. William Anderson, the surgeon of Captain Cook's second and third expeditions, when collecting with Captain Furneaux in Tasmania, where Hobart now stands. According to Mueller, the first species named was a " Stringybark," now known as E. obliqua. The name Eucalyptus was bestowed by L'Heritier in [788 (Sert. Ang] r8, t. 20), the word being derived from the Greek ev "well," and koKvttto} 1 rover," in allusion to the operculum or lid which covers the calyx until the stamens are t'ulh developed. Robert Brown gave the not inappropriate appellation of Eudesmia to the genus in [814; but, of course, tin- name is synonymised by the rule oi priority. Still later another name was proposed, i.e., that of Symphyomyrtus, 1>\ Schauer, in 1844. The trees are evergreen, either tall and of enormous height, or dwarfed shrubs, when they are known as " Malices. " The bark is variable in its nature and texture, being either rough, furrowed, or smooth, features which are more fully described under each bark illusti ation. The leaves, as a general rule, are larger on young tree-, or adventitious shoots, than (in mature trees, whilst in some species the\ are firsl opposite and sessile, and then alternate and petiolate. The usual shape is lanceolate, falcate, and. being fixed vertically instead oi horizontally, give less shade from the sun's rays than most trees. They also possess the power oi twisting on the petiole, probably for the purpose oi exposing the thicker cuticle oi the leai to the sun, and thus minimising the volatilisation oi oil. (til glands an pi enf in the leaves oi almosl every species, being ver\ prom »un< ed in t hose oi 51 rme groups. The inflon 31 1 n< 1 1- either axillai \ pi tei mil The flowers have no petals, and the stamens, which with one or two exceptions, are white, inflexed in the bud, and expand when nature removes the operculum. The fruit consists of a variously enlarged, indurated, truncated calyx tube or capsule, three- to six-celled. The seeds are small and very numerous, the sterile ones predominating. The Genus Eucalyptus is of immense importance, whether considered in reference to the timber, essential oils, dyes, perfumes, or kinos. Its trees probably form three-quarters of the whole vegetation of this continent, but the number of species, about 300 odd, can hardly be considered large with such a wide geographical range, the area of Australia being over 3,000,000 square miles. Systematic Classification here adopted. When this research was firsl commenced u was intended to follow the usual morphological systematic classification oi previou botanists; but, as the work progressed, i1 was found that nothing definite could be arrived at if sui h a i ourse were followed. l'.\ working on morphological grounds alone, it was found that manj the so ■ ailed individual species possessed different hark--, timbers, oils, dyes, &c. a -laic- of things which quite differed from our definition of a species. Such an artificial system (as this research appeared to prove it) had to be discarded, and what is, apparently, a more real or natural system of classification had to ln- adoptcd, viz., founding a species, nol on morphological characters oi dried ma terial alone, bul on i. A field knowledge of the trees ; 2. The nature and character of their barks; 3. I he nature and character of their timbers; 4. Morphology of their fruits, leaves, buds, &c. ; 5. Chemical properties and physical characters of the oils, dyes, kinos, &c, and the utilisation of any oilier evidence, such as histology, physiology, &c, thai might a— i^t in establishing differences or affinities oi species. Our experience, extending now over a period oi thirty years, shows that a species founded on the above system as laid down in our first edition is found after these years, to 1 e practically constant in specific characters, however great the range of distribution may be. and many evidences of this fact will be noticed throughout the work. In the ver\ few exceptions to this rule, reasons for the divergence seem to lie clear. Necessarily a classification o! species on such a broad basis has not always led us to coincide with the opinions and decisions of previous, as well as contemporaneous, botanical workers on the genus. Our experience verifies the remarks oi the late Dr. Woolls, who states . ' Man) ot the trees which differ very widelj in the texture of their bark and the specific gravity of their wood, and to all intents and purposes are perfectly distinct from each other, yet agree very nearly with ordinary eh. 11 ai ters by which species are regulated, so that a urn 1 iption, especially from dried specimens, may be applied to half -a-dozen different kinds of " Cum." Indeed, this has frequenthj been the case, and even amongst men of scientific attainments, as might be easily shown by referring to the various works which have been written on the subject." {1 lora 0) Aust., p. 213.) I'., the method of classification here advocated and adopted, no such 1 1 infusion ot trees is possible. This research doe- no1 in the lea our the uniting ot species, and several oi those that have been synonymised in the past are here restored to their original specifii rank. It was found thai the old morphological classification untenable in particulai cases, so also was it recognised thai descriptions and original material oi some species were made to include, under the one name, trees which were evidently distinct from each other, and these are separated in this work: lor instance, under E . Stuartiana , were included in descriptions and original herbarium material oi Mueller, the " Victorian Apple," the " But But " of Gippsland, and the " Apple" of New South Wales. These two latter represent the same -penes, possess distinctive characters from the former, and have been given the name oi E. Bridgesiana. On the same grounds, from E. polyanthemos, Sch., have been separated / Fletcheri, R.T.B., E. ovalifolia, R.T.B., and E. Dawsoni, R.T.B., which are all good and distinct species, based on a natural classification. Several similar es may also be noted in this work. We have placed little value upon supposed varieties of Eucalypts morpho- logically determined, because at the best they can only be varieties of varieties, and are thus likelv to cause confusion. After all, the difference between a variety and a species is only one of degree., and much must be left to one's judgment as to how far the division or subdivision is advisable. Whatever differences of opinion may be held in regard to the nomen- clature of the species as we now submit them, there can be no doubt as to the particular trees from which the material has been obtained for the research, and this, of course, will be found of the greatest importance both scientifieaHv and economically. It is evident that the main object of naming the species is for the purpose of recognition, and any simplification in this direction should certainly be considered advantageous. As the result of this research it can now be stated what are the special yields of oil and their chemical compositions, and because of the practical constancy of constituents in the oils obtained from identical species, it is also now known what the prospective value of such an oil may be, and it can also be stated with some certainty what is its comparative value. The uniformity of results and the regularity of specific characters has enabled some order to be evolved, which is altogether most satisfactory. This investigation embraces nearly the whole of the known species in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia ; a few from Queensland, and about a dozen from Western Australia. It will thus be seen that the oils of most of those species peculiar to the north and north-western portion of the continent yet remain to be determined. The botanical systematic portion of this work, the figures and other data illustrating the species, are given because of the importance to be attached to the combined botanical and chemical results, thus leading to a more accurate foundation or scientific basis, upon which to establish this important essential oil industry. The investigation of vegetable products on more than the botanical side is becoming characteristic now of workers in many parts of the world, and we think, that future work on the economics of the Australian flora, should be also conducted by the united efforts of botanist, chemist, physicist, and other workers in cognate sciences, for thus only can be attained a complete know- ledge of any plant and its products. One sees the same line of action being pursued to-day in other fields of natural science, for instance the co-ordination of physics and chemistry, with the result that physical chemistrv has ultimately emerged as a definite branch of natural knowledge, and similar instances will readily occur to the reader. Botanical material of all the species from which oil has been extracted is preserved for future reference, should any doubt arise as to the specific origin of any of the essential oils. Comparative Constancy of Specific Characters of Eucalyptus Species. The reputed or supposed greal variation oi individual Eucalyptus species has arisen probably by the attempts oi botanists to found -pirns on morpholo characters alone ; and Bentham, when working on this system, experienced great difficulty in finding any constant feature upon which even to establish groups, and had to discard such differences as opposite or alternate leaves, comparative length oi the operculum, length oi calj \ tube &c. He finally sele< ted the shape ol the anthers as a means oi classification, but even this has since been found to be defective and is open to objections. Bentham evidently fell thai even this was not such a natural classification as he would wish, be< ause m his remarks, B. FL, iii. p. 186), he expresses a hope thai a " truly natural arrangemeril may be founded on a knowledge oi the 'Gum ' trees in a living slate, upmi the proposed cortical or on any other system which experience may suggest." However, ire quite in accord with him when he states, concerning his classification, thai ' the groups pass very gradually into each other through intermedial forms," and our results confirm this gradation of groups; bu1 i1 is the individual species that shows a comparative constancy of specific characters throughout iis known geographical distribution. Not only is this the case with the botanical characters, but also in their chemical constituents, a conclusion fully confirmed by the mass of evidence we are now able to submit in connection with the species here enumerated, and as the resnlt of a research extending over a period of thirty years. Tire most serious objections to Bemham's antheral system are:— i. That of placing in the same group, and hi juxtaposition, species which to those familiar with the trees in the field, are perfectly distinct from each other ; and 2. Thai of separating under various sections trees which bj hark, wood, habit, general characters, chemical properties of their oils, kinos, dyes, &c, ought to stand near to each other. For instance, in the former case, with the smooth barked " Mountain Gum" (E. goniocalyx), the " Bundy Box" (E. elceophora), was confounded or associated. The " Apple " of Victoria, with its red timber and stringy bark, was placed with the " Apple " or ' Woollybutt " ol New South Wales I Bridgesiana) , a tree with a pale coloured timber, and a " Box " hark; numerous othei examples could also be given, and similar associations will no doubt o< uv student oi the Eucalypts The second case could be illustrated by the " Ironbark " trees, which might be grouped together, hut \ I tand apart; whilst with them were included tie " Scribbly Gum" (/:'. hcemastoma), "Tallow wood" (E. microcorys) , and others nee- which have quite distinctive characters and should he iarated. Probably it has been the effort to utilise this and similar systems that has led to the acceptance oi the idea oi great variability oi Eucalyptus species, I. ut from the results ol this extensive study we consider that only in exceptional -l- in h nuani es exist, even under ,i natural ' lassification. 8 Dr. Woolls /•/. A ii si., p. 217 si a Us, under his article on the Eucalypts :— ' Whatever merit there may be in an artificial system by which museum plants can be named I do not think that such an arrangement will evei meet with much favour with those who are studying the living plants." By adhering closely to tne system which we advanced in the first edition of this research, and have followed since the publication of that work eighteen years ago, it is found that the species show, comparatively, not much variation; in fact, possess such a constancy of specific characters, that is surprising in the light of previous published literature on the Eucalypts. Statements that a species in one locality has a smooth bark, and in another locality has a " Stringybark," and sometimes an " Ironbark," are not verified by our work. For instance, it was at one time recorded that the " Scribbly .Gum " (E. hcemastoma, Sm.) was occasionally found as a " Stringy- bark." investigation proved that no such variation existed, and that the tree with a " Stringybark " is quite distinct from the smooth-bark, — " Gum " (£. hcemastoma, Sm.), and has a good geographical range and a constancy of specific characters distinct from E. hcemastoma, and so it has been separated and botanicallv named E. Wilkinsoniana ; it is commonly known as " Small-leaved Stringybark." The red rim of the fruits appears to be the main connecting character of these species, and this feature has little discriminative value. The reputed variability of the species of the genus might possibly have arisen, because— 1. Original descriptions were so brief, and material too indefinite, as to be practically useless. Dr. Woolls was of this opinion, for he states : ' When I find writers of some eminence referring very different trees to the same species, I cannot but see the inadequacy of the descriptions hitherto relied on." All such doubtful descriptions have been ignored in this work, as there appears to be no finality in trying to match material to such vague diagnoses and fragmentary specimens. 2. Too much reliance was placed on herbarium specimens. Botanical systematic work can generally be carried out on dried material in most instances, but in the case of the Eucalypts it is not the only evidence needed, as some of the essential natural characters are not represented in such material. 3. Common names are used too indiscriminately. In almost every work on the Eucalypts, one finds a number of common names appended to the botanical one. In the light of our present knowledge most of these common names can be shown to refer to distinct" species. In this work the common names have been subordinated to the botanical, being considered of secondary importance. 4. Sufficient attention has probably not been given to field botany in the determination of many Eucalyptus species. Dr. Woolls may be again quoted in that he states : ' Trees placed by botanists under one specific name would never be so considered if studied in nature, for there the specific differences are so marked that no one would ever think the trees were one and the same species." Our researches confirm this statement ; and numerous instances of this fact might be given here. The comparative constancy of specific characters, morphological and chemical, such as the constituents of the oils, dyes, tars, &c, amongst the Eucalypts is perhaps only what one might expect to find, when it is assumed that this continent is one of, if not, the oldest on this planet, having evidently remained stationary during certain subsidences and upheavals of other parts of the earth, and so preserved the fauna and flora oJ past geological times. During the extensive period thus represented, the species have materially differentiated from the parent stock, and have so well established theii individuality that the evidences here published show bul .1 few species iindei going varietal evolution at the presenl tim rhal there are variations cannol be denied, but the) are comparatively few when the extensive range oi the genus onsidered. With the exception ol about halJ .1 dozen, all the Eu< dypts enumerated in this work will be found to possess comparatively characters throughout their geographical distribution. On the whole, therefore, we think the Eucalypts may be regarded as fairl) invariable. It must, of course, be admitted that herbarium material ot Eucalyptus species can be so arranged as to show peri d gradations; but then all al charai are ignored. hurt Iht, it is found that the constituents occurring in the oils ot all those species about which there is no difference ot opinion arc always in agreement, and only differ in amount within the limits experienced with the oils ot all the species at varying times oi the year; it may also be that this rule applies to all those species about which little has been previously known. Several instances ot this constanc) ot 1 onstituents will he found under the respective species in this work. The late Baron von Mueller, who had a most extensive knowledge ot the Eucalypts ot Australia, recognised the assistance that might be rendered to the botanist in the discrimination of the different species In the chemical investi- gation of thrir several products. The following reference is from his " Eucalypto graphia," Decade 111, article Eucalyptus piperita, published in 1879 : " E. obln/ua is distinguished from E. piperita by and perhaps bj anatomic, histologic, and ch mica! peculiarities of the hark and wood, which characteristics remain yet more comprehensively to be studied." Since the time the above was written much has been done in determining the chemical characteristics ot many of the species, and the results are ot so satisfactory a nature in this connection, that it must be apparent that no investi- gation of the Eucalypts over am one portion ot the continent can he considered complete or conclusive, without it embraces also the chemical investigation of their several products, and other physical characters. This i> well illustrated by the several species that have previously been classified under the name ol E. amygdalina. In a paper by Dr. Gladstone on Essential (his {Journ. Chem. Sue, 1864, the oil oi Eucalyptus amygdalina is stated to have a specific gravity of 0*88l2 at 15-5 ('., a rotation for a column having a length ot to inches, ot 1 ;'. . or corrected for optical rotation '54 ■ ;ui1' refractive index for d = 1 -47SS. From what is shown in this work under /•.. phellandra, there seems little doubt but thai this particular sample of oil was obtained from /:'. \ Mr. W. Percy Wilkinson (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, Vol. VI, |>. 197), lor various samples of supposed E. amygdalina oils, varying from 88-9 to [6-3 . show, when compared with our results, that these samples ot oil had been obtained from more than one species. The specific gravities given in the paper also suggest the same conclusion. This grouping of the species on a morphological basis illustrates the difficulties under which Mr. Wilkinson laboured in his commendable attempt at that time to extend our kriowledge of Eucalyptus oils. in rhe differences in results recorded for the oil ol E. amygdalina in various works on " Essential Oils " can be accounted for in the same way, and this is probably so in all cases where the oil oi E. amygdalina is recorded as showing greal variability. It only requires to be mentioned that the constituents of the oil of E. globulus are practically constant from whatever locality tin- material is obtained, and the sample of oil from Lhis species that we distilled from material collected at Jenolan, New South Wales, differed in no respect from the product ni trees growing in Tasmania, or in Victoria. M. Voirv, in his paper, Compt. Rendus, 1888, p. 1419, also expresses this constancy in the following paragraph :— " Cette propriete est commune a tous les echantillons d'essence d' Eucalyptus globulus de differentes provenances que j'ai pu examiner . . ." Messrs. Faulding & Co., of Adelaide, in 1901, kindly supplied us with the crude oil of E. cneorifolia. The oil of this species is usually lsevo-rotaiory, the lrevo-rotation being caused by the aldehyde aromadendral ; and not by phellan- drene, as that terpene does not occur in this oil. The oil had a rotation in a 100-mm. tube, for the crude oil, of —5-4°; that of the rectified oil being —3*0°; the specific gravity of the crude oil was 0-9287 at 150 C. An analysis made in 1891 by Mr. Robert H. Davies, of Apothecaries Hall, London, of the oil of E. cneorifolia for Messrs. W. dimming & Co., Adelaide, showed the sample to have a rotation in a 100-mm. tube of — 3-53°, and a specific gravity at 60° F. of 0-023. A recent analysis of the oil of this species published in this work, also shows concordant results, so that with this species there is a remarkable agreement also, particularly as this is one of the heavy Eucalyptus oils. The oil of E. hemiphloia, in the work on " Volatile Oils," by Gildemeistrr and Hoffmann, published by Messrs. Schimmel & Co., is stated to contain cineol and a large amount of cuminic aldehyde (now shown to be laevo-rotaiory aroma- dendral). Our results showed cineol to be present in good quantity, and aroma- dendral also. It was from the oil of E. hemiphloia that the aromadendral was prepared for the purpose of research. E. hemiphloia is a well-defined species, and but little error should arise in its determination, consequently results agree. In this connection it might be well to refer to E. hesmastoma. This species was named by Dr. Smith, in 1797, from trees growing at Sydney, in which neighbourhood it still occurs, so that there is little doubt as to the particular tree referred to by him. But there is one species (now E. Wilkinsoniana, R.T.B.), which was for a long time thought to be a " Stringybark " form of E. hamartoma. If someone had investigated the oil stated to have been distilled from this species and supplied under the name E. hesmastoma, different results would certainly have been obtained, the oil of E. Wilkinsoniana consisting very largely of lxvo-pinene. The " Red-flowering Ironbark " {Eucalyptus sideroxylon) is a species which extends over a large area of country, so that it was possible to obtain material from localities very widely separated. Throughout this area the morphological characters of the species are practically constant, and the nature of the bark and timber shows no variation in general characters — a remark which is also applicable to the other species enumerated in this work. Leaves were received from Liverpool, near Sydney, in December, 1900; from Condobolin in March, 1901 ; and from Narrabri in July, 1901. These localities are about 350 miles apart, and if connected would form almost an equilateral triangle. The crude oils were in all three cases practically identical, only differing in the amounts of constituents, as might be expected from trees belonging to identical species, 1 1 whether growing only a few feel from each othei 01 miles apart, rhe results here recorded are a good illustration of the constancj of chemical onstituents in oils of the same species. ality and 1 1 Yield per 1 I'm ity Crude oil. 1 11 'ii Crude oil. 1 in. ol, .1' 1.1 mini 'I bj tin- phosphorii .i' id thod (1 Crude "ii Liverpool, tgoo... Condi bolin, [90J Narrabri, tg 1 "7 1 I 0-503 0-487 1 ' 'i-'J7 0-9 1 0*9201 + 1 + 3-19 + ' '" ■ pci ■ • Til. 57 per cent. 58 pei c ent. I he low ester value, the absence of an excessive amount of volatile aldehydes, together with the large amount of cineol are characteristic of the oil oi this species. Perhaps /:'. obliqua is even a better illustration <>t this chemical agreement as can he seen under that species. Many other instances might be mentioned in which this constancy of chemical constituents i- demonstrated, not only from our own results, but also in connection with those obtained by previous observers, although unfortunately, precise data in this connection are often wanting; but those mentioned above are sufficient to -I" w that, when no error has been made in the botanical diagnosis, and no mixing of the leases has taken place, the chemical results will be unmistakable also. If it is possible io show that this is so, then the corollary must be that the same species of Eucalyptus will give practically the same oil. and consequently the commercial aspect of the question is placed upon a sure foundation ; not only from the commercial side of the question is this important, but this constancy of constituents must be taken into consideration in the diagnosis of doubtful species. Supposed allied forms that do not individually show chemical constituents in (dose agreement cannot consequently be the same species. A- an instance of how this confusin \ of species has appealed to other workers on Eucalyptus oils, the remarks of Gildemeister and Hoffmann, in the work above quoted, may be mentioned. Two oils supposed to be from E. dealbata, were under review, and thej saw " that it is impossible for it " (the second sample) "to have c me from the same plant " (as the first sample). We have received much help towards settling doubtful botanical points since the discovery of this constancy in chemical constituent- was made, the results assisting much towards demonstrating differences between the several species, which otherwise, could not have been decided so satisfactorily. When these differences have been detected, further research has shown well marked morphological characters to be also presenl in fact, so distinct that the species cannot again be confounded with others; or, in oilier words, we have learned its history and found its place in nature The exceptions to this are verj As a further evidence ol the comparative constancj of Eucalyptus specii one nerd onlv look to their introduction into other countries, where they retain all their physical characters and morphology, as obtains in their native habitat , 1 ! fhe theory has often been advanced that the chemical constituents ol the same species vary in differenl localities, but this idea, is no1 verified by our experiences as regards the Eucalypts, as they do not show those differences in chemical constituents that might perhaps bo exported from differences of soils or localities. The reverse may possibly be accounted for by the natural selective, ecological peculiarities shown in many instances by the species themselves, as it is remarkable how a certain species will flourish on a particular geological formation and become singular to like formations, while a! the same time objecting to those entirely different. However that may be, those influences do not appear to act detrimentally, or to interfere in any way with the practical constancy of results. Hybridisation. ["his verj fascinating question I ntion oi modem botanists to some extent, and we also have given iough1 to the subject, bu1 so far without any measure of success. On seriously following up the identity of supposed Eucalyptus hybrids, in several ca ation thai these w< th<' offspring oi certain indicated parents, has been found to be withoul solid support. Natural hybridisation in the Eucalypts perhaps, appeals i ie as .1 xplanation for the estabhshmenl oi certain species which show affinities mi both sides. The organs oi reproduction in Eu< alj ptus, however, are protected by an operculum, and in many cases pollen grains are found adhering to the stigma before the operculum falls off, so that it may be just .1- readilj supposed thai the cap in the bud is a protection against hybridisation. Baron von Mueller at one time did not regard hybridisation as impossible, but thou- lu that .ill ordinary chances are against it, for he states : ' Hybridisa tion does not seem to explain the origin oi these aberrant forms in a genus, where cross-fertilisation is guarded by a calycine lid." (Eucalyptographia, 8th 1 >ec, under E. cordata.) Ii may be now shown that most of these supposed aberrant forms are really distinct species, and in our opinion cross-fertilisation in the Eucalypts under natural conditions is quite exceptional, especially when we know that numerous -prut- are growing intermixed, often flowering at thi . tim and undei supposed favourable conditions for hybridisation, yet preserving throughout extensive areas their specific characters with remarkable constancy. We were very much impressed with this aspecl oj the question on the completion of our work on the Eucalypts of Tasmania, and ii was striking to find such a large percentage oi the species (quite half) oi those now growing in [Tasmania, which are identical, both botanicallj and chemically, with the same Eucalypts growing on the mainland oi Australia. Ii is thus evident that these species war well established in both Australia and Tasmania before the latter was separated from the conti t, and thai in both localities they have gone on reproducing their offspring in absolute constancy ever since. It is thought th; ii was not earlier than tertiary times when Bass Strait was formed, and although this period is perhaps nol far back geologically, yet, considered botanically, it must have been a verj long time ago; but, through all this period "l time only a very few species oi Eucalypts have become endemic in Tasmania. Ii may be mentioned that since our work on the Tasmanian Eucalypts was completed, E. acervula, which was considered as endemic in Tasmania, lias also been found growing in South Australia; and possibly when the Eucalypts on the Australian Alps shall be mor< completely studied, other Tasmanian species will be found to exisl on the main! How very different this condition oi affairs musl have been it hybridisation wei »mmon occurrence with the Eucalypts. Ii is thus evidenl thai very definite knowledge is needed before one can ao tatement that such uch a Eucalyptus tree is a hybrid uudei na 1 ural conditions. 14 Nomenclature. When the first edition of this work was published in 1902 it was decided to subordinate the vernacular names to the scientific, as it was found that no uniformity of results were obtainable if the vernacular names were relied upon to any extent for systematic and industrial purposes hi a work with a commercial setting such as this, the idea was no doubt somewhat revolutionary at that time, but after some years' experience we are quite satisfied with the result of that action, in so far as it concerns the Eucalyptus oil industry, and we trust that the method will be more extensivelv adopted with the Eucalypts in other directions, especially the timber trades. The number of distinct species of Eucalypts is so large that sufficient common names could only with difficulty be invented in order that each species may have a distinctive appellation, and consequently we often see a conglomera- tion of species with different economics under the one common name. There are, for instance, several species known as 'Blue Gums," many others as "Red Gums," "White Gums," "Boxes," "Peppermints," " Mallees," "Iron- barks," or " Bloodwoods," so that in this direction identification with any degree of success for accurate economic purposes becomes quite hopeless. Some attempt has been made to overcome the difficulty by employing an adjective, so that we have " White Box," ' Murray Red Gum," ' Broad-leaved Pepper- mint," and so on. It is just as easy, however, to say Eucalyptus rostrata as ' Murray Red Gum," or Eucalyptus dives instead of " Broad-leaved Peppermint " or Eucalvptus Macarthun instead of " Paddy River Box." In restricted areas no doubt the common names tor Eucalyptus trees do have some utility, because the number of distinct species in any one district is limited, but it is when local names found useful lor discriminative purposes in one district are applied to altogether different trees growing in quite another locality that grave mistakes occur. Most of the scientific names as applied to Eucalyptus species are not difficult for the commercial man to learn, and our experience has shown that their employment in commerce has considerable advantages. It is now customary with the larger manufacturers of Eucalyptus oils to indicate the origin of their products by using the scientific names, and not the vernacular, and even the small distiller in the " bush " has become familiar with the botanical name of the species he is working, and employs it for purposes of trade, for the reason that purchasers of oil prefer now to buy only on scientific names. In this way the article produced is easy to control, because the scientific name not only becomes distinctive for the tree, but means a standard for the product also, the economics for any individual species being so well defined. It is thus evident that if the scientific name for any particular Eucalypt is utilised that the economics will be such that no difficulty or misunderstanding can arise either to the manufacturer or to the purchaser. In this second edition of the work, therefore, the scientific names for the species are again emphasised, as the economic advantages to be derived by following this method are so great. 15 Geographical Distribution. The scheme <>l evolution oi the Eucalypts formulated in the following article is further supported by following oul the geographical distribution oi the species. Thus on the assumption thai those Eucalypts known as the " Bloodwoods " and their affinities are the oldesl group oi these trees, and that Western Australia is the oldest portion of the continent, one would naturallj expecl to find them well represented in that part of the continent, and such is the case. The 'Bloodwoods," and red-timbered Eucalypts especially, are the distinguishing ures of the foresi trees belonging to the Genus in Western and North-western Australia, and trees with these < haracters extend through the Northern ["erritor} down Eastern Queensland, and Eastern New South Wales, discontinuing in the north-east corner of Victoria, there being no representative ol this group in 1 .1-111 ini.'. where only pale coloured Limbers occur. The closely allied Genus .1 ngophora accompanies the red-timbered Eucalypts in Queensland, down through New South Wales, finishing with one species, Angophora intermedia, on the Grampians, in Victoria. No Angophora species been recorded from Tasmania, and no red wood Eucalyptus, either, for the matter of that — a pale timber feature that extend- well into Victoria. Pale- coloured timbers also extend north, tar into New South Wales. In this latter State we find in addition to the red wood-, the groups of "Peppermints," " Stringybarks," and " hums," gradually increase in number and importance a- one travels south to Victoria, until in Tasmania they are the only represen- tatives oi the genus — the red woods and " Bloodwoods " being quite absent. Branching off at different intervals from the main line ol species are the "Ironbarks," "Gums," "Boxes," " Mallees," "Stringybarks," and "Pepper- mints." The "Ironbarks" are an interesting group, and evidently are closely connected with the members which yield oil- riches! in cineol. Not only do we thus find an evolutionary agreemeni with the geology and botany, but this is further confirmed by the chemistry, for according to die above reasoning the more recenl of the species shown at the end of our table. are found to yield phellandrene bearing oil-, while with the mosl ancient sp< occurring at the beginning of the table die terpene i- pinene. Thus applying the table oi evolution to a contour map oi Australia in the ordei ol geologi al age, the head or primary specie (1 le red woods) are found in the western portion of the continent, and then travel! orth an.) south, complete the range with the pale-coloured timbers in Tasmania awA Southern Victoria. e6 The Probable Evolution of the Eucalypts. Perhaps one of the most interesting results brought to light by what appears to us the natural system of classification here adopted, is the affinity shown to exist between the members of the several groups of Eucalypts in their morpho- logical and other physical characters, chemical constituents, venation of their leaves, and the nature of their barks and timbers. And not only is this affinity shown between the species of this important genus, but a close connection is also found to be well marked between Eucalyptus and the cognate genus Angophora, which, therefore, appears to us to be more closely connected to the former — both morphologically and chemically — than does the allied genus Tristania. Since the above was written in 1902, Dr.. Cuthbert Hall has published in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, N.S.W., 1914, and in the Report of the British Association, 1915, the results of his work on the seedlings and cotyledons of a large number of Eucalypts. Photographs are also given. He there shows the close affinity of these two genera in the following words :— ' The original Eucalypts represented now by those of the E. corymbosa class had large entire reniform cotyledons ; these are practically identical with those of the nearly-related genus Angophora." If we deal with the affinity between the Angophoras and the Eucalypts, it will be found that the former have apparently only one feature — the absence of a calycine lid — which removes them generically from the Genus Eucalyptus. Some Eucalypts, however, show a tendency seemingly to develop petals, for in the case of E. tetrodonta, F.v.M., E. terminates, F.v.M., E. tessellaris, F.v.M., and a few others, it is found that the calyx is irregularly ruptured, rather than circumcised by a clearly-defined sutural line ; for, as stated by Baron von Mueller in his " Eucalyptographia," under E. tetrodonta, " the strongly-toothed ■calyx demonstrates some transit towards Angophora, although the lid is in no way dissolved into petals as in that genus." In continuing this connection between these genera, it will be noted that in the nature of the bark, timber, calyx tube, inflorescence, kinos, and particularly in the chemical constituents of the oil, and venation of the leaves, the alliance between certain species is very striking. The oils yielded by those Eucalypts known vernacularly as " Bloodwoods," such as E. calophylla, E. corymbosa, E. trachyphloia, E. eximia, &c, and the allied species, E. botryoides, &c, invariably contain a large proportion of pinene ; phellandrene is always absent, and cineol only occurs in traces, if at all. The venation of the lanceolate leaves of all this group of species was found to correspond with that of the leaves of the Angophoras, and this feature is illustrated in plates 1, 11, and III. It was this affinity in venation which first led us to inquire if the oils were also in agreement. For this purpose oil was distilled from the leaves of '7 Angophora lanceolata, Cav., and was found to contain identical constituents to those obtained from the ' Bloodwoods " jusl mentioned. Hie sesquiterpene (aromadendrene) which occurs in some quantit} in .ill this group oi Eucalypts, was also presenl in the oil of Angophora lanceolata, as it gave the characterise colour reaction for thai constituent with bromim Foi tl ential oils oi the Angophoras, see paper l>\ one of us, Roy. So< .. N.S.W . Vug., [913. In August, in<)<>. a paper was read l>\ one oi us (Roy. Soc, N.S.W.) on .1 crystalline substance obtained from the exudation, or kino, oi the " Red Gum (/■'. cahphylla), sent to the Museum by the Bureau oi Agriculture, Western Australia; this substance was named aromadendrin. In the description oi .1 new Angophora 1 I. melanoyxlon) , by one of us (Proc. Linn. So< ., N.S.W., 1900), the announcemenl was made thai the kino oi this tree contained aromadendrin, it being chemicallj identical with that described from E. calophylla. The chemical evidence relating to the affinity of these genera which has since accumulated, shows the connection to be somewhat complete. Assuming the Angophora to be the older genus, we have endeavoured to formulate, on data similar In the above, a table or " tree." showing the supposed line of origin of the various groups of Eucalypts from the appareni initiation of the Genus. The table will be found a1 the end of this article, and .1 map oi Australia indicating more fully the territorial distribution in connection with this evolution table is also added. The table includes the majority of the species of Eastern and Southern Australia, but when those "I Northern and Western Australia shall have been more fully investigated on similar lines, :| more complete tabulation will be possible, as then, no doubt, many of the connecting links which are at present felt to be wanting, will be forthcoming. We do not think that the investigation of those species will interfere materially with the main principle of evolution as here laid down. Proceeding from the 'Bloodwoods," it is possible, from the evidence available, that the line of descent was through /'.'. saligna and E. botryoides, the venations (plate in), together with the chemical constituents of the oils, being very closely allied to those of the " Bloodwoods." In the oil of /■;. saligna cineol is making its appearance, for, although present but in small amount, it could be detected quite satisfactorily. If botanical features are considered in conjunction with those of the ■ hemical, it is seen that as the characteristic constituents of the oils vary in amount and change their character, so do the trees form well-defined groups. For instance those seceding from the " r.l Lwoods " apparently pass in three directions, one through the " Stringy barks " to the group oi " Peppei mints," another through the " [ronbarks " to that large group which includes the cineol-pinene oils generally, or those in which the terpene phellandrene is absent, and thirdly through one section of the " Stringybarks " particularly E. obliqua, — to the other large group which includes the typical "Boxes" and their associated " Mallees." The Genus may thus be considered as embracing four large groups which may be indicated, chemically, as follows : (a) Those yielding 01b consisting largelj of the terpene pinene; either dextro-rotatory or laevo 1 otatory. (b) Those yielding oils containing varying amounts ol pinene and cineol but in which phellandrene is absi (c) Those yielding oils in which aromadendral 1- a characteristic constituent. and phellandrene usually absent. ((/) Those yielding oils in which the terpene phellandrene is a pronounced 1 onstituenl . with piperitone mostlj present. 50068— B i8 Of course connecting species and sub-groups link up the larger groups above, and such connections arc indicated throughout this work by the system <>i classifical ion adopted. The suggestion thai the line of sequence is through E. saligna and E. botryoides to the " Eronbarks " was indicated, not only by the chemistry of their oils, but also by thai oi their kinos ; the richer cineol oils also show an association with the " Eronbarks," particularly through that of E. sideroxylon, and they are all grouped in this way to illustrate the sequence. the greater number of the Eucalypts yield oils consisting largely of cineol and pinene in varying proportions, with an absence of phellandrene. It thus appears that phellandrene made its appearance late in the evolutionary arranger ment of the genus, and if this is so then piperitone is quite a recent formation, even more so than the other characteristic constituent — aromadendral, which is also found in some West Australian species. The suggestion that the " Boxes " and associated " Mallees " descended through the " Stringybarks " was derived from the oil of E. obliqua, a species with a most extensive range, the oil of which always contains aromadendral, and this characteristic constituent increased in amount as the typical " Boxes " were evolved. A good many of the " Mallee " oils do not contain aromadendral, they being evidently more closely associated with the " Gums," and are here arranged in that manner. Such species are E. Morrisii, E. pumila, &c. As the genus evolved the venation of the leaves and colour of the timbers changed in agreement with the alteration in the character of their oils. All the species belonging to the " Peppermints," the " Ashes," and associated species have white timbers, while in the earlier members they are usually red. The genealogical table we now submit shows, in its general arrangement, the lines of sequence through which the Genus apparently evolved. Of course, it was not possible to depict diagrammatically, the most difficult sub-divisions which, to any student of the Eucalypts, must become apparent, but if the table is considered broadly, the general grouping will be evident, and this arrangement is supported by botanical as well as chemical evidence. Passing onward from E. pilularis a well-defined group of trees is reached, the oils of which contain phellandrene as a pronounced constituent, and instead of aromadendral being present, this constituent has been replaced in these oils by the peppermint ketone, piperitone ; consequently the leaves when crushed give an odour of peppermint, and for this reason the trees are generally known, vernacularly, as " Peppermints " ; the more pronounced of these are E. piperita , E. dives, E. amygdalina, E. vitrea, &c. When the first Eucalyptus oil was distilled in Sydney in 1788 the leaves utilised were those of E. piperita, known locally as " Peppermint," so that the first-named species from New South Wales owes both its vernacular and specific names to the presence of this chemical constituent in the oil ; and the introduction of the utilisation of chemical constituents in aiding the diagnosis of Eucalyptus trees dates as far back as the foundation of Australia. Results of recent investigations show that the value for determinative purposes of chemical constituents in the tree, as adopted bv those early naturalists, was on a sound basis, and in the light of our present knowledge this determination is recognised as being of the greatest value in deciding differences between Eucalyptus trees which are morphologically closely allied. It will be seen from plates vi, vn, and vin that the venation of the leaves of trees giving phellandrene-bearing oils has an acute spreading arrangement inclining to run parallel to the mid-rib, which appears to be the completion of 1. 1 the gradual alteration <>i the leai venation oi the Genus, which commenced with those species closely associated with the Angophoras. Piperitone is usuall) associated with phellandrene in the oils oi species showing this venation, although its occurrence in some oi them could no1 be decided with certaint} bu1 it is probable thai man} ol the constituents found in these oils are presenl in traces in many ol them. Pinene, also, probably runs through the whole series, <>i course, diminishing more and more as it is replaced by phellandrene or other terpenes. Phellandrene appears to be present in a maximum amounl in the oils ol E. dives, E. Andrewsi, /•.'. radiata, &c, and thesi species show very clearly the characteristic venation for this group In the Lanceolate leaves of these species, too, the marginal vein has receded so fat from the edge that often a second one has commenced to form. In the leaves ol this group, the reticulations between the more prominenl veins in the leaves belonging to the cineol-pinene group have become still more subordinate, and consequently more room is given for the formation of oil glands, and thus the yields ol oil from many species ol this group arc large. The black dots in the photographs show the position of the innumerable oil glands in the leavi The reproduction oi the venation can be carried out very successfully by photography, the fresh leaves being used. These are printed directly upon the paper in strong sunlight, and the prints thus obtained can be reproduced by any of the well-known photographic methods. In October, iqoi, we read a paper on tins subjeel before the Royal Society -I New South Wales, and demonstrated this alteration of leaf venation in agreement with the chemical constituents, by the aid of a series of lantern slides made from the photographs taken directly from the leaves; the completeness of these can be judged from the reproduction of the leaves in the illustrations (plates i to viu . In other parts of this work we show that this alteration in leal venation and chemical constituents is not local in its incidence, and that the specific characters of each species are practically constant over the whole range "! its dis- tribution, and numerous instances are given of this constancy. It can thus be supposed that the formation of the several species "I Eucalyptus has been one of evolution, and that the alteration in the chemical constituents ol the oil has been contemporaneous with the changing of the leal venation. 11 is thus assumed that the several species, as we know them to-day, have gradually de\ iated from a progenitor, and we have attempted to show through which channels this deviation ha taken place. That the constituents of the oil have been' fixed and constant lor a long period of time must he evident by the fad that, to whatever extenl or range any particular specie-, ha- reached, it contains the same characteristic constituents, and has its botanical characters in agreement. This evidence is of the greatesl importance when the length of time is considered which musl sarily have elapsed, before any one species could have established itself over such an extensive area as found to exist to-day. Some Eucalypts, however, appear to possess botanical and chemical characters which give them an affinity with one or two particular specie- only, whilsl a \< w seem to have no pronounced connecting features, and, therefore, appeal to stand quite alone ; such species are thus not easj to place in a regular line ol sequence, as though there were a compL te gradation passing from one species i" another. I In- intermediate forms, then fore, seem to be wanting in several instances, which may, perhaps, he largely a. i ounted lor b\ their extinction, or due to mutation. The long period ol quietude or comparativi tability oi terrestrial con- dition-in Australia probably accounts foi the few .indefinite varieties oi Eucalypts wo have met with, and the environment also, having undergone little i ha !0 has produced a definiteness ol species previously unsuspected in this Genus. This stability is illustrated in a mosl striking manner by the associations between the r.ismanian species and those uf the mainland. Such, then, arc our views of the probable evolution of the Eucalypts, founded, as they arc, on the broad basis of the natural classification previously enunciated. Necessarily, our conclusions cannot always be expected to coincide with those who have classified on morphological grounds alone so wonderful a Genus as the Eucalypts — trees that will in the future be more fully appreciated, and more highly prized in Australia than they are at the present day. < — QQ - - < W - _ ^ - X s go -5 :- - r-1 ~ r. - - - < _ — -. £ ~ o < H ~ _> _ 0 < 1 i - - ~ S ^ < _ _ - V ►— " ^ ESI \ NCEI D4 - x — 1 > x w H en to — i — — ~s < 2 5 ~ hJ E o K > E - ■ !'■§ | II 33 ~ = : - ~ i _ _ E - c - - - o £S a. o. O 2 E si [si 5— P — g — « i = o — _— _ec r -9 b » 5. S cf a 2 & j: *" -T ~ *- 5 £ » « 5 jo . - I i I _ _ _ 9 0 IE U q m ui 5 Ill z z o hi z -I 0 UJ z u IT 0 Ui z UJ z 0. ui i- 7 u UI E UJ Q uj 0 UI 0. ui z _l 0 UJ 7 z UJ h u UI < a: Q o: Q UJ () 0 Z Z < n [fl UJ < U < n UJ _l _l in > J LI J ? U Ui z UJ UJ UJ I UJ I h- i. a (L z Q. 0. I J IP PL*' LEAF OF ANG< Cav. Plate IV * wk m# ANGOPHORA LANCEOLATA. Cav. Plat LEAF OF EUCALYPTUS CORYMBOSA. Sm LEAF OF EUCALYPTUS BOl Plat. PLAT! iLYPTUS SMITHII. R.T.B PL* - LEAF OF EUCALYPTUS AUSTI • G S. Plate XI LEAF OF EUCALYPTUS DIVES. SCHAU PART II. BOTANY, AND CHEMISTRY OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF THE SPECIES. The Sequence of the Species is based on both Botanical and Chemical Results Eucalyptus Species Investigated. GROUP 1 h \llti 2 1 1 1 1 1.1.1. 5 1 terminalis 6 1 media B 1 mia 9 1 10 1 usta ii 1 saligita [2 1 saligna var. pall 1 ) 1 1 1 1 acaciatformis «5 1 Rydal 1 cat nea ' 1 dextropinea [8 1 til ill a [9 1 pinea 1 phlebophylla 21 1 alpinn CROUP II. 22 Eucalyptus Wilkinsoniana 1 - 1 E. nil: *5 1 mtalifolia J.. /•:. Bla \ _> - / / hetnilampra 29 / 1 1 1 n \calyx 1 ' ;i 1 • J2 E. nulla 33 1 1 1 hi: '•I 1 ■ 1 ylott 35 1 I |6 E. maculata 57 1 inli 1 ! 1 [1 tt a 1 palu 4o 1 41 1 viminalis var. a 1- 1 paniculala 4.5 1 Illita 44 1 quadrangalata 45 E. : (6 E. t Ulllll GROUP III CLASS (a). 47 48 1 Stuart 49 1 Stuai 1 data 1 51 1 5- 1 ana 53 1 $sii 54 salmonof • 55 1 ina 1 rostrata \ 57 camphora I Mn 1 1 cin '.1 1 62 1 1 alyptus lilllu: / 68 I. 1 CLASS (b). Eucalyptu. 1 sq nan 1 1 75 populifolia 1 77 1 1 pumila 1 ulenta 1 1 1 82 Mtiellei 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 38 E. ulus V 91 1 cm data • ii GROUP VI. 92 / / 94 / ■1 , I 96 1 97 1 ■ . 1 18 E. 1 1 1 ,1 1 10] 1 ■ "I 105 ll, [0 1 cog E. ii" /■:. 1 1 1 E. 1 1 j 1 T 1 ) 1 " 1 1 . 1 15 1 11'. I 1 1 1 . 1 [8 1 . 1 ig 1 i't 1 21 1 2 2 1 1 1 GROUP IV. CLASS (a). Eut al) punctata tei tii 1 nis var. cosmoph ylla -.!> iota • fin,: '\ '■> at tea : 1 ata CLASS (b). / var. ilala I ! . Risd I GROUP V. plllh iliil | I Rud salul alls ■:i is alb '44 '45 I P 1 \Q 1 50 151 ■ 'I '55 / •1 la llata acmeni Planchoniana pi 1 11I obi iq 11 a GROUP VII CLASS (a) ■ ita 1 11a i pin Hand 111 I ■ 11 ami i ana I CLASS (b). yplus 1 1 ! panulata 1,,M l6l / / pliala / .'. | / radiata GROUP VIII. ltd ■lata 1, dilliuii 1 nil patentin Marsdeni trina ulata ADDENDUM. 06/n [6g 1;' / 5oof)8 — C GROUP I. In this Group are placed the following Eucalypts yielding an oil consisting largeh' of Pinene, without phellandrene. Cineol is almost or quite absent. i. Eucalyptus calophylla. 2. E. diversicolor. 3- E. tesselaris. 4- E. trachyphloia. 5- E. terminal is. 6. E. corvmbosa. 7- E. intermedia. 8. E. cximia. 9- E. hotryOides. 10. E. rob list a* ii. E. saligna. 12. E. saligna, var. pallidivalvis 13- E. nova-anglicti* 14- E. acaciceformis. 15- E. Rydaleiisii.. 16. E. carnea. 17- E. dextropinea. 18. E. nigra. 19. E. Icevopinca. 20. E. phlebophylla. 21. E. alpina. * lu the oil of tills species traces of phellandrene were detected, nevertheless it is practically a pinene oil, so has been placed in this group. Plate XII EUCALYPTUS CALOPHYLLA. R.Br. lia. 1. Eucalyptus calophylla. (R.Br., in Journal p Red Gum. Systematic. One oi the largest trees oi Western Australia, with .1 rough bark, shorthj fibred, and irregularly furrowed and broken. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, shortly acuminate; the venation distinct, lateral vein nearly transverse and close!) parallel, the intramarginal vein almost touching the edge, ["he flowers, red or white, form .1 terminal corymb or panicle, and arc comparatively lai The calyx is pear-shaped, about \ inch long; the operculum being quite depressed. *Fruit. Large, on a pedicel nearly 1 inch long, urn shaped, occasionally ribbed, tracted at the orifice , rim well counter- sunk; valves deeply sunk; aboul i\ inch long and i inch broad. This fruit is typical in shape of the "Blot ami probably the largest of that section, the ■ differentiating it from its congeners, except, perhaps, E. Planchoniana and E, ficifolia, both of which it closely resemb Habitat. Western Australia. ESSENTIAL OIL. Leaves and terminal branchlets for oil distillati were forwarded to the Museum from the Darling Range, Western Australia, by the Agricultural Department oi that state, and the results were published in the Pharmaceutical Journal, September, 11,05. Tin yield oi oil was 0-25 per cent 1 he crude oil was of a dark red colour, and had a turpentine-like odour, with little resemblance to that of ordinary Eucalyptus oils. It consisted largelj oi pinene, which was mostly dextro-rotatory. The third fraction contained a considerable amount of cymene, judged by the odour and physical properties. Cymene has been proved to occur in the oils belonging to this class oi I ucalypts, but sufficient of this oil could not be spared to provide chemical proof. The sesquiterpene occurs in considerable amount, ,1- proved l>\ thi reactions, and 10 per cent, of the oil distilled above 245 C. Phellandrene was not detected, and cineol only in trace-, in the portion distilling about r.760 C. Constituents boiling between [85 and 2450 C. were practically absent, as only t\\ three diops came over between those temperatures, so that aromadendral and piperitone do noi occur. The comparative insolubility in alcohol also showed the oil to contain a large excess oi terpenes. The dark colour oi the oil was readihj removed by agitating with dilute aqueous soda. The esters easily saponified in the cold, while at a high temperature they decomposed; the prim ipal ester was evident 1- l-acetate * I he illu .ill drawn icwhat I. nt 1 h mr will b 28 rhe crude oil had specific gravitj a1 150 C. = 0-8756 ; rotation «D 4- 22-9"; refractive index = 1-47 ;i, and was insoluble in 10 volumes 80 per cent, alcohol. I lu- saponification number for the esters and free acid was 10-5. On rectification the following four fractions were obtained : Between 159 [62 C, 37 percent, distilled; between 162 172 \ 32 per cent, came over; between 172-245°, 17, per cent, distilled, and between 245 2(>4°, 10 per cent, dixilled. These fractions gave the following results : — First fraction, sp. gr. a1 15 ('. — 0-8619; rotation aD + 33-4°. Second ,, ,. ., = 0-8616; ,, + 29-4 . t Third ,, „ ., = 0-8650; „ + 15-8°. Fourth ,, ,, ,, = 0-9254; light did not pass well. In a paper read by us before the Royal Society of New South Wales, October, 1901, " On the Relation between Leaf Venation and the Presence of Certain Chemical Constituents in the Oils of the Eucalypts," the following appears, page 117 : — ' We are not aware that the oil has yet been distilled from the leaves of E. calophylla, but from the chemical evidence and the botanical characteristics of leaf venation, it is very probable that when distilled, pinene will be found to. be an important constituent of the oil, and that phellandrene will be absent." This was in relation to a species growing 3.000 miles away. The results of this investigation bear out the correctness of that surmise, which was, of course, based upon the facts obtained during the investigation, for the first edition, of a very large number of species of Eucalyptus. From the numerous confirmatory results obtained since that paper was written (and later with the kinos) it appears that there is a very close relationship, not onlv between the botanical characters, but also the chemical constituents of the various species of Eucalyptus, belonging to this group. 2. Eucalyptus diversicolor. (F.v.M., in Frag, iii, 131, 1S63 Karri. Systematic. — This tree is the largest in Australia, even attaining a height of 400 feet, and thus exceeding any other Eucalyptus on the Continent. The bark may be described as persistent, whitish, or in older trees blackish and decorticating in long strips. *Abnormal leaves are ovate or oval in shape, the normal ones being lanceolate, acuminate, falcate ; both kinds having a pale nnder-surface. The veins are very numerous, not pronounced, but spreading * It has been customary m the past to speak and write oi these particulai leaves as "Sucker" leaver,, but as Eucalyptus trees do not " sucker" in the way denned in botanical works— that is. send forth shoots from the roots varying in distances from the stem— the term is discarded in this work, and the word abnormal used instead as it seems to more appropriate!) i pri nature's work in this direction, for science is not advanced by perpetuating such an apparent misnomci as "Sucker" leaves. with a marginal one somewhat removed from thi I ds are fairlj plentiful, rhe flowers are nol numerous and occur in axillarj peduncles, the calyx being elongated, and the operculum shortly acumin; Fruit. I in shaped i ontrai ted a1 top with narrow g] i u>\ e, .it outer ill-, ol .1 count sunk run ; valves no1 exserted ami run- ning vertical^ from the base ol the run; 5 lines long and as bro: The smaller fruit ery similar to those of the Eastern Coastal species, E. pilulari Habitat. Western Australia. ESSENTIAL OIL. rhe oil ol this species was distilled l>> Mi. I'. R li St. [ohn, in January, 1:917, from trees cultivated in Melbourne, Victoria, ami forwarded to the Technological Museum for investigation. The yield ol oil was equal to 11 pei cent, rhe crude oil was of a lemon-yellow colour, ami had a terpene-like odour, while that ol volatile aldehydes was very pronounced. The principal constituent was dextro-rotatory pinene. Cineol was only present in very small amount. Esters were determined, the principal being butyl-butyrate in the lower boiling traction, terpinyl-acetate ami geranyl-acetate in the higher. Free geraniol and free terpineol were also present. The crude oil had specific gravity at 15 <". ■ + 20-5°; refractive index a1 20 r. -4671, and required | volumes 0 pet nt. alcohol to lorm a clear sohition. The saponification number for the esters ind free acid was 507. In the cold with two hours' contact it was 11.;. Alt' 1 acetylation the saponification number was 101*5. On rectification no less than 2 per cent, came ovei below r.22 C. (con Between 122 172', \y per cent, distilled ; between 172 1830, 20 per cent, distilled leaving a residue of ;i per cent, boiling above 183 1 These fractions am! residue gaA e the Eollowing results : First large fraction, sp. gr. at 15° C. -0-8725: rotation a0 r 24-6 refra< tive index at 20 = 1-4626. v, Cond ,, ,, ,, 0-8878 : rotation t ■ 1 v- 1 . refrac- tive ind. \ i- 1698 Residue .. ,, =0-9342; rotation >. + [6-2 ; refrai th 1 .u 20 i- 17 The saponification number lor the first fraction was [6-4; lor the second, ji«4; and for the residue [04-2. the ester in the firsl fraction was mostbj butyl-butyrate. The volatile acids oi the several esters wet rmined in the usual w by saponification formation oi the barium salt, and decomposing this with sulphuric acid. The barium sail gave 88-12 pei cent, barium sulphate, equal to 80-2 pei cent, barium acetate, and 19-8 per cent, barium butyrate. The odour ol bun rie acid was pronounced dm on. \ portion ol the crude oil was di>tilled. and all below too I removed, this equalled 68 pei cent, rhe higher boiling portion had saponification number 129-7, while in the cold with two hour-' contact i1 was ;p rhe whole was then saponified by boiling with alcoholic potash, the aqueous portion separated, and the oil thoroughly washed. It was then distilled at to millimetres pressure- m0s1 oi it being obtained between 98 105 C. On again redistilling at the same 30 pressure the greater portion came over bet wren ()g-ioo° C. This had specific gravitj at 15" ('. = 0-940; rotations + 21-5°; refractive index at 200 = 1-4831, and gave a good yield of phenyl-urethane, melting at in° C. It is thus evident that the principal alcohol in the oil of this species is dextro-rotatorj terpineol, and by inference that of other associated species also. As terpineol has been isolated from the oils of the " Peppermint " group, it is evident that this alcohol as well as geraniol runs through the whole genus. The acids in the aqueous portion were determined in the usual way. The result was 8(>-<)4 per cent, barium acetate and 13-06 barium butyrate. This again indicates that butyl-butyrate is the lower boiling ester in this oil. A sample of the oil of this species was distilled by Mr. Braddock in West Australia, in October, miN, and torwarded to the Museum by Mr. C. E. Lane Pi ole, the Conservator of Forests for that State. The oil was a little heavier than the previous sample and had apparently been distilled longer, it also contained a little more cineol, otherwise the general trend of results is similar. The crude oil had bpecihe gravity at 15° C. = 0-9083; rotation av + 20-5°; refractive index at 20° = 1-4748. The saponification number lor the esters and free acid was 41 by heating, and 14-7 in the cold with two hours' contact. The range of saponification number was n -6 for the first fraction, 27-8 for the second fraction, and 100 for the third fraction. A portion of the crude oil was acetylated, when the saponification number had risen to 83-8 ; while in the cold with two hours' contact it was 50-0, thus indicating geraniol as the alcohol, particularly as the odour of the separated oil was distinctly that of geraniol. The acids from all the saponifications were separated, purified, and determined in the usual way, the result being 66-8 per cent, barium acetate, and 33-2 per cent, barium butyrate. The original determination of the oil of this species was published by us in the Pharmaceutical journal, September, 1905. Taken as a whole the results agree very well with those now recorded, as is shown by the following :— Material sent from Karridale, Western Australia, in January, 1904. The yield of oil was 0-83 per cent. The crude oil was light-lemon yellow in colour, and had a terpene-like odour. The oil consisted largely of dextro-rotatory pinene. Phellandrene was absent and cineol only present in very small amount. The specific gravity at 150 C. = 0-9145; rotation aD + 30-1°; refractive index at 20° = 1-4727, and was soluble in one volume 80 per cent, alcohol. The saponification number for the esters and free acid was 53-2. 3. Eucalyptus tesselaris. (F.v.M., in Jour. Linn. Soc, iii, 88.) Moreton Bay Ash or Carbeen. Systematic.-- A tall tree, with a persistent, tesselated bark on the lower trunk, blanches smooth. Leaves thin and narrow, lanceolate, with numerous fine, parallel, not prominent veins, the intramarginal vein close to the edge. Oil glands rare. Peduncles verv short, usually several together in lateral clusters "i verj shorl panicles, often so reduced as to appeal lik< .1 single, compact, irregular umbel, each peduncle with three to siN flovvei or1 slendei pedicels. t,il\\ oblong, .; liars long ; operculum shortlj domed. Fruit. Cylindrical or urn-shaped; rim rounded or thick, tin i apsule Mink ; ; to 6 lines long and 3 to 1 lines broad. M The fruits of this are almost identical ttnd I . trachyphloia, but with a thicker rim. Habitat. New South Wales and Queensland. REMARKS. I'h. timber is o) excellent quality, and the tree is remarl qualities. The tesselated nature oi the luirk gi field. The leavi edily eaten by sheep, and the trees quently pollarded or cut down for fodder. Carbeen has a .lark blue bark, whilst E. trachyphloia is a pale yellow in colour. The lea h narrower than those hyphloia ami its timber is dark coloured, resembling Walnut (Cryptocarya Patmerstoni) or Black Bean (Castanospermum australe), and is equally as hard. ESSENTIAL OIL. — Leaves and terminal branchlets for distillation were obtained from Xarrabri. N.S.W., in July, 1901. The yield of oil was 0-16 per cent. The crude oil was of a dark colour, and had an odour, when diffused, strongly reminding of cymene. As the characteristic oxidation product cymene were obtained with the oil of E. melanophloia, it is very probable that cymene is a constituent in the oil of the present specie-. Phellandrein die- not occur; pinene was proved by it^ chemical combinations and reactions. A small quantity of cineol was found, but not exceeding 5 to ro per cent. The presence of the sesquiterpene aromadendrene was pronounced. The dark colour of the oil was due to the phenols acting on the iron removed from the still by the action of the free acids in the oil. The colour was readil; removed by agitating the oil with .1 dilute solution of soda ; the remaining oil was then nearK colourless, so thai the optical rotation could be readily taken. The venation of the mature lanceolate leaves of tin- species indicate- the predominance of pinene in the lower boiling terpenes, tint- being in agreement with the oil- of the genus Angophora. (For the oil- of the. A ngophoras see p by one of us, Proc. Roj . Soc, N.S.W., Aug. r.913.) I he crude oil had specific gravity at 13 C. = 0-8757; optical rotation, dD + 8-6°; refractive index at 200 = 1-4824, and was not soluble in 10 volumes 80 per cent, alcohol. ' mi rectification a few drops ol a. id water with -nine aldeltydes came over below 1600 C. (corr.). Between r6o [72 C, 17 per cent, distilled; between 172-214, 34 per cent came over; the boiling point then rapidly rose to 240 , between which temperature and 2<>s, . 11 per cent, distilled. These fractions the follow ing : — First fraction, sp. gr. at is C. 0-8642; rotation aD + 6-8°. Se< ond ,, •= o-86 + 1 1-| . Third ,. ,. ., 0-9301 ,, to the right. There i- a constituent in the highei boiling portions which has a rotation to the right, bul it was not isolated. I he saponification number tor the esters and tree acids was 6-2. The volatile aldehydes were much less distincl in this oil. than in those belonging to the cineol group. The oil of tin- species is a tei ["in on.-, and of little < 1 unmet cia] \ alue, 32 4. Eucalyptus trachyphloia. (F.v.M., in Jour. Linn. Sue, iii, go.) A Bloodwood. Systematic. \ tall tree, with a pale-yellowish, laminated, tesselated hark, quite unlike thai oi any other New Smith Wales species of Eucalyptus. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, occasionally falcate, from 4 to 6 inches long ; lateral veins fine, numerous, parallel, slightly more oblique than those of E. corymbosa, Sm. ; intramarginal vein quite close to the edge. Flowers in terminal panicles, on slender pedicels. Calyx, hell-shaped, 2 to 3 lines long; ovary flat-topped; operculum short, obtuse. Fruit.— Urn-shaped, not constricted below the rim, which is countersunk ; 3 to 4 lines long, and 3 lines in diameter. They an somewhat similar in shape to those of E. tesselaris, F.v.M., but smaller, and with a sharper edge to the rim. Habitat. — Murrumbo, Narrabri, New South Wales; Queens- land. REMARKS. — This tree is very easy of determination in the field by its yellow tesselated friable bark, stained in places by its freely exuding kino. It is rather limited in Us distribution in New South Wales, where it was first recorded from Murrumbo. on the Goulburn River (R.T.B.), and at Narrabri. Both timber and bark somewhat resemble those of E. eximia, F.v.M., a coast " Bloodwood," the former being pale coloured, hard, and very durable. It is very foliaceous, although the leaves are rather small for so large a tree. Grows on sandstone country. ESSENTIAL OIL. — Leaves and terminal branchlets for distillation were obtained from Murrumbo, N.S.W., in October, 1900. The yield of oil was 0-2 per cent. The crude oil was reddish in colour, and had an odour indicating turpentine at first, with a secondary one somewhat resembling cinnamon. The principal constituents in this oil were dextro-rotatory pinene and the sesquiter- pene ; the aldehyde aromadendral was also present, and this was indicated by the lsvo-rotation of the fourth fraction. It was also extracted by sodium bisulphite from the third fraction, and its presence thus confirmed. Phellandrene was not found in this oil, and only a trace of cineol could be detected. The crude oil had a specific gravity at 150 C. = 0-8929; optical rotation aD -f 9-8°; refractive index at 200 — 1-4844, and was not soluble in 10 volumes 80 per cent, alcohol. On rectification a lew drops of acid water with some aldehydes came over below 162' (com). Between 162-1720, 44 per cent, distilled; between 172-1830, 16 per cent, came over' between 183-2440 5 per cent, distilled, and between 244 -2780, 31 per cent, distilled. These fractions gave the following :--- First fraction, sp. gr. at 150 C. = 0-8616; rotation aB + 9-5°. Second ., „ ',, '= 0-8668; ,, + 5-7°. Fourth ,. ,, .. = 0-9401; ,, - 0-4°. The saponification number for the esters and free acid was 3*13. 13 Material ol this species was also from Narrabri, N.S.W., in July, tool. rii«' oil was practical!} identical with the above, the onlj noticeable difference being i Less \ ield ; bu1 this is probablj rlu to thi - ollei ted in midwinter. II u • secondan odoui had rong resemblanci to thai ol linn. uiKiii. Yield of oil 0^07 pei cent. Specifii gravity of crude oil - 0.8873 and optical rotation a -+ 8-4°. Cineol could not be detei ted, and phellandn ne was absent. I In- presenc : ol the sesquiterpene \\ is indii a 1 d bj its 1 hara< ti 1 colour reactions. 5. Eucalyptus terminalis. (F.v.M., in Jour. Linn. Soc, 111, Sg.) A Bloodwood. Systematic- A fair-sized tree, with a brick-red, flaky hark. Leaves lanceolate mostly under | inches long, light yellow in colour, coriaceous; intra- marginal vein close to the edge; lateral veins numerous, line, almosl transverse, parallel. Oil glands appear to be quite absent. Umbels in a broad, terminal 1 orymb. Calyx 3 lines long and 3 lines in diameter, bell-shaped, pedicels 3 lines long ; operculum hemispherical, shortly acuminate. Fruit. -Urn-shaped; rim countersunk ; under 1 inch long, and up to 8 lines in diameter. Care is required, in somi instances, not to confound the fruits with those of E. eximia and E. intermedia Habitat. — The Northern interioi oi New South Wales; West Australia; South Australia; Queensland. REMARKS. This Eucalyptus trei close] n embli I eximia Schau. and / R.T.B., in the shape of the fruits and the nature oi the timbei and bark, bul has paler and smaller leaves Mueller and Bentham were in< lined to regard 11 as a variety ol ! rymbosa Sm., bui it differs from that i timber and arcit) of oil glands is a distinguishing fe ture in this, a-, in most ol the " Bloodwoods." The leaves arc thick and of a yellowish colour, probati j being rich in the dyi myrticolorin. ESSENTIAL OIL. \ quantitj i I leaves (60 lb i was received from far interior of New South Wale-., hut as the leaves showed an entire absence ol oil glands, and other indication- for oil were so unsatisfactory, no distillation was made. It is evident that several hundreds of pounds oi material would be necessary in order to obtain sufficienl oil to enable an investigation to be undertaken. J4 6. Eucalyptus corymbosa. (Sm., in Bot. Nov. Hull. 43, and in Trans. Linn. Soc, iii, 2 Bloodwood. Systematic- A tree not easily confounded with other species. Ic grows very tall. Hark persistent, furrowed, of a reddish colour, fibrous, but not stringy in the sense of the " Stringy barks," as it can be removed in flakes. The tree exudes kino very abundantly, the whole stem being sometimes covered with this reddish blood-like substance, and hence its vernacular name. Leaves lanceolate, slightly falcate, varying in size up to q inches long and 2 inches broad. pale on the underside: lateral veins very fine, and very numerous, only slightly oblique : intramarginal vein close to the edge. Oil dots not numerous. Peduncles many, mostlv terminal, forming a large corymbose panicle. Buds nearly 1 inch long. Calyx conical, tapering into the pedicel ; ovai\ flat-topped; oper- culum hemispherical, shortly acuminate. Fruit.— More or le