..Ji/ER!VMENT DOC! COLLECTION SEP 2 2 7986 FROM: Elizabeth Anne Bourque, Ph.D. RE: Review of Alternatives to Herbicide, Amitrole DATE: May 9, 1985 Massachusetts has 36 a ctj_yj&— ingredients in 89 products registered for poison ivy control. The EPA listed the contact herbicide dicamba, 2,4-D, MCPP and glyphosate and the residual herbicides MSMA, simazine, picloram, duiron, bromacil, tebuthuiron and velpar as alternatives to Amitrole. There is a possibility of MSMA being a thyroid oncogen and the possibility of ground water problems with simazine and picloram. There are data gaps in the information on duiron , bromacil and velpar (1). Further these herbicides were not listed alternatives by the Department of Agriculture at the January 1985 meeting. Therefore of the remaining five EPA listed alternatives as well as ammate were reviewed: 2,4-D, Dicamba, Glyphosate, MCPP and Tebuthiuron. All six herbicides have gaps in the data base for which EPA has requested information (EPA, personal communication April 17, 1985). You will note that the gaps are in critical health areas. These herbicides are all general use herbicides . An alternative method to herbicide control of weeds is Integrated Pest Management (IPM). As it appeared that one of amitrole' s main uses was for poison ivy control the possibility of I. P.M. was reviewed. This approach would reduce the adverse health effect concerns or ground water contamination concerns associated with the use of herbicides. I. P.M. for poison ivy is clearly outlined in the enclosed review by Bio-Intergral Resource Center. A final alternative method to consider is the complete elimination of spraying of herbicides. The successful tio Spray policies in effect in Maine and Vermont are summarized. A Cost of Comparison of Right-of-Way Treatment Methods prepared for Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation, June 1984 showed that on the basis of a single treatment hand cutting has a cost advantage over other types of treatment regardless of the density of the capable stems. bj REVIEW OF THE ALTERNATIVES TO AMITROLE page 1. Herbicides: a. Ammate 1 b. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid 2 c. Dicamba 4 d. Glyphosate 5 e. Mecoprop 6 f. Tebuthiuron 7 2. Integrated Pest Management 8 3. Hand Cutting 37 a. Evaluation Summary of Right-of-Way Treatment Methods 38 b. Estimated Cost per Acre for Single Treatment 39 c. No Spray Programs 4D A, Bihliography 42 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/reviewofalternatOObour -1- AMMATE Action: A post-emergent herbicide that kills plants on contact or after translocation within the plant. Observation in Man: ACGIH recommends a TLV of 10mg/m3 (la) while OSHA's permissible airborne exposure limit is 15mg/m3 (OSHA, personal communication April 25, 1985). Acute Effects: LD50 oral rat 3900 mg/kg (2) LD50 oral mice 5760 mg/kg (2) Mobility in Soil: Ammate is highly soluble 2 1 6g / 1 00 ml in water. Konnai et al . (1974) showed that ammate was very mobile in the soil. It moved 14 cm and 50 cm after application of 2 cm and 50cm of water (2). The EPA reviewed the data submitted for registration of ammonium sulfamate and determined that there was insufficient data to predict the fate of ammate in the environment (2). Summary of Toxico- Insufficient information is available to assess the logical Literature: carcinogenic, teratogenic or mutagenic potential of ammonium sulfamate (2). EPA has requested a large range of tests but few have been received by EPA (EPA, personal communication, April 12, 1985). Mutagenicity: Negative results were noted in an Ames/Salmonella Assay (2). 2,4-D Action : A post-emergent, selective herbicide which kills plants by causing them to grow too quickly, Route of Exposure inhalation and dermal absorption (2) Observations in Man There have been a few cases reported of ingestion of 2,4-D. The lethal dose is estimated to be over 90mg/kg. The clinical picture indicative of 2,4-D poisoning includes fibrillary twitching and muscular paralysis . (3 ) During the field application of 2,4-D, several cases of illness were reported to the American Medical Association. Symptoms included burning sensations in the throat and chest, weakness, loss of appetite and weight, and slight albuminuria. This brings into question whether the ACGIH TLV of 10mg/m3, based wholly on ingestion, is sufficiently low to prevent the effects by inhalation (la). OSHA has a TLV of 10mg/m3. (OSHA, personal communication April 25, 1985). Metabolism: Khanna and Fang ( 1 966 ) found that the time necessary to eliminate 2,4-D from the body was dose-dependent. Rats eliminated 1-20rag within 24 whereas lOOmg required 144 hours for 75% recovery. Fang et al (1973) reported that small amounts of phenoxy herbicides were passed through mother's milk to the young. (2 ) Acute Effects LD50 oral range from 100mg/kg dog to 541mg/kg chicks the salts and esters were less toxic (2) Chronic Effects Rats fed 30 or 100mg/kg 5 times per week showed a depressed growth rate, liver pathology and gastrointestinal irritation. Rats fed 300 mg/kg died within a 4 week period. Khera and McKinley (1972) noted an increase in f etopathology and fetal skeletal anomalies in pregnant rats fed 100 Or 1 50 mg/kg/day. Bage et_al.(1973) observed teratogenic and embryotoxic effects in NMRI mice that were injected with 50 or 110 mg/kg 2,4-D on days 6-14 of gestation (4) -3- Mobility in Soil: The physical and ^hemical properties of 2,4-D are dependent on the form of the active ingredients (2) High mobility was shown in a study of 2,4-D amine and ester applied to a silty loam soil reached a depth of 40 cm after 5 days. (2) Low mobility was noted by Smith (1975) who found only negligible amounts of 2,4-D below 5 cm at the end of one growing season (2) Most 2,4-D residues breakdown in the soil in 6 weeks (4) Summary of Toxico- logical Literature The EPA has requested data under 3C2B of FIFRA (1) that agency required a fairly significant number of tests from the registrants as the data base was so deficient as to quality and presence of data. A neurotoxicity and subchronic feeding study are presently being reviewed by EPA. A reproductive study and a long term chronic study are due in the summer of 1985 and late 1986, respectively .( EPA , Personal Communication April 12, 1985) I" 1981, a state advisory committee of DEQE and DPH said of 2,4-D: "The scientific data are sufficiently suggestive of a carcinogenic effect... that 2,4-D use should be restricted to areas in which human exposure can be kept to a minimum ... Broadcast methods of application that potentially expose the general population should be stopped." -4- DICAMBA Action : A pre-and post emergent, selective herbicide. It kills plants by interfering with protein synthesis (2). Route of Exposure: Inhalation and dermal absorption Metabolism: Studies on rats and a holstein cow fed radiolabeled dicamba showed 73-99% of the administered radioactivity was excreted in the urine in 3-7 days (4). Acute Effects: LD50 oral rat 757-2,900 mg/kg (4) LD50 oral rci-e 1,189 mg/kg (4) Signs of acute dicamba poisoning in animals include muscle spasms, bradycardia, and inhibited voluntary and involuntary reflexes. Death occurs in 3 days(4). Chronic Effects: Moderate necrosis and vacuolization of the liver were seen in rats fed dicamba at 413 ppm) , slight liver pathology in rats fed (330 ppm dicamba) and no adverse effects were seen in rats fed 206 ppm(4). Mobility in Soil Dicamba is highly mobile in soil. It was found to be the and Water: most mobile of 40 pesticides tested. Friesan applied dicamba to a sandy loam and eluted it with 5 cm of water, the herbicide reached a depth of 15 cm in 1 hour (2). It is very soluble in water and persists in sods for 7-10 months. (4) Summary of Toxico- Available tests are inadequate to assess carcinogenicity, logical literature: teratogenicity and mutagenicity (2). A number of studies on dicamba were conducted by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories (IBT). The following studies conducted by IBT were determined by the EPA to be invalid: mutagenicity, mouse; teratology, mouse; mutagenicity, bacteria; reproduction, men; and chronic carcinogen, mouse. All the tests listed above, except the reproduction test in men are in progress and results are due by September, 1987 (EPA, Personal Communication April 12, 1985). Thus, dicamba remains a herbicide with a large number of data gaps still imposed by the IBT scandal. Observations in Man:No available data (4). -5- GLYPHOSATE Action: A post-emergent, broad spectrum herbicide that blocks cell metabolism by inhibiting synthesis of aromatic amino acids(2) Acute Effects LD50 oral rat 1,568 mg/kg (6) LD50 oral mouse 4,873 mg/kg (2) Mobility in Soil Glyphosate binds tightly to soil particles. Half-lives in a variety of soils range from 8 to 19 weeks. Highly soluble in water. The half-lives in various water samples range from 7 to 10 weeks. (2) Summary of Toxico— logical Literature: There were 23 tests conducted by IBT that were invalid. Only two of these have been replaced and are presently being reviewed by the EPA. (EPA personal communication, April 12, 1985). More publicly available information is needed to allow a independent review of glyphosate(2 ) -6- MECOPROP Route of Exposure: Toxic by ingestion and inhalation, irritant to skin and eyes (3) Acute Effects LD50 oral rats 650mg/kg (6) LD50 oral mice 650mg/kg (6) Chronic Effects Mecoprop given orally to mice at days 6-15 of gestation was embryotoxic and caused malformations of the skeleton (5) Summary of Toxico- The EPA requested in 198^, data to test the potential for logical Literature: contamination of groundwater. (EPA, Personal Communi- cation, April 17, 1985). TEBUTHIURON Action: A pre-emergent , non-selective herbicide, applied by as pellets, which must be washed into the soil by rain and taken up by the roots. Metabolism: More than 85% of a radiolabeled single oral dose was excreted in 96 hours according to Lilly Research Laboratories (2). Acute Effects LD50 oral rat 579 mg/kg (2) LD50 oral mouse 644 mg/kg (2) Mobility in Soil: Soluble in water and appears to be very persistent. Three studies note a half-life of more than 1 year. Precautions on the label include the statement that "its presence in the soil may prevent growth of other desirable vegetation for some years to come" (2). Reed noted tebuthiuron moved to 26 cm in a silty clay and to 30 cm in a sandy loam after 6 weeks (2). Bauer (1978) found that 20 cm of rain distributed tebuthiuron throughout a 20 cm soil profile. Summary of Toxico- More publicly available information is needed logical Literature: on tebuthiuron. The EPA in 1983 requested a tera- togenic study and in 1984 requested an array of studies on groundwater contamination (EPA, Personal Communication, April 12, 1985). ! I I -8- Integ rated Pest Management for Poison Ivy T — The B1o-Integral Resource Center (BIRC), a non-profit organization, provides practical information on the least toxic methods of managing pests and land resource problems. Since 1970 members of BIRC staff have designed Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs for community groups, public agen- cies and private institutions throughout the U.S. and Canada. IPM is a decision-making process. A key component is a monitoring program to* determine the timing and placement of pest control treatments. A mix of biological, horticultural, mechanical and chemical strategies are integrated to suppress pest populations below levels causing economic, medical or aesthe- tic damage. » Portions of this report were produced under contract # CX-300-0-0036 from the National Park Service to JMI, Inc. as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States, nor the National Park Service, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, complete- ness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or ser- vice by trade name, mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement," recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The view and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Government, the National Park Service, the Environmental Protection Agency or any other agency thereof. © 1984 Olkowski, Olkowski & Daar All rights reserved. -10- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. FLOW DIAGRAM SUMMARIZING RECOMMENDED IPM PROGRAM FOR POISON IVY i 1. TARGET PEST IDENTIFICATION AND BIOLOGY 1.1 Description of Target Pest and Related Species 1 Table 1: Distinguishing Poison Ivy from other Plants 2 1.2 Life History 3 Table 2: Major Subspecies of Poison Ivy 4 1.3 Natural Enemy Information 7 1.4 Host / Site Information 7 2. MONITORING 2.1 Target Pest Monitoring Techniques 8 2.2 Monitoring Timing and Frequency 3 2.3 Monitoring Natural Enemies and the Environment 9 3. DECISION-MAKING 3.1 Determining Injury Levels 10 3.2 Action Points 11 3.3 Timing Treatments 12 3.4 Spot Treatment 13 4. TREATMENTS 4.1 Indirect Suppression 13 4.1.1 Design or Redesign 14 4.1.2 Habitat Modification 14 4.1.3 Human Behavior Changes 14 Horticultural Controls and 14 Maintenance Activities Education 15 4.2 Direct Suppression 15 4.2.1 Physical controls 15 4.2.2 Biological controls 18 4.2.3 Chemical controls . 19 Table 3: Herbicide Information 20 5. REFERENCES CITED 24 -11- FLOW DIAGRAM SUMMARIZING RECOMMENDED IPM PROGRAM FOR POISON IVY POISON IVY PRESENT? no >NO PROBLEM I yes PRESEnJe TOLERABLE? yes > (e.g. not growing on structures or areas utilized by vi si tors/ staff ) l no BEGIN JonITOrInG F «» ID subspecies, review biology 4 ecology ° Map location 4 density of growth • Determine locations where injury to people or structures likely to occur o Decide frequency of monitoring needed • ID maintenance/other activities at site " Set injury level (variables include proximity of ivy to people and struc- tures, density of growth, season, etc.) ° Set action point (e.g. in high-use areas action is needed early to limit spread of plant; in remote areas, action can be delayed or avoided as injury is less likely to occur) ACTION POINT > REACHED? no > yes BEGIN MECHANICAL, BIOLOGICAL OR HORTICULTURAL CONTROLS 0 Grub out seedl i ngs ° Prune out vines 0 Mow or cut/grub shrub forms 0 Graze area with goats or sheep 0 Mulch or replant cleared areas 0 Minimize soil disturbance ° Eliminate bird perches ADDITIONAL ACTION NEEDED? ' no > I yes USE CHEMICAL CONTROLS 0 Ammonium sulphamate (Ammate®) 0 Weed Oil 0 Glyphosate (Roundup®) ° Mulch or replant cleared area POISON IVY By Sheila Daar, Helga Olkowski and William Olkowski 1. TARGET PEST IDENTIFICATION AND BIOLOGY 1.1 Description of Target Pest and Related Species Poison ivy (Rhus radicans L., or Toxicodendron radicans Kuntz) is a deciduous woody perennial plant which is native to North America. It takes several forms including a trailing vine, a subshrub to shrub from 2 inches to 4 feet high, or a vine up to 50 feet tall climbing rough surfaces. Leaves are 1/2 to 2 inches long, and are always borne in groups of three leaflets. These leaflets, found alternately along the stem, may be glossy or dull -green, are usually smooth, but occasionally may be somewhat hairy. The edges of the leaves vary widely; some are smooth, others are toothed or even deeply lobed. Unfurling leaves are red, becoming green during summer and colored various shades of yellow, orange, red or bronze in autumn. Leaves of poison ivy never occur in pairs along the stem. This "alternate" leaf characteristic distinguishes poison ivy from other, more benign plants such as Virginia Creeper, Parthenoci ssus quinquefolia L., which resemble poison ivy. See Table 1 for details which distinguish poison ivy from plants which resemble it. -13- TABLE 1. DISTINGUISHING POISON IYY FROM PLANTS WHICH RESEMBLE IT RELATED SPECIES POISON IVY Virginia Creeper (Parthenoci ssus qui nquefol i a) has leaves composed of five leaflets; leaf scars are circular with raised edge; fruits are juicy and purpl e; aerial roots contain suction disks. Boston Ivy (Parthenoci ssus tricuspidata) has leaves with three lobes but rarely three leaflets; leaves are up to 8" wide; fruits are juicy and purpl e; aerial roots contain suction disks. Box Elder (Acer negundo) has leaves composed of three leaflets but are borne opposi te each other on the stem; fruits are in flattened pairs with "wings"; young stems are bri ght green. Leaves are composed of three leaflets; leaf scars are tri angul ar; fruits are hard and whi te; no suction disks on aerial roots . Leaves are composed' of three distinct leaflets'; leaflets are narrow, rarely exceeding 1/2 inch in width; fruits are hard and whi te ; no sucti on di sks on aerial roots. Leaves composed of three leaflets borne al ternately on the stem; fruits have a round, berry-1 ike shape; young stems brown or dul 1 green. -14- Stems are woody, ranging from 1/2 to 6 inches in diameter. Slender, creeping rootstalks are produced from the base of the stem. These roots often travel horizontally on top of or through the soil, giving rise to short, slender leafy shoots several yards from the parent plant. In early summer, small clusters of greenish-white flowers form where the leaf and stem join. Each flower develops into a white or cream-colored berry about 1/8 inch in diameter. The berries are especially helpful in identifying poison ivy during the winter. Consistent variation in the appearance and growth habit of poison ivy is recognized by the designation of certain subspecies. See Table 2 for a description and geographical distribution of the major subspecies of poison i vy . A substance known as urushiol , which is toxic to most humans, is found in the phloem cells of poison ivy, located just under the bark. The poison is not carried,. in the xylem vessels, however, so the inner wood of the plant is not poisonous (Gill is 1975). Poison ivy is a member of the Sumac family, Anacardiaceae, which also contains such familiar plants as Poison oak (Rhus diversiloDa) and Poison sumac (_R. verni x) , the cashew nut tree (Anacardium occidentale) , and the lacquer tree of China and Japan (Toxcicodendron vernici f] uum) from which oriental lacquerware is made. The sap in each of these species contains urushiol which can cause severe dermatitis in susceptible humans. 1.2 Life History A. Reproduction Poison ivy has male and female -flowers on separate plants (dioecious). Pollen is distributed by insects and female flowers produce a high percentage of one-seeded mature fruit (Mulligan 1977). Seeds mature in late summer or early fall. They may remain viable for at least six years (Gillis 1971). -15- TABLE 2. MAJOR SUBSPECIES OF POISON IVY FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES Latin Name Descri ption Distribution Rhus radicans L. subsp. radi cans (Toxicodendron radi cans subsp. radi cans Green, Mulligan.) Shrub to vine form with aerial roots climbing rough surfaces; undersurface of leaflets with tufts of hairs toward bases of midribs; hairs ascending along lateral veins on undersur- face of leaflets; usually 5 or more leaves on vertical stems; leaflets entire or mostly entire; surface of fruits pubescent. A lowland subspecies which is essentially an Atlantic coastal dweller that occurs from southern Nova Scotia south to the Florida Keys and the western Bahama Islands and west to eastern Texas. It is separated from subsp. negundo to the west by the Al 1 egheny Ridge in PA. and NY., and the Blue Ridge mountains to the south. In the north R_. radicans is separated from _R. rydbergi'i along the 44th parallel of latitude. _R. radicans L. subsp . negundo (T. radi cans , subsp. negundo Greene) . Shrub to vine with aerial roots climbing rough sur- faces; hairs along midrib on undersurface of leaflets not tufted; hairs along sideveins on undersurface of leaflets spreading; usually 5 or more leaves on vertical stems; leaflets toothed or mostly toothed. Found in the central area of the U.S. (the midwestern states generally north of the Ohio River). Eastern boundary is Allegheny Ridge, most clearly delimited in the vicinity of Tuscarora Mountain in Pennsylvania. On the east flank of * the Alleghenies is subsp. radicans. R_. radicans L. subsp. rydbergi i (T. radi cans , subsp rydbergi i Greene ) A trai 1 i ng vi ne , or a subshrub to shrub lacking aerial roots; hairs along midrib on undersurface of leaflets not tufted; hairs along sideveins on undersur- face of leaflets spreading; usually fewer than 5 leaves on stems; leaflets toothed. Most widespread and uniform all the subspecies. Occurs from Central Arizona to the Gaspe Peninsula and to the Rockies in southern Canada. of R. radicans L. subsp. verrucosum (J_. radi cans subsp. verrucosum Greene ) Aerial roots; glabrous leaves and shoots except for an occasional population with small tufts of hairs in major vein axils oh lower leaflet surface. Has become distinctive due to prominent sharp lobes on the leaflets. Found only in Texas -16- Few seeds fall directly to the ground, remaining instead encapsulated in the fruits which are eaten by birds and other wildlife. Poison ivy also reproduces from alternate buds on horizontal rootstalks. However, horizontal spread of poison ivy is slow, rarely more than 4 inches/year and frequently less (Mulligan 1977). Vertical growth of vining stems is rapid, however. Despite its ability to propagate vegetatively , poison ivy rarely becomes established by plant fragments (Gillis 1971). B. Growth and Devel opment Colonization of new sites is primarily by seed dispersed by birds and ani- mals during autumn, winter and early spring. The hard seeds pass through the digestive tracts of birds and animals in a viable condition. Seeds germinate when the soil warns up in the spring. They produce a primary vertical stem -and basal roots. Horizontal rootstalks (rhizomes) are produced from the base of the primary vertical shoot in the first or second growing season, -and grow horizontally on or beneath the surface of the ground. Rhizomes have buds which produce new vertical stems as well as adventitious roots just below each bud. Each new vertical stem in turn produces additional horizontal rhizomes, resulting in a large interconnected clone with many ver- tical stems and horizontal rootstalks, both above and below ground. Flower and leaf buds are formed on new growth on vertical stems in late summer and early autumn, and are carried overwinter on the stems. Leaves appear. on the year-old stems as soon as the soil warms up in the spring. Flower buds formed the previous year open in late spring through mid-summer, depending on location. Maximum flowering occurs in June and July in most areas with some additional flowering occuring sporadically until early autumn. Poison ivy often grows intertwined with ornamental plants and may be mistaken for a desirable landscape plant due to its attractive foliage and striking reddish-bronze fall color. -17- When growing in full sunlight poison ivy usually takes the form of a shrub, assuming a vine form when growing in more filtered sunlight. The vine form of poison ivy is most common. Vines grow for many years, becoming several inches in diameter and quite woody. Slender vines may run along the ground, grow with shrubbery, or take support from a tree. The vine forms roots readily when in contact with the ground or with any object that will support it. Aerial roots attach the vine securely to the tree or post supporting the vine. According to Crooks and Klingman (1967), the vines and roots apparently do not cause injury to trees except where growth may cover the supporting plant and exclude sunlight. The vining nature of the plant makes it well adapted to climbing over stone walls or on brick and stone houses. See Section 3.1, Oeterminining Injury Levels, for a discussion of the impact of poison ivy vines on buildings and other struc- tures. C. Benefits of Poison Ivy Despite the toxicity it poses to humans, poison ivy plays a number of benefi- cial roles in the natural environment. For example, poison ivy is of con- siderable wildlife value. Fruits are eaten by many birds. Martin et al . (1951) report that poison ivy fruits make up a quarter of the diet of some flickers and wrentits. Fruits, stems and leaves are eaten by bears, muskrats, rabbits, small rodents and deer, and a number of small mammals use it for cover. Bees can make a nontoxic honey from its nectar (Rostenburg 1955). As a colonizer of disturbed soils, poison ivy appears to play a significant role in erosion control and soil stabilization. In the Friesland Province of Holland, poison ivy is used to stabilize dykes (Gill is 1975). In park set- tings, poison ivy (properly posted with signs) could be used to discourage human trampling of sensitive areas. -18- 1.3 Natural Enemy Information Mulligan (1977) lists arthropods in the following orders as feeding on poison ivy: Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera (Aohididae) and Acarina (Harrison 1904; Tissot 1928, 1933; Steyskal 1951; Gil lis 1971; Richards 1972). Criddle (1927) considered the larvae of Eoioaschia zelleri Grote (Leoi doptera) the most destructive of all insects to poison ivy. Conners (1967) lists the following fungi as infesting poison ivy in Canada: Cercospora rhoi na Cke . & El 1 . Man . , Cyl i ndrosoori urn i rregul are ( Pk . ) Dearn . , Cyl indrosporium toxicodendri (Ell. & Mart . ) , Phyl 1 osticta rhoi col a Ell . & Ev . , and Pileolaria brevipes Berk. 8 wks§ W= nd Sodium Chlorate (Chlorate/Borate mix is fire-retar- dant) H L L-H S= 12-52 wks W= nd ★ „ Herbicides from Herbicide Handbook. 1979. Weed Science Soci-ety of America. "'"Ibid, Herbicide Handbook. "'"'"pimentel , D. 1971. Ecological Effects of Pesticides on Non-Target Species. Office of Science and Technology. USGPO. NOTE: This data is dependent on many variables including soil type, available moisture, rates of applica- tion, etc. Figures presented here should be considered approximations. 'iARC monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Supplement I, 1979. IARC, Lyon, France, p. 22. ^Herbicide Handbook, op.cit., p. 226. KEY: Efficacy: H = High; M = Medium; L = Low Toxicity: H = LDso's of 1-99 mg/kg; M = 100-1000; L = >1000.* Mobility: H = High; M = Medium; L = Low Persistence: S = soil; W = water; nd = no data -32- clothing should be worn no matter which treatment is selected. Workers should cover as much of the body as possible. Canvas or leather leggings over work- pants provide extra protection when working in dense stands of the plants.. Hands should be protected with thick canvas, rubber or leather gloves. A beekeeper hat with veil can be used to protect the face when clearing dense stands of poison ivy. An industrial respirator mask should be worn when chopping or sawing plants to prevent breathing in sawdust particles, or when in the vicinity of burning poison ivy (burning is not a recommended method of control or di sposal . ) Poison ivy sap can adhere to clothing, tools, and the coats of pets and livestock for very long periods of time, and therefore serve as reservoirs for recontami nation . For example, Shelmire (1941) reports that gloves stored a-t room temperature for 16 months still can cause poison ivy dermatitis. Thus it is important that clothing worn while working in or near poison ivy be care- fully removed (use gloves), washed in hot, soapy water, and hung in the air to dry for several days in order to insure that all sap is deactivated (Gill is 1975). Repeated washing may be needed. Do not wash with other clothing. Using rubber gloves, clean tools used on poison ivy after each use with a rag containing an oil solvent such as gasoline, alcohol, or turpentine. Rags and gloves should be enclosed in a plastic bag and discarded after use to prevent recontami nation. Contaminated skin should be washed several times with water and a strong soap. The soap dissolves the oily sap and enables it to be removed from the skin. If soap is not available, cotton balls soaked in vinegar (2 tablespoons in 1 cup water) or alcohol (1/2 cup alcohol to 1/2 cup water) can be dabbed on the contaminated skin to dissolve the sap. Calamine lotion or a paste of baking soda can be topically applied to the dermatitis to relieve itching. C. Protecti ng Adjacent Vegetation Since both shrub and vining forms of poison ivy usually grow in association with desired ornamental or native plant species, great care must be taken not to permanently damage such plants when using herbicides on poison ivy. -33- To keep damage to desirable plants to a minimum, use injection, frill or basal spray techniques where possible. Herbicide injection tools are available from forestry supply catalogues or other equipment sources. Frill methods consist of making shallow axe cuts around the circumference of the stem and applying herbicides into the cuts. Basal sprays involve coating the bark on the lower 12" to 24" of trunk or stem with herbicide. When foliage sprays are required, spray nozzles which produce fairly large herbicide droplets should be used to limit drift of the herbicide. It may be useful to include an anti -drift product in the spray tank. Drift also can be minimized by using moderate pressure thus producing relatively large spray droplets, rather than high pressure which produces a driving mist (Crooks and Klingman, 1967). Another application tool useful in confining herbicides to the target weed (spot-treatment) is a wick applicator. These tools absorb the herbicide on a rope, sponge or carpet wick and permit the applicator to wipe the herbicide directly onto the poison ivy. The applicators are made from common PVC plastic pipe and commercial rope, sponges or carpet pieces. They can be custom designed (or easily retrofitted) with long handles" allowing the worker to stand some distance from the poison ivy yet still apply the herbicide. Manufactured, hand-held or machine-mounted wick applicators can be purchased from commercial sources. The "jar method" is another technique of limiting drift. To implement this method, cut the tip off a trailing stem of the poison ivy plant. Discard the severed tip and place the cut end into a quart jar containing an herbicide solution for at least one hour. Jars (or other containers) should be stabi- lized so they don't tip over. It also may be necessary to use a wedge or fastener to hold the immersed shoot in position. The herbicide will be translocated throughout the plant's vascular system and the plant (or substan- tial portions) will die. The herbicides ammonium sulphamate, sodium chlorate or glyphosate can be used in the jar method. Use at the highest concentration permitted on the label. -34- Bates (1955) found that a 40 percent concentration of sodium chlorate was rnore effective at killing woody plants than were weaker solutions of 5 to 10 per- cent. Mote that sodium chlorate is highly combustible and should be used with extreme caution. The "jar" method works on the principle of negative root pressure and, according to 3ates (1955), the best results are obtained in hot dry weathe'- and at the height of summer. Treatment with the "jar" method in mid-winter and early spring seem to be the least effective and treatment of certain plants was without effect in late March, but rapidly effective in July. Once the plant is dead, the sodium chlorate, "does not appear to cause any injury when the weed decays. Whether this is due to the small amount present or whether it is due to the decomposition of the chemical, is not known (Bates-, 1955). Ammonium sulphamate degrades to the fertilizers nitrogen and sulphur. If the "jar" method is used, workers must remain near the jars to insure that visitors, pets or wildlife do not come in contact with the poisons. end — -35- 5. REFERENCES CITED Annon. 1979. Evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Supplement I. IARC. Lyon, France, p. 22. Arthur, J.C. 1934. Manual of the rusts in the United States and Canada. Purdue Research Foundation. Lafayette, Ind. 438 pp. Bates, G.H. 1955. Weed control. Farmer & Stock-Breeder Ltd. London, pp. 193-199. Connors, I.L. 1967. An annotated index of plant diseases in Canada. Can. Dep. Agric. Publ . 1251. 381 pp. Crooks, D.M. and D.L. Klingman. 1967. Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Farmers Bulletin No. 1972. USDA. 16 pp. Criddle, N. 1927. Lepi dopteras reared in Manitoba from poison ivy. Can. J. Entomol . 59:99-10TI Daar, S. 1983a. Using goats for brush control. IPM Practitioner 5(4):4-6.- Daar, S. 1983b. Using IPM principles in weed control programs. IPM Practitioner 5(2) :6-8. Gill is, W.T. 1975. Poison ivy and its kin. Arnoldia 35: 93-123. Gill is, W.T. 1971. The systematics and ecology of poison-ivy and the poison-oaks (Toxicodendron , Anacardi aceae) . Rhodora 73: 72-159, 161-237, 370-433, 465-34H: Grant, C.V. and A. A. Hansen. 1929. Poison ivy and poison sumac and their eradication. Farmers Bulletin No. 1166. USDA. 14pp. Green, L.R. and L.A. Newell. 1982. Using goats to control brush regrowth on fuel breaks. General Technical Report PSW-59. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 30 pp. Harrison, G.D. 1904. Poison ivy caterpillars. J. New York Entomol. Soc. 12:249-250. Martin, A.C., H.S. Zim and A.L. Nelson. 1951. American wildlife and plants. A guide to wildlife food habits. Dover Publ., New York, N.Y. 500 pp. Mulligan, G.A. and B.E. Junkins. 1977. The biology of Canadian weeds: Rhus radicans L. Can. J. Plant Science 57:515-523. Parmelee, J. A. and M.E. Elliot. 1974. Pileolaria brevipes. Fungi Canadensis 50, Agrig. Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 2pp. I -36- REFERENCES, CQMT. Pimentel , D. 1971. Ecological effects of pesticides on non-target species. Office of Science and Technology. USGPO. 220 pp. Rostenburg, A. 1955. Anecdotal biographical history of poison ivy. A.M. A. Arch. Derm. 72:438-445. Richards, W.R. 1972. Aulacorthum rhusifoliae (Homoptera; Aphididae). A new poison ivy inhabiting aphid from Ontario. Can. Entomol. 105: 173-174. Shelmire, 3. 1941. The poison ivy plant and its oleoresin. J. Invest. Derm. 4:337-348. Steyskal , G. 1951 - Insects feeding on plants of Toxicodendron section of the genus Rhus. Col eopteri st 1 s 3ull.5: 75-77. Tissot, A.M. 1928. A new aphid on poison ivy (Rhus radicans L. ) . Fla. Entomol . 12: 1-2. Tissot, A..N. 1933. Additions to the aphid fauna of Florida. Fla. Entomol. 17:37-45. Weed Science Society of America. 1979. Herbicide handbook. Fourth Ed. 479 pp\ ' Warnock,' R.A. , L. Fendrick, 8. Hightower and T.D. Tatum. 1983. Vegetative threats to historic sites and structures. Soil Systems, Inc. Alexandria, Virginia. -37- ADVANTAGES OF HAND CUTTING 1. Cost: The basis of a single treatment, hand cutting has a cost advantage over other types of treatment regardless of the density of capable stems. In the long-term program of treatment over several treatment cycles, hand cutting may not be the least expensive since this type of treatment eventually leads to prolific sprouting and increased density. All costs are based on utility billing rates for labor, equipment and materials. Labor rates include the wages paid to the worker plus overhead and profit (lb). Aerial herbicide treatment caused a net decrease (-6- percent of shrubs. Selective ground foliar spraying produced a low net increase (+3 percent) of shrubs. The effect of hand cutting and the other four treatments (listed on page 31) on ground cover were similar. An increase in total herbaceous cover was recorded for all treatments (lb). 3. Visual Effects: Undesirable brownout and more accumulation of dead stems was seen with herbicide treatments than with hand cutting (lb). 4. Health Affects: The adverse health effects of handling pesticides was studied in the Maine Department of Trans- portation and Pesticide Control Board. Of the 38 persons tested 27 may possibly be responding to occupational exposures. In some cases, liver enzyme levels were slightly above normal, while in others the cholinesterase values were somewhat depressed. Maine is one of a handful of states that has started such programs (Feb. 1985). It has begun focusing on long-term toxicity of chemicals used, instead of merely considering the acute effects. It should be noted that there have been some reports of accidents due to the use of chain saws in hand cutting. 2. Maintenance of Desirable Non-target vegetation -38 -39- Estimate Cost per acre for Single Treatment (Based on 1981 Dollars) (lb) Density steins per acre 4 ft 2,000 6,000 12,000 10 ft 2,000 6,000 12,000 Hand Cutting $82 $159 $274 $124 $201 $317 Mowing $93 $128 $181 $210 $245 $298 Cut & Stump $312 $648 $210 $434 $770 Dormant Basal $184 $345 $586 Treatment $452 $613 $855 Summer Basal $206 $408 Treatment $713 $314 $517 $821 Selective Ground Foliar Treatment $104 $125 $155 $277 $297 $327 -40- SUMMARY OF NO SPRAY PROGRAMS STATE RESPONSIBLE AGENCY OR COMPANY Maine* Dept . of Trans . (DOT) Utility Company Agreement 1 . Town of Lebanon signed agreement 2 years ago. 2. Town of Southport presently discuss- ing an agreement. 3. About 500 land- owners have agree- ments. 75% of the landowners have successfully com- plied with the program. Maine Central Power sent noti- fication of No Spray option to all customers with March bill. To date about 75 people have re- quested information and about 20 have signed agreements. Landowner or landowner of abutting property main- tains land to specifica- tions set by the Depart- ment of Transportation or Utility Company 4. DOT places metallic, reflective, No Spray signs on appropriate _pr_opertv_1__ Vermont** Public Service Board (includes all utility companies) 1. Limited spraying, i.e. cutting and stump treat- ment free to landowner OR 2. Landowner pays the difference in cost be- tween mechanical clearing and spraying. This cost is based upon a brush acre, i.e. 500 stems per acre. The cost has not been set yet as there are discrepancies in the cost estimation among the various companies.