-i-^^ RE\/\E\N OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VAR. KURSTAKI (BTK) FOR USE IN FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS IN ONTARIO - WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT APRIL 1990 Environment Environnement Ontario Jlm Bradley, Minister/ministre ISBN 0-7729-6453-X REVIEW OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VAR . KURSTAKI (BTK) FOR USE IN FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS IN ONTARIO - WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT Report prepared for: Aquatic Criteria Development Conunittee Water Resources Branch Report prepared by: Dr. G. A. Surgeoner M. J. Farkas Department of Environmental Biology University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1 APRIL 1990 Q Copyright: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1990 This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. PREAMBLE In response to the Ministry of Natural Resources' preparation of Class Environmental Assessment for timber management on crown lands, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) commissioned the Environmental Review Of Bacillus thurinqiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) for Use in Forest Pest Management Programs of Ontario With Special Empasis On The Aquatic Environment. This review focuses on the aquatic ecosystem effects of Btk as they relate to the control of insect infestations on crown lands. The review also considers the effects of Btk on non-target terrestrial biota (wildlife and humans) as they relate to the exposure of these lifeforms through the contact and ingestion of contaminated water and/or biota. The intent was to develop a Provincial Water Quality Objective (PWQO) from the information provided in the review document. However, the difficulty in enumerating Btk in water has prohibited the development of a numerical PWQO. Instead, a narrative ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT has been prepared and is provided on the following pages. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT The accxomulated information suggests that no significant impacts on aquatic or on other beneficial uses of Provincial surface waters would result from the properly planned, controlled and supervised use of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) for the control of forest pests. RATIONALE INTRODUCTION Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a gram positive, mobile, aerobic bacteria closely related to the ubiquitous soil bacteria Bacillus cereus . There are at least 20 recognized sub-species (serotypes, varieties) and 800 strain isolates of Bt (de Barjac 1981, pp. 40- 41) . Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) is a strain selected for high potency against Lepidoptera larvae. In Canada, 17 formulations of Btk have been registered for the control of Lepidopterous pests. Formulations exist in Canada for control of Lepidopterous pests on a variety of commercial vegetables as well as for home and garden use. In Ontario, the Ministry of Natural Resources uses Btk (when required) for the control of the spruce budworm, (Choristoneura fumif erana) , the jack pine budworm, (Choristoneura pinus) , and the gypsy moth, (Lymantria dispar) . Most forestry applications in Ontario are applied under contract to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Btk is grown in a media which contains carbon, nitrogen and trace minerals. In response to reduced available nutrients the bacteria sporulates forming at one end of the cell a dormant endospore and at the other end the protein crystal, which contains the toxin, delta-endotoxin, causing Lepidoptera mortality. Once sporulation has been completed the media is treated to destroy vegetative cells. Endospores and crystals in approximately equal numbers are separated from the fermentation broth (growth media) and spray dried to form a fine technical powder. Each fermentation batch of Btk undergoes quality assurance tests for microbiological contamination and a mouse test to ensure no effects against mammalian organisms.lt is the concentrations of certain proteins making up the crystal and endospore coat that determine the potency of Btk, not the number of protein crystals and endospores . The rate of application for a typical treatment v/ould be approximately 30 BIU per hectare. 11 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE After application, Btk looses 50% of its insecticidal activity in 1-3 days. However, some viable endospores have been recovered from foliage one year after ground application. Persistence of Btk on foliage is dependent on many environmental factors including length of exposure to sunlight (ultra-violet radiation) , leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can survive as endospores in most types of soils, although Bt will not grow at pH below 4.8 . Bt may persist in soils for up to several months. The fate of Bt in soils is dependent upon microbial competition. Studies have shown that the relative number of Bt compared to other soil bacilli was reduced from 20-40% to about 10% over a 12 month period indicating that Bt is not well adapted to the soil environment. Bt has also been shown to be immobile in soils. Btk may directly enter the aquatic environment during spray operations since no spray buffer zones between application areas and surface waters are required. Btk may be transported to surface water bodies in the wash-off from treated trees and the subsequent surface run-off. Btk may persist as viable spores in lake waters for a considerable length of time (>70 days) . However, in streams and rivers Btk is far less persistent. EFFECTS ON TERRESTRIAL LIFE Of the beneficial arthropods which were exposed to Dipel" (Btk) , only one species, Syrphus showed slight effects. At the minimum recommended field dose, Btk (as Thuricide HPC") had little or no effect on parasites and predators of the spruce budworm. Post treatment longevity of Cardiochiles niqriceps (a tobacco budworm parasitoid) was decreased after ingestion of Btk (Dipel" and Biotrol' XK) dissolved in sugar water. The researchers contend that C. niqriceps would not feed on Btk in the field, and only fed on it in the laboratory since the sugar acted as an attractant . Bees and wasps exposed to Btk showed no effects. Btk also did not reduce emergence of parasites or percentage parasitism of the European corn borer. To determine the effects of Btk on natural enemies of the western spruce budworm, parasite studies were conducted by Niva et al . , (1987) during field tests of two Btk formulations (San 41S and Thuricide 32 LV) . The results indicated that infected parasites matured sufficiently to exit from their hosts, but were unable to complete their development. However, premature parasite mortality may have been due to lack of nutrition caused by the early deaths of their hosts, rather than microbial infection. Significant mortality (<13.4%) was noted in adult Chrysopa carnea and Hippodamia converqens 3 to 7 days after exposure to Btk, at dosages approximately 4 to 8 times greater than that which would reach insects under normal field applications. No significant reductions in bird populations (74 species representing 21 families) were apparent in areas treated with Btk (with and without chitinase) , in Canadian spruce-fir forest treatment plots, located in Spruce Woods, Manitoba and Algonquin Park, Ontario. Laboratory tests with pheasants, partridges, cornish hens, and quail, exposed orally to Bt , yielded no effects. Sparrows and juncos administered 0.25 ml of 3 x 10' spores/ml daily by syringe for 2 weeks exhibited no mortality, weight loss or change in the appearance . The possibility of indirect effects to birds, specifically spruce grouse, due to reduced food availability has been raised. However, it was shown that the year after spraying, the number of mating pairs observed were not significantly different than the previous year. Tests exposing rats, mice, guinea pigs, young swine and hogs orally to Bt by placing it directly into the stomachs or administering it in the feed resulted in no symptoms of toxicity. Sensitizing doses of Thuricide' were given to guinea pigs by intracutaneous injection, the abrasion patch technique and topical application on intact skin. Local irritation was found in injected and abraded animals. No effects were observed from challenging doses given two weeks after the last sensitizing treatment. Topical applications also had no effect. In addition to the oral, intraperitoneal, respiratory, dermal and hypersensitivity tests. Bacillus Thuringiensis has passed the eye exposure (in rabbits) and mutagenicity (in vitro) safety tests. Field studies on plots treated with Bt in Algonquin Park, Ontario and Spruce Woods, Manitoba indicated that small mammals continued breeding through treatment periods and trapping data indicated that the application of Bt treatments (with and without chitinase) did not harm the small mammal complex inhabiting treatment areas. EFFECTS ON AQUATIC LIFE In the review of Btk toxicity to fish, few published scientific papers pertaining to modern Bt formulations were found. The older formulations presumably contained beta-exotoxins which are more toxic to vertebrates. Therefore, studies conducted with the older formulations would indicate greater toxicity to fish than would be found with Bt formulations currently on the market today. The toxic concentrations of Bt to fish in laboratory tests were typically 1,000 fold higher than those derived from field applications. Little or no effects were observed when rainbow trout, yellow perch, mosquito fish or black bullhead fingerlings were exposed for 4 days to concentrations of 4.5 to 6.5x10' spores/ml. Effects probably due to the petroleum carrier occurred at a dose of > 6x10^ spores/ml. A field evaluation of Thuricide 16B applied in Algonquin Park, Ontario at an estimated rate of 17.6 BIUs per hectare, showed no adverse effects to fish populations (brook trout, white suckers, smallmouth bass) and bottom fauna populations, in rivers for up to four weeks post treatment. The lack of any documented fish kills resulting from any of the forestry or agricultural spray programs involving Btk across Canada and the United States is additional, and probably the most valid evidence, of the safety of Btk to fish. In a laboratory study a variety of aquatic invertebrates were exposed to Btk (Thuricide 32LV) at 2 , 20 and 200 times the worst- case transitory concentration expected in water after aerial spraying. Only the black fly (Simulium vittatum) was clearly affected at the highest exposure (430 lU/ml) with 75% mortality to the test population. Some impact was suggested for Prosimul ium Fuscum/mixtum (Simuliidae) and the midge Tanytarus (Chironomidae) in the same study. Monitoring of water bodies during spray programs have shown that Btk had no measurable effects on a large variety of aquatic invertebrates. The most susceptible aquatic invertebrates are black fly and chironomid larvae. However, no effects have been reported at concentrations occurring from aerial applications. HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS Despite wide spread use of Bt throughout the world only one incidence of a corneal ulcer in a farm worker, apparently caused when a Btk formulation was splashed into the eye, has been reported. This is the only documented infection in humans and other vertebrates. Antibiotic treatment resulted in complete recovery of the farm worker. No effects were observed in a study, in which eighteen volunteers ingested Ig of Thuricide'/day for 5 days at a concentration of 3x10" viable spores/g ; and 5 of the test subjects also inhaled an additional lOOmg of the powder daily over the 5 day period and showed no effects. All people tested remained healthy and all the extensive laboratory tests were negative. Table of Contents PREAMBLE i ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 CONCLUSIONS 2 1 , 0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 . 1 Taxonomy 5 2 . 2 Discovery 5 2 . 3 Presence in Nature 6 2.4 Epizootics in Nature 7 3 . 0 PRODUCTION PROCESS 3 . 1 Production 8 3.2 Commercial Products Containing Btk 11 3 . 3 Additives to Formulations 13 3.4 Quality Assurance 15 3 . 5 Formulation Potency 15 3.6 Impurities in Commercial Formulations 17 4.0 HOST SPECIFICITY 18 5 . 0 MODE OF ACTION 2 0 6 . 0 MUTAGENICITY 24 7 . 0 SPRAYING/APPLICATION PRACTICES 2 5 8.0 METHODS FOR ENUMERATING BTK FROM ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES 3 0 9 . 0 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE 9. 1 Foliage 3 3 9.2 Soil 3 5 9.3 Water 3 6 VI 10.0 AQUATIC TOXICITY 10.1 Expected Exposure Levels 38 10.2 Fish Toxicity 38 10.3 Aquatic Invertebrates 41 11.0 HEALTH EFFECTS (TO HUMANS) 45 12.0 EFFECTS ON NON-TARGET TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS 12 . 1 Insects 4 6 12 . 2 Earthworms 4 9 12.3 Birds 5 0 12 . 4 Mammals 51 13.0 LITERATURE CITED 55 14.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1 63 Appendix 2 71 Appendix 3 75 Appendix 4 86 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the numerous personnel from the Federal Pesticides Directorate, Forest Pest Management Institute, Ministry of Natural Resources, and industry, who assisted in answering questions. Particular thanks to Joe Churcher (Ministry of Natural Resources) , Peter Kingsbury (Forest Pest Management Institute) and Barry Tyler (Abbott Laboratories) , We would also like to thank the staff of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment: C. Cherwinsky, C. de Barros, E. Leggatt, D. Poirier, J. Ralston, and D. Rokosh who assisted in the review of the draft manuscript and provided many useful comments. CONCLUSIONS 1) The scientific literature indicates that Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki directly affects only Lepidoptera larvae. 2) In Ontario, the use of this bacteria has been extensive, v.'ith over 1.2 million hectares of forest treated in the past 7 years for control of the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumif erana) , the jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus) , and the gypsy moth (Lynantria dispar) . 3) The use of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, for forestry purposes in Ontario, is restricted to licensed applicator personnel. 4) Based on the scientific literature, the use of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki does not represent a detectable impact to the quality of surface waters in the Province of Ontario. 5) The use of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki may reduce non- target Lepidoptera, some of which may be rare. Studies should be initiated to determine the effects of aerial applications of Btk to Lepidoptera larvae, particularly those feeding on understory vegetation. 6) The reduction of Lepidoptera larvae caused by Bacillus thurinqiensis var. kurstaki may result in reduced food availability to certain birds (e.g. spruce grouse) thus affecting nesting success. Studies should be continued to determine if indirect effects to birds are significant mortality factors. 1 . 0 INTRODUCTION The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has recently completed a draft, Class Environmental Assessment, for timber management on crown lands. Under this Class Environmental Assessment, the Ministry of Natural Resources proposes (when required) to use Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) for control of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana , the jack pine budworm, Choristoneura pinus , and the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar . The potential for this "biological" insecticide to enter surface water during and after application to timber lots is of potential concern to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has been mandated to develop, and where appropriate, revise the Provincial Water Quality Objectives and Policies to protect the provinces 's water resources. These water quality objectives and policies are designed to assure that "...surface v;aters in the province are of a quality which is satisfactory for aquatic life and recreation". In order to formulate a sound environmental policy for Btk, the available scientific data must be procured and analyzed. The purpose of this document is to provide the current information known about this compound with particular emphasis on protecting surface waters . 2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Taxonomy Bacillus thurinqiensis (Bt) is a gram positive, mobile, aerobic bacteria closely related to the ubiquitous soil bacteria Bacillus cereus . Vegetative cells of Bt are approximately 1 um wide by 5 urn long. The species is separated from B. cereus by its greater pathogenicity to insects and its ability to produce a bipyrmidal inclusion body (protein crystal) during sporulation (Heimpel 1967, pp. 288-291) . The term Bacillus thurinqiensis in many ways is misleading since there are at least 20 recognized subspecies (serotypes, varieties) and 800 strain isolates (de Barjac 1981, pp. 40-41). Any documentation associated with Bt must include both the serotype and strain being used and a potency comparison to an accepted international reference standard. Bacillus thurinqiensis var. kurstaki is a strain selected for high potency against Lepidoptera larvae. It does not contain "beta-exotoxins" which exhibit some mammalian toxicity and potential mutagenicity. This toxin is found in certain varieties of Bt, i.e. Bacillus thurinqiensis thurinqiensis . The various toxins associated with Bacillus thurinqiensis are described in Section 5.0 Mode of Action. 2.2 Discovery Bacillus thurinqiensis was first isolated from diseased silkworm larvae in Japan in 1901. It was subsequently given taxonomic validity by Berliner who isolated bacteria from diseased Mediterranean flour moths from the Province of Thuringen in East Germany. It was thus given the scientifically valid name of Bacillus thurinaiensis Berliner. This original strain is now designated Bacillus thurinqiensis var. thuringiensis . The isolate Bacillus thurinqiensis var. kurstaki was first isolated in France by Kurstak in 1962 but the strain used for commercial North American production was isolated by Dulmage in 1970 from a laboratory colony of diseased pink bollworm larvae in the U.S. The particular isolate of Btk used in commercial formulations is known as Btk-HDl strain. It is approximately 15X more potent to Lepidoptera larvae as previous Bt isolates. The HD refers to Howard Dulmage who made the original isolate. 2.3 Presence in Nature Bacillus thurinqiensis can grow in moist soils, deriving nutrients from decaying plants and can grow in tissues of infected insects (Ghassemi et al. 1981) . In natural soils, Btk only exist in the spore state (Akiba 1986) . Strains of Bt have been discovered in many regions of the world, ie. Japan (silkworms); Germany (flour moths) ; France (original Btk) ; Israel (Bti) ; Kenya (Bt kenyae) ; the United States (Btk HD-1) and Canada (Bt canadensis) . This indicates that the bacteria has a natural cosmopolitan distribution wherever insects occur. Krieg and Langenbruch (1981, p. 841) list the origins for 24 varieties of Btk. In Japan, Bacillus thurinqiensis is readily isolated from the litter beneath sericultural farms (11.4% of bacterial isolates). It is, however, relatively rare in the forest soils of Japan with a frequency of 2.7% of bacterial isolates (Ohba and Aizawa 1986). In the United States, DeLucca et al. (1981) in a survey of soils never previously treated with Bt, found that it occurred with a frequency of 0.75% in the approximately 32,000 bacteria isolates obtained, indicating that it is relatively rare in "natural soils". It was, however, found in 17% of soils tested, in a wide variety of soil types, ie. grass, rocky wooded area, and in soil pH ' s ranging from 4.9 to 8.0. Various strains of Bt have been commonly found in grain elevators and grain dusts. DeLucca et aJ. (1982) reported Bt isolates from 55% of settled dust samples and 16.9% of respirable dust samples in four large grain elevators near New Orleans. There was no evidence of insects in any of the elevators at the time of sampling. 2.4 Epizootics in Nature The original isolation of Bt was made during investigation of "sotto disease" affecting commercial silkworm production in Japan (DeLucca et aj^. 1981). It was next isolated in Germany by Berliner in association with an infestation of Mediterranean flour moths in stored grains. These natural epizootics and others reported, ie. sericulture in Japan, stored grains in Kenya and insect cultures, all indicate that natural epizootics of Bt occur only when insects are maintained in high densities within a confined area (DeLucca et al. 1981) . Dulmage and Aizawa (1982) cite a study by Van der Laan and Wassink (1969) where they attempted to initiate infections from Bt-killed larvae into susceptible hosts. It was found that natural infections from sick or dead larvae to susceptible hosts did not occur. Epizootics caused by Bt rarely occur in nature although background levels exist in soil samples and grain dusts (Dulmage and Aizawa 1982). Like chemical insecticides, Btk should not be expected to have any carry-over effects the following year. Unexplained benefits to plots treated with Btk for spruce budworm have been observed in the year following treatment (Dimond and Spies 1981) . 3.0 PRODUCTION PROCESS 3 . 1 Production The Bacillus thurincfiensis var. kurstaki used for insecticide formulations are produced in large fermentation vats (up to 130,000 litres) similar to those used for the commercial production of antibiotics. For North America, there are three primary suppliers of Btk: 1) Abbott Laboratories with production facilities in Chicago, Illinois, 2) Duphar with primary production in Belgium, and 3) Sandoz with primary production near San Francisco, California. The active ingredient Btk is not produced in Canada but some formulating does occur in association with Chemagro in Ontario. The media for bacterial growth and actual media environment (ie. pH, temperature, aeration level) are proprietary information unavailable for this review. Each company would have slightly different methodologies of production. The basic production concept is similar for all companies (Fig.l). ■•^ to c: ••^ "^ Co ■'^ So <^ So • to ••^ to i^ Qj So -^ t:^ .'■^ cri k t Qj Clj to So :::) ■::i Cl -^ -c '^ "^ to HD <) ^ -^^ 1 Spray Dryer k Qj So k c: c:i ••^ So ftD So c: Qj ^ -^ t^ c: ,Q> .^ k. K So 4 t So c: ■k I So I ?| Qj I ^ i So I Qj i So I to C:r) Q) ■'^ So So -^ c:) So • , ^ Q) t::^ 5^ i; 03 -C to to ■■-^ The media for bacterial growth must contain carbon, nitrogen and trace minerals. In discussions with companies these are obtained from normal commodity raw products. Typical nitrogen sources may include fish meals, cotton seed flour, soybeans, autolyzed yeasts and casein. Carbohydrate sources include hydrolyzed corn products, starch and dextrose. Trace minerals would be available in these carbon and nitrogen sources. The fermentation medium ingredients for the U.S. reference standard include: generic tryptone (10 g/L) , powdered corn (5 g/L) , generic yeast extract (2 g/L, K,H PO, and KH, PO, each at 1 g/L) (Beegle et al. 1986) . Once the media has been formulated it is steam sterilized to prevent microbial contamination. Isolates of Btk HD-1 strain are inoculated into the media to initiate cell growth. Inoculum amounts range from 2 to 5% of the fermenter volume. The media is then slowly agitated and provided with an abundant supply of sterilized air. The pH of the fermenter tanks is typically between 7.2 and 7.6. The temperature of the tanks is maintained at approximately SCC. After approximately five days of vigorous vegetative grov;th the bacteria in response to reduced available nutrients begin to sporulate forming at one end of the cell a dormant endospore and at the other end the protein crystal, which contains the toxin (delta- endotoxin) , causing Lepidoptera mortality. Once sporulation has been completed the media is treated to destroy vegetative cells. The spore-crystal complex can be exposed to temperatures of lOO'C for short periods of time without 10 degradation. Endospores and crystals in approximately equal numbers are concentrated from the fermentation broth by either centrifugation or filtration. The resultant spores and crystals are spray dried to form a fine technical powder. This powder is then bioassayed against the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Hubner) using accepted standard bioassay techniques. Individual batches from fermentaters will vary somewhat in their potency. Potency is not directly related to the number of endospores or the number of protein crystals. It is the concentrations of certain proteins making up the crystal and endospore coat that determine the potency of the Btk. The technical powders are allowed by international agreement + 20% variance from the stated potency. Each bioassay will give slightly different results with the same technical powder. 3.2 Commercial Products Containing Btk In Canada, 17 formulations of Btk have been registered for control of Lepidopterous pests in forestry (Table 1). In addition, other formulations exist in Canada for control of Lepidopterous pests on a variety of commercial vegetables. Formulations also exist which have a domestic registration for availability to home gardeners. There is no post-harvest interval or re-entry time associated with the use of Btk, i.e. control of cabbage worm can be made up to the day of harvest (OMAF 1988) . In the United States, the major use for Btk is against agricultural pests of cole crops, alfalfa and cotton, and 11 Table 1. Commercial Products of Btk With Potential Forestry Uses Name Manufacturer Under PCPA' Guarantee' Dipel F Abbott 13299 16.0 BlU/mg Dipel SC Abbott 14082 9.9 BlU/g Dipel 88 Abbott 16873 8.5 BIU/L Dipel 132 Abbott 17954 12.7 BIU/L Dipel 176 Abbott 20599 12.7 BIU/L Novabac - 3 Duphar B V. 17133 8.6 BIU/L Futura XLV Duphar B V. 20861 12.7 BIU/L Futura Duphar B V. 17778 14.4 BIU/L Bactospeine F Duphar B V. 17782 9.7 BIU/L Novabac - 3 Cyanamid 15084 8.6 BIU/L Pfizer Pfizer 18334 9.7 BIU/L Evirobac ES Thuricide HPC Sandoz 11302 4.2 BIU/L Thuricide48LV Sandoz 17980 12.7 BIU/L 1) PCPA: Pest Control Act 2) Guarantee is evaluated in terms of potency which is measured in Billion International Units (BIU) per unit volume of weight, reflecting the biological activity of the formulation against larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni in a standardized bio-assay. 12 approximately 3% is used against forestry pests (Dubois and Lewis 1981). Over one million pounds of formulated Btk are applied annually in the United States (DeLucca et aJ. 1981). 3.3 Additives to Formulations Initial products with Btk were crude powders of spores, crystals, growth media and inert ingredients. Formulations had suspendabil ity problems, clogged spray systems and provided inconsistent control. Today, Btk formulations are primarily spore and crystal concentrates, prepared for use primarily as water suspensions or oil emulsions. Additives such as thickening agents have been incorporated into formulations to provide uniform suspensions, wetting agents to obtain better leaf coverage, antievaporants , stickers to increase retention of spray deposits and sun screens to reduce the degradation of crystals by UV radiation. A product such as "Thuricide 16B" contains 0.34% Btk, 48.15% culture media, 1.5% xylene, 0.01% Chevron sticker and 49.99% water (Menon and Mestral 1985) . (It should be noted that "Thuricide 16B is no longer in use in Canada and no forestry Btk forestry products presently contain xylene) . Concern has been expressed about potential toxicity of these inert ingredients (Orton 1987) . Although individual components of carriers are not listed, it has been shown that carrier fluid of non-aqueous oil formulations caused less than 2.1% mortality to non-target insects in laboratory trials (Haverty 1982) . The Dipel oil vehicle also did not affect target spruce budworm larvae (Morris 1983). Since target organisms and non-target insects 13 are unaffected by "oil carriers", it is reasonable to assume that they will not affect larger organisms. Product labels indicate the potency guarantee of the Btk but do not include concentrations of other "inert" ingredients. These "inert" ingredients are critical to the success of new formulations and are proprietary rights of companies . As shown by Fortin et al. (1986) (see aquatic toxicity section) and the concern of micro contaminants (Agriculture Canada letter, Appendix 1) the "inert ingredients" are perhaps the most toxic components of Btk formulations. Their toxicities will be minor v/hen one considers the amounts applied in operational control programs, and published studies done on "vehicle carriers" in the literature (Haverty 1982, Morris 1983). Proprietary toxicology data does exist on many of these standard "inerts" and on the formulated product. Federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Service, Health and Welfare, and Fisheries and Ocean have reviewed this documentation. With permission of companies this information could likely be obtained from the companies or Pesticides Directorate in Ottawa . Most formulations are now being applied in mixtures with water (often at a 50/50 ratio) but the increasing tendency to reduce application costs has been to spray the products "neat", ie. undiluted. In 1988, all aerial applications in Ontario were made using undiluted product at the rate of 2.4 L/ha (pers. comm. C. Howard) . These products were applied primarily as oil-based emulsions . 14 3.4 Quality Assurance Each fermentation batch of Btk undergoes two quality assurance tests, the first of which is mammalian (mouse). Five laboratory white mice weighing 17-23 gm are injected subcutaneously with one million spores of Btk from each batch lot. The mice are observed for seven days. If there is any evidence of infection, skin reaction or mortality the tests would be repeated. If reactions continue the batch would be destroyed. Primary product released for formulation must have no effect on mice injected subcutaneously with one million spores. The other quality assurance check involves examination for microbial contaminants and is discussed under "Impurities in commercial formulations." 3.5 Formulation Potency Standardization of Btk products is accomplished by bioassays rather than analytical procedures since the active ingredient (s) is unknown (proteins) and may actually consist of several different proteins. Numbers of bacterial spores or parasporal crystals do not provide reliable standards of potency. The accepted potency standard is the International Unit (lU) which is derived from bioassays. The reference standard (designated E-61) maintained by the Pasteur Institute was derived from Bacillus thurinqiensis var. thurinqiensis and was given an arbitrary potency of 1,000 lU/mg (Luthy et al . 1982) . 15 In 1970, Btk became the subspecies for production of commercial formulations of Bt in North America. This strain derived from pink bollworms was called the HD-1 strain after its discoverer Hov^ard Dulmage. The lack of beta-exotoxins and high potency to Lepidoptera larvae (15X higher than previous isolates) made this strain commercially feasible and desirable. In 1972, a preparation of HD-1, named HD-l-S-1971 was adopted as the primary United States and Canadian reference standard. It was assigned a potency of 18,000 lU/mg (Dulmage 1973). This standard was subsequently changed to HD-l-S-1980 due to depletion of the HD- l-S-1971 stock and differential activity of this strain between the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni and tobacco budworm Hel iothis virescens . This reference standard to which current Btk production is compared has a potency of 16,000 lU/mg (Beegle et a^. 1986) . The standard is stored at -16'C at USDA, Brownsville in 25 g aliquots and is available free of charge upon request. All batches of Btk from commercial fermenters are compared to this HD-l-S-1980 standard. Thus, if a particular batch in bioassays was found to be twice as toxic to Trichoplusia ni as the reference standard, it would be assigned a value of 32,000 lU/mg. Many products use this potency in the name of the product. Thus, Dipel 176 would have a potency of 17,600 lU/mg or Dipel 132 a potency of 13,200 lU/mg. The primary powder is then diluted with vehicle carriers and a potency on the basis of Billion International Units per litre of product is provided, ie. 16 Base Powder Final Product Futura Suspension 12,000 lU/mg 14.4 BIU/L Dipel 132 13,200 lU/mg 12.7 BIU/L Thuricide 48 LV 12,000 lU/mg 12.7 BIU/L It is the potency of the final product in litres, ie. number of Billion International Units (BIU) per litre which best reflects the toxicity of the specific product to lepidopterous larvae. The lU/mg is an explanation of the potency for the technical material, whereas, the BIU ' s per litre is a measure of toxicity for the product used in the spray programs. 3.6 Impurities in Commercial Formulations In 1987, concerns were expressed regarding the presence of microcontaminants, specifically fecal Streptococcus (S. f aecium) in formulations of Btk (Cabana and Pelletier 1986) . The relevance of these contaminants in regard to human health were determined by an advisory committee of the Pesticides Directorate, Ottawa to be minor. Streptococcus bacteria are common in many non-sterile foods, ie. yogurt, and in the environment. S. faecium is commonly found in the intestines of man and animal. The contaminants "represented either non- or low-order pathogenicity and exposure under typical forestry use applications would not likely produce adverse health effects" (Agriculture Canada letter. Appendix 1) . Nevertheless, an informal (not regulated) monitoring system for microcontaminants has been established by companies and monitoring is being done as well 17 by Agriculture Canada's Laboratory Services. The following potential contaminants and acceptable limits are being analyzed for (pers. comm. , Glen Dalke, Abbott Laboratories). Salmonella sp. -zero organisms in 2 5 gm primary powder 3 Coliform bacteria - less than 10 organisms/gm powder 5 Staphylococcus aureus - less than 10 organisms/gm powder 5 Clostridium perfrinqens - less than 10 organisms/gm powder 5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa - less than 10 organisms/gm powder 3 Streptococci/Enterococci - less than 10 organisms/gm powder 4.0 HOST SPECIFICITY In this section, the review will discuss why Btk is host-specific and the susceptibility of various insect groups. The toxicity of Btk to birds, fish, mammals and humans will be discussed elsewhere. Burger j on and Martouret (1971) provide an early review of the host spectrum of Bacillus thurinqiensis . Krieg and Langenbruch (1981) provide detailed information (see pp. 841-885) on the relative susceptibility of various invertebrates to different strains of Bt. Btk is shown to be non-toxic to 8 species of Coleoptera, slightly toxic to a few species of Diptera (not at operational treatment rates) , non-toxic to the ephemeropteran Picromerus bedens, non-toxic to any Homoptera or Hemiptera, non-toxic to any Hymenoptera including honeybees, but with significant toxicity to a wide variety of Lepidoptera. Operational field trials indicate that use of Btk enhances natural parasitism (Ticehurst et al. 1982) . The various strains of Bt are also listed as being of zero to low 18 The various strains of Bt are also listed as being of zero to low toxicity to Isoptera, Mallophaga, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera and Trichoptera. Krieg and Langenbruch also cite personal unpublished data in this review indicating that Btk is non- toxic to Daphnia sp. and Cyclops sp. For all practical purposes, at field dosage rates, Btk and its delta-endotoxin affect only Lepidoptera. The specificity of Btk is determined by a variety of factors. The first is that Btk must be ingested before it can kill a susceptible insect. Topical applications of Btk to susceptible species would not result in mortality (Wilkinson et al. 1975). Secondly, in order to release the toxic delta-endotoxin from the protein crystal, the crystal must be exposed to an alkaline pH of 9.0 to 10.5 and appropriate digestive enzymes (Falcon 1971). This combination of requirements, ingestion, alkaline gut pH, proteolytic enzymes, plus innate susceptibility of the host, restrict the toxic effects of Btk to Lepidoptera. Other strains of Bt do cause mortality in other orders of insects (Heimpel 1967), e.g. Bti to mosquitoes and blackflies and B.t. var thuringiensis to Diptera including house flies. Within the Lepidoptera, there are varying degrees of susceptibility (Heimpel 1967). Highly susceptible Lepidoptera, e.g. Bombyx mori , are classified as Type 1 insects. In these insects, delta- endotoxins cause a rapid paralysis and change in gut pH . Most Lepidoptera belong to the Type II group. These insects suffer rapid gut paralysis, but there is no gut leakage, so these insects starve and die due to septicemia. Type III insects require both delta- 19 endotoxin and endospores to cause death (see Heimpel 1967, p. 298). In addition, under operational field conditions, mortality of target insects, e.g. jackpine budworm, varies between trials but rarely exceeds 90% mortality (e.g. jackpine budworm - 71% mortality) (Cadogan et aJ. 1986) . Detailed data on the effects due to Btk on non-target Lepidoptera were not found. It is expected that approximately 10% of the Btk droplets would reach understory vegetation (pers. comm. Nick Payne and Terry Innis, Forest Pest Management Institute, Sault Ste. Marie). This reduced amount reaching lower foliage would likely result in reduced mortality. Research at the Forest Pest Management Institute (K. Barber) has been initiated to answer the question of non-target Lepidoptera mortality, but data is still pending. 5.0 MODE OF ACTION The primary mechanism by which Bacillus thurinqiensis kills insects is a combination of the delta-endotoxin associated with crystals and potentially vegetative growth and septicemia in larvae. Mortality is normally caused by toxins associated with the parasporal crystal and to a limited extent, the endospores. Fast (1977) showed that in spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumif erana) , spores enhanced the toxicity of crystals two-fold. However, Fast (1977) concluded that "spores play little or no role in mortality of spruce budworm induced by Bacillus thurinqiensis insecticide", i.e. Btk. With other strains of Bt, both spores and crystals are required to cause mortality (Burges et al. 1976) . Fast (1976) found the LD,,, dose for 20 newly moulted 6th instar spruce budworm to be 0.6 lU or 1280 crystals and the LD<,o dose to be 3.5 lU or 7000 crystals. Application of Btk does not result in natural epizootics of target insects, nor does it control larvae in years subsequent to application although reduced defoliation in following years has been noted (Dimond and Spies 1981) . Increased development time, debility, decreased pupal weights, reduced fecundity, fertility and adult life span of survivors, has been suggested as possible mechanisms to explain the few carry-over effects noted in nature (Morris and Hildebrand 1974). The chemical structure of the toxin (s) which are derived from Btk have not been defined. This prevents analysis of formulation on an analytical chemistry basis and requires that potency be determined on a bioassay basis and residues on a microbiological basis. The various toxins found in strains of Bt are proteins. Commercial formulation of Btk contain the protein crystal and endospores v;ith the primary toxin being delta-endotoxin, associated with the protein crystal . Other toxins include alpha-exotoxin . This toxin is found in the supernatants of some Bt fermentations. It is water-soluble and heat-labile. It is produced by bacteria other than B.t. This material is toxic if fed to mice and has been called the mouse factor or thermosensitive toxin (Kreig 1971) . Since commercial formulations are spun dry and heat-treated, alpha-exotoxin is not considered of significance in commercial formulations. Beta-exotoxin is a water-soluble, heat-stable protein that is highly 21 toxic to Diptera. Many of the original insecticide formulations of Bacillus thurinqiensis var. thurinqiensis contained beta-exotoxin . Synonyms for this toxin include "fly knock-down factor" or McConnell-Richards factor, and thuringiensin (Dubois and Lewis 1981) . Beta-exotoxin is toxic to vertebrates and can cause teratogenic effects in insects (Sebesta et ai. 1981). Regulatory authorities in Canada and the United States have banned the use of formulations containing beta-exotoxins since 1971. Products containing beta-exotoxins are still used in Europe and the Soviet Union. Toxicity data to non-target organisms published in scientific literature prior to 1971 generally refer to Bt strains containing beta-exotoxin. These data, although not directly related to Btk, would represent toxicities more potent than the modern Btk strain which does not contain beta-exotoxin. The louse-factor is an exotoxin reported by Gingric et al. (1974) as being pathogenic to biting lice, and was derived from Btk HD-1 strain. Its significance in modern formulations of Bt is considered minor and little work has been published on this toxin. The principal insecticidal component of modern Bacillus thurinqiensis formulations is the delta-endotoxin associated with the protein crystal. The crystal itself is not toxic until it is dissolved in vitro under specific conditions or in the midgut of the larvae. The toxic protein is relatively small, between 50-100,000 daltons. In spray programs, Btk is not toxic unless ingested by larvae . Three factors influence the potency of delta-endotoxin: 1) the strain-related origin of the toxin. 2) the degree of solubility 22 in the gut juice, and 3) the intrinsic susceptibility of the insect to the toxin (Jaquet et al. 1987) . The toxic protein is insoluble at acidic or neutral pH , but is soluble at alkaline pH. The most susceptible insects are those having a gut pH of 9.0 to 10.5 and appropriate enzymes to dissolve the crystals (Falcon 1971) . It is essentially only Lepidoptera larvae which have this combination of digestive enzymes and alkaline pH. The toxin once released acts at the surface of the gut epithelial cells to cause a rapid loss (within 5 minutes of feeding) of ATP from cells stimulating respiration and glucose uptake. Within minutes, microvilli of the gut swell and cell apices swell into the gut lumen. Feeding is inhibited within as little as 2 minutes after feeding. Metabolic breakdown of epithelial cells is complete within 10-15 minutes and ions leak from gut lumen to haemolymph. Paralysis and/or death results from ionic imbalance in the haemolymph. Often changes in gut and haemolymph permit vegetative propagation of gut microbial flora and Bacillus thurinqiensis resulting in septicemia which can cause death of larvae in 24-48 hours. Dependent on susceptibility of larvae and amount of Btk ingested, death may be due to ionic imbalances, caused by the toxin due to disruption of the gut, or by septicemia due to vegetative growth of Btk and or other gut microflora. The susceptibility to Btk is related to the age and biomass of the insect. Younger larvae are generally more susceptible (See Fast 1981 for detailed description) . 23 At sub-lethal doses, anorexia does occur but recovery from feeding inhibition can occur in 8 hours or less (Retnakaran et ai. 1983) . There is no evidence of resistance developing to Btk by forest insects although laboratory selection of stored product Lepidoptera have resulted in increased tolerance. 6.0 MUTAGENICITY Being a living organism, the potential exists for mutagenic changes in Btk. The fact that there are over 20 recognized subtypes and 800 strains (Dulmage and Cooperators 1981) indicates that genetic variability exists. With the advances of modern molecular biology, there is, and will continue to be efforts made to isolate and create more potent strains of Btk (Faust and Bulla 1982). All modern registered formulations contain "natural" isolates of Btk and there are no "genetically-engineered" products available. Salama et al . (1984) selected for UV resistant, high temperature resistant, and antibiotic resistant strains of Btk. The selection of UV resistant individuals after 4 minutes exposure to UV light was 0.001-0.2% dependent on strain. Heat selection at Ib^C for 120 minutes yielded 0.02% and 0.16% mutant survival. Similar low yields of penicillin, streptomycin and chloramphenicol resistant mutants was obtained. What is the possibility that strains pathogenic to vertebrates or other non-target organisms would develop? Bacillus thuringiensis is closely related to Bacillus cereus which has chemical affinities to Bacillus anthrax. The probability of mutations affecting non- insect organisms is exceedingly small. In all laboratory toxicity 24 studies done to date, there was no evidence of vegetative growth in non-insect lines (Burges 1981) . Each batch of Btk produced by commercial companies is quality checked by injection of a million spores into mice (see Production). Fisher and Rosner (1959) attempted to induce harmful mutations by serial passage of Bt in mammals. There was no increase in virulence to mammals. Steinhaus (1959) considered that the chances of mutation of Bacillus thuringiensis to an anthrax-like organism "are exceedingly small". Forsberg (1976) appears to agree with this conclusion. Pathogenic mutations of Bacillus thuringiensis are rare, as natural epizootics do not occur in nature or in years following spray programs. Btk appears to be specially adapted to insects, and poorly competitive against other microbes. The lack of widespread natural epizootics would indicate that it is genetically a relatively stable organism with little chance of non-insect infection. 7.0 SPRAYING/APPLICATION PRACTICES Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki is registered in Canada for control of a variety of lepidopterous larvae. Uses include not only protection of forest trees, but protection of a variety of vegetables, e.g. cabbages, brussel sprouts. Domestic class registrations for use by home owners also exist, as do use patterns for municipal parks and urban areas. For forestry pests, typical target insects, application timing, and 25 application rates are outlined in Appendix 2. In forestry management in Ontario, the three major pests currently being controlled by Btk are 1) Spruce budworm (Choristoneura f umif erana) 2) Jackpine budworm (Choristoneura pinus pinus) and 3) Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) (Appendix 2). Since 1980, a total of 1.23 million hectares of forest lands have been protected in Ontario using Btk products (2.1 million litres) (Appendix 2). Control of spruce budworm and jackpine budworm normally occurs in commercial forestry tracts not associated with human habitation. Control of gypsy moth may include recreational areas and farm woodlots primarily in eastern Ontario, but with expanding range into other areas of southern Ontario, i.e. Simcoe. Control of lepidopterous larvae is intended to protect trees from defoliation. Larvae must ingest Btk crystals. Consequently, all programs are timed to treat trees while larvae are mid-instars and openly feeding on foliage (Table 2). For spruce budworm, spraying is done soon after bud flush before larvae reach fifth instar. Similarly, jackpine budworm is treated after needle pairs begin escaping from sheaths. Gypsy moth larvae are treated when 40-50% leaf expansion (typically oaks) occurs and before larvae reach third instar. In Ontario, application times will vary somewhat with the phenological development of trees and target insect, but essentially all spray programs for control of major pests will take place between mid-May and the first week of July. Most forestry applications of Btk in Ontario will be applied aerially under contract to the Ministry of Natural Resources. 26 Table 2. Forestry uses for Btk in Canada (from Thuricide 48 LV Label) Pest Crop Timing BIU Litres/ha Bagworm Ornamentals Shade trees when larvae feeding 13-19 1-1.5 Elm/Fall Hardwoods after leaf 9-19 0.7-1, .5 spanworm flush Gypsy moth Forest trees 40-50% leaf expansion 20-30 1.6-2 .4 Spring/Fall Hardwoods after leaf 6-9 0.5-0 .7 cankerworm flush in spring Spruce Conifers soon after 15-30 1.2-2 .4 budworm bud flush Jackpine Jackpine at needle 30 2.4 budworm flush Tent Deciduous at leaf 6-9 0.5-0 .7 caterpillar trees flush 27 The Ministry of Natural Resources will have on site a variety of personnel including application supervisors, safety and communication personnel. The current applications supervisor is Craig Howard, Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Marie (705-759-5727) . There are detailed management plans in place for all aerial spray programs (Carrow et al. 1981) including public meetings to outline proposed spray operations. The Ministry of Natural Resources is to be commended for the detailed planning and execution of their spray programs. All aerial applications are restricted to licensed aerial applicators . The majority of published papers on Btk spray operations deal with control of spruce budworm. Application normally involves the use of fixed wing aircraft or large helicopters (i.e. Cessna Ag-truck, Piper Pawnees, Grumman Ag-Cat and Bell 206 helicopters) (see Morris 1982, Table 3) . The objective of spray application is to thoroughly cover foliage with deposits of Btk. Typically, application is made in the early morning or late evening when winds average less than 10 km/hr. Aircraft and helicopters make applications from ca . 10 m above the canopy using conventional boom and nozzle spray systems or Micronair' rotary atomizers (Morris 1982, Cadogan et aJ. 1986). Ideally, material should be applied at droplet sizes of 50-200 microns. Spray deposits of 10-20 droplets/cm" are desirable. For the gypsy moth, LD,5 levels are 10.8, 2.2 and 0.9 drops per cm*' for 100, 200 and 300 micron droplets respectively (Bryant and Yendol 1988) . Ideally, conditions should be humid and warm with lepidopterous larvae 28 actively feeding. There should be no rain for at least 24 hours after spraying to prevent washing off of spray deposits and ensuring ingestion by larvae. Typically, treatments are made to provide a coverage of 30 BIU per hectare involving 1-3 litres of product per hectare if undiluted and 2-6 litres per hectare if diluted in water. There is increasing tendency to spray formulations undiluted to reduce application costs. There is a no buffer zone associated with water when spraying with Btk in Ontario or other provinces. However, in the public hearing process, efforts will be made to accommodate those with concerns and, for control of gypsy moth, small island cottage sites will not be treated. Dependent on densities of larvae and success of initial spray, areas may be retreated 5-14 days after initial application. With spruce budworm and jack pine budworm, a second treatment is required in about 5% of the cases. With the gypsy moth, three treatments spaced approximately one week apart may be required in a small percentage of cases. Most gypsy moth treatments require two treatments due to asynchronous development of larvae. Thus, certain areas i.e. high density infestations of gypsy moth, may have 90 BIU's per hectare applied over a three week period. Success of treatments with modern formulations has generally been satisfactory, providing significant larval mortality of approximately 75%, and good foliage protection of >50%. Success of programs has varied and meteorological conditions after spraying probably influence results as well as synchrony in target insect development. Fast and Regniere (1984) 29 showed that extending the exposure period from 1 day to an exposure of 6 days resulted in a 500 fold increase in the LC=,„ of Btk on spruce budworm larvae. With better formulations, better application technology (i.e. droplet size) and repeat sprays, control has been more consistent than in the past. 8.0 METHODS FOR ENUMERATING BTK FROM ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Since the chemical structure of the delta-endotoxin of Btk has not been determined, monitoring of Btk residues can not be made using analytical chemistry techniques. Enumeration of Btk deposits is done by several methods including 1) deposit sampling at the time of application 2) bioassay procedures of foliage which has been treated 3) microbiological plating techniques and more recently 4) ELISA and immunofluorescence techniques. Morris (1982, pp. 247-51) describes the various methods for assessing Bt deposits at the time of spray application. One method is placement of a petri plate with nutrient agar amended for Bt growth at various locations in the forest canopy and floor. These collect bacterial droplets as they descend and plates are then incubated for 18 hours at 29"C and colonies counted. This method underestimates deposits since any colony may represent 150 viable spores. Deposits can be collected on glass plates, rinsed v;ith distilled water, diluted with 0.1 % peptose water, and serially diluted onto agar media (tryptic soy). This technique was 2,000 times more sensitive than the petri plate method. 30 Kromekote cards can be used to analyze spray deposits when Btk formulations contain marker dyes. Droplets can be analyzed microscopically or using image analyzers. Similarly, dyed deposits can be rinsed from glass plates (1.5 ml of 0.1% NaOH) and eluates measured colormetrically (Cadogan et ai. 1986) . The detection and quantification of Btk endospores and vegetative cells from various substrates can be made using various methods involving plating substrates onto appropriate growth media. Reardon and Haissig (1984) simply collected foliage (needles) and made impressions of the foliage into tryptic soy agar media (GBCO, Madison, Wisconsin) . Plates were stored at room temperature for 48 hours. Bacillus-like colonies were identified and spore stains (Benz and Boursiewiez 1963) made of random sub-samples. Faust and Bulla (1982 p. 94) describe a variety of staining techniques for Bacillus thurinqiensis . Petras and Casida (1985) recovered Btk from soil by placing lOg samples in a blender with 30 ml of sterile tap water. The material was then serially diluted and 0.1 ml aliquots of various dilutions were spread onto Heart infusion broth-Gelute plates (Kelco, San Diego, California) . These were incubated for 1 week at 27'C. Young Bt colonies were white and thin with a cottony appearance and irregular edge. Bt colonies after 6 days incubation could be checked for spore and crystal formation. Menon and Mestral (1985) isolated and enumerated Btk from water and shellfish by spread plate method using a nutrient agar containing 4 ppm penicillin and 5 ppm polymixin B sulfate. Plates were 31 incubated for 48 hours at sVC and Btk identified by colony morphology (description not provided) . Colonies were confirmed by taking a thin film aqueous suspension of colonies onto a clean slide. This was air dried and heat-fixed. A thin layer of reagent A (Admidoschawartz- 1.5g, 98% methanol 50 ml, acetic acid 10 ml and distilled water 40 ml) was pipetted onto the smear while still warm. This was rinsed off after 70 seconds. The smear was then covered with Zihl's carbol fuchsin for 20 seconds, rinsed in tap water and dried. Stained crystals were lilac blue and endospores pink under dark field, phase contrast microscopy. In the literature, there are numerous methods of isolating and enumerating Btk from media and the above mentioned simply demonstrate some of the techniques. The newest method of Btk detection and enumeration is by the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) technique (Reardon and Hassig 1984) using B.t. kurstaki toxin as the assay. This technique is described as extremely sensitive, accurate and highly specific (Wie et al . 1981) . This has a sensitivity of 3 ug/g (3 ppm) of needle tissue due to interfering cross-reactivity in needle tissue. It is probable that in water, the sensitivity would be greater due to reduced interference. Smith and Ulrich (1983) describe in detail the ELISA technique for detection of the crystal toxin of Btk. West et al. 1984 describe a detection method for Btk in soil using immunofluorescence which compared favourably with bioassay and plating techniques. 32 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE 9.1 Foliage Forsberg (1976, Table 3 pp. 32-39) summarizes various laboratory studies on the field and laboratory persistence of Bacillus thurinqiensis. Similarly, Morris (1982) has summarized the persistence of Btk on foliage when used in forest applications (Table 3). In general, Btk loses 50% of its insecticidal activity in 1-3 days, often necessitating a second spray application for insects such as the gypsy moth, spruce budworm and jackpine budv/orm. In some studies (e.g. McLeod et al. 1983, Beckwith and Stelzer 1987) longer residual activity (i.e. 10 days) has been reported. Persistence of Btk on foliage is dependent on many environmental factors. Leong et al. 1980 concluded that sunlight exposure, leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit contribute most to endospore decay. Sunlight, particularly ultra-violet radiation, inactivates 50% of Btk cells within 30 minutes and 80% within 60 minutes (Krieg 1975) . The inactivation of both spores and crystals is believed due to production of peroxide or peroxide radicals produced by UV irradiation of amino acids (Ignoffo and Garcia 1978) . In situations where prolonged activity of Btk has been reported (i.e. McLeod et al. 1983) persistence is believed due to deposits in cracks and crevices protected from direct sunlight. Some viable endospores of Btk have been recovered from foliage after ground application of Btk (1 BlU/tree) one year after treatment (Reardon and Haissig 1984). 33 •a 3,190 810 Thuricide 16B 20 BIU/7L/ha 3,855 846 Dipel 88 20 BIU/5.1L/ha 1,990 1,731 Thuricide 16B 16 BIU/6.2LAia 6,595 262 Thuricide 16B 16 BIU/6.2L/ha 1,995 6,900 (2 X) 1982-Spruce Budworm Total Ha Sprayed 3,454 Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Used Rate Used 75 Novabac 3- ■e 20 BIU/7L/ha 175 172 Novabac 3- -e 20 BIU/5.9LAia 400 2,439 Dipel 88 20 BIU/5.9L/ha 5,740 77 Thuricide 32B 20 BIU/5.9L/ha 180 305 Dipel 88 13 BIU/5.9L/ha 465 25 Thuricide 48B 30 BIU/2.4L/ha 60 3,093 71 1983 -Spruce Budworm Total Ha Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Soraved Sprayed Used Rate Used 3,502 30 Dipel 88 30 BIU/3.5L/ha 105 40 Dipel 6L 30 BIU/2.3L/ha 95 60 Dipel 6L 30 BIU/4.7L/ha 140 50 Dipel 8L 30 BIU/1.8L/ha 90 60 Dipel 8L 30 BIU/3.5L/ha 105 40 Dipel 88 30 BIU/7L/ha 140 1,513 Dipel 88 20 BIU/5.9L/ha 3,560 1,250 Novabac 3-e 20 BIU/5.9L/ha 2,910 60 Bactospiene 30 BIU/4.7L/ha 210 3,103 1983-Oak Leaf Shredder Total Ha Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Sprayed Used Rate Used 579 64 1984 -Spruce Budworm Total Ha Sprayed 3,697 Dipel 40 BIU/4.7L/ha 300 Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Used Rate Used 49 Dipel 176 40 BIU/3.7L/ha 115 64 Dipel 176 30 BIU/1.8L/ha 115 53 Dipel 8L 30 BIU/1.8L/ha 95 47 Dipel 64AF 30 BIU/2.3L/ha 85 58 Dipel 64AF 30 BIU/3.5LAia 100 61 Dipel 6L 30 BIU/2.3L/ha 145 47 Dipel 132 30 BIU/2.3L/ha 110 30 Thuricide 415 30 BIU/2.3L/ha 70 2.688 Dipel 88 20 BIU/5.9L/ha 6,325 3,097 198 5 -Spruce Budworm Total Ha Sprayed 29,370 Ha Bt Product Sprayed Used Application Rate 20-30 BIU/ 1.6-2.4L/ha 24,370 Dipel 132 5.000 Thuricide 48LV 20 BIU/1.6L/ha 29,370 Bt (L) Used 42,215 7,875 72 1985 -Jack Pine Budworm Total Ha Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Sprayed Used Rate Used 220,000 137,000 Dlpel 132 20 BIU/1.6L/ha 215,750 5,000 Dipel 132 20 BIU/3.2L/ha 7,875 78.000 Thuricide 48LV 20 BIU/1.6L/ha 122,835 220,000 1985-GvDsv Moth Total Ha Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Sprayed Used Rate Used 170 170 Dipel 88 40 BIU/12LAia 800 1986-Spruce Budworm Total Ha Sprayed 150,633 Ha Bt Sprayed 150,633 Product Used Application Rate Bt (L) Used Dipel 132 + 20 BIU/1.6L/ha 237,220 Thuricide 48LV 1986 -Jack Pine Budworm Total Ha Sprayed 482,032 Ha Bt Product Sprayed Used Application Rate 482,032 Dipel 132 + 20 BIU/1.6L/ha Thuricide 48LV Bt (L) Used 482,035 1986-Gvpsv Moth Total Ha Sprayed Ha Bt Product Sprayed Used 103,094 103,094 1987-Spruce Budworm Application Rate Dipel 132 + 30 BIU/6L/ha Thuricide 48LV (2 X) Bt (L) Used 487,060 Total Ha Ha Bt Product Application Bt (L) Sprayed Sprayed Used Rate Used 76,819 76,819 Dipel 132 20-30 BIU/ 1.6-2.4L/ha 151,2 73 1987 -Jack Pine Budworm Total Ha Ha Bt Product Sprayed Sprayed Used 105,463 105,463 Dipel 132 Application Rate 20 BIU/1.6L/ha Bt (L) Used 166,085 1987-GvpSY Moth Total Ha Sprayed Ha Bt Sprayed 40,249 Product Used Application Rate 40,249 Dipel 132 + 30 BIU/6L/ha Thuricide 48LV (2 X) + Futura XLV Bt (L) Used 190,150 74 ,— ,— -co r- o ^ o o o o o o o o o o - O 3 13 Lft a; c 0) (U I- 1/1 U c -o Hi -t- 13 Q. *J o ■o ^ CL — 3 X w w O X) O -C . 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O X -^ ii 1 C O O OJ (/I '•-' ■-- C I- -o ♦-> J3 0^ -^ .— CT> U fO (/> I -o o. 0; 3 >— E > ■D O .^ 3 ^ O J CO o J3 J.: O Tj- LD r.-0 Cl 1 ajcuQjoaji~*-'aj i- — , U CI -^ "^ Q. — Oj 't-' 1 OJ O W^ — **- rt3 ■*-* OJ QJ - O E U - ^ O ■: O Cl ' >^ CO >> ^ >, -o I - i— a; - Z3 .— TO C TO 1- C TO 1- ■r- 1- o — u o ■ C 2 ^ O 3 .— Ol — J Q^ 83 1 »« *J c < : o — O "T < O £ — dj o ■k^ -o C «- SI Oi i^ i- c fO fO 1- ro *D - ■-- fO c -«- •r- «T3 o CJ X ro ) av CO TJ I. -o «.> .^ OJ a< u o q; 01 ♦J 1^ c: -a -o o >» c:. O in O-^i- 0-— i-Q. 0'-i-C;CCJT5'— o ro O "D QJ O GJ 1_ 3 C7» >. ru ro c -.- c i- t_> — (J o ■*-> X o O •j^ o •^ Ul ,c c ■*-> u^ o fO _ CJ .— *J E fD C7i 4-» Ol u C — 1- o en s u> f-i Q. m Q. o; E 3 .^ l_ -^ O 0) *-> CTi S (rt f^ C f^' 84 "o o e ■ "D QJ OJ C •<-*-» f— 1_ C o -t-" J-: I- cn ,_ Q. E i- o — ■ I ■ O OJ c • -o I- t- +-> o o 3 U- *-> -D O O TJ TJ V. ^ . u. ro •— ,c o ^ ■ Z X3 ^ Ol O OJ t- c c -^ 1/1 — X) -M E E "O c O l- O C71T3 0) c o -o 4J O) 1. v^ OJ o. «/>■*-> , Q. O 'O ^ Ol -O 0) >< 1- i: ♦-> I- *-' t- ra 0) r- C TS dJ -D J U O I- u U r- t_J OJ -^ dl 0) i/l '"O — - CQ OQ O "O 1- -.- 1^ . U X O - 0) . o cnr— O lo ;_ C *♦- O ^ > o s QJ j:^ CT^-O U CTi QJ dj Gj o •— 3 I- ■^ Q. 3 >> c 0^ o -o o i_ o o -o C7»JD T3 ■o en OJ (U > 'C cr OJ QJ QJ a. u 1- o •- OJ o — ■■- o OJ ^ .— > s; 01 3 in lo 1/1 en CO o. !, ■1-' o £■- X) "O ;s — T3 <<- ta <-J t. o ^> CO 3 T3 OJ Q. CT C ■o o c -^ XJ •^ ^ u 1J O C ■!-> (T3 ■'- I- ■^ t. £ fa u *j 3 ^ O !»■— 3 3i 3 a u t: ■-i (/I ■'"3 -C h- E CD — o i- o CO u O OP cu E. ■»-> U -iJ « i- O 3 ID D. O X T3 U Oi o — OlTD 11 O *-> ,— 4_> u C o u •r- 3 -o m 01 -.- O OI 1/1 — ' c 1- o (D 01 Q.-0 3 c «n o o T3 -D "O ■-- ^ 01 OJ 01 w m =■ =■ =" ~ CL >> >. >1 u cn o c L^LS Numbers of Inocul'jr Species Animals (b' 1 1 ion/l-g) Route** Results Fishes Rainbow trout, black bullhead, yellow perch, mosquito fish 40 <0.01-4.5 TE negative Coho sa1nx)n juvenile 20 300-1800 TE toxicity at higher doses Birds Wild pheasant 9 3600 diet negative Partridge 2 5800 diet negative Cornish chick 190 0.2 diet negative Chick 48 300-1900 diet negative New Hampshire laying hen 16 ' 1000-3000 diet negative CocKeral , Van* .ress cross 60 480-15,500 diet negative Matmals Mouse 48 0.1-0.3 cells ip lethal dose, 50^ 48 0.04-2 cells sc lethal dose. 5C- 48 0.8-7.8 spores ip lethal dose. 5C% 48 20-160 spores sc lethal dose, 50°. 10 77 po negative 10 15 ip abdominal irri- tation, some deatn 10 20,000 ih neg* ti v(? Rat 10 200C po necati ve lo: 770C diet n0'-es, veae- tative cells, crystals, and wro'.r culture L-ol'i, un!'-: c.'^e-v. iSc- ':o: '• ■■•-•- Estimated body w^ign* n^: uSP'2 v.nji. ...;ti*" body v.ei'j'!". w,:s nc -. p'-o^ '.cieJ. 'PC per OS; id, intr.i; ■•'■ . lontM" ; ir, m^ia ' ; t ion ; s:, s-b:'jtare,)us, TE, lou' e^iposure; DA, j-ttoI c;:. 1 ;ca t iop . 86 Appendix 4. (from Ghassemi e_t al. 1981). SUMMARY OF IN VIVO TESTS CONTlUCTED TO EVALUATE SAFETY OF BACILLUS THmiNGIENSIS PREPARATIONS TO FISHES, BIRDS, AND MAMMALS Species Numbers of Animals Inoculum* (billion/kg) Route' Results Fishes Rainbow trout, black bullhead, yellow perch, mosquito fish Coho salmon juvenile Birds Wild pheasant Partridge Cornish chick Chick New Hampshire laying hen Cockeral , Vantress cross Maninals Mouse Rat Guinea pig Swine, duroc Human 40 <0.01-4.5 IE negative 20 300-1800 TE toxicity higher do at ses 9 3600 diet negative 2 5800 diet negative 190 0.2 diet negative 48 300-1900 diet negative 16 ■ 1000-3000 diet negative 60 480-15,800 diet negative 48 48 48 48 10 10 0.1-0.3 cells 0.04-2 cells 0.8-7.8 spores 20-160 spores 77 15 sc ip sc po ip lethal dose, 50' lethal dose, 50" lethal dose, 50*» lethal dose, 501 negative abdominal irri- 10 20.000 ih tation, death negative some 10 10C 20 2000 7700 0.01-1.0 po diet ip negative negative negative 10 10 10 77 40 4000 diet ip ip negative nega ti ve neaati ve 10 0.3 sc local i/ea reactio" 10 16 DA at injection s'te si ight rryincma on abraded skin 3 185 diet negative 18 0.2 po negative 5 0.02 ih negative •Viable spore count of wr.ole cult'jre preparation that included swes, vege- tative cells, crystals, and wnolc cultu-e broth, unl'?,s otnerv. iso :.:'ec 1 1 'l-J. Estimated body wignt «^: uspd '.-.ncn .-Otivo body ^-eiiiit was no: nrpvided. **PG, per OS; io, intr.M-?-- 1 tonea' ; in, inhalation; :c, ^..bcjtjr-cou'. . T[, loc^ical e;iposure; DA, oermai aci.'l ication. 87 I