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Z «“ Z / s. * rn ^ '^nrn^y m ^ *" m co ± co \ ± co i nvinoshims saiavaan libraries Smithsonian institution NoiimusNi nvino — ~ Z v- CO Z < ^ «< xS z Ay O /Ti CO ^ CO CO o O: 2 j> xjoiiis^z 2 CO z CO * z covz co 5 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVINOSHIMS S3 I HVHB 11 LIBRARIES SMITH co ~ _co — co “ CO t CO ./ X cc REVISION OF THE NORTHEAST ATLANTIC BATHYAL AND ABYSSAL NEOGASTROPODA EXCLUDING TURRIDAE (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA) PHILIPPE BOUCHET Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris and ANDERS WAREN Zoologiska Institutionen, Goteborg This supplement has been published with support from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council societA italiana di malacologia Bollettino Malacologico, Supplemento 1 Milano novembre 1985 S.I.M. - societA italiana di malacologia c/o Acquario Civico, viale Gadio 2, I - 20121 Milano La SIM e una Societa senza fini di lucro che si propone di incoraggia- re e diffondere lo studio dei molluschi continentali, marini e fossili con particolare riguardo a quelli italiani; inoltre si propone di favorire i rap- porti fra gli studiosi e gli appassionati di malacologia. La SIM pubblica le seguenti riviste: — BOLLETTINO MALACOLOGICO (Boll. Malacol.): mensile di circa 300 pp. per anno, inviato gratuitamente a tutti i soci in regola con le quote sociali. Titolo precedente: CONCHIGLIE dal vol. 1 (1965) al vol. 14 (1978). — NOTIZIARIO SIM: mensile di circa 200 pp. per anno, inviato gratuita¬ mente a tutti i soci in regola con le quote sociali. — LAVGRI DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MALACOLOGIA (Lavori SIM): volumi (a pagamento) contenenti gli Atti di simposi, congressi, con- vegni organizzati dalla SIM. Titolo precedente: LAVORI DELLA SOCIE¬ TA MALACOLOGICA ITALIANA ( Lavori SMI): dal vol. 1 (1964) al vol. 20 (1982). Per iscrizioni, informazioni, pubblicazioni arretrate, ecc., rivolgersi alia Segreteria della SIM, viale Gadio 2,20121 Milano. © 1985, The Authors & Societa Italiana di Malacologia Typesetting by Angus Graham Associates Ltd., Reading Printed in Italy by GRAFICHE ATA, Paderno Dugnano (Milano) Published november 1985 REVISION OF THE NORTHEAST ATLANTIC/ BATHYAL AND ABYSSAL NEOGASTROPODA ~ , EXCLUDING TURRIDAE (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA PHILIPPE BOUCHET Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris and ANDERS WAREN Zoologiska Institutionen, Goteborg This supplement has been published with support from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council This paper constitutes the second part of a monograph of the N.E. Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Gastropoda. Page and figure numbers in this volume follow numbers in the first volume. Part 1, covering the family Turridae, was published as J. Moll. Stud, sup¬ plement 8 (1980). Part. 3, covering the families Eulimidae, Aclididae and Epitoniidae, will also be published by Societa Italiana di Malacologia towards the end of 1985. societA italiana di malacologia Bollettino Malacologico, Supplemento 1 Milano novembre 1985 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 123 CONTENTS Contents . . . 123 Abstract . 124 Introduction and material . 125 Relocated species . . 125 Taxonomical part . 126 Muricidae . . 126 Coralliophilidae . 151 Nassariidae . . 158 Fasciolariidae . . 160 Columbellidae . 165 Buccinidae . . . 170 Olividae . . 249 Volutomitridae . 251 Turbinellidae . . 254 Cancellariidae . 257 Marginellidae . . 267 Acknowledgements . 276 References . . 277 Index . 286 Distribution of the species 294 124 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN ABSTRACT A revision of the deep sea neogastropods (excluding Turridae) is presented. The area surveyed covers the Atlantic N of 33° N, E of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, including the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea. Only species normally occurring below 300 m are included. All previously published material and unpublished material from the French, British and German deep sea programmes is included. The revision includes species of Muricidae, Coralliophilidae, Nassariidae, Fasciolaridae, Co- lumbellidae, Bucciniaae, Olividae, Volutomitridae, Turbinellidae, Cancellariidae and Marginellidae. About 385 names of the species category are discussed and reduced to 80 species. The new species Pterynotus atlantideus, Microvoluta superstes, Metzgeria gagei, Iphinopsis alba, I. fuscoapicata, Admete azorica, Volvarina ingolfi and Marginella aronnax are described. Buccinum sulca¬ tum Friele is renamed B. kjennerudae, Turrisipho lachesis var. bicarinata (Friele) is renamed T. voerin- gi and Colus ventricosus (Gray) is renamed C. terraenovae because of homonymy. RIASSUNTO La presente revisione dei Neogastropodi di grande profondita segue la revisione dei Turridae ba- tiali e abissali dell'Atlantico nord-orientale, pubblicata dagli stessi autori (1980). La regione esamina- ta comprende 1’Atlantico settentrionale a nord del 33° parallelo e a est della dorsale medio-oceanica, ivi compresi il Mediterraneo e il mare di Norvegia. Sono prese in considerazione solo le specie che vivono normalmente sotto i 300 m di profondita. La revisione si basa su tutto il materiale storico e sul materiale proveniente dai programmi di studio del benthos profondo francesi, britannici e tedeschi. In questo volume sono trattate le seguenti famiglie: Muricidae, Coralliophilidae, Nassariidae, Fasciolariidae, Columbellidae, Buccinidae, Olivi¬ dae, Volutomitridae, Turbinellidae, Cancellariidae e Marginellidae. Sono state discusse 385 denomi- nazioni di gruppo-specie con conseguente riduzione a 80 specie valide. Infine sono state istituite otto specie nuove e sono state proposte tre nuove denominazioni. Per quanto concerne la nomenclatura e la sistematica delle specie mediterranee si perviene alle seguenti conclusioni: 1. Trophon echinatus (Kiener, 1840) e il nome valido per la specie nota generalmente come Pago- dula vaginata e P. multilamellosa. Questa specie presenta un cline batimetrico: le popolazioni batiali atlantiche e mediterranee (-250 / -600 m) appartengoono alia forma grimaldii Dautzenberg & Fischer, caratterizzata da un maggior numero di lamelle assiali rispetto a quelle della piattaforma continen- tale. 2. Coralliophila squamosa (Bivona, 1838) e il nome valido per la specie nota come C. alucoides e C. squamulosa, entrambe pre-occupate. 3. Coralliophila lactuca Dali, 1889 e sinonimo di C. richardi (P. Fischer, 1882) che ha quindi prio¬ ri ta. 4. Nassarius frigens (v. Martens) ha distribuzione limitata all’Atlantico dell 'Africa tropicale e sub- tropicale. La presenza di Nassarius wolffi (Knudsen, 1956) in Mediterraneo resta da confermare. 5. Fusinus gigliolii (Monterosato, 1890) e da considerarsi come una forma di profondita, priva di valore tassonomico, di F. rostratus (Olivi, 1792). 6. Amphissa acutecostata (Philippi, 1844) e il nome valido della specie nota sotto il nome, pre- occupato, Amphissa costulata. 7. Il genere Colus e rappresentato in Mediterraneo solamente da C. jeffreysianus (Fischer, 1868). 8. Granulina Jousseaume, 1888 e il nome del genere valido per le piccole Marginellidae general¬ mente note sotto il nome Gibberulina e Cypraeolina. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 125 INTRODUCTION This revision forms part 2 in a series treating the NE Atlantic deep sea gastropod fauna. For the first part, see Bouchet & Waren (1980). The revision is based on all material we have been able to examine, from numerous sources, which are listed in part 1. For part 2 we have to a higher degree been able to base our work on material in Scandinavian museums, because much of the revision involves northern members of the family Buccinidae. Detailed information about this material can be found in Thorson (1941, 1944, 1951) and Friele & Grieg (1901). We have also been able to use a large supply of material from the Rockall Trough, collected by Dr John Gage from R.V. Challenger II. This material is now in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. A rich supply of NW Atlantic buccinids was collected by Dr J.C. Mahe, Institut Scientifique et Technique des Peches Maritimes, St Pierre & Miquelon, and put at our disposal. The material is now in MNHN. Several members of the Bologna group of the Unione Malacologica Italiana have contributed material of rare Mediterranean shelf species and fossil material from their private collections. Material from the French Seabed and Walvis expeditions has also been used. The area investigated by these expeditions is to the south of the area we have covered, but the material was useful for comparisons. It is now in MNHN. Abbreviations are listed in part 1 . SPECIES REFERRED TO TAX A NOT TREATED IN THIS PART Sipho leptaleus Verrill, 1884:175, pi. 31, fig. 14. We have examined the holotype (USNM 202879), from off Martha’s Vineyard, 810 m (off the NE US), and it proved to be a turrid, probably a species of Ta ranis. Nassa nigrolabra Verrill, 1880:371, from off Martha’s Vineyard, 280 m. We have examined the holotype and it is a larval shell, probably of a cymatiid. Trophon maclaini (Dali, 1902), described from off Greenland, does not belong to Trophon, but was based on a species of Oenopota (Turridae). We have examined the holotype, USNM 126 194, and it must have been a slip of the pen when Dali placed it in Boreotrophon. 126 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Family MURICIDAE Among the muricids, it is the genus Trophon that constitutes the largest group below the continental shelf in the NE Atlantic. This seems to be the case also in other seas. Other genera are represented by scattered species of groups normally inhabiting shallow water or the continental shelf. Trophon on the contrary extends from shallow to deep water in high northern or southern areas, while in intermediate latitudes it is restricted to deep water. Genus TROPHON Montfort, 1810 Type species: Murex magellanicus Gmelin, 1791 , by original designation. Several generic names have been proposed for the species we include in Trophon viz.: Trophonopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882. Type species: Murex muricatus Montagu, 1803, by original designation. Boreotrophon P. Fischer, 1884. Type species: Murex clathratus Linne, 1758, by monotypy. Pagodula Monterosato, 1884. Type species: Murex carinatus Bivona, 1832 (= Murex vaginatus De Cristofori & Jan, 1832), by monotypy. Pinon De Gregorio, 1885. Type species: Pinon vaginatus Philippi (sic!), by original designation. Chalmon De Gregorio, 1885. Type species: Chalmon muricatus (Montagu) by original designation. Pinon and Chalmon are thus objective synonyms of Pagodula and Trophonopsis respectively. There are, however, some doubts whether the Recent or the fossil species known under the name Trophon vaginatus should be considered the type species. Recent workers on the genus (Radwin & D’Attilio, 1976; Vokes, 1976; Houart, 1981) have advocated a separation of the southern species usually included in Trophon and the northern ones, which they place in Boreotrophon and Pagodula. (Houart also used the genera Nodulotrophon Habe & Ito, 1965 and Nipponotrophon Kuroda & Habe, 1971 for some NE Atlantic species.) We have examined radulae and opercula of the type species, T. magellanicus, and of all the NE Atlantic species and are not able to separate them into different groups. The species are so variable that they will usually fit equally well into two or more “genera”. It is only T. fabricii that to some degree stands out from the others, by its strongly-shouldered whorls and strong spirabsculpture. It also has a radula that is proportionally longer in relation to the height of the shell. The significance of these characters can, however, not be evaluated until they are known for many more species of the group. The separation of the S American Trophon from the N Atlantic genera has been made only on the basis of unspecified differences in shell morphology and on the grounds that SE American Trophon should have a “purpuroid” operculum, while the NE Atlantic species should have a “muricoid” operculum (Radwin & D’Attilio, 1976, Vokes, 1976). We have figured the operculum of Trophon geversianus and some NE Atlantic species for comparison (Figs 319-327) and although there is a difference in strength of the concentric ridges, this (or any other difference) is not sufficient to divide the S American and NE Atlantic species into two groups. In a comparison of opercula, T. fabricii again stands out, by having a much more distinct pattern. (It should be noticed that opercula of young Trophon are paucispiral cf. Fig. 322.) Comparison of the radulae did not reveal anything except details in the proportions of the cusps (Figs 329-332), differences insufficient to warrant separation. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 127 Neither was a separation based on shell characters possible. Strebel (1905) in his treatment of the S American Trophon shows very well the variation in shell morphology of the genus, from the large, stout forms like geversianus to species like laciniatus (Dillwyn, 1817) that in shell morphology agree well with our NE Atlantic species like T. clathratus. The only remaining difference between the S American and NE Atlantic species (pointed out by Thorson (1946), and to us in a letter by E. Vokes) is the egg capsules. Thorson (1940, 1946) reported that the capsules of T. truncatus and T. clathratus were planoconcavely lens-shaped, with a few embryos, and attached by the flat side to some hard substratum. Jeffreys (1867) described similar egg capsules in T. muricatus. Strebel (1905 & 1920) and Penchaszadeh (1976) reported those of T. geversianus and two other S American species to be lens-shaped and attached by a short broad stalk from the edge. It is impossible to understand what this difference means taxonomically, especially as the spawn is known for very few species. Because of this absence of distinguishing characters we have decided to use Trophon, to include all the NE Atlantic species. The species of Trophon are unusually variable (easily seen from the long lists of synonyms) and it may seem possible to arrange a clade connecting all the different forms if one uses specimens from many different localities. We have, however, found it possible to distinguish nine species (possibly only eight), by the characters listed below. These nine (eight?) species have been examined from all or large parts of their geographic and bathymetric distribution. They typically exhibit a variation from strongly-shouldered and spiny specimens, to more slender forms with weak sculpture (cf. Figs 286-287, 309-312). This variation is usually correlated with a depth or geographical cline, but one can also find local populations with a unique appearance. Two exceptions from this are T. dabneyi and T. droueti, which are fairly constant. A lower degree of variation is consistent with their biology. T. dabneyi is the only NE Atlantic species with planktotrophic larvae, which possibly leads to less local variation and T. droueti is restricted to the continental slopes around the Azores. Distinctive characters of the species Trophon fabricii is an arctic shallow-water species with very distinct spiral sculpture, strongly- shouldered whorls, rather thick and solid axial ribs and usually a crenulated outer lip. Trophon dabneyi has a yellowish, large larval shell of more than two whorls, slender, rounded whorls and low, never spiny ribs. It is a decidedly bathyal species that is never found on the shelf. Trophon droueti has a low spire, rather solid shell, and a thickened flaring outer lip with internal crenulations. It is known from the bathyal area of the Azores. Trophon truncatus is an arctic shallow-water species with rather slender and rounded whorls, rounded larval shell, no spiral sculpture and low, crowded axial lamellae that never form spiny projections. Trophon clathratus is an arctic shallow-water species with a distinctly angulated larval whorl, high, sparse axial ribs that often form spiny projections from the rather low and convex whorls. No spiral sculpture. Trophon clavatus is a boreal species occurring in intermediate depths. It resembles T. clathratus, but has a rounded larval shell and is half the size of T. clathratus. It may have some indication of spiral sculpture, but lacks it normally. Specimens from shallow water often are quite slender, compared with T. clathratus. Trophon barvicensis is a boreal species, possibly reaching the Mediterranean. The shell is greyish to whitish, rather slender, with distinct spiral ribs that give the axial lamellae a fringed appearance. Young specimens may have spiny projections from the lamellae, but we have not seen them in full- grown ones. 128 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Trophon muricatus is a rather southern species, reaching northwards to S Great Britain. It usually has a fairly solid, brownish or reddish shell, strong spiral ribs, low and solid axial ribs and a quite slender shape. Trophon echinatus is an extremely variable, southern species that occurs from fairly shallow (100 m) down to the lower bathyal. In shallow water the shell is semitransparent and of a glassy structure, in deep water more chalky. The most characteristic feature is the long slender siphonal canal and distinctly shouldered whorls. Shallow-water specimens lack spiral sculpture, while it is well developed in specimens from deep water. Shallow-water specimens have very well-developed spiny projections from the axial ribs, but they may be lacking in specimens from deep water. Trophon truncatus (StrOm, 1768) Figs 282-283 Buccinum truncatum StrOm, 1768:369, fig. 26. Trophon truncatus vars alba & scalaris Jeffreys, 1867:320. Trophon truncatus var. abbreviata MOrch, 1869:195. Trophon truncatus var. major BrPgger, 1901:654 (1900:50). Trophon (Boreotrophon) truncatus var. intermedia Harmer, 1918:350, pi. 36, fig. 24. Trophon (Boreotrophon) clathratus var. attenuata Harmer, 1918:351, pi. 36, figs 7-8. Trophon (Boreotrophon) clathratus var. exilis Harmer, 1918:352, pi. 36, figs 9-1Q. Type material: T. truncatus, lost. Type locality: T. truncatus, N Norway. Material examined : Several hundred shells from all parts of its distribution in the N Atlantic (SMNH, ZMC, MNHN, USNM, coll. AW). Distribution: N Atlantic coastal areas; Parts of Ireland and Scotland (Seaward, 1982), the Kattegat, absent in the Skagerrak and W Norway, common in N Norway (G.O. Sars 1878), the Faroes, Iceland and Greenland (Sparck & Thorson, 1933; Thorson, 1941, 1944, 1951), NE America S to George’s Bank (off Massachusetts) (Abbott 1974). The depths are normally 3 — 150 m, although Golikov (1964) has recorded it from 950 m. Probably panarctic. Remarks: T. truncatus has often been considered a variety or form of T. clathratus, but we consider it a good species. It can be distinguished by its more evenly convex whorls, more numerous axial lamellae and rounded protoconch, from T. clathratus, which has a distinctly angulated initial whorl. Neither does it have any tendencies to form spiny processes from the ribs as clathratus. The specimens figured by Houart (1981, pi. 6, figs 9-10) as Boreotrophon sp. are large specimens of T. truncatus. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 129 Trophon clathratus (Linne, 1767) Figs 284, 285, 325-326 Murex clathratus Linne, 1767:1223. Buccinum lyratum Gmelin, 1790:3494. Buccinum lamellatum Gmelin, 1790:3498. Murex bamffius Donovan, 1804: pi. 169. Fusus costatus Hisinger, 1837:43 (not Philippi, 1836). {Fide Hagg, 1925). Fusus lamellosus Gray, 1839:118, pi. 36, fig. 13 (not Borson, 1821). Fusus scalariformis Gould, 1840:197. Tritonium gunneri Loven, 1846:144. Tritonium clathratum f. normalis, elatior, ventricosa Middendorff, 1849:455-457. Tritonium rossi Leach (MS?) Morch, 1858:85. Trophon richardsoni Gray (MS?) Morch, 1869:21. Trophon clathratus var. grandis Morch, 1869:21 . Trophon cepula Sowerby , 1880:61 , pi. 404 fig. 14, pi. 405 fig. 27 (replacement name for Fusus lamellosus Gray). Trophon clathratus var. intermedius, maximus Verkriizen, 1881 : 84-85. Trophon gunneri var. coddi Harmer, 1918:353. Type material T. clathratus , in the Linnean Society, London. Type locality T. clathratus , Icelandic Seas. Material examined: Several hundred shells and specimens from the Swedish west coast (glacial fossils), N Norway, Spitzbergen, Iceland and Greenland (ZMC, SMNH, coll. AW). Distribution: Arctic circumpolar in coastal waters and on the continental shelf. It reaches south to the New England area (Macpherson, 1971), E and W Greenland (Thorson, 1951), Iceland (Oskarsson, 1962), the Faroes (Sparck & Thorson, 1933) and Lofoten (N Norway) (G.O. Sars, 1878). The bathymetric distribution is 4.5 m (Macpherson, 1971) to about 300 m. Remarks: Thorson (1940) described the reproduction. The species has direct development and lens¬ shaped egg capsules. Some attention should, however, be paid to the fact that Oenopota elegans (Turridae) has a very similar larval shell, and we are not aware how Thorson, who identified the capsules from the shells of the embryos, could distinguish between these two species. We have listed Fusus lamellosus Gray as a synonym of T. clathratus . This is not certain, but this will not affect any other name, because the name is preoccupied. We have not examined any Pacific material of T. clathratus , but the names based on such material are all younger than that of Linne, so they will not change it, if they should prove to be based on the same species. The distribution mentioned under that heading is much more arctic than is usually found in the literature. This is because we have distinguished the southern deep-water populations as a distinct species, T. clavatus. For a comparison with that species see p. 130. Some Icelandic specimens seem to have a more rounded protoconch than the typical arctic form, but the specimens are quite worn. Their shells, however, are typical for the arctic form. This point should be examined when better material becomes available. 130 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Trophon clavatus G.O. Sars, 1878 Figs 286-290, 322-324, 331, 339 Trophon clavatus G.O. Sars, 1878: 249, pi. 15, fig. 12; pi. 23, fig. 14. Type material: Lectotype and 2 paralectotypes, ZMO D1396 a and b, selected by Houart (1981). Type locality: Lofoten, N Norway, 200-360 m. Material examined: Several thousand specimens from SW Norway and the Swedish west coast, 50 — 500 m, coll. AW; THOR 1903, S of Iceland, probably 1000 m, 3 shs; THOR 1904, st 99, 61° 15 N,09°35 W, 900 m, 1 spm; INGOLF st 90, 64°45 N, 29°06 W, 1000 m, 2 shs; INGOLF st 78, 60°37 N, 27°52 W, 1505 m 1 sh. Distribution: Uncertain, known with certainty only from the material examined, and some specimens determined by G.O. Sars (1878). Remarks: We have decided to keep this species or form separate from T clathratus, as did Houart (1981), although other authors have united it with J. clathratus. The distribution is incompletely known because of this 'Tumping”, but probably some specimens referred to T. clathratus by Sykes (1911) and Massy (1930) from off NW Scotland and Ireland will prove to belong to clavatus. T. clavatus is very common off the W coast of Norway and Sweden, in 50 — 500 m, often together with T. barvicensis (cf. that species), but it seems to be very rare elsewhere. The reasons why we have decided to distinguish between the two species are: 1 . T. clavatus has a distinctly rounded larval shell while that of typical T. clathratus has a distinctly angulated periphery. 2. In Norway typical T. clathratus is restricted to Lofoten and northwards, in 20 — 90 m (G.O. Sars, 1878). This is the large form with angulated larval shell. Further to the south we find the smaller form, with rounded larval shell, and then usually below 100 m with its main distribution between 200 and 500 m. 3. In Iceland typical T. clathratus is common, mainly off the N and NW coasts, in 11 — 260 m (Thorson, 1941; Oskarsson, 1962). It has not been recorded deeper. We have, however, found some specimens in ZMC (see above) from 900 — 1500 m. These belong to the same form as we find in deep water in Scandinavia, although they have a tendency to be still more spiny (Fig. 286). 4. In the Faroes typical T. clathratus is known from 8 — 50 m (Sparck & Thorson, 1933). The clavatus form is not known from there. 5. T. clathratus in its typical form is common along the coasts of Greenland and E Canada, S to Maine, in shallow water (30 100 m, Verrill, 1882), while in deep water we find Trophon abyssorum Verrill, 1885, with a more southern distribution. The clavatus form is not known here. Therefore we suppose that two species, (or at least subspecies) have been confused; the more or less panarctic T. clathratus » and T. clavatus with a rather restricted distribution in the NE Atlantic. G.O. Sars (1878) was not aware of this when he described T. clavatus , because he used the name for some extremely large specimens with a typical appearance, while he regarded the S Scandinavian specimens from deep water as a small form of T. clathratus. As our figures illustrate, T. clavatus is quite variable. Some specimens resemble T. barvicensis closely, but we have noticed this only in young specimens, when sometimes T. barvicensis has a poorly-developed sculpture and T. clavatus may show some undulations in the axial lamellae. We have never had any difficulties in separating half-grown or larger specimens. Neither have we had any problems separating T. clavatus from T. clathratus, but that may be because we have not been able to examine more than a few specimens from areas where both species occur. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 131 Trophon barvicensis (Johnston, 1825) Figs 291-296, 341 Fusus barvicensis Johnston, 1825:221. Type material : Not known. Type locality: Near Berwick, NE England. Material examined: Several thousand specimens from S Norway and the Swedish W coast, coll. AW; a few hundred shells and specimens from the British Isles, the French W coast and Iceland, MNHN, USNM, ZMC; some doubtful specimens from the Mediterranean, private collections, MNHN, USNM; off Morocco, a few shells, MNHN. Distribution : From W Finmark, N Norway (G.O. Sars, 1878), Iceland (Thorson, 1941), southwards on the shelf and in coastal waters to off Morocco (Locard, 1897), where it occurs in the upper bathyal zone. Remarks: T, barvicensis is often very common on the shelf off S Norway, where it occurs together with T. clavatus in large numbers. Some young specimens may then be difficult to distinguish from that species, but they are quite rare and can be separated by having a microsculpture of scattered tubercles on the protoconch, while T. barvicensis has these tubercles arranged in lines. We have not seen any unquestionable Mediterranean specimens. Some specimens reported on by Di Geronimo & Panetta (1973) and Franchini & Frilli (1970), determined as T. richardi, resemble T. barvicensis closely, but we have seen all interrmediates between these specimens and T. muricatus from closely-situated localities. (Similar observations have been made by Chaster (1898) and Chaster & Heathcote (1894) in the British Isles.) Therefore we are not certain if T, barvicensis lives in the Mediterranean. The question arises that T. barvicensis may be only a deep-water form of T. muricatus, an assumption that is supported by the doubts expressed by Chaster (1898). However, in Scandinavia barvicensis occurs more shallowly, from 50 m, thus occupying depths where muricatus should be expected, yet barvicensis does not change form. The problem can, however, not be considered settled. Some specimens from the Azores ( Trophon sp., p. 131, Fig. 297) resemble T. barvicensis closely, but have more convex larval whorls, they are more spiny and occasionally have a coloured shell. This may be a local form of barvicensis, but because of the differences mentioned above and the geographical separation, we prefer to keep it separate, at least until we know if T. barvicensis occurs on any of the intermediate sea-mounts. Trophon sp. Fig. 297 Material examined: BIACORES st 84,38°58 N, 28°03 W, 190 — 220 m, 2 spms; st 90, 39°04 N, 28°07 W, 205 — 210 m, 1 sh; st 159, 37°26 N, 25°51 W, 525 — 600 m, 1 spm. Remarks: We have only seen four specimens of this form of Trophon, all from the Azores. It differs from T. droueti, which occurs in the same area and the same depths, by being more slender and having stronger projecting spines on the shoulder of the whorls. We have not seen any intermediates between the two. There is a possibility that this is a form of barvicensis, but as nothing is known about the occurrence of barvicensis on the sea-mounts between the Azores and Europe, it cannot be discussed. 132 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 282-290. Genus Trophon. 282, T. truncatus, TromsO area, 8 m, 10.2 mm. 283, T. truncatus, Godhavn, Greenland, 50-100 m, apex 1.3 mm. 284, T. clathratus, TromsO area, 8 m, 6.8 mm. 285, same sample, apex 1.1 mm. 286, T. clavatus, THOR 1904 st 99 (61° 15 N, 09°35 W, 900 m), 1 1.2 mm. 287, T. clavatus, off Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 240-250 m, 7.8 mm. 288, T. clavatus, Sacken, Swedish west coast, 13.9 mm. 289 and 290, T. clavatus, Bergen area, 285-290 m, apex 0.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC' N HOG ASTRO POD A 133 Figs 291-297. Genus Trophon. 291, T. barvicensis, Sacken, Swedish west coast, 10.9 mm. 292, T. barvicensis, THALASSA st Z428 (48°27 N, 10°50 W, 850 m), 17.1 mm. 293, T. barvicensis, THALASSA st Y378 (41 °31 N, 09° 16 W, 1000 m), 9.05 mm. 294, T. barvicensis, Bergen area, 240-250 m, 4.7 mm. 295 and 296, T. barvicensis, Bergen area, 322-330 m, apex 0.6 mm. 297, T. sp., BIACORES st 84, 9.5 mm. 134 P. BO U CHET & A. WAREN Trophon muricatus (Montagu, 1803) Figs 298-301,342 Mur ex muricatus Montagu, 1803:262. Fusus asperrimus Leach in Brown. 1827: pi. 47, fig. 2. Fusus cancellatus Bivona, 1838:14 (not Sowerby, 1826 or Valenciennes, 1832). Trophon muricatus var. lactea Jeffreys, 1867:317. Fusus longurio Weinkauff, 1866:244, pi. 5, fig. 4. Trophon breviatus Jeffreys, 1882:426. Trophon muricatus var. aspera Monterosato MS, Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882:40. Trophonopsis curta Locard, 1892:109 (partim). Trophonopsis muricatus var. minor Locard, 1897:349. Trophon breviatus var. striata & var. lactea Milaschewitsch, 1916:105, pi. 3 figs 51-53. Trophonopsis muricatus albinus Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977:7. Trophonopsis muricatus major Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977:7. Type material: T. muricatus , not examined; T. longurio, holotype USNM 192693; T. breviatus, syntypes USNM 192695. Type locality: T. muricatus, Salcombe Bay, G.B; T. longurio, Alger; T. breviatus, off the mouth of the Danube, Black Sea. Material examined: The types ennumerated above and a few hundred shells from all parts of the distribution area USNM, BMNH, MNHN, coll. AW. Distribution: European coastal areas, from Great Britain south to the Mediterranean and Morocco, in 20 — 300 m. Remarks: Several authors (Franchini & Frilli, 1970; Houart, 1981) have recently synonymized T. barvicensis and T. muricatus. As we have discussed under T. barvicensis we do not find the evidence for this convincing enough. We have seen samples with the two forms occurring sympatrically, from the Bay of Biscay and N Morocco, from 120-200m. We have, however, also seen samples where it seems impossible to distinguish the two (e.g. from the Adriatic, coll. G. Spada, Bologna). The Mediterranean material we have seen has been insufficient to ascertain whether barvicensis really occurs in the Mediterranean and the problems are caused by a higher variability of muricatus there, or if they really integrade. The latter seems to be supported by Chaster’s (1898) observation that they intergrade in the British Isles, but contradicted by our observations from other areas. Therefore we prefer to leave the question open and treat them as two species. Jeffreys (1867), Lebour (1936) and Fioroni (1966) have described the egg capsules, which are lens¬ shaped and attached to some hard substratum. The Black Sea form, breviatus, is probably worth subspecific status. It has been figured by Houart (1981) and Waren (1980). NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NTOdASTROPODA 135 Figs 298-301. Trophon muricatus. 298. Middle Adriatic. 100 m. 3.9 mm. 299 and 300 same sample, apices 870 /xm and 970 /xm. 301 . Specimen figured by Jeffreys ;n British Conchology. '9.5 mm. Trophon fabricii (Beck in Moller, 1842) Figs 302-303, 320-321, 332 Tritonium craticulatum Fabricius, 1780:401 (not Linne, 1767). Trophon fabricii Beck in Moller, 1842:87. Mu rex borealis Reeve, 1845: sp. 145. Trophon heuglini Morch. 1876:368. Trophon interstriatus Sowerby, 1880:61, pi. 1, fig. 6. Type material: T. fabricii, lectotype, here selected, in ZMC (Fig. 302); T. borealis, holotype in BMNH. Type locality: S Greenland. Material examined : The type material of fabricii and borealis and about 100 specimens and shells from all parts of the distribution area. Distribution: NE America from Maine and northwards (Abbott, 1974), E and W Greenland (Thorson, 1944, 1951), Iceland (Thorson, 1944), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915) and possibly N Norway (Sars, 1878). It has been found in 6 — 160 m. Remarks: T. fabricii is not a deep-water species, but has been included to complete the genus. It is the most characteristic of the species of Trophon discussed here and should not cause any problems with determination (cf. introduction to Trophon ). 136 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Trophon droueti Dautzenberg, 1889 Figs 306-307, 340 Trophon droueti Dautzenberg, 1889:37, pi. 2, fig. 1. Trophon richardi Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896:438, pi. 18, fig. 6. Trophon droueti var. elongata Locard, 1897:351. Type material : T. droueti, holotype, now partly destroyed by an acid glass tube in MOM; T. richardi, holotype in MOM. Type locality: T. droueti, MONACO st 1 12, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m; T. richardi, MONACO st 234, 39°02 N, 27°55 W, 454 m. Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 198, 38°26 N, 28°39 W, 800 m, 1 sh; st 203, 39°27 N, 30°55 W, 1557 m, 1 sh; st 233, 38°33 N, 28°09 W, 1300 m, 18 shs; st 553, 37°43 N, 25°05 W, 1385 m, 3 shs; st 703, 39°21 N, 31 °06 W, 1360 m, 2 shs; st 1349, 38°35 N, 28°06 W, 1250 m, 15 shs; st 2450 (probably erroneous st-number), 1 sh; TALISMAN dr 127, 38°38 N, 28°21 W, 1257 m, 4 shs; BIACORES st 46, 37°34 N, 28°54 W, 784 m, 1 spm; st 148, 37°34 N, 25°34 W, 870 m, 1 spm; st 157, 37°33 N, 25°43 W, 787-826 m, 1 spm; st 240, 37°35 N. 25° 32 W. 810 m. 1 spm; st 241. 37°37 N. 25° 32 W, 395-463 m. 1 sh. Distribution: Endemic to the bathyal area of the Azores; known only from the material examined. Remarks: As already noticed by Houart (1981) the name richardi ( = droueti) has recently been used by Mediterranean authors for shelf populations of T. muricatus or T. banicensis. T. droueti can be distinguished from these populations by its broader outlines and its aperture, furnished with denticles on the inside of the outer lip. The development of spines from the axial lamellae is variable in the two forms and cannot be used for separation. There is, however, some possibility that T. droueti should be considered only an isolated population or subspecies of barvicensis, which certainly is its closest relative. At present nothing is known about the occurrence of barvicensis or droueti on the sea-mounts between the Azores and Europe, which prohibits further speculation on the relationship. Trophon dabneyi Dautzenberg, 1889 Figs 304-305, 319, 334 Trophon dabneyi Dautzenberg, 1889:36, pi. 2, fig. 7. Trophon deeoratus Locard, 1897:340, pi. 17, fig. 5-11, and var. minor Locard, 1897:341; var. lanceolata Locard, 1897:345. Type material: T. dabneyi, holotype in MOM; T. deeoratus, syntypes in MNHN. Type locality: T. dabneyi, MONACO st 1 12, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m; T. deeoratus, TALISMAN dr 127, 38°38 N, 28°21 W, 1257 m. Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 184, 40° 05 N, 27°28 W, 1850 m, 5 shs; st 213, 39°23 N, 31 °25 W, 1384 m, 2 shs; st 224, 39°44 N, 31°06 W, 1213 m, 2 shs; st 233, 38°33 N, 28°09 W, 1300 m, 3 shs; st 624, 38°57 N, 28°19 W, 2102 m, 2 shs; st 684, 38°20 N, 28°05 W, 1550 m, 1 sh; st 698,39°11 N, 30°45 W, 1846 m, 2 shs; st 702. 39°21 N, 31 °06 W. 1360 m, 1 sh; st 719, 39° 1 1 N,30°24W. 1600 m. 6 shs; st 738, 37°40N, 26°26 W, 1919 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; st 1190, 15° 14 N, 23°04 W, 628 m, 1 sh; st 1193, 15° 17 N, 23°02 W, 1311 m, 1 sh; st 1209, 16°34 N, 23°03 W, 1447 m, 1 sh; st 1331, 38°40 N, 26°01 W, 1805 m, 4 shs; st 1344, 38°45 N, 28°08 W, 1095 m. 2 shs; st 1349. 38°35 N. 28°06 W, 1250 m, 2 shs; st 3150. 38°01 N. 25°21 W, 1740 m. 1 sh; NORATLANTE st B19, 47°28 N, 08°25 W, 2149 m, 1 spm; THALASSA st Z 453, 48°34 N, 10°51 W, 1975-2070 m, 2 spms; BIACORES st 36, 38° 1 1 N, 29°39 W, 2670 m, 1 spm; st 66, 38°34 N, 28° 19 W, 1225 m, 1 spm; st 95, 39°03 N. 28°25 W. 2440 m, 3 spms; st 179, 38°05 N, 25°46 W, 1590 m. 12 spms; st 191 , 37°56 N. 24°49 W. 1650-1750 m, 2 spms; st 217. 37°05 N, 24°52 W, 1735 m, 2 spms; st 227, 37°10 N, 25°19 W, 2160 m. 1 spm; st 252, 47°35 N, 08°47 W, 2550-2700 m, 3 spms; BIOGAS st CV6, 47°31 N, 08° 16 W, 2200 m, 3 spms; st CV9, 47°31 N, 08° 44 W, 2199 m, 1 spm; st CV 10, 47°31 N, 08°41W, 2108 m, 2 spms; st CV 39, 47°33 N, 08°45 W, 2350 m, 2 spms; st CP 1, 47°35 N, 08°38 W, 2245 m, 4 spms; st CP 33, 47°43 N, 08°48 W, 2115 m, 1 spm; st CP 34, 47°32 N, 08°23 W, 1970 m, 1 spm; st DS 15, 47°35 N, 08°40 W, 2246 m, 1 spm; st DS 17, 47°32 N, 08°45 W, 2103 m, 2 shs; st DS 65, 47°36 N, 08°40 W, 2360 m, 2 spms; st DS 71, 47°34 N, 08°34 W, 2194 m, 2 shs; THOR, 49°27 N, 13°33 W, 2100 m, 2 shs, ZMC. Distribution: The bathyal parts of the Eastern Atlantic, from the northern part of the Bay of Biscay to the Cape Verde Islands and Azores. Remarks: T. dabneyi can be recognized from its multispiral, brownish larval shell which indicates planktotrophic larval development. It is the only species, in the area studied, with such larvae. The protoconch, however, is frequently corroded in adult specimens and the species becomes difficult to distinguish from T. echinatus (the cossmanni “form”). Distinctive characters then, are the more blunt spire, less distinct spiral sculpture and less shouldered axial lamellae in T. dabneyi. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 137 Trophon echinatus (Kiener, 1840) Figs 308-318, 333, 335-338 Murex vaginatus of authors on Recent Mollusca, not de Cristofori & Jan, 1832: 1 1 (fossil). Murex carinatus of authors on Recent Mollusca, not Bivona, 1832:23, pi. 3, fig. 12 (fossil) (non Murex carinatus Pennant, 1777, or Fischer de Waldheim, 1807 or Laskey, 1811). Fusus echinatus Kiener, 1840:19, pi. 2, fig. 27. Murex multilamellosus of authors on Recent Mollusca, not Philippi, 1844:182, pi. 27, fig. 8 (fossil). Trophon carinatus Jeffreys, 1883:395, pi. 44, fig. 4 (non Murex carinatus Bivona, 1832 which is a Trophon). Trophon grimaldii Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896:439, pi. 18, figs 1-2. Pagodula carinata var. tenuis and var. cinara Monterosato, 1884:116. Trophonopsis carinatus var . major, var. elongata, var. depressa, var. spinosa and var. mutica Locard, 1897:346. Trophonopsis varicosissimus var. major Locard, 1897:350. Trophon cossmani Locard, 1897:342, pi. 17, figs 12-14. Trophon deversus Locard, 1897:343, pi. 17, figs 15-17. Trophonopsis carinatus aculeatus Settepassi, 1977:4, pi. 3, figs 24-28. Trophonopsis carinatus multiaculeatus Settepassi, 1977:4, pi. 3, fig. 41 . Trophonopsis carinatus hirtus St ttepassi, 1977:4, pi. 2, figs 17-18. Type material: F. echinatus, not found in MNHN; T. carinatus, holotype in USNM; T. grimaldii, holotype in MOM; T. cossmanni and T. deversus, holotypes in MNHN. Type locality: F. echinatus, coasts of Sicily; T. carinatus, TRITON st 13, 59°51 N, 08° 18 W, 1050 m; T. cossmanni, TALISMAN dr 99, 17° 12 N, 17°07 W, 1617 m; T. deversus, TALISMAN dr 130, 37°55 N, 27° 02 W, 2235 m. Material examined: The type material mentioned and about one hundred specimens and shells from the Mediterranean (inch 6 shs and spms from the Eastern Basins), from depths between 100 and 650 m. From the Atlantic we have seen about 80 specimens and shells from the Southern Bay of Biscay, Iberian Coasts and Morocco, from 175 — 1000 m. From greater depths we have examined: TRAVAILLEUR 1880 dr 10, 43°39 N, 03°28 W, 1960 m, 1 sh; 1881 dr 31 , 36°27 N, 08°03 W, 1383 m, 1 sh; 1882 dr 16, 42°48 N, 08°37 W, 627 m. 1 sh; dr 19, 41 °32 N, 08°21 W, 1350 m, 2 spms; dr 40, 33°09N, 08°38 W, 1900 m, 4 spm + shs; TALISMAN dr 99, 1 spm; dr 130, 2 spms; NORATLANTE st Bl, 55°08 N, 15° 11 W, 2215-2233 m, 2 spms; st B12, 36°21 N, 08°43 W, 2875 m, 1 spm; st B16, 45°35 N, 03°51 W, 3950-4150 m, 2 spms; B1ACORES st 202, 37°26 N, 25°00 W, 2900 m, 10 spms; st 206, 37°21 N, 25°28 W, 2090 m, 6 spms; st 235, 37° 18 N, 25°32 W, 2085-2115 m, 5 spms; st 252, 47°35 N, 08°47 W, 2550-2700 m, 1 sh; BIOGAS st DS86, 44° 05 N, 04° 19 W, 1950 m, 1 sh; INCAL st DS01, 58°OON, 10°40 W, 2091 m, 1 sh; st DS06, 56°26 N, 11 MOW, 2494 m, 1 sh; st CP01, 57°57 N, 10°55 W, 2068 m, 1 spm; st CP02, 57°58 N, 10°43 W, 2091 m, 1 spm; st CP03, 56°38 N, 1 1 °06 W, 2466 m, 2 shs; st CP04, 56°33 N, 1 1 0 1 1 W, 2483 m, 2 spms; st CP07, 55°03 N, 12°46 W, 2895 m, 1 spm; THALASSA st X336, 44° 11 N, 05° 10 W, 1850-2050 m, 1 sh; st X339, 44° 10 N, 04°30 W, 1520-1600 m, 1 spm, 2 shs; st X362, 44°06 N, 04°51 W, 585-600 m, 1 sh; st Y374, 41 °31 N,09°20W, 1250 m, 2 shs; st Y401 , 40°37 N, 09°21 W, 1040 m, 3 shs; st Z409, 47°43 N, 08°04 W, 1035-1080 m, 1 sh; st Z428, 48°27 N, 10°50 W, 850 m, 1 sh; st Z435, 48°40 N, 09°53 W, 1050 m, 2 shs; SARSIA st 7612, 43°44 N, 03°41 W, 1540-1570 m, 5 spms; st 7614, 43°43 N, 03°38 W, 1 100 m, 1 sh; st 7622, 43°44 N, 03°43 W, 1600 m, 1 sh; st 7627, 43°47 N, 03°46 W, 1925-1990 m, 9 spm + shs; METEOR st 36/16-17-99, 21 °37 N, 18°41 W, 2768-2971 m, 1 spm. Distribution: The continental shelf of the Mediterranean and the E Atlantic north to the Bay of Biscay (typical echinatus ), and the continental slopes of the same area and north to the Rockall Trough (Houart, 1981 as T. cossmanni and Nodulotrophon scolopax ) ( cossmanni “form”). Also present in the bathyal zone of the Azores {cossmanni “form”). 138 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Remarks on the nomenclature The present species is usually known as Trophon vaginatus (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832), as far as specimens from the shelf are concerned. We have examined the lectotype in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano. It was described as a Pliocene fossil from Tabiano, N. Italy. It is certainly quite similar to the Recent Mediterranean form (Fig. 314 and Pinna, 1971, pi. 77, fig. 6), but there is a distinct difference in the larval shell, which in the Recent form consists of about 1 .5 whorls (Fig. 316) while the Pliocene form has more than 2.5 whorls (Fig. 315), and possibly had planktotrophic larval development. This observation was confirmed by examining numerous specimens from other N Italian Pliocene deposits (in the rich collection of Della Bella). We therefore consider the Recent form specifically distinct from the Pliocene fossil. The two subsequent names Murex carinatus Bivona, 1832 and Murex calcar Scacchi, 1836 which have been used for the Recent Mediterranean form, are both based on N Italian Pliocene specimens and also preoccupied, and thus not available. Fusus echinatus Kiener, 1840 was based on Recent specimens and well figured. There are no doubts about its identity. The case is, however, complicated by Sowerby’s (1818) use of the name Murex echinatus. Sowerby’s species was transferred to Fusus by Fleming (1828) and Philippi (1836) and is in fact a synonym of Trophon muricatus (Montagu, 1803). In the description, however, Sowerby writes “Syn, Murex echinatus Brocchi, 2, 423, t. 8, f. 3”. Rossi-Ronchetti (1955) considered M. echinatus Brocchi to be a species of Philbertia (Turridae) which probably is correct. Therefore Sowerby’s use of the name is based on a misidentification and has no taxonomical status and does not make Trophon echinatus preoccupied. Several later names reflect the high variability of T. echinatus. Remarks on the variation Trophon echinatus exhibits considerable variation, especially in relation to depth. The Mediterranean and the Atlantic shelf form do not differ very much. They have a porcellaneous, smooth, very slender and spiny shell (Figs 312-313), without spiral sculpture. Sometimes the Mediterranean form is a little more slender and spiny, but not enough to cause any problems with the identification. At the uppermost part of the continental slope there is a tendency to more numerous but less spiny axial lamellae. Typical specimens of this form have been called grimaldii Dautzenberg & Fischer in the Atlantic and multilamellosa Philippi in the Mediterranean. Still deeper, in the Atlantic in 600-1000 m, the spiral sculpture starts to become conspicuous and the spines are still less developed (Figs 308-309). This form is known as cossmanni Locard and has been found down to 3000 m. Franchini & Frilli (1970) considered grimaldii a subspecies of “ carinata de Cristofori & Jan” ( = T. echinatus) (and considered “ multilamellosa Philippi” a distinct species). To discuss this one has to keep in mind that the typical T. echinatus has a continuous distribution along the shelf, via the Straits of Gibraltar, and there exists one Atlantic and one Mediterranean deep-water outcrop of the species. The bathymetric variation in shell form of these two outcrops is identical, except that the cossmanni form is very scarce and perhaps extinct in the Mediterranean. Only a few old shells are known. Therefore we prefer to regard the variation not as a result of genetic isolation (subspecies), but as more directly influenced by the depth. It would be more than pure coincidence if the Atlantic and Mediterranean deep populations had diverged from the shallow-water form because of genetic isolation in exactly the same way in the two outcrops. Therefore we prefer to call them simply different “forms”, viz. typical echinatus (Figs 312-313), the grimaldii “form” (Figs 310-311) and the cossmanni “form” (Figs 308-309). NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 139 Comparison with other Atlantic species of Trophon The sculpture of T. echinatus is variable and this does not facilitate identification. A few features are, however, quite constant: paucispiral larval shell, long slender siphonal canal and strongly- shouldered whorls. T. dabneyi has a larval shell of 2.5 brownish whorls while that of echinatus has 1.5 whorls and is colourless. It also has more rounded whorls and more solid, rib-like axial sculpture, not thin lamellae as echinatus. T. droueti has a shorter siphonal canal and more pronounced spiral sculpture, approximately as strong as the axial one. T. barvicensis has a shorter siphonal canal, stronger spiral sculpture and a higher shoulder of the whorls. The Caribbean T. aculeatus Watson, 1883 (= lacunella Dali, 1889) resembles T. echinatus, especially specimens from intermediate depths, but is higher, more slender and has a deeper suture than echinatus. We have not seen specimens of aculeatus with spiral sculpture. T. abyssorum Verrill, 1885 (? = limicola Dali, 1902) resembles the cossmanni “form”, in the shape of the shell and the sculpture. It is known from off the NE U.S. from 1500 to 3500 m. The available material of that species, however, is scanty and there is a large gap in the distribution in the N Atlantic, from Rockall to U.S., where no Trophon species related to these species are known. Therefore we find it better to keep them separate. More problems arise when going further south. Trophon guineensis Thiele was described from the Gulf of Guinea (03° 10 N, 05°28 E, 2278 m). The larval shell is not known, but the postlarval shell can hardly be distinguished from the cossmanni “form”. We have examined two specimens from off Angola (WALDA st CY15, 10°30 S, 11°55 E, 1756 m). The shell is identical, but the larval shell is destroyed. One of the specimens was a female and had a couple of egg clusters, 1100-1250 diameter and containing a few hundred eggs each, of a diameter of 120 fim. These egg clusters were kept in the pallial cavity. The diameter of the eggs indicates planktonic larval development, because the diameter of the eggs of species of Trophon with direct development is 230 — 500 \xm (5 species known). This female also differed from T. echinatus in having unpigmented eyes, while T. echinatus has black eyes. Further to the south we have examined many specimens from the sides of the Walvis Ridge (WALVIS st CP13, 32°18 S, 13°16 E, 3550 m and CP 14, 32°29 S, 13°25 E, 3675 m). They were all heavily encrusted by zoantharians and the larval shells were badly corroded. They had normal eyes, but no eggs were observed. They resemble T. acceptans Barnard, 1959 (see also 1963), described from 33°34 S, 1160 — 3275 m. Barnard (1963) doubted the validity of this species and said “I fully expect that acceptans will not be accepted when further material is obtained from the Atlantic trough along the west coast of Africa”. It is still impossible to say anything about the validity of these two names, but the differences in the development of the eyes indicate that they may not be synonyms. 140 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 302-307. Genus Trophon. 302, T, fabricii, lectotype, 44 mm. 303, T. fabricii, Berufjord, Iceland, 40 mm. 304, T. dabneyi, BIOGAS st CV10, 37.2 mm. 305, T. dabneyi, larval shell, 850 /mi. 306, T. droueti, BIACORES st 157, 14.0 mm. 307, T. droueti, holotype of T. richardi, 15.0 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 141 Figs 308-313. Trophon echinatus . 308, INCAL st CP4 (56°33 N, 1 1 ° 1 1 W, 2483 m), 20.0 mm. 309, syntype of T. cossmanni , 26.0 mm. 310, WASHINGTON expedition, 370-420 m, 13.1 mm. 311, NORATLANTE st B1 (55°08 N, 15° 1 1 W, 2215 m), 19.1 mm. 312, Gulf of Napoli, 19.0 mm. 313, TALISMAN dr 20 (33°43 N, 09°02 W, 1 105 m), 15.8 mm. 142 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 314-318. Genus Trophon. 314, T. vaginatus, upper Pliocene of Carignano, Imola, Bologna, 19.5 mm. 315, apex of a specimen from the same locality, 1.13 mm. 316, T. echinatus, apex of a Recent Mediterranean specimen, 1.07 mm. 317, T. sp., WALVIS st CP14, 33.3 mm. 318, T. sp., WALDA st CY15, 25.5 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 143 Figs 319-327. Trophon opercula. 319, T. dabneyi, Bay of Biscay, 10.9 mm. 320 and 321, T. fabricii, Berufjord, Iceland, 2.5 and 9.5 mm. 322, 323 and 324, T. clavatus, Koster area, Swedish west coast, 0.8 mm, 2.8 mm and 3.4 mm. 325 and 326, T. clathratus, Godhavn, Greenland, 1.4 mm and 4.6 mm. 327, T. geversianus, Magellan Strait, 11.2 mm. 144 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 328-332. Genera Tromina and Trophon. 328, Tromina unicarinata, type species of Tromina Dali, 1918, Magellan Strait, 35 m, 7.4 mm. 329, Trophon geversianus, breadth of central tooth 167 jum. 330, Tromina unicarinata, breadth of central tooth 27 /jm. 331, Trophon clavatus, 41 f^m. 332, Trophon fabricii, 110 /urn. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 145 341 Figs 333-342. Radulae of Trophon. 333, T. echinatus , INCAL st CP2, breadth of central tooth 56 pro. 334, T. dabneyi, 94 pm. 335, T. echinatus, BIACORES st 202, 68 pm. 336, T. echinatus, spiny form, N. Spain 500-540 m, 51 pm. 337, T. sp., WALVIS stCP14, 60 pm. 338, T. sp.. WALDA siCYIS, 77 pm. 339, T. clavatus, 40 pm. 340, T. droueti, 47 pm. 341, T. barvicensis, 33 pm. 342, T. muricatus, 36 pm. 146 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 343- 347 Murick! radulae. 343, Pterynotus ieucas, breadth of central tooth 56 .urn, 344, Orania grayi, 98 (jm. 345, Muricopsis blainvillei, 41 fum. 346, Ocinebrina aciculata 43 jk m. 347, Orania fusulus , 50 pm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 147 Genus PTERYNOTUS Swainson, 1833 Type species: Murex pinnatus Swainson, 1822, by original designation (pi. 122). Remarks: The genus Pterynotus and its subgenera have been discussed by Ponder (1972) and the W Atlantic species were monographed by Harasewych & Jensen (1979). There are two species of the genus in the Central E and NE Atlantic, P. leucas Locard and P. atiantideus which is described here. They can easily be separated by the presence of intervarical nodes or bulges in P. atiantideus, easily seen in an apical view (cf. Figs 350, 353). These bulges are absent in P. leucas . Figs 348-350 Pterynotus atiantideus n.sp. Type material: Hoiotype in MNHN. Type locality : BIACORES st 186, 37°51 N, 25°40 W, 370-455 m. Material examined: The type material and BIACORES st 38, 37°59 N, 29° 16 W, 350-400 m, 1 spm; st 146, 37° 39 1 sh; st 236, 37°21 N, 25°45 W, 470-500 m, 1 spm. Distribution: In addition to the material from the Azores enumerated above, P. atiantideus is known from the Great Meteor Bank, in 295-343 m (Fechter, 1977 as P. leucas ). Description: Shell solid, fusiform, consisting of six postlarval whorls, larval shell white, consisting of one smooth whorl. The first postlarval whorl has 7 fragile foliaceous varices that adhere to the protoconch; there is no intervarical node between these early varices. The regular adult sculpture starts on the second whorl and there are 3 varices and 3 intervarical nodes per whorl. The spiral sculpture consists of spiral cords, of which a few stronger ones extend on to the varices where they tend to produce spines; there are also extremely fine spiral threads which, together with the fine axial sculpture present on some specimens (including the hoiotype), may give a reticulate appearance under high magnification. Aperture oval, outer lip with 7 denticles; siphonal canal of moderate length for the genus, open; colour light tan with a few brownish blotches on the varices or the nodes; aperture white. Dimensions : Height of the shell 21 mm, breadth 11 mm. Remarks : P. atiantideus differs from P, leucas in its smaller larval shell, by having intervarical nodes and by its coloured shell. In P. leucas » there are several postlarval whorls with numerous varices (Fechter, 1977: fig. 11), while there are only 1 to 1.5 such whorls in P. atiantideus. P. leucas also reaches a larger size. Pterynotus leucas (P. Fischer in Locard, 1897) Figs 343, 351-353 Murex leucas P. Fischer in Locard, 1897:306, pi. 15, figs 10-13. Type material: Lectotype (selected here) in MNHN. Type locality: TALISMAN st 71, 25°39 N, 15°58 W, 640 m. Material examined: The type material and 6 additional spms + shs from the type locality (paralectotypes). Remarks: We have included P. leucas for comparison with atiantideus although it lives outside the area covered by this series. It has not been found since the original description. The record in Fechter (1977) is based on P. atiantideus. 148 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 348-353. Genus Pterynotus. 348 and 349, P. atlantideus, BIACORES st 186, 21.0 mm. 350, P. atlantideus, BIACORES st 41, 27.0 mm. 351, 352 and 353, P. leucas, lectotype, 40.5 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 149 Figs 354-356. Genus Orania. 354, O. fusulus, SE Bay of Biscay, 160 m, 23.0 mm. 355, O. fusulus, apex 1.0 mm. 356, O. grayi, MONACO st 1242, 18.7 mm. Genus ORANIA Pallary, 1900 Type species: Murex spadae Libassi, 1859, by original designation. Synonym: Nemofusus Cossmann, 1903. Type species: Murex fusulus Brocchi, 1814, by original designation. Remarks: We have kept the generic name Orania for Murex fusulus Brocchi. This species has usually been referred to Pseudomurex or Urosalpinx. It also resembles Ocinebrina and Muricopsis. Pseudomurex belongs to Coralliophilidae and has no radula, while fusulus has one. Urosalpinx differs considerably in radular characters and shell characters. Ocinebrina and Muricopsis have quite similar shells, compared with fusulus , but have a very distinct radula (Figs 345-346). (It should here be pointed out that the radula of Ocinebrina aciculata Lamarck (type species of Ocinebrina) was figured by Radwin & D‘Attilio 1976, but their figure differs considerably from what we have seen.) We know of no other genus in common use where fusulus fits, and have therefore kept Pallary’s genus, which was not included by Radwin & D’Attilio (1976). Lack of any well-fitting genus has also induced us to place grayi here, although it also resembles Cytharomorula Kuroda, 1953. Pallary (1900) designated Murex spadae Libassi as type species, when describing the new genus Orania. There exists some doubt about the identity of spadae which was described as a Pliocene fossil (Kobelt 1887), but evidently Pallary introduced the new generic name for the Recent form, which should be considered the type species if more than one species proves to be involved. 150 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Orania fusulus (Brocchi, 1814) Figs 347, 354-355 Murex fusulus Brocchi, 1814:409, pi. 8, fig. 9. Murex spadae Libassi, 1859:43, pi. 1, fig. 29. Murex spadae var. tiberianus Brusina, 1871, fide Settepassi, 1977. Murex pyrrhias Watson, 1883:603. Rojlia fusulus var. major Locard, 1897:325, pi. 16, figs 14-16. Pseudomurex spadae var. obesa & var. minor Pallary, 1900:287. Pseudomurex spadae robustus Settepassi, 1977:3, pi. 1, fig. 4. Pseudomurex spadae elongatus Pallary in Settepassi, 1977:2, pi. 1, fig. 6. Type material : M. fusulus, holotype in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, figured by Pinna (1978, pi. 33, fig. 2); M pyrrhias, BMNH. Type locality: M. fusulus, Pliocene of Val d’Ancona, N. Italy; M. pyrrhias, CHALLENGER st. 75, 38°38 N, 28°28 W, 830-920 m. Material examined: The types listed and about 75 specimens and shells from the Bay of Biscay (northernmost record 45°43 N, 02° 14 W, 160 m, 2 spms) to the Cape Verde Peninsula (95 — - 200 m) and Tristao (Guinea) in the south (MNHN), the Azores and the western Mediterranean, where it seems to be rather common off the N African coast. Distribution: The western parts of the Mediterranean, from Sicily (Monterosato, 1890), Corsica (Locard & Caziot, 1901), Oran, Algeria (Pallary, 1900), westwards to the Atlantic, where the extremes are given in “Material examined”. It is known from 35-440 m. Remarks: Murex fusulus has often been placed in Pseudomurex (Coralliophilidae), but it has a radula so it fits better in the Muricidae. This was already noticed by Kobelt (1887), but has not been mentioned by most later authors. Orania fusulus has a smooth, multispiral larval shell, which indicates planktotrophic larval development. When this paper was in press, the work by Sabelli & Tommasini (1983) was published, with anatomical datas. Orania grayi (Dali, 1889) Figs 344, 356 Nassarina grayi Dali, 1889:183, pi. 32, fig. 12a. Trophon lowei Watson, 1897:244, pi. 19, fig. 12. Cantharus (Tritonidea) laevis Smith, 1890:261, pi. 21, fig. 11. Type material: N. grayi , holotype USNM: C. laevis, 5 syntypes BMNH Type locality: N. grayi, off St Kitts, W Indies: T. lowei, Madeira; C. laevis, St Helena. Material examined: The types of N. grayi and C. laevis; J. CHARCOT MADERE st 49, 32°27 N, 16°32 W, 450-500 m, 1 sh; MONACO st 1242, Seine Bank, 240 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 52, 32°30 N, 1 6 ° 3 1 W, 100 m, 4 shs; no st number, 6 spms + shs; TALISMAN 1883, dr 53, 28°35 N, 13°19 W, 905 m, 2 shs; La Palma, Dacia Bank, Tenerife (Canaries), from fishermen, MNHN and private collections. Distribution: Known from the Caribbean area, 100 — 200 m (Abbott, 1974) and some sea mounts and islands in the E Atlantic. Not known from European or African coasts. Remarks: O. grayi was transferred to Muricidae by Radwin & D’Attilio (1976) who placed it in Evokesia Radwin & D’Attilio, 1972. We have, however, preferred to place it in the same genus as O. fusulus. The larval shell is multispiral and indicates a planktotrophic larval development, which possibly contributes to the scattered distribution. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 151 Family CORALLIOPHILIDAE The taxonomy of the family Coralliophilidae is at present in a state of confusion, presumably because attention has been focused on the many extreme-looking species that represent the most far- reaching sprouts of the evolutionary tree, and give the least information about relations within the family. We have therefore not made any attempts to divide the species treated here into different genera, but use the generic name Coralliophila for all. We shall, however, give some nomenclatorial remarks on the generic names that have been in use for the NE Atlantic species. Pseudomurex Monterosato, 1872 is the most often used name. D’Attilio (1978) and other authors have considered Murex bracteatus Brocchi, 1814, to be the type species, but Monterosato only included two species in his genus, viz. Murex lamellosus Jan (sic!) and Murex spadae Libassi. Later he restricted the genus to include only M. lamellosus and transferred M. spadae to Pollia. M. spadae is a muricid and is discussed on p. 150. Therefore Dautzenberg (1927) was correct when he designated Fusus lamellosus Philippi as type species of Pseudomurex. Aradomurex Coen, 1943. Type species, Murex so fiae Aradas & Benoit, 1876. Babelomurex Coen, 1922. Type species, Fusus babelis Requien, 1849. Fusomurex Coen, 1922. Type species, Murex alucoides de Blainville, 1829 (not Olivi, 1792). A synonym of Pseudomurex. Hirtomurex Coen, 1922. Type species, Fusus lamellosus Philippi, 1836. Latimurex Coen, 1922. Type species, Murex meyendorffi Calcara, 1845. Lepadomurex Coen, 1922. Type species, Purpura brevis de Blainville, 1832. The species of Coralliophilidae live as parasites or predators on anthozoans. Coralliophila brevis has been found on at least three species of gorgonian ( Paramuricea chamaeleon, Eunicella stricta and Lophogorgia sarmentosa) and C. meyendorffi has been found on Anemonia sulcata and Cladocora cespitosa (G. Spada, pers. comm.), so evidently they are not very host specific. The species are quite rare in deep water, below the continental shelf, which makes a treatment of these species more difficult. The Mediterranean shallow-water species were discussed by Sabelli & Spada (1980) in a very useful paper, and by Settepassi (1977) who lists 14 names of specific rank and a multitude of lower ranking names. We have examined the larval shells of all species discussed here except C. sentix. They proved to have a multispiral larval shell, of very uniform shape and sculpture (Figs 370-371, also Richter & Thorson 1975, figs 70-71). Because of the uniformity and also because it is normally corroded, even in young specimens, the larval shell is of almost no use for taxonomical purposes. Pleurotomoides obliquispira Nordsieck, 1977, is based on a juvenile of a species of Coralliophilidae, but we are not able to say which species. 152 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus CORA LLIOPHILA H. & A. Adams, 1853 Type species: Fusus neritoideus Lamarck, 1816, by subsequent designation (Iredale, 1912). Corailiophiia richardi (P. Fischer, 1882) Fig. 368 Mur ex richardi P. Fischer, 1882:49. Corailiophiia lactuca Dali, 1889:220, ph 16, fig. 6. Pseudomurex richardi P. Fischer, Locard 1897:316, pi. 16, figs 3-8. Type material: M. richardi, holotype in MNHN; C. lactuca , syntypes in USNM. Type locality: M. richardi, TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 42, 44°01 N, Q7°05 W, 896 m; C. lactuca, USFC st 2669, off Fernandina, Florida, 635 m. Material examined: The type material and TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 39,44°05 N, 07°06 W, 953-1226 m, 1 spm; off N. Spain, 496 m, 1 spm; TALISMAN dr 10,35°26 N, 06°49 W, 717 m, 1 spm; SARSIA st 7614, 43°43 N, 03°38 W, 1 100 m, 1 sh; MONACO st 553, 37°43 N, 25°05 W, 1385 m, 1 sh; st 584, 38°30 N, 26°50 W, 845 m, 1 spm; 43°58 N, 02°06 W, 320 m, Lagardere coll., 1 sh; W of Tampa, Florida, 400 m, 1 sh; EOLIS st 128, off Fowey Light, Florida, 1 10 m, 1 spm; st 166, off Ragged Key, 120 m, 1 spm, USNM; and the material reported by Taviani & Colantoni (1979) and Sabelli & Spada (1980). Distribution: Both sides of the subtropical North Atlantic, in the upper bathyal zone. The species has been reported in the Mediterranean by Monterosato (1890:23), Taviani & Colantoni (1979:141), and Sabelli & Spada (1980:2) from empty shells. The species probably lives associated with Cnidaria of the Lophelia- reefs and is possibly now extinct in the Mediterranean. Remarks: C. richardi is the most characteristic of the NE Atlantic species of Corailiophiia. The axial sculpture consists of lamellose varices instead of solid ribs as in the other species. These lamellae are given a slightly fringed appearance by the spiral sculpture. It lacks the fine, squamulose sculpture characteristic of many species of the family. Corailiophiia panormitana (Monterosato, 1 869) Fig. 369 Pyrula panormitana Monterosato, 1869: 17, fig. 9. Type material: Not seen. Type locality: Palermo, Sicily. Material examined: About 20 spms from the Western Mediterranean and TALISMAN dr 63-64, 26° 17 N, 14°52 W, 355-640 m, 1 spm. Remarks: We have seen only one specimen from the Atlantic, but that one is very large in comparison with W Mediterranean specimens. It closely resembles, however, an unusually large specimen from the continental shelf off Mdiq (S Alboran.Sea, coll.S.Gofas). C. panormitana can be distinguished from C squamosa and C. basileus by having a more inflated body whorl. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 153 Coralliophila squamosa (Bivona, 1838) Figs 357-361 Murex alucoides de Blainville, 1830:128, pi. 5B, fig. 1 (not Murex alucoides Olivi, 1792: 153). Fusus lamellosus de Cristofori & Jan in Philippi, 1836:204, pi. 11, fig. 30 (not Fusus iamellosus Borson, 1821:317). Fusus squamulosus Philippi, 1836:204, pi. 11, fig. 31 (not Fusus squamulosus Deshayes, 1835:540). Fusus squamosus Bivona, 1838:14, fig. 22. Pseudomurex perfectus P. Fischer, 1882:274 (nomen dubium). Pseudomurex ruderatus Monterosato in Sturany, 1896:25, pi. 2, figs 42-43. Pseudomurex monterosatoi Locard, 1897:315, pi. 15, figs 21-23. In addition, the names (Coralliophila) inflata, elongata, turns, longicauda, depressa, curta, squamulata , modesta and ( Ocinebrina ) pianosana have been introduced by Settepassi (1977). Type material: F. squamosus, neotype in MNHN; P. ruderatus, syntypes in NHMW; P. monterosatoi, syntypes in MNHN. Type locality: F. squamosus , Palermo and Messina, Sicily; P. ruderatus, Corsica; P. perfectus, TRAVAILLEUR 1882, Atlantic (probably N. Spain), 400 m; P. monterosatoi, TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 1 & 2, 44° 05— 44° 07 N, 05°35 W, 564-608 m. Material examined: the type material listed; c. 250 spms and shs from shallow water (60-200m) in the Mediterranean; and TALISMAN dr 63-64, 26° 18 N, 14°52 W, 640 m, 6 spms; MONACO st 503, 47° 10 N, 05°48 W, 748-1262 m, 2 spms; st 684, 38°20 N, 28°05 W, 1550 m, 1 spm; st 2720, 36°42 N, 08°40 W, 310-749 m, 1 sh; THALASSA st W399, 43°48 N, 05° 11 W, 165-210 m, 1 sh; st W424, 44° 02 N, 07°09 W, 300-700 m, 1 sh; st Till , 41 °32 N, 09° 14 W, 320 m, 1 sh; st Y383, 41°26 N, 09°12 W, 420 m, 2 shs; 45°43 N, 02°14 W, 78 m, 2 shs, Lagardere coll.; METEOR st 36-98, 25°31 N, 16°02 W, 700-900 m, 2 spms. Distribution: From the bay of Biscay, along the Iberian peninsula, 'the Mediterranean, NW Africa to the Canaries and the Azores. It occurs mainly on the continental shelf and in coastal water, but has occasionally been found on the upper part of the continental slope. Possibly also in the Caribbean area (Bayer 1971). Remarks: The present species has usually been known under the names alucoides de Blainville, 1830 and lamellosus de Cristofori & Jan in Philippi, 1836. Both these names are, however, preoccupied, as is also the third name suggested by Philippi (1836). The name Fusus squamosus Bivona, 1838 is not preoccupied, but the description and figure are not very good. To avoid this problem we have selected a neotype from Corsica that agrees fairly well with Bivona’s figure. Another name that has been in use for the present species is bracteatus Brocchi, 1814. The name was based on a Pliocene fossil. The type has been figured by Rossi-Ronchetti (1955), Pinna & Spezia (1978) and we have personally examined it in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano; we find it more like the Recent W African C. angolensis Knudsen. We think that Knudsen’s species is the Recent descendant of C. bracteata, as is the case for many other Italian Pliocene species, the descendants of which now live in W Africa. The names introduced by Settepassi (1977) need no comments. C. squamosa occurs in coastal waters and on the shelf in the Mediterranean (but seems to be absent from the continental slopes). Such specimens are characterized by having a strongly squamose sculpture, well-defined siphonal canal and a rather high spire. Atlantic specimens have a broader and more open siphonal canal and reach a larger size (50 mm instead of 40 mm maximum size). In these respects the Atlantic form approaches fossil shells from old coral associations in the Mediterranean, reported by Taviani & Colantoni (1979). For a discussion of basileus, see that species, and for separation from the Mediterranean shallow- water species, see Sabelli & Spada (1980). Bayer (1971) reported C. lamellosa ( = squamosa) from the Caribbean area and synonymized it with Trophon lintoni Verrill & Smith, 1882. We have examined this and additional material in USNM. We agree that there are specimens that closely resemble squamosa, although the specimen figured by Bayer (fig. 51) more closely resembles basileus. Other facts also, like the occurrence at the Azores and the presence of planktotrophic larvae, suggest an amphiatlantic distribution, but the chaotic state of the taxonomy of the Caribbean Coraliiophilidae makes it impossible to coordinate the names of the species without a complete revision of the W Atlantic species. 154 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Coralliophila basileus (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) Figs 362-366 Pseudomurex basileus Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896: 440, pi. 18, fig. 3. Type material: Holotype in MOM. Type locality: MONACO st 233, 38°33 N, 28°08 W, 1300 m. Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 105, 38°23 N, 28°31 W, 927 m, 1 spm; st 247, 38°24 N, 28°01 W, 318 m, 1 spm; st 680, 38° 19 N, 28°08 W, 1550 m, 1 sh; TALISMAN dr 53, 28°35 N, 13°09W,905 m, 1 sh; dr 63-64, 26° 18 N, 14°52 W, 640 m, 3 spms + shs; dr 122, 37°35 N, 29°26 W, 1440 m, 1 spm; BIACORES st 4, 38° 1 1 N, 28°38 W, 1080-1200 m, 1 spm; st 148, 37°34 N, 25°34 W, 847-870 m, 5 spms; st 151, 37°37 N, 25°39 W, 780-788 m, 1 spm; st 180, 37°57 N, 25°33 W, 1069-1235 m, 2 spms; st 230, 36°54 N, 25°09 W, 665-742 m, 1 spm. Distribution: The upper part of the continental slope around the Azores and the Canaries. Remarks: We are not convinced that basileus is truly distinct from squamosus, but as we have no definite proof we have preferred to keep them distinct. There is a difference in shape, basileus having a broader siphonal canal that is less set off from the aperture, and in size, basileus barely exceeding half the size of squamosus. There is also a difference in distribution. C. basileus occurs only around the Azores and the Canaries, while it is not known from the E Atlantic coasts. C. squamosus also occurs around these islands, but its main distribution is Mediterranean and along the S European and N African coasts. The two forms thus occur sympatrically in the Atlantic islands, but we have not seen specimens of both forms in a single dredge haul (except a TALISMAN sample, from several stations), which indicates some degree of separation. The two forms are very variable and we have not examined very large numbers, so we prefer to leave the question of conspecificity unsettled. A second possibility, although we find it less probable, is that C. basileus is a local form of C. brevis (de Blainville, 1826). That species, however, has a thinner shell and the aperture, at least in adult specimens, is deformed by its sessile life on gorgonians, which we never have seen in basileus. Coralliophila sentix (Bayer, 1971) Fig. 367 Coralliophila sentix Bayer, 1971: 189, fig. 49. Type material: Holotype USNM 701155. Type locality: PILLSBURY st P876, 13° 14 N, 61 °05 W, 231-258 m (Lesser Antilles). Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 1 12, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m, 1 sh; BIACORES st 41, 37°43N,29°04W, 450-475 m, 1 spm; st 236, 37°21 N, 25 °45 W, 470-500 m, 1 spm; Alboran Sea? (taken by fishermen), 2 shs, coll. G. Spada. Distribution: The upper bathyal of the subtropical North Atlantic. Remarks: Specimens from the W Atlantic have longer and more developed shoulder projections that join each other more extensively than those from the E Atlantic. We have, however, considered them conspecific. C. fax Bayer, 1971, from off Florida, has the same type of non-squamose sculpture as C. sentix, but has a broader shape, lower spire and a smoother shell. In the Atlantic only C. juliae Clench & Aguayo, 1939 shares the rather high spire and non-squamose sculpture, but it has more or less open coiling. No other Atlantic coralliophilid can be confused with them. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 155 Figs 357-361 . Coralliophila squamosa. 357, neotype, Calvi, 30.0 mm. 358, MONACO st 503, 49.3 mm. 359, MONACO st 54, 27.5 mm. 360, THALASSA st Y383, 40 mm. 361, syntype of Pseudomurex rude rat us, 23 mm. 156 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 362-366. Coralliophila basileus. 362, BIACORES st 4, 27.3 mm. 363, B1ACORES st 180, 24 mm. 364, BIACORES st 148, 18.9 mm. 365, TALISMAN dr 53, 21.3 mm. 366, MONACO st 105, 18.7 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 157 Figs 367-371. Genus Coralliophila. 367, C. sentix, BIACORES st 236, 26.2 mm. 368, C. richardi , TRAVAILLEUR off NW Spain, 16.5 mm. 369, C. panormitana , TALISMAN dr 63-64, 24.7 mm. 370 and 37 1 , Coralliophila larvae from plankton of Curacao, 1 .0 mm. 158 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Family NASSARIIDAE Genus NASSARIUS Dumeril, 1806 Type species: Buccinum arcularia Linne, 1758. Remarks: Only two nassariid species can be considered to belong to the deep sea fauna, and they occur in the uppermost bathyal zone and on the shelf. A few additional species are known from the NW African shelf and were treated by Adam & Glibert (1974, 1976). Nassarius wolffi (Knudsen, 1956) Fig. 373 Nassa wolffi Knudsen, 1956:58, pi. 1, fig. 7. Nassa sadurnii Bot, 1972:15. Hinia frigens malacitanae Ghisotti & Spada in Maldonado, 1973:233, pi. 3. Type material: N. wolffi, holotype in ZMC. Figs 372-373. Genus Nassarius. 372, N. frigens, TALISMAN dr 82, 16.9 mm. 373, N. wolffi. Dakar, 200-300 m, 34.6 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 159 Type locality: N. wolffi, ATLANTIDE st 120, 02°09 N, 09°27 E, 260-650 m; N. sadurnii , off Huelva, Spain, 1500-2000 m; H. frigens malacitanae , triangle between Huelva, Casablanca and Gibraltar, 1400 m and the Alboran Sea, 500 m. Material examined: The type material mentioned and Cabo Frio, SW Africa, 1 sh; WALDA st CM01, 20° 24 S, 1 2°3 1 E, 256 m, 8 spms; 05° 00 S, 1 1 °2 1 E, 296-308 m, 14 spms, 4 shs, Crosnier coll.; off Abidjan and Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast, 13 shs; W. of Jacqueville, Q5°30 W, 200-400 m, 5 spms, Le Loeuff coll.; off Dakar, 200-300 m, 5 spms, Marche-Marchad coll.; PILLSBURY 1966, st 254, 03° 50 N, 07°08 E, 148-174 m, 7 spms; st 255, 03° 49 W, 07°38 E, 269-264 m, 9 spms. See also “Remarks”. Distribution : The upper bathyal of West Africa, from Namibia to Senegal at least; doubtful records further to the north (see below). Remarks : Although the type material of N. sadurnii has never been figured and we have not examined it, there is no doubt that the name is a synonym of wolffi . In a letter of November 1975 Mr J. Bot informed us that his species is very close to Nassa wolffi Knudsen. He said he had seen material from Angola with all the characters of sadurnii. The same species was again described by Maldonado (1973) from specimens taken by shrimp trawlers. In the same paper, Ghisotti & Spada argued that the description of Nassa sadurnii Bot did not meet the requirements of ICZN because it was not accompanied by an illustration. At the same time (p. 234) they “provisionally name” Maldonado’s material Hinia frigens malacitanae n.ssp. “until further material can be studied for a definitive identification”. In fact Bot’s description is perfectly valid, while Ghisotti & Spada do not fulfil the requirements of ICZN §15 which states that “after 1960, a new name proposed conditionally (...) is not available”. N. wolffi has been recorded a few times from the W Mediterranean, but all records are based on specimens with unreliable locality information, taken by fishing boats and said to come from the Alboran Sea and the fishing grounds off Catalonia. It is possible that the species occurs in the W Mediterranean, but the records need confirmation. N. wolffi has a smooth larval shell of 2.5 whorls, which indicates planktotrophic larval development. Nassarius frigens (von Martens, 1878) Figs 372, 387 Nassa frigens von Martens, 1878:134; 1881 : 14, pi. 22, figs 17-18. Nassa brychia Watson, 1882:365; 1886:189, pi. 11, fig. 15. Nassa brychia vars. decorata, major and minor Locard, 1 897:274. Type material: N. frigens , holotype in the ZMHU; N. brychia , holotype in BMNH (figured by Cernohorsky 1975:157, fig. 77). Type locality: N. frigens , GAZELLE 10° 13 N, 17°25 W, 650 m; N. brychia , CHALLENGER st 8, 28°03 N, 17°27 W, 1135 m. Material examined: The type of N. brychia and TALISMAN dr 82, 23°00 N, 17° 30 W, 932 m, 2 shs; dr 83 and 85 (mixed samples), 22°52-22°57 N, 17°23-17°30 W, 830 m, 9 spms + shs; dr 87, 22°03 N, 17° 23 W, 1013-1113 m, 9 spms + shs; dr?, 820-860 m, 32 spms + shs; off Dakar, 150-250 m, 4 shs, Marche-Marchad coll.; off Abidjan, 1 sh, Le Loeuff coll.; PILLSBURY 1966 st P44, 05°05 N, 04°00 W, 586-403 m 15 spms + shs; ATLANTIDE st 135, 07°55 S, 12°38 E, 235-460 m, 1 spm. Distribution: Beside the material cited above, the species is known from Angola, in 225-750 m (Adam & Knudsen 1955:10). Remarks: All the shells have corroded apices, so the type of larval development is not known. We have not examined the type of N. frigens , but our material fits with the specimens figured and described by Adam & Knudsen (1955) who had examined the type. N. frigens bears some resemblance to Profundinassa Thiele, 1929 (type species Nassa babylonica Watson, from the bathyal zone of the Philippines). Typical species of Profundinassa are present in the Pliocene of Sicily (Moroni & Torre 1966:32, pi. 1, fig. 7). 160 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Family FASCIOLARIIDAE We follow Ponder (1973) and include the “fusinid” genera in Fasciolariidae. Several genera have been proposed for the shallow water species of S Europe: Aptyxis Troschel, 1868. Type species Fusus syracusanus Linne. Gracilipurpura Jousseaume, 1880. Type species Fusus strigosus Lamarck (= rostratus Olivi, 1792, not Solander in Brander, 1766). Pseudofusus Monterosato, 1884. Type species Murex rostratus Olivi, 1792, here designated. Sinistralia H. & A. Adams, 1853. Type species Murex maroccensis Gmelin. We figure the radulae for the type species of these genera (figs 380, 381, 385). Of these it is only Aptyxis that shows any difference in the central tooth, which has longer and#more slender cusps. This genus also differs in its shell characters and could probably be kept as a subgenus. We consider the other genera synonyms of Fusinus Rafinesque, 1815. The family has very few species in deep water in the NE Atlantic. We recognize three species, but the names below need some comments. Clathurella rugosissima Locard, 1897. The holotype in MNHN is an extremely worn old shell, probably a Lathyrus, but too poor to be identified. It is probably a shallow-water species. Pseudofusus gigliolii Monterosato, 1890. The species was described from specimens taken by the WASHINGTON expedition, without any information about the locality, but the expedition dredged around Sardinia and Sicily. Nothing is mentioned about this name by D’Amico (1912), who prepared a report on the Mollusca. The type material could not be found in ZMR, although it was figured by Franchini & Zanca (1977). We have however examined specimens taken by the MONACO expeditions and the geological cruises of BANNOCK (in Istituto di Geologia, Bologna), that correspond with Monterosato’ s description and the figures of Franchini & Zanca. From this we conclude that gigliolii was based on the same white, slightly-keeled, deep-water form of rostratus as bengasiensis. Fusus bengasiensis Sturany, 1896. We have examined the holotype in Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. It is an old, broken specimen of a form of Fusinus rostratus , known as var. carinata Monterosato in Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882. Pseudofusus locardi Pallary, 1904, is based on Locard ’s figures (1897, pi. 16, figs 26-30) of ‘Fusus rusticulus Monterosato”. The specimen came from 530 m, off Morocco. Examination of the specimen in question showed that it is a specimen of F. rostratus . It may be mentioned here that the name Murex rostratus Olivi 1792 actually is preoccupied by Solander in Brander’s use of the name (1766). The next name available seems to be Murex sanctaeluciae von Salis, 1793, but a change of name should not be done until the shallow-water species are carefully revised, to avoid unnecessary name changes. The genus Troschelia, which usually has been placed in Fasciolariidae, is here regarded to belong to Buccinidae. Genus FUSINUS Rafinesque, 1815 New name for Fusus Lamarck, 1799, not Helbling, 1779. Type species: Murex colus Linne, 1758, subsequent designation by Schumacher, 1817. Remarks. See remarks on the family. Fusinus bocagei (P. Fischer, 1882) Figs 374-375, 383 Trophon rugosus Jeffreys, 1880:318 (nom. nud.). Fusus bocagei P. Fischer, 1882:49. Fusus azoricus Dautzenberg, 1889:32, pi. 2, fig. 3. Fusus bocagei vars. major, minor, ventricosa, longicaudata, ecaudata Locard, 1897:329. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 161 Type material: F. bocagei: lectotype in MNHN; F. azoricus: holotype in MOM. Type locality: F. bocagei: TRAVAILLEUR 1881, dr 1 or dr 2, 43°01 N, 09°37 W, 2018 m or 41°43 N, 09° 19 W, 1068 m (mixed labels); F. azoricus: MONACO st 112, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m. Material examined: The type material and many samples from MONACO, BIACORES and TALISMAN around the Azores; the shallowest record is from BIACORES st 168, 225-260 m, 12 spms; 18 samples with 173 spsm + shs in 250-500 m; 15 samples with 232 spms + shs in 500-750 m; 1 1 samples with 96 spms + shs in 750-1000 m; 3 samples with 7 spms + shs in 1000-1500 m; the deepest samples are BIACORES st 235, 2085-21 15 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; BIACORES st 171, 3215 m, 1 spm. Material outside the Azores: TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 2, 44° 05 N; 05°36 W, 608 m, 5 spms + shs; dr 3, 44° 04 N, 05° 34 W, 512 m, 2 spms; TALISMAN 1883, dr 90, 2 1 0 5 1 N, 17°28 W, 175 m, 1 sh; drill, 16°52 N, 25°10W, 590 m, 32 spms; MONACO st 66, 43°12 N, 09°32 W, 363 m, 1 sh; st 475, 37°52 N, 09° 16 W, 552 m, 2 shs; st 1190, 15°14 N, 23°04 W, 628 m, 2 spms; THALASSA st W401, 43°57 N, 05° 29 W, 630-920 m, 1 sh; st W407, 43° 54 N, 06°06 W, 960-1200 m, 1 sh; st W414, 43°51 N, 06° 10 W, 520-625 m, 1 sh; st W415, 43°55 N, 06° 1 1 W, 860-1150 m, 2 spms; st W423, 44°04 N, 07°07 W, 710-1070 m, 1 sh; st Y372, 41 °34 N, 09° 17 W, 800 m, 1 spm; st Y385, 41 ° 19 N, 09° 14 W, 810 m, 2 shs; st Y400, 40°46 N, 09°19 W, 800 m, 1 sh; st Z421, 48°22 N, 09°33 W, 950 m, 1 sh; CALYPSO, Gorringe Bank, 510 m, 3 shs; METEOR, st 36-98, 25°31 N, 16°02 W, 700-900 m, 1 sh. Distribution: The upper part of the continental slope, from the Bay of Biscay, south to the Cape Verde Islands and the Azores. Unkown in the Mediterranean. Remarks: Fusinus sectus (Locard, 1897) from 882 m, off Mauretania is probably a distinct species. The whorls increase their diameter more rapidly, there are more numerous axial fibs and the siphonal canal is distinctly curved in that species. It is known from the holotype only. Its larval shell is too corroded to allow examination. The animal of F. bocagei has eyes. The larval shell consists of three whorls, the last with indistinct axial ribs, and indicates planktotrophic larval development. The species here called Fusinus sp. and also F. rostratus can be distinguished from F. bocagei by having a paucispiral larval shell. Fusinus amiantus (Dali, 1889) Figs 377-378, 386 Fusus amianta Dali, 1889: 169, pi. 15, fig. 11. Fusus grimaldii Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896:434, pi. 18, figs 10-1 1 . Fusus grimaldii var. major Locard, 1897:330 Meyeria decorata Locard, 1897:337, pi. 16, figs 31-34. Meyeria decorata var. ecaudata Locard, 1897:338. Type material: F. amiantus , holotype USNM 508726; F. grimaldii, holotype in MOM; M. decorata, 3 syntypes in MNHN. Type localities: F. amiantus, off Havanna (Cuba), 1480 m; F. grimaldii, MONACO st 213, 39°23 N, 31°25 W, 1384 m; M. decorata , TALISMAN 1883 dr 127, 38°38 N, 28°21 W, 1257 m. Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 703, 39°21 N, 31 °06 W, 1360 m, 4 shs; st 719, 39° 1 1 N, 30° 24 W, 1600 m, 6 shs; st 743, 37°36 N, 25° 17 W, 1494 m, 1 sh; st 1338, 38°41 N, 28°45 W, 950 m, 1 sh; st 1349, 38°35 N, 28°06 W, 1250 m, 1 sh; st 3293, 38°47 N, 30° 16 W, 133 1 m, 2 shs; TALISMAN dr 122, 37°35 N, 29°26 W, 1440 m, 4 spms; dr 127, 38°38 N, 28°21 W, 1257 m, 15 spms + shs; BIACORES st 66, 38°34 N, 28°19 W, 1225-1260 m, 1 spm; st 179, 38°05 N, 25°46 W, 1590-1665 m, 1 spm. Distribution: The continental slopes of the Azores and the N Caribbean. Remarks: F. amiantus can be distinguished from F. bocagei, by having much finer spiral sculpture and by having more pointed knobs on the axial ribs. Also the larval shells differ: F. amiantus has more distinct axial ribs and 2 or 3 spiral cords just above the suture, instead of a single cord as in F. bocagei. 162 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 374-379. Genus Fusinus . 374, F. bocagei, B1ACORES st 2 12 (37° 1 8 N, 24°45 W, 6 10 m), 26.0 mm. 375, F. bocagei, larval shell, 900 /urn. 376, F. sp., TRAVAILLEUR 1882 dr 39, 16.5 mm. 377, F. amiantus, holotype, 15.6 mm. 378, F. amiantus, BIACORES st 66, 24.5 mm. 379, F. amiantus, larval shell. 1 100 /urn. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 163 Figs 380-386. Fusinid radulae. 380, Sinistralia elegcms (Reeve), height of central tooth 29 /um. 381, Aptyxis syracusanus, 28 /urn. 382, Granulifusus nipponicus, 39 /urn. 383, Fusinus bocagei, 35 /urn. 384, Fusinus pulchellus, 19 /urn. 385, F. rostratus, 32 /urn. 386, F. amiantus, 25 /im. 164 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 387-390. Radulae. 387, Nassarius frigens, breadth of central tooth 1 10 jjm. 388, Mitrella nitidulina, 30 pm. 389, Metzgeria gagei, 47 ^m. 390, Latiromitra barthelom, 80 pm. Fusinus sp. Fig. 376 Fusinus gigliolii, Locard 1897:332, pi. 16, figs 21-25. Material examined: TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 38, 34° 13 N, 07°43 W, 636 m, 1 sh; dr 39, 34° 1 1 N, 07°39 W, 530 m, 2 shs. Remarks: Locard considered the specimens listed above to be Fusinus gigliolii (Monterosato). We consider F. gigliolii a deep-water form of F. rostratus (Olivi), but find Locard’s specimens to differ from any F. rostratus we have examined, in having a larger larval shell and more regularly convex whorls, a more slender spire and a more curved siphonal canal. The specific distinction is supported by the fact that F. rostratus was found at st 39, (listed by Locard under the name Fusus rusticulus Monterosato and later named Pseudojusus locardi Pallary, 1904) together with Fusinus sp. The diameter of the larval shell of Fusinus sp. is 1.3 — 1.4 mm, while F. rostratus varies from normally 700 pm, up to 1.2 mm (in deep-water specimens). We prefer to leave this form undescribed until more material is known. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 165 Family COLUMBELLIDAE The genera of W Atlantic Columbellidae are treated by Radwin (1977-1978), who however was concerned mainly with shallow-water species. We have transferred Nassarina grayi Dali from the Columbellidae to the muricid genus Orania. Genus AMPHISSA H. & A. Adams, 1853 Type species: Buccinum corrugatum Reeve, 1847. Remark: The type species lives on the continental shelf of the American North Pacific. Amphissa acutecostata (Philippi, 1844) Figs 392, 395-398 Fusus costulatus Cantraine, 1835:393 (non Fusus costulatus Lamarck, 1822). Buccinum acutecostatum Philippi, 1844:192, pi. 27, fig. 14. Buccinum testae Aradas, 1847:84 (fide Monterosato 1878:104). Columbella haliaeeti Jeffreys, 1867:356, pi. 6, fig. 5. Columbella haliaeeti var. albula Jeffreys, 1869:219, pi. 88, fig. 3. Bela grimaldii Dautzenberg, 1889:26, pi. 2, fig. 2. Bela lima tula Locard, 1896:141, pi. 5, fig. 3. Anachis costulata vars. major, minor, elongata, costulata (all nomina nuda) Locard, 1897:145. Anachis haliaeeti vars. major, curta, costulatissima, attenuata LoCard, 1897:149. Anachis nicolayi Nordsieck, 1974:12, fig. 14. Type material: B. acutecostatum, not located; C. haliaeeti, lectotype USNM 191601; B. grimaldii, holotype in MOM; B. limatula, lost; A. nicolayi, holotype in coll. Giannini. Type locality: F. costulatus, Pleistocene, Pelore, S. Italy; B. acutecostatum, fossil “in Calabria inter Stilo et Monasterace’’; C. haliaeeti, 25 miles NNW of Unst, Shetland, 155-175 m; B. grimaldii, MONACO st 112, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m; B. limatula, CAUDAN st 14, 44°05 N, 02°25 W, 960 m; A. nicolayi, Cape Comino, Corsica. Material examined: The types of haliaeeti, grimaldii and nicolayi; over 1500 spms from all parts of the distribution area, USNM, MNHN, BMNH, ZMC. Distribution: From the Lofoten Is. southwards on the outer banks off the Norwegian coast in 150-700 m; along the continental slope of the British Isles, the Bay of Biscay and south to 31°43 N (MONACO st 116); the bathyal of the Mediterranean and the Azores; S of Iceland (Thorson 1941:75, and INGOLF material in ZMC); also off northern N America south to North Carolina. Remarks: The present species has usually been known under the name Amphissa costulata or A. haliaeeti . The name of Cantraine (1835) is however preoccupied by Fusus costulatus Lamarck, 1822. The second available name, B. acutecostatum was used by Locard (1897) without any comments, although Watson (1886) who had received specimens supposed to be acutecostatum from Seguenza, wrote that he had “no doubts that the Buccinum acutecostatum is not the Columbella haliaeeti Jeffreys”. Dautzenberg (1927) on the contrary, said he could see no differences between Recent specimens and fossil acutecostata that he had received from Monterosato. He apparently used the name costulata because it escaped his notice that it was preoccupied. None of these authors figured any fossil specimens to support their conclusions. Through the kindness of S. Palazzi, we have been able to examine fossil specimens from S Italy (Boretto) that agree well with Philippi’s description and occur in deposits having a similar fauna as Philippi’s specimens. Fig. 398 shows the larval shell of such a specimen. We have not been able to find any difference from Recent specimens and conclude that acutecostatum is the correct name for the Recent species too. 166 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 391-394. Radulae. 391, Volutomitra groenlandica, breadth of (central) tooth 57 /urn. 392, Amphissa acutecostata, 55 /urn. 393, Metzgeria alba, 45 /urn. 394, Gibberula abyssicola, 20 /um. A. acutecostata is a rather variable species. Mediterranean specimens tend to be uniformly rather solid, in shallow water with blotches of light tan. Atlantic specimens are white or greyish and the solidity of the shell is variable. The development of the axial ribs is variable, even in a single population. The larval shell is multispiral and has an elaborate sculpture (Fig. 397). It has been figured by Bouchet (1977) and Bouchet & Waren (1979) as A haliaeeti. Simroth (1895) and Richter & Thorson (1975) obtained the larva in plankton (described as C. haliaeeti and species 4 respectively). Bouchet & Fontes (1981) examined the isotope composition of the larval shell and concluded that the larval shell had been formed in more shallow water than the postlarval shell. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 167 Figs 395-398. Amphissa acutecostata. 395 and 396, THALASSA st Z442 (48°55 N, 1 1°02 W, 975 m), 7.0 and 6.1 mm. 397, larval shell of a recent specimen, 1025 pm. 398, larval shell of a Quaternary fossil from Boretto, 1050 pm. 168 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus MITRELLA Risso, 1826 Type species: Mitrella flaminea Risso, 1826. Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897) Figs 388, 399-400 Columbella nitidulina Locard, 1897:143, pi. 14, fig. 10-13. Type material: Lectotype (here selected) in MNHN. Type locality: TALISMAN dr 76, 25°01 N, 16°55 W, 2638 m. Material examined: The type material and TALISMAN dr 40, 30°03 N, 1 1°42 W, 2212 m, 1 sh; dr 131, 38°38 N, 25° 06 W, 2995 m, 4 spms + shs; MONACO st 536, 37°54 N, 24°43 W, 2178 m, 1 spm; st 698, 39° 1 1 N, 20°45 W, 1846 m, 26 shs; st 738, 37°40 N, 26°26 W, 1919 m, 7 spms + shs; st 1209, 16°34N, 23°03 W, 1477 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; st 1334, 39° 30 N, 29°02 W, 1900 m, 1 sh; st 1349, 38°35 N, 28°06 W, 1250 m, 1 sh; BIACORES st 126, 39°19N, 33°47 W, 3360 m, 1 sh; st 173, 37°57 N, 26°08 W, 3225 m, 1 sh; BIOGAS st CV38, 47°31 N, 08°59 W, 2695 m, 1 spm; J. CHARCOT MADERE st 17, 32°58 N, 16°26 W, 1390-1630 m, 1 sh. Distribution: The deep bathyal and upper abyssal parts of the NE Atlantic, from the Bay of Biscay and the Azores to Morocco. Only known from the material examined. Remarks: M. nitidulina is closely related to Astyris profundi Dali, 1889 from the western Atlantic basin, but is broader, has smaller apertural teeth and coarser incremental lines. M. nitidulina also has a more inflated larval shell and lacks the characteristic axial and spiral microsculpture of profundi. The protoconch is multispiral and has an elaborate sculpture, indicating planktotrophic larvae. Mitrella sp. Fig. 402 A single worn shell of another Mitrella species was taken at BIACORES st 101, 39°23 N, 31°05 W, 843-900 m. It is a broken shell in poor condition (Fig. 402) but shows some resemblance to Astyris profundi Dali, 1889 (Fig. 401). The specimens, however, are too few to allow certain identification because of the often very minute differences between columbellids. Genus ANACHIS H. & A. Adams, 1853 Type species: Columbella scalarina Sowerby, 1832. Anachis sp 'Tg. 403 A single shell of a small Anachis was taken by INGOLF at 60° 47 N, 04°00 E, in 350 m. It probably represents an undescribed species. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 169 Figs 399-403. Columbellidae. 399, Mitrella nitidulina, TALISMAN dr 131, 1 1.6 mm. 400, M. nitidulina, MADERE st 17, larval shell, 820 ^m. 401, M. profundi, holotype, 8.1 mm. 402, M. cf. profundi, BIACORES st 101, 8.5 mm. 403, Anachis sp., INGOLF, 2.4 mm. 170 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Family BUCCINIDAE Most previous workers on the family have divided it into several subfamilies or families (Cossmann, 1901 ; Wenz 1941; Golikov & Starobogatov, 1975; Habe & Sato, 1973; Kantor, 1981), while Ponder (1973) united Buccinidae, Fasciolariidae, Nassariidae, and Melongenidae to a single family, Buccinidae, and considered the former families subfamilies. Our experience from genera like Kryptos, Troschelia and Belomitra supports Ponder’s view. We have, however, kept the old families for some genera of typical Fasciolariidae and Nassariidae, but placed the doubtful genera in Buccinidae. The taxonomy of the N Atlantic buccinids has been found confused and in order to reduce the confusion we have included a number of shallow-water species and W Atlantic species from N Carolina and northwards. Below we discuss some of the taxonomic criteria we have used and give a provisional key to the N Atlantic genera. Larval shell. The larval development of Buccinum undatum and Colus stimpsoni has been described in detail (Portmann, 1925, 1930; West, 1973). Several hundred to several thousand eggs are laid in each capsule. A few of these develop to shell-less veligers. These ingest further eggs and store them in the digestive tract, which thus acts as a yolk sac. In B. undatum (Portmann, 1925) and Colus gracilis (own observations) the shell is formed rather late in the development and takes a shape according to the shape of the visceral sac, which varies depending on how many nurse eggs the larva has eaten. In some specimens of C. gracilis we noticed that the formation of the shell started with the lower parts and the apical part was the last to be formed. After the shell has been formed, normal “postlarval” growth starts, while the larva still lives in the egg capsule, feeding on less developed embryos. Fig. 588 shows larvae from capsules where these two stages can be seen. In C. stimpsoni a larval shell is said to develop rather early, but the apical part is later thrown off, leaving a scar where it has been attached (West, 1973). We have not noticed this scar in perfect protoconchs of C. stimpsoni. In other species the larva starts to form a shell at a very small size, presumably before it starts feeding by adelphophagy. We have observed this in Mohnia mohni and M. danielsseni. The two species hatch with a shell of three whorls, starting with a protoconch of a diameter of about 0.5 mm. In M. abyssorum we have observed veligers with a shell of 0.6 mm, consisting of slightly less than one whorl. (This species, however, seems not to have nurse eggs, because our preserved capsules are filled with a solid yolk mass.) Also M. abyssorum hatches at a size of three whorls (about 4 mm). When the shells of embryos ready to hatch of these species of Mohnia are compared to those of embryos of Buccinum, the difference is striking (Figs 547, 590). The same applies when apices of the different groups are compared. We assume, however, that the difference does not mean as much systematically as one might believe, but that the development of Buccinum (and other genera with similar larval shell) represents a more advanced type, where the formation of the shell is delayed until shortly before the young leave the shelter of the capsule. Such an evolution, with delay of shell formation may have taken place several times and we do not assume that similar types of larval shell necessarily indicate relationship. Operculum. Opercula of adult buccinids have often been divided into three groups: the Buccinum type with a central or subcentral nucleus, the normal type with an apical nucleus and the Mohnia type with a paucispiral operculum (Figs 442, 413, 431). As in most neogastropod species, the apical portion of the operculum gets eroded with increasing age and it is usually impossible to study the nucleus in adult specimens of Buccinidae. We have examined opercula of both young and adult specimens of almost all species treated in the revision and found opercula of recently hatched young to be much more informative than those of adult specimens. Thus we have been able to distinguish the following types of opercula: NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 171 A. Mohnia type (Fig. 431). Paucispirdl. Often this can be seen only in young specimens because the lower part of the operculum is lacking. Occurs in Mohnia. B. Buccinum type (Fig. 442). Concentric growth. Occurs in Buccinum. C. Turrisipho type (Fig. 407). The lower part of the larval operculum is very pointed. The axis of this point forms a small angle with later growth. Occurs in Turrisipho, possibly also in Beringius. D. Colus type (Fig. 413). The operculum of the embryo is regularly ovate and it grows in an open spiral, so the axis of the adult operculum forms a more or less right angle with the length axis of the larval operculum. Occurs in Colus. E. Neptunea type (Fig. 404). Similar to that of Colus, but the growth takes place in the same direction throughout the life of the snail, so the axis of the larval operculum is the same as that of the adult one. Occurs in Neptunea. F. Some other types of opercula, that do not fit into any of these groups, occur in Liomesus, Volutopsius and Kryptos. Radula. The radulae of N Atlantic buccinids have not been used very much for taxonomic purposes, presumably because of the large intraspecific variation reported by Friele (1879) and verified by later authors. We have, however, found the radula to be a useful accessory tool in the classification of the N Atlantic Buccinidae, and give figures of most of them. Two main types can be distinguished: A. Buccinum type (Fig. 469) with a short, broad central tooth with 4-9 cusps with individual bases. Occurs in Buccinum, Neptunea, Volutopsius. B. Mohnia type (Fig. 480) with a more or less square, often thin or reduced central plate with 0-3 cusps with fused bases, often appearing as processes from the anterior edge of the plate. Occurs in Mohnia, Colus, Turrisipho. In addition to these, there are a number of species that have more modified radulae: Belomitra, Liomesus, Kryptos, Troschelia, Beringius . The phylogenetic interpretation of these radulae is discussed under each genus, but our general impression is that they represent groups of low taxonomic level. Among the genera here considered to be buccinids, Belomitra stands out by having a central tooth resembling that of Fasciolariidae. We do not know if this is convergence or indication of relationship: Similarities to Fasciolariidae in the radula are also found in Troschelia. Here, however, it is the lateral teeth that are similar (cf. Figs 484, 486), while the central teeth are of normal Mohnia type. Concluding remarks. The N Atlantic species of Buccinidae may be distributed rather naturally into ten genera, with the exception of Mohnia glypta, M. caelata and M. carolinensis which do not fit very well into any described genus, when radula, operculum and shell shape are used in combination. The two last mentioned of these species show some resemblances to tropical deep¬ water buccinids of the genus Manaria E.A. Smith, 1906, which are very poorly known, the first mentioned species resembles no known buccinid. We have preferred to place these species provisionally in Mohnia until the tropical species are better known. To test our generic concept, we have tried to classify the N Pacific species of which operculum and radula are known, which worked very well. 172 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Key to the genera of N Atlantic Buccinidae A. Operculum with central or subcentral nucleus (Figs 442, 445) A. Operculum without central or subcentral nucleus B. Operculum, at least in very young specimens, paucispiral B. Operculum not paucispiral in young specimens C. Whorls distinctly shouldered with angular axial ribs C. Whorls rounded D. Central teeth of the radula without cusps D. Central teeth of the radula with cusps E. Shell short, ovate, almost smooth E. Shell tall, fusiform, with distinct spiral sculpture F. Lateral teeth with 5-10 cusps of equal size F. Lateral teeth with 2-5 cusps of distinctly unequal size G. Aperture very large, siphonal canal short, broad and open, only 2 large cusps on the lateral teeth G. Aperture constricted at the siphonal canal which is distinctly set off H. Periostracum hardly visible H. Periostracum usually well developed, always easily visible in specimens taken alive I. Larval operculum pointed, periostracum with rows of bristles along the spiral ridges I. Larval operculum oval, periostracum smooth or with bristles along the incremental lines Buccinum B Mohnia C Kryptos D E F Liomesus Beringius Troschelia G Volutopsius H Neptunea I Turrisipho Coins NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 173 Figs 404-412. Buccinid opercula. 404, Neptunea brevicauda, E. Canada, 6.6 mm. 405, Neptunea antiqua, off Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 300 m, 4.2 mm. 406, Turrisipho fenestratus, W of Korsfjorden, 280 m, 2.5 mm. 407, Turrisipho moebii, same locality, 3.9 mm. 408, Turrisipho moebii, off Reykjanes, Iceland, 19.2 mm. 409, Turrisipho lachesis, INGOLF st 28, 5.3 mm. 410 and 41 1 , Turrisipho voeringi, INGOLF st 105, 6.5 mm and 14.4 mm. 412, Troschelia berniciensis, southern Bay of Biscay, 400-690 m, 15.7 mm. 174 P, BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 413-421. Buccinid opercula. 413, Coins terraenovae, Newfoundland Banks, 7.3 mm. 414 and 415, Coins gracilis, W Norway, 2.6 and 16.3 mm. 416, Coins gracilis , E Greenland, 10.0 mm. 417, Coins tnrgidnlns, Norwegian Sea, 11.7 mm. 418, Coins sabini, Baffin Bay, 8.0 mm. 419 and 420, Coins holboelli, Greenland, 3.2 mm and 7.7 mm. 421, Coins ho/boe/li, Baffin Bay, 12.1 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 175 424 , W • > - 427 T< -';T-: ■'' Figs 422-430. Buccinid opercula. 422, Colus turgidulus, Norwegian Sea, 1 1.7 mm. 423, Colus laterieeus, Norway, 2.3 mm. 424, Belomitra quadruplex, INCAL st CP20, 7.9 mm. 425, Mohnia krampi, syntype, 7.5 mm. 426 and 427, Mohnia abyssorum, Bay of Biscay, 1.9 mm and 9.5 mm. 428, Colus jeffreysianus, Northumberland, UK, 7.3 mm. 429, Colus jeffreysianus, Bay of Biscay, 13.3 mm. 430, Mohnia glyptus, INGOLF st 32, 1.8 mm. 176 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 431-439. Buccinid opercula. 431 and 432, Mohnia danielsseni, Norwegian Sea 3.0 mm and 8.2 mm. 433, Mohnia caelata, off NE United States, 3.6 mm. 434, Mohnia carolinensis, off NE United States, 1 .6 mm. 435, Mohnia mohni, N of Iceland, 7.1 mm. 436, Mohnia parva, off NE United States, 2.8 mm. 437 and 438, Mohnia simplex, INGOLF st 35, 3.6 mm and 3.4 mm. 439, Mohnia blakei, off NE United States, 3.7 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 177 Figs 440-448. Buccinid opercula. 440, Liomesus ovum, W Norway, 5.1 mm. 441, Kryptos koeh/eri, off Portugal, 2.0 mm. 442, Buccinum kjennerudae, INGOLF st 28, 2.3 mm. 443, Volutopsius norwegicus, off E Canada, 3.0 mm. 444, Volutopsius norwegicus, TromsO, N Norway, 20.8 mm. 445, Buccinum abyssorum, off NE United States, 7.6 mm. 446, Beringius turtoni, North Sea, 3.5 mm 447, Beringius turtoni, W Norway, 23.7 mm. 448, Buccinum abyssorum, off NE United States, 8.7 mm. 178 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 449-452. Radulae of Mohnia. 449, M. krampi, breadth of central tooth 112 /urn. 450, M. blakei, 41 /u m. 451, M. parva, 36 /urn. 452, M. simplex, 50 /um. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 179 Figs 453-460. Buccinid radulae. 453, Mohnia glyptus, breadth of central tooth 30 /urn. 454, M. caelata, 58 fum. 455, Turrisipho moebii, 38 /urn. 456, Neptunea brevicauda, 64 /urn. 457, Mohnia carolinensis, 19/um. 458, Turrisipho lachesis, 19 /urn. 459, Buccinum abyssorum, 223 (jm. 460, B. kjennerudae, 81 /urn. 180 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN A Figs 461-465. Buccinid radulae. 461 , Liomesus ovum from egg capsule, breadth of central tooth, 46 pm. 462, Colus terraenovae, 67 pm. 463, C. stimpsoni, 69 pm. 464, C. pygmaeus, 49 pm. 465, C. pubescens, 94 pm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 181 Figs 466-47 1 . Buccinid radulae. 466, Beringius turtoni, breadth of central tooth 190 /xm. 467, Volutopsius norwegicus, 1 12 /xm. 468, Buccinum humphreysianum, 290 /xm. 469, Buccinum undatum, 318 /xm. 470, Colus turgidulus, 258 /xm. 471, Colus holboelli, 155 /xm. 182 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 472-477. Buccinid radulae. 472, Colus sabini, breadth of central tooth 169 )jm. 473, Colus gracilis, 164 (jm. 474, C. jeffreysianus, Bergen, S. Norway, 106 /urn. 475, C. jeffreysianus, N Bay of Biscay, older part of the ribbon, 131 /urh. 476, Neptunea antiqua, 3 12 /urn. 477, C. jeffreysianus, same specimen as Fig. 475, younger part of the ribbon, 114 /urn. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 183 Figs 478-483. Buccinid radulae. 478, Coins latericeus, breadth of central tooth 32 pan. 479, Coins islandicus , 238 ^m. 480, Mohnia danielsseni, 81 /jm. 481, Mohnia abyssorum, 97 ^m. 482, Mohnia mohni, 68 /^m. 483, Turrisipho fenestratus, 48 ptm. 184 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 484-489. Buccinid and fusinid radulae. 484, Troschelia berniciensis, Bergen, S Norway, breadth of central tooth 1Q2 /urn. 485, Troschelia berniciensis, N Bay of Biscay, 68 /am. 486, Fusinus bocagei, 19 /am. 487, Kryptos koehleri, 17 /am. 488 and 489, Belomitra quadrup'ex, 23 /am. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 185 Genus LIOMESUS Stimpson, 1865 Type species: Buccinum dalei Sowerby, 1825, by monotypy (Fig. 490). Synonym: Buccinopsis Jeffreys, 1867 is an absolute junior synonym. Type species Buccinum dalei Sowerby. (Not Buccinopsis Conrad, 1856). Remarks: There is some doubt about the identity of the type species. We have examined fossil specimens agreeing perfectly with Sowerby’s original description, both from Belgian and British localities and found them to differ from the Recent form by having a larger, more solid shell, blunter and more rounded spire, and coarser striation. Nowhere in the present distribution can populations be found that agree in these respects with the Crag fossil. We have, therefore, preferred to use the specific name ovum Turton, 1825, which is a few months younger than Sowerby’s name and based on the Recent form. The same opinion was expressed by Dali (1916). The genus Liomesus has been separated from Buccinum because of its radula (with a single large lateral cusp and a cusp-less rounded central plate (Sars, 1878)) and an operculum without central or subcentral nucleus. The North Pacific species previously referred to Liomesus have proved to have a more normal buccinid radula and were referred to Pseudoliomesus by Habe & Sato (1973). Liomesus Figs490-491. Genus Liomesus. 490, L. dalei , upper Pliocene of Orford, 40 mm. 491, L. ovum, off Ireland, 36 mm. 186 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN stimpsoni Dali, 1889 has a bicuspid lateral tooth of normal buccinid shape and a monocuspidate central (Weber, 1959). Therefore L. ovum is the single remaining species of the genus. Young specimens of L. ovum have a lateral tooth with two large and two smaller cusps and a central plate with several cusps (Fig. 461) and we question if the peculiar radula of L. ovum should not be considered a specific adaptation and the classification of these species should be reconsidered. Liomesus ovum (Turton, 1825) Figs 440, 461,490-491 Buccinum ovum Turton, 1825:366 Halia flemingiana Macgillivray, 1843:189. Tritonium eburneum M. Sars, 1851:192 (not Lowe 1846). Buccinopsis dalei of authors on Recent molluscs, not Sowerby, 1825. Type material: B. ovum , holotype USNM 192257; T. eburneum: holotype ZMO D. 25954. Type locality: B. ovum, off Plymouth, Great Britain; T. eburneum, Vestfjorden, N. Norway, 75-90 m. 75-90 m. Material examined: About 50 shells and specimens from all parts of the distributional area, BMNH, MNHN, ZMO, ZMC, USNM, SMNH. Distribution: From Lofoten (NW Norway) and W and NW of Iceland (Oskarsson, 1966) along the European shelf south to the extreme north of the Bay of Biscay (THALASSA st Z422, 48°21 N, 09°39 W, 1 175 m, 1 fresh shell). Normally it is a shelf species, occurring in 100-300 m but sometimes it is found on the upper part of the continental slope (several records from the Porcupine Expedition 1869 from off Ireland and the Thalassa station above). Remarks: Jeffreys (1867) suspected the type locality given by Turton to be wrong and that it actually came from Co. Cork, Ireland. Fie also figured and described the animal and the egg capsules. M. Sars (1851) described the animal. Except for the synonymy with B. dalei there are no taxonomical problems with L. ovum. It is easily recognized by the almost perfectly smooth, ovate shell of a Buccinum- like shape, but without a central or subcentral nucleus in the operculum. Genus BUCCINUM Linne, 1758 Type species: Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758, subsequent designation De Montfort (1810). Synonyms: Tritonellium Valenciennes, 1858. Type species T. barthae Valenciennes, 1858, by monotypy. Mada Jeffreys, 1867 (not Mulsant, 1850). Type species B. Humphreys ianum Bennett, 1824, by monotypy. Mala Cossmann, 1901 (not Distant, 1854). Replacement name for Mada Jeffreys. Madiella Wenz, 1943. Replacement name for Mada Jeffreys. Remarks: We can see no reason for separating Madiella as a distinct genus. The only character ever given for this is the fine, regular, incised sculpture of B. Humphrey sianum, but this occurs in other species (e.g. B. meridionale Harmer, from Newfoundland), often in combination with a coarser sculpture. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 187 There are some problems with the type designation of Buccinum. Lamarck (1799) cited B. undatum as an example of the genus “pour se faire mieux entendre”, but this can hardly be considered a type designation (R.V. Melville, pers. comm.), although the intention was the same. It will, however, in this case make no difference, because De Montfort designated the same species as Lamarck as type species. The northern species of Buccinum, both of the Atlantic and the Pacific are highly variable and hundreds of different species and forms have been described. We do not intend to make a revision of all these forms, and we have included only the species restricted to deep water, S of the Iceland- Faroe Ridge. N of this ridge, there are some species in bathyal depths, but they normally occur more shallowly and there are no species of Buccinum in the arctic, abyssal fauna (Bouchet & Waren, 1979; Friele & Grieg, 1901). The more southern species of Buccinum are less variable and may be separated by the following characters: A. Axial sculpture dominating B. undatum A. Axial sculpture absent or weak B B. Only a very fine and regular sculpture of equal sized, incised spiral B. humphreysianum lines present B. Spiral sculpture consisting of larger and smaller raised ribs C C. Some spiral ridges with knobs, apertural height greater than spire height B. oblitum C. No spiral ribs with knobs, apertural height less than spire height D D. Two or three sharp spiral keels much larger than the others, animal without eyes B. abyssorum D. Several equal sized, rounded spiral keels present, animal with eyes B. kjennerudae A revision of Buccinum was recently published by Golikov (1980), who recognized about 90 species, but synonymized B. oblitum and kjennerudae with arctic shallow-water species. Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758 Figs 469, 492-493, 590 Buccinum undatum Linne. 1758:740. Type locality: “O. Europaeo”. Type material: Four syntypes in the Linnean Society, London. Distribution: Along the North Atlantic shores, from New Jersey, U.S.A. (Abbott, 1974), north to Greenland (Thorson 1951) (70° N), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915), N Norway (Sars, 1878) and S to N Spain (Bay of Biscay, Ortea, 1977), Portugal (Hidalgo, 1917) and possibly the W Mediterranean (Altimira, 1975, Ghisotti, 1974, Jeffreys, 1867, et ai). Normally it occurs in shallow water, 0-100 m, but it has been recorded from bathyal depths (Friele & Grieg, 1901, 1500 m; Sykes 1911, 1450 m, etc.). We have, however, not seen specimens taken alive from depths greater than 500 m (Korsfjorden, W. Norway, coll. AW, cf. Fig. 492). Remarks: B. undatum has been included here only to exclude it from the bathyal fauna. It was not represented by a single shell in the collections made by Travailleur, Talisman, Thalassa, Biacores, Monaco Expeditions, etc., from deep water in the Bay of Biscay, where it is scarce along the S coast. Scattered empty shells occur off Ireland and Scotland (Sykes, 1911) where it is common at the coast and the shelf (Massy, 1930). Therefore we suspect shells to have been carried out by fish, many species of which are known to eat Buccinum. 188 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 492-493. Buccinum undatum. 492, Korsfjord, Bergen area, 150-500 m, 71.3 mm. 493, Lieholmsrannan, Bergen area, 70-73 m, 34 mm. Buccinum humphreysianum Bennett, 1824 Figs 468, 494-496 Buccinum humphreysianum Bennett, 1824:398. Buccinum fusiforme Kiener, 1834:5 (not Borson, 1820). Buccinum ventricosum Kiener, 1834:4 (not Grateloup, 1827). Buccinum striatum Philippi, 1844:193 (not Pennant, 1777). Buccinum puxleianum Leach, 1847:270 (nom. mid.). Buccinum humphreysianum var. lactea Jeffreys, 1867:294 (not Kiener, 1834). Buccinum inf latum Aradas & Benoit, 1876:287 (not Shaw, 1811). Buccinum kieneri Monterosato, 1872:32 (new name for B. fusiforme Kiener, 1834, not Broderip, 1830). Buccinum atractodeum Locard, 1886:107. Buccinum monterosatoi Locard, 1886:109. Buccinum monterosatoi var. flammulata Locard, 1886:110. Buccinum monterosatoi var. minor Locard, 1897:280. Buccinum humphreysianum var. azonata Locard, 1886:106. Buccinum liocephalum Pallary, 1931:9. Buccinum lusitanicum Pallary, 1931:7. Buccinum humphreysianum var. euthriaeformis Paulus & Mars, 1942:73. Buccinum inf latum panormitanum Settepassi, 1977, app.:6. Buccinum inf latum partenopaeum Settepassi, 1977, app.:6. Buccinum gracile Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977, app.:6 (not Reeve, 1846). NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 189 Type material: B. Humphrey sianum: not known. Type locality: B. Humphrey sianum: Cork, Ireland. Material examined: About 150 specimens from all parts of the distribution area, USNM, MNHN, ZMC, SMNH, ZMB, coll. AW. Distribution: Along the European shelf and the uppermost continental slope, from Finmark (N Norway) (Sars, 1878) and E of Iceland (Oskarsson, 1977) to W Morocco (Locard, 1897) and the western part of the Mediterranean (Settepassi, 1977; Casamor & Ghisotti, 1968). The depth distribution is 15 m (Kattegat, ZMC) — 360 m (W Norway, coll. AW) in the northern part and 70 m (Casamor & Ghisotti, 1968) — 1190 m (Locard, 1897) in the southern part of the range. Remarks: The rich synonymy of B. Humphrey sianum is not the result of a high intraspecific variation, but more the result of vain splitting by “la nouvelle ecole” and its recent representatives. We have examined Pleistocene specimens from Sicily (B. striatum Philippi) and found them to fall well inside the variation of Recent B. Humphrey sianum. B. Humphrey sianum has often (the last occasion by Abbott, 1974) been recorded from the W Atlantic and the Arctic, but we have seen no such specimens, despite searching many collections. The egg capsules are hemispherical and are laid singly (Jeffreys, 1867). Buccinum abyssorum Verrill & Smith, 1884 Figs 445, 448, 459, 497-499 Buccinum abyssorum Verrill & Smith in Verrill, 1884:167, pi. 31, fig. 11. Type material: 2 syntypes USNM 35644. Type locality: USFC st. 2111, off North Carolina, 1700 m. Material examined: 24 samples with about 80 specimens from the W Atlantic; INGOLF st 65, 61°33 N, 19°00 W, 2051 m, 2 spms; st 95, 65°14 N, 30°39 W, 1416 m, 2 shs; INCAL CP 05, 55°00 N, 12°30 W, 2884 m, 5 spms; CHALLENGER II, the Rockall Trough, c. 2000 m, several specimens. Distribution: On the lower part of the continental slope, from N Carolina to SW Greenland (Thorson, 1951), SW of Iceland and W of Ireland. Depth range 1400—2900 m. Remarks: There is some degree of variation in the proportions of the shell, but the absence of eyes is a good character distinguishing B. abyssorum from B. kjennerudae. The sculpture is also different in the two species. B. kjennerudae lacks the strong, sharp spiral keels characteristic of B. abyssorum and has evenly rounded ridges instead. Buccinum oblitum Sykes, 1911 Figs 500-501 Buccinopsis striata Jeffreys in Wyville-Thomson, 1873: fig. 76 (not Buccinum striatum Muller, 1774 or any of the other ten B. striatum that have been described). Buccinum oblitum Sykes, 1911:342, Fig. unnumbered Buccinum perexiguum Dautzenberg, 1925:5, fig. 1. Type material: B. oblitum, lectotype (Waren 1980) USNM 191839; B. perexiguum, holotype in MOM. Type localities: B. oblitum, PORCUPINE 1869, st 55, 60°04 N, 06° 19 W, 1100 m; B. perexiguum MONACO st 1096, 36°07 N, 08°03 W, 1440 m. Material examined: The types and 5 shs from the type locality of B. oblitum, USNM and BMNH; 1 sh, off Korsfjorden, W Norway, coll. AW; THOR st 164, S of Iceland, 1900 m, 1 sh; INGOLF st 90, 64°45 N, 29°06 W, 1070 m, 2 shs. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, from the shelf and upper continental slope, from Iceland to S of Portugal. Remarks: B. oblitum can always be recognized by its small size combined with a thickened outer lip, large aperture and spiral ribs with small knobs. The animal is not known, but the shell agrees in all details with that of Buccinum while the sculpture is quite different from the smooth shell of Liomesus. We have therefore preferred to place oblitum in Buccinum, as did Sykes (1911) and Dautzenberg (1925). 190 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Buccinum kjennerudae nom. nov. Figs 442, 460, 502-504 Buccinum sulcatum Friele, 1882:32, pi. 3, fig. 18 (not Born, 1778, Meuschen, 1787, Bruguiere, 1792, Sowerby, 1822, Kiener, 1834). Type material: Holotype ZMB 22917. Type locality: Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition st 192, N of Lofoten, 1150 m. Material examined: The holotype and INGOLF st 28, 65° 14 N, 55°42 W, 791 m, 2 spms; st 35, 65° 16 N, 55°05 W, -682 m, 2 shs; TJALFE st 367, 66° 22 N, 57° 16 W, 686 m, 1 spm. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, from N Norway, to Davis Strait, in 600—1100 m. Remarks: The present species has never been recognized as a good species, probably because of its rarity. Golikov (1980) synonymized it with B. polare, a high arctic shallow-water species with distinct axial sculpture. The differences from B. abyssorum are listed under that species. An additional difference is the shape of the spire, which is more convex in B. abyssorum. The name B. sulcatum which was suggested by Friele is preoccupied several times, so we found it appropriate to name it after Miss Johanne Kjennerud, curator at ZMB, who has been of great help in our work. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 191 Figs 494-499. Genus Buccinum. 494, B. humphreysianum, syntype of B. monterosatoi, off St Henri, SE France, 41 mm. 495, B. humphreysianum, 35°31 N, 06°35 W, 535 m, 68.9 mm. 496, B. humphreysianum, Bergen area 55-65 m, apex 1.3 mm. 497, B. ahyssorum, 1NCAL st CP5, 30.1 mm. 498 and 499, B. abyssorum, off Nova Scotia, ca. 40 mm and apex 1.3 mm. 192 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 500-504. Genus Buccinum. 500, B. oblitum, N. Marsteinen, Bergen area, 300-330 m, 14.7 mm. 501, INGOLF st 90, 16.6 mm. 502, B. kjennerudae, holotype of B. sulcatum, 26 mm. 503 and 504, INGOLF st 28, 1 1 .0 mm and apex 1 .9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 193 Genus TROSCHELIA MOrch, 1876 Type species: Fusus berniciensis King, 1846, by monotypy. Remarks: Boreofusus G.O. Sars, 1878 has the same type species and is an objective junior synonym. Buccinofusus Conrad, 1868 was synonymized with Troschelia by Tryon (1881) and several later authors, but we find that genus more similar to typical species of Fusinus, as did Dali (1909). We do not know any additional species of Troschelia. Troschelia (Thalassoplanes) moerchi Dali, 1908 (figured by Kosuge, 1975) has almost no siphonal canal and quite a different operculum, which is very slender. Fusus perminutus Dali, 1927 from off Florida, resembles the young of Troschelia berniciensis , but was described from immature specimens with no animal, so its systematic position remains uncertain. The radula of Troschelia berniciensis made G.O. Sars (1878) place the genus in Fasciolariidae. Thalassoplanes Dali, 1908 has a similar radula, but the central tooth of Thalassoplanes moerchi (which possibly is a synonym of Brevisiphonia circumreta Lus, 1973) is quite reduced and only a small plate remains. Costaria borealis Golikov, 1977 has lateral teeth with 7 cusps of equal size and a typical buccinid central tooth. Calliloconcha solida Lus, 1978 has the same kind of central tooth as C. borealis but lateral teeth with only three cusps of equal size. We therefore suppose that these groups represent a trend in the Buccinidae, of reduction of the central tooth and a corresponding increase in the number of cusps on the lateral teeth and we prefer to place Troschelia in the Buccinidae. Troschelia berniciensis (King, 1846) Figs 412, 484=485, 505-510. Fusus berniciensis King, 1846:246. Fusus berniciensis var. elegans Jeffreys, 1867:342. Fusus berniciensis var. inf lata Jeffreys, 1877:327. Boreofusus berniciensis var. solida Jeffreys in G.O. Sars, 1878: 279. Fusus (Siphonorbis) amblyterus Watson, 1886:205. Neptunia aquitanica Locard, 1897:356. Neptunia berniciensis vars carinata, major , minor , ventricosa, elongata Locard, 1897:354. Type material: F. berniciensis, not known. Type locality: F. berniciensis , deep water off Northumberland (North Sea). Material examined: About 250 shells and specimens from all parts of the distributional area (MNHN, USNM, ZMC, coll. AW). Distribution: Along the NE Atlantic continental shelves and upper slopes, from 56°01 N, 32°42 W, 1200 m (Jeffreys, 1877) (between Iceland and Greenland) to NW Norway (Sars, 1878) and southwards to 25 °N (Locard, 1897). It is not known from the Mediterranean. In Norway it has been found from 90 m (Sars, 1878) down to 600 m on the continental slope (Friele & Grieg, 1901), but occurs deeper (1000 m) in the fjords (AW). Off North-West Africa it occurs in depths between 600 and 2000 m (Locard, 1897). The deepest occurrence is BIACORES stn 252, 47°35 N, 08°47 W, 2700 m, where empty but fresh shells were found. Remarks: T. berniciensis is a rather variable species. Northern specimens are rather broad (Fig. 505), southern specimens more slender (Locard’s N. aquitanica, Fig. 507), and specimens from the deepest part of the distribution are smaller and slender (Watson’s F. amblyterus, Fig. 509). There is also a variation in the number of cusps of the lateral teeth, from 8-10 in northern specimens from shallow water, to about 5 in southern specimens from deep waters (Figs 484-485). Specimens from intermediate localities have intermediate numbers of cusps. 194 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 505-510. Troschelia berniciensis. 505, Akrafjord, Norway, 620 m, 97.4 mm. 506, THALASSA st W405 (43°56 N, 05°44 W, 400-690 m), 64.4 mm. 507, THALASSA st X322 (44°00 N, 04°45 W, 980-1080 m), 90.4 mm. 508, BIOGAS st CV39 (47°33 N, 08°45 W, 2350 m), 61.4 mm. 509, Bay of Biscay, deep water form, 61.2 mm. 510, off Korsfjorden, Bergen area, apex 1.8 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 195 Genus KRYPTOS Jeffreys in Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896 Type species: Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896) (= Kryptos e/egans Jeffreys, 1896), by monotypy. Remarks: This genus was placed in Fasciolariidae by Dautzenberg & Fischer (1896), Thiele (1931) and Wenz (1943) while Locard (1897) considered it to belong to Turridae. For reasons given in the introduction to Buccinidae, we prefer to place it in Buccinidae. We do not know of any additional species from the Atlantic which should be classified in Kryptos. Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896) Figs 441, 487, 51 1-513 P/eurotomella koehleri Locard, 1896 (June): 208. Pleurotomella koehleri Locard, 1896:137, pi. 5, fig. 1. Kryptos elegans Jeffreys in Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896:435, pi. 15, fig. 20. Pleurotomella atlantica Locard, 1897:240, pi. 12, figs 1-8. Pleurotomella demulcata Locard, 1897:243, pi. 12, figs 9-13. Fig 511-513. Kryptos koehleri. 511, BIOGAS st CP25, 21.8 mm. 512 and 513, off Portugal, 1 1 .4 mm and apex 1.6 mm. 196 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Type material: P. koehleri ; lost; K. elegans, holotype in MNHN; P. atlantica and P. demulcata , syntypes in MNHN. Type localities: P. koehleri , N of Spain, 44°02 N, 07°42 W, 1300 m; K. elegans, bathyal, W of Spain (here designated). Material examined: The type material and PORCUPINE st 16, 17, 17a, 24, 30, off Spain and Portugal, 500—2000 m, several shs; TRAVAILLEUR 1881, drag 1, 43°01 N, 09°37 W, 2018 m, 1 spm; drag 34, 38°18 N, 09°24 W, 1226 m, 1 spm; 1882, drag 19, 41 °32 N, 09°21 W, 1350 m, 2 shs; drag 40, 33°09 N, 09°38 W, 1340m, 2 shs; drag 70, 43°59 N, 05°35 W, 1000 m, 1 sh; TALISMAN drag 20, 33°43 N, 09°02 W, 1 105 m, 1 sh; drag 22, 33°47 N, 09°02 W, 1635 m, 1 spm; drag 3 1 , 32°40 N, 09°50 W, 1917 m, 5 spms; drag 37, 31 °34 N, 10°21 W, 900 m, 1 spm; THALASSA W415, 43°53 N, 06°11 W, 860-1150 m, 1 spm; X339, 44°10 N, 04°30 W, 1560 m, 3 spms; Y373, 41 °35 N, 09° 19 W, 1200 m, 3 shs; Y374,41°31 N,09°20W, 1250 m, 1 sh; Y395, 41 0 19 N, 09° 14 W, 810 m, 1 sh; Y401, 40°37 N, 09°22 W, 1040 m, 1 sh; POLYGAS CV16, 44° 07 N, 04° 17 W, 1909 m, 1 spm; BIOGAS DS40, 47°36 N, 09°04 W, 3345 m, 1 spm; DS86, 44°09 N, 04° 19 W, 1950 m, 1 sh; CP07, 44° 10 N, 04° 16 W, 2170 m, 1 sh; CP23, 44°05 N, 04°21 W, 1980 m, 1 spm; CP25, 44°05 N, 04°17 W, 1894 m, 1 sh. Distribution: The continental slope from the N parts of the Bay of Biscay to S Morocco, 800—2000 m normally. Remarks: K. koehleri is not very variable and no species from the Atlantic can be confused with it except young specimens of Mohnia abyssorum, which resemble the young of K. koehleri. We have not been able to find a precise date of publication of Dautzenberg & Fischer’s (1896) description of K, elegans, but in the same paper (page 434), they refer to Locard (1896), which therefore must be older. The rectum of a specimen soaked for radula preparation was filled with detritus and numerous polychaete bristles. The animal has very small tentacles and lacks eyes. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 197 Genus BERINGIUS Dali, 1887 Type species: Ghrysodomus crebricostaius Dali, 1877, by original designation. Synonyms: Jumaia Friele, 1882:6. Type species Fusus turtoni Bean, 1834, by original designation. Ukko Friele in Norman, 1893:352. New name for Jumaia Friele, 1882. Remarks: The genus is characterized by its short, indistinct siphonal canal, small aperture and the radula with a cuspless central and claw-like, bicuspidate lateral teeth. There is a single N Atlantic and a few N Pacific species. B. crebricostaius is quite similar to B. turtoni in the shell characters, but the sculpture of crebricostaius consists of very strong spiral ribs. Friele’s name was rejected by 1CZN (Opinion 469, 1957) because it was supposed to be blasphemous. Jumaia was a lappish name for the Christian god. At this decision the older and available name Brongus De Gregorio, 1885 was overlooked, but we have selected a type species for Brongus so it becomes a junior synonym of Coins to keep stability in the nomenclature. Beringius brychius (Verrill & Smith, 1885) is here referred to Beiomitra (see that genus). The radula of Beringius was the reason why Habe & Sato (1973) placed the genus in the subfamily Liomesusinae (sic!). Japelion Dali, 1916 and the questionable genus Noeberingius Habe & Ito, 1965 have a. radula very similar to Beringius and are probably closely related, as the shells also indicate. Liomesus on the contrary has quite a different shell, and the similarities in the radula are caused by enlargement of the base of a normal bu canid lateral tooth in Beringius while in Liomesus there is reduction of the inner cusps of the same tooth. When drawings of the teeth are compared, this difference is not evident, but in SEM pictures it is. Beringius turtoni (Bean, 1834) Figs 446-447, 466, 51 4-5 16, 519 Fusus turtoni Bean, 1834:493, fig. 62. Tritonium schantaricum Middendorff, 1849:475. Neptunea ossiania Friele, 1879:279. Fusus turtoni var. brevispira Norman, 1893:352. Fusus turtoni var. tumida Norman, 1893:352. Fusus turtoni var. attenuata Simpson in Marshall, 1902:41. (See also Simpson, 1903:83.) Type locality: Off Scarborough, North Sea. Type material : Not known. Material examined: About 75 specimens from all parts of the distributional area (MNHN, USNM, ZMC, SMNH, ZMB, coll AW). Distribution: From 80° N, between Spitzbergen and Greenland and N of Franz Joseph’s Land (Friele, 1882, Gorbunov, 1946), on the continental shelves southwards to NE Norway (Verkruzen, 1875), along the Norwegian coast (Sars, 1878), the North Sea (numerous records), Shetland (numerous records), the Faroes (unpublished in ZMC), Iceland (Thor son, 1941; Oskarsson, 1962), E, S, W Greenland (Thorson, 1944; Clarke, 1974; unpublished in ZMC), Arctic Canada from 95° W (McPherson, 1971), S to 150 miles S of Cape Race, Newfoundland (unpublished, in USNM). In Greenland it is known from 25 m, in other places the normal upper limit is about 100 m and it is known down to 1447 m (Golikov, 1964) although the lower limit usually is 600 m. Remarks: Several attempts have been made to distinguish two species, B. turtoni and B. ossiania (Friele, 1882; McPherson, 1971; Thorson, 1935). We have examined the types of B. ossiania and the differences from the typical form in the North Sea were noticed, but most specimens we have seen are intermediate and there is no difference in the distribution of the forms, so the names should not even be used for subspecific separation. 198 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 514-516. Beringius turtoni. 514, NW of Disco, W Greenland, 202 m, 121 mm. 515 and 516, off Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 240-250 m, 62.8 mm. The differences in the egg capsules mentioned by Friele (1882) are probably the result of variation because his description of the egg capsules of B. ossiania agrees very well with Jeffreys’ description (1867) which was based on typical B. turtoni. Jeffreys described the colour of the capsules as “pale orange’’, Friele (1882) said that the capsules of B. ossiania were “citron-yellow’’ while Thorson (1935) said that the capsules of B. turtoni were more yellow than those of B. ossiania. Howse (1847) figured in the capsules and described them as “pale yellow’’. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 199 Figs 517-519. Egg capsules. 517, Unknown (buccinid?) egg capsule, WALDA st DS7 (19°57 S, 1 1°02 E, 1227 m), length 7.0 mm. Side and top views. 518, Volutopsius norwegicus, off NE United States, diameter 32 mm. Top and side views. 519, Beringius turtoni, Dogger Bank, 75 m, diameter 28 mm. Side views. 200 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus VOLUTOPSIUS Morch, 1857 Type species: Fusus largillierti Petit de la Saussaye, 1851, by original designation. Synonym: Strombella Gray, 1857:13 (not Schliiter, 1838). Type species Strombus norwegicus Gmelin, 1790 by monotypy. Remarks: The genus Volutopsius contains a few arctic species. Tiba & Kosuge (1979) listed the N Pacific species. In the N Atlantic there are two species, V. norwegicus and V. (Pyrulojusus) deformis (Reeve, 1847). V. deformis is sinistral and has lateral teeth of normal Buccinum type. V. harpa (Morch, 1857) has often been considered a subspecies of deformis, but has the same kind of lateral teeth as norwegicus (Habe & Sato 1973) and should be kept distinct. The variation in the lateral teeth in this otherwise uniform group of species clearly shows that it is of little or not value above the specific level. Volutopsius norwegicus (Gmelin, 1790) Figs 443-444, 467, 518, 520-524 Strombus norwegicus... Chemnitz, 1788:218 (not binominal). Strombus norwegicus Gmelin, 1790:3250. Fusus largillierti Petit de la Saussaye, 1851:255. Type material : S. norwegicus, lost? Not found in ZMC; F. largillierti, lost? Not in MNHN. Type locality: S. norwegicus, Norway; F. largillierti, Newfoundland. Material examined: About 150 shells and specimens from all parts of the range. Distribution: From Spitzbergen, E and W Greenland southwards on the continental shelves, to the North Sea, Shetland, The Faroes, and Iceland (Odhner, 1915; Thorson, 1944; Schlesh, 1926; Sars, 1878; Jeffreys, 1867), and from Arctic Canada, c. 95° W, to George’s Bank, 42° N (Macpherson, 1971 and unpublished material in USNM). It is restricted to the continental shelf, 25 m (E Greenland, Thorson, 1941) to about 600 m (numerous records) except S of Iceland where it occurs down to 2000 m (unpublished material in ZMC). Remarks: There is a distinct cline in the size of the larval shell in V. norwegicus, W Atlantic specimens having a larger one, but examination of a large collection in ZMC from Iceland and Greenland proved that it is hardly possible to separate V. largillierti more than possibly as a western subspecies, not sharply limited from the nominal species. Examination of further Siberian material may show that V. middendorffi (Dali, 1891) belongs to the present species and it thus has a more or less circumpolar distribution. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 201 Figs 520-524. Volutopsius norwegicus. 520, norwegicus form, Balsfjord, Tromso area, 100 m, 85 mm. 521, largillierti form, NW Atlantic, 500 m, 92.5 mm. 522, embryonic shell from egg capsule, Shetland, 8.8 mm. 523, Shetland, 15.7 mm. 524, INGOLF st 81 (61°44 N, 27°00 W, 913 m), 30.6 mm. 202 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus NEPTUNEA Roding, 1798 Type species: Fusus antiquus Linne, 1758, subsequent designation Sandberger (1861) and Nelson (1976). Synonym: Aulacofusus Dali, 1918. Type species Fusus spitzbergensis Reeve, 1855. Remarks: Aulacofusus spitzbergensis is quite similar to Neptunea antiqua, in shell, radula and opercular characters and differs mainly by its smaller size. We can therefore see no reason for separating Aulacofusus, even as a subgenus. It is not our intention to discuss the despecta - antiqua complex or the numerous arctic forms, but we have limited our discussion to the two species that occur on the upper parts of the continental slope in Europe and N. brevicauda which has a similar distribution in the NW Atlantic. Neptunea brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832) Figs 404,456,528=529 Fusus brevicauda Deshayes, 1832:159. Fusus spitzbergensis Reeve, 1855:395, pi. 32, figs 6a-b. Tritonium schantaricum Middendorff, 1849:475. Neptunea terebralis Gould, 1860:326 (not Lamarck, 1803). Fusus lividus Morch, 1862:36. Type material: F. brevicauda, holotype in MNHN; F. spitzbergensis, holotype BMNH 197654. Type localities: F. brevicauda, not known; F. spitzbergenis , said to come from Spitzbergen. Material examined: 20 samples with about 40 shells and specimens, all from the NW Atlantic. Distribution: From Maine and northwards along the N American Arctic coast, to the state of Washington in 2 — 548 m (Macpherson, 1971), Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk (Middendorff, 1849). Not known from the Siberian coast, the NE Atlantic or Greenland. Remarks: Fusus spitzbergensis was said to originate from Spitzbergen in the original description, but no later writers on molluscs from Spitzbergen have reported it, nor is it present in any collections we have examined from the NE Atlantic. Pain (1978) figured a specimen from “west of Spitzbergen, 400 m”, but his figure shows a specimen of Colus sabini. Therefore we suppose the species to be absent from the N Atlantic, except the American coast. We.have therefore preferred to use the older name of Deshayes, which does not imply an erroneous distribution. No locality was given for Fusus brevicauda, but on the label one can read “Kamchatka” (NW Pacific), which probably has been added later. Probably some specific names described in various papers by Dali have to be added to the synonymy. N. brevicauda looks like a slender, miniature N. antiqua, but has more regular sculpture. Neptunea antiqua (Linne, 1758) Figs 405, 476, 525-526 Murex antiquus Linne, 1758:754 Type locality: “In oras Europaeo”. Type material: Two syntypes in the Linnean Society, London. Material examined: THALASSA st W406, 43°55 N, 05°44 W, 700-400 m, 1 sh; st Y418, 41° 19 N, 09° 15 W, 585 m, 1 sh; st Z435, 48°39 N, 09°54 W, 720 m, 1 sh; BIOGAS CV22, 47°42 N, 08° 19 W, 1331 m, 1 sh; several hundred specimens from the Scandinavian and British coasts, 15 — 600 m (coll. AW, USNM, ZMC, SMNH). NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 203 Distribution: Uncertain to the north and west. It is common in S Scandinavia and around the British Isles, 15-1000 m (Seaward, 1982; Pearce & Thorson, 1967). Remarks : In our material from deep water, there are a few empty shells from the Bay of Biscay and a single one from off N Portugal, which agree well with the form common off the British Isles and Scandinavia in deep water. They are all old and rather worn and probably fossil. This form can neither be attributed to typical N. antiqua which is the form common in shallow water in the Skagerrak, the Kattegat and the southern Baltic, nor can it be identified with typical N. despecta , which is a more heavily sculptured northern form. Intermediates between all these forms occur, but each of these populations can be recognized from the shell with certainty. The relations between these populations are not known. Locard ( 1 886) published several records from the Channel and the Bay of Biscay, in shallow water. We have not seen any specimens in his collection, which now is in MNHN, and doubt the validity. ■ The biology of N. antiqua is fairly well known. Pearce & Thorson (1967) summarized what is known, and Fange (I960) reported on its poisonous salivary secretion. Neptunea contraria (Linne, 1771) Fig. 527 Murex contrarius Linne, 1771:551. Fusus sinistrorsus Deshayes, 1832:160. Fusus perversus Kiener, 1840: pi. 20, fig. 1 (name used only on the plate). Type material: Holotype in the Linnean Society, London. Type locality: Vigo Bay, N Spain (here designated). See also Rolan (1983:240). Material examined: TALISMAN 1883 dr 11, 35°21 N, 07°05 W, 1084 m, 1 spm; dr 18, 33°33 N, 08°59 W, 550 m, 2 shs; THALASSA W400, 43°48 N, 05° 10 W, 350-200 m, 3 spms; W405, 43°56 N, 05°44 W, 690-400 m, 1 sh; W426, 44°08 N, 08°24 W, 337-215 m, 1 spm; ¥377, 41°32 N, 09° 14 W, 320 m, 1 sh; Fosse de Cap Breton, Bay of Biscay, 1 sh; a few dozen shells and specimens with less precise localities: Vigo Bay, Bay of Biscay, Spain etc. (MNHN, USNM, ZMC). Distribution: Along the shelf and upper continental slope from the southern parts of the Bay of Biscay to Morocco (Locard, 1897) in 100—1000 m. Mediterranean records seem to be based on fossil specimens (Barsotti & Frill i, 1970). Remarks: There have been numerous discussions in the literature whether M. contrarius was based on the normally sinistral S European species or on a sinistral specimen of N, antiqua. Examination of the holotype proved that the name was based on the S European species, as Hanley (1855) concluded. Dautzenberg (1910) recorded N. contraria from Cap Blanc, Mauretania, without any comments about the depth. We have examined this specimen in IRSN, and although the shell looks very fresh, the label says that it was collected at 32 m above sea level in a quaternary deposit. Neptunea contraria resembles sinistral specimens of N. antiqua , which occasionally occur, but can be separated by having a sculpture of coarser but more equal sized spiral ribs, that are rounded, never sharp. Some details on the anatomy of N . contraria were given by Fischer & Bouvier (1890). Golikov (1963) regarded N. contraria as a subspecies of N. antiqua but we cannot agree. The fossil history of N. contraria goes back to the Pliocene, as does that of N. antiqua , and there has never been any mixing of them (cf. Harmer, 1914 and Strauch, 1972). 204 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 525-529. Genus Neptunea. 525, N. antiqua , Skagerrack, 155 mm. 526, Great Britain (Jeffreys coll.), sinistral specimen, 88.3 mm. 527, N. contraria, off Vigo, NW Spain, 92.5 mm. 528, N. brevicauda, Egg Harbor, Labrador, 13 m, 27.7 mm. 529, Newfoundland Banks (45°38 N, 55°00 W), 52.0 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 205 Genus MOHNIA Friele in Kobelt, 1878 Type species: Fusus mohni Friele, 1877, by monotypy. Remarks: In Mohnia we have included a number of bathyal and abyssal buccinids that have a more or less distinctly spirally-coiled operculum and a small initial whorl in the larval shell that increases its diameter regularly (Figs 534, 537, 540, 543). The radula has a more or less square central tooth with one or three cusps and lateral teeth with two major and 0-2 minor cusps between these. All species we know of Mohnia are true deep-water species. They are known from the N Atlantic, the N Pacific, and the Arctic basins. In some species the spiral coiling of the operculum can be observed only in young specimens because its older parts get worn rather early in life. We have divided Mohnia in two subgenera, Mohnia s.str. and Tacita. The species of Tacita have a more or less distinct axial sculpture in addition to spiral lines and lose the spirally-coiled part of the operculum early in life. The species of Mohnia laek axial sculpture and usually the operculum keeps the apical part throughout life. In Mohnia we have also included some species for which we could not find a better genus, although we are not satisfied with their position here, viz. M. carolinensis, M. caelatus and M. glyptus. The species referred to Mohnia can be determined by the following key: A. Only spiral sculpture present, suture not very deep B (Mohnia s.str.7 A. Axial sculpture usually present D B. Three or four major spiral ribs on the upper whorls M. mohni B. Several to many spiral ribs or lines present C C. Spiral ribs of unequal size, separated by broader interstices M. parvus C. Numerous fine spiral ribs of equal size, separated by narrow interstices M. simplex D. Whorls with a distinct shoulder M. (T.) blakei D. Whorls evenly rounded E E. Broad, rounded axial ribs present on all whorls F E. Axial sculpture usually present only on the upper whorls H F. Spiral sculpture forms knobs at the intersections with the axial ribs M. carolinensis F. Spiral sculpture disappears on the axial ribs G G. Columella distinctly curved M. caelatus G. Columella almost straight M. glyptus H. Axial sculpture of strong short ribs on the upper whorls M. (T.) abyssorum H. Axial sculpture of rather indistinct, broad growth lines I I. Spiral lines sharp M (T.) krampi I. Spiral lines low and rounded M (T.) danielsseni Mohnia (Mohnia) mohni (Friele, 1877) Figs 435,482,530-531 Fusus mohni Friele, 1877:6. Fusus concinnus Jeffreys, 1883:396, pi. 44, fig. 8. Type material: F. mohni in ZMB, not seen; F. concinnus , holotype BMNH Type localities: F. mohni N. of the Faroes, 1000-2000 m; F. concinnus , 60°05 N, 06°21 W, S of the Faroes, 1 100 m. 206 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Material examined: 3000 shs and spms, listed by Bouchet & Waren (1979) and from INGOLF st 104, 105, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125 and 139, W and NW of Iceland, 650-2300 m; 81° 14 N, 22°50 E, 150 m, 1 sh, SMNH. Distribution: The Norwegian and Arctic abyssal basins (Bouchet & Waren, 1979; Lus, 1981), in 650-3800 m. Remarks: M. mohni is only likely to get confused with M. danielsseni, with which it occurs together, but it can easily be separated by having the apical whorls of half the diameter of M. danielsseni (Figs 531, 540). Some details on the reproduction were given by Bouchet & Waren (1979). It can be added that the capsules are not attached to some firm substratum as are those of M. danielsseni. The specific names Mohnia alba and Fusus tener which have been mentioned in the literature, are manuscript names of Friele and Jeffreys. Kobelt (1878) used the name Mohnia alba on plate 9 (fig. 5), but in the text he said that this name should not be used. Mohnia (Mohnia) parva (Verrill & Smith, 1882) Figs 436, 451, 532-534 Sip ho parvus Verrill & Smith in Verrill, 1882:504, pi. 57, fig. 20. Type material: Holotype USNM 38013. Type locality: LJSFC st 997, off Delaware, 600 m. Material examined: Numerous shells and specimens, USFC stns 925, 937, 947, 1030, 1093, 1154, 2048, 2076, 2183, 2203, 2486, 2547, 2586, 2687 and George’s Bank, 200 m (USNM); THOR 1902, st 164, SW of Iceland ca. 1900 m, 2 shs; INGOLF st 10, 64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m, 1 sh; 74° 17 N, 15°20 W, 200 m, 4 shs. Distribution: NE America from 39° N, to SW Iceland and NE Greenland, 200 — 2000 m. Remarks: This species is characterized by its uneven sculpture, which in worn specimens has an additional incised line on each spiral rib. The specimens from NE Greenland were determined dalli by Posselt (1895) and formed the base for the only record from Greenland. Thus dalli can be cancelled from the list of gastropods from Greenland. Mohnia (Mohnia) simplex (Verrill, 1884) Figs 437-438, 452, 535-537 Sipho (Mohnia) simplex Verrill, 1884:174. Type material: Holotype USNM 35573. Type locality: USFC st 2115, off N Carolina, 1500 m. Material examined: The holotype and USFC st 2470, 44°47 N, 56°34 W, 440 m, 1 spm; USFC st 54B, 42°49 N, 68°48 W, 200 m, 2 shs; Lindenows Fjord, SE Greenland, 400—600 m, 1 sh, ZMC; INGOLF st 35, 65° 16 N, 55°05 W, 682 m, 5 spms. Distribution: On the upper continental slope, from N Carolina to S Greenland, only known from the material examined. Remarks: The opercula from the specimens from USFC st 2470 and INGOLF st 35 show only traces of being paucispiral. Verrill described it as “distinctly but less than M. mohni paucispiral”. No original material with soft parts was available to check this, but a specimen in the Locard collection, without precise locality data, had a more distinctly coiled operculum, corresponding to the description. This may indicate that more than one species is involved, but we find it more likely that it depends on intraspecific variation. One of the specimens from the INGOLF expedition had a large parasitic copepod in the oviduct. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 207 Figs 530-534. Genus Mohnia. 530 and 53 1, M. mohni, NORBI st DS18 (73°36N, 13°35 W, 2470 m), 23.6 mm and apex 1 .7 mm. 532, M. parva, 74° 17 N, 15°20 W, 234 m, 14.2 mm. 533, M. parva off Martha’s Vineyard, 12.8 mm. 534, M. parva, S of Iceland, apex 1 .5 mm. 208 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 535-540. Genus Mohnia. 535, M. simplex, INGOLF st 35, 20.1 mm. 536, NE America, 202 m, 9.9 mm. 537, off Nova Scotia, 412 m, apex 1.4 mm. 538, M. krampi, syntype, 34.5 mm. 539 and 540, M. danielsseni, NORBI st CP17 (73°31 N, 13°40 W, 2500 m), 42.7 mm and apex 2.1 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 209 Figs 541-545. Genus Mohnia. 541, M. abyssorum, NORATLANTE st B17 (45°13 N, 05°31 W, 4700 m), 43.5 mm. 542 and 543, INGOLF st 36 (61 °50 N, 56°21 W, 2702 m), 5.4 mm. 544 and 545, M. blakei, off Maryland, 3360 m, 14.9 mm and apex 2.3 mm. 210 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Subgenus TACITA Lus, 1971 Type species: T. holoserica Lus, 1971, by original designation. Remarks: The type species was described from the Kuril Trench, in 6100 m. Its anatomy was described in the original description. The shell, operculum and radula resemble rather closely those of M. abyssorum and M. danielsseni. Lus introduced the genus after comparison with Neptunea and Sipho and did not give any distinctive characters in relation to Mohnia. From shell morphology, radular characters and operculum we find this genus very close to Mohnia, but keep it as a subgenus for a number of species that have a less distinctly spirally-coiled operculum, usually are of a larger size and often have some axial sculpture. Mohnia (Tacita) danielsseni (Friele, 1879) Figs 431-432, 480, 539-540 Type material: M. danielsseni, holotype in ZMB. Type locality: M. danielsseni, The abyssal area between Norway, Spitzbergen and Greenland; C. hunkinsi, the abyssal of the North Canadian Basin. Neptunea (Sipho) danielsseni Friele, 1879:282. Co/us hunkinsi Clarke, 1960:3, pi. 1, fig. 9. Material examined: The material enumerated by Bouchet & Waren (1979) and numerous shells and specimens, INGOLF st 112, 113, NW of Iceland, 2400 m; 77°52 N, 03°05 W, 2750 m, 15 shs, SMNH; Recherche Bay, Spitzbergen, 90 m(7), 3 shs, SMNH. Distribution: The abyssal parts of the Norwegian and Arctic Basins 1400-3700 m. Remarks: Some information about the biology was given by Bouchet & Waren (1979). For differences from M. mohni, see that species. M. krampi resembles M. danielsseni, but has sharper spiral ridges, flatter whorls and a more narrow aperture. Lus (1981) placed M. danielsseni in Colicryptus, which she regarded as a subgenus of Coins . Colicryptus is here considered a synonym of Turrisipho and is characterized by an apical, pointed nucleus of the operculum (Fig. 407). Therefore we prefer to keep danielsseni in Mohnia. Mohnia (Tacita) blakei (Verrill, 1885) Figs 439,450, 544-545. Bela blakei Verrill, 1885:417, pi. 44, fig. 8. Type material: Holotype USNM 44655. Type locality: USFC st 2226, 37°00 N, 71°54 W, 3850 m. Material examined: The type material and USFC stn 2714, off Maryland, 4 spms, 3330 m. Distribution: Only known from the material examined. Remarks: This species has always been regarded as a turrid but the radula (Fig. 450) clearly shows that it is a buccinid. For differences from M. abyssorum, see under that species. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 211 Mohnia (Tacita) abyssorum (Fischer, 1883) Fig 426-427, 481, 541-543, 546-547. Fusus abyssorum Fischer, 1883:391. Sip ho hispid ulus Verrill, 1884:239. Sipho profundicola Verrill & Smith, 1884: 170, pi. 31, fig. 13. Sipho profundicola var. dispar Verrill, 1884: 171. Type material: Lectotype of F. abyssorum (here selected) in MNHN; S. profundicola holotype USNM 37999; 5. profundicola var. dispar holotype USNM 37955; S. hispidulus holotype USNM 34840. Type localities: F. abyssorum, TALISMAN st 131, 38°38 N, 25°06 W, 2995 m; S. profundicola, USFC st 2037, 38°53 N, 69°23 W, 3300 m; 5. profundicola var. dispar, USFC st 2042, 39°33 N, 68°26 W, 2800 m; 5. hispidulus, USFC st 2038, 38°30 N, 69°08 W, 3650 m. Material examined: 25 samples, mainly USFC material, with about 50 specimens from off Virginia, to George’s Bank, S of Newfoundland, material in USNM; INGOLF st 20, 58°20 N, 40°48 W, 3100 m, 1 sh; st 37, 60° 17 N, 54°05 W, 3100 m, 1 spm; 95 samples with about 640 shells and specimens from TALISMAN 1883, NORATLANTE, BIACORES, THALASSA, BIOGAS, INCAL, and MONACO Expeditions, mainly in MNHN, a few in MOM and IRSN. The extreme S distribution is TALISMAN st 106 (not 100 as cited by Locard), 15°48 N, 20°23 W, 3655 m; the SW extreme is TALISMAN st 1 17, 32° 19 N, 35°44 W, 3432 m and 118, 34°46 N, 33°51 W, 3175 m. The deepest material is from MONACO expeditions st 2994, 44°08 N, 10°44 W, 5000 m. Four samples come from depths between 1900 and 2100 m; the remaining samples are deeper. Distribution: The lowermost part of the continental slope and the upper part of the abyssal area of the Atlantic, S to about 15° N. Remarks: This is one of the most characteristic species of the upper abyssal area of the N Atlantic. It is represented by numerous samples from 2500 m— 4800 m but only four more shallow and a single below 4850 m. The S distribution is uncertain because of lack of sampling stations, but it is not present in material from the Verna fracture zone, about 11° N, 5100-5900 m. Young specimens of M. abyssorum resemble M. blakei slightly but M. blakei has more narrow axial ribs and a larger larval shell. Young specimens also resemble Kryptos koehleri of the same size but are broader and increase their diameter more rapidly (Figs 513, 542). Several egg capsules were present in our material. The capsule is ovate, 5 mm long and about 3 mm in diameter. It is attached to the substratum by a stalk, Y-shaped in cross section and 1.5 mm high, originating centrally from the longer side of the capsule. The capsule is filled by a homogeneous yolk. In two capsules there was a very young embryo in the veliger stage, in a third capsule (Fig. 546) solid yolk; in two capsules there were young almost ready to hatch. Figs 546-547. Mohnia abyssorum. 546, BIOGAS st DS87 (44°05 N, 04° 19 W, 1950 m), egg capsule, 5.1 mm. 547, INCAL st DS 10 (50°13 N, 13°17 W, 2719 m), embryo, 5.1 mm. 212 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Mohnia (Tacita) krampi (Thorson, 1951) Figs 425, 449, 538 Sipho krampi Thorson, 1951: 54, fig. 16. Type material: Holotype and 7 paratypes in ZMC. Type locality: 69°50 N, 61°36 W, 1880 m, Baffin Bay. Material examined: The type material. Distribution: Clarke (1974) recorded A/, krampi from 570-2300 m, (4 stations) in Baffin Bay. It has not been taken outside the deep parts of Baffin Bay. Remarks: This species resembles M. danielsseni rather closely but is more slender and its whorls are higher. All material we have examined is badly corroded and the larval shell is not known. Mohnia carolinensis (Verrill, 1884) Figs 434, 457, 555-556 Urosalpinx carolinensis Verrill, 1884:237. Mohnia carolinensis , Radwin 1972:339. Type material: Numerous syntypes USNM 35735. Type locality: USFC st 2109, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, 250 m. Material examined: The material examined by Verrill (1884). Distribution: Only known from off North Carolina, 250-1700 m. Remarks: A7. carolinensis was described as as muricid, but was referred to Mohnia by Radwin (1972), who examined the radula. We have examined the operculum of a young specimen, 4 mm high, and it is slightly paucispiral. The shell, however, differs widely from Mohnia , in being solid with strong axial sculpture and it will probably prove to be more closely related to certain tropical buccinids from deep water that now are considered to be fusinids. The only species that M. carolinensis can be confused with is M. caelatus, which differs from M. carolinensis in having a weaker spiral sculpture, where the spiral lines disappear on the axial ribs. Mohnia caelata (Verrill & Smith, 1880) Figs 433, 454, 548-551 Neptunea caelata Verrill & Smith in Verrill, 1880:369. Sipho caelatus, Verrill 1882:506, pi. 57, fig. 19. Sipho obesus Verrill, 1884:168. Sipho caelatus var. hebes Verrill, 1884:172. Sipho caelatulus Verrill, 1884: 172. Type material: N. caelata, syntypes USNM 38026; 5. obesus, holotype and several syntypes USNM 35600; var. hebes, lectotype (here selected) USNM 35424; S. coelatulus, lectotype (here selected) USNM 35226. Type localities: N. caelata USFC st 894, off Pennsylvania, 700 m; S. obesus USFC st 2115, off North Carolina, 1500 m; var. hebes USFC st 2103 off Delaware 1800 m; S. coelatulus USFC st 2076, off New York, 1700 m. Material examined: The types and numerous specimens from 79 USFC stations and INGOLF st 25, 60°30 N, 54°25 W, 1065 m, 6 spms; 62°57 N, 19°58 W, 957 m, 12 shs, ZMC. Distribution: along the upper part of the continental slope, from North Carolina to S of Iceland, 1000-2500 m. Remarks: Comparison of the rich material of the species proved that all intermediate forms exist, although there is a tendency to form uniform populations. The name obesus was based on a juvenile specimen, var. hebes on an unusually broad specimen. For differences from M. carolinensis, see under that species. The operculum is slightly paucispiral. M. caelata is quite similar to M. frielei (Dali, 1891)andM. robusta ( Dali, 1913) from deep water in the N Pacific. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 213 Mohnia glyptus (Verrill, 1882) Figs 430, 453, 552-554 Sipho glyptus Verrill, 1882:505, pi. 52, fig. 22, pi. 53, fig. 1. Sip ho (Siphonorbis) iindahii Posselt, 1898:180, ph 1, fig. 5. Type material: S. glyptus holotype USNM 38005; S. Iindahii holotype SMNH 1566. Type localities: S. glyptus USFC st 895, off New Jersey, 450 m; S. Iindahii Umanak, W. Greenland, 270m. Material examined: The type material and USFC st 1154, off Martha’s Vineyard, 350 m, 4 shs; 62°57 N, 19°58 W, 957 m, 4 shs, ZMC; 63°05 N, 20°07 W, 957 m, 1 sh, ZMC; INGOLF st 25, 60° 30 N, 54°25 W, 1096 m, 1 sh; st 27, 64° 54 N, 55°10 W, 740 m, 1 sh; st 28, 65°14 N, 55°42 W, 791 m, 5 spms; st 32, 65°35 N, 56°38 W, 599 m, 14 spms; Umanak, W Greenland, 740 m, 1 spm, SMNH. Distribution: From off New Jersey, along the upper continental slope, northwards to S of Iceland, c. 300-1000 m. Only known from the material examined. Remarks: The shell of M. glyptus does not resemble Mohnia, especially in the characters of the larval shell, but we have not found any genus that resembles this species and we have not wanted to describe a new genus for it. The shell of M. glyptus resembles that of Metzgeria, but species of Metzgeria have distinct columellar folds. The larval shell of M. glyptus is remarkable (Fig. 554) because of its irregular shape and it does not resemble that of any buccinid known to us. It is, however, a good character for recognizing this species. 214 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 548-554. Genus Mohnia. 548, M. caelata, SE Delaware bay, 1492 m, 17.6 mm. 549, THOR st 166 (62°57 N, 19°58 W, 957 m), 9.5 mm. 550, INGOLF st 25, 11.4 mm. 551, INGOLF st 10 (64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m), apex 1.2 mm. 552, M. glyptus, off Martha’s Vineyard, 355 m, 15.8 mm. 553 and 554, INGOLF, st 32, 17.4 mm and apex 1.4 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 215 Genus TURRISIPHO Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1912 Type species : Fusus lachesis Morch, 1869, by original designation. Synonyms: Colicryptus Iredale, 1918. Type species Fusus fenestratus Turton, 1834, by original designation. Undacolus Nordsieck, 1968. Type species Neptunea undulata Friele, 1882, by original designation. Remarks: The species of Turrisipho are characterized by having the nucleus of the operculum drawn out into a small apical point, a squarish central tooth of the radula with 1-3 cusps, a distinct, hairy periostracum and a high slender shell with numerous whorls. The species here included in Turrisipho have previously been placed in a number of different genera, and Lus (1981) referred Mohnia danielsseni to Colicryptus. We find, however, the group here put together to be a very uniform group, especially when young specimens are compared. The pointed apical part of the operculum is especially characteristic and we have not seen anything similar in other buccinids. The species of Turrisipho can be separated by the following key: A. Aperture constitutes 0.4 of the total height of the shell or less B A. Aperture constitutes more than 0.4 of the total height C B. Diameter of third whorl c. 4 mm T. voeringi B. Diameter of third whorl c. 2.5 mm T. lachesis C. Siphonal canal well developed, occupying 1/3 of the height of the aperture T. dalli C. Siphonal canal short and broad D D. Distinct, broad axial ribs present T. fenestratus D. No axial ribs j. moebii Turrisipho dalli (Friele, 1881) Figs. 557-558 Sipho dalli Friele in Tryon, 1881:133 (Not Fusus ( Neptunea ) dalli Watson, 1882:379, renamed Fusus (Sipho) liberatus Watson, 1886:206). Type material: Holotype, ZMB 20644. Type locality: Between Bear Island and Norway, 350 m. Material examined: PORCUPINE 1869, 61 °21 N,03°44W, 1160 m, 1 sh; MONACO st 922, 58° 16 N, 05°48 W, 343 m, 1 spm; Varangerfjord, N Norway (G.O. Sars leg., ZMO), 1 sh; off Korsfjorden, W Norway, 250-325 m, 1 spm, 10 shs, coll. A.W.; the material listed by Friele (1882). Distribution: From Barents Sea, along the Scandinavian shelves, S to the Shetland — Faroe Channel and E of Iceland (Oskarsson, 1977). Remarks: Live specimens of T. dalli are easily recognized by the greyish shell with rows of periostracal bristles along the spiral keels. When dead, it is well characterized by the rounded, slightly-shouldered whorls, polygyrate larval shell, its slender siphonal canal and the rather sharp axial sculpture of incremental lines and alternating spiral keels and smaller ribs. On the shoulder, the spiral ribs are of equal strength. T. dalli was recorded from NE Greenland by Posselt (1895), but examination of the material proved that the record was based on Mohnia parva, and the species thus is unknown from Greenland. We have not seen opercula of very young specimens, but shells of young specimens are very similar to those of other species of Turrisipho. Turrisipho lachesis (Morch, 1 869) Figs 409, 458, 560-566 Fusus (Siphonorbis) lachesis Morch, 1869:397. Sipho undulatus Friele in Tryon, 1881:133. Sipho (Tritono fusus) costiferus Posselt, 1898:183, pi. 1, fig. 6. Type material: F. lachesis, holotype in ZMC; S. undulatus holotype ZMB 20656; S. costiferus, holotype SMNH 1567. Type locality: F. lachesis, Ikersak, W Greenland, 144 m; 5. undulatus, NW of N Cape, N Norway, 390 m; S. costiferus, off Julianehaab, W Greenland, 310 m. 216 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Material examined: The types and MONACO st 161, 46°05 N, 46°42 W, 1267 m, 7 spms; 73°03 N, 18°30 E, 410 m, 1 sh, SMNH: Lindenowsfjord, SW Greenland, 125-150 m, 1 spm, ZMC; Lindenowsfjord, SW Greenland, 400-600 m, 1 sh, ZMC; 66° 18 N, 18°36 W, 360 m, 1 spm, ZMC; TJALFE st 366, 66°22 N, 57° 16 W, 686 m, 1 spm; INGOLF st 10, 64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m, 1 spm; st 25, 63° 30 N, 54°25 W, 1096 m, 2 spms; st 28, 65° 14 N, 55°42 W, 791 m, 25 spms; st 32, 66°35 N, 56°38 W, 599 m, 1 spm; st 35, 65° 16 N, 55°05 W, 682 m, lsh; st 138, 66°26 N, 07°56 W, 887 m, 1 spm; the material listed by Frieie (1882). Distribution: N and W of Norway, 200-1100 m (Frieie, 1882, as lachesis, typical form and undulata), E and NW of the Faroes (Sykes, 1911 and ZMC) 500-900 m, N and NW of Iceland 200-1500 m (Thorson, 1941 and ZMC), SE Greenland, 400-600 m(Thorson, 1944 as lachesis smooth variety), SW Greenland and Davis Strait, 600-1100 m (Thorson, 1940 as undulatus, INGOLF & TJALFE, ZMC) and off Newfoundland, 1267 m (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1912 as undulatus ). Remarks: Morch’s original description of lachesis was based on a very poor specimen (Fig. 565) and this led to much confusion. Frieie (1882) and G.O. Sars (1878) interpreted it correctly, but after Frieie’ s description and illustration of var. bicarinata (see voeringi) later authors used the name lachesis for the “variety”. Thorson (1940) described the egg capsules and larval development of what he considered to be Sipho undulatus but we doubt his identification. To give an impression of a higher certainty in his identification of the capsules on which his description was based, he mentioned that S. undulatus was taken at two adjacent INGOLF stations, nos 25 and 28, but he did not mention that they originated from depths of 1096 and 791 m, while the egg capsules came from 2260 m, 700 m deeper than any of the about 20 records we know of. There is also a difference in the sculpture of his drawing of the larva and actual specimens of T. lachesis. His drawing does not show the faint, but distinct shoulder of the body whorl of the larva which is well shown in his drawing of the apical whorls of an adult specimen. We have not been able to find his specimens in ZMC and are not able to say on which species his description was based. Some specimens of T. voeringi resemble lachesis considerably, but can always be separated by their proportionally shorter siphonal canal, more convex whorls of more slowly increasing diameter, and the diameter of the third whorl is about 4 mm in T. voeringi , while it is 2.5 mm in lachesis. T. fenestratus can be separated by its broader and more solid shell of a larger apical angle and shorter siphonal canal. T. dalli has a much stronger spiral sculpture and T. moebii has more rapidly growing diameter of the apical whorls and a much broader shape. Turrisipho voeringi nom.nov. Figs 410-41 1 , 567-570 Neptunea (Siphonorbis) lachesis var. bicarinata Frieie, 1879:282. (Not Neptunea despecta var. bicarinata Kobelt, 1878.) Type material: Holotype, ZMB 26054. Type locality: Norwegian N Atlantic Expedition st 312, S of Spitzbergen, 1170 m. Material examined: The types and INGOLF st 101, 66°23 N, 12°05 W, 1011 m, 1 spm; st 105, 65°34 N, 07°31 W, 1435 m, 4 spms; st 116, 70°05 N, 08°26 W, 699 m, 6 spms; st 126, 67° 19 N, 15°52 W, 552 m, 2 spms; Dusenfjord, E Greenland, 240 m, 8 spms, ZMC; Franz Joseph Fjord, E Greenland, 320 m, 1 sh, ZMC; Hurry Inlet, E Greenland, 90 m, 3 spms, ZMC; Forsblads Fjord, E Greenland, 90-160 m, 1 spm, ZMC; Lindenows Fjord, E Greenland, 200-350 m, 2 spms, ZMC; Ella Island, E Greenland, 48-51 m, 2 spms, ZMC; Kap Hooker, Jameson Land, E Greenland, 150 m, 2 egg capsules, ZMC; off Cap Powlet, W Greenland, 1000-600 m, 2 spms, ZMC; 75°54 N, 81 °00 W, 600 m, 1 spm, ZMC; 75°26 N, 62°26 W, 820 m, 1 spm, ZMC; 63°36 N, 55° 15 W, 1200 m, 1 spm, ZMC; 73°20N,21°21 W,70m, 1 spm, ZMC;66°02N, 1 1 °05 W, 900-1040 m, 1 spm, ZMC; M. SARS 1902, st 35 & 96, Faroes, 540-1000 m, 5 spms, ZMC; 72° 10 N, 20°37 E, 550-600 m, 1 sh, SMNH. Distribution: S of Spitzbergen 1170 m (Frieie, 1882), the Kara Sea (Thorson, 1941), the Shetland- Faroe Channel 700-1000 m (Jeffreys, 1883; Sykes, 1911), N and E of the Faroes 550-1100 m (material in ZMC), Jan Mayen (material in MNHN), E, N and NW of Iceland 500-1500 m (Thorson, 1941 and material in ZMC), E and W Greenland 25-1200 m (Thorson, 1944, 1951, material in ZMC) (all listed as lachesis).. Remarks: The present species was well described and figured by Frieie (1882) under the name lachesis var. bicarinata , a name that cannot be kept because of Kobelt’s earlier use of it. Later authors have used the name lachesis in that sense. We consider lachesis and var. bicarinata two NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 217 distinct species, because we have never seen any transitional specimens and the two forms can always be separated by the characters mentioned under lachesis ; it therefore has to be given a new name; Turrisipho fenestratus (Turton, 1834) Figs 406, 483, 571-574, 591 Buccinum fusiforme Broderip, 1830:45 (not Borson, 1822). Fusus fenestratus Turton, 1834:351. Neptunia peregra Locard, 1897:371, pi. 18, figs. 8-1 1 . Neptunia ecaudis Locard, 1897:368, pi. 18, figs. 5-7. Neptunia fusiformis vars gracilis & minor Locard, 1897:370. Type material: F. fenestratus, holotype USNM 192347; Locard’s species, syntypes in MNHN. Type localities: F. fenestratus, Cork, Ireland; N. ecaudis & peregra, TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 2, 44° 05 N, 05°36 W, 608 m. Material examined: The types and about 100 specimens from all parts of the distribution area. Distribution: From Angmagsalik (SE Greenland), SW and S of Iceland (Thorson, 1944, 1941; Clarke, 1974; material in ZMC), to Lofoten (N Norway) and southwards to W Norway (G.O. Sars, 1878), the Faroes (material in ZMC), W of the British Isles (Seaward, 1982; Massy, 1930), Bay of Biscay (Dautzenberg, 1927; THALASSA, NORATLANTE, BIOGAS), W of Spain (Sykes, 1911) and off Morocco (35° N) (Locard, 1897). It does not occur in the Mediterranean. The depth range is from 50 m in the N and 400 m in the S, down to 1200 m. Remarks: T. fenestratus is well characterized by its solid shell and short siphonal canal. For differences from T. lachesis, see that species. Two specimens from the Faroes (432m, in ZMC) have been found in stomachs of Anarrhichas latrifrons (Pisces). A single egg capsule of T. fenestratus was found 26 Jan 1971 in the S part of Hjeltfjord, W Norway in 90-120 m. It has a diameter of 5.5 mm, a tough, rather thick, leathery wall, it is yellowish brown and spherical with a well-defined attachment area covered with sand grains. It contained a single embryo of 3 whorls and several groups of cells, that evidently were used as nourishment. Turrisipho moebii (Dunker & Metzger, 1874) Figs 407-408, 455, 575-578 ? Fusus sarsi Jeffreys, 1869:168 (nom. nud.) (not Trophon sarsi Jeffreys in Wood, 1872:25). Tritonofusus moebii Dunker & Metzger, 1874:8. Fusus moebii Dunker & Metzger, 1875:260, pi. 6, fig. 1. Fusus ebur, Friele 1877:7 and most later authors, not Fusus ebur Morch, 1869. Sipho sarsi Jeffreys in G.O. Sars, 1878:275, pi. 15, fig. 2. Type material: F. moebii, not found, not in ZMHU. Type locality: F. moebii, between Lindesnes and Listerfjord, S Norway, 195 m. Material examined: About 40 shells and specimens from all parts of the distribution area. Distribution: From between Bear Island and Norway, to NE Norway and along the Norwegian coast into the Skagerrak (Friele, 1882; G.O. Sars, 1878; material in ZMC) and from about 27° W, off Iceland, along S Iceland (Thorson, 1941; material in ZMC), the Faroes (material in ZMC and Sykes, 1911) and off Ireland (Massy, 1930). The depth range is 200 — 957 m. Remarks: The nomenclatorial history of the present species is very confused. The main source of this confusion was Morch’s description of Fusus ebur from W Greenland (= sabini Gray). That species often has quite convex whorls and other malacologists did not recognize it from the description but believed the description to be based on T. moebii. This mistake can also be partly blamed on the poor condition of Morch’s specimen. The manuscript name of Jeffreys (sarsi) that was validated by G.O. Sars (1878) has been in common use, but is preoccupied by Wood’s use of the name for a British Pleistocene fossil (secondary homonym). One of the specimens from the Faroes (in ZMC), from 400 m, had been taken from the stomach of Anarrhichas lupus (Pisces). T. moebii can be recognized from its convex whorls, deep suture, hairy periostracum (greenish brown in fresh specimens), regular sculpture and multispiral larval shell. 218 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 555-559. Genera Mohnia and Turrisipho. 555 and 556, M. carolinensis, holotype, 1 1.0 mm and apex 1.2 mm. 557 and 558, T. dalli, off Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 300-330 m, 25.0 mm and 20.3 mm. 559, PORCUPINE 1869 st 65 (61° 10 N, 02°21 W, 635 m), apex 1.8 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 219 Figs 560-565. Turrisipho lachesis. 560, INGOLF st 25, 59.5 mm. 561, no loc. data, 20.4 mm. 562, INGOLF st 28, 9.5 mm. 563 and 564-holotype of Sipho undulatus, VORINGEN st 290, 18.2 mm and apex 3.0 mm. 565, holotype of Fusus lachesis, W Greenland, 144 m, 40.3 mm. 220 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 566-570. Genus Turrisipho. 566, T. lachesis, INGOLF st 28, 46.8 mm. 567, T. voeringi, INGOLF st 105, 77. 1 mm. 568, T. voeringi, VORINGEN st 3 12 (74°54 N, 14°53 E, 1203 m), 53.3 mm. 569 and 570, T. voeringi, 65°34 N, 07°31 W, 1435 m, apex 6.0 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 221 Figs 571-574. Turrisipho fenestratus. 571, Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 130-150 m, 41 mm. 572, same locality, 75-100 m, 23.0 mm. 573, same locality, 55 m, 11.2 mm. 574, same locality 440-500 m, apex 2 mm. 222 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 575-578. Turrisipho moebii. 575, Skagerrak, 48.6 mm. 576, SSE of Reykjanes, Iceland, 216-326 m 80 mm. 577 and 578, outer pant of Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 340-420 m, 14.0 mm and apex 2 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 223 Genus BELOMITRA Fischer, 1882 Type species: B. paradoxa Fischer, 1882, by monotypy (= B. quadruplex (Watson)). Synonyms: Pleurobela Monterosato in Locard, 1897. Type species P. speita Monterosato in Locard, 1897, by monotypy. Bathyclionella Kobelt, 1905. Type species Pleurotoma quadruplex Watson, 1881, by monotypy. Cryptomitra Dali, 1924. Type species by original designation Pleurotomella climacella Dali, 1895. Morrisonella Bartsch, 1945. Type species by original designation Leucosyrinx pacifica Dali, 1908. Dellina Beu, 1970. Type species by original designation Waipaoa munida Ponder, 1962. Remarks: Belomitra has always been considered a turrid genus (Powell, 1966), although Vayssiere (1930) showed that it has a buccinid radula (Figs 488-489). The radula of Morrisonella is known and agrees well with our figures. Dellina is known only from empty shells, and was considered to belong to Cancellariidae, but we find the shell so similar to Belomitra that we have synonymized it. Our material of B. quadruplex shows great variation and there exist several areas where the species occurs in more shallow water and forms morphologically separable populations. There is, however, a continuous transition to the more uniform deep-water form. Such shallow-water populations exist in the Bay of Biscay and the Azores. These shallow-water animals lack eyes, like the deep-water form; we therefore find it more likely that they are shallow-water outcrops of a deep-water species, than the opposite, because it is most unusual for shallow-water neogastropods to have no eyes, while many deep-water species do lack them. Belomitra richardi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1906) is known only from a few specimens and we have not been able to decide whether it is a valid species or only another shallow-water offshoot of B. quadruplex. The species of Belomitra resemble mitrids, but lack columellar folds and are easily distinguished by the radula. The genus is characterized by the distinctly shouldered whorls and the peculiarly shaped lateral teeth. The central tooth of Belomitra resembles that of Fasciolariidae more than that of Buccinidae, but the lateral teeth are more like those of Buccinidae. We have preferred to place Belomitra in Buccinidae simply because there is more variation in the buccinid radula than in the fasciolariid one, as far as one can judge from the literature. Belomitra quadruplex (Watson, 1882) Figs 424, 488-489, 579-586 Pleurotoma (Clionella) quadruplex Watson, 1882:253. Belomitra paradoxa Fischer, 1882:275. Pleurotoma climakis Watson, 1886:315, pi. 26, fig. 7. Clionella quadruplex Watson, 1886:370, pi. 19, fig. 7. Jumala brychia Verrill & Smith in Verrill, 1885:422, pi. 44, fig. 10. Bela guernei Dautzenberg, 1891:614. Belomitra fischeri Locard, 1897:261, pi. 13, figs 7-11. Clionella delicatulina Locard, 1897:222, pi. 10, figs 9-16. Clionella delicatulina var. costulata Locard, 1897:224. Clionella conspicienda Locard, 1897: 225, pi. 10, figs 22-27 . Clionella quadruplex var. minor Locard, 1897:224. Belomitra speita Monterosato in Locard, 1897:263, pi. 13, figs 12-16, pi. 21, figs 15-16. Belomitra speita var. minor Locard, 1897:264. Belomitra speita var. major Locard, 1897:264. Belomitra lyrata Monterosato in Locard, 1897:264, pi. 13, figs 23-28. Type material: P. quadruplex holotype BMNH 1887.2.9.1127; B. paradoxa neotype = holotype of B. guernei in MOM; P. climakis holotype BMNH 1887.2.9. 1007; J. brychia holotype USNM 44647; other types in MNHN. 224 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Type localities: P. quadruplex CHALLENGER st 73, W of the Azores, 1800 m; J. brychia USFC st 2224, off North Carolina, 1800 m; B. paradoxa TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 16, off N Portugal, 627 m. Material examined: The types and TALISMAN 1883 st 44, 30°03 N, 09°22 W, 2212 m, 1 sh; st 45, 30°01 N, 09°25 W, 2115 m, 3 shs; st 47, 29°52 N, 09° 24 W, 2075 m, 3 shs; st 48-49, 29°52 N, 09° 24-27 W, 1235-2083 m, 3 shs; st 86, 22°57 N, 15°01 W, 930 m, 2 spms; st 131, 27°35 N, 27°06 W, 1440 m, 7 shs; st 137, 38°37 N, 26°01 W, 1258 m, 10 spms; st 145, 40°35 N, 21°14 W, 4415 m, 2 spms; TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 42, 44°01 N, 04°45 W, 900 m, 2 shs; NORATLANTE st B019, 47°29 N, 08°24 W, 2149 m, 3 spms; BIACORES st 39, 37°44 N, 27°03 W, 420 m, 3 shs; st 66, 38°35 N, 28°20 W, 1245 m, 4 spms; st 120, 39°04 N, 32°44 W, 2100 m, 1 sh; st 150, 37°37 N, 25°35 W, 575 m, 2 spms; st 157, 37°34 N, 25°43 W, 800 m, 1 sh; st 165, 37°33 N, 25°58 W, 2060 m, 1 sh; st 202, 27°36 N, 24°59 W, 2850 m, 3 shs; st 216, 37°05 N, 24°53 W, 1735 m, 2 shs; st 232, 36°55 N, 25°11 W, 390-620 m, 1 spm; st 240,' 37°35 N, 25°33 W, 815 m, 1 spm; st 245, 40°57 N, 22°16 W, 4270 m, 3 spms; THALASSA Y 374, 41°31 N, 09°20 W, 1250 m, 1 sh; BIOGAS CV16, 44°07 N, 04° 17 W, 1909 m, 1 sh; CV23, 47°33 N, 08°34 W, 2034 m, 1 spm; CP01, 47°35 N, 08°41 W, 2245 m, 1 sh; CP02, 47°33 N, 08°41 W, 2177 m, 2 spms; CP07, 44°10 N, 04°16 W, 2170 m, 1 sh; CP17,46°31 N, 10°20 W, 4706 m, 1 spm; CP24, 44°08 N, 04° 16 W, 1995 m, 1 sh; DS52, 44°06 N, 04°22 W, 2006 m, 1 spm; DS57, 47°31 N, 09°08 W, 2906 m, 2 shs; DS86, 44° 05 N, 04° 19 W, 1950 m, I spm; DS87, 44°05 N, 04° 19 W, 1913 m, 1 spm; st 2, 47°30 N, 09°07 W, 3050 m, 1 sh; st 1, 44°33 N, 08°38 W, 2170 m, 4 shs; INCAL CP01, 57°58 N, 10°55 W, 2068 m, 1 spm; CP02, 57°58 N, 10°43 W, 2091 m, 2 spms; CP03, 56°38 N, 1 1 °06 W, 2466 m, 4 shs; CP13, 46°02 N, 10° 14 W, 4800 m, 0SO5, 47°31 N, 09°34 W, 4296 m, 1 sh; 0SO6, 46°27 N, 09°36 W, 4316 m, 1 sh; WS 07, 47°30 N, 09°37 W, 4281 m, 2 spms; WS 08, 47°31 N, 09°34 W, 4300 m, 1 sh; WS 09, 47°29 N, 09°34 W, 4277 m, 3 spms; WS 10, 47°27 N, 09° 40 W, 4354 m, 2 spms; INGOLF st 10, 64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m, 1 sh; SEABED II, st CP19, 19° 15 N, 29° 49 W, 4958 m, 1 spm; CP20, 19° 13 N, 29° 48 W, 4940 m, 2 spms. Distribution: The lower parts of the European continental slopes, from S of Iceland, south to 19° N. In the Azores and the Bay of Biscay it also occurs more shallowly, up to about 300 m. It also occurs all over the N Atlantic abyssal area, but does not reach the N American continental slope. The deepest records are from about 5300 m (Fechter, 1979). Remarks: The animal lacks eyes and has direct development. The variability is discussed under the introduction to the genus. Abyssal specimens tend to be larger and have a thinner shell (“brychia” Verrill), bathyal specimens are more solid and smaller ( “ paradoxa ’ ’ Fischer). NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 225 Figs 579-586. Belomitra quadruplex. 579? NORATLANTE st B19, 30.4 mm. 580, syntype of Clionella delicatulina, 35 mm. 581, BIACORES st 240, 11.4 mm. 582, BIACORES st 232, 15.5 mm. 583, holotype of Pleurotoma richardi (see text), 27.6 mm. 584, BIACORES st 39, 14.7 mm. 585, Azores, young specimen. 586, TALISMAN dr 145, apex 1 mm. 226 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus COLUS Roding, 1798 Type species: Murex islandicus Mohr, 1786, subsequent designation Dali (1906). Synonyms: Sipho Klein, 1753 and many subsequent authors. Prelinnean. ? Colus Humphreys, 1797. Rejected work. ? Rhombus Humphreys, 1797. Rejected work. Atractus Agassiz, 1839. Type species M. islandicus Mohr, 1786, subsequent designation Cossmann (1901). Tritonofusus Morch, 1857. Type species M. islandicus Mohr, 1786 subsequent designation Cossmann (1901). Brongus De Gregorio, 1885. Type species M. islandicus Mohr, 1786, here designated. Remarks: The history of the name Sipho, which has been much used for the species here placed in Colus, needs to be discussed because the name Sipho has been used until recently and the case has never been thoroughly treated. Klein (1753) used the name for a number of slender neogastropods and this was repeated by Bruguiere (1792:532). This use by Bruguiere (1792) does not validate the name, because Bruguiere only repeated the classification used by Klein, to give the nomenclatorial history of these gastropods, and he did not use the name himself. Fabricius (1823:83) is cited by Sherborn, and Fabricius (dated 1822) is also cited by Herrmannsen as the first validation of Sipho. Fabricius’s work is a list of his collection and no descriptions are given. He cited four names under Sipho viz. infundibulum, turritus, polygonus and striatus. These names are nomina nuda and the work has been rejected by ICZN (Opinion 521). Therefore the name cannot be ascribed to Fabricius. The next time Sipho was used was by Brown (1833), who described Sipho striatus. This is a junior synonym of Puncturella noachina (Linne, 1758). No other species were mentioned in Sipho by Brown, and therefore Sipho becomes a junior synonym of Puncturella Lowe, 1827. We have therefore followed Dali (1906, 1918), Iredale (1915) and Winckworth (1932) in their use of the name Colus, with Murex islandicus as type species. They had, however, overlooked the validation of this name by Mohr (1786), and ascribed the name to Gmelin (1790). This does not change anything, because these two authors both refer to Chemnitz’s non-binominal use of the name. We have used Colus for a rather heterogeneous assortment of more or less slender buccinids with an operculum with apical nucleus, a radula with a mono- or tricuspidate, square central tooth and laterals with 2 major and 0-3 smaller cusps. There are several names available for a subgeneric division of Colus. The following names are based on N Atlantic species: Siphonorbis Morch, 1869. Type species Fusus (Siphonorbis) ebur Morch, 1869, subsequent designation by Cossmann (1901). (Friele’s (1882) designation is not valid because the species designated as type was not originally included in Siphonorbis.) Siphonellona Wenz, 1941 . New name for Neptunella Verrill, 1873 (not Meek, 1864) and Siphonella Verrill, 1879 (not Macquart, 1835). Type species Fusus pygmaeus Gould, 1841, by original designation. Plicijusus Dali, 1902. Type species Fusus kroeyeri Moller, 1842 by original designation. Synonym: Parasipho Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1912, with the same type species. Anomalosipho Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1912. Type species Sipho verkruezeni Kobelt, 1876, by original designation. None of these names, however, has a type species that is a member of any significantly different group of species, except perhaps Siphonorbis. Colus sabini ( = ebur), the type of Siphonorbis, has a perfectly smooth larval shell of about three whorls, almost identical to that of C. holboelli and C. terraenovae. We are not able to take any decision about this until the N Pacific species of the group are better known and prefer to leave the N Atlantic Colus species without a subgeneric classification. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 227 In addition to the species treated here, we have seen two forms from the N American east coast, that we were unable to classify (Figs 644-646). They may prove to be forms of C. pygmaeus, but more material from other localities is needed to show this. Because of the great variation of several of the species, it is close to impossible to give a key to the species, but this attempt may give some help in their determination. A. A. B. B. C. C. D. D. E. E. F. F. G. G. H. H. I. I. Siphonal canal very short and indistinct, broad Siphonal canal long and slender All the shell covered by spiral sculpture, sometimes also axial ribs Only the apical whorls with spiral sculpture, no axial ribs No axial sculpture, shell usually whitish or greyish under the periostracum Axial sculpture present, shell usually brownish or reddish under the periostracum Outer lip flaring in adult specimens, spiral sculpture indistinct Outer lip regularly arched, spiral sculpture distinct Larval shell consisting of 2-3 distinctly set off, smooth, inflated whorls Larval shell consisting of about one distinctly set off whorl or several, not distinctly set off, whorls B C C. verkruezeni C. turgidulus E D C. kroeyeri C. later iceus F H Shell very broad and inflated Shell slender Outer lip forms a distinct angle with the siphonal canal Outer lip and siphonal canal form an even arc Larval shell inflated, usually broader than the subsequent whorl (Fig. 616) Larval shell more slender than subsequent whorls Larval shell with 1-1.5 distinctly set off whorls Larval shell with a very small initial whorl, not distinctly set off C. terrae novae G C. holboelli C. sabini C. islandicus I C. gracilis C. stimpsoni C. pubescens C. jeffreysianus C. pygmaeus Colus gracilis (Da Costa, 1778) Figs 414-416, 473, 587-589, 592-605 Buccinum gracile Da Costa, 1778:124, pi. 6, fig. 5. Fusus listen Jonas, 1846:106, pi. 10, fig. 13. Tritonium (Fusus) islandicum var. striata Middendorff, 1849:472. Fusus gracilis var. convoluta Jeffreys, 1867:336. Sipho glaber Verkriizen in Kobelt, 1876:174, pi. 3, fig. 3. Fusus gracilis vars coulsoni and belliana Jordan, 1890:232. Neptunia nicolloni Locard, 1891:34. Neptunia gracilis var. major Locard, 1896:150. Sipho togatus var. frielei Harmer, 1914:182, pi. 22, figs 3-4. Sipho turgidula var. minor Thorson, 1944:81, fig. 10. Type material: B. gracile not known; F. listen not known; S. glaber lectotype, here selected, SMF 190099/1. Type localities: B. gracile, British Isles; F. listen, the Kattegat; S. glaber, Porsangerfjorden, N Norway. 228 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Material examined: More than 1000 specimens from all parts of the distributional area, MNHN, USNM, ZMC, SMNH, coll. AW, ZMB. Distribution: From the Murmansk area (Middendorff, 1849; Herzenstein, 1885) and southwards along the Scandinavian coasts, to S Kattegat (Thorson, 1946), the British Isles (Seaward, 1982), the Bay of Biscay and south to N Portugal (several THALASSA stations). It occurs in the Faroes (Sparck & Thorson, 1933), S, W and N Iceland (Thorson, 1941) and SE Greenland (Thorson, 1944 as turgidula var. minor and unpublished material in ZMC). C. gracilis lives on the continental shelf and the upper slope in 50 — 1500 m. Remarks: C. gracilis is a highly variable species that occurs in several morphologically different geographical and bathymetrical forms. These forms may look identical over large areas and easily give an impression that several species are involved. For Norwegian specimens the name glaber has been used. This is a smooth form with flatter whorls and proportionally greater breadth than typical gracilis. The glaber form reaches the Faroes, Shetland and Iceland. In the Faroes and Shetland there is a transition to typical gracilis , while in Iceland there is a tendency to get still smoother, broader and with flatter whorls, which misled Thorson (1944) to refer specimens to C. turgidulus (Fig. 598). The transition to typical gracilis can also be seen in the North Sea, where the specimens are quite intermediate. To the W and NW of the British Isles and along the Iceland - Faroe Ridge the glaber form enters deeper water and at the same time the periostracum becomes less distinct, the shell smoother and the siphonal canal more curved (Fig. 599). To the south, in shallow water, there is little variation in the gracilis form, although there exist local populations with a more solid shell and convex whorls, from which Locard described nicolloni (Fig. 596). In deeper water there is an increase in size, a reduction of the thickness of the shell and an increase in the convexity of the whorls, from the Faroe-Rockall area southwards. The typical form from the Bay of Biscay in 700 — 1300 m looks very distinct from the shallow-water form of the same area (Figs 600, 603). These three different forms, gracilis (Fig. 597), glaber (Fig. 594) and the S deep-water form (Fig. 600) may possibly be worth subspecific distinction. The egg capsules were described by Jeffreys (1867) but have never been figured so we give figures of specimens from W Norway and deep water in the Bay of Biscay, to show the differences between the populations and to emphasize that differences in the egg capsules should not be used uncritically to prove specific separation. C. gracilis has been reported from the Mediterranean several times (Crosse, 1875; Spada & Maldonado, 1974, e.g.) but these records have been based on C. jeffreysianus. Colus holboelli (Moller, 1842) Figs 419-421, 471 , 606-61 1 Fusus holbolli Moller, 1842:88. Fusus tortuosus Reeve, 1855:394, pi. 32, fig. 5. Sipho tortuosus var. attenuata G.O. Sars, 1878:273, pi. 15, fig. 5. Fusus delicatus Jeffreys, 1883:396, pi. 44, fig. 6. Sipho ( Siphonorbis ) turritus var. distincta Posselt, 1895:179. Sipho togatus var. crassa Harmer, 1914:182, pi. 22, fig. 6. Type material: F. holboelli , holotype in ZMC; F. tortuosus, neotype, here designated BMNF1 1968377. Type localities: F. holboelli, W Greenland; F. tortuosus, N of Beechey Island, NE Canada. Material examined: About 300 shells and specimens from all parts of the distribution area, ZMC, SMNH, USNM, MNHN, BMNH. Distribution: Arctic Canada from 90° W (Macpherson, 1971 as tortuosus), W Greenland (Thorson, 1951 as turritus), E Greenland (Thorson, 1944 as tortuosus ), W, N and E coasts of Iceland (Thorson, 1941 as tortuosus), between Shetland and the Faroes (Jeffreys, 1883, as delicatus), deep water off Norway and the Norwegian coast to Spitzbergen (Sars, 1878; Friele, 1882). We have seen no material from Spitzbergen. Normally it occurs in 400-1500 m, although it occurs more shallowly in Greenland and Iceland, 10-500 m. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 229 Remarks: As was pointed out by Friele (1882), Jeffreys and G.O. Sars were using the name attenuata in different ways. Jeffreys used it for a deep-water form of C. jeffreysianus. The specific name holboelli could possibly be considered a nomen oblitum, but we have preferred to use it because of the confusion in the use of tortuosus. We have selected a specimen of C. holboelli in the collection of H. Cuming, BMNH, from “Arctic Seas” as neotype of C. tortuosus , to stabilize the nomenclature. Harmer (1914) described Sipho exiguus from the British Crag formation and mentioned that he had seen specimens in SMNH from Iceland. We cannot judge the validity of the fossil species, but suppose the Recent record to be based on C. holboelli of which certain Icelandic specimens resemble Harmer’s figures closely. C. holboelli is a rather variable species. The type and other specimens from W Greenland are almost as solid as C. gracilis while specimens from deep water have a thin, fragile shell. Norwegian specimens are smaller and more slender. C. holboelli resembles C. sab ini, but has a smooth periostracum, a more curved siphonal canal and the outer lip is not evenly arched where it goes over into the siphonal canal as in C. sabini. Very young specimens may resemble C. terraenovae in having a similar shape and larval shell, but that species has a proportionally higher aperture. When the larval shell is too corroded to be examined C. holboelli can be distinguished from other species by its more slender and twisted siphonal canal. Colus islandicus (Mohr, 1786) Figs 479,612-616 Fusus islandicus... Chemnitz, 1780:159, figs 1312, 1313 (not binominal). Murex islandicus Mohr, 1786:136. Tritonium islandicum var. sulcata Middendorff, 1849:471. Fusus obesus Sowerby, 1880:sp. 129. Neptunia islandica var. gallica Locard, 1896:149. Type material: F. islandicus, lectotype, here selected, in ZMC (Fig. 612). Type locality: F. islandicus, Iceland. Material examined: About 200 specimens from all parts of the distributional area. Distribution: Along the shelf and upper part of the continental slope from aVctic Canada (90° W, Macpherson, 1971), to 150 miles S of Cape Race, Newfoundland (unpublished, USNM), W and E Greenland (Thorson, 1944, 1951), Iceland (Thorson, 1941), the Faroes (Sparck & Thorson, 1933), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915), Norway (G.O. Sars, 1878), the outer parts of the Skagerrak and the North Sea (unpublished material in ZMC), Shetland and W of the British Isles (Seaward, 1982; Massy, 1930), the Bay of Biscay, off Spain and Morocco (Locard, 1897; Dautzenberg, 1927). In the arctic area it occurs in 5-500 m, in the southern parts in 400-2000 m. Remarks: We have not seen E Siberian or N Pacific material of the species and do not exclude that the records from these areas can be ascribed to misidentifications (cf. Odhner, 1915). We have selected a specimen from the collection of Chemnitz as lectotype. It does not agree very well with the figure in Chemnitz (1780), but Chemnitz had already criticized the figures for not resembling his specimens. Mohr’s (1786) validation of the name was based on Chemnitz’s figures which therefore have to be considered types. The size of C. islandicus is highly variable. It reaches a maximum size of about 200 mm, but we have seen deep-water specimens of 90 mm that evidently are full-grown. Specimens from the Bay of Biscay and southwards are more slender and solid than arctic specimens. The development was described by Thorson (1935), who gave figures of egg capsules and young specimens. C. islandicus hatches at a size of 5-8 mm. C. islandicus can be recognized from its large size, unusually inflated larval whorl, the oblique suture and the long, straight, siphonal canal. 230 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Colus jejfreysianus (Fischer, 1868) Figs 428-429, 474-475, 477, 617-630 Fusus propinquus Alder, 1848: 157 (not Goldfuss, 1843). Tritonium turritum M. Sars, 1859:39 (nom. nud.). Fusus propinquus var. turrita Jeffreys, 1867:339 (not F. turritus Schafhautl, 1863). Fusus jeffreysianus Fischer, 1868:37. Fusus attenuatus Jeffreys, 1877:326 (not Philippi, 1847). Fusus (Sipho) pupula Fischer, 1882:274. Neptunia jeffreysiana vars major, minor, ventricosa, elongata & bicolor Locard, 1896:151-152. Neptunia torra Locard, 1897: 361, pi. 17, figs 21-25. Neptunia pupoidea Locard, 1897:363, pi. 17, figs 26-28. Fusus consimilis Marshall, 1902:49. Fusus propinquus var. howsei Marshall, 1902:46; 1911:226. Fusus propinquus var. laevis Marshall, 1902:46; 1911:225. Fusus marshalli Iredale, 1918:33. Type material: F. jeffreysianus, lectotype , here selected, in MNHN. Type locality: F. jeffreysianus, Arcachon, Gironde, SW France. Material examined: About 600 specimens from all parts of the distribution area. Distribution: From the Kattegat and SW Skagerrak (20-200 m, Petersen, 1888, ZMC), the British Isles, Shetland (Seaward, 1982; Massy, 1930), the Faroes (unpublished material ZMC) and S Iceland in deep water (400-2100 m, unpublished material in ZMC). From the British Isles southwards on the continental shelf and slope S to Casablanca (Morocco) and into the Mediterranean, at least to the Alboran Sea (Locard, 1897; material in MNHN), possibly also S France (Monterosato, 1877). Remarks: C. jeffreysianus is an extremely variable species which has given rise to a prolific synonymy. In S Scandinavia and N Great Britain including the Shetlands, the predominant form is small, solid, with convex whorls and a rather coarse periostracum. The name howsei was based on this form. Off W Great Britain and Ireland this form goes over into typical jeffreysianus, which is larger, higher, has flatter whorls and a thinner periostracum. This transition has already been pointed out by Marshall (191 1) and Massy (1930), but has never been accepted in the literature. The jeffreysianus form occurs mainly in 100-200 m and is distributed southwards to the Spanish N coast, where it goes deeper and becomes smaller. In the area off N Great Britain the howsei form becomes more slender, more cylindrical and gets a thinner periostracum when it is found in deeper water, the attenuata form (Fig. 622). This is a continuous change and we have observed a similar change in the Bay of Biscay from typical jeffreysianus, via the torra and pupoidea forms to typical attenuatus (cf. Figs 624, 626-628). There cannot be put any sharp upper limit for the attenuata form, but usually it ocdurs below 1000 m, while specimens from 200-1000 m are usually transitional between jeffreysianus and attenuatus. Thorson (1944) excluded C. jeffreysianus from the Greenlandic fauna, which we find correct. There are a few specimens in ZMC labelled “Greenland” by Moller, but they belong to the Kattegat form of howsei and there is no doubt that the labels are erroneous. Locard (several papers) reported C. jeffreysianus from “Provence”, but we have not seen any material in his collection. Monterosato (1877) discussed the occurrence of C. jeffreysianus in the Mediterranean and wrote that Martin’s (Jeffreys, 1867) record of Fusus buccinatus from the stomach of Trigla gurnardus (Pisces), from Golfe du Lion, S France was based on C. jeffreysianus. He also mentioned that he had often found broken specimens in that fish, and referred Crosse’s record (1875) of two specimens of Fusus gracilis from Golfe du Lion to C. jeffreysianus. It seems therefore that the species occurs further into the Mediterranean than our material indicates. Thorson (1946) described the larval development under the name Sipho propinquus. Colus jejfreysianus and C. gracilis are often quite difficult to separate. When the larval shell is present they can easily be distinguished {cf. figs 604-605, 629-630), but this is often corroded. Then one can use the general shape of the shell, which is more slender, with flatter whorls in C. gracilis, but often it is necessary to wait until one gets some young specimens with preserved larval shell from the population in question, especially if the specimens come from deep water. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 231 Colus kroeyeri ( Moller, 1842) Figs 631-633 Fusus kroyeri Moller, 1842:88. Fusus arcticus Philippi, 1850:119, pi. 5, fig. 5. Fusus (Tritonofusus) kroeyeri vars major & pumila Morch, 1869:19. Plicifus johanseni Dali, 191 9:21 A. Type material: F. kroeyeri, lectotype, here selected, in ZMC. Type locality: F. kroeyeri, W Greenland. Material examined: The type and the material listed by Thorson (1944, 1951) and Odhner (1915) and about 25 samples scattered over the N Atlantic part of the range (MNHN, SMNH, USNM, ZMC). Distribution: Circumpolar in 0-200 m (Macpherson, 1971). Not present in Norway (Sars, 1878) or Iceland (Thorson, 1941). Remarks: We have included this species to make the ennumeration of N Atlantic species of Colus complete. There are no species in the N Atlantic that are easily confused with C. kroeyeri. The distinct axial ribs in combination with the brownish shell make it easily recognizable. Fusus cretaceus Reeve, 1847 has usually been synonymized with C. kroeyeri but Cernohorsky (1977: Rec. Auckland Inst.Mus. , 14:97) has shown that it is a synonym of the New Zealand muricid Xymene ambiguus (Philippi, 1844). Colus latericeus (Moller, 1842) Figs 423,478,634-636 Fusus latericeus Moller, 1842:88. Fusus pellucidus Hancock, 1846:330, pi. 5, fig. 3. Fusus pullus Reeve, 1848:sp. 89. Fusus (Tritonofusus) latericeus var. laevis Morch, 1869:19. Sipho geminostriatus Pfeffer, 1886:4, fig. 1. Neptunea (Sipho) pertenuis Sykes, 1911:339, fig. page 340. Type material: F. latericeus, lectotype, here selected, in ZMC. Type locality: W Greenland. Material examined: The material enumerated by Thorson (1941, 1951) and Odhner (1915) and a few additional localities from the known distributional area. Distribution: Along the W Greenland coast, Jan Mayen (absent from E Greenland) (Thorson 1944, 1951), NW and N Iceland (Thorson, 1941), N Norway (G.O. Sars, 1878), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915) and Barents Sea, in 20-200 m. Remarks: This is a coast and shelf species, but we have included it to make this a complete treatment of the N Atlantic species of Colus. It has been recorded from 1 187 m (Friele, 1882) but this record is based on an empty shell. Fusus pertenuis (holotype BMNH 1885.11.5.2931) was based on an unusually slender and thin specimen, but the sculpture and apex are normal. C. latericeus may be recognized by the reddish brown shell (occasionally colourless), the sculpture of strong spiral lines and axial ribs and its small size. Colus pubescens (Verrill, 1 882) Figs 465,639-640 Sipho pubescens Verrill, 1882:501, pi. 43, fig. 6, pi. 57, fig. 25. Type material: Three syntypes, USNM 37767. Type locality: USFC st 793, off Newport, Rhode Island, 35 m. Material examined: Many hundred specimens, from off Daytona, Florida, to Newfoundland, 20-800 m (USNM). Distribution: As above. 232 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Remarks: C. pubescens has often been confused with C. stimpsoni, but differs by having a smaller larval shell and a hairy periostracum; it is more slender and has more convex whorls than stimpsoni. It also resembles C. gracilis very much, but that species has a smooth periostracum. Macpherson (1971) recorded C. pubescens from arctic Canada, but her figure (pi. 5, fig. 1) clearly shows a specimen of C. sabini, so we consider her record uncertain. Colus pygmaeus (Gould, 1841) Figs 464, 641-643 Fusus islandicus var. pygmaeus Gould, 1841:284, fig. 199. Fusus trumbulli Linsley, 1845:285. Sipho pygmaeus var. planulus Verrill, 1882:505. Type material: All lost. Type locality: F. pygmaeus, “In fish, our harbour” (Boston, Massachusetts). Material examined: A few hundred shells and specimens from all parts of the distribution area. Distribution: From Gulf of St. Lawrence to North Carolina, NE America, in 1 — 1100 m (Abbott, 1974). Remarks: There seem to be no problems with the identity of this species, but the young looks rather different from the adult specimens (Figs 641, 642). We have, however, seen two more forms, one from Florida (Fig. 644) and one from off N. Carolina (Fig. 645), which differ from pygmaeus by their larger size and more straight columella. These two forms also resemble C. jeffreysianus, but we consider them too imperfectly known to allow any further speculations. Colus sabini (Gray, 1 824) Figs 41 8, 472, 647-652 Buccinum sabini Gray, 1824:240. Fusus reeveanus Petit de la Saussaye, 1851:365, pi. 10, fig. 7. Fusus (Siphonorbis) togatus Morch, 1869:398. Fusus (Siphonorbis) ebur Morch, 1869:398. Fusus (Siphonorbis) pfaffi Morch, 1876:369. Neptunea (Sipho) hanseni Friele, 1879:281. Fusus hirsutus Jeffreys, 1883:396, pi. 44, fig. 7. Sipho brevispira Brogger, 1900:49, pi. 3, fig. 4. Sipho togatus vars vallensis & sinuosa Brogger, 1900:47, pi. 2, fig. 2 and pi. 3, fig. 5. Type material: B. sabini, one neotype in BMNH, here selected, no. 1968376; F. reeveanus, holotype in MNHN; F. togatus, ebur, pfaffi, syntypes in ZMC; TV. hanseni, holotype ZMB 20621. Type localities: B. sabini, NW Arctic Atlantic; F. reeveanus, presumably the Newfoundland Banks. Material examined: About 400 specimens from all parts of the N Atlantic range, USNM, ZMC, SMNH, ZMB, MNHN. Distribution: From arctic Canada (Macpherson, 1971 as pubescens and togatus) south to 150 miles S of Cape Race, Newfoundland (unpublished in USNM), W Greenland (Thorson, 1951, as togatus ), E Greenland (Thorson, 1944, as curtus ), N and E Iceland (Thorson, 1941, as togatus ), between Shetland and the Faroes (Jeffreys, 1883, as hirsutus ), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915, as hanseni, togatus and hirsutus), Novaja Zemlya (Leche, 1878, as sabini) and the Laptev Sea (Aurivillius, (1885). Absent from Norway (Friele, 1882). It occurs in 5-1200 m, normally 100-600 m, in high arctic areas in more shallow water. Remarks: Some developmental stages were described by Thorson (1935) under the name S. curtus. The young live on nurse eggs and hatch at a size of 5 mm. C. sabini is quite variable, both in size (max. 83 mm, the type of reeveanus) the solidity of the shell, and the sculpture. A good help in recognising it is the sculpture, which consists of alternating strong and weak spiral ribs. Usually the apical whorls are completely corroded. The parietal callus is NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 233 often very solid in adult specimens and sometimes there is an umbilical chink. We are not aware why Macpherson (1971) considered Buccinum sabini a nomen dubium. We have selected a neotype from an old sample labelled sabini and collected by Sabine. The description is not less precise than that of most other species described at the same time. Colus stimpsoni (Morch, 1867) Figs 463, 653-657 Fusus striatus Reeve, 1847:sp. 42 (not Sowerb^ 1828). Fusus curtus Jeffreys, 1867:336 (not Fleming, t828). Fusus stimpsoni Morch, 1868:83. Fusus americanus Bell, 1870:214. Fusus solidulus Sowerby, 1880:sp. 131. Neptunea (Sipho) arata Verrill, 1880:370 (/z^ Verrill 1882:500). Sipho stimpsoni vars brevis & liratulus Verrill, 1882:500. Neptunea tenuistriata Harmer, 1918:369, pi. 37, figs 1-2. Type material: F. stimpsoni, neotype, here selected, in ZMC. Type locality: F. stimpsoni, “Shores of New Jersey”, NE US. Material examined: Several hundred specimens from all parts of the distributional area, mainly in USNM. Distribution: Labrador to off N Carolina, 2 — 850 m (Abbott, 1974). Remarks: C. stimpsoni is a highly variable species. The short broad form (Fig. 653) has often been confused with C. terraenovae and has a more N and shallow distribution, from the New England area northwards. All intermediates between this form and the more slender, more southern and deeper form (Fig. 655) exist. C. stimpsoni may be recognized from its smooth, shiny, naked periostracum and usually very solid shell. These features are shared with C. terraenovae but that species has a smooth, multigyrate larval shell and is still shorter and broader even than the form from the Banks. To stabilize the nomenclature, we have selected a neotype from the Morch collection in Copenhagen. The development and reproductive anatomy were described by West (1973, 1978). Colus terraenovae nom.nov. Figs 413, 462, 658-660 Fusus ventricosus Gray, 1839:117 (not Anton, 1838). Type material: Two syntypes in BMNH, no reg. no. Type locality: Not mentioned, here restricted to Newfoundland Banks. Material examined: About 40 specimens from the Newfoundland Banks. Distribution: Uncertain because of confusion with the short forms of C. stimpsoni. We have only seen reliable records from the Banks around Newfoundland, in 40 — 150 m. Verrill (1882) considered the records from New England doubtful. Remarks: Colus terraenovae has very often been confused with the short, stout forms of C. stimpsoni. This is probably the reason why it has been recorded from the NE U.S. (Abbott, 1974) and as a fossil from Great Britain (Pain, 1981). They can, however, easily be distinguished by the outlines of the spire, which are convex in terraenovae and concave in stimpsoni. Also the larval shells are widely different: that of terraenovae consists of 2-3 smooth, distinctly set off whorls while that of stimpsoni is not distinctly set off, starts with a large initial whorl and has a rough surface (Figs 657, 660). The name ventricosus under which it has been usually known is preoccupied by Anton’s (1838) use of the name and it has to be given a new name. The date of publication of Anton’s catalogue was discussed by Cernohorsky ( Veliger , 1978, page 299), who showed that it had already been published in 1838 instead of 1839 as generally supposed. 234 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Coins turgidulus (Jeffreys, 1877) Figs 417, 422, 470, 637-638 (no generic name) turgidulus Jeffreys in Wood, 1872:25, nomen nudum. Fusus turgidula Jeffreys in Friele, 1877:8. Not Sipho turgidula var. minor Thorson, 1944 (see C. gracilis). Type material: Holotype ZMB 20619. Type locality: Shetland-Faroe Channel. Material examined: The material listed by Friele (1882) and TRITON st 9, 60°05 N, 06°21 W, 1130 m, 4 spms; PORCUPINE 1869 st 78, 60° 15 N, 04°45 W, 550 m, 2 shs; st 65 + 84, Shetland-Faroe Channel, 400-800 m, 2 shs; INGOLF st 59, 65°0ON, 1 1 ° 16 W, 584 m, 1 sh; st 101, 66°23 N, 12°05 W, 1011 m, 6 shs; st 103, 66°23 N,08°52 W, 1090 m, 2 shs; st 116, 70°05 N, 08°26 W, 699 m, 6 shs; 64°58 N, 11° 12 W, 564 m, 8 shs, ZMC. Distribution: Along the slopes of the Norwegian Basin, from between Norway and Spitzbergen, to the Shetland-Faroe Channel and E Iceland, in 400—1100 m. Remarks: Colus turgidulus is a characteristic species but resembles Buccinum more than Coins at the first glance. The operculum is, however, not of Buccinum type but normal for a species of Colus, as is also the radula. The fine spiral sculpture is present only on the first postlarval whorls. Thorson’s var. minor of C. turgidulus was based on specimens of C. gracilis and the species is thus not known from Greenland. Colus verkruezeni (Kobelt, 1876) Figs 661-664 Sipho verkriizeni Kobelt, 1876:70, pi. 2, fig. 2. Neptunea (Sipho) virgata Friele, 1879:261. Buccinum brucei Melvill & Standen, 1900:9, fig. page 9. Sipho verkriizeni var. plicifera Brdgger, 1900:50, pi. 1, fig. 1. Anomalosipho dautzenbergi Dali, 1916:8. Helicofusus paraelatior Kantor, 1981 : 1 147. Type material: S. verkriizeni, lectotype SMF 253576/1, selected by Tiba & Kosuge, 1981; N. virgata, holotype ZMB 20622; A. dautzenbergi, holotype in MOM. Type localities: S. verkriizeni, Porsangerfjord, N Norway; S. virgata, VORINGEN st 124, SW of Lofoten, N Norway, 640 m; A. dautzenbergi, off North Cape, N Norway 394 m. Material examined: The type material listed and the material reported by Friele (1882), Thorson (1941, 1944), Odhner (1915) and Dautzenberg & Fischer (1912). Also a few additional specimens from different parts of the known distributional area (SMNH, ZMC). Distribution: From E Greenland (Thorson, 1944), N Iceland (Thorson, 1941), W and N Norway (Friele, 1882), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915) and the Kara Sea (Thorson, 1941), in 30—640 m. Remarks: Macpherson (1971: pi. 5, fig. 6) figured a specimen that she had reluctantly determined as C. verkruezeni, from NE Canada. We agree that it probably does not represent that species. Golikov & Scarlato (1977) identified B. brucei with C. latericeus, but the very short siphonal canal and the size (41 mm) indicate that it must be a synonym of C. verkruezeni. C. altus (S. Wood, 1842) from the British Crag Formation, resembles C. verkruezeni closely, but we hesitate to consider them conspecific. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 235 Figs 587-591. Buccinid egg capsules and embryos. 587 -Colus gracilis, Hjeltefjord, Norway, egg-capsule in side view showing opened hatching hole, diameter 6 mm. 588-Larval shell from the same egg-capsule, diameter 3.0 mm. 589 -Colus gracilis, THALASSA st Z407 (47°44 N, 08°07 W, 1085-1115 m), egg- capsule, diameter 17 mm. Top and side views showing the pre-formed hatching hole closed by a thin membrane. 590 -Buccinum undatum, embryo from egg-capsule, diameter 2.5 mm. 59\-Turrisipho fenestratus, Bergen, apical view, x 13. 236 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN 1 1P?-^ Figs 592-597. Colus gracilis. 597-lectotype of Sipho glaber, 62 mm. 593-East of Faeroes 385-420 m, 34 mm. 594-Hjeltefjord, Bergen area, 100-180 m, 57.5 mm. 595-Moray Firth, Scotland, 50.9 mm. 596- syntype of Neptunia nicolloni, 69 mm. 597-N of Jutland, Skagerrack 185-370 m, 99.5 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 237 Figs 598-605. Colus gracilis. 598-syntype of Sipho turgidula minor, 34.7 mm. 599-Hebridean Terrace, 750-1000 m, 62 mm. 600-THALASSA st W423 (44°04 N, 07°07 W, 710-1070 m), 44.3 mm. 601-THALASSA st Z414 (48°05 N, 08°30 W, 650 m), 47.4 mm. 602-BIOGAS st CV2 (47°42 N, 08°03 W, 994 m), 83.8 mm. 603-THALASSA st W346 (43°51 N, 02° 11 W, 460-520 m), 93.4 mm. 604-Bergen area, apex 1.6 mm. 605-SE bay of Biscay, apex 2.3 mm. 238 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 606-611. Colus ho/boel/i. 606-Finmark, Norway, 39.1 mm. 607-paralectotype of Fusus delicatus, TRITON st 8 (60°18 N, 06°15 W, 1178 m), 29 mm. 608-lectotype of Tritonium turritum, Oksfjord, Tromsd, 44.3 mm. 609 and 610-INGOLF st 33 (67°57 N, 55°30 W, 66 m), 69 mm and apex 1.7 mm. 611-Finmark, Norway, apex 2.1 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 239 Figs 612-616. Coins islandicus. 612-lectotype, 129.5 mm. 613-Tromso, 110 m. 614 and 615-THALASSA st W413 (43° 50 N, 06° 09 W, 500-540 m), 131 mm and 73.8 mm. 616-INGOLF st 75 (61°28 N, 26°25 W, 1469 m), apex 8.7 mm. 240 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 617-622. Colus jeffreysianus. 617-lectotype, 70 mm. 618 and 619-Great Britain, Jeffreys ex Jordan, 50 mm and 58.3 mm. 620-INGOLF st 10 (64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m), 39 mm. 621-Shetland, 43 mm. 622-INCAL st CP2 (57°58 N, 10°43 W, 2091 m), 50.4 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 241 Figs 623-630. Colus jeffreysianus. 623-POLYMEDE st CM 15 (36°28 N, 04°09 W, 609 m), 49.5 mm. 624-THALASSA st W412 (43°50 N, 06°06 W, 272-310 m), 52.7 mm. 625-syntype of Neptunia torra, 38 mm. 626-THALASSA st W338, N Spain, 19.8 mm. 627-THALASSA st W409 (43°55 N, 06°03 W, 176-185 m), 37.6 mm. 628-THALASSA st X375 (44°07 N, 04°43 W, 625-650 m), 43.7 mm. 629-Great Britain, Jeffreys ex Jordan, apex 2.7 mm. 630-apex 2.5 mm. 242 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 631-636. Genus Colus. 631-C. kroeyeri, lectotype, 68.0 mm. 632-Bellsund, Spitzbergen, 89.4 mm. 633-Spitzbergen, apex 2.3 mm. 634-C. latericeus, MONACO st 162 (46°50 N, 47°51 W, 155 m), 27.6 mm. 635 and 636-Lofoten, 19.5 mm and apex 1.7 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 243 Figs 637-640. Genus Colus. 631-C. turgidulus, VORINGEN st 286 (72°57 N, 14°32 E, 817 m) 52.7 mm. 638-VORINGEN st 323 (72°53 N, 21°51 E, 408 m), apex 2.8 mm. 639 and 640-C. pubescens, off Martha’s Vineyard 616 m, 60.3 mm and apex 1.7 mm. | 244 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 641-646. Genus Colus. 641-C. pygmaeus, off Martha’s Vineyard 185 m, 21.6 mm. 642 and 643-Georges Bank (41°30 N, 66°55 W), 11.8 mm and apex 1.2 mm. 644 -Colus sp. aff. pygmaeus, off Fowey Light, Florida, 185 m, 13.3 mm. 645 and 646 -Colus sp. aff. pygmaeus, SSE of Cape Fear, North Carolina, 977 m, 39 mm and apex 1.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 245 Figs 647-652. Colus sabini. 647-Hebron Fjord, 175 m, 59.9 mm. 648 and 649-74° 12 N, 77°05 W, 680 m, 69.2 mm and 24.1 mm. 650 and 651-KNIGHT ERRANT st 8 (60°03 N, 05°51 W, 994 m) 42 6 mm and apex 3 mm. 652-INGOLF st 28 (65° 14 N, 55°42 W, 791 m), 8.0 mm. 246 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 653-657. Colus stimpsoni. 653, Coast of Maine, 45.3 mm. 654, off Martha's Vineyard 381 m, 74. 1 mm. 655, “E of Bunker’s Ledge”, NE America, 77.7 mm. 656, off Martha’s Vineyard 185 m, 19.8 mm. 657, Newfoundland Banks, apex 1.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 247 Figs 658-660. Coins terraenovae. 658, Newfoundland Banks, 57.8 mm. 659 and 660, NE part of Grand Bank 74 m, 26.7 mm and apex 1.7 mm. 248 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 661-664. Colus verkruezeni. 661, lectotype, 49.7 mm. 662, N Norway, 45.5 mm. 633, Goteborg, glacial deposit, 38.3 mm. 664, holotype of Neptunea virgata, apex 2.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 249 Family OLIVIDAE Genus BENTHOBIA Dali, 1889. Type species : Benthobia tryoni Dali, 1889 (by monotypy). Synonym: Nux Barnard, 1960. Type species N. alabaster Barnard, 1960 by original designation. Remarks: Dali originally suggested a cancellariid affinity for Benthobia and the genus remained placed in this family without any particular reason. We have examined the radula of a specimen of the type species and found it to be a rachiglossan type. The presence of the spiral sulcus on the body whorl recalls that of several Olividae grouped as Pseudolivinae, both Recent, such as Fulmentum sepimentum (Rang), and fossil, such as Pseudoliva elisae Briart & Cornet figured in Glibert (1973, pi. 9), and several species figured by Cossmann & Pissarro (1907-1913, pi. 36, figs 177-1 - 3). We also figure the radula of the Recent Fulmentum sepimentum from West Africa, for comparison with Benthobia (Figs 669-670). In the original description of Nux, Barnard noted a resemblance to Benthobia but assumed they belonged to different superfamilies because Benthobia was then believed to be a cancellariid and Nux had a rachiglossate radula. Barnard did not locate Nux in a family. Benthobia tryoni Dali, 1889 Figs 665-668 Benthobia Tryonii Dali, 1889:132, pi. 35, fig. 6. Lacuna cossmanni Locard, 1897:493, pi. 22, figs 4-9. Nux alabaster Barnard, 1960:439, fig. 2. Type material: B. tryoni, holotype in USNM; L. cossmanni, 2 syntypes in MNHN; N. alabaster, holotype in the South African Museum, Cape Town. Type locality: B. tryoni, USFC st 2678, off Cape Fear, N. Carolina, 1338 m; L. cossmanni, TALISMAN dr 76, 25°01 N, 16°55 W, 2638 m; N. alabaster, 33°26 S, 16°33 E, 2392 m. Material examined: the type material and BIACORES st 165, 37°33 N, 25°58 W, 2050-2085 m, 1 sh; DISCOVERY st 8524-6, 20°46 N, 22°44 W, 4415 m, 1 spm; Gulf of Mexico, 28°13 N, 87°04 W, 800-1200 m, 1 sh; 27°01 N, 94°43 W, 1399 m, 1 sh; 25°39 N, 95°49 W, 960 m, 1 spm, MNHN; 33°52 S, 16°51 E, 2540-2797 m, 2 shs; ABYPLAINE st DS2, 37°20 N, 15°37 W, 4220-4380 m, 2 spms. Distribution: Only known from the material examined. Remarks: The animal has no eyes. The foot is large, with a distinct propodium. The operculum has an apical nucleus (Fig. 668). There is a short proboscis with two large salivary glands. The large protoconch, preserved on a single shell, is multispiral, which indicates planktotrophic larval development. 250 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 665-670. Pseudolivinae. 665 and 666, Benthobia tryoni, syntypes of Lacuna cossmanni, 9.4 mm and 6.5 mm. 667, B. tryoni, radula, breadth of central tooth 48 /um. 668, Operculum, 4.1 mm. 669, Fulmentum sepimentum (Rang), radula, breadth of central tooth 42 /^m. 670, Operculum, 4.5 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 251 Family VOLUTOMITRIDAE The family was revised by Cernohorsky (1970) and two additional Atlantic species were described by Bayer (1971). We have moved the genus Latiromitra to Turbinellidae after examination of the radula, and we describe a new species of Microvoluta from the Josephine sea-mount. Most Volutomitridae are known from very few specimens. Genus Volutomitra H. & A. Adams, 1853 Type species: Mitra groenlandica Beck in Moller, 1842, subsequent designation Fischer, 1884. Remarks: In our material Volutomitra is represented by two species, of which we leave one undescribed. The genus is mainly known from Arctic, Antarctic and Subantarctic areas. Volutomitra groenlandica (Beck in Moller, 1842) Figs 391, 671-672 Mitra groenlandica Beck in Moller, 1842:88. Type material: Numerous syntypes in ZMC. Type locality: W Greenland. Material examined: PORCUPINE 1869 st 23a, 56° 13 N, 14° 18 W, 773 m, 3 shs; st 65, 61° 10 N, 02°21 W, 635 m, 3 shs; st 74, 60°39 N, 03°09 W, 373 m, 3 shs; st 75, 60°45 N, 03°06 W, 460 m, 3 shs; st 78, 60° 14 N, 04°30 W, 534 m, 3 shs; USFC st 2486, between St Peters and Baguerau, Nova Scotia, 350 m, I sh; Wellington Channel, 2 spms, USNM; Fiskenaes, Greenland, ex Moller, 7 shs, ZMC; Godthaab, Greenland, 16 shs, ZMC; 76°08 N, 13°26 W, 250-300 m, 1 spm, ZMC; 61°00 N, 08°49 W, 105-100 m, 1 spm, ZMC; Iceland and the Faroes, 4 samples with 5 spms, ZMC (listed by Thorson, 1941 and Sparck & Thorson, 1933); 20 samples with 50 specimens, Greenland, ZMC; 18 samples with 65 specimens, Greenland, Iceland, N Norway, Spitzbergen, SMNH. Distribution: The N North Atlantic upper bathyal zone, in arctic areas also coastal waters; Canada (Macpherson, 1971), E and W Greenland (Thorson, 1944, 1951), Iceland (Thorson, 1941), off Ireland (Massy, 1916), the Faroes (Sparck & Thorson, 1933), Norway N of Lofoten (G.O. Sars, 1878), Spitzbergen (Odhner, 1915), Novaya Zemlya (Golikov, 1964). Depths 7 — 773 m, usually 20—100 m. Remarks: V. groenlandica is quite variable in the shape of the shell and the colour. Arctic specimens tend to be more light brown while southern specimens are more greyish. We have examined the material found off Ireland by Massy (1916) and one specimen looked recently dead; other findings from southern localities may be subfossil. Volutomitra sp. Fig. 673 We figure a shell from THALASSA st Z424, 48°28 N, 09°44 W, 475 m, that does not agree with any form of V. groenlandica we have seen. It is a rather fresh-looking shell and it differs from V. groenlandica by having flatter whorls, being more slender and by having a grey shell. It may be an undescribed species, but it may also be a more southern form of groenlandica. It is, however, unusual for species that occur in arctic shallow water to go so far to the south. 252 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus MICRO VOLUTA Angas, 1877 Type species: M. australis Angas, 1877, by monotypy. Remarks: The related genus Conomitra Conrad, 1865 is represented by numerous fossil species in the lower Tertiary beds of Europe. The species described below is the first of this group known from the NE Atlantic as Recent. Microvoluta superstes sp.n. Fig. 674 Type material: Holotype and 18 paratypes in MNHN. Type locality: NORATLANTE st E9, 36°41 N, 14° 15 W, 208-230 m. Material examined: Only known from the type material. Description: (Holotype) Shell white, glossy, consisting of 5.5 slightly convex whorls, with a well- marked suture; protoconch of one globular smooth whorl; postlarval sculpture of strong axial ribs of which 12 and 1 1 can be counted on the body- and penultimate whorl respectively; postlarval spiral sculpture of rather deep grooves of which there are two below the suture and nine at the base of the body whorl; at the base of the shell these spiral grooves are more closely-spaced and form granules where they cross the base of the axial ribs; there is a narrow concave columellar zone; three columellar folds of which the lowermost one is very oblique; outer lip thin, siphonal canal short. Dimensions of the shell height: 5.55 mm, breadth 2.45 mm; height of the aperture 2.5 mm, breadth 1.1 mm. Some paratypes lack the spiral threads below the suture, while in others the spiral sculpture is present even at the middle of the whorls. Remarks: All shells are empty, and most of them were bored by naticids. Because no animal is available, the generic placement is only tentative. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 253 Figs 671-676. Genera Volutomitra, Microvoluta and Latiromitra. 671 and 672, V. groenlandica, INGOLF st 32 (66°35 N, 56°38 W, 599 m), 19.7 mm and 26.8 mm. 673, Volutomitra sp., THALASSA st Z424, 19.0 mm. 674, M. superstes, paratype, 5.5 mm. 675 and 676, L. cryptodon, syntype, 30.3 mm. 254 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Family TURBINELLIDAE The family Turbinellidae contains two genera present in the deep water of the NE Atlantic. A third genus, Ptychatractus Stimpson, 1865 is represented by a single species in the NW Atlantic, in shallow water. Several tropical species are known from the deep shelf or upper continental slope. Genus METZGERIA Norman, 1879. Meyeria Dunker & Metzger, 1874:150 (non Meyeria McCoy, 1849). Type species: Lathyrus albellus Dunker & Metzger, 1874, by monotypy. Metzgeria Norman, 1879:56, new name for Meyeria Dunker & Metzger, non McCoy. Remarks: Metzgeria includes three NE Atlantic species, all living in deep water, of which M. gagei is here described as new. M. apodema Bouchet & Talavera, 1981 has a solid broad teleoconch and a multispiral larval shell. M. alba (Jeffreys, 1873) and M. gagei n.sp. have a paucispiral larval shell and more hidden columellar folds. M. gagei is smaller, more slender and fragile than alba. Metzgeria decorata (Locard, 1897) is a synonym of Fusinus amiantus (Fasciolariidae). Metzgeria alba (Jeffreys in Wyville-Thomson, 1873) Figs 393, 677-678 Tritonium pusillum M. Sars, 1859:39 (nom. nud.). Latirus albus Jeffreys in Wyville-Thomson, 1873:464, fig. 77. Lathyrus albellus Dunker & Metzger, 1874:150. Lathyrus albellus Dunker & Metzger, 1875:257, pi. 6, fig. 4. Meyeria pusilla M. Sars in G.O. Sars, 1878:245, pi. 13, fig. 8. Type material: L. albus, lectotype, here selected, USNM 188881; L. albellus, not found, not in ZMHU. Type localities: L. albus, PORCUPINE 1869 st 74, 60°39 N, 03°09 W, 350 m; L. albellus, 2 miles WSW of Haugesund, SW Norway, 195 — 220 m. Material examined: INGOLF st 32, 66°35 N, 56°38 W, 599 m, 5 shs; st 64, 62°06 N, 19°00 W, 1960 m, 1 sh; st 98, 65°38 N, 26°27 W, 260 m, 5 shs; E of the Faroes, 433 m, from stomachs of Anarrhichas latifrons, 2 spms, ZMC; E of the Faroes, 300 m, 1 sh, ZMC; between Norway and Shetland, 1 sh, ZMC; 64°45 N, 29°06 W, 1070 m, 1 sh, ZMC; 71°05 N, 20°00 E, 225 m, 1 sh; SMNH; 72° 10N, 20°37 E, 350-400 m, 3 shs; SMNH; Korsfjorden and off Korsfjorden, W Norway, 200-400 m, 50 shs and spms, coll. AW. Distribution: On the shelf and upper continental slope, from Davis Strait (see above), Iceland (Oskarsson, 1962, 1967; Thorson, 1941), the Faroe Channel (Thomson, 1873) and along the Norwegian coast, N to Finmarken (G.O. Sars, 1878), in 100-1960 m. Remarks: Metzgeria alba was recorded from the Azores (Locard, 1897), but the specimen in question proved to be an undeterminable fusinid, possibly Fusinus amiantus. M. alba is quite a rare species, except possibly along the Norwegian west coast. Metzgeria gagei sp.n. Figs 389, 679-68 1 Type material: Holotype RSM 1981089-13002. Type locality: Challenger II 1981 st 30, 58°18 N, 14°31 W, 670 m. Material examined: The type material and INGOLF st 10, 64°24 N, 28°50 W, 1484 m, 3 shs; st 81, 61°44 N, 27°00 W, 913 m, 1 sh; st 18, 61°44 N, 30°29 W, 2137 m, 2 spms. Description: Shell whitish, fragile and slender. The larval shell consists of a little more than one, rather inflated whorl, sculptured with some indistinct traces of spiral lines and its height is 1.1 mm. The holotype has 7.3 postlarval whorls which are slightly shouldered and not very convex. The lower whorl lacks this shoulder and is evenly convex. The sculpture consists of low spiral ribs absent on the shoulder, and on the upper whorls rather strong, sharp axial ribs distinctly angled at the edge of the shoulder. On the body whorl the axial sculpture becomes much fainter and looks more like incremental lines. The columella is long and slender and sculptured by incremental lines. There are two distinct columellar folds, which are not visible when looking straight at the aperture, but only when the shell is rotated about 1/6 of a whorl clockwise. The outer lip is straight and thin. Dimensions: Height of the shell 28.0 mm, diameter 8.1 mm, height of the aperture 13 mm, breadth 3.2 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 255 Remarks: The operculum is almost straight, rather thin and yellowish. This new species differs from M. alba in having a less solid shell, sharper apical axial ribs, a proportionally larger larval shell (compared with the subsequent whorl), and by having a more slender aperture. Comparison with specimens of M. alba from similar depths and adjacent localities from the Ingolf expedition, show the same differences, so it can be concluded that M. gagei is not a geographical or deep variety.of M. alba. Metzgeria costata (Dali, 1890), from the Lesser Antilles, 1220 m, has stronger columellar folds, easily visible in the apertue and a proportionally higher aperture. Metzgeria apodema Bouchet & Talavera, 1981 Fig. 682 Metzgeria apodema Bouchet & Talavera, 1981:177. Type material: holotype in MNHN. Type locality: METEOR st 36-98, 25°31 N, 16°02 W, 700-900 m. Distribution: Only known from the holotype. Remarks: M. apodema differs from the two other species of Metzgeria from the area by its multispiral larval shell, and its broader teleoconch with shouldered whorls. Genus LA TIR OMITRA Locard, 1897 Type species: L. specialis Locard, 1897, by monotypy. Synonym: Cyomesus Quinn, 1981. Type species Mesorhytis meekiana Dali, 1889. Remarks: The systematic position of Latiromitra has been changed several times. Locard placed it in Pisaniidae (i.e. Buccinidae!). Thiele (1929) transferred it to Costellariidae. Cernohorsky (1970) considered it a subgenus of Volutomitra, hence a volutomitrid. The radulae of two conchologically very similar species, Teramachia chaunax Bayer, 1971 and Mesorhytis meekiana Dali, 1889 have been described by Bayer (1971). They are of turbinellid type and Bayer concluded that the species belonged to the Turbinellidae. He therefore moved Teramachia to Turbinellidae. The type species of Teramachia, however, is T. tibiaeformis Kuroda, 1931, of which the radula has been figured by Habe (1952). There seems to be no doubt that the type species is a volutid. Rehder (1972) and Cernohorsky (1973) suggested that T. chaunax, Mesorhytis meekiana and two other species, Mesorhytis costatus Dali, 1890 and Teramachia barthelowi (Bartsch, 1942) should be placed in Benthovoluta Kuroda & Habe. Finally Quinn (1981) considered these species distinct enough to separate them from Benthovoluta and suggested a new genus, Cyomesus, with meekiana Dali as type species. We have examined the radula of T. barthelowi (Fig. 390) from the Philippines and can confirm its affinity to chaunax and meekiana. We cannot, however, see any conchological differences between these four species and Latiromitra that can be used to maintain two genera, and consider Cyomesus a synonym of Latiromitra. Presumably no one considered Latiromitra as a genus for these species because it was considered a volutomitrid. Mitra bairdi Dali, 1889, from the bathyal area off N Carolina and the Gulf of Mexico is a typical mitracean, as we found from examination of the radula. Latiromitra cryptodon (P. Fischer, 1882) Figs 675-676 Mitra cryptodon P. Fischer, 1882:273. Latiromitra specialis Locard, 1897:321, pi. 14, fig. 30-34. Type material: The two names are based on the same two syntypes in MNHN. Type locality: TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 40, 33°09 N, 09°38 W, 1900 m. Materia! examined: The type material and MONACO st 683, 38°20 N, 28°05 W, 1550 m, 1 sh; st 116, 31 °43 N, 10°47 W, 2165 m, 1 sh. Distribution: Only known from the material examined. Remarks: The larval shell is multispiral and probably indicates planktotrophic larvae. 256 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 677-682. Genus Metzgeria. 677 and 678, M. alba, INGOLF st 32, 19.8 mm and 2E4 mm. 679, M. gagei, holotype. 680 and 681, M. gagei, INGOLF st 18, 14.1 mm and apex 1.6 mm. 682, M. apodema, holotype. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 257 Family CANCELLARIIDAE Our collection of cancellarids is rather small. The family is not common in deep water, judging from the literature. Clarke (1962) cites five species from below 1830 m (of which Admete aquilarum (Watson) is a turrid). A few species have been described by Barnard (1960), Okutani (1964), Dali (1908), Verrill (1885) and Knudsen (1964). Several cancellarids were originally described as trichotropids. The genus Benthobia which previously has been placed in Cancellaridae is here transferred to Olividae (p.249). Genus ADMETE Kroyer in Moller, 1 842 Type species: A. crispa Moller, 1842 ( = Tritonium viridulum Fabricius, 1780) by monotypy. Remarks: There has been a controversy about the type species of Admete , since Dali (1887) wrote that Tritonium viridulum Fabricius and Defrancia viridula Moller, 1842 were based on the same specimen and suggested that T. viridulum was a turrid. European authors have continued to use the name of Fabricius, while American authors have used the name Cancellaria couthouyi Jay, 1839 (replacement name for Cancellaria buccinoides Couthouy, 1838, not Sowerby, 1832). Dali (1887) pointed out that this had been mentioned by Morch and that he had examined the specimen in Copenhagen. Morch never mentioned this in any paper and even the last time he used the name viridula (1877) shortly before his death, he used it in the accustomed sense. Posselt (1895) mentioned Dali’s doubts on the validity of the name viridula and that it was caused by a catalogue note by Morch, but evidently Posselt considered it of no importance, because he continued to use the name Admete viridula. At this time there were no types of Admete crispa Moller or Tritonium viridulum Fabricius in the museum, because they were not mentioned by Posselt and he always listed the type material when it had been found. (There is, however, still alcohol material determined “ Admete viridula Fabricius” by Moller.) Therefore we suppose that Moller (1842) had misidentified Fabricius’s Tritonium viridulum and later, when he realized this, began to use this name for his former Admete crispa. The original description (Fabricius, 1780) also supports our view that T. viridulum was not based on a turrid, especially the comparison with Buccinum undatum and the mention of a very short siphonal canal. To stabilize the nomenclature, we have therefore selected one of Moller’s specimens as neotype of T. viridulum (Fig. 683). This solution will make it possible to keep the name, which has been used in a single sense in Europe for 200 years. The genus Admete contains a few species from high northern and southern latitudes. Many of the species which have been placed here, actually belong to other groups. We have included three species in Admete, the type species and A. nodosa and A. azorica. The two last-mentioned species probably do not belong to Admete, but we have not been able to find a genus for them among the numerous cancellariid genera that have been described and we hesitate to introduce a new name before the other names have been thoroughly revised. Therefore we have kept them here. 258 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Admete viriduia (Fabricius, 1780) Figs 683-689 Tritonium viridulum Fabricius, 1780:402. Murex cos tel lifer Sower by, 1818:225. Cancellaria huccinoides Couthouy, 1838:105 (not Sowerby, 183*2). Cancellaria couthouyi Jay, 1839:77. Admete crispa Moller, 1842:88. Admete borealis A. Adams, 1855:122. Admete viriduia var. grandis Morch, 1869:22. Admete abnormis Gray in H. & A. Adams, 1858:278, fide Morch 1869:22. Admete undatocostata Verkriizen in Kobelt, 1876:372. Admete viriduia var. product a G.O. Sars, 1878:217, pi. 13, fig. 2. Admete viriduia vars. undata , laevior » elongaia and distincta Leche, 1878:47-48. Admete contabulata Friele, 1879:276. Admete sadko Gorbunov, 1946:310, pi. 1, fig. 5. Type material: A. viriduia , neotype in ZMC. Type locality : A. viriduia , W Greenland. Material examined: INGOLF st 32, 66°35 N, 56°38 W, 599 m, 10 spms; st 95, 65°14 N, 30°39 W, 1416 m, 1 sh; st 98, 65°38 N, 26°27 W, 260 m, 1 sh; st 124, 67°40N, 15°40 W, 932 m, 1 sh; st 126, 67° 19 N, 15°52W, 552 m, 1 sh, ZMC; several hundred shells and specimens from the Arctic Atlantic, USNM, SMNH, ZMC; several thousand specimens from S Scandinavia, 75—1000 m, coll. AW. Distribution : From Massachusetts to Arctic Canada (Macpherson, 1971), E and W Greenland (Thorson, 1944, 1951), Iceland (Thorson, 1941), the Faroes (Spate k & Thorson, 1933), deep water off the British Isles (Jeffreys, 1885; Jordan, 1895; Sykes, 1911; Massy, 1930), along the Scandinavian coasts (G.O. Sars, 1878), Spitzbergen (Friele, 1886; Odhner, 1915), Kara Sea and Novaya Zemlya (Leche, 1878). In arctic areas A viriduia occurs in shallow water, from intertidaily, down to 1100 m (Friele, 1886), in the southern parts of its distribution considerably deeper, in S Scandinavia in 75-1200 m. Probably A. viriduia has a panarctic circumpolar distribution. Remarks : For discussion about the specific name, see under the genus. Admete viriduia is extremely variable, which is reflected in the large number of varieties that have been described. Probably also several names from the N Pacific should be added but that is beyond the intention of our work. Young specimens of A. viriduia may easily be confused with young Oenopota spp., but Oenopota has a more slender aperture, distinct siphonal canal, and an operculum. Nordsieck (1968) considered A. inf lata (see Iphinopsis ) as a subspecies of A. viriduia , but that is not because they are similar, but because he had never seen A. inf lata. Thorson (1944) referred the egg capsules he had previously (1935) assigned to Velutina undata » to Admete viriduia. We can confirm this observation and figure egg capsules and young from W Norway. Admete nodosa Yerrill, 1885 Fig. 691 Admete nodosa Verrill, 1885:419, pi. 44, fig. 9. Type material: Holotype USNM 44646. Type locality: USFC st 2234, 39°09 N, 72°03 W (off New Jersey), 1475 m. Material examined: The holotype and THALASSA st X 333, 44° 10 N, 04°32 W, 1925 m, 1 spm; st X 336, 44° 1 1 N, 05° 11 W, 1900 m, 1 spm; INCAL st DS 5, 56°28 N, 1 1°12 W, 2503 m, 1 spm; BIOGAS st CP 07, 44° 10N, 04° 16 W, 2170 m, 2 shs; st CP24, 44°08 N, 04° 16 W, 1995 m, 1 sh; POLYGAS st CV16, 44°06 N, 04° 17 W, 1909 m, 2 spms. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, from both sides of the N Atlantic, 1400- 2500 m. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 259 Figs 683-686. Admete viridula. 683, neotype, 13.7 mm. 684, holotype of Admete contabulata , VORINGEN st 192, 8.1 mm. 685, Spitzbergen, 26.0 mm. 686, Sacken, Swedish west coast, 10.6 mm. 260 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 687=689, Admete viriduia, 687, Lieholmsrannan, Bergen area, 55-65 m, egg-capsule. Length 5 mm, 688, shell of an embryo from the same capsule, 870 pm. 689, Korsfjorden, Bergen area, 306 m. Very young specimen with postlarval growth, 1.0 mm. Remarks: The larval shell is multispiral and indicates planktotrophic larvae. A, nodosa does not resemble any N Atlantic gastropod known to us, except A. azorica, but that species is smaller, more slender and has a proportionally smaller aperture. A. nodosa has no radula. The rectum and intestine of the specimen which was examined for a radula, were filled with droplets of some intensely red substance. Admete azorica sp.n. Fig. 690 Type material: Holotype in MNHN. Type locality: BIACORES st 53, 38°07 N, 28°18 W, 1820 m, SE of Pico, Azores. Material examined: MONACO st 112, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m, 1 sh; st 1349, 38°35 N, 28°06 W, 1250 m, 1 sh; TALISMAN dr 129, 38°00 N, 27°03 W, 2220 m, 1 sh. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, from the Azores. Description: Shell short, conical, rather broad, very solid, white. The larval shell consists of 2.25 whorls, sculptured by fine spiral lines and its height is about 850 pm. The holotype has 2.8 postlarval whorls which are rather flat and sculptured by strong axial ribs; 1 1 ribs occur on the body whorl. There are also numerous irregular growth lines. The spiral sculpture consists of three often interrupted spiral lines on the upper whorls and two additional ones on the body whorl. The aperture is rather small with two large columellar folds and a strongly oblique outer lip. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 261 Dimensions: Height of the shell 7.6 mm, diameter 4.6 mm, height of the aperture 4.0 mm, breadth. 2.1 mm. Remarks: A azorica differs from A. nodosa by its more slender shell and possibly its larval shell has about half a whorl less, but this could not be positively ascertained because of the poor preservation of all larval shells of A. nodosa. Furthermore, it reaches only half the size of A. nodosa. Genus IPHINOPSIS Dali, 1924 Type species: Iphinoe kelseyi Dali, 1908, by original designation (Fig. 694). Synonym: Iphinoella Habe, 1958. Type species I. choshiensis Habe, 1958, by original designation. Remarks: Iphinopsis has previously, from shell characters, been placed in Trichotropidae, but on evidence given below we transfer it to Cancellariidae. There have been described several species resembling I. kelseyi in various families and genera: Trichotropis inf lata Friele, 1879, from deep water N of Norway. Trichotropis nuda Dali, 1927, from deep water off Florida (Fig. 704). Iphinoella choshiensis Habe, 1958, off Japan, 500-1500 m. Tromina traversensis Clarke, 1959, from the abyssal S Atlantic. Cancellaria euthymei Barnard, 1960, from off S Africa. We have examined specimens of kelseyi, inflata, nuda, traversensis and two species that are described as new here, and found them to be very similar conchologically. We have also examined the anatomy of four of these, inflata, traversensis and the two new species. They were identical, except in the development of the eyes and sexual characters. The examination was made on dried specimens reconstituted by soaking in a water detergent solution, and we noticed that after soaking, all were extremely slimy and that the oviducts had swelled, producing a lot of mucus. The foot is large and muscular and probably very large when the animal is crawling. The propodium is distinct and there is no operculum. The tentacles are short and rounded with eyes situated laterally at their base. The osphradium is large, bipectinate, of at least the same size as the gill. The animal has no snout, a long pleurembolic proboscis with two pairs of salivary glands, but no radula. No identifiable contents were found in the rectum or intestine. The diameter of the eyes of I. traversensis was 40 pm, of alba 100 pm, of inflata 130 pm and of fuscoapicata 150 pm, in specimens of the same size. The specimens of inflata, traversensis and fuscoapicata were females with a well-developed pallial oviduct, while two specimens of I. alba had both penis and pallial oviduct. From these anatomical details and the presence of columellar folds, we conclude that the species belong to Cancellariidae. Iphinopsis choshiensis Habe is the type species of Iphinoella Habe and I. kelseyi Dali, is the type of Iphinopsis. Habe (1962) synonymized the two genera and considered them to belong to Trichotropidae, which we find untenable on the basis of absence of radula, absence of operculum, absence of snout, presence of pleurembolic proboscis and presence of columellar folds in the species we have examined. We admit that we have not examined the animal of either of the two type species, but conchologically they are very close to those which we have examined. The species of Iphinopsis are easy to confuse with other groups of gastropods, as is evident from the known species being described in three different families. Clarke (1961) pointed out that T. traversensis could be confused with the young of Oocorys, but described it as a buccinid in the genus Tromina Dali, 1918 (Fig. 328), probably misled by Powell (1951) who used Tromina for certain antarctic buccinids. Iphinopsis can also be confused with the young of some cassids, some buccinids and trichotropids. The species of Iphinopsis can, however, be distinguished by having columellar folds, which may be very indistinct and visible only rather far back in the aperture. Some turrids of the genus Lusitanops also resemble Iphinopsis, but they have a less well developed umbilicus and a larval shell with cancellate sculpture. 262 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Iphinopsis inf lata (Friele, 1879) Figs 698-699 Trichotropis inflata Friele, 1879:275. Admete inflata Friele, 1886:25, pi. 8, fig. 33. Type material : Two syntypes, ZMB 20719. Type locality: VORINGEN st 192, 69°46 N, 16°15 E, 1187 m. Material examined : The type material and 20 shs from the type locality ZMB 20720; VORINGEN st 323, 72°53 N, 21 °51 E, 408 m, 2 spms; st 312, 74°54 N, 14°53 E, 1203 m, 6 spms, ZMB 20721; INGOLF st 90, 64°45 N, 29°06 W, 1070 m, 1 sh; st 102, 66°32 N, 10°26 W, 1412 m, 3 shs; st 103, 66°23 N, 08°52 W, 1090 m, 2 spms, 1 sh; st 116, 70°05 N, 08°26 W, 699 m, 6 spms; st 124, 67°40 N, 15°40 W, 932 m, 1 sh, 2 spms; st 139, 63°36 N, 07° 30 W, 1322 m, 16 spms, ZMC; 73°03 N, 18°30 E, 410 m, 1 spm, SMNH. Distribution: Only known from between Norway and Spitzbergen and around Iceland, from the material examined. VerrilFs (1884) record from off New England in 3200 m needs confirmation and we were not able to locate his material in USNM. Remarks: I. inflata differs from /. alba by having less developed, almost invisible columellar folds, while those of /. alba are very distinct, especially the lowermost one. It differs from I. fuscoapicata by having a white larval shell of about one whorl, instead of a brownish, multispiral larval shell. To see the columellar folds of I. inflata it is necessary to look rather obliquely into the aperture. Iphinopsis fuscoapicata sp.n. Figs 700-703 Type material: Holotype in MNHN. Type locality: INCAL st WS01, 50° 19 N, 13°07 W, 2550 m (SW of Ireland). Material examined: INCAL DS06, 56°26 N, 1 1 ° 10 W, 2494 m, 5 spms; CP06, 55°02 N, 12°41 W, 2890 m, 1 spm; DS09, 55°08 N, 12°53 W, 2897 m, 1 spm; CP08, 50°15 N, 13°14 W, 2644 m, 1 spm; WS02, 50°19 N, 12°56 W, 2498 m, 1 spm; CHALLENGER 2 st 4, 56°52 N, 10°01 W, 1993 m, 1 spm; st ?, Rockall Trough, 2851 m, 1 spm. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, off the British Isles, ca. 2500 m. Description: Shell of medium size, fragile, inflated, dirty white. The larval shell is dark brownish and consists of about two whorls, sculptured by faint spiral striae, and its height is about 650 pm. The holotype has about three postlarval whorls of rather rapidly increasing diameter. The sculpture consists of equidistant spiral cords, weaker on the lower part of the body whorl and almost disappearing at the columella. The axial sculpture consists of a few stronger and numerous small, sharp incremental ribs. The stronger ribs appear at irregular intervals, the smaller ones are close set and regularly spaced. The outer lip, seen from the side, is slightly sigmoid. The inner lip forms a far- protruding, evenly-curved parietal callus, continuous with the reflected part of the columella and forming a deep umbilical chink behind it. There is no distinct siphonal canal. Dimensions: Height of the shell 9.5 mm, diameter 6.0 mm, height of the aperture 6.0 mm, breadth 2.9 mm. Remarks: The present species can be distinguished from the two other species known from the NE Atlantic by the larval shell, which is brownish in I. fuscoapicata and white in the others. /. traversensis probably has a brownish larval shell, but the apex of the holotype is badly corroded, so we could see only traces of this, in the old sutures. It differs from /. fuscoapicata by having a finer and less distinct axial sculpture with more distant ribs and by having more convex and strongly shouldered whorls. There is hardly any columellar fold visible in the specimens we have examined, but this may be because our specimens are not full grown. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 263 Ip h inops is alba sp. n. Figs 695-697 Type material: Holotype in MNHN. Type locality: BIOGAS st CP01, 47°35 N, 08°39 W, 2245 m, NW part of the Bay of Biscay. Material examined: BIOGAS st DS26, 47°33 N, 08°36 W, 2147 m, 2 shs; st DS52, 44°06 N, 04°22 W, 2006 m, 3 spms; st DS62, 47°33 N, 08°40 W, 2175 m, 1 sh; st DS63, 47°33 N, 08°35 W, 2126 m, 1 sh; st CP08, 47°33 N, 08°38 W, 2177 m, 1 spm; st CP12, 47°32 N, 09° 12 W, 2925 m, 1 spm; st CP25, 44°05 N, 04° 17 W, 1894 m, 1 spm; st DS71, 47°34 N, 08°34 W, 2194 m, 1 spm, 2 shs; st DS64, 47°29 N, 08°31 W, 2156 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; THALASSA st X333, 44° 10 N, 04°32 W, 1925 m, 1 sh; st X334, 44° 10 N, 04°52 W, 1900 m, 1 sh; st X336, 44° 1 1 N, 05° 11 W, 1900 m, 1 sh; CHALLENGER 2, st 4, 56°52 N, 10°01 W, 1993 m, 1 spm. Distribution: Only known from the continental slopes of the bay of Biscay and the Rockall Trough, 1900-2900 m. Description: Shell of medium size, rather inflated, fragile, whitish, or dirty whitish. Larval shell white, sculptured by a few rather coarse spiral lines, consisting of about 1 .2 whorls and of a height of 600 ^m. The holotype has about 4 postlarval whorls, but this figure is uncertain because of corrosion of the spire. The sculpture is identical to that of fuscoapicata, possibly some specimens have coarser axial sculpture, but this is difficult to ascertain from our small sample. The shape of the aperture and the columella are also identical with fuscoapicata. Dimensions: Height of the shell 14.5 mm, diameter 8.2 mm, height of the aperture 9.5 mm, breadth 3.8 mm. Remarks: Iphinopsis alba can be separated from /. fuscoapicata only by the larval shell (Figs 697, 702), which in /. alba has coarser sculpture, about 3/4 of a whorl less, and is white instead of brown. Another difference, more difficult to see in juvenile specimens, is that /. alba has distinct columellar folds while /. fuscoapicata has no trace of them. This is also the only difference from /. inf lata where only traces of one fold can be seen. Genus OLSSONELLA Petit, 1970 Type species: Cancellaria smithi Dali, 1883, by original designation. Remarks: The type species was described from shallow water (35-80 m) off N Carolina. Dali (1889) compared this species with Cancellaria minima Reeve, because of their similarity. We have used the genus Olssonella on the advice of Mr R.E. Petit, with whom we have had valuable discussions about the cancellariids. Olssonella minima (Reeve, 1856) Figs 692-693 Cancellaria minima Reeve, 1856: sp. 77. Type material: Syntypes in BMNH. Type locality: No locality mentioned. Material examined: The types and: off Madeira, 410-580 m, 1 sh, MNHN; PORCUPINE 1870, off Cadiz, SW Spain, 700 m, 7 shs, BMNH. Distribution: The area W of Gibraltar, kriown from 600-700 m; Madeira, in shallow water (Watson, 1897). Remarks: Cancellaria minima was described by Reeve without giving the locality but Jeffreys (1885) said that the specimens originated from the dredgings of McAndrew and recorded it from Gibraltar and Madeira on the authority of McAndrew. McAndrew (1852, 1857) also listed undescribed cancellariids from Madeira and the Canaries. As Watson’s (1897) records from Madeira indicate, this will probably prove to be a shallow-water species. 264 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 690-693. Genera Admete and Olssonella. 690, A. azorica, holotype, 7.8 mm. 691, A. nodosa, BIOGAS st CP24, 13.8 mm. 692, O. minima, syntype, 6.5 mm. 693, O. minima, off Madeira, apex 707 pm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 265 Figs 694-699. Genus Iphinopsis. 694, I. kelseyi, type species of Iphinopsis, holotype 6.4 mm. 695, /. alba, INCAL st CP8, 9.3 mm. 696, I. alba, BIOGAS st CPI, 14.9 mm. 697, /. alba, apex 0.5 mm. 698 and 699, /. inflata, INGOLF st 103, 7.5 mm and 7.9 mm. 266 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 700-704. Genus Iphinopsis. 700, I. fuscoapicata , INCAL st DS7, 3.9 mm. 701, INCAL st WS1 holotype, 9.5 mm. 702, Young postlarvae, INCAL st DS6, 870 /xm. 703, Embryonic shell of the same specimen, diameter 390 /xm. 704, I nuda, syntype of Trichotropis nuda Dali, 2.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 267 Family MARGINELLIDAE Examination of literature suggests that marginellids seem to be scarce in deep water (Clarke, 1962 lists four species). Our experience, however, is that they are not rare on the upper part of the continental slopes, especially in tropical areas. Several species of marginellids were described by Locard (1897) from just south of the area we are treating. No further material has since been found so we refer to his treatment of these species. A key to the species likely to be encountered in the area covered is presented below. A. A. B. B. C. C. D. D. E. E. F. F. G. G. H. H. I. I. Spire visible C Spire hidden (Granulina) B Shell slender, breadth = 2/3 height G. parvulina Shell broad, breadth = 4/5 height G. occulta High spire, four or fewer equal columellar folds E Short spire, more than four, unequal, columellar folds (Gibberula) D Shell small (2-2.5 mm), 5-6 columellar folds G. vignali Shell bigger (3-5 mm), 4-5 columellar folds G. abyssicola Three columellar folds (Volvarina) V. ingolfi Four strong columellar folds (Marginella) F Outer lip thickened into a broad varix, shell white to yellowish white G Outer lip not thickened into a varix, shell yellowish white to orange I Shell small (less than 10 mm), with very convex whorls M. hesperia Shell larger, with almost flat whorls H Suture polished, indistinct M. marocana Suture distinct M. arronax Hire spire with very convex whorls M subturrita Shell broad, with almost flat whorls M. impudica Genus GIBBERULA Swainson, 1840 Type species: Gibberula zonata Swainson, 1840, by monotypy. The genus Gibberula comprises small marginellids, 3-10 mm high, that live mainly on the continental shelf. Two species occur on the Atlantic slope of the Iberian peninsula, but do not enter the Mediterranean where only shallow-water species are found. Gibberula abyssicola Monterosato in Locard, 1897 Figs 394, 705-708, 714 Gibberula abyssicola Monterosato in Locard, 1897:130, pi. 4, figs 22-25. Gibberula monterosatoi Locard, 1897:131, pi. 4, figs 26-28. Gibberula retusa Monterosato in Locard, 1897:128, pi. 4, figs 19-21. Type material: G. abyssicola , lectotype in MNHN; G. monterosatoi, 4 syntypes in MNHN; G. retusa, 37 syntypes in MNHN. Type localities: G. abyssicola, TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 40, 40°05 N, 07°05 W, 392 m; G. monterosatoi, TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 1, 43°01 N, 09°38 W, 2018 m; G. retusa, TRAVAILLEUR 1881 dr 30, 35°25 N, 08° 00 W, 1205 m. Material examined: The type material and TRAVAILLEUR 1881, dr 41, 44°02 N, 07°07 W, 1094 m, 2 shs; dr 42, 44°01 N, 07°05 W, 896 m, 8 spms -t- shs; THALASSA st W392, 44°07 N, 04°49 W, 600-1130 m, 1 spm; st X305, 44° 05 N, 05°00 W, 463 m, 18 spms + shs; st X340, 44°07 N, 04°30 W, 860-910 m, 10 spms; st X341, 44° 07 N, 04° 31 W, 800-840 m, 2 spms; st X342, 44°08 N, 04°37 W, 700 m, 14 spms + shs; st X343,, 44°08 N, 04° 39 W, 600-655 m, 16 spms + shs; st X345, 44°06 N, 04°41 W, 525-550 m, 31 spms + shs; st X347, 44°07 N, 04° 44 W, 640-910 m, 36 spms + shs; st X348, 44°07 N, 04°44 W, 600-900 m, 4 shs; st X350, 44°04 N, 04°46 W, 505 m, 1 spm; st X352, 44°06 N, 04°45 W, 545-580 m, 5 spms; st X353, 44°07 N, 04°45 W, 635-655 m, 6 spms + 268 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN shs; st X360, 44°05 N, 04°50 W, 580-592 m, 1 sh; st X361 , 44°06 N, 04°50 W, 582-595 m, 7 spins; st X362, 44°07 N, 04° 51 W, 585-600 m, 18 spms + shs; st X363, 44°06 N, 04°54 W, 545-630 m, 8 spms; st Y377, 41°32 N, 09° 14 W, 320 m, 3 shs; st T482, 44°02 N, 08°44 W, 490 m, 4 spms; MONACO st 2717, 36°42 N, 08°40 W, 750 m, 53 spms -I- shs. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, NW and S of the Iberian Peninsula, on the upper part of the continental slope. Remarks: G. abyssicola was reported from the Mediterranean (on the authority of Monterosato) by Locard (1897). It was however, not mentioned by Monterosato or D’Amico in any paper. G. Spada, who has examined the marginellids in the Monterosato collection has informed us that it is not present there, except two shells from the TRAVAILLEUR dredgings, nor are any specimens of retusa or monterosatoi; we conclude that there was some mistake behind Locard’s statement. The material cited from shallow water in Madeira proved to belong to Granulina. The name G. monterosatoi was based on young specimens without thickened outer lip. The specimens examined from Le Danois Bank (THALASSA X stns) show a reduction in size with increasing depth. The average size from 450 m is 4.3 mm, in 880 m, 3.3 mm. The name retusa was based on more southern specimens, which have a more thickened outer lip and solid shell. The egg capsule (Fig. 714) is a simple rounded capsule, slightly larger than the larval shell. It lies free on the bottom. The size of the young corresponds with our smallest specimens, and indicates direct development. Fig. 714. Gibberula abyssicola. THALASSA st X315, egg capsule, length 1.9 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 269 Gibberula vignali (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) Figs 709-710 Marginella vignali Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896: 433, pi. 15, fig. 17. Type material: lectotype in MOM. Type locality: MONACO st 553, 37°43 N, 25°05 W, 1385 m. Material examined: The type material and 7 shs from the type locality; MONACO st 1 12, 38°34 N, 28°06 W, 1287 m, 11 shs; st 1311, 37°37 N, 25°21 W, 1187 m, 2 shs; st 1349, 38°35 N, 28°06 W, 1250 m, 13 shs; TRAVAILLEUR 1882, dr 34, 35°42 N, 06°20 W, 1 12 m, 2 shs; THALASSA st Y400, 40°46 N, 09° 19 W, 800 m, 5 spms; VANNEAU 1923, st 10, 29°54 N, 09°58 W, 110 m, 18 shs; st 35, 34°05 N, 07°40 W, 160 m, 9 shs. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, off Portugal and Morocco, and the Azores, on the continental shelf and upper parts of the slope. Remarks: Our experience from shallow-water species of Gibberula shows that there exists very little difference in shell characters between the species, and that living animals may be necessary to distinguish the species. We will therefore not exclude the possibility that we may have confused two species in C. vignali. Gibberula vignali differs from abyssicola by being much smaller, about 2.5—2 mm instead of 3—4.5 mm, and by having five instead of four clearly visible columellar folds. Genus GRANULINA Jousseaume, 1888 Synonym: Cypraeolina Cerulli-Irelli, 1911 Type species: Voluta clandestina Brocchi, 1814. The group of marginellids treated here has consistently been called Gibberulina in the European literature. However Gibberulina Monterosato, 1884 is a new name (“nom.sost.”) for Bui lata Jousseaume, 1875 and therefore keeps the same type species, viz. Voluta hullata Born, 1778. Bullata is a valid name and Gibberulina is an objective synonym of it. Granulina was introduced for Marginella pygmaea Issel, 1869 (type species by monotypy), non Sowerby 1846 (= Marginella isseli Nevill & Nevill, 1875) and can be used for the species formerly included in Gibberulina in Europe. Granulina parvulina (Locard, 1897) Fig. 711 Volutella parvulina Locard, 1897:126, pi. 21, figs 3-5. Volutella parvulina var. curta Locard, 1897:126. Type material: Two syntypes in MNHN. Type locality: TRAVAILLEUR 1881, dr 41, 44°02 N, 07°07 W, 1094 m. Material examined: The type material and MONACO st 1713, 28°04 N, 16°49 W, 1340-1530 m, lsh; VANNEAU 1923, st 10, 29°54 N, 09°58 W, 110 m, 2 shs. Distribution: Only known from the material examined, off N Spain and Morocco. Remarks: G. parvulina differs from the shallow-water species of the genus by being much more slender. G. occulta (Monterosato, 1869) is a deep-shelf species occasionally occurring on the upper slope in the Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic; it is figured here (Fig. 712) for comparison. 270 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus MARGINELLA Lamarck, 1799 Type species: Marginella glabella (Linne) by monotypy. The type species.of Marginella as well as four of the species discussed here lack a radula. The shape of the shell of M. glabella resembles the four species, but the colour patterns are quite different. The fifth species included in our revision, Marginella hesperia differs in shell characters; no animal was available for examination for a radula, and it seems to be more closely related to certain deep shelf species from West Africa, e.g. M. bojadorensis Thiele, 1925. Marginella hesperia Sykes, 1905 Fig. 716 Marginella hesperia Sykes, 1905: 316, pi. 17, fig. 7. Type material: 10 syntypes in BMNH. Type locality: PORCUPINE st 24, 37° 19 N, 09° 13 W, 531 m. Material examined : The type material and some more shells from the type locality (USNM); JEAN-CHARCOT Madere st 29, 33°01 N, 16°15 W, 300-340 m, 2 shs; st 49, 32°27 N, 16°32 W, 450-500 m, 1 sh; st 58, 32°42 N, 16°41 W, 410-580 m, 1 sh. Distribution: On the upper part of the continental slope, from off S Portugal and Madeira. Only known from the material examined. Remarks: Marginella hesperia can be recognized by the thickenings of the outer lip, which are lacking in all other species known from the area treated. Attention must however, be drawn to M. bojadorensis Thiele, 1925 from West Africa, which has similar thickenings on the outer lip but is more slender. Marginella subturritaP . Fischer, 1883 Fig. 717 Marginella impudica var. subturrita P. Fischer, 1883:392. Marginella jousseaumei Locard, 1897: 11, pi. 3, figs 25-28. Type material: M. impudica var. subturrita and M. jousseaumei are based on the same material. A single lectotype in MNHN is designated for both. Type locality: Not known precisely, but between Morocco and the Canaries. Material examined: The type material and TALISMAN dr 45, 29°08 N, 12°26 W, 1235 m, 5 spm + shs; dr 49,52,53 (mixed), 28°33-28°37 N, 13°02-13°19 W, 865-946 m, 6 spms + shs; MONACO st 1118, 29°06 N, 13°03 W, 1098 m, 1 spm. Distribution: The continental slope of western Sahara. Only known from the material examined. Remarks: The animals lack a radula. It has eye swellings at the base of the tentacles and the unpigmented eyes are 130 jum in diameter, while they are only 50 jum in M. impudica. M. subturrita differs from M. impudica by being more slender, by its much more convex whorls and white shell, while M. impudica is pinkish-orange when fresh. Marginella marocana Locard, 1897 Figs 722-723 Marginella marocana Locard, 1897: 114, pi. 3, figs 29-31 (and var. curta, var. elongata). Type material: Lectotype here selected in MNHN. Type locality: TALISMAN st 49-52-53 (mixed lot), 28°33-28°37 N, 13°02-13°19 W, 865-946 m. Material examined: The type material and 1 spm from the type locality; TALISMAN dr 44, 29°52 N, 1 1°47 W, 2083 m, 1 spm, 1 sh; dr 45, 29°08 N, 12°26 W, 1235 m, 3 shs. Distribution: Only known from the material examined. Remarks : See under aronnax. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 271 Marginella impudica P . Fisher, 1 883 Figs 718-719 Marginella impudica P. Fischer, 1883:392. Marginella impudica var. major, var. elongata Locard, 1897:109, pi. 3, figs 19-24. Type material: Lectotype, here selected, in MNHN. Type locality: “Cotes du Sahara, 800-1139 m”. Lectotype from TALISMAN dr 81, 23° 50 N, 17° 17 W, 1139 m. Material examined: The type material and 4 spms from the type locality; TALISMAN dr 84, 22°54 N, 17°26 W, 860 m, 7 spms + shs; dr 85, 22°52 N, 17°23 W, 830 m, 1 sh, 5 spms; dr 86, 22°49 N, 17°21 W, 800 m, 5 spms, 1 sh; METEOR st 36-98, 25°31 N, 16°02 W, 700-900 m, 6 spms + shs. Distribution: The continental slope of Mauretania and former Spanish Sahara. Only known from the material examined. Remarks: The animal lacks a radula. There are eye swellings at the base of the tentacles and the unpigmented eyes measure 50 pm in diameter. Neither M. impudica nor M. subturrita has a broad thickened labial varix when seen from the side. For differences see remarks under subturrita. Marginella aronnax n.sp. Figs 720-721 Marginella impudica var. minor, var. curta and var. marginata Locard, 1897:110 (not: Marginella curta Sowerby, 1832, Marginella marginata Wood, 1828, Marginella minor C.B. Adams, 1852). Type material: Holotype in MNHN. Type locality: TALISMAN dr 84, 22°54 N, 17°26 W, 860 m. Material examined: The type material and 1 sh from the type locality; TALISMAN dr 86, 22°49 N, 17°21 W, 800 m, 7 spms, 2 shs. Description: Shell white, very solid, smooth, with a short blunt spire. The shell consists of 4.5 whorls which are very slightly convex, with a hardly visible suture. The body whorl occupies more than 3/4 of the total height. Aperture elongate, narrow with a broad thickened labial varix when seen from the side. There are four strong columellar folds of which the lowermost one is very oblique. No columellar callus. Dimensions of the shell: height 28.7 mm, breadth 14.8 mm; height of the aperture 21.2 mm, maximum breadth 3.3 mm. Remarks : The animal is blind, without eye swellings on the tentacles. It lacks a radula. Marginella aronnax is readily separated from M. impudica and M. subturrita which lack the broad thickening of the labial varix. M. marocana is smaller with a much more obtuse spire, nearly flat whorls and indistinct suture. 272 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Genus VOLVARINA Hinds, 1844 Type species: Marginella (Volvarina) nitida Hinds, 1844. Volvarina is here used in its conchological sense to include a new species that differs from Marginella s.s. by its more slender shell with 3 instead of 4 columellar plaits. Volvarina species have a radula while at least some of the Marginella spp. do not. Volvarina ingolf i n.sp. Fig. 715 Type material : Holotype in ZMC. Type locality: INGOLF st 92, 64°44 N, 32°52 W, 1776 m. Material examined: Only known from the holotype. Description: Shell solid, white, glossy consisting of 3.75 whorls which increase very rapidly in size; apex blunt; spire low, the body whorl forming four fifths of the height of the shell; the penultimate whorl is convex, but forms a concave slope below the suture; there are three strong columellar folds; columellar callus very thin; outer lip regularly thickened, smooth, slightly constricted in the middle. Dimensions: height 14.5 mm, breadth 7.6 mm; height of the aperture 11.7 mm, breadth 2.2 mm. Remarks: There are additional Volvarina species in deep water south of the Canaries; all of them however have a lower spire with less convex whorls, and hardly reach 10 mm. They also differ in colour patterns, the non-banded species being uniformly orange or yellowish. Volvarina ingolfi is the northernmost Atlantic marginellid. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 273 Figs 705-713. Genera Gibberula and Granulina. 705, Gibberula abyssicola, MONACO st 2717, 2.9 mm. 706, THALASSA st X347, 3.3 mm. 707, THALASSA st T482, 4.3 mm. 708, MONACO st 2717, 2.9 mm. 709 and 710, Gibberula vignali, THALASSA st Y400, 2.3 mm and 2.2 mm. 711, Granulina parvulina, MONACO st 1713, 2.1 mm. 712, Granulina occulta, Porto Empedocle, Sicily, 2.5 mm. 713, MONACO st 2717, 2.1 mm. 274 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN Figs 715-719. Genera Volvarina and Marginella. 715, Volvarina ingolfi, holotype, 14.5 mm. 716, Marginella hesperia, PORCUPINE st 24, 7.2 mm. 717, M. subturrita, lectotype, 34.0 mm. 718 and 719, M. impudica, TALISMAN dr 86, 31.6 mm. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 275 Figs 720-723. Genus Marginella. 720 and 721, M. aronnax, holotype, 28.7 mm. 722 and 723, M marocana, lectotype, 19.3 mm. 276 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to direct our thanks to the following persons who have contributed to this revision by placing material at our disposal: R. Aldred (Institute of Oceanographical Sciences, Surrey), P. Arnaud (Station marine d’Endoume, Marseille), KJ. Boss (MCZ), L. Cabioch (Roscoff), F. Carrozza (Soiana), G. Della Bella (Bologna), J. Gage (Oban), F. Giannini (Empoli), S. Gofas (Paris), T. Gosliner (South African Museum, Cape Town), J. van Goethem (IRSN), D. Heppell (RSM), R. Houbrick (USNM), R. Janssen (SMF), R. Kilias (ZMHU), J. Kjennerud (ZMB), J. Knudsen (ZMC), M. Lagardere (La Rochelle), J.C. Mahe (ISTPM, St. Pierre), C. Monniot (MNHN), O. Paget (NHMW), S. Palazzi (Modena), L. Pequegnat (Texas A & M Univ.), R. Petit (North Myrtle Beach, USA), P. Piani (Bologna), G. Pinna (Milano), R. Olerod (SMNH), J. Rosewater (USNM), M. Sibuet (COB), S. Smith (RSM), G. Spada (Bologna), C. Tabanelli (Cotignola), F. Talavera (Sta Cruz de Tenerife), M. Taviani (Bologna), G. Testa (MOM), K. Way (BMNH), R. Work (Miami). A large part of our material has been sorted by Centre de Tri d’Oceanographie Biologique, Brest. 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Adams, 1858 (Admete) = viridula . 258 abyssicola Monterosato in Locard, 1897 (Gibberula) . . 267 abyssorum Verrill & Smith, 1 884 (Buccinum) . 189 abyssorum P. Fischer, 1883 (Fusus): Mohnia 211 aculeatus Settepassi, 1977 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus . 137 acutecostata Philippi, 1844 (Buccinum): Amphissa . 165 ADMETE KrOyer in MOller, 1842 . 257 alabaster Barnard, 1960 (Nux) = tryoni . 249 alba Jeffreys, 1867 (Trophon truncatus) = truncatus . 128 alba Jeffreys in Wyville-Thomson, 1873 (Latirus): Metzgeria . 254 alba n.sp. (Iphinopsis) . .. . 263 alba Friele in Kobelt, 1878 (Mohnia) = mohni . 206 albellus Dunker & Metzger, 1874(Lathyrus) = Metzgeria alba . 254 albinus Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977 (Trophonopsis muricatus) = muricatus . 134 albula Jeffreys, 1869 (Columbella haliaeeti) - acutecostata . 165 alucoides de Blainville, 1830(Murex) = squamosus . 153 amblyterus Watson, 1886 (Fusus) = berniciensis . 193 americanus Bell, 1870 (Fusus) - stimpsoni . 233 amianta Dali, 1889 (Fusus): Fusinus . 161 AMPHISSA H.&A. Adams, 1853 . 165 Anomalosipho Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1912 = Colus . 226 antiqua Linne, 1758 (Murex): Neptunea . 202 apodema Bouchet & Talavera, 1981 (Metzgeria) . 254 AptyxisTrosehel, 1868 . 160 aquitanica Locard, 1897 (Neptunia) - berniciensis . 193 AradomurexCoen, 1943 = Coralliophila 151 arata Verrill, 1880 (Neptunea) = stimpsoni . 233 arcticus Philippi, 1850 (Fusus) = kroeyeri . 231 aronnaxn.s^. (Margineila) . 271 aspera Monterosato in B.D.D., 1882 (Trophon muricatus) = muricatus . 134 asperrimus Leach in Brown, 1827 (Fusus) = muricatus . 134 atlantica Locard, 1897 (Pleurotomella) = koehleri 195 atlantideus n.sp. (Pterynotus) . 147 atractodeum Locard, 1886 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 Atractus Agassiz, 1839 = Colus . 226 attenuataG.O. Sars, 1878 (Sipho tortuosus) = holboelli . 228 attenuatus Jeffreys, 1877 (Fusus) = jeffreysianus . 230 attenuata Simpson in Marshall, 1902 (Fusus turtoni) - turtoni . 197 attenuata Locard, 1897 (Anachis haliaeeti) = acutecostata . 165 attenuata Harmer, 1918 (Trophon clathratus) = truncatus . 128 Aulacofusus Dali, 1918 = Colus . 202 azonata Locard, 1886 (Buccinum humphreysianum) = humphreysianum . 188 azorica n.sp. (Admete) . 260 azoricus Dautzenberg, 1889 (Fusus) = bocagei . 160 Babelomurex Coen, 1922 = Coralliophila . 151 bamffius Donovan, 1804 (Murex) = clathratus . 129 barvicensis Johnston, 1825 (Fusus): Trophon . 131 basileus Dautzenberg & H . Fischer, 1896 (Pseudomurex): Coralliophila . 154 Bathyclionella Kobelt, 1905 = Belomitra . 223 belliana Jordan, 1890 (Fusus gracilis) = gracilis . 227 BELOMITRA P. Fischer, 1882 . 223 bengasiensis Sturany, 1896 (Fusus) = rostratus . 160 BENTHOBIA Dali, 1889 . 249 BERINGIUS Dali, 1887 . 197 berni ciensis King, 1846 (Fusus): Troschelia . 193 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 287 bicarinataFriele, 1879 (Neptunea lachesis) = voeringi . 216 bicolor Locard, 1896 (Neptunia jeffreysiana) = jeffreysianus 230 blakei Verrill, 1885 (Bela): Mohnia 210 bocagei P. Fischer, 1882 (Fusus): Fusinus 160 borealis Reeve, 1845 (Murex) = fabricii . 135 borealis Adams, 1855 (Admete) = viridula . 258 Boreofusus G.O. Sars, 1878 = Troschelia . 193 Boreotrophon P. Fischer, 1884 = Trophon . 126 bracteatus Brocchi, 1814 (Murex): see Pseudomurex and squamosus 151,153 breviatus Jeffreys, 1882 (Trophon) = muricatus . 134 brevicauda Deshayes, 1832 (Fusus): Neptunea 202 brevis Verrill, 1884 (Sipho stimpsoni) = stimpsoni . 233 brevispira Norman, 1893 (Fusus turtoni) = turtoni 197 brevispira Brogger, 1900 (Sipho) = sabini . 232 Brongus de Gregorio, 1885 = Colus . 226 brucei Melvill& Standen, 1900 (Buccinum) = verkruezeni . 234 brychia Watson, 1882 (Nassa) = frigens . 159 brychia Verrill, 1885(Jumala) - quadruplex . 223 buccinoides Couthouy, 1838 (Cancellaria) = viridula 258 Buccinopsis Jeffreys, 1867 = Liomesus . 185 BUCCINUM Linne, 1758 . 186 caelatulus Verrill, 1884 (Sipho) = caelatus . 212 caelatus Verrill & Smith, 1880 (Neptunea): Mohnia . 212 cancellatus Bivona, 1838 (Fusus) = muricatus . 134 carinata Locard, 1897 (Neptunia berni ciensis) = berni ciensis . . 193 carinatus Bivona, 1832: see echinatus . 137 carinatus Jeffreys, 1883 (Trophon) = echinatus . 137 carolinensis Verrill, 1884 (Urosalpinx): Mohnia . 212 cepula Sowerby, 1880 (Trophon) = clathratus 129 Chalmon de Gregorio, 1885 = Trophon 126 cinara Monterosato, 1 884 (Pagodula carinata) = echinatus . 137 clathratus Linne, 1767 (Murex): Trophon 129 clavatusG.O. Sars, 1878 (Trophon) . 130 climakis Watson, 1886 (Pleurotoma) = quadruplex . 223 coddi Harmer, 1918 (Trophon gunneri) = clathratus 129 Colicryptus Iredale, 1918 = Turrisipho 215 COLUS ROding, 1798 . 226 concinnus Jeffreys, 1883 (Fusus) = mohni . 205 consimilis Marshall, 1902 (Fusus) = jeffreysianus . 230 conspicienda Locard, 1897 (Clionella) = quadruplex . 223 contabulata Friele, 1879(Admete) = viridula . 258 contraria Linne, 1771 (Murex): Neptunea . 203 convoluta Jeffreys, 1867 (Fusus gracilis) = gracilis . 227 CORA LLIOPHILA H.&A. Adams, 1853 152 cossmanni Locard, 1897 (Lacuna) = tryoni . 249 cossmanni Locard, 1897 (Trophon) = echinatus . 137 costatus Hisinger, 1837 (Fusus) = clathratus . 129 costellifer Sowerby, 1818 (Murex) = viridula . 258 costiferus Posselt, 1898 (Sipho) = lachesis . 215 costulata Locard, 1897 (Clionella delicatulina) = quadruplex . 223 costulatissima Locard, 1897 (Anachis haliaeeti) = acutecostata 165 costulatus Cantraine, 1835 (Fusus) = acutecostata 165 coulsoni Jordan, 1890 (Fusus gracilis) = gracilis . 227 couthouyi Jay, 1839 (Cancellaria) = viridula 258 crassa Harmer, 1914 (Sipho togatus) = holboelli . 228 craticulatum Fabricius, 1780(Tritonium) = fabricii . 135 crispa MOller, 1842(Admete) = viridula . 258 cryptodon P. Fischer, 1882(Mitra): Latiromitra . 255 Cryptomitra Dali, 1924 = Belomitra . 223 curta Locard, 1892 (Trophonopsis) = muricatus p.p . 134 curta Locard, 1897 (Marginella marocana) = marocana . 271 curta Locard, 1897 (Marginella impudica) = aronnax . 271 288 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN curta Locard, 1897 (Volutella parvulina) = parvulina . 269 curta Locard, 1897 (Anachis haliaeeti) = acutecostata . 165 curta Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila aluccides) = squamosus . 153 curtus Jeffreys, 1867(Fusus) = stimpsoni . 233 Cyomesus Quinn, 1981 = Latirornitra . 255 Cypraeolina Cerulli-Irelli, 1911 = Granulina . 269 dabneyi Dautzenberg, 1889 (Trophon) . 136 daleiSowerby, 1825 (Buccinum): see under Liomesus . 185 dalli Friele in Try on, 1881 (Sipho): Turrisipho . 215 danielsseni Friele, 1879(Neptunea): Mohnia 210 dautzenbergi Dali, 1916 (Anomalosipho) = verkruezeni . 234 decorata Locard, 1897 (Meyeria) = amiantus . 161 decorata Locard, 1897 (Nassa brychia) = frigens . 159 decoratus Locard, 1897 (Trophon) = dabneyi . 136 delicatulina Locard, 1897 (Clionella) = quadruplex 223 delicatus Jeffreys, 1833(Fusus) = holboelli . 228 DellinaBeu, 1970 = Belomitra 223 demulcata Locard, 1897 (Pleurotomella) = koehleri 195 depressa Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus 137 depressa Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophiiaalucoides) = squamosus 153 despecta Linne, 1758 (Murex): see under Neptunea . 203 deversus Locard, 1897 (Trophon) = echinatus 137 dispar Verrill, 1884 (Sipho profundicola) = abyssorum (Mohnia) . 211 distincta Leche, 1878 (Admete viridula) = viridula . 258 distincta Posselt, 1895 (Sipho turritus) = holboelli . 228 droueti Dautzenberg, 1889 (Trophon) 136 eburMbrch, 1869(Fusus) = sabini . 232 eburneumM Sars, 1851 (Tritonium) = ovum 186 ecaudata Locard, 1897 (Fusus bocagei) = bocagei 160 ecaudata Locard, 1897 (Meyeria decorata) = amiantus . 161 ecaudis Locard, 1897 (Neptunia) = fenestratus . 217 echinatus Kiener, 1840 (Fusus): Trophon . 137 elatior Middendorf, 1849 (Tritonium clathiatum) = clathratus 129 elegans Jeffreys, 1867 (Fusus berniciensis) = berniciensis . 193 elegans Jeffreys in Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896(Kryptos) = koehleri . 195 elongata Leche, 1878 (Admete viridula) = viridula . 258 elongata Locard, 1896 (Neptunia jeffreysiana) = jeffreysianus . 230 elongata Locard, 1897 (Marginella marocana) = marocana . 270 elongata Locard, 1897 (Trophon droueti) = droueti . 136 elongata Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus . 137 elongata Locard, 1897 (Marginella impudica) = impudica . 271 elongata Locard, 1897 (Neptunia berniciensis) = berniciensis . 193 elongata Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila babelis) - squamosus . 153 elongatus Pallary in Settepassi, 1977 (Pseudomurex spadae) = fusulus . 150 euthriaeformis Paulus & Mars, 1942 (Buccinum humphreysianum) = humphreysianum 188 exilis Harmer, 1916 (Trophon clathratus) = truncatus . 128 fabricii Beck in MOller , 1 842 (T rophon) 135 fenestratus Turton, 1834 (Fusus): Turrisipho . 217 fischeri Locard, 1897 (Belomitra) = quadruplex . 223 flammulata Locard, 1 886 (Buccinum monterosatoi) = humphreysianum . 188 flemingiana Macgillivray, 1843(Halia) = ovum 186 frieleiKantor, 1981 (Anomalosipho) = Buccinum sp. 186 frielei Harmer, 1914 (Sipho togatus) = gracilis . 227 frigens von Martens, 1878 (Nassa): Nassarius . 159 fuscoapicaia n.sp. (Iphinopsis) . 262 fusiforme Broderip, 1830 (Buccinum) - fenestratus . 217 fusiforme Kiener, 1834 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 FUSINUS Rafinesque, 1815 160 Fusomurex Coen, 1922 = Coralliophila 151 fusulus Brocchi, 1814 (Murex): Orania . 150 Fusus Lamarck, 1 799: see under Fusinus . 160 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 289 gtfge/n.sp. (Metzgeria) . 254 gallica Locard, 1 896 (Neptunia islandica) = islandica . 229 geministriatus Pfeffer, 1886(Sipho)? = latericeus . 231 GIBBERULA Swainson, 1840 267 gigliolii Monterosato, 1 890 (Pseudofusus) = rostratus . 160 glaber Verkruzen in Kobelt, 1876(Sipho) = gracilis . 227 glyptusVe rrill, 1882 (Sipho): Mohnia . 213 gracile Locard, 1897 (Neptunia fusiformis) = fenestratus . 217 gracile Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 gracilis DaCosta, 1778 (Buccinum): Colus . 227 Gracilipurpura Jousseaume, 1880 = Fusinus . 160 grandis Morch, 1869(Admete viridula) = viridula . 258 grandis Morch, 1869 (Murex clathratus) = clathratus . 129 GRANULINA Jousseaume, 1888 269 gray/ Dali, 1889 (Nassarina): Orania . 150 grimaldii Dautzenberg, 1889 (Bela) = acutecostata . 165 grimaldii Dautzenberg& H. Fischer, 1896 (Trophon) = echinatus 137 grimaldii Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896 (Fusus) = amiantus . 161 groenlandica Beck in Mdller, 1842 (Mitra): Volutomitra . 251 guernei Dautzenberg, 1891 (Bela) = quadruplex . 223 gunneri Loven, 1846(Tritonium) = clathratus . . 129 haliaeeti Jeffreys, 1867 (Columbella) = acutecostata . 165 hanseni Friele, 1879 (Neptunea) = sabini . 232 hebes Verrill, 1884 (Sipho caelatus) = caelatus . 212 Hesperia Sykes, 1905 (Marginella) . 270 heuglini Mbrch, 1876 (Trophon) = fabricii . 135 hirsutus Jeffreys, 1883 (Fusus) = sabini . 232 Hirtomurex Coen, 1922 = Pseudomurex . 151 hirtus Settepassi, 1977 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus . 137 hispidulus Verrill, 1884 (Sipho) = abyssorum (Mohnia) . 211 holboelli Mbller, 1842 (Fusus): Colus . 228 howsei Marshall, 1902 (Fusus propinquus) = jeffreysianus . 230 humphreysianum Bennet, 1824 (Buccinum) . 188 hunkinsi Clarke, 1960 (Colus) = danielsseni . 210 impudica P. Fischer, 1883 (Marginella) 271 incarnatum M. Sars, 1851 (Tritonium) = latericeus 231 inflata Jeffreys, 1877 (Fusus berniciensis) = berniciensis 193 inf lata Friele, 1879 (Trichotropis): Iphinopsis 262 inflata Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila lamellosa) = squamosus 153 inflatum Aradas& Benoit, 1876 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum 188 ingolf in.sp. (Volvarina) . 272 intermedia Harmer, 1916 (Trophon truncatus) = truncatus 128 intermedius Verkruzen, 1881 (Trophon clathratus) = clathratus . 129 interstriatus Sowerby, 1880 (Trophon) = fabricii . 135 Iphinoella Habe, 1958 = Iphinopsis 261 IPHINOPSIS Dali, 1924 261 islandicus Mohr, 1786 (Murex): Colus 229 jeffreysianus P. Fischer, 1868 (Fusus): Colus . 230 johanseni Dali, 1919 (Plicifusus) = kroeyeri . 231 jousseaumei Locard, 1897 (Marginella) = subturrita . 270 Jumala Friele, 1882 -- Beringius . 197 kieneri Monterosato, 1872 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum 188 kjennerudae norn. nov. (Buccinum) . 190 koehleri Locard, 1896 (Pleurotomella): Kryptos . 195 krampi Thorson, 1951 (Sipho): Mohnia . 212 kroeyeri Moller, 1842 (Fusus): Colus . 231 KRYPTOS Jeffreys in Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896 195 lachesis Morch, 1869 (Fusus): Turrisipho 215 lactea Jeffreys, 1867 (Buccinum humphreysianum) = humphreysianum 188 lactea Jeffreys, 1867 (Trophon muricatus) = muricatus . 134 lactea Milaschewitsch, 1916 (Trophon breviatus) = muricatus . 134 290 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN laetuca Dali, 1889 (Coralliophila) = richardi 152 laevior Leche, 1878 (Admete viridula) = viridula . 258 laevis MOrch, 1869 (Fusus latericeus) = latericeus . 231 laevis Smith, 1890 (Cantharus) = grayi . 150 laevis Marshall, 1902 (Fusus propinquus) = jeffreysianus . 230 lamellatus Gmelin, 1790 (Buccinum) = clathratus 129 lamellosus Philippi, 1836 (Fusus) = squamosus 153 lamellosus Gray, 1839 (Fusus) = clathratus 129 lanceolata Locard, 1897 (Trophon decoratus) = dabneyi 136 largillierti Petit de la Saussaye, 1851 (Fusus) = norwegicus 200 latericeus M Oiler, 1842 (Fusus): Colus 231 Latimurex Coen, 1922 = Coralliophila 151 LATIROMITRA Locard, 1897 . 255 LepadomurexCoen, 1922 = Coralliophila 151 leptaleus Verrill, 1 884 (Sipho): is a Taranis (Turridae) 125 leucas P. Fischer in Locard, 1897 (Murex): Pterynotus 147 limatula Locard, 1896 (Bela) = acutecostata 165 lindahli Posselt, 1898 (Sipho) = glyptus . 213 lintoni Verrill & Smith, 1882 (Trophon): see under squamosa 153 liocephalum Pallary, 1931 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum 188 LIOMESUS Stimpson, 1865 . 185 liratulus Verrill, 1884 (Sipho stimpsoni) = stimpsoni . 233 listen Jonas, 1846 (Fusus) = gracilis . 227 lividus Morch, 1862 (Fusus) = brevicauda 202 locardi Pallary, 1904(Pseudofusus) = rostratus 160 longicaudaSettepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila lamellosa) = squamosus 153 longicaudata Locard, 1897 (Fusus bocagei) = bocagei 160 longurio Weinkauff, 1866 (Fusus) = muricatus . 134 lowei Watson, 1897 (Trophon) = grayi 150 lusitanicum Pallary, 1931 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum 188 lyrata Monterosato in Locard, 1897 (Belomitra) = quadruplex . 223 lyratum Gmelin, 1790 (Buccinum) = clathratus . 129 maclaini Dali, 1902 (Boreotrophon): is an Oenopota (Turridae) . 125 Mada Jeffreys, 1867 = Buccinum . 186 Madiella Wenz, 1943 = Buccinum 186 major Morch, 1869 (Fusus kroeyeri) = kroeyeri . 231 major Brogger, 1901 (Trophon truncatus) = truncatus . 128 major Locard, 1896 (Neptunia jeffreysiana) = jeffreysianus 230 major Locard, 1896 (Neptunia gracilis) = gracilis . 227 major Locard, 1897 (Belomitra spelta) = quadruplex . 223 major Locard, 1897 (Marginella impudica) = impudica . 271 major Locard, 1897 (Anachis haliaeeti) = acutecostata . 165 major Locard, 1897 (Nassa brychia) = frigens . 159 major Locard, 1897 (Fusus bocagei) = bocagei . 160 major Locard, 1897 (Fusus grimaldii) = amianta . 161 major Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis carinatus and T. varicosissimus) = echinatus . 137 major Locard, 1897 (Pollia fusulus) = fusulus . 150 major Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977 (Trophonopsis muricatus) = muricatus . 134 Mala Cossmann, 1905 = Buccinum . 186 malacitanaeGhisotti&Spada in Maldonado, 1973 (Flinia frigens) = wolffi . 158 Manaria Smith, 1906 . 171 marginata Locard, 1897 (Marginella impudica) = aronnax . 271 MARGINELLA Lamarck, 1799 270 marocana Locard, 1897 (Marginella) . 270 marshalli Ircdale, 1918 (Fusus) = jeffreysianus . 230 maximus Verkriizen, 1881 (Trophon clathratus) = clathratus . 129 METZGERIA Norman, 1879 . 254 Meyeria Dunker& Metzger, 1874 = Metzgeria . 254 MICROVOLUTA Angas, 1874 . 252 minima Reeve, 1856 (Cancellaria): Olssonella . 263 minor Locard, 1896 (Neptunia jeffreysiana) = jeffreysianus . 230 minor Locard, 1897 (Belomitra spelta) = quadruplex . 223 minor Locard, 1897 (Buccinum monterosatoi) = humphreysianum . 188 minor Locard, 1897 (Neptunia fusiformis) = fenestratus . 217 minor Locard, 1897 (Nassa brychia) = frigens . 159 minor Locard, 1897 (Trophon decoratus) = dabneyi . 136 minor Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis muricatus) = muricatus . 134 minor Locard, 1897 (Fusus bocagei) = bocagei . 160 minor Locard, 1897 (Marginella impudica) = aronnax . 271 minor Pallary, 1900(Pseudomurex spadae) = fusulus . 150 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 291 minor Thorson, 1944 (Sipho turgidula) = gracilis . 227 modesta Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila alucoides) = squamosus . 153 moebii Dunker & Metzger, 1874 (Fusus): Turrisipho . 217 mohni Friele, 1877 (Fusus): Mohnia . 205 MOHNIA Friele, 1878 . 205 monterosatoi Locard, 1886(Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 monterosatoi Locard, 1897 (Pseudomurex) = squamosus . 153 monterosatoi Locard, 1897 (Gibberula) = abyssicola 267 Morrisonella Bartsch, 1945 = Belomitra . 223 multiaculeatus Settepassi, 1977 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus . 137 multilamellosus Philippi, 1844 (Murex): see under echinatus . 137 muricatus Montagu, 1803 (Murex): Trophon . 134 mutica Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis carinatus) - echinatus 137 NASSARIUS Dumeril, 1806 . 158 Nemofusus Cossmann, 1903 = Orania . 149 NEPTUNEA Rbding, 1798 . 202 Neptunella Verrill, 1873 = Colus . 226 nicolayi Nordsieck, 1974 (Anachis) = acutecostata . 165 nicolloni Locard, 1891 (Neptunia) = gracilis . . 227 nigrolabra Verrill, 1880 (Nassa): is a larval Cymatiidae 125 nitidulina Locard, 1897 (Columbella): Mitrella . 168 nodosa Verrill, 1885 (Admete) . 258 normalis Middendorff, 1849 (Tritonium clathratum) = clathratus . 129 norwegicus Gmelin, 1790(Strombus): Volutopsius . 200 Nux Barnard, 1960 = Benthobia . 249 obesa Pallary, 1900 (Pseudomurex spadae) = fusulus . 150 obesus Sowerby, 1880 (Fusus) = islandicus . 229 obesus Verrill, 1884 (Sipho) = caelatus . 212 oblitum Sykes, 1911 (Buccinum) 189 obliquispira Nordsieck, 1977 (Pleurotomoides): larval shell of Coralliophilidae . 151 OLSSONELLA Petit, 1970 . 263 ORANIA Pallary, 1900 . 149 ossiania Friele, 1879 (Neptunea) = turtoni . 197 ovum Turton, 1825 (Buccinum): Liomesus . 186 Pagodula Monterosato, 1884 - Trophon . panormitana Monterosato, 1869 (Pyrula): Coralliophila panormitanum Settepassi, 1977 (Buccinum inflatum) = humphreysianum paradoxaP. Fischer, 1882 (Belomitra) = quadruplex . paraelatior Kantor, 1981 (Helicofusus) = verkruezeni Parasipho Dautzenberg& Fischer, 1912 = Colus partenopaeum Settepassi, 1977 (Buccinum inflatum) = humphreysianum parvulina Locard, 1897 (Volutella): Granulina . parva Verrill & Smith, 1 882 (Sipho): Mohnia . pellucidus Hancock, 1846 (Fusus) = latericeus . peregra Locard, 1897 (Neptunia) = fenestratus . perexiguum Dautzenberg, 1925 (Buccinum) = oblitum . perfectus P. Fischer, 1882 (Pseudomurex) = squamosus . perminutus Dali, 1927 (Fusus): see under Troschelia . pertenuis Sykes, 1911 (Neptunea) = latericeus . perversus Kiener, 1840 (Fusus) = contraria . pfaffiMbrch, 1876 (Fusus) = sabini . pianosana Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977 (Ocinebrina) - squamosus . Pinon de Gregorio, 1885 = Trophon . planulus Verrill, 1882 (Sipho pygmaeus) = pygmaeus . Pleurobela Monterosato in Locard, 1897 = Belomitra . plicifera Brbgger, 1900 (Sipho verkruezeni) = verkruezeni Plicifusus Dali, 1902 = Colus . productaG.O. Sars, 1878 (Admete viridula) = viridula . profundicola Verrill & Smith, 1884 (Sipho) = abyssorum (Mohnia) . propinquus Alder, 1848 (Fusus) = jeffreysianus . Pseudofusus Monterosato, 1884 = Fusinus . Pseudomurex Monterosato, 1872 = Coralliophila . PTER YNOTUS Swainson, 1833 pubescens Verrill, 1882 (Sipho): Colus . pullus Reeve, 1848 (Fusus) = latericeus . pumilaMOrch, 1869 (Fusus kroeyeri) = kroeyeri . pupoidea Locard, 1897 (Neptunia) = jeffreysianus . 126 152 188 223 234 226 188 269 206 231 217 189 153 193 231 203 232 153 126 232 223 234 226 258 211 230 160 151 147 231 231 231 230 292 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN pupulaP. Fischer, 1882(Fusus) = jeffreysianus 230 pusillum M. Sars, 1859 (Tritonium) = alba (Metzgeria) 254 puxleianum Leach, 1847 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum 188 pygmaeus Gould, 1841 (Fusus islandicus): Colus . 232 pyrrhias Watson, 1883 (Murex) = fusulus 150 quadruplex Watson, 1882 (Pleurotoma): Belomitra 223 reeveanus Petit de la Saussaye, 1851 (Fusus) = sabini . 232 retusa Monterosato in Locard, 1897 (Gibberula) = abyssicola . 267 richardi P. Fischer, 1882(Murex): Coralliophila . 152 richardi Dautzenberg& H. Fischer, 1896 (Trophon) = droueti . 136 richardsoni Gray in Morch, 1869 (Trophon) = clathratus . 129 robustus Settepassi, 1977 (Pseudomurex spadae) = fusulus . 150 rossi Leach in Morch, 1857 (Tritonium) = clathratus 129 ruderatus Monterosato in Sturany, 1896 (Pseudomurex) = squamosus . 153 rugosissima Locard, 1897 (Clathurella): see under Fasciolaridae . 160 rugosus Jeffreys, 1880 (Trophon) = bocagei . 160 sabini Gray, 1824 (Buccinum): Colus . 232 sadko Gorbunov, 1946(Admete) = viridula . 258 sadurnii Bot, 1972(Nassa) = wolffi . 158 sarsi Jeffreys ms. (Fusus/Trophon): see under Turrisipho moebii . 217 sarsi Jeffreys in G.O. Sars, 1878 (Sipho) = moebii . 217 scalariformis Gould, 1840 (Fusus) = clathratus . 129 scalaris Jeffreys, 1867 (Trophon truncatus) = truncatus . 128 schantaricum Middendorff, 1849 (Tritonium) ? = turtoni, ? = brevicauda . 197,202 sentix Bayer, 1971 (Coralliophila) . 154 simplex \e rrill, 1884 (Sipho): Mohnia . 206 Sinistralia H.&A. Adams, 1853 = Fusinus . 160 sinistrorsus Deshayes, 1832 (Fusus) = contraria 203 sinuosa Brogger, 1900 (Sipho togatus) = sabini . 232 Sipho: see discussion under Colus . 226 Siphonella Verrill, 1879 = Colus . 226 Siphonellona Wenz, 1944 = Colus . 226 Siphonorbis Mdrch, 1869 = Colus . 226 solida Jeffreys in G.O. Sars, 1878 (Boreofusus berni ciensis) = berni ciensis . 193 solidulus Sowerby, 1880 (Fusus) = stimpsoni . 253 spadae Libassi, 1859(Murex) = fusulus . 150 specialis Locard, 1897 (Latiromitra) = cryptodon . 255 spelta Monterosato in Locard, 1897 (Belomitra) = quadruplex . 223 spinosa Locard, 1897 (Trophonopsis carinatus) = echinatus . 137 spitzbergensis Reeve, 1855 (Fusus) = brevicauda . 202 squamosus Bivona, 1838 (Fusus): Coralliophila . 153 squamulata Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila alucoides) = squamosus . 153 squamulosus Philippi, 1836 (Fusus) = squamosus . 153 stimpsoni Mdrch, 1868 (Fusus): Colus . 233 striatum Philippi, 1844 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 striatus Reeve, 1847 (Fusus) = stimpsoni . 233 striata Middendorff, 1849 (Tritonium islandicum) = gracilis . 227 striata Jeffreys in Wyville-Thomson, 1873 (Buccinopsis) = oblitum 189 striata Milaschewitsch, 1916 (Trophon breviatus) = muricatus . 134 StrombellaGray, 1857 = Volutopsius . 200 subturrita P. Fischer, 1883 (Marginella impudica) . 270 sulcata Middendorff, 1849 (Tritonium islandicum) = islandicus 229 sulcatum Friele, 1882 (Buccinum) = kjennerudae . 190 superstes n.sp. (Microvoluta) . 252 TACIT A Lus, 1971 . 210 tener Jeffreys ms. (Fusus) = mohni . 206 tenuis Monterosato, 1884 (Pagodulacarinata) = echinatus . 137 tenuistriata Harmer, 1918 (Neptunea) = stimpsoni . 233 terebralis Gould, 1860 (Neptunea) = brevicauda . 302 terraenovae nom.nov. (Colus) . 233 testae Aradas, 1847 (Buccinum) = acutecostata 165 tiberianus Brusina, 1871 (Murex spadae) = fusulus . 150 togatus M6rch, 1869 (Fusus) = sabini . 232 torra Locard, 1897 (Neptunia) = jeffreysianus . 230 tortuosus Reeve, 1855 (Fusus) = holboelli . 228 Tritonellium Valenciennes, 1858 = Buccinum . 186 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 293 Tritonofusus Morch, 1857 = Colus . 226 TROPHON Montfort, 1810 126 Trophonopsis B.D.D., 1882 = Trophon . 126 TROSCHELIA Morch, 1876 . 193 trumbulli Linsley, 1845 (Fusus) = pygmaeus . 232 tru neat us Strom, 1768 (Buccinum): Trophon . 128 tryoni Da\\, 1889 (Benthobia) . 249 tumida Norman, 1893 (Fusus turtoni) = turtoni 197 turgidulus Jeffreys in Friele, 1877 (Fusus): Colus . 234 turris Monterosato in Settepassi, 1977 (Coralliophila) = squamosus . 153 TURRISIPHO Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1912 . 215 turritum M. Sars, 1859 (Tritonium) = holboelli . 230 turrita Jeffreys, 1867 (Fusus propinquus) = jeffreysianus . 230 turtoni Bean, 1834 (Fusus): Beringius . 197 Ukko Friele in Norman, 1893 = Beringius . . 197 Undacolus Nordsieck, 1968 = Turrisipho . 215 undata Leche, 1878 (Admete viridula) = viridula 258 undatocostata Verkriizen in Kobelt , 1876 (Admete) = viridula . 258 undatum Linne, 1758 (Buccinum) . 187 undulatus Friele, 1881(Sipho) = lachesis . 215 vaginatus deCristofori & Jan,1832(Murex): see echinatus . 137 vallensis Brogger, 1900 (Sipho togatus) = sabini . 232 ventricosus Gray, 1839 (Fusus) = terraenovae . 233 ventricosum Kiener, 1834 (Buccinum) = humphreysianum . 188 ventricosa Middendorff, 1849 (Tritonium clathratum) = clathratus . 129 ventricosa Locard, 1897 (Neptunia jeffreysiana) = jeffreysianus . 230 ventricosa Locard, 1897 (Fusus bocagei) = bocagei . 160 ventricosa Locard, 1897 (Neptunia berniciensis) - berniciensis . 193 verkruezeni Kobelt, 1876 (Sipho): Colus . . 234 vignali Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896 (Marginella):Gibberula . 269 virgata Friele, 1879 (Neptunea) = verkruezeni . 234 viridula Fabricius, 1780 (Tritonium): Admete . 258 voeringi nom.nov. (Turrisipho) . 216 VOLUTOMITRA Gray in H.&A. Adams, 1853 251 VOLUTOPSIUS Morch, 1857 . 200 VOL V A RINA Hinds, 1844 . 272 wolffi Knudsen, 1956 (Nassa): Nassarius 158 Table 3. Distribution of the species. The bathymetrical distribution is indicated in two ways, either by figures or lines. The heading indicates 100 metres intervals, and the figures the number of samples from the preceding interval. For some species of which numerous samples are known, a solid line indicates the normal distribution and a row of points scattered findings. In a few cases, there are two such lines. In these cases the upper line indicates the distribution in the northern part of the area, the lower one in the southern part, n is the number of samples examined. After the mean depth, the standard deviation is given. This gives some indication of the bathymetrical range. 294 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN sajozy jj0;!P0|/\j adojng opuepv M 0|;ojV 3 opojV M Amphissa acutecostata _ + + + + 31°N 69°N _ shelf, bathyal Mitrella nitidulina _ + + 16°N 47°N _ 3 3 2 3 2 _ 13 2246 648 bathyal Mitrella sp. _ + _ 39 °N _ 1 _ 1 _ bathyal? NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC NEOGASTROPODA 295 C 0 □ CO CO W d C/3 c .c c o ID O ID ID O "t LO CO O CO ID CN o eg ID LD co O Z o X CD 5 C/3 o X CD 5 sajozy ■jj91!pa[/\| adojng oijubuv M opoJV 3 DjjOJV M « o ‘o CJJ a 03 a o. 0 0 z z Turrisipho voeringi _ + + + _ 63°N 74°N _ 6 19 3 _ 19 605 410 bathyal _ Turrisipho fenestratus _ + + _ 35°N 68°N _ 15 5 16 4 _ 40 638 302 shelf, bathyal Turrisipho moebii _ + + _ 57°N 72°N 3 3 8 1 _ 15 581 336 shelf, bathyal Belomitra quadruplex _ + + + 23°N 64°N _ 2 6 5 8 15 2 1 _ 8 2 _ 49 2287 1224 bathyal, abyssal Colus gracilis _ + + _ 42°N 71°N 79 17 26 15 3 _ shelf, bathyal 296 P. BOUCHET & A. WAREN CT> -Q ro E C CD D W ro w c .c _ SJe S8J0ZV jj8i!pai/\j sdojng oiiuenv AA opoJV 3 opojy M Marginella marocana _ + _ 28°N 29°N _ 1 1 _ 1 _ . _ 3 1407 496 bathyal Marginella aronnax 23°N _ 2 _ 2 830 30 bathyal 'M , *T/. xuws S3 1 ava an libraries smithsonian institution noixpixiisni nvinoshiiws I m 2 , m 2 /S^Jx 5 2 /v/ xs /if' t AwWA -n k DO PO > PO m r; N^iiisgx rn _ co H co _ co _ DN IAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVINOSH1IIAIS S3ldVd8ll LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN z v,. oo 2 _ co 2: w, ^ 2 < s •< /?g£j$X S , y ,-S Ao s < 2 raCTwA -1 , A*. z xxfx^ -< /M s ^sa_Dcp' 5 '^^0 s 5 co 2 CO 2 CO*. 2 CO HiiiMs S3 lava an libraries smithsonian institution NoixnxixsNi nvinoshxiws U5 “ co _ " 2 _ ONIAN INSTITUTION ^NOIlfUllSNI _NVINOSHlllNSC/i S3 I d V d 8 n\ I B R A R I ES^SMITHSONIAN CO _ \ CO _ ~ CO “ '•1 c 'v'' =i VJ o 2 HlllAIS S3 I d Vd 8 11 LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN ^INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVIN0SH1IWS 2 ® /gSB&y 2 . ,5 /gSS&x § /?®x 5 xjg&x § tS k m uy^ " m ^ xjoms^x rn co ± co ± co ONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI NVINOSHIIWS S3 I d\/d8 ll__Li BRARI E S ^SMITHSONIAN **i I ,v 'W 2 « * 2 v m 0 X^T > c n z i > ~ to ust}^ m x^p.c^ 2 _ fUTlON^ NOIinillSNl*~NVINOSHlll/MS $3iavaail~LIBRARI E S ^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION CO 2: _ <2 2 !£ 2 av. < * \ vx I* ^ 1 5 > -*r- 5 k Z O \£\ pC^X ^ O Q rUTI0NZNI0lirUliSNI_iNVIN0SHHWS:Z:S3i avaa n^LI BRAR I ES2 SMITHSONIAN-1 INSTITUTION 2 i- » 2 r- z : vaan libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi nvinoshihais saiavaan 2 co z co 2 co < S X^Tlr ' S X^/osv^X > 'UTiON^NOliniliSNI NVIN0SH1IINS^S3 1 h v a a llZL | B r a r 1 es^smithsonian institution CO -r \ (Si _ ~ co =: < UJ _ _ OX - sssssssss*. -. /.O' < C£ OS^X _ O ^ Q XfooT^X Z O -J 2 ■ * _j 2 _J 2 vaan libraries Smithsonian institution noiidiiisni nvinoshiiws saiavaan r* 2 *” _ 2 r~ ... 2 _ _ ^ i yirx m xS^x 2 m 2 xc^Xx m <•■ ° CO m r; rn x\ \wy r co _ co £ c TUTI0N NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3 1 HVda 11 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION co 2 _ co 2 w, (£> 2 ,v. < > . 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