THE RISE OF AAN CT r- m <-=( i a a r-R a a a For explanation see page 58 ff. (By permission of Prof. Krnst Haeckel, Gabriel Max and Franz Hanfstaengel.) THE RISE OF MAN SKETCH OF THE ORIGIN OF THE HUMAN RACE BY PAUL CARUS ®€ov yap teal yo/os eoyiO' ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY LONDON AGENTS KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD. 1907 COPYRIGHT BY THE Op£N COURT PUBLISHING Co. 1906, TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Divinity of Man i Evolution 5 Anthropoid Apes , 15 Primitive Man 37 The Neanderthal Man 43 Du Bois's Pithecanthropoid. * 53 Civilization and the Race. . . .\. . . : 61 The Triumph of the Best 78 THE DIVINITY OF MAN. A»J old and pious Irish woman (so the story goes) called at the library for Darwin's Descent of Man, but re- turned the book speedily, saying, "I thought it was on a 'dacent' man, but I am dis'pinted, it is mere gibberish about apes and that kind o' things." Whatever errors the good old Irish woman may be guilty of in spelling, the truth is that in spite of the science of its author the book is one-sided, and attempts only to trace the physiological connection of man with a series of lower animals. If the theory of evolution holds good (which is no longer doubted by any true scientist) , the descent of man is continuous since the beginning of life on earth. There is no break in the ladder of life, but when we trace the genealogy of man, we ought not to for- get the Apostle's word,1 who when addressing the Athe- nians in the market-place of their city, quoted from some of the Greek poets* the line : "Tov (sc. ®eov) yap KCU ye'vos e (For God's offspring are we.) The idea that we are the offspring of God is Greek, not Hebrew, but the sentiment has become a part of our religious ideas. At the time of Christ monotheism had attained its most rigid form among the Jews, and any 1 Acts xvii, 28. 2 The words occur in fragments of Aratus and Cleanthes. 2 THE RISE OF MAN. orthodox rabbi would have scorned the idea of attributing to God offspring in any sense of the word.* Mohammed who had imbibed similar traditions under similar circumstances in opposition to the Christian idea of divine sonship, declared, for the same reason, most emphatically that ' ' God is neither begotten nor a begetter. ' ' The Apostle Paul, however, being born and raised in Tarsus, was accustomed to the Gentile ways of thinking, more than he himself knew, and so he was not offended at the Gentile belief that claimed a divine origin for man. But to prove it according to the method of the age by quoting Scriptures, he had to fall back on a Gentile au- thority. Paul quotes not the Bible but a pagan poet. Thus it came to pass in the Gentile Christian Church that the legend of the creation of man from the clay of the ground was given a Gentile interpretation. The whole creation, it was thought, had been made by God, but now we are told that man is the offspring of God. The story in Genesis is now interpreted to mean that the human body was especially formed by God himself, and that God himself blew into the nostrils of the clay figure the breath of life. Whatever the rabbinical meaning of the legend may have been, it was interpreted by Christian exegetists after the precedence of St. Paul in the spirit of the Gentile conception, to denote a unique or separate and indeed a divine origin of man. The idea that man had been made of dust and that finally he should return to dust was now limited to his body, as Longfellow says : "Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.1' And the passage in Ecclesiastes (iii, 18-20) where we * The expression " sons of God" (C""t '?$ ^3) occurs only in a passage (Gen. vi, 4) which is quite ancient, reflecting the conception of an age in which the faith of Israel did not as yet differ in any essential point from the religion of the Gentiles. It has always been felt to be out of place in the Old Testament and has continued to be a stumbling block to the orthodox and an acknowledged difficulty to inter- preters. THE DIVINITY OF MAN. 3 read concerning "the estate of the sons of men," that uthey themselves are beasts," has been simply ignored. Darwin's views were bitterly opposed, although it would seem more dignified if God had fashioned the first man (not directly from a clod of soil, but indirectly after a long preparation of the material) through series of inter- mediate stages of lower animals, from the infinitely more refined organism of an anthropoid brute. Yet, even from the standpoint of modern science we can still insist that man, though his body consists of the same material as the dust of the earth, holds an unique position among the rest of creation. The sway of conservatism, however, is great, and so the people trained in the old views of thought clung with tenacity to a literal belief in the story of Genesis. In spite of all that Darwin said in favor of the kinship of man to the rest of animate creation, almost half a century passed before the doctrine of evolution gained ground and became universally recognized ; and there were no other objections to it, than the implication as to man's descent from lower forms of life and the denial of the legend that God had formed him directly from the dust of the earth. At present there may be no one trained in modes of scientific thinking who does not unhesitatingly accept the doctrine of evolution with all that it implies ; but having understood the physiological solution of the origin of man, it may be wise to look at the argument of the reactionary party, whose main contention consists in ridiculing the idea that man was descended from the ape. When the writer of these lines was a child, he knew a pleasant gray haired teacher of a country parish school, who used to tell the story that when he once explained to his children the first chapter of the Bible, one of the boys, the son of a rich farmer, rose and said: "Mr. Teacher, my father says we are descended from the ape." Our sage old pedagogue cut off all further perplexities by say- 4 THE RISE OF MAN. ing : "It would not be proper here to discuss the private affairs of your family." Thus he imputed the blame of a lowly origin to the families of those who believed in evolution, and had the laugh on his side, but what re- mained for the others ? A direct origin from the dust ! They were of the earth earthy. Reactionary minds who upheld a literal belief in the legend of man's creation from the dust of the ground, went too far when they disclaimed the doctrine of the evo- lution of all higher life from simple beginnings, but they were right in one point, viz., in the sentiment that man is not of the earth earthy, but that the very feature which constitutes man's manhood is of a nobler origin, and that after all man, in this sense, can claim the privilege of divine sonship. EVOLUTION. ET us investigate the nature of the problem and un- derstand what constitutes the distinctive feature of man and in what way the humanity of man made its first appearance on earth. The distinguishing characteristic between man and the brute is reason ; and reason, the faculty that sees the general rule in a special example, enables man to foresee the possible or probable course of events, to make plans, to avoid danger, and to sow the seed in summer with the expectation of reaping the harvest in the fall. All other creatures must adapt themselves to surroundings ; man alone can adapt the surroundings as well as all other con- ditions to his wants. The question is, whence did the faculty of reason come ? Was it innate within the germs of the physio- logical ancestors of man or did it come to him from with- out? We must remind the reader here of the fact that the term " evolution" is really a wrong word. When a com- mon origin of all life on earth was first advocated by nat- uralists, which was done in the middle of the eighteenth century by Kaspar Friedrich Wolf (1733-1794) , and later on by Haller (1708-1777) , Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (1776-1837), Lamarck (1774-1829), Geoffrey Saint- Hilaire (1772-1844), Goethe (1749-1832), Von Baer (1792-1876), and others, there were two theories offered in explanation : one was called "evolution," or in German 6 THE RISE OF MAN. Auswickelung, i. e., unfoldment (literally, "outrolling") —a theory of development from within, the other uepi- genesis," or the theory of development by additional growth from without. According to the theory of evolu- tion, the nature of the higher animals was assumed to be predetermined by the mysterious disposition of their orig- inal life-plasma, in about the same way as the chicken, with all its limbs, its bodily and psychic faculties, is some- how pre-existent in the ovule of the egg. However, ac- cording to the epigenesis theory, new properties are acquired by experience, and thus it would appear that external conditions determine the further development of life. The term Devolution" was used in those days in its original meaning of something being unfolded (rolled out) from a latent state into a visible and plainly percep- tible form, but since Darwin's time, we use the word in place of u epigenesis "; for the theory of epigenesis has practically been established on the basis of observation and experiment, and the Germans speak no longer of Auswickelung, but of Entwickelung. The majority of naturalists of this age hold that growth of the higher life is not directly due to the latent qualities of ancestors, but is the result of new acquirements conditioned by extended experiences under definitely given surroundings. The progress which mankind is making still in its onward march to the higher planes of existence, is due to the les- sons of life and not to the mysterious potencies of pri- mordial germs. The chicken's egg is different from the primordial life-plasma. Its ovule contains in the latent form of dis- positions the experiences of all its ancestors — a kind of race-memory which will reproduce the chick type by evo- lution in the original sense of the term.1 1 This statement is subject to certain restrictions which we do not care to dis- cuss in detail in this connection. The ovule contains the memories of the chick- race, but its growth takes place by repeating the process of epigenesis. The egg does not contain feathers, or eyes, or a bill, or feet, but certain life- EVOLUTION. 7 If the doctrine of epigenesis be true, we must insist that those features which constitute the manhood of man are not contained in a latent form in his brute ancestors, but they are a new acquisition which comes from without, not from within. Of course we must understand that only that animal which has passed through all the preceding degrees can be graduated to the higher sphere of life, and in this sense the experiences of the lower animal are still preserved and must be presupposed in all future advance. Reason originates through language. Abstract thought becomes possible by naming things. Names stand for whole classes and thus a speaking animal is able to classify his experiences and distinguish the general features of phenomena from that which is particular and incidental. The uniformities of nature, however, are only the manifestations of those factors which scientists formu- late as natural laws. In their totality they constitute the world-order, and they, in short, are the divine presence that pervades the entire domain of creation. Reason is nothing but the tracing of these uniformities, and thus human reason is the divinity of the cosmos reflected in consciousness. In this sense the divine is the more re- alized in a living creature, the higher its life rises in the scale of evolution, and we can truly say that the upward movement acquires its rationality from above, not from below. Evolution in the animal world is adaptation to sur- roundings. The polar bear adapts himself in the color of his skin and in his habits to his environment, while the insects of Madeira lose their power of flight and have to a great extent become wingless. There is a survival of the fittest everywhere, but natural selection does not al- ways favor the strongest and the best. The ablest flyers impulses which under proper conditions will change the yolk into the several organs of a chick's body. Thus in the limited sense of the word, the term " evolution " would be misapplied even here. 8 THE RISE OF MAN. on the islands are swept by the winds into the ocean and only the weak survive, those who are lacking in a special virtue, not the bravest, not the strongest, not the best ! There are also periods in history when society is rad- ically corrupt and the spirit of the time makes it actually impossible for good men to exist and act morally. The evil influences of tyranny, of corruption, or of hypocrisy sweep the brave, the courageous, the honest, the thinking out of existence and allow only the weak, the degenerate, the unthinking to remain. It is true that whatever nation falls under such a blight is doomed. Other nations will take her place, and indeed there have been a number of peoples entirely blotted out in such a way from the face of the globe. We have retrogressive as well as progress- ive adaptation, and in many cases adaptation is no sign of progress either in the physical world, or the moral pro- gress of human beings. The law of adaptation explains survival, but not progress. Mr. Spencer defines progress as " a passage from a homogeneous to a heterogeneous state ... It is a contin- ually increasing disintegration of the whole mass accom- panied by an integration, a differentiation, and a mutual, perpetually-increasing dependence of parts as well as of functions, and by a tendency to equilibrium in the func- tions of the parts integrated." Complexity, he maintains is a sign of a higher evolution, and it is true — in many respects higher forms of existence are richer, more elabo- rate, more specialized, than lower forms. But is com- plexity, therefore, the criterion of progress ? Can we use it as a test whenever we are in doubt in a special case ? Does it show us the nature of progress, its meaning and importance ? It appears that Mr. Spencer's explanation is not even generally true, for there are most weighty and serious exceptions which entirely overthrow the validity of this formula. Is not the progress in the invention of ma- EVOLUTION. 9 chinery from the more complex to the less complex ? Invent a machine for a special kind of work which is simpler than those at present in use, and the amount and exactitude of work being equal, on the strength of its simplicity alone it will be considered superior and will soon replace the more complex machinery in the market. Mr. Herbert Spencer, the philosopher of evolution, overlooked the main point when he attempted to explain evolution in terms of matter and motion. Evolution means change of form, and this change of form has a spe- cial meaning. Evolution is not a material process and not a mechanical process, and the attempt to solve the problem of evolution on the ground of materialism or me- chanicalism (i. e. to express its law in terms of matter and motion) must necessarily be a failure. Mr. Spencer, it is true, recognizes the importance of the formal element, for his view of increasing complexity involves form and change of form. Yet he selects a mere external feature (one that is not even universal) as characteristic of evo- lution and he neglects the very meaning of the change of form. This meaning remaining as an irresoluble residue in his philosophical crucible might find a place of shelter under the protecting wings of the Unknowable ; but this meaning of the change of form is the very nerve of the question and all other things are matters of detail and secondary consideration. The evolution of the solar system, being a mechan- ical process, may find in the Kant-Laplace hypothesis a purely mechanical solution. But the evolution of animal life is not a purely mechanical process. There is in it an element of feeling which is not mechanical. I do not mean to say that the nervous process which takes place while an animal feels is not mechanical. On the contrary I consider all processes which are changes of place, biolog- ical processes included, as instances of molar or molecular mechanics. But the feeling itself is no mechanical phe- 10 THE RISE OF MAN. nonienon. It is a state of awareness and in this state of awareness something is represented. This state of aware- ness has a meaning, which may be called its contents. I do not hesitate to consider the meaning that feeling acquires as the characteristic feature not only of animal but especially also of intellectual life — of the life of man. From meaning-freighted feelings soul-life originates. Let every special feeling, representing a special condition or object, be constituted by a special form of nerve-action, and we should see the soul, the psychological aspect of nerve-forms, develop together with the organism. A higher development leads naturally, as a rule but not without exceptions, to a greater complexity of nerve-form. Yet it is not this complexity which constitutes the evolu- tion of the soul and the progress in the development of the organism. The progress of soul -life must be traced in the meaning with which the feelings that live in the action of these nerve-forms, are freighted. What is this meaning ? The different soul-forms (so we may for brevity's sake call these feelings, living in the different nerve-struc- tures) represent special experiences and through these experiences the surroundings of the organism are depicted. The soul accordingly is an image of the world impressed into living substance and depicted in feelings. This how- ever is not all ; the soul is more than that. It is also the psychical aspect of the reaction that takes place in response to the stimuli of the surroundings. And this reaction is indeed the most important part in the life of the soul. The former may be called by a generalized name cogni- tion or intelligence, the latter activity or ethics. The former has no other purpose than to serve as an informa- tion for the proper direction and guidance of the latter. The world is not a chaos of material particles. Blind chance does not rule supreme. On the contrary we see order everywhere and law is the regulating principle in EVOLUTION. 11 all tilings and processes. The world is not a meaningless medley, but a cosmos which in its minutest parts is full of significance and purport. And this truth has found a religious expression in the God-idea. The world con- sidered in its cosmic grandeur is divine, and when in the process of evolution the soul develops as an image of the world, the divinity of the cosmos is also mirrored in the soul. The higher animal life rises, the more does it par- take of the divine, and it reaches the highest climax in man and finally in the ideal of a perfectly moral man — in the God-man. The test of progress must be sought in the growth of soul. The more perfectly, the more completely, the more truthfully the world is imaged in the soul-forms, so as to enable mankind, (the individual man as well as the race,) to react appropriately upon the proper occasions, to be doing and achieving, to act wisely, aspiringly and morally, the higher we have risen on the scale of evolution. It is not the complexity of soul-forms which creates their value, it is their correctness, their congruence with reality, their truth. Evolution sometimes leads to a greater com- plexity. In the realm of cognition it does so wherever discrimination is needed. But sometimes again it will lead to a greater simplicity. Complexity alone would have a bewildering aspect, it must be combined with econ- omy, and the economy of thought is important because it simplifies our intelligence ; it enables us not only to see more of truth at once but also to recognize the laws of nature, the order of the cosmos, and its divinity. How much more complex is the Ptolemaic system of the stellar universe than that of Copernicus and Kepler and yet no one doubts that the latter on account of its greater simplicity represents a more advanced stage than the former, and ranges higher in the scale of progress. The test of progress, in one word, is the realization of truth extensive as well as intensive, in the soul of man. 12 THE RISE OF MAN. The more truth the human soul contains and the more it utilizes the truth in life, the more powerful it will be, and the more moral. In this way the soul partakes of the divinity of its creator, call it nature or God ; it will come more and more in harmony with the cosmos, it will more and more conform to its laws, it will be more religious, the holier, the greater, the diviner, the higher it develops and the further it progresses. The characteristic feature of evolution is not, as Mr. Herbert Spencer has it, a change from homogeneity to heterogeneity, but the gradual approach of an acquisition of truth. Those creatures who have a clearer, and broader, and a more correct conception of the world-order that per- vades all things, and whose attitude in life is correspond- ingly adjusted, range higher than those whose souls are only dimly lit up by reason or obscured by error and pas- sion. Not complexity is the test of progress, but ration- ality. And our conception of truth ought to be, not a mere theoretical insight into certain laws, but truth practically applied ; truth respected, cherished, and fol- lowed ; truth loved, and truth lived out. Truth in this sense, i. e., truth that has become part of our souls, is not mere rational knowledge, but justice, and goodness, and lovingkindness. Truth, and reason, and goodness are not made of the dust. Reason is a perception of the relational facts, and it supports the ideals of life. Truth and goodness apper- tain to the immaterial, the purely formal, the spiritual. None of these qualities can be said to be qualities of matter ; they do not reside, in whatever latent form it may be, in atoms or molecules. They develop by experience ; they are added unto the budding life ; they are the product of an epigenesis, which originates under the guiding influ- ence of the cosmic order with all that it implies, and if there is any sense in the expression " divine," that cer- tainly, and that alone, is worthy of the name. EVOLUTION. 13 The word of Christ that 1 1 the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force," does not apply to the origin of Christianity alone but is gener- ally true and will find its application whenever an im- portant advance is made in the development of mankind. It must have proved true also when the first intelligent and intelligible sounds were uttered in the little circle of a primitive ape-man family, when cries and shouts changed to words, rendering possible an intercommuni- cation of mind with mind, and begetting in them a purer, a clearer, a more definite, and a truer conception of the world. Life is like the tree that grows upward. Its roots grow down into the depths of the earth. Its nourishment is from below, but the power that quickens it and imparts to it the strength to rise higher, is the energy furnished by the sunbeams and comes from above. While it is true that man's body consists of matter and is of the earth, his spirit is spiritual and reflects the divinity of the world which represents itself to the natural- ist as the cosmic order of law-ordained conditions. With- out taking exception to the truths established by com- parative zoology, which proves the kinship of man with the lower animals and traces its bodily form back through a series of brute ancestors, assuming the existence of the intermediate type of the so-called pithecanthropes or ape- man, we may rightly say that St. Paul's idea of man's divine sonship holds good and will remain true forever. Having established the two sides of the ascent of man, his rise from below and the help that comes to him from above while he is learning the lessons of life, we shall bet- ter appreciate the significance of the period of transition in which man was just emerging from the brute state and soaring with mighty impulse upward to the higher plane of spiritual life and rational comprehension. No doubt this primitive ape-man must still have been a ferocious 14 THE RISK OF MAN. creature, and we can very well imagine that he was daring and bold and savage. It must have been dangerous for any weaker mammal to cross his path or to fall a prey to his ruthless hands, for he was still thoughtless and in- considerate. He had to make his living from roots and berries and nuts, perhaps also by eating the flesh of some birds and animals that he might catch, and life must have been hard on him. Yet we must not forget that the ten- derer feelings of friendship, conjugal affection, and paren- tal love must have been at least as strongly developed in him as they are in many brute animals, for the probability is that the most essential features that the ape-man ac- quired in his ascent came not only from his keener intel- ligence, but also, perhaps even mainly, from an increased refinement of his sentiment. The doctrine of evolution would have been accepted without much opposition, had it not been for its implication of the descent of man from some brute ancestry. All possible arguments have been exhausted to weaken the theory proposed by Darwin and his successors. How much has been said and written about the "missing link," as if the acceptability of the doctrine of evolution depended solely upon the verification of the transition from the brute animal to the intelligent homo sapiens. The truth is that there are innumerable missing links in the scale of life, and it will forever be impossible to point out every single phase through which man has passed since he started from the beginning. In the meantime many discoveries of primitive human remains have been made which indicate that there was indeed no gap between the highest ape types and the lower races of man, which corroborates the assumption that man is descended, not from the ape, but after all from some animal kin to the ape. T ANTHROPOID APES. HAT comparisons are odious is an old proverb which is applicable when in judging of the higher animals APOLLO. A new orang-utan in the Zoological Gardens of London. we are involuntarily struck with a strong similarity to man. Although the apes range indisputably higher than 16 THE RISE OF MAN. any other creatures except homo sapiens, so self-styled, their very aspect is repulsive to us, and if we analyze our sentiments we will be compelled to admit that we have become prejudiced on account of the tacit comparison we make to ourselves. Apes range far below man, and man deems it opprobrious that they should be considered kin to him, and yet how human are they ! We abhor them as a caricature of ourselves. They appear like an attempt at manhood which has turned out a conspicuous failure. If an ape did not remind us of a human figure, we would find in the expression of his face, his stature, his carriage, and general deportment, as much beauty as that which we admire in a St. Bernard or a full-blooded Arabian steed. Let us try to divest ourselves of the odium of com- parisons and consider the ape race with that natural in- terest which we cherish for all life, so as to be impartial in our judgment, and we shall find that the eye of the chimpanzee is remarkably soulful, that the manners of the orang-utan are astonishingly affectionate, and the devotion of the gorilla to his family is manly to a degree that compels respect. * * * Prof. H. Klaatsch, one of the foremost anthropologists of Germany, speaks pretty authoritatively in the name of his colleagues when he says in a new, large and popular work, Weltall und Menschheit? that man can scarcely have developed from any of the anthropoid apes, but that both man and ape must have developed from one common ancestor now extinct. The three large groups of anthro- poid apes, the gorilla, chimpanzee and orang-utan* must be regarded as degenerates from a higher type, for they are 1 Edited by Hans Kraemer. Published by Bong & Co., of Berlin, Leipsic, Vienna and Stuttgart. 5 vol. <}to. 2 The popular pronunciation utang, which has obviously originated by its rhyme with orang, is incorrect. Orang means "man" and utan, "woods" in the Dajak language. ANTHROPOID APES. 17 most like man in their childhood and youth and develop their beast characters as age advances. They have lost their adaptability, and being unfit to survive any consid- erable change in climate or mode of life, seem to be des- tined by nature to die out. Gorilla and chimpanzee are closely related to each other while the orang-utan forms a group by himself. The latter is very delicate in his health and so almost ORANG-UTAN. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, 83.) every district harbors a special species. He is found only in Borneo and some of the adjacent islands. We might call him a pessimist, for he has a melancholy temper and is generally in a contemplative mood. He prefers solitude to company and shows a disinclination to leave the wooded swamps of his native district. In captivity he is most human in his affections. It is a common experience with keepers, that the orang-utan if threatened by an admon- H ANTHROPOID APES. 19 ORANG-UTANS. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, facing page 83.) 20 THE RISE OF MAN. ishing finger, will come up like a rueful child and plead forgiveness in a plaintive voice. He will embrace the keeper as if to pacify him, and his whole demeanor seems to say, " Do not be angry ; I will be good." It is difficult to keep him long in captivity, however, for he usually dies of consumption after a short time. His mouth is almost of a spherical shape, which makes his face repulsive without, however, succeeding in hiding the good-natured character of his psychical disposition. The orang-utan appears to us awkward in his move- ments, but he is not, for he walks along with great rapid- ity on the stoutest branches in the dense forests of his marshy home. He does not jump but swings himself from tree to tree with unexpected agility. He rarely descends to walk on the ground but remains true to his name, "a man of the forest-trees." Travelers (among them Wallace who has closely observed the habits of the orang-utan in Borneo) declare that he is fearless and peaceful. There are no animals stronger than he except the crocodile, and if a crocodile dares to attack either him- self or a member of his family, he throws himself upon the enemy's back and, clutching him from behind, lacer- ates his throat. The gorilla, who among all the brutes has a skeleton most like man's, must once have lived in herds to attain his present state. He is not without the more tender emotions and intelligence, but living now in isolation, and lacking the influence of intercommunication with large numbers of his fellows, he has grown irritable and savage although the reports in regard to his ferocity are greatly exaggerated. He leaves other animals and man alone and is not aggressive without sufficient provocation ; but when he sees his family imperiled, he is dangerous in fight. He will accompany the fleeing members of his PLATE I. JOE THE ORANG-UTAN AT DINNER. 6 years old ; a member of Edwards' Zoological Exhibition. The Edwards brothers have a special knack of photographing their simian pets in inter- esting attitudes, and the posing animals seem to say "How human we are!" PLATE II. JOE THE ORANG-UTAN WRITING. He is distinguished by his docility, simulating his betters even where he can not do like them. We know he can not write, but here he sits pencil in hand and pretends to write. ANTHROPOID APES. 21 GORILLAS. (Brehm's Thierleben I, facing page 56.) 8878 22 THE RISE OF MAN. family for a short distance, and then turn upon the hunter, for he is not a co\vard and will never turn his back upon an enemy. He challenges his antagonist without hesi- SKELETONS OF MAN AND GORILLA. («) Skull of male gorilla, (6) female. (From the Berlin Anatomical Muse\im. Brehm's Thierleben, I, 40.) tation, his excitement being that of anger, never of fear, and the traveler who is not wary may pay dearly for hav- ing braved his wrath. HEAD OF GORILLA. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, 80.) Dr. Brehm gave the name of " Tschego" to this gorilla about whose classifi- cation he seems to have been in doubt. 24 THE RISE OF MAN. Like all other anthropoid apes the gorilla is vegetarian in his diet. He eats berries, ribs of banana leaves, coco- nuts and similar vegetable food. He seems to possess strong teeth for the purpose of opening nuts whose shells man can break only with a heavy hammer. Being strong he requires much food, and is a voracious eater. By a constant need of new food he has developed migratory habits, and his presence is destructive to all edible plants YOUNG MALE GORILLA. (After Hartmann.) in his neighborhood. He is an .especially unwelcome guest to sugar-cane plantations, where he can do great harm in a short time. The first historical information about the gorilla we find contained in an ancient work entitled Periplous Han- nonis (Expedition of Hanno) which describes the Cartha- ginian admiral's bold enterprise of founding colonies in ANTHROPOID APES. 25 the far west. He rounded the Sierra Leone and makes the following report : ' ' The third day after we had sailed and had passed through the torrid streams, we came to a bay called the Southern Horn. In the background, there was an island YOUNG GORILLA OF THE LEIPSIC ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. (From the Ittustrirte Zeitung, October 19, 1905 ) with a lake and within this lake there was another island on which wild people were living. . The majority of them seemed to be women with hairy bodies, and our inter- preter called them gorillas. We could not catch any of 26 THE RISE OF MAN. the males when we gave pursuit. They escaped easily because they climbed over gorges and defended them- selves with rocks. We caught the females but we could not take them with us because they bit and scratched. So we were obliged to kill them. We skinned them and sent their hides to Carthage." Pliny, referring to Hanno's account mentions that these skins were still extant in his time and were pre- served in the temple of Juno, which we must assume to be the temple of Istar. ! -^1 TWO POSTURES OF THE LEIPSIC GORILLA. (From the Illustrirte Zeitung, October 19, 1905.) 3934 Dr. Brehm has a great deal to say about the gorilla. He quotes from Wilson, Ford, Du Chaillu, Reade and others, among whom Du Chaillu 's accounts are perhaps the most interesting, but must be used with care as they are uncritical and ostensibly written more for the purpose of entertainment than to give exact information. The description of his first encounter with a gorilla is very graphic. This native of the forest had been creeping PLATE III. ORANG-UTAN DISTINGUISHED FOR HIS ERECT WALK. This orang-utan is about four years old, and Mr. Edwards believes that he was caught when very young and must have been a household pet in a native family in the Malay Archipelago where he was a playmate of the children from whom he acquired at a tender age some human habits, espe- cially his erect posture which is unusually straight and which he can keep up longer than any other simian. PLATE IV. JOE THE CHIMPANZEE. A distinguished member of the Edwards' Zoological Exhibition. Mr. J. S. Edwards writes that this photograph is of a male chimpanzee, about six years old, and the most intelligent animal he has ever owned. Joe always wears a sweater, and when enjoying himself in play his laugh sounds more human than that of any other ape. In his actions he is very like a child and suggests at once a relationship to homo sapiens. ANTHROPOID APES. 27 through the underbrush , but when he discovered the party of hunters, he stood bolt upright and fearlessly met their eyes. There he stood at a distance of about thirty feet and without the slightest indication of fear struck his breast with his powerful fists so that it resounded like a metal drum. That was his signal of defiance and chal- lenge, and between its repetitions he would utter such a roar that it might be considered the most peculiarly dis- tinctive and frightful sound of the African forests. It began with a bark like that of a large dog, but ended in peals like distant thunder. The hunting party stood motionless on their guard, while the animal's eyes gleamed more fiercely, the tuft of hair on his forehead alternately rose and fell, and he showed his terrible fangs. As he came nearer step by step with his defiant gesture and roar, the explorer says he looked like the creatures, half man and half beast, which old masters used in representing the inhabitants of hell. When he came to within twelve or fifteen feet the hunters fired and the victim fell with an almost human groan. The Zoological Gardens in Leipsic boast at present of a young gorilla bought by Herr Pinkard in London, and the young anthropoid has so far enjoyed good health in his northern climate. Judging from the experiences we have of other anthropoid apes, it is scarcely probable that he will live to a good old age for all of them have died prematurely of consumption. An artist of the Illustrirte Zeitting, Hermann Schiissler, has drawn the interesting specimen in several characteristic attitudes, and we here reproduce some of his most satisfactory sketches. 4t 4e # The chimpanzee, although considerably smaller than man, is perhaps nearest to him in organization. At any rate Professor Friedenthal proved their consanguinity. It is a well-known scientific fact that the serum of the 28 THE RISE OF MAN. blood of one animal is poison when injected into the ar- teries of another individual of a different genus, because red blood corpuscles dissolve in strange serum. Professor Friedenthal has proved, however, that kindred species will not suffer greatly by an interchange of serum ; for while the interchange of the serum of a cat and a rabbit would be destructive to the life of either, in the case of the horse and the ass, or the dog and the wolf, the results are not fatal. In view of these facts it is of great interest to learn from his experiments that man and chimpanzee possess blood that can be similarly interchanged. Chimpanzees live in herds, and a company of them gives the impression of a jolly frolicking party of children dressed up as satyrs or fauns. They inhabit the tropic parts of Africa. Besides being literally kin of blood to man, the chimpanzee among all of the primates is the only ape that possesses an indication of lips. Man is the only animal that is in possession of two lips. All the monkeys have a sharp mouth without the gentle curvature which is so expressive in the human face. The chimpan- zee's mouth, too, is sharply cut off, but the margins are at least slightly pink in color, while those of the gorilla and the orang-utan are as dark as the snouts of lower beasts. The chimpanzee is smaller and more slender and graceful than the gorilla. He is not so strong, but far more intelligent. By nature he is a strict vegetarian ; but in captivity he learns to take flesh and broth. As soon as accustomed to it he even enjoys and prefers meat to his former diet. Of one chimpanzee, who was brought up in captivity, we are told that at first he refused meat, but by and by he became accustomed to it and soon took the same food as man. Chimpanzees in captivity are easily accustomed to imitate human society. They sit at the table like men, use spoons and even knives and forks. They also are easily PLATE V. JOE RECEIVES BAD NEWS FROM HOME. This is the same Joe that is represented in Plates IV and VI. plainly shows his disappointment. His face PLATE VI. JOE AND SALLIE AT HOME. A Chimpanzee couple of Edwards' Zoological Exhibition. ANTHROPOID APES. 29 accustomed to alcoholic drinks and exhibit the same symp- toms as man if they take too much. We are told that once a mirror was handed to a chimpanzee who appeared suddenly as if struck with awe. After a state of greatest agility he became extremely thoughtful. He looked up to his trainer as if questioning him as to what the strange object could be. He then investigated the mirror, touched it with his hands, looked behind it, and behaved CHIMPANZEE. (Brebm's ThierZeben, I, 68.) in quite the same manner as do savages when they see reflected pictures in a mirror for the first time. The natives of Africa agree in regarding the anthro- poid apes as a low class of human beings, and are firmly convinced that they only pretend not to be able to speak, for the purpose of shirking work. They say that if they were found out, many would certainly keep them as slaves and deprive them of their happy liberty in the forests. 30 CHIMPANZEE. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, facing p. 68.) 8870 ANTHROPOID APES. 31 Most assuredly the anthropoid apes may seem happier abroad and certainly they are accustomed to their liberty. But it would be a grave mistake to think that they have YOUNG CHIMPANZEE. Photograph from life by Dr. Heck of Berlin. (Weltallu. Menschheit, II, 171.) an easy and pleasant life. They have to make their living as much as any other animal, and it appears that they 32 THE RISE OF MAN. POSTURES OF VARIOUS MAN-APES. 1-5, Gorillas; 6-8, Chimpanzees. ANTHROPOID APES. 33 POSTURES OF VARIOUS MAN-APES. 1-5, Orang-utans; 6-8, Gibbons. 34 THE RISE OF MAN. have a very hard time of it. Being vegetarians they need a greater mass of food than if they were carnivorous, and it is not impossible that the man-ape who rose to the higher existence of an ape-man and finally to that of man, had one great advantage over his less fortunate cousins by changing his diet. The anthropoid apes have to put LAR AND HULOCK. After Hanhart. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, p. 94.) in all their time in hunting for food and eating it, while the omnivorous ape-man gained more leisure and more- over had his wits sharpened by becoming a hunter. ** To the anthropologist the lower apes are less inter- esting, but we may mention especially the long-armed ANTHROPOID APES. 35 monkeys or kylobates, among whom the gibbon is perhaps the most noteworthy. Others of interest on account of their quaint appearance and habits are the hulock and the proboscis-monkey. The latter does not range very high, but should be mentioned in this connection on account of the human appearance of his profile, due solely to the development of his nose which however might rather be PROBOSCIS MONKEY. (Brehm's Thierleben, I, p. no.) called a proboscis. His similarity to man is more appa- rent than real, for his nose unlike that of man is movable ; it can be pushed out and pulled back, but if extended to its full length, it closely resembles a very strongly devel- oped aquiline nose. One important similarity between man and ape is the development of the teeth. Both have 8 incisors, 4 canine 36 THE RISE OF MAN. teeth and 20 molars ; yet it is well known that in the higher races, the hindmost molars grow at a mature age and are generally subject to early decay. It seems as if the development of the brain implied a decrease in the organs of mastication. The jaw bones grow smaller and the facial angle approaches more and more nearly to 90°. The similarity between human and Simian teeth, how- HEAD OF PROBOSCIS MONKEY. After Brehm. After Wiedersheim. (Haeckel's Anthropogenic, p. 607.) ( Weltall und Menschheit, II, 145.) ever, is limited to the apes of the old world. Those of America possess thirty-six teeth in all, and preserve more the features of the lower mammals in this as well as in other particulars. Their noses, too, are turned upward, while the noses of the Old World apes all go downward. Hence their name, Catarrhines, derived from the Greek kata downward," and rhinos, "nose." PRIMITIVE MAN. r I ^HERE lias been much discussion concerning the J_ locality where man first originated, and the common opinion among a great many naturalists points towards the sunken continent in the Indian Ocean. It seems to have included Australia in the east and covered the Sunda Islands reaching to Madagascar on the West. Presumably it connected Asia and Africa with New Zealand. It has been called Lemuria as the supposed home of the Lemurian or monkey tribe. We will let the theory pass as probable, although we think that it will be difficult to designate any definite locality as the place of the origin of man, for it seems that a change of surroundings may repeatedly have taken place and this would have favored a higher development, new conditions demanding new adaptations and eliciting thereby new faculties. Lemuria must have been large enough and its geography varied enough to have been a territory in which the first man-ape could have appeared, while the higher development of the race seems to have taken place farther north in Central Europe. The human race, though still in a very brutish con- dition, must have existed in the Antarctic Continent or Lemuria before the separation of Australia from Asia. In the Museum at Sidney there is a slab containing im- prints of human feet which according to Professor Klaatsch's opinion bear all evidences of having been made by primitive man. A sandstone ledge of the same 38 THE RISE OF MAN. formation shows traces of a bird long since extinct. The same anthropologist has found in his recent trip to Warnambool, in the state of Victoria in Australia, a great number of stone tools and implements, human and ani- mal fossils dating back to the paleolithic period. TYPE OF AN ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN. After a photograph. ( IVeltatt und Mcnschhcit, II, 315.) It has been pointed out that Australia is a unique and isolated continent which harbors a number of intermediate species. It contained the lowest known human race which, however, has died out since the arrival of the white man. The wild dog called dingo, the duckbill, the kangaroo and PRIMITIVE MAN. 39 other marsupialians are living there now. Man and dingo are the only creatures who represent the higher mammals, and we may therefore assume that they are late arrivals. The Australian race was the lowest of all known mankind, ranging even beneath the African negro. While not very ferocious they possessed scarcely any civilization and be- longed still to the paleolithic period. They did not yet understand how to polish stones, nor to make the simplest kind of pottery. SKULL OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN. 386B Showing the protruding brows. After the original in the Museum of Ethnology in Leipsic. ( Weltall und Menschheit, II, 337.) Dr. Schotensack of Heidelberg, who assumes that mankind originated in or near the Indo-Australian Archi- pelago, claims that the Antarctic continent fullfilled all conditions for the development of the human race from lower forms. There were no beasts of prey to contend with, and man had there a chance to develop his type without let or hindrance. There were plenty of herbiv- 40 THE RISE OF MAN. orous animals of low intelligence which invited him to develop into a hunter and to change his nature into that of an omnivorous which distinguishes man from the apes. The country is partly wooded and partly prairie-land and so encouraged the upright walk. The hollow trees con- tained plenty of honey, and the Australian bee lacks a sting. It is further peculiar that the dog, at all times closely allied to man, was his only companion on the Australian continent. While favorable conditions are often productive of OLD MAN'S SKULL FOUND AT CRO-MAGNON. 3893 After Broca's Conference s«r les Troglodytes de la VezZre. (Le- normant's Histoire ancienne de V orient, I, 145.) good results, we would point out that the highest develop- ment is generally not obtained by them alone, but by a change from favorable to unfavorable. Favorable condi- tions develop new varieties with certain free exuberance, and give them a chance to establish new qualities, while unfavorable conditions put individuals to the test and select those that are fittest to survive. While the lower type of mankind (the man-ape) appears to have been developed in a Southern climate, it seems almost certain PRIMITIVE MAN. 41 that a selection of the fittest has been made in the rougher regions of the north, and this supposition seems to be borne out by the fact that so far decidedly all the higher types of primitive man have been discovered in central Europe, while of the very lowest there are not a few (viz. , the Neanderthal man and those represented by the relics of Spy and Krapina) that find a most primitive counter- part only in the relics of the ape-man of Java discovered by Professor Du Bois, called pithecus antJiropus erectus Du Bois. Progress in our days is not made because man likes WOMAN'S SKULL FOUND AT CRO-MAGNON. From the same source as the preceding illustration. to advance and learn new lessons, but mainly because he must progress and discover. Man must make new inven- tions because competition and the struggle for life force him to do better than others and rise higher. It is as if nature were whipping man onward and forward, and there are only a few individuals that have acquired a natural impulse to work, to advance, and to inquire. There are very few indeed that labor for the sake of progress and for the love of it. We may assume with great probability that the most important step taken by life in its higher advance, 42 THE RISE OF MAN. viz., in its transition from a primitive existence to a social and more truly human existence, was done under compul- sion and under the penalty of perdition for the unsuccess- ful. The rational being, called man, is probably the sur- vivor only of a great number of man-apes that died out because they were unable to take the step and fulfil the stern demands made on them by circumstances. The perfection of mankind, must most presumably be sought in the North, not in the South ; in a place where life is hard, not where life is easy, and we may assume that by some catastrophe, a number of ape-man families were cut off from the sunny regions of the south- ern countries, and had to fight their way in a dreary north- ern climate, where they would unfailingly perish unless they acquired the necessary altruism to help one another, and the indispensable intelligence to protect themselves against the inclemencies of hostile conditions. THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. IN the year 1857 a human skeleton was discovered in a limestone cave (commonly called the "little Feld- hofner Grotto ") in the Neanderthal near Dornap, between Diisseldorf and Elberfeld. And how hot were the contro- versies about the character of the bones as well as the formation of the skull ! Virchow, so liberal in politics LATERAL VIEW OF THE NEANDERTHAL SKULL. After Schwalbe. and reactionary in science, advised caution and declared that these bones might be the remains of an imbecile and degenerate individual. Professor Virchow claimed that no conclusion could be drawn from one isolated instance ; but in the meantime other skeletons and skulls of a similar type have been discovered, which prove that the Neanderthal man was 44 THE RISE OF MAN, not an isolated individual, but', the representative of a race that must have inhabited the caves of Europe at the time when mankind had just risen into existence. The skulls of Egisheim, of Brux, and of Cannstatt, all characterized by an approach to the ape type, and two skeletons dis- covered by Messrs. Fraipont and Lhoest in 1897 near Spy, Belgium, belong also to a race that was not very distant from the Neanderthal man. The cave in which the latter FRONT VIEW OF THE SUPRAORBITAL REGION.1 1775 After Schwalbe. were found contains in the drift, flint implements of the crudest kind, and bones of the rhinoceros, the cave bear, the cave hyena, and other remnants of the earliest stone age.2 Renewed investigations of the Neanderthal skull have justified the theory that it belongs to a primitive man. These new discoveries in connection with the re- newed and careful investigations of the skull have dis- 1 The fracture in the right temporal region is plainly visible and is obviously due to a vigorous blow which, however, may have been made at the disinterment. A groove is visible over the extreme part of the right eye, slanting over the supraorbital ridge, and ending in an incision. These marks have been the object of much discussion. The incision appears to be the passage for the supraorbital nerve, for it has its analogon, although in a much weaker form, on the right side ; but the depression appears on one side only, and thus it is possible that it is the result of an injury received and cicatrized during life. Some of the little holes can be definitely identified as passages for blood-vessels, and none of them seem to be caused by disease. 2 Prof. G. Schwalbe of the University of Strassburg in Alsace has devoted an especial monograph to the subject, which he has published in the Banner Jahr- bucher, No. :o6, pp. 1-72, under the title " Der Neanderthalschadel." The article has also appeared in a special reprint. THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. 45 pelled all doubts concerning the nature of the Neanderthal remains. We may say without fear of contradiction that the discussion has passed the critical stage, and all an- thropologists of reputation agree that we have here the specimen of a primitive race whose forehead still preserves the orbital ridges of lower animals, and the facial angle of which is considerably lower than that of the lowest negro type, being only slightly higher than that of an- thropoid apes. The Neanderthal skull measures 62°, the OCCIPUT OF THE NEANDERTHAL SKULL.* After Schwalbe. two skeletons of Spy 57.5° and 67°, while the highest apes reach 56°. The facial angle of the human race of to-day averages from 80° to 85°. While the forehead of the Neanderthal man is narrow and low, the occiput is well developed, and though judg- ing from his bones he must have been a strong creature and presumably ferocious in fight, he may not have been lacking in kindly sentiments, as indicated by the width 1 On the right parietal bone we discover a cicatrized hole made by a pointed instrument, which looks, as Virchow says, as if it were made by a " bayonet," or " a sharp stone," or "any other pointed weapon," perhaps a lance, or an arrow. It was healed during the lifetime of our subject. The occipital bone shows further a rough depression which Virchow suspected to be the result of a disease, but anatomists (among them Recklinghausen) declare that similar formations are not of unfrequent occurrence among normal skulls. The linea nuchea supremo, dextra is strongly marked. We notice further an unusual development of those parts from which the neck muscles originate. 46 THE RISE OF MAN. CRANIUM OF THE PRIMITIVE MAN OF SPY, BELGIUM. From a cast of the original in the Museum at Liege. (Weltall und Menschheit, II, 294.) CRANIUM OF THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. From the original in the Provincial Museum at Bonn. und Menschheit, II, 20.) (Weltall THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. 47 of his cranium. And what a story do the remains of the Neanderthal man tell ! One ulna received an injury which was healed during the life time, but must have con- siderably hampered the use of his arm. The right parie- RIGHT ULNA. Normal. LEFT ULNA. Pathological.1 tal bone of the skull shows the mark of a cicatrized injury which appears to have been made with a pointed weapon, an arrow or a lance. A furrow in the right superciliary ridge is another irregularity which seems to have been 1 The left ulna shows that the individual to which this bone belonged received a severe injury during lifetime the cure of which was left solely to nature. The right ulna is normal and its surfaces of the processus coronoides are well preserved, but on the left ulna a fracture is visible. Here the incisura radialis is filled up with newly formed bone substance and thus brought this spot, destined to re- ceive the capitu/um radii, into direct contact with the humerus, the bone of the upper arm. The result must have been that the arm could not be fully extended. Above the left ulna we reproduce the end view of the pathological processus coronoides. The cicatrized injury appears on the left side. 48 THE RISE OF MAN. caused by some violent blow and must have been an ugly gash over the right eye. Finally we notice a fracture A RESTORATION OF THE NEANDERTHAL MAN.' 1773 near the right temple which was presumably done by the spade of the laborer who unearthed these ancient bones. 1 This picture is a retouched photograph taken of a model made by Guernsey Mitchell according to the instructions of Prof. Henry A. Ward of Chicago. THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. 49 Otherwise it would justify the post-mortem statement of a violent death. Accordingly the life of the Neanderthal man must have been one of fierce struggle either with rivals of his own type or with the cave bear and other ferocious beasts, perhaps with both, and finally he succumbed in the battle for life, perhaps also in a fight with his own or his tribe's enemies. The pithecanthropoid whose remains were found in the Neander Valley, although no longer an isolated in- PROFILE VIEW OF CRANIUM OF PRIMITIVE TYPES. Lenormant, flistoire anctenne de I 'orient, I, 138. stance of primitive anthropology, still commands a special interest and will, in addition to the comments and pic- tures presented to our readers, justify the publication of some pertinent quotations which were collected by Mr. Charles H. Ward of Rochester. Dr. Fuhlrott describes the locality where the remains were discovered in the early part of 1857 as follows : "A small cave or grotto, high enough to admit a man, and about 15 feet deep from the entrance, which is 7 or 8 feet wide, exists in the southern wall of the gorge of the Neanderthal, as it is termed, at a distance of about 100 feet from the Diissel, and about 50 THE RISE OF MAN. 60 feet above the bottom of the valley. In its earlier and uninjured condition, this cavern opened upon a narrow plateau lying in front of it, and from which the rocky wall descended almost perpendicu- larly into the river. It could be reached, though with difficulty, from above. The uneven floor was covered to a thickness of 4 or 5 feet with a deposit of mud, sparingly intermixed with rounded fragments of chert. In the removing of this deposit the bones were discovered. The skull was first noticed placed nearest to the en- trance of the cavern; and further in, the other bones, lying in the same horizontal plane. Of this I was assured in the most positive terms by two laborers who were employed to clear out the grotto, and who were questioned by me on the spot. At first no idea was entertained of the bones being human; and it was not till several weeks after their discovery that they were recognized as such by me, and placed in security. But, as the importance of the discov- ery was not at the time perceived, the laborers were very careless in the collecting, and secured chiefly only the larger bores ; and to this circumstance it may be attributed that fragments merely of the probably perfect skeleton came into my possession." Dr. Fuhlrott condenses his conclusions in these three statements : "First: That the extraordinary form of the skull was due to a natural conformation hitherto not known to exist, even in the most barbarous races. Second : That these remarkable hum m remains belonged to a period antecedent to the time of the Celts and Germans, and were in all probability derived from one of the wild races of North western Europe, spoken of by Latin writers; and which were encountered as autochthones by the German immi- grants. And thirdly ; That it was beyond doubt that these human relics were traceable to a period at which the latest animals of the diluvium still existed; but that no proof in support of this assump- tion, nor consequently of their so-termed fossil condition, was af- forded by the circumstances under which the bones were discovered." Darwin mentions the subject in The Descent oj Man: "The belief that there exists in man some close relation be- tween the size of the brain and the development of the intellectual faculties is supported by the comparison of the skulls of savage and civilized races, of ancient and modern peoples, and by the analogy of the whole vertebrate series. Dr. J. Bernard Davis has proved, by many careful measurements, that the mean internal THE NEANDERTHAL MAN. 51 capacity of the skull in Europeans is 92.3 cubic inches; in Ameri- cans 87.5; in Asiatics 87.1; and in Australians only 81.9 cubic inches. Professor Broca found that the nineteenth century skulls from graves in Paris were larger than those from vaults of the twelfth century, in the proportion of 1484 to 1426; and that the in- creased size, as ascertained by measurements, was exclusively in the frontal part of the skull — the seat of the intellectual faculties. FOSSIL RELICS OF THE NEANDERTHAL MAN IN THE PROVINCIAL MUSEUM AT BONN. ( WeUall und Menschheit, II, 3 ) Prichard is persuaded that the present inhabitants of Britain have 'much more capacious brain-cases' than the ancient inhabitants. Nevertheless, it must be admitted, that some skulls of very high antiquity, such as the famous one of Neanderthal, are well devel- oped and capacious." Huxley in Man*s Place in Nature says . " Under whatever aspect we view this cranium, whether we 52 THE RISE OF MAN." regard its vertical depression, the enormous thickness of its super- ciliary ridges, its sloping occiput, or its long and straight squamosal suture, we meet with apelike characters, stamping it as the most pithecoid cf human crania yet discovered .... And indeed, though truly the most pithecoid of human skulls, the Neanderthal cranium is by no means so isolated as it appears to be at first, but forms, in reality, the extreme term of a series leading gradually from it to the highest and best developed of human crania." Finally we quote the statement of a distinguished an- thropologist still living, Prof. Paul Topinard, who in his Anthropology makes the following statement : "Human palaeontology commences with the Post-pliocene or Mammoth epoch. Examples of it are few in number, and not read- ily capable of classification. De Quatrefage and Hamy, however, have not flinched from this difficult task. By joining together THE JAWBONE OF NAULETTE COMPARED WITH THAT OF A CHIMPANZEE. fragments of male skulls from Cannstatt, Eguisheim, Brux, Denise, and the Neanderthal, and female skulls from Stroengences, L'Olmo, and Clichy, they succeeded in discovering in them certain common characters; that is to say, dolichocephaly, a remarkable sinking of the vault of the skull, or platycephaly, a great recession of the frontal bone, and a very marked development of the superciliary arches. Of all the specimens, the most remarkable are the calva- rium of the Neanderthal and the jaw of La Naulette. Any one accustomed to handle the skulls of the anthropoid apes will be immediately struck with the great resemblance between them. The Neanderthal especially reminds one of the calvarium of the female gorilla, which is similarly staved in, as it were, or of the skull of a hylobate. The superciliary arches are altogether simian, although the skull is clearly human. Its capacity, estimated at 1200 cubic centimetres, dissipates all doubt on the subject." DU BOIS'S PITHECANTHROPOID. w HILE digging for fossils on the island of Java, Professor Du Bois discovered some bones in the SKULL OF PREHISTORIC MAN OF SPY IN BELGIUM. From Professor Fraipont's photograph of the original in the Museum at Liege. ( Weltall und Menschheit, II, 21.) year 1891 on the banks of the Bengawan river near the Trinil farm. The sand is volcanic and so the theory sug- 54 THE RISE OF MAN. gests itself that the creature to whom these interesting rel- ics belong became the victim of a volcanic eruption, yet he was saved to posterity in the same way as the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. When the rain water carried away the volcanic dust it scattered and took with it some of the bones. We might further mention that they are all in a petrified condition and nothing of the originally organic substance is left. There in the midst of tertiary THE KRAPINA CAVE IN CROATIA. ( Weltall und Menschheit, II, 23.) drift Professor Du Bois came quite unexpectedly upon a cranium which in form is midway between the human and Simian skulls. At a distance of about twenty-five metres he found a human femur which in addition to its unusual straightness shows a diseased growth, the latter being an evidence of an injury received during lifetime and partly healed. There was also nearby a molar tooth unequivo- DU BOIS'S PITHECANTHROPOID. 55 cally human but unusually broad with widely diverging roots. CRANIUM OF THE PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS Du Bois. 3863 Seen from side and top. ( Weltatt und Menschheit, II, 177.) The straightness of the femur induced Professor Du Bois to call his foundling by the qualifying appellation 56 THE RISE OF MAN. erectus, but Hermann Klaatsch and his colleagues have pointed out that the typically human bone is exactly dis- tinguished by a slight curve, and so it appears that the straightness of the bone has nothing to do with man's erect carriage. Hence it is not impossible that Du Bois's pilhecus anthropits erectus may have been nearer in his walk to the Simians than his discoverer assumes. The broadness of the tooth and the expanded charac- ter of its roots indicate that the jawbone must have pos- sessed sufficient space for molar teeth, and thus favor the assumption that the mouth of its mainly herbivorous owner was more Simian than human. While the breadth and length of the Javan ape-man's skull are not inconsiderable, its height is extraordinarily low, and the processes at its rear for the attachment of the muscles of the back plainly prove that the owner of this interesting relic possessed a very short stout neck not unlike that of the anthropoid apes. In addition to these characteristic traits the skull of Du Bois's man exhibits the same orbital ridges as the skull of the Neanderthal man, a feature also noticed in the fossils of the Spy and Krapina caves. All other skulls of primi- tive men that have so far ever been discovered, especially the skulls of the Cro-Magnon cave in the valley of Vezere (France) , are of a higher type and represent a nearer approach to the human, both by an absence of the orbital ridges and by a considerably increased height and brain- capacity. There are enough traces of the ape-man to establish his whilom existence beyond a shadow of doubt, but theer are not enough facts to give us any further information about details. No one knows how many centuries or millenniums it took to develop the species pithecanthropus into primitive man, and why the former became extinct with the appearance of the latter is a subject of surmise, not of positive knowledge. DU BOIS'S PITHECANTHROPOID. 57 RELICS OF THE PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS. Left femur : (i) front view, (2) outside view, (3) back view, (4) from below, (5) inside view of lower end. Third upper right back tooth, (6) showing surface of mastication (6a) back 58 THE RISE OF MAN. OUR FRONTISPIECE. The artist Gabriel Max has dared to reconstruct an image of the ape-man, and having devoted many years of study to the shape of the anthropoid Simians as well as to o "5