iiiiili iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliilii LIBRARY UNIVERSITY^' PENNSYLVANIA FAIRMAN ROGERS COLLECTION ON HORSEMANSHIP Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/roadtrackstablOOmerw ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. CHAPTERS ABOUT HORSES AND THEIR TREATMENT. fortis eqiius, spatio qui saepe supremo Vicit 01)'inpia. BY H. C. MERWIN. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. 1892. Copyright, 1892. By Little, Bkown, and Company. WLnivtmtv. Press: John V\'ii,son and Son, Camhuidge. VJNJV£Ml7TY ni\\ ^ iC^ TO ^ ANNE AMORY MERWIN IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HER ASSISTANCB AS HORSEWOMAN AND CRITIC. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. The Ethics of Horse-Keeping .... 1 II. Trotting Families 23 III. Trotting Horses 59 IV. Trotting Races 87 V. Road Horses 113 VI. Saddle Horses 144 VII. Carriage Horses and Cobs 178 VITI. Cart Horses 206 IX. Fire Horses 229 X. Arabian Horses 255 XI. The Care of Horses 286 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Glencoe Frontispiece Naomi and Foal 1 The property of Mr. liaudolpU Huutington. Rysdyck's Hambletoniax 23 Mambrino King at twenty years of age To face 32 From a Pliotograph wliich Mr. C. J. Hamlin, the owner, kindly bad taken for this book. Onward, Son of George Wilkes 59 Arion Toface 84 The property of Mr. J. Malcolm Forbes. Henry Clay 86 Goldsmith Maid 87 Smuggler 112 A Half-bred JNIare 113 From an instantaneous Photograph. Antewood, a Trotting Stallion 143 Redrawn from '' The Chicago Horseman." A Morning Ride 144 From a Picture by J. Sturgis. Miss Hammond, a Bronco-Thoroughbred . . . 177 Tlie property of Mr. S. D. Warren. Coach Horses 178 Ethan Allen . Toface 198 A Half-bred Carriage Horse 205 X ILLUSTRATIONS. Page A Ploughing Team at Work 206 From an instantaneous Photograph. Cart Horses 228 Going to a Fire 229 From an instantaneous Photograph. Old Joe 254 From a Photograph. Bonaparte's Arabian Ch.a.rger 255 From the Picture by Meissonier. A Stable Scene 286 Redrawn from " The Cliicago Horseman." Old Boney 322 From a Photograph. ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. I. THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. IF a man could go into open market and for two or three liundred dollars purchase the lifelong devo- tion of a friend, though a humble friend, it would be accounted a wonderful thing. But that is exactly what happens, or might happen, whenever a horse is bought. You give him food, lodging, and the reason- able services of a valet, in return for which he will not only further your business or your pleasure, as the case may be, to the best of his ability, but he will also repay you with affection, respond to your ca- resses, greet you with a neigh of pleased recognition, and in a hundred ways of his own exhibit a sense of the relationship. There are men to whom a horse is only an animate machine : they will ride and drive him, liire grooms I 2 KOAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. and draw cheques for his sustenance and keeping, but all without a single thought of the animal as having a character, a mind, a career of his own; as being susceptible to pain or pleasure ; as a creature for whose welfare they have assumed a certain respon- sibility, of which they cannot get rid, although they may forget it or deny its existence. Even among people who are intelligent, religious, and kind-hearted, as the world goes, there is sometimes found, as we all know, especially when their own convenience is con- cerned, an astonishing indifference to the sufferings of dumb beasts. Xever shall I forget the shock produced upon my infant mind by a case of this sort in which a deeply venerated bishop was the actor. The good man de- scribed in my presence the great difficulty that he had recently experienced, upon arriving in town, in obtaining a conveyance from the railroad station to the house where he was to stay, two or three miles distant. Through some mistake, no carriage had been sent for him; and by the liverymen to whom the bishop applied he was told that all their horses were so wearied and jaded, a huge picnic or funeral hav- ing just occurred in the village, that they absolutely could not send one out again. But the successor of the Apostles so wrought upon the stable-keepers by his eloquence — thus he narrated, without suspicion of the awful judgment tliat was passing upon him by youthful innocence, sitting unnoticed in a corner — that some unlucky, overtired brute was finally dragged from his stall and sent off upon the five-mile jaunt. Now the day was warm, to be sure, and the bishop a stout man; still, being in the prime of life, he could THE ETHICS OP HORSE-KEEPING. 3 have taken no harm, but rather good, from the walk ; and yet neither when he hired the horse nor when he related the transaction did it occur to him that the act was one of inexcusable cruelty. How many peo- ple, indeed, know or care what is the condition of the livery horses that they hire from time to time ? How many, when they summon a cab, so much as glance at the beast in the shafts ? But it is almost always possible to make a selection, rejecting the palpably unlit, choosing the fit horse ; and if every- body took even this slight amount of trouble, the em- ployment of broken-down cab horses would cease to be profitable. There is a good deal of hard-heartedness in our Puritan blood as respects dumb animals. I once spent several weeks on a farm where many beasts of vari- ous kinds were kept. The family was of pure New England stock, farmers for many generations back, — stalwart, intelligent, honest people, pillars of the church, leading men in the village, but in their treat- ment of dumb beasts without feeling or compunction. If the cows did not enter their stalls at the proper moment, they were pounded with whatever weapon came handy ; horses were driven when they were lame, and neglected when they were tired. Every animal on the place was in a continual state of hunger, and none ever received a kind word or a pat of the hand. That on all convenient occasions I surrep- titiously fed the occupants of the barn, horses, cows, oxen, and bull, is a fact which I may be permitted to state, lest I should include myself in the condemna- tion of these hard-hearted farmers ; and I recall with pleasure the anticipatory neighing, the scraping of 4 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. hoofs, and the rattling' of chains that soon became a regnkxr occurrence wlienever I set foot upon the threshokl. I have known better educated, vilkxge- bred persons of the same stamp, men of a kind that command, when tliey die, half-cokimn ohit- uar}' notices in the papers, who took a vicious de- ligkt in stoning dogs oft' tlieir lawns, and wko would have been moved to scorn by any show of affection for a horse. People whose attitude toward dumb animals is of this character not only fail of their duty, but miss a vast amount of happiness. Horses are to be enjoyed in other ways than those of riding and driving. To become familiar with their characters and peculiarities, of which latter horses have many ; to see them com- fortable in tlieir stalls, sleek, well fed, well groomed, warmly blanketed : to give them affection, and to re- ceive it back ; finally, to take a pride in them, and, frankly speaking, to l)rag about them without being more unveracious than a fairly good conscience will allow, — this it is to enjoy a horse. In this matter, as in all others where motives are concerned, the good and bad, or at least the good and indifferent, in liuman nature can be made to co-operate ; the sense of duty may be reinforced by a more spontaneous feeling, namely, the pride of ownership. In fact, to lay a foundation for the exercise of this quality should always be a chief object in buying a horse. Let your new purchase have that about him concerning Avhidi you can declare, with sufficient plausibility to defy absolute contradiction, that he stands in the very front rank of equine excellence; as that he is the most speedy, or the most enduring, or the hand- THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 6 soiiiest, or the gentlest, or the most intelligent, or the toughest, of animals. If these qualities fail, we come down to minor excellences, such as the fineness of his coat, the beauty of its color, the silkiness of his mane, the length of his tail, or the nobility of his descent. It is quite possible to buy for a small sum horses of unexceptionable pedigree ; and though a well-bred weed or screw really travels no better than a " dunghill," yet his breeding will always command admiration, and cast a reflected gloi-y upon his owner. The point of superiority may be this or that ; enough that it distinguishes your horse from the ruck of horses, and justifies in some measure, at least to the world at large, the pride and pleasure that you take in him. This reference to the opinion of others as a guide for our affections, even when a human being constitutes the object, is one of those vile traits that lie hid in the murky depths of our nature. Was it not remarked by George Sand, who knew the human heart, and certainly took no pessimistic view of it, that men love women not for what they think of them, but for what they suppose other people to think of them ? And yet there is another aspect of the matter. Just as disinterested affection, or something approach- ing it, maj^ exist between man and woman, so it is possible to be fond of a horse, and to be happy in his well-being, with no admixture of those baser feelings to which I have alluded. I wish that you, gentle reader of this book, might be induced to try the fol- lowing experiment. We will suppose that you have a stable with an unoccupied stall in it, and by prefer- ence, though it is not essential, that a paddock is 6 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. appurtenant to the stable. (Not everybody, indeed, is so fortunately situated, but still the conditions just mentioned are by no means uncommon.) Now let us suppose further that you go into the market or to some private person and purchase, as you may easily do for forty or fifty dollars, an old, broken-down horse, of whom a long hard day's work has been, and unless you intervene will for some years yet con- tinue to be extracted. Take hini home, and watch the quick transition from misery to happiness. He comes into your stable with stiff, painful steps ; his legs swollen from hock and knee to ankle ; his ribs clearly visible through a rough, staring coat ; and, above all, with that strained, anxious expression of the eye which nobody who has once seen and under- stood it can ever expel from his memory. It is the expression of despair. You take off his shoes, give him a run at grass or a deep bed of straw in a com- fortable loose box, and forthwith the old horse begins to improve. Little by little, the expression of his eye changes, the swelling goes out of his legs, and it will not be long before he cuts a caper; a stiff and un- gainly one, to be sure, but still a caper, indicative of health and happiness. He will neigh at your ap- proach, and gladly submit his head for a caress, whereas at first he would have shrunk in terror from any such advances. (It may be ten years since a hand was laid upon him in kindness.) If you have any work for him to do, the old horse will perform it with alacrity, exerting himself out of gratitude; he will even flourish off in harness with the airs of a colt, as who should say, "There is life in me yet; don't send me to the knacker ; behold my strength THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 7 and agility." ^ Treat him as you would treat him if he had cost you a great sum, or as if you expected to win a great sum through his exertions. Let him have good blankets, good grooming, and all the little attentions of a well ordered establishment. Is there anything ridiculous in this ? Shall not the stable, as well as the house, have its sacred rites of hospitality ? Shall not the old cheap horse be made as comfortable as the young and costly one ? And here I anticipate an obvious criticism. "The horse should be killed, and the money that it costs to maintain him be given to the poor." I grant it. Let the old horse be shot, and let the two dollars and fifty cents per week necessary for his support be given in charity. But see to it, ye who might maintain an equine pensioner, and forbear to do so for reasons of conscience, — see to it that the poor be not defrauded of the sum thus saved for them. Doubtless the ideal manner of keeping a horse is that practised in Arabia, whei*e, we are told, he is treated like one of the family, being the constant companion of the children, and allowed to poke his nose within the tent and in all the household affairs. Unfortunately, our habits of living will not permit such intimacy, although I have seen a yearling colt within the walls of a country dwelling-house, taking a moderate lunch of oats from the kitchen table, and afterward, with ears erect, briefly surveying the out- side world through the drawing-room window. Mr. Briggs's introduction of his hunter to the dining- 1 The fiual illustration is a portrait of an old cab horse, rescued in a moribund condition, and rejuvenated in the manner stated in the text. 8 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. room on Christmas niglit, in the animal's professional capacity, and the consequent results to the china, will occur to the reader as a similar case. But although such instances must necessarily be rare, and are not, perhaps, exactly to be imitated, it is possible for every horse-owner to cultivate the social and affec- tionate side of the animal's nature by talking to and caressing him, by visiting him in the stable, by mak- ing him little gifts, from time to time, of sugar and other dainties. Petting like this undoubtedly tends to render high-spirited horses more tractable and safer on the road than they would be otherwise. Mustangs that have been allowed to run wild on the prairies until they are brought to the East and sold can rarely be broken so as to be safe in harness ; but ponies of the same breed that have been in actual use by the Indians are very trustworthy. Such ponies, like Arab horses, have become domesticated, and cease to regard human beings as their natural enemies. Few persons, moreover, realize how much a nervous, timid horse dislikes to be left alone, especially amid terrifying or even unusual surroundings. I once brought on a steamer from Portland to Boston a high-strung Morgan mare that I had owned but two weeks. She had never travelled thus before, and during the first hour or two, if I left her alone for a moment, as happened once or twice, she became distressed and alarmed in the highest degree, sweat- ing profusely and struggling to get loose; but when I returned she would immediately become calm again, rubbing her nose against me as much as to say, "For Heaven's sake, don't leave me alone." The same horse (I have her still), Aviien tied in front of a THE ETHICS OP HORSE-KEEPING. 9 strange house, always greets me when I come out with an eager, enthusiastic neigh, as if she had begun to despair of seeing her master again. Nevertheless, whether from the want of ancestral usage or otherwise, horses, it must be granted, are less sociable with men than are dogs. Nor can I agree with the remark recorded as having been made by the famous sportsman, Thomas Assheton Smith, (but perhaps incorrectly,) that "horses are far more sensible than dogs." The converse, I should say, is true. Dogs are more sensible, more intelligent, more affectionate, and, as a rule, more trustwortliy than horses. So much justice requires that we should admit, although the contrary is often maintained by persons well informed upon the subject. Who, indeed, has not heard the intelligence of the horse eloquently defended by some hard-headed, hard-drinking old horseman, who would seem to enjoy a perfect im- munity from all sentimental considerations ? But he does not. "If we could have come upon Diogenes suddenly," Thackeray somewhere remarks, " he would probably have been found whimpering in his tub over a sentimental romance." And so the old horseman, being fond of horses, knowing them, but knowing nothing else, deriving both his livelihood and his pleasure from them, unconsciously exaggerates their good qualities. But, on the other hand, the horse is far more intelligent than most people suppose, and there are certain qualities in which he excels all other dumb animals. " The' conspicuous merit of the horse, which has given him the dearly paid honor of sharing in our wars," says Mr. Hamerton, in a charm- ing essay, " is his capacity for being disciplined ; and 10 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. a very great capacity it is, a very noble gift indeed, — nobler than much cleverness. Several animals are cleverer than the horse in the way of intelligence; not one is so amenable to discipline."^ This is true, unless an exception should be made in favor of the elephant. But Mr. Hamerton omits to state — except perhaps by implication — the very respect in which the superiority of the horse to all other dumb animals is most important and most striking, namely, the fineness of his nervous system. All the great achievements of the horse ; all his wonderful Hights of speed and feats of endurance ; all his ca- pacity for being guided, restrained, quickly turned, and stopped, for being urged to the limit, and beyond the limit, of his strength, — all, in fact, that is glo- rious in him springs from the sensitiveness of his nervous organization. In this respect no other dumb animal that I know of will bear comparison with the horse. IVIr. Hamerton well says, in contrasting the horse and the ass : — " I have never yet seen the donkey which could be guided easily and safely through an intricate crowd of carriages or on a really dangerous road. The de- ficiency of the ass may be expressed in a single word, — it is deficiency of delicacy. You can guide a good horse as delicately as a sailing-boat ; when the skil- ful driver has an inch to spare he is perfectly at his ^ Mr. Hamerttju adds that the horse is not observant except of places. But this is a great mistake. A strange footfall in a stable will be noticed in a moment by all the occupants of the stalls. A lively horse observes the least movement of his groom or rider, and his curio.sity is extreme. On strange roads horses always drive better than on familiar roads. They are more alert and go faster, so as to see what is coming next. THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 11 ease, and he can twist in and out amongst the throng of vehicles, when a momentary display of self-will in the animal would be the canse of an immediate acci- dent. The ass apjiears to be incapable of any delicate discipline of this kind." What makes the horse so delicate an instrument to play upon is the quick and tine connection between his nerves and his brain, and the sensitiveness of his skin. People who have never entered into the art of driving or riding, though they may both drive and ride all their lives, think that holding the reins is something like steering a heavy boat : pull to the right if you want to go in that direction, pull hard if you want to stop, and so on.^ But the real art of driving and riding is the exercise of a light, firm, sensitive hand upon the reins, and the continual play of intelligence, of command on the one hand and of obedience on the other, between the man and the horse. The same nervous development that makes the horse a sensitive, controllable, pliable animal makes him also capable of great feats. To run or trot fast, in heat after heat, requires not only mechanical fitness, such as well proportioned limbs, good bone and mus- cle, good lung power, etc., but also an inward energy, the "do or die " spirit, as horsemen call it. Many a ^ Opinion as to what constitutes excellence in horse-flesh is very diverse. I remember once hearing the praises of a certain Dobbin sung with great enthusiasm by a literary man. This was the most perfect horse in the world ; but, on cross-examination, perfection was found to reside in one (juality, — wherever you left him, there the animal would stand witliout being tied. You might be gone a year, and come bacic to find liim still waiting for you in the middle of the road. 12 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. horse has speed enough to make a racer, but lacks the requisite courage aud determination. " She was tried a good mare, but never won anything," is a phrase of frequent occurrence in William Day's reminiscen- ces. There are cases in which thousands of dollars have been spent for fast trotters that were afterward sold for a few hundreds, simply because they were too sluggish and faint-hearted to keep on after they be- came tired. On the other hand, almost all the fastest horses, the "record breakers," whether among racers or trotters, have been remarkable for their nervous, " high-strung " constitutions. The trainer of Sunol (the California filly, who has a three-year-old record of 2.10, and who at four years of age trotted a mile upon a kite-shaped track in 2.08|), after describing the great difficulty that he experienced in breaking her, says : " Not that she was actually vicious, but she had and has a will, a temper, and a determina- tion of her own, and at that time every individual hair seemed to contain a nerve." Even among the best breeds of cart horses, such as the Percherons and Clydesdales, the same quality is not altogether wanting, and in general it distinguishes, as I have said, the horse from all other dumb animals. It follows, of course, that the horse is the most irri- table of creatures, the most easily worried and dis- tressed. Little things, such as no other animal, man included perhaps, would mind, annoy and exasperate him. If, for example, you notice a row of express- wagon horses backed up against the curbstone, you will easily perceive that every horse there has his temper permanently ruined by the frequent passing of vehicles before him, thus obliging him to turn THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 13 his head. Harsh treatment, though it stop short of inflicting physical pain, keeps a nervous horse in a state of misery. "An hostler's angry tone will send a 'quiver of fear — I have seen it scores of times — down a whole barnful of stalls." ^ On the other hand, it is perfectly true, as a besotted but intelligent stable-keeper once observed to me, "A kind word for a hoss is as good sometimes as a feed of oats." A single blow may be enough to spoil a racer. Daniel Lambert, founder of the Lambert branch of the Morgan family, was thought as a three- year-old to be the fastest trotting stallion of his day. He was a very handsome, stylish, intelligent horse, and also extremely sensitive. His driver, Dan Mace, though one of the best reinsmen that the track has produced, once made the mistake, either through ill temper or bad judgment, of giving Daniel Lam- bert a severe cut with the whip, and that single blow put an end to his usefulness as a trotter. He became wild and ungovernable in harness, and re- mained so for the rest of his life. One of the best, most docile, most intelligent ani- mals that I have known was a powerful brown horse belonging to a veterinary surgeon. When the doctor was making professional visits in the city where he lived, he would often walk from one stable to another, and beckon or call to the horse to follow him. This the latter would always do, waiting pa- tiently meanwhile. But if any strange man or boy mounted the gig and attempted to drive him off, he could not be made to budge an inch. This animal 1 I quote this just remark from a ])u1)lished sermon upon dumb animals, delivered by the Kev. G. L. Walker of Hartford. Conn. 14 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. showed, his iutelligence and docility in many other ways ; and yet he had begun liis career in harness by killing two or three men, more or less, and the sur- geon, who perceived that the horse was naturally kind, and that his temper had been soured by ill treatment, purchased him for a song. He served his master faithfully for more than twenty years. I do not mean to say that a nervous horse is always courageous and always intelligent, nor to imply that courageous intelligent horses are invariably nervous.-^ But these qualities commonly go together; and as the horse is distinguished from all other dumb beasts by a highly developed nervous system, if I may be for- given for repeating the statement, so the finest speci- mens of the genus are usually those in which this development is most conspicuous. Hence, in dealing with the horse, more than with most animals, one ought to exercise patience, care, and, above all, the power of sympathy, so as to know, if possible, the real motive of his doing or refusing to do this or that. To acquire such knowledge, and to act upon it when acquired, is a large part of the ethics of horse-keeping. In the matter of shying, for example, great dis- crimination needs to be exercised. Everybody knows ^ It Iiappens sometimes, though rarely, that a courageous horse is sluggish and has to be " arouserl," even by the whip. Such an an- imal is the trotting stallion Weilgewood, one of the best "finishers" ever se(m on tlio track, and famous for winning races of numerous heats against speedier but less enduring competitors. Another type is that of the amliitious, but soft and washy horse, who goes off at a great pace, but soon tires. The ideal roadster starts slowly, gradually warms to his work, and after ten miles or so (just when the inferior horse has liad enough) begins to be full of play. Such pre-eminently is the habit of the Morgan family. THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 15 that when horses are in good spirits, especially in cold weather, they will often shy at sights or sounds which under other circumstances they pass by with- out notice. In such a case it is always assumed that the horse, out of roguisliness, is simply pretending to be afraid ; and commonly this is true. Frequently, indeed, horses work themselves into a condition of panic for the mere fun of the thing, — to enjoy the pleasure of running or shying off from the object of their half-real, half-fictitious terror, just as a school-girl might scurry through a churchyard at dusk. In one of Mr. Galton's books there is a passage about wild animals which throws light on the conduct of some tame animals. He says : " From my own recol- lection, I believe that every antelope in South Africa has to run for its life every one or two days upon an average, and that he starts or gallops under the influ- ence of a false alarm many times in a day. Those who have crouched at night by the side of pools in the desert, in order to have a shot at the beasts that frequent them, see strange scenes of animal life : how the creatures gambol at one moment and fight at an- other ; how a herd suddenly halts in strained atten- tion, and then breaks into a maddened rush, as one of them becomes conscious of the stealthy movements or rank scent of a beast of prey. Now this hourly life- and-death excitement is a keen delight to most wild creatures." But there is more behind. I am convinced that nervous horses, Avhen in high condition, and stimu- lated by the cold or otherwise, are often actually frightened by objects which do not thus affect them 16 ROAD, TKACK, AND STABLE. at otlier times. Their nerves, being more tense, send a different message to the brain. I have seen a man of robust constitution, but just getting out after a long illness, jump like a colt when a piece of white paper blew across the sidewalk before him. Now, what illness had done for his nerves, high condition, cold air, want of exercise, will do for the nerves of a horse, especially if he be a young horse ; and the moral is, that for shying thus brought about the whip is no cure. In fact, even for intentional shying the use of the whip does more harm than good ; it is per- missible only wheii the horse refuses to approach or to pass a particular object. If he cannot be led or coaxed forward, then it is well to employ punish- ment, for he must never be allowed to disobey. The success in equine matters of Avhich Americans can fairly boast is due chiefly to the fact that we have consulted the equine nature. Our trainers, perceiving that the horse is a nervous, timid, and yet docile ani- mal, have endeavored to win his confidence, rather than to subdue his spirit. Instead of breaking colts, Ave " gentle " them ; and that single word developed in the daily usage of the stable eloquently indicates the difference between the old method and the new, between American horse-training and foreign horse- breaking. The superintendent (jf a large stock farm states : " At the age of six months we take up the colts and gentle them. After several Aveeks of this work they are again turned out. At fourteen months old they are taken up and driven double with an old horse, and in a short time they are put in single har- ness." In smaller estal)lishments even greater pains are taken to domesticate tiie colt from infancy up- THE ETHICS OP HORSE-KEEPING. 17 ward ; and iu general the method is to accustom him gradually to the bit, to the harness, to being driven and ridden, so that liis education is completed by a succession of small steps, each achieved without a struggle, without rebellion, without exciting the fear or hatred of the colt. The result is that our horses are commonly gentle. I have seen a high-spirited stallion, on the fourth occasion of his being in har- ness, driven to a top- wagon, and going so kindly that the owner did not hesitate to take his child of three years with him. In England great improvement in these matters has been made in recent years, but the British horse- trainer is still behind the age. Vicious horses, again, are far more to seek here than is the case abroad. Abroad there is no difficulty in providing those horse- breakers who perform in public with specimens on which to exert their skill, — with "man-eaters," con- firmed kickers, etc. But in this country, when such an exhibition is to be given, say in Xew York or in Boston, it is found almost, sometimes quite, impos- sible to procure a beast savage enough to do credit to his subjugator. John Bull has accomplished wonders with horses, and nobody, I presume, has lighter hands or more " faculty " in the management of them than the gen- tlemen of England. But the understrappers and grooms, the breakers and trainers, lack the sympa- thetic understanding, the gentleness and patience, that are essential for the proper education of a horse. To discover what could be done by the exercise of these qualities was, I make bold to say, reserved for the American trainer ; and anybody who studies the 18 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. history of the trotting horse will perceive the truth of this statement. I read lately of a former well known M. F. H. Avho kept an enormous equine establishment, and yet among all his men there was but one tit to be in- trusted with the exercise of his best hunters. To create the trotter, increasing his speed within seventy-five years from a mile in 2.40 to a mile in 2.08f, was perhaps an even greater achievement than the development of the modern thoroughbred in the one hundred and fifty years that have elapsed since the importation to England of the Godolphin Arabian. The utility of the achievement is another matter ; and I should confess to some sympathy with the critic who was inclined to estimate it lightly. But what- ever we may think of the result, whether or not we hold that a 2.08 horse is greatly better than a 2.40 horse, the value of the process by which this result was reached can hardly be exaggerated. The trainers of the American trotter have taught the world the best lesson that it has ever received in the ethics of horse-keeping. The case of Johnston, the famous pacer, illustrates what can be acconijilished by humoring the sensitive equine disposition. "■ He was," writes John Splan, his trainer and driver, " the most nervous horse that I ever saw, and I found that in shipping him about from one track to another he became more nervous and irritable. If you left him long alone in the stable, he would tramp around like a wild animal, and get himself in a sweat. If anybody went into the stall next to him, and began to hammer or make anything like a loud noise, he would try to climb out of the THE ETHICS OF HORSE-KEEPING. 19 window. Whenever a stranger stepped into liis stall he would give a snort and back into the farthest cor- ner." Splan, with some difficulty, obtained the ser- vices of a quiet, faithful " rubber " or groom called "Dave." Dave procured a dog as additional com- pany for Johnston, and these three remained insep- arable through the period of Johnston's training. It was a matter of course that the groom should sleep in the stall, but he never left it, day or night, having all his meals brought there. Under this treatment Johnston rapidly improved. He became less ner- vous, ate better, and in the event lowered the pacing record to 2.06^, a mark which has not yet been sur- passed upon a regulation track. There remains only one branch of the subject which I feel bound to consider, namely, the duty of the owner toward the horse that has grown old and in- firm in his service. I Sc^y little about the man who employs horses in the course of his business ; let him settle the matter with his own conscience, though I cannot refrain from the obvious remark, that whereas it might be a poor man's duty to sell his superannu- ated beast for what he would bring, lest his family should suffer, so it would be the rich man's duty to dispose of his work horses in a diiferent manner. But as regards horses bought and used for pleasure this general rule seems to me undeniable, that the owner is morally bound to protect them from cruelty when they become old or broken down. He may do it by killing them, or otherwise, as he sees fit. But how seldom is this duty performed ! It is neglected, pos- sibly, more from thoughtlessness than from intention. A span of carriage horses, we will say, after some 20 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. years of service, lose their style ; they become a little stiff, a little '• sore forward," it may be ; one of them, perhaps, is suffering from incipient spavin; and on the whole it is thought high time to dispose of them, and get a fresher, younger pair. Accordingly, John, the groom, is directed to take them to an auction stable, and in due course Dives, their old master, re- ceives in return a cheque, — a very small cheque, to be sure, but still large enough to make a respectable con- tribution to foreign missions or to purchase a case of champagne. That is all he knows about the transac- tion, and he does not allow his mind to dwell upon the inevitable results. But let Dives go to the auction stable himself ; let him observe the wistful, homesick air (for horses are often homesick) Avith Avhich the old favorites look about them when they are backed out of the unaccustomed stalls ; then let him stand by and see them whipped up and down the stable floor to show their tardy paces, and Anally knocked down to some hard-faced, thin-lipped dealer. It needs very little imagination to foresee their after career. To begin with, the old companions are separated, — a great grief to both, which it requires a long time to obliterate. The more active one goes into a country livery stable, where he is hacked about by people whose only interest in the beast is to take out of him the pound of flesh for which they have paid. He has no rest on week days, but his Sunday task is the hard- est. On that sacred day, the reprobates of the village who have arrived at the perfect age of cruelty (which I take to be about nineteen or twenty) lash the old carriage horse from one public house to another, and bring him home exhausted and reeking Avith sweat. THE ETHICS OP HORSE-KEEPING. 21 His mate goes into a job wagon perhaps, possibly into a herdic, and is driven by night lest his staring ribs and the painful lameness in his hind leg should attract the notice of meddlesome persons. The last stage of many a downward equine career is found in the shafts of a fruit pedler's or junk dealer's wagon, in which situation there is continual exposure to heat and cold, to rain and snow, recompensed by the least possible amount of food. It may be that one of the old horses whose fate we are considering is finally bought by some poverty-stricken farmer; he works without grain in summer, and passes long winter nights in a cold and draughty barn, with scanty cov- ering, and no bed but the floor. It is hard that in his old age, when, like an old man, he feels the cold most, and is most in need of nourishing food, he should be deprived of all the comforts — the warm stall and soft bed, the good blankets and plentiful oats — which were heaped upon him in youth. If, as is probably the case, the old carriage horse has been docked, his suffering in warm weather will greatly be increaserl . That form of mutilation which we call docking is, I believe, inartistic and barbarous, and I do not doubt that before many years it will be- come obsolete, as is now the cropping of horses' ears, which was practised so late as 1840. But still I should not utterly condemn the owner for docking his horses, or buying them after they had been docked, which comes to the same thing, if his intention and custom were to keep them so long as they lived. But to dock a horse, thus depriving him forever of his tail, to keep him till he is old or broken down, and then to sell him for what he will bring, is the 22 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. very refinement of cruelty. The Anglomaniacs, to whom we owe the revival of docking, should consider that in our climate of flies and mosquitos the practice is infinitely more cruel than it is in England. I have endeavored to show that the horse is an animal peculiarly capable of suffering, and to suggest some of the ways in which his suffering can be pre- vented or alleviated. Of late years, thanks largely to anti-cruelty societies, the horse has been less abused than was formerly the case. But let any one, and especially any one who may have a fancy for the human race, consider what awful arrears of cruelty to dumb animals have accrued at its hands. Let him think of the horses that have been baited to death, as bulls are baited ; let him think of the unspeakable remedies that have been applied by ignorant farriers and grooms, such as the forcing of ground glass into the animal's eye ; let him think of the horses that have been "whipped sound" in coaches and heavy wagons, — that is, compelled by the lash to travel chiefly on three legs, one leg or foot being disabled, until the overwrought muscles gave out entirely ; let him think of th*e agonies that have been inflicted by beating and spurring, of the heavy loads that a vast army of painfully lame, of diseased, and even of dying horses have been forced to draw. Let him take but a single glance at the history of the human race in this respect, and another perhaps at his own heart, and then declare if it be not true, as was once remarked to me,^ " Man deserves a hell, were it only for his treatment of horses." 1 By the late John Boyle O'Reilly. II. TROTTING FAMILIES. THE American trotting horse is derived from these sources : — The English thoroughbred.^ The Norfolk trotter. The Arab and Barb. Certain pacers of mixed breeding. And just as the best running horses now extant in 1 A thoroughbred is one all of whose ancestors, back to the eighteenth century, are recorded either in the English or in the American Stud Book for running horses. The American work is a continuation for this country of the English. The first volume of the English Stud Book was issued in 1808, and an annual volume of each book is published. A thoroughbred is, therefore, a horse of pure running stock. The origin of this stock, which is chiefly Oriental, will be found stated briefly at page 118. 24 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. England are descended from three or four animals foaled in the eighteenth century, and bred chiefly from Arab importations, so the American trotter of to-day can usually be referred to one or more of the following ancestors : jMessenger, True Briton, and Di- omed, thoroughbreds ; Bellfounder, a Norfolk trotter ; Grand Bashaw, a Barb ; Pilot, a Canadian pacer ; and Blue Bull, a pacer from the State of Ohio. Of these horses Messenger has played the greatest part. He was a gray, foaled at Newmarket in Eng- land in the year 1780, and imported to this country in 1788. For a thoroughbred, he was a plain, almost coarse animal, with a big, bony head, low withers, up- right shoulders, and a rather short, straight neck. But his shoulders were deep and strong, his loins and quar- ters very powerful, his legs flat and clean. He had big knees, big hocks ; and his windpipe and nostrils were described by a contempoiary writer as being "nearly twice as large as ordinary." He stood 15| hands high, and, " whether at rest or in motion, his legs were always in a perfect position." The low withers, the upright shoulders, the plain head, Messenger inherited from Sampson, his great-grandsire,^ a. black horse ; and these peculiarities, as well as the black color, were so ex- traordinary in a horse of Oriental breeding, that suspi- cions have been entertained as to Sampson's pedigree, and some writers have asserted that his dam was a Lin- colnshire cart mare. But the best authorities do not appear to share these painful doubts, and Sampson may safely be regarded as a true thoroughbred, close to the 1 Messenger was V)_v Mambrino, by Engineer, by Sampson, by Blaze, by Flying Childers, by tbe Darley Arabian. Messenger's dam was by Turf, by Matchem, by Cade, l)y tlie Ge skeleton of the horse, whicli is still preserved in the National Museum at Wash- ington. The Orloff trotters of liussia were bred in uuich the same way as the Clays, and there is a resemblance between the two families. Some years ago there was an exhibition of Orloif trotters at a State fair held in • TROTTING FAMILIES. 39 Central ISTew York, neai the former home of Henry Ckiy, and many farmers who saw the Rnssian horses there protested at what they considered an imposition. " These are not foreign horses, the}^ are nothing but Clays," was their criticism. For many years, while tlie Hambletonian star was rising, the Clay family were undervalued and mis- represented ; but finally, when it became apparent that the most successful Hambletonian sires, George Wilkes and Electioneer, were out of Clay mares, and that in many other cases Clay blood had helped to produce extreme speed, this prejudice was dissipated. It seems to be true, howevei', that there is a slight tendency in the family to sulk at critical moments. ''It was undoubtedly," says Mr. H. T. Helm,! "a mental quality, which, when they were collared by an antagonist, and likely to be forced to the utmost, caused them to sulk and refuse to do their best." And Mr. Helm adds that Boston, the famous four-mile racer, and Harry Bassett, his grandson, both exhibited the same trait. I have stated already the maternal lines coming from Clay stock in which chiefly distinction has been won. There is also an important California family descended from the Clays in the paternal line. This is the family founded by The Moor, among whose descendants are Sultan, and the son of Sultan, Stam- boul, Avhose record is 2.11. Tliese California Clays are very beautiful horses, having almost the finish and quality of thoroughbreds. - 1 "Ajnerican Roadsters and Trotting Horses." A valuable work, of which I shall make frequent use. - The breeding of this family is as follows : Henry Clay sired 40 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. It is an interesting fact that the Hambletonians, the Mambrino Chiefs, and the Clays all have a hall- mark, so to say, of their own, not found of course in every individual belonging to their blood, but still extremely common. In the Hambletonian family this is a white hind foot, mottled with black; in the Mambrino Chief family, especially in the Mambrino Patchen branch, it is one hind leg gray from foot to hock ; in the Clays, it is a few gray hairs at the root of the tail. Having now indicated in a general way three of the main sources of trotting speed, — namely, the Messenger strain as exhibited especially in the Ham- bletonian and Mambrino Chief families, the Bell- founder or Norfolk Trotter strain as represented in the Hambletonian family, and the Grand Bashaw or Barb strain preserved in the Clays, — I come to the fourth main source of trotting speed, namely, the Morgans, a New England breed. In the troubled year 1788, one Colonel De Lancey, a King's officer, and a patron of horse racing, was in command of a regiment stationed at a point on Long Island connected with the mainland by a long bridge. As his private charger, the Colonel had a very hand- some bay stallion, a thoroughbred, called True Briton,* and afterward Beautiful Bay. Cassius M. Clay out of a well-bred but untraced mare. Cassius M. Clay sired Clay Tilot out of a mare by Pacing Tilot (a Canadian horse of unknown peilisjree), second dam by Gray Eagle, an in- bred T)iomed. Clay I'ilot sired The Moor out of Belle of Wabash, a very blood-like animal, a thoroughbred, or nearly thorongld)red, grandilaugliter of ini))orted Fylde. ' True Briton was by Lloyd's Traveller, by Imported Traveller. Imported (or Moreton's) 'J'raveller was bred by Mr. Crofts. He TROTTING FAMILIES, 41 Some nameless person, j^^^'^'^^H-'S ^ patriot ambitious to despoil the enemy, or, as is more likely, a miscreant bent upon plunder, stole this True Briton, and ran him across the bridge to Connecticut, and thereupon he became an American possession, and was kept at East Hartford. This horse was the sire of the bay colt afterward known as Justin Morgan. The dam of Justin Morgan is represented to have been of the Wildair breed. Wildair, a horse of the very first quality, was imported from England, and afterward repurchased at a high price and returned to that country. According to other accounts, Justin Mor- gan's dam was descended from the Lindsey Arabian, a noted animal kept first in Connecticut and after- ward in Maryland.^ At all events, it is probable was sired by Partuer, grandson of the Byerly Turk, and graudsire of King Herod. The dam of Traveller was by Bloody Buttocks, the Arabian. The dam of Lloyd's Traveller was by a son of Old Fox, out of Miss Belvoir. 1 The story of this horse is a romantic one. In return for some very important service, he was presented by the Emperor of Mo- rocco to the captain of a Britisii frigate, who took him on board and set sail for home. Being obliged to call at one of the West India islands, the captain put the horse ashore in order that he might exercise himself in a large enclosed yard near the sea. Unfortunately there was a pile of lumber in this yard upon which the horse climbed, and, the lumber slipping, he fell and broke three of his legs. In the harbor at the time tliere happened to be also an American ship commanded by an acquaintance of the British officer, and, as this vessel was intending to remain there for some weeks! the horse was given to the American captain, who brought him on board, put him in a sling, and succeeded in setting his broken legs. The anmial finally arrived in the United States in good condition and was sent to Connecticut, where he soon made a reputation! He was now called Eanger. During the Revolutionarv War some ^ irginia officers, including General Harry Lee, were struck bv the great excellence of certain horses ridden by soldiers from Con- 42 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. that she was nearly, if not quite, as well bred as True Briton, for so remarkable an animal as Justin Morgan could hardly have been a mongrel. It must be remembered that at the time when Justin Morgan was foaled the typical thoroughbred was very unlike the thoroughbred of the present day. He was close to the Arab foundation, and conse quently he was a shorter-legged, rounder built, more compact animal than the race horse of the nineteenth century. Such was the famous and beautiful Gim- crack,^ foaled in 17G0. It is not surprising, therefore, that Justin Morgan, though well-bred, was a chunky little horse, with short legs and round quarters. He had a fine mane and tail, a sliort, powerful back, a longish body, strong, oblique shoulders, a delicate ear, a noble head, and the most intelligent, expressive, and courageous eyes that the spirit of a Houyhnhnm ever looked out of. He stood fourteen hands only, and weighed about nine hundred pounds. He was foaled in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1793, and as a two-year-old he was taken in part payment of a debt by a school-teacher named Justin Morgan, who brought him to Randolph, Vermont. The horse died in 1821, near Chelsea, Vermont. necticiit. On inquiry, they lonrned tliat these horses were sons of Hanger. There were sixty of them, all grays, in a troop com- manded l)y Captain Tallmadge, who is said to have lamented the loss of one of them more hitterly tlian he did the death of a trooper. The Virginia gentlemen made up a j)nrse, and sent one Captain Lindsey to inspect Hanger, and, if the horse answered the account that haindsey's Aral>ian. He was a gray, high-s])irited, of a proud and commanding appearance. ^ Gimcrack was by Cripple, by the (iodolphin Arabian. He stood onl\ 14.1 liands. TROTTING FAMILIES. 4o Justiu Morgan was no trotter, and not till the third or fourth generation did a trotter arise in his family but he was distinguished in three ways, as a draught iiorse, as a short-distance runner, and as a military charger or parade horse. In his day there were no race-courses and no stated races in Vermont ; but when the sporting element gathered at a tavern on a spring or summer evening, they were wont to amuse them- selves by running their horses on the level road in front of the tavern, the prize being a gallon of rum, and in these races Justin Morgan is said never to have been beaten. On the same occasions a contest would often be had in pulling logs ; and when the other horses concerned had done their best, it was the custom of Justin Morgan's owner to hitch him to the heaviest log that had been stirred, then to jump on himself, and the little horse never failed to move the load. When ridden at a muster, his proud carriage made him the cynosure of all eyes ; and he was so intelli- gent and tractable that Avomen could ride him. In line, Justin Morgan was an animal of extraordinary utility and style. To an extraordinaiy extent, also, he stamped his image and impressed his qualities upon his descendants. Unfortunate indeed is the American in whose ears those magic words, " Morgan horse," awake no recol- lection, or not even a thrill of sympathetic interest. For nearly a century the Morgans have served the farmer, the stable-keeper, the minister, the country doctor, the mounted militiaman, and all other people who desired to travel quickly or to be carried hand- somely. Wonderful truly (and perhaps at times a little apocryphal) are the stories of Morgan intelli- 44 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. geuce, of Morgan speed, and of Morgan endurance, that are told by the dim light of a lantern in many a country livery stable in ]S"orthern New England. I remember — But at present we are concerned with the Morgan merely as a trotter, and so I reserve my stories of Morgan roadsters for a subsequent chapter. Justin Morgan's finest son was Sherman, whose dam was a small but highly bred chestnut mare, Sherman himself, a bright chestnut in color, stood no taller than a pony, for he measured only 13| hands. He weighed, however, 925 pounds. Sherman was the sire of Ver- mont Black Hawk, and Vermont Black Hawk founded a trotting family. His dam was a half-bred "Eng- lish " mare from New Brunswick. She stood sixteen hands high, and weighed about eleven hundred pounds. Vermont Black Hawk was foaled in 1833 ; he was a little under fifteen hands, and jet-black in color. This horse, besides being a trotter, had every quality of a good roadster ; he was strong, speedy, enduring ; he had a lively but pleasant disposition, and he was re- markably handsome. His back was short, he carried his head high, and he possessed that elastic " trappy " gait which is the true roadster way of going. His most distinguished son was Ethan Allen, a very beautiful little, bay horse, whose dam was a highly bred gray^ mare, said to be of Messenger descent. Ethan Allen's trotting action was wonderfully smooth and pure. He has a record of 2.15- with running ^ Botli the hlac-k color of his siro and the gray color of his dam are very infrequent in the descendants of Ethan Allen. They are commonly hays or chestnuts. 2 II. B. Winship, a descendant of Ethan Allen, has since trotted a mile in 2.00 with ruiiiiin^he was well born, her sire being Kentucky Hunter, but in her early youth she was considered almost worthless on account of her wild, and, as everybody supposed, ungov^ernable temper. Flora, as they called her at first, was a rough-coated little bay mare, not over fourteen hands two inches high, but possessed of a blood-like head, shapely neck, straight l)ack, and fine legs with powerful muscles. Her birthplace was in the neighborhood of Utica, TROTTING HORSES. 65 New York, where she was sold at the age of four years for the small sum of $13. A few months later, for $80, she passed into the hands of a drover, who took her with him on his way to the city of Xew York. One bright morning in June, 1850, this drover was passing through the beautiful village of Wash- ington Hollow. He was mounted on a tine gray stal- lion, and kept his cattle in line, while the small bay horse was tied to the tail-board of an open wagon drawn by two stout mules and driven by a sleepy negro. This interesting procession attracted the no- tice of one Mr. Jonathan A. Vielee, a shrewd horse- man, who happened to be basking in the sun at his stable door on the morning in ij^uestion, and who, re- marking the strong and gamy appearance of the future Queen of the Turf, hailed the drover, and presently "had the little mare by the nose, and was studying every mark upon her teeth. He then '' — 1 quote from Mr. George Wilkes's history of Flora Temple — " took hold of her feet ; and the little mare lifted them successively in his hand, with a quiet, downward glance that seemed to say, ' You '11 find everything right there, Mr. Vielee, and as fair and as firm as if you wished me to trot for a man's life ! ' And so Mr. Vielee did : and as he dropped the last foot, he liked the promise of the little mare amaz ingly, and it struck him that if he could get her for any sum short of $250 she would be a mighty good bargain. " ' She is about five years old ? ' said Mr. Vielee, inquiringly. "'You have seen for yourself,' replied the drover. "'1 should judge she was all right?' again sug- 5 66 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. gested Mr. Vielee, partly walking rouud the mare, and again looking at lier up and down. " ' Sound as a dollar, and kind as a kitten,' re- sponded the drover, as lirnily as if prepared to give a written guaranty. " ' Not always so kind, neither,' said Mr. Vielee, looking again steadily at the mare's face, ' or I don't understand that deviltry in her eye. But that 's nei- ther here nor there. You say the mare is for sale. Now let's know what you will take for her.' The result was that Mr. Vielee bought her for .$175. " ' And a pretty good price at that,' said the drover to himself on pocketing the cash, ' for an animal that only cost me eighty, and who is so foolisli and flighty that she will never be aijle to make a square trot in her life."" A few weeks later Mr. Vielee took his new pur- chase to New York, and sold her to Mr. G. E. Perrin for .fSSO. "In the hands of Mr. Perrin," relates the graphic writer from whom I have quoted already, "the little bay mare, who had proved so intractable, so flighty, so harum-scarum, and, to come down to the true term, so tvorfhless to her original owners, was favored with more advantages than ever she had en- joyed before. She was not only introduced to the very best society of fast-goers on the Bloom Ingrlale and Long Island roads, but she was taught, when 'flinging herself out' with exuberant and superabun- dant spirit all over the road, as it were, to play her limbs in a true line, and give her extraordinary quali- tiesa chance to show their actual wortli. If ever she made a skip, a quick admonition and a steady check brought her to her senses ; and when in her frenzy TROTTING HORSES. 67 of excitement at being challenged by some tip-top goer, she would, to use a sportmau's phrase, ' travel over herself ' and go ' up ' into the air, she was stead- ied and settled down by a hrm rein into solid trotting and good behavior in an instant. The crazy, flighty, half-racking, and half-trotting little bay mare became a true stepper, and very luckily passed out of her confused ' rip-i-ty clip-i-ty ' sort of going into a clean, even, long, low, locomotive-trotting stroke. Many a man who came up to a road tavern, after having been unexpectedly beaten by her, would say to her owner, as they took a drink at the bar, ' That 's a mighty nice little mare of yours, and if she was only big enough to stand hard work, you might expect a good deal from her.' " But Flora Temple was big enough, as her subse- quent career proved. Little horses, in fact, usually make the best weight-pullers and stand the most work. Hopeful, whose time to a skeleton w^agon for a mile, 2.16^, made in 1878, remained the best on record till 1891,^ was a small gray horse, and, like almost all weight-pullers, a very short and quick stepper. " If little horses of this sort be particu- larly examined." says a high authority, " it will com- monly be found that, though they are low, they are long in all the moving parts ; and their quarters are generally as big and sometimes a deal bigger than those of many much larger horses." This remark would apply to Arab coursers, who, although their muscles are great, rarely stand above 14|- hands ; and 1 In the autumn of 1891, Allerton (a grandson of George Wilkes and of Mambrino Patchen) trotted a mile to wagon on a kite- shaped track in 2.15. 68 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. many thoroughbreds, conspicuous for their staying- powers, have iiad the same general conformation. Flora Temple soon came into the hands of Hiram Woodruff, and under his tuition she became a famous race horse. She reduced the mile record, as we have seen, from 2.25^ to 2.19|, being equally good at two and three mile heats. There were several contemporary trotters, between whom and Flora Temple very little difference in speed existed when they first encoun- tered her ; but she outlasted the others. Some of these horses actually beat her once or twice ; but the longer they kept at it, the wider became the distance between them and the little bay mare, of whom it had been said that she might prove valuable if she were only big enough to stand hard work. Highland Maid, a well-bred, long-stepping bay mare ; Tacony, the first horse to make a record of 2.25^ ; Lancet ; Ethan Allen ; Rose of Washington ; Princess, a very handsome, high-bred mare, who came on from Cali- fornia expressly to beat Flora Temple ; John Mor- gan, a big, fine-looking golden-chestnut horse of good breeding, brought from the West for the same pur- pose ; George M. Patchen, a famous brown stallion of Morgan and Clay blood, — all these horses and many others engaged with Flora Temple, sometimes "turn and turn about," but all were badly l^eaten in the (md. " Flora Temple," said Hiram Woodruff, ''would train on and got better, when thoroughly hardened, towards the middle and close of the season. This is one of the most valuable (]ualities that a trot- ting horse can liave. The greatest excellence in trot- ting is only to be reached through much labor and cultivation. Now, if strong work at a few sharp TROTTING HORSES. 69 races overdoes a horse and knocks him off, it is a great, almost an insurmountable obstacle to his at- taining the greatest excellence, even in speed for a mile." After Flora Temple came Dexter, a brown horse with a white face and four white feet, by Kysdyck's Hambletonian. He also had remarkable courage and endurance, his dam being of the American Star family. " Some of the Stars," Hiram Woodruff said, " have given out in the legs ; but their pluck is so good that they stand up to the last, when little better than mere cripples. It is no wonder that they have great game and courage ; for Starts grandsire was the thor- oughbred four-miler Henry, who ran for the South on the Island here against the Northern horse Eclipse, in 1823. I went to see the race, being then six years old, and got a licking for it when I came home." The Stars were descended from Diomed, Dexter was first sold at the age of four, bringing four hundred dollars. He lowered the record to 2.17^, and doubtless would have reduced it still further had he not become the property of Mr. Robert Bonner, who withdrew him from the turf. The excellence of this horse probably gave the finishing blow to an old superstition which is embodied in the following stanza . — " One wliite foot, inspect liim , Two white feet, reject him , Three white feet, sell him to your foes; Four white feet, feed him to the crows." The first great performance of Dexter was made in October, 1865, when he trotted under saddle against 70 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. time, being matched to beat 2.19. He was trained by Woodruff, but ridden in the race by John Murphy, a very skilful horseman, and one of the few jockeys whose reputation for honesty was always absolutely unblemished. In this match. Dexter trotted the first half-mile in 1.06^ ; but after passing that point he broke. " When he broke," Hiram Woodruff relates, " the people cried, 'He can't do it this time ! ' But he settled well, and when he came on to the home stretch he had a fine burst in. I was up towards there, and sung out to Johnny, as he came by me, 'Cut him loose ; you '11 do it yet ! ' Then Johnny clucked to him, and he went away like an arrow from the bow, true and stmight, and with immense resolution and power of stroke. I knew he must do it if he did not break before he got to the score, and up I tossed my hat into the air. I never felt happier in all my life. The time given by the judges was 2 m. 18^ s. ; the outsiders made it somewhat less." Of the great trotters, Dexter seems to have been the best " all-round " horse, for none of his contempo- raries was able to beat him either in one, two, or three mile heats ; and he showed his superiority to a wagon or under saddle as Avell as in harness. Hiram Wood- ruff anticipated, but did not live to see his greatest triumphs. " It is a long time now," he wrote shortly before his own death, "since I took Mr. Foster to his box, and, pointing out his very remarkable shape, — the wicked head, the gaino-cock throttle, the immense depth over the heart, the fiat, oblique shoulder, laid back clean under the saddle, the strong back, the mighty haunches, square and as big as those of a cart-horse, and the good, wiry legs, — predicted to TROTTING HORSES. 71 him that here stood the future Lord of the Trotting World/' Goldsmith Maid, who reduced the mark from 2.17^ to 2.14, had almost the appearance of a thoroughbred. She was small, being 15| hands high ; her legs were lean, flat, and wiry; her head and neck were finely cut, and indicative of good breeding ; she was deep through the lungs, but so slight in the waist as to su"-gest a lack of constitution, although she was in. reality extremely tough and lasting ; her feet were small and good. It was said of this famous mare that " in her highest trotting form, drawn to an edge, she is almost deer-like in appearance ; and when scor- ing for a start, and alive to the emergencies of the race, with her great flashing eye and dilated nostrils, she is a perfect picture of animation and living beauty. Her gait is long, bold, and sweeping, and she is, in the hands of a driver acquainted with her peculiarities, a perfect piece of machinery." Not a few horses like Goldsmith Maid have had this peculiar thin-waisted appearance, and yet were pos- sessed of much nervous strength and of great cour- age. A noted trotter described by Hiram Woodruff was of this character. "Rattler," he says, "was a bay gelding, fifteen hands high, a fast and stout horse, though light- waisted and delicate in appetite and con- stitution. He was a very long stridor, and when going liis best it sometimes seemed as though he would part in the middle." He was afterward taken to England, where the climate suited him so well that he gained in appetite, and consequently in health and strength. Goldsmith Maid, when six years of age, was sold by her breeder for $260, having never been put to work 72 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. ou account of her nervous disposition. She had, how- ever, taken a very creditable part in certain amateur running races, which were held in a grassy lane about one quarter of a mile long. These dashes always took place by moonlight, being unauthorized by the elders of the family, but secretly enjoyed by the boys on the farm. Soon after she left her birthplace the Maid was sold again for $600 to Mr. Alden Goldsmith, a famous horseman, by whom she was named. He kept her for five years, and sold her for $20,000. Her dam was a well-bred animal, probably a daughter of Abdallah, who sired Rysdyck's Hambletonian. Goldsmith Maid's sire was Alexander's Abdallah, whose origin and fate are described in the preceding chapter. All the great trotters have had grooms, or " rub- bers," as they are technically called, between whom and the horses a strong affection existed. The name of Peter Conover is linked in this way with that of Dexter. Conover not only "rubbed" Dexter, but made most of his "boots," and gave him his exercise. Dexter was an intelligent horse, and whenever Budd Doble, who drove him in his races, mounted the sulky, he would become excited and pull, thinking that a contest impended ; but with his groom holding the reins he would go along quietly enough. The same thing is true of Nancy Hanks. Rarus had his " Dave " and " Barney." A colored man named Grant was trans- ferred to Mr. Bonner with Maud S., as being neces- sarily appurtenant to her. "Lucy Jimmy" was, as his name denotes, the attendant of Lucy, a celebrated mare contemporary with Goldsmith Maid, and very little inferior to her in speed. " Old Charlie " faith- TROTTING HORSES. 73 fully served the Maid herself for many years, during live of which he was never absent from her stall ex- cept for two nights. Goldsmith Maid, like Rarus and like Johnston, the wonderful pacer, had a little dog as a companion. " They were a great family," says Mr. Doble, " that old mare, ( jld Charlie, and the dog, — apparently interested in nothing else in the world but themselves, and getting along together as well as you could wish. When it was bed-time Charlie would lie down on his cot in one corner of the stall, his pillow being a bag containing the mare's morning feed of oats ; the Maid would ensconce herself in another corner ; and somewhere else in the stall the dog would stretch himself out. About live o'clock in the morn- ing the Maid would get a little restless and hungry. She knew well enough where the oats were, and would come over to where Charlie lay sleeping and stick her nose under his head, and in this manner wake him, and give notice that she wanted to be fed." Goldsmith Maid, after her retirement from the track, exhibited a very bad temper, and became noto- rious for kicking and biting. She was kept at a stock farm in Trenton, New Jersey, and one day, after an absence of some years, " Old Charlie " came to see her. He was warned not to go near the mare, but neverthe- less he entered her paddock. The Maid recognized him immediately, neighed with pleasure, and, coming up, rubbed her nose against him with every mark of affection. At this farm. Goldsmith Maid met her old rival, Lucy, and the two venerable mares struck up a great intimacy ; they became constant companions, and repelled with teeth and heels all other equine society. 74 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. I shall speak hereafter of Goldsmith Maid's remark- able intelligence in " scoring." But perhaps the most interesting fact in her career is that she made her fastest time, 2.14, at the age of nineteen ; and on her twenty-first birthday Budd Doble drove her a mile in 2.16. Goldsmith Maid continued on the track for nearly fifteen years, conquered all the fastest horses of her time, and trotted in all 332 heats under 2.30. She lasted so long partly because of her good breed- ing, and partly, it may be, because she was never trained or worked until she had become a mature horse. The fashion now is to make the trotter's career begin while he is a colt, but although the prac- tice has not been tested thoroughly, it must be fraught with danger. If it ever should become general, it is certain that many young horses would be over- worked and ruined every year, comparatively few drivers having the discretion and patience that are required for the safe " preparation " of a colt. There have been other horses who, like Goldsmith Maid, being well bred and beginning at a mature age, lasted a long time on the track. Dutchman, who trotted his first race at six years of age, was a sound and fast horse at eighteen. Topgallant, a grandson of the thoroughbred imported horse Messenger, and the first to make a record of 2.40, is a still more extraordinary example. When twenty-four years old he trotted a very hard race of four three-mile heats against all the best horses of his day, winning one heat ; and the week after he engaged in another race of three-mile heats, which he Vv^on. Old Topgallant was a gr(^at favorite of Hiram Woodruff, who as a boy took care of him, and as a young man trained, rode, and drove TROTTING HORSES. 75 him. Woodruff describes Topgallant as " a dark bay horse, 15 hands 3 inches high, plain and rawboned, but with rather a fine head and neck, and an eye expressive of much courage. He was spavined in both hind legs, and his tail was slim at the root. His spirit was very high, and yet he was so reliable that he would hardly ever break, and his bottom was of the finest and toughest quality. He was more than fourteen years of age before he was known at all as a trotter, except that he could go a distance, the whole length of the New York Eoad, as well as any horse that had ever been extended on it." At the close of the Civil War there was living on a small farm at Greenport, Long Island, one Mr. R. B. Conklin, a retired stage carpenter, who by industry and thrift had saved a little money. Mr. Conklin had a passion for horses, especially for trotters, and he con- ceived the idea that a certain colt born on his farm, and the only one that he ever raised, was destined to become the champion trotter of the world. The colt's sire was Conklin's Abdallah, whose breeding is unknown. Its mother was a gray nag called Nancy Awful, half-thoroughbred, and very high-spirited. She also belonged to Mr. Conklin, and his belief in her and in her colt became a sort of religion. Many men, no doubt, under similar circumstances, have been equally enthusiastic, but the peculiarity in this case was that Mr. Conklin had always enjoyed the repu- tation of being 'Hiard-headed." His neighbors there- fore came to the charitable conclusion that on this particular subject the old carpenter had gone mad. The foal was certainly very promising, long, muscular, and full of life and spirit. " From the day of its 76 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. birth," says the historian, " it was treated differently from any other animal on the place. As soon as it Jiad been weaned, a suitable stall was built in a big barn for its accommodation, and from that day forth nothing was left undone to secure its comfort ; and it was not long before Conklin and his colt were the talk of that end of Long Island. When the colt was three years old it was broken to harness, and during the following summer took part in a little race on the Island, winning the contest in about three min- utes. Then the old man was more certain than ever that he had the wonder of the world, and redoubled his efforts in the way of care, etc., had a special sta- ble built for the colt, with an office adjoining, where in winter, all seated around a big fire, he would entertain his neighbors, telling them w^hat a great horse that colt was going to be. . . . For the next two years Mr. Conklin gave almost his entire time to the care and education of this colt. He bought himself a light wagon, got a set of double harness, secured an old runner, and as he was a very heavy man, and did not want to compel the colt to draw his weight, he hooked him by the side of the runner, and in this manner he received his first lessons in trotting." ^ The extraordinary part of this story is that the colt, who was called Rarus, perfectly fulfilled the extrav- agant expectations of his breeder and owner, becoming the champion trotter of the world, and reducing the record in 1878 to 2.13|. Mr. Conklin brought him up well, for Splan, in whose hands Rarus passed the 1 This quotation is from John Sjilan's " Life witli tlio Trottors," a vcrv ciitortaininsr work. TROTTING HORSES. 77 famous part of his career, declared that he never drove a better broken horse. Earus was a rangy bay, of high courage, with a phiin though blood-like and intelligent head, a good neck, but rather poor feet. Excepting the tendency to in- flammation in his feet, he was a remarkably healthy horse, never losing his appetite despite the long jour- neys that he made and tlie hard races that he trotted. At one time Earus served as a foil for Goldsmith Maid, just as in earlier days George M. Patchen, John Morgan, and other horses did for Flora Temple, and as the same Patchen and Princess did later for Dex- ter. But in this case there was a difference. Earus was much younger than Goldsmith Maid, and he was controlled by a driver who had no notion of using him up in hopeless contests. Both horses spent the Avinter of 1876-77 in Cali- fornia, where they gave some '' exhibition " races, no pools being sold, and it being understood that Earus would not attempt to win. In the spring, a purse was offered in a " free-for-all " race, near San Fran- cisco, and both Goldsmith Maid and Earus were entered. The betting men in general supposed that the Maid would have an easy victory, but Earus de- feated her, Splan and his friends thus winning a great sum. This race marked the end of Goldsmith Maid's public career. Earus took her place as a "■ star " performer, and tAvo years later he was sold to Mr. Eobert Bonner for $36,000. No sketch of Earus would be complete without some mention of his remarkable friendship for a dog. When the horse was in California, a fireman gave to Splan a wiry-haired Scotch terrier pup, who was then <8 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. two months old, and weighed when full grown only fifteen pounds. Splan in turn gave the pup to Dave, the groom of Harus, with a caution not to let the horse hurt him. for on several occasions Rarus had bitten dogs that ventured into his stall. But to this terrier, who is described as possessing '• almost human intel- ligence," the trotter took a great fancy, which the dog fully returned. They became fast and inseparable friends. " Not only," says Mr. Splan, " were they ex- tremely fond of each other, but they showed their affection plainly as did ever a man for a woman. We never took any pains to teach the dog anything about the horse. Everything he knew came to him by his own patience. From the time I took him to the sta- ble, a pup, until I sold Earns, they were never sepa- rated an hour. We once left the dog in the stall while we took the horse to the blacksmith shop, and when we came back we found he had made havoc with every- thing there was in there, trying to get out, while the horse during the entire journey was uneasy, restless, and in general acted as badly as the dog did. Dave remarked that he thought that we had better keep the horse and dog together after that. When Rarus went to the track for exercise, or to trot a race, the dog would follow Dave around and sit by the gate at his side, watching Rarus with as much interest as Dave did. When the horse returned to the stable after a heat, and was unchecked, the dog would walk up and climb up on his forward legs and kiss him, the horse always bending his head down to receive the caress. In the stable, after work was over, Jim and the horse would often frolic like two boys. If the horse lay down, Jim would climb on his back, and in that way TROTTING HORSES. 79 soon learned to ride him ; and whenever 1 led Rarus out to show him to the public, Jim invariably knew what it meant, and enhanced the value of the per- formance by the manner in which he would get on the horse's back. On these occasions the horse was shown to halter, and Jimmy, who learned to distinguish such events from those in which the sulky was used, would follow Dave and Earus out on the quarter stretch ; and then w^hen the halt was made in front of the grand stand, Dave would stoop down, and in a flash Jimmy would jump on his back, run up his shoulder, from there leap on the horse's back, and there he would stand, his head high in the air and his tail out stiff behind, barking furiously at the people. He seemed to know that he was as much a part of the show as the horse, and apparently took great delight in attract- ing attention to himself.'' When Rarus was sold to Mr. Bonner, Splan sent Jimmy with the horse, rightly judging that it would be cruel to separate them. But in Mr. Bonner's stable there was already a bull-terrier in charge, and one da}' when, for some real or fancied affront, the small dog attacked the larger one, the latter took Jimmy by the neck and was fast killing him ; but Rarus heard his outcries, and perceiving that his little friend was in danger and distress, pulled back on the halter till it broke, rushed out of his stall, and would have made short work with the bull-terrier had he not been re- strained by the grooms. The examples which I have cited prove that horses are far more capable of attaching themselves to other animals, man included, than is commonly supposed ; for neither Dexter nor Goldsmith Maid nor Rarus 80 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. was particularly ati'ectiouate in disposition. There is recorded one extraordinary case of friendship between an old horse and a young one. A trotting-bred colt, called Bay, had conceived a great fondness for a gray gelding who was pastured in the same lot with liim, his affection being warmly returned. When the young horse arrived at the proper age he was sent to a trainer, but in his new quarters he became unmanageable ; he refused to eat, kicked and plunged in his stall, and kept the whole place in an uproar. Finally he was re- turned to the farm, and put back in the lield with his gray friend, where he seemed perfectly contented. His owner then concluded that he would have to send the old horse also to the trainer, as a sort of compan- ion or nurse to the young one. This he did, and there- after the two animals were never separated. When Bay's education was so far advanced that he was thought Avorthy to go on the '' grand circuit," the gray gelding was taken with liim from city to city. In the ''palace horse car" which conveyed Bay and the other costly racers, a stall was invariably reserved for his humble friend ; and whenever Bay engaged in a race the old horse accompanied the " rubbers " to the track, being always stationed in some place where the young trotter could conveniently see and speak to him between the heats. In another case, a great affection sprang up between a trotter and a goat ; and certain friendships between horses and other animals have be- come historical. Thus the Godolphin Arabian had his cat. Eclipse his sheep, and Chillaby or the "Mad Arabian" was excessively fond of a lamb that kept the Hies from him. The 2.13| of Earns was reduced the very next year TROTTING HORSES. 81 by St. Julien to 2.11^. This is a big, slashiug bay horse, with a large but good head, wide hips, aud pow- erful hind legs. His sire was Volunteer, who was by the famous E-ysdyck's Hambletoniau, Volunteer's dam being a well-bred mare, from whom he derived a hand- some head and neck and a high spirit, these being characteristics seldom found in the Hambletonian strain. The dam of St. Julieu was of the Clay fam- ily, which he closely resembled. St. Julien, like many other trotters, was not educated to the turf without the expenditure of exceeding pains on the part of his trainer and driver, Mr. Orrin Hickock. He is a very nervous horse, and it required months of practice be- fore he became accustomed to " scoring," so that he was fit to start m a race. A year later, Maud S. reduced the record to 2.10|, and again in 1885, to 2.08|, which is still the best time for a regulation or oval-shaped track, though on the kite-shaped track Palo Alto equalled it, and Sunol surpassed it by half a second in the autumn of 1891. Jay-Eye-See, with his record of 2.10, held the supremacy for a single day in 1884. He is an honest but ugly little black horse, having hind legs of tre- mendous power, which propel him with the accuracy and force of locomotive driving-wheels. Jay-Eye-See was by Dictator, a son of Rysdyck's Hambletonian, and brother to Dexter. Jay-Eye-See's dam was a daughter of Pilot Jr., and his grandam was by Lex- ington, a famous race horse inbred to Diomed. Maud S., as we have seen, was bred in much the same way. Her sire was Harold, by Rysdyck's Hambletonian ; her dam was Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr., and her grandam was by Boston, the four-mile racer, and sire 6 82 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. of Lexington. Maud S. shows ber thoroughbred quality in every line. She is a medium-sized golden chestnut, with a good neck, a large, but bony, clean- cut, and noble head, ears that are well shaped, though a little too big, and a large eye, full of intelligence and courage. She has a straight back and strong quarters. Her present owner, Mr. Eobert Bonner, says of her : " Maud S. is the most intelligent and the most affectionate animal that I have ever owned. She has, however, ' a will of her own,' and would re- sent harsh treatment of any kind ; but if you use her gently and kindly you can do anything with her. Soloman's dictum concerning children Avould not an- swer in her case. If you did not 'spare the rod,' you would be sure to ' spoil ' her. I would as soon think of striking a woman as to give Maud S. a sharp cut with a whip." There was a time in the career of Maud S. when she was wild, ungovernable, and, as a racing mare, nearly if not quite worthless. But a long course of patient training brought her back to her original state, and she is now perhaps the best driving horse as well as the fastest trotter in the world. I have mentioned the California horses Palo Alto and Sunol. The former, whose breeding has already been stated, is a noble animal, of immense courage, of bull-dog tenacity, and of sound bottom. He is a big brown horse, with fine shoulders, a well-shaped neck, and a handsome though not superfine head. Palo Alto has large, intelligent eyes, widely separated, and altogether he presents an appearance of sub- stance, of character, and of dignity. During the greater part of his career upon the turf he has suf- TROTTING HORSES. 83 fered from a "game" leg, ami yet he has never flinched or faltered. Considering his half-thorough- bred origin, he is a little phlegmatic ; it takes severe work to " warm him up," and he is apt to lose the first heat or two in a race. " Palo Alto." writes Mr. Marvin, " requires constant and vigorous driving, but there is a point beyond which it is dangerous to go." Sunol, his half-sister, has not yet been tested in a long race, but she has shown an extraordinary capacity of sustaining speed for a mile. Of all the famous trotters Sunol appears to have the least pleasant disposition; she is too intelligent to be positively vicious, but she is irritable, and perhaps a little spiteful. It is said that she has an especial dislike for her trainer and driver, Mr. Marvin, and that she shows this feeling unmistakably whenever he comes near her. Nevertheless, the two seem to un- derstand each other perfectly. " Sunol's redeeming feature," says a California writer, "is her affection for her groom." ^ Another balf-brother of Sunol, the young Arion,^ is commonly regarded as the greatest trotter yet pro- duced. Arion is a small bay horse, not particularly beautiful or striking in appearance, except in one re- spect. His hind legs, and especially the hocks, are enormously large and muscular. To this peculiarity, no doubt, he owes his extreme speed. His disposi- tion is superlatively good, and he is said to be full of - Suuol is by Electioneer. Her dam was by General Benton. Sunol's grand am was Waxy, a thoroughbred daughter of Lexing- ton, just mentioned. 2 By Electioneer. His dam is Manette, by Nutwood. Arion's two-year-old record, as already stated, is 2.l0f. 84 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. life and energy. " When he went back to the stall after his wonderful mile at Stockton," relates a writer in the San Francisco Examiner, " Arion was as full of play as any frisky young thing just out of the paddock. He had just trotted a mile that would kill many great horses, but he caught hold of the groom's coat with his teeth, shook it as a terrier does a rat, and nosed around the pockets for sugar, of which he is inordinately fond. Assuring himself that the groom was out of the way, he let fly with one hind foot, and struck the wall behind him with a bang like the report of a pistol ; then he looked around to see how big a hole he had made in the wood." Ariou, it is said, enjoys admiration, and likes to be looked at, talked to, and photographed. " He loves everybody. There is not a streak of meanness in his composition. He woidd not harm a mangy dog that came into his stall to sleep." He has " large, soft eyes." In the course of this brief survey it must have occurred to the reader that there is one respect in which all the most distinguished trotters have resem- bled one another, and that is in their nervous energy, their high spirit and courage. That latent flame which the Washington Hollow horseman detected in the eye of Flora Temple came out afterward in the resolute bursts of speed with which she finished her fastest miles. Dexter was represented as being " chock full of fire and deviltry," and capable of jumping like a cat. Hiram Woodruff, as we have seen, spoke of his "wicked head." Goldsmith Maid had a strong will of her own, and the excitement which she betrayed on the eve of a race showed how fine was her organiza- tion. " She would stand qui(^tly enough," says her I?* TROTTING HORSES. 85 driver, " while being hitched to the sulky," — although she had previously been kicking and plunging in her stall, — " but she would shake and tremble until I have heard her feet make the same noise against the hard ground that a person's teeth will when the body is suddenly chilled ; that is, her feet actually chattered on the ground. The instant I would get into the sulky all this would pass away, and she would start in a walk for the track as sober as any old horse you ever saw." Rarus was so nervous that he never could have been driven with safety on the road, and his courage was of the finest temper. St. Julien was exceedingly high strung, and in hands less patient and discreet than those of his trainer might never have been sub- dued to the purposes of racing. Jay-Eye-See, though I know less of his personal history, is notorious for the pluck that he showed on the last quarters of his hard miles ; and Maud S. is the most spirited, the most determined, and at the same time the gentlest of animals. Sunol is described by Governor Stanford, who bred her, as " a bundle of nerves." Palo Alto ^ is a horse of immense resolution, and Arion overflows with energy. The groom who has been his constant com- panion night and day for the past year or more says that he never saw Arion stand quietly for a full minute. " He is never at rest, and is always at play, except when the harness goes on, and he feels Mar- vin's hand on the lines : then he becomes at once an old campaigner, not a frisky colt." In all these horses we find strength of will, fine- ness of nerve, and a '^ do or die " quality that goes ^ Palto Alto died of pneumonia after this chapter was in type. 86 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. far to redeem the trotting track from those degrading associations with which, one must admit, it is almost always connected. Man may take a lesson from the horse, as well as from the dog, in courage, in resolu- tion, and in discipline. It is a noble spirit that ani- mates the exhausted trotter, who, obedient to the rein and voice of the jockey, expends his last reserve of force on the home stretch, and staggers under the wire a winner by a head. IV. TROTTING RACES. SINCE 1824, when trotting may be said to have begun as a sport, the record has been reduced from 2 minutes 40 seconds to 2 minutes 8| seconds.^ Whence comes this great advance? It is due to improvements in trotting courses, in sulkies, in horseshoes, in boots and toe-weights, in harness (par- 1 Since tliis chapter was printed, the record has been reduced by Nancy Hanks to 2.04. On this occasion, however, she drew the newly invented " bicycle " sulky with pneumatic rubber tires, the use of which is thought to make a saving of at least two seconds in a mile. Nancy Hanks is by Happy Medium, son of Eysdyck's Hambletonian : her dam was Nancy Lee, by Dictator, another son of Hambletonian and brother to Dexter. Nancy Lee's dam was by Edwin Forrest, of the lialf-bred Kentucky Hunter family to which Flora Temple belonged. Edwin Forrest also sired the dam of Mambrino King. 88 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. ticularly in the device of the overdraw check), in training and driving, and finally in the speed and endurance of the trotters themselves. The gain in actual speed for a short distance has been much slighter than is commonly supposed. So long ago as 1866, Hiram Woodruif drove Mr. Bonner's gray mare Peerless (who was bred like Dexter, being in part Messenger and in part Star) a quarter of a mile at the rate of a mile in two minutes, — and this not to a sulky, but to a skeleton wagon, a four-wheeled vehicle, which is much heavier. It is doubtful if this rate of going will ever greatly be surpassed, though it is, I think, commonly believed by horse- men that some time or other a mile will be trotted in two minutes. The gain will probably be not so much in speed for a short distance as in the ability to maintain speed for a full circuit of the track. Even Maud S. flagged a little on the last quarter of her fastest mile. For the past fifty years, and especially for the latter half of that time, much ingenuity and in- ventive skill have been employed to afford the trot- ter all the mechanical assistance that is possible. Tracks are made of an elliptical instead of a round shape, because the two comparatively long stretches or straight pieces thus obtained give the horse, particularly a big-striding one, the opportunity that he requires to get up his speed. Courses laid out in this way are found to be much faster than the old tracks, which were more nearly round. During the past two years many tracks have been constructed in what is called the kite shape, which resembles a long loop, or an oval, the sides of which have TROTTING RACES. 89 been compressed until they nearly meet. On these tracks the horses start from one end of the loop, go up one side, come back on the other, and finish at the starting point. The kite track is considered to be about two seconds faster than the ordinary or regulation track, because it consists almost entirely of two long stretches; but it is of course very un- satisfactory to the spectator, who is able to see, in any real sense, only the beginning and the finish of the race. It seems unlikely that these tracks will long be tolerated.^ Then, too, the footing has greatly been improved. The best tracks now have an underlayer of turf or of bog grass, Avhich makes them springy, and the surface is soft Avithout being deep or heavy. The sulky drawn by Dutchman, the old-time trotter, of whom I have spoken in a former chapter, weighed eighty-two pounds. Hiram Woodruff, writing in 1867, mentioned this fact, adding, " I now have two that weigh less than sixty pounds.". The present weight is about forty pounds. ^ This reduction of forty pounds, or one half of the total weight, since Dutchman's day, makes a great difference in time for a mile, being probably equivalent on the average to about one and a half seconds. 1 In Delaware, perhaps in other States also, a kite track which is clown grade all the way has been constructed. This crowning absurdity was accomplished by making the return side of the loop end at a lower level than that from which the outgoing side of the loop starts. - I have seen lately in a Boston warehouse a skeleton wagon that weighs but fifty pounds, and a top buggy that weighs only one hundred and twenty-eight pounds. Nancy Hanks's sulky weighs but thirty-eight pounds. Such vehicles might almost be described as works of art. 90 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. Equal mechanical skill has been exerted in an- other direction. Many horses cannot be driven at anything like their highest speed without danger of cutting themselves, by striking one foot or leg against another, especially when they " break " ; and to protect them from injury in this manner a great variety of " boots" have been invented. Counting dif- ferent sizes of these articles separately, the number of them now on sale is over two hundred. Very few trotters are able to dispense with boots entirely, and many of them could not be used as race horses at all except for these appliances. The shoeing of trotting horses, again, is an art in itself,^ and so is the use of toe-weights, which are small pieces of brass screwed or otherwise attached to the hoofs of the fore feet. Heavy shoes and toe-weights are employed to make horses trot who otherwise would pace, to keep them level in their gait, and sometimes to cause a length- ening of their stride. The difficulty and importance of these matters may be gathered from the fact that a change of no more than two ounces in a trotter's fore shoes or toe-weights would, in many cases, make a difference of seveial seconds in his speed for a mile, and consequently of thousands of dollars in his value as a race horse. The necessity for toe-weights or heavy shoes lies in some defect of conformation or of gait, and when a trotter is obliged to carry a heavy load in this manner his feet and legs suffer. 1 A fast horse now on the track is shod as follows : a sixteen- ounce shoe on the off fore foot, and a fourteen and a half ounce ■ shoe on the near one ; a shoe of eight ounces on the off hind foot, and one of six ounces on the near liind foot. Jack, to take another instance, wore only light tips on his fore feet when he made his record of 2.12^. TROTTING RACES. 91 The famous Smuggler, a noble browu stallion with a white blaze in his face, a heavy and powerful an- imal, was originally a pacer, and in his races he wore shoes on his fore feet weighing two pounds each; in fact, he is said to have carried at one time three pounds on each fore foot. His great strength and courage enabled him to bear this burden, but event- ually it disabled him. Smuggler was once sold for ^40,000, the highest price at that time ever paid in this country for a horse j and though he was capable of very high speed, he is regarded as on the whole a failure. If he made a single break in a race, he lost so much ground that he was nearly sure to be distanced. This peculiarity is explained by Mr. H. T. Helm, who says that Smuggler's stride with his fore legs is not long enough to correspond with the tremendovis stroke of his hind legs, and consequently that he is apt to lose his balance. If he does so, one of two things must occur : he will either fall headlong and prostrate on the ground, — which of course does not happen, — or he will throw out both fore feet together ; in other words, gallop instead of trot. But Smuggler gallops very high in front, and therefore it is not easy for him to change quickly back again from the gallop to the trot : his speed has to be very much reduced before he can pass from one gait to the other, and in this way he loses so much ground that the other horses in the race are very likely to distance him. That a horse so severely handicapped by heavy shoes could trot such races as Smuggler did is a good illustration of equine strength and pluck. The last factor in the development of the trotting 92 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. horse is the driver; aud here we touch upon the great difference between running and trotting races. A running race may be described, with some exag- geration, as a brief but spirited flight of colts ridden by boys, whereas a trotting race is a long-drawn contest between seasoned horses and mature men, who are commonly the trainers as well as the drivers of their steeds. Not all running horses, to be sure, are colts, nor all their riders boys, but the limit of age in the horse and of Aveight in the man is quickly reached. In trotting races the jockeys are always men; the standard weight is liiO pounds, and if the driver falls below that he must carry lead enough on his sulky to make up the deficiency. In running races, steeple-chases excepted, the weight (including that of the rider) varies, roughly speaking, from 75 to 130 pounds, and a Fred Archer who tips the scales at anything over d20 must retire to private life. Then, again, running races, nowadays at least, al- most invariably consist of a single dash, whereas trotting races are in heats, the best three in five: and this affords an opportunity for stratagem and patience on the part of the driver; for courage, en- durance, and even for recuperation on the part of the horse. There is, therefore, in the trotting race, an element of subtlety which gives it a peculiar fas- cination. The typical driver who has been evolved from these conditions is a spare but sinewy man, with a quiet manner and a firm mouth, — as distinctly American a ])erson as any that can be found. His chief qualities, so far as the horse is concerned, are sympathy and resolution. " Confidence between the trotting horse and his driver,'' said the great master TROTTING RACES. 93 of the art, " is of the utmost importance : it is all iu all. Some men inspire it readily, so that a horse will take hold and do all he knows the first time the man drives him. For another man the same horse will not trot a yard. The truth is that the horse is a very knowing, sagacious creature, much more so than he gets credit for. If a driver has no settled system of his own, or if he is rash or severe without cause, it is not likely that conlidence will be inspired in the horse, even in a long time." It is a fact often remarked, that some drivers suc- ceed much better with certain equine families than with others, the reason doubtless being that they are better adapted to them in disposition. A trainer, for example, who did very well with a well known high-spirited and Avilful breed failed conspicuously with another strain, of a milder and more gentle nature. There are, indeed, some boisterous drivers, but they are not the most successful; in fact, the quality of a horseman can almost be discovered by observing the manner in Avhich he goes up to the animal's head or enters his stall. The loud, rough fellow may be a judge of soundness, and fairly well qualified for the box seat of a hack; but he is not the man for a close finish with a tired horse, when victory depends upon calling out the last reserve of strength ; nor will he make the successful trainer of a high-strung colt. The trotter, moreover, cannot be convinced by mere noise and violence : he is much too clever an animal for that, and will hardly be cheated into thinking that the jockey possesses any quality which he really lacks. But when a driver 94 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. has the required combination of sympathy and force, the trotter is quick to recognize his master and ready to obey him. "One half of a horse's speed," wrote Mr. George Wilkes, "is in the mind of his rider or driver. When it is known to the world that a horse has made a mile a second or half-second faster than it was ever made before, some rider of some other horse, nerving himself with the knowledge of the fact, and infusing that knowledge into his horse by dint of his own enthusiasm, sends Mth a second or two faster still; and the result of the mental emu- lation is a permanent improvement which never is retraced. Hiram Woodruff was the first to take this mental grip of the powers of the trotting horse; and the result in his case was, that, by dint of his own mind, he carried him triumphantly over the gap which lies between 2.40 and 2.18." "Dan Mace," said Woodruff: himself, speaking of another famous reinsman, now dead, "is very reso- lute, and the horses that he handles know it." To drive a trotter with art is, first, to get from him the highest speed of which he is capable; secondly, to keep him from making a break; and, thirdly, to bring him back to the trot with as little loss as possible after a break has actually occurred. To do this well requires a light and "sensational" hand, a sympathetic intelligence, and a vast deal of practice. The break is prevented, sometimes by restraining the animal with voice and rein, when it is simply a case of too much eagerness, but more often by moving the bit in his mouth. If the break happens, the horse "leaving his feet," as the phrase TROTTING RACES. 95 is, and going to a gallop or a run, he must be " caught" by pulling his head to one side, so that he will have to come back to a trot in order to keep his balance ; and in extreme cases it will be necessary to pull him first this way, and then that. The break does not come without premonitory signals; there is a sort of general unsteadiness of the horse's gait, when the change is in contemplation, and at the last moment he moves his ears backward. " The sign of a coming break," says Hiram Woodruff, that excel- lent writer from whom I have quoted so much al- ready, "will be discovered by watching the head and ears of the horse. The attention of the driver ought always to be fixed upon the head of his horse. Many a heat is lost by neglect of this matter. A driver is seen coming up the home stretch a length or a length and a half ahead. Both the horses are tired, but the leading one could win. The driver, however, when he gets \Vhere the carriages are, turns his head to look at the ladies, or to see whether they are looking at him. Just then the horse gives a twitch with his ears; the driver does n't see it; up flies the trotter, and the ugly man behind holds his horse square, and wins by a neck." Of all muscular pleasures, there is none, perhaps, more fine and delicate than this of the skilful reins- man. Whirled along at the rate of a mile in two minutes and a half, he keeps his trotter steady by a slight turn of the wrist, thus moving the bit in the animal's responsive mouth, and so distracting his attention and jogging his memory. If there is any parallel to this exercise, it will probably be found in those clever manipulations of rod and line by 96 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE, means of which an angler transfers the shy but gamy- trout from water to land. Nor is it necessary to mount a sulky in order to experience these delights. Mr. Vanderbilt drove Maud S. and Aldine, harnessed to his road wagon, a mile in 2.15^; at Cleveland, some years ago, a four-in-hand accomplished the same distance in 2.40; and a moderately fast horse, a moderately light wagon, and a smooth road supply all the necessary conditions for artistic driving. There is another function of the bit scarcely less important, and that is to encourage and restore a tired horse. When, at the end of a stoutly contested heat, two trotters are struggling for supremacy, they can be urged by the voice, reinforced either by the whip or by the bit. A coarsely bred, sluggish animal may, at this critical moment, require the lash, but its application to a beast of any spirit is almost sure to disgust and dishearten him. In some subtle way, however, when the driver moves the bit to and fro in the horse's mouth, the effect is to enliven and stim- ulate him, as if something of the jockey's spirit were thus conveyed to his mind. If this motion be per- formed with an exaggerated movement of the arm, it is called "reefing," and it sometimes appears, when it is "neck or nothing," at the end of a heat, as if the driver were actually "sawing" the horse's mouth, whereas in reality, he is only giving the bit a loose but vigorous motion therein. At this point, it might not be amiss to state the conditions of a trotting race, for it is highly probable that to some of my readers the following explanation will not be superfluous. The race is over a mile track, almost elliptical in TROTTING RACES. 97 shape, and the judges are perched in a two-story balcony close to the track, and near one extrem- ity of the ellipse, so that at the end of a heat the horses have a long, straight stretch before reach- ing the goal. Across the track from the judges' stand, and high enough to clear the trotters' heads, is stretched a wire, by the aid of which, in a very close finish, the judges can determine which horse has won. The race is usually " best three in five " ; that is, in order to win, a horse must come in first three times, not necessarily in succession. Thus it will be seen, if there are many contestants in the race, it may be prolonged to seven, eight, and even ten heats, before any one trotter has secured three. But if a horse has taken part in five ^ heats without winning a single one, he is ruled out, or "sent to the barn," as the expression is, and cannot start again. So, also, he may be ruled out if at the close of a heat he is very far behind the winning horse. At a point in the home stretch one hundred feet from the judges' stand, (one hundred and fifty, if eight or more horses are engaged in the race,) a man is stationed with a flag in his hand, which he drops when the winner reaches the wire ; and if any lagging horse has not passed him when his flag falls, that horse is "dis- tanced," and cannot start again. It is possible for a driver to "lay up" a heat, as it is called; that is, if his horse be tired, or for any other cause, he may content himself for that heat with just "saving his distance," making no effort to win. The start is a flying one. When the judges ring their bell, the drivers turn about at or near the distance point, and 1 A recent rule makes this limit three heats instead of five. 98 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. come down past the judges' stand almost or quite at full speed. If, when they pass under the wire, they are upon fairly even terms, the starter (one of the judges) cries out, " Go ! " and on the^^ rush. If, however, the start would not be a fair one, the bell is rung as a signal that the drivers must come back and try again. Sometimes the scoring, as these attempts are called, is prolonged for a long while; but the judges are authorized to fine any driver who comes down ahead of or behind the "pole" horse; that is, the horse who has the inside position, or that nearest the poles which mark the quarter, the half, and the three-quarter mile points. All the positions are assigned by lot. The attempt is occa- sionally made by a combination of drivers to tire out or excite some particular horse by unnecessary scor- ing, and in former years this nefarious plan was often practised successfully, but of late the rules are enforced with more strictness. Even with the best intentions on the part of all the drivers concerned, it is sometimes difficult to get a fair start, especially if the horses are young or badly behaved, and the scoring is frequently spoken of as a great drawback to the pleasures of a trotting race. These false starts, however, afford a most interesting exhibition of horses and men ; the spectator has such an oppor- tunity as he could not otherwise enjoy to study the gaits of the various trotters, to note how well or ill they "catch," and to observe the skill, temper, and courage of the jockeys. There is a great difference in the behavior of the different horses. Some pull and tug on the bit, despite the signal to return, car- rying their drivers down to the first turn in the TROTTING RACES. 99 track before they can be stopped; whereas others, old campaigners as a ruh^, will slacken speed at ouce when they hear the bell, stop, and tnrn around of their own accord. Goldsmith Maid, a mare whose natural cleverness enabled her to profit by a long and varied experience, showed wonderful intelligence in scoring. When turned about to come down for the start, she would measure with her eye the distance between herself and the other horses; and if it seemed to her that they were likely to get first to the judges' stand, she would refuse to put forth her best speed, despite the efforts of her driver. The result in such cases was, of course, as she foresaw, that the judges, perceiving that the start would be an unfair one, rang the recall bell. "On the contrary," says Mr. Doble, "if she had a good chance to beat the other horses in scoring, she would go along gradually with them until pretty close to the wire, and then of her own accord come w ith a terrible rush of speed, so that when the word was given she would almost invariably be going at the best rate of any horse in the party. ... If she had the pole, she woiild make it a point to see that no horse beat her around the first turn, seeming to be perfectly well aware that the animal that trotted on the outside had a good deal the worst of it.^' Close to the fence, but inside of it on the track, opposite the judges' stand or thereabout, there is always a motley group of " rubbers " or grooms, and helpers, with pails of water and sponges in their hands, and blankets, thick or thin according to the weather, thrown over their shoulders, or deposited conveniently on the fence. Here, very often, the r 100 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. di'iver pulls up for a moment, on his way back to the starting point after tlie bell has rung for a re- call, while the groom hastily sponges out the horse's mouth and nostrils, adjusts the check-rein, takes up a hole in the breeching, or makes some other slight change in the harness. These are tense moments in an important race, especially if the contestants are known to be evenly matched, and if each driver is anxious that the oth- ers shall take no advantage of him. At such times a reputation for courage is of some service; it is always a temptation for one jockey to " cut out " another, or unfairly drive in to the " pole" ahead of him, just as one boat in a rowing race may take another boat's water. Under these circumstances, it is the right of the driver, whose territory is invaded to keep on, even though a collision may result ; and a resolute man will do so, undeterred by the fact that spokes are flying from the wheel of his own or of his adversary's sulky, as the two gossamer vehicles come together. "The quarter stretch looked more like a toothpick factory than a race-course," was face- tiously remarked of one occasion, when the driving had been reckless. With this explanation, I shall venture to give a short account of a notal)le race which occurred at Cleveland, in July, ISTO, between the famous horses Smuggler and Goldsmith Maid. The latter was at this time nineteen years old, but she was thought to be invincible, and in this very year she repeated her best record, 2.14, first made by her in 1874. The Maid was, as we have seen, the fastest trotter from the time of Dexter, who achieved 2.17^ in 1867, TROTTING RACES. 101 to that of Rarus, who iu 1878 covered a mile in 2.1o|. A slight sketch of Goldsmith Maid was given in a former chapter, and I have stated already in the present chapter the chief characteristics of Smuggler. There were three other fast horses in the race, Lurille Golddust, Bodine, and Judge Fullerton; but none of them, excepting perhaps Lucille Golddust, played a part of any importance. Goldsmith Maid was driven by Budd Doble, a young man whom Hiram Woodruff: picked out to succeed himself in the charge of Dexter, and who has since amply justified the selection by intelligent training and skilful driv- ing of many celebrated horses. He is, moreover, one of the few jockeys whose reputations are without flaw. Charles Marvin, who also ranks high in the craft, sat in the sulky of Smuggler. But the judges are ringing their bell, the horses have been " warmed up," the rubbers are gathered at the wire, a hush has fallen upon the vast throng of spectators, anticipa- tion is on tiptoe, and it is time for the First Heat. At the third trial, the horses re- ceived a fair start, and Goldsmith Maid, pursuing her usual tactics, made a rush for the lead, and secured it. The first half-mile was trotted very fast, and for the first quarter Bodine was second and Smuggler third. Smuggler, however, went by Bo- dine in the second quarter, and soon after the half- mile pole was passed he came very close to the Maid, but at this point he faltered a little. The cause was not known at first to the spectators, but after the heat a mounted patrol judge galloped in with a shoe which Smuggler had cast from his near fore foot. 102 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. Despite this accident, — and its importance may be estimated from the fact that his fore shoes weighed two pounds each, — Smuggler came down the liome stretcli with tremendous speed, pushing tlie Maid hard; and when she swept under tlie wire in -Ao^, his nose was on a level with her tail. This was a great heat, and Smuggler would probably have won it had he not cast a shoe. Second Heat. There was some trouble in scoring, for Smuggler broke badly, but on the fourth attempt they were sent off, Goldsmith Maid being a little ahead of the others. In going around the first turn Smuggler made one of his characteristic breaks, and had to be pulled almost to a standstill before be regained a trot. His driver therefore contented him- self with just saving his distance. But the Maid was given no rest, for Lucille Golddust was close upon her heels, forcing the Queen of the Turf to trot the mile in 2.17]-. These two fast heats distressed Goldsmith Maid, but those who had backed her were still confident, relying upon the great speed and steadiness of the old mare to pull her througli. ThhuJ Heat. The Maid, having won the preceding heat, had the inside position, and kept it, although she broke at the first turn ; but her breaks were not like those of Smuggler. To the half-mile pole she led, with Fullerton second, Lucille Golddiist third, and Smuggler fourth. But after this point had been reached, Marvin called upon Smuggler for an effort. The horse answered gamely ; he passed Lucille Gold- dust, then Fullerton, and when Goldsmith Maid turned into tlic liomc stretch Smuggler was close Vjehind her. Tlui race was extremely close from TROTTING RACES. 103 this point; but Smuggler gained on tlie Maid iucli by inch, and finally dashed under the wire, three quarters of a length in advance, amid tumultous ap- plause. Time, 2.16|. "The scene which followed," says a contemporary and graphic report in the Turf, Field, and Farm, "is indescribable An elec- trical wave swept over the vast assembly, and men swung their hats and shouted themselves hoarse, while the ladies snapped fans and parasols and burst their kid gloves in an endeavor to get rid of the storm of emotion. The police vainly tried to keep the quarter stretch clear. The multitude poured through the gates, and Smuggler returned to the stand through a narrow lane of humanity, which closed as he advanced. Doble was ashy pale, and the grand mare who had scored so many victories stood with trembling flanks and head down. Her attitude seemed to say, '1 have done my best, but am forced to resign the crown. ' " "During the intermiss-ion," according to the same account, "the stallion was the object of the greatest scrutiny. So great was the press that it was difficult to obtain breathing-room for him. He appeared fresh, and ate eagerly of the small bunch of hay which was presented to him by his trainer after he had cooled off. It was manifest that the fast work had not de- stroyed his appetite. The betting now changed, for it was seen that the Maid was tired." The race, however, was not over yet. Smuggler had two heats to win before victory would be his, whereas Goldsmith Maid needed only one more. She was leg-weary, to be sure, but then she could be counted on to make a humanly sagacious use of her 104 llOAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. Opportunities, and a single bad break would cause Smuggler's defeat. Excitement subdued the specta- tors to perfect stillness, and not a sound was heard except the rhythmical tramp of the live horses, as they thundered down the stretch to the wire for the Fourth Heat. At the second attempt the judges gave the word " Go" as Smuggler was trotting stead- ily, although somewhat behind the others. The Maid, as usual, rushed off with the lead, and Lucille Golddust took the second place, being pulled out a little, so as to bring her near the centre of the track. This left Marvin in a very bad position, technically known as a "pocket." He could not slip in be- tween the other two horses, for Doble kept the Maid back just far enough to prevent such a move; and if he should check his own horse sufficiently to get past Lucille Golddust, much distance would be lost. What he did was to remain in this helpless situation until the home stretch was reached, thinking that the driver of Golddust would finally get out of his way; but this did not happen, and when Smuggler was only three hundred yards from the wire, when Goldsmith Maid had a long lead, when "a smile of triumph lighted Doble's face, and the crowd settled sullenly down to the belief that the race was over," then at last the driver of Smuggler ])ulled him back and turned to the right, so as to get out of the pocket, and made desperate play for the heat. Con- trary to what every one expected, the horse did not break, despite this interference with his stride, but, keeping level and steady, came down the course, when he saw the way clear before him, with a TROTTING RACES. 105 burst of speed which will always be famous in the chronicles of the American turf. His ears were laid, flat on his head, his neck was stretched out low and long, so as to bring his head scarcely above the level of his withers, and tire flashed in his eye. '•He trotted," writes Mi'. Helm, who was among the spectators, "with a grim desperation, that can- not readily be forgotten by the thousands who were present. His fleet-footed and never faltering oppo- nent, the victor in a hundred trials, tlie Queen of 2.14, was already thirty-tive feet ahead of him. With a gathering of resources never perhaps held by any other, and a rate of speed never equalled on the trotting turf, he made for the front. There can be no doubt, I think, that he moved for six or eight hundred feet at the rate of a two-minute gait. He trotted then as if he knew he could and would win the heat; and in his very eye there was the look of win it, or perish in the attempt. Woe to the animal or vehicle that should come between him and the end of that race ! His speed was terrific, his mo- mentum was fearful, and his stroke as steady and true as any ever beheld. His very appearance was a sort of magnetism that electrified the thousands that were present." "It was more like flying than trotting," says the report from which I first quoted. "Doble hurries his mare into a break, but he cannot stop the dark shadow which flits by him. His smile of triumph is turned into an expression of despair. Smuggler goes over the score a winner of the heat by a neck, and the roar which comes from the grand stand and the quarter stretch is deafening. The time was 106 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. -!.19|. Smuggler again cooled oft' well, uibbliug eagerly at his bunch of hay. The jVIaid was more tired than ever, while Lucille Golddust showed no signs of distress." Even yet, however, the race was in doubt. Fifth Heat. It was evident that the other horses, or rather their drivers, had formed a combination against Smuggler. They worried him so much in scoring that twice again he pulled off the shoe from his near fore foot, and nearly an hour elapsed before a start was obtained. ''The shell of the foot,'' re- lates the excellent writer in the Turf, Field, and Farm, "was pretty badly splintered by the triple accident, but the stallion was not rendered lame. Misfortunes, however, seemed to be gathering thickly about him, and the partisans of the Maid wore the old jaunty air of confidence." The other horses had an unbroken rest while Smuggler was shoeing, so that they all appeared fresh when the word was finally given. "FuUerton," says the Turf, Field, and Farm, "went to the front like a flash of light, trotting without a skip to the quarter pole in thirty -three seconds," but Smuggler passed him near the half-mile pole, kept the lead from that point, and won the race, although Goldsmith Maid came along with great speed on the home stretch, forcing Smuggler to trot the heat in 2.17|, and finishing a good second. Thus ended what was perhaps, all things consid- ered, the best race ever trotted. Here were five heats in 2.15i, 2.17^, 2.161, o.t9|^ o.lJi, each one being gallantly contested, and the result remaining in the utmost doubt till the very close of the fifth TROTTING RACES. 107 heat. "The evening shadows had now thickened, and, as the great crowd had shouted itself weak and hoarse, it passed slowly through the gates, and drove in a subdued manner home." There is one other race of which I cannot forbear giving a brief account, because the winner displayed the same admirable qualities as Smuggler, and tri- umphed where his defeat was supposed to be inev- itable. There were eight contestants, but the real competitors were three, namely, Nobby, Felix, and Florence. Nobby was a very peculiar horse: a dark bay gelding, with a long neck and body, a fine head, and altogether a thoroughbred and even greyhound appear- ance. His gait was long, low, and smooth. He was however a wild breaker, and extremely nervous. " The twitter of a canary bird on a limb, " said John Splan, his driver, " would have more effect on Nobby than a full brass band on an ord.inary horse." Both his mouth and feet were in bad condition, but Splan, who took the horse for the first time on the day of the race, poulticed his feet, and relieved his mouth by driving him with an easy bit and nose-band at- tachment. He also stuffed the horse's ears with cotton, so that he should not be seared or worried to a break by the shouting and whipping of the other drivers. "Nobby," said the contemporary report in the Spirit of the Times, "impresses you with the idea that he is constantly trying to lose the race by making a mistake. Splan drove him as carefully as if he were handling eggs." Felix was a bay gelding, and a horse of speed, — much speedier, in fact, than Nobby ; but, as a reporter of the race remarked, " he 108 KOAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. has a soft spot in him somewhere when pinched." Florence was a beautiful mare, also fast, and a good breaker. All three, it should be mentioned, were driven by masters of the art. The first heat was won by Florence after a sharp contest with Felix, Xobby making no effort. In the second heat Xobby outstripped the others on the home stretch, but made a wild break, passing under the wire on a run, and Florence was awarded first place. In the third heat Nobby again broke badly, and Felix won after another hard contest with Florence. In the fourth heat Xobby showed his quality. At the three-quarter pole Felix led him by four lengths, but from this point Xobby began to gain inch by inch, Splan driving him with great patience and skill. His long neck showed nearer and nearer to the sulky of Felix, as the two horses approached the judge's stand, until at last they were side by side. Then Felix seemed to fall back, and Xobby won amid wild hurrahs. "I have seen his sire do the same thing in California," said a noted horseman who was among the spectators. In the ffth heat, however, Nobby made another disastrous break, and Felix won easily. Five heats had now been trotted, and the coming heat would decide the race if it fell either to Felix or to Florence. Nobby, so far, had only one to his credit. This brings us to the Sixth Heat. It had begun to rain a litth^ the track was sticky, and all the horses were tired. "Their courage," says the report, "was cheered by sherry." It is more likely, however, that Nobby was treated to cliampagne and seltzer water, that being the agreeable dose usually administered by Splan TROTTING RACES. 109 under similar circumstances. Only the winners of heats, Felix, Florence, and Nobby were allowed to start; the others, who had not secured a single one out of the five heats that had been trotted, being "sent to the barn," in accordance with a rule already stated. The pools sold fast and furious on Felix against the field, twenty-five dollars to six, for what slight chance iNobby ever had was thought to be gone. Now came one of the most stubbornly contested heats ever seen on a trotting course. At the start Felix showed much more speed than the others, and was a length ahead at the quarter pole, with Florence second, and Nobby trotting steadily in the rear. At the half-mile pole Felix had gained three lengths more, and looked, as the sporting phrase is, a sure winner. Soon after this point was passed Florence gave place to Nobby, and "now," said the Spirit of the Times, " Sjjlan began to show his tactics, 'wait and win.' His gain to the three-quarter pole was almost imperceptible, and Felix still kept a long lead; but from this point Splan began to use every particle of speed that was in his horse. When they turned into the home stretch Felix was swung out to the middle of the track, where the footing was better but Nobby was driven close to the pole. 'I can't spare a foot of distance, was my thought,' Splan afterward remarked." "Nobby gamely entered into the spirit of the task; a stern chase, it is true, but gradually he lessened the gap. At the drawgates, where the path was hard, he wavered, as if about to break, but Splan steadied him with a slight pull, and on recovering his stride 110 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. he now measured the distance to be overcome. Slowly but surely came he nearer to Felix; within a few lengths of the wire they were almost even. Just at the last moment Splan roused Nobby for a final effort, and landed him first under the wire by a neck. Time, 2.25." Seventh Heat. Twilight was coming on as the tired horses scored for the word. At the third trial they received a fair start. Felix broke almost im- mediately, and lost three lengths, but Florence gave Nobby no rest so long as her wind and courage lasted. She hung close to the wheel of his sulky until they had got midway of the second quarter, when Nobby began to draw away from her. At this point Felix came along, and the driver of Florence, seeing that she had "shot her bolt," kindly pulled her out from the pole to the centre of the track, thus allowing Felix to slip into her place. Florence then dropped behind, but Felix continued to gain, and at the half-mile pole he was trotting neck and neck with Nobby. From this point, as before, Felix out- trotted Nobby, and when they turned into the home stretch for the last time he had a good lead of three full lengths. Again the driver of Felix brought him out to the centre of the track, and again Splan hugged the pole. The brush down the home stretch was an exciting one. Felix trotted fast, but behind him still pegged away the unconquerable Nobby, and the distance between them was reduced inch by inch, until at last Splan brought his horse up on even terms with the other. They were now but a few yards from the goal. Both horses were exhausted, and Nobby could not be aroused by the voice, for his ears TROTTING RACES. Ill were stuffed with cottou. Splan took "the last, dying chance," as he called it. Running the risk of a break, wliich would have been fatal, he leaned forward and touched Nobby lightly on the shoulder with his whip. The move was successful. Nobby kept steadily to a trot, but, gamely responding to the appeal, made one final effort, and fairly staggered under the wire, a winner by a head.-^ Time, 2.28|-. Thus ended a memorable contest. It was won by the horse who proved himself the slowest trotter and the worst breaker of the three competitors, — won through his own courage and endurance, and through the skill and patience of his driver. " But who cares to see a race which falls to the slowest horse? The race should be to the swift," is a com- ment that might perhaps be made. Such a criticism would be founded upon a false notion of sport. All sports ]3i'actised for the amusement of a spectator are noble according as victory in them depends upon the exercise of moral and mental qualities. The atten- tive reader of Boxiana will conclude that, taking the history of the ring as a whole, the fight was usually won by the man who had determined that he would not be beaten; and from this circumstance alone a very fair argument might be made — how nearly adequate need not here be considered — in support of pugilism. In trotting races, for the reasons already stated, and as is apparent from the illustrations that have been given, there is a peculiar opportunity for the exercise ^ Since the writing of this chapter, Nobby has been sokl at auction. He brought $2,000, and his purchaser, as the senti- mental reader will be glad to learn, was John Splan. 112 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. of admirable qualities on the part of both horse and man. It is true, that, so far as the drivers are con- cerned, their skill is often prostituted to the eKigen- cies of the pool-box, but no accusation of this sort was ever brought against a trotter. The breath of suspicion may at times have rested upon Splan, but the luvme of Nobby is untarnished. In the two eon- tests just described, all parties to the fight honestly exerted the qualifications that nature and experience had given them; and although victory perched first here and then there, the prize finally fell, as should be the case, to superior courage, endurance, patience, and skill. EOAD HOKSES. AMONG the irregular acquaintances of my boy- hood, I remember a certain Ed Hulbert, who was wont to express his notion of felicity in the fol- lowing concise and oft-repeated phrase : " A smooth road and a sharp trot ! " There may be nobler ideals ; pvirsuits might perhaps be thought of which combine pleasure with intellectual improvement to a greater degree ; and certainly it must be admitted that a young or even a middle-aged man should always be provided with an excuse for driving instead of riding, such as that he is lame, or has already taken an equiva- lent amount of exercise in some other form, or desires to be accompanied by his wife. But, these difficulties surmounted, (or shall we say disregarded?) the com- bination of " a smooth road and a sharp trot " will 114 KOAD, TRAQK, AND STABLE. supply no small amusemeut. Only the horse lover, indeed, can enjoy it to the full, — subtly communi- cating through rein and bit with his steed, appre- ciating the significant play of his ears, and rightly interpreting that lively, measured ring of his feet upon the road which indicates a sound and active stepper. But there are some incidental delights, such as the quick conveyance through fresh air and a passing glimpse of the scenery, which everybody enjoys. My old acquaintance would have thought but meanly of the man who gave a wish to view the country as his reason for driving ; but then the Ed Hulbert standard cannot always be maintained, and something must be pardoned to the weakness of human nature. In a sense, every horse driven by the owner for pleasure is a road horse. The fast trotter who speeds up and down the Brighton or the Harlem road, draw- ing a single man in a gossamer wagon; the round, short-legged cob; the big, respectable, phlegmatic Goddard-buggy animal, who may be seen in Boston any fine afternoon hauling a master very much like himself out over Beacon Street; the pretty, high- stepping pair in front of a mail phaeton; — all these are road horses, but none of them, excepting some- times the trotter, is a roadster in the strict sense. The road horse pai' excellence is a beast of medium size, who can draw a light carriage at the rate of seven miles an hour all day without tiring himself or his driver. He should be able to travel at least ten miles in an hour, twenty miles in two hours, sixty miles in a day ; and by this is meant that he should do it comfortably and "handily," as the term is, and feel none the worse for the exertion. Such roadsters ROAD HORSES. 116 are rare, — much more so now, in proportion to the to- tal number of our horses, than they were twenty-five years ago, or before the war ; the reason being that the craze for fast trotters has thrown the roadster into the shade. Of course, almost any sound horse can be urged and whipped over the ground, " driven off his feed," perhaps, and so travel these distances in the time mentioned. Nothing is more common than for some broken-down animal to be pointed out by his cruel and mendacious master as one for whom ten or twelve miles an hour is only a sort of exercising gait; the poor beast having very likely been ruined in the effort to accomplish some such feat which was beyond his capacity. The mere fact that a horse has gone a long way in a short time tells little about his powers ; the more important inquiry is, What was his condi- tion afterward ? A liveryman in Vermont declared not long ago, that at one time and another he had lost twelve hundred dollars' worth of horseflesh through the ignorant and murderous driving of customers who had endeavored to keep up with a certain gray mare, of extraordinary endurance, that was owned in his vicinity for several years. A horse that will step off cheerfully and readily eight miles an hour, a pace so moderate that one never sees it mentioned in an advertisement, is much better than the average ; one that will do ten miles in that time and in the same way is an exceptionally good roadster; and the horse that goes twelve miles an hour with ease is extremely rare. A stable-keeper in Boston, of long experience, tells me that he has known but two horses that would travel at this last-men- tioned rate with comfort to themselves and the driver, 116 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. though he has seen mauy others, pulling, crazy crea- tures, that Avould keep up a pace as fast, or even faster, till they dropped. Of these two pleasant roadsters, capable of covering twelve miles iu sixty minutes, one trotted all the way, up and down hill, whereas the other walked up the steep ascents, and went so much the faster where the grade was favor- able. The latter method is easier and better for most horses. The capabilities of a roadster having now been indi- cated in a general way, the first and most obvious in- quiry is, What will be the conformation aud appear- ance of a horse likely to possess them ? Upon this subject it is dangerous to dogmatize. For example, a flat-sided, thin-waisted animal is apt to be wanting in endurance, and yet there have been some notable ex- ceptions to this rule. A leading quality of the road horse is shortness ; that is, his back should be short, and, it may be added, straight. The same is true of his legs, especially as regards the cannon-bone. A short cannon-bone is perhaps the most nearly indispen- sable characteristic of a roadster. The knees should be large, the hocks well let down, and the hind quar- ters closely coupled to the back. The belly should be of good size, and round. George Borrow, a thorough horseman, makes the old hostler in " Lavengro " say : " Never buy a horse at any price that has not plenty of belly. No horse that has not plenty of belly is ever a good feeder, and a horse that an't a good feeder can- not be a good horse." He should have great depth of lung and a moderately broad chest. Good, sound feet of medium size, and pastern joints neither straight nor oblique, are essential. It is no harm if his neck ROAD HORSES. 117 be thick, but it is absolutely necessary that he should have a hue head and clear, intelligent eyes, with a good space between and above them. An English authority declares, " There was never yet a first-class race horse that had a mean head," and I believe this is equally true of roadsters. The ears also are an important point; they should be set neither close together nor wide apart, and it is of the utmost consequence how they are carried. A lively, sensible horse, one who has the true roadster disposition, will continually move his ears, pointing them forward and backward, and even sideways, thus showing that he is attentive and curious as to what takes place about him, and interested to observe what may be coming. A beast with a coarse head, narrow forehead, dull, timorous eyes, and ears that tend to incline away from each other when held upright, and which are apt to be pointed backward, — such a horse is one to avoid as certainly deficient in mind, and prob- ably in courage and in good temper as well. Many lazy, sluggish animals of this sort are considered eminently safe for women to drive ; and so they are until the harness breaks or something else fright- ens them, when they become panic-stricken and tear everything to pieces. On the other hand, a high- strung but intelligent horse will quickly recover from a sudden alarm, when he finds that after all he has not been hurt. The manner rather than the fact of shying is the thing to be considered. When we come to inquire how good roadsters are bred, the answer can be given with more confidence, for the source of their endurance and courage is always found either in Arabian or in thoroughbred blood. 118 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. These two terms were at one time more nearly synony- mous than they are now. A thoroughbred (as we have seen, and as the instructed reader will scorn to be told) is one whose pedigree is registered in the English Stud Book, the first volume of which was published in 1808. A preliminary volume, called " An Introduction to a General Stud Book," issued in 1791, contained the names of the chief mares and stallions of racing stock then living. These are the "foundation" horses from which the present thoroughbreds, English and American, have sprung. They were almost entirely of Oriental descent. Arabs were imported to Eng- land at a very early period, but not in such numbers as to effect any decided improvement in the native breed until the reign of James I. This monarch es- tablished a racing stable, and installed therein some fine Arabian stallions. Charles I. continued the same policy, and the royal stud which he left at Tutbury consisted chiefly of Arab-bred horses. Soon after his execution, it was seized by order of Parliament ; but, happily, the change in dynasty did not interfere with the conduct of the stud. Cromwell, as is well known, had a sharp eye for a horse, and the best of the King's lot were soon " chosen " for the Lord Protector. Charles II., again, had no less a passion for horses, and almost the first order that he issued, after land- ing in England, was one to the effect that the Tutbury nags should be returned to the royal stables. This monarch imported some Arabian stallions, and a col- lection of mares called Royal Mares, purchased on the Continent. Their breeding is not entirely known, but many of them were Arabs or Barbs. Tlie Pvoyal Mares figure in the first volume of the Stud Book. ROAD HORSES. 119 Many private breeders also added to the Arabian stock in England ; but it was not until the first half of the eighteenth century that the three horses were im- ported who have exercised the greatest influence upon the race of English thoroughbreds. These were the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian, and especially the Godolphin Arabian, or Barb, — probably the latter. The last named was a dark bay horse about fifteen hands high (Arab horses seldom exceed 14 J hands), with a white off heel behind. He is said to have been stolen from his owner in Paris, where he was em- ployed in the menial task of drawing a water-cart, and his pedigree was never ascertained. It is the fashion of English writers to decry the A rabian blood ; and it is true that the present thoroughbred, owing to many years of good food and severe training, is a bigger, stronger, swifter animal than the Arab ; ^ but the latest and perhaps the highest authority on this sub- ject, William Day, makes the significant admission, that all the best thoroughbreds now on the English turf trace back to one or more of the three Arab horses whose names have just been mentioned. The chief reason why a good roadster must have 1 Some years ago, Haleem Pacha, of Egypt, who had inherited from his father, Abbass Pacha, a stud of Arabs estimated to have cost about $5,000,000, made a match with certain merchants at Cairo to run an eight-mile race for £400 a side. The Cairo merchants sent to England and bought Fair Nell, an Irish mare, thorough- bred, or nearly so, that had been used by one of the Tattersalls as a park and covert hack. She was a beautiful bright bay mare, with black legs, standing about 15 hands 1| inches. The match took place within two weeks after Fair Nell landed iu Egypt, and she won with ridiculous ease, beating the Pacha's best Arab by a full mile. She did the eight miles in 18^ minutes, and palled up fresh. 120 . ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. thorouglibred or Arab blood ni his veins is, that from no other source can he derive the necessary nervous energy. This is even more important than the supe- rior bony structure of tlie tliorouglibred or Arabian. Exactly what nervous energy is, nobody, I presume, can tell ; but it is something that, in horses at least, develops the physical system early, makes it capable of great exertion, and enables it to recover quickly from fatigue. The same, or, more correctly, a similar capacity, is remarked in mankind. Readers of Arctic travels, for example, must often have been struck by the fact that it is almost invariably the men, and not the officers, who succumb to the labor and exposure of a sledge journey. Loosely speaking, it may be that in the educated man, especially in the man whose ancestors also have been educated, the inind has ac- quired a degree of control over the body which can- not otherwise be attained. So also with horses. A thoroughbred is one whose progenitors for many gen- erations have been called upon to exert themselves to the utmost ; they have run hard and long, and strug- gled to beat their competitors. Moreover, they have had an abundance of the food best adapted to develop bone and muscle. Then, again, the care, the groom- ing, the warm housing and blanketing, which they have received, tend to make the skin delicate, the hair fine, the mane silky, the Avhole organization more sensitive to impressions, and consequently the nervous system more active and controlling. This same nervous energy usually prevents the road- ster from being what is known as a family horse, for he lacks the repose, the placidity and phlegm, of that useful but commonplace animal ; he is apt to jump ROAD HORSES. 121 like a cat, and to dance or run a little now and then in exuberance of spirits and superfluity of strength. Occasionally, to be sure, a horse is found who has i^reat courage and endurance, and at the same time a perfectly temperate disposition. Such was- Justin Morgan, head of the great roadster family, whose ori- gin I have described in a previous chapter. If the partisans of this family are not quite so fanatical as those of the Arab, it is because they are more numerous than the latter, and consequently the less driven to back themselves up by extravagant assertion. But they are not wanting in enthusiasm.^ As to Justin Morgan, the immortal soul, his history is a matter of profound indifference. Nobody cares whether his mother was a Jones from Connecticut, or a Smith from Massachusetts. But Justin Morgan, the little bay colt which the schoolmaster took in payment for a bad debt, has kept the name bright for more than a century. This is sad indeed, and yet greater men than Justin Morgan have suffered a similar fate. How many horsemen are aware that Ethan Allen was preceded by a biped of the same name, a brave officer of the Kevolution, who commanded our forces at the taking of Ticonderoga ? The case of General Knox is even worse. He was one who cut a wide swath in his day, — a leader in the Revolution, a brave soldier, a counsellor much relied upon by ■ Washington, a man of wealth, of birth and 1 " The Perfect Horse," a work by the Rev. W. H. H. Murray, is devoted to the praise of this family. A good illustrated history of Justin Morgan and his descendants, by Linsley, is now, I believe, out of print, and a more elaborate account of the family is in preparation by Mr. Joseph Battell, of Middlebury, Vermont. 122 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. breeding, — altogether, a personage of great impor- tance. And yet not long ago, when a certain rustic youth reared in Vermont paid his first visit to St. Albans in that State, in company with his mother, he stood aghast before a bronze statue there which represented a two-legged animal, clad in human clothes, and having apparently the attributes of a man. Un- derneath m large letters were inscribed the words, •' G-eneral Knox." '' By gosh, mother," exclaimed the astounded youth, "I always thought General Knox was a horse!" And so he was, and a very good one too, as we shall presently see. The gait of the Morgan horse is highly characteristic. Thougli sure-footed, he is apt to carry his fore feet close to the ground, taking short elastic steps, which, even when quickened to a rapid trot, seem to cost him the least possible effort. There is no swaying of the hips, no shaking of the whole frame, no pounding with the fore feet or high lifting of the hocks, but a smooth, easy, gliding motion. The Morgan both trots and gallops with his limbs well under him. A longer, wider gait is commonly associated with the trotting horse. In fact, until within the past few years it was thought that the ideal trotter carried his hind feet so wide as to plant them outside of the track left by his fore feet. Many, perhaps most, fast horses do travel in this way ; but, as a rule, the very fastest step no wider behind th;in in front. A long stride is however nearly, if not quite, essential to extreme speed; and many Morgan horses, when moving at their best pace, lengthen their gait very much, and go perceptibly nearer to the ground. The Morgan action in front is, as a rule, not big enough for superlatively ROAD HORSES. 123- fast trotting, which is best performed by a peculiar and very graceful round motion of the fore legs. Some fast trotters have positively high action in front, — so high as to seem like a waste of power. This is es- pecially true of Allerton, a Wilkes-Mambrino ratchen stallion whose record is 2.09^. This excessive action is also found in some Morgan strains, especially among Sherman Morgan's descendants. Country doctors are great adherents of the Morgan horse. '' The Morgan," writes one of this class, " will trot all day, except when ascending a hill. As he ap- proaches it, he will raise his head higher and higher. First, one pointed ear, then the other, will snap back- ward, then forward, as if he were asking permission to gallop; and then, if the driver does not object, he will lay both ears flat to his head and skim the rise like a bird, always striking into the same tireless trot when he reaches the summit." It was from a country doctor — and I trust a vera- cious one, for he was my grandfather — that I heard, long years ago, the following story. He was driving late one very dark night in autumn over a strange road. A violent I'ain had fallen during the preceding twenty-four hours, so that the highway was badly washed. Presently his horse, a Vermont Morgan, made a leap, and crashed through what seemed to be the upper branches of a tree, taking the gig after him very neatly. This was a little unusual, but still no harm had been done. Half a mile or so farther on. the horse made another jump : then came a crash and a shiver as before, and the gig reeled over another tree, as it appeared, poised for a moment on one wheel, and righted itself as the horse resumed his trot. 124 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. By this time the Doctor knew that he must bo near a considerable river, with high banks, which flowed through those parts, and very soon he heard the waters roaring on the rocks below. But now his horse came to a dead stop, refusing to cross the bridge. The Doctor urged him forward, and he took a few steps, but then moved back in his tracks. This was repeated twice. Finally, vexed at such unusual obstinacy in an animal long accustomed to rough and nocturnal travelling, the Doctor struck him with the whip. The horse squealed with disgust at this treat- ment, shook his head, advanced as before, and then backed again, and cast an inquiring glance behind him at his master. Now at last, the Doctor, dismount- ing, went forward to reconnoitre. And this is what he saw. The flooring of the bridge had been swept away completely by a flood ; nothing was left but the sleepers running from bank to bank, and it was on one of these sleepers that the horse had walked out so far as he could with safety to the gig and its occupant. The obstructions half a mile and a mile back, which the roadster had jumped, were brush fences put up to stop travel on the highway until the bridge could be repaired. Now that we are in the vein, I trust that the read- er will pardon me if I relate another anecdote of a Morgan roadster. This was a chestnut mare belong- ing to an old and highly respected '' Vet." ^ One very dark night the Doctor was driving toward home at a fast trot on a level road, and in his proper place on the right hand side of it. Presently he heard, though he could not see, a wagon approaching at a rapid rate 1 Dr. Flagg, of New Bedford, Massachusetts. ROAD HORSES, 125 in the opposite direction ; but as liis lights were burn- ing brightly, and the highway was a broad one, he thought nothing of it. Suddenly, however, before he could stop her, his steed made a violent jump to the left, crossing the road, and barely had she done so, when the approaching wagon, driven, as it appeared, by a drunken man, dashed by in the track which the Doctor's buggy had just left. The intelligent mare had waited till the last moment, thinking that the vehicle which she heard, would keep to the right, as it should have done; and then, foreseeing that a collision was otherwise inevitable, she had sprung out of the path of danger. I have sketched in a preceding chapter the most speedy and highly finished branch of the Morgan stock, which is that of the Lamberts, descended, through Ethan Allen, from Vermont Blackhawk. Vermont Blackhawk had also a son called Vermont Hero, and Vermont Hero was the sire of General Knox ^ (whose name I have mentioned), a famous trotting stallion, and the founder of a subsidiary roadster family. This animal had every excellence except that of beauty. He was a stout, short-legged black horse, about fifteen hands high, with a good plain head. The Knox horses bear a wonderful fam- ily resemblance, and they are noted for their courage, endurance, docility, and intelligence. No branch of the Morgan family is more serviceable or more ami- able than this one, and, with the possible exception of the Lamberts, none is more speedy. ^ His dam was by Searcher, a half-bred horse descended from Diomed , and his second dam was also of Diomed blood. Searcher's dam was a Morgan. Genei-al Knox was tlierefore a combination of Morgan and thoroughbred. 126 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. The Lamberts aud the Knoxes are, as I have said, deeendants of Sherman, the handsome little chestnut son of Justin Morgan. There are also two families of fine roadsters and trotters descended from Bulrush, another son of Jus tin Morgan. These are the Fearnaughts and the Win- throp Morrills. Both of these families are inbred to Justin Morgan, and they show a great deal of quality and of spirit, notwithstanding the fact that Bulrush was a coarse horse, with a very heavy mane and tail, suggestive of Canadian blood on his dam's side. This fact goes far to prove that Justin Morgan was well bred on both sides. For if his dam had been — as some writers assert — a coarse-bred Canadian mare, like the dam of Bulrush, then inbreeding among the descendants of Justin Morgan, especially in the Bul- rush line, could hardly have produced horses so fine and bloodlike as are many of the Fearnaughts and of the Morrills. The Fearnaughts are usually chestnut horses ; much resembling the Lamberts, but somewhat larger, and perhaps a little more fiery. Another excellent family of roadsters is that of the Drews. The original Drew, a Maine horse, was foaled in 1842, his sire, it is said, being a pure thoroughbred, a bay horse sixteen hands high. Drew was a dark bay or brown, standing fifteen and a quarter hands, and weighing about a thousand ]iounds. He had good shoulders and a fine neck 'Might at the head, deep at the body," and well arched. His body was small : his hips were long and beautifvdly turned. He had stout legs, long pasterns a thin mane, and a nice short coat. His dam also was very well bred, being by Sir Henry, a son of American Eclipse, out of a ROAD HORSES. 127 mare by Winthrop Messenger. Her name was Boston Girl. The Drews, as might be presumed from this origin, are fine, spirited, hardy horses, with much style and dash, and very intelligent. One of them, a handsome bay stallion called Dirigo (whose dam Avas nearly thoroughbred), used to be driven without bit or rein through the town where his owner lived. Guided by the voice and wdiip of his driver, the horse would speed down the main street at a 2.40 gait, stop, turn around, and do whatever was required of him. One of the best roadsters ever known in New Eng- land is Bay Fearnaught, whose sire was a Fearnaught and whose dam was a Drew, so that in him these two hardy and courageous strains are united. His owner, Mr. David Nevins, once drove Bay Fearnaught from South Framingham to the Somerset Club in Beacon street, Boston, a distance of twenty-two miles or more, in one hour and twenty-eight minutes. The horse was driven to a sleigh containing two men, and the going was very good. Beckoning the distance at twenty-two miles exactly, he maintained a speed of just fifteen miles an hour. Bay Fearnaught has trotted a mile to road wagon in 2.35, and two miles to a road wagon (wagon and driver weighing three hundred pounds) in 5.16. This horse is now twenty- three years old, and his owner reports him as being "sound as a bullet, and still able and willing to go fast." Given a roadster such as I have described, and a light, open wagon fitted with a stout spring, with lamps, and possibly with a small break ; given also a sympathetic companion and a mackintosh, — and, if you like, we will throw in a dog : thus provided, and 128 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. with all Xew England stretching out before you, what more delightful than to take the road at any time be- tween April and November ! It is pleasant to start in the freshness of a summer morning, with the prospect of seeing a new country, and with the comfortable assurance that it is a matter of no consequence if you become lost in traversing unknown paths. Your horse, I assume, has rested well, there is a cheerful air of anticipation about his ears, and the wheels turn smoothly and lightly on the newly oiled axles. Tt is pleasant to stop at noon in a patch of woods, beside some mountain stream or at the edge of a lake, where better quarters can be had than any tavern or summer hotel affords. The roadster is taken out, the dog lies down at the foot of a tree, stretching himself with a sigh of content, and a sort of gypsy camp springs up on the instant. After a half-hour's rest comes lun- cheon for man and beast ; the steed taking his oats out of a pail or nose-bag, the dog sharing lamb-saud- Aviches with the two other carnivorous members of the party. This meal concluded, — and there is no law against lighting a small fire in order to have a cup of hot tea or cocoa, — time remains for a nap, or for read- ing a novel, or, better yet, for reclining at ease and absorbing impressions from nature. A fresh start is made about two o'clock, or later if the weather be very hot, the Houyhnhnm having first been made to look spick and span, and able for his task. It is pleas- ant then to drive past green fields and groves of pine in the pensive light of late afternoon, and to watch the shadows lengthening on the mountains ; it is pleasant as the cows are coming homo, ;is the sun is setting, and as the frogs begin their niglitly chorus, to ap- ROAD HORSES. 129 proach your destination, looking forward to supper and a bed, and leaving behind a day long to be remem- bered. Even the mishaps that befall the adventurous traveller, such as losing the road on a dark night when a thunder-storm is raging, and finding himself on a disused path through the woods instead of the highway, — even experiences of this kind are delight- ful in the retrospect. The evening may be less enjoyable. New England taverns have a bad name, and they deserve it. Still, there is occasionally a good one, and there are others that possess some collateral attraction. The best, perhaps, are usually found in county towns where tra- dition lingers. I remember one such, well situated on a New Hampshire hill. The village was very small, containing three or four shops, a court-house, a miniature jail, and the tavern, a rambling structure with low ceilings. The rooms were but tolerable, the cooking was scarcely that, and yet the place had an air, a flavor, an attraction, which at first I was unable to resolve. At last I discovered that it consisted chiefly in this : the proprietor, a full-bearded, high- colored man of the old school, invariably and con- stantly wore a tall silk hat ; the only one, in all proba- bility, for ten miles around. Unthinking persons may perceive no significance in this ; but, rightly consid- ered, the high hat indicated a certain sense of self- respect, as well as a certain feeling for form and ceremony. If the hat had been assumed only when the wearer went outside, then it would have been simply a protection from the elements, or at best a matter of display for the villagers ; but being worn constantly indoors, without regard to times or sea- 1-30 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. SOUS, it ceased to be a hat and became a badge. There was another good feature of this hotel ; the office, a loug, low room, had a big open fireplace, where logs of wood burned cheerfully on a frosty night in au- tumn. The hostler, moreover, was an excellent one. True, he fairly reeked of chloroform (Xew Hampshire is a prohibition State), and his memory was not of the best, being unable to carry " four quarts of oats " more than fifteen minutes, or to distinguish it at the distance of half an hour from a bran mash; but he was gentle with his horses, and groomed them well. If the roadster is to be kept in good condition, and to come out fresh every morning, his master must be liberal with fees and vigilant in his oversight. Hos- tlers, — I say it with reluctance, — especially in large stables, are, generally speaking, worthless, drunken creatures ; and here and there a tavern-keeper is found base enough to cheat a horse out of his oats. " But," some self-indulgent reader may exclaim, " one might as well stay at home as to go off on a journey and be bothered with a horse." This would be distinctly the argument of a Yahoo, and if any one is in danger of being deceived by it I would refer him to what the famous Captain Dugald Dalgetty said upon the sub- ject : •'' ' It is my custom, my friends, to see Gustavus (for so I have called him, after my invincible master) accommodated myself; we are old friends and fellow travellers, and as I often need the use of his legs, I always lend him in my turn the service of my tongue to call for whatever he has occasion for ; ' and accord- ingly he strode into the stable after his steed without further apology." Horses often fall ill or break down on a journey, and ROAD HORSES. 131 this usually bappeus uot from overdriving, but from allowing tbem to get cold, from watering them when they are hot, from feeding them when they are tired, and from general neglect. A tired roadster seldom gets a bed as deep and soft as he ought to have. The famous Mr. Splan remarks upon this point as follows : "What horses want is plenty of fj-esh air, to be com- fortably clothed, and to have a good bed at all times. No matter how well you feed or care for a man, if you put him in a bad bed at night he will be very apt to find fault in the morning, and I think it is the same with a horse." The feet of a road horse also need at- tention, and his shoes are all-important. Most country blacksmiths do their work like butchers, paring and burning the foot to fit the shoe, instead of adapting the iron to the hoof. Still, within a radius of five or ten miles it is usually possible to discover a single good workman in this regard, and the traveller can get upon his track by inquiring of horsy men in the vicin- ity. Every village in New England contains at least one enthusiastic person who is raising colts with the confident expectation of turning out a $20,000 trotter. This man will know who is the good blacksmith of the neighborhood. A word or two may be permitted here concerning the harness of a road or driving horse. With a light carriage, and where the country is level, breeching can be dispensed with, and a well made horse commonly looks better without it. Blinders, again, or winkers, are usually superfluous. An intelligent horse once accustomed to an open bridle is apt to shy less thus harnessed, for he can look about more freely. Besides, in the case of a skittish horse, it is an advantage for the 132 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. driver to be able to watch his eye, as well as his ear. Some pulling horses go better with blinders, and some nervous horses may be safer with them. It is a matter for experiment in the particular case. The question of check reins is not disposed of so easily, although many good people have convinced themselves that check reins under all circumstances are cruel and unnecessary. I know of one person whose great object in life, apart from the earning of his daily bread, is to do away wdth this part of the harness. The check rein, as all horsemen know, is often essential to the safety of human life and limb. People who write tracts or letters to the newspapers condemning it hi tuto have no knowledge of horseflesh beyond what they derive from an acquaintance with some sedate family nag of mature years. If they had a stableful of young horses to exercise in harness in winter weather, they would change their minds on this point. Many gay horses can be driven in per- fect safety provided they wear check reins, especially if they wear the over-draw check ; whereas the same horses without checks would be likely at any moment to put their heads down and run away, or, if they had a touch of deviltry, to kick up behind. It should not be forgotten that the use of the check rein makes it possible to use an easy bit, where without the check a severe bit would have to be employed; and any horse in his senses would prefer a check to a se- vere bit. But apart from these cases, which, after all, are few in number compared with the great mass of horses in the service of man, the check has another function, which is to steady the horse, and to make it easier ROAD HORSES. 133 for liim to perform his work ; but if the check be too tight, it becomes a hindrance and a vexation, instead of a help. Charles Marvin relates an experience with a year- ling which shows the very great importance of not checking a horse too high : — " There was a certain colt at Palo Alto that showed remarkably well in the paddock, but after we got him in harness we found that he could not exhibit a trace of respectable speed. I drove him one day, and found that he could not trot a three-minute gait. . . . After vain and discouraging work I gave him up for that day, thinking that perhaps he was out of humor, and sulky, and a little bit tired. The next day I tried him again, but with no better results. ... So I unhitched him and turned him loose on the miniature track, and away he went as well as ever. A little study showed how he carried his head and how he balanced himself. I changed the check, harnessed him again, let his head free so that he could carry himself in his own way, and that same day he showed me a quarter in better than forty seconds." ^ It is natural for some horses to carry their heads low, for others to carry them at a medium height, and for a few to hold them high. But the check rein as commonly used disregards these natural differences, and pulls up the head of the unfortunate animal to a point which suits the whim or vanity of his owner. Even horsemen of great experience frequently err in this matter. The owner of Lady De Jarnette, a beau- tiful Kentucky mare, a noted prize-winner, always drove her with a particularly short, over-draw check, ^ Training the Trotting Horse, page 218. 134 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. which he thought necessary. Her record was 2.29-^. One day, at his request, John Splan drove the mare, and by the simple device of letting out the check rein a few holes, Mr. Splan reduced her record to 2.24^. " Any one," he says, " could have driven the mare the same niile, as she was very steady, and it required no particular skill to manage her, She simply wanted to be properly harnessed. It is just as easy to choke a horse by checking him too high, and forcing the tongue back into the entrance of the throat, as it would be in any other way. I have seen one or two horses die in harness that I am sure were choked to death." ^ The horse should never be checked on the driving bit, for this practice tends to spoil his mouth. Even when a side check is used, it should be attached to a small rubber or leather-covered flexible bit, not con- nected in any way with the driving bit. This ar- rangement is an uncommon one, but I have tested it thoroughly, and am convinced of its superiority. Of course, when a horse has the weight of a carriage to draw, the discomfort of a check rein too short is greatly increased. Splan says : " I think that, as a rule, road horses are checked entirely too high. To place a horse's head in that position, and then ask him to pull five hundred pounds of weight at a high rate of speed, is wrong. The horse is not oidy uncomfort- 1 I quote from the instructive work "Life with the Trotters," to which I have referred in a previous chapter. Mr. Splan is a hor.se- nian of great acuteness, and as a driver cool, resolute, and full of resource. A man of much experience on the track once remarked, " If a horse were going to trot for my life I should like to have him conditioned by Hudd Dohle and driven by Joliii Rj)lan." ROAD HORSES. 135 able, but at a great disadvantage. I notice that iu drawing weiglit must horses hold their heads iu a uiedium position." As to the over-draw check, useful as it is in some cases, I am free to say that I wish it had never been invented, so grossly is it abused. How often do we see some wretched victim of man's cruelty straining up hill with his neck in an abnormal position, or standing still and denied the poor privilege of hang- ing his despondent and weary head. Nevertheless it is extremely probable that the same horse, if erj^uipped with a moderate side check, would perform a journey more comfortably than if he Avore no check. If his head were free, he would be apt to carry it somewhere between his fore legs, going more carelessly as he be- came tired, stumbling, and perhaps falling before he reached his destination ; whereas a moderate check would hold him together, and sustain his morale. The driver who gets out at the foot of every steep hill and unchecks his horse is, generally speaking, more humane than the man who dispenses with it altogether; and upon a journey, or upon a long after- noon's drive in the family carriage, this amount of trouble ought not to be begrudged. Besides, the exer- tion of hopping in and out (in addition, of course, to walking up all the steep pitches) will tend to ward off that stiffness which is likely to attack the legs of a lazy passenger. In a word, then, the check rein is sometimes neces- sary to the proper control of the horse, and more often it is an advantage to the horse himself; but Avhen drawn too tight, especially if it be an over-draw check, it is a hindrance and a vexation, and frequently an 136 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. instrument of torture. I like to drive a horse with- out check, martingale, blinders, or whip. One great point in all-day tlriving is to make the noonday stop before the roadster begins to tire. Every horse has his distance, which is easily ascertained by experience, though allowance must of course be made for the state of the weather and of the roads. To this extent he will go along cheerfully, with ears and tail in their normal position; but drive a little farther, and he begins to lag, his curiosity is gone, his ears lose their vivacity, his tail droops, and he wants to stop. It is well to make the noonday halt before this point is reached, even though half the journey be not completed. When it comes to undertaking a really great dis- tance, such as sixty or seventy miles in a day, or fifty miles for two or three days consecutively, then in- telligent driving and the best of care are indispensable. Every foot of the road must be watched, advantage taken of all the good going and slight declivities, the bad spots avoided as much as possible, and the move- ment and condition of the roadster kept under vigi- lant observation from morning till night. Unless the driver can sympathize with the horse, so as to know exactly what his frame of mind and bodily condition are all the way along, he is incomi:)etent to handle him to anything like the best advantage. When a day's work of extraordinary length is attempted, the best plan is to stop for half an hour or so in the mid- dle of the morning, and also in the middle of the after- noon, in order to give the roadster a short rest and a luncheon of oats, making a longer halt, of course, at noontime. The recent Badminton work on driv- ROAD HORSES. 137 ing states the old Eugiish custom in this regard as follows : — "Before the advent of railways, fifty miles in a day was not considered too much for a pair of horses to do, and that in a lumbering travelling carriage. The rules laid down for such a journey were, to go ten miles and bait for fifteen minutes, giving each horse an opportunity to wash out his mouth, and a wisp of hay ; then to travel another six miles and stop half an hour, taking off the harness, rubbing the horses well dow^n, and giving to each half a peck of corn. After travelling a further ten miles, hay and water were given as at first, when another six miles might be traversed; and then a bait of at least two hours was considered necessary, and the horses were given hay and a feed of corn. After journeying another ten miles, hay and water, as before, were administered, and the rest of the journey might be accomplished without a further stop, when the horses were provided with a mash for their night meal, and if the weather were cold and wet some beans were thrown in. This calcu- lates a pace averaging six or seven miles an hour." I am acquainted .with a Morgan filly, five years old, that, without any special preparation, travelled last fall from the White Mountains to Boston, one hundred and forty-seven miles, in exactly three days, with per- fect ease. The first day she went but thirty-five miles, the second fifty-four, the third fifty-eight. Her owner furnishes me with the following account of the last day : — ''I started from Portsmouth at eight a. m., drove fifteen miles, and stopped for three quarters of an hour, taking the mare out, rubbing her legs well, and 138 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. giving her two q'-^^i-i'ts of oats. I then drove twelve miles, aud stojjped agaiu in a patch of woods for two hours. The mare had some hay, procured of a neigh- boring farmer, with three quarts of oats, and was well groomed. Starting agaiu at about four o'clock, I drove to Salem, arriving there soon after six, the distance being about fifteen or sixteen miles. The horse seemed perfectly fresh, but as my three days would not be up till eleven p. m. (inasmuch as I started at eleven a. m. on the first day), I concluded to stop for dinner. The mare was put into a stable and rubbed down. Her legs were bandaged, and she was pro- vided with some hay and two or three quarts of oats, which she ate greedily. At seven thirty she was har- nessed again, aud came up to Boston as readily as if she were out for the first time that day. Her eye was perfectly bright when I arrived, she exhibited no sign of fatigue, and would doubtless have been good for twenty miles more." This was a creditable performance to have been done so easily, especially as the road from Portsmouth is flat and sandy. A moderately hilly road is much less fatiguing. The same filly, it may be added, when but three years old, made sevent}^ miles in a day of twelve hours, drawing a skeleton wagon. Such a journey would have ruined most young horses, but the next morning, when turned out to pasture, she threw up her heels, as sound and lively as any colt in the lot. Another Morgan mare,^ of similar appearance, being black, and "a compactly built, nervy, wiry animal of the steel and whalebone sort," is credited with going ^ The property of Mr. Farnnm, of 'WaltlinTTi, M.assachusctts. ROAD HORSES. 139 eight miles iu thirty-seven minutes, returning over the same ground in thirty-six minutes. On another occa- sion she accomplished forty-three miles in three hours and twenty-five minutes. This is great roading. Vermont Champion, a son of Sherman Morgan and grandson of Justin Morgan, was once driven by his owner, Mr. Knights, from Concord, Vermont, to Port- land, Maine, with a load of pork. The trip down, presumably in a sleigh, took three or four days, the distance being very nearly, if not quite, one hundred and ten miles. On arriving at Portland, Mr. Knights found a letter that had been sent by stage, informing him of illness in his family ; and the next morning he started for home, which he reached about eight o'clock in the evening of the same day. "Old men are now alive," says my informant, " who saw Champion the next day, and who state that he looked fit to repeat the exploit." But perhaps the most remarkable horse of which I have been able to obtain a trustworthy account is Joe Renock, a blood bay inbred IMorgan stallion of great style and beauty, kept for many years at Sherbrooke in the Province of Quebec. He stood about 15.1 and weighed about eleven hundred pounds. A for- mer owner thus describes him : " He had the hand- somest head I ever saw on a horse. His neck was perfect ; so was his body. He had the most beautiful long mane and tail that ever graced a horse. In passing your finger through them, the hair felt as soft as silk. He had as perfect a set of legs and feet as ever was seen. His legs were of the flinty kind, as clean and smooth as those of a deer." Like Justin Morgan, Joe Renock was excellent under saddle, 1-10 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. especially as a cliarger. Colonel Lovelace, an English officer, a veteran of the Crimea, who rode Joe E-enock on one occasion, declared him to be the most perfect saddle horse that he had ever seen. But it is for his roadster qualities chiefly that I cite him here. ISlv. John Harkness, an old horseman, and, as I am in- formed on good authority, a truthful man gives the following account. ^ " On one occasion I drove this stallion ninety miles in one day, under adverse circumstances,«which I will relate. I started with him on a journey of a hundred and fifty miles. It was on the first day of August, 1869. Joe Renock carried about one hundred pounds of surplus flesh, and was hitched to a phaeton top buggy, holding my wife and myself. I calculated to make the journey in three days. I left home at six o'clock in the morning and drove to Drummondville, a distance of about fifty miles. I landed in Drum- mondville at noon of the same day. I am wrong in saying that I drove him. I should say he pulled me every inch of the way. He would not pull to fight his driver, but he would go right up on the bit, and keep his driver busy all the time. • " I put him up, intending to stop for the night at Drummondville. After he cooled off, I took him out and groomed him. After I got through with my job, I led him out by the halter, and he played around me like a squirrel. My wife stood on the veranda and remarked, ' He feels well after his drive.' I told her to get ready, and we would drive to a place called Mos- cow, about twenty-five miles farther, as I did not like to stay at Drummondville. ^ In the Amoricau Horse Breeder of April 22, 1892. ROAD HORSES. 141 " The day was hot, and it was a sandy country, which made it hard wheeling. I left Drummondville at two o'clock, and he pulled me by the bit all the way to Moscow. When I got there the sun was quite high. I then reined him for Sorrell, fifteen miles beyond, and the last three miles were through a sandy pine wood. Here he commenced to rave so much that I was obliged to get out of the buggy at two different times, and hold him by the bit until I rested my arms. So much for Joe Renock, after driving him ninety miles. " I rubbed him dry, and he was in the stable before sunset. I hitched him up the next morning, and he went up to the bit every rod of the sixty miles, the balance of my journey, and did his last with as much ease as any mile in the trip." ^ Like most other great horses, Joe Eenock derived his energy and strength largely from his dam, who is thus described by the Vermont farmer who owned her : " She was a block}^ fifteen-hand dark brown or black mare with white strip and one white hind foot, full of pluck and nerve. Xo better mare ever trod the green hills of Vermont. I have driven her for hundreds of miles, and followed her for days on the farm. I have known her to be taken up from the pasture and driven seventy miles in a day, and it did not take her all day to do it." Joe Renock, foaled at Poultney, Vermont, about the year 1857, was this mare's last colt, she being then twenty years of age. The shortest time for one hundred miles is that made by Conqueror, harnessed to a sulky, at Centre- ville, Long Island, in 1853, which was eight hours. 1 See also page 200 for an instance of good roading. 142 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. fifty-five minutes, aud titty-three seconds. Several other horses have done this distance in less than ten hours. Fifty miles were trotted at Providence, Khode Island, in 1835, by a horse called Black Joker, in three hours and tifty-seven minutes. Several liorses have trotted twenty miles within an hour, the first to do it being Trustee, a half-bred horse. One of the few defeats that Flora Temple ever suffered was in a match to trot twenty miles within an hour, harnessed to a skeleton wagon; "that kind of going on in a treadmill sort of way," as Hiram Woodruff remarks, " not being her strong point." An American trotting horse, called Tom Thumb, said to resemble a Canadian pony, and owned by Mr. Osbaldestone, in England, covered one hiindred miles in ten hours and seven minutes, the vehicle weighing nearly or quite one hundred pounds. An English- bred mare was afterward matched to accomplish the same task. " She was," according to Youatt, " one of those animals rare to be met with, that could do al- most anything as a hack, a hunter, or in harness. On one occasion, after having, in following the hounds and travelling to and from cover, gone through at least sixty miles of country, she fairly ran away with her rider over several ploughed fields. She accom- plished the match in ten hours and fourteen minutes. . . . She was a little tired, and, being turned into a loose box, lost no time in taking her rest. On the following day she was as full of life and spirit as ever. This is a match," Mr. Youatt continues, "which it is pleasant to record; for the owner had given positive orders to the driver to stop at once on her showing decided symptoms of distress, as he valued ROAD HORSES. 143 her more than anything he could gain by her enduring actual suffering." No sensible person will care to drive fifteen miles in an hour or seventy in a day, except as a feat ; but if you wish to travel forty or fifty miles, it is a great thing to have a roadster who is capable of going seventy or eighty. To ride behind a tired horse is fatiguing and depressing in the extreme, whereas there is a sense of exhilaration in covering a long distance which is yet well within the known powers of your steed. In fact, a good roadster is something like a satisfactory bank account, — your pleasure in his capacity is great almost in proportion as the drafts which you make upon it are small. VI. SADDLE HOESES. WHAT are the marks of a good saddle horse ? Perhaps the most important one is the pos- session of " riding shoulders," — i. e. long, sloping shoulders, terminating in rather high, thin withers. Such shoulders are indispensable for a good jumper, as a horse always lands on his fore feet, and they make the animal easy to sit. It was said of Fair Nell, the Irish mare who beat Haleem Pacha's best Arab in an eight-mile race,^ that " she had such beautiful shoulders, with so much before you, and with such an elastic stride, that it was easy, even delightful, to sit on her, although her temper was hot, and at times she plunged violently." ' See page 119. SADDLE HORSES. 145 A saddle horse should have a rather short back, the least bit curved, which is the true Arab forma- tion. Mr, S. W. Parlin has indicated this shape in the following description of Flying Eaton, a noted Maine horse: "While he had a strong, broad loin and excellent coupling, there was a graceful down- ward curvature of the spine in front of the coupling which gave him in some degree the appearance of being slightly sway -backed, — a conformation often found among the descendants of Sherman Morgan." ^ "Just the curve," writes Mr. Palgrave, describing the Arab horses in the Emir's stables at Hail, " which indicates springiness without any weakness." But it must be admitted that the rule as to short backs is fairly riddled with exceptions. Very speedy horses, as distinguished from weight-carriers and "stayers," commonly have backs of medium or even greater length ; and Whyte-Melville states that the best three weight-carriers he ever knew all had the fault of being overlong in the back. Other marks of a good saddle horse are short cannon bones, strong quarters and hocks, — it is an old stable aphorism, " No 'ocks, no 'unter," — a neck rather long, so that his wind may be good, feet rather small, so that he may step lightly, and pasterns somewhat oblique and yielding. A short, straight pastern makes a hard gait, and is apt to break down, and a pastern too long or too oblique is an even greater indication of weakness. The pas- tern of a saddle horse is next in importance to the shoulder. Upon it depends his elasticity, and to a considerable extent his jumping power, and 1 See page 197. 10 14G ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. it is at this point tluit race horses most frequently give out. A good saddle horse, like a good horse for any other purpose, should be well "ribbed up." A con- siderable space between the last rib and the hip bone almost invariably indicates a want of toughness. Animals thus built usually require more grain, and are capable of less work, than " close-ribbed " horses. A thin waist also commonly shows a want of strength^ but, as I have remarked with reference to harness horses, this is by no means an unfailing sign. The famous steeple-chaser, Emblem, a beautiful bay mare with wonderful shoulders, had no ''middle piece," and yet she was a noted stayer. Hempstead, an American gelding remarkable as a jumper, was an- other instance of a wasp-waisted but strong horse. It may be doubted, however, if in these and in other like cases the want of strength is not supplied by extraordinary courage and resolution. A coarse-bred horse that was also thin-waisted would probably show, as well as feel, a lack of endurance. A horse with low withers is, generally speaking, uniit for the saddle, especially if he stands higher behind than in front, — a conformation apt to be found both in fast runners and in fast trotters. When such horses have good legs and feet, they can carry a light man without danger of becoming knee- sprung, but weight-carrying is not their forte, and I am inclined to think that they will never trot so fast under saddle as they will in harness ; whereas, as a rule, a trotter is estimated to be about three seconds (per mile) faster under saddle than in har- ness. During one whole winter I rode a horse of SADDLE HORSES. 147 this shape, never aliowing him to gallop, but often urging him to a fast trot; and yet in all that time only once did he strike the long, rapid gait of which he was capable, and which he would invariably show when harnessed to a light vehicle. This motion, the extended trot of a really fast horse, is very peculiar, and usually not very comfortable to the rider, the hind legs being well brought up under the animal at every stride, and also, in many cases, going wider than the fore feet, so that the man in the saddle feels as if he might be thrown over his horse's head. And yet some trotters step so smoothly that they can be sat close at a 2.30 gait. If your object in riding is mainly that of exercise, almost any sound, active horse that does not stumble will answer the purpose. If his trot be hard, the more exercise you will get, and the better practice you will have. The worst horses to ride are those cold-blooded, nerveless animals, which, tiring after a few miles, let themselves go, and actually tumble down, unless kept up to the mark, rather than take the trouble to remain on their legs. Many coarse- bred cobs are of this character. They wear a decep- tive appearance of strength, have stout limbs and broad chests, but lack nervous energy and courage. I remember taking a faint-hearted cob, the property of another, from the town in which I lived to the city where he was to be sold at auction on the following day, a distance of fifteen or twenty miles. Before we had accomplished one quarter of the journey, while cantering down a very slight decline, the cob fell. It is no joke to break the knees of a friend's horse, and the sympathetic reader will easily imagine — as I shall 148 EOAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. uever forget — tlie feeliug of horrid auticipation with which I glanced at his legs. But fortuuatel}*, the ground being soft, the hair had not been taken off, so that the cob's selling value remained as it had been. 1 remounted, and " carrying his head in my hand," rode the rest of the way, divided between the fear of being late for an important engagement and of spoil- ing the horse, to say nothing of my own neck. But when your mount arrives at this condition, Avhen he feels like a block of wood beneath you, all his elas- ticity being gone, and especially if he begins to stum- ble, the better plan is to get oft' and walk. The most skilful riding cannot with any certainty keep him on his legs. However, if your journey be a matter of life and death, or if you prefer to take the gambler's chance of finishing it without an accident, your only course is to maintain a firm hold of the bit, — not a dead pull, but a " sensational," enlivening pull, and at the same time to touch up the faltering nag with whip or spur. If he is allowed when tired to drop into his natural lethargic condition, he will quickly be down in the dust. Stumbling horses will sometimes fall even when going at a walk-, they do so most frequently at a jog trot, and the likeliest spot for such an accident is near the bottom of a hill, where the ground still declines, but, the steepness of the descent being past, the horse relaxes his attention. " It is not at a desperate 'hiv- erman' pace, and over very bad roads, that a horse tumbles and smashes his knees, but on your par- ticularly nice road, when the horse is going gently and lazily, and is half asleep, like the gemman on his back." SADDLE HORSES. 149 It is usually thought that high-stepping horses are less likely to fall than low steppers or "daisy-cut- ters," but this I believe to be an error. Some horses occasionally fall, but otherwise never stumble, whereas a low-stepping horse may stumble frequently, but never come down, always saving himself with the other leg. It is a matter chiefly of legs and feet, and of courage ; but a nag who puts his toe down first is almost sure to be a stumbler. I need not say that the saddle horse, above all others, being necessarily an intimate companion of his master, should possess intelligence and good temper ; he should have fine, well-bred ears, a large, expressive eye, a tapering nose, and nicely cut, expansive nos- trils. To bestride a lop-eared, coarse-headed bea§t would give little satisfaction to a person of proper equine susceptibilities. But it is astonishing what small importance professional horsemen commonly attach to this vital matter of intelligence, the reason perhaps being that they take the purely mechanical view of the horse, considering him merely as a crea- ture who is able, or unable, as the case may be, to get over the ground and to carry a weight. I have known many instances where jockeys or dealers, being em- ployed to buy a horse for a customer, have picked out an animal which had all the requisites except the saving one of good sense. I remember one case in particular where a keen judge of horseflesh was sent to Kentucky for a saddle horse. The man paid a large price and came back with an admirable beast, young, sound, thoroughly taught, good in harness as well as under saddle, fast, and, except for the shape of his head, very handsome. 150 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. But the head was ill-shaped, and the eye had the un- easy, glassy, indescribable, but easily recognized look of a stupid and dangerous animal. Such he proved to be ; and after being half starved to " keep him down," and then " fed up " to make him look fat again, he brought matters to a crisis by running away. Where- upon he was sold at auction for about one twentieth of the sum that he had cost. Only the other day, a trainer of many years' expe- rience assured me that there was nothing in the ex- pression of a horse's eye, — nothing at all; the only significance was in the shape of the head. Now the shape of the head is significant, but not more so than the eye. The horse that I have described as suitable for the saddle is, as the reader will doubtless have perceived, most apt to be found among half-bred animals, — mean- ing those that have some fraction, it may be a very large or a very small one, of thorough-bred blood, — and the nearer thoroughbred, the better. Good carriage horses are often described as hunters of a large pattern ; the Cleveland Bays were part-bred horses ; the Yorkshire Coach Horse Society counts a thoroughbred out cross ("two in and one out") as not disqualifying the animal thus bred for recording in its book ; and in general it may be said that good horses for riding and driving are half-breds. But, as no horseman needs to be told, the half-bred is often a very poor animal, combining the defects of both strains and this is especially the case when all the hot blood is on one side, and all the cold blood on the other. The produce of a thorougbred horse and a cart mare is sometimes a grand beast, with the spirit SADDLE HORSES. 151 of its sire and the strengtli of its dam ; but more often animals tlius bred are leggy, slab-sided, and nerveless. The same result is likely to follow when two horses of about equal breeding, but of very antagonistic qualities, are mated. General Knox and Lady Thorne were nearly, if not quite, the best trotting horse and mare of their day. Lady Thorne was out of a thor- oughbred mare by a horse bred in the same way. The dam of General Knox was also by a thoroughbred. But General Knox was a coarse, stout-limbed, rather heavy-headed horse, whereas Lady Thorne had the quality of a thoroughbred, and, as might have been expected, their foal, General Washington, proved to be a rangy, weedy beast, far inferior to his sire and dam. However, some of General Washington's colts are very line animals, the inherited excellence which w^as latent in him having appeared, as often happens in similar cases, in the second generation. When it comes to racing, or steeple-chasing, and even to fox-hunting in the fast counties of England, something different is required. Of late years the best steeple-chasers have commonly been thorough- bred ; and it is said that no horse with the slightest taint of cold blood in his pedigree can now live in " the first flight " of the Quorn hunt. It is a fact of some interest, that during the past forty years or so both fox-hunting and prize-fighting have undergone a similar change, in each case a long, slow process having been replaced by a short, quick one. The neivly invented " hurricane rushes " cor- respond to the tremendous bursts of speed with which the Leicestershire riders now chase the fox ; and the loser's fate in a modern prize-fight is commonly de- 152 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. cided in about the same time that it takes to kill the speedy Reynard of the present day. The time may come when the universal horse for harness or for saddle will be a thoroughbred. " Thor- oughbreds," says one writer in the Badminton volume on Racing, " are the best for all kinds of work, except of course that of heavy draught horses," and thorough- bred mares have been used for ploughing on at least one farm in England. The thoroughbred horse is not necessarily a long-legged greyhound kind of beast. Even at this day, though not so commonly as when the process of developing a racing machine from Eastern stock began, thoroughbreds are found with comparatively short legs, Avell rounded bodies, necks inclined to arch, and in general not devoid of those graceful curves which, in the modern racer, have mainly been supplanted by straight lines. Such a thoroughbred is Mr. Burdett-Coutts's hunter sire, True- fit ; such also is the well known American horse, Duke of Magenta ; and such was Glencoe, one of the most beautiful horses ever imported to this country.^ In this neighborhood most men wdio ride own but one saddle horse, and commonly their stud begins and ends ■with him. He should be, therefore, an all-round horse, fit to carry his master from a suburban home to the city, and to do this day after day on hard roads. He should also be ready at all times for a spin across country, — a fast trotter, a fairly good jumper, and, 1 Glencoe was foaled in 18.31, and imported in 1837. He was by Sultan: dam, Trampoline by Tramp; second dam, Web by Waxey. Many trotters, including Jay-Eye-See with a record of 2.10, trace to Glencoe through their dams. His thoroughbred son^ Rifleman, is the siro of Colonel Lewis, whose record is 2.18|. SADDLE HORSES. 153 above all, an intelligent, docile, sound, tough horse. But we see very few such. Some men ride pretty, fat cobs, that have little " go " and no endurance ; others are mounted on tall, bony, blood-like animals, good for hunting, but not suited to a daily journey over macadamized roads and pavements. Others again ride long-legged, coarse-jointed, coarse-haired char- gers that have no indication of good breeding except the quite unnecessary amount of daylight which is visible beneath them. What is wanted is a compact, elastic, rather small horse, with legs and feet of iron. Such pre-eminently is the Arab, and it cannot be doubted that, if Arabs of pure lineage could be bred in this country, they would furnish a useful and popular breed of saddle horses. Their inferiority to thoroughbreds as racers is incon- testable, but beside the point. In India, imported English and Australian horses give the Arabs, three stone, country-breds two stone, and Capes fourteen pounds. ''These country -bred horses," says an English officer, "having a strong dash of thoroughbred English blood, are generally faster than Arabs, for say six furlongs, but do not stay as well." The same authority, after speaking of the comparative slowness of Arabs, continues : " Yet, for all that, there is a great deal to be said in their favor as high-mettled racers. They are, as a rule, game, honest, and grand stayers ; so sound that an inexperienced owner may take all sorts of liberties with them in their training without breaking them down ; docile and easy to ride." Another peculiarity of Arab horses, which shows the homogeneousness and fixed character of the breed, is the fact that they can all run about equally fast. 154 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. The endurance of tlie Arab is probably greater than that of any other living horse. A match against time was won in 1840 by an Arab horse at Bungalore, in the presidency of Madras, who travelled four hundred miles in four consecutive days. Mr. Frazer, in his '' Tartar Journeys," relates that an Arab carried him five hundred and twenty-two miles in six days, rested three, went back in five, rested nine, and returned in seven. What thoroughbred could do as much ? But I am bound to add, some authorities think that the thoroughbred horse can outstrip and outlast the Arab over any distance. Mr. S. Sidney, for example, a very high authority, believes this to have been true of Fair Nell, the Irish mare already mentioned. The following description of Leopard, one of the two Arabian horses presented to General Grant by the Sultan in 1876, indicates so clearly certain points of a good horse, and especially of a good saddle horse, that I cannot forbear quoting it in full.^ " In front of the stables (at Ash Hill, near Washing- ton), upon a beautiful table-land overlooking acres of meadow pasturage with scattered barns and hay-ricks, was a level spot of close fine turf, splendid to show horses upon. Upon this the colored groom Addison led out the Arab, Leopard. He was a beautiful dapple-gray, fourteen and three quarters hands high ; his symmetry and perfectness making him appear much taller. As he stood looking loftily over the meadows below, I thought him the most beautiful horse I had ever seen. With nostrils distended and eyes full of fire, I could imagine he longed for a run 1 It is taken from Mr. Randolph Huntington's interesting bool<, "General Grant's Arabian TTorses." SADDLE HORSES. 155 in his desert home. Addison gave him play at the halter, and he showed movements no liorse in the world can equal but the pure-bred Arabian. He needed no quarter-boots, shin-boots, ankle-boots, scalp- ing-boots, or protections of any kind; and yet the same movements this Arabian went through would have blemished every leg and joint upon an American trotting horse, even though he had been able to at- tempt the impossible activity. " He was now brought to a stand-still that I might examine him ; not cocked on one leg, pointed in an- other, or straddled, as our horses would be after such violent exercise, but bold and erect on all fours, as when first led out. " I began at his head. The ear was very small and fine, much as it was in old Henry Clay. The muzzle was small and fine, the mouth handsome and lips very thin, as were the nostrils. Between the eyes he was full and broad, while the eyes themselves were large, brilliant, and of the speaking kind. I lifted the lids, and they too were thin and delicate, not coarse and heavy, as in our big-mouthed, thick-lipped, long, heavy-eared American horse. The jowls were very deep, but wide between (the peculiarity so much con- demned in Henry Clay). The windpipe was large and free, running low into the breast. The neck was beautifully arched, giving the impression of a thin crest, which I expected to find from numerous writers' reports. Imagine my surprise when, upon running my hand from between the ears down, I found a big, thick, hard crest,^ as if a three or even four inch new cable rope were inside. This was exactly such a 1 This is a characteristic of the Barb, but not of the Arab. 156 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. crest as was in old Henry Clay, — it lopped over like a bag of meal with old age ; and I remembered having an old Messenger stallion, years before, with exactly such a crest, which, falling over m the same way with age, was a great torment to my pride. *' The fetlocks could not be found ; there were none. The warts at point of ankle were wanting, and the osselets were very small. Large coarse osselets show cold, mongrel blood. . . . The mane was very fine and silky, falling over so as to cause one to believe the crest was a knife-blade, with blade up. for thinness. . . . Xow for his gaits. I had Addison lead him on the walk to and from me, say a distance of two or three hundred feet, that I might see the position of his feet in walking. There was no twisting behind, nor paddle in front, but straight, clean, elastic step- ping. I now had him pass me at the side, that I might see his knee, and his hock and stifle action. From the walk I had him moved upon the trot, and at either walk or trot every movement was perfect. The knee action was beautiful ; not too much, as in our toe-weighted horses, nor stiff and staky, as in the English race horse, but graceful and elastic, beauti- fullv balanced by movement in the hock and stifle." It cannot be doubted, 1 think, that the Arab horse has no superior for what might he called miscella- neous saddle use, and in particular for polo. Many of the best polo ponies in England are pure Arabs, and others are partly of Arab blood. The English polo players state, moreover, that the Arab bred ponies are instructed in the game more easily and quickly than any otliers. In this country the first breed of saddle horses was SADDLE HORSES. 157 that of the Narragausett pacers. These horses appear to have resembled very closely the palfrey of the Mid- dle Ages, and they were developed for the same pur- pose, namely, as a means of easy locomotion at a time when roads were bad and vehicles vmcomfortable. The Narragansett pacers were in their heyday about the middle of the eighteenth century, and they origi- nated, as the name implies, in Khode Island, not far from Newport. "They carried," said a writer in the North American lleview many years ago, "fair equestrians from one to another of the many hospi- table dwellings scattered over the fields of ancient Aquidneck in Bishop Berkeley's time." How these horses were bred cannot now be discov- ered. There is a tradition, which Frank Forester seems to accept, that they were of Spanish origin ; and there is reason to think that the place of their breeding was that long neck of land on Xarragausett Bay known as Point Judith, — the scene of many a shipwreck. In the latter part of the seventeenth cen- tury there flourished one John Hull, a rich and pious merchant of Boston, at one time Treasurer of the Col- ony. In a letter written in 1677 to one who owned the tract just mentioned jointly with himself, Mr. Hull proposed to shut it off from the mainland by a stone wall, " that no mongrel breed might get thereon," and in the enclosure thus made to rear "a very choice breed for coach horses, some for the saddle, some for draught." Mr. Hull, it thus appears, contemplated the rearing of harness as well as saddle horses, and it is a fact, gathered from the custom-house records, that carriage horses as well as pacers were afterward numerously 158 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. exported from Rhode Island, The only evidence, however, that I can find, tending to show that Mr. Hull's project was carried out is the following in- dignant and righteous letter written by him some years later to one William Heffernan : " I am in- formed that you are so shameless that you offered to sell some of my horses. I would have you know that they are by God's good providence mine. Do you bring me in some good security for my money that is justly owing, and I shall be willing to give you some horses, that you shall not need to offer to steal any." At all events, the Narragansett pacers had a wide reputation, and were sold in great numbers. In an account of the American Colonies, published at Dub- lin in 1753, and written by a clergyman of the English Church, we find the following : " The produce of this Colony [Rhode Island] is principally butter and cheese, fat cattle, wool, and fine horses, that are ex- ported to all parts of the English Americas. They are remarkable for fleetness and swift pacing; and I have seen some of them pace a mile in little more than two minutes, a good deal less than three." This last statement is doubtless exaggerated, but not more so than is to be expected even from a clergyman writing about horses. Since the Narragansett pacers became extinct, we have had no family of horses in New England bred especially for riding, although the Morgans, of whom I have spoken so often in the course of this book, are excellent for that purpose. The trot of the best and lightest Morgan families is peculiarly fit for the saddle, being short, smooth, and, above all, extremely elastic. SADDLE HORSES. 159 This quality of springiness or elasticity is almost, if not quite, the most important one that a saddle horse can possess. Certainly as regards road riding, an elastic trot, whether long or short, is the best gait for pleasure or for exercise, or for accomplishing a distance. No attention whatever has been paid dur- ing the past fifty years to the production of a Mor- gan saddle horse, but the breed still contains the material for a quick-stepping, tough, and showy ani- mal very well adapted for city and suburban use, — what is called in England a " hack." Riding in the rural districts of New England — and this is true in almost equal degree of the Middle, and perhaps also of the Northwestern States — is nearly a lost art. There are whole townships where it would be hard to find a saddle, unless it were some antiquated, moth- eaten contrivance, covered with cobwebs and stowed away in a hay -loft. The equine interests of New England, Boston ex- cepted, all centre in the trotter. But this was not so formerly. Wherever ten men of Anglo-Saxon blood are gathered together, there Avill be found two at least who love horses, and to whom trials of speed between horses soon become a necessity. The passion for trotters set in early in the present century, but before that horse racing was common in the Eastern States, as elsewhere ; and well-bred horses from Canada were often imported for riding and racing purposes. To this fact, indeed, is due much of the best roadster blood in New England. The Drew family thus arose, and some of the swiftest, handsomest branches of the Morgan family derive, on the maternal side, from well bred mares of English stock brought from Canada and the Provinces. 160 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. The sport was to be sure severely condemned by all serious people, and no cliurcli-member could attend a horse race with impunity. Nevertheless horse racing sometimes claimed its victims among the very elect. There is a true story on this head recorded of one Deacon K.., of Bennington, Vermont. The Deacon liked a good horse, and always had in his barn two or three animals that answered this description. In particular, about the year 1818, he owned one that was known to be a very fast runner; and so, when some wicked sporting men from New York came up to Bennington with a race horse which they offered to match against anything that could be produced in the town, the wicked Bennington boys bethought themselves of the Deacon's horse. A match was made, to be run off secretly, in the dead of night, and one Martin Scott (who afterward became a gallant officer in the United States Army) was selected to borrow and ride Deacon K.'s runner. Accordingly, Martin Scott burglariously entered the stable at mid- night, muffled the animal's feet, and quietly brought him out and rode him to the track. The race was over a mile course, and all went well till the home stretch was reached ; then the Benning- ton horse fell back, and it looked as if the strangers would win. But at that moment the Deacon him- self, or his ghost, rose up behind the fence, and screamed aloud, " Put the whip to him, Martin ; put the whip to him, I tell you." Martin, though seized with a great fear, retained sufficient presence of mind to follow these providential directions. He put the whip to his mount vigorously, and won the race by a head. Thereupon Deacon R. appeared on the track. SADDLE HORSES. 161 wavmg his hat and shouting with triumph ; but pres- ently, recollecting himself and his deaconship, he went up to the successful jockey and exclaimed, with every indication of anger, " Martin Scott, you young reprobate, you have stolen my horse, and if you do not immediately return him to the stable, and give him a good rubbing down I shall report you to your father." And thus the Deacon won a horse race, and still preserved his standing m the Church. Never- theless, although riding steadily declined from this time on, jSTew England furnished some excellent cav- alry in the Civil War, mounted chiefly on Morgan horses which out-travelled and outlasted the larger but less enduring animals ridden by the cavalry regi- ments of the West. The Narragansett pacer being extinct, and tlie Mor- gan trotter undeveloped as a saddler, the only riding horse born and bred in the United States is now to be found in Kentucky. Kentucky, from the very beginning of her history, has been noted for well-bred horses, especially in the "Blue Grass" district. A scientific person of reputation who made a study of that region tells us that there are certain products of the land which indicate infallibly the geological forma- tion. Whenever, he relates, he met a tall, handsome girl, with a good color in her cheeks, he knew that he had struck the Blue Grass belt, witli its lime- impregnated soil, and there was no need to pound the rocks with his hammer, or curiously to inspect the earth. The girl was sufficient evidence of lati- tude and longitude ; and with her went rolling fields of rich pasture, substantial barns, and paddocks full of high-born colts and brood mares. The State was 11 1G2 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. settled in 1775, and so early as the year 1802 a Frenchman named Michaux, travelling in this coun- try on a behest from his government, reported of Kentucky that " almost all the inhabitants employ themselves in training and meliorating the breed of horses." And he describes these horses as being " elegantly formed, having slim legs and well-]jropor- tioned heads." Another old traveller, writing in the year 1818, declares : " The horse, ' noble and generous,' is the favorite animal of the Kentuckian, by whom he is pampered with unceasing attention. Every person of wealth has from ten to thirty of good size and condition, upon which he lavishes his corn with a wasteful profusion." Within the past few months a society has been organized and a stud-book established in the interest of the Kentucky saddle horse, a dozen stallions being named as foundation horses.^ About half of these stallions were thoroughbred, the other half being pa- cers of mixed breeding; and this fact indicates the origin of the Kentucky saddler, namely, that he is a cross between the pacer and the thoroughbred. Most of these Kentucky pacers were of Canadian stock, and they are described as " a hardy, substantial race." It was from this same stock that old ]-)acing Pilot, whose son Pilot Jr. has attained reputation as a pro- genitor of trotters, was descended. There is a close ' Their names are here put down: — Denmark, hy imported Hedfi^eford ; Hrinker's Drennan. by Davy Crockett ; Sam Hooker, by Uoyd Me Nary ; Jolin Dillard, by Indian Chief; Tom Hal; Coleman's Eureka ; John Waxey, by Vanmeter's Waxey , Cabell's Lexington, by Blood's Hlaek Ilawk; Copperl)ottom ; Stump the Dealer; Texas, by Comanche; and Prince Albert, by Frank Wolford SADDLE HORSES. 163 relationship iu some cases between Kentucky trotters and saddlers. Thus the thoroughbred John Dillard has sired the dams of many trotters ; and not a few trace to Denmark. Deumark, also a thoroughbred, was a black horse of great style and substance, and his descendants, as a rule, take after him in a marked degree. Denmark founded the chief saddle strain in Kentucky. Tom Hal, the saddle stallion, is of the same family as Tom Hal, Brown Hal, and Hal Pointer,^ pacers of celebrity on the track. The old-time Kentucky pacer afforded the chief means of locomotion in that State, the highways being scarcely fit for wheeled vehicles. Only a few years ago, it was proposed to build a good turnpike from a certain " back " county to the nearest railroad ; and a provident farmer of the old school was called upon to assist the project with a contribution. But he re- fused. The intention was to build a " twelve-foot " pike ; and the farmer rebelled at such extravagance. A three-foot track was wide enough, he declared, for his horse, and anything more was superfluous. " The old saddler," writes a modern Kentuckian, "shuffled along the path where it was level, and went a half trot over the hills. He suited the country folk well in that day, but would be out of place now." The word " shufiiing " aptly describes the pace, which is an awkward, inelegant gait. It was the same in the old Kentucky pacers that it is in the modern pacer of the race course, but when the Kentucky half-bred sad- dler came into being this ugly gait was supplemented by one smoother and more graceful. 1 Since this chapter was put in type, Hal Pointer has paced a mile in 2.05J. 164 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. The modern Kentucky saddle horses are tauglit the following gaits : — (1.) The flat-footed wallv, or ordi- nary walk. (2.) The running walk. (3.) The amble. (4.) The rack or single foot. (5.) The trot. (G.) The canter. (7.) The gallop. The running walk is simply the ordinary Avalk ac- celerated. An ambitious colt ridden toward home, kept back from a faster gait, but urged to walk more speedily, wull gradually fall into it. The action is more springy and pronounced than that of the ordi- nary walk, but mechanically it is the same. The sensation it transmits to the saddle is a very slight up and down motion. A Kentucky horse will run- ning-walk at the rate of five or five and a half miles an hour, and keep it up all day without fatigue to himself or to the rider. The amble is a slow pace, both near feet leaving the ground and returning to it simultaneously, fol- lowed by both off feet also moving together. The amble is a gait of about four and a half miles j^er hour, and it communicates to the saddle a slight rocking motion. In the rack or single foot the feet follow each other at equal intervals (or half-intervals), there being twice as many hoof-beats as there would be at a trot or pace of the same speed. In other words, the two near feet do not strike the ground together, as in a pace, but at regular intervals. The sound of the footfalls is one, two, three, four, instead of one, two, as it would be in the same period of time at a pace. This is the smooth- est of all gaits. ''You are sitting in an arm-chair," remarks Colonel T. A. Dodge, to whom I am indebted for these particulars, " at a speed of from seven to fif- SADDLE HORSES. 165 teen miles an hour." And he adds : " I once owned a racker who could do a full mile in three minutes un- der the saddle, and you could carry a tumbler full of water in your hand without spilling a drop of it." The trot requires no description. In this gait the off fore foot and the near hind foot strike and leave the ground exactly together, followed by the near fore and off hind foot. The canter is not considered perfect in a Kentucky horse until he can perform it at a rate no faster than a fast walk. To " canter all day in the shade of an apple tree," is a well known saying. On this head an old trainer informs me, " I have taught horses to canter around a pole which I held in my hand with one end planted in the ground." A well-broken Kentucky horse will of course change lead in the canter, and start with either foot leading, at the will of the rider. The gallop is an inartificial gait, and belongs rather to hunters and to polo ponies than to the saddle horse proper. " It may be used occasionally," states a high school enthusiast, " but no one goes galloping along the road except a Sunday rider." Of course it is no advantage to have a horse with all these gaits unless the rider is skilful enough to keep them separate. If the man is less instructed than the horse, a sad confusion of paces is apt to obtain. On the whole, a well-bitted, well-suppled horse, with a good trot and a good canter, would be more useful to the ordinary rider than would one of these highly accomplished saddlers.^ 1 The readiness with which Kentnckians accommodate them- selves to the New York market may be gathered from the follow- 166 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. The Kentucky horses are haudsome and docile, and they jump welh Some of them are up to a great weight. I have seen one in particular that weighed about twelve hundred pounds, a smoothly turned, round built horse, of proud and lofty carriage, fit to carry a commander-in-chief ; instructed in the move- ments of the haute ecole, and so thoroughly disciplined that his owner as he sat in the saddle was able to crack an enormous whip over the horse's head with- out causing him to budge an inch. I have another in my stable at this moment, a coal-black fellow, standing about 16.1, and weighing at least twelve hundred pounds, with a powerful, sloping shoulder, high withers, and a short back, capable of sustaining the heaviest rider. This horse has a long, curved neck, finely cut ears, powerful hind quarters, and a gentleness and intelligence that I have never seen surpassed. Another type of the Kentucky saddle horse is ex- hibited in a beautiful little bay mare, called Pea Vine, bred by Colonel T. A. Dodge. She is a tough, hig humorous remarks, which I quote from a newspaper published in the heart of the Blue Grass region : — " A new kind of saddler has come into fashion of late, known as the Parker, or New York sadlunt ' ' Mr. Wilfrid Blunt and liis wife, Lady Anne Blunt, made two journeys to the desert, and tlioir observations are recorded in two ARABIAN HORSES. 257 speaks of the reports which reached her party in the desert as to the extraordinarily iine pedigree of a par- ticuhar horse owned by a certain old man. " ' Maneghi Ibn Sbeyel ' [the title of the. horse's family], they kept on repeating in a tone of tenderness, and as if tasting the flavor of each syllable." The travellers made a considerable detour in order to see this famous ani- mal. When they arrived at the tent of his owner, they found that he had gone to borrow a donkey for the purpose of moving the family furniture to a new camp ; for " a horse of the Maneghi's nobility could not, of course, be used for baggage purposes." Pres- ently, however, the old man appeared, riding his* high-born steed, which proved to be " a meek-looking little black pony, all mane and tail." Mr. Blunt expresses the opinion that the Arabian horse is degenerating through in-breeding, and more especially because animals of the best families, though individually inferior, are preferred to superior indi- viduals, but members of families belonging to an inferior rank. However this may be, it is certain that the extraordinary excellence of the Arabian horse in his present form could never have been de- veloped or maintained had it not been for the ex- treme care which the Bedouins bestow upon equine descent. They have no written pedigrees ; it is all an affair of memory and of notoriety in the tribe. Certain interesting books, written chiefly by Lady Anne. These are, " The Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates," and " Our Pilgrimage to Nejd." They lived among the Bedouins for some time, and what they re- port about the Arabian horse, his qualities, his descent, and the families in which he is grouped, agrees in all substantial respects with the account, presently to be mentioned, given by Major Upton. 17 258 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. alleged pedigrees of Arabian horses, couched iu romantic language, and represented as carried iu a small bag hung by a cord around the animal's neck, have been published ; but these are forgeries, gotten up probably by horse-dealers, Egyptian, Syrian, or Persian. The breeding of every horse is a matter of common knowledge, and it would be impossible for his owner to fabricate a pedigree so as to deceive the natives, even if he were so inclined. The Bedouins, it seems necessary to admit, are, in general, great liars ; and they will lie (to a stranger) about the age, the qualities, or the ownership of a horse ; but they •will not lie about his pedigree, even when they can do so with impunity. To be truthful on this subject is almost a matter of religion, certainly a point of honor, in the desert. How far back do these })edigrees run, and what was the origin of the Arabian horse ? These ques- tions it is impossible to answer definitely. The Bed- ouins themselves believe that Allah created the equine genus in their soil. " The root or spring of the horse is," they say, " in the land of the Arab " ; and again, " It was Allah who created him, for the happiness of believers." This pious belief is shared by a few generous souls in England and America, a small but devoted band, who gallantly defend the cause of the Arabian horse against his only rival, the modern English thorough- bred. Chief among these faithful was the late Major R. D. Upton, who visited the desert himself, and who has recorded his experiences and his views.' Major ' " In Newmarket and Arabia," a small book, which was first published in 1873 •, " Gleanings from the Desert," a later work ARABIAN HORSES. 259 Upton concluded that the horse was found in Arabia " not later than about one hundred years after tlie deluge, ... if indeed he did not find his way there immediately after the exodus from the ark, which is by no means improbable," and this probability the author then proceeds seriously to consider. Accord- ing to Major Upton and a few kindred spirits, all other breeds are mongrels, and the only way to obtain horseflesh in its best and purest form is to go back to the fountain head, to tiie horse of the desert. Naturalists, I believe, have not yet determined where the genus originated ; but they gather that three allied animals, the tapir, the rhinoceros, and the horse, have all descended from a common ances- tor of the eocene period. Of these three, the tapir and the rhinoceros certainly are found in many parts of the world. The immediate precursor of the horse was the small animal called Equida, Avhich was ex- ceedingly common both in America and in Europe. Eossil skeletons have also been found in almost every part of America, varying but slightly from the skel- eton of the present horse, although externally the animals which they represent may have differed from him as widely as does the zebra. It is possible, therefore, tliat, contrary to the usual opinion, horses existed on this continent in a wild state before the coming of the Spaniards. These facts as to the wide distribution of both the ancestors and the first-cousins, so to say, of the primitive horse, tend to show, al- though of course they fail to prove, that he also was only a part of which, however, is devoted to horseflesh ; and a paper concerning Arabian Horses, published in Fraser's Magazine for September, 1876. 260 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. widely distributed, uot coniiued even to the salubrious region of Arabia. But there is one argument in favor of the Arabian being the primitive horse, which I have chanced upon, and which I here present to those enthusiasts who will appreciate it. There is a conjecture of Darwin's that the dark stripe running along the spine of some horses, and occasionally extending to the shoulders and legs, may indicate a " descent of all the existing races from a single dun-colored, more or less striped primitive stock, to which our horses occasionally re- vert." In the Cleveland Bay family this dark stripe, or " list," is valued as a mark of pure blood ; it is found also in the Exmoor breed of ponies, and m some other strains. Now Major Upton reports an observation made by him upon horses in the desert as follows : " A line somewhat darker than the general color of the animal is to be seen in colt foals, running in continuation of the mane along the spine, and to be traced for some way even among the long hair of the tail. I never saw it in a lilly. ... It can be traced in old horses and in those of a very dark color. ... It appears as the first or primitive color of the animal, which tones away by almost imperceptible degrees from tlie back to the belly ; it may be seen in lines on the males of other wild animals. At certain seasons, and as the horse ages, and dependent also in some degree on Ins condition, the dark color spreads over the shoulders and upper parts of the body, ... as if shaded with black." To be sure, Major Upton states that this phe- nomenon is " totally different from the markings of the zebra, quagga, or any of the hybrids " ; but never- ARABIAN HORSES. 261 theless it. seems to lie essentially the same. Zebras and quaggas are of the equine family ; and this pecu- liar marking of the Arabian horse would, on Darwin's hypothesis, indicate that, if not himself the primitive horse, he at least stands nearer to that animal than does any other existing equus. However, this discussion has no practical value, nor is it essential even for the Arabo-maniacs to prove their case historically. This fact is sufficient, and can- not be controverted, namely, that the Arabian horse is the only one now extant of a fixed type. His antiquity is such that in comparison with him all other breeds are mongrels of yesterday. It is con- jectured that he dates back to the time of Ishmael ; and it is reasonably certain that the present breed existed in the days of Mahomet. This is antiquity enough. The English racer, as I have stated, is a modern product, his stud-book dat- ing from the year 1808. According to the standard of the desert, therefore, the English horse is a par- venu ; and although he is bigger, stronger, and faster than the Arab, he is less sound, beautifnl, intelligent, and gentle. Moreover, as must be the case with a new breed, the English thoroughbred varies greatly in size, in shape, and in many other characteristics ; whereas the Arabian, though each family has its pe- culiarities, is much more nearly of one type, and al- most of one size. Pure Arabians range from 14 to 15 hands, being commonly about 14.2. Very rarely one stands as low as 13.3, or as high as 15.1. An English officer, speaking of Arabian horses as racers, says, " They can all gallop about equally fast." In estimating the Arabian horse, or in comparing 262 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. him with his English contemporary, it must be borne in mind that an Arabian of absolutely pure breed is an animal which few European eyes have ever looked upon. Of all the Oriental horses imported to England in the eighteenth century, and upon which, in great part, the English thoroughbred is founded, only one, the famous Darley Arabian, procured by Mr. Darley in the latter part of Queen Aune's reign, is known to have been of pure lineage. It is probable that no thoroughbred Arabian horse has yet reached our shores, except Kismet, a stallion recently brought over, who died a few hours after landing ; and per- haps the only Eastern mare of that degree ever in the United States is Xaomi, a late importation from England, to which country she was taken by Major Upton. There are no wild horses in Arabia, although there is a widespread belief to the contrary. This animal, as an old writer explains, "can live only of man's hand in the droughty KhaJaP The pure-bred Arabian horses are the possession, almost exclusively, of a single great Bedouin clan, known as the Anazeh, and of this clan a tribe called the Gomussa have the best. Even among the Bedouins, apart from the Gomussa, there are not many animals of the highest stamp. " I doubt," says Mr. Blunt, " if there are two hundred really first-class mares in the whole of Northern Ara- bia. By this I, of course, do not mean first-class in point of blood, for animals of the purest strains are still fairly numerous, but first-class in quality and appearance as well as blood." Across Central Ai'abia extends a vast territory called the Nejd, composed of sandy deserts and rich ARABIAN HORSES. 263 pastures. This whole region is a plateau, and the atmosphere is dry and bracing. It is under such conditions that horses thrive, and here was the origi- nal home of the Arabian horse. In Flanders, where the air is humid, and the pastures are moist and rank, horses grow large, but they have flat feet, inferior sinews, lymphatic temperaments, and soft hearts. Flemish nags have been imported largely to England for many hundred years, being cheap, big, and showy ; but they have always been noted for their lack of endurance. Even among thoroughbreds unsoundness is frequent in the British Isles, due in great part to the moist climate. The English horse, when trans- planted to India or to Australia, becomes much im- proved in the quality of his feet and legs, and this improvement is doubtless the effect chiefly of a drier climate. The Anazeh spend their winters iti the Nejd, mi- grating in spring as far as the Euphrates, and it is among the wandering tribes of this clan that the Arabian steed in his purity must be studied. The Anazeh, and the Bedouins in general, keep their mares, but sell many of their horses, and it is from the horses thus sold, crossed with inferior mares, that the animal known in Europe and in India as an Arab is bred. Tlie Bedouins call these half-breds "the sons of horses," and they look upon them, as well as upon all other breeds but their own, with the greatest contempt, stigmatizing them as kadishes, or mongrels. The desert is almost surrounded by horse-growing countries, and it is touched here and there by great horse markets. On the west and northwest is Syria, where many of these bastard 264 KOAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. Arabs, the '' sons of liorses,"' are raised. The chief horse market of Syria is Damascus, on the shore of the desert. Opposite, on the eastern shore, in almost a straight line from Damascus, is Bagdad, the capital of Turkish Arabia, another great horse mar- ket; and south of Bagdad, between the Euphrates and the Tigris, there is a wide stretch of country where many half Arabs are bred, chiefly for sale in India. The Arabian horses, so called, that are found in Turkey, especially in Constantinople, in Egy2:)t, m Syria, and in India, are not the true coursers of the desert, but their " sons." They are commonly gray, and hence the popular idea that gray is the normal color of the Arabian horse. As a matter of fact, the Bedouins prefer bay with black points, — not objecting to three white feet, — and this is the most frequent color among the Anazeh mares ; next comes chestnut, then gray. Black is a rare and inferior color. White horses are much esteemed, but seldom occur. Roans, piebalds, duns, and yellows are never found among pure-bred Arabs. The two Arabian stallions sent to General Grant as a present from the Sultan of Tur- key, in 1876, are both grays, and though they were su])posed to be pure bred, the probability is, I can- not help thinking, that they are kadishes, " sons of horses," not horses themselves. ISTeither money nor high office can command the flower of the desert, pjven Abbass Pasha had only a few really thorough- bred mares, and yet he spent five million dollars in gathering his famous stud at Cairo. This }nan ajipears to have had a notable passion for horseflesh. ( )n one occasion he despatched a ARABIAN HORSES. 265 special mission to Medina for tlie sole purpose of procuring a rare work on farriery. At another time he sent a bullock cart from Egypt all the way to Kejd to bring home a famous mare, old and unable to travel on foot, that he had ])urchased from the Anazeh. A Bedouin, wlio had been sent to Cairo by one of the chiefs of Nejd, was shown over the vice- roy's stables, by order of that official. On being asked his opinion of the blood, he replied frankly that the stables did not contain a single thorough- bred. He added an apology on the part of his ciiief for the animals which he had just brought to the viceroy from Arabia, declaring that neither Sultan nor sheikh could procure colts of the best strain. Bagdad is on the very edge of the desert, and the Pasha of that place has unlimited resources ; but Mr. Blunt says • " Although his Excellency's horses were, as a lot, good of their kind, they were very different from real Arabs ; and on comparing them with those of the Anazeh their inferiority was con- spicuous, and their history could easily be under- stood. They were very nearly all gray." In the centre of Arabia, in the district of Nejd and on the border of the desert, is the city of Ha'il, where for many years has existed the famous stud of the Emir of Hail. Emissaries of this dignitary are con- vStantly on the lookout for mares, wherever they can find them, and not infrequently gliazus, or maraud- ing expeditions, have been sent out by the Emir against this or that tribe, for the express purpose of capturing some particular mare whose fame had spread over the desert. It was of the animals in this stud that Mr. W. G. Palgrave's oft-quoted de- 266 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. scription -was Avritten. Out of his two interesting volumes ^ this passage alone has survived : — " EemarkabI}' full in the haunches, with a shoulder of a slope so elegant as to make one, in the words of an Arab poet, ' go raving mad about it " ; a little, a very little saddle-backed, just the curve which indi- cates springiness without any weakness ; a head broad above, and tapering down to a nose fine enough to verify the phrase of ' drinking from a pint pot ' ; . . . a most intelligent and yet a singularly gentle look ; full eye ; sharp, thorulike little ears ; legs, fore and hind, that seemed as if made of hammered iron, so clean and yet so well twisted with si^ew ; a neat, round hoof, just the requisite for hard ground ; the tail set on, or ratlier thrown out, at a perfect arch , coat smooth, shining, and light; the mane long, but not overgrown nor heavy ; and an air and step that seemed to say, ' Look at me, am I not pretty ? ' — their appearance justified all reputation, all value, all poetry. The prevaling color was chestnut or gray. A light bay, an iron color, white or black, were less common. , . . But if asked what are, after all, the specially distinctive points of the Nejdee horse, I should reply, the slope of the shoulder, the extreme cleanness of the shank, and the full, rounded haunch, though every other part too has a perfection and a harmony unwitnessed (at least by my eyes) anywhere else." And yet Mr. Blunt says of this same stud : "Of all the raares in the prince's stable, I do not think more than three or four could show with advantage among the Gomussa." He admits, however, that 1 " Central and Eastern Arabia." ARABIAN HORSES. 267 their heads were haudsoiiu'v than those of the Anazeh mares. The latter are built more nearly ou a race- horse model, having- greater length of body and of limb. The Nejd ^ horses are perhaps prettier, though not so bloodlike. Unlike the Anazeh mares, they stand higher at the withers than at the rump. " Every horse at Hail," writes Mr. Blunt, •■ had its tail set on in the same fashion ; in repose some- thing like the tail of a rocking-horse, and yet not, as has been described [by Mr. Palgrave], thrown out in a perfect arch.' In motion the tail was held high in the air, and looked as if it could not under any circumstances be carried low." It has been suggested that this phenomenon is partly, at least, the effect of art ; that before the foal is an hour old its tail is bent back over a stick, the twist producing a permanent result. But this is probably a slander. There is one family of American trotters, that of the Mambrino Patchens, which alone among American- bred nags is distinguished for the beautiful carriage of the tail, and, as I have mentioned in a previous chapter, jealous persons sometimes make the same insinuation in reference to these horses that was directed against the stud of the Emir of Hail. All Arabian horses carry their tails well, and, next to the head and its setting on, the tail is the feature which the Arab looks to in judging a horse. " I have seen mares gallop with their tails out straight as colts, and lit, as the Arabs say, to hang your cloak on," Major Upton remarks. A family of horses renowned in the desert is descended from a mare of whom the ^ Nejd, a district, is the general ; Anazeh. the ]>artifular term. 268 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. following tradition exists. Her owner was once fly- ing from the enemy, and, being hard pressed, he cast off his cloak in order to relieve the mare of that un- necessary weight. But when, having distanced his pursuers, he halted, what was his surprise to find tliat his cloak had lodged on the mare's outstretched tail and still hung there ! From this incident, the heroine of the story has figured ever since in the un- written pedigrees of the desert as " the Arab of the Cloak." Occasionally, though not often, one sees an Ameri- cau-Lred horse, especially if it be a colt, galloping in the pasture with its tail carried so high that the hair divides and falls forward like a streamer. This is a very common sight in the desert. "I have seen a mare, an Abayan Sherakh," writes Major Upton, *' galloping loose, with both head and tail high to an extent such as I could hardly have believed had I not seen it. Her tail was not only high, but seemed to be right over her back, and, besides streaming out behind like a flag, covered her loins and quarters. It was a splendid sight to one who can appreciate a horse." A single horseman mounted on a mare that carried her tail in this superb manner, and galloping in the distance, away from the spectator, has often been mistaken in the desert for three horsemen riding abreast. What does an Arabian horse look like, — a mare of the desert, of noble birth, belonging, we will say. to the tribe Gomussa, of the clan Anazeh, and valued for her high descent from Nejd to the Euplirates, from Damascus to l^agdad ? Let us imagine her comin Take off the harness, and immediately sponge with cold water the parts under the collar or breastplate and under the saddle. Thus, and thus only, are sore backs and shoulders prevented. If there is any swelling, or as a precaution in hot weather, it is well to use arnica and water, in the proportion of two to one. Next sponge his nostrils and dock ; then with a damp, but by no means a wet sponge, wipe the dust from his whole body ; and, finally, let him drink two swallows of fresh water, and put him in a stall with plenty of bedding. When thoroughly cool he may be watered moderately, then fed, then groomed, watered again, and put to bed. It is best, of course, especially in hot weather, to have the horse walked about awhile instead of being put in his stall at once.^ I remember seeing, years ago, a perfect illustration of what might be called fanatical rubbing down. It was in a trotting race of many heats, one of the com- petitors being a little bay stallion, much noted at the time, called William H. Allen. The practice then was to rub the horses dry with towels between heats, and 1 " When a journey has been long continued and severe, the horse should not l)e immediately put into a stable, but ought to be walked gently about until the circulation of blood in the feet has had time to accommodate itself to the altered conditions of rest. By this means laminitis (inflammation of the feet) is averted." Mr. George Fleming, F. R. G. S. 20 306 ROAD, TllACK, AND STABLL:. William H. Allen was led under a tree for that pur- pose. But being a nervous horse, and his skin doubt- less being tender from continual rubbing, he strongly- objected to the practice, and spent the whole time of what should have been his intervals of rest in vain attempts to kick his tormentors, lashing out at them with his hind legs, and pawing and striking with his fore legs. He lost the race, partly perhaps because he was handicapped by these unnecessary exertions. The practice nowadays is, after a brief scraping and drying, with the application of liniment and some- times the bandaging of the legs, to walk the horse about, blanketed according to the weather. After very long drives 1 rub my nags' legs with a strong solution of arnica and water, or, perhaps bet- ter, with a mixture of arnica, ISTew England rum, and water in about equal parts. Alcohol is of course the essential ingredient. This should be applied from a point above the hock or knee to the foot, and on all sides of the leg ; it tends to prevent spavin, curb, and windgalls. There is nothing like rubbing of the legs for a tired horse. The animal stands in his stall with drooping head, eyes nearly closed, and appetite gone.^ Now take him in hand, clean him well but (piickly, then gently pull his ears, and rub his legs for half an hour if necessary, not up and down, but downward so as to induce a proper circulation of the blood, and to soothe the muscles. Before long his eyes will open, his head will be raised, his ears pricked forward, and you will soon have the satisfac- tion of seeing hiin munch his hay. 1 I have seen horses in this condition, but not as the result ol my own driving. THE CARE OP HORSES. 307 In cold weather the advantages of rubbing down are more real ; but if the horse be in a sweat, and the stable be cool, there is danger in the process, unless three or four men can be employed in it. " The horse must immediately be rubbed dry, when he comes in," say most of the books ; but in the mean time, for it cannot be done in a moment, the horse catciies cold. The better way is to let him stand for a minute or five minutes, according to the temperature, and ''steam off," then blanket him, and rub his head and neck dry. Every stable should have at least one hood, to be used, for example, when a horse goes to the blacksmith shop in excessively cold weather, and more especially to be used in the stable. In cold weather, whenever a horse comes in thoroughly wet, either with rain or sweat, I put on a hood, removing it as soon as the hair is dry. If the whole body be wet with rain, one thick blanket should be put on, to be followed in about five minutes by another, and perhaps two more, for under these circumstances heavy blanketing is necessary. The water will go to the top blanket, leaving the one next to the horse perfectly dry, — al- though this result is the opposite of that which the inexperienced person would expect. And how about the legs ? Their proper treatment is summed up in the old stable aphorism : " If they are wet, dry them ; if they are dry, leave them dry." Nothing could be more irrational than the practice, formerly common and not yet extinguished, of sluicing the horse's legs with water immediately on his coming into the stable. This might perhaps be done without harm, if the legs could be dried at once after the washing ; but this operation would be a long one, and 308 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. uiue times out of ten it would be slurred. Windgalls occur far more frequently in hot weather than in cold weather, and by way of preventing or reducing them I think it well to wash the horse's legs on very hot days, provided that he is perfectly cool at the time But no matter how muddy the going may be, the legs ought not to be washed on that account. My method is to brush off so much of the mud as will come off, and then to have the legs bandaged, but not tightly, with flannel or woollen bandages, to be left on, usually half an hour or more, till the hair is per- fectly dry. Then they are taken off, and the legs brushed and rubbed clean. ^ Care should be taken to have the bandages come down low, so as to cover the hollow place back of the fetlock joint where ''scratches" appear. If this method be pursued, and if plenty of vaseline be used on the heels, and in the spot just mentioned, reinforced occasionally by glycerine, say once a week, scratches and mud fever can be avoided absolutely. From the legs of the horse, it is a natural transi- tion to The Foot. Extreme dryness and extreme moisture are the chief enemies of the equine foot, and they both produce thrush, which is a kind of white decay, indicated by a peculiar and offensive odor. Commonly it attacks the frog, and sometimes the sole of the foot. If taken in hand early, it can be cured by the application of common salt saturated with petroleum ; and the most severe case will yield to a solution of blue vitriol and ^ Thi.s is the jjlaii roeoninieiided by Major Fisher. THE CARE OP HORSES. 309 vinegar. The blue vitriol, about two ounces, may be put in a quart bottle of water, filled with vinegar, the vinegar to be used when it has aquired a rich green or blue tinge. It is best applied by means of a small oil can with a spout. Thus the liquid can be directed where it is needed, without touching the sound parts of the foot. Tar and many other remedies are also used for thrush. When the horse is groomed in the morning, his feet should be well picked out, and in summer washed. In most good stables, the foot is washed also when the horse comes in. I have noticed that horses seem to enjoy this process ; and a thorough soaking of the hoof when they are groomed in the morning, and again when they come in after work, will go far to keep their feet soft and healthy. Care should be taken, especially in winter, that nothing but the hoof is wetted. It is very easy for the groom to splash a little water on the heels and under the fetlock, and thus scratches may be induced. For this reason, the safer plan is to omit washing the foot in winter unless your groom happens to be absolutely trustworthy. At grass, the foot never becomes hard, but when the horse stands on straw or wood it is apt to become hard and dry, and many horses require to have their feet stopped once a week. The time-honored material for this purpose is a mixture of cow-dung and earth ; but if it be used, the foot should be well washed the next morning with soap and water. In city stables, oil-meal and bran are commonly employed. A recent invention for this object is petrolatum, — a packing saturated with petroleum. It comes in pails which are sold at $1.50 apiece, and a pail will last a long 310 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. time. This kiud of stuHing is clean, easy to apjjly, and eifectual except in extreme cases. When the foot is very dry, I do not find that it answers tlie pur pose. Some authorities, moreover, maintain, and I believe rightly, that oil should never be applied to a hoof, because it renders the horn brittle, 'and impairs its quality. This is the opinion of Charles Marvin, the well known California trainer, whose intelligence and great experience with horses give weight to the assertion. Mr. George Fleming, also, Avhose prize essay, "Practical Horseshoeing," is the best work on its subject that 1 have ever seen, holds the same view. Another method of "stopping," and a very good one, is to put a wet sponge or a handful of moss in the hoof, keeping it in place by a small stick, or, better yet, by a thin piece of steel, stretched across the foot, and inserted under the rim of the shoe. Finally, felt pads can be bought for seventy-five cents a pair, which are secured to the foot by means of an iron toe-piece and a strap and buckle. Thrown into a pail of water, these pads will in a few minutes ab- sorb moisture enough to last all night; and they are convenient to use on a journey. After a very long drive, especially in summer, the horse's fore feet should be stopped as a matter of course. Where shoeing has to be done frequently, as in the case of fire horses, it is important that the hoof should grow fast, in order to supply the necessary waste of horn. Some horses also, as the result of disease, of bad shoeing, or of bad formation, have a deficiency of hoof. In such cases it is common to apply oil to the hoof ; but, as I have stated already, many good THE CARE OF HORSES. 311 authorities condemn this practice, and I am inclined to tliink that cokl water is better. Wet rags tied around tlie coronet will serve the purpose ; and a sponge arrangement for the outside of the hoof can be bought. Feat-moss bedding also, as I have said, encourages a quick growth of horn ; and probably the very best means for this purpose, though one not often practicable, is to turn the horse out in a pas- ture, part of which is salt marsh. I have known an extraordinary growth of hoof to be promoted in this manner. For rheumatism and sprains, also, sea water is a remedy. Its tonic and strengthening effect upon horses is remarkable. In one case that fell under my observation, a severe lameness in the shoulder of a little bay mare was cured by a course of sea baths. Her owner took her into the water with him one day as an experiment: the mare liked the process, and followed her master into the waves every day there- after for a month, by which time she had completely recovered. In another case, a horse received a severe sprain in one of the hind ankles. Hot and cold water were ap- plied alternately till the inflammation disappeared, and then a bandage was put on, and kept wet with sea water. In four days the ankle was as good as ever. I might add here, that, in all cases of sprains, per- fect rest is absolutely necessary ; and there is no better remedy than cold water, applied by means of a linen bandage, continually wetted. But the bandage should be taken off at night, for it will become dry in an hour's time or less, and in that condition it is heat- ing and harmful. For sprain of the hock, or of other 312 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. parts inaccessible to a bandage, or for a sore back, when the skin is not broken, pure alcohol is a remedy which I have found efficacious. And now I have a word to say about Shoeing. The first principle of shoeing is, that the foot should be reduced by paring or burning only with the greatest caution, and in the least possible degree. Indeed, some of the latest authorities declare that the sole of the foot should never be pared or burned, and that the heels should never be "opened out," i. e. that the horn between the bars of the foot and the frog should never be cut away. But I think that in some exceptional cases the sole of the foot should be pared, and that, more fre- quently, it is best to "open out " the heels. Of course the sole of the foot grows continually, and the theory is that the superfluous or old part comes off naturally in flakes. But sometimes, especially when the horse is shod in such a manner that the bottom of his foot is absolutely removed from contact with the ground, the sole fails to wear off as fast as nature intended, and as a result it begins to encroach upon the frog. In such a case it should be pared. And so as to the heels. If the heels of a colt be examined, a small wedge-like opening will always be found between the bars and the frog. Sometimes in old horses this be- comes entirely closed, and when that happens, I think it should be opened to preserve the normal condition of the foot. However, as a rule, neither sole, frog, nor bars should be touched, and the wall of the foot should THE CARE OF HORSES. 313 be pared only euougli to keep it level, and to prevent undue length at the toe. The amateur may be sure that a blacksmith whose practice is to pare or burn the sole of his horse's foot is a bad blacksmith ; and he may almost be sure that one who does not pare or burn is a good blacksmith. In former days it was the custom to pare the sole almost to the quick, for absolutely no reason ; and consequently, whenever a shoe came off, the horse was immediately disabled. The reader of fiction or poetry of the last century, or of the first half of the present century, will remember that, whenever the traveller's horse cast a shoe, the rider was obliged to dismount forthwith, and to lead the animal with slow and painful steps to the nearest smithy. But if the foot be left undisturbed, protected by its cover of horn, the loss of a shoe need not be made good for a day or a week. On country roads a horse with sound feet should be able to travel for a week or so without shoes ; and if he is driven or ridden only enough to keep him exercised, he may dispense with shoes altogether. This at least is true where the roads are soft, but where the roads are hard it would not be true. (Jn the other hand, the position that no horse ever need be shod — which books have been written to maintain — is an absurdity. A city dray horse wears out every month an iron shoe at least one third of an inch thick. Would the horn of his foot last so long ? The ordinary growth of horn is only about one quarter of an inch per month ; and although the unshod hoof may grow somewhat faster, it does not grow fast enough to compensate for the wear and tear of ordi- nary roads. Horses in the wild state, and horses 314 ROAD, TRACE, AND STABLE. turned out iu stuiiy pastures, treci[ueutly become so foot-sore that they can hardly step ; and before shoes were invented regiments of cavalry were sometimes disabled from the same cause. Certainly, if shoes were not necessary, such a clumsy device as that of skins, like sandals, bound about the horse's foot, which were once in use, would never have been em- ployed. Historians tell us also that plates of metal, fastened by strings, served the same purpose for hun- dreds of years. Even the mustang's feet lack the toughness of iron. " In the mountains," relates Colo- nel T. A. Dodge, in a recent paper, "where the sharp, flinty stones soon wear down the pony's unshod feet, this Indian [the Apache] will shrink raw hide over the hoofs, in lieu of shoes, and this resists extremely well the attrition of the mountain paths." I have even seen it stated in books, that a horse unshod can travel on smooth ice better than if he were shod with corks. This, I say, has been stated as an absolute fact, and elaborate reasons have been given for it ; and yet I know from my own experience that a barefooted horse is perfectly helpless on smooth ice. On rough ice indeed, or on snow-covered roads, he will travel fairly well without shoes, stepping shorter, of course, than if he were shod, but on smooth ice he cannot take a step with safety. Unshod colts are fre- quently lamed by slipping in icy bai-nyards or fields. I remember once narrowly escaping a fall while riding a barefooted horse. In the middle of the street, which sloped a little to the sidewalk on each side, I had no difficulty; but the horse shied off, struck the smooth ice, and we found ourselves skating down toward the gutter, with a prospect of tumbling when we reached THE CARE OF HORSES. 315 the bottom ; but just before we brought up against the curbsbone, I turned the horse's head gently to the left, and he, understanding what was wanted, jumped lightly to the sidewalk, and so kept his feet. The second great principle in shoeing is that the foot should be allowed to come as nearly flat to the ground as possible.-^ The office of the frog is to sus- tain a part of the concussion which the foot and leg receive when the horse steps ; and this it cannot do when the shoe is so built up on corks or otherwise that it keeps the frog clear of the ground. When the frog is thus deprived of its natural use, the blood fails to circulate in it, and it becomes atrophied or diseased. In such a case, also, there is apt to be a consequent trouble in the legs, for of course the strain upon the legs is regulated by the shape and position of the hoofs ; and this brings us to the third great principle in shoeing, which is, that the horse should stand upon his feet in the manner that nature intended. It is plain that if his toe be left too long, or pared too short, or if the hoof is so treated as to be longer or higher on one side than the other, or if the shoe is put on too far forward or too far back, — in these and in many other cases that might be mentioned, the legs do not bear their natural relation to the foot. The consequence is that some muscles and tendons of the leg do less, and some do more, than their quota of work. If, for example, the slope of the hoof in front is too great, the back tendons and joints of the limbs must be strained. Even Maud S. was suffering from swollen fore legs and strained tendons when she came into the hands of 1 See page 249, for the Charlier system of shoeing ol6 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. Mr. BoDuer. But her lU'w owner, who has made a ck)se study of the farrier's art, saw at once that she did not stand true on her feet. Accordingly, he altered the position of her fore shoes, and the swelling forthwith disappeared from her legs. Mr. lionner had a similar experience with the great Suuol. For a year after his purchase of her she remained at Palo Alto, and a few weeks before she made her fast record of 2.08^ Mr. Bonner paid the mare a visit. At that time Sunol was going slightly lame in one fore foot, when first taken out, from some unknown cause. Mr. Bonner carefully examined the foot, and discovered that the wall was a trifle higher on one side than on the other. 'Ihis was rectified, and the lameness 'disappeared. 2s ow, if a horse can become lame at Palo Alto from such a cause, and the cause remain undiscovered, how numerous and mischievous must be the cases of bad shoeing that occur where nothing more than ordinary skill and experience in horseflesh obtain ! There are many horses that require the mind and eye of a thorough craftsman to shoe them properly ; and when thus shod they never interfere or over- reach ; whereas, if wrongly shod, they can hardly take a sound step. When an incompetent smith has t(j deal with such a horse, he commonly begins by making a murderous attack on the hoof Avith his knife, and then affixes to it a shoe of extraordinary shape. A good workman, on the other hand, never makes a shoe the shape of which differs from the natural shape of a horse's foot. This, I think, may be taken as an axiom, and it supplies a test capable of wide application. The competent smith corrects interfering or overreaching by contriving a new ad- THK CARE OP HORSES. 317 justment of shoes to feet, but when his work is done it will contain no noticeable peculiarity. Some horses require to be shod with short shoes in front. I once owned a horse that, if shod too long in front, would catch a hind shoe in a fore one, and actually throw himself to the ground. It is a common fault of smiths to make the shoe too long, — so long, in many cases, that it curves in at the heel and almost touches the frog ; whereas it ought to go no farther than is necessary to protect the wall of the foot from contact with the ground. For the same reason, that is, in order to let the heels and the frog have free play, corks or calkins should not be used in the fore shoes of saddle or of light harness horses, — except, of course, when the roads are icy, — and it is a question whether they are useful on the hind shoes. The ideal shoe 1 is the lightest, simplest, smallest piece of metal that can be contrived to protect the wall of the foot. And now we come to Blanketing. The horse requires these blankets : a linen or cot- ton sheet for summer, to be kept on day and night unless the weather is very hot ; a woollen sheet, to be used in cool summer weather; and a thick blanket, to be used in cold weather over the linen or woollen sheet, according to circumstances. A woollen blanket of intermediate weight for fall and spring is a luxury, but not quite a necessity. 1 Regarded simply as a means to locomotion. When ic is a question of "balancing" a trotter by means of weight in his shoes, another problem is introduced. See page 90. 318 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. In a cold stable the horse may re(|uire in severe weather two, or even three and four heavy blankets. John Splan sensibly remarks, " If it comes to a cold night, and you think you want an extra blanket on your own bed, see that the horse has one." Beside these individual blankets the stable should contain one or more hoods, and coolers, and a rubber blanket for cold rains. The office of the hood I have already described. The cooler is a long, thin all-wool blanket, extending over the neck and fastened by safety pins. It is used when the horse comes in from work. Horsemen frequently remark, sometimes "by way of an argument in favor of clipping, that, if a horse with a long coat gets thoroughly wet with sweat, he will not become dry again for hours, — often, in fact, will remain wet through the whole night. But when this happens, unless in some exceptional <3ase, it is because of wrong management. The cus- tom is to put on the animal's heavy clothing at once, when he conies in hot, and this causes bim to sweat profusely and to become unduly heated. The proper way is to let him stand for a very short time, three or four minutes being the maximum, with no blanket, then put on the cooler, his legs and fetlocks being pro- tected by the straw, in which he stands knee deep, or by bandages, and let him so remain until he is dry, or until he feels cool to the hand. Then he may resume his ordinary heavy clothing. Of course, judgment must be used in tliis process of cooling ; and the time during which the cooler is employed should vary, according to the temperature of the stable and the nature of the horse, from five minutes to an hour or more. I have never known a horse to take cold under this method. THK CARE OF HORSES. 319 A cheap, warm, and durable blanket can be made of canvas or sail-cloth, lined with some woollen material. A horse bred in a northern latitude will do very well without blankets in winter, — except, of course, that one must always be used when he comes in wet from rain or sweat, — but he will not look well. His coat will be long, and it will " stare," and he will require more food than he would need if blanketed. "When colts or horses are exercised by being turned out in a yard or lot, it is safer not to blanket them in the stable. If an animal is neither groomed nor "covered up," nature supplies him with a thick and oily garment. Rub your hand on the hair of a colt at pasture, and you will find that it is positively sticky. In some parts of ISTorthern jSTew York, and I presume in some parts of New England also, it is the custom to winter horses in open yards, without sheds, where the only shelter is that afforded by the hay-rick which supplies them with food. Horses thus exposed to extreme cold and wet receive no injury, but they must suffer much discomfort, and doubtless the cost of a warm shed would soon be made up by econ- omy in hay. Of course warm blanketing is absolutely necessary when the animal is deprived of his natural coat by Clipping. Clipping, like every other process applicable to horseflesh, is grossly abused. To clip a horse that is obliged, as, for example, many hack horses are, to stand out in all weathers, and for long periods, is a great cruelty ; and especially is it cruel under such circumstances to clip the legs which cannot be blan- 320 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE, keted. It is also in some degree cruel, and as I think in a high degree absurd, to clip carriage horses in the city that are seldom required to go long distances. Such animals being kept in warm stables, and being warmly clothed, have short coats ; and in these natu- ral coats they are far handsomer than in the clipped condition. iSTevertheless, the common practice is to deprive them of their hair. Why ? Doubtless be- (;ause the labor of the groom is thus lightened, and in these matters the man rules the master. On the other hand, horses that are taken out once a day, driven hard and fast, and then brought in again, are usu- ally much better for being clipped, since they escape the profuse sweating which they would otherwise undergo. Moreover, especially in early spring, clipping often seems to have a valuable tonic effect. Horses that were thin and run down have been known to pick up with extraordinary rapidity after being clipped. The reason doubtless is, that in the clipped condition they keep a certain amount of flesh which they would otherwise have lost by sweating. Even when a horse stands in the stable --to say nothing of his work — he perspires ; and if the weather is warmish he perspires a great deal, for his heavy blanket is retained till late spring or summer. By clipping, this loss of flesh is avoided; and perhaps also the fact that the animal's skin is comfortably cool, instead of uncomfortably hot, has a direct effect upon his general healtli. But again, under certain conditions, I have no doubt that the sweating which a long-coated horse gets is beneficial. A moderate amount of sweating is good for a horse, as it is for a man, and in the case of an animal THE CARE OF HORSES. 321 that has very little work, being ridden or driven only a few miles every other day, perhaps, — in such a case there can be no doubt that a heavy coat, and the con- sequent sweating, are advantageous. This is a plain consideration, but I have never seen it adverted to in any horse book. Another point of some importance in deciding whether or not to clip your horse is this : Will the operation have a permanent effect upon his coat, mak- ing it come out earlier, or heavier, or coarser the next autumn ? Skilled opinions differ on this point ; but, as a general principle, the cutting of hair certainly tends to affect its future growth ; and there is no reason why this should not be true of horses as of other animals. Still, clipping the coat once a year probably has only a slight effect, — at least, until it has been repeated for some years. In line, whether or not your horse should be clipped depends upon his coat, upon the work which he has to do, upon the exposure to which he is subjected, and in some degree upon the stable where he is kept. If you wish to avoid a necessity for clipping him, be sure that he has a thick blanket on the first cool nights of autumn, even in September : this will tend to keep his coat short. The operation of clipping should not be performed on a damp day, nor on a warm day when the pores of the skin are open and there is a consequent liability to take cold ; and it need not be said that a clipped horse requires at least one more heavy blanket than an undipped one. 322 ROAD, TRACK, AND STABLE. And now, having brought these essays to a close, I will address to the gentle reader the same remark that was made long ago by one of my predecessors in the subtle art of horsenumship. He said, — and I trust that I have been equally fortunate, — " Lord ! If I had always such a nice, attentive person to listen to me as you are, I could go on talking about 'orses to the end of time." INDEX. INDEX. Abbass Pacha, 119, 264. Abdallah, 26, 45, 72. Abdallah, Alexander's, 29, 72. Abdallah, Lakeland, 56. Action. See Gait. Alcantara, 32. Alcohol, uses of, 306, 312. Alcyone, 32. Aldine, 96. Alexander's Abdallah, 29, 72. Allen, Ethan, the horse, 44, 45, 68. Allen, Ethan, the man, 121. Allen, Wm. H., 306. Allerton, 67, 123. Almack, 33. Almont, 29. Amazonia, 33. Amble, the, 164. American Girl, 31. American Horse Breeder, the, 48, 140. Anazeh. See Arabian Horses. Andrew Jackson. See Jackson. Anglomaniacs, 22. Arabian Horses. (See Darley, GoDOLPHiN, Jennifer, Leeds, LiNDSEY.) The Anazeli horses, 262, 264, 265, 267, 208, 272, 281 ; as a cross, 280, 282; as colts, 277; color of, 264; ears of, 269, 271; firing of, 279 ; fixity of type, 261 ; foals, 276; half-bred Arabs, 263, 264; head of, 269, 270; imported to England, 118, 119, 262; im- ported to United States, 41, 282; as junipers, 282. The Nejd horses, 262, 265, 266, 267; nostrils of, 271; origin of, 258-261; pedi- grees of, 257; points of, 268-274. As polo ponies, 156 ; race with English horse, 119; as saddle horses, 153; soundness of, 273; as stayers, 153, 282 ; tail of, 267, 268, 272; temper of, 274, 275. Arabs, their opinion as to impor- tance of dam, 58 , as horse-break- ers, 274; manner of riding, 275; respect for good birth, 255, 256, 279. Arabo-maniacs, 258, 280, 285. Archy, Sir, 52. Arioii, 30, 53, 83, 84, 85. Arnica, 306. Auburn Horse, 34, 35 Avery Horse, 197. Awful, Nancy, 75. Backs, 116, 145, 296 Badminton, 300. Badminton Library, 136, 173, 174, 207. Bagdad, 264, 265. Raid Galloway, 51. Bandnging, 306, 308, 311. Barbs, 171, 215, 278, 280. 326 INDEX. Barefooted horses, 313, 314. Baiouet, 33. IJassett, Harrj-, 39. iJattell, Mr. J., 121 Bay, 80. Bay Fearnaught, 127. Beaufort, Duke of, 203. Beautiful Bay, 40 Bedding, 131, 242, 288, 289, 293, 294. Beer, 210. Belle of Wabash, 40. Bellfounder, 24, 26, 27. Belmont, 29. Benton, Gen., 83. Beverages for horses, 210. Billy Duroc, 34 Blackhawk, Vermont, 30, 44. Black -Joker, 142. Blacksmith, 131, 287, 313, 316. Blanketing, 299, 307, 317-319, 321. Blinders, 131. Bloody Buttocks, 41. Blue Bull, Herring's, 47; Pruden's, 48; Wilson's, 24, 48, 50. Blue Grass region, 161. Blunt, Lady Anne, 256, 257, 282. Blunt, Mr. W.. 256, 257, 262, 266, 271, 276. Bodine, 101. Bonheur, Mile Rosa, 208. Bonner, Mr. R., 3], 34, .35, 69, 82, 316. Booker, Sam, 162. Boots for horses, 72, 90. Boott, Mr. J., 26. Borrow, Mr. G., 27, 116, 190, 191. Boston, 39, 53. Boston, city horses of, 210. Boston Fire Department, 229 etseq. Boston Girl, 127. Bran Mash, 241, 297, 298. breaking, from a trot, 91, 94, 95. Brewers. See Loni>o.\ Bukweks. Brinker's Dronnan, 162. Broncos, 8, 167-171, 278 Bronco thoroughbreds, 171-173. I Brood Mares, 56-58. Brood Mare Sires, 56. Brooklyn Fire Department, 232, 236, 241, 250. Bucephalus, 197. Bulrush, 126. Bunbury, Sir Charles, 51. Burdett-Coutts, Mr., 152, 189, 198. Bush Messenger, 33. Byerly Turk, 41, 51, 119. Cabell's Lexington, 162. California Horses, 39, 82. California Stage Horses, 170. Cambridge Fire Department, 232, 250. Canadian Horses, 126, 159, 162. Canter, the, 165. Capucine, 199. Car Horses, 212, 228. Carriages, early, 181; improvement in, 180, 203." Carriage Horses, 150, 178 et seq.; American, 195-199; clipping of, 319-321; early, 183-185; im- provement in, 178, 183-187, 203; the primitive, 179; state, 184, 189; as weight-pullers, 203, 204; See also Cleveland Bay, Cob, Hackney, Yokksiiire Coach Horse, and F'kench Coach Horse. Cart Horses, 206 ct seq. ; beauty of, 200, 209; Blue Bulls as, 48; mechanically considered, 217; on the (arm, 209, 225; pictures of, 208; shape of, 217. 224; types of, 224. See also Clydesdales, rEKCHKRONS, ShiKE HoKSES, Suffolk Punch. Cart Horse Society, 214. Castianira, 52. Champions, the, 33. Grinnell'.s, 33, 34. King's, 34. Vermont, 139. INDEX. 327 Charles I., 118. Charles II., 118. Charlier method of shoeing, '24'J. Check reins, 132-135, 212, 213. Chicago Fire Department, 232, 236, 211, 242. Chillaby, 80. Chloe, 211. Clay-Arabians, 285. Clav Pilot, 40. Clays, the, 2!), 36, 39, 64, 81. Calilbrnia, 39. as carriage horses, 196. Cassius M., 40. Henry, 36-39. hall-mark of, 40. Clipping. 319-321. Cleveland Bays, 185-187, 189, 190, 260; in the United States, 192. Clydesdales, 12, 219, 221, 223-225. Coaches, early, 181-183; fast, 187- 188; in London, 180. Coach horses, 223. See Carriage Horses. Cobs, 147, 198, 201-203. Cold, effects of, 47, 168. Color, of Arabians, 264; of Brewers' horses, 210; of Cleveland Bnys, 187; cream color, 184; of French Coach Horses, 193; of Perche- rons, 220; of Shire Horses, 214; of Suffolk Punches, 218. Colts, Arabian, 277. Comanches, 169. Comstock, Hark, 46. Conestoga Horses. 238. Conover, Peter, 72. Conqueror, 141. Cook, Fanny, 45. Cooling, 305, 307, 308. Copperbnttom, 162. Corn, 296, 297. Cow-ponv, 167-171, 278. Crawlev,' Sir Pitt, 186. Cribbing, 288. Crofts, Mr.. 40. Cropping, 21. Cummings, Mr. M. L., 38. Curwen's Buy Barb, 51. Dalgetty, Capt. Uugald, 130. Damascus, 264. Dame Winnie, 54. Dana, Mr. K. H., 176. Darley .\rabian, 51, 119, 262. Darwin, Mr., 260. Dave, 72. Day, Mr. Wm., 12, 119, 226, 274. De Lancey, Col., 40. Denmark, 163. Derby, the first, 51. Dexter, 31, 69, 70, 72. Dictator, 29, 81, 87. Diligence Horses, 222. Diomed, 24, 34, 40, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 125. Direct, 53. Dirigo, 127. Dillard, .John, 163. Doble, Mr. Budd, 72, 73, 74, 99, 101. Docking, 21. Dodge, Col. R. I., 167. Dodge, Col. T. A., 164, 166, 1G7, 278, 314. Dray Horses. See London Dray Horses and Cart Horses. Dressing, 303, 305. Drews, the, 126. Drivers of trotters, 92, 93, 95; of roadsters, 95, 96, 114, 136. Driving, the art of, 94, 95. Dryness essential to horses, 293. Duke of Magenta, 152. Duroc, 34. Duroc, Billy, 34. Diirer, Albert, 216. Dutchman, 61, 74. Ears of horses, 117; of Arabian horses, 269, 271; mouse ears, 239. 328 INDEX. Eaton Horse, the, 197-200. Eclipse, American, 30, 33, 69, 126. English, 80. Electioneer, 29, 39, 83. Electioneers, the, 30. Emblem, 146. Endurance. See Roading. Engineer, 33. English Cart Horse Society, 214. English liorsenien, 17. Evelyn, Mr., 181. Exmoor Ponies, 260. Fair Nell, 119, 144, 154. Families, Trotting, 23-59. Fanny Pullen, 33. Farm" Horses, 209, 225-227. Farnum, Mr., 138. Fearnaughts, the, 126, 127. Felix, 107-112. Feet, the care of, 308-310. Feet, white, 69. Fire Engines, 230. Fire Engine House, 235. Fire Horses, accidents to, 240, 248; appearance of, 229; bedding of, 242; cost of, 2.50; duty of, 229, 230, 231, 230, 242; exercise of. 241 ; fate of, 253, 254; feeding of, 241; feet of. 248: harness of, 2-30, 235, 230; hospital for, 247 248; shai)e of, 232-234, 245; shoeing of, 249; stories of. 233, 234, 238, 2.39, 240, 24-3. 244. 250. 252 253 ; training of, 232. 237, 238, 239. Firing of horses by Arabs, 279. First Consul, 35. Fisher, Major, 304, 308. Flagg, Dr.', 124. Fleming, Mv. Geo.. .305, 310. Flemish Horses. 184. 214, 203. Flora Temjilp, 04, 08, 142. Florence, 107-112. Florizel, 51. Flying Cliilders, 51. Flying Eaton, 145, 197, 198. Foals, endurance of. 274; Arabian, 276. Foot, the care of, 308-310. FuUerton, Judge, 101. Forrest, Edwin, 31, 87. Forester, Frank, 52, 02. Fox Hunting, 151. Franklin County, Me., 197, 199. French Coach Horse, 193, 199. F>og, 249, 308, 312, 315. Fvlde, 40. Gait, altering, 90 ; of Arabian horses, 273, 281; of carriage horses, 193 ; of Flora Temple, 07; of high steppers, 149, 194; of Morgans, 122, 197; of trotters, 122, 123, 147, 281; of roadsters, 07, 122, 204; of saddle horses, 159, 104, 165. Gallop, the, 165. Galton, Mr. F., 15. Gano, 30. Gentling, 16. Gilbey, Mr. W., 214, 216. Gimcrack, 42. Giraud, Mr., 291. Glencoe, 53, 152. Godolphin Arabian, or Barb, 50, 51, 119. Golddust, Lucille, 101. Goldsmith, Mr. A., 72. Goldsmith Maid, 71-74, 84, 99, 100. Gomussa, horses of, 202. Grant, 72. Grant, Gen., Arabian horses of, 154, 264. Grand Bashaw, 24, 35. Grass, 299. Gray Eagle, 40. (ireat Eastern, 62. Green Mountain Maid, 58. Grief, 251, 252. 253. Grinnell's Chamiiion, 33, 34. Grooming, 303, 305. Grooms, 72, 99, 130, 303,304. INDEX. 329 Hackney, 32, 190-192. Hail, Emir of, 265, 266. Hal, Brown, 163. Hal, Tom, 163. Hal Pointer, 163. Haleem Pacha, 119. Half-breds, 150, 151, 171, 205. Hambletonian, Kysdyck's, 26-28. Harris's, 33. Hambletonians, tlie, 26-28, 196; hall-mark of, 40; as carriage horses, 196. Hamerton, Mr. P. G., 9, 10, 206. Hands, 176. Hanks, Nancy, 53, 63, 87. Hanoverian Horses, 18-1. Happy Medium, 29, 87. Harkness, Mr. J., 140. Harness, of road horses, 131-135; of tire liorses, 231, 235, 236. Harold, 29, 56. Harris, Mr. S. T., 58. Harry Bassett, 39. Hay, best kind of, 299; meadow, 294; necessity of, 295, 296 ; racks, 289. Havs, M. du, 221. Helm, Mr. H. T., 39, 91, 105. Hempstead, 146. Henrv, 69. Henry, Sir, 126. Hickock, Mr. O., 81. Highland Maid, 68. High School Hors. . 165, 166. High-steppers, 194. Holmes, Dr. O. W., 59. Hook and Ladder Truck, 230, 234. Hopeful, 67. Horses, duty toward, of owners, 7, 19; of users, 2, 3; feeding of, 295- 299; friendships of, 72, 80; na- ture of, 10, 11, 12, 93, 237; malle- ability of, 280; nervous energy of, 11, 12, 14, 57; origin of, 259; points of, 217; Saturday Re- view on, 217. See Bedding, Clipping, Driving. Gkooming, Shoeing, etc. Hulbert, Ed, 113. Hull, Mr. J., 157. Hunter, Kentucky, 64, 87. Huntington, Mr. K., 37, 154, 285. Huntress, 61. Hyde Park, 180, 183, 192. Indian Carriage, 179. Indian Ponies, 8, 167. Insurance (Protective) Wagon Horses, 246, 247. Jack, 45. Jackson, Andrew, the horse, 35, 36. Jackson, Andrew, the man, 49. Jackson, Stonewall, 49. Jarnette, Lady de, 133, 134. James I., 118. Jay-Eye-See, 47, 53, 81, 85. Jefferson, Mr., 304. .Jeffreys, Mr. D., 35. Jennifer Arabian, 223. Jimmy, 78, 79. Jobmasters. See London Job- masters. John, 244. Johnston, 18. Judge Fullerton, 101. Radishes, 263. Kellogg, Mr. P. C, 46. Kent Mare, the Charles, 26. Kentucky folk, 162, 163, 165, 166, 179; horses, 29, 30, 161, 162; Hunter, 64, 87; saddle horses, 161-167. Kerbeck, M. de, 31. Kickapoo Indians, 169. Kicking, 288. Killbuck Tom, 283. King Cole, 211. King Herod, 41, 51, 52. King's Champion, 34. Kismet, 262. 330 INDEX Kiiapp, Shepherd F., 198, 199. Knight, horse of, 213-216. Knox, Gen., the horse, 125, 151. Knox, Gen., the man, 121. Lady Duval, 58. Ladv Patriot, 29. LadV Thorne, 30, 31, 151. Lakeland AbdaHah, 56. Lambert, Daniel, 13, 45, 46. Lancet, 68. Lavengro, 116, 190. Lee, Gen. Harry, 41. Lee, Nancy, 87. Leeds Arabian, 51. Leopard, 154, 264. Leopard Rose, 283. Lewis, Col., 152. Lexington, 53, 81, 83. Lexington, Cabell's, 162. Lindsev Arabian, 41. Linsley, Mr. D. C, his book, 121. Little Dot, 62. London Brewers, 210 Coaches, 180. Dray Horses, 214, 225. .Jobmasters, 189, 203. Streets, 180. Lovelace, Col., 140. Lucille Golddust, 101. Lucy, 31, 73. Lucy Jimmy, 72. Lulu, 33. Lynn Fire Department, 232. Mace, Mr Dan, 13, 31, 94. Maine Horses, 33, 125, 126, 194, 197-201, 283. ^Lanibrino, 30. Mambrino Chief, 30. Mambrino King, .'51. Mambrino Patchen. .30, .32, 56, .57. Mambrino Patchens, the, 196; hall- mark, 40; tails of, 267 Mambrino Paymaster, 30. Manette, 83. Margi-ave, 53. Markliam, Gervase, 184. Marlborougli, Duke of, 32, 63. MarshhuufShales, 27, 191. Marvni, Mr. C, 83, 101, 133, 310. Matchem, 52. Maud S., 29, 47, 53, 63, 81, 82, 96, 315. Messenger, 24, 25, 33, 50, 53, 197. Messenger, Bush, 33. Messenger, Winthrop, 33. Michaux, M. 162. Middle Ages, horse of, 213-216. Miller's Damsel, 50. Miss Russell, 53. Moor, the, 39. Morgan, John, 08. Morgan, Justin, the horse, 41, 42, 121, 126. Morgan, Justin, the man, 121. Morgans, the, anecdotes of, 43, 123-125; as carriage horses, 196- 199; as cobs, 202; as road- sters, 121-127, 137-141, 97-201; as saddle horses, 139, 158, 159, 161 ; gait of, 122, 197 ; origin of, 41. Morocco, Emperor of, 41. Morrills, Winthrop, the, 126. Morse Horse, 33. Mouse ears, 239. Murphv, Mr. J., 70. Murray, Rev. W. H. H., 121. Mustauirs, 8, 167-171, 278. Naomi, 262, 285. Nancv Awful, 75 Nancy Hanks, 53, 63, 87. Nancy Lee, 87. Nancy Pope, 47- Narragansett Pacers, 157-158. Nejd. See under Arabian Horses. Nelson, 63. Nevins, Mr. D., 127. Nervous Energy, 11, 57, 58, 120. INDEX. 331 Night Team, the, 188. Nimrod, 292. Nobby, 107-112. Norfolk Trotter, 23, 26, 27, 190, 191. Normal! Horses, 47, 219, 22;J. Nutwood, 29, 53, 83. Oats, 290, 297. Old Charlie, 72, 73. Old Joe, 252, 253. O'Reilly, Mr. J. B., 22. Orloff Trotters, 38, 39. Ostlers, 13, 99, 130, 303, 304. Women, 222. Pace, the, 163, 164. Pacers and Kentucky Saddle Horses, 162, 163 and Trotters, 46, 163. Mile record of, 163. Narragansett, 157, 158. Shape of, 64. Pacing Cart Horses, 48. Pacino: Pilot, 24, 40, 47, 162. Pads, Arabian saddles, 275. Pads for feet. 248, 310. Pale Face, 171. Palgrave, Mr. W. G., 145, 266, 279. Pamlico, 45, 195, 196. Palo Alto, the farm, 301, 316. Palo Alto, the horse, 30, 54, 63, 81, 82, 83, 85. Paris Omnibus Horses, 223. Parker, the, 165. Parlin, Mr. S. W., 145. Partner, 41. Pastern Joints in the saddle horse, 145; in Arabian horses, 273. Pasturing, 299. Payne Stock Farm, 196. Pearl, 35. Peat-moss, 293, 294. Pea Vine, 166. Peerless, 35, 88. Pedigrees. See Thoroughbred and Stud Book Pedigrees of Arabian Horses, 256^ 257. Pen ultima, 33 Pepys, Mr., 181, 182, 183. Percherous, 12, 204, 220-225. Peter, 239. Petting, utility of, 8, 242. I'hillips, Maine, 200. Pickering, Mr. Ned, 182. Pilot, 24, 40, 47, 162. Pilot, Jr., 47, 53, 56, 81. Ploughing, 209, 226, 227. Pointer, Hal, 163. Polo Ponies, 171-173. Pope, Nancy, 47. Prince Albert, 220. Princess, 68. Privation, effects of, 168. Prize-fighting, 111, 151. Protective (Insurance) Company's Horses, 246, 247. Provender, 296. Providence Fire Department, 232. Pullen, Fanny, 33. Puritv, 52, Quartermaster, 32. Quorn Hunt, the, 151. PiACES, trotting, 87, 92, 96-98; run- ning, 72, 92, 160. Kangeley, Maine, 200. Rarus, 75-79. Rattler, 71. Record Breakers, 57, 58. Red Bird, 34. Reefing, 96 Renock, Joe, 139. Reynolds, Mr. R. S., 213. Rheumatism, 311. Rice, Mr. J., 51. Rifleman, 152. Riding, 174-176. 332 INDEX. Boad Horses, breeding of, 117-120; care of, 130, 131, 136, 137, 138; checking of, 134; definition of, 114; feeding of, 136-138; har- ness of, 131; points of, 116, 117; shoeing of, 131; watering, 301, 302. Roading, instances of. 127, 138, 139, 140-142, 200, 221, 283, 284. Koaring, 292. Rockingliam, 52. Rodes Mare, 30. Rose of Washington, 68. Roj-al Mares, 118. Royal Tar, 283. Rubbers, 99, 303-305. Rubbing down, 305-307. Running Footmen, 183. Running Mate, 44, 45. Ruskin,"^Mr., 178. Rysdyck's Hambletonian, 26-28. Saddle Horses, breeding of, 152, 153, 162; disposition of, 149, 150; disuse of; 159; Kentucky, 161- 167; mounting, 174, 175; points of, 144-146, 155,156; training of, 174, trotting under saddle, 146. Saint Julien, 81, 85. Salt, 298. Salt Marsh, 311. Salt Water, 311. Sampson, 24, 25. Sand, George, 5. Sand ford and Merton. 218. Santa Clans, 30. Saturday Review, 217. Schoolmaster, 171, 172. Scott, Mr. M., 160. Scott, Sir W., 215. Scoring, 98, 99. Scratches, 220, 308. Searcher, 125. Sensation horses, 194. Shakspere, 277. Sharp, Miss Becky, 186. Sherman Morgan, 44, 126. Shire Horses, 183, 214-217, 226, 227. Shoeing, 312-317 ; Charlier method of, 249; of tire horses, 249; of mustangs or broncos, 314; of roadsters, 131; of trotters, 90. Shoulders of cart horses, 217 ; of saddle horses, 144; of trotters, 63, 64. Shying, 14-16, 117. Sidney, Mr. S., 154. Sir Archy, 52. Skeletonwagon, 67, 89. Smith, Mr. T. A., 176. Smithfield, 182. Smuggler, 47, 04, 91, 100. Sons'of Horses, 263, 264. Sontag, 33. Sophronisba, 33. Sore Backs, etc., 305, 312. Spanish Horses, 171. Spectator Mare, 51. Spike Team, 243. Spiral Spring, 231. Spirit of the Times, 107, 109. Splan, Mr. J., 18, 76, 107-112, 131, 1.34, 318. Sprague, Gov., 33. Sprains, 311. Springs, 180, 181. Squirt, 52. Stable, the, 288-292. Stalls, 288, 290, 291. Stamboul, 39, 63, 64. Stanford, Gov., 30, 85. Stars, family ofj 69. Starting a load, 212, 231. StaA'ers, 153. Stopping. See Stuffing. Strathmore, 29. Straw, 294. Stud Book, for Cleveland Bays, 189 ; for hackneys. 190; for Kentucky saddle horses, 162; for thorough- breds, 23; for Yorkshire coach horses, 150, 189. Stuffing for feet, 309, 310. INDEX. 333 stumbling, 147, 148, 149, 277, Stump tlie Dealer, 162. Suffolk Punch, 218, 219. Sulky, 87, 89. Sultun, American, 39. English, 152. Sunol, 12, 63, 83, 85, 316. Sweating, 318, 320. Tacony, 68. Tails, of Arabian horses, 267, 268; of Hambletonians, 28; of Mam- brino Patcliens, 267. Tallmaclge, Capt.,41. Tattersail, Mr., 119, 290. Taverns, New England, 129, 303. Temple, Flora, 64, 68, 142. Tepee Poles, 179. Texas Horses, 171. Thackeray, Mr., 9. Thorne, Lady, 30, 31, 151. Thornedale, 29. Thoroughbred, definition of, 23; beauty of, 207; docility of, 207; origin of, 118; uses of, 152. Thoroughbred Blood, in carriage horses, 186, 205; in Kentucky saddle horses, 162; in polo po- nies, 171-173; in roadsters, 117- 120; in trotters, 53, 54. Thrush, 308. Toe-weights, 90, 91. Tom Thumb, 142. Topgallant, 74. Toothaker, Squire 200, 201. Touchstone Family, 270. Tournament Roll. 216. Tracks, 88, 89 ; kite, 89. Trainers, 92, 93. Tramp, 152. Trampoline, 152. Tredwell, Mr. J., 33. Trollope, Mr. A., 176. Trotting Families, 23-59. Trotting Horses, breeding of, 53, 54, 55, 61; friendships of, 72, 73, 77, 79, 80; gait of, 122 123, 165; points of, 62-64; origin of, 23 tt stq.; various, 59 et seq. Trotting Ponies, 142, 173. Trotting Races, 92 et seq.; condi- tions of, 96-99. Troublesome, 199, 200. True Briton, 26, 40. Truefit, 152. Trumpeter, 152. Trustee, American, 33, 53, 142. Imported, 33, 53. Truxton, 49. Turf, Field, and Farm, the, 103, 106. Turner, Mr. J. M. W., 208. Turning out to pasture, 299. Upton, Maj. R. D., 258, 259, 260, 262, 268, 271, 272, 273, 281. Vanderbilt, Mr. W. H., 96. Velocity, 27. Vermont Blackhawk, 36, 44. Vermont Champion, 139. Vermont Hero, 125. Vermont Horses, 33, 139. Vernon, Mr. R., 51. Vertumnus, 33. Veterinary Surgeon, 13, 124. 213, 246, 249, 305, 310. Vielee, Mr., 65. Volunteer, 29, 61, 81. Walker, Rev. G. L., 13. Walpole, Mr. Horace, 179. Warren, Mr. S. D., 171. War Horse, 213-216. Washington, Gen., 151. Washington, son of Knapp, 199. Waxey (horse), 152, 162. Waxy (mare), 83. Weaving, 288. Web, 152. Wedgewood, 14, 29, 32. 334 INDEX. Weight-carriers, 145. Weight of drivers, 92; of joclieys, 92. Weight Pulling. 67, 212. Weight Pullers as carriage horses, 203, 204; as cart horses, 217, 210, 221 ; as coach horses, 203, 204: as lire horses, 232, 234; as trotters, 67. Wheel, invention of, 180. Whyte-Melville, Mr., 145, 260. AVildair, 41. Wild Tiger. 200, 201. Wilkes, Geo., the horse, 29, 30, 32, .39. Wilkes, Geo., the man, 65, 94. Winkers, 132. Winship, H. B., 44. Winthrop Messenger, 33. Winthrop Morrills, the, 126. Woodburn, Kentucky. 29. Woodruff, Mr. H., 34, 35, 68, 74, 94, 142. 295. YoRKSHiKK Coach Horse, 189, 190, 192. Yorkshire Coach Horse Society, 150. Youatt, 142. Young Bashaw. 35. Young Selim, 49. KURT GAlPtl £> SO HOLLAND. PA.