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Y«w Nu, i > nru 4 m;t|i ZQ80 1 iyl) fcJW !%0 2og<; COWVIlfOJilW T/OIIJR KATHOMS Tl» MKTKUH M*i»r V«!ii *iM«i ; I Mit. 1 H I A»r OUR BEST BUYS AMBER JEWLERY: TORTOISE SHELL: COW HORN : ROCKING CHAIRS: Necklaces, Pins, Earrings, etc. Rings, Bracelets, etc. Necklaces, Rings, Figures, etc. The famous "Kennedy Rocking Chair made of mahogany and green Ebony AMBER Was the gem most prefered in ancient times. It is over sixty million years old, a fossilized resin from gigantic and prehistoric trees of marvelous now extin- ted. Amber and Diamonds are the only gems of vegetable origin. It has preserved animal and vegetable life of 60,000,000 years ago. This happened when the resin ran out from trees and fell on certain vegetation and animal of that time, as well as on the dewdrops that covered the leaves Its properties to attract light objects when rubbed was the first manifestation to electricity knowi to man, It was knowo as electron to the greeks and from it the name of electricity was derived. Ambei is only found in Russia, Ge-many and the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC SOi l — - ^tt^VL