Bulletin of the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University Vol. XIII, No 2. Nov. 1940 WILDLIFE OF THE HUNTINGTON WILDLIFE STATION (Parts III to VI Inc.) By W. A. Dence, H. F. Heady, J. L. Lowe and A. H. Smith Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin VOLUME 7 NUMBER 3 Published by the Roosevelt Wildlife Forest Experiment Station at the New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. SAMUEL N. SPRING. Dean CONTENTS OF RECENT ROOSEVELT WILDLIFE BULLETINS AND ANNALS BULLETINS Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. i. March, 1928. 1. A Preliminary Wild Life and Forest Survey of Southwestarn Catta- raugus Co., N. Y Victor H. Cahalane 2. A Preliminary Report on the Trout Streams of Southwestern Catta- raugus Co., N. Y Wilford A. Dence (Out of print) Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 2. February, 1929. 1. The Fishes of the Cranberry Lake Region W. C. Kendall and W. A. Dence 2. The Story of King's Pond F. A. Lucas 3. Its Fish Cultural Significance W. C. Kendall Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3. September, 1929. 1. The Summer Birds of the Northern Adirondack Mountains Aretas A. Saunders 2. The Summer Birds of the Adirondacks in Franklin County, N. Y Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and H. D. Minot (Reprinted. Original date of publication, 1877) Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 4. August, 1930. 1. The Biology of the Voles of New York Robert T. Hatt 2. The Relation of Mammals to the Harvard Forest Robert T. Hatt Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. i. March, 1931. I. A Biological Reconnaissance of the Petcrboro Swamp and the Labrador Pond Areas Charles J. Spiker Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 2. October, 1933. 1. The White-tailed Deer of the Adirondacks. Part I. Preliminary Survey of the White-tailed Deer of the Adiron- dacks M. T. Townsend and M. W. Smith Part 2. Ecology of the White-tailed Deer in Summer with Special Reference to the Adirondacks M. T. Townsend and M. W. Smith 2. Some Late Winter and Early Spring Observations on the White-tailed Deer of the Adirondacks Chas. J. Spiker IvoosEVELT Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 6. Xo. 3. July, 1935. I. A Popular Account of the Bird Life of the Finger Lakes Section of New York, with Main Reference to the Summer Season. .Chas. J. Spiker Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 4. January. 1937. Wildlife of the Archer and .\nna Huntington Wild Life Forest Station 1. Part L Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Land Vertebrates of the Archer and Anna Huntington Wild Life Forest Station Charles E. Johnson 2. Part n. Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Waters of the Archer and Anna Huntington Wild Life Forest Station and their Fish Inhabitants Wilford A. Dence Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. i. October. 1937. I. The Effect of Deer Browsing on Certain Western Adirondack Forest Types John Pearce Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 2. October. 1939. I. The Ecology and Economics of the Birds along the Northern Boundary of New York State A. Sidney Hyde ERRATA ■^a/^e 2^7, last line: for "^rraminif clius " reao "fi^raminif olius " . Pages 293 and 29'^, unier ""Mymrhaeaceae" : the order of the genera should be "^rasenia , Nuphar , Nymrhaea", Page 323 1 line lU from bottom: for "'^''accini\im pen^ylvanicum Lam." read "Vaccinium pensylvani ciom Mill." Page 3^S , left column, line U from bottom; for "memoralis" read "nemoralis". Page 3^0 » left column, line 10 from bottom: for "subluliacea" read "sublolia cea" . Page 355 » rig^t column, line 6: add 3(^9"after "Eel". Page 357 > right column, line 5 from bottom: add a comma after "Lung^^ort". Page 360, left column, line S: entire line to be transrosed to folTo"' "Paeonv" as line 6. Ri-?ht column, line 'l from bottom; "■^lanta-'^inales" to be flush with line above, ■pa^'e ■^Sl , rif'ht column, line 5 from bottom: for "Pyrolla" read "f-yrcla". Tage 362, left column, l^st line: for "villorsa" read "villoma" , Pa:Te ^SG, right column, line l'-^ under "V"; put "spiralis" in italics. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/rooseveltwildlif07unse_1 Bulletin of the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University Vol. XIII, No. 2 Nov. 1940 WILDLIFE OF THE HUNTINGTON WILDLIFE STATION (Parts III to Vi Inc.) By W. A. Dence, H. F. Heady, J. L. Lowe and A. H. Smith Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin VOLUME 7 NUMBER 3 Entered as second-class matter October i8, 1927, at the Post Office at Syracuse. N. Y., under the Act of August 24, 1912 ANNOUNCEMENT The serial publications of the Roosevelt Wildlife Forest Experi- ment Station consist of the following: 1. Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin. 2. Roosevelt Wildlife Annals. The Bulletin is intended to include papers of general and popular interest on the various phases of forest wildlife, and the Annals those of a more technical nature or having a less widespread interest. The editions of these publications are limited and do not permit of general free distribution. Exchanges are invited. Sale prices for the Station publications are based on the actual cost of printing and distribution in accordance with Chapter 220 of the Laws of 1933. Price lists will be furnished on request. All communications con- cerning publications should be addressed to The Director and Editor, Roosevelt Wildlife Forest Experiment Station, Syracuse, New York. Copyright, 1940. bv Roosevelt Wildlife Forest Experiment Station [216] TRUSTEES OF THE NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF FORESTRY Ex Officio Dr. William P. Graham, Chancellor Syracuse University Dr. Ernest E. Cole, Commissioner of Education Albany, N. Y. Hon. LiTHGOw Osborne, Conservation Commissioner... Albany, N. Y. Appointed by the Governor Hon. Charles Poletti, Lieutenant-Governor Albany, N. Y. Hon. Francis D. McCurn Syracuse, N. Y. Hon. Alfred E. Smith New York City Hon. William H. Kelley Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Willis H. Michell Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Charles A. Upson Lockport, N. Y. Hon. J. Henry Walters New York City Mr. George W. Sisson, Jr Potsdam, N. Y. Mr. Grant Ernst Syracuse, N. Y. Officers of the Board Hon. Alfred E. Smith President Hon. William H. Kelley Vice-President HONORARY ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE ROOSE- VELT WILDLIFE FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION Hon. Theodore Roosevelt New York City Mr. Kermit Roosevelt New York City Hon. GiFFORD PiNCHOT Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Chauncey J. Hamlin Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. George Shiras, 3rd Washington, D. C. Dr. Frank M. Chapman New York City Dean Henry S. Graves New Haven, Conn. [217] STAFF OF THE ROOSEVELT WILDLIFE FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION Samuel N. Spring, M.F Dean of the College Ralph T. King, M.A Director WiLFORD A. Dence, B.S Ichthyologist and Ass't Director William L. Wkbb, M.S Junior Forest Zool(J8i^t H. Ruth Merrill Secretary Temporary Appointments The regular stafif is frequently supplemented by temporary help, usually naturalists from specialized fields of biology. Likewise two or more grad- uate students majoring in the field of wildlife management are required to assist in the field projects that arc in progress at the Huntington Wildlife Station in the Adirondacks. [218] GENERAL CONTENTS PAGE Part III. Progress Report on a Study of the Dwarf Sucker (Catosfuiiiits comiiwrsoiiiiii ittcva'aiia) . W. A. Dence 221 Part IV. Annotated List of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of the Huntington Wildlife Station. H. F. Heady 234 Part A Preliminary List of the Lichens on the Hunt- ington Forest. Josiah L. Lowe 371 Part VI. A Preliminary List of the Fungi from the Hunting- ton Forest. Alexander H. Smith 383 [219] PART III. PROGRESS REPORT ON A STUDY OF THE DWARF SUCKER (Catostomus commersonnii utawana ) By W. A. DENCE, Assistant Director Roosevelt IJ'ildlije Forest Experiment Station Syracuse, Nezv York CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 222 Locality 222 Purpose and method 224 Breeding 224 Sexual dimorphism 227 Experiments with marked fish 228 Ages 230 Associated fish 230 Abnormalities in fins 232 Casualties 233 References 2^3 [221] 222 Roosevelt Wildlije Bulletin INTRODUCTION The dwarf form of the common sucker was discovered and descril)ed as a new species (Catostoinits utawana J by Mather ('90). However, no one seriously recognized his designation, at least in writing, until Kendall and Dence ("29) reported on their finding quantities of small hut adult suckers in certain tributary streams of Cranberry Lake. These authors were immediately impressed with the similarity of the small suckers to those described by Mather and deemed it advisal)le to adopt his terminology. More recently other scientists (Greeley and Greene '31; Greeley and Bishop '32; Dence '37) working in the Adirondacks region also have collected this form hut have designated it as a sub-species of the common sucker, because certain specimens show intergradations between normal common suckers and the typical dwarf form. The dwarf sucker is so variable, even in the same watershed, that perhaps it really should be considered only a sub-species of coiii- mersonnii, at least until much additional data are available. The writer is especially grateful to IVIr. O. W. Oja, Forest Super- visor of the Huntington Forest, who very graciously and ably assisted him both seasons when regular help was unavailable. LOCALITY The fish upon which this report is based are from \\"o\{ Lake, which is wholly within the boundaries of the Huntington \\'ildlife Forest Experiment Station tract at Newcomb. X. Y. The dwarf suckers of Catlin Lake about three miles to the north and on the same watershed, are consistently larger. Again those from Rich Lake about three miles to the south of \\o\{ Lake are even larger than those of Catlin Lake. There is a corresponding difference in spawning date — the larger forms spawning earlier than the \\'olf Lake form. Since no hunting, fishing or trespassing of any sort is permitted on the Huntington Wildlife Forest Experiment Station property and since certain waters within the tract support an abundant dwarf sucker population the author availed himself of the unusual oppor- tunity to conduct studies on this sucker with the full assurance that the results would not be affected in any manner through human interference. Wolf Lake was chosen for the first part of the studv because it supported an abundant dwarf sucker population that utilized a 223 Fig. 60. Collecting pool for dwarf suckers in North Inlet of Wolf Pond. Several hundred suckers congregate in this pool throughout the spawning- season. Fig. 61. Spawning area of dwarf suckers in North Inlet of Wolf Pond. The fish were unable to get beyond the barrier of logs, sticks, etc., shown in the background. 224 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin tributary on tlie north end and anotlicr on the south end for spawn- ing purposes. Both of these streams are small and sufficiently free from obstructions and debris to permit easy netting. As a matter u\ fact tiie fish were captured with ease through the use of a small com- mon sense minnow seine (Fig. 6oj. During the jjeak of the run a hundred or more could be taken with a single sweep of the .seine. No other lake on the tract offered such a unicjue set-up for a study like this. PURPOSE AND METHOD The study was inaugurated for the express purpo.se of obtaining data on sex ratios, ages, spawning habits and migration, but inci- dentally for any other phase of the life history and habits that might be forthcoming. Data of this sort are very essential in establishing the ecology and the economic relations of the fish with reference to the general biota f)f the waters on this tract as well as for the waters of the entire Adirondacks region. The fish were marked by using a combination of fin removals which differentiated the fish from each stream and for each season. A total of 3937 fish were marked in this manner during the two seasons — 1996 in the 1938 season and 1977 in the 1939 season. Dur- ing the second season 647 of those marked the previous year were recovered and given a new designation, making a total of 2624 fish for that year. Wolf Lake has several small tributaries but only two of them are permanent throughout the year. For convenience these are here- after referred to as "'North Inlet" and "South Inlet"', respectively, since they are on the opposite ends of the lake which extends in a north-south direction. The outlet leaves the lake only a few rods west of the point where the North Inlet enters but the dwarf suckers have never been observed there. Thus, in so far as WoM Lake is concerned, dwarf suckers enter onlv the inlets on their spawning migrations. By way of comparison it may be mentioned that the common shiner (Kotropis cornntHS connitits) of W'oli Lake, which spawns at about the same time as the suckers, enters only the outlet. BREEDING Dwarf suckers began running into the tributarv streams of \\o\i Lake on the identical date (I\Iay 25) during the two seasons of this study. In each instance the fish appeared in considerable numbers from the very beginning so that actual work was started on May 26. The suckers were spawning in the North Inlet on June 5, 1934 but Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 225 had nearly vacated the stream by the 7th, indicating that the spawn- ing season in that year compared favorably with that of the past two years. The temperature of the water in the streams apparently h.as little or no effect in determining the date on which suckers enter the spawning areas because they appear at about the same time each year regardless of the temperature. During the past season the water in each stream was only 48° F when the suckers appeared. The previous year the North Inlet was 54° F, and the South Inlet was 51° F. While the streams were not visited in 1934 until near the end of the spawning season they must have been considerably warmer than was the case on the other occasions because North Inlet was 67° F on June 5 and South Inlet was 59° F. The temperature of the lake habitat should, and undoubtedly does, determine the spawning migration date. However, when the fish once enter the streams the date on which spawning takes place is determined largely by the temperature of the water. This was demonstrated ver}- well in the 1938 season when spawning was delayed several days in the colder South Inlet and continued beyond the period utilized in the North Inlet. The situation was quite the reverse the past year by virtue of the fact that the forest cover was removed from the spawning area on the South Inlet, as a clean-up project in the CCC work plan. Both streams average about six feet in width and except for a few pools do not exceed two feet in depth. The spawning areas proper have about six inches of water over sand or fine gravel bottom and with moderately quick velocity. The suckers were always found within an eighth of a mile of the lake. A jam of rocks, sticks, logs and leaves formed a natural barrier in the North Inlet, preventing further upstream migration while shallow water with apparent unfavorable spawning beds in the South Inlet caused the fish to remain well downstream. When not actually engaged in spawning and when frightened the fish repaired to the deeper pools. Several hundred frequently occurred in a single pool. Migration to and from the streams generally took place at night. The data thus far indicate that the males precede the females to the spawning areas. This was particularly noticeable the first and second days of the 1938 season when only 54 females from the total catch of 559 were recorded during that period. There were only 146 females among the 627 suckers captured during the correspond- ing dates in 1939. That females were more numerous on the third day and thereafter was evidenced by the increased activity in mating procedure. Of course in making comparisons due consideration was 226 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin given the fact that the male-population greatly outnumbered the female population. However, the males always so greatly out- numbered the females that a spawning trio was generally accom- panied by a number of excess males. The summary for the two seasons (Table No. 12) shows that there were about three males for every female. Table 12. Summary of Dwarf Suckers Marked During the Spawning Seasons of 1938 and 1939 SEASON Total Fish No. No. Percent Percent Both Sexes Males Females Males Females 1938 1996 1634 362 81.9 18. 1 1939 1977 1214 763 60.4 39 6 Both seasons 3973 2848 1125 71. 1 28.9 Spawning occurred throughout the twenty-four hours of the day but there w^as reason to believe that greater activity in this respect took place at night, when migration was more pronounced. Marked fish were always liberated well downstream beyond the section occu- pied by spawning fish. Thev remained where they were liberated throughout the day but made their wav upstream to the spawning beds during the night. On dull days, migration movements within the stream were ol)served in the late afternoon. The spawning fish always faced upstream, frequently in water that was just deep enough to cover their backs (Fig. 61 I. During the spawning act the dorsal and caudal fins and sometimes part of the back frequently appeared abo\e the water surface. The move- ments of the fish under such circumstances were so vigorous that the water was greatly agitated making it possible to easily distinguish the spawning groups even at considerable distances. The spawning act, in general, was very similar, if not identical, to that of the com- mon sucker. This is so well known that further description appears unnecessar}' in this paper. After the spawning season, \\hich lasts for about ten days, the breeding suckers return to the deep water of Wolf Lake where they remain until the next breeding season. The fish apparently go directly to their objective. In making these migration trips they inidlifc of flic Huntington Wildlife Station 227 were never observed in the act of entering the streams, but when returning they quickly departed for deep water after reaching the mouth of the inlet. These suckers apparently spawn for the first time when they have reached a length of about 3j/l inches. A number of suckers, includ- ing both males and females, taken during both seasons, were obviously on their first trip to the spawning areas. These were lighter in color and less robust than older individuals. In fact they were more like the young of the normal common suckers. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM The sexes of dwarf suckers, as with most fishes, can be distin- guished during the breeding season by the greatly distended body of the female. However, this is not always definite evidence especially when spent or partially spent females are encountered. During this study it was generally possible to differentiate the sexes with cer- tainty from deposits of the sex elements during the marking and measuring processes. However, in doubtful cases the necessary evidence was obtained by stroking the belly in the manner used in "stripping". Both sexes were provided with tubercles at spawning time, but, in general, the males were better equipped with these structures than were the females. Males had tubercles on the scales at the posterior end of the body particularly in the region of the vent and the anal fin. The anal fin and the lower lobe of the caudal fin supported numerous stout and efficient tubercles. The upper lobe of the caudal had a good many tubercles but these were rather small and granular in appearance compared with those located ventrally. The females had tubercles in essentially the same portions of the body with the exception of the upper lobe of the caudal fin which was unarmed. The tubercles on the anal fin were few in number, small and comparatively weak. The scales in the region of the vent and the anal fin were greatly thickened and had the margin lined with minute tubercles. The females showed greater modification than the males with respect to the scales. Breeding male dwarf suckers were generally very much darker than the females, but the sexes could not be differentiated by color alone because there was considerable variation, particularly in the smaller as well as the larger individuals. The dorsal side of a typical male was olive-colored with darker mottlings. A lighter stripe occurred immediately below the dorsal area and that in turn was 228 Roosevelt Wildlije Bulletin followed by a broad black stripe in the region of the lateral line which extended across the head to the snout. This dark stripe ended rather abruptly dorso-ventrally, leaving the ventral side quite colorless. The females were plain olive-green on the dorsal and lateral regions although the smaller individuals were slightly mottled. There were none of the abrupt color changes as was the case in the males. The belly and the lower fins were colorless. Many of the females were considerably larger than the general run of male suckers but an occasional large male would sometimes appear in the association sf) that it was not always possible to dif- ferentiate the sexes from size alone. The entire catch of females for each year averaged about six inches in .standard length. Further data on comparative lengths are shown in Table 13. Table 13. Comparative Lengths of Male and Female Dwarf Suckers (in inches) ToT.\L No. Average Largest Sm.\llest OF Fish Length Fish Fish SEASON Males Females Males Females Male Female Male Female 1938 1.634 362 5-2x8 5-958 8 8.5 4 4-75 1939 1.799 825 5-237 6.015 8 10.5 3-5 4-5 EXPERIMENTS WITH MARKED FISH All of the fish included in this study were released after clipping one of the lower fins in accordance with a definite system. Different fins were removed each season for each stream so that in case of recovery during succeeding years it would be possible to obtain certain data relative to the life-history of the sucker, particularly as regards migration and longevity of life. The method was quite satisfactory except that, of course, it didn't provide for data on the individual fish. It was found that the fins must be removed very close to the body, otherwise regeneration occurs. Regenerated fins were seldom, if ever, as perfect as the original although careful scrutiny was necessary to avoid overlook- ing some of the previously marked fish. JJ'ildlijc of the Huntington H'ildlijc Station 229 As stated earlier in the report a total of 1996 dwarf suckers were marked in the 1938 season. Six hundred forty-seven or 32.4 percent of these were recovered and remarked during the 1939 season. Most of the suckers thus recovered had returned to the same stream from whence they had been captured the previous spawning season. Only eighteen or about three percent had shifted jroin one end of the lake to the other. The greatest shift was from the South Inlet to the Xorth Inlet. This was more or less to be expected because the North Inlet is the larger of the two streams and is thus capable of accommodating more spawning fish. Actually 1403 tish were marked from the North Inlet in 1938 and 526 of these were recovered the following year. Only 593 were marked in South Inlet and 103 were recovered the next year. The greatest number of recovered fish for a single day occurred on the first day (^lay 26) when 184 of the captured fish were returns. The average lengths of the 585 males and of the 62 females in the recoveries were about three-tenths of an inch greater in each sex than were the general averages of all marked fish for each sex. Granting that the recovered fish consisted of representative age classes and making due allowance for possible growth in the lower age classes it would appear that very little, if any, annual growth takes place in mature individuals. In other words they remain dwarf and do not develop into larger individuals that might be confused with typical cotnincrsonnii. In analyzing the above data it is apparent that there is a definite tendency on the part of the breeding suckers to return annually to the identical spawning stream. The movements of the suckers after they reenter ^^'olf Lake are unknown except that they inhabit the deeper areas. Those that shifted from the North Inlet to the South Inlet, or rice versa, had to travel at least one and one-fourth miles (the length of Wolf Lake) within a year's time and in so doing meet individuals that had spawned in a tributary at the opposite end of the lake. Wolf Lake has two rather deep areas — one near the north end and the other near the middle. These have maximum depths of 45 feet and 40 feet, respectively. Between these two areas the depth decreases to twent}- feet. This suggests that the suckers may not have a common habitat during their stay in the lake and that the northernmost deep area is occupied to a great extent by the suckers that spawn in the North Inlet and the other deep area by those that spawn in the South Inlet. Likewise, the migration from one deep 230 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin area to the other may exj)lain in part tlie reason for the change of spawning areas in the case of the eighteen individuals encountered. The tributary streams were seined very thoroughly during the sucker spawning season and it is believed that more than 75 percent of the fish were captured. Thus most of the fish marked in the 1938 season would have been included in the catch had they been present. It is definitely known that some of the 1349 fish that failed to appear lost their lives tlirough predation even before they left the spawning beds that 3'ear but this would not account for the entire number. -Since Wolf Lake is inhabited by large lake trout that are known to feed almost exclusively on fish it is safe to assume that, at least, some of the marked dwarf suckers were taken by the trout. Like- wise herring gulls, loons and other predatory animals undoubtedly take their toll. Then too it is possible, though not probable, that some of the suckers spawn in the lake itself as do certain other species of fish which prefer streams for spawning purposes but in lieu of suitable streams are content to use lake shoals. AGES A study of the scales collected from about 500 breeding suckers shows that the majority of the fish were in the 3-, 4-, and 5-year age classes. The oldest individual was seven years of age and the \oungest three years. Tliere was very little, if any, correlation between age classes and size classes. However, a few of the older fish were larger than the usual run. This seems to indicate that the suckers grow (|uite rapidly the first three or four years of their existence, after wliich tliere is little or no growth. The average lengtlis of the fisli marked in 1938 and recovered the following year C()ni])ared favorably with the general average for the totals of the two \ears. In fact the averages for each sex of recovered fish was only three-tenths of an incli greater than the general average for each sex the year previous. ASSOCIATED FISH Horned dace (Scinotilus atromaculatus) were commonly associated with dwarf suckers on the spawning areas. The lower portion of the streams w^as better suited as nesting sites for the dace, conse- quently there was only a slight overlapping of the breeding habitat of the two species. The dace, apparently, do not interfere in anj- way with the suckers. 231 Fig. 63. Dwarf suckers with extra fins. The upper fish with e.xtra fin 011 right ventral side, the lower one with extra fin adjoining caudal and with enlarged anal fin. 232 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Both adult and \tcris intermedia of House. Thclyptcris spiniilosa var. intermedia of W. & E. Roadsides, clearings, swamps, and rich woods ; in moist sandy soil rich with organic material ; very common. 7. Dryopteris marginalis (L.) Gray. Marginal shield fern. Aspidium marginale of Gray. Tliclypteris marginalis of W. & E. and of House. Shaded ridges and slopes ; in moist humus on sandy soil ; occa- sional. 8. Dryopteris noveboracensis (L.) Gray. New York fern. Aspidium novcboraccnsc of Gray. Thelypteris noveboracensis of W. & E. and of House. Woods and stream hanks ; in wet sandy soil ; common. 9. Dryopteris spinulosa (O. F. Miill.) Watt. Spiny-toothed shield fern. Aspidium spinutosnm of Gray. Tliclypteris spinulosa of W. & E. and of House. Wooded slopes, stream banks, and edges of clearings ; in moist organic layer on sandy soil ; occasional. Differs from Dryopteris campyloptcra and Dryopteris iiiferinedia by having glabrous indusia. 10. Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) Gray var. pubescens (Lawson) A. R. Prince e.x Weatherby. Marsh shield fern. Aspidium thelypteris of Gray. Dryopteris thelypteris of B. & B. Thelypteris palusfris of W. & E. Thclyptcris thelypteris of House. Marshes, swamps, and bog margins ; in wet mucky soil ; scarce. Dryopteris thelypteris is a Eurasian fern (see Rhodora 31 : 34. 1929). Onoclea L. 1. Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive fern. Springy slopes, creek banks, and shaded depressions ; in wet mucky and sandy soil ; occasional. Phegopteris Fee I. Phegopteris dryopteris (L.) Fee. Oak fern. Dryopteris dryopteris of B. & B. Thelypteris dryopteris of W. & E. and of House. Wooded hillsides, creek banks, and bog margins ; in moist humus ; common. Fronds ternate, the three divisions petioled. 254 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 2. Phegopteris polypodioides Fee. Beech fern. Dryopteris phrt/nplcris of B. & B. Thelypteris phegopteris of W. & E. and of House. W'ooded hillsides, creek banks, and low depressions ; in w et humus layer on .sandy soil ; common. Fronds twice pinnatifid ; pinnae all sessile. Polypodium (Tourn.) L. I. Polypodium virginianum L. Co.mmox polypody. Polypodium vulgarc of Gray and of B. & B. Moist humus capping boulders in shaded woodlands ; occasional. Polystichum Roth 1. Polystichum acrostichoides ( Michx. ) Schott. Christmas FERN. Ridges and wooded slopes ; in moist humus on sandy soil ; occa- sional. Fronds i -pinnate. 2. Polystichum braunii (Spencer) Fee var. purshii Fern. E.\st- ERN HOLLY FERN. Polystichum braunii of House, of B. & B., and of Gray. Rocky woods and talus slopes ; in moist humus pockets between the rocks; scarce. Fronds 2-pinnate. Polyslicliuiii braunii is a European species (see Rhodora 30: 30. 1928 J. Pteretis Raf. I. Pteretis nodulosa (Michx.) Xieuwl. Ostrich fern. Mattcuccia struthioptcris of B. & B. Onoclea struthiopteris of Gray. Creek banks and low depressions : in wet mucky and sandy soil ; scarce. Pteridium Scop. I. Pteridium latiusculum ( Desv. ) Hieron. ex R. E. Fries. East- ern bracken. Common brake. Pteridium aquilinum, in part, of B. & B. Pteris aquilina, in part, of Gray. Clearings and old l)urns ; in dry sand\- soil ; very common, form- ing pure stands. Small scattered plants generally distributed throughout the forest. U'ildlijc of the HnntitKjtou Wildlife Station 255 [Woodsia R. Br.] [Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. Rusty woousia. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 10249, rocks, Newconili. July 9, 1924; rare".] Division II. S P E R M A T O P H Y T A Subdivision I. GVMNOSPERMAE 6. [CONIFERALES] 7. TAXACEAE (Yew Family) Taxus (Tourn.) L. I. Taxus canadensis Marsh. Ground hemlock. American YEW. Canada yew. Moist rich woods of spruce and balsam ; in organic soil on large rocks ; rare ; only three stations known. 8. PINACEAE (Conifer Family) Abies (Tourn.) Hill r. Abies balsamea (L. ) Mill. Balsam fir. Present in nearly all sites, very common. Larix (Tourn.) Adans. I. Larix laricina (DuRoi ) Koch. American larch. Tamarack. Bogs, along creeks, and lake shores ; in wet mucky soils ; occa- sional. Picea Link 1. Picea abies (L.) Karst. Norway spruce. A few trees along the state highway ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. In a forest planting ; not known to be naturalized. 2. Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. White spruce. Picea ca)iade)isis of Gray and of B. & B. A few large trees, in dry sandy soil of one of the clearings near the state highway ; rare. Probably planted. 3 Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. Black or swamp spruce. One station in the sphagnum bog one-fourth mile south of Wolf Pond ; rare, although common in bogs in the vicinity. Picca mariana is best distinguished from Picea rubra in having smaller incurved 256 Roosevelt IVildlife Bulletin cones which are persistent on the branches up to thirty years. The cones of Picca rubra Ijegin to fall as soon as the scales are open, and have fallen by the following summer. The twigs of both species are always more or less pubescent. 4. Picea rubra (DuRoi) Dietr. Red spruce. Picea rubens of House and of B. & B. Climax forest ; a dominant species of well-drained wet slopes at low elevations and of exposed rocky well-drained slopes above 2200 feet ; very common. Pinus (Tourn.) L. 1. Pinus resinosa Ait. Red or Norway pixe. Moist well-drained sandy soil near the ranger station ; rare. Planted and not observed to be naturalized. 2. Pinus strobus L. Northekn white pixe. Lake shores, bogs, plantations, and clearings ; in moist well- drained sandy soil ; common. Indicative of old fields when it occurs in pure stands. Attains best growth in mixture with the hardwoods. Thuja L. I. Thuja occidentalis L. Arbor vit.\e. White cedar. Bogs, stream banks, and lake shores ; in poorly drained soils ; common. Tsuga (Endl.) Carr. I. Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Hemlock. Climax forest ; low elevations, near streams, swamps, and lakes ; in moist rocky well-drained soils ; common. Subdivision II. ANGIOSPERMAE Class I. MONOCOTYLEDOXEAE 7. PANDANALES 9. TYPHACEAE (Cattail Family) Typha (Tourn.) L. I. Typha latifolia L. Broad-leaved cattail. Marshy area along the creek east of the truck trail entrance ; iri wet mucky soil ; rare. JJ'ildlijc of the Huntington W'Udlijc Station 257 10. SPARGANIACEAE (Bur-reed Family) Sparganium (Tourn.) L. 1. Sparganium americanum Nutt. Nuttall's bur-reed. Open wet places along the edges of lakes and stagnant ponds ; in mucky soil ; occasional. 2. Sparganium angustifolium ]Michx. Narrow -leaved bur-reed. Floating-leaved aquatic, rooted in mucky soil ; occasional in about 0.5 m. of water in ponds and slowly flowing streams. 3. Sparganium chlorocarpum Rydb. var. acaule (Beeby) Fern. Stem less bur-reed. Sparganium acaule of B. & B. Sparyanium diversifolium var. acaule of Gray. Open areas near water ; in sandy or mucky soil ; common. The variety differs from the species by having a very short stem. 4. Sparganium fluctuans (Morong) Robinson. Floating bur- reed. Floating-leaved aquatic, rooted in mucky soil ; occasional in 0. 3.1 m. of water in lakes and ponds. Inflorescence somewhat corymbose at maturity. 8. HELOBIAE II. POTAMOGETONACEAE (Pondweed Family)* Potamogeton (Tourn.) L. 1. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerm. Large-leaved pondweed. Floating-leaved aquatic ; rooted in mucky soil ; occasional in 1-2 m. of water. Floating leaves 5-10 cm. long, 2-5 cm. broad, 30-50 nerved. Submersed leaves usually 2.5-7 ^"i- broad. 2. Potamogeton capillaceus Poir. Pondweed. Potamogeton dimorphus of W. & E., of House, and of B. & B. Potamogeton dimorphus, in part, of Gray. Rooted aquatic; in mucky soil; occasional in 0.3-1 m. of water. Floating leaves 1-2.5 'o"g- Submersed peduncles as long as the spikes. 3. Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. Nutt,a,ll's pondweed. Floating-leaved aquatic; in mucky soil ; very common in 0.5-1.5 m. of water of lakes and slowly flowing streams. Floating leaves 3-7.5 cm. long, 1-2.5 cm. broad, usually tapering into a short petiole. * The nomenclature of the linear-leaved potamogetons is that of Fernald, '32. For Sparganium minimum Fries, see Addenda p. 368. For Potamogeton gramineus L. var. Graminifolius Fries, see Addenda p. 368. 258 Roosevelt IVildlije Bulletin 4. Potamogeton natans L. Common floating pondueeu. Floating-leaved aquatic; in sandy or mucky soil; common in 1-2 m. of water. Floating leaves 5-10 cm. long, 2.5-5 vvide, 20-30 nerved. Submersed leaves narrow, rarely 2 mm. wide. 5 Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Cl.vsping-le.aveu pondweed. Submersed aquatic ; rooted in sandy or mucky soil ; occasional in 1-2 m. of water. Leaves all submersed, cordate-clasping with stipules rarely developed. 6. Potamogeton pusillus L. var. typicus Fern. Sm.\ll pondweed. Submersed aquatic; rooted in mucky soil; occasional in 0.3-1 m. of water. 7. Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes. Robbin's pondweed. Collection of W. A. Dence, "1.6 m. of water, north end of Catlin Lake, July, 1939". All leaves immersed, narrow-lanceolate, and minutely serrulate. • 8. Potamogeton spirillus Tuckerm. Spiral pondweed. Potamogeton dimorpbiis, in part, of Gray. Floating-leaved aquatic ; rooted in sand or muck ; common in 0.3-0.6 m. of water in lakes and slowly flowing streams. Differs from Potamogeton capHlaceus in not having submerged peduncles. [Potamogeton sp. Pondweed. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 15385, Lake Harris outlet, August 13, 1927".] [NAJADACEAE (Xaiad Family)] [Najas L.] [Najas flexilis (W'illd.) Rostk. & Schmidt. Slender naiad. Naias fic.vilis of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 8436, Lake Harris, August 2, 1921".] [SCHEUCHZERIACEAE (Arrow Grass Family)] [ Scheuchzeria L.] [Scheuchzeria palustris L. var. americana Fern. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10588. marsh. Lake Harris, August 9, 1924". The ^American form of Scheitcliceria palustris (see Rhodora 25: 178. 1923).] IVildlife of the Huntington U'ildlijc Station 259 12. ALISMATACEAE (Water Plantain Family) Sagittaria L. I. Sagittaria graminea Michx. Grass-leaved sagittaria. Oj)en moist iieaches or shallow water; in sand; occasional. Leaves linear, rarely sagittate. J. Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Broad-leaved arrowhead. Slowly moving water, marshes, lake shores, and open beaches; in wet sand}- or mucky soil ; common. The leaf outline of this plant \aries greatly, with many intergrading forms. Within the Forest no segregates have been found worthy of nomenclatorial recognition. 13. HYDROCHARITACEAE (Frog's Bit Family) Elodea Michx. I. Elodea occidentalis ( Pursh) St. John. Water-weed. Philotria aiiyustiiolia of B. & B. Philotria occidentalis of House. Submersed aquatic ; rooted in mucky bottoms of lakes and slowly moving streams ; occasional. 9. GLUMIFLORAE 14. GRAMINEAE (Grass Family)* Agropyron Gaertn. 1. Agropyron repens (L) Beauv. Quackgrass. Roadsides and grassy clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. [Agropyron pauciflorum (Schwein.) Hitchc. Slender wheat- grass. Agropyron tcncruiii of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26853, banks along road 3 miles north of Tahawas, July 24, 1939".] 2. Agropyron subsecundum (Link) Hitchc. Bearded wheat- grass. Agropyron caniiniin of W. & E., of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. * The nomenclature of Gramineae is that of Hitchcock, '35. For Varisneria americana Michx. see Addenda p. 369. 26o Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Agrostis L. 1. Agrostis alba L. Redtop. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; common. Escaped from cultivation, and has become naturalized. [Agrostis borealis Hartni. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9357, thickets near Tahawas, June 23, 1923".] 2. Agrostis hiemalis (Walt.) BSP. Ticklegrass. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; common. An occasional dwarfed form occurs on open mountain tops in organic soil on rocks. [Agrostis palustris Hubs. Bentgrass. Agrostis alba var. maritima of W. & E. and of Graj'. Agrostis maritima of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10589, waste soil, Newcomb, August 9, 1924".] 3. Agrostis perennans (Walt.) Tuckerm. Autumn bent. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 2691 1, marsh at south end of Wolf Pond, August 14, 1939". 4. Agrostis tenuis Sibth. Colonial bent. Agrostis alba var. vulgaris of Gray. Clearings and roadsides ; in wet poorly drained sandy soils ; scarce. Escaped from cultivation and naturalized. 4a. Agrostis tenuis Sibth. var. aristata (Parn.) Druce. Colonial BENT. Clearings ; in sandy well-drained soil : scarce. Differs from the species by having lemmas awned from near the base. Anthoxanthum L. 1. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Sweet vernal grass. Roadsides and recentl}- disturbed areas in clearings ; in well- drained sandy soil ; occasional. Brachyelytrum Beauv. I. Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb. l Beauv. Dilc/yyruin crcctum of W. & E. Moderately open rocky hillsides ; in moist sandy soil : occasional. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 261 Bromus L. 1. Bromus ciliatus L. Fringed brome. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; occa- sional. [Bromus latiglumis (Scribn.) Hitchc. Bromegrass. Bromus altissimns of W. & E. and of Gray. Bromus purgans, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26631, bank of Hudson River about 200 feet south of Bissell's Garage, Newcomb. July 5, 1939".] Calamagrostis Adans. 1. Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx. ) Beauv. Bluejoint. Marshes, meadows, and open woods; in wet mucky to sandy soil; common. 2. Calamagrostis pickeringii Gray. Reedgrass. Margins of bogs and marshes ; in mucky to sandy soil ; scarce. Cinna L. I. Cinna latifolia (Trev.) Griseb. Drooping woodreed. Roadsides and moderately open woods ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. Dactylis L. I. Dactylis glomerata L. Orchard grass. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; com- mon. Danthonia Lam. & DC. I. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Poverty oatgrass. Clearings ; in dry sandy or rocky soil ; occasional. Deschampsia Beauv. I Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Crinkled hairgrass. Aira Hcxuosa of House. Moderately open mountain tops and slopes ; in organic soil on rocks ; occasional. [Echinochloa Beauv.] [Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. Barnyard grass. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10692, waste ground, Newcomb, September 20, 1924".] 262 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Elymus L. 1. Elymus villosus Muhl. Wild-rye. Elymus striatus of Gray, of W . & E.. of House, and of B. & B. Moderately closed hilltops under maple-ash-elm ; in well-drained sandy and organic soils on rocks ; rare. 2. Elymus virginicus L. \'irgixia wild-rye. Low woodlands and along streams ; in moist sandy soil ; rare. Festuca L. 1. Festuca elatior L. ]\Ie.\dow fescue. Roadsides and waste places ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. Escaped from cultivation, and has become naturalized. 2. Festuca obtusa Spreng. Xodding fescue. Festuca nutans of W. & E., of Gray, and of B. & B. Moderately closed mountain tops under maple-ash-elm ; in well- drained sandy soil ; scarce. 3. Festuca rubra L. Red fescue. Roadsides and grassy clearings ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; common. Glyceria R. Br. 1. Glyceria borealis (Xash) Batch. Xortherx maxxagrass. Panicularia borealis of House and of B. & B. Beaver dams and lake shores : in wet sandy or mucky soil ; scarce. 2. Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin. Rattlesxake maxxa- grass. Panicularia canadensis of House and of B. & B. Bogs, beaver dams, marshes, and lake shores : in wet muck}' or sandy soil ; occasional. [Glyceria canadensis (]\Iichx.) Trin. var. laxa (Scribn.') Hitchc. Glyceria laxa of Gray. Panicularia la.ra of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26648. marsh south of Johnson's Mill Pond, east of Xewcomb, July 5, 1939". Differs from Glycerin canadensis by having 3-5 flowered spikelets.] U'ildlijc of the Huntington Wildlife Station 263 3. Glyceria fernaldii ( Hitchc. ) St. John. Mannagkass. Glyccria ncogaca of Hitchcock, not of Steud. The type of Glyceria neogaca was found by Hitchcock in 1935 to be Glyccria striata. Glyccria pallida var. fernaldii of Gray. Panicularia fernaldii of House. Panictilaria pallida, in part, of B. & B. Beaver meadows in shallow water ; rooted in mucky soil ; rare. 4. Glyceria melicaria (Michx. ) F. T. Hubb. Mannagrass. Glyceria torreyana of Gray. Panicularia melicaria of House. Panicularia torreyana of B. & B. Roadsides, creek banks, and lowlands ; in wet sandy or mucky .soil ; common. 5. Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. Fowl mannagrass. Glyceria nervata of W. & E. and of Gray. Panicularia nervata of House and of B. & B. Creek banks and clearings ; in wet sandy or mucky soil ; common. [Hierochloe R. Br.] I Hierochloe odorata ( L. ) Beauv. Sweetgrass. Hierochlui' odorata (L. ) Wahl. of Gray. Hierochloe odorata var. fragrans of W. & E. Includes Torresia nashii of House. Includes Torresia odorata of House. Includes Sai'astana nashii of B. & B. Includes Savastana odorata of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8797, meadow near Newcomb, June 3, 1922".] Hordeum L. [Hordeum vulgare L. Barley. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 13483, spontaneous in a door- yard, Newcomb, October 3, 1926".] Leersia Sw. I. Leersia oryzoides (L. ) Sw. Rice cutgrass. Homalocenchrus oryzoides of House and B. & B. Marsh at the head of Big Flow ; in wet mticky soil ; rare. Milium L. I. Milium effusum L. Moderately open ridges ; in moist well-drained sandy or rocky soil ; occasional. 264 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Muhlenbergia Schreb. 1. Muhlenbergia foliosa (Roem. and Schult.) Trin. Muhly. Muhlenbergia foliosa Trin. of W. & E. and of Gray. Muhlenbergia mcxicana of B. & B. Beaver dams and low meadows ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; scarce. [Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) BSP. Satin-grass. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 8457, rocky banks of Hudson River near Tahawas, August 3, 1921".] [Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr. Muhly. Muhlenbergia umbrosa of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10724, moist soil, Xewcomb, September 21, 1924".] 2. Muhlenbergia unifiora (Mulil.j Fern. Muhly. Sporobolus unitlorus of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Bogs and meadows ; in wet mucky soil ; scarce. Oryzopsis Michx. I. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. Ricegrass. Hardwood slopes and ridges ; in moist humus layer on sand or rocks ; occasional. Panicum L. 1. Panicum boreale Nash. Paxicum. Clearings and lake shores ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. [Panicum capillare L. W itchgrass. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11400, garden weed, Newcomb, September 11, 1925.] [Panicum huachucae Aslie. Panicum. Panicum lindhciineri var. fasciculatum of W. & E. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26646, open field near Xewcomb, July 5, 1939"-] 2. Panicum implicatum Scrilm. Panicum. Panicum lindhcimeri var. imt>Ucatum of W. & E. Roadsides and clearings ; in sandy soil ; occasional. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 265 3. Panicum philadelphicum Bcrnh. Panicum. Roadsides and clearings ; in sandy soil ; common. [Panicum spretum Schult. Panicum. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10566, marshy shore of Lake Harris, August 17, 1924".] [Phalaris L.] [Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed canary grass. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15379, shore of Lake Harris, August 13, 1927".] Phleum L. I. Phleum pratense L. Timothy. Roadsides, clearings, and waste places ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. [Phragmites Trin.] [Phragmites communis Trin. Reed grass. Phragmites phragmites of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10711, banks of Hudson River near Newcomb, September 21, 1924".] Poa L. 1. Poa alsodes Gray. Bluegrass. Roadsides, lowlands, and wooded slopes ; in moist organic layer on sandy soil ; common. 2. Poa annua L. Annual bluegrass. Along trail to lookout on Goodnow Mountain ; in moist sandy soil ; rare. 3. Poa compressa L. Canada bluegrass. Clearings, roadsides, and low woods ; in moist sandy soil ; common. 4. Poa languida Hitchc. Bluegrass. Poa dehilis of W. & E., of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Beaver dams and margins of lakes and swamps ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. [Poa palustris L. Fowl bluegrass. Poa tritlora of Gray and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10243, woods, Newcomb, July 9, 1924; apparently introduced".] 266 Roosevelt IVildlife Bulletin 5. Poa pratensis I.. Kkxtlc ky bluegrass. Clearings, roadsides, abandoned camps, and open woods ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; very common. 6. Poa saltuensis Fern. & Wieg. Bluegrass. Open summit of Goodnow Mountain ; in organic soil on rocks ; rare. Schizachne Hack. I. Schizachne purpurascens (Torr. ) .Swallen. False melic. Purple oat. Avena torreyi of B. & B. Bromclica striata of W. & E. Melica piirpurasccits of House. Melica striata of Gray. Burns, roadsides, clearings, and low woodlands ; in moist sandy or mucky soil ; common. Setaria Beauv. I. Setaria lutescens (W'eigel) F. T. Hubb. Foxtail. Yellow HRISTLEGRASS. Chaetochloa glaitca of B. & B. Chactochloa liitcsccus of House. Setaria ghutca of Gray. Roadsides and recently disturbed areas ; in sandy soil ; rare. [Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. Greex foxtail. Chactochloa viridis of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15396, grain field near Xewcomb, August 13, 1927".] Trisetum Pers. I. Trisetum spicatum (L. ) Richt. Spike trisetum. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11022, small rocky bluff, east end of Rich Lake, June 13. 19.25". 15. CYPERACEAE (Sedge Family) Carex L.* [Carex aenea Fern. Hay sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7397. woods near Newcomb. July 15-30, 1920".] * The nomenclature of Carex is that of Mackenzie, '31 and '35. For Zea Mays L. see Addenda p. 369. Wildlife of the Huntington ]\^ildlifc Station 267 1. Carex angustior jNIackenzie. Northern prickly sedge. Carex Icersii of B. & B. Carex stclltdata var. angustata of Gray. Beaver dam near Deer Pond ; in wet organic soil near the water. 2. Carex annectens Bicknell. Yellow fox sedge. Carex sctacca var. aiiibigua of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26817, roadside along Catlin Lake, July 24, 1939". 3. Carex arctata Boott. Drooping wood sedge. Shaded uplands and along trails ; in moist rich sandy soil. 4. Carex aurea Nutt. Golden-fruited sedge. Clearings and recently disturbed areas ; in moist sandy soil. 5. Carex baileyi Britton. Bailey's sedge. Carex lurida var. gracilis of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26675, damp roadside, Wolf Pond, July 11, 1939". [Carex bebbii Olney. Bebb's sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26633, niarshy areas in recent clearing near Newcomb, July 5, 1939".] 6. Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Brownish sedge. Clearing near the field laboratory, west shore of Catlin Lake ; in dry sandy soil. 7. Carex buxbaumii Wahl. Brown sedge. Carex polygaina of W. & E. and of Gray. Shore of Deer Pond; in wet sandy soil. 8. Carex canescens L. Silvery sedge. Roadsides and lake shores ; in moist sandy soil. Collections of H. F. Heady (Nos. 286 and 273) were identified by Earl L. Core as var. subloliacca Laestad., based on the distance between the spikes. Mackenzie considers this a normal variation not worthy of varietal rank. 9. Carex castanea Wahl. Chestnut sedge. Abandoned cleared land ; in well-drained sandy to wet springy soil. 268 Roosevelt ll'ihilijc Bulletin 9a. Carex castanea var. kneiskernii ( Dewey j Mackenzie. Carex kneiskernii of House. Collection of H. D. Hou.se, "X'o. 26645, dry slopes in cemetery, west of Newconib, July 5, 1939". [Carex cephalantha (Baileyj Bicknell. Little prickly sedge. Carex Icersii, in part, of B. & B. Carex muricata, in part, of W. & E.. Carex stellulata var. cephalantha of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26552, along Hudson River below bridge at Newcomb, June 22, 1939".] [Carex chlorophila [Mackenzie. Carex irregularis of House. Carex oederi, in part, of B. & B. Carex oederi var. pumila, in part of W. & E. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7394. sliore of Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] 10. Carex communis Bailey. Fibrous-rooted sedge. Collections of E. L. Stone, "Xos. 39 and 76. from the top of the clifif on the southwest side of Panther Mountain; in dry organic soil, June 193S". I Carex comosa Boott. Bristly sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7412, swamp near Xewcomb. July 15-30, 1920".] 11. Carex convoluta [Mackenzie. Carex rosea of Gray and of B. & B. Top of Wolf Mountain ; in well-drained sandy soil. 12. Carex crawfordii Fern. Cr.\w ford's sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 26678, moist soil. Wolf Pond, July II, 1939". 13. Carex cryptolepis Mackenzie. Sm.^iLl yellow sedge. Carex flava var. rectirostra of Gray. Carex lepidocarpa of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 26674, shore of Wolf Pond, July II, 1939"- [Carex deflexa PL)rnem. Xortherx sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 8772, Xewcomb. June 5, 1922".] JJ'ildlijc oj tlic Hiiiitiugtoii JJ'ildlife Sfotion 269 [Carex deweyana Sclnv. Dewey's sedge. Collection of H. 1). House, "No. 7407, low woods, Newconib, July 15-30, 1920".] [Carex diandra Schrank. Lesser panicled sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14814, near Newcomb, July 9, 1927".] [Carex disperma Dewey. Soft-leaved sedge. Carcx tcnclla of W. & E. and of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7408, bog near Newcomb, July 15-30- 19^0".] 14. Carex exilis Dewey. Coast sedge. Shore of Deer Pond ; in wet sandy or peaty soil. 15. Carex flava L. Yellow sedge. Shore of Rich Lake ; in well-drained sandy soil. 16. Carex flexuosa Muhl. Slender-stalked sedge. Carer debilis var. interjecta of Gray. Carex debilis var. rudgei of W. & E. and of Gray. Collection of E. L. Stone, "Nos. 70 and 15, truck trail; in moist rich organic soil. June, 1938". 17. Carex folliculata L. Long sedge. Swamp, north end of Catlin Lake ; in wet mucky soil. [Carex gracillima Schw. Graceful sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7419, open woods, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] 18. Carex gynandra Schw. Nodding sedge. Carex crinita var. gynandra of Gray. Beaver dams, clearings, and roadsides ; in mucky to wet sandy soil. 19. Carex haydenii Dewey. Hayden's sedge. Carcx stricta var. decora of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26640, shore of Rich Lake near the cemetery, July 5, 1939". [Carex houghtonii Torr. Houghton's sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9040, in old clearing among berry bushes, Newcomb, July 13, 1922".] 270 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin [Carex hystricina Aluhl. Porcupine sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7420, swamps, near Xewcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] 20. Carex interior Bailey. Inland sedge. Carex scirpoides of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 26673, marsh at south end of Wolf Pond, July 11, 1939". 21. Carex intumescens Rudge. Bladder sedge. Roadsides, bottom lands, clearings and along trails ; in moist rich sandy soil. 22. Carex lacustris Willd. Lake-bank sedge. Carex riparia of Gray. Carex riparia var. lacuslris of W. & E. Collection of E. L. Stone, '"X'o. 165, Fishing Brook Marsh, in fibrous muck, July 14, 1938". 23. Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. Slender sedge. Carex filifonnis of Gray. Lake shores, marshes, and open areas in bogs ; in very wet mucky soil that is covered with water for part of the season. 24. Carex laxiflora Lam. Loose-flowered sedge. Carex aiiceps of \V. & E. and of House. Carex aiiceps, in part, of B. & B. Car^.r laxiflora var. pafulifolia of Gray. Wooded slopes and lowlands ; in moist rich sandy soil. 25. Carex lenticularis Micli.x. Lenticular sedge. Shore of Catlin Lake ; in wet sandy soil. 26. Carex leptalea Wahl. Bristle-stalked sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26677, marsh on Wolf Pond, July II, 1939". 27. Carex leptonervia Fern. Xorthern woodland sedge. Carex a)iceps, in part, of B. & B. Includes Carex laxiflora var. virians of Gray. Includes Carex laxiAora var. leptonervia of Gray. Wooded uplands and edges of ponds ; in moist rich sandy soil. [Carex limosa L. Mud sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7436, bog near X'ewcomb. July 15-30. 19^0".] Wildlife of the Huntington JVildlife Station 271 [Carex lurida Wahl. Sallow sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7439, wet places, Newcomb, July 15-30. 1920".] 28. Carex michauxiana Boeckl. Michaux's sedge. Carex abacta of House and of B. & B. Bogs and margins of lakes; in wet mucky soil. [Carex novae-angliae Schw. New England sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26521, dry banks near Newcomb, June 22, 1939".] [Carex oligosperma Michx. Few-seeded sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7434, marsh on shore of Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] 29. Carex pallescens L. Pale sedge. Clearings near the state highway, in well-drained sandy soil. 30. Carex pauciflora Lightf. Few-flowered sedge. Bog south of Wolf Pond ; in wet sphagnum. [Carex paupercula Michx. Bog sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7437, bog near Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] [Carex peckii E. C. Howe. Peck's sedge. Carex albicans of Gray and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8059, woods near Newcomb, June II, 1921".] [Carex pedunculata Muhl. Long-stalked sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8790, dry woods, Newcomb, June 3, 1922"'.] 31. Carex plantaginea Lam. Plantain-leaved sedge. Low woodlands ; in moist rich sandy soil ; scarce. [Carex projecta Mackenzie. Necklace sedge. Carex fribuloidcs var. rcducta of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14809, woods near Newcomb, July 9, 1927".] [Carex pseudo-cyperus L. Cyperus-like sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. iioii, marsh near Newcomb, June II, 1925".] 272 Roosevelt IVildlife Bulletin [Carex retrorsa Schw. Retrorse sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15333, wet soil, Xewcomb, August II, 1927".] Bogs and shallow water of lakes and ponds ; in wet mucky soil. [Carex rugosperma Mackenzie. Carer umbcllata of W. & E., of Gray, and of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 25599, sandy field at junction of Tahawas Road and state highway, June 9, 1938".] 33. Carex scabrata Schw. Rough sedge. Lake shores, low depressions in woodlands, and bogs ; in wet mucky soil. 34. Carex scoparia Schk. Pointed broom sedge. Lake shores and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil. 35. Carex stipata Muhl. Awl-fruited sedge. Lake sliores and marshes ; in wet sandy or mucky soil. 36. Carex stricta Lam. Tussock sedge. Carex stricta, in part, of B. & B. Carer stricta var. aiigustata of Gray. Little Deer Pond ; in wet mucky soil. 37. Carex strictior Dewey. Northern tussock sedge. Carer stricta, in part, of B. & B. Carex stricta var. curtissiina of W. & E., and of Gray. Includes Carex stricta of Gray. Collections of H. D. House, "Xo. 7948, shore of Rich Lake, June 6, 1921". 38. Carex substricta ( Kiikenth. ) Mackenzie. Northern water sedge. Carex aquatilis of W. & E., of Gray, and of B. & B. Collection of E. L. Stone, "Xo. 12, water level at the boat house on Deer Pond, in fibrous muck, June 8, 1938". [Carex tenera Dewey. Slender str.\w sedge. Carex strainiiiea, in part, of House and of B. & B. Carex straminea var. echinodes of Gray. Carex tenera var. echinodes of W. & E. Collection of H. D. House, "X"o. 14770. field near Tahawas. July 32. Carex rostrata Stokes. Be.^ked sedge. 9, 1927"-] JVildlifc of the Huntington Jl'ildlijc Station 273 [Carex tenuiflora \\'alil. Sparse-flowered sedge. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7431, bog near Xewcomb. July 15-30, 1920".] 39. Carex trisperma Dewey. Three-fruited sedge. Beaver dam northeast of Deer Pond ; in wet organic soil. 40. Carex vesicaria L. Inflated sedge. Includes Carex monilc of B. & B. Includes Carex vesicaria of B. & B., and of Gray. Includes Carex vesicaria var. distenta of Gray. Includes Carex vesicaria var. jejuna of Gray. Includes Carex vesicaria var. monilc of Gray. Carex vesicaria var. monilc of W. & E. \\'ooded lowlands, creek banks, and lake shores ; in wet mucky soil. [Carex viridula Michx. Green sedge. Carex oedcri. in part, of B. & B. Carex oederi var. pumila, in part, of W. & E. and of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7391, shore of Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] 41. Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Fox sedge. Clearings, in well-drained sandy soil. Cyperus (Tourn.) L. I. Cyperus dentatus Torr. Toothed cyperus. Shore of Catlin Lake; in wet sand. [Cyperus rivularis Kunth. Shining cyperus. Collection of H. D. House, "X'o. 26927, wet soil along banks near Xewcomb, August 14, 1939"'.] Dulichium Pers. I. Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton. Dulichium. Shores of lakes and ponds ; in wet sand. Eleocharis R. Br.* I. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. & S. Spike rush. Lake shores ; in wet sand ; occasional. 2. Eleocharis elliptica Kunth. Slender spike rush. Eleocharis capitafa, in part, of W. & E. and of House. Eleocharis tenuis, in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Along the state highway ; in moist sandy soil. * The nomenclature of Eleocharis is that of Svenson, '39. 274 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 3. Eleocharis olivacea Torr. Bright greex spike rush. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11386, muddy shore of Lodo Pond, September 9, 1925". 4. Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Scliultes. Blunt spike rush. Shore of Rich Lake ; in wet sand. [Eleocharis ovata (Roth) R. & S. Ovoid spike rush. Eleocharis annua of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11335, wet soil, Newcomb, September 5, 1925".] 5 Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S. Creeping spike rush. Collection of H. D. Hou.se, "No. 26903, marshy shore, south end of Wolf Pond, August 14, 1939". [Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes. Robbin's spike rush. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15381, marsh on Lake Harris, x'\ugust 13, 1927".] 6. Eleocharis smallii Britton. Sm.\ll's spike rush. Lake shores ; in wet sand. Eriophorum L. [Eriophorum spissum Fern. (see Rhodora 27; 208. 1925). Sheathed cotton grass. Eriophorum callitrix of W. & E., of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8016, marsh near Newcomb, June 8, 1921".] [Eriophorum tenellum Nutt. Rough cotton gr.\ss. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7354, bog near Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] 1. Eriophorum virginicum L. Cotton grass. Lodo Pond ; in wet sphagnum. 2. Eriophorum viridi-carinatum (Engelm.) Fern. Thin-le.wed cotton gr.\ss. Meadows, beaver dams, bogs, and lake shores ; in wet muckv soil ; scarce. Wildlife of the Hiiiitiiigtoii Wildlife Station 275 Fimbristylis A ahl. I Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. (see Rhodora 20: 24. 1918). Fimbristylis fra)ilx'ii of Gray. Fimbristylis gctninata of B. & B. Tricliclostylis autumnalis of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11342, wet soil, outlet of Rich Lake, September 6, 1925". [Mariscus (Hal.) Zinn.] [Mariscus mariscoides (Muhl.) Kuntze. Water bog rush. Cladiuiii )nariscoidcs of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7346, wet sandy shores of Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] Rynchospora \'ahl. 1. Rynchospora alba (L.) Vahl. Beak rush. Lodo Pond ; in wet nnick}- soil. 2. Rynchospora capitellata (Alichx.) \'ahl. Clustered beak RUSH. Ryncliospora glomcrata of Gray and of B. & B. Shore of Deer Pond ; in wet sand. 3. Rynchospora fusca (L.) Ait.f. Brownish beaked rush. Lodo Pond ; in sphagnum and wet mucky areas. Scirpus (Tuurn.) L. 1. Scirpus atrocinctus Fern. Northern wool grass. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 91, Big Sucker Brook inlet glade, in moist sand, June 20, 1938". 2. Scirpus atrovirens IMuhl. Dark green bulrush. Clearings, roadsides, and stream Ijanks ; in wet sandy or mucky soil. [Scirpus atrovirens Aluhl. var. georgianus (Harper) Fern. Scirpus ycoryiainis of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7360, marsh. Newcomb. July 15-30, 1920". Differs from Scirpus atrovirens by having leaf blades less than i cm. wide, sheaths not nodulose, and bristles shorter than the achene.] 2/6 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 3. Scirpus cyperinus ( L. ) Kuiith, var. pelius Fern. Wool grass. Scirpiis cyperinus, in part, of B. & B. Marshes and swamps ; in wet mucky soil. 4. Scirpus hudsonianus (Michx.) Fern. Alpine cotton grass. Erioplwniiii alpiiiuiii of House and of B. & B. Bog south of WoU Pond ; in sphagnum and wet mucky areas. [Scirpus peckii Britton. Peck's bulrush. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 18528, edge of swamp east of Xewcomb, July 28, 1931".] 5. Scirpus pedicellatus Fern. Wool grass. Scirpus cyperinus, in part, of B. & B. Clearings, swanijis. and marshes ; in wet mucky or sandy soil. [Scirpus rubrotinctus Fern. Bulrush. Scirpus microcarpus of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "X'o. 7361, swamp near X^ewcomb. July 15-30, 1920".] 6. Scirpus subterminalis Torr. Water club rush. Shallow water of Deer Pond ; in muck. [Scirpus torreyi Olney. Torrey's rush. Collection of H. D. House, "X'o. 7357, shallow water, Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] [Scirpus validus \'ahl. Bulrush. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 10568, shore of Lake Harris, August 17, 1924".] 10. SPATHIFLORAE 16. ARACEAE (Arum Family) Acorus L. I. Acorus calamus L. Sweet flag. Collection of E. L. Stone, "X'o. 120. moist spring}- organic soil near the ranger station, June 25, 1938" ; rare. jnidlijc oj tlic Ilitiitiiu/toji Jl'ildlijr Station 277 Arisaema Mart. I. Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott. lNni.\N turnip. Jack- IN-THE-PUH'IT. \\'oodlands and wet lowlands ; in rich sandy or niuck\^ soil ; com- mon. Small sterile plants are common in moist hnmus under mixed conifer-hardwood stands. [Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott var. stewardsonii (Brittonj G. T. Stevens. (See Rhodora 23: 136. 1921.J Steward- son's JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT. Arisaema stczcardsunii of B. & B. and of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8812, marsh near Newcomb, June 8, 1922". This is a geographic variety whose range overlaps that of the typical species on the Forest. Dififers from the species by having leaves with green undersurface.] Calla L. I. Calla palustris L. Wild calla. Water arum. Boggy places and soft mucky soil ; in shallow water around lakes and slowly moving streams ; scarce. II. FARINOSAE 17. XYRIDACEAE (Yellow-eyed Grass Family) Xyris (Gronov.) L. I. Xyris montana Ries. Northern yellow-eyed grass. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26901, shore of Wolf Pond, August 14, 1939" ; rare. 18. ERIOCAULACEAE (Pipewort Family) Eriocaulon (Gronov.) L. I. Eriocaulon septangulare With. Seven-angled pipewort. Eriocaulon articidatuin of Gray. Wet mucky places in bogs, wet sandy lake shores, or on mucky or sandy bottoms; in water to a depth of 1-2 m. Scapes 2-20 cm. tall or as deep as the water when submersed. 278 Roosevelt Wildlije Bulletin 19. PONTEDERIACEAE (Pickerel-weed Family) Pontederia L. I. Pontederia cordata L. Pickerel-weed. Emergent-leaved aquatic ; in mucky soil along lake and stream margins ; rare. 12. LILIIFLORAE 20. JUXCACEAE (Rush Family) Juncus (Tourn.) L. 1. Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fern. X.\kro\\ -p.^nicled RUSH. Lake shores, marshes, and bog margins ; in wet mucky or sandy soil : occasional. [Juncus bufonius L. To.\d rush. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26928, dry roadside near Xew- comb, August 14. 1939".] 2. Juncus canadensis J. Gay. Canada rush. Collection of H. 1). House, "Xo. 26948, shore of Catlin Lake, August 23. 1939". 3. Juncus dudleyi W ieg. Dudley's rush. Open springy places in clearings ; in sandy soil ; scarce. 4. Juncus effusus L. var. pylaei (Laharpe) Fern. & Wieg. Com- mon or soft rush. Juncus effusus, in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Open meadows, creek banks, and borders of marshes ; in very wet sandv or muckv soil ; occasional. 5. Juncus filiformis L. Thread rush. Margins of lakes and along streams ; in wet sandv soil ; occasional. 6. Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerm. Greene's rush. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 18704, sandy beach, east end of Rich Lake. August 6. 1931". [Juncus nodosus L. Knotted rush. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15361, shore of Lake Harris, August 12, 1927".] Wildlife of the Hnutinglon Wildlife Station 279 7. Juncus pelocarpus Mey. Brown-fruited rush. Lake shores and along creeks, often in shaHow water; in wet sand; scarce. 8. Juncus tenuis W'illd. Path rush. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 65, June 16, 1938, and No. 226, July 29, 1938 ; roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce". Luzula DC. [Luzula saltuensis Fern. H.mry wood rush. Juncoidcs carolinac of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8817, edge of woods near New- comb, Jtme 8, 1922".] I. Luzula multiflora (Ehrli.) Eejeune. (See Rhodora 40: 84. 1938.) Common wood rush. Juncoidcs caiii/'cstrc , in part, of B. & B. Jimcoidcs iiitcrnicduim of House. Liisula cainpcstris var. multiflora of W. & E. and of Gray. Dry roadsides and clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. 21. LILIACEAE (Lily Family) Asparagus (Tourn.) L. I. Asparagus officinalis L. Garden asparagus. Open clearings, waste places, and old garden sites ; in dry sandv soil ; rare. Escaped from cultivation. Clintonia Raf. I. Clintonia borealis (Ait.) Raf. Yellow clintonia. Dogberry. Moderately closed woodlands ; in mossy or humus layer on moist sandy soil ; occasional. Erythronium L. I. Erythronium americanum Ker. Yellow adder's tongue. Open to moderately shaded areas under mixed conifer-hardwoods ; in moist well-drained sandy soils ; common, especially the small leaved sterile plants. Hemerocallis L. I. Hemerocallis fiava I^. Yellow day lily. Open dry clearings ; in sandy soil ; scarce. F'ersisting after cultiva- tion. Distinguished from H eincrocaUis fith'a by having yellow flowers with perianth lobes essentially parallel-veined. 28o Roosevelt Ji'ildlijc Bulletin 2. Hemerocallis fulva L. Day lily. Clearings, roadsides, and waste jilaces ; in well-drained sandy soil; occasional along the state highway. Escaped from cultivation. Flowers orange with i)erianth loltes essentially netted-veined. Maianthemum W'iggers I. Maianthemum canadense Desf. False lily-of-the-valley. Two-leaved Solomon's seal. Uiiifolium canadense of House and of B. & B. Shaded woodlands and edges of clearings ; in moist to dry sandy soil with a high oganic content; very common. Medeola (Gronov.) L. I. Medeola virginiana L. Indian cucumber-root. C)])cn to shaded woodlands ; in moist humus layer on sandy soil ; common. [Polygonatum (Tourn. ) Hill] [Polygonatum pubescens ( W'illd. ) Pursli. S.mall Solomon's seal. Polygonatum lutlonini of Gray and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8799, woods. Xewcomh. June 3. 1922".] Smilacina Desf. I. Smilacina racemosa ( L.j Desf. False Solomon's seal. False spikenard. Vagncra racemosa of House and of B. & B. Open to shaded roadsides, hanks, and rock slides; in humus on sandy soil ; scarce. [Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. False Solomon's seal. I'agiiera slellala of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 9397. shore of Lake Harris, June 28, 1923"-] [Smilacina trifolia (L.) Desf. Three-leaved Solomon's seal. Vagncra trijolia of House and of B. & B. Collections of H. D. House. "No. 8033. .["'le 9. 1922 and Xo. 7444. July 15-30, 1920. marshes and s])ruce woods. Newcomh".] For Lilium tigrinum Ker. see Aekienda p. 369. JVildlifc of flic Huntington WildUjc Station 281 Smilax (Tourn.) L. I Smilax herbacea L. Carrion i-low er. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 96, trailside near ranger station, June 21, 1938 ; rare". Streptopus Michx. 1. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. Cl.\spinc.-leaved twisted STALK. Mountain tops, cold mossy woods, and swamps : in organic layer on sandy soil ; rare. 2. Streptopus roseus Michx. Sessile-leaved twisted stalk. Cool shaded woodlands, mountain tops, and roadsides ; in humus layer on sandy or gravelly soil ; common. Trillium L. 1. Trillium erectum L. Red trillium. Birthroot. Closed woodlands and hanks ; in humus on moist sandy well-drained soil ; scattered small single plants, many of them sterile. Leaves sessile. 2. Trillium undulatum Willd. Painted trillium. Painted wake-robin. Usually in closed hardwood types ; in moist humus layer on sandy soil ; scattered small single plants, many of them sterile. Leaves dis- tinctly short-petioled. Tulipa (Tourn.) L. I. Tulipa sp. (probahly nearest to Tulipa gesneriana L.). Cul- tivated. Tulip. Cemetery east of ranger station ; in dr\' sandy soil. Not spreading. Uvularia L. I. Uvularia sessilifolia L. Sessile-leaved bellwort. Oaltcsia sessilifolia of Gray. OalicsicUa sessilifolia of House. Shaded woods and edges of clearings; in dr}- to moist humus layer on sand}^ soil ; common. Veratrum (Tourn.) L. I. Veratrum viride Ait. American white, false, or green hellebore. Indi.\n poke. Shaded areas along creeks and wet lowlands ; in rich sandy or alluvial soil ; occasional. 282 Roosevelt IVildlije Bulletin 22. AMARYLLIDACEAF. (Narcissus Family) Narcissus (Tourn.) L. 1. Narcissus incomparabilis I.. Cultivated. Narcissus. Cemetery east of ranger station ; in dry sandy .soil. Persistent, but not spreading. 2. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus L. Cultivated. Daffodil. Cemetery east of ranger station ; in dr\- sandy soil. Persistent, but not spreading. Differs from A'areissiis iiicoiiiparahilis by having a yellow crown nearly as long as the perianth. 23. IRIDACEAE (Iris Family) Iris (Tourn.) L. I. Iris versicolor L. Blue flag. Stream hanks, edges of swamps, near s])rings. and clearings ; in wet sandy soil which has a high organic content ; common. Sisyrinchium L. I. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. Blue-eyed grass. Grassy clearings and roadsides ; in dry sandy soil ; occasional. 13. MICROSPERMAE 24. ORCHIDACEAE (Orchid Family) Arethusa (Gronov.) L. I. Arethusa bulbosa L. Arethusa. Dragox's-mouth. Wild PINK. Bogs and lake shores ; in peaty soils ; common. Calopogon R. Br. I. Calopogon pulchellus (Sw.) R. Br. Calopogox. Grass pixk. Catlica pulcliclla of House. Linwdorum tuberosum of B. & B. Open sphagnum bog sotith of Wo\{ Pond ; in mucky soil ; scarce. Corallorrhiza (Haller) Chat. I. Corallorrhiza maculata Raf. Large coralroot. Dry woodlands, usuall}- where beech is present, and moist stream banks ; in humus layer on sandy soil or wet peaty soil ; occasional. Ji'ildlijc of the Huntington Wildlijc Station 283 2. Corallorrhiza trifida Cliat. Small coralroot. Corallorrliica corallorrliica of House and of B. & B. Dry woodlands ; in humus layer on sandy soil ; scarce. Cypripedium L. I. Cypripedium acaule Ait. Stemless lady's slipper. INIoccasin FLOW ER. Fissipcs acaiilis of B. & B. Closed woodlands ; in moist humus la} er on sandy soil ; scarce, plants occurring singly. [Cypripedium reginae Walt. Showy lady's slipper. Cypripedium hirsutnm of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, '"No. 26704, evergreen swamp east of Xewcomli, July 11, 1939".] Epipactis (Haller) Boehm. [Epipactis repens (L.) Crantz var. ophioides (Fern.) A. A. Eaton. Rattlesnake plantain. Pcramiitm ophioides of B. & B. Pcraiiiiitiii sccitiiduiii of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7310, mossy woods, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] I. Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) A. A. Eaton. Rattlesnake plantain. Pcrainium tcssclatum of House and of B. & B. Under mixed conifer-hardwoods ; in moist humus layer on sandy soil ; scarce. Habenaria Willd. 1. Habenaria blephariglottis (\\'ilkl.) Torr. White fringed orchis. Blephariglottis blephariglottis of House and of B. & B. Open mucky areas in bogs ; rare. 2. Habenaria bracteata (Willd.) R. Br. Long-bracted orchis. Coeloglossum hracteatum of House and of B. & B. Partially closed woodlands; in warm moist humus layer on .sandy soil ; rare. 284 Roosevelt IVildlije BuUeiin 3. Habenaria clavellata (Michx.) Spreng. Small green wood ORCHIS. Gymnadcniopsis clazrllata of House and of B. & B. Oj^cn mucky areas in sphagnum bogs ; scarce. 4. Habenaria dilatata (Pursli) Gray. T.\ll white bog orchis. Lintnnrchis dilatata of House and of B. & B. ATargins of sphagnum bogs : occasional. Flowers are very fragrant. [Habenaria fimbriata (Ait.) R. Br. Purple frixgeu orchis. Blephariylottis (/randiflora of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "X'o. 9126, old beaver meadow near Newcomb, July 18, 1922".] [Habenaria flava (L.) Gray var. virescens (Muhl. ) Fern. Small PALE-GREEN ORCHIS. Habenaria flai'a. in part, of Gray. I'cnilaria ftava, in part, of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7305, swamp near Xewcomb, July 15-30. 1920".] 5. Habenaria hyperborea (L.) R. Br. Tall leafy green orchis. Liiniiorchis hyperborea of House and of B. & B. Woodlands in moist, rich sandy soil along streams and springs ; scarce. [Habenaria obtusata ( Pursli 1 Richards. Small northern bog ORCHIS. LysicUa obtusata of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26705, swamp east of Newcomb, July II, 1939".] [Habenaria orbiculata ( Pursh ) Torr. Round-leaved orchis. Lysias orbiculata of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7990, rich woods. Newcomb. June 7. 1921".! 6. Habenaria psycodes ( L. ) Sw. Purple fringed orchis. Blephariylottis psycodes of House and of B. & B. Margins of bogs, roadsides, and open meadows: in wet mucky or sandy soil ; occasional, especially along the state highway. JJ' ildlijr of flic Huntington IVildlifc Station 285 [Liparis Richard] [Liparis loeselii ( L. ) Ricliard. Twavblade. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 8421, marsh near Ncvvconib, August I, 1 921".] [Listera R. Br.] [Listera convallarioides (S\v. ) Torr. Broad-lipped twayblade. 0/>hrys co}ivaltarioidcs of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 18520, cedar swamp near New- comb, July 28, 1931".] [Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. Heart-leaved twayblade. Ophrys cordata of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "X^o. 7308, mossy, cedar-spruce swamp, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] [Microstylis (Nutt.) Eaton] [Microstylis monophyllos (L.) Lindl. White adder's mouth. Mala.vis mnnophylta of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "X^o. 11069, mossy swamp, Newcomb, July 7, 1924".] [Microstylis unifolia (Michx.) BSP. Green adder's mouth. Malaxis unifolia of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7301. mossy woods, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] Pogonia Juss. I. Pogonia ophioglossoides ( L. ) Kcr. Rose pogonia. Snake- mouth. Sphagnum or sedge mat : in open bogs ; occasional. Spiranthes Richard I. Spiranthes cernua (L. ) Richard. Autumn ladies' tresses. Undiinii ccrnuuni of House and of B. & B. Margins of marshes and swamps ; in open mucky soil ; scarce. For Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham, see Addenda p. 368. 286 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Class 11. DICOTYLEDONEAE 14. SALICALES 25. SALICACEAE (Willow Family) Populus (Tourn. ) L. 1. Populus grandidentata Michx. Large-toothed aspek. Clearings, lake shores, and burns ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. 2. Populus tacamahacca Mill. Balsam poplar. Tacamahac. Populus balsamijera of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Clearings and low depressions along Rich Lake ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. 3. Populus tremuloides Michx. Tremblin(; or quaking aspen. Clearings, burns, lake shores, and liillsides ; in moist sandy or stony soil ; common. Salix (Tourn.) L. 1. Salix bebbiana Sarg. Bebb's willow. Salix rostrata of Gray. Clearings, burns, beaver cuttings, lake shores, and recently dis- turbed areas ; in dry sandy or stony soil ; common. 2. Salix discolor Muhl. Pussy willow. Glaucous willow. Roadsides, clearings, stream banks, and lake shores ; in moist sandy or gravelly soil ; common. 2a. Salix discolor Muhl. var. prinoides ( Pursh ) Anders. Roadside at Fishing Brook bridge : in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Differs from the species by having narrower leaves. [Salix humilis Marsh. Prairie willow. Collection of H. D. House, "X'o. 14858. sandy bank in open woods. Newcomb, July 11. 1927".] 3 Salix lucida Muhl. Shining willow. Swamps, stream banks, and wet roadsides : in sandy or mucky soil ; scarce. [Salix lucida Muhl. var. angustifolia .Anders. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7205. marsh near Xewcomb, July 16, 1920". Leaves glabrous, elongate-lanceolate.] Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 287 [Salix lucida Muhl. var. intonsa Fern. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14811, marsh near Newcomb, July 9, 1927". Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, permanently pubescent with sordid or rufous hairs.] [Salix pedicellaris Pursh. Bog willow. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14855, Pruyn marsh, near New- comb, July 10, 1927".] 4. Salix petiolaris J. E. Smith. Slender willow. Swamps, marshes, bogs, and hillsides ; in wet or dry sandy or mucky soil ; occasional. [Salix pyrifolia Anders. Balsam willow. Salix balsamifera of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14838, shore of Lake Harris, July 10, 1927".] 5. Salix sericea Marsh. Silky willow. Swamps and marshes ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. Salix cordata x sericea Collection of H. D. House, "No. 14825, shore of Rich Lake, July 10, 1927". Salix cordata has not been collected from Newcomb or vicinity, although it occurs along the Hudson River a few miles below the village. 6. Salix subsericea (And.) Schn. Willow. Marsh, west end of Rich Lake ; in wet mucky soil ; scarce. 15. MYRICALES 26. MYRICACEAE (Sweet Gale Family) Myrica L. I. Myrica gale L. Sweet gale. Bay bush. Myrica i/alc, in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26682, marsh, south end of Wolf Pond, July 11, 1939"; rare. Leaves more or less pubescent, at least on the veins beneath. 288 Roosevelt IVildlijc Bulletin I a. Myrica gale L. var. subglabra (Cliev.j Fern. (See Rhodora l6: 167. 1914.) Myrica gale, in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Stream banks, and margins of lakes, bogs, and marshes ; in very wet sandy and mucky soil ; common. Leaves glabrous or glabrate throughout. [JUGLANDALES] [JUGLAXDACEAE (Walnut Familyj] [Juglans L.] [Juglans cinerea L. Butternut. Collection of H. D. House, '"Xo. 14796, Hudson River east of X^ewcomb, July 9, 1927"; rare.] 16. FAGALES 27. BETULACEAE (Birch Family) AInus (Tourn.) Hill I. Alnus incana (L. ) Moench. Speckled alder. Stream banks, springy areas, and margins of lakes, marshes, and bogs ; in wet mucky soil ; common. Betula (Tourn. ) L. 1. Betula lutea INIichx. f. Yellow birch. Climax forest ; a dominant species of slopes and ridges ; in moist sandy soil ; very common. 2. Betula papyrifera Alarsh. Paper, caxoe, or white birch. Betula alba var. I^apyrifera of Gray. Lake shores, and old fields ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. [Betula papyrifera Alarsh var. minor (Tuckerm.) Wats. & Coult. Betula alba var. minor of Gray. Betula papyrifera, in part, of B. & B. A dwarf form of Betula papyrifera from the exposed summit of Santanoni Peak.] Corylus (Tourn.) L. I. Corylus cornuta Marsh. Beaked hazelnut. Corylus rostrata of Gray and of B. & B. Thickets in thin woods and on ridges ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. Ji'ildlijc oj the niiiitiiif/foii U'ildlijc Station 289 Ostrya (Miclielij Scop. I. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch. Hoi- hornbeam. Iron- wood. Thick woods ; in moist rocky soil ; scarce. 28. FAGACEAE (Beech Family ) Fagus (Tourn.) L. I. Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Beech. Climax forest ; dominant tree of hardwood forest ; in moist well- drained sandy scjil ; very common. Quercus (Tourn.) L. I. Quercus rubra L. Red oak. Quercus borcalis var. iiia.viiiia of W. & E. Few trees along the southwest ridge of Goodnow Mountain ; on dry exposed rocky ledges ; rare. According to Svenson ( see Rhodora 41 : 521-524. 1939), Liimaeus did not have specimens of the northern red oak, but his citations (1753) included references to this species among others. DuRoi, in 1772, chose a type, applying the name to a collection of the northern red oak. 17. URTICALES 29. ULMACEAE (Elm Family) Humulus L. I. Humulus lupulus L. Cultivated. Common hop. A few vines persisting for many years near cabin sites which have been abandoned; rare; not spreading. Ulmus ( Tourn.) L. I. Ulmus americana E. American or white elm. Clearings, old fields, and ridges ; in rich moist .sandy soil ; scarce. 30. URTICACEAE (Nettle Family) Laportea Gaud. I. Laportea canadensis ( L. ) Gaud. \\'ood nettle. Urticasirum divaricatum of House and of B. & B. Low woods along south side of Rich Lake ; in rich moist sandy soil ; rare. 290 Roosevelt If'ildlije Bulletin [Urtica (Tourn.; L.] [Urtica gracilis Ait. Common nettle. Coilection of H. D. House, "No. 15336, wet tliickets, Xewcomb, August II, 1927".] [SANTALALES] [LORANTHACEAE (Mistletoe Family)] [ Arceuthobium Bieb.] [Arceuthobium pusillum Peck. Dw arf mistletoe. Rasoumofskya pusUla of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7186, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920. Parasite on Picea mariana."] 18. POLYGONALES 31. POLYGONACEAE (Buckwheat Family) [Fagopyrum (Tourn.) Gaertn.] [Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. Buckwheat. Fagopyrum fagopyrum of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11423, weed in grain field, New- comb, September 14, 1925".] Polygonum (Tourn.) L. 1. Polygonum amphibium L. Water smartweed. Persicaria ampltibia of B. & B. Polygonum ftuitans of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15384, shore of Rich Lake, August 12, 1927". 2. Polygonum aviculare L. Knotweed Roadsides and clearings ; in recently disturbed dry sandy soil ; occasional. 3. Polygonum cilinode Michx. Fringed black bindweed. Tiniaria cilinodis of B. & B. Trails, mountain tops, clearings, and roadsides ; in dry well-drained sandy soil or moist humus on rocks ; occasional. Differs from Polygonum convolvulus by having leaf sheaths fringed at the base with reflexed bristles. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 291 4. Polygonum convolvulus L. Black bindweed. Tiniaria convolvulus of B. & B. Roadsides and clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. Leaf sheaths naked at the base. 5. Polygonum hydropiper L. Smartweed. Water pepper. Pcrsicaria hydropiper of B. & B. Stream bottoms and low depressions ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; scarce. 6. Polygonum persicaria L. Lady's thumb. Heartweed. Pcrsicaria pcrsicaria of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and recently disturbed areas ; in wet or dry sandy soil ; common. 7. Polygonum sagittatum L. Arrow-leaved tearthumb. Tracaulon sagittatum of B. & B. Lake shores and marshes ; in wet sandy or mucky soil ; scarce. Rheum L. I. Rheum rhaponticum L. Cultivated. Rhubarb. Few plants persisting after cultivation in clearings near the state highway ; rare. Rumex L. 1. Rumex acetosella L. Sheep, wood, or field sorrel. Clearings, burns, roadsides, and old camps ; in dry sandy soil ; common. 2. Rumex elongatus Guss. Curled or yellow dock. Grassy clearings, roadsides and recently disturbed areas ; in dry sandy soil ; occasional. 3. Rumex obtusifolius L. Bitter or hroad-leaved dock. Roadsides, creek banks, and low depressions ; in wet sandy soil ; scarce. 19. CENTROSPERMAE 32. CHENOPODL^CEAE (Goosefoot Family) Chenopodium (Tourn.) L. I. Chenopodium album L. Lamb's quarters. Pigweed. Roadsides and clearings ; in recently disturbed dry sandy soil ; scarce. 292 Roosevelt IJ'ildlifc Bulletin 33. AMARANTHACEAE (Amaranth Family j Amaranthus (Tourii.j L. I. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Green amaranth. Pigweed. Roadsides and clcarinj^s ; in recently disturbed dry sandy soil ; scarce. 34. PORTULACACEAE (Purslane Family; Claytonia (Gronov.) L. I. Claytonia caroliniana Michx. Spring be.\utv. Roarlsides, wooded slopes, and ridges ; in moist humus or sandy soil ; common. Portulaca (Tourn.j L. I. Portulaca grandiflora Hook. Cultivated. Garden portulaca. Rock garden at the ranger station ; in dry sandy .soil ; not spreading. 35. CARYOPHYLLACEAE (Pink Family) [Agrostemma L.] [Agrostemma githago L. Corn cockle. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 11396. Xewcomb, in cultivated field of oats, September 14, 1925".] Cerastium L. I. Cerastium vulgatum L. Mouse-ear chickweed. Roadsides, clearings, and disturbed areas ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. Dianthus L. 1. Dianthus barbatus L. Cultivated. Sweet william. Planted in the cemetery and spreading along the creek and near-by road ; in moist sandy soil. 2. Dianthus caryophyllus L. Cultivated. Carn.\tion. Planted in the cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; not spreading. Lychnis (Tourn. 1 L. 1. Lychnis alba Alill. White campion. Roadsides and clearings near the state highwaj" ; in dr\- sand}' soil : occasional. 2. Lychnis chalcedonica L. Sc.\rlet lychnis. Along the state highway: in dry sandv soil: rare. IVildlifc of flic Huntington JJ'ildlifc Station 293 Saponaria L. I. Saponaria vaccaria L. Cultivated. Cow-herb. I' ac carta vaccaria of House and of B. iS: B. Planted in the yard at the Arbutus Camp ; not spreading. Silene L. I. Silene latifolia (Mill.) Brit. & Rend. Bl.vdder c.xmpion. Roadside near the ranger station ; in dr\- sandy soil ; rare. Stellaria L. 1. Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. Water chickweed. Alsinc aquatica of B. & B. Clearings near the state highway : in dry sandy soil ; scarce. [Stellaria borealis Bigel. Northern stitchwort. Alsine borealis of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 14790. wet woods near Newconib, July 9, 1922'.] 2. Stellaria graminea L. Lesser stitchwort. Alsinc yraminca of B. &: B. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist sandv soil ; occasional. 3. Stellaria media ( L. ) Cyrill. Common chickweed. Alsinc media of B. & B. Clearings, roadsides, and waste areas ; in dry sandy soil ; scarce. 20. RANALES 36. XYMPHAEACEAE (Water Lily Family) Brasenia Schreb. I. Brasenia schreberi Cmel. \\'ater shield. Floating-leaved aquatic in 0.5-2 m. of water; in lakes and stagnant water ; occasional. Nymphaea L. I. Nymphaea odorata Ait. White or sweet water lily. Castalia odorata of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Floating-leaved aquatic in 0.3-3 "i- water ; in lakes and bogs ; occasional. For Silene noctiflora L. see Addenda p. 368. 294 Roosevelt IVildlije Bulletin Nuphar Smith* I Nuphar advene (Solander) R. Br. var. variegatum Engelm. Yellow pond lily. Spatter-dock. Nymphaea adz'cna, in part, of B. & B. Nymphaca advcna var. variegata of Gray and of House. Nymphoaanthus variegatus of W. & E. Floating-leaved aquatic in 1-2 m. of water; in lakes and bogs; common. 2. Nuphar microphyllum (Pers.) Fern. Small yellow pond lily. Xyiitphaca microphylla of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. N ymphozanthus microphyllus of W. & E. Floating-leaved aquatic at the west end of Rich Lake; in 1-2 m. of slowly flowing water ; rare. [Nuphar rubrodiscum Morong. Peck's yellow pond lily. Nymphaca ruhrodisca of Gray and of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9068, Lake Harris, July 16, 1922".] 37. RANUNCULACEAE (Crowfoot Family) Actaea L. 1. Actaea alba (L.) Mill. White baneberry. White cohosh. Moist rich woods, especially near clearings and along roads at the south end of the Forest ; in sandy soils ; occasional. Rare in the forest except on the maple-ash-basswood ridges, where it occasionally occurs. 2. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Red baneberry. Red cohosh. Rocky banks, edges of woods near clearings, and along roads ; in sandy soil ; scarce. Usually in a drier habitat than Actaea alba. A form with white berries on slender pedicels has been collected by H. D. House, "No. 7184, oi>en woods, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920". [Anemone (Tourn.) L.] [Anemone virginiana L. Tall anemone. Thimble-weed. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26516, sunny bank in light soil. 3 miles east of Newcomb, June 22, 1939".] * The name Nuphar is included in the list of iioiiiiiia coiiscn'anda proposita of the International Code. Wildlife of the Huntington IVihilife Station 295 Aquilegia (Tourn.) L, I. Aquilegia vulgaris L. Garden columbine. Moist, open, roadsides and clearings ; in sandy soil along the state highway ; occasional. Escaped from cultivation, and is rare near camps in the forest. Caltha (Rupp.) L. I. Caltha palustris L. Marsh marigold. Cowslip. Open mucky area along creek east of the truck trail entrance ; rare. Found only in this location. Clematis L. I. Clematis virginiana L. Virgin's bower. White clematis. Woodbine. Stream banks, lake shores, and lowlands ; in rich wet sandy loam ; occasional. Usually associated with alder. Coptis Salisb. I. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Goldthread. Mossy woods associated with hemlock and balsam, slightly raised areas in and around swamps ; in wet well-drained organic soil ; com- mon. Usually under a moderately closed canopy. Delphinium (Tourn.) L. I. Delphinium elatum L. Cultivated. Larkspur. Cemetery east of the ranger station ; in dry sandy soil. Persistent but not spreading. Paeonia L. I. Paeonia albiflora Pallas. Cultivated. Paeony. Cemetery east of the ranger station; in dry sandy soil. Persistent but not spreading. Ranunculus (Tourn.) L. I. Ranunculus abortivus L. Small-flowered buttercup. Roadsides, stream banks, and wet lowlands ; in well-drained sandy soils ; occasional. Scattered plants along creeks and trails on moist wooded slopes where it is seldom over a foot tall. 296 Roosevelt U^ildlije Bulletin 2. Ranunculus acris L. Tall field buttercup. Open grasslands, clearings, roadsides, and waste places ; usually in moist sandy well-drained soils ; very common. [Ranunculus pensylvanicus L. f. Bristly buttercup. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10562, open marshy soil, Xew- coml), Aug. 17, 1924".] 3. Ranunculus recurvatus Poir. Hooked buttercup. Wet lowlands, creek banks, and springy areas in the hardwood forest ; in sandy or mucky soil ; common. 4. Ranunculus repens L. Creeping buttercup. Clearings, grasslands, and lake shores ; in wet or dry sandy soils at the southern end of the Forest ; scarce. Creeping habit. 5. Ranunculus reptans L. Creeping spearwort. Ranunculus flannnula var. filiforinis of Gray. Found once on the wet sand}' shore of Rich Lake near the west end ; rare. Small creeping plants rooting from all the nodes ; leaves linear. 6. Ranunculus septentrionalis Poir. Swamp buttercup. Found once on the wet mucky creek bank near the junction of the truck trail and state highway ; rare. Thalictrum (Tourn.) L. I. Thalictrum polygamum ]\Iuhl. var. hebecarpum Fern. Tall meadow rue. Thalictrum canadcnsc var. hchccart^um ot House. Thalictrum potyyainuni of B. & B. Partially shaded areas along creeks and swamps ; in wet sandv or mucky soil ; common. DifYers from the species by having pubescent aclienes. [BERBERIDACEAE (Barberry Family)] [Caulophyllum Michx.] [Caulophyllum thalictroides (L. ) ^Nlichx. Blue cohosh. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10755. woods near Xewcomb, September 22, 1924".] Jfildlijc of the Hiiiitiiu/toii Wildlife Stafion 297 21. RHOEADALES 38. rAPA\'ERACEAE (Poppy Family) Corydalis (Dill.) Medic. I. Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers. Pale coryd.m.is. Capnoidrs scin^cri'irois of House and of B. & B. Open mountain tops and rock slides ; in dry rocky soil ; rare. Dicentra Bernh. 1. Dicentra canadensis (Goldie) W'alp. Squirrel corn. BicHculla canadensis of B. & B. Capnorchis canadensis of House. Woodlands at lower elevations ; in moist well-drained soil ; rare. Stem from yellow pea-like corms. 2. Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. Dutchman's breeches. Bicucnllu cucullaria of B. & B. Capnorchis cucullaria of House. In situations similar to the preceding and usually associated with it ; rare. Stems from a fleshy, loosely scaly hull), fide W . & E. 3. Dicentra spectabilis Lem. Cultivated. Bleeding heart. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; persistent hut not spreading. 39. CRUCIFERAE (Mustard Family) [Arabis L.] [Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. Tower mustard. Collection of H. D. House, "No. iioio, roadside, Newcomh, June II, 1925".] Barbarea R. Br. 1. Barbarea verna (Mill.) Asch. Early winter cress. Cainpe verna of House. Clearings and roadsides ; in recently disturhed well-drained sandy soil ; rare. 2. Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Winter cress. Spring mustard. Barbarea barbarea of B. & B. Canipe barbarea of House. Roadsides, clearings, and stream hanks ; in wet sandy or mucky soil ; occasional. 298 Roosevelt Wildlife Bullclin Brassica (Tourn.) L. I. Brassica arvensis (L.) Ktze. Charlock. Wild mustard. Siiiapis ari'cnsis of B. & B. Roadsides and clearings ; in recently disturbed dry sandy soil ; scarce. [Brassica rapa L. Wild turnip. Brassica campestris, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15337, ruadside, Xewcomb, August II, 1927".] Capsella Medic. I. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.j Medic. Shepherd's purse. Bursa bursa-pastoris of House and of B. & B. Dooryards, clearings, and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Cardamine (Tourn.) L. I. Cardamine pensylvanica Mulil. Bitter cress. Roadsides, clearings, lake shores, and springy areas in the woods ; in wet sandy or mucky soil ; common. Dentaria (Tourn.; L. I. Dentaria diphylla Michx. Crinkleroot. Toothwort. Low depressions in woodlands ; in wet sandy and mucky soil ; scarce. [Erysimum (Tourn.) L.] [Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Worm-seed mustard. Cheirinia cheiranthoides of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. I34 1925"- [Ribes triste Pall. Wild red currant. Ribes triste. in part, of B. & B. ■ Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 14767. swamp near Tahawas, July 9. 1927".] [Ribes triste Pall. var. albinervium (Michx.j Fern. Ribes triste, in part of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 10995, openings in cold balsam swamp, Xewcomb, July 9, 1925". Differs from the species by having leaves glabrous or sparingly pubescent beneath.] Tiarella L. I. Tiarella cordifolia L. False miterwort. Creek banks, wooded slopes, and low depressions ; usually in moist humus on sandy soil ; common. 44. ROSACEAE (Rose Family) Agrimonia (Tourn.) L. I. Agrimonia gryposepala W'allr. Agrimony. Moderately shaded margins of clearings near the state highway ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. [Agrimonia striata Alichx. Agrimony. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 13481, open woods, X^ewcomb, October 3, 1926".] 302 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Amelanchier Medic. 1. Amelanchier laevis Wieg. Shadbush. Juneberry. Service- berry. Amelanchier canadensis of Gray. Amelanchier canadensis, in part, of B. & B. Ackerman Clearing ; in moist well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Amelanchier oligocarpa (Michx.j Roem. Juneberry. Service- berry. Amelanchier barlramiana of House and of B. & B. Mountain tops and margins of clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. Aronia Medic. I. Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Britton. Black chokeberrv. Pyrus melanocarpa of Gray. Clearings, lake shores, and margins of bogs ; in wet sandy or organic soil ; occasional. Crataegus L. [Crataegus brainerdii Sarg. var. egglestonii (Sarg.) Robinson. Crataegus brainerdii, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 7274, dry stony fields near Xew- comb, July 15-30, 1920".] 1. Crataegus levis Sarg. (See Rhodora 7: 198. 1905). Thorn. Roadsides, clearings, and rocky ledges ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. 2. Crataegus macrosperma Ashe. Thorn. Clearings near the state highw ay ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. [Crataegus macrosperma Ashe var. matura (Sarg.) Eggl. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 11404. open woods, Xewcomb, September 11. 1925".] 3. Crataegus pedicellata Sarg. var. albicans (Ashe) Palmer. Crataegus coccinca, in part, of W. & E. Crataegus albicans of House and of B. & B. Clearings near the state highway ; in well-drained sandv soil ; occasional. Differs from the species by having oval fruit. 4. Crataegus sp. Margins of clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. IVtldlife of the Hu>iti>igtoii IFildlife Station 303 Dalibarda (Tourn.) L. I. Dalibarda repens L. False violet. W ooded slopes, low depressions, and along creeks ; in moist humus ; common. Filipendula (Tourn. i Mill. I. Filipendula ulmaria (L. ) Maxim. Queex of the meadow. Clearing near the CCC Camp ; in dry sandy soil ; scarce. Fragaria (Tourn.) L. 1. Fragaria vesca L. var. americana Porter. Strawberry. Fragaria americana of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 26628. open woods west of Xew- comb, July 5. 1939". 2. Fragaria virginiana Duch. Field strawberry. Lake shores, clearings, burns, and roadsides in moist sandy soil ; common. Differs from Fragaria vcsca var. americana by having ovoid fruit with the achenes imbedded in pits and larger flowers, about 2 cm. in diameter. Geum L. 1. Geum rivale L. Water or purple avexs. Creek banks and grassy clearings : in wet mucky areas ; occasional. 2. Geum striatum Ait. Yellow avexs. Creek banks ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional at the south end of the Forest. Malus Mill. I. Malus pumila Mill. Commox apple. Mains malus of House and of B. & B. Pyrus malus of Gray. Old fields, and clearings along the state highway : in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. Persisting after cultivation, but not spread- ing. Potentilla L. I. Potentilla argentea L. Silvery cixquefoil. Roadsides ; in dry sandy soil at the southern end of the Forest ; scarce. 304 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 2. Potentilla canadensis L. var. simplex (Michx.j T. & G. Decumbent five-fingers. Potentilla simplex of House and of B. & B. Roadsides and clearings near the state highway ; in dry sandy soil ; occasional. [Potentilla fruticosa L. Shrubby cinquefoil. Dasiplwra fruticosa of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 14845. moist shores. Lake Harris, July 10, 1927".] 3. Potentilla norvegica var. hirsuta (Miclix.) Lehm. Rough cinquefoil. Potentilla iiionspelieusis of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Roadsides and clearings near the state highway : in well-drained sandv soil ; common. 4. Potentilla palustris ( L.) Scop. Marsh cinquefoil. Comarum palustrc of House and of B. & B. Swamps and marshes ; in wet muckv soil ; scarce. 5. Potentilla recta L. Yellow cinquefoil. Potentilla recta var. sulphurca of House. Roadsides and clearings near the state highway ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. [Potentilla tridentata Ait. Three-toothed cinquefoil. Sibbaldiopsis tridentata of B. & B. One station on Santanoni Peak, in exposed organic soil ; not found on the Forest.] Prunus (Tourn.) L. 1. Prunus nigra Ait. \\'ild plum. Clearings near the state highwav ; in sandy soil : scarce. Persist- ing after cultivation l)ut not spreading. Leaves broadly obovate. doubly crenate-serrate, and subcaudatelv acuminate. 2. Prunus pensylvanica L. f. Pin or fire cherry. Burns and clearings ; in sandy soil : occasional. One of the first plants to invade l)urned slopes. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, very finely and unequally crenate-dentate. and gradually pointed. Wildlijc of the Hiiiifijigton Wildlife Sfafion 305 3. Prunus serotina Ehrh. Padus I'irginiana of B. & B. Black cherry. Mountain tops, south-facing ledges, and margins of clearings ; in dry or moist sandy soil; occasional. Leaves elliptical or lanceolate, often with reddish-brown tomentuni on the niidvein beneath, and serrate with short incurved teeth. Padus nana of B. & B. Clearings and roadsides in sand_\- soil : occasional. Leaves obovate or oval, abru])tly pointed, sharply (often doubly) serrate with slender teeth. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7277, common in moist places, shore of Lake Harris, July 15-30. 1920".] 1. Rosa Carolina L. var. villosa (Best.) Rehd. Low pasture rose. Rosa humilis of Gray. Rosa virginiana of B. & B. Clearings, roadsides, and waste areas ; in dry sandy soil : common. A form with double flowers (H. F. Heady. Nos. 513 and 522) occurs near the ranger station and in one of the old fields near the CCC Camp. 2. Rosa damascena L. Cultivated. Damask rose. Cemeter}- ; in well-drained sandy soil ; persistent but not spreading. 3. Rosa palustris Marsh. Swamp or wild rose. Rosa Carolina of Gray and of B. & B. Creek banks and lake shores : in wet sandy soil ; common. 4. Rosa spinosissima L. Cultivated. Scotch rose. Cemetery ; in dry sand_\- soil ; persistent but not spreading. 5. Rosa suffulta Greene. Rose. Collection of E. L. Stone. "No. 171. clearing near the ranger station in dry sandv soil, July 14. 1938; rare". [Rosa suffulta Greene var. valida Erlanson. Rose. Collection of H. D. House. "No. 9079. old field near Newcomb, July 18, 1922".] 4. Prunus virginiana L. CliOKE cherry. Rosa (Tourn. ) L. [Rosa blanda Ait. Meadow rose. 3o5 Roosevelt Wildlije Bulletin Rubus (Tourn.j L. I Rubus acaulis Michx. Dwarf raspberry. Rubus pubcscois of W. & E. and of House. Rubus triAorus of Gray and of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and woodlands ; in wet sandy well-drained soil ; common. 2. Rubus allegheniensis Porter. Common blackberry. Clearings and roadsides; in well-drained sandy or gravelly soil; common. [ Rubus amicalis Blanch. Blackberry. Rubus canadensis, in part, of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 8024. moist roadside thicket near Hudson River Bridge, June S, 1921".] 3. Rubus canadensis L. var. elegantulus Farw. Blackberry. Rubus canadensis, in part, of B. & B. Rubus elegantulus of Gray and of House. Clearings and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. 4. Rubus glandicaulis Blanch. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 14821, Rich Lake, July 10, 1927". [Rubus hispidus L. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7268, dried-up hog, Xewcomh, July 15-30, 1920".] I Rubus hispidus L. var. major Blanch. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 11413, open woods. Fishing Brook Dam, Se]iteml)er 15, 1925".] 5. Rubus idaeus L. var. canadensis Rich. Red raspberry. Rubus stri(/osus. in part, of B. & B. Rubus striyosus var. canadensis of House. Mountain tops, trails, roadsides, and clearings ; in moist sandy or rock}- soil ; common. Xew canes pubescent or somewhat tomentulose beneath the prickles. 5a. Rubus idaeus L. var. strigosus Michx. ) Maxim. Red rasp- berry. Rubus idaeus var. aculeafissinius of Gray. Rubus stric/osus of House. Rubus stri(/osus. in part, of B. & B. Clearings, roadsides, and wooded slopes ; in moist humus or sandy soil ; very common. Xew canes glabrous or nearly so beneath the jirickles. IVildlifc of the Hiiiitiiigtoii IJ'ildlifc Slitlloii 307 f). Rubus junceus Hlanch. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 18703, thickets along shore of Rich Lake, August 6, 1931". 7. Rubus montpelierensis Blanch. Clearing at the hase of the Goodnow Mountain trail ; in well- drained sandy soil ; scarce. 8. Rubus nigricans Rydh. Swamp bl.\ckberry. Rubus sctosus of House. Bogs and swamps; in wet organic soil; occasional. [Rubus odoratus L. Flowering raspberry. Collection of H. D. House, "Tahawas, July 18, 1922".] [Rubus pergratus Blanch. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7271, edge of woods, Newcomh, July 15-30, 1920".] 9 Rubus sp. Blackberry. Clearing near the state highwa\- ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Sanguisorba (Rupp.) L. I Sanguisorba canadensis L. Canadian burnet. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26931, damp meadow near New- comb, August 14, 1939". Sorbus (Tourn.) L. 1 Sorbus americana Alarsh. Mountain ash. Pyrus americana of Gray. Lake shores, rock ridges, and mountain tops ; in moist well- drained sandy soil ; occasional. Leaflets lanceolate-acuminate. [Sorbus dumosa Greene. Northern mountain ash. Pyrus sitchciisis of Gray. Sorbus scopulina of B. & B. Collection of W. C. Muenscher and A. A. Lindsey, "No. 3396, along the shore of Lake Harris, August 29, 1932". Leaflets elliptic- oblong, mostly obtuse or abrui:)tly pointed.] Spiraea (Tourn. ) L. I. Spiraea latifolia (Ait.) Borkh. Meadow sweet. Marshes, lake shores, and bog margins ; in wet organic or sandy soil ; occasional. 3o8 Roosevelt U'ihilijc Bulletin 2. Spiraea tomentosa L. HARDifACK. Steeple bush. Lake sliores, l)o^ marj^ins, and creek hanks: in wet organic or sandy soil ; scarce. IWaldsteinia W illd.] [ Waldsteinia fragarioides (Miclix.j Tratt. Barren straw- berry. Collection of 11. 1). House. "Xo. 8o68, woods near Xewcomb, June II. 1921 ". I 45. LEGUMINOSAE (Pea Family) Medicago (Tourn. ) L. I. Medicago lupulina L. Black or hop clover. Roadsides and clearings at the southern end of the Forest ; in moist .sandy .soil ; scarce. Melilotus (Tourn.) Mill. 1. Melilotus alba Desr. White sweet clover. White melilot. Clearing near tlie ranger station ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Planted and slightly spreading. 2. Melilotus officinalis ( 1.. ) Lam. Yellow sweet clover. Yel- low melilot. Clearing near the ranger station ; in dry sandy soil : rare. Planted and slightly spreading. Trifolium (Tourn.) L. 1. Trifolium agrarium L. Yellow or hop clover. Roadsides; in well-drained sandy soils; scarce. 2. Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike clover. Abandoned camps, clearings, and roadsides ; in moist rich sandy soil ; occasional. 3. Trifolium pratense L. Red clover. Clearings and roadsides; in well-drained sandy soil; occasional. 4. Trifolium repens L. Creeping white clover. Clearings and roadsides at the southern end of the Forest ; in well- drained sandy soil ; occasional. Wildlife of the Huntington ]]'ildlifc Station 309 Vicia (Tourn. ) L. I. Vicia cracca L. Wild, klui:, or tui-tkd vetch. ^leadows, clearings, and roadsides; in moist sandy soil; common. [Vicia angustifolia (L. ) Reicli. Xakrow -leaved vetch. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 11394. in a field of oats near Xevvcomb, September 14, 11)25".] 24. GERANIALES 46. OXALIDACEAE (Wood Sorrel Family) Oxalis L. 1. Oxalis montana Raf. Pink wood sorrel. Oxalis acctosella of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Deep woods ; in moist humns ; very common, especially with witch hobble. 2. Oxalis europaea Jord. forma cymosa (Small) \\'ieg. (See Rho- dora27:i35. 1925.) Yellow wood sorrel. Xanthoxalis cymosa of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "X"o. 26818, moist sandy roadside near Catlin Lake, July 24, 1939". Stems nearly or quite glabrous; pedicels villous and more or less viscid. 2a. Oxalis europaea Jord. forma villicaulis A\ ieg. Yellow wood SORREL. Oxalis corniculata of Gray. Xanthoxalis cymosa of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and waste places in dry sandy or gravelly soil ; occasional. Stems and pedicels villous. 47. GERAXIACEAE (Geranium Family) Pelargonium L'Her. I. Pelargonium hortorum Bailey. Cultivated. Ger.\nium. Planted during the growing season in the cemetery west of X^ew- comb. apparently not persisting through the winter. 48. TROPAEOLACEAE (Xasturtium Family) Tropaeolum L. I. Tropaeolum majus L. Cidtivated. Nasturtium. Yard of the Arbutus Camp ; in moist sandy soil. Annual, not sur- viving the winter. Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin [LINACEAE (Flax Family)] [Linum (Tourn.j L.] [Linum usitatissimum L. Common flax Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11395, cultivated field of oats near Newcomb, September 14, 1925".] 49. EUPHORBIACEAE (Spurge Family j Euphorbia L. I. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Cypress spurge. Tithymahis cyparissias of B. & B. Clearing near the ranger station ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. [CALLITRICHACEAE (Water Starvvort Family)] [Callitriche L.] Callitriche palustris L. Water starwort. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7239, along wet trail in woods, Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920".] 25. SAPINDALES [EMPETRACEAE (Crowberry Family)] [Empetrum (Tourn.) L.] [Empetrum nigrum L. Black crowberry. Santanoni Peak ; in exposed organic material between the rocks ; not found on the Forest.] 50. ANACARDIACEAE (Cashew Family) Rhus (Tourn.) L. 1. Rhus toxicodendron L. Poison ivy. Poison oak. Toxicodendron toxicodendron of B. & B. Shore of Rich Lake ; in moist sand ; rare. 2. Rhus typhina L. Staghorn sumach. Rhus hirta of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10558, thicket. Rich Lake. August 16, 1924"; rare. IVildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 311 51. AQUIFOLIACEAE (Holly Family) Ilex L. I. Ilex verticillata (L.) Gray. Winterberry. Black alder. Deciduous holly. Lake shores, stream banks, and margins of marshes ; in wet sandy 01 mucky soil ; occasional. Nemopanthus Raf. I. Nemopanthus mucronata (L.) Trel. Mountain holly. Lake shores, marshes, and bog margins ; in moist sandy or mucky soil ; occasional. 52. CELASTRACEAE (Staflf Tree Family) Celastrus L. I. Celastrus scandens L. Climbing bittersweet. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10950, rocky bank at the outlet of Rich Lake, July 2, 1925" ; rare. 53. ACERACEAE (Maple Family) Acer (Tourn.) L. 1. Acer pensylvanicum L. Striped maple. Moosewood. Ridges and shaded slopes of mixed conifer-hardwoods ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. 2. Acer rubrum L. Red maple. Soft maple. Clearings, stream banks, wooded slopes, ridges, and margins of bogs, lakes, and marshes ; in wet sandy, mucky or even boggy soil ; very common. 3. Acer saccharinum L. Silver, soft, or white maple. One station on the east shore of Catlin Lake near Tlie Xarrows ; in wet sandy soil : rare. 4. Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar or rock maple. Climax forest : wooded slopes, and edges of clearings ; in moist well-drained sandy soil : very common. 5. Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain maple. Wooded slopes, low depressions, creek banks, and margins of swamps ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. 312 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 54. BALSAMINACEAE (Touch-me-not Family) Impatiens (Riv.) L. I. Impatiens biflora Walt. Spotted touch-me-not. Jewel- weed. Roadsides and open areas along streams ; in wet rich sandy soil ; occasional. 26. RHAMNALES 55. RHAMNACEAE (Buckthorn Family) Rhamnus (Tourn.) L. I. Rhamnus alnifolia L'Her. Sw.\mp buckthorn. Margins of swampy areas, creek banks, springy areas and low depressions: in wet mucky or sandy soil; occasional. 56. MTACEAE (Grape Family) Parthenocissus Planch. I. Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch, \ irginia creeper. Woodbine. Parthenocissus quinquefolia, in part, of B. & B. Psedera quinqucjolia of Gray and of House. Roadsides and clearings : in moist sandv soil ; rare. Escaped from cultivation. May be trailing on the ground if no trees or shrubs are present. la. Parthenocissus quinquefolia ( L. ) Planch, var. hirsuta (Donn) Planch. \'irginia creeper. \\'oodbine. Parthenocissus quinquefolia. in part, of B. & B. Psedera quinquefolia var. hirsuta of Gray and of House. A pubescent form of Parthenocissus quinquefolia planted at the Arbutus Camp, and not spreading. Vitis (Tourn.) L. I. Vitis novae-angliae Fern. (See Rhodora ly: 146. 191 7.) \\'lLD GRAPE. XeW ENGLAND GRAPE. Clearings along the state highway ; in dr\- sandy soil ; rare. Per- sistent after cultivation, but not spreading. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 313 27. MALVALES 57. TILIACEAE (Linden Family ) Tilia (Tourn. ) L. 1. Tilia americana L. Basswood. Linden. Ridges and south-facing slopes; in weU-drained sandy soil; scarce. 58. MAL\'ACEAE (Mallow Family) Malva (Tourn.) L. I. Malva moschata L. Musk mallow. Clearing near the ranger station ; in moist sandy soil : rare. 28. PARIETALES 59. GUTTIFERAE (St. John's-wort Family) Hypericum (Tourn.) L. 1. Hypericum boreale (Britton) Bicknell. Northern St. John's- WORT. Open beaches ; in wet sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Hypericum canadense L. Canaihan St. Jon n"s-\\ ort. Beach at the south end of \\o\i Pond; in moist sandy soil; rare. 3. Hypericum ellipticum Hook. Elliptic-leaved St. John's- wort. Lake shores, swamps, and marshes ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; common. [Hypericum mutilum L. S.m all-flowered St. John's-wort. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11405, wet meadow, Newcomb, September 10-15, 4. Hypericum perforatum L. Common St. John's-wort. Clearings, roadsides, and waste areas ; in dry sandy soil ; common. [Hypericum punctatum Lam. Spotted St. John's-wort. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10553. Ord's Landing on the Hudson River below Newcomb, x'\ugust 15, 1924".] 5. Hypericum virginicum L. var. fraseri (Spach.) Fern. (See Rhodora 38: 434. 1936.) Marsh St. John's-wort. Hypericum virginicum, in part, of W. & E. and of Gray. Triadcnnm virginicum . in part, of House and of B. & B. Lake shores, marshes, swamps, and bogs ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; common. 314 Roosevelt Wildlife Bullelin 60. MOLACEAE (Violet Eamilyj Viola (Tourn.j L. [Viola blanda \\'illd. White violet. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 26707, swamp on the Chase Road east of Newcomb, July 11, 1939"-] 1. Viola canadensis L. Canada violet. Wooded slopes, ridges, and creek banks ; in wet rich sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Viola conspersa Reich. Dog violet. Roadside near the cemetery ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. 3. Viola cucullata Ait. Marsh blue violet. Wooded slopes, depressions, and stream banks in wet rich sandy or organic soil ; common. [Viola cucullata x septentrionalis] [Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 8806. moist roadside, partial shade, Pruyn Estate. June 3, 1922".] 4. Viola eriocarpa .Schwein. var. leiocarpa Fern. & W ieg. Yellow violet. I 'tola sc ahriuscula, in part, of Gray. Viola eriocarpa. in part, of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and ridges ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. 5. Viola incognita Brainerd. ^^'HITE violet. Viola i)ico(piita. in part, of Gray. Ridges ; in moist rich sandy soil ; scarce. 3a. Viola incognita Brainerd var. forbesii Brainerd. White violet. Viola incognita, in part, of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "X'o. 26617, slope back of cemetery west of X^ewcomb. July 5, 1939". DifYers from the species bv having leaves glabrous below. 6. Viola lanceolata L. Lance-leaved violet. Collection of E. L. Stone, "X'^o. yo. Big Sucker Brook inlet glade; in moist sand, June 20. 1938". [Viola lanceolata x pallens] [Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 7254. moist shores of Lake Harris, July 15-30. 1920".] Wildlife of the Huntington ]]'ildlifc Station 315 7. Viola pallens (Banks) Braincrd. White violet. Collection of E. L. Stone, "Xo. 4, I-line and 130-chain stake, in deep moist organic soil, June S, 1938". 8. Viola pubescens Ait. Yellow violet. Shaded woodlands ; in moist rich sandy soil ; scarce. [Viola renifolia Gray. White violet. Viola renifolia. in part, of Gray and of R. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7255, cool mossy spruce woods, Xewcomh, July 15-30, 1920".] [Viola renifolia Gray var. brainerdii Fern. White violet. J'iola roiifolia. in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7255, cool mossy spruce woods, Newcomb, July 15-30. 1920".] 9. Viola rotundifolia Michx. Round-leaved violet. Clearings and roadsides ; in wet sandy soil ; occasional. 10. Viola selkirkii Pursh. Great-spurred violet. Ackerman clearing : in moist sandy soil ; scarce. 11. Viola septentrionalis Greene. Northern blue violet. Roadsides, woodlands, and clearings ; in moist sandy or mucky soil ; common. 12. Viola tricolor L. var. hortensis DC. Cultivated. Pansy. Cemetery; in moist sandy soil; not spreading. 61. BEGONIACEAE (Begonia Family) Begonia L. I. Begonia semperflorens Link & Otto. Cultivated. Begonia. Cemetery ; in moist sandy soil ; apparently not persistent over the winter. 29. MYRTIFLORAE [THY.MELAEACEAE (Mezereum Family)] [Dirca L.] [Dirca palustris L. Leatherwood. Collection of H. D. House. "No. 940O, woods, Newcomb, June 8, 1923"-] 3i6 Roosevelt li^ildlijc Bulletin 62. OENOTHERACEAE (Evening Primrose Family; Circaea (Tourn.j L. 1. Circaea alpina L. Enchanter's nightshade. Shaded springs and l(j\v depressions ; in wet mucky soil ; common. Epilobium L. I Epilobium angustifolium L. Firewf.ed. Willow hekb. Cliamacncrion anyustifoliuiii of B. & B. Rf)adsides, recently disturbed areas, and lake shores ; in dry or moist sandy soil ; occasional. 2. Epilobium densum Raf. Linear-leaved willow herb. Epilobiuin liiicarc of House and of B. & B. Swamps, marslies. and meadows ; in wet mucky soil : scarce. 3. Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. var. adenocaulon (Haussk.) Fern. \\'illow iierp.. Epilobium adenocaulon of Gray and of B. & B. Abandoned camps, creek banks, and clearings : in moist rich sandy soil ; occasional. [Ludwigia L.] [Ludwigia palustris ( L. ) Ell. var. americana (DC.) Fern. (See Rhodora 37: 176. 1935.) Water purslane. Isnardia palustris of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 10587, shore of Lake Harris, August 17, 1924".] Oenothera L. 1. Oenothera biennis L. Eveninc. primrose. Roadsides and recently disturbed areas ; in dry sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Oenothera perennis L. Sundrops. Knciff'ia perennis of House. Kneiffia piiinila of B. & B. Oenothera puinila of Gray. Abandoned camps, clearings, and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. [Oenothera parviflora L. Oenothera innricata of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7235. Xewcomb, July 15-30. 1920".] For Epilobium palustre L. see Addenda p. 368. IVildlifc of the Huiifiiigfoii Wildlife Station 317 63. HALORRHAGACKAI-: (Water Milfoil Family) Myriophyllum ( \'aill. ) L. 1. Myriophyllum farwellii Alorong. Water mii.i'oil. Aquatic; in i-J 111. of water in lakes and slowly niovin<^ streams; scarce. 2. Myriophyllum tenellum Higcl. Slendek water mili-uil. Borders of lakes and ])onds ; in wet sand; scarce. 30. UMBELLIFLORAE 64. ARALIACEAK ((Ginseng Family) Aralia ( Tourn. ) L. 1. Aralia hispida \'ent. Bristly sarsaparilla. Exposed ledges and mountain tops ; in dry sandy or organic soil ; rare. 2. Aralia nudicaulis L. Wild .sarsaparill.\. W^ooded ridges and slopes, often cap])ing boulders; in moist rich sandy soil ; occasional. 3. Aralia racemosa L. Spikenard. Creek Ijank along the outlet of Lodo Pond; in moist rich sandy soil ; rare. [Panax L.] [Panax trifolium L. Dwarf ginseng. Groundnut. Collection of H. D. Hf)use, "Xo. 14784a, woods south of W^oodrufif Pond, July 9, 1927".] 65. UMBELLIFERAE (Parsley Family) Angelica L. 1. Angelica atropurpurea L. Angelica. Roadsides and creek banks ; in wet mucky soil ; scarce. Carum L. I. Carum carvi L. Caraway. Roadsides and clearings; in well-drained sandy soil; common. Cicuta L. I. Cicuta bulbifera L. Bulb-bearing water hemlock. Swamps and margins of bogs ; in wet mucky soil ; rare. 3i8 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Hydrocotyle (Tourn.j L. I. Hydrocotyle americana L. Water pennywort. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26843, marsh at south end of Wolf Pond, July 24, 1939". Osmorhiza Raf. I. Osmorhiza claytoni (Michx.j C. B. Clarke. Hairy sweet CICELY. Washingfonia claytoni of House and of B. & B. Shaded roadsides, ridges, and slopes; in well-drained sandy soil; occasional. Pastinaca L. I. Pastinaca sativa L. Wild parsnip. Roadsides and clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Sanicula (Tourn.) L. I. Sanicula marilandica L. Sanicle. Roadsides and clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Thaspium Xutt. I. Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Xutt. Me.\dow parsnip. Roadsides and clearings near the state highway ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. [Zizia Koch] [Zizia aurea ( L. 1 Koch. Me.a.dow parsnip. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9396, shore of Lake Harris, June 28, 1923".] 66. CORNACEAE (Dogwood Family) Cornus (Tourn.) L. [Cornus alternifolia L. f. Alternate-le.wed dogwood. Collection of H. D. House. "Xo. 10725. woods, X'ewcomb, Sep- tember 22, 1924".] I. Cornus canadensis L. Dw arf dogwood. Bunchberry. Chamaepcriclyincnnm canadcnsc of B. & B. Clearings, wooded slopes and ridges, and low depressions ; in dry sandy to wet mucky soil ; very common. Wildlife of the Huiitingtou Wildlife Station 319 2. Cornus stolonifera Michx. Red osier. Lake shores, creek banks and margins of swamps ; in wet sandv or mucky soil ; common. 31. ERICALES 67. PIROLACEAE (Wintergreen Family) Chimaphila Pursh. I. Chimaphila umbellata ( L. ) Bart. var. cisatlantica Rlake. Prince's pine. Pipsissewa. Chimaphila umbellata of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of E. L. Stone, "X"o. 161, rock ledge along Trail End Bay; in organic soil, July 13, 1938: rare". This is the American form of the European species, Chimaphila umbellata (see Rhodora 19: 241. 1917). Moneses Salisb. I. Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray. One-flowered shinle.\f. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 167, roadside, one-fourth mile east of the ranger station ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare". Monotropa L. I. Monotropa uniflora L. Indi.\n pipe. Sapropliyte on dr}- or moist humus ; in shaded woodlands ; occa- sional. Pirola (Tourn.) L. Pirola asarifolia Michx. Liverleaf wintergreen. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10946, mossy shaded spruce- tamarack swamp, Newcomb, July i, 1925; rare". 1. Pirola elliptica Nutt. Shinleaf. Shaded areas in old fields near the state highway ; in rich moist organic soil ; scarce. 2. Pirola rotundifolia L. var. americana (Sweet) Fern. Shin- leaf. Pyrola americana of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26616, wooded slope south of the cemetery, July 5,* 1939" ; rare. 320 Roosevelt Wildlije Bulletin 3. Pirola secunda L. Secuxd shixleaf. Shaded areas in old fields near the state highway : in rich moist organic soil ; scarce. 68. ERICACEAE (Heath Family) Andromeda L. I. Andromeda glaucophylla Link. Bog rosemary. Audrotncdii polijolia ul B. & B. Bogs aiid lake shores : in wet sphagnum or mucky soil ; common. Chamaedaphne Moench. I. Chamaedaphne calyculata ( L. i Moench. Le.\ther le.\f. Bogs and lake shores : in wet sphagnum or mucky soil ; common. Chiogenes Salish. I Chiogenes hispidula (L. ) T. & G. Creeping snowberry. Shaded mossv woods and bogs ; in moist humus or sphagnum : common. Epigaea L. I. Epigaea repens L. Trailing arbutus. Mayflower. Shaded woodlands : in moist hinnus on sandy or rocky soil ; rare. Gaultheria ( Kalm) L. I. Gaultheria procumbens L. Wintergreen. Shaded woodlands ; in moist humus on sandy soil : occasional. Gaylussacia HBK. I. Gaylussacia baccata ( Wang. 1 K. Koch. Black huckleberry. Lake shores : in moist rich sandy or rocky soil : occasional. Kalmia L. 1. Kalmia angustifolia L. Sheep laurel. Bogs, lake shores, and creek banks ; in moist rich sandy or mucky soil : occasional. 2. Kalmia polifolia W ang. Bog laurel. Bogs and lake shores ; in wet sphagnum ; occasional. 321 322 Fig. 73. Beaver meadow at outlet of Wolf Lake. Photo by C. E. Johnson. midlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 323 Ledum L. I. Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. Labrador tea. Bogs and lake shores : in wet sphagnum or mucky soil ; common. Vaccinium L. 1. Vaccinium canadense Kalm. Sour-top. \ elvet-leaf blue- berry. Shaded woods, hogs, margins of marshes, lake shores, clearings, and roadsides ; in dry sandy to wet mucky soil ; very common. Leaves entire, downy on both sides. 2. Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. Large cranberry. Oxycoccus macrocarpus of House and of B. & R. Bogs ; in wet sphagnum ; common cranberr}- of Lodo Pond and Deer Lake ; not found elsewhere. Leaves obtuse scarcely revolute ; stems prolonged beyond the flowers and fruit. 3 Vaccinium oxycoccus L. Small cranberry. Oxycoccus oxycoccus of House and of B. & B. Bogs ; in wet sphagnum, common cranberry of the bog south of Wolf Pond ; not found elsewhere. Leaves acute, strongly revolute ; stems not prolonged beyond the flowers and fruit. 4. Vaccinium pensylvanicum Lam. Low or early blueberry. J'accinium aiKjustifotium of House and of B. & B. Exposed mountain tops and lake shores ; in rich sandy soil ; scarce. Leaves serrulate with bristle-pointed teeth, green and glabrous on both sides or slightly pubescent on the veins beneath. [Vaccinium uliginosum L. Bog bilberry. Exposed top of Santanoni Peak ; in organic material between the rocks. Not found on the Forest.] 32. PRIMULALES 69. PRmUL.-\CEAE (Primrose Family) Lysimachia (Tourn.) L. I. Lysimachia nummularia L. [Moneywort. Yellow myrtle. Clearing near the state highway ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Per- sistent after cultivation. 324 Roosevelt IVikllije Bulletin 2. Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP. Yellow loosestkife. Bogs, marshes, swamps, and lake margins ; in wet sandy or mucky soil ; common. Primula L. I. Primula sp. (probably Primula veris L.) Cultivated. Prim- rose. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil : planted and slightly spreading. Steironema Raf. I. Steironema ciliatum (L. ) Raf. Fringed loosestrife. Creek banks, and margins of marshes and swamps : in wet mucky soil ; scarce. Trientalis (Rupp.j L. I. Trientalis borealis Raf. St.\rflowek. Trientalis amcricana of Gray and of B. & B. Woodlands and roadsides : in moist rich humus on sandv soil : occasional. 33. CONTORTAE 70. OLEACEAE (Olive Family) Fraxinus (Tourn.j L. 1. Fraxinus americana L. ^^'HITE .ash. Old fields and ridges; in moist well-drained sandy soil; occasional. Lateral leaflets short-stalked ; body of fruit terete, tapering below. 2. Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Black ash. Lake shores, creek l:)anks, margins of swamps, and low depres- sions ; in wet sandy to mucky soil ; occasional. Lateral leaflets nearly sessile; body of fruit flat, of equal breadth at both ends. Syringa L. I. Syringa vulgaris L. Common* lilac. Clearings near the state highwax' : in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Persisting after cultivation. 71. GEXTIAXACEAE (Gentian Family) Gentiana (Tourn.) L. I. Gentiana linearis Froel. Xarrow-leaveo gentian. Dasystcfhana linearis of B. & B. Clearings, lake shores, and meadows ; in dry or moist rich sandy soil ; occasional. WildUjc of the Huiifiiigfoii jnidlifc Station 325 [Menyanthes (Tourn. I L.] [Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean. Collection of H. D. House, "Mo. 7185. bog near X'cwcomh, June 3, 1922".] Nymphoides (Tourn.) Hill I Nymphoides lacunosum (\'ent.) Fern. Floating heart. Tracliyspcnna laciiiiosa of House. Floating-leaved aquatic; in about i m. of water; occasional. 72. APOCYXACEAE (Dogbane Family) Apocynum (Tourn.) L. I. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Spreading dogbane. Clearings, roadsides, and recently disturbed areas near the state highway; in dry sandy soil; occasional. Vinca L. I. Vinca minor L. Cultivated. Periwinkle. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; planted and slightly spreading. 73. ASCLEPIADACEAE (Milkweed Family) Asclepias (Tourn.) L. 1. Asclepias incarnata L. Swamp milkweed. Swamps, lake shores, and springy areas ; in wet mucky soil ; scarce. 2. Asclepias syriaca L. Common milkweed. Clearings near the state higlnvay ; in dry .sandy soil ; scarce. 34. TUBIFLORAE [COX\'OL\'ULACEAE (Morning-glory Family ) ] [Convolvulus (Tourn.) L.] [Convolvulus spithamaeus L. Low bindweed. Collection of H. I). House. "Xo. 9387, in sandy soil, Tahavvas Club. June 27, 1923".] 326 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 74. POLEMONIACEAE (Phlox Family) Phlox L. I Phlox maculata I>. Wild sweet william. Clearings near the state highway ; rare. Escaped from cultivation. 2. Phlox paniculata L. Cultivated. Garden phlox. Dooryard at the ranger station ; in dry sandy soil ; planted and not spreading. 3 Phlox subulata L. Cultivated. Ground or moss pink. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; planted and slightly spreading. [BORRAGINACEAE (Borrage Family)] [Symphytum (Tourn.) L.] I Symphytum officinale L. Comfrey. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11029. roadside near Xewcomb, July 13, 1925".] 75. LABIATAE (Mint Family) Agastache Clayt. I. Agastache foeniculum (Purshj Ktze. Agastache aiicthiodora of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 26706, border of woods east of Newconib, July 11, 1939". Galeopsis L. I. Galeopsis tetrahit L. var. bifida (Boenn.) L. & C. Hemp NETTLE. Galeopsis tetrahit, in part, of Gray and of B. & B. Clearings, roadsides, and creek banks ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; occasional. Leonurus L. I. Leonurus cardiaca L. Motherwort. Arbutus camji ; in moist sandv soil near one of the buildings; rare. Lycopus (Tourn.) L. I. Lycopus americanus Muhl. \\'ater horehound. Creek banks, lake shores, margins of swamps, and clearings : in moist sandy or mucky soil ; occasional. M'ilcllifc of the Huntington Wildlife Station 327 2. Lycopus uniflorus Michx. Bugle weed. Beaver dams, swamps, and marshes ; in mucky soil ; occasional. Mentha (Tourn.) L. I. Mentha arvensis L. var. canadensis (L.j Briq. Mint. Mentha canadensis of House and of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and creek banks ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. Monarda L. 1. Monarda didyma L. Cultivated. Oswego tea. Bee balm. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Persistent but not spreading. 2. Monarda fistulosa L. Cultivated. W ild bergamot. Dooryard of the ranger station ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Per- sistent but not spreading. Nepeta L. 1. Nepeta cataria L. Catnip. Clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; rare. 2. Nepeta hederacea (L.j Trev. Ground ivy. Gill-over-the- GROUND. Glecoina hederacea of House and of B. & B. Dooryards and clearings near the state highway ; in dry sandy soil ; scarce. Prunella L. I. Prunella vulgaris L. Heal-all. Self-heal. Roadsides, trails, and clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; common. Scutellaria L. 1. Scutellaria epilobiifolia Hamil. Marsh skullcap. Scutellaria yalericidata of Gray, of House, and of B. & B. Lake shores, meadows, creek banks and borders of marshes ; in wet sandy or mucky soil : common. 2. Scutellaria lateriflora L. Mad-dog skullcap. Shaded creek banks and low depressions ; in wet rich poorly- drained soil ; occasional. 328 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Satureja (Tourn. ) L. I. Satureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch. Basil. Clinopodium vulyarc <>l House and of B. & B. Roadsides, clearings, and recently disturbed areas ; in moist sandy soil ; common. I Stachys (Ttjurn.i L.] I Stachys palustris L. var. homotricha Fern. W'ouxuwort. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 8518. stony pasture along the Hudson Kiver near Xewcomb, August 8, 1921".] 76. SOLANACEAE (Nightshade Family) Petunia Juss. 1. Petunia axillaris I>SP. Cultivated. \\'hite petuni.\. Cemetery ; in dry sandy soil ; slightly spreading. 2. Petunia hybrida \'ilm. Cultivated. Common g.\rdex PETUNIA. Cemetery; in dry sandy soil; slightly spreading. Physalis L. I. Physalis alkekengi L. Cultivated. Winter cherry. Chinese l a n t e r n - p l a n t . Yard at the Arbutus Camp ; in moist sandy soil ; not spreading. [Physalis heterophylla Xees. Ground cherry. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 15368. barnyard, near Xewcomb, August 12. 1927".] Solanum ( Tourn. j L. I. Solanum dulcamara L. Blue nightshade. Abandoned cellar near the state highway : in moist sandy soil : rare. 77. SCROPHCLARIACEAE (Figwort Family) Chelone (Tourn.) L. I. Chelone glabra L. Turtlehead. Shaded creek l)anks and low depressions ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. Ilysanthes Raf. I. Ilysanthes dubia (L. ) Barnh. False pimpernel. Shore of Catlin Lake ; in wet sand ; scarce. Wildlife of the Huntington IJ'ildlijc Station 329 Linaria ( Tourii. ) Mill. I. Linaria vulgaris Hill. Butter-anu-ec.gs. Yellow toad- flax. Linaria linaria of House and of B. & B. Clearings near the state highway : in well-drained .sandy soil ; rare. Mimulus L. I. Mimulus ringens L. Monkey flower. Alarshes, swamps, and Ijorders of lakes; in wet mucky soil; occa- sional. Scrophularia ( Tourn. ) L. I. Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh. Figwort. Scroplnilaria Icporcila of Gray and of B. & B. The Fallows ; in moist rich sandy soil ; rare. Verbascum (Tourn. J L. I. Verbascum thapsus L. Common mullein. Roadsides and clearings ; in dry to moist .sandy soil ; occasional. Veronica (Tourn.) L. [Veronica americana Schw. xA.merican brooklime. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8089, marsh near Newcomb, June II. 1921".] 1. Veronica officinalis L. Common speedwell. Clearings, roadsides, mountain tops, trails and woodlands ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. 2. Veronica scutellata L. Marsh speedwell. Creek banks, swamps, beaver dams, and lake shores ; in wet mucky soil ; common. 3. Veronica serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaved speedwell. Clearings near the state highwa\- ; in moist sandy soil ; rare. 78. OROBAXXHACEAE (Broom Rape Family) Epifagus Xutt. I. Epifagus virginiana (L.; Bart. Beechdrops. LcptaiiDiium viryiniannm of House and of B. & B. Beech woods ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. Parasite on the roots of beech. 330 Roosevelt Wildlijc Bulletin Orobanche (Tourn.j L. I. Orobanche uniflora L. Cancer-root. Aphyllun imifiurum of House. Tlialesia uniflora of B. & B. Bracken areas near the .state highway ; in moist .sandy soil ; rare. Parasitic on the roots of various herbs, especially ferns. 79. LENTIBULARLACEAE (Bladderwort Family; Utricularia L. 1. Utricularia cornuta Michx. Horni^d bladderwort. Stowoisia cornuta of B. & B. Open areas in sphagnum bogs and lake shores ; in wet mucky to sandy soil ; common. 2. Utricularia gibba L. Humped bladderwort. Free-floating aquatic, in Deer Pond ; rare. 3. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. Flat-leaved bladderwort. Mucky bottom of Deer Pond; in shallow water; rare. 4. Utricularia purpurea Walt. Purple bladderwort. J'csiculi)ui {>ur[>iirca of B. & B. Free-floating or rooted aquatic of lakes and slowly moving streams ; in 0.5-2 m. of water; common. 5. Utricularia resupinata B. D. Greene. Reclined bladderwort. Lccticula resupinata of B. & B. North shore of Catlin Lake, rooted in clay ; rare. 6. Utricularia vulgaris L. var. americana Gray. Great bladder- W UKT. V tricularia macrorhiza of House and of B. & B. Free-floating in lakes, stagnant ponds, and slowly moving streams; occasional. 35. PLANTAGINALES 80. PLAXT.AGIXACEAE (Plantain Family) Plantago (Tourn.) L. 1. Plantago lanceolata L. Rib grass. English pl.\ntain. Roadsides, clearings, dooryards, and recently disturbed areas ; in dry sandy soil ; common. U'ildHjc oj flic Hiiiifiiigton JJ'ildlift' Station 331 2. Plantago major L. Plantain. Roadsides, dooryards, and recently disturbed areas ; in dry sandy soil; occasional. 36. RUBIALES 81. RUBIACEAE (Madder Family) Cephalanthus L. I. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Buttonbush. Shores of Rich Lake ; in wet mucky soil ; rare. Galium L. 1. Galium asprellum IVIichx. Rough bedstraw. Roadsides and clearings ; in wet rich sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Galium boreale L. Northern bedstraw. Clearings and roadsides ; in moist sandy soil ; scarce. 3. Galium claytoni Michx. Bedstraw. Borders ot bogs, lakes, and swamps ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. Pedicels straight, glabrous ; flowers mostly in terminal clusters of 2's and 3's. 4. Galium palustre L. Marsh bedstraw. Roadsides and clearings : in moist sandy soil ; occasional. 5. Galium trifidum L. Small bedstraw. Lake shores and margins of swamps and bogs ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. Differs but slightly from Galium claytoni by having slender, arcuate, scabrous pedicels and flowers usually solitary or when terminal in 3's. Galium trifidum and Galium claytoni are in most cases specifically distinct ; however, specimens are found with one or more of the above characters intergrading. 6. Galium trifiorum Michx. Sweet-scented bedstraw. Wooded slopes, roadsides, and clearings ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. Houstonia L. I. Houstonia caerulea L. Bluets. Roadsides and clearings ; in moist sandy soil : occasional. 33- Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Mitchella L. I. Mitchella repens L. I'aktkilkje berrv. \\'u(xled uplands ; in moist humus on sandy soil ; occasional. 82. CAPRIFOLIACEAE (Honeysuckle Family j Diervilla (Tourn.) Mill. I. Diervilla lonicera Mill. Bush ho.veysuckle. Diervilla diervilla of House and of B. & B. Rock slides, mountain tops, clearings, and roadsides ; in moist rich 01 dry sandy soil; occasional. Linnaea (Gronov.) L. I. Linnaea borealis L. var. americana ( Forhes ) Rehder. Tw i.n" FLOWER. lAnnaea atiierieana of B. & B. Lake shores, roadsides, and woodlands ; in moist humus to sandy soil. Lonicera L. 1. Lonicera canadensis Marsh. Fly honeysuckle. \\ oodlands ; in moist ricli sandy soil ; common. 2. Lonicera hirsuta Eaton. H.\iry honeysuckle. Shore of Rich Lake : in organic material on rocks : rare. 3. Lonicera tatarica L. T.\rtarian honeysuckle. Clearings near the state highway : in moist sandy soil : rare. Per- sisting after cultivation, but not spreading. [Lonicera villosa ( Michx.j Roem. & Schultes var. tonsa Fern. (See Rhodora 27: 9. 1925.) Mountain fly honey- suckle. Lonicera caerulea, in part, of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House. "No. 9039. Pruyn Swamp. July 11. 1922".] Sambucus ( Tourn. » L. I. Sambucus canadensis L. Common elder. Creek banks and clearings : in moist sandy soil ; scarce. Inflores- cence corymbose ; pith white ; fruit dark purple. Wildlife of the Huntington IVildlife Station 333 2. Sambucus racemosa L. Red-berried elder. Wooded slopes and ridges, creek banks, and margins of clearings ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. Inflorescence racemose ; pith brown- ish ; fruit coral-red. Viburnum (Tourn.) L. 1. Viburnum alnifolium Marsh. Witch hobble. Hobble bush. \\'oodIands, except in old fields, burns, and spruce swamps ; in moist rich sandy soil ; very common. 2. Viburnum cassinoides L. Withe-rod. Wild raisin. Black haw. Clearings, creek banks, lake shores, and swamps ; in wet mucky soil ; occasional. 3. Viburnum dentatum L. Arrow-wood. Swamps, lake shores, and creek banks ; in wet mucky soil ; occa- sional. [Viburnum lentago L. Naxxyberry. Sheepberry. Collection of H. D. House, "Xo. 7934, wet soil, Xewcomb, June 6, 1921".] 4. Viburnum opulus L. Highbush cranberry. Cranberry- tree. Clearings near the state highway ; in sandy soil ; rare. Persisting after cultivation, but not spreading. 4a. Viburnum opulus L. var. americanum Ait. Persisting after cultivation in clearings near the state highway. Differs from the species by having nearly glabrous leaves with long- acuminate curved lobes. 37. CAMPANULATAE 83. CAMPAXULACEAE (Bluebell Family) Campanula (Tourn. j L. I. Campanula aparinoides Pursh. Marsh bedstraw. Collection of E. L. Stone. "Xo. 215, shore of Rich Lake, July 29, 1938". Corolla 5-8 mm. long; capsules 1.2-2 mm. long; and peduncles strongly divergent. 334 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 2. Campanula rapunculoides L. Bell-flower. Dooryards and roadsides ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Escaped from cultivation. 3. Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell. .\long the state highway ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. 4. Campanula uliginosa Rydb. Marsh bell-flower. Shore of Rich Lake ; in wet mucky or sandy soil ; scarce. Differs from Caiiipaiiitla aparinoidcs by having larger more bluish flowers on ascending peduncles ; capsules 3.2-5 mm. long. Lobelia (Plum.) L. 1. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal flower. Shore of Rich Lake ; in wet sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Lobelia dortmanna L. \\'ater lobelia. Lake sliores ; in wet sandy soil ; common. Usually immersed with only the tops of the flowering spikes above water. 3. Lobelia inflata L. Indian tobacco. Clearings, roadsides, and margins of lakes and swamps ; in dry to moist sandy soil ; occasional. [Lobelia kalmii L. Brook lobelia. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 722"/, wet shores of Lake Harris, July 15-30, 1920".] [Lobelia spicata Lam. var. hirtella Gray. Pale spiked lobelia. Lobelia sf'icata, in part, of House and of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9078, field near Newcomb, July 18, 1922".] 84. COM POSIT AE (Composite Family) Achillea (Vaill.) L. I. Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow. Clearings, roadsides, and camp sites ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. [Ambrosia (Tourn.) L.] [Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Ragweed. Ambrosia elatior var. artemisiifolia of House. Ambrosia elatior, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11343, dooryard weed, Newcomb, September 6, 1925; rare".] Fig. 75. Rose and alder fringe along Deer Creek at Deer Pond. Photo by C. E. Johnson. 336 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin [Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Ragweed. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11403, old meadow near Xew- comb, September 15, 1925".] Anaphalis DC. I. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) B. & H. Pearly everlasting. Clearings, roadsides, and abandoned building sites ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. Antennaria Gaertn. 1. Antennaria canadensis Greene. Pussy's toes. Lake shores, clearings, and roadsides ; in dry sandy soil ; common. 2. Antennaria neglecta Greene. Pussy's toes. Clearings and burned areas ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. 3. Antennaria neodioica Greene. Pussy's toes. Clearings ; in dry sandy soil ; scarce. [Antennaria occidentalis Greene. Pussy's toes. Collections of H. D. House, "No. 9352, field near Newcomb, June 21, 1923".] 4. Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards. Pussy's toes. Clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. Arctium L. [Arctium lappa L. var. purpurascens (LeGrandj Fern. & Wieg. (See Rhodora 12: 45. 1910.) Great burdock. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 15354. dooryard near Newcoml), August 12, 1927".] I. Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. Burdock. Clearings at the southern end of the Forest ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. [Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. var. corymbosum Wieg. Bur- dock. Arctwm vulgarc of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10470, roadside, Newxomb, August 9, 1924". DifYers from Arctium minus by having corymbose heads.] Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 337 [Artemisia L.j [ Artemisia absinthium L. W'okmwood. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 1 1360, near ruins of old dwelling on Hudson River trail one half mile below bridge, Newcoml), Sep- tember 8, 1925".] Aster (Tourn.) L. 1. Aster acuminatus Alichx. Mountain aster. Rock slides, creek banks and moderately shaded woods ; in moist rich sandy soil ; occasional. [Aster cordifolius L. Blue woods aster. Collection of H. D. House. "No. 107O3, roadside near Newcomb, September 23, 1924: rare".] 2. Aster faxoni Porter. Fa.xon's aster. Aster t^olyfhyllus of Gray. North end of Wolf Pond ; in moist sandy soil ; rare. 3. Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton. Calico a.ster. Clearings and lake shores; in moist sandy soil; occasional. 4. Aster longifolius Lam. Long-leaved aster. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 26953. damp soil along road opposite cemetery west of Newcomb, August 23, 1939". [Aster lucidulus (Gray) Wieg. Aster. Aster puniceus var. lucidulus of Gray and of House. Aster puniceus, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7578. shaded marshy i)laces, Newcomb. September 14, 1920".] 5. Aster macrophyllus L. Large-leaved aster. Old fields, creek banks, and wooded slopes ; in moist rich sandy soil ; common. 6. Aster nemoralis Ait. Bog aster. Collection of H. D. House. "No. 26905, marsh at soutli end of Wolf Pond. August 14, 1939". [Aster novi-belgii L. New York aster. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8425, in moist places, Newcomb, August 3, 1921".] 338 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 7. Aster paniculatus Lam. White field aster. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 216, south shore of Rich Lake; in moist sand, July 29, 1938". [Aster prenanthoides Muhl. Ckooked-.stemmed aster. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 27024. along old road on east side of Lake Sanford, onl)- one plant found. September 6, 1939".] 8. Aster puniceus L. Purple-stemmed aster. Aster puniceus, in part, of B. & B. Roadsides at the southern end of the Forest ; in w et mucky soil ; occasional. Aster puniceus x laevis Beaver dams; in mucky and sandy scjil ; occasional. 9. Aster tradescanti L. Shore of Rich Lake in moist sandy soil; scarce. 10. Aster umbellatus Mill. Flat-topped white aster. DocIIingcria niubcllata of House and of B. & B. Bracken areas, hogs, creek banks, and clearings ; in wet mucky to sandy soil ; common. Bidens L. 1. Bidens cernua L. Stick-tight. Shore of Rich Lake; in wet sand, scarce. 2. Bidens vulgata Greene. Beggar's ticks. Old field near the ranger station ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. Centaurea L. I. Centaurea cyanus L. Cultivated. Bachelor's button. Yard of the Arbutus Camp: in moist sandy soil. [Centaurea nigra L. var. radiata DC. Knapweed. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10733, weed in cultivated field, Newcomb; September 22, 1924".] Chrysanthemum (Tourn.) L. I. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. var. pinnatifidum Lecoq. & Lamotte. Daisy. ClirYsaiithriiiiiiii leucanthemum, in part, of B. & B. Clearings, and roadsides ; in moist sandy soil ; common. JJ'ildlijc of the Hun tin;/ foil Wildlife Station 339 Cichorium (Touni.) L. I. Cichorium intybus L. Chicory. Hi.ue sailors. Clearings near the state liighway ; in well-drained sand\- soil ; rare. Cirsium (Tourn.) Mill. 1. Cirsium arvense (L) Scop. Can.ada thistle. Roadsides and clearing'.> ; in moist sandy soil; common. 2. Cirsium lanceolatum ( L. ) Hill. Bull thistle. Roadside cut near the ranger station; in moist sandy soil; rare. 3. Cirsium muticum Michx. Swamp thistle. Collection of E. L. Stone, "No. 169, clearing near the ranger station; in well-drained sandy soil, July 14, 1938; occasional". Erechtites Raf. I Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Fireweed. Rock slide on Panther Mountain ; in moist organic soil ; rare. Erigeron L. 1 Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Daisy fleabane. Clearings and recently disturbed areas ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. 2 Erigeron canadensis L. Horseweed. Lcf>tilon caiiadcnsc of House and of B. & B. Clearings at the southern end of the Forest ; in well-drained .sandy soil ; common. 3. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Fleabane. Clearings, roadsides, and burned areas; in .sandy soil; occasional. 4. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) BSP. Daisy fleabane. Clearings near the state highway ; in sandy soil ; occasional. Eupatorium (Tourn.) L. I Eupatorium maculatum L. Joe-pye weed. Eupatorium piirpurcuiii var. macidatiiin of Gray. Open creek banks and margins of swamps ; in wet mucky soil ; common. 340 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin 2. Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Boneset. Margin of Lodo J'ond; in wet mucky soil; scarce. 3. Eupatorium urticaefolium Reich. White snakeroot. Shaded woodlands in moist organic soil ; rare. Gaillardia Foug. I Gaillardia pulchella Foug. Cultivated. Showy gaillardia. Yard of the Arhutus Camp ; in moist sandy soil ; not spreading. Gnaphalium L. [Gnaphalium decurrens Ives. Everlasting. Gnaphalium macounii of House. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 11359. moist field near Xewconib, September 8, 1925".] I. Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Low cudweed. Clearing near the ranger station ; in gravelly soil ; scarce. Heliopsis Pers. I Heliopsis scabra Dunal. Rough ox-eye. Clearing near the ranger station in dry sandy soil ; scarce. Hieracium (Tourn.) L. 1. Hieracium aurantiacum L. Orange hawkweed. Devil's paint-brush. Roadsides, and clearings ; in sandv soil, common. 2. Hieracium canadense Michx. Canada hawkweed. Arbutus Camp: in moist sandy soil; rare. 3. Hieracium floribundum Wimm. & Grab. Hawkweed. Bracken areas, roadsides, and clearings ; in sandy soil ; common. 4. Hieracium pratense Tausch. King devil. Roadside near the cemetery ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. 5. Hieracium scabrum Alichx. Hawkweed. Old field on the north side of Rich Lake ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. For Hieracium florentinum A!!, and Hieracium murorum L. see Addenda p. 368. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 341 Inula L. I. Inula helenium L. Elecampane. Clearing near Xewcuiub ; in dry sandy soil ; rare. Lactuca (Tourn.) L. [Lactuca canadensis L. Wild lettuce. Lactuca canadensis, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 9084, thickets near Newcomb, July 18, 1922".] [Lactuca canadensis L. var. integrifolia (Bigel.) Gray. Lactuca canadensis, in part, of B. & B. Lactuca ca>uidc>isis var. montana of House. Lactuca intcyrifolia of Gray. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10696, open woods, Newcomb, September 20, 1924". Dififers from the species by having unlobed leaves.] I. Lactuca spicata (Lam.) Hitchc. Blue lettuce. Along the state highway ; in moist sandy soil ; occasional. [Petasites (Tourn.) Mill.] [Petasites palmatus (Ait.) Gray. Sweet coltsfoot. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8054, marsh near Newcomb, June 10, 1921".] Prenanthes (\'aill.) L. I. Prenanthes altissima L. Rattlesnake root. Xabalus altissinius of House and of B. & B. Woodlands at lower elevations ; in moist organic layer ; occasional. Rudbeckia L. 1. Rudbeckia hirta L. Black-eyed susan. Nigger-head. Recently disturbed areas and clearings ; in sandy soil ; occasional. 2. Rudbeckia laciniata L. Cultivated. Cone-flower. Yard of the ranger station ; in moist sandy soil ; not spreading. Senecio (Tourn.) L. [Senecio aureus L. Golden ragwort. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7293, marsh near Newcomb, July 15-30, 1920"] 342 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin [Senecio aureus x robbinsii] [Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8013, marsh near Xewcomb, June 8, 1921".] I. Senecio robbinsii Oakes. Goldex ragwort. Clearings, burned areas, and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. Solidago L. [Solidago altissima L. Goldenrod. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7534, Newcomb, September 6, 1920".] 1. Solidago arguta Ait. Cut-leaved goldenrod. Clearings ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. 2. Solidago canadensis L. Canada goldenrod. Clearings, and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; common. 3. Solidago caesia L. Woods goldenrod. Moderately closed wooded slopes ; in moist rich sandy soil ; occa- sional. 4. Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. Flat-topped goldenrod. Euthamia graminifolia of B. & B. Clearings ; beaver dams, and margins of swamps, lakes, and bogs ; in moist sandy soil ; common. 5. Solidago humilis Pursh. Bog goldenrod. Solidago uliginosa of Gray and of B. & B. Bogs ; in wet sphagnum, common. [Solidago juncea Ait. Early goldenrod. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7241, moist open hillside. New- comb, July 15-30, 1920".] 6. Solidago latifolia L. Zigzag goldenrod. Solidago Hcxicaulis of House and of B. & B. Woodlands ; in moist rich sandv soil ; occasional. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 343 [Solidago macrophylla Pursh. Large-leaved goldenkod. Exposed summit of Santanoni Peak ; in organic soil ; not found on the Forest.] 7. Solidago nemoralis Ait. Dwarf goldenrod. Clearings and roadsides ; in well-drained sandy soil ; occasional. [Solidago puberula Nutt. Downy goldenrod. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 18077, sandy field near Tahawas, August 28, 1930".] [Solidago randii (Porter) Britton. Rand's goldenrod. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 10690, Long Lake, September 19, 1924".] 8. Solidago rugosa Mill. Hairy goldenrod. Beaver dams, clearings, roadsides, and burned areas ; in moist sandy to mucky soil ; common. 9. Solidago serotina Ait. Late goldenrod. Solidago serotina, in part, of B. & B. Clearings and roadsides near the southern end of the Forest ; in sandy soil ; common. [Solidago serotina Ait. var. gigantea (Ait.) Gray. Solidago serotina, in part, of B. & B. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 8423, dry soil, Newcomb, August I, 1921".] [Solidago squarrosa Muhl. Ragged goldenrod. Collection of H. D. House, "No. 7547, dry hillside near Newcomb, September 8, 1920".] Tagetes L. I. Tagetes signata Bartl. Cultivated. Marigold. Yard at the Arbutus Camp; in moist sandy soil ; persistent, but not spreading. Tanacetum L. I. Tanacetum vulgare L. Tansy. Old field near the state highway ; in well-drained sandy soil ; rare. Persistent after cultivation, but not spreading. 344 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Taraxacum (Haller) Ludwig I. Taraxacum officinale Weber. Dandelion. Leontodon taraxacum of House and of B. & B. Burned areas, clearings, roadsides, and recently disturbed areas; in moist sandy soil ; common. Tragopogon (Tourn.) L. I. Tragopogon pratensis L. Goat's beard. Clearings and roadsides at the southern end of the Forest ; in well-drained sandy soil ; scarce. Zinnia L. I. Zinnia elegans Jacq. Cultivated. Zinnia. Yard of the Arbutus Camp ; in moist sandy soil ; not spreading. Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 345 LITERATURE CITED Balk, Robert 1932. Geology of the Newcomb Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bull, 290. 106 pp. Bl.\ke, S. F. 1917. The Varieties of Chimaphila umbcllata. Rhodora 19: 2,^7-^45. 1918. Notes on the Clayton Herbarium. Rhodora 20: 20-28. Briquet, John 1935. International Rules of Botanical Xonienclature. Gustav Fischer. Jena. 151 pp. Britton. Nathaniel Lord, and Addison Brown 1913. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States. Canada and British Possessions, ed. 2. Charles Scribner"s Sons, New York. 3v. 2252 pp. Broun, Maurice 1938. Index to North American Ferns. Published by the compiler, Orleans, Mass. 217 pp. Butters, F. K., and E. C. Abbe 1940. American Varieties of Rorippa islandica. Rhodora 42 : 25-32. Cushing, H. p. 1907. Geology of the Long Lake Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 115. 80 pp. Diels, Ludwig 1936. A. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 11. Gebriider Born- traeger, Berlin. 419 pp. Fenneman, N. M. 1938. Physiography of Eastern United States. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.. New York. 714 pp. Fernald, M. L. 1914. The Glabrous-leaved Sweet Gale. Rhodora 16:167. 1917. A New V'itis from New England. Rhodora 19: 144-147. 1 92 1. The Gray Herbarium Expedition to Nova Scotia, 1920. Rhodora 23: 130-152. 1923. The American Variety of Sclieuchacria palustris. Rhodora 25:177-179. 1925. The American Representatives of Loniccra cacrulca. Rhodora 27 : i-i I. 1925a. The Identity of Eriophoruin callitrix. Rhodora 27:203-210. 1928. The Eastern American Variety of Polystichuin Braunii. Rhodora 30 : 28-30. 1929. A study of Thelypteris palustris. Rhodora 31 : 27-36. IQ32. The Linear-leaved North American Species of Potamogeton, Section Axillares. Memoirs of the Amer. Acad, of Arts and Sciences 17: 183 pp. 1936. Plants from the Coastal Plain of Virginia. Rhodora 38:414-452. Fernald, M. L. and Ludlow Griscom 1935- Three Days of Botanizing in Southeastern Virginia. Rhodora 37: 167-189. Fernald, M. L., and K. M. Wiegand 1910. A Synopsis of the Species of Arctium in North America. Rhodora 12 : 43-47. Heieerg, S. O. 1937- Nomenclature of Forest Humus Layers. Jour. For. 35 : 36-39. 346 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Heimburger, Carl C. 1934. Forest-type Studies in the Adirondack Region. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Memoir 165. 122 pp. Hermann, Frederick J. 1938. New or Otherwise Interesting Plants from Indiana. Rhodora 40 : 77-86. Hitchcock, A. S. 1935. Manual of the Grasses of the United States. U. S. Dept. Agric. Misc. Pub. 200. 1040 pp. House, H. D. 1924. Annotated List of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of New York State. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 254. 759 pp. Johnson, C. E., and W. A. Dence 1937- Wildlife of the Archer and Anna Huntington Wildlife Forest Station. Roosevelt Wildlife Bull. 6 : 557-609. Kellogg, C. E. 1936. Development and Significance of the Great Soil Groups of the United States. U. S. Dept. Agric. Misc. Pub. 229. 40 pp. Mackenzie, Kenneth Kent 1931. Caricaceae. In North American Flora. N. Y. Botanical Garden 18: 1-168. 1935. Caricaceae. In North .American Flora. N. Y. Botanical Garden 18: 169-478. Miller, William J. 1914. The Geological History of New York State. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 168. 130 pp. 1917. Geology of the Blue Mountain, New York, Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 192. 68 pp. MORDOFF, R. A. 1934. The Climate of New York State. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 444a. 99 pp. Raunkiaer, C. 1934. The Life Forms of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography. Oxford University Press. London. 632 pp. Robinson, B. L., and M. L. Fernald 1908. Gray's New Manual of Botany, ed. 7. American Book Company. 926 pp. Sargent, C. S. 1905. Recently Recognized Species of Crataegus in Eastern Canada and New England, — VI. Rhodora 7: 192-219. SVENSON, H. K. 1939- Monographic Studies in the Genus Eleocharis — Y. Brooklj'n Botanical Garden Contributions 85. no pp. 1939a. Oucrciis rubra once more. Rhodora 41 1521-524. Wiegand, K. M. 1925. Oxalis corniculata and its Relatives in North America. Rhodora 27: 1 13-124, 133-139- Wiegand, K. M., and Arthur J. Eames 1925. The Flora of the Cayuga Lake Basin, New York. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Memoir 92. 491 pp. Wildlife of the Huntington JJ'ihilifc Station 347 INDEX OF THE LATIN A Abies, 255 balsamea, 255 Acer, 311 pensylvanicum, 311 rubrum, 3 1 1 saccharinum, 311 saccharum, 311 spicatum, 311 acerace;ae, 311 Achillea, 334 millefolium, 334 Acorns, 276 calamus, 276 Actaea, 294 alba, 294 rubra, 294 Adder's jMouth, Green, 285 White, 285 Adder's Tongue Family, 247 Yellow, 279 Adiantum, 248 pedatum, 248 Agastache, 326 aiietliiodora, 326 foeniculum, 326 Agrimonia, 301 gryposepala, 301 striata, 301 Agrimony, 301 Agropyron, 259 canimim, 259 pauciflorum, 259 repens, 259 subsecundum, 259 toicruiii, 259 Agrostemma, 292 githago, 292 Agrostis, 260 alba, 260 aiha var. viaritima, 260 alba var. viitc/arts, 260 borealis, 260 hiemalis, 260 iiiaritima, 260 palustris, 260 perennans, 260 tenuis, 260 tenuis var. aristata, 260 Aira flexuosa, 261 Alder, Black, 311 Speckled, 288 ALISMATACEAE, 259 Alnus, 288 incana, 288 Alsine aquatica, 293 borealis, 293 graminea, 293 media, 293 AND VERNACULAR NAMES Alyssum, Sweet, 298 Amaranth Family, 292 Green, 292 AMARAXTHACEAE, 292 Amaranthus, 292 retroflexus, 292 AMARYLLIDACEAE, 282 Ambrosia, 334 artemisiifolia, 334 elatior, 334 etatior var. artemisiifolia, 334 psilostachya, 336 Amelanchier, 302 bartramiana, 302 canadensis, 302 laevis, 302 oligocarpa, 302 ANAC.\RDIACEAE, 310 Anaplialis, 336 margaritacea, 336 Andromeda, 320 glaucophylla, 320 polifolia, 320 Anemone, 294 virginiana, 294 Anemone, Tall, 294 Angelica, 317 atropurpurea, 317 Angelica, 317 Angiospermae, 256 Antennaria. 336 canadensis, 336 neglecta. 336 neodioca, 336 occidentalis, 336 plantaginifolia, 336 Antho.xantlium, 2(10 odoratum, 260 Aphvlloii uiiifloriiin. 330 APOCYXACEAE, 325 Apocynum, 325 androsaemifolium, 325 Apple, Common, 303 AQUIFOLIACEAE, 311 Aquilegia, 295 vulgaris, 295 Arabis, 297 glabra, 297 ARACEAE, 276 Aralia, 317 hispida, 317 nudicaulis, 317 racemosa, 317 ARALIACEAE, 317 Arbor Vitae, 256 Arbutus, Trailing, 320 Arceuthobium, 290 pusillum, 290 348 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Arctium, 336 lappa var. purpurascens, 336 minus, 336 minus var. corymbosum, 336 vulgare, 336 Arethusa, 282 bulbosa, 282 Arethusa, 282 Arisaema, 277 stezvardsonii, 277 triphyllum, 277 triphyllum var. stewardsoiiii. 277 Aronia, 302 melanocarpa. 302 Arrowhead, Broad-leaved, 259 Arrow grass Family, 258 Arrow-wood, 333 Artemisia, 337 absinthium, 337 .'Vrlim Family, 276 Water, 277 ASCLEPIADACEAE, 325 Asclepias, 325 incarnata, 325 syriaca, 325 Ash, Black, 324 Mountain, 307 Northern Mountain, 307 White, 324 Asparagus, 279 officinalis, 279 .\sPARAGus, Garden, 279 Aspen, Large-Toothed, 286 Quaking, 286 Trembling, 286 Aspidiutn boottii, 252 cristatum, 2^2 cristatum var. cUntoniana, 2~,2 jragrans, 252 goldianum, 2^2 marginalc , 253 noveboraccnsc . 253 spinulosnm, 253 spinulosnm var. dilatatuin forma anadenium, 252 spinulosnm var. intermedium. 253 thelypteris. 253 Asplenium acrostichoides, 251 augustijolium. 251 filix-fi'iuina. 248 pycnocarpon. 251 Aster, 337 acuminatus. 337 cordifolius, 337 faxoni, 337 lateriflorus, 337 longifolius, 337 lucidulus. 337 macrophyllus, 337 memoralis. 337 novi-belgii, 337 paniculatus, 338 polyphyllus, 337 Aster — Continued prenanthoides, 338 puniceus, 337, 338 puniceus, 338 puniceus x laevis, 338 puniceus var. lucidulus, 3^ tradescanti, 338 umbellatus, 338 Aster, 337 Bog, 337 Blue Woods, 337 Calico, 337 Crooked-stem MKD, 338 Faxon's, 337 Flat-topped White. 338 Larce-leavfd, 337 Long-leaved, 337 Mountain, 337 New York, 337 Purple-stemmed. 338 White Field, 338 Athyrium, 248 acrostichoides, 251 augustifolium, 251 angustum, 248 angustum var. rubellum, fili.r-foeviina. 248 pycnocarpon. 251 thelyptcroides. 251 Arena torreyi, 266 AvENS, Purple. 303 Water, 303 Yellow. 303 Awl wort, 299 B Bachelor's Button. 338 Balsam Fir. 25s BALSAMINACEAE, 312 Baneberry. Red, 294 White. 294 Barbarea, 297 barharca. 297 verna. 297 vulgaris. 297 Barberry Family, 296 Barley. 263 Basil. 328 Basswood. 313 Bay Bush. 287 Beaked Hazelnut, 288 Bedstraw. 331 M.\rsh. 331. 333 Northern. 331 Rough, 331 Small, 331 Sweet-scented. 331 Bee Balm. 327 Beech, 289 Family. 289 Beechdrops. 329 Beggar's Ticks. 338 Begonia. 315 semperflorens, 315 Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station BegoiNia, 315 Family, 315 BEGONIACEAE, 315 Bell-flower, 334 Marsh, 334 Bellwort, Sessile-leaved, 281 Bent, Autumn, 260 Colonial, 260 BERBERIDACEAE, 296 Bergamot, Wild, 327 Betula, 288 alba var. minor. 288 alba var. papvrifcra, 288 lutea, 288 papyrifera, 288 papyrifera var. minor, 288 BETULACEAE, 288 Bicitciitla caiiadoisis, 297 citcnllaria, 297 Bidens, 338 cernua, 338 vulgata, 338 Bilberry, Bog, 323 Bindweed, Black, 291 Fringed Black, 290 Low, 325 Birch, Canoe, 288 Family, 288 Paper. 288 White, 288 Yellow, 288 Birthroot, 281 Bishop's Cap. Naked, 300 Bittersweet, Climbing, 311 Blackberry, 306, 307 Common, 306 Swamp, 307 Black-eyed Susan, 341 Black Haw, 333 Bladderwort Family. 330 Flat-leaved, 330 Great, 330 Horned, 330 Humped, 330 Purple, 330 Reclined, 330 Bleeding Heart, 297 Blepharigloftis blcphariglottis, 283 grandiflora, 284 psycodcs. 284 Bluebell Family, 333 Blueberry, Early, 323 Low, 323 Velvet-leaf, 323 Bluejoint, 261 Blue Sailors, 339 Bluets, 331 Bog Bilberry, 323 Bog Rosemary, 320 Boneset, 340 Borrage Family. 326 BORRAGINACEAE, 326 Botrychiuni, 247 dissectum, 247 dissectum var. obliquuni, 247 matricariaefolium, 247 multifidum var. silaifolium, 247 iieglectum, 247 obliquuni, 247 obliqunm var. dissectum, 24J raiiwsum, lA,"] silailotium, 247 simplex, 247 tcrnatum var. intermedium , 247 virginianum, 247 Brachyelytrum, 260 erectum, 260 Bracken, Eastern, 254 Brake, Common, 254 Brasenia, 293 schreberi, 293 Brassica, 298 arvensis, 298 campestris, 298 rapa, 298 Bristlegrass, Yellow, 266 Brome, Fringed, 261 Bromelica striata, 266 Bromus, 261 altissiiuus, 261 ciliatus, 261 latiglumis, 261 purgans, 261 Brooklime, American, 329 Broom Rape Family, 329 BucKBEAN, 325 Buckwheat, 290 Family, 290 Buckthorn Family, 312 Swamp, 312 Bugle W^eed, 327 Bulrush, 276 Dark Green, 275 Peck's, 276 Bunchberry, 318 Burdock, 336 Great, 336 Burnet, Canadian, 307 Bur-reed Family, 257 Floating, 257 Marrow-leaved, 257 Nuttall's, 257 Small, 368 Stemless, 257 Bursa bursa-pastoris, 298 Butter-and-eggs, 329 Buttercup, Bristly, 296 Creeping, 2-6 Hooked, 296 Small-flowered, 295 Swamp. 296 Tall Field. 296 Butternut, 288 Buttonbush, 331 350 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin C Calamagrostis, 261 canadensis, 261 pickeringii, 261 Calla, 277 palustris, 277 Calla, Wild, 277 CALLITRICHACEAE, 310 Callitriche, 310 palustris, 310 Calopogon, 282 pulchellus, 282 Calopogon, 282 Caltha, 295 palustris, 295 Campanula, 333 aparinoides, 333 rapunculoides, 334 rotundifolia, 334 uliginosa, 334 CAMPANULACEAE, 333 Campanulatae, 333 Campe barbarca, 297 verna, 297 Campion, Bladder, 293 White, 292 Cancer-root, 330 Capnoides sempervirens, 297 Capnorchis canadensis, 297 CHCullaria, 297 CAPRIFOLIACEAE, 332 Capsella, 298 bursa-pastoris, 298 Caraway, 317 Cardamine, 298 pensylvanica, 298 Cardinal Flower, 334 Carex, 266 abacta, 271 aenea, 266 albicans, 271 anceps. 270 angustior, 267 annectens, 267 aquatilis, 272 arctata, 267 aurea, 267 baileyi, 267 bebbii, 267 brunnescens, 267 buxbaumii, 267 canescens, 267 cancsccns var. subluliacca, 267 castanea, 267 castanea var. kneiskernii, 268 cephalantha, 268 chlorophila, 268 communis. 268 comosa, 268 convoluta, 268 crawfordii, 268 crinita var. gynandra, 269 Carex — Continued cryptolepis, 268 debilis var. inter jecta, 2(yg debilis var. rudgei, 269 deflexa, 268 deweyana, 269 diandra, 269 disperma, 269 exilis, 269 filiformis, 270 flava, 269 flaz'a var. rectirostra, 268 flexuosa, 269 folliculata, 269 gracillima, 269 gynandra, 269 haydenii, 269 houghtonii, 269 hystricina, 270 interior, 270 intumescens, 270 irregidaris, 268 kneiskernii, 268 lacustris, 270 lasiocarpa, 270 laxiflora, 270 laxiflora var. leptonervia, 270 laxiflora var. patulifolia, 270 laxiflora var. virions, 270 leersii, 267, 268 lenticularis, 270 lepidocarpa, 268 leptalea, 270 leptonervia. 270 limosa, 270 lurida, 271 lurida var. gracilis, 267 michauxiana, 271 vionile, 273 tnuricata, 268 novae-angliae. 271 oederi. 268, 273 ocdcri var. pttmila, 268, 273 oligosperma. 271 pallescens, 271 pauciflora. 271 paupercula. 271 peckii. 271 pedunculata, 271 plantaginea, 271 polygama, 267 pro jecta. 271 pseudo-cyperus. 271 retrorsa, 272 riparia. 270 riparia var. lacustris, 270 rosea. 268 rostrata, 272 rugosperma. 272 scabrata. 272 scirpoides. 270 scoparia, 272 setacea var. ainbigua, 267 Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station 351 Carex — Continued stcllulata var. angustata, 267 sicllitlata var. cct>halantha, 268 stipata, 272 straminca, 2/2 straiiiinea var. echinodcs, 272 stricta, 272 stricta var. angustata, 272 stricta var. curtissima, 272 stricta var. decora, 269 strictior, 272 substricta, 272 tcnclla, 269 tenera, 272 tencra var. ccliiiwdcs, 272 tenui flora, 273 tribuloides var. rcditcta, 271 trisperma, 273 umbcllata, 272 vesicaria, 273 vesicaria var. distcnta, 273 vesicaria var. jejuna, 273 vesicaria var. monilc, 273 viridula, 273 viilpinoidea, 273 Carnation, 292 C.\RRiON Flower, 281 Carum, 317 carvi, 317 CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 292 Cashew Family, 310 Castalia odorata, 293 Catch FLY, Night-Flowering, 368 Cathea pulcliella, 282 Catnip, 327 Cattail, Broad-leaved, 256 Family, 256 Caulophyllum, 296 thalictroides, 296 Cedar, White, 256 CELASTRACEAE, 311 Celastrus, 311 scandens, 311 Centaurea, 338 cyanus, 338 nigra var. radiata, 338 Centrospermae, 291 Cephalanthus, 331 occidentalis, 331 Cerastium, 292 vulgatum, 292 Chaetochloa glauca, 266 lutescens, 266 viridis. 266 Chamaedaphne, 320 calyculata, 320 Chamaenerion angustijolinm, 316 Chamaepericlymenutn canadense, 318 Charlock, 298 Jointed, 299 Clieirinta cheiranthoides, 298 Chelone, 328 glabra, 328 CHENOPODIACEAE, 291 Chenopodium, 291 album, 291 Cherry, Black, 305 Choke, 305 Fire, 304 Ground, 328 Pin, 304 Winter, 328 Chickweed, Common, 293 Mouse-ear, 292 Water, 293 Chicory, 339 Chimapliila, 319 iiinbcllata, 319 umbellata var. cisatlantica, 319 Chinese Lantern-plant, 328 Chiogenes, 320 hispidula, 320 Chokeberry, Black, 302 Christmas-green, Trailing, 246 Chrysanthemum, 338 leucantlicnium, 338 leucanthenium var. pinnatifidum, 338 Chrysosplenium, 300 americanum, 300 Cicely, Hairy Sweet, 318 Cichorium, 339 intybus, 339 Cicuta, 317 bulbifera, 317 Cinna, 261 latifolia, 261 CiNQUEFOiL, Marsh, 304 Rough, 304 Shrubby, 304 Silvery, 303 Three-toothed, 304 Yellow, 304 Circaea, 316 alpina, 316 Cirsium, 339 arvense, 339 lanceolatum, 339 muticum, 339 Cladiuin mariscoides, 275 Claytonia, 292 caroliniana, 292 Clematis, 295 virginiana, 295 Clematis, White, 295 Clinopodium vnlgare, 328 Clintonia, 279 borealis, 279 Clintonia, Yellow, 279 Clover, Alsike, 308 Black, 308 Creeping White, 308 Hop, 308 Red, 308 White Sweet, 308 Yellow, 308 Yellow Sweet, 308 352 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Club-moss, Bog, 246 Bristly, 245 Common, 245 Family, 245 Marsh, 246 Shining, 246 Stiff, 245 Cockle, Corn, 292 Coeloylossum bracteatum, 283 Cohosh, Blue, 296 Red, 294 White, 294 Coltsfoot, Sweet, 341 CoLi-MBiNE, Garden, 295 Comarum palustre, 304 Comfrey, 326 COMPOSITAE, 334 Composite Family, 334 Cone-flower, 341 Conifer Family, 255 Coniferales, 255 Contortae, 324 CONVOLVULACEAE, 325 Convolvulus, 325 spithamaeus, 325 Coptis, 295 trifolia, 295 CoRALROOT, Large, 282 Small. 282 Corallorrhiza, 282 corallorrhiza, 283 maculata. 282 trifida, 283 Corn, 369 CORNACEAE, 318 Corn Cockle, 292 Cornus. 318 alternifolia, 318 canadensis, 318 stolonifera, 319 Cow- HERB, 293 Cowslip. 295 Corydalis, 297 sempervirens. 297 Corydalis. Pale, 297 Corylus. 288 cornuta. 288 r OS t rat a. 288 Cranberry. Highbush, 333 Large. 323 Small. 323 Tree. 333 CRASSULACEAE. 300 Crataegus. 302 albicans. 302 brmnerdii. 302 brainerdii var. egglestonii, 302 coccinea, 302 levis. 302 macrosperma. 302 macrosperma var. matura. 302 pedicellata var. albicans. 302 sp., 302 Cress, Early Winter, 297 Bitter, 298 Marsh Water, 299 Winter, 297 Yellow Water, 299 Crinkleroot, 298 Crowberry. Black, 310 Family, 310 Crowfoot Family, 294 CRUCIFERAE, 297 Cucumber-root. Indian, 280 Cudweed, Low, 340 Currant, Fetid, 301 Skunk, 301 Swamp-black. 301 Wild Red, 301 CVPERACEAE, 266 Cyperus, 273 dentatus, 273 rivularis, 273 Cyperus. Shining, 273 Toothed, 273 Cypripedium. 283 acaule. 283 hirsutinn, 283 reginae. 283 Cystopteris, 251 bulbifera, 251 fragilis, 251 fragilis var. mackayii, 251 D Dactylis, 261 glomerata. 261 Daffodil, 282 Daisy, 338 Dalibarda. 303 repens, 303 Dandelion. 344 Danthonia. 261 spicata. 261 Dasiphora fruticosa, 304 Dasystephaiia linearis, 324 Delphinium. 295 elatum, 295 Delphinium. Cultivated. 295 Dennstaedtia. 251 punctilobula, 251 Dentaria. 298 diphylla. 298 Deschampsia. 261 flexuosa. 261 Devil's Paint Brush. 340 Dianthus. 292 barbatus. 292 caryophyllus. 292 Dicentra. 297 canadensis, 297 cucullaria. 297 spectabilis. 297 Dicksonia punctilobula, 251 Dicotyledoneae, 286 Wildlife oj the Huntington Wildlife Station Diervilla, 332 diervilla, 332 lonicera, 332 Dilepyrum crectum. 260 Uiplazium, 251 pycnocarpon, 251 thelypteroides, 251 Dirca, 315 palustris, 315 Dock, Bitter, 291 Broad-licavei), 291 Curled, 291 Yellow. 291 Doellingcria umbcllata. 33S Dogbane Family, 325 Spreading, 325 Dogberry, 279 Dogwood, Alternate-leaved, 318 Dwarf, 318 Family, 318 Dracon's-mouth, 282 Drosera, 300 intermedia, 300 longifolia, 300 rotundifolia. 300 DROSERACEAE, 300 Dryopteris, 252 boottii, 252 campyloptera, 252 clintoniana, 252 cristata, 252 cristata x intermedia, 252 dryopteris, 253 fragrans, 252 goldiana. 252 intermedia, 253 marginalis, 253 noveboracensis, 253 phegopteris, 254 spinulosa, 253 thelypteris, 253 thelypteris var. pubescens, 253 Dulichium, 273 arundinaceum, 273 Dulichium, 273 Dutchman's Breeches, 297 E Echinochloa, 261 crusgalli, 261 Elder, Common, 332 Red-berried, 333 Elecampane, 341 Eleocharis, 273 acicularis, 273 annua, 274 capitata. 273 elliptica, 273 olivacea, 274 obtusa. 274 ovata, 274 palustris, 274 Eleocharis — Continued robbinsii, 274 smallii, 274 tenuis. 273 Elm, American, 289 Family, 289 White, 289 Elodea, 259 occidentalis, 259 Elymus, 262 striatus, 262 villosus, 262 virginicus, 262 EMPETRACEAE, 310 Empetrum, 310 nigrum. 310 Epifagus, 329 virginiana. 329 Epigaea. 320 repens, 320 Epilobium, 316 adenocaulon, 316 angustifolium, 316 densum, 316 glandulosum var, adenocaulon, lineare, 316 palustre, 368 Epipactis, 283 repens var. ophioides, 283 tesselata. 283 EQUISETACEAE, 245 Equisetum, 245 arvense, 245 fluviatile, 245 hyetnale var. affine, 245 hyemale var. robusttiin, 245 limosum, 245 prealtum. 245 rohustum, 245 sylvaticum var. pauciramosum, Erechtites. 339 hieracifolia. 339 ERICACEAE. 320 Ericales, 319 Erigeron, 339 annuus, 339 canadensis, 339 philadelphicus, 339 ramosus, 339 ERIOCAULACEAE, 277 Eriocaulon, 277 arficulatum. 277 septangulare, 277 Eriophorum, 274 alpinum, 276 callitrix, 274 spissum. 274 tenellum. 274 virginicum. 274 viridi-carinatum. 274 Erysimum, 298 cheiranthoides. 298 officinale, 299 354 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Erythronium, 279 anu'ricaiium, 279 Euequisetales, 245 Eufilicales, 248 Eupatorium, 339 maculatuin, 339 pcrfoliatuni, 340 [>urpurcum var. niacnhitum, 339 urticaefoliuni, 340 Euphorbia, 310 cyparissias, 310 EUPHORBIACEAE, 310 Enthamia graminijolia, 342 Evening Primrose, 316 Family, 316 Everlasting, 340 F FAGACEAE, 289 Fagales, 288 Fagopyrum, 290 esculentum, 290 ja(/opyniiii, 290 Fagus, 289 grandifolia, 289 False Lily-of-the-valley, 280 Melic, 266 Solomon's Seal, 280 Spikenard, 280 Farinosae, 277 Fern, Adder's-tongue, 247 American Shield, 253 Beech, 254 Bladder, 251 Brittle, 251 Christmas, 254 Cinnamon, 248 Clinton's Shield, 252 Crested Shield, 252 Eastern Holly-, 254 Family, 248 Fragrant, 252 Glade, 251 Goldie's, 252 Hay- SCENTED, 251 Interrupted, 248 Lady, 248 Maidenhair, 248 Marginal Shield, 253 Marsh Shield, 253 New York, 253 Oak, 253 Ostrich, 254 Rattlesnake, 247 Royal, 248 Sensitive, 253 Spiny-toothed Shield, 253 Spreading Shield, 252 Swamp Shield, 252 Fescue, Meadow, 262 Nodding, 262 Red, 262 Festuca, 262 elatior, 262 nutans, 262 obtusa, 262 rubra, 262 Figwort, 329 Family, 328 Filipendula, 303 ulmaria, 303 Filix bulbifcra, 251 frag His, 251 Fiinbribtylis, 275 autumnalis, 275 frankii, 275 gcminata, 275 Fir, Balsam, 255 Fireweed, 316, 339 Fissipcs acaiilis, 283 Five-fingers, Decumbent, Flag, Blue, 282 Sweet, 276 Flax, Common, 310 Family, 310 Fleabane, 339 Daisy, 339 Floating Heart, 325 Flowering Fern Family, : Foxtail, 266 Green, 266 Fragaria, 303 amcricana, 303 vesca var. americana, 303 virginiana, 303 Fraxinus, 324 americana, 324 nigra, 324 Frog's Bit Family, 259 G Gaillardia, 340 pulchella. 340 Gaillardia, Showy, 340 Galeopsis, 326 tctrahit, 326 tetrahit var. bifida, 326 Galium. 331 asprellum, 331 boreale, 331 claytoni, 331 palustre, 331 trifidum, 331 triflorum, 331 Gaultheria. 320 procumbens. 320 Gaylussacia. 320 baccata. 320 Gentian Family, 324 Xarrow-leaved. 324 Gentiana, 324 linearis, 324 GEXTIANACEAE. 324 GERAXIACEAE. 309 PVildlifc of flic Huntington Wildlife Station Geraniales, 309 Geranium, 309 Family, 309 Geum, 303 rivale, 303 strictuni, 303 GiLL-OVER-THE-GKOUNI), 2i~7 Ginseng, Dwarf, 317 Family, 317 Glccoma hcdcracca, 327 GLUAIIFLORAE, 259 Glyceria, 262 borealis, 262 canadensis, 262 canadensis var. laxa, 262 fernaldii, 263 laxa. 262 nielicaria, 263 ncogaca, 263 ncn'ata, 263 pallida var. fernaldii. 263 striata, 263 torrcyaiia, 263 Gnaphalium, 340 decurrens, 340 inacounii, 340 uliginosuin, 340 Goat's Beard, 344 goldenrod, 342 Bog, 342 Canada, 342 Cut-leaved, 342 Downy, 343 Dwarf, 343 Early. 342 Flat-topped, 342 Hairy. 343 Large-leaved, 343 Late, 343 Ragged, 343 Rand's, 343 Woods, 342 Zigzag, 342 Goldthread, 295 Gooseberry, Eastern Wild, 301 Prickly, 301 GoosEFOOT Family, 291 GRAMINEIAE, 259 Grape Family, 312 New England, 312 \\ ILD, 312 Grapefern, Cut-leaved, 247 Leathery, 247 Little. 247 ^Fatricary. 247 Grass. Alpine Cotton. 276 Annual Blue. 265 Barnyard. 261 Bearded Wheat, 259 Bent. 2f)0 Blue. 265. 266 Blue-eyed, 282 Grass — Continued Brome, 261 Canada Blue, 265 Cotton, 274 Crinkled Hair, 261 Eel Family, 259 Fowl Blue, 265 Fowl Manna, 263 Fringed Brome, 261 Kentucky Blue, 266 Manna, 263 Northern Manna, 262 Northern Wool, 275 Northern Yellew-eyed, 277 Orchard. 261 Poverty Oat, 261 Quack, 259 Rattlesnake Manna, 262 Reed, 261, 265 Reed Canary, 265 Rib, 330 Rice, 264 Rice Cut, 263 Rough Cotton, 274 Satin, 264 Sheathed Cotton, 274 Slender Wheat, 259 Sweet, 263 Sweet Vernal, 260 Thin Leaved Cotton, 274 Tickle, 260 Witch, 264 Wool, 276 Yellow Bristle, 266 Grossularia cynoshati. 301 rotnndijolia , 301 Grol'nd-cedar. 246 Ground Hemlock, 255 (jROUNdnut, 317 Ground-pine, 246 Ground Pink, 326 GUTTIFERAE, 313 Gymnadcniofsis clavcllata, 284 Gymnospermae, 255 H Habenaria. 283 blephariglottis, 283 bracteata, 283 clavellata, 284 dilatata, 284 fimbriata, 284 flava. 284 flava var. virescens, 284 hyperborea, 284 obtusata. 284 orbiculata, 284 psvcodes, 284 HALORRHAGACEAE, 317 Hardhack, 308 Harebell, 334 356 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Hawk WEED, 340 Orange, 340 Canada, 340 Hazelnut, Beaked, 288 Heal-all, 327 Heartweed, 291 Heath Family, 320 Heliopsis, 340 scabra, 340 Hellebore, American White, 281 False, 281 Green, 281 Helobiae, 257 Hemerocallis, 279 flava, 279 fulva, 280 Hemlock, 256 Hieracium, 340 aurantiacum, 340 canadense, 340 florentinum, 368 floribundum. 340 murorum, 368 pratense, 340 scabrum, 340 Hierochloe, 263 odorata, 263 odorata var. fragrans, 263 Hobble Bush, 333 Holly, Deciduous, 311 Family, 311 Mountain, 311 Homalocenchrus oryzoides, 263 Honeysuckle Bush, 332 Family, 332 Fly, 332 Hairy, 332 Mountain Fly. 332 Tartarian, 332 Hop, Common, 289 Hop Hornbeam, 289 Hordeum, 263 vulgare, 263 HoREHOUND, Water, 326 Hornheam, Hop. 289 Horsetail, Common. 245 Family. 245 Water, 245 Wood, 245 Horseweed, 339 Houstonia, 331 caerulea, 331 Huckleberry. Black, 320 Humulus. 289 lupulus. 289 Hydrangea, 300 arborescens. 300 paniculata var. graiidiflora, 300 Hydrangea. 300 Wild. 1,00 HYDROCHARITACEAE, 259 Hydrorotyle, 318 americana, 318 Hypericum, 313 boreale, 313 canadense, 313 ellipticum, 313 mutilum, 313 perforatum, 313 punctatum, 313 I'iri/inicuin , 313 virginicum var. fraseri, 313 I Jhidiutn cermium, 285 romansoffianum, 368 strictum, 368 Ilex, 311 verticillata, 311 Ilysanthes, 328 dubia, 328 Impatiens, 312 bi flora, 312 Indian Pipe. 319 Poke, 281 Tobacco, 334 Turnip. 277 Inula, 341 helenium. 341 I RID ACE AE, 282 Iris, 282 versicolor. 282 Iris Family, 282 Ironwood, 289 Isnardia palustris. 316 ISOETACEAE. 246 Isoetales, 246 Isoetes, 246 braunii. 246 cchinospora var. braunii, 246 tuckermani. 246 Ivy, Ground. 327 Poison, 310 J Jack-in-the-pulpit. 277 Stewardsox's. 277 Jewel WEED. 312 Toe-pye Weed. •^39 jUGLAXDACEAE. 288 Tuglandales. 288 Tuglans. 288 cinerea. 288 Tl'XCACEAE. 278 Jnncoidcs campcstrc . 279 carolinac. 279 intermedium. 279 Juncus. 278 brevicaudatns. 278 bufonins. 278 canadensis, 278 dudleyi, 278 effnsns. 278 efYusus var. pylaei. 278 filiformis, 278 Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station Juncus — Continued greenei, 278 nodosus, 278 pelocarpus, 279 tenuis, 279 JUNEBERRY, 302 K Kalmia, 320 angustifolia, 320 polifolia, 320 King Devil, 368 Knapweed, 338 Kneiffia perennis, 316 pumila. 316 Knotvveed, 290 Koiiiga maritima, 298 L Labiatae. 326 Labrador Tea, 323 Lactuca, 341 canadensis, 341 canadensis var. integrifolia, 341 canadensis var. montana, 341 integrifolia, 341 spicata, 341 Lady's Slipper, Stemless, 283 Showy. 283 Lady's Thumb, 291 Ladies' Tresses, Autumn, 285 Hooded. 368 Lamb's Quarters, 291 Laportea, 289 canadensis, 289 Larch, American, 255 Larix, 255 laricina, 255 Larkspur, 295 Laurel, Boc, 320 Sheep, 320 Leather Leaf, 320 Leatherwood, 315 Lecticula resupinata, 330 Ledum. 323 groenlandicum. 323 Leersia, 26"^ orvzoides. 26^ LEGUMIXOSAE, 308 LENTIBULARIACEAE. 330 Leontodon taraxacum, 344 Leonurus. 326 cardiaca, 326 Lepidium. 298 campestre. 298 Leptamnium virginianuni . 329 Leptilon canadense . 339 Lettuce. Blue, 341 Wild. 341 Lilac, Common, 324 LILL\CEAE, 279 Liliiflorae, 278 Lilium, 368 tigrinum, 368 Lily, Day, 280 Family, 279 Peck's Yellow Pond, 294 Small Yellow Pond, 294 Tiger, 368 Sweet Water, 293 White, 293 Yellow Day, 279 Yellow Pond, 294 Lily-of-the-valley, False, 280 Limnorchis dilatata, 284 liyperborea. 284 Limodorum tuberosum, 282 LINACEAE, 310 Linaria, 329 linaria, 329 vulgaris, 329 Linden, 313 Family, 313 Linnaea, 332 americana, 332 borealis var. americana, 332 Linum, 310 usitatissimum, 310 Liparis, 285 loeselii. 285 Listera, 285 convallarioides, 285 cordata, 285 Live-for-ever, 300 LiraRLEAF WiNTERGREEN, 319 Lobelia, 334 cardinalis, 334 dortmanna, 334 inflata. 334 kalmii, 334 spicata, 334 spicata var. hirtella, 334 Lobelia, Brook. 334 Pale Spikf.d, 334 Water, 334 Lobularia. 298 maritima. 298 Lonicera, 332 caerulea. 332 canadensis, 332 •hirsuta. 332 tatarica, 332 villosa var. tonsa, 332 Loosestrife, Fringed. 324 'S'ellow. 124 T-ORANTHACEAE. 290 I-udwigia. 316 palustris var. americana. 316 Litngwort Golden. 368 Luzula. 279 camfestris var. miilti flora. 279 multiflora. 279 saltuensis, 279 358 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Lychnis, 292 alba, 292 chalcedonica, 292 Lychnis, Scarlet, 292 LYCOPODIACEAE, 245 Lycopodiales, 245 Lycopodium, 245 annotinum, 245 clavatum, 245 complanatuvi, 246 complanatum var. flabcllifonuc, 246 flabelliforme, 246 inundatum, 246 lucidulum, 246 obscurum, 246 obscurum var. dendroideum, 246 tristachyum, 246 Lycopus, 326 americanus, 326 uniflorus, 327 Lysias orbiculata, 284 Lysiella obtnsata, 284 Lysimachia, 323 nunimularia, 323 terrestris, 324 M Madder Family, 331 Maianthemum, 280 canadense, 280 Malaxis monophylla, 285 miifolia, 285 Mallow Family, 313 Musk, 313 Malus, 303 mains. 303 pumila, 303 Malva, 313 moschata, 313 MALVACEAE, 313 Malvales. 313 Maple Family, 311 Mountain. 311 Red, 311 Rock, 311 Silver, 311 Soft, 311 Striped, 311 Sugar, 311 White, 311 Maricold, 343 Marsh, 295 Mariscus, 275 mariscoides, 275 Marsh Bedstraw, 331, 333 Bell-flower, 334 Marigold, 295 Matteuccia strulhioptcris. 254 Mayflower, 320 Meadow Rue, Tall, 296 Meadow Sweet, 307 Medeola, 280 virginiana, 280 Medicago, 308 lupulina, 308 Melic, False, 266 Melica purpurascens, 266 striata, 266 Melilot, White, 308 Yellow, 308 Melilotus, 308 alba, 308 officinalis, 308 Mentha, 327 arvensis var. canadensis, 327 canadensis, 327 Menyanthes, 325 trifoliata, 325 Mezereum Family, 315 Microspermae, 282 Microstylis, 285 monophyllos, 285 unifoHa, 285 Milium, 263 effusum, 263 Milkweed, Common, 325 Family, 325 Swamp, 325 Mimulus, 329 ringens, 329 Mint, 327 Family, 326 Mistletoe, Dwarf, 290 Family, 290 Mitchella, 332 repens. 332 Mitella, 300 nuda. 300 Miter WORT, 300 False, 301 Moccasin Flower, 283 Monarda, 327 didyma, 327 fistulosa, 327 Moneses. 319 uniflora. 319 Moneywort. 323 Monkey Flower. 329 Monocotyledoneae, 256 Monotropa. 319 uniflora. 319 MoosEwoOD. 311 Morning-glory Family. 325 Moss Pink, 326 Motherwort. 326 ^luhlenbergia. 264 foliosa. 264 mexicana. 264 racemosa. 264 sylvatica. 264 umbrnsa. 264 uniflora, 264 MuHLY. 264 Mullein, Common, 329 Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station Mustard Family, 297 Hedge, 299 Tower, 297 Tumble, 299 Spring, 297 Wild, 298 Worm-seed, 298 Myrica, 287 gale, 287, 288 gale var. subglabra, 288 MYRICACEAE, 287 Myricales, 287 Myriophyllum, 317 farwellii, 317 tenellum, 317 Myrtiflorae, 315 Myrtle, Yellow, 323 N Nabalus altissiuius, 341 Naiad Family, 258 Slexder, 258 Naias flexilis, 258 NAJADACEAE, 258 NajaS; 258 flexilis, 258 Nannyberry, 333 Narcissus, 282 iiicomparabilis, 282 pseudo-narcissus, 282 Narcissus Family, 282 Nasturtium, 309 Family, 309 Nemopanthus, 311 mucronata, 311 Nepeta, 327 cataria, 327 hederacea, 327 Nettle, Common, 290 Family, 289 Hemp, 326 Wood, 289 Nigger-head, 341 Nightshade, Blue, 328 Enchanter's, 316 Family, 328 Norta altissima, 299 Nuphar, 294 advena var. variegatum, 294 microphyllum, 294 rubrodiscum, 294 Nymphaea, 293 advena, 294 advena var. variegata, 294 microphylla, 294 odorata, 293 rubrodisca, 294 NYMPHAEACEAE, 293 Nymphoides, 325 lacunosum. 325 Nymphosanthus microphyllus, 294 variegatus, 294 o Oak, Poison, 310 Red, 289 Oakesia scssilifolia, 281 Oakesiclla scssilifolia, 281 Oat, Purple, 266 Oenothera, 316 biennis, 316 muricata, 316 parviflora, 316 perennis, 316 pumila, 316 OENOTHERACEAE, 316 OLEACEAE, 324 Olive Family, 324 Onoclea, 253 sensibilis, 253 struthiopteris, 254 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, 247 Ophioglossales, 247 Ophioglossum, 247 vulgatum, 247 Ophrys coywallar'wides, 285 cordata, 285 Orchid Family, 282 long-bracted, 283 Purple fringed, 284 Round-leaved, 284 Small Green Wood, 284 Small Northern Bog, 284 Small Pale-green, 284 Tall Leafy Green, 284 Tall White Bog, 284 White Fringed, 283 ORCHIDACEAE, 282 OROBANCHACEAE, 329 Orobanche, 330 uni flora, 330 Orpine Family, 300 Oryzopsis, 264 asperifolia, 264 Osier, Red, 319 Osmorhiza, 318 claytoni, 318 Osmunda, 248 cinnamomea, 248 claytoniana, 248 regal is, 248 regalis var. spectabilis, 248 OSMUNDACEAE, 248 Ostrya, 289 virginiana, 289 Oswego Tea, 327 Ox-eye, Rough, 340 OXALIDACEAE, 309 Oxalis, 309 acetosella, 309 corniculata, 309 montana, 309 europaea forma cymosa, 309 europaea forma villicaulis, 309 Oxyeoccus macrocarpus, 323 o.rycoccus, 323 36o Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin P Padus nana, 305 viryiniana, 305 Paeonia, 295 albiflora, 295 Paeony, 295 Panax, 317 trifolium, 317 Paint-brush, Devil's, 340 Pandanales, 256 Panicularia borealis, 262 canadensis, 262 fernaldii. 263 laxa, 262 melicaria, 263 nervata, 263 pallida, 263 torreyana, 263 Panicum, 264 boreale, 264 capillare, 264 huachucae, 264 implicatum, 264 lindhcimeri var. jasciculatiun. 26 \ lindheimeri var. implicatum, 264 philadclphicum, 265 spretum, 265 Panicum, 264, 265 Pansy, 315 PA PAVER ACE A P:. 297 Parietales, 313 Parsley Family, 317 Parsnip, Meadow, 318 Wild, 318 Parthenocissus, 312 quinquefolia, 312 quinquefolia var. hirsuta, 3U' Partridge Berry, 332 Pastinaca, 318 sativa, 318 Pea Family, 308 Pearly Everlasting, 336 Pelargonium, 309 hortorum, 309 Pennywort, Water, 318 Pepper, Water, 291 Peppergrass, Downy, 298 Peramium ophioides, 283 secundum. 283 tesselatum. 283 Periwinkle. 325 Persicaria amphibia, 290 hydropiper, 291 persicaria. 291 Pcrularia flava, 284 Petasites, 341 palmatus, 341 Petunia, 328 axillaris, 328 hybrida, 328 Petunia, Common Garden, 328 White, 328 Phalaris, 265 arundinacea, 265 Phegopteris, 253 dryopteris, 253 I)olypodioides, 254 Philotria angustifolia, 259 occidentalis, 259 Phleum, 265 pratense, 265 Phlox, 326 niaculata, 326 paniculata, 326 subulata, 326 Phlox Family, 326 Garden, 326 Phragmites, 265 communis, 265 phragmites, 265 Physalis, 328 alkekengi, 328 heterophylla, 328 Picea, 255 abies, 255 canadensis, 255 glauca, 255 mariana, 255 rubens, 256 rubra, 256 Pickerel-weed, 278 Family, 278 Pigweed, 291, 292 Pimpernel. False, 328 PIXACEAE. 255 Pine, Northern White. 2-,(t Xorway. 256 Red. 256 Pink Family, 292 Grass, 282 Ground, 326 Moss, 326 Wild, 282 Pinus, 256 resinosa, 256 strobus. 256 Pipes. 245 Pipewort Family, 277 Seven-angled. 277 Pipsissewa. 319 Pirola. 319 asarifolia. 319 elliptica. 319 rotundifolia var. americana, 319 secunda. 320 PIROLACEAE. 319 Pitcher Plant, 299 Family. 299 PLANT.\GIXACEAE. 330 Plantaginales. 330 Plantago. 330 lanceolata, 330 major, 331 Wildlife of the Huntington Wildlife Station Plantain, 331 English, 330 Family, 330 Rattlesnake, 283 Plum, Wild, 304 Poa, 265 alsodes, 265 annua, 265 compressa, 265 dcbilis, 265 languida, 265 palustris, 265 pratensis, 266 saltuensis, 266 triflora, 265 Pogonia, 285 ophioglossoides, 285 PoGONiA, Rose, 285 Poke, Indian, 281 POLEMONIACEAE, 326 POLYGONACEAE, 290 Polygonales, 200 Polygonatuin, 280 biflorum, 280 pubescens, 280 Polygonum, 290 amphibium, 290 aviculare, 290 cilinode, 290 convolvulus, 291 fluitans, 290 hydropiper, 291 persicaria, 291 sagittatum, 291 POLYPODIACEAE, 248 Polypodium, 254 virginianum, 254 vulgare, 254 Polypody, Common, 254 Polystichuni, 254 acrostichoides, 254 hraunii, 254 braunii var. purshii, 254 PoNDWEED, 257, 258 Clasping-leaved, 258 Common Floating, 258 Family, 257 Large-leaved, 257 Nutt all's, 257 RoBBiNS, 258 Small, 258 Spiral, 258 Various-leaved, 368 Pontederia, 278 cordata, 278 PONTEDERIACEAE, 278 Poplar, Balsam, 286 Poppy Family, 297 Populus, 286 balsamifera. 286 grandidentata, 286 tacamahacca, 286 tremuloides, 286 Portulaca, 292 grandiflora, 292 Portulaca, oa.vlen, 292 PORTULACACEAE, 292 Potamogeton, 257 amplifolius, 257 capillaceus, 257 dimorphus, 257 epihydrus, 257 gramineus var. graminifolius, ; heterophyllus, 368 natans, 258 perfoliatus, 258 pusillus var. typicus, 258 robbinsii, 258 spirillus, 258 POTAMOGETONACEAE, 257 Potentilla, 303 argentea, 303 canadensis var. simplex, 304 fruticosa, 304 monspeliensis, 304 norvegica var. hirsuta, 304 palustris, 304 recta, 304 recta var. siilphurea, 304 simplex. 304 tridentata, 304 Prenanthes, 341 altissima, 341 Primrose, 324 Family, 323 Primula, 324 veris, 324 PRIMULACEAE. 323 Primuiales, 323 Prince's Pine, 319 Prunella, 327 vulgaris, 327 Prunus, 304 nigra. 304 pensylvanica, 304 serotina, 305 virginiana, 305 Psedera quinquefolia, 312 quinqucjolia var. hirsuta, 31 J Pteretis, 254 nodulosa, 254 Pteridium, 254 aquilinum, 254 latiusculum, 254 Pteridophyta. 245 Pteris aquilina, 254 Purslane Family, 292 Water, 316 Pussy's Toes, 336 Pyrolla amcricana. 319 Pyrus americana, 307 inelanocarpa. 302 malus, 303 sitchensis, 307 362 Roosevelt IVildlije Bulletin Q QuEEN-OF-THIi-MEAI)0\V, 3O3 Quercus, 289 borcalis var. maxima, 289 rubra, 289 QuiLLWORT, BrAUN'S, 246 Family, 246 Tuckerman's, 246 R Radicula palustris, 2gj Radish, Wild, 299 Ragweed, 334, 336 Ra(;\vort, Golden, 341, 342 Raisin, Wild, 333 Ranales, 293 RANUNCULACEAE, 294 Ranunculus, 295 abortivus, 295 acris, 296 flammida var. filifoniiis, 296 pensylvanicus, 296 recurvatus. 296 repens, 296 reptans, 296 septentrionalis, 296 Raphanus, 299 raplianistrum, 299 Raspberry, Dwarf, 306 Red, 306 Flowering, 307 Rattlesnake Root, 341 Racouiiiofskya piisiUa, 290 Red Osier, 319 Rkdtop, 260 RHAMNACEAE, 312 Rhamnales, 312 Rhamnus, 312 alnifolia, 312 Rheum, 291 rhaponticum, 291 Rhoeadales, 297 Rhubarb, 291 Rhus, 310 hirta, 310 toxicodendron, 310 typhina, 310 Ribes, 301 cynosbati, 301 rilandulosnm, 301 lacustre, 301 prostratum, 301 rotundifolia, 301 triste, 301 triste var. albinervium, 301 Roripa palustris, 299 Rorippa, 299 islandica var. fernaldiana, 299 Rosa, 305 blanda, 305 Carolina, 305 Carolina var. villorsa, 305 Rosa — Continued damascena, 305 Iinmilis, 305 palustris, 305 spinosissima, 305 suffulta, 305 suffulta var. valida, 305 I'in/iniuna, 305 ROSACEAE, 301 Resales, 300 Rose, 305 Damask, 305 Family, 301 Low Pasture, 305 Meadow, 305 Scotch, 305 Swamp, 305 Wild, 305 RUBIACEAE, 331 Rubiales, 331 Rubus, 306 acaulis, 306 allegheniensis, 306 amicalis, 306 canadensis, 306 canadensis var. elegantulus, 306 clcgantulus, 306 glandicaulis, 306 hispidus, 306 hispidus var. major, 306 idacus var. acitlcatissiinus, 306 idaeus var. canadensis. 306 idaeus var. strigosus, 306 junceus, 307 montpelierensis, 307 nigricans, 307 odoratus, 307 pergratus, 307 pubcsccns, 306 setosus, 307 strigosus, 306 strigosus var. canadensis, 306 triflorus, 306 sp. 307 Rudbeckia, 341 hirta, 341 laciniata, 341 Rue. Tall meadow, 296 Rumex. 291 acetosella. 291 elongatus. 291 obtusifolius, 291 Running-pine. 245 Rush, Beak. 275 Blunt Spike. 274 Bright-green Spike, 274 Brownish Beaked. 275 Brown-fruited, 279 Canada, 278 Clustered Beak. 275 Common. 278 Common Wood. 279 Creeping Spike, 274 Wildlife oj flic Huntington JJ' ildlijc Station Rush — Continued Dudley's, 278 Family, 278 Greene's, 278 Hairy Wood, 279 Knotted, 278 Narrow Panicled, 278 Ovoid Spike, 274 Path, 279 Robbin's Spike, 274 Slender Spike, 273 Small's Spike, 274 Soft-, 278 Spike, 273 Tall Scouring, 245 Thread, 278 Toad, 278 Torrey's, 276 Water Bog, 275 Water Club, 276 Rye, Virginia Wild, 262 Wild, 262 Rynchospora, 275 alba, 275 capitellata, 275 fusca, 275 gloiiicrata, 275 s Sagittaria, 259 graminea, 259 lati folia, 259 Sagittaria, Grass-leaved, 259 SALICACEAE, 286 Salicales, 286 Salix, 286 balsamijcra, 287 bebbiana, 286 cordata, 287 cordata x sericea, 287 discolor, 286 discolor var. prinoides, 286 humilis, 286 lucida, 286 liicida var. angustifolia. 2S6 lucida var. intonsa, 287 pedicellaris. 287 petiolaris, 287 pyrifolia, 287 rostrata, 286 sericea, 287 subsericea, 287 Sambucus, 332 canadensis, 332 racemosa, 333 Sanguisorba, 307 canadensis, 307 Sanicle, 318 Sanicula, 318 marilandica, 318 Santalales, 290 Sapindales, 310 Saponaria, 293 vaccaria, 293 Sarracenia, 299 purpurea, 299 SARRACENIACEAE, 299 Sarraceniales, 299 S.\usaparilla, Bristly, 317 Wild, 317 Satureja, 328 vulgaris, 328 Savastitna niisliii, 263 odorata, 263 SAXIFRAGACEAE, 300 Saxifrage Family, 300 Golden, 300 Scheuchzeria, 258 palustris var. aniericana, 258 SCHEUCHZERIACEAE. 258 Schizachne, 266 purpurascens, 266 Scirpus, 275 atrocinctus, 275 atrovirens, 275 atrovirens var. georgianus, 275 cypcrinus, 276 cyperinus var. pelius, 276 (jcoriiianus. 275 liudsonianiis. 276 iiiicrocurlhling. On bark; frequent. Ramalina farinacea ( L. ) Ach. On bark in exposed places; infre- quent. Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. On hardwood bark; infre- quent. Usnea barbata (L.) Wigg. On branches; common. Usnea florida (L.) Web. On branches; common. Usnea plicata (L.) Wigg. On branches; common. CALOPLACACEAE Caloplaca aurantiaca (Lightf.) T. Fries. On exposed rocks; infrequent. Caloplaca elegans (Link) T. Fries. On bark in burned-over area ; common. BUELLIACEAE Buellia badioatra (Floerke) Koerb. On rocks; frequent. Buellia colludens (Nyl.) Arn. On rocks in open places; com- mon. 382 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin Buellia parasema (Ach.j De Xot. On bark; common. Buellia stigmaea Tuck. On exposed rock ; infrequent. Buellia Schaereri De Not. On decorticate wood ; infrequent. Rinodina sophodes (Ach.) ]Mass. On rock; common. PHYSCIACEAE Anaptychia aquila (Ach.) ^lass. On trees; occasional. Anaptychia speciosa (W'ulf.) Mass. On trees; frequent locally. Physcia astroidea (Clem.j Xyl. On exposed rock; uncommon. Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Hampe. On rock and on bark; infre- quent. Physcia endochrysea (Hampe) Xyl. On hardwood bark in woods ; c(jmmon. Physcia pulverulenta ( Schreb. ) X'yl. On bark; frequent. Physcia stellaris (L. ) Xyl. On mossy soil and bark; common. Physcia virella ( Ach. ) Flagey. On bark ; common. Pyxine sorediata (Ach.) E. Fries. On bark; infrequent. REFERENCES Fink, Bruce 1935- The Lichen Flora of the United States. Completed for publication by Joyce Hedrick. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. Michigan. Lowe, Josi.^h L. 1938. The Distribution of Some Lichens in North America. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. 23: 163-169. 1939. The Genus Lecidea in the Adirondack Mountains of Xew York. Lloydia 2 : 225-304. Spiker, C. J. 1933- Some Late Winter and Early Spring Observations on the \Miite-tailed Deer of the Adirondacks. Roosevelt Wildlife Forest E.xp. Sta., Wild- life Bull., Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 327-385- Z.^HLBRUCKNER, A. 1922-1934. Catalogus Lichenum Universalis. \'ols. 1-9. Gebriider Bom- traeger. Leipzig. PART VI. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF FUNGI FROM THE HUNTINGTON FOREST P.y ALEXANDER H. SMITH Associate Curator, I'liizwrsitv oj Micliiyaii Hcrhariiiiii The following" report on the mycological flora of the Huntington Forest is hased on studies conducted hy the writer during August, 1934. The most intensive collecting was done near the Catlin Lake headquarters in the area l)etween Chase Brook and Corner Pond, hut hoth shores of Catlin Lake were carefully surveyed. The shores of Arhutus Lake and the area hetween Long Pond and Arbutus Lake were studied almost as intensively as the area near Corner Pond. Likewise collections were made on trips to Deer Lake, and to the slopes of Catlin and Panther mountains. The weather had been dry most of July and there was not enough l)recipitation dvu^ing August to cause fleshy fungi to fruit in any quantity. Because of the dry weather, agaric collecting was limited to three types of habitat — moist decaying logs, bogs and marshes, and moist areas along streams. The latter were very favorable habitats for Discomycetes. Due to the limited nature of the fungous flora during this period, the following list is to be regarded as strictly preliminary. Collecting was limited to Discomycetes, certain of the Hypocreales, and especially to the Agaricaceae, because of individual interest. The following list of agarics, however, is not at all representative either as to genera or species of the flora of the tract. For this reason all collecting data have been omitted. Certain of the collections cannot be identified until additional material is availaiile as they are scanty and very likely atypical. Most of the fungi in the following list of iiS species are the ones usually encountered during a dry season, but there are several interesting finds, among them lonoimdotiis irregularis and Cord\ceps stylopJwra. Naucoria Myosotis was one of the most outstanding agarics collected. It was abundant in a small boggy area between Arbutus Lake and Long Pond during most of August, although it appears to be very rare in North America. The only good collection of it the writer has made is the one upon which this report is based. Another interesting find was made in the vicinity of Corner Pond. It was a previously undescribed species [383] 384 Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin of Cordyceps and has since been published under the name C. vipcrina Mains in Mycologia 29: 674-677. 1937. The nomenclature followed for the agarics is essentially that of Kaufifman and Peck, for the operculate Discom3xetes that of Seaver, and for the inoperculate Discomycetes that of Rehm. Acknowledgments are due Prof. E. B. Mains for determination of the species of Cordyceps and to Dr. B. B. Kanouse for the Discomycetes. A complete set of the collections has been deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Michigan and a partial dupli- cate set in the Herbarium of the Xew York State College of Forestr\- at Syracuse University. ASCOMYCETES DISCOMYCETES Belonium biatorinum Rehm Catinella nigro-olivacea (L.v. S.) Durand Dasycyphella cassandrae Trans. Helotium albidum (Rob.) Pat. Helotium citrinum (Hedw.) Fr. Helotium triste Sacc. Helvella elastica Bull. Helvella mitra L. Helvella infula Schaeff. Hyaloscypha minutella Boud. lonomidotus irregularis (L.v. S.) Durand Leotia chlorocephala (Scop.) Pers. Leotia lubrica Schw. Mollisia benesauda (Tul.) Phill. Mollisia caespiticia Karst. Mollisia melaleuca (Fr. ) Sacc. Ombrophila umbonata Karst. Orbilia botulispora v. Hob. Patella albida (Schaeflf.) Seaver Patella albocincta (B. & C.) Seaver Patella lusatiae (Cke.) Seaver Patella scutella (L.) Morgan Patella setosa (Xees) Seaver PYRENOMYCETES Cordyceps militaris Link. Cordyceps stylophora Pk. Cordyceps viperina Mains (type collected on Huntington Forest ) BASIDIOMYCETES THELEPHORACEAE Craterellus cornucopioides Fr. IVildlife of the Huiitingfoii JJ'ildlijc Station 385 HYDNACEAE Hydnum caput-ursi Fr. Hydnum coralloides Scop. Boletus felleus Fr. Agaricus echinatus Fr. Amanita flavoconia Atk. Amanita verna (Fr.) Quel. Amanitopsis vaginata var. fulva Sacc. Cantharellus aurantiacus Fr. Cantharellus infundibulifor- mis Fr. Clitocybe cyathiformis f. americana Kauff. Clitocybe ectypoides Pk. Clitocybe piceina Pk. Collybia abundans Pk. Collybia confluens (Fr.) Quel. Collybia dryophila (Fr.) Quel. Collybia exsculpta (Fr.) Gillet Collybia maculata (Fr.) Quel. Collybia palustris (Pk.) Smith Collybia platyphylla (Fr.) Quel. Collybia radicata (Fr.) Quel. Collybia radicata var. furfur- acea Pk. Cortinarius americanus Smith Cortinarius armillatus Fr. Cortinarius delibutus Fr. Cortinarius evernius Fr. Cortinarius cinnamomeus Fr. Cortinarius lacorum Smith Cortinarius montanus Kauff. Crepidotus applanatus (Fr.) Karst. Hydnum laciniatum Leers. Hydnum septentrionale Fr. pictus Pk. Eccilia nivea Pk. Entoloma cuspidatum Pk. Entoloma salmoneum Pk. Galerina sphagnorum (Fr.) Kiihner Hygrophorus Cantharellus Schw. Hygrophorus borealis Pk. Hypholoma hirtosquamulosum Pk. Hypholoma hydrophyllum (Fr.) Quel. Hypholoma sublateritium (Fr.) Quel. Inocybe fastigiata (Fr.) Quel. Inocybe hystrix (Fr.) Karst. Inocybe subochracea Pk. Laccaria laccata (Fr.) Berk. & Br. Lactarius deceptivus Pk. Lactarius deliciosus Fr. Lactarius fuliginosus Fr. Lactarius griseus Pk. Lactarius helvus Fr. Lactarius lignyotus Fr. Lactarius piperatus Fr. Lactarius trivialis Fr. Lactarius uvidus Fr. Lactarius vellerius Fr. Lentinus cochleatus Fr. Lentinus vulpinus Fr. Marasmius foetidus Fr. BOLETACEAE Boletinus AGARICACEAE 386 Roosevelt ll'ildlije Bulletin Mycena haematopoda (Fr.) gu6i. Mycena leaiana (Berk.) Sacc. Mycena pelianthina ( Fr. ) (Juc-l. Mycena radicatella Pk. Naucoria bellula I'k. Naucoria firma Pk. Naucoria Myosotis ( Fr. ) Quel. Naucoria serrulata Murr. Nolanea dysthales (Pk. ) Murr. Omphalia campanella (Fr.j Quel. Omphalia chrysophylla ( Fr. I Gillet Omphalia Gerardiana I'k. Panus stipticus Fr. Pholiota acericola Pk. Pholiota albocrenulata Pk. Pholiota caperata ("lillet Pholiota erinacella Pk. Pholiota flammans (Fr.) Quel. Pholiota intermedia .Smith Pholiota squarrosoides Pk. Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.j Quel. Pluteus admirabilis Pk. Pluteus cervinus (Fr.) Quel. Pluteus chrysophaeus (Fr.) Quel. Pluteus granularis Pk. Pluteus longistriatus Atk. Pluteus tomentosulus Pk. Psilocybe squalidella var. macrospora Pk. Russula bifida (Bull.) Schrot. Russula rubrotincta Burl. Russula variata Bann. & Peck. Stropharia depilata (Fr.) Sacc. Stropharia psathyroides Lange ANNALS Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 2, No. i. January, 1929. I. The Red Squirrel : Its Life History and Habits, with Special Reference to the Adirondacks of New York and the Harvard Forest. R. T. Hatt Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 2, Mo. 2. October, 1929. 1. The Ecology of Trout Streams in Yellowstone Park Richard A. Muttkowski 2. The Food of Trout Stream Insects in Yellowstone Park Richard A. Muttkowski and Gilbert M. Smith Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 2, Nos. 3 and 4 (Double Number). January, 1932. I. Ornithology of the Oneida Lake Region; With Reference to the Late Spring and Summer Seasons Dayton Stoner Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 3, No. i. January, 1932. I. Parasites of Oneida Lake Fishes. Part I. Descriptions of New Genera and New Species H. J. Van Cleave and J. F. Mueller KoosEVKLT Wildlife Axnals, Vol. 3, No. 2. October, 1932. 1. Parasites of Oneida Lake Fishes. Part II. Descriptions of New Species and Some General Taxonomic Considerations, Especially Concern- ing the Trematode Family Heterophyidae Justus F. Mueller and Harley J. Van Cleave 2. Trichodina renicola (Mueller, 1931), a Ciliate Parasite of the Urinary Bladder of Esox niger Justus F. Mueller Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 3, Nos. 3 and 4 (Double Number). July, 1934. I. Parasites of Oneida Lake Fishes. Part 3. A Biological and Ecological Survey of the Worm Parasites. H. J. Van Cleave and Justus F. Mueller Part 4. Additional Notes on Parasites of Oneida Lake Fishes, in- cluding Descriptions of New Species Justus F. Mueller Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 4, No. i. December, 1935. I. Studies on Some of the Small Mammals of Central New York M. T. Townsend Roosevelt Wildlife Annals, Vol. 4, No. 2. May, 1936. I. Studies on the Bank Swallow, Riparia riparia riparia (Linnaeus) Dayton Stoner