'^TrVATTON, HTSTORY, FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS, ETC., OF THE VARIOUS GROUPS OF ROSES, WITH ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VARIETIES NOW GENERALLY GROWN. BY H. B. ELLWA]SrGER Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. NEW YORK DODD, MEAD & COMPANY publishers. Copyright, 1882 By DODD, mead & COMPANY I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO MY FATHER, GEORGE ELLWANGER, WHO HAS DONE SO MUCH TO IMPROVE HORTICULTURAIi TASTE, AND INCULCATE ^ Hobe foe t|)e 3SeautituU HE HAS EVER TAUGHT, AND PROVED BT HIS LtPK, THAT MUCH OP THE PUREST HAPPINESS IS FOUND IN ^cttbe SSmpIojment in t|)e ©avDcn. I will not have the mad Clytie, i Whoi^e head in turned by the sun ; ^ The tulip is a courtly queen, ^j Whom, therefore, I will shun ; ■. The cowslip is a country wench, The violet is a nun ; ^ -, But I will woo the dainty rose, The queen of every one. ; The pea is but a wanton witch, In too much liaste to wed, -i And clasps her rings on every hand ; i The wolfsbane I should dread : ] Nor will I dreary rose marye, ! That always mourns the dead ; j But I will woo the dainty rose, ^ With her cheeks of tender red. i The lily is all in white, like a saint, And so is no mate for me ; -] And the daisy's cheek is tipped with a blush, j She is of such low degree ; \ Jasmine is sweet and has many loves, ; And the broom's betrothed to the bee ; ' But I will plight with the dainty rose, .^ For fairest of all is she. ^ —Thomas IIood, j *' God Almightie first Planted a Garden, and indeed it is the Purest of Human pleasures. It is the Greatest Refreshment to the Spirits of Man ; without which Buildings and Palaces arc but Grosse Handy- works : And a man shall ever sec that when Ages grow to Civility and Elegancie, Men come to Build Stately sooner than to Garden Finely ; As if Gardening wece the Greater Perfection."— Bacon. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PA.GE. Introduction 5-6 Chapter I. Classification 7-9 Chapter II. The Families of Roses in General Culti- vation 10-51 Chapter III. Technical Terms 52-55 Chapter IY. Position and Soil 56-60 Chapter Y. Planting and Pruning 61-67 Chapter YI. Manures 68-72 Chapter YII. Insects and Diseases 73-84 M CONTENTS. PAGE. Chapter YIII. Propagation 85-92 Chapter IX. Exhibiting Roses 93-99 Chapter X. Eoses under Glass 100-112 Chapter XI. Varieties for Special Purposes 113-119 Chapter XII. Raisers of the Best Roses 120-14-1 Chapter XIII. The Seed Parents of Yarioiis Roses 145-151 Chapter XIY. Permanent Colors. Too - Much - Alike Roses. How to Distinguish Be- tween Similar Yarieties 152-163 Chapter XY. Typical Roses 164-1 TG Chapter XYI. Raising Kew Yarieties 177-189 Appendix 190-193 Catalogue of Yarieties 194-291 INTEODUOTIOK There Iiave been so many works on the rose produced within the past twenty years, several of them being very valuable and interesting, that a few words may not be out of place, to explain why it was thought desirable to add to the number. The most useful of these compila- tions are English works, but the differences of cli- mate, etc., render necessary, for this country, a modification and change in the directions for culture ; the same reasons will lead us to select a somewhat different hst of varieties for general cultivation from what would be chosen by Eng- lish Eosarians ; besides all this, there is the ex- pectant feeling which impels all authors, that the half has not been told, that in a subject like this, no compilation can ever be deemed perfect or final. New varieties, new classes and types, are being produced ; by experience we learn that modifications of old estabHshed principles are 6 INTRODUCTIOiq^. often necessary, and therefore fresh gleanings from the rose garden will ever be acceptable and interesting when coming from observing and lov- ing devotees of La Reine. While, therefore, this book neither expects nor desires to supersede its predecessors, it asks admission to their fellowshij), hoping that it con- tains enough that is distinctive and of merit to be considered companionable. THE ROSE, CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION. No two books, treating of the rose, exactly agree as to the different groups under which roses should be classed, and those who expect some slight variance in this work from what has pre- ceded it, in other compilations, will not be wrong in their conjectures. There has been such an infinitude of crosses made between dijfferent groups, by means natu- ral and artificial, that it would be rather remark- able to find two writers who would assign the same varieties throughout, to the same classes. So it is that, by the various conjectures and opin- ions of the different authors, much confusion and perplexity has been engendered. Some, in order that the character of a variety may be D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College 8 THE ROSE. known as nearly as possible, form many groups, classes, divisions, and subdivisions — enough to make the head of the reader swim in a sea of per- plexity ; others, in order to avoid a multiplicity of groups, narrow the classification to a few divis- ions, and in so doing, bury completely the dis- tinguishing characteristics of a variety. The former, besides arranging Hybrid Perpetuals into groups of Hybrid Noisettes and Hybrid Teas, further divide them into such groups as Hybrid Bourbons, Rose de Rosomane, Rose de Trianon, etc. The latter would place all these among Hybrid Perpetuals. I contess to leaning tow- ards this latter class ; but where we have dis- tinguishing characteristics that are very marked, and other new varieties of the same or similar peculiarities, are following, it seems desirable to provide a distinctive name and division for them. Thus, when Guillot introduced La France, it was appropriately, placed among the Hybrid Perpet- ual Roses, although known to have originated from the seed of a Tea Rose. It would have been unwise to make a class for the exclusive benefit of this beauty, trusting that worthy companions might in the future be found for CLASSIFICATION-. 9 her ; but now that we have Cannes La Coquette, Cheshunt Hybrid, Mme. Alexandre Bemaix, and those of Mr. Bennett's raising, it seems not only desirable but necessary to group them by them- selves. The same is the case with the Hybrid Noisettes ; both of these classes are being added to annually, and are now of very great impor- tance. On the other hand, such groups as the Hybrid Bourbons are rapidly receding from prominence, and in order to simplify matters their disintegration should be made complete ; the different varieties that are deemed worthy of being retained can be placed among the Hybrid Perpetuals or the Bourbons, according to their more prominent characteristics. CHAPTER II. THE FAMILIES OF EOSES IN GENEEAL CUL- TIVATION. Part I. — Summer Roses. Those which bloom but once during the season, in the months of June and July. Class 1. — Climbing ok Sarmentous Eoses. The Ayrshire Rose {Rosa Arvensis Ilylri- dcf). — These roses, of English origin, are of slen- der, rapid growth, having five leaflets, often running fifteen or twenty feet in one season, and are of use in covering buildings, unsightly ob- jects, etc. They are somewhat less hardy and less valuable than the hybrid climbers and prairie roses. They do not require rich soil, and should be pruned very little, or not at all. Bennett's Seedling, Queen of Ayrshires, Queen of Belgians, and Ruga, are the leading sorts. The Baiiksia Rose (Rosa Banksioe) is a native of China, named in honor of Lady Banks by the EOSES IK GEXEKAL CULTIVATION. 11 botanist Kobert Brown. It was brought to Eng- land in 1807. The flowers, very small, resem- bling double cherry blossoms, are produced in clusters early in the season, and have, generally, a decided violet perfume ; indeed I doubt whether many persons, if blindfolded, could by the odor distinguish them from violets. The wood is very smooth, slender, and of rapid growth. The leaf- lets are often but three in number, are long, dark, and lustrous. Not being hardy they can have no great value at the ISTorth, but in the Southern States they form a very desirable group. The best known sorts are Alba Grandiflora, Fortunei, White and Yellow. They should be sparingly pruned. Boursault Rose {Rosa Aljpina). — This is a distinct but worthless group, which receives its name from M. Boursault, a Parisian rose ama- teur. Most of the vai'ieties are free from thorns and have long, flexible, reddish-colored shoots. Amadis, or Crimson Boursault, is the one most esteemed. The Evergreen Rose {Rosa Sempervirens), with seven leaflets, has much in common with the Ayrshire, but is characterized by dark green 12 THE ROSE. foliage, which is retained till dislodged by heavy frosts ; they are of the same hardiness as the Ayrshires and require the same freedom from the pruning-knife ; the knife should only be ap- plied to cut out entirely shoots that require thin- ning. There have been several pretty varieties of this group sent out, but Felicite Perpetuelle is perhaps the best representative, and the only one we would commend for cultivation. Hybrid CliTubing Roses (Rosa Hyhrida Scan- dens). — This class takes in those sorts for which it is difficult to find a group where they can be appropriately placed ; it gathers in waifs and is a kind of orphan asylum, a place of refuge for the abandoned and unknown. No varieties in this group are of any great value ; the old sorts, Mme. d'Arblav and the Garland, once the best known, are now almost forgotten. Those which are most grown are Fortune's Double Yellow, recently sent out under the name Beauty of Glazenwood, and La Saumonee. The Many-Flowered Rose {Rosa Multifiora), five to seven leaflets, is a native of Japan, in- troduced into England by Thunberg in 1804. It flowers in clusters, and continues for some time K0SE3 IK GENERAL CULTIVATION. 13 in bloom ; the flowers are double, small, and of no great beauty. The shoots have comparatively few thorns, which come in pairs. De la Grif- feraie is in England considered valuable as a stock on which to work the chmbing teas and some other roses ; we believe it may be good for this, it is not good for anything else. Grevilha, or Seven Sisters, generally sent out under the latter name, is propagated to considerable extent in this country, and is principally called for by tree peddlers, who make large sales of it, by means of exaggerated colored plates, accompa- nied by untruthful descriptions. It is tender as the Tea-scented Noisettes, and is in every way inferior to them. The Prairie Rose {Bosa Setigera or Rvhifolia [erroneous]) is much the most valuable of aU the non-remontant climbers. It is indigenous to the country, being found in Michigan and many of the "Western States. Seeds of the common variety were sown about 1836, by Messrs. Samuel and John Feast of Baltimore The seedlings from this sowing were fertiHzed by surrounding flowers, from some of the best varieties of roses grown at the time, and from this lot came Baltimore Belle and 14 THE ROSE. Queen of the Prairies, the two best-known sorts. The foliage is rough, large, 5 to 7 leaflets, gener- ally of a dark green color ; for rapidity of growth they equal or excel the Ayrshires, and surpass all other climbers in hardiness. They bloom in large clusters late in the season, when other summer roses are past and have gone their way, and succeed over a greater extent of territory than any other climbers. Although decidedly inferior in quality to the Tea - N oisettes and Climbing Teas, their hardiness and superior vigor of growth make them of great value where the more beautiful members of the sisterhood are too delicate in constitution to be made useful. When, then, it is desired to cover walls, trellises, old trees, unsightly buildings, etc., with roses, none will be found to do the work so efficiently as varieties of the Prairie Kose. It is very de- sirable that further development of this impor- tant class should be made ; we should endeavor, by artificial fertihzation, to produce hybrids, blending Hybrid Perpetual, Bourbon, and Noi- sette with the Prairies. This, w^th the more double varieties, is somewhat difl^icult, as I found in experiments made under glass last winter. I ROSES IN GENEllAL CULTIVATION. 15 attempted to fertilize blooms of Baltimore Belle, Gem of the Prairies and Queen of the Prairies, by different varieties, such as General Jacqueminot, Safrano and Solfaterre, but the onlj seed I ob- tained was from one bloom of Gem of the Prairies fertilized by General Jacqueminot. The pistils of the Prairie Roses are glued together, as it were, and make fertilization very difficult ; Gem of the Prairies, itself a hybrid, is the only one on which seed is often found in the open air, therefore we should probably be far more successful in making crosses by using some of the more single varieties. The most desirable of the class are Anna Maria, Baltimore Belle, Gem of the Prairies (the only variety that is fragrant). Queen of the Prairies, and Triumphant. Baltimore Belle is the most beautiful, but seems to contain some Noi- sette blood, which makes it less hardy than the others ; it is sufficiently robust, however, to, withstand all ordinary winters. The Prairie Koses, like all climbers, should be sparingly pruned. 16 THE llOSE. Class 2. Austrian Brier {Bosa Luted). — This is a native of the South of Europe, having single flow- ers, of a yellow or coppery -yellow color ; leaflets 7 to 9 in number. The shoots are of a chocolate color, well fortified with spines. It is very hardy, and from its color and hardiness offers in- ducements to the hybridizers, but they will find some difiiculty in getting it to seed. These roses must not be severely pruned or there will be an utter absence of flowers ; it is only necessary to cut away shoots that are decayed or need thin- ning and merely pinch the tops of shoots that are left. It is a small but interesting family, and gives us the only hardy yellow roses that are of value. There are three varieties worth grow- ing, the Copper, Harrisonii, and Pei-sian Yellow. The foliage of this class has a shght odor like the Sweet Brier. The Damask Bose {Bosa Bamascena) is found native about Damascus and various por- tions of Syria, from whence it was brought to Europe about 15Y3. It is in a large degree the ROSES IN GENERAL CULTIVATION. 17 founder of tlie Hybrid Perpetual Roses. From this clasSj and also from the Provence, most of the rose-water is distilled. The Damasks have pale green leaves (5 to Y leaflets), green shoots, with numerous spines, are of vigorous growth, and very hardy ; the flowers are mostly flat, of hght colors, and very fragrant. They need but little pruning. Mme. Hardy and Mme. Zoutman are the only ones worth cultivating, they are both very valu- able white roses, albeit the first-named is ^' green- eyed, like jealousy, envious, it may be, of the latter, who, though not of such a clear complex- ion, is free from ocular infirmities." The French Rose {Rosa Gallica), in spite of its name, has not been traced to any country, but is generally credited with being a native of Europe. It is very hardy, of compact growth, requiring close piTining. The varieties in this class have very dark leaflets, 5 to 7 in number ; though beautiful, they are superseded by various Hybrid Perpet- uals of the same shade, and can no longer be recommended, except for large collections. The 18 THE KOSE. best of them are Boule de Nanteuil, Oeillet Flamand, an odd, striped variety, and Triomphe de Jaussens. The Hybrid China Rose {Rosa Indica Hy- hrida) has arisen from various crosses among the French, Provence, and other summer kinds, with the China, Noisette, and Bourbon Roses. For a long time the varieties of this class were our most beautiful and cherished roses, but, like nearly all of the summer sorts, they are outshone and outlasted by various Remontants. In this connection it may be remarked that about one- fourth of the roses which are sent out as Hybrid Perpetuals should properly be placed among the Hybrid Chinas, for the flowers which they pro- duce in autumn are the exception and not the rule. A Hybrid Perpetual may be described as a Hybrid China which blooms more than once during the season ; if this classification were car- ried out, we should to-day be growing many more Hybrid Chinas and many less Hybrid Per- petuals. Raisers dislike to call a new variety Hybrid China, if by any stretch of the imagina- tion, or from having seen a bloom during the autumn, they think people can be persuaded that ROSES IK GEITERAL CULTIYATIOK. 1(? tliey are getting a Kemontant. To call a new variety a summer rose is to sound its death-knell, and no amount of adjectives in the superlative degree can resuscitate or afford it sufficient stimulus for more than a brief existence. Peo- ple no longer buy summer roses, at least ninety- nine out of one hundred do not, hut unless the descrijption of the raise?' jparticularly states to the contrary (that they are free autumnals) they are, all the same, pretty likely to get a number of them, and in the course of a few years will dis- cover that many beautiful roses which they bought for Hybrid Perpetuals are simply sum- mer roses which occasionally, or very rarely, gnidgingly yield a few autumn flowers. In this book, therefore, many varieties will be found de- scribed as Hybrid Chiuas, which are catalogued, by nurserymen, as Hybrid Perpetuals. On account of the diverse parentage of the varieties in this group, coming from so many different classes, there is great dissimilarity in the appearance of the different sorts, but most of them are rapid growers, with long, flexible shoots ; smooth, luxuriant foliage ; large, rather numerous, thorns ; globular or cup-shaped flow- 20 THE ROSE. ers, wliich are freely produced in their season. Those of vigorous growth, and most of them are such, require but little pruning. Many of them make beautiful Pillar Roses, and can be used as climbers in positions where extremely rapid growth is not required ; in such places they make the best summer chmbers that we have. ''It is time, I think, for some alterations in the nomenclature and classification of the rose. When summer roses — roses, that is, which bloom but once — were almost the only varieties grown, and when hybridisers found a splendid market for novelties in any quantities, new always, and distinct in name, the subdivisions yet remaining in some of our catalogues were interesting, no doubt, to our forefathers, and more intelhgible, let us hope, than they are to us. Let us believe that it was patent to their shrewder sense why pink roses were called Albas, and roses whose hues were white and lemon were described as Damask. Let us suppose that they could dis- tinguish at any distance the Gallica from the Provence Pose, and that when they heard the words Hybrid China, instead of being reminded, as I am, of a cross between a Cochin and a KOSES i:^ GEN"ERAL CULTIVATION". 21 Dorking fowl, they recognized an infinity of dis- tinctive attributes which estrange that variety from the Hybrid Bourbon in the most palpable and objective form. But now that these sum- mer roses are no longer paramount — rapidly dis- appearing, on the contrary, before the superior and more enduring beauty of those varieties which bloom in summer and autumn too ; now that several divisions formerly recognized are gone from the catalogues, and others include but two or three able-bodied roses on their muster- roll — it would be advisable, I think, to ignore altogether these minor distinctions, and to classify as summer roses all those which bloom but once. Not without a painful sigh can we older rosa- rians witness the removal of our old landmarks — not without a loyal sorrow do we say farewell to friends who have brightened our lives with so much gladness ; but we cannot long remember our losses, surrounded as we are by such abun- dant gains, and the tears of memory must pass away as quickly as the dew in summer."* We think witliin a few years the suggestion of Canon Hole will be partially carried out by * S. Reynolds Hole. 22 THE ROSE. mirserjraen in their catalogues, but it would yet be well to keep in separate groups the Summer Climbers, the Austrian Brier, and Moss Roses. What remains of such old classes as the French, Provence, Damask, Hybrid Bourbon, etc., may well be grouped with the Hybrid Chinas. The best of the old Hybrid China roses are ChenedoUe, so called from a member of the Chamber of Deputies in France, a vivid red of large size ; Coupe d'Hebe (who would not quaff nectar from this ?) ; Mme. Plantier, a valuable white rose for massing and for hedges ; and Paul Ricaut, still one of the most beautiful roses — alas that it blooms but once ! The Moss Rose {Rosa CentifoUa Muscosd) is believed to be a sport from the Provence Rose, and was introduced to England from Holland, about the beginning of the seventeenth century. They are distinguished from other roses by the moss-like substance which surrounds the flower- buds, and by the marked Provence scent. The shoots are thickly covered with small spines. They are very subject, as a class, to mildew, and, with a few exceptions, require close pruning, rich soil, and high culture. On account of their ROSES 11^ GENERAL CULTIVATIOi?". 23 beautiful buds they are great favorites with every one, and form decidedly the most valuable group of all the summer roses. The finest varieties of tlie race are Common Moss, Crested, and Prolific or Gracilis. Most of the kinds have 7 leaflets. The Provence Rose {Rosa Centifolia Provin- cialis), or Cabbage Eose, is supposed to have been known to the Eomans, and derives its botanical name from the great number of petals or flower-leaves. Its origin is not known, but growing abundantly in Provence, the South of France, it has received that name, though the French themselves always call it by the botanical name of Rose a Cent-Feuilles. Their habit is somewhat drooping and straggling, the foliage massive ; the flowers are generally of globular form and of delightful scent, so that to say a variety is as fragrant as the Cabbage Rose is commendation enough, so far as scent is con- cerned. This class demands good culture and close pruning ; though but few in numbers, it was formerly an important group, and will ever be remembered through the Common Provence, or Cabbage Rose, a variety which, though blos- soming but once, should be found in every col- 24 THE ROSE. lection of any size. None others are wortli cul- tivating except the highly scented Crested Provence, which is better known as Crested Moss, and appropriately placed with the Mosses. The Sweet- Brier {Rosa Buhiginosa), or Eg- lantine, with 7 leaflets, is found growing wild in different countries, but the variety known as Common Sweet-Brier, a native of England, is the only one worth growing. It is almost need- less to remark that the pink flowers, which are single, possess interest only for the botanist or artist ; it is the leaves of the plant which are so attractive to general cultivators. After a warm spring shower, or when moistened by the morn- ing or evening dew, the foliage gives out a de- lightful perfume, sui generis^ equalled by few rose-blooms. Any garden of considerable size should certainly contain a few plants of this fa- vorite rose of the poets ; they may be planted in- dividually, or in hedges, as they bear clipping without injury. The Scotch Rose {Rosa Spinosissima), called by the French, Hosier Pimprenelle, is, true to the botanical name, the most thorny of all roses ; but, though possessing some merit, has almost ROSES IN" GENERAL CULTIVATION. 25 passed out of cultivation. It is a native of Eng- land and Scotland, and many varieties have been raised from seed and sent out by Scotch nursery- men, the names of which are quite forgotten, most of them deservedly so. They are of com- pact growth, very hardy, generally 9 leaflets, and produce small flowers very early in the sea- son ; they require but little pruning. The two varieties which are perhaps most grown are two hybrids, Stan well's Perpetual and Souvenir of Henry Clay (raised in America) ; these give a few flowers in autumn in addition to those in spring. Part II. — Perpetual or Autumnal Hoses. Blooming more than once during the season, many of them continuously from June to ^NTo- vember, or until cut off by the frost. Class 1. — Sakmentous, Climbing or Running Roses. All of these will thrive in any ordinary, good garden-soil, that is free from standing water. The more vigorous varieties should have but lit- tle pruning ; generally to thin out branches that crowd the others will be all the knife-work re- quired. 26 THE ROSE. Hybrid CUmling Roses {Rosa Ilylrida Scan- dens) are of modern origin and come from vari- ous sources ; the greater number are sports of various Hybrid Perpetuals ; several of them have an extra vigor of growth at the exi3ense of free- dom and size of bloom, but one variety, Climb- ing Jules Margottin, is not only one of the strongest growers among them, but yields fully as many flowers and of quite as good quality, .as the parent plant. ]^one of them make growth enough to cover large buildings, but for growing on a trellis or pillar they are very desirable. We are likely to have many valuable additions to this class in the near future ; it is already an im- portant group. Besides Climbing Jules Margot- tin, the most valuable members of the group which we have tested are Keine Marie Henriette, Princess Louise Victoria, and Climbing Victor Verdier. The former was raised from the Climb- ing Tea, Mme. Berard, fertilized by General Jacqueminot ; it is a highly scented re^ rose, somewhat resembling Cheshunt Hybrid, and though not a free autumnal sort will give a num- ber of blooms throughout the summer months. Climbing Victor Verdier differs mainly from the ROSES IN GENERAL CULTIVATION. 27 parent in being of stronger growth, tlie flowers are somewhat smaller, and less freely produced. Climbing Edward Morren, Bessie Johnson, and Mdlle. Eugenie Yerdier are neYv^ varieties which we have not seen in flower but are well spoken of. Other varieties in the class are Catherine Bell and Red Dragon. Glory of Cheshunt, raised from Charles Lefebvre, is a new variety sent out by G. Paul, of Cheshunt, England. We saw this in flower, during a visit to Cheshunt in August, 1880, and w^ere very favorably impressed with it ; should it succeed as well here as there, it will be the best rose of the class. It is a vivid crimson, freely produced, and of vigorous growth ; it must be a natural hybrid, or cross, as no seedling of Charles Lefebvre yet produced will compare in vigor of growth with this new sort. The MiGrojyhylla or Small-Leaved Hose {Eosa Miorophylla) is a native of China, and brought from there to England in 1823. The leaf-stalks are covered with numerous small leaflets, which give a name to the class. They are not quite hardy and have with one exception but little value. Alba or Alba Odorata seems to have some Tea blood ; the flowers are a pale yellowish 28 THE ROSE. white, often pure wLite, and liiglily scented. Tills is a valuable rose south of Washington. The Noisette or Champney Hose {Rosa Mos- chata Hyhridd) is of American origin. From the seed of the White Musk Rose ferti]ized by the Blush China (Bengal), John Champney, of Charleston, South Carolina, raised a variety which was called Champney's Pink Cluster. A few years after, Philippe Noisette, a florist, also of Charleston, raised from the seed of Champ- ney's Pink Cluster a blush variety, which he sent to his brother, Louis Noisette, of Paris, France, under the name of Noisette Rose, not giving credit to Mr. Champney, as the originator of the class, which has ever since borne the wrong title of Noisette Rose. Louis Noisette received it about the year 1817. These roses, originally, had the characteristics in a great measure of the old Musk Rose, such as scent and a tendency to bloom in large clusters. The group is naturally of strong growth and nearly hardy, but the varieties which are now commonly grown have generally Tea blood in them, and have therefore in a great measure lost their hardiness and the tendency to bloom in clusters. ROSES I:N^ GEiq^EEAL CULTIVAT102S". 29 Among the true Noisettes, Aimee Yibei-t (Scandens) is decidedly tlie most valuable ; the flowers are small but pure white, sufficiently full, of beautiful form ; the foliage is a dark lustrous green ; growth vigorous. Others belonging to this division are Admiral Rigney or Eugene Pirolle, Beauty of Greenmount, Caroline Mar- niesse, Fellenberg, Ophirie, Pumila, Washington, Woodland Marguerite. None of these will have interest for small cultivators, excepting perhaps Pumila, and this is somewhat more tender than the rest. Among the Tea-scented Noisettes we have some superb roses, which have far more substance, and are much more beautiful, than those named above, albeit less hardy. They make magnificent chmbers under glass, and some of them succeed fairly well at the Nortli out of doors, if given sheltered positions. In the Southern States they are by far the finest climb- ers that can be grown. Marechal Niel, which is said to have been raised from Isabella Gray, ac- cording to general opinion, is at once the best Noisette, the finest yellow, and the most beauti- ful variety of any class that has ever been sent out. Chromatella is another superb yellow, in 30 THE ROSE. beauty of flower but a few degrees removed from the Marecbal ; but sbe is shy of her charms, and unless carefully treated will not display her beauty. If you would have flowers in profusion from any of these roses, you must keep away the pruning-knife, excepting when it is necessary to cut away shoots altogether. Dr. Kane and Isa- bella Gray are two lovely roses of American origin which demand the same skill in manage- ment as Chromatella. Solf aterre is the most use- ful yellow of them all ; it is hardier, of better habit, and more certain to flower than any, and the blooms are but little inferior. Besides all this, it makes the best stock on which to bud Teas, or Hybrids from the Teas, of any that I am acquainted with, siu'passing that excellent stock and parent variety, Lamarque. I should advise all persons who wish to grow Tea Roses, under glass, planted in borders, to put out plants of Solfaterre, and on these, after they have made sufficient growth, to bud all but the vigorous growing Teas. Marechal Niel and all the Gloirc de Dijon type of Teas are improved by being worked on this stock. Being much less hardy than the Common Brier, it would not be so good EOSES IN GENERAL CULTIVATION. 31 it foster-parent for the Teas wliicli are worked out cf doors, but under glass I know of nothing equal to it. Lamarque is a superior old wliite rose, wliicli lias somewhat gone out of cultiva- tion ; but this should not be, for it retains the clustering tendency of the race and produces an immense quantity of flowers during the season. It is a noble rose. Nearly all th*e fine Tea- ]^oisettes are traced back to Lamarque. Besides those already named, we have Cehne Forestier, Mme. Caroline Kuster, Triomphe de Eennes, and W. A. Eichardson, all fine yellow roses, of healthy habit and easy of cultivation. 77ie Polyantha Remontant Bose {Rosa Poly- antha) was brought from Japan about the year 1865, by Robert Fortune, and is distinguished from all other classes by its panicled blooms. This peculiarity is not generally retained, how- ever, when crossed with other roses, at least not in most of the varieties which have been sent out as seedlings from it. M. Jean Sisley, the eminent horticulturist of Lyons, says of this class : ^' It appears not to have crossed any of the other tjpes with its own pollen. In a bed I made two years ago, with the seed in question (without practis- 32 THE ROSE. ing artificial fertilization), I found pure Eglan- tines. I would therefore recommend rosarians to try artificial fertilization on the other types, as, if we could get Tea-scented Bourbons, and Perpetual Hybrids with flowers in panicles, we should change the whole aspect of the rose gar- den, and in a most interesting way modify the rose genus." We believe some of the French rosarians have acted on this suggestion, and that they have in a measure been successful in producing roses with these characteristics, as in the two vari- eties Paquerette raised by Guillot-fils, and Anne Marie de Montravel raised by RambaUx and Du- breuil. In August, 1880, when in Lyons, we saw a very pretty variety of this group raised from a seedling of Polyantha crossed by a Tea. The blooms, which are of a very delicate sahnon- pink, are freely produced and highly scented. If it proves to be of good habit, it ^vill be a charming variety for bouquets, etc. It has since been named Mdlle. Cecile Brunner. These three sorts are the only ones of value as yet sent out ; all are remontant, which is not the case with the parent variety. ROSES i:s; general cultivation. 33 The Climbing Tea Rose {Rosa Indica Odo- rata Scandens) is a class, or division, so distinct from the other Teas, that it requires a place for itself. Nearly all the varieties catalogued in this division are descendants of Gloire de Dijon, but hybridizers are making great progress of late, and it is probable we shall soon have varieties from other strains and outcrosses to be added to the list of Climbing Teas. The origin of Gloire de Dijon is unknown. It was raised in the South of France by Jacotot, and sent out in 1853, creating a great furor in rose-circles. My opinion is, that we have in this a natural hybrid produced from the seed of some strong growing Tea, or Tea-Noisette which had been impregnat- ed by a Bourbon of robust habit. Gloire de Dijon and its offspring are of vigorous growth when once established, but the young plants re- quire a long time (if grown from cuttings) before they have vitality enough to push into strong growth. It is therefore a great advantage to obtain them worked on some other stock, such as Solfaterre, De la Grifferaie, or seedling Brier. The foKage is very large, thick, and lustrous ; thorns comparatively few ; the flowers are of 34 THE HOSE. large size, globular shape, full, and with some fragrance. None of the progeny are quite equal to the mother variety in freedom of bloom, hardiness, or fragrance ; Marie Berton, a superb pale yellow rose, ranks second. Next in order come Belle Lyonnaise, Mme. Trifle, and Mme. Berard, this last being too much like Gloire de Dijon to be valuable in a small collection. The new variety, Reine Marie Ilenriette, which might be classed with these, has already been mentioned and described among the Hybrid Climbers. This sort, unhke'the Gloire de Dijon race, will make strong plants grown from cut- tings, rooting and growing as freely as General Jacqueminot. Besides these varieties, we have Climbing Devoniensis, a sport from old Devo- niensis and identical with it in flower, but of much stronger growth. Except Climbing De- voniensis they are more than half-hardy, and will do well out of doors in positions that are shel- tered. Class 2. — Autumnal non-Climbers. The Bengal or China Rose (Rosa Indica) is a native of China which was brought to Europe KOSES IN GEiq-ERAL CULTIVATION-. 35 some time duriDg the eighteenth century. Two Yarieties were introduced, the Blush China and Crimson China ; from these a great number of seedlings have been raised, many of them crosses from Teas. Two groups are often made of these roses, but there is no necessity of this, as very few differ sufficiently to make two divisions de- sirable. They are of moderate, branching growth, with foliage and flowers both small. They require a rich soil and close pruning ; thus favored, they give perhaps a greater quantity of flowers during the season than any other class. They are not hardy and have no fragrance, but in spite of this are a very valuable group on ac- count of the profusion of crimson buds which are furnished by such sorts as Agrippina. A bed of Agrippina, on a lawn, is a most desirable thing ; none of the other crimsons are quite equal to this old sort, from whatever point of view they be considered ; among them, w^e note Eugene Beauharnais, Fabvier, Louis Philippe. The leading varieties of lighter shades are Cels Multiflora, Clara Sylvain, Ducher, and Mme. Bureau. Two varieties of the class which have marked peculiarities are Yiridiflora or Yiridis- 36 THE ROSE. cens, and James Sprunt. The former is prob- ably a sport from the old Blush, or one of its im- mediate descendants ; its peculiarity consists in green flowers which are freely produced ; though curious, they are not attractive, and there is no value in it, save as a curiosity. James Sprunt originated in the year 1858. Eev. James M. Sprunt, D.D., a Presbyterian clergyman of Kenansville, North Carolina, divided some strong plants of Agrippina. Afterwards he observed a single shoot from one of these plants growing vigorously without flowers or branches ; it grew over fifteen feet before it showed any flower buds, the rest of the plant retaining its normal characteristics. This shoot branched out very freely the following year, and cuttings taken from it invariably retained the same cHmbing habit. The flowers of James Sprunt are some- what larger and fuller than Agrippina, but are, of course, not produced till the plant has made considerable growth. It is a valuable green- house climber. What are called Fairy Koses are miniature Bengals ; we do not consider them of any value, the Bengals are small enough. The Bourbon Rose {Rosa Bourhoniand) was ROSES IN GENERAL CULTIVATION". 37 obtained from the Isle of Bourbon and taken to France (either seeds or plants) in the early part of the century. It was noticed growing in a hedge of Bengal and Damask Perpetual Roses, and on examination proved distinct from either, but seemed to have characteristics which per- tained to both. It has been considered therefore as a natural hybrid, a product from these two groups. Except in the case of varieties strongly impregnated with Tea blood, this class is suffi- ciently hardy to withstand all but extraordinary winters ; the tops may be blackened by the frost, but shoots will push forth from the lower buds. The varieties vary greatly in growth and other features, but "most of them are of vigorous habit, and have dark, lustrous foliage. The flowers are generally of light shades and found in clus- ters, and are specially valuable in the autumn, when so many Hybrid Perpetuals belie their .name. But it must not be overlooked that many Bourbon Roses are also shy autumnals, though mention of this is seldom made in any of the catalogues, and the impression is therefore gener- al that all Bourbon Roses produce flowers freely in the autumn. There are several well-known 38 THE ROSE. sorts, like Dnpetit Thouars, Sir J. Paxton, etc., that will not produce flowers in the fall of the year at all, unless specially pruned and treated. Those which are of moderate growth require rich soil and close pruning ; such are Hermosa, Queen of Bourbons, Souvenir de la Malmaison, and the new Queen of Bedders, all excellent varieties worthy a place in a small collection. The stronger growers need to have less wood re- moved, but must have moderate pruning. The best of them are Apolline, Cornice de Tarn-et- Garonne, Duchesse de Thuringe, Edward Des- f osses, George Peabody, and Malmaison. If these have the shoots moderately cut back so soon as each is through flowering, they will give a suc- cession of flowers from June until cut off by the frost. Souvenir de la Malmaison is the general favorite of this group, but I consider Apolline as the most valuable ; it flowers with the same freedom as Hermosa, when cut back as directed above, and has large cup-shaped blossoms of rosy-carmine that are very attractive. Ko col- lection can be complete with this variety left out. The Hybrid Noisette Rose {Rosa Noisettiana ROSES IIT GENERAL CULTIVATION?'. 39 Hybrida) is a coiiij)arativelj n ew group of con- siderable importance. The varieties of this class generally, though not always, flower in small clusters and bloom very freely throughout the season ; they are of about the same degree of hardiness as the Bourbons — that is will winter with perfect safety if given some slight protec- tion, such as liiUing up earth about the plants or covering them with loose litter or evergreen branches. It is not easy to ascertain the origin of this class, but the varieties are mostly from crosses of Bourbon on Noisette and vice versa. They all require pretty severe pruning. The most beautiful in the class are Madame !Noman, Mdlle. Bonnaire, and Ehza Boelle, a trio of white roses which might well represent the three Graces. There is too strong a resemblance be- tween them to make all desirable in a small col- lection, but it is difficult to know which of them to reject. Our own preference inchnes towards Madame l^oman. These are the most delicate in habit ; of the stronger growing varieties which partake more of the Noisette character. Coquette des Alpes, Coquette des Blanches, and Mme. Auguste Perrin are most noteworthv. 40 THE ROSE. Baronne de Maynard, Madame Alfred de Rouge- mont, and Madame Frangois Pittet are worthy a place in collections of considerable extent. The Hybrid Perjpetual, or Hybrid Remontant Hose (Hosa Damascena Hybrida), is by far the most valuable, if not the most beautiful, of all groups of roses. The first varieties sent out were mostly from crosses of Bourbons upon Damask Perpetuals and Hybrid Chinas ; after- wards crosses were made with varieties of Prov- ence, Damask, and French Roses upon Bour- bons, Bengals, and Teas, and vice versa. The progeny of these was then recrossed with differ- ent classes, and so it is we have a group of the most heterogeneous character, combining the good and bad qualities, in greater or less degree, of nearly all the others. There are certain types in this group which gather together many varie- ties, in which the relationship to some one sort is readily discerned, as the Jules Margottin type. General Jacqueminot and its progeny, and the La Reine family ; but there is a vast number of sorts whose kinship cannot be traced ; this is ow- ing to the fact that the greater number of varie- ties have been raised from mixed seed, where no ROSES IN- GENERAL CULTIVATION. 41 record was made of tlie names ; and also that in many cases, where the seed of different varieties was sown separately, there has often been a care- lessness in making such a record, dependence being placed on the memory alone. So that many varieties whose parentage is given are oftentimes not properly traced ; it being made a matter of conjecture, or left to fallible memory to recall. The varieties differ greatly in all their characteristics, and so require somewhat different culture and treatment. Those that are of vigorous growth, as in other classes, need much less pruning than those of dwarfed habit, for if cut back too severely they run too much to wood. There have been hundreds of varie- ties of this class sent out, and the number of new sorts somewhat increases each year. Eugene Yer- dier, of Paris, has been foremost in the dissem- ination of new sorts, and it will be interesting to take note of the number of varieties offered by him, including those of his own raising, for a few years back. In 1872 he offered for sale 39 new Hybrid Perpetual Roses, 8 of them his own seedlings ; in 1873 he offered 45, 10 of them his own ; in 1874 he offered 46, 10 of them his 42 THE ROSE. own ; in 1875 he offered 48, 12 of them his own ; in 1876 he offered 34, 10 of them his own ; in 1877 he offered 41, 10 of them his own ; in 1878 he offered 40, 10 of them his own ; in 1879 he offered 42, 8 of them his own. There are, of course, several new sorts each year which M. Yerdier does not get hold of ; inclnding these it will be seen that there are not less than 45 new Hybrid Perpetual Roses introduced each year ; perhaps one-fifth of them are worth grow- ing, certainly not more. The rest, either from being inferior in quality to old-established sorts, or from too great similarity to them, are ulti- mately consigned to the rubbish heap. No satis- factory selection can be made from this innu- merable class, except as made for some special end, and having some prominent features in view. We therefore give special chapters to a consideration of the best Hybrid Perpetuals for special purposes, in w^hich the various merits and peculiarities of different varieties are discussed at some length. The Hybrid Tea Rose {Rosa Indica Odorata Hyhrida) is a new group yjroduced from cross- ing Teas with Hybrid Perpetuals. This is a ckss ROSES IN GENERAL CULTIVATION. 43 but yet in an incipient state ; witliin a few years it is likely there will be a great number of varie- ties where now there are but few ; it is also to be expected that there will be various and dis- tinct types among them. Indeed among those we already have, La France, Cheshunt Hybrid, and Beauty of Stapleford show almost as mark- ed variations as could be found among any Hybrid Perpetuals. In these three, we have La France, which, with a perfume peculiar to itself, is the sweetest of all roses, and equal to any in the profusion of bloom ; Cheshunt Hybrid, which shows the Tea blood in its foliage more than in any other way ; what fragrance it has is more like that of Alfred Colomb or Prince Camille than like a Tea ; it seldom shows a flower after the first of August ; and Beauty of Stapleford, entirely without scent, but with a decided resem- blance to the Teas in fohage, appearance of the flowers, and profusion of bloom. These roses must prove more hardy than most of the Teas, but more susceptible to frost and of more deli- cate constitution than the majority of the Hybrid Remontants. Certain ones among them, as La France, Duchess of Connaught, and Viscountess 44: THE ROSE. Falmouth, combine beautiful flowers with great profusion of bloom and intense fragrance ; such are the kinds that give value to the class, and unless raisers can supply new varieties in the group which combine these three qualities, they should be withheld as unfit to send out. Jean Sisley, Captain Christy, and Beauty of Staple- ford may have value now, while the group is yet small, but being devoid of scent are not varieties to pattern after. Captain Christy occu- pies a somewhat equivocal position in this class, being seeded from a Hybrid Perpetual Kose (Victor Yerdier) fertilized by the Tea Safrano, while all the others are seeded from Tea Roses fertilized by Hybrid Remontants ; but it seems eminently proper that at least all direct crosses between the two classes, no matter whether the seed parent be Tea or Hybrid Perpetual, should be grouped with the Hybrid Teas. These roses are all of moderate growth, and must have close pruning and be grown in rich soil. Most of them (ten varieties) were sent out in 1879 by Mr. Henry Bennett, of Stapleford, England. It is not yet known how desirable they will be for out-of-door culture, but for forcing under glass E0SE3 11^^ GENERAL CULTIVATIOiT. 45 a few of Bennett's raising are proving to be of some value. They seem to produce as many flowers in the season as do the Bengals, excelling many of the Teas proper in profusion of bloom. Beauty of Stapleford and Duchess of Westmin- ster furnish very pretty rose-colored buds, which are unfortunately scentless. Duchess of Con- naught, at a first glance, might readily be mis- taken for La France, having much the same shade of color, but the flowers are somewhat smaller and of rounder form ; it is the only variety which resembles La France in perfume. Jean Sisley does not open well in the house, and is a scentless variety of rather a muddy shade of color ; we do not consider it of value. Nancy Lee is highly perfumed and gives lovely formed buds, but it is of very delicate habit. Michael Saunders and Viscountess Falmouth are two sorts of considerable substance, highly scented, which we consider valuable introductions; the latter has a delightful blending of the perfumes to be found in the parents President (Tea) and the Moss Soupert-et-lS'otting, the odor of the Moss pre- dominating. Duke of Conn aught and Hon. George Bancroft are two dark roses, which will 46 THE ROSE. be more valuable to the florist, if sufficiently vig- orous, than all the rest ; the former is the deeper in shade, but, in spite of its breeding, is without scent ; the latter, though of lighter color, is highly j)erfumed ; both give beautiful buds. Pearl is a small rose with a distinct Bourbon fragrance, a good thing for cut flowers. The four new Hybrid Teas of French origin, Cannes La Coquette, Mme. Alexandre Bernaix, Mme. Etienne Levet, and Mdlle. Brigitte Yiolet, all promise to be useful sorts. This class of roses, on account of its novelty and promise of useful- ness, is now looked upon with more interest than any other, and will, in a few years, very likely prove the most popular class, excepting the Hy- brid Perpetual and Tea. The Perpetual Moss Rose {Rosa Centifolia M%iSG0sd) has the same characteristics (and needs the same treatment) as the Moss Rose already described, but in addition to the June blossoming produces flowers during the summer and autumn. There are but three sorts which we consider worth growing. Many worthless varieties in the class have been sent out ; if the flowers were of fair quality, they were so seldom seen after the KOSES 11^ GENERAL CULTIVATIOlf. 47 month of June as to belie their name. Mme. Edward Ory and Salet both give mossy buds that are not equal in quality to other Mosses, but give them at a time of year when the others are not to be had, and are therefore very useful. Sou- pert- et-Notting is not encumbered with a super- fluity of moss, if it is with a name, but w^e have here a large rose-colored sort, very full, of fine form, and a strong delightful perfume that may keep one sniffing for a long time before he can go away satisfied. Our eyes may brighten at the sight of other autumnal roses more beautiful than this, but there are very few sorts so grateful to that other important sense — smell. With oh ! and with ah ! and sundry other relevant remarks we may gloat over this rose, as does the street Arab inspecting the pies and confections in the window of a pastry-shop. The Tea Rose {Rosa Indica Odorata) may well be taken as a synonym for all that is deli- cately beautiful. What refinement of color ; what subdued, yet powerful, fragrance do they possess ! They are indeed the centre of loveli- ness ; like fair maids at a reception surrounded by admiring groups, these lend beauty to the 48 THE KOSE. others, which may well strive to find a near ap- proach to their sweet presence, that perchance they may receive a smile, and borrow beauty, diffused from their chaste loveliness. There has always been a warm place in my heart for the Tea Rose, for, suh rosa, let me confess it, this was my first love (I fear no conjugal jealousy or censure in making this confession) ; a bed of Tea Eoses planted near my father's house first won me as a devotee to the rose, and by foliage and flower I learned to distinguish varieties among them before I even knew the names in other classes ; I should now as soon think of doing without roses altogether as not to have a bed of Teas in my garden. Several varieties in this group were brought to England from China, their native place, in the early part of the century ; among them were the Blush Tea and Yellow Tea, two varieties from which most of the sorts now in cultivation have descended. Both of these kinds are free seed- bearers, the Yellow Tea more particularly ; it has beautiful buds of pale yellow, but the habit of the plant being unhealthy it has now nearly gone out of cultivation. The old Blush is also no ROSES 11^" GENERAL CULTIVATION. 49 longer named in most catalogues, but there are many rosarians still living who cherish it in affectionate remembrancQ and recollect it as one of the most fragrant in the family. Most of the varieties in this group are very sensitive to any neglect, and will show very quickly whether they have met with good or ill treatment ; the soil can scarcely be made too rich for their reception, but it must be light, warm, and well drained. If the place chosen consist of heavy clay soil, a foot or more must be dug out, carted away, and filled up with that which is mellow. As most of the varieties are of but moderate growth, they re- quire rather close pruning. To protect them during winter, we advise hilling up eartli about the plants and then spreading over ever- green branches or loose litter. Care must be ex- ercised that the plants be not embedded and packed down with a heavy mass, otherwise decay and death will ensue ; some air will needs be ad- mitted ; the plants must be protected but not smothered. The Tea class is much more uniform in the characteristics of the different varieties than are any of tiie other large groups. In judging of 50 THE ROSE. their merits Tve lay less stress on fulness of flower tlian on other claims, because most of those which have comparatively few petals are very beautiful in bud, and it is for the buds that Teas are largely prized. Thus Isabella Sprunt and Marie Guillot are two roses highly prized, but one of them is only semi-double, while the other has so many petals that they do not always unfold satisfactorily. The flowers vary very greatly in size as well as in fulness, some of them, like Canary, Caroline, and Monsieur Furtado, being quite small, and others being large, as Madame Bi*avy, Souvenir d'un Ami, etc. This has now become such a large division that it is no easy matter to select out a number of varie- ties for commendation, but those named below are at once among the most beautiful, and, at the same time, of the most healthy habit— 2i very im- portant feature to be considered. Bon Silene, Isabella Sprunt, and Safrano are to be chosen for their buds only ; Mme. Falcot, a seedling of Safrano, has fuller flowers of nearly the same shade, but they are not so freely pro- duced and the habit of the plant is more feeble. The following are fine in both bud and flower : ROSES IN GEJTERAL CULTIVATIOiq'. 51 Bougere, Catherine Mermet, Comtesse Riza du Fare, Gerard Desbois, Homer, Jean Ducher, Jean Fernet, Madame Bravj, Madame de Yatry, Madame Lambard, Madame Welclie, Marie Ducher, Marie Yan Iloutte, Monsieur Furtado, Niphetos (a poor grower), Ferle des Jardins, Rubens, Sombreuil, Souvenir d'un Ami, Tri- ompbe de Luxembourg. Among these Niphetos is the only one of bad growth, but it is so much the finest of the white Teas, that it should find a place in every collection of any size. Full de- scriptions of all these sorts will be found else- where. CHAPTEE III. TECHNICAL TERMS. The rosarian and the hasty reader are invited to pass by this chapter, but if, unversed in rose- lore, any reader become interested in the subject, there will be found many terms, mostly botanical, which require some explanation, as presented herewith, and to which he may be glad to refer. Anther. A rounded knob at the summit of the filament ; a portion of the stamen which contains the pollen or fecundating matter of the flower. Armed. Provided with thorns or prickles. Calyx. An envelope wliich holds the other parts of the flower ; it consists of narrow green leaves or sepals of a pithy texture ; these sepals generally cohere by their edges. Callus. A swelling which occurs at the base of a cutting previous to the formation of roots. TECHNICAL TERMS. 53 Corymb. Flower stalks produced along a com- mon stalk which rise so as to form a level top. Disbudded. Deprived of flower buds. Flower buds are pinched or cut away, in order that those remaining will attain greater perfec- tion. Eye. The stamen and pistils of a flower. Some- times this term is used synonymously with bud. Filament. The thread-like part of the stamen which supports the anther. Hip or Hep. The fruit or seed pod. Hybrid. A cross, which is the product of a mixture of two different species. Leaflet. One of the divisions of the compound leaf with which all roses are furnished ; these are attached to the petiole by minor foot stalks. Maiden Plant. That which blooms for the first time after budding or grafting. Ovary. The hollow portion at the base of a pis- til containing the ovules or bodies destined to become seeds. Panicle. A cluster of flowers irregularly pro- 54 THE ROSE. duced from a main stem, or peduncles vari- ously divided. Peduncle. The stalk upon which the flower is borne. Petal. A leaf of the flower. Petiole. The stalk to which are attached the several leaflets. Pistil. The columnar seed-bearing organ in the centre of a flower ; sometimes there are several in one flower ; it consists of one or more styles, one or more stigmas and the ovary. Pollen. The fecundating powdery substance found in the anthers. Remontant. As applied to roses that which flowers the second time. From the French verb to remount. Sepals. Those leaves which form the calyx. Sport. A shoot or sucker from a plant which shows either in foliage, flower, vigor of growth, or in all of them, some peculiar fea- ture or features, distinct from the rest of the plant. Stamens. The male organs of fructification in a flower, surrounding the pistil. TECHNICAL TERMS. 55 Stigma. The top portion of the pistil which receives the pollen and connects with the ovary by a tube through the centre of the style. Style. The erect column, sometimes several combined in one, which connects the stigma with the ovary. Sucker. A branch or shoot which proceeds from the root, or stem of the plant, just below the surface. CHAPTEE lY. POSITION AND SOIL. The first requisite in the culture of roses is the selection and preparation of a suitable place for planting. This is very important, as all that follows depends upon the care used in this first step. To begin with, then, choose the best place you have in the garden, a place where you can offer sufficient protection by means of hedges or board fences from bleak sweeping winds. When fences are used, their general ugliness can be most appropriately clothed by roses themselves. A warm, sunny position is also requisite ; if so situated that there is an exposure to the morning sun, and the hot rays during the afternoon are in part or wholly shaded, all the better, but a cer- tain amount of sunlight is as essential to a rose's welfare as to our own, though many of us do not show our appreciation of the blessings of sunlight as gratefully as do our roses. Besides scattering POSITIOJq- AN-D SOIL. 57 tliem through our gardens, roses may be made very effective planted in borders about our lawns, either individually or in groups, and also planted in beds on the lawn. Thoughtlessness often leads people to plant roses under the shadow of overhanging buildings, or close to large deep-rooted trees ; and then there is inquiry and wonderment why the plants are always covered with mildew ? and why they do not blossom and grow as those in a neighbor's yard, where there are always beautiful roses to be seen ? There is much more in common, or should be, between animal and plant life, than is practically acknowledged by most of those who strive to grow roses. Both demand for their perfect development a sufficiency of nourishing food and drink, a pure atmosphere, a tempera- ture as equable as possible, and thorough cleanli- ness. Let every one who plants roses bear this in mind and we shall find a wonderful improve- ment in the quality and quantity of the flowers. ^' Some having heard that a free circulation of air and abundance of sunshine are essential ele- ments of success, select a spot which would be excellent for a windmill, observatory, beacon, or 58 THE ROSE. Martello tower ; and there tlie poor rose trees stand, or, more accurately speaking, wobble, with their leaves, like King Lear's silver locks, rudely blown and drenched by the to-and-fro contending wind and rain. ^' Others, who have been told that the rose loves shelter, peace, repose, have found ^ such a dear snug little spot, ' not only surrounded by dense evergreen shrubs, but overshadowed by giant trees. Rest is there assuredly — rest for the rose, when its harassed life is past, when it has nothing more for disease to prey upon, no buds for the caterpillar, no foliage for the aphis — the rest of a mausoleum ! I was taken not long ago to a cemetery of this description, which had been re- cently laid out ; and there was such a confident expectation of praise in the pretty face of the lady who took me, that I was sorely puzzled how to express my feelings. I wished to be kind, I wished to be truthful ; and the result was some such a dubious compliment as the Sultan paid to the French pianist. The Frenchman, you may remember, was a muscular artist, more remark- able for power than pathos ; and he went at the instniment and shook and worried it as a terrier POSITION AND SOIL. 59 goes in at rats. His exertions were sudorific ; and when he finished the struggle, with beads on his brow, the Sultan told him, ' that although he had heard the most renowned performers of the age he had never met one who — perspired so freely !' Nor could I, with my heart as full of charity's milk as a Cheshire dairy of the cow's, think of any higher praise of the plot before me than that it was an admirable place for ferns ; and therefore, when my commentary was received with an expressive smile of genteel disgust, as though I had suggested that the allotment in question was the site of all others for a jail, or had said, as Carlyle said of the Koyal Garden at Potsdam, that * it was one of the finest fog-pre- serves in Europe,' then, without further prevari- cation, I told the truth. And the truth is, that this boundless contiguity of shade is fatal, and every overhanging tree is fatal as an upas-tree to the rose. The rose in close proximity to a for- est-tree can never hope to thrive. In a two- fold sense it takes umbrage ; robbed above and robbed below, robbed by branches of sunshine and by roots of soil, it sickens, droops, and dies." * * "A Book about Roses." 60 THE KOSE. In connection with a choice of location, we must see that roses are provided with a proper soil. Thej will do well in any ordinary garden soil that is free from standing water and well drained. When there is too much clay, the soil can be made sufficiently friable by the application of wood and coal ashes, lime, burnt earth, etc. When, on the other hand, a soil is sandy or too light, we need to bring clay, muck, leaf mould, etc., to obtain sufficient body. This soil must, of course, be thoroughly manured and worked ; frequent spading will do a great deal toward lessening the stiffness of a heavy soil. On no account attempt to make roses grow in a wet spot ; if there be such a place which it is desired to use, let the soil be thoroughly drained by sinking tiles to a depth of four feet, or provide in some other way for carrying off the water. Where it is impossible to find a position capable of being drained by tiles from the ground being too flat, the soil may be removed to a depth of a few feet, and stones, bricks, debris of any kind, thrown in ; but whenever the water can be car- ried off in tiles it is better to do so. CHAPTEK Y. PLANTING AND PRUNING. Roses that liave been grown out of pots should, if possible, be planted while in a dormant condition ; for, if removed for transplanting while the sap is flowing freely, and the plant is in vigorous growing condition, there occurs too great a shock, one from which the plant does not easily recover. All roses, therefore, taken from the open ground should be planted during the autumn or spring ; the more hardy kinds, such as the summer roses, most of the Hybrid Perpetuals, and possibly some of the Bourbons, may prefer- ably be planted in the autumn ; the more tender sorts in the spring. Plants that have been prop- agated from cuttings, or layers (on own roots), should be set, as nearly as possible, as they were grown in the nursery. Budded or grafted plants should be set so that the jimction of the bud or graft is about two inches beneath the sur- face of the soil. Planted in this way there is 62 THE ROSE. mucli less liability of suckers from the stock be- ing put forth, and opportunity is afforded for the plant to put forth roots from the bud or graft ; this often takes place, so that ultimately the plant is virtually on its own roots. Roses that are pot-grown can be planted at any time from April till October, but if set out during the heat of sufnmer special care must be given in water- ing, etc. Respecting the sized plants wliicli should be set out, we earnestly advise all those who can obtain them to put out plants of one or two years' growth that have made a free but not excessive growth, with well-ripened wood ; these can be obtained at most of the large reliable nurseries. Many florists do a large and exclusive business in sending by mail small plants, cuttings of a few weeks' growth ; this is all very well, to give opportunity to many people to obtain plants, which could not, owing to the lack of express or railroad facilities, be forwarded in any other way ; but these bantlings often require much care and tender nursing, and are seldom of any account until the second year from planting, for in order to promote their growth the flower buds should be kept cut off during the first year — ^if PLANTING AND PRUNING. 63 allowed to produce any, they are not only not of first quality, but enfeeble the plant ; whereas older plants, carefully grown, will give effective results the first year. Some nurserymen make a practice of cutting away all the flower buds from free blooming varieties, which form on the young plants during the first year's growth ; this prac- tice is highly to be commended ; such plants are far more valuable to the purchaser than those not so treated. Quality should always be preferred to quantity ; this is true whether respecting the plants or the flowers of roses, and one good two- year plant is worth more than six of the suck- lings often sent by mail — poor, weak infants, which never should have been sent from the nursery — just as one good bloom of Marie Bau- mann, or Alfred Colomb, is worth half a dozen of Pius the IX. or Triomphe de V Exposition. Care must be exercised that the soil about the plant be well pulverized and no hard lumps allowed to remain in contact with the roots ; after the plants are set out, he sure that they are firmly pressed in with the feet or hands; plants that are loosely stuck in the ground can never do well. Another prominent thing to bear in mind 64 THE ROSE. is : never allow the plants to lie exposed to the wind and sun, keep them covered until ready to plant. The distance apart is somewhat regulated by the vigor of growth ; the strongest growers should be put about three feet apart ; for those of weaker habit, one or two feet would suffice. In planting beds, if of more than one variety, the strongest sort should be in the centre and those of the weakest habit on the outside. It is almost unnecessary to say, that no planting should be attempted if the ground be very wet, or very dry, as during a summer drought ; and that very late in the season, whether autumn or spring, is not a good time to set out roses ; few things suJQEer so much from late spring planting as do roses ; if the buds have pushed forth, it is generally time and money thrown away to set out plants, other than those pot-grown. The reason pot-grown plants can be used after the others is that the soil in which they are grown can be retained when the roses are removed from the pots, and the plants continue to grow without check. Pot- grown roses must not be immediately exposed to the rays of a hot sun ; if planted out they should receive some shade for a few days, and be carefully PLANTING AND PRUNING. 65 watered. Water must not be applied during the heat of the day, but in the morning or evening. The pruning of roses is one of the most im- portant features connected with their culture, but no directions that can be given will prevent some mistakes from being made. It is practical experience alone that will enable one to deter- mine just what is to be done in each individual case, and just how to do it ; but the general principles that should govern can be easily stated and comprehended. I would recommend the operator to procure what is known as a pruning- knife, having a hooked blade, and also a secateur, or pair of pruning-shears ; the latter is better for cutting away shoots from the centre of a bushy plant and is the quickest and most easy to handle, but where a Yorj smooth cut is desired, the prun- ing-knife will be found most effective ; it is also less likely to bruise the bark. All roses that come from the open ground should be pruned before planting, or immediately after. Many persons who are careless, or not informed, set out the plants just as they come from the nurseries ; un- der such circumstances the plants cannot thrive, the sap has too many buds to nourish and a weak 66 THE ROSE. growth ensues. The shock from transplanting must be met by a shortening of both shoots and roots ; the shoots being shortened the number of buds to draw upon the sap is reduced and a more vigorous growth follows. Not only should all bruised roots be pruned, cutting away to the sound part, but also all those large ones that are uninjured, for by this they are induced to put forth small roots of fibrous nature, which are of great assistance in promoting health and vigor of plant. The cut made in pruning should be as nearly horizontal as possible, so that there shall be but a slight exposure of wounded surface ; it is gener- ally preferable to cut from the inside, and to see that the top bud which is left points out- ward. If the plants bleed after the operation the surface of the cut should be smeared over with wax or other substance ; often a coating of mud will answer. Roses are pruned both early in the spring and in the autumn ; we prefer the former season, but when done then, care must be had not to put it off too late, for if not attend- ed to early, the sap will have pushed toward the upper buds, and when pruned there will be PLANTING AND PRUNING. 67 bleeding or exuding of the sap. The pruning should therefore take place while the plants are dormant, and before the sap begins to flow. The chief objects to be held in view in pruning are the formation of a symmetrical plant, and to promote the formation of bloom buds. To secure these the following general rule must be observed : Plants of delicate habit and iveah growth require severe pruning i those that are vigorous in growth should have the shoots only moderately shortened^ hut the branches well thinned out. If varieties of vigorous habit are closely pruned, a great growth ensues and very few flowers ; hence it is of the utmost importance to know the character of the variety that is to be operated on. Besides pruning the plants in March, a summer pruning is desirable with many varieties of Hybrid Perpetuals, so soon as the June blossoming is over, in order to induce the formation of flower buds later in the season. CHAPTER YI. MANURES. We trust that impatient readers will not pass by tliis chapter with turned-up nose and a sniff of disdain, for the subject is an important, albeit an unpleasant one, to handle. We shall make it short, if not sweet. Manure, if new, should never be applied so as to come in contact with the roots, but may be spread on the surface of the earth as a mulch ; this is often done with advantage in the autumn, digging it in in the following spring. Manure which is to be dug in about the plants must be decomposed, and may be advantageously mixed with a compost of good turfy loam and spent hops ; all animal manure is useful for roses, par- ticularly droppings of the. cow, pig, and sheep ; these mixed with a compost as named form the best fertilizers that can be used. Besides these, the cleanings from the poultry house, night soil, soot, bone-dust, and guano will all be found ex- MANURES. 69 cellent, but nothing I believe is better than a mixture — one-third each — of cow-dung, rotted hops, and turfy loam. Horse-dung is much bet- ter for heavy soils than for hght, and cow-manure does not do so well for soils incHning to be wet. In the hot, dry weather, which we often have in summer, a good watering of liquid manure will be of very great benefit to the plants, more espe- cially during the time of the formation of flower buds. "' The happy rosarian who has a farm- yard of his own will, of course, have a large covered tank therein, for the reception and pres- ervation of liquid manure. At all times, of drought especially, this will be more precious as a restorative and tonic to his roses than the waters of Kissingen, Yichy, or Harrogate to his invalid fellow-men. Only let him remember this rule of application — weak and oft rather than strong and seldom. I bought my own experience by destroying with too potent potations — for- getting that infants don't drink brandy neat — the deKcate fibrous rootlets of some beautifal rose-trees on the Manetti stock."* Night soil would be found a most valuable manure, if peo- * S. R. Hole, 70 THE KOSE. pie would only rightly prepare and use it, but each rosarian points to the other and wonders why no one is found to make use of this valuable commodity which now goes to waste, but no one takes hold. ^' The Romans reverenced Cloacina, the goddess of the sewers, and the statue which they found of her in the great drains of Tarquin- ius was beautiful as Yenus's self ; but they honored her, doubtless, only as a wise sanitary commissioner who removed their impurities, and, BO doing, brought health to their heroes and love- liness to their maidens. They only knew half her merits ; but in Olympus, we may readily be- lieve, there was fuller justice done. Although weaker goddesses may have been unkind — may have averted their divine noses when Cloacina passed, and made ostentatious use of scent-bottle and pocket-handkerchief — Flora, and Pomona, and Ceres would ever admire her virtues, and beseech her benign influence upon the garden, the orchard, and the farm. But the terrestrials never thought that f(£x urhis might be lux orMs^ and they polluted their rivers, as we ours, with that which should have fertilized their lands. And we blame the Romans very much indeed ; MANURES. 71 and we blame everybody else very much indeed ; and we do hope the time will soon be here when such a sinful waste will no longer disgrace an enlightened age ; but beyond the contribution of this occasional homily, it is, of course, no affair of ours. Each man assures his neighbor that the process of desiccation is quite easy, and the art of deodorizing almost nice ; but nobody ' goes in. ' The reader, I have no doubt, has with me had large experience of this perversity in neigh- bors, and ofttimes has been perplexed and pained by their dogged strange reluctance to follow the very best advice. There was at Cambridge, some thirty years ago, an insolent, foul-mouthed, pugnacious sweep, who escaped for two terms the sublime licking which he ' annexed ' finally, because no one liked to tackle the soot. There were scores of undergraduates to whom pugihsm was a thing of beauty and a joy forever, who had the power and the desire to punish his im- pudence, but they thought of the close wrestle — they reflected on the ' hug,' and left him. To drop metaphor, there is no more valuable manure; but it is, from circumstances which require no explanation, more suitable for the farm than the 72 THE ROSE. garden, especially as we have a substitute [farm- yard manure] quite as efficacious, and far more convenient and agreeable in use." * * "A Book about Roses," S. Eeynolds Hole. CHAPTEK YII. INSECTS AND DISEASES. No one can be more profoundly impressed with the curse entailed on Adam and his de- scendants than the reverent rosarian ; for all things hostile and bad, animate and inanimate, seem to combine in greater degree to pre- vent the successful cultivation of the rose than any other well-known flower. Few things, for example, can be more effective in their season than a massive bed of pseonies ; they have all the shades of the rose, are more hardy, and know nothing of mildew or the rav- ages of insect enemies ; but they are almost en- tirely neglected — very unjustly too — that proper attention may be given to our roses, which need constant care and attention to make their culture profitable. The price to be paid for beautiful roses is eternal vigilance inspired by reverent love. * ' He who would have beautiful roses in his garden must have beautiful roses in his heart. 74 THE ROSE. He must love them well and always.' ' A genu- ine lover of roses is not discouraged by tlie knowledge of the difficulties that attend the cul- ture of his favorites, the rather is he incited to succeed in spite of all obstacles and drawbacks, knowing that as faint heart never won fair lady, he cannot expect the smiles of Marie Baumann, or Marie Van Houtte, unless he thoroughly cul- tivate the acquaintance of these beauties, and wait upon them with more attention and deeper concern than would the gallant of the ball-room upon the attendant belles. The following are the chief foes with which the rose has to contend : The Aphis {Aphis Bosce), or Green Fly, is well known by all who have grown roses. It is a small green louse, about one eighth inch in length when fully grown, usually wingless. Their bodies are oval and soft, they secrete a sweet fluid, of which ants are very fond. The presence of ants on roses is good evidence, did we require it, that the aphis is at work. They are very prolific in breeding ; Reaumur estimates that one indi- vidual in five generations may become the pro- genitor of nearly six thousand millions of de- INSECTS AND DISEASES. 75 scendants. Through their slender beak they suck the juices of the plant, always working at the tender shoots, and in a short time will, if unmolested, destroy the vigor or vitality of any rose they infest. Much the best destruc- tive agent to use against them is tobacco smoke ; when this cannot be applied, a liquid solution, made from tobacco stems or leaves, or from quassia, will be found an efficient method of working their destruction. Take four ounces of quassia chips, or tobacco stems, and boil them about ten minutes in a gallon of soft water ; strain off the chips, and add four ounces of soft soap, which should be dissolved in it as it cools, stirring well before using. It may be applied by dipping a whisk broom in the mixture and sprinkling all shoots that are infested. Whale-oil soap, dissolved in water, is also a use- ful remedy. Mildew. — This is a fungous disease often caused by great and sudden atmospheric changes, and by a long continuance of damp, cloudy weather. The best proved remedies are sulphur and soot ; one of these should be applied the moment the disease makes its appearance ; the 76 THE ROSE. plants should be sprinkled with water so that the substance applied will adhere, or else let it be put on early in the morning while the dew is yet on the plants. Some localities are much more subject to visitations of this disease than others, and in such places care should be taken not to plant varieties that are known to be specially lia- ble to mildew. As it is contagious, spreading from one plant to another, we should advise the destruction of such sorts as belong to the Giant of Battles type (see chapter on Typical Koses) ; better it is to sacrifice a few kinds than that all should be disfigured with this annoying fungus. Generally, mildew makes its appearance in the autumn, when the nights grow cool ; at this sea- son it works but little harm and may be disre- garded, since the plants have made their growth and the wood is nearly, or quite, ripe. The Red Spider is a most destructive little insect, which generally commits its ravages in the greenhouse ; they only make their appearance when favored by a hot, dry atmosphere. These insects are very small, scarcely distinguishable by the eye, if isolated ; they are of a dark, red- dish-brown color, found on the under sides of INSECTS AND DISEASES. 77 the leaves. They cause the foliage to assume a yellow tinge, and will soon make sickly the plant they infest. A few applications of whale-oil soap dissolved in warm soft water will often destroy them ; this can be applied with a syringe, taking care to throw the water upward to reach the leaves affected, late in the afternoon, and then washed off with pure water the following morning. This insect does not attack plants that are syringed with water daily, and all plants grown under glass, not in flower, should be sprayed regularly. When a house that has been infested with Red Spider can be emptied of the plants, it is well to burn sulphur on charcoal em- bers ; the fumes from the sulphur are fatal to nearly all insect life, and a house can by this means be soon freed from this insect ; as burn- ing sulphur is also destructive to plant life, this process can only be used in emptied houses, un- less only a slight quantity be used at a time. Rose Hopper, or Thrips (Tettigonia Bosce, of Harris). — This is perhaps the most troublesome pest with which the rose is afflicted in the open air. It is a small, yellowish-white insect, about three-twentieths of an inch long, with transpar- 78 THE ROSE. ent wings. Like tlie Red Spider, tliey prey upon the leaves, working on the under side ; they seem to go in swarms and are very destructive to the plant, soon causing the foliage to assume a sickly, yellow appearance. As they jump and fly from one place to another, their destruction is less easy to accomplish than is the case w^ith other enemies. We have found syringing the plants with pure w\ater, so as to wet the lower side of the leaves, and then dusting on pow- dered white hellebore, will destroy or disperse them. Another remedy, nearly or quite as good, is a solution of whale-oil soap, w^hich must also be applied so as to reach the leaves from beneath. Hose Caterpillar, or Leaf-Eoller. — There are several kinds of caterpillars, belonging to an order called Lepidoptera, which prey upon the rose. They are the young of moths or butter- flies, varying from one-half inch to three-quarter inch in length ; some of these are green and yellow, others brown ; they all envelop them- selves in the leaves or burrow in the flower buds. Powdered hellebore sprinkled over the plants will prevent in a large measure their mov- IN^SECTS AIJTD DISEASES. 79 ing over the plants, but the only method of kill- ing them, which is really effectual, is by crush- ing between finger and thumb. Tliis crushing process may not be considered an agreeable pas- time, but it must be done, and fastidious people can either delegate the work to others, or go armed, not cap a pie, but with gloved hands, and perform the work themselves. It is time to look out for these marauders when the buds are formed and begin to show signs of plumpness. EosE Chafer, or Eose Buo. — This (the Melolontha suhsjmiosa, of Fabricius) is a brown beetle, a httle less than one-half inch in length, which comes from the ground about the second week in June, or when the Damask Eose is in blossom. Many locahties are never troubled with this pest ; where it does appear, it is never alone, but in swarms ; the insects attack the fiowers in preference to the foliage, and seem to be more fond of white and light-colored flowers than of those which are dark. In a very short time they entirely disfigure and greatly injure the plant which they attack ; an application of Paris green dusted over the plants is very destructive to them, but being so dangerous a poison, we 80 THE ROSE. recommend hand-picking and burning of the bugs in preference. The application of tobacco- water, whale-oil soap, etc. , is useless, for in order to have any effect upon the bugs the solution would have to be made so strong that it would work injury to the plants. Rose Slug. — These slugs are the larva of a saw-fly, called by Harris Telandria MoscBy an insect about the size of a common house-fly, which comes out of the ground during May and June. The female flies puncture the leaves in different places, depositing their eggs in each in- cision made ; these eggs hatch in twelve or fif- teen days after that they are laid. The slugs at once commence to eat the leaves, and soon make great inroads upon the foliage, if not checked. They are about one-half inch long when fully grown, of a green color, and feed upon the npper portion of the foliage. The best remedies are powdered white hellebore, or a solution of whale- oil soap. White Grub. — These grubs are the young of those buzzing, sticky abominations known as May-bugs. The beetles are thus described by Harris : ** During the month of May, they come INSECTS AND DISEASES. 81 forth from the ground, whence they have re- ceived the name of May-bugs or May-beetles. They pass the greater part of the day upon trees, clinging to the under sides of the leaves in a state of repose. As soon as evening approaches, they begin to buzz about among the branches, and continue on the wing till toward midnight. In their droning flight they move very irregularly, darting hither and thither with an uncertain aim, hitting against objects in their way with a force that often causes them to fall to the ground. They frequently enter houses in the night, ap- parently attracted as well as dazzled and bewil- dered by the lights. Their vagaries, in which, without having the power to harm, they seem to threaten an attack, have caused them to be called dors, that is, darers ; while their seeming blind- ness and stupidity have become proverbial in the expressions ' blind as a beetle' and ' beetle-head- ed.' After the sexes have paired the males per- ish, and the females enter the earth to the depth of six inches or more, making their way by means of the strong teeth which arm the forelegs ; here they deposit their eggs. . . . From the eggs are hatched, in the space of fourteen days, little 83 THE ROSE. vrliitisli grubs, each provided with six legs near the head, and a month furnished with strong jaws. When in a state of rest, these grubs usu- ally curl themselves in the shape of a crescent." These annoying pests live in the earth for three years, feeding on the roots of roses and other plants, and give no sign of their presence till the plant on which they feed commences to wither or turn sickly. So soon as evidence is given of their ravages, the plant should at once be dug around and search made for the grub, that his destruction may save other plants from death. The grub is more fond of the roots of strawber- ries than of any other food, and if these berries are grown alongside of roses a careful lookout must be had. It is a fortunate thing that the grub does not confine himself to a rose-diet, else would the culture of our favorite flower often be conducted with more plague than pleasure or profit. There are other insect enemies of the rose be- sides those we have named, but they seldom do any great damage, and we think our readers are ready to cry, enough of bugs. We have given a list of remedies for controlling the ravages of • II^SECTS AKD DISEASES. 83 the various pests which worry the rose, but it is with our roses as with ourselves, prevention is always better than cure. A pure atmosphere, cleanliness, by the free use of water, etc. , heal- thy food, not necessarily that which is most nutritious, but that which can with certainty be assimilated or digested, are requirements com- mon to our own lives and those of our roses, if they are to be healthy ones. A watchful care, with systematic attention to watering, syringing, etc., will often keep away insect enemies that would otherwise surely come to^ torment us. Many gardens in the suburbs of cities are supplied with water conducted from the mains of the water works in pipes ; those who have such a supply of water in their grounds will find it an easy matter frequently to spray all the plants both from beneath and above. The fre- quent and vigorous application of water is as hateful to the insects described as it is to fight- ing cats, and every one who grows roses (or cats) should be provided with that most useful instru- ment the garden syringe ; it is a most valuable weapon of defence or of offence, whether used in keeping off the Rose Hopper or in dispersing 84 THE EOSB. the caterwauling midnight marauders that may come within range. There are some insects which entomologists claim to be useful, as destroying those which are noxious ; such are the larvae of the garden beetle, rose beetle, ladybird and others, which feed upon aphides and caterpillars. I know nothing of the truth of this from personal obser- vation, and do not see how their aid can be con- sidered of any great value, since the solutions, etc. , which are necessary to apply when noxious insects make their appearance, would be pretty certain to destroy friend and foe alike. I have much more confidence in the help to be obtained from the despised toad, and some of the birds, especially the ground-bird and sparrow ; the toad will devour many of the worms and caterpillars, the birds will destroy not only these, but also the insects which infest the plants. The aid of the birds might be enlisted by daily scattering a few crumbs among the plants ; when they have con- sumed the crumbs they will naturally turn their attention to the insects at hand, and thus repay their benefactors. CHAPTER YIII. PROPAGATION. There are four methods used in propagating roses— by cuttings, by budding, by grafting, by layering ; in importance they rank in the order named, and in this order we will briefly consider them. Although the principles which govern the art of propagation are the same the world over, it will be found that rosarians differ widely in working out details ; thus, in the production of roses from cuttings, we, in America, are as much more successful than our European brethren as they excel us in the production of budded and grafted plants. Br Cuttings. — There is no doubt but that Dlants grown from cuttings are the most useful for general purposes, and the greater number of our choice varieties can be grown in this way without difficulty ; but there are some beautiful kinds, like Baroness Eothschild, which root with 86 THE HOSE. great difficulty ; these sorts can only be profitably grown by budding or grafting. Cuttings can be made at any time of the year. The old ideas that the wood must be cut at a joint or with a heel, and that it is essential they should be placed in bottom heat, have been thoroughly ex- ploded. The most successful propagation by cuttings, for the largest number of kinds, is made during the late winter months from strong plants one or two years old that have been grown in open ground, potted in the month of November; or from plants which have been grown in pots for one year, or planted out under glass. Cut- tings of all kinds which root freely, like General Jacqueminot, Victor Yeidier, etc., can be made from one eye only, and cut between the joints just as well as after the old fashion of cutting to a heel, and with three or more eyes — an unneces- sary and wasteful process. All of the large com- mercial establishments in this country do most of their rose propagation in the months of January, February, and March ; the cuttings are made to one eye and dibbled m beds of sand, or in some cases are placed in pots of sand and these pots plunged in beds of sand ; underneath the staging PROPAGATIOIJ. 87 wldch supports the cuttings run hot-water pipes or flues ; these are commonly boarded-in to secure bottom heat, and this I beheve to be the best method. Some rose-growers make no attempt at confining the pipes or flues, and produce excel- lent plants without resorting to bottom heat, but it is a slower process, and there is a greater percentage of cuttings which fail to root. Ad- vocates, of this system claim that they secure healthier, stronger plants in the end than they would by the use of bottom heat. There is no doubt that plants propagated in a closely confined house in a high temperature are apt to turn out of weak constitution, but we believe the best re- sults follow where plants are propagated in a bed at a temperature of about 70 degrees, with the temperature of the house a few degrees less. However, these matters concern nursery- men and florists more than amateurs, for this class does not care to put in operation anything that requires much expense. When but few cut- tings are desired they can be placed in pots and will take root in four or five weeks after mser- tion, grown in any ordinary conservatory or greenhouse. After the cuttings have taken root 88 THE ROSE. they should he potted in pots not exceeding two and a half inches in diameter. Certain kinds of roses take root without difficulty, others are so stubhorn that the amateur would do well not to attempt their propagation until he has proved himself an adept in growing the others. The sorts most difficult to root are the various varie- ties of Moss, most of the summer roses, and cer- tain varieties of Hybrid Remontants belonging to the Jules Margottin, Baronne Prevost, and Baroness Rothschild families. (See chapter on Tj^pical Roses.) All of the Tea and Monthly Roses, with very few exceptions, root and grow freely from cuttings. Besides using green wood, some propagators make cuttings from hard wood — that is, shoots thoroughly ripened, taken in the autumn. Man- ctti cuttings are always made from wood taken in autumn, and the various varieties of Prairie Roses are often grown in this way. In some establishments large quantities of cuttings are made during the summer months and grown in hotbeds ; the plants produced are salable in the autumn and are largely used by florists. lu selecting stock plants from which to propagate, PKOPAGATIOK. 89 care should be had that only those be chosen which are vigorous and healthy, otherwise a sick- ly or weak progeny will result. By Budding. — This is an important method, second only to propagation by cuttings. The chief disadvantages are these : first, it is more expensive. The stocks are to be purchased and cared for (they cannot often be profitably grown in our hot climate), and it will be found that the labor of budding, suckering, cutting back stocks, etc., will make the operation far more costly than growing plants from cuttings. Bud- ded plants are not desirable for inexperienced amateurs, since novices do not detect the suckers which, not infrequently, come up from the roots and if not cut away ultimately choke the plant. A third objection is found in the fact that bud- ded plants are more frequently killed by severe .winters than plants on own roots. On the other hand, by budding we are enabled to grow varieties which are so difficult to root from cuttings, that their propagation would be dis- continued by all large rose-growers were it not for this method. Varieties like Baroness Rothschild, Mabel Morrison, Marquise de Castellane, Madame 90 THE ROSE. Boll, Marguerite de St. Amande, etc., are as yet almost indispensable, but no nurseryman would long grow tliem from cuttings. There is another class of roses often advantageously grown by budding, these are varieties of moderate growth like A. K. Williams, Horace Yernet, Madame Victor Yerdier, Mademoiselle Eugenie Yerdier, Marie Baumann, Xavier Olibo, etc. All these kinds are invigorated by being worked on some strong stock, like the Manetti. A third advan- tage of budded roses is for use as stock plants, and also for forcing. Budded plants of many kinds (not the Jacqueminot type) can be taken up in October or November, and with ordinary treat- ment will give as fine a crop of flowers as plants of the same varieties which have been grown all summer in pots at much more expense and labor. I would not advise any reader to purchase budded roses who cannot tell, by the wood, the difference between Persian Yellow and General Jacqueminot, between Marie Baumann and Salet — indeed amateurs who cannot do this do not deserve to have roses at all, for they would not be able to distinguish between the shoots of the Manetti suckers and their Louis Yan Houtte or PROPAGATION^. 91 Victor Yerdier (although the Manetti is most distinct from all other roses). Many kinds of stocks have been tried on which to bnd roses, as the Brier, the Grifferaie, etc., but for general use in this country we very greatly prefer the Manetti. The stocks are planted in nursery rows about three feet between the rows, and six or eight inches apart ; in July and August the buds are inserted ; the lower the buds can be put in the better, as the liability to send up suckers is thereby greatly diminished, and opportunity is also afforded the plant of be- ing ultimately established on its own roots. Propagation by Grafting. — This is a profit- able mode to pursue when done in winter under glass, using plants of Manetti or Brier grown in pots for the purpose. Grafting roses on the root cannot be made profitable, as such a large percentage fail to grow. Stock grafting is car- ried on in England and elsewhere with great success, and although the plants are not so desir- able (owing to the graft being of necessity some distance above the roots) as those propagated by the other methods, it affords nurserymen an op- portunity of more quickly securing a stock of 92 THE EOSE. new sorts, and also is advantageous as an aid in producing more vigorous plants of such varieties as Niphetos, than can possibly be obtained from cuttings. Pkopagation by Layering was once practised to considerable extent, but it is a slow method, and is now but little used. Good plants can be obtained in this way of Persian Yellow and some other varieties which do not strike from cuttings, and it is the only method by which certain kinds can be produced on their own roots. Besides the methods spoken of, roses are also produced from seed, but this is only done where it is purposed to secure stocks, as seedling Briers, or where it is the aim to obtain new varieties. CHAPTER IX. EXHIBITING ROSES. Until recently little attention has, in tliis country, been given to a careful exhibition of roses, but of late years a decided interest has been taken in the matter, and very creditable dis- plays are now made in Boston and Kew York. The Massachusetts Horticultural Society has done a great deal to encourage exhibits of cut- roses, and the numerous boxes of splendid flow- ers to be seen at Boston every June attract ad- mirers from all parts of the land. Much has been written and said for and against the exhibi- tion of cut-roses in boxes. Objectors to the sys- tem claim that wrong impressions are given to the public ; amateurs see beautiful flowers of a certain variety, and are thereby led to purchase and attempt to grow plants of it, only to discover that they don't grow ; the variety being of feeble constitution and requiring skilful treatment, lives but a dismal life at their hands, and it is Anally 94 THE ROSE. discarded as worthless ; or it may be, tlie sort in question jDroves to be a kind that gives a few good blooms in June and plenty of shoots and leaves the rest of the year, but nothing else. Wrong impressions are doubtless often received at these exhibits, for to gain by observation a correct impression of the general qualities of any variety it must be seen at different times, grow- ing in the garden or nursery row in quantity. On the other hand, these exhibitions certainly make prominent the more beautiful roses, and as we are first attracted to a rose by the richness or delicacy of its color, and the symmetry of its form, we have placed before us for easy comparison the highest types of beauty to be found in the rose family ; and although from seeing individual flowers we learn nothing of the character of varieties, as respects profusion and continuity of bloom, or vigor and healthfulness of growth, we, nevertheless, can be assured that those kinds which ?i]y\>QidiV frequently and in great perfection in different boxes are kinds which will certainly be useful ones for general cultiva- tion. Varieties, particularly those not of recent origin, which now and then sparsely appear in EXHIBITING KOSES. 95 great beauty, are not to be trusted on prima-f acie evidence. The warning, ^' trust her not, she's fooling thee," should be borne in mind in the examination of the beauties of these erratic stars, and no one should commit himself in allegiance to them without some knowledge of their actual worth. The following rule of the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society referring to boxes for exhibition is given for the information of those interested in the matter. All roses competing for prizes, except those for the general display, must be ex- hibited in boxes of the dimensions named below : Length. Breadth. Hei^rht. For 24 ropes, 4 ft. . 1ft. 6 in. Back of bos, 6 in. ; front, 4 in. " 12 roses, 2 ft. 2 in. 1 ft. 6 in. " 6 in. ; " 4 in. " 6 roses, 1 ft. 6 in. 1 ft. 6 in. 6in. ; " 4 in. " 3 roses, 1 ft. 1 ft. 6 in. 6 in. ; " 4 in. One of the most important points connected with showing roses is the proper arrangement as regards size and colors of the flowers. '' Cut first .of all your grandest blooms, because no Mede nor Pei*sian ever made law more unal- terable than this : The largest roses must he jplaced at the hack, the smallest in the front, and 96 THE ROSE. the intermediate in the middle of your hoxes. They become by this arrangement so gradually, beautifully less, that the disparity of size is im- perceptible. Transgress this rale, and the result will be disastrous, ludicrous, as when some huge London carriage -horse is put in harness with the paternal cob, or as when some small but ambi- tious dancer runs round and round the tallest girl at the ball in the gyrations of the mazy waltz. . . The arrangement of roses with regard to their color has not been studied as it deserves to be. The amateur with more leisure than the man of business for the study of the beautiful, and f 01 the most effective display of liis fewer flowers, ought to excel, but, as a rule, does not. His roses are very rarely made the most of in this respect, but are frequently marred and spoiled, the colors clashing and contending with each other instead of combining against their common adversary. It is told of a highly sensitive dame whose silly pride was in dress, that she went into hysterics before a large party when her great rival in millinery came and sat upon the ottoman beside her in a grand garment of the same color as her own, but of a much more brilliant and EXHII31T1KG ROSES. 07 effective dye ; and I liave seen many a rose wliicli would weep, if it could, aromatic rose-water, subdued by a like despair. Once upon a time six pretty sisters lived at home together always. In looks, in figure, in voice, gait, and apparel, they exactly resembled each other. Young gentlemen seeing them apart, fell madly in love, as young gentlemen ought to do ; but on going to the house and being introduced to the family they were bewildered by the exact similitude, didn't know which they had come to see, couldn't think of proposing at random, made blunders, apolo- gies, retreats. It seemed as though all these charming flowers would be left to wither on the virgin thorn, when one of them was permitted to leave her home upon a visit to a distant friend. She returned in six weeks Men fiancee^ and six months after was a bride. The rest followed her example. So it is that six scarlet roses or six pink roses in close proximity perplex the specta- tor, and depreciate each other by their monoto- nous identity ; isolated or contrasted we admire them heartily. ' ' * Roses should be. cut and placed in their proper * " A Book about Koses," Chapter XIV., S, Reynolds Hole. 98 THE ROSE. positions for exhibition in the same boxes in whicli thej are to be shown previous to the time appointed for exhibition. Some favored indi- viduals wlio live close by the place where the show is held find it practicable to bring the flowers in baskets or trays, and arrange them in their proper positions in the room where they are to be displayed two or three hours before the time appointed for the judges to go their round. Where roses come from any distance they should be carefully arranged at home, and then when the boxes arrive at destination any flowers that suffered in transit can be replaced from the sup- ply put up for this purpose. The day being cloudy and cool, roses may be cut at any time, but it is prudent to rely on the early morning hours as the best time for the purpose. An ex- perience in cutting roses at sunrise, on a fresh cool morning in June, is an experience worth living for, A careful examination of one's treasures the day before the flowers are to be cut will en- able one to estimate the strength on hand and de- cide finally as to what classes shall be contended for. All the details should be considered in ad- vance, and the writing of cards, giving names of EXHIBITING ROSES. 99 varieties, jDro aiding green moss, etc., not left till the last moment. Amateurs who do not compre- hend the manner of construction of exhibition boxes and the way the flowers are to be arranged in them, would do "svell to apply to the Secretary of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Hor- ticultural Hall, Boston, who will have sent to them a box from which they can j^attern, or all the boxes required will be sent ; he will also fur- nish the schedule of prizes offered by the society. I mention this society because its exhibits are of higher character than any others, both as regards the quality of the flowers displayed and the general arrangements and facilities afforded. Boston excels in the exhibit of Hybrid Remon- tants, while New York stands first in staging fine Teas, but at both places displays are made that should have the encouragement of all who are interested in the improvement of our rose exhi- bitions. CHAPTER X. EOSES UNDER GLASS. BY J. N. MAY. There are a mimber of roses which do not attain perfection when grown in open air, and others that do not thrive at all except under glass. For these it is necessary to provide a rose- honse, which, besides enabling us to grow satis- factorily the delicate kinds, will supply us with flowers during the winter months of any more robust sorts we choose to grow. If it is desired to grow more than one family of roses, two or more houses are desirable, so that they can be treated to sdt their several requirements. Tea Hoses need one treatment, Hybrid Perpetuals and nearly all hardy roses require another some- what different. I will first give the treatment requisite for insuring the best results with Tea Roses, commencing with their propagation. Cuttings. — Use young, vigorous wood taken from healthy plants ; the wood is in the right condition when the flower buds are well devel- EOSES UNDER GLASS. 101 oped. Take cuttings with two or tliree leaf stalks, remove the lower one and make a smooth cut, if possible just beneath where the leaf stalk was removed ; with the back of the knife knock off all thorns from the wood and insert the cut- ting in your bed of sand ; press around the cut- ting firmly, and water thoroughly with tepid water. After this process the cuttings should never be allowed to get dry, the sand must be kept moist by frequent syringing. If the tem- ) perature of the house is kept at from fifty to \ fifty-five degrees at night and from sixty to seventy during the day, the cuttings will be well rooted in twenty^eight or thirty days after the day they are put in. To know when they are in the right condition to pot off : with a thin, flat stick, carefully pry a few out of the sand; if they have made roots one- half inch long, they can be potted. The soil must be prepared by taking tliree parts good loam, one part sand, one part well-rotted cow- '\ manure ; these are to be thoroughly mixed and placed in a warm position. Use two-and-a-half- inch pots, press about the cuttings firmly ; when potted place near the glass. Do not water 102 THE ROSE. heavily for a few days ; until they begin to grow freely a light syringing, just enough to keep the plants from becoming dry, is all that is necessary. In about three weeks, the plants, if properly treated, will be ready to shift into four or live- inch pots. The same care used in the first pot- ting must be observed in this. By watering the plants an hour or so before shifting, they will leave the pot with a ball of earth, and thus but slight check or disturbance is given to the growth of the plants. The pots should always be filled to the amount of one-fourth or one-fifth their depth with broken pieces of pots, or similar sub- stances, in order to secure perfect drainage. After four or five weeks' growth the plants should be ready for the second shift, when six or seven- inch pots will be needed. The same soil should be used, but with the addition of one shovelful of pure ground bone to every forty shovels of soil ; this must be well mixed. In shifting plants always use clean pots. The best time to make cuttings is during the month of January ; if you cannot obtain good cuttings of your own, order young plants from some good grower, to be delivered to you some ROSES UNDER GLASS. 103 time in February or March. These plants will probably be from two-and-a-half -inch pots and will be ready for their first shift. Do not order the plants sent by mail, for under no circum- stances will plants by mail ever be as good as those sent by express ; for the reason that the soil is shaken off the roots when prepared for mailing, and the roots get damaged in transit. I would rather pay double the price for every plant I wanted and have them come by express than have them mailed at one-half the price. After the sun causes the temperature of the house to rise during the day, as during mild, clear days in February, March, and April, careful attention must be paid to ventilation ; air is to be given from the ridge, never from the front, un- til after the first of June, or the plants will suffer from mildew, etc. The Aphis must be kept off by tobacco fumigation ; never allow the plants to become in the least infested. Prevent mildew by dusting flowers of sulphur on the pipes or flues, which should previously be moistened with water. The plants will be ready for removal from the houses to open air about the first of June. The position chosen for plunging the roses must not 104: THE ROSE. be one exposed to sweeping winds or strong draughts of air. The pots may be plunged in a bed of coal-ashes, or any similar material, about four inches in depth. The plants should be syringed once a day to keep them healthy ; if the surface of tlie soil becomes green carefully remove it and fill up with fresh soil. When the pots are filled with roots we give the final shift for the season, using eight, nine, or ten-inch pots according to the size and strength of the plant. If it is de- sired to grow the plants on benches, out of pots, this last shift is not used. For this purpose the side benches should not exceed three feet six inches in width, and next the front should be twelve or fourteen inches from the glass. The benches must be so made as to hold five or six inches of soil, and the bottom boards laid one- half inch apart, so as to secure good drainage ; over the cracks are placed thin sods, the grass side downward ; these prevent the soil from being washed away by watering. The first bench be- ing nearer the glass than the others should be used for the more delicate growing kinds, like Niphetos, etc. If the house be not pitched too high, the middle bench can be made level, like ROSES UXDER GLASS. 105 [ the front one, using tlie back portion for tlie 1 taller growing sorts. The third bench, if there be one, must be raised so as to bring the plants about the same distance from the glass as does , the first one. The plants should be placed about \ sixteen or eighteen inches apart, each way, and 1 should be in position in June or July. When well established and growing freely, give them a ' mulching of good rotten manure mixed with I bone-dust ; one shovel bone-dust to twenty of ' manure is a good proportion. The amount of water to be given will vary with the weather ; during clear and hot days they should have a vigorous spraying, given by a syringe or from the hose, twice a day. When it is cloudy or cool they may need but a slight sprinkling once a day. The soil should never be allowed to become dry so as to show dust, or to be saturated with water ; either extreme is dangerous to the health of the plants. From the time of planting out, say the last of June, until the middle of Septem- ber, or until the nights become chilly, all the ventilators should be constantly left wide open ; when cool weather begins they must be closed at I night, but air should always be given from the 106 THE ROSE. ridge during tlie day, unless the weather be adverse. It should be the endeavor to keep the temperature fifty-five degrees at night, and sixty- five to eighty degrees during the day. If these instructions are carefully heeded, there will be an abundant supply of fine roses all through the season, from the first of October to the end of the following June, when the same process will be repeated. Although the old plants can be used for a second season, I do not advocate it ; the extra expense and trouble of renewing the beds of soil and the plants every season, I have proved by experience is more than compensated for by the better and more constant supply of fine blooms. If it is decided to grow the plants in pots all the season a somewhat different treatment is to be followed. After the final shift the plants are again placed on the bed of ashes, where they are constantly to be watched and cared for, the dead leaves picked off and the surface of the soil occa- sionally stirred, care being taken not to disturb the young roots. During hot weather it is best to water in the evening, but when the nights be- come cool the morning is a better time. By the ROSES UNDER GLASS. 107 middle of August we slightly withhold watering, so that the plants may obtain a hardy constitu- tion and a partial rest of a few weeks. The greenhouses should be thoroughly cleaned, ready to receive the plants by the middle of Septem- ber. After the plants are housed they should be mulched with thoroughly rotted cow-manure, fifteen parts, mixed with one part pure ground bone. As much is to be placed on each pot as will remain and not wash off. The soil is to be examined to see that it does not get too wet. In ten or fifteen days after the plants are placed in the house they will begin to show plenty of blooms, and will continue to push forth buds all the winter. By the first of December, if the plants are doing well, they should have a little weak liquid manure. Place one-half bushel of fresh cow-manure in a barrel containing fifty gallons of water ; stir it thoroughly and let it stand two days before using. The plants may be allowed to become a little dry before the liquid is applied ; it can be used once a week. Chicken manure is also excellent, applied in the same way, but as it is stronger, about twice the amount of water should be used. When neither 108 THE EOSE. of these fertilizers can be liad, Peruvian giianOy two pounds to fifty gallons of water, may be sub- stituted. A peck of soot tied in a coarse bag and allowed to stand in water for several liours, is also a useful stimulant. To destroy worms and keep the soil sweet a dose of lime-water may oc- casionally be given with excellent results. One peck of fresh lime is placed in a barrel, and enough water added to slake it, as a mason would do in making mortar. When the lime has been slaked, add fifty gallons of water and then let it stand until clear. The mulching about the plants may be renewed during the winter, and toward spring the liquid manure can be given more frequently than at the first. At the end of the season, say the first week in June, the plants should be removed from the greenhouse to the plunging ground ; it is desirable now to plunge the pots up to the rim, as this keeps the plants somewhat moist, and much less water is required. The supply of water should be gradually lessened, that the growth may be checked and the plants obtain a few weeks' rest ; in doing this, care must be had that the young wood does not shrivel. After a EOSES UInTDEB GLASS. 109 rest of about five weeks, the plants are to bo shifted into pots one or two sizes larger. By the middle of August it will be time to cut away all weak wood, reserving the young and strong shoots ; these should be tied to neat stakes. As the plants show signs of forming new growth, a httle more water must be given ; they should be housed by the middle of September and treated the same way as the previous year. Hybrid Perpetual Eoses must be managed differently from the Teas. They are propagated and grown in the same way until the first of September, when they should be sorted, and all those having the strongest and ripest wood placed by themselves. Water is to be gradually withheld until growth stops, this will be in two or three weeks ; the pots are then to be laid on their sides, on a bed of coal-ashes ; if the weather is hot and dry cover the pots with rough grass, hay, or any light material ; in this condition they can, if desired, remain several weeks, provided they are not allowed to get hard frozen. Presuming that the blooms are required for New Year's, the plants should be thoroughly ri- pened by the 25th of September, and must be 110 THE KOSE. pruned about that time ; in doing this remove entirely all weak shoots and shorten the strong ones to within a few buds of the base, cutting back to a plump eye. Stand the pots up and water them a little at a time till the balls are soaked through ; on warm days, syringe the tops frequently. Should the nights get frosty place the plants in a pit or cold frame, covering with sashes. If no such place be ready the plants must be removed to the greenhouse ; in any event they will need to go there when the eyes have well started. Be sure to give plenty of air on all mild days, and syringe two or three times a day, according to the heat of the sun. Do not allow the temperature to exceed forty degrees at night for the first three weeks ; after that it can be gradually increased to forty-five degrees. In early November, special care must be taken not to overwater, at the same time the plants must never be allowed to get dry from the time the plants start into growth imtil the blooms are cut. The temperature will be kept at forty five de- grees for the night, or a very little above that point, until the flower buds form ; so soon as the buds are well developed the night temperature ROSES UNDER GLASS. Ill can be gradually increased to fifty-iive degrees. So soon as it is seen that the flower buds are forming, liqnid manure may be given, as directed for Tea Roses. If the flowers are wanted any earlier than Jan- uary the plants must be ripened correspondingly early. It generally takes fourteen weeks from the time of starting to bring Hybrid Perpetual Hoses into bloom. The location, soil, etc., all exert influences in this matter, and the operator must adapt himself to the circumstances of the case. Certainly there is no royal road to success in forcing roses ; it is only by hard work, patient and careful watching, night and day, that success can be obtained. When the crop of flowers is cut the plants can be treated about the same as the Teas, excepting they will not need quite so much water for a few weeks until they begin to grow freely again ; then encouragement should be given them, for the finer the growth now the better will be the produce the next season. At the beginning of June they can be taken out of doors and receive the same treatment as young plants. Varieties suitable for forcing are numerous 112 THE ROSE. (see Chapter XI. for list of varieties), perhaps the best dark ones for Verj early work are General Jacqueminot and Fisher Holmes. Varieties of Tea Koses suitable for forcing are almost in- numerable, and every grower has his favorites ; among the newer sorts some of the Hybrid Teas will certainly rank among the first. For this chapter readers are indebted to Mr. J. N. May, of Summit, ^N". J., a practical cultiva- tor, one of the most successful rosarians who grow flowers for the New York market. Roses under glass ai'e nowhere brought to such perfec- tion as in the neighborhood of Summit and Madison, New Jersey. In the English rose ex- hibitions ai-e yet to be seen the finest specimens of hardy roses, but to see the most beautiful blooms of Tea Roses that the world produces we must go to Jersey ; this chapter, from one of the adepts, will therefore be of great practical value to all who are interested in growing roses through the winter months. CHAPTER XI. VARIETIES BEST ADAPTED EOE SPECIAL PURPOSES. Tlie hinds marlced with an asterisk (*) should he first chosen. For Pegging-down and Bedding. — For this purpose inonthly roses are the best, and in select- ing suitable varieties, several necessary qualities must be considered. When we plant roses in isolated positions we often do so having regard to some special features which, by themselves, would not make the varieties of value for mass- ing together. Thus, Marechal Niel and Niphe- tos are not desirable kinds, though they are the finest roses of their color. The requisites for a good bedding rose are, freedom of bloom, healthy habit of growth, and pure, steadfast color. Symmetry of fonn, fragrance, and ful- ness of flower should also be taken into consider- ation. We commend the following : 114 THE ROSE. *Agrippina, * Apolline, Edward Desfosses, ^George Peabody, ^Hermosa, Queen of Bour- bons, *Malmaison, Madame Caroline Kuster, Pumila, Bougcre, Catherine Mermet, Countess Riza du Pare, General Tartas, '^Gerard Desbois, '^Horner, Jean Pernet, ^La Princesse Vera, Madame de Yatry, *Madame Lambard, Marie Ducber, Marie Guillot, "^Marie Van Houtte, ^Monsieur Furtado, ^Perle des Jardins, Eubens, ^Sombreuil, Souvenir d'un Ami, Triompbe de Luxembourg, *La France, Michael Saunders, Paquerette, Soupert-et-Notting (Moss), Coquette des Alpes, *Eliza Boelle, Madame Auguste Perrin. The Hybrid Hemontants are not quite so useful for bedding roses as those above named, since they are not continuously in bloom, but they are very beautiful massed together and are capable of producing great effects. All of these are desirable : Abel Grand, ^Alfred Colomb, Anne de Dies- bach, Annie Wood, Baronne Prevost, Baroness Eothschild, Boieldieu, ^Countess of Serenye, Charles Lefebvre, Charles Margottin, Countess of Oxford, ^Eugenie Yerdier, ^Fisher Holmes, YAKIETIES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. 115 *Fran9ois Michelon, Gabriel Tournier, General Jacqueminot, Hippolyte Jamain, *John Hopper, La Eeine, La Kosiere, Louis Yan Hontte, Mabel Morrison, Madame Charles Wood, Madame Y. Yerdier, '^Marguerite de St. Amand, ^Marie Baumann, Paul Nejron, Pierre Netting, *Rev. J. B. M. Camm, Yictor Yerdier. For Forcing. — We need for this purpose varieties that ^vill flower freely and that are of high finish ; only the most beautiful should be grown. Among Monthly Poses the most desirable are : ■^Agrippina, Douglass, Souvenir de la Malmai- son. Cloth of Gold, Marechal Niel, Marie Ber- ton, Bon Silene, "Catherine Mermet (not very free, but most beautiful), ^Cornelia Cook (same attributes as Mermet), Homer, Innocente Pirola, ^Isabella Sprunt, Jean Pernet, *Madame Bravy, ^Madame de Yatry, Madame Lambard, ^Marie Guillot, *Marie Yan Houtte, Monsieur Furtado, Niphetos, Odorata, "^Perle des Jardins, *Pubens, Safrano, Souvenir d'un Ami, Triomphe de Lux- embourg, Beauty of Stapleford, Captain Christy, Duke of Connaught, La France, Madame A. Bernaix, Mademoiselle B. Yiolet, Nancy 116 THE EOSE. Lee, Yiscoimtess Falmontli, Soupert-et-Notting (Moss), *Eliza Boelle, Madame Eoman. Among Hybrid Kemontants choose from Abel Carriere, *A. Colomb, Anne de Diesbacli, *Baroness Rotliscliild, Charles Lefebvre, Coun- tess Cecile, ^Countess of Serenje, Countess of Oxford, Etienne Levet, ^Eugenie Yerdier, *Fisher Holmes, Frangois Michelon, General Jacqueminot, H. Jamain, Jean Liabaud, *John Hoj)per, Louis Van Houtte, Mabel Morrison, La Rosiere, ^Marguerite de St. Amande, Marie Baumann, Paul Neyron, Pierre Netting, ^Rev. J. B. M. Camm, Y. Yerdier. Climeing Roses for Conseevatort. — Aimee Yibert Scandens, Banksia White, Banksia Yel- Jow, *Celine Forrestier, Claire Carnot, Cloth of Gold, *Lamarque, Marechal Niel, *Solfaterre, Belle Lyonnaise, "^Gloire de L)ijon, Madame B6rard, ^Marie Berton, Peine Marie Henri- ette. Hardy Roses, that are free autumnal sorts. — Gloire de L)ijon, *La France, Yiscountess Falmouth, Salet, Soupert-et-Kotting. All the Hybrid Noisettes. Abel Grand, *Alfred Colomb, Antoine Yerdier, Annie Wood, Baronne Prevost, VARIETIES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. 117 ^Bareness Kothschild, *Boieldieu, Caroline de Sansal, ^Countess of Serenye, Etienne Levet, Eugenie Yerdier, ^Fran9ois Miclielon, Gabriel Tonrnier, General Washington, Hipj^olyte Jamain, Horace Yernet, John Hopper, Jules Margottin, La Eeine, Louis Yan Houtte, Mabel Morrison, Madame Charles Wood, ^Marguerite de St. Amand, Marie Baumann, Monsieur No- man, Paul Neyron, Princess Charlotte, *Rev. J. B. M. Camm, Yictor Yerdier. These are not all perfectly hardy ; for list of such kinds see below. Highly Scented Eoses. — With but few ex- ceptions all Moss Roses. Blanchefleur, Centifolia, Madame Hardy, *Marechal Niel, Aline Sisley, *Bon Silene, Catherine Mermet, Countess Riza du Pare, ^Devoniensis, Jules Finger, *Madame Bravy, Madame F. Janin, Marie Yan Houtte, *Odorata, Rubens, Souvenir d'un Ami, ^Duchess of Connaught, Hon. George Bancroft, *La France, ^Nancy Lee, *Yiscountess Falmouth, ^Soupert-et-E'otting, ^Alfred Colomb, Baronne Prevost, Bessie Johnson, Fisher Holmes, General Jacqueminot, Horace Yernet, Louis Yan Houtte, Mme. Chirard, *Madame Yictor Yerdier, Marie Baumann, Marie Rady, Maurice Bernardin, 118 THE ROSE. Pierre Netting, Prince de Porcia, Queeu of Waltham, ''^Eev. J. B. M. Camm, Xavicr Olibo. The most hardy Koses. — Abel Grand, Anne de Diesbacli, Baron de Bonstetten, *Baronne Prevost, Baroness E-otlisehild, Boieldien, Caro- line de Sansal, Charles Margottin, Countess of Serenye, Edward Morren, Francois Miclielon, General Jacqueminot, Jules Margottin, *La Reine, Mabel Morrison, Madame Boll, Madame Jolj, Marchioness of Exeter, Marguerite de St. Amande, Marquise de Castellane, Maurice Ber- nardin, Rev. J. B. M. Camm. All summer roses, with scarce any exception, are hardy, more so than any of the Hybrid Remontants. The most hardy of the Monthly Roses are Apolline, Ed- ward Desfosses, Hermosa, Louise Odier, Aimee Yibert, Caroline Marniesse, Gloire de Dijon, Reine Marie Henriette, Bougere, Gerard Desbois, Homer, Madame de Yatry, Marie Ducher, Som- breuil. The most beautiftjl Roses, or those suriED FOR Exhibition. — Souvenir de la Malmaison, Cloth of Gold, *Marechal Niel, Madame Berard, *Marie Berton, ^Catherine Mermet, "^Cornelia Cook, *Homer, *Madame Bravy, *Marie Guillot, VARIETIES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. 119 Marie Yan Houtte, Monsieur Furtado, Niphe- tos, Perle des Jardins, "^Rubens, Souvenir d'un Ami, ^Captain Christy, *La France, Madame Alexander Bernaix, Princess Louise Victoria, *^Eliza Boelle, ^Madame Noman, A. Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Abel Carriere, "A. Colomb, A. K. Williams, Baron de Bonstetten, ^Baroness Rotli- scliild, ■^Charles Lefebvre, Charles Margottin, Countess Cecile, Countess of Serenye, Edward Morren, Egeria, ^'Eugenie Yerdier, "^E. Y. Teas, Fisher Holmes, Fran9ois Mich el on, George Prince, ^Horace Yernet, ^Jean Liabaud, John Hopper, Jules Margottin, La Eosiere, *Louis Yan Houtte, Mabel Morrison, ^Madame Yictor Yerdier, Marguerite de St. Amand, *Marie Baumann, ^Marie Rady, Marquise de Castellane, Maurice Bernardin, Monsieur Koman, Paul Ney- ron, *Pierre :N'otting, -^Rev. J. B. M. Camm, Yictor Yerdier, *Xavier Olibo. CHAPTEK XII. EAISERS OF THE BEST EOSES. With tlie immense number of varieties pro- duced and sent out each year, it would be well if we had some criterion which would enable us to select the probably meritorious sorts from the mass of kinds which are worthless. We have, as yet, no better guide than the reputation of the raisers ; by comparing the best sorts of the different growers we can estimate with some ex- actness the value each grower has been to the world ; judging from what we have received in the past, we can estimate, in a measure, the value of that proffered annually by the different raisers of new roses. The best sorts of each raiser are given in the accompanying list, and are those kinds most generally grown the world over. * These raisers are dead, or have retired from business, or are not likely to be heard from KAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 121 The abbreviations used describing the classes are : A. — Austrian ; B. — Bourbon ; Beng. — Bengal ; CI. T.— Climbing Tea ; D.—Damask ; Hy. CI. —Hybrid Climber ; Hy. E.— Hybrid Noisette ; H. R. —Hybrid Keraontant ; H. T.— Hybrid Tea ; M.— Moss ; N.— Noisette ; P.— Prairie ; P. M. — Perpetual Moss ; Pol. — Poly- antha ; Pro v. — Provence ; T. — Tea. * JBaumann. France. Marie Baumann H.K. 1863 * Jean Beluze. Lyons, France. His first variety was sent out in 1840. Souvenir de la Malmaison B. 1843 Leveson Gower ^' 1846 Henry Bennett. England. First variety issued in 1879. Beauty of Stapleford Hy.T. 1879 Duchess of Connaught '^ 1879 Duchess of Westminster '' 1879 Duke of Connaught ^* 1879 Hon. George Bancroft " 1879 JeanSisley '' 1879 Michael Saunders '' 1879 Nancy Lee ....;... " 1879 122 THE ROSE. Pearl Hy.T. 1879 Yiscountess Falmouth '^ 18T9 These were raised bv other parties, but were pur- chased and sent out by Bennett. Duchess of Edinburgh H.E. 1874: Egeria " 1878 Lord Beaconsfield '' 1878 Mabel Morrison '' 1878 Madame Welche T. 1878 * Daniel Boll. New York. Madame Boll (sent out by Bojeau) H.K. 1859 * Boyeau. France. Solfaterre K. 1843 Souvenir de Mons. Boll H.R. 1866 Broughton. (Amateur.) England. Mabel Morrison H.E. 1878 B. B. Cant. Colchester, England. Prince Arthur H.E. 1875 Scipion Cochet. France. Souv. de la Eeine d' Angleterre . . H.E. 1855 Anthony CooTc. (Koch.) Baltimore, Md. Cornelia Cook T. 1855 KAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 123 Cranston c& Co. ling's Acre, England. Climbing Jules Margottin Hy.Cl. 1875 Sir Garnet Wolseley H.K. 1875 Mrs. Jowitt '* 1880 Fredericlc Damaizin. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1857. Mademoiselle Rachel T. 1860 Madame Charles " 1864 Abel Grand H.E. 1865 Felix Genero " 1866 Madame Nachury " 1873 La Rosiere '' 1874 Davis. England. Penelope Mayo H.R. 1878 ■^ Desprez. France. Desprez IS". 1838 Baronne Pr6vost H.R. 1842 Caroline de Sansal " 1849 Ducher and Widow. Lyons, France. First variety sent out in 1852. Gloire de Ducher H.R. 1865 Nardy Freres ^' 1865 Antoine Ducher " 1866 Marie Ducher T. 1868 124 THE ROSE. Ducher Beng. 1869 Coquette de Lyon T. 1870 Marie Yan Houtte ^' 1871 Perle de Lyon " 1872 Comte de Sembui " 1874 Jean Ducher '^ 1874 Marechal Robert " 1875 Triompbe de Milan '' 1876 Madame Maurice Kuppenbeim. . '^ 1877 Innocente Pirola *' 1878 Madame Welcbe " 1878 Jean Lorthois '' 1879 Jules Finger '' 1879 Madame Louis Henry IST. 1879 Mademoiselle Cecile Brunner . . . Pol. 1880 * I^ast. Baltimore, Md. Anna Maria P. 1843 Baltimore Belle '' 1843 Queen of Prairies '' 1843 * Fontaine j^ere, Chatillon, France. Queen Victoria H.R. 1850 Mme. Chas. Crapelet '' 1859 Marie Rady '^ 1865 Charles Fontaine. Chatillon, France. Louis Dore H.R. 1878 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 125 Gargon. Rouen, France. Mme. Hippoljte Jamain H.E. 1871 Boieldieu " 1877 Gautreau. France. Mme. de St. Fulgent H.E. 1872 Camille Bernardin " 1865 J. M. Gonod. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1 863. Achille Gonod H.E. 186:1 Mme. Louis Donadine '' 1877 Mme. Anna de Besobrasoff " 1877 Mme. Eugene Cliambeyran '* 1878 Mile. Julie Dynionier " 1879 Granger. General Washington H.E. 1861 Maurice Bernardin " 1861 Duke of Wellington " 1864 Exposition de Brie " 1865 Edward Morren '' 1868 * Guillot pere. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1842. Duchesse de Thuringe B. 1847 Canary T. 1852 126 THE ROSE. Lord Raglan H.R. 1854 Senateur Yaisse " 1859 Mme. Bellenden Ker H.K 1866 Monsieur Noman H.R. 18G7 Mme. Noman H.K 1867 Countess of Oxford H.R. 1869 Eliza Boelle H.K 1869 J. B. Guillotfils. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1858. Mme. Falcot T. 1858 Horace Yernet H.R. 1866 Mme. Margottin T. 1866 La France H.T. 1867 Eugenie Yerdier H.R. 1869 Catherine Mermet T. 1869 Comtesse de Nadaillac ^' 1871 Abbe Bramerel H.R. 1871 Claire Camot K 1873 Aline Sisley T. 1874 Marie Guillot " 1874 Paquerette Pol. 1875 Mme. Alex Bernaix H.T. 1877 Mme. Angele Jacquier T. 1879 Pierre Guillot H.T. 1879 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 127 * Giiinoiscay. France. Empereur de Maroc H.K. 1858 * Hardy. Paris, France. Mme. Hardy Dam. 1832 Bon Silene T. 1839 Triomphe de Lnxembourg '' * Harrison. (Amateur.) IS^ew York. Harrison's Yellow A. 1830 * Jacotot. (Amateur.) France. Gloire de Dijon Cl.T. 1853 Hijppolyte Jamain. Paris, France. Mme. Boutin ..H.R. 1861 Dupuj Jamain '' 1868 Constantin Tretiakoff " 1877 Paul Jamain " 1878 * Knight. England. Princess Louise Yictoria H.Cl. 1872 Frangois Lacharme. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1844. Yictor Yerdier H.R. 1852 Salet P.M. 1854 Pc^onia H.E. 1855 Anne de Diesbach " 1858 Charles Lefebvre '' 1861 128 THE ROSE. Mme. A. de Eougemont H.N. 1862 Xavier Olibo H.K. 1864 Alfred Colomb '' 1865 Baronne de Maynard H.N. 1865 Coquette des Alpes '^ 1867 Boule de ISTeige " 1867 Louis Yan Houtte H.E. 1869 Coquette des Blanches H.N. 1871 Mme. Lacharme Hy. China. 1872 Captain Christy H. T. 1873 Hippolyte Jamain H.E. 1874 Countess of Serenye '' 1874 Jean Soupert " 1875 Mme. Lambard T. 1877 Catherine Soupert H.E. 1879 Julius Finger H.T. 1879 * Laffay. Bellevue, France. Mme. Laffay H.E. 1839 WiUiam Jesse '' 1840 Duchess of Sutherland ^' 1840 La Eeine '' 1844 Princess Adelaide M. 1845 Coupe d'H6be Hy. China. — Auguste Mie H.E. 1851 Laneii M. 1854 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 129 Capt. John Ingram M. 1856 Monsieur Furtado T. 1863 * Lansezeur. France. Triomplie de Kennes N. 1857 Thomas Laxton. Bedford, England. Annie Laxton II.R. 1869 Princess Louise ^^ 1869 Empress of India '' 1876 Emily Laxton '' 1877 Marchioness of Exeter '' 1877 Mrs. Laxton '' 1878 Eichard Laxton '' 1878 Charles Darwin " 1879 Doctor Hogg '' 1880 Mrs. Harry Turner " 1880 * Lecomte. France. Marechal Yaillant H.E. 1861 Ledechaux. France, Henri Ledechaux H.R. 1868 Madame Ferdinand Janin " 1875 LeonEenault '' 1878 Antoine Level. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1866-. Mademoiselle Therese Levet H.R. 1866 130 THE ROSE. Belle Lyonnaise Cl.T. 1869 Madame Trifle " 1869 Paul Neyron H.E. 1869 Madame Berard Cl.T. 1870 Madame Jules Margottin T. 1871 Frangois Michelon H.E. 1871 Madame Frangois Janin T. 1872 Perle des JardiiLS '' 1874 Autoine Mouton H.K. 1874 Marie Berton Cl.T. 1875 Madame Etienne Levet Hy.T. 1878 Mademoiselle Brigitte Y iolet ... '' 1878 Keine Marie Hemiette CI. T. 1878 Madame Ducher . , H.E. 1879 Fran9ois Levet '' 1880 Lemque <& Son. Ivry, near Paris, France. Due de Eohan , H.E. 1861 Emilie Hausburgh " 1868 Devienne Lamy " 1868 Eichard Wallace " 1871 Madame Louis Leveque ** 1873 Avocat Duvivier '' 1875 Princess Charlotte " 1877 Gaston Leveque " 1878 Madame Chedane Guinoiseau . . . T. 1880 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 131 Lidbaud. Lyons, France. Introduced his first variety in 1852. Madame Clemence Joigneaux. . ..H.R. 1861 Jean Cherpin " 1865 Marquise de Mortemart " 1868 Baron de Bonstetten '' 1871 Jean Liaband '' 1875 Mademoiselle Emma Hall '' 1876 Madame de Labonlaye *' 1877 Madame Gabriel Luizet '' 1878 Claude Bernard " 1878 * Marest. France. Comtesse Cecile de Chabrillant. . . H.E. 1859 Margottin ^ere. Paris, France. Louise Odier B. 1851 Alexandrine Bacbmetieff H.E. 1852 Jules Margottin '' 1853 Triompbe de PExposition '^ 1855 Anne Alexieff " 1858 Charles Margottm " 1864 Charles Turner '' 1869 Madame de Kidder " 1871 Triomphe de France H.K. 1875 Madame Jeanne Joubert B. 1877 Gloii-e de Bourg La Keine H.E. 1879 132 THE ROSE. Mar goUlrh fits. Paris, France. Comte de Mortemart H.K. 1880 Madame Isaac Pereire B. 1880 Moreau-Bobert. Angers, France. Sombreuil T. 1851 Madame Edward Ory P.M. 1854 Homer T. 1859 Pubens '' 1859 Blanche Moreau M. 1880 Mottheau. France. Comtesse de Clioiseuil H.K. 1878 Nabonnand. Golfe Juan, France. Duchess of Edinburgh (sent out by Yeitch) Hy.Beng. 1874 Cannes La Coquette Hy.T. 1877 La Princesse Vera T. 1878 Duchesse de Yallombrosa ^' 1879 * Nerard. France. Giant of Battles H.K. 1846 Oger. France. Triomphe de Beaute H.K. 1853 Madame Pierre Oger B. 1878 Has sent out upward of 25 varieties, none being of first quality. RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 133 Paul (& Son (George Paul). Cheshunt, Eng. Lord Clyde H.K. 1863 Duke of Edinburgli " 1868 Climbing Victor Yerdier '' 1871 Cheshunt Hybrid. H.T. 1872 S. Eeynolds Hole H.E. 1872 The Shah " 1874 Duke of Connaught '' 1875 Climbing Bessie Johnson '' 1878 John Bright " 1878 Climbing Edward Morren " 1879 Marquis of Salisbury " 1879 Dukeof Teck " 1880 Glory of Cheshunt " 1880 Wm. Paul & Son. "Waltham Cross, Eng. Beauty of Waltham H.E. 1862 LordMacaulay '' 1863 Princess Beatrice '' 1872 Peach Blossom " 1874 Queen of Waltham " 1875 Star of Waltham " 1875 Magna Charta " 1876 Queen Eleanor '' 1876 EosyMorn '' 1878 E. Dudley Baxter '' 1879 134 THE ROSE. Crown Prince H.K. 1880 Masterpiece " 1880 James Pentland. Baltimore, Md. Doctor Kane N. 1856 George Peabody B. 1857 J. Pernet. Lyons, France. Mademoiselle Bonnaire H.IST. 1859 Jean Pernet T. 1867 Baroness Kothscliild U.K. 1867 Marquise de Castellane '^ 1869 Mme. Caroline Kuster N. 1873 Soupert-et-ITotting P.M. 1874 Souvenir de Mme. Pernet T. 1875 Charles KovoUi " 1875 Wilhelm KoeUe H.K. 1878 Ferdinand Cliaffolte <^ 1879 * Joshua Pierce. Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hovey P. 1850 Triumphant «' 1850 ^Portemer. Introduced his first variety about 1837. William Griffith H.K. 1850 Lady Stuart Hy.Ch. 1852 Pierre Notting H.K. 1863 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 135 R. B. Postans. England. May Quennel H.R. 1878 Countess of Roseberry " 1879 Dachess of Bedford " 1879 * Pradel. France. Mar6chal Mel ]^. 1864 * Bamlaux. France. Marie Finger H.R. 1873 Anne Marie de Montravel Pol. 1879 "^ Bousselet, France. General Jacqueminot H.R. 1853 * Sansal. France. Marguerite de St. Amand H.R. 1864 Joseph Schwartz, Lyons, France. Auguste Rigotard H.R. 1871 Andre Dunand '' 1871 Ducliesse de Yallombrosa " 1875 Comtesse Riza du Pare T. 1876 Marquise Adele de Murinais H.R. 1876 A. K. Williams " 1877 Egeria '' IS'^S Jules Chr6tien .• '' 1878 Lord Beaconsfield '' 1878 136 THE KOSB. Madame Angnste Perrin H.N. 18Y8 Madame Oswald de Kercliove .. . '^ 1879 Eeine Maria Pia Cl.T. 1880 Jiev. Ja7nes Sjprunt^ D.D. Kenans ville, N. C. Isabella Sprunt T. 1865 James Sprunt Beng. 1858 * Touvais. France. Due de Gazes H.K. 1860 Mme. Julie Daran " 1861 Centifolia Kosea , " 1863 * Trouillard. Angers, France. Eugene Appert H.E. 1859 Mrs. Standish. '' 1860 Celine Forestier JST. 1860 Charles Turner. Slougli, England. Jolm S. Mill H.E. 1874 Miss Hassard " 1875 Eev. J. B. M. Camm '' 1875 Eoyal Standard '' 1874 Oxonian " 1875 Mrs. Baker " 1875 Dean of Windsor '' 1879 Dr. Sewell '' 1879 Harrison Weir " 1879 RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 137 * Yanasche. France. Leopold Premier ....H.K. 1863 Chas. Verdier. Paris. Ducliesse de Cajlus .. ILK. 1864 Paul Yerdier ..Hj.Ch. 1866 Eugene Yerdier. Paris. Madame Chas. Wood ....H.E. 1861 Prince Camille de Pohan . . . 1861 Madame Victor Yerdier ' 1863 George Prince 1864 Doctor Andry . . . • 1864 Fislier Holmes 1865 Prince de Portia * 1865 Annie Wood * 1866 Thomas Mills ' 1873 E. Y. Teas i 1874 Abel Carriere i 1875 Charles Baltet ' 1877 Madame Alphonse Lavallee . i 1878 Madame Eugene Yerdier c 1878 Souvenir de Yictor Yerdier . i 1878 Comtesse de Ludre ( s. 1879 * Yictor Yerdier. Pari Introduced his first variety in 1828. Douglass ....Be ng. 1848 138 THE ROSE. Apolline Bourb. 1848 Jacques Vigneron. Orleans, France. Elizabeth Vigneron H.E. 1865 Glory of Waltliam (sent out by W. Paul) Hy.Cl. 1865 * Yihert. Paris. Aim6e Yibert IST. 1828 Countess of Murinais M. 1843 Blanchefleur , Prov. 1846 Glory of Mosses M. 1852 Viennot. France. Marechal YaiUant H.E. 1861 Ward. Ipswich, England. John Hopper H.E. 1862 The standing of the various rosarians, now in business, who have sent out two or more sorts of good repute, is here placed in order of merit. 1. Lacliarme. Victor Verdier, Alfred Colomb, Coquette des Alpes, Charles Lefebvre, are varieties of marked individuality, produced by him. He has sent out fewer poor or in- different sorts than any other large grower. He raises few Teas. 2. Guillot fils. In La France and Catherine Mermet, he has given us new types of won- RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 139 drous beauty. Horace Yernet, Eugenie Yerdier, and Marie Guillot, are sorts scarcely less fine. He furnishes about equal numbers of Teas and Hybrid Kemontants. 3.- E. Yerdier. Has sent out no Teas except Marechal E'iel, but many more hardy kinds than any other grower. Most of those which have any value are crimson sorts. While he has issued far too many indiffer- ent kinds, and so has injured his record, we cannot but be grateful to him for the lovely dark roses he has given us, like Prince Camille, Mme. Yictor Yerdier, and Fisher Holmes. 4. A. Levet. F. Michel on and Perle des Jardins are his greatest gains. He is profuse in his production of climbing Teas of the Dijon type. 5. Ducher. Strong in Teas. 6. Paul & Son (George Paul). Has given us some dark kinds of wondrous beauty, but they do not thrive in our extreme climate. Perhaps some of his newer ones will be better adapted to our requirements. We miss very much in not being able to grow well S. Reynolds Hole, etc. 140 THE ROSE. 7. Schwartz. A. K. Williams and Egeria are among the most beautiful roses, but lack a good constitution. Mesdames Auguste Per- rin and Oswald de Kerchove are new types, valuable additions to the Hybrid Noisette family. 8. Wm. Paul & Son. Although this firm have sent out no roses of sensational beauty, they have given some that have been useful in their day. 9. Laxton. Those of his raising and Charles Turner's are, so far, the most useful English roses for our climate. 10. Pernet. Baroness Rothschild and Soupert- et-ISTotting are his distinctive sorts. 11. Turner. A raiser with an active conscience. Would there were more ! 12. Margottin. His roses have at least been distinct. 13. Liabaud. In the contest for supremacy has brought out some darJc horses that have some years won the race. 14. Bennett. 15. Moreau-Robert. 16. Damaizin. RAISERS OF THE BEST ROSES. 141 17. L6veque. 18. Granger. 19. Cranston & Co. 20. Postans. 21. Gonod. 22. Sprunt. 23. Nabonnand. This gentleman has sent out some seventy varieties, mostly Teas, but for some reason (is it lack of merit ?) they have not taken well with the public. 24. Garden. 25. Jamain. 26. Rambaux. 27. Gautreau. 28. Ledechaux. 29. Charles Verdi er. 30. Vigneron. 31. Margottin fils. 32. Oger. Last and least, is one of the oldest raisers who has sent out a large number of sorts, but the rose public, perhaps being prejudiced, have never seen merit in any- thing he has produced. Lest this list of raisers may seem to have been too arbitrarily arranged, we subjoin a list gauged 142 THE ROSE. according to the number and standing of tlie varieties which represent them (the raisers), as given in the election of exhibition roses, held in England last summer. The result of this elec- tion was published in the Journal of Horticul- ture^ October 6th, 1881, the best twelve varieties standing in the following order of merit : Marie Baumann, Alfred Colomb, Baroness Kothschild, Charles Lefebvre, Marquise de Castellane, Duke of Edinburgh, Louis Van Houtte, Marechal Niel, Marie Rady, La France, A. K. Williams, Etienne Levet. The names of eighty-eight vari- eties are noted, and the total number of votes giving the several varieties of each raiser deter- mine the relative standing of the raisers. The names of those rosarians now living, as gauged by this election, rank in the following order : 1. E. Verdier 12 sorts 423 votes. 2. Lacharme 11 3. Guillotfils 6 4. Levet 4 5. Paul & Son 4 6. Fernet 2 Y. Schwartz 3 8. W. Paul &Son. 4 409 204 146 140 132 112 101 KAISEKS OF THE BEST EOSES. 143 , 68 votes. 9. Granger .. 3 sorts 10. Baumann .. 1 11. Jamain .. 2 12. Liabaud .. 2 13. Leveque .. 3 14. Turner .. 3 15. Laxton ... 3 16. Ducher . . 1 17. Gautreau . . 1 18. Ward . . 1 19. Cranston . . 1 20. Kambaux . . 1 21. Postans . . 1 22. Damaizin . . 1 23. Gar9on . . 1 24. Davis . . 1 25. C. Fontaine . . 67 64 63 57 43 40 36 34 34 28 26 22 20 15 11 10 It is to be noted that Tea Roses, in the elec- tion, play an unimportant part, as in England tbey are mostly grown under glass, and for exhi- bition purposes are only to be had in small quan- tities. Some voters did not consider the Teas at all, confining their votes to hardy varieties, doing this on account of the radical differences which exist between the two classes. This has an im- 144 THE ROSE. portant bearing in estimating the comparative standing of the various growers ; thus, Ducher's forte has been the production of fine Tea Eoses, and this last hst does not give him his just posi- tion. We must consider it therefore from the standpoint of hardy exhibition varieties ; in doing this, we find an interesting impartial com- parison. Seven raisers named in our hst find no representation in the election list, these are Sprunt, Nabonnand, Ledechaux, Charles Ver- dier, Yigneron, Margottin fils, and Oger. We believe our own list to represent more correctly the comparative merit of the various producers of new roses ; but the latter, as has been said, is certainly impartial, and is the more gladly in- serted, to show that we have no bias that influ- enced us in our arrangement. CHAPTEE XIII. THE SEED PARENTS OF THE LEADING KOSES. Our information, whenever possible, has been obtained from the raisers themselves ; there may be some inaccuracies, but great pains have been taken to make the list as comprehensive and correct as possible. It ^vill be observed that General jacqueminot, Jules Margottin, and Vic- tor Yerdier, have been the most used as parent sorts. While we hope this list will be of general interest, it will, we are sure, be of value to those engaged in raising new varieties. Some few of the varieties are crosses from two known sorts, but only the female parent is given ; this is the case with all the Hybrid Teas of Bennett ; the full parentage of these kinds may be found in the catalogue of varieties. It must not be in- ferred that all the varieties that bear seed freely are included in this list ; on the contrary, some of the most productive have no representation — - such are Baron Chaurand, Jean Cherpin, Dr. de 146 THE KOSE. Chalus, Thomas Mills ; while Victor Yerdier and Giant of Battles, which seem to seed freely in Lyons, France, rarely bring seed to perfection in Rochester. Alba Rosea (Tea). — Beanty of Stapleford (Ily. Tea), Nancy Lee (Hy. Tea). Anne de Diesbach. — Princess Marie Dplgo- rouky. Annie Wood. — Edward Dnfour. Antoine Ducher. — Edward Pynaert, Ernest Prince, John Sanl. Baroness Rothschild. — Marie Louise Pemet. Baron de Bonstetten. — Jean Liabaud. Beauty of Waltham. — John Stuart Mill, Mas- terpiece. Catherine Mermet (Tea). — Jules Finger. Charles Lefelvre. — General Yon Moltke, Glory of Cheshunt, Harrison Weir, Henry Ben- nett, Jean Soupert, Mrae. Anna de Beso- brasoff, Mrs. Harry Turner, President Leon de St. Jean, Rev. W. H. Stomers, Souvenir du Dr. Jamain, W. Wilson Saunders. Cloth of Gold (Noisette). — Isabella Gray, Mme. Miolan Carvalho. SEED PARENTS OF LEADIl^^G ROSES. 147 Comtesse de La Barthe (Tea). — Countess Kiza du Pare, Mme. Joseph Schwartz. Countess of Oxford. — Dumnacus, Mme. Bruel. Devoniensis (Tea). — Cornelia Koch, Madame Welche. Duoliess of Sutherland. — Elizabeth Yigneron, Princess M. of Cambridge, Thyra Hamme- rich. Duchess of Edinburgh (Bengal or Tea). — Al- phonse Karr. Duke of Edinburgh. — Doctor Hooker, Duke of Teck, Robert Marnock, S. Reynolds Hole, Sultan of Zanzibar, The Shah. General Jacqueminot. — Alfred Colomb, Alfred de Rougemont, Andre Leroy, Baron de Rothschild, Camille Bernardin, Charles Le- febvre, Duke of Edinburgh, Dupuy Jamain, Gloire de Santhenay, Horace Yernet, Le Rhone, Leopold Premier, Maurice Bernar- din, Oriflamme de St. Louis, Prince Arthur, Richard Smith, Senateur Yaisse, Triomphe des Beaux Arts, Xavier Ohbo. Giant of Battles. — Abbe Bramerel, Arthur de Sansal, Cardinal Patrizzi, Empereur de Ma- 148 THE ROSE. roc, Eugene Appert, Eveque de Nimes, Lord Kaglan, Louis Chaix, Mrs. Standisli, Yainqueur de Solferino. Gloire de Dijon (Tea). — Antonia Decarli, Beau- te de I'Europe, Belle Lyonnaise, Gloire de Bordeaux, Jean Lortliois, Mme. Berard, Mme. Levet, Mme. Trifle, Marie Berton, Matliilde Lenserts, Miss May Paul, Beine Maria Pia, Stephanie et Eodolplie. John Hopper, — Ambrogio Maggi. Jules MargoUin. — Abel Grand, Achille Gonod, Bertbe Baron, Boieldieu, Charles Margottin, Claude Bernard, Ducliess of Yallombrosa, Edward Morren, Egeria, Emily Laxton, John Hopper, Madame Gabriel Luizet, Ma- dame Lacharme, Marchioness of Exeter, Mar- guerite de St. Amande, Marquise de Morte- mart. Monsieur Neman, Pseonia, Peach Blossom, Yiolette Bouyer. La Heine. — Anne de Diesbach, Auguste Mie, Frangois Michelon, Gloire de Vitry, Louise Peyronny, Marguerite Dombrain, Mere de St. Louis, Beine des Blanches, Heine du Midi, Souvenir de la Keine d'Angleterre, Ville de St. Denis. SEED PARENTS OF LEADING EOSES. 149 Lamarque (Noisette). — Cloth of Gold, La Jon- quille (Tea), Le Pactole, Solfaterre, Tri- omphe de Rennes. Lion des Coinhats. — A. M. Ampere. Louise Odier (Bourbon). — Catherine Guillot, Comtesse de Barbantanne, Modele de Per- fection. Madame Boutin. — Madame Marthe d'Halloy. Madame Charles Wood. — Guillaume Gillemont. Madame de Tartas (Tea). — Baron Alexandre de Yrints, Marie Van Houtte. Madame de St. Joseph (Tea). — Hon. George Bancroft (Hj. Tea). Madame Falcot (Tea). — Madame Azelie Imbert, Madame Bernard, Mile. Blanche Dur- schmidt. Madame Julie Daran. — Charles Darwin. Madame Laffay. — Marquise A. de Mnrinais. Madame I^ecamier.—EYiza Boelle, Madame No- man. Madame Victor Yerdier. — Comte de Flandres, Mrs. Laxton, Souvenir de Spa. Madame Vidot. — Princess Lonise. Marguerite de St. Amande. — Miss Hassard. Marie Rady. — Mrs. Jowitt. 150 THE ROSE. Ophirie (Noisette). — Duarte d'Oliveira, Ma Ca- pucine, Souvenir de Paul Neyron. Paul Neyrcm, — George Moreau, Ulrich Brun- ner. President (Tea). — Duchess of Conn aught, Duch- ess of Westminster, Duke of Connaught, Jean Sisley, Michael Saunders, Pearl, Yis- countess Falmouth. These are all Hybrids, raised by Bennett. Safrano (Tea). — Madame Charles, Madame Fal- cot, Safrano a fleur rouge. Senateur Yaisse. — Anicet Bourgeois, Madame Adelaide Cote. Solfaterre (Noisette). — America, Caroline Schmitt. Souvenir de la Reine d'' Angleterre. — MdUe. Emma Hall, Monsieur Jules Monges. Souvenir de la Peine des Beiges, — Madame Crassy. Triomphe des Beaux Arts. — Empress of India. Triomphe de V Exposition. — General Washing- ton, Marechal Forey, President Mas, Madame Jules Grevy. Victor Yerdier. — Andre Dunand, Captain Chris- ty, Charles Yerdier, Countess of Oxford, SEED PARENTS OF LEADING ROSES. 151 Etienne Levet, Helen Paul, Hippolyte Ja- main, Julius Finger, Madame Devert, Ma- dame George Schwartz, Madame Marie Bianchi, Mademoiselle Eugenie Yerdier, Mademoiselle Marie Cointet, Marie Finger, Maxime de la Eoclieterie, Mrs. Baker, Ox- onian, Paul Nejron, President Thiers, Sou- venir du President Porcher. Yellow Tea. — Devoniensis. CHAPTER XIY. PERMANENT COLORS — TOO - MUCH - ALIKE ROSES. HOW TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN SIMILAR VARIETIES. Among the many desirable qualities wliicli we should look for in our best roses, permanency of color is not the least important. I have refer- ence more particularly to the Eemontant or Hybrid Perpetual varieties ; but my remarks will also apply to the other classes, though per- haps in less degree. It has no doubt often been noticed how differently the various varieties of roses will impress us in different seasons ; that is, a kind which excites our highest admiration one year may more or less disappoint us the next. This arises from various causes, but chief among them is the variation in color produced by differ- ent conditions of sunlight, heat, moisture, etc. To know what are the most permanent colors among the innumerable varieties found in the catalogues becomes, therefore, a matter of con- PEE3IANEKT COLORS, ETC. 153 siderable importance, enabling us to place in fa- vored situations those sorts easily affected by these several conditions, and, if necessary, giving posi- tions exposed to the direct rays of the sun to those varieties which have proved best able to endure them. The most severe ordeal which tries the color of a rose is an excess of moisture followed by a hot sun. Exposed to these conditions many of our choicest sorts, of which Charles Lefebvre and Countess of Oxford are notable examples, lose their pristine brilliancy or purity, and become lamentably faded and sullied. Others, like Louis Yan Houtte and Marie Bau- mann, are under such circumstances much less injured, and though losing some of their origi- nal freshness still remain exceedingly attractive. Dark roses are, as a rule, the first to fade ; their glory passes away very much sooner than is the case with the rose-colored varieties and those of light shades. Among the crimson sorts we have observed none which retains its color so well as Louis Yan Houtte ; this quality, combined with fine form, fragrance, and freedom of bloom, places it at the head of all crimson-maroon roses. Yarieties of somewhat lighter shade that rank 154 THE KOSE. high for permanency of color are, General Jac- queminot, Charles Margottin, Marie Baumann, AKred Colomb. Among tlie shades of rose that are most durable, we find Marquise de Castellane, Rev. J. B. M. Camm, Madame Louis Leveque, Marguerite de St. Amand, Jules Margottin. From the pink sorts we choose Eugenie Yer- dier, Egeria, Monsieur Noman, Baroness Roth- schild, Captain Christy, Countess of > Serenye. Among roses that fade quickly when exposed to the adverse influences spoken of, are found many of our most beautiful varieties ; by taking pains to place these in the most favored locations we can aid in retaining the natural shades, and thus greatly enhance the value of each kind. All of the Yictor Yerdier type, except the light ones like Eugenie Yerdier ; all of the Giant of Battles type, all of the Duke of Edinburgh type, all of the Charles Lefebvre family, Dr. Andry, Gloire de Ducher, Madame de Ridder, Andre Dunand, Camille Bernardin, Jean Cher pin, Madame Na- chury, Emilie Hausburgh, are examples of beauti- ful but non-permanent colors. Synonymous, or too-much-alike Roses. — A drawback to the purchase of new varieties is the PERMANE2JT COLORS, ETC. 155 knowledge, gained from past experience, that a largo number of those sent out as new sorts are not sufficiently distinct from known varieties to prove of any value. This is notably the case with the French roses. In England, more care has been exercised in disseminating new kinds than in France, and in ordering English roses we can do so with some confidence that they will at least be distinct. Before enlarging our already cumbersome list of varieties, we think it of great importance to thoroughly sift the sorts now com- monly grown, and where two or more varieties bear a strong resemblance to each other in the appearance of the flowers, to reject the inferior kinds. As roses which are synonymous, or too iimch alike, as regards the form and color of the flowers, we note the following kinds : Hybrid Remontant. Alfred Colomb and Wilhelm Koelle. Anne de Diesbach and Gloire de Paris. Auguste Mie, Mme. Eival, and Blanche de Beaulieu. Baron de Bonstetten and Baron Chaurand. Boieldieu and Mme. Boll. 156 THE ROSE. Charles Lefebvre and Marguerite Brassac. Countess Cecile and William Griffith. Coquette des Blanches, Baronne de Maynard, Louise d'Arzens, Mme. A. de Rougemont, and Perfection des Blanches. Egeria, Princess Mary of Cambridge, and Peach Blossom. ^Eugenie Yerdier, Marie Finger, and Mme. Louis Donadine. ^E. y. Teas, Senateur Yaisse, and Frangois Fontaine. General Jacqueminot, La Brillante, Triomphe d' Amiens, Triomphe de Beaute, and Rich- ard Smith. General Washington and President Lincoln. ^Hippolyte Jamain, Etienne Levet, and Presi- dent Tillers. La Reine and Reine du Midi. La Rosiere, Prince Camille, Edouard Dufour, and Souvenir d'Auguste Riviere. Louise Peyronny and Laelia. Lyonnaise, Mme. George Schwartz, and Mile. F. de la Forest. Madame Boutin and Christine Nilsson. Madame Joly and Michael Bonnet. PEKMAifENT COLOHS, ETC. IJI Marechal Yaillant, Avocat Duvivier, and Pourpre d' Orleans. * Maurice Bernardin, Exposition de Brie, Fer- dinand de Lesseps, and Sir Garnet Wolseley, Madame Koman and Mile. Bonnaire. Mrs. Standish, Cardinal Patrizzi, and Vain- queur de Solferino. Miss Hassard, Elizabeth Yigneron, Duchess of Edinburgh, and Duchesse de Yallombrosa. Portland Blanche and Blanche Yibert. Souvenir de la Keine des Beiges, and Prince Albert. Tea Roses. Adam and President. Bon Sil^ne and Goubault. Bougere and Clothilde. Carohne and Yictoria Modeste. iilise Sauvage and L'Enfant Trouve. Gloire de Dijon, Antonia Decarli, and Mme. Levet. Le Pactole, Louise de Savoie, and Marechal Beauregard. * Madame Bravy, Alba Eosea, and Mme. Sertot. 158 THE KOSE. Madame Francois Janin and Mile. Lazarine Poizeau. Madame Joseph Halphen, Bella, Isabella, Pauline Plantier, and Arch- Duchess Therese Isabelle. Madame Maurin and Madame Denis. Marie Guillot and Triomplie de Milan. !N"arcisse and Enfant de Lyon. * Niphetos and Mathilde. Perle des Jardins and Perle de Lyon. Safrano and Madame Charles. Souvenir d'un Ami and Queen Yictoria. Hybrid CliJribing. Fortune's Yellow and Beauty of Glazenwood. Bourbon. Apolline and Pierre de St. Cyr. Catherine Guillot and Michael Bonnet. George Peabody, Comice de Tarn -et- Garonne, Dr. Berthet, Dr. Lepretre, Ferdinand Deppe, General Blanchard, Geo. Cuvier, Jupiter, Omar Pacha, Proserpine, and Souvenir de 1' Exposition. Hermosa, Armosa, Mme. Neumann, and Setina. PERMANENT COLORS, ETC. 159 Louise Odier and Madame de Stella. * Marechal Villars and Belle Isadore. Paul Joseph and Charles Martel. Phoenix and Yebles. Bengal. Agrippina, Cramoisi-Superieur, and Eblouis- sante. Antheros, Buret, Louis Philippe, President d'Olbecque, Prince Eugene, Purple Crown, and Triumphant. « Noisette. Champnej's Pink Cluster, Belle Mareeillaise, and Miss Glegg. Cloth of Gold and Chromatella. Eugene PiroUe and Admiral Eigney. Fellenberg and Beauty of Greenmount. Isabella Gray and Jane Hardy. Lamarque and Jeanne d'Arc. Solfaterre and Augusta. Moss. William Lobb and Duchesse d'Ystrie. Gracilis, Prolific, and Charles Morel. Oscar Le Clerc and Madame Bouton. 160 THE ROSE. Many of these roses are identical in all respects save name ; the others are certainly too much alike to be grown, even in the largest collec- tions ; for though there may exist some consider- able difference in the habit of growth of a few of those coupled together, the distinction between the flowers is exceedingly slight, such as can be observed by experts only. I have in every case placed first the variety which seems on the whole the most worthy of being retained ; in a few instances I have found it difficult to make a deci- sion, this is where an asterisk C^) is prefixed to the name. In all these cases (*) we shall make fur- ther study of the slight differences which exist between the varieties so as to determine the best ; we hope to have the aid of others in this matter. How TO DISTINGUISH Yakieties. — Old rosa- rians may need no instruction in this matter, but we believe some useful hints may be given to amateurs who find difficulty in ascertaining the difference which exists between varieties that re- semble each other. The chief value of such knowledge is in the power given of determining what sorts should be retained as the best of their type, and what rejected as similar but inferior to PERMANENT COLORS, ETC. 161 them. The flower is naturally the first to claim onr attention ; observe first the color, second the form, degree of fulness, and size, third the fragrance. Next, examine the vigor and habit of growth, whether the shoots are upright or spreading; the joints between leaf -stalks, whether close together (short joints), or widely separated (long joints) ; the thorns, whether they be many or few in number, their thickness, length, color, whether straight or hooked ; the leaf -stalks and foliage, whether the leaflets be five, seven, nine, or eleven in number ; the color of the fohage and bark, sometimes dark green, sometimes pale, occasionally brown or red ; further, whether the leaves be small or large, round or long, indented or regular, glaucous and smooth, or curled and rough. Then also we have to consider the pro- ductiveness and continuity of bloom, and the hardiness of the plant. A year ago I made the discovery of a fact which has an important bear- ing in this matter. The majority of Hybrid Eemontant Eoses have five leaflets, though quite a number of kinds in the class are freely fur- nished with seven. My discovery was this : All Hybrid Remontant Roses that have seven leaflets 1G2 THE ROSE. are liglit-colored sorts, rose-color, pink, etc. Excepting A. Geoffroj St. Hilaire there is no Ted or crimson Remontant having seven leaflets ; by this I do not mean that a leaf -stalk of a red or crimson sort is never furnished with more than five leaflets ; isolated cases can be observed where seven leaflets are found, just as four and five leaved clover-stalks now and then come to notice. As a practical illustration of our comments on how to distinguish between similar varieties, we invite the amateur to study and compare Alfred Colomb, Marie Baumann, and Marie Eady ; three of our best roses, sorts which have many qualities in common, so much so that the inexperienced, when first observing them together, might pro- nounce them the same rose. But the expert at once sees distinctive traits that separate one from the other, he notices that Alfred Colomb is the darkest in shade of the three, that it has a more globular, pointed bud and flower than Marie Baumann ; that the wood is much more smooth than the others ; that late in the season the flow- ers have more substance and are of better quality than Marie Baumann. So, early in the year, he PERMANENT COLORS, ETC. 163 would select Marie Baumann or Marie Eadj as in a degree tlie most beautiful ; the former more circular and symmetrical, if possible, than Alfred Colomb ; the latter with more substance, and better filled out. And, so continuing the exami- nation, it is found that these roses are sufficiently distinct, one from the other, both in flower and habit, to make the presence of all three most de- sirable in all choice collections. Now take up Maurice Bernardin and its near relatives. Yery close and minute examinations enable us to de- tect variations in one way and another, but these variations are so slight that we come to the de- cision that one name will answer for all. It takes close and continued observation to deter- mine which is most worthy of retention. The choice in this case certainly lies between Maurice Bernardin and Ferdinand de Lesseps. Sir Gar- net "Wolseley has been thought a trifle fuller and of higher finish than the others, but it is less pro- ductive and more tender. A study of the other varieties coupled together as synonymous or too much alike, will develop similar conclusions. CHAPTER XY. TYPICAL EOSES. CHARACTERISTICS WHICH ARE COMMON TO CERTAIN VARIETIES IN DIFFERENT CLASSES. To know the peculiarities which pertain to certain families of Hybrid Remontant and other roses, would be advantageous to different people in many ways. There are some types, such as La Reine, Jules Margottin, Yictor Yerdier, and Giant of Battles families, which are quite marked in tlieir characteristics. If all new roses were classified or described as being of such and such origin, or as belonging to a certain class, it would be of great value. The nurseryman is unwilling, with some exceptions, to undertake the propagation of a kind which will not root and grow freely ; he also desires such as are of healthy habit and good constitution, in addition to excellence in color and form of flower. The amateur, perhaps, would not knowingly purchase a variety devoid of fragrance, or one which is TYPICAL ROSES. 165 not a free autumnal bloomer. The florist would require that a variety should be of steadfast color, one that does not quickly fade ; or that it should be useful to force, yielding flowers in abundance, etc. If, therefore, new roses were described as belonging to the La Heine or Victor Yerdier type, we should have some very impor- tant knowledge of their qualities, since these roses have imparted to their progeny certain distinct attributes by which they may readily be distin- guished from others. A consideration of the different prominent types found among Hybrid Remontant and other classes of roses may be studied with interest and profit. Baeonne Prevost Type. — The year 1842 ushered in to rosarians what is now the oldest type of roses in the class, viz., Baronne Pre- vost. It is not a numerous family, and is also of less importance to us than many of the others, but we can well imagine what pleasure it gave, in years gone by, to the rosarians of the day. This type makes long, stout shoots, fortified with red thorns of unequal length, but generally short ; foliage rather oval, somewhat crimpled ; flowers large, or very large, of flat shape, very 1C6 THE KOSE. full, fragrant, of some shade of rose. It is tLe most hardy type we have. The varieties com- monly grown are Boieldieu, Colonel de Eouge- mont, Madame Boll, Oderic Vital. They are all free bloomers in autumn. La Reine Type. — In 1844, Laffay introduced what he loyally named Rose of the Queen (Rose de la Reine). This variety bore royal sway for many years ; it not only still sells well and is to be considered a useful rose, but it should also have our esteem as being the parent of a most useful family. The wood is light green, fur- nished with occasional thorns ; of strong growth; foliage pale green and crimpled. Flowers vari- ous shades of rose, generally of semi-globular form, large, somewhat fragrant ; free in the autumn ; quite hardy, enduring more cold than any of the other families except Baronne Prevost. The leading sorts are : Anne de Diesbach, Antoine Mouton, Auguste Mie, Belle Normande, Francois Michelon, Gloire de Yitry, Lselia, Louise Peyronny, Madame Alice Dureau, Mme. "Nachury, Paul E'eyron, Reine du Midi, Yille de St. Denis. Giant or Battles Type. — The founder of TYPICAL ROSES. 167 this family was introduced by Is"erard in 1846, and doubtless has Bourbon blood in its veins. The colors are various shadings of crimson, very rich and effective when in perfection, but very fleeting ; the sun soon gives them a muddy hue. The flowers are well shaped, but small, and have slight fragrance ; they are very freely produced in the spring and summer months, but, as a rule, not in the autumn. The shoots are of moderate or short growth, short jointed, erect, very stiff, and covered with very numerous red- dish thorns. The foliage is of histrous dark green, very subject to mildew. They are diffi- cult to propagate from cuttings, and liable to in- jury from frost. The leading sorts are : Arthur de Sansal, Cardinal Patrizzi, Crimson Bedder, Empereur de Ma roc, Eugene Appert, Eveque de Nimes, Lord Haglan, Louis Chaix, Mrs. Staud- ish, Yainqueur de Solferino. General Jacqueminot Type. — In 1852, the head of what is now considered the most valu- able type made his bow to an admiring world ; clad in rich crimson livery he still commands re- spect and admiration, and marshalled under his generalship is the army of dark roses which so 168 THE ROSE. excites and pleases our senses by their charms and lovehness. This family probably originated from the old Hybrid China Gloire des Roso- manes ; they are moderately hardy, bnt less so than those of the Baronne Prevost, Jnles Mar- gottin and La Reine types. The flowers are in- variably shades of red and crimson, generally highly perfumed, freely produced in the spring, but varying greatly as to their autumnal bloom. As a family they are much more shy in the autumn than any of the others. The shoots are of vigorous growth, not very thick, generally upright, with quite numerous light green spines ; the foliage handsome, rather pointed. It is now the most numerous of the families, popular taste demanding crimson roses and those of dark shades. Leading varieties of the type are : Beauty of "Waltham, Camille Ber- nardin, Dupuy Jamain, Leopold Premier, Marie Baumann, Marie Rady, Maurice Bernardin, Pierre l^otting. Prince Arthur. There are also Charles Lefebvre, Alfred Colomb, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Camille, and Senateur Yaisse, which are supposed to be seedlings of Jacqueminot, but they cluster about them other TYPICAL KOSES. 16ft varieties of the family, and are worthy of sepa- rate mention and consideration. Victor Yeedier Type. — The head of this family originated with Lacharme, of Lyons, and was sent out by him in 1852. It is doubtless from one of the La Reine type crossed with some monthly rose, probably a Bourbon. The descendants are very numerous, and in spite of their rather tender habits form a valuable group, being the most free flowering of them all ; had they but fragrance they would be unrivalled ; but, alas ! they are devoid of scent, and there- fore cannot rank as high as the others. Fine feathers alone do not constitute fine birds, and surely fragrance is to the rose what song is to the bird. The shoots are of moderate growth, stout, upright, nearly smooth, of a reddish green, with an occasional reddish thorn ; the foliage is very large, of a deep lustrous green, very attrac- tive. The flowers are large, well built up ; generally shades of rose and pink prevail. It is the best adapted for forcing in winter of all the families. The leading varieties grown are Andr6 Du- nand. Captain Christy, Charles Yerdier, Countess 170 THE KOSE. of Oxford, Etienne Levet, Hippolyte Jamain, Julius Finger, Mme. Geo. Schwartz, Mme. De- vert, Mme. Eugene Chambeyran, Mme. Louis Donadine, Mme. Maxime de la Rocheterie, Mile. Eugenie Yerdier, Marie Cointet, Marie Finger, Mrs. Baker, Oxonian (somewhat fra- grant). President Thiers, Pride of Waltham, Rosy Morn, Souvenir du President Porcher. Jules Makgottin Type. — In 1853 Jules Mar- gottin, of Bourg-la- Peine, near Paris, sent out a fine rose, which he called after himself ; though he has been raising seedling roses ever since, none of them have quite come up to this in worth. Wood, light green ; sharp, red thorns, somewhat numerous ; shoots rather stout and generally of vigorous growth. Crimpled foliage. Flowers of large size, very full, somewhat flat shape, mostly shades of rose and carmine, almost without perfume ; generally free in the autumn. They are very hardy ; as a rule difficult of prop- agation from cuttings, but making very vigorous plants when budded. Abel Grand, Achille Gonod, Bessie Johnson (quite fragrant), Claude Bernard, Countess of Serenye, Duchesse de Yallombrosa, Edward TYPICAL ROSES. 171 Morren, Egeria, Emily Laxton, Jolin Hopper, Magna Charta, Madame Gabriel Liiizet, Madame Lacharme, Madame Louis Leveque, Mademoiselle Tlierese Levet, Marchioness of Exeter, Margue- rite de St. Amand, Marquise de Castellane, Miss Ilassard (scented). Monsieur Noman, Pseonia, Peach Blossom, Princess Mary of Cambridge, Eev. J. B. M. Camm (very sweet), are the leading sorts. Secateur Yaisse Type.— Senateur Yaisse was introduced in 1859. In this family we find what are perhaps the most perfectly formed flowers. The varieties are of moderate growth, with smoother wood than most dark roses ; the f ohage, too, is more round and of a deeper green. Anicet Bourgeois (new), E. Y. Teas, Madame Adelaide Cote (new), Madame Yictor Yerdier, and Mrs. Laxton are members of this group. Chakles Lefebvre Type. — Lacharme intro- duced Charles Lefebvre in 1861. He beheves that it is the result of a cross (I infer by natural a^-encies") between Yictor Yerdier and General Jacqueminot ; it certainly shows many of the characteristics of these two sorts. The wood and foliage are light green ; occasionally armed with 17)i THE ROSE. pale red thorns, but as a rule the wood is very smooth. The flowers are more waving in out- line than any of the other families ; the habit of growth is free, intermediate between Yictor Yerdier and General Jacqueminot. Glory of Cheshunt, Harrison Weir, Henry Bennett, Madame Anna de Besobrasoff, Marguerite Bras- sac, Paul Jamain, President Leon de St. Jean, and W. Wilson Saunders are marked members of this type. Dr. Andry, Horace Yernet, Lord Macaulay, Mrs. Harry Turner, Rev. W. H. Stomers and Souvenir du Dr. Jamain, also seem to find a place in this group. Pkince Camille Type. — In 1861 E. Yerdier sent out Prince Camille de Rohan. In this type w^e find the darkest, most velvety roses. It would seem as though this family must have been produced by the blending of General Jac- queminot with Giant of Battles. The varieties are of vigorous or free growth ; tlie wood is somewhat darker, the spines less numerous, tlie habit more spreading than in those of the Jac- queminot type. None of them bloom freely in the autumn, but in the spring their wondrous rich crimson shades gain more admirers than any TYPICAL ROSES. 173 others. Baron Chaurand, Baron de Bonstetten, La Rosiere, Monsieur Boncenne, are prominent members of tliis family. Abel Carriere, Jean Liabaiid, Jean Soupert, and Souvenir d'Auguste Riviere can also be classed with these ; though the J show more of the Giant of Battles character than the former, and might therefore not inap- propriately be placed by themselves. Alfred Colomb Type. — Alfred Colomb, sent out in 1865, has a somewhat similar habit of growth to General Jacqueminot, but the thorns are much less numerous, and with a more yellow hue ; the flowers are also fuller and more globu- lar, and blossom much more abundantly. A. K. Williams, Madame Alphonse Lavallee, and YV'ii- helm Koelle, may be grouped under this head. Duke of Edinbukgh Type. — The only English rose which is the head of a type was sent out by George Paul in 1868. The habit of growth is much like that of Jacqueminot, but the foliage is generally longer and larger. The flowers are not permanent in color, burning very quickly in the sun, and are very sparsely produced in the autumn. It is a very beautiful family when grown in a moist, cool climate ; but there are 174 THE ROSE. few of the members tliat will do well nndci our hot sun. The varieties best known, mostly of recent origin, are : Brightness of Cheshunt, Dr. Hooker, Duke of Connaught, Duke of Teck, Eobert Marnock, S. Reynolds Hole, Sultan of Zanzibar, The Shah. All of the types described above belong to the Hybrid Remontant Class of Roses. Among the Hybrid Noisettes we find two types, the first is the— Mademoiselle Bonnaire Type. — The flowers are of medium size, and of circular, very beauti- ful form. The growth is moderate, or dwarf. The foliage is rather small and somewhat crim- pled ; the wood light green, fortified with numerous small spines. Though devoid of fra- grance, these are our most charming white roses; the flowers are freely produced throughout June and the summer months. The varieties belong- ing to the type are Eliza Boelle, Madame No- man and Madame Oswald de Kerchove. Madame A. de Rougemont Type. — The varieties of this type differ greatly from those of the preceding. The habit of growth is free or vigorous ; the wood is smoother, the foliage TYPICAL ROSES. 175 more oval and glaucous, like the Bourbon roses ; tlie flowers are even more freely produced than tliose of tlie other type, but are inferior to them in quality. The principal sorts are : Baronne de Maynard, Coquette des Alpes, Coquette des Blanches, Madame Auguste Perrin, Madame Frangois Pittet, Perfection des Blanches. Gloike de Dijon Type. — The head of this fannly was sent out in 1853, and is the variety from which most of the Climbing Teas have sprung. Young plants of this type are often difficult to start after being rooted from cuttings, but when well established grow luxuriantly. The parentage of Gloire de Dijon is unknown, but 1 believe it must have originated from a natural cross between some Bourbon and Noisette (Tea- scented) Rose. The foliage shows much of the Bourbon character ; the flowers are of globular form, very large and full. Yarieties belonging to this type are Antonia Decarli, Belle Lyonnaise, Gloire de Bordeaux, Jean Lorthois, Madame Berard, Madame Trifle, Marie Berton. These types are about all that are really dis- tinct ; among the Hybrid Teas it is likely that a separation into groups will be desirable at some 176 THE ROSE. time in the future, as this is destined to be an increasing class ; but at the present time La France represents the class in a sufficiently dis- tinct way. The Teas niight be arranged in family groups, but this is a task which I shall not attempt until some other time ; it would be a division less useful than those given. CHAPTEE XYL RAISIITG NEW VARIETIES. New Roses occasionally come as sports, but the only metliod depended upon for their pro- duction is sowing seed. Eoses of the past have, for the most part, been the product of nature un- aided by the hand of man. The common prac- tice lias been to gather the seed, without even keeping the varieties separate, and to sow it pro- miscuously. There are a few instances recorded where artificial crossings have been resorted to, with successful results, but the number of such operators has been very limited. It is a well- known fact that most fruits and flowers seldom reproduce themselves with exactness from seed ; there is often a close resemblance, yet some di- vergence from the original. Nature is constantly struggling for variation ; even though the pistils receive pollen from their own flower alone, this law holds good ; but through the agencies of wind, insects, etc., the pollen from one flower is often carried to the pistils of another, and so 178 THE ROSE. natural crossing or J ybridization takes place. Thus, by simply gathering and sowing the seeds of one variety, like General Jacqueminot, it has been possible to produce a large number of dis- tinct kinds of great value. This, as stated above, has been the practice up to the present time, but it is a practice on which we should no longer ex- clusively depend ; on the contrary, for the roses of the future we should mainly rely on artificial crossing and hybridization, or, in other words, on manual fecundation. Laffay, who raised most of the Hybrid Ee- montants of value that were sent out previous to 1850, is understood to have produced many, or the most, of them, by crossing varieties of the Bourbon Kose with the old crimson Rose du Roi. Yibert, Hardy, and some other of the French rosarians, are also credited with having produced many of their most beautiful sorts by manual fertilization, but as no record has been kept of the varieties used as parents, the result of their work is of no use to the hybridizer of the present day further than it affords proof that definite results are more certain from artificial than from natural crosses. RAISING NEW VARIETIES. 179 Tlie following sorts are all claimed as the result of artificial crossing ; the parentage will be found in the catalogued list of varieties : America, Baronne de Majnard, Captain Christy, Harrison Weir, John Hopper, Jules Finger, Julius Finger, Maiie Yan Houtte, Madame Lacharme, Madame Oswald de Kerchove, Madame Welche, Mrs. Jowitt, Mrs. Harry Turner, Paul ISTeyron, Princess Mary of Cam- bridge, Heine Marie Henriette, and the ten Hybrid Teas sent out by Bennett. To trace out the peculiarities of these kinds, learning so far as possible what influence each parent had in forming the qualities of the oil spring, would be an interesting, profitable study. Thus, examining Paul Neyron, we find it has the smooth wood, glaucous foliage, fulness of flower, and tendency to winter -kill from the seed par- ent, Victor Yerdier. The vigor of growth and size of flower are inherited from the fructifying sort, Anne de Diesbach. In this example it vnU. be seen that the influence of the parents has been nearly equal in impressing their character- istics. In other examples it will be found that the influence of one parent has been far greater 180 THE ROSE, than tlie other ; but I hold it as an axiom that, in the case of any rose which is crossed by another variety, the progeny will surely show traits per- taining to both parents. Among men we find great divergencies of character between brothers and sisters, yet it is observed they always hold something in common which distinguishes them, some link which connects one with another. It is believed by some of the raisers who have prac^ tised hybridization, or crossing of roses, that seedlings of greater beauty are to be obtained simply by selecting heps from naturally fertilized flowers, than from those which have been arti- ficially crossed ; that there are very many types among roses which are all beautiful in their way, but that when these are crossed, the varieties which result will have coarsely formed flowers, or be of weak constitution, etc. Such, I infer, is the belief of Messrs. Laxton, William Paul, and others of the English rosarians. With all defer- ence to these gentlemen, whose experience cer- tainly gives weight to their belief, I do not sub- scribe to this opinion. I cannot but believe that we are even more certain of obtaining flowers of high finish from artificial than we are from nat- RAISING NEW VARIETIES. 181 ural fertilization, if we will but pattern after nature and carefully study the laws of cause and effect. Though there is a difference of opinion respecting the quahty and finish of the roses likely to result from manual f ecmidation, all prac- titioners admit that there is a certainty by this method of obtaining a product distinctive in char- acter, which is of itself a sufficient inducement to encourage our best efforts in this line. But the truth is, so few crossed roses have been raised, compared to the number from natural selection, that we have learned very little about the successes and failures that have attended the operators in this field of study. Yery few of those who have engaged in this work have given us any information that will be of use to those who wish to experiment. It seems to me, the lack of finish and the delicate constitution, averred to belong to varieties raised from artificial crosses, come from bringing together roses of different types, too widely separated in character to blend well. I believe roses belonging to the same type will always cross with good results. Those who wish to practice this art will do well, therefore, 182 THE ROSE. to begin with crossing varieties of the same family ; the chapter on Typical Roses, which precedes this, should be carefully perused as bearing on this point. In this connection it may be profitable for ns to consider briefly the result of Mr. Bennett's labors in the hybridization of roses. Mr. Ben- nett fertihzed the flowers of various Tea Roses with the pollen of Hybrid Remontants, his productions are therefore true hybrids, not crosses merely, and they are classed as Hybrid Teas. Ten of these hybrids have been raised by Mr. Bennett. We would prefer to con- sider sorts that have been longer in cultivation, but there are none such. As a i*ule, the Bennett Roses lack a vigorous and liealthy constitution ; the best of them, for out-door culture, is Michael Saunders, raised from President fertilized by Madame Victor Yerdier. The parents of this sort have comparatively smooth wood, and they are not so widely separated in character as to prevent the production of a healthy offspring. Beauty of Stapleford, the second in point of general usefulness, resulted from crossing Alba Rosea by Countess of Oxford, both smooth- RAISING KEW VARIETIES. 183 wooded kinds again, of similar vigor of growth. Two objectionable qualities in this rose, a ten- dency to fade quickly and a liability to mildew badly, are inherited from Countess of Oxford. Yet these are both roses likely to be esteemed generally useful. From Alba Eosea crossed by Edward Morren came Nancy Lee, an exquisite little rose, with lovely buds, but in habit of growth so dwarf and delicate that our commiseration is excited along with our regard. Duchess of Westminster and Pearl are others of the same class, which are the result of crossing varieties very widely separated in habit of growth, and none of the progeny have constitutions of any vigor. In Duke of Connaught we have the offspring of President crossed by Louis Yan Houtte ; both parents are smooth- wooded sorts, but no nurseryman can, by ordinary culture, grow from cuttings plants of Louis Yan Houtte that will be salable after one season's growth. "With such a parent we cannot wonder that the propagation of good plants of Duke of Connaught has been found so tedious and discouraging by those who have un- dertaken it. I understand that some of the New 184 THE ROSE. Jersey florists are growing this variety with profit, but this simply shows what great skill can do, and does not prove that the variety mil be generally useful. Jean Sisley and Hon. George Bancroft are two others of Bennett's set which fade very quickly ; besides this fault the former sort is very difficult to open and we condemn it as utterly worthless ; the latter variety, if grown so that the original color is retained, will generally give satisfaction, though many more malformed blooms are pro- duced than we expect to see in a variety put down as desirable. Duchess of Connaught shows considerable re- semblance to La France, and affords evidence that La France must certainly be a Hybrid Tea. It seems to me that the Duchess only differs from La France in various ways, to be inferior to it. ]N'ow these Bennett Eoses, taken as a whole, would seem to strengthen the view of Messrs. William Paul and Laxton, unless we carefully consider the nature of the crosses that were made. From what has been shown we think the infer- ence may naturally be drawn, that in crossing EAISIXa NEW VARIETIES. 185 roses we are likely to obtain satisfactory results by blending varieties which have several charac- teristic features in common. Thus, varieties of the same type will be pretty certain to effect good crosses ; as General Jacqueminot with Xavier Olibo, Fisher Holmes with Baronne de Bonstet- ten, Madame Victor Yerdier with E. Y. Teas, etc. By hybridizing, bringing Teas and Hybrid Remontants together, we are much less sure of obtaining new sorts of high finish and robust constitution, but far more certain of procuring kinds thoroughly distinct. The operator will then do well to bear this rule in mind : Crossing varieties of the same type will produce seedlings of the hestform and finish ; Mending soi^ts of different types will hring forth the most distinct hinds. In order to gain knowledge, it is well to practice both these extremes, but the best success will probably follow where a mean course is pur- sued. This matter of cross fertilization of roses places before us a vast field in which to study and ex- periment ; and although we have so little to be drawn from the past which may guide us, the fact of its being largely unexplored seems an at- 186 THE EOSE. tractive feature. We can experience sensations somewhat similar to those of the traveller who penetrates a new country, for though he may not be the first to make discoveries, he can be among the first to chronicle results and make the discoveries useful. It is still open for investi- gators to learn and make known general princi- ples, which should guide us in raising new roses. It wiU be a gratification for me to know that I have contributed, in some measure at least, to this result. As few readers are likely to be familiar with the mode of manual fecundation, I will briefly explain my practice. The work is much the easiest to manage under glass, for the reason that insects are not there troublesome and we do not have wind and rain to contend with. When- ever possible, choose a clear day, and operate in the morning, so that the flowers can be exposed to the influence of the sun immediately after they have been fertilized. The flower selected for a female parent should have the stamens care- fully removed by means of a fine pair of em- broidery scissors, a few hours before the pollen is ripe. Should the pollen be quite ripe, some of RAISING NEW VARIETIES. 187 it is likely to have fallen on the pistils and a perfect cross could not then be assured. If, on the other hand, it be not nearly matured, the pis- tils are not in proper condition to be fertilized. In such a variety as General Jacqueminot, the stamens should be removed three or four hours before the flower would expand. The petals are then to be gently pulled off, and the stamens cut away. The pollen is then applied to the pistils by carrying to them the flower of the fertilizing sort and gently rubbing them with the stamens holding the pollen, so that the pistils are well covered. If preferred, a fine camel's-hair brush may be used for the purpose of applying the pollen. The pollen must be quite ripe ; if it does not attach itself readily to the brush it is not yet in fit condition for use. Those varieties which are not very double will give more pollen and be better seed-bearers than the very full ones. Kinds like Bon Silene, Safrano, Fisher Holmes, Jean Cherpin, etc., will be found the most suit- able for first experiments. If the operation is carried on out of doors, it is desirable to cover the flowers fertilized with tine gauze, to prevent the interference of insects. The insects are not 188 THE EOSE. apt to go to flowers from which the petals have been removed, but it is well not to depend on this. The heps should not be gathered until fully ripe, say after the first frost in October ; they are then labelled and buried in pots of moist sand. The pots must be covered with glass or something of the kind to keep out mice, which are very fond of the pods. I allow the pods to re- main in the sand till the first of January, they are then broken open, the seed taken out, and sown in boxes or pots. The seeds commence coming up three or four weeks after being plant- ed. The seedlings appear with two leaves ; so soon as they make a second growth they are pricked out by a knife blade and planted in small pots. They are very subject to mildew, and many are apt to pass away from this cause. In May they can be transplanted and put in open ground, in rich, well-drained soil. If they do well they can be left there over winter, of course being protected, and allowed to remain for test- ing. They commence to flower the second year, but many of them show no signs of bloom until the third or fourth year. Instead of planting them out in open ground, some or all can remain EAlSIls^G NEW VAKIETIES. 189 in pots, the plants being shifted from time to time to pots of a larger size. One is apt to become very impatient waiting for the seedlings to flower ; tlie result can be hastened by taking buds from them and inserting on some stock of good growth. Many of the seedlings will pro- duce flowers quite single ; these plants are to be at once rooted out. Now and then we may find double flowers of good finish ; these are to be compared with flowers of old varieties, which they seem most to resemble, to ascertain whether they are distinct sorts or only inferior imitations of established favorites. It will often require considerable moral courage to refrain from call- ing our geese, swans. But if it is found, and ad- mitted by general consent, that we have origi- nated something both beautiful and distinct, ah, what pride and satisfaction do we feel ! Surely, there can be no more pleasing occupation for those who love and grow roses, than by hybridiz- ing and crossing artificially to engage in the art of producing new varieties, aye, and not new va- rieties only, but new types of roses now un- known. ' ' This is an art which does mend nature, change it rather ; but the art itself is nature." APPENDIX. PUBLICATIONS OTT THE EOSE. In the preface to this book I stated my belief that no compilation on the rose could ever be considered complete and final. I have endeav- ored to bring before those interested in the sub- ject many points of interest which have been ignored, or lightly touched upon, by authors of kindred works ; I have also desired to present all the information necessary to the successful culti- vation of the rose, exemplified in different ways. 1 feel, however, that it is but just to my readers, and my brethren of the craft, to record those publications which are useful compilations on this subject. First of all, and above all, let me rec- ommend ^' A Book about Koses," by S. Rey- nolds Hole ; Wm. Blackwood & Sons, publishers. This book of 322 pages is a charming compilation by a gifted writer, who, though in one sense an amateur, has perhaps done more to further the growing of beautiful roses than any other man. PUBLICATIONS ON THE ROSE. 191 Kg one has ever written on floricultural subjects so lovingly, so attractively, as Canon Hole ; he is in this respect above and beyond all writers, and his book is an adviser and companion that no rosarian can afford to be without. '' The Rose Garden" is a large volnme of 256 pages, by William Paul, Kent & Co. pubKshers. This is a book prepared with care and contains much of interest ; perhaps that which is most valuable is the chapter on hybridizing. '^ The Amateur's Eose Book," by Shirley Hibberd ; Groombridge & Sons, publishers ; ^' The Rose Amateur's Guide," by Thomas Rivers ; Longmans, Green & Co., publishers, rank next in merit. '' Roses and Rose Cult- ure," by William Paul; ''Cultural Directions for the Rose, ' ' by John Cranston ; ' ' Roses and their Culture," by W. D. Prior, are other Eng- lish works which may be added to the library of any one interested in floricultural matters. In the French language we have " Les Roses," by Jamain and Forney, a work made expensive by the use of gilt edges and colored illustrations, we regret to say of dreadful character. A new work in German, by Thomas Nietner, was pub- 192 THE ROSE. lislied in 1880. This is the largest book on the rose that I know of. It is ilkistrated with 106 woodcuts and 12 colored plates. The author de- scribes 5007 varieties of roses. The colored illustrations are very beautiful, on the whole, but not all true to nature. In the names of varieties the author often mixes the English, French, and German languages very grotesque- ly. There are many typographical and other errors, but it is a book worth having if one is willing to pay the price, which is of necessity high. American publications on the rose are : ' ' The Book of Eoses," by Francis Parkman ; ^' Par- sons on the Rose," by Samuel B. Parsons ; '^ Prince's Manual of Roses," by W. R. Prince, and ^' The Rose Manual," by Robert Buist. I believe the last two named are out of print. Of magazines and papers, which frequently contain articles on the rose that are of interest, there are many. Those which give the most at- tention to the subject are : The Gardener^ s Monthly^ published by Charles H. Marot, 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Price $2.10 per year. The American Garden (monthly), pub- PUBLICATION'S ON THE ROSE. 193 lished by B. K. Bliss & Sons, 34 Barclay Street, New York. Price $1 per year. In England there are, The Gardener's Chroydde^ published by W. Eichards, 41 Wellington Street, Strand, London ; Journal of Hortictilture, published by E. II. May, 171 Fleet Street, London ; The Garden, published by William Robinson, 37 Southampton Street, Covent Garden, London ; The Gardener^ s Magazine, published by Shirley Ilibberd, 4 Ave Maria Lane, London. All of these are weekly papers. In France we find a monthly magazine entitled Journal des Hoses, published by S. Cochet, a Suisnes, pres Brie- Comte-Robert (Seine-et-Marne), France. The last-named periodical is the only one devoted exclusively to the rose. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES, DESCEIBING ALL SORTS NOW IIT GENERAL CULTIVATION. A REGISTER of this nature cannot attain abso- lute perfection, but I bave been at great pains to make it complete and accurate. As regards tbe age of tbe different varieties and by wbom sent out, 1 have obtained mj information from tbe raisers themselves, their catalogues, from various horticultural magazines and books, mostly French, and from a few amateurs, who have in- terested themselves in the subject. Among these are Mons. Jean Sisley, whose monograph of the roses raised at Lyons lias been of valuable ser- vice. I believe this will be found much the most reliable list of the kind, but from seeing so many inaccuracies in others of similar character I know there must be some errors in this. Any of my readers who may discover mistakes or mis- statements of facts will greatly oblige by com- municating Avith me, giving the autliority which they have. In the descriptions, the more popu- CATALOGUE OF YAKIETIES. 195 lar sorts are more fully treated than tliose not so well known ; where a variety is described as belonging to a type, a lengthy descrijjtion is ren- dered unnecessary and only the most distinctive features are given. A familiarity with the con- tents of Chapter XY. will therefore be a great help to those who wish to gain a correct impres- sion of the varieties here described. In compiling this hst the following method has been determined on as the best. The name of the variety is first given ; then, the habit of growth ; next, in ruled column, letters which show to what class the variety belongs ; then, name of the raiser, and year when the rose was sent out ; afterwards, the parentage, if known, or type to which the sort may belong ; and, lastly, the description. In case of synonyms, they are placed in brackets after the accepted name. This arrangement has been determined upon, after much careful thought, as the best that can be made. It is desirable to add the following, as an explanation of the method used in describing varieties : Color — the prevailing shade in the most per- fect development of the flower. 196 THE ROSE. Size — small, from one to two inches in diame- ter ; medium, from two to three inches in diameter ; large, from three to four inches in diameter ; very large, above four inches in diameter. Fulness — semi-double, with two to four rows of petals ; double, having more than four rows of petals, but the seed organs are shown when the flower expands ; full, in which the expanded flowers seldom show the stamens. Form — cupped, the inner petals are shorter than the outer ones, the latter stand erect and are generally incurved ; globular, outer petals are concave, often with convex edges, the petals fold richly one about the other ; reflexed, numerous petals, generally small, rising tier above tier to the centre ; flat, the surface of the flower is level and all the petals are exposed to view — varieties of this kind are very full and rarely are seed-bearers. Abbreviations used, describing the habit of growth : Yig., Vigorous. — Those sorts which are most luxuriant in growth. Free. — Yarieties which rank next in order, pro- CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 197 ducing shoots somewhat shorter or less strong than the first. Mod., Moderate. —These kinds make a com- pact growth, but do not produce long shoots. Dwf., Dwarf. — These are the most delicate or slow-growing sorts. Among hardj roses, those marked dwf. should, almost invariably, be bud- ded. It is to be noted that nearly all varieties which have in them shades of lilac, violet, or purple are very fleeting in color. ABBKEVIATIONS, DESCEIBING THE CLASSES TO WHICH THE VARIETIES BELONG. A. — Austrian. Ay. — Ayrshire. Bk. — Banksia. B. — Bourbon. B'lt.— Boursault. CI. T.— Climbing Tea. Dam. — Damask. Ev. — Evergreen. Fr.— French. H.Ch.— Hybrid China. H.CL— Hybrid CHmbing. 198 THE EOSE. H.N.— Hybrid Noisette. H.R. — Hybrid Eemontant. H.T.— Hybrid Tea. Mic. — Microphylla. M. — Moss. Mult. — Multiflora. IST.— IsToisette. P.M. — Perpetual Moss. Pol. — Polyantha. P. — Prairie. Prov. — Provence. S.— Scotch. T.— TeaKoses. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. I. A. Geoffroy-St.. Hilaire, mod. 2. A. M. Ampere. 3. Abbe Bramerel, mod. 4. Abb6 Girau- dier. Class. H.R. E. Verdier, 1S78. Red, with a shade of crimson ; medium size, full ; fine, circular form, fragrant and free. Seed organs well developed ; seven leaflets are common, a great rarity among dark varieties of this class. H.R. Liabaud, 1881. Raised from Lion des Combats. H.R. Guillot fils, 1871. Raised from Giant of Battles. Crimson, shaaed with velvety purple. H.R. Levet, 1869. Bright rose. CATALOGUE OF VAKIETIES. 199 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 5. Abb6 Reynaud, vig. 6. Abel Carriere, mod. 7. Abel Grand mod. or free. 8. Achilla Gonod, free. 9. Acidalie, free. ID. Adam, mod. (Syn. President}} II. Admiral Nel son, vig. 12. Admiral Rig- ney. 13. AdolpheBrong- niard, mod. 14. Adrienne Chris- tophle, mod. 15. African Black, mod. 16. A g r i p p 1 n a , mod. {,Syn. Cramoisi-Supd- rieur.) H.C. H.R. H.R. H.R. B. T. H.R. N. H.R. T. Fr. Beng. Guillot fils, 1863. Large, car- mine-rose flowers, not full enough ; growth very rank. E. Verdier, 1875. Velvety crim- son, with fiery centre ; large, full flowers, fragrant ; short wood, sharp red spines ; shows traces of Bourbon blood. A rose of better form and finish than most of the very dark sorts. Shy in autumn. Damaizin, 1S65. Jules Margottin type. Glossy rose, large and full, fragrant ; unreliable as to form, often the finest in au- tumn. Gonod, 1864. Raised ixom Jules Margottin. Rosy-carmine. Rousseau, 1837. Blush, often white ; fragrant, Adam, 1838. Salmon-rose, fra- grant ; esteemed for forcing. Ducher, 1859. Bright crimson, double, cupped form ; very spiny, straggling growth ; shows Bourbon origin. See Eugene PiroUe. Margottin, 1868. Carmine-red, full, fragrant. Guillot fils, 1S68. Apricot-yel- low. Dark crimson. Not valuable. Introduced to England from Chi- na in 1789. Rich crimson, spe- cially valued for its fine buds. A useful sort for bedding out and for forcing. The best of the class. 200 THE KOSB. Name of Variety, and Habit of Gkowth 17. Aim6e Vibert free. 18. Aimes Vibt r Scandens, vig 19. Alba C a r n e a, free. H.R 20. Alba Grandifio- ra, vig. Bk. 21. AlbaMatabilis, free. H.R 22. Alba Rosea, free. T. 23. Alexandre Du- titre. H.R 24. Alexandre Fon- taine, vig. H.R 25- Alexandri n e B a c h m e tieflf, mod. H.R 26. Alfred Colomb, free. H.R. Vibert, 1828, Raised from Sent- p rvirens Plena. Pure white, small, double flowers, pro- duced in large clusters ; seven leaflets ; nearly hardy. Curtis, 1841. A sport from the above; identical with the old kind, except that it is of strong- er growth. These pretty sorts are both diflicult to propagate from cutt'ngs. Touvais, 1867. White, tinted with rose ; foliage dark ; seven leaflets are common. Very small, full flowers, delicate- ly scented. E. Verdier, 1865. Pink, some- times mottled, medium size, double. Wood armed with dark-brown thorns. Sarter, 1855. See Madame Bravy. Leveque, 1878. Bright rose. Cherry-red ; mildews easily ; shy bloomer. Margottin, 1852. Cherry-red, ro- sette shape, medium size ; fo- liage dark ; wood armed with pale red thorns. Lacharme, 1865. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Carmine- crimson ; large, or very large, full ; of fine, globular form, ex- tremely fragrant ; green wood, with occasional pale green thorns, the foliage large and handsome. A grand rose ; the most useful, in its class, for general cultivation. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 201 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth, 27. Alfred de Dal mas, free. 28. Alfred de Rou- gemont, free. 29. Alfred K. Wil liams, mod. 30. Alfred Leveau. 31. Alice Dureau. 32. Alice Leroy, mod. or free. 33. Aline S i si ey , mod. 34. Alpaide de Ro- talier, free. 35. Alphonse Da- maizin, mod. 36. Alphonse Karr. 37. Alphonse Karr. 38. Alphonse Karr, mod. 39. Alphonse Mor- tlemans, mod. P.M. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. M. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. B. T. Laffay, 1855. Pink, small flow- ers, of poor quality; the wood is very thorny ; straggling habit. Lacharrae, 1863. Raised from General Jacque77iinot. Crimson, magenta, very large, full, well built, fragrant ; rather shy bloomer. Schwartz, 1877. Magenta-red, shaded with crimson ; large, full flowers, partly imbricated. A very beautiful rose ; but, thus far, not constant and reliable. Vigneron, 1880. Carmine-rose. Vigneron, 1867. Rosy-lilac, good globular form. Trouillard, 1842. Pink, semi- double ; buds are not mossy. Armed with very red spines. Guillot fils, 1874. Violet-rose, not a clear shade ; a fruity, pleasant fragrance. Campy, 1863. Rose-color. Damaizin, 1861. Bright crimson. Portemer, 1845. Flesh color, margined with carmine. Feuillet, 1855. Bright rose, me- dium size, full. Nabonnand, 1S78. Raised from Duchess of Edinbto-gh. Rosy crimson. Sent out as a Tea ; but, with its parent, is better placed among the Bengals. There is, as yet, no crimson Tea. Madame Ducher, 1875. Lilac- rose. 202 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 40. Amabilis, free. 41. Amadis, vig. {Cfim'n Boursaiilt.) 42. Amazone, mod 43. AmbrogioMag gi- 44. Amelie Hoste, 45. America, vig. 46. American Ban- ner, dwf. 47. Andre Dunand. mod. 48. Andre Le roy, mod. 49. Anicet Bour- geois. 50. Anna Alexieflf, free. T. B'lt. T. H.R. H.R. N. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Touvais. Flesh color, centre rose ; habit, branching. LafFay, 1829. Purplish crimson ; semi-double. Ducher, 1872. Yellow, reverse of petals veined with rose ; long, well-formed buds ; habit delicate. Pernet, 1879. Rai?ed from John Hopper. Bright rose. Gonod, 1874. Pink, reverse of petals darker. C. G. Page, 1859. (Sent cut by T. G. Ward, of Washington.) Raised from Solfaterre X Sa- frano. Pale yellow, with fawn centre ; large, full flowers ; more shy than either parent. G. Cartwright, 1879. (Sent out by Peter Henderson.) A sport from Bon Silene. Carmine, striped with white, semi-dou- ble ; the flowers and foliage are both small. Of no value except as a curiosity. Schwartz, 1871. Raised from Vic- tor Verdier. Silvery rose ; fades quickly and often opens badly. Trouillard, 1868. (Sent out by Standish.) Crimson, with a shade of violet ; an attractive color, but very transient ; oft- en ill-formed. Moreau-Robert, 1880. Raised from Senatetir Vaisse X Ma- dame Victor Verdier. Cherry- red, cupped form. Margottin, 1858. Rose color, large, full flowers, freely pro- duced. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 203 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. Class, 51. Anna Eliza, vig 52. Anna OUivier, mod. 53. Anna Maria, vig. 54. Anne de Dies- bach, vig. 55. Anne Mari e Cote, free. 56. Anne Marie de M o n t ravel, mod. 57. Annie Laxton, mod. 58. Annie Wood, mod. or dwf. 59. Antheros. 60. Antoine Devert. 61. Antoine Du- cher, mod. 62. Antoine Mou- ton, vig. 63. Antoine Qui hou. P. T. P. H.R. H.N. Pol. H.R. H.R. T. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. Williams. Red, tinged with li- lac numerous thorns, Ducher, 1872. Buflf, shaded with rose. Feast, 1843. Pale pink ; very- few thorns. Lacharme, 1858. Raised from La Keine. In color, the most lovely shade of carmine ; very large, double flowers, fragrant; one of the hardiest. A very- desirable garden rose. Guillot fils, 1875. White, some- times tinged with pink. Rambaux &' Dubreuil, 1879. Very small, full, white flowers, somewhat fragrant. Resem- bles Paquerette. Laxton, 1869. (Sent out by Geo. Paul.) Satiny rose, medium or large size, very full. E. Verdier, 1866. Bright crim- son with a shade of vermil- ion ; a good autumnal rose. Lepage. Flesh color, shaded with yellow. Gonod,i8So. White, tinged with pink, reverse of petals shaded salmon, Ducher, 1866. Violet-red ; large, well shaped flowers, fragrant ; wood very thorny. The color is very fieeting. Levet, 1874. Deep rose, tinged with lilac, not unlike Paul Neyron ; it is more fragrant and more hardy, but in color and size is below that sort, E. Verdier, 1879. Brownish- crimson. 204 THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 64. Antoine Ver- dier, mod. 65. A n ton ia De- carli, vig. 66. ApoUine, vig. 67. A rchduke Charles, mod. 68. Archimede free. 69. Ardoise de Ly- on, vig. 70. Aristide Du- puis, vig. 71. Arthemise,free, 72. Arthur de San sal. 73. Augusta. H.R. Cl.T. B. Beng T. H.R. H.C. H.R. H.R. N. Jamain, 1871. Rose shaded with lilac, well formed buds, no per- fume; the color is muddy. This sort would not improperly be classed among the Hybrid Teas, as it resembles them in habit as well as in continuity of flowering. Levet, 1873. Maybe briefly de- scribed as an inferior Gbirede Dijon, from which sort it was raised. V. Verdier, 1S48. Raised from Pieri-e de St. Cyr. Rosy-pink ; large, cupped flowers. The most useful of all Bourbons for open air. LafFay. Rosy-crimson, variable in color, sometimes deep mar- bled rose. Robert, 1856. Rosy-fawn, the centre darker ; ill-formed flow- ers are frequent. A good rose wLea in perfection, and of ex- cellent habit. Plantier, 1865. (Sent out by Da- maizin.) Violet rose, a poor color. Touvais, 1866. Purnlis^i-rose, a muddy hue ; double or full, fragrant ; of no value. Moreau-Robert, 1876. Deep rose color; rather small, cup- shaped flowers, not unlike ApoUine. Only wo.iiiy of a place in very large collec- tions. Cocbef, 1855. Raised from Giant of Battles. Deep crimson. See Solfaitrre. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 205 Name of Variety, and Class. Habit of Growth. 74. Auguste Buch- ner. Auguste M i e, H.R. L6veque, 1880. Reddish purple. 75. H.R. LafFay, 1851. Raised from La free. Reine. Glossy pink. One of {Madame Rival) the most tender of this type. 76. Auguste Neu- H.R. E. Verdier, 1870. Red, shaded mann. with violet. 77- Auguste Oger, mod. T. Oger, 1856. Coppery-rose. 78. Auguste Rigo- H.R. Schwartz, 1871. Cherry-red, tard. somewhat like Dupiiy Jamain. 79. Auguste Va- T. Lacharme, 1853. Coppery yel- cher. low. 8o. Auretti, vig. H.C. Crimson - purple ; fades very quickly. 8i. Aureus. T. Ducher, 1873. Coppery-yellow. 82. Avocat Duvi- H.R. Leveque, 1875. See Marechal vier. Vaillant. 83. Baltimore P. Feast, 1843. Pale blush, chang- Belle, vig. ing to white. 84. Baron Adolphe H.R. Lacharme, 1862. Bright red. de Rothschild. shaded with crimson; mildews free. easily. 85. Baron Alexan- T. Gonod, 1880. Raised from Ma- dre de Vrints. dame de Tartas. Delicate rose. 86. Baron Chau- H.R. Liabaud, I869. See Baron de rand, vig. Bonstetten. 87. Baron de Bon- H.R. Liabaud, 1871. Velvety maroon. stetten, vig. shaded with deep crimson, somewhat lighter in j-hade than Prince Camille, and raiher smaller in size, but with a lit- tle more substance ; shy in au- tumn, but a grand lose. 88. Baron Gonella, B. Guillot pere, 1859. Bronzed rose, vig. well formed, flagrant ; non- autumnal. 89. Baron Hauss- H.R. E. Verdier, 1867. Dark red,large. mann, free. well-built flowers. 206 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 90. Baron Taylor free. 91. Baron de Roth schild, free. 92. Baroness Roth schild, mod. {Madame de Roth schild.) 93- 95. 96. 97. Baronne de Maynard, mod. or free. 94. Baronne de Frailly. Baronne de Wassenaer, free. Baronne Louise UxkuU, free. Baronne Pro- vost, vig. Class. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.N. H.R. M. H.R. H.R. Dougat, 1879. A sport from John Hopper. Pink. Only dif- fers from the parent in shade ; it does not appear to be con- stant. Guillot fils, 1862. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Ama- ranth-red. Pernet, 1867. Light pink, some- times shaded with rose ; large, or very large ; cupped form, very symmetrical, with- out fragrance ; the wood is short - jointed, thick, light green, armed with occasional light-green thorns ; one of the hardiest, but does n; t propa- gate from cuttings. A very distinct, beautiful rose, free blooming, and greatly valued, both as an exhibition and a garden sort. Lacharme, 1865. From Blanche Lafitte X Sappho. White, edge of petals often tinged with pink ; small size, compact form. LiabauJ, 1S71. Bright red, large, very full; often does not open well. V. Verdier, 1854. Deep rose ; buds pretty, and quite well mossed. Guillot fils, 1871. Carmine-rose ,■ large, highly-scented flowers. Desprez. (Sentout by Cochet.in 1842.) Pure rose color, very large, very full, flat form ; a free bloomer, fragrant, very hardy. The shoots are stout and stiflf. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 207 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 9S. Barthelemy Le- vel, mod. 99. }i e a u t 6 d e I'Europe, vig. 100. Beauty of Gla zenvvood. loi. Beauty of Green mount, vig. 102. Beauty of Sta- pleford, mod. 103. Beauty of Waltham, free. 104. Belle Ameri- cainc, mod. 105. Belle F 1 e u r d'Anjou, mod 106. Belle Lyon- naise, vig. 107. Belle Macon- naise, free. 108. Belle N o r- niatide, free. log. Bennett's Seedling, vig no. Benjamin Drouet, free. Class. II.R. Cl.T. Ev. N. H.T. H.R. H.R. T. Cl.T. T. H.R. A. H.R. Levet, 1878. Bright rose. Gonod, 1881. Gloire de Dijon type. Deep yellow ; reverse of petals coppery yellow. See Fortune's Yellow. Pentland, 1S54. Rosy-red. Bennett, 1879. Raised fron; Al- ba Rosea X Countess of Oxford. Red, tinged with violet, laige, well formed, prettily shaped buds, without fragrance ; the color is not pleasing, too soon becoming muddy. Very sub- ject to mildew. W. Paul, 1862. Rosy-rrimson, medium, or large size, fragruiii ; it has the habit of throwing out side-shoots from nearly every eye. This is still a sort to commend. Daniel Boll (New York), 1837. Deep pink, double, small, well formed. Touvais, 1872. Silvery - rose, large ; rather good. Levet, 1869. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. Pale, lemon-yellow ; less productive than the par- ent. A tine sort. Ducher, 1870. Pale salmgn- rose. Oger, 1S64. A sport from La Retnc. Silver} -lose. Bennett. Pure white, small, double. E. Verdier, 1878. Red, shaded with purple. 208 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth III. Bernard Pa lissey, free. 112. Berthe Baron free. 113. Bessie John son, mod. 114. Bignonia,mod. 115. Black Prince, free. 116. Blanche de Beaulieu, free 117. Blanchefleur, free. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. H.R. Fr. 118. Blanche La- B. fitte, free. 119. Blanche M 0- P.M. reau. 120. Blanch e Vi- Dam. bert. 121. Blairii No. 2, H.Ch Vlg. 122. Boieldieu, vig, H.R. Margottin, 1863. Red, medium size, very full, fragrant ; often comes ill formed, sometimes is very fine. Baron -Viellard, 1868. Raised from Jtiles Ma^'gottin. Deli- cate rose color. Curtis, 1872. A sport from Abel Grand. Blush, highly scented. Levet, 1872. Red. 1866. Purchased and sent out by W. Paul. Dark crimson ; not considered a reliable sort, occasionally it is very fine. Margottin, 1851. Deep pink, large, loose flowers ; rather tender. Vibert, 1846. White, tinged with blush, medium size, flat, very full, highly scented. One of the earliest to blossom ; the flowers produced in great pro- fusion. A valuable garden rose. Pradel, 1851. Blush-white. Moreau-Robert, 1880. White, claimed to be a true remontant. Vibert, 1838. See Portland Blanche. Blair. Pink, large, double ; much esteemed in England as a Pillar rose. We do not value it highly for this climate. Gargon, 1877. (Sent out by Mar- gottin-fils.) Belongs to Ba- ronne Pvthost type. Cherry- red, very large and full, flat form ; will probably supersede Madat?ie Boll. This is more productive, has slimmer wood. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 209 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 123. Bon Silene free. {Silene.) 124. Bougdre, free. T 125. BouledeNan teuil, mod. or free. 126. B o u 1 e d e Neige, free. 127. Boule d' Or. dwf. or mod. 128. Bouquet d'Or, vig. I2g. Bouton d'Or, mod. 130. Brennus, vig. 131. Brightness of Cheshunt. Fr. H.N. T. N. T. H.Ch. H.R. smaller foliage, stouter thorns than Madame Boll. The lat- ter sort has five leaflets only, this has commonly seven ; re- membering this, it is easy to distinguish between them. Hardy, 1839. D( ep salmon- rose, illumined with carmine, medium size, semi-double, highly scented, very free flow- ering. This is only desirable in the bud state ; for many years it has been a leading kind for forcing; the English florists have not yet discover- ed its value. [832. Bronzed pink, large and full, thick petals; one of the hardiest. An old variety, yet one of the most desirable. Crimson-purple, fades easily ; worthless. Lacharme, 1867. White, small, very full ; does not root from cuttings. Margottin, i860. Deep j-ellow, large, very full ; does not open well. Ducher, 1872. Yellow, with cop- pery centre, large, full. Guillot fils, 18C6. Orange yel- low, medium size. Laff"ay, 1830. Deep red, shaded with violet. We now have al- most the same shade in Ches- hunt Hybrid, a more useful sort. G. Paul. 1881. Belongs \o Duke of Edinburgh type. Vivid red, medium size. (, 210 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. [32. Cabbage. [33. Camille Ber- nardin, free or vig. 134. Camoens. 135. Canary, dwf. [36. Cannes La Co- quette, mod. 137. Captain Chris- ty, mod. or dwf. 138. Captain John Ingram, free. 139. Captain La mure, mod. 140. Cardinal Pa trizzi, mod. H.R. H.T. T. H.T. H.T. M. H.R. H.R. H.R. 141. Carl Coers vig. I 142. Caroline, mod. T. See Centifolia. Gautreau, 1865. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Light crimson, medium size, semi- cupped form, fragrant ; does not bloom until late in the season, and then the flowers fade easil}' ; never very pro- ductive. Schwartz, 18S1. Pale rose, base of petals yellow. Guillot pere, 1852. Canary ) el- low, beautiful little buds, deli- cate habit. Nabonnand, 1877. Raised from La France. Salmon, with a shade of red. Much behind the parent in value. Lacharme, 1873. Raised from Victor Verdier X Safrauo. Delicate flesh color, deepen- ing in shade towards the cen- tre, medium size, sometimes large, full ; the foliage when young somewhat resembles Mahonia leaves. Ill-shaped flowers are not uncommon, but it is a most lovely sort when in perfection. Laffay, 1856. Purple-crimson, color non-permanent ; dark, small foliage, in five leaflets. Levet, 1S70. Dark red, tinge J with violet. Trouillard, 1857. Giant of Bat- tles type. Crimson, with a tinge of purple. Granger, 1865. Purple-red. Rosy-flesh, dee])er toward cen- tre ; prettily formed buds. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 211 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 143. C a r o 1 i n e Cook, mod. 144. Caroline de San sal, vig. 145. Caroline Mar- niesse, free. 146. Caroline Schmitt. 147. CatherineBell, free. 148. CatherineGuil- lot. 149. CatherineMer- met, mod. or free. 150. Catherine Sou pert, mod. 151. Celine, dwf 152. Celine Fores- tier, vig. T. H.R. N. N. H.Cl. B. T. H.R. M. N. A. Cook, 1871. Raised from Saftano. Apricot - yellow, with a shade of rose ; not a valuable sort. Desprez, 1849. (Sent out by Hippolyte Jainain.) Flesh color, deepening towards the centre; large, lull flo\\ers, flat form, often indented ; subject to mildew ; vtry haidy. An unreliable sort, but beautiful when in perfeciion ; generally it is of better quality in Sep- tember than in June. Roeser, 1848. Creamy white, small and full : seven leaflets, nearly liardy. Schmitt, i88t. Raised from Sol- faterre. Salnun yellow, chang- ing to pale yellow. Bell & Son, 1877. Rose color, large, loose flowers ; very poor. Guillot fils, 1861. Raised from Louise Odier. Rose color. Guillot fiis, 1869. Flesh color, with the same silvery lustre seen in La France ; large, full, well formed ; not very produc- tive, yet not a shy bloomer ; very beautiful in the bud ; when the flowers expand they exhale a delightful perfume. The finest of all the Teas. Lacharme, 1879. Rosy-peach; distinct. Robert, 1855 Ciimson-purple. Trouillard, i860. Pale yellow, deepening tov^^ard the centre; the hardiest of the Tea-scented section. ^ 212 THE r.osE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 153. Cels-MuUifio- ra, mod. 154. Cen t i fol ia, free. {Cabbage or Comma n Provence.^ 155. C e n t i f ol i a Cristata, free. 156. Centifolia Ro- sea, mod. 157, Charles Baltet 158. Charles Dar- win, free. Beng. Prov. Dam. H.R. H.R. H.R. 159. Charles Du- H.R. val. 160. Charles Fon- H.R. taine. 161. Charles Getz, B. VIg. 162. Charles Law- H.Ch son, Vlg. 163. Charles Le- H.R. febvre, free. {Marguerite Bras- sac.) Cels, 1838. Flesh color, very free-blooming. Rose color, large, full, globular, fragrant. A very desirable garden variety. Vibert, 1827. Large, pink flow- ers, not crested, fragrant and good. Touvais, 1S63. Bright rose, cir- cular, shell form ; light green wood, with numerous red thorns ; foliage crimpled. E. Verdier, 1877. Carmine-red, medium size, full, fragrant. Laxton, 1879. (Sent out by G. Paul.) Raised from Madame Julie Daran. Brownish crim- son, with a shade of violet, very beautiful and distinct ; mildews easily. E. Verdier, 1877. Red, medium size. Fontaine, 1868. Crimson, fra- grant. A. Cook, 1S71. Rosy-pink, me- dium size, full, fragrant ; sliy in autumn. 1853. Light rose color, large, lull, fragrant ; 5 leaflets ; use- ful for pillars. Lacharme, 1861. Claimed to ha-^-e been raised from General Jacqueminot X Victor Verdier. Reddish-crimson, sometimes with a shade of purple, very velvety and rich, but fading quickly ; large, full, thick pet- als, bt;autiful!y formed. There are a few thorns of light red ; the wood and foliage are of CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 213 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. [64. Charles Mar- gottin, mod. 165. Charles Rou- illard. 166. Charles Ro. volli, free. [67. Charles Tur ner, free. [68. Charles Ver- dier, dwf. 169. Chen6d o 1 1 e vig. 170. Cheshunt Hy- brid, vig. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.Ch. H.T. light reddish-green. A splen- did rose. Margottin, 1864. A seedling of Jules Margottin. Fiery-red, shaded with crimson ; large, full flowers ; retains the color well ; smooth, reddish wood, armed with occasional red spines ; foliage slightly crim- pled. An excellent, distinct rose, quite unlike the parent in habit. It doubtless comes from a natural cross of some dark sort like Charles Lefebvre on JuLs Margottin. E. Verdier, 1865. Pale rose, well formed. Pernet, 1875. Carmine-rose, not unlike Bon Silene, from which variety, so far as our observa- tion goes, it differs only in be- ing inferior. Margottin, 1869. Crimson-ver- milion, large, full flowers, flat ioxva, xcsGxnbWngGeneral Wash- ington ; wood armed with nu- merous dark red thorns. A shy bloomer. Guillot pere, 1866. A seedling of Victor Verdier. Pink, with a tinge of salmon ; globular, full flowers ; thorns dark- red. A bad one to open, and fades very soon. Blight red, large, double ; shoots very spiny, 5 to 7 leaflets. G. Paul, 1872. Believed to be a natural cross from Madame de Tartas X Prince Camille de Rohan, Red, shaded with vio- let ; large, full, slightly fra- 214 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 171. Christian Puttner, dwf. 172. Christine Nils- son, free. 173. Claire Carnot, vig. 174. Clara Sylvain, mod. {Lady Wa rrender. ) 175. Claude Be r - nard, mod. 176. Claude Levet. 177. CI e m e n c e Raoux, vig. 178. Clement Na- bonnand, free. 179. Climbing Cap- tain Christy. 180. Climbing Bes- sie J ohn so n, vig. 181. Climbing Charles Lefeb- vre, free. 182. Climbing Countess of Oxford, free. H.Ch. H.R. N. Beng. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.Cl. H.Cl. H.Cl. H.Cl. grant; very distinct. A good rose, free in the Spring, but shy in autumn. Oger, 1861. Deep violet-rose ; an impure shade. Leveque, 1867. Rose color. In the way of Madame Boutin. Guillot fills, 1873. Pale yellow, somewhat in the way of Ce'Iiiie Forestier, but more Iragrant. Madanie Pcan. White, strongly infused with Tea blood. Liabaud, 1878 Raised from Jules Alargottin. Rose color ; Jittle fragrance ; not a desira- ble sort. Levet, 1872. Velvety-red, fra- grant. Granger, 1868. (Sent out by Charles Lee.) A washed-out pink ; large, fragrant flowers, quartered shape ; worthless. Nabonnand, 1877. Light yellow, shaded with rosy-salmon ; not valuable. Ducher & Soeur, 18S1. Flowers are like tlie old variety, from which it is a sport, but the shoots are more slender and longer. G. Paul, 1878. A sport from Bessie Johnson. Like the par- ent, except more vigorous. Cranston. 1876. Not any stronger in growth than the original. Smith, 1875. Of no value. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 215 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 183. Climbing Devonie n si s, vig. 184. Climbing Ed- ward Morren, vig. 185. C 1 i m b i ag Jules Margot- tin, vig. 186. Climbing MadameVictor Verdier. 187. Climbing Mademoiselle Eugenie Ver- dier, free. 188. Climbing Victor Verdier, free. 189. Cloih of Gold, vig. {Chfomatella.') 190 Clothilde. 191. Clothilde Rol- land. 192. Col. de Rouge mont, mod. Cl.T. H.Cl H.Cl, H.Cl H.Cl H.Cl, T. H.R. H.R. S. J. Pavitt, 1858. (Sent out by Henry Curtis.) A sport from Devonie7isis. This seems to us as productive as the old sort, and its extra vigor of growth is an advantage. G. Paul, 1879. A sport, likely to make a very useful pillar rose. Cranston, 1875. A sport from Jules Margottin. Flowers are the same as in the old sort, except being a little smaller, and for this reason it is finer in the bud state. The best of all the climbing sports ; high- ly commended as a useful pil- lar rose. Cranston, 1877. A humbug. G. Paul, 1877. " Light rosy- salmon ; like all these climb- ing sports the fiou'ers become smaller, and are produced more freely than the type." G. Paul, 1871. Flowers some- what smaller and less freely produced than in the old sort. Coquereau, 1843. Raised from Lamarque. Deep yellow cen- tre, with sulphur edges ; large, full flowers. A grand rose, but difficult to grow well. Rolland, 1S67. Creamy-white, ce'ntre rosy- salmon. Rolland, 1867. Cherry-rose. Lachaime, 1853. Of the Baronne Provost type. Light rose. 216 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Class. Habit of Gkowth. 193. Colonel de H.R. Jamain, 1874. Carmine-red. Sansal, mod. ig4. C 0 m i c e d e B. Pradel, 1842. Deep red, shaded Seine et-Marne, with violet. mod. 195. Cornice d e B. Pradel, 1852. Carmine - red, T a r n - e t - Ga- well formed. ronne, mod. 196. Common Moss M. Pale rose, very beautiful in the free. bud. Difficult to propagate {Old Moss.) from cuttings. None others in the class except Crested and Gracilis, can rank with this in quality. 197. Comte A. de H.R. Leveque, 1881. Raised from Germiny. Jules Margottin. Bright rose. 198. Comte d'Eu. B. Lacharme, 1844. Raised from Gloire des Rosoinanes. Bright, rosy crimson. 199. Comte d e H.R. Leveque, 1881. Raised from Flandres. Madame Victor Verdier. " Red- dish-purple, velvety, illumin- ed with carmine." 200. Comte deGri- T. Levet, 1871. Raised from Cana- vel. ry. Pale yellow. 201. Comte d e H.R. Margottin fils, 1880. Rose color, Mor t ema rt, very fragrant ; smooth, pale- free. green wood. 202. Comte deNan- H.Ch. Quetier, 1852. Light rose, large. teuii, vig. full flowers, sometimes with green centre ; not unlike Che- n^dolle. 203. Comtede Paris, T. Madame Pean, 1844. Flesh mod. or dwf. color, large flowers. 204. Comte deSem- T. Madame Ducher, 1874. Salmon bui, mod. and rose, the base of petals coppery yellow ; large, full flowers, often malformed. A grand rose when well grown, but too unreliable. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 217 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 205 206, 207 C o m t e d e Thun - Hohen- siein. Comte Taver na, mod. Comtesse Ce- cile de Chabril- lant, mod. 208. Comtesse de Barba n t a n e , free. 209. Comtesse de Camondo. 210. Comtesse de Caserta. 211. Comtesse Choiseuil. 212. Comtesse de Labarthe, free. 213. Comtesse de Ludre. 214. Comtesse de Murinais, vig. 215. Comtesse de Nadaillac,mod. 216. Comtesse ' de Segur. 217. Comtesse de Serenye, mod. n.R. H.R. B. H.R. T. H.R. T. H.R. M. T. Prov. H.R. Leveque, 1880. son. Reddish-crim- Ducher, 1871. Pale yellow. Marest, 1859. Satiny-pink, nev- er above medium size, full, fragrant ; of perfect, globular form ; numerous dark thorns of small size ; foliage dark and tough. A lovely rose. Guillot pere, 1858. Raised from Louise Odier. Blush, shaded with rose. Leveque, 1880. Red, shaded. Nabonnand, 1877. Coppery-red. Mottheau, 1878. Cherry -red, shaded with crimson, in the style of Marie Rady. Bernede, 1857. Pink, shaded with carmine-rose ; pretty in the bud. E. Verdier, 1879. Carmine-red. Vibert, 1843. White, tinged with flesh ; not inclined to mildew. Guillot fils, 1871. Coppery-yel- low, illumined with carmine- rose ; large, full, distinct and eflfective ; highly esteemed. v.- Verdier, 1848. Buff-white. Lacharme, 1874. Said to be raised from La Reine, but it shows more of the Jules Mar- gottin characteristics. Silvery- pink, often mottled ; a full, finely shaped, globular flower, J 218 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 2i8. Comtesse H e n r i e 1 1 e Combes. 219. Comtesse Na- thalie deKleist. 220. ComtesseRiza du Pare, free. 221. Comtesse Ou- varoff, free. 222. Constantin Tretiakoff. 223. Copper, mod. 224. Coquette des Alpes, vig. 225. Coquette des Blanches, free or vig. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. A. H.N. H.N. of medium size, slightly fra- grant ; wood light green, foli- age darker, thorns red, seven leaflets. Not reliable about opening, but a very free bloomer, and well worthy a place in a small collection. One of the most distinct ; of great beauty when grown un- der glass. Schwartz, 1881. Bright satiny- Soupert et Notting, 1880. Cop- pery-rose, reverse of petals lake. Schwartz, 1876. Raised from Com tesse de Labarthe. Bro n zed rose, with a carmine tint ; me- dium size, moderately full, highly perfumed. Margottin, 1861. Salmon-pink. Jamain, 1877. Cherry-red, large, double, without fragrance. Copper3'-red,ve'^y striking shade, semi-double. Lacharme, 1867. Raised from Blanche Lajittex Sappho. White, tinged with blush ; size, me- dium to large; semi-cupped form, the wood is long-jointed. A very desirable white rose. Lacharme, 187 1. Same parent- age as above. White, some- times tinged with blush ; of medium size, very full, some- what flat, but pretty ; growth bushy. An iinprovement on Baronne de Maynard and Ma- dame Alfred de Koii^-mont: CATALOGUE OF TARIETIES. 219 Name of Variety, anp Habit of Growth 226. Coquette de Lyon, mod. 227. Corn61ie Koch, free. {Cornelia Cook.) ^ 22S. Countess of H ar ri ngton free. 229. Countess o f Oxford, mod. 230. Countess of Roseberry, mod. 231. Couped'Hebe, vig. 232. Cramoisi - Su- perieur, free. {Agrippina.) 233. Crested Moss, free. {Cristata, or Crested Pro- vence.) 234. Crimson Bed- der, dvvf. 235. CrimsonMoss, free. Fr. H.R. H.R. H.Ch Beng. M. H.R. M. Ducher, 1870. Pale yellow ; medium, or small size ; pretty in bud, and useful for bedding. A. Koch, 1855. Raised from De- voniensis. White, sometimes faintly tinged with pale yel- low ; very large, full ; not a free bloomer. This is quite apt to come with a green cen- tre, but it is a grand rose when well grown, excelling all other white Teas. Cup - shaped, white flowers, double, produced in abun- dance. Guillot pere, 1869. Raised from Victor Verdier. Carmiuc-red, tinged with lilac, fades quick- ly; flowers very large and full ; subject to mildew. R. B Postans, 1879. (Sent out by Wm. Paul & Son.) Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Cherry-red. Laifay. Deep pink, medium, or large size, cup-form ; seven leaflets. A fine, distinct sort. Plantier, 1834. Rich, velvety crimson, double ; fine in the bud. A good bedding variety. Discovered on the wall of a con- vent near Fribourg, and sent out by Vibert, 1827. Deep, pink-colored buds, surround- ed with a mossy fringe and crest ; free from mildew. A fragrant, very beautiful rose. Cranston, 1874. Belongs to Giant 0/ Battles iy^Q. Crimson. Lee. Crimson, semi-double ; poor. 4 220 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. — -. Crimson Per- petual. 236. Crown Prince, 237. David Pradel mod. 238. Dean ofWind- sor, mod. 239. De la Griffer aie, vig. 240. Delille, mod. H.R. T. LH.R. Mult. P.M. 241. De Luxem- bourg, mod. or free. 242. DeMeaux.dwf. {Pompon?) M. M. 243. Desprez, vig. N. 244. Deuil de Paul. Fontaine, vig. M. 245, Devienne La- my, mod. 246. Devoniensis, mod. or free. H.R T. Class. 247. Diana. H.R. See Rose du Roi. W. Paul & Son, 1880. Reddish- crimson, tinged with purple. Pradel, 1851. Lilac-rose, large size. Turner, 1879. Vermilion, large, full flowers. 1846. Lilac-rose. This variety makes a valuable stock on which to bud strong-growing kinds. Robert, 1852. Red, tinged with lilac, flat form, fragrant, not mossy. Of no value. Hardy. Crimson, not attractive. Found growing in a garden at Taunton, about 1825. Pink color, small, full flowers. Desprez, 1838. Rose, blended with coppery yellow, highly scented. Fontaine, 1873. Red, shaded crimson, large, full ; not mossy ; worthless. Leveque, iS63. Carmine-red, well formed ; a good sort. Foster, 1841. (Sent out by Lu- combe, Pince & Co. Raised from Yellow Tea. Creamy^ white, centre sometimes tinged with blush, very large, almost full ; one of the most delight- fully scented. Either this or the climbing variety should be in every collection ; though neither is very productive. W. Paul, 1874. Deep pink. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 221 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 248, D i n g e e-C o nard, mod. 249. Dr. A n dry free. 250. Doctor Arnal dwf. 251. DoctorBerthet 252. DoctorChalus free. 253. Doctor Henon, dwf. 254. Doctor Hogg, free. 255. Doctor Hook- er, free. 256. Doctor Kane, vig. or free. 257. Doctor Marx, mod. 258. DoctorSewell, Class. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. N. H.R. H.R. E. Verdier, 1875. Violet-crim- son, illumined with red, me- dium size, compact. E. Verdier, 1864, Rosy-crimson, large, semi-cupped flowers, double, sometimes full, fades badly ; foliage large and glossy ; wood moderately smooth ; thorns large and red. A better rose in England than in this country. Roeser, 1848. Red, shaded v;ith crimson ; medium or small size ; a free bloomer, subject to mildew. Pernet, 1878. Pale rose, deeper in centre. Touvais, 1871. Vermilion, shad- ed with crimson ; large, dou- ble or full, fragrant ; a good seed-bearer. Lille, 1855 White, centre shad- ed, medium size, full ; often malformed, and subject to mildew. Belongs to the old Portland group. Laxton, 1880. (Sent out by George Paul.) Deep violet- red, medium size. G. Paul, 1876. Raised from Duke of Edinburgh. Crimson, with a shade of velvety purple. Pentland, 1856, Sulphur-yellow, large, fine flowers ; difficult to grow well. Laffay, 1842. Red, tinged with violet ; a bad shade. Turner, 1879. Bright crimson, tinged with purple, large, full. A good rose. 22-Z THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 259. Double Mar- gined Hep, free. 260. Douglass, free. 261. Duarte d' OH- veira, vig. 262. Ducd'Aumale, free. {General Due d'Aumale.) 263. Due de Cazes, free. 264. Due de Ma genta, free. 265. Due de Mont pensier, free. 266. Ducde Rohan, free. 267. Ducher, free. 268. Duchesse de Cambac e r es, vig. 269. Duchesse de Caylus, mod 270. Duchesse de Chartres 271. Duchesse d'ls trie, mod. 272. Duchesse de Morny, vig. 273. Duchesse d ' O r 1 e a n s , free. Dam. Beng. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Beng. H.R. H.R. H.R. M. H.Ch H.R. White, tinged with pink, flat form, full ; good. V. Verdier, 1848. Crimson, me- dium size, double, fine in the bud. A valuable variety for house-culture. Brassac, 1S80. Raised from Ophirie X Reve d" Or. Salmon- rose, coppery at base, medium size, full. E. Verdier, 1875. Crimson ; a good sort, not unlike Maurice Bertiardin. Touvais, i860. Violet-crimson, not a pure shade ; double ; numerous stout thorns. Margottin, 1859. Flesh, shaded with fawn, thick petals, full. A large, good tea. Leveque, 1876. Red, shaded with crimson ; a good sort. Leveque, i 8 6 i . Vermilion, large, well formed. Ducher, 1869. Pure white, well formed. Fontaine, 1854. Lilac rose, im- pure color ; double. C. Verdier, 1864. Rosy-crimson, large, double. E. Verdier, 1875. Bright rose. Portemer, 1857. Rose color, not valuable. E. Verdier, 1863. Bright rose; erect growth ; mildew. Ouetier, 1852. Blush, large, full ; often opens badly, and is sub- ject to mildew. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 223 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 274. Duchesse de Thuringe, free. 275. Duchesse de Vallombro sa, mod. 276. Duchesse de Vallombrosa. 277. Duchess of Connaught, dwf. 278. Duchess of Bedford, mod. H.R. T. H.T. H.R. 279. Duchess of I H.R. Edinburgh, mod. 280. Duchess ofBeng. E d inburgh, mod. 281. Duchess ofjH.R. Norfolk, free. Guillot pere, 1847. White, slight- ly tinged with lilac ; a free bloomer. Schwartz, 1875. Raised from Jtdes Alargottin. Pink, gen- erally opens badly ; not valu- able. Nabonnand, 1879. Coppery-red, distinct. Bennett, 1879. Raised from President X Duchesse de Val- /omdrosa (H.R.) Silvery-rose; of large, globular form ; full, highly scented. Resembles La France, but the flowers are more circular, the foliage larger and better. It retains its glob- ular form, the petals recurv- ing to a less extent; but La France is, notwithstanding, much the better sort. R. B. Postans, 1879. (Sent out by W. Paul & Son.) Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Cherry- red ; not very promising. Dunand, 1874. (Given by the raiser to Schwartz, by him sold to Henry Bennett, who sent it out.) Belongs to Jules Mar- gottin type. Pink, not valua- ble. Nabonnand, 1874. (Sent out by Veitch). Raised from Souvenir de David d' Angers. A Bengal with Tea blood. Crimson, turning lighter as the bud ex- pands ; of good size, mode- rately full. Margottin, 1861. (Sent out by Wood.) Rosy-red, medium 224 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 282, 2S3, Duchess of Sutherland,vig. Duchess of Westmins te r , mod. or dvvf. 284. Duke of Al- bany. 285. Duke of Con- naught, mod. 286. Duke of Con- naught, dvvf. or mod. 287. Duke of Edin- burgh, vig. H.R. H.T. H.R. H.R. H.T. H.R. size, cup-shaped ; a shy bloom- er, and not valuable. LafFay, 1840. Rosy-pink, large, full ; shy in autumn. Bennett, 1879. Raised from President X Marquise de Cas- tellane. Satiny-pink, shaded with rose, sometimes the color is carmine-rose ; large, full flowers, with a faint Tea odor. The flowers are apt to be irreg- ular and not of good finish, the buds are generally good. Sub- ject to mildew. W. Paul & Son, 1882, Crimson. G. Paul, 1875. Deep, velvety- crimson, wiih a fiery flush ; me- dium size, full, well formed ; burns badly, very shy in au- tumn. In England this is one of the finest dark roses ; we have seen it in grand form at the raiser's, but it has no val- ue for out-door culture in this country, Bennett, 1879. Raised from Pres- ident X Louis Van Houtte. Rosy-crimson, large, full, well formed, good in bud, almost v/ithout fragrance ; the buds do not always open. A fine rose when well grown, but it will never be useful for ordi- nary cultivators. G. Paul, i863. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Bright crimson, large, double flow- ers, little fragrance ; foliage large and attractive. Occa- sionally this is very fine early CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 225 Name of Varibtv, and Habit of Growth 288. DukeofTeck vig. 289. Duke of Well, ington, mod. 290. Dumnacus mod. 291. Dupetit Thou- ars, vig. 292. Dupuyjamain free. . Du Roi. 293. Earl of Bea- consfield, iomphe de I' Exposition. Red , shaded with crimson, large, very full, flat form'; the flow- ers are often malformed, great- ly lessening its value. A pro- fuse bloomer, and when in perfection, a very fine sort. Oudin. Violet-rose, very large, full, flat, or quartered shape, A bad-colored rose. G. Paul, 1881. "Pure lake, shaded with cerise, almost mildew proof ; in the way of Dupuy Jamain, but distinct." Moreau-Robert, 18S0. Raised kom Paul Neyron. Bright red, shaded with vermilion, very large, full, opening well. J. Pentland, 1857. Probably ixom. Paul Joseph. Rosy-crim- son, medium or small size, full, well formed, fragrant. One of the best Bourbong, highly commended. E. Verdier, 1864. Rosy-crimson, quite smooth wood ; a free blooming, excellent rose. Rivers. Cr mson, semi-double or double ; no longer of any value. Robert, 1853. Rosy -purple, striped with white, medium size. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 233 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 370. Gerard D e s - bois, vig. 371. Giant of Bat ties, dwf. {G/ant des Bat- tallies.) 372. Gigantesq u e , free. 373. Gloire de Bor- deaux, vig. 374. Gloire d e B o u r g - 1 a - Reine, mod. 375- Gloire de Dijon, vig. 376. Gloire de Du- cher, vig. . Gloire de Pa- ris. 377. Gloire des Ro- somanes, free. 37S. Gloire de San- T. H.R. T. Cl.T. H.R. Cl.T. H.R. H.R. H.R. Bright red, of good form; one of the hardiest and most useful in the class. Nerard, 1846. Sent out by Guil- lot-pere. Deep, fiery crimson, very brilliant and rich when first opening, but quickly fades, medium or small size, full, well formed, handsome, Bourbon-like foliage, very lia- ble to mildew. This variety and all of its type are of del- icate constitution. Odier, 1845. Deep rose, some- times mottled ; often fine, but apt to come malformed or somewhat coarse. Lartoy, 1861. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. Rose color, tinged with fawn. Margottin, 1879. Vivid red, dou- ble. Jacotot, 1853. In color a com- bination of rose, salmon and yellow ; flowers very large, very full, good globular form, the outer petals inclined to fade. A very useful rose, prob- ably the hardiest of the Teas. Ducher, 1865. Crimson-purple, large, very full, subject to mil- dew. If the color were perma- nent,thiswouldbeagood kind. A deceit. Sent out as a new son ; it is but Anne de Dies- bach, Vibert. Brilliant crimson, semi- double. Ducher, 1859. Raised from Gen- 234 THE TIOSB. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. tena)'-. mod. free or 379. Gloire de Vi- try, free. 380. Glory of Ches- hunt, vig. 381. Glory of Moss- es, mod. 382. Glory of Wal- tham. 383. Goubault, free or mod. 384. Gracilis, free. {Prolific.) H.R. H.R. M. H.Cl T. M. 3S5. Great Western, H.Ch. free. 386. Greville, vig. Mult. {Seven Skters.) 387. Guillaume Gil- lemont. 388. Gustave Thier- ry. 389. Harrison Weir, free or mod. 390. Harrison's Yellow, free. H.R. H.R. H.R. eral Jacqueminot. Crimson, tinged with violet ; out of d.ite. Masson, 1855. Raised from La Reine. Bright rose. G. Paul, 1880. Raised from Charles Lefebvre. Rich crim- son, double, very effective. Vibert, 1852. Pale rose, very large, full, flat form; not at- tractive in the bud ; the foli- age is very large. Vigneron, 1865. (Sent out by W. Paul.) Crimson, double, fragrant. Goubault, 1843. Rose, tinged with salmon ; resembles Bon Silene, but inf^erior to it. Deep pink buds, surrounded with delicate, fringe-like moss. Ihc most beautiful of all the moss roses. Laffay. Red, shaded with crim- son, double, fragrant ; poor. Blush, tinged and striped with various shades, small or me- dium size ; a tender variety of no value. Schwartz, 1880. Raised from Madame Charles Wood. Rosy- carmine. Oger, 1880. Cherry-red. Turner, 1879. Raised from Charles Lefebv?'e X Xavier Olibo. Velvety crimson, bright- ened with scarlet. Harrison, 1830. Golden yellow, medium size, semi-double; generally has nine leaflets, a CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 235 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 3gi. Helen Paul. 392. Helvetia. 393. Henri Lecoq, dwf. 394. Henri L e d e- chaux, dwf. 395. Henri Martin. 396. Henry Bennett, mod. 397. Hcrmosa, mod. {A rm 0 s a, or Setina.) 398. Hippolyte Ja- main, mod. 399. Homer, vig. H.R. T. T. H.R. M. H.R. H.R. T. freer bloomer than Persian Yellow. This is believed to be a hybrid between the com- mon Austrian and a Scotch rose. Lacharme, 1881. Raised from Victor Verdier X Sonibreuil. White, sometimes shaded with pink ; large globular flowers. Ducher, 1873. Pink, tinged with fawn. Ducher, 1871. Rosy-flesh, small, beautiful buds ; delicate habit. Ledechaux, 1868. Belongs to Victor Verdier type. Carmine- rose. Portemer, 1862. Red, not valu- able. Lacharme, 1875. Raised from Charles Lefebvre. Crimson, medium size, mildews, and burns badly ; shy in autumn, and of no value. Marcheseau, 1840. Bright rose, medium or small size, double ; constantly in flower, bushy habit. Lacharme, 1874. Belongs to Victor Verdier type. Carmine- red, well built flowers ; the foliage when young has a deeper shade of red than is seen in any other sort, and is also the handsomest. We find this the hardiest of the type. Moreau-Robert, 1859. Salmon- rose, often richly mottled ; a free bloomer, moderately hardy, best in the open air ; the buds are very beautiful. 236 THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 400. Hon. George Bancroft, dwf. or mod. 401. Horace Vernet; dwf. or mod. 402. Hortensia, free. 403. H y m e n e e, mod. 404. Ida, mod. 405. Impe ra t ri c e Eugenie, free. 406. Innocente Plrola, mod. even though of variable shades. Certainly one of the most use- ful tea roses. H.T. Bennett, 1879. From Madame de St. Joseph X Lord Macau- lay. Red, shaded with violet- crimson, large, full flowtrs, and good, pointed buds ; of- ten comes malformed ; highly scented, a combination of the perfumes found in the parent varieties ; the wood is nearly smooth, the foliage is large, dark, and handsome. The color is not deep enough, and is too sullied to make this of value for winter-forcing. H.R. Guillot fils, 1866. Crimson, il- lumined with scarlet, large, double ; of beautiful wavy outline ; nearly smooth wood, of delicate constitution. Few roses have such lovely form as this. T. Ducher, 1871. Rose color, back of petals a washed-out pink ; I a coarse, poor sort. T. LafTay. Pale sulphur-yellow, large, full. Madame Ducher, 1875. P^'^ yellow, double. Bang. Beluze, 1855. Silvery-rose, me- dium size, full, fragrant ; a good variety, and would he very useful had we not La France. Subject to mildew ; shows Bourbon character. T. Madame Ducher, 1878. Clouded white, medium size, full, well- formed buds. In the style of CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 2.37 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 407. Isabella {Bella). mod. or free- 408, Isabella Gray, free. 409. Isabella Sprunt, free. [free. 410. Jacques Latitte 411. James Sprunt, vig. 412. James Veitch, dwf. Jaune Desprez, 413. Jaune d'Or, dwf. 414. Jean B o d i n free. 415. Jean Brosse, mod. T. N. H.R. Beng P.M. M. H.R. Niphetos, but is inferior to it in all respects save mere vigor of growth. Cels, 1S3S. Creamy-white ; once a popular sort. Andrew Gray, 1S54. Raised from Cloth ofGoht. Golden yellow ; has the good and bad qualities of the parent. Rev. James M. Sprunt, D.D., 1S65. (Sent out by Isaac Buchanan.) A spoit from Safrano. Sulphur yellow, very beautiful in the bud. Well known as one of the most use- ful kinds. Vibert, 1846. Rosy-crimson, Rev. James Sprunt, 1858. (Sent out by P. Hender^son.) A climbing sport from Agr:p- pina. Crimson, the same color as the parent sort, but the flow- ers are fuller and larger. It is not so free flowering as Agrip- pina, but a desirable rose. E. Verdier, 1865. Violet-crim- son, a sullied color, medium or large size, poor shape ; blooms freely, very subject to mildew. See Desprez. Oger, 1864. Coppery-yellow, medium size, full, very deli- cate habit. One of the sweet- est in the class. Vibert, 1847. Light rose, quar- tered shape, fragrant, not mossy. Ducher, 1867. Rose color, me- dium size, cup form. 238 THE EOSE. Name of Variety, and p. Habit of Growth. *-lass. 416. Jean Cherpin, free. 417. Jean Dalmais mod. 418. Jean Ducher, free or mod. 419. Jean Goujon, vig. 420. Jean Hardy. 421. Jean Lambert, vig. 422. Jean Liabaud, free. 423. Jean Lorthois, free or vig. 424. Jean Monford vig. 425. Jean Pernet, free. 426. Jean S i s 1 ey, mod. H.R. H.R. T. H.Ch, N. H.R. H.R. T. M. T. H.T. Liabaud, 1865. Plum color, double, often semi-double, in- clined to burn ; fragrant and a fine seed parent. One of the richest shades of color yet produced. Ducher, 1873. Rose, tinged with violet, globular, fragrant. Madame Ducher, 1874. Bronzed- rose, large, very full, globular form ; not to be depended on, but very beautiful when well grown. Margottin, 1862. Red, large or very large, full, neatly smooth wood ; of second quality. Flardy, 1859. Golden yellow, medium size, full; an inferior Isabella Gray. E. Verdier, 1866. Deep red, very large, full, flat form. Liabaud, 1875. A seedling from Baron de Bonstetten. Crimson- maroon, illumined with scar- let, large, full ; a lovely rose, but shy in the autumn. Madame Ducher, 1879. Rose, reverse of the petals silvery pink. Robert, 1852. Rose color, quite pretty in bud, subject to mil- dew, not free. Pernet, 1867. Light yellow, suffused with salmon, beauti- ful buds ; a fine tea, but is now surpassed by Ferle des Jardins. Bennett, 1879. Raised from President X EmilieHausburgh. Lilac rose, large, very full, CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 239 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 427. Jean Souperi, mod. or free. 428. Jeanne d'Arc^ vig. 429. Joasine Hanet vig. 430. John Bright, mod. 431. John Cranston 432. John Hopper, free. 433. John Keynes, free. 434 John Saul, free. 435. John Stuart Mill, free. H.R. N. K.R. H.R. M. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. without fragrance ; very sub- ject to mildew. The color is bad, and the buds rarely open well ; it is entirely worthless. Lacharme, 1875. Crimson-ma- roon, in the way of Jean Lia- batid ; dark green foliage, with many thorns ; not free in the autumn. V. Verdier, 1848. White, an in- ferior Lamarque. Belongs to the old Portland group. Deep rose, tinged with violet, medium size, full, quartered shape ; fragrant, very hardy, a profuse bloomer. The color and form are bad, and destroy its usefulness. G. Paul, 1878. Bright crimson, medium size. E. Verdier, 1862. Violet-red, medium size. Ward, 1862. From Jules Mar- got im X Madame Vidot, Bright rose, with carmine centre, large and full, semi-globular ; light red thorns, stout bushy growth. A free blooming, standard sort. E. Verdier, 1865. Red, shaded with maroon. Madame Ducher, 1878. Raised from Antoine Ditcher. Red, back of the petals carmine, semi-globular. Turner, 1874. Raised from Beauty of Waltham. Rosy- crimson, large, full, ordouble; does not bloom until late ; shy in the autumn. 240 THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth, 436. Joseph Bernac- chi, vig. 437. Jules Chretien, mod. 438. Jules Chretien, free. 439. Jules Finger, free. 440. Jules J urge n- sen. 441. Jules Margot- tin, free. 442. Julie Mansais, mod. 443. Julie Touvais, mod. 444. Julius Finger, mod. 445. King of the Prairies, vig. 446. King's Acre, 447. La Brillante, mod. 448. La Fontaine, free. N. HR H.R. T. B. H.R. T. H.R. H.T. P. H.R. H.R. H.Ch, Madame Ducher, 1878. Yel- lowish-white, pale yellow at centre. Schwartz, 1878. Belongs to the Frmce Camille type. Crimson, tinged with purple. Damaizin, 1870. Bright rose ; not valuable, Madame Ducher, 1879. From Caiheyine Mermet X Madame de Tartas. Red, with a silvery lustre ; a promising sort. Schwartz, 1879. Magenta-rose. Margottin, 1853. Probably from La Reine. Carmine rose, large, full, somewhat fiat, slight fra- grance ; five to seven leaflets, foliage light green, and some- v/hat crimpled ; wood armed with dark red thorns ; free flowering and hardy. Creamy-white, sweet 'scented, beautiful ; delicate in habit. Touvais, 1868. Satiny-pink, very large, full ; fine, but unreli- able. Lacharme, 1879. From Victor Verdier X Sombreuil. Salmon- pink, in the style of Captain Christy ; a promising sort. Feast, 1843. Pale rose. Cranston, 1864. Vermilion. V. Verdier, 1862. Bright crim- son, a clear shade, large, double, fragrant ; a free bloom- er. Guinoiseau, 1855. Red tinged with violet. CATALOGUE OF VAKIETIES. 241 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 449- La France mod. -bl 450. La Grandeur free or vig. 451. La Jonquille, mod. 452. La Lune, mod. 453. La Motte San guin, mod. 454. La Nuancee, mod. 455- La Princesse Vera, free. 456. La Reine, free or vig. 457. La Ro Sid re, free. ri.R T. T. H.R. H.R. H.T. Guillot fils, 1S67. From seed of a Tta rose. Silvery-rose, changing to pink, very large, full, globular; a most con- stant bloomer, aud the sweet- est of all roses. If the buas remain firm, by pressing gently ilie point and 'blowing into the centre, the flowers will, al- most invariably, expand. All invaluable sort. Nabonnand, 1S77. Violet-rose, very large, full. Ducher 1871. Raised from Za^ viarque. Jonquil-yellow, semi- double, sometimes single; me- dium or small size. Nabonnand, 1878. Creamy-yel- low, deeper colored in centre, medium '^ize, large petals, semi-double. Vigneron, 1S69. Carmine-red, large or very large. Guillot-fils, 1875. Blush, tinged with fawn, medium size, full. Nabonnand, 1878. Flesh, bor- dered with coppery- rose, full, well formed ; a distinct good' sort. Laffay, 1839. Glossj'-rose, large, full, semi-globular form, som c- what fragrant ; the foliage slightly crimplcd, five to sevi n leaflets. A very hardy, useful rose, though no longer "the queen." Damaizin, 1874. Belongs to the Pi ince Camille type. Cri m son . the flowers are identical in color and form with Prince r*> 242 THE EOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 458. La Saumonee, vig. 459. LaSouveraine, vig. 460. La Sylphide, free. 461. La T u 1 i p e, mod. 462. La Ville de Bruxelles, free. 463. Lady Emily Peel, mod. or free. 464. LadyFord- wick, free. 465. Lady Sheffield. 466. Lady Stuart, free. 467. Lady Warren- der. 468. Laelia. 469 Lamarque, vig. H.Cl. H.R. T. T. Dam. H.N. H.Ch. H.R. H.Ch. Beng. H.R. N. Camille, but seem a little fuller, and are more freely produced, the habit of growth, too, seems somewhat stronger ; it may usurp the place of its rival. Margotiin, 1877. Belongs to the Jules Margottiniy^e, Salmon- rose, medium size ; non-au- tumnal. E. Verdier, 1874. Rose color, large flowers, semi-double or double, cupped form ; inferior. Laffay. Blush, with fawn centre, very large, double. Ducher, 1870. Creamy- white, tinted with carmine, semi- double. Vibert, 1836. Rose color, large, full, flat ; branching iiabit. Lacharme, 1862. From Blanche Lafiite X Sappho. White, ting- ed with blush. Laffay, 1838. Deep rose, cup- shaped. W. Paul & Son, 1881. Cherry- red, Portemer, 1852. Pink, changing to blush ; five to seven-leaf- lets. See Clara Sylvain. Crozy, 1857. See Louise Pe)'- ronny. Marechal, 1830. White, with sulphur centre, sometimes pure white, very large, full, somewhat fragrant, generally seven leaflets. A superb climbing rose, quite too much neglected. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 243 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 470. Lamarque a fleurs jaunes, free. 471. Laneii. 472. L' E b 1 o u i s- sante, mod. 473. L'Esperance, free. 474. L'Enfant du Mont-Carmel, vig. 475. Le Havre, mod. 476. Le Mont Blanc, mod. 477. Le N an k in, mod. or dwf. 478. Le Pact ole, dwf. or mod. 479. Le Rhone, free or mod. 480. Led a. {Paintea Daviask). 481. Leon Renault, free or vig. M, H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. T. T. H.R. Dam, H.R. Ducher, 1871. Pale yellow, me- dium size, in the style of the former sort, but inferior in all respects. Laffay, 1854. (Sent out by Lane & Son.) Red, good foliage, with five leaflets ; not subject to mildew. Propagates wiih great difficulty from cuttings. Touvais, 1S61. Rosy-crimson, very large, double. Fontaine, 1871. Cherry-red, large, full, flat form, fragrant. Cherpin, 1851. (Sent out by Ducher.) Violet-rose, a muddy shade, large, full, flat form, fragrant, red spines ; inclined to mildew. Eude, 1871. Vermilion, beauti- fully formed. Ducher, 1869. Pale lemon-yel- low, growing lighter as the flowers expand ; good in the bud. Ducher, 1871. Pale yellow, shaded coppery-jellow, pretty in the bud state ; rather deli- cate habit. Madame Pean. From Lamarque X Yellow Tea. Very pale yel- low, beautiful buds. Guillot-fils, 1862. Raised from Gi-neral Jacqueminot. Ver- milion, tinged with crimson, large, well formed. Blush, edged with lake. Madame Le d ech au x, 1878. Cherry-red, very large, full; promises well. 244 THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 482. Leopold Haus- burgh, free. 483. Leopold Pre- mier, free. 484. Le tty Coles, free. 485. Leveson Cow- er, mod. 486. Lion des Com- bats, free or mod. 487. Little Gem. dwf. 488. Lord Beacons- field. 489. Lord Clyde, mod. 490. Lord Macau- lay, free or mod. 491. Lord Palmers- ton, free. 492. Lord Raglan, mod. H.R. H.R. T. B. H.R. M. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Granger, 1863. Belongs to Jnc- quemhiot type. Deep violet- red, a bad color. Vanassche, 1863. Belongs to Jacqueminot type. Deep red shaded crimson, thorns not very numerous ; a good sort but not Iree in the autumn. Keynes, 1876. A spott from Madame Willermoz. White, with pink centre. Beluze, 1846. Deep rose, tinged with salmon, the flowers are of the same character as Mal- maison. Lartay, 185 i. Violet-rose, double, subject to mildew ; worthless. W. Paul, 1880. Crimson, very small, full ; a miniature sort. Schwartz, 187S. (Sent out by Bennett.) Crimson, large, well formed. G. Paul, 1863. Rosy-crimson, large, double ; subject to mil- dew. 1863. (Sent out by W. Paul.) Fiery-crimson, much the color seen in Charles Lefebvre, large, double, well formed, fragrant ; this is still a good rose. Margottin, 1858. Carmine-red, tinged with vermilion, double, well formed ; bushy habit, light green wood and foliage, a few lighi-colored spines. A good garden rose. Guillot pere, 1854. Raised from Giant of Battles. Burgundy crimson, a lovely shade; ten- der and shy in autumn. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 245 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 493. Louis XIV., dwf. 494. Louis Barlet free. 495. Louis Chaix, dwf. 496. Louis D o r e , mod. or free. 497. Louis Phil- ippe, mod. 498. Louis Rich- ard, free. 499. Louis Van Houtte, free. 500. Louis Van Houtte, dwf. or mod. 501. Louis d'Ar- zens, mod. or free. 502. Louise de Sa- voie, mod. 503. Louise Odier, vig. 504. Louise Pey- ronny, mod. {Lcelia.) H.R. T. H.R. H.R. Beng. T. H.R. H.R. H.N. T. B. H.R. Guillot fils, 1859. Raised from General Jacgtieminot. Rich crimson, double ; a beautiful shade. Madame Ducher, 1875. Pale yellovv, tinged with fawn. Lacharme, 1857. Raised from Giant of Battles. Crimson. Fontaine, 1S78. Red, large, full ; little or no fragrance, bushy growth. Crimson ; an inferior Agrip- pina. Madame Ducher, 1877. Cop- pery rose, the centre some- times deep red. Granger, 1863. Red, tinged with crimson, reddish thorns ; not of first quality. Lacharme, 1869. Said to be from Charles Lefehvre. Crimson- maroon, medium size, some- times large, full, semiglobu- lar form ; large foliage, fewer thorns than most other dark roses, highly perfumed. This is a tender sort, but it is very free blooming, and decidedly the finest crimson yet sent out. Lacharme, 1861. White tinged with blush ; superseded by Coquette des Blanches. Ducher, 1855. Pale j'ellow, beautiful buds ; much like Le Pactole. Margottin, 1851. Bright rose, medium size, full, well formed, hardy. Lacharme, 1851. Raised from La Reine. Silvery rose. 246 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 505, Lyonnaise, mod. 506. Ma Capucine, dwf. 507. Mabel Morri- son, mod. H.R. H.R. 508. M m e . A d e - laide Cote. 509. Mme. Alboni, dwf. 510. Mme. Alexan- dre Bernaix, mod. 511, Mme. Alfred Carriere, free or vig. H.R. M. H.T. H.N. Lacharme, 1871. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Pink, with deeper centre, fades quickly ; a coarse, inferior sort. Levet, 1871. Raised from the Noisette Ophirie. Nasturtium yellow, beautiful buds ; a very distinct rose, which, from its delicate habit, is useless for ordinary cultivators to attempt growing. Broughton, 1878. (Sent out by Bennett.) A sport from Bar- oness RotJi s child. F 1 e s h w 1 u t e , changing to pure white, in the autumn it is sometimes tinged with pink ; semi-double, cup- shaped flowers. In all, save substance of petal and color, this variety is identical with the parent ; though not so full as we should like, it is yet a very useful garden rose, and occasionally it is good enough for exhibition. Schmitt, 1881. "Reddish-crim- son, in the style of Ca?-difial Patrizziy V. Verdier, 1850. Pink, very large, very full, flat ; much like Glory of Mosses, and, like that kind, too full to be pretty in the bud state. Guillot fils, 1877. Salmon-rose, petals sometimes edged with blush ; has true Tea odor, though not strong. A prom- ising variety. Schw.irtz, 1879. White, not free blooming, undesirable. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 247 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 512. Mme. Alfred de Rougemont, mod. 513. Mme. Alice Bureau, free. H.N. H.R. H.R, 514. Mme. Al- phonse Laval- lee, mod. 515. Mme. A ma- T. dieu. 516. Mme. Amelie H.R. Baltet. 517. Mme. Andre H.R. Leroy, vig. 518. Mme. Angelt Jacquier, free or mod. 519. Mme. Anna de BesobrasofF, mod. 520. Mme. Anna de Besobrasoff, free. 521. Mme. Auguste Perrin, mod. 522. Mme. Az61ie Imbert, free. 523. Mme. Barillet Deschamps. 524. Mme. Barth61- emy Levet. 525. Mme. Bel- H.R. H.R. H.N. T. T. T. H.N. Lacharme, 1S62. Raised from Blanche Lafitte X Sappho. White, tinged with pink ; sur- passed by Coquette dt's Blanches. Vigneron, 1868. Belongs to La Reine type. Rose color ; much like the parent, but more shy in the autumn. E. Verdier, 1878. Carmine-red, in the style of Aljred Colomb ; a promising variety. Pernet, 1880. Bright rose, dou- ble, large. E. Verdier, 1878. Satiny-rose, well formed. Trouillard, 1865. Salmon-rose, large, double. Guillot fils, 1879. Bright rose, base of petals coppery yellow ; a good deal the build of Cath- erine Mermet. I am well pleased with the appearance of this kind. Nabonnand, 1877. Flesh color, the centre shaded with rose, medium size. Gonod, 1877. Raised from Charles Leftbvre. Deep red, shaded with purple. Schwartz, 1878. Mottled pink, small or medium size, well formed ; a new color in this class. We are most favorably impressed with it. Levet, 1870. Raised from Mme. Falcot. Pale yellow. Bernede, 1855. White, centre creamy-yellow. Levet, 1879. Canary-yellow, medium size. Guillot pere, 1866. Belongs to 248 THE ROSE. Name of Varibty, and Habit of Growth 1 e n d e n Ker, mod. 526. Mme. Berard, vig. 527. Mme. Bern- ard, mod. 528. Mme. Bernutz, free. 529. Mme. Boll , vig. 530. Mme. Boutin, H.R. mod. 531. Mme. Bouton, M. dwf. 532. Mme Bravy, T. mod. or free. {Alba Rosea, Mme. Sertot.) 533. Mme. Br6- T. mond, dwf. 534. Mme. Bruel, H.R. mod. 535. Mme Bureau, Beng mod. [free. 536. Mme Caillat, H.R. 537. Mme. Camille, T. Vlg. Cl.T. T. H.R. H.R. Eliza Boeile tyT^e. White, cen- tre blu-h ; very beautiful. Levet, 1870. Raised from Gloire de Dijo7i. Very similar to the parent ; the flowers are some- what less full, of a fresher shade, and are better in the bud state. Levet, 1875. Raised from Mine. Falcoi. Coppery-yellow, me- dium sized, distinct. Jamain, 1874. Satiny-rose, very large, full. Daniel Boll, 1859. (Sent out by Boyeau.) Belongs to Baronne Pre'vost type. Carmine-rose ; a very effective garden sort ; very stout shoots, five leaflets only, there are seven in Boiel- dieti, a kindred variety. Jamain, 1861. Red, large, full ; a good garden rose. Deep rose, mildews badly ; re- sembles Oscar Le Clerc. Guillot, of Pont Cherin, 1848. (Sent out by Guillot of Lyons.) Creamy-while, large, full, of very symmetrical form and great fragrance ; one of the most beautiful and useful in the class. Guillot fils, 1866. Violet-red. Levet, 1S81. Raised from Count- ess of Oxford. Carmine-rose. White, tinged with blush. E. Verdier, 1861. Cherry-rose. Guillot fils, 1871. Mushroom- color, large, coarse flowers ; not worthy of cultivation. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 249 Name of Variety, and p Habit of Growth. '-^ass. 538, Mme. Cara- dori Allan, vig. 539. Mme. Caro. 540, Mme. Caro- line Kuster, free. 541. Mme. Celina Noirey, vig. 542. Mme. Charles free. 543. Mme. Charles Crapelet, vig. 544. Mme. Charles Verdier, free or vig. 545. Mme. Charles Wood, dwf. 546. Mme. Chate, mod. 547. Mme. Che- dane Guinois- eau, free. 548. Mme. Chirard. P. T. N. T. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. Bright pink, semi- Salmon-yellow, Feast, 1843. double. Levet, 1880. medium size. Pernet, 1873. Pale yellow, often mottled with rose ; a free blooming.excellent shrub rose, one of the best bedding kinds. Guillot fils, 1868. Salmon, the outer petals washed out pink, very large, very full ; a coarse flower, of dirty shade. Damaizin, 1864. Raised from Safrano. Apricot color ; in the way of Mme. Falcot. Fontaine, 1859. Cherry-red, me- dium or large size, fragrant and good ; wood armed with numerous thorns. Lacharme, 1864. Belongs to the Barojine Frevost type. Rosy vermilion, very large, a free bloomer. E. Verdier, 1861. Reddish crim- son, large or very large, nearly full ; one of the freest flower- ing kinds, but not of first quality. Occasionally, as with General Washington, some first-rate blooms are produced. Fontaine, 1871. Cherry-red. Leveque, 1880. Canary-yellow, thought to be a valuable variety for the buds ; probably in the style of Isabella Spruni. Pernet, 1867. Rose, tinged with vermilion, full, peculiar rich scent ; bushy habit, shy in autumn, many malformed flowers. 250 THE ROSE. Namk of Variety, and Habit of Growth 549. Mme. Clem ence Joig neaux, vig. 550. Mme. CI e rt mod. 551. M m e. Crosy, free or vig. 552. Mme. Cusin. 553. Mme. Damai- zin,free or vig. 554. Mme. de La- boulaye, mod. or dwf. 555. Mme. de Rid- der, free or vig. 556. Mme de St. Joseph, mod. 557. Mme. de St. Fulgent, free. 558. Mme. de Tar- tas, mod. 559. Mme. de Va- try, free. 560. Mme. Desir6 Giraud, vig. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. T. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. T. T. H.R. Liabaud, 1861. Rose, tinged with lilac, double, large flow- ers. Gonod, 1868. Salmon-rose. Levet, 1881. Raised from Sou- venir de la Reine d' Angle terre. Rose color, very large. Guillot fils, 1881. Violet-rose, tinged with yellow. Damaizin, 1858. Creamy-white, shaded salmon, very large, double ; not well formed. Liabaud, 1877. Rosy-pink, some- what fragrant, bushy habit, long, rather small foliage, wood thickly covered with dark brown thorns ; not very promising. Margottin, 1871. Red, shaded with violet-crimson, large, full, fine globular form ; green wood and thorns. A distinct sort, fragrant and beautiful, but fades easily. Fawn, shaded salmon, large, full, highly scented ; not well formed. Gautreau, 1871. Raised from Cafhcriue Guillot. Rosy-ver- miiion tinged with lilac, large, globular ; well formed. Bernede. Rose color, double. Red, shaded with salmon, of good form, both in bud and flower, and well scented ; a very choice old sort. Madame Giraud, 1853. (Sent out by Van Houtte.) A sport CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 251 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 561. Mme. D6vau- coux, free. 562. Mme. Devert, mod. or dwf. 563. Mme.Domage, free. 564. Mme. Ducher, mod. 565. Mme. Ducher, free. 566. Mme. Edward Ory, mod. 567. Mme. E 1 i s e Stchegoleflf. 568. Mme. Emilie Dupuy, free 569. Mme. Etienne Levet, dwf. 570. Mme. Eugene Chambeyra n mod. 571. Mme. Eugene Verdier, free or mod. 572. Mme. Falcot, mod. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. P.M. T. T. H.T. H.R. H.R. T. from Baronne Prevost. Blush- white, striped with deep rose. Madame Ducher, 1874. Canary- yellow, medium size. Pernet, 1876. Raised from Vic- tor Verdier. Salmon-rose. Margottin, 1S53. Bright-rose, large, loose flowers, very thor- ny ; not valuable. Levet, 1879. Silvery-rose, me- dium size, double. Ducher, 1869. Creamy-yellow, medium size. Moreau-Robert, 1854. Carmine- red, of medium size, full ; one of the best in the class, which is not saying much for the class. Nabonnand, 1881. Clear rose, flowers said to be in the style of Niphetos. Levet, 1870. Salmon, some- times pale fawn, large, full ; not attractive. Levet, 1878. Cherry-red, some- times having a coppery shade, small size, pietty in the bud ; slightly scented, agreeable odor. Gonod, 1878. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Rose, tinged with violet, sometimes salmon-rose. E. Verdier, 1878. Belongs to La Reine type. Mottled rose, very large, full, globular ; a promising kind. Guillot fils, 1858. Raised from Safrano. Deep apricot ; re- sembles the parent, but is 252 THE HOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 573. Mme. Ferdi- nand J a m i n, mod. 574. Mme.Fortunee Besson. 575. Mme.Fran9ois Janin, dwf. or mod. 576. 577 578. 579' Mme. Francois Pittet, mod. Mme. Fre e- man, mod. Mme. Fremi- on, mod. Mine. Gabriel Luizet, vig. 580. Mme. Gail- lard, mod. 58.1. Mme, George Schwartz, mod. 582. Mme. Gustave Bonnet, free. 5S3. Mme. Hardy, vig. n.R. H.R. T. H.N. H.N. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. H.N. Dam. somewhat larger, more double, of deeper shade, less product- ive, and of weaker growth. Ledechaux, 1875. Deep rose, cupped form, highly scented. Besson, 1881. Raised from Jules Margottin. Carmine-rose. Levet, 1872. Orange yel- low, small size, buds of ex- quisite shape ; very distinct, both in color and its peculiar fragrance. Lacharme, 1877. Pure white, small. Guillot p^re, 1862. White, tinged with pink. Margottin, 1850. Cherry-red, cup-shaped, fragrant. Liabaud, 1878. Belongs to the Jules Margottin iy^e. Pink, somewhat fragrant, long foli- age ; a promising kind, worthy of attention. Ducher, 1870. Salmon-yellow, large, somewhat coarse. Schv.'artz, 1871. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Silvery- ro?;e, fades badly aiid is coarse. Lacharme, i860. From BiancJw. LaJitteX Sappho. White, tinged with pink ; surpassed by others of the class. Hardy, 1832. White, large, very full, flcit firm, ver}^ Iragiant ; sometimes comes with green centre, but very beautiful when in perfection. A diffi- cult sort to grow from cut- tings. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 253 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth, 584. Mine. Hippo- lyte J amai n, mod. 585. Mme. Hippo- jyte J am a i n, free. 586. Mme. Hoche, mod. or dwf. 587. Mme. Hunne- belle, free. 588. Mme. Isaac Pereire, free or vig. 589. Mme. Jeanne Joubert, vig. 590. Mme. Jolibois, mod. 591. Mme. Joly, free. 592. Mme. Joseph Halphen, mod. 593. Mme. Joseph Schwartz, free. 594. Mme. John Twombly, free. 595. Mme. Jules Grevy. 596. Mme. Jules M a r go 1 1 i n, mod. 597. Mme. Julie Daran, free. H.R. T. M. H.R. B. B. H.R. H.R. T. T. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. Gar5on, 1871. (Sent out by Ja- main.) White, tinged with rose, very large, full. Guillot fils, i86g. White, tinged in the centre with yellow, large, full. Moreau-Robert, 1859. White, superseded by White Bath. Fontaine, 1873. Light rose, large, fragrant. Margottin-fils, 1880. Carmine- red, very large, full, free blooming. Margottin, 1877. Red, medium size, non-aufumnal. E. Verdier, 1879. Silvery rose, medium size, full. Rose color, medium size, semi- cupped, fragrant, and well formed ; seems to be of Bour- bon origin. Margottin, 1859. Blush, me- dium size. Schwartz, 1880. From Comfesse de Labarthe. Blush, the edge of petals tinged with car- mine. Schwartz, 1S81. Vermilion-red, said to have some resemblance to Alfred Colomb. Schwartz, 1881. Yxoxxx Triomphe de r Exposition X Madajne I'al- cot. Salmon-pink. Levet, 1871. Carmine pink, tinged with lilac, very fragrant; inclined to come in rough form. Touvais, 1861. a fine color tumn. Violet-crimson, shy in the au- 254 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 598. Mme. Julie Weidman. 599. Mme. Knorr, dwf. Mme. de Roth- schild. 600. Mme. L a - charme, dwf. 601. Mme. Laffay, free. C02. Mme. Lam bard, vig. 603. Mme. L a n- deau, mod. 604. Mme. Laurent, vig. 605. Mme. Leon de St. Jean, mod. 606. Mme. Levet, vig. H.T. H.R. H.Ch H.R. T. P.M. H.R. T. Cl.T. Soupert & Notting, 1880. Sal- mon-rose. V. Verdier, 1855. Rose color, medium size, full, flat form, very sweet. See Baroness Rothschild. Lacharme, 1872. Claimed to have been raised from Jules Margottin XSombreuil. White, tinged with pink, medium size, full or very full, globular; does not open w< 11, and is shy in the autumn. Of bushy growth, and quite hardy. Laffay, 1839. Rose color, large, double, cupped foim, red spines ; surpassed by many others of the same shade. Lacharme, 1877. Rosy-salmon, deepening toward the centre, the color is variable, some- times being a rosy flesh ; the flowers are large, very full, and good. This variety is not so refined as many others, but is of excellent habit, free blooming qualities, and is to be considered one of our most useful Teas. Moreau - Robert, 1873. Red, medium size, full ; not valu- able Granger, 1871. Cherry-red. Levet, 1875. Pale yellow, very fragrant, poor form. Levet, 1869. Raised from Gloin- de Dijon, Very much like the parent, but inferior to it. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 255 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. Class. 607. Mine. Lilien- thal. 608. Mme. Loeben Sels, mod. 609. M m e. Louis Caricques, vig. 610. Mme. Louis Donadine, dwf. or mod. 611. Mme. Louis Henry, vig. 612. Mme. Louis Leveque, mod. 613. Mme. Margot- tin, mod. 614. Mme. Marie Bianchi. 615. Mme, Marie Cirodde, mod. 616. Mme. Marie Roederer. 617. Mme. Marie Finger, dwf. 618. Mme. Marthe d'Halloy. H.R. H.T. H.R. H.R. N. H.R. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Liabaud, 1878. Bright rose, tinged with salmon. Soupert & Notting, 1879. Sil- vcry-white, shaded with rose, large, full, somewhat flat form. Fontaine, 1859. Rosy-crimson, double, free in autumn ; not of first quality. Gonod, 1877. A sport from Countess of Oxford. Nearly the shade of Euginie Verdier. Mine. Ducher, 1879. Pale yel- low, fragrant ; in the way of Solfaterre. Leveque, 1873, Belongs to the Jules AT argot tin type. Car- mine-rose, large, very full, somewhat flat form, slightly fragrant ; blooms late in the season, but is shy in the au- tumn. Guillot fils, 1866. Citron-yellow, sometimes with coppery cen- tre, large, full, many mal- formed flowers, fine when per- fect. Guillot fils, 1881. Raised from Victor Verdier X Virginal. Blush, tinged with lilac, fra- grant C. Verdier, 1867. Salmon-pink. L6veque, 1881, Raiseci from Jules Margotlin. Cherry-red. Rambaux, 1873. (Sent out by Lachaime.) Almost identical with Eugenie Verdier. Leveque, 1881. Raised from Madajne Boutin. Cherry-red. 256 THE HOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 619. Mme. Maurice Kuppen hei m, mod. 620. Mme. Maurin, free. 621. Mme. Maxime de la Rochete- rie. 622. Mme. Melanie Wi 1 lerm o z, free. 623. Mme. Miolan Carvalho, free or vig. 624. Mme. Montet. 625. Mme. Moreau, mod. 626. Mme. Moreau, mod. 627. Mme.Nachury, vig. 628. Mme. Noman, dwf. {Mademoi selle Bonnaire). 629. Mme. Oswald de Kerch ove, dwf. T. T. H.R. T. N. H.R. H.R. P.M. H.R. H.N. H.N. Madame Ducher, 1877. Pale yellow, shaded with apricot. Guillot pere, 1853. Creamy- white, large ; not very reli- able. T. Grange, 1880. (Sent out by Vigneron.) Raised from Vic- tor Verdier. Carmine- rose. Lacharme, 1845. Creamy-white, thick petals, large, full, little fragrance ; an excellent sort for out-of-door culture. Leveque, 1876. Raised from Chrofjiatella. Sulphur yellow. Liabaud, 1880. Light pink, large petals. Gonod. Red, shaded with vio- let. Moreau- Robert, large, full. Damaizin, 1873. La Reine type, color, fades easily, flowers very large, rather loose, fra- grant. Guillot pere, 1867. Raised from Madame Recajuier. White, sometimes with shaded cen- tre, medium size, full, globu- lar ; foliage somewhat crim- pled, wood armed with quite numerous, small spines. A rose of exquisite beauty. Schwartz, 1879. From a seed- ling (^i Mine. R^caiuier X Mme. Falcot. White, tinged with fawn, promises to be an ad- dition of merit. It has all ihe 1872. Red, Belongs to Deep rose CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 257 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 630. Mme. Pauline Labonte, free 631. Mme, Pierre Oger, vig. 632. Mme.Plantier, free. 633. Mme. Prosper Laugier, free. 634. Mme. R e c a- mier, dwf. 635. Mme. Rivers, mod. 636. Mme. Rosalie de Wincop. 637. Mme. Scipion Cochet, vig. Mme. Sertot. 638. M m e. Sophie Fropot, vig. T. B. H.Ch H.R. H.N. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. characteristics of the Eliza Boelle type. Pradel, 1852. Salmon-rose, large, full, and good in the bud ; an excellent sort. Oger, 1878. (Sent out b)^ C. Verdier.) A sport from Rcine Victoria. Blush, the exterior of petals tinged with rosy- lilac, cupped form, not a free bloomer. Plantier, 1835. Pure white, above medium size, full, fl.it form, seven leaflets, foliage rather small ; one of the best white roses for hedges and for massing. Early in the season the flowers are produced in great abundance. E. Verdier, 1875. Red, quartered shape, not fragrant, numerous red thorns; of second quality. Lacharme, 1853. Blush white, medium size, well formed. The origin of this rose is un- known ; probably it is the re- sult of a natural cross with some Noisette on a Bourbon. Guillot pere, 1850. Blush; a pretty sort, but of unhealthy habit and quite tender. Vigneron, 1881. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Red, tinged with lilac. Cochet, 1871. Cherry-rose. See Madame Bravy. Levet, 1876. Bright rose, nearly smooth wood ; a shy autumnal and not of first quality. 258 THE HOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 639. Mme. Theve- not, free. 640. Mme. Trifle, vig. 641. Mme. Trotter, vig. 642. Mme.Trudeau, free. 643. Mme. Victor Verdier, mod. or free. 644. Mme. Vidot, dwf. 645. Mme. Welche, mod. 646. Mme. Zoet- Dam man, mod. or free. Mademoiselle H.R Annie Wood. 647. Mile. Blanche T. Durschm id t , free. 648. Mile. Bon- H.N. naire, dwf. HR. Cl.T. H.Ch. H.R. H.R. H.R. Jamain, 1877. Bright red, free blooming. Level, 1869. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. Fawn and yellow ; resembles the parent, but in- ferior to it in value. Granger, 1855. Bright red, me- dium size,afres bloomer in the spring. Daniel Boll, 1850. Rose, tinged with lilac, medium size, well formed, free flowering, mil- dews badly. E. Verdier, 1863. Carmine- crimson, large, full, fine, glob- ular form, very fragrant; a su- perb rose. Couturier, 1S54. (Sent out by E. Verdier.) Flesh color, full, well formed ; a beautiful rose of very delicate constitution. Madame Ducher, 1878. (Sent out by Bennett.) Raised from Devonlensis X Souvenir d'un Ami. Pale yellow, the centre coppery -yellow, large and full ; a very distinct Tea. Delicate flesh, changing to white, large, very full, flat form, fragrant, five to seven leaflets ; a splendid white rose. See Annie Wood. Guillot fils, 1877. Raised from Madavie Falcot. Flesh color, semi-double, worthless. Pernet, 1859. Closely resembles Madame Noman, it is difficult to see any points of difference by which one may be distin- guished from the other. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 259 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth, 649. Mile. Brigitte Violet, mod. 650. Mile. Cecile Berthod, dwf. or mod. 651. Mile. Cecile Briinner, mod. or dwf. 652. Mile. Emma Hall, mod. or free. 653. Mile. Fer- nande de la Forest, mod. 654. Mile. Julie Dymonier,dwf. 655. Mile. Lazarine Poizeau, dwf. or mod. 656. Mile. Margue rite Dombrain free. 657. Mile. Marie Armand,mod. H.T. T. Pol. H.Ch, H.R. H.R. H.R. Levet, 1878. Silvery-rose, slight- ly tinged with lilac ; not highly scented, but quite a pleasing sort. Guillot fils, 1871. Sulphur-yel- low, medium size, pretty in the bud. Madame Ducher, 1880. Salmon- pink, deeper in the centre, very small, full, delicately scented ; an exquisite minia- ture rose for floral work, opera bouquets, etc. Liabaud, 1876. Raised from Souvenir de la Reine d' Angle- terre. Carmine- rose, medium size, semi-globular form, fra- grant ; there are seven leaflets of light green color, rather crimpled, the shoots are arm- ed with small spines of pale green." An excellent summer rose. Damaizin, 1872. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Rose color, somewhat in the way of Lyonnaise ; of no value. Gonod, 1879. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Salmon- pink, after the style of Marie Cointet. Levet, 1876. Orange-yellow, small size, very pretty in the bud ; closely resembles Ma- dame Francois Jamn. E. Verdier, 1865. Belongs to La Reine type. Satiny- rose, a good sort. Levet, 1872. Canary-yellow, beautiful buds, well scented, delicate constitution. 260 THE EOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 658. Mile, Berton, Marie Cl.T. vig. 659. Mile. Marie Chauvet. 660. Mile. Mane Cointet. dvvf. 661. Mile. Marie Gonod, free. 662. Mile. Marie Rady, free. 663. Mile. Rachel, dvvf. H.R. HR. H.R. H.R. Levet, 1875. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. Pale yellow, some- what fragrant, the most free flowering of all the seedlings from Gloire de Dijon; the flower stems are long and stout, the foliage large and lustrous. A magnificent yellow rose. Besson, 1881. Raised from Baroness RothscJiild. Dtcp rose color. Guillot fils, 1872. Belongs to the Victor Vej-dier type. Sal- mon-pink : a very beautiful sort when perfect, but most of the flowers are malformed, or open badly. Gonod, 1871. Rosy-blush. Fontaine, 1865. Vermilion-red shaded with crimson, large or very large, very full, of splen- did globular form, very fra- grant ; it h:is more vermilion tiian Alfred Colonib, making it somewhat lighter and more dull ; the shoots are armed with numerous red thorns, the foliage shows considerable lustre. There is no finer ex- hibition sort among the red roses, and were it as constant, it would be quite as valuable as Alfred Colomb and Marie Bawnann, varieties which bear it considerable resemblance. Beiuze, i860. White, pointed buds, somewhat in the style of hHphetos, but not equal in quality to that fine sort. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 261 Name of Variety, and p Habit of Growth. ^-^Abb. 664. Mile. Therese Levet, mod. 665. Magna Charta, vig. 666. Manetti Rose, vig. 667. Marcelin Ro- da, mod. 668. Marchioness of Exeter free. 669. Mar^chal Fo- rey, vig. or free 670. MarechalNiel vig. H.R. H.Ch, T. H.R. HR. N. Levet. 1866. Belongs to the Jules Margottin type. Salmon- rose, medium size, free bloom- ing. W. Paul, 1876. Pink, suffused with carmine, large or very large, full, globular ; foliage and wood light green, numer- ous, dark spines. Alragrant, excellent variety. Violet-rose, small size, single, not productive ; this variety, since its introduction from Italy, is more u^ed for a stock on which 10 bud choice sorts than any other kind. It has dark, brownish wood, and al- ways seven leaflets, sometimes nine ; there need be, therefore, no difficulty in distinguishing it from other kinds. Ducher, 1872. Yellowish-white, the centre light yellow ; a fairly good rose. Laxton, 1877. (Sent out by G. Paul.) A seedling from Jules Margottin. Cherry-rose, fra- grant. Margottin, 1863. Raised from Triomphe de V Exposition. Red- dish-crimson, shy in the au- tumn. Pradel, 1864. Supposed to be a ' seedling from Isabella Gray. Deep yellow, very large, very full, globular form, delight- fully Iragrant, the finest ot all yellow roses ; it is of delicate constitution, and requires very careful treatment to produce satisfactory results. It is only 262 THE PtOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 671. Marechal Rob ert, free. 672. Marechal Vail lant, free. 673. Marguerite Brassac. 674. Marguerite de St. Amand, free. 675. Marie Bau- mann, mod. T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. adapted for culture under glass, and even then the inex- perienced would do better not to attempt its culture, but use in its stead Mile. Marie Ber- ton, Solfaterre, or, for non- climbers, Perle des Jardins. Madame Ducher, 1875. White, the centre shaded with flesh, large, or very large, full, in the style of Co7-nelia Cook ; a. fine sort. Viennot, 1861. (Sent out by Jamain.) Crimson, large, full, well-formed, liagrant ; a fine rose, which, were it not for ATaurice Bernardin , would be more useful. It is a valuable kind for large collections. Brassac, 1875. The same as Charles Lefebvre. Sansal, 1864. Raised from Jules Margoltin. Bright rose, very beautiful in the bud stale ; will give more fine blooms in the autumn than any other of the class, and it is also one of the best for forcing. It can- not be propagated from cut- tings. Baumann, 1863. Crimson-ver- milion, suffused wiih carmine, large, full, of exquisite color and form, very fragrant ; the wood freely covered with small light red thorns. This variety is a littlelighterand brighter in color than Marie Rady, which is a shade lighter than Alfred Colonib. A rose of the highest CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 2G3 Name of Varietv, and Habit of Growth. 676. Marie Caro line de Sar- toux. 677. Marie d e Blois, free. 678. Marie d e Bo u rgogne, dwf. 679. Marie Ducher, free. 680. Marie Guillot, mod. 681. Marie Jaillet, mod. 682. Marie Louise Pernet, mod. 683. Marie Opoix, mod. 684. Marie Sisley, mod. 685. Marie Van Houtte, free. Class. T. M. P.M. T. T. T. H.R. T. T. quality and very productive ; no collection can be complete with it left out. It should be given a favored position. Nabonnand, 1881. Pure white. Moreau - Robert, 1852. Rose color, double, not mossy, poor. Moreau-Robert, 1853. Bright rose, medium size. Ducher, 1868. Salmon-rose, large, very full, somewhat flat ; a free blooming kind, of excellent habit. Not a refined flower, yet it is a sort worth growing. Guiilot fils, 1874. White, faintly tinged with yellow, large, full; of splendid form. One of the most beautiful Teas ; would that it were fragrant ! Madame Ducher, 1878. Pale rose, deeper in the centre. Pernet, 1876. Raised from Bar- oness Rothschild. Deep rose, cupped form. Schwartz, 1874. Pale yellow, almost white, not of first quality. Guillot fils, 1868. Rose tinged with salmon, sometimes cop- pery-rose ; a distinct sort, but not reliable, and at its best is not specially attractive. Ducher, 1871. From Madame de Tartas X Madame Falcot. Pal e yellow, the edges of petals 264 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 686. Marie Verdier, free. 6S7. Marquis de Balbiano, free. 6SS. Marquis de Sanima, mod. Class. H.R. B. T. 689. Marquis of H.R. Salisbury, mod. H.R. 6go. Marquise Adele de Mu- rinais, free. ! 691. Marquise de H.R. Cast el Ian e, mod. 692. Marquise de H.R. Ligneries, mod. 693. Marquise de M o r 1 e m a r t, mod. or dwf. 694. Mary Pochin. 695. Masterpiece, mod. or free. H.R H.R. H.R. often lined with rose, well formed ; of good habit, and in every respect a most charming sort. The finest of all Teas for out-door culture. E. Verdier, 1877. Rose color. Lacharme, 1855. Silvery-rose, medium size, full. Mine. Ducher, 1875. Coppery rose, in the style of Rcine du PortUi^al, but not so good. G. Paul, 1879. Coppery-rose ; shaded with crimson, large, globular form, distinct. Schwartz, 1876. Raised from Madame Laffay. Silvery-rose; an mferior soi t. Pernet, 1869. Supposed to be a seedling from Jules Mar- gottin. Carmine-rose, a bright and permanent shade, very large, very full, not fragrant but effective, does not bloom until late ; a valuable sort for exhibition purposes. Does not propagate from cuttings. Guenoux, 1879. (Sent out by Jamain.) Rose color, wood nearly smooth. Liabaud, 1S68. Raised from Jules Margottin. Blush, well formed. A fine rose of delicate habit. Rev. E. M. Pochin, 1881. (Sent out by Cranston.) Lake, shaded with crimson, medium size. W. Paul, 1880. Supposed to be a seedling from Beauty of Walthavi. Rosy-crimson. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 2G5 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 696. Mathilde Le- naerts 697. Maurice Ber- nardin, vig. or free. 698. MayQuennell, dwf. or mod. 699. May Turner, mod, 700. Melanie Oger free. 701. Melanie Sou- pert. 702. Mere do St. Louis, mod. 703. Michael Bon net, free. 704. Michael Saun- ders, mod. H.R. H.R. T. T. H.R. H.R. H.T. Levet, 1879. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. Rose color. Granger, 1861. Raised from Gene- ral Jacqueminot. Bright crim- son, large, moderately full ; a good free flowering sort, gene- rally coming in clusters ; the roots aie very delicate, and break easily. In the spring, this is, perhaps, the most pro- lific of all crimson sorts. Postans, 1S78. (Sent out by W. Paul & Son.) Magenta, shaded with crimson, large flowers, many of them coming imper- fect ; wood rather smooth, foli- age dark. E. Verdier, 1874. Salmon-rose. Oger, 185 1. Yellowish white, deeper at centre, medium size. Nabonnand, 1881. White, laige, very full. Lacharme, 1852. Raised from La Reine. Pink, medium size. Guillot pere, 1864. Rose color, in the way of Madame Joly, but inferior. Bennet, 1879. From President XMadame Victor Verdier. Deep bronzed rose, or rose shaded with coppery-red, medium size, very full, finely formed, somewhat fragrant ; on ac- count of their great fulness the flowers do net open well under glass, but they are fine in open air. A very distinct and pleasing sou ; the best of the set sent out by Bennett. 266 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 705. Mignonette. 706. Miller-Hayes, mod. 707. Miss Glegg; free. 708. Miss Hassard free. 709. Miss Ingram free. 710. Miss May Paul, vig. 711. Miss Tweed, free. 712. M o d e 1 e d e P e rfe c ti on, mod. 713. Mogador. 714. Moir6, mod. 715. Monsieur Al- fred Leveau. 716. Monsieur Bon- Pol. H.R. N. H.R. H.Ch. Cl.T. A. B. H.R. T. H.R. H.R. Guillot fils, 1881. " Delicate rose, changing to blush, very small, double, flowering in corymbs of thirty or forty blooms." E. Verdier, 1873. Reddish crim- son. Vibert. White, the centre often flesh color, very small, double; resembles A tme'e Vibert, but is much inferior. Turner, 1875. Raised from Mar- gtie'rite de St. Am and. Pink, large, very full, sweetly scent- ed ; many imperfect blooms. Ingram, 1868. (Sent out by Turner.) Blush white, well formed ; a fine rose. Levet, 18S1. Raised from Gloire de Dijon. " Lilac-white, re- verse ( f the petals red." Pale yellow, semi-double ; it has nine leaflets, rarely seven ; Persian Yellow has stven leaf- lets only ; remembering this, it is always a simple matter to distinguish the varieties when out of flower. Guillot fils. i860. Raised from Louise Odier. Satiny rose, medium size, well formed. Raised from Rose dii Roi, and esteemed as an improvement on that variety. It is a crim- son damask which flowers in autumn. Moire, 1844. Fawn and rose. Vigneron, 1880. Carmine-rose. Liabaud, 1864. Very deepcrim- CATALOGUE OE VARIETIES. 267 Name of Variety, andi Habit of Growth. cenne, free or mod. 717. Monsieur E. Y. Teas, mod. or dwf. 718. Monsieur Pil- lion, mod. 719. Monsieur Fur tado, free or mod. 720. Monsieur Jard, free. 721. Monsieurjour naux, vig. 722. Monsieur Jules Monges. 723. Monsieur No- man, dwf. 724. Monsieur Thouvenel. 725. Monthly Cab- bage. 726. Mrs. Baker, mod. 727. Mrs. Bosan- quet, mod. 72S. Mrs. Elliott, free. 729. M rs. Harry Turner, mod. Class. H.R. H.R. B. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Beng. H.R. Beng. H.R. H.R. son, double, medium size ; a good rose, but now displaced by Baron de Bonstetten. E, Verdier, 1874. Carmine- crimson, large, fine, globular form, highly scented ; a superb rose. Gonod, 1876. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Carmine- rose, not of first quality. Laffay, 1863. Yellow, medium or small size, well formed, very full ; an exquisite sort, of good habit, not nearly so much grown as it deserves. Guillot pere, 1857. Red, tinged with violet. Marest, 1868. Brilliant red. Guillot fils, 1881. Carmine- rose, cupped form. Guillot pere, 1866. Raised from ytiles Margotlin. Rose color, often delicately mottled, beau- tiful globular form. Unreli- able, but magnificent when in perfection. Vigneron, 1880. Velvety red, flat form. Violet rose, somewhat fragrant. Turner, 1875. Belongs to the Vic- tor Vei-dieriy^Q. Carmine- red. Madam Pean. Rosy-flesh, very productive. Laffay, 1840. Rose color, double, generally seven leaflets ; of second quality. Laxton, 1880. (Sent out by Turner.) Raised from Charles 2G8 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 730. Mrs. Hovey, vig. 731. Mrs. Jowitt. 732. Mrs. Laxton dwf. 733. Mrs. O p i e, mod. 734. Mrs. Pierce vig. 735. Mrs Standish, dwf. 736. Nancy Lee, dwf. 737. Narcisse, mod, {Enfant de Ly- on). 738. Nardy Freres^ free. P. H.R. H.R. T. P. H.R. H.T. H.R. Lefebvre X Alfred de Ronge- mont. Scarlet-crimson, a splen- did bright color ; a very prom- ising surt. Pierce. 1850. Blu>b,ch mq^in/? to white, resembles Baltimore Belle, but is hardier ; a valu- able climl.ing rose. Cranston, 18S0. From Marie Rady X Due de Rohan. Crim- son, tinged with lake. Laxton, 1878. (Sent out by G. Paul.) Raised from Ma- dame Victor Verdier. Rosy- crimson, beautiful form, Bell & Son, 1877. Salmon-rose. Pierce, 1850. Blush. Trouillard, i860. Belongs to the Giant of Battles iy^e. Deep crimson, tinged with purple. Bennett, 1879. From Alba Rosea X Edward Morrcn. Satiny- rose, a delicate and lovely shade, medium or small size, beautiful buds, highly scented; giowth slender, inclined to mildew. Were this of vigorous growth and good constitution, it would be a variety of great value. 1845 Yellow, an inferior Alon- sieur Furtado, Ducher, i865. Supposed to be a seedling from Madame Boll. Violet-red, a very distinct variety, but of too perishable a color to have any value. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 269 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 739. Nina, mod. 740. Niphetos, dwf. 741. N u i t s d e Young, mod. 742. Oderic Vital, vig. 743. Odorata, free. {Blus/t Tea.) 744. CEillet Flam and, free. 745. CEillet Parfait, mod. Old Yellow Tea. 746. Olga Marix, mod. 747. Olivier Del- homme, free. 748. Ophelia, mod, 749. Ophirie, vig. M. H.R. T. Fr. Prov. T. H.N. H.R. T. N. Blush, loose flowers : not of value. 1844. White, sometimes tinged with pale yellow, long, large buds, the petals thick and durable. A very beautiful variety for growing under glass, it is entirely unsuited for growing in open air. Laffay, 1S51. Purplish-red, a sullied shade. Oger, 1858. A sport from Bar- onne Fr/vost. A little lighter in color than the parent, the liabit is the same. Of Chinese origin, brought to England in 1810. Carmine, fading to blush, large flower;:, somewhat loose but good in the bud ; one of the most fra- grant. The larger number of the Teas are descendants of this sort. Vibert, 1845. White, striped with rose, like a variegated carnation, double flowers, of medium size ; the foliage is very daik. Foulard, 1841. Blush, striped with violet-rose ; inferior to the preceding sort. S<^e Flavescens. Schwartz, 1873. Rosy-flesh, changing to white ; inferior. V. Verdier, 1861. Brilliant red, large, well formed. Ducher, 1873. Yellow, medium size, full. Goubault, 1844. Nasturtium- yellow, suffused with coppery- (. 270 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 750. Oriflamme de St. Louis, free. 751. Oscar Leclerc, mod. 752. Oxonian, mod. 753. Paeonia, free. 754. Pallida. 755. Panache d'Or- leans, vig. 756. Paquerette, mod. 757. Paul Jamain, free. H.R. P.M. H.R. H.R. P. H.R. Pol. H.R. red, medium size, double ; a very distinct sort, but very shy. 1858. Raised from General Jac- queminot. Brilliant crimson ; resembles the parent, but is inferior to it. Robert, 1853. Red tinged with violet, in the way of Madame Bouton. Turner, 1875. Belongs to the Victor Verdieriy^e. Rosy- red, somewhat fragrant, large size ; the only one of the type that has perfume. Lacharme, 1855. Red, very large or large, full, fragiant, a free bloomer ; bushy habit, dark lustrous foliage, numerous pale red thorns. A fine gar- den rose, but not quite up to exhibition standard. Feast, 1843. Blush, much re- sembling Stiperba. Dauvesse, 1S54. A sport from Baronne Prevos:. Identical with the parent sort, except that the flowers are striped with rosy-white. It is not con- stant, soon running back to the original. Guillot tils, 1S75. Pure white, about one inch in diameter, full, prettily formed, recalling blossoms of the double flower- ing cherrv ; tliero are five to seven leaflets, the growth is slender. Jamain, 1878. Belongs to the Charles Lefebvre type. Crim- CATALOGUE OF VAKIETIBS. 271 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 758. Paul Joseph, B. free. 759. Paul Nabon- T. nand, free. 760. Paul Neyron, H.R vig. [vig. 761. Paul Perras, 762. Paul Ricaut, free or vig. 763, Paul Verdier, vig. 764. Pauline Lan- sezeur, mod. H.Ch. H.Ch. H.Ch. H.R. 765. Pauline Tala-I H.R. bot, free. 766. Peach Bios- H.R. som, mod. son, slightly tinged with violet- red. Very similar to Charles Lefebvre. Portemer, 1842. Violet-red. Nabonnand, 1877 Satiny-rose. Levet, 1869. Y mm Vic (or Verdier X Anne de Diesbach. Deep rose, very large, very full, somewhat fragrant, free-bloom- ing ; the wood is nearly smooth, the foliage tough and enduring, somewhat tender, the growth is very upright. The largest variet)' known, and a very desirable sort for the garden. Pale rose, large, full. Portemer, 1845. Carmine-crim- son, medium size, fine glob- ular form ; one of the most beautiful summer roses. C. Verdier, 1866. Carmine-red, large, globular flowers, well built ; a splendid sort. Lansezeur, 1855. Red, shaded with violet-crimson, medium size, free blooniing. E. Verdier, 1873. Carmine- red. W. Paul, 1874. Belongs to the Jttles Margottin type. Mottled pink, a fine color, many im- perfect blooms ; there arc others of this type like Com- tesse de Serenye, Egeria, and Alargu^rite de St. Aniande, of nearly the same shade, that are greatly superior. 272 THE KOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. X 767. Pearl, dwf. 768. Penelope Mayo, mod. 769. Perfection de M o n p 1 a i s i r, mod. 770. Perfection des Blanches, free. 771. Perle d' An- gers, mod. 772. Perle des Blanches, mod. 773. Perle des Jar- dins, free. 774. Perle de Lyon, mod. 775. Perpetual White Moss, free. H.T. H.R. T. H.N. B. H.N. T. M. Bennett, 1879. From President X Cofntesee de Serenye. Rosy- flesh, small, full, pretty buds, with a decided Bourbon fra- grance ; growth very slender, subject to mildew. Davis, 1878. (Sent out by Tur- ner.) Carmine-red, full, well- shaped flowers. Levet, 1871. Yellow, a good Tea, which may be described as an improved Canary ; like that sort it is delicate. Schwartz, 1873. White, a good sort, but inferior to Coquette des Alpes. Moreau-Robert, 1879. Blush. Lacharme, 1872. From Blanche Lafitte X Sappho. White, in- ferior to others of the type. Levet, 1874. Canary-yellow, large or very large, full, well formed, stiif stems, very free ; the leaflets are five to seven in number, deeply serrated, very dark and glaucous. A superb sort for forcing, and fine also in open air. Ducher, 1872. Yellow with saffron centre, large, full, very fragrant ; fully as fine in qual- ity as the preceding, but so subject to mildew as to be worthless to ordinary cultiva- tors. Laff'ay. A sport from White Da- mask. White, tinged with flesh, flowers in clusters, me- dium size, semi-double or double, coarse form ; but little CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 2^3 Namk of Variety, and Habit of Growth. Class. 776. Persian Yel low, free. 777. Pierre Guillot, mod. 778. Pierre Notting, free. 779. Pierre Seletzki, 78o.Pius the Ninth, vig. 781. Portland Blanche, free. 782. Prefet Lim- bourg, vig. A. H.T. H.R. H.R. H.R. Dam. H.R. mossed, unattractive either in bud or flower ; the name is a deception, as it very rarely blooms in the autumn. Great- ly inferior to Whi/e Baih, and also Comtesse de Alurinais. Introduced from Persia by H. Willock, in 1S30. Bright) el- low, small, nearly full, well formed ; small foliage, faintly scented like the Sweetbrier; seven leaflets ; the wood is chocolate-brown in color, arm- ed with numerous brown thorns ; it is the finest of all hardy yellow roses. It must not be closely pruned ; it is desirable to grow more than one plant, and by pruning one this year, in the usual way, and the other the next, annual crops of flowers may be had. Does not grow from cuttings. Guillot fils, 1879. Deep red, fra- grant and good, Portemer, 1863. Deep crimson, tinged with violet, large, or very large, fine, globular form, highly scented ; the most beautiful dark rose, after Louis Van Hotctte. Levet, 1872. Violet-red. Vibert, 1849. Violet-rose, a very sullied shade, flat form, very full, free blooming, very hardy. Vibert, 1836. White, tinged with flesh, large, very full, flat form; often comes with green centre. Margottin fils, 1878. Crimson, tinged with violet, double, or full : a rose of fine color. 274 THE HOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 783. President. 784. President Leon d e St. Jean, mod. 785. President Lin- coln, free. T. H.R. H.R. 7S6. President Mas,' H.R. free. 787. President H.R. Schlachter, free or vig. 7-88. President Thiers, dvvf. 789. Pride of Wal tham, mod. 790. Prince Arthur, free. 791. Prince Ca.mille d e Rohan, free. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. 792. Prince de Por- tia, free. H.R. 860. (Sent out by W. Paul.) See Adam. Lacharme, 1875. Raised from Charles Lefehvre. This is sim- ply an inferior Charles Lffeb- vre,x\o\. worihy of cultivation. Granger, 1863. Vermilion-red, tinged with crimson, the flow- ers are much like General Washington, but inferior in quality to that variety, the habit of growth is stronger. Guillotfils, 1865. Raised from Tiiomphe de I'Exposition. Red, shaded with crimson, often comes with bad centre. E. Verdier, 1877. Reddish crim- son, tinged with violet. Lacharme, 1871. Belongs to the Victor Verdier t) pe. Carmine- red, one of the darkest colored in the type. W. Paul, t88i, Belongs to the VictorVerdier type. Flesh color, shaded with rose, a deeper shade than Evgenie Verdier. Cant, 1875. Belongs to the General Jacqueininot t)'pe. Deep crimson, smaller but better formed than Jacque- minot. E. Verdier, 1861. Very deep velvety-crimson, large, mod- erately full, habit bon;ewhat spreading, shy in autumn. A good rose, of splendid color. E. Verdier, 1S65. Vermilion, large, full, well forn:ed, one of the most fragrant, somewhat CATALOGUE OF VAKIETIES. 275 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 793. Prince Hum- bert, free or mod, 794. Prince Leon, mod. 795. Prince of Wales, mod. 796. Prince Paul Demidoff, free. 797. Prince Pros- pe r d'A r e m- berg. 79S. Princess Ade- laide, vig. 799. Princess Alice, vig. 800. Princess An- toinette Stroz- zio, free. 801. Princess Bea- trice, mod. 802. Princess Char- lotte de la Tre- mouille, mod. 803. P r i n c e s s Christian, mod. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. M. M. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. subject to mildew. A splen- did variety. Margottin, 1867. Crimson, large, well formed, excellent. Marest, 1852. Rosy-crimson, stiff, short wood. Laxton, 1869. (Sent out by G. Paul.) From Louise Pey/onny X Victor Verdier. Pink, very large, double. Guillot fils, 1873. Satiny-rose. Soupert & Notting, 1880. mon-red. Sal- Laffay, 1845. Pale rose, me- dium size, not very moss)', but good in bud and flower ; dark foliage, which is often varie- gated. W. Paul, 1853. Raised from Luxembourg. Violet-rose, not well mossed. E. Verdier, 1874. Red, large, full, well formed ; slighily in the way of Marie Rady. W. Paul, 1872. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Pink, globular flowers ; fades quickly and is not desirable. Leveque, 1877. Pale satiny- rose, medium size, full, some- what fragrant ; not of first quality, but very free bloom- ing, and therefore of some value. W. Paul, 1870. Salmon-rose, does not open well ; worth- less. 276 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 804. Princess Clem en t i n e, vig. 805. P r i n cess Louise, mod. 806. P r i n c ess Louise Vic- toria, vig. 807. Princess Marie Dolgorou ky, free. 808. Princess Mary of Cambridge mod. 809. Princess Ma thilde, mod. 10 Princess of Wales, free. H.R 11. Professor Koch, free. H.R 12. Pumila, free, [bra, mod. N. 13- Purpurea Ru- M. 14. Queen Elean or, mod. or free. H.R. H.Cl, H.R. H.R. H.R. Vibert, 1842. A beautiful white rose, much resembling, but not equalling, Blanchcjieur. Laxton, 1869. (Sent out by G. Paul.) Raised from Mme. Vidot X Virginal. Blush, me- dium size, good. Knight, 1872. Salmon-pink, medium size, fine globular form, not fragrant ; dark fo- liage, wood nearly smooth. A splendid rose. Gonod. 1S78. Raised from Anne de Diesbach. Satiny-rose, very large. Granger, 1866. (Sent out by G. Paul.) Y xom Duchess of Suth- erland X Jules Margottin. Sal- mon-pink, often mottled ; a fine sort, now surpassed by Countess of Serenye and Egeria. Liabaud, i860. (Sent out by Jean Pernet.) Burgundy- crimson, a lovely shade, me- dium size, double, never full. It seems as though this must be the founder of the Baron de Bonstetten type. W. Paul, 1S64. Crimson, cup- ped form, double. E. Verdier, 1861. Cherr)'-red, medium size, double, erect growth, liable to mildew. Origin and raiser unknown. Salmon-rose, seeming to have Safrano blood, very free. Purplish-red, a bad color. W. Paul, 1876. Pink, tinged with magenta-red, large, full, well formed ; wood and thorns light green. A very beautiful CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 277 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 815. Queen of Ayrshires, vig. 816. Queen of Bed- ders, dwf. Ay. B. [7. Q u ee n of B. Bourbons mod. or dwf. I18. Queen of Queens. 819. Queen of the Belgians, vig. 820. Queen of the Prairies, vig. 821. Queen of Wal- tham, mod. 822. Queen's Scar- let, mod. 823. Queen Vic- toria, mod. 824. R . Dudley Baxter. 825. Red Dragon, free. H.R. Ay. P. H.R. Beng. H.R. H.R. H.R. rose when perfect, but sparse- ly produced and not reliable. Rivers. Violet-crimson, semi- double, small. Noble, 1877, Raised from Sir y. Paxton. Crimson, medium size, very full ; a free flower- ing sort. The color is not very durable. Mauger, 1834. Fawn and rose, medium or small size, fra- grant, very free ; of delicate habit. W. Paul, 1882. "Pink, with blush edges, large and full, and of perfect form ; grows and flowers freely." White, small, double. Feast, 1843. Rosy - red, fre- quently with white stripe, me- dium or large size, double ; foliage large, five leaflets, quite deeply serrated. W. Paul, 1875. Cherry-red, of good size, very fragrant, does not bloom till late ; a variety of fair quality. Hallock & Tho'rpe. 1880. Crim- son, seems to be an improved AgHppina. Foniaine, 1850. (Sent out by W. Paul ) Raised from La Reine. Blush with pink cen- tre, large, very full, globular ; does not open well. W. Paul, 1879. Maroon, large size. W. Paul, 1878. Crimson, large, rather loose flowers ; not val- uable. 278 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 826. Red Gauntlet. 827. Red Rover, vig. Red Safrano, 828. ReineBlanche, mod. 829. ReineBlanche. mod. 830. ReineBlanche, mod. 831. Reine de Por- tugal, mod. 832. Reine d e s Massifs, vi^. 833. Reine desVio- lettes, free. 834. Reine du Mi- di, free or vig. 835. Reine Emma des Pays Bas, free. 836. Reine Maria Pia, vig. 837. Reine Marie Henriette, vig. 838. Reve d'Or, free. 839. Rev. J. B. M. Camm, mod. H.R. H.Cl, T. M. H.R. H.R. N. H.R. H.R. T. CI.T. Cl.T. N. H.R. W. Paul & Son, 1881. Crimson. W. Paul, 1863. Red, tinged with crimson. See Safrano a fleur Rouge. Robert, 1858. White, a shy blooming sort. Damaizin, 1868. Raised from La Rcme. Blush, well -formed. Croz3% 1869. Raised from Vic- tor Verdier. Flesh-white, shad- ed with rose. Guillot fils, 1867. Coppery- yellow, blending with rose, large, very full ; an eminently distinct sort, but does not open well. Levet, 1874. Salmon -yellow, medium size. Mille-Mallet, i860. Raised from Pius the Ninth. Violet-red, a muddy color. Robert, 1868. The same as La Reine, though supposed by some to be larger and fuller. Nabonnand, 1879. Yellow, shad- ed with reddish salmon. Schv/artz, 1880. Raised from Gloire de Dijon, Deep rose, the centre reddish crimson. Levet, 1878. Yrom Mme. BSard X Gen. Jacqiiejuinot. Cher- ry-red, a pure shade, large, double, somewhat fragrant ; a beautiful, but rather unpro- ductive sort. Ducher, 1869. Buff-yellow, me- dium size, full. Turner, 1875. Belong?; to the Jules Margottin type. Carmine- rose, a fine enduring shade, CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 279 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 840. Richard Lax ton, free. 841. Richard Smith, mod. 842. Ricliard Wal- lace, free. 843. Rivers, free. 844. Robert Mar nock, free or vig. 845. Rose du Roi, mod. {Crimson Perpetual?) H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Dam. 846. Rosieriste H.R. Harms, free. 847. R osieriste H.R. Jacobs, free. 848. Rosy Morn, H.R. dwf. 849. Royal Stand- ard, mod. H.R. large or medium size, semi- globular form ; one of the most fragrant and free blooming. A superb rose. Laxton, 1878. (Sent out by Turner.) Reddish -crimson, large, full ; somewhat resem- bles Alardchal VaUlant. E. Verdier, 1861. Belongs to the Gen. Jacqueminot type. Crimson, tinged with purple, not valuable. Leveque, 1871. Red, very large ; not of first quality; Laffay, 1839, Rose color, large, flat form, not valuable. G. Paul, 1878. Belongs to the Duke of Edinburgh type. Browrnish-crimsoti, double, not free in autumn. Lelieur, 1812. Bright crimson, large, double, very fragrant ; occasionally blooms in au- tumn. E. Verdier, 1879. Velvety-red, shaded with crimson, slightly resembling Mrne. Victor Ver- dier. Madame Ducher, 1880. Bright red. W. Paul, 1878. Belongs to the Victor Verdier type. Salmon- pink, a deeper shade than Eugenie Verdier; peculiar wood and foliage more like Captain Christy than any other variety. A good rose, but with too many imperfect bloom*;. Turner, 1874. Satiny - rose, tinged with lilac, a large, well- formed, globular flower. 280 THE ROSK. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 850. Royal Tea mod. 851. Rubens, mod. 852. Rubens, free. 853. Rugosa Alba, vig. 854. Rugosa Rubra, vig. T. H.R. 855. S. Reynolds Hole. mod. 856. Safrano, free. 857. Safrano a fleur Rouge, mod. {Red Safrano.) H.R. White, faintly tinged with yel- low, long, beautiful buds, del- icate habit. LafFay, 1852. Bright red, a fine color, flowers loose. Moreau - Robert, 1859. Rosy- flesh, deeper at centre, large, full, well formed, fine in the bud. An excellent variety. A species from Japan, intro- duced some years ago. White, large size, five petals, Iragrant. A beautiful single rose. Also from Japnn. Deep rose, tinged with violet, single, fragrant. The flowers are succeeded by very bright col- ored heps of large size, which in the autumn are exceedingly attractive. The leaflets are nine in number, of dark color, very tough and durable. These two kinds are splendid shrubs for borders. G. Paul, 1872. Maroon, flushed with scarlet-crimson, medium size, full, well formed ; shy in the autumn and subject to mildew. A rose of great beauty but not at all adapted to general cultivation, Beauregard, 1839. Saflfron and apricot -yellow, large, semi- double, exceedingly beautiful in the bud, very free. The seed organs are better developed than in almost any other kind. Oger, 1868. Belongs to the 6a/>-a- ;/^type. SaflTron-yellow, shaded with coppery red, semi-double; a peculiar scent, not pleasing. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 281 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 858. Saint George, mod. 859. Salet, free. 860. Sanguine a, mod. 86i.SenateufVaisse, mod. S62. S e t i n a, free. Seven Sisters. S63. Sir Garnet Wolseley, vig. or free. 864. SirJ oseph Paxton, free. 865. Socrates, free. 866. Soeur des An ges, mod. 867. Solfaterre, vig, (A ugusla. ) H.R. P.M. Beng. H.R. B. Mult. H.R. B. H.R. N. W. Paul, 1874. Crimson, shaded with purple. Lacharme, 1854. Light rose, medium size, flat form, fairly- good buds, very free. The best in the class, after Soupert (St* Notting. Crimson, medium or small size. An inferior Agrippina. Guillot pere, 1859. Raised from General Jacqueiniftot. Red, shaded with carmine-crimson, large, full, well formed, highly scented. A fine rose, but now surpassed hy Mons. E.Y. Teas. P. Henderson, 1859. A sport from Hennosa. Identical with the parent, except that the habit is a little more vigorous. SecGreville. Cranston, 1875. Said to be a seedling from Prince Camille. [We doubt this parentage.] Nearly identical with Maurice Bernardin ; the flowers may be a little superior in finish, but they are less freely pro- duced. Laffay, 1852. Deep red, slightly tinged with violet, medium size, well formed, non-au- tumnal. Moreau - Robert. 1858. Deep rose, tinged with fawn, large or medium size, double or full. Quite a good Tea. Oger, 1863. A sport from Du- chesse d' Orle'ans. Flesh, shaded with lilac; not valuable. Boycan, 1843. Raised fromZ^- marqiie. Sulphur-yellow, large, 282 THE BOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 868. Sombreuil, vig. 869. Soupertet Net- ting, dwf. 870. Souvenir d'A- dolphe Thiers, mod. 871. Souvenird'Au- guste Riviere, free. 872. Souvenir d'El- ise V a r d o n, mod. 873, Souvenir de Georges Sand, free. 874. Souvenir de P.M. H.R. H.R. T. double or full, slightly fra- grant. An excellent climbing rose, and valuable as a stock on which to bud Teas. Moreau-Robert, 1851. Evidently of Buurbon parentage on one side. Creamy - white, often tinted with pink, large or very large, full, well formed ; the hardiest and most vigorous of the white Teas, and free from mildew. A valuable sort for culture in the open air. Pernet, 1874. Ruse color, very large, very full, globular form, highly scented, not very mossy, a true ever-blooming rose, five leaflets only. The flowers are sometimes mal- formed, but they are infinitely superior to all others of the same class. Moreau-Robert, 1877. Raised ivo\n Countess of Oxford. Red, tinged with vermilion, very large. £. Verdier, 1877. Belongs to the Pnjice Camille type. Vel- vety-crimson. Mare'st, 1855. Flesh color, shaded with rosy - salmon, large, full ; highly esteemed in England, but we have never admired it ; refinement is lack- ing in the flower. Madame Ducher, 1876. Salmon and rose, reverse of petals tinged with lilac, badly form- ed. Boll, 1854. A hybrid Scotch, CATALOGUE OF VAlilETIES. 283 Namr of Vakietv, and Class. Habit of Gkowth. Henry Clay, Rose color, small or medium free. size, gives some blooms in the autumn. 875. Souvenir de B. Beluze, 1843. Supposed to be la Malmaison, a seedling from Madajjie Dcs- mod. prez. Flesh shaded with fawn, large, very full, flat form, rich foliage. A splendid rose. 876. Souvenir de la H.R. Cochet, 1855. Raised from La Reine d' An- Reine. Bright rose, very large. gleterre,vig. or double ; shy in autumn. Iree. 877. Souvenir de H.R. Cochet, 1855. Carmine red, me- la Reine des dium size, good color, rather Beiges, mod. or tender. free. 878. Souven i r d e H.R. E. Verdier, 1878. Violet-crim- Laffay. son. 879. Souve n i r de H.R. Guillot pere, 1852. Deep-rose, Leveson Gov/- very large, double, or full, er, free. fine flowers ; quite tender, and subject to mildew. 880. Souven i r de H.R. E. Verdier, 1876. Bright crim- Louis Van son, sometimes tinged with Houtte, free. violet, well formed, quite a good rose. 881. Souve n i r d e H.R. Moreau-Robert, 1876. Raised Mme. Robert, from Jules Margottin. Salmon- free or vig. pink. 882. Souve n i r d e T. Madame Ducher, 1877. Salmon- Marie Detrey, rose ; of inferior quality, not free. worth growing. 8S3. Souve n i r d e H.R. Boyeiu, 1866. Cherry-red, large. Mons. Boll, very full. mod. or free. 884. Souve n i r de H.R. M.adame Ducher, 1880. Car- Mons. Droche. mine-rose, double. 885. Souve n ir de T. Levet, 1871. Said to be a seed- Paul Neyron, ling from the Noisette Ophirie. mod. Pale salmon-yellow, medium 284 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth 886. Souven i r d e Pierre Dupuy, vig. 887. Souve n i r d e Mme. Pernet, vig. Souven i r d e Spa, mod. 889. Souve n i r d e Victor Verdier, free or inod. 890. Souve n i r d e Wm. Wood, mod. 891. Souvenir d' un Ami, free. 892. Souve n i r d u Comte de Ca- vour, mod. 893. Souve n i r d u Dr. J amain, free. 894. Souve n i r d u President Por- cher, mod. 895. Sta n d ard of Marengo, vig. 896. Stanwell Per petual, mod. H.Ch T. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. S. or small size ; rather a good rose, but too delicate to be generally useful. A. Levet, 1876. Red, large, globular flowers, well formed, fragrant. Pernet, 1875. Tender rose, the base of petals tinged with yellow, large loose flowers, sparsely produced. A dis- tinct but not valuable sort. Gautreau, 1873. Raised from Mine. Victor Verdier. Bright red, shaded with crimson, well formed. E. Verdier, 1878. Red, shaded with violet crimson, a well- formed, good rose. E. Verdier, 1864. Belongs to the Prijice Camille type. A fine, very dark crimson, not equalling Prince Camille. Belot, 1846, Rose, tinged with salmon, very large, full, highly perfumed ; an old favorite which yet retains its high rank. Margottin, 1861. Red, shaded with crimson. Lacharme, 1865. Raised from Charles Lefebvre. Plum color, shaded with deep crimson. T. Grang6, iSSo. (Sent out by Vigneron.) Raised from Victor Verdier. Deep rose. Guillot pere, 1851. Rosy-crim- son, double, fragrant. Lee. Blush, medium size, double, delicately scented, foliage very small, nine to CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 285 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 897. Star of Wal tham, mod. or dwf. 898. Stephanie - et Rodolphe, vig. 899. Sulphureux mod. 9C0. Sultan of Zan- zibar, mod. 901. Superba, vig. 902. Sydonie, vig. 903. Tatiana One guine, free. 904. The Shah, free 905. Theodore Bui lier, free. 906. Therese Gene- vay. 907. Thomas Meth- ven, free. H.R. Cl.T. T. H.R. P. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. T. H.R. eleven leaflets ; dark reddish- brown wood, numerous small spines. A hybrid which blooms in the autu:nn. W. Paul, 1875. Carmine-crim- son, medium size, semi glob- ular, full, fragrant ; very large foliage, smooth green wood, with occasional red thorns. A good rose but not reliable. Levet, 1880. Raised from Gloirc de Dijon. Orange-yellow. Ducher, 1869. Sulphur yellow, medium size. G. Paul, 1875. Crimson-maroon, in the style of S. Keyniolds Hole ; very unhealthy habit. Feast, 1843. Pink, becoming blush, small, full, pretty. Dorisy, 1846. Rose color, me- dium size, very full, quartered form, very free blooming, very hardy ; five to seven leaflets, red thorns. Its poor shape destroys its usefulness. Leveque, 1881. Raised from Elizabeth Vigneron. Carmine- red. G. Paul, 1874. Raised from Duke of Edinburgh. Red, shaded with bright crimson, rather small, full ; a shy bloom- er, and subject to mildew. E. Verdier, 1879. Carmine-red, tinged wi.h violet-criinson. Levet, 1875. Rose, tinged with fawn. E. Verdier, 1869. Red, tinged wiih velvety crimson, good size, well formed ; a fine rose. 286 THE EOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 908. Thomas Mills, vig. or free. 909. Thyra H a m- merich, mod.or free. 910. T r i o m p h e d'Amiens, vig. 911. T r i o m p h e d'Angers, mod. 912. Triomphe de Beaute, free. 913. Triomphe de Caen, dwf. or mod. 914. Triomphe de France, dwf. 915. Triomphe de Jaussens, free. 916. Triomphe de I'Expos it i o n free. 917. Triomphe de Milan, mod. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Fr. H.R. T. E. Verdier, 1873. Rosy-crimson, very large, double ; a goud garden variety. Ledechaux, 1868. Raised from Duchess of Sutherland. Rosy- Uesh, large, well formed ; dis- tinct and good. Mille-Mailet, 1861. A sport from General Jacqueminot. C ri m son, sometimes marbled and strip- ed with carmine-purple, but generally like the parent ; not valuable. Moreau-Robert, 1863. Rich crimson, suffused with purple. Oger, 1853. Reddish-crimson, double, somewhat resembles General Jacqueminot, but much inferior. Oger, 1862. Crimson, tinged v/ith purple, a non permanent shade, not desirable. Margottin, 1875. Carmine-red, very large, very full, flat, fra- grant ; a fine sort, but not re- liable, and of such poor growth as to destroy its value. Crimson, large loose flowers, wood armed with short dark spines. Margottin, 1855. Reddish crim- son, large, rather coarse flow- ers, fragrant, numerous red thorns, hardy ; occasionally comes very fine, but generally the quality is inferior. Madame Ducher, 1876. White, sufTused with pale yellow, without fragrance ; a fine rose, similar, but inferior, to Marie Guillot. CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 28-? Name of Varietv, and Habit of Gkowth. 918. Triomphe de Rennes, free. 919. Triomphe de Toulouse, 920. Triomphe des Beaux Arts, free or vig, 921. Triomphe des Ro s o m a n e s, vig. 922. Triomphe du Luxembo u rg, free. 923. Triumph an t, vig. Class. li.R. H.R. H.R. 924. Ulrich Briin- U.R ner, vig. 'Unique. 925. Unique, vi g (H^/ii/e Prov cncc.) 926. Vainqueur d( Solferino, mod 927. Vallee de T. Cham o u n i X mod. 928. Vicomte Mai- H.R. son, vig. 929. Vicomte Vig- U.R ier, free. M. Prov. H R. Lansezeur, 1857. From Lamar- que. Canary-yellow, the centre tinged with salmon, large, or very large, full, good. Brassac, 1874. Red, shaded with violet-crimson. Fontaine, 1857. Raised from General Jacqueminot. An in- ferior likeness of the parent. Gonod, 1873. Belongs to the General Jacqueminot type. Crimson, tinged with purple, fragrant, and of fair quality ; a good seed-bearer. Hardy, 1836. (Sent out by Ma- dame Pean.) Buff-rose, large, good in the bud, of healthy habit ; a desirable sort. Pierce, 1850. Rosy-pink, me- dium size, double or full, dis- tinct ; seven leaflets are com- mon. Levet, 1881. Raised from Paul Neyron. Cherry-red. See White Bath. Grimwood, 1778. White, a good rose, similar but inferior to ATadame Hardy. Damaizin, 1859. Belongs to the j ■ Giant of Battles type. Red, I shaded with purplish-crim- I son. iDucher, 1873. Coppery-yellow and rose, medium size. Fontaine, 186S. Cherry-red, double, fades quickly, strag- gling habit. E. Verdier, 1861. Maroon, tmged with violet, a well- formed, globular flower. 288 THE ROSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth. 930. Vicomtesse de Gazes, dwf. 931. Victor Pulliat, mod. 932. Victor Trouil- lard. 933. Victor V e r- dier, mod. 934. V ill are t de Joyeuse, free. 935. Vilie de St. Denis, free. 936. Violette Bou- )^er, free or vig 937. Virgil, free. 938. Vir i d i fl o ra , free. ( Viiidi- sceiis.) 939. V i rgi n a 1 e, mod. 940. Viscou n te s s Falmouth, dwf Class. T. H R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H.R. Beng. H.R. H.T. Pradel, 1844. Coppery-yellow, rather loose form, very delicate habit. Ducher, 1S70. Pale yellow, long buds, quite a good Tea. Trouillard, 1856. (Sent out by Standish & Noble.) Crimson and purple. Lacharme, 1852. Bright rose, with carmine centre, a very fresh shade, but not perma- nent, semi-globular form, of good size, not fragrant ; very free, the wood is all but smooth, the foliage lustrous. This variety is doubtless of Bourbon origin ; it is a beau- tiful rose, but with its entire progeny is more tender than any other types in the class. Damaizin, 1874, Bright rose, well formed. Thouars, 1853. Yrom La Reine. Carmine-rose. Lacharme, 1881. From JtiL's Margotliii X Sombreuil. White, tinged with pink. Guillot pere, 1870. (Sent out by W. Paul.) Pink, tinged with lavender, not valuable. Green flowers, of no beauty whatsoever, only sought for as a curiosity. Lacharme, 185S. White, with flesh centre, medium size, double or full, well formed ; a good rose, but of very deli- cate habit. Bennett, 1879. From President X Soupert-et-Notiing. Mottled CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 289 Name of Vakiety, and Habit of Growth. 941. Vulcain, mod. 942. W. A. Rich- ardson, vig. 943. W. Wilson Saunders, mod. 944. Washington vig. 945. White Bank- sia, vig. 946. White Baron- ess, mod. 947. White Bath, mod. or free. ( Unique). H.R. N. H.R. N. B'k. H.R. M. rose, the exterior of petals wiih a silvery lustre, very large, very full, globular, hav- ing the intense fiagrance of Soiipert et Noiiiugy and like that variety inclined to come malformed. The wood is very thorny, the shoots slen- der. E. Verdier, 1862. Rich crim- son, double, well formed ; a rose of splendid color. Madame Ducher, 1878. Orange- yellow, medium size, of fair quality. G. Paul, 1874. Belongs to the Charles Lefcbvre type. May be briefly described as an inferior Charles Lejcbvre. Stewart (of Philadelphia). White, medium size, loose flowers, poor. Brought to England from China in 1807. Pure white, small full flower, violet-scented. G. Paul, 1S82. A sport from Baroness Rothschild. Unlike Mabel Morrison, this is quite as full a rose as the parent, and it is pure white ; in other respects, as vigor of growth, etc., it is identical with Bar- oness Rothschild. We saw this in flower at Cheshunt during the summer of 1880, and were greatly impressed with its merit. Salter. A sport from the Com- mon. White, sometimes tinged with flesh, attractive in bud 290 THE EOSE. Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth White Prov ence. 948. William Grif- fiih, free. 949. William Jesse free. 950, William Koelle, mod. 951. William Lobb free. 952. William War- den, vig. 953. Woodland Margu eri te, vig. 954. Xavier Olibo, mod. or dwf. 955. Yellow Bank- sia, vig. Class. Prov. H.R. H.R. H.R. M. H.R. H.R. B'k. and open flower ; general!)' five leaflets, of straggling habit. Much the best white moss. See Unique. Portemer, 1850. Pink, much resembling Countess C. de Cha- brillant, but the flowers are somewhat smaller, the wood smoother, and in habit it is more vigorous, but also much more liable to injury from the cold. Laffay, 1840. Red, suffused with violet, in the way of Pins the AHuth, An undesirable sort. Pernet, 1878. Raised from Al- fred Coloinb. The flowers are nearly or quite the same shade as those of the parent, the habit is partially that of Charles Lefebvre. Laflfay, 1S55. Violet-red, not an attractive sort. Mitchell & Son, 1878. A sport from Madame Clemence Joig- neaux. Pink flowers, the habit, etc., is the same as that of the parent. J. Pentland, 1859. White, some- times with flesh, medium size ; of fair qualit5\ Lacharme, 1864. Said to be from Gen. Jacqtteminoi. Very deep, rich crimson, large flow- ers, moderately full ; a superb rose. Brought to England from China in 1827. Like White Banksia, CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES. 291 Name of Variety, and Habit of Growth, Yellow Tea. 956. Yolande d'Ar- agon, free. except the color, which is clear yellow. See Flavescens. Vibert, 1843. Lilac-rose, flat form, straggling habit ; worth- less. INDEX. Aphis, The, 74. Austrian Roses, 16. Autumnal Roses, 25, 116. Ayrshire Roses, 10. Banksia Roses, 10. Bedding Roses, 113. Bengal Roses, 34. Best Roses, The, 120. Books on Roses, v. 190. Bourbon Roses, 36. Boursault Roses, 11. Boxes for Exhibiting, 95. Brier, The, as a Stock, 91. Budded Roses, 89. Cabbage Rose, The, 23. Catalogue of Varieties, 194. Caterpillars, 78. Champney Roses, 28. China Roses, 34. Classification, 7. Climbing Roses, 10, 116. Climbing Tea Roses, 33. Cuttings, 85, 100. Damask Roses, 16. Descriptions, 194. Diseases, 73. Eglantine, The, 24. Evergreen Roses, 11. Exhibiting Roses, 93. Exhibition Roses, The Best 118. Failure, Causes of, 57. Fairy Roses, 36. Families of Roses, 10. Free-blooming Roses, 116. Forcing Roses, 100, 113. Fragrant Roses, 117. French Roses, 17. Grafting, 91. Green Fly, 74. Hybrid Noisette Roses, 38. Habit of Growth, 196. Hardy Roses, 118. Hellebore, 78. Hybrid China Roses, 18. Hybrid Climbing Roses, 12, 26. Hybrid Perpetual Roses, 40. Hybrid Remontant Roses, 40. Hybrid Tea Roses, 42. Insects, 73. Leaf Roller, 78. Layers, 92. Mail, Plants by, 62. Manetti, The, as a stock, 91. INDEX. 293 Manures, 68. May Bug, 80. Microphylla Roses, 27. Mildew, 75. Monthly Roses, 25. Moss Roses, 22. Multiflora Roses, 12. Night-soil, 6g. Noisette Roses, 2S. Own Roots, 85. Pegged -down Roses, 113. Permanent Colors, 152. Perpetual Roses, 25 Perpetual Moss Roses, 46. Pillar Roses, 20. Planting, 61. Polyantha Roses, 31. Position for Planting, 56. Pot-culture, 100. Potting Roses, loi. Prairie Roses, 13. Propagation, 85. Protection, 49. Provence Roses, 23. Pruning, 61. Quassia, 75. Rose Bug, The, 79. Rose Chafer, The, 79. Rose Slug, The, So. Rose Hopper, The, 77. Roses for Special Purposes, 113- Roses under Glass, 100. Raisers of the Best Roses, 1 20 Red Spider, The, 76. Running Roses, 25. Sawfly, 80. Sarmentous Roses, ro. Scotch Roses, 24. Seed Parents, 145. Seedling Roses, 177. Similar Varieties, 160. Soils, 56. Solfaierre as a Stock, 30. Stocks, 91. Suckers, 90, Sulphur, 75, 77. Summer Roses, 10. Sweet Brier, The, 24. Tea Roses, 47. Technical Terms, 52. Thrip, 77. Tobacco, for Fumigating, 75. Too-much-alike Roses, 152. Typical Roses, 164. Varieties for Special Pur- poses, 113. When to Plant, Gi. White Grub, 80. Yellow Roses, 16. NojthCaro,™ State 0„,ve«i.,U5™.,es "°''^!.SSffi™!C„,V.T,ON„,STORVP. S02787894 U :#*i« .••;.'|^'-i^^ " -