‘S H loT SITGS5 THE SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER: : : :: : eis eee Bos se: By-Charles‘H; Gilbert From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XX XVIII, 1921-22 aoe Document Gi ORR Ce re en ac bre Sa Sena aae oara ce ROSCOE NOVEMUCK. OT, EQO22 PRICE; 20 CENTS Bold only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office; Washington; D.C, WASHINGTON ;: : ; . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICK : : : =: : : 3 3 ¢ * Ipee THE SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER : 7 3 -¢.% + By’Charles H. Gilbert From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF ele Volume XXXVITI, 1921-22 2 —_ = ae Tes Document No. 928 : : : : : : : : : : : : : Issued November 21, 1922 PRICE, 20 CENTS Sold only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, —eeeeeeeeeee LS A WASHINGTON : : : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICR : : : : : 3 : 3: : : 1928 A b anes cy’ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RECEIVED | JAN 241928 i DOCUMENTS DIVISION OD THE SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. os By Cuaries H. GILBERT, Professor of Zoology, Stanford University. & CONTENTS. Page. MVECOCUUICTION)< ¢vs ce 14 Utiswrcrseedlnae tonne suas - ee eee ee 317 The king salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha), eT eee eras ay ae ak wee ato Rate of travel... ... ets cere : 318 Growth and age at maturity. 320 The chum or dog salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). . 325 Rate Of travel eiivsise seve edicts 326 Wear classes, i056: .55; : 326 Proportions of sexes. .. . 327 Size at maturity.......... y Nau parties fe adau gait a Terre 328 Growth and scale readings. ....... : ee eee ree 320 The sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). .. . 330 The coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). : 331 The humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)...............-. 332 INTRODUCTION. The summer of 1920 was spent by the writer, in company with Henry O'Malley, at that time field assistant of the United States Bureau of lisheries, in investigating the runs of salmon to the Yukon River. The primary object of the expedition was to ascertain the advisability of permitting the operation of one or more salmon canneries on the Yukon, in view of the possibility that they might so curtail the salmon supply that it would fail to provide natives, and white inhabitants as well, with the stores of fish that they find essential under the rigorous conditions of the far northern climate. It was to be deter- mined whether there existed an excess above the needs of the inhabitants that could safely be used for commercial purposes for export beyond the boundaries of Alaska. This phase of the situation has been dealt with in a report to the Commissioner of Fisheries and was published in 1921.'' Some of the details that are given in that report concerning the movements of the salmon during their run and the rate of travel that they maintain in their ascent of the river are herein repeated, but the body of the present paper is concerned with the growth-history of the Yukon salmon and the ages at which they have reached maturity. ‘The Yukon River is near the northern limit of range for the Pacific salmon. ‘The effect of the arctic cold on growth and age of maturing is an interesting problem. _ Investigation of the Salmon Fisheries of the Yukon River, by Charles H. Gilbert and Henry O'Malley. Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 909a, pp. 128-154. Washington, ro21. 327 318 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Three of the five species of salmon that occur along the Pacific shores of North America enter the Yukon Basin in sufficient numbers to constitute distinct runs. These are the king or chinook salmon, the chum or dog salmon, and the coho or silver salmon. The names here given are those by which these species are known in other districts of Alaska and generally along the coast to the southward. Unfortunately, in the Yukon Basin, there is confusion in this regard. The coho or silver salmon is most frequently called chinook, while the various grades of the chum or dog salmon are known as “ si/vers,”’ “halj-breeds,’’? and ‘‘dogs.’’ The king salmon alone, of the three species that ascend the river in numbers, is called by the same name by which it is elsewhere designated. ‘The two remaining species of Pacific coast salmon, the humpback and the sockeye or red salmon, enter the river each year in small numbers and have no economic impor- tance. To what extent the individuals of these species may be strays from other streams that have well-defined runs has not been determined. The material on which the present paper is based was obtained from June 15 to July 31, 1920, at the cannery of the Carlisle Packing Co., located in the entrance to Kwiguk Channel, a branch of the Kwikluak or South Mouth of the Yukon. THE KING SALMON (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). The king salmon is the most highly prized for human consumption of the three Yukon species. It is also valued for dog feed, especially in the upper course of the river, for by the time the salmon have fought their way upstream a thousand miles or more even the richest species contains no more oil than is needed to furnish satisfactory dog feed. As it enters the mouth of the river, the Yukon king is the richest salmon known to us. It there drips oil profusely when hung on the racks to dry and is, in fact, too rich for most successful canning. The canned product, if handled roughly, or if shipped to distant points, is in danger of breaking down to a substance of mushlike consistency. King salmon taken at some point higher up the river, where a portion of the oil would have been expended during the ascent, would in this respect furnish a better commercial product. RATE OF TRAVEL. The run begins at the mouth of the river in the latter part of May or early in June, almost as soon as the river is clear of ice after the spring break-up; and it lasts as a com- mercially valuable run for about three weeks. ‘Tradition has it the king salmon appear at points as high as Tanana and the Ramparts at the same time as the first steamer that ascends the river from St. Michaels on the opening of navigation. ‘This would indicate an unprecedentedly high rate of travel in a river with very swift current. Such incom- plete data as we have concerning the ascent of salmon in other rivers indicate a rate not to exceed 10 to 20 miles per day. But in the Yukon Basin the distances to be traversed are great—some of the spawning beds being 2,000 to 3,000 miles from the sea—and the summer season is much shorter than in any other large salmon river. ‘These two factors necessitate a high rate of speed in ascending the river, and the fact that this has been de- veloped in the Yukon salmon is one more instance of close adaptation to the conditions of their environment on the part of a highly localized race. Rapid ascent of a river means expenditure of energy out of all proportion to the distance to be traversed. Unusual stores of potential energy in the form of oil are therefore required by the Yukon salmon. We have already referred to the unusually rich provision of oil in the case of the king SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. 319 ‘salmon, and the same is true of the chum or dog salmon of the Yukon, which excels in richness and amount of oil the chum salmon from all other rivers in as great a degree as that which distinguishes the Yukon kings from other king salmon. As regards the rate at which they ascend the river, we have more reliable and complete data for the Yukon than have been secured in any other stream. Records were obtained of their first appearance at a large number of localities. Some of these were ascertained by means of wireless messages sent during the early days of the run, before the dates of the first captures should be forgotten. Many others were obtained during our ascent of the river in early August, when all fishing camps were visited and records were inspected concerning the run of thesummer. Inanumber of instances complete written records were available, which gave not only the date on whicl: the first captures were made, but the numbers of fish taken on each day of the season. While we recognize that the capture of the first salmon of the season at different points along the river may vary within a few days in relation to the beginning of the run, we are convinced from an examination of our data that this source of error is not serious and that reliable conclusions concerning rate of travel can be drawn from the table (1) presented below. Whenever two or more records were obtained from different fishermen in the same locality the earliest has been selected. It will be noted that the lowest rates of travel apparently occur in the lower course of the river. But the results are here obscured by the known fact that salmon, on entering the tidal area of a stream, move back and forth with the tides for an undetermined period, before seriously undertaking the ascent of the river. The influence of this factor, how- ever, will not alone suffice to explain the constant increase in rate of travel as far up the river as Tanana, where it had reached an average for the entire river below this point of 62 miles per day over a period of 13 days. Above Tanana, the rate again decreases, possibly due to the retarding influence of the Rampart Rapids together with the general increase in current found in the upper portion of the river, but the rate exhibits an unmistakable tendency again to augment as Dawson is approached. The first king salmon to reach Dawson in the middle of July, 1920, had been traveling against a consistently rapid current for 29 days, at the rate of 52 miles per day, and during this period, as always within the river, had taken no fcod, TABLE 1.—DaTES OF CAPTURE oF First KING SALMON AT A SERIES OF LOCALITIES ALONG THE YUKON RIVER DURING SEASON OF 1920. 1 | | Approxi-. Approxi- mate Miles / mate Miles Locality Date. number | traveled Locality. Date. number | traveled of miles | per day. | | of miles | per day. | traveled. traveled. South mouth OLIV Ekicas « sams IME? SV ly scrcoce.s [seems £2 . || Whiskey Creek, above Louden.| June 27 | 622 Run begins south mouth eA NRLERE? Ss | area cent leds Meas ARES «Ol etna. Poa’ t ts RIO 8a «| 659 5S Pilot Station............ .| June 20 107 2a |) VAnama. <.cccecestisssecseeas) JUMe 28.,| 804 62 Marshall... sass «es tdoias«: 144 29 || Fish Creek, above Rampart | Russian Mission, ...... 204 4 Rapids dpi ddetons sf Uy 3) ) 8s 47 PARAS vty ve'ciauavse 259 37 || Circle... ..| July om 14227 47 Holy Cross ots 27 35 || Charlic Cree ..| July 32 Tt; 317 49 Halls Rapids, above Anvic...| June 24 346 38 || Eagle .| July 313 1,402 Camp sr miiles below Kaltag...| June 27 440 37 || De Wolf's fish camp...... .| July ry 1,478 1 Kaltag hae 49 SBy cM PW SOIR (acu 9 apescvecd ciara yu asl faheeidOes oe 1,504 5 COV MCTMCN 5 4 sd aie ts bceiiecnire3,s June 29 555 40 The season of 1920 was notably late in Alaska; the break-up occurred in the Yukon fully a week later than usual, and the salmon were equally delayed in entering. As shown by the above table, the first king salmon taken in the delta was captured June 13. 320 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The run culminated quickly within a week after that date, then maintained itself at a fair level for about three weeks, and was practically over by the close of the first week in July. Stragglers appeared during subsequent weeks in July and August but became less and less numerous. GROWTH AND AGE AT MATURITY. We have no knowledge concerning the feeding grounds of the Yukon salmon and must leave the question open to what extent, if at all, the young traverse the passes in the Aleutian Chain and attain their growth in the North Pacific. It is entirely possible that throughout their life in the ocean, they remain within the confines of the Bering Sea. None of them have been detected traversing the channels between the Aleutian Islands, nor have they been recognized elsewhere along lines of their migration routes in the sea. Conditions in Bering Sea, it would seem, must be less favorable for rapid growth than in districts farther south. The northern part of the sea and a strip around the coasts, in- cluding Bristol Bay, are covered with ice floe during the winter and early spring months. The temperatures to which the salmon are then exposed must be near the freezing point. At the time they seek the river mouth in May or June the surface temperature in Bering Sea approaches 4o° F. Under such adverse conditions growth during the winter season must be at or near a standstill and in the spring might well not be resumed before the beginning of the streamward migration. In that event the scales would exhibit no growth accomplished during the year in which the fish was captured. A salmon in its fifth year would indicate in its scale structure the completion of four full years’ growth, and the margin of the scale would be formed by the winter check of the fourth year. In other districts to the southward the salmon of the spawning run have already responded to spring conditions and have begun a period of rapid growth before entering the streams. The scales have participated in this renewed growth, and the margins exhibit a larger or smaller band of widely spaced rings, which lie out- side the winter check of the previous year. But in the case of the Yukon king salmon this is not present. The winter check of the previous year forms the margin, and usually no trace exists of any growth belonging to the current year. A very few cases form doubtful exceptions to this generalization, with the outer one to three rings more widely separated at least in a portion of their course. This feature is shown dis- tinctly in the accompanying series of photographs of the scales of Yukon king salmon, ranging from those in their third to those in their seventh year (Figs. 276 to 285). Another striking peculiarity of the Yukon king salmon is found in their early his- tory as fry and fingerlings. We did not secure any of the young, although attempts were made to capture them with minnow seines on their downward migration, near the mouth of the river. But the central areas of the adult scales contain records of the early history and show conclusively in every instance that the young remained in fresh water for a full year’s growth before descending to the sea. In the photographs that follow, the line ‘‘1” points to the outer margin of the stream growth, which presents a nucleus of finely crowded lines, beyond which are the widely spaced lines indicating rapid growth after reaching the sea. This habit of the Yukon kings is in striking contrast to what is observed in streams farther south. In the Fraser River, the Columbia, the Klamath, the Sacramento, and SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. 32I all other streams thus far examined a considerable proportion of the adult salmon are developed from fry that passed to sea during their first year and completed only a small portion of their first year’s growth in fresh water. This “sea type’’ develops at an earlier age than do those that tarry a year in fresh water, and it frequently constitutes half or more than half the entire run. ‘The absence of the ‘‘sea type” in the Yukon may well be related to the severity of the fall and winter, the lateness of the spring, and the shortness of the summer season. It would seem that the hatching of the eggs, the absorption of the yolk, and the emergence of the fry from the gravels must be correspondingly retarded. A third peculiarity of the Yukon king salmon consists in the retardation of the age at which they attain maturity. In the Columbia River, where, owing to the use of beach seines, wheels, and traps, the smaller salmon are captured in due proportion with those of larger size, the youngest chinooks of stream type that are captured in the spawning run are in their second year. ‘These are all male fish, as are those of the next larger size, which are in their third year. Temale chinooks of stream type do not mature in the Columbia until their fourth year, when they are not far inferior in numbers to males of equal age. ‘The commercially valuable portion of the Columbia River run con- sists of 4 and 5 year fish. Comparatively few individuals reach their sixth year, and none has to my knowledge been reported in its seventh year. The condition in the Yukon is far different. No 2-year fish were secured, and but one 3-year fish, which was a male, 16 inches long, the scale of which is represented in Figure 276. In spite of the fact that fishing was prosecuted exclusively by gill nets, which during the king salmon run were of large mesh (84 or 8} inches), fish of diminutive size were frequently entangled in the web and captured. Special attention was paid to these, with the object of ascertaining the earliest age at which maturity would be attained in the Yukon race. In addition to the 16-inch individual in its third year, above noted, we examined 44 specimens ranging from 17 to 27 inches, all of them males, in their fourth year. From this it is apparent that no female king salmon mature on the Yukon until after their fourth year. They are therefore retarded at least one year in reaching maturity, as compared with king salmon in the more southern part of the range of the species. (See Figs. 277 and 278.) Continuing the examination of larger sizes we encountered the first 5-year male at 25 inches, the males of this age ranging from 25 to 40 inches. In the fifth year, for the first time, we encountered female salmon, but these were very few in number. Among the 131 individuals in their fifth year that we have examined, selected wholly by size without reference to sex, there are 119 males and only 12 females. ‘This indi- cates a still further retardation in age of maturing of females. Not only are there no 4-year mature females (so abundant in more temperate latitudes), but comparatively few females develop maturity even at the age of 5. The 12 of which we have record lie in size within the range of the 5-year males, the smallest being 30 and the largest 37 inches long. (See Figs. 279 and 280.) The male 6-year fish are numerous, the 79 individuals represented in our series ranging widely from 29 to 48 inches. ‘There is thus a wide overlap in size between the 5 and the 6 year fish, as is always the case, although, as will be noted, the 4 and the 5 year males show but little overlap. Among the 6-year fish, for the first time, females 322 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. are really abundant, exceeding in number the males of equal age. Of the 185 6-year individuals, selected without reference to sex, 79 are males and 106 females. (See Figs. 281 to 283.) Another evidence of retarded development is found in the class of 7-year fish. In streams thus far studied from the Sacramento to the Fraser it is very rare for a king salmon to attain the age of 7 years. Only two such specimens have been observed to my knowledge. In the Yukon, however, members of this class are not uncommon. Although not specially sought for, 42 are included in our series, 10 of these being males and 32 females. Here, again, the late development of females compared with males is made evident. (See Figs. 284 and 285.) Table 2 gives the distribution by sex, age, and length of all the king salmon of our Yukon series of the run of 1920. For comparison similar data from a series taken from the run of 1919 by C. F. Townsend, fisheries inspector for the Bureau of Fisheries, are included in this table. It should be noted that the relative size of these various classes in our series does not represent their relative abundance in the run. While no selec- tion was made by sex, frequent selection was made by size at critical points. Thus, special attention was paid to the smaller sizes, and these appear in our series in more than their normal proportions. The same is true of individuals approximating 30 inches in length. It was at this size that females first were found, and individuals of this length were specially selected for examination. TABLE 2.—KING SALMON FROM MoutTH YUKON RIVER, 1920 AND 1919, DISTRIBUTED BY AGE AND BY LENGTH. Number of specimens, 1920. Number of specimens, ror9. ee ot ; oe noe eats Lent: 5 years. | 6 years. 7 years. 5 years. | 6 years. 7 years. 4 eee = —| 4 a = Males.! Fe- | F | we. [Males F | x r ales. : Te- aye fe .<| ie. |Males.* e- £c TC. (Males. rales Males.| pinion | Afales. pir) | Males. marine Males males: Males. males: = = “i | | | | Se | ee - THINCHESM awe. hecacwas I ye i | ea | | me | . _ Utes 19 inches. 2 | Per eas ol eeeoron | eee athe | |: | eee Ns 20 inches. 4 | i Lear | jibe I. 21 inches. 3 | Ak 22inches. 3 23 inches. 6 r}.. | 24 inches 10 5 | Iscwcerea's | eran Se wlargretertet| aeeeneanga | eee ecey eres 25iNches. . 8 1 5 | j I 26 inches 3 2 | Ir | 27inches..... ; 4] Sik ee lee ro | I he | AM UCHES Eo acisiacincine ae tinemte cs ral ; ere he an eae 6|.. peter r zo inches... 20 1 z 2 | 30 inches... . 18 I 1 el ataratare | Beaqua eta ae al eatin | bs | | yr inmehes.... 12 | I I | cis Re ek leaner r| g2inches...... 11 3 | 4 i | I ual bad 2 | : Bi TAL CHES « asacars scavnta ure nina ap sieterae? 5 cy 8 1 I 2 r | I 34 Inches Siverae H 10 2 5 3 3 a. I | 35 inches. a eras | 9 | 9 To 2 1 1 Ti) 10 I aa | 3 10 2 z 1 z | 4 P| I xj 9 | 8 I 2 2] 5 | T 7 | 14 |. | 4 | 5} I 7 | 7 | 1 | 3 | 2 5 13 4] 6 f. 2) 3 i T 3 | 13 | 2 2 2 | 1 rf 7 8 | + all Z I 1 | 1 ‘| 6 7 Fa 2 | 2 | i | 4 2 | | 2 aa 2]. 45 inches, ..| 3 | zfs | Tilia | 40 inches | °a| I | I | : 47inch ae 2 len | | ; 48 inches. . ee | I | | ; Potala, «2.2530 : 44 | 119 12 _ 79 | rob ro | 32 | ao | 16 | 5 | 20 | 8 Average length in | | | | | | | PEEHCS ricieleiye.eleikecdss 23-4 31-3 | 33°5 38-7 38-5 41.8 | gor | 26.3 | 3m | 35-6) 37-5 | 36 417 37-7 SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. 323 The following table (3) gives the average sizes attained by the different year classes in the two years 1919 and 1920, the males and females being stated separately. In comparing these with similar averages obtained in other districts, we must bear in mind that our Yukon material shows no growth belonging to the season in which the fish were captured. Our 4-year individuals had completed three years of growth, but no more, and similarly with each of the other year groups. However, no strict comparison is possible between Yukon 4-year fish and the 3-year fish from other localities, for although the latter had produced a certain amount of new growth in their third year, they had not completed the growth of the third year when they ceased feeding and were cap- In like manner no exact correspondence can be expected between 5-year In com- tured. Yukon individuals and 4-year material from the Columbia or the Fraser. paring growth rates from these different localities, the most satisfactory basis will be found in completed lengths of the different year classes, computed from the scales. By length is meant the distance, measured over the curve of the body, from tip of snout to distal end of middle caudal rays. TABLE 3.—AVERAGE LENGTHS, FOR CERTAIN YEAR GRovPS OF YUKON KING SALMON, 1920 AND 1010. 3-year group. 4-year group. s-year group. 6-year group. 7-year group Sex and year. | : =a : 7 . rar | : Average | | Average Average | .; Average Average er. umber. y Number. by er. Number. fength. | umber. lect Number. length, umbe length. Number. lensth | 7 ae Males: Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. TOMVaiesc yeaa R TA 5 16 44 23-4 119 31-3 79 38-7 10 41.8 Se). eee i liad pred 4o 26.3 16 Br 20 37-5 7 4-7 Females: | TORN: dsceiasyy sient ° | ve] o! ‘ 12 $3.5 106 38.5 32 4o. I Troe Petes eee ° o | 5 35-0 | 35 36 8 37-7 | | | For comparison with other regions we have calculated the growth for each year of their lives of 77 fish belonging to the fourth, filth, sixth, and seventh year classes and present the results in Table4. We have followed Fraser’s latest paper® in taking 1.5 inches (40 mm.) as the average length of the fry when the first scale ring was formed. Several differences are encountered in comparing our results with Fraser’s. His material was largely taken in the Gulf of Georgia and included a mixture of fish that would mature during the then current season with others that would delay maturing for one or more years; also, doubtless, a mixture of races, bound for different river basins and unlike in certain of their characteristics. His measurements are throughout smaller than by our method, inasmuch as they do not include the length of the middle caudal rays. Table 4, which follows, shows with regard to each year class that the growth during the year that precedes maturity is greater than during the corresponding year of classes that reachagreaterage. Thus the third year’s growth of fish that mature in their fourth year is greater than the third year’s growth in fish that would not mature until their fifth, sixth, or seventh years. Furthermore, it is greater in 5 than in 6 year fish and greater in individuals that mature in their sixth than in those that mature in their seventh year. The third-year growths form a regularly ascending series from 7.3 inches in the oldest year class to 12.4 inches in the youngest, and the lengths of the fish at the end of their third year form a similar advancing series. According to this table we should find that the largest series of 3-year fish in the sea at any time is composed of those indi- viduals that will earliest mature. The same is true of the growth of the fourth year 2? Further Studies on the Growth Rate in Pacific Salmon, by C. M. Fraser. Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1918- 1920, pp. 7-27. Ottawa, rozr. 32 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. and of the fifth. Slow growth and smaller size mean deferred maturity in all years except the first and the second. The failure of similar results to appear in Doctor Fraser’s article, above referred to, may be due to the mixed nature of his material. His second, third, and fourth year classes are not composed of fish maturing in their second, third, or fourth years, but are accidental assemblages of fish that were in their second, third, and fourth years at the time they came into his hands. His second-year class doubtless contained individuals that would eventually mature variously in their second, third, fourth, and fifth years; and his third-year class, fish that would mature in their third, fourth, and fifth years. Under such conditions differential methods of growth of year classes could not be dis- covered, even if they should exist. In Doctor Fraser’s 1915 material it was indicated that the 4-year fish that were preparing to spawn were larger than those of equal age that would remain in the sea for another year. That result was in harmony with our present findings but was not verified by him in the material of 1916. TABLE 4.—CALCULATED GrRowTH OF YUKON KING SALMON. | } ? Inches of growth at end of— Inches of growth during— Num | ber of |__ = Year class. | speci- | | ; | lik: | : | | mens. | First |Second) Third | Fourth| Fifth | Sixth | First |Second| Third | Fourth] Fifth | Sixth | | | | year. | year, | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | year. | | | | | | Fourth 7 26')) - Sarsisi by 623-0) 2.6 8.9 12.4 | OP fl geaart eau ie : | 33 2.7 | 2.6 | 22 33-7 2.7 | 29 9.4 | 11.7 | Chau [serene se Dake - 22 3 | 11.6 | 19. 2 27.8 38 - 3 8.6 7 6 8.6 10. 2 | ° z Seventh fi} ster5 25] 117] 19 27 34] 407| 25] 92 7-3 8 w| 6.7 | Ve _ a =i AVWETHEO: Saaliikw ees 2.7, 11.9 21 20.5 36 | 40. 7 | 2.7 9.2 9. 2 9.4 5.6 6.7 | | I In the following table (5) is given the average weight for all specimens of a given length, the males and females being stated separately. The weights were taken with an ordinary spring-balance scales reading to pounds and half pounds. No high degree of accuracy can be claimed for this method, but the results present interesting terms of comparison with the king salmon races of other rivers. The number of records available for each length is insufficient for a wholly reliable average, a fact that will explain irregularities in progression in the table. It will be noted that females of equal length with males average slightly heavier than the latter. There was no noticeable elongation of the jaws in the males at the time this material was examined. TABLE 5.—AVERAGE WEIGHTS BY UNITs of LENGTH, YUKON KING SALMON, 1920. Females. Males. Females. Males. ) WN: ef a \E eo Tenat, | Number | average | average | Number | Tenath | Number! average | average | Number SEAS: weights. | weights. fies: eee weights. | weights. eee aes = = 3 = = = | ae E Pounds.| Pounds | Pounds,| Pounds. 16 inches. . 1] Ten FE 34 inches. . ; 15 18. 2 18.3 4 17 inches I 2 \| 35 inches.. 18 20.3 20. 4 12 2oinches..... 4] 4 |. 36inches.. 7 21.7 22 14 21inches, . 3 al. : 37inches. . 9 22.4 23:9 rr 22 inches... 3 5 | 38inches.. Io 25.2 26-3 19 23 inches. . 6) 5:8 |. 39inches. 10 26.8 28 | 13 24inches. . ro | 6-2"): soinches.... 12 29.8 30.5 19 25 inches. | II Fed | 4tinches.. 4 | 34:3 32-9 1s 25 inches. . 5 er Ble 42inches.. Om 36. 2 a0 16 27 inches... ea 9-6 ].. : || 43inches.. are 7 35-9 38.3 9 28 inches... aC 7 10.1 Nesas . eal 44tnches... 5 41-2 4r8 4 29inches... 5 21 | 1704. 431nches. . 3 | 43-7 42 I 3oinches.. 19 2.6 ur x || 4g6inches.. I 40 4025 2 3rinches.. 3 14 | 14 x || 47imches... 2 49:5 as teen. 32inches. . 15 14-8 17 | 3 || 48inches, . 1 48 Bg NCheS si onacied 5 | 16.4 | 17.7 Ir SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. 325 ‘The nuclear area of the scales of Yukon king salmon is of extremely small size and contains correspondingly few rings. Undoubtedly this indicates comparatively very small size for the fingerlings at the time of their downward migration. Our table indicates an average size for migrating fingerlings of 234 inches. This is based on the assumption that the fry are 114 inches long when the first scale ring is formed. If, as seems more probable, they are slightly longer than this, our computed lengths of migrating fingerlings would be correspondingly increased but could not much exceed 3 inches. The greatest length indicated on any scale examined by us is 4% inches. The number of nuclear rings for each year class is as follows: TABLE 6.—NUMBER OF NUCLEAR RINGS, YUKON KING SALMON, 1920. | Individuals having nuclear rings to the number of— | Average Year class. a > | pum ber 5 | 6 a 5 ) | 10 1r 1 13 14 | ol rings } | | | | | Fourth. 1 I 18 7 9 areal ee 8. Fifth. .. 1 4 ir 9 34 18 | 3 I I 91 Sixth. . 1 10 26 39 | 290 | 11 I 9 Seventh..:.... 8 | 7 9 | 5 | I 7-9 THE CHUM OR DOG SALMON (Oncorhynchus keta). The chum or dog salmon of the Yukon does not differ from other races of chums that frequent streams in the more southern portion of its range either in external appearance or in any of the structural peculiarities that distinguish this species. As is the case else- where, individuals captured in the sea or those that euter streams well in advance of the spawning period are symmetrical silvery fish, easily mistaken at a glance for the sockeye salmon. The discoloration of the skin and the elongation of the jaws, which are later provided with greatly enlarged teeth, are of universal occurrence in this species (as, indeed, in all of the species of Pacific salmon) when sexual maturity is approached. In shorter streams that are colonized by chum salmon, the fish delay entrance until nearly ripe and when first seen have already lost their silvery livery. But in the Yukon, this species penetrates to spawning gravels in the far upper reaches of the river, and it pop- ulates as well practically all the tributaries in the middle and the lower course of the stream. We find, accordingly, among the chums entering the mouth of the river a mixture of colonies, some of which are bound for the headwaters, in reaching which they will spend six weeks or more, and others that have not far to go. It is undoubtedly for this reason that the entering fish vary so widely in different portions of the run in the extent of development of those striking characteristics that accompany maturity. During the season of 1920 all the early chums were of bright silvery color and had abundant oil and a pinkish flesh that turned a deeper red on drying. But in a short time changes appeared, even at the mouth of the river. At first occasional individuals, usually males, appeared in a more advanced stage, with brightly colored bars on the sides of the body and with long hooked jaws. When these were first observed they stood out conspicuously from their fellows, which were still in the “silver” stage. By the last of June these seasonal changes had become obvious in the great mass of chums then running. It was the rule for the males to exhibit elongated jaws, provided with canine teeth, and to show the beginnings of the bright cross-bars that characterize the spawning males of this species. It might be thought that this development would continue un- 326 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. checked until the end of the season, but, strangely, during the second week in July a fresh run of chums that was no further advanced than were the chums of early June made its appearance. These also were of bright silvery color and had symmetrical jaws and abundant oil. Although entering relatively late, it seems safe to assume that this run was far from its spawning period and had far to go. Along all the lower and middle portions of the river fishermen who prepare dried salmon for winter use dis- tinguish between the silvery chums and the others. ‘The “silvers” have flesh of brighter color, rich in oil, and of more substance when dried. The others are known as ‘dog salmon,” with intermediate stages called ‘half-breeds,”’ and are far inferior in value for human consumption or as dog feed. ; The Yukon chums in their prime are doubtless of far higher quality than chums from any other river. ‘The differences between them and other races of chums are of similar nature to those that distinguish the Fraser River sockeyes from the same species known as red salmon in the average Alaska streams and to those that distinguish the chinook salmon of the Columbia from the same species (‘‘king salmon”’) in the shorter streams of the north. ‘The differences in all these cases are not only of similar nature, they are due to the same cause. The fine quality of Yukon chums, Fraser sockeyes, and Columbia chinooks is due to the great length of stream which they must traverse, while fasting, on the way to their spawning grounds and to the large store of oil that they must lay up for use at this time. In no other respects are the chum salmon of the Yukon different from the same species found elsewhere. The Yukon king salmon, as we have previously noted, are characterized by the same excessive provision of oil. They also exhibit in the different portions of the run equally striking differences between bright individuals, relatively green as to eggs aud milt, and the sexually advanced forms, with hooked jaws and discolored skin. It would be no less logical to recognize two or three kinds of king salmon than it is to distinguish, as is popularly done on the Yukon, two or three kinds of chums, according to the degree of their advancement toward spawning. RATE OF TRAVEL. The chum salmon is generally known as a species that spawns exclusively in the lower courses of streams, often scarcely above the reach of the tides and never far from salt water. It is a remarkable reversal of habit in the Yukon chums that colonies of them should penetrate more than 2,000 miles to the upper tributaries of that great river; and it testifies to the flexibility of organization in salmon that a species that is in general not adapted to long journeys while fasting, can, under spur of necessity, make such journeys without food and exhibit great speed and endurance. From records of the first appear- ance of chums at a large number of stations during the season cf 1920, it was apparent that their rate of travel was not far below that of the powerful king salmon. They entered the river about a week jater than the kings, at Tanana they were not more than 10 days behind the latter, and at Dawson they were some 14 days behind the kings. The lower 800 miles of the river, as far as Tanana, were traversed at the rate of 50 miles per day, and the next 700 miles, between Tanana and Dawson, were covered at the rate of 35 miles per day. The lower 1,500 miles were ascended at the rate of 42 miles per day. YEAR CLASSES. We have already noted that the king salmon of the Yukon are retarded in their development and mature on the average more than one year later than the king salmon SALMON OF THE YUKON RIVER. 327 from southern waters. A similar retardation is observed in chum salmon, which aver- age distinctly older in the Yukon than in any other region of which we have record. The earliest report on the ages attained by this species and on the relative propor- tions of the year classes was based on a small collection taken at Bellingham, Wash., early in August, 1910.5. The number investigated was too small (58 in all) to give reliable averages, but the percentages indicated do not differ materially from those obtained in 1916 by Dr. C. M. Fraser from collections of adequate size taken at Nanaimo and Qualicum, in the Gulf of Georgia. In both cases the majority of the chums were found maturing at the age of 3 and 4 years, with very few individuals at 5 years and an occasional rare specimen in its second year. Table 7 gives the results derived from both sources and also, for comparison, includes a similar grouping of Yukon chums. TABLE 7.—YEAR-CLASS DistripuTiION, SOUTHERN AND YUKON CuuMm SALMon, | Origin of salmon. | 2 years, | 3 years. | 4 years. | 5 years. Total. =| Southern chums: | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Number. SQUIRT pan s6.eis Vv dais f resettle 4 Op ein'esatsia gp Vastly oem s ia : eaee ° 53-5 44.8 1.7 58 Sefer etter 2 eV pg ia een oh Pea nas ont = SES — | ° 34.5 64.3 1.2 1, 309 UMMERTIG dative geen dae tia ria as Aig eit nc ae 5 F Ot 46.6 52.4 .9 700 Average of southern chumis...... seins ts va) ere | o1 44.8 | 53.8 fa 2,058 Yukon chums. .............. ae ds erry Jo EA | ° 33 638, 1 28.6 448 The Yukon chums mature in their third, fourth, and fifth years, as is the case in more southern waters, but the number of 3-year-olds is diminished from nearly half to one- thirtieth of the total number, and the 5-year fish show a corresponding increase from 1 to nearly 30 per cent. The retardation in the maturing of the northern race is thus evident. PROPORTIONS OF SEXES. It has commonly been reported that dog-salmon males are greatly in excess of the females, but no thoroughly satisfactory investigation of this subject has been made. ‘To accomplish this, an examination would have to be made of the ratio of males to females at frequent intervals throughout an entire run. It might well be expected that the proportions of the sexes would differ widely during consecutive portions of the run, with the result that any deficiency in the number of females observed at the beginning of the run would be compensated for by an excess of females later on. Such an occur- rence has been repeatedly observed in certain sockeye colonies. Four-year male sock- eyes entering Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, in 1917, varied from 100 per cent of the 4-year class in early July to 52 per cent on July 31; and the 5-year males varied from 59 per cent of the 5-year group on July 10 to 23 per cent on July 31. It is clear, therefore, that a series of observations on fish bound for one river only will be necessary to enable us to determine this point. Doctor Fraser's results, from fish taken partly near the mouth of the Little Qualicum River and partly from the vicinity of Nanaimo, agree in showing from both dis- tricts an increased percentage of males in the older year classes. ‘The percentages of males in the third, fourth, and fifth year classes in the Nanaimo lot, range 42.6, 62.1, and 100; in the Qualicum lot, 51, 63.8, and 86.4. If these represented the average percentages 5 Age at Maturity of the Pacific Coast Salmon of the Genus Oncorhynchus, by Charies H. Gilbert. Bulletin, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXXII, rg12 (1914), p. 18 Washington, r913. 328 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. during the entire season we should have a considerable preponderance of males over females on the spawning beds and we should also have indicated a relatively earlier maturing of females than of males. Both of these results would be unexpected. While no determination has been made of the ratio of the sexes in dog-salmon fry, analogy with other species of salmon would make it appear probable that males and females are in approximately equal numbers at the time of hatching. If this be true, a final excess of males in the spawning run could only be brought about by selective mortality directed against the females. It does not seem probable that this exists. As regards an earlier maturing of the females than of the males, producing a heavier percentage of females in the younger groups, we can only note that this would be the reverse of what occurs in king salmon, sockeyes, and cchos. In the Bellingham material, previously referred to, we found 67 percent males and 33 per cent females, the proportion of males and females being approximately the same in the third and the fourth year groups. In Doctor Fraser’s material, the totals showed 59 per cent males and 41 per cent females. The Yukon specimens, 448 in number, contained 57.6 per cent males and 42.4 per cent females. The 3-year fish had 53.3 per cent males; the 4-year fish, 53.8 per cent; and the 5-year fish 67 per cent. SIZE AT MATURITY. The length azd weight frequencies are given in Tables 8 and 9, which follow. ‘These indicate unmistakably that the northern race is retarded in its growth and reaches a smaller size in each year class than is attained in Puget Sound and the Gulf of Georgia by fish of equal age. To compare with the average lengths of Yukon chums, we repeat below those given by Doctor Fraser based on Qualicum and Nanaimo material, As measurements of the latter were taken only to the base of the middle caudal rays and our measurements include the length of the middle rays themselves, we have added 714 per cent to Doctor Fraser’s measurements to make them comparable. TABLE $.—YuKON CHUM SALMON, 1920, GRouPED By AGE, SEX, AND LENGTH. Number of individuals in— Number of individuals in— eter Third year. | Fourth year. | Fifth year. Length, | Third year. | Fourth year. | Fifth year. : Fe- Fe- Fe- la Fe- ? Fe- Fe- Males, matles,| Males. Pearl Males. Sanit | Males. tntes! Males. ES Males, limaaless, — 2 —— es = ax inches........ | REA Real Cceree lapeeees 2ginches.........)....005 tage ns 2 Sitadelic 22 inches Cictell Ren cate eae lS seeene Pol Renn nA || 29.5 inches sisvace 2 i oes 22.sinches,......|....... BZ lieceee 7 P| bea eter goinches.........]...cse0feeenee I Panera 23 inches.. 2 sinters i II . |} 30.5 inches Et 23.5 inches a | I I 16 . || 3z inches Pe eer 24 inches. . oa Re | 3 31 I 3 || 31.5 inches Bites > sis< > 24.5 inche 4 | | 9 $I 6 25 inches.. | 10 14 I 8 Total) s: > — SAG ‘i *, . % >> = LA 7 Ww, ta Sb S =~ sn e, = % > (ge6-D0(]) “*et—-1e6r “ag Sl Ts JOJEM YSoasy UT sIPIA OM} YSIY AUT quods Surary ‘vad ynoy sutour tspunod 9 yystom ‘suop soyour z,fz ‘oTRIX ‘orér ‘of Ayn JOALQ, UOYNA YPNOUL wsoIy WaYLZ WOUTTES OYOI JO 9pPOS—sKe “OMT Hurary ‘avoA YY sit Ut {jjuoiedde ts oz6r ‘if A[NE JAIL UONNA YWOUL Uo UWOAL] UOULTLS OYOD JO Te IGS— "Oye “OMT "7 a ) I) LL Y) TE j Yi (926 -00q) | ‘z2-1z61 “Yd “§ “N “1d Butt. U. $. B. F., 1921-22. (Doc. 928.) I'iG. 290.—Scale of chum salmon taken trom mouth Yukon River July 2, 1920. Female. 23!2 inches long, weight 5 pounds; in its third year. (Doc. 928.) 5 [O2 1-22; UW. SB. Fs BULL. weight inches long, Male, 23 7, 1920 y 1 1 Yukon River Ju cale of chum salmon taken from mout! 292.5) Fic 6 pounds; in its third year. (Doc. y28.) ~~ veight 9 n from mouth Yukon River July 31, 1920 2 inches lon of chum salmon take scale ar, 3; in its fourth ye ound inches long, weight Female, 23 ium salmon taken from mouth Yukon River July 7, 19 of ch Seale a4 Fic. 2 5 pounds; in its fourth year F Bury. Us .S. B: Female, 26 inches long, weight 20. 2, 19 Fic. 296.—Scale of chum salmon taken from mouth Yukon River July 7 pounds; in its fifth year. Buty. U. S. B. F., ro21-22. (Doc. 928.) Tic. 297.—Seale of chum salmon taken from mouth Yukon River July 7, 1920. Vemale, 24!2 inches long, weight 7 pounds; in its filth year, ies) Buyt. U. S. B. F., 1921-22. (Doc. 928.) Fic. 208.—Sceale of chum salmon taken from mouth Yukon River July 7 ro pounds; in its filth year 1920. Male, $ inches long, weight 22. (Doc. 928.) 1921-2 BULLE. Uso: 3B: “2 Se almon taken inches long, Male, 27 6 pounds; in its fifth year. Female, 23 in fifth year weieht 9 pounds; i its ad Aj vas Sivad YANO] spt ur !SuUoT sayour s;4e ‘apeyy «Oz6r “BUIYOJEY 19}jB IARC ‘fr A[nf ART UOXNA YINour uroqy vox} UOULTS IAINIOs JO ayeoS—"zof “OL ‘BUO] sayour 2492 ‘aPR]Y “Oc6r 6 AT £ OLT \ \ il i = '¢ 7 (gz6 ‘a0qy) *zz-1z61 “YT -@ “SN “TINg