S621 •Z4 1913 Zerban, P V The salt marshes of the north coast of Porto Rico BULLETIN No. 4. April, 191:3. (English Edition.) EXPERIMENT STATION of the SUGAR PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION OF PORTO RICO. RIO PIEDRAS, P. R. The Salt Marshes of the North Coast of Porto Rico, By F. W. Zerban. THE TIMES PUBLISHING Co. 1913. SUGAR PRODUCERS' ASSOC \TION OF PORTO RICO. LIBRARY THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL U . BRONX, NEW YORK 1045J OFFICERS. Kamon Aboy Benitez .... President Antonio S. Alcaide ... Vice-President Agustin Navarrete Secretary DIRECTORS. A. J. Greif T. G. I. Waymouth Jorge Bird Arias L. H. Farnum Eduardo Giorgetti Lucas P. Valdivieso Kafael Fabian Arturo Quintero Luis Kubert EXPERIMENT STATION STAr F. J. T. Crawley Director D. L. Van Dine Entomologist J. R. Johnston Pathologist * W. B. Cady Chemist H. B. Cowgill Assistant Pathologist T. H. Jones Assistant Entomologist M. Cabrera Stenographer & Translator * F. W. Zerban, former chemist, resigned January 1, 1913. NEW YOl BOTANIC. GARDE* PREFACE Iii this publication are presented the results of an investigation which was proposed by Mr. Crawley, Director of this Station, and the writer wishes to express his thanks to him for many valuable sugges- tions made during the progress of the work. As probably some of the readers for whom this bulletin is prim- arily i nl ended may not be familiar with chemistry, the author has en- deavored to use chemical terms as little as possible. But the very nature of the subject is such that they cannot be entirely avoided; and for the benefit of those who have only a slight knowledge of such terms, a few explanations may not be out of place. Most agricultural workers nowadays know what is meant by those terms which designate the dif- ferenl chemical substances that form the important parts of soils, such as lime, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. But they may not be so well acquainted with some words from the7 chemical vocabulary which the writer has had to make use of in this publication. It would ob- viously be out of place here to attempt giving a detailed account of all these terms, and strict scientific accuracy will have to be sacrificed to brevity and conciseness. By the term "salt" which is so much used in this bulletin, the chemist designates a substance which may be considered as consisting of two components in a very firm combination. One of these compo- nents is usually some metal, as for instance sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminium, etc., and the other component is either a non-metalic element, as for instance chlorine, or a combination of such p non-metalic element with the element oxygen. The metals which are the elements characteristic of basic substances, like caustic soda or quick lime, are in this bulletin termed "basic radicles", and the other radicles which are characteristic of acids like carbonic, sulfuric, hydrochloric, etc.. are called "acid radicles". The combinations of basic and acid radicles are called salts, like sodium sulfate, calcium chloride, etc. One acid and one base may forjn several salts by combining in different well defined proportions. Thus sodium bicarbonate contains only one car- bonic acid radicle for one of sodium, whereas sodium carbonate has one for two of sodium. In chemical analysis it is necessary to "determine the acid radicles by themselves and the basic radicles by themselves, and their sum total gives the total quantity of salts present, which may exist there in a number of combinations. Thus, if we find in a given salt solution, sodium and potassium on the one hand, and sulfuric and hydrocholorie acids on the othe'r, we would have in the solution the four salts: sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, in certain proportions. In our analyses we give only the different radicles found without paying attention to their possible combinations which do not concern us much. These few words on the subject win probably suffice to give la those readers who are not familiar with chemistry, the necessary ex- planations. The writer is indebted, besides Mr. Crawley, to the following gentlemen who have rendered him assistance in this investigation; Mr. J. C. Howells, Irrigation Engineer; Mr. J. R. Johnston, Pathologist of this Station; Mr. E. E. Olding, formely manager of Central Cambala- che; Mr. H. Shapley, Chemist of Central Plazuela ; Mr. W. E. Hess, of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Mayaguez; Mr. Santiago Sifre, Administrator of Central Plazuela ; and Mr. Justiniano Santiago, Admi- nistrator of the Tiburones lands, managed by the Plazuela Sugar Com- pany. The writer wishes to express his thanks to all these gentlemen, whose help is greatly appreciated by him. rii Fable of. Contents. Page. Introduction 6 Character of soil, and its bearing on possible methods of amelioration 8 The salt content of the marsh soils, and its relation to the production of cane 14 A. Cano de Tiburones First series of analyses 21 Second series of analyses 3 1 Third series of analyses 37 B. Other marshes 39 reclamation of the marshes ....... 40 THE SALT MARSHES ON THE NORTH COAST OF PORTO RICO INTRODUCTION. With the ever increasing population in nearly all parts of the globe the demand for food stuffs is constantly rising and even the adoption of more intensive methods of cultivation has not been able to keep pace with it. Consequently, large stretches of land, which had formerly been thought to be unfit for the production of crops, have in recent times been taken into cultivation. Immense areas of slight rainfall in the western United States have been reclaimed for agricultural purposes, simply by providing them with drainage and irrigation. In northern Europe people found themselves obliged long ago to utilize marsh and moor lands which presented the most difficult problems in their reclamation. In Late years attention has been called to lands of a similar nature in the United States, especially in Wisconsin, Indiana, and in the Atlantic and Gulf States. It is true that in some of these cases, as for instance in Connecticut and New Jersey, the principal reason for the drying of these marsh areas was the fact that millions of mosquitoes annually breed in them, rendering all the surrounding country uninhabitable ; but even there the gain in arable land is no small item. The island of Porto Rico has, in proportion to its size, a considerable area of swamp and marsh lands. The good land which may be used profitably for the growing of sugar cane is practically all under cultivation now; prices of land are constantly rising, and thus the question has recently arisen as to whether the extended marshes, commonly called "poyales", which are found along the coast, may be made to produce cane at a profit, A beginning at reclamation has already been made in one of these marshes, and the studies reported on in this bulletin, have mainly been upon that particular marsh. There are several swamp areas of considerable extent on the north coast, and the one just mentioned is the largest of them all. It extends from the vicinity of Arecibo to the west to within a small distance of Barceloneta to the east, and is usually called the "Carlo de Tiburones" or "Laguna de Tiburones". The other marsh areas are from west to C3.ST ! Acreage 1) Laguna de Tortuguero and surrounding marshes, acrea- ge unknown. .... 2) Marshlands controlled by the San Vicente Sugar Com- pany 3) Palmas— Cienagade la Mar, mangrove landsand marshes 705 acres 4) Pueblo Viejo Abajo — Marsh lands bordering on the Bay of San Juan and the San Fernando Canal to the north: on Finca Canejas to the south: on Ensenadade la Crio- 11a, Rio Puerto Nuevo and Quebrada Margarita to the east; and on the San Fernando Canal to the west; acreage unknown. .... 5) Mangrove lands of Ensenada de Pueblo Viejo and Mar- tin Pefia Canal 726 " 6) Hoyo Mulas— Mangroveland on the westside of the La- guna de Mata Redonda, or Torrecilla 111 " 7) Mangrove lands of the Laguna San Jose, as far as the city limit of San Juan 127 :i 8) Mangiove lands of Boca Cangrejos 125 " 9) Cangrejos Arriba — Mangrove lands of the Laguna Ma- ta Redonda and the San Jose Canal 356 " 10) Mangrove lands of the Laguna Pifiones and the Hoyo Mulas Canal . 898 " 11) Mangrove lands of the Laguna Mata Redonda or To- rrecilla, Hoyo Mulas and Cangrejos canal 1252 •• 12) Barrio Cabezas— Mangrove lands and marshes 150 '' The foregoing list was furnished by the Department of the Interior of the Insular Government, and comprises the mangrove lands and marshes belonging to the People of Porto Rico, ami situated along Lie north coast of the island, according to the data found in the archives of the Department. Only the lands under No. 2 were added to this list by the writer, they having passed into private ownership. All these marsh and swamp lands are located only a short distance from the sea shore and separated from it usually by low sand bars or coral reefs. Some of them are still, directly or indirectly, connected with the sea, while others are completely isolated. In their natural state they are either covered with water or the ground water is quite near the surface. % The native vegetation of these marshes consists mainly of the following plants, which Mr. J. R. Johnston, Pathologist of this Station and Mr. W. E. Hess, of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Maya- giiez, have identified. In the Caho de Tiburones there were found, Melanthera aspera — Compositae ; Andropogon sp. — Gramineae ; Cono- carpus erectus — Combretaceae ; Lippia nodinora — Verbenaceae ; Polygala panniculata— Polygalaceae : Hydrocotyle sp. — Umbelliferae ; and one of the Cyperaceae (Johnston.) In the vicinity of the Laguna de San Jose the vegetation consisted of mangrove, polypodium and typical salt land ■.edges and rushes, (Hess). 8 CHARACTER OF SOIL, AND ITS BEARING ON POSSIBLE METHODS OF AMELIORATION. The soils of these marshes are of a very peculiar nature, and it was with the object of learning something definite about their physical and chemical characteristics, that the present investigation was undertaken; the ultimate object being, of course, to obtain data as to the best methods of improving them and of increasing their crop-producing power. The soil consists of two principal strata. The upper layer is a grayish black to black mass, formed of the debris of decaying vegetable matter. In some places the forms of decayed roots and other plant parts may be seen with the naked eye; in others a more complete decomposition has taken place and the soil presents the appearance of a fine humous mass. It is very porous and when partly dry feels quite elastic when stepped upon . Its depth in most places is at least several feet; only in a few locations is it as little as four inches. The amount of moisture in the soils in their natural state is exceedingly high, as is to be expected under the circumstances. The average moisture of 23 samples was found to be 83%, with a minimum of 77% and a maximum of 91%. The vegetable origin of the soil is evident from its appearance and from its chemical composition. The agricultural analyses of six samples, by the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, gave the following figures : TABLE I. (1) (2) (3) (4) Moisture, in fresh state 88.869! Moisture, air dry 17.82 Insoluble residue .71 Volatile matter 87.06 Oxide of iron and alumina 1.61 Lime 5.58 Magnesia 1.70 Potash 0.09 Phosphoric acid 0.05 Calcium carbonate 3.45% Lime, not in form of carbonate, . 3.65 Total nitrogen 2 09 Humus 34.38 Humus nitrogen .91 % of humus 2.65 (5) Moisture, in fresh state 82.41% air dry 12.96 Insoluble residue 16.16 Volatile matter 60.85 Oxide of iron and alumina 9.38 Lime, 11.22 Magnesia 0.52 Potash 0.23 Phosphoric acid 0.13 Calcium carbonate 12.55% Lime not in form of carbonate. . 3.19 Total nitrogen 1.63 Humus , 25.42 Humus nitrogen 1.00 % of humus 3.93 These samples came from the following locations': No. 1 Caiio de Tiburones, Colonia A, Pieza 1, to 12 in. depth. No. 2 San Vicente, Guarico, Surface soil. No. 3 Tortuguero, Surface soil. No. 4 Carlo de Tiburones, Cambalaehe property, Pieza 2, to 2ft depth. No. 5 Cano de Tiburones, Cambalaehe property, Pieza 4, to 2ft. depth. No. 6 Cano de Tiburones, Cambalaehe property, Pieza 5, to 2ft. depth. The average moisture content of the six samples in their natural 77.01% 91.20% 78.66% 17.23 11.78 16.56 8.94 21.06 3.75 81.64 56.96 81.88 4.39 4.53 2.65 3.30 12 63 8.53 0.65 0.59 0.85 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.05 0.06 0.24 2.65' 7.78% 1.82 4.18 1.92 2.82 37.82 30.73 1.82 1.65 4.81 5.38 (6) Average 85.01% 83.86% 15.37 15.79 4.53 9.69 77.05 72.57 4.69 4.54 10.63 8.65 0.51 0.80 0.25 0.20 0.11 0.11 12.58% 7.80% 2.59 3.09 2.69 2.27 30. 79 31.83 1.75 1.43 5.68 4.49 10 state is almost 84%, and even when air dry they still retain 15.79% of moisture j it is quite probable though that part of this loss of weight on drying is due to decomposition of the organic matter. Almost three fourths (72.57%) of the perfectly dry substance volatilizes upon igni- tion. Most of this volatile matter is of an organic nature, since the loss due to the presence of hydrated silicates, oxide of iron and alumina, and that due to carbon dioxide, cannot be very high. Thus the soils are by their chemical analysis also characterized as of vegetable origin. No. 1 is typical of these soils. The residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid amounts to less than 1%, and the rest of the inorganic material is principally calcium and magnesium carbonate. The soils are well provided with carbonate of lime and the quantity of magnesia is quite small as compared with that of lime. As regards the other plant food ingredients, we find the percentage, of potash and of phosphoric acid to be rather small, while the nitrogen is exceedingly high. This we would naturally expect to be the case in a soil of this character. However, the actual percentages calculated on the perfectly dry soils would be entirely misleading, should we base any conclusions on them regarding their crop producing power, hi the tropics, 0.2% of potash and 0.1% of phosphoric acid would, in an otherwise good mineral soil, be considered quite sufficient. But if we calculate the actual quantity of plant food per acre foot of this vegetable soil, we find that the quantities of potash and phosphoric acid arc exceedingly small, as may be seen from the following consideration. The volume weight of the soil, i. e., the weight per unit volume in its natural state, in five samples, was found to be 1.06 on the average, therefore the weight per acre foot amounts to a little less than 3,000,000 pounds. Since 100 parts of soil contain only 16.14 parts of solid material, the total weight of solid material per acre foot is roughly 500.000 pounds. One tenth of one per cent of this is equal to 500 pounds, and we thus find that the soil contains on an average only 500 pounds of phosphoric acid and 1,000 pounds of potash per acre foot, and all of this is probably not immediately available for the crop. The nitrogen, however, amounts to 11,000 pounds per acre foot, and 7,000 pounds of this are found in the humus matter alone. According to Hilgard. the uitrogen that is not found existing in the humus, is of practically no value to growing crops, only the humus nitrogen being used in nitrification. Hilgard also maintains that the percentage of nitrogen in the humus should not be below 4' /', , as otherwise the soil may become "nitrogen hungry". Whether this is true in the case of these soils, remains to he seen; at all events the average percentage of nitrogen in the humus is above 1', . and moreover, the actual quantity of humus nitrogen per acre fool in our soil is higher than in 63 out of 72 soils quoted hy Hilgard. 11 The subsoil of this marsh is a white or yellow mass of loamy con- sistency, and has the following composition : TABLE II (1) (2) (3) (4) Moisture, in fresh state 58.80% 55.73 42.21 66.38 Moisture, air dry 2.69 1.88 2.62 3.72 Insoluble residue U.33 0.27 1.88 0.26 Carbon dioxide 41.78 39.41 38.19 37.0i Volatile matter not carbon I g 3g Q() 1Q4& t 3 dioxide ) Oxide of iron and alumina 0.85 0.61 1.26 0.14 Lime 51.22 4b. 41 45.50 44.14 Magnesia 1.40 1.25 2.22 2.1-2 Potash 0.07 U.07 0.06 0.0F CANE. In an ordinary marsh, drainage is provided with the main object of removing the surplus water, and of reducing the moisture to such an extent that the physical, chemical, and biological processes, without which the soil cannot support the growth of cultivated plants, may take place normally. But in two other large classes of soils, namely, the marine saline lands, and the alkali lands, the establishment of a good drainage system is necessary for another most important reason. While these two soil groups show certain differences in their nature and origin, the soluble salts which arc characteristic of both, are qualitatively identical, and the object of reclamation is essentially the same in both eases. The dominanl feature of these soils is the comparatively high quantity of soluble salts 15 found in them. The most common of these salts is sodium chloride, but besides this we may find, and often do find, the chlorides of calcium, potas- sium and magnesium, and the sulfates, bicarbonates and carbonates of these four metals. AVe hardly ever find only one salt present in any one soil, but usually most or all of them in varying proportions. Most cultivated plants are unable to grow in soils that are heavily charged with salts. The injury produced is due to direct as well as indirect causes. There is a direct corrosive action on the roots; and there are also produced, through the salts that are taken up by the plant, certain disturbances of the natural biological processes. Among the indirect effects of alkali one of the most important probably is that on nitrificalioji. Lipman (*) has found that nitrification does not proceed normally when the concentration of sodium carbonate in the soil reach.es 0.025%. Sodium chloride is less toxic, and nitrification is quite normal up to a concentration of 0.1 r; of this salt, while the quantity of sodium sulfate may reach even 0.35% without ill effects. The effect of salts on a rnmonifieation is of a different order, sodium chloride being the most toxic and sodium carbonate the least. These results are most important and they may partly explain the favorable effect of lime salts in salt lands. They counteract the influence of the other salts with the result that nitrification may proceed normally, which it could not do in the presence of the other salts by themselves. If it is intended to use salt lands for agricultural purposes, the salts must be partly or wholly removed. In some cases certain measures will produce a considerable improvement, for instance the application of calcium sulfate which counteracts the effects of other salts and converts sodium carbonate into the less toxic sulfate, under the formation, at the same time, of insoluble calcium carbonate. But such measures as these will be effective in rare cases only. There is only one method which will absolutely and permanently reclaim the better of these lands, and this is an efficient system of drainage in connection with irrigation to leach out the salts. There exist great differences in the tolerance of plants for different salts, and in that of different plants for the same salt. The limits of salt content also vary with the character of the soil. In general it may be said that sodium carbonate is the most toxic of all salts; the upper limit tolerated, for instance, by cereals in a sandy loam soil, is about 0.1 % ; sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are less toxic, and the maximum for sodium chloride is, under the above conditions, 0.25%. Sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate are still less harmful than the former, the limit of sodium sulfate being about 0.45 to 0.5% (1). Calcium salts are the least toxic of all and rather large (1) Centr. Bakt. Parasitenk.. IT. Abt., Vol. 33, pp. 305-313. ~W Hilgard, "Soils", p. 464. 16 quantities of these salts are readily tolerated. For other plants and in other soils these figures may vary to a greater or less extent. The conditions are much more complicated where we find mixtures of the different salts in the »drae soil. If the effect of the different salts were simply additive, then we could easily calculate what their total effect would be. But the effect of one salt not only does not intensify the action of others, but en the contrary there are certain salts which will counteract the effect of others. Thus sulfates in general will mitigate the effects of carbonates, bicarbonates and chlorides, and calcium salts in general will counteract sodium and magnesium salts. For this reason it is sometimes very difficult to interpret the results of analyses of soluble salts contained in a given soil. While some plants are quite resistant to the effect of soluble salts, others are easily harmed by even small amounts. There are certain grasses and other plants that grow well only in places highly impregnated with salt, But they are very few. Among cultivated plants, beets, barley and asparagus are most resistant. Another important point is, that plants usually are much less resistant when young than after they have fully developed and are naturally stronger. Thus the salt content of a soil may, during the growth of a plant decidedly increase, without detriment to the plant, and finally reach a concentration which would have killed the plant in the earlier stages of its growth. A good example of this behavior is alfalfa which shows little resistance to salts when young, but wbicb will stand enormous amounts in subsequent years without showing signs of injury. Tbe character of the soil is also very important in this connection. In stiff soils the tolerance for salts is usually much less than in light soils which can be more easily cultivated, thus helping the plant in its attempt to resisl the effeet of the salts. Tn soils high in carbonate of lime the different salts are less injurious than in those devoid of lime, because, as we have already seen, lime salts counteract the effect of sodium and magnesium salts. A high nitrogen content in soils is also helpful against the bad effect of salts in the soil. Having thus reviewed the effects of salts in soils in a general way we sliall now turn to the sugar cane in particular which is the natural crop for the coast lands of Porlo Rico. As the cane is not grown for its total weight but for the sugar contained in it. we have to make a distinc- tion between tbe influence of salts on the growth of the cane and that of its composition. There is an apparent difference of opinion among authors concern- ing the effect of salt on the srrowth of the cane. Some say that cane will thrive on soils impregnated with salt (1). Tn Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad (1) Journal d' Agriculture Tropicale, Vol. 1. p. 145. 17 and Demerara it has been found that an occasional flooding with sea water or the application of sodium chloride in certain fields is quite beneficial. This fact is explained by Prinsen Geerligs (1) on the ground that a treatment with sodium chloride renders the potash, lime and magnesia contained in the soil more available, as was proven by experiments made by himself and also by studies made, independently, by Eckart (2). It is also a well known fact of plant and animal physiology that certain substances when applied in large doses, are toxic to plants and animals, but have, when used in small quantities, quite the opposite effect and rather act as stimulants. While it is thus true that sodium chloride in small quantities may be quite beneficial in soils with low chlorine content and with small percentages of available potash and lime, it is equally true that there is a certain limit above which sodium chloride becomes detrimental to the growth of cane. On the basis of many analyses Maxwell arrived at the conclusion that in ordinary soils percentages of sodium chloride exceeding 0.15% (0.09% of chlorine) will prevent the normal growth of cane (3). In soils which are w7ell provided with nitrogen the chlorine content may go higher than 0.15% of sodium chloride without causing any harm. If the chlorine is combined mainly with calcium it may also reach higher figures than 0.09%. Eckart concludes from the analyses of several Hawaiian soils that "where the salt content of the soil reaches over 0.1% (0.06% of chlorine) an injurious effect is produced on the cane." (4). Figures on the tolerance of cane for other salts, like sulfates, carbonates and bicarbonates are still lacking and carefully controlled experiments will have to be made to find out how much of the different salts, by themselves and in mixtures, the cane will stand without harmful effects. In the meantime we shall have to content ourselves with observations made with soils and canes in the field. A beginning in this direction has already been made at this Station and these studies are being continued. From the results obtained so far it seems that the limit of endurance for sodium chloride in our mineral soils is about the same as that found by Maxwell and Eckart in Hawaii ; but it also appears that cane in its later stages of growth may stand much higher quantities cf salt without visible injury. It has been said above that not only the growth of the cane is affected by the presence of salts but that its composition is also largely influenced by it, This is well shown by the results of field experiments made at the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' As- sociation. A comparison of two plots, one of them irrigated with fresh water and the other with salt water containing 200 grains of salt [1J Intern. Sugar Journal, 1905. [2] Expt. Sta. of Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assn., Eeport for 1902. [3] Office of Expt. Stations, Bull 90, p. 17. [4] Expt. Sta. of Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assn. Special Bull. B, p. 51. 18 per U. S. gallon (3428 parts per million), gave the following results (1) TABLE III. N«? Quality of water Brix Sucrose Glucose Purity Salt, grs per gallon. Tons cane. Sucrose in cane. Sugar per acre, Tons 1 2 Fresh Salt 20.3 15.9 18.9 0.31 13.8 0.28 93.2 86.8 16.17 173.67 76 15 16.9 12.35 12.8 1.86 Similar results were obtained in comparing two plats which received an occasional heavy irrigation, as may be seen from table IV I1). TABLE IV. N9 Quality of water Brix Sucrose Glucose Pin ity Salt, grs per gallon 14.24 180.6 Tons cane Sucrose in cane 16.7 12.5 .Sugar per acre Tons 3 4 Fresh Salt 20.0 16.1 18.7 14.0 0.29 0.27 93.4 87.1 91.5 31.25 15.3 3.9 It appears from these two tables that salt accumulated in the soil, besides preventing the normal growth of the cane, also affects its composi- tion in a most deleterious manner. It was further shown in the experiments just mentioned that lime applied to soil which is impregnated with salt will help much toward saving the crop; while the growth of the cane is still greatly impeded, its composition becomes normal. The application of nitrogen in the form of dried blood had the same effect as lime. Some analyses made in this laboratory also tend to show that a high salt content in the soil depresses the sucrose content and purity of the juice in the cane. The analyses of the respective soils and canes follow : [11 Expt, Sta. of H. S. P. A., Bulletin 11. 19 TABLE V. Series I. Central "Mercedita". Carbonic acid, (Co 3) Bicarbonic acid, as(HCO 3) 2 Chlorine Sulfuric acid, as SO 4 Calcium Magnesium Potassium Sodium Soil N.412% Maxwell gives some further figures (*) on the influence of the salt content of the soil on the yield of sugar. They show clearly that the sugar production decreases with a rising salt content of the soil: Cane N 40 to 50 5 " 7 1500, S. 12.0 " 37.00 29.80^) 40 to 50 — 8 2400, 8. 14.0 " — — — 30 — Note (1) Second ratoon. (2) Third (3) Fifth On examiation of the general condition of the cane and of the amount of infestation by diseases and insects, Mr. Johnston reported the following facts: No. 1. Very small amount of root disease and very few insects. No root grubs. A good root system developed, but many of the roots dead. No. 2. Good deal of root fungus. Roots well developed. Root hairs in pretty good shape. Cane about fair. No. 3. Much root fungus. Root system only fair, root hairs in poor condition; many dead and dry shoots, probably due to soil conditions. No. 4. Worse than No. 3. Great deal of root disease. Well developed root system, but many dead roots. Root hairs scarce. No. 5. Some root disease. Root system fairly good, plenty of root hairs. No. 6. Very small amount of root disease. Very good root system and root hairs. No. 7. No signs of root disease. Roots and root hairs in excellent condition. No. 8. Some root fungus. But roots well developed and root hairs in good condition. The condition of the root system is considered of more importance than the presence or absence of root fungi or insects. The abundance of root hairs in good condition determines the ability of the plant to assimilate sufficient water for its needs. The other samples mentioned on page 21, and taken by the writer, comprised the following : No. 9. In Colonia A, field No. 1; about 12000 meters from the central factory; the soils from this place are typical marsh soils and their agricultural analyses have been given in the preceding chapter. The first of the 3 samples represents the surface stratum, about four inches thick, and consists of a mixture of the black vegetable mould and 21 the white marl. Its agricultural analysis is given on page (12). The next sample is the black vegetable mould itself, found in the same place, from four to twelve inches depth ; it is the soil whose analysis is found on page (9), table I, under No. 1. The ground water in this place is about 18 inches below the surface. The last of the three samples is the white marl, the agricultural analysis of which may be seen on page (11), table II, un.ier No. 3. The cane in this field absolutely refused to grow in some places, and in others the little cane there was, showed a very stunted growth and a yelJowish appearance. No. 10. is situated in "Paja", tablon 3, about 2500 meters from the factory. The cane at this place was not very vigorous, yielding only about 20 tons per acre; it was evidently suffering, in spite of the fine composition of the soil itself which has 1.51% of lime, 0.42% of potash, 0.17% of phosphoric acid and 0.38% of nitrogen. The surface soil was six inches deep, and the subsoil was sampled to the depth of eighteen inches. No. 11 is the Experimental Field near the factory between the two places where samples Nos. 5 & 6 were collected. The cane is quite healthy here, but the yields are not very good. The soil was sampled to the depth of twelve inches, the subsoil from twelve to twenty four inches. All the soil samples described were, in the fresh state, analysed for moisture, carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides and sulfates, and the results .are given in table VIII. None of the samples showed any alkaline carbonates; but they have a slight alkalinity due to the presence of bicarbonates which are, in a strictly chemical sense, acid salts, however salts of a very strong base and a \^ry weak acid, so that the character of the former predominates. 25 TABLE VIII. Water soluble constituents in Plazuela soils, on moisture free basis, in per cent. SERIE I. Bicarbonates. Clorine Sulfates (HCO 3) 2 CI 2 SO 4 N° 1 Soil .149 .137 .015 N° 1 Subsoil .215 .180 .033 N° 2 Soil .084 .043 .014 NP 2 Subsoil .090 .354 .035 Ns carbonic acid, and being redeposited as normal calcium carbonate. Naturally, chlorides and sulfates are mixed with it, having risen to the surface through the same forces as the calcium bicarbonate. It is important to note that in the incrustation of the first type, the sulfuric acid radicle, S04, amounts to less than 9% of the total water soluble acid radicles, whereas in that of the second type its quantity is 37% of the total. Again, in the different soil samples of the first series, the same relation ranges from 6 to 9%, and in those of the second from 21 to as much as 78%, as Ave shall see from the analyses given further on. Having pointed out these important differences in the characteristics of the areas investigated, we shall now examine in detail the results of the study of the Tiburones swamp lands. As before, we shall again give the results of the field investigations in tabular form. We have stated above that the samples were taken along a cross section of the swamp, at a right angle with its longitudinal axis, beginning at the north border of the swamp and proceeding south to its south border. Towards the two sides the land is higher than towards the center of the marsh, as may be judged from the water levels given in table XII. Column 1 of this indicates the distance of each location from the edge of the field lying next to the north border of the swamp ; column 2 gives the height of the water level, and column 3 the condition of the cane growing at the point where the sample was taken. 34 TABLE XII. NO 1 2 3 Distance from Water level Condition of cane, and remarks North end 1 57 meters 2.5 ft. Good cane, dark green foliage; 7 monts old, 6 ft. high. 2 410 " 2.0 ft. Medium fair cane, not as gren as N° 1; leaves at base dried up: 5 mo. old, 4.5 ft. high. 3 783 " 15 in- Weak, sickly cane, leaves yellow; 3 to 4 mo. old, 18 in. high; surface incrustation. 4 1025 " 15 in. Cane dying; leaves yelow; 3 to 4 mo. old, 15 in. high; surface incrustation. 5 1410 " 18 in. Better cane, leaves green; 5 mo old 2.5 to 3 feet high. In table XIII are given the results of the analyses of the two samples, representing the first and scond foot respectively, of each location. The average figures for the entire depth of two feet are also given, as in this loose soil the roots of the cane will penetrate beyond the first foot. The first column of table XIII indicates bicarbonates calculated as bicarbonie acid ion, (HC03) 2, as has been done before; column 2 gives the chlorine (C12), the third the sulfuric acid ion (S04), the fourth the sum total of acid radicles, and the fifth the sum of bicarbonie acid and chlorine. The reason for this arrangement will soon be apparent. TABLE XIII. WATER SOLUBLE CONSTITUENTS IN TIBURONES SOILS, ON MOISTURE FREE BASIS, IN .%; SERIES II. (HC03)2 CI 2 SO 4 Total (HC0 3)2 Acid Rad. +C1 2 N«? 1 1 foot .088 .112 .980 1.179 .200 „ „ 2 feet .080 .189 .658 .927 .269 Average W 2, 1 foot ,, ,, 2 feet Average N