Next Scheduled Meeting: Place: Specimen Exchange Group: Topic Taxonomic Group: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF MARINE INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGISTS February 1983 Vol. 1, March 14, 1933 Marine Biological Consultants 947 Newhall Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Turridae Cephalaspidean Molluscs MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 14, 1983 Curator Committee : Our voucher collection is almost ready to be assembled. Alcohol and bottles have been delivered, compli - jnenlLS__Qt Los Ang eles County Sanitation Disrricts. All that^ is needed nov? is the printing of the labels. New Literature: The latest re^^’^ision of Fhoxocephalidae is out and available from the Smithsonian Institution: Barnard and Barnard. 1983. Revision of Foxiphalus anc Eobrolgus (Crustacea;Amphipoda:Fhoxocephalidae) from American Oceans. Smithsonian Contribution to Zoclogv No. 372. Another recei'it pablication from the National Museums of Canada is available and also several copies will be offered at the literature auction in the March meeting: Studies on Amphipcd Crustaceans of the Northeastern Pacific Region. I. 1. F’aFiil/ Ampe 1 is cidae, Genus Ampelisca; J.J. Dickinson. 2. Family Arrpithcidae; K.E. Coni an and E.T.. Ecus fie id. 3. Family Acridae? K.E. Ccrlan and E.L. Bousfield. February 1983 Vol. 1, No. 11 4. Family Lysianassidae, Genus Hippomedon; N.E. Jarrett and E.L. Bousfield. National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Publications in Biological Ocean¬ ography, No. 10. 1982. List of February 14 Topic Species; (Note the voucner sheets on on these organisms will be presented in next month’s Newsletter. ) Marphysa stylobranchiata Ninoe sp. A Lumbrineris tetraura Lumbrineris laetrile Lumbrineris sp, Fragmented Lumbrineris Specimens; Because specimens of Lumbriner is are fragmented more often than not, some method of grouping the fragments in more categories than "spp.” allows. The following chart is the recommended way to group the various kinds of Lumbrineris specimens. Lumbrineris fragments Type of Anterior Hooded Hooks Acicular Color Group I Compound Yellow Group II Compound Black Group III Simple Yellow Group IV Simple Black Meetings and Announcements; On request from SCAMIT members, you will find notices of SCAS meeting (even if you missed the call for abstracts, please plan to attend). Biological Society of Washington, and a Pettibone reprint. New Ideas are Needed: This Newsletter reaches all of our members who have good ideas. In the past, SCAMIT has received excelent recommendations on various issues and we want to encourage it. So, please, what do you have to say about: - 2 - A February 1983 Vol. 1, No. 11 Fund Raising; After using another video display system all afternoon (compliments of Olympus this time) it was apparent that we need one of these items. They cost about $500,00 which is cost prohibitive for the current treasury. Are there any ideas on how to raise $500.00 so SCAMIT can acquire a video system by summer? Provisional Nomenclature: It was suggested that we adopt a system of letter designations for distinct species (sp. A) and numeric for vague or one time only occurring indi¬ viduals (sp. 1). Also, should we have a meeting specifi¬ cally intended to allow intercalibration of provisional names such as Photis sp. A, Lumbrineris sp.D,? In acccordance with SCAMIT’s constitution, it is time to elect new officers. Candidates were nominated in February (all are in¬ cumbents). The votes will be tallied in March and the new term of office will begin in April, Please send in your ballot to 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. PRESIDENT JOHN SHISKO { ) WRITE-IN C ) VICE PRESIDENT TONY PHILLIPS ( ) WRITE IN ( ) SECRETARY/TREASURER ANN MARTIN ( ) WRITE IN < ) JO[N THE BIOLOQICAJL SOCIETY of WASHINQTON A Society for AH Systematic Biologists BENEFITS Subscription to the ProcecdinKS of the Biological Society of Washington, published quarterly Subscription to Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washing¬ ton, published irregularly Symposium: The llydrolhermal Vents of the East Pacific, at meeting with the American Society of Zoologists, Phila¬ delphia, 26-30 December 1983 PROCEEDINGS 'I’he Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington is an established journal of international scope for the publication of systematic papers in the biological sciences, Volume 94 for 1981 contained 108 refereed original papers and comprised more than 1300 pages. The Proceedings are indexed in Current Contents, ASFA, and BIOSIS. ANNUALDUES :^l5.oo INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES $18.00 within United States $23.00 elsewhere now TO JOIN Complete and mail in application on reverse APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Name and .... Mailing Address BACK ISSUE INFORMATION Back Issues ol the Proceedings, Biological Sociely of Washington are available at 5* per page. The following bulletins may be ordered; No. 2 The Pariamlc Biota; Some Observations Prior to a Sea-level Canal (Symposium). Meredith L. Jones, Editor. 1972, Price; $5.50. No. 3 Symposium on the Composition and Evolution of Crustaceans In the Cold and Temperate Waters of the World Ocean, Austin B Williams, Editor. 1979. Price: $11.00. No. 4 "The Biological Society of Washington; A Centennial History 1800-1980" by John W, Aldrich. 1980 Price: $2.00. All prices include mailing costs. Membership applications, changes of address, back issue orders and checks should be serrl to: Treasurer Biological Society of Washington Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center Washington, D C. 20560 U S A. AWNOUNCEMENT The only recent large-scale review of polychaetes from the Mew England region of the Atlantic Ocean, Marian Pettibone’s New England polychaetes, has long been out of print. It fs being reprinted and will be available for issue in September 1983. The paper in question is: Pettibone, Marian H., 1963. Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region. 1. Aphroditidae through Trochochaetidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 227{1 ):1 -356, 83 figures. The price per copy will be $20,00 if ordered before 20 September 1983 and $25.00 later. Payment (in dollars) (mist accompany each order. Orders should be sent to Dr. Kristian Eauchald, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560- Checks should be made out to the Smithsonian Institution and marked "Pettibooe Reprint”. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - OUE MARCH 1 V, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ’T title of your, paper -^la.lowet caaO A' v ' '7t f.YOUR NAME (Irt^caps • do not .Include addtelia) r'A'..vA ^v| 1 Drop doVTi four aptcea and’type thA body 6t abatritt. space yoilr copy. Hate your, abstract aucelnct and t6 the pblnk and ' keep it preferably to ISO but no noti than 200 words. So that ydut ^'.’i ’ abatract can be reproduced from the copy yhu send Ini'pleAse, it ' " vpoaalbla, uaa elccttlc typewriter with elite type And carboh ribbonj. .but in any paac, wika aura that the ribbdn la freah And thk,type ' clean. Make aura your copy la both acdutate and neat| And ifcall ,it‘2. ', ..flat.r ; ii:. ^,j-w f,> "[Wy]-- n: •' v/ BOTh (1) .'And (2),arA 4ue by MARCH 1 to^the FrogrAm.ChAirmahiVi'r^i' . 'I '..i T ' ' ■ ^ , f Dr. Lon HcClanahan ' ' T . * V•' -I; 1. VI.*'' • , . V ■ . ■ L - ■ ' DepartPient of Biology T t-A A'' ; • , , [ ' ;;/f Cal ifornia State UnlvetAlty ‘. -V’ »• , ' ■ / ■ - • ■ ' Fullerton, CA 926 3A ' ’ A V * v.ft'" V ■ ' ' Tel; (714) 7^3-3668 f A iA -•••s-S-'V-v ■ Mall them directly td hlti, except As followi; .i n ;" ? . T American Cetacean Society —by Feb- 25 to Rafe Payne, Dept', of Biology, BlolA it University, 13800 Blala Ave.,La Mirada,CA 90639.Tel.‘(2l3)944-035l;ext.3405: Folklore & Hythology- ^by Feb. 25 to Frances Tally, Center for Folklore A Myth-./.j ology, UCLA.Loa Angeles, CA 90024. Tel; (213) 825-2524. , '• 'V ; Social 6 Behavioral Sclencca (including Anthropology, Sociology, Paychoiogy) hyi Feb. 25 to Ken Kuykendall, ttept, of Anthropology, Calif.StatA Unlveraity.j, 'V Dominguez llilla, Carson, CA 90747. Tell (213) 516-3483 (or 516-3443),' .j.