^ //^?3 December ^982 Voi, I No. 9 Next Scheduled l^eeting: Place: Guest Speaker: Specimen Exchange Group: Topic Taxonomic Group: January 17, 1982 Marine Biological Consultants 947 Newhall Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Steve Long: "Another Coding System" Eunicidae and Lumbriner1dae Glyceridae, Goniadidae, Onuphidae MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 13, 1982 Curator's Report : Dave Montagne reported that progress is being made toward collecting supplies for the voucher museum. Also they are develop¬ ing labeling requirements for the voucher collection. Another project that is being considered is a volume of local amphipod literature in a fashion similar to Hartman's treatment of the polychaetes. Hcpefully the amphipods will be first in a series of SCAMIT publications. All ideas are welcomed concerning format and content. An example of one format under consideration is included in this newsletter. Please comment. Literature Committee : A new polychaete article has been published by the Smithsonian Press. The article is; Fauchald. 1982. Revision of Qnuphis , Nothria . and Paradiopatra (Polychaeta:0nuphIdae) based on type material. Smithsonian Contribution to Zoology No. 356. Copies can be obtained through Mr. Tart of the Smithsonian Press at (202) 357-1993. Literature on Solemya reidt was available as well as an example. Now those people involved in sewage monitoring that frequently encounter this familar critter will give it the proper name. Data Handling of Species at Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, by April Ford: The LACSD's data management system is,primarily designed to encode frequency data from the benthic sampling* trawl, and rocky subtidal programs. Species are designated by a 5 digit code which reflects its taxonomic position and abundance is designated by a 5 digit code for a total of 9 species is allotted for a single entity. All these data are hand coded onto appropriate coding sheets which are sent to keypunch for entry onto floppy discs. This discs are entered into a time sharing system. The user can store, edit, compile, run and test jobs (data and programs); results are printed either at the terminal and/or a high speed printer which gives hard copy. An interface program exists so that LACSD data, in ECOSTAT card image format, can be input into other software packages such as BMPP and SAS. Data is stored both in the online system and on permanent tapes. Backup storage includes the floppy discs, coding sheets and original data sheets. Twelve-Month SCAM IT Calendar: _ 'he agenda committee revised the tentative calendar established last April. Polychaetes have been de- emphasized in favor of other phyla that need attention. The following is the new tentative calendar: December exchange/January topic: January exchange/February topic: February exchange/March topic: March exchange/April topic: April exchange/May topic: May exchange/June topic: June exchange/July topic: July exchange/August topic: Glyceridae, Eoniadidae, Onuphidae Eunicldae, Lumbrineridae Cephalaspidea Turridae Cnidaria and Holothuria Arabellidae, Lysaretidae, Iphitimidae and Oorvi11eidae Eusiroidea (Eusiridae, Pleustidae, Paramphithoidae, Bateidae, Sti1ipedidae, Iphimedidae, Stegocephalidae) Cumacea and Ostracoda - 2 - August exchange/September topic: September exchange/October topic: October exchange/November topic: November exchange/December topic: December exchange/January 83 topic: January 83 exchange/February 83 topic; List of Species from November Exchange: PIatynereis bicaniculata Nephtys cornuta fransicana Gymnonereis cross landi Ag]aophamus dicirris Exogone gemmifera Ehlersia heterochaeta Haplosyl1is spongicola Nephtys caecoides Orbinidae and Paraonidae *^ Poi ydora-Boccard i a' ' comp 1 ex Tel 1inidae Thyasirldae, Ungulinidae, Leptonidae, Montacutidae and Kelliidae Ophiuroidea Spionidae (except "Po)ydora") - 3 “ Argissa hamatlpes (Norman, 1869} APGISSIDAE Arglssa hamatipes ARGISv^JDAE Norman, A.M. 1869- Shetland final dredging report, Part II: on the Crustacea, Tunicata, Polyzoa, EchinoderTnata, Actinozoa, Ilydrozoa, and Porifera. Report of the 38th Ileeting of the Brit¬ ish Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 247-336 (a# Syrrhoe ), ^ Synonymy - Has not appeared under any other name locally. Primary Diagnostic Characters - eye round, diffuse, enclosing four large ommatidal pairs placed on eye margin at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o' clock: true of both sexes. figures from Bousfield, 1973, pit- XX(2) t = telson U3 = tliird uropod Pertinent literature descriptions or records - Barnard, 1962c: p-lSl, 1969a: p.150, fig.65; Bousfield, 1973: p.l21- 122, plt.XX(2); Etebbing, 1906: p.276- 277, fig,70. Sexual dimorphism - pronounced poster¬ iorly pointed tooth present on 2nd and 3rd urosomal segments; these are absent in , altliough posterior margin of 2nd urosome may be somewhat pointed. Additional comments - animals almost invariably preserved in position shown in figure, although very occasionally one will have dorsum flexed in the other direction. The animal is trans¬ lucent to opaque white, both in alcoliol and formalin. Eye color is initially bright red to orange, fading rapidly (2-5 days depending on preservative strength) to vitreous transparency. Enlarged onunatidal pairs are difficult to detect unless light is directed obliquely across them. Slowly manipu¬ late specimens, rotating them with respect to light source until refract¬ ion causes lenticular ommatida to "glow". Reported range on west coast of North America - boreal to subtropical, at leash from Oregon (Barnard, 1971) to the Gulf of California, 0 - 1096 m (Barnard, 1979). Ecology - Barnard (1962c) reports the highest density along 20 m depth con¬ tour. The species is not characteristic of harbor and bay faunas, being more common offshore.