Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, California 90731 May, 2002 SCAMIT NeWSlcttCr Vo1.21,No. l SUBJECT: Aseidians GUEST SPEAKER: none DATE: 17 June 2002 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: City of San Diego Marine Biology Lab 4918 N. Harbor Dr. #201 Octopus sp. CSD E-9(2)4April 02,381ft Photo by Sarah Douglas, 5/02 Ron Velarde began the meeting, and the first order of business was to announee the SCAMIT eleetion results. Leslie Harris had tallied the ballots and the offieers are as follows: Seeretary, Megan Lilly; Treasurer, Cheryl Brantley; Viee President, Leslie Harris; and the offiee of president has ehanged hands and our new president is Kelvin Barwiek of the City of San Diego. I think that SCAMIT owes Ron Velarde a heart-felt thanks for his many, MANY years of tireless and dedieated serviee in the offiee of president. We would also like to weleome Kelvin and look forward to seeing what his leadership will bring to the membership. Thanks to Riek Rowe (CSD) the 20th anniversary t-shirts have been eompleted!! They were a big hit at the party on June 1. There are however, some still remaining and they will be available for purehase through FUNDS FOR THIS PUBLICATION PROVIDED, IN PART BY THE ARCO FOUNDATION, CHEVRON, USA, AND TEXACO INC. SCAMIT Newsletter is not deemed to be valid publieation for formal taxonomie purposes. May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 speeifie request, either on the web-site or through one of the offieers; the details of this are still being ironed out and will be announeed in the next newsletter. Our initial guest speaker for the day was Mario Londono. Mario is a graduate student under Sergio Salazar-Vallejo at ECOSUR in Chetumal Mexieo and is looking at the polyehaetes of the Carribean. He is partieularily interested in the Terebellid genus Spinoferra. One of Mario’s goals is to standardize the eharaeters of the worms of the Carribean in order to improve the deseriptions of many speeies. He stated that there are many speeies in the Carribean that are at the moment eonsidered the same as those oeeuring in the Paeifie. One example of this would be a Spinoferra speeies that is found in the Carribean and is supposedly the same as that whieh oeeurs off the eoast of California. He plans to eall this into question and deseribe a new speeies for the Carribean region. Leslie Harris then had the floor and gave a wonderful talk on her trip to Sweden. She stayed at a marine researeh station on the small island of Tjamo. There is a deep ^ord just offshore and she said it was only a 20 minute boat ride to waters over a deep eanyon whieh was full of unique fauna. The big projeet at the moment is working up the marine invertebrate fauna of Sweden. Leslie had taken numerous, wonderful photos of live polyehaetes whieh we all enjoyed perusing. The next order of business was the main topie of the meeting, euratorial eares and eoneems. For this portion of the meeting many of the eurators from the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History turned up to answer questions and share information. The eurators present were Regina Wetzer (erustaeea), Lindsey Groves, (malaeology), Cathy Groves (eehinoderms), Kathy Omura (the marine biodiversity proeessing eenter) and George Davis (erustaeea). Regina took the lead in fielding questions. The first question posed was, “what is the rationale for whieh lots should be kept wet (ethanol) and whieh should be kept dried?” Regina felt that in most situations the speeimens should be stored wet whenever possible. She feels that the problem with drying animals, partieularly the mollusks, is that only a portion of the animal (the shell) is kept and the rest (body) is disearded. To anyone who is interested in DNA work, this seems a waste. Of eourse, keeping animals stored in ethanol brings up the question of aeidity problems. Regina feels that it is not the ethanol itself that is eausing the aeidity problems, but rather residual formalin in the tissues whieh leaehes out over time. One option would be to forego formalin all together and simply put the animals straight into ethanol. This, again, is of advantage to those interested in later doing DNA work. Tom Parker (C SDL AC) pointed out however, that by storing large eolleetions in ethanol you often run into problems with the fire marshall and they reeently had to reeonfigure their eolleetions so that they are always in a room with sprinklers and proper ventilation. Regina reeommended 95% ethanol for the original fixation of the animals, espeeially if DNA work is a possibility for the speeimen. Larry Lovell (SIO) then asked what the LACMNH eurators use as their standard storage solution. All groups responded 70% ethanol, exeept for the eehinoderms whieh are stored in 85% ethanol. Cathy Groves stated that the 85% solution is her way of hedging her bets against inevitable evaporation problems. Some of the eurators then eomplained that they oeeasionally reeeived speeimens from eonsulting firms that smelled of aeetone. When they would eall and ask why the animals had been sent in aeetone they were told that this wasn’t the ease and the samples were indeed in ethanol. This mystery was eleared up by Riek Rowe and Larry Lovell who explained that many of the eonsulting firms use “eheap” 2 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 ethanol whieh has been eut with Aeetone. It is a bad ehoiee as it has potential health problems assoeiated with it, and is hard on the speeimens over long term storage. There was then some talk about the possibility of the monitoring ageneies eolleeting a few extra samples under a “speeial projeets” provision and preserving them in 95% ethanol instead of formalin. This would allow the animals eolleeted to later be used in DNA analysis. Regina feels that if we (the monitoring ageneies) wrote to our respeetive Regional Boards and explained this as furthering the eause of biodiversity studies that it eould potentially be approved in our permits. Cathy Groves then had to floor to talk about some speeifle diffleulties she had with the eehinoderm eolleetions. For example, “What do you do with large, over-sized speeimens that you want to keep wet?” Many of the large asteroids will not fit in even the largest of lidded jars. So, they designed a mesh bag of plankton netting whieh the animal are plaeed in and then the top is drawn shut (draw-string type system). Multiple bags ean be left submerged in ethanol in a sealed tank or bueket. The animals stay wet but are kept separate from eaeh other so they ean be seleetively removed and studied. She then diseussed some of the very large, dry speeimens that had been sitting on shelves for years and were subjeet to dust and possible damage. In order to solve this problem she set the animals on a pieee of eorrugated plastie to give them a stiff surfaee to rest on and help maintain their shape. Then both the animal and the plastie on whieh it rested were put in a very large plastie bag. The bag is not zip sealed, as you don’t want to seal in stale air, but rather the top is just folded over and tueked under. As for small, delieate dry things, sueh as heart urehins, she ordered small plastie jewel boxes and then used a high grade foam to make a border around the animal so it wouldn’t get damaged by bumping into the sides of the box. Cathy elosed with an emphasis on how mueh easier it is to eurate and store ophiuroids if they have been relaxed first. TROPICAL CLASS The following elass announeement was forwarded from a member of the Annelida list- server: I would like to invite list members wishing to learn more about tropieal invertebrates to eonsider partieipating in the eourse offered below. Cheers Norman Quinn Tropieal Marine Invertebrate Biology Diseovery Bay Marine Laboratory - Jamaiea University of the West Indies 30 June - 14 July 2002 Faeulty: Prof Peter F. Newell, Former Head Dept of Biology, University of the South Paeifie Dr. Barbara L. Kojis, Direetor, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Virgin Islands Dr. Norman J. Quinn, Direetor, Diseovery Bay Marine Lab,University of the West Indies Dr. George F. Warner, Direetor, Center for Marine Seienee, University of the West Indies Course Aims: To inerease students’ knowledge of the biology and biodiversity of marine invertebrate animals and of methodologies for marine biologieal fieldwork through intensive, direet experienee. At the end of the eourse the students will be able to identify marine speeies within a range of invertebrate phyla. They will understand aspeets of the biologieal relationships between these speeies and their environments and will be able to apply field and laboratory teehniques to study these relationships. They will beeome profieient at seientifie reeord keeping. 3 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 Instmetion by a widely experieneed faeulty will be by extensive fieldwork, leetures, and laboratory praetieals. This is a 4 eredit University of the West Indies eourse and may be transferable to other universities. Applieation: The eourse is open to undergraduates and graduates who have taken at least one year of biology - invertebrate zoology and eeology are reeommended. All students must be eonfldent of their swimming skills. Students with seuba eertifleation are eneouraged to enroll and will be able to utilize those skills in field aetivities. Applieations should inelude a eover letter with a paragraph deseribing why you are interested in the eourse, transeripts, and two letters of reeommendation. Applieations will be reviewed on 22 May 2002. Late applieations will be eonsidered if spaee permits. Applieations may either be sent by post or email. Fellowships will be available to faeilitate partieipation of students who have diffieulty paying the full fee. The fellowships will not be available to assist with paying for meals and aeeommodation. Evidenee for the fellowship must be ineluded when the student submits the applieation. Faeilities: The Diseovery Bay Marine Laboratory is a researeh and teaehing institution of the University of the West Indies, ideally loeated for studies of eoral reef environments. It has easy aeeess to a shallow- water lagoon, roeky shores, shallow and deep eoral reefs and fossil Pleistoeene eoral reefs. Diving equipment ineludes seuba tanks, several boats, eompressors, a double loek hyperbarie ehamber, digital imaging lab, wet lab, several dry labs, library and workshops. Aeeommodations inelude a 10 room dormitory and apartment bloek. Researeh spaee is available to investigators, students and eourses from other institutions. For details of fees and spaee availability eontaet: Dr. Norman J. Quinn, Direetor, Diseovery Bay Marine Laboratory, PO Box 35, Diseovery Bay, St. Ann, Jamaiea. Fax (876) 973-3091, phone (876) 973-2241 Email: nquinn@, CRUSTACEAN CLASS Yet another elass announeement forwarded to SCAMIT for distribution through the newsletter. First International Course on the Ecology and Taxonomy of Peracarids 23 September - 6 October 2002 The Faeulty of Marine Seienees at the Universidad Catdliea del Norte, Coquimbo/ Chile is offering the First International Course on the Eeology and Taxonomy of Peraearids, to take plaee between 23 September and 6 Oetober 2002. This eourse is direeted towards postgraduate students in Master or Doetorate programs at Latin-Ameriean universities or reeent graduates of those programs. Students in eorresponding programs in other geographie regions are also weleome to attend. The prineipal objeetive of the eourse is to introduee partieipants to the study of peraearid erustaeeans. Students will obtain basie information on the eeology and biology of peraearids, and upon eompletion of the eourse will be able to sueeessfully identify peraearid speeies with the aid of the appropriate literature. The topies to be eovered are: Morphology, Anatomy, Physiology, Eeology, Behavior, Reproduetion, Taxonomy, Advanees in moleeular biology, and Eleetronie tools for analysis of morphologieal data (DELTA). Eaeh day eomprises a balaneed eombination of leetures, field trips and laboratory exereises. Course instruetors: Exequiel R. Gonzalez Ph.D. Assoeiate Professor, Universidad Catdliea del Norte, Chile. Martin Thiel Ph.D. Researeh Professor, Universidad Catdliea del Norte, Chile. Les Watling Ph.D. Professor, University of 4 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 Maine, USA. Riehard Heard Ph.D. Professor, University of Southern Mississippi, USA. The eost of the eourse is US $500, whieh ineludes eourse materials and aeeommodation in the guesthouse on the University eampus. The eourse language will be Spanish, but students should have a basie knowledge of English. For the full program and additional information, please eontaet: Exequiel R. Gonzalez Ph.D. Departamento de Biologia Marina Faeultad de Cieneias del Mar Universidad Catoliea del Norte Casilla 117 Coquimbo Chile Phone: 56-51-209931 Fax: 56-51-209812 e-mail: egonzale@uen.el GOVERNMENT JOBS The U.S. Environmental Proteetion Ageney’s, Offiee of Researeh and Development, National Health and Environmental Effeets Researeh Laboratory, Gulf Eeology Division in Gulf Breeze, Florida, is seeking qualified post- doetoral eandidates for the following projeets: GED-5/1/02-77: “Effeets of Environmental Stressors on Growth, Reproduetion, and Development in Estuarine Fish and Invertebrates”. This projeet foeuses on development, validation, and evaluation of teehniques for assessing the effeets of natural and anthropogenie stressors on aquatie speeies. Researeh efforts will speeifieally address single and multiple stressor effeets on growth, reproduetion and development of fish and erustaeeans with emphasis on population-level responses. A goal of this effort is to eouple moleeular, bioehemieal and physiologieal endpoints with modeling approaehes to enhanee the Ageney’s ability to understand and prediet how populations respond to environmental stressors. The ineumbent will work within a multidiseiplinary, eross-divisional researeh team to assist in the development of a framework for predieting risks to aquatie speeies. The preferred eandidate will have expertise in moleeular biology and have demonstrated expertise in moleeular teehniques, and a Ph.D. in Toxieology, Moleeular Biology, Biologieal Seienees or related field. Seientifie Contaet: Miehael Hemmer f L GED-5/1/02-78: “Assessment of the Interaetions and Relationships Among Environmental Stressors and Estuarine Condition” Conduet researeh and develop models/analyses that examine the interaetion of multiple environmental stressors and their effeets on estuarine eondition. These stressor interactions would include nutrient enrichment, sediment/ water contamination, habitat alteration, and suspended sediments. The candidate will investigate the use of risk-based approaches and probabilistic monitoring data to develop assimilative capacity estimates for estuarine ecosystems in order to reduce uncertainties in TMDE (total maximum daily load) assessments. The preferred candidate will have expertise in quantitative ecology, mathematical modeling of environmental data, statistics, or biostatistics, and a Ph.D. in Ecology, Biological Sciences or Marine Sciences or related field. Scientific Contact: Virginia Engle f Engle .Virginia@,epa. gov i. GED-5/2/02-84: “Assessment of the Effects of Watershed/Eandscape Characteristics on Estuarine Condition.” 5 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 Conduet researeh and develop models to analyze the relationship between spatial patterns of landseape eharaeteristies and eonditions of and risks to estuaries and eoastal waters. The projeet would inelude development of landseape indieators using GIS or statistieal tools with existing data, evaluation of land use/land eover data for estuarine watersheds, analysis of land eover ehange data to prediet trends in landseape indieators, and analysis of the relationships among landseape indieators and estuarine eondition as expressed by biologieal response indieators. An example of an appropriate projeet would be developing a landseape eharaeterization of the non-point souree inputs of aquatie stressors (e.g., nutrients, toxies, suspended sediments) to an estuary and an analysis of the statistieal relationships of the watershed/landseape eharaeterization to the distribution and health of seagrass in the estuary. The preferred eandidate will have expertise in quantitative eeology, mathematieal modeling of environmental data, statisties, GIS, or landseape analysis, and a Ph.D. in Landseape Eeology, Eeology, Biologieal Seienees or Marine Seienees or related field. Seientifle Contaet: Virginia Engle t y GED-5/2/02-85: “Modeling of the Population- Eevel Outeomes of Growth and Reproduetive Effeets of Contaminants.” This projeet foeuses on development, verifieation and evaluation of population dynamies models for predieting risks to wildlife and aquatie populations from multiple stressor impaets, ineluding ehemieal exposure, habitat loss, and disturbanee. A goal of this effort is to develop modeling approaehes and extrapolation methods to enhanee the Ageney’s ability to understand and prediet how populations respond to environmental stressors in a spatial eontext. Models and methods will be demonstrated in ease studies supporting wildlife risk assessment. This projeet ineludes review and synthesis of the seientifie literature eoneeming population model verifieation and validation. The ineumbent will work within a multi diseiplinary, eross-divisional researeh team to assist in developing and evaluation a tiered framework for predieting risks to wildlife and aquatie speeies. The preferred eandidate will have demonstrated expertise in the use of eeologieal and/or simulation models to address eeologieal problems and a Ph.D. in Toxieology, Eeology, Biologieal Seienees or Marine Seienees or related field. Seientifie Contaet: Dr. Charles E. MeKenney f MeKenney.Chuek@epa. gov T These positions are exeepted serviee appointments for up to three years. The seleeted eandidate(s) will be eligible for full benefits, ineluding reloeation expenses, health insuranee, life insuranee, retirement, and vaeation and siek leave. The filing deadline is June 28, 2002. Applieation instruetions and further information on theUSEPApostdoetoral program and NHEERE’s Gulf Eeology Division may be found at: A NEW POLYCHAETE BOOK This announeement was again forwarded by a member of the Annelida list-server. Dear friends and eolleagues, I am pleased to announee the publieation of my new polyehaete book. Citation: Jirkov I. A. 2001. Polyehaeta of the Aretie Oeean, Moseow, Yanus-K Press, 632 pp. For additional information see http: //rav. sio. rs si. ru/~lena/book/book. htm 6 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 In eompleting this book, I want to thank the eolleagues who have eontributed to the various ehapters ineluded in this book (see the list of eontributing authors). This book would never have happened without finaneial support from Akvaplan-Niva (Norway) and the Russian Foundation for Basie Researeh. This monograph is dedieated to taxonomy and distribution of polyehaetes of the Aretie Oeean. Taxonomy of polyehaete in general is notoriously eonfused and aretie polyehaetes are not an exeeption. Although the first aretie polyehaetes were deseribed by Linne (1758), aretie polyehaete fauna is still insuffleiently known. Most original deseriptions of earlier speeies are absolutely unsatisfaetory, yet many of them are type speeies of genera. Later the same speeies names were also reeorded from all over the world and the original eursory deseriptions were extended aeeording to the new material. As a result, speeies and genera beeame even less defined, often with being large speeies eomplexes. A long list of synonyms and ineorreet identifieations led to the widespread idea that polyehaetes are poor biogeographie indieators and eannot be used in biogeographie studies. Thus, a detailed st graph is to put together up-to-date information on taxonomy and distribution of polyehaetes within the Aretie Oeean. The initiation of this projeet was originally stimulated by a surprising laek of a eomprehensive aeeount of the Aretie fauna, ineluding polyehaetes. Previous the most eomplete taxonomie guide to the aretie benthos was published in mid 20th eentury in Russian (Zatsepin, 1948). It ineluded neither fauna of the Norwegian and Greenland seas, penetrating into the Aretie from the the Atlantie, nor deep¬ water fauna that had been insuffleiently known at that time. It also beeame outdated in half of the eentury after its publieation. A book by Berkeleys (1952) on the fauna of Canadian Aretie is too eursory and limited in geographie eoverage. None of monographie treatments of individual polyehaete taxa (Streltsov, 1973; Usehakov, 1972, 1982; Khlebovieh, 1996; Arwidsson, 1906; Fauehald, 1963, 1974, 1992; Holthe, 1986a; George, Hartmann-Sehroeder, 1985; Gidholm, 1966; Muir, Chambers, 1998; Pax rs) treat all families, the studied areas only partly overlap, and most of these papers are outdated to some degree. The most reeent taxonomie guide to aretie polyehaetes (Jirkov 1989) ineluded only seleeted polyehaete families. Therefore, the eurrent book is unpreeedented in seope and eoverage. The book eonsists of two parts. The general part deseribes external polyehaete morphology as well as methods of material eolleetion, preservation and storage. It also eontains detailed analysis of biogeographie distribution of polyehaetes within the Aretie basin. The taxonomie part is based on extensive material deposited in numerous taxonomie eolleetions in Russia and around the world (see the list of studied eolleetions). The sampling area eovers most of the Aretie Oeean, from the Faeroe Islands to the Bering Straight, from the upper shelf to abyssal depths. In total, more than 10,000 samples and over 200,000 speeimens have been studied. A total of 458 speeies deseriptions, (ineluding 265 based on newly studied material) speeies are presented in the guide of whieh nine are deseriptions of the speeies new to seienee in the Chaetopteridae (1); Flabelligeridae (2); Nephtyidae (1); S s easy to use beeause of its user-friendly pietorial taxonomie keys to the families, genera and speeies. Detailed speeies deseriptions are abundantly illustrated by 566 figures (more than half of them are original illustrations not published anywhere else before), and aeeompanied by 211 original distribution maps. I believe that the book will be a valuable resouree to polyehaete researehers and benthie biologists working on the Aretie fauna and the fauna of adjaeent regions. If you would like to buy a eopy, please write to Lena Kupriyanova Lena. Kupriyanova@,flinders, 7 May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 1 Department of Biologieal Seienees, Flinders University of South Australia, G.P.O. Box 2100, Adelaide, SA, 5001 Australia. Please inelude a eheek drawn from an US bank or an international money order for US$35.00 if you want a book plus $5 postage international (via surfaee) or US$15.00 if you prefer a CD (PDF file of the book plus a bonus of pdf files of all my publieations in Russian with their English translations) plus $2 postage international (via air) Despite the seope and detail level of the edition, the projeet is not yet eompleted. Although we tried to inelude all polyehaete families in the guide, the eoverage of the families is not uniform. This situation refleets the state of taxonomy of various families. Families Ampharetidae, Aphroditidae, Eunieidae, Flabelligeridae, Glyeeridae, Goniadidae, Nephtyidae, Nereidae, Onuphidae, Peetinariidae, Phyllodoeidae, Sabellariidae, Sealibregmidae, Serpulidae, Spionidae, Spirorbidae and Terebellidae are relatively well studied and therefore, the book eontains the most reliable information on these families. In eontrast, families sueh as Capitellidae, Cirratulidae, Hesionidae, Magelonidae, Polynoidae, Syllidae, remain unstudied. Although there is a large number of publieations on these families, the original eolleetions were either studied partially or the results of our study only showed In ease of Polynoidae, Sigalionidae, Pholoidae, Eumbrineridae, Sabellidae, and some others very preliminary overviews were eompiled from the literature. For Capitellidae, Cirratulidae, Hesionidae, Magelonidae, Syllidae, and some others only family diagnoses are provided. Remaining families (Opheliidae and Sabellidae) hold intermediate positions: taxonomie keys are given and unresolved taxonomie problems are pointed out. Another obvious downside is that the book is in Russian, although this problem is partly alleviated by numerous illustrations and distribution maps. We reeognize that this limits the potential users of the book and are eurrently looking for a souree of funding to translate the existing book into English. Also we would like to extend the book by studying aretie material deposited in North Ameriean museums in order to balanee the geographie eoverage that is eurrently biased towards Euro- Asian seetor of the Aretie Oeean. Another way to improve the book is to extend the eoverage of individual families. The result of sueh a projeet would be a publieation of the most eomprehensive up-to-date souree of information on aretie polyehaetes. We appreeiate any suggestions and hints about possible souree of funding for sueh a projeet and are open to eollaboration with the interested eolleagues. Wormly Igor Jirkov Igor A. Jirkov, Dr. Se. Senior Seientifie Researeher Department of Hydrobiology, Biology Faeulty Moseow State University, Moseow 119899 RUSSIA mailto :j irkov@ij May, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 1 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheyl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, California 90731 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 2 SUBJECT: Nereids GUEST SPEAKER: Diseussion leader - Leslie Harris DATE: 19 August 2002 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: Los Angeles Museum of Natural History Worm Lab 900 Exposition Blvd. The meeting was eommeneed by our new president, Kelvin Barwiek at approximately 9:30 a.m. He started by thanking the 20th anniversary party eommittee (Leslie Harris, Ron Velarde, Cheryl Brantley and Ann Dalkey) for the wonderful job they did with organizing and eoordinating the party. It was also requested that anyone who took pietures that evening, if they have extras, send them to Megan Lilly and she will inelude them in future newsletters to share with the greater SCAMIT membership. It was then announeed by Kelvin that SCAMIT has a new list-server whieh is up and running thanks to Paul V. Seott of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History who is graeiously hosting our list- server and our ever-fearless webmaster. Jay Shrake who will be handling the arehiving. Further on in the newsletter is an announeement for the list-server and instruetions on how to subseribe. Molgula regularis City of San Diego Photo by M. Lilly June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No.2 Riek Rowe informed us that “speeial” t-shirts, designed by himself and his wife Rae (an exeellent and sueeessful artist) eould be available for purehase, but he won’t have them made until a eertain number of orders are plaeed. I have seen the design, whieh eonsists of a drunken erab with a lampshade on his head and a referenee to 70% ethanol (don’t want to spoil the surprise) and it is quite hilarious as well as being beautifully drawn. If anyone is interested in reeeiving a t-shirt with this design, please eontaet Megan Lilly and let her know. If enough orders are plaeed, we may have a bateh made. Larry Lovell then had the floor to announee that the 2002 lehthyology/Herpetology meetings will be held in Kansas City this year in the first week of July. He also stated that at the reeent SCAS meetings he met Julie Kalman who is working on parasitie eopepods and would be willing to look at some that we are eneountering, espeeially those found on our Mediomastus polyehaetes. Julie ean be reaehed at SCCWRP, where she is eurrently working. Riek Rowe then brought up the issue of trying to get SCAMIT and PELT funded researehers together. This idea was originally suggested by Meg Daly at the January Anthozoan meeting. SCAMIT would love to have a PEET grantee eome to one of our meetings and tell us more about the PEET program as well as whatever speeifie topie they are researehing. Please eontaet any of the offleers if you are eurrently working under a PEET grant and would be willing to attend a SCAMIT meeting. Don announeed that the California and World Oeeans Conferenee ‘02 will be in Santa Barbara this year and runs from Oetober 27-30. Interested parties ean get the neeessary information at http://resourees.ea.gOv/oeean/CWO_02/ Call index.html With the business portion of the meeting eompleted it was time for the Aseidian leeture. Megan Eilly started with an overview of aseidian anatomy and proper disseetion teehnique. She then showed digital images of various struetures to be examined, sueh as the dorsal lamina, stigmata (spiral or straight), and branehial tentaeles (branehed or simple). She reviewed some of the species found in the City of San Diego’s monitoring programs, such as, Cnemidocarpa rhizopus, Agnezia septentrionalis, Molgula regularis, Molgula sp SD 1, Molgula pugetiensis, and Molgula napiformis. Species sampled in San Diego Bay during the B’98 regional program were also examined: Microcosmus exasperatus, Styela plicata, and Ciona sp (she did not speciate the Ciona specimens as they were all being examined after being fixed in formalin and any necessary color spots, etc, were unavailable). Some of the literature she uses for aseidian ID work is. The North and South American Ascidians Van Name 1945, Three New Species of Stolidobranch Ascidians (Chordata: Ascidiacea) from the California Continental Shelf Eambert 1993, and The Ascidians Styela barnharti, S. plicata, S. clava, and S. montereyensis in California waters Abbott et al 1972. However, this is just a small sampling of the available literature and a visit to the Aseidian website is also recommended: She will be eventually making voucher sheets based on the power point presentation given that day. Contact her if you wish to receive copies. CORRECTION There was an error in the spelling of a polychaete genus in the minutes of last month’s newsletter. Please correct Spinoferra to its proper spelling of Spinosphaera. Thanks to Rick Rowe (CSD) for catching this. - (M. Eilly) 2 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 2 MEDIC ALERT! George Davis, Colleetions Manager of the Crustaeea Seetion of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and SCAMIT member is among the wounded. George suffered a mild heart attaek on Sunday 7 July, and when he was examined it was determined he required multiple by-pass surgery to open his arteries. He will have had the surgery by the time you read this, and will be in a long reeuperation phase (about 6 weeks off work). There’s nothing duller than being foreed to relax for so long a period. If you would like to help out by being an irritant, write to him at his home with good wishes for a speedy reeovery or even snarky eomments about “doetor ordered loitering” or the faet that you are ambulatory and he is not. Comments like the latter ean serve to foeus his energies on reeovery...if only to extraet revenge. The address is George Davis, 1503 Stanford Drive, Glendale, California 91205. UPCOMING SPECIES ID CLUB MEETINGS The next speeies ID elub meeting will be, August 14 with Naeho, Kristin, and Bonnie, diseussing snails (for more information on the Speeies ID elub meetings see the April 2002 newsletter). DELTA WORKSHOP The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County is sponsoring the fifth Crustaeean DELTA workshop. The workshop will run from 7-15 Oetober, and spaee is limited. Please see the attaehed flyer at the end of the Newsletter for more details and enrollment instruetions. SCAMIT - A NEW EMAIL DISCUSSION GROUP The Southern California Assoeiation of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists (SCAMIT) is pleased to announee a new email diseussion list. This list is intended to enhanee eommunieation between marine invertebrate biologists, in partieular on topies of California invertebrate taxonomy and eeology. All individuals or organizations interested in California marine invertebrate taxonomy are invited to join and partieipate in this new email diseussion. To subseribe to the list: 1) Send an email to: seamit- 2) In the body of the email only inelude the word “subseribe” (not in quotes) 3) You will reeeive an email verifieation of your intent to subseribe. Simply open the verifieation request email, eliek on “reply” then “send” and you will be subseribed to the diseussion list. Make sure your email is sent in “plain text” format, not in “MIME” or “HTML” format. Remember you must go through the above proeedure to reeeive any messages posted on the list server. This system is separate from the monthly email notifleation about the publieation of the newsletter. If you have questions or problems, please send an email to: pvseott@, We look forward to lively diseussions on invertebrate taxonomy! Kelvin Barwiek President, SCAMIT IS YOU IS, OR IS YOU AIN’T MY WORMY? Most of us are fairly eareful and alert to problems of homonymy within the groups we are familiar with. Some residual problems eome out of left-field from groups generally unfamiliar to those working on marine invertebrates. Sueh was the ease reeently with member Sue Williams, who now does quite a bit of work in salt-marshes and other eoastal areas where inseets abound. While working with some of the older literature Sue eame aeross reeords of a dipteran fly genus Eulalia. Sue’s training as 3 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No.2 a polyehaetologist guaranteed her familiarity with a marine annelid genus of the same name. She eontaeted me to ask if I knew about the problem, and whether it had been resolved. I didn’t know, but proeeeded to find out. It’s one of those elassie bad news-good news situations. Bad, the dipteran (a stratiomyid soldier fly) has priority under the Code being Eulalia Meigen 1800; predating the polyehaete Eulalia Savigny by at least a deeade. Good, the publieation in whieh Meigen proposed Eulalia in 1800 was suppressed by ICZN aetion in 1963, and is unavailable for nomenelatural purposes. This removed the homonymy, making Eulalia Savigny available for us to use. Ron Velarde pointed out that, although there was no mention of the earlier name in Fauehald’s “The Polyehaete Worms”, and it was likewise unmentioned in the phyllodoeid seetion of the Atlas, Olga Hartman had notieed the earlier name and listed it in her Catalogue of the Polyehaetous Annelids of the World (Part 1). While noting that there was an earlier name use she did not attempt to resolve the homonymy in that 1959 publieation (prior to the ICZN suppression aetion). Thanks to Sue for eatehing this one on the fly, so to speak. [As a side note: there appears to be eontroversy as to the original publieation date of the genus. Hartman (1959) used 1817, Fauehald (1977) and later Blake (1994) used 1818, while Pleijel (1991) uses 1822. Sinee both Hartman and Pleijel refer to the same Savigny publieation, and sinee the date of that publieation was fixed at 1822 by ICZN aetion, it is likely that Pleijel’s usage is in faet the eorreet one. Sinee the homonymy has been removed, this seeondary date eontroversy has no impaet on the availability of the name for an annelid.] - Don Cadien (CSDLAC). AVAILABLE JOBS New Brunswick, Canada Position available at The Huntsman Marine Seienee Centre St Andrews by the sea. New Brunswiek University programs eoordinator This position will eoordinate university edueation and researeh aetivities at the Huntsman Marine Seienee Centre; a not-for- profit eharity devoted to edueation, researeh and teehnology transfer to industry t www.huntsmanmarine.ea l loeated in the Bay ofFundy. The University programs eoordinator will reserve faeilities for visiting field eourses and researehers at HMSC, ineluding preparation of budgets and invoieing. The position will also manage a new student exehange program in marine biodiversity between Canadian and European Union universities. There will also be some opportunity for the eandidate to teaeh field eourses and eonduet environmental researeh if they wish. It is a full-time position, initially for a three-year period but may be extended as funding permits. Exeellent organization and projeet management skills, strong eomputing profieieney, and at least a first degree in a biologieal seienee is required. Knowledge of the Canadian university system, and an interest in marine biology, would be useful. The position may suit graduates with experienee on projeet eoordination and management, who are interested in living in a rural seaside village with a strong seienee eommunity ineluding the oldest (DFO) marine station in Canada, the Atlantie Salmon Federation headquarters, a eommunity eollege, salmon farming, lobster and herring fisheries, and whale watehing and outdoor eeotourism. 4 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 2 Applieations eontaining a letter explaining why the position is of interest and relevant strengths of the applieant, with a full eurrieulum vitae and eontaet details (ineluding email, fax) of 3 referees, should be sent by email, fax, or post to: Ms T. Dean, Direetor of Edueation, The Huntsman Marine Seienee Centre, 1 Lower Campus Road, St Andrews, New Brunswiek, Canada E5B 2L7. T dean@huntsmanmarine. ea Fax+1-506-529 1212 Deadline for applieations 15 July 2002, but late applieants may be eonsidered. Note this position was first advertised in Deeember 2001. Previous applieants may reapply. LACMNH In addition to the Curatorial Assistant position reeently announeed, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County invites applieations for two grant funded (2.5 years) euratorial assistants with expertise in erustaeeans, mollusks and/or eehinoderms. These positions in our Marine Biodiversity Proeessing Center ( will eomplement existing staff and refleet the institution’s eommitment to the Center’s growth. We seek qualified persons to assist with the euration, sorting, databasing, and physieal integration of orphan eolleetions into the museum’s invertebrate eolleetions. Sueeessful eandidates should have appropriate degrees in Biology, at least one year of experienee with one of the taxonomie groups noted above, and knowledge of eontemporary museum eolleetion and speeimen eonservation teehniques. Good oral and written eommunieation skills are essential and experienee with eolleetion databasing is desirable. All two positions are full-time with benefits. Salary: $30,000/year plus full benefits. Review of applieations eontinues until positions are filled. Please send your eurrieulum vitae, name and eontaet information for three referees, and a eover letter that deseribes your euratorial experienee to: Dr. Angel Valdes, Mollusea Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA E-mail: T-SHIRTS FOR SALE! HURRY, HURRY! 20th anniversary SCAMIT t-shirts are still available. Get them for the low, low priee of only $15. Contaet treasurer Cheryl Brantley to order yours today! If you tragieally had to miss the party, wear the shirt and pretend you were there. LITERATURE REVIEW A eompilation of the differenees between the SCAMIT’s Edition 4 speeies list and Skoglund’s reeent review of the panamie gastropod literature. By Kelvin Barwiek The reeent publieation of Skoglund’s (2002) review of the Panamie Gastropod literature was the impetus for the following table (whieh is attaehed at the end of the newsletter). The table was eompiled by making a line-by-line eomparison between the speeies in eurrent usage (SCAMIT, 2001) with what is indexed by Skoglund, (2002). All differenees were noted. None of these proposed ehanges have been adopted by SCAMIT. They are offered up here as advisory only. No attempt was made to eompare the higher level taxa. This is well beyond the ability of this worker and is best left to the professionals. The table is divided into three seetions (eolumns) separated by double lines. The first deseribes the affeeted taxa and its eorresponding line number as it appears in SCAMIT, 2001. The seeond seetion is further 5 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No.2 divided into 4 parts: first is the type of ehange proposed, seeond is Keen’s (1971) original referenee number (where applieable), next is the taxa as it appears in Skoglund, 2002, and lastly the eorresponding page number. The third seetion eontains this worker’s eomments that, in part, attempt to highlight and/or resolve apparent eontradietions between Skoglund and other authors. In the ease of some spelling ehanges, further researeh is needed to eonfirm the eorreet spelling. NEW LITERATURE As we move into summer, the question of the eontinuing and worsening eoastal eutrophieation, espeeially in the Gulf of Mexieo, arises again. Naney Rabelais has beeome the standard bearer for the eampaign to address the issue of bottom water hypoxia at the souree, through reduetion in nitrogen inputs through the Mississippi River. In a series of artieles she and her eo-workers summarize the problem (Rabalais & Turner 2001; Rabalais, Turner & Wiseman 2001), deseribe the impaets to benthos (Rabalais et al 2001), zooplankton (Qureshi & Rabalais 2001), and demersal fish/ megabenthos (Rabalais, Harper & Turner 2001), and eonsider the national poliey issues that affeet the situation and its future (Rabalais, Turner & Seavia 2002). While our desert elimate and narrow shelf make it extremely unlikely that any sueh severe hypoxie eonditions eould be broadly established in the Southern California Bight, loeal hypoxia has oeeurred in the past around areas of organie oversupply (both natural and anthropogenie), and may well happen in future. Familiarity with the situation in the Gulf of Mexieo ean only help members, wherever they happen to be. The above papers present one perspeetive on the problem, but there are others. Interested parties should seek them out. An internet seareh on hypoxia will probably return more information than any of us has the time to pursue. Geographie trends in trophie strueture were investigated in northeastern Paeifie gastropods through a eomparison of eamivorous and non- eamivorous taxa frequeney (Valentine, Roy & Jablonski 2002). They found that in intermediate latitudes (sueh as loeally) predator/non-predator ratios were lower than in either tropieal or aretie areas. This pattern was at varianee with terrestrial investigations that found the ratio fairly eonstant regardless of latitude. While the authors suggest some possibilities for further researeh on the faetors underlying the observed pattern, they eannot aeeount for it on the basis of eurrent data. An intriguing subjeet whieh will hopefully be further examined. Gene Coan eontinues his group by group examination of the eastern Paeifie bivalves with a paper treating Sanguinolaria and Psammotella genera distributed generally to the south of us (Coan 2002). This eompletes the treatment of the psammobiid genera begun in 1973 with Heterodonax (Coan 1973) and eontinued reeently with Gari (Coan 2000). Given the frequent larval ineursions into the Southern California Bight assoeiated with northward moving water masses, it is always wise to keep up with the taxonomy of the Panamie fauna; you never know when you might need to reeognize them in your own samples. Lodo eonfusion? Heapa trouble? It pays to revisit older literature onee in awhile, if only to find the things previously overlooked. Sueh a look at Lowry (1984) after nearly 20 years yielded potential problems that I, and others loeally, appear to have disregarded. In his treatment of the paehynid amphipod Prachynella lodo, Lowry indieated the genus probably eontains more than one speeies in California waters. His eomparisons of the illustrations of the speeies by Barnard 1964 & 1967 with the holotype indieated that the name had been applied to several differing forms. 6 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 2 Barnard, in 1967, noted several varying eharaeters, partieularly that the deep water form (to 791m) was anoeulate, while individuals from shallower water bore eyes. He also noted pigment patehes in the head of the anoeulate form matehing the loeation of eyes in the shallower representatives. As there do seem to be other morphologieal differenees between the shallow and deep representatives, perhaps this eye loss has meaning. We have seen, however, that in other forms sueh as Heterophoxus oculatus, eye loss in deeper living populations is a regularly oeeurring phenomenon, and is not aeeompanied by other eharaeter differenees. We take P. lodo in our samples, but seemingly always as single individuals. We have not noted morphologieal variation like that deseribed by Barnard and Lowry, but then we haven’t systematieally looked either. Have other members taken a elose look at their material for the variations noted by these authors? What did you find? - Don Cadien (CSDLAC) BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, Donald R, and Jeffrey V. Johnson. 1972. The Aseidians Styela barnharti, S. plicata, S. clava, and S. montereyensis in Californian waters. Bulletin of the Southern California Aeademy of Seienees 71: 95-104. Barnard, J. Laurens. 1964. Los anfipodos bentonieos marinos de la eosta oeeidental de Baja California. Revista de Soeiedad Mexieana de Historia Natural 24: 205-274. —. 1967. Bathyal and abyssal gammaridean Amphipoda of Cedros Treneh, Baja California. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 260:1-205. Blake, James A. 1994. Family Phyllodoeidae. Pp. 115-186 IN: Blake, James A. and Brigitte Hilbig, eds. Taxonomie Atlas of the Benthie Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel; Volume 4 - Oligoehaeta and Polyehaeta: Phyllodoeida (Phyllodoeidae to Paralaeydoniidae). Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California. 375pp. Cadien, Donald B. 1980. Mollusea. In: A Taxonomie Listing of the Common Marine Invertebrate Speeies From Southern California. Teehnieal Reports of the Allan Haneoek Foundation No. 3. D. Straughan and R. W. Klink eds. Alan Haneoek Foundation and The Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies, University of Southern California. 130- 195. Cate, Crawford N., 1977. A Review of the Eratoidea (Mollusea: Gastropoda). Veliger 19(3): 341 -366. Coan, Eugene V. 1973. The northwest Ameriean Psammobiidae. Veliger 16(1): 40-57. —.2000. The eastern Paeifie reeent speeies of the bivalve genus Gari (Tellinoidea: Psammobiidae), with notes on western Atlantie and fossil taxa. Malaeologia 42(1): 1-29. —.2002. Reeent eastern Paeifie speeies of Sanguinolaria and Psammotella (Bivalvia: Psammobiidae). Fauehald, Kristian. 1977. The Polyehaete Worms. Definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. Natural History Museum of Eos Angeles County Seienee Series 28: 1-188. Hartman, Olga. 1959. Catalogue of the polyehaetous annelids of the world, part 1. Allan Haneoek Foundation Oeeasional Paper 23: 1-353. Keen, A. Myra, 1971. Sea Shells of Tropieal West Ameriea: Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru, 2"‘^ Edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 1064pp. Eambert, Gretehen. 1993. Three New Speeies of Stolidobraneh Aseidians (Chordata: Aseidiaeea) from the California Continental Shelf Proeeedings of the California Aeademy of Seienees 48(4): 109-118. 7 June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No.2 Lowry, James K. 1984. Systematies of the paehynid group of lysianassoid Amphipoda (Crustaeea). Reeords of the Australian Museum 36: 51-105. MeLean, James H. 1996. The Prosobranehs. Pp. 1-160 IN: Seott, Paul H., James A. Blake, and Andrew L. Lissner, eds. Taxonomie Atlas of the Benthie Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. Volume 9. The Mollusea Part 2 - The Gastropoda. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Santa Barbara, California. 228pp. Pleijel, Frederik. 1991. Phylogeny and elassifieation of the Phyllodoeidae (Polyehaeta). Zoologiea Seripta 20(3): 225-261. Qureshi, Naureen A., and Naney N. Rabalais. 2001. Distribution of Zooplankton on a seasonally hypoxie eontinental shelf. Chapter 4, Pp. 61-76 IN: Rabalais, Naney N. and R. Eugene Turner (eds.). Coastal Hypoxia: Consequenees for Living Resourees and Eeosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58. Ameriean Geophysieal Union. Rabalais, Naney N., Donald E. Harper Jr., and R. Eugene Turner. 2001. Responses of nekton and demersal and benthie fauna to deereasing oxygen eoneentrations. Chapter 7, Pp. 115-128 IN: Rabalais, Naney N. and R. Eugene Turner (eds.). Coastal Hypoxia: Consequenees for Living Resourees and Eeosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58. Ameriean Geophysieal Union. —, Lorene E. Smith, Donald E. Harper Jr., and Dubravko Justie. 2001. Effeets of seasonal hypoxia on eontinental shelf benthos. Chapter 12, Pp. 211-240 IN: Rabalais, Naney N. and R. Eugene Turner (eds.). Coastal Hypoxia: Consequenees for Living Resourees and Eeosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58. Ameriean Geophysieal Union. —, and R. Eugene Turner. 2001. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexieo: deseription, eauses and ehange. Chapter 1, Pp. 1-36 IN: Rabalais, Naney N. and R. Eugene Turner (eds.). Coastal Hypoxia: Consequenees for Living Resourees and Eeosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58. Ameriean Geophysieal Union. —, —, and Donald Seavia. 2002. Beyond seienee into poliey: Gulf of Mexieo hypoxia and the Mississippi river. Bioseienee 52(2): 129-142. —, —, and William J. Wiseman, Jr. 2001. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexieo. Journal of Environmental Quality 30(2): 320-329. SCAMIT, 2001. A Taxonomie listing of Soft Bottom Maero- and Megainvertebrates from Infaunal & Epibenthie Programs in the Southern California Bight, Edition 4. 192pp. Skoglund, Carol. 2002. Panamie Provinee Mollusean Literature. Additions and Changes from 1971 through 2001. Ill Gastropoda, i-xi + 286pp. The Festivus 33 (Supplement). Turgeon, D. D., J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan, F. G. Hoehberg, W. G. Lyons, P. M. Mikkelsen, R. J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. Seheltema, F. G. Thompson, M. Veeehione, and J. D. Williams. 1998. Common and Seientifie Names of Aquatie Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks, 2"^* Edition. Ameriean Fisheries Soeiety, Speeial Publieation 26, Bethesda, Maryland. 526pp. Valentine, James W., Kaustuv Roy, and David Jablonski. 2002. Camivore/non-eamivore ratios in northeastern Paeifie marine gastropods. Marine Eeology Progress Series 228:153-163. Van Name, Willard G. 1945. North and South Ameriean Aseidians. Bulletin of the Ameriean Museum of Natural History. Volume 84. June, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 2 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheyl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. A compilation of the differences between the SCAMIT’s Edition 4 species list and Skoglund’s recent review of the panamic gastropod literature. By Kelvin Barwick Edition 4 SCAMIT, 2001 Skoglund, 2002 Comments Line # Taxa Changes, additions, deletions, etc... Keen Ref# Taxa Pg. # 815 Finella sp Different family — Finellidae 53 As family Orbitortionidae in Turgeon, et al, 1998 829 Barleeia siibtenuis Additional S)monyms Barleeia rimata B. coronadoensis B. sanjuanensis 33 832 Lirobarleeia kelsyei Additional synonyms Alba oldroydi Rissoina lapania R. loM'ie Alvania bartolmensis 33 851 Tienostoma siipravallatum Additional synonym 418 Tienostoma invallatum 42 876 Caecum dalli Species name change 465 Caecum quadratum 44 Became junior synonym of C quadratum 465 44 879 Cecum licalium Species spelling change 465 Caecum licaum 44 886 Hipponix cmtiquatus Subspecies change 766 Hipponix antiquates panamensis 70 Additional synonym 766 Hipponix fimbriatus 70 887 Patella antiquata Delete as synonym 766 70 895 Crepidula aculeata Additional synonym 808 Crepidula intorta 72 897 Calyptraea echinus Delete as synonym 808 72 924 Crepidula cerithicola Delete as synonym 814 73 925 Crepidula lirata Delete as synonym 814 73 929 Crepidula exuviatas Species spelling change 815 Crepidula exifviata 73 932 Crepipatella dorsata Additonal synonym 819 Crepidula orbiculata 73 941 Crepidula orbiculata Delete Synonym 73 944 Crucibulum spinosum Additional synonyms 826 Crucib ulum pU iferum C. arculatum 74 971 Erato columbella Elevation of subgenus Hespererato 912 Hespererato columbella 86 Add parentheses to author . E. columbella becomes a junior synonym of H columbella, fide Cate, 1977. Additional synonyms 912 Erato panamensis 86 972 Hesperato columbella Incertae sedis Fide Cadien, 1980 and Cate, 1977 973 Erato vitellina Generic change — Hespererato vitellina 86 Add parentheses to author, E. vitellina becomes a junior synonym//, vitellina,. fide Cate, 1977. Edition 4 SCAMIT, 2001 Skoglund, 2002 Ref. # Species Changes, additions, deletions, etc... Keen Ref # Species Pg.# Comments 998 Neverita reclusiana Additional synonyms 888 Neverita secta Polinices reclusiana alta N reclusiana imperforata P. reclusiana vancouverensis N secta bemisecta N reclusiana xena 82 1029 Epitonium hindsii Additional synonyms 652 Epitonium apiculatum E. compradora E. cylindricum E. musidora E. pazianum E. bakhanstranum 59 1050 Epitonium pilotum Species gender/spelling change 655 Epitonium polita 58 1062 Epitonium (Crisposcala) catalinae Delete synonym — 59 1072 Nodi sc ala spongiosa Lowered to subgeneric status 686 Opalia (Nodiscala) spongiosa 63 Remoye parentheses from author. 1198 Pteropurpura macroptera Additional synonym __ Murex carpenteri 115 1221 Babelom urex oldrovdi Species spelling change __ Babelomurex oldroydae 121 As B. oldroydi in Turgeon, Et al, 1998. 1297 Nassarius perpinguis Additional synonyms Nassa corrugata N. intastriata N. interstriata N perpinguis yar. bifasciata Alectrion (Hima) qwatkinanus 141 1389 Kurtzina beta Genus/subgenus swap 1792 Kurtziella (Kurtzina) beta 179 As Kurtzina beta in McLean, 1996 1409 Ophiodermella inermis 1421 Pseudomelatoma penicillata Additional synonym Additional synonyms 1574 Surcula ophioderma Drillia moesta yar. maculata D. eburnean Pleurotoma (Diilla) digna “Probable synonym: Pseudomelatoma stricta ” 178 170 1468 Rictaxis punctocaelatus Additional synonym — Rictaxis coronadoensis Rictaxis vancouverensis 201 511 Trabecula laxa _ Additional synonym _ 2018 SaJassiella balchi _ 193 526 TurbonWa temiicula _ Genus name change _ 2169 Pyrgisciis tenuicula _ 200 526 Turbonilla tenuicula Additional synonyms 2169 Chemnitzia terebralis 198, C. cerebrifilata, 200 Turbonilla jewetti T. antemunda T. macra Page 2 of 3 Edition 4 SCAMIT, 2001 Skoglund, 2002 Comments Ref. # Species Changes, additions, deletions, etc... Keen Ref # Species Pg.# 1550 Aplysiopsis enteromorphae Additional synonym -- Aplysiopsis smithi Hermaeina entermorphae 213 1601 A cteocina inculta Additional synonym 2259 Acteocina plannlata 204 1735 MeJibe leonina Additional synonyms 2370 Mehbe pellucida Citioraera dalli 221 1740 DoriopsiUa albopiinctata Additonal synonyms 2360 Doriospsis fidva “See McDonald, 1983 for complete synonyms” 219 1767 Dendronotns Ji-ondosus Additional synonyms 2363 Tritonia aborescens T. ceimna T. reynoldsii T. lactea T. pnlcella T.felina T. ascanii Amphitridae facrici Campaspe piisilla C. major Dendronotns hiteolus D. purpureus D. ellegans 220 1815 Hermissenda crassicornis Additional synonyms 2389 Aeolis opal esc ens Cuthona (Hei-via) emurai 225 Page 3 of 3 Fifth Crustacean DELTA Workshop 7-15 October Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County will host the 5th Crustacean DELTA Workshop from October 7-15, 2002. The aims of this workshop are to provide training in the use of DELTA taxonomic databasing software and to interest taxonomists in preparing electronic monographs for is a cooperative, international project of Crustacea taxonomists who are building a website t www.crustacea.nef ) that publishes electronic monographs on crustaceans at any taxonomic level. These monographs are prepared using DELTA. They include illustrated, interactive keys to each group, plus diagnoses, descriptions and illustrations of each taxon in the group. The objective is to use modern technology to bring together the current taxonomic information and improved identification tools for this major animal group. DELTA is a computerized method of managing taxonomic research. It involves both the principles of using a database approach to recording, managing and using descriptive data, and a suite of specialized taxonomic software. Each participant will construct a small database at family, genus or species level on a familiar group of crustaceans. During the construction of the database, participants will be introduced to the advantages of databasing taxonomic information and will learn to use the DELTA software package. The three main functions of the DELTA software system are: production of natural language descriptions; development of illustrated, interactive identification systems; and management of phylogenetic analyses. If appropriate, finished databases from the workshop can be published on Participants will return home equipped to manage their taxonomic research using DELTA and to make subsequent contributions to Participants will need to bring a notebook computer running Windows software (the DELTA software will be provided free at the workshop). They will need to bring dichotomous keys for their chosen group and pictures to produce character and taxon images. Interested persons should register by eompleting the on-line applieation. Enrollment will be limited to 18 partieipants and determined on a first-eome-first-serve basis. A eourse fee of $125US applies. For information on the registration, accommodations and/or schedule, contact: Sarah Boyce r I Todd Haney r I For other information about the course, contact: Jim Lowry I Terry Macfarlane r terrym@calm.wa. gov, au l Instructors: Jim Lowry, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia. Terry Macfarlane, Department of Conservation, Western Australian Herbarium, Manjimup, Australia. Todd Haney, Research & Collections, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA. Date: 7 to 15 October, 2002 Cost: $125 course fee Registration deadline: August 31, 2002 Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, California 90731 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 SUBJECT: Epitoniidae GUEST SPEAKER: none; Ron Velarde Discussion Leader DATE: 9 September 2002 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: City of San Diego - Marine Biology Lab 4918 N. Harbor Dr., suite 201 DIDN’T SEE IT COMING Gorgonocephalus sp - (juv) found on Thesea sp B CSD Station SD 11, 9 July 02, 90m disk diameter approx. 2-3mm Dave Montague reeently eireulated the following item among folks at C SDL AC. It’s worth passing on. “I note in the 24 May issue of Seienee a little sidebar that reports the following: Happy to Be ... a Biologist The best job in the United States is that of biologist, aeeording to this year’s ranking by the Jobs Rated Almanae. Biologists have moved up from 23rd plaee a few years ago to displaee fmaneial planners at the top of the heap. The almanae rates jobs aeeording to stress levels, pay, degree of autonomy, physieal demands, job seeurity, and market demand. The rankings are based on government labor and eensus data, eombined with surveys eondueted by trade and industry groups. The SCAMIT Newsletter is not deemed to be a valid publieation for formal taxonomie purposes. July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 Two other seientifie diseiplines are also in the top 10: meteorology and astronomy. Congratulations to all of us on our perspieaeious ehoiee of eareer!” BUT THEN AGAIN... The other side of this issue was reeently eireulated by John Ljubenkov, who provided a link to Dr. Milt Love’s webpage and an entry entitled “So You Want To Be A Marine Biologisf’. You too ean examine it (and in light of the Seienee report above, you should) at NEW LITERATURE Well, it’s almost that time again. Bight ’03 is almost here, and the planning stage is almost upon us. One of the things that all those who partieipated in the trawling effort of B’98 reeall was the stupendous waste of blindly applying random station loeation methodology in areas of mixed bottoms. This was partieularly evident off San Diego, and in the Channel Islands. Many nets were needlessly saerifieed to inviolable randomness, and many man-days of labor lost in attempts to trawl at sites where the bottom was unsuited to use of trawl gear. One of the reeommendations eoming from that experienee is that it not be repeated; that the loeations of untrawlable bottom be treated as if they were land, and exeluded from the random draw station loeation pool. To do so we will need to aeeurately eharaeterize the bottom in question. Coehrane & Lafferty (2002) report on initial attempts to distinguish between hard and soft bottoms in the Channel Islands using sidesean sonar data. This is of some importanee. High relief reef strueture ean be observed with a fathometer by a boat pre-eruising the proposed trawl path, but flat or low-relief hard bottom eannot. Low reefs, espeeially when intermittently eovered by thin sediments, pose little risk to trawling efforts as they offer little to snag the net. Trawling aeross sueh bottoms will often will bring up interesting and unusual organisms whieh will allow the nature of the bottom to be reeonstrueted by shipboard observers. If the bottom is, however, subjeet to little or no intermittent sediment eover, it will probably bear sessile organisms with the potential to snag and/or tear the net. Sueh bottoms ean only be avoided by eareful preparation, and investigative tools sueh as those used by the present authors. It remains to be seen if Bight ’03 will again take us to the Channel Islands, and if so, whether we will trawl there. If we do, we must be prepared. Another often mentioned possibility for inelusion in the seope of B’03 is sampling on the upper and middle slope, and perhaps the nearshore basins. Sueh a move, if taken, would allow examination of areas whieh either pass through or aeeumulate anthropogenieally modified sediments. It will also expose taxonomists and eeologists familiar with benthie eommunities nearer shore to different animals forming unfamiliar eommunities. We might eneounter seep/vent assoeiated eommunities. There is limited development of this type of ehemautotrophy-based eommunity even in nearshore waters on Palos Verdes, where hydrothermal vents exist in several loeations. In deep water these eommunities are seattered widely in the North Paeifie. Kojima (2002) provides an overview of the distribution and eonstituents of sueh eommunities in the northwestern Paeifie. One subset, the mussel bed eommunity around thermal vents, is deseribed in more detail by Van Dover (2002). While she deseribes the eommunity at three sites on the southern East Paeifie Rise, she found the same speeies there known from mueh further north. Foeusing even further, Martell et al (2002) diseuss the biology of a new speeies of bueeinid whelk found on the Juan de Fuea Ridge in the Northeast Paeifie. The speeies is from worm beds rather than 2 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 musselbeds, and the authors provide information on diet, reproduetion and predation on the snail by large majid erabs. It is deseribed in Harasewyeh and Kantor (2002). The worm beds are formed of vestimentiferans, worms typieally found around vents. These have in the past usually been treated as members of a separate phylum, although the first attempt at plaeing them within a elassifieatory eontext was as a subfamily of the polyehaete family Sabellidae. A reeent eladistie analysis of their relationships (Rouse 2001) found nothing to indieate a position differing from that proposed by Rouse & Fauehald 1997; plaeement as a separate family, the Siboglinidae, within the sabelloids. Rouse utilized a set of 30 eharaeters in the analysis of siboglinid genera. He viewed all other vestimentiferan families as synonyms of this one family. Perhaps if we go deep enough weTl see some of these guys...I’ve been hoping to for years. There is also a possibility that B’03 sampling will take us again into the shallow, partiele-rieh waters of bays and harbors. If we do sample there we will undoubtedly see the often large filter-feeding slipper snail Crepidula onyx. This speeies forms “staeks” under the right eonditions (plenty of food and not too many predators). A path of protandrous hermaphoditism is followed, starting out as males and undergoing a sex ehange to female as they get larger. A male larva will settle from the plankton onto the baek of a female, or of a prexisting male atop a female. As he grows he probably will aeeumulate another male on his own shell, eventually forming the staek. The question is, “why do they settle there, rather than just alongside the female [still allowing reproduetive aeeess]”? Zhao and Qian (2002) address this question, trying to parse apart the effeets of ehemieal eues to settlement provided by other snails already there, and the eues provided by the biofilm whieh eovers them, and nearly all hard surfaees subtidally. From my point of view, what is even more interesting is how, when the one at the bottom of the staek dies, do the rest avoid falling to their burial and death in the surrounding soft sediments? They are only held in plaee by the adhesion of the foot of the bottom female; onee she is gone, so is their attaehment to the substrate. Suggestions? A similar problem faees eetoparasites of animals that molt; how to stay on the host when it sheds its exterior? Behaviour of a elam symbiont and an isopod parasite of a mudshrimp are reported by Itani, Kato and Shirayama (2002). They used time-lapse video of the proeess of eedysis (skin-shedding) in the host, and earefully monitored the timing and nature of movement of the symbionts. They distinguish two strategies for symbionts to deal with eedysis; 1) eomplete your life- eyele between molts and don’t attempt to remain on the host, or 2) be mobile and leave the shed molt for the newly exposed surfaee of the host. There aetually is a third method, hormonal eontrol of host physiology and eomplete suppression or drastie extension of the host molt eyele. This is the method used by those physio-terrorists the aseothoraeid bamaeles, who are internal parasites with external reproduetive struetures and must also eope with molting. Of eourse if you are a parasite using so mueh of the host energy that it doesn’t have any left for somatie growth, the need for molting largely disappears. The authors give a niee summary of the existing literature on the problem, and eombined with their video, this is a niee eoneise treatment of the issue. Remember the “Wanted” posters that Andy Cohen put out several years ago for the introdueed erabs Eriochir sinensis (the Chinese wooly-handed Crab) and Carcinus meanas (the European green erab)? While having a major impaet in San Franeiseo Bay and assoeiated estuarine areas (ineluding the Saeramento Delta), neither of these two misereants has July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 shown up in the SCB. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they aren’t here; I just wonder if they’re eoming at all. I heard that C. maenas has been taken as far south as Morro Bay, but I hope the report is erroneous. Perhaps the answer is in the animals themselves. Eriochir, for instanee, needs freshwater to eomplete it’s life eyele, and we have preeious little of that here in Southern California. But what about Carcinusl The answer may be buried in the detail provided by Moksnes (2002). His studies indieate that early instars have very speeifie habitat preferenees, they like to settle in mussel beds and filamentous red algal patehes on roeky shores (or in eelgrass beds in bays). This should guarantee a virtually eomplete eonneetion between San Franeiseo Bay and the shores of the Bight. Although there are some sandy stretehes inbetween, roeky habitat should be within the dispersive reaeh of the planktonie larvae to either side. Sueh interspersed sandy beaehs may deter young erabs, but not larvae. Given this information, we should braee ourselves for the eventual arrival of the green erab as the margins of the population push into open eoastal areas outside of bays, followed by eurrent driven lateral spread along the eoastline. It may be that young erabs are also earried down the eoast with boat fouling. The result will be the same - emergenee of the green erab as an introdueed pest in the SCB, unless, of eourse, they don’t like it here...We’ll see. Information on the speeies is available from many internet sourees. I reeommend the eoneise treatment at http: //www.mdsg .umd. edu/MarineN otes/Mar- Apr96 Keep your eyes open. Morphometrie analysis is only infrequently performed on non-hard body parts subjeet to shrinkage, eontraetion, and distortion in preservation. Voight (2002) applies it to a series of eharaeters of reproduetive struetures in male oetopus. Charaeters of the heetoeotylized arm, being primary sexual eharaeters, should be strongly modified during growth. In eonsequenee she analysed several heetoeotylus eharaeters with regard to mantle length in 43 different speeies. MINUTES The July 15* SCAMIT meeting was extremely well attended. The business meeting began with Kelvin reminding us of upeoming meetings: Aug 19, Nereids at LACMNH, Sept 9, Epitoniidae at CSD, and Get 21, a review of the Glyeeridae at LACMNH. Kelvin also reminded everybody that 20* anniversary t-shirts were still available and he just happened to have some at the meeting on display and ready for purehase. There has been an email ehange for the people employed by Hyperion (CLAEMD). Their new email addresses will now eonsist of the person’s three initials followed by “”. After the business portion of the meeting was eoneluded Kelvin introdueed a guest speaker, N. Seott Rugh from the Paleontology Department of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Seott gave a talk based on his presentation at the WSM meetings earlier this year. Following is the abstraet from his paper: “A Highly Diverse Holoeene Invertebrate Fauna Colleeted After Beaeh Replenishment Operations at Cardiff State Beaeh, San Diego County During the month of August, 2001 a phase of beaeh replenishment eondueted by SAND AG (San Diego Assoeiation of Governments) transported oeean bottom sand from under 70 feet of water one kilometer offshore to the shore at Cardiff State Beaeh. Shells eontained in the sand were sifted out by the tides, and for approximately two weeks beginning August 19, repeated eolleetions were made from this deposited material. Speeimens were brought to 4 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 the San Diego Natural History Museum, eleaned, sorted, and identified and plaeed in the Paleontology Department. Two hundred fifty invertebrate speeimen lots were entered, mostly bivalves and gastropods, and three vertebrates, ineluding individual teeth of a bat ray, shark, and Sheepshead Fish were also identified. The most eommon large gastropod, spread by the hundreds along the high tide line of the roeky berm, was Bursa californica. This speeies lives in shallow to deep water and shells usually are only oeeasionally brought on shore by winter storms. Other subtidal speeies eommon in the dredge material ineluded Turritella cooperi, Megasurcula carpenteriana, Terebra pedroana, Dentalium pretiosum, Pecten diegensis, and Glycymeris subobsoleta. The speeimens were empty and most were dull and slightly diseolored. Although most speeimens were probably derived from an offshore, buried Holoeene deposit, a few of the deep water shells brought up by the dredging were elearly modern. Among these were Halistylus pupoides, a few of whieh still had opereuli in the apertures, and speeimens of Sinum scopulosum, Lucinoma annulata, Tellina idae, and other bivalves that still had periostraeum attaehed.” In addition to the information ineluded in the above abstraet, Seott diseussed two speeies he diseovered whieh were unusual. He found speeimens of Acmaea mitra and Cryptochiton stelleri whieh are known from eentral and northern California but not from this far south. Perhaps this diseovery indieates their presenee, historieally, in the Southern California region. Seott also brought a speeial gift for those present; he had a large bag full of frog shells {Bursa californica) whieh were passed around the room and people were eneouraged to help themselves. You will find attaehed at the end of the newsletter a eomplete listing of the speeies eolleeted during the projeet. With Seotf s talk eoneluded it was time for the main portion of the meeting to eommenee. The presentation on digital imaging, given by Riek Rowe (CSD) and Kelvin Barwiek (CSD) was so extensive and thorough that your seeretary gave up the idea of trying to take down all the information after just a few minutes. Ineluded below is a general overview of the topies diseussed and some links that were used during the ereation of the presentation. Kelvin started by eovering the various file format options and modes when saving a digital file: Bitmap = TIFF, JPEG, GIFF, and Objeet oriented = PICT, EPS and Tilepie. As for the modes aspeet he eovered grayseale and and CMYK vs. RGB. He then diseussed how to modify images in terms of if images are too dark or too light, out of foeus, or need eolor eorreetions. Next was doeument produetion: Image proeessing (Adobe Photoshop, and Photoelements), Page layout (Adobe Pagemaker, InDesign, Quark Xpress, Word proeessor), Eleetronie publieation (Adobe Aerobat), HTME/web publishing, and presentations (Mierosoft Powerpoint). Finally he diseussed the praetieal applieations of using digital images. Digital imaging saves time and effort in terms of getting visual data proeessed and available. It’s invaluable in large labs for assisting with in-house eommunieation and QA/QC as well as interlab ealibration and eommunieating information quiekly and effieiently with experts around the world. Riek Rowe did a very thorough and detailed presentation with regards to the aetual art and seienee of photography. Below is a list of links from sites where he garnered mueh of his information. Please take the opportunity to browse these sites and edueate yourself as to the wonderful world of digital photography (these links are not hyperlinked in this newsletter, as there are too many of them; we will work on making this list available on the web in the near future). 5 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 IMAGING HARDWARE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION SCAMIT 15JULY2002 BY RICK ROWE - LINKS INCLUDED WITHIN THE SLIDESHOW COLOR PERCEPTION http: //www. eybereolle ge. eoni/tvp028. htm DEFINITION AND EXPLANATION OF COLOR TEMPERATURE photomierography/eolortemperature.html CHROMIC ABERRATION http: //www. ehm. eolo state. edu/erf/teaehing/ e532/opaberfib.htm BASIC OPTICS http: //www. o vertonphoto. eom/teeh/opties. htm ADVANCED MICROSCOPY OPTICS http: //www.mieroseopy. anatomy/eomponents .html CONCEPTS OF MAGNIFICATION http: //miero .magnet, magnifieation.html COMPOUND MICROSCOPE EIGHTING VOETAGE CONTROE http: //miero .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/ photomierography/eolortemperature.html (seroll down below the eolor speetrum graph for a short statement about the photovoltage eontrol) MICROSCOPE EIGHTING HARDWARE http: //www. olympusmiero. eom/ primer/ anatomy/sourees .html GENERAE INFORMATION ABOUT FITTERS AND FITTER TERMINOEOGY http: //www. edmundoptie s. eom/teehsupport/ DisplayArtiele.efm?artieleid=273 CONTRAST IN OPTICAE MICROSCOPY http: //miero. magnet, fsu. edu/primer/teehniques/ eontrast.html SPECIAEIZED MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUES http ://www.mieroseopy. teehniques/ SUMMARY OF SOURCES OF MICROSCOPE RESOEUTION ABERRATION http://www.olympusmiero.eoni/primer/ anatomy/aberrationhome.html NUMERICAE APERTURE (N.A.) anatomy/numaperture. html OBJECTIVE TENS http ://mioro .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/anatomy/ objeetives.html KOHEER lEEUMINATION http ://miero .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/anatomy/ kohler.html ABBE CONDENSER http ://miero .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/anatomy/ eondensers.html CONDENSER NUMERIC AE APERTURE (C.A.N.) http: //www. olympusmiero. eom/primer/j ava/ mtf/modulation/ USEFUE TOTAE MAGNIFICATION http://www.mierosoopyu.eom/artieles/ formulas/formulasma grange. html MICROSCOPE OPTICAE COMPONENTS http ://www.miorosoopy. anatomy/oomponents .html MARTIN MICROSCOPE ADAPTER http://www.martinmieroseope.oom/ MM997Q7%2Q&%2QMMC00E5K.htm ISOEATING PROBEEMS WITH IMAGES - PROCESS OR HARDWARE? http ://mioro .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/ photomiero graphy/errors. html 6 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 http: //miero .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/ photomierography/ehromerefleetfaults.html (works for digital also) NIKON MICROSCOPY UNIVERSITY http://www.mieroseopyu.eom/index.html MOLECULAR EXPRESSIONS Speeial thanks to Miehael W. Davidson and Florida State University for the volumes of information. CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICE (CCD) http: //miero .magnet, fsu. edu/primer/ digitalimaging/eoneepts/eedanatomy.html WHY 72 DPI? http: //www. seantips. eom/basies 1 a.html RESAMPLING http://www.designer-info.eom/ master.htm?http://www.designer-info.eom/ Photo/imageresample.htm UNDERSTANDING DEPTH OF FIELD http: //www. luminous-Iandseape. eom/tutorials/ understanding-series/dof shtml DEPTH OF FIELD CALCULATOR SOFTWARE (FREE) CIRCLE OF CONFUSION http: //www.nikonlinks. oom/unklbil/dof htm SMALLER DIGITAL SENSORS AND DEPTH OF FIELD HIGH END SCANNER http: //www. eameras - s eanner s - flaar. or g/ Fuj ifilmEIeotronielmaging/ Fuj ifilmCS 5Q_Lanovia_sean.html SCANNER REVIEWS AND ANOTHER LINK TO PROFESSIONAL PRINTING AND SCANNING AT THE FLAAR COMMUNITY OF WEBSITES http: //www. flatbed-seanner-review. org/ GENERAL AND STRAIGHT FORWARD SCANNING TIPS http://www.seantips.eom/ DEMO OF HOW A CCD WORKS http: //miero. magnOt. fsu. edu/primer/j ava/ photomierography/avalanehe/ CMOS OR CCD? http ://www.kodak. eom/U S/en/oorp/ researohDevelopment/teohnoIogyFeatures/ emos. shtml CANON EOS-D60 - ONE OF THE BEST dSLR’s http: //www. dpreview. eom/re vie ws/ eanoneosd6Q/page24.asp CANON EOS-D60 - REVIEWED AT MY SECOND FAVORITE PHOTO SITE (MAYBE THE THIRD ACTUALLY BEHIND LUMINOUS LANDSCAPE) http ://www. steves-di gieams. eom/ 2QQ2_reviews/d6Q_pg5 .html NIKON D-lOO REVIEWS http: //www. dpreview. eom/re vie ws/nikond 100/ http://www.steves-digieams.eom/ 2QQ2_reviews/nikon_dl QQ.html http: //www. naturfoto graf eom/index2_PC. html Avery serious photographer’s opinion SONY DSC-F707 REVIEW - THE 5Mp CAMERA USED BY THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO AND BY THE AUTHOR OF THIS LIST (WITH THE MARTIN MICROSCOPE ADAPTER FOR PHOTOMICROSCOPY) http: //www. dpreview. eom/re vie ws/ sonydsef7Q7/ LUMINOUS LANDSCAPE - A WEALTH OF TUTORIALS AND EXCELLENT IMAGES http://www.Iuminous-landseape.eom/tutoriaIs/ dq. shtml ONE OF SEVERAL LCD PROJECTOR SITES http ://www.proj eetoreentral. eom/ 7 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 Several sites on the Web deserve speeial reeognition for eontent. Speeifle pages from these sites may have been ineluded in the Imaging Hardware SCAMIT presentation, but I reeommend browsing through the sites for more information. For the photographer - everything from eolor theory to eamera reviews with exeellent guest authored artieles and aeeompanying images - Seleet the “Understanding Series” and “Tutorial” dropdowns on the home page. http: //www. luminous-landseape. eom Reviews and user forums are a good way to add to your evaluation of equipment before purehase. My favorites are: http://www.dpreview.eom - Phil Askey’s eamera reviews http://www.steves-digieams.eom/ http://www.imaging-resouree.eom/ http://www.doresouree.oom/ NEW BOOKS Two new books may be of interest to readers. The first is available, the seeond is in the future, and is ealling for partieipation by interested parties. First - Australian Crustaceans Just published, 2002: “A Field Guide to Crustaeeans of Australian Waters” (new edition) by Diana Jones and Gary Morgan, 224 pp, Reed New Holland Publishers, Sydney. Priee A$39.95. Order by email from: Enquiries to: The Book “A Field Guide to Crustaeeans of Australian Waters” is the most eurrent, eomplete summary of all Australia’s known erustaeeans. It is the only book of its kind, giving an overview of Australia’s tropieal and temperate, marine and fresh-water, as well as terrestrial, erustaeean speeies. A great deal of researeh has been undertaken sinee the first edition of this book was published. This seeond edition ineorporates up-to-date information, with eaeh seetion eheeked by world experts, and even features rare, reeently diseovered subterranean erustaeeans. This beautifully laid out, easy to follow book, with its eomprehensive bibliography, glossary and referenee list, is aimed at naturalists, seientists, marine seienee students, eommereial and reereational fishermen, marine eeologists and zoologists, fisheries departments and environmental ageneies, who will find it useful for identifieation and other purposes. For the general reader, it will open a door to the biology of these often beautifully eoloured and outrageously shaped animals. Lavishly illustrated with line drawings and stunning photographs, this is an essential guide for anyone with a erustaeean interest. The Authors Diana Jones and Gary Morgan are experts in their field. Marine life teems around the vast eoast of Western Australia and so it is no eoineidenee that both seientists work at the Western Australian Museum. Diana speeializes in erabs in the mangrove areas and in bamaeles, and also has an interest in introdueed marine pests as well as the fauna of hydrothermal vents. She has published extensively on erustaeean taxonomy and biology and she is the Curator of Crustaeea at the Museum. Gary also speeializes inerabs ineluding hermit erabs; freshwater erayfish are another area of his researeh. He also has a partieular interest in eoral reef animals. Curator of Crustaeea at the Museum for seven years, he is now the Exeeutive Direetor.” Your editor has not yet seen this volume, but it sounds very interesting. Second - Eastern Pacific Crustaceans “CALL FOR PAPERS: FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT, AUGUST 2002 SECOND VOLUME OF BOOK ON EAST PACIFIC CRUSTACEAN (sic) July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 The seeond issue of a series of volumes on marine erustaeeans from the east Paeifie is being prepared for publieation in 2003 (Deeember). The book will follow the format of individual eontributions (one or several authors) related to any aspeet (biology, taxonomy, fishery ...) of benthie and pelagie erustaeeans, ineluding synthesis or review papers. Contributions in Spanish or English will be aeeepted. Eaeh eontribution will be reviewed by 1-2 referees to eheek for quality. However, the main objeetive of this series of books is to make available regional eontributions as well as to reseue original and valuable information whieh has never been published in “tough” journals, like data in reports or thesis. Henee, eriteria for aeeepting eontributions will be softer than in major journals although eare will be taken to provide a top quality to format and edition; in partieular, style and eorreet use of language will be strietly examined. Format will be aprox. 17 em x 22 em, two eolumns. Instruetions to authors will be mailed to potential authors upon request or ean be obtained at the following web site (September 2002): This site also displays Volume 1 eontents and eover (volume 1 due August 2002). A volume will be published every year. There will be a page eharge of 15 US$ (fifteen) per page in order to pay for part of the printing. Eaeh issue will have 500 eopies. Authors will be allowed to buy issues at eost and will reeeive 25 free reprints (extra reprints will be at eost). The editor will be Miehel E. Hendriekx (Unidad Aeademiea Mazatlan, UNAM, Mazatlan, Mexieo) but an English eo- editor will assist if neeessary. Please let me know of your interest to eontribute to this seeond issue before the 15 of Deeember 2002 at one of the following e-mails (preferably the first): mehendriekx@, or Please inelude the following data: 1. Author(s), afiliation and institution address (mail and e-mail) 2. Tentative title for the eontribution. 3. Number of pages (aprox.) of eontribution (MS, double spaee, ineluding figures and tables) 4. Maximum date for submitting the MS 5. Availability of PC equipment to send and reeeive eleetronie files. Manuseripts ean be submitted any time but the dead line for Volume 2 is May 2003. Contaet editor first for details regarding the sending of manuseripts through regular mail, express mail and internet.” General thanks to Dr. Hendriekx for undertaking these volumes, we should be getting a glimpse of the first one any day now. Hopefully some SCAMIT members will ehoose to be involved in this projeet. JOBS!!! “I am writing to solieit applieations for 4 new postdoetoral positions at the Centre for Coral Reef Biodiversity in Townsville, Australia. One is available immediately, and all 4 should ideally start by the end of this year. We ean offer 1, 2 or 3-year positions (preferably 3- year), with a beginning salary of approximately A$50K plus benefits. Funding is available for moving eosts from overseas. We will shortly advertise these positions in Seienee/Nature. The sueeessful applieants will join Centre staff engaged in the study of eoral reef biodiversity at a global seale. There is eonsiderable seope for the sueeessful eandidates to shape a role that suits their partieular strengths and interests. The sueeessful applieants will be expeeted to publish her or his work in high- quality journals, and to eollaborate with Centre staff to apply their skills to researeh problems in eoral reef biodiversity. We are partieularly interested in people with advaneed training in maeroeeology, evolutionary biology. July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 biogeography, funetional biology and paleontology. We also seek a biostatistieian who will develop new statistieal models for use in the study of the distribution, abundanee, and eeologieal funetion of organisms at large seales. To be eompetitive, younger applieants will need to have already published some of the PhD results in better journals. In our first year of operation, the CCRB has seeured $10 million in eompetitive researeh funding. (Applieants ean find out more about the members and aetivities of the Centre at the URL below. A list of 50 publieation by the Centre for 2001/2 is available on request). Please ask potential eandidates to eontaet me (or another CCRB Member if they prefer) by email for further details. Thanks for your time. Prof Terry Hughes, FAA Federation Fellow (2002-2007) Direetor, Centre for Coral Reef Biodiversity Sehool of Marine Biology James Cook University, Townsville QLD 4811, Australia Phone: 61-747-814222 Fax: 61-747-251570 Email: and VISIT THE NEW CENTRE FOR CORAE REEF BIODIVERSITY http ://www.j CORRECTION In the June issue of the SCAMIT newsletter, referenee was made to Microcosmus exasperatus. This name is no longer in use and the animal is now Microcosmus squamiger. Thanks to Ron Velarde (CSD) for eatehing my mistake - M. Eilly. 10 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 3 LITERATURE CITED Coehrane, Guy R., and Kevin D. Lafferty. 2002. Use of aeoustie elassifieation of sidesean sonar data for mapping benthie habitat in the Northern Channel Islands, California. Continental Shelf Researeh 22(5):683-90. Itani, Gyo, Makoto Kato, and Yoshihisa Shirayama. 2002. Behaviour of the eetosymbionts, Peregrinamor ohshimai (Mollusea : Bivalvia) and Phyllodurus sp (Crustaeea : Isopoda) through host eedyses. Journal of the Marine Biologieal Assoeiation of the United Kingdom 82(l):69-78. Harasewyeh, Miehael G., and Yuri I. Kantor. 2002. Buccinum thermophilum (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Bueeinidae), a new speeies from the Endeavour vent field of the Juan de Fuea Ridge. Journal of Mollusean Studies 68:39-44. Kojima, Shigeaki. 2002. Deep-sea ehemoautosynthesis-based eommunities in the Northwestern Paeifie. Journal of Oeeanography 58(2):343-63. Martell, Kathryn A., Venera Tunnieliffe, and Ian R. Maedonald. 2002. Biologieal features of a bueeinid whelk (Gastropoda, Neogastropoda) at the Endeavour ventfields of Juan de Fuea Ridge, Northeast Paeifie. Journal of Mollusean Studies 68:45-53. Moksnes, Per-Olav. 2002. The relative importanee of habitat-speeifie settlement, predation and juvenile dispersal for distribution and abundanee of young juvenile shore erabs Carcinus maenas E. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Eeology 271(l):41-73. Rouse, Greg W. 2001. A eladistie analysis of Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914 (Polyehaeta, Annelida): formerly the phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera. Zoologieal Journal of the Einnean Soeiety 132(l):55-80. —, and Kristian Fauehald. 1997. Cladisties and polyehaetes. Zoologiea Seripta 26:139-204. Van Dover, Cindy Eee 2002. Community strueture of mussel beds at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Marine Eeology Progress Series 230:137-58. Voight, Janet R. 2002. Morphometrie analysis of male reproduetive features of oetopodids (Mollusea : Cephalopoda). Biologieal Bulletin 202(2): 148-55. Zhao, Bin, and Pei-Yuan Qian. 2002. Earval settlement and metamorphosis in the slipper limpet Crepidula onyx (Sowerby) in response to eonspeeifie eues and the eues from biofilm. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Eeology 269(1):39-51. 11 July, 2002 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 3 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheyl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. LOCALITY NUMBERS A508 1 4 6 37 1 9 2 3 9 1 2 1 5 12 1 1 23 45 1 1 24 23 6 2 30 3 3 4 2 9 5 1 4 1 10 39 4 2 1 2 7 517 4 11 5 9 1 5 1 2 5 SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM DEPARTMENT OF PALEONTOLOGY FROG SHELL HEAVEN: CARDIFF STATE BEACH DREDGE LOCALITY NUMBERS SPECIES 4508 Spirorbis sp. Balanus sp. cf. B. aauila Pilsbry, 1907 Balanus sp. cf. B. pacfficus Pilsbry, 1916 Heqabalanus californicus (Pilsbry, 1916) Tetrad ita rubescens Darwin, 1854 Decapods Cancer sp. cf. C. antennarius Stimpson, 1856 Cancer sp. cf. C. gracilis Dana, 1852 Randal Iia ornata (Randall) Loxorhvnchus grandis Stimpson, 1857 cf. Pugettia sp. cf. Isocheles sp. Heterocrvpta occidentalis (Dana) Crvptolepas sp. Platviepas sp. Terebratalia transverse Sowerby, 1846 Bryozoa CeUajJa sp. cf. Coenocvathus bowersi Vaughan, 1906 cf. Astrangia laioUensis Durham, 1947 Dendraster excentricus (EschschoUz, 1831) Strongylocentrotus sp. Spatangoida Acmaea digitalis Rathke in Eschscholtz, 1833 Acmaea insessa (Hinds, 1842) Acmaea mitra Rathke, 1833 Acmaea paleacea (Gould, 1853) Acmaea sp. cf. A. pelta Rathke in Eschscholtz, 1833 Acmaea scabra (Gould, 1846) Diodora aspera (Rathke in Eschscholtz, 1833) Fissurella volcano Reeve, 1849 Lucapinella callomarginata (Dali, 1871) Hegathura crenulata (Sowerby, 1825) Haliotis assimilis Dali, 1878 Haliotis rufescens Swainson, 1822 Tried ia compta (Gould, 1855) Calliostoma canaliculatum (Lightfoot, 1786) Calliostoma gemmulatum Carpenter, 1864 Calliostoma gloriosum Pall. 1871 Calliostoma supragranosum Carpenter, 1864 Calliostoma tricolor Gabb, 1865 Halistvlus pupoides (Carpenter, 1864) Lirularia sp. cf, L, pareipieta (Carpenter, 1864) Norrisia norrisi (Sowerby, 1838) Tegula aureotincta (Forbes, 1850) Tegula eisent Jordan, 1936 Tegula funebralis (A. Adams, 1855) Tegula qallina (Forbes, 1850) Tegula pullioo (Gmelin, 1791) Turcica caffea G«A)b, 1865 Astraea gibberosa (Dillwyn, 1817) 7 Astraea undosa (Wood, 1828) 1 Helaitipus pliyaceus Carpenter, 1857 1 Trimusculus reticulatus (Sowerby, 1835) 1 Acteocina culcitella (Gould, 1853) 26 Acteocina sp. 4 Acteon pcmtctocaelatus (Carpenter, 1864) 2 Acteon traski Stearns, 1897 4 Bulla gouldiana PiIsbry, 1893 3 Cvl i chna sp. 2 cf. Cvlichna sp. 1 Volvulella panamica Dali, 1919 91 Bursa californica (Hinds, 1843) 1 Caecum calffornicum Dali, 1885 88 Caecum crebricinctum (Carpenter, 1864) 4 Caecum sp. 1 cf. Capulus sp, 1 Cerithiopsis sp. cf. C. cosmia Bartsch, 1907 1 Seila nKyiterevensfs Bartsch, 1907 1 Calvptraea fastigiata Gould, 1856 4 Crajidula coei Berry, 1950 3 Crepidula norrisiarum Williamson, 1905 9 Crepidula onvx Sowerby, 1824 1 Crepidula perforans (Valenciennes, 1846) 15 Crepipatella lingulata (Gould, 1846) 2 Crucibuluro spinostm (Sowerby, 1824) 1 Cymati^ sp. 8 Cvpraea spadicea Swainson, 1823 9 Epitoniun bellastriatom (Carpenter, 1864) 34 Epitwiium indianorum (Carpenter, 1864) 2 OBgiJi! funiculata Carpenter, 1857 4 Ctoalfa wroblewskii (Morch, 1876) 1 Erato vitellina Hinds, 1844 5 Trivia californiana (Gray, 1827) 4 Trivia solandri (Sowerby, 1832) 2 Iselfca fenestrata (Carpenter, 1864) 4 Hipponix antlauatus (Linnaeus, 1767) 5 Hipponix tumens Carpenter, 1864 21 Lacuna unifasefata Carpenter, 1857 ^ -Littorlna keenae Rosewater, 1978 2 Littorlna plena Gould, 1849 14 Littorlna scutulata Gould, 1849 15 Me land la sp. 18 Pol inices altus (Pilsbry, 1929) 11 Pot inices draconis (Dali, 1903) 8 Pd inices lewisfi (Gould, 1847) 2 Polfnlces reclusianus (Deshayes, 1839) 10 Pot Inices sp. 2 Sinwi scopulosum (Conrad, 1849) 2 Cerithidea californica (Haldeman, 1840) 2 Rissoina californica Bartsch, 1915 13 Rissoina sp. cf. R, laoazana Bartsch, 1915 SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM DEPARTMENT OF PALEONTOLOGY FROG SHELL HEAVEN: CARDIFF STATE BEACH DREDGE LOCALITY NUMBERS SPECIES 4508 LOCALITY NUMBERS SPECIES 4508 41 Turritella cooperi Carpenter^ 1864 1 Petaloconchus monterevensis Pall. 1919 9 SerpuLorbis sauamigerus (Carpenter, 1857) 2 VitrineUa oldrovdi Bartsch, 1907 2 Ketletia kelLetii (Forbes. 1850} 1 Neptunea tabulate (Baird, 1863) 9 Cancellaria cooperi Gabb, 1865 1 Cancellaria sp. cf, C. crawfordlana (Dali, 1891) 11 Amphissa versicolor Dali, 1871 76 Mitrella carinata (Kinds, 1844) 1 Nassarina penicillata (Carpenter, 1864) 20 Conus californicus Hinds, 1844 MS Reeve, 1844 13 Barbarofusus barbarensis (Trask, 1855) 2 Fusinus luteopictus (Dali, 1877) 1 Volvarina taeniolata Morch, 1860 21 Hitra idae Melvill, 1893 10 Acanthina spirata (Blainville. 1832) 1 Ceratostwna nuttalli (Conrad, 1837) 1 Forreria belcheri (Hinds, 1844) 8 Maxwellia gewnna (Sowerby, 1879) 1 Haxwellia santarosana (Dali, 1905) 1 Ocenebra atropurourea Carpenter, 1865 6 Ocenebra foveolata (Hinds, 1844) 8 Pteropurpura festiva (Hinds, 1844) 1 Pteropurpura roacrcmtera (Deshayes, 1839) 2 Pteropurpura trialata (Sowerby, 1841) 6 Roperia poutsoni (Carpenter, 1864) 2 Thais einarginata (Deshayes, 1839) 1 Trophon catalinensis I. Oldroyd, 1927 1 Nassarius delosi (Woodring, 1946) 4 Nassarius fossatus (Gould, 1849) 1 Nassarius insculptus (Carpenter, 1864) 9 Nassarius mendicos (Gould, 1849) 56 Nassarius peroinguis (Hinds, 1844) 5 Nassarius tegula (Reeve, 1853) 135 Olivelia baetica Carpenter, 1864 78 Olivelia biplicata (Sowerby, 1825) 18 Terebra pedroana Dali, 1908 5 Crassispira sp. 25 Kurtziella plun±>ea (Hinds, 1843) 31 Megasurcula carpenteriana (Gabb, 1865) 3 Megasurcula steamsiana (Raymond, 1906) 1 cf. Mitroroorpha sp. 7 (tohiodermella ophiodenna (Dali, 1908) 1 Pseudomelatoroa penicillata (Carpenter, 1864) .3 Tenaturris sp. cf. T. merita (Hinds, 1843) 1 Odostowia sp. ^5 TurbmiUa sp. 167 Givcvtneris subobsoleta (Carpenter, 1864) 71 Corbula luteola Carpenter, 1864 2 Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767) 4 Panopea generosa (Gould, 1850) 4 Platvodon cancel Iatus (Conrad, 1837) 8 Parapholas californica (Conrad, 1837) 4 Zirfaea piIsbrvi Lowe, 1931 1 Modiolus capax (Conrad, 1837) 13 Mvtilus californianus Conrad, 1837 5 Septifer bifurcatus (Conrad, 1837) 43 Nuculana taphria (Dali, 1896) 5 Nucula exiqua Sowerby, 1833 1 Periploma planiuscuLum Sowerby, 1834 1 Thracia sp. 5 Anomia peruviana Orbigny, 1846 11 Pododesmus macroschisma (Deshayes, 1839) 29 Ostrea lurida Carpenter, 1864 14 Argopecten aequisulcatus (Carpenter, 1864) 2 Chtamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843) 4 Hinnites giganteus (Gray, 1825) 75 Leptooecten latiauratus (Conrad, 1837) 20 Pecten diegensis Dali, 1898 1 Pteria sterna (GcHjld, 1851) 40 Americardia biangulata (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) 12 Trachycardtuni quadragenariun (Conrad, 1837) 2 Gians subouadrata (Carpenter, 1864) 2 Chama arcana f.R. Bernard, 1976 4 Pseudocharoa exogvra (Conrad, 1837) 1 Donax californicus Conrad, 1837 140 Donax gouldil Pall. 1921 3 Here excavata (Carpenter, 1857) 26 Lucinisca nuttalli (Conrad, 1837) 3 Lucinoma annulata (Reeve, 1850) 11 Parvilucina sp, 17 SPisula dotabriformis (Conrad, 1867) 17 Spisula hemphilli (Dali, 1894) 2 Tresus nuttallii (Conrad, 1837) 12 Hvsella tumida (Carpenter, 1863) 10 Pristes oblongus Carpenter, 1863 4 Petricola carditoides (Conrad, 1837) 2 Heterodonax pacificus (Conrad, 1837) 1 Semele decisa (Conrad, 1837) 1 Semele inconorua Carpenter, 1864 3 Semele rubropicta Dali, 1871 1 Semele rupicola Dali, 1915 3 Ensis mvrae Berry, 1953 17 Siliaua lucida (Conrad, 1837) 7 Solen sicarius Gould, 1850 6 Florimetfs obesa (Deshayes, 1855) 1 Hacorea nasuta (Conrad, 1837) 4 Macoma secta (Conrad, 1837) 6 Tellina bodegensis Hinds, 1845 1 Tellina idae Dali, 1891 7 TeUJna nucgloides (Reeve, 1854) SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM DEPARTMENT OF PALEONTOLOGY FROG SHELL HEAVEN: CARDIFF STATE BEACH DREDGE LOCALITY NUMBERS SPECIES 4508 1 Diplodonta orbeUus (Gould, 1851) 1 Ami antis callosa (Conrad, 1837) 1 Chione californiensis (Broderip, 1835) 3 Chione undateI la (Sowerby, 1835) 6 Irus lamellifer (Conrad, 1837) 9 Protothaca staminea (Conrad, 1837) 12 Saxidomus nuttalli Conrad, 1837 2 Tivela stuUori^ (Mawe, 1823) 1 Transennella tantilla (Gould, 1853) 2 Ventricolaria fordii (Yates, 1890) 18 Crvptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846) 1 Callistochiton paImulatus (Carpenter in Pilsbrv. 1893) 1 cf, Callistochiton sp. 1 Nuttallina fluxa (Carpenter, 1864) 1 cf. Cvanoplax sp. 3 Stenoplax consoicua (Pilsbry, 1892) 1 Mopalia acuta (Carpenter, 1855) 2 Mooalia muscosa (Gould, 1846) 1 cf. M6000m The existence of the Southern California Borderland with its complex topography of basins, canyons, sea valleys, banks and islands complicates this classification somewhat since we view the “slopes” as ending at the rims of the nearshore basins. The shallowest nearshore basin has a sill depth of 735m, so we typically conceive of the slope as ending at these basins. Only the upper slope does, the descent continues at the seaward edge of the Borderland, with nearly all mid and lower slope zone located seaward of the Patton Escarpment. We are currently concerned then with only the upper slope. Arthropods of the Upper Continental Slope of the Southern California Bight: A Resource guide. Donald B. Cadien, CSDLAC, 21 January 2003 With Bight ’03 sampling scheduled for this year, the Quality Assurance process for taxonomic identifications which SCAMIT performed in previous regional monitoring efforts must begin. Plans are not finalized, and technical committees have yet to meet, but sampling on the upper Continental Slope as well as the Continental Shelf is anticipated. In Bight’98 sampling extended no deeper than 200m, with few sites near that depth. Projected sampling for Bight’03 will extend down to 500m. Since the biota of slope and shelf differ, and POTW monitoring programs seldom sample the slope, taxonomists participating in B’03 will need to familiarize themselves with new animals. The CSDLAC sampling grid incorporates a line of stations at 305m, so we have become familiar with some of the slope fauna. The material presented below will draw on that experience as well as slope sampling associated with other programs. Two goals will be pursued: presentation of the known arthropod fauna of slope depths in the Bight and adjacent portions of the Eastern Pacific, and presentation of a bibliography of relevant source articles on which participating taxonomists can draw. The fauna of the slope, especially the upper slope, shares many species with the outer Continental Shelf There is no clear line of demarcation between the two, and change is gradual along the gradient of increasing depth. There are special assemblages interspersed along the general soft-bottom gradient, such as the pavement/coarse sediment assemblage which occupies the current-swept shelf break below which the slope begins. Other variants are also associated with differences in bottom topography and/or sediment type (such as the “deep water coarse” assemblage identified in SCBPP data). General population trends with increasing depth from the shelf to the slope are decrease in abundance (see Barnard 1966) and decrease in average size of individuals. More and more of the arthropod diversity will be missed with increasing depth as adult size of many species approaches mesh size of the 1mm screens used on shelf depth sediment samples in virtually all programs. This was demonstrated by use of nested 1.0mm and 0.5mm screens in some previous programs. The effect was particularly noticeable with peracarid crustaceans; less so with polychaete worms, mollusks, and echinoderms. The fauna of the Bight reported by previous investigators in the literature, or sampled directly in the CSDLAC deep stations (305m), will be presented below by taxonomic group. 5 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 with range information if available. Species whose distribution reaches no shallower than 200m are included, as are those which occur as shallow as 500m. Pycnogonida Ammothella setosa Nymphon stipulum Ostracoda no additional species known from local slopes not already represented on the shelf Copepoda- no comment Cirripedia no additional species known from between 200-500m (see Pilsbry 1907, 1916) Leptostraca no additional species known from this depth segment in the SCB Stomatopoda no additional species added to shallow water biota Mysida only bathypelagic species added in this depth range Cumacea Diastylis sp C Diastylis quadriplicata Eudorella redacticruris Leucon armata Leucon bishopi Leucon declivis Leucon magnadentata Leucon sp G Leucon sp J Tanaidacea no additional taxa added in this depth range to the list from the shelf (see Dojiri & Sieg 1997) Isopoda Ananthura luna Belonectes sp A Caecognathia sanctaecrucis Desmosoma sp A Eurycope californiensis Ilyarachna profunda Metacirolana joanneae Momedossa symmetrica Munna magnifica Munnopsurus sp A Nannonisconis latipleonis Paramunna quadratifrons Prochelator sp A Amphipoda Ampelisca furcigera Bathymedon kassites Bathymedon vulpeculus Byblis bathyalis Harpiniopsis emeryi Harpiniopsis epistomata Harpiniopsis naiadis Heterophoxus affinis Leptophoxus falcatus icelus Liljeborgia cota Melphidippa amorita Mesometopa neglecta roya Monoculodes glyconica Monoculodes latissimanus Paraphoxus oculatus Pseudharpinia excavata Uristes californicus Valettiopsis dentatus Decapoda Calocarides quinqueseriatus Calocarides sp A Discussion of the Species The species identified above as members of the upper slope fauna will not all be familiar to you, particularly the provisional species. They will be discussed below by group: PYCNOGONIDA - Shelf and upper slope species are the same for the most part. Two species are added in the 200-500m portion of the slope which interests us here. Child’s 1994 paper deals with species from much greater depths, and is not applicable to the current bathymetric zone. 6 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 Ammothella setosa. Poorly described by Hilton (1942) and more completely redescribed as Ammothella killix (Dojiri et al 1991). The synonymy was established during reexamination of Hilton’s types by Child 1996. The species is known to occur at 366-372m, but the depth of Hilton’s type lot has not been established. Nymphon stipulum has been taken but once, off the northern Channel Islands in 375m. Child (1990) provides good illustrations and differentiates his new species from other Nymphon species. CUMACEA - Bodotriids are generally shallow water (with vaunthompsonines being an exception), as are lampropids. Nannastacids are usually at shelf depths, although they also range down to the upper slope. All of the slope taxa not also known at shelf depths in the SCB come from either the Diastylidae or the Leuconidae. In terms of literature, the cumacean descriptions in the MMS Atlas are brief and lacking in detail. Use the keys and descriptions with a grain of salt. In regards to the Leucons, also see Cadien’s SCAMIT key from 1986 which includes the provisional species mentioned here. If voucher sheets are needed, contact Don Cadien. Diastylis sp C was originally taken from the LA 2 Dump Site in 197m. It has subsequently been taken off Palos Verdes just to the west of the original capture site. A voucher sheet was prepared and is available to those who have not seen this form. This provisional species is not discussed or illustrated in any published source. Diastylis quadriplicata was originally known as Diastylis sp E, and later described by Watling & McCann (1997). The form is not yet recorded from the SCB, but occurs in the adjacent Santa Maria Basin. The depth range in the literature is 290-310m, but additional specimens were taken as shallow as 180m. Eudorella redacticruris was also described by Watling & McCann (1997), from off the northern Channel Islands at 430m. Leucon armatus was described by Given (1961), and SEMs are also presented in Watling & McCann (1997). Although it can be taken in waters shallower than 200m, it is mostly distributed lower on the slope. This species has fewer records than any other of the local Leucon species. These congeners are distributed in overlapping bathymetric ranges descending from the shelf down the slope, with each species first co-occurring with its predecessor, then replacing it at greater depths. Leucon bishopi was originally referred to locally as Leucon sp. B, then as Epileucon sp. B, and finally as Leucon (Crymoleucon) bishopi. Records in the SCB are centered around 500m, with specimens from about 1000m in the Santa Maria Basin to the north. The species is discussed in Watling & McCann 1997. Leucon declivis was known as Leucon sp. H prior to its description by Watling & McCann (1997). It is a very large species which is distributed throughout the SCB, and also to the north. The majority of records are centered around 400m, but the species also has been taken as deep as 1000m. Leucon magnadentata Given 1961, overlaps much of the bathymetric distribution of L. declivis. Although it also occurs as shallow as 100m, it is typically taken at about 400m and deeper. Poorly represented in the SCB, it is quite common just to the north in the Santa Maria Basin. Its relative scarcity in our area may reflect only a lack of samples at appropriate depths. SEMs of the animal are available in Watling & McCann (1997). Leucon sp. G MBC 1985 § was erected during the Santa Maria Basin project, and proved common in the area to the north of Pt. Conception. Several lots of specimens from the investigations of submarine canyons along Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 the California coast (Hartman 1963) identified as Leucon nr. subnasica may prove to be L. sp G on further examination. Only three verified records of the taxon in the SCB currently are known; two around 400m and one at approximately 700m. A voucher sheet is available. The species is included in the key prepared for a SCAMIT meeting back in 1986, as are all the leuconids discussed. Leucon sp J Cadien 1985 § was also first noted during the Santa Maria Basin project, but remains represented by few individuals. It has not yet been taken in the SCB, and the few specimens known originated off Diablo Canyon in Central California at 406m. This is quite similar to L. magnadentata in most respects, but can be differentiated in both sexes by the truncation of the lower portion of the rostrum. Given the broad continuity of the slope biota at these depths, it may show up in the SCB. A voucher sheet is available illustrating the carapaces and a few other details of both sexes. ISOPODA - In the bathyal and abyssal zones, asellote isopods become particularly prominent in the isopod fauna. General handbooks for NEP isopods which include the slope fauna are those of Schultz (1969) and Kussakin (1979, 1982, 1999). Although it has been taken as shallow as 70m within Santa Monica Canyon, normal distribution of the anthurid Ananthura luna is much deeper. The species was discussed and keyed by Cadien and Brusca in their SCAMIT handout on the group. The original description, as Bathura luna, is in Schultz (1966). An over all comment with regards to literature on the Isopods; the MMS Atlas is very valuable, however its focus is on males. As for Schultz, 1969, Don hesitates to use its key, but draws on it for illustrations. Be wary as the publication is saddled with errors and much of the taxonomy associated with the illustrations is out of date. There is also no discussion or description of species. In summary, it is a good resource for narrowing an animal down to a few choices. **Belonectes sp A is described as such in Wilson 1997. This species has been taken once off Palos Verdes at 305m. It is otherwise known from about 400m in the Santa Maria Basin. Caecognathia sanctaecrucis {=G. hirsuta of Schultz 1966, not of Sars) is discussed in Wetzer and Brusca (1997) as Gnathia sanctaecrucis. It occupies the zone we are projected to sample, with the type locality at 226m. The key provided by the above authors will separate this form from other local gnathiids. It was transferred from Gnathia to Caecognathia by Cohen and Poore (1994). Desmosoma sp A is also illustrated and described in Wilson 1997. The desmosomatids are a deep water group, and only begin to show up in the SCB near 200m. They are also small, and tend not to be retained on 1mm screens because of their size and elongate shape. This species is currently known only from the Santa Maria Basin, but probably also occurs locally. Also see Hessler, 1970. **Eurycope californiensis was originally described by Schultz from canyon samples at 478m. You can either consult the original description (Schultz 1966) or use that provided by Wilson (1997). It is presently known from Newport Canyon to the Santa Maria Basin. Ilyarachna profunda is typically found deeper, but does occur in 400-500m depths in the SCB. Care must be exercised that specimens not be confused with Ilyarachna acarina which have had many or most of their pereonal spines knocked off Briefly illustrated and keyed in Schultz 1969, with the original description in Schultz 1966. Carefully clean sediment from these animals as the spines come off easily. Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 Metacirolana joanneae was listed by Schultz in 1964, but not described until 1966 (as Cirolana). It was originally taken at 218m in the Santa Cruz Canyon in central California, but also occurs in the SCB. It is broadly distributed but limited to deeper waters. Momedossa symmetrica is another desmosomatid which occurs in the SCB. Schultz (1966) described the taxon, illustrating a female. A male is illustrated by Wilson (1997). Originally described in Desmosoma by Schultz, it was transferred to his new genus Momedossa by Hessler (1970). Munna magnifica is still known only from the type lot taken at 500m south of Santa Barbara Island. Schultz’s 1964 original description provides the only illustrations. While sharing very long legs with Munna sp A (see Wilson 1997), it can be distinguished from that species easily by its concave frons and posteriorly narrowed pleotelson. find it again during B’03. Paramunna sp A is found on the shelf rather than on the slope. It is differentiated from P. quadratiforns on the SCAMIT voucher sheet. See the SCAMIT web-site, taxonomic tools, for this sheet. Prochelator sp. A is quite common in SCB samples, reportedly occurring as shallow as 154m. In the Gulf of the Farallones it is also common at depths of 2900-3000m (Wilson 1997). This third desmosomatid can be easily separated from Desmosoma and Momedossa by its parachelate pereopod 1. Wilson (1997) warns of another undescribed Prochelator found in the Gulf of the Farallones, and provides characters which should allow its separation if it also occurs on the slope in the SCB. These animals are small and are common on .5mm screens; only seen occasionally on 1.0mm screen samples. ** - compare these three images side by side as they are relatively similar animals. **Munnopsurus sp A, described and illustrated by Wilson (1997) has been taken once at 305m off Palos Verdes. It is otherwise known from 393-5 82m in the Santa Maria Basin, and is common at 732m in a sample from the Oregon slope. Nannonisconus latipleonus is a rare animal, with two specimens known. The type came from 465m in the Redondo Submarine Canyon. It is also known from the Santa Maria Basin at 294m. Schultz (1966) illustrates and describes the type, and Wilson (1997) illustrates and describes the second specimen. Siebenhaller and Hessler (1981) provide additional information on the genus which remains monotypic as Nannonisconus carinatus Mezhov 1986 appears to be a synonym. Paramunna quadratifrons was described from 197m in the SCB (Iverson & Wilson 1981). It has been taken again somewhat deeper (about 450m) also within the SCB. The original description is quite adequate to identify the animal, if any of us are fortunate enough to AMPHIPODS - No comments will be offered on the amphipods on the list, as all come from references which we use routinely to identify shelf species. All the additional forms in the 200-500m slope bathymetric band are described, with descriptions and illustrations (and often keys) available for their identification. Phoxocephalids predominate (7 of 18 species), with 4 oedicerotids, 2 lysianassoids, 2 ampeliscids, a liljeborgiid, a melphidippid, and a stenothoid also among the listed forms. DECAPODS - There are few additions to the shelf taxa among the decapods. Bathymetric distributions of decapods can be reviewed in Wicksten 1989. Calocarides quinqueseriatus is taken occasionally off Palos Verdes at 305m which is close to the minimum depth recorded for this species of 288m (Martin & Zimmerman 1997). 9 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 It is keyed, along with the remaining SCB thalassinids, in the SCAMIT handout on the group. It has been taken from Point Sur in central California, to Palos Verdes. The provisional Calocarides sp A is listed as Calocarides sp in Martin & Zimmerman (1997), who illustrate salient characteristics. The species was taken originally at 394m in central California, and has since been taken once off Palos Verdes at 305m. ADDITIONAL AMPHIPOD NOTES Dean Pasko (CSDMWWD), Don Cadien (LACSD), Lisa Haney (LACSD) Tony Phillips (CLAEMD) and Jim Rooney (CLAEMD) met to address the problem of Rudilemboides stenopropodus vs Rudilemboides sp Hypl and Rudilemboides sp A. The group met at the Eos Angeles County Museum of Natural History where the type specimen of R. stenopropodus J.E. Barnard 1959, as well as many other specimens examined by Dr. Barnard, reside. Upon careful examination of many specimens, the group determined that R. sp Hypl was actually a large, more mature specimen oiR. stenopropodus. The original type specimen of R. stenopropodus is a damaged, immature male specimen. During their examination of the type, the group also discovered that Dr. Barnard had apparently missed one important character in his original examination and description of R. stenopropodus. It turned out that the type specimen does possess ventral processes on the sternum of several pereonites. The omission of this characteristic from the original description has been the cause of some confusion for years. Eisa Haney and Jim Rooney are now working on a re-description of R. stenopropodus based upon material recently collected during the Southern California Bight (SCB) regional sampling efforts. In addition. Dean Pasko and Eisa Haney have been working on the formal description of Rudilemboides sp A SCAMIT 1998. This animal definitely represents a distinct species, and quite possibly a new genus. The characters of Rudilemboides sp A seem to fall somewhere between the genera of Aeuminodeutopus and Rudilemboides (see the R. sp A voucher sheet). Eisa is in the process of conducting a cladistic analysis to determine Rudilemboides sp A’s place within the Aoridae. The often difficult and confusing genus Ameriehelidium (Amphipoda: Oedicerotidae) was also discussed. Taxonomists at the City of San Diego Marine Biology laboratory have been recognizing two species of Ameriehelidium over the past several years that had previously been identified as one, A. shoemakeri. The description of A. shoemakeri is not detailed enough to distinguish among the two forms occurring off San Diego, CA. Ameriehelidium sp SDl diOd Ameriehelidium sp SD2 look very similar to A. shoemakeri, but differ from each other in two readily recognizable characters. First, Ameriehelidium sp SDl has a pair of long, erect setae located dorsally along the posterior margin of pleonites 2, 3, and 5. These setae are generally equal to one-half the length of their respective pleonite/ urosomite. In contrast, 'm Ameriehelidium sp SD2, these setae are either absent or very small (i.e., less than one-fifth the length of the pleonite or urosomite). Secondly, the propod of gnathopod 2 is more robust (E:W = 5 - 6) and sparsely setose in Ameriehelidium sp SDl. There are typically 0-3 setae along the ventral margin and 0-3 setae along the dorsal margin; excluding the distal most bundle of setae located at the junction between the propodus and dactyl. In Ameriehelidium sp SD2, the propod of gnathopod 2 is more slender (E:W = 8-9) and more setose (3-7 ventral marginal setae, and 2-4 dorsal setae). Dean Pasko will be making an effort to examine the type material in order to sort out the problem these three species present. In the meantime. Dean will produce provisional voucher sheets to help other taxonomists working in the SCB distinguish among the two provisional species. Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 REFERENCES FOR 200-500M SCB SLOPE ARTHROPODS Barnard, J. Laurens. 1954e. Amphipoda of the family Ampeliscidae collected in the eastern Pacific Ocean by the Velero III and Velero IV. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 18, no. 1: 1-137. -. 1959a. Liljeborgiid amphipods of Southern California coastal bottoms, with a revision of the family. Pacific Naturalist 1, no. 3/4: 12-28. -. 1960a. The amphipod family Phoxocephalidae in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, with analyses of other species and notes for a revision of the family. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 18, no. 3: 175-375. -. 1960c. New bathyal and sublittoral ampeliscid amphipods from California, with an illustrated key to Ampelisca. Pacific Naturalist 1, no. 16/17: 1-37. -. 1962a. Benthic Marine Amphipoda of Southern California: 1. Families Aoridae, Photidae, Ischyroceridae, Corophiidae, Podoceridae. Pacific Naturalist 3, no. 1: 3-72. -. 1962b. Benthic marine Amphipoda of Southern California; 2. Families Tironidae to Gammaridae. Pacific Naturalist 3, no. 2: 73-115. -. 1962e. Benthic marine Amphipoda of Southern California: Family Oedicerotidae. Pacific Naturalist 3, no. 12: 351-71. -. 1966a. Submarine canyons of Southern California. Part V - Systematics: Amphipoda. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 27, no. 5: 1-166. _. 1967. Bathyal and Abyssal Gammaridean Amphipoda of Cedros Trench, Baja California. USNM Bulletin 260. 205 pp. -. 1971b. Gammaridean Amphipoda from a deep-sea transect off Oregon. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, no. 61: 1-86. Bousfield, Edward E., and Andree Chevrier. 1996. The amphipod family Oedicerotidae on the Pacific Coast of North America. Part 1. The Monoculodes and Synchelidium generic complexes: systematics and distributional ecology. Amphipacifica 2, no. 2: 75-148. Child, C. Allan. 1990. Nymphon stipulum, a new pycnogonid species from Southern California. Beaufortia 41, no. 6: 39-43. -. 1996. The Pycnogonida types of William A. Hilton. II. The remaining undescribed species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 109, no. 4: 677-86. Cohen, Brian F., and Gary C. B. Poore. 1994. Phylogeny and biogeography of the Gnathiidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) with descriptions of new genera and species, most from south¬ eastern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 54, no. 2: 271-397. Dojiri, Masahiro, Donald B. Cadien, and Charles A. Phillips. 1991. Anew species of Ammothella (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) from deep water off San Nicolas Island, California. Bijdragen Tot De Dierkunde 61, no. 1: 31-41. Dojiri, Masahiro, and Jurgen Sieg. 1997. The Tanaidacea. Chapter 3 IN Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. The Crustacea Part 2: The Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea. eds James A. Blake, and Paul H. Scott, 181-268. 278pp. Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Hartman, Olga. 1955. Quantitative survey of the benthos of San Pedro Basin, Southern California. Part I, Preliminary Results. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 19, no. 1:1- 185. -. 1963. Submarine canyons of Southern California, Part II - Biology. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 27, no. 2: 1-424. 11 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 -. 1966. Quantitative survey of the benthos of San Pedro Basin, Southern California. Part II. Final results and conclusions. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 19, no. 2: 187-456. Hartman, Olga, and J. Laurens Barnard. 1958. The benthic fauna of the deep basins off Southern California. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 22, no. 1: 1-67. -. 1960. The benthic fauna of the deep basins off Southern California. Part II. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 22, no. 2. Hessler, Robert R. 1970. The Desmosomatidae (Isopoda, Asellota) of the Gay Head - Bermuda transect. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 15: 1-185. Hurley, Desmond E. 1963. Amphipoda of the family Lysianassidae from the West Coast of North and Central America. Allan Hancock Foundation Publications: Occasional Paper, no. 25: 1-160. Iverson, Ernest W., and George D. F. Wilson. 1981. Paramunna quadratiforns, new species, the first record of the genus in the north Pacific Ocean (Crustacea: Isopoda: Pleurogoniidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 93, no. 4: 982-88. Jarrett, Norma E., and Edward L. Bousfield. 1994. The amphipod superfamily Phoxocephaloidea on the Pacific Coast of North America. Family Phoxocephalidae. Part II. Subfamilies Pontharpiniinae, Parharpiniinae, Brolginae, Phoxocephalinae, and Harpiniinae. Systematics and distributional ecology. Amphipacifica 1, no. 2: 71-150. -. 1994. The amphipod superfamily Phoxocephaloidea on the Pacific Coast of North America. Family Phoxocephalidae. Part 1. Metharpiniinae, new subfamily. Amphipacifica 1, no. 1: 58-140. Kussakin, Oleg G. 1979. Marine and salt water isopod crustaceans (Isopoda) of cold and temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Pt. I - Suborder Flabellifera. Opredeliteli Faune SSSR, no. 122: 1-472. -. 1982b. Marine and salt water isopod crustaceans (Isopoda) of cold and temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Pt. II - Suborders Anthuridea, Microcerberidea, Valvifera, and Tyloidea . Opredeliteli Faune SSSR, no. 131: 1-461. -. 1999. Marine and salt water isopod crustaceans (Isopoda) of cold and temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Pt. Ill (2) - Suborder Asellota. Families Joeropsididae, Nannoniscidae, Desmosomatidae, Macrostylidae. Opredeliteli Faune SSSR, no. 169: 1- 383. Martin, Joel W., and Todd L. Zimmerman. 1997. Order Decapoda. Chapter 2 IN Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. The Arthropoda - The Pycnogonida; The Crustacea Part 1 - The Decapoda. eds James A. Blake, and Paul H. Scott, 49-121. 151pp. Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Pilsbry, Henry Augustus. 1907. The barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collections of the U.S. National Museum. United States National Museum, Bulletin, no. 60: 1-122. -. 1916. The sessile barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collections of the U.S. National Museum; including a monograph of the American species. United States National Museum, Bulletin, no. 93: 1-366. Schmitt, Waldo L. 1921. The Marine Decapod Crustacea of California, with special reference to the Decapod Crustacea collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer ‘Albatross’ in connection with the Biological Survey of San Francisco Bay during the years 1912-1913. University of California Publications in Zoology 23: 1-470. 12 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 Schultz, George A. 1964. Some marine isopod crustaceans from off the southern California coast. Pacific Science 18, no. 3: 306-14. -. 1966. Submarine canyons of Southern California. Part IV - Systematics: Isopoda. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 27, no. 4: 1-56. -. 1969. How to Know the Marine Isopod Crustaceans. 359pp. -. 1972. Gnathia sanctaecrucis nom. nov., substituted for the preoccupied name Gnathia hirsuta Schultz, 1966, from southern California (Isopoda, Gnathiidae). Crustaceana 23, no. 1: 112. Siebenaller, Joseph R, and Robert R. Hessler. 1981. The genera of the Nannoniscidae (Isopoda, Asellota). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 19, no. 16: 227-50. Watling, Les, and Linda D. McCann. 1997. Cumacea. Chapter 2 IN Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. The Crustacea Part 2: The Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea. eds James A. Blake, and Paul H. Scott, 121-80. 278pp. Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Wetzer, Regina, and Richard C. Brusca. 1997. Descriptions of the species of the suborders Anthuridea, Epicaridea, Flabellifera, Gnathiidea, and Valvifera. Chapter 1.2 IN Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. The Crustacea Part 2: The Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea. eds James A. Blake, and Paul H. Scott, 9-58. 278pp. Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Wicksten, Mary K. 1989. Ranges of offshore decapod crustaceans in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 21, no. 19: 291-316. Wilson, George D. F. 1997. The Suborder Asellota. Chapter 1.3 IN Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. The Crustacea Part 2: The Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea. eds James A. Blake, and Paul H. Scott, 59-120. 278pp. Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. 13 Dec 02/Jan 03 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 8/9 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information concerning SCAMIT please feel free to contact any of the officers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwick (619)758-2337 Vice-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Secretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheryl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Back issues of the newsletter are available. Prices are as follows: Volumes 1 - 4 (compilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5 - 7 (compilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8- 15. $ 20.00/vol. Single back issues are also available at cost. The SCAMIT newsletter is published monthly and is distributed freely through the web site at Membership is $15 for the electronic copy available via the web site and $30 to receive a printed copy via USPS. Institutional membership, which includes a mailed printed copy, is $60. All new members receive a printed copy of the most current edition of “A Taxonomic Listing of Soft Bottom Macro- and Megainvertebrates ... in the Southern California Bight.” The current edition, the fourth, contains 2,067 species with partial synonyms. All correspondences can be sent to the Secretary at the email address above or to: SCAMIT C/O The Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Zoology attn: Leslie Harris 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California, 90007 Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists February, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 10 SUBJECT: Eulimidae GUEST SPEAKER: Diseussion leader - Kelvin Barwiek DATE: 14 April 2003 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: City of San Diego Marine Biology Lab 4918 N. HarborDr. suite 201 FEBRUARY MEETING MINUTES ii ffj If- . ^ ^ V / A- / ■ ''Perigonimus'' sp ID by J. Ljubenkov Commensal on Aphrodita armifera Moore, 1910 CSD - B9(l), 10/3/02, 98 m Image by K. Barwick 20DEC02 The February meeting began with president Kelvin Barwiek thanking SCCWRP for hosting the meeting and providing the delieious bagels and other goodies. Upeoming meetings were then announeed. The April meeting will be held on the 14th at the City of San Diego Marine Lab and will foeus on Eulimids. May 12 will have Paul Seott hosting a pre-bight’03 meeting series, by reviewing the deeper water bivalves, at the SBMNH. Kelvin then ealled for nominations for next year’s offieers. Megan Lilly nominated Kelvin Barwiek for president and the motion was seeonded. Shortly thereafter Kelvin nominated the eurrent suite of offieers and this motion was seeonded as well. Dave Montagne (C SDL AC) then had the floor. He reviewed the eoastal eeology eomponent of the Bight ‘03 projeet. It looks very similar to the B’98 study, with 11 strata being eonsidered. The SCAMIT Newsletter is not deemed to be a valid publieation for formal taxonomie purposes. February, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 10 The major areas being investigated are open eoast, whieh would inelude five depth ranges; 5-30m, 30-120m, 120-200m, 200-500m, and 500m-1000m. This last, deepest eontour will only be sampled for ehemieal analyses, not biologieal. The other strata are. Islands, Harbors, large and small POTW’s, and Estuaries. The Island eomponent eontains 30 sites, but at this point, does not inelude Catalina. The Harbor area has been divided into Marinas and Ports and other bay bottoms. An interesting additional investigation this year will be analyzing tissue ehemistry from forage fish, whieh ineludes, anehovies, sardines, and Loligo opalescens (obviously not a “fish”, but being studied just the same). These animals will be sub-sampled from eommereial eateh and tested for toxins. Cheryl Brantly, our fearless treasurer, then gave us an overview of SCAMIT’s finaneial status and it looks good. She passed around a summary of our aeeounts and we are solvent and maybe even slightly ahead (some of this is due to our eost reduetion in produetion of the newsletters, and from t-shirt and mug sales). Let’s hope this trend eontinues as it will allow us to potentially provide more publishing grants or perhaps small student grants. Cheryl has also moved the finaneial aeeounts from Exeel into Quieken. She asks that you give her advanee notiee if you are going to need a large sum of money as most of our funds are in a CD aeeount and she doesn’t keep mueh in the eheeking aeeount. Kelvin then brought up the idea of printing SCAMIT business eards that would have our web address and perhaps a mission statement. Many people ask about SCAMIT and these eards would be a quiek, effieient method for giving them a way to tap into more information. Sinee the real purpose of the meeting was to brainstorm and diseuss future direetions for SCAMIT there are no minutes, per say, to report. What follows is a summary of topies that all those present thought were worth further investigation. Being taxonomists we immediately grouped into four broad eategories. Then after some friendly persuasion and arm-twisting, small ad hoe eommittees of two or more people were formed to establish the feasibility of what was proposed. Eaeh report should eontain as many speeifies as possible. How mueh will it eost? What kind of staff is required? How long would it take or will it be ongoing? What does SCAMIT, as an organization, have to do? Is it even possible? In short, what will it take to make the proposal(s) beeome a reality? Eaeh ad hoe eommittee will bring their proposals forward in about six months to a seeond general meeting of the membership that will inelude the exeeutive eommittee. Eaeh ad hoe eommittee should eome with a short written summary to be ineluded in the newsletter minutes. ( ed note - eaeh topie and eommittee is listed below with the main points to be investigated and is then followed by the ideas whieh ereated these eategories. - M. Lilly) Funding for SCAMIT Kelvin Barwiek, Cheryly Brantley, and Christina Thomas: a) grants - NSF, Sloan, Feet, ete, b) B’03 eommittee funds, e) hire staff to aehieve long term goals. It was suggested that if we sueeeeded in getting a grant, some of this money eould be funneled to students who are studying loeal fauna. Taxonomy Database (Mueh of what follows builds on an ongoing effort by member Riek Rowe (CSD) who has been investigating and evaluating taxonomie database software for SCAMIT (see Vol 20 no. 4) as well as the CSD laboratory.) Riek Rowe and Shelly Walther: a) ineorporating the speeies list into a database system, b) inelude NAMIT’s speeies list (potentially), e) add eeology, deseriptive taxonomie data, and the index to the speeies list, d) add list-server information to the database and the newsletter, e) look into ereating unified data formats. 2 February, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 10 We need to build an online taxonomie database with the SCAMIT speeies list. This eould inelude taxonomy, speeies eharaeteristies, distributional maps and/or ranges and diagnostie images of the seleeted speeies. Also we should develop an online illustrated key for identifieation of seleeted invertebrate groups. The neeessity of eventually getting mueh of our information into Delta or Biolink was raised. At this point the idea of hiring a eonsultant to do this work was diseussed, sinee it is a full time job in of itself It was thought that perhaps SCAMIT eould apply for either a NSF or a SLOAN grant to help eover this eost. It was pointed out that aetually a student would probably need to apply for the grant, using the SCAMIT databasing issue as their projeet. An additional item that needs to be investigated is having SCAMIT deeide on the best format for reporting data. For example, the regional format that is used at HYP is different than what MFC uses. It is diffieult to eompare two data sets in different formats using eleetronie means. Recruitment/Training Lisa Haney and Ron Velarde: a) outreaeh at all levels of edueation, b) teaeher workshops, e) seholarships, seienee fair awards, ete., d) support researeh and training at the graduate level, e) attend and sponsor taxonomie seminars, f) eonduet workshops on the seienee of taxonomy, g) eneourage researeh on loeal fauna. There was a general eonsensus among members present and those who sent in emails that there is a real need for training new people to be our next generation of taxonomists. There is a drastie deeline in the number of people willing and able to do the seienee of taxonomy and in funding for those who do. As well, we need to try to develop a plan to entiee more undergraduates and graduates into marine invertebrate taxonomy. Outreaeh programs that would work with publie sehools were also mentioned. Not just at the eollege level but elementary through high sehool students as well. The idea being to at least give students a general idea of what taxonomy is, and how it ean be an employable skill (perhaps leave the more sophistieated info and employment details for high sehool level). SCAMIT eould also host and fund taxonomy workshops for publie sehool teaehers so that they ean return the message and information to their elassrooms. There was also the idea of small seholarships for graduating high sehool students. A survey of loeal sehools to find out whieh ones eurrently have taxonomy programs would help assess the eurrent situation. Advocacy Megan Lilly and Lisa Haney: a) taxonomie eertifieation (Riek Rowe and Tony Phillips), b) poster and prepared speeeh to promote the SCAMIT model, e) general promotion, d) professional development, e) publishing our own journal (Shelly Walther). The overall eoneept of advoeaey was revisited. It was broken down into the following eomponents: 1 - validation, 2 - attending eonferenees, 3 - taxonomie eertifieation, 4 - ereating a poster to promote taxonomy and SCAMIT, 5 - support for NAMIT, 6 - SCAMIT publishing its own journal. It was suggested that SCAMIT eould hold seminar series, with topies being sueh subjeets as, “Opportunities in Taxonomy” and “Applied Seienee aspeets of Taxonomy”. For professional development we thought about having workshops on preparing publieations. We were reminded by a member of SCCWRP that SCAMIT sets a regional standard for taxonomy and that we need to market ourselves more as the basie underpinning for these large seale investigative projeets, sueh as the Bight and EMAP projeets. Newsletter Modifications This will be addressed by the Exeeutive Committee. Some subjeets to be investigated are: More frequent updates of the index. Having the newsletter eonsist, if neeessary, of just meeting minutes and future meeting February, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 10 announeements, ete, and then having quarterly eontributions of things sueh as, literature reviews, general taxonomy diseussions, ete. There will also be deadlines established for eontributions to assist with getting the newsletter out in a more timely fashion (obviously anything of interest submitted prior to the deadline will be ineluded). It was also diseussed that we have some minor presentation guidelines, requiring that a speaker at a meeting, at the minimum, give the seeretary an outline or notes on the presentation to assist her with the minutes. The issue of one eolumn versus two eolumn format was raised, with most of the eleetronie members present requesting a one eolumn format. This will also be further investigated by the eommittee. It was suggested that the newsletter have a seetion that reports on list server aetivities. This will eommenee its trial run in next month’s newsletter. Other general notes It was requested that SCAMIT establish guidelines or a template for voueher sheet formats and post them on the website. This would help standardize the way information is presented for provisional speeies. The problem of in-house provisional speeies versus SCAMIT provisional speeies needs to be addressed. Dave Montagne (CSDLAC) offered to print a list of the provisional speeies now in the Speeies List and it will be sent to Kelvin. There will be a eoordinated effort to SCAMIT’ize in-house provisional speeies from the various ageneies. In summation, Tom Parker agreed to review the present SCAMIT eonstitution and by-laws to bring them up to date. The ehanges would then be voted on by the membership. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Here ye. Here ye. Here ye, we are offieially ealling for nominations for SCAMIT offieers. If you have someone you’d like to nominate other than those people mentioned in the above ^ minutes, please eontaet any of the offieers and tell them of your nominee, or there is always a “write in” spaee on the ballot. Candidate statements and ballots will be ineluded in the next newsletter (Mareh). Please be sure to vote this year. PYCNOGONIDA REQUEST “Dear All, We are eurrently working on the first ‘big’ attempt to propose a moleeular phytogeny of the Pyenogonida or eommonly ealled sea spiders. These are faseinating, bizarre small arthropods, usually eryptie and not abundant. However, they inhabit all marine habitats around the world and this is why I am kindly asking for your eollaboration. In ease you find pyenogonids in your samples, e.g. trawlings, dredging, assoeiated to molluses, eehinoderms, washings of algae or intertidal samples, ete, I would enormously appreeiate you eould keep and preserve any speeimen in 90% Ethanol and refrigerated. These ereatures are diffieult to find and not very well-known so eollaboration from marine invertebrate speeialists or basieally anyone going out to the sea is very mueh appreeiated. I ean run with shipping eharges and any other eosts. I hope to hear from any of you soon, any relevant information or assistanee would be greatly appreeiated and any eollaboration would be aeknowledged as it eorresponds. Please exeuse the liberty I’ve taken sending this email through the E-lists. My best wishes to all, Claudia P. Arango Division of Invertebrate Zoology Ameriean Museum of Natural History Central Park West @ 79th St. New York, NY 10024-5192 USA 1-212-769-5614 (Voiee) 1-212-769-5277 (Fax) E-mail:” February, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 10 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheryl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. The SCAMIT newsletter is published monthly and is distributed freely through the web site at Membership is $15 for the electronic copy available via the web site and $30 to receive a printed copy via USPS. Institutional membership, which includes a mailed printed copy, is $60. All new members receive a printed copy of the most current edition of “A Taxonomic Listing of Soft Bottom Macro- and Megainvertebrates ... in the Southern California Bight.” The current edition, the fourth, contains 2,067 species with partial synonyms. All correspondences can be sent to the Secretary at the email address above or to: SCAMIT C/O The Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Zoology attn: Leslie Harris 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California, 90007 Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 11 SUBJECT: Pre-Bighf 03 Information Meeting on Deeper Water Bivalves GUEST SPEAKER: Paul Scott DATE: 12 May 2003 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (for directions go to their website listed below) http ://www. MARCH MINUTES Chaetal spreader from the 5th parapod of a new species of Spiophanes being described by Karin Meissner. Image by R. Rowe, Mar03. The meeting was held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History worm lab. President Kelvin Barwick opened the meeting by asking if there were any nominations for officers. Since there weren’t, he moved on to upcoming meetings. On May 12th, the topic will be a pre-Bight information meeting on deeper water bivalves, led by Paul Valentich Scott, at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. On June 9th, the topic will be a pre- Bight information meeting on deeper water Cnidaria and Taxonomic Nomenclature, led by John Ljubenkov, at the San Diego Lab. On July 14th, the topic will be a pre-Bight information meeting on deeper water echinoderms, led by Megan Lilly, at the San Diego Lab. On August 11th, the topic will be a pre-Bight information meeting on deeper water polychaetes, led by Larry Lovell, at SIO or San Diego Lab (to be determined). Kelvin asked for volunteers to lead future meetings. The SCAMIT Newsletter is not deemed to be a valid publication for formal taxonomic purposes. March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 11 We then reviewed Tom Parker’s voueher sheet of Poecilochaetus sp A. It will be distributed in the newsletter soon. Tom then passed around a handout entitled “Short Course and Workshop on Computer- Assisted Image Analysis and Measuremenf ’ whieh outlines a eourse that generally follows the sequenee of topies in “The Image Proeessing Handbook” (3rd edition, John C. Russ, CRC Press, Boea Raton, 1998). The main topies this eourse eovers are Image Aequisition and Storage, Image Proeessing, Diserimination, Measurement, and Interpretation. For more information, see http: // members. aol. eom/ipeourse Tom passed around his voueher sheet of Arabella endonata Emerson 1974. He believes this is the speeies they are getting at Los Angeles County, whieh was previously being identified as A. iricolor. Tony Phillips reported a distinetive speeimen of Trichobranchus found in a sample from Goleta. It is similar to speeimens of Trichobranchus whieh he found from Catalina Island. Leslie Harris now has the speeimen for examination and further identifleation. Tom brought in a eouple of pieees of literature that may be of interest. The first is: Salen- Pieard, Chantal, Denise Arlhae and Elisabeth Alliot, 2003. “Responses of a Mediterranean soft bottom eommunity to short-term (1993- 1996) hydrologieal ehanges in the Rhone River” in Marine Environmental Researeh Vol. 55 Issue 5:409-427. The other is a Medline abstraet: AC Roaeh, AR Jones, and A. Murray. “Using benthie reeruitment to assess the signifleanee of eontaminated sediments: the influenee of taxonomie resolution” in Environmental Pollution, January 1, 2001; 112(2):131-143. Leslie Harris then introdueed our speaker for the day, Karin Meissner from “IFAO” and Rostoek University, Germany. Until reeently she had worked on a post-doe with Pat Hutehins on the genus Spiophanes. Aeeording to the last revision of the genus by Maeiolek, 2000 there are 13 speeies and 1 subspeeies of Spiophanes worldwide. This number will inerease eonsiderably with the publieation of Karin's paper. Five diagnostie eharaeters and their usefulness in speeies identifieations were diseussed. Prostomial shape ean range from bell-shaped to sub-triangular to having horns. It ean be used to a eertain degree in speeies identifleation, and Karin eoneluded that this eharaeter is of limited usefulness. The shape of the nuehal organs is speeies speeifie and of high importanee in identifleation. The third eharaeter diseussed was genital pouehes. This is a presenee/absenee eharaeter. Genital pouehes develop in juveniles, so they are present from a small size and are a good eharaeter to use. The neuropodial hooks are of limited usefulness. Karin has examined hooks on many speeimens with SEM and found that they are quadridentate, and the position of the pair of uppermost teeth ean vary. These hooks are very diffleult to aeeess aeeurately under the light mieroseope, and eonsequently, there are some ineorreet reports in the literature based on light mieroseopy. The fifth eharaeter is baeillary setae. Karin examined these setae with SEM and eoneluded that observed differenees only represent different states of eondition/preservation of these struetures. It was eoneluded that they eannot used for speeies identifieations. Soderstrom 1920 eoneluded that baeillary setae are used as sort of a brush to distribute mueous seeretions during tube eonstruetion. These setae extend from an opening in the parapodia, and Karin has diseovered that the shape of this opening is speeies speeifie. She uses the term ehaetal spreader to deseribe the tongue-like 2 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 11 strueture representing the opening of the glandular organ. She has found the ehaetal spreader to be an important diagnostie eharaeter. There are five morphologieal types of ehaetal spreaders: 1) simple horizontal slit, 2) “0+1” with semieireular opening (is sometimes heart- shaped), 3) “0+1” with undulate opening, 4) “1+2” with undulate opening, and 5) “2+3” with undulate opening. Karin then reviewed several speeies of Spiophanes that are ineluded in her manuseript. Spiophanes kroyeri Grube 1860, Spiophanes fimbriata Moore 1923, Spiophanes lowai Solis- Weiss 1983, Spiophanes berkeleyorum Pettibone 1962, Spiophanes duplex (Chamberlin 1919), Spiophanes bombyx (Claparede 1870), Spiophanes wigleyi Pettibone 1962, Spiophanes anoculata Hartman 1960 as well as three newly deseribed speeies. After luneh we studied speeimens. The animals were first stained with methyl green. We foeused partieularly on viewing the ehaetal spreaders sinee it was a eharaeter with whieh most of us were not familiar. We examined two speeimens identified as S. fimbriata from Los Angeles County Sanitation Distriets, station 2A, at a depth of 300m. One speeimen had a “0+1 type” ehaetal spreader, and Karin eonflrmed the identifleation as S. fimbriata. The other speeimen however had a “2+3 type” ehaetal spreader and was identified as one of Karin’s new speeies. Charaeters that are traditionally used by SCAMIT members to identify S. fimbriata, e.g. ventral stain pattern, prostomial shape and presenee of oeeipital antenna, were identieal in the speeimen of the new speeies. Next we examined a speeimen of S. berkeleyorum from the LACM eolleetion 5027- 57. On setigers 5-7 the speeimen had a “1+2 type” ehaetal spreader whieh is distinet for S. berkeleyorum. Another distinet feature of S. berkeleyorum is the shape of the nuehal organs (see above) whieh were easily visible with methyl green stain. We then looked at a speeimen of S. kroyeri from the LACM eolleetion, LH02-425, from Sweden. It had the “0+1 type” ehaetal spreader with a semieireular opening. We noted that the ventral stain pattern was very similar to that of S. fimbriata. Both S. kroyeri and S. fimbriata have ventrolateral intersegmental genital pouehes, although there is a slight differenee in the setiger number where they start. A speeimen of S. wigleyi from City of San Diego (station B-1 Rep 1, 7-13-88, 210 ft, RV) was up next. The prostomium was oval¬ shaped, and the nuehal organs were dorsal loops. The ehaetal spreader on setigers 5-8 was in the shape of an indistinet horizontal slit. The next speeimen was S. duplex whieh had the “2+3 type” ehaetal spreader most easily visible on setigers 5-7. The speeimen was from LCH-AHF V.5702. Then we examined some slides of neuropodial setae under the eompound seope. In S. fimbriata, two types of neuropodial setae are present, striated and granulated. These were somewhat diffieult to differentiate under the eompound seope Many thanks to Karin Meissner for her well organized and informative presentation. We look forward to seeing her upeoming publieation. ELECTION TIME! It’s that time again. Unfortunately we have fallen behind (again) in newsletter produetion so the eandidate statements and ballots are being distributed late. However, please take the time to look them over and east your vote. The ballot is attaehed at the end of the newsletter and will be due by May 31 st. Remember, write-in eandidates are always weleome... 3 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 11 CANDIDATE STATEMENTS PRESIDENT Kelvin Barwiek I graduated with a B. S. degree in wildlife and fisheries seienees from Texas A&M University in 1983. Currently I work for the City of San Diego’s Oeean Monitoring Program as a marine biologist/taxonomist. My taxonomie speeialties are Mollusks and Polyehaetes. In the past I have worked both as an independent taxonomie eonsultant, and for private environmental eonsulting firms, aeeumulating over 14 years experienee in invertebrate taxonomy. I have been an aetive partieipant in SCAMIT for over 10 years and served as its Seeretary in 1991-92. I hope to eontinue to develop our goals and plans for the future. VICE-PRESIDENT Leslie Harris Colleetions manager of the Allan Haneoek Foundation Polyehaete Colleetion, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Ongoing researeh eenters on taxonomy of the polyehaete fauna of paeifie North Ameriea, polyehaete-algal assoeiations (espeeially in Macrocystis), introdueed speeies, and Caribbean reef polyehaetes. SECRETARY Megan Lilly Graduated from Humboldt State University in 1991 with a B.S. in Marine Biology. From 1991-1993, worked at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History where the taxonomy of marine mollusks was studied under Dr. Erie Hoehberg, Paul Valentieh Seott, and Henry Chaney. Currently working as a marine biologist for the City of San Diego’s Oeean Monitoring Program. Speeialties inelude eehinoderms, miseellaneous phyla and mollusks with an emphasis on eephalopods. TREASURER Cheryl Brantley Cheryl is a marine biologist with the County Sanitation Distriets of Los Angeles County. She has worked for the Distriets for 16 years primarily as a polyehaete taxonomist. She graduated with her B.A. degree in Aquatie Biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1985. She has formerly served as Seeretary of SCAMIT from 1994-98. MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Please remember all membership renewals are due in the month of May. Please make all eheeks out to SCAMIT and send to the Treasurer: Cheryl Brantley JWPCP - Marine Biology Lab 24501 S. Figueroa Carson, CA 90745 Also inelude with your eheek any ehanges to your address, email, phone number or speeialty. If you would like a eurrent membership direetory please don’t hesitate to ask. We are not mailing out individual hardeopy direetories unless members request them to help save on postage. 4 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY Blake, J.A. 1996. Chapter 4. Family Spionidae Grube 1850. Pp. 81-223 in Blake, James A., Brigitte Hilbig, and Paul H. Seott, eds. Taxonomie Atlas of the Benthie Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the Western Santa Barbara Channel. Volume 6. The Annelida Part 3 - Polyehaeta: Orbiniidae to Cossuridae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California. 418 pp. Chamberlin, R.V. 1919. New polyehaetous annelids from Laguna Beaeh, California. Pomona College Journal of Entomology and Zoology 11:1-23. Claparede, E. 1870. Ees Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples. Memoires de la Soeiete de physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve 20(2):365-542, 14 plates. Grube, A.-E. 1860. Besehreibung neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Arehiv fur Naturgesehiehte, Berlin 26:71-118. Hartman, O. 1960. Systematie aeeount of some marine invertebrate animals from the deep basins of Southern California. Allan Haneoek Paeifie Expeditions 22:69-215, 19 plates. Hartman, O. 1969. Atlas of the Sedentariate Polyehaetous Annelids from California. Allan Haneoek Foundation, University of Southern California, Eos Angeles, 812 pp. Imajima, M. 1991. Spionidae (Annelida, Polyehaeta) from Japan VII. The genus Spiophanes. Bulletin of the National Seienee Museum Series A (Zoology) 17:115-137. Maeiolek, N.J. 2000. New speeies and reeords of Aonidella, Laonice, and Spiophanes (Polyehaeta: Spionidae) from Shelf and Slope Depths of the Western North Atlantie. Bulletin of Marine Seienee 67(1): 529-547. Moore, J.P. 1923. The polyehaetous annelids dredged by the U.S.S. Albatross off the eoast of southern California in 1904, Spionidae to Sabellariidae. Proeeedings of the Aeademy of Natural Seienees, Philadelphia 75:179-259. Pettibone, M.H. 1962. New speeies of polyehaete worms (Spionidae.- Spiophanes) from the east and west eoast of North Ameriea. Proeeedings of the Biologieal Soeiety of Washington 75:77-88. Roaeh, A.C., A.R. Jones, and A. Murray. 2001. Using benthie reeruitment to assess the signifieanee of eontaminated sediments: the influenee of taxonomie resolution. Environmental Pollution 112(2):131-143. Salen-Pieard, C., D. Arlhae, and E. Alliot. 2003. Responses of a Mediterranean soft bottom eommunity to short-term (1993-1996) hydrologieal ehanges in the Rhone River. Marine Environmental Researeh 55(5):409-427. S6derstom,A. 1920. Studien iiber die Polyehatenfamilie Spionidae. Inaugural-Dissertation, Uppsala, Almquist and Wieksells. 288 pp. Solis-Weiss, 1983. Parandalia bennei (Pilargidae) and Spiophanes lowai (Spionidae), new speeies of polyehaetous annelids from Mazatlan Bay, Paeifie eoast of Mexieo. Proeeedings of the Biologieal Soeiety of Washington 96(3): 370-378. 5 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 11 SCAMIT Treasury Summary 2002-2003 During the past fiscal year April 2002 - March 2003 expenses totaled $2589.16 while our income, mainly from membership dues ($1929.00) totaled $2801.42. We actually made a small profit this year of $212.26. As usual, our major expense came from the hard copy publication of the newsletter. We have reduced the costs associated with that publication a little this year by finding a less expensive printer in the San Diego area. We have also decided not to purchase any more letterhead stationery for the printed newsletter and will just use the paper the printer supplies. We had some extra expenses this year associated with our 20 year reunion party but we also recouped some of those costs by selling newly designed T- shirts and some of our SCAMIT mugs. We had no publication grants awarded this year only an honorarium. It was given to Karen Meissner from Rostock University for all the extra effort she put into a wonderful polychaete lecture at the Natural History Museum. SCAMIT remains solvent thanks in large part to all its loyal members. We hope to increase our assets this fiscal year as we pursue some new funding resources. Listed below is a summary of our expenses and income. Account Balances Checking $1238.56 Certificate of Deposit $9363.42 Total $10,601.98 Expenses Hardcopy newsletter $827.32 Letterhead - Stationery Supplies $272.17 Postage $352.59 Electronic newsletter $334.85 20 year Reunion party $154.75 Reunion T-shirts $547.48 Honorarium $100.00 Total $2589.16 Income Membership dues $1929.00 Bank interest $231.42 T-shirt & Mug sales $641.00 Total $2801.42 7 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter VoL21,No. 11 Please visit the SCAMIT Wehsite at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheryl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. The SCAMIT newsletter is published monthly and is distributed freely through the web site at Membership is $15 for the eleetronie eopy available via the web site and $30 to reeeive a printed eopy via USPS. Institutional membership, whieh ineludes a mailed printed eopy, is $60. All new members reeeive a printed eopy of the most eurrent edition of “A Taxonomie Listing of Soft Bottom Maero- and Megainvertebrates ... in the Southern California Bight.” The eurrent edition, the fourth, eontains 2,067 speeies with partial synonyms. All eorrespondenees ean be sent to the Seeretary at the email address above or to: SCAMIT C/O The Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Zoology attn: Leslie Harris 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California, 90007 March, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol.21,No. 11 BALLOT FOR SCAMIT OFFICERS 2003-2004 Vote for one (1) nominee for eaeh offiee. Please mail or return eompleted ballot to Leslie Harris by May 3 P‘, 2003. You may return it to the Seeretary or other attending offieers at the May meeting. The address to mail it to is: Attn: Leslie Harris Worm Lab Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History 900 Exposition Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007 President - The president presides at all meetings and represents SCAMIT in external business affairs. _Kelvin Barwiek Write in: Vice-President - The Viee-President ehairs ad hoe eommittees, supervises the speeimen exehange, tabulates eleetion ballots, and fills in for the President as neeessary. _Leslie Harris Write in: Secretary - The Seeretary keeps minutes of the meetings, is responsible for the newsletter, and preparation of the ballots. _Megan Lilly Write in: Treasurer - The Treasurer eolleets dues, makes disbursements, keeps fmaneial reeords, and makes an annual statement of the finaneial status of SCAMIT. _Cheryl Brantley Write in: 6 Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 SUBJECT: Pre-Bight Information Meeting on Deeper Water Cnidaria GUEST SPEAKER: Diseussion Leader - John Ljubenkov DATE: 9 June 2003 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m. LOCATION: Daneing Coyote Raneh (eontaet Megan Lilly for direetions) APRIL MINUTES The morning began with Kelvin Barwiek diseussing upeoming meetings. June 9 will be a Pre-Bight information meeting on deeper water Cnidaria, and Taxonomie Nomenelature by John Ljubenkov at Daneing Coyote Raneh. Email or eall Megan Lilly for direetions. July 14 will be another Pre-Bight information meeting, this one on deeper water eehinoderms, eondueted by M. Lilly at the City of San Diego’s Marine Lab. And finally, on August 11, Larry Lovell will hold a Pre-Bight information meeting on deeper water polyehaetes. This meeting will also be held at the City of San Diego Marine Lab. Next to have the floor was Don Cadien, who wanted to diseuss the eoneept of “speeialist taxonomy” for the upeoming Bight’03 projeet. He feels that this option benefited the data during the B’98 projeet and seems worthwhile to do a seeond time. He reeommended the following groups be identified by a speeialist - Prometor sp LAI in situ Photo: Tom Parker, CSDLAC Marine Biology Lab The SCAMIT Newsletter is not deemed to be a valid publieation for formal taxonomie purposes. April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 all Anthozoa, whieh has subsequently been given to John Ljubenkov for ID, and the Aplaeaphorans, whieh Don has volunteered to do with help from Kelvin Barwiek. The following three groups were also suggested as an area for speeialization - nemerteans, enteropneusts and polyelads. To date, Tony Phillips of CLAEMD has offered to do the polyelads. The nemerteans and enteropneusts will be taekled individually by eaeh partieipating ageney. A meeting to gather the nemertean workers for a pre-survey workshop is in the planning stages. We need to eoordinate our efforts and deeide what we ean and eannot do to guarantee eomparability of generated data for the regional effort. The question of sereen size for field proeessing of benthie samples was raised for eonsideration during the planning phase of Bight’03. LACSD has already run some trial tests using both 0.5mm sereens and 1.0mm sereens. Comparison of the eommunity retained on the two suggested the effort required for 0.5mm samples is greater than the benefit of the data gathered. A parallel test run by CSD reaehed a similar eonelusion. CLAEMD was not able to perform a eomparison, but found the 1.0mm fraetion in their area in deep samples similar in quality and quantity to that seen in the other two areas. The reason that this option was eonsidered at all is that deelining eommunity density with depth had the potential to make sampling in the newly added stratum of 200- 500m a problem in multi-habitat eomparisons. It was feared that eateh would be too low on a 1.0mm sereen to provide unbiased analytie results, with deep samples eombining with inner harbor samples, to form a depauperate group in analysis. The results of the eomparison allay these fears eonsiderably, and show that adding the fraetion of the eommunity whieh passes a 1.0mm sereen but is retained on a 0.5mm sereen would not offer mueh additional resolution.A brief diseussion then arose as to whether we shall be using the Bight Listserver established by SCCWRP for the last Bight projeet, or if we would be using the SCAMIT listserver to distribute information and questions regarding the projeet. It was deeided that we will probably use the SCCWRP Bight server and “CC” the SCAMIT listserver. Ron Velarde (CSD) then proeeeded to tell us about the Marine Bioinvasions Conferenee at Seripps that he attended and presented at, earlier in the month. Aeeording to Ron, the primary theme of the meetings was early deteetion; how to develop teehniques to diseover invaders quiekly and dispose of them as effeetively as possible. A seeond theme was the biology of the invasions themselves; what veetors are being used for transportation and the aetual life history and biology of the invaders? One interesting subjeet was the teehnique of “moleeular deteetion”, where moleeular markers are used to identify an invader and its plaee of origin. For example, an invasive Whelk found in Chesapeake Bay was thought to have been introdueed from Japan, whieh is its native habitat. However, moleeular marker work revealed that the animals aetually had eome from the Baltie, where they had previously been introdueed. In addition to animals, algal invasions have beeome a big area of eoneem. In Hawaii invasive algae is harming eoral reefs. And, we’ve all heard of the Caulerpa taxofolia seare and the damage it ean eause in an environment. NEW SCAMITeer SCAMIT Member Bill Power (LACSD) and his wife Kimberley had their ehild, a daughter, named Charlotte Ainsley. She was over 9 lbs at birth, whieh is pretty average for the Power kids. Younger siblings Mae and Darby are very exeited by the birth of a new baby sister. All are doing well. A big “Congratulations” to the whole family. 2 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Just a reminder. The month of May is now our membership renewal month. For those of you that sent your eheeks in we greatly appreeiate it and thank you very mueh. For those of you who have perhaps lost your ealendars (or stylus for your palm pilot) would you please take a minute to write a eheek. SCAMIT greatly depends on your monetary eontributions. We deeided to switeh to a single renewal month to make it easier for everyone to remember. We hope the small response we have reeeived so far is just due to this transition phase. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is some other reason why you aren’t renewing other than forgetfullness (whieh we all suffer from at times and do understand). We weleome all feedbaek. It ean only help us improve. Thank you, Cheryl Brantley SCAMIT Treasurer BIGHT ’03 INTERCALIBRATION The first set of Bight’03 Interealibration Trawls have finally been eompleted. The initial attempt on the 28 of Mareh was memorable. On a blustery day with elouds rushing overhead we set out from Los Angeles Harbor with a full load of partieipants, about 21 ineluding staff and guests, on the R/V Oeean Sentinel. The sea was rough, still suffering from reeent storm events. Unfortunately, on our way out to our first trawl at 500m depth the weather freshened, and by the time we reaehed our seleeted trawl site the wind was howling with gusts in the 40-50mph range and heavy wind whipped surfaee ehop. Although the vessel was being tossed about quite a bit (not to mention the partieipants, who were holding on for dear life) we set the net and did our first tow. Several of the partieipants were eheered by watehing me get drenehed by waves breaking over the side of the vessel and by water thrown over the eabin from waves breaking on the bow. I stayed out on deek beeause the eabin was not only very erowded. but there was less to get thrown into in the open. I was soon wind-dried anyway. In that first tow, whieh was sueeessfully retrieved, we had a fair seleetion of organisms from the middle slope depth stratum at 500m. These ineluded the barrel anemone Liponema brevicornis; the lithodid erab Glyptolithodes cristatipes; the holothurian Pannychia moseleyi; the asteroids Leptychaster ? sp., Thrissacanthias penicillatus, and Ceramaster leptoceramus; the eehinoids Brisaster latifrons, Brissopsispacifica, md Allocentrotus fragilis; the eephalopod Octopus californicus; the galatheid erab Munidopsis depressa; and the shrimps Bentheogennema burkenroadi, Spirontocaris sica, Pasiphaea californica, Pasiphaea emarginata, and Sergestes similis. A seleetion of fish were also taken ineluding both speeies of thornyheads, Dover sole, northern lamp-fish, California grenadier, Paeifie hake, and dog-faeed witeh eel. With eonditions so rough that on-deek photography was like a keystone eops routine, and most people just happy to stay vertieal we headed baek into the doek for a very abbreviated day. After regrouping and seleeting a day to eomplete this first interealibration effort we went baek to sea on 1 May. Conditions had improved markedly, and nearly the same eomplement of partieipants as on the first attempt experieneed smooth sailing. We eompleted trawls at 200m, 140m, 80m, 60m, 40m, and 20m along a transeet extending towards Angel’s Gate along the west side of the San Pedro Sea Shelf The invertebrate eateh is listed in the attaehed spreadsheet. A seeond Interealibration Trawl series will be eondueted on 10 June at nearly the same sites. A trawl taxonomy meeting will also take plaee on 28 May at SCCWRP, where the identity of the eneountered speeies, and those whieh might be reasonably expeeted to additionally oeeur, will be reviewed. We should be ready to taekle our trawling effort when we head out to sea during the index period later this year. A Quality Assuranee bueket test is being ereated based on reeently taken and arehival speeimens that 3 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 should verify our readiness. As in B’98, the voueher eolleetion resulting from trawls will be reviewed by the team of Jim Allen (SCCWRP), Ron Velarde (CSDMWWD), and Don Cadien (CSDLAC). - Don Cadien (CSDLAC) NEW KID IN THE BLOCK? For several years we have been taking mudstone ehunks from the bottom off Palos Verdes during our regular sampling. Tom Parker has been assiduous in breaking apart these soft bloeks of bottom to seareh for burrowers living inside. He has extraeted a number of polyehaete speeies, and oeeasionally an interesting eehiuran. Previous attempts to relax and preserve these delieate worms have not been sueeessful; they have disintegrated in relaxant. In our most reeent outing we eneountered mudstone substrate at several stations again, and this time extraeted eehiurans with more sueeess. Animals were preserved in formalin without relaxation in the field and did NOT drop their spoons in the proeess. With animals in hand in the laboratory it beeame possible to determine their identity. They belong to the genus Prometor, a bonelliid eehiuran laeking a bifid spoon (see Stephen and Edmonds 1972). There are two loeal speeies; the generotype P. benthophila of Fisher 1948 and P pocula of Hartman & Barnard 1960. They are ineluded in Thompson’s 1986 Key to the Eehiura of Southern California, and are listed in his treatment of eehiurans in Straughan and Klink 1980 (with reversed authorship for the two Prometor, unfortunately). At first glanee our speeimens seem most elosely allied to P. pocula (originally deseribed as poculum but emended by Stephen and Edmonds) in that they have distally spatulate setae and a eueumber shaped body rather than pointed setae and a pear shaped body as in P. benthophila. They do differ in several respeets, however, and I am treating them as new {Prometor sp EAl) until I ean make a definite eonneetion with P. pocula by examination of the holotype at the Eos Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Our speeimens were sampled from 102m and 139m this time, but have been taken at 150m previously. The other speeies are known from limited material in mueh deeper water; 1670m {P. pocula) and 1955m {P. benthophila). Our speeimens are mueh smaller than either the types of P. benthophila (110mm body length) or the type of R pocula (95mm body length), ranging from 8 - 14mm in body length. They also have mueh longer spoons, whieh are 11/4- 4 times the body length preserved. Unlike the type of P. pocula as illustrated in the original deseription, the spoon does not inerease markedly in width terminally, and also laeks the lobe-like expansions illustrated by Fisher (1949) for P. benthophila. In our speeimens the spoon is nearly linear, expanding only slightly beyond the basal width over its length. The basal eup eharaeteristie of Prometor is evident in the photograph of the live animal in situ and in our preserved material. The present speeimens have a strueture not deseribed by either Fisher or Hartman & Barnard, a lateral glandular opening atop a prominent, rounded tuberele near the top of the body. These paired tubereles (one on eaeh side in eaeh speeimen) are undeseribed in the other two speeies, and in the diagnosis and diseussion of the genus provided by Stephen and Edmonds. Their funetion may beeome elear onee full disseetion is undertaken. Perhaps the most interesting feature of these animals is their boring habitat. Their U-shaped burrows are almost eertainly self-formed; they fit them perfeetly as you ean see in the in situ photograph (see eover photo). Neither of the loeal deseribed speeies of Prometor is known from burrows. The worms are not visible from outside the burrow exeept as the spoon, whieh exits the burrow mouth and ean be expanded over the adjaeent surfaee, or into the water. A spoon from a seeond animal ean be seen lower 4 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 in the photograph, and that of the animal whose burrow has been opened disappears out of the burrow mouth at the top. Living eoloration is strongly reminiseent of Arhynchite californica, a dark red brown overlain by forest green anteriorly. The spoon is translueent white, with more opaque white margins. If you happen to bring up bored mudstone in trawl sampling, you might make an effort to see if these guys are also present in your area. - Don Cadien (CSDLAC) SPECIMEN REQUEST The following was reeeived earlier. I am passing it along as an item of interest to all SCAMIT members. We eould probably help out. WANTED: ALCOHOL-PRESERVED SPHAEROMATIDAE (CRUSTACEA, ISOPOD A) SPECIMENS FOR MOLECULAR ANALYSES Regina Wetzer, Niel Bruee and Jody Martin, are working on an NSF-supported morphologieal and moleeular-based phylogenetie and biogeography study of sphaeromatid isopods (ea. 97 genera and 670+ speeies). Our goals inelude aeeumulating taxonomie, literature, speeimen, and other data and making this information available in web aeeessible databases at a website devoted to the group. We are solieiting donations of sphaeromatid isopods from around the world preserved in 95- 100% ethanol for the moleeular work. Speeimens for morphologieal studies are also weleome. Coastal benthie habitats that are most produetive inelude eoral reef habitats (dead eoral heads, eoral roek and eoral rubble), algae, sand, mangroves, sponges, oyster and bamaele tests, and similar. In temperate and eool waters, algae often have assoeiated isopods. If you are eolleeting in these habitats and ean preserve speeimens in ethanol, we would be most grateful to reeeive them. We will happily pay for shipping and aeknowledge your donation. We have an aetive eolleeting program (California, Baja California, Caribbean, Great Barrier Reef, East Afriea, Seyehelles) and as we eolleet and sort samples for sphaeromatids, we retain most of the assoeiated fauna. We will gladly exehange invertebrate speeimens with you. At present any and all aleohol-preserved speeimens are weleome. If you don’t want to or eannot sort to family, we will happily aeeept all aleohol-preserved isopods. For further information regarding priority regions, taxa or aids to identifieation of sphaeromatids please eontaet one of us. Please direet your questions regarding habitats, eolleeting teehniques to NEB or RW. Speeimen exehanges: eontaet RW Thanking you in advanee for your sphaeromatid donations, Regina 1. Regina Wetzer, Ph.D. Researeh and Colleetions Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 9007 Tel: 213.763.3217; Faesimile: 213.747.0204 rwetzer@nhm. org 2. Niel L. Bruee, Ph.D. Marine Biodiversity and Bioseeurity National Institute of Water and Atmospherie Researeh Private Bag: 14-901, Kilbimie, Wellington, New Zealand Tel: +64 4 386 0352; Faesimile: +64 4 386 2153 n.bruee@, 5 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 BROKEN RECORD Trawling is always a delight. The weather might be terrible, as it was when we attempted to do our first Bight’03 Interealibration Trawl on 28 Mareh, but as long as samples eome aboard, it is wonderful. You never know when an animal new to you, or even just new, will turn up among the eontents of the trawl net. Sueh was the ease in a reeent trawl on the slope off Palos Verdes at 486m depth. The eateh was peppered with interesting things ineluding the large sea-pens Halipteris californica and Ombellula magniflora, the seastars Myxoderma platyacanthum and Thrissacanthias penicillatus, and the o^\dmo\& Asteronyx longifissus. While happily proeessing these animals the real find showed up inauspieiously as a dirty little ball plaeed in the invertebrate tray. A eloser look revealed this to be an Eryonicus, a deep sea lobster. We had Sehmitf s 1921 Deeapods of California with us, whieh has a fine plate of an animal identified as Eryonicus agassizi from off California. I thought...Great! a new reeord for the SCAMIT list. Not so. While I was working on the animal later in the lab (eleaning off net gunk prior to preservation) Lisa Haney ealled me from home to relay a eonversation she had just had with her husband, Todd, and Jody Martin of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. They asserted that the animal was a larva of a polyehelid lobster rather than a member of the family Eryonidae as indieated in Sehmitt, having just published a paper on the larva in a reeent review volume. The eautionary eomments of Sehmitt eoneeming eapture of Eryonicus in midwater elosing nets well away from the bottom makes sense if the thing is a larva living mesopelagieally. Sadly their statement eoneeming the larval nature of the animal is ineontestable. The reptant family Polyehelidae is represented off California by the genus Stereomastis, so this animal is probably the larva of one of the deseribed Stereomastis speeies. As a holoplanktonie larval form the animal is not reportable as part of our survey aetivities. Should anyone eneounter it in deeper trawls for Bight’03 the same exelusion would apply. Despite the faet that the thing is about the size of a golf ball with a tail, it still doesn’t qualify. My new reeord (at least for the SCAMIT list) is broken on the reporting mles. Ah, well, there is always another trawl..., and at least I got to see this striking larva in the flesh (we have it vouehered, and will bring it to a future meeting for examination by other SCAMIT members). JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Position: Curatorial assistant Job Number: 871 Issue Date: 16 May 2003 Closing Date: June 1, 2003 or until position is filled The Department of Malaeology at the Aeademy of Natural Seienees in Philadelphia has obtained funding to rehouse its dry Reeent mollusk eolleetion, Ameriea’s seeond largest. A euratorial assistant is sought for the three-year period of the grant. The job offers a rare opportunity to work in all seetions of one of the World’s great systematie eolleetions, and to gain experienee with state-of-the-art arehival rehousing. Responsibilities: - Move large eabinets between areas and transfer eontents from old into new eabinets. Work involves standing for eonsiderable periods daily. - Rehouse speeimens by replaeing eardboard trays, vials and eotton with arehival materials - File speeimens and doeuments - Computerize ineoming speeimens - Assist eolleetion manger with other euratorial tasks. 6 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 Requirements: Baehelors degree; familiarity with basie eomputer operations. Experienee with mollusks or in natural history museums preferred. To apply, please send resume and eover letter ineluding eontaet information for three referenees to: Paul Callomon Malaeology Department The Aeademy of Natural Seienees 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 - 1195 BIBLIOGRAPHY Fisher, Walter Kenriek. 1948. A review of the Bonelliidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 11, 14:857-860. —1949. Additions to the eehiuroid fauna of the north Paeifie Oeean. Proeeedings of the United States National Museum 99:479-497. Hartman, Olga & J. Laurens Barnard. 1960. The Benthie Fauna of the Deep Basins off Southern California, Part II. Allan Haneoek Paeifie Expeditions 22(2):69-297. Sehmitt, Waldo L. 1921. The Marine Deeapod Crustaeea of California, with speeial referenee to the Deeapod Crustaeea eolleeted by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer ‘Albatross’ in eonneetion with the Biologieal Survey of San Franeiseo Bay during the years 1912-1913. University of California Publieations in Zoology 23:1-470. Stephen, A. C. & S. J. Edmonds. 1972. The phyla Sipuneula and Eehiura. London, Trustees of the British Museum of Natural History, publieation 717:528pp. Thompson, Bruee E. 1980. Eehiura. IN: Straughan, D. & R. W. Klink (eds.), ATaxonomie Listing of Common Marine Invertebrate Speeies from Southern California. —1986. A key to the Eehiura of Southern California. SCAMIT Newsletter 4(10):attaehment. 7 April, 2003 SCAMIT Newsletter Vol. 21,No. 12 Please visit the SCAMIT Website at: SCAMIT OFFICERS: If you need any other information eoneeming SCAMIT please feel free to eontaet any of the offieers at their e-mail addresses: President Kelvin Barwiek (619)758-2337 Viee-President Leslie Harris (213)763-3234 Seeretary Megan Lilly (619)758-2336 Treasurer Cheryl Brantley (310)830-2400x5500 Baek issues of the newsletter are available. Priees are as follows: Volumes 1-4 (eompilation).$ 30.00 Volumes 5-7 (eompilation).$ 15.00 Volumes 8-15 . $ 20.00/vol. Single baek issues are also available at eost. The SCAMIT newsletter is published monthly and is distributed freely through the web site at Membership is $15 for the electronic copy available via the web site and $30 to receive a printed copy via USPS. Institutional membership, which includes a mailed printed copy, is $60. All new members receive a printed copy of the most current edition of “A Taxonomic Listing of Soft Bottom Macro- and Megainvertebrates ... in the Southern California Bight.” The current edition, the fourth, contains 2,067 species with partial synonyms. All correspondences can be sent to the Secretary at the email address above or to: SCAMIT C/O The Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Zoology attn: Leslie Harris 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, California, 90007 BASELINE TRAWLS Depth (M) 20 40 60 80 140 200 500 Transect T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 Acanthoptilum sp 1 1 Addisonia brophyi 3 Allocentrotus fragilis 40+ 230 30 Armina californica 1 1 Armina sp A 1 Astropecten ornatissimus 22 Astropecten verrilli 10 50+ 1 Bentheogennema burkenroadi 2 Brisaster latifrons 30+ 10 Brissopsis pacifica 17 80 Cancer anthonyi 2 Ceramaster leptoceramus 24+ Cerebratulus californianus 1 Dendrodoris fulva 1 Glyptolithodes cristatipes 2 Hemisquilla ensigera californica 2 Kellettia kelletii 29 Leptychaster? sp 1 Liponema brevicornis 15 Lophopanopeus bellus 3 Lovenia cordiformis 1 Luidia armata 1 Luidia asthenosoma 1 Luidia foliolata 1 1 1 Lytechinus pictus 10+ 400+ 400+ Mediaster aequalis 2 Metacrangon spinosissima 1 Metridium farcimen 2 1 Molpadia intermedia 1 Munidopsis depressa 1 Nassarius insculptus 1 Neocrangon resima 3 Neocrangon zacae 14 Octopus californicus 2 1 Octopus rubescens 1 1 Ophiopteris papillosa 1 Ophiothrix spiculata 2 50+ Ophiura luetkenii 1 1 1 1 Pagurus spilocarpus 1 Pannychia moseleyi 35+ Parastichopus californicus 3 2 2 2 Philine alba 1 Philine auriformis 1 Pisaster brevispinus 3 Pleurobranchaea californica 2 Pyromaia tuberculata 2 Rossia pacifica 2 Schmittius politus 1 Sicyonia ingentis 4 Spatangus californicus 1 5 Spirontocaris holmesi 9 BASELINE TRAWLS SCAMIT MEMBERSHIP Renewal Eorm Dear SCAMIT Member: Your membership expires this month. We hope that you are interested in continuing your SCAMIT membership. To renew your membership and continue to receive the newsletter, please fill out the form below and return it with a check or money order made out to SCAMIT in US dollars to the SCAMIT Treasurer: Cheryl Brantley Marine Biology Laboratory County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles 24501 S Figueroa Carson CA 90745 Type of Membership: _Individual e-mail membership, $15.00 per year _Individual hard-copy membership, $30.00 per year _Institutional membership, $60.00 per year Name: Address: Specialty: E-mail: Phone: Would you like to be listed in SCAMIT's list of members who perform consulting work? We maintain a comprehensive list of SCAMIT members, their areas of taxonomic expertise, and include their availability for taxonomic consulting work. This list is available for distribution to the SCAMIT membership at large to promote the exchange of taxonomic information.