= es } ' EN vrei Py b 1%) ; Me ies, te) i} nat Sey yey SCIENCE A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEWCOMB, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy ; T. C. MENDENHALL, Bhysics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering ; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry ; J. LE ConTE, Geology ; W. M. Davis, Physiography ; HENRY F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScuppER, Entomology ; C. E. Brssry, N. L. BRITTON, Botany ; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology ; H. P. Bowprrcn, Physiology ; J. S. Bruurnes, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL, Psychology ; J. W. PowELL, Anthropology. NEW SERIES. VOLUME X. JULY -DECEMBER, 1899. NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1899 x 4 i any Tare ws) iat ie Crest ae , f hie : : ‘ ' ‘ : ‘THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY, ; : 4 NorTx QUEEN STREET, ~ LANCASTER, PA. " ; ‘ oa Sates i) \ SAY Upon carbohydrates the secretion has an important action.”’ Foster (A Text-book of Physiology, Philadelphia, 1895) also mentions the succus entericus, but ascribes very little importance to it. On the other hand, Landois (Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen, 9 aufl., 1896) summarizes the action of intestinal juice (Darmsaft) as follows : 1. Diastatic action. 2. Metamorphosis of maltose into glucose. 3. Conversion of fibrin, fresh casein, raw and cooked meat and plant albumin into peptone. 4. Analysis of fat. 5. Metamorphosis of di- into mono-sac- charides. 6. Coagulation of milk. JuLy 21, 1899. ] Thus there are dissenting opinions amongst physiologists, but in this connec- tion it is to be remembered that it is prac- tically impossible to obtain normal intestinal juice. The method consists in cutting out a portion of the intestine and attaching this by both ends to a fistula made in the body wall. In this way admixture with gastric or pancreatic juice is prevented, but the conditions are highly abnormal! and nega- tive results with fluid obtained in such a way are of little weight. Moreover, phys- iologists usually make their experiments on mammals, whereas a study of the lower groups gives support to the view that in- testinal cells can secrete ferments having the same properties as those of the stomach and pancreas. Thus, the Cyprinoid fishes lack a stomach and extracts of their intes- tines can digest fibrin. The alimentary canal of the Cyclostomes is a straight tube, entirely wanting in diverticula. Itis, there- fore, probably safe to conclude that the view expressed by Landois is essentially correct, although it is not to be understood by this that the succus entericus has any- thing like so powerful an action as the enzymes from stomach or pancreas. Its properties are the same in kind as these, but much feebler in degree. The third class of foods consists of fats. These, unlike proteids and sugars, are ap- parently insoluble in the various digestive fluids. It seems, however, that steapsin is able to saponify fat. That this process ac- tually takes place has been proven by chemical analysis made on the contents of the intestine of animals fed on fat. For this reason, and for others to be given be- low, it is generally supposed that fat enters the intestinal epithelium as soap and glyc- erine. The evidence is, however, some- what contradictory, and this question can hardly be considered absolutely settled. The second phase of the digestive process, absorption, consists of the passage of the SCIENCE. vi prepared food through the epithelium of the intestine; in reality, its entrance into the body, for hitherto it has been outside. This food, as has been seen, is in solution, and the older physiologists considered its entrance to be either a mere soaking through or else an osmatic process. But it has been shown that this view is erroneous. Without discussing what the actual process may be in intravitam staining, it is known that living protoplasm behaves differently with different stains. Living spermatozoa can be stained differentially, while protozoa will take up certain anilines and wholly re- sist the action of others. Thatis, protoplasm has the power of resisting the entrance of certain substances. This power is clearly demonstrated by the epithelium of the in- testine. The laws of diffusibility do not hold true. For example, if a solution con- taining equal parts of sodium sulphate and glucose be allowed to act on the living in- testinal mucus membrane, the glucose will be almost entirely absorbed and the sodium sulphate scarcely at all. Yet the salt is much more diffusible than the carbohy- drate. The epithelial cells, then, possess a selective power which is obviously depend- ent upon the activity of their protoplasm. That this is of great importance to the or- ganism needs no emphasizing. The entrance of proteids and sugars has not been studied cytologically. Such an investigation, although of the utmost im- portance, presents extreme difficulties. The preliminary process essential to mounting would probably take out of the cells all such substances, and the work would neces- sarily have to be done on fresh cells. But proteid reactions are obscure and indefinite, and this, along with the technical difficul- ties in the way, a magnification of 750-1,000 diameters being necessary, has evidently discouraged such researches, and our actual knowledge on this point is nil. Having entered, however, it has been satisfactorily 78 demonstrated that proteids and carbohy- drates are taken up by the biood and that they do not enter the lymphatic system. Natural fats are mixtures of the three chemical compounds—Olein, Palmatin and Stearin. Of these, the first is a liquid, the other two are solids. Consequently, the proportions in which these three ingredients are mixed conditions the melting point of the fat. Tallow and lard are high in stearin, while cod-liver oil is high in olein. Thus the melting point of fat enables us to form an idea as to what animal produced it. Butall fats, of whatever nature, reduce osmic acid, producing an intense black coloration, and this clear and distinctive test furnishes the reason why the absorp- tion of fat has been a favorite study with cell-physiologists. In passing a piece of intestine tissue through the various pro- cesses necessary for its microscopical study all nitrogenous bodies in solution in the cells are very probably dissolved out by the alcohols, but fat is only very slightly solu- ble in alcohol and not particularly so in cedar oil, and accordingly preparations that still contain a large part of their original fat contents may be studied. The error is more likely to be in the other direction ; osmic acid is reduced by all organic matter, and it is extremely probable that many cell aggregates, not fat at all, have, by virtue of their having actually reduced osmic acid, been mistaken for fat. Taking up now in detail what has been learned concerning the absorption of fat, we find that there are three conflicting theories. These are: 1. Fat enters between the epithelial cells. 2. Fat enters the epithelial cells. 3. Fat enters both ways. Concerning the first of these views, that the only entrance path of fat is between the cells, it has had, in so far as I have been able to learn, but one advocate (Watney, 1877), and the appearances are so strongly SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 238: against it that we are probably entirely safe in rejecting it in toto. With regard to the other views the mat- ter at issue is much more comprehensive than the mere entrance of fat. One of these, the second, holds that the sodium salt of a fatty acid (a soap) and glycerine enter the cell in solution. The reasons for believing this are, first, the general reason that the solids have never been known to enter the intestinal epithelium, and, second, the appearances in the fixed cell. The stri- ated border and a narrow band running across the cell just beneath the striated border are always free of fat.* It first ap- pears lower down in the cell and arises as exceedingly minute globules, which roll to- gether and fuse and eventually come to form masses, which may be so large that two or three fill the entire cell. That is, the soap and glycerine are synthesized, and fat appears in an exceedingly minute state of division. The increase in size of these particles is a merely mechanical phenome- non and has been observed in living cells. At the expiration of a certain period after the commencement of absorption a second process is inaugurated. This has been studied the most carefully in those forms which possess intestinal villi, and the fol- lowing is applicable to only such. A very fine canal system has been described by some, consisting of vessels that extend from the base of the cell into the lacteal, but more accurate observation has shown that such does not exist. The fat merely passes from the cell, the determining factor in its movement being protoplasmic activity, and becomes scattered throughout the stroma of the villus, lying in a peri-cellular fluid which occupies the spaces between the connective tissue cells and fibers. Heiden- hain (1888) has given a very clear expla- * This has been disputed. Some writers have de- scribed fat both in and just beneath the striated border. JuLy 21, 1899.] nation of the method by which it enters the lacteal. The villus is enclosed exter- nally by the epithelial layer, and its center is occupied by the lacteal. In the space outside of the lacteal and inside of the epithelium there is the connective tissue (in which the fat is scattered) and muscle fibers. These muscle fibers lay along the length of the villus. They are attached to the connective tissue at the base of the villus and inserted in the inside of the epithelial row and in the walls of the lac- teal. Now, when the muscle contracts it will pull upon the connective tissue fibers that bind it to the lacteal and to the epithe- lium, and these, in their turn, pull the epi- thelium inwards and the wall of the lac- teal outwards. The force is the same in both cases, but the epithelium is far more resistant than the wall of the lacteal, and the result is that the volume of the vessel is increased. This causes a negative pres- sure within the lacteal (valves prevent its filling up from the large lymphatic vessels) and a positive pressure in the stroma be- tween it and the epithelium, and in conse- quence the peri-cellular fluid, with its fat, is forced to enter it. From the lacteal it, of course, enters the lymphatic system and eventually the blood. The other theory gives to the leucocytes the primary role in the absorption of fat. This holds, in general, that fat, and other food as well, is taken from or from between the cylinder cells by leucocytes and by them earried into the circulatory system. The details are held to be as follows: The eat- ing of a meal brings about great activities on the part of the leucocytes. The number of them in the intestinal walls increases manyfold. This increase is brought about in two ways. ‘There is active cell-division on the part of those leucocytes present in the nodules and scattered throughout the mucosa, and, in addition, there is a migra- tion from other parts of the body. The SCIENCE. 79 facts upon which this belief is based are the great increase in size of the nodules during absorption and the presence of in- numerable mitoses in the cells themselves. One observer (Schafer) describes the pro- cess for the frog as follows: Beneath the epithelial row the leucocytes divide, the new cell consisting of a nucleus with a minute quantity of protoplasm. It moves either close up to or between the epithelial cells and ingests food. During this process it increases enormously in size and event- ually carries the load of food back into the connective tissue, where it enters a lymph capillary. That it is food which the leu- cocyte carries back, seems to be proved by fat feeding, following which the returning leucocytes contain granules that give the osmic-acid test. These two theories are contradictory, but not mutually exclusive, for it is conceivable that both processes may take place side by side. Leucocytes are known to ingest for- eign substances while in the blood, and, al- though there are reasons for supposing that this phenomenon is of the utmost benefit to the organism as a whole, it is not suppos- able that leucocytes have been evolved for the particular function of disposing of path- ogenic bacteria. Similarly, in the intestine, the proximity or actual contact of foreign substances in the form of fat globules would undoubtedly provoke activities on the part of the leucocytes. They would ingest such particles freely, but rather for their own in- dividual benefit than for that of the organ- ism as a whole. This would, of course, be of benefit to the organism as a whole, since the return of the leucocytes to the lym- phatic system and their death there would increase the amount of food in the lymph, but this conception differs very materially from that which holds that leucocytes func- tion as fat carriers and that without them fat could not enter the lymph. There is, moreover, direct evidence which bears on 80 this point. Heidenhain has observed that in suckling mammals, which must neces- sarily be absorbing fat, there are very few leucocytes present in the intestinal mucus membrane. He also throws doubt on the fatty nature of the granules observed re- turning leucocytes that respond to the os- mic-acid test, observing, with considerable point, ‘‘ Nicht allesist Fett, was in Osmium saure dunkelt.”’ It is thus possible to bring such observations as these of Scha- fer’s quoted above into line with the views advanced by Heidenhain. Leucocytes may, as described, divide, migrate out near the surface of the mucus membrane, take up food and convey it back into the lacteal, but the rest of the organism is not depend- ent upon them. The third phase of digestion is that which takes place in the cells, and consists in building-up of food substance into proto- plasm. This process is of chemical nature and consequently wholly beyond the reach of direct observation. The advances that are being made in the province of organic chemistry lead to the hope that the albu- men formula may eventually be discovered, and were this done the synthesis of proto- plasm would be at least a theoretical possi- bility. At present, however, our knowl- edge of the actual conditions that exist in living matter is so slight that even specula- tion is useless. Howarp CRAWLEY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and Else- where, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897. By ARTHUR WILLEY. Cambridge, Eng., the University Press. 4to. Part I., 1898 ; pp viii+-120; pls. 11. Part II., 1899; pp. 85; pls. 12. The zoological materials collected by Dr. Arthur Willey during his search for the Pearly Nautilus have been distributed to specialists SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 238. and will form the basis for a series of five or six published parts, the first two of which have already appeared. These of themselves are a substantial acknowledgment to the Board of Managers of the Balfour Studentship and to the Government Grant Committee of the Royal Society, by whose generosity Dr. Willey was enabled to prosecute his researches. ! Part I. opens with an account, by Dr. Willey himself, of the anatomy and development of a new species of Peripatus from New Britain. The species hitherto described, as Sedgwick has shown, fall into three natural groups, corre- sponding to their geographical distribution : Neotropical, Australasian and Ethiopean. For each of these Pocock has proposed new generic names. Dr. Willey’s new species represents a fourth geographical group, which may be called the Melanesian, and for which he proposes the generic or subgeneric name of Paraperipatus, the species being P. nove—britannie. As Dr. Willey justly remarks, it is not to be expected that a new species of Peripatus would throw much light on the vexed question: Is Peripatus an annelid or an arthropod? What is probably needed is something between Peripatus and other forms rather than more Peripatus. The Phasmide, or walking sticks, have been reported by Dr. D. Sharp. Upwards of twenty species were collected, of which fourteen seem new to science. The report contains an ex- tended account of the eggs and pre-adult stages of these insects. The scorpions, pedipalpi and spiders were represented by forty-nine species, of which six- teen are stated by Pocock to be species novee. The descriptions of these include a number of interesting biological notes. The cocooning habits of Fecenia and Ordgarius are described, and a species of Conothele which has subvertical mandibles is shown for the first time to build its nest on trees in the same way as other trap- door spiders that have this structural peculiarity. In a new species of Plexippus the mandibles and maxille form a stridulating organ. Besides this report, Pocock has also contrib- uted an account of the centipedes and milli- pedes, of which there were twenty-one species, thirteen new to science. The first part also contains the description of JuLy 21, 1899.] a new species of Caprellidee, Metaprotella sandal- ensis, by Dr. P. Mayer, and notes on a little known sea-snake by G. A. Boulenger. Part Il. contains a description of the coral- like Millepores by 8S. J. Hickson. All the specimens are referred to one species, M. alci- cornis. Material for the study of the soft parts of these delicate organisms was collected. Some of this was found to be infected by what seemed to be a species of Bacterium, and which Hickson has named B. millepore. The nettling capsules were studied in detail, and in some the ‘thread’ had the form of a delicate tube, in the center of which was a filament. This is probably con- tractile and brings about the remarkable re- traction of the ‘threads,’ as observed by Dr. Willey in the living animal. Of the crinoids, sea urchins, star fishes and brittle stars thirty-nine species are reported by F. Jeffrey Bell, almost all of which were well- known forms. Of the twenty-four species of sea-cucumbers collected, F. P. Bedford re- ported two new to science. None of the twenty-three species of Sipuncu- lids obtained were new, a fact accounted for by Shipley from the circumstance that the two largest collections of these worms ever made, namely, those of Semper and of Sluiter, were made in the same general region as that in which Dr. Willey worked. While such an out- come may be disappointing to those who are ambitious for the description of new species, it is reassuring in that it shows that a piece of zoological work once well done need not be re- peated. Fourteen species of solitary corals are re- corded by J. S. Gardiner, and of these no less than eleven are new. Gardiner also contrib- utes a paper on the post-embryonic develop- ment of one of these, Cycloseris, in which the close affinity of this genus with Fungia is em- phasized. Of the thirteen species of fleshy corals of the family gorgonace reported by I. . L. Hiles five are new. The earthworms were studied by F. E. Bed- dard. Some were too immature for certain identification, but among the well-developed specimens nine species were recognized, three of which were new. The second part is fully equal to the first and SCIENCE. 81 is especially noteworthy for the success with which photography has been used in its illus- trations. The photogravure plate accompany- ing Gardiner’s paper on Cycloseris is remarkable for the sharpness of its detail ; the naturalness of the figures exceeds that found in the best hand lithography. The photographic prints which illustrate Hickson’s paper on the Mille- pores give an idea of the nature of the material collected, whichin the case of these extremely variable animals could be obtained by no other method. The authors and publishers alike are to be congratulated on their successful use of photography. 4 So far as the present work is concerned, such criticism as may be offered touches rather the whole undertaking than any particular part thus far completed. While it may be gratifying to an explorer to see the results of his collecting and personal investigation in the form of a com- pact whole, it is not always certain that this is the best way in which to make it accessible. Such publications are dependent largely on sub- scription for their circulation and necessarily fall much behind the better class of scientific journals. Since, as in the present case, they ‘contain the first descriptions of many new species, their relative inaccessibility is often a serious obstacle to succeeding investigators. It is to be regretted that all the present series of contributions ‘could not have found places in some of the current zoological journals, as, in fact, some have, thus, ina measure, assuring the accessibility of their contents. (Gq lel, 1B, Traité élémentaire de mécanique chimique, fondée sur la thermodynamique. By P. DUHEM. Vols eLiinS18x2o Nem); pp ale Viol. Ver 18x25 em.; pp. 381. Paris, A. Hermann. 1898 and 1899. Vol. III. treats of homogeneous mixtures and solutions with only one volatile component. The opening chapter deals with the thermody- namic potential of a homogeneous mixture. This is followed by one on the state of dissolved substances and by another on dilute solutions. Next in order comes osmotic pressure, and then we find chapters on the hypotheses of Van’t Hoff and of Arrhenius, and on the mass law. 82 SCIENCE. The second half of this volume is given up toa discussion of equilibrium in systems containing one solution phase and at least one solid phase. Volume IY. is devoted to what Duhem calls ‘double mixtures’ and to general equilibrium in heterogeneous systems. By ‘double mix- tures’ Duhem means two component systems containing at least two phases of variable com- position. Under this head come fractional dis- tillation, critical states of mixtures, liquefac- tion of mixed gases and systems containing two liquid phases. A great deal of space is devoted to a consideration of the alleged law that the vapor-pressure of a dineric system is the same as that of the more volatile component. The volume closes with a general discussion of the phase rule, in the course of which it is pointed out that the classification followed throughout the four volumes hasbeen based on the phase rule and that all good classifications must be so based. This is very satisfactory, but it would have been more satisfactory if we had been told this at the beginning of the first volume instead of at the end of the fourth. One great fault in all of Duhem’s writings is his refusal to tell the reader what is to be proved. The result is that the reasons for the single steps do not become clear until the second reading. From the Baconian point of view it is very pretty to marshal the facts in a splendid array and then to point out the general law of which they are special illustrations, but Bacon is not famous as a successful writer of text-books. It would have been very much simpler to have de- duced the phase rule and then to have pointed out the way in which it should be applied. As far as the qualitative equilibria are concerned, this is also the historical method. Gibbs de- duced the phase rule as a general theorem, and Roozeboom has, since then, shown its valueasa guide. These four volumes of Duhem’s constitute a monumental work and will be of immense ser- vice. On the other hand, it would easily be possible to overestimate their value. What we have is an exhaustive study of chemical equilib- rium put into mathematical form and expressed in terms of the thermodynamic potential. This application of mathematics to chemistry is un- fortunately more ornamental than useful. There [N. S. Voz. X. No. 238. are myriads of formulas, but very few can be applied to any concrete case. The book is really only amathematical outline in which formulas are indicated. The equations contain unknown functions. To the experimental theorist the book is a joy and a sorrow, a joy because it points out so much and a sorrow be- cause it always stops short of becoming practi- cal. One of the most striking features about Helmholtz was the fact that he cast his theoret- ical speculations into such a form that they could be tested quantitatively. Duhem has never done this in physical chemistry. He has done brilliant work, but his theory has always been qualitative and not quantitative theory. If anyone doubts this he has only to read the four volumes of the Mécanique chimique and he will be convinced. WILDER D. BANCROFT. Le céramique ancienne et moderne. Par E. GUIGNET et EDOUARD GARNIER. Paris, Felix Alcan, 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain. 1899. 8vo. 69 figs. Pp. 311. This volume is No. 90 of the series ‘ Biblio- théque Scientifique Internationale,’ edited by M. Em. Alglave. Its authorship is in collab- oration by MM. E. Guignet and Edouard Gar- nier. The work consists of two grand divisions, the first, by the Director of the Dyeing and Coloring Department of the Gobelin and Beau- vais Tapestry Manufactories, relates to the fabrication of ceramics; the second, by the Conservateur of the Museum of the Pottery and Porcelain Manufactories at Sevres, is on the history of Ceramics. The first part deals with the material of which pottery and porcelain is made, describes it at length, shows the differences between the different products, gives by analysis the compo- nent parts of the various materials required for these products, and describes their mode of treatment and preparation for use. It presents by elaborate definitions the different kinds of ceramics, and shows principally by chapters, the differences between pottery, faience and porce- lain. It represents by description and diagram the machinery used in the treatment of the ma- terial, in the fabrication and forming of the objects, and the ovens in which they are baked. JULY 21, 1899. ] This part of the work is interesting and valu- able, showing, as it does in detail, the different kinds of ceramics and wherein that difference consists, a branch of the art which has been neglected by amateurs generally and for whose enlightenment this part of the work will be specially valuable. The second part deals with the history of ce- ramies. Its primary divisions are by the differ- ent kinds of pottery: mat, varnished, enam- elled, fine, and ends with porcelain. Within the purview of each of these chapters, geographic subdivisions are made and the ceramics of the respective countries described. The processes of manufacture are not touched upon in the second part. THOMAS WILSON. A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Mod- ern. By JoHN M. Roperrson. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd.; New York, The Macmillan Co. 1899. Pp. xv + 447, Those who know Mr. Robertson mainly for that perfervid, not to say intemperate, though able book, ‘ Buckle and his Critics,’ will likely enough be swift to shun this new work. Its title and Mr. Robertson’s previous performance certainly give ground for summary suppositions as to to the contents of the ‘Short History.’ It ought, therefore, to be said at once that our author contrives to keep his balance here, for the most part, and has produced a book which is well worth reading and studying. Of course, like the majority of self styled ‘freethinkers,’ he is not nearly so fundamental as he supposes, and still occupies a standpoint which, though fashionable and influential more than a century ago, does little to further ‘freethought’ to-day, and much to discredit it. Nevertheless, he does attempt to maintain a scientific attitude, and, on the whole, he does not allow precon- ceptions to run away with him completely. This at least is somethiug to be thankful for. His careful citations, too, are much to be com- mended, even although he often contrives to cite as authorities some curiously lop-sided per- formances. The book covers an enormous range. This is due to the definition of ‘ freethought’ pro- posed in the introduction and faithfully upheld SCIENCE. 83 throughout. ‘‘ For practical purpose, then, ‘freethought’ may be defined asa conscious re- action against some phase or phases of conven- tional or traditional doctrine in religion—on the one hand, a claim to think freely, in the sense not of disregard for logic, but of special loyalty to it, on problems to which the past course of things has given a great intellectual and prac- tical importance ; on the other hand, the actual practice of such thinking (5).”’ Following out this definition, the work con- sists of sixteen chapters; these deal with prim- itive ‘freethinking,’ with ‘freethought’ in the ancient religions, in Israel], in Greece and Rome, in early Christianity, in Islam, in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation. Thence the author passes to modern ‘ free- thought’; deals with the English deistic move- ment, Cartesianism, and the conditions preced- ing the French Revolution ; takes a peep at the United States, and then, in a long chapter, the most interesting of all, discusses the ‘culture forces’ of the nineteenth century. The con- clusion is a brief, and inadequate (in the sense of being sadly out of perspective), review of the present state of thought in the nations. Con- sidering the range covered, and the extent to which secondary authorities are necessarily relied upon, the author’s management of his material is deserving of the highest praise. It would be a good thing were the average ‘ ortho- dox’ to peruse the book carefully—nay, to have it beside them. It might open their eyes to not a little which, as matters now stand, they seem never to fathom. Naturally, in so extended a study Mr. Robertson has his lapses, and it is interesting to note that these accumulate precisely in the period which he knows best—the modern. Bias here plays its unavoidable part. Of Voltaire we are told that his ‘sheer influence on the general intelligence of the world has never been equalled by any one man’s writing’ (838). On p. 344 we are informed that Rousseau, ‘though not an anti-Christian propagandist, is distinctly on the side of Deism’; on p. 354, when another purpose is on hand, we are surprised to learn that he was ‘ devoutly theistic.’ The ‘ Critique of Pure Reason’ is said to be ‘ definitely anti- religious’ (388), a statement sufficiently extra- 84 SCIENCE. ordinary, but outdone a little later, when we learn that the modern movement ‘back to Kant’ was one of religious compromise! On the other hand, Mr. Robertson has some excel- lent things. His view of the English deistic movement, as against Mr. Leslie Stephen, is thoroughly sound; similarly his summary of the defects of ‘higher criticism’ (407) is full of point; while here and there we meet with il- luminating remarks, such as that it is ‘the tendency of every warlike period to develop emotional rather than reflective life’ (409) ; and that ‘the abstention of later specialists from all direct application of their knowledge to religious and ethical issues is simply the condition of their economic existence as mem- bers of university staffs’ (408). As one looks around upon professorial philosophy, is not this all too true ? Taking the author at his own word, and re- membering the limits distinctly laid down in the preface, the book is an excellent one, and it ought to find its way into many hands. It will startle the smug obscurantist, and will af- ford the free man—who is much more common than Mr. Robertson thinks—many cues to fol- low up in further reflection. If the author would put his eighteenth century rationalism behind his back, he might produce a definitive history, not of free thought—for all thinking is free by the nature of the case—but of man’s gradual rise to a more fully reasonable explana- tion of himself and his environment. R. M. WENLEY. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. THE American Journal of Science for July con- tains the following articles: Velocity of Electric Waves in Air; by G. V. MAc- LEAN. Spiral Fulgurite from Wisconsin ; by W. H. Hopes. Chemical Composition of Parasite and a new oc- currence of it in Ravalli Co., Montana ; by S. L. PEN- FIELD and C. H. WARREN. Estimation of Iron in the Ferric State by Reduction with Sodium Thiosulphateand Titration with Iodine ; by J. T. Norton, JR. Mouth of Grand River ; by E. H. MupGE. Electrical Measurements ; by H. A. ROWLAND and T. D. PENNIMAN. [N. S. Von. X. No. 238. Reflection of Hertzian Waves at the Ends of Parallel Wires ; by LEE DEFOREST. In a thesis entitled ‘ An Experimental Study of the Corrosion of Iron under various Condi- tions’ accepted for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, in the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Mr. Carl Hambuechen shows that whether an iron surface which has been subjected to corrosive influences has a uniform corrosion, local pittings or corrosion along definite lines or curves is dependent upon the physical and chemical character of the iron. The conclusion is drawn that a study of such corroded surfaces, which may be produced quickly by electrolytic means, may give con- siderable insight into the properties of iron- The main part of the thesis deals with an in- vestigation of the energy expended when iron is subjected to strain, part of the energy being expended in heating the iron, but the greater part being stored in the metal and manifesting itself in an increased tendency to corrosion and a higher electromotive force of contact between the iron and an electrolyte. Measurement of this increase of electromotive force while the iron was subjected to increasing stresses showed that a curve giving relation between stress and electromotive force is obtainable; this curve being similar to the stress-strain diagram, and each curve showing clearly the point of elastic limit. The fact that a metal under stress has a greater chemical activity will afford an expla- nation of many peculiar cases of corrosion, such, for example, as the peculiar appearance of hardened steel which has been subjected to electrolytic corrosion. In an article on Russian Museums, Mr. F. A. Bather thus discusses the question as to whether or not museums should send out col- lections for study: ‘‘The occasional loss of a specimen is nothing as compared with the in- creased value of a properly worked-out collec- tion. If a museum is unable for any reason to send out collections to specialists, then it must have a large and properly paid staff. It is the business of a museum to encourage culture and to be a headquarters of intellectual activity in its various departments. A slight experience serves to show that the museums which prosper — JULY 21, 1899. ] are those which enter into the most cordial re- lations with a large body of students.”’ In the June number of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences Dr. James H. Wright has a paper on the application of color screens to photomicography, in which he shows that by a proper use of filtering light media the clearness and accuracy of photomi- crographs may be greatly enhanced. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE AND STUDENTS’ CLUB OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Students’ Geological Club, May 2, 1899.—Mr. A. W. Grabau gave a résumé of the paleontol- ogy of the Boston basin. Geological Conference, May 9, 1889.—Under the title ‘Tertiary Granitic Intrusives of the Yellowstone Park,’ Dr. T. A. Jaggaer, Jr., re- viewed Mr. Arnold Hague’s paper on ‘The Tertiary Volcanoes of the Absaroka Range’ (SCIENCE, IX., pp. 425-442). Students’ Geological Club, May 16, 1899.—At a special meeting of the Club, Mr. L. LaForge exhibited his collection of Chemung fossils. Geological Conference, May 23, 1899.—Three papers were presented at this final meeting of the year. Mr. A. W. Grabau discussed ‘Some Modern Stratigraphic Problems’ froma paleon- tological point of view. He emphasized the importance in paleontological work of the division of marine organisms into Plankton, Nekton, Benthos, Meroplankton and Pseudo- plankton, and held that extensive deposits of planktonic organisms enclosed by beds of shal- low water origin indicate a period when the land stood at baselevel. Benthonic animals are important as facies fossils, and the ben- thonic mode of living exerts a great influ- ence in the development of local faunas. Re- population of a district by a benthonic fauna which has occupied it at an earlier date— through the medium of meroplanktonic larve, as demonstrated by Walther—was illustrated by examples drawn from the Hamilton of west- ern New York. Graptolites and Ammonoids, as pseudoplanktonic organisms, are important as index fossils. Among local or provincial faunas acceleration SCIENCE. 89 was considered to be one of the foremost means of differentiating species. Thus, the Fuside of the Paris basin appear to have developed in- dependently from those of the Hampshire basin of England. In each area acomplete, distinct, phylogenetic series has been discovered. These, although parallel, present specific differences throughout ; while certain individuals suggest occasional migrations of species from one basin to the other. In considering the operation of barriers upon migration the case of the genus Fulgur was cited. This gastropod has inhabited the At- lantic coast between Cape Cod and the Gulf of Mexico since Miocene time, its northward and southward migration being prevented by climatic causes, due largely to topographic con- ditions. That their young are not carried to other similarly characterized shores appears to be due to the fact that the veliger stage is passed in the ege capsule, so that in this gastropod the planktonic larva does not exist. : Mr. H. T. Burr gave ‘Results of Recent Studies of the Geology of the Boston Basin,’ and Mr. L. LaForge spoke on ‘The Relation of Dikes, Joints and Faults in Somerville, Mass.’ J. M. BourwELL, Recording Secretary. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. BODY BLIGHT OF PEAR TREES. In the spring of 1898 when preliminary studies with* apple canker were begun at this station a few inoculations were made in the limbs of a large pear tree with cultures of Sphxropsis, taken from cankered apple limbs. The fungus grew readily at all points of inoculation and produced dead sunken areas of the outer bark, similar to those that are so common on the trunks and larger limbs of pear trees. These definitely outlined and sunken areas of dead bark, commonly known as body blight, have long been thought to be due to the. action of the pear blight bacillus. However, it may be pointed out that body blight is preéminently a disease of the outer bark, while with pear blight the reverse is true since the cambium layer is first attacked. *Screncg, Vol. VIII., pp. 595 and 836. 86 SCIENCE. The full significance of the result of these in- oculations was not realized at the time since it was not then known that Sphzropsis occurred on these blighted areas. In the spring of the present year, however, a Sphxropsis was found to be comparatively abundant on the diseased bark of pear trees in the station orchards. Since that time a large number of pear trees from various localities affected with body blight have been examined and in nearly every instance this fungus was found to be more or less abundant. One case particularly worthy of notice was that of a comparatively young orchard that was severely attacked by body blight and the fruit of a Sphzropsis was so abundant that the conclusion was irresistable that this fungus must be the cause of the disease. Numerous inoculations made this spring with cultures of the Sphzropsis in large trees and in nursery stock clearly show that this fungus may produce body blight of pear trees. Other species of fungi closely associated with the Spheropsis frequently occur on trees at- tacked by body blight, Macrophoma malorum (Berk.) Berl. et Vogl. being specially abundant. The studies have not yet progressed far enough to determine what part these other fungi play in producing the diseased condition. Bacteria may also be concerned in this trouble, but of this we have as yet no proof. W. PADDOCK. GENEVA, N. Y. FORMATION OF CUMULUS CLOUDS OVER A FIRE. In Scrence of January 8, 1897, Mr. R. DeC. Ward describes the formation of cumulus clouds over a fire in Cambridge. Last Friday (June 30th) another phenomenon of this kind was observed at Blue Hill and from Winthrop and approximate measurements of the height ob- tained. The fire was in South Boston and consumed the buildings of the Bay State Iron Works. The smoke cloud was not of unusual size, but rose vertically to a considerable height (800 to 1,000 metres), encountering at this height a north- westerly wind, which swept it nearly horizon- tally over the harbor. The fire began before 8 p. m., and the smoke reached its greatest height about 8:05 p. m. At 8:03 p. m. a [N. S. Von. X. No. 238. small white cloud began to form at the apex of the smoke, which at this time was apparently nearly over Long Island, in Boston Harbor. The cloud increased rapidly in height, assuming the form of a true cumulus and reaching its great- est size at 8:05 p. m. The accompanying sketch shows roughly the appearance of the smoke and the cumulus at that time. The sky BosTon. iz CUMULUS FOR/TING OVER FIRE, JUNE 30,1899. was nearly clear, no other low clouds being in the vicinity of the smoke. The cumulus cloud is shown at (A) and apparently was about 3° in height and length, the highest or thickest end being toward the north. Between 8:05 and 8:07 p. m. another smaller cloud formed at the edge of a rift in the smoke considerably lower than the one just described. Its position is shown at (B). Mr. A. E. Sweetland, of this observatory, who at this time was in Winthrop, about 5 miles (8 kilometres) northeast of the fire, estimated the altitude of the highest cumu- lus to be 15°, while a measurement made with the nephoscope at Blue Hill, about 10 miles (16 kilometres) south of the fire, gave 10° as its altitude as seen from the observatory. These measurements show that the vertical height of the top of the cloud at A was at least 2,500 metres, while that of the cloud at B was about 2,000 metres, above sea level. The smoke began to diminish in quantity at 8:07 p. m. and separated from the clouds, which became flatter and more elongated. At 8:11 the clouds were separated from the smoke by a space several degrees wide, and after this time they slowly evaporated. S. P. FERGUSSON. BLUE HILL OBSERVATORY, July 1, 1899. A REPLY TO MR. MARLATT’S ARTICLE ON SOURCES OF ERROR IN RECENT WORK ON COCCID.* WHEN I lived in Colorado, some years ago, I remember hearing it said that a man who had * SCIENCE, June 16, 1899, pp. 835-837. JuLY 21, 1899. ] been there six months knew all about the weather, but one who had been there six years never knew anything about it. A similar para- dox is common in biological science ; and hence it results that Mr. Marlatt, who has only re- cently begun the study of Coccidee in detail, is much more sure about the nature of their spe- cific characters than the present writer, who has been occupied with these insects for eight years. If there is one thing which the detailed study of species teaches, it is that no man can prophesy beforehand what characters are going to prove specific and what variable. When the material available is scanty it is largely a mat- ter of guess work to pick out the specific char- acters, and the majority of new species pro- posed must be regarded in a sense as provis- ional. Indeed, the conditions for the absolute proof of the validity of a species are rarely ful- filled, since it has to be demonstrated that no- where in its whole range does the alleged species intergrade with any other. Let the ornitholo- gist of the Middle States, familiar with the yellow-shafted Colaptes, go to the Far West and find there the red-shafted species, C. cafer. In either locality he may examine thousands of birds, yet the differences are quite constant ; the species are indubitably ‘good.’ But now let him go to eastern Wyoming, and he finds the two inextricably mixed up, and concludes that there is only one Colaptes from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The general statements made by Mr. Marlatt are most of them applicable to the majority of Coccidz, and so far are neither new to nor un- heeded by the authors of the work he criticises. But there are exceptions, more numerous, probably, than most of usimagine. Take the often quoted case of the Jamaican ) Around Barnum and Moose Lake lies a series of hornblende-biotite schists dipping at a low angle southward; the texture is rather fine and the general aspect of the rocks fresh and sharply erys- talline. (c) West of Sturgeon Lake lies a belt of hornblende schists dipping at a high angle or standing vertical with interleaved granitic, gneissic and quartzose masses. These schists are, in places, garnetiferous and frequently abound in lenses and string- ers of quartz. (d) Still farther southwest- ward, on the Kettle River, are exposures of mica schists with veins and dikes of granite within the schists, while (e) at Ann River and westward through Mille Lacs, Benton, Sherburne and Stearns coun- ties are enormous masses of hornblende- biotite granite. These granites in their freshest condition carry augite cores within JULY 28, 1899. ] the hornblende-biotite areas and in several localities are in apparent proximity to gab- bro. (jf) Farther north, on the Mississippi River, from Two Rivers past Little Falls to the valley of the Elk River, are extensive exposures of a fine-grained hornblende- biotite schist carrying bosses of gabbro and lenses of quartz-diorite [J. H. Kloos, Neu. Jahrb. fir. Min., 1877, S. 225] and, also locally, thickly studded with staurolite crystals and garnets. (g) Finally the in- teresting masses of epidote granite and associated basic eruptives of Western Stearns, Todd and Cass counties. I have reached the conclusion that all the areas enumerated under (a) to (g) above belong to the same geologic time division, viz., the Keewatin. The clastics, partially altered clastics and thoroughly crystalline schists in the areas (a), (6), (¢c), (d) and (f) belong to a single rock series and the granites and gabbros of areas (d), (e), (f) and (g) are eruptive through them. The staurolite, garnet, quartz-lenses, etc., essen- tially contact minerals, bear circumstantial evidence of the proximity of eruptive masses of granite or gabbro even where such masses are not now seen owing to enormous subsequent erosion or the covering of gla- cial drift. Among the considerations upon which the foregoing conclusion was reached are the following: 1. The quartzose clastices and hornblende-biotite schists, which are admittedly one and the same rock series [Irving, R. D., Fifth An. Rep. Director U.S. Geol. Sur., p. 196], can be traced by petrographic and structural characters through Mahtowa, Barnum and Moose Lake in an almost continuous succession of exposures from the Thomson conglom- erate to the coarser garnetiferous schists, carrying quartz stringers and lenses in con- siderable profusion west of Sturgeon Lake; and these in turn through reported ex- posures [Hopewell Clarke, Land Commis- SCIENCE. 109 sioner, St. Paul and Duluth R. R.] to the~ Snake River valley schists filled with dikes of granite. 2. The relation of the Snake River granite dikes in T. 42, R. 23 W., and the granites of Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Benton, Sherburne and Stearns counties cannot be traced in the field, yet their petrographic characters are essen- tially alike, and they have always been assumed to be the same. 3. The stauro- lite-bearing southern border of the Missis- sippi Valley schists disappears beneath the glacial drift in striking nearness to the granites of Stearns and Morrison counties. 4. Nowhere in Minnesota has this type of granite been found intrusive into or through the Animiké [for illustration compare Irv- ing, R. D., Seventh An. Rep. Director U.S. Geol. Sur., pp. 421, 422]; in several places in central North America it is reported as penetrating and lying upon the Keewatin [e. g-, Lawson, A. C., Geoi. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Can., 1885, ce., p. 14]. Summarizing: The Keewatin of Minne- sota, therefore, odcupies a much greater area than has hitherto been assigned to it, since it underlies the large central region of the State. It here consists of two distinct rock groups, one a clastic-crystalline and the other an eruptive, partly acid and partly basic, breaking into and through the former. The two exhibit in places a typical eruptive unconformity, yet volcanic activity appar- ently ceased before overlying rocks were laid down upon the intermingled eruptive and clastic material. The hornblende-biotite granites of cen- tral Minnesota constitute enormous erupted masses, probably laccolitic in structure, which towards the northeast give place to a system of dikes which break through the schists and cause the greatest strati- graphic confusion. It is in this region that the schists become thickly studded with contact minerals. The succession of characters representing 110 the transition of a clastic rock into a schist, and the loading of the schist with accessory minerals in the vicinity of the intruding eruptives, is identical with what can be seen in the Black Hills, and described for the same region by Van Hise [Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I., pp. 209-211]. The me- tasomatic changes of the quartz clastics to crystalline schists in Minnesota is a process identical with what has been so fully dis- cussed for the Penokee Range of Wiscon- sin [Van Hise, Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. 131, pp. 453-459] and recognized in other local- ities too numerous to cite. C. W. HAtt. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Tue thirteenth annual convention of the Association of American Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations was held at San Francisco, July 5th—7th, in conjunction with the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Delegates from 34 States and Territories were in attendance. The wel- come of the city was voiced by Mayor Phelan, and many courtesies were extended the visitors by individuals and associations representing the State of California. Es- pecial mention should be made of the un- tiring efforts of Professor M. E. Jaffa, of the University of California, to facilitate the business of the convention and secure the personal comfort of the delegates. Dr. H. P. Armsby, director of the ex- periment station connected with the Penn- sylvania State College, presided at the general sessions and delivered the Presi- dent’s annual address. This was a clear and forcible presentation of the central pur- pose of the experiment stations as insti- tutions of higher education. By original research they are to increase our knowledge of the principles underlying the art of SCIENCE, [N.S. Vou. X. No. 239. agriculture and show the farmer how these may be applied to the advantage of his practice. The station should be the source of knowledge and inspiration for the agri- cultural college—the cap-stone of agricul- tural education. As such it should be divorced as far as possible from the routine elementary instruction of the college. At its head should be a director who inspires rather than directs. By appointment President M. H. Buck- ham, of the University of Vermont, pro- nounced a graceful and discriminating eulogy on Senator Justin §. Morrill and introduced memorial resolutions which were unanimously adopted. In discussing Senator Morrill’s relation to the great edu- cational measures with which his name will always be connected, President Buck- ham said that the central idea which the great statesman intended to embody in this legislation was that it was possible by a suitable form of higher education to lift the arts and industries to the plane hitherto occupied alone by the professions. This the speaker claimed was a unique Amer- ican idea, and its practical crystallization in the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 placed them among the epoch-making acts of the American Congress. The fourth report of progress of the Com- mittee on Methods of Teaching Agriculture was read by Director A. C. True, secretary of the committee. This report presented a syllabus of a course in zootechny which was limited to the theory and practice of the production of the normal useful animal. Zootechny was divided by the committee into three main branches: (1) types and breeds of useful animals; (2) feeding, and (8) hygiene and management. It was deemed most feasible that the teaching of the general principles under each one of these heads should be immediately followed by the application of the principles to practice as regards different kinds of ani- JULY 28, 1899. ] mals. The committee, however, conceded that there were important pedagogical rea- sons favoring the teaching of the principles of zootechny as a whole before proceeding to discuss their practical application to the art of animal husbandry. Explanation was also made of the general considerations which had governed the committee in con- structing its syllabi for both agronomy and zootechny. An interesting discussion fol- lowed this report, in which some of the difficulties in separating instruction in technical agriculture from that in agricul- tural chemistry, economic botany, soil physics and other related sciences were pointed out. The committee was continued, and hopes during the next year to com- plete its outline of the college course in ag- riculture, by making syllabi for the courses in agrotechny, rural engineering and rural economics. The absorbing interest which the Associa- tion takes in questions relating to the im- provement of courses and instruction in ag- riculture and mechanic arts was further shown by the relatively large number of papers on these subjects read and dis- cussed at this meeting. Such were the papers on the principles which should un- derlie the formation of a course in agricul- ture, by Dr. C. E. Coates, Jr., of Louisiana ; the short dairy course, by Professor W. J. Spillman, of Washington; horticultural education in Minnesota, by Director W. M. Liggett, of Minnesota; university extension in agriculture, by President J. H. Raymond, of West Virginia; the teaching of machine design, by J. T. Faig, of Kentucky; the agri- cultural engineer—the latest developed spe- cialist, by W. T. Magruder, of Ohio; some objections to early differentiation of engi- neering courses by J. OC. Nagle, of Texas ; and teaching methods in the mechanic arts, by H. Gwinner, of Maryland. The most largely attended section was that on Agriculture and Chemistry. This SCIENCE. 111 was due in large measure to the program, which included subjects of vital importance to the West. These in general related to alkali soils, irrigation, and the range feed- ing of cattle. In the absence of Professor Hilgard, Professor R. H. Loughridge, of California, discussed the alkali soils of the Pacific coast and their utilization, showing the nature of ‘ white’ and ‘ black’ alkali and the means adopted by the California Station for the reclamation of alkali lands. The problems related to similar lands in New Mexico, Montana and Wyoming were respectively described by Professors A. Goss, F. W. Traphagen and B. C. Buf- fum. Some interesting work of the Wyo- ming Station relating to the effects of alkali on the germination of seeds was described by Professor Buffum. Irrigation problems in the West were outlined by Professor L. G. Carpenter, of Colorado, who illustrated his remarks with interesting charts show- ing the economy and waste in the use of irrigation water in practice on different farms. The work in irrigation lately under- taken by the Department of Agriculture was explained by Director True and Pro- fessor Elwood Mead, the irrigation expert in charge of these investigations. Professor E. J. Wickson, of California, told some of the facts learned from practice in the use of irrigation for orchard fruits. He urged that irrigation showed beneficial results not only in the increased vigor and productiveness of the trees, but in the improved appear- ance and quality of the fruit. On the range feeding of cattle papers were presented by Professors W. W. Cooke, of Colorado; C. D. Smith, of Michigan, and H. T. French, of Idaho. The latter con- tended that his experience indicated that range steers could be conveniently and profitably fattened for market by stall feed- ing following that on the range. Mr. V. K. Chesnut, of the Division of Botany, De- partment of Agriculture, aroused consider- 112 able interest by his paper on plants poison- ous to stock, a subject which is receiving attention at several of the Western sta- tions. In the section on Horticulture and Botany Mr. Alexander Cran, quarantine officer of the California State Board of Horticulture, read a paper on the inspection of nursery stock and orchards, which was followed by considerable discussion of the methods used in this work. Professor A. J. Mc- Clatchie, of Arizona, described the methods of irrigation used in orchards. Papers on ‘Seed Testing,’ by A. J. Pieters, of the Division of Botany, Department of Agri- culture, and the ‘Climatology of Horticul- ture,’ by Professor E. J. Wickson, were read before the general session of the Associa- tion on the recommendation of the section. The latter was a suggestive paper expres- sing a hope that the relation of climate to- the production of horticultural plants might ere long receive serious attention in this country. The increasing importance of cooperation between the Department of Agriculture and the experiment stations attracted the at- tention of the Association, and a committee was appointed to consider the basis and methods of such cooperation and report at the next meeting. The Executive Committee was instructed to endeavor to secure some arrangement by which public documents might be more promptly and satisfactorily delivered to the libraries of the institutions entitled to re- ceive them, and also to obtain a place on the program of the next meeting of the National Education Association for a paper on the mission of the land-grant colleges in our American system of education. Much interest was manifested in the an- nouncement of the arrangement recently made by the Secretary of Agriculture with the Civil Service Commission under which it is proposed to admit a limited number of SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 239. the graduates of the land-grant colleges to the Department of Agriculture at a nominal salary as ‘scientific aids.’ Vacancies in the Committee on Graduate Study at Washington were filled, and it is expected that this committee will continue to pro- mote the plans of the Association for the establishment of a bureau of graduate study at the National capital. The following officers of the Association for the ensuing year were elected : President, J. E. Stubbs, of the University of Nevada; Vice-Presidents, E. W. Hil- gard, of the University of California ; J. M. Stone, of the Agricultural College of Missis- sippi; E. E. Smiley, of the University of Wyoming; M. H. Buckham, of the Uni- versity of Vermont, and M. A. Scovell, of the Experiment Station of Kentucky ; Sec- retary-Treasurer, E. B. Voorhees, of the Experiment Station of New Jersey ; Bibliog- rapher, A. C. True, of the Department of Agriculture. Executive Committee, H. H. Goodell, of the Massachusetts Agricultural College; W. M. Liggett, of the Universiity of Minnesota; J. H. Washburn, of the Ag- ricultural and Mechanical College of Rhode Island, and Alexis Cope, of the University of Ohio. Officers of Sections: College Work—J. K. Patterson, of Kentucky, Chairman; A. W. Harris, of Maine, Secretary. Agricul- ture and Chemistry—L. G. Carpenter, of Colorado, Chairman; C. D. Woods, of Maine, Secretary. Horticulture and Bot- any—L. A. Beach,of New York, Chairman ;. P. H. Rolfs, of South Carolina, Secretary. Mechanic Arts—C. S. Markland, of New Hampshire, Chairman ; F. P. Anderson, of Kentucky, Secretary. The day succeeding the adjournment of the convention was spent in visiting the University of California, and the following week was occupied in excursions to the principal agricultural and horticultural sec- tions of central California. These excur- JULY 28, 1899.] sions, freely provided for the entertainment of the two Associations by the railroads and citizens of California, were much appreci- ated by the delegates, who were thus en- abled to learn many important things regarding the wonderful natural resources. and industrial development of California, which the ordinary tourist does not become acquainted with. A. C. TRvE. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYBRID- IZATION.* Ar the Royal Horticultural Society’s gar- dens at Chiswick, on July 11th, an Inter- national Conference was opened for the purpose of discussing ‘ Hybridization and the Cross-breeding of Varieties.’ There were present representatives of the govern- ment of the United States and of most of the European countries, besides a large number of British hybridists and botanists. An interesting and unique exhibition of plants and flowers had been arranged in the vinery. All the exhibits were received under condition that they were ‘a new species or new variety.’ Most of the plants bore a card which stated the name of the hybrid or cross- bred, the name of the female or seed parent, the name of the male or pollen parent, and remarks on variation, size,formand color. Sir Trevor Lawrence, the President of the Royal Horticultural Society, welcomed the members of the Con- ference, and mentioned that the King of the Belgians had conferred upon Dr. Max- well Masters, F.R.S., who later on took the chair at the Conference, the insignia of an officer of the Order of Leopold. At the sitting of the Conference Dr. Max- well Masters, in opening the proceedings, gave an address on the history of hybridi- zation. He said they had met to discuss the most important problem of modern prog- ress in experimental horticulture. Apart *From reports in the London Times. SCIENCE. 113 from scientific experimental horticulture he did not think that they had progressed at all, as far as the practical details of culti- vation were concerned, beyond what their forefathers had done. But when they came to scientific experimental work their fore- fathers were nowhere. If they went into present-day gardens they found that nine- tenths of the plants were the productions of the gardener’s art, and not natural produc- tions. There was a time when they took an interest in new plants introduced from the tropics and elsewhere; but now the Horticultural Society’s flower shows at the Drill-hall, Westminster, did not produce anything new more than once or twice in a year. The so-called new plants now ex- hibited were the products of the gardener’s art. Referring to the discussions in the early part of the 18th century as to the question of sexes in plants, hesaid that the first person in this country or any other who formed an artificial hybrid purposely— many people must have produced them un- consciously before that time—was Thomas Fairchild, who must be known to many people as the originator of the flower sermons now sO common in many churches. The hybrid which he produced was a cross be- tween a sweet william and acarnation pink, and something very much like it was still in existence. From that time, however, progress was slow until Linneeus was struck with the same phenomenon ; while Thomas Andrew Knight,a former President of the Royal Horticultural Society, and Dean Herbert were celebrated for their work in the same direction. In their day there was a great prejudice against hybridi- zation among certain religious people. It was said that by the cross-breeding of plants people were flying in the face of Providence and that the process was wicked. But Dean Herbert showed that by cross- ing two species of daffodils which he found on the Pyrenees he could produce 114 flowers similar to those which abounded in that locality ; and he, therefore, argued that if Nature did the same thing he must not be blamed for doing what Nature did. The prejudice against hybridization was carried so far that nurserymen were afraid to ex- hibit hybrid plants in the Royal Horticul- tural Society’s gardens, because they might injure the feelings of some over-sensitive religious persons; and they, therefore, ex- hibited them as wild species from abroad. Dean Herbert did much to break down that prejudice. They now had to meet a prejudice of another kind, of which he felt ashamed. He meant the prejudice which existed in the minds of some botanists against hybridization. He could under- stand how vexed botanists were to find their pretty little systems upset by the pro- ceedings of hybridists. But he thought it was far preferable to uphold the interests of science and truth than of their petty sys- tems. After referring to Darwin’s views on _ Species, he said that the question of species, as they understood it, was merely an indi- vidual opinion, and that there was no di- viding-line between species, varieties and genera. And as to crossing between species not being hybridizing, as some persons as- serted, he said that they desired to deal with hybridization in its widest sense, in the full confidence by so doing they would be not only advancing science, but also adding enormously to the welfare of hu- manity. Papers were then read on ‘ Hybridization and Cross-breeding as a Method of Scientific Investigation,’ by Mr.W. Bateson, F. RB. S., Cambridge ; ‘ Hybridization as a Means of Pangenetic Infection,’ by Professor Hugo de Vries, Amsterdam; ‘ Hybridization and its Failures,’ by the Rev. Professor George Henslow, London ; ‘ Progress of Hybridiza- tion in the United States of America,’ by Professor L. H. Bailey, Cornell University, U.S. A.; and ‘ Experiments in Hybridiza- SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vox. X. No. 239. tion and Cross-breeding,’ by Mr. C. C. Hurst, Burbage, Hinckley. The chair was taken by Professor G. Henslow on July 12th, who, in his opening remarks, said that these meetings were of great value, because they connected to- gether scientific and practical work. The questions dealt with applied not only to hybridization, but also to all parts of botany; and botanists would be only too thankful to get hold of facts with which the horti- eulturist was familiar. Mr. Herbert J. Webber, from the United States Department of Agriculture, gave an interesting lecture, with lantern demonstra- tion, on the work of his department in plant hybridization. He said that the work of hybridizing was started not more than three years ago, and the results attained were far from complete. All the plants on which they had worked were, in the main, horti- cultural products of America, and one of the principal was the orange plant. A few years ago almost the entire orange industry for a season in Florida was destroyed by frost in a single night, and about a hun- dred million dollars was lost by the dam- age done. In consequence of this they arrived at the conclusion that either they must abandon the orange industry in Florida or secure a variety of orange which was very much hardier and which would resist the frost. Accordingly, they set to work to hybridize the Japanese orange, Citris trifoliata, with the sweet orange. The trifoliata was found as far north as New York, and was used as a hedge plant. The fruit was bitter and res- inous, and was used as a preserve fruit ; but the plant was hardy in character, and by hybridizing it with the common sweet orange it was hoped that the frosts would be resisted and that they might obtain hy- brids of the two species and a deciduous as well as an evergreen orange. After illus- trating the new plants by means of the JuLy 28, 1899.] lantern, Mr. Webber said that the true hy- brid plants had been found very much more vigorous than the common sweet orange. His department had also made experiments with the view of combining the character of the tangerine with the common orange in order to secure, if possible, the loose skin of the tangerine with the common va- riety. The sweet orange was of much bet- ter quality and more desirable than the tangerine, but if by hybridizing they could produce a fruit to combine the characters of the two he thought that such a fruit would take the market; and they were working on those lines. They were fur- ther endeavoring to improve the quality of the orange by crossing the _ bitter-sweet pomelo with the sweet orange. He gave illustrations of the different foliage and de- velopments of the plants brought about by hybridizing. The United States Agricul- tural Department had, he said, also been working more or less with pineapples ; and he pointed out that it had been ascertained that by the crossing of fruits which were commonly seedless they could frequently produce seeds, and that the plants so dealt with were more vigorous and better able to resist disease. Another branch of their work was with cotton plants, the main point being to hybridize between the Up- land cotton and the so-called Sea Island cotton. The improvements obtained Mr. Webber illustrated by means of the lantern slides, and said that by this hybridization they hoped to extend the cotton industry considerably. The last experiment dealt with by the lecturer was the hybridization of corn (maize) by introducing the wild species into the cultivated strain. They were endeavoring to cross the common maize with the wild Mexican grass Theosinth, which was supposed to be the progenitor of maize ; but, of course, there must be numer- ous generations before they could bring out the character of the corn to any great effect. _ SCIENCE. 115 The following papers were also read: ‘The Structure of certain New Hybrids (Passiflora, Albuca, Ribes, Begonia, &c.),’ with lantern demonstration, by Dr. J. H. Wilson,, St. Andrews; ‘ Hybridization viewed from the standpoint of Systematic Botany,’ by Mr. R. Allen Rolfe, Kew; ‘Hybrid Poppies,’ by M. Henry de Vil- morin, Verrieres; ‘Self-Fertilization of Plants,’ by M. Lemoine, Nancy; ‘ Hybrid and Cross-bred Fruits,’ by Mr. Luther Bur- bank, San Rosa, California, U.S. A.; and Mr. T. Francis Rivers, Sawbridgeworth. The festival dinner of the Conference was held at the Whitehall Rooms, Sir Trevor Lawrence presiding. The toast of ‘The Queen, Patron of the Society,’ hav- ing been honored, the Rev. Professor Henslow proposed ‘ Horticulture,’ and Mr. H. J. Webber, in responding, said he brought with him the friendly greeting of the United States Secretary of Agriculture. He added that he hoped to see the time when the originator of a new fruit or flower, in addition to the satisfaction he might feel in conferring a benefit on humanity, would receive the just and practical recompense to which he was entitled. Professor Hugo de Vries (Amsterdam University) and M. Henry de Vilmorin also responded. Mr. Bateson proposed the toast of ‘ Hybridists,’ Mr. W. T. Swingle (Washington) respond- ing. The Master of the Rolls gave ‘The Royal Horticultural Society,’ and referred to the early work of the Society in sending out investigators into various parts of the world. The Chairman, in reply, said it was owing to the work of Robert Fortune, who was sent by the Society into China, that the cultivation of the tea plant was introduced into India and Ceylon and an immense trade was thus almost wholly transferred from China. The Society, which was founded in 1804, would soon have to consider how it was to celebrate its century. Of late years the Society had been progress- 116 ing by leaps and bounds, but it needed a hall in London and a new garden in place of the old garden at Chiswick. The Belgian Minister responded for the visitors. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. German Higher Schools: the History, Organiza- tion and Methods of Secondary Education in Germany. JAMES E. RUSSELL, PH. D., Dean of Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, London and Bombay, Long- mans, Green & Co. 1899. The magnificent spectacle of German educa- tion is something which it is of extreme im- portance for our own progress, as well as of great interest as an intellectual phenomenon, that we should thoroughly understand. Noth- ing that has hitherto appeared on the subject is to be compared for comprehensiveness of char- acter or for vividness of presentation with this work of the Dean of the Teachers College of New York. If all works on education were as interesting as this the science of pedagogy would not be the dreary burden which it is now to most persons of any spirit or of any feeling for logical structure. And if the science of pedagogy had more frequently proved attract- ive to the better order of writers, who knows how much farther advanced the art and prac- tice of teaching might have been than it now is? Mr. Russell has been European Commissioner of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and special agent of the Bureau of Education for the study of German schools. He has thus had unusual opportunities for carry- ing out his investigations ; school officials, high and low, have given him generously of their time, and have put him in the way of compre- hending the spirit and the ideals of their educa- tional system. The five years that he has de- voted to the subject have been put to good use, and their product is a book of an unusual de- gree of value. We can only touch upon a few of the more striking characteristics of the Ger- man system of education as here depicted. Of first importance, and far more striking than anything that is said in regard to the sys- tem of instruction, is the preparation to which the German teacher must be subjected before SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 239. he can enter upon his career. It should be premised that there are no exceptions in Ger- many, and that these regulations must be com- plied with by absolutely every one who pro- poses to become a teacher in a higher school. After his nine years’ course in a gymnasium the candidate for this profession enters the University, where his studies can nominally be completed in three years, but where, as matter of fact, he is sure to spend from four to five years of hard work. He then presents himself for the State examination, the sole test of a can- didate’s preparation for any professional career, which neither the degree of Doctor of Philos- ophy nor any other scholarly distinction can enable him to dispense with. The examining board (consisting chiefly of university profes- sors) he must satisfy (1) of his proficiency in pedagogy and philosophy, including psychol- ogy, logic and ethics ; (2) of his familiarity with the German language and literature ; (8) of his acquaintance with the doctrines of religion, and (4) of his thorough knowledge of the special subjects which he expects to teach. These lat- ter subjects must be at least four in number, two major and two minor, and he must never pre- sume to teach any subject in which he has not received a certificate, nor to any extent beyond that corresponding to the grade of his certifi- cate—first, second or third. (There are certain restrictions limiting his combination of sub- jects ; for example, with any grade of French or English, he must have at least third grade Latin, and if one of his majors is religion the accompanying one must be Hebrew.) As a gen- eral thing, the future teacher does not take the degree of Ph. D. at his university ; that isa luxury costing from one to two hundred dol- lars, besides the time spent in the preparation of a thesis; and the Staats-Examen is regarded as. more of a distinction than that leading to the degree, besides being, in any case, obligatory. The application for examination is itself a seri- ous affair. There is a fee of thirty marks to be paid for each examination ; then there are certificates and testimonials to be furnished of the candidate’s whole course of preparation, showing precisely what he has done and what his standing has been during his whole school life from the age of nine years; then there is JULY 28, 1899. ] his Vita, in which the candidate tells when he was born, the rank or occupation of his father, his religious adherence, etc.; this is to be writ- ten in Latin if his subjects are the classical languages, and in French or English if they are the modern languages. His application is not regarded as satisfactory if the commis- sioners are left in any doubt as to his moral character, or if they suspect him of being dis- loyal in either religion or politics. But after all these requirements have been met, and the examination has been successfully passed, the candidate is by no means ready to enter upon his profession ; two years of purely pedagogical training must follow, first a year of study in a pedagogical seminary, and then a year of trial- teaching, under inspection. For this year of teaching he receives no remuneration, and if his work is not satisfactory he may, on the re- port of his director, be dismissed from the serv- ice. This last year of his preparation has brought him, counting in the one year of mili- tary service which he must have passed through, to the age of twenty-six at the very least, and more frequently he is two or three years older than that; having reached this stage his name is inscribed on the list of teachers eligible to appointment, and after a period of waiting, which lasts on the average from five to six years, he is at the end sure of an occupation for the rest of his life, and of a decent retiring pension at the close of his term of service. In comparison with the easy-going methods which we are accustomed to in this country, all this looks like hardship in the extreme for the poor teacher. But what admirable provision it makes for the training of the coming scholar! With an educational system which is laid out on such a scale as this, it is no wonder that learning and research have their home in Ger- many, and that in industrial matters as well England and France have discovered that their supremacy is in imminent danger of passing away. The great pressure in Germany upon the means of subsistence, and in particular the extreme social prestige which attaches to the occupations which presuppose learning, and the social repression which is exerted upon those whose wealth is their only claim to recog- _ SCIENCE. 117 nition, have brought it about that the profession of teacher, whether in high school or in univer- sity, is one of extreme attractiveness ; it follows from this that-young men are willing to undergo long and expensive training for the privilege of entering it, and that the requirements can be made more and more exacting with only the result of securing better and better material. If a high civilization consists in a form of society in which the real things of life receive their rightful appreciation, in which an unselfish de- votion to learning, to art, and to the discharge of the duties of public office is the quality above all others which is rewarded with the respect and honor of the whole comuunity, then Ger- many may well claim to be at the present moment the most civilized nation upon the face of the earth. Certainly there is no other country where the art of securing the comforts, the artistic enjoyments, and, to a large extent, the elegances of life for a small expenditure of time and of money has been brought to such a state of perfection as here. This is largely, of course, because the Germans are free from the vulgar love of luxury and passion for display which the higher classes, that is, the intellectual classes, have not wholly succeeded in putting down in England and America ; ‘conspicuous consumption,’ to use the happy characteriza- tion of Mr. Veblen, has not for them the bane- ful attractiveness which it has for the English and the Americans. This is the bright side of the picture. The other and painful feature of intellectual life in Germany is that it is the possession of one-half of the population only; the women have thrown away the inheritance which should have been theirs from their splendid early Ger- » man ancestors, and have sunk low in the abyss of household drudgery. The only way to effect a change in this sad state of things is to begin at the top; when it has once become not only possible, but a matter of course, for the clever woman to follow university courses, the stand- ard as regards the proper consumption of time will be quickly raised throughout all ranks; -professor’s wives will no longer sit up all night to finish Christmas presents in worsted work as they do now, but will save their eyes for better uses. Great changes have been effected in 118 Germany during the past few years, and there are hardly any universities remaining which offer no facilities for the higher education of women, but these changes have been brought about by the courageous and energetic work of a few fair-minded professors, and in the face of the fanatical opposition of the great majority of them. ‘‘The boasted freedom of the univer- sities is again contradicted in their attitude towards the education of women. No one ex- pects the state to be liberal, but liberality is looked for in the highest educational centers of the country. But with what results? Deter- mined, almost fanatical, opposition to the exten- sion of university privileges to women * * * For those women who desire to secure a broader education than is afforded by the girls’ schools, and who can easily enough take up university work and profit from it, there can be no valid reason for keeping them out. It makes one lose faith in the ideals of university enlightenment ’’ (p. 416). Nevertheless, the first German woman has already taken the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Berlin, and in 1896 six young ladies of high social position, who had been trained by the enthusiastic and devoted Helene Lange, took the final examina- tion set for the boys of a Berlin Gymnasium, and received high rank. ‘‘It will be seen,’’ says Professor Russell, ‘‘ that the woman question will soon supersede the Greek question.’’ The crying need for women at present is the founda- tion of public Gymnasia for girls. In spite of several recent setbacks, progress can be safely predicted in this line. The latest news from Germany is that a Gymnasium for girls has been started in Hannover, and that the one in Karlsruhe, which has hitherto been in private hands, has been taken over by the city. We have no space left for discussing German methods, of teaching. The most important general difference between them and those which we know in this country is that less is left to the initiative of the scholar; he does much less of his work out of school hours, and the teacher takes a much more active part in the work of instruction. The joy and refresh- ment which the American boy gets out of his athletics are unknown to the German, but (what we are less in the habit of remembering) SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 239. he has an immense resource in music, to which he gives a large part of his hours of recreation. As regards special studies, the account given of the new method in teaching modern languages is most illuminating, and gives record of mar- vellous results. But the whole book will be- come the useful companion of those who are interested in securing better and better systems in the education of the young. ; CHRISTINE LADD FRANKLIN. BALTIMORE. The Native Tribes of Central Australia. By SPENCER BALDWIN, M.A., and F. J. GIL- LEN. New York, Macmillan Co. 1899. This work is an important contribution to Australian anthropology, being a careful mon- ograph on the Arunta tribe, with observations on some neighboring tribes, giving an account of ceremonies, traditions, customs and myths, As Mr. Cushing identified himself with Zuni Indians so the authors became initiated mem- bers of the Arunta tribe, and thus came into intimate knowledge of many facts of great inter- est, especially as throwing light on Totemic organization. The Totemic myths and cere- monies are treated in great detail. The Totem groups at the time of the year when rain may be expected and food animals breed, conduct sim- ple ceremonies of chants of invitation, with rep- resentative plays which will insure the multiply- ing of the food. These ceremonies are essen- tially childish, are in the same spirit as the ‘rain, rain, go away, come again another day’ of civilized children. While these ceremonies do not appeal to supernatural beings, that is beings who are over rain, kangaroos, etc., but to the Rain, Kangaroo, etc., as themselves animate beings, yet as conciliatory the acts must be called religious, as coercive, unrelig- ious, and the native mind continually vacil- lates from one to the other position. As to the origin of ‘Totemism the authors (p. 127) can pronounce no opinion, yet (p. 209) the origin is sufficiently indicated as derived from the dominant food of any section of a tribe. With regard to such a Totem as Rain we see that the whole tribe have a general Rain dance, and the specialization of function is only partial to the Rain group (p. 193). JULY 28, 1899.] As to primitive marriage the authors tend to- ward a promiscuity theory as versus Wester- marck (p.111). It isnotable that the ‘muscle’ dance as sexual lure is found amongst the Arunta (p. 881). Religion as mere craft is suggestively noted (p. 180). The intense sol- idarity and communism of savage life is vividly portrayed in thiswork. The account of social- ization suggests that if we could penetrate ani- mal organization, for example, crows, we might find quite similar methods, a general animistic interpretation and adaptation, and asort of un- specialized Totemism, for instance, in rain calls. In this work we find plenty of hard dry facts, of external description, thorough and precise, but we have little large, comparative and psy- chic interpretation. We learn very little of how the natives think and feel. The conserv- atism of savage life is alluded to, as also the rather narrow but real chance of variation. Their powers of observation and memory in what directly concerns their livelihood is mentioned, as is also their very limited power of numer- ation. In adaptive intelligence they are in one point inferior to the elephant, who thatches himself, for though the Australian has warm skins of kangaroo he has never thought to use them as defense from the cold which often goes below freezing point. As clothing is unknown to him, we must revise our definition of man as an animal that wears clothes. The authors are far from making clear the concept of the natives as regards the life of the individual after death. They continually use the word ‘spirit’; but the essence or vital core of the individual which changes residence is really concrete (pp. 137 and 516), and it seems obvious that the natives have not risen to the idea of body and spirit. It would certainly be highly desirable that a skilled psychologist should closely interpret the psychic basis of the ceremonies, etc., described, should study emo- tions and their expressions, and test the psy- chic power of the natives in various ways. The work has good maps and photographic illustrations. Some of the faces and figures are finely sculpturesque, for example pages 35 and 43, and the full face, p. 38, is a veritable Olym- pic Zeus. ; Hiram M. STANLEY. _ SCIENCE. 119 Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York State. By JoHN M. CLARKE, State Paleontologist. June, 1899. Pp. 1-120. Or Handbook 15, University of the State of New York. This booklet is somewhat of a novelty in American geological literature. Every student of geology knows that New York Stateis classic ground for many of the Paleozoic formations of America. But a knowledge of how to see the various formations and collect their character- istic fossils to the best advantage in the shortest time and with the least expense can be obtained only after much experience. Here, however, most of this information is at hand and students of geology can go directly to classical localities and lovers of nature to some of the prettiest spots in the State. In this booklet are described in detail 27 ex- cursions, each demanding from 1 to 7 days. All of the trips can be made in from 56 to 72 days. The best and most readily accessible sections are described and directions given to railroads, the places to stop over night and the localities and beds furnishing characteristic fos- sils from the Cambrian to the Chemung, includ- ing the post-Glacial clays. It is to be hoped that other States will profit by New York’s example and that similar book- lets for Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Towa will follow. C.S. BOOKS RECEIVED. Praxis und Theorie der Zellen und B-fruchtungslehre. VALENTIN HACKER. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 1899. Pp. viii + 260. Mark 7. Physical Nature of the Child. Stuart H. Rowe. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. Pp. xiv-+ 206. $1.00 The Elements of Physics for use in High Schools. HenRy CREW. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xiii + 347. $1.10. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. The American Naturalist for July opens with an article by T. H. Montgomery, ‘ Observations on Owls, with particular regard to their Feeding Habits,’ which clearly demonstrates the comparative abundance of small rodents as well as the numbers destroyed by owls. 120 Incidentally it shows with what regularity these birds resort to certain chosen roosting places. J. H. Comstock and J. G. Needham bring to a conclusion the fourth chapter on “The Wings of Insects,’ which treats of ‘ The Specialization of Wings by Addition,’ and ter- minates that portion of the series devoted to furnishing data for determining the homologies of the veins. Arnold E. Ortmann discusses “New Facts lately presented in opposition to the Bipolarity of Marine Faunas,’ stating that they do not at all support the theory of bi- polarity and that we must wait for further in- vestigation to show whether bipolarity as a relic of older times is realized in the distribu- tion of any marine animals. The first of the promised ‘Synopses of North American Inver- tebrates,’ by C. B. Davenport, is devoted to the ‘Fresh-water Bryozoa.’ A brief sketch of the habits and habitats of these animals is given, followed by a key for their specific determina- tion and a bibliography of literature on Fresh- water Bryozoa. W. E. Praeger presents some ‘Notes on the Habits of Bascanion Constrictor,’ which contains good evidence as to the climb- ing abilities of thissnake. Leonhard Stejneger, under the title ‘A New Name for the Great Crested Anolis of Jamaica,’ shows that there has been a curious unanimity in misnaming this reptile Anolis edwardsii and proposes for it the name of: Anolis garmani. THE June number of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Science brings the third volume of this periodical to a close. The index shows that it contains sixty-five papers con- tributed by forty-five investigators. While there is a greater tendency towards patholog- ical subjects than formerly, there is yet very much of interest to the comparative anatomist. In the present number Calvin G. Page has a ‘Study of Streptococci isolated from Throat Cultures from Patients Il] with Scarlet Fever,’ and a ‘Preliminary Report on the Diplococcus of Scarlet Fever.’ Theodore Hough and Bertha G. Ballantyne give a ‘ Preliminary Note on the Effects of Changes in External Temperature on the Circulation of Blood in the Skin,’ andS. A. Hopkins presents a preliminary report on ‘Bacteria and Dental Caries,’ stating that he has not yet been able to deduce from his experi- SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 239. ments any definite laws or positive results. Theobald Smith describes and figures ‘Some Devices for the Cultivation of Anaérobie Bac- teria in Fluid Media without the Use of Inert Gases.’ DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. ABOUT A REFORM IN NOMENCLATURE. In the ‘Nomenclator Zoologicus’ of Scud- der 80,000 genera are mentioned and there are 7,585 genera of phanerogamia. Human memory is unable to retain all these arbitrary names (languages have from 20,000 to 30,000 words each) and the result of it all is that ‘‘ the lan- guage of science is more difficult than science itself.’? Even professed naturalists cannot guess what the Mormops megalophylla or the Cero- plastes psidii is. It is high time to repair this mischief by introducing the reform following : 1. The generic names of animals shall end in us, those of plants, in a, and those of minerals in 7. 2. Minerals shall have a genus formed with the abbreviations of their components. Thus Sulphurzinct sphalerita indicates a mineral (i), a Sulphur (Sulph.) of zine (zinci), of the species sphalerita. 3. Plants shall have their genus preceded by the abbreviation of their family. Thus Rosaspirxa limbata indicates a Rosacea (Rose), of the genus spirza and the species limbata, plant (a). 4. The genus of animals shall be relegated to special lists, substituting for those in common use the abbreviations of their class and family or order. Thus Inscoccidus psidii indicates an animal (us), insect (ins.), coccide (coccidus) be- longing to the species psidii. The family (Coc- ciceroplastus psidii) is more difficult of inter- pretation, since at least 1,000 families of ani- mals have been accepted. 5. In ease there be two similar species in the same family of animals their genus shall be cited. The reform proposed does not alter or change anything, but facilitates research, as well as the applications, popularization and teaching of science. There are no future inconveniences in the acceptance of this reform. No Inter- JULY 28, 1899. ] national Congress is required, since the abbrevia- tions present no difficulties. A. L. HERRERA. Musro NACIONAL, MEXICO. TIDES AND CURRENTS IN CANADIAN WATERS. To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE: Permit me to invite your attention to the latest report of the engineer in charge of the survey of the tides and currents of the coast waters of Canada, Mr. W. Bell Dawson, M. A., M. E., ete., a copy of which has been addressed to you. This survey, commenced by the government of Canada in 1894, is of great importance, not merely in the interest of hydrographical science, but of the large and increasing trade which finds its way along the Gulf and River St. Lawrence, the greatest waterway from the north Atlantic into the northern part of the American continent, and which, like all similar tide-ways, is affected by the complex action of the tides and conse- quent currents. It is much to be regretted that the economy or parsimony of the governmeut has caused a suspension for the present of the special survey of the currents, and has restricted the work to tidal observations, which, though of great value to tke shipping interests, can only be considered as preliminary in regard to the investigation of the currents themselves, which lead toso many losses of property and life, and tend to high rates of insurance, injurious to the ship owners and merchants of Canada, and, through them, to those of an empire as a whole. The present report, in addition to what can be done with the insufficient grant allowed in the matter of tide-gauges and tide-tables, has - reference to the behavior of the gigantic tides of the Bay of Fundy, when confined by the converging coasts at the head of the bay, and their relation to the smaller tides on the op- posite side of the isthmus connecting Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, at Bay Verte, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. These and the phe- nomena of the ‘bore’ at the head of the Bay of Fundy are here for the first time described, illustrated by maps and sections, and tabulated, and will be found of the greatest interest by all who desire information as to the exceptional tides of this region. - SCIENCE. 121 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE TRES MARIA IS- LANDS, MEXICO. THE latest publication from the Division of Biological Survey of the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, being ‘North American Fauna, No. 14,’ bears the title at the head of this notice. It contains the result of an exploration made in the spring of 1897 by Mr. E. W. Nelson and Mr. E. A. Goldman during the month of May of that year, and adds largely to our previous knowledge of the fauna and flora of these is- lands. The more appropriate title to the paper would be ‘Contributions to the Natural His- tory,’ etc., for no insecta are mentioned and only siz species of mollusks ; of these four had not been previously known to occur. The author, after mentioning the names of Col. A. J. Grayson and Alphonse Forrer, says ‘ no other naturalist is known to have visited the islands until the spring of 1897,’ the season of his visit. He should have known that the islands were visited in the spring of 1876 by Mr. W. J. Fisher, previously naturalist of the Tuscarora Telegraph Sounding Expedition, directed by Commander George E. Belknap in 1873. Mr. Fisher made a large collection of molluscan forms as published in the Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, pp. 139-204 of Volume XVII., 1894, wherein 89 species are listed. It is not unlikely that both Grayson and Forrer collected many insect species which have been published somewhere. Only the mollusks collected by Fisher have come under my notice. RoBeERT E. C. STEARNS. Los ANGELES, CAL., June 26, 1899. NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. No little work has been done on the com- pounds of sulfur and iodin, but with no very satisfactory results. The latest contribution is by L. Prunier in the Journal de la pharmacie et de la chimie, and it can hardly be said that the subject is left in a much clearer condition. Prunier distinguishes between what he calls ‘iodized sulfur’ and ‘sulfuriodid.’ The former is made by adding the desired quantity of iodin to sulfur at 115° to 120°, stirring, cooling and preserving in a stoppered bottle. The iodin 122 volatilizes very readily and is rapidly extracted from the finely pulverized substance by sodium thiosulfate solution. The sulfur left after the extraction of the iodin is readily soluble in carbon bisulfid. It would seem that in the ‘iodized sulfur’ the iodin is merely dissolved in the sulfur. The ‘sulfur iodid’ is prepared by adding pulverized iodin to sulfur heated to 200°. While cooling, the mass is poured into cold water and then powdered. The iodin cannot be dissolved out by thiosulfate solution and seems to be in chemical combination. The color of the sulfur iodid is yellowish red ; that of the iodized sulfur brownish black. Both substances, especially the latter, are energetic therapeutic agents. THE question of the form in which iodin occurs in the sea water has received a new answer from Armand Gautier in the Comptes Rendus. It is questionable how much experi- mental evidence can be deduced to show the presence of sodium iodid or calcium iodate, though both of them have been proposed. Gautier claims that all the iodin in sea water is in the form of organic compounds. About one- fifth is combined in alge and spores, and the re- mainder in the form of soluble organic com- pounds ; the latter are in part derived from the decomposed algze, and are in turn assimilated by other algze. It would be an interesting thing to have this question settled once for all, but the problem is one of great difficulty. THERE is also presented in the Comptes Ren- dus a study by M. De Forcrand of the chemical function of water compared with that of hydro- gen sulfid. From the heats of formation of the oxids of sodium the author concludes that the two hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water are distinctly different in function, and hence that water possesses an asymmetrical formula which he would represent by H—OH. In hydrogen sulfid, on the other hand, he considers the hydrogen atoms of equal value, and it con- sequently possesses a symmetrical formula H—S—H. ACCORDING to the Pharmaceutische Central- Halle Varino has succeeded in preparing a col- loidal form of bismuth. The very diluted solu- tion of bismuth tartrate in potassium tartrate is SCIENCE. IN. S: Vox. X- No: 239: treated with a solution of stannous chlorid in caustic potash. A clear brown fluid results, from which very little bismuth precipitates, and which acts toward the electrical current in a similar manner to colloidal gold. ACCORDING to the Chemical News, one of the the most interesting exhibits at the recent Royal Society Conversazione was the series of experiments by Mr. W. A. Shenstone and Mr. W. T. Evans, showing the manufacture of tubes of rock crystal in the oxyhydrogen blow- pipe flame. Tubes of one centimeter in diam- eter, composed of rock crystal, can now be made of considerable length at the rate of about three’ centimeters an hour. This is of great practical as well as theoretic interest. do 10, Jeb, RECENT PROGRESS IN THE EXAMINATION OF FOODS AND DRUGS. PLANT PRINCIPLES. As the result of some investigations on the car- bohydrates in bulbs, tubers, ete., L. du Sablon * gives the following information: The reserve materials in the tubers of potato, rhizomes of Arum and Iris and the corms of Colchicium and Ranunculus consist almost entirely of starch, with small quantities of dextrin and sugar. In the tubers of Ophrys and the bulbs of Lolium, Tulipa and Hyacinthus the reserve is made up of starch and dextrin. In the corm of Ficaria starch, dextrin and non-reducing sugars are present. In the tubers of Dahlia inulin and levulin are found ; whereas in the tubers of the artichokes, besides the inulin and levulin, non-reducing sugars are present. Chiefly reducing and non-reducing sugars are to be found in the bulbs of Alliwm and Aspho- delus. The experiments of du Sablon seem to show that the starch is transformed into dex- trin, then into non-reducing sugars and finally into reducing sugars. Tnulin has been found by H. Fischer} to occur in most of the tribes and a large number of genera of the N. O. Composit. It is also found in the Campanulacez, Lobeliaceze, Good- eniace, Stylidaceze, ete. He assigns to it the formula 333 CyHy)O; or Cy99sH3330Or665- * Bonniers Rev. Gén. de Bot., 1898 ; Ibid., p. 295. {+ Cohn’s Beitr. Biol. Pflanz., 1899, p. 53. JULY 28, 1899. ] The essential oil of orange flowers (Citrus au- rantium amaia L. and C. bigaradia Dick) has been examined by E. and H. Erdmann, * and they find it to contain (0.129 gms. per kilo of oil) anthranilic methyl ester. It is supposed that the fluorescence of the oil is due to this ester. Jasmal, or methylene acetal of phenyl-glycol, is the name given by A. Verley + to a principle which he has made synthetically and which it is claimed possesses the characteristic odor and other properties of the principal odorous princi- ple of jasmine. The West Indian sandalwood oil | is recognized by E. M. Holmes as coming from a new genus and species of the N. O. Rutaceze, and named by him Schimmelia oleifera. The oleoresin of Dacryodes hexandra Griseb- (N. O. Burseraceze) has been found by A. More 2 to consist of an essential oil, a resin and a crys- talline substance. The oil contains levorota- tory pinene and levorotatory sylvestrine. The erystalline principle is insoluble in water and is only sparingly soluble in strong alcohol, and appears to be identical with Personne’s ilicic alcohol. Gum M’beppe, or Kongosita, has been identi- fied by E. Heckel || as the product of Sterculia tomentosa Guill et Perrot. It is distinguished from tragacanth in that it does not give any coloration with iodine and yields 7.24 per cent. of ash. According to F. C. Newcombe { the enzyme of Asperigillus oryze acts with greater intensity upon reserve cellulose than upon starch, while the enzymes of Lupinus albus and Phenix dacty- lifera act so strongly on reserve cellulose and so feebly upon starch that they may be regarded as cystase rather than as diastase. S. H Vines ** has continued his studies on the enzyme of Nepenthes and says that, like all the vegetable proteolytic enzymes, it is probably tryptic in character, being more stable in its nature and * Ber. d. D. Chem. Ges., 1899, p. 1213. Tt Bull. Soc. Chim., 1899, p. 226. { Pharm. Jour. (London), 1899, p. 53. 7 Chem. News, 1899, p. 284. || Ext. Rev. d. Cult. Col.; through Pharm. Jour., 1899, p. 139. {| Annals of Botany, 1899, p. 49. ** Thid., p. 545. SCIENCE. 123 more rapid and energetic in its action than that contained in germinating seeds, which it closely resembles. FOODS AND SPICES. AT a recent meeting of the Incorporated So- ciety of Medical Officers of Health,* England, the following resolutions were adopted: (1) ‘That the Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health strongly disapproves of the practice of adding preservative chemicals to milk and other foods ;’ (2) ‘thatif preserva- tive chemicals be added to any food a full dis- closure as to the nature and amount thereof should be made.’ : It is not unusual to find some of the exhaust- ed umbelliferous fruits in adulterated pepper, but T. F. Hanausek + records for the first time the employment of exhausted, coriander to adulterate a sample of pepper. A. Juckenack and R. Sendtner {| have exam- ined the fennel from Germany, Italy, Macedonia and Galicia. They find in all cases upon placing the exhausted fennel in water that the fruits become dark colored and sink, whereas the genuine fruits retain their color and float. Upon making a microscopical examination a marked difference is also observable. The author also notes that from 70 to 80 per cent. of the fruits of fennel should be capable of ger- mination. He has not found any specimens in which chrome yellow was used to improve the appearance of the fennel, although he has met some samples in which ochre had been em- ployed. The ash of the fruits and seeds of Ellettaria cardamomum Maton (N.O. Zingiberaceze) al- ways contain manganese. According to W. W. Will 2 the ash is found in the following per- centage in the different parts: (1) whole seeds, 3.26; (2) crushed seeds, 3.52 ; (8) pericarp of fruit, 5.96 to 6.17; (4) entire fruits and seeds, 3.84 to 4.22. A sample of coffee which had caused symp- toms of poisoning in the members of a family drinking the infusion was examined by S. *The Analyst. + The Analyst. t Zeitschr. f. Nahr. u. Genuss., 1899, No. 4. 4 Chem. News, 1899, p. 167. 124 Bein.* He failed to detect the usual metallic or alkaloidal poisons, but found a ptomaine, which arose probably either through the spoli- ation of the coffee by means of sea water or by overroasting the product. Massee,} de- scribes a blight (Pestallozzia guepini Dermaz) which occurs on the tea plantations of Assam and is doing considerable damage. The well-known property, which formalde- hyde possesses, of forming insoluble compounds with proteid substances, and applied by Beck- mann to the estimation of gelatin and albumin in peptones, has been recently applied by Trillat{ to the detection and estimation of gelatin in general and especially when mixed with gums. In the examination of various cereals A. van Bastelaer 2 finds that upon heating 1 part of the cereal with 5 parts of water at a tempera- ture of 11 to 12° C. for 1 hour that certain characteristics are brought out; rye giving a rather viscous solution ; linseed and buckwheat yielding a thick mucilage; whereas wheat, rice, spelt, barley and oatmeal give solutions of rather even viscosity. He further finds that the leguminous cereals, upon shaking the solu- tions, develop a large amount of froth, whereas the solution of corn does not froth. All of the cereals, with the exception of rice, yield a pree cipitate with picric acid, the largest amount of precipitate having been produced with the leguminous cereals. Alcohol, likewise, produces a precipitate with solutious of rice, barley, buckwheat and the leguminous cereals the pre- cipitate of the leguminous cereals and flaxseed being soluble in ammonia. HENRY KRAEMER. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. POSITION OF WOMEN IN BABYLONIA. A RECENT treatise by Victor Marx defines the position of women in Babylonia during the period 604-485 B. C., as illustrated by the con- * Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem., 1898, 658 ; Analyst, 1899, p. 36. f+ Pharm. Zeit., 1899, p. 749. f{ Ann. Chim. Anal. App., 1898, p. 401 ; Analyst, 1899, p. 35. ZJour. Pharm. Chim., 1898, VIII., 43; Pharm. Centralb., 1899, p. 303. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 239. tract literature of the times ; his treatise forms half of Heft 1, Band IV., of the Beitrage zur As- syriologie und semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Leipzig, 1899; and is reviewed at some length by J. Dyneley Prince in the American Journal of Philology, Vol. XX., pp. 104-106. The con- tracts indicate that Babylonian maidens held property in their own right, and that there were definite marriage stipulations relating to dowry, incidentally indicating the dependence of the son on his father’s wishes in the choice of a wife. The dowry contracts were definite, stating the amount and nature of the property to be given, providing for payment by instal- ments and arranging for payment by a brother in case of the father’s decease, the dowry being regarded as a legally collectable debt, payable in kind if money were lacking. The legal re- cipient of the dowry was the son-in-law, yet the daughter (wife) retained such proprietary inter- est therein that if invested in realty by the husband it was in the wife’s name. Married women were competent to conduct transactions relating to money, to realty, and to slaves, their contracts being sometimes witnessed by the husband; while various business transactions were performed in common by husband and wife, the former being alone responsible as guarantor, the mere presence of the wife giving legality to the husband’s transactions, at least in certain cases. There are indications that husband and wife enjoyed approximately equal rights with respect to property, the control of children, etc. ; there is little reference to the husband’s duty to support the wife, though it appears that in case of divorce the husband paid alimony according to his means. Frequent reference to slaves appears in the contracts, but the author postpones discussion of the sub- jects of slavery and of the condition of female slaves. The information brought to light through the study of these ancient contracts bears on the development of institutions. Ap- parently the regulations governing the contracts studied pertained chiefly to urban life; cer- tainly the regulations seem hardly in accord with the customs prevailing among contem- porary nomadic tribes and still maintained among their descendants of similar habit. W JM. JULY 28, 1899. ] AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. For several years the need of greater facilities for the publication of mathematical investiga- tions has been strongly felt by the members of the American Mathematical Society. This So- ciety has maintained during the past eight years an historical and critical review, known as the Bulletin of the American Mathematical So- ciety, and throughout the whole of this period there has been a constantly growing demand for the publication in the pages of this journal of articles not properly falling within its scope. The Society, feeling that the time has come when further provision must be made for the publication of such articles, recently invited the cooperation of several American colleges and universities in a plan whereby such articles may be afforded suitable means of publication. The necessary cooperation has now been se- cured, and the publication of the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society has been definitely undertaken to begin January 1, 1900. The cooperating institutions are Harvard Uni- versity, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Haverford College, North- western University, Cornell University, The University of California, Bryn Mawr College and The University of Chicago. It is the de- sire of the Society that the Transactions may cooperate with existing journals in developing a wider and more active interest in mathemat- ical research. Among American journals the Annals of Mathematics will encourage papers of pedagogic nature and brief researches of gen- eral interest ; the Bulletin of the American Mathe- matical Society will maintain its character as an historical and critical review, and the American Journal of Mathematics and the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society will together, it is hoped, afford adequate facilities for the publication of the rapidly increasing volume of the more technical mathematical papers. The Transactions will be devoted primarily to research in pure and applied mathematics. The editors will welcome all papers containing investigations of sufficient mathematical inter- est and value. Such papers, in many cases, will be, necessarily, of considerable length ; but the editors will be very glad to receive, also, short contributions which are of such a char- SCIENCE. 125 acter as to fall within the scope of the Trans- actions. Papers from mathematicians not be- longing to the Society will be welcomed; such papers, if accepted for publication, will be presented to the Society by the editors. The Transactions of the American Mathematical Society will be published quarterly. The first number will appear January 1, 1900. The page of the Transactions will be the same size as that of the Berlin Sitzwngsberichte. The sub- scription price for the annual volume of at least four hundred pages is five dollars, twenty shillings, twenty Marks, or twenty-five francs. A reduction in price will be made, however, to the members of the American Mathematical Society. Subscriptions and payments should be sent to the office of the American Mathemat- ical Society, 501 West 116th Street, New York. Cheques and postal money orders should be made payable to the American Mathematical Society. Manuscripts intended for publication in the Transactions should be addressed either to Pro- fessor E. H. Moore, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., or to Professor F. W. Brown, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., or to Pro- fessor T. 8. Fiske, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. LorpD KELVIN, who for fifty-three years has occupied the chair of natural philosophy at Glasgow, presented to the University Court on July 13th a petition for leave to retire. The Court granted the leave asked, and accepted Lord Kelvin’s resignation with deep regret. A remit was made to the Principal to prepare a minute to be signed by all the members of the Court, expressing their sense of the great loss that the University is now to sustain. ProFessor F, ZEEMAN, of Amsterdam, has been awarded the Baumgartner Prize of the Vienna Academy of Sciences, and Dr. K. Nat- terer, docent in chemistry in the University of Vienna, the Lieben Prize of the Academy. THE Academy of Sciences of Berlin has given Professor Engler 4,000 Marks for work in botany. THE third Conference of Astronomers and 126 Astrophysicists will be held at the Yerkes Observatory on Wednesday, September 6th, and the two following days. A MONUMENT to Gauss and Weber was un- veiled at Gottingen on June 17th, the chief address being made by Professor Voigt, Weber’s successor. As part of the ceremonies the honorary doctorate was conferred on Profes- sor Moore, of Chicago; Professor Darwin, of Cambridge; Professor Hadamard, of Paris ; Professor Lorenz, of Leiden ; Professor Righi, of Bologno, and Professor von Sterne, of Vienna. THE Volta Exhibition at Como has been com- pletely destroyed by fire, attributed to the fusing of electric wires. Many precious relics of the great electrician were lost in the flames, notwithstanding the precaution taken to pre- serve the objects by placing them in a receptacle of solid masonry. The committee has decided that the féfes in honor of Volta shall be con- tinued. The International Congress of Elec- tricians will also be held, as previously ar- ranged. Ir is reported that Mr. R. T. Glazebrook, Principal of University College, Liverpool, has been appointed Director of the recently estab- lished National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain. Str WILLIAM MacCorMac has been for the fourth time elected President of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, London. Dr. J. WIESNER, professor of plant physi- ology, of the University of Vienna, has been elected a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. Dr. F. WAHNER, privatdocent in geology in Vienna, has been elected a member of the Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Academy at Halle. A DINNER was given to Sir John Burdon- Saunderson, Bart, and Professor Michael Foster, K.C.B., by British physiologists on July 25th, to congratulate them on the honors recently conferred on them by the Queen. Ir is reported that Professor Sanarelli is about to visit the United States to study the effects of his serum in the treatment of yellow fever. SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vos. X. No. 239. THE British Cancer Society has commissioned Mr. Arthur C. Buffey, M.B., B.Ch., to go to the United States to report generally on matters affecting the objects of the Society, and es- pecially as to the operations of the State Lab- oratory for the study of cancer at Buffalo, ING ANG WE learn from Nature that Mr. H. H. Howell, who joined the British Geological Survey under De la Beche in 1850, has retired from the service. Mr. Howell, after surveying some portions of Wales and the south of Scotland, and large areas in the midland counties of Eng- land, became District Surveyor of the north- eastern counties of England in 1872; he was appointed Director for Scotland in 1882 (when Sir Archibald Geikie became Director-General), and he was further promoted to be Director for Great Britain in 1888. Mr. Ernest E. L. Dixon, who has for the past two years acted as assist- ant to Professor Judd at the Royal College of Science, has been appointed Assistant Geologist on the Geological Survey of England. A MARBLE bust of the late William Ruther- ford, professor of physiology at Edinburgh, given by his recent students, was unveiled on July 8th. After the bust, which is by Mr. John Hutchinson, had been unveiled, a speech was made by Sir William Turner. WE regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, of Stamford, Conn., who made many gifts for benevolent and scientific purposes. She contributed towards the tele- scope for Vassar College, was one of three ‘patrons’ of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and endowed the Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund, the in- come of which is now being so advantageously used for the promotion of scientific research. W. P. JoHnson, LL.D., President of Tulane University, New Orleans, and a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, died on July 16th. Mr. CHARLES M. FAUNCE, formerly instruc- tor in descriptive geometry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has died at the age of 32 years. : ProFressor H. R. GEIGER, from 1846 to 1882, professor of science in Wittenberg College, and JULY 28, 1899. ] later connected with the U. 8. Geological Sur- vey, died at Springfield, Ohio, on July 18th. Dr. WILHELM WHITMANN, professor of me- chanical engineering in the School of Tech- nology at Munich, has committed suicide. Mr. J. W. HENDRIE, a Life Member of the California Academy of Sciences, has presented to the Academy, without condition or qualifica- tion, securities to the value of $10,000. By action of the Council and Trustees of the Academy, the gift has been set aside to be known as the Hendrie Publication Fund, the interest of which shall be applied towards the publication of the papers of the Academy. Each paper published from the income of this fund will bear the inscription, ‘Printed from the Hendrie Publication Fund.’ By the will of the late Frau M. Jankowska, of Warsaw, the Academy of Sciences at Cracow has received 20,000 roubles. PRINCE JOHANN LICHTENSTEIN has given the Vienna Academy of Sciences 25,000 florins for explorations in Asia Minor. The Academy has also received 18,000 florins for the increase of the Lieben foundation. ANDREW CARNEGIE has offered from Scot- land to give $50,000 towards a public library building at Steubenville, Pa., if the citizens will furnish a site and maintain it. Mr. Car- negie in his letter refers to his early days when a telegraph operator in Steubenville. His offer will be accepted. THE Union Pacific Scientific Expedition left Laramie on July 21st. The company was made up of twenty teams and nearly 100 men, including representatives from many leading colleges and universities. The expedition will remain in the field for forty days. A PARTY of between twelve and fifteen ad- vanced students of geology from the University of Chicago are to make a trip to Arizona and New Mexico during the later part of the sum- mer for field study. The party will leave Chicago on the 10th of August and be gone about five weeks. The party is under the di- rection of Professor Rollin D. Salisbury, and will in the course of its work make a trip to the Grand Caiion of the Colorado north of Flagstaff. SCIENCE. 127 A party of fifteen from the University is now in the field in south-central Wisconsin, and another party is to go into thesame regionin August. This is not theorizing upon the same facts from which Morton drew the conclu- sion that all these types were really one and the same. Since Morton’s time we have had large collections of crania for study, and the crania have been correlated with other parts of the skeleton and with the arts and institutions of the various peoples. Although these relations have been dif- ferently interpreted by many anthropolo- gists who have treated the subject, yet to ' me they seem to indicate that the American continent has been peopled at different times and from various sources; that in the great lapse of time since the different im- migrants reached the continent there has been in many places an admixture of the several stocks and a modification of the arts and customs of all; while natural envi- ronment has had a great influence upon the ethnic development of each group. Furthermore, contact of one group with another has done much to unify certain customs; while ‘survivals’ have played an active part in the adoption and per- petuation of arts and customs not native to the people by whom they are preserved. The Inca civilization, a forcible one com- ing from the north, encroached upon that of the earlier people of the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, whose arts and customs were, to a considerable extent, adopted by the in- vaders. It is of interest here to note the resemblance of the older Andean art with that of the early Mediterranean, to which it seemingly has a closer resemblance than to any art on the American continent. Can it be that we have here an esthetic sur- vival among this early people, and could they have come across the Atlantic from that Eurafric region which has been the birth-place of many nations? Or is this simply one of those psychical coincidences, SCIENCE. bo 31 as some writers would have us believe ! The customs and beliefs of the Incas point to a northern origin and have so many resemblances to those of the ancient Mexi- cans as hardly to admit of a doubt that in early times there was a close relation be- tween these two widely separated centers of ancient American culture. But how did that pre-Inca people reach the lake region? Isitnot probable that some phase of this ancient culture may have reached the Andes from northern Africa? Let us consider this question in relation to the islands of the Atlantic. The Canary Islands, as well as the West Indies, had long been peopled when first known to history; the Caribs were on the northern coast of South America, as well as on the islands; and in the time of Columbus native trading boats came from Yucatan to Cuba. We thus have evidence of the early navigation of both sides of the Atlantic, and certainly the ocean between could easily have been crossed. One of the most interesting as well as most puzzling of the many phases of Ameri- can archeology is the remarkable develop- ment of the art of the brachycephalic peoples, extending from northern Mexico northeastward to the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, then disappearing gradually as we approach the Alleghenies and, farther south, the Atlantic coast, also spreading southward from Mexico to Honduras, and changing and vanishing in South America. Unquestionably of very great antiquity, this art, developed in the neo- lithic period of culture, reached to the age of metals, and had already begun to decline at the time of the Spanish conquest. How this remarkable development came to exist amid its different environments we cannot yet fully understand; but the question arises: Wasitof autochthonous origin and due to a particular period in man’s develop- ment, or was it a previously existing phase 252 SCIENCE. modified by new environment? For the pres- ‘ent this question should be held in abeyance. To declare that the resemblance of this. art to both Asiatic and Egyptian art is simply a proof of the psychical unity of man is as- ‘suming too much and is cutting off all further consideration of the subject. The active field and museum archzeolo- gist who knows and maintains the associa- tion of specimens as found, and who ar- ranges them in their geographical sequence, becomes intimately in touch with man’s work under different phases of existence. Fully realizing that the natural working of the human mind under similar conditions will to a certain extent give uniform re- sults, he has before him so many instances of the transmission of arts, symbolic ex- pressions, customs, beliefs, myths and lan- guages that he is forced to consider the lines of contact and migration of peoples as well as their psychical resemblances. It must be admitted that there are im- portant considerations, both physical and mental, that seem to prove a close affinity between the brown type of eastern Asia and the ancient Mexicans. Admitting this affinity, the question arises: Could there have been a migration eastward across the Pacific in neolithic times, or should we look for this brown type as originating in the Eurafrie region and passing on to Asia from America? ‘This latter theory cannot be considered as a baseless suggestion when the views of several distinguished anthro- pologists are given the consideration which is due to them. On the other hand, the theory of an early migration from Asia to America may also be applied to neolithic time. However this may have been, what in- terests us more at this time, and in this part of the country, is the so-called ‘ Mound Builder’ of the Ohio Valley. Let us first clear away the mist which has so long pre- vented an understanding of this subject by [N. 8S. Von. X. No. 243. discarding the term ‘ Mound Builder.’ Many peoples in America, as well as on other con- tinents, have built mounds over their dead, to mark important sites and great events. It is thus evident that a term so generally applied is of no value as a scientific desig- nation. In North America the term has been applied even to refuse piles: the kitchen-middens or shell-heaps which are so numerous along our coasts and rivers have been classed as the work of the ‘Mound Builder.’ Many of these shell- heaps are of great antiquity, and we know that they are formed of the refuse gathered on the sites of the early peoples. From the time of these very early deposits to the present such refuse piles have been made, and many of the sites were reoccupied, sometimes even by a different people. These shell-heaps, therefore, cannot be re- garded as the work of one people. The same may be said in regard to the mounds of earth and of stone so widely distributed over the country. Many of these are of great antiquity, while others were made within the historic period and even during the first half of the present century. Some mounds cover large collections of human bones; others are monuments over the graves of noted chiefs ; others are in the form of effigies of animals and of man ; and, in the South, mounds were in use in early historic times as the sites of cere- monial or other important buildings. Thus it will be seen that the earth-mounds, like the shell-mounds, were made by many peo- ples and at various times. There are, however, many groups of earth- works which, although usually classed as mounds, are of an entirely different order of structure and must be considered by themselves. To this class belong the great embankments, often in the form of squares, octagons, ovals and circles, and the fortifi- cations and singular structures on hills and plateaus, which are in marked contrast to AvucGustT 25, 1899. ] the ordinary conical mounds. Such are the Newark, Liberty, Highbank and Ma- rietta groups of earthworks, the Turner group, the Clark or Hopewell group, and many others in Ohio and in the regions generally south and west of these great cen- tral settlements; also the Cahokia Mound opposite St. Louis, the Serpent Mound of Adams County, the great embankments known as Fort Ancient which you are to visit within a few days, the truly wonder- ful work of stone known as Fort Hill in Highland County, and the strange and puzzling walls of stone and cinder near Fos- ter’s Station. So far as these older earthworks have been carefully investigated, they have proved to be of very considerable antiquity. This is shown by the formation of a foot or more of vegetable humus upon their steep sides, by the forest growth upon them which is often of primeval character, and by the probability that many of these works, cov- ering hundreds of acres, were planned and built upon the river terraces before the growth of the virgin forest. If all mounds of shell, earth or stone, fortifications on hills, or places of religious and ceremonial rites, are classed irrespec- tive of their strueture, contents, or time of formation, as the work of one people, and that people is designated ‘the American Indian’ or the ‘American Race,’ and con- sidered to be the only people ever inhabit- ing America, North and South, we are simply repeating what was done by Morton ‘in relation to the crania of America—not giving fair consideration to differences while overestimating resemblances. The effort to affirm that all the various peoples of America are of one race has this very year come up anew in the proposition to provide ‘a name which shall be brief and expres- sive’ and at the same time shall fasten ‘upon us the theory of unity—notwithstand- ing the facts show diversity—of race. SCIENCE. 233 Let us now return to the builders of the older earthworks, and consider the possi- bility of their having been an offshoot of the ancient Mexicans. Of the crania from the most ancient earthworks we as yet know so little that we can only say that their affinities are with the Toltecan type; but of the character of the art, and par- ticularly the symbolism expressing the religious thought of the people, we can find the meaning only by turning to ancient Mexico. What Northern or Eastern Indian ever made or can understand the meaning of such sculptures or such incised designs as have been found in several of the ancient ceremonial mounds connected with the great earthworks? What Indian tribe has ever made similar carved designs on human and other bones, or such singular figures, cut out of copper and mica, as were found in the Turner and Hopewell groups ? Or such symbolic animal forms, elaborately carved in stone, and such perfect terra cotta figures of men and women as were found on the sacrificial altars of the Turner group? What meaning can be given to the Cincinnati Tablet, or to the designs on cop- per plates and shell discs from some of the Southern and Western burialand ceremonial mounds? I think we shall search in vain for the meaning of these many objects in the North or East, or for much that resem- bles them in the burial places of those re- gions. On the other hand, most of these become intelligible when we compare the designs and symbols with those of the ancient Mexican and Central American peoples. The Cincinnati Tablet, which has been under discussion for over half a cen- tury can be interpreted and its dual serpent ‘characters understood by comparing it with the great double image known in Mexico as the Goddess of Death and the God of War. The elaborately complicated designs on copper plates, on shell discs, on human bones and on the wing bones of the eagle 234 SCIENCE. can in many instances be interpreted by comparison with Mexican carvings and with Mexican modes of symbolic expression of sacred objects and religious ideas. The symbolic animals carved on bone or in stone and the perfection of the terra cotta figures point to the same source for the origin of the art. In connection with the art of the build- ers let us consider the earth structures themselves. The great mound at Cahokia, with its several platforms, is only a reduc- tion of its prototypeat Cholula. The forti- fied hills have their counterparts in Mexico. The serpent effigy is the symbolic serpent of Mexico and Central America. The prac- tice of cremation and the existence of altars for ceremonial sacrifices strongly suggest ancient Mexican rites. We mustalso recall that we have a connecting link in the an- cient pueblos of our own Southwest, and that there is some evidence that in our Southern States, in comparatively recent times, there were a few remnants of this old people. It seems to me, therefore, that we must regard the culture of the builders of the ancient earthworks as oneand the same with that of ancient Mexico, although modi- fied by environment. Our Northern and Eastern tribes came in contact with this people when they pushed their way southward and westward, and many arts and customs were doubtless adopted by the invaders, as shown by cus- toms still lingering among some of our In- dian tribes. It is this absorption and ad- mixture of the peoples that has in the course of thousands of years brought all our American peoples into a certain conformity. This does not, however, prove a unity of race. It is convenient to group the living tribes by their languages. The existence of more than a hundred and fifty different lan- guages in America, however, does not prove a common origin, but rather a diversity of [N. 8S. Von. X. No. 243. origin as well as a great antiquity of man in America. That man was on the American continent in quaternary times, and possibly still earlier, seems to me as certain as that he was on the Old World during the same period. The Calaveras skull, that bone of contention, is not the only evidence of his early occupation of the Pacific coast. On the Atlantic side the recent extensive ex- plorations of the glacial and immediately following deposits at Trenton are confirma- tory of the occupation of the Delaware Valley during the closing centuries of the glacial period and possibly also of the in- terglacial time. The discoveries in Ohio, in Florida and in various parts of Central and South America all go to prove man’s antiquity in America. Admitting the great antiquity of one or more of the early groups of man on the continent, and that he spread widely over it while in the paleolithic and early neolithic stages of cul- ture, I cannot see any reason for doubting that there were also later accessions during neolithic times and even when social in- stitutions were well advanced. While these culture epochs mark certain phases in the development of a people, they cannot be considered as marking special periods of time. In America we certainly do not find that correlation with the Old World periods which we are so wont to take for granted. We have now reached the epoch of care- ful and thorough exploration and of con- scientious arrangement of collections in our scientific museums. It is no longer considered sacreligious to exhibit skulls, skeletons and mummies in connection with the works of the same peoples. Museums devoted primarily to the education of the public in the esthetic arts are clearing their cases of heterogeneous collections of ethno- logical and archeological objects. Museums of natural history are being arranged to show the history and distribution of animal AUGUST 25, 1899. ] and vegetable life and the structure of the earth itself. Anthropological museums should be similarly arranged and, with cer- tain gaps, which every curator hopes to fill, they should show the life and history of man. To this end the conscientious cura- tor will avoid the expression of special the- ories and will endeavor to present the true status of each tribe or group of man in the past and in the present, so far as the material at his command permits. 61 Pelecypoda (= Teemmellibranchiaes) erect 13 Gasteropod an steicleverelerreieisieiierenciciererclersisiohetoieiers 2) IP FELOPOM Apiarsiarey=iahelelerletercioherclerreielloieirelekelenevers 3 Cephalopoda. j.)- cece cicieisjers» sisieieyeieislols 8 Ostracodateerrariteroraclikorertlelelelelstletisiicterhere 3 Phyllopodacerieleleisiarclerreiciastterrsaetietactlstel= 1 ERrilobitaciiericieiructeeitiictciecttetiereitere iro 4 INNES 54 coscedodvoGoDdadeIAdoCUOsO DDD OOS 2 219 Several additional species of Fenestel- lide and Monticuliporidze are indicated in the Canadian Survey and other collections by mere fragments that have not yet been critically examined. From a comparison between the foregoing lists it would appear that echinodermata and vermes are more numerous in genera and species in the Hamilton formation than in the Cornifer- ous, but eight of the fourteen specimens of vermes from the Hamilton formation are jaws or teeth of conodonts that are very small and difficult to find. The black shales at Kettle Point, which are supposed to represent the Genesee SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 248. slates of the State of New York, have so far yielded only a still undetermined Lingula, and four species of fossil plants ( Calamites inornatus, Lepidodendrum primevum, macro- spores of Protosalvinia Huronense, and a Spi- rophyton) that have been determined or described by Sir William Dawson. The Tully limestone, the supposed repre- sentative of the Cuboides zone of the Euro- pean Devonian, and the Naples beds, or In- tumescens zone, of western New York, have not yet been recognized in Ontario. One of the results of the explorations of Dr. R. Bell in 1871, 1875, 1877 and 1886, on behalf of the Geological Survey of Can- ada, was the discovery of a large area of De- vonian rocks to the west and southwest of | James Bay. In 1871 Dr. Bell collected a few fossils on the Albany River (which is now part of the dividing line between On- tario and the District of Keewatin) between Marten’s Falls and the Forks ; and in 1886 a much larger number on the same river be- low the Forks. Some of these fossils are from a yellowish gray limestone, and those obtained from this limestone in 1886 repre- sent seventeen species. Twelve of these ap- pear to be identical with Corniferous species from Ontario and New York State, and the remainder are either undeterminable or un- described. Others are from small patches of red marl, and these fossils seem to;indicate the Hamilton formation, the prevalent spe- cies being perfect and well preserved speci- mens of Spirifera pennata (Atwater), for- merly known as S. mucronata, Conrad. Collections of fossils that are obviously of Devonian age were made by Dr. Bell in 1875 and 1877 on the Moose River and two of its larger tributaries, the Missinaibi and Mattagami. Lists of these fossils, most of which are identical with well-known Cor- niferous species, were published in the “Reports of Progress of the Geological Sur- vey of Canada’ for 1875-76 and 1877-78. For many years a number of fossils from SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] the Devonian rocks of the Albany River at Old Fort Henley and of the Moose River, collected by the late Mr. George Barnston about 1834 or 1835, have been in the Mu- seum of the Canadian Survey, but nothing appears to have been published about them. In Keewatin a few fossils that are prob- ably of Devonian age were collected in 1886 by Dr. R. Bell at two localities on the Attawapishkat River, and by Mr. Low from the Limestone Rapids on the Fawn branch of the Severn River. These fossils have not yet been critically studied, but among those from the last-mentioned lo- cality there is a recognizable fragment of Spherospongia tesselata, which is one of the most characteristic species of the Stringo- cephalus zone of the Manitoba Devonian. The existence of Devonian rocks on South- ampton Island has been quite recently in- ferred from the fact that a few fossils from that island lent to Dr. Bell by a missionary in 1898 are similar to those from the At- tawapishkat River. Dr. Bell had _ pre- viously stated that the limestone on South- ampton Island is ‘evidently exactly the same as that of Mansfield Island.’’* If this be the case the limestone of Mansfield Island may possibly be Devonian, rather than Cambro-Silurian as previously sup- posed. 3. MANITOBA AND THE NORTH-WEST TER- RITORIES. The Devonian age of the limestones on Snake Island, Lake Winnipegosis, and Manitoba Island, in the lake of that name, was asserted by E. Billings in 1859, on the evidence of a few fossils collected therefrom in 1858. At that time Mr. Billings was under the impression that these limestones are, as he says, ‘most probably about the . age of the Hamilton group.’ In 1874 Dr. * Geological and Natural History Survey of Can- ada, Report of Progress for 1882-83-84, p. 34 D.D. t Hind’s report on the Assiniboine and Saskatche- wan Exploring Expedition, Toronto, p. 187. SCIENCE. 433 J. W. Spencer collected some fossils, which Mr. Billings pronounced to be also of De- vonian age, from rocks on the islands and shore of Swan Lake and on the western shore of Dawson Bay, Lake Winnipegosis, Still more recently an almost exhaustive geological examination of the islands, shores and immediate vicinity of lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis was made by Mr. J. B. Tyrrell in 1888 and 1889. Assisted by Mr. D. B. Dowling, Mr. Tyrrell also made an exceptionally large collection of the fossils of the Devonian rocks of this region. This collection, which has been reported on somewhat fully by the writer in two illus- trated papers published in 1891,* and 1892,+ was found to consist of 133 species, but about nineteen of these could not then be determined specifically. Two addi- tional species of corals in this collection have since been determined, and an addi- tional species of pteropoda from a collection made later has been described, making the total of identified or described species now known from these rocks to be 117, as fol- lows : Sponges (inclusive of Receptaculitide)...... 2 Corals (inclusive of Stromatoporoids)...... 17 WETS ppoboosecodd oon ogo OUCODOONSOSCOUOCD 1 Poly zoaie ((—— Bry 0zoa)) eresterteiaieiieletelteletere teats 5 BrachiOpod ayejyercnleieis cleleleleilel-lejeloloisisiefelotevelsiers 18 Pelecypoda......... sanodougnoobodancbaod~ 25 Gasteropod arertervereleredtleyrteioirlelotsetelciekereilecie 29 JEVWERQ OED: coongscodsogcg9Kc0Ds0Gbo000G000 2 Cephalopod atierrcryeirtlinevelstcreieieretlsteerieeiet: 9 Ostracodarciacmtrrscitrelirdceetetnsteericcieleae 3 ED ODitajeyrastarsivoreleleiiericisiotlen sick loseierckereere 3 IMEINES coocounsocoaoboocanGoeconDeGodGodKS 3 117 According to Mr. Tyrrell these fossils are exclusively from the Middle and Upper Devonian of the province, for the Lower Devonian has not yet been satisfactorily recognized in Manitoba, though it may be * Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol. VIII., Sec. 4, p. 93. t Geological Survey of Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. I., pt. 4. ‘434 represented by about 100 feet of red and other shales, from which no fossils have yet been collected. In any case they are of special interest as showing certain well marked and not altogether unexpected points of resemblance to those of the English and European Devonian. For, the upper half of the Manitoba Middle Devonian, or Winnipegosan formation of Mr. Tyrrell; consists of a tough white dolomitic lime- stone holding numerous examples of a large Stringocephalus which is apparently identica with the S. Burtini of Defrance and other European authors. Moreover, it is here associated with many fine specimens of Spherospongia tesselata, Phillips, and with fossils that cannot at present be distin- guished from the following well-known European species : Cladopora cervicornis (De| Paracyclas antiqua (Gold” Blainville). fuss). Spirorbis omphalodes, Gold-| Murchisonia turbinata, fuss. Schlotheim. Productella productoides| Euomphalus annulatus, (Murchison). Phillips. Stropheodonta interstrialis | Loxonema priscum, Mun- (Phillips). ster. Atrypa reticularis, L. Macrochilina subcostata Atrypa aspera, Schlotheim. (Schlotheim ). Pugnax pugnus (Martin). The Stringocephalus limestone of Mani- toba would seem to occupy much the same stratigraphical position as that of Devon- shire, Rhenish Prussia and Belgium, and its fossils show that it is probably their homotaxial equivalent. Immediately above the Stringocephalus zone in Manitoba there are beds which may possibly represent the Cuboides zone, although Rhynchonella, or, as it is now called, Hypothyris cuboides, has not yet been found in them. The prevalent fossils in these beds are Cyathophyllum dianthus and C. vermiculare, var. precursor (teste Frech); Chonetes Logani var. Aurora, Productella sub- aculeata, Orthis striatula, Stropheodonta arcu- ata, and Cyrtina Hamiltonensis, which the Rev. G. F. Whidborne has recently asserted is the same as the European C. heteroclita. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 248. Regarding the fossils of the Manitoba Devonian as a whole, it is to be noted that it is not the corals, nor the polyzoa (or bryozoa), nor the brachiopoda that have as yet yielded the largest number of species (as they have in Ontario), but the gastero- poda and pelecypoda. From the northern end of Lake Winni- pegosis the Devonian rocks extend into the immediately adjacent district of Saskatche- wan. It has long been known that the eastern ranges of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta are mainly composed of Carboniferous or Devonian, or perhaps of Carboniferous and Devonian, limestones and shales. These rocks were examined in 1858 and 1859 by Sir James Hector, who writes as follows in regard to them : “These limestones are of dark and light blue colour, crystalline, compact or cherty, with fossils that are either of Carboniferous or Devonian age, the principal of which are Spirifer, Orthis, Chonetes, Conu- laria, Lonsdalia, Cyathophyllum, Lithostrotion, ete.”’ * * * “ Along with them are softer beds of gritty, sandy shale, generally of a dull red or purple colour.’’? * * * ‘Tn the second range we have the same limestones and shales repeated as in the first, but at the base I observed traces of a magnesian limestone of a buff colour, containing Atrypa reticu- laris, a true Devonian fossil.”’+ * * * “On the Kicking Horse River, in the third range, we have the mountains again formed of blue limestone, along with a compact blue schist with red bands, giving a curious striped aspect to the rocks.’’ ¢ In reference to these remarks, Dr. G. M. Dawson, who made a geological exami- nation of the South Kootanie Pass and its vicinity, in 1874, adds the following com- ments : “Dr. Hector is not very clear as to the separation of the supposed Devonian and Carboniferous lime- stones, and they may indeed very probably belong to * Palliser’s Explorations in British North America, 1863, p. 239. t Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. XVII., 1861, p. 443. t Palliser’s Explorations in British North America, p. 239. e SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] a single series. Professor Meek, in describing fossils from limestones occurring in the mountains south of the boundary line, which, from the general facies, he believed to be Carboniferous, mentions the fact that the forms, without exception, belong to genera which are common both to that formation and the De- yvonian, and of which a small number are represented in the Silurian.’’ * In 1881, 1883 and 1884 Dr. Dawson was engaged in an examination of the geolog- ical structure of parts of the Rocky Moun- tains in Alberta between Lat. 49° and Lat. 51° 30’, the results of which were published in the ‘Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada’ for 1885 (Vol. I., New Series). This report contains preliminary lists of a few supposed Devonian fossils, from the limestones on the summit of the North Kootanie Pass, on Crow Nest Lake, and from the lowest beds exposed at the west end of the cafion on the Cafion branch of the Elbow River. Subsequently Mr. R. G. McConnell made a geological survey of the Rocky Mountains between the Canadian Pacific Railway and the North Saskatchewan in 1885, and a more detailed exploration than had yet been made, of the geology of those in the more immediate neighborhood of that rail- way,in1886. He published in the ‘Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada’ for 1886 a geological section across the Rocky Mountains in the vicinity of the Canadian Pacific Railway, with a diagram showing the formations represented in the sections to the west of the Castle Mountain Range, and another of those represented in sections to the east of that range. In the latter only four geological systems or formations are recognized, namely, the Cam- brian, which Mr. McConnell calls also the ‘Castle Mountain Group’; the Devonian, which he designates also as the ‘ Inter- mediate Limestone’; the Devono-Carbo- *Report on the Geology and Resources of the Region in the Vicinity of the Forty-ninth Parallel,’ eto., 1875, p. 71. SCIENCE. 435 niferous, which he calls the ‘ Banff Lime- stone’; and the Cretaceous. In the text itis stated that the Intermediate Limestone is “ mainly composed of a great series of brownish dolomitic limestones and has a thickness of about 1500 feet.”” Its fossils are ‘‘usually badly preserved and consist mainly of almost structureless corals.” The few that were collected, it may be added, have not yet been determined and indeed are scarcely determinable. Accord- ing to Mr. McConnell, the Banff Limestone is the “principal constituent of all the longitudinal ranges east of Castle Moun- tain.’’ It ‘has a total thickness of about 5,100 feet and is divisible into a lower and upper limestone and into lower and upper shales.’”’ Its fossils are better preserved than those of the Intermediate Limestone, and fairly large and representative collec- tions of the former were made. These collections have not yet been at all exhaustively studied, but most of the spe- cies represented in them are apparently of Carboniferous age. Among those collected in 1886 are two or three small species of Productus; a large Syringothyris; a Pugnaz closely allied to if not identical with P. Rockymontana, Marcou ; a Hustedia like H. Mormoni (Marcou); and two well-marked pygidia of Pretus peroccidens, Hall and Whitfield. The specimens from the black fissile shales of the Bow River, collected by Mr. McConnell in 1885, that were pro- visionally referred to the Devonian genus Clymenia on page 18 D of his report, do not show clear indications of either septa or siphuncle, and may, therefore, be casts of a discoidal gasteropod. On the other hand, in 1885 Mr. McConnell obtained a few specimens, that are unquestionably refer- able to Atrypa reticularis, from the Rocky Mountains at the Pipestone Pass Falls, and from the first range on the North Saskat- chewan. It was from the mountains at the source of the North Saskatchewan that 436 SCIENCE. the specimens were collected by Sir James Hector which Salter referred to A. reticu- laris. In 1898 Mr. J. McEvoy collected a few fossils at several localities in the first foot- hill of the Rocky Mountains, in Alberta, where it intersects the valley of the Atha- basca. These fossils have not yet been very critically examined, but those from two of these localities are probably Carbo- niferous, and the remainder either Carbo- niferous or Devonian. In 1868 Mr. F. B. Meek published a paper entitled ‘Remarks on the Geology of the Valley of the Mackenzie River, with figures and descriptions of Fossils from that region, in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, chiefly collected by the late Robert Kennicott, Esq.,’ in the first volume of the Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. The paper consists of a concise history of the discovery of Devonian rocks at various localities in the Athabasca, Mac- kenzie River and Yukon districts by Sir John Franklin, Sir John Richardson, Mr. A. K. Isbister, Major R. Kennicott, Mr. R. W. McFarlane, Mr. B. R. Ross and the Rev. W. W. Kirby, followed by descriptions or identifications of thirty-two species of Devonian fossils. Of these species ten are corals, twenty-one are brachiopoda and the remaining one is a cephalopod. Mr. Meek expresses the opinion that the Devonian rocks exposed on the Clearwater, Atha- _basea, Slave, and Mackenzie Rivers, and on Great Slave Lake, are probably referable to the Hamilton formation. Since 1868 Devonian rocks have been dis- covered or examined by officers of the Geo- logical Survey of Canada, and their fossils collected at the following localities in this region. Inthe Athabasca district, at four different exposures on the Athabasca River and at one each of its tributaries, the Clear- water, Red and Pembina Rivers, by Profes- sor Macoun in 1875, by A. 8S. Cochrane in [N.S. Vou. X. No. 248. 1881, by Dr. R. Bell in 1882 and by R. G. McConnell in 1890; also at three different exposures on the Peace River by Professor Macoun in 1875 and by Mr. McConnell in 1879. In the Mackenzie District, on the banks of the Long Reach of the Lower Liard River and on the Hay River forty miles above its mouth by Mr. McConnell in 1887, and at four different and rather widely distant exposures on the Mackenzie River by Mr. McConnell in 1888. Most of the fossils from these localities that were collected before 1875 have been provisionally reported on in the Reports of Progress of the Canadian Survey for the years in which they were made. Those, however, that were collected between the years 1875 and 1890, both inclusive, form the subject of an illustrated paper, by the writer, on ‘The Fossils of the Devonian Rocks of the Mackenzie River Basin,’ pub- lished in 1891.* This publication, which is practically a continuation of Mr. Meek’s paper on the same subject, already referred to, adds fifty-seven additional species of purely marine invertebrata to the previously known fauna of these rocks, as under: IS PONE eSHelerevercieietoleleisasvelololoiotereleleielolle leila verestete 1 Com (inclusive of Stromatoporoids)........ 10 (imtNGIE) “Gop gocoKondodboNdDO00000000 bo00m 1 Polyzoa (= Bryozoa) Brachiopoda... Pelecypoda.... Gasteropoda . . Pteropoda .........-ceeeeeeeees Ostracod are nro) -tetevelericielel eletslarerolsiehstelevelereneleren: ADM ON Bas cogaansbcgsocpccsconeaobndeos000 According to Mr. McConnell, a section of the Devonian rocks in the Mackenzie dis- trict, in descending order, would be some- what as follows: 1. Upper limestone.......... (about) 300 feet 2. Greenish and bluish shales alternating with limestone(about) 500 feet * Geological Survey of Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. I., part 3. Cie Ges i oa SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] 3. Grayish limestone, inter- stratified with dolomites, the lower part of which may be older than the De- SOMATIC ay spevctetalevevercistetelevere 2,000 feet (or more) The whole of the fossils collected by Mr. McConnell, Professor Macoun and Dr. Bell are from the upper part of the middle di- vision of this section. Of the fifty-seven species of fossils in the foregoing list, twen- ty-two are apparently found also in the Hamilton formation of Ontario and the State of New York ; ten (but only six addi- tional ones) in the Devonian rocks of Iowa now referred to the Chemung; and seven in the Chemung of the States of New York and Pennsylvania. On the other hand, there are strong reasons for supposing that the whole of these fossils are from a hori- zon nearly corresponding to that of the ‘Cuboides zone’ of Europe. In the first place, three specimens of a brachiopod which the writer has identified with the Rhyncho- nella (now called Hypothyris), cuboides of Sowerby, were collected by Mr. McConnell, one at the Hay River in 1887, and two on the Peace River at Vermilion Falls in 1889. It is true that Mr. Schuchert thinks that these three specimens should be called Hypothyris Emmonsi, but Mr. Walcott had previously expressed the opinion (in 1884) that “‘there is little doubt but that Rhyn- chonella intermedia, R. Emmonsi and f. venus- tula, Hall, are varieties of R. cuboides,* of the Devonian of Europe.”’ On the Hay and Peace Rivers the supposed Hypothyris cuboides is associated with Spirifera disjuncta (or Verneuili), and other fossils that are elsewhere supposed to be characteristic of the Cuboides zone are to be met with in the published lists of species from the Athabasca and its tributaries, or the Mackenzie. The discovery by Mr. McConnell, at the Ram- * Monographs of the United States Geological Sur- vey, Vol. VIII. (Paleontology of the Eureka Dis- trict), page 157. SCIENCE. 437 parts on the Mackenzie River, of two large specimens of a Stringocephalus which can- not at present be distinguished from S. Burtini may indicate a northwestward ex- tension of the Stringocephalus limestone of Manitoba. The still later recognition by Dr. John M. Clarke, in 1898, of Manticoceras intumescens in the cast of the interior of three chambers of the septate portion of a species of Goniatite from the Hay River, collected by Mr. McConnell and figured by the writer, would seem to indicate the ex- istence of the equivalent of the ‘ Intumes- cens zone,’ or Naples fauna at that locality. The present state of our knowledge of the Devonian rocks of the whole Dominion, from a purely paleontological standpoint, may be thus briefly summarized. We now possess a fairly satisfactory knowledge of the fossils of the Devonian rocks of Onta- rio, and of the relations which these rocks bear to the typical section in the State of New York. The fossil plants of the Gaspé sandstones have been described and figured by Sir William Dawson, and the remarkable assemblages of fossil fishes from the Upper Devonian of Scaumenac Bay and Lower Devonian near Campbellton have been worked out somewhat exhaustively, the earlier collections in Canada, and the later ones by the best ichthyological authorities in London and Edinburgh. We have now some idea of the fossil fauna of the Mani- toba Devonian, and have added materially to our knowledge of the fossils of the Devo- nian rocks of the Athabasca and Mackenzie River districts. But, on the other hand, our knowledge of the organic remains of the De- vonian of Nova Scotia is still in its infancy, and it would seem that the plant-bearing beds near St. John’s, N. B., which have so long been regarded as Devonian, may pos- sibly be Carboniferous. In the Rocky Moun- tain region of Alberta we have not always succeeded in distinguishing Devonian rocks 438 SCIENCE. from Carboniferous, and we have yet to ob- tain a much fuller knowledge than we now possess of the Devonian fossils of Keewatin and the area to the southwest of James Bay. J. F. WHITEAVES. OTTawa, June 28, 1899. SECTION B—PHYSICS. Tue work of this section at the Columbus meeting was extremely gratifying to those who were fortunate enough to attend; al- though no papers of an epoch making na- ture were presented, still all those which were read were of a good character, and seemed to represent a large part of the work in physics in this country, for the past year or more. Several of the papers were of considerable importance, and it is hoped that they will find their way into the columns of this JourNatL before long. The meetings of the section were well attended and the discussions were intelli- gent, interesting and to the point. It should be a matter of congratulation that the Association succeeded in collecting at Columbus so large a number of working physicists and presented such a good series of papers. It seems that more and more such scientists and such papers as are found at the meetings of the British Association are coming to these meetings. The address of the Vice-President, Dr. Elihu Thomson, ‘On the Field of Exper- imental Research,’ was published in Scr- ENCE for August 25th. Professor Caldwell presented a number of interesting diagrams, which by appro- priate super-position enable one to point out the constants of current and electromo- tive force in the rotary converter. These diagrams must be extremely useful in pre- senting the complex question of the opera- tion of these machines. Professor Eddy showed a simple and con- venient method for constructing the en- tropy-temperature diagrams of a gas or oil [N.S. Von. X. No. 248. engine from the indicator card ; and showed how these diagrams enable one to readily detect the advantages or defects in the run- ning of such engines. Mr. Briggs’ new variable condenser con- sists of a series of alternating plates of mica and spring brass. The capacity is in- creased by compressing the plates together by means of a thumb-screw: In photometric operations we are accus- tomed to compare the relative illumination of two surfaces by looking at them, and guessing at their relative intensity, or by endeavoring to make the illumination of the two surfaces equal. In Professor Cat- tel’s method, however, the difference be- tween the two surfaces is measured by the time it requires for the observer to decide which of the two surfaces is the brighter; it being a fair assumption that the differ- ence in the impressions is a function of the time required to distinguish between them. A considerable series of observations have confirmed the belief that this method is not only applicable but highly advantageous. In Professor Cattell’s other paper, he brought before the section an extremely in- teresting and novel observation, which must throw considerable light upon the relative importance of the retina and the brain in - the operation of vision. He finds that if, by a motion of the eye, the images of black and white bars are made to pass over the retina at the rate of even a hundred or a thousand per second, still the eye or the brain perceives them as individual bars, and not as a fused gray surface ; of course, when the eye is stationary, if light and dark images are caused to pass over the retina at a much less rate, we have perfect fusion. Thus it seems a matter of vital importance in distinct vision, when the im- age moves.on the retina, whether the eye is moving and the object stationary, or the re- verse. These experiments indicate that the phenomena of vision are chiefly cerebral ae 1 - SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] and not chiefly retinal, and that our opera- tion of vision has been developed by evolu- tion to that which is necessary for conveni- ence and self-preservation. The two papers by Mr. Wead were of special interest from the historical point of view, presenting on the one hand, with con- siderable elaboration, the development of the organ pipe as seen in the various in- structions as to their manufacture, length and other dimensions ; incidentally the per- fection of the organ pipe at any particular era, of course, enables us to judge to some extent as to the musical conditions existing at that time. In the study of the literature of the musical scale, much interesting in- formation has been obtained with reference to the so-called Arab scale, extant descrip- tions of certain Arab musical instruments, such as the lute, the tambour of Bagdad and others, enable us to see the way in which the musical scale was built up, and how, in many cases, the interpolation of a note in the scale was determined, not by conditions of harmony, but by the dimensions of the neck and the location of frets upon the in- strument in use. A thoroughly new phenomenon in con- nection with the effect of an alternating current of electricity upon the human sys- tem was presented by Dr. Scripture. He has found that when the alternations in a current of electricity become as frequent as 5,000 per second, the nerves of the part affected cease to react to pain, that is, a high frequency alternating current, instead of producing the muscular contraction brought about by lower frequency, pro- duces a local anesthesia or rather analgesia ; the current should be sinusoidal with equal positive and negative phases. Experiments have been tried in sending the current along the superior maxillary nerve with a view of cutting off the teeth from connec- tion with the brain; as yet, however, the frequency has not been high enough to ob- SCIENCE. 439 viate contraction of the facial muscles. It would appear that in this phenomenon we have a very valuable contribution to the inethods of surgery. Messrs. Carhart and Guthe have con- tinued their absolute determination of elec- trical units, and now offer the valve 1.4333 volts at 15° C. as the electromotive force of the standard Clark Cell. In Mr. Trowbridge’s paper on the co- herer, we have a praiseworthy endeavor to present quantitative results, instead of hap- hazard observations upon this instrument which has recently become so important. Using a coherer consisting of 22 hard steel balls in a glass tube, he was able to dis- cover the conditions of current and pressure necessary for the operation of a coherer ; he found, for example, that a minimum electro- motor force of from 8 to 10 volts is neces- sary to break down the resistance of the coherer, but that after the resistance had been broken, subsequent discharges do not reduce the resistance much further; it thus would appear that it is the first rush of the electricity through the coherer which pro- duces the result, and that subsequent dis- charges are without useful effect ; that is, an oscillatory discharge is not necessary, a single impulse is sufficient. This observa- tion explains much of the confusion that has puzzled workers in wireless telegraphy. In No. 12 and No. 16 were presented ob- servations and conclusions with reference to the complex operations that take place in an electrolytic cell. The relations be- tween polarization, capacity and resistance being an extremely puzzling question. In No. 13 was presented the fact that a magnetic field surrounding an alternating current are tends to flatten the top of the electric wave and to increase the efficiency. A similar effect is produced by an aluminum electrolytic cell where the formation of a film of oxide acts like the dielectric of a condenser, and reverses the phrase. 440 SCIENCE. In No. 15 the difficulty of determining permeability and hysteresis is pointed out, and it is shown that the pull in the perme- ater should be represented by S (B? — B-H)/8z instead of S (B® — H’)/8=. Mr. Wolff told the section of the present condition of the office of standard weights and measures at Washington, and the progress that has been made toward the equipment of the laboratory for the veri- fication of electrical apparatus. It is gratifying to know that even now we have a trustworthy bureau to which elec- trical standards may be sent for testing. He also presented some experiments as to whether current density affects resistance, that is as to the universal truth of Ohm’s law. If the resistance is expressed as a function of current density in the following form : ut ONE ahs | 1+ n(<) es is current den- sity, then A cannot be greater than 1/600,- 000,000. In No. 20 were presented some extremely interesting and important generalizations with reference to the effect of broad areas of atmospheric pressure upon the weather. This paper will appear in The American Journal of Science. Mr. Brace in No. 21 and No. 22 presented some interesting optical matter whose ap- pearance in detail in the journals will be awaited with interest. Certainly one of the most important papers presented was No. 23, in which Mr. Fessenden presented a large mass of theoret- ical and experimental material tending to give a clue as to the nature of electricity and magnetism, and also to give a value for the elasticity and density of the ether. He pointed out the great advantage of dis- cussing physical problems by means of dimensional formule, showing that these were particularly valuable in pointing out [N. 8. Von. X. No. 248. the direction in which the investigation should tend, and in checking the results of more elaborate mathematical analysis. A detailed abstract of this paper is not em- bodied here, because it is believed that it will appear in ScreNcE before long. Everyone is now interested in the ques- tion of smokeless powder, and the freedom from observation which it gives to the soldier. It is interesting to see in this con- nection from No. 25, that Mr. Fessenden has discovered a very simple and appar- ently effective means of locating the flash from smokeless powder, by simply provid- ing the observer with a piece of pale red glass, it having been found that these flashes are strong in red light, whereas the general landscape is very weak in red. In No. 28 Mr. Fessenden raised the ques- tion as to whether it is necessary to sup- pose that the conditions of terrestrial radia- tion have always been similar to those which exist at present; in other words, as to whether Lord Kelvin’s estimate for the age of the earth which has been de- clared entirely inadequate by biologists, may not have to be extended, owing to an earlier excessive rate of radiation, due to the absence of a blanketing atmosphere. No. 29 and No. 30 are valuable contribu- tions to the subject of the wave-length of energy radiated from ‘black’ bodies at various temperatures. In No. 32 Mr. Cook has made some inter- esting computations as to the conditions of time and temperature necessary for a planet to lose an atmosphere consisting of gases, ranging in density from carbonic acid gas to hydrogen. No. 36 gives a continuation of Mr. Gray’s interesting investigation upon the dielectric strength of oils. He finds, for example, that the strength per cm. decreases as the layer increases in thickness. In No. 37 he has called attention to an error in a new Watt-meter, caused by the Fe ol Se — a - 7) SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] resistance coils absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, and also to the effects of ca- pacity around the fine wire coil of a Watt- meter. The full program was as follows : 1. Apparatus for the demonstration of the varying currents in the different conductors of a rotary con- verter. F.C. Caldwell, Columbus, O. 2. A new graphical method of constructing the en- tropy-temperature diagram from the indicator card of a gas or oil engine. H. T. Eddy, Minneapolis, Minn. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. 3. Compound harmonic vibration of a string. W. Hallock, New York, N. Y. ScrENCE. 4. A new form of electrical condenser, having a ca- pacity capable of continuous adjustment. Lyman J. Briggs, Washington, D. C. 5. Relations of time and space in vision. J. McK, Cattell, New York, N. Y. Psychological Review. 6. Time of perception as a measure of the intensity of light. J. McK. Cattell, New York, N. Y. Psycho- logical Review. 7. The musical scales of the Arabs. Wead, Washington, D. C. 8. Medieval organ pipes and their bearing on the history of the scale. Charles K. Wead, Washington, D.C. ‘ Music,’ Chicago. 9. Electrical anesthesia. Haven, Conn. 10. An absolute determination of the E.M.F. of a Clark cell. H.S. Carhart and K. E. Guthe, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Physical Review. 11. Quantitative investigation of the coherer. Au- gustus Trowbridge, New Haven, Conn. Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1899. 12. Polarization and polarization capacity of an electrolytic cell. K. E. Guthe and M. D. Atkins, Ann Arbor, Mich. Physical Review. 13. Current and voltage curves in the magnetically blown are and in the aluminum electrolytic cell. Reginald A. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. 14. Some new apparatus—tachometer, chrono- graph, data collector, induction coil, balance for standardizing amperemeters, standard of induction. Reginald A. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. 15. Measurement of magnetism in iron and the re- lation between permeability and hysteresis. Regi- nald A. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. 16. Polarization and internal resistance of the cop- per voltameter. B.E. Moore, Lincoln, Nebr. Physical Review. 17. Concerning the fall of potential at the anode in a Geissler tube. C. A. Skinner, Lincoln, Nebr. Wiedemann Annalen. Charles K. E. W. Scripture, New SCIENCE. 441 18. The equipment and facilities of the Office of U. S. Standard Weights and Measures for the verifica- tion of electrical standard and measuring apparatus. F. A. Wolff, Jr., Washington, D. C. 19. An experimental test of the accuracy of Ohm’s law. F. A. Wolff, Jr., Washington, D. C. 20. March weather in the United States. Fassig, Baltimore, Md. Am. Jour. Sct. 21. A new spectrophotometer and a method of op- tically calibrating the slit. D. B. Brace, Lincoln, Nebr. 22. On achromatic polarization in crystalline com- binations. D. B. Brace, Lincoln, Nebr. 23. On the nature of electricity and magnetism and a determination of the density and elasticity of the ether. Reginald A. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. SctI- ENCE. Read in joint session with Section A. 24. Advancesin theoretical.meteorology. Cleveland Abbe, Washington D. C. Read by title. 25. Location of smokeless powder discharge by means of colored screens. Reginald A. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. 26. A method for the study of phosphorescent sul- phides. Fred E. Kester, Columbus, O. Physical Review. 27. Accidental double refraction in colloids and crystalloids, B. V. Hill, Lincoln, Nebr. Philosophical Magazine. 28. Note on the age of the earth. Fessenden, Allegheny, Pa. 29. A bolometric study of the radiations of a black body between 600° C. and 1100°C. C. E. Menden- hall, Williamstown, Mass. Astrophysical Journal. 30. A bolometric study of the radiations of an ab- solute black body. IF. A. Saunders, Haverford, Pa. © Astrophysical Journal. 31. On thermodynamic surfaces of pressure-vol- ume-temperature for solid, liquid and gaseous state. F. E. Nipher, St. Louis, Mo. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Read by title. 32. On the escape of gases from the planets accord- ing to the kinetic theory. S. R. Cook, Lincoln, Nebr. Astrophysical Journal. 33. On differential dispersion in double refracting media. E. J. Rendtorff, Lincoln, Nebr. 34. Relation of magnetization to the modulus of elasticity. J. S. Stevens, Orono, Me. Physical Review. 35. On flutings in the Kundt sound tube. S. R. Cook, Lincoln, Nebr. Philosophical Magazine. 36. Dielectric strength of oils. Thomas Gray, ‘Terre Haute, Ind. 37. Some unexpected errors in watt-meter measure- ments. Terre Haute, Ind. 38. Note on the preparation of reticles. Todd, Amherst, Mass_ Read by title. O. L. Reginald A. David P. 442 - 39. The nature of spoken vowels, with reference to the theories of Helmholtz and Hermann. E. W. Scripture, New Haven, Conn. Read by title. 40. Pressure and wave-length. J. F. Mohler, Car- lisle, Pa. Read by title, Astrophysical Journal. 41. The attenuation of sound and the constant of radiation of air. A. Wilmer Duff, Ithaca, N. Y. Read by title. Physical Review. 42. Optical calibration of the slit of a spectrometer. E. V. Capps, Lincoln. Nebr. WILLIAM HALLOCE, Secretary. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. SECTION I.—SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE. SEVENTEEN papers were announced, four- teen of which were given in full and three were read by title. The address of the Vice-President, Dr. Marcus Benjamin, will be published in a subsequent number of SCIENCE. There were four morning sessions and two afternoon sessions, and the interest was sustained till 3:30 on the last day. The first paper was by Mr. John Hyde, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, on ‘The Relation of Indian Corn to the Wheat Problem.’ Mr. Hyde traced the develop- ment of corn raising and wheat raising from their beginnings, showing that wheat had passed a maximum while corn was ap- parently approaching one. Though quite independent in production, the sympathetic agreement in priceis remarkable. Mr. Hyde predicted a permanent foothold and an in- creasing demand for American corn. While the United States is admirably fitted for corn the same is true of relatively few other lands. Wheat may be sown either in the spring or fall, and in many lands. not expect to control the wheat market, but we can the corn. Miss Cora A. Benneson, a lawyer of high standing on Federal matters, gave a paper on ‘Federal Guarantees for Maintaining Republican Government in the States,’ in which she pointed out that the constitution guaranteed to every State in the Union a SCIENCE. We can- — [N. S. Vou. X. No. 248. republican government without defining - what this is. This power has been used in regard to disputed possession of territory, to suppress riots, etc., and the reconstruc- tion following the Civil War, federal in- tervention was constantly needed, even be- yond those warranted by the constitution. It is a question how far the provision of the constitution guarantees a republican form of government to territories, it de- pending on what is included under ‘ United States.’ Mr. Henry Farquhar, of the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, gave a short paper on ‘Calculations of population in June, 1900.’ The formula employed by Mr. Far- quhar was oe Pp AP= e+ ip + op in which p is the population shown by a United States Census. A p is the ‘natural increase’ in a decade, excluding immigra- tion; e, f, g are constants determined from former United States Censuses, after de- ducting immigration figures. In all his calculations Mr. Farquhar rejected the Cen- sus of 1870 as defective. The immigration for the decade ending next June he put at 3,750,000. Expressing p in millions, and calculating the constants from different sets of data, the writer produced four sep- arate calculations of the population, as thus shown: e f g p in 1900 A 2.862 | 0.035 | 0.00091 73,648,000 B 2.279 | 0.086 | 0. 74,693,000 Cc 2.570 | 0.073 | 0. 75,679,000 D 3.350 0.000 0.0012 74,466,000 The writer preferred C over the others, and concluded that the next Census would show more than 75,000,000 and less than 76,000,000. Mrs. Florence Kelley, the Corresponding Secretary of the National Consumers’ League, read a thirty minute paper on SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] ‘The Power of the Consumer, Economically Considered.’ The paper was well written and admirably presented. Its general con- clusions were :—The consumer, at present, has the power to decide that a given article shall not be produced, by refraining unani- mously from buying it ; to promote the pro- duction of a given article by demanding it; to decide within certain limits the con- ditions under which the production of de- sired articles shall be carried on. The con- sumer has, however, hitherto done none of these things in an orderly way, except so far as cooperative buying has been practiced, and the intervention of adulteration laws and factory laws has been invoked by con- sumers. The power of the consumer, while potentially very great, is really slight at the present time, and increases only in proportion as consumers organize, get into direct communication with manufacturers, and inform themselves minutely with re- gard to the conditions of production. Professor Mansfield Merriman presented a study of the ‘Median Age of the Popu- lation of the U.S.,’ showing a marked and steady increase. His results were derived from curves obtained from the Census re- ports. The abdscissas of the platted points were the ages from 0 to 100 orabove. The ordinates represented the summation of all the population below the ages represented by the corresponding abscissas. For ex- ample: onthe curve representing the cen- sus of 1890, the ordinate at the abscissa 20, represented the number of persons enu- merated in the census of 1890 whose age was 20 or less. The curves become tangent to the lines of total population at about 104 years. The abscissa of the point where the curve crosses the line of half the population marks the ‘ median age’ since one-half of the whole people are less than that age and one-half are more than that age. In addition to the median age of all classes, the median SCIENCE. 443 ages of particular classes were given, as shown in the following table : Census F Native All year. Whites. Whites. Colored. Classes. 1850 18.6 — 16.5 18.3 1860 19.3 — 16.5 18.9 1870 19.9 16.2 17.7 19.6 1880 20.9 17.8 17.5 20.4 1890 21.9 18.9 17.6 21.4 1900 | (22.9) | (20.0) | (17.6) | (22.4) This indicates a steady increase in the length of life, though it does not tell what that length is. Mr. H. T. Newcomb’s paper on ‘ Trusts, a Study in Industrial Evolution,’ was ex- ceptionally fine in both form and substance. No brief abstract can do it justice... There was no sentiment in it, no partisan bias, but a careful and impartial statement of the growth of the various forms of combination and cooperation by both employer and em- ployed, from partnerships through trusts to corporations; from trades unions, to the American Federation of Labor. Mr. New- comb’s paper will undoubtedly be published in some form at an early date. Dr. Washington Gladden’s paper on the ‘Moral Tendencies of Existing Social Con- ditions ’ was an able discussion of the moral effects of the prevailing industrial and com- mercial system. Dr. Gladden is a close student of men and affairs, and his observa- tions should have great weight. The com- petitive system is responsible for the ten- dencies whether good or ill. He enumerated the gains we seem to be making: 1. In com- mon honesty. There is less of cheating and fraud in ordinary business than there were fifty years ago, though buyers are more reckless in running into debt. 2. In the development of the fiduciary virtues. Men learn to trust each other more and to de- serve more confidence, notwithstanding an occasional embezzler. 3. The system en- forces a valuable lesson in cooperation. Dr. Gladden believed that the big corporations 444 which almost control the markets, furnish better goods, edible compounds with less adulteration than formerly ; and that retail buyers are less honest than retail sellers. On the other hand there were losses incident to the growth of the present system. 1. Men lack self-reliance and initiative. There are lessening opportunities for independent en- terprise. While we learn to cooperate we lose the power to set ourselves to work. 2. The lowering of moral standards through an exaggerated popular estimate of the im- portance of material wealth. Against these evil tendencies there is strong resistance. The moral ideals were never more clearly held or more bravely maintained than now by teachers, preachers, writers, artists. Probably changes in the industrial and social organization will be found needful. Doubtless the world will never be reformed by changes in the machinery of society ; but doubtless the world will never be re- formed without such changes. It is need- ful that the spirit of fellowship and cooper- ation be cultivated and the spirit of strife and competition be repressed. Before Sections D and I, Mr. G. B. Mor- rison gave the results of experiments in heating and ventilating a model house. The paper was full of technical matters, but the grand conclusions appeared to be two in number : 1. Air, warmed to a proper temperature, should be introduced to a school room through numerous small openings in the floor throughout the room, so that the great mass of air may rise slowly and uniformly to the ceiling, and there be allowed to pass out, growing cooler as it rises. 2. Given the proper amount of air to be furnished to a crowded room, it is far cheaper to move it by fans than by an as- pirating flue which requires heating for the purpose. Mr. John S. Clark, of Boston, well known for his labors in the dissemination of works SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 248. on drawing and art, read a very interesting paper on: ‘Science and Art in their Rela- tion to Social Development.’ He said that scientific research to-day aims through knowledge at the solution of practical prob- lems. Art is the product of creative activ- ity. It is impossible to draw a sharp divid- ing line between industrial and fine art. Attention was then called to the relation between art on the one hand, and civilization on the other hand. He pointed out that the last century of scientific research also wit- nessed the development of landscape paint- ing and of the poetry of nature. Fine art is the ultimate result of any given race or period. In art, man finds the fullest room for the exercise of his broadest powers. A paper, by Dr. Thomas L. Balliet, ‘On Some New Aspects of Educational Thought,’ was one of the best of the meeting, and it commanded the closest attention and aroused the greatest enthusiasm. The dis- cussion which followed lasted for over an hour and was participated-in by Dr. Glad- den, ex-President Scott, Professor C. M. Woodward and many others. It is ex- pected that a detailed abstract of the paper will be published in Science. In his discussion of ‘The Manual Ele- ment in Education,’ Professor C. M. Wood- ward, of the St. Louis Manual Training School, sketched the growth of the manual element from its introduction in the kinder- garten, the chemical laboratory and the engineering and trade shops forty years ago, to the modern manual training school and the light tool work now introduced into the higher grades of the grammar schools. Kindergarten teachers had thus far shown their inability to extend their work into the primary school. A great wall of prejudice prevents any proper union of the first reader with the ‘ gifts.’ But from the upper side all the grades are coming into a par- ticipation in the benefits of educational tool work and exact drawing. Every child SEPTEMBER 29, 1899.] is entitled to a modicum of systematic manual training as a part of a rounded education. Mr. Newcomb’s paper on ‘The Spoils System in Theory and Practice’ was a sur- prisingly frank and straightforward expo- sition of the manner and extent to which members of Congress plunder the national treasury by creating unnecessary offices and filling them with friends who make them- selves agreeable, but perform no needful public service. The paper will soon appear in print. C. M. Woopwarp, Secretary. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. THE sixth summer meeting of the American Mathematical Society was held at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, on Friday and Saturday, August 25th and 26th, simul- taneously with the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at that place. In attendance and range of subjects covered in the papers presented, the meeting was thoroughly representative of mathematical activity throughout the country. The Pres- ident, Professor R. 8. Woodward occupied the chair, and in opening the first session con- trasted the present lively interest in mathe- matical investigation as indicated by the list of papers to be read, each of which was in some way a contribution to the sum of mathematical knowledge, with the conditions of thirty or forty years ago when the workers in mathe- matical science were very few and were con- * fined within narrow limits. The American Mathematical Society which represents the organized forces for research and the diffusion of mathematical knowledge in the United States has had a remarkable growth. It was organized upon its present basis in 1894 and now numbers over three hundred members. Ten new members were elected at this meeting and eight applications for membership were re- ceived. The following is a list of the papers presented, many of which will be published in the Trans- SCIENCE. 445 actions of the Society, others in the American Journal or the Annals of Mathematics : ‘Note on relative motion,’ Dr. A. 8S. Chessin, New York, N. Y. ‘On surfaces of zero relative velocity and a certain class of special solutions in the problem of four bodies,’ Mr. F. R. Moulton, Univer- sity of Chicago. ‘On the use of generalized differentiation in the solution of physical problems,’ Professor John E. Davies, University of Wisconsin. ‘ A new class of link works,’ Professor Arnold Emch, Kansas Agricultural College. ‘A relation between point and vector analy- sis,’ Mr. Joseph Y. Collins, Stevens Point, Wis- consin. ‘John Speidell’s ‘New Logarithmes,’ Pro- fessor Florian Cajori, University of Colorado. ‘On analogues of the property of the ortho- center,’ Herbert Richmond, M.A., King’s Col- lege, Cambridge. ‘A theorem on skew surfaces,’ Professor C. A. Waldo, Purdue University. ‘Irrational covariant conics of a plane cubic,’ Professor H. S. White, Northwestern Univer- sity. ‘On the generalization of Desargues’ theorem,’ Professor Frank Morley, Haverford College. ‘On certain crinkly curves,’ Professor E. H. Moore, University of Chicago. ‘Note on non-quaternion number systems,’ Dr. Wendell M. Strong, Yale University. ‘On mixed groups,’ Professor H. B. Newson, University of Kansas. ‘The invariant theory of the inversion group,’ Dr. Edward Kasner, Columbia University. ‘Note on the imprimitive substitution groups of degree fifteen and on the primitive substitu- tion groups of degree eighteen,’ Miss Emilie N. Martin, Bryn Mawr College. ‘A new definition of the general abelian group,’ Professor L. EK. Dickson, University of Texas. ‘Definition of various linear groups as groups of isomorphisms,’ Professor L. E. Dickson, University of Texas. ‘On the groups of cogredient isomorphisms that are abelian,’ Mr. W. B. Fite, Cornell Uni- versity. ; ‘On the groups that are the direct products of 446 two subgroups,’ Dr. G. A. Miller, Cornell Uni- versity. ‘A proof that there are no simple groups of order 1440, 1512, 1680 or 1800,’ Dr. G. H. Ling, Wesleyan University. ‘On a relation between the totality of the elliptic functions and a line complex,’ Dr. H. F. Stecker, Northwestern University. ‘Geometric construction of the elliptic integral of the second kind, and of the Weierstrass sigma-function,’ Dr. Virgil Snyder, Cornell University. ‘Some applications of elliptic functions,’ Pro- fessor Alexander Pell, University of South Dakota. ‘On Fresnel’s wave surface,’ Dr. L. T. More, University of Nebraska. THOMAS F. HOLGATE, Acting Secretary. EVANSTON, ILLINOIs. THE WORK OF FOREIGN MUSEUMS. THE annual reports of several foreign Museums have been received during the summer months, and from them one may obtain a fair idea of the work they are doing, the support they receive and the disad- vantages, mainly of lack of money and space, under which they labor. These re- ports comprise those of the Australian Museum (1897), Colombo Museum (1898), Museum Association of the Kingdom of Bohemia (1898), West Prussian Provincial Museum (1898), Castle Museum, Norwich (1898), Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art (1897), Corporation Museums and Art Galleries, Glasgow (1898), and Manchester Museum (1898-99). The first two institu- tions are government museums, the last four fall in the category of local museums, although that of Manchester, from its rela- tions with Owens College, is on a somewhat different basis from the others. The Mu- seum of Prag, and we believe the West Prussian Provincial Museums are, like various other European institutions, under the control of an association, although re- SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 248. ceiving a subvention from the state, to which they are responsible. The Australian Museum leads the others in the matter of expenditures, although these only reach the sum of $35,000, and is doing much good work for the public in judiciously planned and well labeled ex- hibition pieces, and for science by con- stantly adding to its study series and pub- lishing the results obtained therefrom. The usual complaint is made of lack of room and lack of force, but the completion of a new series of well-built and well-equipped workrooms is announced forming the base- ment of what will later on form a new wing to the Museum building. The most impor- tant publication was the memoir on the zoology of the Funafuti Expedition of 1896, but two parts of the ‘Records’ were also issued. The MS. for the two parts ‘Accipi- tres and Striges’ of the new edition of Dr. E. P. Ramsay’s catalogue of birds is also ready. The number of accessions was 11,000, mostly gifts, and the number of visitors 122,894. The Colombo Museum is practically pro- hibited from doing any work by the small- ness of its appropriation, 24,000 rupees (about $8,000), as this does not suffice to fairly meet the running expenses, since we are told that the wood work is suffering for the lack of paint. This is to be deplored, for the Museum is well located for original work, is the official Museum of Ceylon, and is well attended by the public as is shown by the record of 111,000 visitors. The activity of the Museum at Prag is shown by the numerous meetings of the various sections of the association by which it is controlled, while its collections have been extensively studied. The Director, Dr. Fric, gives some of the results of his studies in connection with his Fauna der Gaskohle and announces the completion of ten plates for that work. The expenses of the Museum amount to $24,000, a sum that SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] seems small in comparison with those of our own large museums ; there is a special fund, Matice Ceska, for the publication of scientific works in the Bohemian language, and another for the continuation of Bar- rande’s great memoirs on the Silurian of Bohemia. There were 91,000 visitors and itis stated that of the Museum Guide Book, 555 copies in German were sold and 1,008 in Bohemian. The report of the West Prussian Provin- cial Museum which, as its name indicates, is actively concerned with the history of that region including archeology, ethnol- ogy, and natural history, is mainly devoted to detailed accounts of the numerous acces- sions received by the different departments. These notices contain much information regarding the various objects, for example, noting the past and present range of the bear and wild boar, and describing and figuring various archeological specimens and the conditions under which they were found. The Glasgow, Edinburgh and Norwich Castle Museums all include art galleries, and the report of the former relates to four distinct institutions. In all of these, science is necessarily more or less subordinated, playing the most important part perhaps in the Norwich Museum, and all are exhibition museums, none of them issuing any publi- cations save guides to the collections. That of Norwich is particularly good and con- tains much information, especially in re- gard to the valuable local collection of birds. The attendance for these institu- tions was respectively 1,210,648 ; 770,807 of this being at ‘The People’s Palace,’ 338,287 and 128,969. The Manchester Museum is, if Mr. Hoyle will pardon the phrase, a very live Museum, and the report opens with a brief notice of the installation of the electric light. This was described at some length in the Report of the Museums Association of Great Britain, - SCIENCE. 447 and comprises 162 incandescent and 44 arc lights, the latter of the inverted type and with the light reflected not downwards, but by means of a conical reflector upwards to the white ceiling. The most important acquisition has been the Dresser collection of birds, noticed in Science, and the most important publication, Mr. C. D. Sherborne’s ‘Index to the Systema Naturee of Linnzus,’ showing the place of every species name in the tenth and twelfth editions both as to genus and page. Mr. Sherborne is a believer in the ‘law of priority’ as applied to no- menclature and indicates his preference for making the tenth edition its starting point. The number of gifts to these various museums, governmental or local, is note- worthy, since this is largely a test of the interest taken by the community in the welfare of the institution, but it is to be re- marked that ethnological material is less freely given than any other. Finally three of the museums present us with figures bearing on the question of Sunday opening, and in each case the number of visitors on Sunday is much in excess of that on other days; thus in the Australian Museum, the average week day attendance was 341, that of Sunday 634, while in the Norwich Mu- seum, the figures were respectively 396 and 706. At the Manchester Museum the at- tendance on week days ranged from 30 to 372 and on Sunday from 146 to 550. ; F. A. L. ROBERT WILHELM BUNSEN. Wits the death of Bunsen there has passed away the last of those great German chemists of the middle of the present cen- tury, chemists who bore the greatest part of the work of laying the foundations of the modern science, and through whose efforts their fatherland has taken the first place in chemistry among the nations of the earth. The century began with Wohler and Lie- big; in the next decade came first Bunsen 448 and then Hofmann and Kolbe and Frese- nius; perhaps to these we should add Ke- kulé, who followed ten years later. Woh- ler brought to Germany the chemical power and intellect of the Swede Berzelius; Liebig the brilliancy of the French school, where Gay-Lussac, Vauquelin, Thénard, Dulong, Chevreul and other successors of the ‘ Father of Chemistry ’ were full of activity. Wohler, at Gottingen, and Liebig, at Gies- sen, became the progenitors of the German school. Bunsen and Kolbe were Gottingen boys, Hofmann and Fresenius (and we might add Kopp) were born at Giessen, while Kekulé was a youth in Bunsen’s laboratory. This band of men were not merely discoverers of chemical fact and theory; they were the discoverers of men. Hardly a chemist of note to-day in Ger- many or England or America, who has passed young manhood, but has felt the direct impress of one or another of these men. They have been the world’s teachers of chemistry, and to-day how many teachers are using their personal recollections of these their own instructors to inspire the next generation of pupils. And now the last of these giants is gone. Liebig was the first to be taken, just round- ing out his three score years and ten. A decade later and Wohlerand Kolbe passed. The last ten years have seen the death of Hofmann, Kekulé, Fresenius and now, at the close of the century, a few months only before the hundredth anniversary of W6h- ler’s birth, Bunsen is dead. The outward incident of Bunsen’s life is quickly told. Robert Wilhelm. Bunsen, the son of a distinguished theologian, was born at Gottingen, March 31,1811. In 1831 he was graduated at the University of Gottin- gen as Ph.D., and after some study at Paris, Berlin and Vienna he was appointed Privatdocent and then assistant professor at Gottingen. In 1836 he succeeded Wohler at the Polytechnic School at Cassel, and in SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 248. 1838 was appointed professor of chemistry at Marburg. Here he remained for several years, went to Breslau for a short time, when he was called in 1851 to Heidel- berg. Here he remained active till 1889, when he resigned from service; but he still retained all his old interest in the chemical laboratory. Sometime before re- signing, he received a very urgent call to the University of Berlin, but he was un- willing to change his home in his old age. He died at Heidelberg, August 16, 1899. Few honors which fall to the lot of chemists but were bestowed upon him. In 1858 he was elected foreign member of the Royal Society ; in 1883, one of the eight foreign as- sociates of the French Academy of Sciences. He received from the Royal Society in 1860 its Copley medal, and in 1877 he and his associate Kirchhoff were joint recipients of the newly-founded Davy medal. Bunsen was a broad chemist, confining his work to no one branch of the chemical field. He was equally at home in theory and in practice, and perhaps his most im- portant work consisted in laying founda- tions on which others should erect the superstructure. He would hardly be called a prolific writer, and yet he is credited with more than a hundred articles, of most of which he was the sole author. His first published work was in 1834 and consisted of a short note in the Journal de Pharmacie calling attention to the value of ferric oxid (hydrated peroxid of iron) as an antidote for arsenic poisoning. This was the beginning of his work on arsenic, from which he was to receive great reputa- tion, but from which also he was to nearly lose his life. He could not, have better shown his pluck and enthusiasm than by attacking the dangerous problem of the or- ganic compounds of arsenic. It was a theme which has cost more than one chem- ist his life, but it was of great importance in Liebig’s work on the ‘radical theory.’ SEPTEMBER 29, 1899.] More than twenty years earlier Berzelius had said: ‘“‘The application of whatis known regarding the combination of the elements in inorganic nature, to the critical exami- nation of their compounds in organic, is the key by which we may hope to arrive at true ideas with respect to the composition of organic substances.’? Bunsen followed up this idea, showing that the so-called alkarsin, As,(CH,), was a radical, but a compound radical, being made up of arsenic an inorganic element combined with hydro- carbon radicals which are organic. This work of Bunsen’s, though of course far less reaching in importance than Wohler’s then recent synthesis of urea, was far more dif- ficult and dangerous, not only than this, but also than Liebig and Wobhler’s investi- gations of the benzoyl radical and Gay- Lussac’s study of the cyanogen radical. This work of these four chemists established for the time being the ‘radical theory’ which indeed was to be soon overthrown, but was later to reappear as a part of our theory of to-day. At the time Bunsen was carrying on his researches on organic compounds of arsenic, he was beginning that series of investiga- tions on the gases in the iron furnace, which culminated in the report presented to the British Association in 1845 by himself and Lord Playfair, on the ‘ Gases evolved from iron furnaces, with reference to the theory of smelting of iron.’ While the utilization of the waste gases of the iron furnace for fuel had been attempted at a much earlier date, it was not till the work of Bunsen, alone and with Playfair, that the enormous waste in these gases was impressed upon iron- masters; so that Bunsen can be said to have largely contributed to this great source of economy in the modern furnace. In other directions also these investigations bore practical fruit. The study of furnace gases had demanded methods of gas-analysis which at that time SCIENCE. 449 did not exist. Perfecting the old, origi- nating new, Bunsen built up a system of methods of gas analysis which have re- mained the foundation of those subsequently used ; indeed he has been called the founder of this branch of analytical chemistry. In this connection should be mentioned the Bunsen burner, now universally used in chemical laboratories, and almost as ex- tensively outside, asin the Welsbach light. The principle of mixing a proper amount of air with a combustible gas and burning it from an open tube is very simple—after it is known, but it was unknown until discoy- ered by Bunsen. In 1841 and 1842 Bunsen published his experiments on the use of carbon in the place of the more expensive platinum in the Grove battery. The outcome of this work was the Bunsen battery, which has been one of the most useful as well as the cheap- est of all batteries, and which may be said to have refused to yield supremacy until displaced with all other batteries by the dynamo. Having a powerful source of electricity at his disposal, he re-investigated the methods by which nearly fifty years before Davy had been the fortunate discoverer of so many new elements. Bunsen improved these methods, and made in connection with Matthiessen, the first thorough study of lithium, which had been discovered by Arfvedson in 1817, and for the first time the metal was isolated by him. All through this period and for many years later he took great interest in min- eralogical chemistry, especially in the chemistry of rock formation. In 1847 he visited Iceland, and soon. after published a number of papers on the chemical geology of that island and also on the theory of geysers. A series of investigations carried out with Sir Henry Roscoe, on photo-chemistry, laid the foundations of actinometry. The work of Daguerre and his followers had 450 just given birth to the art of photography, but the whole subject was up to this time empiric. By Bunsen and Roscoe it was placed on a scientific basis and the way blazed out for the many future investiga- tors in this field. One further study should be mentioned, that of Bunsen and Schischkoff on the theory of gunpowder. Gunpowder had been known for centuries; van Helmont had stated that its power was due to the production of gas, but beyond this little or nothing was known till these chemists took up the investigation of the gases formed and the powder residues, and formulated for the first time a theory of gunpowder. Here as in other cases the first incentive was given which resulted in the work of Karolyi and Abel and Nobel, and the many present-day workers in the field of explo- Sives. This résumé is but an outline of the more important work of this great chemist, dur- ing the first half century of his life. It was almost at the close of this half century that there was to come, as it were as a crown to his work, that great discovery with which the name of Bunsen will ever be most closely linked, spectrum analysis. For several years he had been interesting him- self much in blow pipe analysis, and it seems probable that the key to this dis- covery came, not as a result of long and patient search, but rather grew from his daily work of laboratory instruction. It was the discovery of the teacher rather than of the investigator. Associating with him his colleague, Kirchhoff, together they worked out the practical application of his discovery, and science stood armed with a new weapon, the spectroscope. Bunsen was the first to avail himself of the instru- ment and brought forth from the waters of Durkheim two new elements, rubidium and cesium. Later other new elements have followed, as indium discovered by Boisbau- SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 248. dran and thallium by Crookes, and a host of ‘meta elements’ differentiated only by the spectroscope, the latest of them, victorium, needing not only this instrument but also the camera, to render its ‘lines’ apparent. But far more important than the mere dis- covery of new elements was the widening of man’s horizon in a new and unexpected way. Spectrum analysis was applicable not alone to those flames we could place before it within the confines of our labora- tories; the light of the sun and the stars could be studied equally well and a means was at hand for learning the chemistry of the heavenly bodies. Yet this was not all, for by the displacement of lines the motion of stars and other bodies in line of sight becomes known. Astro-physics is rendered possible by Bunsen’s work. The last of the great investigations of Bunsen were on calorimetry. The Bunsen ice calorimeter was described by him in 1870 and rendered possible specific heat determi- nations, with quantities hitherto too small for investigation. While from this time his activity was much lessened, yet now and then papers continued to appear from his pen. The last few years of his life, however, were spent in the quiet retire- ment of the old university town which had so long been his home. As long as he was able he took great delight in showing visitors over his old laboratory, and the writer will long remember a pleasant hour spent with the old man in his laboratory some years ago, how he showed the rooms and places where this or that historic work was done, and what a delightfully genial man he was to a young stranger. As the old chemist’s sun was sinking to the west there came to Heidelberg, like a brilliant meteor, one whose fame far out- shone the older light. All things were changed, the old building passed, a new and magnificent laboratory took its place ; again students flocked to the Neckarthal SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] for chemical study, but the discoverer of the spectroscope was almost forgotten. A few brief years passed by, and as the light of the brilliant meteor is suddenly extin- guished, so Victor Meyer was no more. But still Bunsen lingered, as if loath that a single year of the century ushered in by his master Wohler should be left without the presence of one of the giant minds of chemistry. But now he too is gone and the last link between the past and the present is severed as far as lives go; but upon the foundations laid by Bunsen many a super- structure will continue to rest, and yet many another building will be erected. Jas. Lewis Howe. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Anatomie des Frosches auf Grund eigener Unter- suchungen. By A. EcKER und R. WIEDERS- HEIM, durchaus neu bearbeitet von DR. ERNST Gaupp. Zweite Abteilung, Zweite Halfte. Lehre yom Gefasssystem. Braunschweig, 1899, pp. XII. and 237-548. Some time ago (this JouRNAL, Vol. VIL., p. 463) we had occasion to noticethe first and second parts of Gaupp’s edition of Ecker on the frog, and now the third part of the same work lies before us. This part is devoted solely to the anatomy of the vascular system and here, as in the sections devoted to the skeleton, muscles and nerves, we find what is practically a new treatment, and not merely a revision of an old work. Not only has every page been rewritten, but every illustration has been redrawn, and most of them are printed in colors, adding nota little to the clearness. It is impossible to summarize these 312 pages nor to point out what is new in them, for that would require more space than we can give. As one would naturally expect, the additions and changes are less in the parts relating to the arteries and veins, but even here they are nu- merous. The heart is described with far more accuracy and detail than ever before. Itis, how- ever, in the lymph system that the changes are the greatest. In fact, this section is almost SCIENCE. 451 wholly a new investigation. In the former editions there was a brief account of the lymph- hearts and of some of the sub-cutaneous lymph- sacs and that was all. Dr. Gaupp has studied not only all of these (he has added four sub- cutaneous lymph sacs not recognized before), but he has described with the greatest detail the lymph spaces which are scattered through the body and has made out the openings by which they communicate with one another. Aswe turn over the pages of the work we wonder what the technique has been and many may be glad to learn his methods. For in- jections of the arterial system he found that shellac solutions were most useful, while for the venous system he depended largely upon nat- ural injections, the blood settling in these ves- sels. To aid in this the animals were hung in various positions so that the blood might flow into the various portions. Then a transfer to formalin produced coagulation. A similar co- agulation of the lymph as well as the well- known method of inflation with air aided in the demonstration of the lymph sacs and spaces; while the communications between these (mi- nute openings in the thin and almost transparent membranes) were rendered visible by means of absolute alcohol and weak solutions of iodine. In conclusion we may say that we have only praise for this part of the work, and that, while in a few places we find differences from condi- tions which occur in our American frogs, we find nothing that we can regard as serious errors. The probabilities are that it will never be trans- lated, but it is a treatise which should be on the shelves of every laboratory. The clear and simple German in which it is written will make its contents easily accessible to the great ma- jority of our college students. The concluding part dealing with the viscera, integument and sense organs, is promised shortly. J. S. KINGSLEY. The Fixation, Staining and Structure of Proto- plasm, a Critical Consideration of the Theory and Technique of Modern Cell-study. By Dr. ALFRED FISCHER (Leipsic), royal octavo, 362 pages, 1 double plate and 21 figures in text. Published by G. Fischer, Jena, 1899. The history of the closing cycle of botanical 452 activity will undoubtedly show that one of its most noticeable and unusual features has been the enormous amount of energy devoted to the study of the structure of protoplasm. Research in this phase of biological science may be said to have had its origin chiefly in an effort to de- termine the mechanism of the nucleus as a vehicle of heredity, and it has been directed for the greater part to the morphology of the chromatin in mitotic division, and to the be- havior of the ‘attractive and directive bodies,’ with some effort to take into consideration the structure of protoplasm and the general organ- ization of the cell. The results of these investi- gations have filled a great amount of space in all classes of botanical Journals, beside the special periodicals devoted to the subject, and have covered an untold area of the costliest plates. The early specialization of a large number of the younger workers in this line has led to the publication of many articles on the subject utterly devoid of literary form, filled with local and personal terms, uselessly recounting tech- nique, and giving the most merciless repetition of details of observation with no attempt to sum- marize the results, or give the general signifi- cance of the phenomena described: making the preparation of such a work as the book under discussion doubly necessary. Then again the time seems at hand when the eytologist may be fairly asked to interpret to his botanical brethren the vast amount of detail accumulated in the last decade by his method of research. So far as the general discussions of recent date may be taken as a reply to this pertinent inquiry, the summary of well- grounded facts and established theory shows a very small residuum of actual progress. Thus one of the most prominent cytologists in America has taken occasion to say, in a recent review of knowledge of the cell, ‘‘ And yet if we take account of the actual knowledge gained, Wwe can not repress a certain sense of disap- pointment, partly that microscopical research should have fallen so far short of giving the insight for which we had hoped, but still more because of the failure of the best observers to reach any unanimity in the interpretation of what is actually visible under the microscope. * * * T would like at the outset to express the SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 248. opinion that, if we except certain highly special- ized structures, the hope of finding in visible protoplasmic structure any approach to an un- derstanding of its physiological activity is growing more, instead of less remote, and is giving way to a conviction that the way of progress lies rather in an appeal to the ultra- microscopical protoplasmic organization, and to the chemical processes through which this is expressed.’? (E. B. Wilson, in SCIENCE, p. 34, July 14, 1899.) The chief value of the book at hand consists in its collation of the methods used, and facil- itates the ready selection of those which give promise of results in new methods of attack. In Part I. the reaction of the more important chemical constituents of the cell to fixing agents is discussed, and the principles evolved must be considered as valuable when used as a means of chemical analysis of the cell. Part II. takes up in detail the methods and theory of staining. Chromatin is defined as the substance which contains nucleic acid and which as the acid content increases, stains less deeply with watery solutions of acid colors, and methyl green is designated as the only basic stain for nuclear substance. The chapters on this subject should do much to give a more intelligent develop- ment of the technique of staining, though it is to be feared that such terms as ‘ acidiphobie,’ ‘basiphobie,’ ‘eosinophilie’ and ‘ fuchsinoph- ilie’ will be transplanted bodily into the En- glish text by that class of workers who seem unequal to the translation of new terms, or the suppression of those unnecessary to the real ad- vance of the subject. Astral rays and polar spindles come in for their share of attention in Part III., the chief methods of forming artificial radiating processes are given. The discussion of the histology and development of thesestructures is notable for its omissions, which are further re- flected in the bibliographical list. The consider- ation given centresomes illustrates quite clearly the fragmentary and contradictory state of our information concerning the morphology and physiology of these bodies. The concluding part of the work is taken up with a consideration of the various theories as to the structure of protoplasm, an adduction of the views of most of the principal workers, and SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] the description of the experiments for the pro- duction of artificial protoplastic formations. It is to be said that this book of Dr. Fischer’s comes most timely to aid the beginner, or the worker in other lines of investigation to orient the vast body of detail which has been presented in such confusion during the last decade, and it may also do much to put research upon the in- cluded subjects on a more rational basis. D. T. MacDouGat. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. A Class-book of (Elementary) Practical Physiology. By DE Burcu Brrcu, Professor of Physiology in the Yorkshire College of the Victoria Uni- versity. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., 1899. Pp. xii + 278. This book is one of that considerable class of laboratory guides which are prepared for indi- vidual laboratories. While fairly good of its kind, it cannot readily be adapted to general use. This is more particularly true of the ex- perimental section, where the directions to the student frequently have reference to specific ap- pliances which, in the form here described, are not to be found in physiological laboratories generally. The course outlined is that which is so commonly denominated Physiology in the British colleges, and consists of histological, chemical and experimental sections. The first section comprises 117 pages, the second 61, and the third 87. The method employed is that of supplying the student with detailed directions, leaving comparatively little opportunity for the play of his ingenuity. This method, while making instruction easy for the instructor, does not develop the student. It is carried to its extreme in dealing with the direct method of using the ophthalmoscope: ‘‘ First, with the apertures closed, endeavor to look into the eye through the lens, moving your eye and a light in all directions to doso. You will not succeed.’’ If success is impossible, why de- liberately guide the student in that direction? Not a large amount of ground is covered by the book. The subjects and experiments that are presented are the conventional ones, and the work is intelligently done. The book, how- ever, hardly seems to be called for outside the author’s own laboratory. FREDERIC S. LEE. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. SCIENCE. 453 Elementary Physiology. By BENJAMIN Moore, M.A., Professor of Physiology in the Medical - Department of Yale University. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. Pp. viii+ 295. The majority of the briefer text-books of physiology are not written by physiologists. They are the work of men who rely upon larger text-books for their knowledge, and whose mo- tive too often is the money to be obtained from the text-book mongers. Too many of these authors are willing, for a consideration, to prostitute the science for commercial purposes, and to write it down to the level of those who appear to believe that an account of the work- ing of the human body, and a description of the awfulness of a drunkard’s life, are synonymous: It is a relief and pleasure to turn from such machine-made books to such a one as Professor Moore’s, and to feel the loving interest that every page of the book reveals. One can for- give the occasional lapses from strict rhetorical usage, the not infrequent long sentences, and the rather indiscriminate and often misleading use of commas, when one realizes that the au- thor knows his subject and writes entertain- ingly of it. i The book is devoted to the physiology of man and those animals that are allied to man, and in less than three hundred pages there is given a concise and very readable outline of the subject, an appendix of practical exercises and a set of test questions. The trend of the author as a physiologist is evidenced by the fact that nearly one-half of the book is devoted to nutrition, including the blood and its circu- lation, digestion, absorption, metabolism, respi- ration, excretion and animal heat. In an un- prejudiced division of the subject of human physiology, this seems too large a proportion, although it must be granted that the account of these processes is an admirable one. Forty- three pages seem also too large a share to give to the skeleton and its articulations. In gen- eral, the amount of anatomy may be criticised as excessive ; but throughout this the author keeps in mind the subject of function and thus illuminates his descriptions of structure. Fur- thermore, one-sixth of the whole space is a small proportion to devote to the nervous sys- 454 tem and the special senses. It is to be hoped that before issuing a second edition, which will probably ‘be called for, the author will re-ap- portion his space and develop more fully these latter subjects. The book is fully up to date in its facts. As to point of view it represents, like nearly all text-books of the physiology of man, that of conventional or organ physiology, rather than that of the cell. FREDERIC 8S. LEE. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Analyses Electrolytiques. Par AD. MINET. Mas- son et Cie, Paris. The first three pages of the first chapter of this little volume aim to be historical, but in the latter respect are so incomplete that they are really misleading. The subsequent pages, de- voted to the sources of electricity, the measure- ment of current intensity, a description of the different apparatus used in electrolytic analysis and electrolytic constants, are much more satis- factory and really praiseworthy. The second chapter pretends to consider electrolysis from a qualitative standpoint, but is so meager in its details that that feature of it would probably have better been omitted. The quantitative determination of non-metals (the halogens, nitrogen in nitrates and sulphur in sulphides) is also considered. The third chapter relates to the quantitative determination of individual metals. In the main the procedures are similar to those al- ready described in existing works upon electro- chemical analysis. There is no good reason to omit the double cyanide of mercury and potas- sium in speaking of proper electrolytes for the determination of that metal. Under iron ref- erence is made to the ‘Procede de Drow,’ meaning of course our own Dr. Drown. The author seems to have been careless in regard to the correctness of names, for there are numer- erous oversights of this character scattered throughout the entire book. At times there seems to have been an effort made to give due credit to the various workers in this particular field, but oftener there is an absolute neglect as to the origin of the methods. Had M. Minet ever tried the separation of SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X- No. 248, copper from silver electrolytically, the reviewer sincerely doubts whether he would have recom- mended the suggestion given on page 134. Those experienced in this direction know that to pre- cipitate out the silver as oxalate, wash it, ete., is a vexing operation. Why not simply add an excess of alkaline cyanide to the solution of the two metals and electrolyze at 65°C? The sep- aration is then complete and rapid. Other methods are not above criticism, but itis not the purpose of the reviewer to find fault. His sole desire is to see the best given to those who may undertake to do work in this field.’ The fifth chapter gives in considerable detail the work of Hollard in the application of elec- trolytic methods to the analysis of alloys, and is very meritorious in every respect. One hundred and seventy-six pages comprise the entire vol- ume, which no doubt will serve well to give one, not especially interested or conversant with this field of investigation, a very good idea of what is being done, but the writer questions whether more than that can be fairly claimed for this publication. EpGar F. SMITH. BOOKS RECEIVED. Observations taken at Dumraon Behar, India, during the Eclipse of the 22d of January, 1898. REV. VY. DE CAMPIGNEULLES. New York, London and Bombay. 1899. Pp. xi -+ 194 and thirteer plates. The North American Slime-Moulds. THomas H. MAc- BRIDE. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xvii-++ 231 and eighteen plates. $2.25. Social Laws, an Outline of Sociology. G. TARDE, trans- lated by HowARD C. WARREN. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xi + 213. Darwinism and Lamarckism. FREDERICK WOLLASTON Hutton. New York and London, G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 1899. Pp. x + 226. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. UNDER the administration of Dr. von Ihering, the Museum of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is accomplish- ing much scientific work while at the same time rapidly enlarging its study and exhibition col- lections. The third volume of its Revista, con- tains a posthumous paper by Dr. Fritz Mueller on the ‘Marine Fauna of the Coast of Santa SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] Catherine,’ descriptions of new Coccids, by T. D. A. Cockerell and A. Hempel, and ‘ Contri- butions to our Knowledge of the Spiders of Sao Paulo,’ by W. J. Moenkhaus. A. S. Woodward describes several new fishes from the bituminous schists of Taubaté, interesting from the fact that they belong to existing gen- era, and Ricardo Krone gives an account of ‘the Limestone Caves of Iporanga.’ The major part of the volume is devoted to a syste- matic list of ‘the Birds of Sao Paulo,’ by Dr. von Ihreing, intended as a working basis for the study and discussion of the ornithology of that State. Dr. von Ihering admits 590 species. An alphabetical index of the common names is appended which should be of good service to those interested in the avifauna of Brazil. The volume closes with a bibliography of current works on natural history and anthropology relating to Brazil. Dr. von Ihering records the finding of a dead specimen of Spheniscus magellanicus on the coast of the island of Santo Amaro off the coast of Brazil, in about latitude 24° §. A previous example was taken still farther north at Sao Sebastiao island, 23° 8. American Chemical Journal for September, 1899, contains the following articles: “On alkyl malonic nitriles and their deriva- tives,’ by J. C. Hessler. ‘On the phenylhydrazones of benzoin,’ by A. Smith. ‘Thermal effects of the dilution of some salts,’ by F. P. Dunnington and T. Hoggard ; “Preservation of Hiibl’s reagent,’ by R. Boll- ing; ‘Dehydration of crystals ‘of sodium phosphate,’ by T. C. Whitlock and C. E Bar- field. ‘Examination of a Sandstone from Augusta County, Virginia,’ by W. W. Miller, Jr. ‘Solubility of lead sulphate in ammonium acetate,’ by J. C. Long. ‘Analysis of Smithsonite from Arkansas,’ by W. W. Miller, Jr. ‘Desulphones and ketosulphones,’ by E. P. Kohler and Margaret B. MacDonald. ‘The reaction between sulphone chlorides and metallic derivatives of ketonic esters,’ by E. P. Kohler and Margaret B. MacDonald. J. E. G. SCIENCE 455 The Osprey for September opens with a brief article on ‘Familiar Birds of Honolulu,’ by Milton S. Ray, followed by ‘ Eight Days Among the Birds of Northern New Hampshire,’ con- tributed by John N. Clark, and dealing mainly with the nesting habits of the many species ob- served. Four short papers deal mostly with vari- ous warblers and then, under the head of Notes for ‘Observation of Habits of Birds,’ Ernest Seton Thompson gives a list of the points that should be particularly noted. F. H. Knowlton and W. F. Henninger contribute letters on the question of excessive egg collecting. Numerous interesting notes and reviews of current liter- ature complete the volume. THE only scientific and philosophical articles which appear in the October Monist are: (1) ‘Psychology and the Ego,’ by Professor C. Lloyd Morgan, Bristol, England; (2) ‘The Man of Genius,’ by Professor G. Sergi, Rome, Italy ; and (8) ‘A Decade of Philosophy in France,’ by Lucien Arréat. The remainder of the contents is devoted to a discussion of the Bible, by Pro- fessor C. A. Cornill, of Breslau, Germany, Dr. W. Henry Green, of Princeton, N. J., and Dr. Paul Carus. Appletons’ Popular Science Monthly for Octo- ber, completing its fifty-fifth volume, has as a frontispiece a portrait of the late William Pep- per, and includes an article narrating his great activity for the public institutions of Philadel- phia and especially the University of Pennsyl- vania. The number contains an account of the Columbus meeting of the American Association, by Professor D. 8. Martin, and a number of other articles including two on the administra- tion of charities, by Bishop Potter and Comp- troller B. 8. Coles. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. THE WASHINGTON BOTANICAL CLUB. THE eighth regular meeting was held August 2, 1899, a paper by Dr. Gerrit S. Miller, of the U. S. National Museum, on the species of Apocynum occurring within the District of Co- lumbia, was presented by Mr. Pollard. Dr. Miller recognizes three new species in addition to the already known A. androsemifolium L., A. cannabinum L., A. medium Greene and A. 456 album Greene. The paper was illustrated by herbarium material and by samples of the flow- ers of each species preserved in formalin. While the main characters lie in the shape of the calyx and corolla tube, the habit and foliage of the plant afford good diagnostic points. Mr. O. F. Cook discussed certain new or lit- tle known species of Amanita, commenting on their structure and relationships. The ninth regular meeting of the Club was held September 6, 1899, and was devoted to an informal account of the Alaskan flora by Mr. Frederick V. Coville, who was a member of the Harriman expedition. CHARLES LOUIS POLLARD, Secretary. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. ON THE DEFINITION OF GEOLOGICAL TER- RANES. SURPRISING as it may seem to those who are not professional geologists, it nevertheless with truth may be said that until within the last de- cade or two there existed little demand for the concise definition of geological terranes and for- mations. The mere application of a name was almost enough to establish it. In this connec- tion there was often also an enumeration of the common fossils contained, or a somewhat gen- eralized vertical section of the rock layers. One or the other of these features and a knowl- edge of the typical locality at which the rocks were exposed often enabled the terrane to be subsequently recognized and the title to be used. At the present time all is changed. With the systematic introduction of local geographic names for the geological terranes, and the gen- eral adoption of criteria of discrimination other than those afforded by fossils, there has come to exist an urgent need for more accurate defi- nition of terms. The degree of accuracy now demanded is comparable to that attained in other branches of science. The requirement is for definition based not on trivial or accidental characters, but upon features that are not only really determinative, but recognizable in the field. The classes of characteristics that require at- tention are not many, yet in the description of SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 248. geological terranes it rarely happens that any of these features are clearly pointed out, or when mention is made of them that they are equally compared. When a new name of a rock terrane is formally proposed, about the least thing that its author can do, if he wishes his term to be considered by his fellow workers, is to tabulate the leading characteristics and differences as compared with associated ter- ranes. In the past there has been little or no neces- sity for very exact discrimation ; hence in using the title suggested by the workers of a genera- tion or more ago we have to do the best we can, giving the pioneers the benefit ‘of all doubts. When titles are applied to terranes now there is cogent demand for formal enu- meration of essential features. Exactly what should constitute a proper defi- nition of a geological terrane may give rise to some differences of opinion. But there should be no variance of views regarding what points should be especially mentioned. Little or no attempt has yet been made to formulate these groups of essential characteristics. They ap- pear, however, to fall naturally under six cate- _ gories, which may be termed: (1) geographic distribution, (2) topographic expression, (3) lithologic nature, (4) stratigraphic delimitation, (5) biologic definition, and (6) economic con- tent. 1. Geographic Distribution is of first impor- tance, as it fixes the terrane in space. The actual area occupied, or the amount of territory over which it forms the surface rock, is largely a function of the present attitude of the rocks. When the beds are horizontal, or nearly so, the surface distribution closely coincides with the original lateral extent. The area occupied is broad. As the degree of tilting increases, owing to orogenic movement that took place after the sediments were laid down, there is a narrowing of the zone until, when the strata stand vertically, it reaches a minimum breadth. In the definition of a geological terrane the matter of geological distribution is not only of much greater import than it was formerly supposed to be, but it is a factor that is con- stantly becoming more valuable for the reason that rock units are now being named after SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] prominent geographic features that are situated within their borders. 2. Topographic Expression.—While the sur- face relief, or topographic expression, of various regions has received more or less considera- tion in the past, its great variety and character- istic types have been only vaguely connected with the structure and composition of the un- derlying rocks. Only recently has the inter- pretation of topography found a philosophical foundation. Only within the last few years has arisen a entirely new department of geolog- ical inquiry. The rapid development of this new science of geomorphy, or geographic geol- ogy, has given a new meaning to stratigraphy, and therewith has furnished a reliable criterion for determining and mapping geological forma- tions that was wholly unthought of before. General topographic expression may be now re- garded as one of the most important and dis- tinctive attributes of geological terranes. When its topographical type and peculiarities are clearly discerned a terrane may be, with frequent checks from other sources, traced many miles with rapidity and certainty, from horse- back, or often even from the swiftly moving railway train. As the differences in the topography of a region are dependent primarily on the rela- tive power of resistance to erosion that the sey- eral contiguous layers possess, there is usually a close relationship existing between this fea- ture and the other characteristics which have been heretofore generally considered alone in connection with stratigraphy. Thus, an exten- sive shale bed will often be worn down to a lowland plain, while the limestone or sandstone strata on either side of the belt will form ridges, The faunas in shales are usually peculiar to them, and very distinct from lithologically dif- ferent beds. Again, a limestone which forms the hard member with the soft shales is, when intercalated with crystallines, itself the soft member and constitutes the valleys. Although the same kinds of beds may produce directly the opposite phases of topographic ex- pression, for each particular region the phase assumed is distinctive and generally extends throughout the geographical extent of the ter- rane. SCIENCE. 457 3. Lithologic Nature.—In the early part of the century it was customary to regard lithological characteristics as the most important features in the recognition of geological formations. In correlating deposits more or less widely sepa- rated, this character was depended upon, to the exclusion of all others. Ata later date, when other criteria were applied, the determinations which had been made upon purely lithological grounds were found to be so faulty and unreliable that the use of’ this feature finally came to be ig- nored almost altogether. Of late, the real value of the lithologic factor is beginning to be more fully appreciated. It is certainly as_ trust- worthy as the faunal characteristics of a ter- rane, and, in addition, is generally of wider application. The lithology of a geological formation, out- side of the massive rocks, is largely a function of the attitude of the adjoining land areas at the time that the beds were laid down. Hence, there is a close connection between the local character of the forming strata and the position of the adjacent land as changing under the in- fluence of diastatic movement. In noting the distinguishing characters of a terrane the lithol- ogy should receive the fullest consideration and the most careful discrimination. 4. Stratigraphic Delimitation.—Until very re- cently little attention has been paid to the exact vertical or range limits of geological terranes. In an indefinite and incidental way they have been often fixed within narrow bounds, and the local features explained for the typical locality ; but farther than this most descriptions are stratigraphically inexact. The determination of definite, easily recogniz- able upper and lower horizons, that are readily traceable over considerable areas, are of prime importance, not only to havea compact, natural unit, but on account of presenting reliable features for the correlation in different parts of the geologic province. The division line be- tween terranes is not always equally distinct and prominent throughout the areal extent of the deposit, and different criteria have often to be resorted to in different parts of a province. While the exact position of a terrane in the general geological scale is not always to be made out with exactness at first, its approxi- 458 mate equivalents in well-known sections may be pointed out. The exact location in the gen- eral vertical section of the region in which it lies must, of necessity, be determined suffi- ciently near to enable future recognition. 5. Biologic Definition.—The value of the fos- sils contained in a terrane varies greatly with the size of the succession of strata considered. The rapid replacement of faunas in local successions enables a number of zones to be made out, each of which is characterized by certain forms which predominate. From the purely paleontological standpoint this enables the strata to be subdivided in great detail. However, the real geological relations of the ter- ranes are lost sight of almost entirely. With- out going into details, there are ordinarily cer- tain characteristic faunal or floral phases which constitute important features by which terranes may be distinguished from one another, or which, at least, greatly aid in this determina- tion, especially when taken in connection with the criteria. Each terrane may be regarded as possessing biotic characters which should be clearly set forth. 6. Economic Content.—In the practical delimi- tation of a geological terrane, and in tracing it over a considerable area, the ore or mineral deposits of commercial value that are contained form valuable determinative factors that are rarely taken into consideration ; or, at least, in the descriptions of formations little note is ordi- narily made of them. While with many, if not most terranes, the contained ores are not origi- nal depositions, but are secondarily acquired long after the rocks in which they occur were laid down, they are, nevertheless, of such pecu- liar organization and composition that they are seldom found either in the layers above or be- low. Furthermore, a rock terrane may be traced for long distances by the occurrences of valuable deposits along the line of the outcrop, or it may be recognizable by these alone over broad areas in which other characters of the terrane give no evidence of its existence. In correlating exposures somewhat widely sepa- rated, it is often only through the economic con- tents that a reliable clue is given to their identity. CHARLES R. KEYEs. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 248. ZOOLOGICAL NOTES. THE collection of birds formed by H. E. Dresser and constituting the basis for his work on the ‘Birds of Europe and Monographs of the Rollers and Bee-Eaters’ has been presented to the Manchester Museum, England, by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. Some- thing over 1,000 species are represented, by about 10,000 specimens, illustrating differences of plumage due to age, sex and locality, all carefully labelled. HITHERTO the turkey buzzard has pursued a peaceful, if malodorous existence, unharmed by the whims of fashion, but this quiet has been disturbed by the present demand for eagle feathers for ladies hats. The supply of eagles is not equal to the demand, and as Ulysses is said to have eked out the skin of the lion by using that of the fox, so dealers substitute the primaries of the turkey buzzard for those of the eagle. TuHE lastreport of the Royal Zoological Society of Amsterdam commemorates the sixtieth year of its existence and briefly reviews the more important events in its career. Besides the well-known zoological garden the society main- tains a fine aquarium, zoological museum, museum of paleontology and geology, ethno- graphical museum, and library, a combination which affords fine facilities for scientific work. It will be remembered that Furbinger’s monu- mental work on the morphology of birds was among the publications of this society. The amount of food consumed by the animals is rather appalling, but the long list of members which closes the report shows the abundant re- sources of the Society. The ‘sport mania’ is deplored as being largely responsible for the extermination of large mammals, and, among other items, it is noted that no less than four- teen African elephants were born in the gar- dens. F. A. L. RECENT ZOO-PALEONTOLOGY. Dr. Max Scutosser, of Munich, contributes to a recent number of the Palxontographica a very important article upon the origin of the bears. Setting aside the generally accepted hypothesis of Gaudry, that Ursus sprang from Hyznarctos and that from Amphicyon, he traces SEPTEMBER 29, 1899.] the origin of the Urside back to the Oligocene. He places Hyznarctos, which first appears in the Upper Miocene, as a side line which died out in the Pleistocene. The Oligocene bears are traced back to animals related to Cynodon ‘in the Upper Eocene and hypothetically to Uintacyon of North America. This paper is of enhanced interest in connection with the recent investigations of Wortman upon the origin of the dogs, published in a recent Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, in which Uintacyon also figures. One feature of Dr. Schlosser’s paper is the complete adoption of the Osborn and Scott nomenclature for the cusps of the molar and premolar teeth. Dr. James P. Hitt, of the University of Sydney, New South Wales, has followed up his discovery of the allantoic placenta in Peram- eles by the study of the female urogenital or- gans in the same type. This typical bandicoot is found to differ wholly in the structure of these organs from other Marsupials. These differences sustain Dr. Hill’s original interpre- tation of the allantois of the Marsupials as a primitive organ characteristic of the stem Marsupialia, which most types have lost. To quote from his paper: ‘‘In concluding for the present this short discussion, I would remark that the facts here briefly set forth, in my opinion, show conclusively that the condition of the genital organ in macropods—undoubt- edly one of the most specialized families in living Marsupials—can in no sense be regarded as primitive, and that just in so far as the genital organs of Perameles depart from the prevalent Marsupial condition they in the same degree realize the more primitive type. In- deed, the urogenital organs of the Peramelidz appear, so far as I am able to judge, to have re- tained a more archaic condition than those of any other hitherto described Australian Marsu- pial, a conclusion which I believe gives very material support to that view which regards the existence of an allantoic placenta in the genus Perameles as an extremely primitive feature in its organization. UNDER the direction of the American Philo- sophical Society has just appeared a joint paper by the late Professor Baur and Dr. E. C. Case, SCIENCE. 459 entitled ‘History of the Pelycosauria, with a description of the genus Dimetrodon Cope.’ This reminds us afresh of the great loss Paleon- tology has sustained in this country, and in fact everywhere, in the death of Georg Baur. This memoir is a fine example of the thorough- ness of his work, giving us an exhaustive re- view of the Permian types the world over, which are remotely related to the living genus Sphenodon. This is also by far the most thor- ough résumé of the literature relating to the order termed by Cope the Pelycosauria. The memoir concludes by an original description of the great finned-back lizard Dimetrodon by Dr. Case. The only regret one feels in connection with this memoir is that the critical section is obviously left incomplete, since it lacks a clear expression of the authors’ views as to the ordi- nal classification of the Permian reptiles. H. F. O. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHYSICS. The preliminary announcement of the con- gress is as follows: La Société francaise de physique a pris l’initia- tive de provoquer, 4 l’occasion de |’ Exposition universelle de 1900, une réunion en Congrés international de toutes les personnes qui s’intér- essent aux progrés de la physique. II] n’est pas besoin de faire ressortir les avantages considér- ables que 1’on est en droit d’attendre, au profit de la science, d’une telle réunion ; jusqu’a pré- sent des congrés spéciaux, tels que les congrés d’électricité, ont conduit 4 des résultats que tous les physiciens connaissent et apprécient, mais jamais encore n’a eu lieu un congreés inter- national consacré dla Physique générale ; il est permis d’espérer que cette premiére réunion pré- sentera un grand intérét. Un Comité d’organisation a été constitué, qui a décidé que le Congrés international de phys- ique s’ouvrirait le Jundi 6 aott 1900, et durerait une semaine. Le Congrés sera rattaché 4 l’en- semble des Congrés rentrant dans |’ organisation de l’Exposition universelle; la séance d’ouver- ture aura lieu au Palais des Congrés. Il n’a pas semblé au Comité que l’on dat, dés 4 présent, fixer d’une fagon définitive le programme des travaux du Congrés; nous avons l’honneur de vous soumettre un projet 460 sur lequel nous serions trés heureux de recevoir vos observations. Le programme comporterait trois parties : 1° Rapports et discussions sur des sujets en nombre limité et arrétés 4 l’avance, tels que: a, Définition et fixation de certaines unités (pression, échelle de dureté, quantité de chaleur, grandeurs photométriques, constantes de la sac- charimétrie, échelle du spectre, unités électriques on encore définies, etc.) ; b. Bibliographie de la physique ; c. Laboratoires nationaux ; 2° Visites 4 1’ Exposition, 4 des laboratoires, A des ateliers ; 8° Conférences sur quelques sujets nouveaux. La Commission d’organisation recevra avec reconnaissance toutes les observations et pro- positions qu’on voudra bien lui adresser, elle fixera ensuite et vous fera connaitre le pro- gramme définitif des travaux. Le prix de la carte du Congrés sera de 20 francs, elle donnera droit : 1° A la participation 4 tous les travaux, a toutes les assemblées, 4 toutes les visites qui seront organisées ; 2° A la réception du compte rendu des tra- yaux du Congrés, aussit6t aprés la publication. Lorsqu’un membre du Congrés y viendra ac- compagné d’une ou plusieurs personnes de sa famille, celles-ci pourront recevoir, sur de- mande, des cartes spéciales 4 un prix réduit qui sera ultérieurement fixé. Nous vous ferons connaitre en temps utile les conditions spéciales de faveur que les compag- nies de transport accorderont 4 l’occasion de Exposition universelle. : Il est nécessaire que le Comité soit, dés & pré- sent, renseigné sur le nombre probable des membres du Congrés de 1900. Nous ne croyons point cependant pouvoir vous demander si longtemps 4 lavance une résolution ferme, mais nous insistons d’une maniére toute par- ticuligre pour que vous ayez l’obligeance de nous renvoyer, aprés l’avoir affranchie et aprés avoir rayé l’une des deux formules, la carte postale que vous trouverez ci-incluse : Il est probable que j’ assisterat au Congres de Paris (avec . . . personnes de ma famille). ou: Il nest pas probable que j’assiste au Congrés de Paris. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 248, Ceci ne vous engagera en rien, 4 aucun point de vue, ni dans un sens ni dans l’autre ; cepen- dant Jes communications ultérieures ne seront adressées qu’aux personnes qui auront envoyé la premiére réponse. Toutes les communications deyront étre adressées: 4 M. Ch.-Ed. Guillaume, physicien du Bureau international des poids et measures, secrétaire pour l’étranger, au Pavillon de Bre- teuil, Sévres (Seine-et-Oise), ou & M. Lucien Poincaré, chargé de cours 4 l’Université de Paris, secrétaire pour la France, 105 bis boule- vard Raspail, Paris. Veuillez recevoir, M. l’assurance de nos sentiments les plus dévoués, Le Président du Comité @ organisation, CORNU, Membre de 1’Institut. Les Secrétaires : Cu.-Ep. GUILLAUME, au Pavillon de Breteuil, Sévres (Seine-et-Oise) ; Lucien POINCARE, 105 bis, boulevard Raspail, Paris. P.-S.—1° Nous vous serions particuliére- ment reconnaissants de vouloir bien commun- iquer la présente circulaire 4 toutes les personnes qui s’intéressent 4 la physique. 2° Nous prions MM. les Directeurs des journ- aux scientifiques de vouloir bien reproduire, au moins par extraits, la présente circulaire, et nous les remercions d’avance du concours qu’ils voudront bien nous préter. COMMISSION D’ORGANISATION. BUREAU. Président : M. Cornu (Alfred), membre de l'Institut et du Bureau des longitudes, professeur 4 1’Ecole poly- technique. Vice-Président : M. CAILuETet (Louis-Paul), membre de 1’ Institut. Secrétaires. MM. GUILLAUME, attaché au Bureau interna- tional des poids et mesures. POINCARE (Lucien), chargé de cours 4 la Sor- bonne. MM. D' p'ARSONVAL (Arsene), membre de |’ Institut et de l’Académie de médicine, professeur au Collége de MEMBRES. SEPTEMBER 29, 1899.] France, président de la Société internationale des électriciens. Le général BAssoT, membre de l'Institut et du Bureau des longitudes, chef du service de géodésie et d’astronomie au Service géographique de l’armée. BECQUEREL (Henri), membre de 1’Institut, pro- fesseur au Muséum d’histoire naturelle. BENOIT, directeur du Bureau international des poids et mesures. BIcHAT, professeur 4 la Faculté des sciences de Nancy. BLONDLOT, professeur 4 la Faculté des sciences de Nancy. Crova, professeur a la Faculté des sciences de Montpelier. JOUBERT (Jules), inspecteur de 1Instruction publique, membre du Comité consultatif d’électricite. LIPPMANN (Gabriel), membre de l'Institut, pro- fesseur 4 la Sorbonne. MAcE DE LEPINAY, professeur 4 la Faculté des sciences de Marseille. Mascarr (Eleuthére), membre de 1’Institut, directeur du Bureau central météorologique, profes- seur au Collége de France. MATHIAS, professeur 4 la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse. ' PELLAT (Henri), professeur 4 la Faculté des sci- ences de Paris, directeur du bureau de vérification des alcoométres au Ministére du commerce et de l'industrie. Portier (Alfred), membre de l’Institut, ingénieur en chef au corps des mines, professeur 4 VEcole na- tionale supérieure des mines. VIOLLE (Jules), membre de 1’Institut, professeur au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. We are able to publish the above announce- ment through the courtesy of Professor Wol- cott Gibbs, President of the National Academy of Sciences, to whom it was sent with the fol- lowing letter : Paris, le 17, juillet 1899. MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT : J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser, sous ce pli, la premiére circulaire relative au congrés international qui se réunira Vannée prochaine a Paris, sous les auspices de la Société frangaise de physique. Ce congrés, qui aura lieu au plus beau moment de )’Exposition universelle, alors que d’autres réunions similaires attireront 4 Paris des savants du monde eutier, offrira aux physiciens des su- jets d’intérét variés, et nous osons espérer qu’ils répondront trés nombreux 4 notre appel. SCIENCE. 461 A cette occasion, nous avons pris la liberté de nous addresser 4 vous, Monsieur le Président, pour vous priér de vouloir bien porter notre circulaire 4 la connaissance de votre Académie, et d’attirer sur elle l’attention de vos Collégues, Nous vous serions trés obligés aussi, de nous indiquer la meilléure marche 4 suivre pour qu’aucun d’eux, parmi ceux qui s’intéres- sent 4 la physique, ne soit oublié dans les con- vocations. Nous pourrions, suivant vos indica- tions, vous envoyer lenombre de circulaires que vous voudrez bien nous fixer, ou faire l’éxpédi- tion directement aux adresses que vous nous communiquerez. J’aurai ’honneur de vous adresser les cir- culaires ultérieures faisant connaitre de plus prés organisation du congrés et les questions qui y seront traitées, et au sujet desquelles votre avis nous serait dés maintenant trés précieux. Dans le cas ot votre Académie enverrait des délégués au congrés, je vous serais trés obligé de m’en communiquer la liste avant le 15 juillet 1900. En vous remerciant d'avance pour le con- cours que yous voudrez bien nous préter en cette circonstance, je yous prie d’agréer, Mon- sieur le Président, l’expression de ma consid: ération la plus distinguée. Pour le Comité d’ organisation, Le Secrétaire, Cu. Ep. GUILLAUME. MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT DE L’ACADEMIE, NATIONALE, WASHINGTON. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF AMERICAN FOOD MATERIALS. THE Office of Experiment Stations of the United States Department of Agriculture has recently published a Bulletin (No. 28—revised), by W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant, entitled ‘The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials.’ The introductory pages give a brief résumé of the history of that portion of chem- istry which pertains to the analysis of foods, especially American work of this nature. The different constituents of foods are defined and discussed. The methods of cutting up meats are explained and illustrated by dia- grams showing the position of the different cuts in the live and dressed animal. The larger. 462 portion of the Bulletin is devoted to the figures showing the chemical composition of the differ- ent articles of food. Asa rule only maximum, minimum and average figures are given, but in a few cases the individual analyses are quoted. The animal foods whose composition is given include the different cuts of beef, veal, mutton and pork; fish, shellfish, etce.; poultry, game, eggs and dairy products ; canned meats, soups, ete.; sausages and other manufactured products. The foods of vegetable origin include flour, meal, etc. ; bread, crackers and pastry ; sugar and starch; fresh and canned vegetables; pickles and condiments; fruits, fresh and pre- served; and nuts. Little information has hith- erto been available concerning the composition of some of these foods, for instance, nuts. The literature of the subject has been thor- oughly gone over and the present compilation is based upon over four thousand analyses. Many of these were in out-of-the-way publi- cations not readily accessible to students of the subject. Such a compilation is useful to specialists and also to those interested in nutrition from a more practical standpoint. With the aid of these figures it is possible to compare one food with another as a source of nutrients. The food value of any dietary may be computed if the amount of different foods consumed is deter- mined, and by comparing the dietary with commonly accepted dietary standards its rela- tive value may be seen. Analyses of foods have accumulated very rapidly in recent years, and it is probable that many more will be made in the near future. This Bulletin is designed to serve as a reference book until it shall be su- perseded by a more extended compilation. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. CHARLES P. DAty died on the 19th of Sep- tember in his 84th year. He had served forty- two years as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in the city of New York, and twenty- seven years as Chief Justice, his legal decisions being regarded as of the highest authority, many of them establishing precedents in questions of international importance. He had a wide sympathy and knowledge in many subjects of art, literature and science, and a memory and SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 248. facility which made him friends all over the world. He had been president of the American Geographical Society for thirty-six years, and honorary member of the Geographical societies of London, Berlin and Russia. He was largely instrumental in accumulating the fine library of the American Geographical Society, and in se- curing the endowment for its new home near the American Museum of Natural History of which he was also a member. He and Mrs. Daly were members of the Torrey Botanical Club, which they joined expressly in order to aid in the foundation of the New York Botanical Garden. It was largely due to their wide ac- quaintance with prominent and intellectual men and women that the gardens were incorpo- rated and endowed, and they were among the first and most liberal contributors. As one of the managers of the garden, Judge Daly had an active interest in its work, being always ready with advice and contributions to aid any of its enterprises. His death, following within one week that of Cornelius Vanderbilt, deprives New York of two of its most liberal citizens, and scientific institutions of friends and patrons, whose like is seldom seen. ADMIRAL WALKER, Professor Burr, of Colum- bia University, Colonel Haines and Colonel Ernst, of the Isthmian Canal Commission, have been abroad during the summer studying the plans and documents of the Panama Canal, at Paris, and examining the Kiel Ship Canal. They went later to England to visit the Man- chester Ship Canal, and expected to sail from Southampton for New York on September 23d. The Commission will leave New York probably about the beginning of November for Colon, and will make a careful study of the Panama, Nicaragua and other routes. As the daily papers report in great detail, Signor Marconi with several assistants, has ar- rived in America. He intends to report the yacht races for the newspapers, and afterwards to conduct experiments for the War and Navy Departments. Proressor A. W. Ricker, F.R.S., will de- liver an address on the occasion of the distribu- tion of medals at the Royal College of Science, . London, on October 5th. SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ] PROFESSORS WILLIAM LIBBEY and CHARLES McCuureE, members of the Peary Relief Expe- dition have returned to Princeton with valua- ble collections, both of vertebrates and inver- tebrates. Mr. W. D. Hunter, special agent of the Division of Entomology, Department of Agri- culture, has returned to Washington, after hay- ing studied the Turtle Mountain region in North Dakota and Manitoba, supposed to be a permanent breeding ground of the Rocky Mountain locust. This he found not to be the ease, and he thinks that the probable breeding ground is on the Assiniboine River, north and east of Regina, a region that will be investi- gated next season. On the occasion of the centenary of the Technical Institute at Charlottenburg, which will take place on October 19th, monuments to Siemens and Krupp will be unveiled. THE death is announced of M. Gaston Tiss- andier, well known as eronaut and writer on scientific topics, and founder and editor of the weekly scientific journal La Nature. He was 56 years of age. WE also regret to record the deaths of Pro- fessor Theodore Elbert, the German geologist, at the age of 42 years, and of Dr. Max Barth, director of the Agricultural Station of Rufach, in Alsace, at the age of 44 years. THE new institute, free library and Royal museum just erected at Canterbury was opened on September 11th by the mayor of that city, Alderman George Collard. The bulk of the cost is covered by a bequest of £10,000 left to the city by the late Dr. Beaney, of Melbourne, who was a native of Canterbury. The build- ing was used as the place of reception on the occasion of the visit of the members of the British and French Associations. Ir will be remembered that sometime since, Mr. J. M. Tata, of Bombay, offered a large sum for the establishment of a scientific research in- stitute in India. It appears that some condi- tions regarding a family settlement were at- tached, but these have now been withdrawn, and it is hoped that the government may be able to proceed with the establishment of the institute. SCIENCE. 463 THE building for the German Chemical So- ciety of Berlin, to be named Hofmannhaus, in memory of the great German chemist, is now in course of erection, and it is expected that the exterior will be finished before the winter. Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has given $50,000 for a free library of Dallas, Texas. Tue Texas Agricultural College and Experi- ment Station has been provided by the legisla- ture with a new building that will cost $31,000, and also with a dormitory costing $24,000. THE last session of the legislature of Utah made an appropriation of $6,000 for a State Experiment Station, which will be located in Washington county. It is to be supported en- tirely by State funds and will not be connected with the station at Logan. THE Allegemeine Wissenschaftliche Berichte learn from Christiana that the Norwegian Storthing will appoint a commission to award the first Nobel prize for the promotion of peace. The award will be made, as we have already stated, on December 10, 1901, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, and on the same day the cor- ner-stone will be laid of the Nobel Institute at Christiana. This Institute will have the dis- posal of 300,000 crowns and a yearly income of 50,000 crowns. It will be devoted especially to the study of international law, and will aim to draw students and lecturers from all nations. It appears from letters in the London Times that a syndicate bought up all the rooms in Dover for the weeks of the meeting of the British Association and sold them to members at extortionate rates. A CIVIL service examination will be held on October 17th with a view to filling the position of civil and electrical engineer in the engineer- ing department-at-large with a salary of $125 per month. In view of the occurrence of cases of the plague in the village of Koloboreka in the Russian Government of Astrakhan, the Prince of Oldenburg has been made President of a commission, consisting of members of the med- ical council and other experts which will carry out an investigation of the subject. An out- break of the plague is also reported at Asun- cion, Paraguay. 464 A stupy of the effect of pressure on the preservation of milk at the Experiment Station of West Virginia University gave such en- couraging results that the effect of the same agent in preserving fruits and fruit juices is be- ing studied now while these are in season. It is yet too soon to say whether the work will lead to a practical method for preserving these materials, but it may be said, however, that samples have been prevented from fermenting for five months; also that milk has been kept for three months and meats for seven months. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. Mr. Epwarp Tuck, of New York City, has given $300,000 to Dartmouth College to be used for purposes of instruction. By the will of Mrs. Mary D. Goddard, of Newton, Mass., $60,000 is given to Tufts Col- lege. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY has received from Mr. Stafford Little, of Trenton, N. J., $10,000 to endow a lectureship on themes connected with public life. Ex-president Cleveland will, during the coming year, deliver the first course of lectures. THE medical students of Bowdoin College will receive instruction during their last year at Portland, where suitable buildings are now be- ing erected, and where they will have improved clinical facilities. After 1900 the course will be four years in length, the first two years be- ing spent at Brunswick, and the second two years at Portland. THE following appointments are announced at Dartmouth College: Dr. Gorden F. Hull, of Colorado College, to be assistant professor of physics; Mr. George T. Moore, assistant in Harvard University, to be instructor in botany ; and H: H. Horne to be instructor in philosophy. SAMUEL AVERY, B.Sc. and A.M. (Nebraska). and Ph.D. (Heidelberg), for some years ad- junct professor of chemistry in the University of Nebraska, has accepted the professorship of chemistry in the University of Idaho. The po- sition left vacant at Nebraska has been filled by the appointment, as instructor, of Robert Silver Hellner, B.Sc., A.M., assistant chemist in the SCIENCE. [N. 8S. Vou. X. No. 248, Nebraska Experiment Station. Mr. Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher, B.Sc. (Nebraska), has been appointed successor to Mr. Hiltner. PROMOTIONS and changes, as follows, were made this year in the force of the Zoological Department at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Henry B. Ward, professor; Robert H. Wolcott, adjunct professor ; Albert B. Lewis, assistant instructor; Frank E. Watson, fellow and graduate assistant. Mr. PETER FIELD, fellow in mathematics in Cornell University, has been appointed professor of mathematics in Carthage College. Mr. Epwin HaAviLAnp, B.S. (Swarthmore, 1895), and A.M. (Cornell, 1899), has been ap- pointed assistant in mathematics in Swarthmore College. Proressor W. H. Squires, who holds the chair of psychology and pedagogics in Hamilton College, has been given a two years’ leave of absence, which he will spend in study in Ger- many, W. B. Elkin, Ph.D. (Cornell), Teachers College, Columbia University, has been ap- pointed acting professor. AT Brown University, Frederic P. Gorham, biology, Ralph W. Tower, chemical physiology, and Arthur E. Watson, physics, have been promoted to assistant professorships. FRANK T. DANIELS, assistant professor of civil engineering, at Tufts College, has resigned. JAMES P. C. SOUTHALL, of the University of Virginia, has been appointed instructor in physics at Hobart College; Lindsay Duncan has been made instructor in mathematics, sur- veying and draughting at Union College. At Smith College, Annie Lyons has been ap- pointed assistant in zoology. THE following appointments as instructors, at Lehigh University, have been made: Robert M. Wilson, E.E. (Cornell), Barry MacNutt M.S. (Lehigh), and J. 8. Viehe, E.H. (Lehigh), to be instructors in electrical engineering ; Her- man Schneider, B.S. (Lehigh), to be instructor in civil engineering, and Amasa Trowbridge, Ph.B. (Sheffield Scientific School), and chief engineer, U.S. S., Catskill, during the late war, to be instructor in mechanical engineering. SC TEE. EDITORIAL ComMitTTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwArp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurstTon, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. LE ConTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OSBORN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScUDDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. Britton, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. S. Binuines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. PowELL, Anthropology. Fripay, OcroBer 6, 1899. CONTENTS: Address by the President of the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science: SiR MIcH- AEL FOSTER..........:00cseeeeeeee sogonoE9bececbonbs0800e 465 The International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- ULIRQ> ooacnoono cegopendaDHDODHOOD bsuaodagoND coQSBoSGHRRg0N005 482 The American Association for the Advancement of Science :-— Section E.—Geology and Geography: PROFES- SOR ARTHUR HOLLICK..........c.ccseeecneceeeseeeeees 487 Scientific Books :— Trouessart’s Catalogus Mammalium: Dr. T. 8. PALMER. Bather on Blastoidea: CHARLES ScHUCHERT. Képpen’s Grundlinien der Mari- timen Meteorologie: RK. DEC. WARD. Till- man’s Descriptive General Chemistry, Torrey’s Elementary Studies in Chemistry: PROFESSOR Ep@Aar F. SmitH. Books Received...............- 491 Scientific Journals and Articles ..... 12.610 seceeereeeeeens 497 Discussion and Correspondence :— Naturalism and Philosophy: PROFESSOR W. K. Brooks. Medical Sciences in the University : PROFESSOR W. H. HOWELL...............-...02000008 497 Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. L. H.............- 499 The New College Presidents..........2.ssesccsesseeesreeees 500 LERPLOLeCliOM Offi BinS).02ea-\a nv sacecereeasseeseocesees 501 PEN COMPANLONS Of) POLATIS:.. -.nc -naecseneieccenaeceeserse 50L Scientific Notes and News.............s.+cceeceeesascovee «+ 502 University and Educational News.........2.cscceeeeeeees 504 MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE.* He who until a few minutes ago was your president said somewhere at the meeting at Bristol, and said with truth, that among the qualifications needed for the high honor of Presidency of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, that of being old was becoming more and more dominant. He who is now attempting to speak to you feels that he is rapidly earning that distinc- tion. But the Association itself is older than its President ; it has seen pass away the men who, wise in their generation, met at York on September 27, 1831, to found it; it has seen other great men who in bygone years served it as presidents, or otherwise helped it on, sink one after another into the grave. Each year, indeed, when it plants its flag as a signal of its yearly meeting, that flag floats halfmast high in token of the great losses which the passing year has brought. This year is no exception ; the losses, indeed, are perhaps unwontedly heavy. I will not attempt to call over the sad roll-call; but I must say a word about one who was above most others a faithful and zealous friend of the Association. Sir Douglas Galton joined the Association in 1860. From 1871 to 1895, as one of the General Secretaries, he bore, and bore to the great good of the Associa- * Dover Meeting, 1899. 466 tion, a large share of the burden of the Association’s work. How great that share was is perhaps especially known to the many men, among whom I am proud to count myself, who during his long term of office served in succession with him as brother General Secretary. In 1895, at Ipswich, he left the post of General Secre- tary, but only to become President. So long and so constantly did he labor for the good of the Association that he seemed to be an integral part of it, and meeting as we do to-day, and as we henceforward must do, without Douglas Galton, we feel some- thing greatly missing. This year, perhaps even more than in other years, we could have wished him to be among us; for to- day the Association may look with joy, not unmixed with pride, on the realization of a project in forwarding which it has had a con- spicuous share, on the commencement of an undertaking which is not only a great thing in itself, but which, we trust, is the begin- ning of still greater things to come. And the share which the Association has had in this was largely Sir Douglas Galton’s doing. In his address as President of Section A, at the meeting of the Association at Cardiff in 1891, Professor Oliver Lodge expounded with pregnant words how urgently, not pure science only, but industry and the constructive arts—for the interests of these are ever at bottom the same—needed the aid of some national establishment for the prosecution of prolonged and costly physical researches, which private enterprise could carry out in a lame fashion only, if at all. Lodge’s words found an echo in many men’s minds; but the response was for a long while in men’s minds only. In 1895, Sir Douglas Galton, having previously made a personal study of an institution analogous to the one desired—namely, the Reichsan- stalt at Berlin—seized the opportunity of- fered to him as President of the Association at Ipswich to insist, with the authority not SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 249. only of the head for the time being of a great scientific body, but also of one who himself knew the ways and wants at once of science and of practical life, that the thing which Lodge and others had hoped for was a thing which could be done, and ought to be done at once. And now to-day we can say it hasbeen done. The National Physical Laboratory has been founded. The address at Ipswich marked the begin- ning of an organized effort which has at last been crowned with success. A feeling of sadness cannot but come over us when we think that Sir Douglas Galton was not spared to see the formal completion of the scheme whose birth he did so much to help, and which, to his last days, he aided in more ways than one. It is the old story—the good which men do lives after them. Still older than the Association is this nineteenth century, now swiftly drawing to its close. Though the century itself has yet some sixteen months to run, this is the last meeting of the British Association which will use the numbers eighteen hun- dred to mark its date. The eyes of the young look ever forward ; they take little heed of the short though ever-lengthening fragment of life which lies behind them ; they are wholly bent on that which is to come. The eyes of the aged turn wistfully again and again to the past ; as the old glide down the inevitable slope their present becomes a living over again the life which has gone before, and the future takes on the shape of a brief lengthening of the past. May I this even- ing venture to give rein to the impulses of advancing years? May I, at this last meet- ing of the Association in the eighteen hun- dreds, dare to dwell for a while upon the past, and to call to mind a few of the changes which have taken place in the world since those autumn days in which men were saying to each other that the last ‘OCTOBER 6, 1899.] of the seventeen hundreds was drawing to- wards its end? Dover in the year of our Lord seventeen ’ hundred and ninety-nine was in many ways unlike the Dover of to-day. On moonless nights men groped their way in its narrow streets by the help of swinging lanterns and smoky torches, for no lamps lit the ways. By day the light of the sun struggled into the houses through narrow panes of blurred glass. Though the town then, as now, was one of the chief portals to and from the ‘countries beyond the seas, the means of travel were scanty and dear, available for the most part to the rich alone, and, for all, beset with discomfort and risk. Slow and uncertain was the carriage of goods, and the news of the world outside came to the town—though it from its position learnt more than most towns—tardily, fitfully, and often falsely. The people of Dover sat then much in dimness, if not in darkness, and lived in large measure on themselves. They who study the phenomena of living beings tell us that light is the great stimulus of life, and that the fullness of the life of a being or of any of its members may be measured by the variety, the swiftness, and the certainty of the means by which it is in touch with its surroundings. Judged from this standpoint life at Dover then, as indeed elsewhere, must have fallen far short of the life of to-day. The same study of living beings, however, teaches us that while from one point of view the environment seems to mould the organism, from another point the organism seems to be master of its environment. ‘Going behind the change of circumstances, we may raise the question, the old question, Was life in its essence worth more then than now? Has there been a real advance? Let meat once relieve your minds by say- ing that I propose to leave this question in the main unanswered. It may be, or it may not be, that man’s grasp of the beautiful and of the good, if not looser, is not firmer SCLENCE. 467 than it was a hundred years ago. It may be, or it may not be, that man is no nearer to absolute truth, to seeing things as they really are, than he was then. I will merely ask you to consider with me for a few minutes how far, and in what ways, man’s laying hold of that aspect of or part of truth which we call natural knowledge, or some- times science, differed in 1799 from what it is to-day, and whether that change must not be accounted a real advance, a real im- provement in man. I do not propose to weary you by what in my hands would be the rash effort of at- tempting a survey of all the scientific re- sults of the nineteenth century. It will be enough if for a little while I dwell on some few of the salient features distinguishing the way in which we nowadays look upon, and during the coming week shall speak of, the works of Nature around us—though those works themselves, save for the slight shifting involved in a secular change, remain exatcly the same—from the way in which they were looked upon and might have been spoken of at a gathering of philoso- phers at Dover in 1799. And I ask your leave to do so. In the philosophy of the ancients, earth, fire, air, and water were called ‘the elements.’ It was thought, and rightly thought, that a knowledge of them and of their attributes was a necessary basis of a knowledge of the ways of Nature. Trans- lated into modern language, a knowledge of these ‘ elements’ of old means a knowledge of the composition of the atmosphere, of water, and of all the other things which we call matter, as well as a knowledge of the general properties of gases, liquids, and solids, and of the nature and effects of com- bustion. Of all these things our knowledge to-day is large and exact, and, though ever enlarging, in some respects complete. When did that knowledge begin to become exact ? 468 To-day the children in our schools know that the air which wraps round the globe is is not a single thing, but is made up of two things, oxygen and nitrogen,* mingled to- gether. They know, again, that water is not a single thing, but the product of two things, oxygen and hydrogen, joined to- gether. They know that when the air makes the fire burn and gives the animal life, it is the oxygen in it which does the work. They know that all round them things are undergoing that union with oxygen which we call oxidation, and that oxidation is the ordinary source of heat and light. Let me ask you to picture to your- selves what confusion there would be to- morrow, not only in the discussions at the sectional meetings of our Association, but in the world at large, if it should happen that in the coming night some destroying touch should wither up certain tender structures in all our brains, and wipe out from our memories all traces of the ideas which cluster in our minds around the verbal tokens, oxygen and oxidation. How could any of us, not the so-called man of science alone, but even the man of business and the man of pleasure, go about his ways lacking those ideas? Yet those ideas were in 1799 lacking to all but a few. Although in the third quarter of the seventeenth century the light of truth about oxidation and combustion had flashed out in the writings of John Mayow, it came as a flash only, and died away as soon as it had come. For the rest of that century, and for the greater part of the next, phi- losophers stumbled about in darkness, mis- led for the most of the time by the phantom conception which they called phlogiston. It was not until the end of the third quarter of the eighteenth century that the new light, which has burned steadily ever since, lit up the minds of the men of science. The light *Some may already know that there is at least a third thing, argon. SOIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 249. came at nearly the same time from England and from France. Rounding off the sharp corners of controversy, and joining, as we may fitly do to-day, the two countries as twin bearers of a common crown, we may say that we owe the truth to Cavendish, to Lavoisier, and Priestley. Ifit was Priestley who was the first to demonstrate the exis- tence of what we now call oxygen, it is to Lavoisier we owe the true conception of the nature of oxidation and the clear exposition of the full meaning of Priestley’s discovery, while the knowledge of the composition of water, the necessary complement of the knowledge of oxygen, came to us through Cavendish and, we may perhaps add, through Watt. The date of Priestley’s discovery of oxygen is 1774, Lavoisier’s classic memoir ‘on the nature of the principle which enters into combination with metals during cal- cination’ appeared in 1775, and Caven- dish’s paper on the composition of water did not see the light until 1784. During the last quarter of the eighteenth century this new idea of oxygen and oxida- tion was struggling into existence. How new was the idea is illustrated by the fact that Lavoisier himself at first spoke of that. which he was afterwards, namely, in 1778, led to call oxygen, the name by which it has since been known, as ‘the principle which enters into combination.’ What diffi- culties its acceptance met with is illustrated by the fact that Priestley himself refused to the end of his life to grasp the true bear- ings of the discovery which he had made. In the year 1799 the knowledge of oxygen, of the nature of water and of air, and in- deed the true conception of chemical com- position and chemical change, was hardly more than beginning to be, and the century had to pass wholly away before the next great chemical idea, which we know by the name of the Atomic Theory of John Dal- ton, was made known. We have only to ‘OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] read the scientific literature of the time to recognize that a truth which is now not only woven as a master-thread into all our scien- tific conceptions, but even enters largely into the everyday talk and thoughts of educated people, was a hundred years ago struggling into existence among the philosophers them- selves. It was all but absolutely unknown to. the large world outside those select few. If there be one word of science which is writ large on the life of the present time, it is the word ‘electricity’; it is, I take it, writ larger than any other word. The knowledge which it denotes has carried its practical results far and wide into our daily ' life, while the theoretical conceptions which it signifies pierce deep into the nature of things. We are to-day proud, and justly proud, both of the material triumphs and of the intellectual gains which it has brought us, and we are full of even larger hopes of it in the future. At what time did this bright child of the nineteenth century have its birth? He who listened to the small group of philosophers of Dover, who in 1799 might have discoursed of natural knowledge would perhaps have heard much of electric ma- chines, of electric sparks, of the electric fluid, and even of positive and negative electricity; for frictional electricity had long been known and even carefully studied. Probably one or more of the group, dwell- ing on the observations which Galvani, an Italian, had made known some twenty years before, developed views on the con- nection of electricity with the phenomena of living bodies. Possibly one of them was exciting the rest by telling how he had just heard that a professor at Pavia, one Volta, had discovered that electricity could be produced not only by rubbing together par- ticular bodies, but by the simple contact of two metals, and had thereby explained Gal- vani’s remarkable results, For, indeed, as SCIENCE. 469 we shall hear from Professor Fleming, it was in that very year, 1799, that electricity as we now know it took its birth. It was then that Volta brought to light the apparently simple truths out of which so much has sprung. The world, itis true, had to wait for yet some twenty years before both the prac- tical and the theoretic worth of Volta’s dis- covery became truly pregnant, under the fertilizing influence of another discovery. The loadstone and magnetic virtues had, like the electrifying power of rubbed am- ber, long been an old story. But, save for the compass, not much had come from it. And even Volta’s discovery might have long remained relatively barren had it been left to itself. When, however, in 1819, Oersted made known his remarkable ob- servations on the relations of electricity to magnetism, he made the contact needed for the flow of a new current of ideas. And it is perhaps not too much to say that those ideas, developing during the years of the rest of the century with an ever-accelera- ting swiftness, have wholly changed man’s material relations to the circumstances of life, and at the same time carried him far in his knowledge of the nature of things. Of all the various branches of science, none perhaps is to-day, none for these many years past has been, so well known to, even if not understood by, most people as that of geology. Its practical lessons have brought wealth to many; its fairy tales have brought delight to more; and round it hovers the charm of danger, for the con- clusions to which it needs touch on the na- ture of man’s beginning. In 1799, the science of geology, as we now know it, was struggling into birth. There had been from of old cosmogonies, theories as to how the world had taken shape out of primeval chaos. In that fresh spirit which marked the zealous search after natural knowledge pursued in the middle 470 and latter part of the seventeenth century, the brilliant Stenson, in Italy, and Hooke, in our own country, had laid hold of some of the problems presented by fossil remains, and Woodward, with others, had labored in the same field. In the eighteenth century, especially in its latter half, men’s minds were busy about the physical agencies de- termining or modifying the features of the earth’s crust; water and fire, subsidence from a primeval ocean and transformation by outbursts of the central heat, Neptune and Pluto, were being appealed to, by Wer- ner on the one hand, and by Desmarest on the other, in explanation of the earth’s phe- nomena. The way was being prepared, the- ories and views were abundant, and many sound observations had been made; and yet the science of geology, properly so called, the exact and proved knowledge of the successive phases of the world’s life, may be said to date from the closing years of the eighteenth century. In 1783, James Hutton put forward in a brief memoir his ‘Theory of the Earth,’ which in 1795, two years before his death, he expanded into a book; but his ideas failed to lay hold of men’s minds until the century had passed away, when in 1802, they found an able expositor in John Play- fair. The very same year that Hutton pub- lished his theory, Cuvier came to Paris and almost forth with began, with Brongniart, his immortal researches into the fossils of Paris and its neighborhood. And four years later, in the year 1799 itself, William Smith’s tabular list of strata and fossils saw the light. Itis, I believe, not too much to say that out of these geology, as we now know it, sprang. It was thus in the closing years of the eighteenth century that was begun the work which the nineteenth century has car- ried forward to such great results. But at this time only the select few had grasped the truth, and even they only the begin- ning of it. Outside a narrow circle the SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 249. thoughts, even of the educated, about the history of the globe were bounded by the story of the Deluge—though the story was. often told in a strange fashion—or were guided by fantastic views of the plastic forces of a sportive Nature. In another branch of science, in that which deals with the problems presented by living beings, the thoughts of men in 1799 were also very different from the thoughts of men to-day. It isa very old quest, the quest after the knowledge of the nature of living beings, one of the earliest on which man set out; for it promised to lead him to a knowledge of himself, a promise which perhaps is still before us, but the fulfillment of which is yet far off. As time has gone on, the pursuit of natural knowledge has seemed to lead man away from himself into the furthermost parts of the universe, and into secret workings of Nature in which he appears to be of little or no account; and his knowledge of the nature of living things, and so of his own nature, has advanced slowly, waiting till the progress of other branches of natural knowledge can bring it aid. - Yet in the past hundred years, the biologic sciences, as we now call them, have marched rapidly onward. _ ' We may look upon a living body as a machine doing work in accordance with certain laws, and may seek to trace out the working of the inner wheels, how these raise up the lifeless dust into living matter, and let the living matter fall away again into dust, giving out movement and heat. Or we may look upon the individual life as a link in a long chain, joining something which went before to something about to come, a chain whose beginning lies hid in the farthest past, and may seek to know the ties which bind one life to another. As we call up to view the long series of living forms, living now or flitting like shadows, on the screen of the past, we may strive to OcTOBER 6, 1899.] lay hold of the influences which fashion the garment of life. Whether the problems of life are looked upon from the one point of view or the other, we to-day, not biologists only, but all of us, have gained a knowl- edge hidden even from the philosophers a hundred years ago. Of the problems presented by the living body viewed as a machine, some may be spoken of as mechanical, others as physical, and yet others as chemical, while some are, apparently at least, none of these. In the seventeenth century William Harvey, lay- ing hold of the central mechanism of the blood stream, opened up a path of inquiry which his own age and the century which followed trod with marked success. The knowledge of the mechanics of the animal and of the plant advanced apace, but the physical and chemical problems had yet to wait. The eighteenth century, it is true, had its physics and its chemistry ; but in relation at least to the problems of the living being, a chemistry which knew not oxygen and a physics which knew not the electricity of chemical action were of little avail. The philosopher of 1799, when he discussed the functions of the animal or of the plant involving chemical changes, was fain for the most part, as were his predecessors in the century before, to have recourse to such vague terms as ‘ fermenta- tion’ and the like ; to-day our treatises on physiology are largely made up of precise and exact expositions of the play of physical agencies and chemical bodies in the living organisms. He made use of the words ‘ vital force’ or ‘ vital principle’ not as an occa- sional, but as a common, explanation of the phenomena of the living body. During the present century, especially during its latter half, the idea embodied in those words has been driven away from one seat after an- other ; if we use it now when we are dealing with the chemical and physical events of life, we use it with reluctance, as a deus ex SCIENCE. 471 machina to be appealed to only when every- thing else has failed. Some of the problems—and those, per- haps, the chief problems—of the living body have to be solved neither by physical nor chemical methods, but by methods of their own. Suchare the problems of the nervous system. In respect to these the men of 1799 were on the threshold of a pregnant discovery. During the latter part of the present century, and especially during its last quarter, the analysis of the mysterious processes in the nervous system, and es- pecially in the brain, which issue as feeling, thought and the power to move, has been pushed forward with a success conspicuous in its practical, and full of promise in its theoretical, gains. That analysis may be briefly described as a following up of threads. We now know that what takes place along a tiny thread which we call a nerve-fiber differs from that which takes place along its fellow-threads, that differ- ing nervous impulses travel along different nervous-fibers, and that nervous and psy- chical events are the outcome of the clash- ing of nervous impulses as they sweep along the closely-woven web of living threads of which the brain is made. We have learnt by experiment and by observa- tion that the pattern of the web determines the play of the impulses, and we can al- ready explain many of the obscure prob- lems not only of nervous disease, but of nervous life, by an analysis which is a tracking out the devious and linked paths of nervous threads. The very beginning of this analysis was unknown in 1799. Men knew that nerves were the agents of feel- ing and of the movements of muscles ; they had learnt much about what this part or or that part of the brain could do ; but they did not know that one nerve-fiber dif- fered from another in the very essence of its work. It was just about the end of the past century, or the beginning of the pres- 472 ent one, that an English surgeon began to ponder over a conception which, however, he did not make known until some years later, and which did not gain complete demonstration and full acceptance until still more years had passed away. It was in 1811, in a tiny pamphlet published pri- vately, that Charles Bell put forth his ‘ New Idea’ that the nervous system was con- structed on the principle that ‘‘the nerves are not single nerves possessing various powers, but bundles of different nerves, whose filaments are united for the conveni- ence of distribution, but which are distinct in office as they are in origin from the brain.” Our present knowledge of the nervous system is to a large extent only an exem- plification and expansion of Charles Bell’s ‘New Idea,’ and has its origin in that. If we pass from the problems of the liv- ing organism viewed as a machine, to those presented by the varied features of the dif- ferent creatures who have lived or who still live on the earth, we at once call to mind that the middle years of the present cen- tury mark an epoch in biologic thought such as never came before, for it was then that Charles Darwin gave to the world the ‘Origin of Species.’ That work, however, with all the far- reaching effects which it has had, could have had little or no effect, or, rather, could not have come into existence, had not the earlier half of the century been in travail preparing for its coming. For the germinal idea of Darwin appeals, as to witnesses, to the results of two lines of biologic investi- gation which were almost unknown to the men of the eighteenth century. To one of these lines I have already re- ferred. Darwin, as we know, appealed to the geological record; and we also know how that record, imperfect as it was then, and imperfect as it must always remain, has since his time yielded the most striking SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249. proofs of at least one part of his general conception. In 1799 there was, as we have seen, no geological record at all. Of the other line I must say a few words. To-day the merest beginner in biologic study, or even, that exemplar of acquaint- ance without knowledge, the general reader, is aware that every living being, even man himself, begins its independent existence as a tiny ball, of which we can, even acknowl- edging to the full the limits of the optical analysis at our command, assert with confi- dence that in structure, using that word in its ordinary sense, it is in all cases abso- lutely simple. It is equally well known - that the features of form which ‘supply the characters of a grown-up living being, all the many and varied features of even the most complex organism, are reached as the goal of a road, at times a long road, of suc- cessive changes ; that the life of every being, from the ovum to its full estate, is a series of shifting scenes, which come and go, sometimes changing abruptly, sometimes melting the one into the other, like dissolv- ing views, all so ordained that often the final shape with which the creature seems to begin, or is said to begin its life in the world is the outcome of many shapes, clothed with which it in turn has lived many lives before its seeming birth. All or nearly all the exact knowledge of the labored way in which each living crea- ture puts on its proper shape and structure is the heritage of the present century. Al- though the way in which the chick is moulded in the egg was not wholly un- known even to the ancients, and in later years had been told, first in the sixteenth century by Fabricius, then in the seven- teeth century in a more clear and striking manner by the great Italian naturalist, Malpighi, the teaching thus offered had been neglected or misinterpreted. At the close of the eighteenth century the domi. nant view was that in the making of a crea- OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] ture out of the egg there was no putting on of wholly new parts, no epigenesis. It was taught that the entire creature lay hidden in the egg, hidden by reason of the very transparency of its substance, lay ready- made but folded up, as it were, and that the process of development within the egg or within the womb was a mere unfolding, a simple evolution. Nor did men shrink from accepting the logical outcome of such a view—namely, that within the unborn creature itself lay in like manner, hidden and folded up, its offspring also, and within that again its offspring in turn, after the fashion of a cluster of ivory balls carved by Chinese hands, one within the other. This was no fantastic view put forward by an imaginative dreamer ; it was seriously held by sober men, even by men like the illus- _ trious Haller, in spite of their recognizing that as the chick grew in the egg some changes of form took place. Though so early as the middle of the eighteenth cen- tury Friedrich Casper Wolff and, later on, others had strenuously opposed such a view, it held its own not only to the close of the century, but far on into the next. It was not until a quarter of the present century had been added to the past that Von Baer made known the results of researches which once and for all swept away the old view. He and others working after him made it clear that each individual puts on its final form and structure not by an unfolding of preexisting hidden features, but by the formation of new parts through the con- tinued differentiation of a primitively sim- ple material. It was also made clear that the successive changes which the embryv undergoes in its progress from the ovum to maturity are the expression of morphologic laws, that the progress is one from the gen- eral to the special, and that the shifting scenes of embryonic life are hints and to- kens of lives lived by ancestors in times long past. SCIENCE. 473: If we wish to measure how far off in biologic thought the end of the last century stands, not only from the end, but even from the middle of this one, we may imag- ine Darwin striving to write the ‘ Origin of Species’ in 1799. We may fancy him being told by philosophers explaining how one group of living beings differed from an- other group because all its members and all their ancestors came into existence at one stroke when the first-born progenitor of the race, within which all the rest were folded up, stood forth as the result of a creative act. We may fancy him listening to a de- bate between the philosopher who main- tained that all the fossils strewn in the earth were the remains of animals or plants churned up in the turmoil of a violent uni- versal flood, and dropped in their places as the waters went away, and him who argued that such were not really the ‘spoils of liv- ing creatures,’ but the products of some playful plastic power which out of the su- perabundance of its energy fashioned here and there the lifeless earth into forms which imitated, but only imitated, those of living things. Could he amid such sur- roundings by any flight of genius have beat his way to the conception for which his name will ever be known? Here I may well turn away from the past. It is not my purpose, nor, as I have said, am I fitted, nor is this perhaps the place, to tell even in outline the tale of the work of science in the nineteenth century. I am content to have pointed out that the two great sciences of chemistry and geology took their birth, or at least began to stand alone, at the close of the last century, and have grown to be what we know them now within about a hundred years, and that the study of living beings has within the same time been so transformed as to be to-day something wholly different from what it was in 1799. And, indeed, to say more would 474 be to repeat almost the same story about other things. If our present knowledge of electricity is essentially the child of the nineteenth century, so also is our present knowledge of many other branches of physics. And those most ancient forms of exact knowledge, the knowledge of numbers and of the heavens, whose beginning is lost in the remote past, have, with all other kinds of natural knowledge, moved onward during the whole of the hundred years with a speed which is ever increasing. I have said, I trust, enough to justify the state- ment that in respect to natural knowledge a great gulf lies between 1799 and 1899. That gulf, moreover, is a two-fold one: not only has natural knowledge been increased, but men have run to and fro spreading it as they go. Not only have the few driven far back round the full circle of natural knowledge the dark clouds of the unknown which wrap us all about, but also the many walk in the zone of light thus increasingly gained. Ifit be true that the few to-day are, in respect to natural knowledge, far re- moved from the few of those days, it is also true that nearly all which the few alone knew then, and much which they did not know, has now become the common knowledge of the many. What, however, I may venture to insist upon here is that the difference in respect to natural knowledge, whatever be the case with other differences between then and now, is undoubtedly a difference which means progress. The span between the science of that time and the science of to-day is beyond all question a great stride onwards. We may say this, but we must say it with- out boasting. For the very story of the past which tells of the triumphs of science bids the man of science put away from him all thoughts of vainglory—and that by many tokens. Whoever, working at any scientific prob- SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 249. lem, has occasion to study the inquiries into the same problem made by some fellow- worker in the years long gone by, comes away from that study humbled by one or other of two different thoughts. On the one hand he may find, when he has trans- lated the language of the past into the phraseology of to-day, how near was his forerunner of old to the conception which he thought, with pride, was all his own, not only so true but so new. On the other hand, if the ideas of the investigator of old, viewed in the light of modern knowledge, are found to be so wide of the mark as to seem absurd, the smile which begins to play upon the lips of the modern is checked by the thought, Will the ideas which I am now putting forth, and which I think explain so clearly, so fully, the problem in hand, seem to some worker in the far future as wrong and as fantastic as do these of my fore- runner to me? In either case his personal pride is checked. Further, there is written clearly on each page of the history of science, in characters which cannot be overlooked, the lesson that no scientific truth is born anew, coming by itself and of itself. Hach new truth is always the offspring of some- thing which has gone before, becoming in turn the parent of something coming after. In this aspect the man of science is unlike, or seems to be unlike, the poet and the artist. The poet is born, not made; he rises up, no man knowing his beginnings; when he goes away, though men after him may sing his songs for centuries, he himself goes away wholly, having taken with him his mantle, for this he can give to none other. The man of science is not thus creative ; he is created. His work, how- ever great it be, is not wholly his own; it is in part the outcome of the work of men who have gone before. Again and again a conception which has made a name great has come not so much by the man’s own effort as out of the fullness of time. Again ‘OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] and again we may read in the words of some man of old the outlines of an idea which in later days has shone forth as a great acknowledged truth. From the mouth of the man of old the idea dropped barren, fruitless; the world was not ready for it, and heeded it not; the concomitant and abutting truths which could give it power to work were wanting. Coming back again in later days, the same idea found the world awaiting it; things were in travail prepar- ing for it: and someone, seizing the right moment to put it forth again, leapt into fame. It is not somuch the men of science who make science, as some spirit which, born of the truths already won, drives the man of science onward and uses him to win new truths in turn. It is because each man of science is not his own master, but one of many obedient servants of an impulse which was at work long before him, and will work long after him, that in science there is no falling back. In respect to other things there may be times of darkness and times of light, there may be risings, decadences and revivals. In science there is only progress. The path may not be always a straight line, there may be swerving to this side and to that, ideas may seem to return again and again to the same point of the intellectual compass ; but it will always be found that they have reached a higher level—they have moved, not in a circle, but in a spiral. Moreover, science is not fash- ioned as is a house, by putting brick to brick, that which is once put remaining as it was put to the end. The growth of sci- ence is that of a living being. As in the embryo phase follows phase, and each member or body puts on in succession dif- ferent appearances, though all the while the same member, so a scientific conception of one age seems to differ from that of a fol- lowing age, though it is the same one in the process of being made ; and as the dim out- SCIENCE. 475 lines of the early embryo become, as the being grows more distinct and sharp, like a picture on a screen brought more and more into focus, sothe dim gropings and searchings of the men of science of old are by repeated approximations wrought into the clear and exact conclusions of later times. The story of natural knowledge, of sci- ence, in the nineteenth century, as, indeed, in preceding centuries, is, I repeat, a story of continued progress. There is in it not so much as a hint of falling back, not even of standing still. What is gained by scientific inquiry is gained forever ; it may be added to, it may seem to be covered up, but it can ~ never be taken away. Confident that the progress will go on, we cannot help peer- ing into the years to come and straining our eyes to foresee what science will be- come and what it will do as they roll on. While we do so, the thought must come to us, Will all the increasing knowledge of Nature avail only to change the ways of man —will it have no effect on man himself? The material good which mankind has gained and is gaining through the ad- vance of science is so imposing as to be obvious to everyone, and the praises of this aspect of science are to be found in the mouths of all. Beyond all doubt science has greatly lessened and has markedly narrowed hardship and suffering; beyond all doubt science has largely increased and has widely diffused ease and comfort. The appliances of science have, as it were, cov- ered with a soft cushion the rough places of life, and that not for the rich only, but also for the poor. So abundant and so promi- nent are the material benefits of science that in the eyes of many these seem to be the only benefits which she brings. She is often spoken of as if she were nseful and nothing more, as if her work were only to administer to the material wants of man. 476 Is this so? We may begin to doubt it when we reflect that the triumphs of science which bring these material advantages are in their very nature intellectual triumphs. The increas- ing benefits brought by science are the re- sults of man’s increasing mastery over Na- ture, and that mastery is increasingly a mastery of mind; it is an increasing power to use the forces of what we call inanimate nature in place of the force of his own or other creatures’ bodies; it is an increasing use of mind in place of muscle. Is it to be thought that that which has brought the mind so greatly into play has had no effect on the mind itself? Is that part of the mind which works out scientific truths a mere slavish machine producing results it knows not how, having no part in the good which in its working it brings forth? What are the qualities, the features of that scientific mind which has wrought, and is working, such great changes in man’s re- lation to Nature? In seeking an answer to this question we have not to inquire into the attributes of genius. Though much of the progress of science seems to take on the form of a series of great steps, each made by some great man, the distinction in sci- ence between the great discoverer and the humble worker is one of degree only, not of kind. As I was urging just now, the greatness of many great names in science is often, in large part, the greatness of occa- sion, not of absolute power. The qualities which guide one man to a small truth silently taking its place among its fellows, as these go to make up progress, are at bot- tom the same as those by which another man is led to something of which the whole world rings. The features of the fruitful scientific mind are in the main three. In the first place, above all other things, his nature must be one which vibrates in SCIENCE. (N.S. Vou. X. No. 249. unison with that of which he is in search; the seeker after truth must himself be truthful, truthful with the truthfulness of Nature. For the truthfulness of Nature is not wholly the same as that which man sometimes calls truthfulness. It is far more imperious, far more exacting. Man, unscientific man, is often content with ‘ the nearly’ and ‘the almost.’ Nature never is. It is not her way to call the same two things which differ, though the difference may be measured by less than a thousandth of a milligram or of a millimeter, or by any other like standard of minuteness. And the man who, carrying the ways of the world into the domain of science, thinks that he may treat Nature’s differences in any other way than she treats them her- self, will find that she resents his conduct ; if he in carelessness or in disdain overlooks the minute difference which she holds out to him as a signet to guide him in his search, the projecting tip, as it were, of some buried treasure, he is bound to go astray, and the more strenuously he strug- gles on, the farther will he find himself from his true goal. In the second place, he must be alert of mind. Nature is ever making signs to us, she is ever whispering to us the beginnings of her secrets; the scientific man must be ever on the watch, ready at once to lay hold of Nature’s hint, however small, to listen to her whisper however low. In the third place, scientific inquiry, though it be preéminently an intellectual effort, has need of the moral quality or courage—not so much the courage which helps a man to face a sudden difficulty as the courage of steadfast endurance. Al- most every inquiry, certainly every pro- longed inquiry, sooner or later goes wrong. The path, at first so straight and clear, grows crooked and gets blocked; the hope and enthusiasm, or even the jaunty ease, with which the inquirer set out, leave him OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] and he falls into a slough of despond. That is the critical moment calling for courage. Struggling through the slough he will find on the other side of the wicket-gate open- ing up the real path; losing heart he will turn back and add one more stone to the great cairn of the unaccomplished. But, I hear someone say, these qualities are not the peculiar attributes of the man of science, they may be recognized as be- longing to almost everyone who has com- manded or deserved success, whatever may have been his walk of life. That is so. That is exactly what I would desire to in- sist, that the men of science have no pecu- liar virtues, no special powers. They are ordinary men, their characters are common, even commonplace. Science, as Huxley said, is organized common sense, and men of science are common men, drilled in the ways of common sense. For their life has this feature. Though in themselves they are no stronger, no bet- ter than other men, they possess a strength which, as I just now urged, is not their own but is that of the science whose servants they are. Even in his apprenticeship, the scientific inquirer, while learning what has been done before his time, if he learns it aright, so learns it that what is known may serve him not only as a vantage ground whence to push off into the unknown, but also as a compass to guide him in his course. And when fitted for his work he enters on inquiry itself, what a zealous anxious guide, what a strict and, because strict, helpful school-mistress does Nature make herself to him! Under her care every inquiry, whether it bring the inquirer to a happy issue or seem to end in nought, trains him for the next effort. She so orders her ways that each act of obedience to her makes the next act easier for him, and step by step she leads him on towards that perfect obedience which is complete mastery. SCIENCE. ATT Indeed, when we reflect on the potency of the discipline of scientific inquiry we cease to wonder at the progress of scientific knowledge. The results actually gained seem to fall so far short of what under such guidance might have been expected to have been gathered in that we are fain to con- clude that science has called to follow her, for the most part, the poor in intellect and the wayward in spirit. Had she called to her service the many acute minds who have wasted their strength struggling in vain to solve hopeless problems, or who have turned their energies to things other than the in- crease of knowledge; had she called to her service the many just men who have walked straight without the need of a rod to guide them, how much greater than it has been would have been the progress of science, and how many false teachings would the world have been spared! To men of science themselves, when they consider their favored lot, the achievements of the past should serve not asa boast but asa reproach. If there be any truth in what I have been urging, that the pursuit of scientific inquiry is itself a training of special potency, giv- ing strength to the feeble and keeping in the path those who are inclined to stray, it is obvious that the material gains of science, great as they may be, do not make up all the good which science brings or may bring to man. We especially, perhaps, in these later days, through the rapid development of the physical sciences, are too apt to dwell on the material gains alone. As a child in its infancy looks upon its mother only as a giver of good things, and does not learn till in after days how she was also showing her love by carefully training it in the way it should go, so we, too, have thought too much of the gifts of science, overlooking her power to guide. Man does not live by bread alone, and science brings him more than bread. It is 478 a great thing to make two blades of grass grow where before one alone grew ; but itis no less great a thing to help a man to come to a just conclusion on the questions with which he has to deal. We may claim for science that while she is doing the one she may be so used as to do the other also. The dictum just quoted, that science is organized common sense, may be read as meaning that the common problems of life which common people have to solve are to be solved by the same methods by which the man of science solves his special prob- lems. It follows that the training which does so much for him may be looked to as promising to do much for them. Such aid can come from science on two conditions only. In the first place, this her influence must be acknowledged; she must be duly recognized as a teacher no less than as a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. And the pursuit of science must be followed not by the professional few only, but, at least in such measure as will ensure the in- fluence of example, by the many. But this latter point I need not urge before this great Association, whose chief object during more than half a century has been to bring within the fold of science all who would answer to the call. In the second place, it must be understood that the training to be looked for from science is the outcome not of the accumulation of scientific knowledge, but of the practice of scientific inquiry. Man may have at his fingers’ ends all the accomplished results and all the current opinions of any one or of all the branches of science, and yet remain wholly unscien- tific in mind; but no one can have carried out even the humblest research without the spirit of science in some measure resting upon him. And that spirit may in part be caught even without entering upon an actual investigation in search of a new truth. The learner may be led to old truths, even the oldest, in more ways than SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 249. one. He may be brought abruptly to a truth in its finished form, coming straight to it like a thief climbing over the wall ; and the hurry and press of modern life tempt many to adopt this quicker way. Or he may be more slowly guided along the path by which the truth was reached by him who first laid hold of it. It is by this latter way of learning the truth, and by this alone, that the learner may hope to catch something at least of the spirit of the scientific inquirer. This is not the place, nor have I the wish, to plunge into. the turmoil of controversy ; but, if there be any truth in what I have been urging, then they are wrong who think that in the schooling of the young, science can be used with profit only to train those for whom science will be the means of earning their bread. It may be that from the point of view of pedagogic art the ex- perience of generations has fashioned out of the older studies of literature an in- strument of discipline of unusual power, and that the teaching of science is as yet but a rough tool in unpracticed hands. That, however, is not an adequate reason why scope should not be given for science to show the value which we claim for it as an intellectual training fitted for all sorts and conditions of men. Nor need the studies of humanity and literature fear her presence in the schools, for if her friends maintain that the teaching is one-sided, and therefore misleading, which deals with the doings of man only, and is silent about the works of Nature, in the sight of which he and his doings shrink almost to nothing, she herself would be the first to admit that that teaching is equally wrong which deals only with the works of Nature and says nothing about the doings of man, who is, to us at least, Nature’s center. There is yet another general aspect of science on which I would crave leave to say OcTOBER 6, 1899.] a word. In that broad field of human life which we call politics, in the struggle not of man with man, but of race with race, science works for good. If we look only on the surface it may at first sight seem otherwise. In no branch of science has there during these later years been greater activity and more rapid progress than in that which furnishes the means by which man brings death, suffering and disaster on his fellow-men. If the healer can look with pride on the increased power which science has given him to alleviate human suffering and ward off the miseries of disease, the destroyer can look with still greater pride on the power which science has given him to sweep away lives and to work desolation and ruin: while the one has slowly been learning to save units, the other has quickly learnt to slay thousands. But, happily. the very greatness of the modern power of destruction is already becoming a bar to its use, and bids fair—may we hope before long ?—wholly to put an end to it; in the words of Tacitus, though in another sense, the very preparations for war, through the character which science gives them, make for peace. Moreover, not in one branch of science only, but in all, there is a deep undercur- rent of influence sapping the very founda- tions of all war. As I have already urged, no feature of scientific inquiry is more marked than the dependence of each step forward on other steps which have been made before. The man of science cannot sit by himself in his own cave weaving out results by his own efforts, unaided by others, heedless of what others have done and are doing. He is buta bit of a great system, a joint in a great machine, and he can only work aright when he is in due touch with his fellow-workers. If his labor is to be what it onght to be, and is to have the weight which it ought to have, he must know what is being done, not by himself, SCIENCE. 479 but by others, and by others not of his own land and speaking his tongue only, but also of other lands and of other speech. Hence it comes about that to the man of science the barriers of manners and of speech which pen men into nations become more and more unreal and indistinct. He recognizes his fellow-worker, wherever he may live, and whatever tongue he may speak, as one who is pushing forward shoulder to shoulder with him towards a common goal, as one whom he is helping and who is helping him. The touch of science makes the whole world kin. The history of the past gives us many examples of this brotherhood of science. In the revival of learning throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and some way on into the eighteenth century, the common use of the Latin tongue made intercourse easy. Insome respects in those earlier days science was more cosmopolitan than it afterwards became. , In spite of the difficulties and hardships of travel, the men of science of different lands again and again met each other face to face, heard with their ears, and saw with their eyes what their brethren had to say or show. The Englishman took the long journey to Italy to study there; the Italian, the Frenchman and the German wandered from one seat of learning to another ; and many aman held a chair in a country not his own. There was help, too, as well as in- tercourse. The Royal Society of London took upon itself the task of publishing nearly all the works of the great Italian Malpighi, and the brilliant Lavoisier, two years before his own countrymen in their blind fury slew him, received from the same body the highest token which it could give of its esteem. In these closing years of the nineteenth century this great need of mutual knowl- edge and of common action felt by men of science of different lands is being mani- 480 fested in a special way. Though nowadays what is done anywhere is soon known everywhere, the news of a discovery being often flashed over the globe by telegraph, there is an increasing activity in the direc- tion of organization to promote interna- tional meetings and international cooper- ation. In almost every science inquirers from many lands now gather together at stated intervals in international con- gresses to discuss matters which they have in common at heart, and go away each one feeling strengthened by having met his brother. The desire that in the struggle to lay bare the secrets of Nature the least waste of human energy should be incurred is leading more and more to the concerted action of nations combining to attack problems the solution of which is difficult and costly. The determination of standards of measurement, magnetic sur- veys, the solution of great geodetic prob- lems, the mapping of the heavens and of the earth—all these are being carried on by international organizations. Tn this and in other countries men’s minds have this long while past been greatly moved by the desire to make fresh efforts to pierce the dark secrets of the forbidding Antarctic regions. Belgium has just made a brave single-handed attempt ; a private enterprise sailing from these shores is struggling there now, lost for the present to our view; and this year we in England and our brethren in Germany are, thanks to the promised aid of the respective Governments, and no less to private liberality, in which this Association takes its share, able to begin the preparation of carefully organized expeditions. That international amity of which I am speaking is illustrated by the fact that in this country and in that there is not only a great desire, but a firm pur- pose, to secure the fullest cooperation be- tween the expeditions which will leave the two shores. If in this momentous attempt SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 249. any rivalry be shown between the two na- tions, it will be for each a rivalry, not in forestalling, but in assisting the other. May I add that if the story of the past may seem to give our nation some claim to the seas as more peculiarly our own, that claim bespeaks a duty likewise peculiarly our own to leave no effort untried by which we may plumb the seas’ yet unknown depths and trace their yet unknown shores? That claim, if it means anything, means that when nations are joining hands in the dangerous work of exploring the unknown South, the larger burden of the task should fall to Britain’s share ; it means that we in this country should see to it, and see to it at once, that the concerted Antarctic expe- dition which in some two years or so will leave the shores of Germany, of England, and, perhaps, of other lands, should, so far as we are concerned, be so equipped and so sustained that the risk of failure and dis- aster may be made as small, and the hope of being able not merely to snatch a hurried glimpse of lands not yet seen, but to gather in with full hands a rich harvest of the facts which men not of one science only, but of many, long to know, as great as pos- sible. Another international scientific effort de- mands a word of notice. The need which every inquirer in science feels to know, and to know quickly, what his fellow-worker, wherever on the globe he may be carrying on his work or making known his results, has done or is doing, led some four years back to a proposal for carrying out by in- ternational codperation a complete current index, issued promptly, of the scientific lit- erature of the world. Though much labor in many lands has been spent upon the un- dertaking, the project is not yet an accom- plished fact. Nor can this, perhaps, be wondered at, when the difficulties of the task are weighed. Difficulties of language, difficulties of driving in one team all the OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] several sciences which, like young horses, wish each to have its head free with leave to go its own way, difficulties mechanical and financial of press and post, difficulties raised by existing interests—these and yet other difficulties are obstacles not easy to be overcome. The most striking and the most encouraging features of the delibera- tions which have now been going on for three years have been the repeated expres- sions, coming not from this or that quarter only, but from almost all quarters, of an earnest desire that the effort should suc- ceed, of a sincere belief in the good of inter- national codperation, and of a willingness to sink as far as possible individual inter- ests for the sake of the common cause. In the face of such a spirit we may surely hope that the many difficulties will ulti- mately pass out of sight. Perhaps, however, not the least notable fact of international codperation in science is the proposal which has been made within the last two years that the leading acad- emies of the world should, by representa- tives, meet at intervals to discuss questions in which the learned of all lands are inter- ested. A month hence a preliminary meet- ing of this kind will be held at Wiesbaden ; and it is at least probable that the closing year of that nineteenth century in which science has played so great a part may at Paris during the great World’s Fair—which every friend, not of science only, but of hu- manity, trusts may not be put aside or even injured through any untoward event, and which promises to be an occasion not of pleasurable sight-seeing only, but also, by its many international congresses, of inter- national communing in the search for truth —witness the first select Witenagemote of the science of the world. I make no apology for having thus touched on international codperation. I should have been wanting, had I not done so, on the memorable occasion of this meet- SCIENCE. 481 ing. A hundred years ago two great na- tions were grappling with each other in a fierce struggle, which had lasted, with pauses, for many years, and was to last for many years to come; war was on every lip and in almost every heart. To-day this meeting has, by a common wish, been so arranged that those two nations should in the persons of their men of science draw as near together as they can, with nothing but the narrow streak of the Channel between them, in order that they may take counsel together on matters in which they have one interest and a common hope. May we not look upon this brotherly meeting as one of many sigus that science, though she works in a silent manner and in ways unseen by many, is steadily making for peace? Looking back, then, in this last year of the eighteen hundreds, on the century which is drawing to a close, while we may see in the history of scientific inquiry much which, telling the man of science of his shortcomings and his weakness, bids him be humble, we also see much, perhaps more, which gives him hope. Hope is indeed one of the watchwords ofscience. In the latter- day writings of some who know not science, much may be read which shows that the writer is losing or has lost hope in the future of mankind. There are not a few of these ; their repeated utterances make a sign of the times. Seeing in matters lying outside science few marks of progress and many tokens of decline or decay, recognizing in science its material benefits only, such men have thoughts of despair when they look forward to the times to come. But if there be any truth in what I have attempted to urge to-night, if the intellectual, if the moral influences of science are no less marked than her material benefits, if, more- over, that which she has done is but the earnest of that which she shall do, such men may pluck up courage and gather strength by laying hold of her garment. 482 We men of science at least need not share their views or their fears. Our feet are set, not on the shifting sands of the opinions and of the fancies of the day, but on a solid foundation of verified truth, which by the labors of each succeeding age is made broader and more firm. To us the past is a thing to look back upon, not with regret, not as something which has been lost never to be regained, but with content, as some- thing whose influence is with us still, help- ing us on our further way. With us, in- deed, the past points not to itself, but to the future; the golden age is in front of us, not behind us; that which we do know isa lamp whose brightest beams are shed into the unknown before us, showing us how much there is in front and lighting up the way to reach it. We are confident in the advance because, as each one of us feels that any step forward which he may make is not ordered by himself alone and is not the result of his own sole efforts in the pres- ent, but, is, and that in large measure, the outcome of the labors of others in the past, so each one of us has the sure and certain hope that as the past has helped him, so his efforts, be they great or be they small, will bea help to those to come. MicHart Foster. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIEN- TIFIC LITERATURE. REPORT OF THE PROVISIONAL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE. At the Second International Conference held in. October, 1898, Professors Arm- strong, Descamps and M. Foster, Dr. S. P. Langley, Professors Poincaré, Rucker, Waldeyer and Weiss were appointed to act as a Provisional International Committee, power being given to them to appoint sub- stitutes, if any of those named were un- able to serve, and also to co-opt two new members. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 249. The delegates attending the Conference were requested to take steps in their re- spective countries to organize local com- mittees charged with the study of all ques- tions relating to the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, and to report within six months to the Provisional International Committee. The delegates were also re- quested to obtain information and to report at an early date to the Provisional Inter- national Committee as to what assistance, by subscription or otherwise, towards the support of the Central Bureau may be ex- pected from their respective countries. The Provisional International Committee was instructed to frame a report, not later than July 31, 1899, which was to be issued by the Royal Society, and incorporated in the decisions of the Conference. The Committee decided to co-opt an Italian and a Russian member. The Rus- sian Government accepted the invitation, and, on the nomination of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Mons. Th. P. Koppen, Librarian of the Imperial Public Library, St. Petersburg, became a member of the Committee. The Committee received unofficial infor- mation that the Italian government pro- posed to nominate a delegate, but that he could not attend the present meeting of the Committee. Professor Waldeyer being unable to serve, the German government appointed Profes- sor Schwalbe in his place, but requested that he might be accompanied by Professor Klein their two delegates to have but one vote. The Committee met in London at the Rooms of the Royal Society on August 1-5, 1899. The following attended: Professor H. E. Armstrong, Sir M. Foster, Professor F. Klein, Mons. Th. P. Koppen, Professor H. Poincaré, Professor A. W. Rucker, Profes- sor B. Schwalbe, Professor E. Weiss. OcTOBER 6, 1899.] It was agreed—‘‘ That each country rep- resented on the Committee has only one vote.” Reports upon the scheme for the Inter- national Catalogue prepared by the Royal Society, framed in pursuance of Resolution 21, of the Conference of 1898, which had been forwarded from the following coun- tries, namely: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzer- land, United States of America, together with statements of the steps proposed to be taken for carrying out the Catalogue in India, Japan and Mexico, were received and fully considered by the Committee in the course of the meeting. A discussion then took place on the fol- lowing conditions, laid down by the German government, as those under which alone Germany was prepared to take part in the enterprise : 1. Die sachlichen Nachweise (subject entries) sollen wegfallen und in der unter III, 2 gegebenen Hinschrankung durch die Anwendung mehrfacher Ordnungssymbole ersetzt werden. 2. Bei der Festlegung der den Titeln im System zukommenden Platze durch Ord- nungssymbole soll im Allgemeinen die Regel gelten, dass jeder Titel nur an einer Stelle unterzubringen ist. 3. Dersachlich geordnete Theil der Buch- ausgabe soll in allen Disziplinen lediglich aus den Titeln zusammengestellt werden; und zwar ausnahmslos unter Voranstellung des Verfassernamens. 4. Die Zettelausgabe soll als offizieller Theil des Unternehmens wegfallen. 5. Die Beitrittserklarung soll zunachst nur auf funf Jahre erfolgen. = It was Resolved : 1. That the issue of a Card Catalogue be postponed for the present. 2. That a paper shall be entered in the Catalogue in more places than one only when this is rendered desirable by its scien- SCIENCE. 483 tific contents. No exact limits tothe num- bers of entries to be allowed to single papers can at present be fixed. This must be deter- mined by the Central Bureau after adequate experience. Untilsuch limits are determined, if the Central Bureau is of the opinion that in the returns made by any regional bureau the numbers of entries to single papers do not correspond to the scientific contents, _it shall be its duty to intervene; such in- tervention, however, to be based not on individual cases, but upon an average. As regards the order of arrangement of entries in the final sub-divisions, in general this shall be in accordance with authors’ names, except the subject demand other treatment. The English members thereupon made the following statement : The conditions under which the German Government agree to take part in the es- tablishment of the Catalogue, viz. : (a) That in general each title should be entered in one place only; and (8) That ‘subject entries’ and ‘signifi- cant words’ must not be used, differ so materially from the scheme for- mulated by the two Conferences, and so seri- ously affect the whole character of the en- terprise, that the English members feel that they have no power to accept them without consulting the Royal Society upon the matter. With respect to (a), if the condition be interpreted in accordance with the decision arrived at by the International Committee in Resolution 2 (see above), the difficulty is materially lessened. With respect to (8), however, they feel sure that the restriction of entries to titles only will so largely diminish the value of the Catalogue, bringing it below that of various indices and reports already exist- ing, and hence so lessen the sale as to ren- der the financial success of the enterprise extremely doubtful, if not impossible. They quite understand the reasons which have led the German Government to pro- 484 pose the restrictions in question, but they are of opinion that those reasons do not necessarily hold good for all countries. And the objections which they entertain to the proposal would be lessened if liberty were given to individual Regional Bureaux when they find it necessary or desirable, in one or more of the places in which a paper is referred to, to make use of modified titles describing the contents of the paper better than the title itself. The extent to which such use of modified titles can be made must, of course, be subject to the control of the International Catalogue Council. The English members cannot assume that even if it be thus changed, the conditions proposed by the German Government will be accepted by the Royal Society ; but they desire, before bringing the whole matter be- fore the Royal Society, to be informed of the views of the German Government in respect to the proposed change. Moreover, so grave a departure from the scheme for providing a Catalogue, which should unquestionably be the best of its kind, could only be recommended if all the principal countries also consent. In par- ticular, as the American delegate was un- fortunately unable to attend the Confer- ence, it will be necessary that the whole question at issue should be communicated to him, and that American opinion should be ascertained. The German delegates expressed their willingness to submit this statement to their Government. It was Resolved :—That separate sched- ules shall be provided for the following branches of science : . Mathematics. . Mechanics. . Physics. . Chemistry. . Astronomy. . Meteorology (including Terrestrial Magnet- ism). HSeHOaAnWe SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249: . Mineralogy (including Petrology and Crystal- lography). . Geology. . Geography (Mathematical and Physical). . Paleontology. . General Biology. . Botany. Zoology. Human Anatomy. . Physical Anthropology. . Physiology (including Psychology, Pharma- cology and Experimental Pathology). . Bacteriology. DP OVNO4erAoh a And that the branches of Science be indi- cated by the letters of the alphabet in con- secutive order as registration letters. Schemes for Physics, Mineralogy, Pe- trology, Crystallography, Geology, Paleon- tology, Geography, Botany, Zoology and Physiology were adopted; and schemes. for Mathematics, Mechanics, General Bi- ology, Chemistry, Human Anatomy, Psy- chology, Bacteriology, Physical Anthropol- ogy, Astronomy and Meteorology were also approved for adoption, subject to the intro- duction of minor alterations by Committees. to whom they were referred with the in- struction to complete such revision and re- turn the schemes to the Royal Society by the end of September at latest. A general introductory section common to. all sciences was adopted. It was agreed that complete lists of new species would be required in the case of sev- eral of the sciences. With reference to the cataloguing of the applications of science— It was Resolved :—That technical matters. of scientific interest shall be included in the catalogue, but shall be referred to under the appropriate scientific headings. It was Resolved :—That a general list of journals indexed in the Catalogue, with the abbreviations to be used as references, be issued with the first edition of the Cata- logue, and that a supplement giving the additions to this list be issued annually, OcTOBER 6, 1899. ] and a new edition at the end of five years. With regard to the frequency of publica- tion of the parts of the Catalogue, it was agreed : (1) That a volume in each subject be published at least once a year. (2) That it is desirable that in certain sciences there shall be a bi-monthly or quarterly issued of the Subject Catalogue. It was Resolved :—That the registration system proposed by the Royal Society be adopted for tentative use in the Catalogue ; and that an alphabetical key of the sched- ules of classification similar to that illus- trated in the Netherlands report shall be issued with each annual volume together with the appropriate schedule, printed in the official languages, to be supplied as may be required. The establishment of the Central Bureau having been considered : ‘(Tt was agreed to recommend that the Royal Society be requested to organize the Central Bureau and to do all work, includ- ing framing estimates and obtaining tenders, preliminary to the publication of the Cata- logue in 1901; but that it shall act in con- cert with the International Council so soon as this shall be established.” The English members of the Committee made the following statement with refer- ence to this resolution: Previous to the actual issue of the Cata- logue, the following money responsibilities must be incurred : (1) Initial expenses connected with the Central Bureau, such as securing rooms, furniture, payment of officials before the first issue, ete. (2) Contracts for printing the catalogue and other contracts which it may be neces- sary to make. With respect to the con- tracts, they could probably be obtained more cheaply if made for the whole of the five years for which the experiment of issuing SCIENCE. 485 the catalogue is to be tried. It would be very difficult to make, for one year only, contracts which may involve the purchase of new machinery, etc., by the printer. The total financial responsibility thus incurred cannot be estimated at less than £10,000. Moreover, it is possible, though we hope im- probable, that the scheme may fail, and that the various countries concerned may wish to abandon it. The question therefore arises, who is to be responsible for any sums which might in such a case be due to the printer, or to others with whom contracts had been made? The question has been raised whether the Royal Society would be willing to act in the matter. On this we must remark that even if the Society were to act as a Provisional Inter- national Council, no contracts can be signed until after the next Conference (presumably held at Easter, 1900) has decided whether bi-monthly or quarterly parts shall be issued, or whether the total sum to be spent annually shall be limited to a fixed amount. Hence, no great saving of time would re- sult even if the Royal Society were willing to take a very heavy responsibility. On the whole, therefore, we propose that if and when the regions represented on the Pro- visional International Committee have as- sented to its proposals, these proposals shall be communicated to all the countries repre- sented at the last Conference, that they shall be asked to organize their Regional Bureaux and nominate their representatives on the International Council in anticipation of the result of the next Conference, and that the International Council should meet imme- diately after the Conference. This International Council would then take up, together with the management, all the necessary financial responsibilities. Meanwhile the Royal Society would un- dertake all preliminary steps, obtain tenders, 486 and lay them before the International Coun- cil at its first meeting. If this would allow the first issue to take place early in 1901, the desired object will be gained, but no greater speed will be at- tained by entrusting more responsibility to the Royal Society as it could not make defi- nite contracts till after the next Conference. It was agreed that the resolution preced- ing this statement shall be interpreted in accordance therewith. The English members of the Committee undertook to bring the resolution under the notice of the Royal Society, and the other members to call the attention of their governments thereto. After full consideration, the following statement as to the financial position was adopted : The finances of the Catalogue will be controlled by the International Council, which, in accordance with regulations adopted by the International Conference of 1898 (Report 27, p. 11), will be bound to “make a report of its doings, and submit a balance sheet, copies of which shall be distributed to the several Regional Bu- reaux, etc.” The plan which seems the most generally favored is that the contributions of the Re- gional Bureaux shall take the form of un- dertakings to purchase a certain number of copies of the Catalogue annually. Various estimates point to the fact that the average contribution thus made by Regional Bu- reaux of the first rank (which may be called a whole share) will be equivalent to between one-eighth and one-tenth of the whole cost of producing the Book Catalogue. For the purposes of this report, sales to private persons are not considered, or are supposed to be included in the sum guaran- teed by each constituent country. Insome cases the Regional Bureau will probably sell to individuals, either directly or through a publisher, those volumes which it does not SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 249. dispose of to institutions, and will thus take the risk of the private sales. Whether this plan be adopted elsewhere or not, it is es- sential that the number of copies which constituent countries undertake to purchase shall together cover the cost of the produc- tion of the Catalogue. Taking the original estimate formed by the Royal Society, the cost of the Book Cat- alogue would be £5,600 annually, so that a whole share would be between £700 and £560 per annum. If the lowest remuner- ative number of sales is equivalent to 350 complete subscriptions at £16 each, this would mean that a whole share entailed the purchase of between 44 and 35 complete sets or an equivalent. These figures are, however, based upon assumptions which will require revision. The Card Catalogue will, no doubt, be abandoned, and itis proposed that it should be replaced by bi-monthly or quarterly is- sues. This, therefore, is an expense which has not been allowed for. The number of volumes has been increased from 16 to 17. There is also a general opinion that the es- timates of the number of papers to be dealt with on which the original financial esti- mates were based were too small. Until all these matters have been fully considered and fresh estimates prepared, it appears to be impossible to say more than that it is hoped that the cost of a whole share will not be very much greater than the original estimates. Estimates on the new conditions will be prepared and circulated during the autumn. There are, however, three other points to consider : ‘ It will be necessary to establish the Cen- tral Bureau and to appoint the officials some months before the first issue of the Catalogue begins. Funds for this purpose, which may be estimated at £2,500, are not included in the annual balance sheet which alone has been prepared. OcTOBER 6, 1899. ] Further, serious responsibility may also arise on the points referred to in the above statement of the representatives of the Royal Society. Again, if the subscriptions are paid at the end and not at the beginning of the first year, it will be necessary to borrow funds, the interest on which will be a charge on the undertaking. Again, if some countries refuse to form Regional Bureaux or to join in the enter- prise, their literature will have to be dealt with by the Central Bureau. The cost of this cannot be estimated until it is definitely known whether the International Catalogue will be universally supported. It was agreed that in reporting to the va- rious governments and bodies concerned, special stress should be laid on the impor- tance of organizing Regional Bureaux with- out delay. The English delegates were requested : (1) To have the schedules approved by this Committee reprinted and issued as soon as possible. (2) To prepare an amended estimate of the cost of the Catalogue. (3) To issue a complete programme based on the proceedings of the two Conferences and of this Committee. (4) To fully inform all countries whose cooperation is desired. It was agreed to recommend : (1) Thatan International Conference, to arrive at a final decision on all matters concerning the Catalogue, be held at Easter- tide, 1900. (2) That the delegates attending this Conference should be charged with full powers to determine both financial and other questions. (3) That those chosen to act on the In- ternational Council should be delegates to this Conference. It was agreed— “That the members of the Committee be _ SCIENCE. 487 requested to endeavor to obtain from their respective Governments authority to place themselves in direct communication with the Royal Society, as the official channel of communication for all further provisional correspondence on the subject of the Cata- ” logue. Henry E. Armstrone. M. Foster. F. Kern. Tu. P. Koppen. II. Porncarh. ArtTHUR W. RUCKER. B. ScHWALBE. E. WEIss. AvausT 5, 1899. SECTION E.—GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Tue address of the Chairman, Mr. J. F. Whiteaves on ‘The Devonian System in Canada’ has already been printed in Science. The papers presented were as follows : ‘The Geology of Columbus and Vicinity,’ Edward Orton, Columbus, Ohio. An informal presentation of the facts in connection with the geology of Columbus and vicinity, designed to suggest points, of special interest to the visiting geologists. One matter to which particular attention was called was the occurrence of bowlders of native copper, derived from the Keewenaw copper region. Blocks of Marquette iron ore have also been sparingly found. ‘Glacial phenomena of Central Ohio,’ Frank Leverett, Denmark, Ohio. A general description of the glacial and interglacial formations of Central Ohio, de- signed, in part, to cover the region in the vicinity of Lancaster, Ohio, to which an excursion was subsequently made. The formations recognized in the descrip- tion are : 1. The Illinoisan drift; 2. A soil and weathered zone (Sangamon) formed on 488 the surface of the latter; 3. A silt deposit, probably of Iowan age, which caps the weathered surface of the Illinoisan drift ; 4. The Wisconsin drift with its several moraines. Lobation of the ice sheet in the Scioto basin; direction of striz, and changes of drainage produced by glaciation are also discussed. ‘ Lateral Erosion at the Mouth of the Niagara Gorge,’ G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin, Ohio. The results of an accurate survey of the east face of the gorge are given, affording an opportunity to compare the present face of the gorge with that presented in 1854 and furnishing a standard datum for future com- parisons. The rate of erosion thus de- termined seems to favor shorter chronol- ogies for the age of the gorge. ‘Age and Development of the Cincinnati Anticline,’ August F. Foerste, Dayton, Ohio. Along the axis of the Cincinnati anticline, from Stanford in Lincoln County to near Lebanon in Marion County, Kentucky, the Devonian rests on the Ordovician. On the western flank of the anticline the Devonian rests, first on the lowest member of the Si- lurian (the Clinton) then on the succes- sively higher members, the Niagara, Osgood shale, Laurel limestone, Waldron shale and Louisville limestone. On the eastern flank it rests first upon the Clinton next upon the Osgood shales. The formation of the anti_ cline began previous to the deposition of the Devonian. Its growth was arrested during late Silurian and early Devonian times and a large area above sea level was reduced to,a peneplain. On this peneplain the Devonian limestone was subsequently deposited, but unevenly, owing to the ine- qualities of the peneplain. The Devonian black shale however was deposited over the entire anticline. This formation con- tains marine fossils at its base and land plants over the anticline region. These are generally believed to be the remains of the SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249. earliest land plants. After the deposition of the Devonian the folding continued, the maximum taking place in post-Devonian times. The facts seem to indicate that the anticline was not in existence during Clin- ton and Osgood times, but that it began in late Silurian to early Devonian time and had its maximum development ia post-De- vonian time. ‘The Silurian-Devonian Boundary in North America,’ Henry 8. Williams, New Haven Conn. ‘The Section at Schoharie, N. Y., John J. Stevenson, New York, N. Y. ‘The Geological Results of the Indiana. Coal Survey,’ George H. Ashley, India- napolis, Ind. “The Cape Fear Section in the Coastal Plain,’ J. A. Holmes, Chapel Hill, N. C. ‘Triassic Coal and Coke of Sonora, Mexico,’ E. T. Dumble, Houston, Tex. ‘Some Geologic Conditions Favoring Water Power Developments in the South Atlantic Region,’ J. A. Holmes, Chapel Hill, N. C. The ‘ fall line’ between the coastal plain and the Piedmont plateau is the zone where the most favorable geologic conditions for the development of water power are found. In the region of the crystalline schists the lesser geologic boundary lines, separating belts of slates, schists, granites, etc.; shear- ing lines or zones and fault lines, supply favorable conditions on a smaller scale. Within certain areas of bedded or schistose rocks, variations in the composition and obduracy of the rock masses furnish suita- ble conditions. (a) ‘ Paropsonema: A Peculiar Echino- derm from the Intumescens Fauna, New York.’ (6) ‘Remarkable Occurrence of Ortho- ceros in the Oneonta Sandstones of New York.’ (ec) ‘The Squaw Island Water Biscuit, Canandaigua Lake, New York.’ OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] John M. Clarke, Albany, N. Y. Paropsonema represents an extraordinary type of echinoderm structure. It is be- lieved to be an echinoid. The description was illustrated with drawings. Extending over several square miles in the Chenango Valley, N. Y., a stratum of Oneonta sandstone occurs, in which are found thousands of Orthocerata standing erect and perpendicular to the bedding planes. They are the only truly marine organisms in the-sandstone. Specimens were shown. The so-called ‘water biscuit’ are proba- bly concretions due to the effect of aquatic vegetation of low order, producing a pre- cipitation of lime from the water. Speci- mens were shown. ‘The Pot Holes of Foster’s Flats (now called Niagara Glen) in the Niagara River,’ Miss Mary A. Fleming, Buffalo, N. Y. The discovery of pot holes at Foster’s Flats is recorded, together with their loca- tion and the general appearance of the sur- roundings. They occur in large fragments which have fallen from the adjacent cliffs and were apparently formed while the frag- ments were part of the cliffs. ‘A Consideration of the Interpretation of Unusual Events in Geologic Records, Illus- trated by Recent Examples,’ Frederick W. Simonds, Austin, Tex. An examination of geologic reports shows that, as a rule, the working geologist devotes too little time to the interpretation of events, while recording facts. The value of strati- graphic work is not questioned, but the value of interpretation should not be underesti- mated. Proper interpretation of unusual events is not only difficult, but an improper interpretation may be exceedingly mislead- ing and be conducive to error in other directions. ‘The Pre-Lafayette (Tennessean) Base- level,’ W J McGee, Washington, D. C. The most extensive base-level of the North SCIENCE 489 American continent is that preserved in part as an unconformity beneath the La- fayette formation, and in part as a some- what dissected surface, extending inland from the margin of the formation. This base-level is the record of a vast period of approximate continental stability, which has been called the Tennessean. ‘The Relative Ages of the Maumee Glacial Lake and the Niagara Gorge,’ Chas. E. Slocum, Defiance, Ohio. The time thought necessary for the erod- ing of the Niagara Gorge has been short- ened by recent observers until now 7,000 to 7,500 years is believed to be sufficient. The Ice Age was probably well over before the waters began to erode the gorge. The level of Lake Erie has been little, if any, lowered by the gorge. The Maumee Glacial Lake was well drained before the Niagara River channel was worn, and the ice must have disappeared from the Lake Hrie region previous to this—that is to say the Maumee Glacial Lake may have existed several thousand years before the erosion of the Niagara gorge began. ‘The Galt Moraine and Associated Drain- age,’ F. B. Taylor, Fort Wayne, Ind. In Canada, west of Lake Ontario, extend- ing northeast from Paris, past Galt to Credit Forks, is about fifty miles of moraine, called the Galt moraine, and fragments of two others to the west and east. The Galt moraine in its northern part is on or close to the escarpment which runs north from Hamilton. A large river carried the glacial waters to the southwest along the front of the moraine in its early stages of formation. The bed of this river is well marked. As the ice receded the moraine was deposited, the river changed its course and for a time ran between the ice and the moraine. For several miles the bed is on the brink of the escarpment. Along that part there is no bank on the east side of the bed, but a descent of over 200 feet to the Credit river. 490 Further down, the river turned to the west, cut a deep channel through the moraine and joined its earlier bed at Eden Mills. In the earlier stages of the moraine the river took a southwest course from Preston past Ayr, but in the last stages a lower course was found through the moraine, longitudi- nally past Galt and Paris. In most of its course the flow was rapid enough to carry away most of the drift and leave the lime- stone ledges bare. In the broader portions it deposited cobble stones and gravel. Drum- lins cover the northern part of the area in question. Further work will be necessary to show the relation between the moraines and those of western New York or those of the west side of the Ontario peninsula. ‘Glacial and Modified Drift in Minne- apolis, Minn.,’ Warren Upham, St. Paul, Minn. Red drift from the Lake Superior region is overlapped by bluish drift from the Red River valley and Manitoba. The final melting of the ice sheet laid bare the area occupied by glacial Lake Hamline, just east of Minneapolis, between tract of ice thus flowing from northeast and northwest. In the eastern part of Minneapolis a ter- minal moraine, consisting mostly of north- eastern drift, was formed in the border of the western ice tract. It is evidence that the glacial current from the west pushed back that from the east, near the close of the Ice Age. The sand plain of the Missis- sippi Valley here was deposited near the front of the ice, when it retreated westward from this moraine, and a wide esker ridge, two miles long, formed at the same time, lies in the southwest part of the city. Fre- quent banding and intermingling of the red and bluish tills indicate that they were englacial. ‘The Ozarkian and its Significance in Theoretic Geology,’ Joseph Le Conte, Berkeley, Cal. The name Ozarkian was coined to com- SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249. memorate the erosive work in the Ozark Mountain region during a long and impor- tant epoch directly preceding the ice inva- sion of the Quaternary. The Ozarkian is characterized by elevation and erosion, the Glacial by ice accumulation and drift de- posits, the Champlain by depression and stratified deposits. During the earth’s his- tory there have been certain well defined critical periods, characterized by great and widespread changes in the earth’s crust, in its climate, or in its organic forms. They separate the primary divisions or eras of geologic time (Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Ceno- zoic), and such another era I am convinced is now commencing, which I have called the Psychozoic. The Quaternary period repre- sents the critical or transition period be- tween the Cenozoic and Psychozoic Eras, when man was introduced. The Ozarkian is the first epoch of this critical period. Man subsequently became established as the dominant factor in the earth’s life history and the Psychozoic era began. ‘The Discovery of New Invertebrates in the Dinosaur Beds of Wyoming,’ Erwin H, Barbour and W. C. Knight, Lincoln, Nebr, Some eight or ten new invertebrates, all apparently fresh water forms, recently dis- covered in the Dinosaur beds of Wyoming tend to confirm the belief that these beds are of fresh-water origin. The writer also noted about six species of lamellibranchs and gasteropods. Associated with the in- vertebrates are also crocodilian teeth and bones. ‘The Rapid Decline of Geyser Phenomena in the Yellowstone National Park,’ Erwin H. Barbour, Lincoln, Nebr. To those who visit the geyser region fre- quently the rapid decline of geyser activity seems startling. From superficial observa- tion it seems safe to assume that if the de- cline of activity noted during the past four years should continue for the next eight or ten years the features which most impress OcTOBER 6, 1899. ] the geologist will have disappeared. At the mammoth hot springs the activity is not one-tenth that of former times, Minerva Terrace having become extinct (since 1895); the discharge from Pulpit and Jupiter Ter- races having greatly declined during the same period and the Narrow Gauge—a fis- sure vent—and other attractions, having become all but extinct. Roaring Mountain is now silent though steaming. In the Norris Geyser Basin the Black Growler is less active. In the Lower Basin the splendid Fountain Geyser is extinct, with a feeble substitute near by, called the Dewey. The Giant Paint Pots are greatly contracted in size—the pink half being extinct. In the Upper Basin some of the better known as well as many of the lesser geysers are ex- tinct or supposed to be. Among these are the Splendid Geyser and the Beehive Gey- ser. The Grand Geyser, which used to erupt daily, now erupts irregularly about three times a season. The Cascade, which erupted about every quarter of an hour in 1895 now erupts once a day. The general impression of frequenters of the Park is that the changes are serious and much more rapid than is generally believed. ‘Greatest Area and Thickness of the North American Ice Sheet,’ Warren Up- ham, St. Paul, Minn. From the overlapping and intermingling of the drift deposits the indications are that the ice sheet at its culmination reached continuously across the continent from New England to British Columbia or southeast- ern Alaska, interrupted only in its southern part by the projecting ranges of the Rocky Mountains. The conclusions of Dr. G. M. Dawson that the Cordilleran glaciation mainly preceded the glaciation of the Laur- entine region and of the great plains stretch- ing westward nearly to the Rocky Moun- tains, and that the maximum extension of the Laurentide ice sheet was attended by a depression of the Cordilleran region, with a SCIENCE. 49} subsequent elevation of about 5,300 feet, is not apparently borne out by the facts. The probabilities seem to be that the Cor- dilleran and Laurentide ice sheets, having been each accumulated because of high con- tinental altitude much exceeding that of the present time, were confluent along the east side of the Rocky Mountains, a continu- ous ice sheet at the north extending from the east to the west side of the continent. In Minnesota and North Dakota observa- tions on each side of the Glacial Lake Agassiz oppose the view of Tyrrell that the Laurentide ice sheet was preceded by a Keewatin ice sheet. Facts in connection with glacial lake deltas and overlapping drift deposits demonstrate contemporaneous glaciation meeting from the northwest and northeast. There is also evidence that the northwestern ice field, belonging to the Keewatin of Tyrrell, pushed back the north- eastern ice field, referable to the Lauren- tide, showing that there the greatest exten- sion of the Keewatin was later. From the northwest and northeast, however, the two ice fields were confluent. This great ice sheet northward, as evidenced by the height. of mountain glaciation, attained a maxi- mum thickness of one to two miles nearly across the continent, the thickness being greatest upon the Laurentide highlands. ArTHUR HOLL LIcK, CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Secretary. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quam fos- silium. By Dr. E. L. TRovgEssart. Berlin, R. Friedlander & Sohn. New ed., fasciculus VI., Appendix and Index, 1899, 8° pp. 1265— 1469. Price of complete work 66 Marks. The completion of the great ‘Catalogus Mammalium’ which Dr. Trouessart has been publishing in parts during the past two years marks an epoch in systematic work in mam- mals. Previous catalogues, incomplete at best, have been restricted either to living or extinct forms, so that zoologists have been obliged to 492 SCIENCE. consult one set and paleontologists another. But as Professor Osborn has recently re- marked: ‘‘ Among the vertebrates the separa- tion of the living and extinct forms is at present a calamity. Zoologists must become familiar with paleontology whether they prefer to do so or not. It is impossible, for example, to under- stand the modern races of dogs without study- ing the Oligocene races and their ancestors.’’* Dr. Trouessart has sought to remedy this defect by bringing together in one list all the species of mammals, living and extinct, which have been described between 1758 (the date of publica- tion of the 10th edition of the ‘Systema Nature’ of Linnaeus) and the close of the year 1898—a period covering exactly a century and a half. The first three parts of this catalogue have already been reviewed in these pages ;+ without attempting to treat the others with the same detail, attention may be called to a few points which are suggested more especially by the last brochure. The catalogue proper consists of 5 parts containing 1,264 pages, while fasciculus VI. is devoted entirely to addenda and corri- genda (94 pp.) and a closely printed 3 column index of 109 pages. The index has some 16,827 entries indicating that over 16,000 names have been listed; of these 2,977 are generic and 138,850 specific. The total number of recognized genera and sub- genera is 1,840; of recognized species about 7,500. These numbers are significant as an index of progress in the study of mammals. In 1758, 39 genera and 183 species were described by Linnaeus; in 1798 the total number of recognized genera was less than 100 of which only 1 was extinct ; while in 1898 the number of genera and subgenera recognized by Troues- sart is 1,840. This rapid increase in names within the present century has resulted from the more thorough exploration of all parts of the globe, more careful study of improved ma- terial, and especially from the marvelous de- velopment in our knowledge of extinct forms. Naturally the naming of so many species has presented many difficulties and even a super- ficial examination of the catalogue shows many *ScrENCE, N.S., X., p. 171, August 11, 1899. TScIENCE, N. S., VI., pp. 68-69, July 9, 1897; VII., pp. 30-33, January 7, 1898. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249; curiosities of nomenclature. The names vary in length from one to ten syllables, the shortest being Mus rex and the longest Brachydiastema- totherium transsylvanicum. The tendency to re- peat favorite specific names in many groups is very noticeable; major has been applied to 51 species, intermedius to 54, robustus to 56, gracilis to 65, and minor to 71. Many species have been named in honor of eminent naturalists ; the zoologists who have had a dozen or more mammals named after them are: Blanford, 12; Allen, Gray and Lartet each, 13; Gervais and Owen, 15; Geoffroy, 17; Gaudry, 20; Milne Edwards, 21 ; and Cuvier, 28. That such a catalogue necessarily contains some errors is self-evident, but the wonder is that there are not more of them. There are of course omissions (e. g., a genus, subgenus and 5 species of phyllostome bats described by Miller in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy Science, in July, 1898) ; errors in the authority of genera and species and in the au- thors of papers (e. g., in crediting Bailey’s ‘ List of Mammals of the District of Columbia’ to Bangs); adoption of the wrong names for groups, thus differentiating forms which are identical while reducing others to synonomy which are really distinct. But the care which the author has taken to eliminate errors of all kinds is shown by the voluminous appendix of 94 pages devoted to corrections and additions of genera and species which were omitted, or which have been described during the two years in which the catalogue has been passing through the press. The most serious defect in the catalogue seems to be in the treatment of genera. Refer- ences are so seldom given that it is difficult to consult the original descriptions. Moreover the 2,977 generic names indexed probably do not represent much more than 65 per cent. of those actually published, so that in some cases names which have the best claim to adoption are not even mentioned. It should be stated that the author’s aim has been to adopt the best known or most generally used name for a genus, on the plea that the work would thus be more gener- ally useful—in short he has in many cases fol- lowed the auctorum plurimorum rule rather than the law of priority. He has thus been led to OcTOBER 6, 1899. ] adopt some names which are preoccupied, but in this respect there is a marked improvement in the latter part of the catalogue. The selec- tion of the best known designation, regardless of whether the name is preoccupied or ante- dated, is likely to lead to more trouble than convenience in the long run. Changes in names are always objectionable, particularly in higher groups, but it is safe to say that nearly 5 per cent. of all the genera and subgenera in this catalogue are likely to undergo change within afew years. Dr. Trouessart might have prevented much trouble for students in future by making the changes now demanded by the law of priority. Even if he preferred to adopt the other course in the body of the list, a table might have been inserted in the appendix showing the earliest names of groups for which he had selected the best known designation, but even this seems to have been impracticable on account of the undue length of the appendix. Without attempting to give sucha table here, it will suffice to illustrate this point by men- tioning 50 genera and subgenera which have not been corrected in the appendix. It should be explained, however, that these do not by any means include all the names which rest on an unstable basis. Full references are added, as some of the genera are not given in the catalogue, although the majority of them are mentioned in synonymy with merely authorities and dates. Page 4. For Siamanga, 1843—substitute Sym- phalangus Gloger, Hand- u. Hilfsb. Natur- gesch., I., p. 34, 1841. P. 44. For Brachyurus,* 1823—Cacajao Les- son, Species des Mamm., pp. 181-183, 1840. * Trouessart’s Brachyurus contains two subgenera : A, Ouakaria Gray, 1849 and B, Brachyurus. Since Brachyurus Spix, 1823, is preoccupied by Brachyurus Fischer, 1813, a group of field mice, the genus be- comes Cacajao Lesson, 1840, and subgenus A, Ouakaria also becomes Cacajao both being based on Simia me- lanocephala. Subgenus B, Brachyurus including the redfaced species, if really worthy of separation, ap- parently requires a new, name and may be called Cothurus (docked tail). Quakaria is not available for this group as it has already been restricted to the blackheaded forms and Cercoptochus Gloger, 1841, based on the uakaris in general, must be restricted to the same group since it was proposed before any of the redfaced species had been described. SCIENCE. 493 P. 44. For subgenus Brachyurus Trouessart— Cothurus nom. noy. Type Brachyurus calvus Geoff. P. 46. For Chrysothrix, 1835—Saimiri Voigt, Cuvier’s Thierreich, I., p. 95, 1831. P. 47. For Nyctipithecus, 1823—Aotus Hum- bolt, Recueil Obs. Zool. Anat. Comp., I., pp. 806-811, 358, 1811. P. 62. For Cheiromys, 1799—Daubentonia Geoffroy, Décad. Philos., IV., p. 193, 1795. P. 66. For Hemigalago, 1857—Galagoides Smith, 8. Afr. Quart. Journ., 2dser., II., p. 32, 1833. P. 84. For Cynonycteris, 1852—Rousettus Gray, London Med. Repos., XV., p. 299, 1821. P. 90. For Megaloglossus,* 1885—Trygenyc- teris Lydekker, in Flower & Lydekker’s, Mamm. Living & Extinct, p. 655, 1891. P. 185. For Furia,* 1828—Furipterus Bona- parte, Icon. Fauna Italica, I., fase. X XI. (under Plecotus auritus), 1837. P. 149. For Mystacina,* 1843—Mystacops Lydekker, in Flower & Lydekker’s, Mamm., Living & Extinct, p. 671, 1891. P. 152. For Macrotus,* 1848—Otopterus. Lydekker, in Flower & Lydekker’s, Mamm., Living & Extinct, p. 678, 1891. P. 153. For Lophostoma, 1888—Tonatia Gray, Griffith’s Cuvier, Anim. Kingdom, V., p. 71, footnote, 1827. P. 155. Tylostoma,* 1855—Anthorhina Ly- dekker, in Flower & Lydekker’s, Mamm., Living & Extinct, p. 674, 1891. P. 156. For Carollia,* 1888—Hemiderma Ger- vais, Expéd. Comte de Castelnau Am. du Sud, Mamm., p. 43, 1855. P. 158. For Ischnoglossa,* 1860—Leptonyc- teris Lydekker, in Flower & Lydekker’s, Mamm. Living & Extinct, p. 674, 1891. P. 203. For Mygale, 1800—Desmana Gilden- stadt, Beschaft. Berliner Gesellsch. Naturf. Freunde, III., p. 108, 1777. P. 212. For Centetes, 1811—Tenrec Lacépéde, Buffon’s Hist. Nat., Didot ed., Quad., XIV., p. 156, 1799. P. 248. For Cercoleptes, 1811—Potos Cuvier & Geoff., Mag. Encyclopédique, II., p. 187, 1795. P. 287. For Enhydra,* 1822—Latax Gloger, * Preoccupied. 494 Nova Acta Acad. Ces. Leop.—Carol., XIII., pt. 2, p. 511, 1827. P. 297. For Hypotemnodon, 1894—Mesocyon Scott, Princeton College Bull., II., p. 38, 1890. P. 341. For Hemigalidia, 1882 — Salanoia, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 523-524, 1864. P. 372. For Callorhinus,* 1859—Callotaria Palmer, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., VII., p. 156, 1892. P. 375. For Trichechus,* '1766—Odobenus Brisson, Regnum Anim., 2d ed., pp. 12, 30-31, 1762. P. 377. For Macrorhinus,* 1826—Mirounga Gray, Griffith’s Cuvier, Anim. Kingdom, V., pp. 179-181, 1827. P. 380. For Ogmorhinus, 1875—Hydrurga Gistel, Naturgesch. Thierreichs, p. x1., 1848. P. 421. For Macroxus, 1823—Guerlinguetus Gray, London Med. Repos., XV., p. 304, 1821. P. 453. For Myoxus, 1780 —Glis Brisson, Regn. Anim., 2d ed., pp. 18, 113-118, 1762. P. 724. For Euprotogonia, Apr. 1893—Tetra- clenodon Scott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Nov. 1892, pp. 299-300. P. 754. For Ceratorhinus, 1867—Didermo- cerus} Brookes, Cat. Anat. and Zool. Museum, p. 75, 1828. P. 817. For Dicotyles, 1817 -— Tayassu G. Fischer, Zoognosia, III., pp. 284-289, 1814. P. 835. For Oreodon,* 1851—Merycoidodon Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., pp. 47-50, 1848. P. 896. For Furcifer,* 1844—Hippocamelus Leuckart, De Equo bisulco Moline, p. 24, 1816. P. 950. For Hippotragus, 1846 —Ozanna Reichenbach, Vollst. Naturgesch. In- u. Aus- landes, Saugeth., III., pp. 126-181, 1845. P. 967. For Aploceros, 1827—Oreamnos Rafin- esque, Am. Monthly Mag., II., p. 44, 1817. P. 1000. For Manatus, 1772—Trichechus Lin- neeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I., p. 34, 1758. P. 1003. For Hotheriwm,* 1875—Eotheroides nom. noy. Lotherium Owen is preoccupied by Eotherium Leidy, 1853, a genus of Perissodac- tyla. * Preoccupied. } If this name is considered invalid because pub- lished in a sale catalogue, the subgenus stands Di- cerorhinus Gloger, 1841. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 249. P. 1007. For Halicore, 1811—Dugong Lacé- pede, in Buffon’s Hist. Nat., Didot ed., Quad., XIV., p. 198, 1799. P. 1008. For Rhytina, 1811—Hydrodamalis Retzius, Kongl. Vet. Acad. nya Handl., Stock- holm, XV., p. 292, 1794. P. 1009. For Zeuglodon, 1839—Basilosaurus Harlan, Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., new ser., IV., pp. 397-4038, 1834. P. 1016. For Argyrodelphis, Apr., 1894—Dio- chotichus Ameghino, Enum. Syn. Mamm. Foss. Eocéne Patagonie, p. 182, Fev. 1894. P. 1017. For Pontistes, 1885—Palaeoponto- poria Doering, Exped. Rio Negro (Patagonia), III., Geol., pp. 487, 455, 1882. P. 1087. For Tursio,* 1830—Lissodelphis Gloger, Hand- u. Hilfsbuch Naturgesch., I., p. 169, 1841. P. 1042. For Neomeris,* 1846—Neophocena Palmer, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIII., p. 23, Jan., 1899. P. 1048. For Orca,* 1846 — Orcinus Fitz- inger, Wiss.- pop. Naturgesch. Saugeth, VI., pp. 204-217, 1860. P. 1120. For TYamandua,+ 1842—Uroleptes Wagler, Nat. Syst. d. Amphibien, p. 36, 1830. P. 1121. For Cyclothurus,; 1842—Cyclopes Gray, London Med. Repos., XV., p. 305, 1821. P. 1146. For Lysiurus, 1891—Cabassous MeMurtrie, Cuvier’s Anim. Kingdom, I., p. 164, 1831. P. 1261. For Echidna,* 1798—Tachyglossus Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. Avium, p. 114, 1811- P. 1263. For Proehidna, Nov., 1877 — Za- glossus Gill, Ann. Record Sci. & Industry for 1876, p. CLXXI., May, 1877. This list of exceptions to the generic names which Dr. Trouessart has adopted should not be considered as a reflection on the value of his work. Its main object is to illustrate the author’s method of selecting names and to call attention to some of the earliest ones which do not happen to be now in common use. It has been prepared to increase, if possible, the useful- ness of the work rather than to detract from it. So far as species are concerned the catalogue is evidently much more complete, although, as * Preoccupied. + Usually quoted as 1825, but in reality a nomen nudum previous to 1842. OcTOBER 6, 1899.] pointed out above, there are a few omissions. There is, of course, room for diversity of opinion concerning the validity of some of the species which are given recognition, but no one can be personally familiar with the characters, history and synonomy of such a multitude of forms, and all that the author could do was to take the latest revision of each group as his guide. In adopting this course he has done all that could be expected and has produced a valuable résumé of the labors of specialists in many groups. In fact, too much can hardly be said in favor of the catalogue. It representstan enormous amount of painstaking labor and will long re- main a monument to the industry, patience and bibliographical skill of its author. It is indis- pensable to the student of mammals and its chief drawback is, perhaps, its high price (66 Marks), which may put the book beyond the reach of some who need it most. T. S. PALMER. WASHINGTON, D. C. The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a list of the Specimens in the British Museum of Nat- ural History. By F. A. BATHER. London. 1899. 8vo. Pp. x + 70. This list ‘‘attempts to provide a complete index to every name that has ever been applied to areal or supposed Blastoid genus or species.”’ It also gives the names now considered valid, and the synonyms with ‘cross-references from the latter to the former.’ It cites the literature, ‘the bibliographic details being placed under the name now valid. It catalogues all the specimens of Blastoidea contained in the Geo- logical Department of the British Museum,’’ and designates the specimens of historical in- terest, the types and figured specimens. Bather’s catalogue, like all of his work, is very detailed. The bibliographic references are not always mere title citations, but often give the important conclusions of writers, par- ticularly those of synonymy. The list, how- ever, ‘is in no sense a revision’ of the Blas- toidea. The important change in this list is the reten- tion of Nucleocrinus, Conrad, 1842, in place of Eleacrinus, Roemer, 1851. Orbitremites, a SCIENCE. . 495 nomen nudum of Gray, 1840, was established by T. & T. Austin, 1842, and, therefore, displaces Granatocrinites, Troost, 1849 (nom. nud.), Granatocrinus, Hall, 1862, and Etheridge and Carpenter, 1886. Orophocrinus, von Seebach, 1864, although in general use, should be dis- placed by Dimorphicrinus, d’Orbigny, 1849. Bather does not make this change, although he disapproves of Etheridge’s and Carpenter’s rea- son for rejecting this name, namely, Dimor- phicrinus, ‘‘has never been adopted by paleon- tologists on account of the erroneous and in- complete nature of his generic diagnosis.’’ On the same ground other names now in use can be rejected. The reviewer prefers to accept Dimorphicrinus. The total number of specimens of Blastoidea in the British Museum is 1,223, representing 73 species out of a total of about 166 listed species. ‘‘ These figures speak for themselves. How- ever numerous may be the specimens of Blas- toidea in other museums, there can scarcely be any collection so representative of the class as a whole, or so rich in specimens of the highest scientific importance, as in that of the British Museum.’’ CHARLES SCHUCHERT. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. Grundlinien der Maritimen Meteorologie. Von Proressor Dr. W. Kopren, Abtheilungs- Vorsteher an der Deutschen Seewarte. Ham- burg, Verlag von G. W. Neumayer Nach- folger. 1899. 8vo. Pp. vi+ 838. There has for some time been need of just such a book as Dr. Képpen has now given us. We have a brief and elementary presenta- tion of the fundamental principles of marine me- teorology, arranged by a master of the subject, in attractive form. While the book is intended especially for seamen, and as an introduction to the more advanced Segelhandbiicher of the German Naval Observatory at Hamburg, stu- dents of meteorology in general will find it ad- mirably suited to their own use. There are six chapters, the subjects of which are as fol- lows: I., instruments; II., the correlation of the weather elements ; III., the periodic varia- tions of temperature, pressure, etc. ; IV., the geographic distribution of weather phenomena, 496 and the climates of the earth’s surface; V., the difficulties in the way of navigation due to storms, head winds, calms and fog; VI., the movements of the ocean, viz., waves and tides. Of these chapters the fifth seems to us perhaps the most generally useful inthe book. It deals with the nature, seasons, tracks and character- istics of cyclones in the different oceans, and the rules for navigating when in the vicinity of a cyclone. The relation of the prevailing winds and calm belts to various sailing routes are clearly presented, and the prevalence of fog in different regions is briefly discussed. In connection with the sailing directions, Koppen makes use of an ingenious device, modelled after Piddington’s famous transparent storm cards in his classic ‘ Sailors’ Horn Book for the Law of Storms.’ K6ppen’s storm card consists of a transparent sheet of paper, on which are three figures. The first shows the winds around a cyclone in the Northern Hemis- phere; the second shows the winds around an anticyclone in the Northern Hemisphere ; and the third shows the characteristic isobaric types and accompanying wind changes during the easterly movement of ordinary weather con- ditions. By turning the transparent paper over, the same diagrams serve for the Southern Hemisphere. Such a book as Koéppen’s Grundlinien der Maritimen Meteorologie should be translated into English, and it is to be hoped that the author will arrange to have an English edition pub- lished shortly. R. DEC. WARD. Descriptive General Chemistry. By 8S. BE. TILu- MAN, Professor in the U. 8. Military Acad- emy. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1899. 2d Ed., p. 429. This new aspirant for chemical honors has been written mainly for the use of the cadets of the U. 8. Military Academy. In the language of the author ‘‘it has generally been the con- clusion of those charged with this instruction at the Academy in the past that the laboratory method alone, or mainly, in so short a course, could not be made of as much value to the pu- pils as the method of making the acquisition of knowledge the essential feature, and that the best results could be reached through careful SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 249. study of the proper text, well-conducted reci- tations, accompanied by experimental and explanatory Jectures.’? Accordingly ‘‘ this book has been prepared to embody the sub- stance and arrangement of a short chemical course for the general student. It aims to give a concise statement of the more fundamental principles of chemistry, together with that class of chemical information most essential to cul- tured men, and which will enable them to comprehend many ordinary natural phenomena, as well as to understand the more important applications of the science which are now so frequently met with. The book is not fitted nor intended for laboratory guidance.’’ It is an interesting production and merits high praise and a cordial reception from all interested in the promulgation of chemical science. EpGAr F, SMITH. Elementary Studies in Chemistry. By JOSEPH Torrey, Jr., Harvard University. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1899. Pp. 487. Nearly every teacher of chemistry in time feels that even the best text-books which have been prepared are not just exactly what he de- sires. He is imbued with the idea that what he wishes the student to derive from a course of chemical instruction can be better obtained by some other method or plan than any previously proposed. In other words, he wishes to reach the goal in his own peculiar way. He knows what that goal represents, how he reached it, and is firmly convinced that by his method those placed in his charge can also gain it. The usual result of this reasoning is eventually anew book on chemistry. The author of the present volume, ‘dedicated to my students, past and present,’ has doubtless had his own experience in getting young men to profit by careful drill in chemical experimentation, etc., and in this new contribution outlines his method of instruction. The reviewer has had great pleasure in fol- lowing the different steps of the development, and is happy to add that in his humble judg- ment, Mr. Torrey has prepared a most valuable student guide, and deserves the congratulations of both students and teachers of the science. EpGar F, SMITH. OcTOBER 6, 1899.] BOOKS RECEIVED. Einfuhrung in die Chemie in leichfassliche Form. LassAr-CoHn. Hamburg and Leipzig, Leopold Voss. 1899. Pp. xii-+ 299. M. 4. Qualitative Analysis for Secondary Schools. CyRus W. IrisH. New York, Cincinnati and Chicago, Ameri- can Book Co. 1899. Pp. 99. Laboratory Exercises, with Outlines for the Study of Chemistry. H. H. NICHOLSON and SAMUEL AVERY. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1899. Pp. vi+ 134. 60 cents. The Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases. A. C. ABBOTT. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders. 1899. Pp. 311. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. The American Naturalist for September opens with ‘A Contribution to the Life History of Autodax lugubris Hallow,’ by Wm. E. Ritter and Loye Miller, followed by an account of ‘The Worcester Natural History Society,’ by Herbert D. Braman. The third of the very useful ‘Synopses of North American Inverte- brates,’ is by J. S. Kingsley and deals with the Caridea; and N. R. Harrington who this summer sacrificed his life in order to study Polypterus, contributes a valuable article on its life habits. The ‘ Pads on the Palm and Sole of the Human Fetus’ are discussed by R. H. Johnson who considers them homologous with the walking pads of some mammals. Among the topics dis- cussed by the editor is that of ‘New Species,’ many of which are considered to be founded on very trivial characters. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. NATURALISM AND PHILOSOPHY. “Had men in the discoveries of the natural world, done as they have in the intellectual world, involved all in the obscurity of doubtful and uncertain ways of talking, volumes writ of navigation and voyages, theories and stories of zones and tides, multiplied and disputed, nay, ships built and fleets sent out, would never have been taught us the way beyond the line, and the antipodes would still be as much unknown as when it was declared heresy to hold there were any.’’ In a discussion, in the current number of Sct- ENCE of my criticism of Ward’s Naturalism and Agnosticism, it is intimated that my ‘harshness’ may, perhaps, be due to irritation by Ward’s SCIENCE. 497 castigation of Spencer. I therefore wish to say that Iread this with interest andsympathy, and found it by far the most valuable part of the book; but as Ward’s method of treating the Synthetic Philosophy isan old story to zoolo- gists, I saw no reason to review it for readers of SCIENCE. As I understand Ward’s reasoning on this subject, I fully agree with it, and should my- self put it in these words: It is not by general- ization and abstraction, but by discovery, that knowledge is advanced ; but the first principles of this philosophy are based upon abstraction and generalization and can add nothing to knowledge. Zoologists have long been aware that they who, in past generations, sought to advance our knowledge of living things by generalizing them, or referring them to genera, hindered the progress fof zoology, which began to advance with rapid strides as soon as naturalists per- ceived that our only source of knowledge of living things is the study of the living things themselves. So far as it concerns the zoologist, Ward’s method of handling the works of the author of ‘ The Principles of Biology’ is ancient history—a record of a fight that was fought out fifty years ago. Passing, then, to another topic, I ask space for a few quotations which seem to have a bear- ing upon the assertion by my critic that Ward’s book is ‘ wrought out in sympathy with scien- tific methods.’ Ward says, II., 44.—‘‘Granted that we are only ‘entitled to say that the dice actually do fall, when they are thrown from the box, not that they must fall; granted that we may only say that their after course is entirely and abso- lutely the result of the initial conditions, not that it must be ; still this is enough. * * * On the naturalistic assumption * * * matter and energy are indestructible and ingenerable, and the laws of their working rigorous, exact and unalterable.’’ It is not the naturalist, but the philosopher, who asserts that the dice will fall. The natural- ist expects them to fall, but expectation, how- ever well founded and reasonable, is not fatal- ism. Naturalism knows nothing of determinism. It does not assert that the after course of the 498 SCIENCE. dice is inevitably and absolutely the result of the initial conditions. This is the teaching of philosophers. What the naturalist asserts is that the ‘initial conditions’ are signs which mean that he may expect the dice fall. So far as his scanty and imperfect knowledge of nature extends, all dice thus placed have thus fallen, and he has reasonable confidence—confidence so reasonable in this case that we call it moral certainty—that dice will continue so to do, since the after course of all the dice he has thrown has been neither more nor less than what the initial conditions would have led one to expect. Ward says that he has tried, in his first lec- ture, to present ‘‘an outline sketch of that polity of many mansions, which we may call the Kingdom of the Sciences, and the mental at- mosphere in which its citizens live’’; but the mental atmosphere which is here presented is one in which few of these citizens would care to pass their lives, however wholesome the phil- osophers may find it. Thus we are told, P. 13—‘‘as to material phenomena, certain mechanical laws are held to be supreme ; that a single atom should devi- ate from its predetermined course were as much a miracle as if Jupiter should break away from its orbit and set the whole system in commo- tion.”’ So far as I understand the mental atmosphere of the men of science, and may be permitted to speak for them, they assert that nothing can deviate from natural law, since nature is neither more nor less than that which is. Scientific law involves no notion of suprem- acy, since it is nothing more than a statement of observed facts, joined to reasonable confi- dence—confidence which is more or less reason- able according to knowledge—what we may expect under certain conditions. _ As Berkeley has expréssed it, natural laws are ‘‘ general rules, which teach us how to act and what to expect.’’ To Ward’s question, II., 85.—How we ‘‘ know that the whole sidereal system will not turn out more like the bird than the stone; an organized whole manifesting life and self-direction?”’ he answers that he does not know anything of the sort. If Jupiter should break away from his [N. S. Von. X. No. 249. orbit, and set the whole system in commotion, the true naturalist would assert, not with regret or disappointment, but with hearty satisfaction, that he knows more about celestial mechanics than he did before, and that he will now, if he has opportunity, study Jupiter’s motives and his cerebral pathology, and try to find out what to expect from a planet so erratic. Itis not he, but the philosophers, who teach that events which are mechanical are predetermined, al- though he does assert that he fails to see what good can come from an attempt to find out Jupiter’s motives until he does begin to break things and to behave in a way which astrono- mers had no reason to expect. Ward tells, II., 48.—that as the naturalists conceive the world as a whole ‘it seems com- parable to nothing so much as an upturned hour glass. The glass could not start itself; this, at least, was an interference from without, but it was an interference before the process, not during it. Science, which is confined to describing the movements of the sand, can give no account of this catastrophe, and no meaning to it. But once the glass is turned the downward dance of the last grain to move is just as inevitable as that of the first; and the several movements being fixed, any collateral consequences of them must be taken as fixed, too.’’ The naturalist does not know that the ‘ down- ward dance’ of the first grain to move is inevi- table. He asserts that he has good reason to expect and no reason to doubt that the sand willrun. Ifit should do anything else, in the absence of an obstruction, he would know more than he does now, and he would try to find out why his expectations have disappointed him. He asserts, furthermore, that he may find meaning in the turning of the glass, provided he knows what Ward himself calls the ‘initial conditions’; that he has good reason to believe that some one turned it because he chose. He also has good reason to believe that, if he had known these initial conditions, the desire to turn the glass, and the turning of the glass, would be neither less nor more than he might have expected. . The interminable controversy about deter- OcTOBER 6, 1898. ] minism and free will does not exist for the naturalist—not because he doubts his freedom and responsibility, but because he knows nothing of determinism. We cannot be surprised that some students of science should confuse their reasonable expecta- tions that the future will, on the whole, be essentially like the past with belief that it must so be, when we remember how often they have been told by philosophers like Ward that the scientific conception of the mechanism of nature is the conception of ‘an unbroken and unbreak- able mechanism,’ which ‘ absolutely determines’ the order of events, and ‘banishes spirit and spontaneity,’ ‘holding all things fast in fate’; although most men of science are now as em- phatic as Berkeley in the declaration that natu- ralism means nothing of the sort. What they assert that it does mean is that we know nothing of ‘catastrophes.’ As Sir Thomas Browne tells us: ‘‘It was the ignorance of man’s nature that begat this very name, and by a careless term miscalled the providence of God; for there is no liberty for causes to operate in a-loose or careless way.’’ W. K. Brooks. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL SCIENCES IN THE UNIVERSITY. To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE.—Permit me to call attention to a somewhat inaccurate state- ment made by Professor Minot in his very inter- esting address delivered at the Medical Com- mencement of Yale University and subsequently published in SctencE. Professor Minot says: “Tf a young man wishes to make a scientific career, if his interest is chemistry, physics, botany or zoology, he is received at one of our universities started upon a well-planned course properly systematized, he gives for two or three years most of his strength to his main subject, but he follows probably two cognate subjects as minor studies, and at the end of his time, if successful in his work, he receives a degree, which attests his proficiency in his special sci- ence. Should the same young man elect to study one of.the medical sciences, physiology, pathology or bacteriology, no university will give him corresponding recognition. The ut- most he can find is opportunity for advanced SCIENCE. 499 work in his special subject, but with no univer- sity guidance, no plan of correlated studies, and he can look forward to no degree, nor even to a certificate from the university.’’ . In this University, from its foundation in 1876, physiology has been given complete uni- versity standing. Its courses are coordinate in every way with those in chemistry, physics, botany or zoology, and many students have offered it, after three or more years of continu- ous study, as a major subject for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The same may be said with regard to pathology and bacteriology. I speak only for the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, but there are other universities in this country in which physiology is also accorded every privilege in the philosophical faculty. W. H. Howe tt. JoHNS HopKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, MD. September 28, 1899. NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Owine to the difficulties in the way of using acetylene on a large scale as an illuminant, and in part perhaps also owing to the opposition raised by those interested in other methods of lighting, the new illuminant has not made the rapid progress predicted for it. Some towns on the continent of Europe, however, have adopted it, as the town of Veszprim in Hungary, and in a recent number of the Chemiker Zeitung, Pro- fessor J. Vértess gives a paper on some of the drawbacks which attend the use of acetylene. In the first place the calcium carbid from which it is generated is in commerce never pure, but contains at least 20 per cent. of impurities. Theoretically, 350 liters acetylene per kilo car- bid should be obtained, but as a matter of fact in practice hardly more than 280 or 290 liters can be depended upon. Again, the carbid con- tains sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen, so that we have as impurities in the acetylene, hydro- gen sulfid, phosphin and ammonia; hence it follows that acetylene must be purified in much the same way as ordinary coal gas. While burn- ing from an ordinary burner, after a time the flame becomes smoky and carbon is deposited on the burners. This seems to be owing to the burner attaining a temperature higher than that of the decomposition of acetylene. Vértess also 500 ealls attention to another drawback, in occa- sional fog formed in a closed room where acetylene is used. This he thinks is due to the deposition of carbon as the hydrogen of the acetylene burns, thus creating a sort of mist. It will require some ingenuity to overcome all these difficulties, but we cannot doubt but that it will be accomplished in the near future; as it is, the progress of acetylene has advanced much more rapidly than any other form of arti- ficial illumination. THE most serious problem in the generation of acetylene on asmall scale is the after-formation of gas in the generator. This is discussed by P. Wolff in the Metallarbeiter, and reproduced in the Chemical News. According to Wolff this after-generation is due to three causes: the action of the residual water contained in the pores of the carbid, the condensation of water on the surface of the carbid, and the absorption of aqueous vapor. In an experiment where the carbid reservoir was over petroleum, the after-generation was 6 liters in 24 hours, 16 liters in three days and remained constant at this figure. Over water 25 liters were given off in one day, and 30 liters in three days. The generation of gas continued at five to six liters a day until the carbid in the generator was completely decomposed. This shows the dan- ger in small generators where there can be no large reservoir. In large apparatus a gas reser- voir can be attached which will have capacity to hold this generated gas and that without compression, which would render it dangerous. The best device is spoken of as being that of Miunsterberg, which not only has a relatively large reservoir, but a device for closing the car- bid chamber by an air-tight valve which com- pletely shuts off the chamber when the ap- paratus is not in use. No mention is made of the device which has been used in this country, where the carbid is dropped in small lumps into water. As each piece is exhausted a new por- tion is fed automatically. ProFessor R. STAVENHAGEN, of Berlin, has described in the Berichte the properties of tung- sten, which have been, heretofore, only imper- fectly studied in impure specimens of the metal. The tungsten was obtained by reduction of the SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 249. oxide by aluminum. It is found to be practi- cally insoluble in acids, even in aqua regia; it dissolves slowly, however, in fused caustic potash. It is decidedly hard, of a color slightly darker than that of zinc, and is infusible in the electric are. ACCORDING to the Chemical News of August 18th, Professor Dewar, at the Royal Institution, had just succeeded in obtaining hydrogen as a solid, glassy, transparent mass. Further par- ticulars of this interesting discovery will be eagerly looked forward to. J. L. H. THE NEW COLLEGE PRESIDENTS. On this subject the Educational Review for September comments editorially as follows : ‘Four of the most important college pres- idencies to which we made reference some time ago have been filled, and so satisfactorily filled that it is a matter for rejoicing. It seems to us that Presidents Hadley of Yale, Harris of Am- herst, Faunce of Brown, and Wheeler of Cali- fornia were the best selections possible, taking into account the peculiar traditions and prob- lems of each of the four institutions and the personal equation of the man chosen to preside, we hope for at least a quarter of a century, over the teaching body of each. Three of the four men are successful and experienced teach- ers, and the fourth is a clergyman whose teach- ing instinct is very strong and whose relations to education have been very close. In these elections the recently exploited newspaper theory that a large college needs a business man or a money getter for President has received a set-back and a severe rebuke. We can imagine few things worse for higher education in the United States than to have the spirit of com- mercial trading and the business man’s point of view obtain strong foothold in it. ‘Business methods’ have debauched and are debauching politics on every hand, and the treasure house of education must be protected from their in- roads at all ‘hazards. The idealism which American life so sorely needs must be furnished in large part by the universities, and the two last questions for their governing boards to be taught to ask are, Is it ‘timely’? and, Will it pay ? OCTOBER 6, 1899. ] ‘Moreover, the typical business man cannot, in the nature of the case, be successful in such a post. His standards of success are the re- verse of educational. Underneath the tempor- ary appearance of external prosperity which such a president might bring, there is almost certain to be the dry rot of educational neglect. The more important the college or university, the more surely it needs expert educational supervision. For this there is no possible sub- stitute. Like a city school system, a college or university needs someone in its administration who knows and understands its educational ac- tivity in every part, who can distinguish real teaching from sham teaching, and the force of whose personal inspiration will be felt in every department. Those who remember the ad- ministration of President McCosh of Princeton, well understand what this means. “The four new presidents are men of this type. They are men of strong personality, and each will leave his mark for good upon the in- stitution which has honored him, All four are, in a large sense, men of affairs, and may be ex- pected to relate their institutions more closely than ever to the life and thought of the time. This new impulse is particularly needed at Yale, where what we believe to be an unfortu- nate and dangerous policy of educational isola- tion has long been pursued. To overcome that isolation, and to restore Yale to its legitimate place as a progressive educational influence are likely to be two of the most noteworthy achievements of President Hadley’s administra- tion.”’ THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS. THE Commissioner of Education, of the Pub- lic Schools, of the State of Rhode Island, Thos. B. Stockwell, has issued the following circular : To THE SCHOOL OFFICERS AND TEACHERS OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND : I desire to call your attention to the efforts now being made in this State by the Audubon Society for the preservation of our native birds. From reliable statistics it is evident that unless some active meas- ures are speedily taken, their number will be very much reduced and some varieties will become extinct. The value of the birds, from various points of view, is incalculable. Asa protection to the farmer against the ravages of countless forms of insect life, SCIENCE. 501 as a source of joy and satisfaction to every loyer of nature, they minister both to our material and our eesthetic interest. Indeed, it was not till within a few years that the Department of Agriculture, through a loug course of accurate observations, determined be- yond a question the economic value of almost every native bird in his relation to the various forms of veg- etation ; and it is no longer debatable whether the inroads of certain pests destructive to certain forms of vegetation are not due quite largely to the scarcity of the birds. Asany improvement in this matter must be brought by imparting more correct information about the birds, it is evident that the public schools, and es- pecially those of the country sections, afford the most effective means for the dissemination of the facts, and the awakening of a life interest in the protection of bird life. The new movement towards Nature Study, which has recently been manifested and is spreading quite rapidly through the schools, furnishes the natural channel by means of which instruction and information on this subject may be readily brought before the children, and through them to the people generally. The more our children are brought into the right touch with nature, and especially with such beautiful creatures as the birds, the more certain it is that their minds and hearts will be filled with right sentiments and feelings, and that their characters will be moulded aright. To that end then I bespeak your cordial interest in this general subject, and your codperation with the plans of the Audobon Society for the protection of our feathered friends. THE COMPANIONS OF POLARIS. Proressor W. W. CAMPBELL, of Lick Obser- vatory has made the following statement in re- gard to his discovery that Polaris or the North Star is a triple system : The observations of Polaris were made with the Mill’s spectroscope attached to the thirty- six-inch telescope. From the well-known principle of the shifting of the lines in the spec- trum of a star, we can determine whether the star is approaching or receding from the obser- vers and how rapidly. For most stars the velocity is constant. For some stars the veloc- ity is variable, due to the attractions of com- panion stars. The recent observations of Polaris at Lick Observatory show that its velocity is variable. It is approaching the solar system now with a 502 velocity of eight kilometers per second. This will increase in two days to fourteen kilometers, and in the next two days will decrease again to eight kilometers. This cycle of change is re- peated every four days. The bright Polaris, therefore, revolves about the centre of gravity of itself and its invisible companion once in four days. The orbit is nearly circular and is com- parable in size with the moon’s orbit around the earth. This centre of gravity, and therefore the binary system, is approaching the solar system at present with a velocity of eleven and a half kilometers per second. A few measures of the velocity of Polaris made here in 1896 gave its approach at the rate of twenty kilometers per second. Part of this change since 1896 could be due to a change in position of the orbits of the binary system, but most of it must have been produced by the attraction of a third body on the two bodies comprising the four-day sys- tem. The period of revolution of the binary system around the centre of gravity of itself and the third body is not known, but is prob- ably many years. Both companions of Polaris are invisible, but their presence is proved by disturbances which their attractions produce in the motion of the bright Polaris. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. TueE British Association for the Advancement of Science has held a successful meeting at Dover. We publish this week the address of the president, Sir Michael Foster, and hope to be able to publish shortly some account of the meeting and several of the addresses given by the presidents of the sections. THE International Geographical Congress be- gan its meeting at Berlin on September 27th, with about 1200 members in attendance. Baron von Richthofen presided, Prince von Hohenlohe, the imperial Chancellor being the honorary president. The sections were as follows: (1) mathematical geography, geodesy, cartography,. geophysics ; (2) physical geography (geomor- phology, oceanology, climatology); (8) biolog- ical geography ; (4) industrial and commercial geography; (5) ethnology; (6) topical geo- graphy, exploring travels; (7) history of geo- SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 249. graphy and of cartography ; (8) methodology’ school geography, bibliography, orthography of geographical names. Among the Americans in attendance were General A. W. Greely, of the U. S. Signal Service, Professor W. M. Davis, of Harvard University, and Mr. A. L. Rotch of the Blue Hill Observatory. Ir has been decided that the Zoological Park of New York will be opened to the public either on October 18th or October 25th. THE commission from the Johns Hopkins University, under the direction of Dr. Simon Flexner, has returned from Manila where the summer has been spent in the study of tropical diseases. Mr. WALTER WELLMAN arrived in London on August 28th and gave at the British Asso- ciation an account of his Polar expedition. He sailed for New York on September 30th. THE freedom of the borough of Carnarvon was conferred upon Sir W. H. Preece, the emi- nent engineer, on September 21st. He was also presented by the Town Council with a silver casket and entertained at a banquet. Dr. ANTON FRITSCH, director of the zoolog- ical and paleontological collections of the mu- seum at Prag, has published in a local paper an account of his recent visit to America. He speaks in high praise of the museums, institu- tions and collections, and recommends younger men of science to follow his example and visit the scientific institutions of the United States. Dr. GEORGE A. HENDRICKS, professor of anatomy in the College of Medicine and Sur- gery of the University of Minnesota, died in Minneapolis on September 24th. Signor Marconi has been able to report suc- cessfully by wireless telegraphy the interna- tional yacht races. The messages were sent from the steamship Ponce to a station at Nave- sink Highlands. A TELEGRAM has been received at the Har- vard College Observatory from Professor Krentz at Kiel Observatory, stating that a comet was discovered by Gacobini at Nice, Sept. 29, 313 Greenwich Mean Time, in R. A. 16" 26™ 32° and Dec. — 5° 10’. Daily motion in R. A. + 2™ 0° Daily motion in Dec. + 0° 10’. OcTOBER 6, 1899. ] WE learn from the Botanical Gazette that Dr. Henry C. Cowles of the University of Chicago- has spent several weeks with a party of ad- vanced students at Marquette, Mich., prosecu- ting ecological studies on the adjacent flora. THE executors of the late Professor O. C. Marsh, of Yale University, will sell for the bene- fit of the University his valuable collection of orchids, objects of art, antiques, etc. The sale will take place -during the present month but the exact date is not yet fixed. THE first meeting of the International Con- gress of Juife Assurance will be held in Brussels from September 25th to the 28th. THE American Institute of Mining Engineers held last week its annual meeting in San Fran- cisco. At the adjournment a two weeks’ visit through the mining regions of the State was begun. THE tenth annual general meeting of the British Institution of Mining Engineers met at University College, Sheffield, on September 19th, with Mr. C. H. Peak, of Walsall, presid- ing. It was reported that the number of mem- bers is now 2,075, a slight decrease compared with last year. AT the annual meeting of the American Oto- logical Society, Dr. Blake presented a resolution asking for cooperation with the National Asso- ciation of Teachers of the Deaf and Dumb, to secure systematic examination of the pupils in deaf-mute schools throughout the United States, explaining the necessity of thorough and quali- fied investigation in order to select those pupils who could be most benefited by special teach- ing, or who perhaps by some treatment could be made better able to accept teaching. THE Chambers of Commerce that met re- cently at Belfast, Ireland, urged upon the Brit- ish Government the necessity of making {the metric system compulsory. It was pointed out from consular reports, that much loss of trade has resulted in South America and elsewhere from Great Britain’s adherence to the anti- quated system. Mr. H. M. WHELPLEY, of St. Louis, has been collecting statistics in regard to the use of the metric system in physicians’ prescriptions. SCIENCE. 503 It appears that of 1,008,500 prescriptions that have been examined, 6 per cent. were in the metric system. Reports were received from apothecaries in forty-two States and Territories. The Pharmaceutical Era from which we take this information earnestly advocates the metric sys- tem in medical prescriptions. Itstates that the system is taught in all pharmaceutical colleges but only in very few medical colleges. THE city of Ithaca, N. Y., at the meeting of its Common Council, September 20th, fol- lowed the example of some of the largest cities of the State, including Buffalo, Rochester, Utica and Binghamton, and adopted voting machines. The contract guarantees their reliability and accuracy, is accompanied by a bond, not only for fulfillment of the contract in other respects, but also in the matter of possible patent litiga- tion, makes the compensation payable out of the savings effected by use of the machines costing the city, in fact, nothing ; while, in the end, not only providing what is claimed to be absolute insurance that no man shall lose his vote by defective or spoiled bailot, but also yearly profit by the change which, if capitalized at the city’s rate of credit, 4 per cent., would amount to about one-half the city budget as fixed by its charter. f ADVICE has been received at Liverpool from the Malarial Investigation Expedition in West Africa, that the members of the Liverpool Com- mission, with the assistance of the colonial medical staff and others, have now started the operation of hunting for the anopholes (malarial mosquito) grub in water. This is a tedious but most important task, and necessitates a very careful inspection of all the ground in Freetown. So far these grubs have only been found ina shallow puddle and two tubs of stagnant water, but it is hoped that the minute inspection of the ground that is now being conducted will have satisfactory results. Dr, van Neck, the official delegate of the Belgian Government, who started from Antwerp after the English members had sailed, has now joined the expedition. In view of the importance of completing the expedition’s researches, instructions have been cabled to Major Ross to use his own discretion as regards the date of his return. It is hoped that this 504 extension of time will enable the commission to - complete its labors satisfactorily. The Secretary of State, of the Treasury of the United States, has written stating that he regrets that the in- vitation to send an American delegate was not received in time for the detail of an officer of the Marine Service Hospital to accompany the expedition. A CORRESPONDENT of Industries and Iron of London, for whom its editor youches as a com- petent judge, gives the following hindrances to introduction of the Nernst lamp: (1) There is no automatic heating arrangement to the small power lamps, and they each require about eight seconds in artificial heating to be brought to incandescence; (2) No small lamps of small candle power have yet been produced; (8) There are three wires to each, and the lamps cannot therefore be connected without incon- venience to existing standards; (4) Excepting mere laboratory tests there is no practical ex- perience of the life of the lamp; (5) It has never yet been attempted to manufacture the lamp on a commercial scale, and not one lamp on the Nernst principle is yet in commercial use; (6) More than one firm of eminence have adopted the opinion that the principle of the lamp has been anticipated by the Jablochkoff candle, thus impeaching the validity of the Nernst patent. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. WE are glad to be able to give a correct ac- count of Mrs. Hearst’s plans for the University of California. Mrs. Hearst has not made any official announcement, and is not likely to do so, because she intends to superintend the use of her gifts herself. But the following may be consid- ered as certain: She has by will devoted her for- tune to the University—this in case of her death. But she intends to give during her lifetime all or the greater part, and from time to time as necessary to carry out her plans. She in- tends to commence next spring to put up two buildings, one of which is to be the mining building. It is not certain what the other will be. Besides there are good grounds for the belief that other wealthy residents of Califor- nia, incited by Mrs. Hearst’s example, will next year put up three other buildings. Mrs. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 249. Hearst has determined to live in Berkeley in order to be in closer touch with the University. It is expected that M. Bénard, the architect, will go to Berkeley to superintend the work. Negotiations to that effect are going on. Finally, it may be stated that Mrs. Hearst understands perfectly well that buildings require a corre- sponding endowment. CORNELL UNIVERSITY opens with an enter- ing class membership above 600. Sibley Col- lege has a freshman class of about 200 and many new men in the upper classes and grad- uate departments. THE third course in advanced agricultural chemistry, in the School of Graduate Studies, of the Columbian University, Washington, D. C., will begin September 27th, under the direc- tion of Dr. H. H Wiley. Graduates of agricul- tural colleges and other institutions of good standing, are eligible for admission to this course. Under certain restrictions graduates are admitted to the chemical laboratory of the department of agriculture. Advanced courses in soil studies, agricultural technical chemistry and in the study of food will be begun at once with laboratory practice. This school offers. special advantages to the graduates of agricul- tural colleges who wish to complete their ad- vanced studies in agricultural sciences. A CHAIR of the theory, art and practice of education has been established in Owen’s Col- lege, Manchester, and Mr. H. L. Withers, now principal of the training college at Isleworth, has been called to be the first incumbent. Dr. C. B. DAVENPORT, of Harvard University, has been called to the zoological department of the University of Chicago to fill the place left vacant by the removal of Professor Wheeler to the University of Texas. W. D. MERRILL, PH.D. (Chicago), has been appointed instructor in biology, with special reference to botany, in the University of Roch- ester. Dr. CHARLES G. SHAW has been appointed to the position in the department of philosophy in New York University made vacant by the resignation of Dr. J. H. McCracken, to accept the Presidency of Westminster College, at Ful- ton, Mo. / SCIR Tek EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. LE ContrE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; Henry F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpircu, Physiology; J. S. Brutinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. PowELL, Anthropology. Fripay, Ocroser 13, 1899. CONTENTS: The British Association for the Advancement of Science :-— The Dover Meeting: .......2..c0.c0:oseceecenstssaneenses 505 Address by the President of the Geological Section : SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE............ccesccceeceeeeeeee 513 Researches in Practice and Habit: DR. W SMYTHE JOHINSON.........0.00ccececcsessseevessoerseses 527 Nathan Russell Harrington: F. H. H.............06 529 Scientific Books :— The University Geological Survey of Kansas: PROFESSOR J. J. STEVENSON. Jaubert on Les Matiéres Colorantes Azoiques: M. T. B. A Century of Vaccinations and What it Teaches : Dr. Wm. H. Park. General. Books f[e- GAIA ls -cdosoans.ocdcK00s ogaodacccdaqoodonHecoBagoabooKa0coD 531 Scientific Journals and Articles ..........0sesceceeeeceeee 53d Discussion and Correspondence :— The Proposed Card Centralblatt of Physiology: PHILIP HENRY WYNNE. Science and Scholasti- cism: PROFESSOR R. M. WENLEY.............0005 535 Notes on Inorganic Chemistry: J. Li H............0- 537 Current Notes on Meteorology :— Weather Periodicities ; Lake Levels and Precipita- tion; Salt Bushes in California: R. DEC. \N/AGRID ccspoadoo copscboqa.sbnoncoanscnbospgobcasapacdcenas0N06 537 Recent Zoopaleontology: H. BF. O.......::cceeceeee ee 538 ALBERT 8. GATS- South American Languages : Scientific Notes and News.......2.0.csccssveseseveseevene oe University and Educational News........0cscecseeeseeees MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. THE DOVER MEETING OF THE BRITISH AS- SOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- i MENT OF SCIENCE.* Ir appears from the accounts in the for- eign journals and from communications sent us that the recent meeting of the As- sociation maintained the standard set by its long history. The address by the Presi- dent already published in this JourNaAL, was a model of what such an address should be, and the addresses of the presi- dents of the Sections were thoroughly scientific and yet, at the same time, intelli- gible to all. We give below some account of the more important papers presented be- fore the different sections. The special event of the meeting was the interchange of visits between the mem- bers of the British and French Associations. About 280 members of the French Asso- ciation came over from Bologne on the Saturday of the meeting, and were enter- tained both socially and by placing on the programs several addresses and papers of special interest. On the following Wed- nesday about 100 members of the French Association again crossed the Channel and met members of the British Association at Canterbury. The visits were returned on Thursday by about 250 members of the British Association. On these different oc- * Based on reports in the London Times and in Nature. 506 casions there were numerous addresses and expressions of good-will. There was in all an attendance of 1,403 at the Dover meeting, but when it is re- membered that more than half were asso- ciates and new annual members, it will be seen that the meeting was no larger than those of the American Association, when held at places equally accessible to as many members. The British Association, how- ever, greatly exceeds our own in its ability to make grants for scientific research. In addition to a special appropriation of £1,000 for the British Antarctic expedition, grants amounting to £1,115 were made as follows : Mathematics. £ Rayleigh, Lord—Electrical Standards (£300 in INEIEVE|) \e ntcoorigdgasoduaobodossoacbongHcnodonanndecHeodaoDobo0 25 Judd, Prof. J. W.—Seismological Observations (GE9R5sh/4d Simiham di) essen seecerece neneaenaeceet 60 FitzGerald, Prof. G. F.—Radiation in a Magnetic JOTI G . cédasocosbosnan nocdddcodengcosaconpabadebapacsapansaes 25 Rucker, Prof. A. W.—Magnetic Force on board FST att SJodoooeemadacaqgdohcdosoedosde sndoocdoopaKooeboddsoaagead 10 Callendar, Prof. H. L.—Meteorological Observa- tony son trea ssccreseseteessceesisaen sates secre 20 Kelvin, Lord—Tables of Mathematical Functions 75 Chemistry. Hartley, Prof. W. N.—Relation between Absorp- tion Spectra and Constitution of Organic BOOT Sale helsesieiine doacocs Sabi techies seetemeranactene reels 30 Roscoe, Sir H. E.—Wave-length Tables............ 5 Reynolds, Prof. J. E.—Electrolytic Quantitative © INSTEA KES Soogcden3 hostocaobobonconDoouedaabogoGocsboboanaco 5 Miers, Prof. H. A.—Isomorphous Sulphonic Derivatives of Benzene................02.220.0.-5008s 20 Neville, Mr. F. H.—The Nature of Alloys......... 30 Geology. Hull, Prof. E.—Erratic Blocks (£6 in hand)...... Geikie, Prof. J.—Photographs of Geological In- BETES Ge eee cette LEAL a) Ul ag Dea USN 10 Dawkins, Prof. W. B.—Remains of Elk in the USle wo he Mane nesecinctecdcseecaccosescccerescsere 5 Dawson, Sir J. W.—Pleistocene Fauna and Flora Ths) | CRHD EGE od cococmosonnccadnoDdsndeboounoDoDDRecdoSoesooco 10 Lloyd-Morgan, Prof. C.—Ossiferous Caves at Up- i CESpinphand) esseeseestecssecscenessesetescoss 10 Watts, Prof. W. W.—Movements of Under- ground Waters of Craven.........-.......c0-ssecsesseee 40 Scharff, Dr.—Exploration of Irish Caves SCIENCE. Zoology. Herdman, Prof. W. A.—Table at the Zoological Staton VNaples}-cscsscncuaccosere seeecsacecsscsnsastcne Bourne, Mr. G. C.—Table at the Biological Lab- oratory,. Plymouth..........0....0....2.0.s.creeeeeee Woodward, Dr. H.—Index Generum et Spec- ierum Animalium...... bennacapnonoodaaudbonsavaoqubOce Newton, Prof.—Migration of Birds.................. Lankester, Prof. E. Ray.—Plankton and Phys- ical Conditions of the English Channel.......... Newton, Prof.—Zoology of the Sandwich Islands Sedgwick, Mr. A.—Coral Reefs of the Indian Re- Geography. Murray, Sir John—Physical and Chemical Con- Stantsob Sean Water nccscnessesecl-acieiiesnsttetseltseetts Economie Science and Statistics. Price, Mr. L. L.—Future Dealings in Raw Pro- Sedgwick, Prof. H.—State Monopolies in other Countries (£13 13s. 6d. in hand).................- Mechanical Science. Preece, Sir W. H.—Small Screw Gauge (£17 Is. PAS abr} 1 rial) BeeedreadosancHacoaocoauchaciooonbabobonodaccon Anthropology. Evans, Mr. A. J.—Silchester Excavation............ Penhallow, Prof. D. P.—Ethnological Survey of (GEYER YEE acho coagacdsndboHboouosHdbanbonoapapboKoMEodsoCoDoce Tylor, Prof. E. B.—New Edition of ‘ Anthropo- logical Notes and Queries’.............-..0es00e08 Garson, Dr. J. G.—Age of Stone Circles (balance shay LF H 060) SacodhonadaonoHodoHdanocudabeesaeosbadoscocccacoce Read, Mr. C. H.—Photographs of Anthropolog- LCALEIMGENES Hho wcedee serene site seae seein ae Poet nea eee Brabrook, Mr. E. W.—Mental and Physical Con- GitionvofiChildrenkesseesseesee se eete reese eseeeeee eee Read, Mr. C. H.—Ethnography of the Malay IREnNINS UL Alsacwseccccossecscecsemceclischcecassiesebecmesees Physiology. Schifer, Prof. E. A.—Physiological Effects of JEY KOIKE} AoopddoonoodSsonbosncoSobsonessoDReGHDadooSnDG0c00 Schifer, Prof. E. A.—Comparative Histology of Suprarenal Capsules.............:.cecceeeeeeeeeteeee eee Gotch, Prof. F.— Comparative Histology of Cere- bral Contexeerescre cece sce scieceaesacete sonore eee Gotch, Prof. F.—Electrical Changes in Mam- MAL ANYNELVieSsoceelcitecisna sees seesecse senescence Starling, Dr.—Vascular Supply of Secreting (Cn RIYGonepoqnooqnocnoDone4nanaonSobdooobdcagaboodbosecnocT] Botany. Darwin, Mr. F.—Assimilation in Plants (£6 6s. Sderinvhan d)) eee een te seteesneclece ecieseei linet setiattae [N. S. Vout. X. No. 250. 100 100 10 50 OcTOBER 13, 1899.] Farmer, Prof. J. B.—Fertilizationin Pheophycee 20 Corresponding Societies. Meldola, Prof. R.—Preparation of Report.......... 20 The report of the Council adopted by the general committee, made a number of important reports and recommendations. Arrangements have been made for the es- tablishment of a Bureau of Ethnology in cooperation with the British Museum. The Government of Cape Colony is not able to make immediate provision for a magnetic observatory. Plans are being arranged for a central building for seismological observa- tions and to collect statistics of the physical and mental characteristics of the races throughout the Empire, especially in India. It was decided not to reprint the collected re- ports on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada inasingle volume. The British Admiralty was requested to secure systematic observa- tions on the erosion of the sea coast. We hope to be able to publish special ac- counts of the proceedings of some of the sections, but it may be convenient for the reader to have a general survey of the more important papers presented during the meeting. In the Mathematica land Phys- ical Section the interest created by the ad- dress of the president, Professor Poynting, already published in Screncsg, was sustained throughout the meeting by papers describ- ing the results of important work. The much-discussed question of color-vision was raised once more by the paper of Mr. G. J. Burch on ‘The Spectroscopical Examina- tion of Contrast Phenomena.’ His investi- gations lead him to support the Helmholtz theory, but also to suppose that a fourth primary sensation should be admitted— namely, blue. During the year the com- mittee on electrolysis and electrochemistry continued the work begun last year and furnished a report of progress. On the occasion of the visit of members of the French Association, Professor J. J. SCIENCE. 507 Thomson gave a masterly exposition of the various lines of research by which it has been concluded that the atom is not the smallest existing quantity of matter. Hlec- tro-chemical phenomena teach us to asso- ciate a definite amount of electricity with each atom of matter; but these recent re- searches indicate that under certain cir- cumstances a much larger quantity of neg- ative electricity may be conveyed by the atom, or else that the negative electrical charge resides on a small detachable por- tion of the ‘atom,’ which alone is concerned in the experiments. The positive charge seems to be distributed over the whole mass of the atom. The exploration of the higher regions of our atmosphere, by means of kites bearing meteorological instruments, was reported by Mr. A. L. Rotch, of the Blue Hill Ob- servatory, and supplied convincing proof of its usefulness in weather forecasting and in climatology. Professor Darwin called at- tention to the fact that such work is unduly negelcted in Great Britain, because there is no Government meteorological observatory. Another interesting paper from America was presented by Dr. L. A. Bauer, who de- scribed the work of the newly-organized division of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the study of terrestrial magne- tism in the United States. A discussion on thermometry which was introduced by Pro- fessor Callendar, will, it is hoped, lead to the adoption of a standard platinum thermometer. The matter is to be fully discussed by the Committee on Electric Standards, which has done good work in the past in connection with electrical meas- urement. In the Chemical Section particular prom- inence was given to the discussion of sub- jects of a general character. Undoubted good resulted from the consideration of the best means to organize the study of atomic weight determinations, whilst the joint dis-’ 508 SCIENCE. cussion with Section K (Botany) on sym- biotic fermentation, in which several of the French visitors took part, was of much in- terest. Professor Marshall Ward, in open- ing the discussion, after considering the conditions under which symbiosis existed both in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, illustrating his views with such examples as that of the dual organism of lichens in which alga and fungus were the contributory organisms, passed to the more special sub- ject of symbiotic fermentation. In sym- biotic rermentations the one organism, such as a mould, appeared to prepare the way for the action of a subsequent agent, such as yeast; and the preparation of Japanese saké, or rice wine, is a typical example of this dual effect. The discussion which fol- lowed it is hoped has led to a more exact recognition of the divisions and relations of symbiotic changes which may serve to de- velop the study of the subject. Professor Dewar’s important discoveries relating to the solidification of hydrogen will be noticed subsequently. Colonel Waterhouse contributed a note on a re- markable result he has observed on the ex- posure of metallic silver to light; a visible image results on the exposed plate after prolonged exposure, but the effect may be got in a very much shorter space of time by the development of the latent image that is produced. The industrial application of what was probably a similar action was re- ferred to by Sir W. Roberts-Austen. Al- though the papers on organic chemistry were of a technical character, the discus- sions, reports, and individual contributions in this branch of the science aroused much interest, and special importance is to be at- tached to a paper by Mr. W. J. Pope, on the influence of solvents upon the optical activ- ity of organic compounds. The chemists present at Dover will always look back upon the meeting with a special appreciation of the able address delivered [N. S. Von. X. No. 250. by the President of the Section, Dr. Horace T. Brown. The subject of the fixation of carbon by plants is a common meeting ground for the chemist, physicist and biolo- gist. After reference to the accustomed view that the higher plants derive the whole of the carbon which goes to build up their tissues from the carbonic acid of the atmos- phere, Dr. Brown reviewed the work that has been done to show that extra-atmos- pherie sources of carbon may exist, and detailed his own experiments on the intake of carbon dioxide by plants, showing that this is directly proportional to the tension of the gas. Sir Archibald Geike’s presidential ad- dress before the Section of Geology which was given on the occasion of the visit of the French Association is printed below. The list of papers in geology was, as us- ual, a full one, so that, especially during the earlier days of the meeting, the time for discussion was limited. The subjects dealt with ranged over the whole of the wide field included in geological science, without any particular division being not- ably prominent. In stratigraphical as well as in economic geology the most important papers were those dealing with the coal- fields, and from their additional local inter- est those of Mr. R. Etheridge, F.R.S., and Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, attracted es- pecial attention. Mr. Etheridge treated the relations existing between the Franco- Belgian coalfield and those of Southwestern Britain, with the object of proving that the recent discoveries in Kent indicated the ex- istence of a chain of concealed coal-basins connecting the two regions. Professor Boyd Dawkins, while pursuing the same general argument and recapitulating the history of the discoveries in Kent, gave a brief description of the borings at present in progress under his superintendence at Ropersole, Ottinge, Hothfield, Old Soar, near Tonbridge, and Penshurst. At pres- OCTOBER 13, 1899.] ent only the first of these has penetrated the secondary rocks, reaching coal measures ata depth of 1,580 feet below the surface ; the others have reached various horizons in the lower Cretaceous and Jurassic strata, which are found to thicken rapidly south- ward. Professor Boyd Dawkins concluded from the evidence of these borings that the southern boundary of the concealed coal- field in the eastern part of its course ranges nearly under the scarp of the South Downs, and that to the south of this the paleozoic floor is probably composed of rocks older than the coal measures. The concealed coal fields of another part of England—viz., North Staffordshire— were discussed by Mr. Walcot Gibson, of the Geological Survey, whose recent in- vestigations have shown that the so-called Permian rocks which overlie the pro- ductive measures at the margin of this field should be considered as part of the earboniferous system, since they are con- formable to the upper coal-measures and contain a coal-measure flora. By working out the details of these rocks, Mr. Gibson has been able to show that on the north- western side of the Staffordshire anticline the productive coal-measures are likely to occur within reach further west than might have been expected, thus increasing con- siderably the workable area of this coal field. It is interesting to find that these results have been attained by the minute study of strata which in themselves do not possess any direct economic value. Another stratigraphical paper with a practical ap- plication was that of Professor Boyd Daw- kins on the geological conditions of the proposed channel tunnel. The reading of this paper was followed by a brisk discus- sion, in which it was generally acknowl- edged that, apart from political reasons, there was not likely to be any serious diffi- culty in driving the tunnel through the lower beds of the chalk from England to SCLEN CE. 509 France. In the division of structural geol- ogy, Mrs. M. M. Gordon, D.Sc., contributed an analysis of the principles which underlie the complicated phenomena of folding to be found in the mountainous regions of the earth’s crust. As befitted the place of meeting, coast erosion received much attention from the section, three papers on this subject being read. Of these the most valuable was that of Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., who summa- rized a large number of reports made by the coastguards all around the Kingdom as the result of circulars of inquiry sent out by the council of the Association with the sanction of the government authorities. This re- search promises eventually to yield highly important results in regard to the rate of destruction of our coasts by marine erosion. In the department of paleontology, with the exception of one or two reports of com- mittees, the papers were unimportant, while petrological science was represented mainly by a highly suggestive contribution by Pro- fessor A. Renard, of Ghent, on chondritic meteorites, in which it was pointed out that the rock structure of these visitants to our planet indicated that the parent mass had been subjected to the action of meta- morphism in a manner similar to that of some of the rocks of the earth’s crust. A paper brought forward by Professor P. F. Kendall gave the result of some recent researches into the course of underground streams in the limestone district of North- west Yorkshire; by the methods adopted the underground course taken by the prin- cipal sources of the river Aire have been more or less definitely traced. The address of the President of Section D (Mr. Adam Sedgwick, F.R. 5.) reviewed the facts of variation in their relation to reproduction and sex. Mr. Sedgwick con- tended that the variability of organisms must have been progressively greater the further we go back from the present time— 510 SCIENCE. a conclusion of importance, because it en- ables the biologist to bring his requirements as to the time of evolutionary change within the limits granted by the physicist. The memorable features of the Dover meeting, so far as the zoological communica- tions were concerned, were undoubtedly Mr. J. J. Lister’s account of the newly-dis- covered calcareous sponge Astrosclera and Mr. Smith Woodward’s exhibition of fossil and recent remains of animals from Pata- gonia. The sponge, whose structure was explained by Mr. Lister, was exhibited at the International Zoological Congress at Cambridge last year, and completely puzzled all who examined it. It was brought home by Dr. Willey, along with other material, from the Loyalty Islands in the Western Pacific. During the past year Mr. Lister has subjected the four specimens to a minute and thorough ex- amination. He finds their structure to be undoubtedly that of a calcareous sponge, differing, however, in regard toits skeleton, canal system, and other points from all other sponges extant, but resembling to a surprising extent the fossil group of Phare- trones, Which are found in strata ranging from the Devonian to the chalk. Mr. Smith Woodward’s exhibition, on behalf of Dr. Moreno, of some newly-discov- ered remains of the ground-sloth Neomylodon, hitherto supposed to be extinct, was re- ceived by the section with great interest. The skull exhibited was still invested with pieces of flesh and cartilage, which bore witness to the freshness of its condition. A skull of the great extinct turtle Molania from Patagonia was also examined with much interest by zoologists, on account of the close resemblance which it bears to the specimens already known from Queensland and Lord Howe’s Island. Mr. Graham Kerr’s success in bringing home a com- plete series of stages in the development of the lung-fish Lepidosiren, gained for him [N. S. Vou. X. No: 250: the hearty congratulations of the Section. Mr. Garstang’s account of the work al- ready accomplished by the committee for periodically surveying the Plankton and physical conditions of the English Channel, promised well for the satisfactory comple- tion of a most important undertaking, and’ the discussion on marine fish culture was. of a thoroughly practical character. One has to go back to the earlier years of the Association to find so excellent a pro- gram, from the scientific point of view, as that presented by the Geographical Section at Dover. The papers on scientific geog- raphy were many and the travel papers. few, and such of the latter as were pre- sented were up to a high standard. The address of the President, Sir John Murray, gave an admirably clear résumé of the chief results which have been attained in the in- vestigation of the oceans during the last 30: years or so. The concluding portion of his address dealt with the subject of Antarctic exploration, with special reference to the proposed National Antarctic Expedition, and the greater part of the following day was devoted to a discussion of the same subject. The President’s remarks and the statements brought forward in the discus- sion are generally regarded as expressing the views of scientific men as to what. ought to be the program of the British expedition. There can be no doubt, from™ what took place in the Geographical Sec- tion, that the feeling among scientific geog- raphers is that the expedition should not be a mere naval adventure, but that, as far as the fupds available allow, the expedition should be so organized as to secure the largest possible gain to all departments of science interested in the Antarctic. It is to be hoped that Sir John Murray’s appeal for an additional £50,000 will meet with a prompt response, as it will then be pos- sible to send two ships, and to render the program of the enterprise complete all OcTOBER 13, 1899. ] round to the satisfaction of all concerned inits organization. All who heard Admiral Makaroff’s paper on the wonderful work accomplished by his ice-breaker would wish, if it were possible, to send such a ship to the Antarctic, and with an available fund of £150,000 this might be possible. Naturally, with Sir John Murray in the chair, oceanography and limnology were prominent, though Sir John, seemed to think that Dr. Mill’s attempt to formulate a nomenclature of the bed of the ocean was somewhat premature. ing the criticism of Mr. Crook, Sir John Farquharson’s account of the last twelve years’ work of the Ordnance Survey proved that the British Survey maps will stand comparison with those produced in other countries. Sir John Farquharson was un- able to exhibit the magnificent series of maps which he had brought with him ow- ing to lack of space. The papers by Mr. and Mrs. Rickmers on their journey in Central Asia and by Captain Wellby, on his remarkable journey to Southern Abyssinia and Lake Rudolf, and thence northwest to Khartum, were excellent; while Dr. Had- don’s notes on his expedition to New Guinea and Borneo were a good illustration of what is meant by ‘Anthropogeography.’ In the section of Economies and Statistics, the president, Mr. Henry Higgs, abstained from reviewing the progress of economic theory, and his thoughful plea for a detailed study of the actual consumption of wealth and a consideration of the ways in which it may be improved has excited consider- able attention. Whether his advice will be taken remains to be seen, but, if the pro- ceedings of the Section afford material for judging, professed economists have ceased to interest themselves in economic theory. They were strongly represented at the meeting by Professors Edgeworth, Smart, and Flux, Messrs. Cannan and Bowley, Dr. J. H. Hollander, and others, but not one SCIENCE. Notwithstand-_ 511 contribution to economic theory was offered by any of them. The subject which now seems to draw the largest audience and the most animated discussion is what may be called municipal economics; and in the annual discussion of subjects which come under this head the Section is probably doing its most useful work. The subject of the measurement of wages and retail prices was dealt with in several papers. Meeting under the presidency of Sir Wil- liam White, chief constructor to the British Navy, it was natural that marine engineer- ing should be the most prominent feature of the work of Section G, at Dover. In his address, the president, after dealing with the great progress of the past 60 years, not only in size of ships, but in speed and in- creased engine power, discussed the prob- able lines of advance in future, and by the help of some convincing figures showed how serious and practically insuperable were the difficulties abead of us in the matter of greatly increased speeds for big liners and cruisers, and, in fact, for large ships gen- erally. A paper by the Hon. C. A. Parsons, F.R.S., on the application of his now well- known steam turbines to the driving of fast passenger steamers, both for cross-Channel and for the Atlantic service, came as a con- vincing supplement to this portion of the president’s address. In the discussion the author was able to state that the prelimi- nary trials had thoroughly confirmed his anticipations of success. In view of the wild statements and of the misleading de- ductions so often made from the high speeds now attained in destroyers, it seems well to point out that Mr. Parsons, in his pro- posed liner of 600 feet length and 18,000 tons displacement, does not propose a greater speed than 26 knots, and to obtain this he would need, even with all the ad- vantages he claims for his steam turbines in reduction of weight, etc., no less than 388,- 000-horse power, or over two-horse power ol2 per ton of displacement; in the cross-Chan- nel boat he proposed 30 knots. The im- provement in the time of transit through the Suez Canal, due both to the widening and deepening of the original canal and to the use of the electric light for night pas- sages, were the striking facts of Sir Charles Hartley’s valuable description of the engi- neering features of the canal. In the Anthropological Section, Mr. C. H. Read’s address developed the idea first proposed by him at the Liverpool meeting of an Imperial bureau of ethnology. The scheme has been accepted in principle by the Governmené, and the administrators of nitive races have now the highest official encouragement to furnish reports and ob- servations to the central institution. The bureau will stand in relation to the Eth- nographical Department of the British Museum, but the Museum cannot maintain the bureau from its own resources; still less can it provide the teaching organiza- tion which Mr. Read regards as an essential part of this scheme. The solution which he proposes is to establish the bureau in a part of the Imperial Institute; to transfer the Ethnographical Department thither into the close neighborhood of the Indian and Art Museums; and to look to the Univer- sity of London, established under the same roof, for a professor and a school of an- thropology. Dr. Haddon and his colleagues described the Cambridge expedition to Torres Straits, of which we hope to give later some account. The papers of Dr. Garson, Mr. Maciver, and Professor Mac- alister illustrated in different ways the growing demand for real accuracy in an- thropometry, the growing scepticism of the possibility of distinguishing races by mere linear measurements of the bones, and the stimulus which these uncertainties have given to better methods of obtaining and tabulating the data. The practical impor- tance of this side of anthropology came out SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 250. well in the discussion of the merits of meas- urements and of finger prints in the identi- fication of criminals in India. Dr. Rivers’s method of genealogical census and Profes- sor Petrie’s system of accurate sequence dating for antiquities are also worthy of separate mention. i The Section of Physiology was that to which the President of the Association him- self specially belonged, and this may account for the numerous papers and reports which were presented at the Dover meeting. They proved how much need there was for the institution of such a Section. The papers presented were of scientific importance, but were in most cases too technical for ab- stracts. In the Botanical Section the meetings were very successful, and some very inter- esting papers were communicated. The address of the President, Sir George King, dealt with the history and present position of Indian botany, and his remarks on the unsatisfactory training given in England to officers destined for the Indian Forest Ser- vice were received with approval. Mr. Francis Darwin’s paper on the geotropic sensitiveness in plants was a most important communication, showing as it did that plants are capable of receiving a stimulus in a sensitive part which is transmitted to another part of the plant and results ina definite movement of that part. From Pro- fessor M. Ward and his pupils were received a number of papers on fungi, and Mr. A. C. Seward contributed several papers on fossil botany. Mr. Harold Wager, of Leeds, dealt with the question of sexuality in fungi, and showed that the phenomena are not only comparable to those which occur in higher plants and animals, but that the study of these forms gives an insight into the primary meaning of sexuality. One of the most important papers was that by Sir W. Thiselton-Dyer on the effect of low temperatures on the germination of seeds. OcTOBER 13, 1899. ] % He showed that extreme cold does not in- terfere with their power of germination. The Association will meet next year at Bradford, commencing on Wednesday, Sep- tember 5th, with Sir William Turner as president. The meeting of 1901 will be at Glasgow, and the following meeting will probably be in Ireland. ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE GEO- LOGICAL SECTION OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADV ANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE.* Amone the many questions of great the- oretical importance which have engaged the attention of geologists, none has in late years awakened more interest or aroused livelier controversy than that which deals with Time as an element in geological his- tory. The various schools which have suc- cessively arisen—Cataclysmal, Uniformi- tarian, and Evolutionist—have had each its own views as to the duration of their chronology, as well as to the operations of terrestrial energy. But though holding dif- ferent opinions, they did not make these differences matter of special controversy among themselves. About thirty years ago, however, they were startled by a bold irruption into their camp from the side of physics. They were then called on to reform their ways, which were de- clared to be flatly opposed to the teach- ings of natural philosophy. Since that period the discussion then started regard- ing the age of the Earth and the value of geological time has continued with vary- ing animation. Evidence of the most mul- tifarious kind has been brought forward, and arguments of widely different degrees of validity have been pressed into service both by geologists and paleontologists on one side, and by physicists on the other. For the last year or two there has been a pause in the controversy, though no gen- * Dover meeting, September, 1899. SCIENCE. 513 eral agreement has been arrived at in re- gard to the matters im dispute. The pres- ent interval of comparative quietude seems favorable for a dispassionate review of the debate. I propose, therefore, to take, as perhaps a not inappropriate subject on which to address geologists upon a some- what international occasion like this pres- ent meeting of the British Association at Dover, the question of Geological Time. In offering a brief history of the discussion, I gladly avail myself of the opportunity of enforcing one of the lessons which the dis- cussion has impressed upon my own mind, and to point a moral which, as it seems to me, we geologists may take home to our- selves from a consideration of the whole question. There is, I think, a practical outcome which may be made to issue from the controversy in a combination of sym- pathy and cooperation among geologists all over the world. and it is well known both that, some persons variously estimated at from 1 to 2 per cent. are naturally immune to small-pox, just as there are some immune to almost every other infec- tious disease, and that small-pox sometimes oc- curs and even proves fatal after both vaccina- tion and revaccination and after a previous attack of small-pox. All now claimed is that successful vaccination confers against small-pox an almost absolute immunity for six months, and then further for an unknown and variable length of time a certain degree of immunity which is greater than can be gained in any other way except, by taking the disease. The 584 SCIENCE. author attacks the argument for vaccination founded on the diminution in the amount of small-pox during this century by pointing out that typhus fever without the help of vaccina- tion has also been much reduced in prevalence in the same time, and that both diseases are less frequent on account of better sanitary condi- tions. The comparison of typhus fever to small-pox, however, is deceptive first because as the clinical separation of typhus from typhoid fever became general only about the middle of this century, the reduction in typhus cannot be properly estimated, and second, because the im- provement in sanitation does not apply equally to both. Crowding in filthy and unventilated rooms is necessary for the development of ‘camp,’ ‘jail’ or ‘ship’ fever, but small-pox for centuries went into the palace as well as intothe hovel. The circle of infection of typhus fever is small, that of small-pox is large. Dr. Tebb’s mode of reasoning is capitally illustrated by the following: ‘‘I have shown that a part of the decline of small-pox and especially that part which has taken place in children is not necessarily a saving of life, but only a shifting of the mortality on to some other disease such as measles or whooping cough.’’ According to this reasoning, asthe children probably have to die any how from some disease, they may as well die from small-pox. The author devotes a chapter to the discus- sion of epidemics in various English towns, and points out that the epidemics occur in well vaccinated just as in poorly vaccinated places, and that they can be controlled without recourse to vaccination. To obtain all the facts about all the places mentioned would be a long task, but the vital facts about two of his examples, Leicester and Sheffield are well known. In unvaccinated Leicester, during the epidemic of 1892-1893, there were 21 deaths, 19 in unvacci- nated and 2 in vaccinated persons over ten years old. In well vaccinated Sheffield in the epi- demic of 1887-1888, there were 68,000 vacci- nated children of whom 3 per cent. were attacked and 2,200 unvaccinated children of whom 10 per cent. were attacked ; there were also about 200,000 vaccinated persons over ten years of age of whom 2 per cent were attacked and about 3,500 unvaccinated persons of whom 9 [N.S. Von. X. No. 250. per cent. were attacked. The above well illustrates the established fact that vaccination protects somewhat for years, but only absolu- tely for from 6 to 8 months. A long chapter which embodies the second argument is that devoted to vaccinal injuries. To clear the way for criticism of this it may be said that there is no dispute that injuries some- times follow vaccination, that skin eruptions are moderately frequent, and that all varieties of sepsis are possible when the wound is made or cared for in an unclean way or when infected virus is inserted. Thirty pages are, however, given up to proved and unproved cases of so- called vaccino-syphilis. The truth with regard to this infection is that invaccination of syphilis is possible when vaccination is done from arm to arm, probably impossible and certainly un- known when done with calf virus. Moreover in the 5} million primary vaccinations done during the session of the Royal Commission in England, 1889-96, there was not a single ‘case proved, and every alleged case was investigated. Twenty-one pages give some account of the contradictory evidence relating to the invacci- nation of leprosy. If this invaccination is pos- sible when done from arm to arm, an assump- tion which has not been proved, yet it has at present no public importance in England or the United States. Tuberculosis and tetanus con- sume eight pages, yet there is no case on record in which tuberculosis was ever conveyed by vac- cination, and although there have been several cases where tetanus has been alleged to have fol- lowed vaccination, yet even granting that this is so, it simply enforces the rule that vaccination should be only performed in a cleanly way. The third argument of Dr. Tebb against com- pulsion may, now that compulsion no longer exists, be left as the expression of his individual opinion. ; For information relative to some of the above questions, the writer wishes to thank Dr. J. H. Huddleston, who has charge of the vaccine laboratory of the New York City Health Department. W. H. Park. NEW YORK. GENERAL. THE U. 8. National Museum has just pub- lished a careful translation, by Mr. E. O. i ee i OCTOBER 13, 1899. ] Hovey, of Dr. Salvatore Lo Bianco’s detailed account of the methods employed at the Naples aquarium for preserving invertebrates. The many who have admired the beautiful speci- mens sent out from that institution will be glad to have this paper, although it is evident that the factor of patience must enter largely into most of the processes described. The article is prefaced by a brief account of the aquarium and its work. ? THE publication is announced by Archibald Constable & Co., of a Physical Atlas, prepared under the direction of Mr. J. G. Bartholo- mew, of the Edinburgh Geographical Institute. The work will be in seven volumes as follows : I. Geology ; II. Orography, Hydrography and Oceanography ; III. Meteorology ; IV. Botany ; V. Zoology; VI. Ethnography and Demog- raphy ; VII. General Cosmography and Ter- restrial Magnetism. The atlas of Berghaus will to a certain extent be used, but the plates will be larger in size and special attention will be paid to phenomena of interest to English and American students. The volume on meteorology is promised for the present year and the others are expected to follow in rapid succession. BOOKS ‘RECEIVED. Statistics and Economics. RICHMOND MAyo-SMITH. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xiii+467. $3.00. The Principles of Differential Diagnosis. FRED. J. Smita. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. ix+353. $2.00. Résistance électrique et fluidité. GOURE DE VILLE- MONTEE. Paris, Gauthier-Villars. 1899. Pp. 188. 3 fr. Exssais des huiles essentielles. HENRI LABBE. Paris, Gauthier-Villars. 1899. Pp. 108. Le café culture—manipulation, production. HENRI LEcoMTE. Paris, 1899. Pp. vi+334. Georges Carré and C. Naud. 5 fr. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. THE National Geographic Magazine for Octo- oer opens with an illustrated article on ‘ Life on a Yukon Trail,’ by Professor Arthur P. Dennis, of Northampton, Mass. Mr. Gifford Pinchot, the Forester of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in an illustrated paper, ‘The Relation of Forests and Forest Fires,’ describes - SCIENCE. 535 the effect of forest fires as modifiers of the com- position and mode of life of the forest. A. J. Henry, Chief of the Division of Records, U. 8. Weather Bureau, contributes a study of the fluctuations in the surface level of the Great Lakes, especially interesting at the present time owing to the near completion of the Chicags drainage canal. The contents of the number also include ‘Tides of Chesapeake Bay,’ by E. D. Preston; ‘Calculations of Population in June, 1900,’ by Henry Farquhar, a paper read before Section I. of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Columbus, August 22d; ‘Peary’s Work and Prospects,’ by H. L. Bridgeman, Secretary of the Peary Arctic Club. There are a number of briefer articles, ‘ Peary’s Explorations in 1898-1899,’ ‘The Definite Lo- cation of Bouvet Island,’ and ‘The California and Nevada Boundary.’ Bird Lore for October has for its opening article an account of the origin and work of ‘The American Ornithologists’ Union,’ by J. A. Allen, accompanied by a plate showing the founders of the society, comprising some of the men whose names are familiar to every student of American ornithology. ‘American Bitterns’ consists of two plates of the young, one and two weeks old, from photographs by HE. H. Tabor and F. W. Chapman. Henry Van Dyke contributes a poem ‘The Angler’s Reveille,’ Robert W. Haguer an article on ‘The Prairie Horned Lark,’ and C. F. Hodge notes ‘A Pleasant Acquaintance with a Hummingbird.’ H. M. Collins describes ‘A Peculiarity of a Caged Skylark,’ and Anna Harris Smith and C. F. Hodge describe ‘ The Ethics of Caging Birds.’ Isabella McC. Lemmon writes of ‘ Oliver Twist, Catbird,’ for young observers, and there are numerous notes and book reviews. Under the section devoted to Audubon Societies the wear- ing of quill feathers of the eagle and pelican is justly deprecated, and fac-simile and sketch of Audubon’s seal, the wild turkey, is given. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. THE PROPOSED CARD CENTRALBLATT OF PHYSI- OLOGY. To THE EpIToR oF SCIENCE: The volume of scientific literature is increasing at a rate that 536 SCIENCE. is positively appalling. The difficulty encoun- tered by a student seeking information in any important library to-day lies more in differ- entiating what he wants from the mass of ma- terial at hand than in integrating the results of his search. As a consequence, the sciences of classification and indexing are becoming daily more important, and have already reached a high pitch of development. But existing card catalogues (and none but card catalogues de- serve to be considered in this connection), even when including a well-arranged subject-index, still leave an immense amount of labor which might be saved to the student if he could but get a bird’s-eye view of the contents of the books whose titles he finds so admirably ar- ranged in the index of the well-equipped modern library. In making use of the magnificent Public Li- brary of Boston I have often felt keenly the discouragement that comes from trying to find certain definite information—in my case usually relating to electrical matters—almost hopelessly concealed by the very wealth of the literature upon the general subject. I wish, therefore, to lift up my voice—or typewriter—in the warmest support of the plan which was well and clearly set forth by Pro- fessor William Townsend Porter, of the Harvard Medical School, in the issue of SCIENCE for September 15, 1899. It contemplates a series of abstracts of books and periodicals devoted to physiology. These abstracts are to be printed upon standard cards, and will therefore take on all the well proved advantages of the card- index system—indeed, the abstracts themselves will constitute a complete card-index, as well as a most valuable bibliography, for the subject in hand. In many cases, moreover, the card abstracts will supply directly the information sought, and so will save much time by fore- stalling the need Of going to the books them- selves. But it would be supererogatory for me to here go into a detailed explanation regarding the system itself. What I do wish to emphasize is the fact that the plan proposed is co-extensive in scope with science itself; and that it is pro- posed to make a beginning with the science of physiology because the generous interest taken [N. S. Von. X. No. 250. by Professor Porter renders available to the plan a wider view of that subject than of any other, and gives assurance that the abstracts shall be so intelligently edited that the useful- ness of the scheme shall have a fair trial. The plan is laid down in such wise that it can be extended to deal with any other depart- ment of scientific knowledge without any change in its general features; and, in my earnest de- sire to see such a system applied to the litera- ature of electrical science, I am most anxious to see the Physiological Index established. For I am convinced that as soon as a beginning. is made which shall familiarize students with the idea, there will be so general an apprecia- tion of the usefulness of the system that its rapid extension to other departments of knowl- edge will follow asa matter of course. Science is classified knowledge, and the pro- posed scheme, as an advance in classification, is a service to science so important that I hope all who are loyal to ScrENcE will manifest such an interest in the proposition that the trustees of the Boston Public Library will have no hesitation in undertaking the publication of the Physiological Index. PHILIP HENRY WYNNE. SCIENCE AND SCHOLASTICISM. PROFESSOR BROOKs’ comment, in the current: number of SCIENCE, on the remarks made by me concerning his review of Ward’s Naturalism. and Agnosticism, is most suggestive and stim- ulating. It amounts to a very positive decla- ration that ‘naturalists’ (and by this I under- stand him to imply scientific men in general) must expel all ‘abstractions’ from their methods aad results. No one who has made an impartial eftort to appreciate the course of scientific thought—‘so-called,’ as Brooks would probably say—can fail to assent heartily to this proposition ; for, it signifies that the mechanical theory cannot be regarded as a legitimate inference from the evidence assem- bled by the sciences. So far as I am able to discover, Ward means no more than this. His. objections are taken against theories which, though masquerading in the name of science, cannot be ranked as of its household. To be brief, my own complete accord with everything ES -—— OCTOBER 13, 1899.] that Brooks holds has startled me, even although I cannot altogether appreciate his appeal to writers whose thought is still so comparatively medieval as Sir Thomas Browne and Berkeley. The remarks on determinism, for instance, are particularly apposite. If, in my turn, I might dare to speak for contemporary philosophers, I should say, there isno material for controversy, save under that misconception of the situation which Brooks so well lays bare. The crux of our discussion, it may be noted, seems to center in an equivoque as between the precise mean- ing attached to the term ‘naturalism’ by Brooks and Ward respectively. R. M. WENLEY. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. AT the sixth annual meeting of the German Electro-chemical Society, held at Gottingen in June, a strong address was delivered by Pro- fessor Hittorf on the necessity for the erection of special laboratories and creation of new chairs for inorganic chemistry in the German universities. After alluding to the address be- fore the last meeting of the Society by Van t’- Hoff on the increasing significance of inorganic chemistry, he showed the overwhelming pre- dominance given to organic chemistry in the universities. There are but three German universities where there is any adequate teach- ing of inorganic chemistry. At all the rest the full professors of chemistry are almost ex- clusively devoted to the organic field. If Ger- many is to keep pace in the practical world with England, America and France, a revival of inorganic chemistry is necessary, and for this men and laboratories are needed. AT the same meeting a new electrical resist- ance material for high temperature was de- scribed by W.C. Heraus. The platinum alloys are not satisfactory owing to their actual low resistance, although their relative resistance is high. The poorest conductor is the 30% irid- ium platinum alloy, and here the resistance for a meter of wire 0.3 mm. diameter is only 5 ohms. The new resistance material is formed by mix- ing clay with 10% to15% of platinum, mold- ing into pencils and heating to about 1250° in a reducing atmosphere. There appears to be SCIENCE, 537 formed a platinum silicon alloy which serves as the conductor. The resistance increases with the temperature up to a certain point, and then at higher temperature decreases, perhaps owing to the formation of more platinum-silicon alloy. The pencils can be used up to a red heat and promise to have a very considerable practical application. SoME time since a specimen of malachite was described by W. Autenrieth which contained an appreciable quantity of iodin. Exhaustive search, however, failed to find any further similar malachites until recently, when a series of malachites and cuprites from New South Wales proved almost without exception to con- tain iodin. These are described in the Chemi- ker-Zeitung. The amount of iodin in the mala- chite is 0.15%, and the iodin is given off merely on heating the mineral to low redness. The amount of iodin in the cuprite is less than one- tenth that in the malachite. These minerals were wholly free from silver and bromin, and chlorin was only occasionally present and then in mere traces. Vo. Jb, JBL. CURRENT NOTES ON METEOROLOGY. WEATHER PERIODICITIES. THE question of periodicities in the weather has received the attention of many meteorolo- gists and physicists ; publications on this subject have been numerous and varied; but as yet no sort of general agreement as to, or acceptance of, results has been reached. In this country Clayton has been studying weather periodic- ities for some years, and his conclusions, al- though they have not attracted the notice that they deserve, have been noteworthy. Ina re- cent paper entitled Investigations on Periodicity in the Weather (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, XXXIV., No. 22), Clayton carries his investigations a good step farther in advance. Among his results it is shown that there is a small range in the frequency of thunderstorms in the United States, the plotted curves indi- cating a maximum a few days preceding the greatest northern declination of the moon. A similar result was obtained by Ekholm and Arrhenius for the thunderstorms of Sweden. Further, when the mean daily departures from 538 the normal temperatures at Blue Hill Observa- tory from October, 1898, to February, 1899, are plotted, it appears that the minimum tempera- tures of October, December, January and Feb- ruary occurred very near the times of new moon, the intervals between the minima thus approximating the length of a synodic period of the moon. This paper presents also a sum- mary of a few of the important results reached by European investigators along this same line. LAKE LEVELS AND PRECIPITATION. UNDER the title Variations in Lake Levels and Atmospheric Precipitation, there has been issued by the Weather Bureau, a report by A. J. Henry, upon the results of a study made by him in connection with the work of the Weather Bureau on the Great Lakes. The conclusions reached are that it seems possible to indicate the level of the Lakes approximately by closely observing the precipitation in the various water- sheds, especially the amount of snow and the manner of itsdisappearance. All inferences as to the probable effect of precipitation on the Lake levels must, however, be contingent upon the maintenance of a constant cross-section and slope in the present connecting channels. SALT BUSHES IN CALIFORNIA. Some interesting experiments have been car- ried on during the past 18 years at the Cali- fornia Agricultural Experiment Station, in con- nection with the adaptability of the Australian salt bush to the climate and soils of California. It appears (Univ’y of Cal., Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 125) that the atriplex semibaccata grows on strong alkali soil, furnishing a very large amount of satisfactory pasturage and fodder, and that it also thrives on arid non-alkaline uplands, even where wells have to be sunk 200 feet to water, and where,the annual rainfall has been less than five inches. This salt bush cannot endure too heavy summer rains, nor the moist atmosphere of many warm countries, and seems thus singularly well adapted to growing on the deserts and alkaline wastes which are some- what too common in the southwestern portion of the United States. Rk. DEC. WARD. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 250. RECENT ZOOPALEONTOLOGY. 2. These notes upon recent papers in zoloogy and. paleontology will be continued serially. Triassic Life in Germany.—Under the title, Die Bildung der germanischen Trias, eine petro- genetische Studie,* Professor Fraas of Stuttgart, contributes an extremely readable and valuable paper upon the relation between the geography and the fauna during the Triassic period of Germany. This is a model of the best modern mode of treatment in which the geology, geo- graphy, zoology and botany of a newly dis- covered region, are all considered together. It is well shown, that the Trias was preéminently a period in which prominent characters of the great orders of reptiles were fixed. The trans- ition from fresh water to marine conditions by the inyasion of the sea, and the corresponding transformation of land and coast forms into free living marine forms is clearly correlated. The changes in the marine and fresh water forms. are not only traced in a sketch of the evolution of the invertebrates, but of the vertebrates as well. One suggestion which catches the eye has_long been in the mind of the reviewer, namely, that the so-called Placodontia, an order of extremely doubtful relations and affinities, known only from the skull, are not at all re- lated to the group of Theriodonts with which they have been placed, but that they represent a branch of the turtles living along the sea coasts, and retaining both in the upper and lower jaw large teeth for the purpose of crush- ing the shells of small mollusks. A Triassic Chelonian.—Another very impor- tant paper by the same author is upon Pro- ganochelys Quenstedtii Baur, a recently discov- ered example of this Chelonian from the Keuper, or upper triassic rocks of Germany. This is by far the oldest known type of the order. The first remains were apparently discovered in 1868, but not clearly defined until 1887, by Baur. This specimen which was received in the Stuttgart museum in 1897, is far more com- plete, and enables Professor Fraas to give a. description of the dorsal and ventral shields. These show that Proganochelys was a true land and swamp dweller, related to the modern *Separat-Abdruck aus Jahreshefte D. Ver. F- Vaterl. Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg, 1899. OcToBER 13, 1899.] Pluerodira. The structure of this animal is es- pecially interesting and surprising, ‘‘since we should expect in such an old representative of the Chelonia, a low stage of development, whereas, this type presents directly the op- posite. The Pleurodira are generally regarded as the most specialized and highly developed group of Chelonia, yet this form shows all the characteristics of the family in their most com- plete development. The uncertainty which surrounds the origin and the evolution of the tortoises, is not therefore removed by this dis- covery, but on the other hand, is increased.”’ The Newburgh Mastodon.—The mastodon dis- covered about two months ago at Newburgh, N. Y., has now been more fully uncovered, but thus far proves to be an incomplete skeleton. The parts preserved are the skull, much injured by removal, both upper tusks, the vertebree be- ginning at the last cervical and extending to near the tip of the tail, 18 ribs on each side out of 20, a right scapula and a complete pelvis, and portions of the foot bones. No traces of the limbs have been found thus far, although extensive excavations have been made. Fortu- nately, Mr. Schaefer, the owner, has removed the bones with care, and treated them skillfully. Many very interesting observations could be made by a careful study and exploration of this locality. During a visit by the present writer, the following observations were made, partly with the aid of Mr. Schaefer. The deposition is in three levels, the two upper being separated by a smooth clearly defined surface, and by slight differences in the character of the soil, which is largely dark and thoroughly decom- posed vegetable matter, intermingled with few stones and very numerous remains of trees of various sizes. Examination of the latter gives abundance evidence of the existence of beaver in this hollow in the period of the mastodon, and we can easily imagine, that the different soil levels, were due to the building of successive bea- ver dams. When the dams were first comple ed ~ the back flow of the water caused temporarily an interruption of the deposition of vegetation and may account for the differences of level above alluded to. The locality has been visited by a large number of people, including several well- known paleontologists. H. F. O. ‘SCIENCE 539 SOUTH AMERICAN LANGUAGES. A DILIGENT and careful collecting of quaint and idiomatic words as found in the vernacular” dialects is springing up in many countries of America, and there are already a considerable number of printed records of this character. They are made to include also English, French and Spanish words which are evidently of an origin other than European. In many of them the Indian element is well marked, and even in countries where no longer spoken, words of Indian origin are remarkably frequent. Vocab- ularies and glossaries of this sort were com- posed by Pichardo for Cuba, by Membrefio for Honduras, and the Journal of American Folklore: contains many articles contributing knowledge for the same purpose. Recently the linguist Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo, M-A., has pub- lished ‘‘Tesoro de Catamarquenismos ; nombres- de lugar y esclabones aislados de la lengua Cacana,’’ Buenos Aires, 1898, octavo, pp. 379, a work which adds considerably to our insight into the ethnography of northwestern Argentinia in our century as well as in former periods of history. There may be 3,000 names and vocables of the Catamarea provincial dialects- discussed etymologically in Lafone’s volume. While some are pure Spanish, others belong to- one of the Kechhua dialects, as Amara or Kechhua ; others to Guaicmti dialects, whose domain is in and about the Gran Chaco. Others are supposed to belong to Uro, with main seat in the Bolivian plateaux and studied by Dr. Max Uhle; and a number are assigned to Cacan, an extinct language which Lafone has long en- deavored to reconstruct. It is, however, un- certain, whether Lule (with Tonocoté) or Allentiac, or Chilean dialects are represented in the names and vocables of the collection of this industrious investigator. We must con_ fess, moreover, that a North American finds his way only with immense trouble through the maze of Andean languages and dialects of which not one half has as yet been reduced to- grammatic rules. Another linguistic volume issued in the same year is due also to the efforts of Lafone-Quevedo. This is the publication of a manuscript grammar of the Toba language, spoken in the Gran Chaco, along the Paraguay River. It was composed: 540 SCIENCE. by the Jesuit Father Alonso Barcena about the year 1600, and at present belongs to the library of General B. Mitre. The Toba is a dialect of the Mocobi:Abipon family of languages, the people having received the name Toba from an artificial enlargement of the forehead, On this account they are also called Caras and Frentones. The grammar of this rather vocalic idiom is followed by Barcena’s Spanish-Toba vocabulary, revised in 1888, with the aid of an Indian called Lopez; the words are accented, but the or- thography is rather old-fashioned. The same vocabulary is reproduced again with the Toba word first, followed by the Spanish and the English signification. The volume forms part of the ‘Linguistic Library of the Museum of La Plata,’ which institution is built close to the city of Buenos Aires; the museum has placed Lafone at the head of its archeological and linguistic department. ALBERT 8. GATSCHET. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. THe New York Academy of Sciences opened its sessions on October 2d. The Academy meets in four sections: astronomy and physics, bi- ology, geology and mineralogy, and anthro- pology and psychclogy, which meet, respec- tively, on successive Monday evenings each month until the end of May. In addition to these regular sessions there are five public lec- tures ; a presidential address, this year by Pro- fessor Henry F. Osborn, on February 26th; a lecture on psychology on October 30th ; one on biology on January 29th; one on geology on March 30th, and one on astronomy and physics on April 30th. Men of science visiting New York are invited to attend the meetings which are held in the rooms of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 12 West 31st Street. THEmonument erected in memory of Johannes Miller, was unveiled at Coblentz on October 7th. ON October 15th a statue of M. F. Tisserand will be unveiled at Nuits-Saint-Georges. A sTATUE of John Ericsson, the engineer, who designed the Monitor, has been unveiled at Gothenburg, Sweden. Sir JoHn LUBBOCK, Bart, has been appointed [N. S. Von. X. No. 25u. a delegate from the London Chamber of Com- merce to the International Commercial Con- gress now meeting in Philadelphia. WE have already referred to the decision of the corporation of the City of Glasgow to ap- point a bacteriologist in connection with the Health Department of the City, who would work in conjunction with the medical officer of health and the medical officers of the fever hospitals. The British Medical Journal states that there has been considerable competition for this post, and the appointment has just been given to Dr. R. M. Buchanan, a graduate of Glasgow University, who was formerly assis- tant to the professor of pathology in the Uni- versity, and more recently professor of medical jurisprudence and public health in Anderson’s College. Dr. Buchanan will devote his whole time to his new duties, and will have a suitable laboratory at his disposal in the Sanitary Chambers. Dr. ARTHUR WILLEY has been appointed lecturer on biology in Guy’s Hospital. WE learn from the Educational Times that Mr. -R. P. Paranjpye, the Indian Senior Wran- gler, has been awarded a special scholarship of £200 by the Secretary of State, partly as a recognition of his remarkable and distinguished success, and partly to enable him to take the M. A. degree. Ir is announced that the date of the opening of the New York Zoological Gardens is fixed for October 25th. At the present time, there have been completed the reptile house, bear dens, flying-cage, prairie dogs’ village, aquatic rodents’ lake, beaver pool, duck pond, mam- mal house, burrowing rodents’ dens, wolf den, fox den, and buffalo range. Nature states that the application of the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine for per- mission to alter the memorandum of association so as to enable the Institute to avail itself of Lord Iveagh’s gift of 250,000/. was granted by Mr. Justice Cozens Hardy on September 13th. THERE will be a Civil Service examination in the State of New York, for which applications must be filed not later than October 30th, for an examiner in the commission, requiring a knowledge of steam, electrical and mechanical —— te ail it at OcTOBER 13, 1899. ] engineering with a salary of $1,200 to $1,400 per annum, and for the position of assistant horticulturist in the Geneva experiment station with a salary of $50 per month. A TELEGRAM has been received at the Har- vard College Observatory from Professor Kreutz at Kiel Observatory, stating that Comet E. was observed by Cohn at K6nigsberg, Oct. 1.2767 Greenwich Mean Time, in R. A. 16" .81™ 0.7 and December — 4° 39’ 50’”.. Professor J. HB. Keeler at Lick Observatory telegraphs that Comet Giacobini was observed by Perrine, Oct. 2.6658 Greenwich Mean Time, in R. A. 16" 382” 598.7 and Dec. —4°12/’ 18/7. The check word shows an error in the telegram which will not largely affect the position. Welearn from Nature that the Director of the Marine Observatory of San Fernando an- nounces that the Spanish Minister of Finance has given instructions that all instruments in- tended for observations of the eclipse of the sun on May 27, 1900, are to be admitted free of duty. PROFESSOR W. A. SETCHELL, Dr. W. L. Jep- son, Mr. L. KE. Hunt and Mr. A. A. Lawson, of the University of California have returned to Berkeley from a botanical expedition to Una- laska. Dr. Jepson studied the flowering plants, Professor Setchell and Mr. Lawson the flower- less plants, while Mr. Hunt, who is of the Civil Engineering Department, determined altitudes and took the photographs of plant communities, etc. The party remained at Unalaska for eight weeks and carried out its work as planned, col- lecting thoroughly in the neighborhood of Un- alaska Bay, making extensive field notes, and securing a fairly full collection of photographs. Professor Setchell left Unalaska for about three weeks, on a trip toSt. Michael and Cape Nome, collecting plants of all kinds and making notes as to points of distribution and ecology. Re- turning, the party went from Unalaska to Sitka along the coast, collecting at Unga, Karluk, Kodiak, Orca, Juneau, and Sitka. They were thus able to trace many plants of the shores along a considerable portion of the Alaska coast, note the changes in habit and also the difference in altitudinal distribution. There is a very considerable amount of mate- SCIENCE. 541 rial accumulated and it will not be known until it is carefully worked over, how much of it is pew or just to what extent it will throw light on matters of distribution. A very con- siderable amount of attention was paid to the matter of plant communities in Unalaska, the amount of woody vegetation present, and a number of such subjects. The lack of trees or even of high shrubs was very noticeable at Unalaska, and in fact along the entire shore of Alaska to the westward, as well as their sudden appearance on the eastern shores of Kadiak Island along North Strait and from there on to the eastward. This seems to be a difficult matter to explain, but it certainly seems to be due to the existence of conditions unfavorable to the germination of the seeds and the growth of seedlings, since trees, when planted or pro- tected during the early stages of existence, thrive on the Island of Unalaska, as several small groves of the White Spruce, whose trees were brought from the Island of Kadiak by the Russians, have not only grown into full sized trees, but also produce cones and seeds. The collections of marine algze, taken in connection with other collections made in Alaska, Wash- ington and California and Mexico during the last four or five years will, it is hoped, indicate the limits of the various algal floras of the Pacific Coast of North America, when they are properly determined and tabulated, and will afford the basis for some exact inquiry into the causes of demarcation. One of the most grati- fying features of the trip was the liberal way in which the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey, The Alaska Commercial Company, The Pacific Steam Whaling Company, and the Pacific Coast Steamship Company granted facilities for trans- portation and collecting. Nature states that after four months’ work on his yacht, Dr. H. C. Sorby, F.R.S8., has re- turned to Sheffield with many hundred speci- mens of marine animals, preserved by his new methods, so as to show life-like character and natural color. THE attempt recently made by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to fix a permanent - tidal plane for the Chesapeake Bay has proved successful. During the last fiscal year about DA2 SCIENCE. forty stations were occupied, at fifteen of which simultaneous tidal observations extending over one complete Junation were obtained. Mr. E. D. Preston, in the National Geographic Magazine for October, summarizes the work done as. fol- lows: The average tide for the entire bay is about one foot, possibly less. For Old Point ‘Comfort we have two and one-half feet ; for the mouth of the Potomac, one foot; for Washing- ton, three feet; Richmond, three feet; Elk River, at the head of the bay, two feet, and Annapolis less than one foot. The wind effect, however, is sometimes more than the total tide. For example, at Baltimore, the wind effect may amount to three feet, while the tide proper, un- influenced by local disturbances, is only one- thirdas much. The smallrange at Annapolis is due partly to the change in width of the bay, but principally to an interference at this point be- tween the incoming and outgoing tidal waves. When the crest of the southbound movement reaches the mouth of the Severn river it meets the northbound wave from the capes, and a partial neutralization of the vertical motion of the water takes place. THE International Commercial Congress held in connection with the Export Exposition of the Philadelphia Museums opened on October 12th. Many of the subjects that will be discussed are of scientific interest. THE Royal Photographic Society is holding its 44th annual exhibition in London this week. There are about 3830 exhibits of an artistic character and about 100 of a technical and scientific character. None of the latter, how- ever, represent any important advance. Tue American Public Health Association will hold its annual meeting at Minneapolis, begin- ning October 31st. THE second International Congress on Hyp- notism will be held in Paris from August 12th to 16th, 1900, under the presidency of Dr. Jules Voisin. THE Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, has arranged a course of eight lectures on science and travel to be given on Saturdays at three o'clock, as follows: Oct. 7. ‘The Cliff Dwellers of Colorado, Utah, Ari- [N.S. Von. X. No. 250. zona and New Mexico,’ by Mr. E. H. Cooper, Denver, Colo. Oct. 14. ‘ Hawaii,’ by Mr. R. J. Bennett, Chicago. Oct. 21. ‘A Cruise Among the Antilles—Puerto Rico,’ by Dr. C. F. Millspaugh, Curator, Department of Botany, Field Columbian Museum. Oct. 28. ‘ A Cruise among the Antilles—Cuba,’ by Dr. C. F. Millspaugh, Curator, Department of Botany, Field Columbian Museum. Noy. 4. ‘Some Curious Insects,’ by Mr. E. B. Chope, Assistant in Department of Zoology, Field Columbian Museum. Noy. 11. ‘ Fishes and Fishing on the Pacific Coast,’ by Dr. S. E. Meek, Assistant Curator, Department of Zoology, Field Columbian Museum. Noy. 18. ‘The Katcinas of the Hopi Indians,’ by Rey. H. R. Voth, Missionary to the Hopi Indians. Noy. 25. ‘The Eskimo,’ by Dr. George A. Dorsey, Curator, Department of Anthropology, Field Colum- bian Museum. AN inspector of timber has been created by the Government of the Dominion of Canada. With the view of preserving the remaining forests upon Dominion lands and Indian re- serves from destruction by fires and other destructive agencies, and of encouraging the reproduction of forest trees ; and also, as settle- ment is rapidly progressing in all parts of Man- itoba and the Northwest Territory, with the object of making an immediate inspection of the country, to ascertain what tracts should be set apart for timber reserves, before they are en- croached upon by settlers, the position of Chief Inspector of Timber and Forestry has been created. The headquarters of the inspector will be at Ottawa and his salary will be $2,500 per annum. A SALISBURY correspondent writes to the London Times that the feeling throughout South Wilts is strongly in favor of the Government acquiring Stonehenge at a reasonable price for the nation. At a recent meeting of the Wilton Town Council, it was decided to pe- tition the Government in favor of acquiring the ancient monuments, and the council are calling upon the county authorities and the archeological and antiquarian society to sup- port the petition. Several members of the coun- cil questioned very much whether Sir Edmund Antrobus has the, power of selling the ground around Stonehenge, which has been open to alt ane ae aint OcroBER 13, 1899.] the public from time immemorial. There are several roads and footpaths in close proximity to the monument, and the council were unani- mous in their opinion that the right of the pub- lic to the use of those roads should be main- tained. Stonehenge is a source of considerable revenue to Salisbury and district, and the pre- vailing opinion is that the monument should be acquired by the State. In ‘Memoires et Compte Rendus des Trav- aux de la Société des Ingenieurs Civils de France’ an extended account is given by M. Chalon of the progress made in that country by ‘Metal déployé,’ since its introduction from the United States in 1898. The first machine producing Golding’s new product was installed in June, 1898, and six are now unequal to the requirements of that country. The process and manufacture are very fully described. The metal used is a steel containing very little C., less than 0.7 per cent Mn., a trace of S. and of Si., and 0.1 per cent. O. Mr. Girrorp PincHort, Forester of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in the last number of the National Geographic Magazine, gives an interesting explanation of the method by which longleaf pine seedlings protect themselves against forest fires. In addition to bark which is not uncommonly as thick as the wood (the whole diameter being thus two-thirds bark and one third wood), the young trees add a device ‘specially adapted for their safety when growing amid long grass, with which they are almost always associated. ‘‘ During the first four or five years the long leaf seedling reaches a height of but four or five inches above the ground; but while the stem during these early years makes little progress, the long needles shoot up and bend over in a green cascade which falls to the ground ina circle about the seedling. Not only does this barrier of green needles itself burn only with difficulty, but it shades out the grass around the young stem, and so prepares a double fire-resisting shield about the vitals of the young tree.’ Such facts explain why the fire which has restricted the growth of evergreen oaks in parts of Florida, for example, has made a pure forest of pines in a region where the reproduction of the oaks is “SCIENCE. 545 phenomenally rapid wherever the annual fires cannot run.”’ A PRIZE of 100,000f. has been founded by the heirs of the late Mr. Anthony Pollok, of Wash- ington, to be awarded during the Universal Ex- hibition which is to be held in Paris in 1900, to the inventor of the best apparatus for the sav- ing of life in case of maritime disaster. The prize is open to universal competition This sum is now in deposit with the American Se- curity and Trust Company of Washington, D. C., and will be paid over to the successful competitor when a decision shall have been rendered by an appointed jury, and formally communicated to the Secretary of State of the United States ,through the Commissioner-Gen- eral of the United States to the International Exhibition of 1900. The juror selected on be- half of the United States is Lieutenant William S. Sims, U.S. N., Naval Attaché of the Embassy of the United States at Paris. In considering the award the jury will be governed by the fol- lowing conditions: (1) The total amount of the prize may be awarded to a single individual on condition that the invention is of sufficient practical value and importance to justify the proposed award; (2) should several persons enter inventions of equal value, the jury, as it shall consider right and just, may award a por- tion of the prize to each; (8) should none of the inventions entered be of sufficient value to entitle it ‘to the prize, the jury may reject any and all of them, but at the same time shall be empowered to indemnify competing inventors in such amounts as may be deemed advisable. The instructions to competitors will be issued in due course by the jury, with the sanction and approval of the authorities of the French Exhi- bition. These will be distributed upon applica- tion. Correspondence, however, may be ad- dressed to the members of the jury at Paris, or to Mr. Charles J. Bell, President of the Amer- ican Security and Trust Company, No. 1405 G Street, Washington, D. C. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. THE will of Dr. Calvin Ellis, formerly Dean of the Harvard Medical School, has only re- cently been probated, though his death occurred some years ago. It leaves about $140,000 to 544 SCIENCE. Harvard University. A fund of $50,000 is to be used to defray the expenses of descendants of the family at Harvard College. If not re- quired it is to be spent for the general purposes of the College. The balance of the money is to be used for the Medical School. Miss Lucy Ellis, a sister of Dr. Ellis has now bequeathed about $90,000, the money to be added to the fund left by Dr. Ellis. Provost C. HARRISON, of the University of Pennsylvania, announces a gift of $50,000 from an anonymous donor, the money to be used for the cost of erection of that part of the dormitory system already begun. By the will of the late John H. Sessions, $25, - 000 is bequeathed to Wesleyan University, Mid- dletown, Conn. THE Iowa Wesleyan University has received a gift of $10,000 from Ex-Senator James Harlan. THE last session of the Michigan Legislature raised the tax for the support of the State Uni- versity from one-sixth to one-fourth of a mill of each dollar of assessed valuation, thus increas- ing the annual income by a little over $92,000. THE British Medical Journal gives the follow- ing statistics in regard to the universities of France. These are fifteen in number and to- gether have a total of 27,080 students, of whom 12,059 belong to Paris. The total expenditure is 13,859,500 francs, so that the average cost of the education of each student is 511 franes. To meet this expense the universities have revenues amounting collectively to 2,093,700 francs; legacies, donations, ete., amount to 1,511,600 franes ; therefore a deficit of 10,524,- 200 franes, has each year to be made up by the State. AMONG the candidates for the Chair of Nat- ural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow are Mr. C. T. R. Wilson, Mr. J. A. M’Clelland and Mr. G. F. C. Searle, all demonstrators in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge; Mr. John Sealy Townsend, Cambridge ; Mr. George W. Walker, Cambridge; Professor Andrew Gray, University College, North Wales; Pro- fessor J. C. Beattie, Cape Town, and Mr. Car- gill Gilston Knott, Edinburgh University. Since Mr. R. M. Wenley, Ph.D. (Glasgow), LN. S. Von. X. No. 250. Se.D., F.R.S. (Edinburgh), was appointed to the headship of the philosophical department in the University of Michigan, the teaching staff has been doubled and now numbers six. Among recent appointments are Mr. Alfred H. Lloyd, Ph.D. (Harvard), to be junior professor of philosophy; Mr. W. B. Pillsbury, Ph.D. (Cornell), to be director of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology ; Mr. Carl V. Tower, Ph.D. (Cornell), to be instructor in philosophy, and Mr, J. W. Slaughter, A.B. (Lombard), to be assistant in psychology and philosophy. Dr. ALonzo HE. TAYLOR, assistant director of the Pepper Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, has been elected professor of pathology in the medical department of the University of California. Dr. HENRY 8S. Monrog, dean of the faculty of applied sciences of Columbia University, has: resigned on account of ill health. He is suc- ceeded by Professor F. H. Hutton. L. F. WALTER and H. Fisher have been ap- pointed assistants in chemistry in Columbia. University. PROFESSOR RICHARD Morris, superintendent. of public schools in Dunellen, N. J., has been appointed professor of mathematics at Rutger’s College. Ezra F. SCATTERGOOD, instructor in elec- tricity and physicsin Rutger’s College, has been appointed professor of physics in the Atlanta. School of Technology. VACANCIES in the chemical and electrical de- partments of the University of Vermont have been filled by the appointment of C. E. Jacobs, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and W. H. Freedman, of Columbia University. Mr. A. G. ASHCROFT has been appointed as- sistant professor of engineering at the Central College of the City and Guilds of London In- stitute. Tue Rey. J. F. Cross, B.A. Cambridge, M.A., Toronto, has been made professor of mathe- matics at St. John’s University, Winnipeg. Dr. K. ECKHARDT, professor of physiology at Giessen, has celebrated the fiftieth anniver-- sary of his activity as a university teacher. mit iy Zt SCIENCE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. S. Brntines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. PowrE.L1;, Anthropology. Fripay, OcroBer 20, 1899. CONTENTS: The American Association for the Advancement of Science :— Report on Progress in Non-Euclidean Geometry : PROFESSOR GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED............ 545 Section G, Botany: PROFESSOR W. A. KEL- SH RMUAN Gs vclcces aa stele teva ceaeu saben tiecaeepeedceseeecrs 557 Sullivant Day: ELIZABETH G. BRITTON....... 567 The British Association for the Advancement of Science :-— Section D (Zoology): PROFESSOR W. A. FEUER D MIAN cman ccttsneriieicsohscneseosoesececuek serecaeects 568 The Diccism of the Fig in its Bearing upon Caprifi- cation: DR. WALTER T. SWINGLE............... 570 Scientific Books :— Hicker’s Praxis und Theorie der Zellen- und Befruchtungslehre: E. B. W. Ganong’s The Teaching Botanist:. PROFESSOR FRANCIS E. LLOYD. Reye's Geometrie der Lage: PROFES- sor J.H. TANNER. Books Received............... 574 Scientific Journals and Articles........10.:..ceeeeeeeeees 578 . Societies and Academies :— Section of Biology of the New York Academy of Sciences: PROFESSOR FRANCIS E. LLOYD...... 578 Discussion and Correspondence :— The Perception of Horizontal and of Vertical Lines: PROFESSOR JOSEPH JASTROW............ 579 The Third Princeton Expedition to Patagonia......... 580 A Long Photographic Telescope: PROFESSOR Ep- WARD) ©! PICKERING)... ..csccescssctsccseseecseeeces se 581 Scientific Notes and News... hbo 581 University and Educational News.........2:0.1.0.e.000ee 583 MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. REPORT ON PROGRESS IN NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY. Ir marks an epoch in the history of mathematics that at a meeting of a great Association for the advancement of science there should be presented by invitation a Report on non-Euclidean geometry. Its two creators, Lobachéyski, who mis- named it Imaginary Geometry, and Bolyai Janos, under the nobler name Science Ab- solute of Space, failed utterly while they lived, to win any appreciative attention for what is to-day justly honored as one of the profoundest advances of all time. The only recognition, the only praise of the achievement of Lobachévski ever printed in his lifetime was by Bolyai Farkas, the father of his brilliant young rival, and ap- peared in a little book with no author’s name on the title page, and which we have no evidence that Lobachévski ever saw, a little book so rare that my copy is probably the only one on the Western Continent. When after more than forty years they were rescued from oblivion by Baltzer and Hotel in 1866, still envious time gave them back only with an aspersion against the genuineness of their originality. A cruel legend tarnished still their fame so long delayed, so splendidly deserved. Even when their creation had reached the high dignity of being made the subject of courses of lectures for consecutive se- mesters at the University of Géttingen, yet 546 SCIENCE. on page 175 of the second impression of these lectures, 1893, we still find Felix Klein saying, ‘Kein Zweifel bestehen kann, dass Lobatscheffsky sowohl wie Bol- yai die Fragestellung ihrer Untersuchungen der Gaussischen Anregung verdanken.”’ It isa privilege to begin my report by announcing the rigorous demonstration that this ungenerous legend is untrue. This point need not further delay us, since it has been treated by me at length in ScrENcE, N. S., Vol. IX., No. 232, pages 813-817, June 9, 1899. What a contrast to the pathetic neglect of its creators, Lobachévski dying blind, unrecognized, without a single follower, Bolyai Janos dying of disgust with himself and the world, lies in the fact that less than a year ago our American magazine, the Monist, secured from the famous Poin- earé, at great cost, a brilliant contribution to this now universally interesting subject, which I had the honor, through my friend T. J. McCormack, of reading in the orig- inal French manuscript. This extraordinary paper, published only in English translation, appears in the Mon- ist, Vol. 9, No. 1, Oct., 1898, pages 1-43. In the first section of his greatest work, Lobachévski says: ‘‘Juataposition (contact) is the distinctive characteristic of solids, and they owe to it the name geometric solids, when we retain this attribute, taking into consideration no others whether essential or accidental. ““ Besides bodies, for example, also time, force, velocity are the object of our judg- ment; but the idea contained in the word juxtaposition does not apply thereto. In our mind we attribute it only to solids, in speaking of their composition or dissection into parts. ‘This simple idea,which we have received directly in nature through the senses, comes from no other and consequently is subject to no further explanation. Two solids A [N. S. Von. X. No. 251. and B, touching one another, form a single geometric solid C, in which each of the component parts A, B appears separate without being lost in the whole C. In- versely, every solid Cis divided into two parts A and B by any section S. ‘“‘ By the word section we understand here no new attribute of the solid, but again a juxtaposition, expressing thus the partition of the solid into two juxtaposed parts. ‘“In this way we can represent to our- selves all solids in nature as parts of a single whole solid which we call space.” Poincaré starts off somewhat differently. He says: ‘‘ We at once perceive that our sensations vary, that our impressions are subject to change. The laws of these varia- tions were the cause of our creating geom- etry and the notion of geometrical space. ‘‘ Among the changes which our impres- sions undergo, we distinguish two classes : ““(1) The first are independent of our will and not accompanied by muscular sen- sations. These are external changes so-called. ‘©(2) The others are voluntary and ac- companied by muscular sensations. We may call these internal changes. “We observe next that in certain cases when an external change has modified our impressions, we can, by voluntarily provok- ing an internal change, re-establish our primitive impressions. The external change, accordingly, can be corrected by an internal change. External changes may conse- quently be subdivided into the two follow- ing classes : “1, Changes which are susceptible of be- ing corrected by an internal change. These are displacements. ‘9, Changes which are not so susceptible. These are alterations. An immovable being would be incapable of making this distinc- tion. Such a being, therefore, could never create geometry, even if his sensations were variable, and even if the objects surround- ing him were movable.” praesent St SEs OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] How like what Lobachévski said more than sixty years before: ‘‘ We cognize di- rectly in nature only motion, without which the impressions our senses receive are not possible. Consequently, all remaining ideas, for example, geometric, are created artificially by our mind, since they are taken from the properties of motion ; and therefore space in itself, for itself alone, does not exist for us.”’ Poincaré continues: ‘the aggregate of displacements is a group.’? At once rise be- fore us the great names Riemann, Helm- holtz, Sophus Lie. In fact Poincaré’s next section is merely a restatement of part of Riemann’s marvellous address, published 1867, on the hypotheses at the basis of geometry. Again, though the work of Helmholtz did not contain the group idea, yet it had put the problem of non-Euclidean geometry into the very form for the instrument of Sophus Lie, who calls it the Riemann- Helmholtz Space-problem. To the genius of Helmholtz is due the conception of studying the essential char- acteristics of a space by a consideration of the movements possible therein. Felix Klein it was who first called the attention of Lie to this work of Helmholtz, before then unknown to Lie, and pointed out its connection with Lie’s Theory of Transformation groups, inciting him to a group-theory investigation of the problem. In 1886 Lie gave briefly his weightiest re- sults in a note: ‘Bemerkungen zu v. Helmholtz’ Arbeit wber die Thatsachen, die der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen,” in the Berichte of the Saxon Academy, where, in 1890, he gave his completed work in two papers, ‘ Ueber die Grundlagen der Geome- trie’ (pp. 284-321, 355-418). The whole investigation published in Volume III. of his ‘ Theorie der Transformationsgruppen,’ 1898, was in 1897 awarded the first Lo- bachévski Prize. Felix Klein declared SCIENCE. 547 that it excels all comparable works so ab- solutely that a doubt about the award could scarcely be possible. Lie gives two solu- tions of the problem. In the first he in- vestigates in Space a group possessing free mobility in the infinitesimal, in the sense, that if a point and any line-element through it be fixed, continuous motion shall still be possible ; but if besides any surface element through the point and line-element be fixed, then shall no continuous motion be possible. The groups in tri-dimensional space posses- sing in a real point of general position this free mobility, Lie finds to be precisely those characteristic of the Euclidean and two non-Euclidean geometries. Strangely enough, for the seemingly analogous and simpler case of the plane or two-dimen- sional space these are not the only groups. There are others where the paths of the infinitesimal transformations are spirals. Without the group idea, Helmholtz had reached this reality, and as a consequence concluded that also to characterize our tri-dimensional spaces a new condition, a new axiom, was needed, that of monodromy. It is one of the most brilliant results of Lie’s second solution of the space problem, that starting from transformation-equations with three of Helmholtz’s four assumptions, he proves that the fourth, the famous ‘Monodromie des Raumes,’ is, in space of three dimensions, wholly superfluous. What a demonstration of the tremendous power of Lie’s Group Theory ! Lie’s method in general, as it appears in the Berichte, is the following : Consider a tri-dimensional space, in which a point is defined by three quantities 2, y, 2. A movement is defined by three equa- tions: 27, =f (4,y,2)3 7=9@,y%2)54= b (yy 2) By this transformation an assemblage, A, of points (#, y, z) becomes an assemblage, A’, of points (,, y,, 2). This represents a movement which 548 changes A to A’. Now make, in regard to the space to be studied, the following as- sumptions: (B) In reference to any pair of points which are moved, there is something which is left unchanged by the motion. That is, after an assemblage of points, A, has been turned by a single motion into an assem- blage of points, A’, there is a certain func- tion, 2, of the coordinates of any pair of the old points (2,, y,, 2), (4 Y) %) Which equals that same function, 2, of the cor- responding new coordinates (2,', y,', 2,'), (4,/, Y/, 2,'); that is Qa) ys 2415 Be! Yo! y 2a) Y= (yy Yay 2s Vay Yas 2) This something corresponds to the general- ized idea of distance interpreted as inde- pendent of measurement by superposition of an unchanging sect as unit for length. Moreover assume : (C) If one point of the assemblage is fixed, every other point of this assemblage, without any exception, describes a surface (a two-dimensional aggregate). When two points are fixed, a point in general (ex- ceptions being possible) describes a curve (a one-dimensional aggregate). Finally, if three points are fixed, all are fixed (excep- tions being possible). Then Lie proves ex- haustively that the group consists either of all motions of Euclidean space or of all mo- tions of non-Euclidean space. The result is a remarkable one, demon- strating that the group of Euclidean mo- tions and the group of non-Euclidean mo- tions are, in tri-dimensional space, the only groups in which exists in the strict sense of the word free mobility. Thus free motion in the strict meaning of the word can hap- pen in three and only three spaces, namely, the traditional or Euclidean space, and the spaces in which the group of movements possible is the projective group transforming into itself one or the other of the surfaces of the second degree 27+ y+ 7+1=0. To the fundamental assumption which SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 251. completely characterizes these three groups, Lie gives also this form : “Tf any real point y,°, y°,, y, of general position is fixed, then all real points z,, x,, x,, into which may still shift another real point x,°, ~,”, x’, satisfy a real equation of the form : Wy) Yas Yori B's Vy'y Vy} Ty) %yy Ly) = 0, which is not fulfilled for 2, = y,, «,= y,, x, =, and which represents a real surface passing through the point z,°, z,°, x,°. ‘About the point y,°, y,°, y, may be so demarcated a triply extended region, that on fixing the point 4,, ,°, y,, every other real point «,°, ~,’, 2°, of the region can yet shift continuously into every other real point of the region, which satisfies the equation W= 0 and which is joined to the point x,°, x, x, by an irreducible contin- uous series of points.” It is a satisfaction to the world of science that Lie’s vast achievements were recog- nized while helived. Poincaré accepts and expounds his doctrine, saying in the article already mentioned: ‘‘The axioms are not analytical judgments a priori; they are con- ventions. * * * Thus our experiences would be equally compatible with the geometry of Euclid and with a geometry of Lobachévski which supposed the curvature of space to be very small. We choose the geometery of Euclid because it is the simplest. “Tf our experiences should be consider- ably different, the geometry of Euclid would no longer suffice to represent them con- veniently, and we should choose a different geometry.” When on November 38, 1897, the great Lobachévski prize was awarded to Lie, three: other works were given honorable mention. The first of these is a thesis on non- Euclidean geometry by M. L. Gérard, of Lyons. Lovers of the non-EKuclidean geom- etry are naturally purists in geometry, and. keenly appreciate Euclid’s using solely such. OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] figures as he has rigorously constructed. They understand that problems of con- struction play an essential part in a scien- tific system of geometry. Far from being solely, as our popular text-books suppose, practical operations, available for the train- ing of learners, they have in reality, as Helmholtz declares, the force of existential propositions. Therefore is evident the high import of Gérard’s work to establish the fundamental propositions of non-Huclidean geometry without hypothetical construc- tions other than the two assumed by Euclid: 1. Through any two points a straight line can be drawn; 2. A circle may be described from any given point as a center with any given sect as radius. Gérard adds explicitly the two assumptions : 3. A straight line which intersects the perimeter of a polygon ina point other than one of its vertices intersects it again; 4. Two straights, or two circles, or a straight and a circle, intersect if there are points of one on both sides of the other. Upon these four hypotheses, perfecting a brilliant idea of Battaglini (1867), Gérard establishes the relations between the ele- ments of a triangle. Lobachévski never explicitly treats the old problems changed by transference into the new geometric world, such as ‘ Through a given point to draw a parallel to a given straight”; nor yet the seemingly impossi- ble problems now in it capable of geometric solution, such as ‘‘ To draw to one side of an acute angle the perpendicular parallel to the other side ’’; ‘‘ To square the circle.”’ These would be sought in vain in the two quarto volumes of Lobachévski’s col- lected works. Bolyai Janos, in his all too brief two dozen pages, gives solutions of them startling in their elegance. But in establishing his theory, he uses, for the sake of conciseness, the principle of continuity even more freely than does Lobachévski. SCIENCE. 549 Gérard, in the second part of his memoir, gives the elements of non-Euclidean analy- tic geometry, and in the third part, a strict treatment of equivalence. Even Euclid, in proving his I., 35, ‘ Par- allelograms on the same base, and between the same parallels, are equal to one an- other,’’? does not show that the parallelo- grams can be divided into pairs of pieces admitting of superposition and coincidence. He uses rather the assumption explicitly set forth by Lobachévski, ‘‘ Two surfaces are equal when they are sums or differences of congruent pieces.”’ But Creswell in his Treatise of Geometry, showed how to cut the parallelograms into parts congruent in pairs. The same can be done for Euclid I., 43, ‘‘ The complements of the parallelo- grams, which are about the diagonal of any parallelogram are equal.”’ Hence, we may use the definition : Magnitudes are equiva- lent, which can be cut into parts congruent in pairs. This method I applied to the ordinary Euclidean geometry in my Ele- mentary Synthetic Geometry before the ap- pearance of Gérard’s work, where it is ex- tended to the non- Euclidean. Regarding the first assured construction of Euclid and Gérard: ‘A straight line can be drawn through any two points,’’ W. Burnside has given us a charming little paper in the Proceedings of the London Math- ematical Society, Vol. XXIX., pp. 125- 182 (Dee. 9, 1897), enitled ‘The Construc- tion of the Straight Line Joining Two Given Points.’ Euclid’s postulate implies the use of aruler or straight-edge of any required finite length. The postulate is clearly not intended to apply to the case in which the distance between the two points is infinite. In fact, Huclid I., 31, gives a compass and ruler construction for the line when one of the points can be reached while the other cannot. The other exceptional case when neither point can be reached, i. €., When two given points are the points 550 at infinity on two non-parallel lines, is not dealt with by Euclid. In elliptic space any one point can be reached from any other by a finite number of finite operations. The line joining two given points can therefore be.always con- structed with the ruler alone. In hyper- bolic space, if we deal with projective ge- ometry, we must assume that every two straight lines in a plane determine a point. When the two straight lines are non-inter- sectors, the point can neither be a finite point nor a point at infinity. Such a point is termed an ‘ideal’ point. The problem of constructing the straight line joining two given points involves therefore three further cases; namely, (IV) that in which one of the points is a finite point and the other an ideal point; (V) that in which one is a point at infinity and the other an ideal point; (VI) that in which both points are idea] points. It is a pleasure to signal the appear- ance, within the past year, of the second volume of the exceedingly valuable work of Dr. Wilhelm Killing, ‘ Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Geometrie,’ (Pader- born, 1898). With Killing’s name will be associated the tremendous difference living geometers find between the properties of a finite re- gion of space, and the laws which pertain to space as a whole. Of the word direction he says ‘‘it can only be given a meaning when the whole theory of parallels is al- ready presupposed.” The pseudo-proof of the parallel postu- late still given in current text-books, for example, by G. C. Edwards in 1895, Killing calls the Thibaut proof, saying that it has especial interest because its originator, who was professor of mathematics at Gottingen with Gauss, published the attempt at a time, 1818, when Gauss had already called attention to the failure of attempts to prove this postulate, and declared that we had SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 252. not progressed beyond where Euclid was 2000 years before. But Killing is here in error when he sup- poses Thibaut the originator of this popular pseudo-proof. It was given in 1813 by Play- fair in his edition of Euclid, in a Note to I., 29. It was very elegantly shown to be a fallacy by Colonel T. Perronet Thompson, of Queen’s College, Cambridge, in a re- markable book called ‘Geometry without Axioms,’ of which the third edition is dated 1830, a book seemingly unknown in Ger- many, since Engel and Staeckel copy from Riccardi the title (with the mistake ‘ first books’ for ‘first book’) under the date 1833, which is the date of the fourth edi- tion. Killing has won an important place by investigating the question, what varieties of connection of space are compatible with the different elemental ares of constant curvature. Riemann, Helmholtz and Lie consider only a region of space, and give analytic expressions for the vicinity of a point. If this region be extended, the question is, what kind of connection of space can result. Killing shows there are different possi- bilities, really a series of topologically dif- ferent forms of space with Euclidean, Lo- bachévskian, Riemannian geometry in the bounded, simply connected region. The germinal idea is due to Clifford, who, in an unprinted address before the Brad- ford meeting of the British Association (1873), ‘On a surface of zero curvature and finite extent,’ and also by a remark in his paper ‘ Preliminary sketch of biqua- ternions,’ called attention to a recurrent. surface in single elliptic space, which has. everywhere zero for measure of curvature, yet is nevertheless of finite area. Similarly complete universal spaces are found of zero or negative measure of curva- ture, which nevertheless are only of finite extent. Since there is no way of proving OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] that the whole of our actual space can be moved in itself in ° ways, it may possibly be, after all, one of these new Clifford spaces. Free mobility of bodies may only exist while they do not surpass a certain size. Killing devotes an interesting section, over seven pages, to Legendre’s definition of the straight line as the shortest distance between two points. He emphasizes three principle reasons why this is inadmissible. These are (a) since the possibility of meas- urement for all lines is presumed before- hand, which is not allowable; (6) since before the execution of the measurement there must be a measuring standard, but this is first given by the straight line; (c) since the existence of a minimum is nct evident, on the contrary can be demanded only as an assumption. The first objection was always conclu- sive, yet it strengthens every day, for our new mathematics knows of lines, real boundaries between two parts of the plane, to which the idea of length is inapplicable. Under the title ‘ Universal Algebra,’ one would scarcely look for a treatise on non- Kuclidean geometry. Yet the first volume of Whitehead’s admirable work (Cam- bridge, 1898, pp. 586) devotes more than 150 pages to an application of Grassmann’s Calculus of Extension to hyperbolic, elliptic, parabolic spaces. So devoted is he, that we find him saying: ‘Any generalization of our space conceptions, which does not at the same time generalize them into the more perfect forms of hyperbolic or elliptic geometry, is of comparatively slight inter- est.’”” He emphasizes the fact that the three-dimensional space of ordinary experi- ence can never be proved parabolic. ‘‘ The experience of our senses, which can never attain to measurements of absolute ac- curacy, although competent to determine that the space-constant of the space of or- dinary experience is greater than some large value, yet cannot, from the nature of SCIENCE. 5ol the case, prove that this space is absolutely Euclidean.” From the many important contributions by Whitehead may be singled out as espec- ially timely his development of a theorem of Bolyai Janos to which F. S. Macauly called especial attention in the second of his able articles entitled, John Bolyai’s ‘Science Absolute of Space’ (The Mathe- matical Gazette, No. 8, July, 1896, pp. 25-31 ; No. 9, October, 1896, pp. 49-60). Macauly says, p. 53, ‘‘ Finally follows a ‘theorem (§ 21), which is, undoubtedly, the most re- markable property of hyperbolic space, that the sum of the angles of any triangle formed by Z-lines on an F-surface is equal to two right angles. On this theorem Bolyai remarks: (Halsted’s Bolyai, 4th Ed., p. 18), ‘ From this it is evident that Euclid’s Axiom XI., and all things which are claimed in geometry and plain trigonom- etry hold good absolutely in F, L-lines being substituted in place of straights. There- fore, the trigonometric functions are taken here in the same sense (are defined here to to have the same values) as in ¥ (as in Euclidean geometry); and the periphery of the circle, of which the Z-form radius = r in F, is =27r, and likewise the area of circle with radius r (in fF’) = zr’ (by z understand- ing half the periphery of circle with radius 1 in F, or the known 3.1415926 * * *).’” Whitehead, in his Universal Algebra, § 262, recurs to this important point, say- ing: ‘“‘ The idea of a space of one type as a locus in space of another type, and of di- mensions higher by one, is due partly to J. Bolyai, and partly to Beltrami. Bolyai points out that the relations between lines formed by great circles on a two-dimen- sional limit-surface are the same as those of straight lines in a Euclidean plane of two dimensions. Beltrami proves by the use of the pseudosphere, that a hyperbolic space of any number of dimensions can be con- sidered as a locus in Euclidean space of 552 higher dimensions. There is an error, pop- ular even among mathematicians, misled by a useful technical phraseology, that Euclid- ean space is in a special sense flat, and that this flatness is exemplified by the pos- sibility of a Euclidean space containing sur- faces with the properties of hyperbolic and elliptic spaces. But the text shows that this relation of hyperbolic to Euclidean space can be inverted. Thus no theory of the flatness of Euclidean space can be founded on it.”” Whitehead has since fol- lowed up his point in a very important and powerful paper in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. XXIX., pp. 275-324, March 10, 1898, entitled ‘The Geodesic Geometry of Surfaces in non- Euclidean Space.’ He there says, ‘‘ The relations between the properties of geodes- ics on surfaces and non-Euclidean geom- etry, as far as they have hitherto been in- vestigated, to my knowledge, are as fol- lows : “Tt has been proved by Beltrami that the ‘ geodesic geometry ’ of surfaces of constant curvature in Huclidean space is the same as the geometry of straight lines in planes in elliptic or in hyperbolic space, according as the curvature of the surface is positive or negative. “The geometry of great circles on a sphere of radius p in elliptic space of ‘ space- constant’ 7 is the same as the geometry of straight lines in planes in elliptic space of space-constant 7 sin - “ The geometry of great circles on a sphere of radius p in hyperbolic space of ‘space- constant’ 7 is the same as the geometry of straight lines in planes in elliptic space of space-constant 7 sin h fat if “The geometry of geodesics (that is, lines of equal distance), on a surface of equal distance, co, from a plane in hyperbolic space of space-constant 7, is the same as that of SCIENCE. [N.S. Vout. X. No. 251. straight lines in planes in hyperbolic space of space-constant 7 cos hs Yr “Finally, the geometry of geodesics (that . is, limit-lines), on a limit surface in hyper- bolic space—which may be conceived either as a sphere of infinite radius or as a surface of equal, but infinite, distance from a plane —is the same as that of straight lines in planes in Euclidean space. ““The preceding propositions are due di- rectly, or almost directly to John Bolyai, though, of course, he only directly treats of hyperbolic space. “From the popularization of Beltrami’s results by Helmholtz, and from the un- fortunate adoption of the name ‘radius of space curvature ’ for 7 (here called the space- constant), many philosophers, and, it may be suspected from their language, many mathematicians, have been misled into the belief that some peculiar property of flat- ness is to be ascribed to Euclidean space, in that planes of other sorts of space can be represented as surfaces in it. This idea is sufficiently refuted, at least as regards hyperbolic space, by Bolyai’s theorem re- specting the geodesic geometry of limit sur- faces. For a Euclidean plane can thereby be represented by a surface in hyperbolic space. “Tt is the object of this paper to extend and complete Bolyai’s theorem by investi- gating the properties of the general class of surfaces in any non-Euclidean space, ellip- tic or hyperbolic, which are such that their geodesic geometry is that of straight lines in a Euclidean plane. “Such surfaces are proved to be real in elliptie as well as in hyperbolic space, and their general equations are found for the case when they are surfaces of revolu- tion. “Tn hyperbolic space, Bolyai’s limit-sur- faces are shown to bea particular case of such surfaces of revolution. The surfaces OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] fall into two main types; the limit surfaces form a transition case between these types. In elliptic space there is only one type of such a surface of revolution. “The same principles would enable the problem to be solved of the discovery in any kind of space of surfaces with their ‘geodesic’ geometry identical with that of planes in any other kind of space.”’ So that which Macauly designated as ‘ un- doubtedly the most remarkable property of hyperbolic space’ has been by Whitehead not only generalized for hyperbolic space but extended to elliptic space. Bolyai Janos seemed fully to realize the weight, the scope, the possibilities, the meaning of his discovery. He returns to it in §37, where he uses the proportion- ality of similar triangles in F to solve an essential problem in S (hyperbolic space). Then he adds: ‘ Hence, easily appears (Z-lines being given by their extremities alone) also fourth and mean terms of a pro- portion can be found, and all geometric con- structions which are made in + in plano, in this mode can be accomplished in F’ apart from Axiom XI.” The italics are Bolyai’s, yet I find that they have not been repro- duced in my published translation (the only one in English), nor in Frischauf’s Ger- man, nor in Hotel’s French, nor in Fr. Schmidt’s Latin text, nor in Sutak’s Mag- yar. Whitehead’s researches will remind us all how great a thing it was to have reached the whole Euclidean system en- tirely apart from any parallel-postulate. It is a pleasure to be able to state that this was also done by Lobachévski. It is ex- plicitly given in his first published work ‘O nachalah geometri’ (1829). ‘ Noviya nachala geometri’ (1835), devotes to it Chapter VIII. It is also at this point, so striking as pure mathematics, that general philosophy finds itself involved. Killing, Klein, and in general the German writers, distinctly - SCIENCE 503 draw back from any philosophical impli- cations. The whole matter, however, has been opened in ‘An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry,’ by Hon. Ber- trand A. W. Russell, Fellow of Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge (1897), who has had the good fortune tobe the very first to set forth the philosophical importance of von Staudt’s pure projective geometry, which in its foundation and dealing with the qualitative properties of space involves no reference to quantity. I discussed this point more than twenty years ago in the Popular Science Monthly, 4 propos of Spencer’s classification of the Abstract Sciences. In a note to the first edition of his clas- sification of the sciences (omitted in the second edition), Spencer says, ‘I was igno- rant of this as a separate division of mathe- matics, until it was described to me by Mr. Hirst. It was only when seeking to affiliate and define ‘ Descriptive Geometry’ that I reached the conclusion that there is a nega- tively-quantitative mathematics as well as a positively- quantitative mathematics.”’ As explanatory of what he wishes to mean by negatively-quantitative, we quote from his Table I.: ‘‘ Laws of Relations, that are Quantitative (Mathematics), Negatively : the terms of the relations being definitely- related sets of positions in space, and the facts predicted being the absence of certain quantities (‘Geometry of Position’).’’ He also says: ‘‘In explanation of the term ‘negatively-quantitative,’ it will be suffi- cient to instance the proposition that cer- tain three lines will meet in a point, as a negatively-quantitative proposition, since it asserts the absence of any quantity of space between their intersections. Simi- larly, the assertion that certain three points would always fall in astraight line is ‘ neg- atively-quantitative,’ since the conception of a straight line implies the negation of any lateral quantity or deviation.” But Sylvester has said of this very proposition 554 &CIENCE., that it ‘‘ refers solely to position, and neither invokes nor involves the idea of quantity or magnitude.” “« Projective Geometry proper,’ says Rus- sell, ‘‘does not employ the conception of magnitude.” Now it is in metrical properties alone that non-Euclidean and Euclidean spaces differ. The distinction between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, so important in metrical investigations, disappears in projective geometry proper. Therefore pro- jective geometry deals with a wider concep- tion, a conception which includes both, and neglects the attributes in which they differ. This conception Mr. Russell calls ‘a form of externality.’ It follows that the assump- tions of projective geometry must be the simplest expression of the indispensable requisites of all geometrical reasoning. Any two points uniquely determine a line, the straight. But any two points and their straight are, in pure projective geom- etry, utterly indistinguishable from any other point pair and their straight. It is of the essence of metric geometry that two points shall completely determine a spatial quantity, the sect (German, strecke). If Mr. Russell had used for this fundamental spa- tial magnitude this name, or any name but ‘ distance,’ his exposition would have gained wonderfully inclearness. It isa misfortune to use the already overworked and often: misused word ‘ distance’ as a confounding and confusing designation for a sect itself and also the measure of that sect, whether by superposition, ordinary ratio, indetermi- nate as depending on the choice of a unit; or by projective metrics, indeterminate as depending on the fixing of the two points to be taken as constant in the varying cross ratios. That Mr. Russell’s chapter ‘A Short His- tory of Metageometry,’ contains all the stock errors in particularly irritating form, and some others peculiarly grotesque, I [N. S. Von. X. No. 251. have pointed out in extenso, in ScrEncsz, Vol. VI., pp. 478-491. Nevertheless the book is epoch-making. It finds ‘‘ that pro- jective geometry, which has no reference to quantity, is necessarily true of any form of externality. In metrical geometry is an empirical element, arising out of the alter- natives of Euclidean and non-Kuclidean space.”’ One of the most pleasing aspects of the universal permanent progress in all things non-Euclidean is the making accessible of the original masterpieces. The marvellous ‘ Tentamen’ of Bolyai Farkas, as Appendix to which the ‘ Science Absolute ’ of Bolyai Janos appeared, a book so rare that except my own two copies, I know of no copy on the Western Continent, a book which has never been translated, a field which has lain fallow for sixty-five years, is now being re-issued in sumptuous quarto form by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The first volume appeared in 1897, edited, with sixty-three pages of notes in Latin, by Konig and Réthy of Budapest. Professor Réthy, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in Kolozsvar, tells me the second volume is in press, and he is working on it this summer. Bolyai Farkas is the forerunner of Helm- holtz, Riemann, Lie, though one would scarcely expect it from the poetic exalta- tion with which he begins his great work. ‘“‘ Lectori salutem! Scarce superficially im- bued with the rudiments of first principles, of my own accord, without any other end, but led by internal thirst for truth, seeking its very fount, as yet a beardless youth, I laid the foundations of this ‘ Tentamen.’ ‘“Only fundamental principles is it pro- posed here so to present, that, Tyros, to whom it is not given to cross on light wings the abyss, and, pure spirits, glad of no original, to be borne up in airs scarce respirable, may, proceeding with firmer step, attain to the heights. OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] “You may have pronounced this a thank- less task, since lofty genius, above the windings of the valleys, steps by the Alpine peaks; but truly everywhere are present gordian knots needing swords of giants. Nor for these was this written. ‘“‘Forsooth Iswish the youth by my ex- ample warned, lest having attacked the labor of six thousand years, alone, they wear away life in seeking now what long ago was found. Gratefully learn first what predecessors teach, and after forethought build. Whatever of good comes, is ante- cedent term of an infinite series.” His analysis of space starts with the principle of continuity: spatium est quan- titas, est continuum (p. 442). This Euclid had used unconsciously, or at least without specific mention ; Riemann and Helmholtz consciously. Second comes what he calls the axiom of congruence, p. 444, § 3, ‘‘ corpus idem in alio quoque loco videnti, queestio succurrit: num loca ejusdem diversa equalia sint? Intuitus ostendit, eequalia esse.” Riemann: ‘‘Setzt man voraus, dass die Korper unabhangig von Ort existieren, so ist das Krimmungsmass wberall constant.”’ See also the second hypothesis of Helmholtz. Third, any point may be moved into any other ; the free mobility of rigid bodies. If any point remains at rest any region in which it is may be moved about it in in- numerable ways, and so that any point other than the one at rest may recur. If two points are fixed, motion is still possible in a specific way. Three fixed points not costraight prevent all motion (p. 446, § 5). Thus we have the third assumption of Helmholtz, combined with his celebrated principle of Monodromy. Bolyai Farkas deduces from these as- sumptions not only Euclid but the non- Euclidean systems of his son JAnos, refer- ring to the approximate measurements of astronomy as showing that the parallel postulate is not sufficiently in error to in- _ SCLENCE. 555 terfere with practice (p. 489). This is just what Riemann and Helmholtz afterward did, only by casting off also the assumption of the infinity of space they got also as a possibility for the universe an elliptic geom- etry, the existence of a case of which inde- pendently of parallels was first proven by Bolyai Janos when he proved spherics in- dependent of Euclid’s assumption. So if Sophus Lie, had ever seen the ‘ Tentamen,’ he might have called his great investiga- tion the Bolyai-Farkas Space Problem in- stead of the Riemann-Helmholtz Space Problem. The first volume of the ‘Tentamen’ as issued by the Hungarian Academy does not contain the famous appendix. But in 1897, Franz Schmidt, that heroic figure, ever the bridge between Janos and the world, issued at Budapest, the Latin text of the Science Absolute, with a biography of Bolyai Janos in Magyar, and a Magyar translation of the text by Sutak Jozsef. Strangely enough, though the Appendix had been translated into German, French, Italian, English, and even appeared in Japan, yet no Hungarian rendering had ever appeared. It was Franz Schmidt who placed the monument over the forgotten grave of Janos, only identified because there still lived a woman who had loved him. Now in this Magyar edition he rears a second monument. The introduction by Sutak is particularly able. The Russians have honored themselves by the great Lobachévski Prize ; why does not that glorious race, the Magyars, do tardy justice to their own genius in a great Bolyai Prize? One other noble thing the Hungarian Academy of Science has just achieved, the publication in splendid quarto form of the correspondence between Gauss and Bolyai Farkas : (Briefwechsel zwischen Carl Fried- rich Gauss und Wolfgang Bolyai). It was again Franz Schmidt who, after long en- 556 SCIENCE. deavors, at last obtained this correspond- ence from the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen, where Bolyai had sent the let- ters of Gauss at his death. The Correspond- ence is fitly edited by Schmidt and Staeckel. It gives us a romance of pure science. Gauss was the greater mathe- matician ; Bolyai the nobler soul and truer friend. On April 10, 1816, Bolyai wrote to Gauss giving a detailed account of his son Janos, then fourteen years old ; and unfold- ing a plan to send JAnos in two years to Gottingen, to study under Gauss. He asks if Gauss will take Janos into his house, of course for the usual remuneration, and what Janos shall study meanwhile. Gauss never answered this beautiful and pregnant letter, and never wrote again for sixteen years! Had Gauss answered that letter Gottingen might now perhaps have to boast a greater than Gauss, for in sheer genius, in magnificent nerve, Bolyai Janos was un- surpassable, as absolute as his science of space. But instead, he joined the Austrian army, and the mighty genius which should have enriched the transactions of the great- est of learned societies with discovery after discovery in accelerating quickness, preyed instead upon itself, printing nothing but a brief two dozen pages. Almost to accident the world owes the admirable volumes in which Staekel and Engel contribute such priceless treasures to the non-Euclidean geometry. An Italian Jesuit, P. Manganotti, discovered that one of his order, the Italian Jesuit Saccheri, had already in 1733 published a series of theorems which the world had been ascrib- ing to Bolyai. Thereupon, in 1889, E. Beltrami published in the Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Serie 4, Vol. V., pp. 441-448, a note entitled ‘Un Precursore italiano di Legendre e di Lobatschewski,’ giving extracts from Saccheri’s book which abundantly proved the claim of Manga- notti. [N. S. Von. X. No. 251. In the same year, 1889, E. d’Ovidio, in the Torino Atti, XXIV., pp. 512-518, called attention to this note in another entitled, Cenno sulla Nota del prof. E. Beltrami: ‘Un Precursore, etc.,’’ expressing the wish that P. Manganotti would by a more ample discussion rescue Saccheri’s work from un- merited oblivion. Staeckel says the thought then came to him, whether Saccheri’s work were not a link ina chain of evolution, the genesis of the non-Euclidean geometry. In 1893, at the International Mathemat- ical Congress at Chicago, in the discussion which followed my lecture, ‘Some Salient Points in the History of Non-Euclidean and Hyper-Spaces,’ wherein I gave an ac- count of Saccheri with description of his book and extracts from it, Professor Klein, who had never before heard of Saccheri, and Professor Study, of Marburg, mentioned that there had recently been brought to light an old paper of Lambert’s anticipating in points the non-Euclidean geometry, and named in connection therewith Dr. Staeckel. I at once wrote to him and published in the Bulletin of the New York Math. Soc., Vol. III., pp. 79-80, 1893, a note on Lambert’s non- Euclidean geometry, mentioning Staeckel’s purpose to republish Lambert’s paper in the Abhandlungen of the Leipziger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. But after this, in January, 1894, Staeckel formed the plan to make of Saccheri and Lambert a book, and associating with him his friend Fried- rich Engel, they gave the world in 1895, ‘ Die Theorie der Parallellinien, eine Urkun- densammlung zur Vorgeschichte der nicht- euklidischen Geometric.’ Strengthened by the universal success of this book, they planned two volumes in continuation. Staeckel takes the volume devoted to Bolyai Janos and his father. It is to begin with a more complete life of the two than has yet appeared, of course from material furnished largely by Franz Schmidt. Then follows the ‘ Theoria parallelarum ” OcroBER 20, 1899.] of Bolyai Farkas, interesting as proving that in 1804 Gauss was still under the spell of Euclid. Then is to follow the Latin text of the immortal Appendix with a German trans- lation. Next comes in German translation selections from the ‘ Tentamen.’ The book concludes with the geometric part of ‘Kurzer Grundriss,’ the only one of the Bolyai’s works printed originally in Ger- man. This volume is nearly published and may be expected in a few weeks. The volume undertaken by Engel has just ap- peared (1899). It is a German translation of Lobachévski’s first published paper (1829), ‘On*the Principles of Geometry,’ and also of his greatest work, ‘ New Ele- ments of Geometry, with Complete Theory of Parallels.’ Only from the ‘New Ele- ments’ can any adequate idea be obtained of the height, the breadth, the depth of Lobachévski’s achievement in the new uni- verse of his own creation. Of equal importance is the fact that En- gel’s book gives to the world at last a com- plete, available text-book of non-Euclidean geometry. There is no other to compare with it. For the history of non-Euclidean geom- etry we have the admirable Chapter X., of Loria’s pregnant work, ‘ I] passato ed il presente delle principali teorie geome- triche.’ This chapter cites about 80 au- thors, mostly of writings devoted to non- Huclidean geometry. In my own ‘ Bibliography of hyper-space and non- Euclidean geometry,’ in the Ameri- can Journal of Mathematics (1878), I gave 81 authors and 174 titles. This, when re- printed in the Collected Works of Lo- bachévski (Kazan, 1886), gives 124 authors and 272 titles. Roberto Bonola has just given in the Bol- lettino di Bibliografia e Storia della Scienze Matematiche (1899), an exceedingly rich and valuable ‘ Bibliografia sui Fondamenti SCIENCE. 507 della Geometria in relazione alla Geometria Non-Euclidea,’ in which he gives 353 titles. This extraordinary output of human thought has henceforth to be reckoned with. Hereafter no one may neglect it who attempts to treat of fundamentals in geometry or philosophy. GEORGE Bruce HALstTep. AUSTIN, TEXAS, Aug. 14, 1899. BOTANY AT THE COLUMBUS MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Secrion ‘G’ was attended by a large number of Botanists and the meeting was in every way pleasurable and _ profitable. On Monday afternoon Charles R. Barnes gave the vice-presidential address in Botan- ical Hall of the Ohio State University, to a large and appreciative audience. His theme was the ‘ Progress and Problems in Vegetable Physiology,’ and the address has been published in full in Scrence. During each of the succeeding four days, two sessions were held and thirty-three papers were read and discussed. Wednes- day was made a Memorial Day to Sullivant and Lesquereux ; the exercises are described below by Mrs. Britton. Among the items of business transacted by Section ‘G’ may be mentioned that which related to the publication of the card index of American Botany, and an expres- sion of high appreciation of the appoint- ment of an eminent physiological chemist in the Division of Vegetable Pathology and Physiology, United States Department of Agriculture. The authors of papers and an outline of the more important points are herewith presented : ‘The Fertilization of Albugo bliti,’ by F. L. Stevens, Chicago, Ill. The paper presented the results of two year’s research on the development of the 558 sex organs and the act of fertilization which, in this species, differs from the current con- ception of a fertilization in that the odsphere is a compound one, having about one hun- dred functional nuclei: each one of these fuses with one male pronucleus derived from the antheridium. The development of these nuclei and the organs that bear them is followed and the mitoses described, as is also the opening of the antheridial tube and the fusion of the nuclei. A new cell organ, present during the oogenesis, the cenocentrum, is described, and the ripen- ing of the odspore followed. ‘The Embyro Sac of Leucocrinum mon- tanum,’ by Francis Ramaley, Boulder, Colorado. The embryo sac of Leucocrinum is of the usual Liliaceous type. The sac is never greatly elongated but generally rather spher- ical. The polar nuclei fuse before the fecun- dation of the egg. The definitive nucleus moves from the center of the sac toward the posterior end before any division takes place. Thesynergidsare large: they per- sist for a short time after the fecundation of the egg. The antipodal cells do not in- crease in number but a fragmentation of the nuclei sometimes occurs. The anti- podals do not become completely disorgan- ized for a long time, and may still be recognized after a considerable mass of endosperm has been built up and the sac completely filled. The author found noth- ing to suggest a fusion between the defini- tive nucleus and a male cell. ‘Notes on Subterranean Organs,’ by A. 8. Hitchcock, Manhattan, Kansas. A classification of the underground parts of perennial plants, especially the herbs, is made as below: accompanied also by notes and examples: Roots which form adventitious buds ; Fleshy roots with a crown at apex : Crown with top-root—with fibrous roots ; Rhizomes ; simple, crown-bearing. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 251. Various subdivisions of each of the above, with examples were given. The notes re- ferred to plants in the vicinity of Manhat- tan, Kansas, confined chiefly to dicotyle- dons. ‘Some Monstrosities in Spikelets of Hra- grostis and Setaria with their Meaning,’ by W. J. Beal, Agricultural College, Michigan. A few plants of Eragrostis major made a second growth of some of the spikelets— more than twice the usual length, in a damp late autumn. A few spikes of Setaria viridis in same autumn had bristles bearing spikelets at the top, and one with a spikelet on the side of a bristle. ‘Studies of the Vegetation of the High Nebraska Plains,’ by Charles Edwin Bessey, Lincoln, Nebraska. The physical conditions on the high plains of Western Nebraska include a general ele- vation of 1000 to 1200 meters above sea level, a rainfall of but 40 centimeters per year, a very high insulation, a sandy soil, with a generally undulating surface, with now and then a shallow moist valley. Until recently these plains were swept annually with prairie fires. The ecological condi-. tions are taken up for the Box Butte plains where the grassy covering is an Agropyron- Stipa-Bouteloua formation; for the Snake Creek valley, with a Sporobolus formation, surrounded by a zone of Distichlis ; for the undulating surface with its exclusive Carex formation; for rocky hills with a broad zone of Artemisia in one line capped with a zone of Mentzelia; for the river bottom (Platte) with its Distichlis-A triplex-Cheno- podium. ‘The Tamarack Swamp in Ohio,’ by A. D. Selby, Wooster, Ohio. A preliminary study of the Larix plant company as occurring in Ohio. The loca- tion of these bogs in the northeast counties extending as far south as Canton, and in the extreme northwest of Ohio, was pointed out ; and a preliminary list of 36 species collected OcToBER 20, 1898. ] in these swamps by the author and HE. W. Vickers, of Ellsworth, Ohio, was presented in summary form. The rarest of these are of the genera Sarracenia, Drosera, Trientalis, Salix, Arethusa, Coptis, Chiogenes, Ilicioides, Cornus (C. Canadensis) and species of Vibir- num. ‘The Breeding of Fruits for the North- west Plains,’ by Wm. Saunders, Ottawa, Canada. The author refers to the many failures which have followed the testing of a large number of the hardiest forms of useful apples on the northwest plains. These failures have led to the belief that the most hopeful line of work in future is the im- provement of two species of Wild Crabs from Northern Siberia, viz.: Pyrus baccata and P. prunifolia, both of which have been tested and found quite hardy, but are quite small. These have been crossed with hardy forms of the larger apples and some of the particulars of the results obtained from these crosses were presented. ‘Field Experiments with ‘ Nitragin’ and other Germ Fertilizers,’ by Byron D. Hals- ted, New Brunswick. The study of leguminous root tubercles is uppermost in the minds of botanists and there is a practical side that deeply interests the crop growers. It has been shown that the microscopic symbionts greatly assist in the acquiring of nitrogen by the plants with which they live. : Professors Knobbe and Hiltner, of Thar- and, Saxony, foremost in the study of the symbiotic germs, have produced pure cul- tures and these are placed upon the market as bottled lymph under the trade name of ‘Nitragin.’ Experiments are now in progress at the New Jersey Experiment Station, and some of the results are as follows: The germs from five species, namely, Vicia sativa, V. villosa, Trifolium pratense, T. repens and T. incarnatum were used, each in separate rows and upon the seeds of all five SCIENCE. 559 of the above named legumes. Plants were lifted August 3d and the tubercles counted upon five plants and the average taken. It was found that the tubercles were more numerous upon the check plants than where the ‘ Nitragin’ had been used, and it seems evident, judging from the number of galls, that the germ fertilizer has had no appre- ciable effect. A duplicate of the above trial was made upon soil where peas had been grown for four successive crops. Here the only dif- ference to be noted was the large increase in the number of tubercles, those of the old pea land being nearly double those upon the new land. A still more extended experiment was made with thirteen leguminous crops from land that had been variously treated in previous years with soil remedies for club root in turnips. It was found that sulphur and lime both materially diminished the number of tubercles. An equal area was given to a test of the germ fertilizer offered through the trade under ;the name of ‘ Alinit’ and recom- mended for crops generally. The actual weight of five leguminous crops and four cereals (one failed) showed a grand total in favor of the check, although the difference was only slight. Experiments with several other sub- stances that might be supposed to stimulate the development of germs in the soil indi- cate that they have no wholesome influ- ence. ‘The Duration of Bacterial Existence under Trial Environments,’ by Henry L. Bolley, Agricultural College, N. D. The paper is based upon studies made from ordinary cultures which had been preserved for a number of years. Many had been allowed to become air dried, suffering the varying conditions of the laboratory atmos- phere. Other cultures had been hermetic- ally sealed and thus kept in fresh form. 560 The results are of interest because of the longevity shown for many of the germs; and because of the indicated possibility of keeping typical cultures in normal form as to gross characters and as to the morphol- ogy of the individual germs for long periods of time. ‘Suggestion for a more Satisfactory Clas- sification of the Pleurocarpous Mosses,’ by A. J. Grout, Brooklyn, N. Y. It is axiomatic that the classification of plants having an alternation of generations should be based on both gametophyte and sporophyte character. Schimper and nearly all modern authors except Lindberg and Braithwaite give undue weight to sporo- phyte characters, as in the Jsothecie, where a heterogeneous collection of plants is put in the same subfamily because of their sporophyte character alone. Lindberg while classifying more scientifically often overestimates single characters, e. g., when he puts Porotrichum (Thamnium) with the Neckeracece because of its leaf character, all its other characters indicating a close rela- tionship to the Hypneze. There are two characters of the pleuro- cearpous mosses whose importance in classi- fication is generally underestimated: the presence or absence of a central strand in the stem and, the presence and degree of ‘development of fine transverse lines on the Jower dorsal plates of the teeth of the peri- -stome. The latter are present and well de- ‘veloped in the subfamilies Hypnes and ‘'Brachythecie. Also in the genera JIsothe- «etum, Porotrichum, Pterogonium and Leseura, which are closely related and constitute a separate subfamily differing from the above mentioned subfamilies in leaf structure. These lines are as well developed in Thu- ridium and allied genera of the Leskeacez ‘(as usually constituted) as in the Hypnes and taken in connection with the perfect ‘Hypnaceous peristome indicates that these forms are at least as closely related to the SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 251. Hypnez as to the Leskeacez. In the latter family these lines are vestigial and the whole peristome degenerate so that Thu- idium must either be an intermediate form or a separate derivative from the Hypna- ceous type. The presence of a perfect peri- stome with these lines well developed in the Pterygophyllacez indicates that this family is closely related to the Hypnez. The entire absence of these lines in the Fontinalacez, Neckeraceze, and Climacium taken in connection with other characters indicates that these forms constitute a group by themselves, coordinate with the forms previously mentioned and possibly de- rived independently from the acrocarpous mosses. The anomalies of the Fabroniacez may possibly indicate a third similar group. The central strand is the physiological homologue of the vascular bundle and for many reasons would seem to be of a far more important character than the length and shape of the capsule, yet in our present system it is given far less weight. The presence of a central strand is usually cor- related with the presence of a costa in the leaves except in aquatic or subaquatic species. This indicates that Amblystegiwm and Plagiothecium are not naturally grouped and must also modify the present systems in many cases. The author wishes it distinctly under- stood that the above statements are thrown out as suggestions, because his knowledge of forms is far too incomplete to warrant any final statements. ‘Notes Concerning the Study of Lichen Distribution in the Upper Mississippi Val- ley,’ by Bruce Fink, Fayette, Iowa. A brief report of area covered, data as to habitat, etc., and a list of species examined. The author pointed out the incompleteness of recorded observations and suggested the noting of fuller data in connection with the collection of specimens. ‘Botanical Teaching in Secondary Schools.’ _ OCTOBER 20, 1899.] Under this head three papers were read, the authors being W. C. Stevens, Lawrence, Kansas; Ida Clendenin, Brooklyn High School, and Conway MacMillan, Minne- apolis, Minn. The paper of Mr. Stevens forcibly pointed out serious defects in much of the so-called botanical teaching, and argued for a study of plants rather than text-books merely. Miss Clendenin maintained that biolog- ical studies were important factors in mental development of children, and that they should not be postponed till late in the school curricula. It was immaterial whether zoology or botany was taken up first, but that at least an entire school year—four or five lessons weekly—should be given to them. In addition to this the last year in the course should offer one or both of these branches as optional studies. As to whether the work should be largely microscopical, dealing fully with the cell and tissues, com- mencing with the lowest plants and closing with the representatives of the highest groups; or rather making morphology and physiology prominent in the course, dealing mostly with specimens and material obtain- able by the pupils and using the microscope only for demonstration; is determined mainly by the environments in which the teacher finds himself (large classes, exces- sive work in the school room, etc.): there is no alternative for the great majority, and the second scheme must be followed. Miss Clendenin rightly insisted that it offered as good disciplinary and practical work as the first, and that the finer methods of the modern laboratory of his- tology should be left to the Universities, where alone their practice was possible. Professor MacMillan’s paper can not be condensed and therefore, it is here pre- sented as it was read to the Section : Te Introduction : (a) Education is essentially a social func- SCIENCE. 56k tion, hence the school is asocial organ. The- work of the school must therefore be criti- cised not by the individual aptitude or abilities of the graduates, but by the intel- lectual and moral condition of the com- munity in which the school has been active.. Sociology, not psychology, is the scientific foundation of a true system of pedagogics. (6) Society is an organism with moving equilibrium, always progressive or deca- dent. Progress of individuals is not incom- patible with social retrogression. It is stated that homicides are on the in- crease in the United States. In the light of the figures it may well be asked, does education educate ? (c) What are the fundamental difficul- ties with the schools? clearly the same as with any complex organ derived by a proc- ess of evolution: There are too many vestig- ial characters. Educational methods arise to meet the exigencies of particular epochs, nations or localities. After these epochs are past, nations extinct or localities abandoned, the methods do not likewise disappear but re- main petrified in the traditions of the schools, to be worn away by the slow at- trition of the ages. Nevertheless, while I am in favor of educational museums, I regret that our public schools should ever be such institu- tions. (d) The modern tendency in school cir- ricula is to introduce everything new as a concession to the radicals, and to keep everything old as a concession to the con- servatives. But education is not pursued by the race either for the exploitation of pedagogical theories, or for the perpetuation of traditions belonging to a by-gone civiliza- tion. The real practical problem is not what to put into the cirriculum, but what to take out. This deserves the most thoughtful consideration. Weare sometimes told that 562 there are so many demands upon the high school pupil that little space is left for biological science. II. (a) The object of the high school educa- tion is not culture but capability, not indi- viduality but organizability, not conscious- ness but conscientiousness, not well-rounded men and women but well-adjusted men and women. Therefore, education must always have a double content (1) information, developing the structure of the social individual, (2) training exercise in social functioning. (b) A general classification may be made of subjects in the cirriculum, under these views. 1. Technique of life: Reading, writing, spelling, mathematical calculation, eti- quette, hygiene, manual training and draw- ing, local geography, modern languages, logie. 2. Conditions of life: Chemistry, physics, physiography, geology, civil government. (Physiology. ) 3. Principles of life : mics, ethics, sociology. 4. Epitomes of life: literature, art, music. 5. Vestigial subjects: Ancient languages, metaphysics. (c) Such a classification is necessarily very elastic. Certain phases of biology are seen to be properly included under each of the classifications. (d) In general the value of biological in- struction lies not in the information, but in the training. This training is without a rival in the curriculum for the following reasons : 1. The organisms studied, whether plants or animals, are microcosms revealing to the student, under conditions free from preju- dice, the laws and factors of man and of society. Psychology, econo- History, biology, SCIENCE. [N.§. Von. X. No. 251. 2. As compared with history or literature which are likewise epitomes of life, biology has the advantage of thorough organiza- tion under the modern scientific method. The subject itself may be considered as a record : it differs, however, from history in being a record not so much impregnated with human error, and from literature in being free from the personal element. Fur- thermore, the method of reading the record is fresh, and devoid of those older unscien- tific blemishes which prevent us from inter- preting either history or literature apart from prejudice. 3. The quality of insight is developed under conditions that are more impartial than in the study of history or literature. For example, there is a secular and even a profane history—but there is neither secu- lar or profane biology. There is national, religious, political, personal literature, but there is no national, no religious, no polit- ical, no personal biology. 4. The quality of judgment, under such conditions, must be more perfectly and completely developed than under any other. Observation, classification, recollection, orderly notation, ete., can be inculcated as well by other disciplines. Note A. T. Harris’ comparison of botany with gram- mar. iil. What should be the nature of High School courses in Biology. (a) In the first place courses in elemen- tary general biology are impracticable be- cause (1) either an inherently superficial view of both plants and animals, or (2) a one-sided view of the living world must be presented. Further, there is no possible way of instituting just comparisons between plants and animals in the time given to elementary study. Consequently, the idea of ‘general biology courses’ is founded on pedagogical error. OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] (6) Courses must be in ‘botany and zoology,’ or ‘botany or zoology.’ (ec) A year of either biological science should include more anatomy and physiol- ogy than taxonomy, although the latter must not be neglected. (d) I favor a year of botany followed by a year of zoology, in the High School course. IV. Methods: (Not presented). “On the Occurrence of the Black Rot of Cabbage in Europe,’ by H. A. Harding, Geneva, N. Y. During the season of 1898 this disease was observed by the author, on cabbage and related plants in fields near Haarlem in Holland, Bonn, Karlsrule, Fulda, Berlin, Halle on Saale and Kiel in Germany, Sla- gelse in Denmark, Zurich in Switzerland and Versailles in France. Wherever an opportunity to visit fields presented itself the disease was always found, although with the exception of Switzerland and possibly Denmark, it did not appear to be of economic importance. Field observations were supplemented whenever possible by microscopic and cul- tural examinations. Sections of infested plant parts presented the same characters as is shown by the dis- ease common in America. Cultures uniformly produced a predomi- nant growth of yellow colonies, agreeing in general appearance and in morphology with B. campestris Pam. Subcultures were brought to New York and inoculated into cabbage and cauli- flower. In the case of germs obtained from Zurich, Switzerland, the inoculation invari- ably produced a disease exactly like that found common in our fields, and behaved in all respects like cultures obtained from dis- eased plants in Wisconsin and New York. With germs brought from other plants in Europe the results were not so conclusive. SCIENCE. 563 ‘A Thousand Miles for a Fern,’ by Charles Edwin Bessey. The Southern Maiden-hair Fern (Adi- antum capillus-veneris) was found August 24,1898, in the Black Hills of South Da- kota. It grows in the warm streams (25° C.), which issue from numerous large springs. The species is indigenous. ‘A Summary of our Knowledge of the Fig with Recent Observations,’ by Walter T. Swingle, Washington, D. C. A summary of the existing knowledge concerning the fig, caprifig and caprifica- tion, including the results of recent observa- tions by the author in North Africa, Greece and Asia Minor. This paper is published in full below. ‘The Classification of Botanical Publica- tions,’ by William Trelease, St. Louis, Mo. This article will appear in full in a later number. ‘The Geotropism of the Hypocotyl of Cucurbita,’ by Edwin Bingham Copeland. Experiments show that the plant executes the geotropic response without direct re- gard to the consequences, and without the power of adaption to unusual conditions. In nature the rapid growth of the under side of a prostrate hypocotyl bears the cotyledons upward: but if a young plant be placed horizontal with the cotyledons fast and the roots free, the same response bears the roots upward, and is therefore likely to be immediately fatal. While the object of geotropism is to secure a certain arrangement of the longitudinal elements for the plant—root, hypocotyl, cotyledons—the stimulus is a disturbance of the normal dis- position of the transverse pressure of the tis- sues. Itis not necessary for the perception of a geotropic stimulus that the plant com- pare the difference in position or pressure of its two halves ; for if the plant is laid pros- trate, the lower half will of itself grow more rapidly than the upper, as may be demon- strated by cutting the halves entirely, apart. 564 _ ‘The Destruction of Chlorophyll by Oxi- dizing Enzymes,’ by A. F. Woods, Wash- ington, D. C. This paper details the results of experi- ments going to show that the Mosaic disease of tobacco is due to oxidizing enzymes rather than to a ‘living fluid contagium’ as suggested by Beijerinck. It also shows that these enzymes are unusually abundant in many other cases of variegation, and in the disease known as peach yellows and peach rosette ; and in these cases also ascribes the destruction of the chlorophyll to the ab- normal abundance of these ferments. ‘The Effect of Hydrocyanic Acid Gas upon the Germination of Seeds,’ by C. O. Townsend, College Park, Md. In the experiments that form the basis of this paper, seeds in both the dry and damp state have been tested with different strength of gas and for different periods of time. In the case of dry grains and seeds it was found that they might remain for several weeks in an atmosphere of hydro- cyanic acid gas, many times as strong as is required for the almost instantaneous de- struction of insect life, without appreciably injuring their germinating power. Indeed the gas under these conditions slightly ac- celerates germination, and the subsequent rate of growth of the seedlings is slightly above the normal. Seeds that have been soaked in water be- come very sensitive to the presence of hydrocyanic acid gas. If the seeds have been soaked for twenty-four hours they can- not germinate if more than 0.080 of a grain of potassium-cyanide per cubic foot is used in generating the gas. Even 0.003 of a grain of potassium-cyanide per cubic foot has a very marked effect on the time of germination of seeds that have been soaked in water for twenty-four hours. If the grains and seeds have been soaked but six hours, they are more resistant than when soaked for a longer period; but even under SCIENCE. [N. 8S. Von. X. No. 251. these circumstances germination is dis- tinctly retarded by the pressure of hydro- cynic acid gas. ‘Some Physiological Effects of Hydro- cyanic Acid Gas Upon Plants,’ by W. G. Johnson, College Park, Md. A brief report of the first precise experi- ments with hydrocyanic acid gas upon young fruit trees, both dormant and in full foliage. ‘Etiolative Reactions of Sarracenia and Oxalis,’ by Wm. B. Stewart, Minneapolis, Minn. An anatomical examination of etiolated leaves of Sarracenia and Oxalis, shows the increase of length of supporting tissues by increase in size and multiplication of cells, and the new development of portions which functionate in light only. Etiolative reactions are almost purely adaptive in their nature. ‘The Mycorhiza of Tipularia,’ by Julia B. Clifford, Minneapolis, Minn. The roots tipularia show some marked specializations of structure for adjustment, for the presence of an endotropic fungus with which a symbiosis is formed. The fungus is differentiated into a vegetative mycelium, with external] absorbent branches and internal branches serving as organs of interchange. ‘Cultures of Uredinee in 1899,’ J. C. Arthur, Lafayette, Ind. Successful cultures of eleven species of Uredinez were made upon their host plants, showing the connection of ecidial and tel- eutosporic stages. The following is a list of the associated forms, the host plants, and nature of the cultures : 1. Puccinia Convolvulus Cast. on Convolvulus sepium, and Zcidium Calystegiae Desm. on same host, with sowings of teleutospores. 2. Puccinia Phragmitis (Schum.) Koern. on Phrag- mites communis Trin. and Acidiwm rubellum Pers. on Rumezx crispus L. and R. obtusifolius L. with sowings of teleutospores. 8. Puccinia Americana Lagh. on Andropogon sco- OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] parius Mx. and Aicidiwm Pentstemonis Schw. on Pent- stemon pubescens Sol. with sowings of secidiospores and teleutospores. 4. Puceinia Windsorizw Schw. on Triodia cuprea Jacq. and Aeidium Ptelex B. & C. on Plelea trifoliata L. with sowings of zecidiospores. 5. Puceininia Vilfee A. & H. on Sporobolus asper _ (Mx.) Kunth. and Zcidium verbenicola K. & S., with sowings of secidiospores. 6. Puccinia peridermiospora (E. & T.) Arth. on Spartina cynosuroides (L.) Willd, and cidium Fraxini Schw. on Fraxinus viridis Mx. with sowings of teleutospores. 7. Puecinia Caricis (Schum.) Reb. on Carex stricta Lam. and @eidium Urtice Schum. on Urtica gracilis Ait., with sowings of zecidiospores. 8. Puccinia angustata Ph. on Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. and cidiwm Lycopi Ger. on Lycopus sinuatus Ell., with sowings of secidiospores. 9. Uromyces Euphorbize C. & P. on Euphorbia nutans Lag. and eidium Euphorbix Am. Auct. on same host, with sowings of zecidiospores. 10. Phragmidium speciosum Fr. on Rosa humilis Marsh. and Cxoma miniata Am. Auct. on Rosa sp. with sowings of teleutospores. 11. Triphragmium Ulmarie—on Ulmaria rubra Hill and CxomaUlmarix—on same host, with sowings of zecidiospores and uredospores. ‘The Embryology of Vaillantia Hispida,’ by Francis E. Lloyd, New York. The archesporium consists of about twelve cells. But one of the megaspores produced therefrom normally becomes the embryo- sac, the development of which follows in much the usual fashion, in a position, how- ever, removed from the archesporium ; this position is attained by a migration of the megaspore involved out of the nucellus into the micropylar canal. Fusion of the polar nuclei takes place at some distance from the egg ; toward which, however, the endosperm moves and to which it ultimately becomes closely applied. The antipodals are three, one of which is very long, one end being plunged into the disintegrating arches- porium, which is believed to serve as food. The embryo has a suspensor which forms outgrowths into the endosperm, these acting as food absorbing organs. The endosperm enlarges at the expense of the integument SCIENCE. 565 which has the appearance of a tissue under- going digestion. A part of the integument remains as a seed envelope. The reserve food consists of cellulose and starch. ‘The Division of the Megaspore of Ery- thronium,’ by John H. Schaffner, Columbus, Ohio. Our knowledge of the process of reduction is still very fragmentary and the observa- tions and interpretations presented by the several investigators differ widely. Hry- thronium albidum and E. americanum present favorable objects for the study of the im- portant phenomena which take place during the transition from the sporophyte to the gametophyte. Asin the case of the lilies generally, the megaspore of Hrythronium arises from the archesporial cell, directly, by differentiation and not by division. The archesporial cell can usually be distin- guished before the first of October and it continues to develop until after the first of December, when it passes into a partial rest- ing stage and does not complete its division until early the next Spring. The cell, therefore, in which the reduction takes place, has a period of development extend- ing over six months. In the Fall while the nucleus is expand- ing, the chromatin net-work begins to thicken until a continuous band is formed. In the Spring the band twists itself up into twelve loops, which break apart and form twelve very large, coiled chromosomes. The chromatin granules never ‘appear very dis- tinct and they do not begin to divide until the chromatin band begins to form the loops. After the pseudo-reduction the chromosomes are arranged on the spindle threads with their closed ends turned out- ward and are then gradually untwisted and pulled apart at the middle. This results in the transverse division of each chromo- some, one transverse half going to each daughter nucleus. The division of the megaspore of EHry- 566 thronium is, therefore, essentially the same as in Lilium philadelphicum, and it seems to the writer that a transverse, qualitative division is the only interpretation possible. ‘The Flora of Franklin County, Ohio,’ by A. D. Selby, Wooster, Ohio. A comparison of the known flora of Columbus, Ohio, with that listed in the cata- logue of Wm. S. Sullivant in 1840, in tabu- lar form. It shows a gain of the known list amounting to 353 species ; of which 117 are introduced; in other words, 184 species of the present known flora, or 167 per cent. of the present, are of introduced species, ‘The Fungus Infestation of Agricultural Soils in the United States,’ by Erwin F. Smith, Washington, D.C. A continuation of studies begun by the writer in 1894 on the parasitic soil Fusaria of the United States. Results are detailed of completed experiments on soil infections with the watermelon fungus, over 500 of which have been obtained. It shows that related species are likely to prove equally destructive to plants of other families, e. g., cabbage, tomato, sweetpotato. The fact to be specially emphasized is that these fungi live in the soil over winter and attack the plant from the earth. Further, the soil once infected with one of these resistant fungi becomes worthless for growing the agricultural plants subject to it for a long series of years, and consequently the great- est care should be taken to avoid the spread of these parasites to land which is now free from them. ‘Are the Trees Advancing or Retreating Upon the Nebraska Plains’? by Charles Ewing Bessey. To appear in ful] later. ‘Useful Trees and Shrubs for the North- west Plains of Canada,’ by Wm. Saunders, Ottawa, Canada. In this paper is given the results of a large number of experiments conducted dur- ing the past eleven years in testing the SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 251. hardiness and usefulness of many species and varieties of trees and shrubs, both native and foreign, on the Canadian experimental farms in Manitoba and the northwest terri- tories. Some particulars are given as to the success which has attended this work and attention called to some of the groups to which the hardiest forms belong. Ref- erences are also made to many individual species and varieties which have been found most useful. ‘The Occurrence of Calcium Oxalate and Lignin during the Differentiation of the Buds of Prunus Americana,’ by H. L. Bolley and L. R. Waldron, Agricultural College, N. D. The paper consists of a short résumé ot the occurrences of crystals of calcium oxa- late and of the presence of lignified tissues, as observed by Mr. Lawrence Waldron in a study conducted upon the development of life history of the buds of Prunus Americana. It was found that the crystals of calcium oxalate occur in quite surprising abund- ance in the meristematic tissues of the bud and in the very youngest stages of the scales of the bud; and that the oxalate becomes lessened in proportionate quantity as the tissues develop. Lignification of the hairs and scales of the bud commences at a very early period of their development. While it is usually assumed that calcium oxalate is a waste product of metabolism, its occur- rence in such large quantities in the meriste- matic cells of the bud and scales would seem to indicate a question as to whether it has a definite value at this point, at this par- ticular time, in the life history of the plant. ‘Two Diseases of Juniperus,’ by Herman Von Schrenk, St. Louis, Mo. The species of Juniperus are trees which have few fungous and insect enemies. The author describes two destructive diseases of Juniperus Virginiana, one of which is also found in Juniperus Bermudiana and Thuya OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] occidentalis. The first one is due to an un- described species of Polyporus. Large holes are formed in the heartwood of the trunk, one above the other. Each is full of my- celium and has a thick white lining, con- sisting of wood fibers from which the lignin has been removed, leaving the pure cellu- lose. The fruiting part forms on the out- side of the trunk, forming around a dead branch. It has been reported so far from Kentucky and Tennessee. Thesecond form of destruction is more widely spread. It is due to a Polyporus, probably P. carneus. Long pockets are formed in the heartwood of a tree, filled with a brown bitter wood, which has characteristic properties. The sporophore forms in the branch holes on the trunk ; they have a flesh-colored hy- menium and are quite common. Attention is called to the fact that a very large per cent. of the individuals of Juni- perus Virginiana are defective because of one or other of these fungi. ‘The Crystals in Datura Stramonium L.’, by Henry Kraemer, Philadelphia. An exhaustive paper which will be pub- lished in full in the Journal of Pharmacy. W. A. KELLERMAN, Secretary of Section G. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. SULLIVANT DAY. Wepnespay, August 23d, was taken by the Botanical Section for a bryological me- morial to do honor to Sullivant and Les- quereux. The meeting was held in the Botanical Lecture Room which had been appropriately decorated with mosses and ferns and hung with portraits of Sullivant and Lesquereux loaned by the members of both families present. The tables sur- rounding the room were filled with books and pamphlets on bryological subjects, and the spaces ander the windows with micro- scopes showing rare or type specimens of SCIENCE. 567 mosses and hepatics. The walls were hung with photographs of botanists whose names are associated with American bryophytes, as well as plates and illustrations from original publications. The meeting was called to order with Dr. Chas. R. Barnes in the chair and Professor Kellerman as Secretary, who welcomed the large number of members and guests present and opened the session with some preliminary remarks on the work done on the flora of Ohio by Joseph Sullivant, William S. Sullivant, Riddell and others, and exhibited pressed speci- mens, framed of Sullivantia Ohionis, Loni- cera Sullivantii, Solidago Ohions, S. Riddellit, and other rare plants. Duplicates of these were distributed in sets after the adjourn- ment of the session. Professor Kellerman then read Dr. Gray’s tribute to Sullivant from the Supplement to the Icones. Twelve North American mosses have been named for Sullivant ; specimens of these with orig- inal drawings were loaned from the Sulli- vant collection in the Gray Herbarium at Harvard University ; duplicates of these species were presented by the Herbarium of Columbia University to the Ohio State Uni- versity and microscopic slides were made by Mrs. Britton who gave a short account of them. Dr. Barnes then read a brief biographical sketch of Leo Lesquereux, exhibiting the pic- ture of his father’s home at Fluellen where he fell down a mountain in search of plants, one of the causes of his subsequent deaf- ness, a misfortune which in the end proved a blessing, as it enabled him to devote himself with undisturbed serenity to the study of fossil plants and mosses. Several of his paleontological works were not pub- lished until after his death and many of the illustrations were made by his granddaugh- ter, Miss Ahrhart, who acted as his inter- preter and assistant. A brief account of these posthumous publications was pre- 568 pared by Dr. Arthur Hollick, and presented by Professor D. T. MacDougal. Mrs. Britton gave a chronological record of the study of N. A. bryophytes since 1850, with tabulated lists of publications and ex- siccatze, illustrating more particularly with books and pamphlets the progress of the study of the mosses since the publication of Lesquereux’ and James’ Manual in 1884. Professor Kellerman showed a collection of mosses formerly the property of A. Schrader who made the drawings for Sullivant’s Icones. Most of the specimens are Euro- pean, collected or presented by Lesquereux, but there a few duplicate types of North American species accompanied by plates, among them the originals of Sullivant’s species from the Survey of the 35th par- allel. The collection was presented to the Ohio State University by Dr. Townshend. Professor Underwood gave a brief account of the progress of the study of the Hepatice, exhibiting his own publications and those of W.H. Pearson, A. W. Evans and M. A. Howe, and a set of plates from the last volume of the Memoirs of the Torrey Bot- anical Club , containing the enumeration of Californian Hepaticee and Anthocerotacez. Twelve new species were figured by Dr. Howe, the originals of which were exhibited for him by Professor F. E. Lloyd, who com- mended the morphological value of his work. An attempt was made to secure reports from all North American bryologists. This was only partially successful, as many were away and unable to be present. Dr. Barnes showed a set of the publications of Renauld and Cardot from the Botanical Gazette and of Roll from Hedwigia. Dr. George N. Best sent a set of his reprints and an ab- stract of his work. Dr. A. J. Grout sent a set of the Bryologist and his Revisions of some genera of pleurocarpous mosses with suggestions for a more satisfactory classi- fication. Dr. Charles Mohr sent some notes SCIENCE, [N.S. Vou. X. No. 251. on the moss-flora of Alabama, which were read by Professor F.S. Karle. Mrs. Britton exhibited a set of maps with regions marked where mosses have been collected, and lists of stations and collectors, compiled with the assistance of Dr. J. K. Small. Reports were received from the Sullivant Moss Chapter through its secretary, Mrs. Annie M. Smith, with a list of members and of the mosses named by Sullivant. The Philadelphia moss-chapter also made a report through its secretary, Mr. Mc. Elwee, with lists of the collections and publications available for studying the mosses at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. At the conclusion of the exercises, Dr. C. E. Bessey spoke of the desirability of found- ing a bryological scholarship to be named for William S. Sullivant. This proposition was heartily commended by the chairman and the various members of the Sullivant family present. During the remainder of the day the exhibits were open to inspection and duplicate specimens of Orthotrichum Ohioense were distributed. EvizABetH G. BRITTON. SECTION D (ZOOLOGY) AT THE DOVER MEETING OF THE BRITISH ASSO- CIATION. Tue president of this Section was Mr. Adam Sedgwick, of Cambridge, and his ad- dress dealt with such fundamental questions as reproduction, variation and heredity. He considers that one of the most important results of the evolutionary change has been the gradual increase and perfection of heredity as a function of organisms and a gradual elimination of variability. This would enable evolution to be effected much more rapidly in early periods than at present, and so may enable us to bring our requirements as to time within the limits granted by the physicists. As some of the other Sections were to re- ceive addresses of general biological interest, OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] it was arranged that Section D should ad- journ after Mr. Sedgwick’s address until the following morning. The scheme of work for the remaining days was this: Friday morn- ing, morphological papers; Friday afternoon, entomology and some reports ; Saturday, marine biology and reports ; Monday, mor- phology, embryology, etc.; Tuesday, sea- fishery papers and discussions. Amongst the morphological papers on Friday were: 1. Mr. J. Lister (Cambridge), ‘ On Astro- sclera willeyana,’ the type of a new family of Caleareous sponges. This remarkable new form was collected by Dr. A. Willey in the Loyalty Islands. Its abundant calcareous polyhedral spicules fuse to form a contin- uous branched skeleton. The ciliated chambers in the canal system are very mi- nute, and the ciliated cells have no collars round the flagella. 2. Professor S. Symington (Belfast), ‘On the Morphology of the Cartilage of the Monotreme Larynx.’ The author considers that both the ontogeny and phylogeny of the mammalian epiglottis support the view that it is a single median structure, and not as Gegenbaur supposed the result of fusion of two lateral elements. 3. N. Bishop Harman (Cambridge), ‘ The Palpebral and Oculomotor Apparatus in Fishes.’ Seventy species were examined. The degree of complexity was not found to agree with the probable phylogeny, or with the scheme of classification. The source of the complex musculature of the eyelids of Selachii was traced to the branchial muscu- lature of the spiracle, and this was also ex- emplified by the inverse ratio existing be- tween the condition of the spiracle and the nictitating membrane. In those fish in which the latter shows its highest develop- ment the spiracle is absent and vice versa. The condition of the orbital sac of a sup- porting rod of cartilage in the eyes of many cartilaginous fishes, of the ligament in rela- SCIENCE. 569 tion to the optic nerve in many bony fishes, and of the eye muscles and other neighbor- ing structures, was discussed in the various groups and some species of fishes. The special condition of the obliquus superior in pleuronectids and in some mammals indi- cates the possibility of independent evolu- tion of organs in widely severed types along similar lines when the conditions of use are similar. This paper will be published in extenso in the Journal of Anatomy and Physi- ology. 4, Several minor papers and reports were also taken. On Saturday, when some of the zoolo- gists from the French Association, then meeting at Boulogne, visited the Sec- tion, a few papers on Marine Biology likely to prove interesting for joint discussion wereread. Mr. W. Garstang gave a report upon his periodic investigation of the plank- ton and physical conditions of the English Channel during 1899. They were carried out at quarterly intervals from a steamer along certain fixed lines from Plymouth to Ushant, then out to the 100 fathom line, and back to Plymouth across the mouth of English Channel. Serial observations were taken of the water temperatures of the salinity and of the contained fauna and flora. At first the plankton was collected by means of a pump and hose, but this proved unsatisfactory, and so Mr. Garstang devised a closing townet which is a modifi- cation and signification of Giesbrecht’s. This new net and also that of Dr. C. G. Joh. Petersen, of Copenhagen, were on ex- hibition in the Section, and were also shown working in the sea to a party of zoologists on board Mr. Woodall’s yacht one after- noon during the meeting. In the discus- sion that followed, Baron Jules de Guerne discussed the somewhat similar net he had been using on board the Prince of Monaco’s yacht, Princesse Alice. Reports upon the work done by holders a 570 of the British Association tables at the Naples and Plymouth biological stations were then submitted. On Monday the chief papers were : 1. J. 8S. Kerr, ‘ The Development of Lepr- dosiren paradowa,’ and a note on the hypothe- sis of the origin of the vertebrate paired limbs. 2. J. F. Gemmill, ‘On Negative Evidence regarding the Influence of Nutrition in Determining Sex.’ Dr. Gemmill deals with marine animals fixed in such a position that some individuals get more food than others. This seems to cause no difference in the proportions between the sexes. 3. F. P. Morenaand A. Smith Woodward, ‘Exhibition of Skull of Extinct Chelonian Miolania, and of newly-discovered Neomylo- don remains from Patagonia,’ with remarks. 4. G. E. H. Barrett Hamilton, ‘The Fur Seals of Behring Sea.’ On Tuesday Sir John Murray read a paper on Dr. Petersen’s experiments on plaice culture in the Limfjord, Denmark. Outside the fjord the plaice are found abun- dant, but small. When transplanted into the richer feeding ground they rapidly grow larger, and can be sold at such a price that it may be regarded as successful economic fish culture. Mr. W. Garstang then gave an account of his experiments at Plymouth in rearing young sea-fish. He has used the Butterfly Blenny, kept in ‘plunger’ jars, not more than five larve to a gallon of water, and fed on plankton. The experiments have been very successful, about 50% of the larve being reared through the metamor- phosis to young adults. Professor McIn- tosh finally had a paper on the occurrence of the grey gurnard (Trigla gurnardus) and its spawning in shore and off shore waters. He shows by a monthly examination of the statistics that this important fish does not begin to migrate in shore for spawning pur- poses until March, and attains its maximum SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 251. in May. He does not consider that there is a second spawning migration later (Au- gust), as stated by the Fishing Board for Scotland. The spawning extends from April to September. The reports of the committees to the sec- tions were: 1. Naples Zoological Station, with report by Dr. Jameson on his work at Cephyrea. 2. Plymouth Biological Station, with papers on the embryology of Polyzoa, by YT. H. Taylor, and on rearing of Echinid larvee, by Professor MacBride. 3. Zoology and Botany of West India Islands, Final Report, with list of publica- tions. 4. Zoology of Sandwich Islands, Explora- tion and publication both in progress. 5. Bird Migration in Great Britain and Ireland, Records now being worked out. 6. Zoological and Botanical Publication, Committee on Correspondence with Editors. 7. Index Animalium, First section (1758— 1800) nearly ready for publication. 8. Pedigree Stock Records, Reliable Rec- ords by Photography of Pedigree Stock. 9. Circulatory Apparatus for Marine Or- ganisms, Record of Color Changes in Crus- tacea. Most of these committees were reap- pointed, with grants, for the coming year. W. A. HeRDMAN. THE DIG@CISM OF THE FIG IN ITS BEARING UPON CA PRIFICATION.* As is well known, the edible fruit of the fig is morphologically an enlarged, hol- low, flowering branch, bearing within the nearly closed cavity thousands of minute flowers. It is therefore not a true fruit in a botanical sense, but a fleshy receptacle. Two crops of figs are usually produced during the year; first, the figues fleurs, or brebas, which appear in March or April, *Read before Section G of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science at Columbus. OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] and the ordinary figs, appearing on the new wood of the year, after the brebas mature, in June or July, and ripening in August or September. This second crop may be irregular in season, some Italian sorts not maturing all their fruits until Christmas (the ‘Natalino’) or Easter (the ‘Pasquale’). In both crops of figs the flowers are exclusively female, though al- ways malformed in the brebas, according to Gasparrini and Solms-Laubach, and sometimes in the second generation, accord- ing to Dr. Eisen. The flowers in the bre- bas are never pollinated, and indeed no pollen is to be had at the season when they develop. The ordinary figs may be fecun- dated by pollen from the caprifig, and the sorts which produce the dried figs of com- merce are regularly so pollinated by the fig insect (Blastophaga), and in consequence yield fertileseedsin abundance. These figs of the so-called Smyrna type often absolutely require pollination in order to set a crop while the ordinary sorts esteemed for eat- ing in the fresh condition develop without the inclosed flowers having been pollinated, but lack the peculiar nutty flavor communi- cated to the dried fig by the presence of the fertile seeds, a fact to which attention was first called by Dr. Hisen. THE CAPRIFIG. The caprifig is even more complicated in its fruiting than is the ordinary fig. There are three generations of fruits, usually known by their Neapolitan names. I. The mamme, or caprifigs of the winter genera- tion, which set about October and ripen from March to May, usually in April. IT. The spring generation, called profichi, set- ting when the mamme fall, and ripening in June or July. This is the generation for caprification. III. The summer genera- tion, mammont, which set shortly after the proficht fall and ripen when the mamme set. All three generations harbor the fig SCIENCE. STE insect, Blastophaga psenes, * which lives in- side the ovaries, converting the seed into a gall. When the female insects enter the young caprifigs after leaving the ripe cap- rifigs of the previous generation, they lay one egg in each of the gall flowers, which are then very like female flowers but not identical, having imperfect stigmas. The proficht or spring generation caprifigs bear abundant male flowers in a zone occupying the upper part of the fig, just below the mouth. It is this generation, abounding in pollen, which is used in caprification. It is worthy of note that male flowers. mature nearly two months after the gall flowers are ready to receive the eggs of the insect, and only just before the figs ripen ; e. g., mammont female flowers, which occur though rarely, are pollinated by profichi pollen, the rare mammoni male flowers not developing until two months later. The mammont or summer generation produce a few male flowers in the same position, and the mamme or winter generation none, or only a few imperfect flowers. and proficht never produce mammoni a very few only. There are two or three exceptions to the normal noted above. As in most dicecious. species, moncecious forms of figs occur, though rarely. There are, for example, male flowers occasionally produced in cul- tivated figs, and on the other hand, there are nearly always a very few female flowers The mamme seeds; the *Blastophaga psenes of Cayolini, perhaps not of Linnaeus whose Cynips psenes was based on the ac- count of Hasselquist, edited by Linnaeus, and pub- lished in 1757, and included Hasselquist’s two spe- cies, Cynips ficus and Cynips carice. Both these species were described as ‘Corptis totum rufum,’ and, as Mayer points out in opposition to Loew, can scarcely apply to Blastophaga. Hasselquist’s names having been published before 1758, the earliest available descrip- tions of indubitable application to the fig insect and its common messmate are, respectively, Ichnewmon psenes and Ichneumon ficarius of Cayolini, published in 1782, the latter of which should be known as Philo- trypesis ficaria (Cavolini). 572 in the summer generation of caprifigs (mammoni), although Count Solms-Lau- bach found only twenty seeds in forty mammoni. Perhaps one flower in 2,000 is female, the others being gall flowers. Then, too, there is a fig, called Erinosyche, which according to Pontedera bears pro- fichi like a caprifig, and then a summer generation of ordinary edible figs ; also the Croisic fig of Brittany and the Cordelia fig of California, which have a zone of male flowers above the ordinary edible part. This upper portion of the fig, bearing the male flowers, remains tough and inedible. Such abnormalities have, however, many analogies in other groups of plants, and do not obscure the fact that the edible fig is, as Hegardt contended in 1744, the female form, and the caprifig the male form of a dicecious species. The remarkable feature of the fig is that its male receptacles bear gall flowers which are only slightly modified female flowers, and that these gall flowers harbor insects which pollinate the female fig flowers, and lay eggs in succeeding genera- tions of caprifigs. The symbiosis is doubt- less one of the oldest known, all of the hundreds of species of figs being inhabited by insects of a special family, Agaonide, which are all remarkably adapted to their peculiar habitat, while the figs appear as if specially constructed to nourish and protect the insects on which they are completely dependent for pollination. Both the in- sects and the plants are much more pro- foundly modified than are, for example, the Yucca and its moth, Pronuba. CAPRIFICATION. Herodotus (484-408 B. C.) seems to have known caprification, and Aristotle about 340 B. C., gave a perfectly clear account of it as follows:* ‘The figs of the caprifig contain small animals which are called psenes. These are at first small grubs, and * History of Animals, Book 5, ch. 26, p. 4. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 251, when their envelopes are broken, psenes which fly come out; they then enter the fruits of the fig tree; and the punctures which they make there prevent these fruits from falling before they are ripe. So the countrymen take the trouble to put branches of the caprifig in the ordinary fig trees, and also plant caprifigs near the com- mon fig trees.’”’ Theophrastus, his pupil, gave a more extended account, and for the first time noted that not all sorts of figs needed caprification. This operation as now practiced consists in suspending in the fig trees strings of ripe caprifigs of the spring generation, contain- ing the fig insects ready to emerge. The spring generation caprifigs, or profichi, are ripe in June or July, just when the young edible figs are large enough to allow the in- sect to enter the mouth, and when the female flowers are receptive. These spring generation caprifigs contain abundant male flowers, so that when the insects leave them and enter the young figs they carry pollen to the receptive female flowers. It should be noted that the insect is unable to lay her eggs in the normal female flower of the edible fig, and frequently dies within it. The female fig tree is therefore a death trap for the individual insect, although provid- ing indirectly for a future supply of capri- figs. It thus appears that with these in- sects the less discriminating individual is the benefactor of the species. Only a few insects enter a single fig. Caprification has been known for at least 2,300 years in the Eastern Mediterranean, and is still universally practiced in the fig regions about Aidin (near Smyrna) in Asiatic Turkey, at Kalamata in Western Greece, and in Kabylia, Northern Africa, the three greatest centers of production of dried figs. It is also frequent in Sicily, South Italy and Spain, but is not possible in cold countries near the northern limit of fig culture, because the insect could not OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] pass the winter where the mamme or winter caprifigs are liable to freeze. Caprification is sometimes practiced on the caprifig itself in spring when the tree happens to bear no winter generation fruits. In such cases mamme from other trees are suspended in the branches, and the insects coming from them enter and lay eggs in the young spring generation caprifigs (projicht). Except for such caprification the profichi on such trees would not contain fig insects, and would be valueless for caprifying the edible fig in summer. CAPRIFICATION IN AMERICA. In 1880 and 1882, Mr. J. P. Rixford, of the San Francisco Bulletin, imported into California, by the aid of Consul E. F. Smithers, some fourteen thousand cuttings of the best sorts of Smyrna fig trees, it hav- ing been found impossible to prepare from any of the figs then cultivated in California a dried article able to compare with the best Smyrna product. These Bulletin cut- tings were widely distributed, and hopes ran high until it was found that the trees refused to hold their fruit. The failure was absolute—not a single fruit has ever ripened during these nineteen years of culture, ex- cept some few hundred, pollinated by hand, as will be explained below. Believing that the Smyrniots, fearful of competition, had not sent the right sorts, many growers be- came disgusted and dug up their trees. In 1890, Mr. George C. Roeding, of Fresno, produced the first Smyrna figs ever ripened in California, by artificially transferring the pollen from the caprifigs to the young Smyrna figs. In 1891, Dr. Eisen repeated this experiment at Niles. It was necessary to shake the pollen out of the caprifigs and introduce it with a quill into the young fig. From this time it became evident that it would be necessary to im- port the Blastophaga, since the artificial fer- tilizing of the figs was too slow and too SCIENCE. 573 expensive an operation to be applied in practice in the culture of Smyrna figs. In 1890 also, the Division of Pomology of the Department of Agriculture had imported and distributed cuttings of these male or caprifig trees, together with the insects, but the latter were, of course, unable to survive in the absence of trees producing the neces- sary succession of caprifigs. Mr. James Shinn, of Niles, secured the insect in the summer of 1891,and Mr. Anthony C. Deno- tovitch in 1895, but in both cases with no result. Dr. Riley, then Entomologist of the Department, had devoted much thought to the matter, and in 1891 and 1895 he pub- lished papers calling attention to the im- portance of introducing the insect. Having become interested in the subject of caprification through acquaintance with Dr. Paul Meyer while studying at the Naples Zoological Station in 1896, and having had placed at my disposal, through the liberality of Director Dohrn, the un- equaled facilities of that institution, I en- tered upon asecond and more detailed study in 1898. In this I was most kindly assisted by material and suggestions from Dr. Meyer and Count Sohms- Laubach. While engaged in this investigation, the results of which are soon to be published, a test was made, on private responsibility, of a method of mailing the winter caprifigs wrapped in tin- foil after the cut end had been sealed. This simple expedient proved effective, and the contained insects reached California in good condition. Meanwhile Dr. L. O. Howard, Entomologist of the Department of Agri- culture, had determined to attempt the in- troduction of the Blastophaga and was in California in the interest of such an under- taking. The shipment accordingly received his personal attention. Although the insects failed toestablish themselves, the experiment showed the advantage of sending the small, firm, winter caprifigs rather than the larger and softer spring generation, which had been 574 used in previous attempted introductions. In the spring of 1899, while traveling for the Section of Seed and Plant Introduction, I again sent winter caprifigs from Naples, and also, in considerable numbers, from the fig-producing regions of the mountains of Algeria. These also endured the journey well, and on arrival at Washington they were turned over to Dr. Howard, under whose direction they were liberated by Mr. Roeding in his extensive orchards at Fresno. This time the introduction was successful, and Blastophaga is now breeding in Cali- fornia, and, it is hoped, may pass the winter and become permanently established. The principal fig growing regions of North Africa, Italy, Greece, and Asia Minor were also visited in order to learn the methods of culture there pursued, and the conditions necessary to the life of the insect. In the spring of 1898, when the fig orchards about Smyrna were severely frozen, the ex- traordinary price of from one to three dol- lars a pound was paid for caprifigs from islands of the Archipelago and from Western Greece, to be used in restocking the orchards with the Blastophaga. From one to two cents a pound is the ordinary price of capri- figs. Some lucky owners of large caprifig trees realized fabulous sums for their crop, much more than would ever be obtained from a tree producing edible figs. Caprifigs are by no means all wild, as commonly supposed, but are extensively propagated and exist in several named and well-known varieties in Greece and Asia Minor. Itisfurther worthy of note that the proficht which are produced by certain trees often have a value greatly superior, and there is reason to suppose that some sorts produce not only more profichi, but more insects to the fig, and furthermore do not harbor the mess-mate, Philotrypesis ficaria, which is considered injurious by growers. I was shown a fig tree in Algeria to secure the fruits of which natives often journeyed SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 251. twenty or thirty miles. Another yielded proficht which sold in 1897, for seven dollars ; and in Patras, Greece, I saw a third tree which had brought inasmuch. These facts give some idea of the views of the natives as to the importance of the process of capri- — fication, which, indeed, all testimony agrees in proving to be absolutely necessary for secur- ing a crop in all figs of prime commercial value in the dried condition. WALTER T. SWINGLE. U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Praxis und Theorie der Zellen- und Befruchtungs- lehre. By PROFESSOR VALENTIN HACKER. Jena, G. Fischer. 1899. 260 pp. 1387 Figs. The last decade has witnessed the appear- ance in a large number of biological laboratories of a new course of study, now becoming gener- ally known as cellular biology or cytology, which has created new demands in the way of text-books and laboratory methods. In its morphological aspect this study is nearly related to, and strictly speaking forms a part of, the older histology ; though a practical ground of distinction lies in the fact that cytology is princi- pally concerned with the anatomy of the cell considered as an individual, while histology in- cludes also the comparative anatomy of the tissues. Cytology covers, however, a much wider field than that of cell-anatomy, for a very important part of the study relates to the proc- esses of cetl-reproduction and cell-physiology, including the phenomena of cell-division, the maturation and fertilization of the germ-cells, the physiological relations of nucleus, cyto- plasm, and other cell-organs, and many cognate problems relating to growth and development. The subject thus becomes one of very wide scope, and indeed joins hands with every branch of biology that can be studied from the cell- standpoint. As practically taught, however, cytology is still largely occupied with cell-mor- phology and reproduction, and the historical development of the subject has been such as to concentrate the attention of cytologists to a considerable degree on the structure of the re- productive organs and on growth, division and OCTOBER 20, 1899. ] related phenomena, as displayed in the history of the germ-cells and in the early stages of embryological development. This tendency of cell-research, with which students of cytology are sometimes reproached, is not wholly due to the high theoretical interest of the germ-cells. It is in large measure a result of purely practical conditions, such as the large size of the cell- elements in germ-cells or embryonic cells, the ease with which they may be obtained in all stages of development, and the accurate control of results thus rendered possible. Similar reasons may be given for the large share of at- tention that has been devoted to special forms of tissue-cells, such as the epithelial cells and leucocytes of salamander-larvee, or the embry- onic cells of plant-tissues. Cytological teach- ing has inevitably followed in the main, the lines of research ; and thus it has come to pass that in practice, courses in cellular biology cover a very different field from those in histol- ogy, requiring special material and employing special methods. Botanical students have been fortunate in the existence of Strasburger’s well-known Botan- isches Practicum which, though primarily de- voted to general botanical morphology, also contains valuable directions for the practical study of plant-cytology. Students of zoology have had no lack of general works, such as those of Flemming, Carnoy, Bergh, Hertwig, Henneguy and Wilson, not to mention a num- ber of admirable works on histology ; but with the exception of Carnoy’s Biologie Cellulaire, published fifteen years ago and the-first of its kind, none of these works contain practical laboratory directions. Carnoy’s work is now too far out of date to be of much service to the modern student, and the same applies to Whit- man’s excellent Methods in Microscopical Anat- omy and Embryology published in 1885. A. Bolles Lee’s Microtomist’s Vade-mecum, especi- ally in the German edition, translated and re- vised by Paul Mayer, is indispensable to all students of microscopical anatomy, yet even this work does not supply the want which Hacker has now endeavored to meet. The ‘ Praxis und Lehre’ will, we feel sure, be of the highest service both to students and to teachers of cytology. As the name indicates, ‘The Teaching Botanist. SCIENCE. 575 it is not properly a laboratory manual, but hap- pily combines practice with descriptions of fact and the discussion of theory. The plan fol- lowed is to describe a series of ‘ objects,’ each accompanied by practical directions for the col- lection and preparation of material, a brief and clear account of the topic which it illustrates, and a review of the earlier history and more recent literature of the subject. The methods, like many of the descriptions, are in the main compiled from recent original works, and the author has wisely omitted all accounts of ele- mentary operations such as the use of the mi- croscope, methods of section-cutting and the like, which are adequately treated in Lee’s and other manuals. The student is thus brought directly to the real subject-matter and is en- abled to gain a connected idea of the facts, learn- ing at the same time how to procure and pre- pare the material for first-hand knowledge. Some of this material, it is true, is not readily procurable, some is practically out of the reach of all who are not specialists. Professor Hacker has none the less rendered a good service, es- pecially to teachers, by bringing together in readily available form the widely scattered ac- counts of material and method given by special investigators. The book isa model of clearness and brevity, and is well illustrated by figures drawn as far as possible from the latest sources. While we do not doubt that further experience will suggest many improvements on the practi- cal side, the book may be heartily recommended as a most useful adjunct both to lecture-courses and to practical work in cytology, and one that cannot fail to give a stimulus to the study. EK. B. W. By WILLIAM F. GaA- NONG, PHD., Professor of Botany in Smith College. New York, The Macmillan Com- pany. 1899. Pp. xii+ 270. Price, $1.10. The growth of interest in the teaching of botanical science has found expression in the publication during the past few years of a liberal number of books, concerned in one way or another with this teaching. Up to this time these works naturally fall into two categories— that of the text-book and of the laboratory manual—and although some attempt has been 576 made to combine the virtues of these two classes in one book, no very marked result has been delivered. Attempts have also been made to embody advice and suggestions to the teacher in minor paragraphs, but these have been neces- sarily meagre and their educational value some- what doubtful. The teaching body, therefore, has been waiting for the right kind of help— help which is not sandwiched into the text-book or into the laboratory manual, but designed for the teacher solely. This has been given them in the work before us, one which is divided into two parts, the first part consisting of ‘Essays on Botanical Pedagogics,’ the second of ‘An Outline for a Synthetic Elementary Course in the Science of Botany.’ The author in his preface calls attention to the fact that in the opinions of many teachers the ‘vital phe- nomena, especially as they manifest themselves in moulding the physiogomy of vegetation,’ should form the backbone of an elementary course in botany, and while admitting the value of this as an ideal, remarks that the problem of the topography of vegetation is far too complex a matter, too far beyond our understanding to be available in general courses. It appears to the reviewer that this is well said, for we are now experiencing a swing of the pendulum towards the use of ecology which will have to be lessened before the proper mean is arrived at. Passing on to the introduction we find the key to Professor Ganong’s position as to what should constitute an elementary course. He says, ‘‘it must embody the essence of the best human knowledge of the leading divisions of the science, and that it must include training in those qualities by which that knowledge is gained.’’ The first part is made up of eight chapters, to the captions of which it is worth while here to draw attention. They are as follows: (1) The Place of the Sciences in Education and of Botany among the Sciences ; (2) What Botany is of most Worth; (8) On Things Essential to Good Botanical Teaching; (4) On Scientific Re- cording, Drawing and Description; (5) On Laboratories and their Equipment; (6) On Botanical Collections and other Illustrations ; (7) On Botanical Books and their Use; (8) On Some Common Errors Prejudicial to Good SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 251. Botanical Teaching. It must be left to the titles to suggest the scope and usefulness of these essays, with the assurance that the one who is interested will not be disappointed. It may be well, however, to point out a few mat- ters of special interest which will serve to indi- cate the character of the whole. In facing the problem of the crowded curriculum, the author makes the plea that the Natural Sciences should be added to the curriculum as alternatives with the older well-established branches. Following which is an argument for a limited elective sys- tem in theschools. The contents of the second chapter has already been indicated in a sentence from the introduction. Among features deemed essential to good botanical teaching is a ‘ de- termination for incessant improvement.’ This involves work in original investigation, as it is truly regarded as the only way in which the teacher can cultivate the right scientific spirit. In the sixth chapter the matter of collections is dealt with ; the author emphasizes the necessity of making a collection mean something, which is seldom enough the case. We have passed beyond the cabinet stage of development. The last of the chapters deals with common botanical errors, most of which grow out of the partial failure on the part of teachers to readjust themselves to the newer phases of botanical thought, and although this chapter would be unnecessary, if the contents of the third essay had not been violated, it is under the circum- stances not the least necessary of the series, as the reviewer can say from his own experience in contact with teachers. The value of these essays is here only suggested, and while it is certain there will be some disagreement as to minor features—for when has there been entire agreement among the teachers?—the whole forms a well-balanced, corrective and stimula- ting body of matter. The second part embodies in outline what in the author’s experience has proved to be the most profitable course of study for elementary students. The course consists in the study of the seed, germination, the seedling and the dif- ferentiated plant, with inquiry into the struc- ture, physiology and ecology of the same. A series of a dozen simple experiments has been worked out to illustrate the essential physiolog- OcTOBER 20, 1899.] ical processes in plants and is here presented. Following the treatment of the Spermatophytes in the manner indicated is work on the great groups of plants. There will be some who will take exception to the choice of types. March- antia, for example, is a very antiquated and highly respectable laboratory type and possesses historical inertia, but it is hardly the best possi- ble representative of the Hepatic. Concern- ing these outlines it may be said that only the broad lines are laid down, and plenty of work is left for the teacher to do in intelligently planning the details of the laboratory work. The most valuable and distinctive feature in this portion of the book is the discussion of the pedagogics involved in each stage of the course. These must be passed with bare mention, though they deserve full treatment. It is satisfactory to know that morphological study is considered of great value in the training of students and that the diagrammatic rather than the artistic representation should be re- quired. A few inadvertencies have crept in. Longi- tudinal sections of a Scilla or Hyacinth flower passing through two stamens will not give an appearance of the ovary as represented in pages 239 and 240, assuch sections would pass through one of the partitions. It is not at all certain that the willow flower is theoretically primitive, and much more uncertain is it that ‘ color develops * * * to show where the nectar is.’ Insects at least, it appears, are probably color-blind, but possess a keen sense of smell. And it is to be hoped that the essay on page 175 will not be read as an example without drawing attention to the incorrect use of the word ‘endosperm,’ for which ‘food materials’ would better be substituted. Altogether, however, we have in Professor Ganong’s book a very useful and timely work, which will surely doa great deal towards the bettering of botanical teaching in the schools, and one, moreover, as unique as useful. FRANCIS E. toy. TEACHERS COLLEGE. Reye’s Geometrie der Lage. Lectures on Geometry of Position. By THEODORE REYE, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Strass- burg. Translated by THomas F. Hoieats, SCIENCE. 577 M.A., Ph. D., Professor of Applied Mathe- matics in the College of Liberal Arts in Northwestern University. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1898. Part I., 8vo. Pp. xix + 248. As is well known this book, of which the first edition was published not more than thirty years ago, is the outgrowth of lectures delivered before the engineering students in the Polytech- nic school at Zurich. These students were later to take lectures on Graphical Statics by Profes- sor Culmann who, in the treatment of his sub- ject, made free use of Von Staudt’s ‘ Geometrie der Lage.’ To get the most out of Culmann’s work it was necessary that the student should not only be well acquainted’ with the conics, quadric surfaces, etc., but that he should also have what may be called a well-cultivated geo- metric imagination, in order that he might easily realize for himself a clear mental picture of the space figures which play such an impor- tant part in the engineer’s work. It is hardly too much to say that for the spe- cial purpose he had in view, no better means than the projective geometry could have been employed by Professor Reye ; and one who has read his masterly treatment of the subject must always be grateful to him for the pleasure and profit derived therefrom. It seems to us that there is a rapidly growing interest in pure geometry in this country, and that its real merit as an instrument of education is coming to be more fully recognized. Rightly presented, the charm of the subject itself, which is free from the trammels of the metric geom- etry of Euclid, is immediately experienced by students. Although the geometry of position is often in- troduced by means of cross ratios, which (at least apparently) involve measurements, yet Reye’s treatment is entirely free, even at the beginning, from any dependence upon metric relations. He has, however, beautifully shown that metric re- lations, especially those connected with the conic sections, present themselves very naturally as special cases of general non-metric theorems. This, of course, may also be said of two other excellent books, viz., Cremona’s ‘Projective Geometry’ and Von Staudt’s ‘Geometrie der Lage’ ; but Von Staudt is too brief to be easily 578 read by a beginner, and Cremona, as translated by Leudesdorf, seems rather unattractive, and certainly lacks the charm of Reye’s lucid style. It seems to us, therefore, that the translator has rendered a great service to English-speak- ing students in translating this first part of Reye, and we earnestly hope that sufficient in- terest in the study of pure geometry will be awakened by having this very attractive book available for beginners, to make him feel that his unselfish labor has not been in vain. Whether it is worth while to translate the other parts also (Parts II. and III. carry the subject far beyond its elements) is, however, very questionable—because those of our stu- dents who are sufficiently advanced to under- stand the subjects treated are able to read the German about as readily as the English. The translation itself is also, asa whole, to be heartily commended ; the charm of the original has been preserved, many valuable exercises have been added, and the breaking up of the lectures into numbered paragraphs, as well as the rearrangement of the exercises so as to have those that are appropriate tnoereto follow each lecture, are distinct improvements. It is, however, to be greatly regretted that the translator has seen fit to change a well-es- tablished and everywhere understood terminol- ogy. For example, he replaces the terms pen- cil and sheaf (which are already, and for many years have been, well-nigh universally em- ployed to represent particular geometric con- cepts), respectively by the terms sheaf and bundle. While it may be granted that these new terms are in themselves just as good as, and possibly even a trifle better than, those for which they are substituted, yet nothing of im- portance is gained by the change, while the danger of confusion and misunderstanding is greatly increased. A J. H. TANNER. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, October 4, 1899. BOOKS RECEIVED. GEORGE NEWMAN. New York, G. P. Put- London, John Murray. 1899. Pp. Bacteria. nam’s Sons. xiv + 348. Cambridge Natural History. Vol. V. Insects. Part II. Davip SHarp. London and New York, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xii+ 626. SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 251. A Dictionary of Birds. ALFRED NEWTON, assisted by Hans GAapow. New York, The Macmillan Com- pany. London, Adams & Charles Black. 1893- 1896. Cheap issue, unabridged. Pp. iii + 1088. $5.00. The Insect World. A Reading Book of Entomology. CLARENCE MOORES WEED. New York, D. Apple- ton and Company. 1899. Pp. xvi-+ 210. Indicators and Test-Papers. ALFRED I. CoHN. New York, John Wiley & Sons. London, Chapman &. Hall, Ltd. 1899. Pp. ix-+ 249. A System of Medicine by} Many Writers. Vol. VIII. Diseases of the Nervous System. Continued. Edited by THoMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xii + 937. $5.00. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, October, ‘On the Paraanisaldoximes,’ by H. R. Carveth : a study of the two modifications ; ‘On the Re- lation between Pressure and Evaporation,’ by Edwin H. Hall; ‘ The Electrical Conductivity of Non-Aqueous Solutions,’ by Azariah T. Lin- coln: an account of the experimental work of the author, chiefly with chlorides (also silver: and lead nitrates, silver and mercuric cyanids, mercuric iodid and copper sulfate), in a well- selected variety (27) of solvents, all organic ex- cept PC], and SuCl,. Some substances were in- soluble, some insoluble but not conductors of electricity, while others conducted electricity well. Two conclusions of the author may be quoted: ‘‘ The data collected are as yet insuffi- cient to show what the relation between solvent and dissolved substance must be in order to. yield solutions that conduct electricity.’’? ‘‘ The. dissociation theory as promulgated for the ex- planation of the electrical conductivity of aque- ous solutions, apparently cannot be applied in its present form to explain the conductivity in. non-aqueous solutions.’’? The article is an im- portant contribution to the study of solutions. Vg Ib, 16l, SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. OF BIOLOGY. SECTION THE regular meeting of the Section of Biol- ogy was held on Monday evening, October 9th, Professor Frederic 8. Lee presiding. The- OcTOBER 20, 1899. ] minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following persons were nomi- nated for membership in the Academy: Mr. Maurice A. Bigelow, of Teachers College; Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, of Teachers College, Mr. R. S. Woodworth, of University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and Dr. W. Golden Mortimer, 504 W. 146th Street, New York City. The evening was devoted to reports of the "past summer’s work by a number of members. Professor H. F. Osborn gave an account of the exploration by the American Museum party in the Como beds of Southern Wyoming, and of further work in the Bone Cabin Quarry, which resulted in the discovery of a large number of the remains of Dinosaurs. Four miles distant a Brontosaur skeleton was found. Parties were also sent to the Freeze Out Mountains and north to the Rattlesnake Mountains, but without suc- cess. Professor E. B. Wilson reported upon his search in Egypt for Polypterus, which resulted in the obtaining of a few fine females, but with unripe ovaries; this was in winter, between Assuan and Mansourah. Professor Wilson re- ported, also, the rediscovery by him of the gill- bearing earthworm, Alma. Professor Bashford Dean reported on the work of the second Senff expedition to the Nile, and spoke of the death of Nathan Russell Harring- ton, the senior member of the party. Mr. Har- rington had for four years identified himself with the Biological Section, and had left with it an en- viable example of energetic and persistent effort to complete an important research and of sacri- fice and devotion to a life work. Professor Dean further reported on his work ou the California coast while a guest of Stanford University. He was successful during the pres- ent summer in obtaining a number of freshly hatched young of Bdellostoma, and many de- velopmental stages of Chimxra Colliei. Dr. G. N. Calkins reported the passing of a successful summer at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, where he was at work upon the Protozoa. Professor F. E. Lloyd gave a brief account of a collecting trip in Vermont, embodying some remarks upon certain species of Lycopodium found there. He also reported upon the marked SCIENCE. 579 success of the Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor during the summer. Professor F. S. Lee spoke on the continuation of his experimental work upon the lateral line in fishes, conducted at Woods Hole. Francis E. Luoyp, Secretary. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. ‘THE PERCEPTION OF HORIZONTAL AND OF VER- TICAL LINES.’ To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE: In connection with Professor Peirce’s article on ‘ The Percep- tion of Horizontal and of Vertical Lines’ (SCIENCE, September 29, 1899), it may be appro- priate to call attention to a study of the same question made in the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin and published in the American Journal of Psychology in 1893 (Vol. V., pp. 214-223). Our method consisted in seat- ing the observer under a parasol-like canopy, which completely screened from him all the hori- zontals and verticals of floor and walls; in then placing opposite him under the canopy a large black disc, upon which was centered a smaller white disc bearing upon it a single line; and in requiring the observer to set this line (by means of strings manipulated by his hands which were outside the canopy) so that it appeared horizon- tal or vertical. The observer is thus every- where surrounded by curved outlines, and has no standard to guide him except the ideal one which he carries in his mind. So far as the re- sults of the two investigations are comparable they agree very well, both emphasizing the great accuracy of such ‘mental’ judgments. Our estimations were made binocularly under circumstances approximating those of the ordi- nary use of the eyes; Professor Peirce’s sub- jects in the first group of experiments used each eye separately. If we may assume that the average setting of the two eyes used separately is equivalent to the binocular setting of the lines, and further allow that the two methods used are fairly comparable, we find for the mean deviation for Professor Peirce’s subjects (average of ten subjects) for the horizontal + .25°, for my ten subjects + .12°; for the vertical —.39° and + .23°. It is better, how- ever, to compare my results with Professor 580 Peirce’s binocular results obtained by looking through a tube 35 centimeters in diameter and 2 meters long. The mean deviation for the horizontal then becomes (average’ of 29 sub- jects) —.25° and for the vertical —.56°. The settings are so nearly correct that the direction of the error cannot be regarded as significant ; in both sets of observations the excess in num- ber of those who tended to one type of error was not very great upon those who tended to the contrary type. I also investigated the errors for oblique settings. These proved to be much greater, on the average about nine times as large, and with a pronounced tendency to set both the oblique lines in a position nearer the horizontal than the two ‘ideal’ oblique lines making angles of 45° with the horizontal and vertical. In the same group of contributions from the Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin may also be, found a study of the accuracy with which lines could be set in given positions, when a model or copy was furnished; and a study of the accuracy with which angles may be reproduced. The variations in the manner of estimating which Professor Peirce has introduced are ex- tremely interesting and contribute something of value to the determination of the factors which influence such judgments of position. I can recall that at the time we were engaged in these investigations, I had in contemplation a set of experiments in which the subject should be required to set vertical and horizontal lines in a room in which contained no true verticals or horizontals or rectangular dimensions. The floor was to be slightly out of the horizontal in one direction, the ceiling in another, while the walls might present various kinds and degrees of divergence from the vertical. How far such an unusual environment might effect one’s esti- mate of the true horizontal and vertical seems an interesting subject of inquiry. ‘ JOSEPH JASTROW. PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON, WIS8., October 5th. THE THIRD PRINCETON EXPEDITION TO PATAGONIA. Mr. J. B. HATcHER and his assistant, Mr. O. A. Peterson, have returned from their third exploration of Patagonia, where they were sent SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 251. by the Geological Department of Princeton Uni- versity. The work has been highly successful and admirably supplements that of the two previous journeys. We hope to give later a more detailed report of the results of the expe- dition, but may state at present that the party sailed from New York on December 9, 1898, and returned August 17, 1899, bringing very extensive collections of both vertebrate and in- vertebrate fossils of Patagonia, together with much material illustrating the zoology and botany of that region. The work of cleaning and preparing these great collections for study and publication has already made good prog- ress, and is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. In a recent report Mr. Hatcher summarized the results of the work for the last three years as follows : ““(1) A good preliminary geological survey of that part of southern South America, lying between the Andes on the west and the At- lantic on the east, and between the Straits of Magellan and the forty-seventh parallel of south latitude, sufficient to serve as a basis for a geological map of the region. “(2) Very extensive and complete collections of fossils from all the different fossil-bearing horizons known to that region, with the one exception of the Pyrotherium beds. “(3) The discovery of four distinct and pre- viously unreported geological horizons. ‘‘(4) A collection of more than one thousand skins and skeletons of recent birds and mam- mals, embracing about one hundred and fifty species of birds and fifty species of mammals, and fairly representative of the mammalian and avian life. “¢(5) Extensive collections of the fresh water, terrestrial and litoral invertebrate life. “‘(6) Botanical collections, especially of the mosses, Hepaticee and flowering plants, not in- cluding the grasses and sedges.”’ (7) To the above should be added a large and very valuable series of photographs, illustrating the geology and physical geography of Pata- gonia. It is hoped that a series of adequately illus- trated monographs will be issued from the Princeton museum containing the results of the OcTOBER 20, 1899.] study of these great collections. The geology will be treated of by Mr. Hatcher, the Tertiary invertebrates by Dr. Ortmann, the fossil verte- brates by Messrs. W. B. Scott and Hatcher, and the recent birds by Mr. W. E. D. Scott. It is difficult to exaggerate the value of Mr. Hatcher’s and Mr. Peterson’s long and arduous labors. Materials have now been gathered that will make possible the solution of many vexa- tious and much discussed problems, and for the first time a full and representative collection of the wonderful fossil mammals of Patagonia has been brought toa Northern museum. We can, at last, directly compare the Tertiary mammals of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and may hope to reach some definite conclu- sions concerning the mutual relations of these two faunal assemblages. A LONG PHOTOGRAPHIC TELESCOPE. LAST spring a plan was proposed at the Har- vard College Observatory for the construction of a telescope of unusual length for photograph- ing the stars and planets. Anonymous donors have now furnished the means by which this experiment may be tried. The plan will, therefore, take definite shape, and itis expected that a telescope, having an aperture of 12 inches and a length of a hundred feet or more, will be ready for trial at Cambridge in a few weeks. EDWARD C. PICKERING. HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, October 12, 1899. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. WE announce with great regret the death on October 16th, of Dr. Edward Orton, the eminent geologist, professor in the Ohio State University, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. J. T. RorHRocK has been reappointed for a term of four years, State Commissioner of Forestry for the State of Pennsylvania. PROFESSOR GEORG STEINDORFF, the director of the Aigyptologische Sammlung at Leipzig, has, says Nature, obtained leave of absence for six months to enable him to undertake a scien- tific journey to Africa. | SCIENCE. 581 Ir is stated in Natural Science that Dr. Robert Logan Jack, late Government Geologist for Queensland, and special commissioner in charge of the exhibits at the Greater Britain Exhibi- tion, has accepted an appointment from Mr, Pritchard Morgan to run some mining conces- sions in Szechuan, Korea, and North China. Dr. Jack sailed in September. AT a sitting of the International Geographical Congress on October 2d, it was announced that Dr. Scott Keltie had received a telegram from Mr. H. J. Mackinder, the reader in geography at Oxford, who has just succeeded in reaching the summit of the hitherto unscaled Mount Kenia (about 18,000 feet), in British East Africa. Mr. Mackinder left England in June last’ in command of an expedition subsidized by the Royal Geographical Society. The telegram, which was sent via Mombasa, states that some 15 glaciers were found upon the mountain. Dr. G. W. Hit will givea course of lectures on celestial mechanics at Columbia University on Saturday mornings beginning October 21st. The subjects treated will be: I. Delaunay’s Method in the Lunar Theory gen- eralized and applied to the Planets. II. Gyldén’s Method of Perturbations. III. Gauss’ Method with Secular Perturbations. IV. General Expressions for the Secular Inequali- ties of the Solar System. V. Poisson’s Theorem on the Invariability of the Mean Distances. VI. Periodic Solutions in the Planetary Problem. VII. The Restricted Problem of Three Bodies. VIII. General Considerations on the Stability of Motion of Planetary Systems. PROFESSOR R. W. Woop, of the University of Wisconsin, having received several inquiries as to whether he could furnish lantern slides of the plates illustrating his article on the photography of sound-waves, which appeared in the Philosoph- ‘ical Magazine for August, has placed the original negatives in the hands of Miss Blanchard Har- per (Madison, Wis.), who is prepared to supply slides from any or all of the plates at a nominal cost. The slides will be found useful in teach- ing, showing as they do the wave fronts by re- flection from all sorts of surfaces, refraction, diffraction, Huyghens’ principle, ete. 582 MaJor RONALD Ross has now returned from Africa, and is represented to have said that the authorities in Sierra Leone, acting on his ad- vice, are now destroying the virulent mosquito by every means in their power. In the judg- ment of Major Ross the future of the west coast will be assured as soon as the colonial author- ities take similar steps in the neighborhood of the principal towns, although years must elapse before the inland stations are improved. THE Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge Univer- sity announced on October 4th that he had re- ceived the following communication from the Colonial Office: The Government of the Straits Settlements desires to invite the attention of Radcliffe’s travelling Fellows and of holders of scholarships for medical and physical research to the study of the tropical diseases called beri- beri. This disease caused in the hospitals of the colony 730 deaths in 1896, and 692 in 1897. This government will be glad to assist any scholar who desires to engage in the scientific investigation of this disease in the colony, by providing him with furnished quarters, rent free, by giving him free access to all the hos- pitals, and facilities for studying the cases therein, by defraying the cost of his passage to the colony, and in any way which may be agreed upon hereafter between the scholar and Mr. Swettenham, the Secretary of the Straits Settlements. THE death is announced of M. Paul Janet, member of the Paris Academy of moral and political science, and formerly professor of phi- losophy at the Sorbonne. Mr. Epwarp Cass, an English engineer, well known for his method of groyning to prevent the sea from encroaching on the coast, died on September 22d. THE position of assistant in the bio-chemic division of the Bureau of Animal’ Industry in the Department of Agriculture, will be filled as the result of an examination on November 7th. The chief subject in the examination will be serum therapeutics. The salary will be $750 per annum. THE charter of the Dental School and Museum of Art, provided for in the will of the late Dr. Thomas W. Evans, the American dentist, who SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vou. X. No. 251. died in Paris in 1897, has been approved by Judge Arnold. The Museum will have an en- dowment of nearly four million dollars unless the will is broken by the legal contest now in progress. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has increased his gift for the Washington Public Library to $350,000. At the close of the last session a site on Mount Vernon Square was selected, and it is expected that the construction of the building will be begun very soon. WE learn from Popular Astronomy that the new observatory and great refractor of the astrophysical observatory at Potsdam were inaugurated on August 26th, in the presence of the German Emperor. THE fine collection of Scottish agates made by the late Professor Heddle says Natural Science is now arranged in the Museum of Science and Artin Edinburgh. Mr. J. G. Good- child has prepared a guide to the collection, incorporating Professor Heddle’s explanatory notes. THE winter meeting of the American Chem- ical Society will be held at New Haven, Conn., during Christmas week. As last year in New York the Society will meet at the same time and place as the American Society of Naturalists and affiliated societies. ABOUT seventy members of the British Asso- ciation took advantage of the trip through France and Belgium arranged to follow the Dover meeting. They were oflicially wel- comed in the different towns and cities that they visited. TuE Fourth International Congress of Applied Chemistry is to be held in Paris from the 21st to 23d of July, 1900, with M. Berthelot as honorary president, and M. Moissan as president. An American Committee on Organization has been formed consisting of: Section I.—Analytical Chemistry, W. L. Dudley, W. F. Hillebrand, J. H. Long, Elwyn Waller ; Section II.—Inorganic Products, Edward Hart, Edward W. Morley, J.D. Pennock ; Section III.—WMetallurgy, Mines, Explosives, F. W. Clarke, C. B. Dudley, C. E. Munroe, H. H. Nicholson; Section IV.—Or- ganic Products, Thomas Evans, Wm. McMurtrie, OcToBER 20, 1899. ] Ira Remsen, Clifford Richardson, 8S. P. Sadtler ; Section V.—Sugar Industry, Edward Gude- man, W. D. Horne, G. L. Spencer, M. Swen- son, Edward B. Vorhees; Section VI.—Fer- mentations, C. A. Crampton, W. B. Rising, Alfred Springer; Section VII.—Agricultural Chemistry, Fertilizers, Cattle’ Feeding, Dairy, G. C. Caldwell, L. L. Van Slyke, H. W. Wiley ; Section VIII.—Hygiene, Medical and Pharma- ceutical Chemistry, W. O. Atwater, R. H. Chit- tenden, J. U. Lloyd, Wm. P. Mason, Wm. J. Schieffelin; Section IX.—Photography, C. F. Chandler, J. H. Stebbins, Jr., E. R. Hewitt ; Section X.—Electro-Chemistry, Elihu Thomson, Edgar F. Smith, Charles A. Doremus, Chair- man of the American committee. THE Twelfth Congress of Orientalists con- vened at Rome on October 4th, with about 400 delegates in attendance. AT a meeting of the Trustees of New York Public Library on October 11th, the Director, Dr. John S. Billings submitted his annual re- port. The number of books received for the ‘shelf department’ and catalogued in the year was 34,182, of which 16,994 were purchases and 17,188 gifts. The Ford gift is estimated at about 100,000 volumes and pamphlets. The total volumes actually received was 55,593, and the pamphlets 101,698. On the shelves and available for use at the end of the year were 459,248 volumes and about 117,000 pamphlets. The number of readers who visited the two buildings was 111,038. This is an increase of 7,000 over the previous year. ACCORDING to Natural Science an interesting experiment is being made by the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in connection with the subject of the migration of birds. A number of observatories are being established all over these two countries, on the coasts, plains, mountains, rivers and lakes—in fact, in every spot which seems likely to yield results of interest to those engaged in researches on bird migration. Under the auspices of the government of the two coun- tries named, a meeting of ornithologists was con- vened at Sarajevo from the 25th to the 29th of September, with a view to similar observa- tions conducted on uniform methods being in- stituted elsewhere. A report was presented on SCIENCE. 583 the bird life of the Balkan States, illustrated by a fine collection from those districts. BorTaNIsts should feel under obligations to us for calling their attention to the description of a new species, as it appeared in a daily paper where it might be overlooked. We regret that the n. sp. is not figured. The description is in the following paragraph from the London Daily Chronicle : The Pope takes great interest in an electric plant, to which he has given the name ‘Officina Electrica Vaticana Alessandro Volta,’ in honor of Volta. A few days ago his Holiness made a special inspection of these plants, and the employees of the Vatican gardens were presented to him hy the chief. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. In fulfillment of the terms of the will of the late Edward Austin, the president and fellows of Harvard College, have voted that, until they shall give further orders, $2,000 shall be as- signed yearly from the income of his bequest of $500,000 to establish eight scholarships, each with an annual value of $250, to be awarded for one year to superintendents of schools and to teachers in secondary schools and colleges, who have been recently in service and intend to re- turn to service. Several of these scholarships have been awarded including one to R. E. Gaines, professor in Richmond College, and C. V. Piper, professor of biology in the University of Washington. D. F. CoNVERSE, a mill owner of Spartan- burg, S. C., who died a week ago, left one- third of his estate, valued at $500,000, to Con- verse College, an institute for the higher education for women founded by him in Spar- tanburg ten years ago. THE expenses of the University of Chicago for printing and publishing during the academic year ending June 380, 1899, were over $44,000, whereas the receipts were only $17,000. It is probable that no other university supports its publications with such liberality. PROFESSOR GEORGE HARRIS was formally in- augurated as President of Amherst College on October 11th. In the course of his inaugural address President Harris clearly stated that a scientific education has a culture value equal to 584 classical studies. He said that the high schools could not be expected to teach Greek, and that the colleges must accept the preparation given in the high school. ‘‘Granting that culture is the primary object of education, it does not fol- low that there is only one kind of discipline, as the classical—that the ancient languages and mathematics are the only regimen for making the man of letters. The equation of culture may have for its second term almost any actual knowledge.’’ When study of the classical lan- guage ‘‘ degenerates into mere language drill, and when thousands, in fact, never get beyond that, or cannot read a passage at sight, the value of such study is not obvious. Allow, however, the full worth of the classical discipline. Yet even so there are other studies now of equal or greater value.’’ THE inauguration of President Faunce, of Brown University, took place on October 17th. Addresses were delivered by Presidents Patton, Harper, Elliott and Faunce. THE Council of the University of Melbourne will shortly appoint a professor to the chair of geology and mineralogy. Natural Science states that the professor is expected to devote the whole of his time to the work of his depart- ment, and will be required to deliver two courses of lectures of three hours a week each, and to undertake the training of students both in field and laboratory work. The salary of the professor is £1,000 per annum, but in the event of the Council providing him with a resi- dence in the University grounds, the sum of £100 per annum will be deducted from his salary as aforesaid. The University has a fair collection in paleontology and mineralogy, but has no specially fitted up laboratory for geo- logical work. A suitable room in the University buildings will be provided in which to organize this part of'the work. Lectures begin in 1900, on Thursday, March ist. The salary of the office will commence from the 14th February, 1900, or from the date of the Professor’s arrival in Melbourne, if later than the 14th February. If the professor appointed come from Britain or America, £100 will be allowed for travelling expenses. Proressor J. B. JOHNSON was inaugurated SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 251. as Dean of the College of Mechanics and Engi- neering of the University of Wisconsin on Oc- tober 18th. Mr. CLARK WISSLER, of Ohio State Univer- sity, has been appointed assistant in psychology in Columbia University. Dr. Merton L. MILLER has been appointed to an associateship in anthropology in the Uni- versity of Chicago. DANIEL P. MACMILLAN, PH.D., 799, has re- ceived an appointment in the Child-study De- partment which was recently created in the public schools of Chicago. TuE following have been appointed instruc- tors in zoology in the University of Michigan: Dr. H. 8. Jennings (last year instructor at Dart- mouth), Dr. S. J. Holmes and Dr. K. W. Genthe (Leipzig). Dr. J. B. JOHNSTON (last year instructor in zoology at the University of Michigan) has be- come assistant professor of biology at the Uni- versity of West Virginia, Morgantown. H. W. F. Lorenz, A.B. (Wittenberg), and Ph.D. (Berlin), has just assumed the position of instructor in organic chemistry in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Dr. Lorenz is the trans- lator of Léb’s Organic Electrosyntheses. W. L. Harpy, S.B. (Buchtel College), Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), who held the position of fellow and later senior fellow in chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, has recently been appointed to an instructor- ship in the same institution. Heis the author of ‘Liquefaction of Gases’ recently published by Macmillan & Company. Jos. H. JAmrs, Ph.D. (University of Penn- sylvania), has just been appointed acting. pro- fessor of chemistry in Buchtel College, Akron, O. Gro. E..THomas, 8.B., Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), has been elected instructor in chemistry in Swarthmore College, Pa. Miss Lity G. Koiiock, A.B., (Woman’s College), Ph.D. (University .of Pennsylvania), has been appointed to an instructorship in chemistry in Vassar College. Herpert N. McCoy, Ph.D. (Chicago), has been appointed instructor in chemistry in the University of Utah. SCIENCE EDITORIAL CoMMITTEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwaArp, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. LE ContE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBORN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScUDDER, Entomology; C. E. Brssry, N. L. BRITTON, Botany; C. S. Minor, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. 8. Brnuines, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. Powrtt, Anthropology. Fripay, OcTroBer 27, 1899. CONTENTS: The American Association for the Advancement of Science :— The History of the Beginnings of the Science of Prehistoric Anthropology: DR. THOMAS WIL- BOI fosodoadcotescadobddqdsonbbuadoscadaeonsoauoUBDooddéobdGoOS 585 Section C—Chemisiry:- J. L. H............0..0.-0-+- 601 The Collections of Natural History at South Ken- sington. onooscnoomecocoonociconneeccenaeocesee (LOS) Some New Data for Converting Geological Time into Years: PROFESSOR WILBUR C. KNIGHT........ 607 Scientific Books :— Meunier’s La géologie expérimentale: J. B. W. Legons sur la détermination des orbites : PROFES- sor E. O. LOVETT. Richter’s Lexikon der Kohlen- stoff Verbindungen : PROFESSOR CHAS. BASKER- VILLE. Hardin on the Rise and Development of the Liquefaction of Gases: PROFESSOR MORRIS WBOWBs BOOKS PRECEWEDnccae acer ecsccecsecsencecoses 608 Societies and Academies :— The Academy of Science of St. Louis: PROrES- SOR WILLIAM TRELEASE. Washington Chem- ical Society: DR. W. H. KRUG.............-..0..00+ 615 Astronomical Notes :— Clock Rates and Barometric Pressure; Stellar Parallax by Photography; Jupiter’s Fifth Satel- lite: PROFESSOR WINSLOW UPTON..............- 617 Current Notes on Meteorology :— Kite and Balloon Meteorology in France ; Cente- grade versus Fahrenheit Scale: R. DEC. WARD... 617 Notes on Inorganic Chemistry : Limitations of Thermodynamics: PROFESSOR R. Daly dU sionttsnoDs/ pe cooscacodoGe aboeseansedanoouecdooodOnaboeS Scientific Notes and News University and Educational News...........cecceceeenene 623 MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. do Ibn JB soooonoacdooe 618 © THE HISTORY OF THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SCIENCE OF PREHISTORIC ANTHROPOLOGY.* I. CONTENTS. Denmark. Dolmens. Shell Heaps. Lake Dwellings. Discoveries of Darwin and Boucher de Perthes. Differences between Paleolithic and Neolithic Cul- tures. Paleolithic Implements described. River Drifts, Valleys and Terraces. Climate—Differences in. Epochs of the Cavern Period. High Plateau Paleoliths. Tertiary Man. Pithecanthropus, Dubois. Neolithic and Bronze Ages Continuous. Physical Anthropology. Classification of Races. Anthropology—the Science of Man. Subdivisions of Anthropology. United States. Paleolithic Age in the United States. Antiquity of Red Race in America. Migrations of Red Race in America. Similarity of Human Culture no Evidence of Simi- larity of Race, but is of Intercommunication. Monuments, Burial Mounds and Tumuli. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SCIENCE OF PRE- HISTORIC ANTHROPOLOGY. Denmark. Scientific investigation into prehistoric anthropology began in Denmark in the * Address by the Vice-President and Chairman of Section H, American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, Forty-eighth Meeting, Columbus Meeting, August 21, 1889. 586 early part of the present century. Its start was more the result of accident than design. The King of Denmark provided, in 1806, for a scientific investigation of his country, corresponding in some degrees with the ag- gregate duties with what in our country are the Geological Survey, the Natural History Division of our National Museum and De- partment of Agriculture, and the Bureau of Ethnology. Dolmes. Almost the first obstacle the Committee met, and which, being unable to explain, caused it to put on its studying cap and led to an extensive discussion, was a dolmen, one of the common and now well-known prehistoric burial places. Associated with the discovery were the stone hatchets, both polished and chipped for polishing, also now so well known. The studies of the historian and archeologist failed utterly in assigning any of these to any period or people known in historic times. The an- cient Sagas were studied in detail, but never developed an age of culture, wherein axes other than those of iron were used. As the Commission’s investigations were extended, the number of these objects, both dolmens and axes, were increased, and other imple- ments were added to the list. Denmark kept the lead in her interest in the discoveries relating to prehistoric man, and in the formation of the new science which was to become prehistoric anthro- pology. Shell Heaps. Another Commission was formed, com- posed of Professors Forschhammer, Steen- strup and Worsaae, the latter of whom was the special representative of the Science of Archeology, though the other two would, perhaps, have been equally as great in archeology had they not already been cele- brated by their earlier work in biology and geology. Worsaae’s labors as an archeol- ogist were overshadowed by his subsequent SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 252. greatness as a statesman; he became one of the Cabinet Ministers of the Kingdom, and died in office. The Committee continued the investiga- tions into the new science by the discovery of the shell mounds. That at Havelse was first and became the representative speci- men, but it was soon found that shell mounds or deposits existed along the coast in every direction, and what had thereto- fore been supposed to be the natural surface of the land, was really the result of human labor and the evidence of human occupa- tion. The farmers and land owners in their respective neighborhoods had already discovered that these mounds were not composed of the usual sand and clay, but mostly shells, which, in a state of great de- cay, were more or less mingled with black soil; and they had carted away much of the material to be distributed over the sur- face of their fields for enrichment. An investigation commenced at Havelse, showed not only the artificial character of these shell mounds, but the presence of many pieces of stone, principally flint, which had been broken in such way as to indicate human intervention and an adap- tation to human use. These objects ran pretty nearly the entire range of prehistoric implements as we now know them: ham- merstones, axes, hatchets, flakes, scrapers, arrowpoints, spearheads, knives, spindle- whorls, gouges, crescents, daggers, etc. There were also objects of shell, horn and bone, and many fragments of pottery. The more important implements from certain deposits were found to be of stone, with a piercing point or a cutting edge, mostly chipped into shape, though some had been pecked or battered and then ground or polished. In other deposits objects of different ma- terial were found, and among the rest the presence of bronze implements was de- tected. OCTOBER 27, 1899.] The number and kind of these imple- ments, their methods of burial or deposit, with the associated objects, enabled the archeologist to assign to them a chrono- logical sequence ; first in epochs of culture, and second in improvement made within these groups. These epochs of culture divided them- selves according to the material employed for cutting implements, into the ages of stone, bronze and iron. This was the first step in the establishment of the new science of Prehistoric Anthropology. The Royal Danish Museum of Antiquities was estab- lished in 1816, now occupying the Princes- sen Palace at Copenhagen. It was to be the home of the archeological collections of the Kingdom, and here Mr. Thomson with the aid of Professors Forschhammer and Steenstrup, classified, arranged and displayed the objects found, and here the new science was born. Lake Dwellings. In 1853 and 1854 the waters of the Swiss Lakes were from natural causes reduced to a low stage, and Dr. Ferdinand Keller em- ployed the opportunity to investigate cer- tain peculiarities which, reported to him by the fishermen and builders on the water’s edge, had excited his curiosity. One of these was that certain localities, with a sloping shore apparently well suited for drawing the seine, were rendered useless for this kind of fishing because of obstruc- tions believed to be decayed stumps of a sub- merged forest covering the bottom, catching the lead-line which had to be lifted, the lifting of which allowed the fish to escape. It appeared that excavations had been made during a period of comparatively low water, in the year 1829, as for a building, wherein the piles and other objects of great antiquity, believed to have been Roman, had been found. Being thus satisfactorily accounted for, their discoverers gave them SCIENCE. 587 no further heed, and the objects were not brought to the attention nor submitted to the inspection of any antiquarian. Dr. Keller’s first surprise was at the number of these stumps, the similarity of their ap- pearance, and the regularity with which they had grown. His surprise was in- creased when, on lifting one out from its bed, it was found not to be a stump, but a sharpened and pointed pile-bearing evidence of human workmanship, which had been driven into the ground. A cursory exami- nation showed this to be the condition of all. This was evidence ofa previous human occupation ; and as the late discovery in Denmark began to have its effect upon the mind of Keller, it became apparent that these were the evidences of a human occu- pation of the Swiss Lakes at some prehis- toric period. This ripened into a certainty when it was discovered that like conditions existed in other places, not only in Lake Zurich, but in divers other of the lakes. Reports of these from both Switzerland and Denmark, spread over western Europe and naturally excited the interest and curiosity of many thinking men, especially those of France and England. The objects them- selves were passed about, and descriptions of them with illustrations were brought under the eyes of the people of these countries, who turned their attention to similar known objects of their own countries theretofore unrecognized. Like the dis- coveries in Denmark and Switzerland, the great interest centered in the similarity of the respective implements in the various classes found in these widely-separated countries. If I recur to this question of the similarity of implements found in dif- ferent countries, it is because of its im- portance. It formed the foundation of the science. It was by reason of this similarity that the Scandinavian discoverers and early students were able to determine the prehistoric ages. By comparison of imple- 588 ments of their own countries with those of Scandinavia, and a recognition of the simi- larity between them, the students from other countries of Western Europe were enabled to correlate and identify the culture of ‘the prehistoric man; and this knowl- edge finally crystallized into the universal recognition of the three prehistoric ages of stone, bronze and iron. The prehistoric man had but few kinds of implements: the hammer or maul, the hatchet, the knife, scraper, arrowpoint and spearhead, spindlewhorl, points of bone and horn, objects principally ornaments, of shell and pottery. These implements were sub- stantially the same in every locality so far as concerned the Neolithic period. The polished stone hatchets were identical whether found in the dolmens of France and England, the dolmens and shell heaps of Scandinavia, the lake dwellings of Switzerland, or the terramare of Italy; and in after years, as our knowledge of the pre- historic world increased, this similarity was found to extend throughout the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, as well as the islands of the sea. The similarity was not confined to one class of implements, but in- cluded nearly all in every age. To be sure, there were minor differences, but the imple- ments could be recognized as the same whenever found. For example, the hatchets were long or short, had a head or poll, well finished or left rude, and were round, flat or square in section. Those square in sec- tion were from Scandinavia ; short stumpy ones with unfinished poll, from the British Islands; the poll pointed or rounded and well finished, from Continental Europe; the button-headed, from Brittany. But with all this, they were always the same imple- ment. The material might differ with the locality, but otherwise, as to use and method of manufacture, they appeared the same. As investigation proceeded, this similarity of implement extended. The polished stone SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. XK. No. 252. hatchet of America was found to be the same, with the same differences of detail ; some from Illinois, made of flint, have a spreading edge, almost of a crescent form, the corners forming the points after the style of some of the battle-axes of medieval knights; those from Chiriqui are flattened on both sides by a sort of chamfer which makes them appear hexagonal in section. It has been argued that this similarity of implement was due to the similarity of human thought adapted to human neces- sity. The similarity of human thought and action under the same necessities may be admitted, although it necessarily had its limitations. The similarity of the implements found among different peoples widely separated, is not accounted for by the theory of human thought and human needs. ‘The classifica- tion of prehistoric culture into ages of stone, bronze and iron was based on the similarity of the implements in each age found in the respective countries, and this was the result of migration, communication or contact be- tween the peoples. Discoveries of Darwin and Boucher de Perthes. By the middle of the century students of prehistoric matters of the Old World had about accepted the prehistoric ages of stone, bronze and iron. Some attempts were made to discover the man who had made and used these implements; and the few skulls that had been gathered in earlier times, the significance of which had not then been understood, were subjected to re- examination in view of the new light upon prehistoric matters. Chief among these were the Canstadt skull, discovered in 1706, and the Engis skull, in 1822. In these studies the pathway of prehistoric science and knowledge was being slowly blazed when, in the year 1859, two great discov- eries relating to the origin and antiquity of man were published which had something OcToBER 27, 1899. ] of the effect of an earthquake upon former scientific conclusions. One, the origin of the human species through evolution, by Darwin ; and the other, the acceptance as artificial of the paleolithic implements found by M. Boucher de Perthes in the val- ley of the Somme. Boucher de Perthes had, as early as 1836, but seriously since 1841, been investigating the peculiarities of certain chipped flints found at Abbeville, France, as far south as Amiens, along the line of the canals and railroads then in course of construction. These he had recognized as the work of man, and claim- ing for them the highest antiquity, he as- serted them to be antediluvian. His dis- covery was at first unfavorably received. In 1853 Dr. Rigollot announced his adhe- sion to the theory ; in 1859 Dr. Falconer discovered the presence of the bones of Elephas antiquus at St. Acheul, and their as- sociation more or less intimate with the chipped flint implements of Boucher de Perthes. In 1859 numerous geologists of England visited the locality and some of them, especially Mr. Arthur J. Evans, now Curator of the Ashmolean Museuin, Oxford, then a lad accompauying his. father, Sir John Evans, had the good fortune to find one of the chipped flint implements in situ. There was much contention over the propo- sition connecting man with these imple- ments, and there were many unbelievers. Some disputed the antiquity of the deposit, others the human manufacture of the im- plements and, curiously enough, the great- est Opposition came from the French geol- ogists and the greatest support from the English. It is not here declared that the geological formation was not early understood by eminent scientists who vis- ited the locality, but there does not appear to have been any publication in eaxtenso of that formation and the strata of which it is composed and the fauna found therein, until that of M. D’Ault Du Mesnil in the ‘SCIENCH. 589 Revue Mensuelle de Ecole d’ Anthropologie (Sixieme Année, IX., 1896), and of which I translated and published the general por- tions in the American Antiquarian (Vol. XXI., No. 3, 1899, pp. 137-145). There were found to be several geologic and paleontologic strata. In the lower layers the bones and teeth of Elephas merid- ionalis were found associated with the Rhi- nocéros merkii; in the middle strata the Elephas primigenius and the Elephas antiqusu were mingled ; while in the upper layers the Elephas primigenius alone appeared. The implements in the lower strata were large and rude, while in the upper they be- came smaller and finer and better made, forming the type called by M. D’Ault Du Mesnil, St. Acheulléen. The surface layer contained objects belonging to the later ages, and does not here concern us. The discussion over the theory of the human origin of these implements soon came to a close by its general acceptance. There have been continuous and almost illimit- able discussions over details, but none over the general proposition. ‘One swallow does not make a summer,’ and a single discovery, either of an implement or a lo- cality, is of slight value in the establish- ment of any general proposition in prehis- toric anthropology. If the discovery of chipped flint implements had been confinec to those of Boucher de Perthes, they never would have made any headway. But the attention of those interested in the subject having been attracted to these chipped flint implements, they were, as the polished stone hatchets in the Neolithic period had been previously, found in greater or less numbers in many localities throughout the principal countries of western Europe. Then came a comparison of the same im. plements from different localities, and it was decided that they were related and formed a stage of culture so different from that of polished stone as to show that they 590 belonged to another people occupying the country at an earlier date. To this period Sir John Lubbock gave the name Paleo- lithie. These chipped flint implements were found by scores of investigators and search- ers in hundreds of places, to the number of tens of thousands. As before remarked, it was the likeness or similarity of the implements, not only in general form, but in the details, as well as in their material, mode of manufacture and possible method of use, which clinched the argument. They so closely resemble each other in the details as to show to the stu- dent that the men who made and used them not only belonged all to the same stage of culture, but that either through migration or commerce they must have had intercom- munication. They might or might not have been blood-relatives, but that they were really acquaintances and taught each other the modes of fracture of these imple- ments, seems to have been admitted on all hands. The discoveries of the prehistoric ages of stone have been extended to Africa. Pro- fessor H. W. Haynes and General Pitt- Rivers in Egypt and Mr. Seton-Karr in Somaliland, have made discoveries of pale- olithic implements. Discoveries of neo- lithic implements have been made by Mr. J. de Morgan in the valley of the Nile, and by a Belgian, in the valley of the Congo. All have been found in suffi- cient numbers to establish the fact that they were not isolated or sporadic speci- mens but were evidence of an extensive human occupation of their locality. Differences Between Paleolithic and Neolithic Cultures. In treating of the science of prehistoric anthropology, it is imperative that the dif- ferences between the culture of paleolithic and neolithic times should be noticed. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. Necessarily this must be confined to the Old World, as the discoveries in America have not been sufficient to establish the lines between the two periods. Mons. Gabriel de Mortillet formulated the differences between his Madelainien epoch (the last of the Paleolithic period) and his Robenhausen epoch (the first of the Neolithic period), and has arranged them in parallel columns that they may make a graphic representation : LATEST PALEOLITHIC (1) Climate cold and dry, with extreme tempera- tures. (2) Existence of the last grand fossil species— the mammoth. (3) Chamois, marmot, the wild goat in the plains of France. (4) Reindeer, saiga (an- telope), elk, glutton, white bear, in the cen- ter of Europe. (5) Hyena and the grand | cat tribe. (6) No domestic animals. (7) Human type uniform. | (8) Population nomadic. (9) Hunters and fishes, but no agriculture. (10) Stone implements al- | ways chipped. (11) No pottery. (12) No monuments. (13) No burials; no re- spect for the dead. (14) No religious ideas. (15) A profound and pure artistic sentiment. i EARLIEST NEOLITHIC. (1) Climate temperate and uniform. (2) The mammoth tinct. (3) Chamois, marmot,and wild goat have gone to the summits of the | mountains. (4) These animals have emigrated toward the | Arctic region. (5) No hyenas or grand cats. 6) Domestic abundant. 7) Human type much varied. 8) Population sedentary. | (9) Agriculture well de- veloped. 10) Stone implements polished. (11) Pottery. 12) Monuments: Dol- mens and menhirs. (13) Burial of the dead. 14) Religious ideas well developed. (15) No artistic senti- ment. ex- animals The radical difference between the Pa- leolithic and Neolithic periods, and one to be first remarked, was that they were in different geologic epochs. The former be- longed to the quaternary, the latter to the present epoch. In the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic the glaciers ceased, the climate became temperate and OcTOBER 27, 1899.] uniform, the animals peculiar to the earlier conditions passed away and others affected by the change of climate migrated. There were eighteen species of cold-loving animals in western Europe during the Paleolithic period which migrated to other localities because of the moderation of the tempera- ture incident to the commencement of the Neolithic period. Thirteen of these mi- grated to cold countries by latitude going to the north, the reindeer, the musk-ox, the blue fox, etc.; five like the chamois and mountain goat, migrated to cold countries by altitude, going up on the mountains. Comparing the industries of the two periods, we will see some of those of the earlier, continued into the later periods, and some of those the later were invented or improved. The art of chipping stone into implements was continued from the earlier to the later but to it was added the art of grinding and polishing. All our smoothed and polished stone implements and objects had their origin in this neolithic culture. Sawing and drilling stone began here. The bow and arrow, the first projectile machinery in the world, here had its birth. The twisting of flaxen thread, weaving and the making of cloth, clothing, com- menced in this period. Pottery making was begun which, in itself, wrought a revo- lution in human culture. The earliest monuments of the world, the great mounds, tumuli, dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, and the fine specimens of prehistoric architec- ture, date from this period. The family was formed, and the clan or tribe organized with a local habitation and a name. Villages, and finally towns were established; animals were domesti- cated, flocks and herds with farms and pastures came into being; agriculture in- -creased the means of subsistence; a division of labor became fixed, and mechanics with ‘trades were partially inaugurated. Though SCIENCE. 591 the neolithic man, from our point of view, was a savage, yet compared with his pre- decessor, the paleolithic man, he made a long stride towards civilization, whether from savagery to barbarism may be sug- gested but need not be decided, nor even argued here. Paleolithic Implements Employed. The recognition of the artificial character of the chipped flint implements found by Boucher de Perthes, and the many who came after him, and which gave an impetus to the science of prehistoric anthropology, made an opportunity, if it did not create a necessity, for some sort of classification. The Scandinavian classification of stone, bronze and iron had been accepted, but these late discoveries demonstrated an earlier period and called for a subdivision of the age of stone. All the implements found were of flint and chipped. During this period man did not know how to rub one stone against another to make either of them smooth or sharp, as he did in the later age; so the first was called the chipped stone age, and the other the polished stone age. Sir John Lubbock gave them the names, respectively, Paleolithic and Neolithic. These paleo- lithic implements of chipped flint being found mostly in the alluvial gravels, the name alluvial, alluvium (French), diluvial, diluvium (English?), were respectively given them. These implements and the period to which they belong require a description by which they can be recognized from those of other ages. They were all of flint or some chipp- able material, many of them were made from boulders or concretions. Some were so chipped as to leave the smooth part of the boulder as a grip for the hand. They varied in length from six or eight inches down to three, in width from five to two, and in thickness from three inches to one. 592 They were generally almond-shaped and had a point or cutting edge at the small end; some of them made from ledge-rock and not from boulders, were brought to an edge all round. In outline they resemble the leaf-shaped implements of later ages ; but when viewed edge-wise the difference was manifest in that these were much thicker. The thickness is usually about half their width ; an implement four inches wide would be about two inches thick, and one two inches wide, an inch thick, while leaf-shaped implements of that width would not be one-half as thick. River Drifts, Valleys and Terraces. A further explanation is as to the forma- tion of the geologic deposits in which the implements were found, and so a decision as to their geologicage. It is believed that at an earlier period in the geology of the country the water of the rivers on its way to the sea eroded the earth (as is shown by the geologic models, principally of the Rocky Mountains, in the U. 8. National Museum) and formed valleys, making them reach from one hill to the other and as deep as the present bottom of the rivers ; at the second stage the water in the rivers, becoming less in volume and slower in movement, began the process which has been carried on from that day to the present in all river valleys, the cutting or washing of the river bank at or from one point or locality where the water ran swifter and stronger, and carrying it further down the stream where the water ran slower and weaker. In this manner the river terraces were formed, each successive terrace, counting from the hill, represented a cor- responding abasement of the water, until, as at present in many of our American rivers, especially the Ohio, three terraces exist on either side of the stream. In the chronologic formation of these terraces, that nearest the hill was the oldest, that nearest SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 252. the stream the latest. The bottom of each terrace was, naturally, laid down first and, consequently, was older than the top. So the bottom of the first terrace (nearest the hill) was the oldest, and the top of the ter- race (that nearest the stream) was the latest. These paleolithic implements have been found in the bottom of the first terrace and, consequently, were a part of the earliest deposit. And as they continued through- out the various terraces and in the different parts thereof, it is believed that the Paleo- lithic period in these localities began with the formation of the river-valleysand is co- existent with them. During all this period no implements of less enduring materia] than flint have been found, if any ever existed. No human remains have ever been found in the river valleys; nor the remains of any animal so small as man or whose bones were so light and frail as are his. Differences in Climate. No traces have been brought to light of either the habitation or the raiment of the man of this period. It has been suggested that he had no need for either. The cli- mate was warm, moist and rainy; he re- quired neither dwelling nor raiment to keep him warm or dry, for, like the savages of warm climates generally he may have preferred to run naked. This is regarded as entirely feasible in the climate then pre- vailing in western Europe. But there came a change, supposed to be represented by the glacial epoch, when the climate became cold and wet, and man re- quired protection and so was driven to the caverns for shelter. Here is found the first evidence of raiment. Thus began what has been called the cavern period. Epochs of the Cavern Period. Different classifications have been made and different names given to these. Some OcTOBER 27, 1899. ] ef the early scientists named them for the animals of the time and locality. Lartet named them respectively, Cave Bear, Mam- moth, Reindeer, and Ox; Dupont, Mam- moth and Reindeer. The English gener- ally employed the terms ‘river-drift’ (for the earlier, paleolith) and ‘cavern.’ De Mortillet made an exhaustive study anda consequent elaborate classification named for, and based on the industries found in certain localities : The Chelléen after Chelles (Seine-et-Marne), Acheulléen after St- Acheul (Somme), Mousterien after the cavern of Le Moustier (Dordogne), Solu- treen after the station of Solutré (Sdéone-et- Loire), Madalenien after the rock-shelter of La Madeleine (Dordogne), and Tour- assien after La Tourasse (Haute-Garonne), the last representing the hiatus between the Paleolithic and Neolithicages. This classi- fication was carried throughout the pre- historic ages. SCIENCE. 593 experience will satisfy one of its excellence. Its principle is to give an epoch of culture the name of a locality where that particular culture is manifested in its greatest purity. This may be an arbitrary system, but it has the great desideratum of all systems of nomenclature—certainty and definiteness. By such, one knows exactly what is meant, and this is the chief purpose of nomen- clature. The American geologic classifica- tion is based largely on the same system. High-Plateau Paleoliths, Ightham, Kent. Among many discoveries of paleolithic implements in Europe was a certain class which indicated a human occupation earlier than those found in the river gravels. These belong to the high plateaux between the headwaters of the streams. The principal discovery of implements of this class was by Mr. Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Kent ; but knowledge of the significance thereof is - Mons. de Mortillet’s classification of prehistoric chronology, as applied to France. TIME. AGES. PERIODS. EPOCHS. Merovingian. Wabenien ( Waben, Pas-de-Calais). Roman. Historic. Champdolien (Champdolent, Seine-et-Oise). Lugdunien (Lyon, Rhone). Tron. Galatian. Beuvraysien (Mont Beuvray, Nievre). Marnien (Department of Marne). Halstattien (Hallstatt, Austria). Bronze. Quaternary—Actual. Protohistoric. Tsiganien. Larnaudien (Larnaud, Jura). Morgien (Morges, canton of Vaud, Switzerland). Neolithic. Robenhausien (Robenhausen, Zurich, Switzerland). Campignyen (Campigny, Seine-Inferieure). Tardenoisien (Fére-en-Tardenois, Aisne). Stone. Paleolithic. Prehistoric. Quaternary—Auncient. Tourassien (La Tourasse, Haute-Garonne) Ancient hiatus. Madelainien (La Madeleine, Dordogne). Solutréen (Solutre, Saine-et-Loire). Moustérien (Le Moustier, Dordogne). Archuléen (Saint-Achuel, Somme). Chelléen (Chelles, Seine-et-Marne). Eolithic. bry. Ter- Puycournien (Puy-Courny, Cantal). Thenaysien (Thenay, Loire-et-Cher). Objection may be made to the nomen- elature of this classification, but a slight due to the great geologist, Professor Joseph Prestwich. 594 A small stream runs past the town of Ightham where it joins the Medway. This stream has the usual terraces in its valley which, like other terraces, are formed of river drift. These valleys contained paleolithic implements of the usual kind similar to those heretofore described. The theory was, that the river-valley had been eroded, the sand and gravel cut or washed away, then carried down the stream and deposited where the current became weaker; thus would be in- volved all the paleolithic implements within the scope of the valley or ravines that fell into it. The information furnished by Mr. Harrison’s discovery was that, on the high plateau levels not involved in the valleys or the ravines leading to it, the same kind of paleolithic implements were found practi- cally on the surface. The theory of Pro- fessor Prestwich founded on Harrison’s dis- covery carries us back one step further in the chronology of paleolithic man. He be- lieved that the implements were made and used by man on these high plateaux before the commencement of the formation of the river-valley ; that, being scattered over the surface where they had been left by their owners, they have remained until now found undisturbed, uninfluenced by the erosion, the which as it proceeded, cut away the sand and gravel and drew the the other implements into the valley or into the general current which carried the sand and gravel down, and deposited them with the débris in the form of a terrace. These Harrison implements not being within the reach of this erosion, re- mained in situ and are now being found on the surface of the plateau above. Imple- ments, and even workshops indicated by the presence of certain tools and style of implements, remained on the high plateaux and are there found to-day. If they had been within the influence of the stream and had been carried down by its waters, they would have been found in the drift of the SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 252. terrace below ; but not having been thus in- volved, they were not affected and so re- mained in their original places until now found. This conclusion, if correct, pushes the paleolithic one epoch farther into the past ; instead of the implements being found in the bottom of the river terrace at the completion of their journey, they are found on the high plateau which was originally, and for the others, the beginning of the journey. Tertiary Man. Another step in the science of prehistoric anthropology (whether forward or back- ward is yet to be determined) was the discovery of implements and objects of supposed human origin, or which bore a supposed artificial character, alleged to be evidence of man’s existence in the ter- tiary period. The first report in this di- rection was by Mons. J. Desnoyers who, on June 8, 1863, presented before the Academy of Sciences at Paris, certain fossil animal bones and pieces of wood, from the quarries of sand and gravel at Saint Prest, near Chartres, France, which were believed to belong to the pliocene formation, whose marks, imprints and striz were such as could have been made by man and were, therefore, said to be evidence pointing towards his existence in that period. In 1867 the Second Congress of Archeology and Prehistoric Anthropology met at Paris and was largely occupied over ‘a presenta- tion of, and discussion upon the evidences of tertiary man. Mons. L’Abbé Bourgeois presented a series of flint objects which were so chipped or broken as to appear to have been done by man. Other objects were presented by various persons, all al- leged to have a bearing upon the main question and tending to establish the exist- ence of man in the tertiary period. These were of different materials: bones cut or marked, teeth or bones drilled, wood and bone carved or gnawed, ete., until a rather OCTOBER 27, 1899.] extensive series of objects was gathered and which, if their finders could have success- fully maintained, would have gone far toward the establishment of the existence of man in the tertiary period. Professor Capellini found the fossil rib- bones of a whale in the tertiary deposit at Monte-Aperto, Italy. These ribs had evi- dently been cut with a sharp knife or tool and might easily have been done by man. There was no attempt at engraving, only certain kerfs across the ribs. Professor Capellini presented his discovery to the Academy of Lincei at Rome, and before the Congresses of Archeology and Prehistoric Anthropology at Budapest in 1876, and at Paris in 1878. I had the pleasure of exam- ining these specimens in the Museum of the University of Bologna, and was much im- pressed with the contention of Professor Capellini. Dr. Arturo Issel, one of the leading scien- tists of Genoa, joined the advocates of ter- tiary man before the International Congress of Archeology and Prehistoric Anthropol- ogy in 1867, by the presentation of a human skeleton, or a portion of one, found at a depth of ten feet in the blue clay, said to have been of pliocene formation, near Sa- vona, Italy. The skeleton was discovered by other persons and had been distributed and portions lost, so that only certain mem- bers came to Dr. Issel. There were no other animal bones found in the deposit, but many fossil shells which undoubtedly belonged to the pliocene. If the skeleton was contemporaneous with the original de- posit it would be good evidence of the exist- ence of man during that period. Four human skeletons were found at Castene- dolo, Italy, by Professor Ragazzoni, then searching for fossil shells. The deposit was determined to belong to the pliocene, or at least to the tertiary. There were throughout western Europe, perhaps a dozen more instances of objects _ SCIENCE. t 595 alleged to be human or related to human, found in tertiary deposits. The principal of these, and that which obtained the greatest prominence, was the discovery of Abbé Bourgeois at Thenay near Pontlevoy (Loire-et-Cher). Among other reasons for the prominence of the discovery of Abbé Bourgeois was. the fact that the discov- ery was near his own residence, where he could give it much of his personal at- tention; and he was able to attend many or all of the scientific meetings, whether of archeology, geology or paleontology, wherein the subject would find interested auditors, with many opportunities for the presenta- tion of the subject. From the year 1867, when his discovery was presented to the International Congress of Archeology and Prehistoric Anthropology at Paris, until 1883, before the Association Francaise at Blois, he kept up an aggressive warfare. The deposit at Thenay was agreed to be- long to the tertiary, and it had not been disturbed; therefore, if the objects were made by man, they would be evidence of his existence at the time the deposit was made. They were all of flint and had evi- _ dently been worked ; whether naturally or artifically was the important question. Some had been crackled as though by fire, and others had been chipped as though by man. I have three of these pieces of flint in the Museum at Washington, and am free to confess that, had they been found under conditions ordinarily possible to pre- historic man, I should have no hesitation in accepting them as artificial. The presenta- tion of these flint objects before the various archeological Congresses created great in- terest and begat much discussion. At one, that in Brussels, an international committee of fifteen members was appointed to inves- tigate the question and make report. The committee divided, as might have been ex- pected. Hight members were of opinion that the pieces of flint were artifically 596 chipped: De Quatrefages, Capellini, Worsaae, Englehardt, Augustus W. Franks, Valdemir Schmidt, D’Omalius and Cartailhac;* five members were opposed: Steenstrup, Desor, Neirynek and Fraas; Marquis de Vibray was favorable but with reserve, and Van Beneden unable to decide. It will thus be perceived that the ques- tion was difficult to determine, and much could be said on both sides. If the oppos- ing forces of learned men who, on the ground, marching in the presence of each other and of the objects themselves, and, as at Blois, with the deposit whence the objects came, under their eyes, were still unable to determine the question, it would be venturesome for us to attempt it. Since the meeting at Blois, there has been but little discussion of the flints from Thenay. It would seem as though neither party was convinced by the other, and both were con- tent to maintain their former opinions and cease the discussion. Sir John Evans re- vived it after a fashion in his presidential address before the British Association at Leeds in 1890, wherein he took opposite grounds. Discoveries similar to that of the Abbé Bourgeois were made by M. B. Rames, a distinguished geologist of Aurillac, at a lo- cality called Puy Courny near Aurillac; by Charles Ribeiro near Lisbon, Portugal; and by Joseph Bellucci of Perugia, at Otta, Mon- teredondo, Italy. They all fall into the same category and received the same treat- ment. In the conclusion to be awarded to the existence of man during the tertiary period, they stand or fall together. Pithecanthropus—Dubois. The presentation of this branch of my subject would be incomplete without a reference to the great discovery made by Dr. Dubois at Tinil, Java. Dr. Dubois is *Mons, Cartailac changed his opinion, but not until several years afterward. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. an educated physician, a graduate of the Leyden University, interested in prehistoric anthropology, with a sufficient knowledge of geology and paleontology to enable him make satisfactory investigations in the field. He was attached to the Dutch army as a medical officer, and with it sent to Java. He lived there for six years, and having found a deposit of fossil bones at Tinil, prosecuted his researches therein for three summers with great success. During this work he found certain portions of a skeleton which, if not human, was nearer it than was any other. Dr. Dubois has published a preliminary report of his dis- covery containing a section and plan of the field of his explorations, and photo- graphic copies of the human (?) remains. When this publication appeared and fell into the hands of the physical anthropolo- gists, whether of Europe or of America who, by their knowledge of human and comparative anatomy, were the best quali- fied to judge, they almost universally set- tled the question to their own satisfaction in the shortest and easiest way, by the de- cision that the remains were human and that Dr. Dubois had done nothing more than discover an ancient graveyard. There were few persons in the United States pre- pared to combat this view. Professor O. C. Marsh visited Leyden in attendance upon the International Congress of Zoology, September, 1895, and upon his return an- nounced that this was a much graver ques- tion than had before been recognized. I had the gratification of visiting Dr. Dubois and seeing his collection. Like Professor Marsh, I was amazed at the showing made. He had, in his laboratory, many thousand pieces of bones from the deposit at Tinil. They were all fossilized, their weight was greatly increased, and their color much darkened, while the human (?) bones had an identical appearance, and it was evident that they came from the OCTOBER 27, 1898. ] same deposit and were the same age. It is the accepted conclusion on every hand that the bones and deposits belonged to the ter- tiary period; what particular epoch, I am not prepared to say. The dilemma presented by the discovery of Dr. Dubois in relation to the antiquity of man is that, if the bones are really those of a human individual, it carries the an- tiquity of the human species back to the tertiary period. If the individual is not human, because the deposit of the tertiary ~ period is too early, then he must have been the precursor of man and, so the ‘ missing link.’ This dilemma must be recognized and the conclusion made harmonious. Darwin would have accepted this as a rep- resentative specimen of his ‘ missing link.’ De Mortillet was of opinion that the animal that chipped the flints of Thenay was not man, but his precursor, which he named ‘Anthropopitheque,’ or ‘Anthropopithecus.’ Dr. Dubois has the same idea or theory with regard to the man of his discovery, and he has given it the name ‘ Pithecan- thropus erectus.’ The discussion over ter- tiary man or man’s precursor, remains in abeyance. Hach of the two parties holds to his respective opinions, pro and con, and the question awaits further developments. Neolithic and Bronze Ages Continuous. If there was a belief in an hiatus be- tween the Paleolithic and the Neolithic ages of Europe, there was no belief in an hiatus between the Neolithic period and the age of Bronze. It seems conceded that there was no appreciable difference in the races of people in western Europe in these two ages. It is also conceded that the stage of culture continued in both practi- cally the same; that all or most of the industries of the Neolithic period were continued into the Bronze age, subject, how- ever, to the natural improvement which came with added experience. The differ- - SCIENCE. 597 ence between the two ages, then, was the increased facility in performing the function of civilization by reason of having cutting implements of bronze instead of those of stone. The making of bronze was evidently a human invention and has little or nothing to do with a difference in race, nor beyond the benefit or improvement made by the invention, has it much to do with a change in culture. Copper was easily procured throughout Europe, and implements of that metal were made in neolithic times and doubtless con- tinued to be made in the Bronze age. But the advent of bronze was a totally different affair. Copper did not require casting ; it might have been hammered into the desired form and so made into implements, but the knowledge of melting and casting was in- dispensable to the age of Bronze. Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin in the pro- portion of eight or nine parts of the former to one of the latter. The question whence came the bronze which was so plentiful throughout Europe has always been one of the problems of prehistoric archeology. The tin necessary for making bronze ap- pears to have come from the country around the Straits of Malacca. The methods of its migration or transportation to Europe, whether the tin was brought over, whether it was melted, mixed with copper and then brought over, both being in the form of in- gots, or whether it was cast into implements and then distributed, are facts absolutely unknown, and they probably will always remain so. Prehistoric bronze objects have been found in southern Asia and through- out Europe. The excavations of Dr. Schlie- mann into the Hill of Hissarlik brovght many of them to light. Foundries have been discovered in most European coun- tries; in France nigh a hundred, the latest by Mons. Paul du Chatelier in Brittany. The most extensive one yet found was that at Bologna, Italy. It contained the metal 598 in all stages of preparation for casting, to- gether with molds and crucibles ready for use. There were (14,000) fourteen thou- sand pieces of bronze, some in ingots but most of it in wornout implements broken into small pieces suitable for the melting pot. Epochs of culture in the age of Bronze have been manifested by improvements in style in the hatchets of Southern Europe and the fibule of Scandinavia. Physical Anthropology. Physical Anthropology, which includes Somatology and Physiology, has received considerable attention at the hands of some of the European anthropologists. Naturally, these sciences are studied at immense disad- vantage when confined to prehistoric man, therefore, it has been extended to include savage peoples, and many of the most ar- dent anthropologists of Europe have studied the somatology and physiology of the sav- age in the endeavor to obtain even reflected light or knowledge in regard to prehistoric man. There had been a number of skele- tons of prehistoric man found throughout western Europe. The instances are rare and isolated where specimens have been found of paleolithic man. The evidence has not always been harmonious, nor has it always pointed in one direction. The Neanderthal skull has been assumed as the representative of the oldest race. Probably a dozen other specimens of human skele- tons, or fragments thereof, have been found, all of which are claimed to have belonged to paleolithic man. The following are the best known: Constadt, 1700; Lahr, 1823 ; Engis, 1833 ; Denise, 1844; Neanderthal, 1856; Olmo, 1863; Naulette, Furfooz, Sol- utré, Cro-Magnon, Engischeim, Savona, 1865; Aurignac, Laugerie, Brux, 1872; Men- tone, 1872-75; Spy, 1886. Those of the Grotto of Spy, in Belgium, are the best iden- tified and authenticated. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. The conclusions to be ventured are, that paleolithic man had a dolichocephalic skull with prominent frontal sinuses; he was short in stature but had heavy bones with strong muscular attachments. He was prognathous, with large and strong pro- jecting teeth which were unusually sound. He had habitually three molar teeth. His legs were crooked, and it has been doubted whether he regularly assumed an upright position. ; The human remains found in the caverns, still paleolithic but of the later epochs, indi- cate an increase in height, size and sym- metry. It has been supposed, from com- parison of osteologic evidence from the caverns, notably with the Cro-Magnon skele- ton, that the Berbers of North Africa and the Guanches of the Canary Islands repre- sent a similar ethnic type. The neolithic man had a skull more brachycephalic. He was not so prognath- ous as was paleolithic man; his forehead was higher and squarer, and his brain ca- pacity greater ; his teeth were less projecting and not so large as those of paleolithic man. The conditions of human burials in prehis- toric times were not advantageous for the present study of the somatology of the in- dividual. The paleolithic man rarely bur- ied his dead, and when he did the preserva- tion and discovery of the skeletons have been largely accidental. The neolithic man buried his dead in great ossuaries and fre- quently, if not always, subjected the in- dividual to a second burial after the integu- ments had disappeared. The immediate and direct result is that modern discoveries of these ossuaries find the bones pell-mell, and we are unable to identify those of in- dividuals. Classification of Races. Unable to obtain sufficient specimens to enable them to master the science in its re- lation to prehistoric man, the students of OcTOBER 27, 1899. ] somatology have, as already suggested, ex- tended their investigations to modern peo- ples, primitive and savage, hoping for two results: one, incidentally a knowledge of these peoples per se, and the other to obtain by comparison a better knowledge of pre- historic peoples. This investigation in- duced classification of races which have run into infinitesimal details. | There has been much striving among an- thropologists for a satisfactory classifica- tion of the human race. The item in this classification which seems to have been re- ceived with most favor is determined by the cephalic index. This is the ratio be- tween the extreme length of the skull as compared with the extreme breadth, and this compared with the extreme height. Various subdivisions have been made and various names given: dolichocephalic the long-headed ; mesocephalic, medium, and brachycephalic, short-headed. Other schemes are according to the character of the hair, running through lophocomi (tufted), eriocomi (fleecy), euplocomi (curly), and euthycomi (straight). Still another classi- fication was that of the dental index by Professor W. H. Flower, the microdont (the lowest index), mesodont (medium), and megadont (the highest dental index). The earliest and possibly original scheme of classification of the human races was according to color: the yellow, white, black, to which were afterwards added the brown and the red. Probably these stand the test of experience in science about as well as the more complicated classifications. Dr. Topinard has undertaken an investi- gation among the people of France by which he is to determine the color of the hair and eyes, segregated according to dif- ferent departments. Virchow has done the same among the school-children of Ger- many, and in a late work Dr. W.Z. Ripley, of Columbia University, New York, has re- ported and published sundry investigations _ SCIENCE, 599 in some of the countries of western Europe, classifying and separating the peoples ac- cording to color of skin, hair and eyes, of the cephalic index, of height, and other physical characteristics. Such a work as his applied to the native races of America would be new and original and a valuable contribution to the science of anthropology. Dr. Washington Matthews made such an investigation of the early occupants of the Salado Valley, Arizona. Darwin’s discovery of the origin of the human species by evolution from lower forms of animals, created an interest in the antiquity of man different from that of archeology. It required a knowledge of zoology and of human and comparative anatomy, and involved a study of anthro- pology in its subdivisions of somatology, physiology and psychology, involving the physical and intellectual characteristics of man. Based upon this necessity, the various schools and societies of anthropology were organized in many of the great cities of the world, notably Paris, London and Berlin. The organization of these societies and the investigations involved brought to the front a set of scientists totally different from those who had before been studying archeology. Broca, in Paris, stood near the head of these, followed by Manouvrier and Topi- nard; Gosse in Geneva, Huxley and Tylor, Biddoe and Keane in England, Virchow and Bastian and Meyer in Germany, witli Mantegazza and Sergi in Italy. The family Bertillon, consisting of the father (now dead) and his two sons (successors), were the discoverers and inventors of the science of anthropometry in its adaptation to prehistoric man. The races of men had been studied before, and the general divis- ions were those of color. Anthropometry gave an additional interest to this branch of the science and it ran riot, making sub- divisions on the bases of infinitesimal de- tails. This was pressed to such a point 600 that one ardent investigator found sufficient difference in the human species as that he subdivided it into 172 races. Anthropology the Science of Man. Anthropology was defined to be the science of man, and included everything relating to man, his physical, intellectual, psychologic characteristics; and these ex- tended through all ramifications. Subdivisions of Anthropology. Some scientists, chiefly the French, have proposed to confine the term ‘ Anthro- pology’ to the physical structure, but it is deemed better to include within it every- thing pertaining to man, making the various subdivisions as represented by the minor sciences, even though they might be treated SCIENCE. independently. than suggestive : Biology and comparative anatomy. Human anatomy. Anthropometry craniometry- Comparative psychology. Literature, language (written, oral, sign). Religious creeds and cults. Industry. Materials and imple- ments of every craft. Clothing and personal _ adornment. Habitations, and house- hold utensils. Weapons. Pottery. Objects for amusement. Articles, uses unknown. Architecture and fine art. Monuments and public works. Roads, trails, canals, irrigating, etc. Mounds—sepulchral, effigy, altar. Forts and earth-w’ks. Graves and cemet’ies. Idols and temples. The following is little more Architecture and fine art —Continued. Cliff or cave dwellings. Towers, ruined or other- wise. Engraving. Painting. Sculpture. Ceramics. Decoration. Ornamentation. Sociology. Love and marriage, child-life. Social organizations, customs} and_ beliefs, pastimes. Tribal organization. Government, property, law, ete. Mythology, folklore. Education, relief and charities. Mortuary customs and furniture. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. The subdivisions made by the Society of Anthropology of Paris, as set forth in the course of lectures given by its professors during the present year, are as follows: Prehistoric Anthropology, Anthropometry and Embryology, Ethnology, Biology, Lang- uage and Ethnography, Sociology (history of civilization), Zoologic Anthropology, Geographic Anthropology, Physical Anthro- pology. The Society might not accept the forego- ing as a correct or complete subdivision of the science. Other branches may be added on the employment of more professors. The Society of Anthropology at Washing- ton has, during the past year, made the fol- lowing rearrangement of sections according to what was deemed proper in matter and terminology : Section A. Somatology, tf Psychology, Esthetology, Technology, Sociology, . Philology, . Sophiology. It will be understood from the foregoing that the subdivisions cannot be made on hard and fast lines, but are susceptible of infinite changes and varieties. It would be scarcely possible for any one to master all these sciences and so become a perfected and all-round anthropologist. Classifica- tion, however, is largely a matter of defini- tion ; the material facts remain the same. The field of any particular science is well- understood, whatever name may be given or to whatever classification it may belong, and it is not worth while to engage in ex- tensive discussion of any particular classifi- cation or the nomenclature or terminology of any of these sciences. It is deemed more satisfactory to group them all under the generic name of ‘Anthropology.’ This plan has been pursued generally in the’ Societies of Anthropology and in the edu- ai Hdob OCTOBER 27, 1899.] cational organizations where it is pretended to be taught. United States. It is my duty on this occasion to give some expression to this subject in its rela- tion to America or to the Western Hemis- phere. The length of this address precludes an exhaustive examination. The student or reader might, before proceeding further,read the address delivered before this Section, the first by Dr. Daniel G. Brinton* at New York in 1887, the title being ‘A Review of the Data for the Study of the Prehistoric Chro- nology of America’; and the second that of Dr. C. C. Abbott at Cleveland in 1898, the title being ‘Evidence of the Antiquity of Man in Eastern North America.’ The conditions under which the begin- nings of our knowledge of prehistoric man were made, were quite different in America from those of Europe. In western Europe the historic period began with the invasion of Caesar, fifty or more years before the Chris- tian era, and the prehistoric period with which we have had to deal came to a close about that time. On the contrary, in America the prehis- toric period continued until the discovery of the country by Columbus, and its subse- quent occupation by the white man who was thus brought face to face with the pre- historic man. The superstitions, myths and folklore concerning stone hatchets and flint arrow heads so prevalent in western Europe, had no place in America. It was useless to talk to the white man of the heavenly origin of the stone hatchet or the flint arrow head, when he knew by the evi- dence of his own senses that these were the implements and weapons of the prehis- toric savage with which he had to deal. Tuomas WILSON. U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. (To be concluded. ) * Died at Atlantic City, July 30, 1899. Resolutions of condolence were adopted by Section H at the meet- ing after the delivery of this address. SCIENCE. 601 CHEMISTRY AT THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION _ FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. As has been the custom for several years, the American Chemical Society united with the Section in its meetings, the program on Monday and Tuesday being in charge of the Society and on the other days in charge of the Section. This has resulted very favorably to both parties and never more so than this year when over fifty papers were on the program and the attendance of chemists has been only once if ever sur- passed. The address of the Vice-President, Dr. F. P. Venable, on ‘The Definition of the Element,’ has already been published in this JOURNAL. On Monday morning after the adjourn- ment of the general session of the Associa- tion, several reports of committees were read. The most important was that of the Committee of the Chemical Society on Coal Analysis. This was presented by W. A. Noyes, the chairman of the committee and was the final report, and took up chiefly the matters of sampling and of moisture. Much discussion was elicited. The reading of papers began on Monday afternoon and continued until Thursday afternoon, when the Section adjourned. A number of the papers read presented special interest in the field of inorganic chemistry. One of these was by W. R. Whitney on the nature of the change in chromium salts from violet to green on heating. It has of late been quite generally recognized that the chromium salt, say the sulfate, is decomposed on heating its solu- tion into free acid and a more basic salt. The hitherto unsolved problem has been to determine the amount of free acid formed. This Mr. Whitney solved in a very inge- nious manner. By enclosing the salt be- tween gelatine walls in a U-tube the acid is made to diffuse, under the influence of an electric current, completely into the jelly, 602 in which it is easily titrated. The results obtained confirm very completely the cor- rectness of the ordinary accepted theory. A paper by Louis Kahlenberg, of the University of Wisconsin, on the electrolytic deposition of metals from non-aqueous solu- tions, dealt primarily with the validity of Faraday’s law in such solutions. Experi- ments with silver nitrate dissolved in pyri- din, nitro-benzene, anilin, benzonitril and acetone, and of some other salts in pyridin, show that Faraday’s law holds good in these solvents. This is the more striking from the fact that in many other cases non- aqueous solutions do not act like those of water. Kahlenberg also called attention to the fact that from a solution of lead nitrate in pyridin the lead is deposited in bright erystals at the negative pole, while there is no deposit at the positive pole. Silver forms a very dense deposit from solutions of the nitrate in anilin. These latter facts may have some industrial value. Closely connected with this paper was one by E. C. Franklin, of the University of Kansas, on the electrical conductivity of liquid ammonia solutions, which was a con- tinuation of his work, which has already been noticed in these columns. Professor Franklin described a very ingeniously de- vised apparatus for purifying the liquid ammonia, particularly from water, and he found that its electric conductivity when thus purified was exceedingly small, not more than one-fourth that of purified water. Many conductivity curves were shown, which resembled more or less closely those of aqueous solutions. Under variable tem- perature, however, the conductivity in- creases with the temperature to a maximum and then decreases. This is theoretically the case with aqueous solutions, but the experimental conditions necessary for its demonstration are difficult to obtain. Note was made in this column a few weeks ago of work which Charles Basker- SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. ville, of the University of North Carolina, and others have done on the distribution of titanium. In a paper before the Section, Dr. Baskerville reviewed the work which had been done by others and gave an ac- count of his own work. The most im- portant feature is that every sample of human flesh and bone examined shows the presence of at least traces of titanium. We must consequently consider that titanium is a constant constituent of the human or- ganism, unless, indeed, it militates against Baskerville’s work, that only specimens from the negro race were studied. Dr. Baskerville also finds a wide distribution of vanadium, notably in some peats. A very interesting paper on the relation of physical chemistry to technical chemistry was read by Wilder D. Bancroft, of Cor- nell, and a most carefully prepared lecture on ‘Some Experimental Illustrations of the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory,’ was de- livered by Arthur A. Noyes, of the Institute of Technology. A word should be added in commendation not alone of the lecture, but also of the idea of having-such lectures. It is now the custom of the London Chem- ical Society to have its annual lecture, and of the German Chemical Society to have them more frequently. The delivery of one or two such lectures before the chem- ical section, by experts, on subjects about which every chemist wishes to be informed, while few are, would prove one of the most profitable features of the meeting, and it is to be hoped it will be repeated in the future. Several papers in other fields than that of inorganic chemistry may be noticed. One of the most interesting of these was by H. W. Wiley and W. H. Krug on ‘Some New Products of Maize Stalks.’ It would have surprised a farmer to see the great variety of materials of which Dr. Wiley showed samples, all made from cornstalks. There was cellulose pith which is now extensively used on war vessels as a backing to armor OCTOBER 27, 1899.] plate, from the fact that if pierced by a shot, the cellulose immediately swells and fills the hole, preventing the passage of water ; chicken feed and cattle feed of vari- ous qualities, one variety containing a large quantity of molasses, and solving the prob- lem of feeding molasses to stock; paper pulp and samples of paper of excellent quality made from it ; nitroglycerin absorb- ents of different grades, giving different qualities of dynamite; superior qualities of nitrocellulose, some for the manufacture of smokeless powder, while from others excel- lent collodion isformed. Putting this paper with one by C. G. Hopkins on ‘ Improve- ment in the Chemical Composition of the Corn Kernel,’ one recognizes that not only is corn raising the great American industry, but we to-day far from realize what will be the future importance of this crop. In a paper by M. Gomberg on ‘ Diazo-caffein,’ the intense coloring power of the substance was noted. In another by the same author on the ‘ Preparation of Tri-phenylchlorme- thane and Tri-phenylcarbinol,’ the synthesis by the use of aluminum chlorid was consid- ered. For the preparation of the aluminum chlorid the author prefers to pass chlorin over hot aluminum, and this is far simpler than the method in which hydrochloric acid is used. Professor W. A. Noyes contributed a paper on camphoric acid which added materially to our knowledge of this sub- stance, and Professor W. McPherson gave the abstract of an interesting paper on the constitution of oxy-azo-compounds. Professor H. A. Weber described the method of testing soilsfor application of com- mercial fertilizers, in use at the Ohio State University. It consists essentially in taking several samples of the soil, treating them re- spectively with potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen, singly and in combination, sowing each with several seeds and basing opinions on the growth of the plants produced. SCIENCE. 603 The estimation of carbon monoxid was considered by L. P. Kinnicutt and G. R. Sanford. In view of the fact that 0.05% of carbon monoxid in the air is dangerous, its detection and estimation is important. The absorption of carbon monoxid by hemaglobin is largely used, but the authors have found better the oxidation of carbon monoxid to the dioxid by hot iodice acid and subsequent titration by sodium thio- sulfate. A paper by Professor T. W. Richards on the atomic weight of calcium gave as the most correct figure at present 40.14. Although not strictly pertaining to chemistry, mention should be made of the Commers tendered Section C by the Hum- boldt Verein, of which Professor H. A. Weber is president. The Verein, the Sec- tion and quite a number of other invited guests spent the evening enjoying the sumptuous hospitality of their hosts, ex- pressed in thoroughly German style. A list of the papers upon the program of the Section is appended. The Nature of the Change from Violet to Green in Solution of Chromium Salts. W. R. Whitney. Micro-structure of Antimony-tin Alloys. J. J. Kessler, Jr. The Relation of Physical Chemistry to Technical Chemistry. W. D. Bancroft. Methods of Analysis of Sulfite Solutions as used in Paper Making. R. de Roode. The Electrolytic Deposition of Metals from Non-aqueous Solutions. L. Kahlenberg. Some Experimental Illustrations of the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory (An ex- perimental lecture.) A. A. Noyes. Improvement in the Chemical Composi- tion of the Corn Kernel. C. G. Hopkins. Some New Products of the Maize Stalks. H. W. Wiley and W. H. Krug. Soil Humus. H. F. Ladd. The Relation of Fertilizers to Soil Moist- ure. J. T. Willard. 604 Secondary Heptylamin. T. Clark. Propane Trisulfonic Acid. W. B. Shober. Camphoric Acid, Alpha-hydroxy-dihydro- cis-campholytic Acid, and the Synthesis of Dimethyl-cyan-carbon-ethyl-cyclo-penta- none. W. A. Noyes and J. W. Shepherd. Diazo-Caffein. M. Gomberg. The Preparation of Tri-phenyl-chlor-me- thane and Triphenyl-carbinol. M. Gomberg. The Action of Sodium Methylate upon the Dibromids of Propenyl Compounds and Unsaturated Ketones. F. J. Pond. Some Secondary Cyclic Amins. Howard. On the Constitution of the Oxy-azo-Com- pounds. W. McPherson. On Naphthalene-azo-alpha-naphthol and its Derivatives. W. McPherson and R. Fischer. Esterification Experiments with Hexahy- dro- and Tetrahydroxylic Acids. W. A. Noyes. On the Condensation of Chloral with Ortho-, Meta- and Paranitranilins. C. Baskerville. A Pneumatic System for Preventing the Bursting of Waterpipes through Freezing. N. M. Hopkins. Note on the Occurrence of Chromium, Titanium and Vanadium in Peats. C. Baskerville. On the Universal Distribution of Ti- tanium. C. Baskerville. The Atomic Weight of Calcium. T. W. Richards. The Iodometric Determination of Small Quantities of Carbon Monoxid. L. P. Kin- nicutt and G. R. Sanford. Preliminary Report on a New Method for the Determination of Carbon Dioxid. M. E. Hiltner. Analysis of Oils. A. H. Gill. Examination of Lemon Flavoring Ex- tracts. A. S. Mitchell. The Composition of American and Foreign Dairy Salt. F. W. Woll. Cc. @: SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. Notes on Testing Soils for Application of Commercial Fertilizers. H. A. Weber. The Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Ammonia Solutions. E. C. Franklin and C. A. Kraus. : A Determination of the Transformation Point of Sodium Sulfate. A. P. Saunders. On the Derivatives of Isuretinic and Formhydroxamic Acid and their Relation to Fulminic Acid. H. C. Biddle. The Reichert Figure of Butter. Stebbins, Jr. ‘The Determination of Nickel in Nickel Steel. G. W. Sargent. Notes on the Estimation of Total Carbon in Iron and Steel. F. P. Dunnington. Electrolysis of Metallic Phosphate Solu- tions. H. M. Fernberger and E. F. Smith. On the Determination of Volatile Com- bustible Matter in Coke and Anthracite Coal. R. K. Meade and J. C. Atkins. Observations upon Tungsten. EH. F. Smith. The Atomic Mass of Tungsten. W. L. Hardin. Notes on the Determination of Sulfur in Pig Iron. M. J. Moore. The Chemistry of Rancidity in Butter Fat. C. A. Browne, Jr. An Electrolytic Study of Benzoin and Benzil. J. H. James. The Quantitative Estimation of Boric Acid in Tourmaline. G. W. Sargent. Some Boiling Point Curves. J. K. Hay- wood. Electrolytic Determinations and Separa- tions. L. G. Kollack. The Precipitation of Copper by Zinc. J. G. Shengle and E. F. Smith. Derivatives and Atomic Mass of Pal- ladium. W. L. Hardin. Action of Hydrochloric Acid Gas upon Sulfates, Selenates, Tellurates and Phos- phates. R. W. Tunnell and E. F. Smith. The Electrolytic Oxidation of Succinic Acid. C. H. Clarke and HE. F. Smith. J. Hi: OcTOBER 27, 1899.] The Persulfates of Rubidium, Cesium ‘and Thallium. A. R. Foster and E. F. Smith. The Chemical Composition of Butter Fat. C. A. Browne, Jr. Halids and Perhalids of the Picolins. P. Murrill. JAs. Lewis Howe. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. THE COLLECTIONS OF NATURAL HISTORY AT SOUTH KENSINGTON.* Tue collections in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington have recently been considerably enriched by means of ex- ploring expeditions which have brought home from various parts of the world col- lections of great scientific interest and value. The late Sir William Flower did much to encourage scientific studies on the part of travellers in remote countries, and he was always ready to cooperate in the organization of expeditions and in giving official aid in the determination of collec- tions brought home by explorers. His suc- cessor at the Museum, Professor Ray Lan- kester has lost no time in evincing his complete accord with the ideas of his pre- decessor in this respect, and indeed it is already evident that he favors a great de- velopment of this policy. The fact is be- coming more and more generally recog- nized that it is the business of a national museum of natural history not merely to preserve for scientific study and public in- struction the specimens acquired by pre- sentation or by purchase from dealers and others, but to obtain objects by the deliber- ate exploration of regions which are likely to yield rich harvests of new and important material. This idea has, we are glad to note, been encouraged by the authorities of the Museum. It is seldom now that an important expedition organized by private enterprise leaves these shores without either * From the London Zimes. SCIENCE. 605 the explorer himself being in a measure in structed as to the best means of obtaining specimens and supplied with the necessary apparatus for collecting or taking with him one or more trained naturalists. The natural history branch of the British Museum benefited greatly by the results of the expedition to Sokotra, which, under the liberal auspices of the Royal and Royal Geographical Societies and of the British Association, was organized by Mr. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, representing the British Mu- seum, and Dr. H. O. Forbes, director of the Liverpool Museum, with the generous aid of the committee of that institution, for the purpose of investigating and mak- ing collections of the natural history of that island. Dr. Forbes will, we believe, give an account of the geographical results of this expedition in Section E at the forth- coming meeting of the British Association at Dover. As regards its zoological work, which was its main object, the general re- sults can be described as most successful. Sokotra does not seem to be rich in its mammal fauna. Only one mammal was recorded from it before Messrs. Forbes and Grant explored the island. They, however, obtained eight distinct species, including a wild ass, goat, Arabian hare, rat, two species of bat, and the Arabian baboon, of which two living examples were brought to England for the Zoological Gardens. The avifauna is very rich, as many as 62 species, represented by nearly 600 specimens, being secured. Hight of the species were new to science. ‘Twenty-three species of reptiles, represented by 350 specimens, 8 of the species being new; 20 species of marine fish, represented by nearly 60 specimens, and large collections of land shells and in- sects containing many undescribed forms were also included in the harvest. The butterflies are especially numerous, several of the species being very beautiful and hitherto unrecorded. 606 Another expedition which has yielded results of considerable geological and zoo- logical interest is that undertaken this sum- mer by Dr. J. W. Gregory, of the De- partment of Geology, to the West Indies, special leave of absence being granted to him by the trustees. The particular object of Dr. Gregory’s journey was the exami- nation of the geology of the island of An- tigua, but in the course of his voyage he visited such little-explored and out-of-the- way islands as Anguilla, Barbuda, and St. Kitts. The first-named was once a flourish- ing British colony, but is now derelict by whites. During his stay on this islet Dr. Gregory made a collection of fossils and of the fauna of the place which promises to be of remarkable interest and quite new to the Museum. He also brought back a very large series of specimens from other West Indian islands, and obtained data which will enable him to make an important con- tribution to our knowledge of their geo- logical history. The Museum availed itself of the oppor- tunity of making some acquisitions of par- ticular interest by means of the expedition sent out by the Hon. Walter Rothschild to the Galapagos Archipelago, off the coast of Keuador. The fauna of these islands is a rapidly expiring one. Many of the species of birds discovered by Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle, no longer exist, hav- ing been exterminated by the convicts who, to the number of about 200, are sent to work on the Galapagos. The giant tor- toises peculiar to the group have almost disappeared. Dr. Gunther has told us that at the time of the discovery of this archi- pelago, in the 16th century, the tortoises were distributed in immense numbers over mostof the islands ; they are now restricted to three only—Albemarle, Duncan, and Abingdon. A search in which four persons were engaged for ten days, rewarded Dr. Baur, who visited Albemarle, the largest SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. island of the group, in 1891, with the cap- ture of fiveadultspecimens. The Museum obtained four very fine examples of this in- teresting and rapidly diminishing type of Chelonian, generally known as ‘ gigantic land tortoises,’ besides a series of five hun- dred birds and a large collection of reptiles as its share of part of the results of the Rothschild expedition. The ornithological section has just been enriched through the generosity of Mr. Weld Blundell and Lord Lovat, who have presented to the trustees the very fine col- lection of birds made by them during their recent adventurous journey in Abyssinia. In the course of their travels through the Galla country and Southern Abyssinia they passed over about 300 miles of country which had never been previously explored. The collection, which consists of 530 speci- mens, has not yet been thoroughly exam- ined, but the ornithologists of the Museum, Dr. Bowdler Sharpe and Mr. Ogilvie-Grant, are already convinced that it is of very great interest. It includes 234 species, at least 18 being either new to science or not represented in the Museum series. The re- markable feature of this collection of Abys- sinian birds in the extraordinary number of species obtained as compared with the number of specimens—a fact which says much for the discrimination of the ex- plorers, who, being handicapped by want of cartridges, had to be cautious in not wast- ing shots. An idea of the prolificness of the country in bird life may be gathered when it is stated that on entering a new valley the two travelers, having already ob- tained over 200 species, secured a starling, two small finches, a kingfisher, a reed- warbler, a swallow, and a weaver, all new to their collection and six of the birds not even seen before. The value of the gift is much enhanced by the perfect manner in which the skins were prepared for the cabinet. Credit for this must be given to OcTOBER 27, 1899.] Mr. Harwood, the taxidermist who accom- panied the expedition and by his work materially assisted Mr. Weld Blundell and Lord Lovat in forming so fine a series of birds. The mission despatched to Sierra Leone by the Liverpool School of Tropical Dis- eases for the investigation of malaria may be expected to send home some interesting specimens. Mr. E. E. Austen, the dipter- ologist of the British Museum, is a member of the party. He will, of course, give most attention to the special objects of the mis- sion—the connection of malaria with mos- quitoes—but, besides collecting these winged insects and acquiring valuable knowledge as to their habits and life histories, he will endeavor, as far as possible, to make col- lections of other groups, some of which are very incompletely represented in the Mu- seum. With reference to this question of mosquitoes and malaria it may be added that, owing to the official steps taken by the Colonial Office, the Foreign Office, the India Office, and the missionary societies, the British Museum will soon be in possession of a unique collection of these insects. As a result of the official circular issued on the subject, hundreds of mosquitoes have, we are informed, already arrived at the Mu- seum from every part of the British Empire, and these are belived to be only a very small portion of the consignments which are to follow in course of time. SOME NEW DATA FOR CONVERTING GEO- LOGICAL TIME INTO YEARS. WSHILE conducting the Union Pacific Ex- pedition through central Wyoming last August, I came upon what appears to be some valuable data for converting geological time into years. For a number of days we were encamped on the rim of Bates’ Hole, near Lone Tree Cr., and studied the Mio- cene beds, which are quite extensive in _ SCIENCE. 607 that region. Bates’ Hole is a vast depres- sion produced by the erosion of Tertiary beds and varies from six to twelve miles in width, and approximates twenty miles in length. In depth it varies from 500 to 1500 feet below the rim, and is one vast expanse of rough and broken country, surrounded by bluffs so precipitous that up to this late date there has been but a single wagon road made to enter it from the southern end; and this is far from being ideal. The bluffs that surround this very singular depression take on all of the peculiar erosion topog- raphy seen in the ‘Bad Lands’ elsewhere, and in many respects surpasses any of the ‘Bad Land’ scenery yet described. The Miocene beds are made of whitish bands chiefly and in the vicinity of Lone Tree Cr., there are many slopes of about 30° reaching upwards from the valley, and above them terrace after terrace of harder bands that represent the castle like erosion. The slopes, as well as in many places the bluffs, are partially covered with pine trees (Pinus murryana Eng.). The trees on the slopes are stunted, gnarly and knotty, and are strongly marked by their great struggle for existence under the most unfavorable conditions. The oldest of these trees vary in diameter from eighteen inches to two feet, and have been recording the rate of erosion on these slopes for about 300 years. Erosion has been so rapid that the oldest trees are now standing upon their stilt-like roots, with their trunks elevated from the slope some three or four feet. The rate of erosion appears to have been uniform with the growth of the trees. The trunk of the sapling remained on the ground ; while the trunk of a tree six inches in diameter was often several inches above the surface, and the tree a foot in diameter was already upon stilts. On account of the shortness of our stay, absolute measurements of a large number of trees could not be made. Nor 608 could the exact age of a number of trees be determined. This has been planned for future work and will be executed at the earliest possible date. The fact, however, that these trees have acted as silent guards for centuries over these slopes and have re- corded with unerring accuracy the rate of erosion is apparent, and as soon as the data can be secured, there will be a valuable factor for converting geological time into years. By approximating the various estimates in connection with the date the following may be of interest: The Hole where the observations were made was about six miles wide. The trees were 300 years old and there had been on an average of three feet of rock removed from their roots. This would require one hundred years to remove a foot of the formation. Considering that the erosion started in the center of the Hole, there has been three miles removed from either side, which at the rate of one foot per century would require 1,584,000 years. Without question this erosion commenced at the close of the Miocene and hence represents the entire Pliocene and Pleis- tocene Epochs. The exact time relation of the Pliocene, and Pleistocene in relation to Eocene and Miocene has not been estab- lished ; but if the Pliocene and Pleistocene Epochs represent 1,584,000 years it would not be out of the way to estimate Ceno- zoic time at 4,000,000 years. If this value be substituted in the ratios of geolog- ical time suggested by Dana :—Paleozoic: Mesozoic: Cenozoic as 12: 3:1 then all geological’ time since the beginning of the Cambrian would be represented by 64,000,- 000 years. This estimate is not inconsistent with some already made ; but when founded on absolute data may vary much from this. Nevertheless, whatever the results may be when found upon a complete investigation of this subject, they will furnish valuable scientific data that will aid materially in SCIENCE. [N. 8S. Von. X. No. 252. giving us a better understanding of geolog- ical time in terms of years. WILBuR C. Kyieur. GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, October 2, 1899. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. La géologie expérimentale. Par StANISLAS MEu- NIER, Professeur de Géologie au Museum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. With 56 fig- ures in the text. Paris, Ancienne librairie, Germer Bailliére et cie. 1899. Pp. 311. (Bib- liothéque Scientifique Internationale, XCII.). Price, 6 frs. Just twenty years have elapsed since Dau- brée brought out his famous work Etudes syn- thétiques de géologie expérimentale, and laid thereby the foundations of the school of French experimentalists. This book was translated into German in the following year, 1880, but never found an English interpreter. That such an edition was needed is shown by the refer- ence in Dana’s Manual of Geology to an alleged experiment of Daubrée with plates of ice, which should have been rendered plates of glass. The mantle of Daubrée seems to have been taken up by M. Stanislas Meunier, who enjoys the distinction of having reduced the odds and ends of experiments, performed in the imitation and illustration of geologic processes, to a sys- tem of lectures for the entertainment and in- struction of a large class of students. The present book is a résumé of these lectures as given in the year 1898 at the Museum of Natural History in Paris. The scope of the work is general, in that the experiments described relate to a wide range of phenomena, e. g., the formation of rain- prints, stream channels, deltas, solution furrows, weathering, disintegration and decomposition of rocks, the striation of rocks, sedimentation under varied conditions, the production of faults, folds, and systems of fracture and dis- placement. The treatment of the subject, how- ever, is somewhat narrowed by the fact that. the author deals almost altogether with his own experiments, with only incidental reference to the work of others. The book cannot be said, therefore, to represent fairly or comprehen- OCTOBER 27, 1899. ] sively the state of experimental geology. The critical student to whom experiments are the last resort will find from footnotes that most of the author’s tests are more completely de- scribed in the Comptes rendus de l’ Academie des Sciences. The grouping of the subject matter is good, experiments relating to epigene processes com- ing first and those pertaining to the theory of hypogene actions following. An introductory chapter of 384 pages is an apology for and defense of ‘La Geologie experimentale,’ a frank statement that the methods and its re- sults are scorned in certain quarters. While this admission seems not inappropriate, the frequent references in the body of the work to the distinction between experimental geol- ogy and geology as ordinarily pursued, ap- pear somewhat pathetic and out of place in a book designedly published in the inter- ests of science and for the popularization of this subject. Notwithstanding the fact that many of the author’s attempted explanations of natural phenomena would probably not be ac- cepted by geologists, it cannot but be instruc- tive to many who have not grasped the facts of the earth’s structure to see how by some simple mechanical contrivance phenomena simulating mountains, the action of volcanoes, the effects of earthquakes and the like may be produced. However far removed the apparatus employed may be from the exact processes in nature, analogies described in the text must displace much misconception which prevails in the pop- ular mind concerning the operations of the earth forces. It is to be regretted that the author did not state the principles governing experimentation and something of the limitations of the method. Though the objections to certain experiments are briefly referred to, there is much which has been said on the subject of which we find no echo in this book. A text-book giving a com- prehensive view of the subject with critical notes would be a welcome addition to our geo- logical laboratories. As for the experiments, many of them illus- trate everyday changes which it is customary in all favorably situated colleges to demonstrate in the field where the natural process and its SCIENCE. 609 product may be seen under more favorable cir- cumstances than in the laboratory. That ex- perimentation without accurate knowledge of the facts to be explained is not infallible, is well illustrated by the different conclusions reached by Daubrée and Meunier in regard to the rec- tangular courses of rivers. Daubrée, it will be recalled, sought to explain the right-angled courses of streams by postulating preéxistent faults as guiding lines for the drainage. Atthe time he did his work this explanation had many adherents. It is manifestly no difficult matter for a clever artisan to devise a model in which the conditions of the hypothesis and the ex- pected results are satisfactorily demonstrated. Professor Meunier, evidently familiar with the current view that such rectangular courses arise in the development of a river system upon certain geological structures unaffected by faults, performs an experiment through which he comes to disbelieve in Daubrée’s conclusion. Incidentally the phenomena of the headwater gnawing of streams, the recession of falls, and river-capture, are artificially reproduced. It is to be noted that in the discussion the reference to 35,000 years as the time required for the re- cession of Niagara Falls indicates an oversight on the part of the author of all recent investi- gations on that subject. Some of the experiments intended to illus- trate the phenomena of meanders in streams seem hardly legitimate, or at least there is no endeavor to imitate nature in the employment of a stream of mercury and in the production of meanders onaslope of 20 degrees! The object of the experiment seems here to have been lost sight of! Likewise the agitation of a flexible cord, substituted for a stream with me- anders, in the attempt to illustrate the control of the meander is amusing, but it may be ques- tioned whether it is convincing. Other experiments are described as designed to prove the competency of running water to excavate valleys and with the further purpose of combating the lingering notion in France that ‘we are now ina period of geologic tranquility.’ Under the head of marine and lacustrine denudation, M. Stanislas Meunier treats of the mechanical action of waves and the chemical action of water. The experiments with wave 610 action are seemingly very incomplete in that no mention is made of the formation of shore-bars, spits, hooks, ete. It seems likely that the scalloped beaches described by Jeffer- son (Journal of Geology, Chicago, VII., 1899), might have light thrown on their origin by proper experimentation. “Glacial geology offers an extended field for experiments, and in this connection our author proceeds to imitate the formation of crevasses, employing stearin placed on a band of rubber. Tension is applied and crevasses are formed. To demonstrate glacial erosion by the striation of rock fragments, the simple friction experi- ment of Daubrée and others is repeated. It should be said that this experiment does not offer a very close analogy to the conditions in a glacier on account of the ‘plasticity’ of ice. But it is in regard to recurrent occupation of a field by glaciers that M. Stanislas Meunier makes his most novel suggestion. His propo- sition may be given in nearly his own words: “Given a glacier, and everything else remain- ing in equilibrium, it tends to diminish in spite of seasonable changes, by reason of the progres- sive lowering of its basin of supply [because] the materials which it transports in such great quantities along with the water which is asso- ciated with it, reduce the relief of the ground. It then recedes, and behind its abandoned frontal moraine vegetation is established. But, comparable at all points with rivers, it gnaws back progressively at its head, and it is possi- ble for this recession to reach the point by de- stroying the rocky aréte which separates its basin from that of a neighboring glacier, where it is permitted to divert this glacier to its own basin. Thereupon an increase of substance ought to provoke a return to the dimensions formerly held, and from that time the products of the fossilization of the plants established upon the first glacial terrane will be covered with a second morainal extension.’’ It is our author’s view that this phenomenon of capture of glaciers by being reciprocal and recurrent, accounts for the so-called successive glacial periods in the Pleistocene. He neces- sarily attempts to refute the theory that these epochs of glaciation and deglaciation are ‘ gen- eral and simultaneous.’ While the oscillations SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. of glaciers in a region of valleys such as the Alps might very plausibly be affected by changes of this kind, it is not so apparent that the broad marginal oscillations of the ice-sheet of North America, for instance, can be explained in this manner. We next find a brief chapter on the work of underground water. Several simple and readily devised means are adopted for imitating the leading features in the production of water- worn channels, tunnels and the striation of peb- bles en masse through movements initiated by the washing out of supporting materials. The author indulges in some animadversions upon the nature of the scratched drift of the pre-alps of Europe and holds to the opinion that much of the so-called glacial drift of that region is really material striated in mud-flows—of which subject there is more to follow. Eolian denudation is passed over with a few references to the geological work of the winds and to the well-known experiments of Thoulet. The term abrasion employed in a technical sense for wind erosion has not so extended a use among English-speaking writers as the author evidently thinks. Walther’s term deflation is the only one apparently commanding anything like general use. i The processes of sedimentation receive a well- deserved attention. In this connection the author devotes several pages to the subject of mud-flows, a feature of many moist mountain regions which has been given evidently too little attention by geologists, but which is hardly so important a factor as the author intimates. There are a number of experiments described to show the rate of falling particles in water ; and small points bearing on the criteria of horizontality in the deposition of certain strata are brought out. None of these precautions, however, appear to have escaped the attention of field geologists and the author here, as else- where, seems to have been forestalled in many | of his discoveries. The statement that floating trees in large rivers sink root downward and thus may be buried upright giving the appear- ance of buried forests appears to pertain to ob- servational geology. There are experiments to show the amount of water included in sedi- ments. A frequent defect of the book is the OCTOBER 27, 1899. ] mere reference to experiments which are not described, as, for instance, in the case of deltas. The deposition of sediments in the subterrane is treated experimentally and chemical altera- tions inducing color bands are imitated. M. Stanislas Meunier has successfully repro- duced fossil footprints by blowing sand upon the tracked surface covered with a slight depth of water. He conceives, therefore, that fossil footprints cannot have been preserved by the rise of water spreading sand over the surface on which tracks were made. It remains for some clever manipulator to prove ;the con- verse of this proposition as equally effective. The author’s point is a good one, however, and the numerous instances in the older strata in which mud-tracked surfaces are covered with sand is astrong argument in favor of his theory. Dessication of strata and their torsion are next taken up. The author concludes from his experiments that regular rhomboidal jointing is not to be explained by torsion as Daubrée labored to prove. Neither Daubrée nor the author have imitated with any degree of ac- curacy the conditions in which the stratum is placed when it yields to the jointing strain, and critical experiments are much needed in the elucidation of an old but not yet satisfactorily solved problem. A very brief reference to the origin of the crystalline rocks deals mainly with the work of Messrs. Fouqué and Lévy on the igneous rocks. An even shorter discussion of metamorphism touches only some of the concomitants of meta- morphism, such as the carbonization of wood tissue. The experiments of Sénarmont and a few others are referred to in the explanation of metalliferous veins, and a few words are given on the subject of kaolinization and serpentiniza- tion. Our author now plunges boldly into experi- ments designed to elucidate the origin of the primitive crust of the globe. He assumes that beneath the débris of the surface there exists a granitic zone, under which occurs a shell of which silica, magnesia and iron constitute the greater part, citing, as evidence of this latter rock, dunite, and the dolerite with native iron at Ovifak. This shell is supposed to have been formed by a precipitation from the nebular _ SCIENCE, 611 gas. The author has obtained in a porcelain: tube the synthesis of the principal silicates of magnesia without the intervention of fusion in, illustration of this conception. He concludes: from his experiments that the solid shell of the globe which was first formed and which had analogies with the solar photosphere, consists. of magnesium silicate rocks with an abundance of metallic concretions of which the genesis is related to the phenomena still evident in the material of tin-bearing veins and even in the chimneys of voleanoes. There results, he goes on to state, a relative distribution, in which the consideration of the density of the bodies studied at ordinary temperatures plays no part. Me- tallic iron, for instance, no ‘‘ longer appears as. constituting a massive nucleus, but on the con- trary as forming a true shell below which have been congealed in later times the rocks of which eruptions have procured for us specimens. in every geologic epoch.”’ In part second of this book over 50 pages are: devoted to the application of the experimental method tothe problems of deep-seated mechan- ical action. The remarks on the effects of weight or gravity appear not to be suggested by experiments, but to have risen out of the gen- eral philosophy of geology. Indented pebbles. are ascribed to pure pressure without chemical solution. An experiment is described with the design: of showing the supposed effects of the centrifu- gal force upon the original crust of the earth. The substances employed in a rotating glass. bottle of spherical shape arrange themselves about the equator in the inverse order of their densities contrary to what would be expected from gravity alone. This experiment is largely relied upon for some of the conclusions pre- viously stated regarding the nucleus of the earth. An experiment to illustrate the formation of volcanic cones reproduces such little burst steam bubbles as one sees in the paint-pots of the Yel- lowstone Park. Laccoliths are also, it is stated, reproducible by means of melted wax injected between sheets of plaster having a slight de- gree of plasticity. Professor Meunier attempts also the famous. problem of introducing water into the interior 612 of the earth, in short, into his infra-granite zone. He holds that the water which comes out in volcanoes cannot be original, because the temperature of the globe is constantly decreas- ing and that past conditions were still less favor- able than the present ones for the maintenance of water in the interior. He thinks, therefore, that the water is of recent introduction. “The solution of the question,’’ states our author, ‘‘appears to result from some very sim- ple experiments of M. Stanislas Meunier.’’ Without describing the experiment which in no way duplicates the condition of the earth’s crust at a depth, the author supposes that the water is brought into the infra-granitic zone as water of consolidation and crystallization embodied in fragments of rock which fall down along fault- planes and zones of crushing. The ‘ falling’ of these hydrated rocks into the heated regions of the globe is supposed to give rise to volcanic explosions and as is stated in the next chapter to earthquakes also. The author very frankly states that he is obliged to note the profound astonishment which the first publication of his views elicited. In the experiments on folds some interesting points are dwelt upon concerning the intersec- tion of planes of fracture which arise, but these artificial faults are not compared with those of any particular region. Under the head of schis- tosity are described experiments which appear in reality to have induced a kind of cleavage as that term is understood in English. Fractures are produced by compression in some experi- ments which lead the author to reject Daubrée’s famous radiating fractures produced by torsion, seemingly on the ground that such fractures have ‘not anywhere been observed.’ The general distribution of mountains upon the globe last of all comes in for experimenta- tion in the clever methods of the author. A small hemispherical shell has stretched over it a rubber layer coated with plaster, in such a manner that when the foundation, which rep- resents the contracting nucleus of the globe, is allowed to retreat, the contraction of the rub- ber layer induces compression of the plaster. This stress is relieved by circumpolar lines of shearing and displacement, the overthrust being poleward in direction. The author points out SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. the analogies which seem to exist between this model and the arrangement and orogenic move- ments of the mountain systems of Europe. The researches of Suess on the northwesterly movement of the Eurasian thrusts should be noted as favoring this hypothesis, but it is diffi- cult to see in what way the view is exemplified on the North American continent. The book is closed with a ‘ Postface’ or state- ment, with which most geologists will probably agree, that this volume sets forth facts amply sufficing to justify the raison d’étre of experi- mental geology. Whatever misgivings one may entertain concerning the decisive character of some of the experiments, there can be no doubt of the suggestiveness of the original and ingeni- ous methods which the author has brought to bear upon some of the largest questions of dy- namical geology. The book is illustrated with a few good cuts and is well printed. A list of contents takes the place of a good index. The publishers have taken the liberty of appending 35 pages of advertising matter which might have been omitted. J. B. W. Legons sur la détermination des orbites professées ala Faculté des Sciences de Paris. Par F. T1s- SERAND; redigées et développées pour les ealculs numériques par J. PERCHOT; avec une préface de H. PoIncARE. Paris, Gau- thier-Villars. 1899. 4to. Pp. xiv + 124. These lectures formed a part of the course in mathematical astronomy delivered at the Sor- bonne by the late Professor Tisserand, but the important question of the determination of cometary and planetary orbits was not treated — in his well-known treatise on celestial me- chanics. The only work in the French language devoted to the numerical elements of orbits is the translation of Oppolzer’s treatise, which is a most useful book to the computer, but neither easy nor attractive to the reader; on the con- trary the lectures of Tisserand exhibit the clearness of exposition and the simplicity and elegance of method which uniformly character- ize his writings, so that all devotees of mathe- matical science will be indebted to M. Perchot for this edition of the unedited lectures of his lamented master. Professor Poincaré’s pre- @cTOBER 27, 1899. ] face, the most interesting chapter of the vol- ume, is a graceful memorial to his predecessor at the Sorbonne; it discusses the methods of Laplace, Gauss and Olbers, together with other possibilities in the determination of orbits, and concludes with a concise résumé of the method followed in Tisserand’s exposition. In the first chapter Tisserand presents the method of Olbers for the determination of par- abolic orbits. By this method the calculations fall into two parts: 1°. No hypothesis is made as to the nature of the orbit, and the six equa- tions are combined in such a manner as to yield a unique equation ; this combination can be made in an infinite number of ways and thus yield an infinite number of equations ; Olbers effected it in such a happy manner that the unique equation assumes a remarkably simple form whose simplicity is conserved in the second approximation if the observations are equidistant. 2°. In the second part the condition for a parabolic orbit is introduced, thus reducing the number of unknowns to five : to the four equations given by the two extreme observations is joined the unique equation ob- tained in the first part. Four equations in four unknowns are to be solved; resort must be had to successive approximation. The chief advantage of Olber’s method is that the only equations which present difficulties of computation contain only two unknowns; tables of single entry give one of these as func- tions of the other. The second chapter presents the well-known method of Gauss for the determination of the orbit of a planet from three observations elab- orated in his Theoria motus. M. Perchot has increased the usefulness and convenience of the book by appending general résumés of the formule in definitive form for computing together with the numerical calcu- lation of the orbit of the asteroid, 1897, DJ., in which no detail has been omitted ; this model computation and reproductions of Oppolzer’s tables VIII. and IX. conclude the work. EK. O. Loverr. Lexikon der Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen. Von M. M. RicHTEerR. Zweite Auflage der ‘‘ Tabellen der Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen nach deren SCIENCE 613 empirischer Zusammensetzung geordnet.’’ Hamburg und Leipzig, Verlag von Leopold Voss. 1869. The work bearing the above title is another product of the indefatigable energy and pains- taking care of a German chemist. In 1883 Dr. Richter gave out his ‘ Tabellen der Kohlenstoff- Verbindungen’ arranged in accordance with empirical formulas. While that edition con- tained 16,000 compounds, and the third edition of Beilstein now reaching completion has some 57,000 compounds described within its spacious pages, this dictionary says something about 67,000. The work is conveniently divided into the following parts: Introduction, System and No- menclature ; List of about 67,000 compounds and their percentage composition; Register of Proper Names; Table of Numbers for finding the Percentage Composition. The dictionary is to be issued in about thirty- five numbers, the first eleven of which are at present in hand. Each number contains sixty- five pages and is of the same size, style and print as the Lieferungen of Beilstein’s ‘ Organ- ische Chemie,’ 3 Auflage. In the Preface, which, with the Introduction to the system and nomenclature, is given in four languages (German, English, French and Italian), Dr. Richter states that the work was begun ten years ago. Three causes are ascribed for the length of time required to complete the work: viz., changes of nomenclature at the Geneva Convention, the immense number of new facts made known in the time and his own business engagements. Professor Beilstein’s desire to exhibit the percentage composition of additional types CHO, CHN, and CHON, thereby adding some 20,000 formulas, has been complied with. The alphabet of the system shown in the suc- cession of the elements combined with carbon, as determined by the frequency of their occur- rence is as follows: (PEE OSENE CIB reli h ais Sib (2) All the other elements are placed in al- phabetical order: A—Z. The elements follow each other in horizontal and vertical rows according to the number of atoms. 614 SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 252. C HON Cl Br I FS P Al As... Zr. C,H;NO, (nitro-benzene); by following the order Oo given above this should be C;H;,O,N. For the N sake of classification this is a great convenience Cl and should be insisted upon in the American ay and English journals, for the immense amount. r of new material annually added to our already R gross number of organic compounds must have P systematic arrangement for many obvious rea- Al sons. Itis by no means desirable, however, that As this take the place of the rational formulas, but. be given in addition. To economize space, struc- tural formulas are omitted from the volume, but - some ten pages are given to the graphic illus- LT. The arrangement is really automatic, but there are some explanations given in the Intro- duction by which an empirical formula may be deduced from the Index of names which ac- companies the tables. The lexicon isa collect- ive index to Beilstein for all the compounds therein treated, reference to volume and page being given. Some 8,000 more are also given. These compounds will probably be treated in supplements to Beilstein. Polymeric compounds with fixed molecular weights are registered under their own formulas; (CHON),, cyanuric acid is found under C,;H;0;N,. Reference to purely theoretical papers are omitted, as well as those dealing with analytical, physical, mathematical, crystallographic and medico- physiological data. Papers which describe methods of preparation and properties of the substances and the immediate changes they undergo only are referred to. ‘The immense amount of material has, of course, neces- sarily been much condensed, authors’ names being omitted and abbreviations of journals used. Further, words of frequent occurrence have been abbreviated by using the German ab- breviations. This is all explained, however, by a table giving the meanings of the abridgments in the four languages named above. The author not only recommends that writers in future give the empirical formulas, but also adopt the arrangement of formulas as given in his book. This attempt at uniformity in the writing of formulas has already been inaugu- rated by the German Chemical Society in the Berichte beginning with 1898. An _ illustra- tive example may be given; we usually write tration and naming of the ring-systems contain- ing O, S, Se, N, P: In order to secure a satisfactory nomenclature the ‘ principle of substitution’ was adopted. For example : ‘€(1) Every compound with fixed constitution is referred to the group-substance from which it is derived, namely, to the hydrocarbon or to the corresponding cyclic system which contains the smallest number of hydrogen atoms, as benzene, naphthalene, pyrrol, etc. ‘¢(2) This group-substance remains intact in naming the derivatives and must always figure as such in the names of the derivatives, no alter- ations taking place, as pyrazole into pyrazoline, etc. ‘¢(3) Hydrogenized group-substances are named di-, tetra-, etc., hydroderivatives, as. dihydropyrazole for pyrazoline. ‘‘(4) Group-substances are named, (a) hydro- carbons of aliphatic series in accordance with the resolutions of the Geneva convention; (6) for Aromatic hydrocarbons present used terms as benzene, indene, naphthalene, anthracene ; (c) Ring systems containing O, S, Se, N, P as named in the ten pages adverted. ‘(5) As the formation of the derivatives of group-substances may be regarded as taking place by the substitution of hydrogen by other atoms or groups, so are the names derived from the group-substances. Exception, and wisely, is taken to the Geneva nomenclature convention in indicating the posi- tion of the substituent in the open-chain series by letters from the Greek alphabet. In ring- compounds, as is usual, the location is indicated by numbers. The matter is up-to-date. OcTOBER 27, 1899. ] The entire work is a most valuable contribu- tion to the reference books on Organic Chem- istry and no laboratory can well afford to be without a copy. CHAS. BASKERVILLE. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, September 30, 1899. The Rise and Development of the Liquefaction of Gases. By WILLETT L. HARDIN, PH.D. Mac- millans, 1899. 8vo. 250 pp. Written from a historical point of view and with an ample command of the subject, this book of Dr. Hardin’s is really a very satisfac- tory compilation. It is prepared with evident care and industry, and is finely illustrated. Why a ‘ popular-science style,’ in which it pro- fesses to be written, should differ at times from good English, is not plain to the reviewer: but this is the severest criticism that need be made. The author limits himself to a record of the statements of others, and he is therefore respon- sible chiefly for the selection and arrangement of his material. Here we might wish that the researches upon the more readily condensable gases, preceding the achievements of Cailletet and Pictet, had been treated more concisely, in order that more room had been found, toward the end of the book, for the discussion of the utilization of liquid air, etc., as at present pro- posed. The treatment of the latter topic is very scanty, in view of the fact that probably four out of five of the prospective purchasers of the book are interested in the uses of liquefied gases, rather than in the methods of their production. Two chapters, involving ther- modynamics, would seem forbidding to the non- technical reader, while they bring no new in- formation to the chemist or physicist. If they could be made the basis of a new chapter, dis- cussing the economic value of gas-liquefaction, for commercial refrigeration and for the intensi- fication of the potential energy of engines, they would serve a most useful purpose. Morris Loes. BOOKS RECEIVED. The Compendious Manual of Qualitative Chemical Anal- ysis, C. W. Exvior and F. H. Storer. Newly revised by W. B. LinpsAy and F. H. STorRER. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company. 1899. Pp. vii-+- 202. $1.25. ‘SCIENCE. 615 The Evolution of General Ideas. Tu. Ripor. Trans- lated by FRANCES A. WELBY. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company. 1899. Pp. xi 231. $1.25. Wabeno, the Magician. MABEL OsGooD WRIGHT. New York and London, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xi+346. $1.50. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS. Ar the meeting of the Academy of Science at St. Louis, held on the evening of October 16th, a paper by Dr. T. J. J. See, onthe temperature of the sun and the relative ages of the stars and nebulz, was presented in abstract by Pro- fessor Nipher. The author reviews the work of Helmholtz on the condensation of a homogeneous sun and finds that the heat developed in gravitational condensation from an infinite volume to its present size would be sufficient to heat an equal mass of water about 27 million degrees. In condensing to a mass whose radius was equal to the radius of Neptune’s orbit, only about 1 / 6600 part was produced as has been produced since. Nearly all of the heat has been devel- oped since the primitive nebula has reached the dimensions of the solar system. The heat de- veloped before the nebula came within the orbit of Mercury, is only about 1/85 part of the total heat produced up to the present time. If the sun should contract 1/10000 part of its present radius, 69,700 M., assuming it to be homogeneous, the heat would raise the tem- perature of an equal mass of water 2,725 de- grees. The effect of the various planets is con- sidered, and is shown to be insignificant. An annual shrinkage of 35 meters a year would account for the present heat and would effect the radius less than 1/10’’ in 1,000 years. The fact that ancient and modern eclipses are sen- sibly of the same duration, in connection with the substantial constancy of the moon’s mean distance, shows that no considerable alteration of the sun’s diameter has occurred in historical time. The essential constancy of solar radi- ation during the last 2,000 years is well estab- lished by the agreement of plant distribution now with that described by Pliny and Theo- phrastus. Dr. See then takes up the case of a hetero- 616 geneous sphere made up of layers of uniform density, but increasing in density towards the center. The radiation as at present determined is as- sumed to apply to all time past and present, and the density is assumed to vary from center to circumference, in accordance with Lane’s deductions in 1870, the value of K, the ratio of the two specific heats being 1.4. Lane found the density at the center to be 23 times that of water, and by a different process, Kelvin has found it to be 32 times that of water. Assuming a surface temperature of 8,000 de- grees, as found experimentally by Wilson and Gray, the temperature at the center comes out 256,000 degrees C. The potential of the heterogeneous sun thus assumed is then found by mechanical integra- tion, by dividing the radius into 40 parts, the density of each shell being constant. The energy developed by the falling together of the parts of this heterogeneous sun is greater than for the homogeneous sun of Helmholtz in the ratio of 176 to 100. As in the past history of the Helmholtz sun, the radiation would have dissipated this heat at the present rate of radia- tion in 18 million years, it follows that if the Helmholtz sun should pass into the hetero- geneous sun, discussed by See, by inward gravitation of particles, the past history is in- creased by about 14 million years. This aug- mentation of its past is at the expense of its future duration. The author gives reasons for thinking that condensation cannot go on unchecked by molec- ular forces after the radius has shortened to much over one-half its present length, and assigns 36 million years as a fair value for the total life of the sun from the time its radius was that of Neptune’s orbit to the time when its radiation will become insignificant. Of this total period 32 million years, or 8/9 of the whole, have al- ready elapsed, leaving four million years for a fair estimate of its future duration, with the conditions assumed. There is reason to believe that under the immense temperatures existing in the sun, the gaseous mass may be so dissociated that all gases behave like monatomic gases. This would increase the ratio of specific heat at constant SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 252. pressure to that of constant volume from 1.4 to 1.66. This changes the law of density and temperature along the radius. The density at the center becomes much less and the poten- tial of the whole mass upon itself is corre- spondingly less exhausted. It increases the probable future life of the sun from four to 13 millions of years, and diminishes its past history from 32 to 23 million years. The author concludes that life as it now exists on the earth cannot be maintained longer than three million years, and after five or ten million years, the planet will have become a rigid and lifeless mass. Dr. H. von Schrenk presented some notes on Arceuthobium pusillum which was found in Maine, during the past summer, growing on the white spruce along the sea-coast. The trees which are attacked form large witches’ brooms, the branches of which are much longer than the normal branches. The manner in which the seeds are distributed was briefly de- scribed, and seeds were exhibited adhering to branches of the white spruce. WILLIAM TRELEASE, Recording Secretary. WASHINGTON CHEMICAL SOCIETY. THE regular meeting was held May 11, 1899. The first paper of the evening was read by Professor F, W. Clarke and was entitled: ‘ Hx- periments on the Constitution of Certain Sili- cates,’ by F. W. Clarke and George Steiger. The paper cited some results obtained by Clarke and Schneider in 1889-92. The present work led to the following conclusions : 1. That pectolite is a metasilicate. 2. That the formula for pyrophyllite is pos- sibly that of a basic di-metasilicate. 8. That calamine is probably a basic meta- silicate which is in accord with the accepted formula. With analcite a very interesting ammonia compound was formed, by heating with am- monium chloride. Other experiments agreed closely with those made by Friedel and it was concluded that this mineral is a mixture of ortho- and tri-silicates. The last paper of the evening was ready by Dr. H. N. Stokes and was entitled: ‘ Indexing Organic Compounds.’ OcTOBER 27, 1899. ] Mr. Chesnut exhibited utensils used by the Indian women in the preparation of acorn meal. WILLIAM H. Krue, Secretary. ASTRONOMICAL NOTES. CLOCK RATES AND BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. ENSIGN EVERETT Haypen, U. S. Navy, publishes in the Publications of the Astronom- ical Society of the Pacific, No. 68, an interest- ing investigation of the effect of variations in barometric pressure upon the rates of clocks and chronometers. This study was made at the Mare Island Observatory, where chronometers are rated for the U.S. Navy, and where the time observations are regularly made, which are supplied by the Western Union Telegraph Company to that part of the country west of Ogden, Utah. The paper gives in detail the re- sults for the Mean Time Clock of the observatory and for three Negus chronometers. The method is empirical, depending upon the rates actually observed under varying pressure and tempera- ture, and the numerical results are obtained graphically. From tests of the Mean Time Clock extending through two hundred days, it is believed that had the rate-curves been used without any time observations the errors of the noon signal would at no time have ex- ceeded six-tenths of a second, and seldom have exceeded one-tenth of a second, and at the end of the period would have been correct within a few hundredths of a second. The barometric and temperature curves of the sidereal and mean time clocks are now used in the current work of the observatory, and the author is of the opinion that a first rate pendulum clock is a much better instrument than usually sup- posed, and actually comparable in uniformity with the axial rotation of the earth, if account is taken of these variations. The experiments on chronometers lead the author to believe that the use of a barometric curve in actual practice at sea is worthy of trial, and the navi- gator of one of our naval vessels now in the Pacific will report upon his experience with the three chronometers whose rates are discussed in the paper. STELLAR PARALLAX BY PHOTOGRAPHY. A CONTRIBUTION to this subject is made by SCIENCE. 617 Osten Bergstrand of the observatory at Upsala. The author discusses the theory of the reduc- tion of measures on the photographic plates and the instrumental errors of the Repsold ap- paratus employed. The parallax of 21516 A is found to be 0.7080 +0.//011 and of A—QOe. 11677, which has a proper motion of nearly 3/’, to be 0.//192 + 0.7018, These determinations were made on account of the discrepancies in the results of other observers. The paper is in Swedish but an abstract in French is supplied. JUPITER’S FIFTH SATELLITE. PROFESSOR BARNARD has added to our knowl- edge of the period of this satellite the results of his observations in the last two oppositions of Jupiter made with the 40-inch equatorial of of the Yerkes Observatory. Combining these with the earlier observations at the Lick Obser- vatory, the period is 11 h. 57 min. 22.647 sec. and is not in error exceeding 0.01 sec. The discordancies in the separate determinations are very small and the measures show the great accuracy attainable in micrometric observations with these large refractors upon difficult objects. WINnsLow UPTon. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. 14, 1899. CURRENT NOTES ON METEOROLOGY. KITE AND BALLOON METEOROLOGY IN FRANCE. Two communications have been made to the French Academy of Sciences during the past summer by Teisserenc de Bort on the kite and balloon work carried on at the Observatory of Trappes. Altitudes of 3,940, 3,590 and 3,300 meters were reached on June 14th, June 15th, and July 3d, respectively. The results obtained by means of the kite meteorographs during more than 100 ascents show that in anti-cyclones the rate of decrease of temperature aloft becomes slower at a distance of a few hundred meters above the ground, and inversions of temperature are often observed. In cyclonic areas the de- crease of temperature is more rapid. In fine weather, with high pressure, the wind velocity generally decreases with increasing distance from the ground up to an altitude between 1,500 and 3,000 meters. On the other hand, on cloudy days, with low pressure, the velocity 618 increases with altitude, especially near the lower cloud stratum. (Paper read, July 10th.) Some of the results obtained during more than 100 ascents of ballons-sondes, 7 of which ascents were higher than 14,000 meters, 24 higher than 13,000 meters, and 53 of which reached 9,000 meters, were discussed by de Bort in a paper read before the Academy on August 21st, last. The most important con- clusions reached are as follows: I. The temperature at different altitudes shows notable variations during the course of the year, which are much greater than was supposed as the result of the older observa- tions made in balloons. If. It appears that there is a fairly well-marked tendency to an annual variation of temperature as high up as 10,000 meters, the maximum being reached to- wards the end of summer, and the minimum at the end of the winter. This phenomenon is much complicated. by the marked variations from day to day, which are related to the con- ditions of atmospheric pressure. CENTIGRADE versus FAHRENHEIT SCALE. THE discussion as to the relative merits of Cen- tigrade and Fahrenheit scales has lately come up again in connection with the use of these scales in meteorological work. In Nature for August 17th, Buchanan points out that the zero on the Centigrade scale occurs at such a place as to make nearly half of the readings come below zero. Hence the scale must be read upward half the time and downward half the time, which is awkward. Furthermore, the averag- ing of the results is extremely troublesome, and mistakes are easily made. Clayton (Nature, Sept. 17th), agrees with the opinion expressed by Buchanan, and makes the novel and ingenious suggestion that if the Centigrade thermometer is ever adopted for meteorological purposes by the English-speaking nations, the freezing point of water should be marked 273° on the scale and the boiling point 373°. By this method meteorologists would have at once the tempera- tures concerned in the change of volume of gases, and embodied in many formulz, and the difficulty of the inverted scale, above referred to, would be eliminated. R. DEC. WARD. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A PAPER on Solid Hydrogen was read by Professor Dewar at the Dover meeting of the British Association and is reprinted in the Chemical News. It is only since the fall of 1898 when it has been possible to obtain liquid hydrogen in quantities of one or two hundred cubic centimeters, that attempts could be made to solidify it. The principle used was that of a vacuum tube containing liquid hydrogen im- mersed in a bath of liquid hydrogen contained in an outer vacuum tube connected with an air pump. When the pressure in the outer tube is reduced below 60 mm., the hydrogen sud- denly solidifies into a white froth-like mass like frozen foam. In the inner tube the upper part of the solid hydrogen is frothy, but below it is a clear solid resembling ice. The solid melts at a pressure of 55 mm., or under a pres- sure of 35 mm. at 16° absolute (— 257° C.). The boiling point of liquid hydrogen at 760 mm, pressure is 21° absolute (— 252° C.). The foamy structure of the solid hydrogen is doubt- less due to the fact that rapid ebullition is sub- stantially taking place throughout the entire liquid, owing to its extreme lightness, for the specific gravity of liquid hydrogen is only 0.07 at its boiling point, and its maximum density not over 0.086. The lowest temperature now obtainable is from 14° to 15° absolute (— 259° to — 258° C.), reached by the evaporation of solid hydrogen in a vacuum, A NEW method of separating the active con- stituents of racemic compounds is described by Marckwald and McKenzie in the last Berichte of the German Chemical Society. It is based upon the fact that while isomeric acids of the fatty series haye nearly the same affinity, and the same limit of ester formation, the speed of the latter depends very markedly upon the structure of the acid molecule. In the de- scribed experiment racemic mandelic acid and menthol were heated together for an hour— menthyl mandelic ester was formed and that portion of the mandelic acid which was un- acted upon was recovered and found to be levo- rotary; the dextro-rotary acid was thus changed to the ester first. While perhaps of no prac- tical application, this method is of theoretical interest, as it adds a purely chemical method of OCTOBER 27, 1899.] splitting racemic compounds, to the three al- ready known, the mechanical, the bio-chemical and the physical. dg Wy del LIMITATIONS OF THERMODYNAMICS. AN important paper has recently been issued from the press of Dunod as a reprint from the Revue de Mécanique, current volume, in which M, Georges Duchesne presents the results of a very extensive experimental study of the ther- mal and thermodynamic processes in operation in the steam engine and especially during the period of emission, which has been the most difficult of investigation and the most obscure of all the elements of the vapor-engine cycle.* With a vapor engine in steady operation the observation of the amount of liquid passing through the system in the unit of time gives the measure of the quantity taken into the work- ing cylinder at each stroke of its piston, and this, with the determination of ‘quality’ by the ‘calorimeter,’ and automatic registration of volumes and pressures, by the ‘indicator’ of Watt, permits the exact apportionment of en- ergies and the physical condition of the fluid to be determined from the instant of closure of the induction-valve to its opening at the com- mencement of exhaust. The delineation of the ‘saturation-curve’ on the indicator-diagram, for the quantity of fluid known to have entered the -cylinder, gives the measure of contemporaneous volumes of the corresponding quantity of ‘dry and saturated’ vapor which serves as the unit of the scale measurements of the relative volumes, and weights of liquid and vapor in the mixture constituting the working fluid, or the extent of superheating, ifat any pointsuperheated. From the instant of commencement of emission, how- ever, no measure is obtainable of these quanti- ties, and the problem becomes incapable of so- lution by ordinary observation. Donkin has sought the solution of this par- ticular question of the state of the vapor in the period of emission and that of compression by the use of his ‘ revealer,’ by means of which the *L’état de la Vapeur a Ja Fin de l’Emission ; par ‘Georges Duchesne, Ingénieur, ancien Assistant du Professeur V. Dwelshauvers-Déry ; Paris, Vve. Ch. _Dunod, 1899. Royal 8vo., pp. 15. SCIENCE. 619 fluid is sampled and tested as to quality, and Professor Carpenter, in the laboratories of Sib- ley College, has sought the same end by the use of the now familiar ‘steam-calorimeter,’ taking off samples of the steam automatically at certain points in the portion of the cycle to be investigated. Donkin concluded that the vapor in the exhaust period was wet ; Hirn, Carpen- ter and others, including Dwelshauvers-Dery, have found it dry. M. Duchesne revises the work of Donkin, particularly, and concludes that, contrary to the deduction of the investiga- tor himself, the research indicates that the va- por is dry and saturated during the period of emission. He decides that the results of those experiments furnish ‘proof of the complete dryness of the surface at the end of emission.’ If dry at this point, they will presumably con- tinue dry up to the beginning of the period of compression, and, then, mechanical compres- sions alone affecting the fluid, superheating should occur. This was the conclusion of the writer long before the apparatus and method of recent research was ready to give its testimony in the case,* as respects economically operated en- gines; but the contrary as regards uneconomical engines, in which the working fluid, after enter- ing the cylinder, is very wet, and Willans based upon the same conviction the details of design in his engine insuring that the moisture de- posited upon the cylinder-walls should be swept off as thoroughly as possible by the current of the working fluid. M. Duchesne finds con- firmation of these anticipations in the work of Hirn, of Delafond and of Dwelshauvers-Dery; the latter affording him very conclusive evi- dence, which he reviews at length. The conclusions reached are the following, in substance : (1) When, in the engine-cylinder, the vapor is saturated and the walls humid, the vapor and the water on the surface of the metal in imme- diate contact with the liquid assume almost instantaneously the same temperature. (2) If the surface is dry, it may take a tem- perature superior to that of the fluid. * Manual of the Steam-Engine, Vol.I., 2 53, pp. 355-627, especially p. 631. Trans. A. 8S. M. E., 1890, - No. CCCLXII. ; 1894, No. DLXVI. ; 1894, 1896, pp. 843, etc. 620 It is to be remembered that the nearer the fluid to the state of saturation, the more readily does it surrender heat. In the indicator-diagram it is often observed that there existsa point of inflexion at the sum- mit of the compression-curye. This has been, by earlier authorities, generally ascribed to leakage past the piston on attaining a certain limiting pressure at which the piston-rings yield. Later observers have suspected and the writer has long believed that this peculiar in- flexion may mark a point at which the sur- render of heat of compression to the metal of the cylinder-wall occurs so rapidly, as a conse- quence of the increasing temperature-head, as to cause more rapid condensation than can be counteracted in its effect upon pressure by the constantly diminishing rate of compression. This phenomenon, in such case, is an indication, if not a measure, of the heat-exchange thus taking place. M. Duchesne finds confirmation in his own experiments of this later idea, and of the propositions which he has advanced, as well as of the accuracy of the work of M. Dwel- shauvers-Dery. R. H. THURSTON. CoRNELL UNIVERSITY. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. THE National Academy of Sciences will hold its annual fall meeting at Columbia University, New York, from November 14th to 17th. PROFESSOR DEAN C. WORCESTER, of the Uni- versity of Michigan, has returned to the United States, to report to the President as one of the members of the Philippine Commission. PROFESSOR GEORGE T. LADD, of Yale Univer- sity, who is at present in Japan, has received from the Japanese Emperor, the third-class decoration of the Order of the Rising Sun. Dr. EUGENE A. DARLING has been appointed bacteriologist of the Cambridge Board of Health, to succeed Dr. George B. Henshaw. Mr. W. H. TWELVETREES, F.G.S., has re- cently been appointed to the position of geol- ogist to the Government of Tasmania. Dr. ALFRED JENTZSCH, docent at Konigs- berg, has been appointed geologist of the Goy- ernment Survey in Berlin. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 252. Dr. Otto LuBARSCH, associate professor at Rostock, has been made director of the pathological and anatomical division of the newly established State Institute of Hygiene at Posen. Mr. J. E. DUERDIN, curator of the Kingston Museum, Jamaica, is this year studying at the Johns Hopkins University. Mr. W. H. M. Cuarisriz, C.B., the Astrono- mer Royal has been elected one of the Wardens of the Clockmakers’ Company. Dr. Louis L. SEAMAN offers, through the Military Service Institution of the United States, a prize of $100 for the best essay on ‘The Ideal Ration for an Army in the Tropics.’ Papers should be received before March 1, 1900. Mr. HAMILTON Y. CASTNER, died at Saranac Lake, N. Y., on October 10th, aged 41 years. Mr. Castner made important advances in in- dustrial chemistry, especially in the manufac- ture of aluminium and in the electrolytic pro- cesses of manufacturing caustic soda and chlorine from cloride of sodium. THE death is announced at Obersdorf of Dr. Ernst Rosenberger, known for his writings on the history of physics. Dr. Karu Russ, the ornithologist, died at Berlin on September 29th, aged 66 years. Ir has been proposed to place a bust and an enlarged photograph of the late Dr. Friedel in the hall of the Sorbonne. The estimated cost of the bust, which will be the work of M. Uitain, is 3,000 franes. An appeal for subscrip- tions has beenissued. These should be sent to M. Chason, at the Laboratory of Organic Chem- istry, Faculty of Science, the Sorbonne. AT the ceremonies attending the unveiling of the monument of Johannes Miller at his birth- place, Coblentz, on October 2d, Professor Vir- chow was the principal speaker. The British Medical Journal states that in the course of his address Professor Virchow referred to the diffi- culty that had been found in choosing an appropriate inscription. The simple one chosen by the sculptor: ‘To the great anatomist and physiologist,’ would perhaps hardly satisfy all concerned. Strictly speaking, Johannes Miller was a biologist, a naturalist whose aim OCTOBER 27, 1899. ] was the study of life itself in its universality. He was the first to use the microscope in re- searches on living beings; he was the first to disclose to us the fauna of the seas. His ex- ample inspired the deep-sea researches of our own day, of which the German scientific station in Naples formed a center. Professor Koester, Rector of Bonn University, speaking as the representative of the Monument Committee, handed over its charge to the mayor and municipality of Coblentz. Professor Waldeyer, Rector of the Berlin University, made the clos- ing speech as the delegate both of the Berlin University, where Miller’s chief teaching years were spent, and of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. In these two institutions, said Wal- deyer, Johannes Miller had raised a monument to himself that no time could destroy. THE Seventeenth Congress of the American Ornithologists’ Union will convene in Philadel- phia, at the Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and Race Sts. (Logan Square), on Monday, No- vember 13th, at 8 o’clock p.m. The evening session will be for the election of officers and members and the transaction of other routine business. The meetings open to the public, and devoted to the reading and discussion of scientific papers, will be held in the Lecture Hall of the Academy, beginning Tuesday, No- vember 14th at 11 a. m., and continuing for three days. Information regarding the Con- gress can be had by addressing the Secretary, Mr. John H. Sage, Portland, Conn. A TELEGRAM has been received at the Har- vard College Observatory from Professor J. E. Keeler, at Lick Observatory, stating that the following elements and ephemeris of Comet e, 1899, were computed by Perrine from observa- tions on October 1, 7, 16: Time of passing perihelion =7' = Sept. 15.04 G. M. T. Perihelion minus node =w— 10° 52/ Longitude of node =N= 272° 13/ Declination == 76° 557 Perihelion distance =q= 1.7854 EPHEMEBRIS. 1899. Oct. 24, R.A. 17" 5™ 8°. Dec.++-2°17./ Light 0.72 GB OG Of, OS alge TUL TD, SG Lg} onl. Soo Nove dy Siz 7245) 36) al 95: OS SR FA? OB} SYS, OG ILS), ** 0.63 SCIENCE. 621 THE American Museum of Natural History, New York, will hereafter be opened free to visitors on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, on Sunday afternoons and on Tues- day and Saturday evenings. The free lectures given under the auspices of the Board of Edu- cation are on Tuesday evenings and the lectures by Professor A. S. Bickmore to teachers in the public schools are on Saturday mornings. THE London correspondent of the New York Evening Post states that two expeditions will soon take the field in South America. Profes- sor Zittel, of Munich, is arranging to send a sci- entific expedition to Patagonia, and it is very probable that a similar undertaking will be or- ganized in London on very comprehensive lines, the Argentine Government having promised to render aid and grant all facilities to a British expedition under responsible or official control. Nature, quoting from the Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore, states that the Indian Govern- ment has under its consideration a somewhat comprehensive scheme for the establishment of research laboratories in various parts of India, and the appointment of health officers to take charge of them. The present laboratory at Muktesar will, it is understood, be further de- veloped ahd the staff increased, the establish- ment becoming the central research laboratory for India, and health officers will be appointed to the charge of laboratories at Calcutta, Mad- ras, Bombay, Agra and Lahore, the new de- partment of bacteriology being ordinarily manned by officers of the Indian Medical Ser- vice. THERE has been an active and somewhat acrimonious discussion in the English journals in regard to the extent to which physicians re- ceive commissions. It is said that in the United States physicians do not receive com- missions from pharmacists to any considerable extent, but suit has just been brought by a San Francisco physician for $300, which he claimed as a commission on prescriptions sent to a drug- gist. Complaint is also made that some of the younger surgeons in New York ophthalmic hospitals receive commissions from opticians. A MEETING of the Society of Engineers was held at the Royal United Service Institution, 622 Whitehall, on October 2d, Mr. JohnC. Fell (Presi- dent), in the chair. According to the account in the London Times, a paper was read by Mr. J. Bridges Lee on ‘ Photographic Surveying.’ The author set out in detail the special advantages of the photographic method. Among these ad- vantages are: (1) A more complete and accu- rate record than can be obtained by any other means ; (2) saving of time in the field ; (8) ability to take full advantage of short clear interludes in unsettled weather; (4) special advantages for military purposes in an enemy’s country ; (5) utility for travelers rapidly traversing a country ; (6) usefulness for detecting geological and physiographical changes; (7) economy in operation. The author then passed in review the various kinds of photo-topographic appa- ratus which had beeen designed and con- structed, pointing out the distinctive features of most of the best known instruments. All the best photographic survey work everywhere had been done with plane projection instru- ments. The author described the improve- ments made by him, designed to facilitate the subsequent interpretation of the photographs. These improvements consist of certain mechan- ical appliances inside the camera for securing an automatic record on the face of every picture taken of the horizon and principal vertical lines, of the compass bearing of the optic axis or principal plane, of a scale of horizontal angles applicable to all points visible in the picture, and of memoranda of useful information rela- ting to the particular picture. REUTER’S AGENCY reports that Dr. Carl Peters, the explorer, left Portuguese territory at the beginning of August, and crossed into Ma- shonaland, taking with him two of his prospec- tors, Messrs. Blocker and Gramann. The rest of his expedition he left in the neighborhood of the ancient ruins re-discovered by him near the Zambesi. He expresses his intention of estab- lishing a permanent station on the Inyanga Highlands, and from that point of exploring the whole of Mashonaland from north to south. Besides gold, Dr. Peters claims to have dis- covered mica, saltpeter, and diamonds in a dis- trict practically uninhabited at an altitude of 8,000 feet, and, he believes, easily capable of cultivation. As the rainy season is now setting SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 252. in Dr. Peters will, after exploring some dis- tricts on the Pungwe River, proceed to Beira en route for England. AT a special meeting of the American For- estry Association at Columbus, in connection with the meeting of the American Association, resolutions were adopted recommending : 1. The creation of an international commission, through M. Meline, of Paris, to arrange for a Con- gress of Forestry at the Paris Exposition of 1900. 2. The purchase and reservation, by the State of Ohio, of tracts of timber land at the headwaters of the principal rivers of the State in order to prevent the increasing loss of life and property by flood, and for the better preservation of a water supply in time of drought. 3. The establishment of colleges and schools of forestry in the various States, with as much assistance as possible, in encouragement of the work, from the Department of Agriculture. 4. Commending the policy adopted by the State of Pennsylvania in the appointment of an expert forester to organize and conduct the forest interests of the State, and to educate its citizens in practical forestry. 5. Urging the suitable presentation of the subject of forestry at the meetings of teachers’ associations, farmers’ institutes, and other similar gatherings, ‘‘ to the end that the people may be taught to give earnest attention to this much-neglected, but vitally impor- tant interest.”’ THE Vienna correspondent of the London Times writes that the trials of the system of rapid telegraphy invented by two Hungarians, MM. Pollak and Virag, which took place be- tween Budapest and Berlin at midnight on September 29th, are represented to have practi- cally justified the claims made on behalf of the new process. The experiments were conducted at both ends under the personal direction of the inventors in the presence of experts, including representatives of the Hungarian and French governments and one of the American cable companies. These are alleged to have given the extraordinary result of a transmission of no fewer than 220 words in ten seconds without prejudicing the clearness of the message. A perforated roll of paper, similar to that at pres- ent in use, is employed for the dispatch of the message, which is made visible and fixed photo- graphically at the receiving station. Instead OCTOBER 27, 1899. ] of the dashes and dots of the Morse alphabet, there are rising and falling strokes starting from a horizontal line. The receiver consists of a telephone fitted with a small concave mir- ror, upon which are reflected, in the form of streaks of light, the impulses marked on the membrane. By an ingenious arrangement, re- calling in some respects that of the cinemato- graph, the streaks of light reflected upon the mirror are reproduced upon a roll of sensitized paper, thus giving a narrow oblong picture, which in the present stage of the invention is developed and fixed like any ordinary photo- graph. WE learn from the Electrical World that a singular decision has been made in the Senate of the Supreme Court of the Empire of Ger- many. Last December three mechanics at- tached a wire to a cable laid in the house where they lodged, and stole electricity enough to light their rooms. The Provincial Court sen- tenced them each to one day’s imprisonment. The decision was based on the principle that electricity possessed the essential properties of a movable object. It has gone from court to court, and now the Senate holds that the judg- ment of the Provincial Court must be quashed on the grounds that the law provides only against the theft of movable bodies, and the court holds that those properties are wanting in electricity which would be necessary to con- stitute it a movable object in the sense of the law. The sentence states that electricity must be regarded as one of the energies of nature, like sound, light and elasticity. It was also decided that damage to property cannot be pleaded, for that requires that the substance of the object must be affected. Again, it was held that property has been withdrawn from the wire, but the Senate denies this, for elec- tricity is not one of the properties of copper wire, so itis unanimously concluded that the law as it is in Germany tapping an electric current is not theft. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. Dr. ARTHUR: TWINING HADLEY was duly in- augurated as president of Yale University on October 18th, in the presence of a distinguished SCIENCE. 623 audience, representing the chief universities of the United States. Dr. Hadley took the oath of office and made the inaugural address. Pro- fessor George P. Fisher, of the Divinity School, made the congratulatory address on. behalf of the faculty. CoLONEL RUTHERFORD B. TROWBRIDGE has given $10,000 to the Art School of Yale Uni- versity. Funps are being collected for a graduate fel- lowship at Mt. Holyoke College in memory of Elizabeth Miller Bardwell, formerly director of the astronomical observatory. THE committee appointed by the National Educational Association to consider the plans for a National University at Washington will meet in that city on November 2d, The com- mittee consists of President Wm. R. Harper, Chairman, President Alderman of the Univer- sity of North Carolina, President Angell of the University of Michigan, Professor Butler of Columbia University, Dr. Canfield of Columbia University, Mr. J. L. M. Curry, Washington Agent of the Peabody and Slater Funds ; Super- intendent Dougherty of Peoria, President Draper of the University of Illinois, President Eliot of Harvard University, Professor James of the University of Chicago, Superintendent Maxwell of New York, Professor Moses of the University of California, President Schurman of Cornell University, President Wilson of Wash- ington and Lee University, and Superintendent Soldan of St. Louis. COMMERCIAL education was the subject for discussion at the sessions of the International Commercial Congress on October 28th. Presi- dent Low, of Columbia University, presided. Addresses were also made by President Eliot, of Harvard University, President Schurman, of Cornell University and President Harrison, of the University of Pennsylvania. A SPECIAL committee has presented a report to the general meeting of the Convocation of the University of London. The following are among itsrecommendations: (1) Thereshould be only one faculty of science with adequate representation on the Senate and the Academic Council. (2) Engineering should be a distinct branch of the one faculty of science and not a 624 separate faculty, but degrees should be given in engineering bearing a distinctive name. (8) If it should be thought expedient to constitute a distinct branch of the faculty of science for any other scientific profession, there is not, in the opinion of my committee, any present oc- casion for giving a distinctive name to degrees to be taken in that branch. (4) If, contrary to the opinion of the committee, the subjects of the faculty of science should be divided by the commissioners, for electoral purposes, into sev- eral faculties, the committee hope they may be afforded an opportunity of giving further con- sideration to the principles upon which such division should be effected, especially in con- nection with the effect which the division would have upon the University examinations and degrees. (5) With regard to the position to be occupied by the art or profession of teaching, the committee think that this subject should find its place as a branch of the faculty of arts. (6) With regard to the proposal which has been made in more quarters than one to constitute a new and separate faculty for economic, com- mercial and social subjects, including, perhaps, administrative law, the majority of the com- mittee think that this proposal is justified by the wide range and high importance of the sub- jects concerned, and the great and growing interest which they now attract. (7) With regard to the proportional representation of the faculties on the Senate and the Academic Coun- cil, the committee think that if the distribution of the faculties should accord with their sug- gestions the 16 representatives should be allo- cated as follows: To the faculty of science 5, arts 4, medicine 3, law 1, theology 1, music 1, economics 1—total 16. ACCORDING to Nature the work of the South African School of Mines, Kimberley, is now carried on in suitable premises, which were completed in the beginning of this year at a cost of about 90007. Of this sum 2000/. was given by the Government of Cape Colony, 20001. by the De Beers Company, and 5000l. was borrowed. The school has been established to carry out part of a scheme for the training of mining engineers in South Africa. The courses of instruction are intended to prepare students for a diploma of mining engineer, or for the SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 252. degrees of B.Sc. or M.Sc. in mining engineer- ing. Theoretical and practical instruction is given, under the direction of the principal, Mr. James G. Lawn, in mining, mechanical and electrical engineering, metallurgy, assaying, surveying and other subjects. Practical work is carried on in the mines and workshops of the De Beers Company, and also in various mines at Johannesburg. The time spent at Johannesburg is devoted to a special study of the cyanide process in all its developments, of the electrical machines and appliances at the mine where the student is working, of the methods of assaying and surveying, and of the economics of mining on the Rand. A thorough training for mining engineers is thus provided in connection with the school, the course of work described in the prospectus being of a very satisfactory character. TEACHERS in Philadelphia public schools will hereafter be allowed to take their classes for a half day once or twice a year to the Zoological Gardens and Fairmount Park, the visit being regarded as part of the regular class duties. The managers of the Zoological Gardens have supplied a large number of tickets for this pur- pose. ANDREW GRAY, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., pro- fessor of physics in the University of North Wales since 1884, has been appointed professor: of natural philosophy in Glasgow University, to succeed Lord Kelvin. Professor Gray gradu- ated from the University of Glasgow and was. afterwards assistant to Lord Kelvin. J. S. E. TowNSEND has been elected a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. He submitted papers on ‘The Magnetization of Liquids’ and ~ ‘Hlectricity in Gases and the Formation of Clouds in Charged Gases.’ Dr. W. E. Drxon, late Salter’s Research Fel- low in pharmacology at Cambridge University, has been appointed assistant to the Downing professor of medicine, and Dr. L. Humphry has been made assessor to the Regius professor of physics. Dr. W. Konic of Frankfurt has been called to an associate professorship in the University of Greifswald. Professor G. Sclavunos has been made professor of anatomy and director of the Anatomical Institute at Athens. one! i rab iH if ae ai corey 3 ala i WILLIAM C. REDFIELD. SCIENCE EpIToR1At CommittEr: S. NeEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THurston, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. Le Contr, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OsBoRN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. Hart MeRRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Bessry, N. L. Britton, Botany; C. S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. S. Brutinas, Hygiene; J. McKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. PowELL, Anthropology. Fripay, NovemMBEr 3, 1899. CONTENTS: The Early Presidents of the American Association, I. (with plate): Dr. Marcus BENJAMIN...... 625 The History of the Beginnings of the Science of Pre- historic Anthropology, IL: DR. THoMAS WIL- EO ocospsncbapundosascoqocosddoono cosnggacdosoosBaD=bENDNObO 637 A New Form of Pseudoscope: PROFESSOR R. W. DWiOODIeraccidsvcsecaittetactilcs secede veuseeetaecevebeecie 648 The Subdivision of Genera: PROFESSOR E. W. 18TH EVAIEID) oncocoacconsonvansaosauocoDbpsoodagsucpabbNdebOeC 649 The Card Index of Experiment Station Publications: DD) PAV CHIR Ue shccee soci caisccceidccsasasiseiectiaces 650 Scientific Books :-— West Virginia Geological Survey: PROFESSOR JOHN J. STEVENSON. Grassman’s Introduction a la géometrie différentielle: PROFESSOR E. O. Lovett. Woodhull’s Chemical Experiments ; Smith’s Laboratory Outline of General Chem- istry: PROFESSOR W. A. NOYES. General. Books Received..........0..4+4 soosocasooodatinaeRadosnuaces 652 Scientific Journals and Articles........0.+ssceceseeseeeee 655 Societies and Academies :— Biological Society of Washington: Dr. O. F. Cook. Section of Anthropology and Psychology of the New York Academy of Sciences: PRO- FESSOR CHARLES H. JUDD.............00c00eceeee ee 656 Discussion and Correspondence :— Recent Work on Coccide: C. L.. MARLATT...... 657 The American Physical Society: W. H........-...++-- 660 Scientific Notes and News..........+» mecnecceeseeeesennne ... 660 University and Educational News.............0ssesecees 663 MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. THE EARLY PRESIDENTS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.* I. For a second time in its history the Sec- tion on Social and Heonomic Science in the American Association for the Advancement of Science has chosen for its presiding offi- cer one whose early training was that of a chemist. It had been my hope to present before you an address that should treat of certain phases of the development of indus- trial chemistry in the United States. The suggestion, however, made at the mid- winter meeting in New York by Professor Putnam, that I prepare an account of the early history of the Association, appealed to me so strongly that I was very glad to yield to the wishes of the Council, who promptly accepted the recommendation of our distinguished President, and, therefore, I have the honor of addressing you on The Early Presidents of the American Association. HISTORY. The American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science came into formal ex- istence in the city of Philadelphia, on Sep- tember 20, 1848. The prevalent fondness for genealogical research affords us an ex- * Address of the Vice-President and Chairman of Section H—Anthropology—of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, Columbus, Au- gust 21, 1899. 626 SCIENCE. cellent excuse for a brief discussion of its ancestry.* For a century preceding the existence of our Association, Philadelphia had held foremost rank as a scientific center. It was in that city as early as 1743 that Benjamin Franklin, America’s first great scientist, had made futile effort to form a society ‘ of virtuosi or ingenious men residing in the different colonies to be called the American Philosophical Society.” + That society, however, as is well known, did organize in 1769, and still survives, the oldest of scien- tific societies in the United States. An interesting evidence of the fact that Phila- delphia was a Mecca to scientific men is the statement that Priestley, on his arrival in New York in June, 1794, declined to give a course of lectures in that city, and proceeded at once to Philadelphia, where he received a complimentary address from the American Philosophical Society. In the early dawn of the new century came that wonderful development of science in New Haven, brought about by the influ- ence of the elder Silliman, who, by the way, first studied chemistry in Philadelphia under James Woodhouse. In the year 1819, in the philosophical room of Yale College, there was organized the American Geological Society, of which, according to G. Brown Goode, our Association ‘is es- sentially a revival and continuation.’$ ‘Its members,’’ says the same authority, ‘‘ fol- *In The Chautauquen, Vol. XIII., p. 727, Septem- ber, 1891, there is a historical sketch of The Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, by the present author, which may be of some interest to the student of the history of American science. + The Origin of the National Scientific and Educa- tional Institutions of the United States, by G. Brown Goode. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1889. Washington, 1890, p. 54. { The Development of Science in New York City, by Marcus Benjamin. Memorial History of the City of New York. New York, Vol. IV., p. 415. @ Goode, op. cit., p. 112. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 253. lowing European usage, appended to their names the symbols ‘ M.A.G.S.,’ and among these were many distinguished men, for at that time almost every one who studied any other branch of science, cultivated geology also.””* If we accept the American Geo- logical Society as our ancestor, it gives the American Association rank as the fifth old- est scientific body in the United States. As knowledge grew and education ad- vanced, the desire for frequent intercourse among men of science increased more and more, and in the rooms of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, on April 2, 1840, there was organized the Association of American Geologists. This society, which two years later became the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, is offi- cially recognized as our progenitor, and the record of the eight meetings is given in the preliminary pages of our annual volume of proceedings. Of the founders of that Asso- ciation the venerable Martin H. Boyé still survives,j and in New York City, Oliver P. Hubbard, who served as its secretary in 1844, remains to us a living witness of the mighty events that have occurred in the golden era of science. It will not be out of place, I am sure, to mention the influence of the National In- stitution for the promotion of science on the formation of our Association. It was that Institution, which in April, 1844, brought together in Washington City the first National Congress of scientific men— the first cosmopolitan assemblage of the kind which in any respect foreshadowed the great congresses of the American Asso- ciation in later years. { * Goode, op. cit., p. 112. T The Scientific American, Vol. LX XIV., p. 430, for December 12, 1896, under the title of ‘ A Pioneer of Science,’ gives an interesting account of Martin H. Boyé with a portrait. { The First National Scientific Congress ( Washing- ton, April, 1844) and its connection with the organi- zation of the American Association. Report U. 8S. National Museum, 1897 (in press). NOVEMBER 3, 1899. ] This Institution, so successful that it was perhaps the most powerful ‘‘ agency in set- ting in operation the influences which led to the establishment of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Observatory, the National Museum and the Department of Agriculture, and in later years, of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences,” * yet so un- successful that ‘‘the Smithsonian fund, which it aspired to control, was placed under other authority; the collections and manuscripts of the United States Exploring Expeditions were removed from its custody; the magnificent collection in natural his- tory, ethnology and geology, which had ac- cumulated as a result of its wonderful ac- tivity and enthusiasm, soon became a burden and a source of danger,’ } was abandoned by its founders and supporters, and finally in 1861 went out of existence by the termination of its charter. Its re- markable history has been told by G. Brown Goode in a paper in which he showed its connection with the organization of our As- sociation. In closing he said of the Amer- ican Association: The new society was born, and it is sig- nificant that the name first adopted; was as nearly as possible a combination of the names of the two societies. The one contributed the first half of the name, ‘The American Associa- tion,’ the other the second half—‘for the Pro- motion of Science.’ The word advancement in place of promotion was substituted afterwards. { The history of the Association is a task that must be left for other, more competent members to present to you. To me has been assigned the duty of briefly reviewing the career of that brilliant galaxy of men who have been chosen by you to preside over the meetings of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. * Idem. + Idem. t Goode, First National Scientific Congress. SCIENCE. 627 REDFIELD. William C Redfield ‘‘ who was the first to suggest the idea of the American Associa- tion in its present comprehensive plan, and the first to preside over its deliberations,’”* was born at Middletown, Conn., on March 26, 1789. As a boy he received only the simplest rudiments of education, and at the age of fourteen was apprenticed to asaddler. At that time he evinced a remarkable fond- ness for books, and, we are told, that ‘“‘ he was denied even a lamp for reading by night much of the time during his appren- ticeship, and could command no better light than that of a common wood fire in the chimney corner.’’} Through the interest of Dr. William Tully, a learned and distin- guished physician of Cromwell, Conn., he was accorded the privilege of that good doctor’s library, and chose Sir Humphrey Davy’s Elements of Chemistry with which to occupy his leisure moments. In return- ing the book he surprised its owner by showing a thorough acquaintance with its contents, and in particular with the doctrine of chemical equivalents, which, he said, he had then met with for the first time. On the completion of his apprenticeship, early in 1810, he made a long journey on foot to Ohio, passing through New York and northern Ohio, when “ the sites of Roch- ester and Cleveland were both dark and gloomy forests, and Buffalo was a mere ham- let.”{ He returned to New England in the following spring, choosing on this occasion a more southerly route, through parts of Virginia, Marylandand Pennsylvania. This journey deserves special mention because it * Address on the Scientific Life and Labors of Wil- liam C Redfield, A.M., first President for the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, de- livered before the Association at their annual meeting in Montreal, August 14, 1857. By Denison Olmsted, with an engraved portrait on steel. Cambridge, 1858, p. 3. t Idem, p. 5. t{ Idem, p. 7. 628 was from the observations made by him then that he was able later to advocate with such remarkable power the great superior- ity of railroads to canals, and also the plan of a system of railroads connecting the waters of the Hudson with those of the Mississippi. In a pamphlet, which he issued in 1829, he startled the community by the boldness of his project. He says, referring to the territory east of the Mississippi : This great plateau will, indeed, one day be intersected by thousands of miles of railroad communications ; and so rapid will be the in- crease of its population and resources, that many persons now living will probably see most or all of this accomplished.* To the scientific world Redfield, however, is best known by his development of the law of storms. Essentially his theory was that a storm was a progressive whirlwind. For years he kept his theory to himself, and it was not till accumulative evidence established in his own mind the correct- ness of his convictions that he gave to the world, through the American Journal of Sei- ence, his valuable series of papers on that science which we now dignify by the name of meteorology. Through the long years of his life Mr. Redfield was actively engaged in business, having established a line of two barges be- tween New York City and Albany, and it was only such time as could be spared from more important pursuits that he devoted to the higher cause of science. The fossils, the ripple marks and the rain-drops in the sandstones of Connecticut and New Jersey interested him, and the papers which he read before this Association towards the close of his career pertained to his studies in geology. He died in New York City on July 12, 1857. HENRY. The selection of Joseph Henry, in 1846, to be the guiding hand of the then newly * Route of a Great Western Railway, 1829. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 253. established Smithsonian Institution, made him, perhaps the most conspicuous repre- sentative of American science of his time. Henry was born in Albany just a century ago, and there he grew up and was edu- cated. Asa student, as a teacher, and as a professor, he was connected with the Al- bany Academy, and in that institution he carried on those researches in electricity which made the electromagnetic telegraph of Morse possible. In other words, Henry was the first to construct and use an elec- tromagnetic acoustic telegraph of a type similar to that which is at present more generally employed than any other form. The code of signals now in general use had not at that time been invented.* In refer- ring to his researches. Sir David Brewster says: ‘‘On the shoulders of young Henry has fallen the mantle of Franklin.” + In 1832 he accepted a call to the chair of nat- ural philosophy, in Princeton, and for four- teen years led the peaceful life of a college professor in a rural university town. Then came the call to Washington, and dubious as to the future, he said: ‘‘If I go I shall probably exchange permanent fame for transient reputation.” } The path of duty was clearly defined, and yielding to the solicitation of his associates, such as Bache, Hare and Silliman, he accepted the appointment of secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Of his career in Washington a contemporary says: Called to administer the Smithsonian trust, his conscientious devotion gave it from the first the direction designed by the testator. His aim was to originate and disseminate. He scattered the seed broadcast, not through whim or fayoritism, but on a matured plan. His * Sketch of Joseph Henry, by G. Brown Goode, in The History of the First Half Century of the Smith- sonian Institution. Washington, 1897, p. 134. ft Idem, p. 122. {A Memorial of Joseph Henry, with an engraved portrait on steel. Washington, 1880, p. 276. Dis- course of William B. Taylor. NOVEMBER 3, 1899.] place required a love of science, along with a talent for organization. He brought these to bear upon the origination of knowledge, and by his scientific sympathy and ready recognition of others of his guild, he commanded honest homage and became the director, helper, and umpire in scientific disputation. Did the War Department require his aid in meteorology ? He gave the plan of weather signals. Did the Census Bureau ask his help? He planned the remarkable atlas as to rain-falls and temper- ature. Did the Coast Survey require scientific Suggestions, or the Centennial Commissioners his judgment, or the new library and the “School of Art’ a friend and adviser; or the Light House board laws of sound for fogs, and cheaper and better illumination? He freely gave what was gladly welcomed.. His institu- tion gave Agassiz opportunity to study fishes, Baird, birds, and all students encouragement to investigate our American archeology and ethnology, as well as our fauna and flora.* Those who are willing to know more of Henry’s great work need only consult ‘The Memorial Volume,} published by the Smithsonian Institution shortly after his death. Jadd the last sentences of Goode’s sketch of him, which was published in the History of the First Half Century of the Smithsonian Institution : What Franklin was to the last century, Henry is to this, and as the years go by his fame is growing brighter. The memorial ser- vice in his honor, held in 1878, in the hall of the United States House of Representatives, was a national event. In 1883 his monument in bronze, by the greatest of American sculp- tors, was erected by Congress in the Smith- sonian Park. The bestowal of his name upon the unit of induction in 1893 was an indication of his foreign appreciation, while, as a still nobler tribute to his fame, his statue has been placed under the great rotunda of the National Library, the science of the world and of all time being symbolized by these two great men, Newton and Henry.{ *Tdem, p. 103. Address of Hon. S. S. Cox. +A Memorial of Joseph Henry, Washington, 1880. {The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896. The SCIENCE. 629 Beginning with 1850 the Association in- augurated the custom of holding a meeting in the spring of the year as well as one in the late summer. These earlier gatherings were held in the cities of the south and west, and the first of them, in March, 1850, was convened in Charleston, South Carolina, then a city of much scientific activity. Over this meeting Alexander Dallas Bache was chosen to preside. BACHE. Birth, education, and association com- bined to qualify Bache in an unusual de- gree for the many important duties to which he was called. He was the son of Richard Bache, one of the eight children of Sarah, the only daughter of Benjamin Franklin, and was born in Philadelphia in 1806. He was educated at the United States Military Academy in West Point and graduated at the head of the class of 1825 (of which he was the youngest member), with the un- usual distinction of completing that rigid course of four years without receiving a single demerit. An appointment in the Corps of Engineers followed, and after serving a year as assistant professor of en- gineering at West Point, he was assigned to duty under Colonel Joseph G. Totten, in Newport, Rhode Island. In 1829 he resigned from the army to ac- cept the chair of natural philosophy and chemistry in the University of Pennsyl- vania, in Philadelphia, where he remained until 1843, leading a life of great activity, for he was a guiding influence in nearly every scientific movement in the city of his birth. He was appointed chairman of one of the most important of the committees of the Franklin Institute, and was chosen as the expounder of the principles of the In- stitute at its public exhibitions. He was an active member of the American Philo- History of its First Half Century, Washington, 1897, p. 156. ; 630 sophical Society, and in his private ob- servatory began that series of magnetic observations with which his name is so honorably connected. His services in establishing the Girard College, of which he was the first president, and his development of the publie school system of Philadelphia while filling the offices of principal of the high school and that of superintendent of the public schools, are best described in the statement that ‘‘the result of his labors in regard to the schools was the establishment of the best system of combined free education which had, at that time, been adopted in this country. It has since generally been re- garded as a model, and has been introduced as such in different cities of the Union.” * Bache’s great work, however, was in con- nection with the United States Coast Sur- vey, to the superintendency of which he was called in 18438, and of his relation to that work I again quote from his biog- rapher : When Professor Bache took charge of the survey, it was still almost in its incipient stage, subjected to misapprehension, assailed by un- just prejudice, and liable, during any session of Congress, to be suspended or abolished. When he died, it had conquered prejudice, silenced opposition, and become established on a firm foundation as one of the permanent bureaus of the executive government. * * * He divided the whole coast line into sections, and organ- ized, under separate parties, the essential oper- ations of the survey simultaneously in each. He commenced the exploration of the Gulf Stream, and at the same time projected a series of observations on the tides, on the magnetism of the earth, and the direction of the winds at different seasons of the year. He also insti- tuted a succession of researches in regard to the bottom of the ocean within soundings, and the forms of animal life which are found there, thus * Eulogy on Professor Alexander Dallas Bache, late Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Survey, by Joseph Henry. Smithsonian Report for 1870, p. 98. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 253. offering new and unexpected indications to the navigator. He pressed into service, for the determination of the longitude, the electric telegraph ; for the ready production of charts, photography ; and for multiplying copper-plate engravings, the new art of electrotyping. In planning and directing the execution of these varied improvements, which exacted so much comprehensiveness in design and minuteness in detail, Professor Bache was entirely success- ful.* In Washington, as in Philadelphia, he was foremost in every movement, public or private, that tended towards the advance- ment of science. Besides being ex-officio superintendent of Weights and Measures, he was a member of the Lighthouse Board, and a regent of the Smithsonian Institution from its inception till his death. Nor can I omit mention of the fact that he was a Vice-President of the United States Sani- tary Commission, and first President of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Bache presided over the Charleston meeting in 1850, and also over the New Haven meeting in August, 1851, and over the Cin- cinnati meeting in May of the same year. It is difficult at this time to determine when the unwritten law of the Association that a representative of the natural sci- ences should be chosen to succeed a repre- sentative of the physical sciences in the presidential chair came into existence, but with the election of Louis Agassiz, in 1851, as the successor of Bache, the principle was clearly indicated. AGASSIZ. With the possible exception of the elder Silliman, the influence of Louis Agassiz on the development of science in our country has been greater than that of any other single man. The extraordinary personal qualities of character as well as the talents and attainments of this great naturalist * Henry’s Eulogy on Professor Alexander Dallas Bache, pp. 100, 101. NOVEMBER 3, 1899.] make any attempt of a brief sketch of his career almost impossible. * The son of a Protestant clergyman, he was born in Switzerland, in 1807, and his early academic education was obtained in Bienne, Lausanne and Zurich, whence he passed to the great German universities of Heidelberg, Munich and Erlangen. Even in those days he was a leader. In Munich he was the presiding officer of the Little Academy, the members of which have since enrolled their names high on the tablets of fame. At the age of twenty-one, even before the doctor’s degree had been conferred upon him, young Agassiz had se- cured ‘a place among the best naturalists of the day ’+ by his work on the fishes of Brazil- Delightful years in Vienna and Paris fol- lowed during which his dissipations were confined to the pleasures of association with the most distinguished men of his time, especially in Paris, where Humboldt was a conspicuous leader, and became his patron. Then, in 1832, he settled in Neu- chatel as professor of natural history in the small college of that ever-charming little city. Students came to him; and among his associates of that time were Gu- yot and Pourtales, whom even the ocean could not separate from him. His ‘ Re- cherches sur les Poissons fossiles’ in five quarto volumes, and his ‘ Etudes sur les Glaciers,’ were given to the world during his residence in Neuchatel. The former is perhaps his most important contribution to natural science, and the latter a pioneer work in glacialogy. In 1840 an invitation to deliver a course of lectures before the Lowell Institute in Boston was obtained for him through the *See Louis Agassiz. His Life and Correspond- ence, edited by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, with por- traits on steel, 2 vols. Boston, 1885. ft Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1886. Vol. II., p. 49. Louis Agassiz, by Arnold Guyot. SCIENCE. 631 interest of his friend, Sir Charlés Lyell, and he agreed with Mr. John A. Lowell to give a course of lectures on the ‘ Plan of the Creation, especially in the Animal Kingdom.’ He arrived in Boston in Octo- ber, and in December delivered his first lecture. ‘He carried his audience cap- tive.** From that time the well-worn ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici’ tells the story of his career in the new world. Enthusiastic audiences greeted him in New York, Phila- delphia, Charleston, and elsewhere, and, yielding to the irresistible opportunities offered to him, he severed the ties that bound him to the land of his birth and ac- cepted the chair of zoology and geology in the Lawrence Scientific School. Guyot, his friend from boyhood, in speak- ing of the immense power he exerted in this country in spreading the taste for natural science and elevating the standard, Says: How many leading students of nature are found to call themselves his pupils and grate- fully acknowledge their great indebtedness to his judicious training? How many who now occupy scientific chairs in our public institu- tions multiply his influence by inculcating his methods, thus rendering future success sure.+ No better evidence of his success as a teacher is needed than that of the mere mention of his famous students. In addi- tion to his son, Alexander, the names of Bickmore, Brooks, Clark, Fewkes, Hartt, Hyatt, Lyman, Morse, Niles, Packard, Putnam, Scudder, Shaler, Stimpson, Verrill, and Wilder, come readily to mind. In this connection I want to quote from a letter of one of his students{ who wrote me concerning his teaching as follows: The ideal of a young scientific student,"and of every great teacher, is a devotion to scien- * Life and Correspondence,’ Vol. II., p. 496. + Memoir by Guyot, p. 71. ¢{ Dr. J. Walter Fewkes. 632 "tific research for its own sake. Agassiz had that ideal extraordinarily developed, and on that account the student was drawn to him and felt in a corresponding degree a great influence on his life. Agassiz made many and impor- tant contributions to science, but the greatest of all was a life which embodied the ideal that scientific research is an unselfish study of truth for truth’s sake. Every student who was brought in contact with Agassiz recognized this ideal, and was profoundly influenced by it. The museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, is his most conspicuous monu- ment, but his influence, more powerful than bricks or mortar, will live forever. A boulder from the glacier of the Aar marks his last resting place in Mount Au- burn, and so ‘the land of his birth and the land of his adoption are united ‘in this grave.’”* The policy of holding two meetings a year was soon found to be unsatisfactory, and it was abandoned after the Charleston meet- ing in 1851. In consequence no spring gathering was held in 1852, and also no summer meeting was held during that year. It was not until July, 1853, that the Asso- ciation again met, and then it was con- vened in Cleveland under the presidency of Benjamin Peirce. PEIRCE. This distinguished mathematician, one of the greatest this country has ever known, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1810. His father, whose name the son inherited, is best remembered as the historian and librarian of Harvard. In Cambridge the boy grew to manhood, and was graduated at Harvard in 1829 in the class that Oliver Wendell Holmes has so beautifully im- mortalized in one of his charming poems. While in college he became a pupil of Na- * Life and Correspondence, Vol. 2, p. 783. +See Benjamin Peirce. A Memorial Collection, by Moses King, Cambridge, 1881, p. 18, with an engraved portrait on wood. SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 253. thaniel Bowditch, ‘ who made the prediction that young Peirce would become one of the leading mathematicians of this century.’* After graduating he began his career as a teacher and in 1831 returned to his alma mater as tutor in mathematics, becoming eleven years later Perkins professor of mathematics and astronomy, which chair he held until his death, ‘when he had been connected with the university for a longer time than any other person except Henry Flynt, of the class of 1693.’ + His election to the presidency of our As- sociation was probably a result of his con- nection with the United States Coast Sur- vey, as in 1852 he had been assigned to the charge of the longitude determinations in that service. The successful prosecution of that work, in which he was associated with some of our most distinguished mem- bers, indicated him as the natural successor to the superintendency of the Survey itself on the death of Bache in 1867. The paramount events of the civil war had, to a large extent, interfered with the regular work of the Survey, but under Peirce it was actively resumed. The plans laid down by his predecessor were taken up and the Survey extended to a great geodetic system, stretching from ocean to ocean, thus laying the foundations for a general map of the country that should be entirely independent of detached local surveys. With this object the great diagonal are was extended from the vicinity of Washington to the southward and westward along the Blue Ridge, eventually reaching the Gulf of Mexico near Mobile. He also planned the important work of measuring the arc of the parallel of 89 degrees to join the Atlan- tic and Pacific systems of triangulation ; and for determining geographical positions * Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol. VI., p. ,701 New York, 1888. Article on Benjamin Peirce written by myself. + Memorial Collection. NOVEMBER 3, 1899.] in States where geological or geographical surveys were in progress. Only an astronomer can follow the math- ematical intricacies of Peirce’s remarkable announcement concerning the discovery of the planet Neptune. This Planet [says President Hill] was dis- covered in September, 1846, in consequence of the request of Leverrier to Galle that he should search the zodiac in the neighborhood of longi- tude 325°, for a theoretical cause of certain per- turbations of Uranus. But Peirce showed that the discovery was a happy accident; not that Leverrier’s calculations had not been exact, and wonderfully laborious, and deserving of the highest honor, but because there were, in fact, two very different solutions of the pertur- bations of Uranus possible: Leverrier had cor- rectly calculated one, but the actual planet in the sky solved the other; and the actual planet and Leverrier’s ideal one lay in the same direc- tion from the earth only in 1846. Peirce’s labors upon this problem, while showing him to be the peer of any astronomer, were in no way directed against Leverrier’s fame as a mathe- matician ; on the contrary, he testified in the strongest manner that he had examined and verified Leverrier’s labors sufficiently to estab- lish their marvellous accuracy and minuteness, as well as their herculean amount.* His greatest contribution to astronomy, however, was in connection with the rings of Saturn. He demonstrated that the rings, if fluid, could not be sustained by the planet, that satellites could not sustain a solid ring, but that sufficiently large and numerous satellites could sustain a fluid ring, and that the actual satellites of Saturn were sufficient for that purpose. Peirce was a teacher, and his teaching is referred to by one of his students as ‘the most stimulating intellectual influence I ever encountered.’+ As an executive officer in charge of the coast survey, and * Thomas Hill in The Memorial Collection, p. 8. + Thomas- Wentworth Higginson, in The Memorial Collection, p. 31. SCIENCE. 633 also of the American Ephemeris, it is said that : The reports of that survey and the tables of the Ephemeris have rapidly raised the scientific reputation of America, which, in 1843, stood in astronomy among the lowest of civilized na- tions, and is now among the highest—a change which was by no means ungrateful to Peirce’s strongly patriotic feeling, and which he could not but know was as much due to himself as to any other person.* Asa mathematician it was said at the time of his death that ‘ the late Professor Peirce’s merits will rank with the marvel- lous achievements of Bernoulli, Kuler, and Laplace.” + President Hill closes his sketch of Peirce with the following words : While Professor Peirce has the tenacity of grasp, and power of endurance, which enable him to make the most intricate and tedious nu- merical computations, he is still more distin- guished by intensity and fervor of action in every part of his nature, an enthusiasm for whatever is noble and beautiful in the world or in art, in fiction or real life ; an exalted moral strength and purity; a glowing imagination which soars into the seventh heavens ; an in- sight and a keenness of external observations which makes the atom as grand to him as a planet; a depth of reverence which exalts him while he abases himself. { I prefer the stanzas of Holmes’ Memorial poem, beginning with : To him the wandering stars revealed The secrets in their cradle sealed ; The far-off, frozen sphere that swings Through ether, zoned with lucid rings ; The orb that rolls in dim eclipse, Wide wheeling round its long ellipse,— His name Urania writes with these, And stamps it on her Pleiades. 2 It was at the Toronto meeting just ten years ago that the Association was honored * The Nation, New York, October 14, 1880. } Boston Daily Advertiser, October 7, 1880. { The Memorial Collection, p. 11. ¢ Atlantic Monthly. 634 by the presence of its then oldest living past president in the person of James Dwight Dana, who in 1854, presided over the meeting held in Washington. DANA. Dana was born in Utica, New York, in February, 1813, and as a boy showed a taste for natural science, making frequent excursions after minerals with his school companions. Attracted by the name of the elder Silliman, then at the height of his powers and reputation, he went to New Haven and entered Yale. As an under- graduate it is said that ‘he made much progress in science, especially in his favorite study of mineralogy.’ * The influence of the master was irre- sistible, and he decided to devote himself to science, and, as if to confirm his decision, an opportunity presented itself even before he had graduated, for in 1833 he accepted an appointment as instructor in mathe- matics in the United States Navy. For more than a year he cruised in European waters, chiefly on the Mediterranean, de- voting his leisure to studies of the interest- ing features of geology and natural history that presented themselves. He returned to New Haven in 1836, and became an assistant to Silliman. It was at this time, in May, 1837, that he published the first edition of his System of Miner- alogy. Scarcely had that work been given to the public than he received an invitation to become the mineralogist and geologist of the United States Exploring Expedition, about to visit the Southern and Pacific Oceans under Captain Charles Wilkes. In August, 1838, the expedition started from Norfolk, Virginia, and reached New York on its return in June, 1842. For thirteen years thereafter Dana devoted himself to *See James Dwight Dana, a biographical sketch, with a half-tone portrait, and bibliography, by E:S. Dana in the American Journal of Science, third series, Vol. XLIX., p, 329, May, 1895. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 253. the study of the material that had been collected, and to the preparation of his re- ports, of which those on the Zoophytes, the geology of the Pacific, and on the Crustacea were published. Meanwhile he accepted the appointment to the Silliman chair of natural history and geology in Yale, but did not assume the active duties of the professorship until 1855. From this auspicious beginning his active connection with Yale continued until it was interrupted in 1890 by a serious illness, after which, failing strength and advancing years made it impossible for him to resume his professorial duties, and in 1894 he was made professor emeritus. The year 1818 is conspicuous in the his- tory of the development of science in this country by the founding of the American Journal of Science. From its inception until his death the name of Benjamin Silliman appeared on its title-page as senior editor. In 1846 to that name was added that of the younger Silliman and Dana as associate editors. Of these three Dana was the sur- vivor, and from 1875 till his death he was its senior editor. In 1893, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, a congratulatory letter from his scientific colleagues in New Haven made mention of his editorial career as follows: The long series of volumes of this periodical are a noble monument of the extent and thor- oughness of your labors as a naturalist. * It is fortunate for American science that this journal has been handed down as a precious legacy to the grandson of its founder, Edward S. Dana, under whose able guidance, let us hope, that it may long continue. Wherever mineralogy or geology is taught, the unsurpassed text-books on these sub- jects by Dana, hold easy supremacy. His *ScIENCE, New Series, Vol. I., p. 489; May 3, 1895. NOVEMBER 3, 1899.] System of Mineralogy, first published in 1837 as a volume of 580 pages, passed toa second edition in 1844, a third in 1850, a fourth in 1854, and a fifth in 1866, when it had increased to 827 pages. The later edi- tions were prepared by his son. To these must be added four editions of his smaller Manual of Mineralogy, the last of which ap- peared in 1887, and was a duodecimo vol- ume of 518 pages. Of his mineralogy, Pow- ell says : Thus he was the first to give us a system of mineralogy ; but his work in this field did not end at that stage. He still pursued his inves- tigations, collecting from many fields and draw- ing from the collections of many others in many lands, until at last he developed a new system of mineralogy, placing the science on an endur- ing basis. This accomplishment alone was also worthy of a great man, and by it anew science was organized on a mathematical, chemical and physical basis.* The broader field of geology became his after his return from the exploring expedi- tion, and he published his Manual of Geol- ogy in 1862. Of this work one of his col- leagues says: The treatment of strata and fossils from a chronological point of view as historical geology is a characteristic feature of this manual. The growth and development of the earth, its con- tinents and seas, and the progress in the organic life on its surface, were thus unified into a special department of geology, the history of the earth and of its inhabitants, which was by other authors dealt with as formational, strati- graphic, or paleontologic geology. He prepared four editions of this work, the last of which appeared early in 1895, shortly before his death. As with his mineralogy he prepared an elementary text- book of geology, of which two editions * Memorial address on James Dwight Dana before the Scientific Societies of Washington, by John W. Powell, Sct=ENcE, New Series, Vol. III., February 7, 1896, p. 183. SCIENCE. 635 were published. Concerning his valuable work on geology, Powell said: So Dana’s Geology is not only a text-book of geology, but itis the hand-book for all National, State and local geologists, and all students in the field. It is the universal book of reference in that department of science. Other text- books haye been developed but no other hand- book for America. It isa vast repository of facts, but all arranged in such a manner as to constitute a geologic philosophy. It is on every worker’s table and is carried in the kit of every field observer. It has thus become the standard to which all scientific research is referred, and on which geologic reports are modeled.* Besides the foregoing, Dana was the au- thor of Coral Reefs and Islands, which he enlarged and published later as Corals and Corals Islands; of The Geological Story Briefly Told; The Characteristics of Vol- canoes; and The Four Rocks of the New Haven Region. In conclusion Powell says of him: Dana as a zoologist was great, Dana asa mineralogist was greater, but Dana as a geolo- gist was greatest, and Dana in all three was a a philosopher ; hence, Dana’s great work is en- during. + The ninth meeting of the American As- sociation was held in Providence, Rhode Island, and over that meeting John Torrey, ‘chief of American botanists,’{ presided. TORREY. Torrey was born in New York City in 1796, and was the son of Captain William Torrey, of the Continental army, from whom he inherited the much-prized eagle * Powell, op. cit., p. 184. fT Idem, p. 184. { Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1886, Vol. II., p. 267. John Torrey, by Asa Gray. In addition to the foregoing a sketch of Torrey accompanied by an engraved portrait on wood is contained in the Popular Science Monthly, Vol. III., p. 632. Also his portrait can be found in a History of the New York Academy of Science, by Herman Leroy Fairchild, New York, 1887. 636 of Cincinnati. His mother was also of an old New York family. The boy was edu- cated in his native city, and from Amos Eaton he learned ‘ the structure of flowers and the rudiments of botany.’* An educa- tion must have a broadening influence, and as he grew in years his interest in botany extended to chemistry and mineralogy, and finally to medicine, in which he was gradu- ated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1818. The practice of his chosen profession was not altogether con- genial to him, and turning again to botany he began his Flora of the Northern and Middle United States. He published a por- tion of this work in 1824, and then accepted an appointment as assistant surgeon in the United States Army in order to become professor of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology in the United States Military Acad- emy at West Point. His abilities as a teacher received ample recognition, for in 1827 he was called to the chair of chemistry and botany in the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, which he held until 1855. In 1830 he accepted the professorship in chemistry in Princeton, which he retained until 1854. These vari- ous collegiate appointments were then made emeritus, for on the establishment of the United States Assay Office in New York, in 1853, he was called to the charge of that place and held it until his death, twenty years later. Gray says: Tt must not be forgotten that he was for more than thirty years an active and distinguished teacher, mainly of chemistry, and in more than one institution at the same time; that he de- voted much time and remarkable skill and judgment to the practical applications of chem- istry, in which his counsels were constantly sought and too generously given.+ The foregoing quotation becomes espe- * Gray, op. cit,, p. 268. } Idem, p. 273. SCIENCE [N. S. Von. X. No. 253. cially significant when we remember that his botanical work, yet to be referred to, was accomplished in the intervals of his busy life. In 1836 he was appointed bota- nist to the State of New York, and in 1843 issued the two quarto volumes of which it has been so well said: ‘ No other state of the Union has produced a flora to compare with this.”’** Prior to the organization of the special scientific bureaus in Washing- ton, with their large staffs of competent specialists, it was the practice of the gov- ernment to refer the material collected by exploring expeditions to those most compe- tent to report on it, and the botany in those years for the most part was assigned to Torrey. He reported on the specimens col- lected by Captain John C. Frémont in the expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1845 ; on the plants gathered by Major William H. Emory on the reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth, Missouri, to San Diego, Cali- fornia, in 1848; on the specimen secured by Captain Howard Stansbury on his expedi- tion to the Great Salt Lake of Utah, in 1852; on those collected by Colonel John C. Frémont in California, in 1853 ; on those brought back from the Red River of Louis- jana, by Captain Randolph B. Marcy, in 1853; and those obtained by Captain Lorenzo Sitgreaves on his expedition to the Zufii and Colorado Rivers, in 1854. Then followed his elaborate memoirs on the botany of the various expeditions connected with the Pacific Railroad Survey during the years 1855-1860 ; the Mexican Boundary Survey in 1859, and the Colorado River Expedition in 1861. It was this succession of magnificent monographs on the flora of North America that gained for him an im- perishable reputation among the greatest of American botanists. His associates have honored his name by giving it to certain species of shade trees, and so all round the world Torreya taxifolia, * Idem, p. 271. Novemeer 3, 1899. ] Torreya californica, Torreya nucifera, Torreya grandis preserve his memory as green as their own perpetual verdure.* Marcus BenJAMIN. U.S. NatIonaL Museum. (To be continued.) THE HISTORY OF THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SCIENCE OF PRE-HISTORIC ANTHRO- POLOGY. Il. Paleolithic Age in the United States. The existence of the paleolithic stage of culture in America has been doubted, and, indved, strenuously denied by some of our scientists who are well up in archeology and prehistorie anthropology. My somewhat extensive travels with long stops and continuous examinations of many of the localities in Europe occupied by paleolithic man, especially among the cav- erns of the Dordogne district ; my personal acquaintance with most of the collections of paleolithic implements made in these countries ; my association with the leading investigators and believers in paleolithic occupation, have fitted me in a degree to judge of the subject which it would be mock modesty on my part to deny; while my dozen years’ service in the prehistoric department of the U. S. National Museum, gives me an. acquaintance with the' A meri- can specimens by which I may compare the specimens from the two countries in a peculiar manner which I hope is not with- out its value. The original discovery of a paleolithic period was made in Europe. The determ- ining characteristics of that period have been decided only in Europe, and it must be principally by comparison with the evi- dence there that we are to determine the existence of a corresponding period in America. This evidence is furnished (in Hurope) largely by geology and by paleon- * Gray, op. cit., p. 276. SCIENCE. 637 tology. As has been described, discoveries of the remains of man, either physical or industrial (technologic), have been made in, and belong to, quaternary deposits, determined either by the geologic strata in which they were found, or the paleon- tologic objects with which they were as- sociated. This species of evidence is, to a considerable extent, lacking in America. The European conditions have been found to exist in but few localities; yet America is not entirely without instances. Dr. Koch found a mammoth skeleton in Missouri, associated with which were flint weapons of human manufacture. It and the weap- ous are now displayed in the Berlin Mu- seum. Dr. Dickeson found at Natchez, Mississippi, the buried skeletal remains of a megalonyx superposed on a portion of a human skeleton. The human skeleton from Guadeloupe, now at Paris, was encased in coquina, a rock made of shells belonging to the quaternary, though not exclusively so. The Iron Man of Sarasota Bay, Florida, found by Judge John G. Webb, was com- pletely fossilized and changed to limonite. A fossilized human caleaneum was found by Col. Joseph Wilcox, of Philadelphia, in the same neighborhood with a quaternary shell forming part of the mass. Three similar instances were found in the same country in separated localities, showing them to have been different individuals ; some of these have been encased in bog iron ore, others in indurated sandstone appar- ently as solid as though formed at the bot- tom of the ocean. The Nampa Image has been cited as evidence of high antiquity of man in America, and while its genuineness has been questioned, the attacks upon it are far from being successful. The Calaveras skull has been the subject of much hilarious scientific criticism bord- ering on contempt. The facts of its discov- ery should be subjected to painstaking and detailed investigation before the results of 638 SCIENCE. those facts are assumed. Whatever may be the conclusions concerning the fraudu- lent character of this specimen based upon its alleged ‘planting’ by contemporary miners, as a practical joke to ‘fool Pro- fessor Whitney,’ it should be remarked that the evidence favoring this charge is itself open to as grave suspicions as is the rankest fraud ever perpetrated. The geo- logic changes of that country have been so great, that it requires the gravest consider- ation and an intimate study or knowledge of all the facts before any one is justified in passing upon the archeologic question. I cannot here or now investigate the subject from either of these view points. I am not a geologist and I have never visited the lo- cality. I can only suggest some of the points to be considered before a conclusion is reached, and raise a warning or danger flag to those who would decide against the authenticity of the specimen on insufficient or a priori grounds. The Stanislaus river, at the time of the deposition of the lava and gravel in which the skull was found, ran down the side of Table mountain in the same neighborhood in which it now runs, but its valley was then some fifteen hundred feet higher than at present ; that is, since the valley of the Stanislaus was choked up and the water turned aside by the eruption of lava and the deposit of cemented gravel, the deflected river has cut or eroded a new channel fifteen hundred or more feet deeper into the earth than was the earlier channel. This will give some idea of the immensity of time and the great surface changes with which we have to deal. Many implements and objects of undoubted human origin have been found in divers localities in California, alleged to have been imbedded in the same kind of gravels and to have formed part of similar deposits. Itis part of the argument against the Calaveras skull to assail the au- thenticity of their discovery. First it was [N. S. Von. X. No. 253. charged that these finds were made by miners, laymen, ignorant and unaccustomed to recognize or describe them with scien- tific accuracy ; but this was answered when Professor Clarence King, then head of the Geological Survey of the United States, and the highest scientific authority, found one of the pestles in situ, imbedded in the ce- mented gravel under the lava cap, that he recognized its character before he exhumed it, and in view of the importance of the question involved, proceeded with care to dig it out. He preserved it, brought it to Washington, and placed it in its lawful depository, the U. 8. National Museum, where it now is. It is remarkable that similar implements and objects to the num- ber of about three hundred should have been found, alleged by their finders to have been dug out of the gravels under the lava cap in various localities in California—it is. remarkable, I say that these should all have been frauds, and their finders either swindlers and liars, or else have duped themselves hy their own discoveries. Cali- fornia miners have been generally credited with more astuteness than to be their own dupes, while it is curious if a whole state or a whole class within a state should com- bine in a general swindle and lie, out of which no profit, present or prospective, was possible. The objection has been made that these implements are polished or ground, at least pecked or hammered ready for polishing, therefore belong to the Neo- lithie or polished stone age; and this it is. alleged is incompatible with their great an- tiquity. Some American archeologists as- sert that chipped stone implements were more difficult to make than polished ones, and on the well-recognized principle that. the simplest and easiest way was the earli- est, while the more complex and difficult: ways came later, they insist with pertinac- ity that European classification is erroneous, and that the relative chronological positions. NovEMBER 3, 1899.] of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages should be reversed. This view, if accepted, would satisfactorily explain the apparent anomaly of the California implements. The real answer to this objection is that we know but, little concerning California prehistoric archeology. It presents many problems which have not been solved, nor indeed do we seem to be in the way of solving them. Some of these are as follows : The Indian languages of the Pacific slope have peculiarities as yet unexplained. A A fringe of country lying between the coast range and the ocean contains a greater number of stocks or families of languages (29) than all the rest of North America combined.* The reason for this has never been ex- plained even theoretically or tentatively. The arrowpoints and spearheads of the Pa- cific Coast are notably different from those of other parts of the country. To such ex- tent is this true that in my classification of these implements and weaponst I was compelled to make a separate class for the accommodation of the implements from this district. Pottery, forming the most serviceable, and which might be considered the-most important, domestic utensils, and as such used by nearly all prehistoric and primitive peoples, makes complete default on the Pacific Coast; this, too, while their neighbors, the natives of Mexico and the Pueblo country, even the wild and savage Papagos, make and use it continually, some being of the largest forms with the finest decorations. Basketry in some cases super- sedes pottery for carrying liquids, and the finest in America and perhaps in the world, either in ancient or modern times, are to be found on the California coast. { * See Major Powell’s Linguistic Map ; Seventh An- nual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1885-86, pp. 7-142. + Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1897. {See the Hudson Collection just purchased by and now in the U.S. National Museum. - SCIENCE. 639 The ollas (carrying or cooking jars taking the place of pottery) are made of stone (serpentine) instead of clay. These are some of the California anomalies. When the problems presented by them have been satisfactorily solved, that relating to pol- ished stone implements may not appear so difficult. It has been objected that the stone im- plements of seemingly so high antiquity were not water worn and bore no traces of long or distant transportation by the moun- tain streams. An answer is patent. There is no evidence that they were transported or rolled any distance by water, and until this fact be established, there is no need to attempt the demonstration of its cause. We should establish the fact before we ex- plain its cause. The study of California archeology, in order that it be satisfactory, requires a union of three scientists: the archeologist, the geologist, and the historian who shall act as lawyer and judge. The Calaveras skull incident has closed, has passed. into history, and its facts are to be determined by evidence, the same as any other fact in history. The first question is, did Mattison actually find the skull as he says he did? and second, had it been planted in order to ‘fool Professor Whitney’? I think if this issue was made up to be tried before a court and jury on the lawful evidence submitted, the answers would be in the affirmative on the first question and negative as to the second. Until this issue is determined, it is folly to try the case by popular clamor and to denounce its possible believers or pour vials of contempt and contumely upon their heads. Because I have favored the authenticity and genuineness of specimens which have been assailed, I would not have it under- stood that I am deluded into the belief that all specimens are genuine. I recognize that frauds have been committed, that 640 fraudulent specimens have been manufac- tured, planted, dug up and sold as genuine, and that great deceptions have been prac- ticed. JI have not hesitated to attack and destroy their claims whenever presented. But I here contend that in passing on the genuineness of specimens, we should decide fairly and honestly. We should first get possession of all the facts, sift them to their last residuum of truth, and, giving each fact its fair and due weight, decide the question according to our best and truest judgment. This should be done ‘ without prejudice or preconceived opinion.’ It is unfair to decide such questions in advance of knowledge of the evidence; it is un- scientific to decide a prior? that so-and-so is true because it must be true, and so-and-so is not true because it can’t be true. I heard one who claimed to be a prehistoric anthro- pologist say that he would not believe a certain object to be a genuine find if he had found it himself. It is obviously impossi- ble to argue with, much less convince, such a man. In determining these contested ques- tions, I have ever sought to be impartial and, above all things, honest. It is only thus that we can hope to arrive at the truth. Boucher de Perthes’s discovery of paleo- lithic implements in original and undis- turbed quaternary river gravels has been described in its appropriate place in this address. After the proposition that these were re- mains of human industry had been ac- cepted, the European investigators drew deductions based on the similarity of objects and implements found in other localities where the geologic or paleontologic evi- dences were not so plain or so plentiful, and the finding of paleolithic implements alone has been accepted as evidence of human occupation during that period. The same practice has been pursued in America. The deposit at Trenton, New Jersey, is accepted by geologists as belong- SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 253. ing to the quaternary period; and while the finding therein of paleolithic imple- ments or human remains has been disputed, it seems to have occurred so often, and these finds to have been so numerous that it can- not long continue to be denied. The dis- covery of a mammoth tusk in the Trenton gravels, now on exhibition at Rutgers Col- lege, New Brunswick, N. J., is confirmatory evidence not to be overlooked or lightly re- garded. I do not propose to enter into a discussion of the weather beaten subject of the Trenton gravels. I presented a paper before this section at the Detroit meeting,* by which I still stand. The same sort of evidence is furnished by the Tuscarawas specimen found by Mr. Mills in the glacial till of Ohio, and described by Professor Wright.; Likewise the implement found by Dr. Hilbourne T. Cresson, Delaware, and made the subject of a paper by Pro- fessor Wright, read before this Section at this meeting. The chapter on High Plateau paleoliths deals with paleolithic chipped flint imple- ments found in England on the surface ; others of the same nature have been found, still on the surface, in France on the high plateaux between the rivers Seine and Yonne. These have been recognized by every one who is competent to have an opinion, as true paleoliths. The same condition ap- plies to certain localities in the United States, that is to say, on the plateaux on the headwaters of certain rivers beyond the erosion by which the valleys were formed. So there have been found on the surface in the United States many chipped flint imple- ments which from their size, shape, appearance and mode of manufacture, are identical to the smallest detail with the * Published in Volume XLVI., 1897, pp. 381-383, of the Proceedings. + Popular Science Monthly, July, 1891, Vol. XX XIX., No. 3, pp. 314-319. Man and the Glacial period, pp. 251-3. NOVEMBER 3, 1899. ] recognized paleolithic implements of Eu- rope. These are dissimilar to the prehis- toric implements of every other period in any country, and if there is any force or truth in the argument of similarity of cul- ture from, or by reason of, similarity of im- plements, between two widely separated peoples using them, this would seem to es- tablish the existence of a paleolithic period in America as well as in Europe. Dr. Brinton and Professor Putnam, though oc- cupying antagonistic positions on many of these questions, both seem to concede the an- tiquity of man on the American continent. Dr. Brinton’s address heretofore men- tioned, contains two or three pregnant sen- tences on the subject of man’s antiquity in America which, coming from him, are no- ticeable, and I quote them approvingly : There is, however, a class of monuments of much greater antiquity. * * * These are the artificial shell heaps which are found along the shores of both oceans and many rivers in both North and South America. They correspond to the kitchen middens of European archeology. * * * The shells are by no means all of modern type. Many are of species now wholly extinct, or extinct in the locality. This fact alone carries us back to an antiquity which must be numbered by many thousands of years before our era. * %* * ‘This class of monuments, therefore, supply us data which prove man’s existence in America in what some call the diluvial, others the quaternary, and others again the pleistocene epoch, that character- ized by the presence of extinct species. Professor Putnam, in his address at this meeting said : That man was on the American Continent in quaternary times, and possibly still earlier, seems to me as certain as that he was in the Old World during the same period. Antiquity of the Red Race in America. Not to split hairs over names, I suppose we should all agree upon the generic name of ‘ Red Race,’ and as I have some definite opinions as to the antiquity of the red race in America, I may make a résumé of my position. SCIENCE. 644 If we accept the theory: of the unity of the human species and its origin from a single stock, we must agree that the human species either originated on the Western Hemisphere and migrated to the Eastern, or else the reverse. Whether it originated in America or came here by migration, the conclusion seems irrefutable that it started with but comparatively few individuals, they occupied but one, or few localities, they grew to have practically the same indus- tries, and they spoke practically the same language. Professor Putnam * contends that there was more than one race and so there may have been more than one migra- tion and more than one colony. This, if accepted (and I make no dispute over it), does not materially affect my proposition. There were surely but few colonies with but few members in each. From these small beginnings, the red race had, prior to the discovery of America, spread over the en- tire Hemisphere, from the Arctic Ocean to Terra del Fuego, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; it had increased, we can only suppose in the natural way, from a single pair or score or possibly a hundred indi- viduals, to the seven or eleven millions which are said to have been the numbers at the time of Columbus’s discovery; and their migrations had been sufficiently extended and the separation sufficiently pronounced and maintained, as that the language orig- inally spoken had increased to the great number of which we now know. ft There is a difference or distinction in the ground or polished implements and objects of the ancient man of North America, which indicates a high antiquity. The In- dian made and used, at the time of the discovery, certain implements and objects * See his Presidential Address. {The Bureau of American Ethnology estimates the number of the different stock languages at fifty- six among the American Indians ; while the number of dialects is estimated at two hundred and over. 642 which have been continued in modern times by which he can easily be recognized and identified. Many of these are of the same type as those in Europe in neolithic times. But there are certain others, also ground, polished and drilled, some showing a high order of mechanism, art and in- dustry, which had gone out of use and had ° become prehistoric among the Indians them- selves. They have been found in mounds and show a pre-Columbian and ancient origin. The objects referred to are usually of the class termed ceremonial: banner- stones, bird-shaped, boat-shaped, spade- shaped, gorgets, tablets drilled or in- scribed, sinkers, pendants or charms, tubes and certain specimens of stone pipes. The mounds themselves indicate a great an- tiquity, but their building and use seems also to have continued into later and pos- sibly into modern times. The antiquity of the mounds has been a subject of great con- tention, but I refer to a foregoing quotation from Dr. Brinton,* and also the address of Professor Putnam delivered at this meeting (p. 73), where he says : Many of these shell mounds are of great antiquity * * * and cannot be regarded as the work of one people. * * * Thus it will be seen that the earth mounds, like the shell mounds, were made by many people and at various times. * * * So far as the older earthworks, such as Newark, Liberty, High- bank and Marietta group, the Turner, the Hopewell group, the Cahokia mound of St. Louis, the Serpent mound of Adams County, Forts Ancient and Hill and many others, have been investigated, they have proved to be of considerable antiquity. This is shown by the formation of a foot or more of vegetable growth upon their steep sides, by the primeval character of the forest growth upon them, and by the probability that many of these works, covering hundreds of acres, were planned and built upon the river terra¢es before the growth of the virgin forest. If the above facts in regard to the origin of man on the Western Hemisphere be ac- cepted as true (and it is difficult to see how * Ante, p. 73. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 253. they can be evaded), the conclusions an nounced of the minimum high antiquity of man in America seems incontrovertible ; and I am glad to stand with Dr. Brinton and Professor Putnam in maintaining the same conclusion, however much we may differ as to the arguments by which it is reached. We have assumed a migration from the Eastern Hemisphere as a means of ac- counting for the human occupation of the Western ; how it comes that the human product in the Western Hemisphere should be different from its progenitors in the Eastern, is not involved in this discussion. The question belongs to the earlier one of the origin of races. If we question how the Red Race of America could have sprung from either one of the three or four races of the Eastern Hemisphere, we are involved in equal obscurity as to how the three races of the Eastern Hemisphere should have sprung from a single stock, assuming, as we have, the unity of the human species. The dis- cussion of this question is not here perti- nent; it belongs to another branch of the science of anthropology and is to be dis- cussed otherwheres. If we accept the the- ory of the unity of the human species and that they all sprung from one stock, the conclusion may as well be accepted as to the formation of the Red Race in America, as to the Yellow in Asia, the White in Eu- rope and the Black race in Africa. The problem of the peopling of America has been dealt with theoretically by M. de Quatrefages in his ‘ Histerie Generale des Races Humaines,’ wherein he assumes a combination of thirty individuals of the Yellow, twenty of the White, and ten of the Black race, who, placed on the common basis of an isolated colony anywhere in the Western Hemisphere would, by amalga- mation and procreation, produce a race with the principal characteristics of the Red. - NOVEMBER 3, 1899.] Migrations of the Red Race in America. Continuing our stand on the theory of the unity of the human species, we recog- nize that all the different races must have sprung from one stock, and this could have been done only by the most intimate phys- ical connection. No theory of similarity of human thought and need will even assist in explaining this fact. The difficulties of mi- gration all disappear before it ; distances of time and place are as nothing. On the basis that the human species sprang from a single stock, the conclusion is not to be evaded that all the races, the Red among the rest, descended from the stock, generation after generation, from father to son and from’ mother to daughter; and this must have been true from the time of the first human pair down to those born in A. D., 1899. This proves the communication and rela- tionship between all individuals of the human species and a priori that all human occupation of different countries, or pas- sages from one country to another must have been accomplished by migration. On this subject Sir John Lubbock (Pre- historic Times, p. 587) says: Assuming, of course, the unity of the human race, there can be no doubt that men originally“crept over the earth’s surface, little by little, year by year, just, for instance, as the weeds of Lurope are now gradu- ally, butsurely creeping over the surface of Australia. On this assumption, the questions of human migration, and with it the migra- tion or importation of human industries, settle themselves. If the people migrated, they carried their industries with them. Their knowledge of implements, utensils and weapons, and how to make them, ought to be substantially the same in both countries, the country of immigration as in the coun- try of emigration, and this we find to be true. If the prehistoric man migrated from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western, and SCIENCE. 643 commenced his occupation at the early pe- riod, the Paleolithic, as suggested by Dr. Brinton and as indicated by the possible existence here of paleolithic implements, he must have brought with him the knowledge of paleolithic industries, whatever those may have been. He may have come over in the Paleolithic period and had either a continued communication or a renewal of the migration. If his migration or the re- newal thereof was not until the Neolithic period, then he brought with him the knowledge of that period. If we are to de- termine this by the similarity of industries, we would say that the last migration in prehistoric times was during the Neolithic period. Waiving for the moment any dis- cussion as to whether the man of the Neo- lithic period was still in the savage stage of culture or had advanced to the barbaric, it is remarkable that the industries between the two countries should have been so nearly identical. Nearly every industry that would belong to a savage or barbaric people which might be regarded as neces- sary to their comfort if not their existence, is found in both Hemispheres, and in both substantially alike. In many industries, that is in the making and use of many im- plements, utensils, or weapons, they were exactly alike. There was in these cases, an absolute identity ; the differences were not greater between the implements, etc., of the two Hemispheres than between those of any two countries in the same Hemisphere. Similarity of Human Culture no Evidence of Similarity of Race, but is of Communication. The similarity between man’s culture in Europe during the Neolithic period, and that in America during the pre-Columbian period, extended to nearly every industrial object of importance relating to the lives of the two peoples. Nearly everything relat- ing to tools or implements which one gen- 644 eration or one people could teach another, existed in both countries. I speak, not of the tastes, habits, customs, folk-lore, games, traditions, religions, beliefs, etc., which may or may not have been continued from one country to another, these may have perished or been lost in transmission ; but I speak of the serious things of life, those which go to make epochs of culture, which determine civilization, questions involving sustenance of life, such as implements, utensils, weapons, the means by which life was maintained and made possible. I may speak, also, of the tools with which these implements were made and the method of their manufacture.* The lines on which this parallel are drawn are so broad as to include practically all savage or barbarian needs. The industries of chipping, batter- ing, pecking, grinding, polishing, sawing and drilling were all applied to stone, bone, horn and wood, and were identical in Europe and America. The implements made from these materials and by these methods were similar, if not identical, in the two countries: stone hatchets, bow and arrows, spearheads, knives, scrapers, grind- ers, mortars and pestles, gouges, chisels, hammers. There is not more difference be- tween these tools in the two Hemispheres than there is between them in any two countries in the same Hemisphere. A series of polished stone hatchets from Scioto Val- ley, Ohio, will, save only the difference in material, correspond favorably in form, size, mode of manufacture and possible use, with a, like prehistoric series from almost any other country in the world. The same is true of all the implements mentioned in the list above. Pottery, which figures so ex- tensively in the life of primitive man, was substantially the same in the two Hemis- * The architecture and possibly the sociology of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru should be ex- cepted from this general statement and subjected to special investigation. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 253. pheres; spindle-whorls and thread, on which depended the art of weaving, and all the paraphernalia of nets and snares for catching game; these, like the others, were practically the same in both Hemispheres. There were differences in size, weight, ma- terial and ornamentation, but throughout the prehistoric period, they were sub- stantially the same utensils. We find plenty of prehistoric weaving, more in Hu- rope than in America, probably because the latter peoples wore clothing and made tents of skins; but the invention and use of the loom by which the product of the spindle-whorl could be utilized, was a ma- chine of great intricacy and difficulty of manufacture. This intricacy and difficulty becomes magnified when we consider that the loom and the spindle-whorl form to- gether but parts of the same machine and that to a large extent each depended on the other. When we find the machines and their products practically the same in both countries, it is an argument of great weight and carries with it a power of conviction. One of the important industries in primi- tive life, whether savage or barbarian, was the treatment of skins of animals for tents or clothing. The first and most necessary implement for the treatment of skins is the scraper, and this is as true of the modern tannery as it was in the time of the shep- herds on the plains of Chaldea. The scrapers of Europe and America are iden- tical. The skins of prehistoric times in both countries, whether of tents or of cloth- ing, have perished, and no traces of them are found ; but the flint scrapers remain as a sat- isfactory and convincing evidence of the treatment of the material, and that in this, the early men of Europe and America were alike. Lest some critic should pick a flaw in the foregoing statement of facts, I mention the teshoa, a kind of scraper peculiar to the foot-hills on the eastern slopes of the Rocky NOVEMBER 3, 1899. ] Mountains. It has been described by Pro- fessor Leidy, and specimens have been sent to the museum by Col. P. H. Ray. They were spauls from boulders, witha sharp edge, and were knocked off by the Indians during their buffalo hunts, used temporarily and left. This is believed to be the only excep- tion to the universality of the stone scraper of the Neolithic age anywhere throughout the world. Speaking of the similarities between the industries and implements of the two Hem- - ispheres, I have used the term ‘identical,’ and the word is correct. There may be a difference in detail, arising from the separa- tion of time and distance, but with all that, they were the same industries, the imple- ments were the same, made of the same kind of material, by the same process and to serve the same purpose. If there is a difference between these industries and ob- jects in the two Hemispheres, it is like the difference between the present fashion in dress in France and in the United States. But there will be a difference between the fashions of Paris and London or, to make it more patent, between the city-folk and the peasants, whether of France, Holland, Sweden, Scotland or Iveland. So are there differences between the fashions of the various cities or states in the United States ; yet in all these countries, among all these peoples, however widely separated they may be, the difference is only of fashion; and all the costumes worn are at last the same articles of dress. This is a fair illustration of the differences between the stone hatchets or the arrowpoints and spearheads of pre- historic times in the countries named. In Europe the stone hatchet was inserted in its handle, though there may have been variations of the mode of fastening. Ar- rived in America, we find the same stone hatchet, handled also by insertion. When the European neolithic man wanted an axe or a heavier chopping or splitting implement, SCIENCE. 645, he drilled a hole through the axe and in- serted a handle, sledge-fashion. The pre- historic American did not adopt this style. He made a groove and tied a withe around his axe. This was a difference in detail between the style of implement of the two countries. It was not because the European man did not know to make a groove and put a withe around it, for his mining tools were made in that way ; nor, on the other hand, was it because the American could not drill a hole in stone, for he drilled as much and as finely as did the European. There were other differences of detail. The pottery of America may be larger and more finely made, but in both Hemispheres. the processes were practically the same. There is as much difference to-day in pot- tery making establishments in adjoining shires or counties in either of the two countries, as there is between the countries. themselves. Ornaments of stone and shell may be dif- ferent in the two countries, but they are at: last but ornaments, and as such have their local fashion. There may be other differences with other implements and industries, but they are of degree rather than of kind. I may fairly stand by the proposition that there will be found as great differences between the primitive or prehistoric industries, for ex- ample between those of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of America, between those of the United States and Mexico and Central America, as will be found between those of Europe and America; so, also, will there be as much difference between the industries. and implements of the dolmen people and the lake dwellers, or between those in the Scandinavian and the Iberian Peninsulas. Basketry may serve as an illustration. We have just received, at the U. S. Na- tional Museum, a fine collection of primi- tive basketry from California, representa- 646 tive of the Pacific Slope. It differs greatly from the prehistoric basketry of either Eu- rope or the Atlantic Slope in that it is much finer and better made, but the stitches and plaiting are on the same general system and done in the same general style. While the difference is marked it is at last one of de- tail and may be explained. A theory by which the present difference may be ex- plained is that the art became perfected in California, not alone since the migrations from Europe, but since the establishment of the Indians on the Pacific Coast, while it has died out on the Atlantic Coast. Bronze found no lodgment in North America. The results of these successive differentiations become rapidly more complicated, and would as rapidly rob the calculus of most of its ad- vantages if the function vy be allowed to retain its arbitrary character. For convenience x (x) is made equal unity and we have dx = dx = -.. = 0, which expresses that x is equicrescent, i. e., that the differential of the independent variable is independent of the variable. However it is only necessary to call in the fundamental prin- ciple of the integral calculus to show that every form of calculus resulting from a change of form in the function x reduces to the ordinary calculus; the reduction is effected in precisely the same manner that a change of independent variable is made. Thus, there is always a func- tion t of a whose derivative is 1: x (x), then il ey ees Bl No Bf as gape ated dt — t/a) — rate) ay(a) =a, dt—d%t 0. The possibility of a calculus in which no variable possesses a constant differential is not excluded, but it is certain that the simplicity and homogeneity of its formule and the pre- cision with which the ordinary calculus assigns the orders of its infinitesimals will not be among the advantages of the new calculus. It may be remarked here in passing that a Norwegian mathematician attempted a few years ago to found a new calculus, in which the fundamental rdle taken by addition and sub- traction in the ordinary calculus was assigned to the operations of multiplication and division, The resulting forms yielded certain continued products, but were otherwise fruitless. The sixth and seventh chapters contain the geometrical applications to plane and space curves. These chapters must have offered a sore temptatation to the author to make exclu- sive use of his own elegant method of intrinsic analysis, but the reader finds no method em- ployed to the exclusion of all others. The ap- plications follow the usual order of tangents, normals, curvature, asymptotes, singularities, contacts, and envelopes. The examples are happily chosen, and the chapters amply illus- trated with well executed figures. 690 The elements of the theory of surfaces are in- troduced in the eighth chapter and applied to ruled surfaces and envelopes. The theory of curvature is elaborated in detail, including the notions of mean curvature due to Germain, total curvature conceived by Gauss, and quad- ratic curvature of Casorati. The chapter con- cludes with the determination and properties of the remarkable lines of a surface. The ninth chapter begins the study of the in- verse problems by presenting the fundamental concepts and rules of simple and multiple inte- gration. The tenth chapter evaluates the well- known forms of rational, irrational and trans- cendental indefinite integrals, and terminates with certain classes of definite integrals, includ- ing elliptic and eulerian integrals; the nature of thee xample is indicated by the following, which occurs in the study of vortices: ab 20 Qn cos Ad0 V a2 + b? + c2— 2ab cos 4 After making the ordinary applications to mensuration in the eleventh chapter, the author undertakes the elements of the theory of differ- ential equations in the twelfth chapter. The dis- tinctions between the notions general, particu- lar, and singular integral are clearly made. The cases of integrable ordinary differential equa- tions are classified as follows : 1° variables sepa- rable ; 2° functions homogeneous ; 3° one varia- ble absent ; 4° second order equation lacking one variable always reducible to one of first order ; 5° linear equation; 6° Bernouilli’s equation ; 7° Clairaut’s equation ; 8° the form y= x¢ (y’) + (y’), when not a Clairaut equation is reduci- ble to a linear equation ; 9° Riccati’s equation and its characteristic property that the anhar- monic ratio of any four particular integrals is constant.‘ No reference is made to Lie’s theo- ries. A well selected list of resolved problems is followed by geometrical applications of dif- ferential equations to plane curves, trajectories and surfaces. The general linear equation and equations with constant coefficients are studied somewhat in extenso. Passing then to equations in more than two variables, the author takes up total differential equations and simultaneous ordinary equations and terminates the chapter SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 254. with a short treatment of the partial differential equation. The last chapter of the book gives the ele- mentary notions of the calculus of variations in six pages. The volume concludes with ‘notes on the concept of limit, oscillatory extremes, demonstration of Cantor’s theorem, Hadamard’s theorem, minima and maxima of functions, cusps and flexions at a pole, torsion of curves, calculation of the curvature of a surface, formule of Rodrigues, general formula of Stirling. E. O. LOvETT. PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY. Pflanzen- und Tierverbreitung, in Hann, Hochstet- ter und Pokomy, Algemeine Erdkunde. By A. KrrcHHorr. Verlag, F. Tempsky, Wien. Aufl. 5. 1899. This volume, by Alfred Kirchhoff, forms the third part of the new edition of a well-known and compendious manual of pure as distin- guished from economic geography. It main- tains the high standard of the preceding parts by Hann and by Brickner, and is a welcome ad- dition to the literature of geo-biology. Of the 157 figures, a large proportion are not easily accessible elsewhere or are quite new. The maps, while not emphasizing the developmental phases of faunal and floral distribution as do, for example, those of Engler, are, neverthe- less, more nearly in accord with modern ideas. than those of Grisebach or Decandolle. The ecological factors are, by no means, neglected, as they were so generally in the older books. While it is true that they are scarcely so ex- haustively discussed and laboriously analyzed as in the special treatises of Warming and Schimper, yet they are clearly, ably and ade- quately presented. Kirchhoff’s work, has a certain advantage over the special Tierlebens and Pflanzen-geographies in its broad outlook upon both the fields of biological science. It falls naturally enough into three divisions, the first including the general discussion of the rela- tions between the earth and the organisms that inhabit it, the second comprising the analysis of floral, and the third that of faunal regions. The peculiar excellence of the treatment is apparent at once in the opening chapters on the migrations. of organisms, on the environmental conditions NoveMBER 10, 1899.] of plants and animals, on the modifications and hereditary distribution, and particularly, per- haps, in the very admirable fifth chapter of the first part which, under the title of ‘elements of plant and animal distribution’ gives precisely the catholic and panoramic view of geograph- ical distribution that must be regarded as most desirable. Here are included with much wealth of illustration and judgment as to detail, accounts of the distribution of species, both plant and animal, of genera and of families and orders. Statistics of distribution, physiog- nomic and climatic groups, plant and animal zones, domesticated plants and animals and colonial aggregates are skilfully compiled and made the basis for useful generalization. . The second chapter, that dealing with floral regions, reminds one upon the whole of the Grisebachian discussion, though somewhat tem- pered by recent research. It is scarcely abreast, however, of the. work of Drude and a list of the Florenreichen will show that the tone, on the whole, is analytic rather than synthetic. They are as follows: Northern, Mediterranean, Tur- anian, Hast Asian, Indian, tropical African, South African, tropical American, extra trop- ical South American, Australian, New Zeal- andian, Polynesian, Oceanic, making in all thirteen principal floral divisions of the earth. The omission of an Antarctic region seems scarcely to be justified. The principal regions of faunal distributions are slightly different and are added here for comparison. They are: North-polar, Northern, Eurasian, Mediterra- nean, Turanian, Indian, Trans-Saharan, Mada- gascaran, North American, tropical American, Andian-Argentine, West Indian, Australian, Papuan, New Zealandian, Polynesian and Oceanic, making in all seventeen principal faunal regions. That the divisions for plants and animals correspond so generally is impres- sively indicated by these classifications. Minor differences, however, exist and indicate the rather stronger climatic influence upon the sta- tionary plants and the relatively stronger influ- ence of insular isolation upon the locomotive animals. Thus Papuan, West Indian and Mada- gascaran divisions are necessary in the classifi- cation of animal groups, but not in that of plant societies. Again, North America, exclu- SCIENCE. 691 sive of the polar regions, becomes a single province for animals, while for plants it is di- vided into two upon a basis of climate. A quite insufficient index closes the volume, and it is to be regretted that its stores of useful and sometimes elaborate information are not made more easily accessible. Conway MaAcMILLAN. Sewage-Analysis. By J. ALFRED WANKLYN and WILLIAM JOHN CooPEeR. A practical treatise on the examination of sewage and affluents from sewage. Including also a chapter on Utilization and Purification of Sewage. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott Company. 1899. Pp. xvi-+ 220. The first eighty-two pages are devoted to an- alytical processes not essentially different from those published in ‘ Wanklyn’s Water Analysis,’ and in view of the fact that polluted water and sewage differ but in degree of pollution, it is reasonable to doubt the necessity of repeating information such as this to those already familiar with water methods. One must always open with respect a book bearing the name of ‘ Wanklyn,’ but in these days of active and accurate water investigation it would seem that the author of the ‘ Albumi- noid Ammonia Process’ has hardly kept in touch with what advances have been made by those who would be glad to be accounted his pupils. Thus the old writing paper packing for the retort neck is yet retained in the treatise under consideration; and a confidence is re- posed in the ‘goodness’ of ‘good tap-water’ for final rinsing, which many water-analysts know to be misplaced. Much space has been given to criticisms of methods of which the authors do not approve, and the style of such criticism suggests the old acrimonious discus- sion of some years ago. It is most unfortunate that the authors should have seen fit to refer to the oxidation of organic compounds through the action of germ life as ‘a fashionable fad and delusion of the day’; nor is it seemly to announce that ‘‘ neither is the burning of the kitchen-fire nor the action of the steam-engine a manifestation of bacterial action.’’ Such remarks strike the reader as unworthy 692 of men of repute. Under the section dealing with sewage purification, there is no mention whatever of the work done by the Massachusetts Board of Health. The appendix is voluminous and consists largely of extracts from previous papers pub- lished by the authors during the years 1866 to 1891. W. P. MAson. Laboratory Manual, Experiments to Illustrate the Elementary Principles of Chemistry. By H. W. Hitityer, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Wis- consin. New York, The Macmillan Com- pany. 1899. Pp. vi+200. Price, 90 cents. After a short chapter on manipulation, this manual is divided into two parts. Part I. is given to the preparation and properties of the elements and their compounds. The usual illustrative experiments are given, all of these being of a purely qualitative character. A few problems for calculation are, however, inserted. Part II. is devoted to the verification of quantita- tive laws, especially the laws of constant and multiple proportion, the laws of combination for gases, and vapor densities. Very much, of course, depends on the teacher, but there seems to be some danger that the work of many stu- dents with the first part of this book will degen- erate into merely playing with chemicals. The old method of preparing stannic chloride given on page 144 might, with advantage, be replaced by that of Lorenz, (Zeit. f. Anorg. Ch. 10, 44.). Inorganic Chemical Preparations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1899. Pp. xviii+57. Price, 60 cents. The study of inorganic chemical preparations deserves a much larger place than has usually been assigned to the subject in chemical courses. The selection of topics in Dr. Lengfeld’s book is excellent. Some of the directions are, perhaps, a little too concise for the use of students who have not had a good deal of laboratory experi- ence. Without close watching many students would certainly fall into serious mistakes—but, then, a student often learns more from a mis- take than by doing a thing right the first time. W. A. NoYes. SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 254. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. THE American Journal of Science for Novem- ber contains the following articles : ‘Types of March Weather in the United States,’ by O. L. Fassig. ‘Some new Minerals from the Zinc Mines at Frank- lin, N. J., and Note concerning the Chemical Com- position of Ganomalite,’ by S. L. Penfield and C. H. Warren. ‘ Action of Acetylene on the Oxides of Copper,’ by F. A. Gooch and DeF. Baldwin. “Andesites of the Aroostock Volcanic Area of Maine,’ by H. E. Gregory. “ New mode of occurrence of Ruby in North Caro- lina,’ by J. W. Judd and W. E. Hidden. With Crys- tallographic Notes by J. H. Pratt. The Osprey for October, makes its appearance under new editors and is a particularly good number, being very strong in interesting notes. The first article, ‘The Home of a Pair of Wood Thrushes’ is by R. W. Johnson; then follow ‘The Butcher Bird in Florida,’ by Mrs. M. A. Ohlinger; ‘ Peculiar Nesting of the Hooded Merganser,’ by Glen Rinker; ‘ Robin Recitals and Variations,’ by P. M. Silloway, and ‘ Nesting of the Bald Eagle,’ by Wm. H. Fisher. The principal article, ‘Wild Guinea-Fowl of Bar- buda,’ by Frederick A. Ober, is in that writer’s best vein. L. A. Fuertes notes the occurrence of ‘Two Rare Warblers at Ithaca.’ In the cor- respondence Mr. J. Parker Norris replies to his critics in a letter on ‘The Utility of Large Series of Eggs.’ Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly, for No- vember, contains a portrait and sketch of Dr. George M. Sternberg, Surgeon-General, U.S. A. The number also contains an article on Cambridge University by Mr. Herbert Stotes- bury with portraits of Sir Michael Foster, Pro- fessors J. J. Thomson, G. H. Darwin, Henry Sidgwick and James Ward, Dr. Donald Mac- alister and Sir George Stokes. Other articles are on ‘Wireless Telegraphy,’ by Professor John Trowbridge; ‘Emigrant Diamonds in America,’ by Dr. Wm. H. Hobbs; ‘ On Spider Bites’ and ‘ Kissing Bugs,’ by Dr. L. O. How- ard, and a review of Wallace’s ‘ Wonderful Century,’ by Professor W. K. Brooks. NovEMBER 10, 1899.] SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. AMERICAN MATHEMATIUAL SOCIETY. A REGULAR meeting of the American Math- ematical Society was held at Columbia Uni- versity, New York City, on Saturday, Octo- ber 28th. Thirty-one persons attended the two sessions, and twelve papers were presented. Immediately at the opening of the morning ses- sion arecess was taken to enable the members to. hear the Presidential Address of Professor Rowland before the American Physical Society, which met in the same building. The simul- taneous meeting of the two societies naturally resulted in a reinforcement of interest and ac- tivity, and it is hoped that this and other coop- erative action may become the established order. It has been arranged with a view to economy of time that hereafter the morning session of the meetings of the Society shall open at 11 o’clock, and the afternoon session at 2 o’clock. The Council will meet at 10:15 A. M. The Editorial Board announced that the ar- rangements for publishing the Transactions, the newly created organ of the Society, were in a most favorable state of progress. The first num- ber will appear January 1, 1900. The fact that two first-class journals are not only possible but actually required for the publication of the math- ematical output of this country is a striking evidence of the growth of the science here in the last few years. The following persons were elected to mem- bership in the Society : Professor M. E. Bogarte, Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind.; Mr. A. 3S. Gale, Yale University ; Mr. B. L. Groat, Uni- versity of Minnesota; Dr. Edward Kasner, Columbia University ; Professor J. A. Miller, University of Indiana; Professor A. M. Sawin, Clark University, Atlanta, Ga.; Professor S. A. Singer, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. H. E. Slaught, University of Chicago ; Pro- fessor E. P. Thompson, Miami University, Ox- ford, Ohio. Seven applications for membership were received. The following papers were read : (1) Professor PAUL GORDAN : ‘ Formentheore- tische Entwickelung der in Herrn White’s Abhandlung tiber Curven dritter Ordnung enthaltenen Satze.’ SCIENCE 693 (2) Professor E. O. Lovett: ‘The transfor- mation of straight lines into spheres.’ (8) Dr. G. A. MILLER: ‘On the simply trans- itive primitive groups.’ (4) Professor CHARLOTTE ANGAS Scorr: ‘The conditions imposed on a curve by assigned multiple points.’ (5) Professor E. H. Moore: ‘On the gener- ational determination of abstract groups’ (preliminary communication). (6) Professor CHARLOTTE ANGAS ScoTT: ‘The status of imaginariesin pure geometry.’ (7) Professor MAXIME BocHER: ‘On Sturm’s theorem of comparison’ (preliminary com- munication). (8) Professor F. Mortry: ‘On a funda- mental geometric construction.’ (9) Mr. E. B. Witson: ‘The decomposition of the general collineation of space into three skew reflections.’ (10) Dr. G. A. MinueR: ‘On the order of the product of two substitutions.’ (11) Mr. J. K. Warrremore: ‘On a general- ization of the fundamental problem of the calculus of variation.’ (12) Mr. J. L. Coontmper: ‘A projective rep- resentation of the imaginary points of a plane.’ The next meeting of the Society, which will be held on Thursday, December 28th, will be the annual meeting for the election of officers. The Chicago Section will meet at the University of Chicago on Thursday and Friday, December 28-9. At the annual meeting President Wood- ward will deliver a Presidential Address on ‘The Century’s Progress in Applied Mathe- matics.’ F. N. Coue, Secretary. TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB. Av the meeting on October 10, 1899, nine new members were elected. A series of nature-printed plant-plates was exhibited by Monsieur Alois Barta, temporarily at 521 East 82d Street, including alge and phanerogams, all printed in natural colors. They excited great interest on account of their beauty and slight expense. Dr. MacDougal referred to the success of the Sullivant Day at the Columbus meeting of the ‘694 American Association for the Advancement of ‘Science this last August, one of the most inter- esting features of the meeting, and a tribute to the careful plans prepared for it by Mrs. BE. G. Britton. The remainder of the evening was devoted to reports from excursions and from summer ob- servations by members. Dr. Rusby, as guide to nine excursions in the spring, reported an average attendance of 31. Menispermum rhizomes, as examined at Up- per Mountain, N. J., April 8th, had begun no new growth and were still connected with the frost-killed stems, the point of change from rhizome to stem being purely an accidental re- ‘sult of exposure. The plant being essentially tropical, acts toward killing frost as if but im- perfectly habituated to it. Obolaria was well-developed this day, per- haps the earliest spring flower of its locality. Professor Underwood reported on field?work in July, and upon the Decoration Day excur- sion to Tullytown, Pa., about 20 persons from Philadelphia and 12 from New York present. Isoetes riparis, a tidal plant, occurred along tributary rivers. Dr. Britton reported on the Fourth of July excursion to the Delaware River at Bull’s Island, another Isoetes, I. Dodgii, occurring there. Professor T. C. Porter reported the occur- rence of Equisetum littorale, Onosmodium Virgia- num, etc., at the Bull’s Island locality. Both of these excursions were contributory to Dr. Bretts’ revision of Dr. Meyer’s excellent catalogue of the Bucks county flora, soon to be issued. It is now being worked out with at- tention to details of distribution, ecology and modern taxonomic views. If we could have other counties here in the east worked up in a similar critical way, it would be a great aid to science. Discussions regarding various Gentians fol- lowed. Mr. Van Brunt reported seeing a single stem bearing 59 flowers of Gentiana crinita; all the upper, certainly 20, in full bloom. Putting the plants, after clipping, in the dark over night, and till9 or 10 a. m., they expanded beautifully on exposure to the light. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 254. Rey. L. T. Chamberlain reported 96 buds and blossoms on a single stem of Gentiana crin- ita in Massachusetts at West Brookfield. White blossoms came out in six weeks, the stem having bloomed in his study 42 days. Mr. Chamberlain also reported that Mr. Isaac Lea, of Philadelphia, had told him of finding a stem of Gentiana crinita with 150 blossoms. Professor Porter called attention to white flowers of G. Andrewsii; it is this, he thinks, which was described as G. alba. Mrs. Britton reported G. quinqueflora two or three feet high, and Professor Porter spoke of the habit of this plant to produce a great variety of size in the same soil, with little dwarfs with one flower at one inch high. Professor Porter spoke of G. flavida as re- cently found in Bucks county. ‘ Dr. Rusby referred to a successful experi- ment in scattering the seeds of the Fringed Gentians upon the snow, resulting in a profusion of young seedlings. Mr. S. Henshaw paid a tribute to the beauty of the Alpine Gentians of the Old World. EDWARD 8S. BURGESS, Secretary SCIENCE CLUB OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WIS- CONSIN. THE Science Club of the University of Wis- consin held its first meeting of the year on October 24th, with Mr. Charles R. Van Hise, the newly elected President, in the chair. The programme of the evening consisted of the following papers: ‘Earth Movements in the Pomperang Val- ley,’ Connecticut, by Wm. H. Hobbs; ‘Some Recent. Observations Upon the Change of Length of Iron Due to Magnetization, by L. W. Austin. The first paper was a study of block faulting in the Newark Formation of the Pomperang Valley, an area of fifty square miles in western Connecticut. It was illustrated by a large number of lantern slides. Mr. Austin gave the results of his recent work on the change of length of iron in an al- ternating magnetic field. He finds that when iron is magnetized by means of an alternating current, the expansion is less than with a direct NOVEMBER 10, 1899.] current, and that this decrease becomes greater as the frequency becomes higher. There isa marked analogy between this phenomenon and the decrease in the magnetic permeability in an alternating magnetic field as the frequency is increased, a fact which has been recently estab- lished by Niethammer and M. Wien. Wn. H. Hopss. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. GEOLOGICAL TIME. EDITOR OF SCIENCE: Sir Archibald Geikie’s recent forcible plea to working geologists for the more careful accumulation of data which may yield reliable estimates of geological time, makes the interesting suggestion given in SCIENCE, October 27th, by Professor Wilbur C. Knight, under the title of ‘ Some New Data for Converting Geological Time Into Years,’ seem very timely. The opportunities for making such calculations of the rate of retreat of cliffs under the action of subeerial decay, by employ- ing slow-growing trees on the escarpments as a chronometer, are far wider spread than at first thought might seem likely. In justice to the maiden work of a now emi- nent American geologist, it is proper to recall the fact that the first suggestion of this method and its first practical application were made by Dr. G. K. Gilbert, in 1866, when temporarily con- nected with the staff of the New York State Museum. After the excavation of the mastodon skeleton now standing in the State Museum, from a glacial pot hole in the valley of the -Mohawk river at Cohoes, N. Y., Mr. Gilbert gave attention to an estimate of the rate of re- treat of the cliffs of the river gorge, basing his observations on the degree to which the roots of the red cedars on the banks had been ex- posed by the falling away of the rock face. Mr. Gilbert’s observations and deductions were pub- lished in the 21st annual report on the New York State Cabinet of Natural History (1871), and I quote from them the following paragraph : “Climbing from below or lowered by a rope from above, I have examined nearly all these trees and measured in each case the circumfer- ence of trunk and length of exposed root. I _ have also counted the rings of annual accretion SCIENCE. 695 of several sections to ascertain the relation of size to age. From these data an idea may be obtained of the rate of recession of the cliff. The growth is exceedingly slow. uth with the alimentary canal as in the known parasitic forms (lake and sea lamprey ). 4. The buccal and lingual armature of horny teeth is well developed. It was concluded that the indications all point to an almost certain conclusion that the progenitors of the brook lamprey were true parasites although at present the brook lamprey possesses the esophagus which is not used for swallowing food. and buccal and lingual teeth which are no longer used for lacerating prey, but remain as stigmata of an ancestral mode of life. Respiration in Tadpoles of the Toad. S. H. GaaeE, Ithaca, N. Y. On comparing the behavior of toad tad- poles with that of the tadpole of the bull- frog, for example, one is surprised to find that the toad tadpoles go to the surface with far less frequency, and if the water is very fresh they may appear not to go to the surface at all. In a small glass vial they may remain at the bottom for half an hour or more. An investigation of the develop- ment of the lungs showed that they appear very early, that is long before the hind legs, but it was found that the opening of the trachea into the mouth through the glottis, and the development of the larynx did not occur until the tail was nearly absorbed. From this structural condition there could DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] be no aérial respiration by the lungs in the tadpole state as the lungs do not communi- cate with the exterior, but are closed sacs. The apparent aérial respiration of the toad tadpole is explicable only on the ground that air is taken in and mixed with the water which passes over the internal gills, something as fish go to the surface and gulp air when air dissolved in the water is too nearly exhausted. Effects of Hydrocyanie Acid Gas wpon Animal Life and its Economic Use. W. G. Joun- son, College Park, Md. A preliminary report upon a series of ex- periments with this gas upon animal life. A Discussion of Aspidiotus cydonie and Its Allies. OC. L. Maruatrr, Washington, 1D; © This paper was published in full in the Canadian Entomologist for August, 1899, pp. 208-211, under the title ‘ Aspidiotus convexus —a correction.’ The Histogenesis of Muscle in the Metamor- phosis of the Toad (Bufo lentiginosus amer- icanus). B. F. Kinespury, Ithaca, N. Y. The author spoke of the occurrence of metamorphosis in the development of cer- tain animals, among them the toad, the necessity of changes in metamorphosis, his- tolysis and histogenesis of the tissues, etc. ; the views on the changes constituting histo- genesis of tissues, muscle especially ; the re- sults of work on the toad and frog; and the bearing of these results on general biolog- ical principles. The Progenitors of the Batrachians. THEo. GiuL, Washington, D. C. This paper gave evidence showing that the Batrachians are probably descended from a type of fishes most nearly repre- sented in the present fauna by the Polyp- terids. Observations on the Variations, Life History and Habits of a Mimetie Locust ( Gtdipoda SCIENCE. 885 maritima Uhl). Hrrpert Ossorn, Co- lumbus, Ohio. Discussion of the possible factors affect- ing variations in a locust which shows striking protective resemblance and some observations regarding habits and life his- tory. A Chart Illustrating the Origin and Evolution of Animal and Vegetable Life. A. D. Hop- Kins, Morgantown, W. Va. An original scheme for illustrating the- ories on the origin and evolution of forms, genera, families, orders, etc., of life by means of a disk divided into spaces of va- rious sizes and forms and by curved and straight lines rising from the center of the disk. Geographical Variations, as Illustrated by the Horned Larks of North America. Harry C. OprRHOLsER, Washington, D. C. Discusses the distribution of the Horned Larks ; their relation to faunal areas; their distribution compared with other plastic groups; geographical variation in the Horned Larks, and comparison of varia- tion in other groups; anomalies in varia- tion of the Horned Larks; an examination into the causes of geographical variation. C. L. Marzarr, Secretary. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. REPORT OF THE FUR: SEAL INVESTIGATIONS, 1896-1897. The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean. By David Starr Jordan, Presi- dent of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Commissioner in Charge of Fur Seal Investi- gations of 1896-1897 ; with the following Offi- cial Associates: Leonhard Stejneger and Frederic A. Lucas, of the U. S. National Museum; Jefferson Moser, Lieutenant-Com- mander, U. 8. N., in command of the U. 8S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross ; Charles H. Townsend, of the U.S. Fish Commission ; George A. Clark, Secretary and Stenog- rapher ; Joseph Murry, Special Agent ; with 886 Special Papers by other Contributors. Part 1 [-4]. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1898 [=1899]. 4 vols. 4to. Part 1, pp. 1-249, i.-vii., pll. ia.—ic., iia.—iic., iii.— ix., frontispiece, and 25 unnumbered plates. Part 2, pp. 251-606. Part3, pp. i.—xii., 1-629, pli. i.-xey., frontispiece, 6 maps, and a large number of text cuts. Part 4, pp. 1-384, pll. 1-113 (pll. 87-113=maps and _ charts).= Treasury Department Document No. 2017. [Although dated ‘1898,’ parts 1, 2 and 4 were issued in July, 1899, and Part 3, not till November, 1899. ] This apparently exhaustive report, consisting of 1637 pages, and 250 plates, charts and maps, is perhaps the most important contribution yet made to the voluminous literature of the vexed question of the Fur Seal industry of the North Pacific, contributed by officials of the United States. The occasion of the present inquiry is thus set forth: ‘‘The present inquiry into the condition and needs of the fur seal herds of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea is the out- growth of a belief on the part of the United States that the regulations formulated by the Paris Tribunal of Arbitration for ‘the protec- tion and preservation of the fur seal’ had failed to accomplish their avowed object. The in- adequacy of these regulations was apparent at the close of the first season of their operation, and each succeeding season has only rendered it more conspicuous. Failing to secure the co- operation of Great Britain in the immediate revision of the regulations, the United States, in the spring of 1896, accepted the proposal of Great Britain fora scientific investigation of the whole subject, to be made independently by each nation, the result of such investigation to form the basis of a reconsideration of the regu- lations at the end of the special trial period of five years.’’ Pursuant to an act of Congress, Dr. David Starr Jordan was appointed commissioner in charge of the investigation, with, as associates, Lieutenant-Commander Jefferson F. Moser, commanding the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross; Dr. Leonard Stejneger, curator of reptiles, U. S. National Museum; Mr. Frederic A. Lucas, curator of comparative anatomy, U. S. National Museum, and Mr. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 259. Charles H. Townsend, naturalist of the Alba- tross. Great Britain appointed as her com- mission, Professor D’ Arcy Wentworth Thomp- son, of University College, Dundee, Scotland ; Mr. Gerald E. H. Barrett-Hamilton, of Dublin, Ireland, and Mr. James Melville Macoun, of the Geological Survey of Canada; while the Canadian government detailed Mr. Andrew Halkett to investigate the operations of the pelagic fleet. The Albatross, with the Amer- ican Commisson and Prof. Thompson and Mr. Macoun of the British Commission reached St. George Island, July 8, 1896, and the members of the two commissions conducted their investi- gations, usually in company, till late in October. The following year work was begun early in June, and continued till the end of the season, the two commissions working in company at the Pribilof Islands, while Dr. Stejneger made a very thorough survey of the Asiatic fur seal islands and fur seal industry. Part 1 contains the principal findings of the commission; part 2 consists of supplementary documents, giving in full the basis of these conclusions ; part 38 comprises some thirty sepa- rate papers by nearly as many different authors, chiefly on the natural history of the fur seal, and on the fauna and flora of the Pribilof Islands ; while part 4 is Dr. Stejneger’s re- port on the Russian fur seal islands. Part 1, after stating the occasion and scope of the in- quiry, gives a historical summary of the Amer- ican fur seal industry, followed by an account of the home of the Pribilof Island seal herd, including the geography, climatic conditions, the natural productions, etce., of the islands, and the number, location and character of the seal herds. Chapter IV. discusses the fur seal or sea bear in its zoological relationships, the eonclusion being reached that the three herds of northern fur seals—the Pribilof herd, the Komandorski herd, and the Robben Island herd —not only do not mingle, but constitute three distinct species, which are termed, respectively, Callorhinus alascanus, C. ursinus, and C. curilen- sis. The various categories of seals, as regards sex and age, their migrations and life habits are next detailed, followed by a history of the past and present conditions of the Pribilof herd. The decline in the herd is carefully traced and DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] its cause convincingly set forth, which is pri- marily, if not exclusively, pelagic sealing. The history and effects of pelagic sealing are pre- sented in detail, and the facts speak for them- selves; there is no occasion for argument. Statistics show that in the average about 75 per cent. of the seals taken in pelagic sealing are breeding females, killed either on the way to their breeding grounds while pregnant, or on their feeding grounds near the rookeries, leaving their nursing pups to die of starvation on the rookeries. In the case of land killing, only cer- tain classes of males are taken, leaving the full quota of females to replenish the herd. While pelagic sealing is so destructive to the seal herd, statistics show that it is not remunerative, but, on the contrary, is carried on at a pecuniary loss to those engaged in it. ‘‘The true nature of the business was plain in 1897, when only 38 vessels, as against 87 in 1896, engaged in sealing.’’ Of this latter number 21 were American and 66 British (i. e., Canadian). The amount of capital in- vested for this year (1897) did not exceed $208,000, to be ‘‘ contrasted with the capital of $5,000,000 invested in the preparation of the seal skins in London, and with the revenue of $1,375,000 a year which the United States should by right be enjoying.’’ Pelagic sealing is, therefore, a selfish, dog-in-the-manger busi- ness. As said in President Jordan’s report (p. 175): ‘‘ Not only is pelagic sealing a destruc- tive and wasteful industry, but it is suicidal in its nature. It is at best but an insignificant in- dustry. It threatens the destruction of vastly more important interests, and with them its own interests. Pelagic sealing preys upon its own capital. The more successful it is the quicker will come its ruin. Its bankrupt con- dition to-day is clearly shown in the declining catch and the withdrawal of its vessels.’’ This was perfectly evident to well-informed and un- biased experts in 1893, yet the evidence before the Arbitration Commission was so confused and so vitiated by false statements and false infer- ences that the rules established by the Paris award for the preservation of the seal herd only fostered its rapid destruction through its pro- visions in behalf of pelagic sealing ! In this connection it seems proper to quote a SCIENCE. 887 few paragraphs from the report (pp. 175, 176), since they tersely summarize the subject of pelagic sealing and place the odium of its con- tinuance in the right quarter. ‘¢Such is the nature of pelagic sealing, the sole cause of the threatened destruction of the fur seal herd, the sole obstacle which stands in the way of its restoration. “‘ Much has been said of the legality of pelagic sealing, and to this we take no exception. Pelagic sealing is perfectly legal, but this legal- ity was fixed by a tribunal which was so con- fused by false testimony and ignorant and worthless affidavits, that, while attempting to formulate measures for the protection of the seals, it legalized the very cause of their de- struction. But the whitewash of respectability which was thus put upon pelagic sealing cannot hide its true character. Judged by its methods and results, it is merely a species of legalized barbarism. Pelagic sealing is simply a public nuisance which can now only be disposed of by international agreement. “Tt is a great sense of relief that we find ourselves able to record the recent action of Congress in the prohibition of the practice of pelagic sealing by our own citizens, and the exclusion of skins of females from our markets. This step should have been taken long ago. It must be remembered that until the passage of this law Americans as well as Canadians have been engaged in slaughtering the fur seals. * * * And not only have our citizens helped to destroy our own herd, but they have crossed the Pacific and have been instrumental in de- pleting the herd of friendly Russia. American enterprise has also had the leading part in the practical extermination of the fur seal rookeries of the Kuril Islands, belonging to Japan. ‘« Henceforth, however, our hands are clean, and we can with dignity and assurance urge that other nations take steps to put an end to the business. Pelagic sealing—with its slaughter of gravid females, and the starvation of their dependent young, with its waste of a noble and valuable animal life, with its threatened de- struction of varied and important commercial enterprises, and of the sole source of supply of a commodity of utility and value to mankind—is, from this time on, distinctly a Canadian indus- 888 SCIENCE. try, and under the fostering care of Great Britain. If she permits its continuance, the odium must rest with her.’’ The remedy proposed by the American Com- mission for the present decline of the herd is ‘the absolute and permanent prohibition of pelagic sealing.’ The herd is at present com- mercially ruined, but it is believed that with judicious management it can be brought up, in the course of fifteen to twenty years, to its for- mer maximum condition. The recommendations formulated by the commission not only include the complete ces- sation of pelagic sealing, but recommend that the herd should he ‘‘ placed permanently in charge of a competent naturalist and practical man of affairs, whose business it shall be to visit the islands each year in the breeding season and to study the condition of the herd and ways for its improvement; to determine the size of the quota which shall be taken, and supervise its taking; in short, to make the needs, possibilities and limitations of the fur seal herd his life study. By such a course the government can hope to have at hand at all times that expert advice and assistance that have been so signally lacking in the past, and which is so essential to the proper administra- tion of its future interests.”’ Following these recommendations in Part 1 are several appendices, giving statistics perti- nent to the preceding discussion, relating to the number of seals killed on the Pribilof Islands and in pelagic sealing, from about 1870 tc 1897 ; also the treaties and other documents between Great Britain and the United States on the fur seal question. Noteworthy among the latter is the joint statement of the fur seal experts of the two governments, drawn up and signed in Washington, at the conclusion of the field work of the two commissions, in November, 1897. The agreement of the two commissions, thus shown upon all matters touching the decline and present condition of the seal herd, and the causes that have led to its present unsatisfac- tory status, is certainly most gratifying, and augers well for its future. The numerous illustrations in Part 1 are mainly reproductions of photographs, and illus- trate various phases of the subject under dis- [N. S. Von. X. No. 259- cussion. There are, however, a dozen draw- ings from nature by Bristow Adams, depicting characteristic types of seal life. A series of photographs illustrate seal life as seen massed on the rookeries; while another set show the methods of driving, killing and skinning; still another set (numbered as plates i.—ix.) illustrate the decline of the herd, the views being com- parative views of the same rookeries taken in different years from 1894 to 1897. Part 2 of the report, forming pages 251-606, is largely a transcript of the daily observations of the commission during the two seasons of its work at the Pribilof Islands, and gives in de- tail the evidence on which the conclusions of the commission, set forth in Part 1, were based. Part 3 contains twenty-four distinct chapter headings, fourteen of which relate directly or in- directly to the natural history of the fur seal, occupying pp. 1-839, and the remainder to the general natural history of the Pribilof Islands, the volume, as a whole, forming a most im- portant contribution to the zoology and botany of this now pretty thoroughly known group of islands. These contributions may be briefly summarized as follows: ‘I.—The Pribilof Fur Seal’ (pp. 1-7), treats of the ‘main divisions of the Pinnipedia,’ and ‘variations in size and color of the Pribilof seal,’ by Mr. F. A. Lucas, while Dr. Jordan and G. A, Clark consider ‘the species of the Callorhinus or northern fur seal,’ of which three are recognized, namely, (1) C. ursinus (Linn.), constituting the Commander Island herd; (2) C. alascanus Jordan & Clark, the Pribilof fur seal; (8) C. curilensis Jordan & Clark, the Robben Island fur seal. These species differ appreciably, not only in size, and in the texture, color and commercial value of the fur, but occupy distinct geographical ranges, and do not commingle, even in their migrations. Under ‘II.—The Anatomy of the Fur Seal’ (pp. 9-41, pll. i.—viii.), Mr. Lucas describes the dentition of the fur seal, Robert E. Snodgrass, its anatomy, and Pierre A. Fish, the brain of the fur seal, in comparison with that of other Pinnipeds and the black bear. ‘TII.—The Breeding Habits of the Pribilof Fur Seal’ (pp. 48-57, pll. ix.—xi.), is by Mr. Lucas, as is also ‘1V.—The Food of the North- oe DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] ern Fur Seal’ (pp. 59-68, pll. xii.-xv.) ; ‘V.— Mental Traits of the Pribilof Fur Seal’ (pp. 69— 74), and ‘ VI.—The Causes of Mortality among Seals’ (pp. 75-98, pll. xvi.—xxi.). Chapter ‘VII.—Internal Parasites of the Fur Seal’ (pp. 99-177, and 100 text illustrations) is an elaborate report by Ch. Wardell Stiles and Albert Hassall, which incidentally includes a notice of the intestinal parasites of other marine mammals. ‘VIlI.—The early history of the Northern Fur Seals’ (pp. 179-222), is a translation of George William Steller’s ‘De Bestiis marinis’ (1751), by Walter N. Miller and Jennie Emerson Miller, and of Veniaminof’s account of the sea bear (1839), translated by Leonhard Stejneger —hboth pertinent to the general subject, and here made accessible to English readers. ‘XI.— Pelagic Sealing, with Notes on the Fur Seals of Guadalupe, the Galapagos, and Lobos Islands’ (pp. 228-274, pll. xxii.—xxxv., and 2 maps), by Charles H. Townsend, is his- torical and statistical, and a most valuable and comprehensive contribution. ‘X.—Report of an Expedition in Search of the Fur Seal of Guadalupe Island, Lower Cali- fornia, June, 1897; including a survey of the Island, and notes on the Animal and Plant Life of the Region’ (pp. 275-283), and ‘ XI.—Ob- servations during a Cruise of the Dora Siewerd, August-September, 1895’ (pp. 285-306), are by A. B. Alexander. ‘XII.—Fur Seal Hunt- ing in the Southern Hemisphere’ (pp. 307-319), by J. A. Allen, is reprinted from the proceed- ings of the Fur Seal Arbitration (App. to U. S. Case, Vol. I.]. ‘XIII.—The Rookery Maps of the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 321-324), is a brief report by Jeffer- son F. Moser, on the past unsatisfactory at- tempts to construct such maps, with comment on the difficulties of the work. ‘X1V.—Practical Experiments in the Brand- ing and Herding of the Seals’ (pp. 525-588, pll. Xxxvi. and xxxvii.), is by David Starr Jordan and George A. Clark, who claim that, in a method of rendering the skins unsalable, they give the keynote to the whole situation, and, earried to logical conclusions, would ‘forever settle the vexed question of pelagic sealing.’ ‘XV.—The Blue Fox of the Pribilof Islands’ SCIENCE. 889 (pp. 889-843), by D. S. Jordan and G. A. Clark, treats of the blue fox as one of the important resources of the islands, from the great com- mercial value of its fur, and recommends the protection of the herd from undue inroads. ‘XVI.—Mammals of the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 845-854), by Frederick W. True, is an an- notated list of 12 species. One of these is the introduced house mouse, 4 are seals, and 4 are cetaceans, the only indigenous land animals being a shrew, a lemming, and the Arctic fox. The sea otter and walrus, formerly present, have been exterminated. ‘XVII.—The Avifauna of the Pribilof Is- lands,’ by William Palmer (pp. 355-431, pll. xxxviii.—xli.). This paper of nearly 80 pages consists of a carefully annotated list of the 69 species of birds thus far known from the islands, with an analysis of their distribution and a dis- cussion of their migrations. The annotations are often extended and relate not only to the nesting and other habits, but to changes and conditions of plumage, etc. Pll. xxxix. shows variation in the markings of the eggs of the Pacific murre, and pll. xl. and xli. the devel- opment of feathers. ‘XVIII.—The Fishes of Bering Sea’ (pp. 433-492, pl. xlii.Ixxxv.), is by David Starr Jor- dan and Charles Henry Gilbert ; 229 species are enumerated and several are described as new, while many others are for the first time figured. This general title covers also a paper by Nor- man Bishop Scofield, entitled, ‘A List of Fishes obtained in the Waters of Arctic Alaska’ (pp. 493-509), enumerating 33 species.. ‘XIX.—A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Tunicata of the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 511— 5387, pll. Ixxxvi., and 28 text figures). Of the 11 species here described and illustrated 10 are new. ‘XX.—The Mollusk Fauna of the Pribilof Islands,’ by William H. Dall (pp. 539-546, with amap). This consists of several pages on the general character and relations of the fauna, followed by tabular summaries for (1) the Prib- ilof Islands (86 species); (2) the Commander Islands (74 species), and (8) fossil species, from both groups of islands. ‘XXI.—List of Insects hitherto known from the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 547-554), compiled by E. A. Schwarz. 890 SCIENCE. ‘XXII.—List of Crustacea known to occur on and near the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 555- 557), by Mary J. Rathbun. ‘XXIII.—A List of the Plants of Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, with Notes on their Dis- tribution’ (pp. 559-587, pll. Ixxxvii.—xciv.), by James M. Macoun. ‘XXIV.—Alege of the Pribilof Islands’ (pp. 589-596, pl. xev.), by William A. Setchell, Ph.D. An index of 32 pages concludes the volume. Part 4, relating to (A), ‘The Asiatic Fur Seal Islands and Fur Seal Industry,’ and (B) ‘The Kuril Fur Seal Islands and the Fur Seal In- dustry of Japan,’ is by Dr. Stejneger. .The first, he tells us, is based on ‘‘ observations gathered during four different visits to the Com- mander Islands, off the coast of Kamchatka, the first undertaken in 1882-88, in the palmiest days of the fur seal industry; the second during 1895, as a special attaché of the United States Fish Commission, to study the recent decline and to compare the conditions as I knew them thirteen years ago, with those of the present day. My third trip took place in 1896, by direction of the President, pursuant to the joint resolution of Congress approved June 18, 1896, and the fourth one in 1897, under the same auspices.’’ It is thus obvious that the investi- gation of the Russian Fur Seal Islands was placed in exceptionally competent hands, and the results of Dr. Stejneger’s investigations of fur seal life in Russian waters has not only a most important bearing on the general subject of the fur seal industry in northern waters, but also upon that of the Pribilof Islands. The decline in the fur seal herds at the Commander and Robben Islands has been as marked in re- cent years as has that of the Pribilof herd, due, beyond question, to the same cause—pelagic sealing. Dr. Stejneger gives first an account of the topography and climate of the Com- mander Islands, with a sketch of its fauna and flora, and the native inhabitants, and an account of the number, location and extent of the seal rookeries on both the Commander and the Robben Islands. Then follows ‘Seal Life on Commander Islands’ (pp. 82-118); ‘The Russian Sealing Industry ’ (pp. 114-216) ; “A Comparative Study of the Conditions of the [N.S. Vou. X. No. 259. Sealing Industry on the Pribilof and Com- mander Islands’ (pp. 217-228), with ‘Con- clusions ’ and ‘ Bibliography’ (pp. 229-236). As Dr. Stejneger was also familiar with the fur seal life of the Pribilof group, he was especially fitted for the comparative study of the condi- tions found in the Russian waters. : The Kuril Islands are treated upon the same general plan as the Commander Islands; and although the Doctor’s stay was here compara- tively brief, it was practically a virgin field for such an investigation, his report giving us almost the first available information concern- ing not only the seal life but the general nat- ural history of this group of barren, little known islands. These four volumes of the ‘ Report of Fur Seal Investigations’ are thus by no means confined to the fur seals themselves, or to questions in dis- pute as to the cause and extent of the decline of the herds and their proper future management, but is broadened to include the history and nat- ural history of the Pribilof and other islands in- volved in the inquiry, as incidental and pertinent to the general subject. There hence results as the work of the Commission, first, a most thorough and judicial report on the ‘ fur seal question,’ in its broadest sense, and secondly and incidentally, a most welcome contribution to the zoology and botany of the islands in Bering Sea and adjacent waters, all highly creditable to the Commission and its co- workers. J. A. ALLEN. A Theory of Reality. By GrorGE T. LADD. An Essay in Metaphysical System upon the Basis of Human Cognitive Experience. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1899. 8vo. 556 pages. The present volume is the culmination of the author’s studies and discussions of certain problems, already defined and treated from other points of view in his Elements of Physi- ological Psychology, published in 1887, Psy- chology, Descriptive and Explanatory, of 1894; Philosophy of Mind, 1895; and Philosophy of Knowledge, 1897. Thecentral thought in this whole philosophy appears to be the adoption of Self as the model and measure of reality. This gh DECEMBER 15, 1899.] is expressed in the following passages: ‘‘ For in our view, the one fundamental reality, the actual Being whose characteristics are recog- nized by the categories, whose work is both nature considered as the system of material things and also all the spirits of men considered in their historical development, is the Absolute Self. And the innermost essence of such an Absolute Selfis Spirit. From Spirit, then, come nature and all spirits; and in dependence on this Spirit they live and develop. And the proof of this view liesin the fact that to rely on nature as a unifying principle it is necessary to include in our conception of nature the char- acteristics of a spiritual life.’ (Pp. 458 and 459.) Again, ‘‘ The different spheres of reality as known by man are distinguished by the amounts of essential selfhood which they pos- sess.”? (P. 401.) Again, ‘‘for every knower there are only two possible kinds of objects, which can claim for their reality the immediacy of an incontestable knowledge ; these are the Self,and Things. As the knowledge of the self changes and develops the more external and less central factors of this object—the members of the body as viewed from the outside and even the brain as imagined or thought—be- come, for the Self, other things than itself. Always the primary evidence for the existence and the activity of all other selves is the knowledge of things ; for each Self, every other being—other men included-——is known as ‘a Thing.’’’ (Pp. 348 and 349.) ‘‘ Psychologically considered, then, all actual measurement of real quantities consists in the self-appreciation of the varying amounts of the own-life of the Self.’ (P. 301.) These quotations will indi- cate the author’s metaphysical point of view. Readers of SCIENCE will be more interested in the attempts of the author to define the various forms in which the mind conceives real things, which are the subject matters of science. It is the founding of a metaphysical theory of reality upon knowledge of particular, concrete things that distinguishes this treatise from what may be called purely metaphysical books. The author states that, ‘‘ Whatever the human mind may know, or conjecture, about the Unity of Reality, about the One, the Absolute, the World- Ground—or any other term philosophers have SCIENCE. 891 chosen for this unitary conception—man’s first- hand, verifiable, and common knowledge is the knowledge of particular existence. For every human mind knowledge is, and remains, knowl- edge of the self and of other concrete beings— their qualities, relations, and transactions. From this knowledge of particulars all theory of reality must set out; to this knowledge all theory must be ready to return, for its correc- tion and its testing, again and yet again.’’ (P. 133.) The scope of the book, as a theory of reality, is concisely described by the author at the close of Chapter IV., as follows: ‘‘The detailed exposition of such a theory * * * involves the discussion and illustration of the following fundamental truths. Each of them is a truth which has its roots in the primitive facts and in the maturer growths of knowledge, but which is also ontological in its nature and application. First: All the categories are forms, both of knowledge and of being, that are actually and indubitably realized in all our cognitive experi- ence with the Self. Iam a Being whose ex- istence and whose self-knowledge is constituted a Unity, because I am a self-conscious Self. Second: All the real beings which are known as Things, together with their attributes, changes, relations, laws, etc., are made actual in our cognitive experience only as there is projected into them, so to speak, the same forms of Being which I know the Selfto have. The categories, so far as they can get any recognizable meaning in their application to actual things, are the same categories as those under which we know the Being of the Self. Third: The Unity ina world of reality which all things and all minds have is known in terms of an all-inclusive and Absolute Self. Only the conception of ‘Self- hood’ can bring into actual and cognizable Unity that complex of concrete realities which both the work-a-day and the scientific experi- ence of the race contains. And this unifying conception is properly held by the mind, not as a mere conception, but as the ultimate form given by reflective thinking to our knowledge of Reality.’’ (Pp. 109 and 110.) The discussion of the conceptions of ‘ force and causation,’ ‘ forms and laws,’ ‘ matter,’ and the distinction between ‘nature and spirit,’ are 892 full of suggestive thoughts for physicists, chem- ists and biologists, who are too apt to overlook the many metaphysical conceptions used by them in their most rigid scientific investigations. On the other hand, the scientist or the ‘plain man,’ accustomed to use trans-subjective things as his models of reality, is tempted to say that the ‘reality,’ with which Professor Ladd deals, is only a metaphysical abstraction, quite of a kind with the ‘ stream of consciousness’ con- ception of the Self, which is adopted as his model. If a ‘stream of consciousness’ had no channel in the bed-rock of real things to flow in, such a man might ask, How could any knowledge of the reality of the Self arise? From a common sense point of view, such a criticism would appear to be valid, since our idea of, as well as our term for, reality is ob- tained from the thing (Latin, res). The thing- ness of the thing is reality ; this does not, how- ever, invalidate the theory that the ‘ground of things’ may be, metaphysically, in the same class with the Self. The ‘plain man’ will, however, contend that it is by reason of its derivation from the thing, as its ground, that the conception of reality derives its meaning, and he will naturally infer that the putting of reality and the self into the same class will re- duce self to a ground of a particular trans-sub- jective thing, viz., of its physical organism. Only when we take the point of view of the author, by adopting self in contrast to thing as our model of reality, do we reach the conclusion that reality is the selfness of the thing and of all things. This volume is of chief value to the scientific student for the light it throws, from this view point, upon some of his most diffi- cult problems. Henry S. WILLIAMS. New Haven, Conn., November, 1899. DETERMINATION OF THE DENSITY OF WATER AT 4° ©, BY THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, 1899. THE interest attaching to the recent Report* on this subject is two-fold in that this constant *Détermination de la masse du décimeétre cube d’eau. Rapport préliminaire présenté au Comité In- ternational des Poids et Mesures dans la séance du 18 avril, 1899, par M. le Dr. Ch.-Ed. Guillaume. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 259. is the connecting link between the metric units of capacity and mass as well as in most scien- tific volumetric measurements, and in that the present result bears the hall-mark of the insti- tution that has given us our accurate standards of length, mass, and temperature. That the investigation was conducted by M. Guillaume, whose rare ability in quantitative research has become widely recognized through his memoirs as adjunct of the Bureau and through his ad- mirable ‘Thermométrie de Précision,’ ‘ Unités et talons,’ ete., is abundant guarantee that no refinement known to modern metrology has been omitted in this work. After a discussion of the method, results, and sources of error, the report concludes : ‘Ror the present it is probable that in adopt- ing for the specific mass of water the value 0.99 995 or 0.99 996 the error committed will not exceed 2 centigrammes per kilogramme. We hope to be able by an exhaustive discussion of the measurements to reduce a little more these limits of uncertainty.’’ (Translation.) The method was the familiar one of weigh- ing a solid of measured dimensions successively in air and in pure water from which the dis- solved air had been withdrawn. Four hollow cylinders were used, two of bronze and two of brass. Their diameters ranged from 14.4 to 6.6 centimeters, and the height of each was about the same as the diameter. The corre- sponding weights of water displaced ranged from about 2 to 0.2 kilogrammes. The mean temperatures of the water when the weighings were made were about 8°, 8.°5, 9°, and 15°, these being selected, except the last, as giving about the maximum weight of displaced water. The linear dimensions of the cylinders were measured at a large number of systematic- ally distributed points by the usual comparator. Sliding contact bars bearing reference marks were brought into contact with the cylinder at opposite ends of a diameter or of a height, and the distance between the marks measured by the microscopes and standard scale. This distance, less that found when the stops were in direct contact, gave the desired dimension. The den- sity of the water was reduced to 4° by means of the tables of the expansion of water from the measurements of M. Chappuis (See Procés- DECEMBER 15, 1899.] verbaux for 1892, p. 147). The report clearly points out that the difficulty in reducing the uncertainty in the measurement by this method to even the amount here attained, 2cg. per kg. (2 in 100 000), lies mainly in the impossibility of obtaining by linear measurements the true vol- ume of the cylinder. _ Although the liter was originally defined as having the volume of one cubic decimeter, yet the International Bureau, in 1880, deemed it best to adopt as a provisional re-definition, the volume of one kilogram of water at 4° C., its temperature of maximum density. This was necessary for three reasons; first, the adop- tion of the platinum kilogram instead of the mass of the cubic decimeter of water at 4° as the standard of mass ; second, the uncertainty as to the exact relation between the kilogram and the mass of the cubic decimeter of water ; and third, the fact that the great majority of scientific measurements of volume or capacity are made by weighing the volume of water dis- placed or contained by the space to be meas- ured. The scientific fraternity has unanimously adopted this practice. It is, therefore, pleasing to know from the above cited investigation that the discrepancy between the liter, as thus re- defined, and the cubic decimeter, is but 5 parts in 100,000, or one two-hundredth of one per cent. No revision of past work and no correc- tion of future results is, therefore, necessary where an error as large as one one-hundredth of one per cent. is unimportant; and this covers all engineering and the vast majority of scientific measurements. For work of an accu- racy not exceeding one one-hundredth of one per cent. we may assume the volume of one gram of water at 4° C. to be one cubic centi- meter, and the liter to be equal to the cubic decimeter. If the greatest possible accuracy is requisite, then we must add 5 parts in 100,000 to the volume as thus computed. So corrected, the results will probably be trustworthy within 2 parts in 100,000. The following data, computed from the above specific mass of water, and from the relation, 1 inch = 2.54 000 5 centimeters, derived from the Bureau’s comparisons of yard and meter, are convenient : SCIENC2. 893 One gram of water at 4° C. has a volume of 1.00 005 cc. (+ 0.00 002 cc.). One cubic foot of water at 4°C. (389.2° Ft. has a mass of 62.4252 lbs. (+ 0.0012 lbs.). One cubic inch of water at 4° C. has a mass of 252.880 grains (+ 0.005 grains). S. W. HoLtman. BOOKS RECEIVED. System der Bakterein. W.M1GuLA. Jena, Fischer. 1900. Pp. x+1068. 18 Plates. Mark 30. Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology. KR. DEC. WaRD. Boston, Ginn & Co. 1899. Pp. xiii-+ 199. A Century of Science and other Essays. JOHN FISKE. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1899. Pp. vii+ 477. $2.00. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. Journal of Physical Chemistry, November. ‘Thermal Coefficients,’ by J. E. Trevor; ‘On the Theorems of Robin and of Moutier,’ by Paul Saurel—both mathematical papers; ‘Hydrates in Solution,’ by Wilder D. Bancroft, a criticism of Nernst’s deduction that the percentage of hy- drated substance in a dilute solution is inde- pendent of the concentration. Bird Lore for December brings the first yol- ume toa close. Witmer Stone contributes an interesting description of ‘A Search for the Rudy Island (N. J.) Crow Roost,’ and W. E. Cram, ‘ Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire.’ A. A. Crolius tells ‘How the Central Park Chickadees were Tamed,’ and under the caption ‘The Surprising Contents of a Birch Stub,’ Frank M. Chapman describes a family of Chickadees, while P. B. Peabody fur- nishes two pictures of ‘ Richardson’s Owl,’ with accompanying text. The most important article, ‘Humanizing the Birds,’ by Caroline G. Soule, is a timely protest against ascribing to the birds human qualities that they do not possess. There are numerous notes, reviews and reports from Audubon Societies. The Osprey for November commences with an article on the ‘ Breeding of the Fish Crow in Pennsylvania,’ by Frank L. Burns, and this is followed by ashort account of ‘ Dusky, or Some Traits of a Canary Bird,’ by Miriam Zieber. The main paper is a reprint of a very interesting 894 ‘description of ‘The Shearwaters and Fulmars as Birds and Bait,’ by J. W. Collins. W. P. Lemmon describes a ‘Nest of Duck Hawks in New Jersey,’ and the balance of the number is filled with notes and reviews. THE Macmillan Company announces that it will commence the publication on January Ist of the International Monthly, a magazine of con- temporary thought edited by Mr. Frederick A. Richardson with a distinguished advisory board. The magazine proposes to give in each number a comparatively few articles of considerable length, and science is to have a prominent place. Thus the five articles in the first number in- clude, ‘Influence of the Sun on the Formation of the Earth’s Surface,’ by Professor N. 8. Shaler, and ‘Recent Advance in Physical Science,’ by Professor John Trowbridge. The members of the advisory board as it is thus far organized are: History: J. H. Robinson, Columbia University ; George Monod, College of France ; Karl Lamprecht, University of Leipsig. Philosophy: Josiah Royce, Harvard University ; Xavier Léon, Paris; Paul Natorp, Marburg Univer- sity ; George F. Stout, Oxford. Psychology: Edward B. Titchener, Cornell Univer- sity ; George F. Stout, Oxford; Th. Ribot, Paris ; Oswald Kiilpe, Leipsig University. Sociology: Franklin H. Giddings, Columbia Uni- versity ; Gabriel Tarde, Paris ; Georg Simmel, Berlin University ; J.S. Mackenzie, Cardiff, Wales. Comparative Religion: C. H. Toy, Harvard Univer- versity ; Jean Réville, College of France ; F. B. Jev- ons, University of Durham ; C. P. Tiele, University of Leiden ; Ths. Achelis Bremen. Literature: William P. Trent, University of the South ; Richard Garnett, London; Gustave Lanson; Paris ; Alois Brandl, Berlin University. Fine Art:, John C. Van Dyke, Rutgers College ; Georges Perrot, Paris University ; Adolph Fiirtwang- ler, Munich University. Biology: Charles O. Whitman, University of Chi- cago ; Raphael Blanchard, College of France ; E. B. Poulton, Oxford University ; Wilhelm Roux, Jnns- bruck University. Medicine: D. B. St. John Roosa, Pres. Graduate School of Medicine ; Sir Thomas G. Stewart, Univer- sity of Edinburgh ; Leop. Panas, College of France; Carl Von Noorden, Frankfurt a. M. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 259. Geology: Joseph Le Conte, University of California; Sir Archibald Geikie, London; Hermann Credner, Leipsig University. Departments of Physics and Industrial Arts are to be added. THE October number of the Kansas Univer- sity Quarterly contains a list of the scientific publications of the faculty and students of the State University. This list, which numbers some 800 books and papers, includes only those publications on natural and physical science and mathematics. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. SECTION OF ASTRONOMY AND PHYSICS. ArT the meeting of the Astronomy and Physics Section of the New York Academy of Sciences, on Monday evening, November 6, 1899, Pro- fessor J. K. Rees, of Columbia University, gave a lecture, illustrated by lantern views, on ‘ No- vember Meteor Showers.’ Among other things, the speaker said that one of the theories of the origin of some meteors was that they were at some time ejected from the sun or moon, earth, or other planets, by volcanic explosions, and if from the earth, they traveled in an orbit that intersected that of the earth. The later theories which identify meteor streams with comets or the remains of comets, seem most satisfactory. Those meteors which reach the earth have a large percentage of nickel in their composition, and show when they are polished, a peculiar and characteristic crystalline structure. A great many of these meteors reach the earth on an average each day, as many as ten million or more, it has been estimated. Interplanetary space is full of them. During the meteor showers, this number is greatly increased. During the shower of 1833, at one place on the earth as many as 240,000 were estimated to have been visible during eight hours. Historical records seem to show that showers of meteors have been seen at intervals of thirty- three years in the fall of the year for some time back. In 1799 Humboldt saw one from the Andes Mountains. In 1833 there was another. Professor H. A. Newton of Yale, after investi- gating the subject, predicted another in 1866, DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] which came as predicted. Professor Newton and Professor Adams of England calculated that there was a large bunch or collection of these meteors traveling around the sun with an orbit of about thirty-three and a quarter years. This orbit at one point intersected the orbit of the earth. It was later shown that this orbit was practically identical with that of Tempel’s comet of 1866. Three other similar cases of a connection between the meteor showers and comets have been found, and these seem to in- dicate either that the showers and comets are identical, or that the meteors are parts of a disintegrated comet. In observing the meteors, the best results are obtained from photographs. Professor Elkin of Yale has a battery of cameras fastened to an equatorial axis, each camera covering a distinct part of the heavens. By means of two such arrangements several miles apart, the exact distance between the two stations being known, it will be possible to get photographs from which can be deduced with accuracy the path of the meteors, the velocity, and the distance from the earth. The Columbia University Observatory was obliged, on account of the sale of the old ob- servatory site and the storage of the instru- ments, to make arrangements for observing the expected shower from other places. Col. P. S. Michie of West Point placed the observatory there at the service of Professor Rees, and Mr. C. A. Post of Bayport offered his time and in- struments. A report on the work done during the week, November 13th to 18th, will be pre- sented to the Academy. Wm. 8. Day. Secretary. SECTION OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. AT the meeting of November 25th, Mr. Charles Barnard presented a paper on ‘Some Recent Changes in the Shore Line of Nantucket.’ These changes have become apparent by com- parison with the outlines indicated in Shaler’s map of 1888 (Bull. No. 53, U. 8. Geol. Survey). The shore line there represented as nearly straight, from a point just beyond the Range Lights to Brant Point, in the harbor, has become materially changed by a rapid advance of the beach on each side, so that the original shore SCIENCE. 895 end of the breakwater is lost to sight in the sand or covered by buildings. On the north shore, beyond the Apron Beach, the sea has steadily advanced upon the land, the increase of material at the breakwater hay- ing been evidently derived in large part from the bluffs. At the eastern end of the harbor the narrow beach, styled the Haulover, between the main island at Manumet and the shore end of Great Point, was broken through by the sea in the storm during the night of December 16, 1896, and the opening has now become an inlet a mile in width, with a depth of 11 feet at low water, each end of the remaining beach having been bent back into the harbor in the form of a curved hook. The entrance of the tide through this inlet has caused a decided increase in the five narrow bars of sand, which extend like finger points from the shore of Coatue Beach. It does not appear to have seriously affected the current at the breakwater, nor reduced the scouring action of the tides at that point; but shoals seem to be growing at about one-third the distance between the harbor and the port entrance, at the slackwater caused by meeting of the tides from east and west. The eastern shore, from the harbor south, shows a rapid destruction by the sea, and at Squam Pond a river of beach sand has been swept in. At Sankaty Light the apron beach has very considerably increased, particularly at Siascon- set, and to the south and west, the width of the beach now reaching about the third of a mile. A similar advance of the sea is shown along the south shore, though toa less degree than on the east, the wastage of both shores having contributed to build out the apron beach at Siasconset. The subject was further discussed by Profes- sors Rk. E. Dodge, J. J. Stevenson, H. L. Os- born, J. F. Kemp and others. On motion by Professor Stevenson, a commit- tee of three was appointed by the Academy to prepare resolutions in reference to the recent death of its distinguished honorary member, Sir William Dawson, of Montreal. ALEXIS A. JULIEN, Secretary of Section. 896 SECTION OF BIOLOGY. THE regular meeting took place on Novem- ber 13, 1899, Professor Frederic S. Lee presid- ing. The following papers were then presented : ‘On the Relation of the Centra and Intercen- tra in the Cervical Vertebree of Lizards, Mosa- saurs and Sphenodon,’ by H. F. Osborn. ‘The Discovery of a Mastodon’s Tooth and Remains of a Boreal Vegetation on Staten Is- land,’ by Arthur Hollick. “A Report of the New York University Ex- pedition to the Bermuda Islands in the Summer of 1899,’ by C. L. Bristol. Professor Osborn called attention to the con- fused statements relating to the cervical verte- bree in the Lizards, Mosasaurs and Sphenodon, and pointed out that both Gegenbaur and Wiedersheim, the principal German authorities on the Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, failed to recognize clearly the important part played by intercentra of the neck region. He then, commencing with Sphenodon, pointed out that we havea series of intercentra or interver- tebral ossicles, extending throughout the whole length of the backbone, but considerably modi- fied by a coalescence with the atlas and axis. In Platecarpus, the Cretaceous Mosasaur, on the other hand the intercentra of the axis and atlas are entirely free and separate, retaining their primitive wedge-shaped form, while the centrum proper or odontoid process is also free from the axis; in the remaining cervicals the intercentra are secondarily shifted forward upon the hypapophyses. Varanus, the monitor lizard, exhibits a still greater extension of these hypapophyses with the intercentra placed at their tips. In Cyclurus, on the other hand, the intercentra are still in their primitive position between the vertebree. There is no question, therefore, that true intercentra are very impor- tant elements in Lizards and Mosasaurs, and that they are secondarily modified partly by coalescence with the atlas and partly by adhe- sion to the hypapophyses, this showing a com- plete change of function. The leading facts in Professor Hollick’s paper are as follows: In the Moravian Cemetery at New Dorp, Staten Island, immediately in the rear of the SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X.° No. 259. Kunhardt Mausoleum, was a swamp, which covered a superficial area of about 3,600 square feet. A small pool of water accumulated to- wards the center in time of rain and dried out during drought. The margin was a quaking bog of peat andsedges. It occupied a morainal basin, located about 1,200 feet from the southern edge of the moraine and about 120 feet above tide level. Last summer, in the course of certain im- provements in the development of the ceme- tery, the swamp was drained and the bog muck was dug out, so that at the present time the morainal basin is entirely free of water and mud. During the progress of this work the organic remains, animal and vegetable, brought to light show that the basin was the site of a Quater- nary pond. The surface deposit was of fine peat and a coarse peat, composed of various kinds of swamp vegetation. Below this was a fine organic mud, containing trunks and branches of trees, to a depth of about five or six feet. Below this was a black, sandy silt, distinctly stratified, and containing numerous cones and small twigs of white spruce (Picea Canadensis (Mill.) B. 8. P.), a tree of northern range, which does not now extend further south than northern New England and the Adiron- dacks. Below the cones, at a depth of about 23 feet, was found a mastodon’s molar. The maximum depth of the entire deposit was about 25 feet and bore every indication of having been laid down in still water, in a con- tinuous and unbroken series of layers; and, inasmuch as it was in a morainal basin, it must all have been post-morainal in age. A considerable amount of charred wood was also found ia connection with the cones, pre- sumably indicating the presence of man. The probabilities are that a pond was formed in the morainal depression immediately after the re- cession of the ice sheet, and that this pond was areceptacle for silt, dust and decaying vegeta- tion ever since, the accumulations finally filling it up and converting it into a swamp with a little pool of casual water in the middle. The third New York University Expedition to Bermuda left New York on May 27th, via the Quebec Steamship Company’s steamer Orinoco, and the last members to return arrived DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] on August Ist. The party consisted of Profes- sor C. L. Bristol, Messrs. F. W. Carpenter, C. EB. Brush, Jr., F. Erdwurm, of the graduating class ; Messrs. Hill, Magnus and Wooley of the present Junior class, and Mr. A. Benton Muller. The reconnaissance work of the two former years was continued from White’s Island in Hamilton Harbor as headquarters. The build- ings on the islands afforded far better facilities for laboratory work than was obtained on the other trips, and also brought the party nearer to the south shore and the Great Sound. An important feature was a series of pools con- structed above tide level and supplied with plenty of running sea-water, in which a day’s “eatch’ could be examined alive at leisure. A naphtha launch and a small yacht-gave the necessary facilities for collecting. The principal work was reconnaissance and many new forms were found among the Crustacea, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, Tunicates, Mollusca. Perhaps the most important single trip was that made to North Rock, an isolated fragment of the old atoll-shaped reef, about nine miles out at sea. At dead low tide a small area is laid bare but almost awash, and attainable only in the smoothest of water. Here the life of the ocean swarms and offers rare opportunities for study. As in the former years a large number of the showy fishes that abound in the coral reefs were brought home alive for the New York Aquarium. Notwithstanding the sudden fall of temperature at the northern edge of the Gulf Stream the system of regulation of the temperature is now so perfect that less than one per cent. die on the voyage. A pair of green parrot fishes of large size, and a large green muray about eight feet long were the most conspicuous among them, and are living and in good health at this date. FRANCIS BE. Luoyp, Secretary. TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB, OCT. 25, 1899. THE scientific program opened with a paper by Dr. D. T. MacDougal on ‘The Mycorrhiza of Cephalanthera,’ describing the general char- acters of this Pacific coast plant, with special reference to its symbiotism, and with exhibition ofspecimensin alcohol. Dr. MacDougal’s speci- mens form probably the most complete examples SCIENCE, 897 of its root system ever procured, the plant grow- ing among matted hemlock roots and very diffi- cult to get at. Discussion by Dr. Britton of the taxonomic relations of Cephalanthera followed. The second subject of the evening was that of Ferns, ‘Notes on Ferns’ were presented by Mrs. Britton, with specimens and lantern views. Dr. Underwood exhibited some very large ex- amples of Botrychiwm lanceolatum from the foot of Mt. Rainier, reaching about 1 foot high, in- cluding roots, and with frond nearly 3 inches in length. Mr. W. N. Clute spoke of finding Dryopteris Goldieana at Bedford Park, and of continued discoveries of Dryopteris simulata, usually in company with Woodwardia areolata. Mrs. Britton spoke of the association of Dryopteris simulata on the Pocono with Rhodo- dendron maximum, in very different surround- ings ; and called attention to its distinctly blue- green coloring. Mr. Clute reported finding last July a new station for Schizea pusilla at Allen’s Bridge, N. J., on the east branch of the Wading river, in quantity, observed last July. The fertile fronds of the last year were then still remaining onthe plant. Sterile fronds were coiling about neighboring stems as if with a trace of the climbing habit of its relative, Lygodium. This coiling tendency, added Dr. Britton, has occa- sioned the name Curly-grass, which was found in use in New Jersey for the Schizea. The Secretary referred to the successful trans- planting of Schizea into a locality near Lake- wood, N. J., by Miss R. W. Farrington. Miscellaneous notes constituted the remainder of the program. The Secretary made some re- marks upon singularities in the distribution of Aster Schreberi, a species described by Nees in 1818, from a single plant, and afterward omitted by botanists, until the publication of the Illus- trated Flora. The abundance of this species, which he finds characteristic of the Schoharie drainage-basin of the Catskills, contrasts strangely with its absence from other parts of that region. Judge Brown reported finding Solidago odora on high ground near Sam’s Point, late in the season, many scattered plants blooming at about 2,000° altitude. 898 Dr. Britton remarked that this forms an in- teresting addition to the number of coast plants found in the Shawangunk range. It has been claimed that the breaking up of sandstone rocks there has produced a sandy soil suffi- ciently similar to that of the seashore to permit the growth of certain arenophilous plants usu- ally found only on the coast. Dr. T. F. Allen spoke of a specimen of Rhus vernicifera, the lacquer tree of Japan, which is growing luxuriantly on his farm in Connec- ticut. It resembles our swamp sumach, Rhus venenata, in appearance, and is becoming a handsome tree. Some of his family who are sensitive to Rhus poisoning find it necessary to avoid going near it. Dr. Britton also reported a gift to the Botanic Garden of about 200 volumes which had be- longed to the botanist, David Hosack. They are in excellent condition, and some of them extremely rare. EDWARD S. - BURGESS, Secretary. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 312TH MEETING, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH. Mr. F. A. Lucas read a ‘ Letter from H. H. Field Concerning the Concilium Bibliograph- icum, and the Proposed Catalogue of the Royal Society,’ calling attention to the expense of the proposed publication, even though no card cat- alogue was issued, and stating that the Concil- ium could carry out the entire scheme at a less cost than the incomplete publication proposed by the Royal Society. Mr. Frederick V. Coville read a paper on ‘The Botanical Explorations of Thomas Nuttall in California,’ showing that the dates on which Nuttall is stated to have visited various locali- ties were erroneously given. Professor Barton W. Evermann described ‘A Physical and Biological Survey of Lake Max- inkuckee,’ giving the various problems whose solution was desired, and the methods em- ployed for soundings, obtaining the tempera- ture, and studying the plankton of the lake. O. F. Coox, Secretary. SCIENCE CLUB OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. THE November meeting of the Science Club of the University of Wisconsin was held on the 21st SCIENCE. LN. S. Vou. X. No. 259. instant, the Vice president, Mr. Edward Krem- ers, inthe chair. Theprogramme of the evening was a paper by Mr. Louis Kahlenberg on ‘The Present Status of our Knowledge of Solutions.’ After an exposition of the modern theories of solution and of electrolytic dissociation, the speaker pointed out that his recent researches on non-aqueous solutions have shown that there are solutions that conduct electricity in which, according to molecular weight determinations there is no dissociation, and that furthermore, the molecular conductivity in some solutions does not change with the dilution, and that in others it decreases as the volume increases. These facts can not be harmonized with the theory of electrolytic dissociation. In the criticism of the general theory of so- lutions it was emphasized that the solvent does not act merely asso much space, but that it has afar more important function, the very act of solution itself depending on a mutual interaction of solvent and solute. The paper was discussed by Messrs. B. W. Snow, H. L. Russell, E. Kremers and C. F. Burgess. Wm. H. Hoses. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. AN ALIEN CLEMATIS IN NEW MEXICO Las July I found an interesting and peculiar Clematis growing along the road-side in the town of Las Vegas, N. M., apparently wild. It was clearly related to the Clematis (Atragene) occi- dentalis (Hornem.) of the adjacent mountains, but still quite distinct. It did not come into full flower until the C. occidentalis was over, and the flowers were yellow instead of blue or white. Careful comparisons showed that the plant was different from anything known in America, so I drew up a description, under the name of C. crux-flava, ‘the yellow cross.’ During the rest of the summer I examined a good deal of the country near Las Vegas, and nowhere was the new Clematis to be seen, except within the limits of the town. A very vigorous plant was found growing ina garden, but nobody knew how it got there. These facts suggested an alien, so I sent specimens to Dr. B. L. Robinson at Cam- bridge, and to Kew Gardens, requesting that they might be compared with the Asiatic species. From both places in due time came the reply DECEMBER 15, 1899. ] that the plant was Clematis orientalis L. ; from Kew the further information was sent that it was a variety of the species, exactly agreeing with specimens from the N. W. Himalayas. As the plant is apparently with us to stay, it may be worth while to give the description of it, based on Las Vegas material. Clematis orientalis, variety—Low straggling climber; stems slender, purplish at the nodes; leaves, including petioles, 7 to 12cm. long, with five leaflets, which are rather thick, perfectly glabrous, a somewhat glaucous green, more or less lanceolate in outline, the terminal one often linear-lanceolate, the lateral ones sometimes ovate-lanceolate, all more or less coarsely and irregularly serrate towards the base, or even lobed, the upper leaves especially having nar- row leaflets, distinctly lobed at the base, the lobes pointed and often notched ; in a well devel- oped leaf the terminal lobe is about 4 cm. long. Buds pale greenish-yellow, obpyriform, nodding, 4-angled ; flowers at first nodding, ultimately erect; sepals four, pale sulphur-yellow with a greenish tint, rather thick, recurved at tips, 7- nerved, nearly glabrous, perfectly so below except edges, but above with scanty white woolly hairs, and the lateral margins, which are bent inwards, quite conspicuously white-woolly towards the tip; apex of sepal truncate in lateral view, with a linear green process, 2 mm. long, at the lower corner of the truncation. Length of sepal about 23 mm., breadth 10 mm. Stamens 32, anthers 4; mm. long, filaments about 6 mm., broad and flattened, especially the inner ones, glabrous with only a few hairs on the margins. Outer filaments tinged with pur- plish. No staminodes. Fruit a globular head with the usual long plumose tails, about 4 cm. long, the carpels also hairy, borne upon a honeycombed hairy receptacle. The persistent styles in the fruit are reddish, and the other long hairs silvery-white. The naturalization of a Himalayan Clematis in the mountains of New Mexico suggests the possibility that other plants from the same region might do well if introduced here, some of them being perhaps of economic value. T. D. A. COCKERELL. MESILLA PARK, NEw MEXxIco, November 25, 1899. _ SCIENCE. 899: NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Tue problem of the structure of the carbon molecule has attracted the attention of not a few chemists, though little progress has been made toward its solution, owing to the difficulty of obtaining soluble bodies of definite compo- sition by the action of reagents upon any form of carbon. Sometime since, L. Staudenmaier discovered a rapid method of oxidizing graphite to graphitic acid, and a continuation of this work is described in the current Berichte. Graphitic acid appears not to be a true acid, but a substance of a quinone nature. By heating it is converted into a simpler compound which the author calls pyrographitic acid, from which other derivatives may be formed. Among the oxidation products is mellitic acid C,(COOH),. From the analogy furnished by the oxidation of naphthalene to phthalic acid, it would appear that graphitic acid and hence graphite contains three naphthalene groups united together into a benzene nucleus. In the study of non-aqueous solutions more work has been done on ammonia as a solvent than on any other liquid. The work of E. C. Franklin and others shows that many salts dis- solve readily in liquid anhydrous ammonia and are electrolytically dissociated. According to Franklin, liquid hydrogen sulfid appears not to act in this manner as a solvent, and I know of no experiments with liquid hydrochloric acid. Great interest attaches to a series of experi- ments described by P. Walden, of Riga, in the Berichte, on liquid sulfur dioxid as an inorganic ionizing solvent. It is the more remarkable, as the solvent contains no hydrogen. As far as Walden’s experiments have yet gone, the halid salts have been found to dissolve readily in liquid sulfur dioxid and metathetical reactions take place in the solution. Organic substances of very different compositions dissolve readily, and often though solvent and solute are color- less, the solution is colored. A number of sub- stances were used for determination of molec- ular weight by the boiling point method. The solutions appear tolbe quite different from the aqueous solutions, showing the molecular weight in several instances double what would be ex- pected. The article is an interesting contribu- tion to the chemistry of solutions. 900 The last number of the American Chemical Journal contains a paper by Dr. G. P. Baxter, of Harvard University, on the occlusion of hydrogen by cobalt and other metals. State- ments in literature regarding this subject vary very much, but Dr. Baxter claims that this is due chiefly at least to the different degrees of purity of the metal. Ingot cobalt, or very pure cobalt, when very finely divided, has the power of oc- cluding hydrogen toa very slight extent. Most of those cases where there is a large amount of hydrogen absorbed are, at least, in part due to the presence of impurities in the cobalt used. Nickel, silver and copper act similarly to co- balt in occluding but small quantities of hydro- gen. Indeed, it is questioned whether silver actually occludes any hydrogen. Japanese farms are, to a large extent, ex- hausted of phosphoric acid, so that the discovery of phosphate beds in that country is very wel- come. This discovery is described by K. Tsuneto in the Chemiker Zeitung. The phosphate beds which are on island Kinshu are largely lime and sand running only up to 20% phosphate; but this can be very successfully used in lieu of bet- ter material and will prove of great service to Japan. The remainder of the material of the phosphate beds seems to be a sand cemented together by limestone. Some fossil remains are present. Jy Ibe Isl, CURRENT NOTES ON METEOROLOGY. LECTURES ON METEOROLOGY. In the Public Educational Course, now being given in Baltimore, under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, a series of fifteen class lectures, by Dr. Oliver L. Fassig, Instructor in Climatology in the University, is announced. These lectures are to come on Saturday morn- ing, beginning about the middle of December, and are intended especially for teachers. The fee for the course is $3, and with the additional privilege of class work, consisting of written exercises and final examination, the fee is $5. For regular attendance, satisfactory class or laboratory work, and final examination, a simple certificate will be awarded to successful students. The attendance at this educational course this year is to be about eighty-five. The subjects of Dr. Fassig’s lectures are as follows : SCIENCE, [N. S. Vou. X. No. 259. I., Il. The Temperature of the Atmosphere; Iil., IV. Forms of Water in the Atmosphere ; 'V. The Weight and Extent of the Atmosphere ; VI., VII., VIII. The Movements of the Atmos- phere; IX.- Weather; X. Climate; XI. Do Climates Change? XII., XIII. Fortelling the Weather; XIV. The Work of a National Weather Bureau; XV. Two Centuries of Prog- ress in Meteorology. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ANTARCTIC COLD AND NIGHT. Dr. FREDERICK A. Cook, Surgeon of the Bel- gica expedition to the Antarctic, writes of some of the incidents of the voyage in McClure’s Maga- zine for November. The physiological effects, noted as a result of the darkness and cold of the Antarctic night, are thus described: ‘‘ The long darkness, the isolation, the tinned foods, the continued low temperature, with increasing storms and a high humidity, finally reduced our systems to what we will call polar anemia. We became pale, with a kind of greenish hue. * * * The stomach and all the organs were sluggish, and refused to work. Most dangerous of all were the cardiac and cerebral symptoms. The heart acted asif it had lost its regulating influence. Its action was feeble, but its beats were not increased until other dangerous symp- toms appeared. Itsaction wasirregular, feeble, and entirely unreliable throughout the night. The mental symptoms were not so noticeable. The men were incapable of concentration and unable to continue prolonged thought. One sailor was forced to the verge of insanity, but he recovered with the returning sun.’’ Similar effects have been noticed in the Arctic, and hence show a well-marked series of physiolog- ical changes which take place under the pecu- liar conditions which surround Arctic and Ant- arctic explorers during the long polar night. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HIGH ALTITUDES. THE September number of the Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt contains a short paper by Dr. Mertens on the physiological effects of high altitudes ; the suggested causes of these vari- ous effects, and possible remedies. The article gives a compact summary of this interesting problem. It is to be noted that Dr. Mertens DECEMBER 15, 1899.] uses the term Hohenkrankheit rather than Berg- krankheit. This seems a reasonable change. The latter word really includes only the phys- iological effects experienced by mountain climb- ers, while the former includes all the effects of diminished pressure, whether noted by moun- tain climbers, who are still on terra firma, or by aéronauts, who are carried above the surface of the earth in the car of a balloon. i R. DEC. Warp. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. Proressor E. E. BARNARD of the Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, sailed from New York on December 9th for England. He intends to arrange for a lens for the Bruce photographic telescope. PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON, JR., has been appointed state geologist, of Ohio, to succeed his father, the late Dr. Edward Orton. Pro- fessor Orton served as an assistant on the Ohio Survey, studying the distribution of the coal measures, and later prepared the excellent re- ports on the clay and clay industries of the State which were published in Volumes VY. and and VII. of the Geological Survey of Ohio and in the Reports of the National Brick Manufac- turer’s Association. Since 1894 he has been the director of the department of clay-making and ceramics in the Ohio State University in which is given the only four-year course in ceramics in thiscountry. This appointment ensures the con- tinuance of the excellent work in economic ge- ology which has characterized the later Geolog- ical Reports of Ohio. Dr. JoKICHI TAKAMINE, of the University of Tokio, Japan, known for his researches on di- gestive ferments, is at present on a tour of in- spection of the larger educational institutions og the United States. He has been gent by the Japanese government to examine the scientific work and methods of American universities. THE New York Herald has received a cable- gram stating that M. Daniel Osiris has given a large endowment to the Institute of France to provide a triennial prize of 100,000 fr. to be awarded for a great scientific discovery or work _ SCIENCE, 901 of art. Surgical or medical discoveries are to be especially considered. Prorrssor Dr. Forster of the Mulhausen Gymnasium has received a call from the Dutch Government to geological research in Sumatra. He will be absent about one year and a half. Str WiL~t1AM MacCormac, the eminent British surgeon, who it will be remembered volunteered his services at the seat of war in South Africa, arrived at Cape Town on Noyem- ber 20th. THE Special Board for Biology and Geology, of Cambridge University, have adjudged the Walsingham medal for 1899, to H. H. W. Pear- son, B. A., Gonville and Caius College, for his essay entitled ‘The Botany of the Ceylon Patanas,’ and a second Walsingham medal to J. Bareroft, B. A., Fellow of King’s College, for his essay entitled ‘ The Gaseous Metabolism of the Submaxillary Gland.’ Mr. W. F. Cooper, Clare College, Cambridge University, has been nominated by the Special Board for Biology and Geology to occupy the University table at the Zoological Station at Naples until February 1, 1900. Dr. L. A. BAUER, on October 25th, was the guest of the Royal Geographical Society of St. Petersburg. At the close of the meeting he ex- hibited various maps relating to the magnetic survey of the United States and Alaska in gen- eral, and of the special magnetic survey of Maryland. Mr. Henry P. WAtcorT, of Cambridge, has been elected president of the Massachusetts Forestry Association. THE death is announced of Professor Francis Guthrie at the age of sixty-eight. He was for many years professor of mathematics in the South African College, and made valuable con- tributions to the botany of South Africa. Proressor P. KNuTH died at Kiel on October 80th, at the age of forty-five years. He was well known for his researches on cross-fertiliza- tion. WE also regret to learn of the death of Pro- fessor R. Yatube, the Japanese botanist. In accordance with the German custom the former pupils of Dr. William H. Welch, pro- 902 fessor of pathology in the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, will mark the occasion of his twenty- fifth year as teacher and investigator, by dedicating to him a volume of their scientific contributions. Some seventy-five students have undertaken investigations under Dr. Welch’s leadership and nearly half of these will contrib- ute to the volume. Dr. F. P. Mall is the secre- tary of the committee of publication and to him communications and subscriptions should be addressed. The committee of publication con- sists of: A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsyl- vania; L. F. Barker, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity; Wm. T. Councilman, Harvard University; Simon Flexner, University of Pennsylvania; W.S. Halsted, Johns Hopkins University ; A. C. Herter, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York; Wyatt Johnston, McGill University; F. P. Mall, Johns Hop- kins University; Henry F. Osborn, Colum- bia University, New York; Walter Reed, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.; Geo. M. Sternberg, Surgeon General’s Office, Washington, D. C. AT the approaching meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, which will be held at New Haven on December 27th and 28th, a lec- ture will be given on Wednesday evening by Professor A. E. Verrill on ‘The Geology and Natural History of the Bermudas.’ Afterwards there will be a reception to members in Alumni Hall. The speakers in the discussion on ‘The Position that Universities should take in regard to Investigation’ will include Professors Thomas Dwight, R. H. Chittenden, William B. Scott and Joseph Jastrow. The address of the presi- dent, Professor W. G. Farlow, will be given, as we have already stated, on Thursday evening. THE Royal Society held its anniversary meet- ing on November 30th. In accordance with custom the president, Lord Lister, delivered an address in which he paid special attention to inoculation against the plague. The leading officers were reélected, except that Dr. T. EH. Thorpe was elected foreign secretary and the medals were conferred as already announced. The Council in its annual report referred es- pecially to the preliminary conference on an International Association of Scientific Acade- SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 259. mies, the proposed International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, and the National Physical Laboratory. The annual dinner was held in the evening and speeches were made by Lord Lister, Lord Rayleigh and others. Tue American Chemical Society, on petition of those of its members who reside in Michigan, is now establishing a local section for that State. The headquarters are to be in Ann Arbor, and the meetings are to be held alternately in Detroit and at the University of Michigan. THE inauguration of Professor geistl. Rath Dr. Bach as Rector of the University of Munich, took place on November 25th. His address was entitled ‘Verhdltniss von Bildung und Arbeit.’ THE memorial lecture established by the Liverpool Society of Chemical Industry in memory of Dr. Ferdinand Hurter, was given for the first time by Professor C. Lunge, of Zurich, whose subject was ‘Impending Changes in the General Development of Industry and particularly in the Alkali Industry.’ Mr. CHARLES VERNON Boys, F.R.S., is to , deliver the annual course of Christmas lectures, specially adapted to young people, at the Royal Institution this year. He has chosen as his subject: ‘Fluids in Motion and at Rest.’ The lectures, which will be six in number, will com- mence on Thursday, December 28th, at three o’clock. Ir is proposed to hold an International Con- gress of Tuberculosis in May, 1901. Nature states that the budget of the German Imperial home office includes an item of 15,000 Marks for the International Catalogue of Scien- tific Literature. Tue New York Board of Estimate has re- fused the request of the New York Zoological Society for an additional appropriation of $7,500 and the Mayor has refused to reconsider the question. THE subjects proposed by the Boston Society of Natural History for the Walker prizes in 1900 are (1) Stratigraphy and correlation of the sedimentary formations of any part of New England; (2) A study in paleozoic stratig- raphy and correlation. DECEMBER 15, 1899.] Tue New York Zoological Society has issued a Popular Official Guide to the New York Zo- ological Park as far as completed, with maps, plans and illustrations. It contains a brief account of the Society, its origin and aims; tells how to reach the Park, describes the general topography of the grounds and the animals it now contains. There is much information con- cerning the range, size and habits of the ani mals, their former abundance or present scarcity, and the accompanying illustrations are very good. A TELEGRAM has been received at the Har- vard College Observatory from Professor Kreutz at Kiel Observatory, stating that a planet of the tenth magnitude was discovered by Charlois Dec. 42.377 Greenwich Mean Time in R. A., 4» 37™56° and Dec. + 14° 137. Daily motion in R. A. — 14! cee cisco ee Deck 3 4! A TOPOGRAPHICAL map of Greater New York, 24x 28 feet in size, and costing about $10,000, is being prepared for the Paris Exposition. It is expected that the map will subsequently be placed in the New York Public Library. THE corals collected by the Beal-Steere Ex- pedition and given to the University of Michigan have been mounted and permanently shelved in the museum. The collection includes several hundred specimens taken from the Pacific Ocean near the Philippine Islands and the island of Formosa. As far as possible each specimen has been placed in the position in which it origi- nally grew. WE learn from the British Medical Journal that of the three members of the Malaria Com- mission which proceeded to British Central Africa in the early part of the year, two, Messrs. Christophers and Stephens, have re- turned. Dr. Daniels remains for a further term in Central Africa. We understand that Messrs. Christophers and Stephens will almost at once proceed to the West Coast of Africa, in the first instance to Sierra Leone, where there should be no lack of material for studies both in malaria and in blackwater fever. Hitherto the work of the Commission has been hampered by lack of clinical material. It is easy to under- stand how, in the scanty and scattered Huro- _ SCIENCE. 903 pean population of British Central Africa, although blackwater fever is the most frequent cause of death, such a concentration of cases as would best suit the purposes of the Commission might be difficult to effect. In the larger and more concentrated European populations to be found in West Africa it is to be hoped that in this respect the conditions will be more favor- able to the work of the Commissioners. REUTER’s AGENCY is informed that Dr. Carl Peters, in a letter dated Umtali, October 13th, just to hand, announces that during the rainy season, when practically no prospecting work was possible, he intended to come to England. He adds: ‘‘I expect to arrive about the middle of December, accompanied by Umtete, the brother of the famous chief Macombe. I am leaving my staff out here. One mining engi- neer and a trader are left at the Fura station, near the Zambesi, and also at the Inyanga sta- tion, near Umtali. I am in first-class health, but am feeling a little run down in consequence of the marching, exploring, irregular food, ete. I have evidence that can prove we have really discovered the Fura of the old reports.’’ In explanation of this, Reuter’s Agency is informed that Dr. Carl Peters’s expedition was mainly based on an old atlas published in Amsterdam in 1705, with French text, the author being un- known. In this atlas it was stated that ‘‘near this place (south of the Zambesi and near the river Manzoro, now Mazoe) is the great moun- tain of Fura, very rich in gold, which some people regard asa corruption of the Ophir.”’ This view was also held by the Portuguese writer Couto, who was quoted by Theodore Bent in his ‘Ruined Cities of Mashonaland.’ With regard to Fura, Couto said: ‘‘ The rich- est mines of all are those of Massapa, from which the Queen of Sheba took the greater part of the gold which she went to offer to the Tem- ple of Solomon, and it is Ophir, for the Kaflirs call it Fur and the Mons, Afur.’’ Dr. Peters states that uo traveler had visited this region within the last 200 years. He has now rediscov- ered ancient ruins of Semitic origin, including fortifications and what he regarded as a temple or storehouse. The whole region is practically uninhabited. He also claims to have found dis- tinct traces of ancient gold working there. 904 UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. By the will of Thomas Armstrong, of Platts- burgh, Union College is to receive between $100,000 and $150,000. It is required that the college shall endow a chair of sociology and offer a certain number of annual prizes and scholar- ships for the sons of Clinton County farmers. Mr. Aucustus LOWELL has given the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology $50,000, to be used as the nucleus of a fund, the income of which shall be used for the benefit of the teach- ing staff of the Institute in cases of illness, death or retirement. DaLTon HAut, the chemical laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, has been damaged by fire. The top floor was almost destroyed and much injury was caused to the lower floors by water. The loss being estimated at $12,000. Dr. THos. H. MonrGoMERy has been ap- pointed assistant professor of zoology in the University of Pennsylvania. At Cambridge University Mr. E. A. N. Arber, B.A., Trinity College, has been appointed de- monstrator in paleobotany in the place of Mr. H. Woods, resigned. Dr. WILHELM MuTHMAN, assistant profes- sor in the University of Munich, has been made professor of inorganic chemistry in the Poly- technic Institute. Dr. Orro vy. FurtH has qualified as docent in physiology in the university at Vienna, and Dr. Peter Polis for meteorology, and Dr. Mat Semper for anatomy in the Polytechnic Insti- tute at Aachen. AT the recent meeting of the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland, a resolution was presented by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler,of Columbia Uni- versity, and adopted, providing that the Asso- ciation urge the early establishment of a joint college admission examination board, to be com- posed of representatives of colleges and prepara- tory schools in the Middle States and Maryland, and that the colleges be requested to cooperate in adopting a uniform standard of admission. CLEVELAND ABBE, JR., Ph.D. (Johns Hop- kins), and L. C. Glenn, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), are teaching physiography in South Carolina, SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 259. the former at the Winthrop Normal and In- dustrial College, Rock Hill, 8. C., and the latter at South Carolina College, Columbia, S.C. Dr. Abbe also conducted a very successful class at Rock Hill in the summer of 1899. Asa result of the support given to the subject and through the efforts of the instructors, a popular interest has been aroused that is most promising. It is hoped that continued effort may bring about a great betterment in geography teaching of all grades in the State. Ir will be remembered that the philosophical faculty of the University of Berlin refused to take action against Dr. Arons, docent for physics, who had been charged with taking part in socialist agitation. The minister of education thereupon appealed to the Court of second instance, presided over by the under- secretary of his own department and this Court now recommends that Dr. Arons should be de- prived of his right to deliver lectures. AN election to an Isaac Newton studentship. at Cambridge University will be held in the Lent term, 1900. The studentship is of the annual value of £200 and is tenable for three years. It is open to members of the university under the age of 25 years on January 1, 1900,. who have been admitted to the degree of B.A. It will be the duty of the student to devote himself during the tenure of the studentship to: study or research in some branch of astronomy or of physical optics, according to a course proposed by himself and approved by the elec- ' tors. Candidates must send in'their applications with certificate of birth to the Vice-Chancellor between the 16th and 26th days of January next, together with testimonials and such other evidences as to their qualifications and their proposed course of study or research as they may think fit. Candidates are recommended to send with their applications an account of any work bearing on astronomy or physical optics on which they may have been engaged and to forward copies of any papers they may have published on those subjects. They should — also furnish the electors with a clear statement of the course of study or research which they propose to pursue during the tenure of the studentship. x SIR WILLIAM DAWSON. a | Epirortan Committe: S. Newcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WoopwarpD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THuRsToN, Engineering; IRA ReMsEN, Chemistry; J. Lt Contg, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; Henry F. OsBorN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MeERRIAM, Zoology; S. H. ScuppER, Entomology; C. E. Bessmy, N. L. Brirron, Botany; C. 8S. Mrnot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. Bowpircn, Physiology; J. S. Brntinas, Hygiene; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. POWELL, Anthropology. Fripay, DECEMBER 22, 1899. CONTENTS: Sir William Dawson (with plate): PROFESSOR TESEVAGN Ke DP AUDANIM Shea eeincisansioascleisetlelsieciaeiactislselnalslals 905 Extent of Instruction in Anthropology in Europe and the United States: DR. GEORGE GRANT MAc- (CIUTRIBNS, Leonennopsansdedagdn pdauonacb sanedsuuacodseoDoap bodes 910 Economics, Politics and Finance of Voting Ma- chines: PROFESSOR R. H. THURSTON...........- 917 A Complete Mosasaur Skeleton, Osseous and Carti- laginous: PROFESSOR HENRY F. OSBORN...... 919 The Indiana University Biological Station: PRo- FESSOR C. H. HIGENMANN.............c-00eeeees si.) 92D Scientific Books :-— Heilprin on Alaska and the Klondike: DR. W. H. Datt. Wegmann on the Design and Con- struction of Dams: PROFESSOR M. MERRIMAN. Harshberger on the Botanists of Philadelphia and Their Work: PROFESSOR LucIEN M. UNDER- woop. Van Name onthe Planarians: H. B. W. 929 Societies and Academies :— Biological Society of Washington: Dr. O. F. Cook. Philosophical Society of Washington: E. D. PRESTON. Anthropological Society of Wash- ington: Dr. J. H. McCormicn. © Section of Anthropology and Psychology of the New York Academy of Sciences: PROFESSOR CHARLES H. J) WILD)D)-snosoeoomobecas-sees Discussion and Correspondence :— Dr. Wilson on Pre-historic Anthropology : McGuire. A Naturalist’s Directory: FE. V. Wiicox. Dr. J. W. Foster and the ‘ Lakeside Monthly’: FRANCIS F. BROWNE..............0-00+- 935 Botanical Notes :— The Wilt Disease of Cotton, Watermelon and Cowpea; The Fertilization of Albugo Bliti; The Ottawa Arboretum; The Spread of Forests in Northeastern Iowa; Contributions from the Na- tional Herbarium: CHARLES EH. BESSEY........- 937 Unitéd States Geological Survey..........c00c.cccceeneeee Professor Virchow’s Jubilee......... Scientific Notes and News..........+ University and Educational News MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. SIR WILLIAM DAWSON. Iy Sir William Dawson there has passed away the last survivor of that distinguished group of naturalists which in the earlier part of this century achieved for science in America such brilliant results and such widespread recognition—men whose range of knowledge was almost encyclopedic and many of whom made valuable contributions to science, in widely separated fields. The environment of the man of science has now changed and the older type of naturalist seems unfortunately about to disappear. Sir John William Dawson was a native of Nova Scotia, a province which has pro- duced more than its share of the Canadians who have risen to eminence in the various walks of life, having been born at Pictou on October 13, 1820. .He died at Montreal on November 19, 1899, at the age of 79. His father, James |\Dawson, was a native of Aberdeen Scotland, and came to Nova Scotia to fill a position in a leading business house in Pictou, and on the termination of his engagement began business there on his own account. While still at school in Pictou at the age of 12 he developed a love for natural science, inherited from his father, and made large collections of fossil plants from the Nova Scotia coal measures, so well ex- posed about his native place. He speaks of himself at that time as being a ‘‘ moder- ately diligent but not a specially brilliant 906 pupil.” On leaving school he studied at Pictou College and subsequently at the University of Edinburgh. While at the former seat of learning, at the age of 16, he read before the local Natural History So- ciety his first paper, having the somewhat ambitious title ‘On the Structure and His- tory of the Earth.’ He returned to Nova Scotia in 1847 and two years later went to Halifax to give a course of lectures on Natural History subjects in connection with Dalhousie College, and organized classes for practical work in mineralogy and paleontology. These were attended by students, citizens and pupils of higher schools, a foreshadowing of university ex- tension. In 1850, at the age of 30, having already attracted some attention by the publication of a number of papers, reports and lectures, he was appointed Superin- tendent of Education for Nova Scotia. From this time he became known in his native province as an indefatigable pro- moter of educational progress and a founder of educational institutions. His work in connection with this position obliged him to travel continually through all parts of the Province and on these journeys he ac- cumulated that immense mass of informa- tion concerning the geology and mineral resources of Nova Scotia which are incor- porated in his largest work—that entitled Acadian Geology. Sir Charles Lyell, in 1841, on his first visit to America, met Sir William and was by him conducted to many places of geolog- ical interest in Nova Scotia, and on his subsequent visit in 1852, they together con- tinued their studies in Nova Scotian Geol- ogy. Ina letter to Leonard Horner, dated September 12th of this year, Lyell writes: ““My companion, J. W. Dawson, is con- tinually referring to the curious botanical points respecting calamites, endogenites and other coal plants, on which light is thrown by certain specimens collected by SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 260. him at Pictou. He told me that the root of the pond lily, Nymphea odorata most resembled Stigmaria in the regularity of its growth, and Dr. Robb showed me a dried specimen, a rhizoma, which being of a totally different family and therefore not strictly like, still suggests the probability of the Stigmaria having grown in slush in like manner.’’ And in another part of the same letter he, referring to the now cele- brated Joggings Section on the coast of Nova Scotia, says: ‘‘ Dawson and I set to work and measured foot by foot many hun- dred yards of the cliffs, where forests of erect trees and calamites most abound. It was hard work as the wind one day was stormy and we had to look sharp lest the rocking of living trees just ready to fall from the top of the undermined cliff should cause some of the old fossil ones to come down upon us by the run. But I never enjoyed the reading of a marvellous chapter of the big volume more. We missed a botanical aide-de-camp much when we came to the top and bottoms of calamites and all sorts of strange pranks which some of the compressed trees played.”’ About this time the governing body of McGill College, at Montreal, were looking about for some one fitted to assume the Principalship of the institution and to reorganize it. ‘ The College, founded by Royal Charter in 1821, had made but slow progress in its earlier years and was at this time, through litigation and other causes, almost in a state of collapse. Sir William—then Mr. Dawson—was pointed out to the Governors of the College by Sir Edmund Head, then Governor: General, of Canada, as a man who if his services could be secured was emi- nently fitted to undertake the task of recon- structing the University. In the meantime, ignorant of all this, he was prosecuting a candidature for the chair of Natural History in his Alma Mater, the University DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] of Edinburgh, rendered vacant by the death of Professor Edward Forbes, and in which he was strongly supported by the leading geologists of thetime. Byastrange coincidence, just as he was about to leave Halifax for England, in connection with this candidature, intelligence arrived that the Edinburgh chair had been filled at an earlier date than his friends had antici- pated, and at the same time a letter was received offering him the Principalship of McGill. The services of Dr. Dawson were accord- ingly secured and in 1855 he assumed the Principalship of McGill College, stipulating at the same time that the chair of Natural History should be assigned to him. In his Inaugural Discourse he said: ‘“‘ Ata time when literary and scientific pursuits are so widely ramified every one who aims to do anything well must have his special field of activity. Mine has been the study of nature, especially in these bygone aspects which it is the province of geology to in- vestigate. My only other special qualifica- tion for my present position depends on the circumstance that the wants of my native province have induced me to devote much time to inquiries and pursuits relat- ing to popular education. Icome to you, therefore, as a naturalist and an education- alist, trusting that I may be enabled in these capacities to render myself useful, and asking for my youth and present inex- perience in the affairs of this Institution your kind indulgence, and for the work in which I shall be engaged your zealous co- operation.” The University as he found it had three faculties and but sixteen professors, a num- ber of whom gave only a portion of their time to university work, while the build- ings and equipment were wretched. When it is stated that the University has now one hundred and twenty professors and in- structors of various grades,and an equip- - SCIENCE. 907 ment which is in all departments fairly good and in some of them unsurpassed, some idea may be gained of the progress which the institution made under Sir William Dawson’s care and guidance. As Professor of Natural Science, Sir William at this time delivered courses in Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Geology. Natural Science became a very favorite study among the students, for he was an excellent lecturer, and his enthusiasm for these studies was communicated to all who heard him. As years went on the instruc- tion in the first three of these subjects was undertaken by others, and a special chair of Geology and Paleontology was endowed by his old friend and co-worker, Sir William Logan; a chair which he held until his final retirement. His teaching work, how- ever, formed but a small part of his daily labors. In addition to administering the affairs of the University he was first and foremost in every movement to further education in the province and no educa- tional board was complete without him. He was the Honorary President of the Natural History Society and never missed a meeting or a field day, and also identified himself closely with many other societies in, Montreal and spared neither time nor labor on their behalf. Over and above all this he found time to carry out original work along several lines, achieving most valuable results—as well as to write many popular works on science more especially in its relation to religion. Original investigation he always considered to be one of the chief duties and pleasures of a man of science. Most of his work along these lines was done during his sum- mer vacations, in fact he was led to accept the position of Principal in McGill, chiefly by the fact that the vacations gave him leis- ure and opportunity for work of this kind. He was always very progressive in his ideas relative to the scope and development 908 of university teaching, and was continually urging the endowment of new chairs and the broadening of university work, so that all young men wishing to train themselves for the higher walks of life might in the university find their needs supplied. As an instance of this it may be mentioned that so far back as 1858 he succeeded in establishing a school of Civil Engineering, which after a severe-struggle for five years succumbed to some unfriendly legislation, only however to be revived by him in 1871 and developed into the present Faculty of Applied Science of McGill University, with its numerous departments, its full staff of instructors and excellent equipment. Sir William, furthermore, never hesitated if funds were not forthcoming in sufficient amount for these purposes to subscribe large sums out of his own limited private means, and he was also the continual helper of needy students desiring to avail themselves of the university’s teaching. Sir William received the degree of M.A., from the University of Edinburgh, in 1856, and the degree of LL.D., from the same University in 1884. His attainments and the value of his contributions to science were widely recognized and he was elected an honorary or corresponding member of many learned societies on both sides of the Atlantic. He was made a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, in 1854 and of the Royal Society in 1862. He was the first President of the Royal Society of Canada and has occupied the same position in the Geological Society of America and in both the American and British Associa- tions for the Advancement of Science. He was madea C. M. G., in 1883 and a Knight Bachelor in the following year. After a long life of continuous labor, Sir William’s health in 1892 became seri- ously impaired and it became necessary for him to lay aside his work for a time and go abroad. Failing to recover his strength, SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von, X. No. 260. however, he resigned his position as Princi- pal in June, 1893, and retired from active work. During the later years of his life his strength gradually ebbed away and what little work he could undertake con- sisted in arranging his collections and working up some unfinished papers. Sev- eral of these were published in 1894 and 1895, but the years of quiet labor in his favorite pursuits to which he looked for- ward at this time were cut short by a series of sharp attacks culminating in partial paralysis, which forbade further effort. During the last few years from time to time his strength rallied somewhat and he at- tempted to resume his work. Only a few days before his death he penned a short essay on the Gold of Ophir. He passed away on the 19th of last month, very peace- fully and without pain. We may say, in the words of Dr. Peterson, his successor in the Principalship of the University. ‘‘ For such a painless passing out of life no note of sorrow need be struck. There is no sting in a death like his, the grave is not his conquerer. Rather has death been swal- lowed up in victory—the victory of a full and complete life, marked by earnest en- deavour, untiring industry, continuous de- votion and self-sacrifice, together with an abiding and ever-present sense of depend- ence on the will of Heaven. His work was done, to quote the great Puritan’s noble line, ‘as ever in his great Taskmaster’s eye.” He leaves a widow and five children, of whom the eldest, Dr. George M. Dawson, the present Director of the Geological Sur- vey of Canada, has inherited his father’s taste for geological studies and has achieved wide distinction in the world of science. Sir William’s first original contribution to science was a paper read before the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh in 1841, on a species of field mouse found in Nova Scotia. From that time onward he was a DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] continuous contributor to scientific journals and to the publications of various learned societies. His papers were very numerous and covered a wide range of subjects in the domain of Natural History. The most im- portant work of his earlier years was an extended study of the geology of the eastern Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. His results are embodied in his Acadian Geology, already mentioned, a volume of nearly 1,000 pages, accompanied by a colored geological map of Nova Scotia, which has passed through four editions. In writing to Sir William in 1868, Sir Charles Lyell says of this work, ‘‘ I have been read- ing it steadily and with increased pleasure and profit. It isso full of original observa- tion and sound theoretical views that it must, I think, make its way and will cer- tainly be highly prized by the more ad- vanced scientific readers.’”’ It is the most complete account which we have of the geology of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward’s Island, although since it appeared large portions of these provinces have been mapped in detail by the Geolog- ical Survey of Canada and Sir William’s conclusions modified in some particulars. In carrying out this work Sir William paid especial attention to the Paleontology of the Carboniferous system and to the whole question of the nature and mode of accumu- lation of coal. He subsequently studied the paleontology of the Devonian and Up- per Silurian Systems of Canada, discovering many new and important forms of plant life. In 1884 he began the study of the Creta- ceous and Tertiary fossil plants of Western Canada and published the first of a series of papers on the successive floras from the Lower Cretaceous onwards, which appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. He also contributed a volume entitled The Geological History of Plants to Appleton’s International Scientific Series. In 18638 he published his Air Breathers of SCIENCE. 909 the Coal Period, in which were collected the results of many years’ study in the fos- sil batrachians and the land animals of the coal measures of Nova Scotia. The earliest known remains of microsauria were then discovered by him in the interior of de- cayed tree stumps in the coal measures of South Joggings. The results of his later studies on these creatures were embodied in a series of subsequent papers which ap- peared from time to time. On taking up his residence in Montreal his attention was attracted to the remark- able development of the Pleistocene de- posits exposed in the vicinity of the city and he undertook a detailed study of them, and especially of the remarkably rich fossil fauna which they contain. He also studied subsequently the Pleistocene deposits of the Lower St. Lawrence and instituted com- parisons between them and the present fauna of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and of the Labrador coast. The results of these studies appeared in a series of papers as the work progressed and were finally embodied in a volume entitled The Canadian Ice Age, which was issued in 1893, as one of the publications of the Peter Redpath Museum of McGill University. This is one of the most important contributions to the pale- ontology of the pleistocene which has hitherto appeared. Sir William’s name is also associated with the renowned Eozoon Canadense, discov- ered by the Geological Survey of Canada in the Grenville limestones of the Canadian Laurentian and described by him in 1864 as a gigantic foraminifer. Concerning this remarkable object there has been a wide- spread controversy and a great divergence of opinion. Some of the most experienced observers in the lower forms of life, such as Carpenter, accepted it as of organic origin, while others considered it to be inorganic. And while the balance of opinjon now pos- sibly favors the latter view, its resemblance 910 microscopically to certain organic forms is certainly most remarkable. The literature of this subject, which includes many papers by Sir William, is quite voluminous, but the chief facts are summed up in his book en- titled The Dawn of Life, which appeared in 1875. Sir William was also a prolific writer of popular works on various geological topics. Among these may be mentioned his Story of the Earth and Man, his Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives, his Meeting Place of Geology and History, and his Modern Science in Bible Lands. These books, all written in a very entertaining style, had a wide circle of readers and many of them passed through several editions. Other volumes from his pen, as well as many papers contributed to various relig- ious publications, treated of the relation of science and religion. One of the earliest of these was entitled Archaia, and dealt with the relations of historical geology to the Mosaic account of the Creation. In others he considered the relation of the evolution- ary hypothesis to religious thought. He was always, but especially in his earlier years, a strong opponent of the Theory of Evolution and vigorously combated it. Be- ing above all things deeply religious and considering the evolutionary explanation of the origin of the universe to be contrary to the teachings of Scripture, he refused to ac- cept it. This was, after all, but the weak- ness of a strong man. It did not, however, tend to enhance his reputation among men of science, who are commonly willing to let truth work out its own results, knowing that apparent contradictions are merely in- dications that the whole truth has not been discovered. These works on the relation of science and religion met a popular need and were of great comfort to many a pious soul who feared that the whole framework of faith was being swept away by the advancement SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 260. of science. Their value, however, was not permanent and they are not the works by which Sir William Dawson will be remem- bered. His reputation is founded on the great contributions to our permanent stock of knowledge which he has made and which are embodied in his works on pure science, representing achievements of which any man might well be proud. Sir William had a courteous, or rather a courtly manner, based on a genuine consid- eration for all. He was:respected and be- loved by all who knew him and especially endeared himself to all who studied under him. The preeminent note of his char- acter was simplicity and singleness of pur- pose. His loss will be felt especially in the institution with which he was long con- nected, but his name has been perpetuated in connection with the geological depart- ment of his University by the establishment of asecond chair in geology, to be known as the Dawson Chair, which has just been endowed in his memory by one of the great benefactors of the University, Sir William Macdonald. Frank D. ADAMs. McGiLu UNIVERSITY, December 8, 1899. EXTENT OF INSTRUCTION IN ANTHROPOL— OGY IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES. REGULARLY authorized instruction in an- thropology dates from the second half of the present century. Before passing the threshold of the next, it might be well to have the benefit of any inspiration which may be drawn from the progress of this new science as a branch of university dis- cipline. The time, the closing of a century, for such a review is, of itself, opportune. Even if it were not so, occasion would not be want- ing in the independent movement in differ- ent countries looking toward the establish- ment of chairs and lectureships of anthro- DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] pology. Professor W J McGee’s efforts along that line in this country are note- worthy. Professor Wilhelm Waldeyer in his inaugural address about a year ago as Rector of the University of Berlin strongly emphasized the desirability of instituting chairs of anthropology in the universities of the German Empire.* The Anthropological Section of the Brit- ish Association for the Advancement of Science at the Bristol meeting, September, 1898, appointed a Committee to ascertain “Mhe present state of anthropological teaching in the United Kingdom and else- where.” Professor E. B. Taylor was made Chairman of this Committee, and Mr. H. Ling Roth, Secretary. Funds were voted for carrying on the investigation. The re- sults of this Committee’s work are, no doubt, forthcoming in the report of the Dover Meeting of the British Association which was to be held in September, 1899. The substance of this article was pre- sented by the writer before the Anthropo- logical Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Colum- bus, August, 1899, and led to the appoint- ing of a committee to consider ways and means of furthering the instruction in an- thropology in our own institutions of learn- ing, and to report at the Christmas meeting. The committee appointed by the Chair are W J McGee of Washington, Frank Russell of Cambridge, and George Grant MacCurdy of New Haven. To go back half a century, Professor Serres held the Chair of Anatomy at the Natural History Museum of Paris when it became the Chair of Natural History of Man, or Anthropology, as Serres himself called it in announcing his course. In 1867, Paul Broca opened a laboratory of anthropology in connection with the * Ueber Aufgaben und Stellung unserer Universi- taiten seit der Neugriindung des deutschen Reiches. Berlin, 1898. Druck von W. Biixenstein. SCIENCE. Lik Société d’ Anthropologie de Paris, then already eight years old. This laboratory became part of the Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes the next year (1868). As early as 1870, Broca had already established a regular course of lessons which was kept up until 1876, when it was merged in the newly- founded Ecole d’ Anthropologie de Paris. The latter was the first and remains the only school of its kind in the world. Across the Channel, Sir William Flower had this to say in 1881: ‘In not a single university or public institution throughout the three kingdoms is there any kind of systematic teaching, either of physical or of any other branch of anthropology, ex- cept so far as comparative philology may be considered as bearing upon the subject. ’* In 1894 Sir William Flower could still say: “A professorship of Anthropology does not exist at present in the British Isles.’”’+ In- struction in some branches of anthropology was already being given, however, both at Oxford and Cambridge. At Oxford, E. B. Tylor was made Uni- versity Professor and Reader of Anthro- pology, December 31, 1898. Professor Tylor is also keeper of the University Mu- seum. As he was the first Instructor in Anthropology (since 1883) in the British Isles, so is he the first Professor and the only one. Arthur Thomson, University Professor of Human Anatomy, gives in- struction in physical anthropology, and Mr. Henry Balfour, Cur. Pitt-Rivers Museum, lectures on: ‘Arts of Mankind and their Evolution.’ At Cambridge, Dr. Haddon, F.R.S., and Mr. W. H. L. Duckworth have, for some time, been recognized teachers of anthro- pology, and a lecturer on the subject has * Presidential address to the Department of An- thropology, British Association, for the Advancement of Science (York meeting). t Presidential address to the Section of Anthropol- ogy, B. A. A. S. (Oxford meeting). 912 just been appointed. Alexander Macalister, Professor of Human Anatomy, has, for a number of years, found time to give instruc- tion in physical anthropology. Sir William Turner of Edinburgh (Pro- fessor of Human Anatomy) delivers a special course of lectures, with practical demonstrations, in physical anthropology. A Museum of Anthropology was recently established at the University of Aberdeen ; so that instruction in anthropology may, in all probability, be given there. In Ireland, Dr. C. R. Browne of Trinity College, Dublin, gives demonstrations in anthropometric methods. In addition to the work done in the Anthropometric Laboratory, every year, the instruments are taken to some selected district in Ire- land and a systematic study of the inhabi- tants is made. The Royal Irish Academy makes yearly grants to the committee in charge of this work, the character of which may be ascertained from Dr. Browne’s re- cent report on ‘The Ethnography of Clare Island and Inishturk, Co., Mayo.’* Germany has but one professorship of anthropology —that at Munich held by Johannes Ranke. To quote Professor Wilhelm Waldeyer who speaks especially for Munich and Berlin: “Nur in Munchen ist ein Professor ordin. fur Anthropologie angestellt ; derselbe hat auch ein besonderes Institut und einen As- sistenten, Hrn. Dr. Birkner, Sie wissen, dass Johannes Ranke der Professor ordin. ist. ‘‘ An den ubrigen deutschen Universitaten werden zwar anthropologische Vorlesungen gehalten, aber wohl nur von Professores extraordinarii und Privat Docenten, ohne besonderen Lehrauftrag seitens der Regier- ung, rein als Privatsache, und es bestehen keine Institute fur Anthropologie. ‘« Hier in Berlin lesen seit einigen Jahren : ““(1) Dr. von Luschan, Titular professor, * Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3d ser., Vol. V., No. 1, Deo., 1898. SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 260. uber physiche Anthropologie und wtber Ethnologie ; ferner gibt er im Volkermu- seum (ganz unabhangig von der Universi- tat), anthropologische und ethnographische Uebungskurse. (2) Professor Dr. Wilhelm Krause, Laboratoriumsvorstand and der anatomischen Anstalt, liest tber ‘ Rassen- kunde’.und gibt Uebungen in ‘ anthropo- logischer Messungskunde.’ (3) Dr. Séeler, Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Mexico’s. (4) Dr. Huth, Geschichte und Volkerkunde Siberiens. ““Wie es an den andern Universitaten ist, weiss ich nicht, abgesehen von dem, was ich vorhin gesagt habe.”’ Professor Ludwig, of Bonn, who occupies the Chair of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, gives, in addition, a course in Physical Anthropology. Emil Schmidt (Prof. ordin. hon.) of the University of Leipzig, offers ‘ Anthropologie und Ethnol- ogie’ together with ‘ Anthropologische Uebungen.’ At Marburg i.H., P. Kretschner (Profes- sor extraordin.) lectures on ‘ Indogerman- ische Volkerkunde und Urgeschichte Europas’; at Halle, Professor Kirchhoff, offers, among other courses, one in ‘ An- thropogeographie’; and at the Stuttgart Konigl. Technische Hochschule, Professor Karl Benjamin Klunzinger gives instruction in anthropology and hygiene, in addition to zoology. No French university offers a course in anthropology with the possible exception of Lyons where Ernest Chantreis Professor of Ethnology. This seems strange when we remember that the land of Buffon, Broca, de Quatrefages, and de Mortillet is looked upon as a pioneer in the anthropological sciences, and has trained a majority of all who are now teaching the subject. Chan- nels of instruction have been found other than the universities—namely, the Ecole libre d’ Anthropologie de Paris and the Museum d’ Histoire Naturelle at the Jardin des Plantes. DECEMBER, 22, 1899.] The Ecole d’Anthropologie offers nine courses by as many professors. They are as follows : Matthias Duval; Anthropogénie, Embry- ologie. André Lefévre ; Lin- guistique. Letourneau ; Sociologie Hervé; Ethnologie. Manouvrier ; Anthropologie physiologique. Capitan; Anthropologie préhistorique. Laborde ; Anthropoligie biologique. Mahoudeau ; Anthropologie zoologique. Schrader; Géographie anthropologique. A monthly Revue is published by the pro- fessors. The Laboratory of Anthropology which forms a part of the system called Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes en Sorbonne very naturally finds a home at the Ecole d’ Anthropologie. 5 The Chair of Anthropology at the Museum d’ Hist. Naturelle is occupied by Prof. Hamy. His colleague is Dr. Verneau, who also offers courses in anthropology at the Ecole Coloniale and the Hotel de Ville. The Universities of Italy make a good showing. Giuseppe Sergi is Professor of Anthropology at Rome, and Director of the Anthropological Cabinet, and Giustiniano Nicolucci fills a similar position at Naples, where Drs. Penta and Zuccarelli are Docents for Criminal Anthropology. The Regio Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici e di Per- fezionamento, Florence, has the distinction of a professor of anthropology in Paolo Mantegazza. In three other Italian Uni- versities, the subject is receiving attention. Professor Severi is the authorized Docent for. Legal Anthropology at Genoa; Pro- fessor Lombroso, for Criminal Anthropology at Turin; and Tito Vignolo for Anthro- pology and Comparative Psychology at Milan. Spain and Portugal have, each, one chair of anthropology—at Madrid and Coimbra, respectively. At Madrid, Manuel Anton y Ethnographie et SCIENCE 915 Ferrandiz is Professor Cathedratico of An- thropology and the Natural History of Man; at Coimbra, Bernardino Luis Ma- chado Guimaraes is Professor Cathedratico of Anthropology and Paleontology. Dr. Rudolph Martin, sometime instructor in Anthropology at the University of Zur- ich, Switzerland, has just been promoted to an assistant professorship, Dr. Martin is also Docent for Anthropology in the Poly- technic School of Zurich. Hungarian, German and Bohemian Uni- versities all are contributors to anthro- pology in the Empire of Austria-Hungary : Aurel T6rdk, Professor ordin., Anthro- pology and Ethnology, and Director of the Anthropological Museum, Budapest; Lubor Niederle, Professor ordin., Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Prague; and Moriz Hoernes, Professor extraordin., Pre- historic Archeology, Vienna. At the latter University, Dr. Michael Haberlandt is Do- cent in General Ethnography, and Dr. Phillip Paulitschke’s lectures are ethno- graphical although his title is Docent in Geography. A chair of geography and anthropology was recently created at the Imperial Aca- demy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; D. N. Anutchin is the occupant. At the Univer- sity, E. J. Petdri is Professor of Geography and Ethnography and Director of the University Geographical Anthropological Cabinet. In Moscow, D. N. Anutchin is Professor of Geography and Ethnography and Direc- tor of the University Anthropological Mu- seum; and Dr. N. N. Charuzin is Docent for Ethnography. In Holland, there is no professorship of anthropology, so far as appears. J. J. M. de Groot is Professor of Ethnography at Leyden; Dr. G. J. Steinmetz is Instructor in Ethnology at Utrecht; and Professor G. Jelgersma of Amsterdam lectures on Crimi- nal Anthropology. 914 Monsieur E. Houzé is Professor of An- thropology at the Université libre de Bruzelles, Belgium. The course given by Professor Houzé was inaugurated in 1884. At thenew University, Brussels, Professor G. Delbastee gives lectures on Criminal Anthropology. For Scandinavia, there is a chair of northern archeology at the University of Christiania occupied by Professor O. Rygh. In the same Faculty, Yngvar Nielsen is Professor of Geography and Ethnography and Director of the University Museum of Ethnography. The University of Athens possesses an anthropological museum; Dr. K. Stephanos, the Curator, may possibly give some in- struction in the subject. Mention has already been made of the movement in the United States to give an- thropology more general recognition as a branch of university discipline. It has already taken its place in the curriculum of a number of our leading institutions. In the Peabody Museum of American Archeology and Ethnology at Cambridge, Harvard University has a most suitable habitation for a department of anthropol- ogy—extensive collections, laboratories, special library, lecture rooms, all combined under one roof and management, with its own special faculty, endowments, fellow- ships and scholarships. Frederick Ward Putnam, Curator of the Museum and Pro- fessor of American Archeology and Ethnol- ogy; Dr. Frank Russell, Instructor in Anthropology; and Roland B. Dixon, As- sistant in Anthropology, offer a number of courses, both general and special. An an- thropological club holding semi-monthly meetings testifies to the lively interest in the subject at Harvard. Only a few months ago a professorship of anthropology was created in Columbia University, New York, and Dr. Franz Boas, for several years Lecturer in Anthro- pology, was promoted to the Chair. The SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. work of Professor Boas is done in part at the American Museum of Natural History and in partat the Psychological Laboratory of the University, where Dr. Livingston Farrand (Instructor in Psychology) gives courses in ethnology, one of them being half of a general introductory course in anthropology by Drs. Boas and Farrand. At the University of Chicago, there is a provisional union of sociology and anthro- pology in a single department. ‘‘ The dif- ferentiation of an independent department of anthropology and ethnology is antici- pated.” Dr. Frederick Starr is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Curator of the Anthropological Section of Walker Museum. At New Haven, Yale University has for several years had the benefit of a course in general anthropology based on Ranke’s ‘Der Mensch.’ For this course we are indebted to William G. Sumner, Professor of Political and Social Science. Professor Sumner’s generous impulses and admirable fitness, equal to his sense of the University’s need, has led him to assume, willingly, ex- tra labor and responsibility. To such men, many a university has been indebted for the growth and present richness of its cur- riculum, and, many a new science, for its | separate and vital existence. Dr. E. Hershey Sneath, Professor of Phi- losophy, gives acourse entitled ‘ Philosoph- ical Anthropology,’ based on Lotze’s Micro- cosmus. The appointment of George Grant Mac- Curdy as Instructor in Prehistoric Anthro- pology at Yale dates from May, 1898. His courses are given at the University Museum, where a Laboratory of Physical Anthropol- ogy is being established, and where anthro- pological collections are being arranged both for students and for the public. At Clark University, Worcester, A. F. Chamberlain is Lecturer in Anthropology. Assistant Professor W. Z. Ripley (Sociology DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] and Economies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston) gives a ‘course of one term’ in Anthropology at the Institute yearly ; and at Columbia University (New York) in the School of Political Science, a course of one term entitled now Racial Demography, being a study of the popula- tion anthropologically of HKurope and the United States. It was formerly called an- thropology, but the title has been changed this year as given. At the National Capital, some of the uni- versities are making use of the anthropolo- gists connected with the United States Na- tional Museum. Thomas Wilson, curator of the Division of Prehistoric Anthropology, lectures at the National University, and Otis T. Mason is lecturer in Anthropology at the Columbian University. M. M. Curtis, professor of philosophy, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, gives a course of lectures on the history and the main problems and bearings of anthro- pology, and A. 8. Packard, professor of Zoology and Geology, performs a like serv- ice for Brown University, Providence. During the month of March, 1899, Professor W J McGee, Ethnologist in charge of the ao a gq . . iS & Se ES) Be) iS} B° 23 =} R £2 3 CoUNTRIES. 3 @ 82 5 m fe) ano m2 BG Ses British Isles. 4 1 0 8 Germany. 7 1 2 8 France. 4 iil 0) 1 Italy. 6 3.0 5 Spain. 1 1 0 0 Portugal. 1 1 0 0 Switzerland. P24 0 1 1 Austria-Hungary. 3 2 1 1 Russia. 3 il 0 3 Holland. 3 0 0 3 Belgium. 2 1 0 1 Scandinavia. 1 0 0 2 United States. il al 1 15 48 =23 5 48 SCIENCES. 915 Bureau of American Ethnology, Washing- ton, D. C., gave, at the State University of Iowa, a course of eleven lectures in general anthropology to large audiences. Such a beginning augurs well for the future growth and development of a recognized branch of instruction. Instruction in anthropology at the Ohio State University may be said to have a be- ginning in the work being done by Mr. W. C. Mills, Curator of the Ohio Archeological- Historical Society. In the death of Professor Daniel G. Brin- ton, both the University of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences have lost a valued teacher of the anthropological sciences. No one has yet been appointed to take his place. In order to reduce the above information concerning extent of instruction in anthro- pology to a more compact form, use is made of the following table. Of the forty-eight institutions in the thirteen countries giving a place to anthro- pology in their curricula, eleven are located in the United States ; and of the total teach- ing force of seventy-four, our own country is credited with seventeen. Butin the matter ing force. FACULTIES. Total teach- Natural Science. Philosophical. Philosophical or Faculté de Lettres. Philosophical ; Nat. Sci.; Med. Science. Philosophical. Natural Science. Philosophical. Natural Science. Various. Medical. Philosophical. Various. a WDwowwrhePrPe One © wis 916 of professorships, the United States suffers by comparison, being allowed only one out of twenty-three by the strict terms of the title—that at Columbia held by Dr. Boas. The above table is intended to serve more as a comparison of figures than of forces. To know precisely what is being done for the science in the several countries, one would have to take account of anthropo- logical publications, museums, societies and clubs, as well as of sections of general scien- tific associations and academies of sciences, Such a compilation is beyond the scope of the present article. So much for the extent * of instruction in anthropology as the century closes. The importance of the subject as a branch of university discipline, its terminology and the faculty to which it should belong, have all been touched upon by such authorities as Daniel G. Brinton; of Philadelphia, Friedrich Muller { of Vienna, Rudolph Mar- tin§ of Zurich, and Geo. A. Dorsey || of Chicago. Professor Brinton made a “‘ brief presenta- tion of the claims of anthropology for a recognized place in institutions of the higher education in the United States ” and asked for ‘‘ the creation in the United States * Corrections of and additions to the record are respectfully solicited. The writer is especially in- debted to Monsieur le Ministre de 1’ Instruction pub- lique et des Beaux-Arts, France; and Professors Wilhelm Waldeyer, Rector of the University of Berlin ; Alexander Macalister, Cambridge, England ; E. Houzé, Brussels ; Moriz Hoernes, Vienna; W J McGee, Washington, D. C.; W. Z. Ripley, Boston ; the Hon. W. T. Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Ed- ucation; and his Excellency the Royal Prussian Kultusminister. + Anthropology as a Science and as a Branch of University Education, Phila., 1892. {Die Vertretung der anthropologisch-ethnolog- ischen Wissenschaften an unsern Universitaten, Globus, Bd. 66, S. 245, 1894. @ Zur Frage von der Vertretung der'Anthropologie an unsern Universitiiten Globus, Bd. 66, S. 304, 1894. || The Study of Anthropology in American Colleges. Archeologist, Dec., 1894, Waterloo, Indiana. SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 260. of the opportunity of studying this highest of the sciences in a manner befitting its importance.” His classification and no- menclature, and his general scheme for in- struction in this science acted as a stimulus to discussion on two continents. Brinton’s principal subdivisions are : I. Somatology—Physical and Experi- mental Anthropology. II. Ethnology—Historic and Analytic Anthropology. Ill. Ethnography—Geographic and De- scriptive Anthropology. IV. Archzology—Prehistoric and Re- constructive Anthropology. Professor Muller does not see the need of separating the Geographical Ethnos from the Historic Ethnos, and, therefore, makes three divisions with a professorship for each : I. Physical Anthropology. IJ. Ethnography and Ethnology. ; III. Prehistoric Anthropology. The first he would place with the medical faculty; the other two, with the so-called philosoph- ical faculty of the German universities. When the three professors cannot be had— an anatomist for somatology, an ethnologist and linguist for ethnology and ethnography, and a geologist and archeologist for the prehistoric—then Miller would suggest a double division: (1) Physical and Prehis- toric Anthropology and (2) Ethnology and Linguistics. This, however, would divide the professorship of Physical and Prehis- toric anthropology between two faculties, giving half to the medical faculty and half to the philosophical. Professor Martin, on the other hand, argues that ‘‘die ganze Anthropologie in der naturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung der philosophischen Fakultat ihren nattirlichen Platz hat.” This seems to be the more logical arrangement and the one adopted practically by every university professing to give instruction in the subject as shown in the table above. DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] The difficulties of placing anthropology ‘with this faculty or that are themselves evi- dence of the fundamental character of the science. A branch of instruction that may be claimed by different faculties, and, atthe same time, not adequately represented in any, might justly claim title to a faculty of its own. Anthropology has matured late; has been waiting for the contributions other sciences in the course of their development were bound to make to her; waiting till the prehistoric perspective came to supple- ment the historic, permitting man to take the same dispassionate view of self as of the rest of nature, till remote lands told their story of human variation and culture stages, and till the teachings of embryology and comparative anatomy were better understood. The development and succes- sion of the sciences may be likened to the development and succession of the fauna of which man forms apart. As man is last and highest in the geological succession, so the science of man is the last and highest branch of human knowledge. It is to be hoped that the overflow from the sciences contributing to anthropology may be prop- erly conserved and so distributed as to find its way more generally to the channels of university instruction. Whether the chan- nel chosen be an existing faculty or a new and separate one is not so important as the stream it has to carry ; and there is reason that to believe that stream is gaining in volume constantly. After the foregoing article was in type, there came from his Excellency the Royal Prussian Kultusminister, in answer to my request of May 16th last for information, a manuscript statement handed in to him, September 27, 1899, by Professor Wilhelm Waldeyer entitled “ Bericht wber das an- thropologishe Unterrichtswesen in Deutsch- land.” From this the writer is able to _ SCIENCE, 917 supplement his own lists for Germany as follows : Breslau, Dr. Partsch (Prof. ordin., Geog- raphy), ‘ Volkerkunde Europas’; Gottin- gen, Dr. von Burger (Prof. tit., Zoology), ‘Ursprung und Vorzeit des Menschen’; Heidelberg, Dr. H. Klaatsch (Prof. ex- traord., Anatomy), ‘Anthropologie’; Kiel, Dr. Krummel (Prof. ordin., Geography), ‘Ausgewahlte Kapitel der Anthropo-geog- raphie’; K onigsberg, Dr. Bezzenberger (Prof. ordin., Comp. Philology), ‘ Urge- schichte Ostpreussens’; Strassburg, Dr. G. Schwalbe (Prof. ordin., Anatomy), ‘ An- thropologie’; Ttibingen, Dr. von Sigwart (Prof. ordin., Philosophy), ‘ Philosophical Anthropology.’ This increases the number of German universities giving instruction in anthro- pology by seven, but does not augment the number of professorships. Dr. W. H. L. Duckworth is the newly appointed University lecturer in physical anthropology at Cambridge. GEORGE Grant MacCorpy. YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN. POLITICS AND FINANCE VOTING MACHINES. Tue writer, as a member, from its organ- ization, of the New York State Commission to inspect and authorize voting machines for the use of the cities and towns of the state, and as Chairman for some years, to date, of the Finance Committee of the City Council of Ithaca, has had occasion to study the very novel and most ingenious construc- tion of voting machines and to seek to ascertain their value in economics and politics, and as a matter of finance; and it is possible that economists and students of politics and of finance may find the deduc- tions from this exceptionally fortunate ex- perience both interesting and important— interesting as a curious illustration of the ECONOMICS, or 918 inventive genius of our people and as an irruption of that genius into an unexpected line of work, important in its bearings upon good politics and on economics, through a better insurance of the expression of the real judgment and intent of the people, as given at the polls. The ‘voting machine’ is an apparatus consisting of a very simple arrangement of a very simple form of mechanical counter, in groups, in such manner that, when the voter moves a handle or presses a button over a certain name, opposite the designa- tion of a certain office, on the front of the machine, the act moves that individual counter one notch, and one is added to the reading on that particular count. It is also so arranged that, if the voter desires to vote a whole, ‘a straight’ ticket, the pulling down of a handle, or the pressing of a button at the limit of the line of names of candidates, moves the counters of every individual candidate on that ticket and one motion counts a party-vote. Further, it is, in all approved voting machines, possi- ble to vote any ‘split ticket’ and it is made a matter of fundamental construction that no voter shali be able to vote more than once for any candidate or for any party. In other words: the machine is con- structed so that each voter shall, by the simple acts described, be able to vote, within the law, precisely as he may choose, while it is impossible for him to do anything which the law forbids. He has absolute freedom to do right ; he cannot possibly do a legal wrong. The ingenuity and sim- plicity of these machines and the positive cer- tainty of their operation as desired within legal limits make them, as a class, extraordi- narily interesting studies in mechanism. In New York, as in, now, quite a number of other states, there are provisions of law permitting and regulating the use of these machines and they have now had so ex- tended and so extensive a trial that it is SCIENCE, [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. possible to speak positively of them as, where of approval construction, an entire and singular success. In New York, no voting machine can be employed until it has been fully inspected, carefully studied and unqualifiedly approved, by the Voting Machine Commission ; from whom a report must be secured, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State, to the effect that the machine is capable of registering six hun- dred voters in the election hours, accurately and efficiently, can be safely employed for that purpose, and that the Legislature of the State is justified in legalizing its use. Under these provisions of Jaw, the cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Utica, Ithaca and other smaller places, have now used the ma- chines in regular elections. In one or two places, older forms of machine, introduced before the commission for their inspection and endorsement was formed, have not proved satisfactory ; but the later experi- ments have been entirely so, and Buffalo has 108, Rochester 73, and other places lesser numbers, all of which are reported to have proved a marvellous success. One of these machines costs $500, regis- ters a maximum, under the law—there is no limit in construction—600 voters, at the rate of 5 to 15 seconds each voter, saves $16 a year in cost of operating a precinct, $40 to $50 in election printing, and, by enabling a reduction to be made in the number of election precincts, saves about $200 on each one abolished. In Ithaca, the reduction, if the law is followed precisely, will be not less than two nor more than four districts, out of ten; saving the city from twenty to forty per cent. net on the investment. The following were the conclusions reported by the Finance Committee to the City Council and the people of Ithaca : “Summarizing our conclusions your Finance Com- mittee would respectfully submit that ‘“(1) The voting machine is a simple, reliable, durable and convenient apparatus for its purpose. DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] “©(2) The machine compels the deposit of a perfect and accurate ballot, of the form chosen by the voter. ‘(3) It restricts the voter absolutely to the limits of the law and permits him freedom as absolute in voting within that limit. “*(4) Blank and defective ballots, the usual fault of ordinary methods of voting, are entirely done away with and no man loses his vote through defect of the system, or fault of his own, if he votes at all. The disfranchised voter becomes unknown. “*(5) Fraudulent voting is impossible as well as errors in voting. *°(6) The vote cast is registered, vote by vote, with absolute accuracy and certainty. ““(7) The result can be declared immediately upon the close of the polls, having been already completely counted. “‘(8) The cost of the system isso much less than that of the old method that the machines usually pay for themselves in from three to seven years. “The whole case may be summarized in a sen- tence: ‘The machines retain all the virtues and exclude all the vices of the old methods of balloting.’ Their use would be entirely justified, even though they involve a more costly, rather than a much Jess expensive system. Their adoption is looked upon by your committee as promoting good politics, good morals and good finance.”’ The possible ultimate result of the gen- eral introduction of these new methods of election upon the freedom of the ballot and the honesty and accuracy of the count, and upon the future politics and economies of the state and nation, no one can probably quite realize or predict ; but that this insur- ance of a full vote and an honest one will tell for good government, and the purification of parties and their methods, no one can doubt. As the representative of the Patent Office said, in his testimony before the Com- mittee of Congress regarding the proposed, and later-enacted, measure legalizing the voting machine in federal elections we can- not doubt that “‘ It is the last and best con- tribution to the science of good govern- ment.” Judge Cooley said that, in his opinion such a method is a ‘ constitutional right’ of évery voter. The most surprising fact is, perhaps, that in the case above referred to, SCIENCE. 919 there was but one protest, in the city of Ithaca, out of over 2500 voters. Every inspector of election signed a certificate to the effect that the experiment was abso- lutely satisfactory, and the only objections heard were from one ‘ party-leader,’ and the only adverse interests discovered were those affected by the abolition of ballot- printing, which is a much larger item of cost—at political prices—than is usually supposed. Each printed ballot costs from four to twenty cents, at the various elec- tions, municipal, state and general. R. H. THurston. IrHACA, December, 1899. A COMPLETE MOSASAUR SKELETON, OSSE- OUS AND CARTILAGINOUS.* In the spring of 1898, Professor 8. W. Williston’s fine memoir upon the Kansas Mosasaurs seemed to cover the subject completely, summing up all the facts de- rived from the great Kansas University collection, as well as many of the results of the labors of Cuvier, Owen, Marsh, Cope, Dollo, Baur, and others. But it appears impossible to say the last word in paleon- tology. Professor Williston himself has re- cently described a portion of the nuchal fringe of Platecarpus, as well as the epi- dermal fin contours. The remarkable specimen which has recently been mounted in the Marine Reptile Corridor of the American Museum throws new and wel- come light not only upon Tylosaurus, but upon the anatomy of the Mosasaurs in general. Together with the practically complete bony skeleton, are seen cartilages of the throat and chest, portions of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, the epicoracoids, as well as the suprascapule, the sternum and sternal ribs. Originally these parts were preserved entire, and we must deeply re- * Extract from Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. I., Part IV. 920 gret that before this specimen came into possession of the Museum, much damage was done to the relatively inconspicuous cartilages, in course of removal of the bones. Nevertheless Mr. Bourne, of Scott City, Kansas, who excavated the fossil, de- serves great credit for the skill and care with which the conspicuous parts were re- moved. The specimen reached the Museum ina series of large slabs of Kansas chalk and was worked out in such a manner that all the contours of the original slabs are pre- served and fitted together by their edges, as in the original bedding; therefore the great lizard with all its parts, excepting a few minor pieces, lies exactly as it was im- bedded. The original matrix surrounds practically all the bones, and can be distin- guished from the buff-colored outlying SCIENCE. ' (N.S. Von. X. No. 260. to the left, together with the vertebre, as far back as the 6th dorsal. From the 7th to the 10th dorsals the vertebree are con- fused and displaced. The 11th dorsal to 29th caudal are horizontal with the transverse processes outspread and the spines crushed to the right and left. The remaining caudals, 30th—70th, lie upon the left side apparently in a natural position. The pel- vis and hind paddles have evidently shifted backwards in settling, so that the mooted question of the position of the sacral verte- bra cannot be positively settled by this specimen. This specimen agrees very closely in size with Cope’s cotype of 7. (Liodon) dyspelor, founded in 1871 at Fort Wallace, Kansas, and described by him in the ‘Cretaceous Vertebrata’ (p. 167). The skull agrees exactly in size with the fine one mounted in Fic. 1. Complete skeleton of Tylosaurus dyspelor in frame. plaster, by its somewhat darker shades. The whole is mounted upon a panel twenty- five feet long and permanently placed in a corridor which is to be devoted to marine reptiles. The animal lies outstretched upon its ventral surface, so that all the bones are exposed upon the dorsal or lateral surfaces, excepting the left humerus and ulna, which are overturned. The skull is crushed =|; nat. size. the Munich Museum, described by Merriam (1894, Taf. II.) as 7. proriger. Size is no criterion, or at best an uncertain criterion of a species, but Williston advances (1898, p- 175) no other satisfactory means of sepa- rating 7’. dyspelor from 7. proriger. Thirty- five feet is the length assigned by this au- thor to the largest Tylosaurs, a length con- siderably exceeding that of the present specimen. It is evident, however, that a DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] young ZT. dyspelor might exhibit exactly the measurements of 7. proriger. According to Williston the tail termi- nates very abruptly in Tylosaurus proriger, in contrast with its gradual and slender termination in Platecarpus. If this was the case in this specimen of 7. dyspelor, we should not allow more than 15 inches or 88 ‘centimetres additional, giving us a total length of about 29 feet or 8.83 metres. The proportions of different regions of the body are very characteristic of different genera of Mosasaurs. In this individual the total of 29 feet or 9 metres is roughly distributed as follows: Feet. Metres. Head and jaw..........-..-. 4 1.22 INGA cabGe as otAc oa o oes 2 61 IB AC Kamteysree iter etieealiorac ctl etne 8 2.44 IMs Goecnecand Beet artrerey stare 15 4.56 Wo balestacyacvepsutceasicyoucetsiat 29 8.83 Thus the back is four times the length of the neck, twice the length of the head, and about one-half the length of the tail. In other words, the tail is longer than the other regions of the body combined. These pro- portions are carefully observed in Mr. Knight’s restoration. There are positively seven cervicals, the number assigned to all the American Mosa- saurs by Williston, and this point is of considerable importance as bearing against the supposed Dolichosaurian affinities of the Mosasaurs. In this specimen there are certainly twenty two dorsals, while Williston assigns twenty-three dorsals to Tylosaurus proriger. Merriam assigns twenty-three dorsals to Tylosaurus (op. cit., p. 15). Williston is undoubtedly correct in placing the pelvis upon the first non rib-bearing vertebra, which thus represents the sacral. In this specimen, as in the living Monitor lizards, the 30th vertebra behind the head is distinguished by the absence of a rib, and by the sudden expansion of the diapophysis. This first expanded vertebra, as determined SCIENCE, SPAll by Williston, must be considered the sacral, analogous with the most anterior of the two sacralsin Varanus. This vertebra is not per- ceptibly different in size from the pygals be- hindit. Unfortunately the tips of the diapo- physes are not preserved, and there is no means of demonstrating positively that the ilium was attached by joint or ligament. There are no lumbars. The number of pygals, or non chevron-pearing caudals, can- not be determined, because many chevrons are not exposed. The vertebral formula is therefore as follows : Cervicals\isaqaseccerecetes ze Dorsals, with sternal ribs.... 10 Dorsals, with floating ribs .. 12 Sacralsticy-raeicierarspvereeese 1 Caudals and pygals........ 72+ (=86). A most interesting feature is the adaptive modification of the mid-caudal centra and spines, apparently for the support of a dorsal caudal fin. Dr. W. D. Matthew first di- rected the writer’s attention to this struc- ture. Williston has figured the caudals of 7. proriger as having spines of a nearly uniform height, while in Clidastes velox (op. cit., p. 152) he describes an extension of the spines as probably designed tosupportafin. This specimen of 7. dyspelor shows as evidence of a fin: 1. A slight upward elongation of the spines in the mid-caudal region, beginning at C. 24 (in which the spine measures 19 centimetres) to C. 39-40 (in which the spine rises to 11 centimetres) and subsiding to 10 centimetres in C. 58, At the same time the spines change from a pointed and backwardly directed to a more square, up- right, and truncated form. The vertical spine is upon C. 39; in front of this the spines of C. 1-38 lean backwards ; while behind this the spines of C. 40-70 lean forwards, or are nearly upright. 2. There is some further evidence that the upward 922 curvature of the spine, is natural, and not due to post-mortem disturbance. This curve is beautifully indicated hetween C. 30 and C. 63; behind which the vertebre dip down into the extremity of the tail. It is diffi- cult to verify the existence of this curve in the living state by the measurement of the superior and inferior diameters of the cen- tra. So far as measurements can be relied upon they tend to show that the vertebral centra were slightly longer above than be- low and thus produced the curve; the re- lations of the greatly reduced zygapophyses and the antero-posterior width of the spines also point to the same conclusion, for they show that if this column were straightened out the spines would come into contact. This condition is so unique, however, that it must be put forward with reserve. The sharp ventral flexure or angulation of the tail of Iehthyosawrus, below the swell- ing of the caudal fin is not analogous to the very gradual upward curve in Tylosaurus. We are now enabled to form a very clear idea of the general structure of the thorax, although certain details-are still missing. All the true ribs are preserved on both sides, and, in spite of the hayoe wrought in the removal of the chest region, we find all but one of the cartilaginous ribs on the left side and extensive portions of those on the right, as well as the central area of the sternum. The careful studies and draw- ings of this region by Dr. J. H. McGregor show clearly the relations of the actual and restored region, part of the preserved region being covered by the vertebree and ribs. The cartilaginous ribs, consist of broad bands which are closely concentrated and parallel as they converge towards the sides of the sternum, affording an exceedingly strong support for the thorax. The floating ribs decrease steadily in length and curva- ture. The coracoids do not unite in the median line as represented by Marsh,nor are they approximated as restored by Dollo in SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 260. Plioplatecarpus. They are widely separated by epicoracoid cartilages having a united transverse diameter of about 22 centi- metres. The inner ends of the bony cora- coids are thus nearly nine inches apart. About one-half of the sternwm is visible or preserved ; as the cartilaginous ribs on tie left side are nearly in situ, and those on the right approximately so, it is evident that the sternum had a triangular outline, thin- ning posteriorly for the junction of the 10th pair of cartilaginous ribs. The sterno-coracoid plate thus corre- sponds closely with the Lacertilian type and bears a general resemblance to those of Trachydosaurus, Varanus and Cyelodus, as fig- ured by Parker. There is no evidence of the presence of an episternum (interclavicle ). Behind the basioccipital is observed a supposed lateral cartilage of the larynx ? lz. and its mate ? vz. appears below just between the right pterygoid and quadrate. A bit of cartilage appears behind the left quadrate, another mass in front of the right quadrate, while the trachea extends from below the axis, is unfortunately destroyed as far back as the 5th rib, and diverges into the two bronchi just behind the coracoids. The tra- cheal rings are well exhibited. The appendicular skeleton is remarkably well preserved. The scapule are fully ex- posed upon both sides, with the characteristic short and broad bony blades and the exten- sive crescentic cartilaginous suprascapule. COMMON CHARACTERS OF FORE AND HIND PADDLES. The metapodials and podials are some- what displaced, but they enable us to make a reconstruction of the manus, aided by Williston’s excellent photograph and out- line of the paddle in TY. proriger. 1. Hyperphalangism is a chief character- istic of the Tylosaur extremities. Willis- ton’s photograph shows 47 actual elements, to which 3 are added in his restoration of DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] T. proriger, making 50. Thirty-eight (38) elements are preserved in the left fore paddle or manus and 44 are inserted in our res- toration, or 5 metacarpals and 39 phalanges. In the hind paddle, or pes, 33 metatarsals and phalanges are preserved on the left side (including an isolated phalanx which lies above the 50th caudal). The phalangeal formula is estimated as follows : MANUS. PEs. Digit I. 5 5 THE 8 8 III. 8 8 IV. 9 & Vv. 9 6 T. dyspelor. T. dyspelor. It is apparent, so far as we can judge from this specimen, thatin TY. dyspelor the phalanges are less numerous than in 7. proriger. ‘ 2. A second characteristic is the marked broadening and shortening of the 5th metapodial in both manus and pes, but especially in the pes. The carpus and still more the tarsus, on the postaxial (ulnar and _ fibular) sides are abbreviated. The result is that the 5th digit is drawn towards the body ; its elements and joints alternate with those in the I.-IV. digits; as a whole it is set wide apart. Williston has recently shown that the epidermal fin web conforms in its con- tours to this peculiarity. 3. A third characteristic is the alternation of the joints in the Ist and Sth digits with those in digits2, 3,4. The pes further agrees with the manus in the expansion of the proximal part of metapodial I., and the shortening or drawing up of the first finger, whereby the middle points of the phalanges of Digit I. come opposite the joints of the phalanges in Digits IJ., I1I., 1V., thus greatly strength- ening the paddle asa whole. A _ similar adaptation by alternation of the phalangeal joints is observed in some of the Plesiosaurs, in which it is carried to an extreme, for the phalanges of all the digits alternate. - SCIENCE, 923. This specimen affords an exceptionally favorable opportunity for a restoration of the skeleton. This interesting work has been accomplished by cooperation. Dr. W. D. Matthew kindly undertook a nat- ural-size drawing of the entire animal, suc- ceeding especially in rearranging the ver- tebral column and skull. Mr. Horsfall completed the details of the skull by care- ful measurement and comparison with the drawings of Merriam and Williston. Dr. McGregor and the writer restored the pad- dles and the sternum. The drawing is upon a one-eighth scale. There was probably a small rib upon the third and fourth cervicals which has not been indicated. The cervical intercentra are re- stored from a fine specimen of Platecarpus. One of the most important features of the restoration sprang from the discovery that the cartilaginous ribs of the left side are practically in their normal relations. This fact enabled us to locate definitely the lower end of the ten true ribs, the sternum, the epicoracoids, and at the same time fix the position of the fore paddle with refer- ence to the skull. As above noted, the ribs were found to resemble those of Sphenodon much more closely than those of Varanus. They are thus given in the restoration the angle, position, and foreshortening characteristic of Sphenodon, as the narrow anterior part of the chest expands into the broader walls of the abdomen. The ribs in the plate are perhaps a shade too heavy. The upward curvature of the tail is de- signed exactly as the vertebree lie in the specimen, for the reasons already discussed. RESTORATION OF THE ANIMAL. In the restoration of the animal, Mr. Charles Knight has taken advantage of all the information afforded by Professor Will- iston’s collections and descriptions, and of our detailed study of this fine specimen. [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. SCIENCE. 924 “9Q7Z1g * OF azis “qva OF 4ysiay sapreqo Aq ‘uoyeroysayy -g ‘pI “TONINL ol} JO UOlda1Ip Japun T[rysioy] song pur soyagryy qa &q ‘SOUIA\VAp Jaqyv GEOL ey g Logs ot 2 Co y Ls os - ¢ “ge ks a 3 op Lip f f -I Ss SS. Ss , ER ‘ Inv: SO[AT, pasou LLL Zp eee, OR? n x ans RRNKK< ites shen Dy csp eS Yi Ls k \ CARA IAR EE Wey oq} Jo UoNONsHODay «“Z “IY is) Oe ills < a DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] The animal was first carefully modelled upon a one-ninth scale. Tylosaurus was avery powerful sea swim- mer, propelled chiefly by tbe lateral mo- tions of the body and tail. The caudal fin was a broad expansion along the dorsal line. The proportions can be precisely deter- mined. The fore and hind paddles were similar in action and played a subsidiary part in guiding the animal, but were effec- tive in the less rapid motions of the body. The indentation of the paddle border be- tween the 4th and 5th fingers is upon Williston’s authority. The nuchal fringe is also from this author’s recent descrip- tion of Platecarpus. The epidermal scaly covering is from Chancellor Snow’s account of the Tylosaurus proriger covering. The expression of the top of the skull resembles that of Varanus, but in other points there is a wide departure from the Varanoid type. The facts derived from this skeleton do not strengthen Baur’s extreme opinion as to the intimate connection of this type with the Varanide. Besides the secondary de- generate adaptation to marine life shown in the girdles and appendicular skeleton, there are certain fundamental differences in the basioccipitals and ribs, in fast in all parts of the skeleton. These differ- ences fully balance or overweigh the like- nesses, which have long been dwelt upon by Cuvier, Owen and Baur, between the Mosasaurs and Varanoids, and do not even justify the assertion that the Varanidee and Mosasaurs sprang from a common stem. The Mosasaurs are a very ancient marine offshoot of the Lacertilia, retaining certain primitive and generalized Lacertilian char- acters and presenting a few resemblances in the skull to the Varanoids; they are very highly specialized throughout for marine predaceous life, and constitute a distinct subdivision of the order Lacertilia. Henry F. Osporn. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. SCLENCE, 925 THE INDIANA UNIVERSITY STATION. TuE advantages of biological stations for purposes of research and instruction have had many advocates in recent years. ‘‘ There can be little doubt” says Parker, “that the study of zoology is most profit- ably as well as most pleasantly begun in the field and by the seashore, in the zoological garden and the aquarium.” ‘‘ The establish- ment of biological stations has done more to advance the study of zoology than any other one thing in this generation,” says Conklin. ‘Certain desiderata are evi- dent,’’ adds Kofoid, ‘‘ more biological sta- tions, so that the conclusions arrived at in one locality may be extended and corrected in a score of others ; and finally some biolog- ical Froebel, who shall demonstrate the disciplinary and cultural value of ecology as a field of biological instruction and es- tablish a standard for others to imitate. In their work we may look for the happy com- bination of the sympathetic observation of the old-time naturalist, the technical skill and searching logic of the morphologist, and the patient zeal and ingenuity of the experimental physiologist, a combination, let us hope, that shall unlock not a few of the secrets of the world of life.” “Tt is unquestionably true that the ten- dency within recent years” says Ward ‘‘has been to make the university trained scientist a laboratory man, unacquainted with work out of doors and among living things. * * * Thus, both through the influ- ence of the investigators in the case of those stations which do not carry on directly any educational work, and through the teaching of those which do conduct summer instruc- tional courses, new life will be instilled into the teaching of natural history throughout our country.” The Biological Station of the Indiana University was planned with a well defined object in view, the study of the variation of BIOLOGICAL 9 bo 6 SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 260. the non-migratory vertebrates in some unit Here large numbers of all the non-migra- of environment. The station was to be tory vertebrates were to be collected, their ES RO ra oa Fic. 1. The Biological Station During its First Year at Turkey Lake. located on a lake which would present well characteristics tabulated and compared circumscribed boundaries within which the with similar series from other lakes. We Fic. 2. The Station During Succeeding Years at Turkey Lake. conditions were supposed to be nearly uni- were, in short, to conduct a statistical in- form at any time and from season toseason. quiry into evolution. DECEMBER 22, 1899.] For the work in hand many of the lakes were available. Our location was therefore determined by the finding of an old boat- house suitable for a laboratory on the shore of Turkey Lake. For the first year the trustees of the university granted the use of the apparatus of the zoological department provided the station would in no way be an expense to the university. After the first year the trustees provided generously for the per- manent equipment of the station. To help defray expenses a number of courses of in- struction were offered for a few students. SCIENCE. 927 Certain restrictions reduced this number to 91 during the present season. The large increase in the number of students kept us more than busy to provide for their increas- ing needs, but the collection of the material for the study of variation was not neglected. At the end of the fourth year the station was moved to Winona Lake where the facilities for caring for the increasing num- ber of students are much better. Two buildings were erected and given to the station by the Winona Assembly and Sum- mer School. They are situated in the angle where Cherry Creek enters Winona Lake, Fic. 3. The Environment of the Biological Station at Winona. It was expected that there would be about ten in the party the first year, but there were nineteen. The conditions for biological work, coupled with camp life on a fine lake, five miles from the nearest village and free from university lecture-hour appointments, proved so attractive that during the second summer the number of students rose from nineteen to thirty-two, and in the third to sixty-three, and in the fourth to 103, repre- senting eight States. eighteen miles from the original location. They are surrounded. by a great variety of natural conditions of water, woods, swamps and meadows. The buildings are 20 by 45 feet. One or both will be lengthened to 60 feet during the winter. The special feature in the construction is the cement floors of the ground story. This arrangement makes the tables on these floors nearly independent of people moving in any part of the buildings. On one of these floors there are private laboratories, 928 the lake survey laboratory and the office of the director. The lower floor of the second building is given to embryology and _ bac- teriology. The notable feature of this floor is the (accidentally) constant temperature closet of the bacteriological laboratory. This is simply a pit beneath the stairway SCIENCE. [N.S. VoL. X. No. 260. surface midway between the two buildings. From this we get a flow of about 5,000 gal- lons per day. The water is received in a small tank and this is tapped by pipes lead- ing to each floor of the buildings where there are small pitcher pumps. The over- flow from the receiving tank leads into a Fic. 4. The Buildings of the Station from the Mouth of Cherry Creek. about a foot deep and cemented. The tem- perature without the use of ice did not vary more than 1° from 20 centigrade during the entire summer. The upper floor in one building is given to elementary zoology and that of the other to botany. We have small sheds for incubators away from the buildings to avoid the danger of fire. The bacteriological kitchen and the lecture room are separate tents. The most urgent need of the station is a building for general lectures and for embryology. The water supply deserves mention. Artesian water was struck 75 feet below the larger steel tank with covers. This tank is used for experiments with blind fishes. The overflow from this leads into pools constructed for experimental work. The springs about Winona Park flow in part into decorative pools. These will be used for the experiment in rearing cave animals in the light. One of them about thirty feet long is now inhabited by an experimental colony of blind Amblyop- sis where their habits can be observed without the restrictions imposed by the conditions found in a cave. In recognition of the fact that “the DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] teacher who has no time for research rapidly becomes an ineffective and uninspiring teacher, and that overteaching defeats its own ends,” the instruction should be in the nature of a guiding, the giving not of a string of recipes, but of sound principles en- abling the student to work out his own sal- vation. Since, wherever he may go, the student must adapt himself to his environment, it is the plan to catch what we can and study what we catch rather than to follow fixed courses. The facilities for catching, how- ever, are very favorable. We have the lake in front of us, the woods behind, the creek on one side, and a meadow on the other. Here the entire day of the student is given to collecting and explor- ing expeditions, lectures and laboratory work. During the past summer courses of in- struction have been given in zoology, botany, cytology, bacteriology, embryology, and survey methods. As soon as the nec- essary buildings can be secured, courses in neurology and comparative psychology and physiology will be added. The department of instruction is self-sus- taining, but facilities for research are still limited and here is an opportunity for some public spirited citizen. ‘“* Research in all directions, in fact, meets with such reward that it should be sustained by all persons who desire to encourage the progress of knowledge. But the rich men of our country do not discriminate between this function and that of teaching. They found universities with princely liberality, but research has to struggle with poverty of means and deficiency of time. Great libra- ries are founded, but the work in the labora- tory from which issue the books which create libraries receives comparatively little sub- stantial encouragement. * * * Initiative and discovery are the conditions of prog- ress, and no better service could be ren- SCIENCE, 929 dered to humanity than the creation of opportunities for their activity.”’ C. H. ErigznmMann. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Alaska and the Klondike. By ANGELO HEIL- PRIN. New York, D. Appleton &Co. 1899. 8°, pp. X, 315, illustrations and maps. Professor Heilprin has given us a book which is a combination of personal travel and adven- ture, with statistics, a synopsis of mining laws, and other data interesting to the traveller or miner. With these, which do not especially concern the readers of SCIENCE, are some observations on the physical geography and geology which are deserving of consideration. The author started from Skaguay by the White Pass route, July 30, 1898, arriving at Dawson, August 6th, and leaving on the 20th of September, for the outside world by the same route. The general geology of this region had previously been studied by McConnell, Dawson, Spurr, Russell and others, whose ob- servations may be found recorded in the publi- cations of the Dominion and United States geo- logical surveys. Professor Heilprin found the summer climate not unpleasant, and, mirabile dictu, encountered no mosquitos in the miningregion. So his sur- vey of the geological conditions was not inter- fered with by annoyances which disturbed the philosophic calm of most of his predecessors in the same field. He notes conditions which confirm the opin- ions held by previous explorers as to the probable existence of large bodies of fresh water over much of the present placer region. The well-known bed of volcanic ash which ex- tends for hundreds of miles along the Upper Yukon a little below the present surface of the ground, is believed by him to have been deposited in water. In the alluvium above and below it he noticed fresh water shells ina fossil state, a feature which has been observed in many places lower down the river. Though these deposits are entirely compatible with the hypothesis of the existence of an extensive lake in the region, they cannot be adduced in proof of it, since the small summer pools which are very common on the tundra often swarm with Limnea, Physa, Pisidium and Valvata. The marl which results is in some localities so abundant, that at Old Fort Yukon it was col- lected, ground up and mixed into whitewash which was used on the buildings of the original trading post, nearly forty years ago. In the vicinity of the Klondike the author notes the hummocky appearance of the hills ‘very muchlike magnified morainic knolls in a glaciated country,’ though having a consider- able elevation. Water worn pebbles and rem- nants of terraces up to nearly twelve hundred feet were observed by him personally. Notwithstanding the evidences of antiquity afforded by some features of the landscape, Professor Heilprin considers that many of the more pronounced features of the region are comparatively recent. While the placer gravels of the streams and benches seem to indicate more than one denudational phase, and the principal stream-valleys are wide and open, many of their lateral tributaries are narrow and V-shaped, and the former appear to have been modified by late stream displacements. The present stream-beds, even of the Yukon, are not the most conspicuous orographic depressions but have been carved out much more recently, and it is even suggested that the emergence of the land from lacustrine conditions may have happened ‘a few hundred years’ ago. The author estimates that denudation in the immediate valleys of the main streams is taking place at the rate of a millimeter a day, which, according to his computation, would equal ‘a valley trough of about a foot and a third’ ina single year. Allowing one hundred and twenty days for the period when erosion is not wholly prevented by congeiation, the reviewer com- putes that the total denudation for the year would amount to Jess than five inches at the author’s rate. Now the summer rainfall for the Upper Yukon is very small, less than an inch a month, and the surface of the ground is covered with a dense spongy mat of vegetation. There seems to be no particular reason why there should be any appreciable denudation, ex- cept in the actual beds of the streams them- selves. The water of all these small non- glacial streams is notably clear, and they carry SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. practically no sediment at the points where they enter the main river. Consequently it seems probable that the estimate of Professor Heilprin requires revision, even his second one, in which he proposes a rate of 175 feet in five hundred years. For a short period, and in certain limited portions of its bed the Yukon is able to move a considerable weight of débris, but the gravels and sands in great part antedate the existence of the present river, which has actually cut through them at but a few points in its 2000 mile course. Professor Heilprin, in view of his limited opportunity for research, very properly dis- claims any attempt to decide upon the geolog- ical structure of the region. However he de- votes a good deal of space to an argument in favor of the deposit of gold in the placers, not from preéxisting stringer leads or veins in the country rock, but as a deposit, ab initio, from gold held in solution in water, upon or among the already deposited gravels. This is a con- tention which may properly be left to metal- lurgical experts to discuss, to the reviewer it seems unsupported by any direct evidence in this region. The author agrees with previous. observers in affirming the non-glaciated charac- ter of the Klondike, and the presence of com- paratively recent indications of volcanic ac- tivity. Pleistocene mammals are represented by fossil bones in the gold gravels as elsewhere in Alaska, and there is little doubt that the placer deposits as a whole are post-glacial and their material largely due to denudation by ice action during glacial times. W. H. DALL. The Design and Construction of Dams, including Masonry, Earth, Rock-Fill, and Timber Struc- tures; also the principal types of Movable Dams. By EDWARD WEGMANN, C.E. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1899. Quarto, cloth, xii + 250 pages, 97 plates. Price, $5.00. Many mathematicians have occupied them- selves with the deduction of the shape which a high masonry dam should have in order to possess both stability and economy. Such economic profiles are of interest and value to the designer, but practically each engineer de- DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] vises his own economic profile to satisfy the imposed conditions. The method developed by tke author is an excellent one for this purpose, leading to no complicated equations and having the advantage of constantly keeping before the computor the statical principles of stability and strength. The fundamental assumption in these compu- tations is that the compressive stress on the base of the dam uniformly varies from a mini- mum value at the back face to a maximum value at the front or down-stream face. This assumption cannot be a correct one, except in the case of a rectangular section, but it may be properly used in the absence of knowledge as to the correct distribution of stress, because its errors are on the side of safety. Strictly the base of the dam is under a shearing stress due to the horizontal water pressure as well as under a compressive stress due to the weight of masonry, and of the former no account is taken in practical computations. Probably the error in the fundamental assumption regarding the compression more than balances the opposite error, due to the neglect of the shear, so that masonry dams designed under the common theory undoubtedly possess all the needed ele- ment of security. This conclusion may be justified by the fact that masonry dams rarely fail; the author mentions but three instances of failure, two of these being constructions of the eighteenth century when the principles of de- sign were not well understood, and the third being a case where the stone and cement were of so poor quality that leakage occurred. “Previous editions of this work were devoted entirely to masonry dams. ‘The present edition gives additional information regarding recent structures, and also includes the description of dams of earth, timber and loose rock. For such structures few computations are needed, the size and shape being determined almost entirely by experience, while the details may vary ac- cording to local conditions and the judgment of the engineer. The numerous devices adopted in California to construct rock-fill dams with- out leakage are of especial interest. Movable dams of the needle, shutter, and bear-trap types are also fully described; although only a few of these have been built in America, they will | SCIENCE. 931 undoubtedly be extensively used in future river improvements. The work forms the most complete treatise on the subject of dams that has yet appeared. With commendable industry the author has searched the annals of engineering literature in. order that no important structure might escape notice, and his list of bibliography, covering five pages, will be of value to all engineers. From the descriptive point of view, the book gives nearly all needed information regarding the important dams of the world. From the theoretic point of view, it gives everything nec- essary regarding masonry dams which resist overturning by virtue of their weight alone, but it is somewhat lacking in regard to the theory of arched dams. This theory, it is true, is a difficult one, but, as the Bear Valley dam in California, and the Zola dam in France, de- pend for their stability largely upon the arch action, a numerical discussion of their stability would have been of interest and value. With- out doubt a dam arched toward the current is- stronger than a straight one of the same ercss- section, particularly in the emergency of ice thrust or a high flood, and it is said that the instinct of the beaver leads him to so construct them. Even if a little more material be re- quired, it is well for the engineer to make his- masonry dam an arched one and thus render the structure one of beauty as well as one of strength. M. MERRIMAN. The Botanists of Philadelphia’ and their work. By JoHN W. HARSHBERGER, Ph.D. Phila- delphia. 1899. 8vo. Pp. 457. In this octavo volume of 457 pages we have a collection of brief biographical sketches, not only of all the people who have contributed to- a knowledge of the flora of Philadelphia and the area included in a radius of sixty miles, but nearly all who have studied it afield. Com-- mencing with such well-known pioneers as John Bartram, Humphry Marshall, Muhlenberg, Bar- ton, Schweinitz, and Darlington, it comes down to the present members of the various botanical clubs of the city, the whole series arranged in chronological order. The Bartram Gardens, the collections of the Philadelphia Academy of’ 932 Science, the botanical department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, and the various field club- are fully exploited, the pages being interspersed with numerous half-tone illustrations of points of botanical interest, in addition to many excel- lent portraits, the full-page illustrations amount- ng to forty-eight. The work is written in a pleasing style, is well printed, and forms an attractive volume. The portions relating to the earlier botanical workers who gave to Philadel- phia its early botanical prestige are particularly interesting. Additional matter of general in- terest is found in the historical account of the scientific journals and serial publications that have been issued from Philadelphia. An inter- esting account of the historic trees of the vicinity closes the work. The author is sanguine that Philadelphia ‘is peculiarly fitted to be the botanical center of America,’ and his references to ‘the metropoli- tan lifeand publishing houses’ of New York on the one side, and ‘the libraries and scientific de- partments’ of Washington on the other, illus- trate well how near one can live to cities and yet fail to appreciate their most salient features. Lucren M. UNDERWOOD. The Maturation, Fertilization and Early Develop- ment of the Planarians. By WILLARD G. VAN Name. From Trans. Conn. Acad., Vol. X., p. 263-300, pl. xxxvi.—xli. August, 1899. The author has studied the early life history of Eustylochus ellipticus (Girard), and Planocera nebulosa Verrill with great care. The charac- teristic features of each structure are presented, so far as could be determined from the study of the material, which is not favorable for the solution of certain points. While the results obtained agree in the main with those of pre- vious observers, light is thrown on a number of doubtful points. Especial mention may be made of the discussion of the centrosphere and its parts, as well as that on the interesting modifications in the form of the chromosomes. The paper is well illustrated. H. B. W. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. THE 313th meeting of the Society was held Saturday, December 2d. W. H. Dall exhibited SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. a specimen of the fruit of a species of Barring- tonia stating that it was used for capturing fish, the kernel being bruised and cast into small ponds or streams whereupon the fish be- came stupetied and rose to the surface, where those that were wanted were gathered. The effect upon the fish was only temporary, those not taken soon recovering. Frederick V. Coville showed an entire and a bisected cone of Pinus alternata both covered with lichens. Mr. Coville stated that these cones remained on the trees from 20 to 50 years and seemed to open and release the seeds only when exposed to great heat, so that no seed- lings of this pine were to be seen except where the ground had been swept over by fire. L. H. Dewey spoke on ‘ Frost Flowers,’ say- ing that this name is applied to peculiar for- mations of ice found on certain plants on frosty mornings in fall and early winter. They are most frequently observed on dittany, Cunila ori- ganoides ; frostweed, Helianthemum canadense ; marsh fleabanes, Pluchea camphorata and P. fetida, and on the Pacific coast on the culti- vated heliotrope. The first published record of the phenomenon appears to be that of Dr. Stephen Elliott, in 1824, who observed it on Pluchea fetida (‘Conyza bifrons’) and made a note of it in his ‘Botany of South Carolina avd Georgia.’ It has since been observed, studied and written about by many botanists and phy- sicists. It is apparently purely physical in character, due to capillary movemeut of water aud the action of frost, but no thoroughly satis- factory explanation has yet been given why it should be found on only about twenty-six species of plants and not on others. Further observa- tions in the field at this season are needed to determine whether frost flowers may be found on species other than those recorded, and also further studies are needed on the structure of plants exhibiting the phenomenon. H. J. Webber presented a paper ‘The Effect of Hybridization in the Origination of Cultivated Plants,’ calling attention to the remarkable de- velopment of certain of our cultivated plants, due to the effect of hybridization. It was pointed out that this is particularly true in the grape where 57 per cent. of the sorts of known parentage are hybrids while only 29 per cent. DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] are selected seedlings, and 14 per cent. chance seedlings, or wildlings. In pears, plums and other fruits important developments due to hybridization were pointed out, and special at- tention was called to the plum where a gradual amalgamation of our native plum with the Japan plum, Prunus triflora; and apricot plum, P. Simoni, is being brought about which bids fair to ultimately revolutionize plum culture. Instances were also cited where epoch-making improvements had been secured in corn, wheat, peas and tomatoes. O. P. Hay discussed ‘The Chronological Dis- tribution of Elasmobranchs’ presenting a dia- gram which showed by means of one set of curves the chronological distribution of the species of North American elasmobranchs and by another set the distribution of those of Europe. A table was also given which showed the genera belonging to each of the geological periods. The relationship of the paleozoic families of skates to those of the Neozoic was also considered. O. F. Coox, Secretary. PHILOSOPHIOAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. AT the 506th Meeting of the Society held at the Cosmos Club, November 11th, informal communications were made by Dr. A. Martin on the extraction of the 4th root by successive subtractions; and by Mr. Marcus Baker, on his recent duties in Paris in connection with the Venezuelan boundary arbitration. The first regular paper was by Mr. R. H. Strother, on “Some Observations on a Problem in Dynamics.’ The problem was how a cat turns over in the air, and was illustrated by Professor Marey’s’ photo- graphs of a cat turning over while falling, and by a model which performs the same feat. The model consists of two cylinders of wood con- nected by elastic bands. Each of the cylinders describes a continuous complex motion, one of the components of which is a rotation about its longitudinal axis, the motion being such that the sum of the moments of momentum is con- stantly equal to zero. It is possible for a ring to describe a motion in its own plane such that its moment of momentum is zero, but involving a rotation of the ring about its center. SCIENCE. 933 Following this paper, Mr. J. Elfreth Watkins gave a chapter from the early history of me- chanics. The 507th meeting was held November 25th in joint session with the Chemical Society of Washington and was devoted throughout to the Atomic Theory. Papers were read by Messrs. J. S. Ames, F. H. Bigelow, H. N. Stokes, Cleve- land Abbe and F. K. Cameron. A general dis- cussion followed, in which members of both societies participated. ‘ E. D. PRESTON, Secretary. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. THE 295th Regular Meeting of the Society was held Tuesday, November 21, 1899. Mr. Wm. F. Willoughby read a paper on ‘The Housing of the Laboring Classes in Eu- rope with Special Reference to France and Belgium.’ Mr. Gustavus A. Weber read a paper on the ‘Housing of the Laboring Classes in the United States,’ and Dr. Geo. M. Kober pre- sented a paper entitled ‘The Housing of the Laboring Classes in the City of Washington,’ in which he said in part that the question of housing the wage-earners in cities is one of ex- treme interest to students of sociology and municipal hygiene, and the movement to supply improved, wholesome houses at reason- able rentals in the National capital owes its beginning largely to the labors of members of the Civic Center and of the Woman’s Anthro- pological Society. The Civic Center Committee on housing the people has for its fields of work, the investiga- tion of the alley houses and slums with special reference to sanitary and sociological condi- tions, and their effect upon the health and morals of the inhabitants. From the results of this investigation the objections to our alleys may be summarized as follows : 1. The existence of blind alleys or cul-de- sacs shutting off small communities from the outside world, and which are calculated not only to promote sickness, but also immorality and crime. 2. Insanitary conditions of the alleys and 954 alley dwellings, which menace not only the health of the immediate inhabitants, but also of the people residing in the same block. 3. The undue prevalence of immorality and crime, since’ it may be taken for granted that the majority of alley tenants suffer positive deterioration from witnessing the uncurbed vice around them. 4, High rents in proportion to the income of the families especially in consideration of the accommodations offered and the actual value of the property. The Committee made important recommen- dations which were endorsed by the Central Relief Committee on January 27, 1897, and public interest was sufficiently aroused to lend to the organization of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, whose objects are to offer to capital a safe 5 per cent. investment and at the same time supply to wage-earners sanitary houses at reasonable rentals. It should be stated that while the original intention was to provide homes for the alley residents and thereby remove the slums, it was considered best to begin this movement by pro- viding improved dwellings for the better class of wage-earners, in the belief that houses va- cated by them would be rented by the next grade, and so on until the bottom of the ladder was reached. It is believed that in work of this character it is always best to begin at the top. Had the company acted otherwise, the undertaking would probably have resulted in failure. As it is, the company has already erected 28 two-story flats, each constituting a distinct and complete house of three or four rooms, with bath, with separate entrance, exit, and separate yards and cellars. The company has established a high standard of sanitary homes for wage-earners at reasonable rent, and, unless other Jandlords pursue the same course, it will continue to supply the demand. The company grants one month’s rent free to every tenant, or so much thereof as has not been ex- pended during any one year for interior repairs. Exterior repairs necessitated by the elements are not charged against tenants. No officer of the company receives any compensation, and this, together with the exercise of strict econ- omy and careful business methods, has enabled SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 260. the directors not only to pay 5 per cent. divi- dends on all moneys invested in the company from the beginning, but also promoted the philanthropic aspect of the enterprise by pro- viding the very best accommodations from the standpoint of hygiene, and as to comfort, the utmost which a given cost will permit. J. H. McCormicx, Secretary. SECTION OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY. NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE regular meeting of the Section was held on November 27th. The entire meeting was devoted to the presentation of papers on an- thropological subjects. Atthe next meeting the program will consist of psychological papers. Dr. Franz Boas reported on the Eskimo tribes of Hudson Bay according to observations made by Captain George Comer of East Haddam, Conn. He described particularly the natives of Southampton Island, who heretofore have never been visited. The arts of the tribe show a peculiar development, owing to the lack of materials with which other Eskimo tribes are well supplied. The traditions of the tribes of the west coast of Hudson Bay show remarkable analogies to the traditions of the Athapascan tribes of the McKenzie region. The well- known tradition of the Magic Flight was among those recorded by Captain Comer. There are traditions which make it clear that the Eskimos of this region believed in the transmigration of souls. The dress of the women is very remark- able, and it is suggested that the enormous pockets of their stockings may be the survivals of the custom of carrying the children in the boots, as is still done by the Eskimo of Pond’s Bay. Dr. A. Hrdlicka read a paper on the Navahoe Indians. The physical characteristics of these Indians were fully described, and a number of measurements made on fifty adult males and thirty adult females were given in detail. Ob- servations on the life and social and industrial habits of the tribe were also presented. . The language belongs to the Athapascan group. From the physical examinations it appears that the tribe, notwithstanding some evident mix- DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] ture, is radically allied to the ancient Pueblos and to the short-headed people of to-day in other parts of New Mexico and Arizona, and possibly in old Mexico. Dr. M. H. Saville presented a paper entitled ‘Notes on the Mexican Codex Telleriano-Re- mensis.’ CHARLES H. JUDD, Secretary. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. DR. WILSON ON PREHISTORIC ANTHROPOLOGY. In ScreNcE October 27th and November 34d, last, Dr. Thomas Wilson has committed several errors which if not corrected are calculated seriously to mislead one not familiar with the subject. The position he occupies as an officer in the United States National Museum of itself gives weight to any paper he may publish, added to which he calls special attention to his travels in Europe and his thorough familiarity with the museums and individuals who believe in a paleolithic period, his acquaintance with the Dordogne, and his many years in the Na- tional Museum, all of which he asserts pecu- liarly fits him to form a valuable opinion in any comparison of American with European Imple- ments. Asin at least one paragraph Dr. Wil- son has assailed certain assertions of the writer and has referred to the same by misquoting what has been written, opportunity should be taken to show his errors if such exist. His subject is Paleolithic man in Europe, and America, and his existence through eons of time, only measureable by geologic periods ; through all of which man chipped stone and did not know the art of grinding it; or as Dr. Wilson contends, of sawing or drilling stone, of making pottery, or of the use of the bow and arrow ; that paleolithic implements are in a class by themselves. Dr. Wilson goes further than do the European archeeologists ; he adopts their classification and holds up a danger flag to Americans who would deny the existence of evidence of a paleolithic period in America. The writer’s denial that European classification is based on sound scientific reasoning he stren- uously combats. Dr. Wilson is one of ten or a dozen members of the Anthropological staff of the United SCIENCE. 935 States National Museum, and though the ma- jority of that staff have had equally as good opportunity to study the American branch of the subject, and several of them far better than he, he stands alone in his views. He takes ex- ception to the writer’s opinion that the art of chipping stone, technically considered, is more difficult than is pecking and grinding. Yet all experience as well as all implements employed by savage races wherever found, show that the tools used in chipping are complicated, whereas a simple discoidal hammer constitutes the sole implement employed in pecking and battering stone and is found in all countries throughout all periods. No one has suggested the reversal of the paleolithic and neolithic periods for the simple reason that such classification is illogical, it would argue the absence of man during the whole paleolithic period from the areas of metamorphic stone on the continent as such stone does not chip. All experience teaches that man of the stone age wherever found was thoroughly acquainted with the artificial frac- ture of the available material of his vicinity whether for chipping flint, for battering diorite or kindred stones, or for hammering copper which to him was but a malleable stone. In chipping flint and similar stones, the artificial fracture varies enormously, even in the same ledge, and consequently is treated invariably in the way best suited to its peculiar texture. The present classification of stone age periods has become bewildering chiefly because of its many divisions and subdivisions. Many of these are very useful and suggestive especially that of Thomsen of Denmark who divided the human periods into Stone, Bronze and Iron, but when we read Paleolithic, Neolithic, Prehistoric, Copper, Eolithic, Upper and Lower Tertiary, the same of Quarternary, Mesolithic, Acqui- tanean, Sortorian, several classes of Lacustrian and a host of Cave periods, named from ani- mals present, or from the type of stone imple- ments found, it must be admitted the series be- come difficult to remember. This list is but partial and if it were necessary could be greatly increased, but, however useful for local pur- poses or for a single country, it will not answer for general stone age conditions. Adrien de Mortillet made a most valuable contribution 936 when he formulated a classification according to the function of the implement, as by pres- sure, friction, etc. De. Mortillet’s classification was elaborated by Holmes. The present writer classified human periods and conditions by show- ing that nature in its stone, bone, shell, and vegetable products furnished practically all primitive material, with which man could per- form such labor as conditions required, as to cut, crush, color, pierce, bind, contain, etc., as knives, hammers, paints, thorns, thongs, ves- sels and similar primitive implements, which in combination with one or other material became special and in time complex tools, and event- ually machines, as human culture increased. In this no effort was made to reverse accepted classification, but an effort was made to show that to insist upon it could only lead to inex- tricable confusion. European archzeologists deny the finding of ground tools in quaternary strata, and account for their alleged presence by asserting the intru- sion through water, by the burrowing of animals, or by the want of scientific training of their dis- coverers; but the chief objection is that be- cause ground they must be neolithic. In areas where only non-chippable stone is found it is argued that this constitutes evidence that paleolithic man never was there present. If only chipped stones are found, the argument is made that that of itself is proof of the presence of paleolithic man only. The specimens of river drift implements in American museums are quite commonly wastrels, due to the pres- ence of knots or refractory spots in the stone, and can not be improved upon by the most skillful manipulation. The Mousterian specimens found at La Made- laine, though commonly considered as being rudely chipped, owing to their being worked on one side only, resemble greatly the yet ruder chipped obsidian objects from Haster Island, which if struck upon the opposite side to that from which chipped, are destroyed by fracturing along lines of lamination or natural cleavage. This inferior texture has led many to suppose the American Indian to have been an inferior stone worker, though the contrary is proved by many specimens of obsidian, jasper and chal- cedony from the west and southwest. Notwith- SCIENCE. [N. S. Vox. X. No. 260. standing the rude chipping of the cave of La Madelaine, it was inhabited by people who were skillful artists in the working and etching of bone, antler and ivory compared by any stan- dard. In this cave and in that of La Biche- aux-Roches near Spy in Belgium, and else- where, there have been found at the very bottom, with the oldest of the extinct cave fauna, elaborately carved and bored antlers commonly called Batos-de-Commandement, bone pins with eyes and without, toggles, and other objects of known and unknown use, skillfully made from bone, antler and ivory. This ivory, antler and bone is much more diffi- cult to grind, saw or smooth than is the average neolith, yet is sawed, ground, smoothed and bored notwithstanding. Dr. Wilson himself refers to bored or drilled teeth among the tertiary remains presented by L’abbé Bourgeois. Near the bottom of the cave at Spy were found plates of ivory repre- senting seals, ground ochre in a hollow bone, and three pieces of burned pottery. In Bel- gium, in Wurtemberg, in France, in Baden, many of the most distinguished archzeologists: have recorded the finding of pottery repeatedly. The existence of plateau man, either in Eng- land or France before the present rivers began to form valleys, has but little evidence to sup- port it. Similarity of implements in widely separate parts of the earth is accounted for by similarity of man’s needs, and the natural supply of most. regions furnishing objects to pierce, cut, hack, or pound with or even to supply covering, in the abundance of shells, stones, trees and ani- mals to furnish the great essentials of human life. And this similarity of man’s tools appears to be due more to his efforts to imitate nature and its products, than to any inter-communica- tion of races or nations carrying their trades from continent to continent throughout all times, and can not be designated as materialism. The suggestion of two invasions of America from Europe, one corresponding to the chipped, and the other to the ground stone area, will find few supporters. Dr. Wilson’s belief in man of the Trenton gravel and elsewhere in America belonging to the paleolithic period has its supporters, though DECEMBER 22, 1899.] the fact that one of the most expert of the as- sistants of the Bureau of American Ethnology spent a whole season in the great ditch dug through this gravel without finding a single specimen, is a powerful argument in favor of the contention of Holmes and McGee .that those found are from the talus or within a few feet of the surface. The finding of pottery, arrow and lance heads, and axes with Koch’s mastodon in Mis- souri can not be said to be a scientific argument in support of a paleolithic period during which Dr. Wilson asserts man did not possess three of the four objects enumerated, it appears equally true that the drilled objects of Bour- geois hardly strengthens the theory of tertiary man if we follow correctly the argument. European drilling, all things considered, ap- pears to have been accomplished with better tools than were those of America, and the holes were commonly larger and drilled through harder stone than were those drilled in America. We can not expect to find any of the remains of man in the gravel of the drift which has usually ground to powder all other stones softer than flint, and the Calaveras skull alleged to be found in the auriferous gravel could hardly have survived; even the pestles and mortars found with it were like those of to-day and the skull is said not to present the appear- ance of a fossil. J. D. McGuire. ELLICOTT CITY, MARYLAND. A NATURALIST’S DIRECTORY. A BOOK which recently came to this library was called to the author’s attention a few days’ ago. The book is entitled ‘The Naturalist’s Directory’ and is published by L. Upcott Gill, London, 1899. In the preface it is stated that the object and purpose of the book has been so enlarged as to include all naturalists, especially of Great Britain, and we were lead to believe by this preface that the book might be of value as a directory to naturalists in gen- eral. When, however, we turned to the lists of naturalists outside of Great Britain, we were at once impressed with the incompleteness of the work, and this incompleteness is especially noticeable in the case of the United States. Under the general head of zoology, which / SCIENCE. 937 includes entomology and mere collectors, as well as scientific zoologists, only thirty-three names are mentioned as pursuing this line of work in the United States. Of these names only eight or ten are of men who are at all well known. Im the subjects of Microscopy and Botany, we were astounded to find that only three men in the United States were pur- suing these branches of science. Of these names two are well known. According to the lists of workers in geology and paleontology, we find that the United States can boast of six men to grace these professions. Besides these interesting discoveries, we notice that there is one gentleman in the United States who is in- terested in Indian relics, and one other gentle- man who is making a study of anthropology. It would seem as if even in such a far away town as London, more complete information might be obtained concerning the status of sci- entific work in this country E. V. WILcox, U.S. Dep’T or AGRICULTURE. DR. G. W. FOSTER AND THE ‘LAKESIDE MONTHLY.’ To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE :—I have read with much interest, in your issue for November 17th, the sketch of my old friend Dr. J. W. Foster. One statement, however, needs correc- tion: that ‘‘he was the editor of the Lakeside Monthly.’’ Dr. Foster was for a year or two a frequent and valued contributor to the Lakeside, but was at no time its editor. FRANCIS F, BROWNE. BOTANICAL NOTES. THE WILT DISEASE OF COTTON, WATERMELON AND COWPEA. A FEW days ago Dr. Erwin F. Smith, of the Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology of the United States Department of Agricul- ture, issued an important contribution to our knowledge of the fungi which produce plant diseases. After about five years of investiga- tion enough facts are known to warrant the publication in a pamphlet of seventy-two pages of what the author calls a condensed account of the disease, and the fungus which causes it. The gross symptoms of the disease in the water- 938 melon ‘‘are those of a plant transpiring freely, and insufficiently supplied with water, although at the same time there is an abundance of water in the soil.’’ This condition is brought about by the clogging of the vessels of the plant by the threads of an internal fungus parasite, thus checking the current of water which otherwise would supply the transpiration loss. The leaves of the plant sometimes wilt suddenly in large numbers, ‘‘so that a healthy-looking vine may lose all of its foliage in twenty-four to forty-eight hours.’’ The fungus concerned is a Nectria-like plant related to WNectriella and Melanospora. Its closest relationship is with Rabenhorst’s genus Cosmospora, from which it differs in its non-sep- tate ascospores. Dr. Smith proposes the name Neocosmospora for the genus. Accordingly the scientific name of the fungus is Neocosmospora vasinfecta (Atk.) Smith. Ten fine plates (one colored) illustrate the paper. THE FERTILIZATION OF Albugo Dliti. In the September and October numbers of the Botanical Gazette, Mr. F. L. Stevens publishes an important paper which adds to our knowl- edge of the fertilization of the Peronosporee. As is well known, these plants are non-septated, branching tubes, containing multitudes of mi- nute nuclei. The behavior of the nucleus is everywhere an interesting phenomenon, and it is especially so in these multinucleate plants. In ordinary plants and animals in the pro- cess of fertilization there is a union of two nuclei, 7. e., the odsphere, or egg, and the sperm, or male nucleus. In the plants studied, the odgone contains about 300 nuclei at the time when it is cut off from the remainder of the fungus thread, and these are materially in- creased by subsequent mitotic division. By a process of differentiation most of these nuclei come to lie outside of the oosphere, but fifty or so remain within it. The antheridium con- tains at first about thirty-five nuclei, which in- crease by mitotic division to four times the original number. On the opening of the an- theridial tube the male nuclei fuse with the female nuclei in pairs. The odsphere is, there- fore, to be regarded as a compound sexual organ. SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 260. THE OTTAWA ARBORETUM. THE Catalogue of the Trees and Shrubs in the Arboretum and Botanical Garden at the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, at Ottawa, Canada, prepared by Wm. Saunders and W. T. Macoun, is an interesting contribution to the subject of experimental forestry. It contains a list of the trees and shrubs, 3071 kinds, which have been tested at Ottawa during the past ten years. Of these 1434 have been found to be hardy, 361 half hardy, 232 tender, 307 winter killed, while 737 have not been planted long enough to admit of an opinion as to their hardiness. Among the species reported as hardy, contrary to our expectations, are the following : dsculus glabra, and other species of the genus; Catalpa bungei and C. kempferi, Castanea dentata, Halesia tetraptera, Morus alba and M. nigra, Rhus cotin- cides and Ginkgo biloba. THE SPREAD OF FORESTS IN NORTHEASTERN IOWA. In an interesting paper on the forest trees of Dubuque county, Iowa, in the forthcoming tenth volume of the Report of the Iowa Geo- logical Survey, Professor Macbride first dis- cusses the forest conditions of the past with narrow belts of trees along the streams and protected bluffs. He then says: ‘‘On the ad- vent of civilization, the checking of prairie fires gave the forest here as elsewhere great re- lief. Young trees came up in every direction, partly from seeds, partly from so-called bench- grubs, old stump-like stocks which had been in the days of prairie fires again and again burned off, only to start again in shoots and suckers with the advent of spring; but destined so long as fires swept over them, never to attain tree- like dimensions. These bench-grubs sometimes were very old and possessed an extensive root system. This accounts in part for the rapidity with which the forests of Iowa began to spread with the arrival of civilized man. In the case before us the early farmers selected, of course, the more level country ; the steeper and poorer hills were left to nature and became quickly forested, covered with what is called second- growth, an assemblage of trees denser and darker than ever occur in nature under any other circumstances. In Julien and Peru town- DECEMBER 22, 1899.] ships some of these second-growth forests may yet be seen which have been growing at least fifty or sixty years. So that the oft re- peated remark as to the number of Iowa trees, to the effect that their number has greatly in- creased since the country has been settled, is strictly true.’’ ; CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HER- BARIUM. THE Division of Botany of the United States Department of Agriculture has issued another of its series of Contributions from the National Herbarium which have done so much to raise it in the estimation of the scientific men of the country. The present bulletin (Vol.V., No. 4) is mainly from the pen of J. N. Rose, and deals mostly with Mexican plants. In his studies of Mexican and Central American plants, the author proposes a rearrangement of the genera of the difficult group Agaveae, illustrating each with one or more wood cuts. Another interest- ing division of this paper is that on ‘Some Mexican species of Thalictrum.’ most attractive paper in the bulletin is that en- titled ‘Notes on Useful Plants of Mexico.’ This takes up in order the cereals and vegeta- bles, fruits, beverage plants, seasoning and flavoring plants, medicinal plamts, soap plants, tanning and dye plants, fiber plants, brush and broom plants, fence and hedge plants, plants, yielding wool, and miscellaneous useful plants. The principal fence plant appears to be the giant cactus bearing the name Cereus pecten- aboriginum, which often reaches 15 to 20 metres (45 to 60 feet) in height, and sends up a multi- tude of long, naked branches. These are cut into lengths of 18 to 20 dm. (5 to 6 feet) and set in rows where they root and form fences of the most impenetrable kind. Several fine pho- tographs of this cactus, reproduced in half tone give one an excellent idea of its appearance. The text and half tone illustrations of fibre plants are equally instructive. One is struck with the ingenuity displayed by the people in utilizing the fibre plants of the country, and at the same time with the primitiveness of the methods employed. CHARLES E. BESSEY. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. SCIENCE. Perhaps the - UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. In forwarding Part II. of the 19th annual report of the U.S. Geological Survey, which we hope to review later, the director, Dr. Chas. T. Wolcott writes : Of its contents (five papers), the first ‘ Phy- siography of the Chattanooga District, in Tenn- essee, Georgia and Alabama,’ by C. W. Hayes, sets forth the results of a study of a region in which several distinct types of land surface are characteristically developed under such condi- tions that the part taken by the several factors. can be fairly well determined; it traces the process of drainage development and the origin of the present land forms upon rocks of diverse erodibility and diverse structure ; and, finally, by a concurrent examination of drainage and surface, reviews the recent geologic history of the region. ; The second ‘ Principles and Conditions of the Movements of Ground Waters,’ by F. H. King, contends that the water which occupies the in- terior of the earth’s crust, is, like that of the ocean and of the atmosphere, constantly in motion. These motions are at once numerous, extended and very complex, and are brought together and discussed under three categories, gravitational, thermal and capillary. The third, ‘ Theoretical Investigation of the Motion of Ground Waters,’ by C. S. Slichter, relates to an investigation of the general prob- lem of the flow of water through porous soils of rock. The fourth is entitled, ‘Geology of the Rich- mond Basin, Virgini-’ by N.S. Shaler and J. B. Woodworth. The Richmond area is impor- tant from the economic as well as the scientific point of view. It contains the only freely burnable coal lying immediately adjacent to tide water in the eastern portion of the United States. The quantity and quality of this fuel appear sufficient to give it a value in the in- dustrial arts. The final paper, ‘ The Cretaceous Formation of the Black Hills as indicated by the Fossil Plants,’ by L. F. Ward, with the collaboration of W.P. Jenny, W. M. Fontaine and F. H. Knowl- ton, presents a brief historical review of the in- vestigations of earlier explorers, followed by specific chapters on the Minnekahta, Blackhawk 940 and Hay Creek regions, general observations on the Cretaceous flora, fossil cyeadean trunks, fos- sil forests, lower Cretaceous plants other than eycadean trunks and silicified wood, and the flora of the Dakota group proper. PROFESSOR VIRCHOW’S JUBILEE. Tue Berlin correspondent of the British Med- ical Journal writes: It was to be expected that Rudolf Virchow’s Jubilee—the 50th anniver- sary of his tenure of office as Professor Ordin- arius—would not be passed over in silence by the University of which he is, perhaps, the most illustrious member. No banquet or similar social function took place, it is true; nor was there any array of State delegates or represen- tatives of foreign universities. In the hall of the Pathological Museum (Virchow’s own crea- tion) the Senate of the University, its Rector, Professor Fuchs, at their head, assembled to greet their revered and honored colleague, and to present an illuminated and illustrated address, the text of which had been written by Professer Waldeyer. In it Virchow’s wonder- ful many-sidedness, and his achievements as scientist, archeologist, and politician were re- counted in glowing terms. ‘‘We all know, however,’’ the address went on to say, ‘‘that the roots of your strength lie in your work as a German Professor, and ever the ‘Professor’ has been foremost with you. We know that, even in your 78th year when the day’s work is done, the night hours are devoted by you to scientific research * * * Thus we see you to-day in our midst, the Professor Ordinarius of five de- eades, active among the most active, beloved, honored and admired by thousands of pupils, colleagues, and men of all orders in every part of the world. In honoring you, who in your long, laborious life have ever had at heart the honor and weal of the German universities, and above all of the Alma Mater, Friederica Guilelma Berolinensis, we honor ourselves. May your strength be long preserved to us!”’ Virchow, who was surrounded by his family and many personal friends, in his reply gave expression to his thanks for the support which he had always met with on the part of the uni- versity, and said it was true that his chief feel- SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 260. ing had ever been that of ‘the Professor.’ In cases of conflicting interests he had always chosen the course of ‘Professor.’ He said that, like others of his age, he was sometimes conscious of a certain isolation, many friends and fellow-workers having gradually fallen out of the ranks. But the best results of his work had always been due to the independent efforts of his pupils, and he had the firm hope that the pathological school of Berlin would retain its distinguished position. In the evening the Berlin Medical Society did homage to its Presi- dent (Virchow) by a graceful little spontane- ous ceremony. ‘The Presidential chair was wreathed and decorated with flowers and gar- lands, and the Vice-President, Professor v. Bergmann, greeted Virchow with a speech full of hearty good feeling, respect and admiration. Virchow seemed sincerely touched, and ex- pressed his thanks in a short speech. Subse- quently, he took a prominent part in the even- ing’s debate on Organo-therapeutics, thus proy- ing mental unimpaired activity even at the end of a day of ovations and congratulatory speeches. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. THERE will be a meeting of the general com- mittee of the American Association for the Ad- _ vancement of Science at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., on December 28th at 4:30 p. m. It will be the sad duty of the committee to elect a president to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Professor Edward Orton. Immediately following the meeting of the committee a meet- ing of the Council will be held to consider the general business of the Association. THE desirability of forming a western branch of the American Society of Naturalists, with the same objects and conditions of membership as the main society, has long been under con- sideration by the naturalists of the Central and Western States. For the purpose of starting such a branch, if it seems, on discussion, desir- able (the main Society acquiescing), a call has been issued for a meeting of members of the American Society of Naturalists and affiliated scientific societies living west of the Alleghanies and of others interested in providing for an annual meeting of the western naturalists ; the DECEMBER 22, 1899. ] present meeting to be held at the Hull Biolog- ical Laboratories, University of Chicago, Thursday aud Friday, December 28 and 29, 1899. The provisional programme is as follows: Thursday: 10 A. M.—General meeting in Botany Building, for organization and reading of papers. 8 P. M., Discussion: Methods and Results of Limnological Work. 6:30 P. M., Dinner at the Quadrangle Club. Friday: 9:00 A. M.—General meeting for reading of papers. Naturalists are requested to send titles of papers to C. B. Davenport, 5725 Monroe Avenue, Chicago. The committee in charge of the arrangements consists of Professors C. R. Barnes, H. H. Donaldson, 8S. A. Forbes, Wm. A. Locy and Jacob Reighard. Proressor S. W. Srrarron, of the Uni_ versity of Chicago, has recently been ap- pointed Inspector of Standards, Bureau of Weights and Measures, in the corps of which the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey is the official head. In accepting this position Professor Stratton takes immediate charge of the United States Office of Weights and Measures at a most opportune time. This Office has long had in its custody the national standards of length and mass and has done much valuable work for science and the arts, which has been the logical outcome of this custody. Within the last two years the Office has taken up vigorously the matter of standards for electrical measurements, has ac- quired apparatus and made special studies, and is now ready to do valuable work along that line. It is especially well supplied for measure- ments of resistance of the highest degree of accuracy. Aside from this departure from the traditional policy of the Office there is a strong, well-founded and steadily-growing demand for a radical extension of the scope of the Office, which will doubtless be answered in the affirma- tive in the near future under the leadership of Professor Stratton. THE deputation which was appointed to visit the United States and Canada with the view of inquiring into the working of some of the lead- SCIENCE. 941 ing universities returned to Birmingham on December 7th. When Mr. Andrew Carnegie made his donation of £50,000, he suggested that some of the features of the American universi- ties should be incorporated in the proposed Birmingham University, and Mr. G. H. Ken- rick, Professor Poynting, Professor of Physics, and Professor Burstall, Professor of Engineer- ing at Mason University, were deputed to make the necessary inquiries. They left Birmingham on November 1st, and visited Cornell Univer- sity, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGill University, and the leading colleges and schools in Chicago, Baltimore and Philadelphia, concluding their tour at New York. The deputation will present a report to the Univer- sity Committee embodying their views. Dr. YERSIN, well known for his researches on the plague, has been charged by the Govern- ment of Cochin China with a special mission to Java. PROFESSOR JOSIAH ROYCE goes to Europe again this Christmas to complete his course of Gifford lectures at the University of Aberdeen. Dr. HERBERT M. RICHARDS, instructor in bot- auy at Barnard College, has unfortunately been compelled by ill health to relinquish his courses and has sailed for Europe. PROFESSOR HELMERT, director of the Geo- detic Institute of Berlin, has been elected a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London. PROFESSOR JOHN M. CouLTER, who is spend- ing his vacation at Washington, will shortly publish Plant Structures, a book for secondary schools and colleges, this following his other recent publication, entitled Plant Relations. Professor Coulter has just completed Synopsis of Mexican and Central American Umbelliferae, now in the hands of the government printer. He expects a revision of North American Umbel- liferae, a large volume, to be published by the Smithsonian Institution. Before he returns to the university in April, Professor Coulter ex- pects to publish Special Morphology of the Seed Plants, a university text-book upon which he has been working for a number of years. 942 Dr. T. BE. THORPE has been appointed to suc- seed the late Sir Edward Frankland in the work of analyzing the water supplied by the London water companies. Dr. Thorpe is Principal of the Laboratory Department in-connection with the Inland Revenue Offices, and was formerly Professor of Chemistry of the Royal College of Science of South Kensington. FREDERIK MAURITZ VAN ‘DER WULP, the celebrated Dutch dipterologist, has died at the age of 80 years. THE death is announced of Frau Anna yon Helmholtz, the widow of the late Hermann von Helmholtz. A CABLEGRAM to the New York Herald from Lima, Peru, reports that Professor Miguel Fort, of the Lima School of Mines, lectured on De- cember 3d before a large audience on the dls- coveries made during his recent visit to Cerro de Pasco. He brought forward evidence of the existence in Cerro de Pasco of rich deposits of gold, silver and copper. DurinG the past summer the University Geo- logical Survey of Kansas made extended exam- inations in the lead and zine mining district in the vicinity of Galena, preparatory to issuing a full report on the subject. Professor Haworth and five assistants from the State University spent the entire summer in the field, and were successful in gathering a large amount of data, much of which will be entirely new to the min- ing world. Ir is announced that the plague has ap- peared at Lourenco Marques, the Port of Delagoa Bay. The spread of the disease among the armies in South Africa is thus rendered possible. The plague is now also reported from Algeria. The deaths in India still amount to about 5000 a week. A museuM for children to illustrate the sciences has been opened in Bedford Park, by the Brooklyn Institute. It contains exhibits in botany, mineralogy, geology and zoology. Dr. G. A. DorseEy, curator of anthropology, Field Columbian Museum, accompanied by an assistant and the Rev. H. R. Voth, left Chicago December 6th for the Pueblo of Oraibi, Ari- zona. The aim of the expedition is to secure additional ethnological material, to witness the SCIENCE, 4 [N. S. Vou. X. No. 260. approaching solstice ceremony in order to get suggestions for new groups, and also to start a systematic and somewhat extended excavation in order to strengthen the archeological exhibit from this interesting region. The expenses are covered by Mr. Stanley R. McCormick, of Chi- cago, who has placed $5000 at the disposal of the Museum in addition to the $10,000 already expended on the Hopis. The splendid exhibit filling three large hallg is drawing crowds of visitors and attracting wide attention. Mr. GEORGE BYRON GORDEN started for Cen- tral America, December 5th, onan archeological expedition under the auspices of the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. It is hoped that an arrangement may be made by which explorations can be renewed at the ruins of Copan, where the museum has done such im- portant work during previous years. ARCHMOLOGICAL explorations have been carried on, along the Sound and lower Hudson Valley during the past season, by Mr. M. Ray- mond Harrington, son of Professor Mark Har- rington. These have been for the American Museum of Natural History and have brought to light a number of Indian burials as well as specimens from the shell-heaps. CapTrain Desy has returned to London after two years spent in exploring in Central Asia more especially the unknown parts of the Yark- and River. THE Goldsmith’s Company has made a fur- ther grant of £1,000 to the Royal Institution of Great Britain, for the continuation and develop- ment of original research, and especially for the prosecution of further investigations of the properties of matter at temperatures approach- ing that of the absolute zero of temperature. LADY PRESTWICH, widow of Sir Joseph Prestwich, has bequeathed £500 for the public museum at Forres. A COMMERCIAL museum is planned for Berlin under government auspices. Branches may be established at Hamburg and Stuttgart. AN Industrial Museum is soon to be estab- lished in the City of Mexico under the auspices of the Government. The museum will occupy the old church edifice of Betlemitas, on San DECEMBER 22, 1899.] Andres Street. It will contain“extensive ex- hibits of the mineral, agricultural and manu- facturing products of Mexico. Tue fourth annual meeting of the New York State Science Teachers’ Association will be held at Syracuse, N. Y., on December 28th and 29th. A varied and interesting program is promised. The address by the President Professor LeRoy ©. Cooley, of Vassar College, will be given on Thursday evening. The subject for discussion for the first morning is the sequence of the sci- ences in the secondary school curriculum, opened by Principal T. B. Stowell of the Pots- dam Normal School. On Thursday afternoon sub-committees will report on the teaching of zoology and of chemistry in the secondary schools. On Friday morning the subjects to be taken up are ‘Earth Science in the Secondary Schools,’ by W. H. Snyder, Worcester Acad- emy; ‘College Entrance Requirements in Sci- ence,’ Dean W. H. Crashaw, Colgate Univer- sity ; and ‘The Training of Science Teachers for the Secondary Schools,’ Professor Edward L. Nichols, Cornell University. On Friday afternoon the equipment of laboratories and the management of laboratory classes will be discussed with separate sections for the biolog- ical, physical and earth sciences. Several com- mittees will report at the final session on Friday afternoon. THE Physics Club of New York, which is composed of teachers of physics in the secondary schools of the city, held its fifth meeting at the physical laboratory of Columbia University on Dec. 16th. Natural Science gives the following particu- larsin regard to Mr. E. R. Waite’s trawling and dredging cruise under the control of Mr. F. Far- nell. The cruise, or rather series of four cruises, lasted from February 18th to April 9th. The coast-line covered extended from Jervis Bay to the Manning River, and except for a trip to Lord Howe Island, the greatest distance from land was 25 miles. The depth at which the trawl was lowered ranged between 10 and 90 fathoms. The fishes were the chief objects of study ; about 100 species, represented by 365 specimens were collected, and Mr. Waite’s pre- liminary ‘Scientific Report on the Fishes’ was SCIENCE. 943 published last year as an appendix to Mr. Far- nell’s ‘Report upon Trawling Operations.’ Several species are new to the colony, while a a few are new to science. The entire scientific collections have been deposited in the Museum, and the results will be published as a Museum Memoir, towards the expense of which £400 was voted. On the last cruise to Lord Howe Island heavy weather was encountered, and the pas- sage occupied seventy hours instead of the usual thirty-six. Mr. Waite and Mr. Ethdridge, who also was on this trip, were left on the island for eleven days, since the Thetis was blown to sea in the gale. They collected here some additional very interesting remains of Meiolania platyceps, the peculiar extinct che- lonian, which is also found in Patagonia. Also by the help of Mrs. T. Nicholls they obtained an additional collection of shells. A large number of sponges, anemones, corals, gorgonias, echinoderms, crustaceans and polyzoa were collected during the cruise. The number of species was very great, and included many new or hitherto unrecorded from the coast of New South Wales. Tue British Medical Journal states that at a meeting of the delegates ‘degli ordini medici’ attending from all parts of Italy, held on Octo- ber 24th, under the presidency of Professor Du- rante, it was resolved to send a deputation to the Prime Minister. (General Pelloux) to ask him to bring in a bill withdrawing the right to practice, even among their countrymen, from all foreign medical men (not holding Italian degrees), whose own country did not grant Italian graduates reciprocal rights of practice. General Pelloux informed a deputation next day that he would introduce such a bill imme- diately on the opening of the Italian Parlia- ment, which has been summoned to meet on November 14th. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. Mrs. J. H. CHapin has endowed the chair of mineralogy and geology at St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., with $30,000. This chair was occupied at the time of his death by the late Dr. J. S. Chapin. Ex-Mayor CHESTER WARD KINSLEY, of 944 Cambridge, Mass., has given $25,000 to Brown University. THE sum of $10,000 has been given to McGill University for the establishment of a research scholarship in electrical engineering. WE are glad to learn that the suit entered to break the will of the late Professor Marsh, of Yale University, has failed and that the will leaving his property to Yale University has been probated. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY will for the first time hold a summer session this year. The courses will open on July 5th and will continue until August 8th. Each course will be given daily including Saturdays and will entitle students to credit toward College and University degrees. The courses offered are as follows: botany 2; education, 5; English, 5; geography, 2; man- ual training, 2; physical training, 2; math- ematics, 3 ; philosophy, 1 ; physics, 2 ; psychol- ogy, 2. Ir is expected that the statutory committee will complete the formulation of the statutes for the University of London before the close of the present year and that they may be adopted by Parliament before Easter. It is hoped that the reconstituted University of London will be es- tablished at the Imperial Institute before the beginning of the summer holidays. PrRorEessoR WINSLOW Upron, professor of astronomy of Brown University, has been ap- pointed dean of the college. Mr. GRAFTON ELLior-SmirH, B.A., of St. John’s College, Cambridge University, has been appointed demonstrator of anatomy. THE Degree Committee of the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry, of Cambridge Uni- versity, are of opinion that the work submitted by Walter Rosenhain, of St. John’s College, advanced student, comprising the following papers: (1) Experiments on Steam-jets ; (2) On the Crystalline Structure of Metals (Bakerian Lecture, 1899, by Professor Ewing and W. Rosenhain) ; (8) Experiments in Micro-metal- lurgy (by the same two authors as No. 2)—is of distinction as a record of original research. PRESIDENT JAMES B. ANGELL, of the Univer- SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 260. sity of Michigan, concluded his annual report by expressing ‘‘gratitude for the considerate treatment accorded us by the Legislature at its session last winter. Almost unanimously it raised the appropriation for our aid from the tax of one-sixth of a mill to that of one-fourth of a mill. It thus increased our annual income by about $92,500. This addition to our resources was imperatively needed to keep the University in the position it had so long held among the strong universities of the land. With our great number of students we were in sore need of some new and commodious buildings and also of additions to our faculties. The institution has been maintained with the utmost economy, at an expense not exceeding one-half or two- thirds of that of even smaller universities. The hearty support given us by the Legislature fur- nishes us the gratifying evidence that the com- monwealth which we are striving to serve be- lieves that we are really conferring substantial benefits upon her and upon the nation. That is our sufficient reward and the stimulus to re- newed energy in the future.”’ THE mathematical tripos and the senior wrangler appear to be such an essential part of Cambridge University, that many will be surprised to learn that the special board for mathematics has recommended radical changes. The defects of the present system, as stated by the board, are as follows: (1) The range of subjects in Part I. is excessive, and the result is that many are able to prepare only a portion of the subjects contained in the schedule. (2) The papers are made difficult so as to provide full opportunities for discriminating between the best candidates ; they consequently tend to become unsuitable as a real test for many of the others. (8) The better students spend three years in acquiring an analytical facility in solving complicated and artificial questions in a great variety of comparatively elementary subjects—in fact, in mathematical gymuasties. (4) The candidates are not brought into contact with the ideas and methods characteristic of modern advances in mathematics. The Board proposes that the first part of the tripos be ar- ranged so that it shall be taken at the end of the second year and that the order of merit be abolished. SCIENCE EDITORIAL CommittEE: S. NEwcoms, Mathematics; R. S. WooDWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING, Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IRA REMSEN, Chemistry; J. LE ContTE, Geology; W. M. Davis, Physiography; HENRY F. OSBORN, Paleontology ; W. K. Brooks, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. ScupDER, Entomology; C. E. Bressry, N. L. BRITTON, Botany; C.S. Minot, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BowpitcH, Physiology; J. 8. Brnuines, Hygiene ; J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology; J. W. PowkELL, Anthropology. Fripay, DECEMBER 29, 1899. CONTENTS: Scientific Thought in the Nineteenth Century : FESSOR WILLIAM NORTH RICE............-0..006+5 945 Results of the Second Bottegd Expedition into East- ern Africa: DR. P. L. SCLATER.................+ On the Chemical Nature of Enzymes: DR. OSCAR 951 Astronomy in the First Half of the Nineteenth Cen- tury: PROFESSOR TRUMAN HENRY SAFFORD.. 962 The Electric Fish of the Nile: PROFESSOR FRANCIS (CICHNETET sqooncoqnouncecqcéedEojopsaKooocsondonseabsocaso S605 963 Scientific Books :— Franklin and Williamson on the Elements of Al- ternating Currents: DR. CHARLES P. STEIN- METZ. Barr on the Kinematics of Machinery: Proressor R. H. THuRsTON. Hutton on Dar- winism and Lamarekism: PROFESSOR CHAS. W. Harairr. Weber's Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century: Dr. W. F. WILLOUGHBY. Scientific Journals and Articles..........00ccceeeeereeeees 969 Societies and Academies :— The Nebraska Academy of Sciences: PROFES- SOR LAWRENCE BRUNER. Washington Chem- ical Society: DR. WILLIAM H. Krua. New York Section of the American Chemical Society : DR. DURAND WoopMAN. Torrey Botanical Club: PROFESSOR EDWARD S. BurGEss. The Academy of Science of St. Lowis: PROFESSOR WALT AMA ISG BVASHirea ste rettnoseacesns sect cesses 969 Discussion and Correspondence :— Dark Lightning: PROFESSOR ARTHUR W. CLAYDEN. Sociology and Psychology: Hiram fo SHUN Ze coogosoncdoconboocsadeqnadoscso0n 3005 Seed090 973 Notes on Inorganic Chemistry : JEGRAD, IBOUTREN cobecoocbod asabonedsodadenesGo008 The Stockholm Fisheries Conference Devonian Fishes for the American Museum : PRO- FESSOR BASHFORD DEAN..........:20esceceeeeeeceeee 978 The Spelling of ‘ Puerto Rico’: FILL » pacaccoonsboonsacdaconasoduoodeoseddosdbadanHEeBe asco 978 Scientific Notes and News............. . -- 978 University and Educational News............00.c0es0e00 984 M88. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the responsible editor, Profes- sor J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.* Iv is an interesting fact that the life of our Association is almost coextensive with that nineteenth century of Christian civili- zation which is now drawing to a close. In intellectual, as in physical phenomena, we are tempted to overestimate the magnitude of near objects and to underestimate that of distant ones; but science and art tend to advance with accelerated velocity, and we are undoubtedly right in ranking the achievements of our age in science and its applications as far greater than those of any previous century. When our predecessors assembled a hun- dred years ago to organize this Academy, they could avail themselves of no other means of transportation than those which were in use before the time of Homer. If the distances over land were too great for convenient walking, they were carried or drawn by horses. If they had occasion to cross bodies of water, they used oars or sails. We have been brought to our desti- nation to-day by the forces of steam and electricity. The harnessing of these mighty forces for man’s use has transformed not only the modes of transportation, but the processes of production of all kinds of commodities. * Address at the Centennial Celebration of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, October 11, 1899. 946 It has wrought a revolution in the whole industrial system. The day of the small workshop is gone. The day of the great factory is come. Every phase of human life is affected by those arts which have arisen from the applications of science, Comforts and luxuries which a hundred years ago were beyond the reach of the most wealthy, are now available for the use of even the poor. Aniline dyes give to fabrics used for clothing or decoration colors beside which those of the rainbow are pale neutral tints. Sanitary science arrests the massacre of the innocents, and increases the average duration of human life. Ances- thetics and antiseptics take away from sur- gery its pain and its peril. But, though our Association is an Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences, it has, at least in its later life, devoted itself chiefly to the cultivation of pure science, leaving to other organizations the development of the appli- cations of science. Fitly, then, our thoughts to-day dwell, not upon the vast progress of the useful arts, but upon the progress of pure science. Not the economic and the in- dustrial, but the intellectual history of our century claims our attention. I do not propose, in the few moments allotted to me this afternoon, to give an inventory of the important scientific dis- coveries of the nineteenth century. The time would not suffice therefor, even were my knowledge of the various sciences suffi- ciently encyclopzedic to justify me in the at- tempt. I wish rather to call your attention to a single broad, general aspect of the intellectual: history of our age. I wish to remind you in how large a degree those general ideas which make the distinction between the unscientific and the scientific view of nature have been the work of the nineteenth century. ‘The first of these ideas is the extension of the universe in space. The unscientific mind looks upon the celestial bodies as SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 261. mere appendages to the earth, relatively of small size, and at no very great distance. The scientific mind beholds the stellar universe stretching away, beyond meas- ured distances whose numerical expression transcends all power of imagination, into immeasurable immensities. The second of these ideas is the exten- sion of the universe in time. To the un- scientific mind, the universe has no history. Since it began to exist, it has existed sub- stantially in its present condition. Among Christian peoples, until the belief was cor- rected by science, the Hebrew tradition of a creative week six thousand years ago was generally accepted as historic fact. If, on the other hand, unscientific minds not pos- sessed of any supposed revelation in regard to the date of the world’s origin, thought of the universe as eternal, that eternity was still conceived as an eternity of unhis- toric monotony. The scientific mind sees in the present condition of the universe the monuments of a long history of progress. The third of these ideas is the unity of the universe. To the unscientific mind the universe is a chaos. To the scientific mind it becomes a cosmos. ‘To the unscientific mind, the processes of nature seem to be the result of forces mutually independent and often discordant. Polytheism in re- ligion is the natural counterpart of the un- scientific view of the universe. To the scientific mind, the boundless complexity of the universe is dominated by a supreme unity. One system of law, intelligible, formulable, pervades the universe, through all its measureless extension in space and time. The student of science may be theist or pantheist, atheist or agnostic ; polytheist he can never be. What then, let us ask ourselves, has been the contribution of our century to the de- velopment of these three ideas, which char- acterize the scientific view of nature :—the spatial extension of the universe, the his- DECEMBER 29, 1899.] ‘toric extension of the universe, and the unity of the universe. The development of the idea of the ex- tension of the universe in space belongs mainly to earlier times than ours. The ‘Greek geometers acquired approximately correct notions of the size of the earth and the distance of the moon. The Copernican astronomy in the sixteenth century shifted the center of the solar system from the earth to the sun, and placed in truer perspective our view of the celestial spheres. But, though astronomy, the oldest of the sister- hood of the sciences, attained a somewhat mature development centuries ago, it has in our own century thrown new light upon the subject of the vastness of the universe. The discovery of Neptune has greatly in- -ereased the area of the solar system; the measurement of the parallax of a few of the brightest and presumably the nearest of the stars has rendered far more definite our knowledge of the magnitude of the stellar universe ; and telescopes of higher magnifying power than had been used be- fore have resolved many clusters of small -and distant stars. If the development of the idea of the spatial extension of the universe belongs mainly to an earlier period, the idea of its historic extension belongs mainly to our -century. It is true, indeed, that Pythago- ras and others of the ancient philosophers did not fail to recognize indications of change in the surface of the earth. And, in the beginning of the Renaissance, we find Leonardo da Vinci and others insist- ing that the fossils discovered in excava- tions in the stratified rocks were proof of the former existence of a sea teeming with marine life, where cultivated lands and populous cities had taken its place. Hut- ton’s ‘Theory of the Earth,’ which in an important sense marks the beginning of modern geological theorizing, appeared in the Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions in SCIENCE. 947 1788, but was not published a sa separate work till seven years later. Not till 1815 was published William Smith’s Geological Map of England, the first example of sys- tematic stratigraphic work extended over any large area of country. To the be- ginning of our country belong also the classical and epoch-making researches of Cuvier upon the fossil fauna of the Paris basin. By far the larger part, therefore, of the development of geologic science, with its far-reaching revelations of continental emergence and submergence, mountain growth and decay, and evolution and ex- tinction of successive faunas and floras, be- longs to the nineteenth century. Far on into our century extended the conflict with theological conservatism, in which the elder Silliman, James L. Kingsley, and others of the early members of our Academy bore an honorable part, and which ended in the recognition, by the general public as well as by the select circle of scientific students, of an antiquity of the earth far transcending the limits allowed by venerable tradition. To our century also belongs chiefly the development in astronomy of the idea of the history of the solar system. It is, indeed, true that, in the conception of the nebular hypothesis, Laplace, whose “Théorie de la Monde’’ was published in 1796, was preceded by Kant and Sweden- borg; yet the credit of the discovery be- ° longs not so much to the first conception of the idea as to its development into a thor- oughly scientific theory. Our century, moreover, has added to those evidences of the nebular theory, which Laplace derived from the analogies of movement in the solar system, the evidence furnished by the spectroscope, which finds in the nebulae matter in some such condition as that from which the solar system is supposed to have been evolved. But by far the most important contribu- tion of this century to the intellectual life 948 of man is the share which it has had in developing the idea of the unity of nature. The greatest step prior to this century in the development of that idea (and probably the most important single discovery in the whole history of science) was Newton’s discoyery of universal gravitation two hun- dred years ago; but the investigations of our century have revealed, with a fullness not dreamed of before, a threefold unity in nature—a unity of substance, a unity of force, and a unity of process. Spectrum analysis has taught us some- what of the chemical constitution, not only of the sun, but also of the distant stars and nebule ; and has thus revealed a substantial identity of chemical constitution through- out the universe. Profoundly interesting, from this point of view, is the recent dis- covery, in uraninite and some other min- erals, of the element helium, previously known only by its line in the spectrum of the sun. Profoundly interesting will be, if confirmed by further researches, the still more recent discovery of terrestrial cor- onium. The doctrine of the conservation of en- ergy formulates a unity of force in all physical processes. In this case, as in others, prophetic glimpses of the truth came to gifted minds in earlier times. Lord Bacon declared heat to be a species of motion. And Huyghens, in the seventeenth century, distinctly formulated the theory of light as an undulation, though the mighty influence of Newton maintained the emission theory in general acceptance for a century and a half. When Lavoisier exploded the phlogiston theory, and laid the foundation of modern chemical philosophy, it was seen that, in every chemical change, there is a complete equation of matter. But there was in the phlogiston theory a distorted representation of a truth which the chemical theory of Lavoisier and his successors ignored. They SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vou. X. No. 261. could give no account of the light and heat and electricity so generally associated with chemical transformations. These ‘‘ impon- derable agents,” as they were called, be- lieved to be material, yet so tenuous as to be destitute of weight, haunted like ghosts the workshop of the artisan and the labora- tory of the scientist, wonderfully important in their effects, but utterly unintelligible in their nature. It was almost exactly at the beginning of our century that the researches of Rumford discovered the first words of the spell by which these ghosts were des- tined to be laid. When Rumford declared, in his interpretation of his experiments, “Anything which any insulated body or sys-- tem of bodies can continue to furnish with- out limitation, cannot possibly be a material substance,”’ the fate of the supposed im- ponderable fluid heat was sealed ; but it was not till near the middle of our century that Joule completed the work of Rumford by the determination of the mechanical equiv- alent of heat. About the same time, Fou- cault’s measurement of the velocity of light in airand in water afforded conclusive proof of the undulatory theory of light. In these great discoveries was laid the strong founda- tion for the magnificent generalization of the conservation of energy—a generaliza- tion which the sagacious intuition of Mayer and Carpenter and Le Conte at once ex- tended beyond the realm of inorganic na- ture to the more subtile processes of vege- table and animal life. In this connection, I may be pemitted to refer to the work of some of my colleagues, with the Atwater- Rosa calorimeter, which has given more complete experimental proof than had pre- viously been given of the conservation of energy in the human body. But by far the greatest of the intellectual achievements of our age has been the de- velopment of the idea of the unity of pro- cess pervading the whole history of nature. The word which sums up in itself the ex- DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] pression of the most characteristic and fruitful intellectual life of our age is the word evolution. The latter half of our cen- tury has been so dominated by that idea in all its thinking, that it may well be named the Age of Evolution. Wemay give as the date of the beginning of the new epoch the year 1858 ; and the Wittenberg theses of the intellectual reformation of our time were the twin papers of Darwin and Wallace, wherein was promulgated the theory of natural selection. And yet, of course, the idea of evolution was not new, when these papers were pre- sented to the Linnean Society. Con- sciously or unconsciously, the aim of science at all times must have been to bring events that seemed isolated into a continuous de- velopment. To exclude the idea of evolu- tion from any class of phenomena, is to exclude that class of phenomena from the realm of science. In the former half of our century, evolutionary conceptions of the history of inorganic nature had become pretty well established. ‘The nebular hy- pothesis was obviously a theory of planetary evolution. The Lyellian geology, which took the place of the catastrophism of the last century, was the conception of evolu- tion applied to the physical history of the earth. Nor had there been wanting anticipations of evolution within the realm of biology. The author of that sublime Hebrew psalm of creation, preserved to us as the first chapter of Genesis, was in his way a good deal of an evolutionist. ‘Let the earth bring forth,’ ‘let the waters bring forth,’ are words that point to a process of growth rather than to a process of manufacture in the origination of living beings. In crude and vague forms, the idea of evolution was held by some of the Greek philosophers. Just at the beginning of our century La- marck developed the idea of evolution into something like a scientific theory. Yet it SCIENCE, 949 is no less true that the epoch of evolution in human thought began with Darwin. Manifold suggestions there were of genetic relationships between different organisms, whether organic forms were studied by the systematist or the embryologist, the geog- rapher or the paleontologist ; but each and all found the path to any credible theory of organic evolution blocked by the stubborn fact that variations in species appeared everywhere to be limited in degree, and to oscillate about a central average type, in- stead of becoming cumulative from genera- tion to generation. In the Darwinian prin- ciple of natural selection, for the first time, was suggested a force, whose existence in nature could not be doubted, and whose tendency, conservative in stable environ- ment, progressive in changing environ- ment, would account at once for the per- manence of species through long ages, and for epochs of relatively rapid change. How- ever Darwin’s work may be discredited by the exaggerations of Weismannism, how- ever it may be minified by Neo-Lamarck- ians, it is the theory of natural selection which has so nearly removed the barrier in the path of evolution, impassable before, as to lead, first the scientific world, and later the world of thought in general, to a sub- stantially unanimous belief in the deriva- tive origin of species. Certain it is that no discovery since Newton’s discovery of uni- versal gravitation has produced so profound an effect upon the intellectual life.of man- kind. The tombs of Newton and Darwin lie close together in England’s Valhalla, and together their names must stand as the two great epoch-making names in the his- tory of science. Darwin’s discovery relates primarily to the origin of species by descent with modi- fication from preéxisting species. It throws no direct light upon the question of the origin of life. But analogy is a guide that we may reasonably follow in our think- 950 ing, provided only we bear in mind that she is a treacherous guide and sometimes leads astray. Conclusions that rest only on analogy must be held tentatively and not dogmatically. Yet it would be an un- reasonable excess of caution that would refuse to recognize the direction in which analogy points. When we trace a continu- ous evolution from the nebula to the dawn of life, and again a continuous evolution from the dawn of life to the varied flora and fauna of to-day, crowned as it is with glory in the appearance of man himself, we can hardly fail to accept the suggestion that the transition from the lifeless to the living was itself a process of evolution. Though the supposed instances of spon- taneous generation all resolve themselves into errors of experimentation, though the power of chemical synthesis, in spite of the vast progress it has made, stops far short of the complexity of protoplasm, though we must confess ourselves unable to imagine any hypothesis for the origin of that com- plex apparatus which the microscope is re- vealing to us in the infinitesimal laboratory of the cell, are we not compelled to believe that the law of continuity has not been broken, and that a process of natural tran- sition from the lifeless to the living may yet be within reach of human discovery? Still further. Are we content to believe that evolution began with the nebula? Are we satisfied to assume our chemical atoms as an ultimate and inexplicable fact? Herschel and Maxwell, indeed, have reasoned, from the supposed absolute like- ness of atoms of any particular element, that they bear “the stamp of a manufac- tured article,’’ and must therefore be sup- posed to have been specially created at some definite epoch of beginning. But, when we are speaking of things of which we know as little as we know of atoms, there is logically a boundless difference be- tween saying that we know no difference SCIENCE. [N. 8S. Vou. X. No. 261. between the atoms of hydrogen, and saying that we know there is no difference. Is it not legitimate for us to recognize here again the direction in which analogy points, and to ask whether those fundamentai units of physical nature, the atoms themselves, may not be products of evolution? Thus analogy suggests to us the question, whether there is any beginning of the series of evolution- ary changes which we see stretching back- ward into the remote past; whether the nebule from which systems have been evolved were not themselves evolved; whether existing forms of matter were not evolved from other forms that we know not; whether creative Power and creative Intelligence have not been eternally imma- nent in an eternal universe. I cannot help thinking that theology may fitly welcome such a suggestion, as relieving it from the incongruous notion of a benevolent Deity spending an eternity in solitude and idle- ness. The contemplation of his own attri- butes might seem a fitting employment for a Hindoo Brahm. It hardly fits the char- acter of the Heavenly Father, of whom we are told that he ‘ worketh hitherto.’ In the last suggestion I have ventured outside the realm of science. But most men are not so constituted that they can carry their scientific and their philosophical and religious beliefs in compartments sepa- rated by thought-proof bulkheads. Scien- tific and philosophic and religious thought, in the individual and in the race, must act and react upon each other. It was, there- fore, inevitable that our century of scien- tific progress should disturb the religious beliefs of men. When conceptions of the cosmos with which religious beliefs had been associated, were rudely shattered, it was inevitable that those religious beliefs themselves should seem to be imperilled. And s0,in the early years of the century, it was said, if the world is more than six thousand years old, the Bible is a fraud, DECEMBER, 29, 1899.] and the Christian religion a dream. And later, it was said, if physical and vital forces are correlated with each other, there is no soul, no distinction of right and wrong, and no immortality. And again it was said, if species originate by evolution, and not by special creation, there is no God. So it had been said centuries before, if the earth revolves around the sun, Chris- tian faith must be abandoned as a super- stition. But in the nineteenth century, as in the sixteenth, the scientific con- clusions won their way to universal ac- ceptance, and Christian faith survived. It showed a plasticity which enabled it to adapt itself to the changing environment. The magically inerrant Bible may be aban- doned, and leave intact the faith of the church in a divine revelation. The cor- relation of forces acting in the human cerebrum with those of inorganic nature may be freely admitted ; and yet we may hold that there are other forms of causation in the universe than physical energy, and that the inexpugnable belief of moral re- sponsibility is more valid than the strongest induction. The ‘carpenter God’ of the older natural theology may vanish from a universe, which we have come to regard as a growth and not a building; but there remains the immanent Intelligence ‘* Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean, and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;’’— the God in whom ‘ we live and move and have our being.’ The church has learned wisdom. The persecution of Galileo is not likely to be repeated, nor even the milder forms of persecution which assailed the geologists at the beginning, and the evolutionists in the middle, of our century. And science, too, has learned something. In all its wealth of discovery, it recognizes more clearly than ever before the fathomless SCIENCE. 951 abysses of the unknown and unknowable. It stands with unsandaled feet in the presence of mysteries that transcend human thought. Religion never so tolerant. Sci- ence never so reverent. Nearer than ever before seems the time when all souls that are loyal to truth and goodness shall find fellowship in freedom of faith and in ser- vice of love. Wm. Nort Rice. RESULTS OF THE SECOND BOTTEGO EXPE- DITION INTO EASTERN AFRICA.* Unper the auspices of the Italian Geo- graphical Society, whose President signs the preface, the survivors of the Second BottegO Expedition into Eastern Africa have prepared and published a narrative of — their arduous journey, and an account of the results achieved at the cost of two valuable lives. The volume is well written and profusely illustrated—it is, moreover, accompanied by a series of clearly drawn maps of the country traversed, much of which had been previously unvisited by European explorers. On his second expedition Vittorio Bot- tego, accompanied by three valiant assist- ants—Lamberto Vannutelli, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy; Carlo Citerni, of the Italian Army, and Dr. Maurizio Sacchi, leff Naples on the 38d of June, 1895, and reached Brava on the Southern Somali coast on the 1st of October of that year. Ten days later the explorers marched out of Brava with a caravan of 250 Ascaris, and on November 18th reached the out- skirts of Lugh, an important emporium of trade in Southern Somaliland, situated on the River Juba in about 3° north latitude, which had been visited by Bottegd on his first expedition. Lugh, it was found was *L’Omo. Viaggio di esplorazione nell’ Africa Orientale narrato da L. Vannutellie C. Citerni. Sotto gli auspici della Societaé Geographica Italiana. Milano, 1899. 952 at that time in possession of a band of pre- datory Abyssinians, who of late years, as is well known, have traversed and ravaged the whole of southern Somaliland. Alarmed, however, by the reports of the advancing earavan of Italians, the Abyssinians had withdrawn leaving Lugh in ruins and com- pletely deserted, as the native inhabitants had taken refuge on the other side of the river. Lugh lies on a peninsula of land nearly surrounded by a bend of the River Jutz, and defended by a wall some 200 meters in length which crosses the isthmus from bank to bank. The Italians were naturally well received on their arrival as deliverers from the much hated Abyssinians, and were treated in the most friendly way. After a few days they induced the popula- tion to return to their deserted city, and reinstated the Sultan of Lugh—Ali Hassan Mir on his tottering throne. A fort was built and a guard of 45 Askari left in it for the protection of the inhabitants against further invasions while a treaty of perpetual alliance between Italy and the Lughians was drawn up and signed. Some distance above Lugh the Juba is divided into three branches—the Ueb com- ing from the north, the Ganula Doria from the northwest and the Daua from the west. After a month’s delay, during which an ex- eursion up the Ueb in order to restore some captives to their friends was made by some of the party, the expedition was reunited at the end of January, and proceeded up the valley of the Daua or great western branch of the river Juba, along the caravan road which leads to the region of the lakes. On the 2d of February they crossed from the left to the right bank of the Daua, and con- tinued thence at some distance from its banks through the country of the Garra- Somali, then passing into that of the Béran, a race of pacific shepherds speaking a Galla tongue. Leaving the water-basin of the Daua to the left, and proceeding through SCIENCE. (N.S. Vou. X. No. 261. the hills, the party arrived on March 17th at Ascebo—a large village of from 300 to 400 houses—on the outskirts of the Boran country. A few days later they arrived on the banks of the Bisan-Gurracia, the first water met with flowing in a western direc- tion. Burgi, a pleasant villagein the moun- tain of the Amarr-Bambsla, was reached on March 30th, and the tomb of Eugenio Rus- poli, an Italian explorer who was accident- ally killed there some years before, was vis- ited. The route taken hence was northward along the Badditu range until a new lake ‘never before seen by European eyes’ was discovered on May 12th. Lago Regina Mar- gherita, as it was agreed to name this fine sheet of water after the Queen of Italy, is surrounded by lofty mountains, some of which are said to attain a height of nearly 11,000 feet. Twenty-five days were spent on the exploration of this beautiful lake, which is about 250 kilometers in circumfer- ence, and lies at a height of 4200 feet above the sea-level. Just south of it, divided by low ground, is another smaller lake—Lake Ciam6, and the two together drain into Lake Stephanie, which lies some sixty or seventy miles to the southwest of them. On June 12th, the exploration of the new Lakes having been completed and suf- ficient rest obtained, the explorers were ready to proceed onwards in search of the great river Omo, to trace the course of which was one of the principal objects of their expedition. It having been ascertained that the Abyssinians were in occupation of the country to the north of the new Lake, it was resolved to- proceed due west through the mountains, and a most difficult task this proved to be. The path led through moun- tains from 9000 to 10,000 feet in altitude, and the natives were energetically hostile. But at the end of June they had traversed the range, and found themselves on the south bank of the much sought for river DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] which drains the southern provinces of Abys- sinia. Unfortunately the Abyssinians had become well aware of their movements, -and an Abyssinian Ras, Uoldu Ghirgis stood in battle array on the north bank ready to stop them. Turning away to the west through the mountains the Italians managed with great difficulty to escape their enemies, and, though hampered by constant attacks from the natives, succeeded in reaching the Omo again, and in descend- ing its left bank to Lake Rudolf. It was thus shown that the great Abyssinian River Omo flows neither into the Nile as had been conjectured by some geographers, nor into the Juba, as had been supposed by others, but constitutes the principal feeder of the internal basin of Lake Rudolf. That a large river entered this Lake at its northern extremity was well known from former explorations. But noone had shown its identity with the Abyssinian Omo, which was thus fully established. On August 30, 1895, the Italian travellers found themselves at the north end of Lake Rudolf in occupation of the cabin of Dr. Donaldson Smith, the American explorer, who had been in the same spot about a year before them. The chief object of the second Bottego expedition had thus been accomplished. The Omo had been traced to its outlet in Lake Rudolf. Besides this many miles of fresh country had been traversed, and a new and most interesting lake discovered— not only discovered, but carefully measured and mapped, as will be seen by the charts attached to this volume. Had the voyagers gone home by the usual route through British East Africa, or returned by the way they came they would have been allowed the credit of having done excellent work. But they were still ardeut for further discoveries. In the first place a side-excursion was made by Bottego and Vannutelli to Lake SCIENCE 953 Stephanie. The river Sagan, which drains Lakes Margherita and Ciamo, and which they had struck on their former route to Burgi, was found running into the head of Lake Stephanie. It was a good elephant country, and 14 elephants were killed in five days. The tusks together with the ivory previously procured were sent off to Lugh by a Somali caravan. On October 18th the whole party was again assembled at Bumé, at the northeast corner of Lake Rudolf. Here it was resolved, on consultation, that Dr. Sacchi should proceed home via Lugh with ivory and the scientific collec- tions already accumulated, while the re- maining members of the party should con- tinue their explorations. Dr. Sacchi reached Ascebos safely, but on returning to Lake Margherita to fetch some ivory placed in eache there, was unfortunately killed in an encounter with the natives some four months later (February 7, 1897). Before leaving Lake Rudolf the remain- ing explorers resolved to make it quite cer- tain that no river flowed out on the western side of the lake. The western bank of Lake Rudolf was, therefore, carefully ex- amined as far south as about 3° N. L., where the river Tirgol flows from the west into the lake. Beyond this it had been already ascertained that there was no water issuing out of Lake Rudolf, which is, there- fore, a closed basin, and has no connection with the Sobat and so with the Nile, as had formerly been supposed possible. Starting again from the north end of Lake Rudolf on December 13, 1896, the travellers proposed to make their way home through Abyssinia, little aware of the un- fortunate series of events which had taken place between that country and Italy. Leaving the large northeastern gulf of the lake on their right, they arrived shortly on the river Sacchi, as they proposed to name this stream after their lost’ com- 954 panion, and ascertained that though flow- ing directly southwards it did not at that time actually reach Lake Rudolf, but prob- ably passed into it only by infiltration. For ten days the River Sacchi was ascended, through a fine and fertile coun- try, but with few inhabitants. At about 5° 30’ N. L. this river was quitted for the adjoining mountain range on the left, and after passing the water—parting at some 5700 feet in altitude a descent was made into the valley of the Sobat or strictly speaking that of the Guiba or Acobo—one of its principal southern confluents. The Guiba was reached on January 3, 1897, in about 6° 30’ 8. L. and 35° E. L. It was here found tobe a stream of about 200 feet in breadth and a foot and a half deep— some 30 or 40 miles from its sources in the mountain of Caffa. The descent of the Guiba was commenced on the left bank. A few days later the stream was crossed and progress was continued on the right bank some way from the stream, which was regained at Ghira, the first village in the extensive district of Jambo. Here it was found that a tongue nearly allied to that of the Shilluks of the Upper Nile was spoken, and intercourse was opened with the natives by one of the Ascari who happened to be of a native of Fashoda, but there were great difficulties about guides. Finally it was determined to proceed to the north, and another confluent of the Sobat—the Ghélo, a limpid stream running placidly west- ward—was reached on January 23, 1897. On attempting to descend the Ghélo the party became involved in marshes and much harassed by hostile natives, and were obliged to return to their former quarters on the Ghélo which were regained on February 6th, after serious losses in men and bag- gage-animals. After a few days’ journey up the Ghélo, during which a new lake, proposed to be called Lake Gessi, was dis- covered, that river was left, and a course SCIENCE. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 261. nearly due north was taken which brought the party after crossing several smaller affluents on the 26th of February, 1897, to the main stream of the Sobatin 8° 10’ N. L. The Sobat or (Upeno) is here a fine stream of 900 feet in width and 3 feet in depth, flowing through a fertile and thickly popu- lated valley. Crossing the river with the assistance of the natives, which here were still of the Jambo tribe, the party con- tinued up the right bank for several days, and then left the river to ascend the Abys- sinian mountains—which border the valley on the north. Before doing this, however, a letter was sent to the Abyssinian Resi- dent in the adjoining districts of the Sajo asking for permission to pass through his country. In reply to thissome Abyssinian soldiers, were dispatched to invite the Ital- ians to come on, and to show them the way, and shortly afterwards they met Abba Cialla, brother of the Resident, Giotd di Lega, with a large cortege sent expressly to welcome them. On March 16th accord- ingly the weary travellers arrived at Jullem, near Gobo, the residence of the Desgatch, and were most cordially received. Surely now, they thought, their long tramp had come to an end and they would have an easy passage across Abyssinia to their coun- trymen at Cassata. Never were such ex- pectations more miserably disappointed. The treacherous Abyssinians made an at- tack on the Italian camps on the night of March 17, 1897. Captain Bottego was killed, Citerni was wounded, and the whole of the party either slaughtered or taken prisoners. Citerni and Vannutelli were imprisoned in irons, and most shamefully abused and treated until June 13th, when orders were received from Menelek that they should be sent up to Addis Abeba. Although these orders were complied with™ it was not until the day of their entrance to the capital that their chains were removed. At Addis Abeba, which was DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] finally reached on June 22, 1897, Van- nutelli and Citerni, the two surviving members of the Second Bottego Expedition were most cordially received by the Italian Envoys—Major Nerazzini and Captain Ciccodicola, and arrangements were quickly made for their return to Europe. Among the perils and dangers of such a journey as this especially when the great difficulties of transport are taken into con- sideration, the collection of scientific speci- - mens is by no means an easy task. Yet, as will be seen by reference to the Appen- dix to the present volume, the members of the Second Bottego Expedition by no means neglected this part of their duties. After the geological, meteorological, and astro- nomical observations are given we find a summary of the zoological results prepared by Dr. Gestro of the Museo Civico of Genoa. These are based on specimens obtained during the first part of the journey between Brava and Lake Rudolf which, however, formed but a very small proportion of the whole collections. The Mammals have been described by Mr. Oldfield Thomas of the British Museum in two papers published in the Annals of the Museo Civico of Genoa, the first relating to 27 species and the sec- ond to 20, one of which (Crocidura bottegi) was new to science. The few birds saved from the wreck have been named by Count Salvadori, the Reptiles and Batrachians by Mr. Boulenger and the Fishes by Sigo Vin- ciguerra. Their reports have likewise ap- peared in the same well-known periodical. The more numerous specimens of Inverte- brates have been worked out by various specialists of whose contributions the titles are given here, together with an abbreviated account of the principal novelties accom- panied by many excellent illustrations. The value of this well prepared volume is fur- ther enhanced by the excellent series of maps attached to it, whereby every de- tail of the routes pursued may be followed SCIENCE. 955 with the greatest ease. The name of Gia- cano Doria attached to the preface isa guarantee that neither trouble nor expense has been grudged in the production of the present volume as is indeed at once evi- dent to all that examine it. P. L. ScuaTer. LONDON ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ON THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF ENZYMES. THE enzymes form one of the most inter- esting groups of organic compounds from the physiological as well as the purely chemical point of view. Physiologically they may be classified as follows: 1. Enzymes which are intimately con- nected with nutrition, as diastase, pepsin, trypsin, lipase, etc. 2. Enzymes which cause oxidations—the oxidases. 3. Enzymes which bring on coagulations, the clotting enzymes: rennet, thrombase, pectase. The first group has been known longest and best and has served certain authors for inferences and distinctions which at pre- sent are no longer tenable. Hrroneous views as to the réle of enzymes are however now and then entertained even at the pre- sent day, actions being ascribed to them which belong exclusively to the living pro- toplasm itself. Thus, in an article on ‘Assimilation and Heredity’ the hypoth- esis was formulated that ‘‘ enzymes are the true bearers of heredity.”” Thus far it has been the well founded inference that the molecular arrangement, the invisible organization or tectonic of the chromosomes forms the foundation of the genetic differ- entiation and heredity. These chromosomes consist principally of a nucleoproteid (chro- matin) ofa very labile nature, that is easily converted into a stable proteid by injurious influences which cause their death. The chromatin of the chromosomes of different animals may not be identical, but only iso- 956 SCIENCE. meric, or otherwise closely related (some- thing chemically very difficult to prove), but there can be no doubt that the tectonic must bea different and a specific one in the chromosomes of every different kind of animal. ‘This different construction or ma- chinery causes those special differentiations in the further development of a fecundated egg which characterize a species,* while it is the chemically labile nature which confers the power of transforming and ap- plying energy. Moreover, the same author ascribes to enzymes the power to form living matter from the dead matter of the food. This, too, isnotcorrect. The proteolytic enzymes merely provide the living animal cell with soluble protein (albumoses), but this inac- tive protein is converted into living matter by the living protoplasm itself (probably by the nucleus), but surely not by enzymes. Besides the known enzymes that act on glucosides, carbohydrates, fats and true proteins, there exist certainly still others of however a rather narrow sphere of activity. Certain mites and a few fungi attack hair and horn and utilize therefore keratin as food, hence, they must be able to prepare an enzyme (keratinase), especially adapted to dissolve keratin. Certain fungi easily perforate the chitin structures of insects and a special enzyme (chitinase) has to be assumed also in this case. Still another group are the but recently recognized bac- teriolytic enzymes, produced by certain kinds of bacteria themselves. These enzymes play an important réle in the recovery from and immunization against infectious diseases. +} Their powers of dissolving bacteria, how- * The various hypotheses treating this problem have been discussed by Ives Delage: La structure du protoplasma et les théories sur Vherédité, etc. Paris, 1895. 7 Cf. Emmerich and Loew, Bacterolytische Enzyme als Ursache der erworbenen Immunitiat und die Hei- lung von Infections krankheiten durch dieselben ; Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, Vol. 31, May, 1899. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 261- ever, are restricted to certain kinds and may in many cases act on one kind only. It is from the ecological standpoint cer- tainly a remarkable fact, that an organism, as, e. g., Bacillus pyocganeus produces an enzyme which, after reaching a certain con- centration, dissolves the bacillus itself! The bacillus, so to speak, commits suicide by means of its own enzyme—certainly not a teleological working of nature for the maintenance of species ! As to the chemical nature of enzymes three questions above all have occupied the mind of investigators, viz.: 1. Are the enzymes proteins or not? 2. How is the fact to be explained that a very small amount of an enzyme can transform a relatively very large amount of another compound? 3. What is the cause of their quite specific action, the reason that they can only attack a. specific compound and not others, even closely related ones? The importance of the first question has been much overrated and while one author asserted they belong to the coagulable albumins, another ascribed to them the nature of nucleoproteids and still others claimed that enzymes are very different from any protein matter. It is true, special difficulties are encountered in the purifica- tion and isolation of enzymes, but it is also not less true, in many cases at least, that it is quite impossible to separate the enzymic activity from protein matter. The tendency of certain authors to infer from the nature of one enzyme the nature of all the others. also, is not justified at all. There may exist enzymes in every group of proteins, and some may exist that are not proteins, although derived therefrom. Wurtz* has recognized papayotin, the proteolytic enzyme of Carica papaya as an albumose and Chittenden} thinks the di- * Comptes Rendus, 90, 1379. t Transactions of the Conn. Acad. of Sciences, Vol- 8 (1891). ee SOO ee ee ee SO DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] gesting agent of the pineapple to be of the same nature. Pelkelharing* found that the activity of pepsin is intimately con- nected with a nucleoproteid and the same author as well as Halliburton declare throm- base (the clotting enzyme of the blood) to be a nucleoproteid. + Spitzer declared also the peroxidase of the animals to be a nucleo- proteid, | which however, the writer found not to be the case with the vegetal per- oxidase, which in all probability has an albumose-like nature. Seegen and Kratsch- mer § inferred from their investigations an albuminous nature of the diastase of the liver, while the writer found the trypsin and diastase of the pancreas gland to be of peptone character; that is to say, when transformed to the inactive state, they behave towards the usual reagents like a peptone, while in regard to their activity they differ essentially from them (see on this point further below). As to the diastase of malt, Osborne as well as the writer, || has inferred its protein character. In the purest state it was prepared by Wroblewski, who showed that it was a proteose and was form- erly obtained with an admixture of a car- bohydrate, araban. This author recently also proved invertase to be of a proteose or peptone-like nature. Certain authors failed to obtain with their enzyme preparations either the reactions or the composition of protein matters, which may have been due in some cases to imperfect purification, while in others the enzyme might really be no protein at all, which is probably the case with the rennet, investigated by Hammarsten. The active character of an enzyme is not necessarily connected with a protein nature, since the ordinary soluble * Zeitschrift physiol. Chem., Vol. 22, p. 233. t Arch. fiir Physiol., 1895, p. 213, and Journal of Physiol., Vol. 9, p. 265. { Jahresbericht f. Thierchemie, 1897. @ Jahresbericht f. Thierchemie, 1877. || Pfhig. Arch., Vol. 27, p. 206. SCIENCE. 957 proteins have no such activity atall. In analyzing enzymes we can only find the composition of the killed* enzyme, which in fact is no longer a real enzyme. This brings us to the second of the above ques- tions, the cause of their chemical powers. The question how it is to be explained that a small amount of enzyme can trans- form a relatively very large amount of another substance has been answered in various ways, none of which have proved satisfactory. We shall not enter here on a critical review of all these hypotheses, which the reader will find treated in Green’s recent work: ‘The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation,’ (chapter 24).} Only a few points, especially regarding recent views may be mentioned, before the view of the writer is discussed. One author declared that enzymes are not bodies, but properties of bodies (which non- sense was called by several authors an ‘ingenious,’ hypothesis! ); another said that small quantities of enzymes are merely at- tached to proteins, but are not proteins them- selves; another declared that the enzymes act by repeatedly causing oxidation and re- duction.{ But even if this last mentioned view were correct (which cannot be, since most enzymes can be active also in the absence of oxygen), it does not explain the power that would cause the supposed oxidations and reductions. Saccharoff, who advanced this hypothesis, made experiments with papayotin only, in which he assumes a small quantity of ‘bionuclein,’ an ac- tive principle, containing iron, and as- sociated with it a larger amount of another substance that has a mere _ pro- moting action. From some very vague * The word ‘killed’ is used here as a short term for ‘ transformed to an inactive state.’ t Recently a review of this work was published in this JOURNAL. { Saccharoff, Centralbl. f. Bakteriologie, Vols. 24. and 26. 958 SCIENCE. trials this author draws far-reaching conclusions and even ascribes all actions of living protoplasm to the presence of an ex- ceedingly small quanity of ‘bionuclein,’ present in albuminous matters of the cells. The writer in 1882 proposed the view that enzymes are like the protein bodies of the living protoplasm distinguished by the presence of chemically labile atomic groups * and said at that time: “it seems as if some remnant of the active powers of the protoplasm must be contained in the enzymes.’’ Later on, somebody else called enzymes ‘protoplasm splinters’ and since then this phrase has been echoed by many who did not conceive or concede that the principle common to both consisted in chem- ical lability. The principle of chemical lability (insta- bility) has thus far been but little studied. The writer has recently suggested the desira- bility of distinguishing between kinetically- labile and potentially-labile compounds.; A kinetically labile compound is characterized on the one hand, by the easy change to a more stable, isomeric or polymeric modifi- cation or compound, and on the other, by the great facility with which it enters into reactions with various other compounds, especially with such as also possess labile properties, whereby result products with a less degree of instability. Potentially labile compounds behave differently, they do not pass into isomeric or polymeric modi- fications, do not easily yield various derivatives, but are inclined to sudden far-reaching decomposition or explosion. Examples of the former class are aldehydes, * Pfliiger’s, Archiv, Vol. 27, p. 211. Also, Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Vol. 37, p. 103. +A detailed account of this view, explained by numerous examples is contained in Chapter 11, of the treatise of the writer: ‘‘ Der chemische Energie der Jebenden Zellen,’’ recently published in Munich by Dr. E. Wolff. [N. S. Vou. X. No. 261. amido-aldehydes, amido-ketones; of the lat- ter class, the diazo-compounds and the ni- trates of polyvalent alcohols as nitroglyce- rol. Kinetic lability comprises free chemical energy while potential lability intra-molec- ular chemical energy of position to be well distinguished from the potential energy rela- tively to oxygen, a potential energy present in all organic compounds and liberated in - the act of combining with oxygen. Chemical energy consists in certain motions of atoms, motions of larger ampli- tudes than the motions of heat energy, al- though easily passing into the latter. We must infer the larger amplitudes of chem- ical energy from the fact that at the ordi- nary temperature the chemical energy can counteract the force of affinity in a much larger measure than heat energy can do. it. Free chemical energy in a labile com- pound is caused by a loose position of atoms. in certain atomic groups, and this loose position is the consequence of a depression of affinities on account of one atom being under the simultaneous influence of two. neighboring atoms. Such atoms in loose position are subjected to much more vio-. lent oscillations under the influence of heat. energy than are the other atoms in stable position in the same compound. Thus, heat energy is easily transformed into chemical energy by labile atomic groups. As the writer first pointed out, such machines to transform heat into chemical action are, the proteins of the living protoplasm and also the enzymes, the latter, however, in a much less degree than. the former. The organized proteins of the living mat- ter produce their own heat by respiration, whilst the enzymes utilize either the free store of heat energy in the atmosphere when they act at the ordinary temperature, or also the heat of other sources when they act at an elevated temperature. Let us now review the general chemical DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] properties of enzymes. Although an in- crease of heat up to a certain point (the optimum temperature) promotes their ac- tions, a further rise in temperature is in- jurious and a still further rise stops all their actions. This is in perfect accor- dance with the transition of a labile to a stable modification, or even to a still more different compound, produced by atomic migrations. The labile atoms ap- proach by their larger oscillations too closely to other atoms, the affinity of which can exert now sufficient power to produce an ‘atomic migration.’* The enzymes are ‘killed’ at this fatal degree of intensity of heat, in other words they have lost their labile, unstable atomic groups, by ‘ migra- tion’ of atoms into a stable position ; la- bility and activity cease to exist. In further analogy to many cases of transformations of labile into stable compounds, enzymes are also ‘ killed’ by a certain amount of alkalies oracids. Different enzymes are resistant in very different degrees, however, not only to these agencies but also to other injurious compounds. This indicates either differ- ences in the nature of the labile atomic groups or, what appears more probable to the writer, different positions of the labile groups within the molecule. The closer to each other they are situated, the more easily the transformation to an inactive isomeric compound will take place. The greater the intensity of chemical energy at a given temperature the more activity is possible, and the more easily the point of destruction is reached. It seems highly probable that there exist two or even more labile groups in one mole- cule of an enzyme, since Jacobson observed that by a cautious application of heat their power of decomposing hydrogen peroxide * Organic chemistry abounds with interesting cases of this kind. Even the first synthesis of an organic compound, that of urea from ammonium cyanate, is due to such an interesting transformation. SCIENCE. 959 may be taken away, while their specific en- zymatic action may be retained.* A few instances will illustrate the differ- ences of resistance of enzymes: trehalmse is killed at 64° C., while inulase at about 70°, emulsian at 75—80°, diastase at 80-86°. The temperatures, however, vary considerably with the acid or alkaline reaction of the liquid, with the degree of concentration and with the presence of neutral salts, or of some organic neutral compounds. Furthermore, while pepsin resists at the ordinary tem- perature 2 per mille hydrochloric acid, trypsin, emulsin, diastase and papayotin are killed by less than 0.5 per mille.} On the other hand, pepsin is more easily destroyed by sodium carbonate than tryp- sin and rennet. Invertin is very easily de- stroyed by dilute alkali (Wrdblewski). Hydrogen sulphide easily kills the proteo- lytic enzyme of Micrococcus prodigiosus and Proteus vulgaris, not, however, that of Bacillus Milleri, nor pepsin, diastase or emulsin.{ The writer has observed that prussic acid of 25 per cent. kills diastase (but not tryp- sin) at the ordinary temperature within 12 hours. Arsenious acid is reported to have no injurious effect upon enzymes, but in the writer’s opinion this question deserves further study. Certain alkaloids have also been observed to have a destructive ac- tion on enzymes. Quinine, 1 per cent. has an inhibitory effect on the action of * Zeitschrift f. physiol. Chem., Vol. 16, p. 340 (1892). Bourquelot assumes here the presence of an impurity with certain active properties which agrees with some recent tests of the writer. t Organic acids act less energetically. Thus Wré- blewski reports that invertin can resist even 4 per cent. acetic acid for some time. {Cf. Fermi, Archiv. f. Hygiene, Vol. 14, p. 15. Chem. Centralbl., 1894, I., p. 965. The writer has convinced himself that neither basic acetate of lead nor hydrogen sulphide, when applied for a short time in moderate quantities, injure diastase or trypsin, and therefore Wurtz’s method may well be applied for the preparation of these enzymes, especially from the pancreas gland. 960 SCIENCE. pepsin, while it does not injure diastase or oxidase. Atropine in moderate quantities makes diastase inactive.* Further, pro- longed contact with alcohol injures the en- zymes more or less. The writer long ago tried to solve the question what kind of labile atomic groups cause the activity of enzymes, and had cer- tain reasons for the supposition that the lability is due to the simultaneous pres- ence of aldehyde and amido-groups in the molecule of an enzyme. Indeed amido- aldehydes (and amido-ketones) exhibit a high degree of lability. The usual tests for aldehyde groups failed however, but it may nevertheless be possible that these are pres- ent in the less active polymeric form.+ I¢ deserves to be mentioned in this connection that free hydroxylamnie which very easily enters into reaction with aldehyde groups, also renders diastase inactive in a diluted neutral solution. In regard to labile amido- groups it is to be expected that enzymes containing them would become inactive as soon as certain compounds combine with the amido-groups and change them. Such a substance is formaldehyde. Indeed, pepsin and diastase are rendered inactive when they remain for’24 hours in contact with a neutral solution of 5 per cent. formaldehyde. Other enzymes, as emulsin, papayotin, tryp- sin, etc., yield in its presence inactive precip- itates.{ These observations were later on, made also in the Institut Pasteur without, however, any attempt to draw a further in- ference. In the opinion of the writer how- ever, this behavior makes the presence of labile amido-groups highly probable. If we now take into consideration the * Detmer, Landwirthshaftliche, Jahrbiicher, 1881. + Nencki and Macfadyen observed with one enzyme only, viz., one derived from the cholera bacillus, a re- duction of an alkaline silver solution (1891), while Brieger obtained a phenylhydrazone with a protein contained in a culture of the microbes of diphtheria, { O. Loew, Journ. f. prakt. Chem., Vol. 37, p. 704 (1888). [N. S. Vou. X. No. 261. fact that the study of the cleavage pro- ducts, obtained by boiling with acids or alkalies, or the elementary analyses, can only clear up the composition of the killed enzymes, while it leaves us completely in the dark as to the nature of the labile active groups in the original enzymes, we must feel surprised at the attempts to find by simple analysis the true nature of the chemical power of enzymes. The denial of the protein nature of en- zymes on the ground that they are more easily changed by injurious influences than are the proteins is also a source of surprise. Several passages may here be quoted to show the opinions of recent physiologists. Thus we find in an article by a German physiologist the following passage: ‘“‘ There is no reason to doubt that as soon as an analysis of the enzymes has been accom- plished, their synthesis will be accom- plished too.”” And in a recent work of an English physiologist we read: ‘‘ Some seri- ous objections to the view that enzymes are proteids can be based upon the action of light upon them. Diastase is injured by direct sunlight, proteids are not.” Both these views are unqualifiedly erroneous. Enzymes of protein nature are not ordinary passive proteins, but proteins with labile atomic groups. Only the changed (killed) enzymes can be classified with the ordinary proteins.* As soon as we understand the close con- nection between lability and activity, and that enzymes are capable of transforming heat energy into chemical energy, we can also by means of Helm’s principle of the intensity of energy understand that their chemical energy may be transferred to other compounds. And when these other compounds are of such a character that * The writer makes use of the proposed distinction between protein and proteid. Protein is the general name for all protein matter, while proteid signifies exclusively the more complicated kinds containing phosphoric acid, sugar, etc. (nucleins, mucins, ete. ). DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] their atoms are easily set in motion, we can further understand that, by thus lessening certain affinities in them, another grouping of atoms may result. Itthus becomes intelligible why one mole- cule of an enzyme can, like a machine,change innumerable molecules, one after the other, ofanother compound. The chemical changes produced consist either in depolymerization, as in the production of dextrin from starch, or in hydrolytic action, as in the conversion of maltose into glucose, or in a further split- ting combined with atomic migration, as in the production of amido-acids and bases from protein by trypsin. Such chemical action produced by the mere transmission of chemical energy by a certain substance, which remains chemically unaltered, but acts like a machine, are called catalytic. We know that such actions are produced by finely divided metals, by alka- lies and strong acids and that such are also produced by labile organic compounds. Thus, for instance, an aqueous solution of ethylaldehyde transforms dicyanogen rap- idly in oxamid without undergoing a change itself (Liebig). Finely divided nickel splits acetylene into carbon and hydrogen,* finely divided platinum splits hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, ete. We may now consider the third of the above questions: How can the specific action of the enzymes be explained ? How is it, for exam- ple, that diastase can saccharify starch but not inulin, that inulase can saccharify inulin but not invert cane-sugar, that invertase can invert cane-sugar but not milk-sugar ? Here the principle of the configuration of the molecules comes in. The closer the contact, the more perfect a transmission of energy is possible. The molecular adhe- sion, however, is enhanced by a certain co- incidence of the surface features of the molecules. The writer in the year 1893 * Moissan and Moureu, Compt. Rend., Vol. 122, p. 1240. SCIENCE. 961 applied this principle to explain the fact that certain alkaloids have in very small quantities an effect only upon certain nerves, but not on all nerves, nor upon glands or muscles.* Later on, E. Fischer applied the same principle to the specific action of the enzymes, adopting the comparison to lock and key. However, Fischer did not discuss at all the question how enzymes can de- velop their energy nor did Green in his recent work: ‘Soluble Ferments’ devote a single line to it. The action of enzymes might be distinguished as enzymations to separate them from true fermentations which are such actions of bacteria as are intimately connected with, and directly dependent upon their living protoplasm itself and not upon enzymes secreted. From the recent observation of Hduard Buchner that alcoholic fermentation is not directly connected with the life of the yeast cell, it does not necessarily follow that lactic, butyric, or acetic fermentations are mere enzymations. Besides this, A. Wrob- lewski} has in a recent very interesting article pointed out important differences between zymase and the ordinary enzymes. The expressed juice of yeast is always opalescent and loses its fermentative action when filtered perfectly clear. It further soon loses its action upon mere dilution with water and also upon addition of 14 per cent. of neutral salts. Formaldehyde, as well as sodium nitrite destroy the activity of zymase more easily than that of the true enzymes. Twenty per cent. ethyl alcohol destroys the zymase but not yet the known enzymes. OsoarR Lorw. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. * A natural system of poisonous actions, Chapter VI., Munich, 1893, Dr. E. Wolff, publisher. Tt Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, September, 1899. He also showed that white diastase can be precipitated by saturation with sulphates, invertase can not. 962 ASTRONOMY IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Dourine the first half of the present cen- tury the most eminent astronomers, Karl Friedrich Gauss, Friedrich Wilhelm Bes- sel and Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, were natives of Germany. Gauss was born in 1777 at Braunschweig; Bessel in 1784; Struve in 1793 at Altona. All three were also mathematicians, but of various mathematical ability; in Struve’s ease his reputation in the higher mathe- matics was subordinate to that as an as- tronomer. Gauss was one of the first mathematicians of his age, and perhaps of any time. Bessel was celebrated by his success in the most difficult problems of mathematical astronomy, as well as in the practical handling of instruments, and as a teacher of the science. Gauss’s early ability as a calculator was enough to render him conspicuous in the circle of his friends, and to stimulate his relatives, people of humble station, to make every exertion for his education. He re- ceived the degree of doctor of philosophy at Gottingen at an early age, and became pro- fessor of astronomy there. His earliest mathematical work was the ‘ Disquisitiones Arithmeticz,’ in which he inserted the bril- liant discovery that a regular polygon of seventeen sides can be inscribed in the circle by ruler and compasses without the use of any means but those allowed by Euclid. When still a young man of twenty-four, he became widely known as an astronomer, by the rediscovery of the small planet Ceres. This had beén discovered by Piazzi, and ob- served only ashort time. After this time it was lost in the rays of the sun, and no other astronomer was able to calculate its position with sufficient accuracy to find it again, as proper formulz were wanting in the astro- nomical periodicals. These formule Gauss possessed, and they solved the problem, and the asteroid was readily found by the re- SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 261. sults of his calculations as a star barely visible to the naked eye. As professor at Gottingen, he lived to a venerable age. Among his students was our eminent coun- tryman, Dr. B. A. Gould. Gauss fitted up the observatory with the best instruments of the time, and his works have not yet been published in full sufficiently to con- tent his surviving disciples. Bessel, seven years younger, was born at Minden; and his early education was in the counting house of Messrs. Kulenkamp at Bremen. He soon found astronomy more interesting than business and became well - known amongst specialists in that science. In 1814, he was made a professor and direc- tor of the observatory in the rising uni- versity of Konigsberg, which soon became celebrated as the piace where Bessel lived. Every effort was made to keep the young institution at the height of astronomy as then known. He lived there till 1846, when he passed away at the premature age of sixty-two, after many striking achieve- ments, among which is especially con- spicuous the first satisfactory measure of a star’s distance from the solar system. He showed that 61 Cygni was more than five hundred thousand times* the sun’s distance, or between forty and fifty millions of mil- lions of miles from us. Gauss lived till 1855 and died at the venerable age of seventy-eight, ‘ full of age and honors.’ His younger friend, W. Struve, was the son of the head master at Altona, whose special department was philology. He received his early training in astronomy at Dorpat, where his ability as a calculator attracted the attention of Huth, then professor there of mathematics and astronomy. Huth allowed him to use the observatory freely. He received his first instructions in the use of instruments from the ‘Observator’ Paucker. After *JIn treating this star I have used later figures than those of Bessel. DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] Paucker went to the college at Mitau, Struve obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy there and was soon made ‘ Ob- servator’ at Dorpat, where he remained a quarter of a century as professor. During his professorship at Dorpat he prepared lec- tures on the transit instrument, which were translated into French by a pupil, Lieut. Schyanoff, and are still an admirable text- book. Struve’s ability attracted the atten- tion of Tsar Nicholas I., and in obedience to his orders, Struve built and furnished the great central observatory at Pulkova, a suburban village near St. Petersburg. For the instruments he consulted the best mech- anicians in Hurope, especially the firm of Repsold of Hamburg. The observations at Pulkova were of the highest possible ac- curacy and were continued till Struve him- self had retired from active service and had been succeeded by his son, Otto Struve, one of his most faithful students and an admir- able observer. He died in 1864, and left the reputation of a scientific man, who had accomplished great results for the geography of his adopted country, and was one of the most practical astronomers of the present century. George Biddell Airy, born in 1801, and surviving till 1892, was chiefly remarkable for the business-like routine which he intro- duced into the royal observatory at Green- wich, and for the example which was then set to less able astronomers of the manner in which they might conduct extensive operations connected with the vast study of the universe. The writer considers himself not mis- taken in assigning the position of astronom- ical science during the first half of the nine- teenth century to the four philosophers mentioned in this brief paper, viz.: Gauss, Bessel, W. Struve and Airy. TRUMAN HENRY SAFFORD. WILLIAMS COLLEGE. _ SCLENCE, 963 THE ELECTRIC FISH OF THE NILE.* Tue lecture dealt almost exclusively with the formidable fish found in the rivers of North and West Africa, Malapterurus electri- cus. Photographs were shown of the drawings upon the interior of the tomb of Ti, show- ing that the fish was recognized as remark- able by the Egyptians five thousand years before the Christian era. Living specimens of the fish were also displayed, these having been given to the lecturer, for the purpose of illustrating the lecture, by the authori- ties of the Liverpool Corporation Museum. The structure of the electrical organ was then described. It is situated in the skin enclosing the whole body of the fish, and has a beautiful and characteristic appear- ance when seen in microscopic sections. Each organ consists of rows of compart- ments, and each compartment has slung athwart it a peculiar protoplasmic dise shaped like a peltate leaf, with a projecting stalk on its caudal side. Nerves enter each compartment, and end, according to the re- cent work of Ballowitz, in the stalk of each disc. By these nerves nervous impulses can reach the organ; the arrival of such im- pulses at the nerve terminations evokes a state of activity which is associated with the development of electromotive charges of considerable intensity constituting the organ shock. The shock is an intense cur- rent traversing the whole organ from head to tail and returning through the surround- ings; it stuns small fish in the neighborhood and can be felt by man when the hand is placed near the fish, as a smart shock reach- ing up the arms to the shoulders. Recent investigations made by the lec- turer at Oxford in conjunction with Mr. G. J. Burch were next described. These com- prised a large series of photographic records of the displacement of the mercury of a * Abstract of a lecture before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 964 SCIENCE. capillary electrometer in consequence of the electrical disturbance in the organ which is ‘the organ shock.’ A number of these records were exhibited ; they showed the time relations, mode of commencement and manner of subsidence of the shock, and demonstrated its similarity to the electrical changes known to exist in nervous tissue during the passage of a nervous impulse. A remarkable feature of the organ shock as distinct from the phenomena of nerve was then brought forward. The shock even when evoked by a single stimulus was shown to be rarely if ever a single one. Each effect consists of a rhythmical series of electrical changes occurring one after another in a perfectly regular manner at intervals of 74,” to zt,, the rate depend- ing upon the temperature. By special ex- periments it was shown that this rhythmical series is due to self-excitation, each change producing an electrical current of sufficient intensity to excite the nerves of the tissue in which it was generated. It follows that only the initial member of the series need be evoked by nervous impulses descending the nerves, since the others must then en- sue. The potency of the organ as a weapon to be wielded by the fish is thus enormously increased by its resemblance to a self-load- ing and self-discharging automatic gun. The total electromotive-force of the whole organ in a fish only eight inches long can reach the surprising maximum of 200 volts, at any rate in the case of the initial shock. The attainment of this maximum is due to the simultaneous development of perfectly similar electromotive changes in each of the two million discs of which the organ is composed. In a single disc the maximal electromotive force only amounts to from -04 to .05 volt, and since in a small nerve an electrical change of .03 to .04 volt has been observed, the large total effect is not due to any extraordinarily intense electrical disturbance in each tissue element, but to [N. 8. Von. X. No. 261. the tissue elements being so arranged that the effect in one augments those simulta- neously produced in its neighbors. Finally, the remarkable characters of the nervous connections of the organ were de- scribed. Each lateral half of the organ, although it has a million plates receiving nerve branches, is innervated by one single nerve fiber and this is the offshoot of a single giant nerve-cell situated at the ce- phalic end of the spinal cord. The struc- ture of this nerve-cell was displayed by means of microscopic sections and by wax models made by G. Mann, of Oxford. As regards the nervous impulses which the fish can discharge through this nerve-cell, ex- perimental results were described which show that the fish is incapable of sending a second nervous impulse after a preceding one until a period of 54, second has elapsed, and that this interval is rapidly lengthened by fatigue to as much as several seconds. The inability of the central nervous system to repeat the activity of the organ obviously presents disadvantages to the use of the shock as a weapon for attack or defence,. but such disadvantage is more than count- erbalanced by the property of the organ alluded to in the earlier part of the lecture,. viz., that of self-excitation, since a whole series of shocks continue to occur automat- ically in rapid succession provided that an initial one has been started by the arrival of the organ of a nervous impulse sent out. from the central nerve-cell. Francis Goren. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. The Elements of Alternating Currents. By W.S. FRANELIN and J. WILLIAMSON. New York, The Macmillan Company. 212 pages. This book gives an exposition, or rather in- troduction into the engineering methods of in- vestigation, that is, those methods which are used in practice to investigate the phenomena. taking place in alternating circuits, and to de- sign alternating apparatus. DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] The contents of the book are: Chapters I: to IV., Genera] Principles of Alternating Waves and Measurements. Chapters V. to VII., Inductive Circuits, Par- allel and Series Connection. Chapters VIII. to XV., Alternators, Trans- formers, Synchronous Motors, Converters, In- duction Motors, Transmission Lines. The book is based on college experience and intended as a text-book for colleges, and fulfills this object admirably, better than any other book on these subjects that I know, not only by what it gives but also by what it omits. It does not give design of alternating apparatus except in a few isolated cases, which would preferably have been omitted also. The de- signing data and methods in the present state of the electrical industry form one of the most valuable assets of a few large manufacturing companies, and thus are practically inaccessible to the public, so that any book claiming to teach design of alternating apparatus can im- mediately be recognized as an intentional or unintentional fraud. In electrical engineering, as in most branches of science, two methods of investigation exist. The differential method compounds the equa- tions of the phenomena taking place in the time differential. It is the only exact method, and the method which has given broad results of universal importance in the hands of men such as Maxwell and Heavyside, but in the hands of anybody but a mathematical genius, this method is absolutely barren of results. In engineering practice to integrate the differential equations, such assumptions have to be made that ultimately the result, derived by excessive labor, applies to phantom apparatus only, as a hysteresis-less transformer, or an induction mo- tor without self-induction, or any such monster. In the integral method, the time differential and to a large extent, the time as variable has altogether disappeared, the alternating wave is — represented by its quadratic mean and its phase, the E.M.F of self-induction finds its expression in a constant ohmic reactance, and even the hysteretic loop has disappeared and is repre- sented by an angle of advance of the phase of magneto-motive force with regard to the mag- netic flux. SCIENCE, 965 This method is naturally an approximation only, and after the problem has been solved the results have to be discussed regarding their accuracy, and corrections applied to allow for secondary effects, as higher harmonics, etc., just as in astronomy the preliminary orbit of a comet has to be corrected for the disturbances caused by the planets. But the integral method is the only method which is of practical utility, whether as graph- ical or trigometrical, or symbolic treatment in complex quantities. — Unfortunately in our colleges, usually, too much preponderance is still given to the differ- ential method, starting from Green’s theorem and leading into the nowhere, and further time wasted by spreading misinformation in the at- tempt to teach apparatus design, although, fortunately, a reaction is setting in now by re- placing the teaching of apparatus design by that of a thorough understanding and study of the actions and internal reactions of the appa- ratus, and differential methods by engineering methods. I believe, however, that these differential methods might better be dropped altogether from the curriculum of our colleges, and the time saved thereby distributed between the teaching of engineering methods, for which the above discussed book forms a very suitable text-book, and is especially intended, and dif- ferential calculus pure and simple, endeavoring in the latter to give the student a thorough un- derstanding and intuition into the fundamental principles rather than to load his memory with a lot of useless, because immediately forgotten, formalism. There appears to me no branch of science more tedious than mathematical physics. Mathematically, it has neither the interest nor the elegance of pure mathematics, and physic- ally, it is, with very few exceptions, barren of results. CuHas. P. STEINMETZ. Kinematics of Machinery. By JoHn H. Barr, M.S., M.M.E., Professor of Machine Design, in Sibley College, Cornell University. New York, Wiley & Sons. London, Chapman & Hall. 1899. 8vo., pp. v + 247, 213 illustra- tions, cloth. $2.50. 966 Professor Barr has placed within reach of the teachers of the subject a concise, yet, within its range, very complete and a very admirably planned and well-written, treatise on kine- matics. The book is the outcome of a number of years experience in the methods of instruc- tion adopted, and, privately printed, has been kept under revision until it was thought suffi- ciently well settled as to form and extent to justify its more general use. These years of experience in class-room work before publica- tion insure the elimination of probably substan- tially all those inevitable errors of omission and of commission which mark a first edition of practically all works not thus first well pruned out in advance. The substance of the book consists of a clear and concise presentation of those main principles which find most frequent and general application in the work of the de- signing mechanical engineer; it is a work of application rather than an attempt at complete and purely scientific development. The systems of treatment and application are standard with the engineer and follow the best authorities wherever practicable, and credit is frankly given to Willis, Rankine, Reuleaux, Kennedy and others, in all departments. The discussions of fundamental concepts, methods of transmission of motion, gearing, cams, linkwork and wrapping connectors, are all excellent and the treatise gives internal evidence of preparation by an author practically as well as theoretically familiar with his subject. There is presented just such a combination of the purely scientific with the applied science of kinematics in mechanical engineering as is now in most general demand among the technical departments of our colleges and universities. At its close is appended a very useful collection of exercises and problems in illustration and application of the principles enunciated in the body of the text. Such a collection of ex- amples has been much needed in this subject and its preparation reflects great credit upon Professor Brigel, who supplied the:greater part of this division of the work, and entitles the author of the book to hardly less credit for his good judgment in making use of them. The illustrations are well-chosen, well-made and well-printed, and the book, as a whole, is SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 261. a very excellent piece of book-making and a credit alike to author and publishers. R. H. THURSTON. Darwinism and Lamarckism, Old and New. By FREDERICK W. Hurron, F.R.S., etc. New York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons. This book embodies some four lectures, in which are discussed the general subject of evo- lution and, as indicated in the title, its Dar- winian and Lamarckian aspects. Delivered at rather widely separated intervals from 1882 to 1898, they naturally lack somewhat in that con- tinuity of thought and treatment desirable in a series of consecutive chapters. The author’s apology for ‘‘adding to the already voluminous literature on Darwinism is that the subject is always advancing, and any attempt to convey that knowledge in simple language can hardly fail to do good, provided it be sufficiently clear to be understood at first reading, and sufficiently short to discourage skipping.’’ His purpose is confessedly that of the expositor, and his treat- ment of the subject is generally directed to that end. At times, however, he assumes the atti- tude of the advocate, sparing no pains in using favorable evidence to the best possible advan- tage, and discounting that of an opposite char- acter in corresponding measure. A brief introductory chapter is devoted to the correction of certain misconceptions of Darwin- ism and answering objections urged against it, which, though old, are constantly being reiter- ated, as, for instance, the strictures of Lord Salisbury in his presidential address before the British Association in 1894. He also refers to evident advances which have taken place in biological thought within recent years, follow- ing his earlier lectures on the subject, notably the discussion of acquired characters, and to a less extent concerning social evolution. The concluding pages of this chapter he devotes toa ‘discussion of ‘The Objects of Evolution,’ in which there are apparent certain teleological aspects and tendencies of a somewhat anti- quated type; as, for instance, when he under- takes to show special design in the presence of gold, silver, lead, zinc, etc., which, but for the presence of man, could have had no place in the economy of nature! To say that ‘‘ not only DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] were these made for man, but they appear to have been made as rewards for the exercise of his intellect,’’ may satisfy the inquisitions of the author, but it may be quite an open question as to its conclusiveness to the intellect of the average Darwinian., Similarly, when he pro- ceeds to say ‘‘ There are other substances, such as the rarer elements of which no use seems ever likely to be made, except the important one of stimulating inquiry ’’; he can hardly be aaid to materially contribute to the elucidation of Darwinism or Lamarckism, new or old. The first lecture on Darwinism, while a fair summary of the general subject, is less a critical exposition of the essentials of his subject than a comparison with the main points in the theory of Lamarck, and of limitations to the theory. The second lecture, purporting to set forth the distinctive features of the ‘The New Darwin- ism’ is, however, very unfortunate in that it strangely confuses Neo-Darwinism with those special contributions made by Gulick and Ro- manes, the factors of isolation and physio- logical selection. For example, on page 84 the author says: ‘‘'The Neo-Darwinians accept Darwin’s teachings, and supplement the theory of natural selection with methods of isolation, which had been either overlooked or had not been brought into sufficient prominence by Mr. Darwin.’’ It certainly can hardly comport with clearness of exposition to confuse these contri- butions, valuable as they may be, with those of Wallace, Weismann and others, which have given rise to the phrase Neo-Darwinism, and established it as an integral element of recent Darwinian literature. This oversight can hardly be attributed to any lack of acquaintance with the subject, for he makes frequent reference to it. Itis, however, none the less unfortunate, and renders the entire lecture more or less mis- leading to the class of readers to whom it is specially directed. In the chapter devoted to ‘The New La- marckism’ the author is more fortunate in this respect, properly distinguishing the principles and representatives, and their special contribu- tions to the subject. Upon the whole the dis- cussion is good, though, as elsewhere suggested, he at times assumes the position of the advocate rather than the expositor. And yet, strangely \ _ SCIENCE. 967 enough, his final summary would seem to com- mit him to at least a quasi indorsement of the very principles he has been so ardently criti- cizing. For example, on page 215 he says: “Tt is generally allowed that children some- times have the habits of their parents. This may occasionally be due to imitation, but I think not always. The jerking movements of the tails of many birds, and the side movements in that of the wagtails, are probably inherited habits, for they do not appear to be of any use. * * * Tf habits and instincts which have certainly been acquired can be transmitted, it is probable that physical characters can be transmitted also. The best instance of this is, I think, the eyes of flatfish, already mentioned ; and until some better explanation can be found, we must assume that this is a case of use-inheritance.’’ Speaking of the ‘‘ difficulty of explaining how great changes took place in the first pelagic or- gauisms, notwithstanding the uniformity under which they existed,’’ the author proposes, ‘‘ as a possible way out of the difficulty, that the first variations were due to different organisms assimilating different substances with their food. x * %* However this may be, we know nothing capable of initiating organic changes, except the action of external forces on proto- plasm.’’ So far from discrediting Neo-Lamarck- ism, these conclusions, in certain of their aspects, are just such as Neo-Lamarckians have urged in support of their theory. In a chapter devoted to the discussion of ‘Darwinism in Human Affairs,’ the author undertakes to point out some more or less ap- parent analogies between natural selection and forms of selection seen in various human insti- tutions. While emphasizing the operation of both physical and physiological factors in social and intellectual life, he suggests a significant caution against carrying such analogies beyond the warrant of facts. ‘‘The term ‘social or- ganism’ is not, in fact, a happy one, because it is misleading. What, for instance, in the or- ganization of an animal answers to the profes- sions of law, medicine or theology? What to prisons or reformatories?’’ As a series of lectures addressed to mixed audiences, and intended as popular expositions of Darwinian doctrine, they may serve in some 968 measure to extend interest and prompt further inquiry. But asa serious contribution to ‘the already voluminous literature on Darwinism,’ their value may be seriously doubted. Cuas. W. HARGITT. The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century : A Study in Statistics. By ADNA FERRIN WEBER, Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner of Labor Statistics of New York. (Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Columbia Uni- versity.) New York, The Macmillan Com- pany. 1899. Pp. xvi-+ 495. It is one thing to know in a general way that a certain movement is in progress, and quite another to know its causes, rate of progress and full significance. That a remarkable concen- tration of population in cities has taken place during the present century is well known by all; that this change in the character of the population isa momentous one is appreciated by those who give thought to the matter; but the various causes that have given rise to this movement, and the full extent and influence of the change, are known to but few if any. This information Dr. Weber has attempted, and in the main attempted successfully, to supply in the present detailed statistical study. With a remarkable command of authorities, both foreign and American, the author care- fully traces the increasing concentration of population in large cities in all the important countries of the world. Successive chapters treat of the general phases of the movement and the methods adopted for its measurement, the history and statistics of urban growth in each country separately, the causes of the con- centration shown, migration as a factor, the structure of city populations as regards sex, age, nationality and occupation, birth, death and marriage rates as affecting urban growth, a comparison of the physical and moral health of cities and country, the economic, political and social effect of urban concentration upon population, and finally a consideration of cer- tain tendencies and remedies for evils to which the growth of cities has given rise. The work abounds in statistical tables. One cannot but admire the painstaking way in which the problem has been considered in all SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 261. its phases. At,the same time the very detail with which this has been done is confusing. A proper discrimination has not always been ex- ercised. Statistical tables have been inserted wherever the slightest opportunity offered, and many are of so slight importance that they could have been omitted without loss, or their results have been better stated in the body of the text. This is especially true where they are inserted merely for the purpose of illus- trating collateral facts. The same criticism ap- plies to the bibliographical references. While the constant reference to authorities and the in- sertion of bibliographical notes add materially to the value of the work, many of them are entirely unnecessary or foreign to the subject. matter of the book. Generally then, this monograph is a presen- tation of facts and bibliographical references concerning cities that will be of the greatest assistance to all persons wishing to study al- most any problem connected with urban life. Its very exhaustiveness, however, makes it dif- ficult for the ordinary reader to discriminate between the important and unimportant, or to learn what are the really significant results of this comprehensive study. W. F. WILLOUGHBY. J. N. BASKETT’S ‘STORY OF THE FISHES.’ A RECENT book published by the Appleton’s for their ‘Home Reading Series’ is ‘ The Story of the Fishes,’ by J. N. Baskett. This is an attempt to popularize the anatomy and classifi- cation of the fishes, and gives as a separate ‘Talk’ an interesting account of the methods of fishing. The book is attractively presented for one of its kind : its figures are unusually good and it will prove a useful aid to a beginner— who is not fastidious in matters of scientific fact. The critical reader will find much to reprehend, for there are many inaccuracies and a deal of unbased theorizing. It is scarcely necessary to consider these shortcomings in de- tail, although a few should be noticed. Ina pictorial phylogenetic tree the type of the ganoid is given as the ‘gar-pike,’ intended, of course, for Lepidosteus, but, unfortunately, the writer inserts the picture of a gar-fish, Belone, which is a well known and highly specialized DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] Teleost. Of less importance is the cut of the egg-case of a shark labelled as that of the skate, together with similar slips. The introduction of such phrases as ‘some fish throw their great stomachs over creatures bigger than themselves, almost as a fowler throws his nets’ is hardly to be commended. In the case in question, Chiasmodon, the exact mode of feeding of this abyssal fish is absolutely unknown, and prob- ably will ever remain so. But the eversion of the stomach in a star-fish-like manner is a most startling guess. It would certainly be less of a shock to morphologists if they were told that this unique specimen of a deep water fish had captured its food in the way customary with great mouthed fishes, whose distensible jaws enable them to take extraordinary mouthfuls. Perhaps the most harmful part of the book is its theorizing. Without apparently a technical grounding in his subject, the author commends to his readers many independent hypotheses, of which these, selected at random, are ex- amples: that gill-slits were not primary ; that filamentous gills, as occurring in shark embryos, are the primitive form; that the teleostean swim-bladder has ‘degraded’ from a lung-like condition; that ‘all our fishes tended more towards being air-breathing or land-haunting creatures formerly’; that, by the evidence of (tertiary) fossils, fishes which are now tropical must have occurred in icy polar seas. 13} 10% BOOKS RECEIVED. La nature tropicale. 1899. Pp. 315. Our Native Birds. D. LANGE. don, The Macmillan Company. 162. $1.00. Elementary Astronomy. EDWARD 8S. HOLDEN. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1899. Pp. xv + 446. Lamarckiens et Darwiniens. FELIX LE DANTEC. J. CoOsTaANTIN. Paris, Alcan. New York and Lon- 1899. Pp. ix+ Paris, Alcan. 1899. Pp. 191. 2 fr. 50. Analyse microchimique et spectroscopique. EK. PozZzi- Escor. Paris, Gauthier-Villars. 1899. Pp. 192. 2 fr. 50. Report of the Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meet- ing for the Promotion of Engineering Education, Vol. VII. Published by the Society. 1899. Pp. xxii + 193. SCIENCE. 969 SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES. WE regret to learn that Natural Science is compelled to suspend publication. It will be remembered that this was threatened last year but was temporarily averted by a change of editors and publishers. Natural Science, while maintaining a high standard, has been, perhaps, the most readable of the scientific journals, and it seems unfortunate that there should not be sufficient financial support to warrant its con- tinuation. There is, however, no scientific journal in the world that is self-supporting, in the sense of paying editors and contributors for their work at what would be its market value in other directions of activity. This, of course, also holds for universities, museums, etc., and there appears to be no reason why scientific journals should not be endowed or subsidized, as is necessary in the case of other scientific in- stitutions. Under the heading ‘ Eliminated’ Natural Science takes leave in the following words : It is one of the conditions of continued vigorous ac- tivity on an organism’s part that income be at least equal to expenditure, and the same is true of journals. To try to sustain the activity when the aforesaid con- dition is not fulfilled is not uninteresting, but there are limits to the possibility of continuing it. We re- gret to say that we have reached these limits as regards Natural Science, of which this is the last num- ber, so far as we are concerned. In spite of generous support from many during the past year, and our own endeavors in publishing and editing, the journal has not reached that measure of success which would seem to us to warrant another year’s experiment. We make our bow, then, to the process of natural elim- ination. The Journal of School Geography, which has hitherto been published as well as edited by Professor Richard E. Dodge, of the Teachers College, Columbia University, will hereafter be published by the J. L. Hammett Company, of Boston, Mass., and New York City. This change in the business management involves no change in the editorial management or policy. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES. THE NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. TuE Academy held its Tenth Annual Meet- ing on December Ist and 2d in the botanical lec- 970 ture room of the State University at Lincoln. At this meeting the following programme was carried out : FRIDAY, DECEMBER IST, 2 P. M. Address by the President—The Present Status of Meteoric Astronomy, by G. D. Swezey. Report on the Initial Work of the State Geological Survey, by E. H. Barbour. Some Phases of the Dakota Cretaceous in Nebraska, by Chas. N. Gould. Geology of Saunders, Laneaster and Gage Counties, by Cassius A. Fisher. On the Origin of Gneiss, by C. H. Gordon. Preliminary Survey of the Mammals of Nebraska, by R. H. Wolcott. Notes on a Bibliography of the Zoology of Nebraska, by H. B. Ward. A Genus of European Flies hitherto not Reported in North America, by W. D. Hunter. The Tiger Beetles of Nebraska, by L. Bruner. Dayenport’s Statistical Methods, by Ellery W. Davis. A Rearrangement of the Phycomycetous Fungi, by Chas. E. Bessey. 6 Some Movements of Plants, by Wm. Cleburne. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2D, 9 A. M. New Fossils from Nebraska and Wyoming, by E. H. Barbour. Method of Collecting Fossils for the Nebraska State Survey, by Carrie A. Barbour. A Simple Substitute for the Birge Net, by Charles Fordyce. Methods of Plankton Measurement and their Com- parative Value, by H. B. Ward. A Plan for the Codperative Study of the Fresh Water Fauna of Nebraska, by H. B. Ward. A Few Suggestions concerning Collecting Nets, by R. H. Wolcott. Pressure and Freezing Tests of the Building Stone of Southeastern Nebraska, by W. H. H. Moore. A Brief Report on the Growth of Children in Omaha, by Wm. W. Hastings. A New. Nematode Disease of Strawberries in America, by Ernst A. Bessey. Cold Waves, by G. A, Loveland. Scarcity of Aquatic Life in Nebraska the Past Summer, by R. H. Wolcott. Glacial Grooves in Cass County, Nebraska, by E. H. Barbour. The officers elected for the ensuing year were: President, Dr. H. Gifford, Omaha, Nebr. SCIENCE. [N.S. Von. X. No. 261. Vice-President, Ellery W. Davis, Lincoln, Nebr. : Secretary and Custodian, Professor L. Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr. Treasurer, G. A. Loveland, U. S. Weather Dept., Lincoln, Nebr. Board of Directors: Professor J. H. Powers, of Doane College, Crete, Nebr.; Professor Charles Fordyce, University Place, Nebr.; Acting Chan- cellor C. E. Bessey, Lincoln, Nebr., and Dr. A. S. von Mansfelde, Ashland, Nebr. On the evening of December Ist the mem- bers of the Academy and the public in general had the privilege of listening to a very inter- esting lecture entitled ‘Observations of a Natur- alist in Ecuador,’ by August Rimbach, of the Department of Botany, University of Nebraska, at the close of which the members of the Acad- emy sat down toa banquet, at which a pleasant social time was had. LAWRENCE BRUNER, Secretary. WASHINGTON CHEMICAL SOCIETY. THE regular meeting was held November 9, 1899. The first paper of the evening was read by Dr. H. C. Bolton and was entitled, ‘ Reminiscences of Bunsen and the Heidelberg Laboratory, 1863— 65,’ and was printed in ScIENCE of December 15th. The second paper of the evening was read by Dr. H. C. Bolton and was entitled, ‘Chapters on the History of the Thermometer, I., The Open Air-Thermoscope of Galileo.’ The primitive form of the thermometer was invented about the year 1595 by Galileo; this is proved by extant letters addressed to him by his pupil and friend Sagredo. The instrument was an open air-thermoscope of the inverted type and was early applied to meteorological observations, to testing the temperature of fever patients and to noting temperatures of freezing mixtures. The very common statement that the ther- mometer was the invention of C. Drebbel, of Holland, has no basis of fact, as shown by his own publications, copies of which were exhibited by the speaker. The third paper of the evening was read by DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] Dr. F. W. Clarke and was entitled, ‘The Ac- tion of Ammonium Chlorid upon certain Sili- cates,’ by F. W. Clarke and George Steiger. The authors described a series of experiments in which various silicates were heated in a sealed tube to 350° C. with dry ammonium chlorid. After leaching out the contents of the tube with water it was found that alkalies were removed as chlorids and replaced by ammonia, analcite and leucite are thus transformed into an am- monium leucite: NH,ALSi,0, which is perfectly stable at 300° and only begins to decompose when heated in the open air to 350°. Some eight other silicates were given prelim- inary study and the reaction was found to be fairly general. The product from natrolite con- tained 8.3 per cent. of ammonia and other zeolites took up from four to six per cent. The investigation is to be continued. The fourth paper was read by Dr. F. K. Cameron and was entitled, ‘ Hydrochloric Acid and Aqueous Phenol,’ by F. K. Cameron and J. A. Emory. The authors determined the freezing-point curve for hydrochloric acid solutions, saturated _ with respect to phenol. Each independently determined the concentrations of the various solutions and their freezing-points for inter- comparison. The curve was found to be a straight line, parallel to the curve for water and hydrochloric acid alone, from which it would seem that the solubility of phenol is practically constant through the range of tem- perature involved, and the lowering of the freezing-point of the solvent is a purely additive effect of the two solutes. The fifth paper was read by Dr. F. K. Cameron and was entitled, ‘The System Water, Hydro- chloric Acid and Phenol,’ by F. K. Cameron and W. H. Krug. On lowering the temperature of the system, solid phenol separates. But if the initial mass of water be relatively large its concentration with respect to hydrochloric acid is practically unaffected, while the solid phenol is separating and consequently the temperature of the phenol remains very constant. The freezing-point SCIENCE. 971 curve for phenol in contact with aqueous solu- tions of hydrochloric acid of various concentra- tions was determined. Its practical value for a rapid determination of the approximate strength of hydrochloric acid solutions was indicated. WILLIAM H. Kruve, Secretary. NEW YORK SECTION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. THE regular meeting of the New York Sec- tion of the American Chemical Society was held on Friday evening, the 5th inst., at the Chem- ists’ Club, and was well attended, over sixty members and their friends being present. Dr. C. F. McKenna occupied the chair, calling the meeting to order at 8:30 p. m. After electing four delegates to represent the Section in the Council, the following papers were read : (1) ‘The Importance and Trend of Recent Work on the Chemistry of Life and the Pro- ducts of Life,’ by Jerome Alexander. (2) ‘A Preliminary Study of the Cobalti- Cyanides,’ by E. H. Miller and J. A. Mathews. (3) ‘The Chemistry of Corn Oil. First Paper: Determination of the Constants,’ by Herman T. Vulté and Harriet W. Gibson. (4) ‘A Practical Electric Furnace,’ by A. J. Rossi. Mr. Rossi exhibited a practical and easily constructed electric furnace with which he has prepared some very rich Titanium alloys, a specimen of which was exhibited with an invi- tation to break off pieces as samples. Although a sledge hammer was supplied no samples were taken. Arrangements are progressing toward the preparation of these alloys on a large scale for the steel trade. DURAND WoopMAN, Secretary. TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB. AT the meeting on November 29th, the scien- tific program consisted of a paper by Dr. C. C. Curtis, on Seaweeds, with lantern views illus- trating the chief families and with a condensed summary of the modes of reproduction and other characteristics of each. Dr. Curtis also gave brief directions respecting methods of col- lecting and preserving the marine alge, urging the collector to make microscopic study of all 972 forms, and pointing out the great need of fur- ther observation to clear up doubtful points in their reproductive processes. President Brown exhibited specimens found by Dr. Meredith at Danville, Pa., of Ajuga Genevensis and of Hieracium Pilosella. The first had been observed on ballast in New York City, but not the latter. On December 12th, the scientific program was opened by a paper by Dr. L. M. Under- wood ‘On the Genera of the Schizaeaceae.’ Dr. Underwood explained the peculiar detri- scence of the sporangium by which this order of ferns is distinguished, illustrating with fig- ures, and then sketching the history of the order. Linnzeus put its species under Acrosti- chum ; Richard was the first to begin segrega- tion, erecting in 1792, the genus Lophidium. In 1708, Schizaea was founded by Smith, on a South African plant common through the Transvaal region, quite closely similar to our own species of New Jersey. Wallich founded another genus, Actinostachys, in 1822, on an East Indian form. Dr. Underwood considered these three genera to be valid, though recent German systematists, as Prantl, have not recognized them. Swartz constituted another genus in 1800, Mohria, from Cape Colony, of which only one species is known. Lygodium, our best known genus, was established by Swartz in 1800, and includes one well known Atlantic species, L. palmatum, the climbing-fern. Several other genera, as Aneimia and Tro- chopteris, were discussed, with remarks on principal species. About 90 species of the order have been published, largely American and tropical, especially the abundant Brazilian forms of Aneimia and allies. Professor Lloyd suggested the interest at- taching to .Trochopteris as possibly a very primitive fern. Dr. Underwood said it is sparsely represented from Brazilian collections, but perhaps because of its small size and habit of growth close to the ground, the largest specimen known being only three inches in diameter. The second paper was by Dr. D. T.* Mac- Dougal, ‘Studies on Hexalectris.’ This rare southern orchid is of great interest on account SCIENCE. [N. 8S. Von. X. No. 261. of its supposed near relationship to Corallorhiza, which develops short coralloid undergrowths without roots, but producing a mycorhiza and sending out hyphz into the soil. Material of Hexalectris from Alabama although possessed of somewhat similar coralloid growths, was found to contain no fungi, and to be without apparent adaption to growth by mycorhiza. No one seems to have seen seen the roots of this plant. . The third paper was by Dr. N. L. Britton, ‘Notes on Species of Crataegus.’ Dr. Britton exhibited and discussed 34 species of the northeastern United States and remarked upon the great need of persistent field study in determining this genus. One must have flowers, mature leaves and mature fruit from any individual bush before he can begin to find its relationship to any other form. The most difficult part of the genus is perhaps the @. tomentosa group. Many southern species have recently been found to extend their range into Virginia, as C. Chapmani, C. Carolina, ete. ; and others in Missouri, as C. berberifolia. The identity of the original of C. coccinea of Linnzeus proves to have a special local interest. Lin- neeus seems to have had, as often, no specimen before him, but based his description on a plate of Plukenet (and another of Ray). Few her- barium specimens correspond well to the figure, which answers only to leaves of a shrub col- lected twice near New York, once by Mr. E. P. Bicknell along the Harlem River and once by the late Professor E. H. Day on Persimmon Island near New Rochelle, New York. The leaves bear a remarkable resemblance to those of Betula nigra. Search for similar specimens near New York should be made; the leaves are longer and with blunter, shallower lobes than in the commonly-received C. coccinea. Dr. Britton is endeavoring to get together at the Botanic Garden a collection of these species, and now has over a dozen; but the wild stock is very difficult to grow and is impatient of transplanting. Most gardeners graft or grow from seed. After discussion by Dr. Rydberg, President Brown and others, the Club adjourned. EDWARD S. BURGESS, Secretary. DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS. AT the meeting of the Academy of Science of St. Louis of December 4, 1899, the following subjects were presented : Dr. Edward H. Keiser talked informally on Some Derivatives of Acetylene, exhibiting speci- mens of the new liquid acetylene iodide dis- covered by him in January, 1899. He de- scribed the methods of making the compound, and gave an account of its chief physical and chemical properties. The liquid acetylene di- iodide solidifies at —21° C. and boils at 185°. It has the percentage composition and molecular weight represented by the formula C,H,I,, and is isomeric with the well known solid acetylene diiodide. The speaker announced the discovery of a new method of making the liquid acetylene diiodide, namely, by heating the solid com- pound to 260° in a sealed tube. The solid compound is thereby partially converted into the liquid compound. Similarly, if the pure liquid diiodide is heated to 260° in a sealed tube, on cooling down, the liquid will be found to have been partially converted into the solid compound. All the facts known indicate that these two iodides of acetylene are stereo- isomers, and that their configuration must be represented by the stereometric formulas : H 1 Tal I NAT, I and I a acl na Ws Since Dr. Keiser has found that the solid acety- lene diiodide can be converted into fumaric acid, it follows that the first of the two formu- las represents the solid acetylene diiodide and the second one the liquid diiodide. Further experiments upon these compounds are under way, and the attempt will be made to convert the liquid diiodide into maleic acid. Dr. L. Bremer demonstrated some tests for glucose by means of anilin dyes, showing that nearly all of the ‘alkaline’ anilin dyes, when rendered basic by the addition of sodium hy- drate, become decolorized, or have their color greatly modified, on heating, in case glucose is presented. The reactions shown were especi- | SCIENCE. 973 ally pretty in the case of methylene blue and safranine. Professor Nipher announced that he had nearly completed preparations for the measur- ment of wind pressures on the sides of the main building of Washington University. The pres- sures are to be measured at various points along the west end of the building, having a width of about 50 feet, and along the north front, which is something over 200 feet in length. Simul- taneous measurements of wind pressure and wind velocity and direction will be made. The method used is that tested by him on the trains of the Illinois Central Railroad during the summer of 1897. The method was described in No. 1, Vol. VIII., of the Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. An invita- tion was extended to members to visit the Uni- versity and inspect the apparatus. Professor H. Aug. Hunicke spoke briefly on some observations which he had recently made on the boiling temperature of hydrocarbons, from which it appeared that when T is the boiling temperature (absolute scale), ¢ is radius of gyration of the molecule, and ¢ is a constant, then 72—ac. This holds for the entire series of saturated hydrocarbons, including all iso- mers. The speaker stated that his observations had not yet been extended beyond the series indicated. ad WILLIAM TRELEASE, Recording Secretary. DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. DARK LIGHTNING. May I be allowed to make some comment, on the interesting article by Professor Wood on ‘Dark Lightning.’ He is mistaken in suppos- ing that my results on the same subject have only appeared in a photographic journal. The first announcement was a note read before the Physical Society of London on June 22, 1889, which was published in the Electrician, the Philosophical Magazine and the Proceedings of the Society. Further details were the subject of a paper read at the Newcastle meeting of the British Association in August of the same year, and an abstract of it appears on page 507 of the Annual Report. Since then there have been numerous 974 references in the reports of the British Associa- tion Committee on Meteorological Photography and other places. So long ago as August, 1889, I had shown conclusive proofs that the phenomenon was not due to any difference in the refrangi- bility of the light of the spark and that of the reversing light. I showed that the light of the sparks themselves could effect reversal of the images of others. Perhaps I may be allowed to quote from the paper. ‘‘A plate was then exposed in the camera to a series of sparks, then to the direct light of more sparks without the interposition of the lens, and finally to a second set of sparks. The images of the first set show reversal while those of the second are direct. ‘Next a plate was exposed to one set of sparksand without removing it from the camera the light of some more was diffused by holding a sheet of ground glass in front of the lens. Finally a second set of sparks was photographed. The results were similar.’’ These two experiments enabled me to repro- duce the phenomenon of a bright flash crossing a dark one, and the reversal of one flash by the diffused glare of another. In the second place plates were exposed to a number of spark images and then to a tolerably pure spectrum. The result was reversal in all parts, and by varying the length of exposure to the spectrum it was shown that the reversing power was simply proportional to the direct actinic power, maximum reversal occurring when the direct actinic effect of the reversing light was equal to that of the spark images. I was, therefore, entitled to sum up thus: ‘(Differences of refrangibility, therefore, do not seem to lie at the root of the matter. Neither can a difference of intensity be the cause ofthe reversal, for the less intense the light of the spark the more easily is its image inverted. It seems to me that the extreme shortness of the exposure to the electric spark may be the explanation.’’ A similar conclusion was indicated by the fact that the image of a spark very much out of focus did not lose the property of reversi- bility. But how were we to account for the experi- SCIENCE. [N. 8. Vou. X. No. 261. \ ments showing that the spark images could be reversed by the light from other sparks? Was it possible that objects illuminated by these re- versing sparks (card, objects in the room or ground glass) reflected or modified the light sufficiently to change its action on the photo- graphic film ? I also tried to imitate the phenomena by brief exposure to other luminous objects trying in turn slits illuminated by gas, lime-light, mag- nesium and sunlight. I had no are lamp avail- able then. Here Professor Wood has done better, my results were nil and I congratulate him on his success. However I should like to suggest that it is just possible that light from a source whose ex- citement is electrical may differ from other kinds of light in some manner at present un- known and that it is not safe to regard it as proved that the time element is the only one in- volved until the phenomena have been repeated without employing electricity at all. For ten years the facts have been before the world. They were partly verified eight or nine years ago by Mr. Shelford Bidwell and it is highly satisfactory to find them verified again in so many particulars, by another physicist who has reached the same conclusions by means of somewhat different experiments. ARTHUR W. CLAYDEN. RoyaL ALBERT MEMORIAL COLLEGE, EXETER, SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY. To THE EDITOR OF SCIENCE: The relation of sociology to psychology suggested by Professor F. H. Giddings in his article, ‘Exact Methods in Sociology’ (Popular Science Monthly, Decem- ber, 1899), is so misleading that it demands a word of protest from the psychologist. We must regard it as a capital mistake when any sociologist tries to make his science a means of measuring psychological quantity. Thus, when Professor Giddings (p. 155) would measure the ‘intelligence’ of societies by comparative sta- tistics of literacy, for instance, he overlooks such facts as these: that mere reading, like talking, signifies little—the main point being what is read, whether Hegel or the yellow journal—and that how much is understood DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] must be measured. Some exceptional reader in a community may exceed in intelligence the sum of intelligence of all other readers, and even some illiterate may go beyond a number of literates. Hence only by the special study of individuals, and adding the results, can the sum total of intelligence for any community be found. But this is the task of psychology, not . sociology, whose field is objective fact, social actualities like illiteracy, crime, etc., and their concomitant variations. Sociology can deter- mine how many people read, and what they read, and the concomitant variation between the circulation of yellow journals and increase of crime ; but it cannot measure the intelligence or the emotion implied, for the psychical illu- mination of social phenomena can come only from psychology. Hiram M. STANLEY. LAKE Forest, ILt., December 2, 1899. NOTES ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A PECULIAR interest attaches to ammonium cyanate from the fact that it was the sponta- neous eonversion of this salt into urea, which first bridged over the gulf between the inor- ganic and organic, and in the hands of Wohler gave the great impetus to the study of organic chemistry. Owing to its instability it has been very difficult to prepare ammonium cyanate in a pure condition. It is shown, however, in the Proceedings of the Chemical Society (London), by J. Walker and J. K. Wood, that the sub- stance may be readily formed by mixing the cooled solutions of ammonia and cyanic acid in ether. It is also formed when the vapors of ammonia and cyanic acid are brought into con- tact, provided the reacting gases are sufficiently diluted with some indifferent gas. The trans- formation of solid ammonium cyanate into urea is facilitated by heat and very greatly accel- erated by presence of moisture. In the same Journal, G. Dean describes a new series of atomic weight determinations of nitro- gen. They are peculiar in their use of silver eyanid as the salt analyzed. The other atomic weights involved are those of potassium and bromin, hence the accurately determined Stas figures were available. The value found was SCIENCE 975 N=14.031 which is somewhat lower than the weight accepted by Clarke 14.04, and that by Richards 14.045. (O=16). In a recent number of the Comptes Rendus, Moissan has described the formation of ozone by the decomposition of water by fluorin. If the temperature of the water into which the fluorin is led, is kept at or below zero, it is possible to get over 14 per cent. ozone (by volume) in the gas over the water. Moissan points out the possible practical application of this method, for though the electrolytic production of fluorin from hydrofluoric acid is still a rather difficult . operation, it is not an expensive one. The ozone formed in this process has the advantage of being completely free from the oxides of nitrogen. Or late years several explosions have taken place in factories where aluminum-bronze pow- der is ground. Investigations as to the cause of these explosions have been made by Stock- meier, and are reprinted in the Chemical News. The powder is perfectly stable, but its mixture with potassium chlorate will detonate even by rubbing. Bronze in contact with water decom- poses it forming hydrogen, and it is to the pres- ence of the hydrogen that explosions are prob- ably due. The powder is hygroscopic and the dry powder can absorb 1.4 per cent. moisture from the atmosphere. Then in grinding up five or six kilos of bronze powder there could be moisture enough present to generate forty to fifty liters of hydrogen. A series of precau- tionary rules is proposed, the most important _ of which require dryness and absence of dust in the air about the grinding machine. PROFESSOR E. T. ALLEN of the Missouri School of Mines calls attention in the Chemical News to a curious case of corrosion of gold plated weights which had been put away for the three sum- mer months in a safe. The weights were covered with a white substance which proved to contain zinc and to be largely organic. The suggestion is made that the corrosion was caused by mould, the gold plating being, perhaps, not completely impervious, and the most positive metal, zinc, being removed from the brass. It appears to be well established now that certain hard waters have the property of dissolving the 976 zinc out of brass. A more important question is raised by Professor Allen, as to whether, under ordinary working conditions in the labora- tory, gold plated weights are preferable to brass weights. dp 1p la BEEREN EILAND.* THE Swedish Arctic Expedition of 1898, under the leadership of Professor A. G. Nat- horst, spent a week on Beeren Hiland, mapped it on a scale of 1: 50,000, and made numerous observations onits natural history. Chiefamong these were the geological researches which proved a prehistoric local glaciation, and by means of fossils showed the presence of rocks of three systems: Silurian, Middle Carbo- niferous, and Trias, previously unknown on the island. These discoveries led to another expe- dition to Beeren Hiland during the past sum- mer. The expenses were borne by the Vega Stipend of the Swedish Geographical Society, the Lars Hierta Memorial Fund, and various private individuals. The leader was the geolo- gist, J. Gunnar Andersson of Upsala, who had accompanied Professor Nathorst ; the other sci- entific members were C. A. Forsberg, cartog- rapher and meteorologist, and G. Swenander, zoologist and botanist. The expedition stayed on Beeren Hiland from June 22d to August 19th, and accomplished the following work : The whole island was mapped in greater detail, and a special map, on a scale of 1:5000, was made of Rysshamn, where the expedition had its headquarters. From June 25th to August 16th complete meteorological observations were taken twice a day, as well as continuous observations by a self-registering barometer and thermometer. Eight series of observations were made on the tides, each series extending over from 8 to 51 hours, during which time the height of the water at intervals of half an hour was marked off on a section. The botanist collected all the phanerogams previously found on the island, as well as Koenigia islandica, hitherto unrecorded. Ex- haustive collections were also made of the lower plants, including the algw of red and green snow. To investigate the influence on plant- * From Natural Science. SCIENCE. [N. 8. Von. X. No. 261. growth of the continuous light of an Arctic summer, three series of cultivation experiments were carried out, as follows: First, in five places of nearly the same longitude, but at a distance of about 3 or 4 degrees of latitude from one another—namely, Svalof, in Scania, Ultuna, near Upsila, Luled, Tromso, and Beeren Hiland —hbarley taken from the same sample was grown in soil from the same place. Only the climatic conditions, and especially those of light, were different in the different stations ; thus there were completely dark nights in Scania, complete light the whole 24 hours on Beeren Hiland, with intermediate conditions at. the intervening places. The material from the Scandinavian stations has not yet been brought in, so that the results of this interesting experi- ment are still awaited. Secondly, on open land at the Beeren Hiland station there were culti- vated two precisely similar series of Arctic plants, of which one series stood in continual light, while the other was kept in complete darkness each night (8 p. m. to8a.m.). Dur- ing the period of the experiment the develop- ment of these plants did not proceed very far, but the series kept in the light was obviously the more sturdy. The third experiment con- sisted in the cultivation, on a hot-bed, of ascore of common Scandinavian plants. These also were in two similar series, one kept in the light, the other darkened by night. The ex- periment succeeded with 18, and of these 16 were clearly more sturdy in the light series, some of them yielding examples half as large again as those in the darkened series. To the list of the island’s fauna were added two birds: the Skua (Lestris pomatorhina) and the Spitzbergen form of Mormon articus. Salmo alpinus was found ina lake. Special attention was paid to the insects, which on isolated oceanic islands are of much interest to the student of distribution. Holmgren, the only entomologist who had previously visited Beeren Eiland, found there in 1868 only 9 species of Diptera and 1 Hymenopteron. The Swedish expedition has brought back a large collection of Diptera, not yet worked through, 4 Hymen- optera, 1 Neuropteron and 2 Coleoptera. Holm- gren found only 2 Acarids; the present explor- ers have at least 10. DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] The chief object of the expedition was a de- tailed geological investigation of the island. This has been successfully carried out with valuable results. A large collection of fossil plants from the coal-bearing series has been made; numerous fossils have been collected from all the marine strata, especially from the Trias. A geological map of the whole island has been constructed. The stratigraphy and tectonic geology of the whole island has been worked out, and there have been discovered in the southern part of the island a series of dis- locations of Carboniferous age, which explains the topography of the hilly regions and the varying development of the Carboniferous sys- tem at various points. Mr. Gunnar Andersson and his companions are to be congratulated on the amount of solid work they have accomplished, and we look for- ward to the publication of the detailed results with much interest. It should be mentioned that the proprietor of Beeren Hiland, Mr. Ler- ner (who happens to be a German), has helped the expedition, and hopes to welcome it back in some future year. THE STOCKHOLM FISHERIES CONFERENCE.* Ir is too soon yet to say that the Interna- tional Fisheries Conference, which met at Stock- holm this summer, will have any practical out- come ; but the report of its proceedings suggests a general plan of investigations as regards hydrographical and biological work which, if properly organized and supported, should cer- tainly be productive of useful and valuable re- sults. The object of her Majesty’s Government in deciding to take part in the conference may be best summarized in the language of the in- structions given to Sir John Murray, one of the British delegates : “You should propose that the scientific investiga- tions shall be accompanied by a practical exposé of the steps to be taken in order to bring the exercise of sea- fishing more in accord with the natural conditions regulating the growth and increase of the fish, and thus permanently increase the supply of fish in the markets of the countries adjoining the North Sea. “In making this proposal, which you should do at the outset, you should make it clear that the prin- * From the London Times. SCIENCE. 977 cipal object which her Majesty’s Government have in view, in directing you to take part in the conference, is to secure a careful inquiry into the effect of present methods of fishing in the North Sea, and you should give every assistance in promoting a scheme for deter- mining whether protection against overfishing is needed, and, if so, where, when and how such pro- tection should be given.’’ The countries taking part in the conference were Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Den- mark, Norway, Sweden and Holland. The representatives of the United Kingdom were Sir John Murray, of the Challenger Expedition, Mr. W. Archer, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, and Professor W. D’Arcy Thompson, of Dun- dee University, while Dr. Nansen was one of the delegates from Norway. Most persons who have given a thought to the subject must be convinced that a rational treatment of fishery questions should be based .on scientific inquiry ; and in the opinion of the conference the best way of arriving at satisfac- tory results in this direction is by international cooperation. The scheme of investigations, having for its ultimate object the promotion and improvement of fisheries through interna- tional agreements, which the conference re- solved to recommend to the Governments of the countries concerned, embraces a program for hydrographical and biological work in the northern parts of the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Baltic and adjoining seas. These investigations, it is added, should be carried out for a period of at least five years. Among the hydrographical researches pro- posed are: The distinction of the different water-strata, according to their geographical distribution, their depths, their temperature, salinity, gas-contents, plankton, and currents, in order to find the fundamental principles not only for the determination of the ex- ternal conditions of the useful marine ani- mals, but also for weather forecasts for ex- tended periods in the interests of agriculture. The biological work would include the deter- mination of the topographical and bathymetri- cal distribution of eges and larve of marine economic fishes ; the continued investigation of the life, history and conditions of life of young fishes of economic species in their post-larval stages, with special reference to their local dis- 978 tribution ; the systematic observation of mature marketable fishes with reference to their local varieties and migrations, their conditions of life, nourishment and natural enemies; obser- vations on the occurrence and nature of fish food at the bottom, the surface, and intermedi- ate waters down to the depths of at least 600 meters; and determinations of periodic varia- tions in the occurrence, abundance and average size of economic fishes and the causes of the same. These are briefly some of the principal points mentioned in the program of work recommended. To carry out these investigations on a basis of international codperation, and in order to ensure uniformity of method, it is proposed to create an international council with a central bureau and a central laboratory at an estimated annual cost, including salaries of staff, of £4,800, to be divided among the Governments concerned. No place is mentioned for this cen- tral bureau, which, however, should be conve- niently situated for hydrographical and biolog- ical researches. It is considered desirable that the work should begin on May 1, 1901. DEVONIAN FISHES FOR THE AMERICAN MUSEUM. THROUGH a generous gift of a Trustee, Mr. William E. Dodge, the American Museum of Natural History has recently purchased the Jay Terrell collection of fossil fishes of Ohio—forms which from their great size and formidable den- tition have long been known as among the most interesting as well as the rarest of fossil verte- brates. The present collection is the result of over six years’ energetic and skillful field work. It is the fourth collection which Mr. Terrell has formed : the first was secured by the late Profes- sor J.S. Newberry, and is now preserved at Co- lumbia University; the second is at Harvard, and the third is at Oberlin. Of popular interest in connection with the present purchase is the fact that material is now at hand for exhibiting as a single specimen the parts of the gigantic Placo- derm Dinichthys Terrelli. The specimen is un- usually complete and appears to be the largest hitherto secured—a jaw alone measuring nearly two feet in length. Much of the collection is of exceptional importance: it includes associated SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 261. head plates of Titanichthys, jaws of Diplogna- thus, and immature jaws of Mylostoma. BASHFORD DEAN. THE SPELLING OF ‘PUERTO RICO.’ Ir anything further were needed to determine the proper spelling of the name of our new West Indian Island possession, it has been sup- plied in a decision of the President of the United States himself. Through Secretary of State Hay, under date of December 16, 1899, the President declares in favor of the spelling Puerto Rico, basing his decision more especially on the fact that this is the spelling followed by the people of the island. He was doubtful mindful also, however, that Puerto is good Spanish for port just as Rico is Spanish for rich. He sustains the decision of the U. 8. Board on Geographic Names, made some years ago and since followed by some of the Government de- partments but not by others. W. F. MorsELt. SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS. As SCIENCE goes to press a number of our most important scientific societies are hold- ing meetings in New Haven, Washington, New York and Chicago. The American Society of Naturalists meets at New Haven, together with the societies more or less closely affiliated with it, namely, The American Morphological So- ciety, The Association of American Anato- mists, The American Physiological Society, The American Psychological Society, The Society for Plant Morphology and Physi- ology, The American Folk-lore Society, Sec- tion H, Anthropology, of the American Asso- ciation. A Bacteriological Society will at the same time be organized. The American Chemical Society also meets at New Haven. Western naturalists are organizing a society at Chicago. The Geological Society of America is meeting at Washington and the American Mathematical and Physical Societies at New York. We hope to publish in subsequent num- bers full accounts of the meetings of these so- cieties. PROFESSOR WILLIAM HARKNESS, astronom- ical director of the U. S. Naval Observatory, DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] was retired as rear admiral on December 17th, on reaching the age of sixty years. Professor Stinson Joseph Brown has been appointed to the position. He was born at Hammondsport, N. Y., in 1854, and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1876. He was employed in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and in 1881 obtained by competitive examination a profes- sorship of mathematics in the Navy. M. Lemorne has been elected a member of the Section of Chemistry of the Paris Academy of Sciences in the room of the late M. Friedel. M. Lemoine received 32 of the 57 votes cast. PROFESSOR JOSIAH Royce of Harvard Uni- versity, sailed from New York on December 27th, in order to give his second course of Gif- ford Lectures at the University of Aberdeen. Professor Royce will also lecture at Glasgow and Oxford. He will return to Cambridge early in February. PROFESSOR ALBERT P. BRIGHAM, of Colgate University, who has been abroad with his family for ten months, has returned, and will resume his college duties with the new term. During his absence, Professor Brigham has traveled extensively in England, Scotland, Germany, and Switzerland, and has spent a number of weeks in study and literary work at Oxford and Munich. Mr. ARTHUR HENRY SAVAGE LANDOR, the explorer, arrived in New York from England on December 23d. AMONG the passengers by the mail steamer Bakana for the west coast of Africa on Decem- ber 8th were three medical men, Dr. Christo- pher, Dr. Stephens, and Mr. A. Pickels, bound for Sierra Leone and Lagos. They are going out at the expense of the Colonial Office, hay- ing been selected by the Royal Society, and their work will be carried on under the auspices of the Liverpool School for Tropical Diseases. Drs. WILLIAM OSLER and Howard Kelly, of Baltimore, have been elected honorary mem- bers of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ire- land. TuE Royal Geographical Society London has elected the following honorary corresponding members: Captain Meliton Carbajal (president - SCIENCE. 979 of the Peruvian Geographical Society), Professor A. Bertrand (professor of topography and engi- neering in the University of Santiago, Chile), and Sefior D. Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo, a dis- tinguished geographer and ethnologist of Buenos Ayres. Mr. Baitey WILLIs of the United States Geological Survey, addressed the members of the Geological Club of the University of Chicago on November 29th, on ‘A Pacific Atlantis.’ THE centennial anniversary of the birth of Joseph Henry, was celebrated at his birthplace, Albany, on December 16th, at a joint meeting of the Albany Institute and the Albany His- torical and Art Society. The exercises were held at the Albany Academy where Henry taught for many years before going to Princeton and the Smithsonian Institution. THE death is announced of Dr. Birsch-Hirsch- feld, professor of pathology in the University of Leipzig, at the age of 57 years. THE death is also announced of Dr. John Frederick Hodges, professor of agriculture and lecturer on medical jurisprudence in Queen’s College, Belfast. Dr. Hodges was the au- thor of books on chemistry and agriculture: and was perhaps the oldest member of the Chemical Society of London, having been elected a fellow in 1844, three years after the formation of the Society. Dr. ARTHUR COWELL STARK was killed by the explosion of a shell on November 18th at Ladysmith, where he was serving as a volun- teer on the medical staff. Dr. Stark was an authority on South African ornithology and had just completed the first volume of a work on South African birds for Mr. W. L. Sclater’s Fauna of South Africa. WE regret also to record the death of Mr. N. E. Green, an artist who accomplished important scientific work in making astronomical draw- ings. He was a past president of the British As- tronomical Association. Tue American Museum of Natural History has secured through the generosity of President Jesup the second part of the Cope collection of fishes, amphibia and reptiles. It will be re- membered that by the will of the late Professor 980 Cope the proceeds of the sale form an endow- ment fund for the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. f ACCORDING to a notice in the New York Com- mercial Advertiser of December 16th, the Pea- body Museum at New Haven has been enriched by a valuable accession to the anthropological collections. The addition consists of Mexican and Guatemalan antiquities, about 350 pieces in all, which were brought from but two local- ities—Sempoala, state of Vera Cruz, and Ta- cana, Guatemala. THE Hon. Walter Rothschild, M.P., treas- urer to the Middlesex Hospital, has sent a do- nation of £100 towards the maintenance of the new research laboratories for the investigation of the cause of cancer in connection with the new wing for female cancer patients of that in- stitution. Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE has offered $50,000 for a public library in Oil City, Pa., on the con- ditions that a site be donated, and that the city appropriate $3,000 annually for the library’s support. Ir is stated in Natural Science that the Morti- mer Museum of Antiquities at Driffield, York- shire, contains a very good local collection. Its owner has offered it to the East Riding County Council for half its value, the value to be de- cided by two referees, one to be appointed by the Council and the other by Mr. Mortimer. A COMMUNICATION was presented to the Sen- ate on December 20th, from the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution suggesting the appoint- ment of Mr. Richard Olney to fill the vacancy on the Board caused by the death of William Preston Johnson. Senator Hoar said he thought that it was the first time that the Regents had made such a suggestion. No action was taken by the Senate. INVITATIONS for the next agricultural confer- ence for the West Indies have been issued by the British Department of Agriculture. It is proposed to hold the conference at Barbadoes, and the dates fixed are Saturday the 6th, and Monday, the 8th of January next. The presi- dent, Dr. D. Morris will deliver the opening ad- dress. A new feature will be the presence of representatives of the leading agricultural so- SCIENCE, [N. S. Vou. X. No. 261. cieties in the West Indies. The list of subjects to be dealt with covers, practically, every branch of West Indian agriculture. AT a meeting of the Fellows of the Royal Botanic Society, London, on December 8th, the chairman stated that it was very satisfac- tory to know that during the year 203 new Fellows had been elected, that number being higher than in any previous year since the foundation of the society. The largest number in other years was in 1850, when 186 Fellows were elected. THE British Institution of Electrical Engi- neering held its eleventh annual dinner on December 6th. The President, Professor Sylvanus P. Thompson occupied the chair, and speeches were made by Mr. R. E. Crompton, General Sir R. Harrison, Sir W. C. Austen- Roberts, and Lord Kelvin. Nature states that in connection with the British Institution of Electrical Engineers, a number of local centers are being established where papers will be read and discussed at the same time, or shortly after, their reading in London. In Cape Town these informal meet- ings have been held for some time past, and advance copies of the Institution’s papers have been read at them. A meeting for the forma- tion of a northeastern center was held recently at the Durham College of Science, and the Coun- cil have received a petition for the establish- ment of a similar organization in Dublin. THE proprietors of the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy have offered the use of twenty sets of instruments to the Government on payment of $10,000 in the first instance and $10,000 a year for their use. Secretary Long has under consideration the advisability of ask- ing Congress to make a special appropriation for the purpose. AN institution on the lines of the Pasteur Institute, bearing the name Alfonso XIII., has been established at Madrid. A DEPUTATION appeared before the Hdin- burgh Town Council on November 21st to urge the establishment of a zoological garden in that city. DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] THE thirteenth International Medical Con- gress will be held at Paris from the 2d to 9th of August, 1900, in connection with the Paris Ex- position. The work of the Congress is divided into five classes, each of which is sub-divided into from two to nine sections. The classes are, (1) biological sciences ; (2) medical sciences ; (3) surgical sciences; (4) obstetrics and gynecology, and, (5) public medicine. The biological sciences are divided into three sections (a) descriptive and comparative anatomy, (5) histology and embryology and (ce) physiology and biological physics and chemistry. An American National Committee has heen formed with Dr. William Osler as Chairman, and Dr. H. B. Jacobs (8 West Franklin street, Baltimore, Md.), as Secre- tary. TuE third International Ornithological Con- gress will be held from the 26th to the 30th of June, 1900, as one of the series of official con- gresses of the Paris Exposition. The work of the congresses has been divided among five sections, as follows : (1) Systematic ornithology : classification ; species; anatomy and embry- ogeny of birds ; paleontology ; (2) geographical distribution ; appearance of rare species in certain districts ; (8) biology ; odlogy ; (4) eco- nomic ornithology ; (5) organization and work- ing of the international ornithological commit- tee. From the 18th to the 23d of June an Inter- national Congress of Mining and Metallurgy will be held at Paris. The program proposes the following subjects for discussion: Mining, use of explosives in mines; use of electricity in mines; mining at great depths; labor-saving methods as applied to mining. Metallurgy : progress in metallurgy ; progress in the metal- lurgy of iron and stéel since 1899; application of electricity to metallurgy—(a) chemical, and (6) mechanical ; progress in the metallurgy of gold; recent improvements in the dressing of minerals. THE Congresses of the Paris Exposition also include the first International Congress of Phi- losophy which will be held from the 2d to the 7th of August. There will be four classes: (1) general philosophy and metaphysics (2) ethics, (8) logic and (4) history of the sciences and his- SCIEN CE. 981 tory of philosophy. Under the third class espec- ially a number of topics of interest to men of science are proposed for discussion. AN International Congress of Ethnology will be held in connection with the Exposition, on August 26 to September 1, 1900. There will be seven sections, dealing respectively with general ethnology, sociology and ethics ; eth- nographical psychology; religious sciences ; linguistics and paleeography ; sciences, art, and industries ; descriptive ethnography. TuE British Medical Journal states that an attempt is being made to ascertain in which house in the Hotwell it was that Humphrey Davy discovered the anesthetic powers of nitrous oxide. It is a well known fact that Davy was assistant to Dr. Beddoes, who had, in 1798, opened a house called the Pneumatic Institute for the treatment of disease, and more particularly phthisis by the inhalation of some of the then newly discovered gases, the Hotwell at Bristol being then a very popular watering place. Davy, it appears, was in the habit of administering the nitrous oxide to all comers at 2d. a dose, and from all accounts it was a pop- ular amusement to go to the Institute and have the gas; the usual modern accompaniment of tooth drawing was omitted. The Institute ap- pears from Stock’s memoir of Dr. Beddoes to. have been in Hope Square, but the common report puts it in Dowry Square. The Clinton Antiquarian Society, who are pursuing the in- vestigation, hope to put a tablet on the house commemorating the fact that nitrous oxide was there found to have anesthetic powers. PROFESSOR WILLIS L. Moore, Chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau, has with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture drafted a bill which has been introduced by the Hon. James W. Wadsworth in the House of Representa- tives. Professor Moore thus summarizes its chief features: It apportions appointments. among Senators, Representatives, and Dele- gates, without regard to their political faith. It provides that candidates shall be nominated by the representatives of the people, under such rigid restrictions as to age, physical condi- tion, and education as render it difficult, if not impossible, to effect the permanent appoint- 982 ment or the promotion of an unfit person. It prohibits the use of political or other influence to secure promotion or assignment, and I be- lieve properly codrdinates the prerogatives of ‘Congress and the executive officers of the gov- ernment in the matter of the appointment to and the control of the federal service. It places each employee strictly upon his merits and com- pels him to work out his own salvation, while the present law leaves all this to the caprice of the executive officer or the rules of a commission. Tt prohibits the removal of any employee for po- litical reasons, and makes his tenure of office -secure so long as his services are advantageous to the government, and no longer. Without one cent of expense to the Government, it pro- vides for the separation from the public pay rolls of disabled or aged officials, and at the same time provides support in their hours of need. PRoFEssOR WM. E. HOYLE, in the Library Association Record of November, speaks as fol- lows of the Conciliwm Bibliographicum of. Zurich and its work: ‘ Zoologists are deeply indebted to Dr. Field for the self-sacrificing energy with which he has unstintingly devoted his time and his money to the advancement of the bibliogra- phy of their science, and it is not a little sur- prising that the Royal Society, which is matur- ing schemes for acard bibliography of the whole of science literature, should not have taken counsel with the only man who.has had exten- sive practical experience of this kind of work. There is no doubt that when the admirable qualities of the catalogue become more widely known in England, more and more zoologists will subscribe to itand provide themselves with the cards bearing on the subjects of special ‘value to them. Few private individuals will take the whole catalogue, unless they are pre- pared tO spend time upon it and to provide ample space for it. It will be much more suit- able for University and City libraries, the great storehouses of bibliographical information, to become subscribers and take full charge of all the cards. An attendant would then be en- trusted with their arrangement and would be quickly able to direct any inquirers to the right part of the catalogue, which would be kept in- tact and securely fixed on rods like other card SCIENCE. [N.S. Vou. X. No. 261. catalogues with which we are already fa- miliar.”’ THE class in Soil Physics at the University of Illinois asa part of their laboratory work, have undertaken a special study of samples of soil taken at different depths from two plats of ground. One of the plats has been subjected to a continuous cropping of corn for twenty-four years, and the other to a rotation of corn, oats, and oats and clover, for the same length of time, neither receiving any addition of fertil- izers during the period, and all of the stalks and straw in case of the grain crops being each year removed from the plants. The results of the examination so far show that there has been a marked loss of humus in the soil which has been subjected to constant cropping of corn. This loss is greatest in the surface nine inches of the soil and amounts to more than 50 per cent. of the entire humus content as compared with that of the rotation. This loss of humus is evinced by a decrease in the producing ca- pacity of the soil, which is now only one-third to one-half of that of average Illinois soils under ordinary farm conditions. It is also shown by a marked change in the color and physical tex- ture of the upper layers of the soil, the soil be- ing of a lighter color owing to the loss of organic and vegetable matter and to the ultimate soil particles being apparently reduced in size, which gives the soil an increased capillary power. WE learn from the London Times that witha view of making the law on the subject of wild bird protection uniform throughout the metro- politan police district, the London County Council intends to apply to the Home Secretary for the issue by him of a new order under the Wild Birds Protection Acts in regard to the County of London. Under the proposed new order the time during which the killing and taking of wild birds is prohibited by the Act of 1880 is extended so as to be from February 1st to August 31st. During the period from Sep- tember 1st to January 31st the killing or taking of certain birds is also prohibited. These will, therefore, be protected during the whole year. The list of birds so protected includes the chaf- finch, cuckoo, goldfinch, honey buzzard, gulls, kingfisher, lark, landrail, linnet, martin, swal- DECEMBER 29, 1899. ] low, nightingale, starling, swift, wren, magpie, garden warbler, owl, and redstart. A further effect of the order will be that all wild birds will be protected on Sundays during the whole year. The Parks Committee of the Council think this a most necessary step, as Sunday is the day on which the bird-catcher and cockney sportsman have the greatest opportunity of carrying on their operations. Another clause of the order adds the names of several birds to those in the schedule of the Act of 1880. The effect of this is to increase the penalty with re- gard thereto, as any person convicted in con- nection with the scheduled birds is liable under the Act of 1880 to a penalty in each case of £1, whilst for wild birds not in the schedule the ‘penalty is by that Act fixed at 5s. in each case. The birds now to be added to the schedule of 1880 are the bearded tit, buzzard, chaffinch, honey buzzard, hobby, kestrel, magpie, mar- tins, merlin, osprey, shrikes, swallow, swift, -and wryneck. Under the last clause of the order it will be an offense to take or destroy the eggs of any of the birds set out in the schedule attached. Included in this schedule are the cuckoo, goldfinch, kingfisher, linnet, lark, magpie, martins, nightingale, starling, ‘swallow, wren, redstart, and swift. The com- mon house and hedge sparrow apparently re- ceive no special protection under the order, except that provided by the close time from February 1st to August 31st. Dr. BuRRILL, of the University of Illinois, has sent to Dr. Reynolds, Health Commissioner of Chicago, a report of bacteriological investiga- tions upon the waters of the Illinois and Michigan canal and of the Illinois and Miss- issippi rivers, altogether extending from Chi- cago to St. Louis. The report covers the months of June, July, August, September, October, and November, and gives the monthly average number of bacteria found in a cubic centimeter of water taken from each of thirty- eight stations. The laboratory work was done by Mr. James A. ‘Dewey. The figures, as tabu- lated, show that the whole stream has been, during the time, greatly polluted, but they also show that the water becomes rapidly puri- fied as it flows along from the source of contam- ination. At Ottawa and LaSalle the number of SCIENCE. 983 bacteria has decreased from several million toa few thousand in a centimeter of water. Above Peoria the stream is nearly free from these organisms. Below this city the numbers rise again so as practically to equal those in the canal at Bridgeport. Farther down, the water again becomes gradually less infected, so that at the mouth of the Iliinois there are less bac- teria than occur in the waters of the Mississippi river. WE learn from the London Times that at a re- cent meeting of the Departmental Committee on Preservatives and Coloring Matters in Food, Mr. J. Kellitt, of Liverpool, speaking on behalf of the Grocers’ Federation, said that it was now abso- lutely necessary to use borax or boracic acid for ham, bacon, and butter, on account of the great demand for a mild-cured article. Borax, in his experience, was the most effective preservative he had known, especially for stopping fly-blow. Quite 75 per cent. of the hams and bacon sold in this country were treated with the preserva- tive. After the bacon or ham had been pre- pared for cooking by the consumer most, if not all, of the borax had disappeared, so that in actual consumption the percentage of boracic acid present at the time the article was con- sumed must be small. Captain T. W. Sandes, who had started a creamery in county Kerry for the benefit of his tenants, said that he used generally to send to England butter that they called saltless—that is, butter that was cured with one pound of preservative to the hundred- weight of butter. The preservative he used was boracie acid. The saltless but preserved butter was bound to be good butter, because im- purities could be so easily detected in it, whereas the heavy salted butter need not be, as the salt, more or less, covered a few of the ‘sins’ in the butter. Mr. J. Wheeler Bennett, who ap- peared on behalf of the London Chamber of Commerce, said that the trade in Canadian hams had increased since 1889 from something like $300,000 to $1,800,000 in 1898, and this he attributed to the use of preservatives. If the treatment of hams by borax were prohibited, the whole of this gigantic trade from Canada would come toanend. There wasa very large and increasing trade in Australian butter, and that trade hinged upon the use of borax, the 984: butter being washed in a solution of the preser- vative. The committee then adjourned. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS. On December 20th, the University of Penn- sylvania’s free museum of science and art at Philadelphia, one of the late Dr. William Pep- per’s cherished hopes, was formally opened in the presence of several thousand people. Immediately following the presentation to the board of trustees of the museum, a bronze statue of the late Dr. Pepper, the gift of friends, was unveiled. The presentation speech was made by ex-Senator George F, Ed- munds, in behalf of the Dr. Pepper testimonial committee. In connection with his address, Mr. Edmunds was delegated by Mrs. Frances Sergeant Pepper, the widow of Dr. Pepper, to present to the university trustees, as her mem- orial to the memory of her husband, a gift of $50,000 as a fund to carry on the work started by Dr. Pepper. \ THE Presidents of Harvard University, Co- lumbia University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, and the University of California have issued an invitation to sister institutions to a conference to be held in Wash- ington some time in February, 1900, for the con- sideration of problems connected with Gradu- ate work. The invitation says: ‘‘There is reason to believe that among other things the deliberations of such a conference as has been proposed will (1), result in a greater uniformity of the conditions under which students may be- come candidates for higher degrees in different American universities, thereby solving the question of migration, which has become an important issue with the Federation of Gradu- ate Clubs ; (2), raise the opinion entertained abroad of our own Doctor’s degree ; (3), raise the standard of our own weaker institutions. THE engineering laboratory for Stevens In- stitute, Hoboken, N. J., provided by a gift of $50,000 from Mr. Andrew Carnegie will be begun at once. The University of Wisconsin will also erect an engineering building, the Legislature haying provided $100,000 for the purpose. Ir is also announced that the Western Re- SCIENCE. [N. S. Von. X. No. 261. serve University has received $12,000, from Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mather for the purchase of books ; Wabash College $5,000 from Mrs. W. R. Jones toward a residence for the president ; and New York University $2,500 from Miss Anna M. Sandham for prizes in public speaking. Ir is said that Mr. James M. Munyon will give $2,000,000 to found an industrial school for orphan girls in Philadelphia on the same general lines as Girard College. GIRTON COLLEGE, Cambridge, is being en- larged at a cost of £40,000. THE main building of Buchtel College, at Akron, O., including the laboratories, library and dormitories, was recently burned. The loss is $100,000, with $65,000 insurance. OxForD UNIVERSITY is planning the establish- ment of the degrees of Doctor of Letters and Doc- tor of Science, to be conferred for research work. THE Sheffield University College, England, has not succeeded in making arrangements for the occupation of the site of Wesley College, and it is now proposed to acquire a strip of land adjoining the Botanical Gardens on which to erect a new block of buildings. Dr. F. W. BANCROFT has been appointed instructor in physiology at the University of California. Mr. Love H. Miter, of the University of California, goes to Oahu College, Honolulu, H. J., as professor of chemistry and natural sciences. Mr. J. H. Ripeway, brother of the ornithol- ogist of the Smithsonian Institution, has been engaged as taxidermist at the University of Illinois and is now at work on the museum specimens. Mr. Ridgway has been connected with the National Museum, the University of Towa, the Iowa Agricultural College, and the University of Ohio. PROFESSOR RONTGEN has finally decided to accept the call to the University of Munich. Mr. A. W. W. Date, M.A., fellow in classics of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, has been appointed Principal of University College, Liverpool, in place of Mr. Glazebrook, who has retired on his appointment to the office of Director of the National Physical Laboratory. PCr & NEw SERIES. SINGLE Copiss, 15 cts. VoL. X. No. 236. FRIDAY, JULY Us 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 WM. GAERTNER & CO. Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS 3%-inch Telescope SPECTROSCOPES DIVIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS on Universal Mounting MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS Price, $150.00 BOLOMETERS UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. 4 Catalogues on Application. Edison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department, (GENERAL ELECTRIC ComPanr,) HARRISON, WN. J. BIOLOGICAL SUPPLIES FOR CLASS WORK IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. _ Starfish, Squids, Sea Anemones, Crayfish, River Mussels, etc. Specially Prepared for Class Dissection. WARD’S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 28 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Apparatus for Wireless Telegraphy : An inexpensive but reliable outfit ; for colleges and schools as well as general experimenters. Comprising Special Induction Coil, Oscillators, Morse Key, Receiver with adjustable Co- herer, four-inch vibrating bell, specially wound high relay and necessary battery. Net Price for Complete Outfit (for distances up to 200 feet) $40 00. WY The subject of wireless telegraphy g is exciting such great interest JAMES G. BIDDLE WY that every laboratory should be ona O 0 x enulppedvonenpeninents. 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. tESCEESS SE SEES ESSE SES ESSE SSS ESSEC ERE EE SSS SES EEE E CEES eeeeSeeeeece 690222 2 2222929 29999229 il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. Recent # Standard Publications on Nature Study BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug- gestions for Seeing and Interpreting some of the Common Forms of Vege- tation. By L. H. Batley, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, with delineations from nature by W. $. HoLpswortH, of the University of Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 ned «‘ [tis an admirable book, and cannot fail both to awaken interest in the sub- ject and to serve as a helpful and re- liable guide to young students of plant life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University of Michigan. —First Lessons With Plants. Abridged from the above. 40 cents net “A remarkably well printed and illustrated book, extremely original and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W. Foster, Ithaca, N. Y. BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of the Insect World. By L. N. BaDEN- ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET D. BADENOCH and others. Second Edition. Gilt top. $1.25 “The yolume is fascinating from beginning to end, and there are many hints to be found in the wisdom and thrift shown by the smallest animal creature.’’—Boston Times. BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN. Illustrated 12mo. $1.25 “‘The book fills a delightful place not occupied by any other book that we have ever seen.’’—Boston Home Journal. CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc- ture and Life. Fully Illustrated. In Press GEE.— Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An Introduction to the Science of Physiography. By WILLIAM GEE. 8yo. $1.10 net “A charming book .. . fascinating to read.’’—Jour. of Education. INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out- Door Studies in the United States. A Book about Animals. By ERNEST INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50 “Tn all respects a most welcome book . . . in the club, in the libraries, and among the treasures of the grow- ing boy no less.’”’—Evening Post. JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram- mar Grades. A Manual on the Study of Nature for Teachers and Pupils below the High School. By WILBUR S. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net In preparing this Manual, it has been the author’s aim to propose a few of the problems within the comprehen- sion of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature Study. By D. LANGE, Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. $1.00 net “The style of the book is fresh and inspiring, its descriptions clear and full, and its illustrations numerous.’’— Wisconsin Journal of Education. LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we Live in. With Illustrations. Third Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50 “Tn this pleasant volume Sir John Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always accurate manner of the wonders of animal life, of plant life, and of the woods and field, telling not merely the dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso- ciations and suggestions that surround them. .. . So much of recent knowl- edge upon all these great subjects has scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila- delphia Times. MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers. By VINCENT T. MuRCHE. Revised and adapted for use in schools with a preface by Mrs. L. L. W-. WILsoN, Philadelphia Normal School. Author of “Nature Study in Elementary Schools,” etc. Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each. Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each. Vols. V. and VI.-50 cents each. Of this series of Science Readers, Books I., II. and III. are adapted to Secondary Grades comprising pupils who are in their third and fourth year of school work. Books IV., VY. and VI. are suitable for Grammar Grades both in reading and in sub- ject-matter. SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology. By WILLIAM B. Scott, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Prince- ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net “Tt is adapted to older beginners, and to the liking of a teacher who in- troduces a large share of deduction in his work. ... The closing chapters deal with historical geology.’’—The Nation. TARR.—When the Earth was Young. HEART OF NATURE SERIES. In Press —An Elementary Text-Book of Physical Geography, for High Schools. By RALPH STOCKTON TARR, B.S., F.G., S.A., Professor of Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States,” etc. Second Edition. $1.40 net Without question a complete, com- prehensive, and scientific work on a very important subject of present in- terest. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness, it is admirable. It is the most valuable contribution yet made to the study of Geography.” —CLARENCE E. MELENEY, Teachers College, New York. —Elementary Geology for the use of Preparatory and High Schools. By RawpH S. Tarr, Cornell University. Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States.” A Companion Volume to the preceding. Half- Leather. Small 8yo. $1.40 net A most fascinating book for any one. In combination with his ‘Elementary Geography’ of special scientific value.’ —Chicago Inter-Ocean. WEED.—Life Histories of American Insects. By Prof. CLARENCE M. WEED, New Hampshire College of Agric. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50 “« An unusually attractive book.” —The Dial. “An excellent manual for a non- technical student or general observer ...-1n a simple, direct style... full of value and interest.’’— Independent. WILSON.—Nature Study in the Ele=-: mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W. WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal School for Girls. a FIRST AND SECOND READERS; Myths, Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net “Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords excellent assistance to those who mean to equip themselves for the best kind of work. It isa good book for every teacher to have and to study when preparing to give lessons in Nature Study.”—Dr. R. K. BUEHRLE, Superin- tendent, Lancaster, Pa. WRIGHT (MABEL OsGooD)—Birdcraft. A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds. By MaBEL OscoopD WRIGHT. With full-page Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net “Even if this volume were devoid of illustrations, it would be welcomed as an addition to English literature. Itis more than an accurate and compre- hensive description of all the birds one is likely to find in an extended search. It is also an introduction to them and their haunts.’—The Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia. —The Friendship of Nature. A New England Chronicle of Birds and Flowers. By MaBEI. OSGOOD WRIGHT. Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents “A dainty little volume, exhaling the perfume and radiating the hues of both cultivated and wild flowers, echo- ing the songs of birds, and illustrated with exquisite pen pictures of bits of garden, field and woodland scenery.” —Richmond Dispatch. Mrs. Wright’s two volumes in The Heart of Nature Series are not repeated here since they are already described on another page. SEND FOR A SPECIAL LIST OF BOOKS ON NATURE PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York SCIEN F NEw SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 cTs. VoL. X. No. 237. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 WEEN _. IMPROVED STANDARDS Perfect Circulation and 1 f | Of i ==, © Uniform Temperature 50 O Guaranteed Accuracy 1 f Write for Circular No. 494 50 O O We are offering the above Standards at about half the usual price QUEEN & CO., inc. J. G. GRAY, President Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works 9 Fifth A P ; NEW YORK 1010 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA ‘li SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. Recent # Standard Publications on Nature Study BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug- gestions for 3eeing and Interpreting some of the Yommon Forms of Vege- tation. By L. H. Batley, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, with delineations from nature by W. S$. HOLDSWORTH, of the University ot Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 ned “Tt isan admirable book, and cannot fail both to awaken interest in the sub- ject and to serve as a helpful and re- liable guide to young students of plant life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University of Michigan. —First Lessons With Plants. Abridged from the above. 40 cents nei “A remarkably well printed and illustrated book, extremely original and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W. Foster, Ithaca, N. Y. BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of the Insect World. By L. N. BaDEN- ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET D. BADENOCH and others. Second Edition. Gilt top. $1.25 “The volume is fascinating from beginning to end, and there are many hints to be found in the wisdom and thrift shown by the smallest animal creature.”’— Boston Times. BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN. Illustrated 12mo. $1.25 “The book fills a delightful place not occupied by any other book that we have ever seen.’’—Bositon Home Journal. CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc- ture and Life. Fully Illustrated. In Press GEE.— Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An Introduction to the Science of Physiography. By WILLIAM GEE. 8yo. $1.10 net “A charming book . . . fascinating to read.”—Jour. of Education. INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out- Door Studies in the United States. A Book about Animals. By ERNEST INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50 “Tn all respects a most welcome book . . . in the club, in the libraries, and among the treasures of the grow- ing boy no less.”—Hvening Post. JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram- mar Grades. A Manual on the Study of Nature for Teachers and Pupils below the High School. By WiLBUR S. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net In preparing this Manual, it has been the author’s aim to propose a few of the problems within the comprehen- sion of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. ~ LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature | Study. By D. Lanes, Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. $1.00 net “The style of the book is fresh and inspiring, its descriptions clear and full, and its illustrations numerous.’’— Wisconsin Journal of Education. LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we Livein. With Illustrations. Third Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50 “In this pleasant volume Sir John Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always accurate manner of the wonders of animal life, of plant life, and of the woods and field, telling not merely the dry scientific facts, but, the poetic asso- | ciations and suggestions that surround them. .. . So much of recent knowl- | edge upon all these great subjects has scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila- delphia Times. | : MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers. By VINCENT T. MurcHE. Revised and adapted for use in schools with a preface by Mis. L. L. W. Wi1son, Philadelphia Normal School. Author of “Nature Study in Elementary Schools,” ete. Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each. Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each. Vols. V. and VI. 50 cents each. Of this series of Science Readers, Books I., II. and III. are adapted to Secondary Grades comprising pupils who are in their third and fourth year of school work. Books IV., Y. and VI. are suitable for Grammar Grades both in reading and in sub- ject-matter. SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology. By WILLIamM B. Scort, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Prince- ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net “Tt is adapted to older beginners, and to the liking of a teacher who in- troduces a large share of deduction in his work. . The closing chapters deal with historical geology.’—T7he Nation. TARR.—When the Earth was Young. HEART OF NATURE SERIES. In Press —An_ Elementary Text=-Book of Physical Geography, for High Schools. By RALPH STOCKTON TaRR, B.S., F G., S.A., Professor of Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University; Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States,” ete. Second Edition. $1.40 net Without question a complete, com- prehensive, and scientific work on a very important subject of present in- terest. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness, it is admirable. It is the most valuable contribution yet made to the study of Geography.” —CLARENCE E. MELENEY, Teachers College, New York. —Elementary Geology for the use of Preparatory and High Schools. By Rawtpu S. Tarr, Cornell University. Author of ‘‘Economic Geology of the United States.” A Companion Volume to the preceding. Half- Leather. Small 8yo. $1.40 net A most fascinating book for any one. In combination with his ‘Elementary Geography’ of special scientific value.” —Chicago Inter-Ocean. WEED.—Life Histories of American Insects. By Prof. CLARENCE M. WeED, New Hampshire College of Agric. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50 “An unusually attractive book.” —The Dial. “An excellent manual for a non- technical student or general observer ..+4in a simple, direct style... full of value and interest.’’— Independent. WILSON. —Nature Study in the Ele= mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W. WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal School for Girls. FIRst AND SECOND READERS. Myths, Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net “Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords excellent assistance to those who mean to equip themselves for the best kind of work. It isa good book for every teacher to have and to study when preparing to give lessons in Nature Study.”—Dr. R. K. BuEHRLE, Superin- tendent, Lancaster, Pa. WRIGHT (Mase. OsGoop)—Birdcraft. A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds. By MaBEL OsGooD WRIGHT. With full-page Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net “Even if this volume were devoid of illustrations, it would-be welcomed as an addition to English literature. It is more than an accurate and compre hensive description of all thebirds one is likely to find in an extended search. It is also an introduction to them and their haunts.’’—The Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia. —The Friendship of Nature. A New England Chronicle of Birds and Flowers. By MABEL OsGoop WRIGHT. Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents “A dainty little volume, exhaling the perfume and radiating the hues of both cultivated and wild flowers, echo- ing the songs of birds, and illustrated with exquisite pen pictures of bits of garden, field and woodland scenery.” —Richmond Dispatch. Mrs. Wright's two volumes in The Heart of Nature Series are not repeated here since they are already described on another page. SEND FOR A SPECIAL LIST OF BOOKS ON NATURE PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York SCIENCE Frrpay, Juny ile 1899. SINGLE COoPIEs, 15 cTs. Chemical ant Chemical Apparat cD) = © > > 2 ( 2 — \\ WN a > G \\ ie e) \\ » b \\ = rc OW e) Aer > = \ \ = Fe go LZ ; ie = ge e Z <0 © ce (1) Vv (7) a : E < = a as je) =| @ = ZEISS’ PHOTO-MICROGRAPHIC Rae > With Berger’s New Style ase t Sectio: ar Y) (AGL? 1S TES WY) FIMER & AMEND New York il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. Recent # Standard Publications on Nature Study BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug- gestions for seeing and Interpreting some of the Sommon Forms of Vege- tation. By L. H. BatLry, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, with delineations from nature by W. s. HoLnswortu, of the University of Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 nei “ft isan admirable book, and cannot fail both to awaken interest in the sub- ject and to serve as a helpful and re- liable guide to young students of plant life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University of Michigan. ‘—First Lessons With Plants. Abridged from the above. 40 cents net “A remarkably well printed and illustrated book, extremely original and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W. Foster, Ithaca, N. Y. BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of the Insect World. By L. N. BADEN- ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET D. BADENOCH and others. Second Edition. Gilt top. $1.25 “The volume is fascinating from beginning to end, and there are many hints to be found in the wisdom and thrift shown by the smallest animal creature.’’— Boston Times. BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN. Illustrated 12mo. $1.25 “The book fills a delightful place not occupied by any other book that we have ever seen.’’—Bosion Home Journal. CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc- ture and Life. Fully [lustrated. In Press GEE.— Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An Introduction to the Science of Physiography. By WILLIAM GEE. 8yo. $1.10 net “A charming book . . . fascinating to read.”—Jour. of Hducation. INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out- Door Studies in the United States. A Book about Animals. By ERNEST INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50 “Tn all respects a most welcome book . . . in the club, in the libraries, and among the treasures of the grow- ing boy no less.’’—Hvening Post. JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram- mar Grades. A Manual on the Study of Nature for Teachers and Pupils below the High School. By WILBUR S. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net In preparing this Manual, it has been the author’s aim to propose’a few of the problems within the comprehen- sion of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature Study. By D. LANGE, Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. $1.00 net “The style of the book is fresh and inspiring, its descriptions clear and full, and its illustrations numerous.’’— Wisconsin Journal of Education. LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we Livein. With Illustrations. Third Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50 “Tn this pleasant volume Sir John Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always accurate manner of the wonders of animal life, of plant life, and of the woods and field, telling not merely the dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso- ciations and suggestions that surround them. . . . So much of recent knowl- edge upon all these great subjects has scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila- delphia Times. MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers. By VINCENT T. MurcHE. Revised and adapted for use in schools with a preface by Mrs. L. L. W-. WILson, Philadelphia Normal School. Author of ‘Nature Study in Elementary Schools,” etc. Vols, I. and II. 25 cents each. Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each. Vols. V. and VI.-50 cents each. Of this series of Science Readers, Books I., II. and III. are adapted to Secondary Grades comprising pupils who are in their third and fourth year of school work. BooksIV., V. and VI. are suitable for Grammar Grades both in reading and in sub- ject-matter. SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology. By WILLIAM B. Scorr, Professor of Geology and Palzontology, Prince- ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net “Tt is adapted to older beginners, and to the liking of a teacher who in- troduces a large share of deduction in his work. . The closing chapters deal with historical geology.”—The Nation. TARR.—When the Earth was Young. HEART OF NATURESERIES. In Press —An Elementary Text-Book of Physical Geography, for High Schools. By RALPH STOCKTON TaRR, B.S., F.G., S.A., Professor of Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States,” etc. Second Edition. $1.40 net Without question a complete, com- prehensive, and scientific work on a very important subject of present in- terest. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness, it is admirable. It is the most valuable contribution yet made to the study of Geography.” —CLARENCE FE. MELENEY, ‘leachers College, New York. —Elementary Geology for the use of Preparatory and High Schools. By Ratpy S. Tarr, Cornell University. Author of ‘Economic Geology of the United States.” A Companion Volume to the preceding. Half- Leather. Small 8yo. $1.40 net A most fascinating book for any one. In combination with his ‘Elementary Geography’ of special scientific value.” —Chicago Inter-Ocean. WEED.—Life Histories of American Insects. By Prof. CLARENCE M. WEED, New Hampshire College of Agric. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50 “An unusually attractive book.’’ —The Dial. “‘An excellent manual for a non- technical student or general observer ...in a simple, direct style... full of value and interest.””—Independent. WILSON.—Nature Study in the Be mentary Schools. By Mrs b WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Nona School for Girls. FIRST AND SECOND READERS. Myths, Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net “Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords excellent assistance to those who mean to equip themselves for the best kind of work. It isa good book for every teacher to have and to study when preparing to give lessons in Nature Study.”’—Dr. R. K. BUEHRLE, Superin- tendent, Lancaster, Pa. WRIGHT (M4aBEL OscooD)—Birdcraft. A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds. By MABEL Oscoop WRIGHT. With full-page Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net ‘Even if this volume were devoid of illustrations, it would be welcomed as an addition to English literature. It is more than an accurate and compre- hensive description of all the birds one is likely to find in an extended search. It is also an introduction to them and their haunts.’—The Hvening Bulletin, Philadelphia. —The Friendship of Nature. A New England Chronicle of Birds and Flowers. By MaBEl. OSGOOD WRIGHT. Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents “A dainty little volume, exhaling the perfume and radiating the hues of both cultivated and wild flowers, echo- ing the songs of birds, and illustrated with exquisite pen pictures of bits of garden, field and woodland scenery.’’ — Richmond Dispatch. Mrs. Wright's two volumes in The Heart of Nature Series are not repeated here since they are already described on another page. SEND FOR A SPECIAL LIST OF BOOKS ON NATURE PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New Vorle / SCIEN NEw SERIES. SINGLE CopPiEs, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 239. FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 J MANUFACTORY OF THE” BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. an ROCHESTER .N.Y. OuUR POLICY efforts continuously toward the equipment of our manufactory in such a manner that from the raw material to the finished article every part and process could be done by us in our own establishment. To this policy we attribute the growth of the demand for our prod- ucts. We have made it a rule to do everything in the best possible manner, to spare neither labor nor expense in order to attain the highest grade of excellence. This gives us confidence in our apparatus such that when we place it where the test will be most severe we know that the results will be satisfactory because we know ‘how,’ “‘why’’ and ‘‘ what’ about every detail. We inyite comparison of our products with any others and solicit lists of apparatus for BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Manufacturers of Microscopes, Microtomes, Photomicrographic Apparatus and Laboratory Supplies NEW YORK CITY ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO Dn: the half century in which our business has been developing we have directed our il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. Recent #@ Standard Publications on Nature Study BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug- gestions for 3eeing and Interpreting some of the Yommon Forms of Vege- tation. By L. H. BAILEY, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, with delineations from nature by W. $. HoLpsworTuH, of the University of Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 ned “ [tis an admirable book, and cannot fail both to awaken interest in the sub- ject and to serve as a helpful and re- liable guide to young students of plant life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University of Michigan. —First Lessons With Plants. Abridged from the above. 40 cents net “A remarkably well printed and illustrated book, extremely original and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W. Foster, Ithaca, N. Y. BADENOCH (L. N.)—The Romance of the Insect World. By L. N. BADEN- ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET D. BADENOCH and others. Second Edition. Gilt top. $1.25 “The volume is fascinating from beginning to end, and there are many hints to be found in the wisdom and thrift shown by the smallest animal creature.”’—Boston Times. BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN. Illustrated 12mo. $1.25 “The book fills a delightful place not occupied by any other book that we have eyer seen.’’—Bositon Home Journal. CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc- ture and Life. Fully Ulustrated. In Press GEE.— Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An Introduction to the Science of Physiography. By WILLIAM GEE. Syo. $1.10 net “A charming book... fascinating to read.”’—Jour. of Education. INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out- Door Studies'in the United States. A Book about Animals. By ERNEST INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50 “Tn all respects a most welcome book . . . in the club, in the libraries, and among the treasures of the grow- ing boy no less.’’—Hvening Post. JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram= . mar Grades. A Manual on the Study. of Nature for Teachers and Pupils below the High School. By WILBUR S. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School. 12mo. Cloth., $1.00 net In preparing this Manual, it has been the author’s aim to propose a few of the problems within the comprehen- sion of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature Study. By D. Lance, Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. $1.00 net “The style of the book is fresh and inspiring, its descriptions clear and full, and its illustrations numerous.’’— Wisconsin Journal of Education. LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we Live in. With Illustrations. Third Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50 “Tn this pleasant volume Sir John Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always accurate manner of the wonders of animal life, of plant life, and of the woods and field, telling not merely the dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso- ciations and suggestions that surround them... . . So much of recent knowl- edge upon all these great subjects has scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila- delphia Times. MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers. By VINCENT T. MURCHE. Revised and adapted for use in schools with a preface by Mis. L. L. W. WItson, Philadelphia Normal School. Author of ‘‘Nature Study in Elementary Schools,’’ ete. Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each.’ Vols. IIT. and IV. 40 cents each. Vols. V. and VI.-50 cents each. Of this series of Science Readers, Books I., Il. and III. are adapted to Secondary Grades comprising pupils who are in their third and fourth year of school work. Books IV., V. and VI. are suitable for Grammar Grades both in reading and in sub- ject-matter. SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology. By WILL1amM B. Scott, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Prince- ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net “Tt is adapted to older beginners, and to the liking of a teacher who in- troduces a large share of deduction in his work. . The closing chapters deal with historical geology.’—The Nation. TARR.—When the Earth was Young. HEART OF NATURE SERIES. In Press —An Elementary Text-Book of Physical Geography, for High Schools. By RALPH STOCKTON TARR, B.S., F.G., S.A., Professor of Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States,” ete. Second Edition. $1.40 net Without question a complete, com- prehensive, and scientific work on a very important subject of present in- terest. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness, it is admirable. It is the most valuable contribution yetmade to the study of Geography.”’ —CLARENCE E. MELENEY, Teachers College, New York. —Elementary Geology for the use of Preparatory and High Schools. By RaALpH S. TARR, Cornell University. Author of ‘‘Economic Geology of the United States.’’ A Companion Volume to the preceding. Half- Leather. Small 8vo. $1.40 net A most fascinating book for any one. In combination with his ‘Elementary Geography’ of special scientific value.’”’ —Chicago Inter-Ocean. WEED.—Life Histories of American Insects. By Prof. CLARENCE M. WEED, New Hampshire College of Agtic. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50 “An unusually attractive book.” —The Dial. “An excellent manual for a non- technical student or general observer ...+ in a simple, direct style... full of value and interest.’’—Independent. WILSON. —Nature Study in the Ele= mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W. WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal School for Girls. FIRST AND SECOND READERS. Myths, Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net “‘Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords excellent assistance to those who mean to equip themselves for the best kind of work. It isa good book for every teacher to have and to study when preparing to give lessons in Nature Study.”—Dr. R. K. BUEHRLE, Superin- tendent, Lancaster, Pa. WRIGHT (MaBeL OsGooD)—Birdcraft. A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds. By MaBEeL OsgooD WRIGHT. With full-page Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net “Even if this volume were devoid of illustrations, it would be welcomed as an addition to English literature. It is more than an accurate and compre- hensive description of all the birds one is likely to find in an extended search. It is also an introduction to them and their haunts.’”’—The Hvening Bulletin, Philadelphia. —The Friendship of Nature. A New England Chronicle of Birds and Flowers. By MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT. Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents “A dainty little volume, exhaling the perfume and radiating the hues of both cultivated and wild flowers, echo- ing the songs of birds, and illustrated with exquisite pen pictures of bits of garden, field and woodland scenery.” —Richmond Dispatch. Mrs. Wright's two volumes in The Heart of Nature Series are not repeated here since they are already described on another page. SEND FOR A SPECIAL LIST OF BOOKS ON NATURE PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York Cree E NEw SERIEs, y SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. No, 240. FRIDAY, AuGUST 4, 1899. P ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 4 WM. GAERTNER & CO. Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS 34-inch Telescope SPECTROSCOPES DIVIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS on Universal Mounting MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS Price, $150.00 BOLOMETERS UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. Catalogues on Application. Hdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department, (GENERAL ELECTRIC CompPany,) HARRISON, WN. J. = We have many meteorites for sale, among which are two Meteorites. recently discovered ones: the aerolite Ness County recently described; and the siderite Murphy to be described in September issue American Journal of Science. Circulars on application. We also desire to purchase meteorites. WARD’S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 28 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N. Y. poo o FFF F F828 FF BSS SIS 3 DSSS DS IIBOIFIIIOD 3DSDIIIIIIISIIIIII229, v ; Apparatus for Wireless Telegraphy % N Ww a An inexpensive but reliable outfit ; for colleges and schools as well as general experimenters. 7 a Comprising Special Induction Coil, Oscillators, Morse Key, Receiver with adjustable Co- 4 Zz herer, four-inch vibrating bell, specially wound high relay and necessary battery. ¥ : Net Price for Complete Outfit (for distances up to 200 feet) $40 00. 4 ® The subject of wireless telegraphy Y Ps is exciting such great interest JAM ES G. BIDDLE W that every laboratory should be on =i9 : : W 4 Eq uipDEdonienmentments 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. ¥ Reece cececeececee ceceeeee cececeeececececececececececeeceececeeces = me SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. Recent s# Standard Publications on Nature Study BAILEY.—Lessons With Plants. Sug- gestions for seeing and Interpreting some of the X9mmon Forms of Vege- tation. By L. H. BatLEy, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, with delineations from nature by W. s&. HoLpsworTH, of the University of Michigan. Half Leather. $1.10 net “ [tis an admirable book, and cannot fail both to awaken interest in the sub- ject and to serve as a helpful and re- liable guide to young students of plant life.—Prof. V. M. SPALDING, University of Michigan. —First Lessons With Plants. Abridged from the above. 40 cents net “A remarkably well printed and illustrated book, extremely original and unusually practical.’’—Supt. H. W. Foster, Ithaca, N. Y. BADENOCH (Ll. N.)—The Romance of the Insect World. By L. N. BAaDEN- ocH. With illustrations by MARGARET D. BADENOCH and others. Second Edition. Gilt top. $1.25 “The volume is fascinating from beginning to end, and there are many hints to be found in the wisdom and thrift shown by the smallest animal creature.’’— Boston Times. BRIGHTWEN.—Inmates of My House and Garden. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN. Illustrated 12mo. $1.25 “The book fills a delightful place not occupied by any other book that we have ever seen.’’—Boston Home Journal. CARPENTER. — Insects, their Struc= ture and Life. Fully Illustrated. In Press GEE.— Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An’ Introduction to the Science of Physiography. By WILLIAM GEE. 8vo. $1.10 net “A charming book... fascinating to read.”—Jour. of Hducation. INGERSOLL.—Wild Neighbors. Out- Door Studies in the United States. A Book about Animals. By ERNEST INGERSOLL. Illustrated. $1.50 “Tn all respects. a most welcome book . . . in the club, in the libraries, * and among the treasures of the grow- ing boy no less.’’—Hvening Post. JACKMAN.—Nature Study for Gram= mar Grades. A Manual on the Study of Nature for Teachers and Pupils below the High School. By WILBUR S$. JACKMAN, Chicago Normal School. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00 net In preparing this Manual, it has been the author’s aim to propose a few of the problems within the comprehen- sion of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. LANGE.—A Hand-Book of Nature Study. By D. LANGE, Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. $1.00 net “The style of the book is fresh and inspiring, its descriptions clear and full, and its illustrations numerous.’’— Wisconsin Journal of Education. LUBBOCK.—The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we Live in. With Illustrations. Third Edition. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50 “Tn this pleasant volume Sir John Lubbock talks in a familiar yet always accurate manner of the wonders of animal life, of plant life, and of the woods and field, telling not merely the dry scientific facts, but the poetic asso- ciations and suggestions that surround them. .. . So much of recent knowl- edge upon all these great subjects has scarcely been conveyed elsewhere in so bright and interesting a way.’’— Phila- delphia Times. MURCHE (Wilson)—Science Readers. By VINCENT T. MuRCHE. Revised and adapted for use in schools with a preface by Mis. L. L. W- Wrtson, Philadelphia Normal School. Author of ‘Nature Study in Elementary Schools,”’ ete. Vols. I. and II. 25 cents each. Vols. III. and IV. 40 cents each. Vols. V. and VI. 50 cents each. Of this series of Science Readers, Books I., II. and III. are adapted to Secondary Grades comprising pupils who are in their third and fourth year of school work. Books IV., V. and VI. are suitable for Grammar Grades both in reading and in sub- ject-matter. : SCOTT.—An Introduction to Geology. By WIiLuiam B. Scort, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Prince- ton University. 12mo. $1.90 net “Tt is adapted to older beginners, and to the liking of a teacher who in- troduces a large share of deduction in his work. ... The closing chapters deal with historical geology.’—The Nation. TARR.—When the Earth was Young. HEART OF NATURE SERIES. In Press —An Elementary Text-Book of Physical Geography, for High Schools. By RALPH STOCKTON TaRR, B.S., F G., S.A., Professor of Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University ; Author of ‘‘ Economic Geology of the United States,” ete. Second Edition. $1.40 net Without question a complete, com- prehensive, and scientific work on a very important subject of present in- terest. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness, it is admirable. It is the most valuable contribution yet made to the study of Geography.” —CLARENCE E. MELENEY, ‘Teachers College, New York. —Elementary Geology for the use of Preparatory and High Schools. By Rawpu S. Tarr, Cornell University. Author of ‘‘Economic Geology of the United States.” A Companion Volume to the preceding. Half- Leather. Small 8vo. $1.40 net A most fascinating book for any one. In combination with his ‘Elementary Geography’ of specialscientific value.” —Chicago Inter-Ocean. WEED.—Life Histories of American Insects. By Prot. CiarReNCE M. WEED, New Hampshire College of Agric. and Mech. Arts. Fully Illus- trated. Cloth. $1.50 “An unusually attractive book.’ —The Dial. “An excellent manual for a non- technical student or general observer ... in a simple, direct style... full of value and interest.”—Jndependent. WILSON. —Nature Study in the Ele= mentary Schools. By Mrs. L. L. W. WILSON, Ph.D., Philadelphia Normal School for Girls. FIRST AND SECOND READERS. Myths, Stories and Poems. Each, 35 cents net TEACHERS’ MANUALS, 90 cents net “Mrs. Wilson’s little manual affords excellent assistance to those who mean to equip themselves for the best kind of work. It isa good book for every teacher to have and to study when preparing to give lessons in Nature Study.”’—Dr. R. K. BUEHRLE, Superin- tendent, Lancaster, Pa. WRIGHT (MaBeEL Oscoop)—Birdcraft. A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds. By MABEL Oscoop WRIGHT. With full-page Plates showing 128 Birds. $2.50 net “Even if this volume were devoid of illustrations, it would be welcomed as an addition to English literature. It is more than an accurate and compre- hensive description ofall the birds one is likely to find in an extended search. It is also an introduction to them and their haunts.’’—The Hvening Bulletin, Philadelphia. —The Friendship of Nature. A New England Chronicle of Birds and Flowers. By MaBEL OSGOOD WRIGHT. Second Edition. 18mo. 75 cents “A dainty little volume, exhaling the perfume and radiating the hues of both cultivated and wild flowers, echo- ing the songs of birds, and illustrated with erase pen pictures of bits of garden, field and woodland scenery.’’ —Richmond Dispatth. ; Mrs. Wright’s two volumes in The Heart of Nature Series are not repeated here since they are already described on another. page. SEND FOR _A SPECIAL LIST OF BOOKS ON NATURE PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York SCIENCE N Ss. b SINGLE CoPiEs, 15 CTs. Vor Xx. No. 241. Fripay, Aucust 11, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 (Queen 4N-Inch Portable Induction Coil Outfit complete with QUEEN Self-Regulating Xz:Ray TUBE, FLUOROSCOPE, BATTERY, Ete. Price, $170 This Coil, giving a very powerful discharge with heavy spark, is suitable for all classes of X-Ray work and at the same time for general laboratory work, setting up powerful oscillations when used for wireless telegraphy. Pamphlets on INDUCTION CoILs and on QUEEN SELF-REGULATING TUBE sent free on application. Queen & @Go., inc. J. G. GRAY, President Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works Bh Wear ironed 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE SUMMER UOACATION “STRONG, ORIGINAL AND DELIGHTFUL. ..-IT IS A CHARMING STORY, AND THE LOVERS OF A GOOD NOVEL WILL MAKE A SERIOUS MISTAKE IF THEY DO NOT SPEND A PART OF THEIR SUMMER HOLIDAY IN READING RICHARD CARVEL.’’—Buffalo Commercial. RICHARD CARVEL by WINSTON CHURCHILL Illustrations by MALCOLM FRASER and CARLTON T. CHAPMAN Eleventh Edition. 70th Thousand. Published June 1st. Cloth. $1.50 It is believed that no work in American fiction has achieved the same success in the same period of time “Tt is a daring thing that Winston Churchill has done in his novel ‘Richard Carvel,’ to tread the path made smooth by Thackeray, and, withal to do it so well that one is forced to admire the resemblance. This is the best written novel we have seen for a long time, and really deserves all the success it attains.’’—INDIANAPOLIS NEWS. A PERMANENT ADDITION TO THE BEST AMERICAN LITERATURE ‘sA most readable and de=- lightful novel, equally pleasing in its matter as in its style,. .. a novel full of cleverness. . . to be welcomed as a notable addi- tion to American fictitious lit= erature.’’—The Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston. “RICHARD CARVEL—one of the most delightful and fascinating studies of manners and stories of adventure which have yet appeared in our literature.”’ HAMILTON W. MABIE in The Outlook. “This is emphatically a book that commands attention .. . The narrative is clean and vigor- ous... A spirited piece of writ- ing. It must be put among the best of recent American his- torical novels.’’—The Springfield Republican. FUST THE BOOK FOR SUMMER READING “RICHARD CARVEL is fresh and inspiriting, immensely attractive and thoroughly literary . books of the Summer ; . astrong, picturesque, distinct story . it will be one of the most read perhaps the leader of them all.’’—PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS A System of Medicine by Many Writers Edited by THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT Regius [prafenson of Physie in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, ete. Vol. VIII. Completing the Diseases of the Nervous System, etc., including Mental Diseases Cloth, 8vo. $5.00 net. Half Russia, $6.00 net. To Appear this Fall The British Medical Journal says : “A work which must rank as The New York Medical Journal says : “Tt is a carefully edited, well written, progressive, recent book, and most of its articles bear the stamp of authority. . . one of the best systems, if not the best, in the English language. one of the most important stand- ard books of medical reference in English, or indeed in any lan- guage, that has appeared for many + years.’ “An elaborate ‘system’ which is destined to become a very important addi- tion to our literature.’’—The Journal of the American Medical Association. A Handbook of Optics For Students of Ophthalmology By WILLIAM N. SUTER, M.D. National University, W vashington, D.C. The Liquefaction of Gases Its Rise and Development By WILLET N. HARDIN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. SEND FOR A FULL LIST OF THE FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York SCIENCE NEw SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS VoL. X. No. 242, FRipay, AvuGust 18, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 Chemicals « ai Chemical Aaa —————— TM puunnnay nud EULA a ZEISS’S PHOTO. MICROGRAPHIC STAND With Berger’s New Style Upper Section FIMER & AMEND New York SCHOTT & GEN., Jena Laboratory Glassware STVOINAHD 4HadNd SJINOVETHVS ‘AV 'D ii SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENT or NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS TO APPEAR EARLY THIS FALL A System of Medicine by Many Writers Edited by THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.S.A., Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, etc. Vol. VIII. Completing the Diseases of the Nervous System, etc., including Mental Diseases, etc. Cloth. 8vo. The British Medical Journal says : “A work which must rank as one of the most important stand- ard books of medical reference in English, or indeed in any lan- guage, that has appeared for many years.’’ $5.00 net. Half Russia, $6.00 net. The New York Medical Journal says : “‘It is a carefully edited, well _ written, progressive, recent book, and most of its articles bear the stamp of authority. . . one of the best systems, if not the best, in the English language.’ ‘An elaborate ‘system’ which is destined to become a very important addi- tion to our literature.’’—The Journal of the American Medical Association. The Liquefaction of Gases Its Rise and Development By WILLET N. HARDIN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Our Native Birds How to Protect Them and Attract Them to 5 Our Homes By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in Schools of St. Paul, Minn. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in ‘September. By the author of a successful manual of nature study for use in secondary schools. A Handbook of Optics For Students of Ophthalmology By WILLIAM N. SUTER, M.D. National University, Washington, D.C. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. The Myxomycetes A Handbook of North American Slime Moulds By THOMAS H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, University of Iowa. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. A list of all species described in North America, including Central America. The Teaching Botanist A Manual of Information Upon Botanical Instruction, together with Outlines and Directions for a Comprehensive Elementary Course By WILLIAM F. GANONG, Ph.D., Smith College. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Tropical Colonization An Introduction to the Study of the Question By ALLEYNE IRELAND, Author of ‘‘Demarariania.’? With 10 historical charts. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. By an author who has spent ten years in the tropics in special study of this subject. Outlines of Civil Government By F. H. CLARK, Lowell High School, San Francisco. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. A supplement to the students’ edition of Bryce’s *¢American Commonwealth.’’ Social Laws A Translation of Tarde’s ‘‘Les Lois Sociales”? By HOWARD CROSBY WARREN, of Princeton University. With an introduction by J. MARK BALDWIN. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Methods of Knowledge An Essay in Epistemology By WALTER SMITH, of Lake Forest University. Cloth. i2mo. Ready in September. A definition of knowledge and study of the methods by which men have thought it possible to attain it. SEND FOR A FULL LIST OF THE FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York SCIENCE NEw SERIEs. = SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 243. FRIDAY, AvGust 25, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 MANUFACTORY OF THE), @AUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO- NX ROCHESTER NV’ OUR POLICY URING the half century in which our business has been developing we have directed our D efforts continuously toward the equipment of our manufactory in such a manner that from the raw material to the finished article every part and process could be done by us in our own establishment. To this policy we attribute the growth of the demand for our prod- ucts. We have made it a rule to do everything in the best possible manner, to spare neither labor nor expense in order to attain the highest grade of excellence. This gives us confidence in our apparatus such that when we place it where the test will be most severe we know that the results will be satisfactory because we know “how,” ‘why’ and ‘‘what”’ about every detail. We invite comparison of our products with any others and solicit lists of apparatus for BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Manufacturers of Microscopes, Microtomes, Photomicrographic Apparatus and Laboratory Supplies NEW YORK CITY ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENT or NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS TO APPEAR EARLY THIS FALL A System of Medicine by Many Writers Edited by THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.S.A., Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, etc. Vol. VIII. Completing the Diseases of the Nervous System, etc., including Mental Diseases, etc. Cloth. 8vo. $5.00 net. Half Russia, $6.00 net. 5; The British : The New York Medical Journal says : Medical Journal says : “A work which must rank as “Tt is a carefully edited, well one of the most important stand- written, progressive, recent book, ard books of medical reference and most of its articles bear the in English, or indeed in any lan- stamp of authority. . . one of guage, that has appeared for many the best systems, if not the best, years.’’ in the English language.’’ “An elaborate ‘system’ which is destined to become a very important addi- tion to our literature.’’—The Journal of the American Medical Association. The Liquefaction of Gases A Handbook of Optics Its Rise and Development For Students of Ophthalmology By WILLET N. HARDIN, Ph.D., By WILLIAM N. SUTER, M.D. University of Pennsylvania. National University, Washington, D.C. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Our Native Birds The Myxomycetes How to Protect Them and Attract Them to | A Handbook of North American Slime Moulds. aa, ee By THOMAS H. MACBRIDE, y D. L , : aN: Instructor in Nature Study in Schools of St. Paul, Minn. Professorofeboigny, Uninersity of. Cot Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. By the author of a successful manual of nature study A list of all species described in North America, for use in secondary schools. including Central America. The Teaching Botanist A Manual of Information Upon Botanical Instruction, together with Outlines and Directions for a Comprehensive Elementary Course By WILLIAM F. GANONG, Ph.D., Smith College. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Tropical Colonization Social Laws An Introduction to the Study of the Question A Translation of Tarde’s ‘‘Zes Lois Sociales”? By ALLEYNE IRELAND, By HOWARD CROSBY WARREN, Author of ‘‘Demarariania.’’ With 10 historical charts. of Princeton University. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. With an introduction by J. MARK BALDWIN. By an author who has spent ten years in the tropics Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. in special study of this subject. Stone, a Methods of Knowledge Outlines of Civil Government An Essay in Epistemology By F. H. CLARK, By WALTER SMITH, Lowell High School, San Francisco. of Lake Forest University. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Cloth. i2mo. Ready in September. A supplement to the students’ edition of Bryce’s A definition of knowledge and study of the methods: ‘‘American Commonwealth.”’ | by which men have thought it possible to attain it. SEND FOR A FULL LIST OF THE FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York CIENCE 6 SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. NECA REINS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899. iSSSUAG SESE, CA WM. GAERTNER & CO. Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS 3%-inch Telescope SPECTROSCOPES DIVIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS on Universal Mounting MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS Price, $150.00 BOLOMETERS UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. Catalogues on Application. Bdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department, (GENERAL ELECTRIC ComPANy,) HARRISON, W. J. We now offer complete meteorites of the three varieties at following prices: e Meteorites SIDERITES (iron meteorites), 10c. to $3—sections etched to show struc- ture, 75c. to $4. SIDEROLITES (partly iron and stone), 35c. to $3.50— polished sections, 75c. to $5. AEROLITES (stone meteorites), 35c. to $2.75. If you have or know of a new fall or find of any meteorite, whatever its variety, advise us as we desire to obtain all known falls and finds. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 28 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N.Y. * By Recent Appointment the undersigned now acts as Sole Agent in the United States and Canada for all appa- ratus made by the Société Genevoise. Se aSss: As is well known to most American physicists, this company manufactures a superior grade of Physical Laboratory Apparatus, including Dividing Engines, Standards of Length, Micrometers, Cathetometers, Comparators, Spectroscopes, Spectrometers, Micro- scopes, Astronomical Telescopes, Heliostats, Chronographs, etc. “Duty Free’’ College Prices and JAMES G. BIDDLE other particulars will be furnished upon request. 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. i SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENT or NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS TO APPEAR EARLY THIS FALL \ A System of Medicine by Many Writers Edited by THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.S.A., Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, ete. Vol. VIII. Completing the Diseases of the Nervous System, etc., including Mental Diseases, etc.. Cloth. 8vo. $5.00 net. Half Russia, $6.00 net. The British The New York Medical Journal says : Medical Journal says : “A work which must rank as “‘It is a carefully edited, well one of the most important stand- written, progressive, recent book, ard books of medical reference and most of its articles bear the in English, or indeed in any lan- stamp of authority. . . one of guage, that has appeared for many the best systems, if not the best, years.”’ in the English language.’’ “An elaborate ‘system’ which is destined to become a very important addi- tion to our literature.’’—The Journal of the American Medical Association. The Liquefaction of Gases A Handbook of Optics Its Rise and Development | For Students of Ophthalmology By WILLET N. HARDIN, Ph.D., | By WILLIAM N. SUTER, M.D. University of Pennsylvania. National University, Washington, D.C. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. | Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Our Native Birds The Myxomycetes How to Protect Them and Attract Them to | A Handbook of North American Slime Moulds. ORE BOnES By THOMAS H. MACBRIDE, By D. LANGE, eee Tapeenet Divstratcion sieallatinressiady alsenosteto sce venue Moral Professor of Botany, University of Iowa. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. | Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. By the author of a successful manual of nature study A list of all species described in North America, for use in secondary schools. including Central America. The Teaching Botanist A Manual of Information Upon Botanical Instruction, together with Outlines and Directions for a Comprehensive Elementary Course By WILLIAM F. GANONG, Ph.D., Smith College. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Tropical Colonization | Social Laws An Introduction to the Study of the Question | A Translation of Tarde’s ‘‘Zes Lois Sociales’? By ALLEYNE IRELAND, | By HOWARD CROSBY WARREN, Author of ‘‘Demarariania.’’? With 10 historical charts. | of Princeton University. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. | With an introduction by J. MARK BALDWIN. By an author who has spent ten years in the tropics | Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September.. | in special study of this subject. Methods of Knowle dge Outlines of Civil Government An Essay in Epistemology By F. H. CLARK, By WALTER SMITH, Lowell High School, San Francisco. of Lake Forest University. Cloth. 12mo. Ready in September. Cloth. i2mo. Ready in September. A supplement to the students’ edition of Bryce’s A definition of knowledge and study of the methods. ‘‘American Commonwealth.”’ | by which men have thought it possible to attain it. SEND FOR A FULL LIST OF THE FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Ave., New York NEw SERIES. ai SINGLE CoPIEs, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 245. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 (Jueen N=-Inch Portable Induction Outfit complete with QUEEN Self-Regulating X-RAY TUBE, FLUOROSCOPE, BATTERY, Etec. Price, $170 This Coil, giving a very powerful discharge with heavy spark, is suitable for all classes of X-Ray work and at the same time for general laboratory work, setting up powerful oscillations when used for wireless telegraphy. Pamphlets on INDUCTION CoILs and on QUEEN SELF-REGULATING TUBE sent free on application. Queen & @o., in. J. G. GRAY, President Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works ME Yoel Rina nesae 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMEN'S. NEW CHEMICAL WORKS-—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RisE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Wittetr LeEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Recent “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Developments _ gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. OF A MORE ELEMENTARY CHARACTER ARE Elementary Chemistry For HiguH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. Arty, Teacher of Chemistry and Phys- ics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo. Ready in September. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. It will serve both as a laboratory manual and asa text-book. The portion of the work introducing qualitative analysis is usually complete, yet only simple experiments and such tests as are not too difficult for high school pu- pils are employed. The book is thoroughly abreast of the times in its description of recent discoveries and inventions. Inorganic Chemical Preparations By Frevtix LENGFELD, Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo. Ready in September. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. The course will serve as a review in general chemistry, and in- cludes some preparations with which the ordinary student is familiar, others which he usually known only by name, the arrangement being according to the scale of increasing difficulty. Copious references. to the literature of the subject are given and will be found useful to both student and instructor. Blowpipe Analysis By FrepERIcK Hurron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Ready in September. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENCE ae Frrpay, SEPTEMBER 15, 1899. Chemical aw Chemical ian Carl Zeiss’ and Spencer Lens Co.’s Microscopes and Accessories DR. PFUNGST’S DIGESTER OF ALUMINUM BRONZE MAX KOHL, PHYSICAL APPARATUS STVOIANEHD daNd SANNVETHVA “dV ‘D FIMER & AMEND, New York i SCIENCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RIsE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Witterr LepLey Harp, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. i A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘* Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Sru- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NoR- Nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author Woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- netism,’’ ete. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- D.C. Cloth, 16mo. $1.00 net. ning to end.’’—The Independent. ‘*Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to | clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as the student.’’—Journal of Education. applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from is the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAnp- The object of this book is to give the student a BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN SLIME MouLps. By THoMAS H. MAcBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. Cloth, 12mo. Ready in September. A list of all species described in North America, including Central America. AREY —Elementary Chemistry. For Hicu ScHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Ready in September. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. | SINGLE COPIES, 15 cTs. NEw SERIES. al Y Xs VoL. X. No. 247. Fripay, SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 JMANUFACTORY OF THE.) BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO, ~ \_ ROCHESTER .N.Y. OUR POLICY URING the half century in which our business has been developing we have directed our D efforts continuously toward the equipment of our manufactory in such a manner that from the raw material to the finished article every part and process could be done by us in our own establishment. To this policy we attribute the growth of the demand for our prod= ucts. We have made it a rule to do everything in the best possible manner, to spare neither labor nor expense in order to attain the highest grade of excellence. This gives us confidence in our apparatus such that when we place it where the test will be most severe we know that the results will be satisfactory because we know ‘‘how,’’ “‘why’’ and ‘‘ what’’ about every detail. We invite comparison of our products with any others and solicit lists of apparatus for estimates. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Manufacturers of Microscopes, Microtomes, Photomicrographic Apparatus and Laboratory Supplies NEW YORK CITY ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RIis—E AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Wituerr LepLeyY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “¢ Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ‘The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srv- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- nus P. THompsoNn, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. ‘(Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burpury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. AREY —Elementary Chemistry. For HicH ScHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. Eow To PRo- - TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.’’ Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hutron German, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. | | poh EN. EB ‘NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 cts, Vou. X. No, 248. Fripay, SEPTEMBER 29, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 LONGMANS, GREEN, & C0.’S NEW BOOKS MEDITATIONS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR By B. W. RANDOLPH, M.A., Principal of Ely Theological College, Hon. Canon of Ely, Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Lincoln. Crown 8vo, $1.50. *,* These Meditations are published in the hope that they may bea help to some in their devotional use Of the Old Testament. They are all taken from one or other of the First Lessons appointed in the Prayer- book to be read at the daily services throughout the year. OUTLINES OF THEORETICAL CHEIIUSTRY By LOTHAR MEYER, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Tibingen. Translated by P. Putts Bepson, D.Sc., Lond., B.Sc., Vict., F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry, Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and W. CarneTon Wituiams, B.Sc., Vict., F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry in the University College, Sheffield. Second Edition. With a Preface by the Author. 8vo, $2.50 net. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE PROGRESS OF SCIENTIFIC CHEMISTRY IN OUR OWN TIIMES By WILLIAM A. TILDEN, D.Sc., Lond.; D.Sc. Dub.; F.R.S.; Fellow of the University of London; Professor of Chemistry in the Royal College of Science, London Crown 8vo, $1.50. LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO., 91-93 Fifth Ave., New York By Recent Appointment the undersigned now acts as Sole Agent in the United States and Canada for all appa- tatus made by the Société Genevoise. As is well known to most American physicists, this company manufactures a superior grade of Physical Laboratory Apparatus, including Dividing Engines, Standards of Length, Micrometers, Cathetometers, Comparators, Spectroscopes, Spectrometers, Micro- scopes, Astronomical Telescopes, Heliostats, Chronographs, etc. ““Duty Free’’ College Prices and JAMES G. BIDDLE other particulars will be furnished upon request. 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. *SSSSE SESE SESS SSCS SSS SSS SS SESE SESS ESSE SS SS SS SESS SSCS CSS CeEECECEES (7722229238893 2339 99329, Neeeccececeeeeeececeed ii SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMEN'S. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RIs—E AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Wituetrr LerLey HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ** Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is. inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ““The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches. at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. For Stvu- THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SyLVA- wus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity anc Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. ‘Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. ‘Reliable and up-to-date .. . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. AREY—Elementary Chemistry. For Hicu ScHooLs AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. Nearly Ready. SUTER—Handbook of Optics. DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- Woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 neé. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as. applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents nef. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENCE NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 249. FRIDAY, OcTOBER 6, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 WM. GAERTNER & CO. Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS SPECTROSCOPES DIVIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS BOLOMETERS UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. Catalogues on Application. Edison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department, (GENERAL ELECTRIC ComPany,) HARRISON, WN. J. 2 We make systematic collections of Minerals Se h feye) j C (@) | | e etl oO n Ss Rocks, Fossils, Vertebrate and Invertebrate ————————————————————— | Animals) designed tomectithe wants|of instruc; tors in these various departments. We also have laboratory material for individual work along the same lines. Catalogues and circulars will be mailed to teachers upon application. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 28 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N.Y. APPEL DIS IISE. SSS SS SS SSS SSS SS SS SS SS SS S559 SSS 2S3S52555 id dled eda) a x x W » THE SOCIETE GENEVOISE : a w ay % i announce that JAMES G. BIDDLE, 1034 Drexel Bldg, Philadelphia, is sole selling agent in the Me his United States and Canada for all apparatus of their make, it being hoped that this concentration of x AN business into the hands of one representative will prove satisfactory to American clients. . a Orders and inquiries from the above territory should be addressed to Mr. Biddle, who will send post ~~ ay paid to any interested college professor a 176 p. illustrated catalogue (French, 1896 Edition) of “Soe. 4 Lis Gen.” Physical Laboratory Apparatus, comprising—Dividing Engines, Standards of Length, Com- M4 *& parators, Cathetometers, Micrometers, Spectrometers, Goniometers, Heliostats, Chronographs, Tele- wy as scopes, etc. : \ UN N ay Careful attention to “‘ Duty Free”’ importations for educational institutions. i A "HSSSESSSSES SESS SS ECS SESE ESSESSSSSESSESS ESE SESES eeeceeceeceececccecee il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RISE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WitLetr LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is P inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufticient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burpury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. AREY—Elementary Chemistry. For Hicu ScHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srv- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- WOOD SUTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PrRo- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HOMES. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hurron GErMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. New SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. No. 250. FRIDAY, OcTOBER 15, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 JUST PUBLISHED _ NEW PAMPHLET, 44 pages on CABLE. TESTING APPARATUS - giving full description of various outfits for Cable Testing and Instructions for Making Various Tests and [leasurements. NEW PASIPHLET, 40 pages THE QUEEN ACME TESTING SET giving description of the Queen Acme Set and entering fully into Wheat- stone’s Bridge Methods. NEW PAMPHLET on PHOTOMETERS describing the latest forms of the Queen Photometers, both stationary and portable, and containing instructions for Photometric work. ANY OF THESE PUBLICATIONS SENT FREE BY MAIL ON REQUEST. QUEEN & CO., INc. J. G. GRAY, President Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works Pr Ea arenas 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia li SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RIsE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Witterr LepLey Harbin, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- | tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquéfaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is- inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to: enable the popular reader to understand the principlesinvolved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.”’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches: at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srvu- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- Nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,”’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—7Zhe Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burspury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. AREY —Elementary Chemistry. For Hicu ScHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High School, Rochester, N. Y. Cloth, 12mo0. Nearly Ready. This book is designed to fully prepare students for entrance to the leading universities. WOOD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as: applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Hye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HOMES. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo0. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FrLix LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents nef. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By Freperick HuTron GrErman, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. ape peg aS NEw SERIES. SINGLE CoPIEs, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 251. FRIDAY, OcToBER 20, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 Chemicals a Chemical Apparatus Carl Zeiss’ and Spencer Lens Co.’s Microscopes and Accessories 60. 50 40 2 Fallin tu li SPENCER’S ATTACHABLE MECHANICAL STAGE MAX KOHL, PHYSICAL APPARATUS STINAYVOHD Hand SJINNVETHVS “dV ‘D = (1 A ge > = (1 re oO 4 2 < g 7 il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RIsE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WiLuterr LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘* Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches. at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER-—-Handbook of Optics. For Stu- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author WOOD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- | National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, ‘Popular and extremely interesting from begin- D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. ning to end.’’—The Independent. The object of this book is to give the student a ‘Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to | Clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as. the student.’’—Journal of Education. applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PRro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HOMES. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBuRy, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. AREY — Elementary Chemistry. For HicH | | ENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. By A. L. AREY, rations. By FreLrx LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- Teacher of Chemistry and Physics in the High fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of School, Rochester, N. Y. Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. ' oa, Wen, Menai Lary. This book gives directions for making about fifty This book is designed to fully prepare students for | substances, and is intended for college students with entrance to the leading universities. some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTTON GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. No. 252. FRIDAY, OcTOBER 27, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 We have just issued a NEW CATALOGUE OF CHEMICALS Listing a complete assortment of ana- lytical and commercial chemicals. We have on hand a large. NEW STOCK direct from the best manufacturers, and customers can rely on receiving satisfac- tory goods. LISTS ARE SOLICITED FOR ESTIMATES. Orders for educational institutions imported duty free at best rates. We also have in stock a full line of GRUEBLER STAINS in addition to an excellent assortment of the most useful anilins direct from the manufacturers. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. CHICAGO. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. ii SCIENCE.—AD VERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RIisE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WIiLLerr LepLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principlesinvolved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srvu- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author WooD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, of ‘“‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. ning to end.”’—The Independent. The object of this book is to give the student a of great value to | Clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. ‘Reliable and up-to-date .. . the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A Hanp- | LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- THoMAS H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Lowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net, A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. : fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTTon GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENCE NEW SERIES. 9 SINGLE CoPiE&s, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 253. Fripay, NOVEMBER Vv) 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS SPECTROSCOPES DIVIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS BOLOMETERS UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. Catalogues on Application. Kdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Departunent, (GENERAL ELECTRIC ComPany,) HARRISON, WN. J. We have a large stock of ancient stone implements, carvings, Archaeology and Ethnology pipes, etc., from America, Europe and other parts of the es §8§69WOCL. Keyptian Mummies, Roman Lamps, Mound Builders and Aztec Pottery, casts of rare or unique objects, such as Cave Dwellers’ Carvings, inscriptions from Assyria, the Holy Land, etc., ete. Modern Weapons and objects of domestic use from Australia, New Guinea, Africa, the Western Indians, etc. No catalogue; selections from stock shown by photographs, Write for quotations. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 28 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N.Y. Catalogue B describes a great variety of high-class Measuring Instruments, intended for Electrical Engineering and Physical laboratories. It was issued Noy., 1898, and distributed quite freely at that time, but doubtless many interested in the subject were not on our list. I want any one who desires a copy, to send me his name now and the catalogue will be mailed to him free. The regular charge is 10 cents. Special facilities for supplying Electrical Measuring In- JAMES G. BIDDLE strumeuts of all standard N types at makers’ prices, 1034 Drexel Building, ; Philadelphia Seeecececeeces SSSSSSSSSSSS SSS ES SS ESSSS ESS SS SSSESE SEE SESS SSS SS SSS ESS SESS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA il ' SCTENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just ‘Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RISE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WitLerr LeEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. ; A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’? Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches. at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srv- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompeson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A Hanp- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By Tuomas H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net, A list of all species described in North America including’ Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- Woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TEUT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HOMES, By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FEeLIx LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hutron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. ULE IN E NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 254. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 A NEW PAMPHLET X-RAY APPARATUS Describing in detail the most improved and efficient X-Ray Apparatus on the market, together with the methods employed by the leading operators throughout the country. OUR SELF-REGULATING X-RAY TUBE POSSESSES UNIQUE FEATURES Photometers and Photometric Work = = = Cire. 474 Cable Testing Apparatus = = = = = Cire. 454 Queen Portable Testing Set - = = = = Cire. 366 Any of these Publications Sent Free by Mail on Request WE MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS WE IMPORT THE PRODUCT OF ANY FOREIGN MANUFACTURER QUEEN & CO., INc. J. G. GRAY, President Electrical and Scientific Instrument Works 59 Fi A s ENO iNee You 1010 Chestnut St, Philadelphia ii SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RisE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Witierr LepLey Harptn, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ‘““The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.”’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. ‘Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burspury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAnp- BOOK OF NoRTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By Tuomas H. MAcBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. A list of all species described in North America including ‘Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Stvu- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NoR- woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PrRo- TEUT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa- rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FreDERICK Hurron GEeTMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. _ SCIENCE NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. NO. 255. FRIDAY, NoVEMBER Ute 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 Chemicals a Chemical Apparatus MICROSCOPES, MICROTOMES, ETC. tH STERILIZERS AND INCUBATORS SNIV.LS SOD 78 AXTAHNAD “SD “Ad MAX KOHL, PHYSICAL APPARATUS DR. KOCH’S INCUBATOR, FOR GAS OR PETROLEUM EIMER & AMEND, New York STVOIASHD Hand SANNVETHVSA “Ad “V ‘D il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RISE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Wittetr LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recept liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ‘‘The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srv- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- wus P. THompPson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burpury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A Hanp- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MyXoOMYCETES. By THOMAS H. MAcBRIDE&, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. © Woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. i Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT HEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HOMES. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FrLt1x LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents nef. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTTon GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 1émo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENCE NEW SERIEs. ‘SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. No. 256. FRipay, NOVEMBER 24, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 TH REE ELE MENTS OF OUR SUCCESS Have been the three LENSES with which our most popular Microscopes are equipped ‘oo > Li (unm ‘J % inch Objective. % 1nch Objective. zs inch Oil Immersion Objective. The 2-3 inch Objective possesses the large field, depth of focus, and high resolving power which make a low-power lens desirable. ; The 1=6 has remarkable working distance, making it especially adapted to general laboratory work, and at the same time resolving, magnifying, and illuminating power equal to the best. The 1=12 inch Oil Immersion has so many excellent features that only a trial can demonstrate them. Unusually long working distance, ex- treme flatness of field, high resolving power, and absolute permanency of the materials of construction are a few of the good qualities. Our method of mounting the delicate hemispherical front lens secures the greatest possible permanency and the least lability to leakage. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. MERE aren icaatieaieace: N. St. Paul Street, ROCHESTER, N. Y. il SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs Ris—E AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WILLETT LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘* Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “‘The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. ‘Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Srv- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- WOOD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PrRo- TECT HEM AND ATTRACT THEM To OUR HomEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. ‘Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HANnp- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa-= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- THomaAS H. MAcBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net: A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hurron GrErMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. os Ue Oe NEw SERIES. SINGLE CoPiEs, 15 CTs. VoL. X. No. 257. FRIDAY, DECEMBER if; 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 SS Astronomical and Physical Apparatus 152-158 EAST 56TH ST., CHICAGO SPECIALTIES STANDARD APPARATUS OF NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGNS READING MICROSCOPES AND TELESCOPES ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES HELIOSTATS SPECTROSCOPES DiviIDING ENGINES, COMPARATORS MICHELSON INTERFEROMETERS GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS BOLOMETERS a UNIVERSAL LABORATORY SUPPORTS MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMPS. MINIATURE LAMP RECEPTACLES. X-RAY TUBES AND APPARATUS. FLUOROSCOPES. Catalogues on Application. Kdison Decorative and Miniature Lamp Department, (GENERAL ELECTRIC ComPanr,) HARRISON, WN. J. e Having recently purchased all of the best crystals taken from the Celestite. noted ‘‘Strontian Cave’’ at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, we can offer these at much less prices than crystals of like quality have before been sold. The better ones range from 5 to 7 inches in diameter, with magnificent terminations. These are from $5 to $8 each. Crystals from 3 to 5 inches in diameter, $1 to $5 each. Smaller crystals, good terminations, 5 cents to 50 cents. ; WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, 30 to 40 College Ave., Rochester, N.Y. Pamphlet No. 315 (just issued ) re- N W. AF I ARA US fers to a lot of Electrical Measur- : Mis i ing Instruments and Psychologica] at Special Prices. Apparatus made by Willyoung & Co. When Leeds & Co. purchased the manufacturing plant, etc., of the old firm, these goods were included in the sale, and now as sole agent for Leeds & Co., I am authorized to quote prices that would be entirely impossible under other circumstances. The present opportunity is one of a life time to buy New Scientific Apparatus at figures that would be appropriate for second-hand or behind-the-times appliances. Tf int ted, don’t fail t siritel ah Gree foe a oe of JAMES G. BIDDLE N66 345.77 1034 Drexel Building, Philadelphia Necececececeeecececceececececceceeceeeccecececccccecccccceceeeset 33999992323392329292%, [SE SSSSESE GEES ES SESE il SCIENCE.—AD VERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs Ris—E AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WILLETT LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular ‘Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. For Stu THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAnp BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By Tuomas H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. SUTER—Handbook of Optics. DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- WOOD SuUTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 neé. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TELCT HEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HomEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIx LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for.college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. : Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK HuTToN GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENC NEW SERIEs, VoL. X. No. 258. Fripay, DrcemBer 8, 1899. SINGLE COPIES, 15 cTs. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 QUEEN Cd ot This instrument which we have just received from our instrument works marks an- other step in the develop- ment of our Continental line of microscopes. The instru- ment is intended to meet the Tequirements of students in laboratories of normal and pathologic histology, botany or general biology. The instrument is well - made throughout. The fine ad- justment and rack and pinion are perfect in their action. 2 New Queen t/,.” Oil Immersion Objective In the last three months we have made a change in the formula of our 1/;2” objective which has made it the best moderate - priced objective that can be obtained for bac- teriological work. We shall be pleased to submit this objective for examination to all those who are interested. Curt 1-3 ACTUAL SIZE SHOWING OuTFIT No. 3157 QUEEN & CO., Inc. Optical and Scientific Instrument Works New York Office 59 Fifth Avenue 1010 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA ra SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RIsE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WiLutert LerLey Harbin, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ‘The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—-Handbook of Optics. For Srv- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- wus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author WOOD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. ning to end.’’—The Independent. The object of this book is to give the student a f + value t clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as eaten nit Gate applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. “Reliable and up-to-date... the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT HEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HomMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAND LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By rations. By FELIx LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- THomaAS H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni-_ versity of Lowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents nef. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hurron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. WEw SERIES. é SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. Vou. X. No. 259. PRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 Chemicals «« Chemical Apparatus MICROSCOPES, MICROTOMIES, ETC. pi 2 STERILIZERS AND INCUBATORS SNIV.LS S°OD 72 YATHANAD “D “AC FLEISCHL’s HAEMOMETER IMPROVED BY MIESCHER PRICE $50.00 MAX KOHL, PHYSICAL APPARATUS STVOINHHD daNd SINNVETHVA “d “VD | FIMER & AMEND, New York il SCLIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Irs RisE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WILLerT LePLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of “The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to . enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’” Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. ; SUTER—-Handbook of Optics. For Sru- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. ning to end.’’—The Independent. The object of this book is to give the student a ‘Reliable and up-to-date... of + value to | Clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as the bsbepeae pat aes Ste ea aah ate applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Burpury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PRo- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual Cambridge University Press. of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAanp- LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By rations. By FreLix LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- THOMAS H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. A list of all species described in North America This book gives directions for making about fifty including Central America. Each description is ac- | substances, and is intended for college students with companied by annotations. some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By Freperick Hurron German, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. Cloth, 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. This little book is designed for use in high Sete and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENC NEW SERIES. SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTS. VoL. X. No. 260. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 THREE ELEMENTS or our success Have been the three LENSES with which our most popular Microscopes are equipped a 3 inch Objective. 4 inch Objective. The 2-3 inch Objective possesses the large field, depth of focus, and high resolving power which make a low-power lens desirable. The 1-6 has remarkable working distance, making it especially adapted to general laboratory work, and at the same time resolving, magnifying, and illuminating power equal to the best. The 1-12 inch Oil Immersion has so many excellent features that only a trial can demonstrate them. Unusually long working distance, ex- treme flatness of field, high resolving power, and absolute permanency of the materials of construction are a few of the good qualities. Our method of mounting the delicate hemispherical front lens secures the greatest possible permanency and the least liability to leakage. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. BRE Coun eit CHICAGO. N. St. Paul Street, ROCHESTER, N. Y. i SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RIisE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By Wituterr LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recept liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. 4 The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ““The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles involved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.I., F.R.S., author of ‘‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. SUTER-—Handbook of Optics. For Sru DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- WOOD SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D.C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To Pro- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HoMEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. Bursury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A HAnp- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIx LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- THOMAS H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Lowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. A list of all species described in North America | including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By FREDERICK Hurron GETMAN, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. SCIENC SINGLE COPIES, 15 CTs. a = ie 261. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1899. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 HIGH-CLASS INSTRUMENTS Several months ago I disposed of my Philadelphia plant, patterns, jigs, merchandise, etc., and removed my business to this city where an entirely new shop, several times the size of my old one, with new tools, has been es- tablished for the manufacture of ‘‘ Willyoung Apparatus.’’ Every drawing has been thoroughly overhauled and every possible improvement has been made. Being thus absolutely unfettered by any old stock to work off, or parts to work in, I feel that I can offer absolutely unsurpassed instruments to my patrons. zi : Catalogue W, just issued, is the most complete and logically arranged Willyoung 8/7 to 15’7-110 Volt thing of its kind ever issued. Sent free to colleges and laboratories. You X-Ray Machine. deal direct with the manufacturer. No selling agents. ELMER G. WILLYOUNG, 82-84 Fulton Street, New York City JOHN WILEY & SONS’ busucarions Statistical Methods with Special Refers | Kinematics of Machinery ence to Biological Variation By Joun H. Barr, Professor of Machine Design, Intended especially for those interested in the quan- Sibley College, Cornell University Over 200 figures. titative study of species and of organic variation. 250 pages. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. By C. B. Davenvorz, Assistant Professor of Zoology Ss : _at the University of Chicago. 148 pages. 16mo, Heat and Heat-Engines morocco, $1.25. A Study of the Principles which Underlie the Me- chanical Engineering of a Power Plant. By Frep- The Cost of Living as Modified by Sani- ERICK Remsen Hurron, E.M., Ph.D., Professor of tary Science Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University. i : 559 pages. 8yo, cloth, $5.00. By Eien H. Ricwarps, Instructor in Sanitary Science in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Water-Supply Engineering ) : TES BEE NEE ea ge The Designing, Construction, and Maintenance of 6 5 Water-Supply Systems, both City and Irrigation. Handbook on Testing Materials By A. Prescorr Fotwetu. S8vo, cloth, 575 pages, For the Constructor. Methods, Machines, and Profusely Illustrated, $4.00. Auxiliary Apparatus. By Apotr Marrens, Profes- sor. Authorized translation and editions by Gus. C. | The Filtration of Public Water-Supplies Henning (M.H., Stevens, ’76). 2 vols., Svo, cloth B ¢ gad 2 ; , y ALLEN Hazen. 3d edition greatly enlarged and 100) pages and plates, $7.50. brought up-to-date. S8vo, cloth, 350 pages, fully ae i i illustrated, $3.00. Determination of Radicals in @arbon Tapia ed 2-00 Compounds Manual of Practical Assaying By Dr. H. Meyer, Imperial and Royal University, By H. Van F. Furman. 5th edition, December, Prague. Authorized translation by J. Bishop Tingle, 1899, bringing the work quite abreast of the latest Ph.D., F.C.S., Instructor of Chemistry at the Lewis investigations and discoveries in the subject treated. Institute, Chicago. 12mo, cloth, $1.00. 8vo, cloth, viii + 463 pages, $3.00. Order through your bookseller, or copies will be forwarded postpaid by the publishers on the receipt of the retail price JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 East 10th Street, New York li SCIENCE.—ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS—Just Ready or in Press The Liquefaction of Gases Just Ready. Its RggE AND DEVELOPMENT. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. By WILLETT LEPLEY HARDIN, Harrison Senior Fellow in Chemistry in the University of Penn- sylvania. A complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefac- tion of gases, as the following clipping from the preface will show : Popular “Recent developments in the liquefaction of air and the recent liquefaction of hydro- Up-to-date gen have added considerable interest to the whole subject of the liquefaction of gases. The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. Scope of ““The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development the Book of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principlesinvolved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature.’’ Industrial The various forms of apparatus are shown in illustrations. In addition to the history Application of the development of the methods, the condition of matter at the critical point, the theory of the gaseous and liquid states of ‘matter, and the theory of the regenerative method of refrigération are also considered. In the conclusion, a brief outline is given of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial application of liquefied gases. THOMPSON—Light Visible and Invisible. | SUTER—Handbook of Optics. For Sru- A Series of Popular Lectures delivered by SYLVA- nus P. THompson, D.Sc., M.R.1., F.R.S., author of ‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Mag- netism,’’ etc. Cloth, 12mo, $1.50. “Popular and extremely interesting from begin- ning to end.’’—The Independent. “Reliable and up-to-date . . . of great value to the student.’’—Journal of Education. BURBURY—A Treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. By S. H. BurBury, M.A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. Johns, Cambridge. 8vo, Cloth. Price, $2.00 net. Cambridge University Press. MACBRIDE—The Slime Moulds. A Hanp- BOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN MYXOMYCETES. By Tuomas H. MACBRIDE, Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Iowa. 12mo, Cloth, $2.25 net. A list of all species described in North America including Central America. Each description is ac- companied by annotations. DENTS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. By WILLIAM NOR- woop SuTER, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, National University, and Assistant Surgeon, Epis- copal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Washington, D. C. Cloth, 16mo, $1.00 net. The object of this book is to give the student a clearer insight into the phenomena of refraction as applied to ophthalmology than can be obtained from the usual text-books on Refraction of the Eye. LANGE—Our Native Birds. How To PRo- TECT THEM AND ATTRACT THEM TO OUR HomEs. By D. LANGE, Instructor in Nature Study in the Schools of St. Paul, Minn., author of a ‘‘ Manual of Nature Study.” Cloth, 12mo. Nearly Ready. LENGFELD—Inorganic Chemical Prepa= rations. By FELIX LENGFELD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Inorganic Chemistry in the University of Chicago. Cloth, 16mo, 60 cents net. This book gives directions for making about fifty substances, and is intended for college students with some knowledge of analytical chemistry. Blowpipe Analysis By Freperick Hurron German, Instructor in Chemistry in Stamford High School. 16mo. Just Ready. 60 cents net. Cloth, This little book is designed for use in high schools, and also to serve as an aid to college students in the study of qualitative analysis. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York. 1M) ie ORBAN, 39088 01301 4246