HARVARD UNIVERSITY wee LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology ABSOLUTELY PURE, therefore BEST. “The standard oi highest Purity.” —The Lancet. S irs: New Sories. Vol. Vill., No. 90. NOVEMBER 1901. = ay SCIENCE-COSSIP <3; \ en \S 6 s 4N JLLUSTRATED MONTHLY RECORD Lore & Applied Science. iBS EDITED BY JOHN T. CARRINGTON AND F. WINSTONE. LONDON! ‘*ScrENcE-Gossip” OFFICE, 110 STRAND, W.C. WHOLESALE AGENTS—HoRACE MARSHALL & Son. BERLIN: R. Friepianper & Sonn, CaRisTRASSE 11. {AX Rights Reserved.) PRICE SIXPENCE SCIENCE-GOSSIP. MASON’ MICROSCOPICAL SPECIMENS, SERIES OF 9 DOUBLY STAINED BOTANICAL SECTIONS, 6 INSECT DISSECTIONS or 18 MISCELLANEOUS, 1/1. Practical Hints on Mounting, (Copyright Pamphlet) 6d. New List now ready, 1 stamp. R, G. MASON, 69 Park Rd., CLAPHAM, S.W. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. Volvox, Spirogyra, Desmids, Diatoms, Amoeba, Arcella, Actino- sphaerium, Vorticella, Stentor, Hydra, Floscularia, Stephanoceros, Melicerta, and many other Specimens of Pond Life. Price 1s. per Tube. Post Free. Helix pomatia, Astacus, Amphioxus, Rana, Anodon, &c., for Dissection purposes. THOMAS BOLTON, 25 BALSALL HEATH ROAD, BIRMINGHAM. MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. THE LABORATORY, PLYMOUTH. The following Animals can always be supplied either living or preserved by the best methods :— J f Sycon; Clava, Obelia, Sertulari#l; Actinia, Tealia, Caryophyllia, Alcyonium; Hormiphoria (preserved); Leptoplana; Lineus, Amphiporus; Nereis Aphrodite, Arenicola, Lanice, Terebella ; Lepas, Balanus, Gammarus, Ligia, Mysis, Nebalia, Carcinus ; Patella, Buccinum, Eledone, Pecten ; Bugula, Crisia, Perdicellina ; Holothuria, Asterias, Echinus ; Ascidia, Salpa (preserved), Scyllium, Raia, etc., etc. For Prices and more detailed Lists apply to The Direetor, Biological Laboratory, Plymouth. metho RD iInecLOn mBIOO ea! Aa nOre One SETTING INSECTS. MR. HENRY BARTLETT, 77 Tasman Road, Clapham, London, S.W., Undertakes the setting of Lepidoptera, either fresh specimens or dried in papers, in Continental or English style. Usual Terms. Work promptly executed. Reference to Editor of Sczence-Gossif. ALFRED H. BASTIN, ENTOMOLOGIST, Ivy House, 28 New Road, Reading. All kinds of apparatus for the use of Entomologists kept in stock. A large stock of Exotic Insects of all kinds. A special 4o-page Descriptive List may be had free on application by intend- ing purchasers. Special cases illustrating ‘‘ Warning Colours,’’ ‘“Mimicry,” ‘‘ Protective Resemblance,” &c., can be supplied at very low rates. Correspondence invited. Second-hand cabinets bought and sold. BUTTERFLIES. MOTHS. Best value given for Collections from all parts of the world. Travellers’ own Collections named, ar- ranged, and mounted. Many fine species for sale. PERCY |. LATHY, Sydney Road, Enfield, England. BIRDS’ EGGS, SKINS, SHELLS, INSECTS, APPARATUS, and Requisites of all Kinds, sold, bought, and exchanged. Fifty-page Price List on receipt of stamp. Zstadlished 20 years. CHARLES JEFFERYS, Naturalist, TETBURY, Gloucestershire. BRITISH SPIDERS. I shall be pleased to help anyone working up local lists of British Spiders by naming specimens FREE. Postage for return of collections should be enclosed. FRANK P. SMITH, 15 Cloudesley Place, Islington, London, N. PATENT - - ROSS’ NEW MODEL PRISM BINOCULAR GLASSES, “The Power and Field of a Telescope in the compass of an Opera Glass.” Combining— PERFECT MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION, EXTREME PORTABILITY and RIGIDITY, HIGH POWER and SPLENDID DEFINITION. Focussing by Adjustment of Eyepieces, Magnification. Price, 8 diameters ... £8 0 O 10 a 900 12 a 1000 With spiral focussing arrange- ment and one adjustable eye- piece, 10s. each extra. Send for COMPLETE CATALOGUE of MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES CAMERAS and APPARATUS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. LONDON MADE. Go_tp Mepats and Hicuest Awarps aT ALL Great Exut- BITIONS. AWARDED THE GRAND PRIX, PARIS, 1900. ROSS, Ltd., MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS, 1141 NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W., and 31 COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, S.W. Paris : 35 BOULEVARD DU TEMPLE. AND OF ALL LEADING DEALERS. PHYSIOGRAPHY and GEOLOGY. Collections and Microscopic Slides to illustrate above, as advised by Science and Art Directory, arranged by JAMES R. GREGORY & CO., Mineralogists, &c., To Science and Art Department, British, Indian, and Colonial Museums, &c, Mineral Specimens for Museunrs and Collectors, and all pur- poses. Rock Specimens and Microscopic Sections of Rocks and Minerals. Collections for Prospectors, &c. Srores AND Orrices:—1 KELSO PLACE, KENSINGTON, W. New Catalogues and Lists Free. COLLECTIONS OF MINERALS, SHELLS, FOSSILS, &c., For SALE. Also DUPLICATES cheap. 4ppyto IX. M. HELE, Warwick Lodge, KNOWLE, near BRISTOL. TO GEOLOGISTS. 1901. SEVENTH YEAR OF DISTRIBUTION. 1901. Typical Collections from famed Barton Beds (Upper Eocene). Series 1, 2,3. Boxed, Named, and Localised. 30 Varieties. Over 1oo Specimens in each Series. 93s, each on receipt of postal orders. Also Suites of PARIS BASIN MOLLUSCA (Zocene, Oligocene, and Miocene). Boxed, Named, and Localised. 40 Varieties, 6S. 6d. ; 100 Varie- ties, 15s. ; by Parcel Post on receipt of Postal Orders. R. GHARLES, Naturalist, HIGHCLIFFE-ON-SEA, CHRISTCHURCH, HANTS. POPULAR ASTRONOMICAL LECTURES (WITH LANTERN ILLUSTRATIONS). Mr. FRANK C. DENNETT (Departmental Editor for Astronomy of ‘‘SciencE-Gossip") is booking dates for the coming season, Terms, &c., on application. 60 Lenthall Road, Dalston, London, N.E. i 5 i 5 g NOV SCLIENCE-GOSSTP. 166 METEOROLOGICAL NOTES IN SOUTH AFRICA. By Magor H. A. Cummins, C.M.G., R.A.M.C. Vee year I trekked from near Orange River to lightning, and rain. On February 22nd and on : Pretoria vid Jacobsdal, Paardeberg, and the night of the 23rd we experienced heavy Bloemfontein. Living during the greater part of | thunderstorms with wind and rain; on the 24th the time in the open air, I had an opportunity of | there was another thunderstorm accompanied by observing the local climatic conditions and various heavy wind and rain; on March 1st there was : heavy rain at midday; on the 2nd terrible thunder, lightning, and rain at night; from 7 p.m. on the 4th to 2 am. on the 5th terrific thunder, lightning, and rain. During these storms at Paardeberg the ground was flooded, as the sur- face water was unable to run off with sufficient rapidity ; but soon after the cessation of the rain the water dis- appeared and. the sun dried the eround. ‘This gives an idea of the exposure undergone jby the soldiers lying in the flooded trenches and in bivouac. It is surprising how one can sleep in the open air in the South African climate and be little, Photo by] (Dr. A. M. Dodd. if anything, the worse, except for NArvAvs Pont, BEVORE Heavy THUNDERSTORM, the extreme discomfort of the occa- sional deluges of rain. As a rule other matters, a short description of which may the soldiers seemed the better for the open-air be of interest. life. My attention was particularly arrested by the Paardeberg district, where Cronje and his men character of the local storms, and I noted them as were driven to surrender, comprises an expanse they occurred. While at De Aar, towards the end — through which the Modder River flows. Between of January, strong breezes and whirlwinds were, I may say, con- stant, carrying the dust and sand from the ground which had been worn by excessive traffic. and covering our food and kit. It was almost impossible to see with- out the aid of a pair of goggles to protect the eyes from the dust. At Modder River, on February 4th, we encountered a sand storm which lasted from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This storm, unaccompanied by “rain, must have been a couple of miles in diameter—in fact a glori- fied “dust devil.’ The term “dust devil” is used in South Africa to denote a whirlwind, from one yard to twenty or so in diameter, which carries RHENOSTER RIVER, SHOWING LARGE WATERCOURSE. a pillar of dust or sand in its 5 vortex. At Enslin on the 10th there was a dust the bills there is a large plain, almost level, prob- storm followed by rain, on the 13th at De Kiel ably forty square miles in area. Storms frequently Drift, and on the 14th dust storms with thunder, travelled up the course of the river bed, which yards Photo by] [H. A. Cummins. November 1901.—No, 90, Vou. VOL. G Published October 25th, 1901. 162 SCIENCE. GOSSIP. seemed to have a power in influencing their direction. They broke with great violence at Paardeberg, passing up the river to Poplar Grove, whence they frequently travelled round the hills and back again, unabated in fury, to Paardeberg Drift. On March 19th, when travelling to Bloem- fontein across the veldt with a few men and an ambulance waggon, I was caught in one of these thunderstorms. One man had his hand on the brake of the waggon, and at the moment the vehicle was struck by lightning, giving the man a shock severe enough to cause temporary loss of power in his arm, One can scarcely realise the brilliancy of the jagged lightning as it appears to rush from the sky to the ground, accompanied by the roar and rattle of the thunder. Soldiers were at times severely burnt by the lightning, or even killed. I have been told by residents in the country that when on ‘‘trek” it is not uncommon for a whole span of oxen to be killed by one flash of lightning. About the middle of April there was very heavy rain in and around Bloemfontein. I left that town in May, and travelled to Pretoria with the general advance, reaching it on June 5th. During our march I have no record of any storm or rain. ‘The climate was perfect; the rather cold days, with scarcely a cloud in the sky, were followed by cloudless frosty nights, illuminated, when the moon failed, by the Southern Cross and other constellations. The cold seemed of a character so intense that it was impossible to get warm. The undulating veldt in the Northern Orange River Colony and the 'l'ransvaal was covered by long coarse grass, dry as hay: the least spark sets this alight, causing a veldt fire, which when fanned by the fresh breeze frequently travels for miles. Grass fires are very dangerous, as the flames frequently leap to a height of five feet or more. On June 3rd, when nearing Pretoria, one of these fires commenced, and burned in the ordinary way among exceptionally long grass. At the same time a whirlwind travelled along, passing through the fire. It lashed the flames into the fury of a furnace, roaring loudly; and, progressing faster than the veldt fire, it carried the flames, whirling them many feet into the air. Cutting a path some twenty yards wide through the grass for about 100 yards distance, it came to a road over which it could not carry the fire; here it took up a pillar of dust forming a thick ‘dust devil.” One of our waggons narrowly escaped being destroyed. On May 28th, at sunset, we counted eight veldt fires burning at the same time. Some of these were on the side of a hill a few miles distant. As the fires progressed on the ridges of the hill they burned into the contour of a colossal hand, the fingers and thumb being quite distinct, pointing north to Pretoria. This seemed a good omen, as we were camped at the time near trenches from which the Boers had decamped the same morning, apparently in haste. The hills in Cape Colony and Orange River Colony are remarkable from Table Mountain to the Vaal River. They appear as though sliced off at a certain height, just as a turner with his lathe removes first of all the most projecting parts. The hills in the Transvaal always appear to have rounded tops. The possibilities of agriculture in the Transvaal are, I believe, enormous, and, considering the number of rivers and streams by which the country is intersected, a system of irrigation ought to be simple. The rainfall is considerable, and the surface rain water could be stored in dams much more than is done at present. Rain water is stored at distances from rivers in so-called ‘‘dams”—that is to say, the outlet from a collecting area is closed by a bank behind which rain water collects. The ground in the dam becomes very soft from mud often several feet deep. This is dangerous to animals coming to drink. I have seen men ride their thirsty horses into the water and become “bogged,” the horse being drowned and the man escaping with difficulty. The so-called ‘ pans” are natural reservoirs of water resembling the “dams”: they frequently dry up in the dry weather. They are sometimes several miles in area. : Concerning the climate of Pretoria, taking it on the whole, the weather is charming. The dry period includes the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September. The “Staats Almanak ” of the late South African Republic for the years 1891-92, 94-96-97 shows no rainfall in July. June and August are sometimes free from rain. ‘The wet season includes January, February, March, October, November, and December. The greatest rainfall—namely., about 150 mm. each—occurs during the months of December and January, showing also from fifteen to nineteen wet days in each. From June 1900 to March 1901 the heaviest rainfall occurred in November. That month also showed the greatest rainfall in twenty- four hours—namely,42 mm. ‘There was no rain in August or September. Rainfall Mm. Days of Rain WOVE ceo. cao GS BEHOD 505 cc NBS Goo! 400 OBS) ao 0S) US) aoc one TUS ROO 200 .. «64 WEI ono coo) SOS) G50 ... LOF TSS oon 00, ILE ONO) 405 cn, HS WSIS Gag + can OXON G00 p00 tak WEY o00° ooo NZ SX0) eS) Temperatures 1877 1878 1879 Maximum ... 34°C. BI” Ob ooo ESC, Minimum ... 6°C..... BCs ooo OAC The highest temperatures occur in December and January. ‘These months are damp and warm, SCIENCE-GOSS/P. being also considered unhealthy. The lowest temperature given is 3° C., which occurred in August 1879, but I have myself seen frost in July in Pretoria, and of course down country it is much colder. June, also, is a cold month. The eleva- tion of Pretoria is given as 4,471 feet above the sea level, and, roughly speaking, it is 200 miles south of the tropic of Capricorn. The site of the town is in a depression between hills, having an area of approximately ten square miles. The water supply is good. A small stream is carried through the town in all directions by so- called “ sluits” or gulleys, and the water is used for irrigating gardens. The sluit can be closed by a small gate: the water passes through a drain made for the purpose into the garden, and over the ground under cultivation. During the hot weather the air in the Pretoria valley became heated and dry, and appeared to act as a buffer against storms which approached, deflecting them on to the surrounding hills. The drier the air, the greater this effect. The storms in South Africa are very remarkable phenomena. Frequently of small diameter, they blow with terrific violence and travel over large stretches of country. They vary in size from the “dust devil” to a storm a couple of miles in diameter. I am told that their violence is at times sufficient to whirl sheets of corrugated iron into the air as if they were pieces of paper. I have never encountered any equal in power to this, but I have seen many trees levelled to the ground by them in Pretoria. The storms which visited Pretoria during my residence there varied in size from 100 yards to about a mile in diameter. Usually they were accompanied by thunder and rain, the whirlwind coming in front and raising a pillar of dust, sand, papers, branches of trees, etc., which were some- times carried a couple of hundred feet or more into the air. In the dry weather the whirl pillar may or may not be accompanied by rain and thunder. The lightning from the dry storms is said to be very dangerous, as the lightning discharge is very intense. The whirl pillarappears to be at an angle of 80° or 90°, with the ground sloping backwards from its line of progression to the cloud. The usual speed appeared to be from seven to nine miles an hour The dust and dirt carried in these storms is evi- dently one of the causes of the spread of disease. I have heard people attribute an attack of fever to having been overtaken by one of them. I was informed that a nutrient gelatine plate exposed for a second in one of these storms develops thousands of colonies of bacteria. The barometric readings in Pretoria showed a marked regular diurnal variation in fine weather. On the approach of a storm this became modified, and a steady fall heralded its advent, as may be seen by the observations on March 18th and 24th. 163 In February, before the wet weather commenced, there was a general depression in the mercury. With regard to the storms themselves they always came against the direction of the surface winds, but when about a mile distant the wind veered completely round, taking the direction of the storm; that is to say, an easterly wind shifted to the west when the storm was about a mile distant from the point of observation. Thad an exceptional opportunity of observing this phenomenon, as there was a very tall chimney over the Electric Supply works belching forth large volumes of smoke, which proved a very delicate windvane. ‘The direction of the wind as mentioned above showed very clearly the depression near the storm, and the belt of high pressure immediately surrounding the whirlwind. ‘fhe greatest depres- sion appeared to be about a mile in front of the storm, and to it the air flowed from all points. in- cluding the storm itself. ‘he wind flowing from the storm was shown by the shift of wind on its near approach. Before the storm arrived the air was always sultry and oppressive ; but when it broke the temperature fell several degrees, as will be seen by the records of March 18th and 29th. ‘lo us the air always felt hot and oppressive on the approach of a storm, and when it broke the air seemed excessively cold—more so than the number of degrees of actual descent would lead us to expect. The contour of the country appears to be well adapted for the production of storms of this nature. The extensive plains and valleys display facilities The hills are always fanned in fine weather by cool breezes. It was most refreshing to travel from the valley of Pretoria to the top of one of the surrounding hills, which rise to the height of a few hundred feet above the Here the air bracing. Judging by the direction of the higher clouds, I was led to assume that a fairly constant breeze from the west or south-west existed. The medium-sized storms, and even the small ones, appear to affect the barometric pressure for long distances, as in my observations there was for heating large bodies of air. town. was cool and depression of the mercury for several hours before their arrival, while the sky was still quite clear. In the rainy season the area affected appears to be very large, and is probably of the nature of a monsoon. The storms usually came from the west or south- west, turning somewhat to the north at the east end of the valley of Pretoria. In the really wet weather the rain-clouds came from the north-east. The whirl pillars appear to consist of numerous secondary ones, which, besides rotating on their own axes, travel also round the axis of the primary storm. When fences of corrugated iron, houses, or obstacles of the kind are encountered, the axes of the secondary whirls frequently became trans- verse, and, as it were, rolled along the ground. 2 GZ 164 SCIENCE-GOSSIP. The large quantity of rain which falls in a short time enlarges the watercourses to an enor- mous extent. One could scarcely credit the fact that the large gulleys and rivers which have only a few gallons of water running through them in dry weather can in the course of a couple of hours or less become roaring torrents. ‘The rain has not time to soak into the ground, so that the quantity of surface water to be carried off is enormous. The veldt for miles looks like a lake, but as soon as the storm has passed the sun comes out and rapidly dries up the water which has not run away throagh the spruits, while in the low-lying damp ground the frogs croak and the insects sing. Tam much indebted to Dr. Schmitz-Dumont, Government Analyst, Pretoria, for kindly giving me a copy of his record of the rainfall during 1900 and 1901. Also to Mr. Cinatti, the Portuguese Consul-General, for being kind enough to obtain for me from the French Consul temperature and rainfall records. Mr. H. Heiberg, of the Mines Department, was kind enough to give me the loan of a Wild-Fuess barometer from his department, with which I took my observations. I desire also to express my thanks to Dr. A. M. Dodd, of Liver- pool, for being kind enough to give me some photographs to illustrate the country, one of which is here used as an illustration. 2 = | Es S| 3 3S | Date | 3 5 zs aiel| TN Bo ee | 8 oye \ 6 5 Seale 2 g | sé Ps es ee is} a) = [=| i 2. p.m ©} ai, Feb. 24th | 9 658.90 | 22 3.30| 656.35 | 25.2 | 7.30 » 25th | 8.30 659.10 | 23 2.45 | 655.90 | 25.2 | 7.30 | | » 26th 5| 6 22 = SNH, a SHAD | 22 3.45| 654.90 | 27.9 | — i | | » 28th | 8.30] 656.30 | 24 4 653.85 | 98 | 7 | (eae | March Ist | 8.20] 658.25 | 21.1 | 1 | 657.00 | 29.9 | — | | i » 2nd |. 8.40} 660.25 | 21.5 | 1.15] 656.15 | 95 | 7.45 » 3rd | 9.15] 657.30 | 22 | 4:30] 653.85 | 24 7.10 i} | » 4th | 9 | 653.55 | 22.5 | 3.40] 652.25 | 22.6 | 5.15 | | | | | i} | | » Sth] 8.30] 655.25 | 21.1 | 3.35] 652.70 | 24.5 | 7.30 i} | } | | | | » Cth} 8.30] 656.45 | 20.2 | 3 | 653.85 | 90.8 | 5.40 | | | | | | | | | » ith! 9 | 65870 |18'8 | 3 || 658.60 | 19.5 | 4 | | | | | i} i} | | I | | » Sth | 9.15/-658.20 | 18.4 | 2.30] 656.10 | 19.1 | 4.30 | | | { | | » th] 9 - | 657.20 | 192, — — — | 7.10 | p.m. | | | » 1th | 12.30) 656.40 | 19.5 | 2.15] 655.00 | 20.5 | 4 | | | | | | | a.m. | | | | a bitin | 9.30 658.05 | 17.4 | 1.40 | 649.60 | 18 | 4.10 | | ) z S g s = i The Temperature is Registered : FI a a I in Degrees Centigrade. The Barometer S a and Rainfall in Millimetres Ss is) sig ia) & er=| | i} ° 656.70 | 23.5 | 0 | 3.80. Sky cloudy and a squall. 653.40 | 23.3 | 0 | 2.45. Sky fairly clear, few cirro-cumuli ; | | wind SE.” 656.70. | 23.2 0 | Day fine, wind East ; a few cirrus clouds. = | = | o Prevailing wind East, passing to South | | in evening ; a few cirrus clouds, sky | clear. 655.70 | 26 0 2.15. Sky clear, few cirrus clouds: very | |; warm. 7 p.m. Very cloudy during | afternoon. Clouds passing South of Pretoria. No rain; wind §.E. | 7.8 | 830 am. Heavy rain this morning. | 1 p.m. Rain has almost ceased. Heavy | | rain clouds overhead. 656.15 | 23.1 | 0 Very fine day, few clouds, wind Hast. 653.95 | 22.4 | 0 2.30. Sky very cloudy, rain. 4.30. | Heavy thunderstorm clond at South of Pretoria; no rain from it up to | 7.30 p.m. 653.85 | 22.9 | 5.5 | 1.10. Very heavy shower and dust storm; wind South; storm came | | about S.W.; no thunder at present. | | 3.40. Rain bas passed off ; wind West, | | but sky very cloudy all over. 5.15. | Sky still cloudy, threatened rain, | | slight thunder. 11.30 p.m. Bar. | | | | 651.15, temp. 21°. | 11.3 | 8.30 am. Clouds 6, wind East. 3.35. | Heavy thunderstorm, strong wind | | passed to North-east. 7.30. Second storm to Nortb-\vest of Pretoria, heavy clouds still. Midnight. Bar. | 655.85, temp. 20.1. Heavy rain and thunder, sky clouded all over. 655.00 | 1 | & 8.30. Sky cloudy, 5. 1o’clock. Threat- | | ened showers, sky 6. 3 0’clock. Heavy shower. 5.40 a.m. Just ceased; heavy clouds. 9.40 p.m. Bar. 658.25, temp. 18.5. Cloudy and slight rain, | heavy squalls, 657.10 | 19.2 | 21.8 | 9 am. Sky cloudy, 10. Heavy wind | | | | from East. 1 o'clock. Olouds 10. | No rain. 7.20 p.m. Bar. 657.70, | temp. 20. 12 Midnight. Bar, 657.80, | temp. 18. 655.35 | 19 7.9 | 9.15. Clouds 10. 7.25 p.m. Bar. 655.95, | temp. 19°. Mist and drizzling rain off and on during the day; wind | changing from East to South-west. 655.25 | 20 7 9 am. Heavy rain this morning. | 7.10 p.m. Rain during the day. 12.30 pm. Sky cloudy, wind 8.E. Misty | rain all the morning. 4 p.m. Very heavy showers lasting an hour, also — heavy wind, S.E. 9.45. Has been pouring rain since 4 o0’clock. Terribly wet day, heavy wind. | | 9.30. Raining all the morning, little | wind. 1.40. Much rain all morning ; clouds 10, 4.10 p.m. Rain ceased, wind | 8.E., sky cloudy. | 654.15 ie) (c=) on nN _n co 656.20 | 18.2 655.70 | 189 | 26.2 SCIENCE-GOSSTP. 165, i | a eel ye Aes | a, = a eee | a S| cs) aH | 2 3 3 | 8 mete is jens The Temperature is Registered 1900 se g &. Fa ale att &, rf 8 | cee in Degrees Centigrade. The Barometer eI I sl a | S q ie | ys aS and Rainfall in Millimetres | } oS ov o | qi a B | 2 ey | et | el os a | as | am. oF} p:ni59 ops: | 9 March12th | 9 | 655.75 | 18 | 4 | 653.80. 19.5 7.30) 654.45 19 0 9 a.m. Cloudy, wind, threatened rain. | 12 midday; misty, rain, cloudy. | 4 p.m. Rain ceased, sky cloudy, one | glimpse of sun at 3.30. 7,30, Rain at | i and damp. a 13th 9 _ 655.10 20 | 3 | 654.70 | 23.6 7.30 | 666.70 | 21.2 22 9 am. Sunshine, also rain-clouds, | no rain at present. 1,10. Sunshine, | | clouds about 4. 3 o'clock, Sky 4, sun- shine. 7.30 p.m, No rain, wind West. | 5 p.m. and again at 7 p.m.; cloudy — — 1.8 9.30. Day fine, sky clear, wind West; a | | heavy thunderstorm occurred about | 5.30 p.m. 20.6 0 3.40. Heavy shower, thunder, and heavy | squalls, chiefly to West. 7.10. Heavy thunderstorm, lightning said to have / struck telegraph office; severe storm | in neighbourhood. Midnight some- | | » 4th } 9:30) 65845 | 21.9 ) 1 | 657.20 | 24 = | » 15th | 8.30 658,85 | hc 22.2 7,10) 656,96 20.8 | 3.40 | 657,15 what cloudy, no rain. -, 16th 9 659.45 | 20.2 | 2.10 | 657.10 | 23.2 —- | — — | 0 9 o'clock. Sky cumuli 4, wind N.E. y» 17th | 11.15) 656.70 | 21 | 1.40 | 654.80 23 12 | 654.45 | 20 | O 11.15. Fresh breeze, sky cumuli 4. | mid- | | 1.40. Wind strong West, clouds 4. Mid- | | night | night windy, sky fairly clear, no rain. Eeelisth 8.30 653.95 | 21 11.15 | 652.95 | 25 3.30 | 552.20 | 24 3.5 $30 am. Wind East. 1.45. Sky clear, = — |= 4.15 | 652.95 | 21 | 7.15} 653.30 | 20.2 Se bar. 652.45, temp. 25°. 3.30. Heavy | | | storm coming up from West, sky | cloudy 8 4.15. Storm psxssed after | | | very heavy lightning and rain, | | thunder still audible, wind North- | west. 7.15. Storms around Pretoria, lightning, thunder, wind East. - 11.40 p.m. Bar. 653.60, temp. 19°; night fine, shows condition of mercury on | approach and presence and departure | of storm and warning of approach. 7.30) 656,70 | 20.1 2.0 8,30 a.m. Cumulus clouds, 2.30, Mode- | rate rain and thunderstorm for half | an hour. 7.30 p.m. Slight rain, dry | afternoon, sky fairly clear. 6.15 | 657.20 | 20.1 | .9 12.15 am. There have been leavy | 2.30. Day fine, clouds high | fair moderate breeze, North. | 4.30. Sky cloudy 8. 12 midnight. Sky | clear, bar 658.55, temp. 19°. 654,80 182 20.0 9 a.m. Cloudy, no rain clouds. 12.10, | | | Sky cloudy. 2.40. Heavy clouds | | | | threatened, wind North, low | | | | | 6.15. Drizzling fain during afternoon, | | , 19th | 830] 656.35 | 19.9 | 3.35 | 655,10 i S » 20th | 9 | 659.50 18.8 | 4.30 657.20 | 21.2 » Zlst} 9 | 658.35 | 19.5 | 240 655.10 | 20.2 » 22nd | 9.30! 655.60 | 19.2 | 2.10 654.50 20 6.30) 655.20 © 20.1 0 2.10. Drizzling rain, clouds 10. 6.30. | Heavy clouds North and West of Pretoria. 12 midnight. Sky cloudy, but no rain. » ard 9.30) 657.15 | 201 | 240 | 655.80 | 23 9.30 656.95 21 0 9.30. No rain, sky 5, white clouds. ; | 1 o'clock. Threatened rain. 2.40, Threatened showers. 12 midnight. No rain, sky cloudy, bar. 656.85, | t | | temp. 20.8°. » vath |) 9! | 656.85: | 22 3.30 | 654,25 23.5 8.15 655.45 20 5 | 11.80, Heavy showers after 9 o'clock. | | | | | 3.30. Sky fairly clear, wind North. | | 8.15. Heavy thunderclouds approach- | I | ing, thunder and lightning, wind N. » “2oth | 9 656.10 | 20,8 1 655.380 24 7.20 | 655.35 22 0 9 a.m, Sky clear, fresh breeze. 1 o'clock. | Fresh breeze, sky clear. 7.20. Day i | has been very fine. +» 26th — = = 1 654.95 24.9 | 11,30) 654.95 19 0 lo'’clock. Day very fine, fresh breeze, | few clouds; wind N.W. 11.30 p.m. | Day fine; cold wind from South, | Warm in sunshine; evening chilly. | | » zith) 9 655.50 21 1 | 654.18 | 23.8 | 4.30 653.90 23.5 0 Beautiful day. Warm in sunshine, p.m. i | | . | cool breeze. meen |) jal 654.14 23.5 4 | 653.50 24 6.30 653.70 23.2 ‘2 1p.m. Fine day. 4 o'clock. Warm; | | y clear 1. 6.30. Wind very slight, | North-west; air oppressive, storm | clouds at West. 11.40 p.m. Wind | | | | veered to S.E. » 29th! 9 656.35 20.8 1 G5L55 24 7, 655.90 | 20 | 9 9am. Wind N.W., scud of cirrus clouds H | rapid, clouds 5. 7 p.m. Very heavy storm passed South of town; whirl- wind caused slight dust storm ; thunder and lightning, slight rain in town ; very little change in mercury after 1 o'clock until now. Storm began about 4.30, and sky still very cioudy. 11.4. No rain, but sky over- cast ; clonds 9; no wind. 1 166 SCIENCE-GOSSTIP. 2 a @ m 3 | iS | | 3 B fe = 2 3S 2 S | 3 S a8 The Temperature is Registered pate } 3 ay E = 2 |. | € | & | $8 | im Degrees Centigrade. The Barometer ‘ 2 S g/ z S Ee) | Be | 2 5 ee and Rainfall in Millimetres x Fa = || is a S 2 8 Ba | ae | | am. | Oe sm: ON ipptlo © March 30th 9 657.35 | 21 4.20 656.70 23.3 7 657.15 | 19.3 7.3 9am, Sky cloudy. 1 o'clock no rain; | | clouds 10. 4.20. Heavy rain since | | | 2.15 with thunder; air calm. 7 p.m. Rain ceased at about 5 o'clock Sky still cloudy 8.8. 12 midnight. Rain ; sky fairly clear. oH. lee 9 658.40 19.4 4 656.30 22 6.30 656.40 | 208 8.7 9 a.m. Fresh breeze, morning fine. | 2.30. Wind East, clouds 5; some | | heavy clouds. 6.20 Wind North, | | beautiful sunset, clouds 5 ; cirrus and | cumulj. 10.30. Night fine, few clouds, | | no wind. April Ist 9 657.69 | 19.8 i 655.95 | 20.5 | 11.15) 656.10 | 20.5 — 9am. Sky cloudy, wind North-east. | | | | 1 o'clock. Showers of rain, clouds 10. | 11.15. Misty rain, clouds 10. 5 2nd 9 656.50 | 20 3.15 | 654.20 | 20,8 715 654.70 | 20 -- 9am. Rain at 8.30; sky cloudy. 3.15. | Heavy showers at 3 o'clock; no thunder. 7.15. Heavy rain until 4.15. | | About 1 inch must have fallen in an | | hour. oD 3rd 9.30) 655.35 | 20 12.45 | 654.45 | 21.2 — = |= — 12.30 am. Misty rain; shower and | | misty rain during the morning. | | | The weather continued uncertain until | | the middle of the month showing no i | | excessive rainfall. My readings are not corrected to the sea level. barometer prevented my commencing earlier.— I regret the period of readings is so short, but my official work and the difficulty in procuring a 29 Nightingale Place, Woolwich : September 24th, 1901. VACCINATION. By H. H. Baxrr, B.A. (OxoN.) OW that small-pox is again among us, when hundreds of people are being re-vaccinated, and the anti-vaccinator is raising his voice in a howl of protest, it seems advisable to look back to the original causes which led to the almost universal adoption of vaccination. Jenner’s discovery was first published in the year 1798. Before that date the ravages of small- pox were simply appalling, not only in this country, but all over the world. We are told one in four- teen of all that were born died of small-pox. Of those taken ill with the disease one in five or six died, and many were deprived of sight or perma- nently disfigured. In Russia 2,000,000 deaths from small-pox are reported to have occurred in a single year of epidemic. ‘La petite vérole nous décime,” said Condamine of France. Dr. Lettsom calculated that the average number of deaths from this cause in Europe was 210,000 annually. About the year 1720 the method of inoculation was introduced into this country. A second attack of small-pox in the same individual, though not unknown, is very rare. Therefore, after a severe course of discipline, designed fo bring the body into a fit state to resist it, a slight attack of small- pox was brought on by inoculation, which usually rendered the patient secure against further in- fection. About two per cent. of such artificially produced cases were fatal; but this was small compared with the mortality in accidental cases. The great objection to it, however, was that inocu- lated small-pox, even when very slight, was just as infectious as the natural product, and thus the practice tended to spread the disease and to keep the germs alive instead of exterminating them. The words of a peasant woman—‘ I cannot take that disease, for 1 have had cow-pox ”-—first riveted Dr. Jenner's attention on what he already knew as a vague tradition among the milkmaids of Gloucester- shire. The account of his first actual experiment in this subject is best given in his own words. In a letter to Gardner, dated July 19th, 1796, he wrote: ‘A boy of the name of Phipps was inocu- lated in the arm from a pustule on the hand of a young woman who was infected by her master’s cows. ... I was astonished at the close re- semblance of the pustules, in some of their stages, to the variolous pustules. But now listen to the most delightful part of my story. The boy has since been inoculated for the small-pox, which, as I ventured to predict, produced no effect.” Jenner’s subsequent experiments and observations SCIENCE-GOSSIP. were embodied in his ‘‘ Inquiry,” which was pub- lished in 1798. One case which particularly interested him is worth quoting. A poor widow of Cheltenham was obliged to live with her four children in a house in which there was a man suffering from small-pox. After being exposed for five days to infection they were all vaccinated. One child only showed slight symptoms of a skin disease ; the rest were untouched. Within a very few years vaccination was intro- duced in many different parts of the world, and always with excellent results. Between 1802 and 1810 Christie practically exterminated small-pox in Ceylon ; about the year 1812 Balmi’s celebrated expedition performed the same good office for Venezuela; and in 1813 it was calculated that 1,000,000 people had been saved to the population of South America by its means. In a letter to William Dillwyn, Jenner complains that in England as much was not being done as might be to make vaccination more general ; but he adds that “ since the first promulgation of my discovery, in the year 1798, the deaths by small-pox in the British realms, according to the best estimate I can form, are reduced from more than 40,000 to less than 6,000.” From Sweden, France, Germany, and Austria came the same tale. Dr. Sacco wrote from Milan on July 18, 1824: “Vaccination is carried on very extensively throughout the kingdom. Almost all the new-born children are annually vaccinated, so that we have now no fear of the small-pox. It is occasionally imported from the neighbouring States of Parma, Piedmont, etc. . . . Such occur- rences never fail to prove the efficacy of the pre- ventative, for the disease never becomes epidemic.” Are we not now receiving similar proof of the efficacy of the preventative? There are a consider- able number of cases in London just now, but the disease does not spread to anything like the extent it did in former times It may be objected that this is due to the more efficient means which are now employed for isolating patients and thus pre- venting infection. ‘his doubtless is an important factor, but it must be remembered that persons suffering from attacks of small-pox, so slight as to be passed by unnoticed among the poorer classes, are capable of giving it to others in its most malignant form. I have dwelt on statistics and opinions given during the few years immediately following the introduction of vaccination, because they were given by men who had the opportunity of directly comparing the state of things existing just before and just after its application became general. We have no reason to suppose that there was any sudden increase of precautions in isolating patients, or, as some maintain, that small-pox naturally died out about that time. From all parts of the globe we have reports of the retreat of small-pox before the advance of vaccination, manifesting itself so plainly to those who were actually on the spot, as 167 to leave no doubt in their minds that the one was the cause of the other. We frequently see now- adays great statistical attempts to prove the use- lessness of vaccination. Its adoption has become so universal that we have little opportunity of comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated com- munities ; but the very profusion. of arguments and counter-arguments brought forward, shows that the evidence against the practice is as nothing compared with the evidence in its favour deduced from the great sweeping-away of small-pox in the early part of the nineteenth century. Much has been said on both sides about the epidemic at Gloucester a few years ago. The fact remains that it occurred in one of the few cities where there was a large number of unvaccinated persons. Another argument often brought forward against vaccination is, that it does not give absolute im- munity from small-pox. It is true that occasionally a person may take small-pox after having had cow- pox, just as a second attack of small-pox itself is sometimes met with ; but such cases are very rare. Many of the supposed instances are due to improper vaccination in the first place. Jenner himself pointed out that the lymph from a cow-pox pustule may produce no effect at all, or it may even raise eruptions resembling those of true cow-pox, but that nevertheless, to the trained eye, are different, and which do not give immunity from small-pox. He insisted that doctors should be specially trained in this branch of their art, and that children should be brought back to them, after the vaccination has taken effect, to see if they have, as he termed them, * correct” pustules. If not, the vaccination should be repeated. Again, it has sometimes happened that other cliseases have been given to children by the process of vaccinating them, ‘This is liable to occur in arm- to-arm vaccination, if great care is not taken that lymph is only drawn from perfectly healthy indi- viduals; but the method is now being everywhere adopted of using only calf lymph, and where this is done with proper precautions the danger is exceedingly small. Cow-pox never causes death, and is notitself infectious ; and therefore vaccina- tion is not open to the same objections as inocula- tion with’ small-pox. In the old days, when the dreadful effects of small-pox were obvious to every- one, very many were found willing to undergo inoculation in spite of its great disadvantages. Now that we have practically got rid of the disease, we must not be forgetful of its possibilities, and refuse to take a precaution which involves a risk to ourselves so infinitely small, compared with the danger of neglecting it, not only to ourselves but to the whole community. It may be added that, with ordinary care, cleanliness and the use of antiseptics, the chance of any evil, even what is termed a “ bad arm” occurring after vaccination, is reduced to a minimum. 20 Manor Gardens, Holloway Road, N. 168 BUTTERFLIES OF THE SCIENCE- GOSSIP. PALAEARCTIC REGION. By HENRY CHARLES LANG, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lonp., F.E.S. (Continued from page 112.) GONEPTERYX Leach. Lg. B.E. p. 64. Rhodocera Boisd. 1836. Genus 17. Edinb. Encycl. ix. p. 128, 1815. Stgr. Cat. 1901, p. 20. Stgr. Cat. 1871. All the wings with an angular projection ; with- out any dark border. On each wing at the edge of the discoidal cell is an orange spot, which has a slightly silvery centre beneath. Antennae redand curved downward. Body downy. ‘The species forming this genus were separated from Colias Fab. by Dr. Leach to form the genus Gonepteryax, which certainly has the preference over Boisduval’s Rhodocera, so generally adopted by Continental entomologists, including Staudinger. The larvae have the same shape as those of Colias. but the pupae differ in having the wing-cases very large and forming a conspicuous bulging mass. This form of pupa is seen in some of the allied exotic genera. The Palaearctic species of Gonepterya exhibit a remarkable gradation as regards the acuteness of the angular projections, the extreme forms in the series being G. aspasia, which has very pointed projections, and G. cleobule, in which they are G. aspasia. comparatively slight. The species enumerated here are perfectly distinct, and there does not seem the slightest reason for considering them variations of the same specific form, as is hinted at by some writers, several of whom maintain, for instance, that G. cleopatra is only a form of G. rhamni, notwithstanding that Linnaeus considered them distinct. Noone who has seen G. rhamni in company with G. cleopatra, as it is possible to do in the South of France, could for a moment hold this opinion. 1. G. aspasia Mén. Bull. 213. 52—60 mm. Acad. Petr. xvii. T.w. very acutely pointed at the apex. H.w. about the same in shape as those of G. rhamni. 6 F.w. sulphur-yellow, sometimes greenish-white towards apex andh. marg. H.w. greenish-white ; disc. spot of all the wings small, but distinct. @ differs from ¢ in having all the wings uniformly greenish-white, without any yellow shading. U.s. greenish-white, with no markings except the disc. spots, which are very inconspicuous, and a few dots upon the costa of f.w. Sometimes there is an antemarginal row of dots on the h.w. Hap. Amur. (Wlad. Chabfk.) IIL, IV., and VII. é LARVA on Lhamnus dahurica VY. and VI. (R. & H.) a. var. acuminata Feld. Wien. Mts. vi. (1862). Stgr. Cat. 1901. Has all the wings sulphur-yellow in 6. Has. N. China. ‘This form hardly belongs to the Palaearctic Region. 2. G. rhamni. (The Brimstone Butterfly.) L. Syst. Nat. x. 470. Lg. B.E., p. 65, pl. xiv. fig. 4. 52—57 mm. Angles of fiw. not so acute as in G. aspasia. é has all the wings sulphur-yellow. Disc. spots reddish-orange and quite conspicuous, those on the h.w. being more developed. @ resembles g, but has the ground colour greenish-white. The projecting angle of h.w. is about the same as in G. aspasia, but the general shape of the wings is squarer and less elongated. ‘Thorax and abdomen black, thickly covered with whitish hairs, which give a grey appearance to the body. Has. The whole region except the Polar por- tion and the Canary Islands. VII.e to X., and II. to V. after hibernation. In some parts of the region it is on the wing throughout the year. LARVA cylindrical, but slightly thicker in the middle than at the extremities. Dull green, covered with minute excrescences, from each of which springs a small white hair. A lateral white waved stripe runs. throughout the whole length of the body. Food plant Rhamnus frangula and R. catharticus V. and VI. PupaA bright green, pointed at both ends; the wing-cases form a considerable round-shaped pro- jection; head and thorax shaded with purplish- brown. a. var. amurensis Graes. Berl. e. Z. 1888, xxxii. p. 69. Stgr. Cat. 1901, p. 20. Has the orange disc. spots larger than in the type, and the ground colour in ¢ deeper yellow. Has. Amur. SCIENCE-GOSSTP. ili BARGAINS IN SCIENTIFIC BOOKS WORKS BY A. J. JUKES-BROWNE, THE BUILDING OF THE BRITISH ISLES: a Study in Geographical Evolution. Illustrated by numerous Maps and Woodcuts. Second Edition, revised. (7s. 6d.) 2s. 10d. ““We have followed Mr. Jukes-Browne with much pleasure through this very interesting study in geographical evolution, and can strongly recommend it to the attention of all geologists and physical geographers. ... . What is specially to be commended in this book is its freedom from any extravagant ideas; the author has taken for his motto, ‘/2 medio tutissimus ibis,’ and in this spirit has acred throughout.’’— Geological Magazine. ““ Every chapter bears the mark of patient and conscientious work.’ —Wature. “© This is a work which should be in the hands of every teacher of geology.”—/Journal of Education. THE STUDENT’S HANDBOOK OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. With numerous Diagrams and _ Illustrations. Second Edition, much enlarged. (7s. 6d) 2s. 10d. “The result of his compilation is a very us ee We eS VES, eal sis Us WAP st A ae EZ W04 Deschanel’s Natural Philosophy. Part III. Electricity. By J. D. Everrerr, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S. 358 pp., 11#in. x 74 in. (London: Blackie & Son. 1901.) 4s. 6d. Treatises on electricity may be divided into three classes ; namely, mathematical, experimental, and descriptive. Those of the first two classes ap- peal to the science student alone. ‘The present treatise belongs to the third class, and as such is accessible to the general reader. It contains a fairly complete summary of the leading experi- mental facts concerning electricity and magnet- ism, together with descriptions and illustrations of the principal apparatus used both in the laboratory and in practical applications. It need hardly be said that, in order to be kept up to date, a treatise on electricity must be in the main newly written, and an examination of the book before us shows that this has been done. A new chapter contains an account of Maxwell’s notions with regard to electric action in dielectrics, but we think it is a pity some reference to this is not made in Chapter I. in connection with the old- fashioned “ one fluid and two fluid theories.” Then, again, magnetic hysteresis is fully discussed, and the various meters—wattmeter, voltmeter, poten- tiometer, ammeter, joulemeter, etc.—are included among ‘the apparatus described. In electro- chemistry the modern theory of ionisation is expounded ; while, among other new features, the properties of electric oscillations are treated in a chapter near the end. We have mentioned the book as being descriptive rather than mathe- matical, but nowadays no one can learn electricity properly without knowing much of mathematics, and Professor Everett has done wisely in intro- ducing mathematical formulae where they are required. To understand these, the reader must be able to use the differential calculus; and he will also have to learn the meaning of such phrases as “line integral,” “surface integral,” “curl of a vector,’ especially in connection with electric waves. To those who understand such notations the formulae will give no difficulty ; those who do not, will have to confine their attention to the portions of the book dealing with general descriptions, but it will not be long before they will try to pick up the smattering of mathematical know- ledge required to understand the vest.—@. H. B. Advanced Exercises in Practical Physics. By ARTHUR SCHUSTER, Ph.D., F.R.S., and CHARLES H. LEES, D.Sc. 368 pp., 112in. x Tin. (Cam- bridge University Pr 1901.) 8s. We note that this volume is intended for students who, having obtained an elementary knowledge of experimental physics, desire to be- come acquainted with the principles and methods of accurate measurement. The large and increasing number of students who have to be taught simul- taneously in physical laboratories renders it neces- on sary that the instructions supplied to them should be fairly complete, and that the exercises should be of such a nature as to enable the teachers easily to check the accuracy of the results obtained. A demand has thus arisen for a text-book which will supply students with most of the explanatory matter required to enable them to work out the experiments largely by themselves, and certainly the present book gives the impression of having been very carefully compiled for the purpose. As no two physical laboratories are likely to be sup- plied with exactly the same apparatus, a few short hints contained in an appendix, giving the most convenient dimensions of rods, tubes, ete., have been added. The preliminary portion, dealing with errors of observation and such matters, willbe very useful for the advanced class of students. The exercises comprise mechanics, heat, sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.—G@. Hl. B. Shell Life: an Introduction to the British Mol- lusca. By EDWARD STEP, F.L.S. 732 in. 5 in., 414 pp., with numerous plates and illustrations. (London: Frederick Warne & Co, 1901.) 6s. The book is written as a companion to ‘“ The Romance of Wild Flowers,” and forms a second volume in the ‘Library of Natural History Romance.” Such a title as this last cannot fail to be most useful, for anything which a critic finds not to be natural history may reasonably be put under the heading of romance. Any popular writings, be they books or articles, which, like ‘‘ Shell Life,” en- courage the study of living organisms, are to be commended and welcomed more or less cordially as they contain less or more fantastic exagyeration, silly errors, and, what is even loose writing. The first fault is not very evident in the volume before us, but one need not search to find examples of the others. On p. 306, for instance, at which we opened the book@9@1S"stated with regard to the Pulmonata that “ the members of the order are distinguished by the possession of two pairs of tentacles,” whereas the pond snails of which the chapter treats have but a single pair. Again, halfway down the second page of the introduction, when we begin to read the book we find the description of the common garden snail: “The shell is packed with a solid jelly of greenish hue—the living creature that formed the hard shell by excretion from its outer sur- faces—but at present it is without form, a mere jelly in a jelly-mould.” ‘This, itis hardly necessary to point out, is a cood example of loose writing, and begins to border upon the fantastic, for the application of lukewarm water, we are next told, causes the animal to emerge from the shell and assume a definite shape in a way which makes one, unwillingly perhaps, call to mind the smoke issuing from a vase in the “ Arabian Nights,” and turning into a genie of prodigious size. It seems sur- prising that publishers should not submit the books they decide to print to a specialist in order that he may pick out inaccuracies before they are given to the public to diges It is not our intention to make up a list of the drawbacks to the volume, but rather, having shown that it is not perfect, to give what praise we can. The plates, which are mostly “ half-tone” reproductions from photographs of actual shells, are very pleasing examples of th work, and really give an excellent idea of the specimens. ‘here is also a prodigious amount of information, particularly of the interesting kind, 176 SCLENCE-GOSSIP. which deals with the uses of colour and many of the curious habits of molluscs. We doubt, how- ever, whether the introduction of English names for creatures which possess no good ones, or none at all, will commend itself to many naturalists.— W. aL W. Tilustrated Natural History. By W. G. RiDE- woop, D.8c., F.L.S., F.Z.S. With 27 coloured plates, and several illustrations in text. (London, Paris, and New York: Raphael Tuck. 1901.) This is a nicely produced work for young people. The coloured illustrations, which are in most instances of a high standard of excellence, are by Paul Wagner, the black and white drawings being the work of Mr. W. J. Webb. The letterpress gives short and concise accounts of many of the mam- 6s. Conchological Society’s census for the counties and vice-counties. No attempt is made to illus- trate all the British shells, though they are briefly described, as probably in such case it would be im- possible to produce the book as one of the cheap and generally excellent series to which it belongs. No doubt those who have not access to a more pretentious book will find it very useful; and to - conchologists who want the census of the Con- chological Society it is worth more than its price.— W. M. W. : The Golfer's Guide to North-East England. By “N.G.” 7gin. x 43 in., 87 pp. illustrated. Pub- lished by the North-Eastern Railway. 6d.. Naturalists and sportsmen have much in common, but the interests of the former are hardly so well CYCNORHAMPHUS SUEVICUS. (From * Dragons of the Air.” malia, some birds, fish, insects, and other groups, including scorpions, centipedes, and various other animals. There is not any attempt to illustrate more than a few animals in each order, but the general effect is sufficient to create a taste among children for further knowledge. Land and Fresh-water Shells. By J. W. WILLIAMS, with a chapter by J. W. TAYLOR and W. Dr N Rogpuck. Third edition, 112 pp., 7} in. x 5 in, illustrated. (London: Sonnenschein. 1901.) 1s. Fifty-seven pages of this little work, which is one of the ‘‘ Young Collector Series,” are devoted to the anatomy of the snail and the fresh-water mussel. Thirty-five pages are also given to the genera, species, and varieties of British land and fresh-water shells. There is further added the Tossih STATE, By Professor H. G. Seley.) looked after by themselves or by other people. Sometimes, however, the man of net or collecting tin may share the advantages given to his brother of gun or golf club. In the present little guide, which is crowded with pretty vignettes and full- page views of the ruins and fine scenery of North- East England, much of interest may be picked out by the rambler and amateur photographer ; even from the advertisements one learns that there are such things as 1,000-mile tickets, consisting of a book containing 1,000 coupons, each represent- ing a mile, the cost for travelling first class being about a penny-farthing for this distance. What is more, the purchaser, his family, guests, and employés may all make use of them without the lets and hindrances we are used to down South.— W. MW. W. ee en ee SCIENCE-GOSST/P. Vv BAUSCH & LOMB’S| Microscopical and Lantern Slides LABORATORY, BACTERIOLOGICAL AND ADVANCED MICROSCOPE. MODEL B.B. » THE POPULAR FAVOURITE. With Screw Substage, Iris Dia- phragm, Coarse and Fine Adjust- ment, Brass Stand, in Polished Wood Cabinet, with Lock and Key, £5 0 0. HUYGHENIAN EYEPIECES. 2-in. a%-in. 1-in. 4-in. 4in. 5/- 5/- 5/- 5/- 5/- B. & L.’s SPECIALLY COR- RECTED HIGH-CLASS OB- JECTIVES for Laboratory Work. Dry.. 2/3 in. N.A. 0'24, 15/- ea. » -2/6in. ,, 082, 80/-,, Oil Immersion— 1/12 in. +, 1°32, 100/-,, Our 1/6 in. N.A. 0°66 specially constructed for Blood Correcting. We have all Models on Stock i complete with Objectives, &c., Z 38/6 to £380 each. A, E. STALEY & GO., 35 ALDERMANBURY, LONDON, E.C. (BAUSCH & LOMB’S REPRESENTATIVES FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND EXPORT.) 84-PAGE FULLY ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE LIST THREEPENCE TO COVER POSTAGE. f™@F As an instance of the High-class character of our Stands and Perfection of our Objectives, we may say we have now sold over 30,000 of these Micro- scopes; this fact in itself is sufficlent guarantee of their merit and quality. WV.B.—See Notes on our Instruments in the New Edition of Carpenter on the Microscope. JAMES SWIFT & SON, Seven Gold Medals Awarded for Optical Excellence. NEW MODEL RESEARCH MICROSCOPE After Prof. DELEPINE. Consisting of the follow- ing, viz.: Coarse Adjust- ment by Spiral Rack and Pinion, Slow Movement by Micrometer Screw, Extra Large Stage, Triple Dustproof Nose- piece, 4’, 4’, and 7,’ Ob- jectives, Abbé Condenser with Iris Diaphragm and Focussing Adjustment to same, in Mahogany Cabinet, £15. Illustrated List on application. University Optical Works, 8x Tottenham Court Rd. TO READERS ABROAD. WANTED, Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, Flies and other Insects ; also Scorpions, Spiders, &c., from Foreign Countries. Full value remitted by return mail for specimens sent. N.B.—Pack carefully so that they reach us undamaged. Addresses also invited for Sale or Exchange. HEYNE BROS., Fine Stock of European and Foreign Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, and all other Families of Insects. Dealers in Entomological Specimens, Cabinets, Books, Apparatus, Pins, &c tro and rrr STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Price Lists on appiication. Specimens submitted for selection. Illustrative of every department of ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, GEOLOGY AND TEXTILE INDUSTRIES, From ¢s. doz. Root Structure, Stem Structure, Leaf and Floral Structure, Ovaries, Fruits, Seeds, &c. Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Jute, China Grass, Silk, Wool, &c. The Student’s Series of Microscopical Studies in Elementary and Advanced Botany, comprising 48 Preparations with Diagrams, Al Is. net. The Type Preparations in this Series can only be supplied at the prices indicated. 48 Preparations to illustrate the Histology of the Rabbit, 41 Is. net. ‘The Type Slides at the prices indicated. 16 Preparations to illustrate the Histology of the Freshwater Mussel, 12s. net. Single Slides, rod. 11 Preparations to illustrate the Histology of the Freshwater Crayfish, 8s. 3d. net. Single Slides, rod. 20,000 Miecroseopieal Slides in Stock. 6,000 LANTERN SLIDES FOR SESSION 1901-02. Slides to illustrate the Animal Kingdom 3,000 An sy Vegetable Kingdom 2,000 7 », Geology, Astronomy, &c. ... 813 ‘ », the Textile Industry... we 250 New Microscopical List and Supplement to Lantern Slide List now Ready. ABRAHAM FLATTERS, Gold Medallist in Microscopy and Photo-Micrography, 16 & i8 Church Road, Longsight, MANCHESTER. Preparer of Textile Fibres and Demonstrator in Microscopy to the Manchester Municipal Technical School. tay Send for Lists, free per post. vi SCIENCE-GOSSIP: WATKINS & DONCASTER, NATURALISTS and MANUFACTURERS OF CABINETS and APPARATUS for ENTOMOLOGY, BIRDS’ EGGS and SKINS, and all branches of Natural History. N.B.—For Excellence and Superiority of Cabinets and Apparatus, references are permitted to distinguished Patrons, Museums, Colleges, &c. {)F- ~Our Catalogue (96 pages) may be had post free on application. Plain Ring Nets, Wire or Cane, including stick, 1s. 3d., 2s., 2s. 6d. Folding Nets, 3s. 6d. and 4s. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7s. Pocket Boxes, 6d. ; corked both sides, od., 1s. and ts. 6d. Zinc Relaxing Boxes, gd., 1s., 1s. 6d. and 2s. Nested Chip Boxes, 4 dozen, 7d., 1s. 6d. gross. Entomological Pins, mixed, rs., 1s. 6d. per oz. Sugaring Lanterns, 2s. 6d. to 8s. Sugaring Tins, with brush, ts. 6d., 2s. : Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, ts. od. per tin. Mite Destroyer (not dangerous to use), 1s. 6d. per Ib. Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2s. 6d., 4s., 5s. and 6s. Ditto, Book Pattern, 8s. 6d., gs. 6d. and tos. 6d. Setting Boards, flat or oval, 1in., 6d. ; 14in., 8d. ; r$in., 9d. ; 2in., rod. ; 24 in., 1s. ; 3 in., 18. 2d. ; 34 in., 1s. qd.; 4 in., rs. 6d. ; 43 in., 1s. 8d.; 5 in., 1s. rod. Complete set of 14 boards, ros. 6d. Setting Houses, gs. 6d. and 11s. 6d, ; corked back, 14s. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1s. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2s. 6d. Breeding Cages, 2s. 6d., 4s., 5s. and 7s. 6d. Taxidermist’s Companion, z.e. a pocket leather case’ containing most useful instruments for skinning, ros. 6d. Scalpels, 1s. 3d. ; Label Lists of Birds’ Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d. Scissors, per pair, 2s. Setting Needles, 3d. and 6d. per box. Coleopterist’s Collecting Bottle, with tube, rs. 6d., 1s. 8d. Botanical Cases, japanned double iin, 1s. 6d., 2s. 9d., 3s. 6d., 4s. 6d. Botanical Paper, rs. rd., 1s. 4d., 1s. 9d., & 2s. 2d. per quire. [7s. 6d. Insect Cases, imitation mahogany, 2s. 6d. to r1s. Cement for replacing antennae, 4d. per bottle. Forceps for removing insects, 1s. 6d., 2S., 2s. 6d. per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 33, best quality, rs. 4d. per dozen sheets. Pupa Diggers, in leather sheath, rs. gd. Insect Lens, ts. to 8s. Glass Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1s. per dozen. Label Lists of British Butterflies, 2d. Ditto Land and Fresh-Water Shells, 2d. Egg Drills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Metal Blow Pipe, 4d. and 6d. Our new Label List of British Macro-Lepidoptera, with Latin and English Names, 1s. 6d. Our new Catalogue of British Lepido- ptera, every species numbered, ts. ; or on one side for Labels, 2s. All articles enunierated are kept in stock, and can be sent immediately on receipt of order. The “DIXON” LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off Street Lamps without climbing the lamp-posts), recently much improved, 3s. 6d. CABINETS. Special Show Room. The following are the prices of a few of the smaller sizes ; for measurements and larger sizes see catalogue. Minerals and Dried Minerals and Dried Insect. Eggs. Plants, Fossils, &c. eset Eggs. Plants, Fossils, &c. 4 Drawers ...... 138. 6d. 12s. od. tos. 6d. 8 Drawers ........ GEE? oadoboon Be ogoo000a 25S. 6 Drawers ...... 17s. 6d. 16s. 6d. 15s. od. to Drawers ........ ASScumestelslelstole(« sh ooopdso0 45S. A LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS, BIRDS’ EGGS AND SKINS. Birds, Mammals, &c., Preserved and Mounted by First-class Workmen true to Nature. je All Books and Publications on Natural History supplied. 36 STRAND, W.C. (Five Doors from Charing Cross). NOW READY. 1901-1902 CATALOGUE MICROSCOPES and all Accessories for Collecting, Preparing and Storing Specimens. Also particulars of our MICRO-SLIDE LENDING DEPARTMENT, Containing Complete Lists of Specimens with descriptions written by Naturalists and Experts in the various branches of Microscopic Science. Post Free to Readers of ‘‘ Science-Gossip.”’ C. BAKER, 244 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C. ROYAL BOTANIC SOCIETY’S GARDENS, REGENT’S PARK. GARDENS OPEN DAILY from 9 a.m. to Sunset. SUNDAYS from 2 P.M. to Sunset. Admission by Orders from Fellows of the Society only. THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY’S GARDENS, REGENT’S PARE, Are OPEN DAILY (except Sundays) from 9 a.m. till Sunset. Admission 1s. ; on Mondays, 6d. ; Children, 6d. The Journal of Conchology: Being the Organ of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hon. Sec.—W. E. HOYLE, M.A., Owens College, Manchester. The number for JANUARY, 1901, begins a New Volume, and contains a List of British Marine Mollusca, revised and brought up to date by a Committee of the Society. A FILMLESS CINEMATOGRAPH For taking and projecting life-size animated photographs with greatest perfection to the extent of over 500 pictures. Spectally constructed for the Amateur or Professional. Price £6 10s. Negatives and Positive Plates, 2/6 each. Subject Plates, 3/6. 6d. allowed for each Plate returned unbroken. SIMPLE and RELIABLE MECHANISM. SPEGIALITIES—Can be seen at the Manufacturers. High-class Lantern and Jet, in travelling box .. oe .. £5 Do., do., with patent electric arc lamp .. 90 50 . £6 PATENT RHEOSTAT, which takes from 12 to 50 ampéres at 110 volts without overheating. PricE ON APPLICATION. Also made for 200 and 250 voltage. Write for Catalogue to the Manufacturers :— L. KAMM & GO., Scientific Engineers, Works—27f POWELL ST., GOSWELL RD., LONDON, E.C. SCIENCE-GOSSI/P. Dragons of the Air, By H.G. SEELEY, F.R.S. xiii + 239 pp., 73 in. x 5 in., with 80 illustrations. (London: Methuen & Co. 1901.) 6s. Professor Seeley has produced a delightful book, indited with the same charming literary style which is so well known in his general writings and lectures. ‘The real object of the book is described in its sub-title, being “An Account of Extinct Flying Reptiles.” This is no new subject to the author, as long ago—for no less a period than ten years—he worked with the late Professor Sedgwick in gathering remains of these extraordinary and deeply interesting animals in the Cambridge Green Sand. Since then much more has been learned about them, and many have been restored, and by CYCNORHAMPHUS SUEVICUS. (From “ Dragons of the Air, human imagination clothed as with their original flesh. Among the illustrations—which, by the way, have been cleverly drawn by Miss E. B. Seeley— are several of these restorations, two of the plates being here reproduced by the courtesy of the publishers, one showing the fossil bones as dis- covered and the other the restoration of Cycno- thamphus suevicus from the Solenhofen slate, showing their scattered position. The original fossil is in the museum at Tiibingen. A particular feature of the restoration is that showing the position of the wing membranes. As a popular description of extinct creatures represented in most museums, but little understood by the public, this is one of the best books of its kind which it has been our pleasure to meet with in our experience. 177 The World of the Great Forest. By PAuL Du CHAILLU. xiii +322 pp.,8}in. x 52in., with 50 illus- trations. (London: John Murray. 1901.) 7s. 6d. This beautifully produced book, with the striking illustrations by Messrs. C. R. Knight and J. L. Gleeson, will appeal to young people generally, as well as to the majority of their elders. M. Du Chaillu’s long experience in many parts of the world, especially in the great Central African Forest, is known to most naturalists, as are also his romantic writings. In this book, as did Rudyard Kipling in his ‘ Jungle Stories,” the author endows his animals with human speech, and makes them tell much of their own stories. It is needless to say that from the pen of the author we have many RESTORED. Bu Professor H, G. Seeley.) that are not only sensational but highly entertain- ing. Naturally, as one would expect, knowing Du Chaillu’s acquaintance with gorillas, they form an important feature of the work. There could be no better gift-book for the coming Christmas-time than the volume before us. The Story of Books. By GERTRUDE BURFORD RAWLINGS. 174 pp., 6 in. x 33 in., with fron- tispiece and 16 other illustrations. (London: George Newnes, Limited. 1901.) Is. This is another issue in the Library of Useful Stories, and forms one of the most interesting. It traces the history of bookmaking from the beginning until recent times. The illustrations are quaint and suitable, some of the ancient blocks and black letter used in mediaeval times being reproduced. eee ay mE THE London branch of the Conchological Society will hold meetings at 7 p.m. on the third Friday in each winter month at Room 22, 11 Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Members are requested to bring specimens for exhibition and for exchange. Re "Mw, WE have received the recently issued edition of the “remainder ” catalogue published by Mr. H. J. Glaisher, of Wigmore Street, London, which con- tains a number of good modern scientific works. This catalogue is sent free on application by naturalists. WE regret to note that the unfortunate explo- sion which occurred at the beginning of October in the Chemical Laboratory of Cambridge University has caused the death of Mr. W. T. N. Spivey, M.A. one of the most promising of University lecturers, who died on the 22nd of the month in Adden- brooke’s Hospital from septic pneumonia. THERE have been so many rumours with re- gard to the discovery of the cancer microbe that one looks with suspicion upon any statement to that effect. We hope, however, the latest, that it has been identified, cultured, and stained in the bacteriological department of the Government of India, may be true. If it is once identified there will be a basis for the study of its extermination. In his address at the commencement of the Session at University College, Prof. R. Russell urged on his audience the necessity for cultivating a ‘spirit of scientific inquiry. By ery scientific investigation, if properly conducted, might be ex- pected to disclose some new fact, and it was to men of science that every real advance in medicine was due. The so-called practical man could really only apply and utilise the discoveries of the in- vestigator. THE Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire has received a handsome gift from Mr. Henry Willett, of Brighton. It consists of five acres of wild ground near Abingdon, which contains several local and scarce forms of native flora and fauna. The site is intended to perpetuate the memory of John Ruskin, and is to be used rather for observation of nature than as a collecting eround. Such gifts, to preserve wild animals or plants in this country in a state of nature, cannot be too much commended. THE Rey, E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock, of Cadney, near Brigg, records an outbreak of bird enteritis in that part of Lincolnshire. He states that thousands of partridges have died. ‘The disease appears to be endemic in the district, and has been noticed for some few years past. Death usually occurs within twenty-four hours 1 hours after the disease is manifested; and Mr. Peacock quotes a case of 4,800 pheasants perishing in less than a week out of 5,000 of these birds. Tt has extended also to the smaller species in the local avifauna. to forty-eight SCIENCE-GOSSTIP. AmonG the recent publications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Ento- mology, isa monograph on the ~ Insect Enemies of the Spruce in the North-West.” It is copiously illustrated, and forms an interesting contribution to the science of arboriculture. WE are informed that an expedition is shortly to be sent to Christmas Island by the London School of Tropical Medicine for the purpose of investi- eating “beri-beri.” The leadership has been accepted by Dr. H. E. Durham, who will join the steamship “Islander” at Port Said about October 16th. THE winter season of the Croydon branch of the Selborne Society has commenced. At the first meeting a lecture on ‘“ Porriwiggles, and other Freshwater Creatures,” was given by Mr. Edward A. Martin, F.G.S., the local honorary secretary. The subjects included in the lecture were various animals which are met with in almost every pond and stream in the neighbourhood. Dr. GRASSI has contributed an important paper to the “Atti dei Lincei,” x. 6, on the district Massarosa, which is situated about eight kilometres from Viareggio. He has written to point out its freedom from malaria, although the species of Anopheles which disseminates this disease is abundant, and the conditions are all favourable to the occurrence of the fever. THE enterprise exhibited in the Manchester Museum at Owens College is to be commended. We have received another of the Museum Hand- books, that is numbered 34, and entitled ‘‘ Correla- tion Table of British Strata,” by Bernard Hobson, M.Sc., F.G.S., Lecturer in Petrology and Geology in the Victoria University. The size of the book is 15 in. x 10 in., with large folding tables dealing with the various geological systems. ‘his work is of considerable importance. Iv is not generally known that after the collision which sank the French mail steamer “ Bourgogne” a fund was instituted by the heirs of the victims entitled the Pollock Prize for inventions of appa- ratus for saving life at sea. A preliminary trial of such an appliance, invented by Lieutenant De Issay, has taken place in Vienna. It is founded upon the insertion of calcium carbide in a portion of the wearer’s dress, so that, on becoming wet, acetylene gas is generated ina gas-tight bag, which keeps afloat the person immersed. THE public at large are apt to make fun of some of the attempts of municipal bodies in their efforts for the betterment of the social condition. After a course of London fogs such as have this autumn already afflicted those who are obliged to stay within its area, the announcement will be welcomed that a substantial grant is to be applied by the London County Council for their study. The matter will be placed in the hands of a competent gentle- man, under the supervision of tie Meteorological Council, to formulate instructions for observations and to conduct investigations. The Metropolitan Fire Brigade stations, with their staff of firemen, will be available to assist in obtaining data, which will be collated and studied at the Meteorological Office in Victoria Street, Westminster. Other observations in and outside London will be added ; so we may expect valuable results, as a really scientific tone seems at present to be pervading the plan. SCIENCE-GOSSTP. WE regret to observe the death, at the age of sixty-nine, of M. Koenig, who was well known for his researches in acoustics, light, and heat. WirtH the object of counteracting the baneful influence and frequent misstatements of the organised opposition to vaccination, there has been formed in London a Vaccination League. ‘Lhis has been already influentially supported, and is likely to become of national importance. The offices are at 110 Strand, London, W.C. Mr. Henry Barrier desires us to state that he now undertakes the setting of Lepidoptera in any recognised style. ‘This applies to speci- mens from abroad in papers, as well as to freshly caught and bred specimens. We can recommend our readers to Mr. Bartlett, whom we have known for many years. THE International Congress of Physiologists at their recent meeting at Turin paid a noteworthy tribute of esteem to Sir Michael Foster on his resignation of the presidency. This consisted in the presentation of a plaque, inscribed with a eulogistic testimony to the work done in Physiology by Sir Michael. THE vacancy in the appointment of a demon- strator of biology in the Royal College of Science at South Kensington, caused by the lamentable death of Mr. Martin F, Woodward, has been filled by the appointment of Mr. J. 8. Moore, noted for his scientific explorations in the regions of Lake Tanganyika in Central Africa. Mr. Moore has made two journeys to that interesting part of the world. ON September 30th a statue of Pasteur was unveiled at Arbois, the home of his childhood, and the place where he latterly spent his holidays. M. Decrais, Minister of the Colonies, stated in the course of his speech that Drs. Mardoun and Simon had been nominated by the Pasteur Insti- tute to accompany M. Salimbeni, an eminent Italian, to Brazil, to study means of preventing yellow fever. Ir is gratifying to hear that any obstacle which might retard such an important industry as that of the Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Company at Altrincham has been removed. There has been a regrettable and long-continued law-suit between the Company and Mr. Thornton, but this, we uncer- stand, is now ended by Mr, Thornton having accepted the position and withdrawn his threatened appeal to the House of Lords. THE RIGHT HON. ROBERT HANBURY stated in a recent speech at Glasgow that the British Govern- ment would cause an official and exhaustive inquiry into the scourge of the louping-ill among sheep. It will be remembered that Mr. E. G@. Wheler has brought this trouble prominently before our readers in his articles upon sheep-ticks. Mr. Wheler, who is commissioner for the estates of the Dukedom of Northumberland, was induced to study the disease in consequence of the serious annual loss of sheep among the tenant farmers on the Borderland estates. Some of them have lost little short of 1,000 sheep in a single year through louping-ill. which is conveyed by sheep-ticks from diseased to healthy animals. Mr. Wheler has been most successful in his investigations, and has now correspondents on the subject in many parts of the world. 179 THE meeting of the Association of Russian Naturalists and Medical Men will be held in St. Petersburg from January 2nd to 12th, 1902. Sections will be devoted to mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, physics, physical geography, chemistry, botany, zoology, medicine, hygiene, agronomy, and other branches of science. ion of the London School of Tropical Medicine in connection with the Dread- nought Hospital at Greenwich was inaugurated at a meeting held on October 16th. Lord Brassey gave the opening address, and amongst the speakers was Dr. Manson, who said that the desire of the School was to fulfil two functions: (1) The educa- tion of the medical man who proposed to practise in the tropics ; (2) the attempt to advance medical science as regards tropical disease. THE winter For a young lady of eleven years by her own observation to adda plant new to the flora of the country in which she lives is not only a matter of credit, but also of promise for future good botanical work. This is the case with Miss Ellinor D’Arcy, daughter of the Dean of Belfast, who has found Carex ivrigua at Parkmore, Co. Antrim, an addi- tion to the flora of Ireland. ‘The incident is de- scribed in the * Irish Naturalist” for September last. MAyoR RONALD Ross, in his address to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce on October 21st, stated he had satisfied himself during his recent tour In West Africa that a complete reform was taking place in the management of sanitary affairs in that country, and he believed this sudden re- formation was principally due to the action of the Liverpool School of ‘Lropical Medicine. Major Ross is still of opinion that for practical purposes drainage is the proper way of dealing with malaria in large towns, in order to reduce the Anopheles by destroying their breeding-places. THE Amesbury Parish Council passed the follow- ing resolution at their last meeting :—‘ This Council being strongly of opinion that an obstruction has been placed at Stonehenge, thus interfering with the free access hitherto enjoyed by the public, and this opinion being generally sustained by the public at large, as confirmed by the Press, the said Council desire to enter a strong protest against the said obstruction.” On February 28th this same Cauncil had passed a resolution to the effect that they desired to obtain the opinion of the District Council as to whether the owner was within his rights in having such obstruction so placed. AN exhibition will be opened on October 31st at the Examination Hall, Victoria Embankment, of scientific apparatus constructed by pupils and teachers of the School Board for the purpose of teaching and illustrating some of the branches of experimental science. The exhibits will number nearly two hundred. Among them are induction coils, telegraph instruments; Boyle’stube, balances, etc., for use in chemical work ; lantern and micro- scopic slides for botany, physiole and zoology, with many others of general use in scientific work. The exhibition will be free, and it is earnestly hoped that ratepayers and others will take this opportunity of seeing the work that is being done among the children of the great Metropolis in making their own scientific apparatus. 180 my PHOTOGRAPHY | CONDUCTED BY B. FOULKES-WINKS, M.R.P.S. EXPOSURE TABLE FOR NOVEMBER. The figures in the following table are worked out for plates of about 100 Hurter & Driffield. For plates of lower speed number give more exposure in proportion. Thus platesof 50 H. & D, would require just double the exposure. In the same way, plates of a higher speed number will require proportionately less exposure. Time, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Between 9 and 11 am. and | and 3 p.m. double the required exposure. Between 8 and 9 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. multiply by 4. SUBJECT F.5°6) F.8 F.11|)F.16 F.22 PF. 32) F.45) F.64 —— —__—— = We — — SeaandSky../a35| a az | as | $ | ¢ | # | 1 | Open Landscape au |) se x 1 i 1 2 4 and Shipping dark fore- ground, Street Scenes, and Groups ao Portraits in Landscape,with ) \ Rooms ) Shee Glee 32 el tee rf |LightInteriors) 30 1 2 | 4 8 16 32 60 | 32 60 120 240) | | | Dark Interiors | 2 4 8 16 The small figures represent s The exposures are calculated for sunshine. If the weather is cloudy, increase the exposure by half as much again ; if gloomy double the exposure, ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BritaIn,—The annual exhibition of this Society was opened on September 20th and will remain so until November 2nd. On the Saturday evening, before the public were admitted, the Society’s soirée took place, the visitors being received by Mr. Thomas R. Dallmeyer, F.R.A.S., the President. A most enjoyable evening followed, and it is evident that the Society’s soirée each year becomes more popular, and forms the occasion for members from all parts of the country to reunite and gossip over their achievements in the past and their hopes for the future. Judging from the attendance. few of owr old friends lost this opportunity of again meeting. The exhibition is held in the New Gallery, Regent Street, London. On entering, the Fountain Court is devoted to professional exhibits, there being stalls managed by manufacturers and dealers. The first to attract attention is that of Messrs. Wellington & Ward, of Elstree, Herts, the chief features being enlargements in bromide process on their various papers, such as smooth, rough, and cream crayon-platino-matt surface. Some very pleasing effects are attained by the hot hypo and alum process. Most of the exhibits are made from films manufactured by the firm. ‘There onds, large figures minutes, SCIENCE-GOSSTP. is also an exhibit of their film negatives. The stall of Messrs. J. H. Dallmeyer, Ltd., contains a fine exhibit of their lenses and cameras, also of work produced by means of that firm’s apparatus. Considering the excellent results to be obtained by the Dallmeyer Stigmatic Lens and the possible advantages of the three foci principle, it has always been a source of surprise to us that the Stigmatic Lens is not in more general use. It is equal to any of the German two or three foci lenses and much less in price; yet we meet with a far greater number of German lenses in everyday use. We cannot imagine that the German lenses are more frequently recommended by dealers, to the ex- clusion of those of British manufacture. The next stand to attract our attention is one brilliant in colour, being that of the Sanger Shepherd Company, of London. It is a fine show, with some very pleasing effects by Mr. Sanger Shepherd’s process of colour photography by the aid of light filters, described some little time agoin this magazine. This stall forms one of the most interesting corners of the whole exhibition. Messrs. Ross, Limited, of New Bond Street, London, have a most elaborate show, consisting, not only of articles of their own manufacture. but also apparatus made by Messrs. Newman & Guardia, Adams & Co., and Kodak Co., all these being fitted with lenses of Ross-Zeiss, Ross-Goerz, and Ross types of lenses, making admirable combinations of apparatus. Another Ross exhibit is their cele- brated Twin-lens Camera, that is now fitted with a focal plane shutter for high-speed work. Their projection lanterns and arc lights for projection or laboratory work, also the Ross new pattern prism binoculars, form an important feature. Adjoining we find the stall of Messrs. C. P. Goerz, who show cameras, lenses, shutters, binocular glasses, and specimens of work .achieved with the Goerz- Anschutz apparatus. Messrs. Watson & Sons, of High Holborn, London, exhibit a fine 12 in. x 10 in. studio camera and stand, also examples of their “Acme” and ‘“ Premier” field cameras, with the new Holostigmatic lenses and the new Leitz Peri- plan lenses and enlargers for Kodak pictures. There are further special 4-plate enlargers, a newly invented attachment for enlargers for the use of magnesium ribbon, the Watson: Bichrom Lamp apparatus for developing films, a quickly set tripod, stereoscopic binocular camera, and examples of the various kinds of hand cameras supplied by the firm. Messrs. Burroughs. Wellcome & Co. have an artistic display of the advantages of tabloid manipulation. One of the most interesting exhibits in the gallery is that of the Platinotype Company. The stall is decorated with some beautiful examples of this charming process. We then find the remain- ing exhibit in the Fountain Court is that of the Kodak Company. where visitors are introduced to allits latest productions. Withregard to the general exhibition we may say that it contains many beautiful works of the art. It will be a revelation, with regard to the possibilities of photography, to those amateurs who bave not seen one of these shows. It is a pity, however, that the Committee of .Selection have admitted some of the exhibits. There are examples of work, the result of freely exposed and developed plates of uninterest- ing, and in some cases positively ugly, subjects. poorly printed and untastefully mounted, the whole showing a slovenliness unworthy of even careless amateurs. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. CONDUCTED BY F. C. DENNETT. Position at Noon. 1901 Rises. Sets. RA Dec. Noy. him. him. hms. Chel s Sun... 1.. 6.55 am... 4.33 p.m, . 14.23.59 .. 14.18.10 8. IL... 7.12 am... 4.16 p.m. ..15. 3.48 .. 17.18.58 8S. 21. 7.29 am ©. 4. 3pm: ..15.45. 1 .. 19.50, 3S. Rises. Souths. Sels. Age at Noon, Nov. hm. him. him. ad. him. Moon.. 1.. 9.18 pm... 4.7 am. .. 11.58 a.m... 19 22.49 ll... 7.16 am, ..11.63 am... 4.25pm... 0 4.26 21... 1.33 pm .. 7.55 pm... 113 am... 10 4.26 Position at Noon. Souths. Semi- RA. Dee. Nov. Aum. diameter. Nhm.s. A Mercury.. 1... 0.10°9 pm... 4°97 ..1451.17 ..17.52.58 5, 11 ..10.53°5 am. .. 44” ..14.12.59 ..11.35.13 8. 21 ..10.30'1 am. .. 3:3! s. VEE oo I oo 8 HAS go, HP Ss. al 66 Hb Bo Wee 8 21... p.m, ORY! Salt LEP 00 Il go p-m. Jupiter .. ll .. p-m. Saturn 2. Vl 2: p.m, Uranus .. ll... p.m. Neptune... ll .. GAS 5 Moon’s PHASES. 3rd Qr. .. Nov. 3... 7.24 a.m. UGS co my Ice EPHinGG New .. Nov. 11 .. LEE B05. gy P3\ 00 In apogee on November 11th, at noon; and in perigee on 25th, at 4 a.m. 7.04 a.m, 1.18 a.m. METEORS. him. © Noy. 2to 3 .. eTaurids Radiant R.A. 3. 40 Dee, 9N. » 10to23 .. » Cancrids " Bes, BIL ING BRL OAUORL OM ste Leonids Hh 5) SNe >» L3toj28) <. Leo Minovids ,, 3) » 40 N. » 20t028 .. e« Taurids n ~ 22ONe 43 N. oy PRO EES | 96 Andromedids ,, From the position of the radiant of the Leonids they cannot be observed until after midnight. Watch should be kept for them this year, the absence of the Moon making a favourable oppor- tunity for seeing the meteors should they put in an appearance. CONJUNCTIONS OF PLANETS WITH THE Moon. MOV O55 -» Junot lam. Planet 0.26 8. sp 1) oo - Mercury+ .. 7am. .. pm) ephine oy 2k 6 -» Marsft .. O&M, BS 4.19 S. mp UG. 16 o Wns! 66 BME 54 = 7.208. xy IB. 6a . Jupiter} SHSM ae > 4448. p16 oo . Saturnt .. 10pm... op a Se x Daylight. + Below English horizon. OCCULTATIONS AND NEAR APPROACHES. Angle Anale Magni- Dis- From Re- Noy, Star. tude. appears. Vertex. appears. Vertex. him. oS hm. © 4 w Leonis ERY oo 15 Ch Go « 0.3 600. . Pa @> oa. 2 7 55. oe am. 3 ., near approach, 22... 6 Piscium 46 .. 4.30p.m. oO) on 27 .. 71 Orionis 51 ..10.41 p.m. -.1054 pm... 26 28 .. A Geminorum3:6 ll. 39 b. m. .. hear approach. 29 .. 68 * BHD o0 te see) LOM. os oltems 20210. 30 .. « Cancri 50 .. 9.5 -. 84 ..10.24p.m... 20 181 ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, NOVEMBER LOTH. —This is unfortunately quite invisible in the British Islands, as it ends before sunrise. The path of the central eclipse is from a point very near to Malta, across the. Sinaitic Peninsula, through Arabia, Ceylon, and Siam to the Philippine Isles. The partial phase is visible over a great part of Asia, Eastern Europe, North-East Africa, and the Northern Indian Ocean. THE Sun still maintains quiescence with little break, MERCURY is in inferior conjunction with the Sun at 6 p.m. on November 4th, but by 5 a.m. on 21st will have reached its greatest elongation, 19° 42! west. At this time it rises in the east about two hours before the Sun, in the western part of Libra, a little north-west of the 3rd magnitude star a. The last half of the month will be a favourable opportunity for observing the rosy planet. VENUS, although nearing elongation, is very un- favourably situated for observation in northern latitudes, but will be a beautiful object in the southern hemisphere, from its proximity to Jupiter and Saturn, with which planets it is in conjunction at 6 a.m. on the 18th and 7 a.m. on the 19th, 2° 45’ south of Jupiter and 8° 12’ south of Jupiter. MArs and URANUS are too close to the Sun for observation. JUPITER sets at 7.57 p.m. on November Ist, and at 6.28 on the 30th. At 6 a.m. on the 28th it is in conjunction with Saturn, passing only 27’ to the south. If the planet can be seen before fF o'clock on November 2nd, it will be found with only Satellite IY. visible, II. and IIT. being in transit. Also on the 9th, as early as the planet can be seen, all four moons will be grouped very closely round, SATURN.—The accompanying diagram, only 7° square, shows the relative positions of the three a XVI 20; 2 ; a | f 0f | eo |) w elt | sal SAGGITTARIUS | | | 254 | | al om | ae ce “VENUS <=" ~77- --e--— is™ e, , L 30 = XIX = XVI = planets during the latter part of the month better than it is possible to describe them in writing. NEPTUNE will be found closely west-south-west of the third magnitude variable red star 7 Gemi- norum. GRESHAM COLLEGE LECTURES.—The Rey. Pro- fessor Edmund Ledger will deliver lectures on the constellations of the Zodiac and the new star 182 in Perseus at the above College on November 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th. ‘They will be well illus- trated and likely to be very helpful. The hour of commencement, 6 p.m., is perhaps a trifle too early. A PARHELION OR Mock SuNx.—This pheno- menon appears to have been seen for nearly ten minutes at Cushendun, Co. Antrim, about Septem- ber 3rd. It is said to have been of a blood-red colour. ENCKE’S COMET, / 1901, will be near Antares, a Scorpii, at the beginning of November, according to Herr ‘Thonberg’s ephemeris. NEW VARIABLE IN CyGNus, a little south- west of W. Mr. Stanley Williams. of Hove, has discovered a tenth magnitude star, which after 3d. 2 h. decreases for 3 h. 30 m. to twelfth mag- nitude; after thus remaining for 50m. it again increases during 4h. 10 m. to its normal magni- tude. This is, of course, of similar type to Algol. SrarR ATLAS.— The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has published a third edi- tion, revised and enlarged, of Klein’s Star Atlas, with a translation of the explanatory text by Mr. Edmund McClure. This atlas is too well known to amateur astronomers to require a very extended notice, but we may mention that the positions of the stars have been corrected to 1900. The notation of nebulae comprises not only the Herschel Catalogue, but also the New General Catalogue. ‘There are eighteen maps, some printed in colour. The size of the book is 123 inches by 9 inches, and its price is 10s. Nova PERSEI, 1901.—The Rev. Walter Sidgreaves, of the Stonyhurst College Observatory, has commu- nicated some important notes on the spectrum of this starto the Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 3,741. All the hydrogen lines are now relatively weak, excepting the one apparently identical with He. These lines were altogether the brightest ones in the early days of the star’s apparition, and are well shown in the photograph reproduced on p. 323, vol. vii., of SCIENCE-GossiIp. Now. some of them are barely traceable, whilst lines unnoticeable in the older photograph are quite conspicuous. Father Sidgreaves has kindly sent us beautiful prints of the photographs taken on August 27th and September 5th, but they are too delicate for reproduction ; the contrast between them and that of March 3rd is most noticeable. Three bright bands at wave-lengths 456:4, 396°9, and 386°9 are each crossed by four strong lines of the same relative intensities and at the same intervals. The line 436-4 is now very prominent, considerably stronger than Hy, its near neighbour. Where these two overlap there is a line brighter than the sum of the two bands. On Angust 27th the spectrum consisted of bright bands at wave-length 500-7, 495°8, H6, 471°3, 467:°9, 464:0, 436°3, Hy, Hé barely traceable. He ? brighter than all the other hydrogen lines together situate at wave- length 396-9, and 386-9. In the note on p. 124 of SCIENCE-GossiP the line spoken of as F (HB) was probably the one at wave-leneth 471:3 due to helium. The star is now in splendid position for observa- tion, and when it has been focussed with a tele- scope of 3 inches over a prism, or diffraction grating, will show it not as a line, but as having a set of bright images of varying intensity, each image occupying the place of a bright line. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. CHAPTERS FOR YOUNG ASTRONOMERS. By FRANK 0. DENNETT. (Continued from page 60.) SATURN'S SYSTEM (continued). THE rings thus nearly or entirely disappear at intervals of about fifteen years, the last time having been in October, 1891, when the ring was lost even with the 36-inch Lick telescope. Since that time the northern side of the rings has been presented towards us, and it will be so until 1907, when the southern side will become visible, and remain so for another fifteen years. The rings, therefore, disappear when Saturn reaches that part of its orbit situate where the constellations Leo and Virgo are conterminate, and again just after it attains the constellation Pisces. At each of these points the ring seems to disappear twice; once when the plane of the rings passes through the Sun, and again when the same plane passes through the Earth. When the planet reaches the portions of its orbit midway between these points, at the eastern border of the Taurus, and between Ophiuchus and Sagittarius, the rings are seen widely open, as shown in the accompanying drawing by Mr. Scriven Bolton, who used a 44-inch achromatic. The ring was discovered by Cassini in 1675 to be double. The black line can sometimes be seen witha telescope as small as 2} inches in aperture, with a power of 120. ‘The outer ring is usually not so bright as the inner, andis known as A. Telescopes above 4 inches aperture will sometimes show this ring. divided into two portions by what is known as Encke’s division. This division does not always preserve the same position on the ring, and is frequently more visible on one side of the planet than the other. Glimpses have sometimes been obtained of other divisions. The inner ring, ‘“ B,” is much the brighter, gradually fading inwards ; the process is usually gradual. but is sometimes apparently in steps, as in the accompanying drawing by M. E. Antoniadi. More than this was not seen even with the giant reflectors of the Herschels and Schroter, until in 1828 a shading was observed between the edge of ‘B” and the planet at the Roman obser- vatory; but no particular notice was taken of it. In 1838 Galle of Berlin, witha 9°6-inch achromatic, saw, measured, and published the observations of this shading. Notwithstanding, it was not until November, 1850. that attention became attracted to it, when it was independently discovered by G. P. Bond at Harvard, and Dawes at Watering- bury, near Maidstone. It was found to be a third inner dusky ring, semitransparent, the limb of the planet being traceable through it. This ring is properly known as “‘C,” but is frequently called the ‘‘crape veil.” It is visible under favourable conditions with any good telescope above 33 inches aperture. It is probable that the Cassini division of the ring is filled with the same material as ‘“ C,” because from time to time it is noticed to be not black. If the planet travelled over a bright star it would be interesting to watch its appearance in passing these divisions of the ring, and also its visibility when covered by the ‘“ crape veil.” This wonderful ring system, the only large flat surface known, was at one time thought to be solid, and even to support mountains, but this has been quite disproved. It was found, by the spectro- scopic observations of the late J. E. Keeler, that the outer edge of the ring rotated more slowly than SCLIENCE-GOSSIP. the inner. It is usually believed the rings are really composed of an immense multitude of tiny satellites, each travelling in its orbit around its primary. It really seems, too, that the rings are not quite so flat as some have supposed. ‘The shadow of the planet on the rings has often ap- peared to be notched, as will be noticed on Mr. Bolton’s drawing. This gentleman has given what seems to be a plausible explanation. He considers that “B” slightly thickens toward its outer edge, whilst the inner edge of ‘‘A” is nearly twice the thickness of the outer edge of “B,” and then rapidly thins towards its outer edge. This may explain the peculiar distortion of the shadow. The dimensions of this ring system are such that a train travelling fifty miles an hour would take a year and ten weeks to travel round the outer border of “A.” Professor 'T. J. J. See, from measures with the 26-inch Washington achromatic in 1900, makes the greatest diameter of “A” 173,115 miles, with a breadth of 11,846 miles; the greatest diameter of ‘“B” 145,828 miles, and its width 17,181 miles. ‘Lhe “‘crape veil” has a width of 11,533 miles, whilst its inner edge is only sepa- rated by 6,730 miles from the surface of the planet. A comparison of the measures taken from time to time makes it evident that the dimensions of the system are slowly but surely changing. Huyghens so early as 1655 discovered ‘Titan, Saturn’s largest satellite, and later Cassini added four other members to the system, named Japetus, Rhea, ‘Tethys, and Dione. All these, except Tethys, may at times be seen with a 3-inch achromatic ; but to reach Mimas and Enceladus, discovered by Sir W. Herschel in 1789, an aperture of from 6 to 8 inches at least is required, and Hyperion, which was discovered simultaneously by W. C. Bond and Lassell in September 1848, needs even greater instrumental power. ‘Titan is easily seen with a 183 their revolution round the planet, always pre- senting the same face to their primary. With the exception of Japetus they all revolve in the same plane as the rings, but that satellite’s orbit is inclined about 10°. From time to time, as already mentioned, ‘Titan may be seen in transit the shadow may also be SATURN AS SEEN BY Mr. SCRI Bouron, July 3rd, 1901. (By permission from the “ Cambrian Natural Observer.” ) seen with even a 3-inch aperture nearly as easily as the shadow transit of Jupiter’s first satellite. A similar instrument is also sufficient to eclipse of Titan. The distance, period, diameter, and apparent star magnitudes of the satellites are :— show the Miles d. h, m. Miles Mag. Mimas .. 115,000 1,000 17 Enceladus 147,000 .. r aq als Tethys .. 183.000 .. 5 500 13 Dione nie 234,000 .. ae 12 Rhea 327,000 .. AG 10 Titan ee 758,000 .. : s Hyperion 916,000... ° e- 17 Japetus .. 2,221,000 .. PLANE? Sarury’s RINGS. 1-inch telescope, but Japetus is variable, being much brighter near the western elongation than in any other part of its orbit. The other satellites were thought by Schréter to be brighter in the eastern sections of their orbits. These variations make it probable that Saturn’s moons. like our ‘own, revolve on their axes once in the course of (Draicn_bu EB. Antoniadi.) Sir John Herschel pointed out a singular rela- tionship between the periods of the four inner satellites. If the periods of Mimas and Enceladus are doubled you get almost exactly the periods of Tethys and Dione. The orbit of Mimas is less than 30,000 miles from the outer edge of the rings. (To be continued.) Ane WZ, Yi CONDUCTED BY C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL, B.A.OXON., F.1.C., F.C.5. GREEN AND BLUE MODIFICATIONS OF SULPHUR. When certain sulphides, such as those of bismuth, zinc, or cadmium, are heated with a solution of sulphur chloride in benzene, a green powder, con- sisting of almost pure sulphur, is obtained. The product formed in the case of cadmium chloride also contains blue granules; and Orlow, who has recently studied the phenomenon, suggests that the blue variety of sulphur stands in the same relation- ship to ordinary sulphur as ozone does to ordinary oxygen. OCCURRENCE OF ZINC IN PLANTS.—A series of interesting experiments have been carried out by L. Laband to determine the proportion of zinc which plants are capable of absorbing. The plants were grown in a soil containing a large amount of zinc salts, and at the close of the experiments appeared perfectly healthy. When dried they were found to contain on the average 0-2 per cent. of zinc. ARSENIC-FREE BEER.—The Royal Commission appointed last February to investigate the causes of the arsenical poisoning epidemic has issued the first part of its report, in which the causes of the outbreak are dealt with, and methods of prevention discussed. In the main the report confirms the conclusions that had previously been arrived at by independent authorities. As regards the complete elimination of arsenic from beer, it is pointed out that certain tests are so delicate that any beer, how- ever carefully prepared, would show minute traces if examined in sufficient quantity. At the same time the Report says, ‘‘in the absence of fuller know- ledge than is at present available as to the possible effects of consumption of mere traces of arsenic, we are not prepared to allow that it would be right to declare any quantity of arsenic, however small, as admissible in beer or in any food, and we think it should be the aim of the manufacturer to exclude arsenic altogether.” Recognising the practical difficulty that has arisen through the use of different tests for arsenic, the Commission proposes eventually to prescribe a standard test for beer, fixing a maximum limit, above which there shall be no discussion. THE BLOOD OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS.—In worms and most molluscs the liquid corresponding to the blood of higher animals has received the name of haemolymph. It contains white corpuscles, and more rarely red corpuscles, though free oxy- haemoglobin is not infrequently found in solution taking the place of the latter. In certain arthropoda and molluscs, such as crabs, oysters, and snails, the haemolymph is of a bright blue colour. This is due to the presence of an albuminous colouring matter which takes the place of the oxyhaemo- globin in red blood. This pigment, known as SCIENCE-GOSSIP. oxyhaemocyanin, contains copper instead of iron. It can be partially separated from the haemolymph, but readily dissolves in a dilute solution of common salt. It plays a considerable part in the process of respiration, and when the respiratory oxygen is withdrawn from it, a colourless compound remains, known as haemocyanin, which rapidly becomes blue again on exposure to the air. Dus tN Facrories,—The principle of filtration through cotton wool which Arens used in his method of estimating the amount of dust in theair (ante, p. 151) has been adapted to the prevention of the distribution of dust in factories. The appa- ratus devised by Arens and Lamb consists essen- tially of a box with an inlet and outlet. It contains rough moistened flannel, so arranged as to catch the dust carried by the air which passes through. In this way dust is readily prevented from entering a room, and dust in factories from passing into the exterior air. JUBILEE OF M. BrERrHELOT.—This month M. Berthelot, who is seventy-three years of age, cele- brates the fiftieth anniversary of his career as a chemist, in which he has attained a world-wide reputation, particularly by his brilliant researches on the phenomena of explosion. A plate designed by M. Chaplin will be presented to M. Berthelot by the other members of the Institute of France to commemorate the occasion. ‘This plate has a pro- file portrait of the distinguished chemist on one side, and on the other a design representing him in his laboratory illuminated by Truth holding a torch, while France presents to him a crown and waves a flag above his head. It will be remem- bered that M. Berthelot has also taken a prominent part in politics, and that for some time he was Secretary for Foreign Affairs in France. THERMAL DEATH-POINTS OF BACTERIA.— Different species of bacteria vary greatly in their powers of resisting the action of heat. Speaking generally, pathogenic micro-organisms perish at a much lower temperature than non-pathogenic bacteria. Thus the well-known B. prodigiosus, which forms a beautiful blood-red colony when grown on moist bread, cannot withstand a tempera- ture of 58° C. for moré than ten minutes, whereas the tetanus bacillus only perishes after six hours at 80°C. The bacillus of tuberculosis is rapidly destroyed in cultivations at 70° to 80° C.; but, according to Welch, it can resist in the dry state a temperature of 100° C. for three hours. In milk it has been found to perish after four hours at 55° C. ; one hour, at 60° C. ; five minutes, at 80° C. ; and one minute, at 95° C. (Forster). The spores of bacteria can withstand far higher temperatures than the bacteria themselves. Thus the spores of the tetanus and anthrax bacilli are both extremely resistant to heat, though the latter are destroyed by moist heat at 90° to 95° C. This fact is recognised in the sterilisation of food products, which are first heated to a sufficient temperature to destroy the parent bacteria, then left for the spores to develop, and again heated to kill the newly- formed bacteria. As regards the action of heat upon the toxic products of different bacteria, it has been found that some, like the toxin of tetanus, are decomposed and rendered harmless after a short exposure to a comparatively low temperature ; whilst others, like the toxine of anthrax, are only weakened and not destroyed at the temperature of boiling water. SCIENCE-GOSSTP. Vil = HORNTON. CADETT SPECTRUM PLAWES ives J PICKARD Catalogue. CAMERAS AND @ j eal Make Photography a Pleasure. ‘* AMBER”? and ‘‘RUBY”’ Cameras for Hand or Stand. Price from £2 3s. 6d Time and Instantaneous Shutter, from 12s. 6d. Standard Pattern, from 18s. 6d. | LIGHT FILTERS. Write for Booklet ‘‘Orthochromatic Photography” Revolutionising Photography. @ Hh ui s | ( CS E af (simplified), by JAMES CADETT. Gratis. Post Free. Deeenerteeiand Entry Form for it New £105 Prize Competition post free. CADETT & NEALL, Ltd. ASHTEAD, SURREY. Photographic Dry Plate and Paper Manufacturers. The THORN TON-PICKARD Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ALTRINCHAM. AND GINEMATOGRAPHS. Hughes’ Marvellous PAMPHENGOS Gives brilliant 12-ft. pictures like Limelight. The £4 4s. reduced to £3 10s. SCIENCE "EANTERN An Innov. ation. Perfect. OXY-HYDROGEN - MICROSCOPES HUGHES’ LA PETITE THE UNIVERSAL SNAP-SHOT CINEMATOGRAPH- 4-wick Lantern pine. pas Projector, Reverser, price = = With 4-inch Condensers, 18s. 6d. £6 40s., reduced to £5 10s. Grandly Illustrated Catalogue, 180 choice Engravings, 10d.: Simaller ditto, 5a Grandly Illustrated Cinematograph List, 6d. All Post Free. i HUGHES’ PHOTO-ROTOSCOPE CINEMATOGRAPH, £7 7s. A2s"s39m5,, Beh css os, bec nical Flickering reduced to a minimum. tS” FOR SALE, BARGAINS.—A fine 7? EQUATORIAL ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE, by Cooke, with Battery of Eyepieces, cost over £600 ; ‘also a fine 4-inch latest, by Cooke. An 8-inch Newtonian Reflector, £17 10s. : a 54-inch ditto, £1115s. Several 43-inch Lancaster : ; several smaller. ‘Also a fine BINOCULAR MICROSCOPE by Beck, cost £120; a ditto by Negretti & Zambra, and several others. To be sold bargains. Zzst Fyvee. Can be had on the Hire- purchase system. X-RAY INDUCTION GOILS, s., 6-, and 8-inch Sparks. Bargains. Quite new. Also Batteries. ist Free. HUGHES’ BIJOU ENLARGING LANTERNS An innovation, rectangular or square condensers ; full marginal " definition, perfect illumination ; portable, reliable. rapid, quick, artistic Enlargements. Before purchasing, see this high-class technical apparatus, which is scientifically constructed for results. Price List, 2d. 300 Lecture Sets of Science Subjects and Travels, &c. 60,000 Slides ; List, 8d. Post Free. 50 beautifully coloured Slides loaned for 3S. By Subscription for the year, 450 10s. 6d. ; 1,000 21s. Hire 2d. ? ww. Cc. HUGHES, Soseislietl in Optical Projection. (Established over 30 years.) Brewster House, 82 Mortimer Road, Kingsland, LONDON, N. Vili SCIENCE-GOSSIP. BINDING CASES For VOL, VII. of SCIENGE-GOSSIP With Title die sunk in gilt on binding, are now ready, PRICE ONE SHILLING. By post, 1s. 2d. THE NATURALIST: (Originally founded 1833.) A Monthly Journal of Natural History for the Northern Counties of England, viz. :—Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire, Lincoln- shire, “Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, West- moreland, Cumberland, and the Isle of Man. Conducted by—W. Denison Roebuc ke, F.L.S., with the assistance of J. Gilbert Baker, F.R.S., F.L.S ; W. Eagle Clarke, F.L.S., M.B.O.U. ; Alfred Harker, M.A. F. GS Charles 12% Hobkirk, F.L.S.; George T. Porritt, RE Se F.E.S.; and W. Barwell Turner, F.R.M.S. Monthly, Sixpence ; by post, Sevenpence. Annual Subscription, Six Shillings and Sixpence, post free. All Communications to be addressed—The Editors of ‘‘ The Naturalist,” 259 Hyde Park Road, Leeds. LANTERN LECTURES On ‘‘ BRITISH SERPENTS” (Habits, Life-history, Incidents, &c.), Illustrated by Specimens and Slides made from Photographs of living Adders and Ring Snakes. Terms, dates, &c., to DR. LEIGHTON, Grosmont, Pontrilas, Hereford. BIRKBECK BANK. Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane, W.C. TWO-AND-A-HALF per Cent. INTEREST allowed on Deposits repayable on demand. TWO per Cent. on CURRENT AC- COUNTS on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £100. STOCKS and SHARES purchased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest monthly on each completed £1. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. How to PURCHASE A HOUSE for Two Guineas per Month. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. How to PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND for 5s. per month. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post free. ESTABLISHED 1851. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. Tue AUTOMATIC aa TE Highest Award N EO-CYCLOSTYLE (3 Medals) for Copying ; Apparatus, Paris DU PLICATORS Beer, 1900. For Reproducing Type S or Hand Writing. GESTETNER’S AONE ANY NUMBER OF COPIES FROM ONE ORICINAL. No Mess. No Trouble. One turn of handle completes the operation. Editor ScrencE-Gossip says :—‘‘ We can well recommend. this machine to Secretaries of Scientific Societies and others for pre- paring manifold copies of notices or other documents.” Prices from 25s. ILLusTRATED Lists AND SPECIMENS MAILED FREE BY The CYCLOSTYLE Co., 384 SNOW HILL, LONDON, EC. Public Opinion. “THE BUSY MAN’S PAPER.” Price Twopence. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. It COLLECTS the OPINIONS OF THE LEADING PAPERS IN GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE ON ALL THE CURRENT TOPICS OF THE DAY, AND IS THE MOST INTERESTING WEEKLY TO SEND TO THE COUNTRY AND ABROAD. Subscription in the United Kingdom, 2s. gd. ; places abroad, 35. 3a. per quarter. to all Publishing Office: 5 New Street Square, E.C. KODAK SPOOLS DEVELOPED. Negatives promptly returned post free. KopDAKS AND ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC REQUISITES. A. HOWARD (estar), Chemist, GT. YARMOUTH. Brownies, 9d. Pocket K., 1/6 No. 1 F.P.K., 2/- No. 1 Panoram, 2/- No. 2%odaks, 2/6 ETCHINGS ENGRAVINGS GEO. REES, SAVOY HOUSE, 115 STRAND. A large selection of the best and highest-class Pictures. Illustrated Catalogues post free 4 stamps. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. Scale tor Advertisements. Inch in Column ... a ooo ed) 7 1B Eighth of Page ... aly, 016 O Quarter-page, or Half-column ... 110 0 Third of Page... a 29 0 0 Half-page, or One Column ans 915 0 Whole Page 60 us cat 5 5 0 Back Page noe a ae 6 6 0 Positions by Arrangement. All Advertisements to be sent to ScrENcE-Gossip Office, 110 Strand, London, W.C., on or previous to the 20th of each month. IMR Special quotations for a series of insertions, any size space, matter changeable, on application. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. YZ i, y i} I i / 4 CONTRIBUTED BY W. H. CADMAN., THE TRIPLE PoINtT.—The only point at which the three conditions, solid, liquid, and vapour, can exist together is called the “triple point.” ‘This point becomes quite intelligible when we consider the curves with reference to these three conditions indicated on the diagram below. Looking at the boundary lines between solid and liquid, liquid and vapour, and vapour and solid, it will be seen that they all start from one point. This repre- sents the melting-point under maximum vapour pressure, the customary melting-point under atmo- spheric pressure being slightly higher, though the difference is practically unnoticeable. In the diagram pressure P is taken as ordinate, and tempera- ture T as abscissa, is the triple point. The graphic figure of these states is very in- structive. It consists of (1) areas, (2) lines that bound these areas, and (3) a point in which the lines meet. The areas indicate the conditions under which the substance is present only in one state, whether solid, liquid, or vaporous ; the lines indicate those in which two states are possible ; finally, under the conditions indicated by the point of intersection all three states, solid, liquid, and vapour, can exist side by side. ‘he boundary between liquid and vapour vanishes at the critical point. If we prolong the rising curve between solid and liquid it is possible that at some tempera- ture and pressure solid and liquid also lose their sharp distinction, and we should then have an amorphous half-liquid, half-solid state. Spring appears to have passed this point. He prepared «Lehmann’s flowing crystals” by exposing powder of solid metals to a pressure of more than 1,000 atmospheres. This gave, by its homogeneity and crystalline structure, the impression of having been melted. When these facts and their graphical representation are treated from the thermo- dynamical relation the well-known reversible cycle process applied to evaporation is available, and we get a thermo-dynamic expression regulating the three curves. AN APPARENT PARADOX EXPLAINED BY ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS.—The result of an experiment by M. Pellat appears at first sight paradoxical, but is easily explained by electrical oscillations. Two condensers of very unequal 185 capacity (a battery of six large jars and a small Leyden jar, for example) have their armatures con- nected through an invertor which enables the communication to be alternated. '['wo discharging tongs are placed near the small condenser, and they allow a spark to pass as soon asthe difference of potential between the armatures is sufficient. If the two condensers are then charged with only half the charge necessary to produce a spark, or even a little less, and if the communications of the armatures be inverted by working the invertor, then the spark passes between the discharging tongs. Now, it might be supposed that, if the spark did not pass after the inversion and the state of equilibrium had been attained, the difference of potential between the armatures would be diminished, since the inversion put the positive armature of one of the condensors into connection with the negative armature of the other, and vice versd. As a matter of fact, the difference of potential of the armatures of the small condenser has more than doubled at a certain instant by following electrical oscillations. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING.—Lightning is caused by the equalisation of potential in the clouds, where the electrical spark produces the lightning, and the accompanying sound appears as thunder. There are three forms of lightning—fork lightning, sheet lightning, and ball lightning. Sheet light- ning may be regarded as brush-like discharges from cloud to cloud, Fork lightning may be con- sidered as a spark with ramifications. The quantity of eleetricity contained in a cloud depends upon its capacity and potential. The difference of potential between two clouds, or between the cloud and the earth, may become so great that the intervening medium of air gives way under the strain, and a flash of lightning is the result. The reader will see how closely this resembles the oscillatory discharge of a Leyden jar having a thin glass dielectric between the two coatings. When the jar is charged sufficiently the difference of potential between the outer and inner coatings becomes so great that the thin glass medium is unable to bear the strain, the glass is pierced, and aspark passes between the two coatings. Lightning invariably traverses the path of least resistance. Hence the great value of metallic lightning con- ductors for the protection of buildings. The lower end of a lightning conductor should not merely pass into the ground. It should, if possible, be connected with water-pipes, or else pass into a specially prepared bed at some distance from the building. Ball lightning, a phenomenon rarely met with, consists of balls of fire visible for about ten seconds and then bursting with a loud ex- plosion. Lightning without thunder may be a quiet flowing-out of electricity from the clouds, or possibly a reflection of a far-distant thunderstorm. The time between the flash of lightning and the accompanying thunder enables us to approxi- mately determine the distance of the thunder- storm. Sound travels about 1,100 feet per second. Light from that distance reaches us in such a small time that we may neglect it. The thunder- storm will therefore be at a distance of 1,100 feet x the number of seconds between the time of seeing the flash and hearing the report. With some practice and a clearly indicating seconds- hand on a watch it should be found easy to esti- mate the distance between the cloud originating the flash and the observer. re CONDUCTED BY F, SHILLINGTON SCALES, F.R.M.S. CoLoURING OF WATER BY MICRO-ORGANISMS. Much curiosity and speculation have been aroused in the neighbourhood of Stoke Bridge, Ipswich, by the turbidity and deep chocolate colour of the river Orwell, reaching for some little distance from each side of the bridge. This appearance has been ascribed by some to the scourings of the maltings, by others to spawn, also to the sun, or to the remains of star and jelly fish. This remarkable coloration of the river is in streaks of a greater or less width, and extends but a few inches beneath the surface, whilst on the decline of the sun the colour wholly disappears. This phenomenon is caused by countless myriads of beautifully marked plants of a deep chocolate shade. This colouring matter can readily be discharged by chemical reagents and the green structure of the plant rendered apparent, or by the action of iodine the presence of starch can readily be determined. These plants bear a striking similarity in their movements and power of contractility to the fresh- water Euglena, but in form they resemble a bicuspid tooth, with a deep cleft on each side of the axis. The two fangs might be taken to represent the head, and the crown the base ; each plant being about the ;455th of an inch in diameter. Some hundreds of these organisms may be seen gaily disporting themselves in a drop of water scarcely exceeding in size a pin’s head, the whole being in a rapid state of motion. These brackish water organisms are delicate, breaking up a few hours after being removed from their habitat. The plants appear to come up with the tide, and are not due to the presence of sewage or other preventable matter.—Alfred Martinelli, Ipswich. [See an article on the “Colouring of Water by Micro-organisms,” by Mr. James Burton, which appeared in SCIENCE-GossIP, vol. vii., pp. 332, 333.—ED. Microscopy, 8.-G.] PREPARING CRYSTALS FOR THE MICROSCOPE.— The “ American Monthly Microscopical Journal” reprints an article by Mr. 8. E. Dowdy that origin- ally appeared in the ‘‘ Pharmaceutical Journal.” The article deals with the preparation of crystals as microscopic objects, and we summarise it as follows. The slides and cover-glasses must be carefully cleaned before starting work, so as to ensure their freedom for use. This may be secured by washing them with ammonia or other solvents, rinsing with distilled water, drying with a clean rag, and finally polishing with chamois leather. One of three methods can then be adopted for preparing the slide. The first consists of evapo- rating down a saturated solution of the salt until enough moisture has been driven off to enable the crystals to rapidly form on cooling. Make a satu- rated solution of the salt in distilled water, and with a pipette deposit a drop in the centre of the slide ; slope the slide to make the liquid spread in SCIENCE-GOSSIP, a film, and absorb the superfluous moisture from the side of the slip with blotting-paper. Then hold the slide, with the wet side uppermost, over the flame of a Bunsen or spirit lamp at such a distance that the liquid just steams. Continue this until a thin film of the salt forms at the edges; then withdraw ; allow to cool, and examine under the microscope. If satisfactory, mount permanently by depositing a drop of cold xylol balsam over the film, and covering with a clean cover-glass. If the salt be insoluble in water, a suitable solvent, such as alcohol, chloroform, &c., may be employed; in which case rapid evaporation will, of course, take place without the aid of heat. These crystals will probably require a different mounting medium, such as castor-oil, or one in which they are not soluble. Dr. Lankester re- commends dissolving a little gelatin or gum acacia in distilled water, and adding to this a few drops of a saturated aqueous solution of the salt. A drop of the warm mixture is then deposited on a slip, superfluous moisture drained off, and the slide allowed to cool. With some salts—i.e. copper sulphate, iron sulphate, &c.—remarkably beautiful crystalline forms make their appearance, often in flower- or fern-like patterns, the forms varying according to the temperature, and consequently upon the loss of varying proportions of water of crystallisation. Epsom salts, potassium chlorate, potassium bichromate, or in fact any salt soluble in water, will lend itself to the above process. The second principal method is by fusion, a more restricted, but not less effective method than the foregoing. ‘Though equally simple, the process is not, however, as uniformly successful. Salicine is a good substance with which to experiment. Place a small quantity on the centre of a thin slip and heat over a flame untilit just fuses; withdraw from the heat before it chars, and allow to cool gradually. If successful, small circular plates or rosettes will appear on the film, which may then be mounted as usual in cold xylol balsam. Good slides of this description make beautiful objects for dark-ground illuminations or for polarised light. This method is useful in enabling one to prepare totally different physical forms from the same salt. With salicine, for instance, an aqueous solution deposits needle- shaped crystals, quite distinct from the circular form obtained by fusion. Too much salt on the slip must be avoided, as on cooling the film would thus have a tendency to starand crack. If the film should be too thick to be viewed as a transparent object, it will often make a good opaque object by pasting a circle of black paper on the under side of the slide. Crystals of fatty substances—spermaceti, hard paraffin, etc.—are prepared in a similar way. It is only necessary to place a small piece on a slide, warm it, and when melted press a cover- glass on it; the crystals form as the mass cools. Such crystals have an added interest in that by simply warming the slide before viewing it the actual formation of the crystals can be watched under the microscope any number of times. The third principal method is still more limited in application, being confined to those substances which are easily volatilised, and crystallise on cooling. Preparation of slides by sublimation is as follows. q muscles Fic. 1. Secrion rHRouGiH Propwoscis OF CABBAGE BUTTERELY. penetrating to the honey of flowers. We know how butterflies close their wings as they alight on a flower, when the insect makes a powerful ex- piratory effort by which the air is expelled from all tracheae. At the moment of applying its proboscis to the food it makes an inspiratory effort by which the tube of the proboscis is dilated and the food 187 ascends at the same moment to fill the vacuum produced, thus passing to mouth and stomach, being further assisted thereto by the muscles of the proboscis.—[Mrs.] W. Major. The function ascribed above to the tracheae is a novel one, and it is difficult to understand how a vacuum can be produced in the oesophagus and its connections by driving the air out of them, even if it were possible. In insects the mouth can only be considered as connected with respiration in the most indirect manner, if at all; for, although in certain acari the air-tubes open at the base of the mouth, there seems to be nothing analogous in in- sects. Respiration in insects is effected by means of two large canals, called ‘“ tracheae,” running along the sides of the body underneath the outer surface, which communicate with the air by short tubes called spiracles situate along the sides. I take it that these tubes can never be exhausted .--- Sucki crop .——---- eek 54 r stomach). angular muscles. --- bile tubes. stomact secs 2 ae -- intestine. De recturr) Fic. 2. ALIMENTARY OANAL OF PIERIS BRASSICA. of the air they contain, seeing the walls are sup- ported by spirally convoluted fibres, which impart great strength and prevent collapse; and that the air is changed within them, according to the necessity of the creature, by the closing or opening of the spiracles and the continuous rhythmic movement of the body. It may be well to say a few words with respect to the means by which in the Proboscidea the food is drawn up into the stomach. ‘The Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera are provided with a bladder-shaped_ dis- tension of the oesophagus which would appear to be a modification of the crop, and is called a “sucking stomach.” This is not a receptacle for food, but by its distension and the consequent rarefaction of the air contained therein it promotes suction of the same and facilitates the rising of fluids in the proboscis and the oesophagus, and it is by this means these insects rifle the flowers of their contents.—Z. Bostock. I happen to have some transverse sections of the so-called tongue of the Cabbage Butterfly. I have made a rough drawing (fig. 1) of one. This shows the organ to be composed of the two maxillae, the walls of which enclose a tracheal vessel, muscles, 188 and a fluid (the blood) in each maxilla. They are strengthened by numerous chitinous rings connected by flexible chitine. The nerves are not sufficiently differentiated in this section to be distinguished. If it were possible, which it really is not, for the insect tomake such an “expiratory effort” as would remove the air from the tracheal vessels of the maxillae, it could not possibly have any effect upon the air in the lumen formed by the concave walls of the maxillae, because the walls are rigid in a transverse direction. The spiral fibres also in the large tracheal vessel keep them always distended; there- fore I cannot support Mrs. Major’s very pretty theory. Neither can I endorse that of Mr. Bostock. In the many dipterous insects that I have dissected the so-called “sucking stomach” has invariably contained more or less food; but supposing the sac not to be distended by food, and to be partially filled with air, how is the air to become rarefied ? I can conceive of this being effected in only one of two ways. Either there are special muscles for enlarging the capacity of the sac, or other- wise expansion of the air is effected by heat. In the former case I have not met with any muscles that could perform such an act, and in the latter the temperature of the insect would have to be raised whenever it required to feed. Itis generally admitted that the temperature of the individual animal is pretty constant, and such sudden changes could not take place. Doubtless Mr. Bostock has proofs to uphold his theory, and it would be interesting if he would give them. Is it not possible that in the alimentary canal itself this commonly called ‘sucking action” may originate ? Not only the annular muscles of the pro-ventriculus or gizzard, but those of the crop and oesophagus, when frequently slightly contracted, would expel sufficient air to cause an intermittent inflow of fluid food. In the common Cabbage Butterfly the gizzard is absent, but, according to Newport, the crop is very richly supplied with annular muscles (compare fig. 2).— Wm. Jenkinson. [The later explanations of the method by which Lepidopterous insects suck up their food may be briefly summarised as follows. The oesophagus is expanded just behind the mouth, so as to actas the actual means of suction; in fact, as akind of sucking pump. The food being liquid, there is no need for a gizzard ; and the oesophagus, though of consider- able length, leads practically direct into the stomach. Mr. Jenkinson is correct in his deduc- tions as to the so-called “sucking stomach,” as it is now known to be a reservoir for food only.—ED. Microscopy, §.-G.] Sections of the Pulvilli of Sarcophaga carnaria (see pp. 121, 122).—I am not quite sure of the meaning of the term ‘semi- or half-tubes.” The tubes seem to me to be separate. I do not see why the walls of the gland-case should not be porous, and the viscid fluid ooze through. 1 con- sider the suggestion that the viscid fluid takes up and retains disease germs for the benefit of man to be wholly inadmissible. I believe it to be an axiom in evolutionary science that no creature develops any organ or habit for the benefit of any others, unless it is itself benefited by benefiting the other, as in the case of the ants and the thorny Acacia of South America. The opinion of Mr. Newton as to the situation of the organ of memory in the head of the blow-fly seems very daring and entirely unverifiable.—R. S$. Pattrick. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. FIELD BOTANY. CONDUCTED BY JAMES SAUNDERS, A.L.S. ELECAMPANE IN HAMPSHIRE.—The New Forest district of Hampshire has been so thoroughly explored by botanists that it is not often one expects to find anything quite new, much less such a handsome and conspicuous plant as Znula hele- nium. recognised the elecampane in a bunch of wild flowers at the Milford Show in August, and having tracked the young exhibitor with some difficulty was taken by her mother to see the growing plant, shorn of its blossoms, but apparently quite wild, in a low-lying meadow in that parish. It is known to grow in many parts of the Isle of Wight, but has hitherto been only once found on the Hampshire mainland, between Alresford and Basingstoke. The plant has a large fleshy root, formerly used in medicine.—J. #. Kelsall, Milton. ELECAMPANE IN BEDFORDSHIRE.—In “‘ Abbott’s Flora,” 1798, it is recorded for Beds, in ‘“ pastures, Ravensden, Stevington: rare.’ It has recently been found in this county by Mr. C. Crouch in an old pasture at Pullox Hill, apparently native, or at least perfectly naturalised. H. C. Watson found it impracticable to determine in which counties it is indigenous and in which it is an introduced plant. His remark with reference to its occurrence in the Isle of Wight is that ‘it seemed to be obviously an introduced plant.” —J. Saunders. THE Moss EXCHANGE CLUB REPORT.—There is evidence from the report for 1901 that good work is still being accomplished by this society in what is essentially field botany. One advantage that the study of mosses possesses is that they can be collected in every season of the year. Some species are at their best long after the summer flowers have gone. We notice that the distributor has issued during this season over three thousand authorita- tively named specimens, a sufficiently onerous task, and of great value to the students of this group of plants. One noteworthy phase of the report is the prominence given to the Sphagnaceae, the nomenclature of which is evidently up to present date. The important alterations that have recently been made in the naming of these mosses will render many of the older records valueless with reference to the comital distribution of these plants. This will give agreeable occupation to enthusiasts on the subject. ‘There is apparently a diminution in the interest taken in the Hepaticae, which it is to be hoped is only temporary, as there is still room for original work in that section. We wish the ‘‘ Moss Exchange Club” continued and increasing success.”—J. S. NARCISSUS BIFLORUS.—It is news to one man at least, who is ‘‘ Something of a botanist,” but still a little outside the pale, to know that Varcissus biflorus Curtis was ever looked upon as a British plant (ante, p. 125). It is an alien, and mentioned SCIENCE-GOSSIP. as such in “ English Botany,” 3rd edition, and the same in Hooker’s ‘‘ Flora.” About John’s book I know nothing, except the name “Flowers of the Field.” Far better authorities are H. C. Watson and the last edition of the ‘‘ London Catalogue.” Both, of course, take the species as alien. Hybridity is a matter for growers.—S. L. Petty, Ulverston. VARIETY OF LASTREA PSEUDO-MAS.—I found a new variety of the above on the Coreen Hills, alongside the Cotburn, Alford, Aberdeenshire, on August 21st, 1901. There are several crowns of the plant, and the fronds are variable over the whole, some being typical forms of Lastrea pseudo- mas, but most were departures from that in varying degrees. Some were beautifully branched and others forked. I found one several years ago; but the one under notice varies more from the normal type. The former was named Lastrea pseudo-mas var. multiformis-wilsoni by Mr. Wollaston, of Chiselhurst. This one might be called Zastrea pseudo-mas Vax multiformis IT. wilsoni.— W. Wilson, Alford, Aberdeen, Scotland. EDUCATIONAL BOLANY.--I am enclosing some notes on what I think would, if carried out, do more for the furtherance of a love of field botany than much writing. If plots could be set aside and planted in a rational manner with labels giving the common names as well as technical ones, so that ‘‘he who runs may read,” there might perhaps be a chance that among the thousands who roam over our parks a few here and there would be attracted to use their eyes and brain in a science at once pleasant and health-giving. I daresay you know that here in Lancashire to be a botanist is no great distinction, as the place has always been the home of ‘herbalists”” and their kindred, who amongst many good points have much to answer for in the depletion of our not too varied flora. I should be glad if you could get anyone to send us roots. Of course we should pay carriage, etc., and in case you know of anyone likely I would send a list marked with what we have.—Thomas Midgley, Chadwick Museum, Bolton. SUMMER FLOWERS.—Spring flowers opened late this year. There was little sunshine and a pre- valence of cold, ungenial east wind. ‘he first hawthorn was noted on May 15th. With regard, however, to early summer flowers it is quite dif- ferent. They are opening in quick succession. Rosa canina was first seen on May 30th, and is now abundant. The forcing sun heat of the last three weeks may be credited with this. During a riverside ramble in this country on June 3rd, scarcely more than a mile in length, we noted the following flowers:—Rubus caesius, Digitalis pur- purea, Lychnis diurna, varying in shade from pale pink to deep rosy crimson, mingling with the amber shades of Huphorbia amygdaloides; Vibur- num opulus in the hedges; Polygala vulgaris. blue, pink, and white in the grazed pastures; in the mowing-grass Bromus mollis and Avena pubescens and Carex hirta fruiting by the river. Where the parasitic Rhinanthus crista-galli was flourishing the grass was short and poor. In the damper spots of the meadows bordering the river Munnow were numerous orchids. Jistera ovata in full flower; Orchis morio, purple, pink, and white, was nearly over; O. maculata and O. incarnata were abundant, accompanied by an interesting series of intermediate forms, hybrids between the two last. 189 The leaves of the hybrid are well marked with small distinct spots. The flowers vary in tint, and are intermediate in the form and the marking of the labellum ; the spikes are furnished with long coloured bracts. The individuals were mostly tall, well-developed specimens.—Z. Armitage, Dadnor, Herefordshire, June 4th, 1901. STRUCTURAL and PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. CONDUCTED BY HAROLD A. HAIG. BRACT AND FRUIV-SCALE IN CONIFERAE,—The carpellary-scale in Pinus, or Larix, corresponds, as is well known, with a carpel in the Angiosperms, but differs in that it is not folded on itself, but is dorsi-ventrally flattened, and bears the ovules upon its upper surface. The bract is a scale-leaf, in the axil, and perhaps partly from the upper surface, of which the fruit-scale arises. The relative arrange- ment of the xylem and phloém in these two structures is peculiar, and has a distinct physio- logical bearing upon the question. In the fruit- ry ph xy. Xylem, nearest upper surface. ph. Philoém. B, LoxerrepinaL SECTION oF Bracr (2) anp FRuit- SCALE (J). ph. Phioém of fruit-scale nearest upper surface. 7. Line of junction of bract and scale. xy. Xylem. scale we find that the phloém is uppermost, and adjacent to the under surface of the ovule, whilst the xylem is underneath. In the bract, on the other hand, the xylem is uppermost, lying adjacent to the under surface of the fruit-scale, the phloém being underneath. In this structure, then, the constituents of the bundle have the same relative position as in an ordinary bifacial leaf, whereas in the fruit-scale they have received a “twist,” whereby phloém is brought uppermost. That the phloém should lie next the ovules is of importance, for the elements of this tissue merge gradually into- 190 those of the nucellus and seed-coat, and there is thus every facility for rapid diffusion of food material during the process of reproduction. Various views are held concerning the manner in which the altered relative position of xylem and phloém is brought about, but these need not be here discussed. ADAPTABILITY OF PLANTS.—Prince Kropotkin, writing in the ‘‘ Nineteenth Century” (September, pp. 423-431), reviews the work that has recently been done in establishing the fact that variability in plants is very largely determined by the surround- ing conditions of moisture, warmth, light, etc. He points out that Alpine plants taken away from high altitudes and grown in a valley lose many of their Alpine characteristics, and vice versa; there is also a brief account of the work of the great botanist, De Vries, in this direction, with especial mention of the variations he produced in the poppy ; for instance, the production of the many-headed variety by alterations of manure and other nutrition factors—a process De Vries called ‘“ nutrition- variation,” for it depended chiefly upon the nature and quantity of the food-material supplied. There are other interesting notices concerning the varia- bility of plants under changing conditions, and stress is laid upon the fact that in some plants (Oenothera lamarckiana) accidental variations have arisen that possessed the power of reproducing their kind exactly even for more than four or five generations. THE STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEOLUS.—The “definitive” nucleus ot Caltha palustris offers many interesting points for observation. In the first place, its large size, relatively to the dimen- sions of the embryo-sac, renders great aid to investi- gation, as also does the comparative ease with which Fic, 2. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH EMBRYO-SAC OF CALTHA PALUSTRIS. (Dracn under 3, oil-immersion.) ¢. Tapetal-layer. a. Antipodal cells. p. Mass of protoplasm. n. Necleus of embryo-sac. n'. Nucleolus. e. Egg-cell (?). sections may be made of the sac in the ovules. A longitudinal section of an ovule of Caltha at a certain stage prior to fertilisation will, if the section SCIENCE-GOSSTIP. be successful and carefully stained with haemat- oxylin, safranin, and toluidin blue, show us all the structures contained inthe embryo-sac. These are (a) the ‘definitive nucleus,” (6) the ‘ syner- gidae” and egg-cell at the micropylar end of the sac, and (¢) the “antipodal cells,” three in number, at the opposite end. (See fig. 2.) In the defini- tive nucleus we easily make out the nuclear membrane, the chromatin masses, and the large nucleolus. ‘This latter has a well-defined border, and moreover this border is seen to be of fair thickness, and may at certain points be depressed towards the interior, which is clearer. Obviously in this case the nucleolus has the structure of a vesicle, and it is probable that all nucleoli are of this nature, being filled with a clear fluid of an oily consistency. PARTIAL SUPPRESSION OF PHLOEM IN WILD BALSAM.—It may interest botanical readers to in- vestigate or discuss the reason why the ring of phloém is to a great extent suppressed in the stem of the wild balsam (Jmpatiens). There are certain points of a transverse section where the large Pe LY TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH SYEM OF IMPATIENS NOLI-ME-TANGERE. Fig. 3. e. Epidermis. p. Phloém. zy. Xylem. , 16.—* Museum of Practical Geology. ;, 26.—§ “ More Pictures of Bird Life.” 0. G. Pike. LAMBETH FIELD CLUB AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Nov. 4—7 “Fruits and Seeds.” E. J. Davies. > 16.—* Natural History Museum—Botanical Gallery. DE. J. Davies. » 18—7 “A Visit to Shakespeare’s Birthplace.’ Miss A. Wall. SELBORNE Sociery. Oroypon AnD Norwoop BRANCH. Noy. 1—j“A Demonstration on Fungi.” Dr. Franklin Parsons. Crry orf LonpoN ENTOMOLOGICAL AND Narursat HISTORY Sociery. Nov. 6.—} Discussion; “The British Species of the Genus Eurymus.” » 20.—f Discussion : “Sugaring.” HAMPSTEAD SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Noy. 1.—Conversazione. . » 4.—f Astronomical Section, “ Light,’ Lecture I. P. E. Vizard. 5 ll.—+ Ditto ditto Lecture II. 5, 13.—$ Photographie Section, “ What can be done with a Hand Camera.” ; 18.—}f Astronomical Section, “ Light,” Lecture III. Vizard. 25.— Ditto » 29.—Photozraphic Section. P, E. ditto Lecture IV. Annual Section. GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION. Noy. 1.—Conversazione. EXCHANGES. Novrice.—Exchanges extending to thirty words (including name and address) admitted free; but additional words must be prepaid at the rate of threepence for every seven words or less. OFFERED : Hesperia lineola from Essex. Wanted: Local butterflies —W. R. Hayward, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Rock SPECIMENS and Coal Measure Fossils, also thin slices of rocks for grinding for microscopic slides for geological speci- mens. Lists exchanged.—W. Hemingway, 170 Old Mill Lane, Barnsley. Micro MareriaL.— Wanted, stirches, diatoms, zoophytes, Ooleoptera (good British or foreign), also sponge spicules or other interesting marine specimens. Must be correctly named. Send list and quantity. Liberal exchange given in either other material, mounted specimens, or microscopic apparatus.— R. Mason, 69 Park Road, Clapham, London, S.W. DravToMs.—Having a considerable quantity of superfluous material, Ishould be pleased to hear from others studying the Diatomacees.—G. H. Bryan, Plas Gwyn, Bangor, N. Wales. CONTENTS. METEOROLOGICAL Nores IN SOUTH APRICA. PAGE By Major H. A. Cunnrs, O.M.G., R.A.M.O. Jllustrated 55 Gil VACCINATION. By H. H. Baker, B.A. (Oxon.) .. -- 166 BUTTERFLIES OF THE PALAEARCIIC REGION. By HENRY CHARLES LANG, M.D., F.E.S. Illustrated .. -. 168 RECENT CRIT) S ON THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIELY a0 | lAt AN InrropucTION TO BririsH SpipeRs. By FRANK Perey Smith ae 39 oD 06 Bo oo. 1783 Books To Reap. Illustrated .. 90 20 30 175 SCIENCE GOSSIP .. 99 50 a0 a0 O09 so Wee PHOTOGRAPHY. .. 90 00 G0 99 90 -. 180 ASTRONOMY. Illustrated 26 00 oo oe oo Jip OHEMISTRY 00 00 o9 oc 50 so GK Puysics. Illustrated .. oo BO 00 OO oo leh Microscopy. Illustrated OD aC 90 a6 oo HGS Borany. Illustrated .. 06 oe 00 00 op EES In MEMORIAM 50 00 50 an 59 90 oo Net NOTES AND QUERIES .. 60 o- a0 06 ee LOT NovicES—EXCHANGES .. Op oo 50 60 «. 192 SCIENCE-GOSSIP. SemeNCE GOSSIP: SPECIAL GONCESSION. Present and New Annual Subscribers desiring to complete their series of The First SEVEN Wolumes of the New Series of ScrzNcn-Gossrp can have them delivered free, bound in cloth, with die-sunk gilt lettering, and all extra pages for reference, according to the latest fashion of binding Scientific Magazines, For TWENTY-FIVE Shillings. The prices to ordinary purchasers are Vol. I., 5s. 6d. ; Vols. II., III., IV., V., VI. and VII., 7s. 6d. each. The Trade is supplied at these prices, with usual discount. The volumes commence with the June number; but Annual Subscriptions (6s. 6d., post free) may begin with any month, and should be sent direct to ScimNcE-Gossip Office, 110 STRAND, Lonpon, W.C. W. LONGLEY, ENTOMOLOGICAL CABINET AND APPARATUS MAKER. NATURAL HISTORY AGENT AND BOOKSELLER. SOUTH BENFLEET, R.S.O., Jet S)fS) 1a 2 Nets, Breeding Cages, and Apparatus of every descrip- tion; Cabinets for Insects, Birds’ Eggs, Minerals, Shells, Coins, etc. etc. ; Pocket Boxes, Store Boxes, and Book Boxes. Sheets of Cork any size to order. NOW READY. THE CHAPMAN JONES PLATE TESTER —— SS, = = : = = = Soeaees: TCE eA EF noe A simple | instrument for testing photographic plates and films. pap hone S$ ER PLATET Illustrated 1S Songer Shep booklet sent on es a receipt of 1d, stamp. P@r See “ Science-Gossir,” June No., page 22. SANGER SHEPHERD & CO, Facrory "anp OFFices: 5, 6 & 7 GRAY’S INN PASSAGE, BRED LION STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegrams: ‘‘ AUKS,” LONDON. AN IMPROVED | OPTICAL LANTERN FOR PROJECTION, SCIENCE WORK, AND ENLARCING. AP lig A | « ) \ }) OT A Lantern of the highest class, especially sulted to the require- ments of advancedAmateurs and Scientifio Men. The body is entirely of metal, and is furnished with arc lamp or limelight jet. “The two condensers, 54 in. and 4 in., are mounted in bayonet-joint cells. The optical base consists of a series of four pairs of stout, truly-fitted brass tubes, allof which, with the ex- ception of the rear pair, can be entirely removed. The slide stage is adjustable to or from the condenser to accommodate a glycerine or alum trough. The front is fitted with slip up panels for easy exchange of objectives, microscope, polariscope or spectro- scope fronts. The Lantern forms a perfect instrument for Projection of Lantern Sides and 4-plate Transparencies. Projection of Microscoplo and Polariscoplo Sildes and the Spectrum, Enlarging from }-plates or Lantern Sildes. Enlarging from portions of large Negatives. Projection of Parallel Beams. Illumination of Paintings, and General Science Work, Fuller particulars post free on application. SANGER SHEPHERD & CO., Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments, Light Filters for Orthochromatic Photography and Photo- micrography, and Apparatus and Material for NATURAL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY. 5, 6 & 7 GRAY’S INN PASSAGE, RED LION STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telephone : 1824 GERRARD, | ESTABLISHED 1760. J. CC. SsLr_vwEns, (HENRY STEVENS. D. PELL-SMITH.) AUCTIONEER AND WALUER, 38 KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. Every Friday at 12.30 Sales are held at the Rooms of Microscopes and all Accessorles by best makers. Milero- scoplo Slides, Telescopes, Theodolites, Levels, Electrical and Scientific Apparatus, Gameras and all kinds of Photographic Apparatus. Lanterns by leading makers. Lantern Slides in great variety. NATURAL HISTORY SALES once and twice a month. 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A S| Is invaluable to iy m = z NATURALISTS, i 6 y bod et ASTRONOMERS, THAT PRISM bs] i fy TRAVELLERS, 4 A YACHTSMEN, “SRE Qn <3 SPORTSMEN, PRODUCES 3 Se ra] NAVAL and Tie Ei pt me MILITARY MEN, WONDEREUE Ss S Ss wn in fact, EFFECT, = 5 EVERYONE 2 = Q I g Will increase his knowledge and add to his pleasure by using the Watson Prism Glass. iss) Prices in Case :—Magnifying power 4 diameters, £6 ; 7 diameters, £7 15s. 3 9 diameters, £9 5s. me a Send for Descriptive Price List. It will interest you. re| S MICROSCOPES The Amateur, UNIQUE MODELS :— NS OBJECTIVES finest Laboratory, WATSON’S VAN HEURCK S SUBSTAGE in the Student WATSON’S EDINBURGH STUDENT’S L.) CONDENSERS world , WATSON’S ROYAL } and for School, WATSON’S FRAM SX ACCESSORIES the Specialist. WATSON’S SCHOOL Send for Catalogue No. 2—it contains full particulars of the above—pos Sree. Watson's Catalogue of Microscopic Objects (No. 3) is a Classified List representing a stock of 50,000 first-class specimens, post free. W. WATSON & SONS, Opticians to H.M. Govt., 313 High Holborn, LONDON, W.C. ESTABLISHED 1837.] Branches-\6 FORREST RD., EDINBURGH; 78 SWANSTON ST., MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. Srorriswoope & Co. Lrp,, Prinrprs, Nzw-STREET SQUARE, LONBON. | 3 2044 106 284 359 UII eae one oy OS ca