a Tn | goourarhe Cay Ne COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: GPO aSHdHaHO YVddHHO NVOIMaWV The Science avd Practice of Cheese-Making A Treatise on the Manufacture of Amer ican Cheddar Cheese and other varieties intended as a text-book for the use of dairy teachers and students in classroom and workroom ; prepared also as a handbook and work of reference for the daily use of practical cheese-makers in cheese-fa¢tory operations By Lucius L. Van Slyke, Ph.D. v« Chemist of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station aid Charles A. Publow, A.B., M.D., C.M. Associate Professor of Dairy Industry in the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University Illustrated - New “York Orange Judd Company LO09 LISRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Recetved FEB 3 1909 Copyrignt entry On .2%B, VAG ASS CR XXc No, Copyright, 1909 ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEw YORK All Rights Reserved. [Printed in U.S. A.] PREFACE This book has been prepared to supply a need definitely expressed by dairy teachers, dairy stu- dents and cheese-makers. To meet the require- ments of to-day, a book on cheese-making must be something more than a mere description, in a recipe-like form, of certain operations to be per- formed; it must also make prominent the reasons for each step-in every operation and present as clearly as possible the facts and principles under- lying the methods; in other words, it must present the science as well as the practice of cheese-making. Knowledge of cheese-making, as of any art, is two-sided, practical and scientific. Practical knowl- edge tells us what to do; scientific knowledge gives us the reasons for what is done. Practice consists in doing things; science, in knowing things. Knowledge, to be complete, must be both practical and scientific ; we must know not only what particular things to do but why we do them. Just in proportion as the prac- tical and the scientific sides of knowledge advance together, does the practice become more nearly per- fect. The more one knows, the more and better can one do. The practice of cheese-making embraces a systematic series of mechanical operations, which have been gradually developed by experience and observation. In its widest application, it includes (1) the produc- tion and care of milk; (2) the conversion of milk into cheese; and (3) the care of the manufactured product until it is ready to be used as food. vi PREFACE The science of cheese-making embraces a collection of the underlying facts and principles relating to the practice, arranged in systematic form so as to show their relations. For example, it includes, among other lines: (1) A knowledge of the con- stituents of milk—what each has to do in the mak- ing of cheese and how each is related to the yield, composition and quality of the product; (2) the changes which each constituent of milk may under- go and the effect of such changes upon the yield, composition and quality of cheese; (3) the action of micro-organisms upon the constituents of milk and of cheese; (4) the effect of unorganized ferments upon milk and cheese; (5) the effect of temperature, humidity and other conditions upon the chemical changes that take place during the operations of cheese-ripening. While cheese has been made for thousands of years, the growth of accurate, systematic knowledge regarding its inner details has been extremely slow; but within the past twenty years there has been an era of unprecedented activity in the investigation of the chemical, biological and other problems con- nected with milk and cheese. As the result of the application of new knowledge thus gained, the prac- tice of cheese-making has undergone marked im- provements. The problems that are peculiar to the manufacture of American cheddar cheese have been studied extensively in the United States and Can- ada, mainly under government direction in some form, and more especially at agricultural experi- ment stations. Two institutions have been promi- nent for the extent and thoroughness of their PREFACE Vil investigations and for the far-reaching influence of the results of their work—the agricultural experi- ment stations of the states of Wisconsin and of New York (Geneva). The results of these and of other useful investigations are not now easily avail- able, being scattered through many reports and bulletins, most of which can be found only in large libraries. One of the tasks proposed at the outset in the preparation of this book was to digest this large mass of valuable material and present the results in systematic form, thus making it for the -first time readily available to all dairy students. An exhaustive, detailed history of these investigations would compel one to present some results and in- terpretations which more accurate work has later shown to be erroneous. Those for whose use this book has been prepared are more interested in knowing what the status of our present knowledge is than in studying the various details which have preceded. The chief aim, therefore, has been te digest and summarize the results of investigation in such a way as to give what, in the light of our present knowledge, we may now regard as the probable facts and their proper interpretation. This task is a somewhat discouraging one, because new facts are being rapidly added to our knowledge and, in consequence, what we may now hold as true is quite likely to need modification in the near future. The main portion of this book is devoted to cheddar cheese for the obvious reason that this is the kind most extensively made in America. A few other kinds of cheese are briefly discussed, so Vill PREFACE far as the assigned limits permit. Even in relation to cheddar cheese, the book is not intended as an encyclopedia, but an effort has been made to have it reasonably complete. The language used by the practical cheese-maker in describing the operations of cheese-making has inevitably expressed his theories or explanations of observed facts. Many expressions have persisted even after they were known not to be in accordance with facts. It has seemed highly desirable that such inaccuracies should be corrected and the lan- guage made to correspond with our advanced knowledge. In addition, there have been many in- accurate and loose expressions in common _ use which have come simply from carelessness and lack of precision. Such expressions have been carefully revised in the preparation of this book. A few words in regard to the general plan of the book will not be out of place here. The subject matter is divided into five parts. The first part is devoted mainly to a description of the operations employed in making American cheddar cheese un- der normal conditions, including the care of cheese, factory construction, equipment, etc. This portion of the subject is placed first in order in the book, as a matter of convenience, because it is the por- tion which will be most commonly referred to in connection with practical work. In order to avoid overloading the description of methods of cheese- making with too many details in the way of ex- planations, precautions, etc., many of these points are discussed with fullness in later portions of the book, appropriate references being given in part PREFACE 1x first. The second part is devoted to a study of the various defects that may occur in cheese as the result of abnormal conditions in the process of cheese-making. ‘The third part, which comprises more than one-half of the book, is devoted to the science of cheese-making. This is the first attempt to treat the subject in a comprehensive, systematic manner. It is realized that not all of the chapters will appeal equally to those who use the book. For a satisfactory understanding of Chapter XXIV, _ some knowledge of chemistry is required. The fourth part of the book contains a description of methods of making some other varieties of cheese than American cheddar. In the fifth and last part are given a description of the tests used in cheese- making, an indexed bibliography of the subject, and other matter of a miscellaneous character. Each illustration has been carefully selected with reference to giving supplementary, helpful, and specific information. The use of illustrations as a means of padding the book, or as a source of en- tertainment without reference to the subject-mat- ter, has been carefully avoided. In using this book, teachers will adapt it to the special conditions under which they work or to the special purpose they have in mind. For ex- ample, the amount and kind of matter studied will differ in the case of short-course and of long-course students. Material will be found for those most ad- vanced, as well as for beginners. Good judgment will need to be exercised in respect to the combi- nation of the different parts, but assistance in this respect is given by means of specific references. It x PREFACE is not expected that any book, however complete and clear, will enable one to make cheddar cheese successfully without the help of a competent teacher. It is appreciated that, in the preparation of a work on new lines, the results are inevitably far from perfect. Those who have occasion to use this book will confer a favor if they will be free to call the attention of the authors to any defects which they find, whether in the line of omissions, incom- plete treatment or inaccuracy of statement. As to the respective shares of the work for which the authors are severally responsible, Chapters II, Whey, V and XX VII represent combined work; Mr Van. Slyke has written, for’ the smost. pare Chapters I, Vi and VIIIl; Mr. Publow, except for some minor changes and additions, has written Chapters. VII and TX%to. XII1 inclusive; Mr Vana Slyke has written Chapters XIV to XXVI inclu- sive, and also Chapters XXVIII to XXX. We desire here to express our appreciation of valuable assistance received in various ways from the following persons: Mr. G. G. Publow, King- ston, Ontario, Canada, Chief -Dairy Instructor in cheese-making; Mr. George A. Smith, Geneva, N. Y., Dairy Expert at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station; Mr. Alfred W. Bosworth, Geneva, N. Y., Associate Chemist at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station; and Dr. Donald D. Van Slyke, New York City, Assistant Chemist at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. September, 1908. CONTENTS PART I. Page The Manufacture of American Cheddar Cheese. iL | The Care of Milk for Cheese-Making : : ‘ ‘ 2 a@ Preliminary Steps in Making Cheddar Cheese ; : ils TE Operations from Cutting Curd to Salting . : : , 25 se Operations from Salting Curd to Removal from Press. 37 V. Moisture and Acidity in Curd and Cheese: Conditions, Effects and Control. : : : ‘ 45 Vale Modifications of Cheddar Process and Miscellaneous Subjects , : ; , ; : : , 55 Vil. Care, Shipment and Sale of Cheese ; : , : ral WALI. Commercial Qualities of Cheddar yah oat eae of Judging ‘ ‘ ‘ : 80 IX. Cheese-Factory Construction . : . ; - : o7 X. Cheese-Factory Equipment . : , ° . P|! 6 Xil TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PARRY Gf. Defects of American Cheddar Cheese: Causes, Remedies and Means of Prevention. Sok Defects in Flavor . . , , ’ ; ‘: a ols Git | Defects in Body and in Texture : : . : «| 12 MIT Defects in Color and in Finish . : . , 5 = 129 PARSE 11. The Science of Cheese-Making: The Chemical, Bio- ‘logical and Other Relations of Milk and Cheese. SCL. The Constituents of Milk . ; ; ; ‘ ; ie AS XV. Conditions Affecting Proportions of Constituents in Milk. 155 XVI. Functions of Milk Constituents in Cheese-Making . i. GE XVII. Milk Constituents and Yield of Cheese . : > 186 XVIII. Methods of Calculating Yield of Cheese . ; : », aa XIX. Milk Constituents in Relation to Composition of Cheese . 231 XX. The Composition of Cheese in Relation to Quality . « hee 9.48 Methods of Paying for Milk for Cheese-Making . Jira TABLE OF CONTENTS Xili Page XXII. The Relations of Micro-Organisms and araiae to Cheese- Making 4 : : é : : ‘ 285 XXIII. The Ripening of Cheese . ; : : ' - ants WoO 4 IE Chemical Changes in Cheese-Ripening . ; : 6 2 827 XXV. Causes of Chemical Changes in Cheese-Ripening . « ) Ba4 XXVI. Commercial Relations of Cheese-Ripening . : ees as ae PART TY. XXVII. Methods of Making Different Varieties of Cheese . = 395 PARE VW, Methods of Testing, Factory Organization came Literature. XXVIII. Methods of Testing Used in Cheese-Making . ‘ e423 XXIX. Cheese-Factory Organization and Management ‘ © 447 XXX. The Literature of Cheese-Making . ‘ : : 454 ft ¥ ne Se it ILLUSTRATIONS Page American Cheddar Cheese . ga: Frontispiece Microscopic Appearance of Clean Milk . ' 4 Microscopic Appearance of Unciean Milk 4 Sanitary Milking-Pails 10 Aerator and Cooler ; : 11 Dipper for Use in Cheese- Making | ’ 20 McPherson Hand-Agitator for Stirring Curd 28 Double-Toothed Curd-Rake : ; 29 Effect of Excessive Moisture in Soaked-Curd Cheese . 58 Abnormal Texture of Soaked-Curd Cheese 59 Weighing, Paraffining and Boxing Cheese 74 Apparatus for Paraffining Cheese US Appearance of Perfect Cheese-Box 78 Close-Textured Cheese ao 84 Loose-Textured Cheese 84 Texture of Sweet-Curd Cheese 84 Texture Caused by Gas 85 Mechanical-Holes in Cheese 85 Swiss-Holes . 86 Design for Septic Tanks : 101 Cold-Air Circulation in Curing- Room. . 102 Plan Showing ester ‘of Cheese- “Factory Equip- ment ; : ; 103 Plan for Cheese- Factory 105 prec! Cheese-Vat .. °. 107 Barnard’s Curd-Cutter 108 Gosselin Curd-Mill ’ 108 Continuous-Pressure Gang- Press 109 Fraser and Wilson Hoops . . 110 Apparatus for Showing Humidity i in Air iil Fish-Eye Texture in Yeasty Cheese 126 Seamy Color and Lack of Pressure : asi i a Brine-Soluble Protein of Cheese Drawn out in Strings . 148 Diagram Showing Composition of Milk . . 195 Distribution of Milk-Constituents in Cheese and Whey 196 Yield and Composition of Cheese from Different Milks 206 Yield and eae of Cheese from Milks of Different Breeds gina 208 Xvi ILLUSTRATIONS Page Effect of Skimming Milk on ey onee and Yield of (Cneese ae 299 Ball-Shaped Bacteria. Meg? Be) 0 ee Chains of Ball-Shaped Bactetia sf, 5 se os Rod-Shaped Bacteria .. Lie h eodhs) a he Vereen Bacteria with Swimming Riggs) is ur tae a Effect of Temperature on Bacteria . . . . . . 290 Lactic Acid Bacteria . 292 Close-Textured Cheese Ripened at Different ‘Tempera- tures : 324 Sweet-Curd Cheese Ripened at Different Temperatures 329 Devices for Keeping Records of Temperature . . 384-385 Appearance of Frozen Cheddar Cheese . . . . 390 Edam Press-Mold and Cover . i) eee Cross-Section of Edam Press- Mold andCover . . . 413 Edam Salting-Mold in Cross-Section .. = Edam Salting-Mold, Inside and Outside Appearance . 414 Parts of Gouda Mold Shown iio ; . sag Parts of Gouda Mold United . . Boras: 6: oa Part I The Manufacture of American Cheddar Cheese Details of cheese-making operations from care of milk to sale of cheese. Commercial qualities and methods of judging. Cheese - factory construction and equipment. The Science and Practice of Cheese-Making CHAPTER: !f The Care of Milk for Cheese-Making ONE of the fundamental requisites of successful cheese-making is clean milk. The cheese-making process begins in reality on the premises of the milk producer; and, of all the details of.the process, the one that is, and has always been, productive of most trouble is the improper handling of milk by patrons. There has usually been complete absence of any ade- quate method in caring for milk. The occasional skimming or watering of milk always calls forth the severest condemnation, and properly; but actual losses caused dairymen in this way are insignificant in com- parison with the losses caused by carelessness and neglect in properly caring for milk. It is to be hoped that the time may come when deliberate carelessness and indifference in the production and care of milk will be regarded as little short of criminal. The value, of milk in cheese-making depends, in no small degree, on the care it receives from the time it is drawn from the udder until it is delivered at the factory. The quality of milk in respect to its cleanliness determines, to a great extent, the quality of cheese that can be made from it. 3 4 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING When milk is not properly cared for by patrons, it may acquire undesirable characteristics, which injure its usefulness in cheese-making, such, for example, as high acidity, acquiring offensive odors and tastes, forming gases, etc. The causes of these defects will be briefly con- sidered under four headings: (1) Bacterial infec- tion, (2) absorption of flavors, (3) food eaten, (4) physiological or disease processes in cows. ° fe) Cn Om OW Gy ° eno O ie) 26 a aa0: 6 °o° SO" Fo 2 HOB O Ay @ ° Qo 0° ° . oO ° ° O r e re) ° 0%) S O ie) oO @) O: fe) Or Og °6 Or 8 0° .992 0 9g O 0Qd08 é 00 anO™ © %o ° O o OC fe) O FIG. 1 FIG. 2 Appearance of clean milk under Appearance of unclean milk under the the microscope. Only fat-globules microscope. The light, round bodies are are seen. fat-globules; the dark masses are groups of bacteria and cellular matter. SOURCES OF BACTERIAL INFECTION Milk, when drawn with careful precautions from the udder of a cow, contains comparatively few bacteria; but milk obtained and handled under ordi- nary conditions is found to contain large numbers, often several hundred thousand, in one cubic centi- meter (somewhat less than one-quarter of an ordinary teaspoonful). The more dirt there is in milk, the CARE OF MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 5 more bacteria there will be. Bacteria and dirt always go together in dairy matters. The relations of bac- teria to milk are considered in greater detail in Mhaprer XX IT, p. (285. The most common sources of bacterial infection are the following: (1) Unclean or unhealthy condition of cows; (2) unclean condition of stables or places of milking; (3) unclean condition of persons milking cows; (4) unclean condition of utensils used; (5) keeping milk in unclean surroundings, and especially at temperatures above 60° F. after milking. Unclean condition of cows.—The hair on cows favors the accumulation of dirt and dust. The con- dition is worse in proportion as cows are not regu- larly and thoroughly cleaned. Dust particles and hairs, laden with bacteria, are in position to drop into the milk-pail. While the hairs and coarse chunks of dirt may be removed from milk by straining, the bacteria are, in large part, washed off into the milk and cannot be removed by any ordinary process of straining. Unclean condition of stable—A dirty condition of the floors, walls and ceilings of a stable all tend to contaminate milk. Any condition in the stable that affords a supply of floating dust at the time of milking furnishes additional bacteria for milk Unclean condition of milker—The hands and clothing of a milker may easily be loaded with bacteria and thus become a source of infection. Particularly objectionable is the filthy practice of moistening the hands with milk when milking. Unclean utensils, especially the milk-pails, strain- ers and milk-cans. The cracks and joints of all 6 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING utensils made of tin, unless great care in cleaning 1s used, contain dirt that holds large numbers of bacteria. Rust and imperfect soldering of joints furnish places for dirt to get out of easy reach. Without prompt and extreme care, strainers easily become filthy and are then simply breeding places for bacteria. When milk cans are used for carrying back whey to the farm from the cheese-factory, the cans often are not cleaned promptly, and, when finally attended to, are not treated with proper thoroughness. Through the medium of a dirty whey-vat, filth, as well as disease, germs may be distributed throughout the whole neighbor- hood. Even epidemics of typhoid fever have been traced to this source of infection; certain diseases have been similarly distributed among farm ani- mals, as, for example, tuberculosis in calves and hogs. Unclean surroundings after milking.—Milk, even when drawn under the cleanest possible conditions, very easily becomes contaminated by being kept, even for a short time, in any place that is not clean. Keeping milk cool.—At temperatures above 60° F., milk more rapidly undergoes fermentation changes than at lower temperatures (p. 290). ABSORPTION OF FLAVORS Milk, particularly when warm, possesses remarkable ability to absorb and retain odors present in the sur- rounding air. The most common sources of such odors. are the manure in unclean stables and any strong-smelling food present in the stable during milk- ing-time. Among the most common conditions under CARE OF MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING y which undesirable flavors are absorbed are the keep- ing of milk in or near cellars, silos, stables, pig-pens, or any place where strong-smelling substances of any kind are present. FLAVORS FROM FOOD EATEN Certain foods that have strong taste and odor im- part to milk their characteristic flavors when eaten within a few hours before milking. | Most common among these are onions, garlic, rape, turnips, leeks, cabbages, ragweed and decayed ensilage. Experi- ments have shown that with most of these the effects are largely, if not entirely, avoided when milk is not drawn for 8 to 12 hours after such food is eaten, provided an abnormal amount has not been taken. Similar results, but in milder form, may come from the feeding of excessive quantities of such materials as swill, brewers’ grains and distillery slops. It is a safe rule, in the case of milk to be used for cheese, not to use at all such foods as are in danger of taint- ing milk, such as turnips, cabbages, rape, etc., and to keep cows where they cannot get at anything that may endanger the quality of the milk for cheese- making. Some green fodders, like second-growth clover, rye, etc., have been found to produce gassy and tainted milk and cheese. Such a condition is more likely due to bacteria on these foods than to any peculiar property in the foods themselves. There is one marked point of difference between bad flavors of bacterial origin and those coming from absorbed flavors and strong-smelling food. The latter manifest their presence in the milk clearly 8 SCIENCE AND. PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING when the milk is delivered at the factory and may be largely removed by proper aeration and care in the cheese-making operations; but those of bacterial origin do not usually reveal their presence until the cheese-making process is well along, or not even until the cheese has been made and acquired some age. PHYSIOLOGICAL OR DISEASE PROCESSES IN COWS It is well known that if a cow is abnormally heated or excited just before milking, tainted milk and cheese may result. Such a condition may be brought about by dogging cows or any form of ill treatment. Many diseases directly affect cow’s milk and render it unfit for use in making cheese. HOW TO OBTAIN CLEAN MILK We have seen that the one chief source of bacteria is dirt. Hence, the one thing needful to prevent bacteria getting into milk is extreme cleanliness at every point of contact with the milk. The following suggestions are given to indicate what is meant by cleanliness in connection with milking and caring for milk. Cows should be clean and healthy.—Too much pains cannot be taken to keep cows clean. In ad- dition to regular currying and brushing all over, the udder and adjacent portions of the body should be carefully brushed before milking and also wiped with a damp, clean cloth. The udder should also be wiped CARE OF MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 9 after milking. The best way to clean the parts is by using warm water anda cloth. The cleaning is made ~ easier by clipping the hair close to the abdomen, udder and flanks. Dry-brushing of the udder before milking should not be practiced, as it makes conditions worse by stirring up dust which settles into the milk-pail. The stable——Every condition about the stable should be regulated with reference to absence of dirt, an abundant supply of pure air, and a direct exposure to sunlight. The floors should be tight and of a ma- terial not readily absorbing liquids. An abundance of clean bedding should be used, and the manure should be removed more frequently than once a day, and, in any case, not immediately before milking. The walls and ceiling should be swept often enough to prevent the accumulation of dust, but never just before milk- ing-time. Once a year, at least, it is wise to clean the entire stable with extreme care and then go over the whole with a generous coat of whitewash. At such a time the stable should be thoroughly disin- fected if there has been any contagious disease in the stable. The surroundings outside of the stable should be kept in a clean condition, so as not to in- terfere with the supply of pure air. Where water pressure can be had, as in case of a windmill, storage tank, etc., hose should be used in cleaning. Milking.—The milker should wash his hands care- fully before milking and have them perfectly dry while milking. It is also desirable to have a special coat or jacket for milking, made of some material that will not catch or hold dust easily. Only small-top milking- pails should be used. (Fig. 3.) IO SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Cleaning dairy utensils.—AlIl utensils that come in contact with the milk, such as milk-pails, milk-cans, aerators, etc., should be made of metal, preferably of pressed tin, with smooth, well-flushed joints and per- fect seams. They should be kept entirely free from rust. Such vessels should never be allowed to dry when dirty, as dried particles of milk are particularly difficult to remove. In cleaning dairy utensils, rinse them first with cold or lukewarm water; and then scrub with a brush, using water containing some good washing-powder that mil remove grease. Then on FIG. 3—DIFFERENT STYLES OF SANITARY MILKING-PAILS with boiling water and complete the cleansing, if pos- sible, by exposing to a jet of live steam for three to five minutes. Never dry with a cloth, but, when practicable, expose the utensils finally to direct sun- light for a few hours. Dust and flies should be pre- vented from entering the cans after washing. Strainers should be washed immediately after using, cleaning first in tepid water, following with hot water and soap or washing-powder and finally with hot water and then with steaming or boiling. Treatment of milk after milking—As soon as each cow is milked, the milk should be removed from CARE OF MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING EE the stable to some room free from all odors and with cleanly surroundings. The milk should be at once strained through a brass-wire strainer, having net iess than fifty meshes to. the inch, and also through three or four thicknesses of cheese-cloth. Still FIG. 4 FIG. 5 An ideal way of cooling milk. The milk in athin The milk contained in layer runs Over asurface made cold by running ice- these long ‘“‘shot-gun”’ pails water. The same water can be used repeatedly by or cans,placed in ice-water adding ice each time. is stirred occasionally to insure even cooling. more effective results in straining can be secured by the use of absorbent cotton, though its expense may make its use impracticable under ordinary conditions. After straining, cool at once to 60° F., or better to 50° F., by ice or cold water. (Figs. 4 and 5.) I2 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Cleanliness and prompt cooling are two of the most important factors that enter into the successful manu- facture of cheddar cheese. Aeration.—In aerating milk, the following condi- tions should be carefully observed for the best results: (1) Aeration should take place only in a pure atmosphere. (2) Aeration should be per- formed at -body temperature and therefore is best done immediately after milking. (3) Aeration should precede cooling and not be simultaneous with it. (4) Aeration should be carried out over the most extensive surface possible and as slowly as possible. Feeding-time.—Foods having marked odors should be fed only after milking and then at once, and none should be left in the stable. Dry fodders, which furnish dust, should likewise be fed after milking. Diseased milk.—The milk of diseased animals should not be used nor that of animals fresh in milk before the ninth milking. Colostrum milk (p. 158) should never be used for cheese-making. The presence of such milk seriously affects the operations of cheese- making in the following manner: Soon after cutting, the curd becomes softer and will not firm sufficiently to make good cheese. Contagious diseases.—No person suffering from, or recovering from, a contagious disease, nor any per- son that has anything to do in caring for such a person, should be allowed to have any contact with the dairy. JUDGING MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING The only solution of the problem of obtaining clean milk for cheese-making lies in’ the education of the CARE OF MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 13 milk producer. It is necessary to do more than dis- tribute printed instructions. Personal inspection of individual farm premises is also necessary. But it is essential, in addition to these methods of education, to give some additional specific inducement which will impress each patron as nothing else will and lead him to recognize not only the general importance of pro- ducing clean milk, but the application to him person- ally. The most effective means of making a deep impression is to give each one an opportunity to see how far his milk departs from the recognized standard of milk that is clean enough for making good cheese. These results can be realized by the introduction of a system of judging milk; and if the results of each judging can be made to affect the dividends, the pa- tron soon realizes how near or how far from the proper standard his milk is. The following method is suggested as an effective one in judging cheese-factory milk: Examine the milk for (1) acidity, (p. 426); (2) dirt in suspen- sion, (p. 434); (3) micro-organisms by the fermen- pion test; (p. 434); and (4) flavor. Use the fol- lowing scale of points for scoring milk: When perfect PN OCLAML Sec PNP els 6 SEs SMSC a Raed a a 15 (Acidity not over 0.18 per cent.) MBS tg tech arr aes iee ccie, Sat MR Mtn api dy EL SNe Mean Sig G 15 (No dirt in suspension.) Rem RAGES ced a). hater abelle oa yo skce Sigg 45 (No signs of abnormal ferments.) LPB AO) 12 ee ire: 2a en Re Ree ea a a? aan ee ae 78) (Entire freedom from abnormal odor and taste.) In each milk, the score is diminished in the case of each quality if the milk shows any imperfections. This system will be found effective in application, if the I4 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING judging is done carefully and the results made known to the patrons. If patrons can be persuaded to apply the results of such judging to the distribution of divi- dends, the work would be more effective, of course. For example, a patron’s dividend could be marked down one cent per 100 pounds of milk for each ten points his milk scored below 100 on the above system. Of course, this method does not apply to cases in which the milk is obviously bad when brought to the factory. The only remedy in such cases is to refuse the milk altogether. This is a matter which should be discussed at the annual meeting of patrons, in case of co-operative factories, when some definite policy should be adopted and intelligently enforced, For a more complete treat- ment of the subject of judging and scoring milk, see Modern Methods of Testing Milk and Milk Products, pp. 182-192 (published by the Orange Judd Co.). CHAPTER: ET Preliminary Steps in Making Cheddar Cheese In entering upon the detailed study of the methods of cheese-making we shall present the subject in ac- cordance with the following outline of the different steps in the various operations that are performed: (1) System of keeping records of the operations of cheese-making. (2) First care of milk at the factory, (3) Ripening the milk. (4) Adding color. (5) Coagulating the milk by rennet. (6) Cutting the curd. (7) Heating the curd. (8) Removing the whey from the curd. (9) Cheddaring the curd. (10) Milling the curd. (11) Salting and pressing curd and dressing cheese. (12) Care, shipment and sale of cheese. In describing the details of the methods of making American cheddar cheese, we shall limit our treatment largely to normal conditions, reserving for separate treatment abnormal conditions (p. I12). An effort is made not to overload the description with unnecessary details. The explanation of many de- tails is given in other chapters, to which reference will be made as needed, instead of incorporating them with the description of the cheese-making operations. 15 16 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING SYSTEM OF KEEPING RECORD OF THE OPERATIONS OF CHEESE-MAKING - Few manufacturing processes require more careful and more skilled mechanical manipulation than does cheese-making ; none demands more responsibility and intelligence. A successful cheese-maker must be quick to think and to act; he must know the details of his process and the principles underlying these de- tails, and be able to apply his knowledge in con- trolling variations caused by climatic, biological and chemical conditions. In beginning ‘his daily work, a maker should have clearly in mind the ideal he wishes to realize in the finished cheese, and should conduct his work with this end in view. It is absolutely essential to the highest success to keep daily records of the details of the work for constant refer- ence. Below, we give a detailed blank form, and advise all cheese-makers and students of cheese- making to make constant and faithful use of it in their daily work: 1. Vat used (number of vat). 2. Condition of milk (flavor, temperature, acidity). Si ount) of milk invat. .)..00), Jhon cee eee eee pounds. Aeeiatrimbpmaiticy, sarc see per cent. Caseinuinemillesecee. aoe per cent. 5. Ripeness of milk by— de AGidity-test. cc... <6 sibs as & 5/6)s 2 ee eee per cent of acidity. 2... Marschall ‘rennet-test «..<.'2\. 5. 2 see ei tee spaces. 3. Monrad rennet-test: .6.26.4002 7 eee eee eee seconds. @:- Kind of starter tised... <3 ssa ce Aciddty 9... oti a ota sects eae per cent. iaemount of starter used... :..... b. 20 ssee nebo eee eee pounds Sehime-when starter was added......- 7 chee oeneeene a.m. p.m: 9. Amount of color added. 10. Kind of color used. 11. Temperature of milk when rennet was added.............. degrees F. 12. Ripeness of milk when rennet was added— ie By rennet-teSt. cc... coe ss nee ee seconds or spaces 2. dey acidity-test. 0... 227. s25-22 5 cee eee per cent. 13, Time when rerninet was added...........s5 see eeoeee ala Gaal p.m. 14. Amount of rennet (or pepsin) used.............. ounces or grams. 15. Amount of rennet (or pepsin) used per 1,000 pounds of MIVA KG) encwey eas thei clele, creo ave: evelena-a ara = 0.1 eect nee en ounces or grams. 1G: slime when curd was cut... ... >... «<2 ene ae ame p.m. [ize ecmcoartla tines -\ .. COLD AIR rd as S- SHAPED 1” PIPE FROM DRAIN IN ICE-HOUSE ‘SLIDE. TRAP DOOR VILLE AIN + FIG. 21—-PLAN SHOWING SATISFACTORY METHOD FOR SECUR- ING CIRCULATION OF COLD AIR IN CHEESE-CURING ROOMS spot unnoticeable. A cesspool should be located at least 20 feet away from the buildings, and on the lower side of the source of water-supply. The pipe lead- ing from the factory floor to cesspool should have a water-trap to prevent returning odors. It is advis- able to place on all whey-tanks an overflow pipe con- nected with the drainage deposit. CURING-ROOMS A curing-room should be so constructed that the temperature and humidity can be controlled. It should CHEESE-FACTORY CONSTRUCTION 103 have good ventilation, insulation and circulation of pure air. Under ordinary conditions, ice provides the cheapest and most efficient method of maintaining a uniformly cool temperature in curing-rooms. In large cheese-making centers, artificial refrigerating machines are used, but they are too costly for ordinary cheese-factories. Sub-earth ducts have proved unsatis- factory, since they are too often least efficient when most needed. ORAINAGE oisrosay(serre TANKS OR CESS-POOL WHEY TANKS BOILER ROOM PRESS WASH ROUM OS33H3 SNIXOG YO4 WOOY PRESS [STGURING SHELVES VAT ICE HOUSE CURING SHELVES fpeceernnnent Vices ce VAT a ee Eetice | ) FIG. 22—-MODERN PLAN SHOWING IDEAL ARRANGEMENT OF CHEESE-FACTORY ROOMS AND EQUIPMENT The drawing on page 102 (Fig. 21) provides a scheme by which the air in the curing-room has a continuous circulation over a bed of solid ice The curing-room and ice-house should have good insulation secured by the use of lumber, building- paper, air-spaces, shavings and cement floors. The ice-house should be one-third the size of the curing- room. Three thicknesses of lumber, one of damp- proof paper, and 6 inches of shavings provide I04. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING sufficient insulation for the curing-room. For the ice- house an extra thickness of lumber and damp-proof paper is advised in both ceiling and wall construction. The ice-house floor and walls halfway up are lined with galvanized iron. The construction of the floor in the ice-house is important, as provision must be made for protecting the ice from the warm temperatures of the soil under- neath. A cement floor with gravel and stone support is first constructed. Over this, 2-inch by 4-inch sup- ports are placed on edge at intervals of 18 inches. Between these the space is filled with coal cinders or shavings. Over this a 2-inch plank floor is laid, and this covered with galvanized iron. A drain 2 inches by 2 inches should :be made in the ice-house floor close to the curing-room wall, toward which the ice-house floor should incline. The drain is neces- sary to carry off the water from the melting ice. A close-fitting S-shaped pipe with water-trap should connect the drain with outside disposal. Over the galvanized floor is placed a rack made of 2-inch by 4-inch supports on edge. This prevents the ice from lying in water when it starts to melt. During the winter months, the ice-house is packed full of ice. No sawdust is used, the insulation being sufficient to protect it As Figure 21 shows, small trap-slides are placed near the ceiling and floor between ice-house and cur- ing-room. As soon as these are opened, the warm air in the curing-room enters the openings at the top, passes over the ice and out through the lower openings, thus creating a circulation of cold air through the curing-room. A uniform temperature of from 52° CHEESE-FACTORY CONSTRUCTION 105 to 56° F. can be secured throughout the entire sum- mer season in this way, and a uniform percentage of moisture is also assured When this system is not used, the curing-room air may be cooled by hanging up large pans filled with ice, but the moisture from them generally stimulates mold formation. Where cold running water is avail- able, it can be conducted through a system of coil- pipes around the walls of the curing-room and the temperature considerably lowered. BOXING AND SHIPPING SPACE CURING ROCM 26'x 40° ORIVERS SHED FIG. 23—-PLAN FOR CHEESE-FACTORY HANDLING 12,000 To 20,000 POUNDS OF MILK A DAY. (Baer) A—Boiler; B—Engine ; C—Sterilizing-oven ; D—Weigh-can and scales ; E—Con- ductor-spout; F—Bottle-rack; G—Milk-tester; H—Wash-sink; I—Cheese-vats; pee eink; K—Steam-radiators ; L—Cheese-presses; M—Truck; N—Curing- shelves. CHEESE-FACTORY PLANS As a suggestion, we give the outline of a plan for cheese-factory construction with special reference to convenience of arrangement for equipment. (Fig. 23.) We give also an outline plan published by U. S. Baer, of Wisconsin. (Fig. 23.) CHAPT HR xX Cheese-Factory Equipment A cheese-factory should be equipped that every- thing may be easily kept clean. The vats, presses, sinks and all utensils should be placed in positions that will insure convenience and a minimum amount of labor. Too many factories at the present time are not large enough for the equipment they contain, and they consequently appear untidy and dirty to visitors or to persons inspecting the conditions sur- rounding the manufacturing process. Very often; too, the utensils are not clean, for the reason that the cheese-maker, being short of help, neglects part of the work. Utensils and equipment, properly ar- ranged, will save a great many steps to the cheese- maker in a day. (Figs: 22 and 23°) Advice, which is the result of varied experience and which is often of considerable help to persons in need of such assistance, can always be secured from ex- perts employed by the different departments of agri- culture. The following apparatus is sufficient for a factory handling 10,000 pounds of milk daily. (1) One 12-horse-power, return-flue, horizontal boiler with fixtures. (2) Two steam-heating cheese-vats, with a capac- ity of 7,000 pounds each. In recent years, wood suit- able for making cheese-vats has become expensive and hard to secure. Many manufacturers are using wood 106 CHEESE-FACTORY EQUIPMENT 107 of a poorer quality, and the vats are not durable. Steel vats have been placed on the market and are giving general satisfaction. They are preferable to the average wooden vat now manufactured. (Fig. 24.) (3) Whey-tank, capacity of 12,000 pounds. If the factory is so located that its elevation permits the load- ing of whey without pumping, then one large tank can be used. However, two smaller tanks connected by an overflow-pipe are’ preferable, because, when one is empty, it can.be cleaned ‘while the other contains whey. Steel tanks are preferable to wooden or cement ones. They neither leak nor absorb, are easily cleaned, and are more durable. Cement tanks are not durable, FiG. 24—-ONE TYPE OF STEEL CHEESE-VAT because the acid and salt in the whey destroy the cement. (4) One 600-pound, double-beam scale. Scales are in daily use at cheese-factories and it is advisable to purchase only those that are reliable and guaran- teed, such as the “Fairbanks” and “Howe.” (5) One 7o-gallon weighing-can with a 3-inch gate. (6) One milk-conductor and head. (7) Apparatus and alkali for testing acidity. 108 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (8) One Marschall or Monrad rennet-test. (9) One 3-8-inch, horizontal, steel curd-knife. (10) One 5-16-inch perpendicular, wire curd- knife. (11) Two small solid-handle dippers. FIG. 25—-BARNARD’S CURD-CUTTER (12) One strainer-dipper. (13) Two curd-agitators of McPherson type. (14) Two curd-rakes. (15) Two thermometers, strictly correct and reli- (16) One outfit for making commercial starters. FIG. 26—GOSSELIN CURD-MILL (17) Two whey-strainers for each vat. (18) One large knife for cutting curd. (19) One curd-mill. A curd-mill should be so constructed that its knives will go against the curd CHEESE-FACTORY EQUIPMENT 109g in cutting. The curd should not be pushed against the knives. Such mills as the Barnard (Fig. 25), Beech and Gosselin (Fig. 26) are recommended. They can be had in hand or steam-power. (20) Two curd-stirring forks of wood or steel, with points turned over so as not to puncture the tin vats during stirring. (21) One curd-scoop. (22) One flat-sided curd-pail. (23) Two steel-frame, automatic, continuous-pres- sure gang-presses with hoops, followers, etc., com- = FIG. 27—-CONTINUOUS-PRESSURE GANG PRESS plete. (Figs. 27 and 28.) Galvanized-steel followers are preferable to wooden ones, as they are more sani- tary, are not absorbent, do not expand or contract in hot water, and are more durable. Galvanized rings are preferable to the fiber.or rubber ones for the same reasons. (24) One 240-pound cheese-scale. (25) One 24-bottle Babcock milk-tester. (26) Two composite-sample bottles for each patron. IIQ0 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (27) If the whey is to be separated and whey- butter made from the fat, a separator and machinery for butter-making will be necessary. (28) .+... 93.04 6.96 0.38 0.98 5.60 Average ...... 93.04 6.96 0.36 0.84 5.76 the extreme variations during the period of The following figures show in the constituents of whey investigation : Lowest Highest per cent | per cent PRR ee ets ote te as dhl Sey ahnetic hee Waris. o halide ae 6.43 fie LEP OSB a aid aOR CHET Ee CIR ERIE roun eit Siem renee any eae 0.22 0.55 RETO GE ITT SOMME ae Voie ete sift oka Ch temey eae reuan hs os. a citewallones 0.65 1.07 Sea ENSAtSeehG ens wets ays SPE oman: alateletany «steal 5.39 6.4 198 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING THE RELATION OF WATER TO YIELD OF CHEESE As we have seen, the amount of solids in cheese is determined by the amount of fat and casein in milk when the conditions of manufacture are nor- mal. When we come to consider the amount of water held in cheese, we find that it bears no rela- tion whatever to the amount of water in milk, but that it is dependent upon the conditions present in the operations of cheese-making, such as the degree of fineness or coarseness in cutting curd, temper- ature used ‘in -heatine: curd, “destée ‘of acidity amount ‘of salt, etc. (p. 45). The amount of water in cheese can easily be made to vary Io per cent. Fresh cheese contains an average of 37 per cent of water, but in actual factory work the variations may be very wide, especially where cheese is manufac- tured for export trade at one part of the season and for home trade at another. Therefore, when we are discussing yields of cheese from milk, and especially in the case of comparison of different milks, it is absolutely necessary to know the percentage of water in the cheese. When we compare yields of cheese from different milks or under different con- ditions of manufacture, we should base our com- parison on the yield of cheese which contains a uniform percentage of moisture, if the results are to have any definite relation to the milk con- stituents. So important is it for us to appreciate the extent of variation of water in cheese, as made at cheese- factories, that we will present data obtained by the New York experiment station in 200 experiments MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE 199 carried on at cheese-factories under the usual con- ditions. In the table below, we present the results in groups, based on the percentage of fat in milk; in each group we give (1) the extreme variations in wicld of cheese; (2) the percentage of -moisture in the cheese; and (3) the corresponding yield of cheese based on a content of 37 per cent of water. - YIELD OF CHEESE AS AFFECTED BY MOISTURE Pounds of cheese Number Per cent | Pounds of cheese Per cent (containing 37 per of experi- of fat made for 100 of water cent of water) ments in milk pounds of milk in cheese made for 100 pounds of milk 22 SUT is breech Pa 46 so | ssosza| flame oe | 12 | 18s 54 3.78-3.99 | 4 oye 6G 40.17 10:76 43 | 4.00-4.19 | | Hivhost 19 44 12°90 10:93 25 4.20-4.40 | | oes 13"47 43°89 12/03 In studying these results, we see that in the case of each group the cheese yield varies widely, as shown in the third column of the table; and also that the percentage of water varies widely, as shown in the fourth column. To illustrate, we will take the group representing milk containing Fete. Aig per cent,"or tat. ‘Phe: factory yreld. of eiieese. in this- eroup varies from 10.24 to 12.44 pounds, a difference of 2 pounds, while the water in 100 pounds of cheese varies from 34.15 to 42.90 pounds. In the last column we see what the nor- mal variation should be in the yield of cheese 200 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING having the same percentage (37) of water; it goes from 10.38 to 10.93, a variation of 0.55 pound, as against an actual variation of 2 pounds. This difference, 1.45 pounds, is wholly due to differ- ence “of water” in’ cheese: «In the last croup the table, ‘the factory ‘yield of cheese waries*i25¢ pounds, while the normal variation would be only 1.0 pound. We see at the same time the amount of water in 100 pounds of cheese varies over 10 pounds. These results might appear to. indicate -that cheese-makers have no control over the amount of water in cheese, but such a conclusion would not be justified, because it is well known that a skill- ful cheese-maker, under normal conditions, can control the amount of water in cheese within 3 or 4 per cent, so that the normal range of varia- tion is usually between 35 and 38 per cent. ‘Fhe large amounts of water in the cases noted in the preceding table appeared there, not because the cheese-makers had no control of the process, but for the very opposite reason, that they did have such control and deliber- ately made the cheese to hold a high percentage of water THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF DIFFER- ENT MILKS IN RELATION TO CHEESE-PRODUCING SOLIDS From what has preceded, it can be readily un- derstood that we can divide the constituents of milk into two general classes, when considered with ref- erence to their relations to cheese. The casein, fat MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE 201 and insoluble salts constitute one group, furnishing most of the solid matter in cheese, and we can call these constituents cheese-producing solids. On an average, milk contains about 0.90 per cent of salts, of which about 0.25 pound goes into cheese for each too pounds of milk and 0.65 pound into whey, vary- ing, of course, with many conditions. The other constituents of the milk-solids, the sugar, the albu- min and the soluble salts, those constituents of the milk that exist in true solution, pass largely into the whey and are lost, except in so far as they are Meldsiy the: water or whey in the cheese. Their amount in cheese will depend upon the amount of whey retained in the cheese. Those solid constitu- ents existing in solution in the whey we may prop- erly characterize as whey-solids. This division of milk constituents into cheese-producing solids and whey- eolids is, of course, not strictly accurate, because small amounts of cheese-solids pass into whey and small amounts of whey-solids are retained in cheese. But, for the purpose of studying the gen- eral relations of milk-solids to cheese, the classifi- cation is close enough. The figures presented be- low are largely taken from work done at the New York experiment station, covering a period of four years and are largely derived from actual cheese- factory conditions. The cheese-producing solids were found to aver- age 6.50 pounds, varying in extreme cases from 5.25 to 7.75 pounds for 100 pounds of milk, but the greater portion of factory milk comes within the narrower limits of 5.75 to 7.25 pounds. The whey- solids of milk varied from 5.75 to 6.75 pounds and 202 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING averaged 6.25 pounds. Stated in another form, 49 per cent of the milk-solids goes into whey and 51 per cent into cheese as an average of factory milk. The following arrangement shows the extent of average monthly variation during the factory season : CHEESE-PRODUCING SOLIDS AND WHEY SOLIDS IN CHEESE-FACTORY MILK =. Percentage of cheese- Percentage of whey- producing solids in milk solids in milk Month Lowest | Highest |Average Lowest | Highest | Average April ao ((s) 6.14 5.97 5.94 | 6.09 6.01 Miaivin te 2. 5.68 6.91 6.17 6.11 eine 6.26 WTC As c7o cleo 6.06 6.61 6.36 6.17 6.44 6.28 MULVaiete nis eG: 6.01 6.60 6.30 6.10 6.47 6.22 Aueust...0...% . 6.09 6.76 6.48 6.06 6.35 6.17 September... 6.27 7.14 6.78 5.86 6.26 6.08 October.... . 7.02 7.69 7.29 5.96 6.44 6.21 Expressing the relations of the general averages in the preceding table in the form of percentages of milk-solids, we have the following table: Percentage of total | Percentage of total Pounds of milk- | “ solids of milk in solids in milk in Month sas ‘ee aaft form of cheese- form of whey- Pcie Re producing solids solids Anrilesn ce 11.98 49.8 50.2 Mayii.. setiee 12.43 49.6 50.4 aoe me rsa ator ; : : August..... 12.65 Sie2 48.8 September . 12.86 LAE 47.3 October.... 13.50 54.0 46.0 | We see a general tendency for the cheese-producing solids in milk to increase during the factory season, MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE 203 which is only another way of saying that the per- centage of fat and of casein increases with advance of lactation. Before leaving this phase of the subject, it will be found interesting to compare the ratio of cheese- producing solids and whey-solids in milk varying considerably in percentage of fat. F‘rom the figures in the following table, it is very strikingly shown that in normal milk rich in fat a very much larger proportion of the milk-solids goes into cheese and correspondingly less into whey, than in the case of milk poorer in fat. CHEESE-PRODUCING SOLIDS AND WHEY SOLIDS IN RICH AND POOR MILK Per cent | Per cent Per cent of Per cent of Per cent | Per cent |of cheese-| of whey solids in form solids in form of solids of fat |producing} solids of cheese- of whey- solids solids solids 11.80 3.26 S71 6.09 48.4 51.6 12.65 3.76 6.89 5.10 54.5 45.5 AY eS) 4.01 6.47 6.28 50.7 49 .3 14.30 4.28 Uh ged 6.98 51.1 48 .9 14.50 4.89 8.24 6.26 56.9 43.1 14.90 5.38 8.54 6.36 las) 42.7 15.40 5.78 9.06 6.34 58.8 41.2 DISTRIBUTION OF MILK CONSTITUENTS IN WHEY AND CHEESE Having learned what the principal losses of cheese-producing solids are, we will next show by illustrations in what amounts the different constit- uents of milk are divided between whey and cheese in cheese-making. The following results are based on average losses of milk constituents. 204. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING The cheese is assumed to contain 37 per cent of water, about 5 per cent of salts and no allowance is made for mechanical losses other than as indi- cated Milk- solids Sugar, Casein ash, etc. Fat Albumin P| wt Ti. Pounds |} Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pounds Milk...| 100.00 88.60 11.40 3°00 2A 0.60 5.70 Whey..| 91.70 | 85.55 6.15 0.21 0.10 0.57 5.27 Cheese 8.30 3.05 5.25 2.79 2.00 0.03 0.43 aE. Milk...| 100.00 | 87.00 13.00 | 4.00 2.50 0.70 5.80 Whey.. 89.40 83.10 6.30 0.28 0.10 0.67 5.25 Cheese 10.60 3.90 GelOn monte 2.40 0.03 0.55 1ONt Milk...| 100.00 | 85.50 14.50 | 5.00 2.90 5.85 Whey..| 87.10 | 80.75 6.351 0:35 0.10 0.72 5.18 Cheese} 12.90 4.75 8.15 4.65 2.80 0.03 0.67 In connection with this table, study Figs. 34, 35 and 306. RELATION OF MILK-FAT TO CHEESE YIELD Much study has been given, especially in New York, to the quantitative relations existing between the percentage of fat in milk and the yield of cheese, or the amount of cheese corresponding to one pound of fat in milk. The relation is a very simple one to calculate and is found by dividing the number of pounds of cheese made from 100 pounds of milk by the number representing the per cent of fat in milk. For example, the yield of cheese from 100 pounds of milk containing 3 per cent of fat is 8.31 pounds; MIRE AWD YIELD, OF. CHEESE 205 the ratio of milk-fat to cheese yield is, therefore, 8.313, which equals 2.77; that is, in this case, one pound of fat in milk is equivalent to 2.77 pounds of cheese. In the case of milk containing 4 per cent of fat and producing 10.60 pounds of cheese for 100 pounds of milk, each pound of fat in milk is equiva- lent to 2.65 pounds of cheese. The study of this relation was first undertaken at the New York experiment station to ascertain Muctier a pound’ of fat in all normal milks is equivalent to the Same amount of cheese. The bearing of this point upon the use of fat in milk as a basis of paying for milk at cheese-factories is obvious. If a pound of fat in milk were always equivalent to the same amount of cheese, then no question could arise as to the strict accuracy of a milk-fat basis in making dividends. If the amount Orweneese made for a pound of fat in milk varies: then the fat could not be regarded as a strictly ac- curate measure of cheese yield, and other points than yield would need to be considered, such as the quality of the cheese, in measuring the value of milk for cheese-making. The details of the subject of methods of paying for milk at cheese-factories will be con- sidered later (p- 253). We have already seen that the yield of cheese is chiefly dependent upon two constituents of milk, Gasein as ‘well as fat; It is obvious that if fat and casein were always present in milk in the same relative proportions, then the yield of cheese would always be in the same uniform ratio to milk-fat. But we have found (p. 164) that the ratio of fat and casein in milk varies considerably and, for 2060 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING this reason, the ratio of milk-fat to yield of cheese must also vary. It is a matter of practical interest and importance to know what the extent of such variations may be. 3 3. 4 i sd suses OF OS S VERSE SEOEs 334 Hil a a Hid teint aa : ST ee ge eye eu ene i a Hae a tee Ei Se ae EEE rst Ha iitett et Feta He Hl PH at ate HE sl Bie ot a Seliod eee ae ae ae EH He tie ft tL oo Ei Senne ee Beale eel Be a a HE EG th BARRE Ey Eta HT ea et U Ay HER EN eae Haveli auton eo FIG. 36—YIELD AND CONSTITUENTS OF CHEESE FROM 100 POUNDS OF MILK CONTAINING AMOUNTS OF FAT VARYING FROM 0.10 PER CENT (SEPARATOR SKIM- MILK) UP TO 6.00 PER CENT. The figures immediately above each column give the number of pounds of cheese (containing 37 per cent of water) made from 100 pounds of milk, The The fi within the diagram give the pounds of each constituent in the cheese. e Aeneas at the extreme top of the diagram indicate percentages of fat in Taking milk as it averages, we find the following variation of relation between fat and cheese yield in normal milks containing different amounts of fat. The cheese yield is based on a uniform percentage of water in the cheese, 37 per cent. MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE 207 RATIO OF FAT TO CHEESE YIELD IN NORMAL MILK Pounds of cheese Per cent of Per cent of Pounds of cheese made for each fat in milk casein in milk made from 100 pound of fat pounds of milk in aie 3.00 PASO) 8.30 P77 3725 2220 8.88 2.73 3.50 2.30 9.45 2.70 SHS 2.40 10.03 2.67 4.00 2.50 10.60 2.65 4.25 2.60 1.07 2.63 4.50 2.70 11.74 2.61 4.75 2.80 12.31 2.59 5.00 2.90 12.90 2.58 In our study of the ratio of fat and casein in milk (p. 164), it was seen that the casein does not increase as rapidly as fat does, and that, therefore, milk richer in fat usually contains less casein in proportion to fat than’ does milk less ‘rich in fat. In harmony with this condition, and as a result of it, the amount of cheese made for a pound of milk- ity, decreases as the percentage’: of fat in milk increases. This is-clearly shown in the preceding table. An interesting fact shown in this table is that iievfate vol decrease of the ratio? of fat to cheese yield is less rapid as the percentage of fat in milk increases. Thus, in the case of milks containing a dtidiea. 25 qer cent Of iabothe -decrease of cheese yield in’ relation to fat is froti 2.77 to 2.73, a differ- ence of 0.04 pound; between 3.25 and 3.50, and also between 3.50 and 3.75, the decrease is 0.03; for each 0.25 per cent of increase of milk-fat from 3.75 to 4.75 per cent, the decrease in the ratio is only 0.02; and between 4.75 and 5.00 per cent, the decrease is only 0.01. This is explained by the 208 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING fact, already emphasized (p. 190), that in the case of milk rich in fat, a smaller proportion of the fat is lost in cheese-making than in the case of milk poorer in fat. PER CENT. QF FAT IN MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE FIG. 37—-DIAGRAM SHOWING YIELD AND CONSTITUENTS OF CHEESE FROM 190 POUNDS OF MILK OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DAIRY COWS The figures immediately above each column give the number of pounds of cheese (containing 37 per cent of water) made from 100 pounds of milk. The figures in the diagram give the pounds of each constituent in the cheese. The figures at the top of the diagram indicate percentage of fat in milk. In this connection, it will be interesting to observe how the matter works out when applied in the case of the milk of different breeds of cows. MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE 209 RATIO OF FAT TO CHEESE YIELD IN MILK OF DIFFERENT BREEDS Pounds of Pounds of Per cent Per cent | cheese made |cheese made Breed of fat of casein for 100 for each in milk in milk pounds pound of fat of milk in milk Holstein-Friesian...... SI AN6) 2.20 8.90 Beis: PAB ESMIGE os ceca a elepeves 3.76 2.46 10.14 Dll American Holderness... 4.01 2.63 10.82 PSTN) DHOLEMOM|s).cc ciel cena 4.28 PATS) al by 2.70 WDM OM says cle sroie leks oiscenaes. © 4.89 S10) 13.02 2.66 (GaATEEMSEY. s2.5 «cok © tse 5.38 2.91 algiayal 2 Sil GEREN Gib ro Aeris 5.78 3.03 14.36 2.49 Before closing our discussion of this subject, we wish to call attention to the fallacy that may be introduced by wide variations in the water content of cheese, when we are making a comparison of the yield of cheese with reference to the milk-fat. For example, 100 pounds of milk containing 4 per cent of fat may be made into cheese with a yield of 10.40 pounds in one case, and 11.00 pounds in another, the difference being due wholly to water. In one case the yield is 2.60 pounds for one pound of milk- fab; im the other, itis 2.75 pounds. It is thus seen that, when such comparisons are to be made with rererence toi-the relation of fat to yield of. cheese, the cheese should contain the same percentage of water. The table on page 199 well illustrates the variations of yield in relation to water. If we use fle results there civen! yas a’ basis. for ~ calculating the yield of cheese in relation to milk-fat, we find that the amount of cheese made for one pound of milk-fat varies from 2.51 to 3.11, when we take the factory yield, with its great variation of water; but, 210 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING if the calculation is based on cheese containing the same percentage of water, the cheese yield varies in relation to fat only from 2.61 to 2.89. This is a much narrower range and represents such variations as are properly due to differences in composition of milk. CHAPTER xX VIII Methods of Calculating Yield of Cheese In the chapter preceding, we have seen that fat and casein in milk furnish most of the solid mate- rial which we find in cheese; we have also seen that certain amounts of fat and of casein are inevitably lost in whey during the operations of cheese-mak- ing; and we have further seen that the amount of water in cheese may be made to vary largely or may be held within comparatively narrow limits, being controlled by the conditions used in the process of cheese-making. From our preceding discussion, it might seem that the relations between composition of cheese and yield of milk were suf- ficiently understood to enable us to calculate the amount of cheese yield when the percentages of fat and of casein in milk are known, or even when the fat alone is given. As a matter of fact, several different methods have been proposed and have been employed in studying problems of cheese yield. There is an advantage in having some fairly reliable method for ascertaining the amount of cheese that can be made from 100 pounds of milk. Results thus obtained afford a basis of comparison with actual results. A cheese-maker can, by such means, ascertain if his losses in cheese-making are excessive or if he is retaining too much or too little water in cheese, 212 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING The different methods of calculating cheese yield which have been in use have never been carefully compared in such a way as to show their relative accuracy or value. It has seemed desirable that such a study should be made, and it is now our purpose to take up for consideration the various methods referred to. We shall discuss, in the case of each method, their underlying principles, indicate the points of fundamental weakness, and give the results of an exhaustive comparative study, based upon an application of each method to 200 experiments in cheese-making, using for this purpose the work done at the New York experiment station, which appears to offer the only material sufficiently complete to be available for such an investigation. The methods which have been proposed for use in calculating the amount of green cheese. are the following: (zy) Ihe use of the percentage of fat in) milk which, expressed as a formula, is: Wield of cheese—2.7 Hat: (2) The use of the percentage of fat in milk and; in addition, a constant factor. ‘This, expressed as a formula, is: Yield of cheese=1.1 Fat-+-5.9. (3) The ‘use of, the percentage of fat ander casein, which can be expressed in the following form: Yield of cheese=1.1 Fat-++2.5 Casein. (4) The use of the percentage of fat in milk and of the solids-not-fat. This is somewhat more com- plicated and is expressed thus: Sx lids-not-fat Yield of cheese=( 3 te Ou Fat) xX 1.58 CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 213 (5) A new method based on the use of the per- centage of fat and the percentage of casein (either actual or calculated). The general formula for this method is as follows: (Fat — 0.07 Fat + Casein — 0.10) x 1.09 1.00 — Water in cheese (expressed as hundredths) mAs will be pointed out later, this can be mich simplified, becoming Yield of cheese—=(Fat-+Casein ) x 1.63 in the case of cheese containing a uniform amount of water (37 per cent). When only the fat is known and the casein is calculated from the formula on p. 170 the formula for both casein calculation and calcu- lation of cheese yield is simplified into one: (6) ~ Yield’ of-cheese—2.3 Fat--1.4. These last formulas, based upon results of New York experiment station work, are now published for the first time. Before giving the detailed results of our com- parative study of these different methods, we will discuss each one separately, explaining underlying principles and thus learning how the methods came to be suggested. Yield of cheese= METHOD BASED ON RELATION OF FAT TO YIELD OF CHEESE (x1) The basis of this method has been discussed in the chapter preceding. In the investigations carried on at the New York experiment station, covering all varieties of factory conditions, it was found that when the yield of cheese for 100 pounds of milk was divided by the number representing the percentage of fat in milk, the averages, season by season, and 214. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING factory by factory, were very uniform, being very close to 2.72 pounds of cheese for one pound of fat in milk. The individual results giving the average varied widely, from 2.51 to 3.11. These extreme variations were due to wide variations in the water content of the cheese rather than to variation in the real relation of fat to cheese yield proper, as we have pointed out in the chapter preceding. Based on a uniform percentage of water in cheese, the va- riations would be within much less wide limits, ranging from 2.61 to 2.89. This variation was due mainly to variation in the relation of the fat and casein in the milk and, in some cases, to excessive losses experienced in the process of cheese-making. The average result (2.7) is based upon milk con- taining 3.75 per cent of fat, 2.46 per cent of casein and upon cheese containing nearly 37 per cent of water. The ratio of milk-fat to casein is, therefore, 1:0.665. When the ratio of fat and casein varies widely from this, we shall get more or less cheese than that called for by the rule. Thus, in milk in which the casein is high in relation to fat, as often happens in milk low in fat, the formula gives too low results (p. 207); while the reverse is true in case of milk high in fat in relation to casein, as often happens in milk rich in fat (p. 214). There- fore, as a result of the variations of the relation of fat and casein in cheese-factory milks, we may ex- pect this method to give results varying from the actual yield of cheese, in extreme and uncommon cases, to an extent equal to’ 0.5 to 0.75 pound of cheese for 100 pounds of milk. When the variation is greater than this, it is usually due to excessive or deficient amounts of water in cheese. CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 215 METHOD BASED ON FAT IN MILK AND A FIXED NUMBER ADDED (2) This method, stated in the form of a rule, is as follows: Multiply the number representing the per cent of fat in milk by 1.1 and to the result add 5.9. This formula was worked out at the Wiscon- sin experiment station and is based upon certain facts which will be briefly considered. One pound of milk-fat in butter can readily hold about 0.18 pound of water and it can just as readily hold the same amount in cheese. We multiply the per cent of fat in milk by 1.1 instead of 1.18, because not all Oe the milk-fat oes into’ the cheese. [Po illustrate, take milk containing 4 per cent of fat; in cheese- making, about 3.72 pounds of this fat in 100 pounds Bre amilk oes into cheese, ‘This’ figure, multiplied by 1.18, equals nearly 4.40, the same as 4 multiplied iyi, | le other words, ithe amount of fat. that actually goes into cheese multiplied by 1.18 gives about the same result as the amount (per cent) of fat in milk multiplied by 1.1. The next question that presents itself is as to why we add the particular number 5.9 to the fat multiplied by 1.1. This figure is based upon the amount of cheese that can be made from 100 pounds of separator skim-milk of average composition, and is supposed to account for the milk-casein, the in- soluble salts and the moisture not provided for in the milk-fat. It is in reality taking account of casein in milk, but only of the same amount for all , milks, The inherent weak points of this method are the following: (1) In the case of excessive losses of 2160 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING fat in cheese-making, the result found by multi- plying milk-fat by 1.1 is too high. (2) The estimate of 5.9 pounds as the measure of the cheese-making value of casein in skim-milk is based upon skim- milk of average composition. Therefore, in milk low in percentage of casein, 5.9 is too high, while in milk high in casein, the figure is too low. The method is faulty in that its accuracy depends upon a uniform percentage of casein in all milks, and we know that there are quite wide variations. METHOD BASED ON FAT AND CASEIN IN MILK (3) This method of finding the yield of cheese, stated in the form of a rule, is as follows: Multiply the number representing the per cent of fat in milk by 1.1, and to this add the result obtained in multi- plying by 2.5 the number representing the per cent of casein in milk. This formula was originally worked out at the Wisconsin experiment station and was first extensively applied and confirmed by the work of the New York experiment station. This method is based upon the following facts: (1) Milk-fat is capable of holding mechanically one-tenth of its own weight of water. This has been already explained in detail in connection with the discussion of method 2. (2) The reason for mul- tiplying the amount of casein in milk by 2.5 is found in the yield of cheese from skim-milk and also in the results of some experimental work done at the New York experiment station. A prepara- tion of pure casein was made, dried, and then al- lowed to absorb as much water as it would be CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 217 likely to hold in being made into green cheese. It was found that one pound of casein takes up water enough to increase its weight to 2.25 pounds. If to this is added the amount of ash constituents taken up in the same amount of cheese, the weight is increased to just about 2.5 pounds. This method has the following defects: (1) As already pointed out, the calculation of the amount of cheese yield coming from milk-fat is too high when there are abnormal losses of fat in cheese-making. (2) When the yield of cheese is calculated by this method, the percentage of water in cheese is not uniform, but varies with the percentage of casein in milk, because the water content of the cheese is made dependent largely upon the amount of casein. fhe anevitable “result is: that in case of milks containing high percentages of casein in relation to fat, the percentage of water is greater in the cheese calculated by this method than in case of cheese from milks in which the amount of casein is lower in relation to fat. When the ratio of fat and casein is fairly constant, the results are quite satisfactory. The manner in which this method of calculation favors the yield of cheese in case of milk low in fat and relatively high in casein as against the yield of cheese in case of milk high in fat and relatively low in casein can be illustrated by the data in the table on the next page. Attention is called to the following facts in connection with the data contained in this table: (1) When the cheese made from the two differ- ent milks contains the same amount of water (37 per cent), the water in the cheese made from 100 pounds of milk amounts to 3.31 pounds in the case 218 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING of the cheese made from the poorer milk and 5.31 pounds in the case of the cheese made from the richer milk. When the cheese from the two milks is made to contain the average amount of water (37 per cent) found in green cheese, there is a normal difference of 2 pounds of water in the cheese made from 100 pounds of milk. What do we find in regard to the yield of cheese and of water in the cheese, when the yield of cheese is calculated by method 3? The yield of cheese from 100 pounds of the poorer milk is increased 0.19 pound, from 8.90 to 9.09 pounds, an increase wholly Pounds of eee Pounds | Pounds of | Pounds of Per cent |Per cent|(containing of water |cheese for water in | Per cent of of fat of 37 per cent|!™ cheese}100 pounds} cheese water in : made of milk from 100 |cheese cal- Soe ear pe from 100} calculated | pounds of |culated by 100 pounds| Pounds by mil method 3 of milk | of milk | method 3 | (method 3) 8.90 14.36 38.50 9.31 137.93 35.00 3.31 9.09 | 3.50 due to the greater amount of water contained in the cheese; the water increases from 3.31 to 3.50 pounds, and the percentage of water in the cheese, from 37 to 38.50. In the case of the cheese made from the richer milk, the reverse is found to be true. The yield of cheese containing 37 per cent of water is 14.36 pounds for 100 pounds of milk, and this is decreased 0.43 pound or from 14.36 to 13.93 pounds. This decrease is wholly due to the smaller amount of water in the cheese when the yield is calculated by method 3. Thus, the amount of water in the cheese containing 37 CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 219 per cent of water is decreased from 5.31 to 4.88 pounds in the cheese calculated by method 3, and ime percentage of water from 37° to 35 per cent. We ‘see, therefore, that the difference of cheese yield in these two cases should be normally 5.46 pounds for the cheese made from 100 pounds of mix, but the difference is only 4.860 pounds, or 0.62 pound too small, when the yield is calculated by method 3. (3) Another objection raised to this method is that, under ordinary conditions, the percentage of casein in milk is not known and the method is consequently inapplicable. In reply to this, the percentage of casein in milk can be calcu- lated from the percentage of milk-fat and the method carried out in the usual way. Even when the amount of casein in milk is calculated, the results are gen- erally much more accurate than those given by method 2 (1.1 Fat+5.9). METHOD BASED ON FAT AND SOLIDS- NOT-FAT IN MILK (4) In the twelfth annual report of the Wisconsin experiment station there is a detailed discussion of the facts leading to the proposal of the following formula: _ Yield of green cheese containing 37 per cent of water—= (Goeth + 0.91 Fat ) x 1.58 This formula is based on the following details: (1) The amount of solids-not-fat in 100 pounds of milk, divided by 3, represents the amount of milk-solids, other than fat, available for cheese, including added 220 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING salt in cheese; it therefore includes milk-casein and ash constituents. (2) The average amount of fat lost in cheese-making is taken as 9 per cent of the milk-fat and, consequently, o.91 of the milk-fat is calculated as being in the cheese. (3) In using the factor 1.58, the cheese-solids are calculated to an equivalent amount of cheese containing 37 per cent of water. This method has been supposed to give more accurate results than any of the preceding methods. The following objections to the method suggest themselves: (1) It involves the accurate determina- tion of the specific gravity of milk in addition to the percentage of milk-fat. This ought not to be a serious objection, but is found to be so practically when cheese-makers try to find time to take the necessary lactometer readings. (2) The formula is, more complicated than any other, requiring more extended arithmetical work, although entirely of a simple kind. (3) The accuracy of calculating the non-fat cheese-solids as equal to one-third of the solids-not-fat of milk is not as close as is desirable, because, when applied in the case of different milks, the results are found to be quite irregular outside of certain limits, to which attention will be called later. NEW METHOD BASED ON FAT AND CASEIN IN MILK (s) On account of difficulties experienced in applying the methods under consideration with uniform and accurate results, an effort has been made, based on CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 221 the results of the work done at the New York ex- periment station, to work out a method of deter- mining cheese yield which should be simple and at the same time more accurate than the methods previously used. This method is based upon (1) the per cent of fat and of casein in milk; (2) a loss of fat proportional to the amount of fat in milk, based upon average results; (3) a uniform loss of casein; (4) an amount of salts and albumin in cheese proportional to the available fat and casein in the milk; and (5) a uniform percentage of water in cheese. We will now briefly consider the details upon which the method is based, under the two following divisions: (1) Calculation of cheese-solids, and (2) calculation of water in cheese.. The amount of solids in cheese is calculated by the formula, (0.93 Fat+ Casein —0.10X1.09. This is based upon the following details: (1) Of the fat in milk, 7 per cent (0.07 pound for each pound of milk-fat) is lost im wiey and. 04 per! cent ((0,03 pound for “each pound of milk-fat) .rémains in cheese (p. 190): (2) Of the milk-casein, about 0.10 pound for 100 pounds of) milk is, lost; the rest geome into ‘the eheese ((p.4195). . (2) she. other. -constituents: -of cheese-solids, consisting mostly of salts (p. 187), form about 9 per cent (0.09) of the fat and casein juesent in-eheese: ‘Lherefore, 1f we multiply the amount of fat and casein in cheese by 1.09 we ob- tain the total amount of cheese-solids (fat, casein, salts, etc.) in cheese. For example, suppose we have milk containing 4 per cent of fat and 2.5 per cent of casein, how many pounds of cheese-solids can be 222 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING made from 100 pounds of such milk? Using the formula, we have [0.934 (fat)+2.5 (casein )— 0.10] X 1.090=(3.72-+2.40 ) X 1.090=6.67 pounds. (4) It remains now simply to calculate the cheese- solids into cheese with a given percentage of water. This can be done by subtracting from 1.00 the per- centage of water desired in the cheese, expressed as hundredths, and then dividing by the result the solids in the cheese, as obtained above. The formula, thus amended, becomes: (0.93 Fat + Casein — 0.10) x 1.09 100 — W (water in cheese) Continuing the illustration in which we have found 6.67 pounds of cheese-solids, we will suppose that we wish to know how much cheese, containing 37 per cent of water, can be made from this amount of cheese-solids. We simply divide 6.67 by 0.63 (1.00— 0.37), which gives 10.6 pounds. To find the equiv- alent amount of cheese containing 35 per cent of water, divide by 65 (1.00—0.35); for cheese con- taining 40 per cent of water, divide cheese-solids by 0.60 (1.00—0.40). If, then, we wish to have a method for calculating yield of cheese when the cheese contains a definite amount of water, say 37 per cent, which is the average amount in green cheddar cheese, we can use the. formula: (0.93 Fat + Casein — 0.10) x 1.09 0.63 This can be further simplified by dividing 1.09 by 0.63, when the formula becomes (0.93 Fat-+-Casein—o.10) X 1.73. In other words, find, in the manner indicated, the CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 223 amount of fat and casein that go into the cheese and multiply by 1.73. After satisfactorily applying the formula in this fromm tO a large mimber of cases, it occurred that this might be used as a means of working out a still simpler relation between the fat and casein of milk and yield of cheese. Using the foregoing formula for calculating the cheese yield with milks covering quite a wide variation in percentages of fat and of casein, it was found that the formula could be simplified to the following form: (5) (Fat-+casein) <1.63—yield of cheese for 100 pounds of milk, the cheese containing 37 per cent of water. Stated in the form of a rule, this becomes: Add together the numbers representing the percentages of fat and of casein in milk and multiply the sum by 1.63. From this formula, we can calculate in the fol- lowing manner the equivalent amount of cheese containing any percentage of moisture. Multiply the cheese yield, calculated according to the last formula, by 0.37; subtract this amount from the weight of cheese and divide the remainder by 1.00 minus the number expressing the desired percent- age of moisture. Expressed as a formula, this becomes: P (Number of pounds of cheese) — 0.37 P 100 — W (percentage of water desired} For convenience, we have thus calculated a fac- tor which can be used directly in determining cheese yield for each percentage of water from 30 to 50. 224 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING SIMPLE METHOD OF CALCULATING CHEESE YIELD FOR CHEESE CON- TAINING DIFFERENT PERCENT- AGES OF WATER In order to obtain the amount of cheese yield con- taining a given percentage of water, substitute the number opposite the given percentage in the following list for 1.63 in the last formula above given, which would then become: Yield—=(Fat-+ Casein) XN (N being the number in the following list which cor- responds to the percentage of water in cheese desired). Per cent of water _ . Factor to be used in cheese as N in formula (Fat + casein) x N 30 1.47 31 1.49 32 1.51 33 1.53 34 1.555 35 1.58 36 1.605 37 1.63 38 1.655 39 1.68 40 ay) 44 1.74 42 1.77 43 1.80 44 1.835 45 1.87 46 1.90 47 1.94 48 1.98 49 2.015 50 2.05 SIMPLE METHOD FOR CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE FROM FAT AND CALCULATED CASEIN In connection with the foregoing method, which is based in part upon the percentage of casein in milk, it may be objected that the method cannot be CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 225 applied when we do not know the percentage of milk-casein. In reply to this, it can be stated that fairly accurate results can be obtained by calculat- ing the amount of casein in milk from the formula: Per cent of casein in milk—(Fat—3) = Fe a gy | [a | a | ff mn: AM HOO N Nw C4 ANS Qos ~~ st MmoOMnN Omnmy — st AANO [eo y ie) a) st otter ONO pal str WAY MMON st — ON HO0OMm N Or Mieco taints Sie - 20000 n™ 0000 ee ee ee ee EHP taae mNnoOMndO | Ad wmNow sib enreh aol eli hrae eae PSSST BMG SSSF Coon! ga wowowuorn QP |b we I oooo & ooo Group III varying in fat from 3.0 to 3.50 per cent, and compara- tively fair results in the case of milks containing fat Method 2 (1.1 Fat+5.9) gives up to 4.0 per cent. CALCULATING YIELD OF CHEESE 229 fairly good results in case of milks containing 3.50 (93.75 per cent of dat, because the casein ‘of such milks is near the average upon which this formula is really based (p. 215); but, outside of these nar- row limits, it is the least accurate of all the methods that have been used or proposed. In case of milk containing 4.0 per cent of fat or more, the method is entirely useless, in some cases varying from the meal yield of cheese 1 to 1:5 pounds. Method 3 (1.1 Fat+2.5 Casein), when the actual amount of casein is known, gives rather poor results in case of milk below 3.5 per cent in: fat, excellent results when the per cent of fat in milk ranges from 3.5 to 4.0 per cent, fairly good results in case of milk con- taining as high as 4.2 per cent of fat, but less accurate with milks above this. Method 3, when the casein 1i¢ calculated, gives results which are, in general, in very good agreement with those obtained when _ the amount of casein is determined by chemical analysis. Method 4 (Setsegortat + 0.91 r) x 1.58, gives most excellent results when the milk con- fais 3.50 10 4.0 per cent of fat, but in’ other ‘cases is, with the exception of method 2, the least accu- rate of any examined. This method has heretofore had the reputation of being, for all grades of milk, the most accurate method in use. Method 5, when me per cent of casem in milk is known, is seen to be the most accurate method of all. When the casein is calculated, method 6 gives excellent com- parative results, the least ‘satisfactory being in the tase et fulks -contaimine 3.50 to 3.75 per. cent. of 230 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING fat. In the case of milks containing 3 tu 3.50 per cent of fat the results are most excellent. The following table gives a summary of the results, © showing the percentage of cases in which the different methods are acctirate within the limits designated, taking all the 200 results into consideration without reference to special groups in respect to percentage of milk-fat: | 3 ' 5 6 1 2 Actual | Calculated hat Actual |Calculated | casein casein | casein | casein | ace | 0-0.25 | 60. 42.5 66.5 62.5 Ws 80 62.5 0.26-0.35 Gf. 12) 14. NTE 18. 10 ie 0:36-0.50} 15.5 19.5 12. IDR) W2 7 1255 0.51-0.75 1325 6. 6.5 8.5 3 10. 0.76-0.99 0.5 4.5 15 135 4, 10) Ps 1.00-1.50] 0 8. | 0. | 0. Os eh on 0. From these results, the relative values of the dif- ferent formulas can be judged in a general, compara- tive way. It is evident that method 2 (1.1 Fat-++5.9) should not be used and that method 4, (Fesepettet 4 O41 Fat) x 1.58 should, if employed at all, be used only in the case of milks containing 3.5 to 4.0 per cent of fat. When the percentage of casein in milk is known, only method 5 (Fat-+Casein) 1.63 should be used. In case the casein has to be calculated from the per- centage of fat in milk, then method 6 should be used. For ordinary purposes method 6 will probably be found to be the most useful, since the only factor needed is the percentage of milk-fat and the calcula- tion is extremely simple (2.3 Fat+1.4). CHAPTER XIX Milk Constituents in Relation to Compo- sition of Cheese While the yield of cheese from 100 pounds of milk depends, as has been shown: (p. 186), upon the amount of fat, casein and insoluble salts in milk, so far as the cheese-solids are concerned, the percentage composition of the cheese-solids depends practically upon the relation of fat and casein in milk. Milk rem it fat, as compared with milk poor in fat, usually produces cheese containing more fat in pro- portion to other constituents. |The composition of cheese depends primarily upon the composition of the milk used, provided the process of cheese-mak- ing is performed in a normal manner, so as to avoid excessive loss. ofifat or casem. In this connection we shall discuss the following points: (1) The rela- tion of composition of milk to composition of Sheese* (a) (im case of morimal milk, }(b) ‘in -ease of skimmed milk, and (c) in case of milk containing added cream. (2) The United States standard for cheese. MILK CONSTITUENTS AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE Composition of cheese from. normal milk.—The composition of green cheese, in case of normal fac- tory milk, as made in New York state, shows the m1 232 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING following range of variations and general average, as the result of the extended investigations carried on by the New York experiment station: | Lowest Highest | Average Wisi her ears tee meee re cash arte wna ls 32.69 43.89 36.84 ER Gals So lic eer w eye oieet elute. cy ers x8. ti 56.11 67.31 63.16 4 REY Fe ae her cad SoG Oe eee 30.00 36.79 33.83 IPTOLeIS sy ee ree eit en ae wee 20.80 26.11 23.72 Salts, etc. (represented in ash) JOR 312 7.02 5.61 Percentage of solids in form of fat... 50.39 56.83 53.56 Ratioror tat tor proteins. .....6- +5 .5% 1:0.79 1:0.63 1:0 70 We can illustrate differences in composition of cheese made from normal milk by taking cheese Made irom the milk of different breeds.at, cows: For this purpose, we will use the composition of milk as given on p. 165 in case of four different breeds: Solids Fat in | Proteins Rigg ee Ratio of Breed in ehipeee in ithaca fat to cheese cheese of fat proteins Per cent | Per cent | Per cent Fat: Proteins Holstein-Friesian 63.00 34.1 23.6 54.3 1: 0.69 ‘Avyrsbiress. . o: 63.00 34.5 23-3 54.8 1210567 Guernseve.. ss. 63.00 37.0 20.8 58.7 1: 0.56 Jersey. paces 63.00 37.5 20.4 60.0 1: 0.54 The difference in composition is very clearly seen, especially if we notice the percentage of the cheese-solids present in the form of fat and the ratio of fat to proteins as shown in the last two columns. In connection with this table, study Fig. 37 (p. 208). MILK AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE 233 The following table extends the illustration sys- tematically to ordinary milks containing different percentages of fat. We may regard these as rep- resenting milks of different herds. See also Fig. 36. | Percentage Ratic of ae ag Cheese~ Fat in Proteins of total fat to in milk solids cheese in cheese solids in proteins form of fat oe ee Per cent | Fa Per cent | Per cent. t: Proteins 3.00 63.00 | ain // 24.4 Iy3) 5) 1S (077 oe25 & 34.1 ei] 54.0 12 0:70 3.50 or 34.5 2303 54.6 1: 0.68 3.75 . Bie | ooag 55.2 1: 0.66 4.50 ty A\bipi 22u AS i/ J: 0.65 4.25 Se 35.4 | 22.4 56.2 1220263 4.50 cs Sal DOA 56.7 1: 0.62 | These tables strikingly indicate that, as milk in- creases in percentage of fat, the cheese made from stich milk increases in percentage of fat and de- creases in percentage of proteins. The composi- tion of the cheese-solids follows the composition of the milk as shown in the relation of fat and pro- teins. Composition of cheese made from skimmed milk.—The removal of fat from milk reduces the | amount of fat in relation to casein, because, in skimming milk, only a relatively small amount of casein is removed with the fat. The remaining skim-milk is therefore richer in casein relative to fat, the ratio increasing with the amount of fat removed. The effect of skimming milk upon its composition and upon the composition of cheese is illustrated in the two following tables. The data are based upon (1) normal milk containing 4 per cent of fat, (2) removal of fat alone without 234 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING other constituents, (3) a uniform percentage of casein in skim-milk, and (4) a uniform per cent (37) of water in cheese. While the data represent theoretical conditions, the results are not far from the truth in practical application and they serve satisfac torily to illustrate the point we desire to impress In connection with this table, study Fig. 38. EFFECT OF SKIMMING MILK ON COMPOSITION OF MILK AND YIELD OF CHEESE Pounds of fat | Pounds of fat Pounds of Ratio of fat Pounds removed from left in casein in to casein of 100 pounds skimmed skimmed in milk cheese of milk milk milk Fat: Casein (1)—0.00 4.00* 2.50 150263 10.60 (2)—0.50 3.50 2.50 tO Wile 9.79 (3)—1.00 3.00 2.50 1: 0.33 8.98 (4)—2.00 2.00 2.50 1505 (heey (5)—3.00 1.00 2.50 12550 Sasi (6)—3.90 0.10F 2.50 eee PAs(0) 4eso *Normal milk. +Separator skim-milk. EFFECT OF SKIMMING MILK ON COMPOSITION OF CHEESE Per cent of Percentage of Ratio of fat Per cent of fat proteins in cheese-solids in to proteins in in cheese cheese form of fat | cheese Fat: Proteins (1)—35.1 D2, 55.7 1: 0.65 (2)—33.3 24.5 53.0 ORs: (3)—31.1 26.7 49.4 1: 0.86 (4)—25.2 32.6 40.0 i380 (5)—16.1 41.7 25.5 1: 2.60 (6)— 2.3 55.5 37 1: 24.00 ee Ts In making cheese from skim-milk, the yields given are lower than those obtained in commercial MILK AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE 235 work, because here we allow for only 37 per cent of water, while commercial skim-milk cheese never contains so little moisture, but usually from 4o to 55 per cent, the moisture held in cheese increasing + pat TE : sd estes = poss pecegEs Tht po Resco oma cocess + poses + pease poees ree sos ae! ea ggues sossseses9passaesass paves sesse cases ssess spsas HEL FIG. 38——DIAGRAM SHOWING EFFECT OF SKIMMING MILK UPON THE YIELD AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE The figures immediately above each column give the number of pounds of cheese (containing 37 per cent of water) made from 100 pounds of milk. The figures within the diagram give the pounds of each constituent in cheese. The figures at the top of the diagram give the percentage of fat in milk and skim-milk. as the per cent of fat in skim-milk decreases. In com- paring the results in this table with those in the table on p. 232, in which the composition is shown of cheese made from milk low and high in fat, we see that the difference there is the same in 236 SCIENCE AND ®RACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING character as that brought about by partially skim- ming whole milk. For example, by skimming from roo pounds of Jersey milk, containing 5.78 per cent of fat, 1.25 pounds of fat, thus reducing the fat to 4.53 per cent, the resulting milk and cheese will then be essentially the same in composition, in relation to cheese-solids, as the normal. Holstein-Friesian milk, as shown by the following table: Per cent Per cent | Ratio of fat of fat of casein to casein 1 Fat: Casein Holstein-Friesian milk............. 3.26 2.20 1: 0:67 ETSEV MMe (MOTI): <4 as a ts oe 2 lore Saas! 3.03 LaOss2 Jersey milk (partially skimmed)..... 4.53 3.03 1 O67 Of course, the same result could be accomplished by adding skim-milk to milk rich in fat. There is another way of comparing milks which, like these, are poor and rich in fat. Thus, how much fat would it be necessary to add to the Hol- stein-Friesian milk to have it make cheese like that made from Jersey milk? Calculation shows that nearly one pound of. fat would need to be added to 100 pounds of the Holstein milk, which is thus shown: Fat in Fat added Per cent of fat Per cent of Ratio of fat milk in enriched milk casein in milk to casein Fat : Casein 3.26 4 0.94 = 4.20 2.20 125 055S It can, therefore, be seen that the differences ex- isting between rich and poor milk are, so far as relates to the composition of the cheese made from them, such as can be adjusted by removing fat MILK AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE 237 from the rich milk or adding skim-milk to it, or by adding fat to skim-milk. The difference in milk poor in fat which makes the fat go farther in mak- ing cheese is a difference which may be character- ized, in a general way, as a skim-milk difference, because it depends upon a relatively high proportion of casein. Composition of cheese made from milk contain- ing added cream.—Addition of cream to normal mulkpattects. the cheese made from such milk in a way directly opposite to that produced by skim- ming that is, it increases the proportion of fat in cheese in relation to proteins. A single illustration will suffice. We give the composition of cheese made from normal milk containing 4 per cent of fat and also from the same milk after its fat content has beem= increased £0 6. per cent by the addition of cream. Pp ber P Per cent Percent) - OU" vs Per cent a cent lofcheese-| Ratio of of fat |.cheese for | of fat in| Of Pro- | solidsin| fat to in milk [100 pounds) cheese |, teins form | proteins of milk in cheese] of fat Fat: Proteins Normal milk.. 4.00 10.60 Saal Deed | DH Sia¢/ 170205 Enriched milk 6.00 13.80 40.4 17.4 64.0 1: 0.43 THE UNITED STATES CHEESE STANDARD At this point it seems desirable to call attention to the standard of purity adopted for cheese by the United States Department of Agriculture in con- nection with the national pure-food law. Its defi- nition of cheese made from normal or whole-milk is as 238 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING follows: “Standard whole-milk or full-cream cheese contains, in the water-free substance, not less than 50 per cent butter-fat.’ There has been wide- spread and needless misunderstanding in regard to the meaning of this standard. Many have inter- preted it as meaning that normal or whole-milk cheese must contain 50 per cent of fat. The law does not say that at all, but that 50 per cent, not of the cheese, but of its water-free substance (cheese- solids) must consist of butter-fat. This can easily be made clear by giving a specific illustration of its application, and, for this purpose, we take a ched- dar cheese of average composition, containing: Water <1. cline: Anieasie eens 36.80 per cent. Water-free substance 63.20 a Consisting of (100.00) aiteeg.. case Saf 5 7 Salts, etc... 5.70 es 63.20 a In order to apply the standard to any cheese, we need to know only the percentages of water and of fat. One then proceeds as follows: Subtract the percentage of water from 100, which gives the cheese-solids or water-free substance, and _ then divide the percentage of fat in cheese by the per- centage of water-free substance. Expressed in out- line, the statement becomes: (1) I00 minus per cent of water—=per cent of water-free substance; (2) per cent of fat+per cent of water-free substance—= per cent of fat in water-free substance. Example: (1) 100—36.80 (per cent of water in cheese)= 63.20 (water-free substance in cheese). (2) 33.75 (per cent of fat in cheese )--63.20—53.4, which is the MILK AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE 239 per cent of fat in the water-free substance of the cheese. In order that a cheese be below standard, the fat must be less than one-half of the water-free substance. In this particular case, the cheese would be belcw standard if the fat were less than 31.60 percent. The question naturally arises as to what actual Nome sthere 1s for such a specific standard. ' It 1s based upon very extensive studies of cheese made from normal milk. The work of the New York ex- periment station with cheese made in New York factories has shown that the fat is always more than one-half of the total solids or water-free sub- stance of cheese. In the case of the lowest result, the percentage was 50.39; the highest, 56.83; and the average, 54. In very few cases was the per- centage of fat in cheese-solids found below 51.0. These results are in agreement with those obtained mt Other states. For example, in the Wisconsin cheese-scoring contests for April, May, June and July (1908), results are given, showing that, even in the Giicese poorest in fat, the fat was 51.35 per cent of the water-free substance. The percentage of fat in the water-free substance of the cheese varied from this figure to 506.4 as the highest. In addition to the results of analysis of many samples of cheese made from normal milk, the composition of normal milk itself furnishes a good reason why the fat should amount to more than one-half of the water-free substance of cheese; Since ao study of normal.milk, as it is found at cheese-factories in New York state, shows that such milk does not contain enough casein, relative 240 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING to fat, to make cheese of composition such that its water-free substance contains less than 50 per cent of fat, provided, of course, there is no abnormal loss of fat in the process of cheese-making. For example, it can readily be seen from the table on p. 234 that normal milk containing 4 per cent of fat can suffer a loss of nearly one-fourth of its fat, _before the composition of the cheese drops below standard. Normal milk containing 3.50 per cent of fat can be reduced to about 3 per cent of fat before the cheese made from it contains less than 50 per cent of fat in its water-free substance. Ordinary milk containiag 3 per cent of fat could have its fat reduced nearly to 2.75 per cent before making cheese below standard. These facts go to show that the United States standard is well above the limits of danger for cheese properly made from normal milk. Another question in connection with the cheese standard may be asked: Why not use as a standard the percentage of fat in the cheese -itseli ie stead of in the water-free substance? The present standard has for its purpose, the prevention of the use of skimmed milk for making cheese to be sold as normal or whole-milk cheese. It does not aim to con- trol the amount of moisture in cheese. If the percentage of fat in cheese were used as a standard, then the amount of water in cheese would become an important factor; because the greater the mois- ture content of cheese, the less the percentage of fat in the case of cheese made from milk of the same composition. It is recognized that different markets call for different percentages of water in cheese MILK AND COMPOSITION OF CHEESE 241 and, by basing the cheese standard on the water- free substance of the cheese, this condition has not been interfered with. Some of the state cheese standards.—In some states there are laws which aim to set up various standards according to the percentage of fat in cheese, having one percentage of fat for whole-milk cheese, another for partial-skim, another for half- skim and another for full-skim. Such provisions are cumbersome in legal administration, as well as demoralizing to the best interests of the cheese industry and deserve only severe condemnation. It is interesting to notice the legal provisions for cheese standards which are or have been in force in some states. In California full-cream (whole- milk) cheese must contain 30 per cent of fat; half- skim 15 per cent of fat; while full-skim cheese is any cheese made from skim-milk. Under these provisions it would be easily possible to make no normal-milk cheese, since all the cheese intended to comply with the requirements for so-called ‘‘full- cream” might be made from partially skimmed milk. In Colorado 35 per cent of the cheese-solids (water-free substances) must be fat. This is 15 per cent below the United States standard. Under such a provision normal milk containing 4.0 per cent of fat could have one-half of its fat removed before the cheese would drop below the Colorado standard as given above. Under such circum- stances it would be a miracle if Colorado had an ounce of cheese made from normal milk except for the saving condition that the actual relation of such a standard is probably not clearly under- stood by Colorado cheese-makers and surely not 242 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING by her legislators, it is to be hoped. In Minnesota, the law has ‘required that 45 per cent’ .of ime cheese-solids be fat, which is too low. In Missouri, the only provision has seemed to be that the cheese should be made from milk containing not less than 3. per cent of fat. In Ohio, ‘cheese containing Jeae than 20 per cent of fat is skim-cheese.’ This 4s certainly a very generous allowance, since cheese made from normal milk rarely contains less than 32 ‘per cent of fat even when oreen. Tt 1¢taaee hoped that the provisions in these states for whole- milk cheese‘ have been or will be changed to conform with the provisions of the United States pure-food law. Misleading use of terms describing cheese.—The foregoing discussion impresses one with the unfor- tunate use of certain words in describing cheese made from normal milk or whole-milk. The ex- pressions, “‘full-cream,” “factory-cream,”’ etc., while in common commercial use, and clearly understood by those who use them, are misleading to one who interprets their meaning at their face value. Ap- parently, such terms imply normal milk contain- ing added cream. The use of the word cream in any form to describe normal milk is a relic of the inaccurate knowledge of former generations, and should be abandoned in the interests of clearness and precision. Whole-milk or normal milk is in every respect a much better expression to use in describing cheese made from milk that is normal. Chia TER XX The Composition of Cheese in Relation to Quality In the preceding chapter it has been demon- strated that cheese made from milk rich in fat contains relatively and actually more fat and less proteins than cheese made from milk poor in fat. Two such cheeses, made with equal skill, the milk being uniform in every way except in composition, show a marked difference in commercial quality Poe 244); and the one having the larger percentage of fat would be declared to be superior in quality. This has been demonstrated in practical ways by the experiment stations of Wisconsin, Iowa, Min- nesota and New York; and their work, the first to be done along these lines, has been supplemented and confirmed by the work of others. It has been found generally true that cheese made from milk containing added cream is superior in flavor and tex- ture to that made from ordinary normal milk; and that made from normal milk is superior in flavor, tex- ture, body and keeping quality to cheese made from skim-milk, Variation in quality in cheddar cheese follows more or less*closely the: relation of fat to: proteins in cheese; the larger the proportion of fat, the bet- ter, in general, the quality of cheese and the higher the market value. This fact is, of course, associated with, and dependent upon, the function 243 244. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING that milk-fat performs in cheese, that of imparting smoothness of feeling, mellowness of body, rich- ness and delicacy of’ taste and palatability. Bear- ing on this particular point, the late Henry E. Alvord makes the following statement (Yearbook of U. 5. Dept. of Agt.; 1895,’p: 471): \ “Other thimge being equal, a cheese containing a large percentage of fat is better, because, first, of finer flavor and taste; second, of its better consistency; third, of its improved aroma; fourth, of its increased digestibility ; fifth, of its more perfectly answering the requirements of a complete food or ‘balanced ration.’”’ In this connection, it is interesting to learn that in Germany the custom of selling cheese according to the per- centage of fat contained in it is rapidly coming into use. . While the view expressed above is very generally held and is based upon experimental work, there have. been no extensive commercial opportunities for demonstrating the matter in a systematic way. But some valuable facts bearing on this point in a most’ direct and practical form have just been developed in the four Wisconsin cheese-scoring contests held during April, May, June and July, (1908). The: facts are all the more interesting be- cause they are merely incidental to the general pur- pose of these contests. The method of conducting these competitive tests in Wisconsin cannot be too highly recommended to other states, especially be- cause very full details are given, unusual under such circumstances, making the work of peculiar value in enabling one to study relations existing CHEESE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY 245 between the composition of cheese and its commer- cial value. In each of these monthly scorings, it is significant that the cheese scoring highest contained the largest amount of fat relative to proteins, while the cheese scoring lowest in every case contained the lowest amount of fat relative to proteins, as shown by the following data: Cheese scoring highest Cheese scoring lowest Pp Percent] Ratio of Percent} Ratio of er cent of fat to Per cent of fat to of fat of fat proteins] proteins proteins | proteins Fat:prot’ns Fat: prot’rs / Noval Sas eae 36. 24. IA OLS Si 29.2 f= (0:94 Baers eis sails 35.25 27.4 le OLKS 335). 29.2 1: 0.83 Aue Aaa... s 3D) Dies TO n9 34.5 29.8 1: 0.86 Miciliyek Sh, eas 35¢ 29.46 1: 0.84 34.3 29.3 1: 0.86 The most striking difference is shown by the April results, the least by those of July. In study- ing all the available data, the only apparent cause that accounts for these differences is the difference in composition. In the case of some of the cheeses that were scored second and third below the high- est, as compared with others that were scored second and third from the lowest, the general relation of quality and composition was shown but not equally in every case. While these results do not in them- selves absolutely prove the relation between composi- tion and commercial quality, their special value is that they confirm, in a different way, the results of other work. It cannot fail to be of value in the discussion of this subject to present the views of some of those 246 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING who have been generally regarded as authorities in relation to the commercial as well as to the scientific aspects of cheese-making. For this purpose, we have chosen to give the views (1) of Dr. Robert- son, so long Canada’s most efficient leader in the progress of all branches of dairying and especially of cheese-making, and (2) of Dr. Babcock, who has been properly regarded as America’s leading student of dairying in its scientific relations and who has given special attention to the question under discussion. In the Report of the New York Dairymen’s Association for 1891, we find the following state- ments in an address given by Dr. Robertson: “In every case there was a gradual reduction in the quantity of cheese when there was a less quantity of) butier-fat in’ milk... . ., JHowever, -thismei true also, that the increased yield of cheese is not in direct proportion to the increased percentage of butter-fat; that is, milk containing 3 per cent of butter-fat will yield a certain quantity of cheese, but if you take milk having one-third more fat (4 per cent) it will not yield one-third more cheese. At the same time, such milk is worth one-third more for cheese-making, and thereby hangs a tale. You see, if it does not yield so much cheese, it makes a quality of cheese so much better that the market value of the cheese from too pounds of milk is a third ereater than the market value of the cheese in the other case” (pp. 198-199). “Every two-tenths of a pound of butter-fat will improve the quality of the cheese one-eighth cent per pound, as near as I can CHEESE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY 247 find out. Thus, you have a difference of about five- eighths of a cent per pound between cheese made from 3 per cent and 4 per cent milk” (p. 2or). Dr. Babcock approaches the question from quite another point of view (Report of New York Dairy- Meds). ssociation’ for 1802; pp. “150, 153, -etc.). After showing that fat is the constituent controlling the value of milk, cream and butter, he says: “It is evident that the market price of milk, of cream and of butter depends chiefly upon the price of butter-fat, and that other constituents have so little influence that they can practically be neglected. “There is one other important dairy product to be considered, and that is cheese. Does the same prin- ciple hold with this? I believe it does, for on no other basis can I reconcile market prices all over the world.” He then goes on to show by actual market quo- tations that cheese varies in price according to its richness in fat, all the way from 11 cents per pound for whole-milk, fancy cheese down to I to 2% cents a pound for full-skim cheese. Antici- pating some objections raised to the method of reasoning as applied to the fat basis as a method of paying for milk at cheese-factories, he con- tinues: “I cannot leave this subject without refer- ring to some of the objections made to its use in cheese-factories. It is urged that because casein and fat are intimately mixed together in cheese, they bring the same price per pound when sold, and so should be given the same price in calculat- ing the value of milk that is to be used for this pur- pose. If this is true, the water which comprises a 248 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING larger proportion of cheese than the casein should be treated in the same way, and worthless constit- uents in any product should have the same value as the mixture in which they occur. It is absurd, on the face of it, as it gives entirely different values, to the same constituent according to the product considered. It makes the casein, water and fat worth each about one cent per pound in milk, the same constituent worth 30 cents per pound in but- ter and anywhere from 1 to It cents per pound in cheese, according to the proportions in which they are mixed. Whereas, the relative value plan gives consistent values in all. “Again, it is said that the life-sustaining power of a pound of casein is about the same as a pound of fat, and that they should therefore have about the same value; but it must be borne in mind that the nutritive value and the market value of foods have no relation to each other. You can buy nutrients in corn meal cheaper than you can in wheat flour. Maple sugar costs you two or three times as much as beet sugar, although the two have identically the, same effect. ‘All of these. things “are: (com trolled by the universal law of supply and demand, and have nothing to do with their relative food value. “When any article has a high value for any special purpose, that fixes the price which must be paid for it for all other purposes. You cannot afford the use of rosewood or mahogany for fuel, not because they have less heat-producing power than maple or birch, but because they command a higher price for piano cases or other articles of CHEESE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY 249 furniture. ‘The general public esteems butter-fat more highly than caSein and are willing to pay a much higher price for it. It is folly to stand in your own light and argue that this is inconsistent.” These arguments of Dr. Babcock, are based on general economic truths which hold good to-day as fully as when they were stated by him. They are facts which should be kept in mind when considering the relation of composition of cheese to commercial quality or market value. In the 12th annual report of the Wisconsin experiment station (p. 115), Dr. Babcock also says: “It is a well-established fact that rich milk gives a better quality of cheese, which commands a higher price, than that from poor: milk,” We add also the following quotation from an address given before the Wisconsin cheese-makers’ convention at Milwaukee, in 1907, by Prof. E. H. Farrington, dairy husbandman at the Wisconsin ex- periment station: “It will be seen that the richer the milk, the better the price per pound of cheese made from it. [I am occasionally asked if 100 pounds of milk testing 6 per cent of fat will make twice as much cheese as 100 pounds of milk test- ing 3 per cent of fat. The answer to this question is briefly that the cheese made from the richer milk is of much better quality and worth a higher price per pound than that made from the thinner milk, and this will help balance any difference in yield. The influence of the richness of milk on the quality of cheese is something that should not be lost sight of in considering the question of 250 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING paying for milk at a cheese-factory by the Babcock test. SKIM-MILK CHEESE The manufacture of skim-milk cheese has been fostered and protected in some of our states. There are some considerations worthy of our attention in connection with the discussion of the composition of cheese in relation to quality. (1) The removal of fat from ordinary normal milk, such as the mixed milk of our cheese-fac- tories, results in producing cheese that differs in composition from whole-milk cheese. Such cheese, as we have seen, contains less fat and more casein than that made from normal milk having the same percentage of fat. Skim-milk cheese is an adul- terated food product, according to the legal defini- tion of adulteration. (2) It is impossible to remove fat from ordi- nary normal milk without affecting the composi- tion of the cheese unfavorably, and along with this, the quality as well. While skim-milk cheeses may differ from one another in composition and quality, they are all inferior to whole-milk cheese properly made from normal milk of good quality in all respects. (3) Skim-milk cheese is not only deficient in fat, but it always contains an abnormally high percentage of water. This is absolutely necessary in order to make it edible and have it appear in body and general quality as a good imitation of whole-milk cheese. A skim-milk cheese containing CHEESE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY 251 only the amount of water held by a whole-milk cheese would be practically unsalable on account of its hardness and toughness. High percentages (50-55) of water are necessary in order to make the cheese appear to contain fat and have a _ smooth-feeling body. (4) Skim-milk cheese, on account of its high per- centage of water, dries out very rapidly under ordinary conditions in the hands of the consumer and becomes inedible, though it can then be used by experts in some forms of cooking. (5) Skim-milk cheese, on account of its high per- centage of water and of proteins, does not possess the keeping qualities of whole-milk cheese. It develops undesirable flavors more easily and does not have the same length of life under the same condi- tions, especially when kept at temperatures above 60° F, (6) Skim-milk cheese generally becomes digestible less readily than whole-milk cheese kept under the same conditions; and when its proteins become rapidly soluble, offensive flavors usually develop, destroying its value. (7) The retail price of skim-milk cheese is always too high in comparison with whole-milk cheese. Separator skim-milk cheese usually sells at retail for ro cents a pound, when whole-milk cheese sells for 16 cents. Such skim-milk cheese sells for more than three times its real value. (3). sche consimer is not really protected, even when an attempt is made by the state to do so. How many people want or even ask for skim-milk Ehecse’« Ihe average consumer is ignorant .of 252 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING systems of branding or other methods devised for his protection. He simply asks for cheese and takes what is offered. It should be made as dangerous for retailers to sell skim-milk cheese for whole- milk cheese as it is for them to sell chicory for pure coffee. (9) The indiscriminate sale of skim-milk cheese inevitably injures the sale of whole-milk cheese. (10) Skim-milk, consumed as such or in the form of cottage-cheese, is a more economical and nutritious food than when used as_ skim-milk cheese. (11) There is a strong inclination on the part of those interested in the cheese industry to believe that the real interests of dairymen and of the general public would be best protected and promoted by the absolute prohibition of skim-milk cheese, as demon- strated by Canada. CHAPTER XXI Methods of Paying for Milk for Cheese-Making The subject relating to methods of paying for milk at cheese-factories has been one of more or less constant discussion for about twenty years. Shortly before the year 1890, some question was raised as to the fairness of paying for milk at cheese-factories by weight. Two factors worked against the realization of any practical results coming from such discussion: (1) Lack of knowl- edge regarding the relation of milk-constituents to sield and quality of cheese, and (2) ‘the: need’ of a practicable method for determining any of the cheese-making constituents of milk. In 1890 Dr. Babcock furnished his method of determining fat in milk, and then the discussion soon centered about the use of fat in milk as a basis for paying for milk used in cheese-making. The application of the test in the case of butter-making was. at once understood and utilized; but, in connection with cheese-making, it was known that two con- stituents are concerned, fat and casein, and the question was therefore more complicated than in the case of butter-making, where only fat was con- Gerned. | During the .yearstrogi,to: 1895, a. large amount of investigation was carried on, which re- sulted in giving us such a comprehensive and sys- 253 254 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING tematic knowledge of the relations of milk constitu- ents to cheese as had not been possible previously. In general, it was shown that, while the amount of fat in milk is not an absolute guide in respect to the yield of cheese from milks containing differ- ent amounts of fat, it is a very much more accurate index than the mere weight of milk; and_ that, while, in case of milks containing higher percent- ages of fat, the yield of cheese is usually less for a pound of milk-fat than in the case of milk con- taining lower percentages of fat (p. 207), the cheese made from the richer milk is of more excellent quality and has a higher commercial value (pp. 243-249). The fat basis began to be introduced into actual cheese-factory work about 1892, and its use spread quite rapidly during the next few years. This method was at first received with considerable en- thusiasm. After a few years a reaction gradually took place and the system was abandoned in many factories, which went back to the old method of pay- ing for milk by weight only. There are several reasons why the fat basis in paying for milk for cheese-mak- ing has experienced its ups and downs, like every other reform movement, and we will notice some of the most prominent of these. (1) Wherever the fat basis replaced the weight- of-milk method, the change affected the dividends of different patrons in different ways. Those furnish- ing milk containing percentages of fat above the average received more money for their milk, while those furnishing milk containing percentages of PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING = 255 fat under the average found their dividends re- duced. Therefore, the owners of cows giving milk low in fat were bitterly disappointed and exercised their ingenuity in discovering reasons why the fat basis was objectionable and unfair. ‘This attitude of the producer of poor milk is, of course, the fundamental reason why the fat basis has been abandoned in some cases where it had been intro- duced. The other objections raised were subordinate to this one, though some of them had, perhaps, some real basis. (2) The reliability of the Babcock: test was attacked and the accuracy of its results called into question. The points of objection raised on this ground were, (a) that the Babcock method of testing milk for fat is unreliable under all circum- stances; (b) that, while the method, when properly handled, is accurate, cheese-makers are _ careless or inefficient in operating the test, and their results ate therefore inaccurate; (c) that the glassware was not always accurately graduated and _ conse- quently gave incorrect results; (d) that cheese- makers deliberately gave some _ patrons higher results than those indicated by the test. The gen- eral charge of inaccuracy of the test itself was, of course, prompted by ignorance or malice or both. There was probably once some justification for the charge of carelessness and _ inefficiency against operators of the. Babcock test; for it was wun- doubtedly true to some extent that cheese-makers attempted to employ the method who had not been properly amstructed) in’ its’ use ‘nor acquired ‘the requisite accuracy of manipulation. There was at 256 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING one time a strong disposition to over-emphasize the extreme simplicity of the Babcock test and to lose sight of the fact that even so simple a method requires careful attention to every detail and that certain precautions must be strictly observed. It was also true that some manufacturers became care- less and put on the market glassware that was inac- curate. This difficulty has been effectively overcome in most of the prominent dairy states by an official testing of all graduated glassware used in the Babcock test, before it is placed on sale. (3) Many cheese-makers object to the added work involved, even when paid for it. An unwilling cheese-maker can easily influence patrons against the method. (4) Another cause for the discarding of the fat basis in many cases was the confusion introduced by proposing some modification of the method in the interest of the producer of poorer milk, a point which we will consider more fully later. In the history of the cheese-making industry, we can distinguish in the order of their appearance, five methods which have been proposed for the purpose of paying for milk at cheese-factories : (1) Weight of mill (2) Amount of fat in milk. (3) Relative values of fat and other cheese-solids based on yield and composition of cheese. (4) Modification of fat basis to include part of the milk-casein. (5) Amount of fat and casein in milk. We will now consider each of these methods as to their comparative merits and defects, PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 257 PAYING FOR MILK ON BASIS OF WEIGHT Under this system each patron receives the same amount of money for each 100 pounds of milk de- livered at the factory. This method possesses the advantage of simplicity and economy of time, in- volving no additional work. Among the disadvan- fees, Of this method are the following: (1) It assumes, as a fundamental basis of its fairness, that all kinds of normal milk have the same cheese- producing value; that, from 100 pounds of any milk, we make the same amount of cheese. This assumption has been abundantly proved not to be true, since the yield of cheese from 100 pounds of milk may (p» 207) vary all the way from’3 to 13 pounds or more. The method is, therefore, unfair to the producers of milk containing higher per- centages of fat. (2) This system discourages the production of milk of higher percentage in fat. When weight alone is considered in making pay- ment, more money can be received by increasing the amount of milk produced, without regard to its composition; and it is thus found more _ profit- able to produce milk as low in fat as legal require- ments permit. .(3) This, system :breeds criminality, because it encourages the addition of water, re- moval of cream and all similar forms of dishonesty. Some dairymen have regarded the direct addition of water to milk as the most economical way of increasing milk production for cheese-making pur- poses, but the experience is. not usually attended with most economical results for any length of ime. 258 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING However much difference of opinion there may exist in regard to the efficiency of different methods of paying for milk for cheese-making, all who are in position to give a reliable judgment in the matter agree on this one point, viz., among the various methods proposed, this one is farthest from doing justice to all producers of milk. PAYING FOR MILK ON BASIS OF FAT When milk is paid for on the basis of its fat content, each patron receives a certain amount of money for each pound of fat in the milk delivered. The patron whose milk contains 3 per cent of fat receives payment for 3 pounds of fat for each 100 pounds of milk delivered by him; while the patron whose milk contains 4 per cent of fat receives pay- ment for 4 pounds of fat for each 100 pounds of milk furnished by him. The second patron receives one- third more per 100 pounds of milk than the first one, while, under the weight-of-milk method, each would receive an equal sum. This can be illustrated as follows: For the sake of simplicity, we will compare the milks furnished by two patrons, one milk con- taining 3, and the other 4, per cent of fat. We will assume that the cheese sells for 10 cents a pound. We will make the comparison on the basis of too pounds of milk, allowing that the cheese yield from 100 pounds of milk containing 3 per cent of fat is 8.30 pounds, and from milk contain- ing 4 per cent of fat, 10.60 pounds, a total of 18.90 pounds, bringing 189 cents. 3y the weight-of-milk method, this sum is divided equally between the PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 259 two patrons, because each furnishes. the same amount of milk. Hence, each receives 94.5 cents for the cheese made from his milk. On this basis the one furnishing milk containing 3 per cent of fat receives II.4 cents a pound for each pound of cheese made from milk furnished by him; while the other receives 8.9 cents for each pound of cheese made from his milk. Dividends based on the percentage of fat in milk are made as follows: One patron furnishes 3 mands of fat and the other 4. There are, all told, 7 pounds of fat, the cheese corresponding to which sells for 189 cents. Therefore, each pound Gi iat is credited with 27 cents; one patron re- Genes S1 (273) cents and the other, 108 (274) gents. In this ‘case the one furnishing the poorer milk receives 9.76 cents a pound for the cheese made from his milk, and the other, 10.19 cents. The existing difference, 0.4 cents a pound, is generally held to represent an actual difference in the quality sad value of the cheese (p..242): These results can be very well shown in the following tabulated form: | | Weight-ot-Miik Method Milk-Fat Basis Pounds Money | Money Money Pounds lof cheese rec’d for | rec’d for Money rec’d for of fat made ivi- each each Divi- | tec’dfor| ‘each in 100 |from 100] dend pound | pound dend each pound pounds pounds of of milk- pound | of milk- of milk | of milk cheese fat of cheese fat Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents S 8.30 94.5 11.4 Shi) 81 9.76 Bill 4 10.60 94.5 23.6 108 10.19 27 260 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Of the various objections deserving any atten- tion which have not been already noticed, the fol- lowing are the chief ones urged against this method: (1) The percentage of fat in milk is not gen- erally an accurate measure of the amount of cheese made from 100 pounds of milk. A pound of fat in milk containing 3 per cent of fat represents more cheese than does a pound of fat in milk containing 4 per cent of fat; in the former case, the cheese yield is 2.77 pounds for one pound of fat in milk, while in the latter it is 2.65 pounds. On this account, the milk containing least fat does not receive pay for all the cheese it makes. (2) The cost of making the test is often raised as an objection. In actual practice, the difficulty has been satisfactorily overcome. The usual custom is to pay the cheese-maker at the rate of 20 to 25 cents a month for each patron. The principal reasons given for favoring the fat basis are the following: (1) This method recognizes the fundamental truth that normal milks varying in percentage of fat possess different values for cheese-making. (2) The amount of fat in milk offers a practicable and just basis for determining the cheese-producing value of milk, when we consider both quality and quantity (p. 242). (3) All temptation to adulterate milk by water- ing or skimming is absolutely removed, since a man receives pay for the number of pounds of fat that he furnishes and not merely for the number of pounds of liquid he carries to the factory. No other PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 261 method now in use so completely eliminates the temptation to adulterate milk. (4) This method promotes improvement in the character of milk production. This is not merely a theoretical statement, but has been proved to be true in practice. It offers an inducement to each dairyman to improve the composition of his milk. (5) Improvement in the character of dairy animals and in the consequent yield and composition of milk means economy of production and increase of profit. Cheese-solids in rich milk can be produced at less cost than in poor milk. (6) This method awakens interest in the subject of milk production, stimulates a desire for further knowledge and tends to place the production of milk on a higher plane of intelligence. PAYING FOR MILK ON THE BASIS OF YIELD AND RELATIVE VALUE OF CHEESE-SOLIDS In the twelfth annual report of the Wisconsin experiment station (pp. 114-119), Dr. Babcock has worked out a system of payment by which the yield of cheese and composition are both taken into consideration. The principles embodied in this method have not received the general attention deserved. “It is not sufficient for a system to give mie true’ yield from each ‘patron’s milk, for this makes skim-milk cheese equally valuable with that fom the richest mulk,,° The perfect, system of making dividends in cheese-factories must include, not only the amount, but also the relative values Fe SP Oe SN Lee Ie wey De Te ek ee. ON WW le ee a als we ew OL ea. AS ORS Te a 8 ae ee! we. ANNANAAAAANMMMMM MMMM HHH ttdst dtd dnmnnMnMmMHMMM oO MMM~AMAMMOWDODANHOWDONMERATAMODONHODAAMNMRAAMMHRONAHODO SCANMMOMADOAAMNMHORDADHAOAMHMDHAOTMHNORDAOCHATHOND MMMMMOMMOMOHAHtHAHttdtdtdtinmMnMmMnMMNMOOOOOOOORRRRRERERE TMMOMNAMHPHODONAHODAMMNNADAHODONHRAAMMNENATAMMHDONAHO CANMHOMNDAAAMAMNAHOAMANODHAOAAAHHONDOTNANMMHONO OCAHOCHOMMRAGHHHRANHODOMNRATHODONHODONTROAUMN OSANMPOMADAHAONMAHNODHAOCHAMHAMNORADOAANHTHORNDOBAM HONDO The following table AMMOMMOMMMMOMMOAHTHA AHA aHHAMNNMMMMNMMNMOOOOOOOORRRRRRR HODONHRADMNRATMHOWDONATRATMNRONHTOCDONHODAMNRDA DOMMYMAHMOMAOCTANMMNOMDODAM HOM DADAAMANHEDAGCBHMAHOM™ AMMOMMOMOMMMO HAHAHAHA st AMMNMMMMNMMMOOOOOCOOOOR Ree er™e MARATMNRONHODOANNRATMHODONHOAGTMHRADMHRONHOS DORAN AHMONADANMNMOMDATAAMHORDAODAMADMMODAGAMAAHOM Lactometer Degrees His proposed method gives to milk- of fat and the other cheese-producing solids; with such a system each patron will receive his just pro- fat a value of 6.6, as compared with a value of I.0 262 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING portion whether he brings skim-milk, watered milk for the cheese-solids not fat. or cream.” OOO. VHRADMNRADMNDONHOADATHMMRANAHOWDONHODOMMHEAM WHAT MHANHROKHOAMHMODHAOANHMNONDOTNMMOMDAAINMH HOM See kee ee ee eee ee aT ale ae Kae, WO) Mines) eel a ae Oe a Sl aa CL ee Be ss Oa Sa 8 Ce Ww 8 PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 263 is worked out, based on yield of cheese and relative value of cheese-solids for milks containing different percentages of fat from 2 to 6. Values are given which can be used directly in the same manner as the percentages of fat are used in the fat basis. These values appear to be quite accurate, especially for ‘milks containing’ 3.5 to 4.0 per cent of fat. The only additional labor required is to apply the lactometer to a sample of each milk and take the reading. “This modification would give to each patron the same amount of money which he would obtain if his milk were manufactured by itself. In this respect it differs widely from those modifica- tions of the relative-value plan which aim to make dividends in proportion to the pounds of cheese which each milk will produce, leaving out entirely the quality of the cheese.” The following illustration shows the application of this method: One patron furnishes milk showing by test 3 per cent of fat and a lactometer (Quevenne) read- ing of 28; another, milk with 4 per cent of fat and a lactometer reading of 34. Turning to the preced- ing table, it is found that milks corresponding to these percentages of fat and lactometer readings have relative values for cheese-making represented by the numbers 4.10 and 5.43. To find the dividend of each we divide the amount of money (189 cents) corresponding to the sum (9.53) of these two num- bers, which gives 19.83. This number multiplied by 4.10 and 5.43 gives the respective dividends of the two patrons. 204 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Pounds of Pounds of Money rec’d Money rec’d fat in cheese made for each for each 100 pounds from 100 Dividend pound of pound of of milk pounds of milk cheese milk-fat Cents Cents 5) 8.30 81. 9.80 27.10 4 10.60 OAT 10.16 26.92 By comparing these results with those given by the simple fat basis (p. 259), and other methods, we see that the values are much closer to the results of the fat basis than by any other method. Application of principle to fat and casein.—This same principle could be readily applied when we know the percentages of fat and of casein in milk. We might be even more liberal and, instead of al- lowing only one-sixth for casein, allow as much as one-fourth. In this case, the dividends would be based on the fat plus one-fourth of the casein in each case. This is illustrated in connection with the fat and casein method of making dividends (p. 270). MODIFICATION OF FAT BASIS KNOWN AS THE “FAT-PLUS-TWO” METHOD By this method the percentage of fat in milk is increased by 2 and the result used as in making dividends on the fat basis. The method originated in Canada. The first suggestion was made about 1893, when at one of the cheese-factories the plan was adopted of adding 1 to the fat in making divi- dends, because it was noticed that this method more closely approximated the cheese yield than PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING = 205 the use of fat alone. This method was made a sub- ject of study at the Ontario Agricultural College and was modified by adding 2 to the fat in making dividends. The dividends are made in the following manner under this method, using the illustration already given (p. 258) for milks containing 3 and 4 per cent of fat. The receipts from sale of cheese are 189 cents. Instead of one patron receiving three-sevenths and the other four-sevenths of this amount, one _ receives five-elevenths and the other six-elevenths, as shown thus: 3+2=5 4-26 1 He | The results, compared with those of the fat basis, are as follows for this particular illustration: Fat-Basis method Fat-plus-2 method Pounds — — Pounds |of cheese of fat made Money | Money Money | Money in 100 |f5om 100 received | received received | received pounds pounds Divi- | for each | for each | Divi- | for each | for each ernie) | ofc | cend Paune pound dend pound pound fo) fo) fo) fe) cheese | milk-fat cheese | milk-fat Cents Cents Cents Cents 3 8.30 81 9.76 BU 86 10.36 28.7 aa 10.60 108 10.19 27 103 9.72 25.7 | This method is based on an attempt to approxi- mate yield of cheese as a basis to use in paying for milk. It is supposed that the addition of 2 to 266 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the per cent of fat makes allowance for the casein of the milk, and, therefore, that milks which are low in fat will get such a proportion of casein as will balance the difference existing between milk poor in fat and milk rich in fat in respect to yield of cheese per ipound of fat; and that, therefore; taking the casein into consideration along with the fat will give us a more accurate relation in regard to yield of cheese and percentage of fat in milk. This ought to be true and is true to a certain degree. So far as we do take casein into consideration, we get just that much nearer to the average of cheese yield, speaking of yield alone and not considering quality. The objections which have been brought against this method are the following: (1) It does not recognize any casein in milk above. 2 per cent; it would be a fair’ méasute sar yield of cheese if all milks contained 2 per cent of casein, Mo more and.no less. This is, of cottee not in accordance with the actual facts. The addi- tional amount of casein above 2 per cent, which is usually found in richer milks, is wholly ignored by this method. For example, under this method, milk containing 4 per cent of fat would, after adding 2, be given a value of 6, whereas it should be given a value of 6.4 or 6.5 or more on the basis of its usual casein content. (2). Pinis method is, therefore, im the mterestvar milk low in fat. It gives undue advantage to poorer milk, and, to the same extent, works against the producer of richer milk. It has been generally held that too much encouragement cannot be given PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING = 2067 to farmers to produce milk of richer composition. In the illustration given above, one fails to see the justice of a method which gives to the producer of poorer milk 10.36 cents a pound for his cheese and to the producer of richer milk, only 9.72 cents a pound for cheese that is better if the milk is made up by itself. (3) This method offers a premium on watering milk, because the percentage of fat in milk (high or low) is credited with only 2 per cent of casein; and, hence, the*lower the percentage of fat, the larger will be the relative amount of casein and the greater the price received for each pound of fat. For example, a patron furnishing milk with 4 per cent of fat could add, say, 33 pounds of water to too pounds of milk, thus reducing the percentage ietat to. 3. rie would. then have the. benefit of the added factor for 133 pounds of milk instead of too pounds. He would thereby increase his dividend from. 103 to 108 cents. (4) aibhis method also: oifers. ae premiunr “on skimming as well as watering milk. This can best be made clear by illustration. .A patron who furnishes milk containing 4 per cent of fat skims iposo fas, tO, make it, contain. 3, percent and then adds enough water to make the weight of milk Foo (pounds jagaim. Whe? cheese, made from 100 pounds of such milk would be about 8.9 pounds. The milk of the other patron, who furnishes 100 pounds of normal milk containing 3 pounds of fat, makes 8.3 pounds of cheese, a total of 17.2 pounds for the 200 pounds of mixed milk.» This, we assume, sells for 172 cents and is evenly divided between 268 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the two patrons, because each furnishes milk con- taining 3 per cent of fat. Each, therefore, receives 86 cents. If the patron who produces milk with 4 per cent of fat takes the normal milk to the factory, he receives on the “fat-plus-two” basis 103 cents, as we have already seen. If he skims his milk as de- scribed above, he receives 86 cents, or 17 cents less; but he has, as an offset to this, one pound of milk-fat which he can ‘sell for 25 cents to 30: cents.” “Viner fore, he is the gainer by all that he can get for his pound of milk-fat over 17 cents. (5) This method, in opposition to the teachings of Robertson, Babcock and many others, wholly ignores the fact that composition and quality vary with fat in milk and that cheese made from richer milk is of higher value. While these objections hold good, still the “fat- plus-two” method is unquestionably a great ad- vance over the old weight-of-milk method. The most unfortunate feature about this method is the confusion which its introduction has caused among dairymen. Instead of regarding it as a modifica- tion of the fat basis, dairymen have, in many cases, thought that the whole principle of paying for milk by any other method than the weight-of-milk system was under suspicion. Dairymen do. not yet understand the details of different methods clearly enough to discriminate, and, when they are told that the fat basis is unreliable ‘and “an- accurate, they most naturally lose confidence in all methods based on the fat-test and go back to the weight-of-milk system. Those who produce poor milk take advantage of such an opportunity PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING — 269 to upset the entire system based on the fat-test. Thus, the whole situation has been needlessly con- fused, rather than benefited, for the average cheese- factory patron. PAYING FOR MILK ON BASIS OF FAT AND CASEIN By this method the percentages of fat and casein in each patron’s milk are added and the figures thus obtained are used in apportioning dividends, as in the fat basis. This can be illustrated as fol- lows: We will make use of the figures already employed in illustrating the other methods. One patron furnishes milk containing 3 per cent of fat and 2.1 per cent of casein; the other, milk with m per cent of fat and 2.5 per cent of casein. Each furnishes 100 pounds of milk; the total amount of cheese made is 18.9 pounds, realizing 189 cents. We add together the amounts of fat and casein in the two milks, obtaining 11.6 as the total number of pounds of fat and casein in the 200 pounds of milk. The total amount of money received for the cheese is divided by the total amount of casein and it wich, eiyes: us 16.3 cemts as the value of each pound of mixed fat and casein in milk. The divi- dend of the patron furnishing the poorer milk is 16.3X5.1, which equals 83 cents; the dividend of the other is 16.3X6.5, which equals 106 cents. In tis ease, each ‘recetves the same price for -the cheese, 10 cents a pound, but not the same for milk- fat= tae poorer milk receives 27.7 cents a pound 270 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING for its fat; the richer milk, 26.5 cents. Below are given in tabulated form the results of this and other methods already considered, and also the modification of the fat-and-casein basis, in accordance with the relative-value suggestions of Dr. Babcock; that is, we allow full value for fat and one-fourth value for casein (p. 264). Per cent & cent | Pounds | _ Divi- Divi- Pep hee Dividend of fat at of dend by | dend by oe -fourth | by *‘fat+2’’ in casein cheese | fat and fat asein method milk in milk casein peceiad (P. 264) Cents Cents Cents Cents aS Ae 8.30 83 81 82 86 4 235 10.60 106 108 107 103 The fat-and-casein method has the following ad- vantages: (1) It is an accurate measure of the yield of cheese in the case of all kinds of milk when the losses of milk constituents are not excessive. (2) The temptation to adulterate by watering is entirely removed. The following disadvantages suggest themselves: (1) Assuming that a test for casein gives results as accurate asthe Babcock test for fat in the hands of ordinary cheese-makers, it is objected that the test involves extra labor on the part of the cheese-maker, for which he cannot well afford the time. The same objection is often made against the Babcock test, and it would, of course, be much more forceful in regard to a casein-test. (2) An extra test involves additional cost, even in case a cheese-maker could find time to PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 271 make both fat and casein tests. If a cheese-maker were paid on the basis of what is received for making fat-tests, it would amount to $50 or $60 a season for most cheese-factories. To this must be added cost of materials and breakage of glassware, which might be conservatively placed at $10 to $15. There would thus be a total outlay on the part of the patrons amounting to $60 to $75 for the season in having the casein-test made. (3) The fat-and-casein method does not recog- nize any difference in the value of cheese made from milk high and low in percentage of fat. It places the market value of casein on an absolute level with milk-fat, while Dr. Babcock gives milk- fat in cheese a value 6.6 times that of casein (p. 262). (4) The use of the fat-and-casein method offers a temptation to remove fat from milk or to add skim-milk, in case of milk to be used for cheese- making. To illustrate, casein in skim-milk has a market value for the dairyman not to exceed 2 or 3 cents a pound, while milk-fat is worth about 30 cents a pound. In good cheese, casein and fat together bring about 18 cents a pound. If casein is paid for on a par with fat, then by adding skim- milk to normal milk, one can increase the price of his skim-milk casein about nine times. The same would be true if fat were removed from milk and sold as butter or cream. In whatever manner one increases the ratio of casein to fat in milk, he in- creases the dividend value of casein in cheese-making, when fat aad casein are treated as of equal value in making dividends. 272 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (5) The fat-and-casein nied requires more time in calculating dividends. (6) Some have expressed the fear that, under this system, the increased value of casein would lead dairymen to breed cows for milk high in casein, and that this would result in a poorer quality of cheese and general consequent danger to the cheese industry. In fact, the use of cows giving milk with a high casein content has been specifically empha- sized by some as a desirable end to work for and it is urged that such an aim would be realized by the recognition of casein in cheese-making as of equal value with fat. Assuming that the percent- age of casein in milk could be notably increased in an economical manner, what would be the result? By referring to pages 231-237, it can readily be seen that the process would be nothing more or less than a system of adding skim-milk to normal milk, thereby increasing the amount of casein in milk relative to fat. This fact is probably not fully appreciated by those who are advocating the process. We have probably reached the limits of safety, in more than one sense, in many strains of Holsteins and Ayrshires, as regards the high re- lation of casein to fat. We do not need to spend time and energy to breed cows for milk in the direction of skim-milk for cheese-making. Some progressive dairymen are, happily, still so old- fashioned in their ideas as to advocate the opposite process, viz., increasing the yield of fat in milk without paying any attention to its skim-milk con- stituent, casein. This is simply raising the old question that used to be discussed so much 20 years PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 273 and more ago regarding the “butter cow” and the “cheese cow.’ Thus, in the 1892 report of the Vermont experiment station (pp. 122, 123), this whole question is ably discussed, the article’ closing as follows: “The logical conclusion, then, is that the so-called ‘cheese cow,’ that is, the cow which is especially good for cheese rather than for butter, does not exist, and that whenever a cow is found that is good for cheese-making purposes, the milk of that cow is equally good for the manufacture of butter.” The following statement is found on page A471 of the 1895 yearbook of the United States De- partment of Agriculture, in an article by the late Henry E. Alvord: “Cumulative evidence is un- necessary. These important truths are established, namely: The best milk makes the best cheese, and the most of it; the milk which is most profitable for butter is also the most profitable for cheese; the best butter cow is the best cheese cow.” In a discussion of the same subject, Bulletin No. 9 of the New Hampshire station contains the following statements: “We are told that cows which are giving milk poor in fat and are therefore poor but- fer COWS are great cheese cows. . . . A milk rich in fat is not only a good milk for butter but also a good milk for cheese, while the reverse is also fruc.”’ In harmony with the general tenor of the pre- ceding statements, the investigation carried on with different breeds of cows at the New York experi- ment station appears to demonstrate clearly that a pound of cheese-solids can be produced at less 274 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE .OF. CHEESE-MAKING cost in case of milk rich in fat than in case of milk poor in fat. (7) Another highly important question has been raised in connection with the use of a casein- test in paying for milk at cheese-factories—Is it worth the time and trouble expended on it? It is not worth the time, if, with Dr. Robertson, Dr. Babcock and others, we believe that casein is not equal in value to fat for cheese production in rela- tion to composition and quality of cheese. If, on the other hand, we believe that yield of cheese alone should be considered and that fat and casein are of equal value, pound for pound, in cheese pro- duction, even then we can ask the question—Are the differences caused by variation in casein worth the trouble and expense involved in making a casein-test in addition to fat? To what extent will dividends be readjusted among patrons and in. what manner? While this question can not be answered finally until results have been secured in numerous factories, we have sufficient data on hand to give a definite answer in the case of one representative New York factory for one season. We have fat and casein determinations during one factory season for each of 50 different herds of cows whose milk was taken to one cheese-factory. The analyses of milk were made every other week for each herd separately from May to October in- clusive. In 23 cases, the fat-and-casein method gave a larger dividend than did the fat alone by an average of 1.6 cents for each 100 pounds of milk, the greatest difference in the case of any one patron being 5.9 cents, and the least o.1 cent. In one PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 275 case, both methods gave the same result. In 26 cases, the fat method gave higher results by an average ‘of 1.4 cents for 100 pounds of milk, the difference varying in the case of different individuals from 5.1 Cents f0..0.1 cent. wie weredtest difference found in favor of the fat and casein basis, 5.9 per cents per 100 pounds of milk, would mean for an entire factory season nearly $20, assuming that this patron furnished 33,600 pounds of milk, an average of 224 pounds for 150 days, which was the actual average for each patron. Summarizing the results on this basis, we have 23 men receiving more money by the fat- and-casein method, amounting altogether, for the Beason, tO $123.46, the increased dividends of each varying from 33.6 cents to $19.83, and averaging $5.39. As a matter of fact, about two-thirds of the money would go to 8 patrons. One patron re- ceives the same amount either way. The remain- ing 26 patrons receive less by the - fat-and-casein method than by the fat basis, amounting altogether to $123.46, varying from 33.6 cents to $17.13, and averaging $4.75 each. On the basis of the estimated cost of $60 to $75 Spent in paying for the test, more than half of the giirerence ($123.46) would be>used up, so that, if those who benefited by the casein-test paid for it, there would be distributed not more than half of the amount above given. This would mean an ex- penditure of $60 to $75, in order to adjust a dif- ference of $123 in the interest of 23 men who fur- nish milk which tests below the average in fat. The entire sum involved amounts to less than 0.4 276 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING per cent of the factory’s receipts from _ cheese. Under such circumstances, it is not at all likely that the 27 patrons would vote to employ the fat- and-casein method in distributing dividends, nor is it likely that most of the 23 men benefited would ask it, when the high relative cost of making a redistribution was understood. While the results represent only one cheese-factory, the conditions are typical of those prevailing in New York state, and results that are strikingly different from these would probably be exceptional. If the dividends were made on the basis of allowing less for casein than fat, as recommended by Dr. Babcock (p. 264), the difference in favor of the patrons furnishing extra casein would be less than one-quarter what they are when.we allow the same price for casein as for fat. On such a basis, the difference would be only about half the cost of making the casein- tests. PAYMENT ON BASIS OF FAT AND CAL- CULATED CASEIN In view of the fact that so many cheese-fac- tories are still paying for milk on the basis of weight alone, as a result of the confusion that has been created in regard to the fairness of the fat basis, a method might be suggested which would find use in factories that are now using no test system, which would be far superior to the weight- of-milk method and at the same time possess certain advantages over other modifications of the fat basis. Such a method would be to pay on the basis PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 277 of the fat and of the casein calculated according to the formula, (Fat—3)xo0.4+2.1. Such a method is not recommended where the fat basis is being used, but only as a compromise where it comes to a choice between some such basis and the weight- of-milk method; in other words, where the preju- dice against the fat basis is too strong to be over- come. The’ amount of casein obtained thus is added to the fat and the dividends calculated in the Manner given on p. 284. The use of a method basing dividends on the fat-test and the amount of calculated casein would possess the following ad- vantages: (1) It would be preferable to the fat-and-casein method, which requires two separate tests to be made, since no test would be needed for casein, but only for fat. It would, therefore, involve no additional expense of time, labor or money, as is the case with the casein-test. (2) It would be more fair than the “fat-plus- two” method, because milk containing higher per- centages of fat would receive payment for the in- creased amount of casein that goes with that increased percentage of fat, instead of receiving Geedit for only 2 per cent of casein, rich and poor milks alike. This method gives results that are in most cases much closer to the yield of cheese than the “fat-plus-two” method. (3) The watering or skimming of milk could not affect the results, because the casein is made to depend on the fat content. In this respect the method is much superior to the fat-and-casein or the fat-plus- two method. 278 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (4) No more labor need be involved than in the case of the fat basis, either in the matter of testing or in the matter of calculating dividends. The matter can be simplified by the consultation of a table, which can be made out once for all. The following formula. can be used in preparing such a table: (Fat—3) &1.4+5.10—Amount of fat-and casein in 100 pounds of milk. Such a table, already prepared, is here given: Per cent of Dividend Per cent of Dividend fat in milk number fat in milk number 3.00 Ratko, 4.05 Geo 3.05 Geil7 4.10 6.64 3.10 Lee 4.15 6.71 * Shay Basil 4.20 6.78 3 20 5.38 4.25 6.85 3.25 5.45 4.30 6.92 3.30 S252 4.35 6.99 3.35 5.59 4.40 7.06 3.40 5.66 4.45 (baile! 3.45 5.73 4.50 7.20 3.50 5.80 4.55 LT 4) SIS) 5.87 4.60 7.34 3.60 5.94 4.65 7.41 $63 6.01 4.70 7.48 .70 6.08 4.75 1255 3.45 6.15 4.80 7.62 3.80 6.22 4.85 7.69 3.85 6.29 4.90 Bey: 3.90 6.36 4.95 7.84 3.95 6.43 5.00 7.90 4.00 6.50 | (5) The introduction of the fat-test is called for by this method, and thus a great step in advance would be made in comparison with the weight-of- milk method. This might ultimately lead to the adop- tion of the simple fat basis. The following objections to such a method may be suggested: PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 279 (1) It aims to. pay for the amount of cheese produced without regard to composition or quality. Of course, this same objection applies to the fat-and- casein method and the fat-plus-two method. ea je The * method) of -calculation’ may -. give amounts of casein differing from those actually present in milk. In individual cases and for single tests, this might be true, but, taking the average of a whole season, the differences would not usually be found great, and the season’s average would be the factor on which to base a comparison Peo cccliticy, Noo maiter Of tact im the case Or the 50: herds already referred to, in no case was eiete a dierence in the season’s results greater than 0:25 per cent of casein between the calculated amount and that obtained by the chemical method; while in the case of 40 out of 50 patrons the results Gitrered by less than .o.1. per cent, in several cases being identical. The casein-test, even in skillful hands, may give results that differ as much as 0.2 per cent from the regular chemical method. METHODS OF CALCULATING DIVIDENDS AT CHEESE-FACTORIES In concluding this chapter, we will illustrate somewhat more in detail how dividends at cheese- factories are calculated according to the different methods that have been discussed. For this pur- - pose, we will make use of the following data which, for convenience, are given here in a body for refer- ence. In all cases, the following three items must be known: (1) The amcunt of milk delivered by 280 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING each patron during the dividend period; (2) total or gross amount of money received for the cheese produced during the same period; and (3) the ex- penses to be deducted from gross receipts, such as cost of manufacture, cheese-boxes, cartage, selling, ELC. : Pounds of Name |Pounds of milk; Pounds of Per cent | Per cent | cheese made of delivered dur- cheese for of fat | of casein from milk patron | ing dividend /100 pounds of) in miik | in milk | delivered by period milk each patron A 350 10.6 4.0 2e50 Whe! | B 650 9.7 3.6 2.34 63.0 (S 835 1325 ee 2.98 NEG D 965 IETS) 4.4 2.68 lah ilet0) E 1200 ava eer 4.2 2258 T3S-2 Totals 4000 455.3 From the stated amounts of milk there are made 455.3 pounds of cheese. We will suppose that this is sold‘at a price which realizes Io cents a pound, or $45.53, after all expenses are deducted. Calculating dividends on basis of weight of milk. —In the table preceding we have a total of 4,000 pounds of milk furnished in the dividend period and the cheese made from this nets $45.53. Divid- ing this sum of money by the number representing the pounds of milk delivered (4,000), we find the net receipts from 1.0 pound of milk to be 1.136 cents. This amount is multiplied by the number representing the pounds of milk furnished by each patron and the result gives the amount of the divi- dend of each. The results are given in the following table: PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 281 Pounds Value Divi- | of cheese Money | Money re- Name | Pounds | of 1.0 | dend of |made from | teceived | ceived for of of milk pound | each for] milk fur- for each jeach pound patron | delivered | of milk | period | nished by pound of jof milk-fat arch cheese furnished Cents Cents Cents A 350 1.138 $3.58 Sila! 10.73 28.4 B 650 tg 40 63.0 Hie 7/) sjileal (C 835 re 9.51 LEO: 8.57 21.9 D 965 10.98 TEO 9.90 25.9 E 1200 13.66 1S, 10.26 PM al The figures in the last two columns emphasize the fact that this method of paying for milk gives results that have little or no relation to the cheese-produc- ing values of the milk. It is fair to all only when the milk furnished by each patron is of the same composition and cheese-producing value as the milk of every other patron, a condition rarely, if ever, found to exist. Calculating dividends on basis of fat in milk.— Having the data already given above in the table on p. 280 we multiply the amount of milk-fat delivered by each patron by the net price realized for one pound of fat. We will consider the method in three separate steps. Step 1. To find the number of pounds of milk-fat furnished by each patron, multiply in each case the weight of milk by the number indicating the per cent of fat and divide the result by Ioo. Step 2. Find the net value of one pound of milk- fat by dividing the total net receipts by the total num- ber of pounds of fat delivered by all the patrons during the dividend period. 282 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Step 3. Multiply the number of pounds of fat de- livered by each patron by the net price received for one pound of fat. Example: Step 1. The data and results are indi- cated in tabular form, as follows: Pounds of milk Per cent Pounds of fat Name of delivered during of fat in milk patron dividend period in milk delivered NAG Free dened Be seo 350 pe B2ih(0) =) A100 B 650 Xe F550 = 23.40 Ce AAAs amici 835 oe SP = 43.42 D 965 x 4.4 = 42.46 NE ae Rare, fotos £ 1200 x 4.2 = 50:40 Total number of pounds of fat delivered by ail patrons .. | 173.68 Step 2. From the amount of milk indicated above, the amount of cheese made was 455.3 pounds, which realized I0 cents a pound after deducting all ex- penses, making a total of $45.53. This sum divided by 173.68, the total pounds of fat delivered, gives 26.2 cents as the net price received for each pound of fat. Step 326 The data and’ results are medicated aa tabular form, as follows: Pounds Net price re- Amount of Net price re- Name of of fat ceived for fat | dividend due | ceived for patron delivered per pound each patron | cheese per lb. Cents Cents REN erage 14.00 er 76.2 a RCi// 9.90 IB esters. ate 23.40 Ki wl Oee = 6.14 9.75 Cer ee 43.42 Ore =) 11-38 10.25 DR tectrack 42.46 x . 26-2 ie = Cile’ 10.03 1 TE i ee NN 50.40 dee eX =e one 9.92 PAYING FOR MILK FOR CHEESE-MAKING 283 Calculating dividends on basis of yield and rela- tive value of cheese-solids.—By this method one proceeds exactly as in case of the fat-basis method, except that in place of the percentages of fat, one uses the number obtained from the table (p. 262) cor- responding in each case to percentage of fat in milk and the lactometer reading. Calculating dividends on basis of milk-fat plus two.—The following table indicates the general method of procedure: Pounds Pounds of fat of milk and Price | Amount | Net Net de- casein | of each | of divi- |PTIC€ TE-| price re- Name | jivered| Per,cent, of fur- | pound | dend ceived | ceived @ during fat in milk | nished | of fat due for for fat patron | divi- Pea CASCION | Borer as al eee cheese per dend spond- | casein | patron per pound period ing to pound fat + 2 | 16 eee 350 |x (4.0X2=)6.0/= 21.0 |x 17.95|= $3.77 10.16 27.0 eee 650 |X (3.6X2=)5.6/= 36.4 |X 17.95|= 6.54 10.40 28.0 Cees. 835 |X (5.2X2=)7.2|= 60.1 |X 17.95|/= 10.78 Oeil 24.8 ID eee 965 |X (4.4X2=)6.4/= 61.8 |X 17.95)/= 11.10 10.00 26.1 ey Soni « 1200 |x (4.2X2=)6.2|= 74.4 |K 17.95|= 13.34 10.02 26.9 In explanation of the foregoing table, it is seen that the amount of milk furnished by each patron is multiplied by the per cent of fat plus two. These results are added and the sum (amounting to 253.7) divided into the amount of money received for the cheese ($45.53), giving 17.95 cents as the value of each pound of mixed fat and casein (rep- resented by 2 pounds of casein in 100 pounds of milk). The number, obtained in each case by mul- tiplying the number of pounds of milk furnished by 284 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the number representing the per cent of milk-fat-+-2, is then multiplied by 17.95, the result being the dividend in each case. It is noticed that this method makes a pound of cheese or of milk-fat yield larger money returns in case of poor than in case of rich milk. Calculating dividends on basis of fat and casein. —The same process is followed as before, except that the yield of fat and casein, taken together, con- stitutes the basis of division. The percentages of fat and of casein in milk are added together, in each case, and the sum multiplied by the number of pounds of milk furnished, thus giving the number of pounds of fat and casein furnished by each patron. The total amount of fat and casein furnished by all the patrons for the dividend period (279.36 pounds) is divided into the net proceeds from the sale of cheese and the result is the net dividend value (16.3 cents) of one pound of mixed fat and casein. This figure is then multiplied by the amount of fat and casein furnished by each patron. The details are indicated below. Amount Net Pounds of divi-| price Net Name 10: maalk Per cent of Pounds of | qdend received | Pace of |delivered fat and fat and dae pas received patron during casein casein each Gheecc for fat dividend | in milk furnished patron! per per period | pound pound | Cents Cents eee 350 x (4.0 2.50=)6.50/=22.75X16.3)/= $3.71 10.00 26.5 mer 650 |X(3.6X2.34=)5.94/=38.61xX16.3/= 6.29 10.00 26.8 Ca 835 X(5.2* 2.98=)8.18)=68.30X16.3)/= 11.13 10.00 25.6 Dies 965 |x(4.4x2.68=)7.08|=68.3216.3/= 11.14 10.00 26.2 1D 1200 X (4.2% 2.58=)6. aoe 38% 1603|—=" 45-20) 10.00 26.3 CHAPTER XXIT The Relations of Micro-Organisms and Enzyms to Cheese-Making Milk, on standing under ordinary conditions, under- goes a variety of changes sooner or later, many of which destroy its value for cheese-making purposes. The most common and extensive changes occurring in milk are due to fermentations. One result of some kinds of fermentation is the production of bad flavors, but these may be acquired also by direct absorption from the surrounding air or from the food consumed (p. 6). We shall see that certain kinds of fermenta- tions are useful and necessary in cheese-making, while others make it difficult or impossible to prepare a good product. FERMENTATIONS AND FERMENTS The souring of milk is one of the most familiar cases of fermentation. The important change taking place is the formation of lactic acid from milk-sugar and the change is caused by certain living organisms. An equally familiar case of fermentation is the coagulation of milk by rennet-extract. In this case the change is produced, not by a living organism, but by a chemical substance. That which causes fermenta- tion is called a ferment. Fermentation may be defined as a chemical change of an organic compound through the action of living 285 286 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING organisms or of chemical agents. We thus have two general kinds of ferments, (1) organized ferments and (2) unorganized ferments, known also as chem- ical ferments or enzyms. In the illustrations given above, the ferments are (1) lactic acid organisms and (2) rennet ferment; in one case the organic matter changed is milk-sugar; in the other, milk-casein. Organized ferments are living micro-organisms, capable, as a result of their growth, of causing fer- mentations. Unorganized ferments are chemical sub- stances, or ferments without life, capable of causing marked changes in many complex organic compounds, the enzyms themselves undergoing little or no change. General characteristics of ferments.—Ferments possess certain general characteristics im common, among which may be mentioned the following: (1) A very small amount of ferment is capable of pro- ducing very great changes. (2) They are all de- pendent upon temperature as a condition of activity. They cease to act at low and also at high tempera- tures. Most of them find the temperature that is best suited to their greatest activity between 80° and FOO... (3) Ferments are destroyed by heat, tae temperature of boiling water, in most cases, com- pletely destroying their power to act. Their activity is checked by low temperatures, but, when again warmed, they renew their activity. (4) The action of ferments is checked or prevented by many sub- stances. (5) When the products formed by ferments accumulate in certain amounts, the ferment action usually stops. (6) All ferments are closely con- nected with living processes. Organized ferments, or living micro-organisms capable of causing fermentations, are divided into MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 287 several classes; but those of greatest interest in con- “nection with cheddar cheese-making are called bac- teria. These are the smallest conceivable forms of plant life. Each individual consists of'a single cell, averaging in diameter one-thirty-thousandth of an inch. (1) Kinds.——Bacteria appear in three general varieties of form: (a) Ball (coccus), (b) short rod (bacillus), and (c) corkscrew (spirillum). (Figs. 39-42.) : : e é FIG. 39—BALL-SHAPED BAC- FIG. 40—CHAINS OF BALL- ; TERIA (coccus). SHAPED (coccus) BAC- (Rogers) TERIA (Rogers) (2) Meihod of growth and reproduction—They multiply in number, or reproduce, by simple division ; that is, when a cell grows in size, it increases more in one direction, so as to result in lengthening out slightly, and a partition forms across the cell, thus producing two new cells in place of the old one; and then each of these subdivides again and so on con- tinuously. Some kinds of bacteria form spores in the cells; these are to bacteria what seeds are to 288 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING higher plants. Spores are not so easily killed by heat as are bacteria. Under favorable conditions, the rapidity of growth of bacteria is remarkable. Thus, in some cases, one cell divides into two cells in 20 minutes; if this rate were kept up for 24 hours, the one cell would multiply into several millions. (3) Food requirements of bacteria.—Bacteria re- quire as food for satisfactory growth compounds con- taining nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and, in addition, FIG. 41—-ROD-SHAPED BAC- FIG. 42—B AC TERIA WITH TERIA (bacillus). CLEAR HAIR-LIKE ORGANS, WHICH AREAS IN SOME ARE THEY USE IN _ MOVING SPORES. (Rogers) THEMSELVES ABOUT IN LIQUIDS (Rogers) small amounts of inorganic or mineral matter. The sugar, casein, albumin and salts in milk and _ its products furnish a supply of food very readily utilized by bacteria. (4) Temperature-——The bacteria commonly pres- ent in milk grow between the limits of 40° and 110° F., the most favorable limits being between 80° and 95° F. Many bacteria are killed between 130° and MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 289 140° F., when exposed to this heat for ten minutes, and most of them are destroyed at 185° F. Many spores are killed at temperatures only above 212° F., and even then require heating one to three hours. (Fig. 43.) Dry heat is less effective than moist heat. Live steam, therefore, affords a most effective means of destroying bacteria. All bacteria are rendered in- active at low temperatures and some may be killed by intense cold. Many bacteria may retain life on being dried and become active again when placed under favorable conditions of moisture and tem- perature. (5) Action of sunlight, chemicals, etc—Sunlight kills many bacteria when they are exposed directly to the sun’s rays for a few hours. Bacteria are either checked in growth or killed by many different chem- ical compounds. Those compounds that simply retard the rapidity of growth of bacteria are called antiseptics, among which are carbolic acid, salt, salt- peter, etc.; those that-destroy bacterial life are called disinfectants, among which are mercuric chlorid (cor- rosive sublimate), formaidehyd (formalin), potas- sium bichromate, chloroform, etc. The activity of each kind of bacteria is stopped by an accumulation of products formed by it and, in some cases, by the products of activity of other bacteria. Thus, most kinds of lactic acid bacteria stop growing when about 0.9 per cent acid is formed, and much less than this amount of lactic acid also prevents the growth of many other bacteria. (6) Changes produced.—In the course of their growth, bacteria produce great changes in the materials in which they grow; and the process by which these changes are brought about are known, 290 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING WATER GiGIts cia = |. ALL GROWING BACTERIA nS BLOOD HEAT...- -GROWTH CEASES. -GROWTH MOST RAPID. preg [ison ole al -GROWTH RETARDED. °o WATER FREEZES 32. ~SGROWTH CEASES. TTT ST 6) ER ET [> (0 (A | 9 (=o a} FIG. 43—INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON BACTERIA ORDINARILY FOUND IN MILK (Rogers). MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 291 as previously stated, under the general name of fer- mentation. (7) Distribution.—Bacteria are found distributed nearly everywhere in the soil, in the air and in water. They are always present in large numbers wherever vegetable or animal matter is undergoing decay. They are, therefore, always closely associated with dirt and filth. While some are the causes of dreaded diseases and of serious troubles in cheese-making, most of them are either harmless or actively helpful in many ways. Unorganized ferments or enzyms.—Many enzyms are produced directly by bacteria and are the direct agents producing the observed changes of bacterial activity, while many are formed in higher plants and in animals. Thus, the pepsin found in the human stomach is an enzym; its special power or form of activity enables it to change protein compounds from insoluble to soluble forms. The ptyalin contained in saliva is another enzym and is capable of changing starch into sugar. Enzyms are destroyed by high temperatures and by many disinfectants. Some sub- stances, like ether, chloroform and formaldehyd, do not seriously interfere with the activity of enzyms, while they do destroy bacteria. In connection with the subject of ferments, we shall consider the following ones as those of most importance in connection with cheese-making: (1) Lactic acid bacteria, (2) gas-producing bacteria, (3) digesting bacteria, (4) bacteria producing undesir- able flavors, (5) yeasts, (6) milk-enzyms, (7) rennet- enzyms, and (8) pepsin. The ferments that are 292 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING responsible for many of the defects found in Amer- ican cheddar cheese will be discussed only briefly here, because their relations to cheese-making are fully treated from a practical standpoint in Part II, pp. I15-130. LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION The ordinary souring of milk is due to the forma- tion of lactic acid, which is produced by the action of lactic acid bacteria (Bacillus lactici acidi. Fig. 44) upon the sugar in milk. A large number of different kinds or types of bacteria are able to produce lactic acid from milk-sugar. Some interesting work has been done _ recently (Bull. .No. 42, (Mie Agr. Coll. “Exp. “45h which shows that other micro-organisms are often associated with the micro- organisms of lactic fermen- Pe, ATYPICAL (LACTIC. ation and that these : associate micro-organisms often have the power of furnishing products that exert a decided influence upon the rapidity of the growth of the lactic micro-organisms. We have already (p. 150) called attention to the fact that the sour taste of milk is not due to the presence of uncombined lactic acid, since little or no free lactic acid is present in sour :hilk until it has quite a high degree of acidity; but is due to acid phos- phate of calcium, which is formed by the action of lactic acid upon the insoluble calcium compounds in MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 293 the milk. Milk begins to taste sour when its acidity amounts to about 0.3 per cent; which really means when a little over 0.2 per cent of lactic acid has been formed from milk-sugar; because the milk-casein itself and the soluble phosphates have an acidity of Gestly 0.10 per cent (p: 153) -when the -milk is freshly drawn and no milk-sugar has had a chance to be changed into lactic acid. According to recent work done at the New York experiment station, milk curdles on boiling where the acidity reaches 0.32 to 0.46 per cent, and at ordinary room tempera- fie when it réaches.0.58 to 0.72 per cent. When artificial lactic acid is added directly to fresh milk, curdling takes place on boiling when the acidity reaches 0.36 per cent and at room temperature when fac acidity reaches 0.57 per cent.’ Bacteria, continue actively converting milk-sugar into lactic acid, until the amount of acid reaches 0.8 to I.0 per cent of the milk; and then they greatly diminish or cease their activity, because they cannot thrive in a solu- tion showing this amount of acidity. Their activity is thus stopped by the accumulation of the chief product of their own activity, and not because the supply of milk-sugar runs out; for, when their activity ceases, about three-quarters of the milk- sugar remains still unconsumed. Products besides lactic acid are formed, varying according to tem- perature and other conditions. In recent work at the New York experiment station, we have ob- tained, in the form of lactic acid, about 80 per cent of the milk-sugar that was decomposed. In connec- tion with cheese-making, the total acidity of the whey may rise as high as 1.2 per cent. Under conditions, which are not present in cheddar cheese-making, some micro-organisms may produce as much as 3 294. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING per cent of lactic acid, decomposing a correspond- ing amount of milk-sugar. The range of temperature most favorable to lactic acid organisms is 90° to 95° F. Below 80° F. their activity gradually decreases and practically ceases at 50° FF. At 105° F., they are faitly inactive ;;amgmg are’ dalled. ‘at-135° to.140° F., and jall at: 156"¥ee 160° F. While the lactic acid fermentation spoils milk for the taste of most people, at least for ordinary uses, it is a very essential factor in the manufacture of cheese. Very few lactic acid bacteria are found in fresh milk, but they increase so rapidly at ordinary temperature (70° F.) that in 12 to 18 hours they generally exceed in number all other bacteria in milk. In summer weather, when the temperature is especially favorable to their rapid growth, the lactic acid bacteria usually constitute, at the time the milk sours, more than 95 per cent of all the micro-organisms in the milk. While the growth of lactic acid organisms in milk is favored by the presence of a small amount of acid, most other organisms do not thrive so well in an acid environment. Therefore, as soon as enough milk- sugar has been converted into lactic acid to produce a slightly acid condition, other organisms decrease in activity, while the lactic acid organisms vigorously increase, unhindered. It is quite commonly thought that milk is peculiarly liable to sour during thunder- storms, as the result of some peculiar electrical con- dition or other mysterious influence. The hot weather preceding such storms favors the more rapid growth of the lactic acid bacteria and this is a sufficient ex- planation, and the proper one. Milk freé from such micro-organisms never sours during thunderstorms. MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 295 The lactic acid fermentation we have been con- sidering is what we may call the normal form, the particular form we desire to have present in milk in cheese-making. Their presence is insured by the use of good starters (p. 18). Milk in which this form of lactic fermentation has occurred produces, in souring, a firm curd free from gas bubbles and with only a little whey on the surface. When agitated, the curd breaks apart readily into small particles, which settle slowly and leave a clear whey. ‘The milk should have a pleasant, clean, acid taste, en- tirely free from anything resembling a tainted flavor. So far as we know, the lactic acid bacteria belonging to this normal group never form products of a poison- ous character. GAS-PRODUCING BACTERIA Some of the bacteria that decompose milk-sugar with formation of lactic acid are usually grouped with the lactic acid bacteria, though they possess distinguish- ing characteristics which mark them as abnormal, so far as their behavior in cheese-making is concerned. While they decompose milk-sugar and produce lactic acid, they produce other products besides, especially gases; they may also produce volatile products that are offensive. These bacteria are responsible for many of the defects in cheese (pp. 116-130). When gas- producing ferments are present in milk, they are usually responsible for increased losses of fat in the cheese-making process. DIGESTING BACTERIA A large group of bacteria curdle milk without sour- ing it and then slowly digest or dissolve the curd; 296 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING therefore, they are often called “liquefiers.” These effects are due to enzyms which are produced by the bacteria. Some of these bacteria form products that are offensive in flavor ; some produce gases, and some, acid. They may be a source of serious trouble in cheese-making in the production of gassy curd and offensive flavors in cheese. They may also cause some dissolving of the curd, in which case the loss of fat is unusually large. These bacteria are widely dis- tributed, being found in stable filth, in soil, water and floating dust. They are nearly always present to some extent in milk. Fortunately, their activity is checked by the presence of lactic acid, and the easiest method of controlling such ferments in cheese-making is to make conditions favorable for the rapid growth of normal lactic acid bacteria; this is usually accom- plished by the use of a pure starter. The growth of digesting bacteria in milk is favored by high tempera- ture; consequently, in hot weather, when the high temperature favors the growth of the digesting bac- teria more than it does the lactic acid organisms, the undesirable forms get beyond control and seriously impair the operations and results of cheese-making. BACTERIA PRODUCING UNDESIRABLE . FLAVORS Different bacteria are responsible for many different kinds of bad flavors in milk and cheese, among which are the following: Bitter (p. 119), fishy, rancid or butyric acid, hydrogen sulphid (p. 116). YEASTS Yeasts are micro-organisms resembling bacteria in some respects, but usually larger. They are very MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 297 widely distributed and are common in milk. The con- ditions usually present in milk are not favorable to their growth and they are not, therefore, the source of trouble so often as are bacteria. Among the effects which can be attributed ‘to the action of different yeasts are the formation of bitter and of fruity flavors (pp. 118, 126). MILK-ENZYMS Milk contains several different enzyms. Some of them, at least, are of bacterial origin. It would take us too far from the purpose of this discussion to go into details relating to milk-enzyms. We shall con- fine our attention to the one known as galactase. In 1897, Babcock and Russell announced the discovery of an unorganized ferment or enzym in milk to which they gave the name of galactase. They were led to this discovery by observing that fresh milk coagu- lates, even when obtained as free as possible from bacteria, and when all bacterial activity has been stopped by treatment with ether or chloroform. The milk first coagulates and then the curd gradually dis- solves. Having excluded the seeming possibility of bacterial action in the milk after it was drawn, they concluded that the observed coagulating and dissolv- ing action must be due to enzym action, probably two different enzyms. Galactase is probably a mixture of two or more different enzyms, since it has been shown that separator-slime, when treated accord- ing to Babcock and Russell’s method in preparing galactase contains at least three distinct enzyms, galactase proper, peroxidase and catalase. The dis- tinctive feature of the action of galactase is its power 298 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING to change insoluble proteins like milk-casein into soluble forms. The following have been given as some of the more prominent characteristics of galactase. (1) Galac- tase readily attaches itself to finely divided particles in suspension like milk-casein and fat-globules; hence, it is found in separator-slime and in cream to a greater extent than in milk or skim-milk. (2) The most favorable temperature for the action of galactase lies between 98° and 108° F. Heated for ten minutes above 168° F., its activity is destroyed, as shown by the following table: EFFECT OF HEAT ON GALACTASE IN MILK Age of milks Soluble nitrogen expressed Temperature used when in percentage of nitrogen in heating milks analyzed in milk Degrees Months Per cent 90°C.(194°F.) 13 4.26 $4°C.(185°R") 8 10.8 85°C.(185°F.) 7 9.7 95°C:(203°2R) 15 552 95°C.(203°F.) 16 ane 98°C.(208°F.) 14 ddr (3) Free acids, especially hydrochloric acid, retard the activity of galactase. Neutral or alkaline reac- tions favor its action. (4) Many disinfectants, like mercuric chlorid, carbolic acid, formaldehyd, carbon disulphid, etc., retard or prevent the action of galac- tase. (5) Its activity is greater in the early stage of working, as measured by the rapidity with which casein is changed into soluble compounds. As a result of their work, Babcock and Russell concluded that galactase is a trypsin-like ferment, MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 299 except that one of its most distinctive characteris- tics is its ability to form, among other products, ammonia, and that, therefore, galactase plays a principal role in cheese-ripening. Their galactase work has been confirmed to the extent that there is in milk some enzym that causes more or less de- composition of milk-casein and of cheese paracasein ftae. presence of chloroform or ether. In work done at the New York experiment station, the ability of galactase to form ammonia was not confirmed einer ii case of tlk or cheese. Cheese kept in an atmosphere of chloroform produced no ammonia or, at most, only slight traces even at the end of 15 to 24 months. Samples of the cheese were sent to the Wisconsin experiment station, and the absence of ammonia was there confirmed. The view previously held to the effect that galactase was able to account for most of the changes in cheese-ripening was then modified. RENNET-ENZYMS ~ Rennet-extract contains one or two unorganized ferments or enzyms. There has long been a differ- ence of opinion as to whether there is in rennet-extract one enzym which acts in two different ways or two different enzyms, each with its own characteristic action. So far as the essential facts are concerned, rennet-extracts possess the power of effecting two distinct kinds of changes: (1) coagulation of milk- casein and (2) dissolving or digesting the milk-casein coagulum. Those who regard these two actions, as due to two different enzyms contained in rennet call the coagulating enzym rennin or chymosin, and the 300 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING dissolving enzym, pepsin. The best evidence at hand at present rather favors the existence of two enzyms. For our purpose, it 1s immaterial whether there is one enzym or more. Our chief interest in rennet, in con- nection with the cheese-making process, lies in its characteristic property of coagulating milk-casein. Whether the dissolving action of rennet-enzym plays any part in the operation of cheese-making, we do not know at present. We do know, however, that it has some action in the cheese-ripening process (p. 302). Source of rennet-enzym.—The rennet-extract used in cheese-making is a dilute and impure form ot rennet-enzym. The usual source of rennet-extract is the fourth stomach of a suckling calf. It is also pre- pared in more concentrated condition in the form of powders and of tablets. Enzyms having the same action as that of rennet are found also in plants and in other animals than calves. Some bacteria pro- duce a coagulating enzym like that in rennet. Home-made _ rennet-extract.—lFormerly, cheese- makers purchased rennets trom farmers and prepared the extract from time to time as needed. The stomach of a freshly slaughtered calf was cleaned, salted and dried by farmers and sold to the cheese-maker. In preparing the home-made extract, a number of ren- nets are cut in pieces and just covered with salt brine in a suitable vessel, about 3 or 4 pounds of salt being added to 100 pounds of water. The mix- ture is vigorously stirred and pounded. Once a week the rennets are removed from the brine and passed through a press or clothes-wringer and then placed in the brine again. It requires about four weeks to MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 301 complete the extraction. The solution thus obtained is filtered through clean straw, sand, and charcoal and then treated with enough salt to prevent: decomposi- tion; a brine containing 6 or 7 pounds of salt to 100 pounds of solution is about the proper strength. Rennet-extract properly prepared is dark in color, but clear. The appearance of turbidity in the extract is an indication of the beginning of decomposition. It must be kept in a cool, dark place. In some cases, whey was once used as a medium for preparing ren- net-extract, a practice that would insure a large num- ber of objectionable micro-organisms in the extract. It can readily be seen how home-made rennet-extract may be a source of serious bacterial contamination in milk. The preparation of home-made extracts is, fortunately, much less common now. ‘The serious objections to their use are (1) lability to bacterial contamination and (2) variation in strength of dif- ferent lots, usually requiring the use of quite variable amounts of one preparation as compared with another. Commercial rennet-extract.——The general substi- tution of commercial for home-made rennet-extracts is of distinct advantage in cheese-making, because the commercial forms are much more uniform in strength and less liable to bacterial contamination. Commer- cial rennet-extracts contain about 16 per cent of salt and a trace of boric acid.. Some have expressed the fear that the boric acid used as a preservative in ren- net-extract might injure the value of cheese as a pure food. There need be absolutely no alarm felt, when we consider the small amount of rennet-extract used in cheese-making and the very small proportion of this that goes into cheese. In fact, the amount of 302 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING boric acid introduced into cheese through the rennet- extract is too small to identify by delicate chemical tests. |. Commercial rennet-extracts vary in strength and new lots always need testing’ before being used (Pp. 430). Strength of rennet-enzym in coagulating milk- casein.—How powerful the action of rennet-enzym is in coagulating milk-casein can be seen in cheese- making, where we use only about one part of rennet- extract for 4,000 or 5,000 parts of milk, and it must be kept in mind that rennet-extract is only a dilute form of the rennet-enzym. It has been estimated that one part of pure rennet-enzym can coagulate three million parts of milk. Apparently, rennet-extract does not exhaust itself by its own action, a general characteristic of enzyms, but can be repeatedly used; at least this is theoretically true. For example, if we could recover from whey and curd the rennet used in coagulating milk, it would coagulate an equal quan- tity again. As stated already, one of the most char- acteristic properties of an enzym is that it can produce very powerful effects without itself being affected in any way. Explanation of the coagulating action of rennet- enzym.—A large amount of effort has been devoted to the study of the coagulating effect of rennet-enzym in order to ascertain just what the rennet does to the milk-casein to make it coagulate. Many different ex- planations have been offered, but in the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to give an explana- tion of the process that can be regarded as satisfac- tory and conclusive. The most we can do here to advantage is to present the details of the process, so MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 303 far as they appear to be worked out. The rennet coagulation of milk-casein is believed to take place in three quite distinct stages or phases, as follows: (1) Change of casein into paracasein; (2) change of the calcium salts of the milk into soluble form; and (3) precipitation of uncoagulated paracasein by the soluble calcium salts. (1) Furst stage of rennet action; change of casein into paracasein.—The change of casein into paracasein is wholly dependent on the action of rennet-enzym. There is no change visible to the eye, neither increase of consistency (viscosity) nor any apparent coagula- tion. In the absence of soluble calcium salts, the paracasein that has been formed remains in this un- coagulated condition. The action in this stage of the process takes place as well in the cold as at higher temperatures. What evidence have we that casein is changed into paracasein before coagulation takes placer This is shown experimentally as follows: To a solution containing some salt of casein, free from soluble calcium salts, we add rennet-extract. No co- agulation takes place. This solution is heated high enough to destroy the power of the rennet to act and then cooled, after which calcium chlorid or some other soluble calcium salt is added, when coagulation ap- pears at once. It may be stated here that one of the most characteristic differences between milk-casein and paracasein is that soluble calcium salts do not coagulate milk-casein at ordinary temperatures, but they do cause coagulation of paracasein. In the fore- going experiment, rennet does something to the casein compound which causes the casein-to do what it could not do before, that is, coagulate at ordinary tem- peratures by addition of soluble calcium salts, even 304. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING when the rennet-enzym itself had been removed from the field of action. (2) Second stage of rennet action; change in calcium salts of milk.—In the second stage of rennet action, it is believed that the rennet-enzym acts upon the insoluble calcium salts of the milk, converting them into a form sufficiently soluble to enable them to coagulate the paracasein. This action appears to take place more slowly than does the conversion of casein into paracasein. This accounts for the period of time that elapses between addition of rennet and coagula- tion; this time can be shortened by addition of soluble calcium salts. (3) Third stage of rennet action; precipitation of uncoagulated paracasein.—During this period, in- creased viscosity (thickening) and visible coagulation take place. This change, it is generally agreed, is caused by the action, either physical or chemical, of soluble calcium salts upon the uncoagulated paracasein formed during the first stage of the process. After the second stage is completed or nearly so, coagulation commences and proceeds rapidly. The paracasein coagulum (curd) formed in milk always contains in- soluble calcium phosphate, which is probably held in a purely mechanical way, although some believe that it is in combination with paracasein. What is the evidence leading us to believe that a soluble calcium salt is necessary for the coagulation of milk-casein? Two lines of experimental evidence have been furnished. (1st) If we prepare a pure solution of neutral calcium casein or sodium casein, contain- ing no soluble calcium salts, rennet-extract will not coagulate such a solution, but, after the addition of some soluble calcium salt, as calcium chlorid, coagula- tion takes place promptly. (2nd) Milk from which MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 305 the soluble calcium salts have been removed by pre- cipitation with ammonium oxalate or by dialysis is not coagulated by rennet-enzym until a soluble cal- cium salt is added. We may, therefore, summarize as follows what appears to be fairly well established in explanation of the coagulating action of rennet: (1) That milk-casein is the only substance in milk involved in the rennet coagulation, excepting phos- phates of calcium and other soluble salts of calcium. (2) That in rennet coagulation, no change of reaction or acidity occurs; the milk becomes neither acid nor alkaline through rennet action. (3) That the two active agents in the rennet coagulation of milk are rennet-enzym and soluble calcium salts. Relation of casein and paracasein.—In the fore- going discussion of the process of rennet coagula- tion, there is nothing to indicate just what happens to milk-casein in being changed into paracasein, or, in other words, just how paracasein really dif- fers from milk-casein. It must be confessed that we do not know at all clearly, although there are many suggestions. We know only this with cer- tainty, that milk-casein does not readily coagulate in the presence of dilute calcium salts at ordinary temperatures, but paracasein does. Otherwise the general properties of casein and paracasein are very similar. Some hold that the difference is purely physical, the paracasein consisting of larger particles than the casein. While the ultramicro- scopic study (p. 143) of rennet coagulation enabled the observers to see the minute particles of casein come together and form larger aggregations under the action of rennet, this does not show whether this 3006 SCIENCE: AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING physical change was accompanied by any chemical change in the milk-casein. Dissolving or digesting action of rennet-enzym.— Rennet-extract has the power of dissolving paracasein, this peptic action being slow but continuing for a long time in cheese. Whether one enzym does both the coagulating and the digesting, or whether there are two specific enzyms (rennin and pepsin), each per- forming its special kind of work, is not fully settled, but, as already stated, the results of most recent in- vestigations point to two distinct enzyms. Conditions of action of rennet-enzym.—The con- ditions under which rennet-enzym coagulates milk- casein have been extensively studied and we will now consider some of the more important ones. The rapidity and completeness of coagulation of milk- casein by rennet-enzym are dependent upon the fol- lowing conditions: (1) The presence of soluble calcium salts appears to be necessary for the coagulation of milk-casein by rennet-enzym. This has been discussed already. (2) Effect of acids —Milk must be neutral or acid in reaction in order to be coagulated by rennet-enzym. Free acids or acid salts favor the action. All acids, whether organic or inorganic, show very marked effect upon the coagulation, though they differ from one another in respect to the extent of influence which they exert on rennet action. The more acid there is in the milk, up to a certain limit, the more quickly does coagulation by rennet-enzym take place. Milk sour enough to curdle is not coagulated by rennet; sim- ilarly, sour buttermilk is not coagulated. The follow- ing table shows the results of some work done at the MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 307 New York experiment station on this subject. The experiments were made by treating 350 cubic centi- i@eters of fresh milk at 64° F. with 1.0 cubie centimeter of rennet solution, made by dissolving one of Hansen’s rennet-tablets in 150 cubic centimeters of distilled water. Strength of acid used Ougeal |. goin | 0102 0.03 0.04 0.05 Acids used coagulated| Per cent | per cent | percent | per cent| per cent in et seconds Time of coagulation in seconds INGEHIC Ssicloeisls 110 70 45 315) 25 20 Sulphuric..... 105 70 50 30 25 20 (Crice (CR aS rreer 105 80 60 45 40 35 NEACtIC I. | cuss 110 80 65 45 35 30 Hydrochlorie . 105 85 70 60 50 45 Phosphoric .. 135 110 90 80 75 60 is “eect. of acids upon -rennet. action. is.‘ ¢om- monly explained by saying that the added acid dis- solves the insoluble calcium phosphates of milk and thus increases the amount of soluble calcium salts. It is known that even carbon dioxid gas favors rennet coagulation, due to its dissolving action on insoluble calcium salts in milk. (3) Dilution of milk by water both delays rennet action and renders coagulation less complete, because the proportion of soluble calcium salts is decreased. Addition of calcium chlorid or free acid to. milk thus diluted not only hastens the time of coagulation, but makes more complete the amount of milk-casein co- agulated. Apparently, milk may be diluted more than IO per cent with water before the time of rennet 308 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING coagulation is greatly affected. The effect of water is illustrated in the following table: Cubic Cubic centi- |Percentage of] Cubic centi- centimeters meters of | added water| meters of Time of of milk water added | in watered | rennet solu- coagulation to milk milk tion used Minutes-Seconds 175 175 50 0.5 5 — 20 175 Ibi 50 1.0 3 — 20 280 70 20 1.0 2 — 00 315 35 10 1.0 1 — 50 3324 174 5 1.0 1 — 45 350 0) 120 1 — 30 (4) Different chemical compounds and _ metals affect the rennet coagulation of milk in different ways. Acid salts, in general, like free acids, favor rapidity of coagulation. Alkalis and alkaline salts retard it. The following substances, if present in certain amounts, retard rennet coagulation of milk-casein: Sodium chlorid (common salt), sodium acetate, borax, chloroform, formalin and some other sub- | Strength of Compound Used Compound Origi- 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.5 1.0 2.0 used nal {per cent|per cent/per cent|per cent/per cent|per cent milk Number of seconds required to coagulate milk | Sodium chlorid| 110 — — — 115," i P20 160 Sodium bicar- | | bonate...cc.. 5 als 170 265 — — — Sodium acetate} 115 120 180 280 --- = — Borax teen. HOO |} 120 2710 i 2600 a= -— — Boracic acid... 100 100 LOOM | 90 -- — — Ammonium chlorid...... 135 140 130 | 130 eee =: a Ammonium | carbonate... 135 150 195 | 300 (10cce.) } (20ce.) ! (30cc.) Lime-water 1:-| — | — — | — | 150 165 | 210 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS 309 stances, which are used in milk as preservatives. The foregoing table shows the results of some work done at the New York experiment station on this point. It has been shown at the Wisconsin experiment station that some metals exert a retarding effect on the coagulating action of rennet. As a practical applica- tion, it is pointed out that in rusty milk-cans enough iron may be dissolved by milk that is at all acid to interfere with the rennet coagulation. (5) finely divided, inert matter, like starch or sawdust, added to milk, hastens the coagulation by rennet. (6) The temperature of the milk affects (1) the time of coagulation, and (2) the character of the curd. (a) For complete coagulation, the time de- creases when the temperature increases. 90° 80 95° 65 85° 110 80° 140 PCIIpeIAcUre E.G wcll. oer USS Bbiane SECOMASe er «sc cr. Stated in another way, the coagulation in a given time is most complete at 106° to 108° F. and less complete at temperatures above and below these limits. Fleischmann gives the following figures, indicating the proportion of milk-casein coagulated in the same period of time required to effect complete coagulation at 106° to 108° F. Proportion of milk- Temperature casein coagulated OUST eae poe RoR ORE RONG CHRONOS CORREO CRT DECI CRRA REL pacer 18 per cent AiR ee aS TP ES cee Eilers, nich dhe wal Bs 44 per cent SO ea me ne ree. eevee) omen went meh aN WL? 71 per cent ES Ae Te ce OIE Coa a ote DROME Ricotta IS Sree ROR pe 86 per ecnt Le ea adh SOO eR tea TW, ee 98 per cent UO Getter toes ie es ee eM ce eT tee kins 100 per cent RIES cee ere Me gover ea Acdece PUT, NeW RED Are aro aatsy tac dials se 89 per cent hee 50 per cent 310 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (b) The character of the coagulation is af- fected by the temperature at which the rennet- enzym acts. Thus, at 60° F., the curd is flocculent, spongy and sett; at 77° to 113° F., it is moresontess firm and solid; at 122° and above, it is very soft, loose and inclined to be gelatinous. (c) Milk heated above 150° F. for a consider- able length of time coagulates less rapidly than nor- mal milk. The coagulum of such heated milk is highly flocculent, never a firm and solid mass, in the absence of soluble calcium salts or acids. Boiled milk fails to coagulate normally, if at all, by rennet- enzym, unless treated with some soluble calcium salt or some acid. The degree of heat used decreases the amount of soluble calcium salts in milk and also drives out any carbon dioxid present. (7) Exposure to sunlight weakens the coagulating power of rennet-extract. (8) Solutions of rennet-extract are affected by heat:—Rennet-extract heated for some time above 140° F. becomes permanently weaker, or inactive. Rennet-enzym begins to suffer injury at about 120° F. Weak solutions are injuriously affected at tempera- tures as low as 105° F. Strong solutions are weak- ened by heating at 150° F. for 15 minutes, but are not entirely destroyed. High temperatures destroy the activity of rennet-enzym gradually, not instantane- ously. (9) Increase in amount of rennet-extract or in strength of rennet-enzym hastens coagulating effect on milk. (10) Milk, freshly drawn, curdles more com- pletely than when allowed to cool, due to lowering of temperature and, perhaps, to the presence of more MICRO-ORGANISMS AND ENZYMS Zit carbon dioxid. In freshly drawn milk, the proportion of casein coagulated decreases until the temperature of the surrounding air is reached, when it becomes sta- tionary, until the formation of lactic acid causes in- crease in activity of rennet-enzym. When fresh milk fails to coagulate with rennet-extract, it is probably slightly alkaline-or contains no soluble calcium salts; that is, it is abnormal. (11) Different milks behave differently toward rennet-enzym. ‘This is true not only of milk from dif- ferent cows, but also of milk from the same cow at different times. The following results of work done at the New York experiment station illustrate this statement: | Time of coagulation and date of testing Number of cow | July 9 | July 16] July 21/Aug. 10] Aug. 21/Sept. 15|Sept.25|Oct. 30 M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. |M.—S. 1 6—15 | 5—00 | 5—20} 4—20! 6—45 | 8—30} 7—0O0O | 6—O0O 2 3—45 | 3—45 | 3—45 | 4—20 |] 3—40 |! 3—30 | 5—O0O]} 4—15 5 2—15 |} 2—50} 2—50 | 3—00] 2—45 | 2—00 |} 2—00 | 2—00 4 2—50 | 2—50 | 2—30| 2—25 | 1—50] 3—30] .....] ..... 5 2—10| 2—15 | 2—05 | 2—05 ]} 2—00] 1—25 |} 2—00 | 2—30 6 2—00 | 2—00 } 2—05 } 2—05 | 2—50 | 2—45 | 2—40 |} 2—15 7 2—05 | 1—55 | 2—-00 |} 2—05 |} 1—55 |} 1—50} 1—55 | 1—40? 8 2—00 | 1—50 | 2—10 | 2—30 | 4—00!] ..... eebe ae 3—10 9 4—15 | 4—20] 3—00/] 2—40 | 3—30]} 3—00 | 3—45 | 2—00 10 1—35 | 1—50 |} 2—10] 1—45 | 1—25] 1—40, 1—45]..... 11 1—35 | 1—35 } 1—35 | 1—35 | 1—35 | 1—35 |} 1—40]|..... 12 2—10} 2—00 | 2—20 | 1—50] 1—55 | 1—45 | 2—30] ..... 13 1—05 | 1—-10 |} 1—10 | 1—107} 1—05 1—05 | 1—10] ..... 14 23—00 |16—20 |10—00 |10—00 |}29—00 | 4—45 |50—OO | 7-—-00 15 O—50 | 0—45 | 0—50 | 0—45 | 1—00 } O—50 |} 0—40 | O—45 16 2—05 | 2—30 | 2—00 | 1—55 | 3—00 | 3—00 |} 3—10]| ..... Abd 1—55 | 1—45 | 1—55 | 2—05 | 1—40]} 1—35 | 1—40]| 1—30 1Close of lactation period. 2Fresh in milk. These results show that in the individual milkings of these 17 cows the time of rennet coagulation of fresh milk varied from 4o seconds to 50 minutes. In 312 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the case of one individual (No. 14), the variations were from 4 minutes and 45 seconds to 50 minutes. A study of the ordinary composition of the milk gave no clue to the cause of such differences. The specific causes are not yet understood, but are probably related to the calcium salts in milk and their solubility. PEPSIN-ENZYM The chief enzym of the gastric juice in the stomach of man is known as pepsin. The same enzym is also present in the stomach of many animals. A prepara- tion made from the stomachs of sheep is on the market, which may be successfully used as a sub- stitute for rennet-extract in cheese-making. This has the property of both coagulating and digesting milk-casein. The pepsin most experimented with has been the scale pepsin of Armour & Co. This pepsin does not coagulate very sweet milk as read- ily as rennet-extract, but in milk having an acidity of 0.20 per cent, it acts just as well, when used in the proportion of 5 grams for 1,000 pounds of milk. The pepsin is dissolved in any convenient amount of water before addition to milk. The solution should be prepared fresh for each day’s use. The complete identity of rennet-enzym and pepsin is not fully settled. Assuming that the coagulating effect of these preparations is due to one enzym (rennin) and the digesting effect to another (pepsin), the various preparations differ in respect to the amounts of these two enzyms which they contain. Rennet-extracts contain more rennin and less pepsin, while the commercial preparations made from the stomachs of pigs and sheep appear to contain more pepsin and less rennin. CHAPTER XXIII The Ripening of Cheese It is well known that cheddar cheese must have age before it is edible. When taken from the press, cheese is said to be unripe, green, or uncured. At this time, it has no real cheese flavor, and little flavor of any kind. Its body is very firm, somewhat tough, rather elastic, and rubber-like. Its proteins are only slightly soluble in water. It is not palatable and requires much mastication before it can be swallowed comfortably. Green cheese gradually undergoes very marked changes in the course of some weeks or months, the time required depending upon a variety of conditions. The cheese finally becomes mellow in body and ac- quires:richness of taste and a characteristic delicacy of flavor. It is highly palatable and, when a piece is held on the tongue a short time, the cheese dissolves, giving a sensation of smoothness and richness. The casein-derived proteins, which are insoluble as found in the curd and green cheese, become soluble to a large extent. The process, by which the. qualities of the newly made cheese are so profoundly changed and as a result of which the product becomes edible, is known as ripening or, less aptly, as curing. For a long time the importance of caring for cheese after it leaves the press was not appreciated, and not until within about 15 years has much attention been given to methods of cheese-ripening in this country. The rule has been and still is, in too many cases, to 313 314. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING place the cheese in some room in the factory where are provided no means of controlling temperature and moisture and where the variations in these factors closely follow, up and down, the conditions existing out of doors. It has come to be realized that a cheese, perfect when it leaves the press, may easily be ruined for market by lack of care during the ripening process. It is appreciated now more than ever before that the ripening of cheese is a part of the manufacturing proc- ess, that it is the real finishing of the product, and must not be slighted any more than any other impor- tant step. CHANGES RESULTING FROM RIPENING PROCESS Several different changes take place in cheese dur- ing the ripening period. These may be divided into two general classes, (1) loss of weight and (2) chemical changes in the cheese constituents. We shall now take up for consideration a somewhat de- tailed study of (1) the extent to which these changes take place, (2) the various conditions under which they occur, (3) their relations to the character of the cheese and (4) the commercial relations of cheese-ripening. LOSS OF WEIGHT IN CHEESE-RIPENING The loss of weight in the cheese-ripening process, when the conditions are normal, may be regarded for practical purposes as being due entirely to the evapora- tion of water from the cheese. Of course, there is some mechanical loss of fat by exudation (“leaking” from cheese kept at high temperatures, but such con- ditions are abnormal. The small amount of loss due RIPENING OF CHEESE 315 to the formation and escape of carbon dioxid (p. 334) and other gases can be neglected for practical purposes. : CONDITIONS AFFECTING LOSS OF WATER IN CHEESE-RIPENING The rapidity and extent of loss of moisture in cheese during the process of ripening vary with sev- eral conditions, chief of which are the following: (1) The temperature of the room, (2) the proportion of water-vapor present in the air of the room, (3) protec- tion of surface of cheese, (4) size and shape of the cheese, (5) the percentage of moisture originally pres- eat im the cheese, and (6) the texture,.of the cheese. The data used in illustrating these points are taken largely from the results of investigations carried on at the New York experiment station. Temperature and loss of weight.—We present, first, data showing the influence of temperature upon the loss of moisture at six different temperatures, viz: Me 00 -5105 270". 75. and So, PF. The cheeses used in furnishing data in the table on page 316 were 15 inches in diameter and weighed about 65 pounds, the usual standard size of the most common type of American cheddar cheese intended for export trade. These results show an increase in loss of weight with increase of temperature. As between 55° and 80° F., the loss increased on an average I ounce per 100 pounds of cheese for each additional degree of temperature during the first 4 weeks; 2 ounces per roo pounds of cheese for each degree during the first 2 months; and 3% ounces at the end of 3 months. 316 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING LOSS OF MOISTURE AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Water lost by 100 pounds of green cheese in Tempera- ture of een ae 3. | 4 «|, 8) aS) te | ga wk. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks Degrees F.| Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. 55 1.6 2.6 322 sd, Sez 6.1 6.8 125 8.1 8.6 60 ie?! 2.8 3.4 3.9 55 6.5 725 8.5 9.3 9.9 65 1.9 AO) 3.6 4.1 5.8 7.0 8.2 9.2) | LOSE ates 70 2.0 ell Sad, 4.3 6.0 7.8 9.0) | LO) Ete 2a 75 232 shoes) 4.0 4.7 7.2 9.7 }11.4 | —— | — | — 80 2.4 aya] 4.5 52 8.3 | 11.6 | 15.5 | —— | —— | — The average weekly loss of weight increases with increase of temperature. In the following table, it is seen that the loss is greater the first week than in any succeeding week. The loss usually decreases gradually as the cheese grows older; but cheese kept at a temperature of 75° F. and above does not follow this general rule, since at the higher temperatures there is apt to be an increase of loss of weight due to leakage of fat after the first month. This is shown in the table below: AVERAGE WEEKLY LOSS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Average loss per week. | | Temper- Water lost by 100 pounds of green cheese. lbs.total ature of OES : loss for curing- Six room 1st 2d 3d 4th 2d 3d e4th |) Sth 6th |months wi. | wi. | wk. | wk. | mo. | ‘mo: | mo. ] mo: |"mo: Deg. EF.) Ozs.-|"Ozs) |"Ozs: |2Ozs. | Ozs. |'OzsjeOzs. | Ozs: | Ozs sii bs: 55 25.6 }/ 26.0 | 9:6 8.0 6.0 3.6 2.8 2.8 2.4 8.1 60 Zi Net seon wor 8.0 6.4 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.2 9.3 65 30.4 | 17.6 9.6 8.0 6.8 4.8 4.8 4.0 3.6 10.1 70 32.05 eGu| "9.6 9.6 6.8 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.0 ag | 75 SS 2b age LOL Ol? 11 O10: 11 Or0 oe) | —— )—— — PN OES AG ARCs WO )5 2a he WAR: Bl a Ves ea las yao jet) § — 80 38.4 : RIPENING OF CHEESE 317 The comparatively rapid loss of moisture during ‘the early stage of ripening is due to the fact that the cheese contains its highest amount of moisture when new. In addition, the bandage is practitally saturated with water, which quickly evaporates. Then, again, the outer surface of the cheese, in drying, begins to harden, the meshes of the cheese-cloth filling to some extent with dried matter, and this condition tends con- stantly more and more to diminish evaporation, pro- vided cracking is prevented. Moisture in air of curing-room and loss of weight.—The relative amount of moisture in air or, more properly, the decree of saturation, exercises a marked influence upon loss of water in cheese-ripen- ing. To illustrate this influence, we give results of an experiment in which two cheeses made from the same milk were kept at 60° F. One cheese was kept on a shelf in the ordinary manner, the air of the room containing from 75 to 80 per cent of all the moisture it could-hofd—at-60° F. The other cheese EOSs OF MOISTURE IN CHEESE KEPT IN AIR COM-=- PLETELY AND PARTIALLY SATURATED WITH MOISTURE In air completely satu- rated with moisture In air partially saturated Age of xs cheese Moisture in | Waterlostby | Moisture in | Water gained | cheese | 100 pounds of cheese by 100 pounds cheese | of cheese Per cent Pounds Per cent Pounds 2 weeks.... 35.99 35.93 1 month... a5e25) 0.76 35.87 — 2 months... 34.86 ile bess 36.01 0.08 6 months. . 31.87 Aan, 37.04 0.11 12 months. . 26.30 9.69 37.63 | 1.70 15 months. . 24.85 11.14 37.85 1.92 318 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING was placed under a bell-jar and kept in an atmosphere completely saturated with moisture. The results secured by this treatment are presented in the table on the preceding page. The results of this experiment are quite striking. In the cheese kept in air incompletely saturated with moisture, there was a steady loss, so that the cheese which contained 36 per cent of moisture at the start had tts moisture content decreased to less than 25 per cent. On the other hand, the cheese kept in a saturated atmosphere not only lost no moisture, but actually gained water by absorption, so that its per- centage of water was increased from about 36 per cent at the beginning to nearly 38 per cent at the close of the experiment. The two cheeses, which contained the same percentage of moisture at the beginning, were found to differ, at the end of 15 months, 13 per cent in moisture, solely as the result of being kept in air containing different degrees of moisture. The same fact is well illustrated in experiments made at the Wisconsin experiment station. A com- parison was made of the relative humidity of the air in a curing-room with that inside a closed cheese- box, in which a cheese was kept. Relative Relative Temperature humidity in humidity inside room cheese-box Per cent Per cent ROOMIMUS ey cies 35°-40° F. 85-92 100 Rooms? 0 eee 50°-55° F. Jars 94 R.Gom, 3 isjcs% wee 60°-69° FP. 50-70 84-90 RIPENING OF CHEESE 319 These results indicate that the storage of cheese in boxes in curing-rooms is one means of avoiding the results of too rapid loss of moisture. Of course, dif- ficulty arises in the way of molds in the case of cheese so stored, unless they are properly fumigated (p. 134) or covered with paraffin, a point which will be considered next. Protection of surface of cheese and loss of weight.—The covering of the outer surface of cheese with a layer of paraffin has been found to diminish greatly the loss of weight. The first sugges- tion of the practical use of paraffin in connection with covering cheese came, so far as we know, from the Standard Oil Company about Io or I2 years ago, when it advertised a preparation of yellow- colored paraffin for use in protecting cheese from mold. Some experiments were made at the Wis- consin experiment station in 1899 to prevent mold by the use of paraffin, but the results were not re- garded as sufficiently satisfactory in every way to justify its recommendation for general use. In ex- perimental work at the New York experiment station, cheese was covered with paraffin in order to control moisture, without any reference to the thought of practical application. The matter was later taken up in a practical way here and in Can- ada. The results of co-operative work between the United States Department of Agriculture and the experiment stations of Wisconsin and New ¥Y¥onrk carried on in 1902-3, may be regarded as the first demonstration in the United States that attracted serious attention. Since then the practice has grown 320 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING rapidly, but the primary object is quite as much pre- vention of loss of weight as protection from mold. The results of the work done at that time in New York will suffice as a basis of discussion. Cheeses weighing 70 pounds were used, some being covered with paraffin, while others were left in the usual con- dition. ‘The results are given as follows: Pounds lost for 100 pounds of cheese Cheese Age Kept at Kept at Kept at 40°F. 50°F. 60°F. Weeks Wiasnaalist scion, seers cise - 17 255 2.4 4.2 Raratinedeh ahs 17 0.3 0.5 1.4 Nominate sth ectad rc 25 Seal 4.0 — IParahineds = 2.3.8 sce. 25 0.6 0.9 — Worrall eer etek vs 32 4.5 — — Parattined:,< 0. os ccc ete 32 0.9 -- — By covering cheese with paraffin, a saving in loss of moisture can be effected, amounting to 5 or 6 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese at 60° F.; while at 50° F., and below, the total loss of moisture can be reduced to less than I pound per 100 pounds of cheese. In every case, cheeses covered with paraffin were entirely clean, while the others were more or less heavily coated with molds. The saving effected by paraffining small-sized cheeses is even greater than with those of larger size. Size and shape of cheese in relation to loss of weight.—The amount of external surface is greater in relation to weight in the case of a small cheese than of a larger cheese, and we should, therefore, expect a larger loss of moisture, RIPENING OF CHEESE 321 The following table illustrates the losses of weight in the case of cheeses 7 inches in diameter; this is the type commonly known as “Young America.” They were made from one vat of milk and kept ee.05° &. WEIGHT LOST BY CHEESES OF VARYING. HEIGHT AND UNIFORM DIAMETER a Water lost by 100 pounds of green cheese in Height | Weight of of cheese green 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 cheese | wk. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. _——————— es ee ee ee eee eee ee ee inches |) Pounds | Lbs. | lbs: | Lbs.) bss | Lbs. | Lbs. |) Lbs. | bs: | Lbs: 3 4.6 3.4 Ba} 6.4 LEON LO gene 2 Om | 52 ORs |e 52 Onl ieli7 2 O. 4 6.1 5356) Bail 6.1 (oya// Oi naa orale On nel Olin iA SeG 5 7.9 2.8 4.2 De5 6:3 8.3 OFS) lates eek On elon. 6 9.3 Deky 3.9 sya 60 TES Coes AN aK yoy |) abil etoy ) lars: il 11.0 23 3.4 4.7 5.6 7.4 rey) Mh alt) aky || balsas hale The loss of weight decreases with increase in height. Taking the total loss of weight for different periods of time, it is seen that an increase of one inch in height reduced the loss of weight per I00 pounds of cheese 5 ounces at the end of 4 weeks, 13 ounces at 8 weeks, 16 ounces at 12 weeks and 18 ounces at 20 weeks. In the table on the next page we show the loss of weight in the case of cheeses having different diameters and kept at temperatures ranging from 55° to 80° F. It is seen that, in general, the loss of weight increases at all temperatures as the diameter increases, the dif- ference being greater at higher temperatures. Variation of loss of moisture with different kinds of cheese.—In making small cheeses like “Young Americas,” and smaller sizes (p. 44) the propor- tion of loss is much greater, and hence the demand 322 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING WEIGHT LOST BY CHEESES OF VARYING DIAMETER AND UNIFORM HEIGHT Tem- Water lost by 100 pounds of cheese Weight | pera- Diam- of ture | eter of | green | of 1 a aod 8: (19° esl aoeeee cheese | cheese |curing- | wk. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. | wks. rooms | Inches | Lbs. | Deg.F.! Lbs. | Lbs. Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Lbs 15 65 80 2.4 Seal See 823.4) TG DS aes 7 9 80 320 5:2 | Feo Oe toen 14.5> | 16.3) Size ! i 15 65 75 Dee BES 4.7 ee 9.7 111.4 ae: eee 7 9 75 yt 4.8 6.6 OED Mette I | 120% [LAT ieaser a Mais) 105 3 2.0 | 3.1) 43-1 6.0)" 7.8 ¢ 9.0 |) 10nd el DS 7hO}e Ne Ko) 4.2 6.1 7 | 9.2 | 10.6 | Ti Ga ei 7 9 LOD Mee .o | 4.5 6.2 8.9 10.9 | 12.2 {1329 Aso 15 65 65 TO LO 4.1 5.8 (fA0) 8.2 9.2) LOR 13 31 65s. 1220 3.4 Sal 6.2 eal 8.7 9-3) PLO 11 | 22 65 4) 256:) 3.7 | 5:3 |. 6:9 | “824. |) .925 4 nOraaeee 7 img 9 65 255 B340) 5.6 7.9 | 9.5 | 10:9 [Tats 15 65) || 60 LSB al S29. es Sei pl woes 7.5. |, abo eos 13 31 | 60 7) 247°) 43) 64 '-7.3:| SoS vf 22 60 1.9 3.6 4.5 Ors) |e 8.7 9.6 | 10.5 7 9 | 60 2.4 = ei/f 5.5 et 9.3 |) 1056 | aeons 15 65 55 1.6 226 oad) 5.2 6.1 6.8 Hf aS) 8.1 13 29 55 t5 Ai | 4.2 Noel he2 7.9 8.9 9.4 11 20 55 Den 3.6 4.6 6.4 7.4 8.8 9.4 |} 10.1 7 9 55 2.2 3.6 Saul V hee 8.8 9.3 | 11:0 | 12260 is still more imperative that these shall be cured under conditions where the loss of moisture shall be greatly reduced. This applies also to such sizes as “Flats” and “Twins.” It is not surprising that the manufacture of small cheeses of the ched- dar type has: been discouraged. Even at ‘the higher prices they bring, the extra loss of moisture and additional cost of manufacture are not satisfac- torily covered. In the manufacture of small, fancy kinds of soft cheese, these statements do not apply, because an essential part of the equipment consists of RIPENING OF CHEESE ‘223 curing-cellars of fairly low temperature and high moisture content. Percentage of moisture in cheese and loss of weight.—Below are given results obtained with cheese made so as to contain water varying from 35 to 55 per cent when taken from press. LOSS OF MOISTURE IN CHEESES CONTAINING DIFFERENT PERCENTAGES OF WATER Water lost by 100 pounds of green cheese Water in 100 pounds of green cheese In 1 week In 2 weeks In 3 weeks In 4 weeks Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 5 9.0 iahee 12.3 16.8 50 a 9.2 11.0 12.9 45 4.5 6.3 8.0 9.5 35 Seo 4.2 4.9 Mol These results show that the more moist a cheese is when made, the greater is the proportion of water lost by evaporation; and, hence, the moisture in the different cheeses tends to become more nearly alike ian .at the start. . Thus, cheese containing 55 per cent of moisture lost about three times as much weight as did the cheese containing 35 per cent of water and nearly twice as much as the one with 45 per cent. Even when cheeses do not differ so widely in water content as those above, the same general rule holds good, other conditions, of course, being the same. Pounds of water in 100 pounds of green cheese. .} 41.7 | 38.7 | 37.6 | 35.4 Pounds of water lost by 100 pounds of green CHEeSETING: WEEKS sss lalacis civic sceictetea ae «sells 5.3 4.6 4.5 4.2 324 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Texture of cheese and loss of moisture.—Cheese filled with holes will occupy more volume than the ~ same weight of cheese free from holes. Hence, cheese with such faulty texture has a larger surface exposed for evaporation relative to its weight and will lose RIPENED AT 40°F RIPENED AT 60°F FIG. 45—SECTIONS OF TWO CHEESES RIPENED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. CLOSE-TEXTURED, CHEDDAR TYPE more moisture. Then, in addition, the presence of numerous holes in cheese greatly facilitates the escape of moisture from the interior of the cheese to the sur- face. This is a partial explanation of the fact that cheese high in moisture loses water more rapidly RIPENING OF CHEESE 325 than cheese containing less moisture. It is well known that cheese containing high percentages of water usually develops holes abundantly, especially when cured at or above ordinary temperatures. These statements are effectively illustrated in the experiments carried on at the Wisconsin experiment station; results are given for two distinct types of cheese, which were used in studying the effects of temperature during ripening: (1) Close-textured, RIPENED AT 40°F Tl RIPENED AT 60°F FIG. 46—SECTIONS OF TWO CHEESES RIPENED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. SWEET-CURD TYPE 320 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING firm-bodied, long-keeping type, suitable for export trade, typical Wisconsin cheddars. (2) Sweet-curd type, as represented by Iowa and Illinois methods of manufacture. In connection with the table below, study Figs. 45 and 46. The following table gives the results in loss of moisture in the cases of these two types of cheese: LOSS OF MOISTURE Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2 Age (cheddar) (sweet-curd) (cheddar) (sweet-curd) when ex- amined 27 cheeses 9 cheeses 9 cheeses 5 cheeses kept at 40°F. | kept at 40°F. | kept at 60°F. | kept at 60°F. Days Per cent Per cent | Per cent Per cent 10 0.38 0.69 0.96 1205 20 0.44 0.82 1.74 1277. 30 0.58 0.96 2.05 2.29 60 - 0.83 WES) 2.95 Bey 90 1.00 1.42 oro 4.47 CHAP Pi, 2XTV Chemical Changes in Cheese Ripening In studying the chemical changes which take place during the process of cheese-ripening, it will be an advantage to consider the subject under the following main lines of inquiry: 1. What chemical compounds are found in unripe cheese? 2. What chemical changes do the compounds of unripe cheese undergo as cheese ripens? 3. What conditions influence the character . and extent of these chemical changes? 4. What causes the chemical changes of cheese- ripening ? The first three points. will be considered in this chapter, the fourth being reserved for a separate chapter. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS IN UNRIPE CHEDDAR CHEESE Starting with unripe cheese as it comes from the press, we find the same chemical compounds and eroups of compounds mentioned in connection with the composition of milk, viz: (1) Water, (2) pro- ferris, -(3) ‘fat, (4) stgar,. (5) neutral. and acid Belts. 1G): salt and (7). Sases. Water.—The functions, amounts and _ ripening losses of water in relation to cheese have already 327 328 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING been considered. We shall later consider its rela- tion to the chemical changes in cheese-ripening. Proteins.—In cheddar cheese fresh from press, there appear to be different protein compounds, the precise nature of which has not yet been deter- mined. There have been shown to be the follow- ine forms:: (1) Protein -soluble in warm (122°- 131° F.); 5. per. cent solution of sodium chlomd which, for convenience, we shall speak of as brine- soluble protein, (2) protein insoluble in brine solu- tion, and (3) proteins soluble in water. The first constitutes the largest amount, often being 75 to go per cent of the total amount of proteins in ched- dar cheese; the water-soluble protein is quite fairly constant, varying usually between 4 and 5 per cent of the total proteins, and a part of this is readily accounted for by the milk-albumin in the whey re- tained in the cheese. Fat.—The fat present in unripe cheese is, in composition and physical condition, essentially milk-fat. Milk-sugar.—The sugar in newly made cheese is simply milk-sugar in solution in the whey that is retained by the cheese. Neutral salts and acid salts—The most promi- nent neutral salt in unripe cheese is calcium lactate, formed as a result of the lactic acid (produced by the fermentation of milk-sugar) upon the insoluble calcium phosphate originally present in the milk, most of which is carried into the cheese-curd and held there. The soluble acid salts present in largest amounts are calcium acid phosphate and, probably, citrate. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN RIPENING 329 Salt.—The unripe cheese contains common salt which has been added to the curd in the operation of cheese-making. This is held in solution, really constituting a weak brine containing about 3 per cent of salt. Gases.—In normal, unripe cheese, gaseous prod- ticts, except carbon dioxid, are present in only minute amounts, if at all. In cheese made from milk containing abnormal micro-organisms, there may be present such gases as hydrogen, carbon di- oxid, ‘etc. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN COMPOUNDS OF UNRIPE CHEESE We will now take up each division of the com- pounds which we have considered briefly in the pre- ceding section and notice some of the changes which they undergo. Water.—So far as we know, the water in cheese undergoes no chemical change. It gradually evaporates from the cheese in the form of water- vapor, the rate of evaporation varying with condi- tions studied in the preceding chapter. Proteins.—Of all the compounds contained in unripe cheese, the proteins are the ones that are most extensively affected by the chemical changes of ripening, because these compounds are not only the seat of those changes but the material itself which undergoes chemical changes more profound and complex than any other constituent of the cheese. There have been and still are many diffi- culties in carrying on a study of the chemical 330 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING changes in cheese proteins during ripening, owing largely (1) to a lack of detailed knowledge of the compounds formed and (2) to need of more perfect methods for estimating the amounts of these com- pounds, many of which are formed only in very small quantities. Beginning with the milk-casein in the cheese-vat at the time the rennet is added, we have, from that time on, a succession of changes in the curd and cheese, resulting sooner or later in the formation of a series of compounds, which, so far as our present knowledge goes, appears in something like the fol- lowing consecutive order: (1) Calcium paracasein (formed from the cal- cium casein of milk by action of rennet). In- soluble in water and in warm, 5 percent salt-brine. (2) Protein soluble in warm, 5 per cent salt-brine. (Hies: 30 atid 31. pl) 146) (3) Protein insoluble in salt-brine, water, etc. (4) Proteins soluble in water: (a) A protein which is precipitable by dilute hydrochloric acid, called paranuclein. (b) Vise Diesen 30.42 49.29 20.16 9.81 5.30 1 /|Paranuclein 2.70 Sao Ae 4.20 3.79 4.10 2 ea 0.87 ASSIS 4.45 4.89 8.01 7.90 1 |Caseoses ... 2.99 5.80 4.24 4.41 4.19 4.26 2 apy hee Sybys: 3.64 bos 5.06 4.32 4.70 1 |Peptones.... Dele 4.09 els) SEH 3.97 1.95 2 BY eats 4.49 4.80 6.19 4.00 4.43 3.20 1 Amino acids 7.50 9.79 16.00 265 22.89 26.73 2, - Wee 12.59 isa 26.03 29.44 29.00 1 |Ammonia.. 1.34 D's) 3.04 AST 4.53 a le 2 + oh 0.98 1.99 4.26 6.52 8.27 12.16 1 Waters. ..«. 36.40 SD 32.41 27.86 28.02 Diol S 2 Sia Sse 35.96 35.00 ORO 33.24 32.66 SVM) paraffined cheese contained considerably more water, the difference increasing with age, until at the end of I2 months it was over 4.5 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese. A general review of these results indicates the formation of larger amounts of water-soluble nitrogen compounds in cheese containing more moisture, other conditions being uniform. 342 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Size of cheese and ripening.—On page 320 we considered the influence of size of cheese upon the rapidity of evaporation of water from the cheese. Our results show that the percentage loss of mois- ture is always greater in smaller-sized cheeses. This is what might naturally be expected, since the amount of external surface exposed for evaporation is greater, relative to weight, in small than in large cheeses.“ Hence, difference in’ size of ‘cheese pracu- SHOWING EFFECT OF SIZE OF CHEESE ON CHEESE- RIPENING Nitrogen expressed as percentage of nitrogen in cheese Form of | : ie Wei'ht} proteins | | | | ot and de- 14 3 6 9 12 18 cheese | rivatives | mos. mos. mos. | mos. mos. mos. | | | Lbs. |Per cent |Per cent Ms cent | Per cent |Per cent Per cent 10 |Total water-| 31.76 | 39.09 | 39.80 | -aaay soluble. 2) 17.32 27.09 * 20.56 31.46 36:09) | 43°91 45.09 49.40 , 10 |\Brine-solu- | ble. he 24.89 41.59 35.43") “98.84 |) 3150 13.72 30 : 33.01 |: £33.66-|" $5.10) |) “FSG 19.26 | 19.45 10° -|Paranusleia |) 3700) . $3215 4.9741) 04.20 3.79 4.10 30 a 2.39 | Boga |. oA Deu) AIT 3.64 3.68 10 |Caseoses ...| 2.99 | 5.80 4.24 | 4.41 4.19 4.26 BUy ee eal = 4.08 4.50; 5.03 4.7 a7 4.27 10 |Peptones .. Zeta 4.09 | Sas) Sil 3.97 1.95 30 r be 3.90 4.95 3.99 3.10 3.72 2.84 10 |Aminoacids| 7.50] 9.79 | 16.00 | 21.65} 22.89 | 26.73 30 y. 8.69 | 14.33 19:55 |. 27:05 | 29.00 | Sieem | 10 Ammonia 184.) 45 3.04 4.17 4.53 5% 30 1.50 DAD) 3.30 4.69 5.57 6.95 10 |Water..... | 36.40 |. 35.27 | 32.48 |: 27)86°1 28.02 10 ozene 30 ws) 36,31°| 35.11@ 33.46 | °32,29 | 31554 ee | CHEMICAL CHANGES IN RIPENING 343 cally means difference in rapidity of loss of mois- ture, the larger cheese retaining its moisture con- tentlonger. We should expect, then, to find es- sentially the same differences of ripening in cheeses of different size that we find in cheeses having a dif- ferent moisture content. To make a study of this point, we present on page 342 some data showing, at different stages of ripening, the amounts of denice protein compounds found in cheeses weighing respec- tively 30 and 10 pounds, approximately. The data Fepresemt averages of 4 ‘different lots -of cheeses ripened at 55° F An examination of the table shows, in brief, that the larger cheeses contained more moisture after the early stages of ripening and that there was a more rapid increase in the formation of total water-soluble derived proteins, especially of amino acids and am- monia, than in the smaller cheeses. Amount of salt and cheese-ripening.—It is a fact that has long been observed by cheese-makers that increase of salt in cheese delays the rapidity with which the cheese becomes marketable, but, until about five years ago, no detailed chemical results were published in relation to the subject. In order to study the influence of salt upon the ripening process in cheese properly made and kept, there were made, as nearly alike as possible, four different lots of cheese under normal conditions. In each lot there were 4 cheeses weighing 30 pounds each, and salt was added to these in proportions varying as follows: No salt, 1.5, 2.5, and 5 pounds of salt for 1,000 pounds of milk. During the ripening, one lot was kept at 32° F., ome at 55° F., one at '60°°F. and one at 70° F. On page 345 we give the aver- 344 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING ages of the 4 lots of cheese kept at the different tem- peratures. Whether we consider each ‘lot of cheeses by itself or their averages, the results are strikingly concordant in respect to the effect of salt upon the formation of proteins and their derivatives in the ripening process. We are to regard the salt in cheese as being in solution in the whey held by the cheese, practically forming a dilute brine. In common practice, cheese-makers add from 2 to 2% pounds of salt to the curd made from 1,000 pounds of milk. Cheese thus salted contains about I per cent of salt. Such cheese usually contains about 35 to 37 per cent of water. Consequently, under such conditions we should have, approximately, a 3 per cent brine. It is evident that, in proportion as a cheese loses mois- ture by evaporation, the brine remaining becomes more concentrated with the advancing age of the cheese: A study of the table leads to the following state- ments : (1) The amount of salt retained in cheese is not proportional to the amount of salt added to the curd. While salt was added to the different cheeses in the ratio Of 1: 1.07: 3:33, the salt retained in. the chee was in the ‘ratio of 1:1.40:2:20. Of mecessig” a considerable proportion of the salt added to the cheese-curd passes into the whey. Moreover, it has been found by examining different portions of the same cheese that the salt is not commonly distributed with perfect uniformity through the cheese mass. SHOWING EFFECT OF SALT ON CHEESE-RIPENING Am’t Pe ay Form of Nitrogen expressed as percentage of nitrogen in cheese for proteins arte 1000 | , and de- 1% 3 6 9 12 18 Ibs. |fivatives,etc.| mos. mos. mos. mos. mos. mos. of milk Lbs. | Total water | Per cent|Per cent |Per cent | Per cent' Per cent! Per cent OM isoluble” ... 23.42 34.26 40.52 49.10 51.38 53.96 14 ia heady des) 32.10 37.67 44.13 45.88 50.73 24 ee thier: 2067 29.92 34.73 42.93 43.52 44.65 5 Oo Ieee 18.84 27.10 31.70 37.64 38.19 39.62 (0) Brine-solu- | ble 1733 27.06 23-271 2-82 16575 12.56 14 te 20.86 28.43 26.16 22°39 17.98 12.61 24 oe Zl Sit 24.47 28.30 23.54 18.04 1A 5 Ss 20.73 29.02 32.49 28.81 23.41 ila 0 Freres 1.85 4.44 3.80 4.66 3.83 3.44 13 .° A418} 4.47 SEZ 4.01 Se 3.89 24 se 2.27 4.55 Seal 3.80 5-210) 3.34 5 a 1.98 4.35 3.42 63 Sie 2.96 0) \Caseoses ... 3.41 4.94 4.94 5.60 4.95 3.87 14 ie 3.24 5.02 Syail 7 4.53 3.69 4.04 24 *s Oeil 4.14 4.98 4.16 | 3.97 3.84 5 oe Deals 4.14 4.58 4.08 4.05 3.77 0 Peptones 4.86 5.02 4.84 oat 4.13 2.69 14 3.50 5.16 4.29 3.54 | 4.87 3.40 24 3 4.20 4.02 4.02 3.97 | 3.98 2.07 5 a 2.91 4.42 3.74 eS) 2.81 2.1 0 |Amino acids| 10.22 | 15.86] 22.18 | 28.89 | 32.19 | 35.09 13 Pa 10.46 14.77 20.13 Dio DOVSS 32.36 24 ad 9.78 13.83 19.20 26.72 27.61 29.57 5 | i 8.82 12.97 17.34 DDI 24.40 24.81 0 Ammonia 1eGi7 2.96 4.64 6.54 edad 8.89 14 | ve 1.67 Dass 3.69 4.69 5.36 7.04 24 4 lay 2.36 3.13 4.30 4.54 5.83 5 “e 1.41 2.03 2.64 .43 S20 4.70 0 Per cent _ water in cheese ee 39227 38.22 35.60 SOR2e 34.C9 30.96 14 | 36.66 35.60 33.50 32.62 31.61 28.80 23 | 35.69 34.43 32. Sit 31.54 30.99 27.68 5 | a 33.63 32.62 29.52 29.88 28.61 26.97 0 \Per cent salt in cheese. 0 0 0 0) 0 0) 13 0.59 0.70 0.84 0.94 0.92 ates 24 os 0.82 1.20 ARS 1.26 127 5 ot 1.29 1.50 1.62 1.87 1.83 340 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (2) An increase of salt in cheese-curd results in decreasing the amount of moisture held in cheese. This fact is very strikingly shown by the figures in the table. The cheese containing no salt retained most moisture, and increasing additions of salt de- creased the amount of moisture held in the cheese. The same general relation held true throughout the whole period of investigation. (3) An increase of salt in cheese was accom- panied by a decrease in the amount of water-soluble protein-derived compounds and this was true through the whole 18 months of the investigation. While this influence of salt is more noticeable in the case of the amino acids and ammonia, it is clearly evident in the case of the paranuclein, caseoses, and peptones. (4) It is readily seen from the results embodied in the table that the rapidity of formation of water- soluble protein-derived compounds is decreased in the presence of increased amounts of salt in cheese. This is due, in part, to the effect of salt in decreas- ing the amount of moisture held in cheese and, in part, to the direct retarding action of salt upon some of the agents that produce the changes of cheese- ripening. Amount of rennet-enzym and cheese-ripening.— Before any careful studies were made of the effect of rennet-enzym upon the chemical changes of cheese-ripening, there was difference of opinion among cheese-makers as to whether the amount of rennet-extract used had any influence on the ripening of the cheese. The various studies made of the subject by different investigators agree in ee es SS showing CHEMICAL CHANGES IN RIPENING that rennet-enzym rapidity of the ripening process. does In influence 347 the the results SHOWING EFFECT OF DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF RENNET UPON CHEESE-RIPENING Nitrogen expressed as percentage of nitrogen in cheese in form of: Amount of Age rennet- | Condition | Water of extract of in Water- cheese | tsed for cheese cheese | soluble 1000 proteins pounds and de- of milk | rivatives Months ! Ounces Per et. | Per ct. 1 3) Normally... "o (54: 18.90 1 6 Noxsmal.. 2.) 38:06 23.40 1 3 Paraffined .| 38.45 18.20 1 6 Paraffined..| 38.56 24.90 3 3 INiGkermaeyle. 5 4)) S555 26.70 3 6 Norma las 436.29 29.70 3 3 Paraffined..| 37.97 27.90 3 6 Paraffined..| 37.61 33.20 6 3 Normal...—-33-58 29.80 6 6 Normalesse) osc 35.40 6 3 Paraffined..| 37.59 31.80 6 6 Paraffined..| 36.79 36.80 9 3 Normal... .| 31-84 S37) 5040) 9 6 Normals. . |) 30:63 So 250 9 3 Paraffined..| 36.81 38.90 9 6 Paraffined..! 35.40 45.20 12 3 Normal... | 28.13 38.00 12 6 Normal....| 29.98 42.40 12 3 Paraffined..! 36.07 40.40 12 6 Paraffined..| 34.51 48.10 15 3) Normal... .] 26.73 39.10 15 6 Normal... .| 25.97 43.60 15 3 Paraffined..| 34.35 41.20 15 6 Parafined...} 33.21 49.90 24 3 Normal....| 24.76 42.70 24 6 Normal seili2s.oo 48.50 24 3 Paraffined..| 30.93 46.40 24 6 Paraffined..| 28.22 50.20 Paranu- clein, cas-| Amino |Ammo- eoses and} acids | nia peptones | | Per ct Per ct.| Per ct. 10.31 8.36 Sie. ye esi 9.47 9.95 8.29 | 15.30 9.63 13.34 12.00 1.87 15.40 12.50 1.86 13299 12.60 1.96 16.35 14.70 2.18 12202 16.20 2.09 iS Saka 18.20 2.60 12.84 17.30 220 16.76 17.30 2.70 13.47 21.20 2.59 13.00 20.00 2.50 14.93 20.30 Sule 14.36 26.60 4.26 12.05 22.10 4.10 14.38 24.00 3.60 14.10 23.60 2 93 15234 2250) 4.60 1250'5 22.90 4.53 13.19 25.50 4.31 12.96 23.80 4.92 16.87 28.00 5.54 12.30 25.10 5.06 14.54 28.50 5.84 11.34 23. 10M Gre eS 30.80 7.92 348 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING given on page 347, the study was made with the use of 3 to 6 ounces of Hansen’s rennet-extract in 1,000 pounds of milk. The cheeses were made to con- tain about the same amount of moisture. In each case, one cheese was covered with paraffin in order to delay the evaporation of moisture, while the other was kept in the usual condition. The data in the preceding table show quite gen- erally a greater increase of water-soluble protein- derived compounds in the cheese containing the larger amount of rennet, other conditions being the same. The cheeses covered with paraffin contain more moisture than those not so covered and, as we should expect, show a larger increase of soluble compounds than do the other cheeses; but here, also, the cheese containing the larger amount of rennet ripens, more rapidly than the one containing less rennet. If we examine the different classes of the water- soluble protein and protein-derived compounds, we notice that the increase caused by the increased use of rennet is more noticeable in the case of the paranuclein, caseoses and peptones than in the case of the amino acids and ammonia, especially during the first 6 or 9g months. GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS RELAT- ING TO CONDITIONS OF CHEESE- RIPENING AND CHEMI- CAL CHANGES Reviewing briefly the results that have been pre- sented in the preceding pages, we have found that CHEMICAL CHANGES IN RIPENING 349 different conditions affect the chemical changes in the protein compounds of cheese as follows: (1) Time.—The formation of water-soluble pro- tein-derived compounds increases as cheese ages, other conditions being uniform. The rate of increase is, however, not uniform, since it is much more rapid in the early than in the succeeding stages of ripen- ing. (2) Temperature—The amount of soluble pro- tein-derived compounds increases, on an average, quite closely in proportion to increase of temperature, when other conditions are uniform. (3) Moisture-—Other conditions being alike, there is formed a larger amount of water-soluble protein-derived compounds in cheese containing more moisture than in cheese containing less mois- rire: (4) Size—Cheeses of large size usually form water-soluble compounds more rapidly than smaller cheeses under the same conditions, because large cheeses lose their moisture less rapidly and after the early period of ripening have a higher water content. (5) Salt.—Cheese containing more salt forms water-soluble compounds more slowly than cheese fontaine less salt; “Whisappears.to be due, m part, to the direct actton of salt im retarding, the activity of one or more of the ripening agents and, im part,’ to the tendency ot the salt to reduce the moisture content of the cheese. (6) Rennet.—The use of increased amounts of rennet-extract in cheese-making, other conditions being uniform, results in producing increased 350 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING quantities of water-soluble protein-derived compounds in a given period of time, especially such compounds as paranuclein, caseoses and peptones. TRANSIENT AND CUMULATIVE PROD- UCTS IN CHEESE-RIPENING In studying the influence of various conditions upon the chemical changes of the protein com- pounds in the normal cheese-ripening process, we have noticed that the compounds which are grouped under the names, paracasein, caseoses and peptones usually vary within comparatively narrow limits and do not appear to accumulate in the cheese in constantly increasing quantities. These compounds do not appear to show much definite regularity in the amounts formed under different con- ditions. On the other hand, amino acids and am- monia accumulate in increasing amounts from the early age of the cheese during the whole process of normal ripening. The difference in the appar- ent behavior of these different classes of com- pounds is most readily explained by regarding the compounds first formed in cheese-ripening as inter- mediate or transient products. Thus, we find para- nuclein, caseoses and peptones present in the earliest stage of cheese-ripening, and they show a tendency to increase somewhat for a period of time and then decrease. Whatever may be the precise chemical relation and order of formation, the point we wish to keep in mind is that the amounts of these com- pounds do not increase regularly or accumulate continuously in the cheese. The extent to which any accumulation occurs in these transient stages CHEMICAL CHANGES IN. RIPENING 351 depends upon the conditions of ripening. For ex- ample, at low temperatures, the transient protein products formed appear to pass into other forms less rapidly than at higher temperatures, and they tend to’ accumulate to some extent.. This can be shown by comparing the results secured with cheeses ripened at a2) Fs -and-at.7o° FP. Percentage of ni- | Percentage of ni- Percentage of ni- Age trogen in form of trogen in form of | trogen in form of of paranuclein in caseoses in peptones in cheese cheese at cheese at cheese at | oooh | 1O2E= o2ohe | TOLER. SANE, | OnE Months Per cent | Per cent | Per cent |} Per cent | Per cent | Per cent 4 ile 2.03 1.05 4.0/ 1.30 6.81 3 4.05 Seif il 2.97 4.63 Deus 5.45 6 3.44 2.68 5.24 Sol 4.53 Sai) 9 4.47 SB Illis} 4.29 4.24 4.36 SHoo 12 4.15 2.45 4.17 4.12 4.53 Seoul 18 A) 2.60 5.06 S20 Ae ly 150 Now, quite different from the behavior of these compounds is that of amino acids, which appear be- yond question to be formed from the peptones, and of ammonia, which is formed from the decomposition of amino acids. Ammonia is an end-product and the amino acids are end-products to a considerable extent in cheese normally ripened. They therefore accum- ulate in increasing quantities under all conditions that favor their formation. INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTS OF CHEMICAL, CHANGE IN THE CHEESE-RIPENING PROCESS Attention has been called to the fact that chemi- cal changes in the proteins of cheese take place 352 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING much more rapidly in the early stages of ripening than later. It is shown that, in the first 3 months of the 18-month period of study, over 65 per cent of the nitrogen was changed into the form of water-soluble compounds. How can we _ explain this observed fact that the rate of chemical change, as measured by the formation of water-soluble ni- trogen compounds, decreases as the age of cheese increases? The most obvious explanation is asso- ciated with the generally observed fact that in fer- mentation changes the products of the process weaken the action of the ferment, often inhibiting it altogether (p. 286). In cheese, we have an ac- cumulation of fermentation products in the form of water-soluble protein and protein-derived compounds and, apparently, they serve to diminish the action of the agents that cause the changes. In this connection, it is interesting to notice that the end-products, the amino acids and ammonia, appear to exert a stronger influence than do the other soluble protein compounds in decreasing the action of the ripening agents. This is indicated by the fol- lowing data: Monthly average Percentage of Percentage of rate of increase of Age nitrogen in form of | nitrogen in form of soluble nitrogen of paranuclein, caseo-| amino acids and compounds for 100 cheese ses and peptones ammonia pounds of nitrogen in cheese Months Pounds 14 9.05 11.44 15.0 3 13.66 16.81 6.3 6 12274 23.48 Ped 9 IA Salie Sieg 2.4 12 11.63 33.79 0.4 18 37.00 0.4 CHEMICAL CHANGES IN RIPENING 353 Thus, it is seen that the first-formed products of cheese-ripening, paranuclein, caseoses and peptones, remain fairly uniform, while the amino acids and am- monia continuously increase. WHY MOISTURE INFLUENCES THE CHEESE-RIPENING PROCESS We have seen that an increased moisture content in cheese favors more active chemical changes in the process of ripening. ‘This may be due to one or both 6f two effects. First, moisture in itself may favor the activity of the ripening ferments. It is well known that moisture is necessary for the action of ferments and that increase of moisture above a certain amount increases their action. Second, the presence of increased amounts of moisture serves to dilute the fermentation products and, to that extent, to counter- act their unfavorable effect. In ordinary cheese-ripening, there is a constant loss of moisture and this serves to make more con- centrated the fermentation products, which are increasing at the same time the moisture is de- creasing. Accordingly, after 3 to 6 months, differ- ence in moisture appears to exert a more marked influence upon the increased formation of soluble nitrogen compounds than in the early stages of ripening. CHAPTER RXV Causes of Chemical Changes in Cheese- Ripening A large amount of work has been done during the past 30 years in connection with different varieties of cheese, in an effort to ascertain what agents cause the changes taking place in cheese during the ripen- ing process. Many of the results have been peculiarly confusing and progress has been slow. Much of this work has been done with the hard types of cheese, the Emmenthaler in Europe and the cheddar in Eng- land and America. The scope of this book does not permit an historical review of these investigations, and the most we can hope to do, within the assigned limits of treatment, is to give a brief summary of what may be regarded as the present state of knowl- edge in respect to the causes of cheese-ripening in the case of cheddar cheese. It is well to preface our discussion with the statement that the amount we actually know at present is disappointingly small, and how much of what we think we know now will be modified by further investigation no one can con- fidently say. In our treatment of the causes of cheese- ripening, we confine our attention mainly to the changes that take place in the protein compounds, which come originally, as we know, from milk-casein ; because, in this portion of the cheese substance, the most profound and extensive changes occur, changes 354 CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 355 which are most intimately connected with the chang- ing qualities that appear in the process. As pre- viously stated, the cheese-ripening process, considered from a chemical standpoint, consists mainly in the change of the complex protein, paracasein, as it exists in cheese-curd, into a number of less complex com- pounds. Many difficulties beset the experimental study of cheese-ripening, some of which will be briefly noticed later. One of the great difficulties in the past has been a failure to recognize that there was more than one agent at work in the process of cheese-ripening. The investigator is always at a disadvantage when his point of view is too narrow, since he inevitably overlooks essential details, and interprets his results within the narrow range of his vision. This truth has been amply illustrated in the history of the investiga- tion of the causes of scheese-ripening, since many in- vestigations were based upon the conception that only one agent was the cause; and the object of the inves- tigator was, unconsciously, not so much to find out what the real cause might be as to show that the one particular agency he had in mind was the actual and sole cause. We shall not attempt to treat the subject in the order of its historical development, but rather in the order in which the different agencies become most active in the ripening process. So far as our present knowledge goes, the different agents taking part in the change of the protein, paracasein, into simpler proteins and protein-derived compounds are the fol- lowing: t.some acid, usually lactic. 356 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING 2. Rennet-enzym. 3. Galactase. 4. Micro-organisms, commonly bacteria. : Just what part is played by each agent in the forma- tion of water-soluble proteins and derived proteins, or what interdependence there may be of the work of one agent upon the products of the work of another, we are at present able to say only in part, and not very definitely at that. We will now present an outline of what we may conceive as the distribu- tion of work among these different agents in the light of the experimental results that are now available. We are conscious of the possibility, or rather prob- ability, that some of these statements will need revision in the near future. ACTION OF ACIDS IN CHEESE-RIPENING The necessity of the presence of some acid in milk and in cheese-curd during the process of making cheddar cheese seems to have been well established, since cheese made without acid fails to ripen satis- factorily. In the absence of acid, little or no brine- soluble protein or water-soluble substance is formed, even after long periods of time. The work of acid, whatever may be the way in which its specific influ- ence is exerted in cheese-ripening, is something like this: Lactic acid is formed by the action of micro- organisms upon milk-sugar during the process of cheese-making; and its formation continues not only during the time the curd is in the cheese-vat but also in the curd as it is put in the press and later. Under normal conditions, the acid continues to be formed so long as any milk-sugar remains in the CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 357 cheese. Just how long that is, varies according to conditions of manufacture and especially with the temperature at which the cheese is kept during the ripening. | Under ordinary conditions, all sugar in cheese disappears within two weeks. Roughly speaking, there is between I and 2 per cent of milk- sugar in cheese when put in the press. How rapidly this undergoes change can be seen from the following illustrations, in which three different cheeses are represented : MILK-SUGAR IN CHEESE | No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 Per cent Per cent Per cent Wihtenh piteimkpEeSS\. 0... asec e ss ce hee 1.70 ORNL toe 3 hours after being in press.......... 1.05 0.68 0.64 6 hours after being in press.......... 0.68 0.44 oe iPehourstalcer being im press. ........- 0.68 Pe 0.80 15 hours after being in press.......... 0.58 Ron Stee Bacay svatte belieriipressssescs + sce - 0.58 0.10 0.36 4 days after being in press............ 0.50 0.04 0.32 1 week after being in press............ 0.10 0.03 0.22 2 weeks after being in press........... 0.07 0.00 trace These figures illustrate well the great variation in detail that may occur in the disappearance of milk- sugar in cheese, which means, of course, the forma- tion of lactic acid. At no stage of the process of making cheddar cheese, and in no cheese, do we find, under normal conditions, uncombined lactic acid as such, or what we call free lactic acid. What then becomes of the lactic acid known to be formed? There exist in the milk substances which are ready to combine with lactic acid as fast as it is formed and to change the acid from the active condition of a free acid to that 358 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING of a neutral salt. These substances are chiefly lime compounds or compounds containing calcium as a base. Over one-half and, probably, about three- fourths, of the calcium compounds in milk are in such form as enable them to combine with lactic acid. A considerable part of the calcium in milk is in com- bination with phosphoric acid in the form of insoluble compounds, probably dicalcium phosphate in large part, which is held in suspension in the form of very minute, solid particles. Some believe that the cal- cium phosphate is in direct combination with casein in milk. The action that probably takes place can be represented as follows: | Lactic acid + insoluble calcium phosphate = cal- cium lactate + soluble calcium phosphate (mono or acid-calcium phosphate). Now, mono-calcium phos- phate is an acid salt; it neutralizes alkalis and tastes sour. Therefore, when we talk about lactic acid in cheese-making, we really mean the products formed by the action of lactic acid—calcium lactate and cal- cium acid phosphate. | The first effect of the formation of these soluble lime salts is to promote the coagulating effect of rennet; and. the particular thing accomplished by ripening milk for cheese-making is the formation in small, but sufficient, quantities of calcium lactate and soluble calcium phosphate. The succeeding changes in curd, the formation of a superficial film on each small piece of curd, the shrinking with the simul- taneous expulsion of whey, the stringing on a hot iron, the change in texture of curd to the softer, velvety form, resembling the meat of a chicken’s breast, the plastic condition—these changes all CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 359 appear to be associated with the continued forma- tion of lactic acid, resulting in larger amounts of calcium lactate and acid phosphate. To what ex- tent temperature and action of rennet-enzym share in producing these changes cannot be definitely stated now. It has been pretty satisfactorily estab- lished that in cheddar cheese-making there is, con- trary -to “what. was believed at one time, no combination of any kind between the lactic acid and the protein of the cheese-curd, but that the acid formed is practically all used by the lime salts of the curd in the formation of the calcium compounds mentioned. During the cheese-making process, the cheese-curd or paracasein undergoes some very marked changes, as we have just noticed above. We have a simple means of measuring the extent of these changes, depending on the behavior of the curd when treated with= warm -Cre3°-te-132°-F.), dilute brine (a 5 per cent solution of common salt in water) (p. 330). The changes taking place and thus measured can be illustrated as follows, using the results of a special experiment, taken from the records of the New York experiment station: Per cent of pro- Per cent of pro- tein soluble in tein soluble in brine solution water Nubenscundiwasvettee seuss sree c Sails) When whey was removed.......... 4.50 Mee When curd was put in press....... 30.15 Seded 2 hours after curd was put in press 46.46 4.25 94 hours after curd was put in press 96.06 6.48 It is seen that the increase of the brine-soluble protein is very rapid between the time when the whey 360 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING was removed and the curd was put in press. The peculiar behavior of the curd during the cheddaring process is probably due to the formation of the brine-soluble substance; and the formation of this substance appears to be associated, at least in consider- able measure, with the formation of soluble lime salts resulting from the action of lactic acid. From some work done at the New York experiment station, it seems that when this brine-soluble compound is not formed, we do not get water-soluble substances, and this means that we get no cheese-ripening. In other words, the formation of the brine-soluble sub- stance appears to be prerequisite to further ripening changes. Reviewing briefly the action of acid in cheese-mak- ing and cheese-ripening, its chief work appears to be combination with the insoluble lime salts of the milk, producing calcium lactate and calcium acid phosphate. These compounds, in conjunction with the degree of heat used and, perhaps, also in asso- ciation with the action of rennet-enzym, produce marked changes in the curd in respect to body, texture and solubility in brine solution. In the cheese-making process, the insoluble portion of the curd begins to change into a form that is soluble in warm, 5 per cent brine, this change taking place rapidly during the cheddaring operation and con- tinuing until all the protein of the curd is in this form; the change appears to be complete 9 or I0 hours after the curd is put in press. Then this brine-soluble curd begins to change into an in- soluble form, this reverse change going on very rapidly for a few hours and then more gradually for many months. From this insoluble form appear to CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 301 come the water-soluble proteins and protein deriva- tives that are found in cheese. Much work yet re- mains to be done before all the details of the action of acid in cheese-making are fully understood. ACTION OF RENNET-ENZYM IN CHEESE- RIPENING For a long time, there was doubt as to whether rennet-extract had anything to do with cheese-ripen- ing. It may be now regarded as definitely settled that rennet-extract contains a peptic ferment which has a curd-dissolving power. This fact has nothing necessarily to do with the question as to whether the peptic enzym is the same as the coagulating enzym, or whether two different enzyms, each with a dif- ferent function, are present. The action of rennet in cheese-ripening is quite similar to that of a pepsin digestion. There is one important condition for the peptic action of the rennet-enzym—the presence of an amount of acid or acid salts, corresponding to about 0.3 per cent of lactic acid. The acid produced in cheese-curd and cheese furnishes the needed con- ditions. Whether this is the chief function of acid in connection with the formation of water-soluble proteins and derived proteins in cheese-ripening, or whether the salts formed by lactic acid exercise some influence apart from rennet action, may not be re- garded as satisfactorily determined at the present time. In order to study the effect of rennet-enzym in dis- solving the insoluble protein of cheese-curd, it is necessary to destroy the enzyms and micro-organisms present in milk. This is done by heating the milk to a temperature of 185° to 208° F., after which the 362 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING milk is cooled and, in order to prevent bacterial action, treated with chloroform before being made _ into cheese. The heating of the milk to the stated tem- perature diminishes the readiness and completeness with which the rennet-extract coagulates milk-casein ; but the power of prompt coagulation by rennet can be restored by addition of calcium chlorid or carbon dioxid gas or any ordinary acid or acid salt. In thus eliminating other factors of cheese-ripening than ren- net-enzym, we necessarily produce conditions that do not exist in normal cheese-making, such as (1) heated milk, (2) absence of milk-enzyms, (3) absence of enzym-forming or acid-producing micro-organisms, and (4) the addition of calcium chlorid or carbon dioxid or lactic acid. Several experiments were car- ried on at the New York experiment station under the foregoing conditions and, in the table following, we give some of the results of this work. Lactic acid, when used, was added to form 0.2 per cent of the milk. PEPTIC: ACTION OF RENNET IN ‘CHEESE WITH, Ane WITHOUT ACID Percentage of nitrogen in form of: Age of Cheese made .- eta with or | Water-soluble ‘ 5 analyzed | Without | proteins and Brine- Paranuclein, | Amino ) acid derived soluble caseoses and acids compounds proteins peptones oat ) Fresh |Without 6.07 Sells) 5.46 0.81 Fresh With 4.55 26.80 3.78 OnzT 12 months | Without 8.47 3.36 4.51 3.96 12 months} With 25.10 11.59 20.87 4.98 In studying this table, we can readily observe the foliowing indications: CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 363 (1) When no acid, or acid salt, is present in the cheese-naking process, practically no changes take place in the protein of the ereen cheese, even in the course of a year; the different classes of compounds remain about the same in amount at the end of a year as in the fresh cheese. Rennet-enzym, in the ab- sence of acid or acid salts, has practically no dissolv- ing effect on the protein of green cheese and, there- fore, does little or no work in the formation of water- soluble protein in the process of cheese-ripening. (2) When lactic acid was added to milk at the fate Of O.2 per cent, the results were in. marked con- trast with those given when no acid was used. Thus, we have (a) a considerable amount of brine-soluble protein in the fresh cheese, and (b) a large increase of water-soluble nitrogen compounds at the end of 12 months. It is noticeable that the increase in these water-soluble compounds is largely confined to the paranuclein, caseoses and peptones; the amount of amino acids remains small as compared with a normal eieese, Of the Same age. That rennet-enzym acts like pepsin in dissolving the protein of fresh cheese-curd has been shown by experimental work. Heated milk (100 cubic centi- meters), treated with chloroform to prevent bacterial action, was put into sterilized bottles; 0.22 cubic cen- timeter of Hansen’s fresh rennet-extract was added to some bottles, and to others 0.06 gram of aseptic scale-pepsin for each 7 grams of protein in milk. In the case of one-half of the bottles, 0.5 cubic centimeter of pure lactic acid was added. The bottles were kept at 60° F. The germ content was shown to be insig- nificant. In one set of experiments milk was used 364 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING and in another, cheese. The results obtained with rennet-extract and commercial pepsin in the case of milk are given below. COMPARISON OF DIGESTING ACTION OF RENNET-EXTRACT AND COMMERCIAL PEPSIN Percentage of total nitrogen in form of: Kind of | With or Age of enzym without milk material | jactic acid when Water-soluble Caseoses , used analyzed | proteins and and Amino derivatives peptones acids Months oral trend erat: een cea s Fresh 9.98 wats a a Rennet ..| Without 1 11.96 5.50 6.47 Pepsin...| Without 1 8.91 222 6.69 Rennet... With 1 21-52 20.39 CAS Pepsin... With 1 Sisal 25.93 7.58 Rennet...} Without 3 16.44 8.06 8237 Pepsin...| Without 3 11.42 2.42 9.00 Rennet.. . With 3 39817 29.01 10.16 Pepsin... With 3 44,47 34.22 10.25 Rennet...| Without 6 15.95 12.74 Sea Pepsin...| Without 6 10.34 6.60 3.74 Rennet.. . With 6 44.00 38.46 5.54 Pepsin... With 6 48.76 44.74 4.02 Rennet...}| Without 9 18.00 12.90 Rae: Pepsin...| Without 9 10.08 6.51 3510 Rennet... With 9 50.77 42.66 8.11 Pepsin... With 9 56.96 48.05 8.91 An examination of this table shows that there is a very fair parallel in the digesting action of rennet- extract and commerciai pepsin. Thus, the action in- creases when acid is added; the increase of soluble proteins is largely confined to caseoses and peptones ; the amount of amino acids remains practically unchanged; no ammonia is formed. The results CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 305 indicate that the action of pepsin was able to account for all the changes observed in the case of rennet-extract im the presence of acid. But an inter- esting difference is observable in connection with the results when no acid was present. We notice that, in the absence of acid, there is a gradual increase of soluble compounds in the case of rennet-extract from 9.98 to. 18.00 at the end of 9 months, but no such increase is seen with the commercial pepsin. This difference suggests that the rennet-extract contained, in addition to the peptic ferment proper, a digesting enzym not contained in the commercial pepsin; this enzym shows the ability to dissolve insoluble protein even in the absence of acid. This observation has been confirmed by the work of others. The effect of commercial pepsin in increasing in cheese the amount of water-soluble proteins, when EFFECT OF COMMERCIAL PEPSIN IN CHEESE-RIPENING Nitrogen, expressed as percentage of nitrogen in cheese, in form of: Age of No. of | cheese | Form of experi- when |Enzyms| Water- Para- ment ana- added soluble : nuclein, : lyzed proteins Brine- | caseoses | Amino |Ammo- Andee soluble || .Ad pep- acids nia rivatives tones 3 Per cent | Percent | Percent |Perct. | Perct. = Fresh | Rennet- extract 4.76 65.45 2.41 2.36 0 1 6 months DS aM 17.14 15.87 6.35 2.00 2 Fresh | Rennet 6.97 36.76 4.11 2.86 m0) and1 gm. 2 6 months} pepsin 29.80 17.04 16.47 le LO 1.91 3 Fresh Rennet 25.00 59.53 22.80 2.20 .O & 15 gm. 3 3 months! pepsin 46.67 dao 41.00 5.68 0.49 306 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING used in increasing amounts, is shown by the results given on page 305, which were obtained in an experi- ment in which the cheese was made in an entirely normal way, except that hydrochloric acid was used in place of lactic acid or a “starter.” The following tables are taken from the records of the Wisconsin experiment station: DIGESTING ACTION OF DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF RENNET- EXTRACT IN CHEESE Nat sa GE Agerot Percentage of nitrogen in form of: rennet- cheese extract when Water soluble Caseoses and Amino used analyzed proteins and peptones acids derivatives Ounces Months 3 13.80 10.18 3.62 12 1 18.85 15-17 3.68 24 1 24.83 21.06 Suid 3 3 235205 ilar hel 11.56 12 5 31.93 20.18 iS 24 3 34.54 22.80 LTA: DIGESTING ACTION OF RENNET-EXTRACT AND PEPSIN IN CHEESE Cheese made Percentage of nitrogen in form of: with large Age of amount of cheese rennet and when Water-soluble : with rennet [analyzed proteins and Caseoses and Amino plus pepsin derivatives peptones acids Normal cheese! 70 days 26.67 14.57 12.10 Normal cheese and pepsin..| 70 days 37.47 25.07 12.40 We may summarize as follows the results estab- lished by investigation regarding the relation of ren- net-extract to the cheese-ripening process: CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 367 (1) Rennet-extract contains an enzym which has the power of digesting or dissolving the insoluble protein in cheese. (2) Such digesting action by rennet-extract does not take place in cheese which has been made without any acid or acid salt in the milk and curd. (3) The digestive action of the enzym contained in rennet-extract exerts its digesting power only in the presence of acids or acid salts. In the case of normal cheese, the acid formed in the cheese-making process is lactic acid, which, however, does not act as free acid, since it reacts with calcium salts, form- ing neutral calcium lactate and calcium acid phosphate and, probably, citrate. The acid salts enable the ren- net-enzym to exert its digesting power. The same general result may be accomplished by adding a free acid or an acid salt to milk during the cheese-making process. (4) The extent to which the digesting enzym of rennet-extract can act depends largely upon the degree of acidity developed in the cheese-making process. It is probable that no action begins until the equivalent of 0.30 per cent of lactic acid has been formed. (5) The products formed by rennet digestion of cheese proteins are largely confined to the bodies known as_ caseoses and peptones, only small amounts of amino acids being formed and little or no ammonia. — (6) Increased use of rennet-extract in cheese- making results in a more rapid formation of water- soluble protein compounds. This is not due, as some formerly thought, to an increased amount of water in cheese, which was supposed to be a necessary result 3608 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING of using larger amounts of rennet-extract. Increased amounts of whey in cheese may, if not too excessive, favor more rapid action of the peptic ferment in rennet, because increase of whey in cheese means increase of milk-sugar and this means more lactic acid. (7) Commercial pepsin, when used in milk and cheese, behaves in a manner closely resembling rennet-extract; since it acts only in the presence of some acid or acid salt and forms relatively small amounts of amino acids as compared with caseoses and peptones. (8) Rennet-extract, therefore, contains an enzym which has the power of performing the same kind and amount of digesting work in cheese-ripening as pepsin. (9) Rennet-extract appears to contain, in addi- tion to the peptic ferment, another ferment which has the power to digest milk-casein to some extent in the absence of acids or acid salts. ACTION OF GALACTASE IN CHEESE- RIPENING The main characteristics of the milk-enzym, galac- tase, have been discussed already (p. 297). It has been shown that galactase prepared from separator- slime in the manner described by Babcock and Rus- sell contains, at least, two other enzyms. But we are not particularly interested to know in this discussion whether galactase is one or two or more enzyms; the point of importance here is that milk contains a substance which has the power under certain condi- tions of converting milk-casein and the paracasein of cheese-curd into soluble forms of proteins and CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 369 protein derivatives. The fact, first discovered by Babcock and Russell, that there is such an enzym has been abundantly confirmed by work done at the New York experiment station and elsewhere. The work done by the discoverers in studying the properties of galactase led them to regard as one of the distinguishing characteristics of this enzym its ability to convert casein and paracasein into simpler proteins and protein derivatives, finally forming ammonia. On the basis of this property, the conclusion was reached by them that galactase is the chief agent in the ripening of cheddar cheese. Work done at the New York experiment station failed to confirm the conclusion that galactase could form ammonia in the case of either milk or cheese. In carrying on the work in New York, cheese was made from milk to which chloroform had been added and the cheese was kept in an atmosphere of chloroform, in order to prevent the action of micro- organisms. The only ripening agents present were, therefore, galactase and the enzym or enzyms of rennet. Cheese, thus made and ‘kept, has de- veloped no ammonia, or possibly slight traces only, even after 24 months. The data on the next page illustrate this fact. Stated in a general way, these results show that (1) in cheese made and ripened in the presence of chloro- form, the amount of caseoses and peptones is largely in excess of the amount of amino acids; (2) the reverse is true in normal cheese; (3) that ammonia appears in normal cheese much earlier and in larger amounts than in chloroformed cheese, appearing in ‘the latter only after 12 months. About as much ammonia ap- peared in the normal cheese in I month as appeared in 370 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the chloroformed cheese in 2 years. The amount of amino acids formed in the chloroformed cheese in 2 years was about equal to the amount formed in the normal cheese at 5% months. From these results, it is seen that, in a normal cheese, the amino acids continuously increase, while DIFFERENCE IN CHARACTER OF CHEMICAL CHANGES IN NORMAL AND IN CHLOROFORMED CHEESE Percentage of nitrogen in form of: Character of cheese Age |Water-soluble |Caseoses| Amino | Ratio proteins and jand pep-| acids of Ammo- derivatives tones (1) to (2)| Bie Months | (1) (2) Normal cheese 1 16.70 2.95 542 Mendes 0.86 Chloroform ‘“ 1 8.73 Seal 0.86 | 1:0.23 .00 Normal rs 14 20.30 Deo 8.49 | 1: 3.40 1.29 Chloroform “ 14 12.00 Theil 1.82 LOE S 0.00 Normal af 34 29.80 5.37 12.60 | 122.40) ee Chloroform “ 34 17.50 10.20 Seo 2a olenO son 0.00 Normal 2 54 34.60 4.97 18.50 ius i7 (0) Bins hs, Chloroform ‘“‘ 54 22.30 12.40 Ara, |’ UWHO39 0.00 Normal we 7 36.10 3.08 2OANO) | 6550 4.42 Chloroform ‘ 7 24.00 10.90 Sali One: 0.00 Normal - 9 37.85 2.70 23.50 |} 178270 4.87 Chloroform ‘ 9 29.50 12252 11260) 5) eHOs95 0.00 Normal ee 12 42.30 3.03 2A Wy Vese2e 5.69 Chloroform “ 12 34.70 11.89 SS 707) te ieSS 0.35 Normal sy 15 45.10 4.47 27.43 L614 6.04 Chloroform ‘‘ 15 37.40 15.68 14.41 1: 0.92 0.98 Normal * 18 46.07 2.44 30/0)7 isle 5.45 Chlorotorm “ 18 37.05 10.60 21.06 1125200 cee Chloroform ‘“‘ 24 40.26 21.82 18.45 | 1:0.84 1.04 the caseoses and peptones increase for some months and then decrease. In a chloroformed cheese, the dif- ferent classes of compounds under discussion all in- crease continuously from the beginning for two years and more. In normal cheese, traces of am- monia appear at an early stage of ripening, while, in chloroformed -cheese, the first traces usually appear CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 371 only after the lapse of about one year, and the increase is so very slow, that even after two years, only minute amounts are present. Irom these results, it appears that while galactase performs important work in the ripening of cheese, it cannot be the chief factor in this process, because its action produces amino acids only very slowly, and ammonia practically not at all within the normal lifetime of cheddar cheese. One of the properties of galactase is its sensitive- ness to acids. In milk containing 0.15 per cent of hydrochloric acid, the galactase is much less active than in milk containing less acid. In the work done at the New York experiment station, the addition of as much as 0.2 per cent of acid materially increased the amount of soluble protein compounds in cheese. Thus, cheese made with no acid had not ripened at all in 3 months, while cheese made with acid under con- ditions otherwise the same, contained 32.37 per cent of its nitrogen in soluble form in 3 months. This fact also is not consistent with the belief that galactase is the chief agency in the process of cheese-ripening. ACTION OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN CHEESE-RIPENING We come now to a consideration of the fourth and last agency which has been assigned as one of the causes of the chemical changes in the ripening of ched- dar cheese, micro-organisms. Although we discuss this subject last, it was, in point of time, the first to be studied. When the subject of cheese-ripening was first taken up for serious study, it was thought that the whole process was due to the action of bacteria, and all efforts were confined to this single line of 372 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING investigation for years, to the neglect of all other possibilities. The general statement of this theory is that the changes observed in proteins during the cheese-ripening process are caused by the direct action of micro-organisms. This has appeared in many dif- ferent forms according to the particular kind of micro- organisms to which the work was attributed. Of the different micro-organisms assigned as the cause of cheese-ripening, we can mention only one, the lactic acid organisms. Freudenreich has been the most preminent champion of this explanation of the changes in cheese-ripening, and he devoted years of investigation to the lactic acid organisms. In favor of this particular theory, we have the fol- lowing facts: (1) The lactic acid species of bacteria are abundant from the start and increase in num- bers enormously for some time, suppressing the growth of those bacteria that are known to have the power of transforming milk-casein and_ the paracasein of cheese-curd into soluble products. (2) ‘There is a coincidence in time betweenyahe early marked advance in the formation of soluble proteins and the period of bacterial increase. Against this theory we have the following facts: (1) The lactic acid bacteria that are most useful in cheese- making have not been satisfactorily shown to have the power of changing milk-casein or paracasein into soluble products. (2) Ammonia is found at an early stage of cheese-ripening, but it has not been proved that lactic acid organisms produce ammonia. (3) A large proportion of the chemical changes in cheese proteins appear after the lactic acid bacteria have greatly decreased in number. This has been explained by saying that the bacteria secrete an enzym which CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 3/35 digests cheese proteins, and this continues the work long after the bacteria themselves disappear. The existence of such enzyms from such a source has not been satisfactorily proved yet. The weight of evi- dence up to the present time appears to indicate that the chief, if not the only, work of the lactic acid bac- teria is completed when milk-sugar has been changed into lactic acid. We may ask here, What justification have we for the germ theory in general? (1) It has been shown that various germs found in cheese have the power to cause in milk-casein and paracasein changes much like those observed in cheese. (2) Cheese-curd, treated with germicides, fails to ripen. (3) Milk, sterilized and made into sterile cheese, does not ripen. Apparently, there is no ripening, at least nothing like complete ripening, when there are no micro- ercanisms in cheese. The telations of certain micro-organisms to certain kinds of cheese, espe- cially of the soft type, have been satisfactorily worked out, but the relations to hard types of cheese, like the cheddar, are far from being satisfactorily known. In going over the results of investigations that bear on the subject of cheddar cheese-ripening, we have seen (1) that lactic acid bacteria do an important and necessary work in changing milk-sugar into lactic acid, which reacts with calcium salts in the milk, form- ing neutral calcium lactate and acid calcium phos- phate. (2) We have seen that, in the presence of the acid medium thus furnished by the action of lactic acid bacteria, the peptic enzym contained in rennet is able to bring about quite extensive chemical changes in the protein of the curd or green cheese, forming such 374. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING compounds as paranuclein, caseoses and peptones and much smaller proportions of amino acids and little or noammonia. (3) Galactase is able to perform chem- ical work similar in character to that of rennet-pepsin, but how much insoluble protein it can render soluble in a given period of time, we do not know. (4) None of the three agencies previously mentioned has the power of forming ammonia, as found in normal cheese-ripening. It, therefore, appears that bacteria alone must be responsible for the production of am- monia and of a large proportion of the amino acids. It is obvious that the process of cheese-ripening is not as simple as was once believed, but, on the con- trary, is exceedingly complex. We cannot say yet just what part each agent plays nor to what extent each is independent of, or dependent upon, the others. For example, the digesting action of rennet is clearly dependent upon acidity. Does the action of rennet have anything to do with the changing of the in- soluble curd into a brine-soluble substance and back again into a substance insoluble in brine? Or are these changes immediately dependent upon acid-form- ing bacteria? Does the rennet have any digesting effect until the brine-insoluble form of protein ap- pears? What forms of cheese proteins can galactase or other milk enzyms attack and under what condi- tions of acidity, temperature, etc.? | When do the bacteria begin their work in rendering soluble the insoluble cheese proteins? Or do they act only upon the products formed by rennet or galactase? Is the bacterial work confined to one specific micro-organism, or is the work associative? We thus see that there are many details still un- settled; but, in view of what we think we know now, CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES 375 we are justified in believing that the chemical changes of cheese-ripening are the result of several different kinds of fermentative agents, the precise relations of each of which to the details of the ripening process have not been satisfactorily worked out yet. CHEESE FLAVORS In connection with the ripening of cheese, the ques- tion of cheese flavor is, of course, one of paramount importance. What do we know about the origin of cheese flavor, the particular substance or compound that the flavor comes from, and the method of its formation? Very little, in detail. When we speak or think of flavors in cheese, we too commonly view them in a vague, misty and mysterious way. As a matter of fact, flavors are realities, and sometimes very striking ones, and they come from real things. Every flavor represents one or more specific chemical compounds. Some one chemical compound, or, it may be, some mixture of two or more definite chemical compounds, is entirely responsible for each and every flavor found in cheese, or, for that matter, anywhere else, whether pleasant or other- wise. The study of the problem of cheese flavors has received less attention than that of the chemical changes in cheese proteins, though the two questions are probably closely related. The questions that present themselves in connection with the normal flavors of American cheddar cheese are: (1) What are they? (2) Where do they come from? (3) What produces them or what is the manner of their formation ? 376 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING The following facts have some bearing on these questions: (1) Newly made cheese has no real cheese flavor. (2) Some days or weeks must pass before real cheese flavor begins to appear. (3) The breaking down of the a contained in the cheese-curd and green cheese, resulting in the formation of water-soluble protein derivatives, pre- cedes, to some extent, the appearance of flavor in cheese. (4) Cheese flavors are produced by some chemical change in some compound or compounds present in | green cheese. (5) In experiments where bacterial action is pre- vented, we do not find cheese flavor. (6) Neither galactase nor rennet nor pepsin ap- pears to be able to produce compounds that have an- flavor at all. (7) Flavor develops more quickly at higher than at lower temperatures. (8) Flavor develops more rapidly in a moist than in a dry cheese. (9) Many of the abnormal flavors of cheese can be traced directly to specific micro-organisms. For example, the offensive odor, usually characterized as “taint,” is traced to a gas-producing organism closely related to Bacillus coli communis, a species of bacteria commonly found in the intestinal tract. (10) Bitter flavor in cheese has been identified as a compound formed from acetaldehyd (produced by the alcoholic fermentation of milk-sugar) and am- monia, the product of bacterial action. CAUSES OF RIPENING CHANGES Be) (11) The flavoring substance, whatever it is, is present in extremely small amounts (12) A cheesy flavor often develops in butter that is not kept at sufficiently low temperature. A distinct cheesy flavor is common in kumiss, when it is one or two weeks old. What suggestions can we derive from the preceding statements ? (1) It is quite possible that the particular com- pounds which furnish cheese flavor are certain pro- tein derivatives that are formed only after the lapse of some time and are much simpler than the principal protein found in the green cheese. This suggestion is supported by certain facts. (a) Cheese flavors do not appear until these simpler compounds begin to be formed. (b) Such compounds are known to be capable of furnishing flavors. (c) Extremely minute quantities of such substances go a long way in pro- viding flavor. Owing to the extremely minute quan- tities of such compounds present, the problem of isolating and identifying them is one of great diffh- culty. (2) We find that, in cheese cured at low tempera- tures, we have, in general, about the same kinds of compounds as in cheese cured at higher temperatures, but the chemical changes have not gone quite so fast and we have smaller quantities of these compounds formed that produce flavor. This is in full agreement with the characteristic mild flavor of cold-ripened cheese. (3) In old cheese, ‘characterized by very strong flavor, especially a pungent odor and biting taste, ammonia is always present in large quantities as com- 378 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING pared with mild-flavored cheese. The pungent flavors are due to ammonia compounds. (4) As to the material source of flavoring com- pounds in cheese, it is quite probable that they come from the changing of paracasein into simpler com- pounds, especially such compounds as amino acids and ammonia. (5) Fat was formerly regarded as the sole source of flavor in cheese, and in butter also. It is true that when fat in cheese decomposes, it may form a variety of flavoring substances, such, for example, as butyric acid, the characteristic flavor of rancid cheese and butter; but such flavors are offensive. Fat in ched- dar cheese does not appear to undergo any appreciable change in the early stages of cheese-ripening, espe- cially when cheese is ripened under proper conditions of temperature. The decomposition of fat which gives rise to the small white specks sometimes observed in cheese ripened at low temperature does not affect the flavor in any way. (6) What is the probable cause of formation of cheese-flavoring compounds? It is well-known that the action of certain bacteria is responsible for many of the bad flavors of cheese. Up to the present time, we are unable to find any satisfactory cause other than micro-organisms for the real, desirable cheese flavor ; because, in the absence of living organisms or of the enzyms secreted by them, we get no flavor. CHAPTER XXVI Commercial Relations of Cheese-Ripening In the three chapters preceding, we have considered cheese-ripening in relation to (1) the conditions that affect the loss of weight during the ripening process, (2) the chemical changes taking place, and (3) the causes of the changes that occur in the process. In- cidentally, we have touched upon some of the practical relations of the results, but have reserved for a separate chapter a more detailed discussion of the commercial aspects of cheese-ripening. | We propose now to take up for more extended treatment some of the practical applications of the results of investiga- tion and shall consider the following subjects: Co} Extent of ripening losses at cheese-factories, (2) value of water in cheese to dairymen, (3) moisture ‘1 cheese in relation to commercial quality, (4) the proper percentage of moisture in cheese, (5) value of water in cheese to consumers, (6) the reduction of ripening losses in commercial investigations, (7) the relation of conditions of ripening to the quality of cheese, (8) the effects of freezing on quality of cheese, (9) financial application of results of cheese- ripening investigations. FACTOPY LOSSES IN RIPENING From inquiries made among cheese-makers several years ago, we found quite a variation in respect to the loss of moisture experienced by them in ripening 379 380 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING cheese. One of the most complete records, covering an entire season, furnished by a cheese-maker and factory owner who has better than average conditions in his curing-rooms, made the average loss of weight during 30 days amount to about 5 vounds per 100 pounds of cheese. Others reported an average loss for the first 30 days as high as 10 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese. The average loss was somewhere between these two extremes, probably not far from 7 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese. In many fac- tories, conditions have not improved since the inquiry was made. VALUE OF WATER IN CHEESE TO DAIRY- MEN To the cheese-maker and producer of milk, water in cheese is money when put there in the right way and in the proper proportions. It is essential, in the process of manufacture, to incorporate water in cheese in quantities best suited to the requirement of the market for which the cheese is intended, and then it is equally essential that the water be kept there with the least possible loss. From the dairymen’s stand- point, it is desirable to sell as much water in cheese as will suit the consumer. In preventing excessive loss of moisture, there is more water to sell at cheese prices, and at the same time a resulting product that suits the consumer better. In the conditions prevail- ing in many factories, high temperatures which cause increased loss of moisture also cause loss of fat by exudation from the surface of the cheese. At 75° F. and above, this loss becomes considerable. It has been shown that the loss of moisture in curing-rooms can COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 381 be reduced to 4 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese under conditions practicable at factories. Using this figure as a basis for calculation, we find that, for every 100 pounds of cheese, an average of 3 pounds of water could be saved to sell at cheese prices. This would mean an average increase of 30 cents, received for every 100 pounds of cheese. This would mean an average saving of $300 a season for a factory with a total season’s output of 100,000 pounds of cheese. One cheese-maker reports that he calculated one sea- son’s loss from shrinkage and found it over $600. While such losses may not be regarded as large in comparison with the total receipts, they constitute a noticeable percentage when viewed as unnecessary decrease of profits, and are well worth saving. MOISTURE IN CHEESE IN RELATION TO COMMERCIAL QUALITY We have just called attention to increased re- ceipts coming from cheese, as a result of preventing excessive loss of moisture. Such saving of moisture not only increases the amount of cheese to be sold but also increases the value of the cheese from the standpoint of commercial quality. The relations existing between moisture and flavor are known only in a very general way. But we know something of the general relation between moisture and texture. Excessive moisture produces a degree of softness, which is undesirable, from a commercial standpoint, and at ordinary temperatures favors the formation of holes, a serious fault in the texture of cheddar cheese intended for export trade. On the other hand, deficient moisture favors the production | 382 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING of a crumbly, dry, mealy body, which is an undesir- able condition. High temperatures cause excessive loss of moisture and result in the production of a crumbly body. This condition injures the commer- cial quality of cheese and results in lower prices for such cheese. The following table illustrates, in a practical way, the effect of different temperatures upon texture and moisture: EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE OF CURING ON TEXTURE AND MOISTURE OF CHEESE Temperature of Texture of cheese Moisture lost by 100 curing-room (Perfect texture is 25) pounds of cheese Lbs. 55°. 24.6 8.5 60°F. 24.4 9.0 Hoa. 2320 9.2 10°R. 22) 10.2 ioe 21-4. 10.7 80°F. 20.6 Sila WHAT PERCENTAGE OF MOISTURE SHOULD CHEESE HAVE? Much of the cheese made in New York contains, in the fresh state, from 36 to 37.5 per cent of water. The home-trade cheese, much of which is made in the fall, contains 38 to 40 per cent of water. For the average consumer, it is safe to say, the amount of moisture in cheese should be not less than 33 to 35 per cent at the time of consumption. Taking every- thing into consideration, it is reasonable to expect better results in reference to quality by holding a moderate amount of moisture in the green cheese and so ripening as to lose only a small amount of water, COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 383 than by holding an excessive amount of moisture in the green cheese and so ripening as to lose a larger amount of moisture. Some cheese-makers expect that they must lose 10 pounds of weight per 100 pounds of cheese in ripening, and they attempt to meet this loss by retaining 40 per cent or more of moisture in the cheese. Such a practice cannot lead to good re- sults from any point of view. A fact that should not be lost sight of in this con- nection is this: Cheese ripened at such low tempera- tures as are favorable to diminishing the loss of moisture can carry larger amounts of moisture from the start without impairing the quality VALUE OF WATER IN CHEESE TO CONSUMERS In the first place, cheese that has not lost too much of its moisture is more pleasing to the taste of the average consumer. In the next place, the more com- pletely a cheese dries out, the harder and thicker is the rind and the greater the loss to the consumer. Most people have become accustomed to such a waste, but much of it is unnecessary. In a carefully ripened cheese, the rind is comparatively moist and only a very thin portion need be lost, and even this can be used in cooking. REDUCTION OF RIPENING LOSSES IN COMMERCIAL INVESTIGATIONS In 1902-3 an investigation, on a commercial scale, was undertaken by the Dairy Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of 384. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Agriculture, in co-operation with the experiment sta- tions of Wisconsin and New York, in which cheese ' was ripened at 40°, 50° and 60° F’., some being cov- ered with paraffin. In 1903-4 the Dairy Division LI a gee wy, - EA Ne FIG. 47—-A WEEK’S TEMPERATURE RECORD OF A CURING-ROOM HELD AT 50°F repeated the work, but used a lower range of temperatures, 28°, 34° and 40° F., and, in one case, 5° F. The object of these investigations was to study on a commercial scale, under commercial con- ditions, (1) the influence which different tempera- tures have upon (a) the loss of weight in cheese, and (b) the commercial qualities of fhe *seWecse, Sard (2))" the: an fluence of covering cheese with — paraffin upon (a) the loss of weight in cheese, and (b) the commercial qualities of the cheese, when kept at different temperatures. In Stie=ditterent sets of x= periments, the cheeses used were of the following sizes: (1) Cheddars, 65-70 pounds; (2) Cheddars, 40-45 pounds; Flats or Twins, 30-35 pounds; Daisies; 720° pounds; -Young Americas; IO; to" 12% pounds; Prints, 10 pounds. The experiments were be- sun sins Octoper-\and) extended through periods of time lasting 20 to. 35 weeks. The. cheeses were obtained direct from fac- tories in New York, Pennsyl- yamia Ohio, “Michiean; —Tli- nois, Wisconsin and Iowa. They were I0 to 15 days old when placed: “my storage.) lir most Caccem tev. -fepresented wie cheddar type manufactured for export trade, clase-textured, Pee: wai firm-bodied and _ long-keeping. FIG. 48--TEMPERATURE Jn some cases the Michigan RECORD COVERING SEY- SPa i! MONTTHSIN chs YPC. was used, which is char- OF CURING - ROOMS acterized as soft-bodied, of high ° a AT 28° AND water content, more or less 385 386 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING porous and’ poor in keeping quality. Another type represented was the sweet-curd, more or less inter- mediate in qualities between the cheddar and the Michigan home-trade types. The cheeses were placed in storage during the ex- periments where the temperature could be very closely kept under control. Various devices and records are in use for ascertaining the uniformity of the tempera- ture from day to day. Two different forms of records are given in Figs. 47 and 48. It is not practicable to present the detailed results of the different experiments; we must limit our con- sideration to a general summary of the results. We shall present the results relating to the losses of ripen- ing under the following subdivisions: (1) Tempera- ture, (2) size of cheese, (3) type of cheese, and (4) coating with paraffin. Influence of temperature on loss of weight.—The results of the various investigations agree in the fol- lowing respects: (1) The cheese continued to lose weight in nearly every case as long as weighings were made (about 250 days), this being true at all tem- peratures employed (28°-60° F.). (2) The loss of weight was least at the lowest temperature (28° F.) and increased with rise of temperature. This can be illustrated in case of the 65-70-pound cheddars, as follows: POUNDS OF WEIGHT LOST FOR I00 POUNDS OF CHEESE STORED AT 28°F. 34°F. 40°F. 50°F. 60°F. 27 weeks ..... 1.81 4.18 4.68 6.00 9.90 35 weeks ..... 2.88 Ty be 5.87 eon 23 ee bree Sees Prey 25) etn eee eee 1 eh Wee e lee 2 COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 387 At the end of 27 weeks, the loss of weight was more than 3 times as great at 40° F. as at 28° F., and about 5 times as great at 60° F. as at 28° F. At the end of 35 weeks, the loss at 40° F. was just twice as great as aba2e° ol. Influence of size of cheese in loss of weight.— Small-sized cheeses, other conditions being the same, lost a larger amount of moisture than large cheeses. This aglene is shown at different temperatures by the following tabulated statement: WEIGHT LOST PER IOO POUNDS OF CHEESE IN 20 WEEKS Average weight of cheese At 40°F. PANG vas Obed At 60°F. Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 70 els) 2.4 4.2 45 Dil Sod Saal 35 3.9 5.9 8.5 124 4.6 8.1 12.0 The variation in loss between different sizes is much less at lower than at higher temperature. Influence of type of cheese on loss of weight.— Firm-bodied, close-textured cheese loses water less rapidly than soft-bodied, open-textured cheese (p. 324). Influence of paraffin coating on loss of weight.— Cheese covered with paraffin loses less weight than Bilecse Snot 50 coated.» By ‘covering cheese ‘with paraffin, a saving in loss of weight can be effected amounting to 5 or 6 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese ausoo' F.> and at 50° ©. or below. the total. loss, of weight can be reduced to I or 2 pounds per 100 pounds of cheese in the ordinary period of ripening. At 40° F., the loss in case of the large-sized ched- dar was reduced about one-half, as compared with 388 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING cheese not coated; at 34° F., nearly three-fourths of the loss was prevented; at 28° F., the losses were very slight, only a little over % pound in 27 weeks. The use of paraffin coating makes a greater propor- tionate saving in small cheeses than in large ones. In the case of the Young America cheeses, the loss at 40° F. was reduced to about one-fourth of what it was when the cheese was uncoated RELATIONS OF CONDITIONS OF RIPENING TO QUALITY OF CHEESE In all the experiments mentioned, carefully selected experts judged the cheese from a commercial stand- point and scored them. These examinations were made at regular intervals during the continuation of the experiments. The results will be considered with reference to the effect of (1) temperature, (2) coat- ing with paraffin. Influence of temperature on quality.—Below 40° F., and down to 28° F., the temperature does not appear to have any marked effect upon the commercial quality of cheese. Cheese ripened at 40° was superior, almost without exception, to cheese ripened at higher temperatures. The following figures show the aver- age scores at different temperatures: Temperature Score OLS CS Diet nee, ie Aaa a a PE TE ocr oS ee he SS Sina 3 95.7 BO el ctistaaly-c.o Iie ae Crna ae MEER eee cheats cree Chere Lc 94.2 PAD ly Aids cre echt Re ee Re Sener ae oth oo elo.c 91.7 There was more marked deterioration in quality between 50° and 60° F. than between 40° and 50° F. In general, the higher the temperature, the greater is COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 389 the relative detertoration of cheese in quality for each degree of temperature. The following figures demonstrate that the dif- ference in quality falls mostly on the flavor (50, perfect), and to a less extent on texture and body (25. periect )': Qualities | At 40°F. | Xt SOSE. | At 60°F. At any given time, the cheese ripened at 40° F. was usually better in quality than that at 50° F., and that at 50° F. was better than that at 60° F. The longer the time of ripening, the greater was the difference in favor of the lower temperatures, as illustrated in the following table: Age of cheese Score at 40°F. Score at 50°F. Score at 60°F. Weeks 10 96.3 94.7 92. 20 93.8 91.5 89.7 28 94.2 91.9 eae 35 95.3 The cheese cured at 60° F. showed such deteriora- tion of quality in 20 weeks that it was sold in order to prevent complete loss. Influence of paraffin coating on quality.—The effect of covering cheese with paraffin was, in several cases, to improve the quality of the cheese so covered. The difference was more marked at 60° F. than at lower temperatures. The cheese coated with paraffin 390 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING and ripened at 40° gave its highest score at the end of 35 weeks. In no case did the cheese coated with paraffin show any depreciation in quality as compared with cheese not so covered. These results are in har- mony with what one might reasonably predict. Any- condition which maintains in the cheese the uniformity of the moisture, when not in excess, favors the normal ripening changes. The finish of cheese was greatly improved by a coating of paraffin, since the growth of molds is pre- vented. In every case cheeses covered with paraffin were entirely clean, while the others were more or less heavily coated with molds. FIG. 49—-SECTION OF FROZEN CHED- DAR CHEESE AFTER STORAGE 5% MONTHS AT 5° F ‘THE EFFECTS OF FREEZING ON Qual. OF CHEESE Cheese placed in a room kept at 5° F. was im- mediately frozen hard. After a time the ends and sides appeared to be lumpy, due to the expansion of the frozen water in the cheese. After being 6 months in a frozen condition, the cheese was slowly thawed COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 391 and examined. When freshly cut, the appearance was normal, but the surface dried out more rapidly than in normal cheddar cheese. The body was crumbly, as in the case of a cheese deficient in water. Little or no ripening had taken place and such insipid flavor as there was did not resemble anything normal. The frozen cheese also showed a mottled appearance, nct shown by any other cheese ripened at 28° F. or above. Fig. 49 shows the appearance of a cheese after being kept at 5° F. for several months. FINANCIAL APPLICATION OF RESULTS OF CHEESE-RIPENING INVESTIGATIONS Any reduction in loss of weight or any improve- ment in quality in cheese-ripening means an increase of money that can be realized in the sale of cheese. We have seen that the curing of cheese at tempera- tures as low as 40° F. has the effect of (1) preventing loss of moisture and (2) increasing the value of the cheese. Therefore, we not only have more cheese to sell but can sell it at a higher price. Taking cheese 20 weeks old as a basis for comparison, we know how much weight is lost at different temperatures and also the difference in price. From these figures the fol- lowing tabulated statement is given: MONEY RETURNS AT SEVERAL TEMPERATURES Cured cheese ; : Temperature | equivalent to 100 | Market price of 1 Receipts from of curing pounds of green pound of cheese cheese cheese Wa Ea i ee | ot a ee Degrees F. Pounds Cents Dollars 40 96.2 T3225 1200 50 95.2 13.050 12.42 60 92.2 12.675 11.69 eee ee 392 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING These figures indicate that from 100 pounds of green cheese put into the curing-room we were able to re- alize from that cured at 40° F., 35 cents more than from cheese cured at 50° F., and $1.08 more than from that cured at 60° F. From the cheese cured at 50° F., we received 73 cents more for 100 pounds than from that cured at 60° F. If we compare our results obtained with cheese cov- ered with paraffin with those given by cheese not so covered, we have the following tabulated statement: COMPARATIVE VALUE OF PARAFFINED AND UNPARAF- FINED CHEESE Temper Cured cheese ature of | equivalent to 100 Value of 1 pound Receipts from curing- pounds of green of cheese cheese room cheese Paraf- | Not par- Paraf- | Not par- | Paraf- | Not par- fined affined fined affined fined affined Deg. F. | Pounds Pounds Cents Cents Dollars Dollars 40 99.7 96.2 14.25 14.25 14.21 13.70 50 99.5 95.2 14.25 14.25 14.19 13.56 60 98.6 O22, AUS) 13.50 13.56 12.45 At 40° IF. the difference in favor of the paraffined cheese is 51 cents for 100 pounds of cheese originally placed in the curing-room; at 50° F. the difference is 63 cents, and at 60° F., $1.11. Covering cheese with paraffin results in greater saving at higher tem- peratures than at lower temperatures. Comparing paraffined cheese cured at 40° F. with unparaffined cheese cured at 60° F., we find a differ- ence of $1.76 for 100 pounds of cheese in favor of the paraffined cheese and the lower temperature. COMMERCIAL CHEESE-RIPENING 393 These experiments demonstrate that, by curing cheese at lower temperatures than those that have been commonly in use, it is possible to obtain a perfect, edible quality of cheddar cheese, which means cheese of clean, mild, delicate flavor, somewhat lasting, but not so sharp as to bite the tongue; and body such that a piece of cheese on the tongue dissolves com- pletely, leaving only a sensation of smoothness and richness, with no trace of harshness or grittiness. Such cheese can be eaten without the disagreeable effect of long after-tasting, which imperfectly cured cheese produces. The consumption of cheese can be greatly stimulated by making the cheese right and then ripening it under proper conditions of tempera- ture and moisture. METHODS OF PROVIDING PROPER CON- DITIONS FOR CHEESE-RIPENING There are three ways in which the evils resulting from improper conditions of ripening can be over- come: (1) Immediate sale and removal of cheese, (2) providing proper conditions in cheese-factory and (3) central curing-stations. We will briefly consider each. Immediate sale and removal.—In factories which are provided with no adequate facilities for ripening cheese, it has in many cases come to be a custom to sell the cheese before it has had a chance to deteriorate. So far as the cheese-factory is concerired, this system relieves it of responsibility for the cheese after its manufacture; but the factory patrons lose such ad- vantage as would come from providing good curing- rooms and holding the cheese. The buyer has an 394. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING opportunity for any increased profit that comes from ripening the cheese properly; but too often he has no equipment for ripening and hastens to dispose of the cheese as quickly as possible. In such cases the cheese is put before consumers when it is still so green as to do injustice to the reputation of the cheese- maker and the cheese-factory. The most extensive cheese buyers usually have cold-storage plants and hold the cheese. Providing proper conditions in cheese-factory.— In many cases, probably in the majority of factories, the best interests of the factory will be conserved by providing a curing-room as a part of the factory equipment, such as is described on page 103. This is practicable, efficient and economical from every point of view. Central curing-stations.—In Wisconsin and Canada the problem of cheese-curing has been solved, to some extent, by providing buildings, centrally located with reference to a number of cheese-factories, where the cheese are taken as soon as practicable and stored until sold. Such curing-stations are provided with a modern cold-storage equipment and are able perfectly to control conditions of temperature and humidity. The cost of ripening cheese in this way is more than repaid by the increase of price received for the cured cheese. Part IV Methods of Making Different Varieties of Cheese: Stilton. English Sage. Cottage. Pasteurized Neufchatel Cream. Club. Edam. Gouda. CHAPTER XXVIT Methods of Making Different Varieties of Cheese While the original purpose of the authors was to confine the matter of the book to the subject of cheddar cheese, it has seemed desirable to devote one chapter to a brief description of the methods of making some other varieties of cheese. We have chosen for the most part those varieties which can be made with simple equipment. Such. varieties as Swiss cheese, for example, can not be properly treated in a limited way. STILTON CHEESE In England Stilton cheese is the most popular of all blue-mold varieties. In Canada, only a small quantity of Stilton cheese is manufactured and, in the United States, a still smaller quantity. First stages of cheese-making process.—The method of making modern Stilton cheese does not vary greatly in the early stages from that of cheddar cheese-making. Up to the time of salting, the process is practically the same in both cases. The main characteristic in Stilton cheese is that it should contain a uniform growth of blue mold distributed through its interior mass. Starting mold-formation.—The salt before being applied should be mixed with a small amount of 397 AYAWVANO NYXGOW V AO WOON ONIAISOaY MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 399 mold growth. As a result of this even distribu- tion of salt through the curd, the mold becomes uniformly distributed over the surface of each piece of curd. Pressing cheese.—The cheese is made in ordinary Young-America hoops and should weigh about 12 pounds each. The pressure should be light but con- tinuous for at least 48 hours. Ripening process.—To have Stilton cheese ripen into the best condition it should be kept in a damp, moldy cellar, where the temperature does not go above 65° F. Here the cheese soon becomes coated with blue mold, which influences the ripening process. Stilton cheese should not be consumed before it is at least 2 months old. ENGLISH SAGE CHEESE The manufacture of this variety is not large in America, but the demand for it is increasing. Early stages of cheese-making process.—Up to the time of applying the salt, the method of cheese- making is similar to that of cheddar cheese. At this time, 1 ounce of sage-dust is added to every 5 pounds of salt and the mixture evenly distributed over the curd. The latest method followed in making sage cheese in America is to add sage flavoring-extract to the milk before adding the rennet. A_ small portion of the milk is made up by itself in a small vat. To this small amount (generally from 5 to IO per cent of the total) some green coloring-mat- ter, such as sage leaves, pieces of corn leaves, or 400 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING clover leaves, is added to give the curd a green color. At the time of adding the salt, the uncolored curd and the colored curd are thoroughly mixed. When the cheese is pressed it presents a green, mottled appearance. | Pressing cheese.—This can be done in Young- America hoops, but the size of each should not be over 5 pounds in weight. The pressure should be continuous for at least 48 hours. Ripening process.—This variety of cheese can be ripened in an ordinary cellar or cool room where the temperature does not go above 60° F. COTTAGE-CHEESE Cottage-cheese is manufactured and consumed extensively in the United States. The original Dutch cottage-cheese is the product made by al- lowing milk to stand until it coagulates by the ordinary process of souring. The curd is put into cotton bags to drain, and, after all free whey has escaped, the curd is salted. It is then pressed into the form of balls and is ready for immediate con- sumption. The modern method of cottage-cheese-making differs somewhat from the above and gives a more uniform quality of cheese. Material to use.—Skim-milk should be used, as whole-milk loses too much of its fat in the manu- facturing process. Preparation and use of starter.—In making cot- tage-cheese on a large scale, time can be saved and quality improved by hastening the souring of the milk through the use of a starter prepared in the MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 401 manner already described (p. 18). The character of the starter is of much importance, since the flavor of the cheese almost entirely depends upon it. Impure starters may cause slimy fermentation, and from such curd the whey will not separate easily. 1. Method of making cottage-cheese without starter.—Milk is kept at a temperature of 70° to 75° F. until well curdled, which will usually require about 48 hours. The curdled mass is then broken by hand or cut by a curd-knife into large pieces, which should be as uniform as possible. The tem- perature is raised to 90° F., where it is kept till the whey appears clear. Heating should not be done too rapidly, as it injures the texture of the cheese. From 30 to 40 minutes should be required iG this.) About 15 minutes atter completion of the heating, or when the whey has become well separated from the curd, the whey is remoyed and the curd placed in muslin bags or on racks, where it is allowed to drain. The curd is then salted at the rate of I pound for 100 pounds of curd, or according to taste, then shaped into pound or half-pound balls, and finally wrapped in oiled paper. For the finest quality of cheese, the curd, before being made into balls, should be mixed with thick, ripened cream at the rate of 1 ounce of cream for 1 pound of cheese. 2. Method of making cottage-cheese with use of starter.—As soon as the skim-milk is placed in the manufacturing vat, from 2 to 3 per cent of good commercial starter is added and thoroughly mixed through the entire mass. The subsequent steps are similar to those given in preceding paragraph, 402 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING 3. Method of making cottage-cheese with use of starter and rennet.—The starter is added as pre- viously described. About 8 hours later rennet- extract. is. added: at the rate of. 1. ounce for eseu 1,000 pounds of milk. The rennet should be well diluted with cold water to prevent too rapid coagu- lation. The balance of the process is similar to that already described. When rennet is used, the coagula- tion can be secured with a smaller percentage of acid development. About 0.4 per cent acid in the whey at the time of its removal makes the best flavor and texture. 4. Method of making cottage-cheese from skim- milk and buttermilk.—This process is now becoming popular with manufacturers of cottage-cheese, since it affords a way of utilizing milk that might otherwise be wasted. The buttermilk and skim- milk. are mixed in various proportions. The tem- perature for heating the milk depends on the amount of buttermilk and the amount of acidity. The lower the temperature used consistent with a good coagulation, the smoother will be the texture of the cheese. In making cottage-cheese by any of these methods the quality can generally be improved and greater uniformity secured by the use of a small amount of rennet. 5. Method of making cottage-cheese by direct addition of hydrochloric acid.—Have the milk at 70° to 80° F. Measure out pure hydrochloric acid, of specific gravity 1.20, at the rate of 10 ounces for 1oo pounds of milk. Dilute with ten times its weight of cold water and add to milk gradually, “stirring the milk constantly while the acid is being MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 403 added. Continue the stirring until the curd sepa- rates completely, leaving a clear whey entirely free from milkiness. The whey is then removed from the curd and the operation completed as before. In order to get the proper flavor, it will be necessary to mix with the curd some sour, thick milk or cream. This method does not give as satisfactory results as the others described. Qualities of cottage-cheese.—Ilavor and texture are the most important qualities in cottage-cheese. The flavor should be that of mildly-soured milk or well-ripened cream. There should be an entire absence of all objectionable flavor, such as_ bitter taste, stable flavor, etc. If the cheese tastes too sour it is usually due to keeping too much whey in the curd. The use of a starter is apt to-insure the right kind. of ilaver.. Ihe’ texture of cottagée-cheese is largely dependent on the amount of moisture in the cheese. When the percentage of moisture is much below 70, the cheese is harsh, dry and sawdust-like. The right texture of cottage-cheese is smooth and free from grittiness. Difficulty is often experienced in securing a uniform quality at all seasons of the year. The trouble is generally caused by too sud- den changes in the temperature of the curd or in the development of lactic acid. | Cottage-cheese should be kept in a cool place. It usually sells for Esto, 1LO.cents per pound. Yield of cottage-cheese.—From 100 pounds of milk one should obtain from 20 to 22 pounds of cheese. Variation in moisture makes much variation in. yield, | 404. SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Composition of cottage-cheese.—Cottage-cheese of the best texture ‘contains 70 ta 75 per cent ian moisture. Curdling milk at too high a temperature and heating the curd too high or too long will make the cheese too dry. Cottage-cheese contains about 3.5 to 4 per cent of milk sugar and 2 to 2.5 per cert of nitrogen. PASTEURIZED NEUFCHATEL CHEESE This type of soft cheese is one of the most pal- atable of the kind. It is mild in flavor and easily digested. Method of making.—Place 30 pounds of clean, sweet, whole-milk in an ordinary, plain shotgun can, * Fhe*milk should then be heated to roy for 20 minutes by placing the can in hot water. After reaching this temperature it should be imme- diately cooled to 72° F. When cool, 1.0 cubic cen- timeter of clean, commercial starter is added, diluted in 100 cc. of cold water. When the starter has been evenly stirred through the milk, rennet is added at the rate. of 0.4 cc to 30. pounds im: milk. The rennet should be diluted with jcom water, at the ‘rate of 1. cc. of rennet to, 90);ceume water. Enough rennet should be used to give a firm coagulation in 12 hours. As soon as the milk has become firmly coagulated, it should be poured from the can onto a strainer-rack where the whey is allowed to drain from it. At this time, the whey dripping from the curd should have from 0.30 to 0.32 per cent acidity. High acidity spoils the char- acteristic flavor and taste. While the curd is dry- ing, it should have the portions on the outside of MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 405 the strainer stirred into the more moist portion in the center. This is to prevent hard particles form- ing from excessive drying. Some pressure may be used to aid in expelling the whey. The draining of whey should be so regulated that, at the time of salt- ing, it will not have more than 0.40 per cent of acidity. When all free whey has escaped, salt is applied at the rate of 144 pounds to 100 pounds of cheese. The cheese is shaped by small cylindrical molds and then wrapped in parchment paper and tin-foil. After being kept for 24 hours in a cool place, the cheese is then ready for eating. CREAM CHEESE The manufacture of cream cheese is very similar to that of pasteurized Neufchatel cheese, with the exception that the milk is not usually pasteurized. Milk is modified so that it tests about Io per cent of milk-fat. At the time of adding rennet, the acidity should not be more than 0.15 per cent. The cheese is shaped by square molds and each weighs usually about 4% pound. Sometimes cream cheese is made by adding cream to the curd of pasteurized Neufchatel cheese just before salt is applied. This method makes a cheese of very fine quality. CLUB-CHEESE Club-cheese is one of the most extensively used varieties of cheese. Practically every hotel and restaurant in every country uses more or less of it. 406 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING The manufacturing process is simple enough, and yet the desired quality is hard to obtain. The value of the cheese depends entirely upon the quality of the constituents used. Method of making.—One grinds 5 pounds of well-ripened cheddar cheese of finest quality in an ordinary meat-grinding machine. After the cheese has been through the machine once, one pound of butter of the best quality is mixed with it and the whole mass again run through the machine. The mixture is then stirred and worked with the hands till free from all lumps. It is then packed in jars of some form and must be kept in a cool place. It is well to smear the inside walls of the jar with melted butter before packing the cheese in it and then put a thin layer of melted butter over the top of the. packed cheese before. putting on cover. Finest. club-cheese usually sells for about 40 cents a pound. EDAM CHEESE Edam cheese is a sweet-curd cheese, made from partially skimmed milk. It comes to the market in the form of round, red balls, each weighing from 3% to’ 4 pounds when cured. They are largely manu- factured in Northern Holland and derive their name from a town which is famous as a market for this kind of cheese Kind of milk used.—Milk from which one-fourth to one-third of the fat has been removed is used. Too great pains cannot be taken in regard to the condition of the milk. It should be fresh, free from MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 407 every trace of taint; in brief, it should be in as per- fect condition as it is possible to have milk. Treatment of milk before adding rennet.—The temperature of the milk should be brought up to a point not below 85° F. nor much above 88° F. When the desired temperature has become constant, then the coloring-matter should be added to the milk and thoroughly incorporated by stirring before the rennet is added. Addition of rennet to milk.—When the tempera- lune. reaches. they desired pomt 65° to 88" PF: and remains there stationary, the rennet-extract is added, 4%4 to 5% ounces being taken for 1,000 pounds of milk, or enough to coagulate the milk in the desired time, at the actual temperature used. The milk should be completely coagulated, ready for cutting, in about 12 to 18 minutes from the time the rennet is added. The same precautions observed in making cheddar cheese should be followed in making Edam cheese with reference to care in add- ing the rennet, such as careful, accurate measurement, dilution with pure water before addition to milk, CLC. Cutting the curd.—When the curd breaks clean across the finger, it should be cut; the curd is cut a very little softer than in the cheddar process as ordinarily practiced. First, a vertical knife is used and the curd is cut lengthwise, after which it is allowed to stand until the slices of curd begin to show the separation of whey. Then the vertical knife is used in cutting crosswise, after which the horizontal knife is at once used. Any curd adher- ing to the bottom and sides of the vat is carefully removed by the hand, after which the curd-knife is 408 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING again passed through the mass of curd lengthwise and crosswise, continuing the cutting until the curd has been cut as uniformly as possible into very small pieces. Treatment of curd after cutting.—When the cut- ting is completed, then one commences at once to heat the curd up to the temperature of 93° to 96° F. The heating is done as quickly as possible. While the heating is in progress, the curd is kept constantly agitated to prevent settling and conse- quent overheating. As soon as the curd shows signs of hardening, which the experience of the worker will enable him to determine, the whey is drawn off until the upper surface of the curd ap- pears, when one should commence to fill the press- molds. Filling molds, pressing and dressing cheese.— The molds, which are described later in detail, are well soaked in warm water previous to use, in order to prevent too sudden chilling of curd and consequent checking of separation of whey. As soon as the whey is drawn off, as indicated above, one commences to fill the pressing-molds. The fill- ing should be done as rapidly as possible to prevent too great cooling of -curd. When the curd has been put into the molds, its temperature should not be below 88° F. Unless care is taken to keep the curd covered, the portion that is last put into the molds may become too much cooled. In making Edam cheese on a small scale, it is a good plan to squeeze the moisture out by the hands as much as possible and then break it up again before putting in the molds, when the curd should be _ pressed MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 409 into the mold by the hands as firmly as _ possible. The molds should be filled as nearly alike as pos- sible. The cheese should weigh from 5 to 5% pounds each when ready for the press.. When the filling of molds is completed, they are put under continual pressure of 20 to 25 pounds for about 25 or 30 minutes.. While the cheese is being pressed, some sweet whey is heated to a temperature of 125° or 130° F. and this whey should not be allowed to go below 120° F. at any time while it is being used. When the cheeses are taken from their molds, each is put into the warm whey for two minutes, then removed and dressed. For dressing Edam cheese the ordinary cheese-bandage cloth is used. This is cut into strips which should be long enough to reach entirely around the cheese and overlap an inch or so, and which should be wide enough to cover all but a small portion of the ends of the cheese when put in place. Before putting on the bandage, all rough projections should be carefully pared from the cheese. In putting on the bandage, the cheese is held in one hand and the bandage is wrapped carefully around the cheese, so that the whole cheese is covered, except a small portion on the upper and lower surface of the cheese. These bare spots are covered by small pieces of bandage cloth of a size sufficient to cover the bare surface. The bandage is kept wet with the warm, sweet whey, thus facilitating the process of dress- ing. After each cheese is dressed, it should be replaced in the pressing-mold, care being taken that the bandage remains in place and leaves no portion of the surface of the cheese uncovered and 410 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING in direct contact with the mold. The cheese is then put under continual pressure of 60 to 120 pounds and kept under this continual pressure for 6 to 12 hours. Salting and curing.—There are two methods which may be employed in salting, dry-salting and wet-salting. In dry-salting, when the cheese is finally taken from the press, it is removed from the press- mold, its bandage is removed completely and the cheese placed in another mold, quite similar, known as the salting-mold. Each cheese is placed in a salting-mold with a coating of fine salt completely surrounding it. The cheese is salted in this way once each day for 5 or 6 days. Each day the cheese should be turned when it is replaced in the mold, so that it will not be rounded on one end more than another. This is for the purpose of making both ends uniform in shape, giving each the proper rounding peculiar to the shape of the cheese. In the method of wet-salting, the cheese is placed in a tank of salt brine, made by dissolving common salt in water in the proportion of about one pound of salt to 21%4 quarts of water. Each cheese is turned once a day and should be left in the brine 7 or 8 days. When the cheese is taken from the salting-mold or salt bath it is placed in warm water and is given a vigorous, thorough brushing in order to remove all slimy or greasy substances that may have accumulated on the outer surface of the cheese. When the surface of the cheese is well cleansed, it is carefully wiped dry with a linen towel and placed upon a shelf in the curing-room. In being placed on the shelves, the cheeses should MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE AIT be placed in contact so as to support one another. until they have flattened out at both ends so much that they can stand upright alone. Then they are placed far enough apart to allow a little air space between them. Another method of securing the flattened ends is to support each cheese on opposite sides by wedge-shaped pieces of wood. After they are placed on the shelves in the curing-room, they are turned once a day and rubbed with the bare hand during the first month, twice a week during the .SccOnd iments atideionce a. week alter that. When any slimy substance appears on the surface of the cheese, it should be washed off at once with warm water or sweet whey. The special conditions of the curing-room will be noticed in detail below. When the cheeses are about two months old, they can be prepared for market, which is done in the following manner: They are first made smooth on the surface by being turned in a lathe or in some other manner, after which the surface is colored. For coloring, some carmine is dissolved in alcohol or ammonia to get the proper shade, and in this color-bath the cheeses are placed for about one min- ute, when they are removed and allowed to drain, and as soon as they are dry the outside of each cheese is rubbed with boiled linseed oil, in order to prevent checking. They are then wrapped in tin- foil, which is. done very much like the bandaging. Care must be taken to put the tin-foil on so that it presents a smooth, neat appearance. The cheeses are finally packed in boxes, each box containing 12 cheeses, arranged in two layers of six each, with a separate partition for each cheese. 412 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING . Curing-room.—Much more attention must be given to the condjtions of the curing-room as re- gards moisture and temperature than in the case of cheddar cheese. The curing-room should be well ventilated, should be quite moist and its tempera- ture should be kept between 50° and 65° F. These conditions are best secured in some form of cellar. Utensils employed in making Edam cheese.— Aside from the molds, continual press and _salt- ing-vat, the same apparatus that is used in making FIG. 50—-EDAM PRESS-MOLD AND COVER cheddar cheese can be used in making Edam cheese. The pressing-mold is turned preferably from white wood or, in any case, from wood that will not taint. Each mold consists of two parts; the lower part constitutes the main part of the mold, the upper portion is simply a cover. The lower portion or body of the mold has several holes in the bottom, from which the whey flows when the cheese is pressed. Care must be taken to prevent these holes being stopped up by curd. This portion of the mold is about 6 inches deep and 6 inches in diam- eter across the top. The salting-mold has no cover MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 413 and the bottom is provided with only one hole for the outflow of whey; in other respects it is much like the pressing-mold. Fig. 50 shows the external appearance of the press-mold with cover in position, the inner surface of the cover, and the inside appearance of the press- mold. Fig. 51 shows the press-mold and cover in FIG. 51—CROSS-SEC- FIG. 52—EDAM SALT- TION OF EDAM ING-MOLD IN CROSS- PRESS-MOLD AND SECTION COVER cross-section. Fig. 53 shows the salting-mold in external and internal appearance and Tig. 52 shows cross-section of the same. Qualities of Edam cheese.—The flavor of a per- fect Edam cheese is difficult to describe. It is mild, clean and pleasantly saline. In imperfect Edams the flavor is more or less sour and offensive. In body, a perfect Edam cheese is solid, rather dry and mealy or crumbly. This condition is secured by the use of partially skimmed milk, together with the special conditions of manufacture employed. 414 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING In texture, the perfect Edam cheese should be close and free from pores. Some general remarks.—There are a few points which may be best brought to our attention by con- trasting some of the conditions used in the manufac- ture of Edam cheese with those employed in the manufacture of our American cheddar cheese. (1) One is made from partially skimmed milk; the other, when at its best, is made from whole milk. MORIN he Hay FIG. 53—-SALTING-MOLD, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE APPEARANCE (2) While it is very important in making cheddar cheese to have the milk in perfect condition, it is abso- lutely essential in making Edam cheese. (3) In making cheddar cheese, the removal of moisture is largely effected in the vat by the use of a higher temperature in heating the curd. In mak- ing Edam cheese, the removal of moisture depends more upon the fineness of cutting the curd and sub- sequent pressing. The latter process is much less economical as regards loss of milk constituents. (4) In making cheddar cheese, more or less lactic acid is formed according to special condi- tions; in making Edam cheese, every effort is made MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 415 to hasten the process at every stage and prevent the formation of lactic acid. In one case, we work to produce an acid curd; in the other, a curd as free as possible from acid. e5-> Che details of Salime, and. curing differ Fadically ‘in’ the two methods, . In general, the manufacture of Edam cheese requires labor and care in giving attention to many more details than the manufacture of cheddar cheese, however much the latter should have for best success. (6) Edam cheese sells for two or three times as much per pound as the best American cheddar. GOUDA CHEESE Gouda cheese is a sweet-curd cheese made from whole-milk. In shape, the Gouda cheese is somewhat like a cheddar with the sharp edges rounded off and sloping toward the outer circumference at the middle from the end faces. They usually weigh 10 or 12 pounds each, though they vary in weight from 8 to 16 pounds. They are largely manufactured in southern Holland, and derive their name from the town of the same name. Kind of milk used.—Fresh, sweet milk that has been produced and cared for in the best possible manner. Temperature of milk before adding rennet.—The temperature of the milk should be brought up to a point not below 88° F. nor much above go° F. When the desired temperature has been reached and has become constant, then the coloring-matter is added and thoroughly incorporated by stirring before the rennet is added. 416 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Addition of rennet to milk.—The rennet should not be added until the milk has reached the desired temperature (88° to go° I.) and this temperature has become constant. Then one adds 4 to 5 ounces of fresh rennet-extract for 1,000 pounds of milk. The milk should be completely coagulated, ready for cutting, in 15 or 20 minutes. The same precautions should be used in adding rennet as those previously mentioned in connection with the manufacture of Edam cheese. Cutting the curd.—The curd should be cut when it is of about the hardness generally observed for cutting in the cheddar process. The cutting is done exactly as in the cheddar process except that the curd is cut a little finer in the Gouda cheese. Cand should be about the size of peas or wheat kernels when ready for press and as uniform in size as possible. Treatment of curd after cutting.—When the cut- ting is completed, one commences at once to heat the curd and to stir carefully. The heating and constant stirring are continued until the curd reaches a temperature of 104° F., which should require from 30 to 40 minutes. When the curd be- comes rubber-like in feeling and makes a squeak- ing sound when chewed, the whey should be run off. The whey should be entirely sweet when it is removed. Pressing and dressing cheese.—After the whey is run off, the curd is put in the molds at onee without salting. Pains should be taken in this proc- ess to keep the temperature of the curd as near 100° F. as possible. Each cheese is placed under MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE @A17 continual pressure amounting to IO or 20 times its own weight and kept for about half an hour. The first bandage is put on in very much the same man- ner as the bandage in Edam cheese-making. The cheese is then put in press again for about one hour. The first bandage is then taken off and a second one like the first one put on with great care, taking pains to make the bandage smooth, capping the ends as before. The cheese is then put in press again and left 12 hours or more. Salting and curing.—When the cheese is taken from the press the bandage is removed and it is placed for 24 hours in a curing-room like that used in curing Edam cheese, as previously described (p. 412). Each cheese is then rubbed all over with dry salt until the salt begins to dissolve, and this same treatment is continued twice a day for ten days. mt the end of that time, each cheese is carefully and thoroughly washed in warm water and dried with a clean linen towel. The cheeses are then placed on the shelves of the curing-room, turned once a day and rubbed like cheddars. The tempera- ture and moisture are controlled as described in the curing process of Edam cheese. If the outer surface of the cheese gets slimy at any time, they are care- fully washed in warm water and dried with clean towels. Under these conditions, the cheese ripens in 2 or 3 months. Utensils employed in making Gouda cheese.— The molds, continual press and curing-room are the only things needed in the making of Gouda cheese that differ from the utensils employed in making cheddar cheese. The mold used for Gouda 418, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING cheese consists of two parts, which are shown separate in Fig. 54, while in Fig. 55 the two parts are shown united, ready for pressing. These molds were made of heavy pressed tin. The inside diam- eter at the middle is about 10 inches. The diameter of the ends is about 6% inches. The height of the mold (as seen in Fig. 55) is about 514 inches, and this represents the thickness of the cheese, but by pushing the upper down into the lower portion, the —<—— Ah > FIG. 54—TWO PARTS’ OF GOUDA MOLD, SHOWN FIG. 55—TWO PARTS’ OF SEPARATE GOUDA MOLD, UNITED thickness can be decreased as desired. A simple way to make a Gouda mold is to take two rounded wash basins made of pressed tin, cut them down so that they will be about 1% inches deep: Then on one portion is soldered a rim of tin about 3 inches wide (see Fig. 54 A, or Fig. 55, lower por- tion of mold). On the second wash basin is sol- dered another rim of tin 3 inches wide, about % inch of which projects beyond the open side of the wash basin, the rest projecting on the other side (see Fig. 54 B and Fig. 55, upper portion). This upper part, or B, should be made of such diameter that it will just fit into the inside of the MAKING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHEESE 419 other portion, as shown in Fig. 55. The upper por- tion is provided with two rings soldered on and the lower portion with two handles to facilitate handling. In the ends of the molds or the portions made from wash basins there are 18 or 20 perforations about iy inch in diameter, made for the purpose of letting the whey run out. 3 ay od oe Part V Methods of ‘Testing Cheese-Factory Organization. Literature of Cheese-Making. CHAP PER OSX V ITT Methods of Testing Used in Cheese-Making It is our purpose in this chapter to give, for the most part, only an outline of the methods of testing* used in connection with cheese-making, since the full details would occupy too much space. The methods to be considered cover the following substances: Poca we( 1) lke (2), whey, (3) curd, and (4) cheese. 2. Acidity in (1) milk, (2) whey, (3) curd, and (4) cheese: Strength of rennet-extracts. Dirt and ferments in milk. Specific gravity. Hot-iron test. Casein in milk. Oe aes THE BABCOCK TEST FOR FAT This is a method for determining the amount of fat in milk and its products. The test is based (1) on the action of strong sulphuric acid upon the solids of milk other than fat, by which the milk-fat 1s released from the restraining influence of other com- pounds and so is free to collect in one separate mass, and (2) on the use of centrifugal force, which is em- ployed to complete separation of the fat. The Bab- *For a full description of all the details of most of these methods, see “Modern Methods of Testing Milk and Milk Products,’’ published by the Orange Judd Company. 423 424 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKIN% cock test finds occasion for use in connection with cheese-making in the following ways: (1) Testing milk of individual patrons when dividends are made on the basis of the milk-fat; (2) testing milk to ascertain if its fat content has been seriously affected by skimming; (3) testing milk to use as a basis for estimating the yield of cheese and regulating the amount of salt used (p. 38); (4) testing whey and press-drippings to ascertain if the loss of fat is excessive, and (5) testing cheese for percentage of fat. Apparatus and materials used.—The following list includes the apparatus and materials used in making this test: (1) Test-bottles, graduated from o to Io per cent, so that each smallest division represents 0.20 per cent when 17.5 cubic centimeters (18 grams) of milk are used; (2) pipette for measuring milk, hold- ing 17.6 cubic centimeters to mark; (3) measure for acid, holding 17.5 cubic centimeters to mark; (4) centrifugal machine, having a wheel 12 to 20 inches in diameter, easily capable of being run at a speed of 700 to 1,200 revolutions a minute; and (5) commercial sulphuric acid having a specific gravity between 1.82 and 1.83, preferably just 1.825 (Test- ing Milk, etc., pp. 32-52). Sampling mill for egies Santi that has curdled, or on the surface of which cream has risen and dried, or milk the fat of which has partially churned, is dif- ficult to sample. These difficulties should not be com- mon in cheese-factory work, but, when they arise, careful attention should be given to the details pre- scribed for such cases (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 22- 24). The samples to be tested must be thoroughly mixed. of TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 425 Composite samples.—In order to avoid testing milk daily, composite samples may be prepared and tested at intervals of a week or ten days. Much care must be used in preparing and keeping composite samples (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 24-31). Method of operating the test.—(Testing Milk etc., pp. 53-66). In brief outline, the different steps are given as follows: | (1) Mix thoroughly sample of milk, which is at Go. to 70° FF. (2) Quickly fill pipette to mark with milk. (3) Run milk into test-bottle. (4) Fill acid-measure to mark with acid and pour ‘into test-bottle. (5) (a) Mix milk and acid thoroughly by rotary motion; (b) let stand 2 to 5 minutes; and (c) mix again. (6) Put fest-bottles im tester (centrifuge) and whirl 4 or 5 minutes at proper speed. (7) (a) Add fairly hot water up to neck of bot- tles; (b) whirl one minute; (c) add hot water to 8 or g per cent mark; and (d) whirl one minute. (8) Read results at temperature of about 130° F. Special precautions.—The following statements give an outline of the particular points to be observed in making the test in order to insure accuracy: (1) Always make tests in duplicate. (2) Make sure that the sample is a representative one. (3) Have the temperature of the milk and acid at 60° to 70° I. before putting in test-bottle. (4) Use only acid of right strength. 420 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (5) Mix milk and acid thoroughly as soon as acid is added. (6) Mix a second time after a short interval. (7) Make sure that the tester runs at the right speed and does not jar. (8) Use only clean, soft water in filling bottles. (9) Read bottles before they cool and at about P20, ‘F. (10) To guard against mistakes, read each test twice. Testing whey for fat.—The test is conducted in the usual way, except that special bottles having small necks for more accurate reading are used and less acid is generally sufficient (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 81- 83). Testing curd and cheese.—The sample to be tested is weighed. Care must be taken in sampling. The weighed sample is treated in the test-bottle with about 15 cubic centimeters of hot water, after which the acid is added and the test completed in the usual way (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 83-85). TEST FOR ACIDITY Fresh milk contains substances (casein and acid phosphates) which neutralize alkali and in this respect behave like acids. The amount of this acidity is approximately equivalent to 0.10 per cent. Amounts of acid above this figure are usually due to the action of lactic acid that has been formed by the bacterial decomposition of the sugar in the milk. It is the amount of acid thus formed which we usually desire to determine. TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 427 The method of ascertaining the acidity of milk is based upon the chemical action taking place between acids and alkalis. Acids and alkalis neutralize each other and form compounds called salts, which are neutral (neither acid nor alkaline). A substance used in showing whether a solution is acid, alkaline or neutral is called an indicator. The one in most com- mon use is a compound called phenolphthalein, which turns pink in alkali solutions and colorless in acid or neutral solutions. Only a few drops need be used in making one test. There are several different methods for testing acidity, but all are alike in principle. Mann’s acid test.—Measure exactly 50 cubic cen- timeters of milk into a clean porcelain cup or a glass. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein solution and then let in from a graduated burette or acidimeter, previously filled to the zero point, a little “neutral- izer.” A pink color appears and then disappears on stirring. Continue stirring and adding neutralizer, a little at a time, until the pink color remains even after considerable stirring. Look at graduation marks on burette and see how many cubic centi- meters have been used. Multiply this number by 0.018 and the result is the per cent of acidity equivalent to lactic acid in the liquid tested (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 101-103). Farrington’s alkaline tablet test.—In this form of test, the alkali and indicator are mixed together in the form of tablets. Five tablets are dissolved so as to make 97 cubic centimeters of solution, which is added, in small portions, from a graduated cylinder to 17.5 cubic centimeters of milk until the pink color re- mains. Each cubic centimeter of alkali solution 428 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING used stands for 0.01 per cent of acidity equivalent to lactic test (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 103-105). Testing acidity of whey.—Whey is tested in the same manner as milk. The sample of whey tested should be free from all curd particles, since curd has some power to neutralize alkali (Testing Milk, etc., pp. 109-110). Testing acidity of cheese—An extract of a weighed amount of cheese is made and this extract is tested for acidity in the usual way (Testing Milk, etc, Pp. TIO). Special precautions in making acidity tests.— In carrying out tests for acidity, certain points of the operation must be kept carefully in mind. (1) The material tested must be thoroughly mixed before taking a sample. (2) The water used in preparing the alkali solu- tion should be neutral, soft and clean. Distilled water is best. (3) Alkaline tablets must be kept dry. (4) The alkali solution, whichever form is used, must be kept from contact with air as much as pos- sible to prevent change of strength. (5) Prepare fresh solution of alkaline tablets for best results. (6) Make tests only in a good light. QUICK TEST FOR ACIDITY OF MILK It is often desirable to ascertain quickly whether milk or cream contains more or less than 0.2 or 0.3 per cent of acid. This can be done by the following method: An alkali solution is prepared by dissolving in an 8-ounce bottle 2 alkali tablets for each ounee TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 429 of water used, A No. Io brass cartridge shell, on which a wire handle is soldered, is used for meas- uring the sample to be tested and also the alkali. A cartridgeful of milk is placed in a teacup and then a cartridgeful of the alkali solution is added. The contents of the cup are mixed by a rotary motion. If the sample tested remains white, it contains over 0.2 per cent_of acidity; if a pink color remains, the acidity is less than 0.2 per cent. The intensity of the pink color indicates the relative amount of acid pres- ent, since the color will be more intense in proportion as there is less acid. Any other measure may be used in place of the brass cartridge-shell, but in every case care must be taken to use equal amounts of milk and of alkali solution. This test can be used at the weigh-can in case of milks that are suspected of containing 0.2 per cent or more of acid. THE MARSCHALL TEST In this test the same general procedure is followed as in the Monrad test, but the rate of coagulation is observed in a different way. The following pieces of apparatus are used: (a) A testing cup or basin, of about a pint capacity, for holding the milk to be tested. On the inside wall of this cup there are graduated spaces beginning with zero at the top and going by half-divisions to 7 near the bottom of the cup, while in the bottom of the cup is a glass tube with a very small bore. (b) An ounce bottle with a mark on it to indicate 20 cc. (c) A spatula for stir- ting the milk. (d) A’ cc. pipette. 430 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING The operation of conducting this test is as follows: Measure with the pipette 1 cc. of the rennet-extract used and empty it into the ounce bottle, previously half filled with clean, cold water. Rinse the pipette two or three times by drawing water into it from the bottle and allowing it to run back into the bottle. Mix well by shaking. Then place the milk to be tested in the test-cup, setting it in a level position and allow- ing the milk to run out at the bottom. Taking the bot- tle of diluted rennet in one hand and the spatula in the other, watch the level of the milk in the cup. The moment the upper surface of the milk drops to the zero mark, pour the diluted rennet into the milk and stir well. Then leave it alone. When the milk coagu- lates, it stops running through the glass tube. From the graduated scale, read the number of spaces un- covered on the inside of the cup, showing how many divisions of milk have run out. The more slowly the milk coagulates, the larger the amount that runs out; the more quickly the milk coagulates, the smaller the amount that runs out and the fewer spaces there are uncovered. When about 2% spaces are uncovered, the milk is ready for addition of rennet. The tempera- ture must be watched, being tested at the start and finish, especially in a cold room. Some objectionable features of the Marschall test should be noticed. atter-usine im one sample before placing them in another. TEST FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND SOLIDS OF MILK (Milk Testing, etc., pp. 127-132) Process of using Quevenne lactometer.—The sample of milk to be tested for specific gravity is brought to a temperature between 50° and 70° F. For convenience the milk is placed in a cylinder, which is nearly filled. The lactometer is carefully lowered into the milk until it floats and is allowed to re- maim Half ayminute or “niore; ~Thea one reads and records (1) the point at which the lactometer scale comes in contact with the upper surface of the milk; and (2) the temperature. The lactometer reading is then corrected, if the temperature is above or below 60° F. For example, the lactometer settles in milk, which is at a temperature of 65° F., to the point marked 29. Adding to the reading for correction 0.1 for each degree above 60° F., which in this case is 0.5, 438 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING the reading becomes 29.5. This means that the spe- cific gravity is 1.0295. If the temperature of the milk were 55° F., the correction is subtracted and the reading becomes 28.5, equal to specific gravity [.0285. Babcock’s formulas for solids and solids-not-fat.— The following formulas were devised by Dr. Bab- cock: (1) Formula for determining solids-not-fat.—Sol- ids-not-fat—=™%L-+o.2f, in which L is the reading of the Quevenne lactometer and f is the per cent of fat in the milk. (2) Formula for determining solids in. milk.— Total solids=% L+1.af. These formulas can be expressed in the form of rules as follows: Rule 1—To find the per cent of solids-not-fat in milk, divide the reading of the Quevenne lactometer by 4, and to the result add the number giving the per cent of fat in the milk multiplied by 0.2. Rule 2—To find the per cent of solids in milk, di- vide the Quevenne lactometer reading by 4, and to the result add the number giving the per cent of fat multiplied by. 1.2. THE HOT-IRON TEST This test is used for the purpose of ascertaining when to remove whey from curd and when to mill curd. An iron of convenient size and length for hold- ing, as a half-inch gas-pipe, is heated fairly hot at one end. The iron is carefully wiped with a cloth until it is clean and smooth. A handful of curd is then taken and placed in dry cloth and squeezed by the TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 439 hand, until the surface has been well dried. The curd is then gently pressed against the portion of the iron where it is hot enough to make the curd stick to the iron but not hot enough to scorch it. The curd is then carefully drawn away from the iron and, if in proper condition, produces fine, silky threads, the length of which depends upon the amount of acidity of the curd. THE HART TEST FOR CASEIN This test is the first one that has been proposed for use at cheese-factories in determining the amount of casein in milk. The method is based upon the follow- ing principles: (1) The property of dilute acetic acid to coagulate milk-casein completely without dissolving it. (2) The power of chloroform to remove fat from the precipitated casein and form a mixture of greater specific gravity than the casein. (3) The compacting of the precipitated casein into a columnar mass by means of carefully regulated centrifugal force. (4) The adaptation of a graduated tube which permits the percentage of casein in milk to be read directly when a given volume of milk is used. Apparatus used.—The pieces of apparatus and reagents used are the following: (1) Testing-tube, (2) centrifuge, (3) pipette, (4) cylinder, (5) dilute acetic acid, and (6) chloroform. Testing tube.—This is a long tube widening into a barrel shape at the end. It holds up to the neck about 35 cubic centimeters. The graduated portion is so made that each division of the scale represents 0.10 cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to 0.20 per cent of casein when 5 cubic centimeters of milk 440 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (equal to about 5.15 grams) are used in the test. The graduations extend from o to 10 per cent, thus afford- ing a scale sufficient to measure more than three times the amount of casein occurring in very rich milk. The tube up to the ro per cent mark should hold exactly 5 cubic centimeters. Centrifuge.—A special centrifuge is required made with pockets of the proper size to hold the testing- tubes, having a wheel with a diameter of 15 inches, and geared to give a speed of 2,000 revolutions a minute. The centrifuge is run by hand. Each pocket is lined at the bottom with a wooden cork, furnishing an elastic cushion on which the testing- tube rests. Six or twelve pockets are provided. The pipette for measuring milk should accurately measure 5 cubic centimeters. The cylinder for measuring chloroform holds 2 cubic centimeters to mark. Acetic acid.—The dilute acetic acid solution con- tains 0.25 per cent of acetic acid. It is recommended that when one prepares the dilute acetic acid with- out the aid of chemical control, that only glacial acetic acid of the highest purity (99.5 per cent) be used. This is conveniently prepared as follows: A IO per cent solution by volume is first made by dilut- ing 10 cubic centimeters of the glacial acetic acid to 100 cubic centimeters with water. One dilutes 25 cubic centimeters of this 10 per cent solution to one liter, which gives a solution containing 0.25 per cent of acetic acid. Of this solution, one uses 20 cubic centimeters in making the test. Chloroform.—This should be of the best quality. Method of operating the test—(1) In each testing-tube, one places first about 2 cubic centimeters TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 441 of chloroform, on top of which are added about 20 cubic centimeters of the 0.25 per cent solution of acetic acid. One then accurately measures 5 cubic centi- meters of milk with the pipette and runs it into the tube, usual care being taken to have the sample a rep- resentative one. The temperature of the acetic acid and of the milk should preferably be at about 70° F., but may be between 65° and 75° F. without seriously impairing the results. A test at low temperature tends to give a high reading, high temperature having the reverse. effect: (2) Mixing reagents and milk.—After the milk has been run into the testing-tube, the thumb is placed over the neck of the tube, the tube inverted by rotating the hand, in order to bring the chloroform into the barrel-shaped portion of the tube, and the whole is then shaken with a fair degree of vigor for 15 to 20 seconds, accurately timed by a watch. The chief pur- pose of agitation is to cause the chloroform to mix intimately with the milk and take up the fat-globules. The shaking also serves to bring the acid into contact with the casein of the milk and solidify it in the form of a finely divided precipitate. The shaking must be accurately timed. Too little agitation leaves too much fat mixed with the casein, while, if too pro- longed, a partial emulsion is produced, resulting in a tendency toward high results and very ragged line between the layer of chloroform and casein column. After the shaking is completed, the tubes can be placed immediately in the centrifuge, or, when several samples of milk are being tested, they can be allowed to stand until the same opera- tion has been completed with all the samples. When there are many samples to test, it is not 442 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING best to complete each one separately before going to the next; but the chloroform and acetic acid are intro- duced into all the tubes before milk is added to any. When the tubes are thus prepared, the milk is then run in and the shaking done on the whole number. The reason for this is that too long a contact with chloroform may impair the accuracy of the results of the test. No harm whatever results if the testing-tubes, after shaking and before whirling, are allowed to stand 15 to 30 minutes. Whirling the testing-tubes—The testing-tubes are then placed in the metallic pockets of the centrifuge, the revolving wheel of which has a diameter of 15 inches when the tubes stand extended, allowing for the one-eighth inch cushion on the bottom of the pockets. The machine must be closed before whirl- ing. The centrifuge is brought to a speed of 2,000 revolutions and then run at this rate 7%4 to 8 minutes. The range of variation of revolutions may extend from 1,950 to 2,050 without causing a serious mistake in the results. For the proper control of the speed in a hand-centrifuge, the use of a metronome is necessary. Ina centrifuge of the diameter mentioned above, it is necessary to turn the crank 55 or 56 revo- lutions a minute to develop a speed of 2,000 revolu- tions. The metronome is set so as to beat that number of times a minute and the operator, after a little practice, can regulate the turning so as to make one revolution of the crank with each beat of the metro- nome. When the whirling is completed, the testing- tubes are removed from the centrifuge and placed in a rack that will support them in an upright posi- tion. If the test has been successful, the chloroform, holding the fat, is found at the bottom of the test- TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 443 ing-tube, and, on top of this, rests the casein as a well- defined, white, cylindrical mass; and above the casein- column is a clear solution containing the milk-solids other than fat and casein. It is absolutely necessary to allow the tubes to stand at least Io minutes before reading the results, because it requires about this amount of time for the casein mass to come to a con- stant volume after suddenly removing the effect of centrifugal force. The volume remains practically constant after standing Io minutes, little or no change taking place at room temperature even in 24 hours. Reading the results—To read the percentage of casein, the testing-tube is held in a perpendicular posi- tion with the scale on a level with the eye. The points of the scale marking the highest and lowest limits of the casein cylinder or column are noted. The differ- ence between the two gives directly the percentage of casein in the milk. Readings of one-half of a divi- sion can be made, corresponding to 0.10 per cent, and somewhat closer under favorable conditions and with sufficient skill. In the original description of the test, the casein mass is repeatedly called a “pellet.” This is a misleading and inaccurate description, since, accord- ing to standard authorities, a pellet is a “small, round ball,” like small shot or homeopathic pills. A more accurate description is that of a short cylinder or cylindrical column. The planes of division between the solid casein mass and the solutions below and above it are usually flat and readily permit definite reading of results. In some cases, when the testing- tube is not perfectly centered during the operation of whirling, the flat surfaces of the casein cylinder may not be exactly parallel with the bottom of the 444 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING tube; under such circumstances, the readings should be taken only on the graduated side of the tube. Sometimes, when the shaking is too vigorous, a film, sharp in outline and clearly distinguishable, projects below the layer of casein proper. The space of such a film should not be included in the reading. Accuracy of results—In the original report of the test, the results of analysis of the milks of 16 indi- vidual cows are given, varying in casein content, as determined by the official chemical method, from 1.88 to 3.65. The centrifugal method gives results which agree in most cases within 0.10 per cent of those of the official method. The greatest difference is 0.20 per cent. These results represent the work of those skilled in handling the test. Special precautions.—In performing the opera- tions involved in the test, the following points must be most carefully observed: (1) If possible, use for testing only fresh milk containing no preservative. It is possible to get re- sults with milk which has been preserved by the use of one tablet of potassium bi-chromate in 300 cc. of milk, provided the test is made within four days; after that time the flat surfaces of the casein column are apt to be broken up and irregular. (2) Milk should not contain more than 0.35 per cent acidity. In no case can curdled milks be used. (3) Tests should always be made in duplicate and only on representative samples of milk. (4) The dilute solution of acetic acid used must contain about 0.25 per cent; if much weaker, the casein is not completely precipitated; if considerably stronger, some of the casein may be dissolved. TESTS USED IN CHEESE-MAKING 445 (5) At the time of mixing and during the test, the temperature of the acid solution and of the milk should not be lower than 65° nor higher than 75° F.; the best temperature is 70° F. (6) In mixing milk, acid and chloroform, do not shake less than 15 seconds nor more than 20 seconds, and do not shake too hard. (7) After mixing, do not allow the mixture to stand more than 30 minutes before putting in tester. (8) Run the centrifuge at a speed of 2,000 revolu- tions a minute for 7% or 8 minutes, the diameter of the revolving circle being 15 inches. (9) Allow the testing-tubes to stand in an up- right position Io minutes at least before reading the percentage of casein. (10) Do not allow temperature of contents of testing-tube at any time to get far from the limits of 65° to 75 — (11) The upper and lower surfaces of the cylin- drical column of solid casein must be perfectly flat and not ragged or broken up. Conditions affecting accuracy of results.—The following are among the conditions that render the results of the test inaccurate: (1) Dheuse-of sour mill. (2) The use of milk containing such preservatives as formaldehyd, chloroform, toluol or corrosive sub- limate. (3) The use of milk containing potassium bi- chromate, unless tested within four days. (4) Too strong or too dilute solution of acetic acid. (5) Poor quality of chloroform, 446 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (6) A temperature of acid and milk below 65° or above 75° F. (7) Shaking mixture of acid, chloroform and milk too short a time, too long a time or too hard. (8) Allowing shaken mixture to stand too long before whirling. (9) Running the centrifuge at a speed below 1,950 or above 2,050 revolutions a minute. (10) The use of a revolving wheel in the centri- fuge greater or less than 15 inches without a corre- sponding change in the number of revolutions. (11) Reading the results in-less than 10 minutes after completion of whirling. (12) Allowing the temperature of the mixture to exceed thedimuts of 65° to 75° F- (13) Any condition which disturbs the distinct flatness of the upper or lower surface of the cylindri- cal column of solid casein. CHAPTER XXIX Cheese-Factory Management STATEMENT FOR PATRONS Whenever a dividend is made, each patron should receive with the dividend a statement containing all necessary items, which will enable each patron to calculate the dividend and satisfy himself that no errors have been made. It is convenient to use a printed blank form for making such statements to patrons. The form given below is suggested as cov- ering all important points, but one much simpler may usually answer the purpose. It is also highly de- sirable that a general statement be issued at the close of the season, giving a summary of the whole season’s work. STeliea) 2) 91k C) ae ie en sdpaiety ivan. .....Cheese- Factory. Ame NA CVO Tea CLO Msn sceee ct aotsae eee tara oetedesas csavesssaccce-tuetessesceiMcsnseseerecse 2. Statement for month of (or whatever the period of time is)... Sm oalesmineliGdexdatesmiromiese sessmer cece gecseesenes GO pei ee tacts AS Number ob pounds Gfeneeseim sale (Gr SAleS) scss..ckcsyyssvssctcsasexsdereopeeanectatevaes 5. \ Number of pounds of milk represented im sale (or sales)\............cce:esessseasee Gt Amount Of money, TeCelvicde rence wsissebacissrescesnee nose Spied CS ce ED Sek SR eee ee 7. Price received per pound for cheese (at each sale, and average if more [PME AERO NOKS) peek ee PR Pi de kU ie PA Ot ne a, ee to Re cents Se yb xpenses dedi chedlien - satonsscc-ancscceceonts steer ccocdeveets SBUe Sem dstaeececs erent eee ee ene alancesor Gd ivaAGenclopsscmc ere ete mete teescesseta.ce. oes Ge he ate eh eet eee 10. Net value of one pound of milk (weight-of-milk bast)... cents ide Number of pounds of mull) delivered Diy) YOU.<.c...0--.1-<.20ncs-0s-.cssenassecesseese ie es Vialuetor malic delivered Olesen cose sseeteccesectnee-seteres es Cee oe A eae ae 13. Total number of pounds of milk-fat represented in sale (when fat PASISHIS USEC!) ei cesta ec tenon teas cheat cnet oceeceben cee saccme te useecure coneesandion-rancnuete 14. Average per cent of milk-fat in eT Le ae IRN Oe NCR OR? per cent LSeeeNet valucvomone py Omn ce ofeniil Ke—teibsesesccsstericceems casreceeern:tassenes eseeaee cents 448 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING 16 Average per cent of milk fat in milk delivered by youtle.....ccccccccscceeseeeeees 17. ‘Number of pounds of millz fat. delivered Dy yOu...;..<:...ccccceatedessscceteae 18; Value of muli-fatideliwered by You £45 .. iis caksesestcdsaecelc ae ee {9° ‘Debtonbys-.- pounds of cheese at................ cents per pound........ 20;-\ Money dite sypotgenres te eco hcos ise entecl see eee eee ee 21. Number of pounds of cheese made from 100 pounds of milk..........ccccccccee 22. Number of pounds of milk required to make one pound of cheese............ 23. Number of pounds of cheese’made for one pound of fat in milk......0.....0006 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OR ORGANIZA- TION OF A CHEESE-FACTORY The business management of a cheese-factory is generally carried on according to one of two sys- tems; in one case the ownership of the factory is private, while, in the other, it is vested in a stock company. In the case of private ownership of the cheese- factory, the owner receives a certain price per pound for making the cheese and is responsible for all expenses connected with the operations of cheese-making. The milk and cheese are regarded as the property of the patrons and they have some organized arrangement for selling the cheese and distributing the money. In some cases where the ownership of the factory is private, the milk is contracted for at a certain price and then the patrons have nothing to do with the business man- agement. When a cheese-factory is owned by a stock-com- pany, the patrons are the stockholders. They form a definite organization and through chosen officers carry on the entire business management from the hiring of a cheese-maker to the sale of the cheese. Preliminary steps in establishing a co-operative cheese-factory.—When a community is considering the question of organizing a stock-company for the CHEESE-FACTORY ORGANIZATION 449 purpose of building and running a cheese-factory, the first point to be ascertained is the number of cows which can be utilized as a source of milk sup- ply. This information can be gained only by a careful personal canvass. In general, it may be said that no attempt should be made to establish a factory unless at least 150 cows within a radius of 3 or 4 miles can be relied upon to furnish milk. Dairymen should be on their guard against so- called factory “sharks,” a name applied to repre- sentatives of supply houses who make a_ business of promoting co-operative factories and creameries. The promoter makes exaggerated representations of the profits of cheese-making for dairymen with- out reference to the number of available cows. When he is successful in persuading farmers to organize a company, he attends to the building and equipment, turning over the plant to the farmers at a price which nets him one to two thousand dollars. Before erecting a cheese-factory, inquiry for plans and cost should be made of the state department of agriculture or of the nearest agricultural college. In general, it will be found safe and profitable to have nothing whatever to do with any traveling agents. Formation of a cheese-factory company or as- sociation.—After a successful canvass has _ been made and there have been obtained signed agree- ments to furnish milk from a certain number of cows, on the part of those who intend to join the association, a meeting should be called for organi- zation. The money may be raised either by indi- vidual pledges to purchase a certain number of 450 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING shares of stock at a certain price; or an elected board of directors may be authorized to borrow the amount of money needed, the debt being discharged by taking a fixed proportion from the dividends of the associa- tion members. Articles of agreement or constitution and by- laws.—When it has been decided to form a cheese- factory association, it is necessary to prepare an agreement to be signed by all the members; this agreement embodies the details of organization, usually in the form of a constitution and by-laws. Different conditions will call for differences in the details of such an agreement. Suggestions can be given here, but they will need modification and adaptation to suit the conditions peculiar to each association. (1) Name and _ object——This association — shall Re VenOWO AG MeIa. eft nts y olor ee Cheese- Factory Co-operative Company; its object is to manufac- ture cheese from ~ normal: (whole) milk. fae undersigned agree to become members of said com- pany. (2) Capital stock——The capital stock of the com- pany shall bers. fn Sebo , divided inte... \ 2 a0 eee Sa hes On hes eis s ck each. (3) . Officers—The officers of the company shall be a president, a secretary and a treasurer, and these, with three other members of the company, shall constitute a board of directors. These off- cers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meet- ing and shall. hold office one year or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Vacan- cies in the board may be filled by the directors CHEESE-FACTORY ORGANIZATION 45I for the time ensuing until the next annual election. (4) Duties of . officers—(1) The _ president shall preside at all meetings of the company and of the board; in his absence, some other member of the board shall preside. He shall perform such other duties as may be indicated. All documents, drafts, etc., involving the interests of the com- pany, shall be signed by the president. He _ shall call special meetings when necessary. (2) The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all pro- ceedings of the meetings of the company and of the board. He shall issue notices of meetings, ap- pointments on committees, statements to patrons, etc:; he ‘shall sign all papers, carry on the cor- Fespondence, etc. (3) Whe treasurer shall receive and disburse the money of the company. He shall give receipt for all money belonging to the asso- ciation. He shall make out dividends, etc. He shall pay out money only upon orders signed by the president and secretary. He shall keep a cor- rect financial account between the company and its members. He shall keep a proper set of books, which shall be open for inspection to members of tie veompany: ,ie shall ‘sive: bonds for.$....5..-- (4) The board of teen. shall elect one of heir number as general business manager of the com- pany, who shall be responsible for the conduct of the business details of the company. The board shall appoint any needed agents, manage the com- pany’s investments, audit all accounts and fix com- pensation for services in all cases. They shall make regulations and enforce them. They shall arrange for the keeping of a record of all necessary details, 452 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING such as weights of milk delivered daily by each member, fat-test of the same, the amounts of cheese made day by day, the sales of cheese, current ex- penses, etc. They shall distribute monthly among the members (or patrons the money due them: They shall make a complete statement at the annual meeting covering for the year all matters relating to the business of the company. Meetings of the board may be called by the president or by any two of its members. (5) Meetings—The regular annual meetings of the company shall be held on the first Tuesday of Bie lg PAA TiN fe pee athe Genes gue. cies «wa RN Special meet- ings may be called by the president or on written request of ten members of the company. Written notices for all special meetings must be sent to each member of the company three days in advance of such meeting. In addition to the election of officers and presentation of reports, the members shall decide by majority vote at the annual meeting in what manner the dividends shall be made (weight- of-milk, fat-basis, etc.). (6) Regulations—The following are samples of what regulations may be made: (a) The price for maim) .cheesé | sual be siegsu cc amek cents a pound. (b) Members shall be held responsible for furnish- ing milk from the number of cows promised. (c) The cheese-maker may reject such milk as is tainted or of too high acidity or is any way un- suited to make high-grade cheese. (d) Milk must not be received unless it has been’ properly strained and delivered at the factory at a temperature not ANOME bods ne eet degrees F. (e) The milk of each CHEESE-FACTORY ORGANIZATION 453 patrons shall be tested for its percentage of fat not less often than once in 10 days. (f) A testing-com- mittee consisting of the secretary or treasurer, one other director and one member not an officer shall assist the cheese-maker in testing the milk. (g) A patron’s premises may be inspected by order of the board to ascertain the suitability of the conditions for producing and caring for clean milk. The board may order samples of milk taken .at patron’s farm when desired. (h) No patron shall, in any manner, adulterate milk to be taken to the factory, as by water- ing, skimming, addition of preservative, etc. No patron shall take more than...... pounds of whey for 100 pounds of milk delivered. (7) Voting power—Members may, at all meet- ings of the company, be entitled to one vote for each 1,000 pounds of milk furnished by him during the preceding season or during the preceding portion of the current season, as shown by the records; or each may have one vote for each share of stock owned by him. (8) Amendments—Any changes or amendnients to the constitution or by-laws may be made in writing and posted conspicuously in the cheese-factory one month previous to action upon them. Two-thirds vote of the stockholders is required to make such changes. CEA EER Xow The Literature of Cheese-Making It is desirable to give references to the literature of cheese-making for the benefit of those who wish to go to original sources of information. In pre- paring the list given below, the aim is mainly to cover the ground represented in the subject-matter of the book. A selection has been made of. what may be regarded as the most useful material for this purpose, no attempt being made to present an exhaustive list of everything written on the subject. In order to render the material most readily available for reference, the following plan 4s adopted: There is first given a_ continuously numbered list of the publications referred to; the arrangement is, first, by institutions and then under each the individual articles are given in chronological order... Then, follows, an andex vas the subjects treated in this list of publications. It is believed that this plan will prove the most useful in enabling anyone to consult the literature. PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CHEESE-MAKING Cornell University Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. 1 ist Ann. Rept. (1879-80). Experiments upon the cur- ing of cheese (pp. 9-27). Babcock. 2 Bul. 85 (March, 1895). Whey-butter. Wang. 3 Bul. 158 (Jan., 1899). Sources of gas and taint- producing bacteria. Moore and Ward. 4 Bul. 178 (Jan., 1900). The invasion of the udder by bacteria. Ward. 5 Bul. 203 (July, 1902). The care and handling of milk. Hunztker. 454 THE LITERATURE OF CHEESE-MAKING 455 Iowa Agricultural College Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 6 Bul. 21 (1893). Investigations in cheese-making (pp. 751-767). Wallace. 7 Bul. 24 (1894). Changes during cheese-ripening (pp. 969-984). Patrick. 8 Bul. 57 (1901). Experiments in curing cheese. McKay. Michigan State Agricultural College Experiment Station, East Lansing, Mich. 9 Special Bul. 16 (June, 1902). Aeration of milk. Marshall. 10. Special Bul 21 (Sept., 1903). . Cheese problems: (a) Relation of yield of cheese and per cent of fat in milk. (b) Paraffining cheese. (¢) Cheddar vs. stirred curd. (d) Cheese-ripening as affected by temperature and moisture. (e) Sage cheese. (f) Gassy milk. Mzchels. 11 Special Bul. 23 (Jan., 1904). Bul. 75 (Sept., 1905). Records of dairy cows in the United States. Lane. 58 Bul. 83 (March, 1906). The cold storage of cheese. Lane. 59 Bul. 85 (May, 1906). The cold-curing of American cheese. Doane. 60 Bul. 105 (Jan., 1908). Varieties of cheese: descrip- tions and analyses. Doane and Lawson. 61 Bul. 110. (Nov. 1908). Development of lactic acid in cheddar cheese-making. Doane. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan, Utah 62 Bul. 73 (Aug., 1901). Experiments in cheese-mak- ing (pp. 41-54). Linjield. 63 Bul. 96 (March, 1906). Canning cheese. Paraffining cheese (pp. 128-132). Clark and Crockett. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington, Vt. 64 Sth Ann. Rept. (1891). (a) Making cheese from different qualities of milk (pp. 88-95). (b) Losses in cheese- making (pp. 95-100). Cooke and Hills. THE LITERATURE OF CHEESE-MAKING 459 Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wis. 65 8th Ann. Rept. (1891). The feeding value of whey (pp. 38-48). Henry. 66 i1ith Ann. Rept. (1894). (a) Influence of fat upon yield of cheese (pp. 131-134). (0) Influence of fat on quality of cheese (pp. 134-137). (c) Yield of cheese in factories from different qualities of milk and at different seasons (pp. 137- 144). (d) Loss in curing cheese (pp. 145-146). (e) Cleaning milk with a centrifugal cream-separator for cheese production (pp. 146-149). Babcock. (7) Sources of bacterial contamination of milk (pp. 150- 165). Russell. (g) Effect of salt upon cheese (pp. 220-222). Decker. 67 12th Ann. Rept. (1895). (a) The centrifugal sepa- ration of casein and insoluble phosphates from milk (pp. 93-99). (b) Relation between yields of milk-solids and cheese (pp. 100-120). (c) Relation between specific gravity and solids of milk (pp. 120-126). (d) Hot iron test (pp. 133-134). (e) Albumen cheese (pp. 134-136). Babcock. (f) Effect of aeration on flavor of tainted curds in cheese- making (pp. 127-129). (g) Gas-producing bacteria and their relation to cheese (pp. 139-150). Russell. (kh) Influence of acid on texture of cheese (pp. 129-133). Russell and Decker. (t) Ripening milk before setting (pp. 136-138). Decker. 68 13th Ann. Rept. (1896). (a) Rise and fall of bac- teria in cheddar cheese (pp. 95-111). (b) Pure lactic acid cultures in cheese-making (pp. 112-126). Russell. (c) Moisture supply in cheese-curing rooms (pp. 156- 163). Decker. 69 14th Ann. Rept. (1897). (a) Unorganized ferments of milk: a new factor in the ripening of cheese (pp. 161-193). (b) Influence of temperature on the ripening of cheese (pp. 194-210). Babcock and Russell. 70 Bul. 60 (May, 1897). The cheese industry: its de- pe epment and possibilities in Wisconsin. Babcock and Rus- sell. 71 Bul. 61 (Sept., 1897). The constitution of milk with especial reference to cheese-production. Babcock. 72 Bul. 62 (Sept., 1897). Tainted or defective milks. Their causes and methods of prevention. Russell. 73 15th Ann. Rept. (1898). (a) Effect of varying strengths of rennet in curdling milk (pp. 31-34). (6) Action of rennet in watered milk (pp. 35-36). (c) Action of common salt on rennet action (pp. 37-41). (d) Methods of handling sour milk in making cheese (pp. 42-44). Decker 400 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING (ec) Improved curd test for detection of tainted milks (pp. 45-53). Babcock, Russell and Decker. (f) Properties of galactase, a digestive ferment of milk (pp. 77-87). (g) Distribution of galactase in cow’s milk (pp. 87-92). Babcock, Russell and Vivian, (h) Relative absorption of odors in warm and cold milk (pp. 104-109). Russell. 74 16th Ann. Rept. (1899). (a) Coating cheese with © paraffin (pp. 153-155). Decker. (b) Action of proteolytic ferments on milk with special reference to galactase, the cheese-ripening enzym (pp. 155- 174). Babcock, Russell and Vivian. (c) Effect of digesting bacteria on cheese-solids (pp. 187-193). Russell and Bassett. 75 17th Ann. Rept. (1900). Influence of rennet on cheese-ripening (pp. 102-122). Babcock, Russell and Vivian. fo 18th Ann, Rept. (1901). (@) Print cheese (pp. ia2= 135). Farrington. (b) Influence of cold-curing on quality of cheese (pp. 136-161). Babcock, Russell, Vivian and Baer. (c) Influence of sugar on nature of fermentation in milk and cheese (pp. 162-176). Babcock, Russell, Vivian and Hastings. 77 619th Ann. Rept: (1902). (a) Influence’ of cal curing on quality of cheddar cheese (pp. 150-164). (b) Influ- ence of temperature approaching 60°F. on development of flavor in cold-cured cheese (pp. 165-173). (c¢) Influence of varying quantities of rennet on cold-cured cheese (pp. 174- 179). (d) Conditions affecting development of white specks a cold-cured cheese (180-184). Babcock, Russell, Vivian and aer. 78 Bul. 94 (Aug., 1902). Curing of cheddar cheese with reference to cold-curing. Consolidated cheese-curing stations. Babcock and Russell. 79 Bul. 101 (July, 1903). Shrinkage of cold-cured cheese during ripening. Experiments in paraffining cheese. Babcock, Russell and Baer. 80 21st Ann. Rept. (1904). (a) Relation of flavor de- velopment in cold-cured cheddar cheese to bacterial life in same (pp. 155-163). Russell and Hastings. 81 Bul. 115 (Sept., 1904). The quality of cheese as affected by rape and other green forage plants fed to dairy cows. Baer and Carlyle. 82 22d Ann. Rept. (1905). (a) The Swiss cheese in- dustry of Wisconsin; whey butter-making (pp. 157-180). Farrington. THE LITERATURE OF CHEESE-MAKING 401 (b) Lactose-fermenting yeasts, the cause of abnormal fermentation in Swiss cheese (pp. 207-221). Hastings. 83 Bul. i128 (Sept., 1905). A Swiss cheese trouble caused by a gas-forming yeast. Russell and Hastings. 84 Bul. 132 (Dec., 1905). The manufacture of whey- butter at cheese-factories. Farrington. 85 23d Ann. Rept. (1906). (a) Development of factory dairying in Wisconsin (pp. 100-106). Russell and Baer. (6) Distribution of lactose-fermenting yeasts in dairy products (pp. 107-115). Hastings. 86 24th Ann. Rept. (1907). (a) Influence of metals on the action of rennet (pp. 134-159). Olson. (6) Analyses of old cheese, skim-milk cheese, etc. (pp. 160-170). Woll and Olson. 87 Bul. 162 (April, 1908). Rusty cans and their effect upon milk for cheese-making. Olson. Dominion of Canada Dairy Commission, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Can. 88 2d Ann. Rept. (1891-2). Experimental cheese-mak- ing (pp. 146-153). Robertson and Ruddick. 89 3d Ann. Rept. (1892-3). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 214-219). Robertson and Ruddick. 90 Rept. Conference Dairy Instructors and Experts (1903). The cool-curing of cheese (pp. 96-110). Ruddick. 91 Rept. of Dairy Com’r (1906). (a) Cool-cured cheese (pp. 8-9). (b) Management of a cool curing-room (pp. 13-14). (c) Coating cheese with paraffin (pp. 14-15). Ruddick. 92 Rept. of Dairy Com’r (1907). (a) The cheese indus- try (pp. 8-17). (6) Cool-cured cheese (pp. 17-18). Ruddick. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, Canada 93 Buls. 95 and 96 (1894) and 20th Ann. Rept. (1894). (a) The composition of milk, whey and cheese in relation to one another (pp. 20-33). Shuttleworth. (b) Experiments in cheese-making (pp. 134-141). Dean. 04 Bul. 102 (May, 1896) and 22d Ann. Rept. (1896), (pp. 41-56). Experiments in cheese-making. Dean. 95 23d Ann. Rept. (1897). (a) Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 41-59). Dean. (b) Bad flavor in cheese caused by undesirable bacteria in water used in factory (pp. 141-144). Harrison. 96 24th Ann. Rept. (1898). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 40-64). Dean. : 97 25th Ann. Rept (1899) Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 54-65). Dean. 462 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING 98 26th Ann. Rept. (1900). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 37-44). Dean. 99 27th Ann. Rept. (1901). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 44-55). Dean. 100 28th Ann. Rept. (1902). (a) Experiments in cheese-making (pp. 64-68). Dean. (b) Investigations regarding the ripening of cheese (pp. 40-41). Harcourt. 101 Bul. 120 (May, 1902). Bitter milk and cheese. Harrison. 102. Bul. 121 (June, 1902). Ripening of cheese in cold storage compared with ripening in ordinary curing-rooms. Dean, Harrison and Harcourt. 103. 29th Ann. Rept. (1903). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 60-76). Dean. 104 Bul. 130 (Dec., 1903). Bacterial contents of cheese cured at different temperatures. Harrison and Connell. 105 Bul. 131 (Dec., 1903). Ripening of cheese in cold- storage versus ordinary curing-rooms. Dean and Harcourt. 106 30th Ann. Rept. (1904). Experiments in cheese- aay (pp. 74-81). Dean. 107 3ist Ann. Rept. (1905). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 115-126). Dean. 108 Bul. 141 (April, 1905). Gas-producing bacteria and their effect on milk and its products. Harrison. 109 32d Ann. Rept. (1906). Experiments in cheese- making (pp. 108-119). Dean. Index to Literature of Cheese-Making The reference numbers below indicate the serial numbers (in heavy type) in the preceding list of publi- cations, which go from I to 109. Ciciny OL waleG@extract Of Cheese. oJ. n.s.ic cise at 20, 49 CMHECl/ OM LexGUEe TOR CHEESE 6 sf.) 6 ees land,lsbe ss Sete 67 Acid, lactic, development of, in cheese-making.......... 61 pure ciulvaesan cheese-making .... 002.0. .48 68 milk, handling of, in cheese-making......... 73 ENGAGE raetO Tl ij IOTd (CAME Mpa eae L4G e914 (a, ols, lobsle Bacatc wa hee 48 2WOI Og), 8) Onell @) e010): (cr ¢ Nea ee a ne ce 48 efect Of, On enzyms in cheese. ........... 40, 44, 75, 77 effect of, on galactase in cheese-ripening........ 40, 74 eliect of, on rennet in cheese-ripening...... 44,75, 77 POETOE IE DC SINC MRCS Or oie 2 Since ia-a' ceae sett a eerattla ets 49 FelaitOns FO CUCESe= PEIN. . 64% fase le als oh 40, 44, 46 PE CORPLIORMOL ACIS \ (CAGEIN «<5 « aiaieS. oh ate 's 0d avale. s eyw'e see 48 Pe LAL COne Ol ciate ——sesesrrecel tate oa entelc 6 vow cos se wwe Oo, 24, 25.060 Gib onillle Mh ong Onl 0) 0 ne). Re eae aa ek er 24 OL milk by centiitugal separator.(... 2... 32. 24, 66 PNM Men Te AN ESOS Rone Fits oy ota. a eile ys of b vie! o-gcis 2g ap autcn He oi eer ehapeles 67 PN WO Chalet CUIEESE ly a 5o.5 5 je Son cho ene wig e ww ee ae Aw ee 20-35 PRIMERA MRP he aha ote ee Rocco, oP a Toca gem cs ote e.g 20-35 cal LEE ARS Sl eRe a a a ea a ae re tS 20-35 1OSh tit CHECSE-TINAIITES Oo oa) sais od aha cha.s 2 5 oateale 20-35 Eee OL bo waAseim im milk. oi o.oo eam oe 20-35 Amino acids in cheese. } fe... ge ew AQ. AS. 46° 4-0 See IsGaahgaopaneigricWy el ats cS = eA Cen 40, 43, 46, 74-75, 77 ANALYSES UL CHECSEI a a 34cm a's. a wa! « 20-35, 40, 44-46, 49, 60, 75 Glednn Msre mete eet ere othe cco as: cis hen, « ss ec phere aie 20-35 Rig Vy We Sastre teceey yc 3 os cee Are esa rat aed eeear a 20-35 Bacteria. associative in souting Of mille. ye. we hee 11-14 gdivestine and) Cheese-sOlids 5 yw aie slacasn eset 74 PD ULC ey pert te ee ALLE OU ay Gm. NG aes ai dyudecetes om 4, 40 producing gas and taints in cheese, 3, 10, 15, 67, 108 producing rust-ted spots in cheese. ........:% 38, 42 relation of, to cheddar-cheese flavors....36, 67, 72 rise and fall of, in cheddar cheese. ............- 68 Bacteral contamination Of mille.) o's i. os cosa o son's eae Oa 66 content of cheese kept at different temperatures, 104 463 404 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Bitter flavor: in-cheesetand mille. es eee 46, 101 Breeds of cattle, comparative value of, for cheese produc- AeLOOEL /as-phi vane Pee ee > 6) 2S Sidhe tale Gocco ane <6 eso Brine-soluble protein in cheese............... 40, 44-46, 49 Butter-fat (see Fat). PRRG Ee WES ee ee area wns s-5 + a “ales pare ace 4 ee 2; ae Canitisiie CHECSArT anole. ac. is <2 adele eek aan eee 51: 63 Casein \ACtiON OF seis On... ....crtieh hve were Dee 48 Action OLwenmuet and pepsinron: ...... 44.1 eee 44 adsorption, ar acids bY... 55.6. sean Cue ee eee 48 EO MEIC EES . 5 5:5. 0,5) thu a atatone lore ee ee 20-35 AMACHIEE OME OIAMET) GS eo ccis os cyl ee ee 20-35 SUELIOOIS EU IRE INOS ice i: see so ase, Oe ig a ae erate 20-35 ecentmiucal-separation of)... ...1:.321 «ume 67 influence on composition of cheese........... 20-35 intigenee om yield’ of cheese. 2.) 72.2 4a eee lost-tm relyeese-taaking ... 2... a eee 20-35 market value Of, in cheese... 4... 4.5 hee ee 32, OF Felaticn poralpumin in malls... . eo ie eee 20-35 Felg vic Aeration... oS oes ene 20-35 Felsen Porte ath sic miillke, 2. See, see eee 20-25 relation to fat in skim-milk cheese........... 20-25 Centrifugal separation of casein from milk.............. 67 Cheddar and stirred-curd processes compared...... 10, 20-25 Cheese, advantages of cold storage, 8, 10, 41, 45, 55, 58-59, 69, 76-80, 90-92, 102, 105 iiNoy heath a ih a Wyte SOR g af aie e wen MME Reeb Ate Rt atm Ley 20-35 BMMINO JACIOS AU. 2 chia os aoe a 40, 43-46, 74-75, 77 ATAMIOO tar tin. chy toe. vice ee eee ee 40, 43-46, 74-75, 77 AnBIVSES Ol avis ue 6, 17, 20-35, 40, 43-46, 49, Ee 86 CANNING Of... 5 oi: Lb ee ee 5168 Casein Bnd Al OGG) Tso 6) ssccaat eo pane ee nee 20-35 central ctring room: for... Wks ade « stone 41, 78, 90-92 cheddar and stirred-curd processes compared, 10, 20-25 chemical changes ia ripening Of. 2. 2 wd 2. cen 45-46 éhloroformed, Chameres iit \su nies ce cia ae 40, 43-44 cold-cured, 8, 10, 41, 45, 55, 58-59, 69, 76-80, 90-92, 102, 105 enld-cured, ‘camiposition: OL.!:\..%5.... saves eee 45 cold-cured, white specks am i5)(o7. + nee ie ae ee 77 comparative production of, by different breeds of dairy cattle.............60. eu eee gee ee ee composition Of... 6 eee ee ee eae 20-35, 40, 43-46 composition of, in relation to composition of milk, ‘ 20-3 INDEX TO LITERATURE OF CHEESE-MAKING 405 Cheese—continued conditions used in manufacturing operations of, 20-35 consolidated stations for curing................. 78 CSE Ol Prom mCi eae ets is 2 iss «ox he ewe Me 34 Edam, manufacture and composition of...... 195.27 Fatniil yc. See ee pues 6,10; 18, 20-35, 37; 64,007 793 flavor and texture of, 20-25, 39, 45, 46, 56, 66-67, 76-78, 80, 93 SASS ete cata pcaen tle ete de cesta. oes. oo 3, 10; bs, 67 108 Gouda, manufacture and composition of...... 19, 27 AISLE yn ity NCW MO cio. cies ciee denen deen ae 53 TAMOSEEY in. WISCONSIN ».0 0... ses sb oe va eee 70°82. 85 influence of milk on composition of........... 20-35 PlMenee Of milicnam vigil OL... . sc ws eee 20-35 WGSseGh dat A Tee CO. wis fond. a we fs cae k ee Sd oe 41 loss of water in ripening of, 41, 45, 55, 58-59, 66, 69, 78-79, 90-92, 102, 105 loss in weight in ripening of (see Loss of water). (ekilchsreMraal:!) nclae) 6, 10, 18, 20-35, 64, 93 made from milk containing added cream, 6, 10, 17, 20-25 made mont norma! milk rich in, fat. ss ..4. 0. «ac 26 Madera. skinned: milk... sc viscra a ws oe ORR 20-25 market value increased by cold storage (see Cold storage). market value of casein and water in..........32, 67 milk required to make one pound of, 20-35, 66, 93-100 paraiining of... 2.4... 10, 45-46, 55, 58-59, 63, 79, 91 POG le aE Ede od Sora Gi aint « d & Dona ee wy 76 production comparison of dairy breeds.......... 34 quality improved by cold storage (see Cheese, cold cured). Guick ripemine. conditions fOr i...) he ne how win 46 PisertnG Sal Ole aectecia vie 7 ys. ax vy ceare weil Sn scene 68 SAE as ca ier One Cae Selma area AF aN a) Srin 3 foal tee eRe Ae eg 10 Slope til aeibinee ete apace eel cru it ore 8 hy Nn eae! wien id a 46 SiMe s UTE RAED Meat Co kaa. ore. cc Acnatart We Gens SARIN es 20-35 SOMME TT OCCMIS. 1 6x. tess we nae ee 40, 43-46, 74-75, 77 Seurces OF CaTbOt CIORIG Ils. ks enes nee ead eae eee 43 466 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Cheese—continued stirred-curd, comparison with cheddar process, 10, 20-25 texture, relation of, to conditions of ripening, 39, 45-46, 55, 58-59, 76-80, 90-92, 102, 105 varieties of, descriptions and analyses........... 60 Siege nels gps 2)? abn. 2 (tLe A aire tua crc mene en tty e ' 20-35 yield and milk-fat...... Pee setts ttle ata”. 20-35, 66, 93 Cheese-curd (see Curd). Cheese-factories, methods of paying for milk at, 32, 64, 67, 90-92, 93 Cheésesmakine albumin lost in... <6. 5st ee eee 20-35 SAsemiolOst: Wis. 0s aot While elon ne eee 20-35 eireddar process Of, :.4.-2 . cena eee 20-35 eect oL addine cream ashe. eee 20-25 effect of adding skim-milk............ 20-25 effect of cutting curd hard and soft... .20-35 effect of exposing milk to foul odors... .24 elect of shutting wp anilk“in cans. ..2 an 24 eacemma tainted mille) 20. “eee 23, 24th effect of using different amounts of rennet, 20-25 SXPEMMMeMES IN... ct. ake 6, 18, 20-25, 90-100 fat lost in, 6, 18, 20-25, 64, 66, 67, 90, 92, - 93-100 pure lactic acid cultures in. 4.4. 7700 eee 68 Cheese-ripening, effect of moisture............ 10, 41, 45, 68 eflecomprennet .. 66). Ro ae 26,44, 752 ad eilechorsalt)...< Jai. Savy Cage om see 46, 66 CHMECTHIEOSIZE: yo Sa Sand Sabie Mee ene 41, 46 effect of temperature, 8, 10, 41, 45-46, 55, 58-59, 69, 76-80, 90-92, 102, 105 WSe OL tiv erOmever IM... . << ae eee 27, 68 Chemical changes in Cheese sy... o s.)e hk oe see onl 46 COMIPOSILION Ob Cheese... a4 aan ec es 20-25, 45-46 composition Ol walk. . i ..558 bitte se oe eee 20-25 composition Gb aviey. . iia tas ese aou ee eee 20-25 Chloroformed cheese (see Cheese, chloroformed). Cold-cured cheese (see Cheese, cold-cured). Composition of cheese, milk and whey (see Chemical com- position). Cream, addition to normal milk in cheese-making, 6, 10,17, 20-26 Curd, comparison of ordinary and high temperatures of EA EINE’ i. iota hc > oe ley eb eee 20-25 CUP CU Obs a iy le hat Ns anex abs Ale cee oO 20-35 effects of cutting coarse and fine. wii 2.5 hess oe 20-25 INDEX TO LITERATURE OF CHEESE-MAKING 407 Curd—continued effects of cutting hardand soft... ..: ada eevee 20-25 SASSY aie ca see ee fae Se eo a 46 3, POP 155-67) 108 Heating ANG SvicIeyiee GoGo. ls peta 20-35 bemiperature tisedmmmeatine. os cee Oe eee 20-35 tine from ‘cutting te dsawing whey... ..'..2.... 20-35 Curd-test: for detection, Gt tamted milk... ....<.). 004.6. 13 ce (phir OOS. is Yc Sih eee eere ia i ea ew ss 27, 41, 45-46, 68, 78 MOISLPUFERSUPOLY Mees. ee eel. 27, 41, 68 Danae SPatIStiCaiOl pen memmmennta chest Cass mss A Gree a ee enemy aye CDW: TECURCS Oumett payee hk Sal es see we aoe 75 Ste] c(0%0] Ile epee a ala by tn Gt Ge ae eC, Oe 54 Drouth, effects of, on milk and cheese production........36 Edam cheese, manufacture and composition of........19, 27 Bnzyims, actionin cheeses.4a2e... 0s. sa. es 40, 44, 74, 75 effect of chloroform, ether and formalin on, 40, 50, 73 Cileciy Olwae in erOMwEen. 6 awe Gt 6 cus ace «oS hal bos 40, 44, 73 CHCCETOR MGat Owe gs i torres eG ey oe es i ane 40, 73 nee OL Sienna NG che, SS ee twa chanel AO, 73 TEN ENGR see eo) Si Ee a a re 40, 69, 73, 74 TH a3 HN ee ae us! oo) a er a a ei 40, 69, 73 PSTN shee os sats 3a, i a 6 ok Be AQ 4A TS TF Meher, ciiect of, on the action of enzyms.... ....:.2-. 40, 74 Factories (see Cheese-factories). Ree aia Otliny 1m) CHEESE. he SS chicas cc wh aula Pte waren 20-35 Linon aM ieee iets ene Rr Ss) gute Saeko Wiel athe 20-35 Zip MONA 5 Veda i ten Naish nce it eee eR 20-35 amount lost and recovered in cheese-making...... 20-35 in cheese, influence on ripening of cheese......... 41, 46 in milk, relation of, to casein in cheese.......... 20-35 imam relation Of, Fo fat im cheeses ..i.... 0. oe 20-35 in milk, relation of, to composition of cheese ..... 20-35 inmile relation vel to yield of cheese... .«wrs.40- 20-35 in milk. selation to casein in-milk, -7 5. elec Ommetals On... s2ane.s oe ee See 86 CHeeimmreristy Cans Of0ic/)4. See enaee 87 eilecieot salt ON... .. ube one ose eee 13 effect of varying strength of, in coagulating PI oe Fess. sas ae oie eee 73 eiect of watered milk on. ... i0 ss dete 73 Rennet-extratct, amount used in cheese-making........ 20-35 comparison of commercial and home- BINNS liane ow wn 4 @ ine ened ee eee 20 comparison of commercial and pepsin... .44 relation to cheese-ripening .26, 44, 46, 75, 77 Ripening of cheese (see Cheese-ripening). Ripenme milk sbelore Setting ........ «5. cesiese = se cee 67 Room, curing for cheese (see Curing-rooms). ARE 1S LG Ul) MEMOS ee ceaoks oo. «= as wre teria eee 38, 42 SG OR ie tc ee oe a oe ne Ae eee ee ete) hope eA Ee OY. - 10 Salt, effect on action of rennet in cheese-ripening . .40, 44, 46 effect on action of enzyms in cheese-ripening, 40, 44, 46 eiiect-on moisture Cheese... «0.0% bes eee 8 46, 66 effect ion quality Ob CHEESE... 5%. 0. Hej ie 46, 66 brine, cheese protein soluble in............. 40, 44-46 Stealer es Sear k \ ic epee ets tL cy Seger eee ea Aba | 5 54 Separator, centrifugal, cleaning milk with ........... 24, 66 removing casein from milk with. . .67 Skim-milk, effect of use in cheese-making......... 20-25, 37 relation Of tab 0G CASeM 10... cok syn 20-259 e516 ripening of cheese made from............... 46 Solids An CHEESE... o crater tetetice ys oie oh rcte be my amie eea ss 20-35, GF roe 61 (0 cepa ee oS) 5", ANE ae eR a See 20-35, 67 ie. Whey 2 [52 aeteceee tle n0.0-s s byehene Pea 20-35, 67 Sour milk; making cheese trom. <2...

oh en a ec i ge Owe SAS Utdns ewe OR Mt ote ss Luh are arg 4 Bek e400 s Been Oe 20-35 COMMPOSUMO My Oneal A a ck aiess 2 ia ee aes seca ears 20-35 Peedsge alten fe ssh md base wet lees Bees aes 65 SOFT C Ss FTE 006 5 ae CIA aaa Ne Se A 20-35 Wviseonsis, (Cheese industry Of) 2 2s. cde aoe nk oe oe ele 70 Yeasts in cheese-making, troubles from.......... 82) $32 65 Wield of cheese and composition of mull... 5... 2.6 «we 20-35 Index Page Absorption of flavors by milk. Absorption of flavors by milk EVOMUPLOOGSEe «6 soc 1s, stowuene tele epmierm =) ele (e eice.6 e806 6 ole silslaue ee: Abid « calcium phosphate in cheese- PODOMIN So arn.5 5:0 aie eis nists ee Acid flavor in cheese, cause, pre- VENGIOINMEtCHyasiroe oe seks «sce MOOR Gl Gis.20,7..shavehon eons eaaue are ates Acid, lactic, action in cheese- RIBS ee was amo «yes aia PASO Ale am tee cle sia) 6 sere elo. Bromimailic=sapatic ss. «<< > 6 Acid salts, effect on rennet action In cheese-ripening............ PNGIGELESt Ap NletTiN S's lysis ests: v6 eves PNCIGE=GUit (COlLOT. 7 « sieve-cys.c.s +08 89, Acidity and body of cheese..... Coloriotieheese.. si. es + cscsine Expulsion of whey........... anishtiOl Cheese. 5 sere oes + fee MlavOriol CHEESE. <1s<. sis suc else Keeping quality of cheese.... IRennetiactiony. s+) 20s tees 566 Mexbute Of CHEESE cites witieice- RR ear ERNE ie cn 5 45 English sage, making of...... 399 Excessive acidity in, cause of.. 50 EAT Gh TD ay eee tore cs sO 91 lavoro, and) acidity. .4.4 16: 52 Dlavausscauisesvole. ye oa see 375 Food faw:ons pinks ao. acu 119 From Ayrshire milk, composi- [AKON AONE Sica co hehe eae A ET Res 232 From Guernsey milk, composi- LO TIMG MRE G Vai cx sto sxc saevaret aoe 232 From Holstein milk, composi- CIOMPOLE Pays hsicee cone Dore 232 From Jersey milk, composition Cline 5 Or See eae owe 232 From normal milk, composition lies oreyseels a laxatencostorts hos maven cotene 231 From pasteurized milk....... 60 From rich milk, composition of 237 Irom skimmed milk, composi- EEO INO Ee reg eeny eee Terk e wiece ced 233 Functions of casein in........ 179 Buncitons of fatin,.......... Aided Functions of water in........ 180 Gassholesmmeariiees es fan na os 86 Gassy, green fodder a source of 7 Gouda wimaking Of.......2- >. 415 ame tracemantncit cine sisi c cise 62 Ow AtOrselleariet arin solsciale es 78 Immediate removal from fac- EORYicto eth Locus Scrcyayaner ee 393 Judging commercial qualities of Mechanical holes in.......... 86 Methods of grading.......... 95 Methods! of Scoring serrastet 93 Milk constituents and yield of 186 Milk-sugar, changes of, in PUVOILTAG \< sis eae es _.. 333 Moisture in, effects on weight lost in ripening Soo the twee Moisture in, right amount.... 382 Molidv, cause, etc... ........... 134 Neuf hatel, making Ole eas .. 404 OEE OTS 10. no eh oe Oe 116 (Parataclein ates: accra leant 330 Page Checse, payiie Tor soo: oy saentstd 79 Peptones i OAS Men ledeee ety 2 330 Placing in curing-room....... ipl IPOiSOnias ves hier tis echo ae ee 68 Profits from proper ripening of 391 Proteins in, agents changing. eh: Quality of, in rel tion to mois- CUTE. ces PEMA ee ruses sick: 381 Ouicle-ripening? .. 2: che. ae 60 Ried Spots Ines ea oe eee ee 89 Ripe, calculating yield of..... 225 WALCIOL. «14/0 eee A en Pee 71 Shaan olbbatesiovten tag cals 4, 515.0 ae 80 SHIpMent OL: <) 4% tale aes (le dis) Size of, effect of weight lost in PAP SHITE steve ierc Mel eet OOO Slkam=millc. ov laces Hee a Slow Mipenine . ase ees eee 60 Standards of states.......... 241 Standard of United States.... 237 Stilton making Oohes ne eee 398 PRESHINIG yee ee. Ge eee 80 shestine bodwyroh sane tei moh shestinepwcoloriOls en eee 88 dlestinerhavor Olea ena 81 (esting! texturevot. so. 050 5.6. 84 Texture of, and acidity....... oe Texture of, effect on loss of AMMOISTUTE. Nae ee en cee 324 Wuirmin COL swaerr eae eee re. aha 72 Unclean surface of, remedy... 133 Unecloredmerore. waa a 89 Unrpeacidwsaltsenes nee 328 Unripe, chemical compounds in 327 Unripe, milk-sugar in........ 328 Unripe, neutral saltsin....... 328 Unripe, prevemss Miieceve. onek 328 Unripe; sali an. 3 ta te aoa ea 329 Water in, value to consumers... 383 Water in, value to dairymen.. 380 Weighing for shipment....... 76 Wihiteispecks in joe 88, 332 With different percentages of water, calculating yield of.. 224 Yeasty, cause, prevention, etc. 126 Yield, accuracy of methods of CAICUa Ting er fees wh oe cee aes 226 Yield and solids, paying for milk on basis of........... 261 Yield, caiculating from fat, 213, 225 Yield, calculating from fat and CASein : Apres Pee aw 216,220 Witeld sfactorsiol nee 186 Yield of, effect of skimming mille Ome hoya ht ee 234 Yield of, effect of starters on.. 69 Yierd, relation of fat and casein COPS ister ere Wee cick SPR een 187 Yield, relation of milk-fat to.. 204 Yield, relation of water to.... 198 Cheese-box, proper appearance of 78 Cheese-boxes, stenciling ........ 77 476 Page Cheese-brands, use of........... 72 Cheese-factories, calculating divi- dendsiatirs. tie ne tee ae 279 Payinestor millkat. 2... eer 253 Cheese-factory architecture..... 98 ASSOCIA UION os pore eee 449 CozOPeETaAsion cscs pec oiete oie 448 Construction... = so. ce ee 97 Guanine room 117. oo ons. 102, 394 Draiitage feos. coisas ae oe 99 Brqutipmienit®, cvs on eee 106 tinnishaings.(, 1. ss. oe eee 106 IZosses| 1m Tipening |... eee Le 379 Manracement ®),\:): less oe 447 Method of disinfecting........ 132 Mille Ncaseim anit eee ee eee 163 Milk’ composition Of) 3...7 0. 175 Malic’ hast. ani. “8. ee ee ee 159 Milk, relation of fat and casein 169 Milk, variations in composition ORG ee cies, oo CS ES 176 Ogpanizationn...c cease cee. 447 Plans of construction......... 105 WAterestupplysOL.s .snc.sk ste cee 99 (Sheese-making and micro-organ- : TSI ke ete tne tes ee cee 28 Carevoronilic tore. ane mane 3 Gleanimillc ory. o:8 ee scons cet: 3 Colostrum anililcun=s sya. oe ee 12 Contralvoracidity imo... 55 Control of moisture in........ 48 Pirstuste psi tas. wee eee 15 Functions of\casein in........ 178 Functions of milk constituents IESE Eee roe Ne ieee ‘wai Functions of milk-sugar in.... 182 Functions of salts of milk in.. 184 Granular process ols... skies 35 id ping miuilltors seen erate 12 ILOSSioiiease in: ane tern cee ete 194 Mossioranilikcsfat anes esc. 188 Loss of milk constituents in... 188 Payine formule forse. sae ne 253 Relation of enzymsto........ 285 Feipemiac anilkotoresc..\ hee eo 18 WCIENCEION. Noh, | ele ep ast Sikes 137 Soaked-curd process of....... a Stirred-curd process of....... 55 System of records for........ 16 Wseotiacidsane see 2k 63 Wise Of PENS We hs Sha thy a 64. 312 Wseiot.starterin.... 2: ens 21 ‘ Sheese- promis t solids in milk.. 200 vheese-ripening.... 313, 327, 354, 379 PNCTONSAlTS ltt ay cass cit Pincus mane 334 Netonianactasat..e. 6. none 356 Action of bacteria in......... ipa! Action of galactase in......... 368 Action (Of pepsimiin’ W252 .6 365 Action of rennet on....... 346, 361 Causes of chemical changes of, 354 Chemical changes ine. . o.0.. S27 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Page Cheese-ripening, changesin.... 314 Changes in proteins in........ 330 Chemical, definition of. ...... 337 Conditions affecting quality 24, 388 Cumulative products in....... 350 Effect of moisture on chemistry Of) SRE ie Sree eee eee 340 Effect of moisture of air on Welshit Most eimameeeices sic.) eee 317 Effect of paraffin coating on 19, 389 Kifect of salitaon arise ae cae 343 Effect of sizeu. 5. heat ae 342 Effect of size on weight lost in , 387 Effect of temperature on loss of weightwim i; 2ocu sat ee 315 Effect of temperature on QuaAlibyy ee lectern 324, 388 Effect of time on chemical changes (ofc tat eee eee Sol Factory Jossesiiaao eae eteeee 379 Gases it: isaeis ca eee eee 334 Influence of products on...... 351 Loss of weigittiim.. 1.2 -le cies 314 Measuring fate of... #5. -\.aee 336 Millk-siear anid. cee oe Seen 357 INewtral salitsiein-nysc ce eee 334 Proper conditions ese nie 394 Temperature and weight lost.. 386 Transient products imc... ..4 350 Why moisture: aftects.... 5.0. 355 Cheese-scoring cards........... 94 Chemical changes in cheese-ripen- DIDI cate teeth enehe ee ene 327 Of cheese-ripening, causes of.. 354 Of cheese-ripening, effect of LeMmperatiuneione yo. ee eee 338 Of cheese-ripening, effect of time Oni ee eee Tf Chemical compounds in unripe cheese: (7, aoe siads cee eee 327 Chemical products of cheese- ripening, effect on process. Jon Chloroform, effect on’ rennet actions ce ocr de ee 308 Chymosin of rennety.... sek eh ee 299 Cléan favor. senate Peres 82 Milk for cheese-making....... 3 Malik: how-to Obtain an. serene 8 Cleaning and disinfecting, method . ERS tiers. oe lo waoc 1352 Close texture sss eee ee 86 Coagulating action of rennet, ex- planationmMole oh. 6 ee eee 302 Coagulation by rennet, imperfect, CATISES OL ss Ae ee ees 23 Of milk, effect of temperature 309 Color, acid-cut, cause, etc.....89, 129 Defects im; catises ete... . . 4 129 | ode I See a eee ok Re 89 Color lights as saeco etre ci ie Mottled, cause, etc INDEX 477 Of cheese and acidity...... 52 Of cheese, testing of........ 88 Pale, cause, remedy, etc.... 129 Perkecitesa tot: eis eee eee 88 Rusty-spot, cause, etc...... 131 Seamiy,, Cause, EtG: . 6.5 yess 89, 130 SURANGA ne 3 ee ei en 88 SS ERCOUCE Mid 4-05 sl « ace) ar ee 89 paAINS CEN). <4.c ote oon cee 88 AVC Phot tics a SIDA. face ee 89 Coloring-matter, adding to milk. 22 Colostrum milk in cheese-making 12 Commercial qualities of cheese... Scose-cards... .. MSs Composition of cheese and milk constituents : Of cheese and quality Of cheese, effect of skimming STUUR cs.) Sea oy a, ofa a ae ce Of cheese-factory milk Of cheese from Ayrshire milk. Of cheese from Guernsey milk 232 Of cheese from Holstein milk. Of cheese from Jersey milk. . Of cheese from normal milk... Of cheese from rich milk Of cheese from skimmed milk. Of cottage-cheese Of milk, diagram showing. . OR WHEY: s .steceeresreo sans rete Constituents of milk Of milk, conditions affecting. . Construction of cheese-factory... f curing-room (Conley oO Giver ae ee alcas cles ccolae « Cottage-cheese, composition of. Miatlcstict ae taltern eset tienes a.6 3) 85 oro Qualities of Cows, fat in milk of breeds COW VOLe Ades aie cee Ute idi seeks Cause euCs anv making Olen oe Cracked rinds, Cream cheese, Crumbly body Cubes of curd ©) | & Seiko rem \w (us) ieee. ©)'0 . THN EMO ale iy ewseechG Bek Ga one 324 Of weight in cheese-ripening, effect of temperature on.... 315 Losses of milk constituents in cheese-making............. 188 LG h ine RY Ci ued Aeolian Sinetcl end Gee 82 Manns acidatestaatiatac as nicer: 427 Marschall test for ripening milk 21, 429 Mattine lo rictndirsserrersin oie 32 Mealy body tance nes oe eae 88 Mea tynibodiy:stareiacieta oie ieee 87 Mechanical holes in cheese...... 86 Metals, effect on rennet action.. 309 Micro-organisms, action in cheese- gholsiiharese ds WaPECe EEG Ran Kea a 371 And cheese-making........... 285 Milk, absorption of flavors by... 6 A CIGIEYAOL Atos GIO aod 152 Acidity Or, 1m nipenine. sce 21 Addition of rennet-extract to. 23 Adding coloring matter to. 22 SACratiOonwObes, kes eee ee 12 Albumin and cheese-making... 139 LANGE T Gis Aen Rat amcte Te Porc eect Wa 150 Atbumin, relation to casein. 172 At cheese=factories, paying for. 253 Ayrshire, composition of Cheese stromie cnvstecid oes close 252 Baboock test for fat in....... 423 Care of, for cheese-making.... 3 Bacterial infection of, sources. 4 Cheese-factory, composition of 175 Cheese-factory, tat din. . 2 s.).). 159 Clean, for cheese-making..... 3 Clean, how to obtain........ 8 Colostrum in cheese-making. . 12 480 Page Milk, conditions affecting con- Stituentsioba2. sent s- oe 155 Constituents and cheese yield. 186 Constituents and composition oli cheesey ois eee eee 2a Constituents, distribution in whey and cheese........... 203 Constituents, functions of, in cheese-making. J. kcal 177 Constituents, losses of, in cheese-making. pen ace sees 188 Constituents: Ob... oc eee os 139 Diagram showing composition Ob craic aie esas Gea ae a tle Peas 195 Bnzyimsini tocar 11532 297 Factory, casein Atlan awe aie 163 Factory, relation of fat and Casein aie cote eierets arancies 169 Factory, variations in composi- POTHOLES ee STIR ere tre eee 176 Finding degree of ripeness of.. 21 First care of, at factory ...... 17 Freshly drawn, effect of rennet Gila eae ere 310 Gassy, green foddersasourceof 7 Guernsey, composition of GREESE THOM. Ghae avis eo. nigie s = ' 232 Holstein, composition of cheese TO} 80 Valls tee Stat A ais cae SN ree 232 Jersey, composition of cheese ATRL ee ene Vom 232 Judging for cheese-making. . 12 Normal, composition of cheese from.. 231 Pasteurized, Cheese from. “60, 404 Paying for, on basis of cheese yield and Solids. oc cee 261 Paying for, on basis of fat..... 258 Paying for, on basis of fat and CASEIN Gia. siete urchins, ss lowe 269 Paying for, on basis of fat_and calculated casein..........- 276 Paying for, on -basts) Gf stat DLUS 2) en ers ew cs Seale coe 264 Paying for, on basis of weight 257 eeuon of casein and albumin Raneea of fat and casein in.. 164 Rich, composition of cheese FEO Anlscohs sons eed Cee SW Ripening for cheese-making... 18 Salts:Ofs 6 sees ee se eee 150 Skimmed, cheese from........ 250 Skimmed, composition of cheese TEGUA SS dassiels Ueecicle Doe bevels 233 Skimming, effect on composi- tion and yield of cheese.... 234 ests for Girt itl es. + chia eee aie 433 Treatment of, after milking... 10 Water initiated teeeeeeusee 139 Whey and cheese-solids in.... 201 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Page Milk-cans, rusty, effect on rennet ACTION. .)3 265 bs ees eee 309 Milk-casein, action of acidson... 143 Action) of alkalis'on.2)- eee 145 Action of enzyms on) eee 147 Action of heaton si. 40 146 Action of rennet on... «-eeee 146 Action of saltsion'. see eeere 146 Composition oft <2 ))se eee 141 Effect of drouthvon.. =. ee 163 Effect of pasturage on........ 163 In‘factory milk see eee eee eee 163 Physical condition of......... 142 Rule for calculating amount of 170 Strength of rennet in coagulat- ING. os a = se aes aoe 302 Variations, . 5 5.i<:.\=.e see 161 Millce=fat.. isk 6 oe ee eee 140 And breeds of cows: 2.5.1 157 And -lactation=.... <0 soe 158 Effect of pasturage on........ 160 Functions in cheese.......... iid: In factory milk oe eee 159 Tnwheéy-. 4s: a8 ce a eee 190 Losses of, in cheese-making... 188 Paying for milk on basis of.... 258 Relation to cheese yield...... 204 Variationvot.-...00 oo eee 157 Milks, different, effects of rennet 0) 0 AE PEA as SEEM een hs B.S Sila Milk-pails sanitary. .5-e eee 10 Milk-solids, calculation of....... 438 Milk-suvari:o hie Wess eee 148 Functions of, in cheese-making 182 In cheese, changes (3) Perey 5. 333 In cheese-ripening 4.02... 50 2 357 In’ unripe cheeses); «a2 cseenee 328 Lactic: acid’ trom)... Aeon 149 Milling curd, objects of......... 35 es deficient, in curd, effects Effect on body of cheese...... 47 Effect on chemistry of cheese- FIPEMINE a ara vl ale seeker eke eles 340 Effect oniinish.... a-ecieeen 47 Effect of, on flavor of cheese. . 48 Effect on keeping quality of cheese... cae oe eee 48 Effect on texture of cheese.... 47 Excessive, in curd, effects of.. 46 How much cheese should have 382 In cheese, affecting quality. . 381 In cheese, effect on weight lost in Pipenine ca. ete ee 323 In cheese-making, control of.. 48 In curd and cheese, effects of.. 483 In cheese, effect of texture on LOSS Ofvies . > eres eee 324 Of air, effect on weight lost in TIPEMUNE. . . «sla cacti hee epnt stone 317 Relation of, to acidity in curd. 4) INDEX 48 T ; oe Page Page Moisture, variation in loss with Pressing curd, conditions of ..... 40 different kinds of cheese.... 321 lowsrepulatedi.. cf... ene 42 Why it affects ripening of Objectsiaives. wv. cssnted eee 41 CHEESE He Riertces naps oi ob oceans Se Temperature of curd at....... 40 Moldy ‘cheese weause, ete....../2. 134 Print cheese, size of............ 44 Monrad test for ripening milk. .21, 431 Profits from proper ripening of Wiottlegascolore fe fis: sc cae 89, 129 Cheese sini chetcan osteo 391 INatiumalinstatghet sp.) os: a ache catpelces 18 Propagation of starter.......... 20 Neufchatel cheese from pasteur- Protein, brine-soluble, in cheese- ized milk, making of....... 404 TIPEMING:, oon keane 359 Neutral salts in cheese-ripening. 334 Proteins, changes in cheese-ripen- Off flavors in cheese, cause, rem- nL oe Sd ee es en ees acre ae 330 BODE s siccs Sie cies +a eee 116 In cheese, agents changing. . 355 Open texture, cause, prevention. 123 lnsunnipercheeses +. eee. See 328 Onrerdiny DOV @s sc cine acccle oleate 88 Qualities, commercial, of cheese. 80 IBAGKAGEWOMEESE., oh a:cc0 olsen 91 Quality of cheese and composition 243 Pale color, cause, remedy, etc... 129 Affected by moisture ........ 381 Paracasein, action of calcium salts Effect of freezing on ......... 390 OL rey a, eae oe ere 304 Effect of paraffin coating..... 389 And casein, relation of....... 305 Effect of temperature on...... 388 Chanwe of casei antoneacs sae 303 Quevenne lactometer, use of.... 437 Disestion by rennet... .2... 2. 306 Ouicktlavons se. \nn cece losis es 82 Distinction from casein....... 303 Quick-ripening cheese.......... 60 Precipitation by calcium salts. 304 Raricideiiavo temp moans nemo 83 Paraffin coating on cheese, effect Records, system of, for cheese- ONE GMAT Pec tee reecs 6 c.s0sc 389 aoe ahaveds aes pV hamedeitty cet 6 cur 16 Covering cheese with...... 74, 387 Ried spots inl cheeses... eee 89 Paraffining cheese, effect on Rennet action and acidity...... 51 weight lost in ripening Saris 319 fects Of acid Salts Ofts..nue ss 308 Paranuclein in cheese.......... 330 Peck OF ACIDS |ONarw. eke. - 306 Pasteurized milk, cheese from... 60 Effect of alkaline salts on..... 308 Pasturage, effect on caseinin milk 163 Bitect Ghali..-.-. tow Sale ef cheese. 2.: Mes cies cts 71 Salt, amount to use on curd..... 38 Effect on cheese- -ripening..... 343 Effect on rennet action....... 308 How.tolapply. toicurds =. ee 39 UeCHECSEH cll « Gos oe ae eee 89 in cheese; testing. ... 22). 90 In unripe (CHEESE. ) 5 Se 329 When to put oncurd......... 37 Salting curd, eftects of... 2s. 39 [Coches RRP Rn, 6 or Ae eRe con’ ore oi Salts, acid, in unripe cheese..... 328 Action of, OHsCASETT « <5 t)suisl eer 146 Neutral, in unripe cheese..... 328 Ofna ee 150 Of milk, functions of, in cheese- Tila fs) cab 0k oe aan Pra Rad ets, 184 Saliva OG Ys sete eae la ere ete 87 Sampling cheese...........--+. 80 Sanitary milking-pails.......... 10 Scale of points for judging...... 92 Science of cheese-making....... 137 Score-cards, commercial......... 94 Bdtucationall sc.) 2006 ete arene 94 Scoring cheese, method of...... 93 Seamy color................ 89, 130 Septic-tank drainage........... 100 Shape of cheese, effect of weight LOSEMMETIpeHIM eS nese costs tetere Shipment, boxing cheese for. . ‘eh Of cheesen. 20. -os tes hei sicker ate 71 Weighing cheese for.......... 76 Ship pine Cheese. iii eyaleta tater 7s Gilley: DOG aes arene ecctsievenaletexe els sales 87 Site Ob TACtOLy:. 1. sis. tnlraieietae es ees 97 SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CHEESE-MAKING Page Size and loss of weight.......... 387 Size of cheese, effect on weight losin tipening-. se. ee eee 320 Slam-millescheese. yo «ee re ee 250 Skimming milk, effect of, on com- positionsoL cheese...) eee 234 Effect on yield of cheese...... 234 Skimmed milk, composition of cheese from............2-. 233 Slow-ripening cheese............ 60 Smooth botly.- eee a ee 87 Soaked-curd process of cheese- tale (oF eee aha olen ee eae Oh Solid: bodys) oo aire ee ee ee 87 Solids, cheese-producing, in dif- ferentmilks? =a)... con eens 200 Solids, not fat in milk, calculation OL Bion ee ee oe 438 Sour flavors.ccs': + cess he eee 83 Specks, white, in cheese-ripening 332 Square cheese, size of.......... 44 Stable flavorsse 2s) oe eee 83 Standard for cheese, United States.. 237 Standards of states for cheese. 241 Starter) commercials.) ose 19 Effect on yield of cheese...... 69 Nattrrali) et ciseteete oe eae eee 18 PreparaviontOter cee aie ae 18 Propagationnole ye 9 kere 20 Use of, in cheese-making...... 21 Stenciling cheese-boxes......... Ld Stiff body. Saee cise co ce ee 87 Stilton cheese, making of....... 398 Stinkers, cause, prevention...... 116 Stirred-curd process of cheese- takings <<. 3 aie AS ee Stirring curd after cutting...... 28 Stirrine& curd: to dry at. se oe oe Straighitecolor-s +=. seme cee 88 Streaked: Colon...) cio. ieee 89 Stringing of curd on hot iron, 31, 35, 37 Strings of curd on hot-iron in cheddaring 34 f7)sc 000s 28) engpth of, atisaltinge occ. ee 37 Strong flavotl fats: bi fee eee 82 Sugar in cheese-ripening........ Roi Jen rraiile. yy + eee e eeenenn prea 148 Milk, in unripe cheese........ 328 Sunlight, effect on rennet....... 310 Supplies for cheese-factory...... 106 Sweet flavori ig see The Cereals in America By Tuomas F. Hunt, M.S., D.Agri., Professor of Agron- omy, Cornell University. If you raise five acres of any kind of grain you cannot afford to be without this book. It is in every way the best book on the subject that has ever been written. 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