Ls ‘ MERE he ia) penne oN ahh yah: , WN Amel wal? TY PRT EY. ds: y —— ih nya ue i ae Pay His POM ek Vi VAOWLA ily Bt iv Ay ' ' Wy, ey q | i si Ve iy 1) We y hie yi hs iN Naa ") i att f Wh an Ae ARERR Ge 0) ANT Ley A Nan \ ay i NW) ai! a a CA we SOW Ret meat Tf iN nai any io Ry, a 4 ‘KA fi My iM a i ai Wy RHE - SChaNTIEIC.. MONTHLY al, SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY EDITED BY J. McKEEN CATTELL VOLUME XIV JANUARY-JUNE, 1922 fo NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1922 46@ 18 > cee <¢ of f PRESS OF THOMAS J. GRIFFITHS AND SONS © UTICA, N. ¥. THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY TeAeINGUeAT ¥.. L922 HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL IMPROVEMENT By Dr Ds F. JONES CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, NEW HAVEN, CONN. HE function of hybridization is the rearrangement of already exist- a ing characters, the bringing together of qualities scattered about in different forms into one or a few individuals which represent the beginning of a new variety, or a new breed. How the common fruits, flowers and vegetables of our gardens and domestic animals in the fields and about the house have been multiplied into endless kinds by a re- combination of a relatively few types becomes apparent when the his- tory of any particular group of plants or animals is reviewed. The dahlia is one of the most popular garden flowers due largely to its easy culture, simple vegetative propagation and the wealth of colors and forms. The fact that the plants can also be easily grown from seed, giving an astonishing array of markedly different flowers. has made this a fascinating subject for experimentation by the amateur gardener and has greatly increased the number of well recognized va- rieties. The dahlia was first generally cultivated in Europe in 1789 having been introduced from Mexico. At that time the flowers were single and not greatly different from Cosmos and Coreopsis which are its nearest relatives. The first double flowered form was recorded in 1814 at which time there were listed some 12 well marked color types. Twelve years later the number of varieties had increased to 60 due to recombinations of the existing color varieties with the double flowered condition and also new shades of color were brought out by crossing and doubtless by mutation as well. The first Cactus dahlia came to light in 1879. This form was a radical departure from the common type. The margins of the petals were bent back instead of forward giving the flowers a very distinct appearance and a welcome change from the extreme forms which look too artificial. A small flowered: and profusely blooming type known as Pompon was also discovered. There now existed four main types based on flower form: Single, Double, Cactus and Pompon. The double dahlias are classified in two groups by the florists as Show and 6 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Fancy according to color pattern. Crossing between the Cactus and Show types produced a new dahlia intermediate in form with the tips of the petals curved backward somewhat like the hooded sweet peas but with the body of the petals broad and bent forward and double as in the Show types. This new creation called the Decorative type is one of the most highly prized and beautiful of all the dahlias. The flowers are not so compact and artificial looking as the Show and Fancy groups, and their fluffiness has much of the beauty of the Chrysanthemum and Aster together with an astonishing array of soft yet brilliant colors. The broad petaled, semi-double peony-flowered dahlia and the collarette type with a row of small and odd shaped petals of different color sur- rounding the central bud are the latest additions to the ever growing list of varieties of this most popular flower. The first Cactus dahlia also introduced a new color resembling that of the cactus, Cereus speciosissimus, from which fact it originally got its name. Other variations which were brought out from time to time were dwarf plants, plants with long stemmed and short stemmed flowers, flowers with petals divided, others quilled and still others rolled into tight tubes like some China asters. Colors are as profuse in dahlias as in almost any cultivated flower. They occur in self-colored patterns and in variegations which are classified into five different types as shaded, edged, margined, striped and mottled. How the individual variations first arose is, in most cases, wholly unknown but having once been found it is not difficult to see how by recombination all these dif- ferent flower forms, colors and patterns together with differences in the growth of plants, the more than 3,000 named varieties could be de- veloped in 150 years. Many horticultural achievements have not been developed by inten- tional hybridization. Natural crossing between different varieties grow- ing together has undoubtedly been responsible for most of the new forms. Because flowers are so conspicuous new deviations are usually easily detected and so seed saved. Cultivation gives a plant a far ereater opportunity for further improvement as compared to wild forms because of the immense numbers grown and the fact that these are more under observation. Careful culture also allows many new forms to live which would be exterminated in the open. Those plants whose valuable part is comprised in conspicuous flowers or definitely marked seeds are more extensively multiplied into different varieties than those plants which are not so easily catalogued. Roses, tulips, irises are a few notable examples of flowers which are widely diversified in form and color. Among the vegetables beans are listed in almost endless variety because the well marked seeds in color and pattern and char- acteristic pods make the different varieties easily recognized and there- fore generally kept true to type. The way in which many varieties of garden and field crops origi- HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 7 THE PROGENY OF A FEW NATURALLY CROSSED BEANS FOUND IN A COMMONLY GROWN VARIETY. THE OUT-CROSSED SEED TYPE AND THE ORIGINAL VARIETAL PATTERN ARE SHOWN ABOVE nate is well illustrated by a natural cross of a commonly cultivated variety of garden beans. From a plot of Dwarf Horticultural beans the seeds of which are characterized by splashes and stripes of irregu- lar red bands on a light background, a few off-type seeds were found when the crop was shelled. These seeds were densely marked with a thick mottling of dark brown. There were only a few of the seeds among many hundreds of thousands of the Horticultural type but they were very conspicuous on account of their darker color and altered pattern. They were probably due to natural crossing which had taken place the year before as the plants were grown adjoining plants of other varieties. This was proven to be the case when the odd looking seeds were planted and the resulting seeds harvested. Almost every plant was different in color and markings of the seeds. A representative seed from a number of these plants is shown in the figure. The seeds shown in the illustration having the same markings differ strikingly in color. The differences are abrupt. Although there are eleven distinct kinds of seeds in this lot it can be seen that they are made up of different combinations of color and pattern. In arrange- ment of color there are three types: self-colored, splashed and mottled. The colors are cream, tan, brown and red. Only a few of the many possible combinations of these characters are expressed in this small number of plants. Each seed is a possible beginning of a new variety. Some of the combinations are undoubtedly hybrid and will break up in 8 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY later generations. One of the seeds is an exact reduplication of the parental hybrid seeds. Another goes back to the one known erand- parent. What the other grandparental variety was can only be con- jectured. In addition to these striking differences of color and markings the seeds differ somewhat in size and shape. Whether these are genotypical differences or merely modifications due to the growth of the plant can only be told by further testing. The plants which produced these seeds differed in no less degree. They were yellow or green podded and the pods were flat or round. They were diverse in time of blooming and ripening. They were also unequal in productiveness, hardiness, dis- ease resistance, stringiness and toughness of the pods. These are the more important qualities but they are not so surely recognized as the noticeable seed characters. Natural crossing in this manner has been the most important agency in the multiplication of varieties. Striking variations such as occurred in the beans just described attract the fancy of the gardener. The seeds are saved and sown. The unusual features may or may not persist. Some of them may be an improvement over existing sorts. The seed from the most promising plants is again saved and since beans are largely self fertilized the hybrid combination of characters are quickly reduced in numbers and uniform and constant strains are established in the course of several years, that is, they soon come true to type. The best of these strains are selected and a new variety has been created or rather re-formed. Further testing shows whether the new variety has sufficient merit to be worthy of general cultivation and if it has it soon finds its way into the seed catalogues. Such in brief is an outline of the history of nearly all the commonly cultivated vegetables and flowers. It is generally thought that selection has brought out these new forms. Such is indeed the case but the variability induced by crossing has made the opportunity for selection to be effective. Those charac- ters which really determine the value of a variety, such as hardiness, productiveness, quality, and which are dependent upon all parts of the plant, are so complex in mode of inheritance that it is not at once appar- ~ ent that recombination of definitely hereditary factors takes place just as surely as in color and pattern. The changes are usually small in degree and the characters are more easily influenced by the external conditions. For that reason selection is the means of sorting out the best hereditary material and with many plants selection must always be continued to maintain improved varieties at their high level. The application of selection to plant and animal improvement has not been greatly changed by the recent advances in the knowledge of inheritance. It was used effectively long before Mendel’s principles of heredity were known. But in the past much time and effort have been J HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 9 wasted in selecting variations which were not inherited and which led to no change. Mendelism has shown clearly the distinction between the two kinds of deviations. Only germinal variations can be trans- mitted permanently. These are brought about either by original changes in the structure of the hereditary units about whose cause al- most nothing is known and which are comparatively rare in occurrence, or by the much more usual and frequent recombination arising from crossing. The only sure means of identifying these germinal variations is the progeny performance test. In one sense hybridization produces nothing new. It merely takes materials which are already in existence and by putting them into dif- ferent associations makes forms which have never been seen before. This is a common if not universal method of diversification. The Aryan alphabet has only some 30 symbols yet the English language alone has over 450,000 words. All chemical compounds are different groupings ‘of about 80 elements. That hybridization can produce nothing new is equivalent to saying that architects can create no new buildings be- cause they have to use the same bricks and boards, cement and sand they have always used or the musician can write no new songs because he has at his disposal only the same set of notes and modulations. The possibilities for creation by combination are practically unlimited. Particularly is this true in organic substances where each new com- pound forms a new unit which can associate with other units to form new compounds. The hereditary factors as far as known are com- pounds so complex that their formulas can not as yet be written. The history of the more recently created breeds of animals shows that hybridization has furnished the beginnings: controlled matings and careful selection have followed this up. Poultry furnishes many excellent examples of the part played by hybridization in animal breed- ing. The history of their development is the best known for the general purpose breeds of American origin although all are not agreed as to the foundation stocks. For the Barred Plymouth Rocks, the most popular all around fowl among the farmers of this country, the Dominique fur- nished the pattern and the Black Java or Black Cochin the size. The Minorca and Brahma were also used it is believed. The first specimens were exhibited in 1869 from Connecticut. The type of body has been fairly well fixed and Plymouth Rocks are now obtainable in several different colors and patterns. The Wyandotte has a distinct type of its own and is another product of the American breeders. Its short blocky build and compact frame set it off from the other larger and more rangy general purpose fowls but this type is not well fixed probably because more attention has been paid to feathers and color than to body characters. According to some authorities a Sebright Bantam and a Cochin hen were first mated to produce a Cochin Bantam. The offspring were again crossed with 10 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Cochin and also with Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Wyandottes first made their appearance in about 1870. The Rhode Island Red remained for a long time as a farm fowl and was not considered as a distinct breed and was not taken up by the “Standard” breeders until after it had established its reputation as a utility fowl. It is one of the most variable breeds in color due to its extremely mixed origin. Although the material used is somewhat in doubt both Asiatic and Mediterranean stocks were crossed in native breeds. According to one writer Red Malay, Shanghai, Chittagong, Brahma and Leghorn were crossed in every conceivable way. The red color being distinct from all other common fowls it was easy to estab- lish a new breed. It illustrates well the point that breeds are based on a few outstanding easily seen characters and the more valuable features are built up around them. Such has been the origin of the more recent breeds. With various modifications it is probably typical of the be- ginning of all breeds of poultry whose past history is now unknown. Sheep are among the oldest. of domesticated animals and nowhere have they been more highly developed than in England. Most of the modern mutton breeds with which we are now familiar had their origin there. Some were so excellently formed since very early times that their beginnings are not known, such as the Southdowns and Dorsets. The former has very fine qualities as indicated by its widespread popu- larity and from the fact that it has been used in crossing with other local strains to produce many of the now prominent breeds. For example it is generally believed that the Shropshires are the result of crossing Southdowns with the native horned, black faced sheep of Shropshire. Also the Leicester and Cotswold breeds are thought to have contributed something to the prominence of this famous race. Similarly the Ox- ford sheep grew out of intermixing the Cotswolds and Hampshires, while the Hampshires in turn got their start in crosses of the native Wiltshire and Berkshire sheep followed by judicious use of Southdown rams. Later the Sussex sheep which had a somewhat similar origin were united to make the material out of which have come the modern Hampshires. And to-day in the western states the Department of Agri- culture is endeavoring to unite as many of the good qualities of the Lincoln and Rambouillet breeds as possible to form a new one for which the name of Columbia is proposed. Should one examine the history of the creation of the present day breeds of swine he would find that much the same line of development has taken place. Crossing to bring together desired characters from different types brought out in different places and to serve different pur- poses. followed by intermating and back-crossing of the progeny and close selection towards a more or less fixed objective—such has been the almost unvarying recent history of the smaller and faster breeding animals. The larger and more slowly reproducing farm animals, the HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 11 cow and the horse, are not so easily handled in this way. The creation of new varieties which means the culling out of enormous numbers of inferior individuals is too expensive a procedure to be undertaken with- out good reason. But is it not a logical assumption from the known history of the smaller animals that crossing has played an equally im- portant part in their early development which had already reached a high plane before the written history of the breeds began? It has long been stated that the chief contribution of France to agriculture, the Percheron horse, reached its highest development fol- lowing the infusion of the heredity of the Arabian horse into the native heavy horses after the defeat of the Saracens in 732. Sanders and Dinsmore, recent writers on the Percherons, are, however, strongly of the opinion that the influence of the Arabian horse has been greatly exaggerated and even question whether or not mixing ever occurred in any important amount and persisted. They base their chief argument on the fact that the color pattern of the Percheron is distinct from the markings of the Arabian. Unless this objection is supported by more convincing evidence it can hardly be conclusive as it would not be ex- pected that a complex parental pattern would be recovered completely from such a mixture unless it was specifically selected for. It is a fact that the Arabian war horses were present in France in large num- bers and magnificent animals they undoubtedly were. It can hardly be doubted that they were frequently crossed with native stock. How many of their desirable qualities have persisted is largely to be con- jectured. But the Percheron differs from the other heavy draft breeds most noticeably in neatness of body and lightness of foot, qualities which could very easily have come from part Arabian ancestry. Wheat being the most important bread making cereal in Europe and America, naturally a great deal of attention has been given to the upbuilding of this plant. Most of the varieties now widely grown have come from individual plant selections from older varieties. A beard- less head in a field of bearded wheat or a blue-stemmed plant in color- less sorts attracts attention. Seed may be saved from such plants and if the progeny prove to be sufficiently distinct and better a new variety is in process of formation. The Scotch Fife wheat has been popular in the Northern States and Canada. Its origin is typical of many other varieties. David Fife living in Ontario received a quantity of wheat which had come original- ly from Russia. He planted it in the spring but it proved to be a winter variety and consequently only three heads ripened, these belonging to a single plant. Sown again the following year the wheat proved re- markably resistant to rust and from these few plants the seed was rapidly increased and widely grown. In time a number of some- what different types of Fife developed and by crossing among these types the Marquis wheat which has played a considerable part in Ca- 12 ; THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Hit AT } py PEERERIELET LUCE ELT tt Se Dit i tot ee fad, Le ANGAVNCMAAMAMNNAAAAASAMLAML ANAND) THE DIFFERENT TYPES OR AGRICULTURAL SUB-SPECIES OF MAIZE. DENT CORN IS THE STANDARD PRODUCER IN THE MAIN CORN GROWING REGION AND COMBINES FEATURES OF THE NORTHERN GROWN FLINT AND SOUTHERN FLOUR TYPES nadian wheat growing was produced by William Saunders of the Canadian Experiment Station at Ottawa. Fultz is one of the best known of the older varieties of American wheats. It originated from three heads of beardless wheat in a field of Lancaster. Later S. M. Schindel of Hagerstown, Maryland. crossed Fultz and Lancaster and out of this came Fulcaster, which is a bearded, semi-hard, red grained wheat considerably resistant to rust and drought. It has been grown generally over the country but particularly in the region from Pennsylvania to Oklahoma. One of the best illustrations of a successful plant breeding enter- prise from the standpoint of practical results obtained was the potato varieties produced by E. S. Carman, late editor of the Rural New Yorker. Rural Blush, Rural New Yorker No. 2, Carman No. 1. Car- man No. 3 and Sir Walter Raleigh are varieties which came from a collection of 62 varieties which were gotten together for the purpose of crossing. Artificial pollination proved to be impossible on account of failure to find good pollen but from seed bolls naturally formed (undoubtedly many of the seeds resulted from crossing between differ- ent varieties) a large number of seedlings were raised and from these the five best were distributed after careful testing. It is stated that at one time 80 per cent. of the potatoes grown in this country were either Carman’s productions or seedlings from them. He accomplished what he set out to do in producing a better potato than the old Early Rose and Peach Blow. That natural crossing has played a large part in the production of corn varieties of all kinds is apparent to every one. The ease by which pollen is carried by the wind and the practice of growing many different sorts near together or even in the same field maintain a constant state HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 13 of out-crossing and a resultant variability out of which selection can start new departures. The history of Reid’s Yellow Dent, now one of the most popular varieties throughout the corn belt, is typical. Robert Reid brought with him to Tazewell County, Illinois, from Ohio seed of a local va- riety know as Gordon Hopkin’s corn. This was planted in the spring of 1846 and did not thoroughly mature, consequently the seed did not germinate well the following year. The missing hills were replanted with an early variety known as Little Yellow corn. The corn has not been purposely mixed since then and by selection the type of this well known corn has been developed. The improvement of the famous variety of corn known as Leam- ing was first begun in 1826 with the use of Indian varieties commonly grown at that time and is probably the first variety of corn to be sys- tematically selected. It is also probably the first dent variety of modern type to be developed. According to a grandson of the original Leam- ing' some of the material used at the start consisted of the purple or black seeded varieties. Evidences of this aleurone color are still seen THIS CORN PLANT WITH PERFECT FLOWERS IN A SINGLE TERMINAL INFLORESCENCE IS BOTANICALLY QUITE SIMILAR TO A DISTINCT TRIBE OF GRASSES, THE SORGHUMS, WHICH GIVES CONSIDERABLE PROBABILITY TO THE THEORY OF A HYBRID ORIGIN OF MAIZE ! Wallace’s Farmer, Dec., 1910. 14 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY é a — a om re a SP ae man 9 a : #52: eee r a PP om x _ ~, ” or SF oe = — o— ¥ 2 rt tes 23 ee a ae a= 4. eS om Za —— 7 — 4 ae 22 Or ee a= +2 . oe = aa OE eS=5 # Se = - He, oe ° = zs pat ae ae 4 ie B 7 - s—< me a - =, s-- ea Se 4-355 = Se Se a ea += = = pe foheknd i . Ses ” > Boo ine see stem = S a on A cae OE HE, Fe CD ones + oe Ss Sep =.= ers: Tae = a, er =~ a ae a Messe es set cao cm = pes z SE Bet a es es se Be Se on ore a. masees nar ae Z 2 oo =~ 2 te a ee ee eo ee are ~ fa ee St Se > a oe & Bee oe ee oe t eee ae 4 Z a ae a ea = jescoc —.— — = oe a MEE cee, a0," Ben se <== : SE east SSS s4 BSSes == = = : +. ; = > dl =SSam ==: Yeeas sesene. Z== == See sss SSShs = : = (Oa = SBS Bor — % = owe Poe ae ae Ses eeF ar eee ew CO ee a ae a tates — ae -+— Se ae = & saeere = On, = -—~ on a 4 c pin a Se, Ps = > = geese << a © ‘~—} ae a ae o22 oe = eee ee. ce SF mee 454 mn 2 @e-; oe a= so Se Ge, tae AD ot = aT oe = <<, . = eee \aar 62a: FAs PP ~ 4. EE = i - ‘on a i al % ne THE GREAT VARIABILITY OF MAIZE ADAPTING THE PLANT TO A RANGE OF CONDITIONS FROM THE EDGE OF THE ARCTICS TO THE TROPICS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD IS DIFFICULT TO ACCOUNT FOR UNLESS A MIXED ANCESTRY IS ASSUMED at rare intervals in this variety. That the large-eared, compact-rowed, many-seeded variety now so familiar should be got out of the few-rowed, round-seeded, floury and flinty varieties grown by the Indians for many centuries is a really remarkable instance of plant improvement through hybridization followed by thorough-going selection. The dent type of corn was not produced for the first time in Leam- ing as this kind of corn has been known since very early times having been reported to be in the possession of the Powhattan Indians as early as 1608. The characteristic indentation of this most productive kind of corn is due to a corneous outer layer surrounding a center of soft starch. The greater shrinkage of this soft starch than the hard starch outside on drying bring about the depressed and folded tip from which the type gets its name. The two kinds of corn grown by the natives of America were floury varieties in Mexico and adjacent regions and flint varieties in the north. That the combination of flint and floury types has made possible the dent corn now so widely grown is some- what more than a surmise. The absence of leaves on the modified leaf sheaths forming the husks on the ears, a characteristic of dent corn, is common for floury corn but not flint corn. On the other hand the corneous nature of the endosperm and early maturity are largely flint features. A familiar example of the rapidity with which varieties can be produced by crossing is furnished by the yellow varieties of sweet corn which have been introduced during the past few years. Prac- tically all of them owe their start to a small eared, yellow seeded va- HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL “15 riety known as Golden Bantam. This variety for some time was little known and not appreciated because its yellow color differentiated it from all other varieties of sweet corn commonly grown and made it appear like field corn. It was finally realized that Golden Bantam was somewhat more tender in texture and better flavored than any other variety. Its small ears and low yield induced many to cross this corn with the larger growing corns and then to regain the yellow color combined with larger stalks and ears and as much of the quality of Bantam as possible. The yellow color is easily regained because in the second generation following the cross of yellow and white one seed in every four will be pure yellow but retaining the sweetness and tender- ness of Golden Bantam in a larger and more productive corn is more difficult. Some success has been achieved judging from the popularity of the new yellow sorts such as Golden-rod, Golden Giant, Buttercup, Bantam Evergreen and a host of others which represent a recombina- tion of the characters of Golden Bantam and such standard varieties as Evergreen, Howling Mob and Country Gentlemen. Yellow color has now become the badge of honor among sweet corns. The number of new roses continually being offered are so great that only an exceptional variety or novelty creates much interest. Within recent years the climbing American Beauty has attracted con- siderable attention. This variety was developed from a crossing of American Beauty and Rambler and possesses the large flowered, long NO OTHER PLANT THAN MAIZE EXHIBITS A GREATER RANGE IN SIZE, SHAPE, TEXTURE AND COLOR OF SEEDS 16 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY NTE NE “ya \ Nt ae | | 4 ii i H j ~ Pas sss i Bae bee Rete e Bee ‘ as S RESALE { i | j { 1 SIZE OF PLANT IS ALSO ASSOCIATED WITH THE ADAPTIBILITY OF MAIZE TO VARIED CONDITIONS stemmed features of one parent combined with the profuse bloom and rampant growth of the other. Practically there are limits to what can be done by hybridization and selection although no one can say exactly what these limits are. Certain characters are antagonistic. Fruit growers dream of an apple with the productiveness and hardiness of a Ben Davis or Baldwin com- bined with the delicacy, sweetness and flavor of a McIntosh or North- ern Spy. Yet the tough skin, thick cell walls and low sugar content of the Ben Davis are probably the very things which make it resistant to disease and able to produce abundantly under adverse climatic conditions. The plant breeder who sets out to produce a wheat with the best milling and baking qualities together with maximum yielding capacity. resistance to disease and severe climatic conditions has a task which is extremely difficult if not impossible. Likewise the animal breeder can HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 17 not expect a rapid maturity and tenderness of flesh together with ability to withstand adverse conditions. Those qualities which have been developed in domesticated forms are the ones which make them less able to cope with their surroundings. Wild species on the other hand are constantly selected on their ability to endure climatic extremes, pests and diseases. Their chief aim in life is apparently to provide for reproduction. Anything beyond this is a handicap. Moreover there are physiological limits beyond which it is impossible to go. Obviously a cow cannot be expected to give milk which is all cream, neither can a sugar beet be all sugar. What the limit is can not be closely approximated. Certainly if one were familiar with only the wild gourds he would be inclined to think a pumpkin or water melon weighing over 100 pounds a fantastic dream not to be actually realized. The lime tree gives no indication that a near relative could produce a fruit as large as the tropical grape fruit which often weighs over ten pounds. Between the wild cattle in the parks of England and the prize winning Shorthorns and Herefords at the live-stock expositions there are almost incredible changes. Selection even in the long expanses of time in which plants and animals have been domesticated could not bring these vast differences were it not for the variability made possible by frequent crossings between widely diverse stocks. When the origin of the familiar cul- tivated plants and domesticated animals is looked into it is significant that nearly all of the more important ones have been derived from more than one wild species and these are usually from separate regions. As an example of a valuable animal which has been cared for in nearly every part of the world the domestic fowl can be taken. It has long been thought that all the diverse breeds and types of chickens came originally from the Jungle Fowl of India, Southern China and the East Indies but it is now believed that the unknown ancestor of the Aseel or Malay Fowl. which has been bred in captivity for over 3.000 years, is also in part responsible for present divergent development exhibited by the many different breeds and races. According to Davenport “The Aseel has many points of difference from the Jungle Fowl and brings in a whole set of characters that our domestic races have and the Jungle Fowl lack. Thus the Jungle Fowl is a slender, agile bird with long wings, erect tail and a good flyer: while the Aseel is a very broad, heavy bird with short wings, drooping tail and unable to fly. The Jungle Fowl has a long slender beak, that of the Aseel is short and thick. The comb of the former is single. high, that of the latter triple (or “pea”) and low. The former has slender olive colored shanks; the latter thick and yellow shanks. The Jungle Fowl has a red eye; that of the Aseel is pearl colored. The VOL. XIV.—2. 18 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Jungle Fowl has the well known English Black-breasted Red Game pattern; the Aseel is mottled. The Jungle Fowl is the foundation stock of our nervous, flighty, egg laying races—the Leghorn, Minorca, Span- ish, Andalusian, etc.—the races that first spread over Europe, probably from the stock that was brought back from Persia by the expeditions of Alexander the Great. All of these races ordinarily carry the deter- miners of the Jungle type of coloration. Representatives of the Aseel type (which had long been established in Eastern Indian and China) were brought to America, becoming the ancestors of the Asiatic breeds and the fine general purpose breeds—the Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, ete. Such do not regularly carry the Jungle type of color pattern. In one case on the contrary,—namely the Buff Cochins—they introduced a new kind of color which (arisen in China 1,500 years ago) has never been produced independently since. The fowl of the Aseel type are poor egg layers, but their stocky build and great size make them unrivalled as ‘table birds.’ ” Of all domesticated animals the dog is probably the most varied in size, in form, in color and in covering. Ranging from the Poodle and Dachshund to the Bulldog, Greyhound and Great Dane, the dog has been the companion of man in nearly every part of the world. The near relatives to the dogs are numerous and although they are truly wild many are capable of being tamed and most of them will cross with some breeds of dogs. The timber wolf of Russia, the Jackal of Europe, Asia and Africa, the coyote of North America and the dingo of Australia have all probably contributed something to present day forms. Even the fox is quite like the dog in certain respects and may be remotely connected with some of our dogs. Catlike animals are numerous in all paris of the world and more than one species have been brought together in the making of this pet. The common wild-cat of England (Felis catus) and the Egyptian cat (Felis caffra) are probably the immediately sources of the familiar kinds of cats but the golden cat (Felis temmineki) of northern India, Tibet and the Malay Peninsula, the fishing cat (Felis viverrina) of India, the spotted leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) are near relatives which might have added something to the variety of form and color so characteristic of this animal. The pig is a widely domesticated animal which reached its greatest development when the breeds of Europe and Asia were brought to- gether and their qualities intermingled. Early in the 17th and 18th centuries Chinese hogs were introduced into Europe and from these sources there grew up the great breeds of Yorkshire, Berkshire, Poland- China and Duroc-Jersey. Many of these breeds have been perfected and named in this country but their foundation stock came originally from England, the Continent, and from Asia. The wild ancestors of the pig are considered to be the wild boar of Europe and Africa (Sus HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 19 scrofa) and the Indian wild boar (Sus Cristata) but almost every re- gion of the earth has its native species more or less closely allied to domesticated swine. One could extend this recital of the origin of tame animals to show that in the case of sheep there are at least six wild species which could have been drawn upon and a host of more distantly related forms and with cattle domesticated forms are classified in two species, Euro- pean and East Indian, and any number of closely allied wild species. The horse is rather unique in being the only animal with no closely re- lated wild congeners from which it could be re-established in case the horse became extinct. Either the horse has had a comparatively simple origin or else it has been cared for so long that its prototypes have been lost. Although much of the history of domesticated races is largely sur- mised there can be no doubt but that the intercrossing of different species from separated regions has played a very important part in their great alterations to suit the needs of man. Desirable qualities existed in several forms of allied animals in different regions. Tribal migrations and commercial intercourse furnished the means for bring- ing them together and as far as they were sexually compatible crossing undoubtedly was utilized to combine good features; and also the cross- ing and resulting variability brought out new possibilities not before realized. How else can one account for the great flexibility of domes- ticated races as contrasted to wild species? The same occurrence of species-hybridization is largely at the bot- tom of the development of cultivated plants. Some forty-two distinct species and sub-species of cotton have been described from both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Many of these are cultivated in various parts of the world. In this country 99 per cent. of the cotton grown is the short staple upland type and the remainder is the long fibered Egyptian or Sea Island cotton, so called as it was grown suc- cessfully only on the islands off the South Atlantic coast, and parts of the mainland. It is now grown in Egypt and in the irrigated valleys of the southwest. Authorities differ as to the origin of the cultivated cottons. Cross- pollination of the plant is easily effected by insects and hybridization between species introduced into new regions has certainly taken place. Watt considers upland cotton to be various hybrids between Gossypium herbaceum, G. mexicanum and G. hirsutum. The former is the old world form which probably originated in north Arabia and Asia Minor. The other two species are natives of the southern United States, the West Indies and Mexico. Sea Island cotton is generally considered as G. barbadense originating in Barbados or other West India islands but Watt is convinced that it too has had a mixed beginning. He considers 20 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY it as having been developed somewhere in South America and having the Peruvian or Andes cotton, G. perwvianum as one parental stock. Indian corn is perhaps the best example of a widely cultivated plant having apparently a single origin. Belonging to a small sub- division of the grass family its nearest wild relative is teosinte with which it hybridizes readily. Teosinte, Euchlaena mexicana, is a large semi-tropical grass which is sparingly cultivated and differs in many ways from maize. The seeds are born in one-rowed spikes. If corn has been derived solely from teosinte there has been a remarkable se- quence of changes in that the original condition of two or more spike- lets in a place which is typical of most cereals has been replaced by the one-rowed spike in the pistillate inflorescences of teosinte and then re- gained in the paired-row condition in the ears of maize. Collins has pointed out that there exists in pod corn, Zea mays var. tunicata a form with perfect flowered terminal inflorescences, which strongly suggests another species as one of the original stocks. These perfect flowered plants can not be distinguished by present botanical standards from a distinct tribe of grasses, the sorghums. In those characters in which maize differs most from teosinte it approaches the characters of this perfect flowered pod corn. Certain other considerations also make it highly probable, although not proved, that maize likewise must be as- signed a hybrid origin. The great variability and extreme plasticity by means of which corn is grown in many regions from the edge of the arctics to the tropics throughout the world would be difficult to com- prehend on any other assumption. Of all cultivated plants the rosaceous fruits give the most unmis- takable evidence of having been developed by means of species hy- bridization. Some thirteen wild species of apples exist in the temper- ate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Many of these have char- acters which entered into the make-up of this widely cultivated fruit. The cherry-plum-apricot-peach-almond group intergrades from one to the other so that it is impossible for the taxonomist to fix any exact limits to any division. Bailey lists 75 species and over 150 horticul- tural types of plums alone. From six native species 300 named va- rieties have been produced since the settlement of the New World. The rose itself is both the despair of the systematic botanist and the delight of the gardener bent on originating new forms. The rose grows wilds in nearly all parts of Europe, Asia, Northern Africa and North America. The taxonomists have great difficulty in defining a rose species. Bentham and Hooker list 30 while a French botanist, Gan- dager, describes 4.266 species from Europe and Western Asia alone. Most botanists recognize over 100 species. The more common horti- cultural types and the specific names under which they go are as follows: HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 21 Horticultural Types and Species of Rose Ayrshire R. arvensis Memorial R. Wichuraiana Banks Rk. Banksiae Moss Rk. gallica var. Bengal R. chinensis MUSCOSA Bourbon R. Borbonica Musk R. moschata Champney Rk. Noisettiana Noisette R. Noisettiana Cherokee R. laevigata Praire R. setigera Cinamon R. cimamonea Provence R. gallica Damask R. Damascena Scotch R. spinossvma Dog R. canina Sweetbrier R. rubiginosa Eglantine R. rubiginosa Tea R. chinensis The names of the two principal groups of the large flowered roses, such as the Hybrid Perpetuals and Hybrid Teas, denote their mixed origin. The latter group, of which the variety La France is a popular representative, is the result of back-crossing a hybrid combination of the Provence, Chinese and Cabbage roses on to the tea-scented China rose. The development of the native varieties of grapes, after the inabil- ity of the European varieties to thrive in the Eastern part of this country, furnishes one of the most interesting chapters in horticultural history. Many species of grapes grow wild in North America and in- dividual seedlings of some of these wild forms came very early into cultivation and are still grown. The principal native species and the most important varieties derived chiefly from them are: Vitis labrusca Catawba Concord is rotundifolia Scuppernong ee aestivalis Norton x riparia Clinton From these varieties as basic stock have come nearly all of the many excellent grapes now grown. Concord is the leading variety. In New York 75 per cent. of all the grapes grown are Concords alone. This variety and its derivatives produce three-fourths of the grapes grown in the eastern region. The history of the Concord is obscure but the evi- dence indicates that it is the product of a large fruited plant of the wild fox grape pollinated by a plant of the Catawba variety which was growing near by. The botanical characters of the Concord are almost wholly labrusca but some of the self-fertilized seedlings of Concord show strong indications of influence by Vitis vinifera, the European grape. Catawba, one of the assumed parents of Concord, is also a seedling of labrusca brought in from the wild but it shows even more indications of vinifera characters than Concord in the vinous flavor of the fruit, susceptibility to mildew, appearance of occasional seeds and especially in the seedlings of the Catawba, many of which resemble vinifera more than the parent. The Catawba was one of the first native grapes to be cultivated. It originated in 1819 in Montgomery County, Maryland, and is still widely grown. While it is not positively known, bo bo THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHEV. there seems to be little doubt that crossing took place between Euro- pean varieties and the wild plants growing near by. Large numbers of the vinifera grapes were grown at that time in an attempt to find some that would withstand the ravages of unaccustomed insects and diseases in the new world. These chance crosses gave size and sweet- ness together with resistance and made possible for the first time satis- factory grape culture. Hedrick in the “Grapes of New York” gives the derivation of all the leading varieties. In many cases the parentage is doubtful as many varieties have originated as chance seedlings which were noted as being superior in some respect and propagated for that reason. Out of 205 varieties 74 are the result of a combination of V. labrusca and V. vinifera. Eighty-eight varieties are more complex hybrids but most of them have either vinifera or labrusca heredity in addition to other native species. The remaining 43 varieties listed as coming from single species are mainly seedlings of Concord and this, as has been stated, is strongly suspected of a hybrid American-European origin. The systematic production of new grape varieties is illustrated by the work of Roger, one of the early hybridizers. The American va- riety Carter was pollinated by Black Hamburg and Chasselas, two Eu- ropean varieties. A large number of seedlings were raised and from this lot 45 were chosen as sufficiently promising to be sent out for trial. From these a number of named varieties were placed on the market and some are still grown of which Agawam is the most popular. The Concord, although the most widely cultivated grape at the present time, is somewhat lacking in quality. It is exceeded in this respect by many varieties such as Diamond, Dutchess and Brighton which have been derived from Concord by bringing in more of the qualities of the sweet European grape. The opportunities for hybridization of species are not so evident for animals as with plants at the present time. Most of the types and breeds are well established and experimentation with animals is so costly that it is doubtful if radically new forms will ever supplant them. Plants can be raised by the millions for the purpose of producing only a few of merit without prohibitive expense but with animals the situa- tion is different. One instance serves to indicate what the procedure has probably been in the past in the creation of new kinds of animals. The American buffalo crossed by domestic cattle has given a type with the hybrid name Cattalo which is promising as a range animal for the exposed prairies. The first generation progeny of such a cross are sterile in the males but the females crossed back with tame bulls give animals which are still highly variable but combine in various degrees the conformation of the beef breeds with the ruggedness of the buffalo and the flesh also partakes somewhat of that animal which was so highly prized by the native Indian and early plainsman. HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT AND ANIMAL 23 This outline of the origin of domesticated animals and plants in- cludes only those forms which show clear evidence of having had a mixed beginning. Not all plants and animals have such a complicated ancestry. The pea and soy bean among plants and horses among ani- mals. as a few examples, have had a comparatively simple line of descent yet they are represented by great variations in nearly every fea- ture and are important additions to the list of cultivated and domes- ticated plants and animals. The evidence is sufficient, however, to show that the one word which gives the key to the creation of useful forms of life is hybridization. The bringing together of qualities scattered about among different species, their rearrangement and from these still higher developments along strictly new lines this is what hybridization makes possible; and while it is not the primary method of evolution it is the most rapid means of changing animals and plants under the controlling hand of man. When it is noted that the forms which have come into domestica- tion within recent times and especially where rapid progress is made are unmistakably the result of hybridization it can not be doubted that germinal mixing in the past has been a most potent agency in the creation of valuable forms of life. It is not without significance that the plants and animals in both the eastern and western hemispheres which best serve the needs of man originated at or near the places where the great continents join. Southern Europe, Asia Minor and Northern Africa in the old world have been the birth place of staple cereals such as wheat and barley. Cotton and alfalfa are other plants of great value indigenous in this region. The grape vine, date palm, fig and olive are also native here. Sheep, swine, cattle, and horses were early used in these regions, as far as the evidence shows, for the production of food and clothing and carrying burdens. In the new world maize, beans, long staple cotton, potato, sweet potato, tomato, squashes and tobacco are the outstanding plant contributions and all of them come from Central American or adjoining regions. In each of the two Hemispheres in which early civilizations de- veloped through long periods of time uninfluenced by each other— the Egyptian, Assyrian in the East and the Inca, Mayan, Aztec in the west— we find the greatest progress in man’s achievements made where the paths leading from one continent to another cross each other. During this period of upbuilding use was undoubtedly made of the plants and animals nearest to hand. The fact that diverse forms of life made so by intermingling of different races from widely separated regions were here most abundantly available furnished the best opportunity for the origin of domesticated animals and plants and points the way for future progress. 24 THE SCIENTIFIC. MONTHLY ADVENTURES IN STUPIDITY: A PARTIAL-ANALYSIS. OF THE INTELLECTUAL INFERIORITY OF A COLLEGE STUDENT By Professor LEWIS M. TERMAN STANFORD UNIVERSITY ny youth whom we will designate as “K’’ entered Stanford University with credentials showing graduation from a small but accredited’ California high school. On matriculation he presented 15 units of high school work, all of which were of “recommended” grade. The only suspicious circumstance was the fact that he had spent five years in high. school and was almost 20 years old. He registered in mechanical engineering (woodwork), psychology (mental hygiene), drawing (still life, perspective). Thee weeks later the instructor in drawing asked me to give the boy a mental examination, because of suspected mental deficiency. This instructor stated that he had never had a student who. seemed so completely unable to grasp the principles of perspective or who made such foolish and absurd mistakes in trying to draw simple objects. A Stanford-Binet test gave K a mental age of 1214 years. Some of the results of this test were so incredible that in the next few weeks I devoted about twenty hours to a further study of the case, applying a large assortment of standardized educational and mental tests. As we shall see later, his scores on the various intelligence scales ranged from 12 to 131% years, and on the educational tests from the median for grade 5 to the median for grade 9 or 10. Average achievement in the educa- tional tests was not far from grade 7. K was of course not told the results of the tests. Effort was made. however, to impress him with the fact that he would have to work very hard in order to pass his courses. From time to time I gave him advice on use of references, methods of study, note taking, etc., partly to see whether it would be possible for an individual so lacking in intelligence. to pass a college course. K responded with willing, even dogged, in- dustry. He refrained from participation in the usual freshman frivoli- ties and studied every night until 10 or 11 o’clock. It is not surprising, however, that at the end of the term he failed in all his courses and was dismissed from the university. His examination in psychology had in- cluded such questions as “Explain how anything is (a) retained, and ADVENTURES, IN STUPIDITY 25 (b) brought back to consciousness. Distinguish between (a) philosophy and psychology; (b) sensation and perception; (c) mind and soul”! * In physical and personal appearance K was rather prepossessing than otherwise. He carried himself well and had a pleasant smile and expressive eyes. As he also had good clothes, excellent manners and a high-powered automobile, he was promptly initiated into one of the Greek letter fraternities. For purposes of observation I invited K to my home for dinner. His behavior and manners gave unmistakable evidence of a home environ- ment above the ordinary. However, in spite of a certain superficial polish, a discerning observer would readily note the extreme common- placeness of his remarks, and occasional almost infantile crudities of language. He talked little, answering often with only a knowing smile or a softly spoken yes or no. There was something in both smile and voice that tended to disarm suspicion and to incline one to give him the benefit of the doubt, if doubt should arise. His attitude toward me was always one of child-like trustfulness. At no time during the tests did he raise any question regarding the propriety of taking so much of my time, as college students almost invariably do under such circum- stances, and at no time did he appear self conscious or apologetic be- cause of his poor showing. Investigation disclosed the fact that K belonged to one of the most prominent families in the small city where he lived. His father was a banker, proprietor of the leading general store, and had formerly been a member of the lccal school board. K’s mother is said to be a superior woman. K is an only son. His one sister, several years his senior, is a graduate of the University of California. When K left the university he came to my office to bid me good- bye and told me he was glad it was all over. He said he had not wanted to come to college or even to graduate from high school. He “never could learn books anyway,” and now that he had done his best in college and failed he was glad to go back home to work in his father’s store. We will first recount K’s test performances in some detail, and later examine them in order to discover, if possible, the psychological nature of their inadequacy. STANFORD-BINET TEST YeAR VIII, Credit, 12 months. Although all the tests in this year were passed, K’s responses to three of them gave clear evidence of intellectual inferiority. For ex- ample, Finding Similarities brought the following responses, each given only after 15 to 30 seconds of thinking: 1 Only one of K’s teachers knew anything about the results of the mental tests, or even that such tests had been given. 26 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY (a) Wood and coal—‘Both used for firewood.” (b) Apple and peach— “Skin about the cnly thing.” (c) Iron and silver—‘Don’t know that one. Oh yes, they are heavy.” (d) Ship and automobile—‘Propeller.” In the Ball and Field test K studied for two minutes and said he could not do it. Persuasion finally brought a response which showed barely enough plan to satisfy the requirements for year VIII. Inferior- ity of practical judgment was evidenced by the crossing of lines and by the lack of parallelism. Vocabulary. Score 45, or about median for 13% years. Typical responses : Lecture—“To be taught. Sort of lecture course. One who relates about his experiences.” Skill—“Knowledge.’ Ramble—“Go fast.’ Civil—“‘Don’t know.” Nerve—‘Pertaining to mind. Get more nerves. Sort of brain.” Regard—‘Meaning good.” Brunette—‘White, I guess.” Hysterics—‘Per- taining to the nervous system.’ Mosaic—“Pertaining to architecture from a foreign country.” Bewail—‘Can’t think of that at all.” Priceless—‘No value.” Disproportionate—‘Can’t think of it at present.” Tolerate—“Try to get away from.” Frustrate—‘Sort of nervous.” Harpy—‘Happy, I guess.” Majesty—‘Don’t know how to use it. Would it pertain to a queen?” Treas- ury—'‘‘Pertaining to money.” Crunch—‘“Don’t know.” Sportive—‘Pertaining to sport; not sure about it.’ Shrewd—‘Conservative.” Repose—‘‘Don’t know that one.” Peculiarity—‘Very peculiar.” Conscientious—‘Good in his work, I guess.” Promontory, Avarice, Gelatinous, Drabble, all met the an- swer, “I don’t know.” Philanthropy—“Would it be wealthy?” Irony— “Strong.” Year IX. Credit, lo months. Failed on Rhymes. No error in Date, Weights, Change or Four Digits reversed. Three Words. (a) “The boy hit the ball into the river.’ (b) “Men must work to have money.” (c) “The lakes flows into the river and the river comes to a desert where it dries up.” Rhymes. (a) No rhyme found for day even in two minutes. “I can’t seem to get any.” (b) Mill—*Pill, bill, hill, rill’. (50 seconds). (c) Spring —‘“Spring, sprung.” Told to give rhymes, “I can’t seem to think of any.” YEAR X. Credit 10 months. Failed on Report. Absurdities. No error; answers given quickly. Designs. One correct, the other half correct. Reading and report. Read passage in 18 seconds without error. “A fire burnt three blocks near the center of the city. There was a girl asleep in bed. While at the fire a fireman burnt his hands.” Comprehension. (a) What ovght you to say, ete—‘Nothing.” (b) Before undertaking, etc——“Think about it.” (c) Why judge, etc.—“Actions count more. You can see him so much on his actions. Actions usually tell a great deal about a man. He might not have much talking ability.” Sixty words. In successive half minutes gave 10; 15, 10, 11, 7, and 7 words; total 69. Hardly any of the words given were what Binet would call “aristocratic” words. Class series all very brief. YEAR XII. Credit, 21 months. Failed on Ball and Field. Abstract words. Hazily explained but all scored plus. Dissected sentences. (a) and (c) correct. (b) “I asked my teacher for paper to correct.” Fables. (a) Hercules and Wagoner—“Don’t sit in the same rut and call for help but get out and do it yourself.” (Half credit.) (b) Milkmaid—‘Not ADVENTURES IN STUPIDITY 27 to be thinking so far ahead.” (Full credit.) (c) Fox and Crow—‘“Let’s see. I know, but can’t think. The crow was too vain of herself.” (Half credit if liberally scored.) (d) Farmer and Stork—“That the innocent sometimes may be caught and the guilty get away. You must not judge all by the ones being caught.” (No credit.) (e) Miller, son and donkey—“Mustn’t do everything what other people tell us.” (Full credit.) Five digits reversed. One of three correct. Picture interpretation. First picture brought description only, the others were fairly plausibly interpreted. Similarities. (a) Snake, cow, sparrow—‘“Don’t know unless it would be the tail.” (b) Book, teacher, newspaper—“Learn knowledge from all of them.”. (c) Wool, cotton, leather—‘“Clothing.” (d) Knife-blade, penny, piece of wire—‘“Steel.” (e) Rose, potato, tree—“Skin, or the heart.” (The first three were scored plus, the last two minus.) Year XIV. Credit, 12 months. Failed on Vocabulary, President and king, and Clock problems. Induction. Answers were 2, 2, 4, 8, 12, 32. That is, the principle was grasped only at the last folding. President and King. (1) “President has more power. He has a cabinet and rules over the cabinet. A king is mostly a figurehead and is ruled over by parliament.” (2) “President is commander-in-chief of the army.” (3) “President has the veto power and a king has not.” (Scored plus on power, minus on accession and tenure.) Problems of Fact. (a) and (b) both plus. (c) Indian coming to town— “Carriage; wagon.” Arithmetical Reasoning. All correct in 20, 30 and 7 seconds, respectively. Clock Problems. (a) 6:22—“It would still be 22 after 6.” (Task ex- plained again.) “Will it go like this—25 after 6?” (Failure in 2 minutes. ) (b) 8:10—After 2 minutes, “I can’t do it.” (c) 2:46—After 172 minutes, “T see now, it would be I5 after 10.” AVERAGE ApDULT. No credit. Responses on Vocabulary and Fables have already been described. Abstract Words. (a) Laziness and idleness—“One is not willing to work, and other because he won’t work.” (Scored plus, but is hazy.) (b) Evolution and revolution—‘Revolution means revolves. Don’t know the other word.” (c) Poverty and misery—“Poverty is without means, misery might be with means but not wanting to use them. One suffering.” (Plus on liberal scoring.) (d) Character and reputation—“Reputation is what you have had, character is what you have got at present.” Six Digits Reversed. No success. Not over two successive digits given correctly in any series. Enclosed Boxes. (a) and (b) correct. (c) “10.” (d) “17.” Code. Time, 5 minutes and 40 seconds. Only two letters correct. Superior ApuLt. No credit. Paper cutting test. Made one hole in center of paper. Eight Digits Forward. Not over three successive digits given correctly in any series. Thought of Passages. (a) “Tests that you are giving at present is very good for the scientific—let’s see—the scientific way. This test may help a person in something what they take up. I forget the rest.” (b) “Let’s see— many people—happiness—we do not have all happiness in life—and many people wish upon us that—let’s see—I can’t get it.” Seven Digits Reversed. Would not attempt. 28 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Ingenuity test. Showed no comprehension of the task whatever, although I twice explained it and even solved the first problem for him. The mental age score is 12 years,-5 months. The distribution of suc- cesses and failures does not differ especially from what one might ex- pect of an average child of 12 or 13 years. Qualitatively, however, many of the responses are characteristically different from those of an average child of the same mental age. They show more of what Binet called “maturity” of intelligence, and less of “rectitude.” K’s 14 years of schooling have brought his vocabulary about a half year or year above the average of his mental age and have made him a fairly fluent reader (pronouncer of words). He makes change quickly and solves simple arithmetical problems, but in practical judg- ment, in finding likenesses and differences, and in a certain inaccuracy and slowness of thought suggesting faint awareness, his stupidity is more apparent. , YERKES-BRIDGES POINT SCALE Total score, 79 points, or about median for 13 years. The following failures were typical: Repeating 21 syllables. Three errors. Absurdities. (a) I have three brothers, etc.—“Let’s see. It should be Paul, Ernest and J.” (b) Swinging cane with hands in pocket, etc—‘“That . one’s all right.” (c) Guidepost directions (if you can’t read this sign in- quire of the blacksmith, etc.)—“He never would be able to find the black- sinith. Analogies. (b) Arm is to elbow as leg is to—‘abdomen.” (c) Head is to hat as hand is to—“arm.” (d) Truth is to falsehood as straight line is to—“I have to pass that one.” (e) Storm is to calm as war is to—“Have to pass that too.” (f) Known is to unknown as present is to—“Known. No, I don’t know.” YERKES-Rossy ADOLESCENT POINT SCALE Total score, 48 points. Satisfactory age standards are not available for this scale, but 48 points is probably not far from average for 13 years. Typical responses include the following: Digits Forward. Memory span, 5 digits. Repeating Sentences. Failed on all sentences of more than 14 syllables. Comprehension Questions. (b) Actions versus words—“What they usually do is what they usually say.” Asked to explain, “What a person usually does, he has his mind made up and if he should say anything that way his mind would run in the same order.” (c) Why honesty is the best policy— “Because you're never caught in a lie; if you are, always there’s nothing to hinder you from getting a position.” Definitions. (d) Conceit—“One who only thinks about himself. One who thinks nobody is as good as he is—the branches of work what he’s in— pretty, or anything that way.” ; Analogies. Whole is to part as six is to—‘“half.” (f£) Sunday is to Sat- urday as January is to—“February.” ee ADVENTURES IN STUPIDITY, 29 Opposites. Wise—‘“not wise.” (20 sec.) Silent—‘still” (18 sec.). Simifar—“things” (20 sec.). Cheap—‘“goods” (7 sec.). Never—‘“will” (12 sec.). (Here task was explained again, as it was evident K had lost the goal) Joy—‘“gloom” (4 sec.). Prompt—‘late” (6 sec.). Vacant—‘‘don’t know.” Busy—‘“dull” (12 sec.).’ Distant—‘“close” (3 sec.). Lazy—‘don’t know” (35 sec.). Easy—‘“hard” (2 sec.). Generous—‘“close” (3 sec.). Hor- rid—‘“mild” (12 sec.). Rude—‘“good” (5 sec.). Top—“tail” (13 sec.). Many ‘—“few” (2 sec.). Rough—‘“calm” (4 sec.). Upper—‘“lower” (3 sec.). After —‘“before” (2 sec.). Letter Line Test. Only one point credit. Code Learning. No credit. Army (1917) InprvipuAL EXAMINATION Of tests A to V of the original individual examination methods pre- pared for use in the army (1917), the following were given: Clock Test. Could tell time promptly and, when clock was visible, could tell what time it would be if hands were reversed. Failed on latter when clock was not visible. (About a 12 or 13-year performance.) Knox imitation. Six successes in ten trials. No success beyond five moves. Porteus maze. One error in 10-year maze, two in II-year maze and none in mazes for 12 or 13 years. (About a 13 year performance.) Orientational information. No failure. Vocabulary. Average for two series of 50 words each was 21 correct definitions. Easy words failed included voluntary, perpetual (“motion in a line”), embers, tragic, optimist, repent, capitulate, contemplate, bestow, cooper (“builds coops”), hypocrite (“sort of non-believer”), etc. (About a 13% year periormance.) Disarranged sentences. Two of three correct. (12 years). Absurdiiies. Series 1 and 2, twenty absurdities in all, were given. Only the following were failed: Series 1 (i)—A mistake is much worse than a lie, for all people make mistakes and all liars tell lies; Series 2 (g)—Just before sunset we sat in the shade of a tall tree and amused ourselves by watching the shadows as they gradually grew shorter and shorter. (At least a 12 year performance). Rhymes. For stone three rhymes were found in one minute, for permit one, and for resist four. Likenesses and Differences. Series 1 and 2 were given, on 20 items in all. There were six failures, besides several passes of low value. (12 or 13-year performance.) Typical inferior responses were as follows: How hat and coat are alike—“Both gold rimmed.” Rose, potato, and tree—‘“Can’t get that.” Animal and plant—‘“Both have hearts.” Lamb, calf, and child—‘“All have feet.” Grass, cotton, tree, and thistle—“All green.” ' Memory for Designs. Of the five designs, two were reproduced correctly and two half correctly (liberal scoring). This is probably about a ten-year performance. . Logical memory. Passages 1 and 2 were given. These. are perhaps slightly more difficult than the Binet passage (Fire in New York), and have 20 “memories” each. Both were read fluently and without error. Seven memories were given for the first and 11 for the second. (11 or 12-year performance). 30 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Comprehension. All five series were given, or 25 in all. There were eight failures. (About a 10 or II-year performance). The following errors are typical: Why are people who are born deaf usually dumb also?—“Don’t know.” You are hauling a load of lumber; the horses get stuck in the mud, and there is no help to be had. What would you do?—“Go for help.” Why has New York become the largest city in America?—‘Because of its size and wealth. It covers such a large area.” Why should women and children be rescued first in a shipwreck ?—“There ain’t any reason.” Why should people have to get a license to get married?—“There would be too many marriages.” ; : ; Sentence Construction (3 words). All five series given, 15 items. All the responses were correct. (This test belongs at 9 or IO years). The scoring of this series of individual tests has not been standard- ized and age norms are lacking, but I estimate that the value of K’s performance is about equal to that of an average child of 12 or 13 years. Miscellaneous Tests Trabue Completion Tests. Series B. (3) “The stars and the stripes will shine tonight.” (6) “She could if she will.” (7) “Brothers and sisters should always try to help the other and should not quarrel. (9) “It is very annoying to have a tooth-ache, which often comes at the most bad time imaginable.” (10) “To make friends is always the— it ftakes:7 (Score is 12, or approximately seventh grade ability). Series C. (6) “The boy who studied hard will do well.” (7) “Men are more capable to do heavy work than women.” (8) “The sun is so hot that one can not sit in it directly without causing great discomfort to the eyes.” (9) “The knowledge of man to use fire is of important things known by but unknown animals.” (10) “One ought to take great care to do the right of , for one who bad habits it to get away from them.” (Score again is 12, seventh grade ability). Easy opposites. The easy opposites of List 3, Whipple’s Manual, brought the following responses: (1) Best—‘“poor” (3.2 sec.); (2) weary—‘tired” (2.4 sec.) ; (3) cloudy—‘clear” (.6 sec.) ; (4) patient—“impatient” (2 sec.) ; (5) careful—“not careful” (5 sec.) ; (6) stale—‘‘old” (.8 sec.) ; (7) tender— “tough” (1 sec.); (8) ignorant—“bright” (.6 sec.); (9) doubtful—‘don’t know” (6 sec.) ; (10) serious—“number” (3 sec.) ; (11) reckless—‘“not reck- less” (.8 sec.) ; (12) join—“not joined” (1.2 sec.) ; (13) advance—“not ad- vanced” (3.6 sec.); (14) honest—“dishonest” (.6 sec.); (15) gay—‘don’t know” (9 sec.); (16) forget—“remember” (.8 sec.); (17) calm—‘“rough” (.8 sec.) ; (18) rare—“tender” (.6 sec.); (19) dim—“bright” (.8 sec.) ; (20) difficult—“easy” ( .6 sec.). By the usual method of scoring only 8 of the 20 responses are cor- rect. Although reliable age norms for this list are not available, this is probably no better than children of 9 or 10 years ordinarily do. The haziness of K’s mental processes and his difficulty in holding to a goal are especially striking. The average time is 3.3 seconds, as compared with the Woodworth-Wells norm of 1.11 seconds for adults. This large difference is in line with K’s time record in the Kent-Rosanoff test and suggests marked intellectual inhibition. ADVENTURES IN STUPIDITY 31 Whipple's information test. After checking up the words as marked, it was found that K was able to define only 5 of the 100 words and to give a rough, inexact explanation of only 5 others. This is probably not far from an average eighth grade ability. Matching proverbs test (Otis). K was given the three Otis pro- visional lists. These resembled the form of the test included in later published editions of the Otis Group Scale, but were not identical with the latter. K’s scores on the three lists were 4,9 and 6. The average of 6.3 represents about eighth grade ability. Absurd pictures. The Terman series of 44 absurd pictures was next given.” As these do not measure above 12 years, it is not surprising that K succeeded with all but two. His intellectual deficiency is clearly not found chiefly on the perceptual level. Group Examination A (Original 10-Test Alpha) Test 1. Oral Directions. Only 2 correct. Weighted‘score 6. (About 8% years). Test 2. Memory for digits. Four correct. Weighted score, 8. (About Q years). Extreme memory span, 5 digits. (8 or 9 years). Test 3. Disarranged sentences. Nine correct, 3 wrong. Raw score, 6; weighted score, 12, (About 12 years.) People are many candy of fond— marked false. Property floods life and destroy—marked false. Test 4. Arithmetical reasoning. Raw score, 6; weighted score, 18. (12% years.) How many hours will it take a truck to go 66 miles at the rate of 6 miles an hour?—Ans. “to.” If you buy 2 packages of tobacco at 7 cents each and a pipe for 65 cents, how much change should you get from a two-dollar bill?—Ans. “1.28.” Test 5. Information. Raw score, 28; weighted score, 56. (About 16 years. ) Test 6. Synonym—Antonym. Score, 21. (About 16 years.) Score of this test is not weighted. Omitted definite—vague, concave—convex, adapt— conform, debase—exalt, repress—restrain. Test 7. Best Answer. Five attempted, 4 correct. Weighted score, 12. (About 11% years.) Why judge a man by what he does rather than by: what he says?'—“It is wrong to judge anybody.” Test 8. Number Series Completion. Raw score, 7; weighted score, 14. (About I5 years.) Test 9. Analogies. Six correct. (About 10% years.) This test is not weighted. Omitted or failed on items like the following: (5) Dress—woman: feathers—(bird, neck, feet, bill) ; (6) Water—drink: bread—(cake, eat, coffee, pie) ; (7) Shoe—foot: hat—(coat, nose, head, collar). Test 10. Number Cancellation. Score, 19. (About 15 years.) Total weighted score, 175. This is about median for the high seventh grade, or age 131% to 14, and is approximately equivalent to score 70 on Alpha. The lowest score earned by any Stanford University student in a group of 300 tested was 205. However, K evidently does consider- 2 Described in J. of Applied Psychology, 1918, vol. 2, p. 348. The pic- tures themselves have not been published. 32 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY ably better on this kind of test than on tests of the Binet type, perhaps because it is more subject to the influence of schooling. KENT-ROSANOFF ASSOCIATION TEST K presented no symptoms whatever of psychopathological ten- dencies, but the Kent-Rosanoff test was given in order to compare his responses with those found by the authors for typical dull subjects. The results showed 14 per cent. of “individual” and 4 per cent. of “doubtful” reactions. Kent and Rosanoff found 6.8 per cent. of in- dividual responses for normal adults, 14.3 per cent. for normal ten- year olds, and 26.8 per cent. for insane adults. Eastman and Rosanoff found 13.2 per cent. for delinquents (presumably averaging much be- low normal in intelligence). Accordingly, as far as individual re- sponses are concerned, K’s performance resembles that of a dull youth or normal child. The median frequency of the responses was 22, which is considerably lower than for normal adults. In this case, the low score indicates dull- ness rather than mental eccentricity. There were no predicate reactions. There was only one instance of failure to respond, and seven in- stances of perseverance. These figures are not greatly different from those found for normal adults. Average reaction time was 3.1 seconds, + 1.54. The average for college students is usually between 1.5 and 2.25: for children or men- tally inferior adults, about 3. Four responses required more than 10 seconds. K’s slow reaction time, as well as the quality of his responses, indicates mental inferiority. Educational Tests Handwriting. Smooth and legible, entirely lacking in infantile qualities. Grades 14 on Thorndike scale. Kansas silent reading. Slightly better than eighth grade ability. Buckingham spelling test. Lists 1 and 2. Better than ninth grade ability. Courtis arithmetic. The results are shown in the following table: Process | Attempts| Right | Notes PNGIUOR Geer soesee 16 | II | Far above eighth grade. Subitaction.. 2242-2. Tay eee II | About eighth grade. Multiplication ....... II 7 | Slightly below eighth grade. IDIVASTOM 4 ae acest Satved 7 4 | Between fifth and sixth grade. Speed of Reasoning.. | 5 2 | About fifth grade. The striking thing in the above table is the rapid: deterioration in quality of performance in the successive parts of the test from addition to reasoning. That is, the higher the mental processes involved in a test, the more clearly it brings out K’s subnormality. In speed and ac- curacy of adding he compares favorably with the average high school pupil, while in arithmetical reasoning he is little above fifth-grade ability. Three errors, all as absurd as the following, were made in in- dicating operations necessary to solve problems: ———— ADVENTURES IN - STUPIDITY 33 1. The children of a school gave a sleigh-ride party. There were 9 sleighs used, and each sleigh held 30 children. How many children were there in the party? Ans.—‘Subtract.” History. History was K’s favorite school subject. He had studied it for four years in high school, covering ancient, medieval and modern, English, and American History. Van Wagenen’s American History Scale (Information B) was first given. From K’s responses, we learn that New York was settled by the English, that the Missisippi Valley was first explored by the United States and England, that Lafayette and Hancock were American generals in the Revolutionary War, that Jamestown was not settled until after the fall of Quebec and the capture of New Amsterdam by the English, that Louisiana was not purchased until after the Missouri Compromise and the Dred Scott Decision, and that Alexander Hamilton was president of the United States. This list of interesting facts could have been greatly extended. The performance indicated about seventh or eighth grade ability. Sackett’s Ancient History test was also given. This is also chiefly an information test. The test is in six parts. I. What the following were noted for: Hannibal, Cheops, Solon, Attila, Mithridates—“Don’t know”; Demosthenes—‘Great writer”: Charlemagne— “He was a ruler over Egypt”; Constantine—‘Ruled over Egypt.” II. Name one of each of the following, from ancient history: a sculptor, a historian, a philosopher, a builder, a poet—‘Don’t know.’ A painter— “Raphael” ; law-giver—“Demosthenes.” III. Historical significance of important events. K could tell nothing whatever about the historical significance of the Battle of Tours, the Age of Augustus, the Check of the Saracens, the Reign of Alexander the Great, the Age of Pericles, the Burning of Carthage, the Peloponnesian War, etc. IV. Important battles. Could not tell who fought or won any of the important battles listed. V. Important dates. The closest he came to any of the ten dates was about 100 years. The Roman Empire was established about 100 iN, ID eheval felletonthe sbatbarians about 261A. Ds” The Saracens were also defeated around 100 A. D. Most of the events in this list he had “never heard of.” VI. The most important contribution of each of the following to civili- zation: Greeks—“No idea unless ships. Sort of a fleet is what they had mostly.” Teutons—‘Came from Northern Europe. Don’t know what they gave to the people.” Phoenicians—‘Don’t know who they were.” Saracens and Arabians—“Don’t know.” Romans—“Don’t know, unless it was the great art what they had.” Hebrews—“Hebrew language only thing I know.” (Who were the Hebrews?) “Don’t know who they were.” (Are they related to the Jews?) “Sort of same thing; are not Jews, though.” Persians—“Don’t know.” Egyptians—“Don’t know.” Babylonians—“Don’t know.” Prehistoric Man—*Don’t know,’ K’s stock of historical information may be inferred from the fact that of the 55 questions in the above six series, 2 were answered cor- rectly. He did know that Cicero was an orator and that Alexander was a warrior (“general”). VOL. XIV.—3. 34 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY NOTES ON READING AND HOBBIES Reading. K stated that from the time he entered high school he had read from one to two hours a day, chiefly newspapers and magazines. The latter included American Boy, The Youth’s Companion, Popular Mechanics, The Literary Digest and World’s Work. Asked what books he had read through, he could name only the following: Little Women, Alger’s books, Robinson Crusoe, and several volumes of Draper’s Self Culture. Said he had also read a book about the Civil War, but could not name it. Could not remember that he had ever read a book of travel, any novel, or any books on mythology. He had read no poems except those in his school texts—*“I don’t like poetry.” Hobbies. Seems never to have had any persisting hobbies. Four years earlier had put up a telegraph line, which worked, and learned some of the Morse code. This interest lasted only one winter. Had never tried wireless telegraphy. Once he “helped” another boy con- struct a biplane model. It seems that this was a simple affair and that K played only a minor role in it. Can ride a motorcycle, but “does not take care of it himself or try to fix it when it is out of order.” Likes an auto better; says he can grease it, fix the fan belt, repair punctures or adjust the carburetor. However, could not explain the principle of the gas engine or tell what the carburetor and commutator are for. Has never had a set of tools and admits that he was “never much good” with them. to) THE PsYCHOLOGY OF STUPIDITY The details of K’s test performances have not been set forth merely as amusing illustrations of intellectual gaucherie. Let us see what light they throw or. the psychology of stupidity, for the essential nature of intelligence or stupidity is best grasped by thoughtful observation of the bright or dull mind in action. First, however, it will be well to note that the degree of stupidity with which we are here concerned is really not extreme. K is in fact only moderately less dull than the average of the genus homo, judging from the intelligence scores made by nearly two million soldiers. His intelligence is probably not equalled or exceeded by more than 70 per cent. of our white voters, by more than 50 to 60 per cent. of semi- skilled laborers, by more than 40 to-50 per cent. of barbers or team- sters, or by more than 20 to 30 per cent. of unskilled laborers. It is probably not equaled or exceeded by more than 30 to 40 per cent. of our South Italian or by more than 20 to 30 per cent. of our Mexican im- migrants. Compared to the average American Negro, K is intellectually gifted, being equalled by probably not more than 10 to 15 per cent. of that race. Among the Jukes, Kallikaks, Pineys or Hill Folk, he would represent the aristocracy of intellect. Just as we are prone to forget how the other half lives, so we are equally likely to forget how the other oo ol ADVENTURES IN-- STUPIDITY half thinks. It is now fairly well established that the strictly median individual of our population meets with little success in dealing with abstractions more difficult than those represented in a typical course of study for eighth grade pupils, that the large majority of high-school graduates are drawn from the best 25 per cent. of the population, and that the typical university graduate ranks in intellectual endowment well within the top 10 per cent. K is stupid only by contrast. Only oc- casionally does an individual of his moderate ability manage to gradu- ate from high school or enter college. Only an exceptional combination of dogged persistence and parental encouragement or other favoring circumstances can accomplish it. But the introduction of intelligence tests is showing that the majority of colleges and universities do un- knowinely enroll a few students of K’s intellectual caliber. How this happens and how it may be prevented are questions with which we are not here concerned. In what, psychologically, does K’s stupidity consist? Certainly not in the ordinary sensorial, perceptual or sensorimotor processes. In visual acuity he probably equals or exceeds the average savant. In the cancellation of given letters or figures in a mass of printed matter he would rank little if at all below the average of college students. He is probably in less danger of being run over by an automobile than the average college professor. He can probably drive an automobile as skillfully as the average lawyer, doctor or minister could do with the saine amount of experience. There is nothing in his intelligence that would prevent him from reaping world renown as a champion athlete. His handwriting would be a credit to a statesman. His spelling is unquestionably more accurate than the spelling we find in the letters and official reports of Colonel Washington, afterward the savior and the father of his country. Going from these relatively simple functions to the slightly higher processes of memory, we at once find unmistakable evidence of K’s mental inferiority. His memory span is only five digits, direct order, and four digits, reversed order. But we have to do not merely or chiefly with a weakness of memory for discrete impressions. He is able to recognize and pronounce almost any printed word in his spoken vocabulary, but his memory span for words making sentences resembles that of a child of eight or ten years. His “report” of glibly read pass- ages of the newspaper type is childish in its scantiness and inaccuracy, while his report of abstract passages rises little above zero efficiency. He is sometimes able to carry out directions given orally in 15-word sentences, but he responds with only a blank stare to similar directions in 30 to 40 word sentences. So many sounds will not coalesce in his mind into a meaningful whole. Nor is this weakness confined to memory for words, for he does little better with simple geometrical designs. He 26 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY is unable to reproduce correctly simple geometrical designs because he apperceives the figures merely as composed of many lines in apparently complex relationship to one another. How can we reconcile this apparent weakness of memory with the fact that K’s fund of general information, as measured by the army test, is equal to that of the average high-school sophomore? Does not the acquisition of information depend upon memory? The answer is that it depends largely on the kind of information. The kind called for in the original form of the army test relates largely to every-day perceptual experiences (common animals, plants, advertisements, sports, etc.). In information involving memory for abstract terms or appreciation of logical relationships, K makes a ludicrous showing. Information about base-ball champions or movie stars is within his reach; historical information is not. K’s success is no more brilliant when it comes to feats of constructive imagination. He was able to draw a clock face so as to show the posi- tion of the hands at any specified time, but he could not in imagination reverse the hands. He could not construct in imagination the situation represented by the problem of enclosed boxes. In the Binet paper cutting test, he could not imagine how the notched sheet of paper would look when unfolded. He could not retain or manipulate visual imagery well enough to reproduce the letter code. To think out new combinations of machinery or forces, as in the field of mechanical inventions, appears to be as far beyond him as the ability to manipulate abstract language symbols, The weakness of K’s constructive imagination is also shown in his lack of resourcefulness in meeting practical difficulties like those in- volved in the Ball and Field problem, the ingenuity test or the Knox Imitation test. The latter is not, strictly speaking, an imitation test, for success in its more difficult parts depends chiefly on adopting the scheme of numbering the positions, as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and remembering the numbers. This required resourcefulness is of a kind K can not bring to bear on a new problem. If he were a factory laborer, he could doubtless be taught to perform satisfactorily fairly complicated kinds of routine work, but he would not be likely to devise any new procedure to make work easier or lighter. In the appreciation of absurdities of a kind which are chiefly on the perceptual level or which involve only the simplest of ideas (absurd pictures), K makes a fairly good showing. He shows somewhat less ability to detect absurdities expressed in language, particularly if ex- pressed in fairly long or complicated sentences. To absurdities on the level of the abstract he is of course blind. He would doubtless read without the slightest suspicion of fraud a poem or sermon or legal document constructed so as to contain nothing but absurdity, provided Yo co | 4HOUCENTURES EN STOPIDITY only the language was sufficiently smooth-flowing. The absurdity about the road which was down hill in both directions involves little more than the re-presentation of sensed experience, hence was well within K’s ability. That about the three brothers demands an appreciation of language relationships which proved to be beyond him. In “Combinative ability” of the kind which Ebbinghaus rightly re- garded as such an important aspect of intelligence, K reveals, notwith- standing fourteen years of schooling, the capacities of an average child of twelve years. His desert-rivers-lakes sentence is correct in form, but absurdly foolish. In the Trabue test we find habitual associations dominant over sense, as in “The stars and stripes will shine to-night”; also a weak appreciation of sequential relationships and language form, as in “She could it she will,” “The boy who studied hard will succeed,” etc. The meaning of a simple mixed sentence like “people are many candy of fond” is not grasped by K because he is unable to profit from logical cues. He sometimes reacts to pictures by descriptions rather than interpretations because he sees merely parts without grasping the whole ihey compose. Subtle meanings, whether of language or pictorial repre- sentation, are lost on him. The gulf that separates him from Millet is as enormous as that which separates him from Shakespeare. In no in- tellectual activity that involves the “elaboration of parts into their worth and meaning” (Ebbinghaus) could he possibly excel. “Two and two” as numbers he can put together by the simple laws of habit: “two and two” as parts of a more complex situation will not combine. In comprehension K fails equally with simple cause and effect re- latiorships in nature, human relationships, and the rationalization of custom. Why the deaf should also be dumb is as much a mystery to him as why the rainbow is many-colored. New York is the largest city “because it covers such a large area.” Why honesty is the best policy, why women and children should be saved first in a shipwreck. why marriage licenses are necessary, involve issues too subtle for him to grasp. Although his inferior powers of comprehension render him incapable of real morality, his moral life, measured by the ordinary standards, appears to be quite normal. He is honest, and con- siderate and not likely to commit bigamy or marry without license. He follows custom but can not see beneath it or behind it. He is about as likely to be a moral reformer as to be a philosopher or poet or in- ventor or scientist. Closely associated with this weakness of comprehension is his in- ability to interpret fables, which usually bring either a comment in terms of the concrete situation or else a generalization which is beside the point. He grasps crudely the general trend of the story, but is in- sensible to the thought fringes which give it meaning. He is able to imagine the objects and activities described, but taken in the rough such imagery gets him nowhere. It is no wonder, therefore, that he should 38 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY match as equivalents proverbs of the most diverse meaning, for proverbs are generalized experience expressed in highly figurative language. K’s moral life will never be integrated by principles of action derived from experience. It is more likely to consist of rule-of-thumb behavior. And if he can not generalize his own experiences he is not likely to read much meaning into the behavior of others. He is not likely to develop that intuitive appreciation of the motives and attitudes of others which are necessary for the exercise of leadership. He will make as little headway in understanding the universe of personalities around him as in understanding the laws of gravity, the properties of the atom, the theory of evolution, or the canons of poetry. Striking examples of the poverty of K’s intellectual resources are seen in the various tests of association. Of the dozens of words in his vocabularly which rhyme with spring he could not think of one. During the last minute of the sixty-word test he was able to name words only at the rate of 7 in a half minute. Analogies involving concrete ob- jects he can sometimes complete correctly, more often not; but his re- sponse is not often wholly irrelevant. Arm is to elbow as leg is to—he completes with “abdomen”: a part of the human body, but not the part called for by the logical relationships given. In naming opposites he sometimes loses sight of the goal and responds with a synonym, as in weary—"‘tired”; stale—“old.” In other cases he responds with a word which is frequently associated with the stimulus word in everyday phraseology, as cheap— “goods”: never—‘will.” Still other responses are either slightly inexact, at best—“poor,” or else almost but not quite irrelevant, as top—‘tail’”; horrid—“mild.” Both the low “frequency” of the Kent-Rosanoff response words, and the slowness with which they are given, indicate a lack of variety in concept interconnections, with consequent poverty of verbal associations. As Binet might put it, K’s ideas lack direction, are not fruitful, and do not multiply. They are inert and lack valence. The result is intellectual sluggishness and haziness. Our subject will never draw hair-splitting distinctions; he is even incapable of quibbling or making puns. An essential aspect of the higher thought processes is the ability to associate ideas on the basis of similarities or differences. This ability is involved in such diverse mental acts as the understanding of simple figures of speech, the appreciation of poetry, the scientific classification of natural phenomena, and the origination of hypotheses of science or philosophy. Intellectual superiority is especially evidenced in the abil- ity to note essential likenesses and differences, as contrasted with those which are superficial, trivial or accidental. It is here that K displays one of his most characteristic weaknesses. An apple and a peach are alike because they have a skin: iron and silver, because they are heavy: an animal and a plant. because they have hearts: a snake, a cow and a ADVENTURES IN STUPIDITY 39 sparrow, because they have a tail; grass, cotton, tree and thistle, because they are green. Other similarities given are far-fetched or inaccurate. A hat and a coat are alike because they are gold rimmed; a rose, a potato and a tree, because they have a skin or heart. There is little logical connection among K’s concepts; they do not light up one another: they have not been subsumed under classes; they lack definite- “ness of content. All of this is again brought out in the vocabulary test, which in a remarkable degree is a test of one’s ability to distil concepts—from experience. Mere schooling affects it a little, but very little. Although K has attended school fourteen years, his vocabulary is less than a year beyond the standard for average children of his own mental age. Both the school and the cultural influences of a superior home have failed to give him an understanding of such common words as civil, brunette, bewail, priceless, disproportionate, tolerate, shrewd, repose, character or reputation. His definitions are occasionally infantile in form (given in terms of use, etc.), but are more often vague, or grossly inaccurate without being wholly irrelevant. For example, lecture means “to be taught”: ramble, “to go fast”; conscientious, “very good in his work”; brunette, “white”; tolerate, “to get away from.” All of these words he has probably seen or heard scores of times, but he has failed to grasp their meanings because of inability to analyze the situations in which they have appeared. Summing it all up we may say that K responds normally to simple situations directly sensed, and that his inferiority is chiefly evident in responses involving intellectua! initiative, planning, range and flexibility of association, analysis of a situation into its elements, alertness, and the direction of attention toward the significant aspects of experience. Most of all, K is stupid because he is not adept in the formation and manipulation of concepts; because he is unable to master the intellectual shorthand of general ideas. What is the practical bearing of the above facts on K’s vocational outlook? While an exact answer to this question is at present not pos- sible, a few tentative predictions may be ventured. K is at present per- forming the duties of a regular clerk in his father’s store, apparently with success, but it is unlikely that he will ever be able to manage a business of any considerable importance. That he will ever succeed his father in the local bank is hardly in the bounds of possibility. Perhaps he will know how to get credit and how to grant it with fair discretion, but he will never understand the principles of credit by which banking is carried on. He may learn how to purchase bonds, to clip coupons, and how to save his income; but he will never know what a bond is. That he could become a minister, lawyer or doctor is unthinkable. He will never engage in theological disputes or concern himself about 40 THE SCIENTIFIC -MONTHEY, principles of artificial immunization. On the other hand, a hundred kinds of skilled or at least semi-skilled work are open to him. As far as intelligence is concerned there is no reason to suppose that he could not be a reasonably good baker, barber, bricklayer, butcher, carpenter, drill sharpener, freight checker, game warden, glass blower, harness- maker, horse-clipper, jail-keeper, joiner, lathe-hand, policeman, pro- fessional baseball player, plumber, prize fighter, peddler, railroad brakeman, riveter, roofer, section boss, soldier, street car conductor, timer, truckman, valet, weaver or yardman. There are doubtless also innumerable kinds of routine clerical work in which he could do well. For all we know he may become a successful business man, but this is unlikely unless through the shrewd choice of assistants or marriage to a capable woman. Whatever he does for a living, K may be expected to become a citizen of average respectability, though he is not likely to be elected to im- portant office or to play a leading réle in the affairs of his community. As a voter, he will never glimpse the fundamental problems relating to taxation, tariff, government ownership, systems of credit, education, labor or capital. If he ever concerns himself at all with political mat- ters, it will probably be as a loyal adherent to his party and a devout repeater of its catchwords. GERTAIN ONIDTES IN SCIENCE 41 CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE By Professor R. D. CARMICHAEL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS | ee the several sciences taken as a whole form one science is a proposition which has often been urged, sometimes apparently as an article of faith and sometimes as a reasoned conclusion. To an individual who holds, with nearly religious fervor, the doctrine that the universe is one and that the truth of science asymptotically ap- proaches the absolute truth about the universe, there can be no doubt of the oneness of all science; there is no room or opportunity, except through error, for that diversity which destroys the oneness of the whole. To an individual of such an outlook it may be almost or quite an article of faith that all science is one. But to him whose universe is not so tidy, in whose thought there is the ever-present possibility that after all we may be building on insecure foundations, the assertion of the unity of science can be made only on a reasoned analysis of its characteristics and on the established fact of the presence in it of such dominant qualities as bind the whole indissolubly into one. To exhibit such elements and to show that they have such qualities is a task of large proportions, for beyond the possible achievements of a single paper. Our purpose is the more modest one of exhibiting cer- tain common elements, certain unities, in science as a whole and of partially analyzing the way in which their presence affects the char- acter of scientific truth. The unities in science, however far-reaching, can never be absolute. Whatever is common to two domains of knowledge appears in each of them colored by the dominant light of the particular discipline. Per- haps the most obvious unity of all is that of experimentation and observation; its presence in natural science is almost universal. But in mathematics it is partially obscured from view by a universal in- sistence upon logical connection in exposition, so that the processes of experimentation and observation which were employed in discovery are not in evidence in the finished product. In the case of empirical theorems stated as conjectures (such as have occurred frequently in the history of the theory of numbers) we have the most notable partial exception to what is the general rule. The results conjectured are senuine empirical theorems. Mathematics differs from the natural sciences in refusing to accept these conjectured theorems without a logical demonstration. In thousands of cases it has been observed, 42 RHE SCOLEN TIFIC MONEY’ for instance, that an even number is a sum of two primes and no even number is known which does not have this remarkable property. It is conjectured to be true that every even number is a sum of two primes. But, as long as a logical demonstration is wanting, no mathematical memoir or treatise will assert its truth. Such an ideal of carefulness is possible as a practical ideal for the control of actual mathematical exposition; and, since it is possible, we insist upon it absolutely. But, from the greater complexity of its problems and the nature of the truth with which it deals, natural science can not insist upon such perfec- tion of logical form but must rely upon incomplete induction from particular observations to general laws and their subsequent experi- mental verification either directly or through the intervention of their consequences. The nearly universal unity of experimentation and observation is seen in varying colors in the different sciences. Probably a more important, if less obvious, unity is that of inven- tion or creation. This is most clearly in evidence in pure mathematics; but an examination of it as it appears there leads to the judgement that it is perhaps dominant throughout all science. There are those who wish to have the universe so tidy that nothing actually novel could happen in it, that happening would be impossible, that every event should be a mere consequence of the events which have preceded it. But there are others who would not object to the surprises and thrills of true novelty, who would not be disconcerted by the conclusion that a law reached inductively by the mind is essentially a creation of the mind, made (to be sure) for the purpose of relating in thought a class of observed phenomena, but none the less a veritable creation or invention. The whole matter turns on this question: Are the laws obtained by induction found in nature and dictated entirely by nature, or does the mind in some manner impose its own bias upon them? It appears that we are forced to the latter conclusion, particularly when we see the dominance of a general theory like the atomic theory or the rapid inroads of such a one as the theory of relativity and re- flect how these were conceived in the mind before there existed any empirical evidence for them. In such cases as these the mind has either imposed its own bias upon the laws of nature or it has had an uncanny foresight of them before they appeared in experimental sci- ence. The former seems to be the more natural and justifiable hypothesis. :. There is much to be said in favor of the thesis that natural science should be considered a construct of mind rather than a paraphrase of nature wrought out by the mind. The processes of invention are most in evidence in the formulation of hypotheses, and most clearly when these are based on only a few observations. There is no experimental proof, and perhaps in the nature of things there can be none, for the CERTAIN, UNITIZES, IN SCIENCE 43 hypothesis of the conservation of energy on which all modern physical science is based. This seems to be a law imposed by the mind for its convenience but without direct experimental support: at best it is contradicted by no experimental fact. But invention seems also to be present in the process of experi- mentation. The experimenter is not a merely passive recipient. He is active in directing the course of events. He invents phenomena which would be non-existent without his guiding influence. He gives attention to what he wills and ignores other things. He will not see all that happens, nor will he record all that he sees. He selects before he places on record for the examination of others. The principle of direct causality is almost universally held to underlie all natural science; the principle of inverse causality is also generally asserted as true, but with less confidence in the assertion. If the principle of causality exists at all in mathematics it must be in some greatly attenuated form. It can hardly be said that the iri- angularity of a Euclidean triangle is a cause having as an effect the proposition that the sum of the angles of the triangle is equal to a straight angle—unless one thinks of the cause-and-effect relation as having here a quality peculiar to mathematics. But in the natural sciences the principle seems to rule supreme. In some of them it is employed mostly in the direct sense, as in physics where one generally utilizes it for proceeding from the cause to the effect; in others the principle of inverse causality is more often in evidence, as in geology where we infer the past state of the earth from its present state. If the principle of causality affords a unity in science it can do so only on the assumption of at least the three well-distinguished forms which we have just mentioned. Moreover, however one approaches it, it involves him in speculative difficulties from which it is hard to extricate himself. It is a severe, if not an impossible, task to adjust his con- ception of the principle and his practice in its use so as to avoid just criticism and his own dissatisfaction with it. The difficulties which we have seen here in these cases are probably to be found, singly or in combination, in the case of most of the more obvious unities in science. The element of unity may fail to be as well marked as we like throughout the whole range of the sciences, as in the case of the unity of experimentation and observation; or it may be of such character that people can not be brought to general agreement about it as in the unity of method involved in the hypothesis of invention or creation; or it may lack somewhat in oneness, as in the case of the three forms in which the principle of causality appears. The main object of this paper is to discuss certain actual or possible unities not having these defective qualities. The complexity of nature is great beyond our ability to understand 44 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY or perceive. The material universe is too rich in form and the full- ness of phenomena for us to reach the whole extended complex in a single grasp of the mind. The extreme variety of kinds of objects, the multitudes of individuals of a kind, their almost innumerable relations in time and space, the ramifying causal connections among them and their mutual dependencies, their diverse relations to our own life and thought, and the hidden things in them which our organs of sense are unable to perceive even when supported by the power- ful instruments of science—all these tend to produce a complexity in the presence of which we are helpless so far as logical organization of all impressions is concerned. Even in the realm of those objects of thought which are constructed by the mind itself there is too much diversity for us to contemplate the whole at once if we are to do anything other than make glib general statements unsupported by anything more than a certain appeal to the imagination. It is evident that the mind is able to contemplate suc- cessively the elements of a range of objects ef thought far too vast to be embraced in a single encircling mental act. This is true not only in general but alse in the case of such extended ranges as pertain to a single domain, as for instance that of mathematics or that of philosophy. Two quite distinct worlds about which we should have exact in- formation may be conceived separately: the world of matter and the world of logical thought. Let us examine the two things presented to our consideration by the physical phenomena of matter on the one hand and on the other hand that special domain of logical thought which is embodied in mathematics. There is a very wide range of mathematical knowledge apparently unconnected with the properties of matter. There are physical properties of matter, so complicated that mathematical methods are still powerless in their presence. Each of these domains is vast in its extent. There is a relatively nar- row strip on which the two overlap, the properties of matter yielding themselves to mathematical formulation and the mathematical truth seeming to have its concrete embodiment in the properties and phe- nomena of matter. The existence of this common region of the two things apparently so widely separated has arrested our attention and has directed it so forcibly to the striking parallelism that we have sometimes felt that we have in it a fair measure of evidence for believ- ing the whole universe to be rational. So far this conclusion has too much the appearance of a pious wish and two little the character of a demonstrated result to justify our confidence in it. The relative narrowness of the common region of the two is rather disconcerting if we examine it closely. Even if all physical relations should be re- duced to mathematical formulation we would still have far to go to CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 45 reduce all phenomena to rational order and to find logical connections among all their parts. This diverse character of the most widely separated elements of physical and of mathematical science is one evidence of the necessity for breaking up into parts the total body of material concerning which we seek to attain exact and permanent knowledge so as to bring it within the range of such methods as we are able to conceive and em- ploy in one connected investigation or analysis. But if we break this material up into parts it is only by ignoring certain connections of importance, only by making abstraction of elements which may be omitted for the intended partial view but are essential to a complete understanding of the whole. The general situations actually presented by nature or by thought are too complex for us if we are to gain permanence or invariance in the conclusions which we reach. We have to create ideal situations where we are more at home and over which a restricted range of method will carry us with safety and with conclusions of sufficient penetration to have abiding value. We have to adapt our procedure to the strength of tool afforded by our minds when brought to their state of highest effectiveness. With a more penetrating insight less abstraction would be necessary; but only omniscience would enable us to conceive and handle at once the total flux of nature and thought. We have to work subject to the restrictions of our essential limitations. This process of abstraction has been carried further in mathematics than in any other science, having attained a place of importance there long before its primary character was recognized in other disciplines. Every organism possessed of locomotion has to deal with the problem of space relations, and particularly an architectural animal like a beaver or a man. Long experience in construction and measurement will give rise to a certain body of empirical knowledge and rule-of- thumb methods for making standard constructions. To such a state of advancement the knowledge of space had already attained among the ancient nations of the Orient and particularly among the ancient Egyptians. But their progress was intercepted by their inability to make needful abstraction of the essentially irrelevant and to concen- trate on those properties which afford the essential elements of geo- metrical form as such. They could only imperfectly conceive a tri- angle as anything more ideal than a piece of land of a certain outline or a flat stone of a certain shape. As long as the problems are conceived as those of the space re- lations of material objects there is present to thought a large disturb- ing element which successfully turns the attention away from what is essential. In order to construct a theory of the space relations of objects it seems to be practically necessary to do a more ideal thing 46 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTALY first. Before one can make serious progress in the way of definite conquest, one must abstract from the general complexity of the situa- tion and attain to a new one relatively much simpler. In fact, not only in the study of properties of geometrical space but also in many do- mains of science it is necessary to create a new situation having certain analogies with the actual one of nature but being so much simpler that we are able to grasp the interrelations of all its parts. This idealizing of the problem of space relations was first effec- tively achieved in the geometry of the ancient Greeks. They were able to get away quite completely from the material triangle and to conceive the ideal triangle defined by certain essential ideal properties. Like- wise they were able to make abstraction of what was not necessary to the purposes of a pure geometry in the various lines and circles and other figures which they wished to consider. This new attitude toward the subject matter of the theory of geometrical space allowed an altogether unforeseen extension of knowledge; geometry came into be- ing in one of those forms which stand as part of the modern theory. By abstraction of unessential elements the mind came to behold a much simplified object of thought and analysis a knowledge of whose properties gave the needful insight into the space relations involved in normal everyday experience. For a long time this body of geometrical truth stood apart from all other knowledge, separated by qualities of generality and ideal conception from all other doctrines whether of mathematics or of some other discipline; but, after a time, algebra began to assume a like position of separate completeness and it existed so until algebra and seometry were brought together by the invention of analytical geometry. The abstraction of the unessential in the study of space relations, dificult as it was and effected only in relatively recent times, seems to have been the easiest large abstraction for the human race to achieve. This was probably due to our intimate racial acquaintance with the space of experience during the whole period of our evolutionary history and to some peculiar adaptation of ourselves to the understand- ing of spatial relations. That our long drawn out experience with it is not in itself sufficient to enable us to fix attention upon the essential elements and to understand their relations is shown by the fact that we have been quite as long acquainted with the weather as with space relations and that we have not yet been able to reduce to the form of an exact science our knowledge of its daily changes—unless indeed we have been hindered in such progress by essential changes in the char- acter of the weather during geological ages while the relations of space have been an invariant element throughout our experience. The fact that mathematics first succeeded in making these large = a ES ee ee eee as CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE ; 47 abstractions from the complexity of the environment in building up its body of doctrine and that is today relative the furthest advanced of the sciences raises the question as to whether there is a general correlation between the state of advancement of -a science and its suc- cess in forming appropriate abstractions. The just conclusion seems to be that no science is far advanced until it has first succeeded in isolating by abstraction a large body of material, conceived ideally apart from the matrix of its environment and possessed of such es- sential properties as make it possible to pass from the conclusions of this ideal science into the actual complexity of phenomena with a bet- ter understanding of important phases of the latter than is otherwise possible. | In meteorology, where successful abstraction is exceedingly diff- cult, we find a relatively small body of securely achieved truth. The same is true in our study of industrial organization and of the com- plex phenomena of the social relation. But if we turn to the work of the astronomer in celestial mechanics, where nature herself almost made the abstractions for him, we find a science relatively far ad- vanced and one which achieved its position of preeminence early in the modern era. Under the inspiration afforded by the laws of Kepler Newton medi- tated on the question as to the ultimate law of nature upon which the properties of the planetary orbits depend; and he was led to conceive, and establish by. geometrical reasoning, the principle of universal gravitation and the law that the force of attraction between two ma- terial particles is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. These discoveries of Newton condensed an almost immeasurable volume of thought into a compact and simple formula, bringing the theory and observation of past ages to a focus from which new lines might diverge in many directions. Laplace undertook to draw out the conse- quences of the laws of Newton, his purpose being to “offer a com- plete solution of the great mechanical problem presented by the solar system, and to bring theory to coincide so closely with observation that empirical equations should no longer find a place in astronomical tables.” His success in both respects brought him very close to his lofty ideal. The “Mécanique Céleste” of Laplace holds a unique place in the history of science. It was the first instance in which an extensive uni- fied and logical theory had been developed for a large class of ob- served phenomena. A very few fundamental principles lay at the basis of the entire work, owing to abstraction of unessential details; and it was developed from these principles in its entirety solely by mathematical processes, this logical procedure being rendered possible 4§ TE SCIENTIFIC MONDTHEY by the essential simplicity of the ideal situation. In such a body of truth there is something esthetically satisfying in a high degree. It could not fail to have a profound effect on the development of thought. The cosmical and subsequently many terrestrial phenomena having been explained, it was natural that Newton, and still more Laplace and his school, should attempt the explanation of molecular phenomena by similar methods, importing into molar and molecular physics the astronomical view which had arisen in mechanics. This celestial mechanics became the model for the exact sciences. Men sought to give to other theories an equally beautiful and logically consistent form. The start from a few principles, easily enunciated and readily comprehended; the forward march of the theory into new fields, com- prising in the range of its explanation an ever-increasing portion of observed phenomena; and its ultimate comprehensiveness in this re- spect—these things gave it a hold on the imagination. It thus became a profound factor in the development of the whole of physical science in its mathematical form. The cold touch of exact thinking and the calculating mind, both products of the method of abstraction in the development of scientific truth, have proved to be the spell by which knowledge has been found, new sciences have been created and a novel trend has been given to the development of thought. Perhaps I may digress widely enough to indicate how the pre- carious character of scientific advancement is indicated by some of the matters now in consideration. Suppose that our earth, instead of being one of a few planets moving around a single sun, had been one of several satellites of a large planet moving about the center of eravity of a double star: then it is clear that the facts of astronomical observation which would first have pressed themselves upon our at- tention would have been much more complex than those of our actual system. When we consider the long period of time which it required the race to unravel the intricacies of the much simpler system of which the earth is a part and the uncertain and haphazard way by which it took the necessary steps, we see that there is room for grave doubt as to whether we would ever have conceived a suitable explanation and whether (having missed such a guide as this) we would be in a position successfully to attack or even to conceive the problems of natural science. Our progress has been made under the inspiration of the ideal afforded by astronomy on account of a success due to abstractions to which the nature of the observations pointed the way. Could we have ever conceived such an ideal if we had been confronted with a much more complicated astronomical system? And could we have already built up, or would we have ever been able to build up, a body CERTAIN UNITIESAN SCIENCE " 49 of science comparable to that which we possess today? Certainly the answer can not be a confident affirmative. Natural science and mathematics are not the only domains of thought in which the principle of abstraction is prominent; it appears also in speculative philosophy. But its relation to the latter is quite different from that to the former domain. In science we are quite _willing to admit abstraction frankly as a universal characteristic which is necessary on account of the limited character of the intellect. But the philosopher desires to get away from it as far as possible. He wishes to embrace in his system an ever-widening range of material; and he would be most pleased if it might be ultimately comprehensive. He knows that he has not attained to such an ideal and probably never expects to; but he still feels a certain sense of uneasiness when he finds a body of truth quite unrelated to the system by which he has brought things to order in his own mind. But in art and literature the matter is quite different. Here the in- tention is to contemplate at once the whole stream of life and existence, at least so far as to have no purposed exclusions. Here one deals with the actual complexity of events and even with the character and emotions of individuals. One does not state theorems; one does not announce universal laws; one does not reach rules-of-thumb for doing mechanical things; one does not even find general principles upon which there is universal and permanent agreement nor those by which one may have precise guidance for conduct in any given situation; but one does reach permanent conquest in the creation of things of enduring beauty; one produces lasting values for the emotional life even if one does not increase the body of exact knowledge. From the foregoing considerations it appears that the method of abstraction, as an active means for clearing off the ground and an active support to the consequent investigations, is common to all science and is characteristic of science. It is therefore one of the im- portant characteristic unities in scientific method. We find it necessary to isolate one subject from another by abstraction in order to avoid being smatterers. We reduce our serious problems to ideal abstrac- tions because no deep-lying problem can be solved without reducing it to abstractions. If we do away with them we do away with mathe- matics and logic and natural science. They have thoroughly justified themselves through the marvelous conquests of modern science which they have so effectively supported. But these abstractions are not without their dangers. It has been said that the supreme fallacy of the academic mind is carefully to make abstractions and then straightway forget that they are abstractions. “The expert in the conceptions belonging to one field of knowledge legitimately solves the problems of that field in their terms. But some- VOL. XIV.4. 50 THE SCIEN TIFICMMION TPAEY times he forgets that these are very special and limited notions of truth, applicable only to that one field. He ignores that his science is only one abstracted aspect of concrete life, separated from other as- pects of life only for the sake of specialization of labor. Ignoring this, he attempts to solve the problems of other fields with his own field’s special concepts. Thus, a biologist sometimes endeavors to re- duce all psychology to biological concepts; or an economist to reduce all moral values to the special values of the economic world.” Perhaps, for the sake of unity in point of view, one may be allowed to treat, as resulting from a certain form of the method of abstraction, a quality of the mathematical formulation of the laws of nature which first appears explicitly in the general Einstein theory of relativity. This is not the place to give any of the technical developments! be- longing to the latter theory. But it is a matter of general scientific interest to indicate the character of a new ideal for the form of scientific laws which was first insisted upon in the investigations of Einstein, particularly as it can be successfully described without any of the heavy mathematical machinery which is essential to a detailed development of the theory. This ideal emerges in connection with the analysis of the now celebrated principle of equivalence, which we may enunciate as follows: A gravitational field of force is exactly equiv- alent to a field of force introduced by a transformation of the co- ordinates of reference so that we can not by any possible experiment distinguish between them. The notion of transformation of coordinates of reference, which ap- pears here, is quite essential to an understanding of the quality of mathematical formulation of laws which we wish to explain. Perhaps we may best approach the matter by conceiving a geometrical curve fixed in the space interior to a given room of four walls meeting at right angles. If we take the floor and two adjacent walls to be a system of reference by means of which to locate the positions of a point in the room, then we can uniquely define the positions of a point on our curve by giving its distance from the floor and from each of the two walls selected. If the point moves along the given curve then the numbers expressing these distances will be related according to a law determined by the shape and position of the curve; these three variable numbers will satisfy certain equations of condition. If we used the ceiling and the other walls as a system of reference we should in general obtain different equations of condition for the same curve. Those would be further modified if we chose for reference system some other set of three planes mutually perpendicular to each other, and especially so if these planes should be oriented in some new directions. 1 The reader interested in these developments will find them in the second. edition of my “Theory of Relativity,’ Wiley & Sons, 1920. CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 51 It is clear that these changes in the system of reference have in no wise affected the properties of the curve itself, though they have con- stantly modified the mathemaitcal expressions by means of which we may most compactly and most completely describe the curve and its position. Let us for a moment forget these systems of reference and study the curve itself by passing along it from point to point. Two characteristics will force themselves upon our attention; the amount of bending of the curve as we pass along it, its curvature; the amount of twisting of the curve, its torsion. These are intrinsic properties of the curve itself capable of representation at each point by definite numerical values. These numerical values can be expressed in terms of the three distances pertaining to any given one of the systems of reference men- tioned above; it turns out that definite rather simple formulae exist for expressing the curvature and torsion in terms of the named measurements. Since these describe intrinsic properties of the curve their values must be unaltered by the transformations of variables due to the changes of the system of reference; that is, they must be invari- ants of the transformations. It is seen therefore that the analytic expressions for the curvature and torsion are unchanged in form and in value as we pass from one system of reference to another. It can be shown that they completely determine the intrinsic properties of the curve. Then we have in them a complete mathematical description of the intrinsic properties of the curve in a form from which we have abstracted those pecularities which belong to the special system of reference by means of which we de- scribed the curve and its position in the first place. This sort of ab- straction is of frequent and important use in mathematical investiga- tions. It affords one of our methods of excluding from consideration those things which are irrelevant to the central purpose of the investi- gation and of fixing attention upon those things alone which are un- altered by, or are invariant under, the transformations permissible among the elements in consideration. A similar but extended use of invariants is a central feature of the Einstein theory of relativity. Two rather considerable extensions of the method are necessary in order to realize the situation in the Einstein theory. The first has to do with a generalization of the system of reference. In what we said above we contemplated the location of a point always through the measurement of its distances from three planes. Now we wish to re- place the three planes by three warped surfaces, perhaps twisted and corrugated and bent into a great variety of shapes and restricted only enough to allow us to utilize them successfully for the location of points in space. By means of these we are to describe the space- configurations with which we have to deal. The other step which we wish to take is that in connection with the THE SCIENTIFIC MONTEREY ot bo introduction of time into our system. We can not well develop the mechanics of three dimensions by means of what is simply static in three dimensions; and the introduction of motion and the analysis of velocities and accelerations require the use of the time variable. Moreover, we are not to think of time and space as independent but are to consider the two together as furnishing the four-fold extension of a time-space centinuum. This gives us, of course, a space of four dimensions; and in this space of four dimensions the movements of the natural world are represented by static figures. In this space of four dimensions we are to choose as a system of reference four warped three-dimensional spaces by means of which the location of points in this four-dimensional space shall be defined. With these conceptions in mind we shall undertake to make clear the nature of the central ideal upon which Einstein insists. He wishes to have the laws of nature expressed in such form with respect to this four-dimensional continuum that there shall be no change in the form of these laws when we pass from one of these systems of reference to another; the statement is to be an invariant one when all quantities involved are changed in accordance with a transformation which car- ries us from any one of these systems of reference to another; let us say for convenience that the laws are to be stated in covariant form. When we have put them into such form we have abstracted from the statement whatever pertains to the particular system of reference em- ployed. It is a grave question whether the laws of nature are capable of formulation under such radical restrictions; and an affirmative answer can be maintained only after a searching examination. The best way for a just trial of it is to employ one of the best established and most satisfactory laws; none could be more suitable than the Newtonian law of gravitation. Hence one of the first efforts of Einstein to test out the theory was made in the attempt to apply it to celestial mechanics. It turned out that the Newtonian law of attraction does not accord with the ideal of covariance of the laws of nature; it is not capable of ex- pression in precise covariant form. Is the principle then to be sur- rendered? Not without further evidence; it may be, after all, that the law of Newton is. not exact. The next task of the investigator, then, is to inquire whether there is some slight modification of the Newtonian law which will bring it into covariant form without making it false to experimental fact. It was not difficult to show that the Newtonian law was a very close ap- proximation to a law which is indeed covariant; and the latter was then taken to be the law which should replace the Newtonian law. Questions which force themselves upon our attention then are the following: Does the new form of the law have any definite advantages CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 53 over the old? Can it be subjected to an experimental test to determine which of the two approximate laws is the correct one? Now it hap- pens that the Newtonian law has long been known not to agree exactly with observation in the matter of the motion of the planets. In the case of Mercury the discrepancy is altogether too great to be attributed to experimental error. If the law of Einstein is applied to the prob- lem it accounts for all these motions within the limits of experimental error. Here it scores its first victory over the Newtonian law. A second crucial test of the theory is offered by its prediction of the deflection of a ray of light which passes through a strong gravita- tional field. This prediction was tested by observations made in- dependently at two stations during the eclipse of the sun of May 29, 1919. The problem was to determine the amount of bending in a ray of light passing near the sun and hence through its strong gravita- tional field. The values for the deflection obtained at the two stations are 1.61 and 1.98 seconds of angular measure, resulting in fairly good agreement with the predicted value of 1.74 seconds of angular measure. The ideal of the covariance of the laws of nature as a practical ideal thus passes successfully its first test, and indeed in a dramatic manner. That Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations may be reduced to a co- variant form and hence that all electromagnetic phenomena described by them are in agreement with the principle of relativity may be readily shown; and thus the ideal of covariance meets a second funda- mental test. There is no known case in which it must certainly be sur- rendered, though there is an important one which remains still in doubt (see p. 105 of my “Relativity” already referred to). If all the laws of nature can indeed be expressed in covariant form we have through this fact brought to light a certain profound unity in the laws of natural phenomena, one which will surely be satisfying in an esthetic way to every one who contemplates it with understanding. We have insisted upon the importance of abstraction as a means of bringing the complexity of the phenomena contemplated within the power of the mind for purposes of systematic analysis. There is also another quite as important reason for making abstraction of certain elements involved in the general complex of the environment: and that is the necessity or desire to find a range of phenomena and objects of thought about which there can be at least a fairly good agreement. The propositions concerning which there is general agreement among competent persons are said to have an objective validity; others are called subjective. Upon being pressed for a definition of “objective” as employed in the phrase “objective character of science” the scientist sometimes asserts that the objective is that which pertains to the world which is external to ourselves or to the world of objects whose essential character is not affected by the subject who contemplates it. But if he 54 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY is further pressed for a criterion to determine whether a given thing is objective he has to return to the conception of the objective as that about which there is general agreement among competent persons. It may be objected that this definition describes merely that which is invariant and that we ought to refer to the invariant character of a scientific thought rather than to its objective character. But it seems to me that “objective” as applied to things of science has no scien- tifically definable sense except that which rests upon the idea of in- variance, at least if one admits (as I think he must in matters of science) that a definition should be so stated that it is theoretically possible to determine whether or not a given thing meets that defini- tion. Moreover, “objective,” as the word opposed to “subjective,” seems to be well suited to convey the connotation desired. At any rate, it is our purpose to proceed from this as a tentative definition to a more penetrating analysis of the ideal of the objectivity of science, an ideal which can be attained in any particular situation only by ex- cluding from consideration a large portion of the attendant circum- stances. Regardless of the way in which we frame the definition it is agreed that an essential quality of scientific truth is its objectivity. It must depend solely upon the object studied and not upon the subject who investigates. It must be impersonal, having validity independently of the temperament or the peculiar disposition of the individual who re- ports it. What do we mean by such a demand as this? What can we mean? It is clear that the investigator can not be a mere passive re- cipient of impressions, a tablet on which nature registers her character- istics. He must be active in several ways; he chooses the things to which he shall direct his attention, his reason or intelligence is an essential element of the registering apparatus, and he is restricted by the limitations of his sensory equipment. He can obtain and convey only that information which his nature fits him to acquire and report upon. The demand for objectivity can not be a requirement that he shall do otherwise. But it is a call for the exclusion of the subjective element, the element which is peculiar to his individuality; and this exclusion is to be brought about by such comparison of his report with that of others as shall make it possible to determine those elements which are independent of his individuality. But it is clear that such a procedure affords us no means of ex- cluding what is peculiar to the human race as such. This would re- quire the existence of many cognate races of widely different social characteristics by the comparison of whose scientific conclusions we could eliminate that which is peculiar to each, retaining as a residue only that which has objective validity relative to the group of races as a whole. Such a procedure, if the means were at hand for realizing CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 55 it, would carry us one step further toward the far-off goal of absolute truth. But we shall have to be content to work without such means of removing. from our body of knowledge the elements which are peculiar to our racial individuality. This affords no occasion for dis- satisfaction, since the only use we have for our science is that which can be realized by human beings. But it is sufficient to assure us that we have no means of reaching absolute objectivity in our science, if such a thing is indeed conceivable. The conclusions or observations which we shall admit as having the required objective validity are those which are invariant in the sense that they are reached by all normal human beings who investigate properly the pertinent matters. We can not get along without the qualification of normality of the individuals admitted to the group for which we seek the invariance in consideration nor can we omit the requirement of the proper investigation of pertinent matters. It is hard to see how we can altogether remove subjective considerations from the process of determining when these conditions are adequately met. We can not avoid the conclusion that the highest objectivity realizable in practice falls far short of the quality of being absolute. The conclusions and observations which have the requisite objective character are those only which are invariant for a properly determined group of individuals; and the determination of the group to be ad- mitted can be effected only by the members of the group, since there is no external intelligence that sets them apart. It is convenient to distinguish two types of objectivity, as here de- fined, differentiated as to range of time through which exists the group of individuals by means of which each is realized. We may call the one contemporary objectivity and the other historical objectivity, the former being asosciated with a group living contemporaneously and the other with a group scattered through a long period of time, say the whole historical period. All the general truth which is universally approved in a given age among people properly qualified to form a judgment upon it possesses this contemporary objectivity. That which meets with acceptance from age to age with unchanging uni- formity has the higher order of historical objectivity. From the truth possessing contemporary objectivity that and that alone survives to attain to historical objectivity which impresses itself alike upon the peoples of succeeding ages. The subjective character of matters of taste is notorious. Even the milder objectivity of the contemporary sort is seldom attained, and always only imperfectly. Universal agreement on such a judgment of values in a given age carries with it no assurance that succeeding ages will conéur in the conclusion. Yet there are some judgments con- cerning matters of art which go far towards exhibiting the qualities of or l=r) THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY historical objectivity. There is an abiding unanimity, for instance, im ascribing a high excellence to the finer elements of Greek sculpture. The more magnificent creations of this art impress with their marvelous. beauty the people of one age after another: and these all appear to ob- tain from them a joy of the same general character. It is true that in- dividuals represent this to themselves variously and that they differ greatly when they seek to give an account of the way in which they are affected. But certain elements of the judgment of value seem to- be invariant from age to age and from individual to individual. So far as this is true we have a manifestation of objectivity even in these mat- ters of judgments of taste. If we find thus a measure of objectivity in these things which are usually esteemed to be highly subjective in character, we also find cer- tain elements of subjectivity even in the matters of science and marked elements in some bodies of truth considered objective by those who develop them. Merz, in his “History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century,” a work to which the present author is greatly in- debted in several ways, says: “Most of the great historians whom our age has produced will, centuries hence, probably be more interesting as exhibiting special methods of research, special views on political, social, and literary progress, than as faithful and reliable chroniclers of events: and the objectivity on which some of them pride themselves will be looked upon not as freedom from but as unconsciousness on their part of the preconceived notions which have governed them.” Thus the objectivity to which these historians have attained appears to. be only contemporary in character. In forming a judgment of the significance of modern science it is important to ascertain the character and measure of objectivity to which it has attained as a whole and to make a classification of it into parts according to the extent of its success in becoming objective. A large portion of what is now current has gained its position so re- cently and has so forcibly ejected the earlier explanations to make place for itself as to raise a reasonable question of doubt concerning the validity of the whole structure. When theories have changed so constantly, so long and so profoundly, we can not well believe that we have suddenly come to a state of stability. The changes are likely to continue. If they are retarded for a time they will probably break forth later with increased violence. It is not long since we witnessed a period of explosions in the theory of matter and motion; and indeed we do not yet appear to have come to the end of it. In the midst of this rapid change what permanent truths are to be perceived? Which can maintain themselves through the present gene- ration and achieve historical objectivity through the support of future thinkers? It seems clear that it can not be the theoretical explanations, CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 57 except in relatively few instances if indeed in any, at least if the ex- planation is conceived to carry with it the means of affording a pene- trating insight into the phenomena explained. If the theoretical ex- planations do not abide, what is there left? Simply and solely the account of relations among phenomena, however. these are expressed, whether by means of the mere record of observations or through the “more powerful tool of scientific theory conceived merely as a mne- monic device and a support to the weakness of the intellect in its de- ductions. The statement of relations has in many cases attained histor- . ical objectivity in natural science: but theoretical explanations have usually suffered change from age to age and the process seems likely to continue. Mathematical truth, so far as it is expressed in definite theorems, has achieved almost complete historical objectivity. A result once at- tained abides through the ages. Errors are made with relative in- frequency and these are usually corrected with such definiteness as to secure general and abiding agreement. The permanence of result has for a long time been considered one of the essential glories of the disci- pline. But there is lack of such complete objectivity concerning the character of the truth attained. Our conception of the position of. Euclidean geometry in thought and philosophy, for instance, is far different from that of the ancients owing to the existence of the so- called non-Euclidean geometries of relatively recent times. If we analyze the remoter origins and earlier bodies of thought by aid of the criteria which we are using, we shall find that we can not deny to the proto-science.of savages a certain contemporary objectivity even though its explanations are framed in terms which we perceive to be anthropomorphic or mythological. That the “sun is the flaming chariot of the sun-god, driven day by day across the heavens” is an immediate fact of observation expressed in anthropomorphic lang- uage; and probably no more was read into this statement of fact than we are accustomed to transport from our theories into our account of what: happens during an experiment or formerly into the similar statement that two bodies attract each other. The primitive expla- nations maintained their place for a long time: and much useful knowledge was acquired through their assistance and much skill was gained in logical analysis before it was possible to prove them in- sufficient. “A false theory which can be compared with facts may be more useful at a given stage of development than a true one beyond the comprehension of the time, and incapable of examination by obser- vation or experiment by any means then known. The Newtonian the- ory of attraction might be useless to a savage, to whose mind the ani- mate view of nature brought conviction and helpful ideas, which he could test by experience.” We can deny to the savage neither the use- 58 TLE SCIENTIFIC MONTALY fulness nor the contemporary objectivity of the proto-scientific ex- planations which he offered. They were objective to him in every - defined sense in which our science is objective to us. If one points out the anthropomorphic element in them, our criticism will at once be hushed by the anthropomorphism of many of our current conceptions, as for instance that of force. If one objects to the mythical element in their thought let him first take up arms against the colossal myth of the ether in the science of the past century and cut off our thought from this fiction of the scientific imagination. As long as we find it necessary to transport into our theories such elaborate creations as that of the ether (brought in without a shred of direct evidence for their existence) we have little room to complain of the thinkers who formed the proto-science of the savage. Measured by the time through which their explanations maintained their contemporary objectivity, the period during which current scientific explanations have held their place is strikingly short. The objectivity of truth is never absolute, but always relative to a group. of thinkers or the age or ages to which the group belongs. We have no means of removing from our knowledge the marks of our racial characteristics or reaching further into our understanding of nature than to these elements which our sensory equipment enables us to perceive. We have to determine with the best standards we may the group of people in relation to whom we shall insist upon the in- variant character of truth as recognized. Since at any time in our history future experience is yet to be evolved we can strictly speak- ing, have only a sequence of contemporary objectivities, as it were, and never a complete historical objectivity. We can have no logically certain means by which to choose securely those elements of thought in any age which make the nearest approach to complete historical objectivity. A subjective element, that is, an element which varies es- sentially from individual to individual, is necessarily present in every attempt to reach a means of determining what truth has the dignity of an objective character. The sciences in coming from under the tutelage of philosophy have not completely shaken off the incubus of its unsupported speculations and prejudices. Phenomena are observed through the goggles of philosophical preconceptions, not only in psychology and biology, but also in chemistry and physics. and even in mathematics; and the con- clusions or appreciations are affected in various ways and to different extents. In our generation, in the case of physics (the most advanced of the natural sciences) there is going on a veritable revolution in regard to the philosophical preconceptions on which it is based. As evidence we cite the current discussions of space and time and gravita- tion. CERTAIN UNITIES IN SCIENCE 59 Again the objectivity of a natural science is relative to the character and measure of abstraction through which it was built up and the syntheses by which the separated elements were afterwards brought together and combined into a unity. This process of synthesis can never be carried to completion without the certain loss of objectivity in the resulting knowledge; and as long as it is not carried to comple- tion we have no means by which to be assured that a matter first treated as essentially irrelevant shall not later come into the focus of attention. In fact, this very thing has recently happened in physics. In studying the properties of light physicists were for a long time con- tent to leave out of account the gravitational field as having no ap- preciable (or even conceivable) influence; but the Einstein theory has forced them to a fundamental revision of this supposition and has led them to conceive of the ray of light as warped out of a straight path by the action of a powerful gravitational field. The failure of science to obtain completely its universal ideal of objectivity does not diminish our interest in it. Indeed it is rendered more attractive to those of us who are pleased with a dynamic rather than a static world. Truth is never to be set off in tubes hermetically sealed. It is living and hence possesses the universal quality of life _ of doing the unexpected thing. Its growth is not hemmed in. We may look forward to its continued progress and novelty as long as we who develop it are finite intelligences. 60 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY THOMAS HARIOT—1560-1621 By F. V. MORLEY NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD HIS year marks the tercentenary of the death of Thomas Hariot, T one of the most interesting of the Elizabethan scientists. He was born at Oxford, and went to St. Mary’s Hall in times when there were “menne not werye of theyr paynes, but very sorye to leue theyr studye.” The students being without fire were “fayne to walk or runne vp and downe half an houre to gette a heate on theyr feete whan they go to bed.” In those times the birch was still in the buttery hatch and the proctors stalked outside the colleges with poleaxes for any “schollers” out after hours. Fines that now come from a student’s patrimony were taken from his own skin. And in those far-off days in England there still survived the custom of hazing freshmen. But apparently Hariot did not suffer overmuch from the discipline. At any rate he made somewhat of a name for himself in mathematics— in that subject then still allied to the black arts. Aubrey tells of a contemporary of Hariot’s who studied mathematics that he was vul- garly supposed to be a conjuror, and the scout or college servant used to tell freshmen and other simple people that the spirits passed up and down his staircase thick as bees. A jocular mind could have played up the superstition and become another John Dee. Apparently Hariot was too skeptical to believe what would willingly have been credited to him and too honest to gain by what he did not believe. But this is speculation and the only fact to go on is his appointment as a bone fide mathematician with Sir Walter Raleigh. How this appointment came about is not quite clear. We have for it the authority of Hakluyt addressing Raleigh in 1587 (translated) : By your experience in navigation you saw clearly that our highest glory as an insular kingdom would be built up to its greatest splendor on the firm foundation of the mathematigal sciences, and so for a long time you have nourished in your household, with a most liberal salary, a young man well trained in those studies, Thomas Hariot; so that under his guidance you might in spare hours learn those noble sciences, and your collaborating sea captains, who are many, might very profitably unite theory with prac- HEE we. 2 Raleigh, one of the most remarkably versatile men of a time that specialized in versatility, had been collecting experts who would be use- 1 Peter Martyr’s “De Orbe Novo” (Paris, 1587). The preface, containing this passage, is by Hakluyt. THOMAS HARIOT—1560-1671 : 61 ful in his colonial schemes, and two years before this letter of Hakluyt’s he had sent Hariot out in the big expedition to Virginia, or to what is now North Carolina. There Hariot stayed for a full year, acting as ex- plorer and surveyor and reversing his previous position in adding prac- tice to his theory. After that year among the savages he came back to England and fell into the society of the keenest minds of his time. For Raleigh had been prevented from going to Virginia and while his argosies were oversea he had amused himself, in intervals of court ac- tivities or fighting or retirement to the country, with an “office of ad- dress,” apparently a sort of institution for the diffusion of knowledge and a liaison center for intellectuals. Whether or not this suggestion worked out in the Royal Society, there were in the group of men several scientists Warner and Hues are usually mentioned—and into it came Hariot. But it was broader than a scientific society, as it would have to be to keep up with the interests of its patrons, Raleigh and Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. It had its literary side, with the lead- ing and outstanding figure of Christopher Marlowe. All information as to the group is exceptionally tenuous, resting largely on the gossip of contemporaries. But it is pretty clear that the members soon began to discuss religious subjects and it was here that they particularly scandalized the times. Rumors are thick about “Sir Walter Rawley’s School of Atheisme,”’ whose master was said to be aconjuror. The term of condemnation was very loosely used. There is nothing to show that Raleigh or Hariot had views more extreme than perhaps unitarian or deistic ones and there is much evidence that they were religious in a broad and tolerant sense. But they were great per- sonal friends of the scornful and heterodoxical Marlowe. It has been clearly shown by Mr. F. K. Brown? that the dramatic poet was a vigor- ous exponent of extreme heresy and it was the expression of his views +n reckless manner that caused the suppression of the club. Marlowe was killed before he could be convicted and probably the dagger saved him from the stake. Raleigh was kept under surveillance, his house searched, his private table-talk examined, and as he says, he was “tum- bled down the hill by every practise.” But he was too powerful a man to sit still under the cloud. After a burst of eloquence in Parliament on behalf of religious toleration he set forth in an adventurous pursuit of El Dorado across the Spanish Main and cleared his blood by letting some of the dons’. Hariot, just as much implicated, behaved very differently. It is probable that he went to one of Raleigh’s Irish estates and there worked 2 See F. S. Boas, “Works of Thomas Kyd,” (Oxford, 1901), Introduc- tion, pp. Ixx ff. , 3 “Marlowe and Kyd,” Times Literary Supplement (London) June 2, 1921. 62 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY quietly at mathematics until the cloud blew over. We hear no protest from him unless long afterwards to Kepler (translated) : For things are in such a pass with us, that still yet I may not freely philosophize. Still yet we stick in the mire. I hope the Good God will make an end to these things shortly. After which better things are to be expected. . . . 4% And when he came again to London towards 1600 he was a man well known to contemporary scientists. He is mentioned in Hues’ “Globes” (1593-4), in Davis’ “Seamen’s Secrets” (1595), in Torporley’s “Di- clides Coelometricas” (1602). He lived at Sion House, Percy’s seat on the Thames near London, from some time shortly after 1604 until near his death in 1621. It was from there that he carried on his correspond- ence with Kepler on optical subjects and a more familiar and interesting corre: pondence with various pupils such as Sir William Lower. His purely mathematical work was apparently completed before he went to Sion House. The years there were interrupted by constant attendance on Raleigh and Percy, both confined to the Tower. Such time as he could find he put upon astronomy, but a great deal went to the carrying of books to the Tower when the insatiable Raleigh was writing his History of the World, and to similar services for his caged masters. He was with Raleigh up to the end, and present by the scaffold at the execution. He did not survive by long his first patron and his most gallant friend. Marlowe and Raleigh both gone, the third of the trium- virate passed away by a more cruel exit than either the dagger or the axe. He had suffered for a long time from cancer of the lips, and it came to a lingering end on July 2nd, 1621. He was buried in the churchyard at St. Christopher’s, the spot since absorbed into the garden of the Bank of England. * * * Marlowe, Raleigh, and Hariot—none of the three lived to finish their work. It would not do to say that Hariot was as striking a figure as either of the others: but that does not take all of his tragedy away. He has not been quite fairly treated by posterity. The fault was largely with himself, for he published none of his own work. Most of his mathematics was, as has been said, thought out before 1604 and probably before the change of centuries. A reflection of his teachings is obtained from the letters from his pupils, such as in the passage from Sir William Lower in one dated February 6th, 1610: Kepler I read diligentlie, but therein I find what is to be so far from you. For as himself, he hath almost put me out of his wits. . . (I dream) not of his causes for I cannot phansie those magnetical natures, but aboute his theorie which me thinks . . . he establisheth soundlie and as you say overthrowes the circular Astronomie. Do you not here startle, to see every 4 “Epistolae ad Ioannem Kepplerum,’ Hanschius (1618) p. 380. THOMAS HARIOT—1560-1621 63 day some of your inventions taken from you: for I remember long since you told me as much, that the motions of the planets were not perfect circles, So you taught me the curious way to observe weight in Water, and within a while after Ghetaldi comes out with it in print. A little before Vieta pre- vented you of the gharland of the great Invention of Algebra. al these were your deues and manie others that I could mention; and yet to great reservedness had robd you of these glories, but although the inventions be greate . . . yet when I survei your storehouse, I see they are the smallest things and such as in comparison of manie others are of smal or no value. Onlie let this remember you, that it is possible by to much procrasti- nation to be prevented in the honour of some of your rarest inventions and Speculations: ... + © Lower is accurate as regards the dates of the work on specific grav- ity; one of Hariot’s paper is dated 1601 and Ghetaldi published in 1603. Vieta’s algebra came out from 1591-1600, and we may fairly suppose that Hariot’s work was contemporary. It was his “to great reservednesse” and “to much procrastination” that has hindered us from knowing exactly what his work comprised. One attempt was made by his friends to salvage it from oblivion. The “Artis Analyticae Praxis” came out posthumously in 1631, in the same year as Oughtred’s “Clavis.” The latter was in many ways inferior in originality, in scope, in suggestiveness; but as a textbook it was ex- cellent, small and available. It was moreover a living product of a well-known author, not a work patched up from the manuscripts of a man ten years dead. The “Clavis” had a more direct influence on Eng- lish teaching; but it is a fair question as to which had the greater effect on the history of research. For the “Praxis” was read by Descartes and’ every line of Descartes’ analysis bears token of the impression. The Frenchman carried to their conclusion, with typical French lucidity and brilliance, things that remained obscure to Hariot’s executors. That there are omissions in the “Praxis” that Hariot would never have al- lowed is shown, for instance, by the general impression (fostered by Montucla) that he did not admit negative roots. But manuscripts in the Harleian collection of the British Museum show that on the other hand he was fully aware of them and accorded them equal rights. Such an omission a man of Descartes’ genius would fill up and would be fired to more than simple reparation. No attempt should be made to detract from Descartes, except perhaps from his complete originality. It was fortunate that the work fell into such hands, and the fact is re- gretted only by those who like to think of genius as without a precedent. As for the book itself, it appeared in a thin folio. Percy had made the publication possible, and the dedication was to him. On the final] page appeared the following note (translated) : 9 5 The letter, is quoted in full in Rigaud, “Supplement to Dr. Bradley’s Works,’ (Oxford, 1833) pp. 42-45, and in Stevens , “Life of Hariot,” (Lon- don, 1900) pp. 120-124. 64 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY To Mathematical Students Out of all the mathematical writings of Thomas Hariot, not without good reason has this work on Analysis been published first. For all his re- maining works, remarkable for their manifold novelties of discovery, are written in precisely the same logical style, hitherto seldom seen, as is this treatise; whch is entirely composed of all manner of specimens of brilliant reasoning. And this was done with valid reason, so that a preliminary treatise, besides its own inestimable value, might well serve as a necessary prepara- tion or introduction to Harivt’s remaining works, the publication of which is now under serious consideration. Of this accessory use of the treatise we have thought it worth while to remind mathematical students in these brief remarks. The contents followed in Vieta’s footsteps, with improvements in notation and some simplification in technique. But the chief thing in the book, and one of great importance, was the bringing over to one side all the terms of an equation and equating them to zero. It was a simple and yet a real step ahead. As Whitehead says, it started the study of algebraic forms. The resolution of an equation of the nth degree into n simple factors gave immediate rise to the fundamental theorem of algebra. And though there is the real temptation to read into the terse statements what may not have been thought out, the warn- ing against Tennyson’s expression I thowt ’a said whot ’a owt to ’a said may be borne in mind, and yet much claimed for Hariot. How much more the painful lips might have said, or might have been recorded if the “serious consideration” above mentioned had ma- tured, is of course difficult to know. It would take very careful work to read, digest, and judge the eight large volumes of Hariot’s manu- scripts lying untouched in the British Museum. There are more, ap- parently, at Petworth. They consist of fragmentary calculations, with occasional connected notes on a diversity of subjects—on astronomy, physics, fortifications, shipbuilding, and all the branches then known of mathematics. And yet even a cursory glance will show some gieams of gold. There is a well-formed analytical geometry, with rectangular coordinates and a recognition of the equivalence of equations and curves. There are notes on combinations and the tables of binomial coeflicients worked out in both the forms we now call “Pascal’s triangle” and “‘Fermat’s square.” And there is one page, otherwise blank on which appears CON Auf Wb Lom) = 6 “Artis Analyticae Praxis’ (London, 1631) p. 180. THOMAS HARIOT—1560-1621 65 This is certainly prior to the usual dates given for binary numeration. There is no guarantee that these things were original with Hariot, and some may be much older. But at least it is an instance of his knowl- edge. We may take Lower’s praise how we will, but there is little doubt that Hariot’s executors would have had material as interesting as the preliminary treatise. More publicity has been given to Hariot’s astronomical work, partly because of the dramatic discovery of the papers by Baron de Zach; and the encyclopedias tell how he used his early training in navigation in his observations of Halley’s comet with a cross-staff. Sun-spots he watched with the naked eye, though he admits this gave him pain. Both Hariot and Galileo seem to have borrowed the telescope from the Dutch very shortly after its invention and to have used it simulta- neously. With.the help of his servant and instrument maker, Chris- topher Tooke, Hariot seems to have supplied his pupils with telescopes and asked their aid in observation. His own recorded observations go back io July, 1609, a month after Galileo’s first construction; and partly independently and partly with the knowledge of the Italian he, too, observed the moon, the satellites of Jupiter and later the comet of 1618. Some time, perhaps, there will be published extracts from the cor- respondence of the time, for it throws delightful light on the mental attitude of the scientists. Lower’s letters, for example, are charming in their naive statements. In the letter above quoted he begins I have received the perspective Cylinder that you promised me and am sorrie that my man gave you not more warning, that I might have had also the 2 cr 3 more that you mentioned to chuse for me. . . According as you wished I have observed the Mone in all his changes. . . . In the full she appears like a tarte that my Cooke made me the last Weeke. here a vaine of bright stuffe, and there of darke, and so confusedlie al over. I must confess I can see none of these without my cylinder. And when he wishes to compliment Hariot in another letter some five months later he says he has done more then Magellane in opening the streightes to the South sea or the dutch men that weare eaten by beares in Nova Zembla. Perhaps this last is not too high a compliment; but when the com- pliments to Hariot are discussed the truth will be seen of a statement made above. He has not been fairly treated. There are errors on. both sides, from Montucla’s curt dismissal to the adulation of Baron de Zach. To the latter Hariot’s use of the telescope was proof of his inventing 11, and a mark of superiority to Galileo. In short, more harm has been done to Hariot by his admirers than by his opponents; as in the con- troversy started by Wallis to prove that Descartes borrowed all his algebra from Hariot without acknowledgement. and hence that Hariot VOL. XIV.—S: 66 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY was the greater man. The folly of these disputes is never more re- grettable than in their reaction on the individuals who would have been loth to start them. In both cases, of the attempted detraction from Gali- leo and from Descartes, Hariot has suffered more than by his decent oblivion. But what might have been claimed for him is an interest and a high intelligence in his work, carried on under a tragic illness and under the sense of futility borne in upon him by the deaths of his friends, in those blood and thunder times a little more than three cen- turies ago. ia DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST 61 DRU DRURY, AN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST By Professor T. D. A. COCKERELL UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LL entomologists are familiar with the name of Dru Drury, one A of the fathers of their science in England. Living in the time of Linneus. when the discovery and description of new forms of life was rapidly increasing the bounds of zoology and botany, he entered fully into the spirit of the new knowledge and contributed largely to it. Something more than an amateur collector, he keenly interested him- self in the natural history of insects, and did everything in his power to encourage biological investigations. He corresponded with some of the prominent zoologists of his day, and with many persons in foreign countries, who were interested in collecting insects. His letters were copied, nearly always in his own hand, in a large book. When at Funchal, Madeira, recently, | was greatly interested to find this letter- book in the possession of Mr. C. O. L. Power, of the firm of wine merchants, Power, Drury and Company. Henry Dru Drury, the former head of the business, was my father’s greatest friend, and I was named Dru after him. He died in 1888, but Mrs. Power is also a descendant of the entomologist and the letter-book thus still remains in the family. Mr. Power kindly gave me the following pedigree. The known ancestry goes back to Thomas Drury of Fincham in Norfolk, who died in 1545. William Drury, who lived at Godmanchester and Tempsford, had a son Dru Drury, born in 1688. His son, born February 4, 1725, was Dru Drury the entomologist. He is described as of Wood street in the Parish of St. Alban, London, citizen and goldsmith; afterwards of the Strand, of Enfield and of Turnham Green, all in the county of Middle- sex, and of Broxbourne, Hereford. He married Easter Pedley, daughter of John Pedley of London, soapmaker. He died. January 15,1804, and was buried at the church of St. Martins in the Fields. He had three children, Mary, born 1749; William (goldsmith, of Turnham Green), born 1752; and Dru, born 1767. William had a son, Henry Dru Drury, born 1799, whose sons were Henry Dru Drury, my father’s friend, born 1837, and Charles Dru Drury. The last was the father of Mrs. Power (Gertrude F. Drury), now living at Funchal. Charles Dru Drury. who lived at Blackhéath, and died at the early age of 32, was interested in entomology. / 68 THE SGLEN TIPIC MON DiELey, I was very kindly permitted to borrow the precious letter book for a number of days, and with my wife’s assistance obtained copies of the more interesting letters. These I give in chronological order, but in many cases only portions of letters are quoted. It will be seen that Drury was indefatigable in seeking to enlarge his collection by corre- - sponding with persons living abroad, but that while doing this, he also did his utmost to persuade them to study insects and discover their life-histories. With others, he raised funds to send Smeathman to Africa (letters 18, 19, 25), but he was somewhat embarassed because only in- sects were received, whereas some of the subscribers asked for and expected other things. He tried to get Thomas James of New York (letter 2) to study the “caterpillars” or nymphs of dragon flies, and in short do the sort of work which Professor Needham has been doing in that state in our own times. In his letters to Dr. Pallas, the eminent naturalist residing in Russia, he discussed the state of affairs in Eng- land. and many of his remarks would be pertinent today. We get an account of the circumstances connected with Captain Cook’s first ex- pedition, with which Banks and Solander sailed as naturalists. At first it seems a little surprising that there is no mention of Captain Cook. but he was not famous at that time and was not even a captain. We hear of the disappointment occasioned by Banks’s failure to publish the expected volumes on the natural history of the voyage. The fact was. that although Sir Joseph Banks was a splendid man and one of the most useful citizens of England, he was not adapted to scientific research, with its continued attention te minute details. His position in relation to natural history was that of.a patron and promoter, rather than a student. The correspondence with Moses Harris brings out some of the difficulties in getting the “Illustrations” properly illustrated. Harris, who here appears as the artist, was himself a very capable entomologist who introduced the method of studying the venation of the wings of insects. He published a large work on British Insects, giving names. with descriptions and figures, to a number not previously described. This work has been strangely ignored by subsequent taxo- nomists. though proper binomials are furnished in the index, as in Drury’s Illustrations. Verrall, writing on Diptera, has restored several of the names proposed by Harris. The letter to Linnzus shows the respect Drury had for that great naturalist. In his Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Drury gave no scientific names in the text, but in the index supplied a full set of binomials, using the strict Linnean method. Haworth, writing in 1807, said that Drury was the first in England to adopt the Linnean method throughout in this manner. Although Drury took so much interest in the correspondents who sent him insects he unaccountably failed to cite them in his book. Their names were, however. found by Westwood in a manuscript list of DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST 69 Drury’s, which also gave more exact localities. When editing a new edition of the Illustrations if 1837, Westwood published much of this information. Drury encouraged Fabricius to study and describe the insects in his collection. There is a good description of the zeal and industry of this great master of entomology, who described a prodigious number of species in a manner which we should now consider inade- quate. The Fabrician types in the Banks collection may be seen at the British Museum today. In the preface to the third volume of the Illustrations, Drury complains that whereas he had always thrown his cabinet open to all students, advantage had been taken of this to describe and even figure some of the species without his consent. This was especially unfortunate since it involved a number of forms which were described in the volume and obliged him to suppress the names he had _ proposed to give them. No name is mentioned, but one has only to look at the index to see that Cramer was the culprit. At the end, I have quoted a letter describing Drury’s business fail- ure. and his fortunate return to solvency or even prosperity. He lived many years longer, but the correspondence of his later-years has ap- parently not been preserved. Regarding Drury’s life and work as a whole. we have an excellent example of that innate taste or passion for natural history which in- spires a certain number of individuals in every generation and which the majority can neither appreciate nor understand. But we are also struck by the fact that favorable circumstances are needed to render such aptitudes fruitful and of benefit to mankind. Many such men as Drury, all through the ages, have lived and died without leaving any permanent memorials. The favorable circumstances in Drury’s case were especially the organization of zoological and botanical knowledge led by Linneus, combined with the penetration of nearly every part of the world by British commerce. It was possible to come by the materials for greatly enlarging our knowledge of insects, and a method had been devised for conveniently recording discoveries. Drury, tak- ing advantage of these conditions, was able to make important and permanently valuable contributions to the science he loved so much. (1) To Mr. Robt. Killingley at Antigua. Jan. 4. 1762. The Beetles which were in ye spirits among the other things were very acceptable and exceeding pretty, insomuch that I cannot help placing them in ye foremost rank of all the specimens you have now sent, indeed Insects I must confess do really afford me the ereatest pleasure of all animals, and as such I will take the liberty of begging a favor of you to try to breed some of the Libellas (vulgarly called horsestingers): [gives full directions for breeding ]. (1-a) To Mr: Hough—geing to Africa with Capt. Johnson [slaver to to take slaves to Jamaica] March 22. 1762. 70 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY The Locusts and Grasshoppers will be found to be very numerous in Africa and also in Jamaica where they differ in a very extraordinary manner from our European ones, some being just like leaf and branch of a tree. others like half a dozen straws joynd together, all of which are very acceptable to us. (2) To Mr. Thomas James of New York. Apr. 25, 1767. [ Describes apparatus he sends for taking water insects, and continues | : You may breed a great number of Insects, particularly Libellas, whose cats [nymphs] always live in ye water, for which a few direc- tions will not be unnecessary. Get a large Buckett, pail, or washing tub and put in it some weeds that grow in ye water, fill it three parts full with water and in ye spring: search ye waters above mentioned for Insects and put in it as many Libella Cats as you please. Be sure to put in a great number of ye small sorts, because ye large sorts prey and feed on ye small ones as you will have many opportunities of observing. If you find ye number of small ones decrease very fast you must supply the tub with fresh ones, and once in three weeks or a month change ye water. You must make a contrivance of a frame covered with gauze to go over ye Buckett or Tub so that when ye Libellas are bred they cannot fly away. (3) To the Rev. Mr. Devereux Jarratt, Virginia. May 13. 1767. In my letter of July 12th I described ye method of killing Insects by dipping a needle in Aqua Fortis and sticking it into them, but I cannot neglect ye present opportunity of informing you that all that trouble may be saved and the insects may easily be killed by sticking them on ye end of a piece of board and holding them to ye fire, in doing which great care must be taken not to hold them too near, especially Moths or Butterflies, because it will make their wing crumple and con- tract so much as to spoil them. (4) To Dry Pallasm + Nov. 12. 7 1767: I don’t know whether you have heard Mr. Dupont has relinquished collecting of Subjects of Natural History, but so it is, he has given it over and is now very busy making drawings of every specimen he has. and when that is finished intends to dispose of ye whole. Another piece of news [ must inform you of is Mr. Da Costa is going to publish plates of nondescript animals—shells, Insects, etc. in periodical num- bers, five plates with their descriptions being a complete number. Thus Natural History is I hope gaining ground by slow degrees in this Kingdom. I wish Gentlemen of Fortune studied it more and Politics less. It would I believe be better for us, but at present every man is a politician and sets up his opinion as ye Standard of Judgement, a practice that produces ye greatest distractions among our great men. I. DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST 71 need not mention to you when this is ye case ye Arts and Sciences never flourish so rapidly as when assisted by Concord and Unanimity, but these disadvantages are not sufficient to prevent ye number of Naturalists increasing here and I hope to live to see ye time when ye name will be as respectable as that of a Judge or a Doctor. (5), Lo Dr. Pallas. Eeb. 28, 1768. I am delighted with your account of Count Orlof’s making natural researches in ye distant parts of ye kingdom. How I honor him for such an attempt! I wish we had a Count Orlof among our Ministers of State: what opportunities he might have in ye present age for dis- coveries! When all ye known parts of ye Globe are visited by our ships! But oh! these party affairs! These are ye bane of every prac- ticable improvement. Believe me ye little Sphere of Life that I move in makes me neglect no opportunity that may be layd hold of for ad- vancement of natural Knowledge. What then might those Personages do in those grand departments, on whose Nod numbers wait, and where happiness or misery is communicated to thousands by a little motion of a pen. Do you know that we are (the English) possessing ourselves of an island situated near ye Strait Magellan in South America [Falk- | land Islands], and intend to preserve it as a colony to England? Per- haps you may not have heard of it but so it is. And I have not been idle in endeavoring to get Articles of Natural History from thence. I have read over your paragraph concerning the India Company very carefully and am afraid your wishes outrun probability, for since I wrote my last I have learned some circumstances that I was then ignorant of. I do not find that they have ever sent out any Botanist or other Naturalist with a settled salary. It is ye curse of this Country for public Bodies seldom to reward ingenuity unless compelled to it by a sense or fear of shame. I could mention many instances of this kind. And their practice has been to send over persons in some inferior office whose circumstances have compelled them to accept it ‘tho their merits entitle them to a superior reward. Nor do I know or hear of but one single Gentleman who has a soul generous enough to break through such a mean practice. Indeed if his interest was so great as to become a director (an event not impossible) he would most certainly as I am informed send out some Gentlemen to India with handsome salaries to make inquiries in Natural History. Mr. Sullivan is ye Gentleman I mean. : I sincerely lament with you ye fall of ye Aurelian Society,’ there wanted but two or three good members to have made it become respect- able, but Da Costa’s temper and principle was sufficient to overturn a 1 This seems to have been the first entomological society. There was a later Aurelian Society, before the foundation of the Entomological Society of London. 72 THE SCLEN TIETG, MON PEE Kingdom. I imagine ere this you have heard of his Fate. If not. I will tell you. He is no longer Librarian to ye Royal Society. He is dismissed from thence with ignominy and disgrace. He was deficient in his ac- counts above £1100, for which reason they siezed on all his effects, and they are to be sold by public auction. It was no uncommon practice with him to make many Gentlemen annual Fellows in his accounts who had paid their proper quotas to be perpetual ones, and thus by placing them on this footing he annually secreted large sums from ye society. Vl] tell you how it was discovered. Dr. Hope of Edinburgh? having been chose a Fellow by ye recommendation of a gentleman in London (I believe Dr. Fothergill) was surprised to see his name omitted in ye annual list published, and wrote to London desiring his friend to in- quire ye reason; who in examining into ye affair found he was himself entered in ye book as an annual member, tho’ at ye same time knew he paid ye necessary sum to become a perpetual one. This neglect in ye librarian being discovered they proceeded to examine several others and found | am told upwards of thirty who were entered in that man- ner and their fines applied to his own private purpose. Hence ye periodical work he intended to publish, which I mentioned in my last, is entirely stopt: the circumstance ] must own I am very sorry for on account of Natural History in general. But if it can not be promoted by men of better principles than him it is better perhaps for it to lye dormant? = 59%. I cannot conclude this long Epistle without conjuring you not to let ye summer pass without making captives of all ye insects that fall in ye way. Don't think me too troublesome thus repeating it, for I assure you my desires for knowing what kinds Russia affords are too great to be suppressed. Dr. Solander * who I saw yesterday desires his kind respects to you. We are trying to establish a Society upon a more general plan than ye late Aurelian, in which Mr. Fabricius.> a very ingenious worthy young Gentleman of Denmark, joins us, and [in] which | hope we shall succeed. [Count Gregory Orloff, when he failed in his schemes at the Rus- 2 John Hope, born 1725; was professor of botany and superintendent of the Botanic Garden in Edinburgh. Died 1786. 3 Da Costa is still remembered by conchologists. For instance, the com- mon Helix virgata was named by him. 4 Daniel Charles Solander was born in Sweden in 1736, and was a pupil of Linnzus at Upsala. In 1760 he went to England, and was chosen to ac- company Banks on Cook’s first voyage around the world. He died in 1782. He worked in zoology and botany, but is best known as a student and de- scriber of plants. 5 John Christian Fabricius, born 1742. Died 1807. He was professor of rural and political economy at Copenhagen, but gave most of his time to the study of insects. The “very ingenious worthy young gentleman” was about 26 when the above letter was written. DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST (c sian Court, was ordered to travel, and seems to have had ambitious plans. Peter Simon Pallas was born in Berlin in 1741, and went to Russia at the request of the Empress Catharine II, to investigate the natural history of the Russian dominions. He died in Berlin in 1811, having produced works of first class importance, insuring him a perma- nent place among the great explorers and zoologists of the world. Catharine had a genuine interest in the progress of science and Pallas naturally gave Drury a very enthusiastic account of the work done and planned. | (6) Dr. Pallas. Apr. 11. 1768. I cannot help having a great impatience hanging about me to know how Count Orlof’s Scheme goes on. I am as anxious for its success as some young Girls are for that of their Lovers: can’t you oblige me with some information concerning it. We have a scheme on foot here that is somewhat akin to Count Orlof’s. but not on so extensive a Plan. You know ye transit of Venus will happen in June 1769, and as an ac- curate and nice observation of it in different parts of ye World will be of great utility and consequence to Astronomy, some Gentlemen in that science are to go out this year from hence to ye South Seas in order to make those observations. Mr. Banks, a gentleman of considerable fortune, is extremely desirous of availing himself of this opportunity and going with them in ye same ship in order to make discoveries in Natural History, and to this end is actually making preparations for that purpose. His being a strong naturalist, possessed of a large fortune, and be- ing determined to spare no expense, are circumstances that give all well _ wishers to that study, ye highest expectations of his success. The route is intended first to ye Madeira Islands, from thence they are to go by easy voyages along ye coast of Brazil, thro ye streights of Magellan, and to refresh at some of ye Spanish towns on ye western coast of South America, having already a passport or permission from ye King of Spain to do so. After they have made ye observation, which is to be done on some Island as much to ye southward as possible, they pro- pose to return to Europe by ye way of ye East Indies. The whole will in all probability not take them less than two years and a half. Hence you perceive we have Gentlemen in Europe whose desires for ye im- provement of Nat. Hist are equal to those of any Person in ye World. But I must inform you of one circumstance and that is that Mr. Banks has judgement enough to prevent his engaging in Affairs of State, and consequently by detaching himself from all parties has more leisure to pursue his darling Studies. | wish from my soul we had many more of his Stamp in this kingdom. (7) Mr. Thomas James, New York. Aug. 1. 1768. I have sent this (4 guineas) lest you should be in want of ye [ie THE SCIENTIFIC-MON THEY. money and whatever arises more from ye sail of ye insects I shall cer- tainly remit to you immediately upon my disposing of them. You mention in your last that you are removed forty miles from where you were before. This alteration probably may enable you to discover some new species, a circumstance that will give me great pleasure, particu- larly if you meet with any new beetles or Insects of ye transparent wing tribe. I shall trust to your ingenuity not to send me any more large Flies that you already stock’d me so plentifully with, particularly the large Emperor, the Great Fritillaries, the Black Swallow-Tails and a large Fly of a brown orange color having a black border spotted with white running along ye edges of ve wing both inside and out, ye tendons of wings being black: ye caterpillar is yellow ringed with black hav- ing two black horns and two black tails. [This is the milkweed butter- fly, Anosia plexippus|. You once sent me a black Fritillary of a mid- dling size, a little bigger than your Pearl Border but not near as big as ye great fritillaries, which was much wasted. I wish I could receive a pair or two that were fine (8) To Mr. Du Pont, going to Jamaica. Oct. 14. 1768. Please to enquire for Robert Taylor at Mr. Archdeacon’s in Spanish Town. He is there as gardener, and well versed in ye knowledge of Insects. I offered him in a letter ] wrote to him in August six Pence apiece for ye insects he should send me provided there was not more than two of a sort. Perhaps he may think that price too small and may refuse sending me any on that account, if so I will get you to make ye best bargain ye can with him. (9) To Dr. Giseke at Hamburg, Nov. 3, 1769. .[We read the name Gische, but it is evidently Paul Dietrich Giseke, 1745-1796. | Mr. Brunnich I find does not abate in his ardour. His resolution in surmounting ye dangers and difficulties of travelling surprises me. I am glad to hear he is in being; when he was in England he promised to write to me often and exchange some insects with me, but I] suppose his active state of life prevents him. The Pap. Apollo {Parnassius apollo| he was to procure for me some specimens of; if you have an opportunity of sending a letter to him I will entreat you to mention that circumstance. I am sorry to hear of poor Dr. Slosser’s death. If he had been of ye same opinion with me concerning inoculation we had not now mourned his loss. I am as ignorant as you of ye place of Mr. Fabricius existence, but I am in daily hopes of hearing from him. I wish | could also give you some account of Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander but I am of opinion we shall learn no news of them till their arrival in England. I can only say may Heaven be propitious to natural his- tory and preserve such capital Pillars of it. (10) To Dr. Pallas. san. 145217 70.- =] DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST You ask me of what news in Nat. Hist. in these parts. The best I can give you is that it is making great progress here, and the avidity with which books on that subject are bought here is surprising. I men- tioned in one of my letters Da Costa’s affair. He is now confined in ye King’s Bench Prison at ye instance of Royal Society and has been there near a year, from whence, I imagine, he will never return. He is at present engaged in writing a history of shells which he hopes will make its appearance this summer. Pray have you heard of Dr. Schlosser’s © death? Dr. Giseke, a physician of Hambourge and a great botanist, wrote me word ye 23rd of September, 1769, of this melancholy truth. He died about two months after his wife, who perished with an unborn infant, under ye operation of inoculation. I heartily lament the loss of such a worthy man’s death but who can control his fate! I have just rec’d a letter from Mr. Brunnich, who returned from his travels to Copenhagen in October. He tells me he sent you a treatise on Fishes from Leipsic, which he wants to know if you received. He proposes to visit England sometime this year on his way to Scotland. (11) To Moses Harris at Crayford. Mar. 15, 1770. I have this day looked out two setts of prints col’d in ye best man-_ ner for Col. Gordon and Mrs. Robinson, and in looking them over I observed some plates of fig. 1. plate 12 to be coloured in a manner far from ye original. Those three sets you did last you have made ye spots on each of ye under wings or rather ye patches that are of a beautiful Saxon green in ye fly, in ye plates are mazerine blue, and that part that runs over ye scarlet eyes on ye abdominal edges, you have made of a pea green instead of being ye same color with ye patch itself, which it is in ye natural subject. Likewise in two other sets this figure is coloured blue in one wing and green in ye other which makes it look of such an odd appearance that I dare not venture to send either of them to any person of my acquaintance. 1770, he writes com- (12) Moses Harris at Crayford. [On Apr. 5, plaining to M. H. that he is so slow painting the plates and says: | I wish to Heaven you was removed from that damned place where you are now buried and come to London, for then I could scold you by word of mouth, and now I am forced to employ a great deal of time in doing it by letter which I can but ill spare. (13) To Dr. Linneus. Aug. 30. 1770. Most excellent Sr. I cannot better express the strong inclination I have of testifying my respect to you as ye greatest Master of natural history now existing than by presenting you a copy of a work I have just published here. Believe me Sr it is not from vanity I take the 6 Johann Albert Schlosser. 76 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY liberty of making you this offering. nor, poor as it is (for I am truly sensible of its defects), would I make it to any person that is inferior to Linneus in the study of Nature. But to whom should I pay my acknowledgements of this sort but to the Father of natural history? You Sr I consider as that Father, and therefore I beseech your kind ac- ceptance hereof, a circumstance that will do me great honor and favor and at the same time countenance my weak endeavors to promote a study that I must confess to prefer to every other. Permit me also to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the effects which your Systema has had among the followers of natural history here in London, ye number of which, although not equal to those found in many other countries, are yet every day increasing to such a degree as could not have been suspected a little time ago by its most sanguine well wishers. That it may still increase and flourish and that you may, with health, live to see its study carried to ye furtherest ends of ye Earth is ye hearty wish of Sr your sincere admirer and most humble servant. P. S. The honour of a few lines addressed to me at no. 1, in Love Lane, Aldermanbury, informing me of the Packett having reached the place of its destination, will be exceedingly acceptable. — [In an accompanying list of documents is mentioned a letter, now lost, from Chas. Linneeus, son of the great naturalist. It is probably this letter, dated March 10, 1780, which is printed (pp. x-xi) in West- wood’s edition (1837) of Drury’s Illustrations of Exotic Entomology. Linzus named a fine Cimex after Drury. | (14) To Dr. James Greenway. In Dinwiddie Co. Vir. Dec. 18. 1770. I must not neglect ye present opportunity [to say] that the con- tents of one of ye vials you sent me was a most acceptable present. It contained some uncommon Insects. I never saw any Juli (for such they were) so large. Permit me to beg you would save for me any of that kind you chance to meet with. I don’t mean ye lizards, they are animals I don’t collect, but /nsects are my darling pursuit, therefore any that come under that denomination either large or small will meet a hearty reception. [The Juli are millipedes, not now considered in- sects, but Drury used the term in the broader sense. | (15) To Mr. Storm, Principal Gardener to the Hortus Medicus in Amsterdam. July 19. 1770. In England we are very fond of other insects besides Butterflies and Moths, and a small Beetle sometimes is more acceptable than a large butterfly. — (16) To Mr. Brunnich, at Copenhagen. Jan. 3. 1772. [Morten a | ~] DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST Thrane Briinnich, 1737-1827, a well-known zoologist, especially remembered today in connection with ornithology. | The little cargo of insects you sent me | received with great pleasure. There were many of them new to me. How happy I should be to have a sight of the great collection you certainly must have made in your travels. In your next letter pray inform me if you have heard anything of Dr. Pallas. I want very much to know whether he is alive, and how he does. I have not had a letter from him since he quitted Petersberg and entered onto that long and dangerous journey into Siberia. I shall also be glad if you will relate this part of my letter to Mr. Fabricius, perhaps he can tell you something concerning him. At the same time you communicate this to Mr. Fabricius I will beg you to present my sincere and best respects to him, and tell him I often think with the highest pleasure of ye many agreeable hours we spent together when he was here in England. How happy I should be to enjoy the same again. (17) To James Greenway, Dinwiddie Co., Virginia. 1772. On the 31st of Dec. I received a letter from Dr. Giseke advising me that he had sent a box of books for you, but by a subsequent letter I learned the ship put back by distress of weather after being out about amonth. As soon as I receive them I shall convey them to you by the first ship that goes to James River. I suppose it is unnecessary to in- form you that the Dr. has been chosen almost unanimously Professor of Natural Philosophy at Hambro’, as I have no doubt but his letter will inform you of that matter and likewise ye great satisfaction it has given him, a satisfaction that all his friends cannot help participating. Public testimonies of approbation are seldomer given to men of merit than the undeserving. This is a melancholy truth that is every day seen on this side of the Atlantic and therefore cannot be supposed to come from an invidious pen, therefore what sober thinking mind can help rejoicing at seeing worth rewarded. (18) To Mr. Thomas Bolton, Worley-Clough, near Halifax. Feb. 9. 1772. I take the liberty of recommending my good friend Mr. John Latham,’ Surgeon at Dartford in Kent, to your friendship and cordiality. He is a gentleman every way deserving it and when [I tell you he is a staunch Friend to Natural History I have no doubt but that would be sufficient to recommend him to your notice if he had no other amiable qualities, but believe me his general good character is such as will fix him a worthy correspondent. His great Forte is ornithology but other 7 John Latham; born 1740, died 1837. Eminent as an ornithologist, pub- lishing many important works. He began his General History of Birds, in ten quarto volumes, in his eighty-second year. 78 THE SCIEN TIFIC- MONTHLY parts of Natural History he is acquainted with as Fossills, Insects and I think Botany. I have the pleasure to inform you that I have almost completed the second Volume of Illustrations. A work I think preferable to the first because there are a great many more uncommon insects in it than there was in the former; indeed, it consists entirely of nondescripts, many of which I received from the Coast of Africa, and are such as were never before seen in Europe. I am only sorry | have it not in my power to give the nat. hist. of every one of them, how happy I should be to be able to do.that! but so long as distant countries afford few or no men of speculation we must not expect it. A Banks and Solander are to be found only in an Age; and ye wonders of, creation must not be expected to be opened and displayed but by slow and gradual means. Men of Fortune indeed have it in their power to come at this know]- edge easier than other people, but when luxury and dissipation fix themselves in any nation, little expectations can be formed in favor of nat. hist. unless it be with those who have wisdom enough to shun those dissolute paths, and secure a mode of entertainment and instruc- tion that will always be found in the tracks of nature. “Tis with much pleasure we may perceive a few of such persons existing at this time, as a proof of which I need only mention (what I suppose you have before heard) of a gentleman being sent to the coast of Africa to col- lect the subjects of natural history. His name is Smeathman, and as he is furnished with a general knowledge of nature we form great expecta- tions of having new scenes disclosed to us that were never heard or thot of in that great theatre. He is a man of sense and Letters and therefore qualified to give juster accounts of things than what are at present to be depended on. (19) Mr. Smeathman at Sierra Leone. Mar. 1. 772. I desire when you send me the next letter you would be particularly careful to write small, I insist upon it you don’t write larger than this. Let me have none of your damned large s¢rambling characters that won't allow you to put above six words in a line, and by that means prevent me from knowing in what manner you live, how you spend your time and what reception you have met with among the Blacks, how they relish your catching Birds and Flies, whether they laugh at you for so doing and whether you have yet made a journey into the interior parts of the country. In short 1 want to have ye whole history of ye present life compiled in a sheet of paper. and I am so anxious to hear fromm you that I most heartily curse this avarice of the Merchts for carrying their ships such an enormous way around as ye West Indies and not sending them directly to Europe. However I sincerely hope you don’t neglect recording every circumstance that can enrich a His- tory of Africa, for if you don’t publish one when you come home I DRO DRURY, BIGRTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST 79 think you will deserve to live on “Sordid scraps on surly proud men’s doors.” Your judgment and abilities strongly enforce ye necessity of it, not only as an emolument to yourself but as a duty you owe to every speculative man, and depend on it much is due from every man of ability in his respective sphere. [In the third volume of the Illustra- tions Drury quotes many biological observations by Smeathman. | 20), Vo Dr. Giseke. July 13, 1772. I imagine you have heard before this of the situation of Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander with respect to their intended Voyage. They neither of them go any more a kingdom hunting: a misunderstanding between them and our government is the occasion, and Mr. Rheinhold Forster, who published several things, as Centuria Prima Descript. Insectorum, a translation Kalm’s Travels in North America etc. is pitched on to go in their room, nay he is actually gone, and tho’ his abilities are not considered as equal to those of Banks and Solander yet great expecta- tions are formed by government from him. The event will prove whether they are well founded. I think if I am not mistaken I men- tioned in one of my letters my desire of knowing what was become of Dr. Pallas, whether any letters had been received from him lately, and what success had attended his physical voyage? If you can give me any information of these matters I beg you will do it in your next let- ter. I have not received a line from him these three or four years nor have I been able to get any intelligence about him. (21) To Mr. Latham, Surgeon in Dartford. July 31. 1772. Mr. Whiting and Bartlet long to see your Collection of Birds, and if Thursday next will not be inconvenient we will all pack ourselves in a post chaise; but if that day should not be quite agreeable I will beg you to favor me with a line by Monday’s post and we will appoint some other time. (22) To Dr? Kerr at:Calcutta, “Feb. 12.1773. [Writes a long letter begging Dr. Kerr to obtain insects for him, and pointing out the interest of the subject. | Let me observe further that if your speculations should extend so far as to inquire into the way of life of numberless insects you will have such [word lost] opend as will astonish you and at the same time that you receive the highest entertainment. Mankind may be improved by committing your observations to paper, for we in Europe are ig- norant of the Nat. Hist of thousands of animals that live between the Tropics, particularly those of India. (23) To the Rev. Mr. Devereux Jarrat, May 5, 1773. I should think myself unpardonable to neglect writing to you by the opportunity that now offers itself. The bearer, Mr. Abbot, is a 80 DREREVS CLENT IEC MUO NHI, young Gentleman going to Virginia on purpose to collect the various articles in Natural History: in doing which he proposes to spend some months, perhaps years, according to the success he meets with in the various departments of that pursuit. (24) To Mr. Thomas Boulton, at Werley Clough. June 24, 1773. Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander brought home a very fine collection of insects, a great number of which are new to me and indeed to everybody else. They are not in general so large as one would expect _ Insects to be that are found in those hot countries they visited: but then many are extremely singular and remarkable. There are Cur- culiones exceeding long and slender like the Anchraco, some not less — than three or four inches, besides many new species Scarabei, Chryso- melae and in short all ye genera Coleoptrata. The new species of Lepidoptera are not so numerous as | expected, but these are amply atoned by ye other Orders. I do not as yet know if they intend to publish figures of them among ye other things they intend to give ye world, but I hope they will if ye spirit of kingdom hunting does not possess them too strongly. The plants they brought are very numerous, of which I think Dr. Solander told me they had above seven hundred undescribed. These I know they intend figuring and therefore it is likely you will in time see them all. Mr. Banks is now going to Wales. I think you remember Mr. Fabricius. He is now in London and very busy in making descriptions from Mr. Banks’ and my collections, where he will have employment for some months, a pleasure he seems to enjoy with as much glee as a Lover of Wine does ye sight of his Cellar when well stored with full Casks and Bottles, enjoying by anticipation ye pleasure he is to receive in emptying them. You seem to lament the want of a Friend with whom you may converse or correspond on the subject of entomology. Indeed, | am sorry for it and I judge of you by myself whose knowledge and delight therein would soon become trifling and flat if I had no one to talk to on that subject. I can only say I will with much pleasure answer your letters though perhaps I may sometimes be late in doing it, but believe me I shall be glad to correspond at all times with a friend on these subjects. Your account of ye little Beetles I am much pleased with. I have read it over a great many times and each time enjoy a pleas- ure equal to yours when collecting them. How happy are ye men that can thus converse with the great Author of the Universe! For cer- tainly this is holding conversation with him. Can we do it by any other means? Can we consider ye investigation and observation of these his works in any other light than that of preserving and holding a friendly intercourse with him? If it can be explained in any other DRU DRURY, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENTOMOLOGIST 81 manner let those do it whose souls are not sufficiently capacious and susceptible of entertaining and grasping ye vast idea. (25) To the Dowager Duchess of Portland. Aug. 13. 1773. May it please your Grace, the subscription to Mr. Smeathman which your Grace inquires after is £100, being the same sum as paid by Dr. Fothergill etc, and which I have no doubt but the things he will send over in less than a twelve month will be more than sufficient to discharge. (26) To Mr. Keuchan, at Jamaica. June 13, 1774. You inquire after Mr. Smeathman, who is settled on the Coast of Africa. He has been there almost three years but has sent nothing over except insects, a circumstance which astonishes us, for his patrons expected a great variety of subjects long before this in ye different branches of Natural History. Many of the insects that he has sent are surprisingly fine. A great number entirely new, especially among the Coleoptera, some of which are very large. (27) To Mr. Keuchan at Jamaica. Jan. 21, 1775. [ told you in my last of a young Gentleman gone to settle in Vir- einia in pursuit of Nat. Hist. His name is Abbot.’ and by a letter lately sent I find he intends to remove to the southward, therefore don’t be surprised if you should see him at Jamaica; perhaps he may touch there, but I recommended Surinam to him as yielding more wonderful insects etc. Whether he will go there I do not know. (28) To Dr..Pallas. Nov. 4. 1775. Mr. Banks’s publication nobody can tell when it will make its ap- pearance. Whenever it does it will be not only voluminous but ex- pensive, a circumstance I am surprised he does not attempt to avoid. It has been 4 years preparing, and it seems to me that 4 years more will not complete it. Would it not therefore be best to publish a single volume first? The World thinks so, and he has been told this, but in vain. You require me not to publish any of the Insects you send me. Be assured this requisition shall be punctually observed, and I hope you have given ye same intimation to those Friends to whom you have sent some of your duplicates. Indeed I must inform you that I do not entertain the least inclination to publish any more Volumes, not- withstanding my Cabinet is so exceeding rich. If I was disposed to publish any more I could easily furnish three more volumes equally as 8 John Abbott, who made many observations on the insects of Georgia, and beautifully figured numerous species. His work was published in part, edited by Sir J. E. Smith, in 1797, and the new species thus made known are credited in our lists to Abbott and Smith. His drawings are now preserved in the British Museum (Natural History). VOL. XIV.—6. 82 THE. SCIENTIFIC MONTHEY good as those already done, without having recourse to any other, but my time is so much engrossed by my present business that I have no leisure to go through a work of that kind. If I had time to spare I should pursue it with infinite pleasure. I must give up all thoughts (notwithstanding the solicitations of my friends) of ever again engag- ing in that employment. (29) To Mr. Robert Killingley, Mar. 23, 1776. 1 shall make no apology for sending you the two books enclosed, Major Roger, Acco’ of North America, and Hasselquist’s Travels. I wish I could give you equal characters to the two, but ye former seems to me to be taken from Charlevoix Acco’ of North America. several. passages being copied almost verbatim,—the other | need not praise. you will immediately see ye Man of Letters in ye style and thoughts— the descriptions are charming in my opinion, notwithstanding they are so very short and concise, indeed, I cannot help being angry with him for not being more elaborate and prolix in places. I flatter myself you will enjoy a great joy in ye reading it, your taste for Natural History at all times gives you an opportunity of relishing subjects of this kind with a glee ten times stronger than that of an ordinary person. Need I mention this is ye person that Linneus so often quotes in his Systema Nature, and who was so eminently serviceable to him by furnishing so many subjects in that work? [Frederic Hasselquist, born 1722, was a pupil of Linnzus. He made large collections of plants and animals in Palestine and Egypt. | (30) Dee. 21> 177s: Last year I lost more than £16,000, the effect of which was, O! terrible to relate, I was obliged to be a Bankrupt. As my misfortunes did not arise from extravagance or dishonesty the world saw my dis- tress and pitied me. By the assistance and kindness of my Friends | have got re-instated in my business, which: I really think is much greater than it ever was. The civilities and kindness I have received from the public are beyond conception, and I have no doubt but a few years if Providence allows me Health will place me in a much happier and better situation than I ever was. Would you believe it? The Queen herself. to whom I am Goldsmith, has been so very kind as to say that “She hoped I should do well again.” GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES 8: vy GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES By Professor LYNN THORNDIKE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY OR about fifteen centuries the name of Galen dominated the study of medicine. But at the close of the nineteenth century an Eng- lish student of the history of medicine said, “Galen is so inaccessible to English readers that it is dificult to learn about him at first hand.” Another wrote, “There is, perhaps, no other instance of a man of equal intellectual rank who has been so persistently misunderstood and even misinterpreted.” A third obstacle has been that while critical editions of some single works have recently been published by He!mreich and others, no complete edition even of the Greek text of Galen has ap- peared since that of Kthhn of a century ago, which is now regarded as very faulty. A fourth reason for neglect or misunderstanding of Galen is probably that there is so much by him to be read. Athenaeus stated that Galen wrote more treatises than any other Greek, and although many are now lost, more particularly of his logical and philosophical writings, his collected extant works fill some twenty volumes averaging a thousand pages each. There are often no chapter headings or other brief clues to the contents, which must be ploughed through slowly and thoroughly, since some of the most valuable bits of information come in quite incidentally or by way of unexpected digression. Besides errors in the printed text there are numerous words not found in most classical dictionaries. It is therefore perhaps not surprising, in the words of one of the English historians of medicine quoted above, that “few physicians or even scholars in the present day can claim to have read through this vast collection.” Yet Galen deserves to be remembered, not merely as one of the great names, but as one of most original minds and attractive personalities in all the long history of medicine. It is not difficult to make out the the main events of his life, his works supply an unusual amount of per- sonal information, and throughout them, unless he is merely transcrib- ing past prescriptions, he talks like a living man, detailing incidents of daily life and making upon the reader a vivid and unaffected im- pression of reality. Daremberg said of Galen that the exuberance of his imagination and his vanity frequently make us smile. It is true that his pharmacology and therapeutics often strike the modern reader as ridiculous, but he did not imagine them: they were the medicine of his age. It is true that he mentions cases which he has cured and those $4 LPHE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY where other physicians have been at fault, but official war despatches do the same in the case of their own side’s victories and the enemy’s defeats. Vae victis! In Galen’s case, at least, posterity long confirmed his own verdict. And dull or obsolete as much of his medicine now is, his scholarly and intellectual ideals and love of hard work are still a living force, while the reader of his pages often feels himself carried back to the Roman world of the second century. Galen, who does not seem to have been called Claudius until the time of the Italian Renaissance, was born about 129 A. D. at Pergamum in Asia Minor. His father, an architect and mathematician, transmitted much of this education to his son, but even more valuable, in Galen’s opinion, were his precepts to follow no one sect or party but to hear and judge them all, to despise honor and glory, and to magnify truth alone. To this teaching Galen attributed his own peaceful and pain- less passage through life. He did not grieve over losses of property but managed to get along somehow. He did not mind it much when some vituperated him, but thought instead of those who praised him. In later life Galen looked back with great affection upon his father as the gentlest, justest, most honest and humane of men. On the other hand, the chief lesson he learned from his mother was to avoid her failings of a sharp temper and tongue, whereby she made life miser- able for their household slaves and scolded his father worse than Xanthippe ever did Socrates. In one of his works Galen speaks of the passionate love and enthu- siasm for truth which have possessed him since boyhood, so that he has not stopped either by day or by night from quest of it. He realized that to become a true scholar required both high natural qualifications and a superior type of education from the very first. After his four- teenth year he heard the lectures of various philosophers, Platonist and Peripatetic, Stoic and Epicurean: but when about seventeen, warned by a dream of his father, he turned to the study of medicine. The incident of the dream, like many other passages in Galen’s works, shows that even men of the finest education and intellectual standards were not free from the current beliefs in occult influences. Galen first studied medicine for four years under Satyrus in his native city of Per- gamum; then after his father’s death, under Pelops at Smyrna, and latex under Numisianus at Corinth and Alexandria. This was about the time that the great mathematician and astronomer, Ptolemy, was complet- ing his observations in the neighborhood of Alexandria, but Galen does not mention him, despite his own belief that a first-rate physician should also understand such subjects as geometry and astronomy, music and rhetoric. Galen’s interest in philosophy continued, however, and he wrote many logical and philosophical treatises, most of which are lost. GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES 85 Galen returned to Pergamum to practice and was, when but twenty- nine, given charge of the health of the gladiators by five successive pontiffs. During his thirties came his first residence in Rome. In two of his works he gives two different explanations for his departure from the capital city. In one he says, “When the great plague broke out there (in the reign of Marcus Aurelius) I hurriedly departed from the city for my native land.” In another his explanation is that he became disgusted with the malice of the envious physicians of the capital and determined to return home as soon as the sedition there was over. Meanwhile he gained great fame by his cures, but the jealousy and opposition of the other physicians multiplied, so that presently, when he learned that the sedition was over, he went back to Pergamum. His fame, however, had come to the imperial ears and he was soon summoned to Aquileia, north of the Adriatic, to meet the emperors on their way north against the Germans who had invaded the frontier. An outbreak of the plague there prevented them from proceeding with the campaign immediately and Galen states that the emperors fled for Rome with a few troops, leaving the rest to suffer from the plague and the cold winter. On the way Lucius Verus died, and when Marcus Aurelius finally returned to the front, he allowed Galen to go back to Rome as court physician to his son Commodus. The prevalence of the plague at this time is illustrated by a third encounter which Galen had with it in Asia, when he claims to have saved himself and others by thorough venesection. The war in which Marcus Aurelius was engaged lasted much longer than had been anticipated and meanwhile Galen was occu- pied chiefly in literary labors. In 192 some of his writings and other treasures were lost in a fire which destroyed the Temple of Peace on the Sacred Way and the great libraries on the Palatine hill. Of some of the works which thus perished he had no other copy himself. He began one of his works on compound medicines of which two books had been already published all over again because most of the pub- lished copies had been destroyed in the fire. Galen was still alive and writing during the early years of the dynasty of the Severi and probably did not die until about 200. Although the envy of other physicians at Rome and their accusing Galen of resort to magic arts and divination in his marvelous prognos- tications and cures were perhaps neither the sole nor the true reason for his temporary withdrawal from the capital, there probably is a great deal of truth in the picture he paints of the medical profession and learned world of his day. Too many other ancients, from Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder and Juvenal to Firmicus Maternus in the fourth cen- tury, substantiate his charges to permit us to explain them away as the product of personal bitterness or pessimism. We feel that these men lived in an intellectual society where faction and villainy, superstition 86 TEES SCLEN TIFICAMON GHEY and petty-mindedness and personal enmity, were more manifest than in the quieter and, let us hope, more tolerant world of our time. The status belli may still characterize politics and the business world, but scholars seem able to live in substantial peace. Perhaps it is because there is less prospect of worldly gain for members of the learned pro- fessions than in Galen’s day. Perhaps it is due to the growth of the impartial scientific spirit, of unwritten codes of courtesy and ethics within the leading learned professions, and of state laws concerning such matters as patents, copyright, professional degrees, pure food and pure drugs. Perhaps, in the unsatisfactory relations between those who should have been the best educated and most enlightened men of that time we may see a symptom of the general intellectual and ethical decline of the ancient world. Galen states that many tire of the long struggle with crafty and wicked men which they have tried to carry on, relying upon their eru- dition and honest toil alone, and withdraw disgusted from the madding crowd to save themselves in dignified retirement. He especially mar- vels at the evil-mindedness of physicians of reputation at Rome. Though they live in the city, they are a band of robbers as truly as the brigands of the mountains. He is inclined to account for the roguery of Roman physicians compared to those in a smaller city by the facts that elsewhere men are not so tempted by the magnitude of possible gain, and that in a smaller town everyone is known by everyone else and so questionable practices cannot escape general notice. The rich men of Rome fall easy prey to unscrupulous practitioners who are ready to flatter them and to play up to their weaknesses. These rich men can see the use of arithmetic and geometry, which enable them to keep their books straight and to build houses for their domestic com- fort, or of divination and astrology. from which they seek to learn whose heirs they will be: but they have no appreciation for pure phil- osophy aside from rhetorical sophistry. Galen more than once complains that there are no real seekers after truth in his time, but that all are intent upon money, political power. or pleasure. You know very well, he writes to a friend in one of his works, that not five men of all those whom we have met prefer to be rather than to seem wise. Many who have no real knowledge make a great outward display and pretense in medicine and other arts. Galen several times expresses his scorn for those who spend their mornings in going about saluting their friends, and their evenings in drinking bouts or in dining with the rich and powerful. Yet even his friends have reproached him for studying too much and not “going out” more. But while they have wasted their hours thus, he has spent his, first in learning all that the ancients have discovered that is of value, then in testing and practicing the same. Moreover, now-a-days many are try- GALEN: THE MAN AND AIS TIMES 87 ing to teach others what they have never accomplished themselves. Thessalus not only toadies the rich but secured many pupils by offering to teach them medicine in six months. Hence it is that tailors and dyers and smiths are abandoning their arts to become physicians. Thessalus himself, Galen ungenerously taunts, was educated by a father who plucked wool badly in female apartments. Indeed, Galen himself by the violence of his invective and the occasional passionateness of his animosity in his controversies with other individuals or schools of medicine, illustrates that state of war in the intellectual world of his age to which I have adverted. I suggested that possibly learning compared to other occupations was more remunerative in Galen’s day than in ours, but there were poor physicians and medical students then as well as those who were greedy for gain or who associated with the rich. Many doctors could not afford to use the rarer or stronger simples and limited themselves to easily procured, inexpensive, and homely medicaments. Many of his fellow students regarded as a counsel of perfection unattainable by them Galen’s plan of hearing all the different medical sects and com- paring their merits and testing their validity. These students said tear- fully that this course was all very well for him with his acute genius and his wealthy father behind him, but that they lacked the money to pursue an advanced education, perhaps had already lost valuable time under unsatisfactory teachers, or felt that they did not possess the dis- crimination to select for themselves what was profitable from several conflicting sects or schools. Galen was, it has already been made apparent, an intellectual aris- tocrat, and possessed little patience with those stupid men who never learn anything for themselves, though they see a myriad cures worked before their eyes. But that, apart from his own work, the medical pro- fession was not entirely stagnant in his time, he admits when he asserts that many things are known today which had not been discovered he- fore, and when he mentions some curative methods recently invented at Rome. Galen supplies considerable information concerning the drug trade in Rome itself and throughout the empire. He often complains of adulteration and fraud. The physician must know the medicinal sim- ples and their properties himself and be able to detect adulterated med- icines, or the merchants, perfumers, and herbarii will deceive him. Galen refuses to reveal the methods employed in adulterating opobal- sam. which he had investigated personally, lest the evil practice spread further. At Rome at least there were dealers in unguents who corre- sponded roughly to our druggists. Galen says that there is not an unguent-dealer in Rome who is unacquainted with herbs from Crete. but he asserts that there are equally good medicinal plants growing in 88 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY the very suburbs of Rome of which they are totally ignorant, and he taxes even those who prepare drugs for the emperors with the same oversight. He tells how the herbs come from Crete wrapped in cartons with the name of the herb written on the outside and sometimes the further statement that it is campestris. These Roman drug stores seem not to have kept open at night, for Galen speaks of the impossibility of procuring at once the medicines needed in a certain case, because “the lamps were already lighted.” The emperors kept a special store of drugs of their own and had botanists in Sicily, Crete, and Africa who supplied not only them with medicinal herbs, but, according to Galen, the city of Rome as well. However, the emperors appear to have reserved a large supply of the finest and rarest simples for their own use. Galen mentions a large amount of Hymettus honey in the imperial stores—ev sais avto- Kpatoptkais azro#)«xats—whence our word “apothecary.” He proves that cinnamon loses its potency with time by his own experience as im- perial physician. An assignment of the spice sent to Marcus Aurelius “from Barbary” was superior to what had stood stored in wooden jars from the preceding reigns of Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius while after Commodus had exhausted this recent supply and Galen had to turn again to the older store in preparing an antidote for Severus, he found it still weaker than before. That cinnamon was a commodity little known to the populace is indicated by Galen’s mentioning his loss in the fire of 192 of a few precious branches which he had stored away in a chest along with other personal treasures. He praises the Severi, however. for permitting others to use theriac, the noted compound medi- cine and antidote. Thus, he says, they not only as emperors have re- ceived power from the gods, but in sharing their goods freely they re- semble the gods, who rejoice the more, the more people they save. Galen himself, and the same seems to have been true of other physi- cians, was not content to rely for medicines either upon the unguent sellers or the bounty of the imperial stores. He stored away oil and fat, leaving them to age, until he had enough to last him for a hundred years, including some from his father’s lifetime. He used some forty years old in one prescription. He also travelled to many parts of the Roman Empire and procured rare drugs in the places where they were produced. Very interesting is his account of going out of his way in journeying back and forth between Rome and Pergamum in order to stop at Lemnos and procure a supply of the famous terra sigillata, a reddish clay stamped into pellets with the sacred seal of Diana. On his way to Rome, instead of journeying on foot through Thrace and Mace- donia. he took ship from the Troad to Thessalonica: but the vessel stopped in Lemnos at Myrine on the wrong side of the island—Galen had failed to realize that Lemnos. had more than one port. and the GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES 89 captain would not delay the voyage long enough to enable him to cross the island to the spot where terra sigillata was to be found. Upon his return from Rome through Macedonia, however, Galen took pains to visit the right port, and for the benefit of future travelers gives careful instructions concerning the route to follow and the distances between stated points. Galen also describes the solemn procedure by which the priestess from the neighboring city gathered the red earth from the hill where it was found, sacrificing no animals, but wheat and barley to the earth. He brought away with him some twenty thousand of the little discs or seals, which were supposed to cure even lethal poisons and the bite of mad dogs. The inhabitants laughed, however, at the assertion which Galen had read in Dioscorides that the seals were made by mixing the blood of a goat with the earth. Berthelot, the historian of chemistry, believed that this earth was “an oxide of iron more or less hydrated and impure.” C. J. S. Thompson, in a recent paper on “Terra Sigiliata, a famous medicament of ancient times,” tells of various medieval sub- stitutes for the Lemnian earth, and of the interesting religious cere- mony performed in the presence of Turkish officials on only one day in the year by Greek monks who had replaced the priestess of Diana. Pierre Belon witnessed this ceremony on August 6th, 1533, by which time there were many varieties of the tablets in existence, “because each lord of Lemnos had a distinct seal.” When Tozer visited Lemnos in 1890, the ceremony was still performed annually on the same day, and must be completed before sunrise or the earth would lose its efficacy. Moslem khodjas now shared in the religious ceremony, sacrificing a lamb. But in the twentieth century the entire ceremony was abandoned. Through the early modern centuries terra sigillata continued to be held in high esteem in western Europe also, and was included in pharmaco- peias as late as 1833 and 1848. Thompson gives a chemical analysis of a sixteenth century tablet of the earth and finds no evidence therein of its possessing any medicinal property. To come back to Galen, in another passage he advises his readers, if they are ever ir Pamphylia, to lay in a good supply of the drug carpesium. In a third passage he tells of three strata of sory, chalcite, and misy, which he had seen in a mine in Cyprus thirty years before and from which he had brought away a supply, and of the surprising alteration undergone by the misy in the course of those years. He speaks of receiving other drugs from Great Syria, Palestine, Egypt. Cappadocia, Pontus, Macedonia, Gaul, Spain, and Mauretania, from the Celts, and even from India. He names other places in Greece and Asia Minor than Mount Hymettus where good honey may be had. Much so-called Attic honey is really from the Cyclades, although it is brought to Athens and there sold or re-shipped. Similarly genuine 90 (ITE SSCLEN TIPE MONA THEY Falernian wine is produced in but a small section of Italy, but imita- tions are prepared by those skilled in such knavery. As the best iris is that of [lyricum and the best asphalt from Judaea, so the best pe- troselinos is that of Macedonia, and merchants export it to almost the entire world, just as they do Attic honey and Falernian wine. But the petroselinos crop of Epirus is sent to Thessalonica (Saloniki) and there passed off for Macedonian. The best turpentine is that of Chios, but a good variety may be obtained from Libya or Pontus. The best form of unguent was formerly made only in Laodicea, but now it is sim- ilarly compounded in many other cities of Asia Minor. We are reminded that parts of animals as well as herbs and ae: were important constituents in ancient pharmacy by Galen’s invective against the frauds of hunters and dealers in wild beasts as well as of unguent-sellers. They do not hunt the animals at the proper season for securing their medicinal virtues. but when they are no longer in their prime or just after their long period of hibernation, when they are emaciated. Then they fatten them upon improper food, feed them barley cakes to stuff up and dull their teeth, or force them to bite fre- quently so that virus will run out of their mouths. The beasts of course were also in demand for the games of the arena. Besides the ancient drug trade, Galen gives us some interesting elimpses of the publishing trade, if we may so term it, of his time. Writing in old age, he says that he has never attached his name to his works and has never written for the popular ear or for fame, but fired by zeal for science and truth, or at the urgent request of friends, or as a useful exercise for himself, or, as now, in order to forget his old age. He regards popular fame as only an impediment to those who desire to live tranquilly and enjoy the fruits of philosophy. He asks Eugenianus not to praise him immoderately before men, as he has been wont to do. and not to inscribe his name in his works. His friends nevertheless prevailed upon Galen to write two treatises listing his works, and he also is free enough in many of his writings in mention- ing others which it is essential to read before perusing the present volume. Perhaps he felt differently at different times on the question of fame and anonymity. He also objected to those who read his works, not to learn anything from them, but only in order to calumniate them. It was in a shop on the Sacra Via that most of the copies of some of Galen’s works were stored when they, together with the great libra- ries upon the Palatine, were consumed in the fire of 192. But in an- other passage he states that the street of the Sandal-makers is where most of the book-stores of Rome are located. There he saw some men disputing whether a certain treatise was his. It was duly inscribed Gaienus medicus and one man, because the title was unfamiliar to him. had just purchased it as a new work by Galen. But another man who GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES 91 was something of a philologer asked to see the introduction, and, after reading a few lines, declared that the book was not one of Galen’s works. When Galen was still young, he wrote three commentaries on the throat and lungs for a fellow student who wished to have some- thing to pass off as his own work upon his return home. This friend died, however, and the books got into circulation. Galen also com- plains that notes of his lectures which he had not intended for publica- tion have got abroad, that his servants have stolen and published some of his manuscripts. and that others have been altered. corrupted, and mutilated by those into whose possession they have come, or have been passed off by them in other lands as their own productions. On the other hand, some of his pupils keep his teachings to themselves and are unwilling to give others the benefit of them, so that if they should die suddenly, his doctrines would be lost. His own ideal has always been to share his knowledge freely with those who sought it, and if possible with all mankind. At least one of his works was taken down from his dictation by short-hand writers, when, after his convincing demonstra- tion by dissection concerning respiration and the voice, Boéthus asked him for commentaries on the subject and sent for stenographers. Al- though Galen in his travels often purchased and carried home with him large quantities of drugs, when he made his first trip to Rome he left all his library in Asia. Galen dates the practice of falsifying the title pages and contents of books back to the time when kings Ptolemy of Egypt and Attalus of Pergamum were bidding against each other for volumes for their re- spective libraries. At that time works were often interpolated in order to make them larger and so bring a better price. Galen speaks more than once of the deplorable ease with which numbers, signs, and other abbreviations are altered in manuscripts. A single stroke of the pen or slight erasure will completely change the meaning of a medical pre- scription. He thinks that such alterations are sometimes malicious and not mere mistakes. So common were they that Menecrates composed a medical work written out entirely in complete words and entitled Autocrator Hologrammatos because it was also dedicated to the em- peror. Another writer, Damocrates, from whom Galen often quotes long passages, composed his book of medicaments in metrical form so that there might be no mistake made even in complete words. Galen’s works contain occasional historical information concerning many other matters than books and drugs. Clinton made much use of Galen for the chronology of the period in his Fasti Romani. Galen’s allusions to several of the emperors with whom he had personal rela- tions are valuable bits of source-material. Trajan was, of course, before his time, but he testifies to the great improvement of the roads in Italy which that emperor had effected, comparing his own systematic 92 THEY SCIEN TIPLG MONT EY, treatment of medicine to the emperor’s great work in repairing and improving the roads, straightening them by cut-offs that saved distance, but sometimes abandoning an old road that went straight over hills for an easier route that avoided them, filling in wet and marshy spots with stone or crossing them by causeways, bridging impassable rivers, and altering routes that led through places now deserted and beset by wild beasts so that they would pass through populous towns and more frequented areas. The passage thus bears witness to a shifting of pop- ulation. Galen also sheds a little light on the vexed question of the number of persons in the empire, if Pergamum is the city ht refers to in his estimate of 40,000 citizens or 120,000 inhabitants, including women and slaves but perhaps not children. The evils of ancient slavery are illustrated by an incident which Galen relates to show the inadvisability of giving way to one’s passions, especially anger. Returning east from Rome, Galen fell in with a traveler from Gortyna in Crete. When they reached Corinth, the Cretan sent his baggage and slaves to Athens by boat, but himself with a hired vehicle and two slaves went by land with Galen through Megara, Eleusis, and Thriasa. On the way the Cretan became so angry at the two slaves that he hit them with his sheathed sword so hard that the sheath broke and they were badly wounded. Fearing that they would die, he then made off to escape the consequences of his act, leay- ing Galen to look after the wounded. But later he rejoined Galen in penitent mood and wished Galen to administer a beating to him for his cruelty. Galen adds that he himself, like his father, had never struck a slave with his own hand and had reproved friends who had broken their slaves’ teeth with blows of their fists Other men were accustomed to kick their slaves or gouge their eyes out. The emperor Hadrian was said in a moment of anger to have blinded a slave with a stylus which he had in his hand. He, too, was sorry afterwards and offered the slave money, which the latter refused, telling the emperor that nothing could compensate him for the loss of an eye. In another passage Galen discusses how many slaves and how much clothing one really needs. Galen also depicts the easy-going, sociable, and pleasure-loving society of his time. Not only physicians but men generally began the day with salutations and calls, then separated, some to the market- place and law courts, others to watch the dancers or charioteers. Others played at dice or pursued love-affairs, or passed the hours at the baths or in eating and drinking or some other bodily pleasure. In the even- ing they came together again at symposia which bore no resemblance to the intellectual feasts of Socrates and Plato but were mere drinking bouts. Galen, however, had no objection to the moderate use of wine, and mentions the varieties from different parts of the Mediterranean GALEN: THE MAN AND HIS TIMES 93 world which were especially noted for their medicinal properties. He believed that discreet indulgence in wine aided digestion and the blood, and relieved the mind from all worry and melancholy and refreshed it. “For we use it every day.” He classed wine with such boons to hu- manity as medicine, “a sober and decent mode of life,” and “the study of literature and liberal disciplines.” His three books on food values - (De alimentorum facultatibus) supply information concerning the an- cient table and dietary science. Galen’s allusions to Judaism and Christianity are of considerable interest. He seems scarcely to have distinguished between them. In criticizing Archigenes for using vague and unintelligible language and not giving a sufficient explanation of the point in question, Galen says that it is “as if one had come to a school of Moses and Christ and had heard undemonstrated laws.” And in criticizing opposing sects for obstinacy Galen says that it would be easier to win over the followers of Moses and Christ. In a third passage Galen criticized the Mosaic view of the relation of God to nature, resenting it as the opposite ex- treme to the Epicurean doctrine of a purely mechanistic and material- istic universe. This suggests that Galen had read some of the Old Tes- tament, but he might have learned from other sources of the Dead Sea and of apples of Sodom, of which he speaks in yet another context. According to a thirteenth century Arabian biographer of Galen, he spoke more favorably of Christians in a lost commentary upon Plato’s Republic, admiring their morals and admitting their miracles. This last is unlikely, since Galen believed in a Supreme Being who worked only through natural law. Like most thoughtful men of his time, Galen tended to believe in one supreme deity, but he appears to have derived this conception from Greek rather than Hebraic sources. It was to philosophy and the Greek mysteries that he turned for revelation of the deity. Hopeless criminals were for him those whom neither the Muses nor Socrates could reform. It is Plato, not Christ, whom in another treatise he cites as describing the first and greatest God as ungenerated and good. “And we all nat- urally love Him, being such as He is from eternity.” But while Galen’s monotheism cannot be regarded as of Christian or Jewish origin, it is possible that his argument from design and sup- porting theology by anatomy made him more acceptable both to Mo- hammedan and Christian readers. At any rate he had Christian readers at Rome at the opening of the third century, when a hostile controver- sialist complains that some of them even worship Galen. These early Christian enthusiasts for natural science, who also devoted much time to Aristotle and Euclid, were finally excommunicated; but Aristotle, Euclid, and Galen were to return in triumph in medieval learning. 94 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY THE MORTALITY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS’ A CONTRIBUTION TO THE QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF THE VIGOR OF THE RactaL ELEMENTS IN THE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES By LOUIS I. DUBLIN, Ph. D., Statistician METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK Y interest in this subject arose in connection with another study. M Some eight years ago, | began to investigate the reasons for the increasing mortality of the American people after age 45. The mor- tality figures for the previous decade had shown that, while there had been very marked declines in the mortality rates of our population in infancy, in childhood, and in early adult life, that beginning with the age period 45 and continuing well into old age, there had been a slight increase in mortality. This was very puzzling because such conditions did not appear in England, in Germany, or in the Scandinavian coun- tries for which comparable data were at hand. This was evidently a condition characteristic of America. Why should there be such an adverse change in the death rate during a period of extraordinary activity in public health and when so much was being done to improve the sanitary conditions of the country? Living and working conditions were undoubtedly getting better all the time for the great mass of the population. But these improvements were not being reflected in the facts of the death rate for middle life and beyond. After much labor on this problem, it finally occurred to me that the facts could, perhaps. be explained very simply as the result of the character of our recent immigration. My hypothesis was that, if the foreign stocks that had been coming into the country in increasing numbers actually had a higher death rate than the native stock at the older ages of life. that the very fact of their coming would be sufficient to account for the increase in mortality of the whole population. To test this hypothesis, it was necessary to construct tables of mor- tality for the several race stocks, including the native born of native parentage, the native born of foreign or mixed parentage and the for- eign born. For the last group, it was necessary also to prepare a table for each one of the important foreign nativity classes. I turned to the data for the State of New York where there was a large representation of the three groups of the population, where registration of deaths was 1Read before the second International Congress of Eugenics, Sept. 21, s1O2Te THE MORTALITY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS 95 good, and where I was fairly familiar with the living and working con- ditions of the people. Data were for the year 1910. The results were published in the American Economic Review, Vol. VI, No. 3, 1916.2 Later, assisted by Mr. G. W. Baker, I supplemented the findings for New York State with those for Pennsylvania.' The following is a summary of our chief results. For more details, reference will have to be made to the two papers referred to above. EN BIE: i Deaths per 1,000 white population among native born of native parent- age, among natwe born of foreign or mixed parentage, and among foreign born, by sex and by age period:- New York State, 1910. MALES | FEMALES Native Native | Native Age Period Native born of | For-|| born of born of | For- born of foreign eign| native foreign | eign native or mixed born par- or mixed! born parentage parentage entage parentage Ages 10 and over: Crude rate 13.8 13.2 AS 12.4 9.7 16.6 Standardized rate 13.8 17.2 17.1| 12.4 13.9 16.2 10-14 2.5 Be 2.5 | 2.6 Day 2.4 15-19 216 4.1 4.4]| a2 B32 Be) 20-24 5.0 6.8 5.2 || 4.7 5.2 4.0 25-44 6.9 14.3 8.7 || 5-7 9.3 7-3 45-64 | 18.8 28.2 28.0)| 14.3 20.0 23.4 65-84 173 89.9 | 90.4/| 68.2 73.9 87.7 85 and over 268.9 323.0 272.7|| 242.3 324.9 270.5 Table | presents a comparison of the actual facts of mortality in three principal classes according to nativity in the population of New York State in 1910. In both sexes, the death rates of the foreign born and of their native born offspring are considerably in excess of those for the native born of native parents after the period of middle life is reached. There is little difference during the periods of child- hood, of adolescence, and of early life; but there the similarity ceases. The excess mortality of the foreign stock reaches its maximum at about age 60 and continues to the end of life but to a less degree. In the important age period 45 to 64, the death rate of males (28.0) was 49 per cent. higher than that for native males of native parentage and that for foreign born females was 64 per cent. higher than for females of native stock. Similar conditions exist in the State of Pennsylvania. In view of the fact that the foreign born and their native offspring make up a considerable proportion of the total population of both New York (63.9 per cent.) and Pennsylvania (43.5 per cent.), there is no room for doubt that our explanation of the increasing mortality 2 actors in American Mortality. A Study of Death Rates in the Race Stocks of New York State, 1910. 3 The Mortality of Race Stocks in Pennsylvania and New York. Quar- terly Publications American Statistical Asscciation, March, 1920. 96 THE SCIENTIFIC*-MONTHLY after age 45 is correct. The foreign born enter the United States, for the most part, as adults; they have lower vitality than the native stock and their addition to the population can have only one effect, namely. to increase the death rate at the middle ages of life and at the older ages. Our problem today, however, is somewhat different. I propose to give you the results of our investigations with especial reference to the relative vigor of the several race groups that make up our newer im- migration. Obviously, that is what will interest you as eugenists con- cerned as you are with the character and potentialities of the various eroups which are making the American of the future. To determine the relative vitality of the several race stocks, we con- structed a series of life tables from the facts of mortality already referred to. There is no better test; for they tell us the average after lifetime of each group. The figures of expectation were calculated beginning at age 10 in each case because of the small number of for- eign born persons living in New York State below this age. The figures for the five principal foreign races are given in the following charts, the countries of foreign birth being arranged alphabetically. The expectations for those born in the United States of native par- entage are given for comparison. With the exception of the Russian born, the native males of native parentage have a greater expectation at age 10 than any of the for- sign groups. In New York State, the Russians are almost entirely Jews who are noted for their longevity. At age 10, the expectation EXPECTATION OF LIFE AT AGE 10 Foreign Race Stocks Living in New York State,1910 Cotapared with Native Born ot Native Parentage MALES FEMALES Country of Birth Years Years Uniteo STATES 65 5557 (NATIVE PARENTAGE) | | tial tat yi ey | } ey ENGLAND SCOTLAND 50.27 aR | AND WALES GERMANY IRELAND ITALY 56 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Statistical Bureau RAE MORTALIEY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS 97 of Russian born males is 53.44 years, as compared with 52.96 years for native males of native parentage. Similar conditions have been described by various observers for Jews living in Germany, Russia and Hungary. They invariably have lower death rates and longer expectation of life than do the people among whom they live. Their addition to the population of New York State has, therefore, an effect very different from that of the other foreign peoples. They increase ‘the longevity of the total population rather than decrease it. Next in order of longevity are the Italian males with a life span of nearly o2 years at age 10; next are the English, Scotch and Welsh, 50.27 years; the Germans, 49.44 years; and the Irish, 38.69 years. The surprising fact of this chart is the very low life expectation of the Irish males. It is actually two years less than the expectation of negro males living in the Registration States at the same age. We shall attempt later to give some of the causes which are responsible for very unfavorable conditions in this race. Among foreign born females, very similar conditions appear. The greatest expectation is found among Russian born females, who, at age 10, have an average after lifetime of 55.82 years. This is almost identical with the expectation of females of native stock. Then fol- low in the order named the females born in Germany, Italy, England, ABER 2 Expectation of life at selected ages. By sex, for persons born in spect- fied country and living in New York State, 1910: Sex; country of birth 119 9] 20 | 40 60 Males: _ Living in New York State, 1910, Born in: & United States (native parentage)... 52.96 | 44.80 29.22 14.92 England, Scotland and Wales.... 50.27 | 42:23 | 26.79 | 13.78 COGICIRT eh a is CR Oe oe 49.44 | 40.80 | 25:51| " ren learn lime pt SO ge ee? Se er 38.60 | 21.36 18.16 nies Ba ycate ates Aiea he eer teem em Soy Bese 51.04 | 44.26 28.75 15.08 Reaissia (mostly “Jews)’..:...-s..2<. 53.44 44.84 | 27.85 13.95 Living in specified country : England and Wales, 1910-1912..... 53.08 | 44.21 27.74. | 13.78 DEO ad: “TOL Le = 2h tien ba ee Ue 51.86 | 43.27 | 27 2Eal 13.54 Germatiy: SEGOL=161O0. .. fo icsa akc. . 51.16| 4256/ 26.64| 13.14 Nisin TOOL TOTO. a0 8 de. 51.25 | 43.00 | 28.00 | 13.67 Females: Living in New York State, 1910, Born in: | | United States (native parentage)... * 55.87 | 47.55 | 31.57 | 16.30 England, Scotland and Wales...... 52.66 | 44.01 | 28.17 14.86 Geman oye ee 5. ht. . Bae wee 54.35 45.57 29.31 14.60 IE! BCC ve a en eg a Re 45.90 37.40 22.20 11.30 LIGING, oe Eas SoM ieee aEag eA ated 52.92 | 44.94 29.68 15.66 eisciae (mostly. Jews)... 01. .e0.. 55.02 46.60 29.84 14.73 Living in specified country: England and Wales, 1910-1012..... 55.91 47.10 30.30 15.48 SiSOi0 SETA SiC) I ee ea Be re 53.83 45.35 29.48 SUG Germany, OOT=1910. . 25.4.) peed 53.35 44.84 29.16 14.17 fealy STOO TOTO. +. sncy tee. ee 51.50 | 43.67 29.00 13.92 VOL. XIV.—7. 98 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Scotland and Wales, and Ireland. In every case. the expectation of life for females is in excess of that for males of the same nativity group. The excess varies from seven years among the Irish to only about one year among the Italians. The following table shows similarly the facts of the expectation at other age periods than 10 for each one of the foreign race stocks as compared with the native born of native parentage: In view of the interest that attaches to the several race stocks, we present a chart for each of them which shows the facts of mortality for the principal causes of death. ENGLISH, ScoTCH AND WELSH The mortality rates of the British are among the most favorable in Europe. Their addition to the population of New York State might, therefore, be expected to be a favorable one. Yet, as we have seen, the expectation of life of both males and females of this nativity falls from two to three years short of that of the native stock at age 10. The fact is that the expectation of the British living in New York State is about three years less than for men and women living in England. Among the several causes of death, we find higher death rates among the British born for cancer, organic heart disease, pneumonia and violence. They have lower death rates for tuberculosis. The differ- ences are never very great and it is difficult to single out any particular cause of death as especially responsible for the conditions described. For our purposes, however, it is important to remember that the MORTALITY OF P ENGLAND, SCOTLAND & WALES LIVING IN NEW YORK STATE 1910 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH Standardized Death Rates per 100,000 at Ages 10 and Over MALES FEMALES Causes of Death Death Rate per |O0O00 Causes of Death Death Rate per [OQ000 Teberculasis(ez.7 Tabercul: ofthe langs 227.9 of the Lun 107.8 / Zo Organic ) eases }- of Heart) 145.0 Paeumonia Va2e Preumonio {764 Brights) {407 Brights --(328 Disease) \056 Disease) 255 Violence | Viol 161.2 folence \ 4 excluding! 1/089 excluding (7 Suicide 0 60 120 180 240 300 560 420 4B0 ~uicide 0 60 120 180 20 300 360 420 460 Persons born in United States: <——— Persons born in Eng. Soot 6Wio — For both men and Women, the British-born show higher deathrates than the natwe-+orn for cancer, heart disease, pneumonia_and Violence excluding suicide ey have lower death rates for tuberculosis. The expectation is about three years less at age 10 than for men and Women living in England Metropolitan L FHE MORTALITY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS 99 British immigrant living in New York State does not show up as favorably either as do his own people in his native country or as the native stock in the United States. Immigration from England, Scotland and Wales into the State of New York has been of minor importance in recent years. In 1910, there were only 193,359 of these foreign born people in New York State, constituting 7.1 per cent. of the foreign born and only 2.2 per cent. of the total white population of the state. GERMANS The Germans constitute a very much larger group of the foreign stock in this state. In 1910, there were 436,874 German born persons, constituting 16.0 per cent. of the foreign born whites and 4.9 per cent. of the total white population. In this group, the males show up much worse than do the females. The longevity of males, as measured by the life tables at age 10, is fully three and one-half years less than that of native males of native parentage; while the German born females have an expectation only one and one-half years less than that of females of native stock. With the exception of tuberculosis, German born men and women have higher death rates than the native born for all important causes of death. The so-called degenerative diseases play a very important part in their high mortality. Heart disease and Bright’s disease both show excessive rates among males and females. Cancer is also much MORTALITY OF PERSONS BORN IN EI2MANY LIVING IN NEW YORK STATE 1910 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH Standardized Death Rates per |OOOOO at Ages 10 and Over MALES FEMALES Causes of Death Death Rate per [00000 Causes of Death Death Rate per |OO0O00 Tuberculosis \i98.0 : of the Lungs. 279 Bberolass lee e Eee 59'9, Cancer CH Organic 2634 Diseases} -4537°5 of Heart 154.9 fiz Pneumonia (56 2 Prensa onial SS ere ..{204.0} ee (ee Deh Wee Disease Violence Violence 135.2 excluding; 1708.9 oan} 324 Suicide 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 4g0 Suict 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Persons born in United States: C—— > Persons born in Germany German-born men endwomen have death rates higher than the native-horn for cancer, heart disease, pneumonia and Brights disease, but lower death rates tor tubercylosis. German-born men in New York State have much lower ct- ation of life than German-horn Women. The difference is five years at age 10. Metropolitan Life /nsurance Company 100 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY higher among them than in the native population. Suicide is also an important element, although not shown in the chart. The mortality characteristics of the German born living in New York State recall similar facts for the native population of Germany, but to an exag- gerated degree. The mortality rates of Germans living in their native country have shown remarkable improvement during the decades prior to the war and were among the most favorable in Europe. German males living in New York State showed an expectation of life almost two years less at age 10 and considerably higher death rates for the principal causes than are found for the Germans in their own country. IRISH The Irish living in New York State present a very serious situation from the standpoint of longevity. They form an important part of the population, representing in 1910, 13.5 of the total foreign born and 4.1 per cent. of the total white population of the state. The high point in the immigration of this race was reached long ago, so that today we must consider not only those who were born abroad but their native born children as well. The Irish stock in New York State in 1910, thus considered, comprised 12.2 per cent. of the total white popula- tion in 1910. A very high death rate is coupled with the numerical importance of this race. The effect on the mortality condition of the entire popu- lation is, therefore, considerable. As shown in Chart 1, the longevity as measured by the expectation of both Irish born males and females is least of any of the foreign stocks listed. Striking excesses of mor- tality exist. Thus, Irish males at the age period 25 to 44 have a death rate of 18.5 per thousand, or nearly three times that for native males of native parentage (6.9 per thousand). Irish born females at the same age period show a rate of 12.0 per thousand, much less than for Irish males, but nearly twice that of native females of native parent- age. Taking all ages 10 and over together and with due regard to the differences of age distribution, we find that the standardized death rates for both Irish males and females are about twice that for natives of native parentage. The following chart shows that these results follow from an exces- sive mortality from every principal cause of death, but especially so from tuberculosis, pneumonia, and violence: It is difficult to understand these facts in view of the rather favor- able mortality condition of the Irish in their own country. The figures for those living in New York State are not far from twice as high as those reported by the Registrar General of Ireland for the more im- portant age periods of life. The factors which produce these differ- ences will repay further study. THE MORTALITY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS 101 MORTALITY OF PERSONS BORN IN IMELAND LIVING IN NEW YORK STATE !I910 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH Standardized Death Rates per 100,000 at Ages 10 and Over MALES FEMALES Causes of Death Death Rate perIOOOOO CausesofDeath Death Rate per 1OQOOO Taberculosis{4724 Taberculosis\2482 of the Lungs 279 of the Lunds 40! 1364 ITT Cancer 781 Cancer ffF7 Dire 3702 Diseases} 7 2040} of Heart 2 7 76 Pheumonja (i. Li Pneumonia JG ee bus) 2777 Brights | ee 153.G Disease Disease Vi Viol Violence folence = 7 63. celcins| (58 exc} { 361 uicide 0 G0 120 180 240 500 360 420 480 ~Surcide 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420° 480 Persons born in United States. ===] Persons bornin Ireland: _——Z Trish born show highest death rates of any race stock in New York State and much higher rates than found in Ireland.. All important causes show excessive mortality, especially tuberculosis ond heart disease Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ITALIANS The Italians have very favorable death rates in New York State and enjoy a good expectation. In this respect, the [talian born males show up relatively better than do the females. Among the males, we observe especially low rates for tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease and Bright’s disease. On the other hand, they have higher death rates from pneumonia and violence, both of which may well reflect the hazards peculiar to their occupations. Italian born females, unlike the males, have relatively high death rates from tuberculosis of the lungs and organic heart disease. Like the males, they have high pneumonia rates. The figures indicate that the conditions of life in New York State are not particularly favorable for Italian women in spite of a good endowment of bodily vigor. It is important to note that in spite of the marked change in the environmental conditions in New York State as compared with their native country, which, for the large majority of the Italian immi- grants is the warm south, the Italian born live longer and suffer less from most serious diseases in their new abode than in their home country. According to the 1910 census, the number of persons of Italian birth in New York State was 472,192. This was 17.3 per cent. of the foreign born whites and 5.3 per cent. of the total white popula- tion. This number is large in view of the recent date at which the Italian immigration began. A steady stream of this nativity may be 102 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY expected to come to the United States. Their addition to the popula- tion from the point of view of longevity involves little, if any, loss to the total population. MORTALITY OF me BORN IN UVING IN NEW YORK STATE I910 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH Standardized Death Rates per 1|0OOO0O0O at Ages 10 and Over MALES FEMALES Causes of Death Death Rate per OOOOO Causes of Death Death Rate per IOQOOO of Heart, gemma F508 Brght=\ I (1973 Brights| < (eee Disease } J VSS.6F isease) Violence ) Gene ee fod (32 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 Sed J 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 | Persons born in United States: ——— > Persons born in Italy: ——< | Italians in New York State have favorable death rates and e good expectation. Cencer ee his di sease death ses are lower than for nats Ve-born. The Itslian rate end the men s high eccident desth rate Metropolitan Life insurance Company RussIANS The Russian born living in New York State form the largest group among the foreign stocks studied. In 1910, there were 558,952, or 20.5 per cent. of the total foreign born and 6.2 per cent. of the total white population. Although no absolutely trustworthy figures are available, it is obvious that in New York State, the Russian born are, for the most part, Jews, and it is this fact that explains the very low death rate and greater longevity which the Russian born enjoy. As shown in Chart 1, both males and females of this race have an ex- pectation as good as the native born of native parentage; in fact, the males are slightly better than the native stock. The full significance of this fact appears when we consider the very favorable conditions of life of this people in their new environment. They are, for the most part. relatively newcomers and, many of them are still suffering from the difficulties arising out of poor housing and of bad economic status incidental to a period of adjustment in a new country. This fact again bears out what is generally known—that the Jews as a people have extraordinary vigor. As shown in Chart 6, these Russian born in New York State have very much lower death rates from pulmonary tuberculosis than is found among the native born. In the age period 25 to 44, for example, THE MORTALITY OF FOREIGN RACE STOCKS 103 males show a tuberculosis death rate of 117.1 per 100,000, as com- pared with 352 among natives. Females, likewise, at this same age period, show a tuberculosis death rate a little more than one-half that of native born females. It is this favorable condition as to tuber- culosis which almost by itself explains the favorable mortality which is observed in this race. On the other hand, Bright’s disease is higher among these people, especially in the later age periods. Likewise cancer has an excessive death rate among males. The low death rate from violent causes points to the absence of hazard in the occupations engaged in by them. MORTALITY OF PERSONS BORN IN SIA LIVING IN NEW vorkK STATE !I9!10 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH Standardized Death Rates per |OOO00 atAges 10 and Over MALES FEMALES Causes of Death Death Rate per 100000 Causes of Death Dea Taberculosis{i25, 6a Taberculosisl 74.7’ of the Lungse2? of the Lungsl40! 14 | 123.7 Cancer --~--}'5 4) — Cancer 12 Organic | Organic | i Diseases} -\3575 D: of Heart} tis | of Heart = Pneumonia (60 Peden : Brights \__ fiee.2 Brights \_ {i Didose J \e36 Ditose } ; [es Persons born in United States: ——— Persons born inkussi: ——« Violence } ( Violence excluding} 083 | _| seeding ; Suicide “ ) 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 4a0uicide 2 eet 120 180 20 300 360 420 480 | The Russian-born in New York State are mostly Jews. Their low tuberculosis death rate, one-half that of the native-born, accounts for the low general death rate and the high expectation of lite amomg them. VJews show higher death rates than the native-born tor pneumonia and Brights disease. Jewish men have a high cancer rate Metropolitan Life Insurance Company SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION We may, therefore, conclude that: 1. The several races that make up the foreign born population of New York are variable as to their natural vigor as measured by their mortality rates or by life tables. 2. With the exception of the Russians, who are, for the most ‘part, Jews, the expectation of life of the foreign born is less than for the native born of native parentage. 3. Of the foreign born, Russians have the best expectation fol- lowed in order by the Italians, the English, Scotch and Welsh, the Germans, and the Irish. The last have a particularly low expecta- tion. 4. With the exception of the Russians and Italians, the mortality 104 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY is higher among these races living in New York State than in their native country. 5. This condition may be due to the difficulties of adjustment to new conditions of life; or to the poorer quality of the immigrants as compared with their own people who stay at home, or to a combina- tion of both these factors. TIE PROGRESS, OF SCIENCE THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE’? THE TORONTO MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIA- TION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE As guests of the University of Toronto and the Royal Canadian In- stitute, the American Association for the Advancement of Science holds its seventy-fourth meeting at the Uni- versity of Toronto from December 27 to 31. Meeting with the various sections of the association and in many cases joining in their pro- grams are twenty-five associated so- cieties. The association is American, its field covering North, Central and South America, but it has never met south of the United States. Its 1 Edited by \Watson Davis, Science Service. last meeting in Canada was at To- ronto twenty-two years ago. Previous had been held in Mont- real in 1857 and 1882. Professor Eliakim Hastings Moore, head of the department of mathe- matics at the University of Chicago, will preside at the general sessions. Dr. L. O. Howard, chief of the Bu- reau of Entomology of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, will de- liver the address of the retiring presi- dent on the evening of the first day, his title being, (a) “On some presi- dential addresses; (b) “The War on the Insects.” At the joint invitation of the American Association and the Ameri- can Society of Zoologists, Dr. Wil- liam Bateson, director of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, Eng- land, will attend the meetings and meetings | SAAS re H leon en wae: is Wve a) ie ——— MAIN BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO OLNOUWOL oO ALISUHAIN lia aig ya) NOILVIOANOD MNES INO GILES S OPS CLEN CE 107 HART HOUSE will make his principal address be- fore a general session on “The Evo- lutionary Faith and Modern Doubt.” Another address before a general session of the American Association will be delivered by Sir Adam chairman of the Hydro-electric Com- -mission of Ontario, his subject be- Zeck, ing “Hydro-electric Developments in Ontario,” illustrated by motion pic- tures. Sir Adam Beck’s address will be under the auspices of Section M (Engineering) which has on its pro- gram other papers on engineering progress in Canada, including oil de- velopments in the far north, mining operations in Canada and problems of railway engineering. Among the symposia, most of them arranged jointly by a section oi the American Association and re- lated societies, are: Insects as dis- seminators of plant diseases, origin of variations, utility of the species concept, orthogenesis, The quantum theory, Frost resistance and winter killing of plants, Synoptic weather charts, Cooperation of Canada and the United States in the field of agriculture, Crop zones, The struc- eastern ture of the atom, The child: Its health and development. In addition to the scientific and technical programs, entertainments and social features have been ar- ranged by the local committee, in- cluding a reception at the Royal On- tario Museum, which contains some of the finest scientific collections on the continent, an informal conver- sazione in Hart House, also boxing, wrestling, fencing, basket-ball, gym- nastics, group games, diving, swim- ming, band music and bag-pipe music, water polo and indoor baseball in Hart House, an exhibition of artistic skating and an ice hockey match, and a showing of popular educational motion pictures on various subjects. An exhibition of new apparatus for scientific research and new scientific products will be held in the univer- sity’s exhibition hall. The facilities and entertainment offered the American Association by the University of Toronto and the Royal Canadian Institute promise to be a great factor in the success of the meeting. The University of Toronto compares favorably in size | papers and eighteen reels of motion 108 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY and equipment with the leading American universities. Hart House, the social and recreational center of the university, contains assembly halls, libraries, a complete gym- nasium, dining halls and a_ well- equipped theater. The Royal Canadian Institute, Canada’s oldest scientific society, is made up of professional, scientific and business men interested in scien- tific progress. Jointly with the Uni- versity of Toronto, this organization has made the arrangements for the meeting. Several Canadian scientific soci- eties will join with the American Association in its meeting, among them being the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. The societies associated with the American Asso- ciation which will join in the Toronto meeting are: The American Mathe- matical Society, The Mathematical Association of America, The Ameri- can Physical Society, The American Meteorological Society, The Ameri- can Society of Zoologists, The En- tomological Society of America, The American Association of Economic Entomologists, The Botanical Society of America, The American Phyto- pathological Society, The American Society of Naturalists, The Ecologi- cal Society of America, The Ameri- can Microscopical Society, The American Nature-Study Society, The American Metric Association, The Society of American Foresters, The American Society for Horticultural Science, The Association of Official Seed Analysts, The Society of Sigma Xi, The Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternity, and the Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity. THE AMERICAN ORNITHO- LOGISTS’ UNION Ornithologists of the country gathered at Philadelphia from No- vember 8 to II to attend the thirty- ninth annual meeting of the Ameri- can Ornithologists’ Union. Forty pictures were presented during the meeting and bird naturalists from as far away as Holland, England and | the Pacific coast were in attendance. A large number of papers were about South American and tropical birds, ranging in habitat from Panama to Patagonia. Bird banding in its various phases was considered in other papers and there was the usual quota of technical papers on bird names, life habits and history. The union recorded a net gain of 264 members added to a membership which already at the beginning of the meeting numbered 1,350. Four American Ornithologists were given the highest honor that can be conferred upon them by their fellow workers when they were elected to fellowship in the union. The num- ber of fellows is limited to fifty, and with these four elections only one vacancy remains. Those honored were: Dr. W. H. Bergtold, an or- nithologist and practicing physician of Denver, Colorado; Major Allan Brooks, of Okanagan, British Colum- bia; James P. Chapin, American Museum of Natural History, New York City, and Dr. Glover M. Allen, Boston Society of Natural History. Five members, the grade of mem- bership next lower than fellow, were elected as follows: S. Prentiss Bald- win, expert on banding birds, Cleve- land, Ohio; George L. Fordyce, treasurer of the Wilson Ornitho- logical Club, Youngstown, Ohio; F. C. Lincoln, Biological Survey, Washington, Di 1G. 7G He Rovers: Princeton University, and Dr. Casey A. Wood, Chicago. The entire quota of twenty-five honorary fellows from foreign lands was filled for the first time since 1890 by the election of five foreign ornithologists. Fourteen correspond- | ing fellows, all foreign, were also elected. Memorial addresses on three fel- lows who died during the past year _—— s - RHE PROGRESS, OF SCIENCE were delivered. The deceased fel- lows are: Dr. J. A. Allen, American Museum of Natural History, New York City; Charles B. Cory, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, and Wil- liam Palmer, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. The Brewster Memorial Medal was awarded to Robert Ridgway, of the U. S. National Museum, for his work on the “Birds of North and Middle America,” vol. 8, which in the judgment of the council was the most meritorious work on Ameri- can birds published during the last two years. This medal is to be awarded biennially, and this is the first award. A feature of the annual banquet was the appearance in costume of representatives of Alexander Wil- son, John James Audubon, and C. S. Rainesque, pioneer bird lovers who lived in Philadelphia in the early half of the nineteenth century. The following were elected offi- cers: Dr. Witmer Stone, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, president; Dr. George Bird Grin- nell, New York City, and Dr. Jona- than Dwight, New York City, vice presidents; Dr. T. S. Palmer, Buio- logical Survey, Washington, D. C.,, secretary; and W. L. McAtee, Bio- logical Survey, treasurer. SUSPENSION OF GOVERN- MENT SCIENTIFIC PERI- ODICALS Important scientific periodicals of the Department of Agriculture have suspended publication owing to the tailure of the Congress to give spe- cific authority for their continuance after December 1, the date set by law for the death of all government periodicals not individually author- ized by the Congress. When the Congress adjourned without giving any committee author- ity to determine which periodicals should continue to appear, some forty-one publications issued by the government departments suspended 109 publication, in most cases without any notice. From a_ scientific standpoint, of those ‘that are suspended, four De- partment of Agriculture publications are the most important. The Ex- periment Station Record, with its concisely written abstracts of agri- cultural literature, knitted together the research activities of the univer- sities and agricultural experiment stations. The Journal of Agricultur- al Research was the medium for making public those researches that as yet would hardly be of general interest to the practical farmer. But in this journal have been announced some of the most important experi- mental work of the department and affliated experiment stations. Me- teorology in all its phases was the field of the Monthly Weather Review, edited from the Weather Bureau. Public Roads had a circulation of 4,000 copies a month and carried de- tails and research of the federal aid program to engineers and road build- ers. Four other Department of Agri- culture periodicals were doing a real service. The Weekly News Letter, circulation 126,000, kept the 106,000 collaborators and employees of the department in touch with its activi- ties and served to take current in- formation to those especially interest- ed in agriculture. Weather data were carried promptly to 3,300 by the weekly National Weather and Crop Bulletin. The weekly Market Re- porter was published to give 11,200 bankers, colleges, economists and others prompt data on live stock, grain, produce and other agricultural prices. The Monthly Crop Reporter, with an edition of 114,500, was sent to libraries and organizations inter- ested in agricultural estimates, but the bulk of the edition went to col- laborators of the department who aid in compiling crop statistics. By suspending the forty-one gov- ernment periodicals, it has been esti- mated that from $500,000 to JOSEPH LEIDY Statue erected in the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania in honor of the distinguished naturalist and anatomist JOSEPH CRIBS TUE Photograph from the copy of the portrait by Gilbert Stuart, recently pre- sented to the United States National Museum by the American Chemical Society 112 $1,000,000 will be saved each year, but this may be mistaken economy. It is not inconceivable that even the | temporary suspension of the periodi- cals mentioned may cause a much greater loss to the country than the saving on the forty-one periodicals. The inability to publish the results of important government researches is becoming a serious situation, even apart from the suspension of the scientific periodicals. Printing appro- priations of practically all govern- ment scientific bureaus have been greatly reduced, and only the manu- scripts that are most important can be published, and these often after undue delay. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS WE record with regret the death of Bert Holmes Hite, professor of agricultural chemistry in the Uni- versity of West Virginia; of Wil- liam Speirs Bruce, oceanographer and polar explorer; of Etienne Boutroux, professor of philosophy at the Sor- bonne; oi Dimitri Konstantinovitch Tschernoft of Petrograd, known for his work on the metallography of iron; of Ch. Francois-Franck, form- erly lecturer on physiology at the College de France; and of Julius Hann, Austrian meteorologist. LEE PROGKESS OF SGIENGE ELIMINATION of industrial waste was the principal topic discussed at the forty-second annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers held in New York City from December 5 to 9. Separate sessions were held to consider the wastes of power generation, machine shops, railways, use of fuel, materials handling, textile manufacture, wood manufacture, and the aeronautic in- dustry. A national program of in- dustrial education and training as a fundamental necessity in the develop- ment of the industries of this coun- try also had a place on the program. Honorary membership was awarded to Henry R. Towne, directing head of the Yale and Towne Manufactur- ing Co., and Nathaniel G. Herreshoff, who has played a large part in the development of the science of naval architecture both through his inter- est in yacht racing and his work on commercial and war vessels. THE relation of chemical engineer- ing to national defense was the lead- ing topic of the fourteenth annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers held in Balti- more, December 6 to 9. Visits were made to Edgewood Arsenal and to various Baltimore industries. THE’ SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY BPEBRUARY, 1922 GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS By Professor RALPH S. LILLIE THE NELA RESEARCH LABORATORY, CLEVELAND, OHIO ROWTH has perhaps a better claim than any other life-process to be called ‘‘fundamental,’’ since it is the indispensable basis or condition of all vitality. This is true not merely in the obvious sense that all organisms are products of growth; even when an animal or plant has ceased to ‘‘grow,’’ 7. e., add to its total living or organized material, it continues automatically to renew its own substance and to repair losses and damage; without this continual renewal no life can persist. We may thus regard the adult organism as still ‘‘growing,’’ but the growth is ‘‘latent’’ —masked by the simultaneous loss inseparable from all vital activ- ity. Visible increase in size is thus not the only evidence of growth; whether an organism grows visibly or not is in fact determined by the relative rates of two opposed processes, one of which builds up and accumulates, while the other breaks down and dissipates. In all life the primary or fundamental process is the building-up of the specifically organized living substance by constructive metabolism; but this process is always accompanied by chemical breakdown or destructive metabolism, with loss of material to the surroundings. Briefly, therefore, we may describe the essential situation as follows: when metabolic construction exceeds destruc- 1 tion there is ‘‘growth’’ (in the ordinary sense of visible increase) ; \when the two are equal there is balance, or simple maintenance; when destruction predominates there is regression or atrophy. Visible growth represents simply the accumulated excess of con- struction over destruction. This constant association of destruction and repair has long been recognized as the essential or distinguishing peculiarity of the living state; while the organism ‘‘lives,’’ the effects of loss or destruction are continually being offset or compensated (often over-compensated) by new construction. The life process is thus VOL. XIV.—8. 114 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY fundamentally a process of construction; it is a synthetic or creative agency; and all of its special peculiarities as a natural process are expressions of this characteristic power of specific ‘synthesis. Claude Bernard has given perhaps the clearest and most comprehensive expression of this fundamental fact, which was already perceived by Lavoisier and in a vague way appreciated even in ancient times (cf. Heracleitus). The following passage is charac- teristic :! The synthetic act by which the organism maintains itself is at bottom of the same nature as that by which it repairs itself when it has undergone mutilation, or again by which it multiplies and reproduces itself. Organic synthesis, generation, regeneration, reintegration, healing of wounds (cica- trization) are different aspects of an identical phenomenon... . Bernard’s characterization is well known; ‘‘la vie, e’est la créa- tion;’’? he thus emphasizes the all-importance of construction or synthesis in the vital process. Living material, then, is primarily growimg material. In higher organisms this is sufficiently obvious in early development ; later it becomes less and less evident because of the progressive in- crease of the destructive processes—relatively to the constructive — in the total metabolism. It is clear, however, that without the con- tinuance of the synthetic processes which determine growth there can be no continued life at any stage. Growth therefore must be regarded as the universal index of the presence of hfe. We rec- ognize this in the case of lower organisms like bacteria; and test their ‘‘livingness’’ by determining if they are capable of growth; if there is no proliferation in the culture medium the culture is a sterile one; either no organism were introduced, or those intro- duced were ‘‘dead.”’ Most multicellular animals and plants reach their final or adult stages through a process of progressively increasing size and com- plexity, beginning usually with a small and structurally simple germ (e. g. egg-cell) ; we describe this germ as ‘‘developing into”’ or ‘‘growing into’’ the adult form. This verbal usage expresses incidentally the necessary dependance of reproduction on growth. The growth involved in a single reproduction is often very exten- sive; thus the ratio between the mass of an adult human being and that of the fertilized egg-cell from which he develops is approxi- mately fifteen billion to one;? this enormous accumulation of ma- terial occurs in each reproduction. There may, however, be repro- duction without simultaneous growth (certain cases of fission) as 1 Lecons sur les phénoménes de la vie, Vol. 2, p. 517. 27. ¢., the ratio of the mass of an individual of 60 kilo to the mass of an ovum of 2004, diameter (volume about .000004 c.c.). GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 115 well as growth without reproduction, and it is important to realize clearly the general nature of the organic processes which these terms represent. This may best be done by considering the ease of micro-organisms; here the two processes are less sharply distin- euishable and the terms are often used synonymously; thus bac- terial growth and bacterial reproduction are usually regarded as identical. In such eases, reproduction simply follows automatically and regularly upon growth, so that the two are not practically separable; the one involves the other. Reproduction has been de- fined as ‘‘discontinuous growth,’’ and this phrase expresses a con- ception which seems to be universally applicable. The essential fact in every case of reproduction is that portions of the growing organism continue to grow after detachment from the parental stock, and in so doing give rise to other complete organisms of the same kind. Reproduction of higher plants by cuttings is a ease in point and in animals asexual reproduction and regeneration of the whole from a fragment afford similar instances. From such eases the logical transition to cases of gametic reproduction is sim- ple; in this case the detached portion is a specialized unicellular structure (egg-cell) requiring fertilization in order to start its eyele of growth; but it represents none the less a detached portion of the parental organism. What we observe in the ease of higher animals is that when we trace the organic individual back to its beginning—or at least to the stage usually regarded as the beginning of individual life— we come finally to a small often microscopic mass of protoplasm, usually a single cell (germ-cell) which itself is the product of crowth from the parent organism. In this germ we see little or nothing of the characteristic organization of the adult. Yet it is by the progressive accumulation and transformation—through the activity of this at first minute portion of living substance—of ma- terials taken from the surroundings that the adult organism is by degrees built up. Let us now consider briefly, from the point of view of general physiology, the essential nature of this process of growth or up- building, which we call individual development or ontogeny. The germ adds to its substance, or grows, by incorporation of non-living materials taken either from the surroundings or from its own reserves (yolk),—food, water, salts; these it transforms physically and chemically in a definite manner which is specifie for each organism. The most remarkable chemical feature of this transformation is the predominance of certain complex syntheses, especially the synthesis of colloidal substances of high molecular weight and highly specifie or individualized chemical constitution. 116 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY These are the proteins, which are regarded by most biologists as forming the basis of organic specificity. Part of these substances, together with certain other products of the metabolic transforma- tion, are chemically stable under the conditions prevailing in the living system, and are laid down in definite situations and at defi- nite times in the form of a more or less solid, resistant or perma- nent residuum or deposit which forms the structural substratum of the growing organism. And since the rate of these synthetic or constructive processes exceeds that of the accompanying de- structive processes, especially in the early stages of development, the living and organized material steadily accumulates; in other words, the organism grows. The rate of growth is not uniform in different regions; usually certain regions proliferate actively at certain times; then, as their growth activity subsides, other re- gions become active; the existence of growing zones or growing apices (buds or shoots in plants) is in fact one of the most charac- teristic features of developing organisms. All of this growth pro- ceeds in an orderly and definite manner, in regular sequence and with strict correlation between the rates of growth in the different regions. Eventually the whole system acquires a more or less per- manent form and dimensions, corresponding to the adult state; after this stage is reached the constructive processes gradually be- come less and less active, and eventually they fail to offset the destructive processes. Natural death then follows. As the germ or embryo grows it ‘‘differentiates,’’ 2. e., becomes by degrees more and more diversified, structurally, chemically, and physiologically. Different regions are set apart as the seat of spe- cial formative processes which give rise to special morphological structure with corresponding special physiological activity, and by degrees the systems of organs so clearly distinguishable in the adult make their appearance. The development of correlating or integrative mechanisms goes hand in hand with this differentia- tion. It is customary to regard differentiation as a process dis- tinct from growth, since its essential feature is the appearance of new qualitative characters, both structural and functional, 7. e., of diversification; while the term growth has a primarily quantita- tive significance and has reference to inerease in size, considered as such. Differentiation in embryonic development is perhaps the most impressive and mysterious of all organic processes, and its apparently purposive character has long furnished the vitalists with their strongest arguments. In the multicellular organisms it appears to have acquired a special physiological basis or deter- minative mechanism which has become superposed on that of sim- ple growth—as we find it in unicellular organisms where cells give GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS TUG rise typically only to other cells of the same kind. Apparently some additional factors, which impart definite and special direc- tions to the formative processes in different cell-groups, are pres- ent in the higher organisms; and the evidence from genetic and cytological studies indicates that this special basis for differentia- tion is to be found in the specific differences between the chromo- somes of the germ-cells. In some way, depending apparently on the manner in which the elementary chemical components of these structures are sorted or distributed in the series of mitotic cell- divisions, special kinds of structure-forming metabolism are local- ized in definite regions of the developing embryo. The ‘‘chromosome theory of heredity’’ has performed notable services and is probably true, even if it is not the whole truth. But it should not be overlooked that growth and heredity, in their most general aspects, must be independent of special mechanisms of this kind. Specific growth and its manifestation in heredity are the final or visible expressions of the property of specific metabolic construction, which is based on specific chemical synthesis and is possessed by all forms of living matter—we may even say by all living structures which preserve their identity during the life of the cell or organism of which they form part. The chromosomes themselves grow and reproduce, and this capacity can hardly be referred to the existence of sub-chromosomes; in this respect chro- mosomes are like all other living structures. This, however, need not prevent their having a special function as repositories and dis- tributors of substances which control the special nature of the structure-forming metabolism in different parts of the organism. While in higher organisms growth and differentiation, consid- ered abstractly, may be regarded as two distinct processes, in real- ity the two are inseparable, and on a strictly objective view these terms must be regarded as denoting two aspects of a single com- plex process rather than two essentially different processes. ‘‘Growth”’ is usually given a quantitative definition, as signifying increase in the quantity or mass of the living material; thus we may express the growth of an embryo in mass-units or weights and draw curves showing correctly, within certain ascertainable limits of error, the rate of growth from day to day. But while this growth is proceeding it is in fact associated with increase of complexity, with the continual appearance of new qualities and activities in the organism. These features of the total organic process differ from growth in not being representable in simple quantitative terms and in requiring special methods of deserip- tion; yet they are all based upon growth. Such considerations il- lustrate the sense in which the growth-process is fundamental or 118 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY foundational in all life-processes. Obviously without its occur- rence the adult organism could never arise from the minute ‘‘un- differentiated’’ egg-cell. Whatever the special nature of the form- ative activities may be, it is at least clear that they must have material to work on, and this material is furnished by growth. Increase in the quantity of organized or living material is sim- ple growth, and proceeds automatically in all forms of protoplasm under favorable conditions. Increase in structural or organiza- tional complexity is usual when growth is associated with develop- ment—as in higher organisms—but is not always present; thus we do not usually conceive of development as occurring in dividing bacteria or yeast cells. In the lowest organisms the result of growth is the formation of more and more living material of the same kind, simple and ‘‘undifferentiated,’’ structurally and physio- logically. For example, there is no progressive increase of complex- ity during the growth of bacteria in a culture medium—except in so far as this is necessarily involved in any quantitative increase; more and more protoplasm of the same kind, definite and specific in structure and activity, is built up from the environmental ma- terials by a strictly repetitive kind of process. We may note here, as a matter of general or philosophical interest, that it is simply because the same series of transformations is repeated in each bae- terium as it grows and divides that we conceive of the process of reproduction as involving ‘‘heredity.’’ The daughter-cell repeats the life-cycle and hence the qualities and activities of the parent- cell. If we wish, we may express this fact by saying that it ‘‘in- herits’’ its qualities from its parent; but this terminology need not confuse our conceptions of what really and objectively occurs. In higher organisms we have the same type of situation, except that a more complex cycle of metabolic and formative transformation is repeated in each reproduction. In either case the constancy of the metabolic syntheses which underlie the growth-processes form- ing the new living material is what makes possible the constancy of the outcome in the growth and development of the individual organism, whether this organism be a bacterium or a human being. In many animals evidence of differentiation is seen early in development, 7. e., before the germ has proceeded far in its growth. Even uncleaved eggs show partial differentiation in many cases. In the vertebrate embryo the various systems of organs, nervous, skeletal, digestive, circulatory, are distinguishable soon after the germ layers are formed; these embryonic foundations, once estab- lished and partly individualized, continue to grow and soon ex- hibit secondary differentiations; their functional activity and in- terdependence increase at the same time. Each organ system is GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 119 often described as if it developed independently by inherent po- tencies of its own; but this is merely an accident of descriptive procedure, where the whole is often disregarded in considering the details. In reality no organ system or other part develops in iso- lation. The growth and development of the organism as a whole is marvellously balanced and correlated; a system of checks and controls prevents the excessive growth of one region at the expense of another. The shape and proportions of the embryo at each stage of development are as constant as they are in the adult; and a similar constancy must characterize the underlying physiologi- eal processes. The problem of the physiological conditions deter- mining the correlation of growth processes in organisms has many aspects of fundamental interest. It includes the special problem of the nature of transmissive processes in protoplasm (nervous and related transmissions), as well as the broader biological problem of the unification or integration of the various organic processes of the individual. The unity of the formative processes represents a special feature of organic unity in general, and cannot be con- sidered apart from other eases of functional integration. Develop- ment is perhaps the most striking example of an organic activity which is at the same time highly complex and highly integrated. The final or adult stage of even the highest animals is attained with a constaney and exactitude which never fail to arouse our wonder. We cannot trace the causal sequence in any detail and may never be able to do so. And yet when we consider the matter more closely, and especially when we observe the degree to which exactitude—constaney of repetition—is inherent in all natural processes (as the achievements of physics and astronomy show per- haps most clearly), it ceases to be a matter of special surprise that organie processes like growth and development should exhibit a similar regularity. If, as physiology assumes, the organism is a synthesis of simpler physical and chemical processes, its activities should partake of the regularity of the component processes. In fact, a similar quantitative regularity becomes apparent whenever single organic activities are isolated and presented to observation in a form suitable for measurement. Accordingly, with constancy of initial constitution and constancy of environing conditions we should expect a living germ, like any other natural growing sys- tem, to exhibit constancy in its cycle of development. That it does show such constancy is the very fact which we designate as “‘hered- ity.’’ Many years ago Professor C. O. Whitman gave clear and striking expression to this thought in the following words: ‘‘Germ- cells behave alike in development, not because anything is trans- mitted to them, but because they represent identical material and 120 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY constitution and are exposed to essentially like environmental con- ditions.’’ And with respect to the exactitude of development he says: ‘‘ We easily forget that only physical processes can approach such exactness.’’? .We may safely assume that given a germ of a definite constitution and normal environmental conditions, a ‘*spiritus rector’’ is as little needed to guide development along a constant course to a definite or predetermined end as to guide the course of the planets about the sun. Constancy in the initial con- stitution of the germ, and in the environmental conditions implies constaney in the sequence of physical and chemical transforma- tions which form the basis of growth and development. Although the developing organism is a highly unified or inte- grated system, yet many facts, especially those of tissue culture and certain departments of experimental embryology, show that the cells forming each system of organs have an independent power of growth; when they are isolated in sterile plasma and supplied with oxygen they will continue to proliferate and give rise to other cells of the same kind. An isolated part of an embryo will undergo differentiation; or if it is transferred from its normal position in the embryo to a distant region in the same or another embryo (as in grafting experiments) it will continue, for a time at least, with its usual development and differentiation. Such facts illustrate again the specific nature of the formative processes or powers of erowth innate in each form of protoplasm; when it grows it gives rise to other protoplasm of the same kind, similarly constituted structurally and with a similar chemical organization and similar physiological activities. We have evidence, in the existence of specific eytolysins, of the chemical differentiation of the different tissue-proteins of the same animal, just as we have evidence of specific chemical differences between the corresponding proteins of different animals. While our most delicate means of diserimi- nating between different native proteins are the biological tests, especially those of anaphylaxis and precipitin-formation, which do not give us direct information of chemical constitution, yet we eannot doubt that the structural proteins of each species of cell have specific or highly individualized peculiarities of composition and configuration; and that these peculiarities are related in a definite manner to the specific structural and physiological peculi- arities of the cell. Reichert has shown that the hemoglobins from different animals have specific crystallographic peculiarities; 1. e., in separating from solution they form aggregates of specific form and structure. No doubt the same process occurs in the case of 3See Vol. 2, pp. 179, 180, of Whitman’s posthumous Studies on Inher- itance in Pigeons (Carnegie Institution, 1918, edited by O. Riddle). GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 121 the other cell-proteins as they are deposited during growth to form the protoplasmic structures characteristic of the species; if this is the ease, the specific morphological or histological features of a given cell must depend ultimately upon the specific features of chemical structure and configuration possessed by the cell-proteins. The toxic effects of foreign proteins upon cell-structure, as seen (e. g.) in specific hemolytic effects, are an indication of the incom- patibility of such compounds with the normal cell-structure of the species. In all cases the cell-proteins, ike the majority of cell-constitu- ents other than salts and water, are synthesized within the cell by the processes of specific constructive metabolism from materials furnished by the surroundings. Since in general every chemical compound, when it is deposited in solid form from a solution, forms a definite type of structure, seen in constaney of erystal form, it is to be expected that in living protoplasm the formation and depo- sition of chemical compounds with specific chemical characters will involve the origination of specific structure, and secondarily of specific physiological activities corresponding to that structure. In general any solid material with a specific chemical composi- tion must possess a specific physical structure. This conelusion is not merely a generalized inference from the facts of erystal- formation, special texture or other properties of solids, but has been brilliantly substantiated by the methods of X-ray analysis of crystal structure recently developed in England by W. H. and W. L. Bragg. And we may infer that the special features of the new structure formed in any growing system, whether living or non-living, will have a similar dependence on the chemical compo- sition of the structural material. The study of the strueture and properties of growing imor- ganic systems, especially as related to the chemical composition of their components, may thus be expected to throw some light upon the more general features of the growth-process in organisms. Such systems may be regarded as elementary or generalized models of organic growth. Organic growth is peculiar in the complexity of its materials, conditions and outcome; it gives rise to the highest products of synthesis found in nature; but in other respects it shows various definite affinities with certain types of inorganie erowth. It may be of interest, therefore, to consider briefly some results of a study which I have recently made of certain inorganic growth-models, and their bearing on some of the more general problems of organic growth.* In particular the conditions deter- mining the structural specificity of these inorganie growths, and 4 Biological Bulletin, 1917, Vol. 33, p. 135, and 1919, Vol. 36, p. 225. 122 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY the manner in which they are influenced by external conditions (electricity, contact, temperature, presence of foreign chemical sub- stances), show certain resemblances to organic growth which seem te throw light on some of the more fundamental features and econ- ditions of the latter. It is well to realize that growth processes are by no means con- fined to living organisms, but are to be found everywhere in na- ture—in other words that organic growth is a special example of a universally distributed type of natural process. Hence the analy- sis of what growth is, in its more general and simpler aspects, must be a matter of great interest to all biologists. The more special problem of the nature and conditions of organic growth, as dis- tinguished from other forms of growth, is likely to become more open to successful attack if the simpler cases are considered first. By the term growth, as applied to ordinary physical objects, we usually mean simple increase in the quantity of some material forming a more or less definite system or aggregate; the system thus Increases in size while retaining its special distinguishing properties or identity. Simple accretional growth are instances, e. g., avalanches, stalactites, deltas, crystals. In the ease of or- ganie growth something additional and highly characteristic is involved. Growth is not the result of simple accumulation of ma- terials already existing as such in the environment of the growing system; but the added material is chiefly of a kind not found in non-living nature and formed within the system itself through the specific chemical transformation of material taken from the sur- roundings. New chemical compounds are created in new and char- acteristic structural and other relationships. Part of the material thus synthesized, especially the protein and lipoid part, is built up to form the living and organized substratum of the growing cell or organism. Such considerations show (incidentally) that the conception of organic development prevailing at one time, of an unfolding, increasing, or becoming evident of something already in existence or latent in the germ, is no longer a tenable one. The creation or new appearance of novelty seems to be an essential fact in most if not all natural occurrence; and this is notably the case in organic growth. To a modern biologist the epigenetic conception of de- velopment is the only one possible; new characters arise at each ontogenetic stage in correlation with the formation of new chemical compounds in new physical combinations. | In the ease of inorganic growth, therefore, we should expect to find the closest resemblances to organie growth in those growing GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 123 systems where growth is dependent on the chemical transformation of material incorporated from the surroundings, followed by depo- sition of the more permanent reaction-products within the growing system. It is well known how a erystal in a supersaturated solu- tion increases in size while retaining definite form; the packing or mutual apposition of molecules similar in their shape and size and with their axes parallel explains the regularity in the structure of the whole resulting system; similarly an ice-crystal in subcooled water forms the center of deposition for further ice-erystals. In both of these cases material taken from the surroundings is trans- formed and deposited to build up a definite solid structure, but the transformation is physical rather than chemical. On the other hand in such examples of inorganic growth as the extension of a rust spot on a sheet of iron immersed in water, or the formation of ‘‘lead trees,’’ the new material is formed by chemical trans- formation. Inorganic growths dependent on such ‘‘germ-actions’’ often closely simulate organic forms; the frost patterns on window panes are a beautiful example; in this ease the ice crystals are formed in apposition to one another and an apical growth results. The hexa- gonal erystal system of water is favorable to the formation of deli- eately branching arrangements ; the characteristic ‘‘twinning,’’ well seen in snow-flakes, also contributes to this result. The already formed crystal structure determines the formation of further erystalline deposit of the same kind, the apices or projecting angles of the structure forming the regions of most rapid deposition. In this manner long rows of erystal structure with lateral branches are built up by the opposition of new crystals at the extremities of the erystal-pattern already laid down. The resemblance to plant- growth depends on this peculiarity ; a terminal or apical habit of growth is common to growing stems, leaves, roots and other plant organs, and determines the final structure of the whole system. In the formation of tin-trees or lead-trees the form adopted by the growing system depends on a similar apical process of de- position, but in this case special electro-chemical factors enter. When a piece of zine is placed in a solution of a lead salt, the zine dissolves as Zn ions, and metallic lead separates out simultaneous- ly; by continuation of this process there is built up by degrees a characteristic tree-like or branching structure. Each portion of lead as it is deposited forms a cathode in the zine-lead couple; and hence more and more lead is separated from solution by a process of local electrolysis. The new metal is deposited in erystalline form and most rapidly at the apical regions, hence the deposit ex- tends in a branching manner. A similar tendency to a branching ? 124 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY or arborescent form of deposit is not infrequent in the electrolytic separation of metals at cathodes. Closer analogies to organic growths are seen in the precipita- tion-structures formed from metals immersed in solutions of salts whose anions form insoluble compounds with the metals; struc- tures are built up of a tubular or quasi-cellular structure with semi-permeable membranes for walls; and the resemblance both in appearance and conditions of formation to certain types of plant growth is in many respects surprisingly close. These structures are related to those investigated by Leduc and Herrera, and formed by introducing crystals or solutions of alkali-earth and heavy metal salts into solutions which form precipitation-membranes with the introduced salt. The growths obtained by placing copper sulphate in ferrocyanide solutions are good examples. Leduc’s book, ‘‘the Mechanism of Life,’’ gives a fascinating account of these phe- nomena. The growths formed from metals are, however, peculiar in the fact that the structure-forming precipitate is deposited as the result of local electrolysis at the metallic surface; the presence of this electric factor thus renders these inorganic growths amen- able to electric control (acceleration, retardation, directive in- fluence), and this feature gives them an additional interest as models of organic growth-processes. The methods of producing these growths are very simple. When a piece of iron wire is placed in a solution of potassium ferricyan- ide (2 to 4 per cent.), containing some egg-white or gelatine to act as protective colloid and a little sodium chloride, delicate blue- green vesicles and tubules of ferrous ferricyanide are quickly formed ; the tubules grow out rapidly into the solution, and within half an hour or less the whole wire is covered with a dense filament- ous growth resembling blue-green algae. Iron is an especially fa- vorable metal for such experiments, apparently because of the pres- ence of numerous local electric couples between different areas of the metallic surface, and filaments several centimeters long are readily obtained. These often exhibit delicate and regular cross- striations and other appearances suggestive of organic structure. If instead of iron the related metals, cobalt and nickel, are used, a different type of growth is obtained, coarser and more vesicular in structure and with finer tubules; many of the latter follow a char- acteristic tortuous or zig-zag course. To produce rapid growth with these metals it is necessary to accelerate the reaction by the contact of a nobler metal, e. g., copper or platinum; a copper wire wound about one end of a strip of nickel (or cobalt) greatly pro- motes the growth of precipitation-structures. This effect, which GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 125 may be regarded as a kind of catalytic action, depends on the formation of a local couple, the nickel becoming anode and hence sending ions more rapidly into the solution; the accelerating in- fluence of the copper is perceptible for some centimeters from the contact. Zine and cadmium, another pair of closely related metals, also readily form highly characteristic vesicles and tubules, which frequently give rise to compound structures of quite remarkable beauty and symmetry, especially with zine. Here also the contact of a nobler metal is necessary for rapid growth; the same effect may be produced by carbon, e. g., by marking the strip of zine with lead pencil. In all such experiments the growth is most rapid near the catalyzing metal or carbon, and a gradient in rate of growth is seen extending for several centimeters from the contact. Copper wires in contact with carbon or platinum also produce characteristic growths. Each metal in fact forms a definite type of precipitation-structure, having morphological characters which are specific for that metal; and it is interesting to note that the structures formed from closely related metals, e. g., zine and ecad- mium, or cobalt and nickel, resemble each other more closely in certain characteristic structural details (e. g., the zig-zag tubules of cobalt and nickel) than when the chemical relationship is more distant. Something analogous to family resemblance is seen in such eases. In organisms also morphological similarity and chem- ical similarity are closely associated. The resemblances between organic growths and precipitation- growths are of a general rather than particular kind, and too much emphasis should not be laid on superficial points of agreement. Yet when we consider the broad features of the transformative activity in the two cases and its fundamental determining and controlling conditions, certain identities appear which indicate that organic erowth processes are largely conditioned by general factors of the same kind as those present in the above inorganic systems. In both cases the specific features of growth are referable to the spe- cific peculiarities in the chemical composition of the structural ma- terial. We find that in the precipitation-growths a slight variation in chemical composition, e. g., the substitution of cadmium for zine, makes a definite change in the kind of structure developed; similarly it is possible that in organic growth a slight variation in the chemical composition of a structural protein, such as the sub- stitution of one amino acid for another in the chain, may modify definitely the physical or other properties of the newly formed structure. One might suggest that the appearance of a sudden variation or mutation in an organism is the result of a chemical change of this kind. The formation of a new compound in forma- 126 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY tive metabolism may thus mean the appearance of a new structural and physiological character.® But it is with respect to the problem of correlation, of the mu- tual influence exerted upon one another by growing parts of the same organism, that the metallic model shows perhaps its most striking resemblances to the growing and developing organism. We describe this phenomenon in organisms by saying, for example, that the growth of one region inhibits the growth of another, usual- ly adjoining, region. Why it should do so is the problem. Why should a single blastomere of the 2-cell stage give rise to a half organism when the other blastomere develops by its side, but a whole organism when it develops in isolation? Or a plant bud begin growing only after an adjacent growing bud is removed or ceases active growth? Evidently some physiological influence of a repressive or inhibitory kind is exerted through a distance, and in at least some cases this influence can be shown to be independent of direct transfer of material between the two regions concerned. Such facts suggest that this type of control, like other forms of chemical control at a distance, may be electrical in nature. Is it possible that the bioelectric currents, always present in living or- ganisms, influence the chemical processes underlying organic growth? Currents arising in association with the metabolic pro- cesses in a rapidly growing region might then control growth pro- cesses at a distance from this region, just as the electric currents in the iron-zine-ferricyanide system control the formation of pre- cipitation-tubules by one metal at a distance from the other. The inhibiting influence exerted by an actively growing part of an organism upon the growth of adjacent parts is a phenome- non of too general occurrence to be referred to special conditions peculiar to any one organism or group of organisms. Its basis is apparently some physiological condition common to all organisms. The transport of growth-inhibiting substances is clearly not the condition in such well-known effects as the prevention of the erowth of axillary buds in seedlings by the growth of the ter- minal bud. Recent experiments have shown that we can prevent the inhibitory influence from passing by conditions that do not interfere with the transport of material along the stem.® If the inhibitory influence is not due to transport, to what is it due? 5 If closely related species can be distinguished by precipitin or anaphyl- axis tests, it is probable that mutants can similarly be distinguished from their parent organisms, although apparently no experiments of this kind have been tried. Leo Loeb finds evidence that there even exists a chemical differential between individuals of the same species (cf. Amer. Naturalist, 1920( Vol. 54, pp. 45, 55). 6 Cf. Child and Bellamy, Science, 1919, Vol. 50, p. 362; Botan. Gazette, 1920, Vol. 70, p. 249; E. N. Harvey, Amer. Naturalist, 1920, Vol. 54, p. 362. GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 127 We cannot answer this question fully at present, but it is per- haps sufficient to point out that the fundamental problem involved is the general problem of the transmission of physiological inftu- ence in living protoplasm. Through what means does a physiolog- ical process occurring at one region affect processes at other re- gions? If we leave out of consideration the numerous instances where the mechanism of physiological correlation is evidently of a transportative kind, as seen in the effects of the various growth- determining hormones (thyroid, pituitary, ovary, etc.,) or of the hormones determining glandular secretion or rate of respiration, we have remaining a large class of effects highly characteristic of living matter in all of its forms, namely, those transmissions of local states of activity or excitation known generally as protoplas- mie transmissions. Sherrington points out that in higher animals there exist two chief methods by which the various chemical and physiological activities are integrated or made to work in harmony, namely (1) integration by transport of chemical substances (usual- ly special metabolic products) from region to region, chiefly in the blood stream, and (2) integration by transmission of physio- logical influence, excitatory and inhibitory, to a distance through the living protoplasm without material transport between the re- gions; the chief example of this type of process is nervous trans- mission. The nervous system is the chief integrating and coordi- nating system in higher animals; nervous transmission, however, is merely a specialized form of a type of transmission present everywhere in protoplasm. If the metabolic processes underlying (e. g.) muscular contraction can be thus controlled at a distance, it is not difficult to believe that those underlying growth can be similarly controlled. This mode of influence has been called physio- logical distance-action, after the analogy of chemical distance-ac- tion, and our problem is to determine its physico-chemical nature. One of its most characteristic manifestations is seen in the transmis- sion of growth-inhibiting and other formative and correlating in- fluence in growing and developing organisms. For our purpose the most instructive instances are those in which the growth of one region controls that of an adjoining re- gion. How can a growing bud on a piece of stem in a Bryophyllum prevent the growth of roots or shoots on an attached leaf,’ or one growing axis inhibit another in the blastodise of a Fundulus egg,’ unless there is transfer of inhibiting substances from the actively growing to the inhibited area? or unless the actively growing re- gion appropriates all of the available nutriment? Yet both of 7J. Loeb, Botan. Gazette, 1915, Vol. 60, p. 253. 8C. R. Stockard, Amer. Journ. Anatomy, 1921, Vol. 28, p. 115. 28 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY these modes of explanation are apparently inapplicable in many cases. The only general physical conception which seems to me to throw some light on this and related problems is the one which regards physiological distance-action as a special case of the phe- nomenon called by Ostwald ‘‘chemical distance-action,’’ and well known to all students of electrochemistry. By this term is meant the influence which the chemical reaction at one electrode-area of a circuit exerts upon those at the other electrode-area. This in- fluence has a reciprocal character, dependent ultimately on the fact that the flow of electricity around the circuit is in one direction; hence oxidation at one electrode is associated with the reverse process, reduction, at the other. According to Faraday’s law the rates of the two opposite electrochemical reactions must be equal, hence variation in the one involves a corresponding va- riation in the other. The above precipitation-growths from metals furnish many striking examples of this influence; the contact of a piece of zine with an iron wire immersed in a ferricyanide solu- tion prevents the outgrowth of precipitation-filaments from the iron, even at a distance of several centimeters from the contact; at the same time their formation from the zine is promoted. In this case it is not possible to assume that inhibitory substances are derived from the zinc, where growth of filaments is rapid, and transported to the iron. Yet there is a definite influence, ex- erted through a distance, which inhibits the outgrowth of precipi- tation-filaments from the iron so long as they are being rapidly formed from the zine. This influence is electrical and depends simply on the passage of the electric current around the circuit constituted by the two metals and the salt solution. Metallic zine in contact with the solution is electrically negative or anodic; the zine ions given off to the solution form the precipitate of zine ferricyanide which builds up the filaments. The iron is eathodie, 7. €., the positive current is in the direction from solution to metal, thus preventing the passage of iron ions into solution; hence no precipitate forms. If, however, we sever the iron wire from metal- lic connection with the zine, e. g., by cutting off its projecting ex- tremity, the isolated portion at once develops filaments. The com- pensating or inhibiting condition is removed when the electrical circuit between the two metals is broken. In cases of regeneration in animals or plants the removal of a portion of the organism frequently initiates an extensive process of growth and development at the cut surface. We may infer therefore that many stationary or quiescent regions of the organ- ism are capable of active growth or proliferation, but do not mani- fest this power until they are removed from the influence of other GROWTH IN LIVING AND NON-LIVING SYSTEMS 129 regions. Is it possible that in such eases what prevents growth is the passage of electric currents between regions of different growth- activity, the more active regions—which are those of greater meta- bolic or synthetic activity—inhibiting the less active through the currents associated with their growth? There are many facets which point in this direction. Hermann and Miuller-Hettlingen found that in seedlings the regions near the actively growing zones—terminal buds or root-tips— were negative relatively to those near the cotyledons ;° regenerating hydranth heads are negative to the stems; the growing zones in planarians and annelids are negative to intermediate regions." Further studies in this field are desirable, but all of the evidence now avail- able agrees in indicating that regions where growth and eell-divi- sion are active are in general negative to inactive regions—nega- tive, that is, in the same sense as the stimulated recion of a mus- cle or nerve is negative to the unstimulated. The regions where the positive stream of the bioelectrie circuit enters the living sys- tem from the surrounding medium are the regions of most active growth; those where it leaves are the quiescent or less active re- gions. The physiological or metabolic asymmetry is associated with an electrical assymmetry or potential difference. Such active- ly growing regions, in addition to their electro-negativity, show in general a higher oxygen-consumption and carbon-dioxide output and a greater susceptibility to poisons than less active regions. A connection between the metabolic processes underlying growth and the bioelectrie currents is thus indicated. In plants removal of oxygen has been shown to abolish these currents, a fact indieating that oxidation-processes are concerned in their production. If the bioelectric currents have a direct influence on growth, we should expect that electric currents led into the growing systems from outside sources would have a similar influence. Regions where the positive stream enters the growing system from the sur- roundings should be favorably influenced in their erowth, since such regions correspond to the ‘‘negative’’ regions in the bioelec- tric circuits of growing organisms; these regions, as just shown, are those of most rapid growth. Recently it has been found by Lund that regeneration of new polyps from the cut stems of the hydroid Obelia may be experimentally controlled by weak electric currents passing lengthwise through the stem; the formation of hydranths is promoted where the current passes so as to enter the stem, 2. ¢., at the eut end facing the anode, and inhibited at the 9 Pfliiger’s Archiv., 1883, Vol. 31, p. 193. 10 A. P. Mathews, Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1903, Vol. 8, p. 294. 11 Cf. C. M. Child, Biol. Bulletin, 1921, Vol. 41, p. 90. VOL. XIV.—9 130 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY other end. A polar influence on formative processes, correspond- ing to that on stimulation processes, is thus shown.” These inter- esting observations agree with those of the Indian investigator, Bose, who finds that the electric current influences growth-move- ments in higher plants in a polar manner, the anode enhancing and the cathode depressing the normal rate; and also with the recent experiments of Sven Ingvar in the Yale laboratory, which have shown that weak constant currents exert a directive influence on the outgrowth of the processes from embryonic nerve cells; here also a polar influence is seen, the processes growing toward the anode being morphologically different from those growing to- ward the cathode." If the growth processes in living organisms are thus subject to artificial electrical control, it seems reasonable to infer that the natural or physiological methods of control in normal growth and development are also in large part electrical. The bioelectrie cur- rents would thus become essential formative factors, just as they are essential factors in excitation and transmission ; organic polar- ity, as Mathews suggested, would become electrical polarity. This, however, would again be referred to chemical polarity, since we must assume that the bioelectrie currents, like the currents in metallic couples or other current-yielding systems (where the en- ergy of the current is derived from chemical reactions at sur- faces) are the expression or accompaniment of chemical processes in the living system. The metabolic processes underlying growth are of complex and largely unanalyzed nature, but we know that they are typically associated with the consumption of oxygen and in- elude specific syntheses by which the new structure-forming com- pounds are built up. Can we then say that the chief method of construction of such compounds is electro-synthesis? Such a char- acterization. may not in itself add much to our knowledge, but it suggests directions in which research may be profitable. It im- plies, especially, that the basis of all such effects, like the basis of other manifestations of irritability, is to be sought in the condi- tions determining the electrical sensitivity of living matter, one of its most fundamental characteristics. This in turn is almost certainly conditioned by the polyphasie and film-pervaded strue- ture of the protoplasmic system.!§ 12 BE. J. Lund, Journ. Exper. Zoology, 1921, Vol. 34, p. 471. 13 J. C. Bose, Proc. Roy. Soc., B. 1918, Vol. 90, p. 364 148. Ingvar, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Medicine, N. Y., 1920, Vol. 17, p. 198. 15 Cf. my discussion of the basis of protoplasmic irritability and trans- mission in THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY, 1919, Vol. 8, pp. 457 and 552. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH-AIR 131 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH AIR By Professor WM. A. McCALL and BRONSON L. HUESTIS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ILL NYE’S History of the United States shows two drawings which compare the Indian women of fancy with the Indian women of fact. It is a pity that Nye did not think of cartooning the ventilation of fancy and the ventilation of fact. After the customary school instruction plus a deep draught of tradition we were caught unawares by a recent article in THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY asserting that human life could continue in the same room with oxygen-consuming plants. Perhaps some one will yet have the temerity to assert that the nostrils were made smaller than the mouth to prevent the breathing of all out-of-doors at one gasp, thus suffocating ourselves with too much fresh air. Is fresh air really essential? Are mental and physical prosperity greatest in 100 per cent. fresh air? Is it open air that human nature craves or is the primeval association of open air? What is man’s attitude toward the open air, as shown in the history of the race? Back somewhere in the time when man dwelt in the “‘well ventilated arboreal tenements’’ of the tree tops, some individuals, finding more to interest them on the ground, moved down from their leafy heights, and learned to walk upright. Beset, however, by countless enemies, he was compelled to seek some shelter, and so began the life in caves which has persisted ever since. Deserting the forests for more open country, man found his original covering of hair inadequate, and betook himself to clothing, the second step in the complete enclosure of his body. Officially, man was a troglodyte, or cave dweller, up to a recent era in his history. As an actual, but unadmitted, fact, he is one yet. The ancient cliff-dwellers in their caves, and the more modern Moqui in his pueblo, are not so very different from the up-to-date apartment-house denizen, or shall we say, inmate. It does seem as though man for ages past had thriven in a completely enclosed state. Even in the matter of clothing to this day we go about protected to the utmost, the only exceptions being the rags of poverty and vice versa. Ventilation has been for eons either unknown or unheeded. In 132 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY most eases entirely different considerations have fixed the construc- tion of the buildings in which humans pass a great part of their time. In northern lands, for defense against cold, the Eskimos build their igloos, and the Lapps their huts, with one undersized door as the only opening. Many other examples are familiar. Ventilation as we know it, is truly a modern notion. In 1660, Sir Christopher Wren devised a erude system of ventilation for the Parliament Buildings in London, seemingly the first official recognition of the idea; but the spread of the idea has taken many years. In fact, those of us who have visited the hails of our own congress, will agree that those halls are to this day ventilated solely by the newspapers. The old four-poster bed, with its heavy canopy and impermeable curtains, is a commonplace of a day not far gone. It is but yesterday since we kept our windows shut at night, for fear of some poisonous ‘‘miasma’’ in the night air. The modern preference for open windows, open-air schools and so on is due to one or the other of the following causes; either the desired sensation of being different from our fathers and mothers or the realization of some actual benefit to be derived from the new order of things. Let us see, then, what sort of opinions are actually held about the conditions which fix the desirability of the kind of air with which we surround ourselves. Mr. Ellsworth Huntington, in a 1915 publication of the Yale University Press, says: To-day a certain peculiar type of climate prevails wherever civilization is high. In the past, the same type seems to have prevailed wherever a great civilization arose. Therefore, such a climate seems to be a necessary condition of great progress. The foregoing, part of an attempt to show the part played by climate in human. development, is unfortunate, for a moment’s thought will show that while each particular civilization may have its peculiar climate, these respective climates differed more wide- ly than the civilizations they represented. Ancient Egypt, a coun- try of great heat and dryness, is rated as a civilization, along with ancient Greece, with its temperate climate and adequate rainfall. A high civilization arose in Rome and along the warm, sunny slopes of Italy, but this fact proves nothing against the greatness of fog-visited Britain. In New York City, a more or less active hive of human effort, both extremes and all possible means of cli- mate are experienced from one day to the next! It is an acknowledged fact that warm air makes us sleepy. It is equally undisputed that we find it difficult to sleep on a warm night. When we suffer from certain ailments, our doctors, recon- mending a change of climate, send us to Colorado, Arizona, or MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH-AIR 133 some place with an equally dry atmosphere. Yet we have au- thorities who regard dry air with dread. Watt, in 1910, wrote as follows: Insanity grows on those who live in hot, dry air, do exasperating work, and feel abused. . . . Men are breaking down in business by too much atten- tion to it, they think. The real trouble is, they are conducting their business in hot, dry rooms during the cold months of the year. The same writer gives dryness as a cause of the falling-off in church attendance. It is to be hoped that the increased ““dryness’’ to which the country is being subjected, will have the opposite effect. We are used to regarding dampness of air or climate as an unhealthful condition, but dryness seems to be just as bad, in the opinion of many. Early writers went to great extremes in both directions, attributing to air conditions all sorts of things, ‘‘from the color of a man’s skin and the contour of his face, to the prevalence of religious ideas, and the (supposed) fact that more twins are born in Egypt than elsewhere,’’ to quote from Stecher, in “‘The Effect of Humidity on General Efficiency.’’ Popular opinion is an excellent way to give permanence to prejudice. Bliss claims that so thoroughly has the fresh-air taken hold of many, that neither facts nor figures to the contrary are of the slightest interest. A remarkable example of this is found in the description of an experiment made in 1913-14 by D. C. Bliss, superintendent of schools of Montclair, N. J. He says: A surprising feature of the whole experiment with the open-window classes is the attitude of the parents. Almost without exception they are convinced that their own children benefited greatly by the plan. This conviction is so positive that it is not affected in the least by the statistics of the classes. These statistics, which showed a slight balance against the open-window classes, will be referred to later. Many of us, then, believe that for health, atmospheric econdi- tions should be thus and so. Clearly, however, a consideration of opinion from all sources shows about half of us in favor of ‘‘thus,”’ and the rest of us firm believers in ‘‘so.’? In other words, publie opinion, the strongest of forces in a discussion like this, is at the same time the least reliable. With the two camps of believers arranged back to back, it is at least possible that one is in the right, but opinion itself furnishes no safe ground for judgment. That opinion will often unconsciously pervert fact to serve its own ends was rather amusingly shown by press and other com- ments on an address recently made by the writer before the Inter- national Conference of Women Physicians. The newspaper writers took just enough actual words from the address to make some humorous reading which had no especial connection with the 154 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY speaker’s meaning. A telegram was received from an association in a small city, asking for a statement of the speaker’s true po- sition. He replied that he was in favor of rightly controlled open- air schools for experimental purposes. The secretary of the asso- ciation wrote back, much pleased with the speaker’s ‘‘implied per- mission to quote you as favoring a rightly controlled open-air school.’’ Using the same words, nearly, but with a vast differ- ence in meaning, this little episode illustrates perfectly what might be called ‘‘auto-interpretation.”’ Since children are probably more sensitive to environmental conditions perhaps the best way to study the effects of fresh air versus various degrees of non-fresh air is to investigate experience and experiments with open-air, open-window, and otherwise fresh- air schools. The first open-air school was opened in the woods at Charlottenburg, a suburb of Berlin, and soon spread all over Germany. Not long afterward, the first English open-air school was opened at Bostall Wood, near London. Then came the Brad- ford School, since which many others have been established in England. The first open-air school in the United States was at Providence, R. I.; we now have them all over the United States. There are some in Boston; there is one on the roof of the Horace Mann School at Teachers’ College, Columbia University; there are some on abandoned New York City ferry boats. There are spe- cially endowed schools of this open-air type in Chicago. Hence comes the argument that the schools must be satisfactory, because they have spread so rapidly. Secondly, we have no record of a single open-air school which has been abandoned; another argument worth noting. Third, every account, except one, gives most glowing descrip- tions of the success of this work. Fourth, children gain rapidly in weight. Here is a sample from one of the open-air schools. In two and one half months the children in this school gained 3.6 pounds on the average, whereas the children in the ordinary schools gained but one pound on the average. The fifth proof is that the open-air schools have considerable therapeutic value. Here are some figures from some of the German schools. Of thirty-four children who were anemic, after being in the open-air schools for some time, one case was aggravated, nine were unchanged, eleven were improved and thirteen cured. Of 38 cases of scrofula, none was aggravated, eight were unchanged, 22 were improved and eight cured. Of 14 cases of heart-disease, none was aggravated, seven unchanged, seven improved and none cured. Of 21 cases of pulmonary disease, one was aggravated, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH-AIR 135 eight were unchanged, eight were improved, and four were cured. This makes a total of 107 children that were studied; of which number but two were aggravated, 32 were unchanged, 38 improved and 25 cured. Next, there comes the claim from England and Germany that education is twice as efficient, in the sense that the pupils spend but half their time on regular school work, and still keep up with their corresponding grades in the ordinary schools. A number of other claims are made, such as increased happi- ness of the children; improvement in attendance; and one state- ment is made that truthfulness rose several degrees! A critical inspection of these claims reveals that they are large- ly claims and nothing more. They may be true, they may not be true. Open-air schools are such a radical departure that their very novelty appeals to radicals and enthusiasts. This alone might account for the rapid spread of the idea. The claim that education in open-air schools is twice as efficient does not appear to have been checked by objective tests. Subjective estimates of mental changes are known to be extremely unreliable, particularly when made by interested though honest individuals. The increase in attendance recorded for the open-air schools, it must be said, took place entirely during those months of the year when the weather is at its best. This is typical of most of the ar- guments advanced; they are not checked against certain other pos- sible explanations of the results besides the presence of fresh air. Here is a typical day for the pupils in the ordinary school, which may be compared with the typical day of the open-air school scholars. In the ordinary school, the pupils spend all their time during the best part of the day, that is, from nine to twelve o’clock and from one o’clock to three, in the classroom. The medical, dental and optical care they receive from the school authorities is inadequate to put it as charitably as possible, and they receive little other attention aside from their regular lessons. Here is the program of the open-air school for a day. Reports state that the enthusiastic cooperation of the best dentists, physicians and oculists in town is readily secured, so that the children are constantly receiving better attention than they would in their own homes. At eight a. m., an hour before the ordinary schools begm, the open-air pupils are served with hot soup, bread and butter. After every half-hour, they have vigorous exercise. At ten a. m. they have two glasses of milk, bread and butter. At 12:30 they have a good dinner, followed by sleep. At 4 p. m. there is milk, rye bread and jam. At 7 p. m.—notice how late—the pupils are given a good supper, and sent home. Of course, the regular les- 136 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY sons are given in the intervals between the items noted above. The program outlined is actually followed in many schools, and all adhere to a similar schedule in greater or less degree. We find in one of the glowing descriptions of these schools the following unintentional admission—quoted exactly: ‘“‘There is unanimous agreement that if children are to be benefited by open air, they must be well-fed.’’ This statement is typical of the weak points in the arguments thus far given: Is it fresh air that produces the results, or is it superior feeding and physical care; and would it be possible to produce the same effect in the ordinary schools, by an equally increased care? The argu- ments do not tell us. What light do carefully-controlled researches throw upon this whole question? Experimental results tend to show that mental activity, obviously one of the main factors in education, is not readily subject to outside influences. Poffenberger, administering strychnine in moderate doses, noted that no effect was produced on the mental powers of his subjects. Hollingworth reached the same conclusion with regard to caffein in the proportions found in coffee and certain other beverages. Results are not yet available from the national experiment conducted to discover the effect of reducing the national percentage of alcohol to 2.75. On the whole, mentality appears to be a peculiarly well insulated function. The writer after years as a teacher, has found the insulation impene- trable in many eases. But there are experiments dealing with open-air directly. A study was made by Norsworthy, Hillegas, McCall and others at the Horace Mann School, New York City. On the roof of the build- ing were constructed two classrooms, each having its southern side completely open, and large windows in its other sides and roof. Provision was made to shield books and blackboard from the direct glare of the sun, but otherwise the children were exposed to sun- shine and air. The southern exposure could be closed off by a canvas cover during a driving rain. A playground was provided on the adjoining roof. The open-air test was begun with a third grade and a fourth grade class. After the first year a fifth grade class was held in a room in the building below, this room having its windows open wide at all times. There were throughout the test several control classes in ordinary indoor classrooms, for purposes of comparison. The test continued through the four school years from 1912 to 1916. Psychological tests were made in each December and May by Norsworthy and Hillegas. At the same time, Dr. H. B. Keyes gave each child a thorough physical examination. There were MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH-AIR 137 eight of the psychological tests given each time. The scores of these tests were summarized into a combined score for the four years. This result showed a small, but real, balance in favor of the open-air classes. This was also true for the physical tests for the first year, those for the other three years not being available. We must accept these results, however, with proper caution, because of the possibility that other factors than those tested were respon- sible for the result. The children who made up the open-air group were selected from those having physical or nervous weaknesses or tendencies. There were extra lunches and frequent outdoor play ; these were denied the indoor classes, which might have had them about as well as the outdoor pupils. In any case, we must be careful about comparing the performances of more or less in- comparable groups. Consider now the experiment conducted by D. C. Bliss, super- intendent of schools of Montclair, N. J., to determine the possible advantage of open-window classes. In this experiment, the same types of children were selected for both open-window and control classes. One class each from the second, third and fifth grades, were selected for the open-window group, each grade being lo- eated in a different building, and each checked by a control class of the same grade and size in the same building but under indoor conditions. During the cold months, the open-window groups were well wrapped, and protected against strong drafts, though their classrooms were maintained at a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. During the experiment, the open-window pupils were provided with light forenoon lunches at the parents’ expense. The tests measured three items: degree of nutrition, measured by fluctuations in weight; general health, indicated by attend- ance; and mental condition, shown by simple tests given twice each day. A summary of Bliss’s results shows no difference between the open-window and control groups in the psychological tests, and a small, but notable superiority in health for the control groups. In the previous year, an experiment had been made in which the open-window class was unprovided with the special lunch, and the room-temperature allowed to go as low as it would. Under these conditions, the health of the open-window classes showed up even less favorably. Whatever our previous idea, then, the contradictory results of the two experiments cited should give us pause. More informa- tion is evidently needed. To this end, we ought to note the inter- esting and expertly directed experiment made by the New York State Commission on Ventilation, to determine the effect on mental 138 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY work, of recirculated air versus plenty of fresh air. The Board of Education of New York City permitted the commission to fit up especially for the test a couple of rooms in a school building that was in the course of erection. Hence the desired air condi- tions could be perfectly maintained. In one room, ventilating ducts provided a continuous influx of fresh air, the used air being drawn out. In the other room, the used air was drawn out, washed, and sent back again, so that the greater part of the air in the second room was used over and over. Only enough fresh air was introduced to prevent noticeable odor. The washing took out the dust, and probably the germs and some, at least, of the carbon- dioxide. Even so the C O, content of the air in the recirculating room was always much higher than in the fresh-air room, occa- sionally rising to twice as much. In both rooms, the purity of the air and the steam used by the heating-plant were constantly noted. A standard comfortable temperature of 68° and humidity of 50 per cent. were maintained in both the experimental and con- trol rooms. The experiment lasted from February to June of one year, and to make conelusions doubly reliable was repeated during the fol- lowing school year. An unusually elaborate series of educational, psychological and physical measurements were made. The di- rectors of these experiments were national authorities in their re- spective fields of education, psychology, medicine, physiology, sanitation, physics and engineering. No technique that these scientists could devise was omitted. Every effort was made to make the conclusion from these experiments final. What was the conclusion? The results from all the educational and psychologi- eal measurements when carefully summarized, showed roughly two per cent. greater progress and achievement for the pupils who were in the partly fresh air. The results from the medical meas- urements substantially agreed with those from the mental meas- urements, and the second experiment agreed with the first. In addition to having no demonstrable deleterious mental or physical effects, the recirculation plan required only half the coal for heating that was needed for the fresh-air room. This enormous saving, widely applied, would buy for children many things of known mental and physical worth. Glancing back over the propaganda for and against open-air schools we are tempted to paraphrase Pinckney: ‘‘Millions for defense but not one cent for’’.... the truth. There has never been a really valid experiment to show whether open-air schools are desirable or undesirable. It is undoubtedly true that anemic pupils in open-air schools have more rapidly improved in weight, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF FRESH-AIR 139 health, hemoglobin and the like, but the thinnest readers of this article have a good chance of growing fat and hemogloby on the sanitary and feeding schedule of the best open-air schools! Per- sonally we are inclined to favor open-air schools, not for the sur- plus of fresh air but because that seems to be the only way to secure for a few pupils a scientific attention which should be the privilege of all pupils. But such a policy is altogether too much like the Chinaman who burned his house to roast his pig. Not even the admirable experiments of the New York State Commission on Ventilation tell us whether open-air schools are or are not advisable. Open- air schools usually bring sunshine to their pupils as well as fresh air. Furthermore the Ventilation Commis- sion’s experiments used typical pupils as subjects. Though it does not appear probable, it may be that anemic and diseased pupils prosper better on fresh air than normal pupils. But as matters now stand undiluted fresh air for children is on the defensive. The only trustworthy experiments to date have gone against abso- lute fresh air. Verily we are by nature Cave Dwellers still! 140 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK By J. HOWARD BEARD, M. D. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UBLIC health work is as old as history. Among the ancients a part of it was purposeful; a part without intention,—both were valuable in the preservation of mankind. The Egyptians filtered the muddy water of the Nile which rendered it potable, and in a measure prevented the spread of dis- ease. Their custom of mummifying the dead by keeping them in brine for seventy days, then drying and placing them in tombs in the hills above the over-flow of the Nile was not without sanitary significance. They had rules concerning meat inspection, bathing, clothing, diet, and care of infants. Joseph’s Well near the pyramid of Gizeh was excavated through solid rock for 297 feet, and is an excellent example of their efforts to obtain pure water. The ruins of antiquity show that large reservoirs were common in ancient times. It is well known that the Chinese, for thousands of years, have used alum as a coagulant in the clarification of muddy water. The inhabitants of India, over 4,000 years ago, knew, ‘‘It is good to keep water in copper vessels, to expose it to sunlight, and to filter it through charcoal.’’ The Hebrews were the founders of public health work. Their methods were influenced by the practices of the nations that lived in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, and probably by Persia. The Apostle Luke, a physician, says, ‘‘ Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.’’ The Hebrews obtained excellent re- sults in wholesome living by making hygiene a part of their religion. The high priests were sanitary police. Their mandates covered diet, the touching of unclean objects, prevention of contagious dis- ease, isolation, disinfection, sanitary inspection, removal of nui- sances, certain industrial practices, personal hygiene, and medical jurisprudence. The teachings of the Greek philosophers and physicians con- tained principles which promoted the well-being of the people as a whole. The laws of Solon and Lycurgus were especially helpful in improving the health of the masses. The Spartan requirements for warriors, the Olympic games and the emphasis placed upon the winning of distinction in them, together with the prominence given PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 141 to physical perfection in sculpture, art and literature inspired the youth to maintain a high degree of health. The Romans were among the first of the ancients to provide methods for good ventilation of houses. Cremation, systems of drains and public baths were important contributions to sanitation and hygiene. The cloacae of the Romans were the forerunners of our sewerage systems. The great aqueducta, which brought fresh mountain water to Rome, played an important part in the preven- tion of epidemics. Their analogues are found today in the water supply of New York which has its source in the Catskills and is carried to the city by the Croton and Catskill aqueducts. The Crusades, mis-rule, and innumerable wars prepared the soil and sowed the seed of the great epidemics in the middle ages which threatened man with extinction and gave the fatal thrust to tottering civilizations. Crowded conditions, the bad sanitation of the walled medieval towns, and gross immorality were the great predisposing factors. Gorton tells us that as late as the 16th cen- tury the English housewives swept the refuse from their dwellings into the streets. People seldom bathed or washed their clothes. Even eminent ecclesiastics swarmed with vermin. The garbage was emptied into unpaved streets and ground to mush when it rained. At nightfall shutters were opened and sewage poured into the streets. The intellectuals of Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople were lost in a maze of theological controversy. Epidemics were regarded as a ‘‘visitation from God’’ inflicted alike upon the innocent and the guilty, to chasten a sinful world. As a result, no great effort was made to prevent them. Humanity escaped from the severe ravages of ergotism, scurvy, and influenza to be swept off by black death. Bubonic plague appeared in 1346 and killed sixty million people, over one-fourth of the earth’s inhabitants. Plague. visited London many times and would have depopulated it had not the people fled. Burning of the city killed the rats and reduced the plague. In 1495 syphilis appeared at the siege of Naples in epi- demic form. In a few years, it had spread over the world,—a sad commentary on the morality of the time. In the midst of the ravages of the plague, the first guardians of public health were appointed, and quarantine was attempted. It was tried in Venice and later extended to other Mediterranean ports, and to the North and Baltic seaboards. Health ordinances were promulgated and pest houses erected. During this period leprosy was at the height of its virulence and leprosaria were founded for the isolation of its victims. Each leper was compelled to earry a rattle, and to give notice of his presence by sounding 142 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY an alarm. The crude quarantine of the middle ages became the modern procedure based on scientific knowledge; the scavenger and the nuisance inspector specially trained live again in the expert sanitarians of today. Although measures for the prevention of nuisances and for the imposition of quarantine were adopted in colonial days, as far back as 1647, it was not until 1849 that the State authorities began to consider seriously their duties in connection with public health. In May of this year the Governor of Massachusetts appointed a com- mission under Lemuel Shattuck to ascertain the health needs of the commonwealth and to make recommendations. The Shattuck commission advised the establishment of a cen- tral Board of Health charged with the general execution of the health laws of the State, the creation of local Boards of Health, the taking of a census of the people, and a systematic registration of marriages, births and deaths. It recommended an investigation into the cause of disease, abatement of the smoke nuisance, adoption of means for public health education, and other far-reaching mea- sures. The report of the committee to the legislature was pigeon- holed for twenty years, but in 1869, the State Board of Health of Massachusetts began work under a broad charter, which has been the model for other states. In 1877 Illinois became the second state to establish a Board of Health. Permanent governmental health organizations in the country came into existence to combat repeated outbreaks of cholera, typhus and yellow fevers. They were created when disease was supposed to have its origin in filth; when sewer gas and foul odors were thought to be the cause of epidemics and night air to earry illness and death. SANITATION Under the influence of the filth theory of disease, the efforts of public health officials were concentrated on the abatement of nui- sances by scavenging, by constructing sewers, and by building water-closets. They enforced measures to prevent overcrowding, to insure better housing, to promote ventilation, and to provide for a supply of safe milk and of unpolluted water. Such was the nature of public health work until the decade of the 80’s, when the rapid, brillant discoveries of bacteriology, showing the relation of micro- organisms to diseases, gave to the world a different conception of the cause of contagion. The ‘‘sewer-gas-foul-odor-night-air era’’ of publie health work was one of considerable progress. In their vigorous attempts to eliminate ‘‘emanations which polluted the air,’’ sanitarians made great contributions to comfort, common decency, and public health. PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 143 We know now the safe disposal of sewage and the provision of pure water supplies were great factors in the eradication of cholera, and in the reduction of typhoid fever and the ‘‘diarrheas.’’ Less crowded living conditions and cleaner houses did much to decrease vermin and louse-borne typhus fever. General cleanliness may have slightly diminished the incidence of disease spread by the secretions from the nose and throat. It had little effect upon the occurrence of yellow fever. While the pioneers in public health did much for comfort, con- venience, and civic betterment, their erroneous conception as to the cause of disease has remained an unhappy legacy to succeeding generations. There are many today who fail to distinguish between filth, contaminated with disease germs, and unsightly rubbish, in itself incapable of causing illness. Believers in sewer gas are not entirely extinct even among the medical profession. Emphasis upon air as a carrier of disease kept down bed-room windows and delayed the building of sleeping-porches for several generations. Fear of air-borne disease still causes a great waste of formaldehyde gas in fumigation which is often more effective in the production of psychic calm than in the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. In 1893 Smith and Kilbourne brought to the attention of the world the role of the tick in the spread of Texas fever in cattle. Within a few years the relation of the mosquito to malaria and yel- low fever, of the rat and the flea to plague, of the tsetse fly to African sleeping-sickness, and of the louse to typhus fever were shown. These discoveries of insect transmission of disease were of as far-reaching importance to the world as those of Copernicus, Columbus, or of Edison. Ross, Reed, Nicolle, Kitasato, MeCoy and others showed insects to be the center of a system around which revolved the great pestilences which have scourged the race from antiquity. They did not discover unknown continents, but they made it possible to create a new world within the tropics. The practical use of their researches made the Panama Canal possible, saved the South from yellow fever, reduced disease and increased progress wherever the flea, louse, or mosquito are to be found. The knowledge of the relation of insects to disease intensified sanitation. Stagnant pools were drained or filled, swamps ditched, rain barrels screened, and tin-cans destroyed to eliminate the breeding places of the yellow fever and malaria producing mos- quito. In sereening against the mosquito, the danger from the fly was reduced. To prevent plague, the rat was destroyed along with his fleas, to the great saving of food stuffs. Domestic sanitation and personal hygiene made new progress, as it became generally known that typhus fever was carried by the louse. 144 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY IsOLATION Following the demonstration that communicable disease was due to specific micro-organisms, over-emphasis on the environment as the origin of disease gave way to control of man in preventing it. Rules and laws for the isolation of patients and carriers were en- acted. Enforcement of these regulations gave rise to compulsory notification of communicable disease and the establishment of labo- ratories to ascertain the presence or absence of the specific bacteria. The length of incubation, the period of communicability, and the manner in which the disease is transmitted became the factors determining the length and nature of quarantine. A great deal was expected from thorough isolation. Much was accomplished, but careful observation soon revealed that complete eradication of disease by this method was not to be realized. Isola- tion with bacteriological control, in all probability, will eliminate typhoid, paratyphoid, and the dysenteries. It has kept cholera be- yond the seaboard, and in connection with sanitation, has made typhus fever a comparatively negligible disease in this country. The failure of the discovery of the cause of chickenpox, small- pox, measles, German measles, and searlet fever make it impossible to obtain the results first expected from isolation, because of the inability to recognize all cases before they have become communi- cable, and to determine with certainty the exact period at which they cease to be infectious. For a similar reason mild cases and carriers are missed. Scarlet fever and infantile paralysis present typical forms which are frequently overlooked. Whooping cough and mumps are often transmissible before symptoms are sufficiently developed for diagnosis. In dealing with sputum-borne disease, isolation is very helpful, but often ineffective. The epidemic of poliomyelitis of 1916 taught health officers their inability to suppress it. It was stopped by the falling temperature of autumn rather than by the will of applied science. Influenza swept the world in 1918 and burned out before means could be found to control it. Meningitis exacted a deadly toll in the armies of both Europe and America; measles, compli- cated by pneumonia, proved one of the most fatal of diseases to soldiers in cantonments. Experience with isolation in the prevention of disease has shown that to be effective it must be early. The failure to isolate promptly the first patient cannot be off-set by the most rigid quarantine of subsequent cases. Isolation has probably done a great deal to elimi- nate virulent strains of many communicable diseases since they are usually quickly recognized. ‘‘Every case of tuberculosis isolated means an average of three less new infections.’’ PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 145 Group PRACTICE For centuries medical practice has been individual. The patient sent for the doctor, was cared for by him, and paid the bill. As ht- tle was known concerning the cause, method of spread, or means of prevention of disease, the physician had little responsibility to the community beyond the observing of a crude quarantine and the giving of an opinion as to the relation of nuisances to illness. The rapid advances in biology, chemistry and preventive medicine have shown the social and economic aspects of disease, and are rapidly changing medicine from being paramountly personal to predomi- nantly public. Tf a child should have infantile paralysis in a community, the public would insist upon it receiving every consideration essential to comfort and an early recovery, but the people would want to be sure that the case was so managed that other children would not lose their lives or be erippled for life. The citizens of any city would be greatly interested in a single case of Asiatic cholera oe- curing in their midst because it might prove the match for an ex- plosive epidemic that would effect the lives of thousands and turn millions in trade from the channels of business. As a result of this public appreciation of the importance of dis- ease, there have arisen numerous agencies endeavoring to prevent accidents and illness in particular groups of individuals. These organizations are rendering a fine service in the education of the public, in the improvement of health, and in civie betterment, but they greatly need to be correlated, and to be given responsibility commensurate with their relative importance. It is essential for them to become a unified force for health in order to secure a syn- chronous attack upon disease with the best available methods. MATERNAL AND CHILD WELFARE The United States loses one mother for every 154 births, the highest rate of the seventeen principal countries of the world. Over 23,000 women died in 1918 on the altar of maternity, at least 50 per- cent. a needless sacrifice to poverty, ignorance, and inadequate medical and nursing attention. The United States stands eleventh in infant mortality, losing one in every ten during the first vear of life, which is twice that of New Zealand, the lowest. In the United States a new born child has less chance of living a week than a man of ninety; of living a year than a man of eighty. The great enemy of the mother and baby is poverty. The smaller the wage of the father, the poorer the family, the greater the hard- ships upon the mother, and the less the chance of the child to sur- vive the first year. Income plays the chief role in locating the home and in determining its kind. Low income often sends the mother VOL. XivV.—/O 146 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY to work, substitutes artificial for natural food, encourages bad housing, and promotes insanitary surroundings. Studies of infant mortality, made by the Children’s Bureau in Waterbury, Con- necticut, showed that children born in rear houses or in houses on alleys had a death rate of 172 per 1000; those located on the street, 120.6. In Manchester, New Hampshire, the rate was 123, where the number of persons averaged less than one per room, and 261.7 where they averaged more than two but less than three. The mor- tality for babies whose mothers were employed outside of the home was 312.9 per thousand while the rate was 122 for those whose mothers had no occupation but the care of their households. From surveys in small cities, in rural districts, and in the large eity of Baltimore, it was found that regardless of color, race, or nationality, the infant death rate varies inversely with the income of the father. When the father’s income represents the ability to insure care and comfort ($1850 a year or more), the death rate was one-fourth as high as when the father’s earnings fell into the lowest wage group ($450 or less). Ignorance, as exhibited in the feeding and care of the infant, is an important factor in the death rate. It is not, however, limited to any one class of society, but operates most viciously in the group whose means of defense are most weakened by poverty. The mother, both ignorant and poverty stricken, is a menace because she is socially helpless unless the community or a philanthropist takes the responsibility of providing her adequate medical and nursing care, proper instruction in hygiene of maternity and of infancy, and decent housing. Application of available knowledge will reduce maternal and infant mortality by 50 per cent.; possible 75 per cent. The great public health problem is to educate the individual to demand, and the community to supply the necessary protection for mothers and children by providing prenatal and postnatal clinics and maternity hospitals or wards in a general hospital. It is necessary to supervise rigidly the training of midwives, and to provide better education for medical students in obstetrics. A comprehensive plan in maternal and child welfare must in- clude teaching and practical demonstrations for mothers in the household arts essential to her welfare and to that of her child. Consultation centers or welfare clinics for children must provide for periodical examinations and instruction as to nutrition, health, exercise, and recreation. It must take into consideration the wel- fare of the defective, delinquent, and dependent children. It must conserve the rights of children in reference to person, labor, educa- tion, and law. It must guarantee the interest of the child will be paramount in marriage and divorce, and that it shall receive justice whether legitimate or illegitimate. PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 147 RuraL HEALTH WorK It is estimated for the country at large that for every com- posite group of 71 persons, one will die during the year ; two will be in bed constantly ; thirty will have impairment of health, ranging all the way from the person who is just able to be out of bed to the one not quite up to normal; twenty-five will be what we call healthy, while thirteen will have that vigor essential to rendering dynamic the inspiration of high ideals. This general average ap- plied to the rural sections which contain 48.1 per cent. of the popu- lation of the country, makes it possible to visualize the problem of rural health work and its relation to the ability of the rural population to pursue its vocation effectively. As the rural popula- tion feeds and clothes the state and is the foundation upon which cities and industries are erected, its illness presents a striking phase of the economies of disease. The problem of rural health work can be successfully approached only by education of the individual to appreciate the importance of disease and to adopt the methods necessary to prevent it. The most effective educational agency is an adequate county health or- ganization directed by a full time health officer with a sufficient number of properly trained public health nurses, sanitary in- spectors and clerical assistants to do the work. The first duty of the organization is the education of the public in respect to hygiene and sanitation. To this end, lectures and demonstrations are given, pamphlets and folders distributed, and articles on live health topics are prepared for the county papers. Exhibits are arranged in the schools and at the county fairs. The assistance of the movie is obtained and cooperation is given to every organization in teaching the facts concerning health. Another important function of the county health organization deals with the control and prevention of communicable disease. In cooperation with attending physicians, the county health officer en- forces the quarantine regulations of the state, determines the sources of contagion, and in collaboration with the public health nurses, visits schools and homes; in cooperation with teachers and parents he institutes measures for prevention of disease, arranges for phy- sical examinations of children, and advises as to corrective mea- sures. The public health nurses carry out the follow-up work. The health officer ascertains the occurrence of tuberculosis in the county, adopts measures to prevent its spread, and arranges with local physicians to establish clinies for persons with suspicious symptoms of the disease. As far as practical, each home in the county is visited by the health officer, and a survey made of the construction and use of 148 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY latrines, the safeguarding of the water supply, and the handling of milk. He inspects the screening and advises as to the means to be employed for the elimination of the breeding places of the fly and the mosquito. A nurse visits each house where bottle-fed children are suffering from digestive disturbances, and gives instruction to mothers in the essentials of home sanitation and infant care. As only 56 per cent. of the 3,027 counties in the United States have hospitals, a number of the directors of county health organi- zations find it necessary to give considerable time to the creating of public sentiment favorable to the establishment of adequate hospital facilities or centers where clinics may be held. These clinics are held in cooperation with the local physicians and with specialists from the State Department of Health or from the state medical schools. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE The wide use of chemistry in industry, the substitution of steam for water-power, the evolution of refrigeration, the increasing ap- plication of very high temperatures in working metals, the neces- sity of working in rarified and compressed air, the almost universal use of electrical energy in the mechanical arts, the development of rapid transportation, the extensive employment of artificial light, the strenuousness of a machine-set pace, and the overcrowding in manufacturing centers and in factories have produced new types of illness, have intensified the ravages of communicable disease, and have created industrial hygiene as an important branch of public health work. Far-seeing managers of modern industries have found it to be as important to conserve, stabilize and render efficient their work- ing forces as to prevent waste, adopt better methods of manufactur- ing, or to improve their salesmanship. They have noticed that out- put increases, their labor troubles diminish, and their overhead ex- penses decrease where human and mechanical engineering are best coordinated. They know that the most capable workman is healthy, contented, and is able to do his work rapidly and well. The number of industries that are establishing welfare depart- ments to deal with their employees is steadily increasing. Greater efforts are being made to improve the morale among workers by providing better sanitary conditions in work-shops, and by the con- struction of adequate safe-guards against accident, dust and fumes. Men and women are given medical attention and surgical care where the employer is responsible. Precaution is taken to prevent and to control communicable disease. Sanitary lunch-rooms are provided to furnish adequate food at cost. The employees are given instruction in safety-first, first aid, PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 149 and hygiene. When the labor is monotonous and exhausting, ar- rangement is made for rotation in work, period for relaxation per- mitted, and time allowed for recuperation. The director of industrial welfare gives advice to the employees in the adjustment of social and financial difficulties. He endeavors to provide profitable recreation, and he encourages thrift, domes- ticity, and morality. There is a close relation between the home and the community life of a man and his industrial efficiency and reliability. While the worries which beset a workman are his pri- vate affair, they take a great deal of his attention from his job at the expense of his employer, and sooner or later become a problem for his physician. Tactful advice leading to contentment and con- structive living is neither meddlesomeness nor paternalism, —it pays dividends to both employer and employee. MeEpIcAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS Preventive medicine does some of its best work in connection with public schools. Proper medical supervision of schools includes a school nurse service as well as medical inspectors. It applies to buildings and to equipment, as well as to the mind and to the body of the child. About twenty million children, nearly one fifth of the population of the country, are compelled to spend, on an aver- age, five hours a day in school one hundred and sixty-five days in the year. Under such circumstances, as effective precautions should be taken to insure ventilation, lighting, heating, proper furniture and general sanitary conditions in the school to provide for the child’s physical welfare as to enforce its attendance. It is obviously unfair to require a child to occupy a seat likely to produce body deformity or to study in a light that may impair its vision. It is equally unjust to bring together a number of young persons at an age when most susceptible to communicable diseases without medical supervision, unless the school is to provide a great dis- ease exchange for the community. It must be remembered that the twenty million children of elementary-school age come in contact more or less intimately, with approximately twelve million others of pre-school age. These younger children are very susceptible to infectious diseases and are in the age group in which eighty-five per cent. of the mortality occurs. When medical inspection is properly done, a disease history of the child is obtained on entry, and a number of defects and funce- tional diseases will be discovered on examination that may be cor- rected. It provides a careful medical record preliminary to phys- ieal training, will determine in what individuals corrective gym- nastics are needed, and, by periodical examination, will ascertain the physical progress of the child. The community should realize, 150 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY however, that it is of little value to spend money to discover de- fects unless provision is made to remedy them when they are found. Each school district should provide a dispensary service for school children and parents must be educated to consult their family doctor on questions of prevention before their children become ill. PuHysicaL EKpucaTIon Physical education is preventive medicine in action. It should have for its purpose the development of the functional power of the child to the highest level consistent with the most successful raining of its intellect; it should meet the needs of the weak, who require it most, as well as of the strong; it should be graded for various ages; its progress should be determined by tests and mea- sures of development, strength, agility, endurance and ability to do. Its proficiency should be based upon well-defined accomplishments, not upon certain periods of exercise. In general, provision must be made for the physical education of three classes of individuals: (1) the physically normal, (2) the subnormal, (3) the abnormal and physically defective. The physically normal individual should be required to take general exercise, but should be encouraged to select some form of sport and to acquire a fondness for it. In the primary school it may mean games and outdoor exercise; in the high school or college the development of an ‘‘athletic hobby’’ to keep him in ‘‘ fighting trim’’ when required to lead a sedentary life. The subnormal individual, underweight and understrength, for his age, undeveloped but organically sound, will require special and general exercise to meet the tests of normal. Having shown his ability by passing the required efficiency tests, he may be further educated in that group. The abnormal group is composed of individuals distorted as to posture or carriage, but who may become greatly improved by cor- rective gymnastics. In this class are also those with heart lesions, hernia, diseases of the joints, marked flat feet, ete. A’ considerable number of these could be cured by proper surgery, and would be, if their parents were so advised by a medical inspector in whom they had confidence. All would be greatly benefited by special cal- isthenics and other light forms of exercise under medical super- vision. In many instances members of this group have been led to attach too much importance to their condition. Nothing will do more than safe, beneficial exercise to lift them from the despair of chronic invalidism to the enthusiasm of physical well-being. Physical education is a great antidote for antisocial tendencies. It teaches temperance, self-control, courage and endurance. It produces the ability to play the game to the end and to lose with a PROGRESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORK 151 smile or to take victory with modesty and magnanimity. It Ameri- eanizes and de-hyphenizes by the democracy of the playground and by the catholicity of its games. It places the nation on the solid foundation of physical soundness, morality, and vitality. ORGANIZATIONS Promotine Pusiic HEauTa Organizations promoting intelligent child labor legislation and passage of wise laws improving working conditions, particularly of women, are engaged in important public health work. Military training, the Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girl movements and mass athletics lead to physical vigor and constructive thinking. The practical application of mental tests and careful study of factors influencing their results stimulate interest in the social and physical welfare of children in the largest sense. The creation of parks and playgrounds provides fresh air, exercise, and shade essential for the well-being of children, especially of small children. City zoning tends to ventilate dwellings, to introduce sunlight into the home, to reduce noise and to purify the air.- It leads to that restfulness essential to complete recuperation from a day’s work. THE DEMONSTRATIVE MretHop Nothing equals in effectiveness a clear-cut demonstration of what can be done. The International Health Board is actively en- gaged in showing what results may be obtained by intensive prac- tical application of preventive medicine. For example, it enters a community where malaria is prevalent, and concentrates its at- tack upon the disease by destruction of the breeding places of the mosquito, treatment of persons with malaria, and by screening all houses. It drains swamps, ditches, meadows, fills in or oils stagnant pools, clears away underbrush, and stocks the creek with top min- nows to eat the mosquito larvae. Its agents in cooperation with the local health organizations, visit every home in the community in search for defective drain pipes, uncovered rain barrels, and for bottles, cans, or other objects that may hold water in which mosquitoes may breed. The screening of the house is examined and advice is given as to how to make it most effective. If members of the family have malaria or give a history suspicious of the disease, they are examined clinically, and a course of quinine administered. Such an intensive attack is invariably followed by a most sig- nificant reduction in the occurrence of malaria. As every home is visited, the work receives wide publicity. It becomes the chief topic of conversation at the meeting of the sewing circle, on the golf links, and at the corner grocery. On conclusion of his work, the director summarizes his findings, estimates the cost, and shows that the pre- 152 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY vention of malaria saves both money and suffering. He calls atten- tion to the increased value of the drained land and the general im- provement in appearance of the community by the removal of the underbrush and the stagnant pools. The people at first are skep- tical, later become curious, and in the end are convinced that pub- lic health work of this type is of immediate value to them. They know what has been done and how it was accomplished, and are usually ready to see that the proper measures are adopted to pre- vent the return of the disease. The intensive method has been widely used by the Rockefeller Foundation in its campaign against malaria and hookworm. In Framingham, Massachusetts, it is being utilized in the study and prevention of tuberculosis. The United States Public Health Ser- vice uses it in certain counties and towns for educational purposes and it has been employed by other organizations in the promotion of child welfare. DIsEASE EXTERMINATION In certain strata of the earth are to be found the remains of animals and plants which once inhabited it, but were unable to survive the conditions of their environment. They perished for lack of food, could not adapt themselves to the variations of the soil, could not withstand the unfavorable alterations of temperature and moisture, or were unable to resist their enemies, both animal and vegetable. It is within the power of man to so alter his living conditions and to so change the environment of micro-organisms as to enforce either their biological modification or extinction. The virus of smallpox would have a hazardous existence in a vaccinated world. The Schick test, toxin-antitoxin immunization and antitoxin administration present to the virulent diphtheria bacillus the problem of the American bison. Asiatic cholera and typhoid fever await the coup-de-grace of sanitation and inoculation. Successful warfare on the cootie brings extinction to typhus fever. Malaria and yellow fever are ready for the fate of the dinosaur, when means available are universally used in their eradication. Bubonie plague, the giant of pestilences, takes its place with the mastodon, when measures adopted to control it in America are used throughout the world. Economies, sociology, and preventive medicine point to a hun- dred ways for the promotion of the public welfare,—to a thousand paths for the successful pursuit of health and happiness. It is futile to seek a far distant Utopia through a maze of ‘‘isms’’ and ‘“pathies,’’ when education to appreciate and to use the fruits of the research laboratories of the world will produce those living con- ditions and that healing which are the very essence of practical Christianity. ELECTRONS AND ETHER WAVES 153 ELECTRONS AND ETHER WAVES' By Sir WILLIAM BRAGG, F.R.S. | PROPOSE to ask you this evening to consider for a short time one of the outstanding problems in physics. I am justified, I think, in saying that so far it has proved insoluble, but for all that, it lacks neither interest nor importance. It is important because it relates to very fundamental things with which we are deeply con- cerned, and as to its interest, it comes in many ways. Man’s interest in radiation is naturally very old indeed. The warmth of the sun, the light that it gives by day, and the hght of the moon and stars by night, fill a first place in their importance to him. When experimental science began to grow rapidly its first efforts were devoted to an attempt to unravel the laws of propa- gation of light and heat. Among the famous pioneers Newton and Huyghens represented two opposing schools of thought. The former advocated a corpuscular theory of light, the latter main- tained that light consisted of a wave motion. Ina restricted sense, the wave theory has completely triumphed; it explains the ordi- nary phenomena of light and especially of the intricate effects which depend on interference of waves with the greatest satisfac- tion and precision. But, on a wider view of light phenomena, the victory of the wave theory is not so absolute, for it is certain that a great part is played by corpuscular radiations, the corpuscles being the electrons of recent discovery. It seems that we must admit the importance of each view and, to a certain extent, we can accurately define the part that each must play: but, there is one great exception. There is one problem in connection with the interrelations of electron waves and corpuscles which seems to ridicule all our attempts to understand it. If we could solve it we should have made an immense advance, both in knowledge and in our power of handling materials. We should perhaps have added a new province to the realms of physical thought. And it iS because of this obvious importance and because of our failures to find the solution that I hope you will be interested in looking at the question once again in the light of recently aequired knowl- edge. We are going to consider the relations between the energies 1 The Robert Boyle Lecture at Oxford University for the year 1921. 154 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY carried by ether waves and the energy carried by electrons. Let us first set down the distinctive features of each form of radiation. As regards wave radiation, we must say that the energy spreads ‘outwards and weakens as it spreads, just as a sound dies away in the open air. And next we must add that all waves show the extracrdinary phenomenon of interference. Two sets of waves can tend to destroy each other’s actions at certain places and times, making good such losses by increased actions at other places and other times. By the aid of this principle, Young and Fresnel, and a host of workers who have followed them, have built up optical theories of great power and completeness. Note that the characteristics of a simple wave are its length and its amplitude: it has no others. Corpuseular radiations have been obvious to us on the grand seale only since the discovery of radium and of X-rays. Beside the X-rays, the projection of helium atoms from the bursting atoms of radio-active substances, we find in the general radiation of radio-active substances streams of high speed electrons. The main features of these rays which concern us now can also be stated briefly : Electrons are to be found everywhere forming part of every atom. They can be set in motion by electric forces, as in the X-ray tube, or they may be expelled from radio-active substances. Such radiation like light radiation has qualities. The flying par- ticles may be more or less in number, and the speed of each can fall between wide limits. In other respects it is, at present. assumed that they are all like each other. We have not been acquainted with electron movements so long as we have been acquainted with wave motions in ether. The reason is perhaps a simple one: An electron can only maintain a separate existence if it is traveling at an immense rate from one three-hundredth of the velocity of light upwards, that is to say, at least 600 miles a second or thereabouts. Otherwise the electron sticks to the first atom it meets. The action of a powerful induction coil and space to move in freely, where there are no atoms to impede it, provide favorable circumstances for observation, and we have only been able to realize these conditions with sufficient success in more recent years. We now know, therefore, radiation in two forms, and each is independently full of interest. But it is the extraordinary con- nection between them that is so fascinating and yet beats us when we try to explain it. We have known for many years that there is some connection between waves and electrons because light, espe- cially of short wave length, can cause a discharge of negative elec- ELECTRONS AND ETHER WAVES 155 tricity, that is to say, of electrons, from substances on which it falls. This, which is known as the photo-electric effect, has been earefully examined with a view to discovering relations between the wave length of the ether radiations and the velocity of the ejected electrons. But the experimental difficulties of obtaining a close insight into the effect were always considerable until we had to do with the new variety of light which Roéntgen discovered. The very short wave length which is associated with X-rays goes with a photo-electrie effect which is so greatly intensified that we ean examine it in detail, and now the relation between wave and electron takes on an importance which arrests attention. We can take the question in two stages: in the first as a general question. In the second we bring in effects which depend on details of atomic structure. The general question ean be stated quite simply. We have seen that a wave motion is defined by two qualities. The one, the wave length; the other the amplitude. When an X-ray falls upon any material substance we find that electrons are ejected: the wave radiation has produced an electron radiation. Hlectron radiation has characteristics also, namely, number and speed. In what way then are the characteristics of the waves related to the character- istics of the electron movements which are excited by them? The answer is simple but surely unexpected. The velocity of the electron depends on the wave length only; the number of electrons depends on the intensity, but not on the wave length. Moreover, the relation between the wave length of the one radiation and the velocity of the other is of the simplest kind. If we define the wave length by stating the number of waves that pass by a given point in a second and eall this number the frequency, then the energy of the electron is equal to the frequency multiplied by a constant quantity. This constant is not new to us, it had already turned up in connection with investigation of interchange of energy, where waves are concerned, and is well known as Planck’s constant. That, however, need not concern us now. The essential point is that a wave radiation falling on matter of any kind whatever and in any physical condition, liquid or solid or gaseous, hot or cold, causes the ejection of electrons. In actual experiment we cannot usually examine the speed of the electron at the instant of its production. We have generally to wait for the electrons to get outside the body in which they arise before we can handle them in our experiments. Those that have come through the deeps of the material have lost speed by ceolli- sion with the atoms on their way out. Consequently, we have in response to the incidence of waves of a definite frequency, that is to say, of so-called monochromatic radiation, an output of elec- 156 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY trons of various speeds ranging downwards from a maximum which is given by the above-mentioned relation. There does not seem to be any doubt that the electrons all had originally quite the same definite speed, and that the differences in speed are acquired subsequently. In this process we see energy of wave radiation replaced by energy of electron radiation. There is an exactly converse process. If we direct a stream of electrons against any material substance we can eall into being ether waves. They arise at the point of impact and their quality is, in the general sense, determined by the velocity which we have given the electron stream. Among the waves so originated there are some whose frequency is related to the energy of the individual electron m the electron stream by the same constant as before. There are others of lesser frequency, such as we might suppose to be originated by electrons that belonged to the original stream, but have lost energy by colli- sions with the atoms of matter. Here again, there is no doubt that the electrons produce waves for which the frequency is exactly determined by the use of Planck’s constant as above. In order to realize the full significance of these extraordinary results, let us picture the double process as it occurs whenever we use an X-ray bulb. By the imposition of great electrical forces we hurl electrons in a stream across the bulb. One of these elec- trons, let us say, starts a wave where it falls. This action is quite unaffected by the presence of similar actions in the neighborhood, so that we can fix our minds upon this one electron, and the wave which it alone causes to arise. The wave spreads away, it passes through the walls of the bulb, through the air outside, and some- where or other in its path in one of the many atoms it passes over an electron springs into existence, having the same speed as the original electron in the X-ray bulb. The equality of the two speeds is not necessary to the significance of this extraordinary effect ; it would have been just as wonderful if one speed had only been one half or one quarter or any reasonable fraction of the other. The equality is more an indication to us of how to look for an explanation than an additional difficulty to be overcome. Let me take an analogy. I drop a log of wood imto the sea from a height, let us say, of 100 feet. A wave radiates away from where it falls. Here is the corpuscular radiation producing a wave. The wave spreads, its energy is more and more widely distributed, the ripples get less and less in height. At a short distance, a few hundred yards perhaps, the effect will apparently have disappeared. If the water were perfectly free from viscosity and there were no other causes to fritter away the energy of the waves, they would travel, let us say, 1,000 miles. By which time ELECTRONS AND ETHER WAVES 157 the height of the ripples would be, as we can readily imagine, extremely small. Then, at some one point on its circumference, the ripple encounters a wooden ship. It may have encountered thousands of ships before that and nothing has happened, but in this one particular case the unexpected happens. One of the ship’s timbers suddenly flies up in the air to exactly 100 feet, that is to say, if it got clear away from the ship without having to crash through parts of the rigging or something else of the structure. The problem is, where did the energy come from that shot this plank into the air, and why was its velocity so exactly related to that of the plank which was dropped into the water 1,000 miles away? It is this problem that leaves us guessing. Shall we suppose that there was an explosive charge in the ship ready to go off, and that the ripple pulled the trigger. If we take this line of explanation we have to arrange in some way that there are explosive charges of all varieties of strength, each one ready to go off when the right ripple comes along. The right ripple, it is to be remembered, is the one whose frequency multi- plied by the constant factor is equal to the energy set free by the explosion. The ship carries about all these charges at all times, or at least there are a large number of ships each of which carries some of the charges, and externally the ships are exactly alike. Also we have to explain why, if we may drop our analogy and come back to the real thing, the ejected electron tends to start its career in the direction from which the wave came. This is a very marked effect when the waves are very short. Dropping the analogy, how do the electrons acquire their energy and their direction of movement from waves whose energy and momentum have become infinitesimally small at the spot where they are affected, unless the atom has a mechanism of the most complicated kind? And if the intervention of the atom is so important, why is it that in these effects a consequence of the intervention does not depend upon each atom itself—whether, for example, it is oxygen or copper or lead? We may try another line of explanation and suppose that the energy is actually transferred by the wave from the one electron to the other. If it is the atom which pulls the trigger and causes the transformation, then how does it happen that the whole of the energy collected by the wave at its origin can be delivered at one spot? Rayleigh has told us that an electron over which a wave is passing can collect the energy from an area round about it whose linear dimensions are of the order of the wave length. But any explanation of this kind is entirely inadequate. What- ever process goes on it is powerful enough on occasion to transfer the whole of the energy of the one electron to the other. Nor can 158 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY there be any question of storing up energy for a long period of time until sufficient is acquired for the explosion. For it is not difficult to show that when an X-ray bulb is started and its rays radiate out, the actual amount of energy which can be picked up by an atom a few feet away would not be sufficient for the ejected electron, though the tube were running for months; whereas we find the result to be instantaneous. I think it is fair to say that in all optical questions concerned with the general distribution of energy from a radiating source the wave theory is clearly a full explanation. It is only when we come to consider the movements of the electrons which both cause waves and are caused by them that we find ourselves at a loss for an explanation. The effects are as if the energy were conveyed from place to place in entities, such as Newton’s old corpuscular theory of light provides. This is the problem for which no satis- factory solution has been provided as yet: that at least is how it seems to me. No known theory can be distorted so as to provide even an ap- proximate explanation. There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant and whose discovery may revolutionize our views of the relations between waves and ether and matter. For the present we have to work on both theories. On Mondays, Wednes- days, and Fridays we use the wave theory; on Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Saturdays we think in streams of flying energy quanta or corpuscles. That is after all a very proper attitude to take. We cannot state the whole truth since we have only partial statements, each covering a portion of the field. When we want to work in any one portion of the field or other, we must take out the right map. Some day we shall piece all the maps together. Meanwhile, even if we cannot explain the phenomena we must accept their existence and take account of them in our investiga- tions. We must recognize that wave radiation and electron radia- tion are in a sense mutually convertible. Whenever there is one there must be the other, provided only there is matter to do the transforming. We do not yet know more than a little of the part that this process of interchange plays, but we know that it is very prominent when the waves are very short, or, what is the same thing, the electrons moving swiftly. It is the movement of the elec- trons in the X-ray bulb that originates the X-rays themselves. They as waves pass easily through the wall in the tube and through ma- terials outside: their energy finally disappears and is replaced by moving electrons. It is the latter alone that produce directly the effects which we ascribe to X-rays. We may suspect that similar effects to these take place when the waves are long, but the cor- responding electron velocities are so small that it is difficult to mea- ELECTRONS AND ETHER WAVES 159 sure them or observe their effects. Nevertheless, the carrying for- ward to these regions of experience gained elsewhere has led to ex- traordinary results, as for example, in the theories of Bohr regard- ing the relations between the structure of an atom and the radiation it emits. - T have spoken of the first stage in this examination of the rela- tions between ether waves and electrons. May I now go one step further and bring in certain curious and lately discovered relations between the interchanges and the nature of the atom itself. All that I have said before is mainly independent of atomic nature; I want now to consider certain experimental results which are super- imposed upon the former without in the least invalidating them and which obviously have a first importance on our appreciation of atomic structure. When an X-ray of given wave length strikes an atom, it may result in the ejection of an electron of equivalent energy as de- seribed above. And in such a relation between wave length and energy there can be no trace of any influence of the nature of the atom. But it may sometimes happen that the energy instead of be- ing handed over or transformed in one complete whole is trans- formed in a series of successive stages, and these stages are really characteristic of the atom. Let me give an illustration: Let us imagine an X-ray of wave length equal to two-tenths of an Angstrém unit (100-millionth of a centimeter), such as comes, under ordinary circumstances, from a powerful X-ray bulb. It falls on a silver atom; it may, as in the general process, preduce an electron of energy equivalent to itself, but it may also divide up this energy into two parts. One part is characteristic of the silver atom. Tt is an amount which the silver atom is for some reason especially liable to absorb or develop. It is peculiar to the silver atom, no other atom absorbs just that quantity. Leaving out of account for the moment the balance, let us follow the course of happenings to this particular quantity of energy. It excites in the atom a series of rays characteristic of the atom. These rays are divided into groups characteristic of the atom, but of a general arrangement whieh is the same for all atoms. It appears that the absorbed energy is divided up between various rays, probably giving rise to one out of each group, and in that way its whole total is spent. These rays we now analyse with an X-ray spectrometer using a erystal as our diffraction grating. It is by their use that we have been able to study the architecture of crystals and to find the way in which the atoms, under the influence of their mutual force, ar- range themselves in crystalline form. Going back for a moment to the balance, the difference between the energy characteristic of the original X-ray and that amount of 160 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY energy which was used up in the way just described, this energy it appears is found in the possession of an electron whose velocity can be measured with accuracy. Here we have an extraordinary instance of a partition of energy between wave and electron. We find the action of a wave resulting in the initiation of both electrons and waves, but the simple relation which we had in the general case is only modified to a slight degree. There may be several items in- stead of one in our balance sheet, but the balance is still good. This action follows just as well as a consequence of the impact of an electron having the necessary energy as it does from the incidence of an X-ray in the way I have described. We should notice in addi- tion that when X-rays or electrons fall short in their associated energy of the amount characteristic of the atoms, there is no result at all, and this is reflected in the fact that neither of them is ab- sorbed in the atom so much as if they were respectively a little higher in frequency or a little greater in velocity. The curious and essential feature of all this mass of informa- tion which I have been trying to put before you in a rough and summary form is the interchangeability of ether waves and elec- trons. Energy ean be transferred from one to another through the agency of matter. The transference is governed by the simplest arithmetical rules. In the exchange it is the frequency of the wave which is to be set against the energy of the electron, and it is just this that makes the greatest puzzle in modern physics. It is the block at one point which is choking the entire traffic and on which, therefore, all our interests must concentrate. CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO 161 CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO By GEORGE R. COWGILL, Ph. D. YALE UNIVERSITY HE recent appearance of a paper! discussing the chemical changes which occur in the blood concomitant with various disease conditions calls to mind a series of studies of this fluid made one hundred years ago. In 1821, the leading Swiss scientist of the time, J. L. Prévost, and his student, J. B. A. Dumas, who became the foremost French chemist during the middle of the nine- teenth century, published in the ‘‘ Bibliothéque Universelle, Sciences et Arts,’’ volumes seventeen and eighteen, a series of three papers entitled ‘‘Examen du Sang et Son Action dans les Divers Phénoménes de la Vie.’” To the present-day mind these papers are interesting not merely because they are accounts of studies made one hundred years ago, but because they touch upon a va- riety of topics, each of which in the course of a century ’s progress has attained to a greater or lesser degree the rank of a separate science. It would serve no purpose to point out the several paths followed in this development; those who are at all familiar with the history of the natural sciences, particularly chemistry, realize that they must read the nineteenth century in its entirety if they would know the complete story of that development. In their earliest communication Prévost and Dumas state that the relation of the blood to the nervous system is primarily the subject of their research. Inasmuch as the changes occurring in this master tissue were believed to be slight and difficult to detect, the blood was made the special object of study. The first paper of the series deals with certain purely physiological and morphological aspects of the study together with an account of some experiments concerning blood transfusion. In the second article are presented the results of chemical analyses, while the last communication deals essentially with the phenomenon of se- cretion. The conception of the general character of the blood as a fluid containing many minute red globules suspended therein was an 1 Myers, V. C.: Journ. Lab. Clin. Med., V, 343 (1920). 2 XVII, 215, 294. XVIII, 208. VOL. XIV.—/]/ 162 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY inheritance from the early micrographers. Prévost and Dumas were unable to see how the fiuid portion of the blood could in- fluence the nervous system, and therefore easily persuaded them- selves that a study of the red globules could furnish the desired information regarding the action of the blood during life. In the morphological studies which were made, the shape of the blood corpuscles was the first point to receive attention. Sir EK. Home had set forth the view in his Croonian Lecture for 1818 that the red blood cells are spherical bodies ‘‘composed of a central globule and a coloring-matter envelope.’’ During the latter part of the eighteenth century Hewson had published an account of observa- tions of the blood and had considered the corpuscles as flat plates furnished with a ‘‘saillant’’ point in their center. By this ‘‘sail- lant’’ point was doubtless meant what we now understand as the nucleus, for, as Prévost and Dumas remark, Hewson was led to this view as a result of examining the blood of the toad and the frog, forms in which the erythrocytes are recognized by present-day histologists as being nucleated. In order to determine which of these two views was the correct one, Prévost and Dumas examined the blood of forty-five different species of animals. Descriptions were given for each sample and the corpuscles were measured. The measurements were made by means of a camera-lucida arrange- ment, the object being traced on the camera-lucida field and its real dimensions deduced by a knowledge of the magnification em- ployed. It is interesting to compare the diameter of the human erythrocyte as determined by these investigators with that given in modern textbooks. Prévost and Dumas obtained 6.6 microns as their result while present-day textbooks state approximately 7.5 microns. The smallest value noted by these workers was 3.8 microns, this being the diameter of the erythrocyte in the goat Capra Hircus. Some of the conclusions reached were as follows: the globules are circular in shape in all mammals, their size varying among dif- ferent species; they are elliptic in birds with but shght variation in size in this class; in all cold-blooded animals the erythrocytes are elliptic in shape. Blood transfusion as a therapeutic measure has had a long history. The success of the operation was never assured, however, until comparatively recent times; there were unknown factors op- erating, when blood from one individual was introduced into the vessels of another, which too often led to fatal results. This was particularly true a century ago and earlier, when the blood of animals was occasionally transfused into the human being. With 3 Philosophical Transactions, 1818, 172 & 185. CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO 163 the discovery by Prévost and Dumas that demonstrable morpho- logical differences exist among the bloods of different animals, it was natural for them to assume that such differences accounted for the varying results obtained when blood was transfused. They performed a series of experiments to test this idea. It was shown: (1) that in general, transfusion of blood between animals of the same species is a complete success; (2) that between animals having ‘‘olobules’’ of the same shape but of different dimensions trans- fusion after severe hemorrhage results in only a partial relief of short duration; while (3) injection of cireular ‘‘globules’’ into a bird results in death following ‘‘violent nervous symptoms com- parable to those obtained after the administration of the most intense poisons.”’ In their chemical examination of the blood Prévost and Dumas fixed their attention upon ‘‘l’albumine’’ of the serum and the ‘‘eoloring matter which surrounds the globule.’’ As would be ex- pected, no very exhaustive examination of these substances could be made considering the fact that suitable methods for analyzing organic compounds were not available. The name ‘‘l’albumine”’ was being applied to a complex something contained in the blood serum largely because it possessed the property of coagulating under the influence of heat in a manner similar to egg-white, and indeed, very little more was known concerning this substance. The coagulation temperature of ‘‘l’albumine’’ of the serum was de- termined to be 75° Centigrade. Analyses of a general character were made upon the blood of twenty different species of animals; both the whole blood and the serum were analyzed for ‘‘eau, particules,’’ and ‘‘albumine et sels solubles.’’ In analyzing different samples of blood from the same animal it was noticed that the results did not always agree. It was reasoned that under certain conditions the veins must absorb considerable blood material; experiments were therefore performed to see how quickly the animal body could regenerate blood. Sue- cessive hemorrhages were made and the blood samples which were drawn at intervals were analyzed. The only change worthy of note was the content of corpuscles in the whole blood ; the difference was slight, however, and Prévost and Dumas concluded that the veins are able to absorb blood material rapidly. In the light of modern physiology it would be said that these experimenters obtained a decrease in the erythrocyte content of the blood. An examination of the serum analyses submitted shows that remarkably constant 4This should doubtless be translated as ‘‘albumen,’’ which is used by modern physiological chemists in a generic sense; it is quite clear, however, that Prévost and Dumas considered ‘‘1l’albumine’’ to be a single substance. 164 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY values were obtained for the water and the albumen. The follow- ing conclusions are of interest: (1) arterial blood contains more “*particules’’ than does venous blood; (2) the blood of birds con- tains relatively the largest number of ‘‘particules’’; (3) the blood of mammals comes next and among them the carnivora seem to have more than the herbivora, while (4) the cold-blooded animals appear to possess relatively the smallest number. Three experiments were performed in studying the coloring matter of the blood. *¢(1) When ashed in an open crucible . . . . there resuited a considerable quantity of red powder more or less rich in peroxide of iron according to the nature of the blood employed; (2) when treated by boiling nitric acid so as to destroy the animal matter, a clear colorless fluid resulted in which a few drops of prussiate of ammonia formed a large amount of blue precipitate; (3) when dissolved by means of caustic potash and the resulting solution boiled with prussiate of ammonia, a brown liquor was obtained, in which the addition of a quantity of oxalie acid sufficient to saturate the potash brought about a precipitate of a greenish-blue color, which was nothing else than the albumen colored by the prussian blue.’’ All of these experiments confirmed the idea that the coloring matter of the blood ‘‘est formée d’une substance animale en com- binaison avec le péroxide de fer.’’ It was suggested that this ani- mal matter might be ‘‘l’albumine’’ although the caution of these authors prevented them from being dogmatic on this point; they preferred to leave the question open for future research to decide. When considering the phenomenon of secretion and the be- havior of egg-white through which is passed a galvanic current, Prévost and Dumas approached the problem with the formula which was current at that time. The interesting topic of the day was electricity. Davy discovered the power of the electric current to decompose potash and soda in 1806; Oersted observed the effect of an electric current on a magnet in 1819; Ampére followed this in 1820 by showing that the direction in which a magnet moves de- pends upon the direction in which the electric current flows rela- tive to the magnet. This dominating interest in electricity in 1821 is easily revealed by a perusal of the volumes in which the papers of Prévost and Dumas appeared; there are to be found papers by such men as Ampere, Arago, Oersted, Davy and Faraday. Prévost and Dumas were not immune against this electric virus; they were interested in the experiments reported by an investi- gator who had tested the effect of a galvanic current on egg- white. The current had decomposed the egg- white, ‘‘the coagu- lated albumen wandered to the positive pole, and the caus- tic soda to the negative pole.’’ This experiment was inter- preted by the students of that early day to mean “‘that the white CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO 165 of egg is to be regarded as an albuminate of soda with excess of base.’’ Prévost and Dumas repeated this experiment and exam- ined microscopically the coagulum which collected about the posi- tive pole. They found globules similar to those found in milk, pus, blood and muscle. This observation led them to make a gen- eralization concerning the phenomenon of secretion. Nous considérons la surface circulante de chaque organe sécréteur comme douée d’une polarité constante en vertu de laquelle les produits de la séerétion sont formés et isolés. Et si 1’on se rappelle que les mucus et les produits non globuleux sont généralement alkalins; que, d’un autre coté le lait, le pus trés-sain, le chyme, et les muscles, sont globuleux et acides, on reconnoitra la plus grande analogie entre leur formation et celle des deux corps que nous obtenons dans ]’experience galvanique sur 1’albumine. Just as evolution has been the formula of the past half century with which to explain all things, physical or metaphysical, animate or inanimate, and appears about to give way to a new formula, namely, relativity, so electricity was the formula one hundred years ago. There is in the passage cited above, in which polarity was brought into relation with secretion, simply an attempt at using the formula of the time. Another very interesting use of this formula is to be found in the closing chapter of Thomson’s History of Chemistry published in 1830. From the mouth the food passes into the stomach, where it is changed to a kind of pap called chyme. The nature of the food can readily be distin- guished after mastication; but, when converted into chyme, it loses its charac- teristic properties. This conversion is produced by the action of the eight pair of nerves, which are partly distributed on the stomach; for when they are cut, the process is stopped: but if a current of electricity, by means of a small voltaic battery, be made to pass through the stomach, the process goes on as usual. Hence the process is obviously connected with the action of electricity. A current of electricity, by means of the nerves, seems to pass through the food in the stomach, and to decompose the common salt which is always mixed with the food. The muriatie acid is set at liberty, and dis- solves the food; for chyme appears to be simply a solution of the food in muriatic acid. The first definite proof—as far as the writer has been able to determine—that urea exists in the blood was furnished by Prévost and Dumas exactly one hundred years ago. In the third paper of the series under consideration, these authors described certain experiments in which both kidneys were removed from animals (dogs, cats and rabbits). Analysis of the blood of such animals showed the presence of a large amount of urea which was sepa- rated by means of the nitrate method; the urea was identified by determining its properties and by performing an elementary 5 Page 319. 166 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY analysis. H'rom the blood of unoperated animals, on the other hand, no such substance could be isolated. The significance of their discovery was fully appreciated and the authors discussed its bearing on the theory of renal secretion. The failure of other experimenters to show the presence of urea in the blood of normal animals had been interpreted to mean that the substance was not present in the blood but was formed in the kidney ; the same idea of kidney function was held by Berzelius who maintained that the kidney was the organ for oxidizing sulphur and phosphorus (considered by him to be elements of albumin) since sulphates and phosphates were found in the kidney secretion in relatively large amounts but were absent from normal blood. Prévost and Dumas concluded that urea was eliminated by the kidney to a degree corresponding to its formation elsewhere in the body: ablation of both kidneys, as had been performed in their ex- periments, resulted in a failure of the body to eliminate this sub- stance and consequently its accumulation in the blood in a quantity sufficient to enabie its isolation and identification. This new point of view, namely, that the kidney functions to eliminate substances which are already present in the blood, they felt was supported by the evidence obtained from the study of gout. The existence of sodium ‘‘lithate’’ caleuli in the joints was considered as evi- dence for the existence of sodium ‘‘lithate’’ in the blood. Since the secretion from the kidney contained sodium ‘‘lithate,’’ it was considered possible that the calculi form in the joints because the blood contains too much for the kidneys to eliminate, and this idea for many decades has been the principle underlying the therapy of gout. Prévost and Dumas thus enunciated a new view of kidney fune- tion. That view has come down to the present as the working prin- ciple which guides the physiological chemist in much of his work on the chemistry of the blood and of the kidney secretion. In the course of a hundred years, however, with the development of or- ganic chemistry and the invention of methods there has appeared such a refinement of procedure that micro methods have in a great many cases taken the place of the more cumbersome—but not less accurate—macro or gravimetric methods. Instead of the modern physiological chemist being required to perform operations of a drastic sort such as the complete removal of both kidneys, or com- pelled to work with large quantities of material, or to perform combustions over a coal fire, he takes, as is indicated in one of the current methods,® such a small quantity as ten cubic centimeters 6 Folin and Wu: Journ. Biol. Chem., XXXVIII, 91 (1919). CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO 167 of blood and analyzes it for non-protein nitrogen, urea, creatine, creatinine, uric acid, and sugar, some of which are present in as small quantities as a few milligrams per one hundred cubic centi- meters of blood. To these might be added calcium, chlorides, phos- phates, amino nitrogen, cholesterol and the acetone bodies and still the list would be incomplete. Following the lead of Prévost and Dumas, and others who might be mentioned, the modern physiological chemist, armed with new weapons for research, is pushing his chemical studies back beyond the membranes of the kidney glomeruli and tubules to the blood, and discovering relations of inestimable value to medical science. The following words, written in 1821, are still worthy of attention in 1921: General hydropsy, hematuria and many other affections enter a new day when considered from this particular point of view. The characters of the kidney secretion acquire a very powerful interest in that they serve to indicate the condition of the mass of the blood and the typical changes to which this important fluid is subject. For the scientist especially, the story of the past is the record of progress in methods through which problems are approached and in ideas which direct the activities of the investigator. He who inherits by virtue of his scientific lineage all of the achievements of by-gone days would do well not to exalt unduly his own efforts or fail to appreciate his debt to those who laid the foundations upon which the more modern structure is built. The substance that seems relatively simple to the modern chemist has not always appeared in this light; it has often been necessary to unravel a mass of seemingly conflicting data in order to reveal this simplicity. The chemistry of the blood in 1821 consisted essentially of a small body of facts concerning the blood-clot, the coagulable proteins, the coloring-matter, and a few soluble salts; the passing of a cen- tury has resulted in the advancement of this particular branch of knowledge almost to the rank of a separate science. The only standard by which the work of the present may be compared with that performed one hundred years ago is that of the scientific method itself; that our fore-fathers in 1821 used this method well is certified by the fact that their results have stood the test of time; whether or not the contribution of 1921 shall possess the same clear title to longevity depends upon the degree of keen insight into problems, the skill in the use of methods, and finally the measure of self criticism which may be existent among the present genera- tion of investigators. 168 THE SCIENTIFC MONTHLY ENUMERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION By Dr. KELLY MILLER HOWARD UNIVERSITY HE Bureau of the Census was established for the purpose of enumerating the population of the United States, and for the collection and collation of other statistical data bearing on the social welfare of the nation. The government bases its caleula- tions upon the information furnished by this bureau. The basis for congressional representation, military conscription and other federal regulations are based upon the census enumeration within the limits of the several states. Publicists and social philosophers base their conclusions upon the same data. It is, therefore, a matter of the greatest importance that the enumeration should be reliable and trustworthy. The Bureau of the Census ranks as a scientific department of the government. Constantly repeated errors of this bureau tend to impeach its scientific reputation and to vitiate the conclusions based upon its output. Numerous com- plaints have been made by competent critics not only repudiating the results, but also impugning the motive. Manipulation in be- half of sectional and partisan advantage has been freely charged. Senator Roger Q. Mills, in an article in The Forum, bitterly com- plained that the south was deprived of its due quota of representa- tion by the imperfection of the enumeration of 1890. Indeed, the alleged inaccuracies of the eleventh census provoked a flood of condemnatory literature. Various enumerations of the negro population by the Census Office since 1860 have not been very flattering to the scientific repu- tation of that bureau. These enumerations have been not only inherently erroneous, but so conflicting and inconsistent as to de- mand caleulated corrections. It may be taken for granted that the enumerations up to 1860 were reasonably accurate and re- liable. The negroes, up to that time, were in a state of slavery, and the master had merely to hand the lst of his slaves to the enumerator, just as he would the list of his cattle or other forms of chattel. There was every facility and every reason for accurate returns. The negro population up to 1860 was inflated by im- portation of slaves from Africa, and, consequently, it was impos- ENUMERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION 169 sible to check the accuracy of the count by the ordinary statistical tests. Beginning, however, with the census of 1870, this popula- tion has been cut off from outside reinforcement and has had to depend upon its inherent productivity for growth and expansion. It, therefore, becomes an easy matter to apply the ordinary statis- tical checks to test the accuracy of enumeration. It is conceded that the enumerations of 1860, 1880, 1900 and 1910 were accurate within the allowable limit of error. Accord- ing to these enumerations, the growth was more or less normal and regular, and conformed to the requirements of statistical ex- pectation. But the enumerations of 1870, 1890 and 1920 are so flagrantly discrepant as to demand special explanation and cor- rection. A miscount at one enumeration upsets the balance for two decades. If it be an undercount, it makes the increase too small for the preceding decade and too large for the succeeding one. Accordingly, the only consecutive decades upon which we can rely for accuracy concerning the growth of the negro popu- lation would be the 1850-1860 and 1900-1910. In order to escape obvious absurdities, the figures for the other decades must be sup- plied by reasoned interpolations. The mere exhibit of the several enumerations by the Census Office will convince the student of their inherent improbability. Necro POPULATION AT EAcH CENSUS, AND DECENNIAL INCREASE, 1860-1920 Decennial Per cent. of Wear: Number. Increase. Inerease eso 9 Ea eid ee a eR 4,441,830 803,022 22.1 a ES57 PSC AEN SE EA VAL ate FIL BASE AAAS 4,880,009 438,179 9.9 PSS Ole rity Leer POLE Ne eee lay 6,580,793 1,700,784 34.9 SG Oe ee AAA COD Nes A 7,488,676 907,883 13.8 IIS | eeieeh oie UR RST Pe I RL 8,833,994 1,345,318 18.0 ELT eee EE IN eR EE Ce 9,827,763 993,769 11.2 OD, Ocean OEE Say SUM AINA 2, 10,463,013 635,250 6.5 The irregularities of these figures are as whimsical as if pro- duced by the sport of the gods. The normal growth of population uninfluenced by immigration or emigration shows a gradual in- crease in decennial increment and a gradual decline in the rate of increase. Wherever there is found to be a wide divergence from this law, it must be accounted for by special contributory influences. The column giving the decennial increments, instead of showing a gradual behavior, jumps back and forth with unae- countable capriciousness. A sudden drop from 803,022 to 438,179 is offset by an alarming rise to 1,700,784 for the next decade, when, lo and behold; there is a swift decline to 907,883 for the following ten years. We look aghast at the upward bound to 1,345,318, thence a downward drop to 993,769, followed by a still further 170 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY startling decline to 635,250. It makes the head swim to try to keep track of such whimsical variations. The decadal increase per cent. shows similar irregularities. The rhythmical rise and fall of these figures impresses one as the alternate up and down motion of boys playing at see-saw. Why should the ordinates of a curve, which should move smcothly downward, drop suddenly from 22.3 to 9.9, then rise to 34.9 and drop again to 13.9, then rise to 18.0 and decline again to 11.2 with a final slump of 6.5? Such variability has perhaps never been experienced by any human population. The internal evidence of error is overwhelming. The Census Bureau has sought to make corrections for the evidently erroneous enumerations of 1870 and 1890. But the equally dis- erepant figures of 1920 remain so far indisputed. The census of 1870 has been universally discredited. The greatest error of enumeration falls, naturally enough, on the negro race. This race had just been set free, and had not reestablished itself in definite domiciles. Political conditions in the South were in the fiux and flow of readjustment. The machinery of the Cen- sus Bureau was not sufficiently efficient to cope with so complicated a situation. Statisticians, recognizing the evident error, have tried to correct the mistake by statistical computation. The Census Bureau estimates the error in the negro population for the decade to be 512,163. An acknowledged error of a half million, it would seem, would put this bureau on the lookout for similar errors in the future. But the census of 1890 was notoriously faulty. Here again the undercount, it is obvious, fell mainly in the South, and largely among the negro population. The Census Bureau, in commenting upon the apparent irregu- larities of returns for 1890, states: ‘‘According to the returns, the rate from 1880 to 1890 was very much lower than even the last rate, that of 1870-1880, and the rate for 1890-1900 was much higher than during the preceding or succeeding decade. Such abrupt changes in a class of the population which is not affected by immigration seem very improbable and almost force the con- elusion that the enumeration of the negroes in 1890 was deficient. In the special volume on ‘‘ Negro Population of the United States 1790-1915,’’ the director further declares: The presumption of an undercount at the census of 1890, therefore, rests upon the improbability of the decennial rates of increase themselves as devel- oped from the census returns; the inconsistency of the indicated changes in the rates from decade to decade with the changes in the proportion of children in the negro population, and upon the improbability of the decennial mortality indicated for the decades 1880-1890 and 1890-1900..... The number of omissions at the census of 1890 cannot be accurately determined, but it would seem to be a fair assumption that the decline in the rate of increase from ENUMERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION 171 deeade to decade was constant, and that the rate fell off in each of the two decades 1880-1890, 1890-1900 by approximately the same amount. On this assumption, the probable rates of increase for the four decades, 1870-1910, are 22.0, 17.9, 13.8, 11.2. ... A rate of 17.9 per cent. for the decade 1880-1890 would give a negro population in 1890 of nearly 7,760,000, which, in round numbers, exceeds the population as enumerated at the census of 1890 by 270,000. This is probably the number of omissions of negroes at the census of 1890, on the assumption that the retardation in the rate of growth in the 20 years 1880-1900 was constant. By making the estimated correttions for acknowledged error in the counts of 1870 and 1890, decadal growth from 1880 to 1890 would be reduced and from 1890 to 1900 increased, so as to pro- duce reasonable conformity with the laws of normal growth. A gradual decline in the rate of growth from 22.3 per cent. to 11.2 per cent. in 60 years will prove that the negro element con- forms to the regular law of human population. This decline would appear even more gradual if we consider that the rate of 22.1 from 1850 to 1860 was contributed, in considerable measure, by African importation. The Census Bureau offers the following table with corrected numbers for 1870 and 1890: Necro PorpuLATION: DECENNIAL INCREASES, WITH ESTIMATED ALLOWANCES ror 1870 AND 1890 Decennial Per cent. of Year. Number. Increase. Increase. TAG) sah te ea eee Raia alas 9,827,763 993,769 11.2 BDO eae ee ee ee ane 8,833,994 1,073,994 13.8 TSEC) eo ee rr evecare ee aa 7,760,000 1,179,207 17.6 NSS (edaie Pee EL Seals See 6,580,793 1,188,621 22.0 ESS 7 iO estmek ie eee Pests Se SORE Cee 5,392,172 950,342 21.4 ES 6 rae a, Ae eA Rar be 4,441 830 803,022 22.1 According to the recent bulletin issued by the Bureau of the Census, the negro population showed a surprising and unexpected decline during the last decade. In 1910 there were 9,827,763 negroes, and in 1920 10,463,013, giving a decadal increase of 635,250 or 6.5 per cent. If these figures were added to the table corrected to 1910, the disparity would be as glaring as any which has yet come from the Census Bureau. The sudden drop in de- eadal increase from 993,769 to 635,250, or from 11.2 per cent. to 6.5 per cent., is so strikingly out of harmony with the more or less regular movement of the table as to call loudly for correction or explanation. The table shows a gradual decrease in the decen- nial increment from 1880 to 1910, a decline of 194,852 in three decades. But now we are called upon to accept a sudden decline of 358,519 in a single decade. The decennial rate of increase dropped from 11.2 per cent. between 1900 and 1910 to 6.5 per cent. between 1910 and 1920, 172 THE SCENTIFIC MONTHLY whereas we should have expected a gradual decline of not more than 1 or 2 points. On the face of the figures it seems probable that the Census Bureau has again committed an error in the enu- meration of the negro population. As this bureau has admittedly committed grave errors in enumeration of the negro population in two preceding censuses, it is but reasonable that the obvious discrepancy can be most reasonably accounted for by an error in the present count. Aside from the internal evidence itself, there is sufficient rea- son to suppose that this count might have been erroneous. The mobile negro population has been greatly upset by the world war. There was a mad rush of negroes from the South to fill the vacuum in the labor market caused by unsettled conditions. Thousands of negro homes were broken up and their members scattered with- out definite residential identity. In the cities especially, it seems probable that the count was greatly underestimated. The negro migrants lived for the most part in improvised lodgings and board- ing houses whose proprietors had little knowledge and less interest in the identity of the boarders. The census official, visiting such boarding houses with a large number of negro boarders would, in all probability, receive an inaccurate underestimate by the ig- norant and uncaring proprietors. As an illustration of such in- accuracy, I cite a quotation from an editorial of the Dispatch of Oklahoma City: If the census enumerators over the United States were as careless in the count as they were shown to be by this publication during the poll of the population last year, the general charge is right that the black man has made a much larger numerical advance than the official, yet faulty, records show. It wili be remembered that the Dispatch made the charge during the enumera- tion that there was a laxness and really seeming desire to overlook the black man in this city. Our charge was printed in the daily papers. To cap it all off, the irate enumerator in the section of the city where the Dispatch is located, appeared on the evening that the charge was published, and demanded of the editor the basis of the charge. We took him out into the 300 block on East 2nd Street and found 33 black men whom he had not counted, folk who told him so, and whose names he did not have on his lists. If a presumption of undercount was justified by the statistical indication for 1870 and 1890, surely a like presumption would ob- tain for the census of 1920. There are but three methods of ac- counting for this sudden slump in the growth of the negro popu- lation. First, an undercount of the Census Bureau, second, a sudden increase in the death rate, and third, a decrease in the birth rate of the negro population. It is known that the death rate of the negro is decreasing rather than increasing under improving sanitary conditions and general ENUMERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION 173 social environment. The Director of the Census states that ‘‘the death rate has not changed greatly.’’ Instead of adhering to the ‘‘fair assumption’’ of a steadily declining rate of increase, as was done for the faulty enumerations of 1870 and 1890, the Di- rector of the Fourteenth Census accepts the violent leap from 11.2 to 6.5 and endeavors to vindicate the count of 1920, by as- suming a sudden decrease in negro birth rate. On this point the Census Bureau explains: The rate of increase in the negro population, which is not perceptibly increased by immigration or emigration, is by far the lowest on record. This element of the population has been growing at a rapidly diminishing rate during the past 30 years, its percentage of increase having declined from 18 per cent. between 1890 and 1900 to 11.2 per cent. during the following decade and to 6.5 per cent. during the 10 years ended January 1, 1920. Such data as are available as to birth and death rates among the negroes indicate that the birth rate has decreased considerably since 1900, while the death rate has not changed greatly. The statement, “‘this element of the population has been grow- ing at a rapidly diminishing rate during the past 30 years,’’ that is, since 1890, presupposes the accuracy of the census of 1870, which presumption the census office itself discredits in a previous statement. It entirely overlooks the fact that the rate rose sud- denly from 13.8 for 1880-1890 to 18.0 for 1890-1900. With the indicated corrections the rate of increase has declined within the expected limits of fluctuation from 22 per cent. for the decade 1850-1860 to 11.2 per cent. for the decade 1900-1910, making a drop of 10.8 points in 6 decades. The sudden downward drop by 4.6 points in a single decade certainly calls for a more satisfactory explanation than a sudden and unaccounted for decrease in birth rate. The only statement which the Census Bureau vouchsafes to account for this rather startling conclusion is a very hesitant and uncertain one: Such data as are available with regard to birth and death rate among negroes indicates that the birth rate has decreased considerably since 1910, but the death rate has not changed greatly. On examining the data on which this conclusion is based, we find that they are wholly insufficient to justify the sweeping con- clusion imposed upon it. The mortality statistics are based upon returns from the registration area. Only five southern states are now included in the area, namely, Maryland, Virginia, North Caro- lina, South Carolina and Kentucky, from which birth and death rates are collected annually, and even these states were not ad- mitted to the birth registration area in 1900. So that the compu- tation of birth and death rates for the colored population of these states is neither adequate nor convincing. 174 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Birte Rate or Necro PoruLaTion 1N SPECIFIED REGISTRATION STATES, 1900 AND 1919 (CoMPARATIVE) BIRTH RATE STATES AND COLOR 1900 1919 Maryland: LD tht fake Sate ns 8 SR air RR ere Pee Emaar Sit Bae PAS pa 19.0 OTC a nae eae ee nee nat ae Beene 27.9 26.7 Virginia: SUVs Tbe eee tne coe yo Ee A eee 31.5 25.9 WOLOTEC eee ee ee en ee eee 33.1 27.8 North Carolina: SWI FO eee re hs Fe Ee Ae eee 34.3 29.3 GOlLOTOC We ee he, ek es Ret 2 ene 36.5 28.5 South Carolina: AW ili beater pier ne ei ae eee sts a 32.3 2 Colored) 2s Pen Ye.) as ede oo ee Re 38.2 26.2 Kentucky: AV Pets see eas ek ie ee le 24.7 Colored tree ar Fs be ee A ee eee ee 25.2 ier Those are the only heavy negro states within the registration area. These states were not all included in the registration area for 1900. Mortality statistics in the non-registration area are noto- riously inaccurate and unreliable. Birth registration is especially unsatisfactory even in the registration area. Return of negro births would naturally be most inaccurate. Negro births, especially in rural and small urban communities are not always attended by regular physicians or certified health officials. The midwife still plies her trade. There is a relatively large number of illegitimate births among negroes. Official re- turns in such cases would not be apt to be rendered fully for pru- dential reasons. It is therefore evident that the rapidly declining birth rate revealed by the census is based upon noncomparable and inadequate data. Even the apparent rapid increase in the white death rate awaits fuller explanation before the figures can be relied upon with assurance. It is curious to note that the birth rate among the whites in South Carolina fell from 32.3 in 1900 to 27.1 in 1919, the death rate rising but slightly from 10.4 to 10.6 during the same interval. And yet the white population of that state in- ereased from 557,807 in 1900 to 818,538 in 1920. There was a vigesimal increment of 250,731 with little or no reinforcement from immigration. This unexplained increment in the white pop- ulation seems also to discredit the reliability of the recorded mor- tality statistics within the states so recently added to the regis- tration area. Tt is well understood that these states, except South Carolina, ENUMERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION 175 have shown a comparatively slow rate of increase in negro popu- lation for 30 years preceding the census in question. The facts are indicated in the following table: DECENNIAL RATE oF INCREASE OF THE NEGRO POPULATION IN CERTAIN REGIS- TRATION STATES: 1880 To 1910 RATE OF INCREASE NAME 1890 1900 1910 PaLOB chests Ris) eh ots eee ek SEER se Uh bale Tid a ore 13.5 18.0 11.2 Misr yilrred 4) 5.2 he sae te eee aE evan e ly ato 2.6 9.0 —1.2 AVS genie? 4 | eo See et ee eee et ee REL) 6 4.0 1.6 North yy) Caxolinaly-tn a eemnrent snare £ ese inde oi It) 5.6 AGES} tars NOuthy Caroling eee: sea eee ere oar ea 14.0 13.6 6.8 TES OMG 17 Cay ibs aco ea LE LB OT —1.2 6.2 — 8.1 From the table it will be seen that the increase in negro popu- lation in the southern states within the registration area has been considerably lower than that for the country at large. In Mary- land, there is an actual decline in the negro population of 1.2 per eent, from 1900-1910 and the small gain of 2.6 from 1880-1890. In Virginia the highest rate of increase during the past 30 years was 4 per cent. In Kentucky there was an actual decline for two of the three decades. The low rate of increase in the border states is due to the large emigration of the negro from these states to the nearby northern states and cities. It is well known that the negro who migrates to the North and the large cities is made up of younger people of both sexes who, if they had remained at home, would naturally tend to increase the birth rate. The low birth rate revealed by the census in these states is due to the migration of the negro population of reproductive age from those states within the registration area. This, of course, does not affect necessarily the birth rate of negro population as a whole. A better view of the birth rate of the negro population may be secured by considering the growth of this population in the more typical southern states not so much affected by migration during the same period. DECENNIAL RATE OF INCREASE OF THE NEGRO POPULATION IN CERTAIN Non- REGISTRATION STATES: 1880-1910 NAME 1890 1900 1910 MIG U S taAbes yan eee eee eet ee UBS) 18.0 12 Georgia). tee kee een es ede CP DON ee 18.4 20.5 13.7 PAN aaa 8 Sebi At oh aoe a Be UeeL cela ae OLN 13.1 21.9 9.8 (MESSISSIp PU! |s.2- cette ees ee Ce eee es Res 14.2 22.2 11.2 d Boy aU Esr ee; Rh eaMeeeaneieaey ee aie LOY BMY BAIS OER UC Re tur 15.6 16.4 9.7 Thus it will be seen that four heavy negro states, with an ag- gregate negro population of nearly four million, shows a rate of increase far greater than those in the registration area. The in- *Footnote: Exclusive of population especially enumerated in 1890. 176 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY crease in those states was due wholly to the excess of births over deaths. But this does not tell the whole story. While the stream of migration was not so pronounced from these states as from the northern tier of southern states, still there has been a considerable northern movement for the past three or four decades. From a comprehensive view of the whole situation, it seems perfectly clear that the sudden decline of the negro population as revealed by the census of 1920 is due to miscount rather than to the declining birth rate. If we should estimate an error in count of 300,000, scarcely greater than that conceded by the Cen- sus Bureau itself for the count of 1890, the negro population dur- ing the past 60 years would have followed more or less consist- ently the ordinary laws of growth. Let us accept the substan- tial accuracy of the census of 1860, 1880, 1900 and 1910 and esti- mate the error for 1870 at 512,163, for 1890 at 270,000, as con- ceded by the Census Bureau, and Jet us still further allow an error in the count, 300,000 for 1920, as here suggested. The growth of the negro population since 1850 will be as follows: NeEGEO POPULATION Decennial Per cent. of Number. Increase. Increase. IC a Shh ss ee he 10,763,013 935,250 9.6 AD Nhe 8 oh Pa 9,827,763 993,769 iia bebe TICS PARE eae a ri ae Aiea 8,833,994 1,073,994 13.8 ES OO) tres Ea ge ee ted 7,760,000 1,179,207 17.6 fo fo) UME ase eae en 6,580,793 1,188,621 22.0 E70 Reet eae oo ade 5,392,172 950,342 21.4 BS GO ees reas Oa see ede Ie 2 ace 4,441,830 803,022 221 The table makes the negro population behave more or less normally, and is certainly more reasonable than the startling de- viation revealed by the face of returns, and the explanation is more acceptable to reason than that urged by the Census Bureau, of a sudden and unexplainable decline in the negro birth rate. It is a source of surprise to note that the American mind seems to expect that any fact which affects the negro will deviate from the normal course of human values. It is prone to accept with satisfaction wild assertions and unsupported theories, without subjecting them to the test of logic and reason. If it is seen in the Census, it is so. Any statement issued upon the authority of the government which seems to be belittling to the negro will be seized upon by would-be social philosophers and exploited through- out the nation to the disadvantage of the race. De Bow, relying upon the low rate of increase in the negro population, revealed by the census of 1870, proved to the entire satisfaction of those who were satisfied with this type of proof ENUERATION ERRORS IN NEGRO POPULATION UE that the negro could not withstand the competition of freedom and would, forthwith, fall out of the equation as an affected factor. The census of 1880, showing the unheard of increase of 34 per cent., set all of De Bow’s philosophy at naught. But thence arose another school of philosophers which declared that this unheard of increase in the negro population threatened the numerical as- cendaney of the white race, and, therefore, the black man should be returned to Africa from whence his ancestors came. The cen- sus of 1890 refuted this conclusion by showing only an increase of 13.8 per cent., but, no whit abashed, another type of anti-negro propagandism arose, declaring that the rapid decline in the race indicated inherent, degenerative physical tendencies threatening to the health and stamina of the American people. The census of 1900, showing a rise of decadal growth to 18.0 per cent., pro- duced a calm in the domain of social speculation. But the preced- ing prophecies of evil are still of record. It seems to be the nature of the prophet to ignore the failure of the fulfillment of his prophecies. It is particularly unfortunate that such loose and unscientifie propaganda can be bolstered up by data from governmental docu- ments which the uninquiring mind is disposed to aecept with the authority of holy writ. The calamity philosophers have already dipped their pens in ink to damn the negro race to degeneration and death by reason of the latest census figures. The thought, and perhaps the conduct, of the nation may be misled on the basis of erroneous data, backed up by governmental authority. The broader question arises in the scientific mind. If the data on negro population furnished by the census can not be relied on, as is clearly shown by past enumerations, what assurance is there that collateral information, such as death rate, birth rate, occupation, illiteracy, ete., are to be given full credit and confi- dence. The negro problem is the most complicated issue with which we have to deal. Straight thinking and sound opinion based upon accurate data are absolutely necessary to enable us to reach any conclusion of value. The Census Office has now become a per- manent bureau, which, it is hoped, will take rank with other scien- tific departments of the government. Statesmen and publicists should have serious concern about the accuracy of negro statistics in view of the importance of the political and sociological conclusions based upon and derived from them. VOL. XIV.—/2 178 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY WEATHER CONTROL By Professor D. W. HERING NEW YORK UNIVERSITY T is not in human nature to suffer from a prolonged or repeated | evil without seeking for a remedy. Severe weather of any kind—heat, cold, rain or drought—if long continued causes dis- tress and the only way to escape the ill effects of such extremes is to control the weather, either to mitigate it when it is becoming too severe or to take proper measures in advance to secure the kind of weather that is wanted. Savages and unenlightened peo- ples have resorted to all sorts of charms and incantations ; to medi- cine-men, rainmakers, rain-gods, ete. These mummeries have been the subject of many articles and some elaborate treatises. The cere- monies are often curious and ingenious; some are grossly super- stitious and others are mere chicanery, but usually the method of the rainmaker among primitive folk is based on homeopathy or imitative magie—for instance, he will attempt to produce a noise like thunder with the idea that this will result in the bursting forth of the genuine article and its attendant rain; or he will sub- ject puss to an enforced bath in spite of her repugnance to it to bring about a rain, inasmuch as when she washes her face it is a sign that rain is coming. These practices have been common also with pagan nations of the highest civilization. Jupiter Pluvius was one of the most potent of the Roman Deities, and of course when the gods controlling the elements are angry they must be propitiated by suitable ceremonies. For excessive cold we provide extra means of heating, for tornadoes eyclone cellars, excessive rainfall and floods present problems for the engineer if he would ward off the destruction they would cause; these measures have reference to individuals or to isolated places, but the actual con- trol—the production, prevention, or moderation of any special kind of weather over large districts—has not been accomplished or even attempted in the case of heat, frost or winds, though it has been undertaken with regard to the production of rain, and, according to Professor McAdie, of the U. S. Weather Bureau, me- teorologists are of the opinion that ‘‘rain-control is a scientific pos- sibility. Successful rain engineers will come, in time, from the ranks of those who study and clearly understand the physical Appleton and Co.) of D. KING”) STORM (Courtesy POLLARD ESPY (“OLD OF JAMES PORTRAIT 180 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY process of cloud formation.’” The modern rainmaker therefore can be nothing if he is not scientific. He must have a scientific ground for his process however fallacious it may be. If any one can be ealled the Father of the United States Weather Service, it is James Pollard Espy (1785-1860). From his meteorological studies he evolved a theory of the manner in which clouds are formed in high regions of the atmosphere and produce rain. This was to the effect, essentially, that heated air at any locality rises into rarer regions and expands; this expan-» sion is accompanied by fall of temperature which condenses the vapor in the immediately contiguous air as well as within the ascending column; this condensation liberates sufficient heat to stim-’ ulate the further rise of the central column of air, with continuous expansion, cooling, and condensation of vapor into clouds, until they are eventually precipitated as rain. He thought that this natural process could be accomplished ar- tificially by maintaining large fires over extensive areas, and sought governmental aid to undertake experiments for that purpose. He cited the practice of American Indians in burning the prairies to produce rain, and his agitation of the subject attracted so much attention that numerous instances were reported which seemed to confirm his theories, but his petitions to the legislature of Pennsyl- vania and to Congress were humorously refused. He acquired high repute as a meteorologist in Europe as well as at home, and in 1841 he published his Philosophy of Storms which included his proposed method of producing rain artificially. In 1845 he was placed in charge of the meteorological work of the U.S. Signal Service, his division being known as the Meteorologi- cal Bureau of the War Department, in the conduct of which he became familiarly known as ‘‘Old Storm King’’—a sobriquet which meant that if the public regarded his theories as vagaries, they thought none the less kindly of him on that account. His branch of service was afterwards transferred to the Department of Agriculture, and continued as the U. S. Weather Bureau. Although Espy’s theories are now know to be not wholly sound, their promulgation was a great incentive to further work along their line. The many instances of rain occurring either during or immediately after a severe battle or heavy cannonadine had been often commented upon, and in 1871 Mr.*Edward Powers pub- lished a book on ‘‘War and the Weather’’ containing a large col- lection of data to show that heavy cannonading was followed even in very dry regions by copious rainfall. He developed a theory that although concussion did not cause the formation of clouds in the surface atmosphere, which was lacking in moisture, in some WEATHER CONTROL 15] way it did cause precipitation from the higher strata of air which carried moisture. His contention all turned upon the question whether, in the United States, in times of drouth at the surface of the earth, the upper air has a considerable supply of moisture derived not from surface evaporation, but brought from the Pa- cific ocean; that ‘‘it is not the moisture of the surface air east of the mountains that causes the rain; it is the rain that causes the moisture.”” The idea that at a great height there is a generally prevalent flow of air eastward and above that a stratum flowing westward is still entertained, and aviators are seekine to deter- mine whether it is correct. As might have been expected, Mr. Powers’ theory too was pooh- poohed, but his arguments and illustrations were too cogent to be ignored, and the prospeet of large financial benefit that mieht be obtained from a successful application of these ideas in the pro- duction of rain was alluring enough to induce capitalists to finance an attempt on a large seale. The national government went so far in its sanction of the enterprise as to authorize an expedition for the purpose of conducting experiments under the direction of General R. G. Dyrenforth. The Midland Ranch, in the northwest- ern part of Texas, was selected for the place to conduct the ex- periments, which were frequent and varied, during the period from the ninth to the twenty-fifth of August, 1891. Both the place and the season were thought to be above rather than below average dryness. The affair attracted much attention, and reports of the experiments were read eagerly throughout the whole coun- try. Various forms of bombs and balloons were used to produce explosions and concussions at different altitudes. General Dyren- forth’s report to Congress, (Senate: Hx. Doc. No. 45, February 25, 1892), was to the effect that the experiments were not exten- sive enough or sufficiently long continued to make safe deductions: and Mr. George E. Curtis, who was meteorologist for the expedi- tion, concluded that ‘‘these experiments have not afforded any scientific standing to the theory that rain-storms can be produced by concussions.’’ At the same time, the leaders and participants in this expedition did not think the theory was disproved, and its advocates regarded the tests as insufficient. Much discussion fol- lowed. Professor Alexander McFarlane, of the University of Texas, in a letter to the San Antonio Daily Express, of December 4, 1891, said *“‘The trial of Friday, August 25, was a crucial test, and resulted not only in demonstrating what every person who has any sound knowledge of physies knows that it is impossible to produce rain by making a great noise, but also that even the ex- plosion of a twelve-foot balloon inside a black rain cloud does not 182 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY bring down a shower.’’ This ‘‘crucial test,’’ however, was fol- lowed next day by a precipitation that was characterized by differ- ent persons as anything from a mere sprinkle to a heavy rainfall, two or three miles to the northwest of the place where the experi- ment was made, but in a direction in which the wind would have carried the clouds. It was not certain that the rain was due to the explosions, and it was unfortunate that the experiments re- sulted in this negative fashion and were inconclusive. One conse- quence of these efforts, especially to be noted, is related by Mr. Curtis. He calls attention to the rash conclusions that were drawn from the telegraphic and incomplete reports of the effect even of preliminary experiments and trying out of the apparatus, and adds ‘‘charlatans and sharpers have not been slow to seize the opportunity thus afforded. Artificial rain companies have sprung up and are now (1892) busily engaged in defrauding the farmers of the semi-arid States by contracting to produce rain, and by selling rights to use their various methods.’’ Thirty years have elapsed since the Dyrenforth experiments— what has become of the weather mongers’ pseudo-scientifie preten- sions and practices? As lately as February 1, 1921, the public press reported from Medicine Hat, Alberta, the announcement by the United Agricultural Association that ‘‘Rainmaker’’ Hatfield had been engaged to increase precipitation during the dry season at the rate (sic) of $4,000 an inch. The ‘‘Rainmaker’’ says he ean produce rainfall by chemical and other scientific methods, and is to operate over a section of about one hundred miles radius. That last is a very clever stipulation. It greatly inereases his chance of success and makes it much safer for him to guarantee it, for a circle of one hundred miles radius covers just a hundred times as large an area as one of ten miles radius and gives him one hun- dred times as great likelihood of apparent success somewhere, as if the region of his efforts were the smaller district. A sequel to this appears in later dispatches from Milwaukee, in which Wisconsin farmers are said to offer ‘‘Rainmaker’’ Hat- field $3,000 an inch for producing rain. The item states further that ‘‘ Hatfield has made rain for the farmers in three counties in Washington State, where he was paid $3,000 an inch. His rain- making equipment consists of a huge tank 20 feet high in whieh Hatfield brews a mystie chemical mixture which, he Says, opens up the clouds.’’ (New York Times, July 27, 1921.) There is here the same difficulty in tracing any connection be- tween supposed cause and effect—the same kind of difficulty, that is present in the pretensions of the dowser. The operator goes through his performance, (so does the Indian medicine-man) ; WEATHER CONTROL 183 somewhere in some measure, rain falls; and the blunder, as old as man, of counfounding post quod with propter quod, continues. The process of passing from aqueous vapor through clouds to rain is not yet well determined and the rainmaker, who must per- foree be scientific, is obliged to proceed in a manner that he can show conforms to ‘‘theory.’’ Unfortunately there is a _ super- abundance of theories—at least five, and all have good scientific support, while not one is conclusively established to the exclusion of the others. The rainmaker favors a combination of two; (a), that dust nuclei should be in the air, about which water vapor can eather, (smoke, either from surface fires or exploded bombs will meet this need); and (b), that jars or coneussions will so jostle or disturb the air that the water particles will attach themselves to these nuclei. The process of coalescence begun, it will continue of itself although the exact reasons for so doing are not altogether understood ; or at least physicists are not agreed upon them. This, however, is not the rainmaker’s concern so long as they do act. Mr. MeAdie flouts the coneussion idea. He says ‘‘ Rainmakers of our time bane and thrash the air, hoping to cause rain by con- cussion. They may well be compared to impatient children ham- mering on reservoirs in a vain endeavor to make water flow.’’ That was written in 1895, but in 1918, nearly a quarter of a century later, a popular old English almanac, Raphael’s Almanac or the prophetic Messenger and Weather Guide, gives this caution to its readers: . No reliance should be placed on weather predictions during the war, as the terrific bombardments cause violent concussions in the atmosphere, pro- dueing clouds and rain, particularly in the southeast and east of England. Weather control by artificial means, however, is not regarded as unscientific, and meteorologists are not hopeless of ultimate success in accomplishing it, at least in producing rain. At the time of the Dyrenforth experiments the psychologist, Elmer Gates, was demon- strating in his laboratory at Chevy Chase, Maryland, the produc- tion of rain electrically. Electrifying the air at one spot, (like a limited area of the earth’s surface), causes expansion by the mu- tual repulsion of air particles; the air becomes less dense and rises, currents thus set up encounter colder air in the upper regions, and moisture is precipitated. Various processes for rain-making have been patented, and the business is carried on with a good deal of financial suecess by the dowsers of the clouds. They succeed in getting testimonials ap- parently with little diffieulty, in which the witnesses testify to things as of their own knowledge, which occur simultaneously in places twenty miles or more apart, and similar inconsistencies. ae ge a (Courtesy of Everybody's Magazine, and the Art ILLUSTRATION OF SHOOTING AWAY HAIL STORMS . Jules Guerin) WEATHER CONTROL 185 When clouds take on a sinister aspect it behooves man to do what he can to fend off the injury which they threaten. A hail- storm may work havoc, and in a few minutes may wreck all the hopes which the agriculturist has ereeted upon the labors of an entire season. It means disaster. Especially has this been the ease in the rich wine-growing districts of France, Italy and Aus- tria. Hailstorms are not uncommon there, but familiarity does not breed contempt. The growers have learned to recognize pretty readily the signs of such storms, which cover usually a small area; and the clouds from which the hail falls are massed in a limited region or pass over a narrow strip of territory. After various haphazard experiences of viticulturists, one of them, an Austrian, Alkert Stiger, invented a form of cannon in 1896 which could be readily and effectively used for the purpose of repelling and breaking up such storms. This cannon somewhat re- sembles the old bell-mouthed blinderbuss in form, with a chamber at the breach for a cartridge containing only powder, and a fun- nel shaped tube lke the cone of a megaphone. Housed in little shacks on the hillsides, these are ready for use at short notice, and since they are distributed amone the many adjoining vineyards, a whole battery of them can be brought into action promptly. The grapes are maturing and the vineyards are in their most vigor- ous growth from July to September, just at the time of year when hailstorms are most frequent, and the workmen accordingly are alert in watching for siens of danger. When the storm is seen to ke gathering, the cannons are brought out and directed against the threatening cloud. Signals are sent from vineyard to vine- yard and upon the first appearance of the destructive hailstone the counter bombardment begins. From the mouth of the cannon issues a mass of heated gas, smoke and smoke rings, propelled violently against the lowerine cloud. The smoke rines are like those discharged from the smoke stack by the puffs of a locomo- tive, but with far greater energy of propulsion. In a sense this Was anticipating the war, for it was a veritable gas attack in the realm of the aeronaut. The theory of the action is not very defi- nite or well assured. Whether the rings of smoke disrupt the clouds, or whether sufficient local heating of the air causes warm air to rise and intercept the hail, converting it into rain or pre- venting the congealing of water vapor into hail, is uncertain; but there seems sufficient evidence of the efficacy of the plan in dis- persing the clouds and checking the storm of hail. The cannons literally shoot it away. 186 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY FROIN IN i MISSISSHeP BY A.S.Pearse 2) pe pe (= AKE Pepin is caused by the delta of the Chippewa River, L which dams up the Mississippi. It is thirty miles long and has an average depth of about twenty-five feet. Its waters support many fishes and clams which are of commercial value. In order to give a picture of the life of the fishermen, the routine of a typical day at the end of June is described. The wren that lived in the tomato can we had nailed to the tree beside our shack sang at four o'clock, as usual. I lay in my cot and drowsily thought of Chaucer’s couplet : And small foules, a great hep, That had afroyed me out of slepe. The wren sang again and then I heard the lapping of the river on the sand. The water sounded so near that I peeked over the side THE MiNNESOTA BLUFFS FISHING IN THE MISSISSIPPI 187 OUR HOME FOR A MONTH of the cot to see if it was in the shack, but the floor was dry. With clothes in one hand and boots in the other, I sneaked out on our front porch, which consisted of a barn door that we had salvaged from the river. The mighty provider of porches had risen eight inches during the night and was busily engaged in hurrying trees, logs and all sorts of riff raff toward New Orleans. The sun touched the Minnesota bluffs. Ghostly clouds of mist erept over Lake Pepin. I pulled on my boots and washed. The wren sang some more. Another day had begun. I ate my breakfast, then rubbed the spoon and pan in the sand at the margin of the river, rinsed them at the pump, and stood them on the table to dry. We rejoiced in a regular cistern pump, which, driven in the sand, gave us plenty of clear, cool water. The Israelites with Moses were no more appreciative than we! 2 Sy OUR LABORATORY 188 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY I slid the skiff gently into the river and pulled against the cur- rent out on Lake Pepin. As I left our cove, I could hear the ‘‘put-put’’ of Earl’s engine as he brought his launch around to take out the scow. At night Earl always put the launch in the slough behind the bar, safe from storms. He had a fine start this morning and should, with luck, have his seine out at ten o’clock. The gill nets did good work. They had been set in the deepest part of the lake (55 feet) and I was rewarded for the long pull with sixteen hacklebacks,! two saugers, a channel eat, and two clams. There was a big carp in the two-inch mesh net and I got him to the very surface of the water. But the net was rotten and he was caught only by the saw-spine on his dorsal fin. Just as I was slip- ping the dip net under him—a mighty flop, and he was gone! The clams were without pearls, too. But we would have hackleback for dinner! OFF TO SET THE SEINE As I rowed back to camp, Earl and his crew were loading the big seine into the scow. The lake had been rough the day before, and the seine was badly tangled in the brush. Charley had his waders on and was towing the scow along the shore by hand while the others stowed the seine. At the shack I found Tasche—wide awake, full of breakfast and ready to go out to the trot-line. Jean was already spearing carp. As soon as my catch was unloaded, Tasche jumped into the skiff and rowed away up the big slough. I had searcely taken care of 1 Sand-sturgeon, Scaphyrhynchus platorhynchus (Rafinesque). Published with the permission of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. FISHING IN THE MISSISSIPPI 189 HAULING THE SEINE the fishes from the gill net and straightened up the shack a little, when he was kack. I knew by the splash of his oars and the set of his back that he had something. But we went through the reeu- lar formula for such oceasions. I hailed: What luck? Pretty fair. The skiff dug its nose into the sand and Tasche said. Got some more channel-eats. How many? Three. One of them about five pounds. Anything else? Why, yes: I got an eel! DIPPING THE HAUL INTO THE SKOW 190 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY HAULING THE SEINE With a whoop I ran down the beach. This was the only eel we cot all summer! It was a fine old fellow, about three feet long. Tasche held it up, still attached to a leader from the trot-line. ‘‘T was afraid to take him off. He’s too slippery to hold!’’, he said. It was a strange fish with a strange history—hatched in the Atlantic Ocean and caught a thousand miles up the Mississippi. We made a hasty examination of the eel and put the other fishes in the ‘‘live ear’’ for future study. We were anxious to be at the hauling of the big seine. As it turned out we had plenty of time, for the seine was not quite loaded when we reached the lake. It was soon on board the seow, however, and five minutes later Earl was towing it out into the lake. Earl handled the launch and Floyd, on board the scow, watched the line that was fastened to a tree on shore and ‘‘paid out’’ as they went along. When the line was out, Earl turned his course parallel to the shore to spread the seine. The great net was 2,000 feet long and 28 feet deep. The mesh was two and a half inches, bar measure; except a hundred and fifty feet in the center, which was two inches. After the net was out, Earl turned directly toward the shore while Floyd paid out another hauling line. Floyd waded ashore with the end of the line, slipped it through a pulley which was lashed to a sturdy stump, and then handed it to Charley. That worthy took a couple of turns around the wheel of his hoisting engine—already popping away at a good rate. The hauling of the seine took about two hours. First a long FISHING IN THE MISSISSIPPI A91 line came ashore and was neatly coiled. Then the wooden brail at one end of the net appeared above the water. Two of the boys pulled a hauling line down the beach to where the line from the other end of the net was fastened. They rigged another pulley and, without moving the hoisting engine, began hauling again. Another line was coiled down and finally the brail at the other end of the net crawled slowly up the beach. When the brail got almost to the pulley, George threw the line off the engine and the hauling stopped. Earl took the end of the line out into the lake until the water was above his waist, stuck his toe under the bottom of the net and raised it so that he could grasp it with his hands. The hauling line was made fast to the lead line. Earl signaled to George and the net began to come on shore. Floyd and Charley took stations about thirty feet away from the water on either side of the net, which they stretched and piled down neatly on the sand to dry. Every time the knot on the lead line came up to the pulley, Earl waded out and fastened the hauling line further along the net. Earl was ‘‘boss’’ because he was, physically and mentally, the best man of the crew. He had travelled all over the United States and served in France during the war. At thirty-three he had come back to his old home on the Mississippi and settled down to spend his life as a seiner—because he loved the outdoors and fishing, and rejoiced in hard work as a strong man should. He always took the hardest tasks; and indeed no other in the crew could do them as well. Altogether Earl was as honorable and rough and fair and profane and instinctively courteous as one could wish—a real man who asked no favors and expected to give none, but would when you least expected it. When nearly half the net was in, the hauling line was changed nme te eo ig sil fe DIPPING THE HAUL INTO THE SKOW 192 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY wes es * Pe DRYING THE NET to the other end and another period of stretching and piling en- sued. At ten o'clock there were only a few hundred feet of the seine left in the lake. Earl waved his arms and George stopped the engine. All the crew then began pulling in the ‘‘center’’ by hand. Rockefeller Foundation, 1914, Report of the China Medical Commission on Medicine in China. University of Chicago Press, 113 pp. 282 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Peking, as compared with the easy way in which the classics are dismissed from consideration in the occident. As they follow the successive steps in Japan’s renaissance, they cannot help observing that it is quite possible to take advantage of Western discoveries without jeopardizing the fundamental ideals of oriental civiliza- tion. Far from being injured by the new teaching Shinto and Buddhist shrines receive financial support from the Imperial De- partment of Education and are gradually imereasing in number. Whether this increase is commensurate with the increase in popula- tion, I am unable to say, but even a casual visitor will notice how carefully the temples are tended in comparison with the dilapidated and neglected appearance of national monuments in China. They note also that the Japanese have overcome their scruples and have organized a system for obtaining bodies for dissection, which is unique in its efficiency. During the year 1914-15 over one thousand bodies were available at the Tokyo Imperial University alone ; about ten times the yearly supply for the whole of China. BODIES DISSECTED IN THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL UNIVERSITIES YEAR TOKYO KYOTO TOHOKU KYUSHU aI FL) Bho Xen eae ae Se ee ee 781 370 223 378 aU ead ly eee ees eee 939 416 173 396 OTSA Ge Ee eee ee Sa 724 435 93 438 git ot a eee oe Pe Pal Cae 1,328 427 94 330 9 a sae es Soe ek Sees 888 433 89 329 The atmosphere in which the students live is charged with a strange mixture of liberalism and autocracy. Surprising innova- tions are being made, some of which are almost without parallel, even in the United States. The real significance of the enforce- ment of a law, passed some years ago, according to which the Presi- dents of the Imperial Universities of Tokyo and Kyoto are ap- pointed on the recommendation of a nominating committee elected by the faculty, instead of by the Emperor, probably escapes them; but they do observe that freedom of speech is increasing and that the voting franchise is being extended. Growing confidence in the democratic methods of private schools is exemplified by the Presi- dent of the Kyoto Imperial University sending his son to the Keioh University in preference to a government institution, an action which caused lively discussion and comment. The liberal and progressive element is certainly gaining strength in all domestic affairs, but unfortunately it is still quite inconspicuous in the for- eign policy pursued by the government in Korea and in China. Both at home and abroad these students have had a taste of the shady side of militarism so that many of them become intensely liberal in their sympathies. With their pride of race they feel, and CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION 283 are justified in feeling, that what Japan has done they ean also do. As far as they are able, they will try to duplicate her successes and to avoid the painfully mistaken Prussian philosophy of her mili- tary leaders. On their return to China, many of them secure posi- tions of responsibility and exercise considerable influence (often political) in the federal and provincial medical schools and _ hos- pitals. It is natural for them to send their own students to Japan, to buy their medical supplies in the Japanese markets with which they are familiar, and, in some eases, to appoint skilled Japanese instructors to important posts in which other foreigners would not be tolerated. Only recently, following the Shantung award, has it become necessary to replace these Japanese by Chinese in the medi- cal schools of the capital. Professor John Dewey® sums up the situation as follows: ‘* Although cultivated Japanese as well as politicians like Marquis Okuma have long proclaimed the right and duty of Japan to lead China, to be the mediator in introducing western culture into Asia (ineluding India, where they look upon the English’ as alien inter- lopers), few Americans have taken seriously the dependence of China upon Japan in just these ways. I have seen books on the development of modern Chinese education which do not mention Japan, which attribute the renovation of the Chinese system to American influence, and which leave the impression that it is molded upon the American common school system. As a matter of fact, it is molded administratively wholly after the Japanese system, which, so far as Western influence enters in, is based on the German sys- tem, with factors borrowed from French centralization. I have visited nine provinces and seen the educational leaders in the capitals where the higher schools are concentrated. There are but two cities, Peking and Nanking, where, in the government schools, direct western influence begins to approach the Japanese, either in methods or personnel. To talk about returned students and fail to discriminate between those from Japan and those from Europe and America is to confuse everything touched by the discussion.’’ He goes on to say that ‘‘By far the greater number of the revolu- tionary leaders who formed the Republic were Japanese or had lived in Japan as refugees and imbibed its culture as they never assimilated that of the West.’’ JAPANESE TEACHING IN CHINA In addition to training Chinese students at home, the Japanese 6 The Asia Magazine, 1921, xxi, 582. 7In this, the Japanese are deceiving themselves, because anthropologists hold that the English are Aryan and consequently more closely related to the Hindus (who are also Aryan) than are the Japanese. 284 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY are actively carrying medical education into China. In 1911 the South Manchuria Railway Company established a good hospital and medical school at Mukden. The arrangement of buildings is illus- trated on page 290. Visitors are ushered into a reception room and, after a fitting delay, are received by the director who conducts them on a tour of inspection. On entering the wards, which extend out behind the main hospital building and are spotlessly clean, dispen- sation is courteously granted so that it is not necessary to follow the Japanese custom and remove one’s shoes. Any dirt that may have been introduced is quietly wiped away by nurses wearing their black and heavily-oiled hair piled high in pompadour, precisely as in Tokyo. Passing from building to building, along paths bordered with newly planted trees, one is impressed with the completeness of it all. No necessary detail of equipment or administration seems to have been forgotten. The new laboratory building, shown on page 291, would not seem out of place on the campus of one of our best universities. It is semi-fireproof and the rooms are laid out upon the unit system and supplied with moveable furniture so that they may be easily adapted to meet the changing demands of medical science. Useful information is given in the official announcement, printed in English (for the convenience of foreigners), from which I quote verbatim as follows: AIMS OF COLLEGE The aims of the college lie in training Japanese and Chinese physicians ot fine character and competent ability who assume their parts to contribute to the progress of medical science, particularly to study the natures of, and the cures for, endemics peculiar to Manchuria. STATUS OF COLLEGE The college stands on a plane equal to the medical colleges at home under government management. It is organized according to the Imperial College Act. It goes without saying that the graduates of this college are entitled to every privilege and qualification accorded to the graduates of home colleges. COMPETITIVE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The competitive entrance examination for the first year grade of the principal course is conducted in: Mathematics (algebra, geometry and trigonometry), physics, chemistry, natural history (zoology, botany, physiology and hygiene), composition, for- eign language (either English or German), Japanese (for Chinese applicants only), ete. The standard of the examination is put on a level similar to that of a graduate of a middle school. The entrance examination for the first grade of the preparatory course is held in mathematics (arithmetic and algebra), physics, geography, and history, Chinese classics, drawing, etc., on a level with the third year of the middle school. CURRICULUM The new students joining the first year grade of the preparatory course CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION 285 are to take up the study of ethics, Chinese classics, Japanese, mathematics, physies, chemistry, biology, gymnastic exercises, etc., in the eourse of two years, and then pass into the first grade of the principal course. The curriculum of the principal course running four years comprises: Physics, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, inter- clinique, surgery, kinderclinique, dermatology, the science and treatment of venereal diseases, rhyno-laryngo-otology, opthalmology, gynecology, psychology, hygiene, bacteriology, medical jurisprudence, dentistry and oral surgery, ethics, Chinese or Japanese (Chinese for the Japanese students and Japanese for the Chinese), German, gymnastic exercises, etc. MontTHLY EXPENSES OF STUDENTS The monthly expenses of a student inclusive of tuition fee, dormitory expenses, etc., amount about Y 17 each. I am indebted to Doctor Motoi Yamada, Director of the college at the time of my first visit, for many courtesies and to his successor, Doctor M. Hirano, for the following detailed information whieh shows a steady inerease in the proportion of Chinese students com- pared with Japanese, and enables us to calculate the cost of the education provided. In 1921 the outlay for current expenses ex- ceeds the income by 394,773 Yen, so that each of the 212 students represents a yearly expenditure of 1,862 Yen or about $931 U. S., which compares favorably with the tuition fee of 17 Yen per month (including dormitory and other expenses). On the basis of ten months’ instruction per year, this would amount to 170 Yen, or about $85 U.S. :3 ANNUAL BupegeT or 1921 (School) (Hospital) Buildin sy Olds yer eee asia e acetate eeeeer nee redeewereenseea-metecnseme 186,912 314,348 TVS} rpg Ub OVER ECYE Ra ae Eero reer 5,400 9,000 1 3-(6 10) ds ee eR ee eee mere 8,100 TV GCOMNE), oes oo ae a cae ccs te cess eee eae eees tae aeons cetbne 6,472 434,574 Current Expenses: (Osh AE quleeeneer nm anaeemeeeise ee Lami Ry OC A ANID teat iut cs Ue ae aed 278,703 557,116 STUDENTS (Japanese ) (Chinese ) (Total) a Or 0) 0 COR EY See ly ees ce Re eee treet ed 18 13 31 TOF 0 9) EV pes ee ee i rt rem Bere AU As 25 15 40 Mie! “ela sg iicc- ee ee Re a eal cena 19 yf 36 Second) classe. cit evs Nae een ea eee enn 28 16 44 Wars Cla ges. cesses meet eee ae es ae es ee ees mL 37 14 61 Bota. ee ces tee Te ee eee eae 127 85 212 8 The Report of the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals (Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., Chicago, 1921, Ixxvii, 534) for the year 1920-1921 shows that in 42 American medical schools listed in Class A, the fees for each student range from $175 to $350 per year, which does not include the very large item of living expenses. 286 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY GRADUATES (No.) (Year) (Japanese) (Chinese) (Total) VSG ES ae ate ee 1915 ial 0 11 A ts Wee bie eater te cae et 01 ot 2s 1916 12 0 12 Srl eae 1917 17 4 21 Ath) Vi.) UT te eee mee see te ee 1918 24 11 35 Sy pesmeeneee eer en Ure kG to a 1919 24 14 38 oF Wager eer Sie an pL eee SRL AEREIE OS 1920 25 15 40 NYA Dg Me Set oa Sp IE oe ee 113 44 157 BopviES FOR ANATOMICAL PURPOSES (Year) (Men) (Women) (Total) ILO NG PP pret eek Bay ES DE ee ee 3 2 5 LO NOU tyasen ee Wee eres ban ee Le ts ee dt e: 18 5 23 TASES ARES ceulin ed aes Al BA eed eee ee ee 31 7 38 aL il Ayaan ee Nee eg) oh te 44 10 54 TUL TESS oe PG AS el ye De Pe 120 21 141 GG yeaa eee ee Ra ree as Sh acca 88 15 103 DIS Ue ies ee Ik es HE a ae eae ae 65 14 79 EQS siete eae aera et a Ae eee 56 14 70 gC NS eS ee 34 10 44 NOD pees et Fae Neat a 5 so coat Eedee baee 71 12 83 PATIENTS (Year ) (Outpatients) (Inpatients) (Total) GUO MALS ee ees eee cei ected nc aatn tsa: coats 23,543 13,884 37,427 AO) a Re ee ee 35,890 20,000 55,890 a ICG IS Si ee a ae re 62,035 34,701 96,736 BLO a Ae Ne oe ee 68,911 49,628 118,539 SUOMI sh etree ener seNsee E ok oto 69,536 67,257 136,793 TICS yeti a ee a eee 84,839 70,507 155,346 MONT epee ants ese ece et IE tT ey 114,423 75,888 190,311 TNS ees ates ieee ee REL 222s wontetn noes 116,135 74,847 190,982 HU O)TT: Gidea ea rere ae ee ose oee dan case cod test os 126,033 83,417 209,450 A beautiful booklet, bound in yellow silk, containing a splendid selection of photographs of the buildings, clinics and points of interest, has been recently published and may be obtained from the director. In the pre-clinical divisions there is an adequate full- time staff, so that the college is able to distribute every year a most creditable volume of reprints of scientific contributions. An im- portant innovation is made with respect to travel. Entire classes of students have visited our college in Peking and make other ex- peditions in order to become familiar with local conditions. The Chinese students at Mukden appear to be treated on a basis of absolute equality with their Japanese companions; whereas, in the Japanese Government School at Seoul (Keijo Medical School), a special and more advanced course is provided for the Japanese which gives them certain privileges not enjoyed by the Koreans. The two courses are clearly set forth in the yearly Japanese an- CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION 287 nouncement.2 In practical gross anatomy, for instance, the Japanese are given 144 hours and the Koreans only 36. No harm- ful results of the present régime are noticeable, probably for the reason that a missionary institution, the Severance Union Medical College, gives excellent medical training to classes chiefly composed of Koreans which compensates so that highly trained Koreans, as well as Japanese, enter medical practice. The Japanese Government maintains a medical school in For- mosa, which admits Chinese students, and is reported to be in good condition. The Japanese military authorities have closed the for- mer German Medical School at Tsingtau, though the hospital is said to be open. I am told that Professor M. Miyajima, of the Kita- sato Institute of Infectious Disease, has recently visited Shanghai in order to report on the advisability of opening there a branch of the Institute. Such action would meet a need which has long been felt for sera of different kinds. A Japanese society, of which the late Marquis Okuma was presi- dent, operates a system of hospitals in the larger cities, such as Pek- ing, Nanking, Shanghai, ete., and a new one is now under construe- tion at Hankow. The entrance to the Dojin Hospital of this society in Peking is shown on page 292. The style of architecture is very characteristic of Japanese buildings in China. While these hos- pitals are intended primarily for Japanese residents, and occasion- ally afford asylum to Chinese political refugees, they do take in number of Chinese patients and serve as active centers for the dis- semination of ideas of western medicine. The cures which are effected lead the people to doubt the efficacy of native Chinese medicine which is a stride in the right direction for dissatisfaction with present conditions is the strongest motive for improvement. Japanese drug stores are widely scattered in many towns throughout China. The drugs are not of the best and morphine is often sold in disguise, as has been shown in a careful survey under- taken by the ‘‘ Peking and Tientsin Times”’ in 1920. But we recall that other nations hold no monopoly of virtue with respect to either opium or patent medicines. The drugs dispensed in these stores at considerable profit are, at least, improvements on native Chinese remedies which are often made up on the principle that they must be as disgusting as possible in order to frighten away the evil spirits which cause the disease. The stores will continue to be little clinics where informal advice is given regarding minor ail- ments. Good business demands that the proprietors attempt to give ®TI am indebted to Dr. E. T. Hsieh for a translation. 10 By Professor Hiroshi Ohshima of the Kyushu Imperial University. 288 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY satisfaction to their customers and not impose upon them to the point of losing their patronage. ‘‘A little medicine is a dangerous thing’’ where it leads te ignoring the valuable advice of competent physicians; but, in China, where there are so few physicians, a little western medicine is certainly better than none at all. It is, at least, a competitor in a small way, and weakens the monopoly of native medicine, which, with its large elements of faney and superstition, exercises, in my opinion, a strong inhibiting influence upon independence of thought and action. In times of plague and famine, the Japanese are always among the first to come forward to help. Just at present there is a ten- deney to disparage their efforts and to look for hidden motives which may not exist. When they contribute to famine relief, it is called propaganda; when they erect a new hospital, it is also called propaganda, leading, it is said, directly to disarming oppo- sition and to making the penetration and eventual control of China easier. Every action in which a selfish motive cannot be imme- diately seen is labeled in the same way, and they are not slow to return the compliment by suspecting the actions of other foreign nations. There can be no doubt that many Japanese regard the expenditures of the Rockefeller Foundation in China as propa- ganda pure and simple. An aphorism of the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzt!! is @ propos: ‘‘He who has not faith in others shall find no faith in them.’’ This mistrust is lamentable because it makes cooperation so very difficult. As a matter of fact, the absence of organized Japanese propaganda in China with attractive conces- sions aiming at the establishment and maintenance of cordial rela- tions is most noticeable. Japanese help comes in a perfectly natural and straightforward way. The Chinese Army Medical School in Peking may be in part regarded as an outcome of the repeated demonstration by the Japanese in North China of the practical value of a really efficient army medical service. Regimental surgeons in the south of China are trained at the Kwangtung Provincial Medical School at Can- ton, which is below par in both equipment and personnel. During hostilities, officers from the headquarters of the Chinese Red Cross in Peking are occasionally supplied to the southern troops. Japanese settlements in the treaty ports and elsewhere are, as one would expect, growing much more rapidly than those of other nations. The in-coming Japanese bring with them improved methods of sanitation and for the care of the sick which they place 11 Giles (Lionel), The Sayings of Lao Tzu. London, John Murray, 1917, 53 pp. CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION 289 at the disposal of the Chinese at a price which the Chinese are usually well able to pay. It is not at all a question of charity, which the Chinese find it so difficult to understand. Their schools and hospitals in China, like those of the Chinese Government, are absolutely free from religious teaching. Conversion to Shintoism is not even a desideratum. The Japanese have numerous temples in China which ean be recognized by the peculiar arches, called tori, at their entrances, but there is no attempt to demonstrate, or even to suggest, the superiority of the form of Buddhism which they profess. It is, I think, safe to say that without the tremen- dous force and inspiration of the missionary motive the Japanese have, indirectly and without any spirit of altruism, accomplished more in the introduction of modern medicine than any other na- tion. Certainly the results obtained by the non-missionary organ- izations of any country (except perhaps the United States) do not bear comparison with those of the Japanese. Of the thirteen medical schools under foreign control (not counting Japanese), eleven are under missionary auspices, the Medical Department of Hongkong University is a Government Institution and the Peking Union Medical College is ‘‘sympathetie with the missionary spirit and motive’’ with six of its thirteen trustees appointed by mis- sionary societies. It is to be hoped that the Japanese will adopt the plan of offer- ing scholarships or prizes to Chinese students to enable them to study in Japan. To be most effective, these scholarships should come from the Imperial Japanese Department of Edueation in cooperation with the Foreign Office but commercial organizations trading in China are in a position to help. If, for instance, some of the large firms dealing in medical supplies, comparable to Bur- rows Wellcome & Co., in England, should offer a scholarship to the student graduating at the head of his class in each of the Chi- nese provincial medical schools enabling him to study for a year in a Japanese Imperial University, it would establish cordial re- lations and the firm would certainly not be the loser in the long run. This might pave the way for the establishment of a system of exchange professorships between Japanese and Chinese Univer- sities. If the Japanese will only coordinate and systematize their influence in the introduction of modern medicine into China, im- portant results will surely follow for their opportunity is unique. JAPAN’S QUALIFICATIONS AS TEACHER European nations ean help China but the help is as nothing compared with what the Japanese are capable of givine. They VOL. XIV.—19. 290 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY a Body storage H Recreation Field ' 1 i ‘ Zegical A ' Janes \ : 5 eee re ' Ll ! es Psye matric ' = Lo 2s baad [ i Ff = ' jae] ia} | Nurses ' dormitory ; ea ! ilsulation Students wicete School wards (@) Gos dorm fory Nel i'4 producer ran ea ae ee St eK By BD | Fea | <\P Animel house | Central 4 \) heating oy VY? SS SS Le SS $ Staff dining- Anatomical Dept reer youl ty NAA vom Laboratories > NKR < lawn /2 tennis A e S PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT OF BUILDINGS OF THE SOUTH MANCHURIAN RAILWAY MEDICAL SCHOOL, MUKDEN have almost accomplished the task which China is beginning. Seventy-five years ago, the same kind of native medicine was powerful in Japan. With the aid of their strongly centralized government, they have rigorously attacked it and have almost banished it from the Empire so that the casual visitor has to look carefully indeed to find any traces remaining. The picturesque priest-doctors of Old Japan, illustrated so well in a recent number of the ‘“‘National Geographic Magazine,’’ are seldom seen. The old Chinese pharmacopeia with its noisome preparations has been east aside; and acupuncture, or the art of healing by relieving the body of the malicious excess of male or female principles through needle-sticking, has been made unpopular. An intellectual revolu- tion has, in fact, been accomplished. Thanks also to the ecireum- stance that the Japanese have borrowed their writing and. their culture from China, it is relatively easy for them to make them- selves at home and to understand local conditions. It is fashion- able now-a-days to harp on racial differences, but in Peking Can- tonese are sometimes mistaken for Japanese; and, when I visited CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION 291 the Tokyo Imperial University with a Japanese friend who out of politeness to me spoke English, he was at first mistaken by his fellow-countrymen for a Chinese. Similarity of this kind is of course exceptional, but it is none the less significant. Nobody would long mistake a European for a Chinese. And, lastly, the Japanese have the advantage of propinquity. With the establish- ment of a new line of fast steamers between Shanghai and Nagasaki, reducing the time of passage to less than thirty six hours, travel will be greatly expedited. Close estimates show that it costs less than one tenth as much for Chinese students to obtain a good medical education in Japan as it does in the United States. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that some of the provincial governments send more students to Japan than do all the rest of NEW LABORATORY BUILDING OF THE SOUTH MANCHURIAN RAILWAY MEDICAL SCHOOL DEVOTED CHIEFLY TO INSTRUCTION AND RESEARCH IN THE PRECLINICAL SCIENCES the world put together. I am informed!? that the Province of Chekiang maintains approximately thirty students of different kinds in Europe and America as compared with about one hundred in Japan. Students who have to save up and pay their own way find the low traveling expenses and simple seale of living in Japan very attractive. Though I agree with the late Marquis Okuma that it is the right and duty of Japan to aid China, I do not for a moment advocate anything approaching a monopoly in this respect ; for if the help of other foreign powers are withdrawn, or pursued with less vigor, it would be a very real catastrophe. Japan’s contribution can be made of great value in spite of the fact that she is naturally unable 12 Dr. Tsang G. Ni of the Hangchow Provincial Medical School, Hang- chow, Chekiang. 292 _ THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY to compete on an equal footing with Western nations in the intro- duction of western culture and philosophy. She gives what she has herself absorbed in the manifold applications of science to human welfare; but China is such an immense country that there is ample room for all the assistance that can be rendered. The goal is still afar off. As a matter of fact, hardly a beginning has yet been made since the large rural population remains untouched. We have to guard against misplaced optimism. China’s tradi- tional inertia will probably prevent the change from spreading over the nation with lightning-like rapidity as in Japan. A stable and united government is one prerequisite and Japan can help as none other to this end if she so desires. The calling of the Arms ENTRANCE TO THE DOJIN HOSPITAL, PEKING Conference in Washington is in reality a challenge to the liberal party in Japan to arise and throw off part of the burden of arma- ments, to refrain from military aggression and political intrigue in China and to lead other nations in a constructive program which will eventually place China in a position to help herself and to contribute her share toward ‘‘the welfare of mankind throughout the world.’’ The way is plain—all that is needed to extend Japanese in- fluence is to put in practice a sufficiently comprehensive and well thought out program in which cooperation is the key-word. It is, after all, a problem in racial psychology. During many cen- CHINESE MEDICAL EDUCATION H 293 turies China has been the intellectual master of Japan.’ Now a rather delicate adjustment is required in the mental attitude of the new teacher as well as the old master. Japan’s great suecess in adapting herself to the outside world, and the outcome of an unequal struggle with Russia, has bred arrogance, but I am one of those who believe that when she adopts a conciliator y and helpful attitude, China will meet her more than half way. Certain it is that the great masses of China’s vast agricultural population have not yet awakened even to a realization of their wrongs. They toil on in philosophic calm and regard all foreigners with indifference. Much depends upon the spirit in which they, through edueation, slowly come to develop coherence and national ideals. In this, also, Japan will play a leading role. 18 Pujikawa’s Geschichte der Medzin in Japan (Tokyo, 1911) is replete with references to Chinese influence in the introduction of medicine into Japan, particularly during the Tang and Ming dynasties. Not only was medicine introduced by travelers and priest-doctors but the Japanese govern- ment sent special students to China to study medicine as early as 608 A. D. Not until the coming of Europeans did Chinese influence begin to wane. 294 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY A CURIOUS MATHEMATICAL TITLE-PAGE By Professor F. CAJORI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GG IRCLES to square and cubes to double would give a man C excessive trouble.’’ Thus sings old Matthew Prior, indi- cating that ‘‘many knotty points there are, which all discuss but few can clear.’’ Indeed, hundreds of would-be pathfinders of the intellect, from the time of Anaxagoras down to ours, have gone into eestasy in the belief that they had solved the impossible prob- lem of the squaring of the circle, only perhaps later to be cast into the depths of disappointment upon learning of their failure. Many have died under the delusion that they had accomplished the im- possible. The problem of the quadrature of the circle presents a strange phenomenon in the history of thought. A geometric construction is to be effected on very definite assumptions and restrictions—the use of a pair of compasses and an ungraduated ruler. One element of strangeness lies in the fact that the problem has no bearing whatever on practical life. The mathematician and engineer can compute the area of a circle to any desired degree of approximation; if they wish, they can carry approximations to hundreds of decimal places, although five or six places suffice in practice. Another feature constitutes a source of pride to present-day mathematicians. Unlike some philosophieal questions which are as far from solution now as they were aeons ago, the circle-problem, after thousands of years of intellectual effort, has been finally and definitely conquered; in 1882 it was proved by conclusive demon- stration accepted by all trained mathematicians, that, under the restrictions imposed, the circle can not be squared. One item of interest, in connection with the quadrature of the circle, is not generally known. The problem suggested an illus- trated title-page which is perhaps the most unique that has ever adorned a mathematical book. In 1647 the Flemish Jesuit mathe- matician, Gregory St. Vincent, published a wonderful geometry, containing genuine pearls of new geometric truth, but unfortu- nately also a false diamond, the quadrature of the cirele. We reproduce the title-page, which presents to the eye the nature of A CURIOUS MATHEMATICAL TITLE-PAGE 295 Auc lore cn 4, ¥Orxcorio * "2 | VINCENTIO 2 “57 Spies ck Sede ae Coe et IOANNEM ET IACOBVM MEVRSIOS. ANNO M DC. XLYIL Cum proslese Caloress Fes Rrwe 1 rae : ae APN For this photograph I am indebted te Professor H. Bosmans, S. J., of Brussels. THE ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE OF GREGORY ST. VINCENT’S QUADRATURA CIRCULI, ANTWERP, 1647 296 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY our obstruse problem. Seldom has a subtle abstract question found such striking concrete illustration. In the fore-ground are three bearded men in old-time garb. One of them with staff in hand has just drawn upon the ground, a circle and an equivalent triangle. On the right, the sphere and the cube suggest among other things the accomplished cubature of the sphere. As if these two drawings were not sufficient reference to the solution of the great problem, there is shown also the transmutation of the square and circle into each other by the solar beam of light passing through the square opening in a board and forming upon the ground below, a circular illuminated area. Mutat quadrata ro- tundis. One of the cherubs indicates by a pair of compasses that the figure is a circle. Another gives vivid evidence of surprise and delight. We omit descriptions of the twisted and fiuted columns and other details, and only point out the challenge which this engraving makes to modern pedagogues, to equal or surpass, if they can, this powerful appeal to the eye. Recently the present writer experienced a surprise by the dis- covery that this same title-page (with only very shght changes in unimportant details) was appropriated. sixty years later in an edition of the collected works of another noted Jesuit mathema- tician, Andreas Taequet. This edition appeared at Antwerp in 1707, some years after the death of Tacquet. Hence this ‘‘bor- rowing’’ was done by the editors and publishers. Evidently the novelty and impressiveness of the picture appealed to them so strongly that they used it in Tacquet’s works even though this mathematician is not associated with the problem of squaring the - circle. Tacquet is known chiefly as a teacher and as the editor of an edition of Euclid which was translated into English and used in Great Britain as a school book for the larger part of a century. The title-page of the 1707 publication represents therefore the transfer of a fanciful portal originally opening into the mystic realm of transcendental mathematics, to a well-trodden avenue leading to elementary schools. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE’ ECLIPSES AND THE EINSTEIN THEORY EINSTEIN will be the moving spirit behind two expeditions that will | spend six months or more traveling to Australia this year to have the opportunity of observing the eclipsed sun for six minutes. May 29, 1919, when the moon last | obscured the whole of the sun, pho- tographs taken by British astron- omers off the west coast of Africa and in northern Brazil showed a shift of the images of stars that has, in | less than three years, thoughts of even unscientific people to the Einstein theory of relativity. September 20 of this year is the date on which Einstein’s theory can again | y be put to the test of actual observa- tion. In an arid country, whose principal vegetation is a prickly plant that will penetrate even fairly thick leg- gings, a party of American astrono- mers, headed by Professor W. W. Campbell, director of the Lick Ob- servatory, will set up an observatory. This site will be northwestern Australia on a desolate coast, but to compensate for the bleakness of the place and hardship of the journey there, it is expected that the Amer- ican astronomers will have the clear- est skies through which to photo- graph the stars visible due to the eclipse. An Australian warship will carry the party from Sydney to the temporary observatory site. Close at hand there is a telegraph station, Wollal, which will keep the expedi- tion in touch with the outside world: But the British, whose expeditions secured the photographs of the 1919 in 1 Edited by Watson Davis, Science Service. shifted the | eclipse, are going to compete with the Americans in observing. South of Java, 250 miles, on Christmas Island, they will erect their tele- scope, and they, too, are hoping for fair weather, with cloudless skies, so that they will settle to the satisfae- tion of all physicists and astronomers whether or not the sun attracts the star light passing by it. If chance and the elements do not cooperate with the astronomers this fall, it will mean only a _ postpone- ment of the day of judgment for Einstein’s theory. There are more total solar eclipses coming. Inelu- ding the one this year, there are three in the next three years. Nearly a year later, September 10, 1923, San Diego will be the objective of astronomical expeditions or there will be telescopes set up in western Mexico. The time that the tele- scopes can be in action is only about half of that of this year’s eclipse, as the totality will be only three and a half minutes, at about mid-day. The further in the future the eclipses are, the less favorable they are astronomically but the closer they come to the eastern part of the United States. On January 25, 1925, New Yorkers will see the sun extin- guished shortly after it rises, and a number of large observatories will have a chance to observe a_ total eclipse at home without the necessity of a special expedition. The weather conditions of this eclipse are expected to be the poorest of the three. After this time, if the evidence for or: against Einstein is not sufficient, the world must wait until the next eclipse, August 31, 1932, unless by means of photographic plates, sensi- tized to blue light only, the powerful yellow light of the sun can be ignored ‘SUOLDOL ILLOG YNOG oy} LOJ ounjavdep St oLozoq spqaoys ‘puvpsug ‘uoydueyynog yu Osan?) 94 WO Woyvy SV yduas oyoyd oy, ‘UOTTpodxe OY} JO LOQUIOU ULIGOMION © ‘Tosytiny [epy pue jsan@) ayZ FO OPTLM UTVyduH YIM WOTPVSIOATIOD UL ST ‘qui oy} ye UMOYS ‘Gg ATUNULE WO BSBOSTP }IVOY WOIF Potp OM ToyopyovyG ysousgy Ig ALUVd SIH JO SUMANAN OML ANV NOLHTMOVHS LSANUA WIS ALVT AML *poomiapuf) puD poomiapun 4q panddns ydvid010Yd THE PROGRESS ABOARD THE CARNEGIE, JANUARY 16, 1922 To the left are Captain J. P. Ault, of The Carnegie, and Mr. Colin, Captain Frolich Hanssen and Mr. Steen, members of the Norwegian Legation. 9 sen and Dr. Louis A. Bauer. and the very blue light of some stars can be made to record itself on the special plates in spite of the sun. That is a possibility, in view of the progress of photography. Since the velocity of light is a leading factor in the Einstein theory, it is now the subject of experiment The question whether blue or yellow light has the greater velocity has been an- by astronomers and physicists. swered. Probably varying wave- lengths of light have the same ve- locity. The chances are five to one that the difference the time of passage of blue light and yellow light through empty space is less than one second in three hundred years. This is the conclusion that has been an- nounced by Dr. Harlow Shapley of the Harvard . Observatory after a study of light from the remote glob- ular star cluster, called Messier 5, in OF SCIENCE 299 To the right are Captain Roald Amund- whose light takes 40,000 years to reach us. Interest in Einstein has not waned since he came into general notice in 1919 or since his visit to this country in April of last year. The latest EHinstein book is not an explanation of theory, but a book about Einstein himself, ‘‘Einstein, the Searcher,’’ a translation from Alex- ander Moszkowski, a friend and ad- mirer. his IXPEDITIONS TO THE POLES AND THE TROPICS ALTHOUGH the two poles have been conquered, the frigid zones still attract the typical explorer who goes to unknown parts of the globe to make additions to scientific knowl- edge. Last September, Sir Ernest Shackleton and a little party on 300 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Photographed, January 16, by Dr. Louis A. Bauer. CAPTAIN ROALD AMUNDSEN On board The Carnegie wintering in the Potomac River. Though the day was cold Captain Amundsen made a flying trip from New York unencumbered by an overcoat. started south to on a board the Quest spend several years voyage around the coast line of the Ant- arctic continent. He planned to bring back scientific data on the magnetism, biology, geology and meteorology of that region. Now news that Shackleton is dead, even before he began the real work of the trip that he planned as his ‘‘swan song.’’ But his expedition will continue. In Baffin Land at a place called Nauwatta, Dr. D. B. MacMillan and his expedition are wintering. They are busy making observations of magnetic, atmospheric-electric and auroral effects. They are in the land of mysterious polar lights, shooting rays dance in rhythm with the quivering magnetic needle. With the cooperation of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the oceanography, comes whose Car- negie Institution of Washington, Dr. Louis A. Baner, director, special pho- were carried into the polar regions for the first These should give data which whether the aurora borealis comes close to the earth or whether it penetrates no deeper than sixty miles into the earth’s atmos- tests seem to indicate. Unexplored lakes in the interior of Baffin Land will probably be accurately placed on the map by Dr. MacMillan. About June 1, Captain -Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who discovered the South Pole, will set out from Seattle to make another attempt at drifting across the Arctic Sea frozen in the ice. Aboard the Maud will be instruments for deter- mining the magnetism and the mag- netic-electric effects at the different tographic instruments time. will determine phere as Norwegian THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE parts of the Arctic that the ship will visit. Soundings of the sea and meteorological observations will also be made. There will be little leisure for Dr. H. U. Sverdrup, who will have charge of the scientifie work of the expedition. It is rumored that Captain Amundsen, in addition to his interest in the scientific work, has a natural desire to be the first man to visit both ends of the earth. While the coldest regions are being discovered and charted, there are also scientific men who will contend with the heat and life of the tropics. This spring the Carnegie Institution is again sending parties headed by Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley and Dr. C. E. Guthe into the ancient country of the Maya to learn the details of their ancient civilization. The Field Mu- seum of Natural History at Chicago has announced that there will be six expeditions that will leave for the tropics before the summer is well under way, to be in the field from two to five years. Two geological parties will visit the area from Brazil to Patagonia. The Isthmus of Panama and the state of Colombia will be visited by an archeological expedition and another party will go to the Malay Peninsula to study the ethnology of that region. Peru will be searched by two expeditions, one zoological and the other botanical. THE CONCILIUM BIBLIO- GRAPHICUM So fast and broad has been the progress of science during the last few decades that the all-around scien- tifie man no longer exists. All that an earnest worker in science can hope to do is to keep fairly well informed in the small corner of the field of science that he has selected. But to keep complete track of the re- searches in a single subdivision of sci- ence is perhaps an even larger task than following a number of matters in a general way. Contributions to science are being 301 made in practically all the countries of the world, reported in their own journals and in their own languages. The average student has access to only the limited library of his own college or institution. Few are so situated that they can see the bulk of the periogical literature even in their own field or have easy access to many new books. Speaking in commercial terms, trade associations of science are needed. So are proper sales organ- izations and publicity departments, but that is another story. The point has been reached when the distribu- tion of scientific knowledge among research factories is, because of the possibilities for the elimination of waste, an important enterprise for the progress of science itself. Produc- tion of science requires its proper distribution. The re-establishment on a firm basis of the Concilium Bibliograph- icum at Zurich, Switzerland, which has just been accomplished, is an im- portant step in improving the chan- nels for the distribution of science. The International Catalogue of Sci- entific Literature is now officially dead from the prevalent financial dis- order. The Royal Society could not take up its work completed only as far as the fateful year of 1914. A stream of cards, 3x5, the library standard, has begun to flow out of the Concilium Bibliographicum. The contents of periodicals in the fields of zoology, physiology, evolution and anatomy are listed on these cards with title and author. The subject matter is indicated by a number in the elaborate system of classification that has been devised. Students, libraries and others can get just as many or as few of these cards as they wish. They can subscribe to all, or to those referring to one kind of butterfly. There are now subscribers in twenty-three countries, and one third of the total is in America. The card system has advantages 302 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY THE FREER GALLERY Located on the Mall in Washington, this is the latest of the group of buildings of the Smithsonian Institution. over the yearly volumes, months or years late, that are the usual forms of bibliographic work. Cards allow wide distribution in a minimum of time. The references of the Con- cilium are also assembled in book form by years for libraries and others who want them. The Concilium Bibliographicum is an American institution, in spite of its location. It is a living memorial —which is the best kind—to Dr. Her- bert Haviland Field, Harvard gradu- ate and zoologist, who died in April of last year. In 1895, realizing how lack of prompt references hampers research work, he established the Concilium in the scientific center of Zurich. It never paid expenses. Sub- sidies from friends, then loans, kept it going and producing, until the war, which stopped the whole project. Dr. Field died suddenly while doing his best to re-establish his life’s work. His efforts had been hampered by Europe’s post-war curse, fluctuating exchange. The Concilium has now been put on its feet, its obligations paid off, its The Freer art collections are now being installed in it. staff held together and its future assured by grants of the Rockefeller Foundation, given through the Na- tional Research Council. Dr. Vernon Kellogg, permanent secretary of the National Research Council, visited Zurich to accomplish the re-establish- ment. Dr. J. Strohl, of the Univer- sity of Zurich, a zoologist and an ac- complished linguist, now heads the reorganized staff himself, heart and soul, into the work. At present the control of the Con- cillum is in the hands of the Swiss Society of Naturalists and the Na- tional Research Council, awaiting the time that a representative interna- tional board can take control. It is planned to expand the field covered by the work of the Con- cilium to cover other fields of science as soon as conditions permit. The abstracting of important papers is also being considered. and has thrown A CORPORATION FOR THE AD- VANCEMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY ALL scientific men are concerned with the advancement of the science THE PROGRESS in which they work, but only psychol- j ogists are professionally occupied with human conduct and its control. It is consequently becoming that they should make a new departure in the organization of their own work. It has not hitherto been possible for scientific men to follow scientific research as an independent profes- sion. There is no way of paying for the work that is of the greatest value to society. three fourths of those engaged in scientific research in this country are professors who earn their living by teaching; about a tenth are in the government service; others are in museums, botanical gardens and the like. It is only in recent years that a few scien- tific men have been employed to do scientific work in endowed research institutions and in industrial labora- tories. There searcely exists at present any method by which a scientific man engaged in research can be paid in accordance with its value or by which the economic proceeds of research ean be used for further work. S00 Quartern Loaves and Cheese in proportion, to all the poor 5 | Inhabitants of the said Parish. Reproduced from Ballantymes Antenatal Pathology and Hygiene. Wm. Green & Sons, Edbg., 1904, p. 642. FIGURE 1. “BROADSIDE” OF THE BIDDENDEN MAIDS but there is no doubt that by their twin will they bequeathed twenty acres. the income from which the church wardens were instructed to spend in distributing cakes (bearing the impression of their conjoined image) to all strangers in Biddenden, at the close of divine service each Easter; and also ‘‘270 quartern loaves, with cheese in proportion, to all the poor in said parish.”’ About four centuries later, at about the time when America was discovered, we have another historical instance, the dicephalic twins. known as ‘‘the Scottish Brothers.’’ They were described in quaint language by the Scottish historian, Lindesay, as follows: In this mean Time there was a great Marvel seen in Scotland. A Bairn was born reckoned to be a Man-Child; but, from the Waste up, was two fair Persons, with all Members and Portraitures pertaining to two Bodies, to wit, CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 307 Two Heads, well-eyed, well-eared, and well-handed. The two Bodies, the One’s Back was fast to the Other’s; but, from the Waste down, they were but one Personage, and could not know by the Ingyne of Man, from which of the two Bodies the Legs and Privy Members proceeded. Notwithstanding the King’s Majesty caused take great Care and Diligence upon the Upbring- ing of their two Bodies in one Personage, caused nourish them, and learn them to sing and play upon Instruments of Musick; who, within short Time, became very ingenious and cunning in the Art of Musick; whereby they could sing and play two Parts; the one the Treble, and the other the Tenor; which was very dulce and melodious to hear. The common People who treated them also, wondered that they could speak diverse and sundry Languages; that is to say, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, English, and Irish. Their two Bodies long continued, to the age of twenty-eight years; and the one departed long before the other, which was dolorous and heavy to the other; for which many required of the other to be merry. He answered, How can I be merry, that have my true Marrow as a dead Carrion about my Back, which was wont to sing and play with me. When I was sad he would give me Comfort, and I would do the like to him; But now I have nothing but Dolour of the Bearing so heavy a Burden, dead, cold, and unsavory, on my Back, which taketh all earthly Pleasure from me in this present Life: There- fore I pray to Almighty God, to deliver me out of this present Life, that we may be laid and dissolved in the Earth, wherefrom we came. The Hungarian sisters were born in 1701, and died almost simul- taneously in their twenty-second year. They were conjoined twins, similar to the Biddenden sisters, and according to Gould and Pyle excited great curiosity. This curiosity was not limited to the populace. The twins were exhibited all over Europe, were exam- ined by scientists, celebrated by poets (including Pope), described by Buffon in his Natural History, and memorialized in a Latin poem and in a bronze statuette. The sisters Millie-Christine (col- ored, born 1851); the Bohemian sisters (born 1878); the sisters Ritta-Christina (born in Sardinia, 1829) ; the Tocci brothers (born in Turin, 1877), all were conjoined twins and more or less famous in their day. Most famous of all, however, were the Siamese twins (Figure 2), who were discovered in Siam and rescued by a British mer- chant, in 1824, when they were about thirteen years old. They were rescued in this sense. King Chowpahyi was planning to put them to death, because he thought they might bring evil to his country; but the merchant prevailed upon his majesty to allow them to go away for exhibition. They went directly from Siam to Boston, and later were shown the world over. Although of Chinese extraction, they adopted America as their home, settled down as farmers in North Carolina, under the name of Bunker, and married two sisters at the age of forty-four. They ‘became Christians; and died in 1874. From the time when they landed in Boston and were examined 308 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY From Gould & Pyle Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. W. B. Saunders. Phdpha., 1897, p. 168. FIGURE 2.. THE SIAMESE TWINS AT THE AGE OF 18 by a Harvard professor, they became the object of both scientific and popular attention. A vast amount of literature has been written in regard to them. In 1830 a scientific memoir was read before the Royal Society of London, and is to be found in the Philosophical Transactions of that year. The memoir reports a lack of strong resemblance in Chang and Eng; striking corre- spondences in their pulse rates and in their tastes; reciprocity of symptoms under similar conditions of disorder; differences in dreams; and a remarkable degree of consent and mutual adjust- ment displayed in the physical movements of the twins. It is com- forting to know that Chang and Ene could playfully tumble head over heels, without the slightest inconvenience. The author of this fascinating report, rather naively remarks that ‘‘they are at pres- ent very much attached to each other.’’ As a matter of fact until their death they showed an affectionate forebearance for one an- other; and a highly developed sympathy, understanding and adaptation. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 309 To bring this historical retrospect to date, it should be men- tioned that there are at the present writing living in Washington a pair of ‘‘Siamese twins,’’ natives of the Philippines, boys now in their teens. Under a ruling of the director of the census bureau they were counted as two persons in the last enumeration. Twins have played a prominent part in modern medical litera- ture, and the annual volumes of the ‘Index Medicus’? and the Surgeon General’s catalogue carry a considerable number of titles of articles on some phase of the subject. Significantly enough there is usually one group of references sub-classified under the head of Twins, one blighted. Taruffii in his monumental work on Teratology devotes 1,650 pages to the consideration of double monsters. For biologists, twinning has become a problem of central im- portance. Bateson has defined twinning as the production of equivalent structures by division; and emphasized its fundamental nature. Important studies in symmetry, asymmetry, teratology, sex and heredity, have been made in this field. H. H. Newman, of the University of Chicago, has made extensive studies of twin production, habitually exhibited in the nine-banded armadillo of Texas; and has written a valuable volume on The Biology of Twins.t H. H. Wilder has reported in The American Journal of Anatomy, studies of physical resemblances in twins, shown by skin patterns of soles and palms. Galton has made a similar comparison of finger prints in 17 pairs of twins. Baldwin has made physical measurements of 3 pairs of fraternal twins and determined their differences in anatomical ages. In 1918, The American Genetie Association announced its de- sire to communicate with twins living in any part of the world. Six hundred twins and parents of twins responded with letters and photographs; and in December, 1919, the Journal of Heredity devoted an entire number to discussion of the data on the general subject. This number contains an article by Dr. C. H. Danforth on Resemblance and Difference in Twins. Goddard devotes two pages to certain eugeniec phases of the problem in his work on ‘‘Feeblemindedness: its Causes and Consequences.”’ The present writer, in 1921, published a study of 40 cases of hemi-hypertrophy, and discussed this condition in relation to mental defect and to twinning.” Hemi-hypertrophy is a unilateral enlargement of the body, which is interpreted as a developmental 1 Newman H. H., The Biology of Twins (Mammals), University of Chi- cago Press, 1917; pp. 186. 2Gesell, Arnold, Hemi-hypertrophy and mental defect. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol. VI, pp. 400-423. 310 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY anomaly dating back to an early embryonic stage of cleavage,— a form of asymmetry due to a possible deviation in the normal process of twinning. The relatively frequent complication of mental defect is attributed to an abnormality in this process of bilateral twinning which involves a disturbance of normal tissue development. . The psychological aspects of the phenomenon of twins have not received their full share of attention. There are, however, two notable exceptions. The versatile Galton, who left few human ‘problems untouched, made a suggestive, though rather leisurely, excursion into the subject in his Inquiries into Human Faculty in the year 1883. He used the questionnaire method and reported the returns of 80 cases of close similarity. Much of his material was anecdotal; but it was used to good advantage to prove the dominating influence of nature over nurture. He found only two eases of strong bodily resemblance being accompanied by mental diversity. He makes this characteristic suggestion: ‘‘It would be an interesting experiment for twins who were closely alike to try how far dogs could distinguish between them by scent!”’ In 1904, Thorndike published an important monograph en- titled ‘‘ Measurements of Twins,’’ based on precise measurements of 50 pairs of unselected public school twins from 9 to 15 years old, in 6 mental traits, and 8 physical traits. ‘“‘The arguments concerned the lack of differences in the amount of resemblance (1) between young and old twins, (2) between traits little, and traits much subject to training and (3) between mental and physical traits, and also the great increase in resemblance of twins over ordi- nary siblings. The resemblance of twins was found to be approxi- mately .80 or .75 to .80 in amount.’’ The author considers that his data give well-nigh conclusive evidence that the mental like- nesses found in the ease of twins and the differences found in the case of non-fraternal pairs, when the individuals compared be- longed to the same age, locality and educational systems, are due, to at least nine-tenths of their amount to original nature.® ‘The form of distribution of twin resemblance seems to be that of a fact with a central tendency at about .80 and with a great variability, restricted towards the upper end by the physiological limit of complete identity. Such a distribution would be most easily explained by the genesis of twins as a rule from two ova and by a great reduction of the variability of contemporaneous germs and ova below that of germs and ova developed at different times.’’ (p. 638.) 3 Thorndike, Edward L. Measurements of Twins, Archives of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, Vol. I, pp. 1-64. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 311 Thorndike therefore refuses to classify twins into the two classical divisions, duplicate and fraternal. He does not find two coherent species of resemblance; and he doubts that there are but two corresponding modes of genesis (monozygotic and dizygotic). He believes that there is considerable specialization of resemblance in all type of twins. Although he finds that resemblance in general appearance and countenance is correlated by no means perfectly with resemblance in other traits, his figures show a tendency toward such resemblance. The medians of resemblance in (1) three head measurements, (2) in three stature and arm measurements, (3) in perception, (4) in association,—of twins of the same sex (a) closely alike and (b) not much alike in countenance are as follows: 1. (a) Boece) (0. 2. (a) 86; (bh) soda mca) 84: (b) 63. 4. (a) 94, Cb) “70: II. A Curican Comparison oF DUPLICATE TWINS We report herewith a case, or rather a pair of cases, which will serve as a basis for the consideration of the problem of resem- blances in twins. We became interested in these two children, not because they were twins, but because of the exceptional superiority of their intelligence; and they were first studied from this point of view. Accumulating evidence, however, gradually convineed us that, regardless of their caliber, they presented a remarkable degree of correspondence in physical and mental constitution. It is this correspondence which is here emphasized. The facts have psycho- logical interest, and may not be without some biological signifi- cance. The twins will be referred to with an impersonal A and B, be- cause there is no intention to publicly extoll them. We are not concerned to reveal their identity—except in the sense indicated identical twins!”’ ce by the term (a) DEVELOPMENTAL HIsToRY A complete family chart of the twin sisters A and B would show evidence of superior endowment in the immediate ancestry on both the maternal and paternal sides. Scientific and linguistie ability of high order and physical energy are some of the traits which are found in the two immediate generations. The trait of twinning likewise has a hereditary basis in this instance; for the mother also bore two boys, twins who died in infancy. Their sisters A and B were born six years later, by Caesarian section, somewhat prematurely, weighing respectively 4.5 and 5.3 pounds. They thus escaped some of the hazard and strains which may accompany birth. Their prematurity did not hinder precocity. At any rate, 312 THE SCIENTIFIC. MONTHLY FIGURE 5. TWINS A AND 8B IN BABYHOOD they very early showed unmistakable signs of more than ordinary alertness and attainment. At six months A startled her mother by rising suddenly into a sitting position in the mother’s lap. Very soon after this B showed the same capacity. (Figure 3.) At 11 months they had both begun to walk and talk; indeed they were talking sentences, such as, ‘‘I see you, Auntie, * * *.’’ They spoke clearly with less than the usual infantile lisping; and, ae- cording to report, with more than the usual degree of purposive, voluntary speech imitation. In October, 1915, at the age of three they began the study of French, and in less than a year (by April, 1916) they were reading elementary English, French and Es- peranto. Their mother was a very constant companion ; and stimu- lated this development by the aid of plays and games, but the children needed no prodding. They were distinguishing parts of speech with the aid of a Teddy Bear at the age of four; and at the same age one of them asked a searching question in regard to the Immaculate Conception. Formal arithmetic was begun at the age of six, and in less than a year they were solving mentally problems in fractions and percentage. They entered Grade III at the same age, and now at the age of nine, they are in Grade VII, doing Junior High School work. They are not prigs: they are attractive, animated, sociable children, with a bubbling sense of humor. They are popular with their playmates. They can take charge of a gymnasium class in which most of the members are two to four CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 313 years their seniors, and preserve excellent attention and discipline. They speak mature but not pedantic English, and they speak French with the fluency of a native. They have read Genesis in Italian and are now speaking a little Italian. They have read the Book of Knowledge in its entirety in French: and a year ago embarked on Russian. They play duets on the plano; but not with rare distinction. They swim; they ride horseback; they write jingles, and. they read by the hour. Their school work does not tax them; they do not worry about it; and they are far from fas- tidious in regard to the form of their written work. In this brief general review of their developmental history it is impossible to make any noteworthy distinctions between A and B. They have been inseparable, and abreast. Physically as well as mentally there has been a correspondence. They have both es- caped most of the children’s diseases; and neither has suffered a physical setback. So ,that now, as when they were babies, they are practically interchangeable children. The general impression made by physique, countenance, demeanor, conversation is one of complete similarity. A rather thoroughgoing analysis does not seriously disturb this impression of underlying identity of psycho- physical make up. (b). PHysicaL Tests aND MEASUREMENTS Some twenty-five physical tests and measurements were made to determine the degree of physical correspondence between A and B. The results of this portion of the study:are summarized in the accompanying table. An inspection of this table will show that in many items the correspondence amounts to complete identity and that in others it amounts to practical identity. Nowhere was a pronounced deviation revealed. The difference in standing height is one fourth inch in favor of A. The sitting height shows the same difference. Corresponding to this there is a difference of only one pound in weight. This disparity, however, is a variable one and sometimes B is slightly ahead of A in weight. The head girth shows a difference of but one eighth of an inch and the cephalic index which represents the relation between width and length of head shows a difference of only 0.7. The cephalic width is only 0.2 mm. greater in the case of B and the cephalic length 0.1 greater in B. A very interesting and tangible criterion of anatomical devel- opment consists in the degree of ossification of the carpal bones. It is possible to ascertain this degree of ossification by a precise meas- urement of the exposed bone area as revealed by the X-ray (Figure 4). Such measurement can be made by means of the planimeter. 314 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY FIGURE 4. X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHS OF LEFT HANDS OF A AND B Showing close correspondence in ossification of carpal bones. Since, however, we were purely interested in making a comparison between A and B, our measurements were made by ascertaining the two major right angle diameters by means of a mm. rule. An examination of the table will show that four of the seven bones measured exactly alike. In the three other instances there was a FIGURE 5. PALM PRINTS OF TWINS Showing identity of skin patterns of right hands of A and B. Formula, 9-9-5-5.C. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 315 PHYSICAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS OF TWINS, A AND B, AGE 9 ITEMS COMPARED A B Seaugines herria. 80 ea Gece eee eee eee.) SBE 4956 ouitaniore Were hih.... cak eer ass 2534 251% Govern: Sc. 70 hs oe ee eee Sa Tene 56% 551 JEUSO UIE fo gt UReman i SMO O. CeReE RSC ene Pee a ee 20% 205% Pfecuemaidtn (minis) ete tk Ae eee (84 13.6 TE TEE 1s (310 3 Cilia Gaia) ae ames SE a ee eee 16.5 16.6 Mephalie sindex:.i- 1 2) ee eee 812 81.9 Diameters of carpal bones: SIE | LLC C0 I Pegi eer nner one. see ee eee see eee 5x10 5x10 Sern Ey pe ee ec cewe eeeeeee Bee ee (osu) 8x11 UUM URORI: , ks ee nee herrea eae foetal (reali! Barge A UIT 2 oak 3 a a ee ee eh oro LO 9x10 BIL TseATO CZ Cl acess eee ee re re erence 7x¢a7 7xea7 Ose MAO NUM: oor lsee ee ee ee ae 11x 20 12 x 20 Winterton) 322s ee Beers: ae Sy See 8x15 9x15 MUG rales xqOSCG) (VTC Ae enn serene een eee 676 724 Friction skin patterns: PERG Tits eo eee ee ee meee 9955C 9955C Mie Lith pspo sant Sooo 2 ees eee ae ance 9955C 9955C BEC ort 0) see ae eee er ee do. do. Weft SOLE a eee ee Ae oat eee eae do. do. Blood pressure: SSVSUOMIGE Ooi. eit ayes a ce tee Meee eee 95 96 Diastolic. 12 Sen. celine SE Me eR Re ee 65 70 Esl ap CEOS UI G4) tee eee ee ee 104 110 Bicodma ce luitinatonw er OU pes een ee II Il IWiaGCINe? POCK i: ct cca trc shone eee ae ee do. do. Dynamometer : Saori Gy ein eee eee Bi Bete ae Pree 13 12 I GES i red tks 6X6 [one eee ae ee ee te eee ee 12 11 SSPEROIACEGT © cco 22 sese scene nee eee ene nee — 78 80 Tapping rate: 7 Right, Wands. 855 ccs eee ne ee ee cee 130 130 Met whan 22. se oe ee oe i oe ieee 127 118 SULA? RO GV et st= a eee SRO ep ee uN perv 14 li Ment OMA Poo EA a ee do. do. Birth mole (upper lip)........ Dy SE. LM aes eases oe / ido: do. disparity of only one mm. in one or two diameters. Calculating the area on the basis of these diameters it appears that the total carpal bone area of A is 676 square mm. and of B 724. This is a very slight difference indeed and is no greater than that which is often found between the right and left hands of the same indi- vidual. According to Baldwin’s figures, an average disparity of about 50 square mm. is to be expected between the left and right carpus. Baldwin has made a comparison of the carpal develop- ment in four pairs of fraternal (non duplicate twins) and the aver- age amount of difference in bone area of these four pairs is 421 316 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY FIGURE 6. PLANTAR PRINTS OF TWINS Showing identity of skin patterns of right feet of A and B. sq. mm., a difference over ten times greater than that found in A and B, whom we regard as duplicate twins. There is no more interesting means of making a physical com- parison than that reported by the friction ridges of the skin. These friction ridges are found only on the surfaces of the palm and the sole. According to the comparative anatomist they date back to an arboreal ancestry, when certain animals in their aetive life among the boughs were much benefitted by the non-skid qualities of such ridges. The ridges were coarser in those days; but we still inherit them in indestructible patterns which appear in the fourth month of intra uterine life and are carried to the grave. Sir Francis Galton said “‘Let no one despise the ridges on ac- eount of their smallness for they are in some respects the most CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 317 important of all anthropological data.’’ Even in the ridge details there is absolutely no change in an individual from birth to old age. They furnish, therefore, a powerful aid not only for purposes of identification but for the comparison of individuals. A study of the palms and soles of A and B were made by Wilder’s method. The right palms and right soles were mapped out to indicate the major subdivisions of the skin patterns. A remarkable degree of identity was shown in both the palmar and plantar patterns (Fig- ures 5 and 6). The formula for the palm patterns is the same for both palms of both individuals, namely, A minute analy- sis of certain areas of these patterns will show that the develop- mental correspondence has extended even to some of the minutie which are not regarded by Wilder as subject to detailed heredi- tary control. If the psychological correspondence of these two children approximates to any degree their anthropometric corre- spondence as indicated by the palm and sole diagrams, it is very great indeed. A measurement of the blood pressure showed a difference of only one mm., systolic measurement and 5 mm. in the diastolic. Of these two measurements the systolic can be more accurately made and it is also the more important and the more readily ascertained. The correspondence is interesting. The resting pulse showed a difference of about six beats to the minute. A chemical diagnosis of the agglutination properties of the blood was made. In both cases the test showed the blood to'belong to group II. The development of bio-chemical tests for the measurement of individual differences is still in its infancy. The Benedict test for the determination of minute quantities of sugar in normal urine is supposed to reveal personal equations, but the conditions for ac- curate tests were too complex to carry out. An interesting simi- larity of a bio-chemical character was, however, exhibited in the reactions of the two girls to vaccination for smallpox. In both instances there was a very slight reaction without constitutional symptoms which occurred at the same time for both children. The dynamometer, spirometer, tapping and steadiness tests are in- cluded in the table because they have physical as well as psycho- physical aspects. The differences revealed by these tests were very small indeed. The tapping rate for the right hands was identical. Dentition is of course related to development. The first denti- tion could not be observed, but when the children were 8 years of age, the right upper permanent incisor was in both children in a similar incompleted stage of eruption. This is shown in the accompanying photograph (Figure 7) and presents a rather 318 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY FIGURE 7. TWINS A AND B AT AGE 8 Showing correspondence in eruption of right upper incisor (1 and 2); and in location of tiny pigmented mole near left corner of mouth (3 and 4.) startling indication of developmental correspondence. Finally may be mentioned one permanent indication of underlying identity of constitution. This is a tiny pigmented birth mole on the upper lip, situated a short distance from the left outer corner of the mouth in both twins. So here ‘‘the standard mole of the penny- novelists’? could not even be relied upon for the purpose of per- sonal identification, because both twins have the self-same mole! (Figure 7.) There are several very tiny pigmented areas in the facial skin which are limited to one twin; and there are no doubt other physi- eal deviations which minute study would disclose. Even two hairs, each but a half inch in length, taken from the same head, would as Wilder says, prove to be ‘‘absolutely unlike if magnified suff- ciently to show the epidermic markings that cover the surface with a fine tracery.’’ By such ultra refined standards, complete identity is a mathematical impossibility; but general, coherent correspondence and absolute identity are two quite different con- siderations. Our data compel us to recognize a basic develop- mental and physical correspondence in Twins A and B. Since this correspondence has expressed itself in such struc- tural details as teeth, skin patterns, birth moles, and cranial and carpal bones, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it should also assert itself in the general architecture and organization of the nervous system. We can gather some light on this point by in- quiring into the mental correspondences, through the use of psycho- metric methods. (ec) Mentat AnD EpucaTionan MEASUREMENTS: The adjoined table summarizes the results of a group of intelhi- genee, performance, and educational measurements of A and B CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 319 which were made at the Yale Psycho-Clinic, and at the home of the children. The writer wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Margaret Cobb in the administration of these tests. The co- operativeness of the subjects who entered into all of the situations in the spirit of a game, enlivened with rivalry, aided us. The sub- jects deserve our especial thanks; for they were indispensable in this particular study. MENTAL AND EDUCATIONAL A B A B TEST ScORE* AcE Norm. REMARKS Her TIMNG bs, BANOO! ise nent sete 188 181 13.5 138 | Average JE KOE Paesinet: Awe? 8:22.25 179 185 14.75 15.25 4 A, 1834 J B, 183 3. Vocabulary, Age 7.......... 50 50 14 14 4. Vocabulary, Age 8.......... 52 54 14, 144 5. Vocabulary, Age 9.......... 67 65 16 16 6. National Intelligence, LNG A seen eee a ee ae 136 155 15 15+. em Onbeus; c.4. ute 2 orate tee 12.25 11.25 A shows more fore- sight. 1S), SHON 0) sree eee eee eer 18 20 dell 13 oy Heature “Profile: 150s 250s 15 10 OED rao onal: 22 eee A oe 195s 70s 6 10 1h, «DST Hae Se eee tee 25's 30s 141 14 MP2, (1seravae (Cini oye ees ee eek eee a 10 14— 18 ie tedly\ Aces. 27 see 2 20D moors 9 10 14. Seguin Form Board........ 28s 30s 7+ 67 15. Healy Coordination........ 305 445 A more deliberate. HGRROPPOSIGES: ee eee ee 40s 80s B spent 45 sec. on last word. if, Rasy Directions —...-..... 98s 85s No errors; both 18. Hard Directions .............. io St alos showed intense in- | terest and attention. UGS TSyyiaal oo AD Siete e eee eee 23.4 12:2) 2 9 20. Trabue Language Com- TOL GLO TIS eee eee 13 13 35 G 21. Kansas Silent Reading.. 12.9 21.5 12.5 13.5 22. Woody Fundamentals of PAT MINT C TG pees eee 28 26 12.5 12.5 23. Ayres Spelling ................ WELT VALS aS '5 24. Ayres Handwriting ........ 60 60 13 13 Differentiation in- creasing. 25. Drawing (Thorndike)... 10.5 10.5 INGOT A Cys (lth) eee 90% 80% Average for combined ISIS pe cl as Eee oa 13.6 18.9 Average for perform- ANCE RLCS hSieere eee eee lS om 2: Standard deviation.......... 2.83 2.91 *S = second. 320 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY The mental examinations were not, of course, all made at one sitting; but the twins were always submitted to the selfsame tests on the same days. The results of these tests for which we have standardized age norms are plotted on the accompanying chart (Figure 8), in which the solid line stands for A’s performance and the broken line for B’s. It is hardly necessary: to give mathematical expression to these curves. The two lines show a striking degree of cohesion. Note, for example, how they both plunge down on the formboard test, and how equally they rise on the vocabulary tests. The most pronounced disagreement is that shown in the feature profile test. Here there was apparently a more or less fortuitous circumstance, which disturbed B’s attack of the problem. Indeed it is quite likely that not a few of the minor disparities shown in the per- formance scores in various tests indicate variation in the condi- tions of the test, beyond our control, rather than fundamental dif- ferences in mentality. In view of this, the amount of psycho- logical correspondence actually revealed by the tests is all the more significant. A » “ * x , & “ ‘ a . ~ a ° Le : iE V Fi T : aa 5 ) EB o 5 4 yf R i mM : AN ‘ M,. Yo eat A wR T : e Sih Re eae in a =&B a Ht ay oe, °y A Ealy \ fy A Near eee BI p . ¢ . ¢ ‘y me Pare AC vB CoE ice is FO TG b, gin acti, Leven] T * eeioeeees Roa & A om pee) Ee eae MENTAL MEASUREMENTS oF Twins, AccQ@—— 42-— Be-—-— ee Bee tee FIGURE 8 GRAPH SHOWING CORRESPONDENCE IN MENTAL MEASUREMENTS OF A AND B The results are plotted on the basis of mental age scores, the heavy straight dotted line representing the chronological age. The tests in order are (a) Binet, (b) National Intelligence, (c) Symbol Digit, (d) Trabue Completion, (e) Porteus, (f) Vocabulary, (g) Ship, (h) Feature Profile, (i) Diagonal, (j) Triangle, (kh) Knox Cube, (1) Healy A, (m) Seguin Form-board (n) Kansas Silent Reading, (0) Ayres Spelling, (p) Woody Mixed Fundamentals of Arithmetic, (q) Vocabulary II. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 321 Prars Mita, Cob, @ LY At ty. @ 4921 es. iA awe MMe NI ca FIGURE 9. HANDWRITING OF A AND B (REDUCED TO TWO-THIRDS) Showing a moderate degree of similarity in 1920 specimens, and an accentua- tion of points of difference a year later. The specimens marked 3 show the third trial at spelling the ‘‘word,’’ antidisestablishmentarianism. Qualitatively as well as quantitatively the tests revealed a con- sistent similarity with respect to general alertness, intensity of at- tention, deliberation, cooperativeness, sense of humor, and emo- tional reactions. Comparative ratings with regard to quality of responses were attempted in 25 of the Binet tests. In 12 of these our rating was equality, in 13 a slight superiority in favor of B who showed perhaps a little more directness, conciseness and power of generalization. But these ratings were subjective at best, and rested so near to the limit of imperceptible difference, that it would be pedantie to insist on their importance. For once let us insist on resemblance rather than differentiation. VOL. XIV.—21. 322 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY 18. Give the child a pencil (but no ruler) and say: In the space below have the child draw a man and a You see that (pointing to the square). I want you to | tree with a bench under it. Give no further directions make one just like it. Make it right here (pointing | 4, accistance. to the space adjoining). Go ahead. Repeat this for- mula for each figure. 19. Point to the round field, and say to the child: Let us suppose that your ball has been lost in thts round feld. You have no idea what part of the field it is in; but you know it ts there somewhere. Now take this pencil and begin ct the gate and mark out a path to show me how you would hunt tor the ball so as to be sure not to miss it. FIGURE 10. DRAWING TESTS—TWIN A In addition to the purely psychological tests, several educa- tional tests were given to measure achievement in reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling and drawing. The results showed close sim- ilarity in every instance, with the exception of silent reading, in which B made a somewhat superior score. In spelling, the standard Ayres word list was used. By way of good measure, the girls were also given a chance to spell ‘‘the largest word in the language.’’ They responded with their usual eagerness. I pronounced, three times, the formidable ‘‘word’’ antidisestablishmentarianism. They tried to spell it after each CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 323 18. Give the child a pencil (but no ruler) and say: In the space below have the child draw a man and a You see that (pointing to the square). I want you to | tree with a bench under it. Give no further directions make one just like it. .Make it right here (pointing to the space adjoining). Go ahead. Repeat this for- riula for each figure. or assistance. 19. Point to the round field, and say to the child: Let us suppose that your ball has been lost in this round field. You have no tdea what part of the field it ts in, but you know it ts there somewhere. Now take this pencil and begin at the gate and mark out a path to show ine how you would hunt for the ball so as to be sure not to miss it. FIGURE 11. DRAWING TESTS—TWIN B pronunciation. The results of the third trial are shown in the illustration. Both inserted a superfluous ed, in the middle; A missed the rest of the word by one letter, and B by three. (Fig- ure 9.) The reactions of the twins in the field of drawing are pictured in the accompanying illustrations, (Figures 10 and 11). The twins were asked independently to copy a square, a diamond and a star; to trace the route in the ball and field test, and to draw (without copy) a man and a tree with a bench under it. These responses under controlled conditions furnish a basis for ob- jective comparison. The general similarity is unmistakable, as 324 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY shown by the illustrations. The similarity of the free drawings of man, tree and bench is the most remarkable. It can, of course, be partly accounted for by the conventionalizing effect of recipro- cal imitativeness, favored by the intimate companionship of these two children; but after all the fact that this conventionalizing process should produce such an assimilative result denotes an underlying similarity in mental constitution. Handwriting is an expression of ‘individuality. It is not neces- sary to go as far as the graphologists do and consider it an index of character; because it is of course subject to fortuitous, mechan- ical and purely technical influences. However, Wilder and Went- worth are probably correct in their statement that ‘‘more than any other single gesture or habitual pose, a man’s natural hand- writing is the product of what’ he has experienced, learned, and practiced repeatedly, mind and body cooperating in every stroke.”’ Osborn interprets penmanship as the combined product of mus- cular habits and mental patterns which ‘‘differ in a marked manner in different individuals and this variation radically affects the visible result.’’ On these constitutional variations rests the pos- sibility of identifying individuals and detecting forgery through handwriting. é When it comes to a comparative study of twins, handwriting therefore suggests itself as a psycho-motor test. It must indeed be a delicate test, for complete similarity is apparently very rare. Galton, however, reports one case in which not even the twins themselves, though adults, could distinguish their own handwrit- ing. In our own ease of A and B, there was a moderate degree of similarity at the age of 8, as shown by the accompanying illus- trations (Figure 9). The reader will note, however, a little more angularity, compression and reduction in size, in B’s specimen. These differences in the course of a year have become accentuated, so that the general similarity of the earlier stage is disappearing. That the differentiation will grow still more marked with ado- lescence is not improbable. And who knows what other chiro- graphic metamorphoses will attend this period, in which individ- ualism in loops, hooks, flourishes, ete., frequently abound ? The vocabularies of A and B deserve particular discussion ; because we may feel certain that these two girls have been sub- jected to a nearly identical language environment. They have been inseparable; they have talked and held their tongues to very nearly the same extent; they have had the same mother, the same mother tongue; they have had equal instruction in the same for- eign languages; they have listened, usually at the same time to the CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 325 same relatives, friends and teachers; have studied the same lessons -and have read much the same books. With what results? It would be fallacious to say, that because A and B have been exposed to the same verbal environment, they will be familiar with the same words. Familiarity with words depends upon other factors than mere impression. It depends upon the capacity to assimilate meanings, concepts, contexts, inflections. It depends upon curiosity and attitudes, upon social propensities, tastes, preferences, and above all upon maturity. Numerous psycho-metrie determinations of the vocabulary of children have shown a consistent tendency for the vocabulary score to increase with age, and with intelligence. Vocabulary is so highly correlated with mental development, that even the son of an immigrant, who hears nothing but a foreign language at home, will after brief residence in this country earn a high vocabulary rating, if he is of superior endowment. Our twins have since babyhood shown a sprightly facility in the realm of words. They have taken much delight in various forms of sound and word play, and have betrayed a lively and often humorous interest in words. Both of the children like to rhyme, and B is blosspming into poetical composition. The aec- companying sample is not unpromising, when we consider that the chronological age of the ‘‘poetess’’ is nine! THE BIRTH OF FLOWERS When flowers first were born, The earliest flow’r of Morn, Was the Rose, So Sweet and wondrous in its pose. The flowers all assembled To chose their Queen, The fairest one amongst them I ween; The rose spoke up And said, ‘‘The one that goes latest to bed.’’ It was possible to make a satisfactory comparison of the twins A and B by means of a vocabulary test. This test, Terman con- siders to have a far higher value than any other single test in the whole intelligence measuring seale. The test consists of 100 words derived by random selection from a dictionary containing 18,000 words. An abbreviated series of 50 words of increasing difficulty ranging from gown and tap to shagreen and complot was given to both A and B. This virtually constituted a graded scale of 50 326 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY individual tests, and revealed a startling degree of resemblance; A failed on 16 of the test words; B failed on exactly the same words, and on only one additional word, namely harpy. The ecal- culated vocabulary score of A at the age of 9 is 65 and for B it is 67, a standard equivalent to the average adult level. VOCABULARY TEST TNE 33 ALB: Ds) SOW feces eas eee eee Sf, S26.) Mas ee Peni 9) Route cee eee eos t-te OT. OSA ete eee + a BC OLCH Ur cee teens ea ee Sag 2a 72), 621) Week ee ee eee Ye ey ~ + 4. puddle 2c. csreee ie eta BS YT OO. DTC LOSS caer stare eee ++ De CNVCLOPCy assess eee -. 30. disproportionate -...... ae tot 6; Tolle. (ee ee a ee. cis) (31), tolerate: pa) + o+ 7 125 18 UM Slee Ee Bs BN ap) sho) 192) artless: (foie ee eae — — S., eyelash its 2s nist je 2) 33. depredation (2 22a = OS COP DOE. cress ae eee rea: a eg ORN I Sy Bud ley nnic a a ee See te et ae t+o+ aL OS CUTSC Heise eee nee een oe) Se) 735. Ferustrate ees see fees es Spork. ie 2 eee ee Spt) sls N36) Wapyy (seems eee eee ee = PQ OUt WAT) (2st ec. Met obs 2 aiff Om ake ete See ee —- — 13. southern ......... Ce eben ts). BBs ACHES gh aan ceetares errr —= = WA: Nocturne yn erases. —- = ‘39. milksop ) 22s —_ — 15. dungeon |o eee oe RE 40. Inerustatien; Gok ee = = 1G skal, Se ee)! oe!) ae retrosetavemee. et eee —_—- — L7esTamble) hts Beek oe 42. a Der pris Spee eee —- — ESS heaved 2:22: Cee eee Lon 2 + <.: 43. avhromapie(=.5 222.22. —_— — AOS ngure, | oto +, 4. 44, perfanctory 2 2 —- — 20. nerve .......... yt ace ane ofa fat) (BOs CHS TIS DEY meee se eee a PAU Yeifod (2s ptm te atae aeta 4. ut | 46piseatorial: see —_— — Gets POSALG cea nt eee a A. =), 47s sudorite | 22s —_ — QecOSLAVG | tater eet. te) ABS PATLOEER niece eee —- — 24, (brunette ee stereo .... + 4», sA9. silagesen: 2 2b ee = = 20s NY StGYICS foe eee ens tS 50. .comploticass esa eee st) [iat +, passed. —, failed. This degree of correspondence is truly remarkable when we reflect that this searching test, in a statistical sense, compasses the whole wide domain of the English language. Although we must give due weight to the similarity of verbal and academic environ- ment to which A and B have been subjected, do not the results of the test testify even more eloquently to an underlying similarity of nervous constitution and organization ? Incidentally we may record a characteristic reaction which occurred in the course of the first vocabulary test which I gave to the twins at the age of 7. A encountered a word which sounded familiar, but for which she could frame no definition. The word was civil,—‘ Civil, don’t know; can’t say; and yet I think I know. O, that reminds me: it is like that story about space. A teacher asked his pupil to define space. The boy said, ‘I can’t tell you what it is, but I’ve got it in my head.’’’ Thereafter, whenever CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 327 an unfamiliar word was presented, A smiled slyly, tapped her head and said, ‘‘I guess it’s that space story again!’’ Even so, both girls at the age of seven had a vocabulary score of 50, equiv- alent to the mental age of 14. Moreover, they knew when they didn’t know. Mentally inferior children venture wild definitions in the field of the unknown. There are no satisfactory objective methods for directly meas- uring emotional and volitional traits. We, of course, secure data concerning them indirectly through so-called intelligence measure- ments; but we are chiefly dependent upon clinical inference and estimate. Even so, it would require a psychological Boswell to furnish a complete comparative picture of the temperaments and dispositions of A and B. Long continued and intimate observa- tion might reveal some interesting disparities in the emotional sphere. The ordinary observer would probably develop a par- tiality for one of the twins on the ground that A or B is less as- Sertive, more reasonable, more affectionate, than B or A. But this preference might indicate the inveterate selective and dis- criminative tendency of human perception, quite as much as a fundamental diversity in the twins. Assuming that there is at present a high degree of correspond- ence in temperamental traits: does it follow that such will always be the case? Hardly so. To begin with these children have not as yet come into full possession of all of their mental inheritance. Adolescence brings with it many new psychic characters, and these may not be equally shared, or equally assimilated by A and B. And as we look down the future we must reckon with the dif- ferentiating power of differences in fortune, social position or pro- fessional career. We have noticed that one twin is definitely more dependent upon demonstration of affection by the mother ; that one is becoming interested in the violin, the other, perhaps in poetry. Suppose that one should seek distinction in music and the other in letters. Even such a relatively small disparity in vocation might ultimately create by accretion a very decided difference in mental content, habits of thought, social attitudes, outlook upon life; so that the conditioned reflexes and complexes of A would become quite distinguishable from those of B; an interesting dif- ference in vegetation, growing upon much the same soil. Person- ality in its higher expressions is always so conditioned by social and educational factors that it would be futile to deny the possi- bilities of differentiation even with “‘duplicate twins. ’’ But we are concerned with the present status of twins A and B, age 8. At that age we gave them an opportunity to express some of their likes and dislikes on paper. It was a simple, almost 328 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY impromptu test; but the results were amazing. They independent- ly answered in writing a questionnaire, which is reproduced with their replies exactly as they gave them. QUESTIONS ON LIKES AND DISLIKES, ANSWERED IN WRITING INDEPENDENTLY BY A AND B Question: If you had $1,000.00 to spend, how would you do it? Tell me about it on this page. Answer: A. I would buy a painting outfit and learn to use it. Take Mother to Europe (because she wants so much to go). B. I would buy a horse (like Black Beauty), a riding habit, the Universal Anthology for Mother and a barrel of sugar for my horse. Question: What is the most unpleasant thing you have to do every day? Answer: A. Practice on the piano. B. Practise on the piano. Question: What is the most agreeable thing you do every day? Answer: A. Ride horse-back. B. Ride horse-back. Question: What is most likely to make you angry? Answer: A. Our dog. B. Rasputin. (The dog.) Question: What is it your ambition to be when grown up? Answer: A. An artist. B. To teach. Question: What game do you like best? Answer: A. Play lady and dress up in Mother’s clothes. B. Mother. Question: What was the most fun you had last summer? Answer: A. Going in swimming. B. Going in swimming. Question: What is your favorite color? Answer: A. Green. B. Green. Question: What is your favorite book? Answer: A. Bible stories. B. The Bible. Question: What is your favorite song? Answer: A. Red, White and Blue. B. Home Sweet Home. Question: What is your favorite study in school? Answer: A. Reading. B. Reading. It would be easy to exaggerate the significance of these ques- tionnaire results, and yet it is inconceivable that they would have been possible without a considerable degree of correspondence in personality traits. The same conclusion must be drawn from the results of the vocabulary tests made at seven, eight, and nine years of age. The close correspondence in mental level revealed by the Binet ratings is also undeniable. There were several points of dif- ference in the I Q at the ages of seven and eight, but the average for the two testings was within one point,—183. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 329 5B If . ‘ oe DN Aes xit te a iM Z A 3 oy AA é Gi a ob i 3g 4 t Ka SAN oe ~ FIGURE 12. COMPARATIVE PSYCHOGRAPH Showing intellectual correspondence of Twins A and B at age 8. Forty-four graded intelligence tests were given. All the tests at the mental age levels of 8 to 12 inclusive were passed with facility. OHAPUNY PEE pporpPR OABop e The I Q, or Intelligence Quotient, expresses the ratio of mental age to chronological age. If these two ages are the same in a given individual the I Q is 100. If the mental age is less than the chronological, the I Q is below 100. If the mental age is in ad- vanee the resulting I Q is above 100. Children with an I Q of 65 or less are usually feebleminded. Children with an I Q of 120 or more may be regarded as relatively superior. The psychological literature reports very few cases with an I Q as high as 180. A comparative psychograph of the performances of A and B in the Binet tests gives a fair graphic picture of the degree of intel- lectual correspondence of these two children at the age of 8. The diagram (Figure 12) is so drawn that suecess and failure are in- dicated in corresponding meridians. All the tests in the age levels below 12, were passed with great facility and are not included. 330 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY One half of the psychograph proves to be almost a mirror image of the other. (d) GENERAL CONCLUSION Reviewing, then, the developmental history of A and B, and the results of scores of tests,—the physical, the anthropometric, the psychological, performance and educational measurements ; and considering the collective weight and tendeney of these findings, and the wider diversity which would have been shown by a sim- ilar study of ordinary siblings—it seems highly probable that this pair of twins were of nearly duplicated or identical genetic ante- cedents. The general conclusion is inescapable that the consistent sim- ilarity between these two children is based upon a fundamental, inherent similarity in endowment. It would, however, be wrong to ignore the equalizing influence of a practically identical en- vironment. Indeed, in studying the development of personality it is rather artificial to bring nature and nurture into rigid con- tradistinction. Personality represents the resultant cooperative product of both intrinsic and extraneous factors, and the inter- action of these factors in highly dynamic relations. It is because these dynamic relations are so sensitive, that any marked psycho- logical similarity even between co-twins at the relatively old age of eight years is impressive. It may even be usual that one of a pair of twins begins with or early acquires a physical or tem- peramental advantage which gives him a different status in the social situations of life; and initiates a differentiating process which waxes with what it feeds upon. But in the present in- stance, such a strong differentiating tendency has not become very apparent. I should not be willing to say that it will never come into power. We have already suggested the differentiating possi- bilities of a wide difference in vocational or social careers. Even now a consistent partiality for one child on the part of the mother, a physical accident or an unshared illness, or an emotional crisis limited to one child, might become the germ for a pronounced differentiation of personalities. But on the whole, the equalizing factors have hitherto with A and B remained dominant. Among these factors we should mention a pleasant degree of jealousy and emulation. Neither wishes to be out done by the other. For example, when at the age of seven I gave them the delightful privilege of filling my hod with chunks of ecannel coal, they both insisted that they be permitted to put on the big gloves and that they also be permitted to put exactly the same number of chunks into the hod. This propensity, which fundamentally is CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 331 hereditary, has preserved a kind of balance of power and has helped to impress a certain identity on their respective personalities. Neither has become a leader of the other. The argument that similar experiences have made these chil- dren similar does not bear close scrutiny ; experience, after all, is a descriptive term for the reactions of an organism to its environ- ment. As Dewey puts it, the combination of what things do to us in modifying our actions, and what we can do to them in pro- ducing new changes constitutes experience. From a clinical point of view, the experience argument begs the question. What we really wish to know is to what degree have these children actually had similar experiences. Our conclusion is that they have mani- fested similarity of experience to a remarkable degree, due pri- marily to the structural parity of the nervous system with which they were endowed. A similarity of environment has developed a corresponding functional parity. But here again the considera- tions become involved; for this so-called similarity of environment has consisted not only in the same house, similar beds, similar clothes, similar food and identical instruction; but the twins have had each other, and each has earried around much the same en- vironment, because each apparently assimilated much the same things for her milieu. There has at least been a high degree of reciprocity between nature and nurture! (To be concluded.) 332 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY DEHYDRATION AND THE PRESERVATION OF FOODS By Dr. HEBER W. YOUNGKEN PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND SCIENCE HE possibility of partaking of strawberries and apples in regions of the earth remote from their native habitats and dis- triets of production at first thought seems unlikely. Upon later reflection, however, the likelihood seems possible, since we realize that they may be canned, dried or even refrigerated. But the chance of being able to have them in a condition almost like that in which they would appear when gathered in fresh from the gar- den or orchard and placed on the table with little or no natural flavor removed, after transportation to either of these remote points, is a far different proposition. Yet I hope to show before the con- elusion of this article that the ingenuity of man has made it quite possible to enjoy not only the full flavor and flesh of strawberries and apples in arctic or torrid climes, but in addition other fruits, vegetables and meats which are not produced in these regions. The whole secret of being able to procure the kind of food you want where and when you want it is in its preservation. The rea- sons foods do not normally keep indefinitely are partly biological and partly chemical. The chemical agents responsible for food spoilage are called enzymes, the biological agents, microorganisms. All living cells of plants and animals normally contain enzymes that possess the power of changing substances insoluble in water into water-soluble substances without themselves suffering any change during their term of activity. These enzymes are produced by the living matter of the cell and remain active after the death of the cell. Some of them have the power of attacking carbohydrates such as starch or inulin, breaking these substances down into water- soluble sugars, others attack proteins such as albumens and globu- lins, splitting these up into water-soluble peptones, etc., still others attack fats breaking them down into water-soluble fatty acids and elycerin. Some of the enzymes are present in the cells of the food itself, others occur in the eells of microorganisms which attack food. All enzymes require a certain amount of warmth and the presence of water in order to get in their activity. DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 333 From the earliest period of the human race of which there are records man has striven to preserve foodstuffs available in season and region of abundance for use in times and places of scarcity. The ancients practiced sun drying of food on a large scale. The following are the methods chiefly employed in the preserva- tion of foods: (1) Drying, (2) Salting, (8) Pickling, (4) Smok- ing, (5) Refrigeration, (6) Canning, (7) Dehydration. Dryineé oF Foop The methods upon which foods are dried are based upon the principles that sufficient heat kills enzymes and the removal of water inhibits the growth of microorganisms, as well as prevents enzymic activity. In some instances, protective layers may be formed through drying by changing the former relationships of tissue constituents. Thus, for example, in the curing of pork, the fat, which is for the greater part isolated in distinct cells, becomes diffused throughout the outer layers of the flesh and forms a water-proof exterior to the ingress of microorganisms. The removal of water in foods to an extent below the minimum required for the growth of microorganisms is secured in a number of ways. The most common ones are the uses of heat either in the form of sun’s rays or from an artificial source. Sun drying is the oldest of these. In regions where the moisture content of the air is low, as in many of the fruit districts of California and other western states, exposure to the sun’s rays accomplishes rapid dry- ing. In this method insects and dust frequently have full access to the food. In more humid localities and with other types of food artificial heat is employed and so we have kiln drying and drying by means of centrifugal action. Kiln drying is much employed in the preparation of evaporated foods. In this method materials are laid on a sereened floor under which heating appliances are built. The mass of material is stirred up occasionally during the drying. Drying by heat always results in concentrating the solutes. The acids in the juices of many fruits, when concentrated, may be antiseptic, 7. e., retard the growth of microorganisms. F're- quently the sugars present reach so great a concentration as to plasmolyze the cell contents of any microorganisms present and so prevent their multiplication. The disadvantages of all these methods of drying lies in the facts that they are slow, not all materials can be so treated and the products resulting do not regain their natural appearance, odor or taste when prepared for diet. : SALTING This is a method of preserving meats and fish. It has been 334 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY used. for many centuries and next to drying is the oldest process known. It is dependent upon the principle that salt abstracts water from the tissues of the fleshy food and so causes a concen- tration of the solutes within the cells too great for the growth of bacteria. It gives the food a paler color and extracts at least 25 per cent. of the protein content. The great disadvantage in this method is the danger of undersalting or oversalting. Undersalted foods putrefy in time. Frequently the putrefaction is masked and ptomaine poisoning occurs after eating these. Oversalting de- stroys the natural flavor and extracts much of the nutritive sub- stances. PICKLING Pickling consists of the preservation of food in brine contain- ing varying percentages of salt, vinegar, weak acids and _ occa- sionally condiments. Many foods such as olives, cucumbers, cauliflower, beets, and some meats and fish, are preserved by this method. That pickling is not always a safe method of food perser- vation has recently been emphasized by many outbreaks of botulism poisoning from pickled ripe olives. SMOKING This is a method of preserving flesh foods and flesh derivaties such as meat and fish. It consists of first placing the fleshy food in brine with or without condiments for a week or longer. A smouldering fire is then built in a specially constructed chamber. The flesh foods are taken out of the brine and hung up, being ex- posed for varying periods of time to the wood smoke and heat. The volatile substances in the wood smoke such as creosote, acetic acid and other germicidal substances penetrate the food at least superficially and either kill any putrefactive organisms present or retard their growth. REFRIGERATION Refrigeration is a method of preserving foods which is based upon the principle that cold inhibits the activity of microorgan- isms. During the past two decades it has revolutionized the meat and eges industries. In the meat industry it permits slaughtering to take place all the year round and great cargoes to be trans- ported in refrigerating chambers across oceans and continents and through equatorial regions not much the worse for the transporting. Foods preserved by refrigeration generally command a higher price than those preserved by other methods. This is in part due to the fact that the general appearance of cold storage food resem- bles that of the perfectly fresh article. In numerous instances, also, refrigeration, for a reasonable length of time, preserves not DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 335 only the appearance but also the delicate flavor, chemical composi- tion and nutritive value of the original articles. During the storage of food it undergoes some loss of water and volatile principles by evaporation and various volatile prin- ciples may be absorbed from the air of the storage room. But by far the most important point to be considered in this connection is the behavior of the biologic content ‘of the food during this period. It should be emphasized here that refrigeration not only impedes the growth of microorganisms, but tends to preserve them as well. In addition to the organisms present in the food when it is stored, other microbes such as bacteria, yeasts and molds, may gain access to the food from time to time either by actual contact with other things or through the circulating air within the cold storage chamber. As to whether these implanted forms will survive depends upon their nature and ability to adapt themselves to the conditions exist- ing within the stored food. Some perish, others may survive in the passive condition, still others may survive in their active form, multiplying rapidly. It has been known for some time that some bacteria can grow at a temperature of zero and that many ean reproduce at a fraction of a degree above that point. If microbie activity is, therefore, to be inhibited, the food must be frozen. Methods of refrigeration vary depending upon the article to be refrigerated. In the production of chilled meats, the flesh of mammals is first placed in a cold chamber at a temperature of about +-2° for the first 48 hours and then stored at a temperature of +I1° or +2° if chilled meat is desired. During the chilling process the enzymes of the dead flesh and bacteria present are active, bring- ing about a ripening or curing, which makes the meat more tender and gives it a more desirable flavor. If the chilling process be allowed to proceed beyond the point where the muscle sugar is nearly completely fermented, the changes in the meat due to the decomposition of proteid material by bacterial enzymes makes it dangerous and unfit for consumption. In the preparation of frozen meat, the dressed article is chilled in an air-chamber at —20° until it is frozen solid and later kept at a temperature below —4°. Such meat remains practically un- changed for long periods. The difficulty arises when it is thawed. If warmed slowly the melting water crystals are absorbed by the protein material and the original structure of the flesh restored almost completely, but bacteria are always bound to enter in a prolonged process of this kind and cause some decomposition. In order to prevent this, the thawing is usually carried on rapidly and so the normal structure of the meat is not restored. It is 336 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY softer, darker and moister than chilled or fresh meat and prone to rapid decomposition if kept at room temperature for even short periods. In the refrigeration of fish and poultry, these articles are chilled by packing in ice immediately after death and frozen as rapidly as possible. In thawing similar changes take place as in frozen meat but the bacterial decomposition proceeds more ener- getically. After thawing is complete the products spoil rapidly. Eggs should be stored at a constant temperature which should be between +0.5° and +1° and at a constant humidity of 70 per cent saturation, if superior results are to be attained. But even with the best of control and precautions there is some deteriora- tion in the cold storage article due to the facts that the enzymes within the egg are not necessarily inhibited nor is the growth of all of the bacteria prevented. Milk is more rapidly changed by bacterial activity than any other food. In up to date dairies it is therefore cooled immediately after it is drawn from the animal and kept at a low temperature until delivered to the consumer. But even at this low tempera- ture the milk bacteria multiply slowly. Freezing alone prevents their multiplication. If the milk is very clean, however, it may be kept sweet for several weeks at a temperature slightly above the freezing point. Fruits and vegetables are refrigerated at a temperature slightly above zero and at a constant humidity of about 60 per cent. satura- tion. In spite of modern methods of refrigeration it is not prac- ticable to ship fresh sea foods to distant inland towns or to send some perishable fruits and vegetables of the tropics to colder climes. CANNING Canning is a method of food preservation the principles of which include the destruction of microorganisms which produce the fermentative and putrefactive changes by heat and subse- quently sealing the container to prevent the access of more microorganisms. The principle of employing heat in the preservation of food had its origin in the experiments of Spallanzani, who in 1765 boiled meat extract in flasks for an hour and hermetically sealed them, after which no change took place in the material. Spallan- zani, however, was not aware of the real cause of these changes. About the middle of the nineteenth century, Tyndall and Pas- teur successfully demonstrated that living microorganisms were always found where fermentation and putrefaction took place, that these organisms could be killed by heat and that if substances DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 337 liable to decomposition which had been sterilized by heat were kept so that no organisms could gain entrance, they would keep in- definitely without spoiling. But long before the causes of fer- mentation and putrefaction were known canning was discovered. During the Napoleonic wars the French government faced the problem of maintaining an adequate supply of food for their army and navy and offered a prize of 12,000 franes to the person who could invent the best method of preserving food. Stimulated by this offer, Nicholas Appert, a Parisian confectioner, undertook the task. After several years of ardent investigation he discovered a method which he submitted to the Minister of the Interior. A number of substances which Appert had preserved including meat, vegetables, fruits, milk and soup were examined by the Bureau Consultif, a commission appointed by the minister, which inciuded such men as Gay Lussae, Bardel, Scipion-Perrier and Molard. This body reported that when the jars were opened after sev- eral months, the foods were found to be perfectly preserved and in every way satisfactory in flavor and appearance. On the strength of this report, Appert was awarded the prize of 12,000 franes. It was not until the following year (1810) that Appert published his discovery under the title of ‘‘L’ Art de Conserver pendant plusiers toules les substances animal et vegetables’’ (‘‘The Art of Preserv- ing Animal and Vegetable Substances.’’) Appert’s method consisted of enclosing food in glass jars which were then corked tightly, placed in a bath of boiling water the time varying according to the article treated and taking the jars from the bath at the prescribed time and in a proper manner. Appert later used tin cans as containers. The success of his method was dependent upon sterilization and the absolute exclu- sion of air. These same principles are applied in the canning of to-day. From France the canning method was introduced into England by Peter Durand, who in 1810 obtained a patent from the Eng- lish government for the preservation of a variety of food in her- metically sealed tin cans and glass jars. Among the first to intro- duce the process into the United States were Ezra Dagget and Thomas Kensett, who in 1819 began to manufacture canned oys- ters, lobsters and salmon. In 1820 William Underwood and Charles Mitchell opened a canning factory in Boston, where they packed currants, plums, quinees and eranberries. Enormous losses were experienced during the early years of the canning industry due to the defective nature of the square tin cans. The square ean finally gave way to the economically superior round can. A press for manufacturing can tops was invented in 1850. VOL. XIV.—22. 338 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY In 1883 a hand capping machine was patented and later various other kinds of machinery replaced hand labor. The Civil War did more to stimulate the canning industry in America than any other factor. To-day it is recognized as the main method of preserving foods in this country and likewise the most popular. DISADVANTAGES OF CANNED F'oops It is a well-known fact amongst chemists and physicians of to- day that the heat necessary to bring about the successful steriliza- tion of milk, fruits, vegetables and meat destroys vitamines. These vitamines are regarded as absolutely essential for the growth, de- velopment and protection of the body against certain diseases such as scurvy and beri-beri. In writing on the vitamines, Colonel Vedder, M. C., U.S. A., states: ‘‘It should also be noted that all canned foods must be regarded as possible beri-beri producers. It has been shown by numerous investigators, including the writer, that heating to 120°C. destroys the beri-beri preventing vitamines in certain foods. All protein foods that are ‘canned’ must be subjected to about this amount of heat in order to kill all the putrefactive organisms and such canned foods are, undoubtedly, beri-beri producers when used in excess.’’ I have recently been informed by Mr. P. R. Buettner of Dan- bury, Connecticut, that canned tomatoes retain some of their natural vitamines due to the protective power of the acid in this fruit during processing. The second disadvantage of using canned goods is in their great cost of production. From four to seven ounces of tin plate are used for each container. To this must be added the cost of packing cases and the handling, canning and transportation of much water. A third disadvantage is the fact that they have limited keeping qualities. There is always danger of crushing and spoilage in transporting them. Moreover, most of those products, when prepared for the table do not possess the same appearance, odor and taste as those of the freshly prepared articles from the field or garden. DEHYDRATION Dehydration in the modern sense of the term may be defined as the process whereby perishable foods with or without previous treatment are subjected to the action of carefully regulated eur- rents of air in which the temperature and humidity are properly controlled. The method results in the food products gradually losing water, DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 339 but without giving up their color or flavor or having their cellular structure impaired. Accordingly, the dehydrated food will re- absorb water, swelling up to its normal size and appearance. When cooked it will have the same appearance, flavor and odor of freshly cooked material made from fresh vegetables. Dehydration dates back to 1850, when Masson, a Frenchman, dried a large number of vegetables and fruits with a blast of warm air at temperature near 70° C. Sometime later, Passburg of Ber- lin obtained excellent results with vacuum drying apparatus. It was not, however, until the Boer War that products of this nature began to be manufactured on a considerable scale. During this period many thousands of pounds of dried vegetables, mixed so as to form a basis for an easily prepared soup, were produced in Canada and shipped from there to the British Army in South Africa. Stimulated by the possibilities of marketing products of this nature on a commercial scale, a number of Americans established factories in this country and by 1910 began to manufacture de- hydrated vegetables and soup mixtures. These products, how- ever, never became popular, partly because they were not quite equal to the fresh article when cooked and partly because of the great popular demand for canned foods. War is without doubt a great stimulator of human ingenuity, no less in perfecting methods than in inventing new ones. Just as the Civil War stimulated the introduction of new methods in the canning industry, so the World War established new methods and perfected older ones in the dehydration industry. With the problems of supplying our armies in distant fields and our ships in foreign seas with a variety of foods, and the limit of our ton- nage, the food situation became acute. More and more demands were made by the government for dehydrated products in order to save transportation of water and to provide our fighters with fruits and vegetables that could not be obtained in England and France. Thousands of tons of these foods were shipped abroad during the war to the forces of the United States as well as the Allies. It was the dehydration process that probably enabled Germany to maintain her food supplies during the war. That it was suc- cessful in that country can not be doubted when we consider the following statistics: In 1898 there were only three small dehydra- tion plants in Germany. Eight years later the number in opera- tion was thirty-nine, in 1914 it had increased to 488, in 1916 to 841 and in 1917 to about 1,900. By August Ist of this year there were 29 concerns manufacturing dehydrated fruits and vegetables 340 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY in the United States. To this may be added at least a dozen firms who manufacture dehydrated animal products. The methods of dehydration employed at the present time are varied in details of procedure. All, however, are founded on the same basic principle, namely, to remove the water contained in and between the cells of the food so as to obtain a product which ean not spoil as a result of microbic or enzyme action. The water taken away by these methods is only replaceable water and so the nutritional value of the food has not been altered. Moreover, if dehydration is applied while the fruits, vegetables or animal products are absolutely fresh, the flavor-giving sub- stances are preserved intact. In the best grades of dehydrated products the rate of evaporation is such as to bring about the re- moval of water without rupture to the cell walls. By means of this process the weight of the food is reduced from 80 to 90 per cent. and the bulk is diminished to one fourth or one sixth of the original volume. By means of compression the nearly dried material may be brought to a compact form as, for example, in the Veco products. Not all the water is removed, the amount remaining varying depending upon the character of the food to from 7 to 15 per cent. But sufficient is removed to concentrate the solutes to the extent of producing plasmolysis. The manner in which the material is prepared influences to some extent the quality of the product. If the first temperature applied to the fresh material is too high, certain changes take place in many vegetables giving them an appearance of scorched or scalded substances and diminishing their water-absorbing power. Accordingly, in dehydrating vegetables, the fresh material should be subjected to air having a low temperature and high humidity and gradually brought to a high temperature and low humidity. METHODS OF DEHYDRATION The methods of dehydration employed at the present time are as follows: (1). Tunnel Systems. These consist of long chambers or tunnels into the end of which the fruits or vegetables are intro- duced on screens or racks and through which a strong current of dry air is blown. While there are several modifications in the ar- rangement of the screens and in the method of heating and driving the air, it may be said that in general the heat is supplied by coils of steam pipe and the air is forced in by powerful fans. In some plants the racks of vegetables are placed on trucks which run on tracks, so that the material is introduced at one end of the tunnel where the temperature is low and humidity relatively high, grad- DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 341 ually moved on to where the temperature is higher and the hu- midity relatively lower and delivered at the other end in dry form. By this means the moisture is uniformly extracted by capillary attraction without destroying the cell structure. On account of the gradual reduction of the moisture content, the cells shrink slowly without breaking down and the product retains all of its natural flavor, color and food value. In other plants the tunnels have side openings where the trays are inserted and removed by hand. In the Hammond tunnel system, the patents of which are owned and controlled by the Unted States Dehydration Company of Den- ver, Colorado, the prepared fruits, vegetables or animal foods are placed in a rectangular tunnel and gradually conveyed through it, the moisture, temperature and rate of air flow all being properly coordinated. The air is allowed to take its course straight through, passing over the top of the trays or underneath them. Most of the products are steam blanched or dipped in hot water before be- ing introduced into the drier which operation has been found quite necessary in preserving the color and keeping qualities of vegetables. The Cook-Kelly process employed in the manufacture of ‘‘Cookelized foods’’ is another of these tunnel systems. In prepar- ing foods by this process, fruits and vegetables are brought into the factory and washed, peeled, pared, sliced, cubed or riced, put on wire screen trays and placed in a rectangular tunnel approximately 35 feet long. Heated air is blown through this tunnel, the cur- rents of this air taking the form of a sine curve as they g0 upward through one tray and downward through the next and so on. The trays are shoved along periodically which causes the air to reverse its passage through the products on the tray from time to time, evaporating the moisture from the products and earrying the moisture off through the other end of the tunnel. (2). Vacuum Methods. These have been employed with suc- cess in the dehydration of fruits, vegetables and animal products. The apparatus consists of a heavy cast iron chamber containing a large number of steel shelves heated either by steam, hot water or electricity, a condenser and a vacuum pump to exhaust the air from the chamber and maintain a high vacuum on the system. The material to be dried is placed on flat screens which slide into the shelves. Heating is partly by conduction from the metal trays and partly by radiation from the next shelf above. The temperature is regulated by a thermostat, so that overheating is impossible. Through the constant application of a vacuum to the process, the water vapor is removed and the material dehydrated. This method is particularly advantageous for the dehydration 342 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY of potatoes and apples or other vegetables containing an oxidase fer- ment. It is this ferment which causes the darkening of such mate- rials when their flesh is exposed to the air. Since air is removed from the chamber no darkening results by this process. However, if such vegetables are subsequently placed in water, darkening will result, since the ferment has not been entirely destroyed. This is overcome by blanching or steam treatment before the foods are dehydrated. In the dehydration of milk and eggs by the vacuum method, heated rollers are employed. These, with various attach- ments, are enclosed in a chamber in which a high vacuum is main- tained. The heated roller picks up a film of egg pulp or milk which dries rapidly under reduced pressure and is continuously scraped off by a knife as dried flakes or powder. In the dehydration of meats, this method is probably unequalled by any other one in its effectiveness. Large steaks and chops can be handled without oxi- dation and completely dried. The fats remain white and are not melted. The product is essentially raw meat with water removed. Usually a temperature of 130° F. is employed. Fish, lobster, meat, clams, oysters, shrimps and other protein foods that ordinarily putrefy easily can be preserved in excellent form by this method. Sinee these products are dried to about 30 to 35 per cent. of their original weight, the concentration of the solutes is too great to per- mit bacterial development. Most fruits and vegetables require higher temperatures than those to which flesh foods are subjected when dried by this method. With some of the products this method gives good results but is rather severe with others, tending to break down their cellular structure. (3). Kiln Method. In this method of dehydration, square chambers with sloping roofs and perforated floors are utilized. The floor is heated from below by a stove or furnace. The materials to be dehydrated are spread on the floor to a depth of four or six inches. The hot air from the heating device passes up through the vegetables, removing the moisture, which is conducted through a ventilator in the roof. The mass of vegetables is turned over now and then by men with shovels during the drying. The advantage of this method is mainly its cheapness. The disadvantages are those of overheating or underheating. However, a number of products made thereby have proven satisfactory. (4). Special Dehydrators. A number of special types of cham- bers or machines are now in use, differing from those previously considered only in certain details of construction. Many of these have appliances to carefully regulate the drying. KEEPING QUALITIES OF DEHYDRATED Foops That dehydrated foods will keep for a long time, if properly DEHYDRATION OF FOODS 343 prepared, is evidenced by the following occurrence: During the Boer War the British Army in South Africa was supphed with thousands of pounds of dehydrated vegetables mixed so as to form the basis of a quickly prepared soup. At the close of the war one of the Canadian manufacturers was left with 30,000 pounds of this mixture for which he could not find a market, probably due to the faet that consumers much preferred to buy such vegetables in the recent condition. He placed it in barrels which were paraffined and stored it away. Fifteen years later, after the outbreak of the world war, these were shipped to the British Army in Europe and used in the preparation of soups of splendid quality. If dehydrated foods are properly prepared and kept in paraffined containers free from insect pests and ingress of moisture, there seems to be no reason why they should not keep for indefinitely long periods. ADVANTAGES OF DEHYDRATED Foops Over OTHER PRESERVED Propucts Dehydrated foods are superior to dried or evaporated articles because they regain the natural appearance and keep the natural odor and taste of the fresh articles when prepared for the table. Moreover, they have better keeping qualities. Their advantages over refrigerated articles lies in the Saving of cold storage charges, in the lessened transportation charges and in their superior keeping qualities. Their advantages over canned foods lie in the great saving in freight charges (since the water content is reduced to 5 or 10 per cent.), in their freedom from spoil- age, their greater ease of handling, their Superior keeping qualities, and in the cheap containers that may be used. Moreover, there is no danger of botulism, nor are any of the vitamines destroyed. De- hydrated foods can be shipped to any part of the globe without deterioration. PossIBILITY OF DEHYDRATION IN THE UNITED STATES While much has been accomplished in the field of dehydration in the United States since the beginning of the world war, the surface has only been scratched. A goodly number of vegetables, fruits and a few animal products are being dehydrated successfully while scores of others have not as yet been taken up. Each kind of vege- table or animal food must be studied separately in order to properly perfect its best means of drying by this method. Dehydration is destined to stabilize the crops of the nation. Year after year, de- cade after decade, we are confronted by either feast or famine in respect to certain fruits or vegetables. A good crop one year with correspondingly low prices has often been followed by a small crop the following year with high prices. 344 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY With an extension of this industry the surplus of years of great yield can be stored and made available in later years when prices are higher and the crop leaner. In a short time the amount of planting would be equalized and all would be able to secure an ade- quate supply of these foods at normal prices. Again, dehydration is destined to conserve food materials. It is a notorious fact that about half of the perishable fruits and vege- tables grown in this country is wasted annually on the farm, at the freight station, in transit or in the hands of the commission mer- chant both as a result of poor transportation facilities and irregu- larities in marketing. According to the Los Angeles Examiner, ‘‘only 40 per cent. of the California products contributed to relieve the famine sufferers in China ever reached them in edible condition.’’ ‘*‘ Had the wasted 60 per cent. been dehydrated, it would not have failed of its merci- - ful purpose.’’ Again, on account of the strict grading laws enforced by the Potato Growers’ Association, it is estimated that about 50,000 bushels of No. 2 undersized, sound potatoes are annually lost to farmers. The potato dehydrating industry is comparatively recent in America and dehydrated potato flour is bemg manufactured from some of the previously wasted material. With the spread and development of this and other allied industries much of what had previously been wasted will be conserved for the benefit of the peo- ple. The dehydration of the sugar beet and the banana offer won- derful possibilities in this direction. It is conceivable that dehydration, now in its infancy, will within the next decade, when the nature of its products become more generally known, rival, if not outstrip, the other processes of preserving foods. A PERPETUAL SUBMARINE WAR 345 A PERPETUAL SUBMARINE WAR By it. E CORER ASSISTANT, IN CHARGE SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY, U. S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES, WASHINGTON, D. C. ATIONS of men have battled with each other until they have become weary of war. Now they declare war against war. The recent world struggle, with all its consequences to every one concerned, was enough to reveal the folly of internecine strife. Besides, is it evidence of our boasted wisdom for groups of men to contend in mortal combat with one another while engaged against a common enemy? For all men are allies in a warfare more en- during than the disastrous conflict recently precipitated by the Central States of Europe, more wide-spread and pervasive in its actions, and at least equally critical in its bearing on the survival of the human race. Our opponents in this war are small of stature, but in numbers they are legion. Conspicuous among these unrelenting adver- saries are the tribes of insects. They, as well as others, wage war uneceasingly upon us: they besiege our crops, they attack our build- ings and our clothes, they destroy our animals, and they even attack our bodies with their poison darts, planting in us the germs of such diseases as yellow fever, typhoid, typhus and bubonic plague. It is like the war that Whitman sings of—‘‘a longer and greater one than any, waged * * * with varying fortune, with flight, advance and retreat, victory deferred and wavering, and yet, methinks, certain, or as good as certain in the end.’’ But— Assuming that the worst came to the worst, that the insects had acquired mastery both on land and in the air—still we might re- treat to the waters hoping to build submerged and protected homes. Should we find safety there? It is true insects are almost non- existent in the sea, but they may have submarine allies. At any rate, we find there other dangerous enemies. Such are the boring animals of various groups which attack submerged structures of wood and even those of stone. The principal naval powers opposing us are the shipworms, which, of course, are not worms at all, but rather are mollusks and not distantly related to the luscious oyster. It seems remarkable indeed that an animal of such ingratiating qualities and gentle habits as the oyster should have a near relative of even milder appearance which eternally engages in destruction of the property 346 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY of man. New piling placed at great expense may be destroyed within a period of comparatively few months. Large and expen- sive buildings may be brought to collapse. Vessels of wood may be so weakened by the ravages of shipworms as to fall an easy prey to storms. Of course, the harm done by shipworms is often anticipated and such measures taken that the ships, buildings and wharves do not collapse, but these preventive measures are effected only at an annual expense which in the aggregate is enormous. The damage accomplished by shipworms each year can hardly be es- timated, but when we are told by a reliable engineer that in the northern area of San Francisco harbor alone, the damage by marine borers made evident within a period of two years was estimated by competent engineers to be in excess of 15 million dollars, the imagination can frame some picture of the total losses in all parts of the world—to say nothing of the costs of defense in harbors and at sea. What is this powerful submarine enemy called by so impotent a name as ‘‘shipworm?’’ If we can imagine an oyster having a very small shell, about the size of one’s little finger nail, but with the body projecting from the rear end of the shell for a distance equal to the length of the finger or even of the whole arm, we have a very rough picture of the shipworm. The portion of the body protruding from the shell, practically the entire animal indeed, is surrounded by an extension of the soft mantle which lines the shell. Thus the animal is in the shape of a long tube, having the shell at one end and at the other two small tubular openings called siphons. No matter how far the shipworm may burrow into a plank or a log, the little siphons remain always at the outside pinhole opening through which the animal began its travels and destructive action in the wood. It is through these tubes that the Teredo breathes and derives the greater part of its food. Through one tube a stream of water steadily flows in, while through the other it flows out. In course of its passage through the animal the water bathes the small blood vessels, bringing in fresh supplies of oxygen and taking away the waste gases; it is also thoroughly filtered, yielding up to the animal the minute microscopic organisms and detritus required for food. It is not strange that this mollusk lives so largely outside of its shell inasmuch as its life in burrows in the wood diminishes the need for a protective shell. Such of the shell as it retains about the forward end of the body is modified to form a grinding organ which is much more effective in its operations than one would sus- pect from a cursory examination. The shell is marked with ridges that in reality are composed of fine sharp teeth like those of the surface of a rasp. The two halves of the shell are not fitted to- A PERPETUAL SUBMARINE WAR 347 gether like those of a clam, where there is a hinge with an elastic ligament that keeps the shell valves apart except when they are drawn together by two strong muscles that pull together, one being near each end of the shell. In the shipworm the valves of the shell are pivoted above and below and while there are two muscles, as in the clam, it seems that, instead of pulling together, they contract alternately. The alternate action of the muscles therefore throws first the front edges of the shells together and then the rear edges. It is this rocking movement of the two parts of the shell which causes the rasp-like shell to grind away the wood ahead. These little destructive carpenters are not known to be governed by any union rules but they grind away industriously and at least make a living at the job. For them indeed it is a living wage or death. If one puts an ear upon the surface of a piece of wood in which they are working, the rhythmie rasping sounds heard may ceive the impression that some creatures within are sleeping soundly. The impression will be erroneous; the sounds indicate merely that shipworms are doing a day’s work for a day’s wage. Much of the fine sawdust produced by the rasping of the wood is taken into the stomach along with the living organisms from the water and it is yet a disputed question to what extent ship- worms actually feed upon the wood which they continually grind up. Toa large extent surely they feed upon organic matter, living or dead, which is carried in the sea water; this they strain out, as previously indicated, while the stream of water passes through their gill plates. So far we have spoken of shipworms as if they were of one race or tribe. As a matter of fact there are several kinds of boring mollusks called shipworms besides boring animals of other groups. The principal boring mollusks belong to one family which scien- tists have maliciously named Teridinide. There are some boring mollusks which do not belong in the typical shipworm family. Among these is one called Pholas which bores in rocks such as lime- stone and sandstone, and occasionally wood, but never in hard or compact rocks. Another, euphoniously named Martesia, is found in timbers of wooden ships in West Indian waters. Xylophaga, which is not, as might be thought, a musical instrument, really ac- complishes serious damage to marine structures and to the covering of submarine telegraph cables. Giants among shipworms are. the plumed pile-worms! which may be three feet in length and have a head diameter of nearly one inch or approximately the thickness of the human thumb. They are said to burrow at the rate of 14 inch a day; thus it ean be seen that a great deal of damage can be accomplished by a few individuals in course of a few weeks. The increasing effectiveness 348 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY of the attack may be appreciated when it is considered that they begin breeding at the age of 30 days and that a single healthy mother may cast millions of eggs into the sea water. But the real king of the shipworms is the pet of our South At- lantie Coast, sometimes known as Teredo dilatata. A female which attains a length of 4 feet and a head diameter of 1 inch has the right to her ‘‘big head’’ for she lays one hundred million eggs at a sitting—enough to fill 4 or 5 thimbles. This apparent enormous waste in egg production is rendered necessary because great quanti- ties of eggs or larvae may be destroyed in the first few hours of life by physical conditions existing in the water or may be consumed as food by innumerable small fioating animals. The ‘‘shipworm’’ of the dykes of Holland? is less properly so called because it is not so often found in the timbers of ships as are other species. Its burrows are smaller and more symmetrical and regular than those of the giant pile-worm. It lives and dies within a year. The eggs are said to be held within the body of the ma- ternal parent while they develop into free-swimming larve that subsequently escape into the sea. They are believed to remain in this free state about a month, during which they develop a ‘‘foot”’ and a pair of shells, before they settle down on wood and transform into the boring adult form. The number of eggs is estimated at a little less than two million. The free-swimming habit of the larve of this shipworm, and of the eggs and larve of those previously mentioned, is most significant because it enables the juvenile ship- worms to travel long distances with the currents of the sea and thus to invade new territories. The burrow of a shipworm enters the wood at right angles to the surface as a small pin hole, but soon turns and traverses it obliquely or parallel to the surface and usually downwards. The shipworm never bores completely through the wood but, guided by some in- stinct, the nature of which we can not define, it turns away just before breaking through the inner face of the wood. If, however, shipworms do not make a perforation completely through the bottom of a vessel they may so fill it with their burrows as to leave little more than an empty shell that is easily broken through by any blow or direct pressure. Not all marine borers are shipworms. Any boy who has turned over a log of wood in the yard or in the forest may have observed the small ‘‘pillbugs’’ which live beneath the wood. These are ecrus- tacea belonging to the same large group of animals to which pertain the crabs, shrimps and lobsters. If a pillbug is left undisturbed for 1 There are distinct species of this genus on our two main coasts, Xwlotra setacea of the Pacific and NXylotra gouldi of the Atlantic. 2 Teredo navalis. A PERPETUAL SUBMARINE WAR 349 a few moments it will be observed to unroll itself to assume a flat- tened form and crawl away. It might interest this boy to know that the pillbug has a relative in the sea called gribble (scientists eall it Limnoria lignorum) which ereeps into small erevices of wharf piles, even those which have been treated with creosote for protection, and, by gnawing away the wood, creates burrows which, when made in large numbers, will soon reduce the creosoted pile to an hour-glass shaped peg. The young have no free-swimming stage but, as soon as they leave the mother, begin to ‘‘dig in’’ for themselves. Hence they form family communities, and new colonies no doubt arise by the drifting of crumbled portions of pile to places where new homesteads may be established. A single square inch of wood has been found to contain nearly 400 individuals, adult and young. Another pillbug borer (Sphaeroma) digs into mud, wood, or even rock itself, but it seems to dig for shelter, not for food. Some of these are known to destroy piling in fresh-water. Again, there is the feathered crustacean borer, called Chelura tenebrans, which works along with the pillbug borers and is known as a destroyer of wood both in Europe and North America. It is related to the familiar sand-hoppers or beach-fleas, though it has some external resemblance to the pillbug borers. Our tale might be interminable if we proceeded to tell of the boring worms and the little sponges that make the familiar holes in the shells of oysters as well as in rock structures composed of limestone and that are of more economic importance than might at first appear. There are barnacles, too, that bore into limestone and coral. Perhaps most interesting of all to the collector are the several kinds of boring clams which are often found encased in caleareous rocks. It is an exhilarating surprise to break with a hammer what appears to be a solid rock and in smooth oval burrows find com- pletely formed clams entombed, as it were, within the rock but in healthy lving condition. The chambers in which they live will be found to be connected with the outside only by small pores through which, with the usual currents of water, the clams derive their sus- tenance. Some of these cavities are undoubtedly excavated by the abrasive action of the rotating or rocking shell, but others are said to be found in rocks so hard that the excavation may not be sup- posed to have been effected solely by the mechanical action of the fragile shell. If an acid is employed in dissolving the rock it seems remarkable that the calcareous shell of the animal is not itself dis- solved, and perhaps it would be except for the protective horny covering of the shell. It is not to be assumed that the submarine war is altogether one- sided and that man has no means of defense against the destructive 350 . THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY action of the marine borers. It has been held that, in some cases, at least, leaving the bark on wood piling affords some protection against borers but certainly this is a very poor defense, both be- cause the bark itself may be attacked by borers, though they like it less than the wood, and because the bark is likely to be knocked off or cracked. It requires but a very small opening for the borers to get the first foothold after which their destructive action rapidly extends. Metal sheeting for piling is sometimes employed but a metal such as copper, which will withstand for a considerable period the corrosive action of salt water, is costly, tempting to thieves and liable to injury. Paints and treated burlap are also used but these are liable to damage from the contact of boats or drift, to the formation of cracks, and especially to injury in storms. Neverthe- less there are coatings which have been found to give piling a life of 5 to 8 years. Concrete casings have been employed but great care is needed in their application and such casings are likewise sub- ject to injury from the battering of boats against the piles. An ingenious person once suggested the use of jointed collars of loose floats put in series around the piling with the idea that the continual battering of the floats from wave action would destroy the larve of the borers before they could effect an entrance into the wood. It requires, however, such a little break in the surface to harbor the minute larve of the borers that the plan does not seem to have been as effective in practice as it appeared to be in theory. Electrolysis and dynamite explosions have been employed for the destruction of the larve but the necessity of frequent repetition of the processes and perhaps other deficiences in their operation have prevented their demonstrating such results as could have secured their general adoption. For wood piling nothing more ef- fective has yet been developed than impregnation with creosote oils which, while hot, are foreed into the wood under substantial pressure. The protection afforded by creosote is, however, also limited in duration. Of course wood may be displaced altogether for submerged structures by the use of iron or concrete, but the mechanical diffi- culties and the high expense of using either material are equivalent to a very high tribute paid for protection from our enemies; or, as we may prefer to put it ‘‘ Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute!’’ Call it defense or tribute, as you please; in any event, until additional discoveries may be made, we protect our submarine structures from the depredations of marine borers only through very great expense in initial costs or in frequent replace- ments. Shipworms and their allies remind one of the man who made his living suing the railroad. How did he live before the railroad A PERPETUAL SUBMARINE WAR 351 was built? Some one also asked how mosquitoes found satisfaction and profit in life before man invaded their haunts. So the question occurs: Were there no cohorts of shipworms before civilization developed to the point where men ‘‘went down to sea in ships’”’ or built structures out into the shore waters. It must be remembered that forests and rivers are nearly as old as the sea, and there were floating logs before there were ships or the hollowed logs that served for transportation of coastal tribes of men. Nor have marine borers been altogether dependent upon the chance log that drifted into their habitat. Along the shores of tropical countries there have long existed forests of mangroves whose aerial roots hang down into the salt or brackish waters, to serve as lodging places for oysters, barnacles and other living things of the sea. Not often can a shipworm find a suitable home in the green and growing tree, but one of its ‘‘associated powers,’’ the tribe of pillbug borers, is not disturbed by the presence of flowing sap. No matter how green the stem or root, these ‘‘shock troops’’ assuredly cut their trails through the bark and into the wood, causing eventually the death of the affected piece. The way thus prepared for the main forces, the molluscan borers soon fill the dead wood with their bur- rows, until finally it is so weakened as to fall away and bear its burden of oysters to the mud. So when man appeared with his floating and fixed structures, the triple alliance of shipworms, pillbugs, and feathered borers, were not found in a state of unpreparedness. All the methods of submarine attack had been developed, the armies were in training and the invisible warfare began at once. ‘‘Sunk without warning’’ must have been the sad report of one of the early sailors of the sea. Did the wise neighbors jeer the unfortunate victim of a bold impulse to brave the sea, or did the tribe in sympathy and alarm assemble to propitiate their god? We do not know, but we can imagine that, sooner or later, the cause was sought by some in- quiring mind and that in time it was discovered that, by keeping the family log in fresh water and sea water alternately or by regu- larly hauling it out in the sun, the trouble was obviated—the un- Seen enemy defeated. Thus began this war against war, and, as marine structures in- creased in number, size and complexity, new tactics of defense were evolved. And yet, here we are in the 20th century still rela- tively defenseless, and only beginning to realize that, did we dk- vote one half the thought and scientifie skill to the age-old sub- marine war that we recently did to a man-made under sea attack, we might have an earlier hope to win a battle of the aves— the battle of the borers. 352 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTALY THE NEGRO ENUMERATION OF 1920 A REPLY TO DR. KELLY MILLER By LE VERNE BEALES EXPERT SPECIAL AGENT, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS N an article entitled ‘‘Enumeration Errors in Negro Popula- tion,’’ published in the February, 1922, issue of THE SCIENTIFIC Montuuy, Dr. Kelly Miller asserts that the 1920 enumeration of Negroes was seriously defective, basing his assertion mainly on the fact that the rate of increase shown for the Negro population be- tween 1910 and 1920 was less than might have been expected under normal conditions. With this utterly inadequate basis for his claims, and presumably without giving any study to data as to Negro age distribution, he declares that the enumeration of 1920, like those of 1870 and 1890, was ‘‘so flagrantly discrepant as to de- mand special explanation and correction.’’ (Page 169.) Disregard- ing the reduction in the Negro birth rate due to the abnormal con- ditions prevailing during the last decade, and making no allow- ance for the excessive mortality due to the influenza epidemic, he estimates that the true rate of increase in the Negro population between 1910 and 1920 was 9.6 per cent., a rate which would be substantially in line with those for preceding deeades. In order to obtain this normal-appearing rate of increase, he adds 300,000 to the number of Negroes enumerated in 1920, asserting that the estimated total thus obtained ‘‘makes the Negro population behave more or less normally’’—despite the fact that conditions were far from normal during the last decade. (Page 176.) As a matter of fact, a careful examination of all—not merely a part—of the available data which are sufficiently reliable to be worthy of consideration demonstrates the substantial completeness of the Negro enumeration in 1920. The evidence supplied by the census figures themselves is so convincing that there is really little need to consider collateral data. Nevertheless, the birth and death statistics for the Negroes in those states which maintain adequate registration systems have been carefully examined and have been found to be in harmony with the decennial census figures. It was a well-known and unquestioned fact before the census was taken that there had been, during the latter half of the last decade, an unusual and very considerable migration of Negroes from the South to the North and West. The census confirmed that THE NEGRO ENUMERATION OF 1920 353 fact and showed that the migration during the entire decade had amounted to about 400,000. Such a movement would naturally have a tendency to break up the home life and family relationships and result in a reduced birth rate. That this was the ease ig. brought out clearly by an examination of the following figures for Negro children under 10 years of age: Increase (+) or De- AGE GROUP 1920 1910 crease (—) IPS ay te Number Per cent. Total under 10 years............ 2,409,906 | 2,509,841 —99,935 —4.0 to 0G eT = Seu 9 G2) di a RP 1,266,207 | 1,246,553 +19,654 +1.6 Wnder 5 years 2! 1,143,699 1,263,288 | —119,589 —9.5 There is nothing imexplicable about this condition. The de- parture of hundreds of thousands of Negroes, most of whom were undoubtedly in the younger adult ages, from the South brought about a material reduction in the number of Negro births in that section ; but the presence of these migrants in the North and West did not result in any counterbalancing increase in N egro births. The Negro birth rate is much lower in the North and West than in the South, and in some states it falls below the Negro death rate. In 1920, of the 18 northern and western states in the birth-registra- tion area, only four showed natural increases due to excess of births over deaths among the Negro population, the rates of such increase ranging from 1.4 per 1,000 Negro population for Penn- sylvania to 5.2 for Massachusetts. The remaining 14 northern and western states showed natural decreases in their Negro population due to excess of deaths over births, ranging from six tenths of 1 per 1,000 for Ohio to 19.1 for Maine. The birth-registration area also includes five southern states and the District of Columbia. Of these, the District and four states show the following rates of nat- ural increase in Negro population for 1920: District of Columbia, 1.9 per 1,000; Maryland, 6.4; South Carolina, 11; Virginia, 12:1- North Carolina, 15.1. The figures for Kentucky indicate a natural decrease of 1.8 per 1,000. In order, therefore, to test the completeness of the 1920 census figures for the Negro population by comparing them with the re- sults of preceding censuses, it is necessary to make the comparisons between the number of Negroes 10 years of age and over enumer- ated at each census and the total number enumerated at the preced- ing census. In this way the births during the decade are eliminated from consideration, and the mortality among the Negro population enumerated at the beginning of the decade is ascertained. The fol- lowing table shows, for each census year from 1850 to 1920, the total VOL. XIV.—23. 354 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Negro population and the Negro population 10 years of age and over, as enumerated, together with the percentage by which the number at the ages of 10 and over fell below the total number enu- merated at the preceding census: TABLE 1 ToTaL NEGRO POPULATION AND NEGRO POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH PERCENTAGE BY WHICH NUMBER 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER FELL BELOw ToTaL NUMBER AT PRECEDING CENSUS: 1850-1920 Per cent. by which | Negro population | number 10 years of CENSUS YEAR Total negro 10 years of age|age and over fell population and over below total at pre- ceding census 1920 10,463,131 | 8,053,225 18.1 1910 9,827,763 7,317,922 17.2 1900 8,833,994 6,415,581 14.3 1890 7,488,676 5,328,972 19.0 1880 6,580,793 4,472,373 8.4 1870 4,880,009 3,428,757 22.8 1860 4,441,830 3,084,940 15.2 1850 3,638,808 2,500,353 4a The following table gives adjusted figures for 1870 and 1890. The revised total for 1870 in the first column has been published heretofore in the decennial census reports. The revised total for 1890 in the first column is given on page 28 of the Bureau’s special report, ‘‘Negro Population in the United States: 1790-1915.’’ The revised figures for 1870 and 1890 in the second column have been TABLE 2 ToraL NEGRO POPULATION AND NEGRO POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OvER, AS ESTIMATED FOR 1870 AND 1890 AND AS ENUMERATED IN OTHER CeNsuS YEARS, WITH PERCENTAGE BY WHICH NUMBER 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OvER AT EacH CENSUS FELL BELOW ToTAL NUMBER AT PRECEDING CENSUS: 1850-1920 RG LI Ti) Pl LE OI wD baosrcn ane ce Negro population number 10 years of CENSUS YEAR Total negro 10 years of age | age and over fell population and over | below total at pre- ceding census 1920 10,463,131 8,053,225 17.4* 1910 9,827,763 7,317,922 17.2 1900 | 8,833,994 6,415,581 17.3 1890 7,760,000 5,525,000 16.0 1880 6,580,793 4,472,373 | 17.1 1870 5,392,172 3,790,697 14.7 1860 4,441,830 3,084,940 15.2 1850 3,638,808 2,500,353 sic *Adjusted to exclude mortality due to influenza epidemic. THE NEGRO ENUMERATION OF 1920 355 calculated on the assumption that the age distribution at the two censuses in question was the same for the Negroes omitted as for those enumerated. The revised rate for 1910-1920 in the third column has been calculated by deducting the estimated mortality due to the influenza epidemic in 1918 and 1919 (60,000) from the total decrease. The revised rate, therefore, represents the normal mortality during the decade among the Negroes enumerated in 1910. In preparing the foregoing tables no adjustment has been made on account of the change in the census date from June 1 in 1900 to April 15 in 1910 and to January 1 in 1920, and the effect of im- migration has also been disregarded. The numbers of Negro chil- dren who reached the age of 10 between April 15 and June 1, 1910, and between January 1 and April 15, 1920, were undoubtedly somewhat larger than the numbers of deaths of Negroes 10 years of age and over during the same periods. On the other hand, the number of Negroes 10 years of age and over as enumerated at each census would be reduced by the exclusion of the immigrants who arrived during the preceding decade. As it would be impossible to calculate accurately the slight effect of either of these opposing factors, they have both been disregarded ; but the resultant error is too shght to have any significance as affecting the comparability of the percentages for the several decades. The rates in Table 1 show conclusively that the 1870 returns were far from complete, and indicate that the 1890 returns were also incomplete, although not to so great an extent as those of 1870: but, as will be seen from the revised rates in Table 2, the decrease due to normal mortality in the Negro population enumerated in 1910, as shown by the census returns for 1920, was in entire har- mony with the corresponding decreases during preceding decades. It may be mentioned in passing that the mortality during the last decade among the Negro population enumerated in 1910, as indicated by the percentage in Table 1, is no more than might be expected from an examination of the mortality rates for the colored population (Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and other non- whites) of the death-registration area, which—excluding the ab- normal year 1918—ranged from a maximum of 23.4 per 1,000 eol- ored population in 1911 to a minimum of 18 in 1920. For 1918 the rate was 26 per 1,000. These rates do not show at all definitely the total colored mortality, since the death-registration area con- tains only a part of the colored population, but they do indicate that the Negro mortality during the decade was fully as great as that shown by the decennial census figures. 7 Thus the census returns for Negroes 10 years of age and over in 1920 not only afford no ground whatever for an assumption that the enumeration was deficient, but in large measure demonstrate 356 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY their own substantial accuracy, and therefore, in the entire absence of any credible evidence to the contrary, must be accepted. Hence if the charge that the enumeration of the Negro population as a whole was deficient is to be sustained it must be accompanied by proof of an incomplete enumeration of children under 10. No such proof has been offered. Moreover, as has already been pointed out, the unprecedented northward migration of Negroes between 1910 and 1920 resulted in a marked decline in the birth rate, and the census figures show only what might have been expected in this respect. Furthermore, it would be idle to claim that the census takers, while successful in enumerating the parents and older chil- dren, were guilty of overlooking scores or hundreds of thousands of the younger children. Such an assumption is unworthy of se- rious consideration. The most difficult part of the population to enumerate is made up of the roving or ‘‘floating’’ element, which consists mainly of unattached adults—or, at any rate, of adults separated from their families; but the enumeration of children presents no special difficulties. In order to forestall further allegations of underenumeration based on obvious discrepancies in the statistics for certain age eroups, it may be added that these have been carefully considered and are found to have no material effect on the accuracy of the returns for the total number of Negroes aged 10 and over or the total number at all ages. The number of Negro men reported as between the ages of 20 and 35 was probably too small, but the num- ber reported as between the ages of 45 and 55 was probably too large. The obvious explanation of this condition is that there was a general overstatement of the ages of Negro men whose true ages were between 20 and 50, but the total number of men under 55, as enumerated in 1920, is not unduly small. The Negro population of both sexes in the age group 20 to 54 formed 47.3 per cent. of the total Negro population of all ages in 1920, as against 44.6 per cent. in 1910 and 41.8 per cent. in 1900. It is clear, therefore, that there was no serious underenumeration of young or middle-aged Negro men, but merely an overstatement of their ages. Another test of the accuracy of the 1920 returns is found by comparing the sex distribution of the Negro population as shown by the last three censuses. The males outnumber the females among the Negro population of every northern and western state except New York and New Jersey; and the roving or floating ele- ment, which is by far the most difficult to enumerate, is made up mainly of males. If, therefore, there had been any considerable number of omissions in enumerating this element in 1920, the result would have been a decrease in the indicated ratio of males to fe- males as compared with 1910 and 1900. On the contrary, however, THE NEGRO ENUMERATION OF 1920 357 the returns show increases in this respect both for the total Negro population and for the Negro population 10 years of age and over, as will be seen from the following statement: EXCESS oF FEMALES OVER MALES AND SEX Ratio In NueGRO POPULATION: 1920, 1910 anv 1900 Excess of females over males Males to 100 females AGE LIMIT ee ee ee ee 1920 1910 1900 1920 1910 1900 LAU APA eS aa 44,259 | 56,001 | 60,900 99.2 98.9 98.6 Ten years and over....| 34,301 | 43,150 | 53,784 99.2 98.8 98.3 These figures alone supply fairly conclusive evidence that there were no wholesale omissions in enumerating the migrant Negroes in the North and West. Dr. Miller’s assertion that ‘‘The internal evidence of error is overwhelming”’’ (page 170) may therefore be reversed in meaning ; for the internal evidence, when considered in all its phases, cer- tainly sustains the substantial accuracy of the enumeration. Never- theless, in order to make assurance doubly sure, the results of the enumeration in every county in the southern states in 1920 were scrutinized in comparison with the figures for 1910 and 1900, and a careful examination of the original returns was made for the few counties which showed decreases that appeared suspiciously large as against the increases or decreases during the preceding decade; but in no ease was anything found to indicate that the enumerators had neglected to canvass the Negro population generally, or any considerable part of it. Dr. Miller asserts that— se... An acknowledged error of a half million [referring to the census of 1870], it would seem, would put this bureau on the lookout for similar errors in the future.’’ (Page 170.) And again: ‘*. ... As this bureau has admittedly committed grave errors in enum- eration of the negro population in two preceding censuses, it is but reasonable that the obvious discrepancy can be most reasonably accounted for by an error in the present count.’’ (Page 172.) The present Bureau of the Census is in no way responsible for the errors of 1870 and 1890. The Census Office has been in eon- tinuous existence since July 1, 1899, and has been existence as a permanent office, under substantially its present organization, since July 1, 1902. Not one person connected with the census of 1870 is now in.the service of the Bureau, and only a very few of the officials and employees of 1890 are in the present office. Dr. Miller points out that the World War greatly upset the mobile Negro population, and continues: 358 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY ««.... There was a mad rush of negroes from the South to fill the vacuum in the labor market caused by unsettled conditions. Thousands of negro homes were broken up and their members seattered without definite resi- dential identity.”’ (Page 172.) He is thus fully aware of the Negro exodus from the South, but is willing to consider it only in connection with the difficulties in the way of enumerating the migrant Negroes in their northern abodes, disregarding entirely the pronounced decrease in the Negro birth rate which resulted from this unusual migratory movement. He continues : *“TIn the cities especially, it seems probable that the count was greatly underestimated. The negro migrants lived for the most part in improvised lodgings and boarding houses whose proprietors had little knowledge and less interest in the identity of the boarders. The census official, visiting such boarding houses with a large number of negro boarders would, in all prob- ability, receive an inaccurate underestimate by the ignorant and uncaring proprietors.’’ (Page 172.) The proprietors of lodging houses were required to do far more than make an estimate of the number of their lodgers. They were required to give the name and as many as possible of about 15 items of information in regard to each lodger whom the enumerator was unable to interview personally. Moreover, it would be an exceed- ingly unbusinesslike lodging-house keeper who would not at least know how many lodgers he had. Dr. Miller quotes from an editorial in the Oklahoma City Dis- patch, in which it was asserted that 33 Negroes had been overlooked in one block. During the enumeration many similar charges were made by newspapers, chambers of commerce, and other organiza- tions, and some of them were couched in violent and abusive lan- guage. These charges were duly investigated and in most cases were found to rest upon very slight foundation or no foundation at all. A newspaper in a certain city having a population of ap- proximately 15,000 asserted that the city had been underenu- merated by about 10 per cent. In reply the Bureau offered to re- canvass the entire city for the purpose of verifying or correcting the original enumeration if the editor could prove that in some part of the city, to be selected by himself, the enumeration had been deficient to the extent of 2 per cent. The editor then brought the matter to the attention of the local commercial elub, which, after investigation, expressed in writing its satisfaction with the enu- meration and its belief that the work had been properly performed. In another city, whose population was approximately 23,000, complaints were made that the enumeration was ‘‘so absurd that it amounts to nothing short of an insult,’’ that it was ‘‘absolutely ridiculous,’’ and that the alleged errors were due to ‘‘gross incom- peteney of enumerators.’’ The Bureau requested the complain- THE NEGRO ENUMERATION OF 1920 359 ants to supply proof in the form of names and addresses of per- sons omitted. They organized a canvass of a part of the city, se- cured 1,239 names of persons purporting to have been bona fide residents and to have been missed by the enumerators, and sent these names to the Bureau; but from this number it was possible, through careful and painstaking investigation, to sift out only 91 names of persons who were actually entitled to enumeration and had been missed. From these examples it is obvious that little credence is to be placed in a mere newspaper statement that the enumeration was incomplete. It is easy to assert emphatically that a city or town has a far greater population than the census returns show, and there is little difficulty in producing persons who will declare them- selves to have been missed by the enumerators. But when a thor- ough investigation is made it is found in the great majority of cases either that the persons were enumerated without knowing it, the in- formation regarding them having been supplied by others, or that they were not entitled to enumeration as bona fide residents of the eity or town in question. One instance of miscalculation on Dr. Miller’s part is worthy of special mention, not because it has any direct bearing on his claim of underenumeration of the Negro population, but because it illustrates forcibly the lack of care and occasional disregard of mathematics displayed in the preparation of his article: ‘«Even the apparent rapid increase in the white death rate awaits fuller explanation before the figures can be relied upon with assurance. It is curious to note that the birth rate among the whites in South Carolina fell from 32.3 in 1900 to 27.1 in 1919, the death rate rising but slighly from 10.4 to 10.6 during the same interval. And yet the white population of that state increased from 557,807 in 1900 to 818,538 in 1920. There was a vigesimal increment of 250,731 with little or no reinforcement from immigration. This unexplained increment in the white population seems also to discredit the reliability of the recorded mortality statistics within the states so recently added to the regis- tration area.’’ (Page 174.) There has been no rapid increase in the white death rate. For the death-registration area as a whole (which has been increasing in extent from time to time) the death rate for the white popula- tion decreased from 17.1 per 1,000 in 1900 to 12.6 in 1920, and during the entire period there was no pronounced increase from one year to another, except in the case of the rate for 1918, 17.4 per 1,000, which, because of the influenza epidemic, was consider- ably higher than that for the preceding year, 13.7. The increase in the white population of South Carolina is in no way inconsistent with the birth and death rates cited by Dr. Miller. In fact, although the death rate for 1900 is probably open to ques- tion (the state was not then in the death-registration area), it hap- 360 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY pens that the figures harmonize very closely indeed. The rate of natural increase due to excess of births over deaths in 1900, accord- ing to the figures, would be 21.9 per 1,000 white population, and the corresponding rate for 1919 would be 16.5. Assuming that the annual rate of natural increase in the white population decreased from 21.9 per 1,000 in 1900 to 16.5 in 1919, the decrease in the rate of increase being uniform throughout the period, the vicennial in- crease would be approximately 257,000, or only about 4,000 less than the increase of 260,731 shown by the census figures (not 250,- 731, as stated by Dr. Miller). To summarize: Dr. Miller’s claims are based mainly on the fact that the in- crease shown by the Negro population during the last decade was abnormally small. He assumes that the true increase must have been a normal one, despite the fact that the conditions during the decade were abnormal. The census figures themselves show that the number of Negroes 10 years of age and over enumerated in 1920 bears an entirely nor- mal relation to the total number of Negroes enumerated in 1910. Furthermore, the mortality during the decade among the Negroes enumerated in 1910, as shown by the census returns, is seareely as great as that indicated by the mortality statistics for the colored population of the death-registration area. The returns show that the number of Negro children under 10 years of age, and especially the number under 5 years of age, as enumerated in 1920 were abnormally small. This condition was a natural result of the unprecedented Negro migration from the South to the North and West during the decade. Moreover, since the census takers were obviously successful in enumerating all or substantially all the adults and older children, there is no possi- bility that they overlooked a very large number of children under 10. The ratio of males to females in the total Negro population and in the Negro population 10 years of age and over in 1920 was higher than in 1910 or 1900, the increase from census to census being substantially uniform. Thus there could have been no whole- sale omissions in enumerating the migrant Negroes in.the North or West, among whom the males far outnumber the females. For the foregoing reasons the writer, after a thorough study not only of the census returns but of such available collateral data as have any bearing on the matter, is of the opinion that the enu- meration of Negroes was probably as nearly complete in 1920 as in 1910 or 1900, and finds no ground whatever for attacking the 1920 census as inaccurate beyond the small margin of error which is inherent in any great statistical undertaking. AERONAUTIC ACCIDENTS OF TWO YEARS COHPARED 361 AERONAUTIC ACCIDENTS OF TWO YEARS COMPARED By Dr. FORD A. CARPENTER MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF METEOROLOGY AND AERONAUTICS, LOS ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE N September 16, 1919, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce created a department of meteorology and aeronauties and this newest creation in any commercial organization took for its motto “*To make the Soil productive and the Air safe.’’ The man- ager being both a meteorologist and an aeronaut has been able to apply the principles of weather science directly to problems of agriculture and aeronautics. The first is being accomplished through climatic surveys of agricultural districts, and the second by making all sources of meteorology available to air pilots. Real- izing the necessity of accurate data on which to base the relation ot weather to aeronautie accidents, statistics as to flying activities have been collected day by day from the press dispatches during the past two years. While the period is admittedly very short, it is believed that sufficient data have been collected to show the rela- tive importance of weather elements in aerial navigation, the pro- portionate value of the other factors, and the comparison of these compilations one year with the other. As has been well said: ‘‘An airplane accident is hardly ever due to a single cause. Usually several factors are involved * * * An error in judgment by the pilot is perhaps the most common cause of airplane accidents.’’* Bearing this fundamental in mind we will consider first the statistics of the year 1920-21. Figures as to airmileage are not available, neither is informa- tion as to the airworthiness of the various kinds of aireraft, or the airmanship of the pilots: such phases of the subject, will, of neces- sity, be neglected in this study. During the twelve months ending September 15, 1921, there were reported from various parts of the United States 76 aireraft accidents in which 137 deaths occurred. This was more than twice as many as occurred during the previous year. Fifty-eight per cent. of the fatalities occurred among government airmen, 31 per 1 Airplanes and Safety, The Travelers Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1921. 362 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY cent. in commercial flying, and 11 per cent. among spectators in ground accidents. The classification of deaths among officers and others connected with the government shows the following distribution : HAST TVY pee sae ers eee ee ee aE i ee 59 per cent. DTD ia ls aes Te SES eae Sens aeeenin-28 19 per cent. Acer erin eee eas Cea ato Lh ee eer veente Worest), Patwol sn os ek gs, vi OE eeIEb: The kind of aireraft in which fatalities oceurred are classified thus: BENG UOT GCM OL aN 2 See manne eee embers © engl! A) 83 per cent. eee et icp ae ae Reeals LR ie SNe nee aan peeeae epee gS niece ns 12 per cent. Ballon ee eee 82 Soccer hee ier cheer eee 4 per cent. NE RUSE rst ie ek Pi An en ieee Rea eerie nan R Ramee neon er 2 Er yTss 2 per cent. Unknowa 2 .....--.:.-.- 18 per, cent. 15 per cent. Prepared by the Dept. of Meteorology and Aeronautics of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. COMPARISON OF FATALITIES IN AVIATION ACCIDENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDING SEPT.15, 1920 AND 1921 1920-55 FATALITIES 1921-137 FRTALITIES UNKNOWN FLYING FATALITIES OF 1920 AND 1921 COMPARED The segments of the circles show the percentage of fatalities in all kinds of aviation accidents from five known and one group of unknown causes. It is instructive to note that while stunting as a death-producing feature has decreased from 24 per cent. to 19 per cent., engine trouble still remains the prime cause. The weather conditions of 1920-21 were no more unpropitous than those of 1919-20 so that the increase from this cause from 11 per cent. to 16 per cent. may be laid to the ignorance or disregard of weather indica- tions. AERONAUTIC ACCIDENTS OF TWO YEARS COMPARED 363 As will be observed by perusing the accompanying diagrams the proportion of accidents resulting from the principal causes remains unchanged. Notwithstanding the advances made in motor construction during the past year fatalities arising from faulty engines was decreased only 2 per cent. Stunting accidents dropped off 5 per cent., probably because of the dulling of the public appe- tite for such acrobatics. Weather conditions are shown to be an increasing cause of accidents doubtless due to the pilots’ insuffi- cient meteorological knowledge. There were an increasing num- ber of collisions in midair and with spectators. Structural defects, as such, first appeared last year as the cause of 2 per cent. of the fatalities. Transportation over the sea, on the land and through the air will never be rendered absolutely safe for we have to deal with human fallibility and the changing elements. It is only needful to call attention to the fact that notwithstanding long familiarity with the water, marine accidents show little diminution in pro- portion to the passenger-mile. With railroads such is not the ease for vigilence and scientific control have reduced fatalities most markedly during the past decade. However, that next newest method of transportation, the automobile, does not show a decrease in the number of people killed by it, but rather an increase. As to aerial locomotion, a study of accidents indicates five ways of making it safe and dependable: 1. Improve the motor in dependability; devise a new motive power if necessary. 2. Absolutely eliminate stunting by penal statute except as a military measure. 3. Educate the pilots in meteorology; make every airman a meteorologist ag every mariner is weatherwise. 4. Increase vigilance in the inspection of aircraft. 5. Strict supervision of flying fields and the education of the publie in their attitude towards aerial navigation. Public confidence in practical aeronautics will come with in- creased safety: no other element is so vital. That the air will be made safe for general transportation is assured for the need is im- perative. Time is the only inelastic thing given to man and everyday flight, outdistaneing the locomotive or the automobile, is the only way in which the busy man may increase his day’s work by annihilating time. 364 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY WHY THE MOVIES MOVE By DONALD A. LAIRD THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA VER nine tenths of us are now confirmed movie goers. The remaining one tenth will without doubt soon be enthusiastic converts to the silver screen, while those few who do not attend or are not regular in their movie habits either do not know what they are missing or else it is physically impossible for them to attend. Among the millions who are weekly movie goers there are at the most only a few hundred who understand why the pictures seem to move. Every one knows that countless thousands of pictures are flashed on the screen in rapid succession and in such wise as to pro- duce the effect of motion. This is about the limit of common knowl- edge regarding why the movies move. But after you have read and understood and remembered this account of the why of the movies you may count yourself among the few hundred who understand how the effect of motion is produced. It is easy to take things for granted without striving for an understanding of them. This is the great American characteristic. We are too easily content with a half truth or with a superficial explanation. As adults we seem largely to have lost the thoroughgoing in- quisitiveness which characterizes certain periods of childhood. Then we asked what, why, where, when, how, and ended up with why is it that way. Now as adults only a single, cursory question is asked and, lest we betray ignorance or slowness to comprehend, we let an ““Oh, yes! That is so’’ take the place of the series of follow-up ques- tions which should be put to clarify and explain things. The best intellectual tonic we can experience as adults is a re- version, as it were, to this inquisitiveness of our childhood which foreed us to stick to a problem until it was satisfactorily and genuinely solved or understood. When one really once understands some of the applications of science in providing the comforts and recreations for his daily life, one comes into a realization of the wonderful progress of science with a clearness and a force which can be obtained in no other way. And at the same time one has his appreciations of the newer con- veniences and luxuries vastly deepened. WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 365 So pause from time to time as you read this article and reflect upon the marvelous complexity and achievement of the daily movie. And, by the same token, make the attempt to spread this curiosity and appreciation out into the numerous phases of applied science which touch upon your life from the electric grill in the morning to the violet ray bath at night. The story of the development of the motion picture industry is a fascinating bit of history in financial organization and interna- tional trade competition. Why the movies move is as fascinating a morsel from the recent history of appled science and the progress of mechanics. The present excellence of clearness, freedom from flicker, and the illusion of motion in the movie are due to the ingenious applica- tion and capitalization of certain facts primarily from the field of psychology. It will be necessary to review these interesting dis- coveries in order to establish a basis for an understanding of why these pictures, which are really intermittent, motionless and flat, nevertheless appear to be continuous in motion, and to possess depth, There are three questions for us to answer regarding the mo- tion picture. First: Why is it that the pictures seem continuous when as a matter of fact the screen is in almost total darkness six- teen times a second and in partial darkness sixteen or more addi- tional times each second? Then the second question is: Why do we get the impression of motion from these pictures which in real- ity are absolutely motionless? And, third: Why do the pictures have the appearance of depth when in reality they extend only to the right and left, and up and down and do not possess any ob- jective third dimension or depth? It is to the eye that the motion picture makes its first appeal. And since it is through vision that the apparent motion is per- ceived it will be necessary for us to take up first of all some phases of the structure and function of the eye as a basis for our under- standing of the movies. I The human eye is a miniature camera, capable of a large va- riety adjustments. The eye is wonderfully responsive, and auto- matically so, to the slightest change in light, color, or position. But it is not without its defects and shortcomings even in so-called normal eyes. It is by the capitalization of some of these peculiari- ties, which almost amount to defects, that the movies are made possible. Just behind the pupil of the eye is a small crystalline lens that automatically adjusts itself to different distances and conditions 366 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY of vision. The eye thus differs from all other cameras in being self-focusing. No light ean enter the human eye except through the lens, since the remainder of the eye forms a lhght-proof box. The rays of light which pass through this lens into the eye are focused upon the inner surface of the eyeball. This is covered with a layer of highly specialized nervous substance which is acted upon by changes caused by the light. This specialized layer is called the retina and corresponds to the sensitive film or plate in the ordinary camera. In the camera the momentary exposure of light causes a chem- ical change on the sensitized surface of the film. But before the picture can be brought into view further chemical changes must be effected by the photographer in the processes of development and fixation. Not so with this marvelous human camera. Although vision is essentially momentary in character, due to the continual move- ment of the eye itself, exposure follows exposure and chemical change follows upon chemical change. There is not time to eall in the photographer to develop and fix the pictures after each exposure. Indeed, there is no need. Nature has provided the human camera with a chemical sub- stance sensitive to light which automatically renews itself. This material is called rhodopsin, or visual purple, from its appearance in freshly dissected eyes. This visual purple permeates the entire retinal structure and is probably the keystone to vision. The development and fixation in the human camera takes place mainly outside the eye. This occurs principally in the brain, to which the eyes are connected by a direct nervous pathway. The retina of the eye is the outpost of the brain, but the nervous mate- rial in the retina is not affected directly by the rays of light focused upon it by the erystalline lens. There is an interesting bit of experimental evidence which demonstrates this beyond doubt. Retinas which have been washed free from all chemicals which might permeate the network of nerv- ous fibers have been used for experimentation. It has been found that in order to stimulate this purely nervous structure of the eye _ directly the light must be so strong as practically to destroy these nervous elements. And still it is a matter for common observation that we can see, that is, our retinas are stimulated by lights of weak intensity. The only explanation is the one already suggested. The light acts first upon some photo-chemical substance which bathes the retina, and the changed chemical composition which the light waves bring about stimulates the nervous parts of the retina. WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 367 Just what this substance is remains an open question. There is some evidence to indicate that it is not the visual purple. For example, Kiihne found that through continued exposure to light the visual purple in a frog’s eye was completely bleached. Still the frog reacted to light and changes in light in a practically nor- mal manner after this thorough bleaching had taken place. The visual purple is probably the chemical medium for the adaptation of the eye to light or dark illumination. In passing from the open air into the darkened motion picture theater it takes some time for one’s eyes to ‘‘get used to the dark.’’ This is tech- nically known as adaptation, and its chemical basis in the eye is the visual purple. This same substance may have a prominent part in the general vision, or another still undiscovered chemical sub- stanee may be the basis for vision. At any rate, vision is primarily photo-chemical. Without the intervention of some photo-chemical material the energy which we eall light has no ordinary effect upon the eye. The light which is focused upon the retina by the lens alters the arrangement of the molecules in the photo-chemical substance. This changed chemical condition stimulates the nervous endings in the retina and these carry their impulses to the brain where they are developed (perceived) and fixed (remembered). This photo-chemical structure in the retina of the eye is not only the keystone in ordinary vision; it is through some of its properties that the motion picture is made possible. We will now turn our attention to those properties of this substance upon which the motion picture depends. Every material mechanism exhibits a property which physi- cists term imertia. By virtue of this property matter tends to remain in a state of uniform inactivity or uniform motion unless acted upon by some external force. One finds many illustrations of this in every-day life. Let us take an example from automo- biling. If it were not for the inital inertia to be overcome there would be no need for a shift of gears from low through interme- diate into high in order to get the machine under way. The initial sluggishness or inertia of the machine has to be overcome before the automobile can be propelled at its usual speed. And when onee under way it will continue to move when the power is shut off ; it is necessary to apply the brakes in order to bring the ma- chine to a halt. The effects of inertia are met with both in start- ing and stopping an automobile. But what has this matter of inertia to do with motion pictures? A great deal, indeed. An example or two will suffice to demon- strate the inertia which is present in the eye. 368 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY It is only to be expected that we find inertia in the organ of vision since we have found the eye to be mecano-chemical in opera- tion. Inertia is found in the eye as in any other material mech- anism. Inital inertia—the inertia to be overcome in starting—mani- fests itself in the retina in what is known as the latent time. A few hundredths of a second elapse between the moment a beam of light falls upon the retina and the beginning of the resulting nervous impulse in the retina. This time is consumed in overcom- ing the molecular inertia of the photo-chemical stimulating me- dium. In the case of the automobile the inital inertia can be over- come quickest by the highest powered car. In the ease of the retinal lag—the inital inertia—the latent period also decreases with an increase in the intensity of the lght. This initial lag in the retina is difficult to demonstrate except with the aid of intricate laboratory apparatus. The retinal per- sistence, or what corresponds to the inertia of stopping in the automobile, however, is easily demonstrated. In a recent issue of The Journal of Experimental Psychology I described a new apparatus for the study of visual after-images. A rough and ready demonstration apparatus along the same lines ean easily be improvised. Stand in a dark room with the eyes about two feet from a round, gas-filled, clear glass electric bulb. Remain in the dark for about five minutes so the visual purple of the eye may become adapted to the dark. Then switch the light on for just an in- stant, watching the bright yellow filament closely. What is seen after the light is switched off? Although all stimulation is removed an identical image of the red-hot filament remains for a considerable length of time and is seen as if it were projected out in space in front of the eyes. Move your eyes and you will find this image follows the movements of the eye, showing that it is not imaginary but really in the retina. This phenomenon is due to the inertia and is termed retinal persistence. This retinal persistence is always present and the experimental procedure simply accentuated it in a manner to make it readily observable. All ordinary visual images persist for about three thousandths of a second at the full intensity of the original stim- ulus, even after it has ceased to act upon the eye. Intense stimu- jation, such as the gas-filled bulb and the movie screen give, or long continued stimulation, causes the terminal inertia to remain for a much longer time. This identical image which remained after the stimulus was withdrawn is known as the positive after-image. After this posi- WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 369 tive after-image fades away it is followed by another which is the exact reverse in coloring and hence ealled the negative after-image. If you will try the light bulb experiment again you will ob- serve, after the positive after-image has disappeared, a line iden- tical in form and position with the red hot filament, but opposite in coloration. This is the negative after-image. Under these con- ditions it is usually so dark as to be easily seen even in the already dark field of the eye. Usually this dark image is seen fringed with a narrow light greenish-yellow band. When colors are used to cause these negative after-images, they always have the com- plementary coloration. _ or example, the negative after-image of. a blue square of paper is yellow, the negative after-image of a green paper is red. Negative after-images have little to do with the movies except in colored projection. They are simply mentioned here that some adequate comprehension may be given of the great complexity of the retinal inertia as it is manifest in visual persistence. It is also largely through a study of these after-images that the nature of the photo-chemical properties of the eye was first brought under observation. We are now near an answer to the first problem which we Set up regarding the movies. As almost universally projected at present, sixteen separate pictures are flashed on to the screen within one second. In the earlier machines, as in Edison’s kinetoseope, the film was passed pin steadily. But with the bright illumination and large pictures now in use the picture has to be still while on the sereen, Other- wise nothing but one great, big, rectangular blurr would be seen. In order to accomplish this still projection of the individual pictures to produce the motion cam band picture each picture jis jerked Figure 1. Maltese Cross Movement for befor : jerking the pictures before the lens one is) e the lens rae at a time. A at a time. The pin wheel revolves Maltese Cross movement, such steadily, the cam band holding the . t ; Maltese cross firmly in position until 2S ny used for the escapement in the pin enters the slot; on the oe Swiss watches, jerks the film is turned go degrees. he axle that : : . carries the cross also carries a sprocket down oe by picture in the which meshes with the danse the modern projector. That the film film and jerks it down picture by pic- < d ture as the pin pulls the cross around May be held rock Steady aft- one-quarter of a turn. er the intermittent ‘Maltese Cross’’ movement has pulled it down it is passed through a ten- sion gate which holds the film tightly at all times. VOL. XIV.+-24. 370 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY The clearness, freedom from flicker and illusion of motion are all furthered by the addition of the shutter. This revolves in the path of light of the projector and is timed so that the large blade of the shutter completely cuts off the light while the intermittent movement is pulling down the next picture. The film is thus not seen while in movement but only after it has come to rest. This shutter cuts the hght completely off from the screen while each picture is being jerked into place. Sixteen times in each second the screen is in complete darkness. In addition to this there is a ‘‘flicker’’ blade or two in the shutter which passes in front of the picture and partially shuts off the light while it is being projected on to the screen. The purpose of this Figure 2. Shutter which revolves in ““flicker’” blade will be men- front of the lens, interrupting the path tioned and explained directly. of light. The large blade cuts off the ie : light while the film is being jerked 12 View of the findings of down; the smaller blades are the our brief survey of the proper- peo BENG ties of the eye and especially the manifestations of the retinal inertia it will now be possible for an adequate explanation to be given for the apparent continuity of the movie which is actually intermittent. Retinal persistence is the key. Although the light thrown on the screen is interrupted thirty-two or more times each second a positive after-image of each picture remains until the next pic- ture is projected in full intensity on the sereen. The actual period of darkness on the retina is bridged over by the retinal persistence. This is what gives apparent continuity to the motion picture. The shutter is a significant factor in giving the pictures clear- ness by shutting off the movement of the pictures as they are jerked into place. The absence of flicker, however, is also largely due to two other factors, namely, the intensity of illumination used and the ‘‘flicker’’ blade of the shutter. The duration of the retinal lag and persistence varies accord- ing to the intensity of the stimulus, which, in this ease, is the brightness of the light. As the intensity of the illumination in- creases, the period of lag decreases, while the period of persist- ence increases. Thus with the strong illumination which the modern electric are furnishes, the appearance of continuity is furthered and the intervals of actual darkness are covered by brighter positive after-images than would otherwise be possible. WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 371 If the same films and projection apparatus that are now used to project the motion picture were combined with the old acety- lene light source there would be a reappearance of the flicker due to the lengthened lag and shortened persistence. It is therefore apparent that the bright illumination not only gives clearness and brightness, but also aids in the steadiness, continuity and the elimi- nation of the flicker. Now to take up the part of the ‘‘flicker”’ blade. Upon first thought it would seem disastrous to introduce any more flicker than absolutely necessary in order to cover each jerk of the film. Obviously such is not the case. The reason for this will be made clear by reference to some laboratory experiments. Figure 3. When a disc composed of two sectors such as is shown at the left is rotated with sufficient speed the colors fuse and produce an intermediate grey such as diagrammed. Before the proper speed of rotation is reached flicker is present rather than fusion. When a dise composed of two equal black and white sectors is rotated by an electrie motor whose speed is under control three series of phenomena are observed as the speed is increased. With only a few revolutions each second it is still possible for the two Sectors to be clearly seen. As the speed is gradually increased, however, there seems to be a slight admixture of color with the black and white sectors which now appear to be pulsating slightly. These colors are known as Fechner’s colors, after the pioneer in psychological investigation who first observed them. They are due to peculiarities in the photo-chemical materials in the retina. The second phenomenon oecurs when the speed of rotation is still further increased. This is known as flicker. The even, pul- sating, rhythmical alternation of the black and white observed with the slower speed is replaced by an unsteady, wavering flicker which produces a great strain on the eyes. This experi- mental flicker is similar to the flicker which accompanied the earlier attempts to project motion pictures. Inereasing the speed of rotation still more causes this flicker to become more and more steady until at last a certain point is reached at which fusion is produced. When this is reached, the unsteady, fluctuating flicker is displaced by a blend of black and white which appears as an even, smooth, grey. In contrast to the 372 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY strain of the flicker, this fusion of the two colors is pleasing to look upon and resting to the eyes. Stated in terms of the retinal inertia, this fusion results when the stimuli impinge upon the retina with such rapidity that the initial lag of the one blends or fuses with the residual persistence of the other. Without the ‘‘flicker’’ blade on the shutter of motion-picture projector the intervals of light and darkness are so far separated that only the flicker phenomenon is produced. If the speed of the projector were increased so as to overcome this flicker it would result in each picture being shown for so short an interval that there would scarcely be time for each one to overcome the inital lag of the retina. With the addition of this ‘‘flicker’’ blade, however, the number of interruptions is doubled without increasing the speed and thus fusion is made to replace flicker. It will be recalled that in the experiment just described the resulting fusion was neither white nor black but an intermediate grey. This lessening of intensity by the interruptions follows a definite course which is predictable by Talbot’s law. In modern motion picture production the overcoming of the flicker has also resulted in lessening to a considerable extent the apparent intensity of illumination in the projected pictures. But through the aid of the intense electric are and the mirror screens the lighting used is so high powered that the resulting fusion is still bright and clear. 8 The illusion of motion in the photo-play can not be explained in the positive way in which we accounted for the appearance of continuity and the clearness and freedom from flicker. There is still some controversy among psychologists regarding the percep- tion of visual motion in ordinary life. The problem is gradually becoming settled, but in fairness we must review the chief accounts which are current. Then we can not only decide which one best explains the visual perception of motion in the motion picture but we ean also see what the motion picture can contribute in a con- structive way to these theories. There are several of these classical theories which must be mentioned in this connection. Eye movements have been used for a long time to account for the perception of motion by the eye. This theory holds that the eye follows moving objects and that we get the impression of motion from the strain and tension on the six muscles that move each eye. There are two major objections, however, which seem to render this theory untenable in its usual form. WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 373 In the first place, the more recent experimental work indi- eates that after all our judgment of the movements of the eye muscles is very inaccurate. If our knowledge of these move- ments were used as a basis for an interpretation of motion in the external world such motions would be grossly misinterpreted to say the least. A second fatal bit of evidence against the theory is that in addition to our inaccurate knowledge of the eye move- ments, the movements themselves do not conform to the external motions or objects with any degree of accuracy. This is plainly shown in the illustration of the movements of an eye in following the outline of a circle. We must look, then, to the nervous and retinal elements of the eye rather than to its musculature for an explanation of the per- ception of visible motion. The phenomena of retinal streaming has been used by some psychologists as a partial explanation of the perception of motion by the eye. This starts from the fact that there is an after-image of movement. If you look at a moving stream from a bridge and then turn your attention to the bank of the stream the latter seems to be moving in a direction opposite to that of the stream. This is a negative after-image of movement and its explanation has been attempted by assuming an actual movement on the part of some of the retinal elements. But we have no corroborative evidence of this stream- ing of the retinal elements, in fact, what we know of the actual structure of the LN retina tends to contradict this assumption. It is quite improbable that the perception Photograph, taken by Of motion is due to an actual and corre- ae ee ae sponding movement of certain elements in in following the outline the retina. Sec le For some time it was also stated by some psychologists that there is a special sensation of motion. This was done by the earlier introspective psychologists who used the inner experience of motion, which could not be analyzed further, as the basis for their classification of the senses. The other criteria for a sensation, however, they ignored. They did not stop to analyze the physical stimulus to determine whether or not it was unique or a part of other stimuli. They also neglected to search for or indicate the sense organ which is necessary if there is to be a special sense of movement. Obviously as a special sensation movement fails to meet these requirements. If we analyze movement as a stimulus we find that it resolves itself into a series of changes in the stimulation of the retina. Are these changes continuous and steady in ordinary vision or are they 374 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY seen only in certain progressive stages as in the motion-picture film? In other words, is the stimulation which produces the move- ment in the motion picture the same or different from that of daily life? We shall have an answer to this in a moment. The eye is constantly in motion; it is never at rest for more than a few hundredths of a second at a time. Ordinarily we are completely unaware of these constant movements of the eye, but they are present and have been accurately observed and studied in detail in the laboratory. In reading a line of print, for ex- ample, the eye does not progress evenly and smoothly, but makes five or six irregular jumps. Partial blindness characterizes the eye during these periods of their motion. For a time it was thought the eye was com- pletely blind while in motion. It has been proved now that during these periods it is not completely anesthetic although it senses only a vague, indefinite, hazy blurr at most. Thus in ordinary vision, although the moving object may be progressing at a uniform rate, the actual retinal stimulation is jerky due to the incessant movement of the eye. Ordinary vision is essentially momentary in character and cross-sections motion in various phases, just as the motion-picture camera photographs progressive phases of the action. In either instance there is no difference between the perception of motion. The motion itself is not seen. What is seen is the change in positions and a blurr which may be looked upon as the sensory index of the change. The perception of motion, both actual and pictured, is largely a matter of apperception. The movement between the positions actually seen is supplied by the mind from its storehouse of past experiences. The successive pictures shown or scenes perceived PAN AL 3 4 5 out of sight they anchored their ships behind a THIS IS AN ACTUAL RECORD OF THE EYE PAUSES IN READING A LINE OF PRINT BY A FAIRLY EFFICIENT READER. ALL OUR VISION IS CHARACTERIZED BY THESE MOMENTARY FIXATIONS OF THE EYE serve as a framework along which the mind ean fill in the idea of motion. The apparent motion results not alone from the succes- sive stimulation In advancing position, but ineludes the synthe- sizing activity of the higher mental processes. The motion picture is no exception to real life in this respect. And neither is the perception of motion by the eye an excep- tion in the filling-in activities of imagery and expectation. The same filling-in activity of the mind is at work in reading. Only a very few of the letters in any line are really clearly seen, the remainder are supplied by the mind’s integration. It is for this reason that the inexperienced proof-reader passes over error after WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 375 error; in ordinary perception the eye touches only the high spots, the mind does the rest to round out and complete the awareness of objects and activities. IIl Emphasized again, we find these inner activities at work in the perception of depth, or nearness-farness, in the three dimen- sional objective world and in the flat two dimensional world of the photo-play. Our ordinary environment extends not only to the right and left, and up and down, but some objects are also seen close to us while others are far away. This nearness-farness is depth or the third dimension. Just how we perceive depth was one of the first problems to receive the attention of the early experimental psy- chologists. The main criteria which we have to assist us in the perception of depth take issue from the fact that our vision is normally binocular. Two eyes make us much more accurate in the percep- tion of the third dimension than would otherwise be the ease. Two brief examples will suffice to indicate the réle of the sec- ond eye. Close one eye and glance around your room. You will notice a loss of the plastic appearance of the furniture. It all looks flat and as if it were in one plane. Try walking around with the same eye closed and find out how inaccurate is your perception of distance. With one eye still closed attempt to touch your index fingers together about a foot in front of your eyes. See! You missed by from one to three inches, may be more. Try doing the same task now with both eyes open. You will bring your fingers to- gether on the first trial. There are two prominent ways in which the fact that our vision is normally binocular contributes to our perception of depth. In the first place there is the matter of convergence. When look- ing at near objects the muscles on the nasal side of the eyeballs contract so that both eyes may be directed toward the objects. With far objects it is the muscles on the temporal side that econ- tract. There is thus a measure of convergence in terms of muscle strain. More important than convergence is the disparity of the retinal images. Since the eyes are separated by a few inches each one sees a given object at a slightly different angle from the other. You can easily demonstrate this by holding a closed book at arms length in front of you with the back of the book toward you. Look at it first with one eye and then the other. The difference between the two views is marked indeed and in each case the appearance lacks plasticity or depth. 376 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY When the same book is seen in the same position by the same eyes simultaneously a different appearance is noted. The two widely disparate views have fused into one which has depth and relief. This principle of disparity is used in the ordinary stereoseope. The two pictures on the card are taken from a slightly different angle. When viewed through the stereoscope the prismatic lenses bend the rays of light so that the pictures are seen by each eye as if they were of a single object in front of them. Since the pictures have the requisite disparity the resulting appearance is one of a single object in clear relief. It is not known how it is that these two images which are physiologically different still combine to form a perception that possesses the quality of depth. The important thing, however, is that such is the fact. And in this we again have an example of the integrating activities of the mind. Motion pictures are fiat and lacking in any real quality of depth or any qualities that will give convergence or disparity. Then how is it that nevertheless the observer receives the impres- sion of depth from this representation which is in a single plane? In answering this we shall be initiated still deeper into the almost mysterious processes of integration that are accomplished by the nervous system. At the outset it is evident that we are certain of our pereeption of the third dimension in the photoplay. The actors not only walk from right to left but enter and exit through a door at the rear just as they would on a real, three dimensional stage. Then we see the screen troopers gallop away and out of sight into the distant hills. There is no denying the fact that we receive the impression of depth; and there is no denying the fact that as an objective quality depth is lacking in the motion picture. While the most accurate and predominant factors in the per- ception of depth are the physiological ones of disparity and con- vergence, there are still a large number of so-called secondary fac- tors which assist materially in building up these perceptions. It is more fitting that these factors be termed psychological rather than secondary and of late this has come to be the common practice. What we have long known as perspective is perhaps the most important psychological factor. Distant objects are smaller than near objects; the lines in the visual field converge toward a vanish- ing point. Perspective is significant in normal, binocular percep- tion of the three dimensional world; it is ultra-significant in the flat world of the motion picture, and even painting for that matter. It is largely this factor which gives apparent depth to flat represen- tations. Artists have long made conscious use of this in their paint- ings; the Japanese and Chinese still create pictures in which the WHY THE MOVIES MOVE 377 perspective is omitted. This results in a characteristic flatness and unreality in appearance. Again in this perspective we find the integrating activities of the nervous system prominent. Although distant objects cast a smaller image on the retina than near objects the former are still interpreted, not as small people and things, but as of usual size but more remote. Distant objects are also partially hidden by those nearer the observer. Very distant objects are also seen through a haze and are higher in the field of vision. Shadows are another factor in pro- ducing the impression of relief. Without these shadows a photo- eraph would be flat and lack plasticity. Amateur photographers usually overlook this and their photographs are characteristically “*flat’’ in appearance. The motion pictures utilize all these psychological factors to cive the spectators the impression of depth. In addition they take advantage of certain common illusions by having the action take place in the background rather than in the foreground; through this procedure the impression of depth is increased. Sometimes the action in the background is provided by the sea or by a breeze waving the trees. It does not need to be human action to produce the illusion. The scenic arrangements of the photo-play are selected not alone for their artistic features but, as well, for their depth producing qualities when projected on to the sereen. Although this objective sereen presentation is flat and without depth, it is possible to take advantage of these psychological factors and thus produce screen dramas as full of depth and plasticity as they are of action and human interest. Paneled walls in the sereen settings are popular with the di- rectors since these enhance the perspective of lines; round tables are discarded in favor of long rectangular ones for the same rea- son. The rooms used in filming the various scenes are enormously exaggerated as to depth, not primarily to produce an appearance of lavishness, but that the factor of depth may be made to stand out clearer in the projected, flat picture. What ean the scientist predict as to the future development of the technique of the photo-play? In the first place, there are hin- drances to any great future development in the elimination of flicker due to the rather large individual differences in the retinal lags. It is necessary for the projection to meet the requirements of the great majority of the spectators, and there will always be some who, through physiological idiosynerasies, do not receive the continuity of impression and clearness at its maximum. It would not be impossible for those who ean afford the luxury to have their 378 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY eyes tested for the factors involved in motion picture projection and have a projector built to meet their individual requirements just the same as glasses are ground to order. Daylight projection is not impossible but will remain a dream for many years. Certain features of the flicker phenomena are a serious handicap in achieving this end. The fusion phenomena takes place with the slowest speed and with the weakest illumina- tion when the general illumination is at its weakest. As the gen- eral illumination is increased it becomes necessary for the speed of interruption, or the illumination of the screen, or both to be increased greatly in order to overcome flicker and retain fusion. Mechanical difficulties at present are not such as to make projec- tion of motion with a bright illumination of the theatre out of the question. Another handicap in the production of fusion is in the facet that apparent motion appears on the screen. This complicates the fusion and in eases of jerky or sudden motion tends to produce flicker of itself. The basis for this is demonstrated in the labora- tory where simply moving the hand between the eyes and the re- volving sectors which are fusing immediately brings about an occur- rence of flicker. One observes this from time to time in the com- mercial motion picture, especially in the news reviews where foot- ball action is portrayed. The government war films of marching soldiers afford a good example of this where fusion takes place from the trunks of the soldiers up, but where flicker is seen in the same pictures where the movements of the legs complicate the projection. Colored projection will always be hampered not only by the ex- pense and great mechanical difficulties involved, but also by the fact that the lag varies with the colors and it is impossible to get the smoothness that is obtained with black and white. Negative after- images of the colors which are projected with a light stronger than is usual in daily life also contribute to the difficulty of successful colored projection. The effect of depth will always suffer so long as it is necessary for the photo-play spectators to view the pictures at distances and from angles at which they were not photographed. The maximum effect of depth is obtained when one is at the same position in rela- tion to the scene at which it was photographed. This is one reason why extreme side seats are undesirable. And at the same time no position in the auditorium is perfect in this respect for the various scenes are photographed from different angles and distances. The photoplay is rapidly becoming an art unto itself and is receiving the merited attention of students of art and aesthetics. Fundamentally, however, it is a triumph of applied science and is only one of the many examples of the rapid progress which has been made in this field in the more recent decades. THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 379 THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? By Professor A. T. POFFENBERGER COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HEN one examines the literature concerning the subconscious he meets a mass of contradictions. It is a concept which has become popular only in recent years; yet it is perhaps three hun- dred years old, having been first proposed by Leibnitz about the year 1600. By those who accept it, it is considered one of the most important discoveries of the age; by those who do not accept it, it is considered nonsense. In it some find the means of curing most of the human’s ills, others find the belief in it a symptom of an ailment itself requiring radical treatment. The very name subcon- scious seems to be self contradictory: it is a consciousness of which we are not conscious. The believer speaks of his subconscious as though it were as familiar a possession as his teeth or his hair, and yet by its very nature the subconscious can be directly known to no one—it can only be inferred. The subconscious has become so popular that one meets the term on every hand, in conversation, in the newspapers, even in the doctor’s consulting room. It is quite as familiar a term as ‘‘camouflage,’’ or ‘‘normaley,’’ yet it is one of the most abstruse of meta-physical or, if you prefer, of scientific conceptions. Now the recent popularity of the concept of the subconscious rests largely upon the fact that it forms the basis for a number of theories and doctrines which are very interesting to people, such as psychoanalysis, spiritualism, mental telepathy, those wierd mul- tiple personalities so well represented by Robert Louis Stevenson in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the hysterias which are of an equally mysterious sort. There has seemed to be in the mental phenomena covered by the above mentioned terms and in others less striking in character, a real need for some concept which shall bring them all within the law of cause and effect. Without at this time attempting to give a definition of the subconscious or even of consciousness, some of these mental experiences will be reviewed, beginning with the simplest and most easily verified and passing to the more complex and less well-established ones. After this sur- vey of material needing explanation, the subconscious will be de- seribed as it has been conceived by various authorities. I will then present an alternative view, according to which the concept of the subeonscious would be made to appear superfluous. (1). I-see a play at the theater and for several days following 380 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY I think nothing about it, but on Sunday, when my mind is more at rest, I live the play experience over again. Where has the ex- perience been in the meantime? This you will recognize as a sim- ple illustration of memory, in which an impression is received, lost from consciousness and later recalled. (2). Iam reading a book in which I am very much interested. I follow the intricate thread of the story, and get the fine shades of meaning, and neglect entirely such mechanical matters as the letters making up the words, and even some of the words them- selves, the margins of the pages, the style of the type. And yet my understanding of what is written depends upon at least some of these matters, for any changes in them will alter the meaning. How can they thus register their effect, contribute their share to the meaning of the whole, and I not see them? (3). Wordsworth thus expressed a belief common to the nor- mal man in the following lines: The eye it cannot choose but see; We cannot bid the ear be still; Our bodies feel where’er they be, Against or with our will. And yet it is a well-established fact that one does pick and choose among all the objects which come within the range of his senses, those which he shall look at, listen to and feel. Without this picking and choosing life would indeed be a ‘‘ blooming, buzzing confusion.’’ Still those aspects of our surroundings which we did not choose to observe, which were neglected in favor of others, are sometimes recalled. I am very much absorbed, let us say, in read- ing Well’s ‘‘History of the World’’ and am oblivious to all my surroundings. I see none of the objects around me, hear no sounds, feel no pressure of the clothes upon my body. But I suddenly re- call that the clock has struck eleven. How is it possible for me to recall this experience, which I did not have? Or perhaps I am granted an introduction to Charlie Chaplin, the king of moving-picture comedy, and, after this good fortune, I am besieged with questions about him. How did he look? Does he really wear a mustache? And his feet—are they really like that? What kind of a hat does he wear? I am much confused to discover that I can answer none of these questions. I fear my veracity may be questioned—perhaps I did not really meet him. Now it is said by Morton Prince, who has for many years been interested in such matters as this, that if I were to allow myself to be hypnotized, I could in that state answer all these questions correctly. How is it possible to give forth information while under hypnosis that I was never conscious of, that so far as I know, I have never experienced ? (4). I am listening to the roar of the distant surf, which is THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 381 made up, as every one will readily agree, of millions of tiny waves breaking upon the shore. The sound produced by any single one of these tiny waves is quite too faint to be heard. The sum of them we do hear, however. How can a million unheard stimuli produce one that is heard? A million zeros added together ought still to leave zero. The effect of each tiny wave has been described by one authority as an ‘‘imperceptible psychic occurrence.’’ The mean- ing implied here is that the experience may be psychic or mental and yet not be perceptible. (5). Let us take another case of the same sort. Suppose that you are asked to decide which is the heavier of two weights, one of them weighing 100 grams and the other weighing 102 grams. These two weights, if lifted one after the other by the right hand, will be indistinguishable to you, that is, they will seem identical in weight. Suppose then that you are given the second weight of 102 grams and a third weighing 104 grams. These two weights will also seem identical to you. But if you now compare the 100 gram weight with the 104 gram weight, you can tell which is the heavier. You have then this proposition: No. 1 is identical with No. 2; No. 2 is identical with No. 3. Therefore, No. 1 must be identical with No. 3. (Two things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.) But it is not, and you have proved it, because you can correctly distinguish between them. How shall we explain this contradiction between logic and experience? (6). The student of mathematics meets a problem that he can not solve. He works upon it for days and even nights, but to no avail. Finally, when about to give up, he wakes some morning with the correct solution in his mind. Or perhaps the correct solu- tion occurred to him in a dream. The following is an instance which was reported to me a few days ago: A certain member of a college faculty has been computing numerous partial correla- tions, a very tedious statistical operation, and has been very much interested in seeking a short-cut method of solution. A few nights ago he dreamed a method which reduces the time of computing partial correlations to one twentieth of the time required to do the same thing by the original method. Now how was this problem solved if the individual did not consciously take part in the solu- tion? And he will testify that he did not in his waking moments. (7). The sudden flashes of genius, the inspirations which are often responsible for great inventions, are much like the case just described. What is their source? To their owner they seem to be spontaneous, and he does not recognize them as the product of his thought. (8). From the type of case just described, it is only a relatively short step to those that go by the name of automatic writing. One sits as if in a trance, or perhaps conversing with an associate, while 382 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY his hand writes answers to questions whispered into his ear, all unknown to him. Or perhaps as in the case of Patience Worth, a popular figure a year or two ago, the hand composes poems quite beyond the comprehension and capacity of the woman herself, and writes in languages unknown to her. To quote from a description of her ease in The Psychological Review, ‘‘The meaning of what is written is, naturally enough, frequently not understood by her. Neither its form nor its substance is determined by her conscious- ness. They are apparently the creation of a self whose existence she is, for the most part, completely unaware of. And this self is no mere by-product of a more fully developed mind. Patience Worth is a personality of tremendous creative energy.’’ Where shall we look for the explanation of these mysterious and startling occurrences ? (9). Rivers, the English psychologist, has shown that ques- tions of a somewhat similar sort arise in connection with the study of the animal kingdom. The tadpole with all his tadpole habits— to omit the possibility of tadpole thoughts—becomes a frog with a need for an entirely different equipment of behavior. What has become of the tadpole habits in the fully developed frog? What prevents them from encroaching unvon the frog habits, and playing havoe with the frog’s well ordered life? Or take the frog itself, an amphibian. While living under water, where are his land habits? While on land, where are his water habits? Why do these habits not interfere with each other? How is this shifting from one set of habits to another possible without interference ? Or, to return to the human species, take the statements of Paul in his First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter XIII, ‘‘When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.’’ Here is a set of problems quite like those cited for the frog. Where are the childish things put, so that there shall be no cropping up of childish speech at inopportune moments to embarrass the man? (10). Consider now a rather mysterious case, but one which is reported in the literature as authentic. A certain man loses his affection for his wife, and matters go from bad to worse until he hates the sight of her. About this time he goes blind and remains so for years. He is permanently cured of his blindness when in- formed that it is a functional disturbance, the result of his wish that he might never have to see his wife again. He was barred by his religious scruples from the more customary remedy for such difficulties. How could this man have such an unfortunate wish and not know it, and how could that wish have such a terrible effect upon his bodily mechanism ? THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 383 (11). There must be included in our list of cases, the so-called phenomena of mental telepathy which have been investigated by the societies for psychical research. In such cases there is reported to be a communication between minds through channels other than those of the senses. Ideas are said to come directly into the mind of the recipient. Cases have been reported and investigated in which such communication is said to have taken place over a space as great as 5,000 miles. By what means are these mental experi- ences to be explained? Whether they represented real cases of telepathy or not makes little difference, explanation is still nee- essary. To pass from these cases to those of supposed communication between the living and the dead is not such a great step if one be- lieves the former to occur independently of the sensory and motor mechanisms of the body. What is the solution for all these phe- nomena of mental telepathy and spiritualism ? Each of these instances which I have cited, whatever attitude one may take toward them, demonstrates a real need for explana- tion. How are these things possible? How shall they be inter- preted? In order to help us in answering these questions, let us look to the older and more firmly established sciences to discover how they handle somewhat similar problems. Take astronomy for instance. In mapping the behavior of the planets and determining their course through the heavens, certain aspects of their behavior could not be accounted for in terms of the influences exerted by the known neighboring planets. Explanation required that there be some other influence at work. What then more natural than to conceive of this influence as being like those already known? There must be another planet, exerting gravitational force sufficient to produce the effects noted, and to exert this force the planet must be of a certain size, distance and position with relation to the other heavenly bodies. Such a planet was looked for and Neptune, at first a concept, became a fact. In physics and chemistry there was need for explanation of certain physical phenomena. To satisfy this need the molecule was conceived, in character much like the elements already known. Later the behavior of the molecule needed explanation and this in turn led to the concept of the atom. The atom, then, is endowed with the characteristics necessary to produce those effects for which explanation is sought. In physiology much the same procedure has been followed. In communities where certain types of food are used rather exclu- sively, certain diseases are prevalent. Thus the users of polished rice and corn in great quantities are subject to the disease pellagra. Communities which eat their rice unpolished and live upon mixed 384 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY diets do not have this disease. The disease is then due to lack of something in the body which is necessary for its normal function- ing. This particular something, which has never been, so far as I know, directly experienced, is given the name vitamin. The vitamin is then endowed with the characteristics necessary to ex- plain facts which are observed. Many illustrations of concepts thus formed could be taken from the various sciences. These con- cepts remain constructions of the mind until man can experience them with his senses, whereupon they become facts. The planet Neptune is a fact, the atom and the vitamin remain concepts. To satisfy the need for explanation of the mental experiences which I have cited, and which do not seem adequately accounted for by reference to consciousness alone, what more natural, then, than to hypothecate another consciousness having the same general characteristics as the one we know but separate from it—a sub- consciousness? The particular characteristics of this subconscious- ness will be those that it needs to have in order to account for the phenomena that it was conceived to explain, just as the planet Neptune needed to have certain characteristics to produce the known effects. When experiences pass out of consciousness, they enter the sub-consciousness. The sound of each tiny wave that contributes to the roar of the surf, does not affect our conscious- ness, therefore its affects our sub-consciousness, and only the sum total reaches our consciousness. We do not see the margin of the page, the typographical errors, the spelling of the words in the book we are reading, but they are registered on the subconscious. If mathematical problems are not solved in our consciousness, they must be solved in our subconsciousness. We are not conscious of the wish to lose our sight—it is a subconscious wish. We do not keep track of the passage of time while asleep, but the subconscious does. Our consciousness gets its data by way of the senses, the subcon- scious communicates with other minds more directly. The an- swer to one or many of these questions, the need for explanation has been satisfied by the concept of the subconscious. Since the subconscious is created to satisfy needs for explana- tion it is differently conceived by different authorities according to the needs that they feel. Each of the illustrative cases that I have cited gives a clue to a certain concept of the subconscious, which may be found in the literature. There are those who look upon the subconscious as simply a repository for memories. What is no longer in conscicusness has passed into the subeonscious. Along with this there usually goes a very far reaching assumption, namely, that since everything passes into the subconscious, no experience is ever actually lost, but re- mains in the subconscious, and is capable of being recalled if the proper means be used. THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 385 This concept is expanded still further. Not only are all the accumulated experiences of the individual’s life time stored here, but even those of his ancestry immediate and remote. It is said by those who hold to this view that the proper devices will also reveal these stored memories. To cite just one case taken from a book advertised ‘as having received a prize given by the French Academy of Sciences: A young woman traced her history back through eleven previous lives, in which she was a great variety of individuals. In the ninth life, for example, she was a male guard of the Emperor Probus who ruled in the year 269 A. D. This case illustrates well the extremes to which assumptions may be carried when based on a simple but unverifiable concept. Then again there are those who think of the subconscious as a device for recording experiences to which we are not attentive— so-called marginal experiences—as illustrated by the failure to see the margin of pages, ete. According to this view, Wordsworth is right and all objects that come within the range of our senses make their impression either in the conscious or the subconscious. It is difficult to imagine to what an extent this addition would expand the content of consciousness. Add to this also the view that the subconscious can perceive stimuli that are too faint to be perceived by consciousness, as illustrated by the perception of the sounds from the minute waves making up the surf, and you have material for making the subconscious thousands of times as populous as the conscious. There is very evident here the danger which arises from an unchecked expansion of a concept. I will describe a third form of the subconscious in somewhat more detail, because it is the basis for the whole system of psycho- analysis with which most persons to-day have at least a reading or conversational acquaintance. The subconscious is made the re- pository for memories, imaginings, dreams, wishes and fears which are out of harmony with the ethical standards and ideals of the individual. There are certain contents of consciousness which must be ostracized. Since nothing can be forgotten, these unwelcome euests are driven out of consciousness, and suppressed into the sub- consciousness. There is according to this view an open door be- tween the two chambers of consciousness. Undesirable content may be removed from consciousness, but it tends to return the way that it came. There is a constant struggle to prevent the return into consciousness of what is undesirable. A censor is hypothecated who or which shall be keeper of the door and which shall admit through the door into consciousness only those contents which are desirable. But these evil ideas are not to be so easily outwitted. They try to disguise themselves by appearing in a modified or sym- bolic form and thus slip past the censor. Or they wait until night VOL. XIV.—25. 386 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY when the censor is fast asleep and then slip into consciousness in the form of dreams. Or, if the censor is not then asleep he is less alert and eruder symbolism is effective in gaining a passage into consciousness. Sometimes even during full wakefulness one may find himself coveting his neighbor’s wife because a malicious idea has slipped past the censor. Now the evil contents of the subconscious have the same relation to the bodily mechanisms as do those of consciousness. Just as worry may destroy the appetite, fear may paralyze the limbs and strong expectation sharpen or dull the sensitivities, so the subcon- scious fears, wishes, ete., may be responsible for dire physical ills. Witness the case of blindness as the fulfillment of a wish not to see one’s wife, which was cited earlier. The psychoanalyst can eure these ills. He must find the cause which is hidden in the subconscious, and appears in consciousness only in the form of dreams or cunningly disguised in the form of symbols. The psycho- analyst solves the symbols, interprets the dreams, discovers the wish, the fear and the evil thought, shows jt to the patient, and a basis for the cure is then established. The treatment consists in a re-education of the patient, in developing in him a saner attitude toward his life’s problems, a stronger courage to meet his fears, a sense of personal responsibility for his wishes. Finally, the subconscious is considered by some persons to be quite like consciousness in its functions, and to be very closely related to consciousness, with the same powers of associating, creat- ing and elaborating the material assimilated through the senses. Such a subconscious would be like the eco-conscious described by Morton Prince, and represented by his cases of double personality. This basic notion of the subconscious is then enlarged to embrace functioning far transcending that of consciousness, so that the products of the subconscious activity are of supernormal character. Thus James in one of his letters written in 1901 says, ‘‘I attach the mystical or religious consciousness to the possession of an ex- tended subliminal self, with a thin partition through which mes- sages make irruption. We are thus made convincingly aware of the presence of a sphere of life larger and more powerful than our usual consciousness, with which the latter is nevertheless continu- ous.’’ A still further extension and elaboration of this form of the subconscious frees it from all necessary connection with the physi- eal body and allows it to float free to communicate directly with other consciousness of like sort, whether the physical body pre- viously housing it is dead or alive. Such a view is interestingly de- scribed by F. W. H. Myers in his ‘‘ Human Personality.’’ I have elaborated at length upon the need for explanation of a mass of experiences and the satisfaction of this need through the “THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 387 concept of the subconscious. I have pictured this concept as it appears to its champions. Let us now briefly examine the subcon- scious in the light of the criteria which science demands that every concept shall satisfy. These criteria are: (1). The experiences which the concept is to explain must be facts of observation. (2). The concept shall not conflict with known facts. (3). The concept shall resume the largest range of facts. (4). The concept shall be the simplest possible to explain the facts. . The first of these conditions is peculiarly difficult to satisfy. When applied to our problem we find the validity of many of the experiences which I have listed certainly open to question. Some of them depend upon introspective report. They may be checked, however, if studied under experimentally controlled con- ditions. They do not lend themselves readily to such a check, but where it is possible, the check has often not been employed. Is it, for example, a fact that nothing is ever entirely forgotten? How shall we prove it one way or the other, and upon which side rests the burden of proof? The application of the second eriterion, that there shall be no conflict with known facts, offers some difficulty also. The objec- tion has been raised that the one essential fact about consciousness, that needs no proof, that is self-evident, is its quality of being known, its quality of being an individual’s own experience. The subconscious cannot be directly known, cannot be part of one’s own experience. It therefore lacks that which makes consciousness what it is. It is self contradictory. It is a non-conscious consciousness, a contradiction of terms. To push this criticism further would lead into the realm of metaphysics. There is too little agreement about the ultimate nature of consciousness itself to derive much help from this source in the solution of our problem. The third and fourth criteria, as to simplicity and range of facts covered can be more easily investigated. Is there an alternative concept which will be simpler and cover a wider range of facts, or are there already generally accepted concepts sufficient to account for the experiences accounted for by the subconscious? One alter- native is the view that what is not conscious is physiological, that nothing need be interposed between consciousness and the fune- tioning of the nervous mechanisms with which consciousness is cor- related. Let us apply this concept to a few of our illustrations. The neural patterns or neurograms, as the traces of activity which are left in the: nervous system have been called, are according to this view, sufficient to account for the facts of memory. Memories are forms of potential consciousness in the sense that when the neural patterns become active, consciousness results. The view that noth- 388 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY ing is ever forgotten or entirely lost would be untenable since these neural patterns of memory fade out with age just as the habit pat- terns do or as any impressions made upon organic tissue do. Those striking conflicts between logic and psychology where stimuli too weak to arouse consciousness may by summation become conscious are easily explained in terms of the inertia of the central nervous system and the well established facts of summation of stimuli. In the case of a simple nerve reflex with its center in the spinal cord, a stimulus may be too weak to produce any muscular reaction at all, but if the same weak stimulation be frequently re- peated, a full muscular response will follow. So the sound waves produced by a single tiny ocean wave may not be sufficient to over- come the inertia of that part of the nervous system concerned with hearing, but a million of them acting together may quite conceivably break through this resistance and cause the roar of the surf. The interrelations among the neural patterns, the changing tensions within the patterns themselves, the facilitations and inhibi- tions that one pattern exerts upon another ; these together with the conscious processes of association correlated with them are sufficient to account for much that has been attributed to the subconscious, such as the sudden solution of puzzling problems, the bursts of genius, awaking at a pre-established time, and the shiftings of habit systems and memory systems illustrated by the simple case of the tadpole and the frog. Take for instance, the supposed solution of a puzzling problem during sleep. In the examination of the prob- lem from all sorts of angles, many sets of associative connections, wrong patterns as well as useful ones have been established. There is interference among these associative patterns—the wrong ways of dealing with the various stages as well as the right ways are fresh in the mind, and the nervous patterns of both sorts are ready to act. Let a night’s sleep intervene, and certain associative connections weaken, leaving others relatively stronger. An entirely different set of relations is established among the neural patterns. When the individual awakes and his neurograms become active, the right solution corresponding to these neural readjustments, ‘‘pops into his mind.’’ A much simpler case may illustrate the point better. One is writing on the typewriter and makes a simple mistake, thereby forming a wrong associative connection between sight of a letter and the appropriate muscular response. He tries again and repeats the mistake—the nerve impulse takes the course of least resistance which is the recently used association path. How shall the error be corrected? A night’s sleep is not in this simple case necessary, but a few moments of rest will serve to give the older, more frequently used, right connections the ascendency over the newer wrong one, and the word is correctly written. The same type of interpreta- THE SUB-CONSCIOUS—WHAT IS IT? 389 tion covers that multitude of cases of slips of the tongue and pen, and failures of habit mechanisms which to the psychoanalyst come under the head of the psychopathology of every-day life. Such eases of interference among association paths are known in labora- tory terminology as reproductive interference. It may seem that the chances of hitting the right solution of a difficult problem in this way are very slight. Genuine eases of this sort are about as rare as you would expect them to be under these circumstances. It is their rarity that makes them so conspicuous when they do occur. If we add to the concepts just described, the influence of mo- tives, determining tendencies and deeply rooted springs of action, which may be thought of either in their conscious or physiological aspects, you can account for the phenomena which in the subeon- scious are explained by the censor and symbolism. One is born with certain tendencies to action already established, a large share of which are commonly included in the term instinct. Some of these tendencies are, in the light of our social customs, good and some are bad. All are modified, developed and cultivated in the course of our education into forms of behavior which conform more or less closely to the demands of society. Some of these, of course, need more modification than others. These instinctive forms of behavior, as well as their modifications, are conceived in terms of neural patterns. Now when the natural sex impulses, for ex- ample, are modified by training, we need not think of both the modified and the original neural patterns as existing side by side or one beneath the other. The one has rather been modified into the other and ceases to exist. On the side of consciousness, the neural patterns are represented by determining tendencies prescrib- ing in a positive fashion, what the individual shall do, when these neural patterns become active, rather than in a negative fashion de- termining what he shall not do, by the repression or inhibition of the original mechanisms. Thus in the properly trained individual the censor, with its suppressing activities exerted against what is wrong, gives way to the functioning of neural patterns and deter- mining tendencies in the direction of what is right. The honest man is honest not because he keeps the thief in him suppressed, but be- cause his training has developed tendencies which guide him in the path of honesty. The phenomena of symbolism have been ably interpreted by Professor Hollingworth in his book, ‘‘The Psychology of Functional Neuroses,’’ in terms of redintegration, or the tendency to reproduce the whole of a past experience when only a part, and sometimes a very unessential part, of the original stimulus is present. Here we have only the familiar mechanism of association in consciousness, and neural patterns or neurograms in the nervous system, with no intervening subconscious or other mechanisms. 390 - THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Finally, recognize the flexibility of the imagination and the in- fluence upon mental experience of expectation and suggestion, and you can account for the phenomena of telepathy, spiritualism and similar mysteries, if these survive at all the application of the first criterion of a concept, namely the proof of their existence as facts. For such interpretations as I have illustrated, not a smgle new concept need be added to those which are already in good standing in the sciences of physiology and psychology. To the majority of psychologists this sort of interpretation, which assimilates the facts into a system of concepts already in existence, seems to satisfy more fully two of the demands of science, namely, simplicity and range of facts covered, than does the construction of a new concept. It further avoids the danger of adopting a concept which has been made to connote so much that is mystie, extravagant, and even charlatanical in character. There is one objection which has been raised against the sub- stitution of consciousness and brain activity for an intermediate subconscious, co-conscious or. super-conscious. It is the demand that each science shall stay within its own realm. The physiologist must not introduce a psychological conception into his chain of cause and effect, nor must the psychologist fill up the gaps in his reason- ing with cells and nerve currents. A conception must be in the same terms as the phenomena which it is designed to connect. The conceptions of psychology must all be constructed within the psy- chological series. The conceptions of physiology must be con- structed within the physical series. The mathematician insists on regarding bodies as bounded by continuous surfaces, whereas the physicist is compelled to regard them as bounded by discontinuous atoms. Neither of these modes is more true than the other. The question is merely which one has the greater practical value in the particular sphere of thought in question. Add to this criterion of practical value, the two criteria previously discussed, namely, sim- plicity and range of facts covered, and the.shifting from science to science and from physical to mental would seem to be justified. The best established and scientifically supported concepts are not objects, but mental experiences erected upon the sum total of facts known. New facts are accumulated and concepts change. A planet was conceived to explain a set of facts and led to the discovery of Neptune. The molecule was conceived as the physical unit to ex- plain a set of facts, but gave way to the atom; this in its turn has been replaced by the electron. What may be the fate of such con- cepts as the vitamin and the subconscious in the future only the future will reveal. Science performs its legitimate function today when it resumes known facts under concepts which at once are the simplest, the most inclusive and the most in accord with other known facts. DISEASE AND INJURY AMONG FOSSIL MEN 391 DISEASE AND INJURY AMONG FOSSIL MEN AND THE BEGINNINGS OF SURGERY By Professor ROY L. MOODIE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO HE remains of ancient stone age man occasionally show evi- ih dences of disease and injury. These evidences among the neo- lithic and paleolithic races of western Europe have been studied by Raymond and LeBaron, and mention of sundry other lesions is to be found in the writings of Keith, Manouvrier, Ruffer, Bau- douin and other students of anthropology. These studies are based on remains of human races found in western Europe, since no representatives of the stone age men, as they are called, have been found in the western Hemisphere. The remains of these early races are scanty, and many of the skeletal elements are normal. Some few, however, give us an insight, because of their pathologi- cal conditions, into the possible cause of their pathology and the necessity of the introduction of surgery to care for these injuries. Trephining, itself a traumatism, was introduced quite early among ancient man, as were finger amputation, cauterization and possibly scarification. These phases of primitive surgery have already been discussed in previous contributions and it remains to point out the original need for surgery, the factors underlying its develop- ment, as well as the data on which these conclusions are based. Man’s oldest representative, or man’s precursor, is identified in the oldest well-authenticated skeletal manlike remains found in 1891 by Dr. E. Dubois, at that time a surgeon in the Dutch Army, stationed in Java. In the leisure of his station he had undertaken paleontological excavations along the banks of the Bengavan River, near Trinil, in the central part of the island of Java. He found, quite widely scattered, a calvarium, some teeth, a portion of a jaw and a left femur entire. These important re- mains were described by Dubois in a finely illustrated quarto is- sued at Batavia in 1894. His work was immediately received as one of the greatest contributions to the study of the antiquity of man. Although a very extensive literature has developed concern- ing the antiquity of man, this discovery still ranks as the most marvelous revelation of man’s ancestry so far known. The inter- est to us in this curious ape-like form is that the femur shows 392 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY FIGURE 1 Anterior view of the left femur of the oldest known human representative, Pithecanthropus erectus, portions of whose skeleton, 500,000 years old, were found in 1891 in a river deposit in Java. The femur shows an extensive medial exostosis due to some chronic. infection or other irritation along the line of the tendinous attachment of the iliopsoas and pectineus muscles. This is the oldest example of human pathology. Posterior view. After Dubois. marked exostoses (Figure 1) indicating the presence of a patho- logical condition of great severity. This is the oldest evidence of pathology in a humanoid form. On account of the very great interest attached to such a dis- covery the pathology has been widely discussed. The great path- ologist Virchow, who was also an eminent student of anthropology, called attention to the similarity of the medial exostoses on the femur of the ancient form to those seen in modern femora. He exhibited a number of these which he had selected from the col- lections of the Berlin Pathological Institute (Figure 2). The next oldest known form representing man is that desig- nated Eoanthropus, meaning the dawn man. Sir Auckland Geddes, after an examination of these Piltdown remains, decided that this ancient Englishman, who lived and died thousands of years ago, had suffered a pathological alteration of the bones of the skull. He based his conclusions on the remarkable thickness, coupled with { or Noy FIGURE 2 Modern human femur showing medial exostoses similar to those ex- hibited by the Pithecanthropus. These drawings were used by Virchow to demonstrate to the anthropological society of Berlin that the pathology of the most ancient man-like form was similar to modern pathology. Some scholars had argued that the femur was not human, being misled by the pathological deformation. DISEASE AND INJURY AMONG FOSSIL MEN 393 the characteristic outline of the temporal ridge, which can only find their diagnosis in Acromegaly. He fails, however, to differ- entiate this condition from Paget’s disease which produces a sim- ilar pathology. It is possibly due to this factor that the remains were preserved. Thus it is seen that the oldest representatives of man had suffered from disease. Where there is a disease or injury even among wild animals, there is always some instinctive, though primitive, means of healing. While from the actual evidences nothing whatever is known of the state of surgery during the most ancient periods of man’s development, may we not safely surmise that these primitive ape-like humans pondered in a vague way, over the means of curing disease and injury and thus laid a founda- tion for the development of that knowledge of surgery which we see emerging from the darkness in the late Paleolithic and early Neolithic races thousands of years later? An instinctive licking of an injury is the forerunner of antiseptic appliances, or the sucking of pus wounds. Quietness and seclusion after fracturing a limb was the instinctive act preceding the use of bark, skin, or hardened elay splints. The most famous of the skeletal remains representing men of the old stone age, when surgery had its first recorded existence, are the portions of a skeleton of an extinct species of man found in a cave in the valley of the Neander River, in the Rhine province of Prussia, hence the individual is known as the Neanderthal man. The proximal end of the left ulna had evidently been fractured (Figure 3) since there is a marked widening of the articular fossa. The left humerus also shows signs of injury in consequence of which it doubtless remained much weaker than the right bone. Virchow thought that the condition of the bones of this ancient man indicated rickets. If se this would be the oldest evidence of rickets in man, but Schwalbe restudied the question and decided that there was no evidence of malnutrition and his conclusions are widely accepted. . FIGURE 3 Left ulna of an ancient man, known as the Neanderthal man, whose skeleton, found in a cave in the valley of the Neander river of Europe, has aroused considerable interest on account of the primitive human characters which it exhibits. This skeleton, which is about 75,000 years old, shows evidences of injury in the divaricate olecranon, possibly due to a severe blow on the elbow producing a fracture. Drawn from a photograph of the original by Hrdliéka. 394 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY One of the most interesting cases of ancient injury which has come down to us is a specimen of a lumbar vertebra of a late stone age man, showing an arrowpoint deeply embedded in the visceral surface. Older injuries of a similar nature teach us that ancient man was liable to such inflictions incident to war and the chase. During this period wounds made by blows from stone hatchets, arrow and spear points are fairly common. Many of these injuries as shown on the remains found in the ancient. sepultures show evidences of long standing and final healing, thus pointing, in- distinctly to be sure, to some preventive measures being taken. LeBaron from his study of ancient human skeletons arrived at the conclusions that early man reduced and fixed fractures with great perfection, evidenced by the great numbers of well-healed fractures. Among 18 cases he examined only 3 had healed badly. Nearly all types of fractures are found among the remains of ancient man. The frequency of spondylitis deformans is striking. Pott’s disease was occasionally observed. Alteration of skulls due to ulcerations; scoliosis; various hyperostoses; caries of bone and teeth; atrophy of the skull; exostoses and osteomata and many varieties of arthritides indicate to us the variety of afflictions to which early man was subject. It is no wonder that, with this array of pathology to contend with, early man saw the necessity of deal- ing with them. While many of the earliest recorded evidences of surgery were developed as a phase of religious procedures, there must have been many therapeutic measures known to them which have not been recorded but whose presence we may infer from the pathological evidences of their skeletal remains. Surgery then in its earliest beginnings was derived from three sources: (1). Instinetive acts after injury or during the progress of a disease; (2). Surgical operations on the body which though de- veloped in connection with religious practices often had therapeutic results; (3). Voluntary mutilations, practiced apparently since the earliest dawn of humanity. This was the condition of path- ology and surgery among those man-like creatures of the hills and forest from whom the modern human races have slowly evolved. THE PRO GRESS OF SCIENCE 39 THE PROGRESS OF GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF RADIO TELEPHONY WASHINGTON, month, has been the scene of a con- ference that has laid down the rules ot the ether and basis of America’s youngest, fastest- during the past has furnished the growing and most astonishing indus- try. It was twenty-five years ago this summer that Marconi patented the first wireless apparatus in England. But the immediate events that pre- radio cipitated this conference on telephony called by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover have been 1 Edited by Watson Davis, Science Service. or SCIENCE’ only a little over a year in develop- ment. The electron tube made pos- sible the transmission of the human voice by wireless with as much ease as over the ordinary wire telephone. During the war electrical engineers succeeded in and physicists using effectively the radio telephone be- tween airplanes and ground stations. This accomplishment, hastened by the led to post-war development of the radio telephone. On December 15, 1920, the Bureau of Markets of the Agriculture and the Bureau of Stand- Com- stress of war, has Department of the Department of took a largely responsible for the new move- ards of merece in cooperation step Copyright by Harris and Ewing MR. HERBERT HOOVER Secretary of: Commerce, who presided over the recent telegraphy at Washington, where Mr. Hoover has installed a radio receiving apparatus in his home as well as in his office congress of radio- Copyright by Harris and Ewing HERBERT WORK, M.D. ; Postmaster General of the United States THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE ment. A short market and weather report in telegraphic code was sent out by radio from the Bureau of Standards as an experiment. For four months this trial service was kept in operation and the amateur radio operators on the farms near Wash- ington were able to give their fathers information that had an economic value. They liked this prompt news, and on April 15, 1921, the air mail stations at Washington, Omaha and St. Louis took up the work of scatter- ing the Department of Agriculture information. From then on the story of radio rivals that of a rush to a new gold field. apparatus saw the possibilities of selling outfits if they broadcasted music and enter- tainment, newspapers radioed news, and even the phonograph shops, little suspecting a formidable rival, adver- tised records by playing them into the ether. Radio became an industry. It ceased to be only a plaything for scientifically inclined boys. It came out of the laboratory into the world. But back of this new-born industry is the radio engineer, the physicist and the electrician. The radio boom caused a cluttering of the ether. There was a demand for government regulation. The first task of science ‘was to aid in formulating wave length allocations and the regulations that will govern future radio com- munication. Radio is a public utility. Broadcasting of governmental infor- mation has first rights on the ether, according to the recommendations of Manufacturers of the conference. In addition, the Bureau of Stand- ards was asked to solve these prob- lems: (1) The reduction of the rate of building up (increment) of oscil- lations in radiating systems. (This rapid building up of oscillations oce- curs in damped wave and interrupted ° continuous-wave transmitters, and may be eliminated by the substitution of other types of transmitter. It - may, however, be reduced in these 397 types by proper circuit arrange- ments.) (2) The reduction of har- monies in continuous wave trans- mitters and of irregularities of oscil- lation (‘‘mush’’ in are transmitters and ‘‘swinging’’ of the frequency in all types of continuous wave trans- mitters not employing a master oscil- lator). (3) The comparison of the variable amplitude method with the variable frequency method of con- tinuous wave telegraphy. (4) The preferable methods of telephone modulation to avoid changes in the frequency of oscillation. (5) The proper circuit arrangements of regen- erative (including oscillating) re- ceivers to avoid radiation of energy (as by the use of a radio-frequency amplifier with an untuned antenna or with a coil aerial). (6) The use of highly selective receiving apparatus, including a list of approved forms. (7) The use of receiving coil aerials instead of antennas, with special ref- erence to high selectivity. (8) The reduction of interference with radio communication of other’ electrical processes, such as the operation of X-ray apparatus and electrical pre- cipitation. (9) The study and standardization of wave meters. In addition, the conference recom- mended that the Bureau of Standards make a study of the relation between the normal reliable range of a station and the antenna power on the basis of the use of reliable receiving ap- paratus, and of the width of wave band required for satisfactory radio telephony. While the technical problems of radio telephony were being considered by a conference presided over by Secretary Hoover, engineer, Dr. Hubert Work, physician, was sworn in as postmaster general, the second scientifically trained member _ of President Harding’s cabinet. It is said that Mr. Hoover is the first en- gineer to hold a high official position in the government of the United States since George Washington. 398 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Us Ss Certainly there has never before been an engineer and a physician in the cabinet. Dr. Work is president of the American Medical Association. Mr. Hoover at the time of his ap- pointment to the cabinet was presi- dent of the Federated American En- gineering Societies. Mr. Hoover has been engineer an opportunity present administration began. giving the the Elim- the un- since ination of waste in industry, employment conference, building and housing research, and regula- tion have all come about through his engineering. Soon Dr. Work joined the cabinet, there was the un- usual occurrence of a postmaster gen- eral presiding over a session of a conference on the public health in the United States. THE HELIUM AIRSHIP DuRINnG the same period that radio has been rapidly passing through its adolescence, the phase of aerial navigation has re- ceived a series of discouragments. First came the ZR-2 disaster in Eng- radio after lighter-than-air land, then the Roma collapsed on our - own territory. These were panied by two administrative blows to airship building, the the British to abandon airship build- ing, and the prohibition by the Allies accom- decision of NAVY BLIMP, INFLATED WITH HELIUM GAS of dirigible construction in Germany after a Zeppelin has been built for the United States. Within a few days after the Roma disaster, undaunted by misfortunes and prohibitions, commercial inter- ests announced plans for the begin- ning of airship transportation in this country. Within a year a corpora- tion hopes to have large rigid ships, built partly in Germany according to the design of Dr. Johann Schutte, in operation New York: and Chicago. Inflammable hydrogen added to the horror and magnitude of both the ZR-2 and the Roma disasters. In this unhappy way, public attention has been called to helium, the safe bal- loon gas. This ‘‘rare’’ gas, only in recent years first discovered in the promises to lessen greatly the dangers of lighter-than-air transpor- between sun, tation. All who have been concerned in the commercial development of helium hope that Congress will pro- vide sufficient funds for the work now in progress and that the Navy blimp C-7, which this fall demonstrated helium to be a practical balloon gas, is only the forerunner of future American airships, held aloft by the safe gas that at present only America can produce. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 399 THE BLIMP IN FLIGHT THE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND |] PUBLIC HEALTH OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNI- VERSITY THE Rockefeller Foundation has made a gift of $6,000,000 to the Johns Hopkins University for endow- ment and buildings for the school of hygiene and public health. Since this school was opened in 1918 the foundation had furnished the funds required for its mainte- nance from year to year. With the acceptance of -the present gift the trustees of the university assume full responsibility for the future needs of the school as they develop. This new type of institution places emphasis upon the development of preventive medicine and upon the training of health officers, Under the direction of Dr. William H. Welch the school has substantial progress in the four years since it was established. made Twenty-seven states foreign countries are now represented in the student body num- bering 131. The faculty of the comprises scientists in the fields of bacteriology and immunol- and ten school ogy, sanitary engineering, chemical hygiene, physiological hygiene, med- ical zoology, epidemiology, vital sta- tistics and public health administra- tion. The regular courses of study lead to the degrees of doctor of public health, doctor of science in hygiene, and bachelor of science in hygiene. A certificate in public health is given to those completing certain special courses. Short courses or institutes are provided for health workers in service who can not be absent from their positions for more than a few weeks at a time. Last year thirty-six health officers from eight states took these’ short intensive courses. Up to this time the school has been housed in old buildings, situated in the center of the city of Baltimore, and formerly used by Johns Hopkins University for laboratories of physics, chemistry and biology. The present gift, in addition to’ providing endow- ment, will make possible the erection of the new building for the school on a site adjacent to the Johns Hopkins Medical School and Hospital. Work on the main building, the 400 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY plans for which already have been 7 College Observatory last fall, has drawn, is expected to start this sum- mer. It will be located on a site which has already been acquired at the southeast corner of Monument and Wolfe streets and is so designed as to admit of its liberal expansion. The contract for its erection will be let as soon as the architects, Archer & Allen, of Baltimore, have com- pleted drawing the detailed speci- fications The enterprise will be part of a general scheme of building to be started by the university this year, including in addition to the new school of hygiene, which will cost | $1,000,000, $800,000 for the new Woman’s Clinic and a new patho- logical building, the contracts for which have already been let; $500,000 been elected to the Paine professor- ship of practical astronomy, which > has been vacant since the death of Professor Edward C. Pickering, in TOTO: Proressor Soton I. BaiLey, of the Harvard College Observatory, sailed on March 1 from New York to Peru to take charge of the Harvard astro- nomical station at Arequipa. He is accompanied by Mrs. Bailey and by Miss Annie J. Cannon of the ob- servatory staff. Dr. VERNON KELLOGG, zoologist, secretary of the National Research Council, Washington, D. C., and John W. Davis, attorney, of New York | City, formerly ambassador to Great | Britain, have been elected trustees of for a new chemical laboratory at | Homewood and between $400,000 and $500,000 for dormitories at Home- wood. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS WE record with regret the deaths of Dr. John Casper Branner, long professor of geology and later presi- dent of Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity; of Charles William Waidner, chief of the Division of Heat and Thermometry of the Bureau of Standards; of Rear-admiral Charles Henry Davis, formerly superintendent of the Naval Observatory; of Charles Leonard Bouton, associate professor of mathematics at Harvard Univer- sity; of Frank Bottomley, the Eng- lish chemist, and of Senator Ciami- cian, professor of chemistry at Bo- logna. Dr. Hartow SHAPLEY, who was appointed director of the Harvard the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. GreorGE E. HALE has resigned as president of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science to attend the meeting of the International Re- search Council in Brussels. Dr. Barton Warren Evermann, director of the Museum of the California Academy of Sciences, has been elect- ed president to succeed Dr. Hale, and will give the address at the meeting to be held in Salt Lake City from June 22 to 24. It will be re- membered that the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Sci- ence will hold a summer meeting at Salt Lake City in conjunction with the Pacific Division. THE Rockefeller Foundation has given six million dollars to Johns Hopkins University for the endow- ment and buildings of the School of Hygiene and Public Health. THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY MAY, 1922 THE RELATION BETWEEN RESEARCH IN HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS By Dr € Ca biprce CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON, STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION I. INTRODUCTORY HE workers in any primarily biological science need at fre- quent intervals to spend a certain amount of time in con- sidering the research methods and aims of their science with a view to possible changes. The more their branch of science is dependent upon or cor- related with other allied sciences, the more urgent becomes such a procedure. New discoveries of a fundamental nature in one branch of science should have a strong influence on related fields. In fact, such changes, when they exist, are bound to make their presence felt sooner or later outside their immediate field, and it is the desire to assure that it be ‘‘sooner’’ rather than ‘‘later’’ that jus- tifies the expenditure of time and effort in continually looking about for such unutilized or unfulfilled relationships. The sooner any such relationship is recognized and admitted, the sooner can progress of a firm and lasting nature be made in both branches of research concerned. It is with just such a relationship between the genetical aspect of eugenics and the field of experimental genetics that the present paper hopes to deal. The existence of this relationship has long been admitted, but the full scope of its extent, possibilities, and responsibilities does not seem to be completely realized at present. In order to bring out the facts in the case more clearly, it will first be advisable to review briefly the general lines of progress in research on human heredity in the past two decades. We may then consider this progress in its relationship to the contemporary VOL. XIV.—26. 402 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY advance in the field of experimental genetics, and in so doing bring out the need for certain changes in the methods of research in human heredity. Finally, we may outline a program of possible studies in human genetics which could be undertaken at once, be built up gradually, and eventually be utilized as the foundation of a more exact and lasting approach to our proper understanding of the inheritance of human traits. II. THe Past ProagRess oF RESEARCH IN HUMAN GENETICS Investigations in the genetic aspect of eugenics may be said to have progressed along two main lines, or perhaps better, from two different viewpoints. On the one hand, biometrical interpretation of data has been continued by the Galton laboratory, under the direction and leadership of Karl Pearson, while, on the other hand, the search for mendelizing characters has been earried on chiefly by the American School of Eugenicists under Davenport. The biometric school, which has avowedly used statistical meth- ods and a non-mendelian approach to the problem, has established the fact of inheritance of many traits. Such publications as ‘‘The Treasury of Human Inheritance’’ and ‘‘Biometrika’’ contain the records of a great number of painstaking and meritorious investi- gations by this group of workers. The type of inheritance in- volved, however, remains, under these methods of analysis, obscure and unapproachable. The mendelian school has gone farther, for, in addition to having established the fact of inheritance for many traits, it has been able in not a few cases to procure evidence bearing on the type of in- heritance as well. The exactness with which the cases of mendelian inheritance in man have been established is not, and can not be, under present methods, of the same order as that of a result based on experi- mentations. The question of which eases are, and which eases are not, well established is, therefore, to some degree a matter for per- sonal opinion. We may, however, take the opinion of a careful and conserva- tive geneticist, such as Castle, as a fairly safe guide in estimating the number of cases of apparently mendelizing characters in man. In his text-book on ‘‘Geneties and Eugenies,’’ 1920, Castle lists some twenty-three characters as having been found to be men- delian, and approximately thirty-two others as either ‘‘non- mendelian’’ or unanalyzed. In presenting these eases there have been many publications from, or inspired by, the Eugenics Record Office of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. This institu- tion has indeed provided funds and personnel for the great ma- jority of the research which has procured the evidence for the type HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 403 of inheritance involved in most of the cases recorded by Castle. To a consideration of the ultimate value of this work, we shall return later. In the meanwhile one may mention such researches as those of Goddard on feeblemindedness, of Davenport and Weeks on epilepsy, of Bulloch and Fildes on hemophilia, and of Esta- brook on the Jukes, to obtain an idea as to the sort of research that lies at the basis of the cases cited by Castle. Recently the work of Mohr, on brachyphalangy, and of Stan- ton and Seashore, on musical ability, has contmued, by methods of direct observation, the lines of mendelian analysis in as eareful and painstaking a manner as the means of collecting the data have made possible. Their work represents the farthest advance in methods at the present time. Without going into the details of the work cited, we may say that upon the rediscovery of mendelism, efforts were made by the majority of eugenicists to extend that law to humans, and that, broadly speaking, these efforts have been successful. Ill. THE RELATION OF PROGRESS IN GENETICS TO EUGENIC PROBLEMS While these investigations in human heredity have been under way, research in experimental genetics has been far from idle. Its progress has, in fact, been enormous, and the relatively recent de- velopments of our knowledge as to the basis of certain hereditary characters has brought to light new genetic principles of the great- est importance. Thus, to Mendel’s original laws of segregation and of inde- pendent assortment and recombination of the genes, we find added, by the work of Morgan and his associates, linkage, crossing over, limitation of linkage groups, and the intra-chromosomal questions of interference and the order of the genes. Obviously, these new discoveries open up a wide horizon, and introduce us to a type of detailed genetic analysis not formerly imagined. They also, however, focus our attention upon the nature of our data on human inheritance, in order to observe whether these data are sufficiently accurate to be amenable to analysis by the finer tests mentioned above. When this question is calmly and dispassionately considered, we are forced to the conclusion that data on human inheritance, collected by the present methods, are not sufficiently accurate to justify their being used to determine the degree of linkage or cross- ing over, or such matters as the limitation of linkage groups, inter- ference, or the order of the genes. Thus, while ‘‘family histories’? and reports of field workers give information of greater scientific value than data less ecare- 404 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY fully obtained, they have certain fundamental and unavoidable inaccuracies. For example, evidence obtained by field workers concerning the individuals who are themselves interviewed is prob- ably fairly accurate. So, too, is the documentary evidence sub- mitted by an individual of responsibility and intelligence con- cerning her- or himself. The mass of information in family records, or that obtained by field workers concerning dead or absent indi- viduals is, however, too uncertain to use in the finer methods of genetic analysis. It is the fact that geneticists have clearly recognized this situa- tion, while many eugenicists have given little sign of having done so, which has brought about the existing prejudice. Such preju- dice certainly exists to a marked degree and forms one of the most unfortunate but telling bits of evidence of the need for radical changes in the method of eugenic research. There can, moreover, be no narrowness present as a factor in the situation, for the geneticist has been living in plenty and does not wish a changed attitude on the part of the eugenicist for any selfish reason. Rather he expects of the eugenicist merely a critical atti- tude, involving realization of the fundamental weakness in his data and steps to correct it. While experimental genetics was in its infaney, (1905-1910), one did not hear from geneticists so much eriticism against, or sense so much distrust for eugenicists. Because, however, since that time, eugenics has made little or no progress towards a truly experimental attitude we now find a real breach between these two sciences. This is most unfortunate, for they should be closely re- lated and entirely sympathetie. Undoubtedly the geneticists have been a bit unreasonable in expecting the immediate adoption of experimental methods by eugenicists. On the other hand, there is much to justify their at- titude of criticism. Thus we find that among more than one hun- dred papers given at the recent International Congress of Eugenics, not one paper on human geneties introduced us to data of sufficient accuracy to provide evidence on the degree of linkage, the order of the genes, or the size and nature of linkage groups. Another piece of evidence as to the réle played by the work in human heredity in the advance and conduct of experimental genetics is seen in the bibliography of a modern text-book such as Morgan’s ‘‘Physical Basis of Heredity.’’ Here, among approxi- mately six hundred references, we find less than two per cent. are to works dealing primarily with human heredity. Evidence of this kind must not be taken as an indication that we should expect research in human heredity to prove the best field for pioneer work in experimental genetics. To do this would be HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 405 asking too much. There is, however, a serious aspect to the ques- tion when we realize that present methods in human inheritance studies will not give us the chance to utilize the definite methods of genetic analysis now possible. It is not a matter for chagrin, but involves an unfulfilled duty. If eugenics is ever to be an applied science, it must be able to predict with a fair degree of accuracy the results of individual matings. Without this, no practical sys- tem of mate selection can be suggested. Since the question of mate selection is daily becoming of more general interest, this line ean not and should not be avoided. If advice as to what type of con- sort shall be chosen is given in individual eases under the condi- tions of our present incomplete knowledge of quantitative values in human heredity, we shall soon be in serious trouble. This will result if and when advice is given and followed with a markedly unsuccessful outcome. A few such eases would be sure to give the existing interest and confidence in the eugeniec movement a severe and possibly permanent setback. The non-scientific public expects great achievements and ac- curacy in the case of any process which is supposed to be scientific. If, however, ‘‘science’’ fails, they are quick to turn and rend it with ridicule and an exaggeration of its weakness. This means that those who have at heart the success of the eugenic movement, must, therefore, before it is too late, take a definite stand against overinterpretation of data within their particular field, or else be prepared to experience an ever increasing lack of sympathy on the part of the biological sciences and the educated public. As before stated, it seems that we owe it to the future of human genetics to face the situation fairly and frankly. To do this, the fundamental interdependence of experimental genetics and human genetics has been made the keynote of the situation. In working out a program for work on human genetics, we are faced with certain inherent characteristics of our material. The fact that these form definite limitations in some eases, forces our attention to them whether we desire it or not. In considering them, however, we shall, I think, find that the obvious disadvan- tages are not without some compensations and alleviating cireum- stances, which may easily be turned to our advantage. Thus, while the slow breeding of mankind makes it impossible to expect or hope for the great numbers obtainable from laboratory material, and lengthens the space between generations to a some- what disquieting degree, yet it offers opportunities of a peculiar nature as well. For example, the long period of adolescence gives us a remark- able chance to develop to the fullest extent the study of the un- folding during ontogeny of the hereditary traits, and to weigh 406 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY with a high degree of detail the influence of such external agents as training, education, and other similar forces, upon the individ- ual and its descendants. We can and should know our human in- dividual—whether ancestory or progeny—in as many stages of his ontogeny as we possibly can. This is the peculiar opportunity afforded by human material. We can not ignore it by attempting a classification of our individual based on fragmentary informa- tion—but, rather, we should utilize it to the fullest extent. What might then, at first, be considered as a handicap, may with patience and eareful planning be turned into a valuable asset. No insect material can give us this chance—and when we consider that labo- ratory mammals afford us an excellent basis for the development of methods of research applicable to humans and for a ‘‘compara- tive’’ genetic analysis—we begin to see the real possibilities of the situation. In a somewhat similar way it has been objected that in man we ean not control the matings made; this indeed is true. But if we can not control the matings, we can, at least, record them and, by finger prints and blood tests, check on data. This is no small ad- vantage, and makes the eventual utilization of carefully collected data certain and of great value. We have already dwelt on the inaccuracy of information based on anything short of exact tests or measurements of the individual in question—an inaccuracy which makes change imperative. As an aid in establishing and extending the desired methods of ob- servation and recording, will come the definite cooperation of the individuals themselves, or of those controlling them, once results of promise can be shown. The possibility of introducing some such program as the one suggested will be scouted by many—and in some eases, indeed, by those now engaged in eugenical research. Until a point of view generally similar to the one above outlined is adopted, however, we may expect that the work in human genetics will fail to carry real conviction to experimental geneticists and to the public at large. It is entirely probable that the attitude that eugenics is or should be primarily dependent upon genetics may be seriously questioned. Should this be the case, however, it seems that a short consideration of the apparently non-genetie aspects of eugenics will bring home to us the fact that we are, even in these subjects, actually relying on genetic information before we can hope for progress. Thus in the eugenice aspect of the immigration problem, we are faced at once with the fact that we are dealing with race—a fundamentally genetic problem. Racial differences in fecundity HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 407 and susceptibility to disease will determine just what numerical réle any given nationality will play in forming the future popula- tion. Differences in type of mental makeup and in degrees of mental capacities from the viewpoint of intellectual achievement, moral responsibility and adaptibility to a new environment will be essential matters in determining the value of various nationalities as sources of potential citizens. The physical and psychological traits of various combinations and types of hybrids among the different European and Asiatie nations, attained under the eondi- tions of life in the United States, will give the best possible criterion as to their permanent value as constructive elements in the formation of the future American nation. Similarly, the question of legislation involving eugenic meas- ures must frequently appeal to our knowledge of genetic principles as applied to man. Unless the environmental influences not trans- missible to future generations can be separated from those differ- ences that are truly genetic, we shall be at a loss to know how strict our system of segregation and confinement of criminals should be. So, too, unless we know the degree of inheritance of criminal traits in different racial combinations, we shall not know whether a similar legislative treatment of all individuals, regardless of their racial composition, is either justified or wise. So, too, in efforts to deter- mine parentage, genetics through blood tests may be useful if properly evaluated. Thus, in any scheme of general education along lines of eugenic measures, we are faced again and again with the fact that the limiting factor in the situation is our knowledge of the laws of genetics as applied to the particular subject im question. In thus presenting briefly some of the factors operative in maintaining a proper relationship between genetic research in man, and experimental genetics, an effort has been made to bring out the fact that we have reached a point where a recasting of our methods of gathering data on human inheritance for this pur- pose is imperative. The work in human genetics already accomplished has given results so promising that we should be able to enter a new long- time program with enthusiasm and complete confidence as to its final outcome. If we ean, in this long-time program, obtain, as we eo, data for immediate interpretation and at the same time lay the foundation on which eventually a scientific and experimental study of human heredity may rest, we shall have initiated a line of investigation worthy of the loyal support of all experimental eeneticists and of the best efforts of those intimately connected with eugenic research. ; 408 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY IV. THE PROPOSED PROGRAM A. General Considerations. In suggesting a program of this type, no one can be more clearly conscious than the writer, of the need for encouraging discussion and cooperation between geneticists and eugenicists before any definite scheme of work is adopted. In fact, it is probable that an ‘‘aeceptance in principle’’ of some such outline as that here given will be sufficient action at the onset. This will give opportunity for the introduction of modifications either of methods or materials as the work progresses. Some such elasticity is necessary, for it is not humanly possible to foresee all the problems which are bound to arise. In the main points, however, there is real hope of agreement provided the inadequacy of present methods of collecting data is frankly admitted. Obviously, the new program to be adopted in- volves (1) more accurate methods of collecting data as to the bio- logical nature of both physical and psychological traits of human individuals, (2) the utilization of data so collected for three main purposes, (a) the contrasting of naturally existing different bio- logical groups of individuals in respect to characters recordable by direct observation, (b) the building up of an ever increasing detailed knowledge, by the method of direct observation, concern- ing the individuals from birth to death, and (¢) the continuation of this process to include the descendants of such individuals. By this means, pedigrees will eventually shape themselves which are of sufficient accuracy to be considered quite as exact from an ex- perimental point of view as are many of those of laboratory mam- mals used in genetic research. Much is heard of the unselfishness of science and its devotees, and of their willingness to sacrifice their individual capacities and efforts in the search for truth. Yet it is doubtful whether there would be even the shghtest chance for the adoption of a viewpoint similar to the above unless it can be shown that the returns to be expected during the lifetime of the observer are in themselves suf- ficient to enlist his interest. Fortunately, the value of the ‘‘immediate’’ returns is, in the case of the suggested eugenics program, so great that one is justi- fied in considering some of them in detail, despite the recognition of the fundamental selfish element always present, which often makes a similar consideration necessary even in other cases having little or no merit. In outlining the possible problems to be investigated, it will be advisable to keep in mind the features of particular interest to the United States. The problems of other nations will, however, be sufficiently allied to ours to make the utilization of some slight HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 409 modification of the lines of work suggested here, entirely feasible. Bearing in mind then, that the prime requisites of the new at- titude is direct observation, we must first seek to ascertain where the best opportunities for such observation exist. B. Opportunities and Problems. The chance to study human material from the various view- points shortly to be considered is offered at many times during the lifetime of the individual. At many of these points the information desired could be obtained with a minimum of effort and with great accuracy. Thus, maternity hospitals, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, city and state institutions, general hospitals (of all grades), military and naval units, factories and large commercial concerns, offices of dentists and physicians, social and church organizations, employment bureaus, boy and girl scouts, census officials, immigra- tion stations, Y. M. C. A.’s and Y. W. C. A.’s and similar organiza- tions are some of the points at which it would be possible to obtain data of biological value by physical or mental examinations con- ducted by properly trained observers. Obviously, the earlier in the life of the individual we begin to gather the data, the more will be the genetic and the less the ex- ternal contributions to its character; the earlier, also, shall we be able to recognize the initial stages in the appearance of both bene- ficial and harmful hereditary traits. In the former case we should be able to assure proper opportunity, physical and mental, for the exceptionally endowed individual, and, in the latter, apply at the earliest possible moment the restrictive, corrective or curative measures necessary for such deficients as might be found. The economic saving would be enormous, but even so it would be only a tiny fraction of the permanent biological benefit to the race. Clearly, maternity hospitals provide us with the chance to ob- serve directly the individuals at birth. Their records are, or could be made, inclusive of information concerning many physical and even mental attributes of the child. Studies on the sex-ratio, body length, weight, head form, early growth rate, incidence of abnor- malities or disease are only a few of the questions easily capable of being investigated by direct observation in such institutions. Certain of these points have already been successfully investi- gated in laboratory mammals or in man. As a single example of this, the variations in the sex-ratio (number of male progeny to each one hundred female progeny) may be briefly considered. Variations in the sex-ratio are of importance economically as well as biologically. It is therefore important to investigate the various factors which underlie their modification. 410 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Hybridization has been recognized as one such factor. R. and M. Pearl (1908) and the writer (1919) showed that in man the progeny of matings between parents of different nationalities had a higher proportion of males than those between parents of the same nationality. The same fact has been found to hold true for races of birds (Ducks, Phillips; Pigeons, Whitman, and Riddle; Pheasants, Geoffrey-Smith and Haig-Thomas; Poultry, Davenport, Pearl; and in laboratory mammals, Rats, King; Mice, Little. In a somewhat similar way, King (1918) showed that more males proportionately occurred in the first litter among rats than among subsequent litters from the same parents, and the writer found the same to be true in humans (parents from white races and of the same nationality), when the first births are contrasted as a group with the subsequent births. This fact, for example, has a possible bearing on the popular belief that in time of war an excess of males above the ‘‘normal’’ ratio is produced. There might be an interesting element of truth in the popular belief, because in war time the proportion of first births in the population is greatly increased. If, now, these produce an excess of males, it would follow that this fact would be noticed and remarked on, since, at that time especially, men are at a premium. The occurrence of sex-linked lethal factors killing approxi- mately fifty per cent. of the male progeny in certain matings has been frequently observed in insects (Morgan and his co-workers). Evidence for their existence in mammals, (mice, Little, 1920) and in man (Little and Gibbons, 1921) has been offered. The evidence in man is Statistical and can not be made more definite until our methods of collecting data have become more accurate. The sex-ratio of stillbirths in man is a matter of the liveliest interest. On the one hand, it bears on this same question of lethal factors, and on the other, it provides important evidence on the sex-ratio at conception—and thus on the possible control of sex in mammals through the selection of one or the other type (male forming or female forming) of sperm. So also, the sex-ratio of illegitimate births is worthy of inves- tigation. There has been a certain amount of evidence obtained (Heape, 1908) that there is an excess of females among the progeny resulting from illegitimate births. It would be interesting in this connection to see whether the use of contraceptive methods, or pos- sibly an unusual occurrence of endocrine abnormalities (due to the unusually high number of mental defectives among the mothers of illegitimate children) have altered the secretions of the female re- productive tract sufficiently to mean that a selection of female- forming sperm is being made, and the male-forming sperm more HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 411 frequently eliminated during their passage through the female gen- erative tract. In the primary and secondary schools of great cities we have remarkable opportunities for work of some of the types which we have outlined. Representatives of many different nationalities are brought together in essentially similar environment and are under almost daily observation for long periods. The chance is clearly given to study differences in mental capacity of individuals, na- tionalities, and races. Particular talents may be studied and many of the investigations now being made with exceptional children could be extended and supported by approach from a new angle. The preliminary experiments of Vicari (1921) on mice have shown that F, hybrids produced by crossing Japanese waltzing and albino non-waltzing mice (the two parent stocks being thus from different laboratory races) made a better record in learning a sim- ple psychological problem than did either parent race. This sug- gests strongly that the well known phenomenon of hybrid vigor, or heterosis, applies in the ease of at least some mental character- istics as well as in physical traits. It would be of the greatest value to compare the school records and psychological tests of children whose parents are of the same nationality with those of children whose parents are from different nationalities. Later the records of back-crosses and of F’, hybrids could be similarly studied. So, too, the study as to whether there was correlation between general or specific mental capacity and grade of skin color in mu- lattos would be extremely interesting. Growth curves and resistance to children’s diseases are other matters on which children of ‘‘hybrid’’ and ‘‘pure’’ matings could be compared. In this ease, if the analogy with the laboratory mam- mal holds, we should expect the first generation hybrids to be clearly superior. Other viewpoints and matters for investigation as applied to the school material would be quite as important. Thus, it has been long debated with considerable warmth of feeling as to whether first-born children were inferior mentally and physically as a group, or last-born children superior as a group, to other children as a whole. The material for settling, or at least throwing light on, this point seems to be in a condition to gather in the schools. The effect of age of parents at the time of birth of the child, or of transference of an individual from one environment to an- other, of birth and rearing in the city as compared with the coun- try, are all of them interesting and contrasted points of view that may be investigated profitably and economieally. 412 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY It is also, at least theoretically, possible that by the extensive use of mental tests, methods may be devised for recognizing the carriers of recessive feeble-mindedness. If this were actually ac- complished, the value to the community would be enormous. C. Training of Observers. We must not send out as observers individuals who look for anything except accurate, concrete, and unbiased data. There must be no reliance on ‘‘hearsay’”’ or ‘‘reported’’ evidence of any type. The judgments as to any individual’s traits or abilities, physical or mental, must be recorded as standardized measure- ments from direct observation. In this way, any mistakes of methods or technique will become evident at the earliest possible moment, and modifications can thereupon ensue. If the ‘‘field worker report’’ type of information be relied on, we shall have inaccuracies continually introduced by the varying personal equa- tions of both the observer and the observed. The acceptance of this last general point means that a large body of observers capable of and interested in taking accurate observations must eventually be trained and organized. The need of some such body of trained observers should not, however, prove any souree of worry to us. The idea of training eugenic workers for the specific purpose of research is already in practice. At the present time, field workers so trained are sent out to collect data from a critical point of view without, in many eases, ever having performed an experiment in animal genetics. This seems to be one of the points on which genetics and eugenics clash sharply. There would perhaps be real hope for reconciling the two if such field workers had been given a laboratory course in genetics, or if they merely went out to measure and record by standardized methods certain mental or physical traits of individuals by direct observational methods. In this last case, training in accuracy, and some knowledge of each field worker’s ‘‘individual error’’ would be indispensable. But the training of specialized field workers, or ‘‘field observ- ers’’ as they might perhaps be called, is expensive and is only one of the ways to go about gathering data based on measurements. There are in addition two great groups of individuals, either or both of which might easily be specially trained, and who could, in the course of their professional duties, obtain data of the utmost scientific value. These are medical men and the teachers of primary and secondary schools. A properly planned and executed lecture course with demon- strations would give the average medical student some ideas on the gathering and recording of biological data. This would suffice HUMAN HEREDITY AND EXPERIMENTAL GENETICS 413 for arousing his interest and at least introduce him to the genetic point of view. Individual researchers in eugenics or organizations conducting eugenic research could then arrange with medical men for the joint interpretation of the data which the medical man had gathered. The same principle could be followed in the case of school teachers in whose training a course on the biology of their material, and on means of recording data could most profitably be inserted. The suggestions as to the training of medical men and teachers, as well as to the modification of the functions of the eugenic field worker, are all of them based on essentially the same principle. This involves the clear separation of the function of collecting and recording of data from its final interpretation, unless all the col- lectors and observers are, in the highest degree, trained in scientific methods and thought in either genetics, general biology, or both. They should confine themselves to the mechanical and, in so far as possible, impersonal work of gathering data in the form of perma- nent, records, obtained from standard tests under direct observa- tion. With data of this type we should find the experimental genet- icist becoming more frequently interested in a problem of human genetics than he ever can be under the existing methods. In colleges as well as in other educational institutions, the em- ployment of observers to collect and record data will result in educating the general population of the institution in the problem under consideration. The whole scheme will undoubtedly work out on the basis of compound interest and result in a steady increase in the numbers and efficiency of workers. The value of collecting data in large business concerns or fac- tories is also clear. Here one will be able to gather information as to efficiency under certain performance tests, as well as on the general mental attributes of accuracy, consistency, and industry. Psychological tests of the type of those in use in the army are already in a state of development sufficiently advanced to be of ereat value. D. Conclusion. The program as outlined is admittedly incomplete and in tenta- tive form. Generally speaking, it utilizes natural gathering places of people at all ages, and by a continuation (with certain modi- fications) the training of eugenic field workers, together with the training of school teachers and medical men, it plans to interest an ever increasing group of observers who will gather by methods of direct observation, data on human genetics. It proposes to decrease to a minimum, or to abandon, except for 414 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY the preliminary work, methods of pedigree study as at present practiced, and by the processes outlined above to replace it grad- ually by pedigrees more nearly comparable in their degree of ac- curacy with those obtained by experimental geneticists working with mammal material. It proposes to collect data on such subjects as birth, length and weight, head form, sex-ratio, rate of growth, susceptibility to dis- ease, incidence of abnormalities (morphological and physiological), mental capacity, specific and general, age at maturity, as well as the variations commonly recorded such as hair color, shape, eye color, skin color, et cetera. Furthermore, as indicated above, any and all of these points may be analyzed on the basis of contrasting the progeny of rela- tively pure (inbred) and hybrid (outbred) matings, of first births as compared with subsequent births, of young parents as compared with old, of negro with white and other racial types, of country bred parents with city bred, of college graduates with non-college graduates, of parents who were first children compared with those who were not, of brunettes versus blondes within any particular nationality, of parents suffering with various diseases as opposed to those not so afilicted, of births out of wedlock compared with legitimate births, of parents from tropical climates as compared with those from temperate or arctic, and eventually of children born to the same parents in one climate compared with those born from the same parents in a new environment. The above plan has its justification in the belief that under the present methods the breach between eugenicists and geneticists will become wider and wider, and without it eugenics will not be able to utilize the existing genetic methods of analysis and so maintain its place among the truly experimental sciences. Because the per- manent welfare of the eugenic movement is at present prejudiced, a radical and immediate shift in viewpoint on the part of those directing eugenic research and thought is urged. By looking ahead to the time when the pedigrees built on the new plan are beginning to take definite form, we can rest assured that there will be ample reward in the shape of information suffi- ciently accurate to warrant a detailed program of ‘‘mate selec- tion’’ work at just about the time that the public as a whole is ready for it, and in an approach to the problems of human heredity in a way not now possible. In the meantime, we shall have accomplished a great amount of research of direct biological and economic value to our country, and shall have laid a firm and respected foundation for research in human genetics throughout the world. CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 415 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS. II By ARNOLD GESELL, Ph.D., M. D. DIRECTOR OF YALE PSYCHO-CLINIC, NEW HAVEN, CONN. III. THe Basis or CORRESPONDENCE AND DISPARITY IN TWINS The problem of resemblance in twins is one of critical signifi- eance. If we could solve it with any completeness even for one pair of duplicate twins, we should thereby gain much insight into more general problems of heredity, development and education. Dr. Morton Prince has ealled double personality a veritable gold mine for the study of psychological phenomena. Duplicate twins represent double personality in a different but no less pregnant sense. Individual differences among unrelated human beings are al- most infinite in variety. We do not expect even two leaves from a forest to be exactly alike; much less human beings. Persons promi- nent in public life often have a double; but the degree of identity will usually not bear very close inspection. Very rarely indeed do police bureaus find eases of even apparent physical duplication among criminals and crooks. A remarkable and authentic case, reported from the U. 8S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, relates of two colored prisoners, Will West, No. 3426, and William West, No. 2626, whose photographs and Bertillon measurements as well as names were strikingly alike, and who with their hats on were almost indistinguishable. But even this resemblance proved to be superficial, and did not rest on any developmental identity. The question of correspondence and disparity in twins involves, of course, the deeper problem of the genesis of twins. It can not be said that this problem has been solved. Biologists have for some time accepted a classification of human twins into two distinct types: (1) fraternal twins, who may or may not be of the same sex, who show ordinary sibling or fraternal resemblance, and are presumably derived from two separate eggs (dizygotic) ; (2) dupli- cate twins, who are always of the same sex, closely resemble one another, and supposedly originate from one fertilized egg only (monozygotic). The existence of both types of twinning has been indisputably established in the lower animals. There can be little 416 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY question about the occurrence of dizygotic (biovular) twinning in the human family. There has, however, been some question in regard to the frequeney of mono-zygotie twinning; and the pos- sibility of reconciling specialization of resemblance and disparities in co-twins with this mode of genesis. Biologists and embryolo- gists, however, continue to recognize two distinct types of human twinning. Obstetricians have adopted the same distinction, and maintain that it is usually possible by an examination of the pla- centa and foetal membranes to determine whether any given pair of twins was mono- or bi-oval in origin. Thorndike, as we have seen, seriously doubts whether twins represent two distinct modes of fertilization and genesis, and thinks there is no need of it, whatever, to explain the facts of the likeness of twins, ‘‘for the closest likeness grades off gradually into notable difference as one ranks twin pairs by their resemblance.’’ (Figure 9 if 2 190 From Thorndike’s Measurements of Twins. Archives of Philosophy, Psy. and Sci. Methods, Vol. I. p. 44. FIGURE 13. THE FORM OF DISTRIBUTION OF RESEMBLANCE IN TWINS 13) He admits that there is an increase in the resemblances of children born at the same time over ordinary siblings; but thinks it is due to a reduction of variability among germs produced at the same time. In his series of twins, he found that even the most similar twins differ markedly in some traits. This specialization of resemblance he holds disproves the existence of the identical- twin species. ‘‘The most identical twins will in some respect be less like each other than ordinary siblings.’’ His argument is summed up as follows: The objections to the genesis of any considerable percentage of twins by the development of two individuals from one ovum after fertilization are: first, this specialization (of resemblance) which is well nigh universal; second, the non-appearance of any such well-defined group of especially similar twins; third, the fact of triplets, all three as identical as any two twins; fourth, the too great frequency of close resemblance. Let us consider some facts regarding the development of twins, which may perhaps diminish or divert the force of these objections. Bateson has given us a very broad conception of twinning in his formula ‘‘the production of equivalent structures by division.’’ He regards it as a fundamental manifestation of life. ‘‘When I look at a dividing cell, I feel as an astronomer might do if he CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 417 beheld the formation of a double star; that an original act of nature was taking place before me.’’ Cellular division, as such, is not twinning; but the tendency of the divided or repeated parts to assume symmetrical relations may be so regarded; and this tendency is an almost universal feature of biological mechanics. The fact that the experimental embryologist can bring about the growth of a paired structure by a simple wound: of a single limb bud reveals the fundamental nature of twinning. Of similar sig- nificance is the fact that Loeb produced a 90 per cent. increase in twins by a simple immersion of his experimental eges in lime-free sea water, which caused the segments of the living eges to fall apart as they were formed. Newman, likewise, regards the phe- nomenon of twinning as a ‘‘very fundamental process almost uni- versal in the field of biology. For wherever we have bilateral doubling, we have twinning in some form.’’ From this point of view every bilateral individual may be con- ceived as being morphologically a pair of twins. This view is so legitimate that it need not be called paradoxical. The human in- dividual is undoubtedly derived from a single fertilized cell. He is monozygotic in origin. From this zygote, through a process of symmetrical division, develop all his right and left hand homolo- gous organs and the right and left halves of his ‘‘unpaired’’ organs and structures. He is a product of developmental duplicity. Now in the case of true, complete monozygotic twins, this process of dupleation has been earried to such a degree that two offsprings ME MOOE KA ARE E NON ae ¥ RO WS Mh From American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. Ill, p. 473. FIGURE 14. WILDER’S DIAGRAMS SHOWING THE INTER-RELATIONS OF VARIOUS SORTS OF DIPLOPAGI AND DUPLICATE TWINS VOL. XIV.—27. 418 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY result from the single ovum. A perfectly symmetrical bilateral individual on the one hand, and a perfect pair of duplicated in- dividuals on the other represent the ideal extremes of the process of twinning. Between these extremes there are many gradations and deviations, some of them benign, other monstrous, in charac- From Gesell’s Hemi-hypertrophy and Mental Defect, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol. VI, p. 409 FIGURE 15. A CASE OF HEMI-HYPERTROPHY,. AGE 13 CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 419 ter. Instead of a full twinning of the whole body, there may be twinning of various parts or only of one part. For example in the type of twinship known as diprosopus diopthalmus, described by Ballantyne, ‘‘the size of the head and the presence of two noses may be almost the only signs of duplicity.’’ - Wilder’s diagram, reproduced in Figure 14, shows graphically some of the numerous interrelations: of diplopagi and duplicate twins. We should, I think, add the condition of hemi-hypertrophy to this series. Hemi-hypertrophy would be represented by a drawing in every respect like the normal figure Al, except that one half would be portrayed as definitely larger than the other. Hemi-hypertrophy is a total unilateral enlargement of one half of the body. This rare anomaly may be interpreted as an atypical or imperfect form of twinning,—a variant of the same process which may produce a double headed monster, or a completely sym- metrical individual. Sometimes the disparity of the two sides of a hemi-hypertrophie individual is so great that there will be eight teeth on the enlarged side when none have erupted on the other ; as though the individual had two physiological ages, or as though he were two different, conjoined hemi-creatures! Careful meas- urements of a case of hemi-hypertrophy, studied by the author when the subject was 13 and 20 years of age, showed that the mild gvigantism was a permanent condition and involved apparently the whole right side. (Figure 15.) The right half of the nose was larger, the right nares twice that of the left in diameter, the right palpebral fissure was wider; on the same side the cheek and lips were fuller; the arm was larger, the right hand was relatively more enlarged than some of the other structures; the right leg and foot were similarly enlarged. On palpation the hypertrophied side had a more doughy feel than the left. This suggested redundancy of the subeutaneous tissue, but the roentgen rays showed that the bones themselves had participated in the hypertrophy. (Gesell, Op. cit.) Davenport regards size or stature as a unit character of in- heritance, subject to mendelian principles; but this does not assist us in interpreting the curious stature anomaly embodied in hemi- hypertrophy. We are probably dealing with some quantitative im- balance in the processes which normally determine symmetry and twinning. Newman has made suggestive researches into heredity and or- ganic symmetry in armadillo quadruplets. He has noted some eases in which one lateral half of the body has quite a different number of scutes from the other half, and one of these halves re- sembles the maternal condition. Since each set of quadruplets 420 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY have the same genetic constitution in as much as they arise from one zygote, he concludes that some irregularity in the mechanism of the mitotic cell division is responsible for the anomalies of sym- metry. This factor is by no means a simple one. ‘‘Now in the armadillo there are many evidences of a system of symmetry com- mon -to all of the quadruplets, upon which has been superimposed a secondary symmetry system between twins. This in twins is more or less obliterated by a tertiary symmetry between the ante- meric halves of the single individuals.”’ R. G. Harrison discusses rules of symmetry in his monograph ‘*On Relations of Symmetry in Transplanted Limbs.’’ This study is based on 462 eases of grafting of Lmb buds in amblystoma punce- tatum. He agrees with Morgan that the potential factors of sym- metry reside in the constitution of the egg. ‘‘It is the intimate protoplasmic structure that underlies symmetry.’’ Likewise re- versal of symmetry. ‘‘As an alternative to the hypothethis of rotation, we might consider reversal as due to reversal of mole- cular asymmetry according to analogy with the behavior of op- tically active compounds.’’ ‘‘There is an analogy between the production of enantiomorphic hmbs and the production of situs inversus viscerum, as effected by Speemann. (Speeman obtained a large number of twins in Triton by constricting the eggs in seg- mentation stages or in early blastula. In many of the cases one individual, usually the right, developed complete situs inversus viscerum.) Either the reversal may be due to reversal of the in- timate structure, or it may take place in spite of the intimate structure through the direct action of mechanical factors on the individual parts of the differentiating system.’’ (Journal of Ex- perimental Zoology, Vol. 32, p. 1.) Another form of asymmetry, no less startling than hemi-hyper- trophy is that of gynandromorphism. A gynandromorph is an animal that is male on one side and female on the other. This differentiation may include the reproductive organs, gonads and ducts. Usually it is longitudinally bilateral, but it may be antero- posterior. This curious phenomenon is most frequent in insects but has been reported in birds and in a few mammals. A beautiful case was described in a mutillid wasp in which the male half of the body was black and winged like the male while the female half was a rich red and wingless. The problem of gynandromorphism has been extensively studied by T. H. Morgan and C. B. Bridges and reported in their contribu- tions to the geneties of Drosophila Melanogaster. They found one eynandromorph among every 2,200 flies. The authors consider a gynandromorph to be a hybrid whose genes are carried by the sex CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 421 chromosome ; and they give definite evidence that the peculiar sex mosaic condition is due to an elimination of one X chromosome, usually at some early division of the segmenting nuclei. The asymmetry embodied in hemi-hypertrophy and even in gyandromorphism is benevolent when compared with the deformi- ties and monstrosities that may occur in the field of pre-natal pathology, where one twin becomes a mere parasite upon its normal ecotwin. The germinal conditions may have determined an entirely normal pair of twins, of equal partnership in the rights of life. But in all single ovum (monozygotic) twins there is always a cer- tain area of the placenta in which there is an anastomosis between the two vascular systems of the pair of embryos. If the balance of power between the two uterine inhabitants is equal; and if na marked positional or physiological preference is given to either one, this partial community of blood supply earries no penalty. But a stronger or favored embryo may appropriate an increasing monopoly of blood, so that the sibling foetus degenerates into an acephalic, acardiae, trunkless or amorphous parasite. Here, as Bal- lantyne remarks, nature ‘‘attains to the extreme limit of terato- logical expression.’’ One twin may be relatively normal, but the ecotwin dwindles developmentally into a vegetative mass of mal- formed, or unformed tissues. This glimpse into the teratology of the subject shows that twin- ning actually expresses itself in two apparently contradictory end results. It may produce perfect symmetry and mirror imagery; or it may produce gross disparity. Nowhere in the study of man do we find such complete duplication of individuality as among monozygotic twins; and nowhere do we find also such profound and monstrous degrees of individual difference as among twins of monozygotic origin. in this biological sense the range of in- dividual difference is incomparably greater among monozygotic twins than among unselected pairs of individuals; for we must include among the former those aberrant foetuses which are so extraordinarily grotesque that they have lost all semblance even to the embryonic human form. It must be recognized that dizygotic twins may undergo see- ondary fusions in the developmental period and be born as con- joined twins; but true double monsters are placed more readily in the monozygotic category. Wilder holds that there is a close relation between duplicate twins and double monsters; of the type in which one twin is a degenerate parasite upon the other, and also of the lightly conjoined type of twins, who can sometimes be severed successfully by a surgical operation. Newman agrees with Wilder in the view that these are all monozygotic in origin, and 429 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY LEGEND Dax O rome @ xscumne D oico mmramer ce =, AA : De REN. PEDIGREE CHART FOR FIVE GENERATIONS The diagram above illustrates a remarkable record of ‘‘a woman who, in three successive marriages, has never had a single child at a birth.” A history of this case shows that there have heen multiple births in each of four successive gencrations. The propositus who is indicated by No. Sin the third generation (111-3) was married three times. (Pig. 35.) From the Journal of Heredity, Vol. 10, p. 383. FIGURE 16. A CASE OF HEREDITY TWINNING asks the question, ‘‘What more natural, therefor, than to infer that separate twins which are of the same sex and strikingly alike are also monozygotic?’’ Parenthetically it may be stated that Newman has definitely established the fact that armadillo twins. are monozygotic in origin, and that twimning is a specific heredi- tary character in this species. The problem of physical and mental resemblance in dizygotie twins is more simple. Dizygotic twins must be considered merely as two contemporaneous individuals. As a class such contem- poraries doubtless show a higher degree of psycho-physical re- semblance than non-contemporaneous siblings, but in any given pair we must be prepared to find ordinary fraternal individual differences. Such twins usually look no more alike than ordinary brothers and sisters, are easily distinguished by physical, mental and temperamental characteristics. (Figure 17.) Indeed one such From Journal of Heredity, Vol. 10, p. 402. FIGURE 17. FRATERNAL (DIZYGOTIC) TWINS Their mother writes, ‘‘ They are so utterly unlike in every way that it is hard for any one to realize that they are twins.’’ CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 423 CHART 84 WI DIVORCED. WT See)” © (N) rf : er Ine ORM Ome NN® OOL] NANG SYERY SEPA See wiiom RATED fF VERY NERVOUS HUSBAND. 2x Twins ) Gd IN] Gi NIN] CM &? © EDDLE B From Goddard's Feeblemindedness, its Causes and Consequences FIGURE 18. FAMILY CHART OF TWINS, ONE MENTALLY NORMAL, ONE FEEBLE MINDED twin may be mentally normal while the cotwin is backward or even feeble-minded. Goddard made a study of the family histories of 327 feeble-minded individuals. Fifty-one of his charts recorded the birth of twins. In four of these cases, one of the twins was mentally normal and the other feeble-minded (Figure 18). Sur- prising as this may seem to those who make the term ‘‘twin’’ snyonymous with resemblance, it is not difficult to explain. Two Separate ova were in each case probably fertilized by separate spermatozoa. In one case both gametes were defective, in the other only one or neither. There is no reason to expect duphea- tion or identity under such conditions of conception. A few cases of twins have been reported in which one child was normal and the other of the mongolian type of mental defi- ciency (Figure 19). Mongolism is characterized by a small rounded From Journal of Am. Medical Asso., Vol. 78. No. 1. (Dr. Stafford McLean). FIGURE 19. MONGOLIAN IDIOT AND NORMAL TWIN SISTER AT 6144 MONTHS 424 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY skull, hypertrophied tongue with enlarged circumvallate papille, oblique almond eyes, and frequently lax joints, broad, flabby hands and feet, defective circulation, and nearly always imbecile mental- ity. Mongolans look so much alike, it has been remarked, that they appear to be members of the same family. However, Mongolians themselves do not beget children and the cause of the condition is very obscure. If the cases of one Mongolian in a pair of twins have been correctly diagnosed and reported, it suggests that the twins were dizygotic and the defect one of specific hereditary transmission. If it represents an endocrine disturbance, it may be that the endocrine defect itself was germinally determined. It is, however, necessary to be cautious in conclusions on this point. I have, myself, seen a pair of mentally subnormal, duplicate twins, pupils in a special class, who presented physical and mental fea- tures intermediate between true mongolism and the simple clinical variety of feeblemindedness. How shall we explain these semi- mongol or mongoloid types in presumably a genetically identical pair? The necessity of caution in interpreting the role of chromo- somes and hormones in asymmetric twins is well warranted by the confusion which associated itself with the rationalization of the freemartin. The freemartin is well known to eattle breeders as a sterile twin, born cotwin to a normal male. Professor Newman eredits F. R. Lilhe with having solved this baffling and contro- versial mystery. ‘‘Lillie’s work has revealed the true nature of the freemartin; it is a sterile female whose gonads remain in the juvenile stage so that they resembles testes, and which has certain secondary sexual characters of the male due to the presence for a considerable period of male hormones in the blood borrowed from its male cotwin. The animal is hermaphrodite only in a very limited sense. The work leaves no question as to the dizygotic ori- gin, not only of opposite-sexed, but also of same-sexed bovine twins.”’ If hormones play a regulative réle in prenatal development, it might be argued that the interchange in blood supply made pos- sible by the vascular anastomosis in the placenta of monozygotic twins, would tend to exert an equalizing influence upon the foetuses. ‘The term mongolian has just been used in a clinical and not an ethnological sense; but it indirectly recalls those instances in which twins actually present racial disparity rather than resem- blanee. This amazing possibility rests on the well recognized oc- currence of super-fecundation, in which one impregnation is after a brief interval followed by another and the mother gives birth te dizygotie twins. Under illicit conditions there may be two fathers, CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 425 From Journal of Heredity, Vol. X, p. 428. FIGURE 20. IDENTICAL TWINS FROM JAPAN, YEIICHI AND YUJI OGATA, OF TOKIO of not necessarily similar race, for the pair of twins. Dr. John Archer, the first man to receive a medical degree in this country, reported a case in which a white woman was delivered of twins, one white and the other mulatto. We are, therefore, confronted with an extraordinarily wide gamut of quantitative and qualitative diversities in the field of human twinning. The factors which bring about these diversities are not only germinal, but post-germinal, genetic and develop- mental. Their combined action may help to obscure the bi-modal- ity of the distribution curve for twin resemblances, but leave un- impaired the validity of a classification into the two traditional groups. It must be remembered that there are wide variations possible within either of these groups. Neither process works with iron elad rigidity or uniformity. For example, Williams recognizes that single ovum twins may be produced in one or all of as many as four different ways: 1. By fertilization of two polar bodies. 2. By premature separation of one or more blastomeres from a segmenting ovum. 3. By cleavage of the embryonic area. 4. By double gastrulization of the blastodermie vesicle. Moreover we must recognize the indisputable occurrence occasionally of an ovum with double germinal vesicle (two nuclei). Boveri has sug- gested the additional possibility,—actually demonstrated on eggs of sea-urchins and bees—that a sperm may occasionally unite with only one half of a precociously divided ovum, leaving the other half to develop parthenogenetically (Danforth). Recently Pro- fessor R. S. Lillie has suggested that the process of development is 426 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY basically regulated by some physiological influence of a repressive or inhibitory kind comparable to chemical-distance action, which is indeed essentially a form of bio-electriec control through poten- tial-difference. We have already noted the existence of purely nutritional and hormone factors in the developmental period; and we have Newman’s general observation that im human twins, ‘‘twinning is by no means a single fixed process, but is highly variable, evidently beginning earlier and being more complete in some cases than in others.’’ Now these various suggestion do not suddenly elarify the prob- lem of correspondences in twins, but they do make more intelligible the distribution of correspondences and disparities which is ac- tually found; and they do not necessitate the denial of a relatively frequent occurrence of monozygotic twinning. From Journal of Heredity, Vol. X. p. 409. FIGURE 21. TYPICAL DUPLICATES CORRESPONDENCE IN TWINS 427 Very pertinent to the whole question of resemblance of twins is Newman’s theory of’ somatic segregation. The conception of specialization of resemblance is dependent, of course, upon some kind of unit character method of hereditary determination; but Newman holds that although every character has a genetic basis in the zygote, ‘‘the exact expression of character is dependent upon developmental or epigenetic factors that vary in each individual case.”’ For this reason there may be disparities between two sides of an individual, disparity even in the friction ridge patterns of his two hands; or a disparity in statwre as we have noted in our case of hemi-hypertrophy. Such asymmetries are expressions of dif- ferentiation through somatie segregation. ‘“‘The unilateral appearance of an inherited unit character, such as a friction-skin pattern, almost certainly implies some uni- laterality in the somatic distribution of the differentiating factor for this character. Whether the character appears in one or in both of a pair of twins (which are genetically equivalent to the right and left sides of a single individual), or, finally, whether it appears in one, two, three, or four of a set of armadillo quadru- plets, depends on whether the differentiating factor is distributed during the earliest cleavage in a unilaterat or bilateral fashion; in other words, whether, with respect to the differentiating factor in question, the earliest cleavages have been equational or differ- ential.”’ In brief, the early somatic divisions in the genesis of twins may be fully as important agents in segregating unit characters, as are the germinal division which characterize the maturation of the gametes. Specialization of resemblance in twins is consistent with this view, but it is also quite consistent with a monozygotic inter- pretation of twins which reveal numerous fundamental corre- spondences. : The statistical facts concerning specialization of twin resem- blance investigation will serve as a wholesome deterrent of rash eeneralization; but they should not prevent us from recognizing thoroughgoing similarity when it actually presents itself. After all. an accumulation of numerous specialized resemblances with a few exceptional disparities, in two paired individuals, amounts practically to duplication. To a clinical psychologist who is so constantly impressed with the differences which obtain both among normal and abnormal indi- viduals. it seems almost like a violation of the laws of nature to find in one afternoon two personalities which are practically indis- tineuishable. From the biological point of view, however, there is 428 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY no reason why such instances of almost complete duplicity should not occasionally occur. The germinal and the somatic determina- tions of development may be so nicely balanced during the period of conception and cleavage, that we may have two persons who, psychologically as well as morphologically, stand for but one in- dividual to the pair. Of the case of A and B, described in the foregoing pages, Shakespeare might again have said, ‘‘The apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creatures.”’ AuTHoR’s Nore: The reader of this article may be acquainted with an interesting pair of twins. The author will be grateful to receive any letters or photographs, bearing on the problem of physical and mental resemblances in twins. He is particularly interested in developmental correspondences observed in infaney and childhood. Address: Yale University, New Haven, Conn. LATENT LIFE, OR APPARENT DEATH 429 LATENT LIFE, OR, APPARENT DEATH By Professor D. FRASER HARRIS DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX, N. S., CANADA O the ordinary person nothing seems easier than to be able to . distinguish between life and death, or to be less abstract, between a living animal and a dead one. A child ean tell a dead tree in the woods when it sees one. at the meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. The address bestowing the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal was made by Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn. is intended to be awarded every year This medal for contemporary contributions to Previous awards were made to F. M. Chapman, C. W. Beebe and Robert Ridgway. Dr. Osborn sketched the history of paleontology from the zoology. time when Cuvier first announced the law of correlation. The great Amer- ican paleontologists, Leidy, Cope and Marsh, limited themselves mostly to description. But now again the time has come when general principles and relationships may be founded upon a more substantial basis. Among the young investigators who are taking up this work is Professor Othenio Abel, of Vienna, who has undertaken a general study of the causes of evo- lution. His guiding thought is that morphology depends upon physiology THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE and that to understand a form we must know its function. Professor Abel pursued his studies even during the war when his family was in such distress that he had to send out his children to friends for food, and in 1920 he produced an inspiring work, entitled Methoden der Paleobiol- ogischen Forschung. The medal was received by Edgar L. G. Prochnik, Austrian chargé d’affaires, who said that all Austria would rejoice over this honor done to one of her Conditions in Austria are exceedingly hard at pres- ent on account of the curtailment of Austria’s resources and it is felt that the future of Austria in the mental power of her sons. The Aus- trian scientists are bring their country to the rank which she occupied in science and art pre- vious to the war. The disposal of this medal was another proof that science was not limited in its scope to creed or nationality. Professor Abel serves in the ranks of science, the peace maker. President Walcott, in hand- ing over the medal to the representa- tive of the Austrian Legation, said that the award would carry with it an honorarium which was to be forward- ed to Professor Abel. citizens. lies THE SALT LAKE CITY MEETING THE summer session of the Amer- ican Association for the Advancement of Science to be held in conjunction with the sixth annual meeting of the Pacific Division of the Association at Salt Lake City, June 22 to 24, 1922, promises to be a meeting. very successful Salt Lake City offers many advan- tages as a meeting place. of a rich agricultural and mining sec- tion, it has large and important com- mercial and manufacturing interests. But it is perhaps chiefly famed for its scenic attractions drawing every year thousands of tourists by auto and railway from all parts of the country. The opportunity will be seized by many who will wish to com- The center determined to’ 587 bine a pleasure trip to one of the most interesting sections of the west with the advantages of a_ scientific meeting. The hosts of the Salt Lake City will University of Utah, the Utah Academy of Sciences, meeting be the the Utah Agricultural College and the Brigham Young University. Ar- rangements will be made for the com- fort entertainment of visitors. The meeting will be held under the auspices of, the Pacific Division of the Association. Dr. Barton Warren Evermann, the president of the Pa- cific Division, American Association and for the Advancement of Science, will preside at the general sessions and will deliver the presidential address at the opening session on Thursday evening, June 22 22. He will speak on *«The conservation util- ization of our natural resources. ’’ An of the meeting will be a symposium on ‘‘ The Problems of the The great reclamation project which and proper outstanding feature ”) Colorado River. has for its object the utilization of the waters of the Colorado River has It is proposed to consider in this sym- posium the scientific aspects of the problems involved. already attracted wide attention. The arrangement as follows: 1. General description of the Colorado River: Mr. E. C.'La Rue, hydraulic of the symposium is engineer, United States Geological Survey, Pasadena, California.° 2. Archeology of the Colorado River Basin: Stanford Uniyersity, California. 3. Geology of the Colorado River Basin: Dr. Frederick J. Pack, Deseret professor, department of geology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. 4. The conservation of the waters of the Colorado River from the standpoint of the Reclamation Service: Mr. Frank E. Weymouth, chief of construction, United States Professor H. R. Fairclough, Reclamation Service, Denver, Col- orado. 5. The interstate and inter- national aspects of the Colorado River problem: Dr. C. E. Grunsky, 588 vice-president of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, San Francisco, California. The evening address will be given by Professor James Harvey Robin- son, head of the New School of Social Science, New York City, the distin- guished historian of human evolution. While none of the sections of the national association will arrange to hold sessions at this summer meeting the various fields of science will be represented in the meetings of the affiliated societies of the Pacific Divi- sion. Those scheduled to hold meet- ings at Salt Lake City are: The American Physical Society. The American Meteorological So- ciety. The American Phytopathological Society, Pacifie Division. The Ecological Society of America. The Society of American Foresters. The Cooper Ornithological Club. The Pacific Coast Entomological Society. The Pacific Slope Branch, Amer- ican Association of Economic Ento- mologists. The Plant Physiologists. The Utah Academy of Sciences. The Western Psychological Associa- tion. The Western Society of Naturalists. AN AMERICAN ANTHROPOID PRIMATE AT the recent meeting of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences in Wash- ington, Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn announced the discovery of a tooth giving evidence of a pre-historic and unknown species of anthropoid inter- mediate between the ape and the earliest man. This discovery made by Harold J. Cook, of Agate, Nebraska, in the middle Pliocene formations of that state, in addition to being im- portant scientifically, has a_ timely interest because of the attacks that during the past few months have been launched at the ground work of | THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY science through the zeal of opponents of the facts of the evolution of man, and has a dramatic or comic aspect in that it comes from the home state of William Jennings Bryan. Worn by use when its owner was alive, and worn by water in the cen- turies since, this tooth matches no known tooth of ape or man, modern or extinct. It is very different from the tooth of the gorilla, the gibbon or the orang. It is nearest to that of the chimpanzee but the resemblance is still remote. Nor does it resemble very closely any human molar, al- though it is nearer to the human than to the ape type of tooth. Conse- quently Dr. Osborn classifies it as a new species and genus and names it Hesperopithecus haroldcookii, which being translated back from the biolo- gist’s Latin means ‘‘the anthropoid from the west discovered by Harold Cook.’’ The fossil was found in the upper phase of the Snake River beds, associated with remains of the rhi- noceros, camel, Asiatic antelope and an early form of the horse, now ex- tinct. In 1908 the American Museum of Natural History received a similar tooth but it was so water-worn that it could not be safely identified. But the new specimen looks so much like the other that it may belong to the same species and gives hope that other parts may be found in this field. The remarkable feature of the dis- covery lies in the fact that hitherto no specimens of anthropoid primates, ancient or modern, have been discov- ered in America, although they are common in the Old World. It is pos- sible that this Nebraska tooth will open a new chapter in geological his- tory which may throw light on the vexed question of the origin of man. According to Dr. Osborn, the ani- mal is a new genus of anthropoid, probably one which wandered over here from Asia with the large south Asiatic element which has recently THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 589 anterior FIG. 1. MOLAR OF HESPEROPITHECUS been discovered in our fauna by Drs. , and to make a very careful study of Merriam, Gidley and others. the animal life which surrounded this Dr. Osborn and Dr. C. A. Reed, of | man. Unlike the now famous ‘‘ Cave the American Museum of Natural | Man’’ of the mammoth and reindeer History, also presented evidence to | period, the Foxhall man was sur- the academy that man existed before | rounded by relatively primitive mas- the great Ice Age, which is a new | todons, rhinoceroses, and saber-toothed and very remote date for the an- | tigers, also by two kinds of elephants, tiquity of man. The recent discovery | the straight-tusked elephant and the of Tertiary man near Ipswich, Eng- | southern elephant. This was long land, known as the Foxhall man, led | before the Ice Age, when England, Professor Osborn to visit the locality | even in latitude 53°, was enjoying a FIG. 2, MOLAR OF AMERICAN INDIAN 590 very mild climate. Since it is known that the Foxhall man was capable of making ten or twelve different kinds of flint implements, of providing him- self with clothing, and of building a fire, he sets a new and very remote date for the antiquity of man, be- | cause he is separated from the Recent period by the whole stretch of Qua- ternary time, or the Ice Age. Scien- tific men have estimated the duration of the Ice Age from 100,000 to 700,000 years, but Professor Osborn | is inclined to adopt the imtermediate estimate of 520,000 years made by the German geologist, Albrecht Penck. The Foxhall man is at present known only by the flint instruments that he has left behind. Unlike Pithecan- thropus erectus, the Heidelberg man, the Piltdown man, and the Neander- thal art-loving Cro-Magnon races, parts of his skeleton have not and yet been revealed to modern eyes. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS WE record with regret the death of George Bruce Halsted, formerly pro- fessor of mathematics in the Univer- sity of Texas; of J. T. Merz, author of The History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century; of Ansel A. Tyler, professor of James Millikin University; of Harris Graham, professor of pathology and practice of medicine in the American University of Beirut, Syria; of W. B. Bottomley, professor of botany King’s College, London; of Phillippe Auguste Guye, professor of physics at Geneva; and of Robert Wenger, director of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Leipzig. biology in in At the meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, held in Wash- ington on April 26, members were elected as follows: Edward W. Berry, professor of paleontology, the Johns Hopkins University; George K. Bur- gess, Rufus Cole, director of the hospital of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- Bureau of Standards; | Alto; THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY search; Luther P. Eisenhart, pro- fessor of mathematics, Princeton Uni- versity; Joseph Erlanger, professor ot physiology, Washington University Medical School; Herbert Hoover, sec- retary of commerce; George A. Hulett, professor of physical chemis- try, Princeton University; Charles A. Kofoid, professor of zoology, Univer- sity of California; George P. Merrill, curator of geology, U. S. National Museum; C. E. Seashore, professor of psychology, State University of Iowa; Charles R. Stockard, professor of anatomy, Cornell Medical College; Ambrose Swasey, president of the Warner and Swasey Company; W. H. Wright, astronomer, the Lick Obser- vatory, University of California. Dr. Albert Einstein, of the University of Berlin, was elected a foreign asso- ciate. AT the meeting of the American Philosophical Society, held in the city ot Philadelphia, on April 23 and 24, ‘the following officers were elected: President, William B. Seott; vice- presidents, Arthur A. Noyes, Hamp- ton L. Carson, Henry Fairfield Os- born; Arthur W. Good- speed, Harry F. Keller, John A. Miller; curators, William P. Wilson, Henry H. Donaldson; treasurer, Eli secretaries, | Kirk Price; councillors, Lafayette B. Mendel, Herbert S. Jennings, William W. Campbell, Robert A. Millikan, Felix E. Schelling. Members were elected as follows: Charles Elmer Allen, Madison, Wis.; Rollins Adams Emerson, Ithaca; Worthington C. Ford, Cambridge, Mass.; Frederick E. Ives, Philadelphia; Irving Lang- muir, Schenectady; Roland S. Morris, Philadelphia; George William Norris, Philadelphia; Charles Lee Reese, Wilmington; Harlow Shapley, Cam- _ bridge, Mass.; Henry Skinner, Phila- delphia; James Perrin Smith, Palo Charles Cutler Torrey, New Haven; Robert DeCourey Ward, Cam- bridge; Henry Stephens Washington, Washington; David Locke Webster, Stanford University. 7 BEARD, J. THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY 591 INDEX NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS ADOLPH, WILLIAM HENRY, The His- tory of Chemistry in China, 441 Adventures in Stupidity, Lewis M. TERMAN, 24 Aeronautic Accidents, Forp A. Car- PENTER, 361 Airship, The Helium, 398 American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Toronto Meeting, 105, 205; Salt Lake City Meeting, 587; Ornithologists’ Union, 108; Anthropoid Primate, 588. Barre, W. J., The Habits of Taran- tulas, 482 Beaes, LA VERNE, The Negro Enum- eration of 1920, 352 Howarp, Work, 140 Blood, Chemistry of the, GrorGE R. CoweGiLL, 161 Brace, Sir WILLIAM, Electrons and Ether Waves, 153 Cagsori, F., A Curious Mathematical Title-Page, 294 CARMICHAEL, R. D., Certain Unities in Science, 41; The Larger Human Worth of Mathematics, 447 CARPENTER, Forp A., Aeronautic Ac- cidents, 361 Cat, Homing Powers of the, FRANCIS H. Herrick, 525 CATTELL, J. McKEEN, The Organiza- tion of Scientific Men, 568 Cell Theory, JoHN H. GrROULD, 268 Chemistry, of the Blood, GrorGEe R. CoweiILL, 161; History of, in China, WituiaM HENRY ADOLPH, : 441; Falsifications in, JoHN M. STILL- MAN, 560 Chinese Medical Education, Cowonry, 278 CocKERELL, T. D. A., Dru Drury— an Eighteenth Century Entomolo- gist, 67. Coker, R. E., A Perpetual Submarine War, 345 Concilium Bibliographicum, The, 301 Conservation of the Mammals, Bar- TON WARREN EVERMANN, 261 Cownry, E. V., Chinese Medical Edu- cation, 278 CowGILL, GrorGE R., Chemistry of the Blood, 161 Death, Apparent, or Latent Life, D. FRASER Harris, 429 Publie Health iN Dehydration, HEBER W. YOUNGKEN, 332 | Dru Drury, T. D. A. CocKERELL, 67 DUBLIN, Louis I., The Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks, 94 Einstein Theory, Eclipses and the, 297 Ether Waves, Electrons and, Sir WILLIAM BraGG, 153; Theories of the, FERNANDO SANFORD, 547 EVERMANN, BarToN WARREN, The Conservation of the Mammals and Other Vanishing Animals of* the Pacific, 261 Fishes, the Study of, A. W. C. T. HEERE, 540 Fishing in the Mississippi, A. S. PEARSE, 186 Flower Seasons, CHARLES ROBERTSON, 2011 Foods, The Preservation of, HEBER W. YOUNGKEN, 332; Unusual Hu- man, ALBERT M. REEsE, 475 Fossil Men, Disease and among, Roy L. Mooprr, 391 Fresh Air, Mental and Physical Ef- fects of, Wm. A. McCanL and Bronson L. Huestis, 131 Injury Galen, LYNN THORNDIKE, 83 Genetics, Experimental, and Heredity, C. C. Lirrne, 401 GEROULD, JOHN H., The Cell Theory, 268 GESELL, ARNOLD, Mental and Physical Correspondence in Twins, 305, 415 Growth in Living and Non-Livine Systems, RatpH S. Livuie, 113 HAMILTON, G. Martian Polar Rifts, 579 Hariot, Thomas, F. V. Morury, 60 Harris, D. Fraser, Latent Life or Apparent Death, 429 HEERE, ALBERT W. C. T., Fishes— Why Study Them, 540 Heredity and Experimental Geneties,. C. C. Lirrir, 401 Herne, D. W., Weather Control, 178 Herrick, FrRANcIS H., Homing Pow- ers of the Cat, 525 HuESTIS, Bronson L., and Wm. A. McCay. Mental and Physical Ef- fects of Fresh Air, 131 Hybridization, D. F. Jonrs, 5 EL, Insects, Social Life among the, W1L- LIAM Morton WHEELER, 497 International, Language, 493; Meet- ings at Rome, 495 592 Japanese Influence in Chinese Med- ical Education, E. V. Cowpry, 278 Jones, D. F., Hybridization in Plant and Animal Life, 5 THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY Propaganda, Control of, Epwarp K. STRONG, JR., 234 Psychology, A Corporation for the Advancement of, 302 | Public Health Work, Progress of, J. Lairp, DonatpD A., Why the Movies Move, 364 Linuiz, RaueH S., Growth in Living and Non-Living Systems, 113 LitrLe, C. C., Human Heredity Bind Experimental Genetics, 401 McCaLtt, Wm. A., and MHUESTIS, Bronson L., Mental and Physical Effects of Fresh Air, 131 Mammals, Conservation of, BARTON WARREN EVERMANN, 261 Marner, H. A., The Tide, 209 Martian Polar Rifts, G. H. HAmMIL- TON, 579 Mathematical Title-Page, A Curious, F. Cagori, 294 Mathematies, The Larger Human Worth of, Ropert D. CARMICHAEL, 447 Mental and Physical, Effects of Fresh Air, WM. A. McCaLu and Bronson L. Huestis, 131; Correspondence in Twins, ARNOLD GESELL, 305, 415 Minter, Ketity, Negro Population, 168 Mississippi, Fishing in the, PEARSE, 186 Mooprz, Roy L., Disease and Injury among Fossil Men, 391 Mortey, F. V., Thomas Hariot, 60 Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks, Louis I. Dusuin, 94 Movies, Why They Move, Donatp A. LAIRD, 364 2D SSE National Academy of Sciences, Build- ing, 583; Medals, 584 Negro Population, KELLY MILLER, 168; Enumeration of 1920, La VERNE BEALES, 352 NicHois, Epwarp L., On Founder’s Day, 469 Organism and its Environment, FRAN- cis B. SUMNER, 223 Organization of Scientific Men, J. McKEFN CATTELL, 568 PEARSE, A. S., Fishing in the Missis- sippi, 186 POFFENBERGER, A. T., The scious, 379 Progress, of Science, 105, 205, 297, 395, 490, 582; of Public Health Work, J. Howarp BrEarp, 140 Sub-Con- | Radio-Telephony, | Tide, Problems of the, H. HowarbD BEarD, 140; Welfare, Res- olutions concerning, 208; Health and Experimental Biology, Harry BEAL TORREY, 253 Race Stocks, Foreign, Mortality of, Louis I. DuBLIN, 94 Government Con- trol of, 395 REESE, ALBERT M., Unusual Human Foods, 475 ROBERTSON, CHARLES, Flower Seasons, 201 SANFORD, FERNANDO, Theories of the Ether, 547 Science, Certain Unities in, R. D. CARMICHAEL, 41 Scientific, Items, 112, 208, 304, 400, 496, 590; Periodicals, Suspension of Government, 109; Men, Organiza- tion of, J. McKEEN CaTTELL, 568 Social Life among the Insects, WIL- LIAM Morton WHEELER, 497 Stars and Molecules, 491 STILLMAN, JOHN M., Falsification in the History of Early Chemistry, 560 StronG, Epwarp K., Jr., Control of Propaganda as a_ Psychological Problem, 234 Sub-Conscious, A. T. POFFENBERGER, 379 Submarine War, A Perpetual, R. E. COKER, 345 SUMNER, FRANCIS B., The Organism and Its Environment, 223 | Tarantulas and their Poison, W. J. BaeErG, 482 TERMAN, Lewis M., Adventures in Stupidity, 24 THORNDIKE, LYNN, Galen, 83 A. Mar- MER, 209 TorRREY, Harry BEAL, Public Health and Experimental Biology, 253 Twins, Mental ana Physical Corre- spondence in, ARNOLD GESELL, 305, 415 | Weather Control, D. W. Herine, 178 WHEELER, WILLIAM Morton, Social Life among the Insects, 497 YOUNGKEN, HEBER W., Dehydration and the Preservation of Foods, 332 Ute Sikrea yee VAL LAI NATURE a id |e Ae an ce i SRM 8 Ver os a Ce fon elt? oh as oy) AN! aN yi ‘ Ne an CE CoM A AN 8 Bele PA ei A nwt a i ah i Mat i a) ar el ie ai Vee ‘A i yi ve ie ” a pil Nia a eat ih Maye Lia ae aaa Niet i‘ hee ae Re eek et f of a 4 iy ' au ) ; ’ Ae i "i AN MAT Hy vie van © Payoh) y nf ie ' igh y Bay, Wa \ Vane) n non Wekee in ; a MN in Vas Peat, fs hi My Bs f i) hy i ip , an th ui bt i ys Wy). Pei ae LAr ea ; ine i Vv tt 2, i Ra yh Li Tih iM ; a ia, Ar My , as dal ean ) ae 1 her ALY, ‘ y i pi : fit Nan Kk : \‘ ; - Vi ; an HL " 1 in i aA ny AN Rit veal Ak i AV Nar Wed tub Lan ih eAre hy Lathe Ls VA Wh { if "an { ae a ru) Md Avan a me j A. vue ANE ah nie ni Py Mh An TAY) ti , : i hy ran ty) an ar mary ti i y DM tl | j h ay hs bi hs Wee _ mab uf vs i Whe 7 \ Pan LPS Ca tue ey sie : Dy " a A J ih: iY hy Me A Mi ; | Mt an bv Hh i in t i WA Vi eal it | ‘ i i) i i a} hh Hy My j MD ey cat . ' i ‘ X 7 Hs Wh i y } : iy i i 1) i 4 Hy! ys) a i nw ; ‘t ae hy y) ih j H ih ‘i ‘ i H hy pia} , AL Ty i wy ve mi ma ah { i ic ir a i ' i aie | ; ‘ i ad iy ut i iM oh hg y aC ai Ai i v 7 / ‘ C Wik ' WW ANE i ihe i} cl ah ie va MN! v0 re ‘ ‘} ra) man) iy, geen PaO! anaes r vay Lt)eh) ai Mt " col A nn ; my ; aN . FORTH 4 i | if ii Aa a Nn Ri ; i f i } er ie ie ATT SD keene Le a france Atl iy 4 wy id he Wuhy ny) vi, ny i i, ie; i v. ' i ra i iv ie Ne ay ‘ > AES lt \ rt } ( ‘ say . 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