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Ey os ‘ag ~ or fe ag ob a ei [ BRITISH MUSEUM | p INATIIP PLE TORY) | BIRDS | 28 OCT 1088 OF SOUTH SUDAN ED 7 TRING LIGRARY : : Gerhard Nikolaus Scopus Special Supplement Number 3 ayy! ota ey SOUTH SUDAN SEEN OTN Gerhard Nikolaus _ Scopus Special Supplement Number 3 Nairobi: Omithological Sub-Committee, EANHS © Gerhard Nikolaus, 1989 Bosenbiittel 4, D-2859 Spieka, Federal Republic of Germany Published by the Ornithological Sub-Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society and available from D.A. Turner, P.O. Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya. Printed in Kenya by English Press, Enterprise Road P.O. Box 30127 Nairobi. Wwedweil Rweil Lado/HMengalla Map of the South Sudan im atong M4s, Donagotona His, Didinga Hts ETHIOPIA Boma Jeb. Kathangor Kapoete Lem il, Lake Turkana KENYA 35° 10° 5° AA > fy LY Ethioeian Hahland / Tree-Savanna | Lowland Forest Wiahland/LowLand 252 30° forest Map of the South Sudan showing main vegetational areas CONTENTS I ee a ae! atl wey iw ula ee Wiel! io. ye) wl ie eee 1 Topography and Climate Se RN Ma en ti ee atta a wr lcvielon o's ales <\ Sap 2 i et he aw he es 2 Status I a a ht erent. Seiad (ita loan beaut e latsione ri wiW ay Saye pam me, bya 3 Order and Nomenclature ea i Rat ec RTE Baa bi BA allie 2) amie bal Ain chat wD! gambia re 5 SOCMETICS 55-56 te os at wm we lee te ee ee we ne 5 Species Recorded .~ .- -. «2 ee ee ee ee we ee eee 7 Gazetteer ee a ein alt Mee Meet ee Say ee ee we we 99 References SRM AR asy Pere) Aare atoN a icet Me ee ke) ee ee ee 101 Index of Scientific Names ea) aetna eae Gece Nee AUC INO) CNRS DSR 105 Index of English Names Mn Fee MEMO eer P Ra gh meat. Waa ae! ile, Mele 116 INTRODUCTION Ornithologically, the Sudan was one of the better known parts of Africa early this century, for the mystery of the Nile had attracted natural historians for a number of decades previously. However, most early work was based in the north, and the southern areas became known mainly as a result of collecting by Emin Pasha in the 1880s and the work of F.O. Cave and J.D. MacDonald in the 1930s and 1940s. Field work in this region has always been hampered by a long rainy season, with difficult roads and supply, disease and a variety of unpleasant biting insects. Ten years ago there were stiil large gaps in knowledge concerning the range of races, breeding season, moult cycles and Palaearctic migration through the area. In 1972 the Southern Region came under an independent administrat- ion based at Juba and covering the three old provinces of Equatoria, Bahr-el-Ghazel and Upper Nile. This region, which came to be called the 'South Sudan’ became much more accessible at this time and offered new scope for discovery to ornithologists now equipped with a greater background understanding of African avifaunas and migration systems, and armed with the technique of mist-netting. Several observers were resident for short spells over the following decade, and the author and his wife spent the four years 1976-1980 based at Imatong, but travelled widely throughout the region whilst undertaking a comprehen- Sive ornithological survey. Several species were added to the South Sudan list, one new subspecies (of the Spotted Ground Thrush Turdus fischeri) was discovered, and a better understanding of migration through the region was established. This work briefly reviews the distribution and occurrence of 790 species which can be accepted for the South Sudan list. In addition another 61 species are discussed, either because they have been claimed in the past, but are no longer acceptable, or because they occur so close to the region's border that their future addition to the list seems highly likely. The South Sudan can boast more species than the other countries in the Soudan belt of Africa. This is due to the existence within the region of a variety of habitats, for it embraces the edge of the Ethiopian highlands, part of the Turkana desert and representatives of both West and East African rain forests. To continue the uniform treatment of ornithological literature in eastern Africa this work has been modelled on Birds of Fast Africa (Britton 1980). Throughout their study the author and his wife were sponsored by the Alexander Koenig Museum in Bonn and the Naturkunde Museum in Stuttgart. They also received generous support from the Sudan Wild- life Administration, and it is hoped that this work will be of use in the future management and protection of a valuable resource, the beautiful birds of the South Sudan. TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE South Sudan lies in northeastern Africa between approximately 4°N and 12°N, and between 24°E and 36°F and has an area of 684000 km?. It consists mainly of the large Nile basin known as the Sudd, but also includes part of the Ethiopian highlands, the Turkana desert, the Albertine Rift Valley, the Zaire rain forest and the West African tree Savanna. The three mountains, Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga rise along the Uganda border to 3180 m, but otherwise the altitude of the mainly flat country lies between 400 and 800 m, rising towards the southern border. The White Nile and Sobat rivers bring water from Uganda and Ethiopia respectively. South Sudan is rich in cattle and game and has various National Parks and Game Reserves. Much of the country is sparsely populated open grassland or tree savanna, but fairly intensive agriculture exists along the southern border. Most of the country has a mean annual rainfall of 800-1500 mm, but more than 2000 mm is experienced on the southern mountains and less than 400 mm near Lake Turkana. There is generally a single rainy season, lasting from April/May to September. However, in the extreme southeast, in the Turkana basin, there are two short rainy seasons, in April/May and November/December. HABITATS WETLANDS comprise a dominant habitat, especially during and after the rainy season. The largest area is the 'Sudd', one of Africa's most important wetlands, fed by the Nile and its major tributaries, the Bahr el Arab, Bahr el Ghazal, Lol, Sue, Jur and Sobat. The Sudd has a large inundation zone with seasonally tall grassland, a floating vege- tation of reeds, grass, papyrus and water hyacinth, and a variable area of open water. The complex is seriously endangered by the construction of the Jongolei canal. Elsewhere seasonal wetlands result from the flooding of grassland. GRASSLANDS are found in four types of major importance: The Sudd inun- dation zone is largely covered by tall grassland during and immediately after the rains, but this is regularly burnt off towards the end of the calendar year by the cattle-owning people. The soil in the whole Nile basin is black 'cotton' clay. Semi arid areas exist in the extreme southeast and around Renk in the north, and here there are patches of open short grassland within Acacia bushland. Patches of short grass also exist within the tree savanna in the southwest, in ironstone areas with poor soil. Finally, luxuriant short grass grows above 1800 m on Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga, mainly on the northern sides of the mountains. Only in recent years has this been regularly burnt in conn- ection with the extension of agricultural activity. BUSH - AND TREE SAVANNA: The Acacia bushland in the semi-arid north and southeast sometimes forms small Acacia forests along larger seasonal © river-banks (Khors). More importantly, however, almost half of the south Sudan, the area west and south of the Sudd, and the Ethiopian highland, is covered by broad-leaved tree savanna or open bushland with seasonal tall grass. Nearer to the south and southwest borders this often forms better developed woodland and local forest patches. LOWLAND FORESTS: The only true lowland forests exist around the Imatong Mountains. The three areas concerned, the Talanga, Lotti and Laboni forests, are endangered by forestry and agricultural developments. A number of larger forest patches also exist west of the Nile. These are mainly gallery forests, but some, the so-calied 'bowl forests' of Cave and MacDonald cover larger pans. The main examples are along the Kajiko River on the Aloma Plateau, the Aza Forest near Maridi, along the -Zaire border near Yambio, and at Bengengai. These western forests are also threatened by development. HIGHLAND FOREST is confined to the upper slopes of the three mountains along the Uganda border. The forests on Didinga and Dongotona are very small, but Imatong is heavily forested at all altitudes. There are three major types: Albizia - Croton - Macaranga from 1600 to 2400 n, Podocarpus up to 3000 m and a small patch of Ericacea on Mt. Kinyetti above 3000 m which, however, has been practically destroyed in recent years by regular fires. Most of the Imatong forest is still primary, and forestry activities, including the planting of pine and cypress, are limited to the northern edge around Gilo in the Upper Kinyetti river basin. Here, secondary growth, cultivations and plantations are the major habitats. STATUS 1. MIGRATORY STATUS. The following abbreviations are given in the heading of each species: PMW = overwintering Palaearctic migrant; PMP = Palaearctic passage migrant; AM = intra-African migrant (Sudan birds have a distinct seasonal migration within the Afrotropical Region, usually across the equator); LM - local migrant (although distinct migrations are not well established the species is only present season- ally, at least in some localities); R= resident (present throughout the year and presumed to breed); V = vagrant (probably extralimital, known from very few records). A question mark indicates that the mig- ratory status given is speculative. 2. BREEDING STATUS. Except in the case of Palaearctic visitors, each species is shown as either BR = breeding recorded (followed by breeding months based on observed or estimated egg-laying time) or NBR - no breeding records. When a breeding month is given in brackets, breeding is only presumed (e.g. birds in breeding condition) but not confirmed. 3. ABUNDANCE. The following terms are used to denote decreasing num- erical categories; abundant (many seen each day in the appropriate habitat); common (a few most days); fairly common (a few per month) ; uncommon (a few each year) and rare. These are somewhat subjective impressions, but provide useful indications and comparisons. DISTRIBUTION During the period 1976 - 1980 the author visited all parts of the Region, and special effort was made to survey every major locality and habitat at least once during both the wet and dry season. Areas most often visited were Imatong, Juba, Maridi and Wau. Distributional data for the whole of the Sudan has been plotted in Atlas form using a 1° X 1° square grid (Nikolaus 1987). In the present work distributional descriptions on the South Sudan are’ given in greater detail, forming the bulk of the species accounts. Sufficient reference to place names and topographical features is given for a species' known range in the Region to be easily interpreted. Apart from the southern mountains and major rivers there are few striking topographical features, and distribution patterns tend to be uncomplicated. Species often range over large areas of similar habitat, so that relatively few localities need be given. For example: "southwest of Aweil - Wau - Juba' would imply occurrence throughout the southwestern tree savanna area. The species accounts need to be read in conjunction with Maps 1 and 2, and with the gazetteer. Compass points and ‘central' are usually abbreviated to N, S, C etc. when used to delimit an area which is part of a larger named area, but the words are given in full when used in other contexts. Mountain(s) is abbrev- iated to Mt(s); the words river and lake are given in full. SOURCES OF DATA This work is based largely on observations made by the author and his wife during continuous fieldwork between 1976 and 1980 (Nikolaus 1979a, b; 1982 a, b), during which distributional data were routinely plotted on a 1° square grid, and intensive netting and ringing produced inform- ation on rarer species, on migratory status (Nikolaus & Backhurst 1982) and on the distribution of different races (Nikolaus in prep.). To assist in racial determination about 1000 specimens were collected, and these are now housed in the Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart and the Alexander Koenig Museum Bonn (v.d.Elzen and Konig 1983). Also included here are recent data kindly supplied by the Chicago Field Museum (Imatong/ Bengengai, February/March 1976; Traylor & Archer 1982 and in litt.); the Copenhagen Museum (Imatong, November/December 1980; F.P. Jensen in litt.); and recent field observations from P.J. Dare (November/December 1960), J.S. Fairclough (Mbili/Wau 1981, 1982); J.C. & S Hillman (Bengengai 1980, 1981); F.R. Lambert (Nile and Imatong March/April 1983; and H. Lege (November 1981/January 1982). Most of the 'old' literature reviewed by Cave & MacDonald has been included, as also have data from the collection at the Khartoum Natural History Museum (Bowen 1926, 1931) and from the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) at Tring, from the African Atlasses of Hall & Moreau (1970) and Snow (1978), and from field notes of F.O. Cave (Wau 1955;; files in the British Museum) . In addition to the author's own records, breeding data are from Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1952, 1955), which included most of the ‘'old' English literature, Koenig (1911, 1926), M.A. Traylor (in litt.) and F.O. Cave (files in the British Museum). Considerable efforts have been made to trace original old sources, although only major publications are included in the references. Because of the space available for the species accounts, references are only given to support records or statements of special interest, but a -more detailed bibliography is available from the author. ORDER AND NOMENCLATURE The order and nomenclature followed is generally that used by Britton (1980). Thus, nomenclature is essentially based on White (1960, 1961, 1962a,b, 1963, 1965), though Vaurie (1959,1965) is usually followed for Palaearctic species. Order of families is that of Wetmore (1960) as modified by Benson et al. (1970), and of sub-families within families that of Thompson (1964). Genera and species are listed alphabetically. FORMAT OF SPECIES IN THE LIST Each species is listed under a family heading (and Sub-family heading where appropriate) with information given in the following sequence : a. Sequential number on the Sudan list (this number is used in the index, not the page number). Comments are included on species not yet recorded, but expected to occur in the Sudan, and on species formerly listed but no longer considered acceptable; these species are included in the systematic list but are not numbered. me. Scientific name for the species. c. English name (generally those used in Britton 1980). d. For ease of cross-reference, the species number in Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1952, 1955) is shown on the right hand side. e. The suggested status is given (PMW, PMP, AM, LM, R, V). f. Breeding status is given for all Afrotropical species (BR, NBR), together with months of breeding. g.- A concise resume of known distribution, status, abundance and times of occurrence is given, with information on each sub-species occurring in the region. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Even though few people were able to supply new field data, there have been a great number helping in many ways. My wife Minna assisted me in the field in the South Sudan for four years. Hans Rupp has to be specially mentioned because we completed many field trips together until his unfortunate death in 1979 during the course of his work on the small mammals of South Sudan. For valuable field data and other comments I would like to thank A.L. Archer, Mrs Barker, J.S. Fairclough, C. & S. Hillman, F.R. Lambert, H. Lege, F.P. Jensen and M.A. Traylor, and especially P.L. Britton and P.J. Dare who gave valuable comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. For assistance in the identific- ations of skins and notes on literature I am grateful to the late C.W. Benson, P.R. Colston, G.R. Cunningham-van Someren, Dr. R. v.d.Elzen, Dr. Cio. Pry, J. Pryxell, £.C.d. Galbraith, A. Gull lek bo Hogg, Dr. C. Kénig, Dr. M. Louette, Dr. J. Nikolai, R. Schlenker and Dr. H. Wolters; also to Dr. E. Schuz who helped in various other ways as well. Very essential was the assistance given by various individuals in Khartoum and Juba, especially Mr. Abu Sineina, Dr. El Rayah, H. Minga and | C. Acire. John Blower recommended me to the Wildlife Department, whose support proved basic to the whole work. Last but not least D.J. Pearson and G.C. Backhurst commented on the manuscript and finally edited it. Man thanks to them and to any others not mentioned who helped in one way or another, Gerhard Nikolaus, Bosenbiittel 4, 2859 Spieka, F.R. Germany. 6. SPECIES RECORDED Family i earonibar Ostrich Struthio camelus Ostrich 1 R LM BR (1, 3, 10) The race camelus is uncommon in the tree savanna and open grassland north of a line from Juba to Wau, decreasing in numbers though locally still common. A 1980 game count in Boma Park gave 2150 for the dry season and 1300 for the wet season. Family PODICIPEDIDAE Grebes Tachybaptis ruficollis Little Grebe 4 R? LM AM? NBR The race capensis is uncommon on large waters. Probably breeding on the White Nile and Lake No. All records are from October - April. Some are possibly resident. Birds in April in Aweil were on passage. Family PELECANIDAE Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus White Pelican 31 AM PMW? NBR The few records are all in January, from the Nile, Sobat and Lol Rivers. The origin of these birds is unknown. Pelecanus rufescens Pink-backed Pelican R LM Be (1;..2) Fairly common throughout on all suitable waters; more common in winter. Family PHALACROCARIDAE Cormorants Phalacrocorax africanus Long-tailed Cormorant 20 R? LM NBR The nominate race is common in the dry season on any waters but moves north with the rains. Hundreds roost at Lake No. Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 25 The only record, from Wau, needs confirmation. Probably a rare visitor to large rivers. Family ANHINGIDAE Darters Anhinga rufa Darter 28 R LM : BRS, 9) The nominate race is a common resident on rivers and larger waters throughout. Family ARDEIDAE Herons, Bitterns, Egrets Most species vacate the large Sudd area in the rainy season, probably moving to the northern savanna or Eurasia for breeding. The year-round occurrence of several species around Aweil suggests that some breed locally. NO, dale: Ike LS 14. Sub-family Botaurinae Botaurus stellaris Bittern a2 The Palaearctic nominate race probably reaches South Sudan. It is known aS a rare winter visitor to the North, while there is a Single record from Uelle in NE Zaire. Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern 50 PMP R? LM NBR Uncommon in swamps and reedbeds. The exact status of the two races is not known. There are specimens of payesii from Maridi and Tambura, while several examples of the Palaearctic nominate race were caught in October at the Baro River in neighbouring Ethiopia. - Ixobrychus sturmii Dwarf Bittern 5a Ren eM NBR Uncommon throughout. There are dated records from Aweil (September) , Wau (March), Boma (February) and Torit (November). No information about seasonal movements. Sub-family Ardeinae Ardea cinerea Grey Heron 33 PMW R? NBR The nominate race is a fairly common Palaearctic visitor from October to March to marshy places. A few oversummer, but breeding has not yet been reported. Ardea goliath Goliath Heron . 35 R? LM Br (ty) 12) Common in the dry season on larger rivers with deep water, where it breeds, moving north during the rains. Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron 34 R LM NBR Common throughout in a variety of open habitats, especially as a dry season visitor. It breeds in the North Sudan from June to August. Ardea purpurea Purple Heron 36) PMW R? BRv-(D) The nominate race arrives in September as a locally common Palae- arctic visitor along the Nile in the Sudd. Few are seen in Summer. | Once reported breeding near Shambe. Ardeola ralloides Squacco Heron Ay PMW LM? NBR The nominate race is a common Palaearctic visitor to marshes and swamps, mainly from September to February; less common in March- April. A few probably oversummer. Ardeola ibis Cattle Egret 4) R? AM NBR The nominate race is a very common bird throughout, often accompanying cattle or game. Most birds leave in summer, presumabl for the North Sudan for breeding. It is likely that they also bree in the northern part of South Sudan. Butorides striatus Green-backed Heron 45 R LM? : NBR The race atricapillus is an uncommon but widespread resident of rivers and swamps with dense fringing vegetation. Seasonal movements need confirmation. Egretta alba Great White Egret 37 PMW R? LM NBR The race melanorhynchos is fairly common, mainly associated with larger rivers and lakes. Nearly all dated records are for the period September to April. They occur throughout the year. Egretta ardesiaca Black Heron Se) R? NBR There are only five records, from Aweng, north of the River Lol, Aweil, Sobat and Lado. It frequents creeks and rivers. Egretta garzetta Little Egret 40 PMW LM NBR The nominate race is common in wetland habitats. All dated records are for the period August to April. Egretta intermedia Yellow-billed Egret 38 Re.) LM NBR The race brachyrhyncha is a non-breeding visitor to swamps and marshes. Mainly absent from May to August. It is less common east of the Nile. | Gorsachius leuconotus White-backed Night Heron . 49 R? AM? NBR Rare, and possibly only a non-breeding visitor. Once recorded from Maridi in February. This species of thick bush vegetation with trees along rivers is common in NE Zaire, and there are records from the Baro River in Ethiopia. Nycticorax nycticorax Night Heron 48 PMW R LM BR (5,6) The nominate race is fairly common throughout around wetlands. Breeding is reported from Aweil and Shambe. Concentrations in very large roosts at Lake No and the Sobat River in January/February are most probably Palaearctic visitors. Family BALAENICIPITIDAE Shoebill Balaeniceps rex Shoebill 54 R BRs(t, 9-=" 12) A resident of the Sudd, much endangered by destruction of papyrus and heavy cattle grazing. Recent counts gave about 6000 birds with the biggest population in the River Lol area and the Bahr-el-Zeral Game: Reserve. Family SCOPIDAE Hamerkop Scopus umbretta Hamerkop 53 R LM NBR The nominate race is a common resident throughout wherever there is water, preferably stagnant pools. Recorded up to 3000m in the Imatong Mountains. 24. 25) 26. 2a 28. (AS) 30% Family CICONIIDAE Storks Sub-family Ciconiinae Anastomus lamelligerus’ Open-billed Stork 59 AM R? BR (On) 7) The nominate race is a very common dry season visitor throughout, avoiding only large tracts of dense forest. Exceptional numbers are seen after bush-fires in the Sudd. Birds in the Nimule region August to October probably originate from nearby breeding colonies. Breeding possibly occurs around Aweil. Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork 58 AM LM? BR (4,5) A breeding visitor in the rains. The main breeding area is in North Sudan, but a few pairs breed in Juba, Bor, Rumbek and the northern parts of the area. Large numbers are seen on passage in April, fewer on southward passage in September and October. Some birds frequent open grasslands in the Sudd and the southeast through the dry season. Ciconia ciconia White Stork , 55 PMW PMP The nominate race is an uncommon Palaearctic visitor to swamps and grasslands, mainly from November to February. There is a marked southward passage in October and November. Ciconia episcopus Woolly-necked Stork 5) LM AM BR 2) Lea The race microscelis is a breeding visitor to open country in South Sudan in the dry season. Numbers are always small, sometimes frequenting burnt grassland. There are no records from forest areas along the Zaire border. Ciconia nigra Black Stork 56 PMW This Palaearctic migrant is an uncommon winter visitor. All records are of single birds, from Tonj (January), Juba (March), the Imatong Mountains (December, April), Nimule (January) and Bengengai. Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Saddle-billed Stork 60 R BRC. 9) = 12) Fairly common throughout, nearly always in pairs, at larger swamps with permanent water. So far, breeding is only confirmed from the Upper Nile region, but recently fledged birds seen in February and April suggest more widespread breeding. Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marabou 61 R LM BR (1,) 10° — 12) A widespread and common breeding visitor. Some of the twenty or more documented breeding colonies are small; but the largest, at Thiet, has at least 100 pairs. Concentrations are a feature of bush-fires and drying waterpools late in the dry season (February to March). Few remain during the rains. 10 31. a7. Sub-family Mycteriinae Mycteria ibis Yellow-+billed Stork | 62 R LM. BR (10 = .12) Uncommon, frequenting marshes and rivers with permanent water.. Two breeding colonies are known at Ayod and Jebel Kasangor. Breeding is also suspected at Aweil. Most or all vacate South Sudan during the rains (May - September) and migrate north. Family THRESKIORNITHIDAE Ibises, Spoonbills Sub-family Threskiornithinae Bostrychia hagedash Hadada 65 R. NBR The race brevirostris is a common resident throughout. It favours wooded localities near swamps and rivers. Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis 68 . PMW PMP? AM? NBR : The nominate race is a rather uncommon winter visitor in small numbers to large swamps, recorded from Malakal, Lake No, Aweil, Kongor and Juba. Up to 500 arrive in Aweil and Kosti in August. Numbers decrease markedly in early September. These, and regular November/December flocks of 50 - 100 in the Imatong Mountains are probably Palaearctic breeders on southward passage. Threskiornis aethiopica Sacred Ibis 63 LM : NBR The nominate race is a very common non-breeding visitor in the dry season, likely to occur at any site. It breeds in North Sudan. There are no records during the period May - July. Sub-family Plataleinae Platalea alba African Spoonbill 70 LM AM? NBR An uncommon wanderer to swamps and rivers with permanent water. There might be a breeding colony at the Juron River at Jebel Kasangor, where this species was noticed in large numbers in February. _ Platalea leucorodia Spoonbill : 69 PMW The nominate race is a rare Palaearctic visitor, known only from two records: Aweil in March (2 birds), Juba in January (2 birds). Family PHOENICOPTERIDAE Flamingos Phoenicopterus minor Lesser Flamingo 72 This species might occur in the extreme southeast near Lake Turkana. There is no definite record. Phoenicopterus ruber Greater Flamingo 71 PMW AM? NBR The race roseus, regular in numbers on the White Nile at Khartoum, is only an occasional visitor south to Malakal and Kaka. Khartoum records include a bird ringed as a nestling in Iran, but African breeders might occur, especially near Lake Turkana in the southeast. 11 Ducks and Geese are generally rather uncommon in South Sudan. Family ANATIDAE Ducks, Geese The Aweil/ River Lol area is the only region where large numbers are regular. The main wintering Yrange of most Palaearctic species is north of a line from Aweil to Malakal and the Sobat River. 38. Bon 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. Sub-family Anserinae Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck SS) Ieee dsl NBR Generally less common than the next species with which it often associates, favouring the same habitat. A record of 50 - 200 at Aweil during late August and early September is noteworthy. Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck 94 R LM BR (6) Common resident throughout, favouring sandy rivers in wooded grass- land. Breeding is reported from the Aweil/River Lol area. Sub-family Anatinae Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose 99 Ry ala NBR An uncommon but widely distributed non-breeding visitor in the dry season. It probably breeds around Aweil. Anas acuta Pintail 92 PMW The second most numerous Palaearctic duck wintering in the northern part of South Sudan; regularly seen at Malakal, and the Sobat River. There are no records from further south. Anas clypeata Shoveler 80 PMW An uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor occurring in small numbers at wetlands throughout, mostly on larger lakes. Anas crecca Teal 87 PMW f The nominate race is an uncommon Palaearctic visitor to smaller ponds from January to March. It ranges south to Tonj and Bor, always in small numbers. Anas erythrorhynchus Red-billed Duck of AM? V A bird mentioned by Cave & Macdonald from the Kengen River near Pibor is the only record. Its status is uncertain. Anas hottentota Hottentot Teal 90 AM NBR Collected once at Gogrial in 1956 (Nikolaus 1984) . Anas penelope Wigeon 86 PMW This Palaearctic visitor is common in North Sudan, but winters in the South Sudan only on larger open waters. Cave & Macdonald included Aweil and the Kengen River in its wintering range. 12 17. 18. 19. 0. >. Anas querquedula Garganey 88 PMW PMP ’ The most common Palaearctic duck. Numerous flocks of 50 - 100 are regular around Aweil - Malakal. It occurs in smaller numbers on larger waters throughout, both in winter and on passage. A bird ringed at Juba (November) was shot in USSR (56°00'N, 71°30'E) (October) . Anas sparsa Black Duck 84 R BR(1,02) The race leucostigma is resident on wooded mountain streams in the Imatong Mountains, and along the Kajiko River south of Yei. Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck 78 PMW Cave & Macdonald recorded this Palaearctic species south to Malakal. There are no recent records. Aythya nyroca White-eyed Pochard 75 PMW A rare Palaearctic visitor known only from a single flock at Aweil in March (Cave & Macdonald 1955). Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard V7 AM NBR The race brunnea is possibly an overlooked non-breeding visitor from southern Africa, recently recorded from the Upper Nile swamps, frequenting open water. Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose 97 R? LM AM? . NBR Locally common in the rainy season at deep pools with reeds and floating vegetation, including up to 30 at Aweil in August - Sept- ember. There are records of single birds from Aweil, Meshra-er- Req, Pibor, Lake Nibor, Maridi and Yei. -Plectopterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose 100 R? LM AM? BR (9) The nominate race is fairly common on swampy grasslands throughout. Most birds move north in the rainy season, from May. In August - September large concentrations with flocks of 50 - 200 at Aweil are noteworthy. Pteronetta hartlaubii Hartlaub's Duck 93 R BR (7,8) Resident along forest streams in Zandeland, near the Zaire border, where it was reported to be locally common (Cave & Macdonald 1955). Present status unknown. Sarkidiornis melanotos Knob-billed Goose 98 AM IM R? NBR Locally common, favouring larger swamps. In northern areas it is most frequent and numerous from mid-June to late October, possibly as a breeding visitor. Daily counts of 100 - 300 at Aweil in Aug- ust - September are noteworthy. Three ringed birds from Zimbabwe have been recovered in southern Darfur. 43 56. The ate 58. 59 60. 61. Thalassornis leuconotus White-backed Duck 74 R? LM? NBR There is an unlabelled specimen in the Khartoum Museum, probably from Gogrial in 1956. Otherwise, there is only one recent sight record, from the Upper Nile region. following ducks might occur, but have not been recorded so far Anas capensis Cape Wigeon 89 Anas strepera Gadwall 85 Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck 83 Aythya ferina European Pochard 76 Family SAGITARIDAE Secretary Bird Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary Bird 103 R? LM NBR Confined to the extreme southeast, east of Kapoeta, frequenting Acacia savanna country. It is likely that breeders from North Sudan enter the grasslands of the Sudd during the dry season. Family ACCIPITRIDAE Birds of prey (Vultures, Eagles, Hawks etc.) Sub-family Aegypiinae Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture 161 R? LM NBR Not uncommon in the forest region along the Zaire border. Records are for July - February, suggesting that there are seasonal move- ments, perhaps necessitated by a lack of ripe palm nuts. The record from Didinga in Snow (1978) is unsubstantiated. Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture 107 R LM BR (ff, 12) Resident throughout, more common in the south. Breeds commonly in tall trees in the open savanna between Kapoeta and Boma. In the rainy season records are restricted to larger towns like Juba, Wau and Torit, where regular food is available at slaughter houses. This species is more numerous than the next in most areas, though the position is reversed north of Malakal. Gyps rueppellii Rtippell's Vulture 106 R LM BR (ti st2) Mainly restricted to the area east of Maridi - Malakal, but also occurs in the extreme west at Boro and Kafia Kingi. Large breeding colonies are known on precipitous rocks at Amadi and Boma. Most records are for October - April; May - September records are all from around nesting sites. Neophron monachus Hooded Vulture 111 Reso? NBR A common resident throughout, except east of Kapoeta where it is replaced by the Egyptian Vulture. Numbers are much reduced during the rains. 14 Lie 5. 6 . 9. Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture 110 R? PMW LM NBR — Uncommon north of Malakal and in the Ilemi Triangle, replacing the hooded Vulture in the more arid regions. Torgos tracheliotus Lappet-faced Vulture 108 R LM Bre (i Gy 11, 482) Restricted to the Acacia grasslands of the southeast, ranging west to the Nile in the dry seasons. Common near Boma where it breeds on tall trees on open plains. Birds from North Sudan wander to northern areas in the dry season. Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture 109 R LM BR aGid id 2)) Scarce in the forest region along the Zaire border, but otherwise fairly common throughout. It breeds in large trees on the Boma Plateau. Numbers are much reduced during the rainy season. Sub-family Gypaetinae Gypaetus barbatus lLammergeyer 162 No records. The race meridionalis is likely to occur in the Imatong and Didinga Mountains along the border with Uganda. Sub-family Circinae Circus aeruginosus Eurasian Marsh Harrier 184 PMW PMP The Palaearctic nominate race is regular around Aweil and the Sudd on passage in late August and September. Numbers winter in Dec- ember - February but there are few records for October - November and March. Always associated with swampy places. Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier 183 PMW A Palaearctic visitor to open grassland throughout from December to March: Common in the drier parts of the southeast, but rather uncommon elsewhere. No obvious evidence of passage. Circus pygargus Montagu's Harrier 182 PMW A Palaearctic visitor to open grassland throughout from December to March, typically in wetter places than those favoured by the Pallid Harrier. Circus ranivorus African Marsh Harrier 184 V? R? NBR Status not clear. An immature bird caught and ringed near Juba in October supports recent sight records in the Sudd (Nikolaus 1979). Sub-family Polyboroidinae Polyboroides radiatus Harrier Hawk 185 R RRA) ae) The race typus is an uncommon resident of better wooded savanna. It also occurs in the large tracts of forest along the Zaire border, and in the forested parts of the Imatong Mountains. There are no records from open grasslands of the Sudd and the Ilemi Triangle. 15 HO: fie: Ws Use 74. TES 16% TIS r Sub-family Circaetinae Circaetus cinerascans Banded Snake Eagle 157 R BR Gi ee5)) A common resident of forests in the Yei, Imatong, Didinga and Boma areas. There is no record from the Zande forests along the Zaire border. Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle £53 R LM BRE CL) An uncommon bird of more heavily wooded savanna. There are records from Wau, Amadi, Kajo Kaji, Torit and Didinga Circaetus gallicus Short-toed Snake Eagle Moir Vnbaer itso (Including Beaudouin's Snake Eagle C.g. beaudouini and Black-chested Snake Eagle C.g. pectoralis) PMW R? LM BR Cl) The nominate Palaearctic race is an uncommon visitor throughout, from October to March, recorded from Boma, Aweil, Juba, Torit, Kapoeta and the Nile north of Malakal. The few records of the race beaudouini are from Aweil, the Sudd and the Lol River in January and March; status uncertain, but probably an uncommon seasonal visitor to wetter grasslands. The race pectoralis is uncommon in the area southeast of Juba, mostly frequenting Acacia grassland; all records are for the period October —- May. Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur 159 R LM NBR A widespread and common resident, frequenting all kinds of habitats but preferring open wooded savanna. It breeds at the end of the rainy season. Sub-family Accipitrinae Accipiter badius Shikra 176 R LM NBR The race sphenurus is a fairly common resident in savanna and Acacia woodland throughout. Local northward movements during the rains are reported. Accipiter brevipes Levant Sparrowhawk 175 PMW : The only record of this Palaearctic migrant is a specimen from Boma in December, but recent observations in North Sudan suggest winter- ing east of the Nile (Nikolaus 1984). Accipiter melanoleucus Great Sparrowhawk 174. R NBR | The nominate race is an uncommon resident of heavily wooded savanna, There are recent records from Li Rangu, Zande, Gilo, the Upper Talanga and the Imatong Mountains. Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk 170 R? NBR The nominate race is a widespread but uncommon resident. Most records are from the Acacia woodlands in the southeast and north of Malakal. West of the Nile recorded only from Juba and Amadi. 16 78. ‘ee B0. Bl. Accipiter rufiventris Rufous Sparrowhawk t73 Be @¥? NBR A: The nominate race was observed once in April 1980 in the Imatong Mountains at Gilo (Nikolaus 1982). A record for the Kapoeta/Boma Hills region given by Snow (1978) is an error. Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk 177 R? NBR Uncommon in forested regions. The race unduliventer occurs at Boma Hills, while birds from the Imatong Mountains are assigned to sparsimfasciatus. Accipiter tousenelii Reda-chested Goshawk W 162 R? NBR The race canescens is probably a rare resident of the forests along the Zaire border. It’ has been collected by Traylor (1977) (Traylor & Archer 1982). Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle 138 PMW PMP The race orientalis winters regularly in small numbers from late December to February. Passage birds are noted east of the Nile from late September to December and in April. Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle . PMP The nominate Palaearctic race has been recorded only east of the Nile. Precise status is uncertain however, because of former confusion with Tawny Eagle and Steppe Eagle. Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle 139 LM? AM NBR The race belisarius is probably only a non-breeding visitor from North Sudan. It is fairly common throughout all savanna regions from October to May. Aquila verreauxi Verreaux's Eagle 136 R : NBR This species which favours rocky escarpments, has been reported from Imatong at Mt. Kinyeti and Upper Talanga, and from the Uganda side of the Didinga Mountains. Aquila wahlbergi Wahlberg's Eagle 142 R? AM? NBR A non-breeding visitor from December to April, it was seen in large numbers together with Black Kites and Tawny Eagles in late March - early April after heavy rains in the Amadi/Yei region. It might breed in the Torit/Kapoeta area where it is recorded throughout the year. Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard 158 R AM BR (3, 5) A locally very common breeding visitor in the dry season in any habitat except rain forest. Birds leave for the North Sudan from the end of May and return in October. Large numbers congregate about bush fires. 17 Bi. 88. 89. 90; Sil 92: 93: 94. Or. 96. Buteo augur Augur Buzzard 167 R NBR The nominate race is resident at Gilo/Imatong Mountains; also recorded from Boma, Didinga and Kajo Kaji. A bird of the high- lands, favouring forest edges and cultivation. Buteo auguralis Red-necked Buzzard 168 R? LM BR (2) Not uncommon in better wooded savanna south of Wau - Torit, and along the Ethiopian border. Some birds might move north during the rains. ; Buteo buteo Common Buzzard 163 PMW PMP The race vuipinus is a locally common Palaearctic visitor and passage migrant mainly east of the Nile. Passage birds are seen regularly in Imatong in October and March - early April. Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard 166 PMW The Palaearctic nominate race is an uncommon winter visitor from October to March, favouring dry hills. Rare in the Sudd and further south. Buteo tachardus Mountain Buzzard 165 Ree) lM NBR The race oreophilus is fairly common in the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mountains. There are no records between mid-May and the beginning of August. Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle 145 PMW PMP The nominate race is an uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor. Records are from Renk, Maridi, Juba, Torit, Kapoeta and the Kenya/ Sudan border from November to March. Passage has been noticed in November and March. Hieraaetus spilogaster African Hawk Eagle 143 R? GM NBR An uncommon dry season visitor favouring well-wooded hilly country. Recorded from Boro, Wau, Juba, Torit and Boma. Kaupifalco monogrammicus Lizard Buzzard 150 R LM BR (3) An uncommon resident in better wooded savanna and forest edges in the southern part, rare in the west, north to Wau. Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Hawk Eagle 149 R LM BR (4) Common throughout. A bird of wooded savanna and cultivation. Absent from the grasslands of the Sudd. Some move north during the rains. Melierax gabar Gabar Goshawk 178 R NBR A fairly common resident throughout in any kind of woodland except in the forests of Imatong and Zandeland. Less common than Dark Chanting Goshawk. 18 97. 96. 99; 100. 101. 102. Melierax metabates Dark Chanting Goshawk 180 R_ LM? BR (4, 5) The nominate race is a common resident throughout in any kind of woodland except the green forests in Zandeland and Imatong. Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle 146 R LM NBR . An uncommon resident of the savanna along the western, southern and eastern borders. Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle 147 R BR (1) A rare resident of the forest region, which has been reported breeding on the south side of the Imatong Mountains. Occasionally seen at Gilo. An old record from Bahr-el-Ghazal (Butler 1908) is unlikely. Urotriorchis macrourus Long-tailed Hawk 181 R? LM NBR First recorded in January 1982 at Bengengai (J.C. Hillman in litt.) A rare forest species; precise status unclear. Sub-family Milvinae Haliaeetus vocifer Fish Eagle 160 R Br (1/.20(=.12) A common resident throughout at any permanent water. Milvus migrans Black Kite 132 PMW PMP R LM AM? (MOREE ye he) The Palaearctic race migrans is a winter visitor and passage migrant throughout from October to April. The Yellow-billed Kite M.m. parasitus is a breeding visitor and resident. After breeding, most birds depart in April and May and return in August. Enormous numbers concentrate around bush fires and drying swamps. The race aegyptius probably also occurs. Distribution and relative abund- ance of the different races are not well documented. Sub-family Perninae Pernis apivorus Honey Buzzard 135 PMW? PMP? Status uncertain but apparently rare; only one definite record, from Bengengai in November (J.C. Hillman in litt.). Chelictinia riocourii Swallow-tailed Kite © 131 LM AM? BR (4) Only recorded from the Ilemi Triangle, where it arrives, presumably from East Africa, in February for breeding. A bird was seen flying south over Gilo in November. Birds from North Sudan occasionally come south to Malakal in the dry season. Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite 133 R? LM AM? NBR The nominate race is common throughout open savannas in the dry season from November to April. Around Juba, birds are recorded also from August to October. 19 106. 107.5 108. LOO Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk 134 Re eM NBR Recorded from Juba (January), Lol River (March) and Aweil (August) . Always associated with a large supply of small bats. Family PANDIONIDAE Osprey Pandion haliaetus Osprey 186 PMW The nominate race is a rare visitor to permanent lakes and the Nile. Records are from Malakal (February), Lake Nibor and Nimule (January), and Maridi (August). Family FALCONIDAE Falcons Falco alopex Fox Kestrel DISS, R LM NBR A locally common resident on mountains and cliffs, most common in the southeast. Local movements are indicated by its appearance in the non-breeding season far from rocky mountains. Falco ardosiaceus Grey Kestrel 127 IBS ES AbeiMat NBR 110 alta De Tb Sh 114. Frequents open savanna and possibly breeds throughout; locally common during the dry season; undertakes short range movements which are not well understood. Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon als) R LM BR aig 2) Now an uncommon resident, its numbers having decreased in the last thirty years. The race abyssinicus is reported in the southeast from Bor to Nimule and Lake Turkana. Birds at Malakal, Kaka and Aweil (north of 8°N) belong to the race tanypterus. Falco cherrug Saker Falcon 121 PMW The nominate race is a rare Palaearctic visitor in the east, recorded south to Kajo Kaji, but not recently (Cave & Macdonald 1955): Falco chicquera Red-necked Falcon 122 R? LM BR (1 - 4) The race ruficollis is a widespread breeding visitor which is locally fairly common; it nests in Borassus and sometimes Hyphkaene palms. Records are all from January to April and July/August; movements require clarification. Falco cuvieri African Hobby 116} R LM? NBR A rare resident of hilly savanna country in the southern part; reported from Boma, Nataporoputh Hills, Lado, Yei, Mt. Baginzi and Lona Falco fasciinucha Taita Falcon 114) R? LM? NBR Rare; it has been reported from high lava cliffs northwest of Lokitaung on the Kenya/Sudan border (Dowsett 1977). 20 ITS s 116. 117. 118. Falco naumanni Lesser Kestrel Status uncertain; no definite record for South Sudan but perhaps overlooked due to confusion with Common Kesterl. In North Sudan it is common on passage and winters locally, the two species often being seen together around grass fires. Falco pelegrinoides Barbary Falcon 112 PMW Probably a rare visitor to the arid extreme southeast, recorded from Kapoeta in February 1969 (Nikolaus pers. obs.). Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon 112 PMW? R? LM | _ NBR Reported in open savanna north of Malakal in February and around Juba in January, February and October. The status of the various races needs to be clarified; minor is probably a rare resident and wanderer, recently identified at Aweil in August; the Palaearctic calidus may occur. Falco subbuteo Hobby 1S PMP The nominate Palaearctic race is a rare passage migrant, reported from Juba in November and Nimule in April. Falco tinnunculus Kestrel 123 PMW PMP? R NBR Nearly all records refer to Palaearctic migrants of the nominate race, wintering between December and February, and rarely in November and March. Common in the dry grass savanna north of Malakal and in the southeast, but uncommon in the grasslands of the Sudd and River Lol. The resident race rufescens has been reported from Boma. Falco vespertinus Red-footed Falcon 119 There are no definite records, but it might be expected on passage in western areas since Lynes reported pronounced autumn passage at Darfur. | Polihierax semitorquatus Pygmy Falcon 129 R LM NBR Fairly common resident in the dry thorn-bush country of the Ilemi Triangle (east of Kapoeta) and west to Juba as an uncommon wanderer in the dry season. It is known to take over nests of White-headed Buffalo Weaver for breeding and nesting. The following species might occur : Accipiter ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk 172 Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle 140 Hieraaetus dubius Ayres' Hawk Eagle 144 Melierax poliopterus Pale Chanting Goshawk 179 Aviceda cuculoides Cuckoo Hawk 130 Falco concolor Sooty Falcon 117 Falco eleonorae Eleonora's Falcon 118 Falco rupicoloides White-eyed Kestrel 124 21 120. £21 £22 L23% 124. £25. 126\- tik 128. Family PHASIANIDAE Quails, Francolins Coturnix chinensis Blue Quail 213 R? LM? AM? BR (9) A rare bird of wetter short grassland. Recorded only twice from Juba and from Yei, where it was breeding at the end of the rains. (Cave & Macdonald 1955; Nikolaus pers. obs.). Coturnix coturnix Quail 211 R? AM? PMW? NBR Uncommon in short grassland; recorded from Aweil (March, September), Lado (January) and Juba (September, October, November). It is not clear to what extent these birds belong to the nominate Palaearctic race or, especially in the south, to the African race erlangeri. Coturnix delegorguei Harlequin Quail 212 R? LM AM BR (877-9; 52) The nominate race is in some years a very common visitor to Acacia short grassland from May to December east of Torit. Occasional wanderers are reported from Aweil, Tonj, Kongor and Malakal. Numbers and movements are irregular. Francolinus clappertoni Clapperton's Francolin 202 R BRo(9), 7 e*) A fairly common resident of open savanna. Three races occur: heuglini northwards from Bor and Tambura, gedgi in the south from the Nile at Juba to Didinga, and cavei on the Boma Plateau. Francolinus icterorhynchus Heuglin's Francolin 201 R BR (10 -.12) The nominate race is a common resident of wooded savanna west of the Nile from Kajo Kaji to Tonj and Kafia Kingi. Francolinus lathami Forest Francolin 189 R NBR The race schubotzi is a rare resident of the gallery forest in Zandeland. Francolinus leucosceptus Yellow-necked Spurfowl 210 R NBR The race infuscatus is a fairly common resident in the extreme southeast from Kapoeta to Boma and Lake Turkana, frequenting dry grass plains. Francolinus levaillantoides Smith's (Archer's) Greywing 19€ R NBR The race archeri is a rare resident of the extreme southeast and is only known from specimens from Natoporoputh Hills and Nagishot, Didinga Mountains. A species frequenting dry rocky slopes with sparse grass. Francolinus schlegelii Banded Francolin 133 R NBR Uncommon resident in the western Bahr-el-Ghazal west of Wau and Gogrial, favouring thickly wooded savanna with clearings. Invariably found in association with "Ka" trees Isoberlinia doka. Probably breeding September - October. Ze 129°: 136. DR 32. 33. Francolinus sephaena Crested Francolin £95 R Bre (630 12) The race grantii is a common resident in the southeast from Juba to Boma and Didinga, favouring bushy savanna. Recent records north to Wau and Malakal may have been young Clapperton's Francolin, but needs confirmation Francolinus squamatus Scaly Francolin 204 Rev. BR Ga, » 12) The race schuetti is locally common in the extreme south from Didinga to Zande, favouring secondary growth and cultivation adjoining mountain and gallery forests up to 2400m. Ptilopachus petrosus' Stone Partridge 214 R BR (10) Common resident south west of Kapoeta - Aweil. Two races occur: florentiae in the hilly country of Equatoria; brehmi in the iron- stone country of Bahr-el-Ghazal. The exact limits of the two races are not clear. Family NUMIDIDAE Guineafowls Guttera edouardi Crested Guineafowl ; DAT R Br. G3, 02, 42) The race sethsmithi is an uncommon resident of the Imatong foot- hills and Zande gallery forests. Numida meleagris Tufted Guineafowl ; 216 R BR (8 - 10) The race major is a common resident of the savanna country south of Lat. 10°N and favours Acacia woodland. Often near water and in large flocks. North of Malakal it is replaced by the nominate race. The following species might occur Francolinus streptophorus Ring-necked Francolin i335 (In Nimule, Imatong, Didinga) . Acrylliium vulturinum Vulturine Guineafowl 219 (In the extreme southeast). Family TURNICIDAE Button Quails, Quail Plover Ortyxelos meiffreni Quail Plover 367 R? NBR . Rare: recorded only once, in the dry grassland of the Boma plains in February (Nikolaus pers. obs.). Turnix sylvatica Button Quail 365 R? LM? AM? NBR The race lepurana is very little recorded. It favours overgrown cultivation and open grassland. Records are from Wau, the Bahr- el-Ghazal, and recently near Renk in February. Always single birds or couples. 23 SG. ei. E38. 1B" 140. 141. 142. 143. Family GRUIDAE Cranes Antropoides virgo Demoiselle Crane 246 PMW No recent records, but small parties have been reported wintering (October to March) as far south as the Sobat River, where they frequented dry Acacia grassland and river margins. Balearica pavonina Crowned Crane 244 R= EM BR (Gri) The race ceciliae is a common resident throughout except along the Zaire border and in the extreme southeast; favours the drier margins of rivers and cultivation, often in large flocks. Nests in marshy areas of the Sudd and the River Lol. The race gibbericeps might occur as a visitor from Uganda along the southern border. Family RALLIDAE Rails, Crakes Crex crex Corncrake 223 PMW? PMP Probably an overlooked and uncommon passage migrant,only once recorded (Hartlaub 1881). Numbers recorded in the North Sudan would suggest that it regularly passes through the South. Crex egregia African Crake 224 | LM? AM? NBR Only recorded from the Yei area and Juba from July to September, frequenting reeds and moist grassland. Gallinula angulata Lesser Moorhen 240 R? LM AM? NBR Rare: recorded from Tambura, Kagelu and Kajo Kaji, frequenting moist places in woodlands. Limnocorax flavirostra Black Crake ! 225% R BRT, 11) | A locally not uncommon resident in marshy grasslands and swamps throughout, where it is more frequently seen than other crakes. No records from the forest regions in Zande and Imatong, the arid southeast, or along the Ethiopian border. Porphyrio alleni Allen's Gallinule 239] R? LM BRY (8) Locally common during the rainy season in reedbeds and large marshy places. Very common at Aweil in August. Also reported from Geigar (September), Malakal (June) and Meshra er Req (March). It is not clear whether most birds leave the South during the dry season or whether they move to permanent swamps along the big rivers. Porzana parva Little Crake No definite records but occurrences in North Sudan and Uganda indicate that this secretive bird may be wintering or passing through. Porzana porzana Spotted Crake PMW? PMP Probably a fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor, even | though records are few. Reported on passage in October and March. {| 24 a 144, 146. 147. Rallus caerulescens African Water Rail 222 R? NBR Rare: probably a resident at Gilo/Itibol where it has been recently observed in March and December in thick secondary growth along the Kinyetti River at 2000m. Sarothrura affinis Chestnut-tailed Pygmy Crake vee SO) R? BR (4) The race antonii was collected once (in breeding condition) at Kipia. A bird of short montane grassland. Sarothrura elegans Buff-spotted Pygmy Crake 236 R? LM NBR Recorded from Kagelu, near Yei, in October and from Torit in January. .A secretive bird of open forest and thickets. Sarothrura pulchra White-spotted Pygmy Crake 235 R? NBR The race centralis has been recorded only once, at Bengengai in Zande (Cave & Macdonald 1955). A rare secretive bird of swampy localities in deep forests; probably a resident. The following species might occur : 148. 149. Bisi. - Gallinula chloropus Moorhen : 239 Porphyrio porphyrio Purple Gallinule . 237 Porzana pusilla Baillon's Crake 228 Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot 242 Family OTIDIDAE Bustards Eupodotis hartlaubii Hartlaub's Bustard 253 R? LM NBR Locally common and probably resident in Acacia short grass savanna in the extreme southeast and north of Malakal. Eupodotis melanogaster Black-bellied Bustard 258 R? LM i NBR Fairly common in the dry season throughout the broad-leafed tall grass savanna. During the rains most birds move to the North. Eupodotos ruficrista Buff-crested Bustard 259 R? LM ‘NBR The race gindiana is uncommon to rare, frequenting dry thornbush Savanna in the extreme southeast. Movements require clarification. Eupodotis senegalensis Senegal Bustard 256 R BR (4) The race canicollis is a fairly common resident of the dry grassland in the extreme southeast. The nominate race might occur in the northwest. Neotis denhami Denham's Bustard a5 1: RR? LM Batt poy The nominate race is the commonest large bustard of open grassland and tree savanna in the South Sudan. It is replaced by the Kori Bustard in the arid southeast and by the Arabian Bustard in the ) 153). 154. ILS) Sy 156). LS ees 158. SIS) ¢ North. However, all three species might be seen together along the Ethiopian border. Birds leave during the rains for the North. Local movements require clarification, especially in relation to those of Kori and Arabian Bustard. Neotis heuglini Heuglin's Bustard P)S\E5 R? NBR Status unknown. According to Snow (1978) recorded from the extreme southeast near Lake Turkana. Otis arabs Arabian Bustard 249 LM BR (27-3) The race butleri is not uncommon during the dry season when it visits open grassland with few trees or bushes. It occurs from the Nile east to the Ethiopian border and south to Lake Turkana, where it overlaps with the Kori Bustard. Birds move north during the rains. Otis kori Kori Bustard 250 R? LM NBR The race struthiunculus is a common dry season visitor to the arid region of the extreme southeast. Commonly seen in open savanna on the Boma Plateau. Movements require clarification. Family JACANIDAE Jacanas Actophilornis africanus Jacana 264 Re aM BRE pac) A very common resident throughout on swamps and open water with floating vegetation. Local movements are associated with seasonal change of habitat. Microparra capensis Lesser Jacana 265 | R? LM NBR Rare: recorded from Kodok, Aweil, Shambe, Pibor and the south of the Zeraf River. Most records are in the rainy season. Like the Jacana it is associated with floating vegetation. Recent records from Khartoum suggest seasonal movements within the Sudan. Family ROSTRATULIDAE Painted Snipe Rostratula bengalensis Painted Snipe 297 R? LM, AM? NBR The nominate race is a very local bird of swamps with mudbanks and thick vegetation. Common from Juba south to Kajo Kaji, and ance recorded from Kodok. Records are all from the period August to April. Family CHARADRIIDAE Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover 269 PMW PMP Common Palaearctic visitor to the White Nile in the North Sudan, but inland records further south are rare. One was ringed at Aweil in September 1979. 26 SS 160. 16k. 162. 63. 164. 65. Charadrius asiaticus Caspian Plover 277 PMW PMP A Palaearctic visitor to semi-arid savanna and grassland, wintering very commonly in North Sudan south to Malakal; occasionally reported from Tonj, Li Rangu and Lado. Expected in the extreme ‘southeast on spring and autumn migration. Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover rt oe PMW PMP The race curonicus is an uncommon but regular Palaearctic visitor from October to April. It favours muddy riverbanks and open grass- land near rivers. A young bird ringed in East Germany (August) was controlled in the same autumn (November) at Juba. Charadrius forbesi Forbes' Plover 273 LM AM? NBR Uncommon in open ironstone clearings in tall-grass savanna of Bahr-el-Ghazal west of the river Jur. Several pairs, observed near Wau and Tambura in July and August, showed breeding behaviour. Possibly a breeding visitor during the rainy season. Charadrius hiaticula Ringed Plover 266 PMW PMP The race tundrae is a regular Palaearctic visitor in small numbers throughout, frequenting the banks of large rivers. Records at Juba from August to November probably refer to passage birds; records from Wau, Lake No, Sobat, Malakal and Renk are from winter and spring up to May. Charadrius leschenaultii Great Sandplover 295 A Palaearctic species which might occur along the Nile. Charadriys mongolus Mongolian Sandplover 274 PMW The race atrifrons is a rare Palaearctic visitor, recorded once in January 1978 near Juba (Nikolaus pers. obs.); eight birds stayed during day-time at a muddy swamp and flew to dry grassland at night. Charadrius pecuarius Kittlitz's Sandplover 274 PMW? LM AM? . NBR Uncommon to rare; the nominate race is recorded in small numbers on short grassland along the Nile at Juba from August to October and in March. Charadrius tricollaris Three-banded Plover 272 LM NBR The nominate race is an uncommon to rare visitor to rivers in the southeast; reported only in November along the Nile near Juba and in December at a sandy river near the Kenya border. Pluvialis squatarola Grey Plover ; ero PMW PMP A rare Palaearctic visitor, reported from a muddy riverbank near Juba in October and January (Nikolaus pers. obs.). Vanellus albiceps White-headed Plover 290 R? NBR Rare; recorded only from sandy rivers in Bahr-el-Ghazal (Ibba, Numatina, Sue, Busseri). 27 169. Vanellus coronatus Crowned Lapwing 281 R LM? NBR The nominate race is a fairly common resident in the extreme south- east where it frequents dry open thorn bush country; usually in small numbers. 170. Vanellus crassirostris Long-toed Lapwing 293 R= EM? NBR The nominate race is common, but confined to the larger permanent waters with floating vegetation, such as the Sobat, Bahr-el-Ghazal and the Nile north to Renk. 171. Vanellus leucurus White-tailed Plover 185 PMW A rather uncommon Palaearctic visitor from October to March, frequenting swampy grassland. So far recorded only from Aweil but should occur along the Nile south to Malakal. 172. Vanellus senegallus Wattled Plover 291 R LM? BR’ (3) The nominate race is a fairly common resident throughout, prefer- ring damp localities in savanna and sometimes open grassland. There is indication of some northward migration in the rainy season. 173. Vanellus spinosus Spur-winged Plover 286 PMW? R? LM BRin(2 03) A common resident throughout along open waters and swamps. In the non-breeding season it occurs usually in small parties, and shows local movements. 174. Vanellus tectus Black-headed Plover 292 R LM? BRS MarOrr srt) The nominate race is a common resident of less arid grassland and Acacia savanna in southeastern and northern areas. Seasonal move- ments probably occur. Family SCOLOPACIDAE Sandpipers, Snipes WADERS Palaearctic waders are more or less dependent on marshy grassland or mudbanks, which are widespread at the time of autumn migration iand up to November/December. Later in winter and during spring migration, such habitat has largely dried up, so that wader numbers in autumn are much greater than in spring. Sub-family Tringinae 175. Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 312] PMW PMP A common Palaearctic visitor throughout to any type of wetland from July to April. Passage birds are noticed from July to November and again in March and April. Birds ringed in South Africa and Zimbabwe in December were recovered respectively near Torit in April and at Yambio in March 28 q } 176. Tringa erythropus Spotted Redshank 316 PMW PMP An uncommon to rare Palaearctic winter visitor, mainly from December to March, to the Nile and large rivers in northern Bahr-el-Ghazal. Common at Aweil from late August. Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper Kosta _ PMW PMP A common Palaearctic visitor and passage migrant to swampy grass- land throughout from August to April. Most birds move further south between November and January because of habitat deterioration in the dry season. A bird ringed near Juba in October was recovered in the U.S.S.R. (66°30'N, 70°38'E) in June. Tringa nebularia Greenshank 348 PMW PMP 42 A common Palaearctic visitor in small numbers throughout to sandy rivers and swampy waters, from August to the beginning of May. Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper S38 PMW PMP A common Palaearctic passage migrant and uncommon winter visitor, mainly to pools in savanna and forest streams, but more widespread on passage. Recorded from August to April with passage from August to October and March to April. Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper 317 PMW PMP A common Palaearctic visitor to marshy grassland along the Nile and sandy rivers in Bahr-el-Ghazal from August to April; uncommon _south of Wau and Bor. Tringa totanus Redshank 315 PMW PMP ; A common Palaearctic visitor to marshy grassland along the Nile and sandy rivers in Bahr-el Ghazal from August to April; uncommon south of Wau and Bor. Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper 31t PMP Recorded only once from the Nile near Juba in November 1978 on muddy grassland (Nikolaus pers. obs.). Sub-family Scolopacinae Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe 298 PMW PMP The nominate race is a common Palaearctic visitor to marshy grass- lands throughout. Most common during autumn passage from late August to November; rare after February. Two birds ringed at Juba in October were controlled at the same site in November and January of the same winter. Gallinago media Great Snipe 209 PMP Recorded from Wau, Juba and Lado, between September and November and in April, when regularly seen on grassy marshes near larger rivers. A bird ringed near Juba in November was recovered in Kirov region U.S.S.R (58°15'N, 51°F) in August. 29 185. 186. Ley. 188. 1389): LOO: 19. Le 193. 194. Gallinago nigripennis African Snipe 300 R? AM? NBR The race aequatorialis is an uncommon highland species, recorded from Gilo in the Imatong Mountains (April, June and October), where it might breed. A bird at Lado was probably a wanderer. Lymnocryptes minimus Jack Snipe 302 A sporadic winter visitor to swampy oes selene. from October to January. Common around Juba in November-—December 1978, but absent the following year. Sub-family Caliditrinae Calidris alba Sanderling 308 PMP A rare Palaearctic passage migrant, recorded once from Juba in September 1975 at a flooded gravel pit (Nikolaus pers. obs.). Calidris alpina Dunlin 304 PMW A rare winter visitor along the Nile south to Bor which is the southern limit of its wintering range. Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper B03 PMW PMP A regular Palaearctic passage migrant and uncommon winter visitor, recorded mainly from large muddy river banks around Juba and at Aweil rice scheme from August to January. Calidris minuta Little Stint 305 PMW PMP A regular Palaearctic passage migrant and winter visitor from August to March, frequenting open mudflats and small pools mainly along and east of the Nile where flocks of up to 100 birds occur together. Small numbers occur on spring passage until May. Rare in Bahr-el-Ghazal. A bird ringed at Juba in November was control- led at Lake Magadi (Kenya) in January. Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint 306 PMW An uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor to marshy grassland; recorded from October to January in small numbers along the Nile south of Bor. Limicola falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper 307B PMP A rare Palaearctic visitor; recorded once on wet mud at Aweil rice scheme in August 1978 (Nikolaus 1979). Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 319 § PMW An uncommon visitor in small numbers; recorded on wet grassland along the Nile and Sobat Rivers and at Aweil from August to March (mainly November to February) . Philomachus pugnax Ruff 309F PMW PMP Occurs in very large numbers on open marshy grassland along the Nile and around Aweil/River Lol from August to April. From January) 30 195. 196. 197. } 198. | 199. onwards numbers decrease greatly due to reduction of suitable habitat in the dry season. Birds ringed in Aweil in August/ September were recovered in Algeria in April and U.S.S.R. (62°N, 117°E) in May, Sub-family Arenariinae Arenaria interpres Turnstone 310 PMP The nominate race is a rare Palaearctic passage migrant recorded at Juba in September and October. Family RECURVIROSTRIDAE Stilts, Avocets Himantopus himantopus’ Black-winged Stilt 296 PMW AM? LM? NBR The nominate race is a common visitor to swamps and rivers through- out from September to April, presumably of Palaearctic origin. Some birds remain in the South Sudan from May to August. No breeding records can be traced. Recurvirostra avosetta Avocet 295 PMW AM? NBR A rare Palaearctic winter visitor. Recorded twice along the Nile near Juba in November; also from Baro River, Bahr-el-Ghazal and Kodok. Family BURHINIDAE Thicknees Burhinus capensis Spotted Thicknee 262 R_ LM? BRS = 7) The race maculosus is a fairly common resident of dry savanna often noticed at night or in the late evening, but resting under cover during daytime. Burhinus oedicnemus Stone Curlew 260 Status: unknown: the nominate race should occur as is known from northern Uganda, northern Kenya and Gambela, Ethiopia. Burhinus senegalensis Senegal Thicknee 261 R LM? BR (3, 4) The race inornatus is a common resident throughout, except west of Wau, where it is rare. Always associated with water; often seen in small groups resting along riverbanks Soe daytime, and becoming active mainly at night. Family GLAREOLIDAE Coursers, Egyptian Plover, Pratincoles Sub-family Cursoriinae Cursorius cursor Cream-coloured Courser 325 R? LM? NBR . The race littoralis is uncommon in open arid Acacia grassland in the extreme southeast near Lake Turkana. Cursorius temminckii Temminck's Courser RLM? NBR The nominate race is uncommon; normally found in small flocks in at 202. HOES 204. 205. 206. PAO semi-arid or stony scrub country and in short grassland in the area southeast of Juba - Boma Hills. Records are from October, February and March. Pluvianus aegyptius Egyptian Plover \ 334 R? LM BR (1° — 4) A common breeding visitor in the dry season to rivers with sand- banks. No records for the southeast, the Sudd or the southwestern border region. Most birds move to the North during the rainy season. Birds ringed in Gambela, Ethiopia, in November and April were recovered in North Sudan at Kosti (August) and Khartoum (September) . Rhinoptilus chalcopterus Violet-tipped Courser 329 LM AM? BRO =9 3) An uncommon and secretive bird throughout, normally in small flocks and breeding in open savanna during the dry season from September to May. No information about movements during the rainy season. Rhinoptilus cinctus Heuglin's Courser 328 LM? Ve NBR Status unknown; the nominate race was recorded prior to 1865 between Juba and Lake Turkana. There is only one recent record from Kapoeta in December 1960 (P.J. Dare in litt.). Sub-family Glareolinae Glareola nordmanni Black-winged Pratincole 331 PMW PMP Probably a regular but little recorded Palaearctic visitor, easily confused with the Common Pratincole G. pratincola. Passage records are from Juba in March and Kajo Kaji in April. There would appear to be a wintering population on the Sudan/Ethiopian border. Up to 5000 were recorded during December/January 1972-73 roosting on sandbanks of the Baro River together with Common Pratincoles. Glareola nuchalis White-collared Pratincole 353 LM? V? NBR In the past the nominate race was recorded twice along the Nile, at Nimule and Lado in October, but there are no recent records. Glareola pratincola Common Pratincole 330 @ PMW R? LM AM? NBR Regularly recorded between September and March on or near swampy grassland. Large flocks of up to 5000 birds were seen, together with Black-winged Pratincole G. nordmanni roosting on sandbanks of the Baro River (Sudan/Ethiopian border) in December and January. | The nominate race is a Palaearctic winter visitor recorded south to Malek, while the African race limbata is a common non-breeding visitor from the North Sudan. Birds seen at Juba might be of the. race fuelleborni which occurs from Lake Turkana west to Uganda. The status of the different races needs clarification. 32 | 209. 14. Family LARIDAE Gulls, Terns Sub-family Larinae Larus cirrocephalus Grey-headed Gull 142 No definite record for South Sudan. Since it occurs regularly in autumn south of Khartoum, it is to be expected at Lake No and along the White Nile. Larus fuscus Lesser Black-backed Gull ; 340 PMW . The nominate race is a rare Palaearctic visitor to the Nile; recorded from Malakal and Juba in December. Larus ridibundus' Black-headed Gull 345 PMW PMP Single immature birds are uncommon Palaearctic visitors; have been recorded wintering on lakes and small rivers at Malakal, Aweil, Lake Nibor, Terakeka and Maridi. At Lake No, thirty birds includ- ing a few adults stayed around a fishing camp in February. The great increase in numbers visiting Kenya and North Sudan has not so far been recorded in the South Sudan. Sub-family Sterninae Chlidonias hybridus Whiskered Tern 362 PMW PMP . The nominate race iS an uncommon Palaearctic visitor in small numbers to lakes and swamps in the Sudd; recorded from Malakal and Lake Nibor from December to February. Chlidonias leucopterus White-winged Black Tern 361 PMW~ PMP The most common tern, occurring on passage from late August to November at any swamp and open water, especially along the Nile. Winters in small numbers at the swamps and lakes of the Sudd, and commonly until March on the Sobat/Baro River and on the Nile north of Malakal. | Chlidonias niger Black Tern — 360 There are no definite records. . Gelochelidon nilotica Gull-billed Tern 349 PMW PMP The nominate race is a fairly common Palaeartic visitor in small numbers to rivers and swamps throughout. Passage is noticed along the Nile in September/October and in March. Sterna caspia Caspian Tern 350 PMW . A few records of single birds from the Nile around Malakal and on the Sobat/Baro River during January/February. This is the southern limit of the wintering range on the Nile. Family RHYNCHOPIDAE Skimmers Rhynchops flavirostris Skimmer 364 LM AM? NBR Recorded in small numbers from Sobat River and the Nile in the dry a3 BANS) ZAG ZA T. Vere PANS) & 220. 22ies 2272). ‘resident. Less common than the Olive Pigeon, which prefers the season (January/February). Moves away during the rainy season, probably to North Sudan to breed. Family PTEROCLIDAE Sandgrouse Pterocles exustus Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse 369 Re 7M NBR Two races occur: the nominate race from the North Sudan visits the dry extreme north around Renk in the dry season; The race olivas- cens is probably resident in the extreme southeast and regularly visits waterholes. Pterocles lichtensteinii lLichtenstein's Sandgrouse 373 R? LM? NBR The race sukensis is occasionally reported from the extreme south- east in dry, stony open thornbush country. Pterocles quadricinctus Four-banded Sandgrouse 3n5 R?) EM BRI (27,3) The most common Sandgrouse in the South Sudan; found in open savanna throughout except in the arid extreme southeast where it is replaced by other species. Most birds leave, probably moving to the North Sudan, during the rainy season. Family COLUMBIDAE Pigeons, doves Sub-family Columbinae Aplopelia larvata Lemon Dove 398 R BR (4, 11) The nominate race is a common resident of the mountain forests and forest edges of Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga. The smaller Ethiopian race bronzina is reported from the forest of Boma Hills. Columba albinucha White-naped Pigeon 381 R? LM? NBR | Probably rare: recorded only from Bengengai forest in 1981/82 (WSbLiLbinetgy hel Metisie)) . Columba arquatrix Olive Pigeon 380 } R LM? BRue (oo ale hs) | The nominate race is a common resident in the forests of the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mountains. Most numerous during the dry season after breeding. Coiumba delegorguei Bronze-naped Pigeon 383) R? NBR The race sharpii is recorded from the forest regions of the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mountains where it is probably higher altitudes. Columba guinea Speckled Pigeon 379 R =) @ OD | The nominate race is a common resident throughout in savanna and towns except in the Sudd region, the green forests of the south, and the arid extreme southeast. Breeds in Borassus palms, build- ings and rocks. 34 223. Columba unicincta Afep Pigeon 382 RP? NBR Probably rare: known only from gallery forests on the Aloma Plat- eau south of Yei (Macdonald & Cave 1948). Oena capensis Namaqua Dove | 293 R LM : NBR | Very common from December to March throughout except in forests; often on roads and cultivation. Most birds move north before the rains, possibly for breeding, but in Gilo the species was recorded in August. Seasonal movements are not well understood. Streptopelia capicola Ring-necked Dove 388 R? LM? NBR The race tropica occurs in the arid region southeast of Boma/Torit, where its distribution overlaps with that of the Vinaceous Dove. Streptopelia decipiens Mourning Dove 387 R BR (1 = 4, 6 - 10) The nominate race occurs from Malakal northwards and along the Ethiopian border; the race logonensis is present in the south and west. Fairly common in savanna and cultivation, always near water. Streptopelia lugens Dusky Turtle Dove . 385 RLM? Be to, 9) The nominate race is common in the Imatong and Didinga Mountains and Boma Hills around forest edges and cultivation at high altit- udes. Commonest from October to December and rare during June/July. Streptopelia semitorquata Red-eyed Dove 386 R ; ee CLE} Common in the better wooded savanna and gallery forests of Boma and southern Equatoria, and west of Wau north to Boro River. “Absent from the primary forest on Imatong. Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Dove 392 R LM BR (i-- 4, 10 -— 12) The nominate race is common throughout in open savanna, cultivation and villages, often concentrating in large numbers on harvested . fields. Streptopelia turtur Turtle Dove 384 PMW The wintering range reaches South Sudan in the dry savanna at Malakal and the Boro River. Wintering birds occur regularly in large numbers around Renk when they fly to the Nile for drinking. These are mostly of the nominate race but arenicola could occur. , Strepticola vinacea Vinaceous Dove 390 R LM Pe aye 8 gt Hay dD) The most common ring-necked Dove in savanna throughout South Sudan, except in the arid southeast where it is replaced by the Ring- necked Dove. Turtur abyssinicus Black-billed Wood Dove 396 R LM? BR be 2) Very common throughout in any savanna and cultivation except in forest and gallery forest, where it is replaced by the Blue-spotted Wood Dove. 35 233). 234. 235.5 _A common resident in heavily wooded savanna and forest at Didinga, 236). 237% 238% 239% 240. 241. Turtur afer Blue-spotted Wood Dove 395 R NBR A fairly common resident of better wooded savanna and gallery forest in the southwest; reported from Boma, Imatong, Juba, Zande, Tonj, Wau and Boro River. Turtur cChalcospilos Emerald-spotted Wood Dove EIS} R NBR Recorded only in the southeast, from Didinga and south of Boma, where it replaces the Black-billed Wood Dove. Turtur tympanistria Tambourine Dove 394 Dongotona, Imatong, Aloma Plateau, Aza Forest and Zande. Sub-family Treroninae Treron australis Green Pigeon 401 ' R? BR (11) The race uluensis is fairly common in the gallery forests along the Uganda and Zaire border west of the Nile, feeding on fig trees. Birds around Imatong are assigned to the race gibberifrons. Two records given by Snow (1978) for the extreme southeast need confirmation. Treron waalia Bruce's Green Pigeon 400 R2 LM NBR Locally common in savanna with large fig trees, but absent along the Zaire border and the open grass plains of the Sudd. There are no records for July and August and only a few during September to December. Family PSITTACIDAE Parrots, lovebirds Agapornis pullaria Red-headed Lovebird 452 | R NBR | Uncommon in better wooded savanna in the southwest; recorded from Kajo Kaji, Yei, Maridi, Bengengai, from Tambura north to Wau and | Tonj, and at the Boro River. The racial status is unclear, as both™ the nominate race and ugandae could occur. | Poicephalus crassus Niam Niam Parrot 446 R NBR Rare in the extreme southwest where recorded only a few times from | forested localities around Yambio. Poicephalus meyeri Brown Parrot 449 R NBR [ Fairly common in better wooded savanna southwest of Gogrial - Amadi) - Kapoeta, except for a small area between Rumbek and Bengengai which seperates its distribution into two areas. All birds have been assumed to be of the nominate race, but populations along the | southern border could belong to the race saturatus. Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed Parrakeet 45( R BR (8) The nominate race is fairly common but rather local in all types oj 36 savanna from the Kenya border to Juba, Lado and Maridi, in the region Tonj - Wau - Boro River, and north to the Bahr-el Arab. There are no records from the southwest, but it might be overlooked. Family MUSOPHAGIDAE Turacos Corythaeola cristata Great Blue Turaco 437 R ; , NBR | Fairly common resident in the foothill forests of Imatong up to 1800m and in the gallery forests of Zande. Sometimes in parties of up to twenty birds. Corythaixoides leucogaster White-bellied Go-away Bird 440 R LM NBR Fairly common in Acacia savanna in the southeast. Some birds move as far west as Maridi and Mvolo in the dry season from January to March. There is an isolated record from Acacia woodland at Ayod south of Malakal in ene, (G. Nikolaus pers. obs.). Crinifer zonurus Eastern Grey Plantain Eater 438. R BR (12) Common throughout savanna southwest .of Kapoeta - Lado - Rumbek - Aweil - Kafia Kingi. Musophaga rossae Ross' Turaco 436 R NBR Rare: there are only a few records from Didinga Mountains, Aloma Plateau and Zande, where it occurs in larger gallery and "bowl" forests; not recorded from Imatong. Tauraco leucolophus White-crested Turaco 433 R NBR Fairly common and probably resident southwest of Didinga - Lado - Tonj - Nyamyell in better wooded savanna, gallery forests and forest edges at low altitude. Tauraco leucotis White-cheeked Turaco 425 R ' NBR The nominate race is a common resident in better wooded savanna on Boma Hills. Tauraco schuetti Black-billed Turaco 430 R NBR The race emini is quite common in the higher forests of the Imatong and Dongetona Mountains, and uncommon in the forests of Mt. Lotuke, Didinga. The race finschi is rather uncommon in the Zande forests and on the Aloma Plateau. Family CUCULIDAE Cuckoos, Coucals Sub-family Cuculinae Chrysococcyx caprius Didric Cuckoo 417 Roem BR (10) Fairly common in dry savanna throughout. Mainly resident, although some move north during the rainy season. Parasitic mainly on - weavers, bishops and sparrows. peg, PAS\0) PS) A 22 PHONE 254. Zo 2566 25)7 hs Chrysococcyx cupreus Emerald Cuckoo 416 R LM BR (4 - 6) The nominate race is common, calling from March to October, in the forest regions of Imatong, Aloma Plateau, Aza Forest and Zande. Records from Imatong in December and January suggest that it is mainly resident. Wanderers have been reported from Wau (July) and Meshra er Req (May), but these records need confirmation. Parasitic on flycatchers, shrikes, bulbuls, warblers and sunbirds. Chrysococcyx flavigularis Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo 419 Reale ie NBR A rare forest species known only from a sight record from Bengengai in March 1977 (Traylor & Archer 1982). Chrysococcyx klaas Klaas' Cuckoo 418 R LM? BRi Gay sLOx — 12) Uncommon in savanna during the dry season; reported from Gogrial, Ayod, Maridi, Boma and from Juba to Kapoeta. In Imatong it is a fairly common resident in secondary growth and forest edges. Birds ringed in Gilo in May 1978 and July 1979 were controlled there in December 1980 and January 1980 respectively. Reported hosts are flycatchers, warblers, sunbirds and weavers. Clamator glandarius Great Spotted Cuckoo 413 PMW? LM R? NBR Uncommon in savanna; recorded all months except July, October and December, at Boma, Juba, Torit, Kajo Kaji, Opari, Li Rangu, Rumbek, Tonj, Wau, Aweil, Gogrial and Renk. Status and movements are not clear because both African and Palaearctic birds could occur. Parasitic mainly on Pied Crow, but also on Cape Rook and Piapiac. Clamator jacobinus Black and White Cuckoo 415 PMW? AM? LM? BR (87) 20) The race pica is a fairly common visitor to savanna from April to October, mainly southwest of Kapoeta-Bor-Aweil. Breeding is reported from Torit (breeding condition in October) and Wau (August). There is one December record from the Kenya border in dry Acacia savanna. The South African race serratus should occur, but the racial staus needs clarification. Parasitic on babblers. Clamator levaillantii Levaillant's Cuckoo 414) LM? AM? NBR An uncommon visitor in March/April and July/September to the better) wooded savanna of the southwest where recorded north to Wau. A lack of records for May and June suggests movement to the north to breed. Parasitic on babblers. Cuculus canorus Eurasian Cuckoo 404 PMP Recorded only on autumn passage, when small numbers occur regularl in savanna between late August to early November with a peak in September. The races canorus and telephonus have occurred. Cuculus clamosus' Black Cuckoo 407 R2 LM? AM? NBR Status unknown. The nominate race was once collected from the Laboni Forest in Imatong in March 1936 (specimen in Khartoum Muse Parasitic on bulbuls, robin chats and small shrikes. 38 Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo_ 404 AM? LM? R? : NBR Uncommon in savanna; reported at Bahr-el Zeraf (June), Yambio (Dec- ember), Aloma Plateau (March), Lado (April) and Torit (October - November). Hosts are drongos, scrub robins and glossy starlings. Cuculus solitarius Red-chested Cuckoo : A06 R LM AM? : BR A3. =" '6) A common resident of savanna and forests mainly south of 5 N, but also recorded from Boro River in April. It is stimulated to call by rain, otherwise unobtrusive. Robin chats are the main hosts. Pachycoccyx audeberti Thick-billed Cuckoo 412 AM? R? NBR The race validus is rare, recorded only from gallery forests in Zande; probably resident. Sub-family Phoenicophaeinae Ceuthmochares aereus Yellowbill 424 R NBR The nominate race is a little recorded resident of dense thickets and riverine forest west of the Nile in the extreme south. Sub-family Centropinae Centropus grillii Black Coucal 420 R?- NBR : An uncommon bird of swamps and marshes, reported from Aweil, Tonj, Tambura, Lado, Juba, north of Torit and Boma. Birds in breeding plumage suggest that nesting occurs during the late rainy season (August/September) . Centropus monachus Blue-headed Coucal 421 R BR (6, 8) ‘The race fischeri occurs commonly throughout and intergrades with the nominate race along the Ethiopian border. It inhabits dense parts of secondary growth and forest clearings up to 3000m in Imatong, as well as papyrus and grass swamps with dense thickets hear rivers and lakes in the Sudd. Birds with blue rather than _violet glossed heads restricted to papyrus’ and reeds in the Sudd have been described as 'C. heuglini' and might prove to be a valid species. Centropus senegalensis Senegal Coucal 422 R- . BR (3, 10) The nominate race is an uncommon resident but widely distributed throughout, frequenting thickets near swamps and also dry thick bushland. Less common than the Blue-headed Coucal. Centropus superciliosus White-browed Coucal 423 R NBR The nominate race is a fairly common resident in Acacia savanna with scrubby thickets. It occurs mainly in the southeast and north of Renk. 266. 2677. _in January and February. Otherwise records are few. Status and 268. 269): 270): ETA S 272. PENS) 8 274 Family TYTONIDAE Barn Owls Tyto alba Barn Owl 528 R BR G2) The race affinus is uncommon throughout, frequenting towns, and rocks and hollow trees in savanna. Reported from Lake No, Aweil, Yei, Juba, Torit and Jebel Kasangor. Family STRIGIDAE Owls Asio capensis African Marsh Owl 532 R? LM? AM? NBR The nominate race occurs in swamps in the Sudd region. Butler reported very common in papyrus along the Nile and Bahr-el-Ghazal movements unclear. Bubo africanus Spotted Eagle Owl 543 R BRI Glee 2) The race cinarascens is common throughout in savanna and towns, where hills and large trees are available. Often noted at night sitting on roads. ~ ~ Bubo lacteus Verreaux's Eagle Owl 544 R BR (1) Widely distributed; locally common at forest edges of Imatong and Didinga up to 2500m, and in gallery forest at Aloma Plateau and Zande. A few occur along the larger rivers, the White Nile, Sobat, Bahr-el-Ghazal and Jur where large trees are available. Ciccaba woodfordii African Wood Owl 53a R BR (12) Two races occur: umbrina on the Boma Plateau, and bohndorffi along the southern border from the Didinga Mountains to Zande. Probably not uncommon in forest and gallery forest at low altitude. Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet 538 R NBR | There are a few records of the race licua from Acacia woodland, in The southeast and north of Malakal and Wau. Otus leucotis White-faced Scops Owl 536)" R NBR The nominate race is widespread, but little recorded, in Acacia Savanna and open woodland near Boro River, Bahr-el-Zeraf, Lado and | the Ilemi Triangle. Otus scops Scops Owl 534) PMW Winters commonly in North Sudan but recorded at Tonj in January and at Juba and Malakal in March. Habitat ranges from open savanna anc gallery forest to tall reeds. In addition to the nominate race pulchellus could occur, Otus senegalensis African Scops Owl 534 R? NBR The nominate race is common throughout in savanna southwest of Kapoeta - Lado - Tonj - Bahr el Arab, and on the Boma Plateau. It: call is most frequently heard in the dry season. 40 \ (275. Scotopelia peli ~Pel's Fishing Owl : 546 R NBR Rare: Snow (1978) mentions one record from the Akobo River, and it has recently been photographed at Mbili on the Jur River (os. Bairclough im 7itt.). | The following species might occur, but have not been recorded so far Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl 531 (open grassland and swamps of the Sudd) Asio otus Long-eared Owl 530 (Ethiopian border) Glaucidium tephronotus Red-chested Owlet 539 (Imatong and Zande) Family CAPRIMULGIDAE Nightjars Caprimulgus aegypticus Egyptian Nightjar 561 PMW , The nominate race is an uncommon winter visitor from November to March to arid localities north of Malakal; recorded from Kaka and near Lake No. Caprimulgus clarus Slender-tailed Nightjar 565 Bone BR’ (3° - 5) “A common resident east of the Nile in open wet grassland and dry short grassland with scattered bushes. Overlaps along the Nile with Long-tailed Nightjar. Caprimulgus climacurus Long-tailed Nightjar 565 R? LM . BR (2 - 4) Two races breed: A common savanna species which hunts at night Over swamps and marshes, nigricans mainly north of 7°N and sclateri south of 7°N but mainly west of the Nile. The nominate race which breeds in North Sudan, is probably only a dry season visitor. All three races have been reported from Lado. Both local races move north within their range to breed. Overlaps in the east with Slender-tailed Nightjar. Caprimulgus donaldsoni Donaldson-Smith's Nightjar ey LM NBR Seasonally common in dry Acacia scrub in the Ilemi Triangle in February and June; absent in November and December. Status and movements little known. Caprimulgus europaeus European Nightjar 547 PMP? Collected by Emin Pasha at Lado (Hartlaub 1881; date and race unrecorded) No other records. Caprimulgus fraenatus Dusky Nightjar 548 on LM? |. NBR Uncommon; recorded only from the extreme southeast, frequenting thorn scrub in rocky country. 41 282. 283. 284. 205 286. AST 6 288. Caprimulgus inornatus Plain Nightjar 556 AM LM? R? NBR | An intra-African migrant, which breeds in dry savanna in North Sudan between April and October. Passage noted regularly in March/ | April and October/November. Status in the extreme south from Zande to Boma is unclear; this may be the northern limit of the non-breed- | ing range, but there is also probably a resident population in northern Uganda and northern Kenya. Caprimulgus natalensis White-tailed Nightjar 51S) 1) R NBR The race chadensis is very locally distributed on wet grassland, recorded only from Lake No to Malakal, along the Sobat River to the Ethiopian border, and along the southern border from Maridi to Kajo Kaji. The lack of records from the Sudd, where its typical | habitat is abundant, is unexpected. Caprimulgus nubicus Nubian Nightjar 553 This species must be rejected from the South Sudan list. The two specimens from Juba in January 1979 (Nikolaus 1979) were re-ident- ified as juvenile Slender-tailed Nightjars. Caprimulgus pectoralis Fiery-necked Nightjar Spit R? NBR The race nigriscapularis frequents better wooded savanna and gallery forest along the southern border from Imatong to Zande, where it is fairly common, and possibly also in Boma. All records to date are from March to July, but it might prove to be resident. Caprimulgus poliocephalus Montane Nightjar 558m) R BR (ZS) A common resident of grassland and overgrown cultivation above 1500m on the Didinga, Dongotona and Imatong Mountains. Caprimulgus rufigena Rufous-cheeked Nightjar sho 0) No records, but this intra-African Migrant should occur in the west on passage or as a non-breeding visitor from April to August. Caprimulgus stellatus Star-spotted Nightjar 555 Re Mie NBR The race simplex is rare in dry Acacia scrub in the southeast where | reported from Torit and near the Kenya border in May. Caprimulgus tristigma Freckled Nightjar 554 R BR (4) The nominate race is fairly common but extremely local, and is restricted to rocky hills up to 2000m. Recorded from Kajo Kaji to Imatong and Boma; records around Tambura might refer to the West African race sharpei. Macrodipteryx longipennis Standard-winged Nightjar 563 AM LM R? BRI Zic—7 5) A common breeding visitor to savanna throughout from August to May. Most numerous, especially on roads at night, in April/May, when it moves to the north; it returns south in August. Males are in breeding plumage from November to April. 42 289. 290), 291. 292. SEE 294. 7295. 296. Macrodipteryx vexillarius Pennant-winged Nightjar 564 AM NBR This intra-African migrant is a common non-breeding visitor from February to August to broad-leaved tree savanna in the southwest. It ranges north to Torit, Lado and Wau, and occasionally to Darfur in the North Sudan. Males leave in August with fully developed pennants. Family APODIDAE Swifts Apus aequatorialis Mottled Swift ee 641 AM? NBR There are a few records of passage birds along the southern border: from Kapoeta (50 moving north in February); Maridi, Yei, Juba and the Aloma Plateau; single birds moving south during July/August; Upper Talanga (Imatong); 100 moving south during October. These movements support observations by Lynes of summering in Darfur. Apus affinis Little Swift 643 R? LM? AM?. PMW? NBR Status uncertain. Only a few records, probably of the nominate race: many were seen at Jebel Kasangor and Boma in February including flocks roosting in caves, a few frequented bridges at Nzara and Tambura in August; a few at Juba in October, coming to drink in the morning with Common and Alpine Swifts. Apus apus Common Swift 636 PMP PMW \ Common throughout in fairly large numbers on autumn and spring passage during late August/September and April/early May. Only a few remain to winter. The seasonal status of the two races, nominate and pekinensis needs clarification. Apus caffer White-rumped Swift 644 R? LM NBR Probably resident. The race streubelii was found roosting together with Red-rumped Swallows under a bridge north of Juba. Small numbers sometimes occur with other swifts around Imatong and Aweil from late August to October. Apus melba Alpine Swift 640 PMW PMP ; The nominate race is a regular but uncommon passage migrant from September to November and from February to April, mainly along the Nile and eastwards to the Ethiopian border. Apus pallidus Pallid Swift 638 PMW V? ' This species, probably the race illyricus has been collected by Traylor at Bengengai, far south of its known winter quarters at Jebel Marra (Traylor & Archer 1982). Cypsiurus parvus Palm Swift 646 R LM BR (3 - 5) The nominate race is a very common resident throughout wherever there are palms, except along the southern border where it is replaced by myochrous. There is some north-south movement, often together with other swifts. 43 297. Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift 639 LM AM? NBR A common breeding visitor to the forest region of Imatong from late | March to late September. It probably breeds in cliffs above 2000m. | The following species might occur but have not yet been recorded Apus barbatus African Black Swift 636 Apus horus Horus Swift 645 Apus niansae Nyanza Swift 637 Telacanthura ussheri Mottle-throated Spinetail 647 Family COLIIDAE Mousebirds 298. Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird 566 R BR (3, 4) A common resident in broad-leaved tree savanna and forest edges, though less common in the north and absent from the northwest and the Ilemi Triangle. Replaced by the Blue-naped Mousebird in Acacia woodland. Three races occur: Jleucotis at Boma and along the Ethiopian border, leucophthalmus in Zande along the Zaire border and jebelensis elsewhere. 299. Urocolius macrourus Blue-naped Mousebird 568 R ® BRY' (34D) Fairly common in Acacia savanna and arid scrub country. The race griseogularis occurs to about 9°N, north of where it is replaced by the nominate race; pulcher occurs in the southeast, east of Torit and south of Boma. Family TROGONIDAE Trogons 300. Apaloderma narina Narina's Trogon 570 R? NBR Uncommon, but easily overlooked in forest and better wooded savanna. | The nominate race occurs from Kajo Kaji to Didinga and Boma. || The race brachyurum should occur west of the Nile in Zande, but has not yet been recorded. Family ALCEDINIDAE Kingfishers Sub-family Cerylinae 301. Ceryle maxima Giant Kingfisher 466 R LM BR Gey) Uncommon along permanent rivers in better wooded savanna and forest. | Records from Boro River, River Lol, Wau, Tambura, Maridi, Aloma . Plateau, Juba, and in the Imatongs up to 2000m. 302. Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher 465 R LM BR 778) Common at rivers, lakes and pools throughout except in the south- east where records are few. Performs fairly long distance move-— ments which need clarification. 44 ET TS TET EE Sub-family Alcedininae 303. Alcedo cristata Malachite Kingfisher 470 R? LM?? NBR" y The nominate race iS common at swamps and rivers throughout except in the Ilemi Triangle and the forests of Imatong. 304. Alcedo guadribrachys Shining Blue Kingfisher 469 R? NBR The race guentheri is uncommon, frequenting forest streams along the Zaire border from the Aloma Plateau to Zande. 305. Alcedo semitorquata Half-collared Kingfisher 468 oh NBR | Uncommon: recorded only from Boma, where it.was collected along a fast-running woodland stream (Nikolaus 1979). 306. Halcyon badia Chocolate-backed Kingfisher 478 R? NBR Uncommon in the forests of Zande, where collected only at Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982). 307. Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher 479 R? LM NBR The nominate race is common throughout, mainly in the drier parts of savanna and in cultivation; this species.is not dependent on water. Most birds move north from May to September. 308. Halcyon leucocephala Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher 477 LM AM? BR (3, 4) The nominate race occurs in savanna throughout during the dry season. It arrives along the southern border between late November and January, and moves north to breed on sandy river banks during March/April. In Darfur, breeding birds are present from April to to June. Southward movement during May/June is seldom noticed. There are single records from Juba in July and September which might refer to the southern race pallidiventris. 309. Halcyon malimbica Blue-breasted Kingfisher 475 R NBR : The nominate race is fairly common in gallery and bowl forests on the Zaire border where recorded from Aloma Plateau, Aza Forest, ‘Zande and Tambura. . Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher 473 LM AM NBR The nominate race is fairly common and widely distributed. Present in southern areas only in the dry season (September to March) and in northern areas from March to July; it arrives in Darfur in June. The southern race cyanoleuca is occasionally reported in the rainy season from Torit (May) and Upper Nile Province. The status and movements of the two races need clarification. Ispidina lecontei Dwarf Kingfisher 472 R? NBR Uncommon in the forests of Zandé where collected by Traylor (Traylor & Archer 1982). 45 BW) Suir 314. S'S) SyilS)e SLT Sali) SQ) B20): Ispidina picta Pygmy Kingfisher 471 R AM BR (3, 4) The nominate race iS a common resident, mainly in better wooded Savanna and gallery forest, and is absent or rare in the Sudd region. It is not dependent on water. The Intra-African migrant race natalensis was common in June/July during its non-breeding season in the lowland forests of Imatong and the Aloma Plateau. Family MEROPIDAE Bee-eaters Merops albicollis White-throated Bee-eater 486 LM AM NBR | A fairly common non-breeding visitor from North Sudan. It frequents — various types of savanna, mainly along the southern borders, from January to March, also recorded occasionally during April to June, August and November. Merops apiaster Eurasian Bee-eater 481 PMP PMW? A common passage migrant during September to November and March/ April. There are records also for August, January and February. Merops breweri Black-headed Bee-eater W 447 Re forest edge at low altitude, frequenting large fig trees. The race aethiops occurs at Boma and aequatorialis from Didinga to Lado and Tambura. Lybius guifsobalito Black-billed Barbet .~ 584 | R NBR A fairly common resident in better wooded savanna east of Malakal - Li Rangu, except in the arid extreme southeast and the open grass- lands of the Sudd; often in gardens. Lybius hirsutus Hairy-breasted Barbet 582 R NBR The race ansorgii is an uncommon resident along the Zaire border from the Aloma Plateau to Aza Forest and Zande, frequenting fig trees in gallery and bowl forest. Lybius lachrymosus Spotted-flanked Barbet 584 | R NBR The nominate race is uncommon in better wooded savanna and gallery forest at low altitude. Recorded to date only from the Didinga Mountains, but it could occur west to Kajo Kaji. Lybius leucocephalus White-headed Barbet 576 R NBR The nominate race is a fairly common resident of well wooded Savanna. It occurs mainly west of the Nile, but occasionally east to Kidepo River. 50 953. 354. B55. B56. B57. 358. B59. 360. 361. 362. Lybius leucomelas Red-fronted Barbet 585 R BR Clay st.) The nominate race is an uncommon resident of dry bushland and dry open woodland. Apparently restricted to the area Juba - Didinga - Bor, but it could possibly occur north to. Shambe. Lybius melanocephalus Black-throated Barbet : 2/583 R Be de) The race stigmatothorax is a common resident of dry thornbush country in the extreme southeast, frequenting thick bushes. Lybius rolleti Black-breasted Barbet 572 R NBR A fairly common resident in better wooded savanna southwest of Kapoeta - Tonj - Bahr-el-Arab, frequenting large fig trees. Lybius vieilloti Vieillot's Barbet 578 R BR 4 77°78) The nominate race is locally common but widely distributed in dry woodland with thick bushes, mainly west of the Nile. Recorded from Amadi, Raffile, Wau, Tonj, Aweil, Gogrial and from Malakal to Renk. Pogoniulus chrysoconus Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird 595 R BR (4.8) The nominate race is a common resident throughout in dry woodland with thick bushes, except in the arid extreme southeast and the forests along the southern border. Pogoniulus leucolaima Lemon-rumped Tinkerbird 596 Re. . BRUTY. Laie) The race mfumbiri is a common resident of forest and forest edge up to 2200m along the southern border, from Bengengai to Aza Forest, the Aloma Plateau, Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga. Pogoniulus pusillus Red-fronted Tinkerbird 594 R NBR The race affinis is a common resident on rocky hills in dry wood- land from the foothills east of Imatong to Lake Turkana. Trachylaemus purpuratus Yellow-billed Barbet 604 R BR (3) The race elgonensis is a fairly common resident of forest, forest clearings and secondary growth on the Imatong Mountains up to 2200m; also recorded at Bengengai. Trachyphonus darnaudii d'Arnaud's Barbet 603 R BRS (ig icede The nominate race is a very common resident of dry open!savanna, even found in gardens. It occurs, usually in pairs, in the region southeast of Boma - Bor —- Amadi - Juba. Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red and Yellow Barbet 601 R BR (5) The race yersicolor is a fairly common resident in the dry scrub country with hard red soil in the extreme southeast from Torit to the Ethiopian border. 51 SO She 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. BOOr 370% Family INDICATORIDAE Honeyguides Indicator exilis Least Honeyguide 610 ff: LM BR) 3) The race pachyrhynchus is a fairly common but local breeding visitor from October to March, frequenting forest, secondary growth and well-wooded savanna. It is recorded from Bengengai, Bongo River, near Aweil, north of Boro River and Imatong. It is parasitic on tinkerbirds. Indicator indicator Black-throated Honeyguide 605 Rew. eM NBR The nominate race is locally common in woodlands, gardens and open bush savanna throughout. Recorded from November to April and exceptionally between May and September on the Uganda border. Large numbers caught in April north of the Boro River might have been on migration to North Sudan. Parasitic on hole nesting birds such as barbets, woodpeckers, bee-eaters and starlings. Indicator maculatus Spotted Honeyguide 607 R LM? BR (3) The race stictithorax is a fairly common resident in the forests of Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982). There is one recent January sight record from Gilo (Nikolaus 1982). Probably parasitic on woodpeckers. Indicator minor Lesser Honeyguide- 608 Re Se EM NBR Uncommon throughout in any type of woodland. Some apparently move north during the nains. Racial’ status and distribution are not clear, but diadematus probably occurs throughout except where perhaps replaced by riggenbachi along the southern border. Parasitic on small barbets, woodpeckers, swallows and kingfishers. Indicator variegatus Scaly-throated Honeyguide 606 R NBR A fairly common resident of forests and secondary growth at Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga up to 3000m. Parasitic on woodpeckers. Prodotiscus insignis Cassin's Honeybird 613 The nominate race is an uncommon breeding visitor to the Imatongs, from January to May, frequenting secondary growth and forest at about 2000m. Parasitic on white-eyes and probably small warblers. Family PICIDAE Woodpeckers, Wrynecks Sub-family Jynginae Jynx ruficollis Red-throated Wryneck 635 R? NBR i Rare: the nominate race has been recorded once from Ibba River (Woodman 1936). Jynx torquilla Wryneck 634 PMW The nominate race is an uncommon winter visitor in open woodland and dry Acacia savanna from November to March. Recorded from Kapoeta to Yei, Lado, Tali Post and Meshra er Req. 52 B12. B73. 374. 175. 376. 377. Sub-family Picinae Campethera abingoni Golden-tailed Woodpecker 622 R? ‘ NBR The race chrysura is uncommon in forest edge and well wooded savanna along the Zaire border at Maridi, Yambio and near Tambura. | Campethera caroli Brown-eared Woodpecker 615 R BR (3) The race budongoensis is a fairly common resident of forest at low altitude, recorded from Imatong, the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai. Campethera nivosa Buff-spotted Woodpecker 616 R NBR The race herberti occurs in forest at Bengengai where it is apparently rare. Campethera nubica Nubian Woodpecker 619 R BR (3, 4) The nominate race is a fairly common resident in any kind of wood- land, mainly east of the Nile, where it replaces the Fine-spotted Woodpecker. West of the Nile the only records are from Lado to Yei and the Aloma Plateau. . Campethera cailliautii Little Spotted (Green-backed) Woodpecker 614 R NBR The race permista is an uncommon resident in forest and secondary growth in Zande where recorded from Zakure Forest and Bengengai. Campethera punctuligera Fine-spotted Woodpecker 621 R BR , (3,4) ban The race balia is a fairly common resident in better wooded savanna west of the Nile, where recorded from Maridi, Tambura, Rumbek, Wau to the Boro River and Kafia Kingi. A record from Torit needs confirmation. Dendropicos fuscescens Cardinal Woodpecker 623 Ro BR (12) Locally common along the eastern and southern border. Two races occur: lepidus in better wooded savanna and forest clearings up to 2200m along the southern border from Tambura to Imatong and Didinga, and on the Ethiopian border north of Boma; hemprichii in the dry Acacia savanna east of Kapoeta. Dendropicos poecilolaemus Uganda Spotted Woodpecker 626 "R NBR Little recorded, but possibly not uncommon in open wooded savanna and cultivation. So far only recorded from Kajo Kaji, Maridi and Numatina River. Mesopicos goertae Grey Woodpecker 630 R NBR A fairly common resident of woodland, cultivation and forest edge on Imatong and Didinga up to 2200m. ‘The race centralis occurs throughout except along the Ethiopian border where it is replaced by spodocephalus. 53 380. 381. 382. B85). 384. 835% 386. 87 Mesopicos xantholophus Yellow-crested Woodpecker 632 R NBR Apparently rare in forests along the Zaire border where recorded only from the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai. Picoides obsoletus Brown-backed Woodpecker 627 R BR (3) The nominate race is fairly common in dry open wooded savanna through- out. Thripias namaquus Bearded Woodpecker 629 R BR G3) The race schoensis is rather uncommon and local in well wooded Savanna. Recorded from Raga, Gogrial, Tonj, the Imatong foothills and Boya Hills. Family ALAUDIDAE Larks Calandrella brachydactyla Short-toed Lark 684 PMW Locally common in small parties in the arid savanna north of Malakal © from late October to early March. Three Palaearctic races could occur: nominate, hermonensis and longipennis. Eremopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark 679 R?2 LM? BRU ale 2)) Fairly common on short grassland in the dry season, from September to March, especially after recent burning. Found along the Nile north of Juba in the Sudd and around Tonj and Wau. Probably moves north during the rainy season. The nominate race occurs throughout most of the range, but is probably replaced by melanocephala north of Kodok. Eremopterix nigriceps White-fronted Sparrow Lark 680 R NBR The race albifrons is locally common in the extreme north around Renk on arid short grass plains, showing a preference for sandy ground. Eremopterix signata Chestnut-headed Sparrow Lark 681 Re eee Mie NBR The race harrisoni is a common resident in the extreme south east, frequenting open stony savanna. Galerida cristata Crested Lark 675 In sandy and stony semi-desert country the following races could occur: somaliensis near Lake Turkana and isabellina around Renk. Galerida modesta Sun Lark 677 R LM BR (7)? Fairly common south-west of Torit - Rumbek - Aweil favouring open ironstone clearings with short grass in woodland and also around ! Malakal. Mainly resident, but with local movements in the dry season. The race involved is bucoloca, except along the Zaire border where | the nominate race occurs. 54 ( 388. 389. 7390). 39.1). ao... ~ Mirafra albicauda Northern White-tailed Bush Lark 655 R? NBR Rather local on black cotton soil in the north around Kaka and Kodok, and along the Sobat river. Mirafra cantillans Singing Bush Lark 654 R? LM? NBR The race marginata is locally common in short grassland and open Acacia savanna, from Juba and Lado east to the Ethiopian border. The race chadensis may occur around Renk. Mirafra cordofanica Kordofan Bush Lark 656 R? NBR Rare with only one record, from Lake No (H & M 1970). Probably occurs elsewhere along the northern border in red sandy soil areas. Mirafra erythropygia Red-tailed Bush Lark 667 LM BR(1, 3) ‘An uncommon and little recorded breeding visitor from December to April, often noticed on recently burnt grassland. Recorded from Boma, Mongalla, Kajo Kaji, Malakal, Wau and Riki River. It moves to open bush savanna in the North Sudan during the rainy season. Mirafra hypermetra Red-winged Bush Lark 657 pee : NBR Bo3.. 394. Locally common in bushed grassland in the south east. The race kidepoensis occurs along the Uganda border from Rejaf to Lake Turkana. The race kathangorensis is known only from the area around Jebel Kathangor but might occur east to the Ethiopian border. Mirafra poecilosterna Pink-breasted Lark 665 R? LM? NBR Uncommon in Acacia short grass savanna in the extreme southeast, east of Kapoeta. There seem to be some local movements for recent records are confined to May/June. Mirafra rufocinnamomea Flappet Lark 660 R. BR {6 = "8) Fairly common throughout in tall grass savanna and open woodland. Five races occur, but their exact ranges need clarification: sobatensis from the Baro/Sobat River across to Lake No, and possibly omoensis around Boma; torrida along the Uganda border west to Kajo Kaji; tigrina west of it, mainly along the Zaire border, possibly up to Wau. It is not clear whether birds around Boro/Riki River also belong to tigrina or whether they mark the southern limit of furensis. Family HIRUNDINIDAE Swallows, Martins, Rough-wings Delichon urbica House Martin 1074 PMP PMW The nominate race is a rather uncommon Palaearctic passage migrant throughout in late September/October and April/early May but a regular and common winter visitor at higher altitudes of the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. 55 396. Hirundo abyssinica Striped Swallow 1065 R? LM BE (4 eli W2) Rather local in better wooded savanna and forest clearings. The race bannermanni might be resident in the extreme northwest from the Boro and Riki Rivers south to Wau; the nominate race possibly breeds in April around Boma; unitatis breeds in the Kajo Kaji - Didinga region in November/December and migrates, probably southwards, in April/May when there is a regular passage through Gilo. 397. Hirundo aethiopic Ethiopian Swallow 1057 R? LM 5 BR (4 - 6) The nominate race is fairly common in the Juba - Lado - Maridi region, mainly from August to March, and north of Wau - Aweil - Malakal, mainly from May to September, frequenting rivers and towns. More information | is needed about status and movements. 398. Hirundo daurica Red-rumped Swallow 1062 PM eis. tM BRIGH 6) The race domicella is fairly common and probably resident along small rivers at low altitude throughout, breeding under bridges. The race emini occurs in the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. from September to February apparently as a non-breeding visitor. The Palaearctic Lace mun a (COULGHOCeUIE 399. Hirundo fuligula African Rock Martin eON/} R BR (72,18) The race fusciventris is an uncommon resident in suitable rocky local- ities at Kajo Kaji, Imatong, Dongotona, Didinga and Boma | 400. Hirundo griseopyga Grey-rumped Swallow 1066 LM? BR (1) The nominate race is a very local breeding visitor from December to April to small rivers in better wooded savanna, reported from Boro River, Wau, Rumbek and Amadi. 401. Hirundo rustica Swallow 1054 PMP PMW The nominate race iS a common passage migrant and winter visitor throughout, but never in very large numbers. It occurs from late ‘August to April. Passage is noticed from September to November and solv yNopeal de 402. Hirundo semirufa Rufous-chested Swallow 1064 LM NBR The race gordoni is locally uncommon in the Kajo Kaji - Mongalla - Imatong region from November to April, probably as a non-breeding visitor. Birds at Boro River in late March and April could be on passage to breeding grounds in Darfur. 403. Hirundo senegalensis Mosque Swallow : 1063 R LM BR Ch Zi 12) The race saturatior is a fairly common resident on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. up to 2000m, breeding from December to February. The species also occurs at rivers and lakes elsewhere, mainly from January to April and in July and August; these records could refer to saturatior or to the nominate race, which breeds in Darfur from June to September. 56 404. 405. 406. Hirundo smithii -Wire-tailed Swallow 1061 R? BR (2 - 4,-11) The nominate race is rather uncommon and local in the southwest where it breeds under bridges. Recorded from Kajo Kaji, Lado, Maridi, Tambura, Aweil, Raga and Boro River. Psalidoprocne albiceps White-headed Roughwing 1080 R LM? BR’ (6):9) . The nominate race is a common resident of forest and forest edge on Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga up to 3000m. Less common around Kajo Kaji and on the Aloma Plateau. -Psalidoprocne pristoptera Black Roughwing 1076 R? LM NBR Rather uncommon along forest edges and in better wooded savanna. White underwinged birds of the race Obaginea occur along the Zaire border from the Aloma Plateau to Tambura. Birds around Boro/Riki River in Aprilwhich appeared to have grey underwings were probably of the race chalybea. Riparia cincta Banded Martin 1070 LM? AM? NBR Small numbers occur.in the Juba area between May and July; these could involve the race suahelica and/or erlangeri. Riparia paludicola African Sand Martin 1069 LM AM? NBR An uncommon non-breeding visitor, mainly along the southern border from December to February. Records undoubtedly involve the race dubius, but minor from North Sudan could also occur. Riparia riparia Sand Martin 1068 PMP PMW The nominate race is probably the most numerous Palaearctic winter visitor to the Sudd region, arriving from late August and leaving in late April, favouring open waters and open swampy grassland. Uncommon elsewhere, and occurring mainly on passage during September/ October and late March/April. Family DICRURIDAE Drongos Dicrurus adsimilis Drongo | 1088 R BR'(6, 1h) The race divaricata is a common resident of woodland at low altitude throughout; coracinusus is a forest bird confined to the Zaire border. Dicruris ludwigii Square-tailed Drongo | 1089 R ; NBR The race sharpei is rather uncommon, confined to forest thicket up to 2000m on the southern slopes of the Imatongs. Family ORIOLIDAE Orioles Oriolus auratus African Golden Oriole 1165 LM? AM NBR The nominate race is a common dry season visitor throughout to better wooded savanna. Birds move north from May to September. oy 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. Ali). 420. 421. Oriolus larvatus Black-headed Oriole 1167 R? NBR The race rolleti is fairly common in forests, better wooded savanna and dry woodland southeast of Juba, Bor and Boma. Oriolus nigripennis Black-winged Oriole 1169 R NBR Typically a bird of lowland forests but common on Imatong up to 2000m, also recorded from Zande and Bengengai. Oriolus oriolus Golden Oriole 1164 PMP The nominate race is a common Palaearctic passage migrant in North Sudan from September to November. In the South, recorded only along the southern border and the Nile. Frequenting better wooded savanna and large trees in gardens, but only during March, suggesting that they overfly on autumn passage. Family CORVIDAE Crows, Piapiac Corvus albus Pied Crow 72 R LM? NBR Widespread in the dry season in any open country. Most common and probably resident around towns, though breeding is not yet recorded. Rare in the forest region along the Zaire border and in the’ arid extreme southeast. Corvus capensis Cape Rook DiS TR BR ven ee 2) Locally common in the dry season in open grass plains with scattered trees, mainly east of the Nile north to Melut. Most birds seem to move to the drier southeast in the rainy season. Corvus rhipidurus Fan-tailed Raven deli Re NBR A typical resident of rocky hills southeast of Juba - Boma; rare further north along the Ethiopian border. Corvus ruficollis Brown-necked Raven 1171 @ R? NBR The race edithae is an uncommon resident in the arid plains east of Kapoeta. An apparent hybrid between the Pied Crow and this species has been seen at Jebel Kasangor. { Ptilostomus afer. Piapiac HANTS) R LM? NBR Common in small parties in open country throughout, but absent along | the Ethiopian border. Often together with cattle and around villages| where they favour Borassus palms for roosting. | Family PARIDAE Tits Parus albiventris White-bellied Tit 1155 R BR (1) A common resident of the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. above 1600m, .frequenting forest edges and secondary growth. 58 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. Parus funereus Dusky Tit 1157 R BR/.(3) A rather uncommon resident in lowland forests on Imatong, sometimes occurring in forest edge and secondary growth up to 2000m at Gilo. Parus leucomelas Black Tit 1154 R NBR The race guineensis is a fairly common resident of open bushed Savanna with scattered trees, less common east of the Nile. The nominate race could occur north of the Sobat River. Family REMIZIDAE Penduline Tits Remiz musculus Mouse-coloured Penduline Tit 1161 R BR (12) -An uncommon resident in semi-arid Acacia short grass savanna in the southeast from Lalo to the Kenya border. Remiz parvulus Yellow Penduline Tit 1163 R 3 NBR ie The nominate race is an uncommon resident of better wooded savanna west of the Nile. . Remiz punctifrons Sennar Penduline Tit 1162 lee ; NBR Uncommon in dry woodland, replacing the Yellow Penduline Tit in the drier habitat north of Malakal. Family SALPORNITHIDAE Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonota Spotted Creeper 1283 RT NBR The race emini is a rare and local resident of open woodland from Kajo Kaji to Tambura. . Family TIMALIIDAE Babblers Alcippe abyssinica African Hill Babbler 740 R BRiid Sede, 12) The nominate race is a common resident of thick forest undergrowth and forest edge above 1800m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Ptyrticus turdinus Thrush Babbler 734 R NBR The nominate race is rather uncommon, frequenting the undergrowth of gallery and bowl forests from Yei to Bengengai. Trichastoma albipectus Scaly-breasted Illadopsis W37 R BRialBig 10) A rather uncommon species of lowland forest undergrowth, known from Imatong and Bengengai. Trichastoma fulvescens Brown Illadopsis 735 R : BR (8) The race ugandae is a common resident of the undergrowth of lowland forest from Imatong to Bengengai. 59 432. Trichastoma puveli Puvel's Illadopsis W 667 R BR (3) Only recorded from Bengengai where it is perhaps a fairly common resident of forest undergrowth. (Traylor & Archer 1982). (Trichastoma rufipennis Pale-breasted Illadopsis) 736 This species must be removed from the Sudan list; the skins listed from Imatong by Cave and Macdonald have been re-identified as immature Scaly-breasted Illadopsis. 433. Turdoides leucopygius White-rumped Babbler 728 R NBR The race omoensis is fairly common on the Boma Hills, frequenting thick bushes and woodland at higher elevation. 434. Turdoides plebejus Brown Babbler 723 R BR (eRe 12) The race cinereus is fairly common in any broadleaved tree savanna southwest of Didinga - Lado - Rumbek - Aweil. The nominate race could) ,oceux north, of Kodok. 435. Turdoides rubiginosus Rufous Chatterer 32 R BR (Loy Speen The nominate race iS common in dry savanna where it moves around in noisy parties. Recorded north to Jongolei and Boma and west to Aweil.| 436. Turdoides tenebrosus Dusky Babbler C27 R NBR Uncommon to rare, frequenting well-wooded hilly districts. Recorded from Boma, Jebel Lado, Kajo Kaji, Mt. Baginzi, Li Rangu and Boro River. Family CAMPEPHAGIDAE Cuckoo Shrikes 437. Campephaga flava Black Cuckoo Shrike 1081 LM NBR Uncommon and silent, frequenting forests, gallery forests and better woodland along the southern border, mainly at higher altitudes in January/February and September/October. Movements need clarification 438. Campephaga phoenicea Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrike 1083 R? LM BR (6) Fairly common from December to April, but otherwise uncommon frequenting better wooded savanna, mainly along the southern border but with records north to Wau and the Sobat River. More information is needed about movements and relationship to the Black Cuckoo Shrike 439. Campephaga quiscalina Purple-throated Cuckoo Shrike 1084 R? BR (4, 5) The race martini is fairly common and probably resident on Imatong in forest and secondary growth from 1600 to 2600m. Reported also from the Aloma Plateau and less certainly from Didinga Mts. 440. Coracina caesia Grey Cuckoo Shrike 1068 Rein : BR (8) The race pura is very common in the dry season on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts, inhabiting forest, forest edge and cultivation from 1600 to 2500m. 60 142. 143. Coracina pectoralis White-breasted Cuckoo Shrike 1085 R? LM BR C27). 3) ae common in better wooded savanna with tall trees southeast of Didinga - Rumbek - Wedweil, and also on the Boma Plateau. Possibly only a breeding migrant; recorded January - March and once September. Family PYCNONOTIDAE Bulbuls Andropadus curvirostris Cameroon Sombre Greenbul 774 R BR (2),/:8.) 10) The nominate race is a common forest resident up to 1600m on Imatong and in the gallery forests in Zande. Occasionally wanders to 2000m at Gilo in November/December. Andropadus gracilirostris Slender-billed Greenbul TTL R BR (8) The race congensis is a rather uncommon bird of forest canopy, occurring from Imatong to the Aloma Plateau and Zande up to 1600m. Andropadus latirostris Yellow-whiskered Greenbul 776 R BRL) Be oS 7): A common resident of forests up to 2700m from Didinga to Zande, but not recorded from Aza Forest. There is a distinct movement on Imatong where birds descend to lower altitude in April/May after breeding. Lowland birds west of the Nile breed in the rainy season. Andropadus virens Little Greenbul ine R ; Be (O10) The race holochlorus is a common resident of bowl and gallery forests west of the Nile at Aloma Plateau, Bengengai and Zande. . Baeopogon indicator Honeyguide Greenbul 751 R a NBR The nominate race is a fairly common resident of lowland and gallery forests along the southern border, reported from Imatong, the Aloma Plateau, Aza Forest and Bengengai. Usually confined to high tree tops. Bleda eximia Green-tailed Bristlebill 747 R NBR The race ugandae is fairly common, frequenting thick undergrowth in gallery and bowl forests at Bengengai. 8. Bleda syndactyla Bristle-bill | 746 R , BR GAG hs yy) Oy roy LOD The race woosnami is a common resident in lowland forest undergrowth on Imatong, the Aloma Plateau and at Bengengai. Chlorocichla flavicollis Yellow-throated Leaflove 749 R PRY) The race soror is a fairly common resident of green woodland along the Zaire border from Yei to Zande, showing a preference for Mango trees. Chlorocichla laetissima Joyful Greenbul 770 R Bre (3, 40) A fairly common though rather local resident of forest, forest edge and secondary growth on Imatong from 1000 - 2000m. 61 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. Chlorocichla simplex Simple Greenbul W 694 R? NBR A secretive species of dense lowland forest known only from Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982). Criniger calurus Red-tailed Greenbul 745 R NBR The race emini is known only from Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982), but is probably an uncommon resident of thick forest undergrowth elsewhere in Zande. Nicator chloris Nicator 1148 R BR CNS) The nominate race is a common resident of lowland bowl and gallery forests, recorded from Imatong, the Aloma Plateau, Yambio and Bengen- gai. Phyllastrephus albigularis White-throated Greenbul 761 R BR. (6 = 8) A common resident of lowland forest undergrowth up to about 1200m, at Imatong, Aza Forest and Bengengai. Not yet recorded from the Aloma Plateau. Phyllastrephus baumanni Toro Olive Greenbul 760 R BR (5) The race hypochloris appears to be a fairly common forest resident up to 1600m on the southern side of Imatong and on the Aloma Plateau. Phyllastrephus placidus Olive Mountain Greenbul 758 (treated as separate from P. fischeri) R BRy GL Sale) The race sucosus is a common resident of forested ravines and second- ary growth from 1400 to 2000m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Phyllastrephus scandens lLeaflove 750g R BR (10) The race orientalis is a fairly uncommon resident in better woodland and gallery forests along the Zaire border from the Aloma Plateau andy, Yei to Zande. Phyllastrephus strepitans Northern Brownbul 754 R? BR (emp | Uncommon, probably resident, frequenting thickets in wooded savanna and arid scrub country in the southeast from Juba and Lado to the Ethiopian border. Pycnonotus barbatus Common Bulbul 744° R BR (4 —'6) The race shoanus is a common resident in any type of habitat along the Ethiopian border. The other white-vented race arsinoe reaches South Sudan around Renk. Between Malakal and Renk and on the Jebel Marra the yellow and the white-vented forms occur together without interbreeding. Pycnonotus tricolor Yellow-vented Bulbul 742 R BR Ga, 8 1 TO) A common resident in most types of habitat, although uncommon in the 62 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. gee ise re SO a Ns a Sudd, and replaced by the White-vented Bulbul along the Ethiopian border. North of Malakal both species are found together. Family TURDIDAE Thrushes, Robins etc. Alethe diademata Fire-crested Alethe 901 R NBR The race woosnami is fairly common in gallery forests and forest edge at Bengengai. Alethe poliocephala Brown-chested Alethe 903 R BR. (1-3) The race giloensis is a common resident in Imatong up to 2500m. Lowland birds move to higher altitude in the dry season. Cercomela familiaris Red-tailed Chat 871 Rie, : BR (1) An uncommon and very local resident on rocky hills with open woodland. The nominate race is recorded from Boro River, from Wau to Tambura and from Boya Hills, while Boma birds are assigned to omoensis. Cercomela scotocerea Brown-tailed Rock Chat 870 The race turkana should occur in the arid rocky bushland of the Ilemi Triangle. Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous Bush Chat 934 PM LM? | NBR | The nominate race is an uncommon winter visitor to dry Acacia shrub and open woodland as far south as Malakal. Cercotrichas leucophrys White-browed Scrub Robin 910/911 R? LM NBR (12) The white-winged race leucoptera is a breeding resident in dry Acacia shrub country in the southeast. In the dry season some wander west to Lado where they meet the red-backed race zambesiana. The latter is recorded from Lado (Sept.), Raffile (Sept.), Yei (Nov.), and Kajo Kaji. Cercotrichas podobe Black Bush Robin 916 Should occur in dry Acacia shrub around Renk. Cichladusa guttata Spotted Morning Thrush 909 R ane BR (4) The nominate race is a common resident in thick dry bushland along the Nile, east of it north to the Sobat River, and rarely west to Wau. Cossypha albicapilla White-crowned Robin Chat ; 891 R NBR The race omoensis is a fairly common resident in better wooded savanna and green bushes on Boma Hills. Cossypha caffra Robin Chat 893 R . BR’ (1 73) The race iolaema occurs as a common resident of secondary growth and forest above 1600m on Imatong, and more rarely on the Dongotona and Didinga Mts. 63 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. Cossypha cyanocampter Blue-shouldered Robin Chat 889 R BR (10) The race bartteloti is a rather uncommon resident on Imatong frequent- ing thick damp forest undergrowth at Gilo, Upper Talanga and Lotti. Cossypha heuglini White-browed Robin Chat 884 R BRS) The nominate race iS a common resident in well wooded savanna south of the Sobat and Bahr-el-Arab Rivers. Cossypha natalensis Red-capped Robin Chat 890 LM? AM BRE Ch i eyes) The race garguensis is seasonally common in lowland forests from Imatong to Bengengai, arriving at the beginning of March, breeding in the rainy season and leaving about October. Birds from Didinga and Boma represent a different population which probably stays from November to May and breeds in January/February. Cossypha niveicapilla Snowy-headed Robin Chat 892 Re Me BRUCSt ie A fairly common but local species of forest edge and dense vegetation near streams. ‘Recorded southwest. of Torit)- Lado -— Wau = Katia Kingi: Cossypha semirufa, Rtippell's Robin Chat 885 R? LM? NBR The nominate race has only once been recorded, in thick damp scrub at Boma in November (C & MacD 1955). Dryocichloides poliopterus Grey-winged Ground Robin 887 Rice oobi NBR The nominate race is a fairly common but very local bird of thick forest undergrowth near water up to 1800m. Possibly only a non- breeding visitor to Imatong and the Aloma Plateau from July to October. Luscinia luscinia Sprosser 992 PMP A little noticed Palaearctic autumn passage migrant east of the Nile. Recorded only once, in dense Acacia thicket east of Torit in November (pers): obs.) . Luscinia megarhynchos Nightingale 32H PM | The nominate race is an uncommon Palaearctic visitor from November to early April, frequenting thickets in better wooded savanna and winter- ing south of Boro River - Tonj - Lado — Kapoeta. Luscinia suecica Bluethroat 919 Could occur in thickets near water along the northern boundary. Monticola rufocinerea Little Rock Thrush 853 LM? NBR 4 The nominate race has been recorded from the Imatong and Didinga Mts. between November and March, from open slopes with scattered trees at about 2000 m. There are no recent records. 64 | »” 478. 479. Monticola saxatilis Rock Thrush 850 PMW PMP? i An uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor to rocky hills in open savanna from December to March, mainly south of Boma - Amadi - Wau - Boro River. Even though there is a marked autumn movement in North Sudan from September to November, passage is not noticed in the South. Monticola solitarius Blue Rock Thrush 851 This Palaearctic species is to be expected in the arid rocky country round Renk. Myrmecocichla nigra Sooty Chat . 880 me. LN NBR 480. 481. Uncommon in open bushed tree savanna from Wau to Tambura in August/ September and from Maridi to Kajo Kaji and Opari in July, September, December and March/April. Oenanthe bottae Red-breasted Wheatear 867 R? LM AM? NBR The race heuglini is seasonally very common on open short grass plains, and very partial to burnt grass patches. Movements are not clear. All records are from east of the Nile. Occurrence in the east and northeast is from December to February and probably involves North Sudan breeders, but May/June records from the extreme southeast could involve a population moving south to Uganda. Oenanthe deserti Desert Wheatear 857 PMW The nominate race is a regular Palaearctic winter visitor in December/ January to open arid country south to Renk. . Oenanthe hispanica Black-eared Wheatear 858 PMW The race melanoleuca is a fairly common winter visitor to semi-arid ‘open grassland and bushland south to Malakal from December to February; once recorded from Lado in December. Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline Wheatear 855 PMW A common Palaearctic winter visitor, mainly east of the Nile, where it tends to frequent drier open grassland habitat than the Northern Wheatear. No distinct passage is noticeable. Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear sng 854 PMW PMP? The most common Palaearctic wheatear, wintering throughout in suitable open grassland and bush habitat from September to the beginning of April (mainly November --March). Passage, though expected, is not noticeable. The nominate race and libanotica occur, the latter probably more restricted to the North Sudan. Oenanthe pleschanka Pied Wheatear 859 PMW PMP? The nominate race is an uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor to the semi-arid southeast in open rocky grassland. Recorded from Lado and Torit in December, Kapoeta in December and January and along the Kenya border in November, December and January. 65 486. 487. 488. 489, 490. 491. 492. 493. 494, Pentholaea albifrons White-fronted Black Chat 874 R? LM NBR The race clericalis is an uncommon dry season visitor to open grassy woodland from November to March, recorded from Yei to Torit and from Lado to Kajo Kaji. Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart ey, PMW The nominate race is a common Palaearctic winter visitor throughout in any type of woodland, from October to early April. The white-winged samamisicus has been collected near Wau in January and at Yei in November. Pogonocichla stellata White-starred Forest Robin OI Sm R NBR The race pallidiflava is a common resident on Imatong, but uncommon on the Dongotona and Didinga Mts. It frequents forest above 2000m. Saxicola rubetra Whinchat 883 PMW PMP A common Palaearctic passage migrant throughout from October to December and in March/early April in any open grassy habitat. Some regularly winter along the southern border south of 6°N. Saxicola torguata Stonechat 882 | R * PMW? BR (4) The race albofasciata is a common resident on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting open grassland above 1800m.. Palaearctic winter visitors (variegatus) could occur in the extreme north. Sheppardia aequatorialis Equatorial Akalat 898 R BR iA Ae) The race acholiensis is a common resident of primary forest undergrpwt! on Imatong above 1800m, breeding in the dry season. Stiphrornis erythrothorax Forest Robin 900 R? NBR The race xanthogaster is recorded from Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982). It appears to be an uncommon resident of forest undergrowth. Stizorhina fraseri Rufous Thrush 810 R? NBR The race vulpina is an apparently uncommon species of gallery forest, | where it perches on branches overhanging rivers. Recorded only from the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai (Cave & MacDonald 1955). Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris Cliff Chat 876, 87E Riis NBR A rather uncommon and local species of rocky hills and cliffs. The race subrufipennis has been recorded from Boma, Jebel Kasangor, Jebel Lado and Kajo Kaji, while coronatus has its southern limits at Boro River. 66 495. 496. 497. 498. Turdus abyssinicus Olive Thrush , 841 R ; BR (1 - 4) The nominate race is a common resident on Imatong, frequenting forest, forest edge and secondary growth above 1600 m. Also reported from the Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Turdus fischeri Spotted Ground Thrush 846 R? NBR A single example of a newly described race maxis was netted on Imatong in November 1979 in the Lotti primary lowland forest (Nikolaus 1982a). Turdus pelios African Thrush 840 R BR (ft = 3) A common resident in low altitude woodland throughout. Two races occur: pelios north of about Tambura - Shambe - Baro River and centralis south of this line. Turdus piaggiae Abyssinian Ground Thrush 845 R BR (7) An uncommon resident near damp forest streams at higher altitudes. The nominate race is recorded from Boma, and hadii from the Imatong and Doncgotona Mts. Family SYLVIIDAE Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler 943 PMP A rare Palaearctic passage migrant; only twice recorded, both birds in early April at Gilo (pers. obs.). Probably overflies, at least in autumn, as it is fairly common in North Sudan during September/October. Acrocephalus baeticatus African Reed Warbler 946 R? _ LM? NBR The race cinnamomeus is rare but widely distributed in any kind of tall grass and reeds. Recorded from Wau (February), Juba (January), Lado and Bahr-el-Zeraf. These could be non-breeding visitors from Jebel Marra. Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp Warbler 957 R NBR The race jacksoni is uncommon in reeds and tall grass over water; sometimes also in papyrus. Recorded along the Nile from Malakal to Juba. ‘Acrocephalus griseldis Basra Reed Warbler 943 PMP A rare Palaearctic autumn passage migrant, caught once in late August at Juba in tall reed along the Nile (Nikolaus 1979a). Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler 945 Not recorded, but it should occur along the Ethiopian border as an autumn passage migrant. Acrocephalus rufescens Greater Swamp Warbler 955 R NBR The race niloticus is a common resident in the papyrus vegetation of the Sudd, less common in reeds over water. Reported from Maridi, Juba -and near Torit. 67 504. S05: 506. 507K 508 SOLS SlO}e Shy SAS preference for Albizia. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler 947 PMW PMP There are very few records of this Palaearctic migrant, from reedbeds along the Nile at Lado and Juba (October, November, January, April) and from dense bush vegetation beside water at Gilo (January, March, September). It is perhaps more common in the reed and sedge vegetation of the Sudd than available records indicate. Acrocephalus scirpaceus Reed Warbler 944 | PMW PMP Little recorded, but probably not. uncommon as a Palaearctic winter visitor and autumn passage migrant to reeds, tall grass and Acacia bushland. All available records are from the Nile valley and east of it from October to March. Most are assignable to the race fuscus, but nominate birds also occur. Apalis cinerea Grey Apalis SPE R BR C2 aed) The nominate race is common on the Didinga, Dongotona and Imatong Mts., mainly on forest edges above 1800m, favouring large Acacias. Apalis flavida Yellow-breasted Apalis 979/980 | R NBR | An uncommon species represented by two races: malensis in the dry stony acacia grassland of the extreme southeast, and caniceps in low bushy grassland at Tambura and Mbili near Wau. Apalis jacksoni Black-throated Apalis 982 R - NBR The nominate race is uncommon on the Didinga and Imatong Mts. above 1900m, frequenting the tops of large forest trees, with a marked Apalis pulchra Black-collared Apalis 97 7m R BR (Ae vain perc co lia The nominate race is very common on Imatong in dense thickets above 1800 m. Apalis rufogularis Buff-throated Apalis 972) R? NBR The race nigricens is apparently rare, and known only from the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai, where it frequents large forest trees. Bathmocercus rufus Black-faced Rufous Warbler 1053m R BR (7) | The race vulpinus is fairly common on Imatong above 1800m and on the Aloma Plateau, frequenting dense thickets and forest undergrowth bordering rivers - Bradypterus alfredi Bamboo Warbler 951 R NBR Uncommon and recorded only at Gilo in grassy secondary growth. Quite often noticed after a large fire had damaged most of the low vegetatio in che rareac) |W Nikolaus) igo 2)i. \ \ 68 513. Bradypterus baboecala Little Rush Warbler 948 R NBR An apparently local and uncommon resident in reedbeds, papyrus and tall floating grass in the Sudd. The race sudanensis is described from Lake No; otherwise there is but a single record from Juba. 514. Bradypterus cinnamomeus Cinnamon Bracken Warbler 952 R BR (5) The race cavei is a very common resident in dense forest shrubbery and thick secondary growth on the Imatong and Dongotona Mts. above p » «1800 m. 515. Camaroptera brevicaudata Grey-backed Camaroptera 1011 | R Seta 2 Fy 10), 1h) _ he race abbessinica is very common throughout in any type of thick bush vegetation. North of Renk it is replaced by the nominate race. 516. Camaroptera chloronota Olive-green Camaroptera 1010 | R , : BR (2, 3) The race toroensis is known only from Bengengai, where it frequents forest undergrowth and is possibly not uncommon (Traylor & Archer 1982). Camaroptera superciliaris Yellow-browed Camaroptera 1012 A lowland forest species; a record from Kombo in the extreme southeast needs confirmation. i517. Camaroptera simplex Grey Wren Warbler . 968 R? NBR The nominate race is fairly common in the extreme southeast, frequenting thicker bushes in dry Acacia grassland. : 8. Chloropeta natalensis Yellow Warbler 805 - RR | BR (6) The race massaica is a rare resident of tall grass savanna, often near water; recorded from the Imatong foothills west to Maridi. 519. Chloropeta similis Mountain Yellow Warbler 806 ; R BR 4, 10) A common resident on Imatong in forest undergrowth, forest edge and secondary growth above 1800m; rare on the Didinga and Dongatona Mts. CISTICOLAS : All the Cisticola species seem to perform local movements to Some extent in response to seasonal changes in habitat. They all breed ring the rainy season. O. Cisticola aberrans Rock-loving Cisticola 1027 R- NBR The race petrophila is restricted to open rocky grassland at high altitude on the Imatong and Dongotona Mts. where it is fairly common. 1. Cisticola ayresii Wing-snapping Cisticola 1019 R : BR (4 - 6) The race imatong is a fairly common resident in the Imatong Mts. on meadows above 2000m. 522. Cisticola bodessa Boran Cisticola 1024a gern ; NBR Fairly common in tall grass savanna on the Boma Hills, where it is often conspicuous singing from tall trees. These birds are best assigned to the race caffaensis. 69 Sy23) 524. DZ 6. Bais DNS) ¢ 529). 530. Ssh 532): Cisticola brachyptera Siffling Cisticola 1037 R BR (7) Rather uncommon in dense tall grassland with scattered trees. The nominate race is recorded from the southern border, Boro River, Chak- Chak, Wau and Tonga; birds from Boma are nearer to the race sedlitzi. Cisticola cantans Singing Cisticola 1031 R? LM? BR (7) The race concolor is fairly common but rather local in better wooded thick grassland, often near rivers. Distributed from Gogrial south to Tambura and east to Didinga. Found breeding at Yei where the race belli has also been recorded. Cisticola chiniana Rattling Cisticola 1024 R BR (Gras) The race fricki is fairly common, frequenting Acacia grassland south- east of Boma-Bor-Yei. A record from Wau needs confirmation. Cisticola cinereola Ashy Cisticola 1042 R? LM? BR (12) | Only once recorded, possibly as a breeding visitor to Acacia short grassland on the Kenya border (Nikolaus 1979). Cisticola erythrops Red-faced Cisticola 1032 Reon aM NBR Locally common in better wooded or bushed thick grassland, often near rivers. The race pyrhomitra is reported from Boma, Maridi (February) and Gilo (July to April). The race sylvia is recorded from Tambura (February), Yambio (May), Maridi (January) and Tapari River (February) The status of the two races, and the relationship to the Singing Cisticola, where both species occur, is not clear. Cisticola eximia Black-backed Cisticola 1021 The nominate race is recorded rather locally in short open grassland from Aweil, Ayod region, Boma Plains and Kajo Kaji. Cisticola galactotes Winding Cisticola 10335 R BR AG 69) The race marginata is very common along the Nile and in the Sudd, frequenting papyrus and reeds and always associated with water bound vegetation. Other records are from Tarangole (Koss River), Yambio (Sue River), Wau (Sue River), Raga (Lol River) and Bahr-el-Arab. Cisticolanjuncidis 4Lctring Cristicola 101€ Re aelaMie BRC a i) clO 20) The race uropygialis is common in short grassland along the Nile and east of it, but uncommon to the west. Cisticola lateralis Whistling Cisticola 102 R? BR (7) The race antinorii is fairly common in well wooded grassland and low altitude forest edge from Didinga to Benengai and the Boro-Riki River The type was described from Jur River. Cisticola nana Tiny Cisticola 104 R? NBR Recorded only once, in dry thornbush savanna along the Kenya border (Macdonald & Cave 1948). 70 508. 534. 535s 36. Cisticola natalensis Croaking Cisticola 1036 Re, dab? NBR Locally. common in open tall grassland with scattered bushes. Three races occur: argentea along the Ethiopian border south of Boma and strangei west of about 33 E. North of Lake No and the Sobat the latter is replaced by the race tonga. Cisticola robusta Stout Cisticola 1035 R? NBR There is a single record of the race nuchalis from tall grass savanna at Shambe (Macdonald & Cave 1948). The status of this species needs elaritication. Cisticola ruficeps Red-pate Cisticola 1043 R if BR (7 =) 10) A common species along the Nile, frequenting thornbush savanna and sometimes open wooded grassland; uncommon elsewhere. The race mongalla is replaced by scotoptera north of Lake No and the Sobat River. Cisticola troglodytes Foxy Cisticola 1038 R BR C4 hy oD Common in grass savanna, and often associated with ironstone country. The nominate race occurs throughout except along (Ae Ethiopian border where it is replaced by ferruginea. Drymocichla incana Red-winged Grey Warbler 994 R : NBR Rare, and only recorded from Kajo Kaji, Yei, Maridi, Lado, Wau and the Boro River, mainly in thick bushes fringing rivers in open grass savanna. Eminia lepida Grey-capped Warbler ~~ 393 R BR (11) Common on the Imatongs in dense damp undergrowth above 1600m. Eremomela badiceps Brown-crowned Eremomela 1007 Rae NBR The nominate race (latukae rejected by Traylor 1982) is fairly common on the Imatongs, frequenting large lowland forest trees. Eremomela icteropygialis Yellow-bellied Eremomela 1003 R NBR Uncommon in dry savanna scrub. The race griseoflava occurs southeast of Juba - Lado, while alexanderi is reported from Renk and Wau. Eremomela pusilla Green-backed Eremomela 1005 R BRC2 ye By The race canescens occurs fairly commonly throughout in any type of savanna at low altitude Heliolais erythroptera Red-winged Warbler 1050 Brwt NBR The race jodoptera is a very local bird of open bushed grassland recorded along the southern border from Li Rangu to Torit and from Wau. 71 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550) 5S Le ‘The race hypochondriacus has been collected at Bengengai (Traylor & Hippolais icterina Icterine Warbler 935 Not yet recorded, but expected as a Palaearctic migrant in open woodland. Hippolais languida Upcher's Warbler 93.9 Possibly a rare Palaearctic autumn passage migrant, with a single record from Mongalla (Cave & Macdonald 1955) which could not be traced. Confirmation is needed. Hippolais pallida Olivaceous Warbler 938 PMW PMP The Palaearctic race eleica is a locally abundant winter visitor from August to March in Acacia savanna along the Nile and east of it, but uncommon to rare in the west. The nominate race from Egypt winters south to Malakal from October to February. Hylia prasina Green Hylia 128 R ; BR C1) The nominate race is fairly common in thick lowland forest undergrowth on Imatong, the Aloma Plateau and at Bengengai Locustella luscinioides Savi's Warbler 939 PMW A seldom recorded but perhaps not uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor to the Sudd south to Juba, frequenting tall grass, reeds and bushes near water. The nominate race has been found, but fusca could also OCCU Macrosphenus flavicans Yellow Longbill 1014 R BR (3) Archer 1982). A species of dense forest undergrowth and creepers. Parisoma lugens Brown Parisoma 939 R? LM? BR (7) The race jacksoni is rare, recorded only from the Imatong and Didinga Mts., where it has been found in large Acacia trees in well wooded grassland up to 2000 m. Phyllolais pulchella Buff-bellied Warbler O95 R? NBR | Fairly common along the Nile and to the east, frequenting tall trees in Acacia savanna. Elsewhere reported only from Maridi and Gorgrial. | Phylloscopus bonelli' Bonelli's Warbler 96: PMW The race orientalis winters rarely south to Malakal in dry Acacia bust land. Phylloscopus collybita Chiffchaff 96() PMW The race abietinus is a fairly common Palaearctic winter visitor from December to’ March to the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. and the Boma Hills, frequenting forest edges and bushes, mainly above 1800m. Phyltoscopus|sibilabrix, ‘waod warbler 96 PMW PMP? ; An apparently rare Palaearctic visitor from late September to early April to forest edges near the southern border. Recorded only from Bengengai and Imatong (M.A. Traylor in litt.). 72 552. B5'3., 554. 35 556. Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 959 PMP PMW? There are surprisingly few records of this Palaearctic migrant, all from Wau and the region between Juba and Lake Turkana between Sept- ember and January. There is no evidence of wintering or of spring passage. Birds are referable to the race acredula. Phylloscopus umbrovirens Brown Woodland Warbler ; 964 R BR (4, 6, 8) A fairly common resident of highland forest and forest edge above 1800m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Prinia leucopogon White-chinned Prinia 1048 R Bh (4).°o 2 = 12) The race reichenowi is a common resident on the Imatong in forest and secondary growth. Also recorded from Bengengai. Prinia somalica Pale Prinia 1046 R BR (12) The race erlangeri is a fairly common resident in the dry Acacia scrub country of the extreme southeast, east of Kapoeta. Prinia subflava Tawny-flanked Prinia 1045 Rr BR (7 - .10) The nominate race is common in any kind of savanna except north of Lake No and the Sobat River where it is replaced by deserti and in the -arid extreme southeast where the species is*replaced by P. somalica. Schoenicola platyura Fan-tailed Warbler 969 R? NBR A species of tall moist grassland. There are only four records of the race alexinae, from Gazelle River (type), Nagishot/Didinga, Lotti Forest and Gilo. _ Sphenoeacus mentalis Moustached Warbler on LOSE R? NBR The nominate race is locally common in tall grass savanna southwest of Raga - Wau - Bor - Imatong and at Boma near the Ethiopian border. Spiloptila rufifrons Red-fronted Warbler 987 Relies: BR. (1/2) Recorded only from the extreme southeast in dry Acacia scrub. Birds are probably referable to the race smithii. Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 926 PMW PMP? The nominate race is a very common Palaearctic winter visitor to the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting green bush vegetation and forest above 1600m from October.to April. Not recorded elsewhere even though it should occur on passage. Birds ringed at Imatong have m@ been recovered in Sweden and Lebanon. ; ‘Sylvia borin Garden Warbler 925 PMP A regular Palaearctic passage migrant, from September to November in wooded savanna near Wau and in the Yei - Lado - Didinga - Imatong area. On Imatong it occurs in secondary vegetation around Gilo from September to December and also from late February to the beginning of May . 13 562. Sylvia communis Whitethroat 92 PMW PMP A rather uncommon Palaearctic winter visitor and passage migrant to dry woodland, favouring thorny vegetation. Recorded from late Augus to early April. Wintering birds are all of the nominate race, while | many passage birds are icterops or volgensis. | 563. Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat 92 PMW The nominate race winters commonly from late September to late Feb- ruary/early March in thornbush vegetation north of 10°N; occasionally recorded south to Juba. 564. Sylvia hortensis Orphean Warbler 92 PMW The race crassirostris is a rare Palaearctic visitor to Acacia thicke south to Melut between September and February. The main wintering ar is in North Sudan. 565. Sylvia nisoria Barred Warbler 93 ?PMP Four very fat birds were netted in mid February in Acacia woodland near Melut. The only other record is of a bird in late October near” Wau (M. Rae). This species is a common passsage migrant in North Suc 566. Sylvietta brachyura Crombec 99g R BR (ti jar2, “Ay Syme ey eee Common throughout in any kind of savanna. The nominate race occurs 4 low altitude throughout except in the arid southeast where it is replaced by leucopsis. Birds ranging to 2400m on Imatong would be dilutior if this race proves to be valid. 567. Sylvietta virens Green Crombec 10C R BR (10) The race baraka is a rather uncommon resident of lowland forest thickets, from Bengengai and Lotti Forest/Imatong. 568. Sylvietta whytii Red-faced Crombec | R BR (27 ale) The race abayensis is rather uncommon and confined to the extreme southeast where it frequents better bush vegetation in acacia short grass savanna. Family MUSCICAPIDAE Flycatchers Sub-family Muscicapinae 569. Artomyias fuliginosa Sooty Flycatcher 8¢ Re NBR Recorded only twice, from the Aloma Plateau (Macdonald & Cave 1948). 570. Bradornis microrhynchus Grey Flycatcher 793/T7S R? LM BR (2) The race neumanni iS uncommon in dry bush savanna west to Juba and Lado and north to Jebel Kasangor. All records are from the dry season. 74 B71. B72. Bradornis pallidus Pale Flycatcher 792 R? LM? BR (1) The nominate race is uncommon but occurs, perhaps as a non-breeding dry season visitor, in the open wooded savanna west of Malakal - Ayod - Juba. The only rainy season records are from the Zaire border region. Two other races occur: parvus on the Boma Hills and murinus on the Didinga Mts. above 1500m. Empidornis semipartitus Silverbird 801 R NBR A common resident in Acacia savanna and semi-arid bushland northeast of a line from Kajo Kaji to Aweil. Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher 779/780 PMP PMW? A rare and little recorded Palaearctic visitor to better wooded Savanna. The race semitorquata has been collected at Kajo Kaji (February), Taufika (April) and recently by Traylor at Gilo and Bengengai (March). Melaenornis chocolatina White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher 796 R BRO 2 iy 3) The race fischeri is a common resident on the Imatong, pene end and Didinga Mts., frequenting forest edge and secondary growth above 1600m. Melaenornis edoliodes Black Flycatcher 798 R BR (4) The race lugubris is a fairly common resident southwest of Boro River - Gogrial - Lado - Didinga Mts., where it inhabits well wooded Savanna and gardens. Also recorded from Boma Muscicapa adusta Dusky Flycatcher 781 6: oes BRT SZ) The race pumila is a very common resident on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting open highland forest and secondary growth above 1800m. Muscicapa aquatica Swamp Flycatcher 782 R BR (4) A species of reed, bush and papyrus vegetation near swamps and rivers, where it is locally common. The race infulata occurs along the Nile south of Malakal, while the West African nominate race is recorded from Boro River, Wau and Raffile. Muscicapa caerulescens Ashy Flycatcher 785 R NBR The race brevicaudata is an uncommon resident in the foothill forests ‘of Imatong. Also recorded from Zande. Muscicapa comitata Dusky Blue Flycatcher 803 R? NBR The race stuhlmanni has been recorded only once, from gallery forest on the Aloma Plateau (Macdonald & Cave 1948). Muscicapa gambagae Gambaga Flycatcher 778 R? LM? ) NBR Recorded from open savanna at Lado in panary (Nikolaus), Mvolo in March (B.M.). 75 Sis) 6 SVS 5 StS) 584. 585; 586. 5872 588. 5895 590: Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher 778 PMP A common Palaearctic passage migrant from mid-October to early December in open woodland or wooded savanna. A few pass northwards between mid-March and mid- April. Two races occur: the nominate race passes mainly west of the Nile while neumanni is predominant east of i Myioparus plumbeus lLead-coloured Flycatcher 788 R BR (E2) The nominate race is a fairly common savanna resident southwest of Gogrial = Ber! Dildinga. Sub-family Platysteirinae Batis minor Black-headed Batis 820 R NBR The race erlangeri is fairly common throughout, especially in well- wooded savanna and large Acacia trees along the Nile. Batis molitor Chinspot Batis 817 R NBR Apparently confined to the Didinga Mts., where it is a fairly common resident of secondary growth and well wooded grassland. Batis orientalis Grey-headed Batis 81k R. NBR Fairly common in open wooded grassland. Two races occur: the nomina along the Ethiopian border with records confined to the Torit - Imato: - Didinga area, and chadensis west of the Nile, extending eastwards t Lado and Renk. Batis perkeo Pygmy Batis 81 R? NBR | Recorded only from the Natoporuputh Hills where it is not uncommon in dry Acacia scrub (Nikolaus 1973). Bias musicus Black and White Flycatcher 81 R? NBR The nominate race is known only from Bengengai where it is a rare forest species (Macdonald & Cave 1948; Traylor). Hyliota flavigaster Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 8) R NBR The nominate race is a fairly common resident, frequenting tree tops in better wooded savanna southwest of Gogrial - Yei - Imatong and around Boma. . Megabyas flammulata Shrike Flycatcher 8 R? NBR The race aequatorialis is known only from Bengengai, where it appear to be an uncommon resident in both primary and secondary forests. Platysteira blissetti Jameson's Wattle-eye R BR (1) The race jamesoni is a rare resident of dense vegetation in bowl forests at Lotti (Imatong), the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai. 76 591. ao 2 a Platysteira castanea Chestnut Wattle-eye 824 Roe BR (6, 8) The nominate race is known as a common resident in thick gallery forest at Bengengai and in lowland forest at Imatong. Platysteira cyanea Wattle-eye "G22 R : Be NM tag eg 2) The race nyanzae is a fairly common resident southwest of Didinga - Lado - Wau - Boro River, frequenting gallery forests and forest clearings up to 2000m. The race aethiopica occurs on the Boma Hills. Sub-family Monarchinae Erranornis longicauda Blue Flycatcher 827 R 3 BR (3) The race teresita is a common but local resident of gallery forest and forest edges up to 2000m,. recorded southwest of Imatong - Rumbek - ‘Boro River. Terpsiphone viridis Paradise Flycatcher 832 R? LM AM NBR The race ferreti (incl. speciosa) is common throughout in any woodland and forest up to 2200m. Status needs further clarification: in the forests along the southern border there are records for most months, but elsewhere it occurs from September to April, probably migrating to breed in the North Sudan during the rainy season. The southern African migratory race plumbeiceps was once collected in July on the Aloma Plateau (Nikolaus 1982). Trochocercus nigromitratus Dusky Crested Flycatcher 831 R? NBR Recorded only from Bengengai in March (Traylor & Archer 1982). A species of forest undergrowth and secondary bush. Trochocercus nitens Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher 830 R? : NBR? The nominate race is known only from Bengengai where a single bird was collected in March (Traylor & Archer 1982). A bird of forest under- growth. Family MOTACILLIDAE Wagtails, Pipits, Longclaws Anthus campestris Tawny Pipit 702 PMW The nominate race is a rare Palaearctic winter visitor, recorded in January from Juba (pers. observ.). Anthus cervinus Red-throated Pipit Fas PMW A common Palaearctic winter visitor on wet short grassland throughout, from late October to March. Most numerous along the Nile and in the Sudd region. Anthus leucophrys Plain-backed Pipit 704 R? LM? NBR The race zenkeri is uncommon, frequenting savanna with scattered trees and bushes in better wooded parts of the south-west; recorded from Didinga, the Kajo Kaji - Lado - Yei area and from Wau to Raffili. The race omoensis may occur along the Ethiopian border. 77 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. Anthus novaeseelandiae Richard's Pipit 706 Vey ~ Me NBR A rare visitor, known only from Kajo Kaji (Brown 1931) and Mongalla. These birds have been assigned to cinnamomeus. Anthus similis Long-billed Pipit 703 V2 LM? NBR The race hararensis has only once been recorded, in dry rocky country in the Natoporoputh Hills in the extreme southeast (Macdonald & Cave 1948). Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit 708 PMW PMP The nominate race is a common Palaearctic passage migrant throughout, and occasionally winters in well wooded savanna, forest edge and cultivation up to 3000m; occasionally in late September and October, but mainly from November to April. Macronyx croceus Yellow-throated Longclaw 716 R? LM? BR (10) The nominate race is locally common along the southern border from Imatong to Tambura, and in the Sudd, frequenting damper grassland and grassy swamps. Recorded from Juba, Lado, Meshra er Req and Lake No. Motacilla aguimp African Pied Wagtail 691 R LM? NBR The race vidua is a locally common resident of streams, swamps and waterholes at low altitude, not recorded from the arid extreme south- east, the Sudd or the region northwest of Wau. Motacilla alba White Wagtail 690 PMW The nominate race is an uncommon but regular winter visitor in small numbers, mainly from November to early March. Commoner towards the north; this is a common wintering species in the North Sudan. Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail 694 PMW PMP A common Palaearctic visitor from September to April on forest edges and along rivers up to 3000m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Small numbers of passage birds occur throughout, mainly from late August to November and from late February to April. One ringed as a pullus in the USSR (43°45'N, 40°00'E) was controlled at Gilo in November. Motacilla clara Mountain Wagtail 692 There is one record of 'white wagtails' in July on forest roads in the Imatongs (Imatong Tea Project). This could well refer to the occur- rence of Mountain Wagtails. Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail 695, 697-700 PMW PMP A common winter visitor and passage migrant up to 2000m throughout, frequenting savanna, Swamps, cultivation and towns, often in association with cattle. Two main races occur: the blue-headed flava is common throughout from late September to March, whilst the black- headed feldegg is almost always associated with swamps and wet grass-— land, arriving in mid October. Other types have been reported: 78 yellow-headed lutea at Maridi in March, grey-headed thunbergi on spring passage at Gilo in April, black-headed superciliaris at Wau in October and blue-headed birds with dark ear coverts (? dombrowskii ) ' near Malakal in February. 008. 609. 610. 611. 612. 236 14. 5. Tmetothylacus tenellus Golden Pipit 715 ‘R? LM? NBR Uncommon and probably only a dry season visitor to the extreme south- east frequenting arid grassy Acacia scrub. Recorded from Kapoeta, Jebel Kathangor and Boma. Family MALACONOTIDAE Bush Shrikes Dryoscopus angolensis Pink-footed Puffback 1132 R BR (6) The race nandensis is an uncommon resident of the Imatong primary forests, ranging up to at least 2400m. It could occur on the Aloma Plateau. Dryoscopus gambensis Puffback 1131 R_ LM? Be (2. £2) The race Malzacii is fairly common, frequenting large trees in better wooded savanna southwest of Didinga - Lado - Tonj - Wedweil. It is regular on Didinga up to 2000m, and presumed wanderers have been observed at Gilo/Imatong in December. The race erythreae occurs in Similar habitat along the Ethiopian border. Laniarius barbarus Black-headed Gonolek 1119 R BR tGy. 7) The race erythrogaster is a common resident in any type of wooded Savanna throughout except the forest regions of Zande. Birds in the Papyrus swamps of the Sudd are assigned to this species, but this needs confirmation for in East African papyrus swamps it is replaced by L. mufumbiri. Laniarius ferrugineus Tropical Boubou £225 R BR (6 - 9) The race major is a common resident in well wooded savanna southwest of Didinga - Rumbek - Wedweil, while aethiopicus is found along the Ethiopian border . Laniarius funebris Slate-coloured Boubou i121 R BR (10) A fairly common resident in the arid country southeast of Torit, preferring thick bushland and Acacia scrub. Laniarius leucorhynchys Sooty Boubou 1122 R NBR Recorded only from dense secondary forest at Bengengai. Probably a rare resident elsewhere in Zande. Laniarius luehderi Liihder's Bush Shrike 1127 R BR. (€1.=. 354, 14-— 12) The nominate race is an uncommon resident on the Aloma Plateau, but is common on Imatong up to 2800m, frequenting thick forest under- growth and dense vegetation in forest clearings. oe, 616. 6L7. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. Malaconotus blanchoti Grey-headed Bush Shrike 1144 Re EAA) NBR The race catharoxanthus is rather uncommon but widely distributed in better wooded savanna southwest of Didinga - Lado - Rumbek - Raga. Malaconotus sulfureopectus Sulphur-breasted Bush Shrike 1138 Rie Mie BRS, 9) The race similis is fairly common in better wooded savanna along the southern border. It is also reported from Boma, Wau, Boro and Riki River. There might be some northward movement during the rains. Nilaus afer Northern Brubru 1098 R BR ao el) Fairly common and probably resident throughout in open tree savanna, bushland and arid Acacia savanna. The race minor replaces the nominate race in the arid extreme southeast. Rhodophoneus cruentus Rosy-patched Shrike 1147 R NBR Uncommon and only known from arid open low thorn-scrub country near the Kenya border. Tchagra australis Brown-headed Tchagra 1134 R LM? BR (12) | The race emini is locally common in secondary growth, forest edge and gallery forest up to 2200m along the southern border. Recorded from the Didinga and Imatong Mts., Maridi and Bengengai, and north to at least the Tapari River near Amadi. Tchagra jamesi Three-streaked Tchagra L135 R BR Cu2)) The nominate race is confined to the arid extreme southeast where it is fairly common in thick scrub. Tchagra minuta Black-capped Tchagra 11369 R BR (10) The nominate race is an uncommon resident of tall wet grassland, forest edge and swamps, including papyrus. Recorded along the southern border from Imatong to Zande and from Boma, Bor, Wau, Malakall and Lake No. Tchagra senegala Black-headed Tchagra 11334 R BR (5, 9) : | Common at low altitude in any kind of woodland with thickets and bushes, including gardens and forest edges. Four races occur: | remigialis in the extreme north round Renk, habessinica east of the Nile south of Malakal, notha west of the Nile and armena in the extreme southeast from Kapoeta to the Natoporuputh Hills. Family LANIIDAE Shrikes | ; | Corvinella corvina Yellow-billed Shrike 11174 R NBR The race affinis is a fairly common resident in better wooded savanna and bushland southwest of Didinga - Lado - Rumbek - Wedweil; usually in small parties. The status and validity of the races togoensis, caliginosa and chapini need clarification. 80 625. 626. 627 .. 628. 629. 630. 631. B32, 633. Lanius collaris Fiscal 1104 R j BR (5, 6) Fairly common resident in better wooded savanna and on forest edges up to at least 2000m. The race humeralis occurs east of the Nile on Imatong, Dongotona, Didinga and Boma and smithii west of the Nile from Kajo Kaji to, Zande. : Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike {112 PMP PMW? ; An uncommon Palaearctic autumn passage migrant recorded mainly along the southern border below 2000m from September to December. There are no spring records. A male collected in full moult at Bahr-el- Ghazal in January is exceptional. Lanius. dorsalis Taita Fiscal 1107 Fairly common and probably resident in open Acacia savanna in the extreme southeast. Lanius excubitor Greater Grey Shrike 1100 LM? PMW NBR A common winter visitor in the open semi-arid region around Renk, frequenting single bushes and trees from late September to February. Three races representing Palaearctic and North Sudan breeders could occur: leucopygos, aucheri and pallidirostris. Lanius excubitorius Grey-backed Fiscal 1102 R LM? BR: (44..5,.9) The nominate race is common throughout except in the thicker woodlands and forests in the southwest.. It is mainly resident and frequents grassland with scattered bushes and trees. Lanius gubernator Emin's Shrike His R BR (3, 4) An uncommon resident in open bushed grassland along the southern border, known only from the Yei - Kajo Kaji - Aloma Plateau area; it could be expected elsewhere between Didinga and Maridi. Lanius isabellinus Red-tailed Shrike 1114 _ PMW PMP The race speculigerus is a common Palaearctic winter visitor through- out from November to February, associated mainly with swamp edges and wet grassland. The race phoenicuroides could occur. Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike 1103 PMP An uncommon to rare Palaearctic passage migrant from late August to October, with a single record from Juba in November. Many must over- fly since the species is common in late August/September in North Sudan. There appear to be no spring records. Lanius- nubicus Nubian Shrike 1109 PM A common Palaearctic winter visitor to semi-arid bushland in the extreme north around Renk from late September to February. Also recorded from Magoth in the extreme southeast in February and from Wau in late March (M. Rae). 81 634. Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike 1115 PMW The race niloticus is a common Palaearctic winter visitor throughout except in the arid extreme southeast and: the forests jalong the Southern @ border, occurs from mid-September to late April or the beginning of May, preferring open grassland with scattered bushes, especially wetter habitats near swamps. The nominate race may also occur, particularly in the west. 635. Lanius somalicus Somali Fiscal 1106 R? NBR Known only from the four records in the extreme southeast given by Hall & Moreau (1970). Family PRIONOPIDAE Helmet Shrikes 636. Eurocephalus rueppelli White-crowned Shrike 1097 RLM? BR (ey 22) A common resident in dry thornbush savanna in the southeast, mainly east of Torit. Regular dry season observations around Juba - Lado might refer to wanderers. 637. Prionops plumata Helmet Shrike L090; = 097 R? BR (4) ; Fairly common at low altitude throughout except in the Sudd, occurring in small parties in wooded savanna, woodland and forest edge. The racial status is not well understood: curly-crested specimens from Boma, Imatong and Didinga are assigned to cristatus, others west of Torit to cocinnatus; straight crested birds from the Natoporoputh Hills are assigned to vinaceigularis. Family STURNIDAE Starlings, Oxpeckers 638. Cinnyricinclus leucogaster Violet-backed Starling 1184 LM AM? NBR The nominate race is seasonally common at Juba and southwest of Didinga - Lado —- Rumbek - Wedweil, occurring in any type of tree savanna from January to April and in September/October: verreauxi has been recorded from Didinga in March and Mongalla in August. 639. Cinnyricinclus sharpii Sharpe's Starling 1185 R? LM BR) (2474) Fairly common in forests above 1800m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., though possibly absent during the rainy season. 640. Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling 1182 LM AM? NBR Fairly common in short grass bushland southeast of Lado - Boma from August to March, and sporadically also at Rumbek and Wau. 641. Lamprotornis caudatus Long-tailed Glossy Starling sube}S) / RZ GM? NBR | Common in open tree savanna west of the Sue River (Wau), and more | rarely Casts (to, Toni. 82 542. 643. 44, 45. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. Lamprotornis chalcurus Bronze-tailed Glossy Starling 1189 LM NBR The race emini is fairly common in the dry season in better wooded Savanna southwest of Torit - Rumbek - Gogrial - Wedweil. At least some move north to breed. Lamprotornis chalybaeus Blue-eared Glossy Starling 1188 LM NBR The race cyaniventris occurs in better wooded savanna but is uncommon; possibly a non-breeding visitor from North Sudan. Status is unclear because of confusion in the field with Lesser Blue-eared and Bronze-tailed Glossy Starlings. Lamprotornis chloropterus Lesser Blue-eared Glossy Starling 1190 R? LM ' NBR The nominate race is fairly common throughout in better wooded savanna, but mainly southwest of Didinga - Bor - Gogrial and along the Ethiopian border. Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling | 1194 R? LM BR (4) The race amethystinus is fairly common in better wooded savanna west of the Nile. Lamprotornis purpuropterus Ruppell's Long-tailed Glossy Starling 1196 R_ LM? BR eth o2) Common throughout in low altitude tree savanna except west of Aweil - Raffile. Lamprotornis splendidus Splendid Glossy Starling 1192 R? . NBR The nominate race is uncommon in more mature woodland and forest edges along the Zaire border; also recorded from Boma. Onychognathus fulgidus Chestnut-winged Starling 1200 R? NBR The race hartlaubii is recorded only from sheaeeccelye: forest (Hall & Moreau 1970). Onychognathus morio Red-winged Starling 1203 R? NBR Uncommon and local, frequenting cliffs and rocky hills in better wooded savanna. Recorded from Mt. Baginzi to Didinga and on the Boma Hills. Onychognathus walleri Waller's Chestnut-winged Starling 1201 R NBR | The race elgonensis is common on the Imatong and Dongotona Mts. in forest above 1800m. Poeoptera stuhlmanni Stuhlmann's Starling 1209 R BR (4) Known only from Imatong, where it is common in forests above 1900m and nests in dead trees. Spreo shelleyi Shelley's Starling t2ai5 R? LM NBR At least seasonally common from Kapoeta to Lake Turkana, frequenting arid Acacia bushland and showing a preference for Salvadora trees. 83 653: 654. 655. 656. 65y/- 658. SSS) 4 660. 66: Spreo superbus Superb Starling 1216 Re ede NBR Common from Torit to Jebel Kasangor and Lake Turkana in semi-arid open short grass Savanna; moves west to Juba and Lado between August and January. Sub-family Buphaginae Buphagus africanus Yellow-billed Oxpecker 12178 R? NBR | The nominate race associates fairly commonly with cattle and game southwest of Didinga - Lado - Gogrial - Wedweil, and could occur throughout. Buphagus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Oxpecker 1218 i R? NBR Fairly common with cattle and game southeast of Juba - Boma. Family NECTARINIIDAE Sunbirds Anthreptes collaris Collared Sunbird 2a R BRC 7 i tO i) The race garguensis is common on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. in forest and secondary growth up to 2400m. West of the Nile the race hypodilus is recorded from Maridi, Yambio, Bengengai and Tambura in similar habitat. Anthreptes longuemarei Violet-backed Sunbird 1274 © R? BR (2) The nominate race is rather uncommon in tree savanna, forest edge and bushland west of Kajo Kaji - Lado - Ayod and north to the Bahr-el-Arab. Anthreptes metallicus Eastern Pygmy Sunbird 1236 Rie eM NBR ; May occur north of Malakal. Common in the dry Acacia savanna of northeast Sudan. Anthreptes orientalis Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird 1274 © R? . BRC Sp eyiel mee) Common in dry savanna and arid thornbush country southeast of Juba - Lado - Boma. Anthreptes platurus Pygmy Sunbird 1236 | R? LM? BR (2) 7 Occurs in dry woodland and Acacia savanna throughout. Locally common except in the northeast and west. Anthreptes rectirostris Green Sunbird 1272% Re aM NBR The race tephrolaema is known only from the lowland forests of Imatong where it is seasonally fairly common in the forest canopy. Nectarinia amethystina Amethyst Sunbird 12619 R? LM? BR: (5) The race doggetti is fairly common in grassy woodland and bushes on the Didinga Mts. above 1600m, and has once been recorded from Imatong. 84 1662. 3664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. p71. Nectarinia chloropygia Olive-bellied Sunbird 1257 R? ; NBR The race orphogaster is rare, and recorded only from the Aloma Plateau, Yambio and Bengengai (Nikolaus, Cave & Macdonald 1955). Nectarinia coccinigaster Splendid Sunbird 1232 R? NBR Uncommon, and recorded only from the Yei and Yambio areas; a bird of thickets and forest edge bushes. Nectarinia cuprea Copper Sunbird 1238 R? BR. Cy, 8) The nominate race occurs in open bushy places in wooded savanna south of Imatong - Lado - Gogrial, but is uncommon. Nectarinia erythroceria Red-chested Sunbird 1232 R? : NBR Uncommon and confined to vegetation near water along the Nile, north to Lake No and Malakal. Nectarinia famosa Malachite Sunbird 1Z2y R? BR (5) The race cupreonitens is rather uncommon and known only from Imatong, where it frequents grassy patches near forest above 1800m. Nectarinia habessinica Shining Sunbird 1240 The race turkanae may well occur in the extreme southeast, but is not yet recorded. Nec tardiinda hunteri Hunter's Sunbird 1264 Could occur in the arid extreme southeast, but not yet recorded. Nectarinia mariquensis Mariqua Sunbird 1245 Re . BR (12) The race osiris. is uncommon and recorded only from the Didinga Mts. where it frequents better wooded savanna and forest edge up to 2000 m. Nectarinia olivacea Olive Sunbird 1269 R BR (6 - 8) The race ragazzii is common up to 3000m in any type of forest from Bengengai to Didinga and on the Boma Hills. Nectarinia osea Northern Orange-tufted Sunbird 1248 R? LM? AM? NBR The race decorsei has been collected from bushy grassland in the area between Kajo Kaji and Bengengai - Tambura. Records are few and confined to the period October to March. Nectarinia preussi Northern Double-collared Sunbird 1256 R BEL e012) The race kikuyuensis is a very common resident above 1800m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting forest and secondary _ growth. Nectarinia pulchella Beautiful Sunbird 1233 R? 18. TC PR aa et The nominate race is common throughout in any kind of savanna; sabsent only from the forests along the southern border. 85 672. Gia. 674. 67/5). 676. (677. 678. 679. Nectarinia rubescens Green-throated Sunbird 1262 © R? BR (9, 10) The nominate race is uncommon in low altitude forest and forest edge from Bengengai to Imatong. Nectarinia seimundii Little Green Sunbird bar) S R? LM? AM? BR (3) The race traylori was found to be very common at Talanga forest in March, possibly as a non-breeding visitor (Traylor & Archer 1982). A specimen was also collected in breeding condition at Bengengai in March (Traylor in litt.). A lowland forest species whose status is unclear. Nectarinia senegalensis Scarlet-chested Sunbird 1263 R? BR Gerais) Common in any type of tree and bush savanna. The race acite occurs throughout west of Didinga - Malakal, whilst the Ethiopian race cruentata is common around Boma. Nectarinia tacazze Tacazze Sunbird 1229 R? LM BR (1) The race jacksoni occurs above 1800m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Always very common at flowering Lobelia, but its where- abouts during periods when this attraction is absent are not clear. Nectarinia venusta Variable Sunbird 1251 R? LM? BR (ip dels ih) | Common in open grassy bushland, forest edge and secondary growth at higher altitude. The race falkensteini occurs on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., and exceptionally in Acacia scrub along the Kenya border (December), while the race fazugliensis has been reported from Boma. Nectarinia verticalis Green-headed Sunbird 1266 R? NBR The race viridisplendens is common up to 3000min better wooded Savanna and forests from Didinga to Bengengai and north to Tambura, Wau, Boro and Riki River. Family ZOSTEROPIDAE White-eyes Zosterops poliogaster Montane White-eye 1221 R BRICh aye dete 2) The race gerhardi is endemic to the Imatong Mts., where it is very common in forest and secondary growth above 1800m. Zosterops senegalensis Yellow White-eye 1218 Re aM BRAM 2G Sink ipl oe) The nominate race is common throughout in any kind of wooded savanna at low altitude. 86 680. 681. 682. 683. - Family PLOCEIDAE Weavers etc. Sub-family Ploceinae Amblyospiza albifrons Grosbeak Weaver 1358 R? LM. BR (11) The race melanota is fairly common in well-wooded savanna, and on forest edges at Aza and on Imatong up to 2000m. Breeds in tall grass and papyrus along the Nile to Shambe. Anaplectes rubriceps Red-headed Weaver 1359 R? BR (8) The race leuconotus is rather uncommon, but widely distributed in well-wooded savanna and open bushland throughout. Anomalospiza imberbis Parasitic Weayer 1405 R? LM? AM? NBR The nominate race has been recorded sporadically in moist grassland between Lado and Kajo Kaji, presumably as a non-breeding visitor. Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned Bishop 1369 R? LM BR (9) The race ladoensis is very common in swamps and wet grassland in the Sudd. Records from similar habitat at Yambio, Aweil and the Diofo River could refer to the nominate race. Euplectes albonotatus White-winged Widowbird £373 The race eques may occur in tall bushed grassland along the Uganda border. Euplectes ardens Red-naped Widowbird sR} 5 eal ee 2) (including the Red-collared Widowbird) R? NBR The race concolor is fairly common in patches of tall grass in low altitude wooded savanna along the southern border from Imatong to Tambura. The race laticauda occurs in similar habitat but at higher altitude on the Boma Hills. Euplectes axillaris Fan-tailed Widowbird 1370 R? LM? BR (8) The race phoeniceus is fairly common in tall, moist bushed grassland, mainly along the Nile, Sobat and Bahr-el-Ghazal west to Aweil. Euplectes capensis Yellow Bishop 1367 R? LM BR (8 - 10) The race crassirostris is seasonally common up to 2000m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting forest edges and open grassland. Also recorded from the Aloma Plateau and Maridi. Euplectes franciscanus Red Bishop 1363 R LM BR Wo. LL) Locally abundant in the Sudd, and common in tall grassland elsewhere, except in the forested region along the Zaire border. Euplectes gierowii Black Bishop 1366 R? NBR The race ansorgei is uncommon in well-wooded tall grassland at low altitude along the southern border, and also on Boma. 87 689. 690. (SS) Ih 692. 693% 694. 695, 696. 69). 698. Euplectes hordeaceus Black-winged Red Bishop 1365 | Re aM BR (8 - 10) The race craspedopterus is very common throughout in bush and tree Savanna, sometimes abundant in ranker vegetation during the dry season. Euplectes macrourus Yellow-mantled Widowbird 1372 Res alMi2 BR (8.= 10) The nominate race is common in well-wooded tall grassland in the southwest. There is’ one old record from Torit. Malimbus nitens Blue-billed Malimbe 1357) R? NBR Recorded only from forest undergrowth at Bengengai (Traylor & Archer LIS2 ie Malimbus rubricollis Reaonecded Malimbe 1356 R? NBR The nominate race is fairly common in the lowland forests of Imatong up to 1600m. Rare elsewhere but recorded from the Aloma Plateau and Bengengai. Ploceus badius Cinnamon Weaver 13289 R LM BRIAS 70S) | The race axillaris is endemic to the Sudd region where it is abundant in tall grassland near water. In the dry season wanderers have been recorded from Torit, Maridi. and Wau and regularly north to Renk. Ploceus baglafecht Baglafecht Weaver ? 1323% (separated from Emin's Weaver following van den Elzen & Konig (1983) R? BR (3) The race eremodius is uncommon, but recorded from better wooded Savanna at Yei, Maridi, Li Rangu and Tambura. Nominate birds have been recorded from Boma. Ploceus bicolor Dark-backed Weaver 1335@) R NBR The race mentalis occurs uncommonly in forest undergrowth in the Imatong foothills. Ploceus emini Emin's Weaver 1347 | (separated from Baglafecht Weaver following van den Elzen & Konig (1983 R? LM? BRy (6)—) 6y, aul) The nominate race is common up to 2400m on the Imatong, Dongotona and | Didinga Mts., frequenting forest clearings and cultivation. Also j recorded from Yambio in March and from the Ethiopian border south of 1 Boma. Ploceus galbula_ Rtippell's Weaver 13299 LM V? NBR : Only recorded along the Kenya border in November 1979, when it was fairly common in dry Acacia woodland (Nikolaus) . Ploceus heuglini Heuglin's Masked Weaver 13184) Re BR (8, 9) : Uncommon and rather local in open woodland southwest of Wau - Rumbek ~-}: Lado —- Kajo Kaji, nesting in small colonies in Mango trees. 88 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. t Ploceus insignis -Brown-capped Weaver 1351 R BR. C35.,./ 20] Fairly common above 1800m in forest and forest edge on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Ploceus intermedius Masked Weaver 1329 LM? BR (4.09 42) The nominate race is mainly a rainy season visitor to semi-arid Acacia savanna southeast of Juba - Boma, locally fairly common. Ploceus jacksoni Golden-backed Weaver 1326 R? NBR Apparently rare,’ and confined to moist localities in lowland grass Savanna around Imatong and Didinga. . Ploceus luteolus Little Weaver 28h 1324 R? BR oye, (9) The nominate race is common throughout in any kind of lowland savanna woodland. The race kavirondensis may occur along the Uganda border. Ploceus melanocephalus Yellow-backed Weaver 1325 R? LM? BR (8) The race fischeri is fairly common in the southwest, north to Wau and east to Imatong. It frequents tall grassland near water, especially during the breeding season. . Ploceus melanogaster Black-billed Weaver 1346 R Bre (has 1 it) The race stephanophorus is common above 1600m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., frequenting forest undergrowth and cultivation. Ploceus nigerrimus' Black Weaver 1344 Rea: BRAS, 11) The nominate race is fairly common in thick tree savanna and forest edge with open grassland along the Zaire border from Tambura to the Aloma Plateau. Ploceus nigricollis Black-necked Weaver 1336 R? LM? NBR The nominate race is uncommon, and recorded only from savanna country and forest edge at Li Rangu and Bengengai. Ploceus ocularis Spectacled Weaver 1337 LM? NBR The race crocatus is uncommon in low altitude wooded savanna and forest edge along the southern border from Imatong to Tambura, as well as at Lado and the Boro River. All records are from the dry season. Ploceus rubiginosus Chestnut Weaver 1327 LM? AM? NBR The nominate race is rather uncommon but occurs regularly in November/ December in the Acacia savanna of the extreme southeast; probably a non-breeding visitor. Ploceus superciliosus Compact Weaver 1356 Rey LM? NBR Recorded only from Boma, Imatong, Tambura and Bengengai where it is Locally common at low altitude in well wooded grassland 89 11033 ality: she Uskshe 714. Pssye TNG.. Teg es Ploceus taeniopterus Northern Masked Weaver 1316 R LM? BR I(6 a=" 1) The nominate race is locally abundant along the Nile and Sobat Rivers in tall grassland, nesting in large "sunt" Acacia trees. Breeding is also reported along the Zaire border. Ploceus velatus Vitelline Masked Weaver i PS 2u RM? BR(Ge 219) ld) Common in wooded grassland and cultivation at low altitude. The race vitellinus occurs north of 10°N (Melut), while uluensis ranges north to Boma, Shambe and Aweil and west to Wau and Tambura. Quelea cardinalis Cardinal Quelea 1362 . Ree . NBR The nominate race is uncommon in tall grass savanna under 2000m in the Maridi - Lado - Imatong area. Quelea erythrops Red-headed Quelea 1361 R? LM BR Gyre) Uncommon in moist grass patches in better wooded savanna. Recorded from Juba-to Tambura and north to Wau, probably only as a breeding visitor. A wanderer was collected in dry Acacia savanna east of Kapoeta in December. i, Quelea quelea _Red-billed Quelea 1360 R LM BR (9) | The race aethiopica is seasonally abundant along the Nile south to the Ssudd, especially in the dry season, but uncommon to rare elsewhere. Breeding colonies have appeared with the recent establishment of large. irrigation schemes such as that at Bor. This species is much more common in the dry bush savanna of North Sudan. A bird ringed in Ethiopia north of Lake Turkana (5°05'N, 35°57' E) was recovered after two years 387km west, near Torit. | Sub-family Bubalornithinae | | Bubalornis albirostris White-billed Buffalo Weaver 1284 R? LM NBR Fairly common in the Acacia savanna around Kapoeta and Jebel Kasangor. It is not clear whether these are just non-breeding visitors, as the few birds which occur further west around Juba appear to be. Bubalornis niger Red-billed Buffalo Weaver 1285) R? BR (8, 9) 2 The race intermedius is fairly common in dry Acacia savanna east of Kapoeta. Dinemellia dinemellia White-headed Buffalo Weaver 1286 R LM BR oi) Sule) | The nominate race is common in semi-arid Acacia savanna east of Torit;, wanderers move west to Juba and Lado in the dry season. There are three old skins from the Li Rangu/Yambio area, collected in April and October, showing clean white feathering unlike that of other Sudan specimens (Woodman - Khartoum Museum). 90 719. Vy ige 720. (va Sub-family Plocepasserinae Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow Weaver 1287 R ee est Os a 28 The race melanorhynchus is common in dry Acacia savanna southeast of Juba, Lado and Jebel Kathangor. Plocepasser superciliosus Chestnut-crowned Sparrow: Weaver 1288 R Bre CZ) : Common in better wooded savanna southwest of Kafia Kingi - Tonj - Lado - Didinga, and also along the. Ethiopian border where it is recorded from Boma. Pseudonigrita arnaudi Grey-headed Social Weaver 1291 Bi y LN? BR AB: ms 12) The nominate race is locally common in Acacia savanna north to Boma and Ayod and west to Lado. Sub-family Passerinae Passer castanopterus Somali Sparrow 12908 The race fulgens probably occurs in the arid extreme southeast near Lake Turkana. Passer domesticus House Sparrow 1295 R BRC = 12) The race arboreus is common in towns with solid buildings along the Nile south to Malakal where it was probably-only recently introduced. Passer eminibey Chestnut Sparrow 1306 R? LM? BR (6) -'10) Uncommon and local in Acacia country from Juba and Lado east to the Kenya border; also recorded from Malakal and Meshra er Req. Passer griseus Grey-headed Sparrow £3005, 1303 (including Parrot-billed Sparrow) RLM? Be, (9 =) 14) The nominate race is very common throughout, except along the Ethiopian border, in any kind of tree and bush savanna. The race gongonensis is uncommon in the arid extreme southeast where it tends to replace the-nominate race. Passer luteus Sudan Golden Sparrow 1304 LM NBR The nominate race is fairly common in the dry season in arid Savanna around Renk, and occasionally south to the Sobat River. Passer motitensis Rufous Sparrow , 1294 R? BR (9) The race Sshelleyi is uncommon and recorded only from Lado and Jebel Kathangor, in semi-arid Acacia bushland, sometimes near villages. Petronia dentata Bush Petronia 1309 R LM? Bed 2), 2) Common throughout at low altitude in tree and bush savanna. Petronia pyrgita Yellow-spotted Petronia 1308 R? NBR The nominate race is fairly common in wooded savanna on rocky ground in the arid extreme southeast. ot WAS) YAN 130. 3a. USVas LSS 734. VED Sub-family Sporopipinae Sporopipes frontalis Speckle-fronted Weaver 1318 R? BRy AC spe) Common in dry Acacia savanna. The race emini occurs southeast of Juba - Lado - Boma, while the nominate race ranges south to Wau and Ayod. Sub-family Viduinae Indigo Birds:* -Iidentification ‘of, Indigobivds 1S, very Gariaculr: information on song and on the bill and foot colour of the live bird may be necessary. It is even more difficult to assign the right estrildid host for some species, where field observations are scanty. Hypochera camerunensis "Camerunensis" Indigobird 1439 # R? NBR Rare, and only reported from well wooded savanna at Li Rangu; possibly || parasitic on the Black-faced Firefinch Lagonosticta larvata. Hypochera chalybeata Red-billed Firefinch Indigobird 14359 R? BRE Siga oy The race ultramarina is fairly common in open tree and bush savanna and cultivation, recorded from Wau, Gogrial, Yei, Amadi and along the Nile from Juba to Renk; parasitic on the Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala. Hypochera nigeriae "Nigeriae" Indigobird a R? NBR Rare in open wooded savanna; recorded from Li Rangu, Mongalla and Wau. Possibly parasitic on the Black-bellied Firefinch Lagonosticta rara. Hypochera wilsoni Bar-breasted Firefinch Indigobird 14370 R? BR} (9), (10) Fairly common in well wooded savanna soutwest of Raffile - Lado - Torit; parasitic on the Bar-breasted Firefinch Lagonosticta rufopicta. | Vidua fischeri Straw-tailed Whydah 1443 | R? LM BR (12) | Seasonally fairly common in semi-arid Acacia savanna east of Torit. Mainly parasitic on the Purple Grenadier Uraeginthus ianthinogaster but possibly also on the Blue-capped Cordon Bleu Uraeginthus cyano- cephalus (Nikolaus 1979). Vidua hypocherina Steel-blue Whydah 1442 Re Me NBR Rare, and known only from arid open Acacia savanna east of Kapoeta (Nikolaus 1979), where it is mainly parasitic on the Black-cheeked Waxbill Estrilda erythronotus. Vidua interjecta Northern Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah W1 386}. Ree ehh NBR Fairly common in open woodland along the southern border south of Tambura, Lado and Torit; parasitic on the Red-winged Pytilia Pytilia phoenicoptera. 32 36. Vidua macroura Pin-tailed Whydah 1441 RR? LM: BR (8 - 11) Common throughout in any kind of grass savanna; some move north during the rainy season. Parasitic on Waxbills Estrilda spp. 37. Vidua orientalis Northern Paradise Whydah 1445 R? LM NBR The nominate race is fairly common in open woodland and bush savanna north of Aweil - Malakal. Parasitic on the Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba (races having red lores). 38. Vidua paradisaea Paradise Whydah 1444 R? LM? BR (9) The nominate race is fairly common in open woodland and bush savanna southwest of Juba - Lado - Boma, where it is parasitic on the Green- winged Pytilia Pytilia melba (races having grey lores). Family ESTRILDIDAE Waxbills etc. Sub-family Estrildinae 39. Amandava subflava Zebra Waxbill 1421 R? LM? BR (6 - 9) The nominate race is widespread but uncommon in swamps and tall grass Savanna near water throughout. 40. Clytospiza dybowskii Dybowski's Twinspot 1390 R? BR (10) Rare at open grass patches in lowland forests and recorded from Bengengai, Li Rangu and Lotti Forest. 41. Clytospiza monteiri Brown Twinspot 1389 R : BR (9) \ Fairly common in moist thickets west of the Nile, north to Lado, Wau and Kafia Kingi. 42. Cryptospiza salvadorii Abyssinian Crimson-wing 1300 R BR tag 1D —t2).. Common up to 3000m in forest undergrowth and clearings on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts. Best regarded as an intergrade between kilimensis and the nominate race. 43. Estrilda astrild Waxbill 1418 R? LM? NBR The race peasei is uncommon in tall grassland along the Nile, Bahr-el- Ghazal and Sobat Rivers. 44. Estrilda erythronotus Black-cheeked Waxbill 1427 R? NBR Rare in open Acacia savanna between Torit and the Kenya border; status unknown. 45. Estrilda melanotis Yellow-bellied Waxbill 1417 RR? IM BR (10, 11) The race kilimensis (not quartinia) is common up to 2400m in grass- land on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts.; seen mainly during the dry season. ; . es 746. 747. 748. 749. 750K 7h T52)- Tis\or 754. fa o\e Estrilda nonnula Black-crowned Waxbill 1425 R LM? BR ClO bly) The nominate race occurs up to 2800m in forest clearings and cultivation from Tambura to Didinga. It is very common on the Imatong Mts. but uncommon elsewhere EE Estrilda paludicola Fawn-breasted Waxbill 1422 R? BR UG, be) Fairly common in open damp wooded grassland within better wooded savanna. The nominate race occurs southwest of Imatong - Lado - Rumbek - Wau - Kafia Kingi and ochrogaster along the Ethiopian | border from Baro River to Boma. | Estrilda rhodopygia Crimson-rumped Waxbill 1420 R? NBR | The race centralis is a rare bird of grass savanna, recorded only from | Lado, the Aloma Plateau and Didinga; status unknown. Estrilda troglodytes Black-rumped Waxbill 1419 R? LM? NBR Fairly common in grass savanna with thickets near water, mainly west of the Nile. Lagonosticta larvata Black-faced Firefinch 1416 R? BR (9) ; ; Fairly common in better wooded tall grassland. The race nigricollis occurs west of the Nile throughout except in the Sudd, while the nominate race is restricted to the Boma area. Lagonosticta rara Black-bellied Firefinch 1426 | R? BR (8 =: 11) The nominate race is fairly common in better wooded savanna and the edge of gallery forest southwest of Didinga - Rumbek - Kafia Kingi. Lagonosticta rhodopareia Jameson's Firefinch 1411, 1412 R? LM? BR (12) The nominate race is fairly common in open grassland at higher altitudes on the Boma Hills and Didinga Mts. Lagonosticta rubricata African Firefinch 1411) R? LM? BR) Fairly common in tall grass and overgrown cultivation up to 2400m, moving to lower altitude for breeding during the breeding season. the race hildebrandti occurs east of the Nile from Imatong to the Didinga Mts. and the Boma Hills; congica from the Aloma Plateau to Bengengai. Lagonosticta rufopicta Bar-breasted Firefinch 1414 R? BR (6 — 10) The nominate race is fairly common throughout north to the Bahr-el- Arab and Sobat Rivers, frequenting trees and bush savanna and cultiv- acron. Lagonosticta senegala Red-billed Firefinch 1413) R BE Gea ncn, The race rhodopsis is common in grass savanna and cultivation through- out, except in the better wooded savanna and forest area southwest of Juba, Rumbek and Wau. It intergrades with ruberrima along the Uganda: border. 94 Mandingoa nitidula Green-backed Twinspot 1407 LM i BR (1) The race chubbi is a common breeding visitor from November to March, Occasionally till May,.to thick forest undergrowth and thickets up to 2400m on the Imatong, Dongotona and possibly the Didinga Mts. Nesocharis capistrata Grey-headed Olive-back 1428 R? NBR Apparently uncommon or rare in gallery forests with tall trees.. Recorded only from Maridi, Wau and Boro River. Nigrita canicapilla Grey-headed Negrofinch 1386 RLM? BR 6 Sy 12) The race schistacea is fairly common in lowland forests and forest clearings up to 2400m on the Imatong Mts.; the race canicapilla was once recorded from Bengengai (Traylor & Archer 1982). Ortygospiza atricollis Quailfinch 1403 R? LM? NBR The nominate race is uncommon in dry or wet short grass swamps. Recorded around Kajo Kaji, Juba, Rumbek, Tonj, Aweil and Malakal. Ortygospiza locustella Locust Finch 1404 The race uelensis is recorded along the Zaire border from Bengengai to the Aloma Plateau, but not yet on Sudan territory. In this area or north of it Chapin suggests breeding during the late rainy season in marshy grassland. Pyrenestes ostrinus Large-billed Seedcracker 1393-1395 R? a NBR Uncommon in dense thicket, forest edge and forest undergrowth. All three races have been recorded along the Zaire border: frommi from Li Rangu, Yei and the Aloma Plateau, rothschildi and nominate from Bengengai. Pytilia afra Orange-winged Pytilia 1409 R? LM? NBR Rare in open wooded savanna, and recorded only from Kajo Kaji, Didinga and Rejaf in April (B.M.); status unknown. Pytilia melba Green-winged Pytilia 1410 R BRCty 2p t2) Common throughout in any kind of bush and open tree savanna. Four races are recognised: criterior north of the Bahr-el-Arab and Sobat Rivers, clanceyi south of it to Tambura and Shambe, where it inter- grades with belli to the south; soudanensis occurs east of the Nile north at least to Boma. Pytilia phoenicoptera Red-winged Pytilia 1408 R? : NBR The nominate race is rather uncommon in open tree savanna with thick bushes, recorded from Kajo Kaji and Lado west to Tambura and Wau. Spermophaga ruficapilla Red-headed Bluebill 1398 R BR (1, 4) The nominate race is fairly common but unobtrusive in thick moist forest undergrowth from Bengengai to Imatong up to 2400m. 25 WOS)- 766. OW 768. 169% 70}. INE Woke 773 Uraeginthus bengalus Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu 1431 R BR (9 - 11) The nominate race is common throughout at low altitude in any kind of Savanna and cultivation except in the arid extreme southeast where it is replaced by the Blue-capped Cordon-bleu U. cyanocephalus. Uraeginthus cyanocephalus Blue-capped Cordon-bleu 1432 LM BR) GZ) An uncommon breeding visitor, restricted to semi-arid Acacia savanna east of Kapoeta (Nikolaus 1973). Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Purple Grenadier 1433 R LM NBR Uncommon in Acacia thickets and bush country east of Didinga. In the dry season it wanders west to Torit. Sub-family Amadinae Amadina fasciata Cut-throat 1402 RR? EM? NBR (11) Uncommon in dry Acacia savanna. The nominate race is probably only a wanderer south to Wau and Gogrial; birds southeast of Lado - Jebel Kasangor are nearer to alexanderi. Lonchura bicolor Black and White Mannikin 1380 LM BRY (9, 10) The race poensis is a common breeding visitor to the Imatong and Didinga Mts., up to 2400m, favouring small grass patches on forest edges and cultivation. Moves to low altitude from April to July. Once recorded from Maridi in August. Lonchura cucullata Bronze Mannikin P79 R LM BR a C7 Sights) The nominate race is seasonally common in grassland and cultivation up @ to 2000m southwest of Didinga - Lado - Rumbek and the Bahr-el-Arab. | Birds from Boma are nearer to scutata. Lonchura fringilloides Magpie Mannikin 1382 LM BR (11) Fairly common from October to May on the Imatong Mts. in secondary growth and grassy forest edge up to 2000m; also recorded from Maridi and Bengengai. Status unknown. Lonchura griseicapilla Grey-headed Silverbill 1384 LM NBR An uncommon dry season visitor in small parties to the dry savanna and Acacia bushland between Juba and the Kenya border. Lonchura malabarica Silverbill 13837) R? BR (12) Uncommon, mainly as a dry season visitor, in semi-arid grassland. The race orientalis occurs south of Boma - Lado, ranging west to Maridi in the dry season, while cantans is found north of the Bahr- el-Arab and Sobat Rivers. 96 774. Ree 776. OTT. 778. nfo. 780. 781. Family FRINGILLIDAE Buntings, Canaries, Seed-eaters Sub-family Emberizinae Emberiza cabanisi Cabanis' Bunting 1467 R BR (7) The nominate race is uncommon in open bush savanna from Tambura to Yei. Emberiza caesis Cretzschmar's Bunting i a7 May occur as a Palaearctic winter visitor in arid bush savanna north of Melut. Emberiza flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting 1469 R? NBR The race kalaharica (caryochroa) frequents open tree savanna along the southern border, with records from Maridi, Yei and Didinga; flavigastra should occur north of Melut. Emberiza forbesi Brown-rumped Bunting 1471 R BR (3) The nominate race is fairly common throughout in open bush and tree savanna. Emberiza hortulana Ortolan 1472 Probably occurs as a Palaearctic winter visitor in green bushland round Renk. Emberiza poliopleura Somali Golden-breasted Bunting 1470 R? F Be, (4°12) Uncommon in arid Acacia bush savanna in the extreme southeast. Emberiza striolata House Bunting 1477 R? LM Vv? NBR The race saturatior was collected in March 1915 by Butler at Kajo Kaji. Frequents arid stony country around Lake Turkana and in North Sudan. Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting 1476 R LM NBR Fairly common and always associated with rocky hills, grass and. bushes. Three races probably meet: goslingi in the west around the Boro/Riki River, nominate along the southern border from Zande to Boma, and septemstriata east of the Nile south to the Sobat River. Sub-family Carduelinae Linurgus olivaceus Oriole Finch 1463 R BR Gk; -2;,. £1) The race elgonensis is common in forest and forest clearings above 1800m on the Imatong Mts. Serinus atrogularis Yellow-rumped Seed-eater 1459 R? NBR The race reichenowi is uncommon in dry Acacia savanna southeast of Kapoeta. There is one recent August record from Tambura (Nikolaus). o7 qo2e 133% 784. Tissue 786. USI 788. 789. Serinus canicollis Yellow-crowned Canary 1454 R BR) (11) The race flavivertex is rather uncommon above 1800m on the Imatong Mts., favouring Podocarpus trees in highland forest. Serinus citrinelloides Grey-faced African Citril 1464 R BR “(Lee ° 3), °40)c— 72) The nominate race is very common up to 2400m on the Imatong, Dongotona and Didinga Mts., moving to lower altitudes in the rainy season. A species of forest clearings, secondary growth and cultivation. i Serinus dorsostriatus White-bellied Canary 1449 Re Me. NBR There is one record of the race maculicollis, from dry bush savanna in the Natoporoputh Hills (Macdonald & Cave 1948). Serinus gularis Streaky-headed Seed-eater 1456 IR Re UM NBR The race elgonensis is uncommon in dry woodland, recorded from Wau and from Tambura to Yei between November and March. Serinus leucopygius White-rumped Seed-eater 1458 R LM? NBR The nominate race is rather uncommon in wooded grassland near water, recorded along the Nile from Gogrial, Rumbek and Torit. Extending its range with the development of new irrigation schemes. Serinus mozambicus Yellow-fronted Canary 1448 Rie) | EM? BR (9) Common in tree and bush savanna. The race barbatus ranges throughout west of Didinga - Ayod, while grotei occurs along the Ethiopian border. Serinus reichardi Stripe-breasted Seed-eater 1456 R? LM? NBR The race striatipectus is uncommon in open tree savanna, recorded from Yambio, Yei, Didinga and Boma from November to May. Serinus striolatus Streaky Seed-eater 1461 R BR (1) The nominate race is very common on the Imatong Mts. in secondary scrub, cultivation and forest edge above 1800m. Also recorded from the Dongotona Mts. 98 Aloma Plateau Amadi Aweil Ayod Aza Forest Baginzi, Mt. Baro River Bengengai Boma Hills Bor Boro River Didinga Mts. Diofo River Dongotona Mts. ‘Gambela, Ethiopia Geigar Gilo/Itibol Gogrial Ilemi Triangle Imatong Mts. Jongolei Juba Kafia Kingi Kagelu Kajo Kaji Kaka Kapoeta Kasangor, Jebel Kenya/Sudan Border Kinyeti, Mt. Kipia Kodok Kongor Kosti Lado Li Rangu Lotti Forest _ Malakal _ Maridi Mbili Melut Meshra er Req Mongalla -Muolo Nagishot Natoporoputh Hills GAZETTEER ca. ca. Ca. 99 S45" N, eg Ny 8°45'N, 8°08'N, 4°42'N, 4°28'N, 8°30'N, 4°49'N, 6°10'N, 6°33N, SIA UN, 4°25'N, En Ea 4°10'N, Se 15 N ; 11 e5E "Ni, 4°00'N, 8°32'N, 4°35'N, 3S)" N; S50 "N, 4°52'N, Oren N; 4°03'N, ES iygs ae 10°35 "IN; 4°45'N, 5°45'N, 4°32'N, S755 N, S56" N, 275s N,, Tr LOr My Lolo" Ny S OGe i, 4 45'N, 4 03'N, 30 "NN, 4°55'N, £°25)N, 102254N, B225.' My 57 Ny 6°05'N, 42°15 *N, 4°52'N, 30°45'E IO 220 27°24'E 26 225 29°°50.' 5 29°O1"E 33°30'E 27°43'E 34°30'E S103 3.8 24°47'E 33°30'E 24°30'E 33°O7'E 34°35" 5 Bea" 92.°5 4) 5 28°05"E 35 °00E 32°55 E 0 Aa eat oH 31° 30'S 24°23'E 30°37" 31°40'E ie 7 pots WON 3330 Es BISO7 ES 34°14'E 32°55" E 32°75, 75 32°O7'E on 20" 32°42'E Bs, 30." 28. 22°E 32.392 48 31°40'E 29 °28'E 28°12'E 32° SB 29°15"E 31°47'E 22°58" E 33°35" 34°00'E 1200 m 700 m 1067 m 1500 m 420m ca. 800m 2795 m ca. 800m 2623m 1900 m 500 m 3187 m 450.m 600 m 1063 m _700 m 3180 m 2600 m 380 m 500m 1250 m 386 m 1900 m 800 m Nibor, Lake Nimule No, Lake Raffili Raga Renk Riki River Rumbek Shambe Sobat River Talanga Forest Tambura Tapari River Tonj Torit Turkana, Lake Wau Wedweil Yambio Yei Zande Zeraf, Bahr el Ca. 100 62 52Ni, 3:736Ni, O23 7 Nie Soy NG So2 7. Ni, 11°45'N, & 95 °N, 6°48'N, 7°05'N, 9°00'N, 4°O1'N, 5°35'N, 5°O8'N, 7°17'N, 4°25'N, 4°30'N, 7°43'N, 8°58'N, 4°34'N, 4°05'N, 4°30'N, 9°32'N, 30° TS1E 32202) ip. SOR 255 27°58 25°40'E 32°A47'E 24°35'E 29°40'E 30°45'E 32° 3005 32°43"E 27° 27.55 30°52" 28°45'E SV Ae iove 12 35755" 27°58" 274208 20025" 30°40'E 28°30'E 3A Owe Ca. 1000 m 950m 375m 430m REFERENCES ASH, J.S. tae Hig) FOr species of birds new to Ethiopia, and other notes. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 97: 4-9. & POMEROY,D.E. 1981. Mapping schemes in the Afrotropical region. Scopus 5: 36-38. BOWEN, W.W. 1926 & 1931. Catalogue of Sudan birds. Khartoum: Sudan Government Museum. Part 1 & 2. 1925, 1926, 1928. The Game birds and Waterfowl of the . Sudan. Sudan Notes and Records 8: 85-95, 9: 107-124, 11: 69-82. BROWN, L.H., URBAN, E.K. & NEWMAN, K. 1982. The birds of Africa. Vol.i1. London and New York: Academic Press. BRITTON, P.L. (ed.) 1980. Birds of East Africa. Nairobi: EANHS. 1971. On the apparent movements of Cossypha natalensis. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 91: 137-144. BUTTLER, A.L. 1905. A contribution to the ornithology of the Egyptian Sudan. TIbis 8 (5): 301-401 : 1908. A second contribution to the ornithology of the Egyptian Sudan. Ibis 9 (4): 205-263. 1909. On birds collected by Cpt. E.P. Blencowe in the Bahr-el-Ghazal Province. TIbis 10: 71-90. CAVE BEY, F.O. 1938. A note on birds not previously recorded from the Southern Sudan. Sudan Notes and Records 21: 167-188. 1939. A further list of new records of birds for the Southern Sudan. Sudan Notes and Records 22: 159-162. CAVE, F.O. 1946. Some interesting birds from the Southern Sudan. Sudan Notes and Records 26: 225-228. & MACDONALD, J.D. 1955. Birds of the Sudan. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. CHAPIN, J.P. 1930, 1939, 1953. The birds of the Belgian Congo. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 65, 75, 75a; 75b. Vol.1i-4. CLANCEY, P.A. 1975. On the species limits of Acrocephalus beaticus (Viellot) of Ethiopian Africa. Arnoldia 7, No.20: 1-14. CUNNINGHAM-VAN SOMEREN, R.G. & SCHIFTER, H. 1981. New races of montane birds from Kenya and Southern Sudan. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 101: 347-354, 355-363. DOWSETT, R.J. 1971. The Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in Africa. Ostrich 42. ; 1973. The River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis in Africa. Zambia Museum Journal 3 (1972): 69-79. 101 DOWSETT, R.J. 1977. The distribution of some falcons and plovers in Bast ALrica. | Scopus.) lz i3—73): ELLIOTT, C.C.H. 1972. An ornithological survey of the Kidepo National Park in North Uganda. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum Vol.28 No.129: 1-34. ERARD, C. 1974. The problem of the Boran Cisticola. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 94: 26-38. FRIEDMANN, H. 1978. Results of the Lathry's Central African Republic Expedition 1976, ornithology. Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History No.287: 1-22. FRYXELL, J. 1980. Preliminary report on an aerial survey of the Boma National Park region October 1980. New York Zoological Society. GRANT, O. 1907. Birds from Sobat and Baro BHveEs TbiSs tos 578-64: GUILLET, A. 1978. Distribution of the Shoebill Stork Balaeniceps rex in the Southern Sudan. Biological Conservation 13(1): 39-50. HALL, B.P & MOREAU, R.E. 1970. An atlas of speciation in African passerine birds. London: British Museum (Natural History) . HARTLAUB, G. 1881. Beitrag zur Ornithologie der 6stlich dquatorialen Gebiete Afrikas. Abhandlungen naturkundliche Vereinigung Bremen 7 (83-28) — 1882. Zweiter Beitrag zur Ornithologie der Ostlich- dquatorialen Gebiete Afrikas. Abhandlungen naturkundliche Vereinigung Bremen 8: 184-232. KOENIG, A. 1911. Die Ergebnisse meiner Reise nach dem Sudan im Frtihjahr 1910. Verhandlungen vom Internationalen Ornithologen Kongress, Berlin 1910: 498-545. 1926. Die Ergebnisse meiner zweiten Forshungsreise in das Gebiet der Quellfluisse des Nils. Journal fur Ornithologie 74) 315-362 : MACDONALD, J.D. & CAVE, F.O. 1948. Recent addition to the Sudan checklast of birds. bis 90: 240-251. 1950. Notes on Sudan birds. Ibis 92: 377-379. MACKWORTH-PRAED, C.W. & GRANT, C.H.B. 1952, 1955. African Handbook of birds. Series 1, Vols.1 & 2. Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa. London: Longmans Green & Co. 1970, 1973. African Handbook of birds. Series 3, Vols 1 & 2 Birds of west central and western Africa. London: Longmans Green & Co. MADDEN, J.F. 1945. Some common birds of Torit District, Equatoria Province. Sudan Notes and Records 26: 283-300. MOREAU, R.E. 1966. The bird faunas of Africa and its islands. London: Academic Press. 102 NIKOLAUS, G. 1979. Notes on some birds new to South Sudan. Scopus’ 3: 68-73. 1979. The first record of Basra Reed Warbler in the Sudan. Scopus 3: 103-104. 1982. Further notes on some birds new to South Sudan. Scopus 6: 1-4. 1982. A new race of the Spotted Ground Thrush Turdus fischeri from South Sudan. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 102: 45-47. 1983. An important passerine ringing site near the Sudan Red Sea coast. Scopus 7: 15-18. 1984. Further notes on birds new or little known in the Sudan. Scopus 8: 36-38. 1987. Distribution atlas of Sudan birds with notes on habitats and status. Bonner Zoologische monographien Nr.25. & BACKHURST, G.C. 1982. First ringing report for the Sudan. Scopus 6: 77-90. PEARSON, D.J. 1979. The races of the Red-tailed Shrike Zanius isabellinus occurring in East Africa. . Scopus 3: 74-78. V.PELZELN, A. 1881. Uber eine Sendung von Végeln aus Centralafrika von Emin Bey. Verhandlungen der K.K. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 31: 141-156. 1881. Uber Dr. Emin Bey's zweite Sendung von Végeln aus Centralafrika. Verhandlungen der K.K. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 31: 605-618. SCHUZ, E & BOHRINGER, R. 1950. vom Zug des Weissstorches in Afrika und Asien nach Ringfunden bis 1949. Die Vogelwarte 161-226. SHARPE, R.B. 1901. On the collection of birds made by Dr. A. Donaldson-Smith on his last expedition to Lake Rudolf and the Nile. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1901: 602-622. SHELLEY, G.E. 1888. On a collection of birds made by Emin Pasha in - Equatorial Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1888: 17-50. : SNOW, D.W. (ed.) 1978. An atlas of speciation in African non-passerine birds. London: British Museum (Natural History). - ‘TRAYLOR, M.A. & ARCHER, A.L. 1982. Some results of the Field Museum 1977 expedition to South Sudan. Scopus 6: 5-12. TRAYLOR, M.A. 1970. East African Bradornis. Ibis 112: 513-531. _ URBAN, E.K. & BROWN, L.H. 1971. A checklist of the birds of i Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: University Press. ‘ VAN DEN ELZEN, R. & KONIG, C. 1983. V6égel des (Sid-) Sudan: taxonomische und tiergeographische Bemerkungen. Bonner Zoologische Beitrdge 34: 149-196. 103 VAURIE, C. 1959. The birds of the Palearctic fauna. Passeriformes. London: Witherby. 1965. The birds of the Palearctic fauna. Non-Passeriformes, London: Witherby. WETMORE, A. 1960. A classification for the birds of the world. Smithsonian Miscellaneous collection 139 (11): 1-37. WHITE, C.M.N. 1960. A check list of the Ethiopian Muscicapidae (Sylviinae). Part 1. Occasional papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia 3 (24b): 399-430. 1961. A revised check list of African broadbills, pittas, larks, swallows, wagtails and pipits. Lusaka: Government Printer. 1962a. A check list of the Ethiopian Muscicapidae (Sylviinae). Part II & III. Occasional papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia 3 (26B): 653-738. 1962b. A revised check list of African shrikes, orioles, drongos, starlings, waxwings, cuckoo shrikes, bulbuls accentors, thrushes and babblers. Lusaka: Government Printer. 1963. A revised check list of African flycatchers, tits, tree creepers, sunbirds, white-eyes, honey eaters, buntings, finches and waxbills. Lusaka: Government Printer. 1965. A revised check list of African non-passerine birds. Lusaka: Government Printer. WOODMAN, H.N. 1936. Rare birds of the Zande District. Sudan Notes and Records 19: 184-188. 1938. More rare birds of the southern Bahr-el-Ghazal. Sudan Notes and Records 21: 315-324. 1951. Ducks and geese in the Southern Sudan. Sudan Wildlife 2: 36. 104 affinis, INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES Numbers refer to species, not pages abdimi, Ciconia 25 aberrans, Cisticola 520 abingoni, Campethera 371 abyssinica, Alcippe 428 abyssinica, Coracias 325 abyssinica, Hirundo 396 abyssinicus, Bucorvus 346 abyssinicus, Turdus 495 Accipiter 74 Acrocephalus 499 Acryllium p.23 Aetweses 175 Actophilornis 156 acuta, Anas 41 adsimilis, Dicrurus 410 adusta, Muscicapa 576 aegyptius, Caprimulgus 276 aegyptius, Pluvianus 202 aequatorialis, Apus 290 aequatorialis, Sheppardia 491 aereus, Ceuthmochares 261 aeruginosus, Circus 65 aethiopica, Hirundo 397 aethiopica, Threskiornis 34 aegyptiacus, Alopochen 40 ‘afer, Euplectes 683 afer, Nilaus 618 afer, Ptilostomus 420 afer, Turtur 233 affinis, Apus 291 Sarothrura 145 afra, Pytilia 761 africanus, Actophilornis 156 africanus, Bubo 268 africanus, Buphagus 654 africanus, Gyps 59 africanus, Phalacrocorax 5 -Agapornis 238 -aguimp, Motacilla 604 alba, Calidris 187 alba, Egretta 16 alba, Motacilla 605 alba, Platalea 35 ‘alba, Tyto 266 alboterminatus, Tockus 338 _albicapilla, Cossypha 467 albicauda, Mirafra 388 albiceps, Vanellus 168 albiceps, Psalidoprocne 405 -albicollis, Ficedula 573 -albicollis, Merops 313 albifrons, Amblyospiza 680 albifrons, Pentholaea 486 albigularis, Phyllastrephus 454 albinucha, Columba 219 albipectus, Trichastoma 430 albirostris, Bubalornis 715. albiventris, Parus 421 alboterminatus, Tockus 338 albus, Corvus 416 Alcedo 303 alcinus, Macheiramphus 106 Alcippe 428 ~Alethe 461 alexandrinus, Charadrius 159 alfredi, Bradypterus 512 'alleni, Porphyrio 142 105 alopex, Falco 108 Alopochen 40 alpina, Calidris 188 Amadina 768 Amandava 739 Amblyospiza 680 amethystina, Nectarinia 661 Anaplectes 681 Anas 41 Anastomus 24 Andropadus 442 angolensis, Dryoscopus 609 angolensis, Gypohierax 58 angulata, Gallinula 140 Anhinga 6 Anomalospiza 682 Anthreptes 656 Anthropoides 136 Anthus 597 Apalis 506 Apaloderma 300 apiaster, Merops 314 apivorus, Pernis 103 Aplopelia 218 Apus 290 apus, Apus 292 aquatica, Muscicapa 577 Aquila 81 arabs, Otis 154 Ardea 9 ardens, Euplectes 684 Ardeola 13 ardesiaca, Egretta 17 ardosiaceus, Falco 109 Arenaria 195 arnaudi, Pseudonigrita 720 arquatrix, Columba 220 Artomyias 569 arundinaceus, Acrocephalus 499 asiaticus, Charadrius 160 Asio 267 astrild, Estrilda 743 aterrimus, Phoeniculus 331 atrata, Ceratogymna 337 atricapilla, Sylvia 560 atricollis, Ortygospiza 759 atrogularis, Serinus 781 audeberti, Pachycoccyx 260 augur, Buteo 87 auguralis, Buteo 88 auratus, Oriolus 412 auritus, Nettapus 52 australis, Tchagra 620 australis, Treron 236 avosetta, Recurvirostra 197 axillaris, Euplectes 685 ayresii, Cicticola 521 Aythya 49 baboecala, Bradypterus 513 badia, Halcyon 306 badiceps, Eremomela 539 badius, Accipiter 74 badius, Ploceus 693 Baeopogon 446 baeticatus, Acrocephalus 500 baglafecht, Ploceus 694 Balaeniceps 22 Balearica 137 Barbarus, Laniarius 611 barbatus, Apus p.44 barbatus, Gypaetus p.15 barbatus, Pycnonoyus 459 Bathmocercus 511 Batis 583 baumanni, Phyllastrephus 455 bellicosus, Polemaetus 98 bengalus, Uraeginthus 765 benghalensis, Rostratula 158 biarmicus, Falco 110 Bias 587 bicolor, Dendrocygna 38 bicolor, Lonchura 769 bicolor, Ploceus 695 bidentatus, Lybius 348 blanchoti, Malaconotus 616 Bleda 447 blissetti, Platysteira 592 bodessa, Cisticola 522 bollei, Phoeniculus 332 bonapartei, Gymnobucco 347 bonelli, Phylloscopus 549 borin j Sylvia oo. 106 Bostrychia 32 Botaurus p.8 bottae, Oenanthe 480 brachydactyla, Calandrella 383 brachyptera, Cisticola 523 brachyura, Sylvietta 566 Bradornis 570 Bradypterus 512 brevicaudata, Camaroptera 515 brevipes, Accipiter 75 brevis -ByCanistest sos breweri, Merops 315 Bubalornis 715 Bubo 268 Bucorvus 346 bulocki, Merops 316 Buphagus 654 Burhinus 198 Butastur 86 Buteo 87 buteo, Buteo 89 Butorides 15 Bycanistes 335 cabanisi, Emberiza 774 caerulescens, Muscicapa 578 caerulescens, Rallus 144 caeruleus, Elanus 105 caesia, Coracina 440 caffer, Apus 293 caffra, Cossypha 468 cailliautii, Campethera 375 Calandrella 383 Calidris 187 calurus, Criniger 452 Camaroptera 515 camelus, Struthio 1 camerunensis, Hypochera 729 Campephaga 437 campestris, Anthus 597 Campethera 371 camurus, Tockus 339 canicapilla, Nigrita 758 canicollis, Serinus 782 canorus, Cuculus 256 cantans, Cisticola 524 cantillans, Mirafra 389 capensis, Anas p.14 capensis, Asio 267 capensis, Burhinus 198 capensis, Corvus 417 capensis, Euplectes 686 capensis, Microparra 157 capensis, Oena 224 capicola, Streptopelia 225 capistrata, Nesocharis 757 Caprimulgus 276 caprius, Chrysococcyx 249 carbo, Phalacrocorax p.7 cardinalis, Quelea 712 Garoli, Campethera 372 caspia, Sterna 213 castanea, Platysteira 590 castanopterus, Passer p.91 caudata, Coracias p.47 caudatus, Lamprotornis 641 Centropus 262 Ceratogymna 337 Cercomela 463 Cercotrichas 464 cervinus, Anthus 598 Ceryle 301 Ceuthmochares 261 chalcopterus, Rhinoptilus 203 chalcospilos, Turtur chalcurus, Lamprotornis 642 chalybaeus, Lamprotornis 643 chalybeata, Hypochera 730 Charadrius 159 Chelictinia 104 chelicuti, Halcyon 307 cherrug, Falco i111 chinensis, Coturnix 120 chiniana, Cisticola 525 chicquera, Falco 112 Chlidonias 210 chloris, Nicator 453 Chlorocichla 449 chloronota, Camaroptera 516 Chloropeta 518 chloropterus, Lamprotornis 644 chloropus, Gallinula p.25 chloropygia, Nectarinia 662 chocolatina, Melaenornis 574 Chrysococcyx 249 chrysoconus, Pogoniulus 357 Ciccaba 270 -Cichladusa 466 Ciconia 25 ciconia, Ciconia 26 cincta, Riparia 407 cinctus, Rhinoptilus 204 cinerascens, Circaetus 70 cinerea, Apalis 506 cinerea, Ardea 9 cinerea, Creatophora 640 cinerea, Motacilla 606 Ccinereola, Cisticola 526 cinereus, Circaetus 71 cinereus, Xenus 182 cinnamomeiventris, Thamnolaea 494 cinnamomeus, Bradypterus 514 107 Cinnyricinclus 638 Circaetus 70 Circus 65 cirrocephalus, Larus p.33 Cisticola 520 citrenelloides, Clamator 253 clamosus, Cuculus 257 clanga, Aquila p.21 clappertoni, Francolinus 123 Clara, Motacilla p.78 clarus, Caprimulgus 277 climacurus, Caprimulgus 278 clypeata, Anas 42 Clytospiza 740 coccinigaster, Nectarinia 663 Colius 298 collaris, Anthreptes 656 collaris, Lanius 625 collurio, Lanius 626 collybita, Phylloscopus 550 Columba 219 comitata, Muscicapa 579 communis, Sylvia 562 eoncolor,, Fal.co p.21 Coracias 325 Coracina 440 ‘ cordofanica, Mirafra 390 coronatus, Stephanoaetus 99 coronatus, Vanellus 169 coryina, Corvinella 624: Corvinella 624 Corvus 416 Corythaeola 242 Corythaixoides 243 Cossypha 467 Coturnix. 1.20 coturnix, Coturnix 121 crassirostris, Vanellus 170 crassus, Poicephalus 239 Creatophora 640 crecca, Anas 43 Crex 138 crex, Crex 138 Crinifer 244 Criniger 452 cristata, Alcedo 303 cristata, Corythaeola 242 cristata, Fulica 25 croceus, Macronyx 603 cruentus, Rhodophoneus 619 crumeniferus, Leptoptilus 30 Cryptospiza 742 cucullata, Lonchura 770 cuculoides, Aviceda p.21 Cuculus 256 Serinus 783 cuprea, Nectarinia 664 cupreus, Chrysococcyx 250 curruca, Sylvila 563 cursor, Cursor“ius 200 Cursorius 200 curvirostris, Andropadus 442 cuvieri, Falco 113 cyanea, Platysteira 591 cyanocampter, Cossypha 469 cyanocephalus, Uraeginthus 766 cyanogaster, Coracias 326 Cypsiurus 296 darnaudii, Trachyphonus 361 Gaurica, Hirundo 398 decipiens, Streptopelia 226 delegorguei, Columba 221 delegorguei, Coturnix 122 Delichon 395 Dendrocygna 38 Dendropicos 378 denhami, Neotis 152 dentata, Petronia 726 deserti, Oenanthe 481 diademata, Alethe 461 Dicrurus 410 Dinemellia 717 dinemelli, Dinemellia 717 domesticus, Passer 721 donaldsoni, Caprimulgus 279 dorsalis, Lanius 627 dorsostriatus, Serinus 784 Drymocichla 537 Dryocichloides 474 dubius, Charadrius 161 dubius, Hieraaetus p.21 dybowskii, Clytospiza 740 ecaudatus, Terathopius 73 edolioides, Melaenornis 575 edouardi, Guttera 132 egregia, Crex Egretta 16 Elanus 105 elegans, Sarothrura 146 eleonorae, Falco p.21 Emberiza 774 emini, Ploceus 696 Eminia 538 eminibey, Passer 722 Empidornis 572 Ephippiorhynchus 29 episcopus;, Ciconia 27 epops. Upupa 330 Erannornis 593 Eremomela 539 Eremopterix 384 108 erythrocephalus, Trachyphonus erythroceria, Nectarinia 665 erythronotos, Estrilda 744 erthrophthalma, Netta 51 ery throps), Cis ticola is27 erythrops, Quelea 713 erythroptera, Heliolais 542 erythropygia, Mirafra 391 erythrorhynchus, Anas 44 erythrorhynchus, Tockus 340 erythrothoraxm Stiphrornis 492 Estrilda 743 Euplectes 683 Eupodotis 148 Eurocephalus 636 europaeus, Caprimulgus 280 Eurystomus 329 ; excubitor, Lanius 628 excubitorius, Lanuis 629 exitis, \lndicatomysos eximia, Bleda 447 exustus, Pterocles 215 falcinellus, Limicola 192 falcinellus, Plegadis 33 Falco 108 familiaris, Cercomela 463 famosa, Nectarinia 666 fasciata, Amadina 768 fasciatus, Tockus 341 fasciinucha, Falco 114 ferina, Aythya p.14 ferruginea, Calidris 189 ferrugineus, Laniarius 612 Ficedula 573 fischeri, Turdus 496 fischeri, Vidua 733 flammeus, Asio flammulata, Megabyas 589 flava, Campephaga 437 flava, Motacilla 607 flavicans, Macrosphenus 546 flavicollis, Chlorocichla 449 flavyida, Apalis 507 flavigaster, Hyliota 588 flavigularis, Chrysosossyx 251 flavirostra, Limnocorax 141 flavirostris, Rhynchops 214 flavirostris, Tockus 342 flaviventris, Emberiza 775 forbesi, Charadrius 162 forbesi, Emberiza 776 fraenatus, Caprimulgus 281 fransiscanus, Euplectes 687 Francolinus 123 fraseri, Stizorhina 494 362 fringilloides, Lonchura 771 frontalis, Sporopipes 728 fulgidus, Onychognathus: 648 Fulica p.15 fuliginosa, Artomyias 569 fuligula, Aythya 49 fuligula, Hirundo 399 fulvescens, Trichastoma 431 funebris, Laniarius 613 funereus, Parus 422 fuscescens, Dendropicos 377 fuscus, Larus gabar, Melierax 50 galactotes, Cercotrichas 464 galactotes, Cisticola 529 galbula, Ploceus 697 Galerida 387 gallicus, Circaetus 72 Gallinago 183 gallinago, Gallinago 183 Gallinula 140 gambagae, Muscicapa 580 gambensis, Dryoscopus 610 gambensis, Plectopterus 53 garrulus, Coracias 327 garzetta, Egretta 18 Gelochelidon 212 gierowii, Euplectes 688 glandarius, Clamator 253 Glareola 205 glareola, Tringa 177 Glaucidium 271 glaucurus, Eurystomus 329 goertae, Mesopicos 379 goliath, Ardea 10 Gorsachius 20 habessinica, Nectarinia p.85 hagedash, Bostrychia 32 Halcyon 306 | Haliaeetus 101 haliaetus, Pandion 107 hartlaubi, Pteronetta 54 hartlaubii, Eupodotis 148 Heliolais 542 hemprichii, Tockus 343 heuglini, Cossypha 470 heuglini, Neotis 153 heuglini, Ploceus 698 hiaticula, Charadrius 163 - Hieraaetus 92 Himantopus 196 himantopus, Himantopus 196 Hippolais 543 hirsutus, Lybius 350 hirundineus, Merops 317 Hirundo 396 hispanica, Oenanthe 482 hordeaceus, Euplectes 689 hortensis, Sylvia 564 hortulana, Emberiza P.97 horus, Apus p.44 hottentota, Anas 45 hunteri, Nectarinia p.85 hybridus, Chlidonias 210 Hylia 544 Hyliota 588 hypermetra, Mirafra 392 Hypochera 729 hypocherina, Vidua 734 hypoleucos, Actitis 175 ianthinogaster, Uraeginthus 767 ibis, Ardeola 14 ibis, Mycteria 31 icterina, Hippolais p.72 icteropygialis, Eremomela 540 icterorhynchus, Francolinus 124 imberbis, Anomalospiza 682 incana, Drymocichla 537 Indicator 363 indicator, Baepogon 446 indicator, Indicator 364 inornatus, Caprimulgus 282 insignis, Ploceus 699 -insignis, Prodotiscus 368 gularis, Serinus 785 interjecta, Vidua 735 guttata, Cichladusa 466 intermedia, Egretta 19 Guttera 132 intermedius, Ploceus 700 Gymnobucco 347 interpres, Arenaria 195 Gypaetus p.15 isabellina, Oenanthe 483 Gypohierax 58 Ispidina 311 Gyps 59 Ixobrychus 8 gracillirostris, Acrocephalus 501 gracillirostris, Andropadus 443 grillii, Centropus 262 -griseicapilla, Lonchura 772 griseldis, Acrocephalus 502 griseopyga, Hirundo 400 griseus, Passer 723 gubernator, Lanius 630 guifsobalito, Lybius 349 guinea, Columba 222 ‘gularis, Cuculus 258 109 jacksoni, Apalis 508 jacksoni, Ploceus 701 jacksoni, Tockus 344 jacobinus, Clamator 254 jamesi, Tchagra 621 jamesoni, Platysteira blissetti 592 juncidis, Cisticola 530 Jynx 369 Kaupifalco 94 klaas, Chrysococcyx 252 KOFA,\ OGES 55 krameri, Psittacula 241 lacrymosus, Lybius 351 lacteus, Bubo 269 laetissima, Chlorocichla 450 Lagonosticta 750 lamelligerus, Anastomus 24 Lamprotornis 641 languida, Hippolais p.72 Laniarius 611 Lanius 625 Larus 208 larvata, Aplopelia 218 larvata, Lagonosticta 750 larvatus, Oriolus 413 Lateralis,Grstrcolla ssi lathami, Francolinus 125 latirostris, Andropadus 444 lecontei, Ispidina 311 lepida, Emina 538 Leptoptilos 30 leschenaultii, Charadrius p.27 leucocephala, Halcyon leucocephalus, Lybius leucogaster, Cinnyricinclus 638 leucogaster, Corythaixoides 243 leucolaima, Pogoniulus 358 leucolophus, Tauraco 246 leucomelas, Parus 423 leucomelos, Lybius 353 leuconotus, Gorsachius 20 leuconotus, Thalassornis 56 leucophrys, Anthus 599 leucophrys, Cercotrichas 465 leucopogon, Prinia 554 leucopterus, Chlidonias 211 leucopygius, Serinus 786 leucopygius, Turdoides 433 leucorodia, Platalea 36 leucoscepus, Francolinus 126 leucotis, Eremopterix 384 leucotis, Otus 272 leucotis, Tauraco leucurus, Vanellus 171 alk! levaillantii, Clamator 255 levaillantoides, Francolinus 127 lichtensteinii, Pterocles 216 Limicola 192 Limnicorax 141 Limosa 193 limosa, Limosa 193 Linurgus 780 Locustella 545 locustella, Ortygospiza p.95 Lonchura 769 longicausa, Erannornis 593 longipennis, Macrodipteryx 288 longuemarei, Anthreptes 657 Lophaetus 95 ludwigii, Dicrurus 411 luehderi, Laniarius 615 lugens, Parisoma 547 lugens, Streptopelia 227 Luscinia 475 luscinia, Luscinia 475 luscinioides, Locustella 545 luteolus, Ploceus 702 luteus, Passer 724 Lybius 348 Lymnocryptes 186 Macheiramphus 106 Macrodipteryx 288 Macronyx 603 Macrosphenus 546 macroura, Vidua 736 macrourus, Circus 66 macrourus, Euplectes 690 macrourus, Urocolius 299 macrourus, Urotriorchis 100 : maculatus, Indicator 365 mahali, Plocepasser 718 { malabarica, Lonchura 773 Malaconotus 616 malimbica, Halcyon 309 Malimbus 691 Mandingoa 756 mariquensis, Nectarinia 667 maxima, Ceryle 301 media, Gallinago 184 Megabyas 589 megarhynchos, Luscinia 476 meiffreni, Ortyxelos 134 Melaenornis 574 melanocephala, Ardea 11 melanocephalus, Lybius 354 melanocephalus, Ploceus 703 melanogaster, Eupodotis 149 melanogaster, Ploceus 704 melanoleucus, Accipiter 76 SL et i A a hg 9 ay Bo melanotis, Estrilda 745 melanotos, Sarkidiornis 55 melba, Apus 294 melba, Pytilia 762 -meleagris, Numida 133 Melierax 96 mentalis, Sphenoeacus 558 Merops 313 Mesopicos 379 metabates, Melierax 97 metallicus, Anthreptes p.84 meyeri, Poicephalus 240 Microparra 157 microrhynchus, Bradornis 570 migrans, Milvus 102 Milvus 102 minimus, Lymnocryptes 186 minor, Batis 583 minor, Indicator 366 minor, Lanius 632 minor, Phoeniculus 333 minullus, Accipiter 77 minuta, Calidris i90 minuta, Tchagra 622 minutus, Ixobrychus 7 Mirafra 388 modesta, Galerida 387. molitor, Batis 584 monachus, Centropus 263 monachus, Neophron 61 mongolus, Charadrius 164 monogrammicus, Kaupifalco 94 monteiri, Clytospiza 741 Monticola 477 morio, Onychognathus 649 Motacilla 604 motitensis, Passer 725 mozambicus, Serinus 787 _Muscicapa 576 musculus, Remiz 424 musicus, Bias 587 Musophaga 245 Mycteria 31 Myioparus 582 -myioptilus, Schoutedenapus 297 -Myrmecocichla 480 “maevia, Coracias 328 Mamaquus, Thripias 382 mana, Cisticola 532 Marina, Apaloderma 300 Masutus, Tockus 345 NMatalensis, Caprimulgus 283 Natalensis, Chloropeta 518 natalensis, Cisticola 533 natalensis, Cossypha 471 naumanni, Falco p.21 nebularia, Tringa 178 Nectarinia 661 Neophron 61 Neotis 152 Nesocharis 757 Netta 51 Nettapus 52 niansae, Apus p.44 Nicator 453 niger, Bubalornis 716 niger, Chlidonias p.33 nigeriae, Hypochera 731 nigerrimus, Ploceus 705 nigra, Ciconia 26 nigra, Myrmecocichla 479 nigriceps, Eremopterix 385 nigricollis, Ploceus 706 nigripennis, Gallinago 185 nigripennis, Oriolus 414 Nigrita 758 nigromitratus, Trochocercus 595 Nilaus 618 nilotica, Gelochelidon 212 nipalensis, Aquila 81 nisoria, Sylvia 565 nitens, Malimbus 691 nitens, Trochocercus 596 nitidula, Mandingoa 756 niveicapilla, Cossypha 472 nivosa, Campethera 373 nonnula, Estrilda 746 nordmanni, Glareola 205 novaeseelandiae, Anthus 600 nubica, Campethera 374 nubicus, Caprimulgus p.42 nubicus, Lanius 633 nubicus, Merops 318 nuchalis, Glareola 206 Numida 133 Nycticorax 21 nycticorax, Nycticorax 21 nyroca, Aythya 50 obsoletus, Picoides 381 occipitalis, Lophaetus 95 occipitalis, Trigonoceps, 64 ochropus, Tringa 179 ocularis, Ploceus 707 oedicnemus, Burhinus p.31 Oena 224 oenanthe 480 oenanthe, Oenanthe 484 olivacea, Nectarinia 668 olivaceus, Linurgus 780 onocrotalus, Pelecanus 3 Onychognathus 648 oreobates, Merops 319 orientalis, Anthreptes 658 erientalis, Batis 585 orientalis, Merops 320 orientalis, Vidua 737 Oriolus 412 ObLOLUS)) Oriaolus i415 Ortygospiza 759 Ortyxelos 134 osea, Nectarinia 669 ostrinus, Pyrenestes 760 Otis 154 Otus 272 ovampensis, Accipiter p.21 Pachycoccyx 260 pallida, Hippolais 543 pallidus, Apus 295 pallidus, Bradornis 571 ‘paludicola, Estrilda 747 paludicola, Riparia 408 Pandion 107 paradisaea, Vidua 738 Parisoma 547 Parus 421 parva, Porzana p.24 parvulus, Remiz 425 parvus, Cypsiurus 296 Passer p.91 pavonina, Balearica 137 pectoralis, Caprimulgus 284 pectoralis, Coracina 441 pecuarius, Charadrius 165 Pelecanus 3 pelegrinoides, Falco 115 peli, Scotopelia 175 pelios, Turdus 497 penelope, Anas 46 pennatus, Hieraaetus 92 Pentholaea 486 percnopterus, Neophron 62 peregrinus, Falco 116 perkeo, Batis 586. perlatum, Glaucidium 271 permista, Campethera 375 Pernis 103 persicus, Merops 321 Petronia 726 pecrosus, PtEatopachus 131 Phalacrocorax 5 Philomachus 194 phoenicea, Campephaga 438 phoenicoptera, Pytilia 763 Phoenicopterus 37 Phoeniculus 331 112 Phoenicurus 487 phoenicurus, Phoenicurus 487 Phyllastrephus 454 Phyllolais 548 Phylloscopus 549 piaggiae, Turdus 498 Picoides 381 picta, Ispidina 312 placidus, Phyllastrephus 456 Platalea 35 platurts, Anthreptes 659 Platysteira 590 platyura, Schoenicola 557 plebejus, Turdoides 434 Plectopterus 53 Plegadis 33 pleschanka, Oenanthe 485 Plocepasser 718 Ploceus 693 plumata, Prionops 637 plumbeus, Myioparus 582 Pluvialis 167 Pluvianus 202 podobe, Cercotrichas p.63 poecilolaemus, Dendropicos 378 poecilosterna, Mirafra 393 Poeoptera 651 Poginiulus 357 Pogonocichla 488 Poicephalus 239 Polemaetus 98 Polihierax 119 poliocephala, Alethe 462 poliocephalus, Caprimulgus 285 poliogaster, Zosterops 678 poliopleura, Emberiza 777 poliopterus Melierax p.21 Polyboroides 69 pomarina, Aquila 82 Porphyrio 142 porphyrio, Porphyrio p.25 Porzana 143 porzana, Porzana 143 prasina, Hylia 544 pratincola, Glareola 207 preussi, Nectarinia 670 Prinia 554 Prionops 637 pristoptera, Psalidoprocne 406 Prodotiscus 368 Psalidoprocne 405 Pseudonigrita 720 Psittacula 241 Pterocles 215 Pteronetta 54 Ptilopachus 131 Ptilostomus 420 Ptyrticus 429 pugnax, Philomachus 194 pulchella, Nectarinia 671 pulchella, Phyllolais 548 pulchra, Apalis 509 pulchra, Sarothrura 147 pullaria, Agapornis 238 punctifrons, Remiz 426 punctuligera, Campethera 376 purpuratus, Trachylaemus 360 purpurea, Ardea 12 purpureus, Lamprotornis 645 purpureus;, Phoeniculus 334 purpuropterus, Lamprotornis 646 pusilla, Eremomela 541 pusilla, Porzana p.25 pusillus, Merops 322 pusillus, Pogoniulus 359 puveli, Trichastoma 432 Pycnonotus 459 pygargus, Circus 67 Pyrenestes 760 — pyrgita, Petronia 727 Pytilia 762 quadribrachys, Alcedo 304 quadricincut, Pterocles 217 Quelea 712 quelea, Quelea 714 querquedula, Anas 47 quiscalina, Campephaga 439 radiatus, Polyboroides 69 ralloides, Ardeola 13 Rallus 144 ranivorus, Circus 68 Yapax, Aquila 83. Yara, Lagonosticta 751 rectirostris, Anthreptes 660 Recurvirostra 197 reichardi, Serinus 788 Remiz 424 rex, Balaeniceps 22 Rhinoptilus 203: rhipidurus, Corvus 418 rhodopareia, Lagonosticta 752 Rhodophoneus 619 rhodopyga, Estrilda 748 Rhynchops 214 ridibundus, Larus 209 riocourii, Chelictinia 104 Riparia 407 riparia, Riparia 409 robusta, Cisticola 534 rolleti, Lybius 355 143 scops, rossae, Musophaga 245 Rostratula 158 ruber, Phoenicopterus 37 rubescens, Nectarinia 672 rubetra, Saxicola 490 rubiginosus, Ploceus 708 rubiginosus, Turdoides 435 rubricata, Lagonosticta 753 rubriceps, Anaplectes 681 rubricollis, Malimbus 692 rudis, Ceryle 302 rueppelli, Eurocephalus 636 rueppelli, Gyps 60 rufa, Anhinga 6 rufescens, Acrocephalus 503 rufescens, Pelecanus 4 ruficapilla, Spermophaga 764 ruficeps, Cisticola 535 ruficollis, Corvus 419 ruficollis, Jynx 369 ruficollis, Tachybaptus 2 ruficrista, Eupodotis 150 rufifrons, Spiloptila 559 rufinus, Buteo 90 rufipennis, Butastur 86 rufipennis, Trichastoma p.60 rufiventris, Accipiter 78 rufocinerea, Monticola 477 rufocinnamomea, Mirafra 394 rufogularis, Apalis 510 rufopicta, Lagonosticta 754 rufus, Bathmocercus 511 rupicoloides, Falco p.21 rustica, Hirundo 401 Sagittarius 57 Salpornis 427 salvadorii, Cryptospiza 742 Sarkidiornis 55 Sarothrura 145 saxatilis, Monticola 478 ~Saxicola 489 scandens, Phyllastrephus 457 schlegelii, Francolinus 128 Schoenicola 557 schoenobaenus, Acrocephalus 504 Schoutedenapus 297 schuetti, Tauraco 248 scirpaceus, Acrocephalus 505 Otus 273 Scopus 23 scotocerca, Cercomela p.63 Scotopelia 275 seimundi, Nectarinia 673 semipartitus, Empidornis 572 semirufa, Cossypha 473 semirufa, Hirundo 402 semitorquata, Alcedo 305 semitorgquata, Streptopelia 228 semitorquatus, Polihierax 119 senator, Lanius 634 senegala, Lagonosticta 755 senegala, Tchagra 623 senegalensis, Burhinus 199 senegalensis, Centropus 264 senegalensis, Ephippiorhynchus 29 senegalensis, Eupodotis 151 senegalensis, Halcyon 310 senegalensis, Hirundo 403 senegalensis, Nectarinia 674 senegalensis, Otus 274 senegalensis, Streptopelia 229 senegalensis, Zosterops 679 senegallus, Vanellus 172 sephaena, Francolinus 129 Serinus 781 serpentarius, Sagittarius 57 sharpii, Cynnyricinclus 639 shelleyi, Spreo 652 Sheppardia 491 sibilatrix, Phylloscopus 551 signata, Eremopterix 386 similis, Anthus 601 similis, Chloropeta 519 simplex, Camaroptera 517 simplex, Chlorocichla 451 smithii, Hirundo 404 solitarius, Cuculus 259 solitarius, Monticola p.65 somalica, Prinia 555 somalicus, Lanius 635 Sparsa, Anas 48 Spermophaga 764 Sphenoeacus 558 spilogaster, Hieraaetus 93 spilonota, Salpornis 427 Spillopti law ooo spinosus, Vanellus 173 splendidus, Lamprotornis 647 Sporopipes 728 Spreo 652 - squamatus, Francolinus 130 squatarola, Pluvialis 167 stagnatilis, Tringa 180 stellaris, Botaurus p.8 stellata, Pogonocichla 488 stellatus, Caprimulgus 286 Stephanoaetus 99 Sterna 213 Stiphrornis 492 Stizorhina 493 strepera, Anas p.14 strepitans, Phyllastrephus 458 Streptopelia 225 streptophorus, Francolinus p.23 striata, Muscicapa 581 striatus, Butorides 15 striatus, Colius 298 striolatus, Serinus 789 striolata, Emberiza 778 Struthio 1 stuhlmanni, Poeoptera 651 sturmii, Ixobrychus 8 subbuteo, Falco 117 subcylindricus, Bycanistes 336 subflava, Amandava 739 subflava, Prinia 556 sulfureopectus, Malaconotus 617 superbus, Spreo 653 superciliaris, Camaroptera p.69 superciliosus, Centropus 265 superciliosus, Merops 323 superciliosus, Plocepasser 719 superciliosus, Ploceus sylvatica, Turnix 135 Sylvia 560 Sylvietta 566 syndactyla, Bleda 448 Tacazze, Nectarinia 675 tachardus, Buteo 91 tachiro, Accipiter 79 Tachybaptus 2 taeniopterus, Ploceus 710 tahapisi, Emberiza 779 Tauraco 246 Tchagra 620 tectus, Vanellus 174 Telecanthura p.44 temminckii, Calidris 191 temminckii, Cursorius 201 tenebrosus, Turdoides 436 tenellus, Tmetothylacus 608 tephronotus, Glaucidium p.41 Terathopius 73 Terpsiphone 594 Thalassornis 56 Thamnolaea 494 Threskiornis 34 Thripias 382 | tinnunculus, Falco 118 | Tmetothylacus 608 Tockus 338 Torgos 63 ; torquata, Saxicola 490 Torquilla, Jynx 370 totanus, Tringa 181 tousenellii, Accipiter 80 114 \ tracheliotus, Torgos 63 Trachylaemus 360 Trachyphonus 361 Treron 236 Trichastoma 430 tricollaris, Charadrius 166 tricolor, Pycnonotus 460 Trigonoceps 64 Tringa 177 é _ Tristigma, Caprimulgus 287 trivialis, Anthus 601 trochilus, Phylloscopus 552 Trochocercus 595 troglodytes, Cisticola 536 troglodytes, Estrilda 749 turdinus, Ptyrticus 429 Turdoides 433 Turdus 495 Tarnix 135 Turtur ’ 232 turtur, Streptopelia 230 tympanistria, Turtur 235 Tyto 266 ultramarina, Hypochera umbretta, Scopus 23 umbrovirens, Phylloscopus 553 undulata, Anas p.14 unicincta, Columba 223 Upupa 330 Uraeginthus 765 urbica, Delichon 395 Urocolius 299 Urotriorchis 100 ussheri, Telecanthura p.44 Vanellus 168 variegatus, Indicator 367 variegatus, Merops 324 velatus, Ploceus 711 venusta, Nectarinia 676 verreauxi, Aquila 84 verticalis, Nectarinia 677 verspertinus, Falco p.21 vexillarius, Macrodipteryx 289 Vidua 733 viduata, Dendrocygna 39 vielloti, Lybius 356 vinacea, Streptopelia 231 virens, Andropadus 445 virens, Sylvietta 567 virgo, Anthropoides 136 viridis, Terpsiphone 594 vocifer, Haliaeetus 101 vulturinum, Acryllium p.23 waalia, Treron 237 wahlbergi, Aquila 85 walleri, Onychognathus 650 whytii, Sylvietta 568 wilsoni, Hypochera 730 woodfordii, Ciccaba 270 xantholophus, Mesopicos 380 Xenus 182 zonurus, Crinifer 244 Zosterops 678 INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES Numbers refer to species, not pages Akalet, Equatorial 492 Alethe, Brown-chested 462 Fire-crested 461 Apalis, Black-collared 509 Black-throated 508 Buff-throated 510 Grey 506 - Yellow-breasted 507 Avocet 197 Babbler, African Hill 428 Brown 434 Dusky 436 Thrush 429 White-rumped 433 Barbet, Black-billed 349 Black-breasted 355 Black-throated 354 d'Arnaud's 361 Double-toothed 348 Grey-throated 347 Hairy-breasted 350 Red and Yellow 362 Red-fronted 353 Spotted-flanked 351 Vieillot's 356 White-headed 352 Yellow-billed 360 Bateleur 73 Batis, Black-headed 583 Chinspot 584 Grey-headed 585 Pygmy 586 Bee-eater, Black-headed 315 Blue-breasted 324 Blue-cheeked 321 Carmine 318 Cinnamon-chested 319 Eurasian 314 Little 322 Little Green 320 Madagascar 323 Red-throated 316 Swallow-tailed 312 White-throated 313 Bishop, Black 688 Black-winged Red 689 Red 687 Yellow 686 Yellow-crowned 683 Bittern p.8 Dwarf 8 Little 7 Blackcap 560 Bluebill, Red-headed 764 Bluethroat p.64 Boubou, Slate-coloured 613 Sooty 614 Tropical 611 Bristlebill 448 Green-tailed 447 Brownbul, Northern 458 Brubru, Northern 618 Bulbul, Common 459 Yellow-vented 460 Bunting, Brown-rumped 776 Cabands |) 774 Cinnamon-breasted Rock 779 Cretzschmar's p.97 Golden-breasted 775 House 778 Somali Golden-breasted 777 Bustard, Arabian 154 Black-bellied 149 Buff-crested 150 Denham's 152 Hartlaub's 148 Heuglin's 153 Kori 155 Senegal 151] Button Quail 135 Buzzard, Augur 87 Common 89 Grasshopper 86 Honey 103 Lizzard 94 Long-legged 90 Mountain 91 Red-necked 88 Camaroptera, Grey-backed 515 Olive-green 516 Yellow-browed p.69 Canary,White-bellied 784 Yellow-crowned 782 Yellow-fronted 787 Chat, Brown-tailed Rock p. 63 Cliff 480 Red-tailed 463 Rufous Bush 464 116 Chat, sooty 481 White-fronted Black 479 Chatterer, Rufous 435 Chiffchaff 550 ‘Cisticola, Ashy 526 Black-backed 528 Boran 522 Croaking 533 Foxy 536 Rattling 525 Red-faced 527. Red-pate 535 Rock-loving 520 Satiitane. 523 Singing 524 Stout 534 Tiny: 532 Whistling 531 Winding 529 Wing-snapping 521 Zitting 530 Citril, African Grey-faced 783 Coot, Red-knobbed p.25 Cordon-bleu, Blue-capped 766 Red-cheeked 765 Cormorant p./ Long-tailed 5 - Corncrake 138 Coucal, Black 262 Blue-headed 263 Senegal 264 White-browed 265 Courser, Cream-coloured 200 Heuglin's 204 Temminck's 201 Violet-tipped 203 Crake, African 139 Baillon's p.25 Black 141 Buff-spotted Pygmy 146 Chestnut-tailed Pygmy 145 Little p.24 Spotted 143 White-spotted Pygmy 147 Crane, Crowned 137 _ Demoiselle 136 Creeper, spotted 427 _Crimson-wing, Abyssinian 742 Crombec 566 Green 567 _ Red-faced 568 Crow, Pied 416 Cuckoo, African 258 Black 257 Black and White 254 Didric 249 Emerald 250 Eurasian 256 Great Spotted 253 KRiaas’ 252 Levaillant's 255 Red-chested 259 Thick-billed 260 Yellow-throated Green 251 Cuckoo Shrike, Black 437 Grey 440 Purple-throated 439 Red-shouldered 438 White-breasted 441 Curlew, Stone p.31 Cut-throat 768 Darter 6 Dove, Black-billed Wood 232 Dusky Turtle 227 Blue-spotted Wood 233 Emerald-spotted Wood 234 Laughing 229 Lemon 218 Mourning 226 Namaqua 224 Red-eyed 228 Ring-necked 225 Tambourine 235 Turtle 230 Vinaceus 231 Drongo 410 Square-tailed 411 Duck, Black 48 -Fulvous Whistling 38 Hartlaub's 54 Red-billed 44 Tufted 49 White-backed 56 White-faced Whistling 39 Yellow-billed p.14 Dunlin 188 Eagle, African Hawk 93 Ayres’ Hawk P.21 Banded Snake 70 ‘Beaudouin's Snake 72 Black-chested 72 Booted 92 Brown Snake 71 Crowned 99 Fish 101 Greater Spotted p.21 Lesser Spotted 82 Shrike 589 Long-crested Hawk 95 Sooty 569 Martial 98 Spotted 581 Short-toed Snake 72 Swamp 577 Steppe 81 White-eyed Slaty 574 Tawny 83 ' Yellow-bellied 588 Verreaux's 84 Francolin, Banded 128 Wahlberg's 85 Clapperton's 123 Egret, Cattle 14 Crested 129 Great White 16 Forest 125 Little 18 Heuglin's 124 Yellow-billed 19 Ring-necked p.23 Eremomela, Brown-crowned 539 Scaly 130 Green-backed 541 Yellow-bellied 540 Gadwall p.14 Gallinule, Allen's 142 Falcon, Barbary 115 Purple p.25 Eleonora's p.21 Garganey 42 Lanner 110 Go-away Bird, White-bellied 243 Peregrine 116 Godwit, Black-tailed 193 Pygmy 119 Gonolek, Black-headed 612 Red-footed p.21 Goose, Egyptian 40 Red-necked 112 Knob-billed 55 Saker 111 Pygmy 52 Sooty -p.21 Spur-winged 53 Taita 114 Goshawk, African 79 Bunch, HOCcustoap. 25 Dark Chanting 97 Oriole 780 Gabar 96 Ouaqin759 Pale Chanting p.21 Firefinch, African 753 Red-chested 80 Bar-breasted 754 Grebe, Little 2 Black-bellied 751 Greenbul, Cameroon Sombre 442 Black-faced 750 Honeyguide 446 Jameson's 752 Joyful 450 Red-billed 755 Little 445 Fiscal 625 Olive Mountain 456 Grey-backed 629 Red-tailed 452 Somali 635 Simple 451 Taita 627 Slender-billed 443 Flamingo, Greater 37 Toro Olive 455 Lesser p.11 White-throated 454 Flycatcher, Ashy 578 ree ie 444 Greenshan an mes White 587 Grenadier, Purple 767 Greywing, Archer's 127 Smith's 127 Guineafowl, Crested 132 Tufted 133 Vulturine p.23 Gull, Black-headed 209 Grey-headed p.33 Blue 593 Blue-headed Crested 596 Collared 573 Dusky 576 Dusky Blue 579 Dusky Crested 595 Seale TC Lesser Black-backed 208 Grey 570 Lead-coloured 582 Hadada 32 Pale 571 Hamerkop 23 Paradise 594 Harrier, African Marsh 68 118 -_ Marsh 65 Montagu's 62 Pallid 66 Hawk, Bat 106 Cuckoo p.21 Harrier 69 Long-tailed 100 Heron, Black 17 Black-headed 11 Goliath 10 Green-backed 15 Grey 9 Night 21 Purple 12 Squacco 13 White-backed Night 20 Hobby 117 Aprecan 113 Honeybird, Cassin's 368 Honeyguide, Black-throated 364 Least 363 Lesser 366 Scaly-throated 367 Spotted 365 ‘Hoopoe 330 Abyssinian Wood 333 Black Wood 331 Green Wood 334 White-headed Wood 332 Hornbill, Abyssinian Ground 346 Black and White Casqued 336 Black-wattled 337 Crowned 338 Grey 345 e Hemprich's 343 Jackson's 344 Pied 341 Red-billed 340 Red-billed Dwarf 339 Silvery-cheeked 335 Yellow-billed 342 Hylia, Green 544 Ibis, Glossy 33 Sacred 34 Illadopsis, Brown 431 Pale-breasted p.60 Puvel's 432 Scaly-breasted 430 Indigobird, Bar-breasted Firefinch 732 “Camerunensis" 729 "Nigeriae" 731 - Red-billed Firefinch 730 Jacana 156 Lesser 157 Kestrel 118 Fox 108 Grey 109 Lesser p.21 White-eyed p.21 Kingfisher, Blue-breasted 309 Chestnut-bellied 308 Chocolate-backed 306 Dwarf 311 Giant 301 Half-collared 305 Malachite 303 Pied 302 Pygmy 312 Shining-blue 304 Striped 307 Woodland 310 Kite, Black 102 Black-shouldered i105 Swallow-tailed i104 Lammergeyer p.15 Lapwing, Crowned 169 Long-toed 170 Lark, Chestnut-backed Sparrow 384 Chestnut-headed Sparrow 386 Crested p.54 Flappet 116 Kordofan Bush 390 Northern White-tailed Bush 388 Pink-breasted 393 Red-tailed Bush 391 Red-winged Bush 392 Short-toed 383 Singing Bush 389 Sun 387 White-fronted Sparrow 385 Leaflove 457 Yellow-throated 449 Longbill, Yellow 546 . Longclaw, Yellow-throated 603 Lovebird, Red-headed 238 Malimbe, Blue-billed 691 Red-headed 692 Mannikin, Black and White 769 Bronze 770 Magpie 771 Marabou 30 Martin, African Rock 399 African Sand 408 Banded Sand 407 House 395 Sand 409 Moorhen p.25 Lesser 140 Mousebird, Blue-naped 299 Speckled 298 Negrofinch, Grey-headed 758 Nicator 453 Nightingale 476 Nightjar, Montane 285 Donaldson-Smith's 279 Dusky 281 Egyptian276 Eurasian 280 Fiery-necked 284 Freckled 287 Long-tailed 278 Nubian p.42 Pennant-winged 289 Plain 282 Rufous-cheeked p.42 Slender-tailed 277 Standard-winged 288 Star-spotted 286 White-tailed 283 Olive-back, Grey-headed 758 Oriole, African Golden 412 Black-headed 413 Black-winged 414 Golden 415 Ortolan p.97 Osprey 107 Ostrich 1 Owl, African Marsh 267 African Scops 274 African Wood 270 Barn 266 Pel's Fishing 275 Long-eared p.41 Scoops 273 Short-eared P.41 Spotted Eagle 268 Verreaux's Eagle 269 White-faced Scops 272 Owlet, Pearl-spotted 271 Red-chested p.41 Oxpecker, Red-billed 655 Yellow-billed 654 Parisoma, Brown 547 Parakeet, Rose-ringed 241 Parrot, Brown 240 Niam Niam 239 Partridge, Stone 131 Pelican, Pink-backed 4 White 3 120 Petronia, Bush 726 Yellow-spotted 727 Piapiac 42Q Pigeon, Afep 223 Bronze-naped 221 Bruce's Green 237 Green 236 Olive 220 Speckled 222 White-naped 219 Pintail 41 Pipit, Golden 608 Long-billed 601 Plain-backed 599 Red-throated 598 Richard's 600 Tawny 597 Tree 602 Plantain Eater, Eastern Grey 244 Plover, Black-headed 174 Caspian 160 Egyptian 202 Forbe's 162 Grey 167 Kentish 159 Little Ringed 161 Quail 134 Ringed 163 Spur-winged 173 Three-banded 166 Wattled 172 White-headed 168 White-tailed 171 Pochard, European p.14 Southern 51 White-eyed 50 Pratincole, Common 207 Black-winged 205 White-collared 206 Prinia, Pale 555 Tawny-flanked 556 White-chinned 554 Puffback 609 Pink-footed 610 Pytilia, Green-winged 762 Orange-winged 761 Red-winged 763 Quail 121 Blue 120 Harlequin 122 Quelea, Cardinal 712 Red-billed 714 Red-headed 713 Rail, African Water 144 Raven, Brown-necked 419 Fan-tailed 418 Redshank 181 Spotted 176 Redstart 488 Robin, Black Bush p.63 Forest 493 Grey-winged Ground 474 White-browed Scrub 465 White-starred Forest 489 Robinchat 468 Blue-shouldered 469 Red-capped 471 Ruppell's 473 Snowy-headed 472 White-browed 470 White-crowned 467 Roller, Abyssinian 325 Blue-bellied 326 Broad-billed 329 Eurasian 327 Lilac-breasted p.47 Rufous-crowned 328 Rook, Cape 417 Roughwing, Black 406 White-headed 405 Ruff 194 Sanderling 187 Sandgrouse, Chestnut-bellied 215 Four-banded 217 Lichtenstein's 216 Sandpiper, Broad-billed 192 | Common 175 ~Curlew 189 Green 179 _Marsh 180 Terek 182 Wood 177 Sandplover, Great p.27 - Kittlitz's 165 Mongolian 164 Secretary Bird 57 Seedcracker, Large-billed 760 Seed-eater, Streaky 789 Streaky-headed 785 Stripe-breasted 788 _. White-rumped 786 Yellow-rumped 781 Shikra 74 Shoebill 22 Shoveler 42 Shrike, Emin's 630 Great Grey 628 Grey-headed Bush 616 Helmet 637 Lesser Grey 632 Lihder's 615 Nubian 633 Red-backed 626 Red-tailed 631 Rosy-patched 619 Sulphur-breasted Bush 617 White-crowned 636 Woodchat 634 Yellow-billed 624 Silverbill 773 Grey-headed 772 Silverbird 572 Skimmer 214 Snipe, African 185 Common 183 Great 184 Jack 186 Painted 158 Sparrow, Chestnut 722 Grey-headed 723 House 721 Parrot-billed 723 Rufous 725 Somali p.91 Sudan Golden 724 Sparrowhawk, Great 76 Levant 75 Little 77 Ovampo p.21 Rufous 78 Spinetail, Mottle-throated p.44 Spoonbill 36 African. 35 Sprosser 475 Spurfowl, Yellow-necked 126 Starling, Blue-eared Glossy 643 Brown-tailed Glossy 642 Chestnut-winged 648 Lesser Blue-eared Glossy 644 Long-tailed Glossy 641 Purple Glossy 645 Red-winged 649 Ruppell's Long-tailed Glossy 646 Sharpe's 639 Shelley's 652 Splendid Glossy 647 Stuhlmann's 651 Superb 653 Nyanza p.44 Violet-backed 638 Pallid 295 Waller's Chestnut-winged 650 Palm 296 Wattled 640 Scarce 297 Stilt, Black-winged 196 White-rumped 293 Shinty. bpPetre 190 Temminck's 191 Stonechat 491 Stork, Abdim's 25 Black 28 Open-billed 24 Saddle-billed 29 White 26 Wooly-necked 27 Yellow-billed 31 Sunbird, Amethyst 661 Beautiful 671 Collared 656 Copper 664 Eastern Pygmy p.84 Eastern Violet-backed 658 Green 660 Green-headed 677 Tchagra, Black-capped 622 Black-headed 623 Brown-headed 620 Three-streaked 621 Teal 43 Hottentot 45 Tern, Black p.33 Caspian 212 Gull-billed 213 Whiskered 210 White-winged Black 211 Thicknee, Senegal 199 Spotted 198 Thrush, Abyssinian Ground 498 African 497 Blue Rock p.65 Little Rock 477 Green-throated 672 Olive 495 Hunter's p.85 Rock 478 é Rufous 494 Little Green 673 Malachite 666 Mariqua 667 Northern Double-collared 670 Northern Orange-tufted 669 Spotted Ground 496 Spotted Morning 466 Tinkerbird, Lemon-rumped 358 Red-fronted 359 Yellow-fronted 357 Olive 668 : Glebe igediee? arn Meee Pygmy 659 ue ty. Mouse-coloured Penduline 424 Sennar Penduline 426 White-bellied 421 Yellow Penduline 425 Trogon, Narina's 300 Turaco, Black-billed 248 Great Blue 242 Ross's 245 White-cheeked 247 White-crested 246 Turnstone 195 Twinspot, Brown 741 Dybowski's 740 Green-backed 756 Red-chested 665 Scarlet-chested 674 Shining p.85 Splendid 663 Tacazze 675 Variable 676 Violet-backed 657 Swallow 401 Ethiopian 397 Grey-rumped 400 Mosque 403 Red-rumped 398 Rufous-chested 402 Striped 396 Wire-tailed 404 Vulture, Egyptian 62 Swift, African Black p.44 Hooded 61 Alpine 294 Lappet-faced 63 Common 292 Palm-nut 58 Horus p.44 Ruppell's 60 Little 291 White-backed 59 Mottled 290 White-headed 64 122 Jagtail, African Pied 604 Brown-capped 699 Grey 606 Chestnut 708 Mountain p.78 Chestnut-crowned Sparrow 719 White 605 } Cinnamon 693 Yellow 607 Compact 709 Jarbler, African Reed 500 Dark-backed 695 Bamboo 512 Emin's 696 Barred 565 Golden-backed 701 Basra Reed 502 Grey-headed Social 720 Black-faced Rufous 511 Grosbeak 680 Bonelli's 549 — Heuglin's Masked 698 Brown Woodland 553 Little 702 Buff-bellied 548 Masked 700 . Cinnamon Bracken 514 Northern Masked 710 Fan-tailed 557 Parasitic 682 Garden 561 ’ Red-billed Buffalo 716 Great Reed 499 Red-headed 681 Greater Swamp 503 RUppell's 697 Grey-capped 538 * Speckle-fronted 728 Grey Wren 517 Spectacled 707 Icterine p.72 Vitelline Masked 711 Lesser Swamp 501 White-billed Buffalo 715 Little Rush 513 White-browed Sparrow 718 Marsh p.67 White-headed Buffalo 717 Mountain Yellow 519 . Yellow-backed 703 Moustached 558 Wheatear, Black-eared 484 Olivaceous 543 Desert 483 Orphean 564 Isabelline 485 Reed 505 Northern 486 Red-faced 560 Pied 487 Red-fronted 559 Red-breasted 482 Red-winged 542 Whinchat 490 Red-winged Grey 537 White-eye, Montane 678 Savi's 545 Yellow 679 Sedge 504 Whitethroat 562 Upcher's p.72 Lesser 563 Willow 552 Whydah, Northern Broad-tailed Wood 551 Paradise 735 Yellow 518 Northern Paradise 737 Nattle-eye 591 Paradise 738 Chestnut 590 Pin-tailed 736 Jameson's 592 Steel-blue 734 Naxbill 743 Straw-tailed 733 Black-cheeked 744 Widowbird, Fan-tailed 685 Black-crowned 746 Red-collared 684 Black-rumped 749 Red-naped 684 Crimson-rumped 748 White-winged p.87 Fawn-breasted 747 ‘Yellow-mantled 690 Yellow-bellied 745 Wigeon 46 Zebra 739 Cape p.14 Weaver, Baglafecht 694 Woodpecker, Bearded 382 Black 705 Brown-backed 381 Black-billed 704 Brown-eared 372 Black-necked 706 Buff-spotted 373 123 Cardinal 377 Fine-spotted 376 Golden-tailed 371 Green-backed 375 Grey 379 Nubian 374 124 Uganda Spotted 378 Yellow-crested 380 Wryneck 370 Red-throated 369 Yellowbill 261 4 7 me 3 t 7 as into has byt Atagaa teak 07 aT ARS venom al 3e 3 ree pues ceenca age Oe Fe per pew ners PaD lake ne tape Arama se SS ident ens Bone Soa afer oRipe ween ee ernest peer a hes eet a ame + perenne eons Pome Rrorrest lage or aa Ananase hen rend oe a eera eee cs