_D _D ' tr 1 CD CD m CD THE SEA SHORE THE OUT-DOOR WORLD SERIES. THE OUT-DOOE WORLD ; or, the Young Collec- tor's Handbook. By W. S. FURNEATJX. With 18 Plates (16 of which are Coloured), and 549 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net. FIELD AND WOODLAND PLANTS. By "W. S. FCRNEAUX. With 8 Plates in Colour, and numerous other Illustrations by PATTEN WILSON, and from Photographs. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. By W. S. FURNEAUX. With 12 Coloured Plates and 241 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net. LIFE IN PONDS AND STREAMS. By W. S. FURNEAUX. With 8 Coloured Plates and 331 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net. THE SEA SHORE. By W. S. FCRNEAUX. With 8 Coloured Plates and over 300 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net. BRITISH BIRDS. By W. H. HUDSON. With a Chapter on Structure and Classification by FRANK E. BEDDARD, F.E.S. With 16 Plates (8 of which are Coloured), and 103 Illustrations in the Text. Crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. net. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., 39 Paternoster Eow, London, B.C.* New York, Toronto, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. T 9S THE SEA SHORE BY W. S. FURNEAUX AUTHOR OF ' THE OUTDOOR WORLD ' ' BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS ' ' LIFE IN PONDS AND STREAMS ' ETC. WJTU EIGHT PLATES Tit COLOUR A.\D OVER THREE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS M THE TEXT NEW IMPRESSION LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. 39 PATEENOSTEE EOW, LONDON, E.G. 4 NEW YOKK, TORONTO BOMBAY, CALCUTTA AND MADRAS 1922 All rights reserved BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE. First published in September, 1903. Re-issue at Cheaper Price, July, 1911. New Impression, November, 1922. in Great Britain PBEFACE To sea-side naturalists it must be a matter of great surprise that of the inhabitants of our coast towns and villages, and of the pleasure- seekers that swarm on various parts of the coast during the holiday season, so few take a real interest in the natural history of the shore. The tide flows and ebbs and the restless waves incessantly roll on the beach without arousing a thought as to the nature and cause of their movements. The beach itself teems with peculiar forms of life that are scarcely noticed except when they disturb the peace of the resting visitor. The charming vegetation of the tranquil rock- pool receives but a passing glance, and the little world of busy creatures that people it are scarcely observed ; while the wonderful forms of life that inhabit the sheltered nooks of the rugged rocks between the tide-marks are almost entirely unknown except to the comparatively few students of Nature. So general is this apparent lack of interest in the things of the shore that he who delights in the study of littoral life and scenes but seldom meets with a kindred spirit while following his pursuits, even though the crowded beach of a popular resort be situated in the immediate neighbourhood of his hunting ground. The sea-side cottager is too accustomed to the shore to suppose that he has anything to learn concerning it, and this familiarity leads, if not to contempt, most certainly to a disinclination to observe clcsely ; and the visitor from town often considers himself to be too much in need of vi PREFACE his hard-earned rest to undertake anything that may seem to require energy of either mind or body. Let both, however, cast aside any predisposition to look upon the naturalist's employment as arduous and toilsome, and make up their minds to look enquiringly into the living world around them, and they will soon find that they are led onward from the study of one object to another, the employ- ment becoming more and more fascinating as they proceed. Our aim in writing the following pages is to encourage the observation of the nature and life of the sea shore ; to give such assistance to the beginner as will show him where the most interesting objects are to be found, and how he should set to work to obtain them. Practical hints are also furnished to enable the reader to successfully establish and maintain a salt-water aquarium for the observation of marine life at home, and to preserve various marine objects for the purpose of forming a study-collection of the common objects of the shore. To have given a detailed description of all such objects would have been impossible in a work of this size, but a large number have been described and figured, and the broad principles of the classification of marine animals and plants have been given such prominence that, it is hoped, even the younger readers will find but little difficulty in determining the approximate positions, in the scale of life, of the various living things that come within their reach. Of the many illustrations, which must necessarily greatly assist the reader in understanding the structure of the selected types and in the identification of the different species, a large number have been prepared especially for this work. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEA SHORE . . 1 H. THE SEA-SIDE NATURALIST . . . . 21 in. SEA ANGLING . . . . . . .34 IV. THE MARINE AQUARIUM . . . . 51 V. THE PRESERVATION OP MARINE OBJECTS . . .71 VI. EXAMINATION OF MARINE OBJECTS DISSECTION . 91 VH. THE PROTOZOA OF THE SEA SHORE .... 102 VIII. BRITISH SPONGES . . . . . . 115 IX. THE COZLENTERATES — JELLY-FISHES, ANEMONES, AND THEIR ALLIES ....... 127 X. STARFISHES, SEA URCHINS, ETC. . . . . 157 XI. MARINE WORMS ....... 172 XH. MARINE MOLLUSCS . . . . . . 190 Xm. MARINE ARTHROPODS ...... 256 XIV. MARINE VERTEBRATES . . . . . . 306 XV. SEA WEEDS ....... 343 XVI. THE FLOWERING PLANTS OF THE SEA-SIDE . . . 391 INDEX ......... 425 LIST OF COLOURED PLATES Drawn by MR. EGBERT LILLIE and reproduced by MESSES. ANDRE & SLEIGH, LTD., Busliey. PLATE I— A ROCK-POOL Frontispiece PLATE II— SEA ANEMONES . To face p. 142 1, 2, 3. Actinia mesembryanthe- mum. 4. Caryophyllia Smithii. 5. Tealia crassicornis. 6. Sagartia bcllis. 7. Balancphyllia regia. 8. Actinoloba dianthus. PLATE III— SEA ANEMONES . To face p. 150 1. Sagartia troglodytes. 2. ,, venusta. 3. Actinia glauca. 4. chiococca. 5. Bunodes Ballii. 6. „ gemmacea. 7. Anthea cereus. 8. Sagartia rosea. PLATE 1V—ECHINODERMS To face p. 168 1. Asterias rubens. 2. Goniaster equestris. 3. Ophiothrix fragilis. 4. Echinocardium cor datum. 5. Echinus miliaris. 6. esculentus. LIST OF COLOURED PLATES PLATE V— MOLLUSCS 1. Solen ensis. 2. Trivia europaa. 3. Trochus umbilicatus. 4. „ magnus. 5. Littorina littorea. 6. „ rudis. 7. Haminea (Bulla) hydatis. 8. Tellina. .To face p. 222 9. Capulus (Pileopsis) hun- garicus. 10. Chrysodomus (Fusus) anti- quus. 11. Buccinum undatum. 12. 13. Scalaria communis. 14. Pecten opercularis. 15. „ varius. 16. „ maximus. 1. Gonoplax angulata. 2. Xantho florida. 3. Portunus puber. PLATE VI— CRUSTACEA . .To face p. 290 4. Polybius Henslowii. o. Porcellana platycheles. PLATE VII— SEAWEEDS . To face p. 354 1. Fucus nodosus. 2. Nitophyllum laceratum. 3. Codium tomentosum. 4. Padina pavonia. 5. Porphyra laciniata (vulgaris). PLATE VIII— S.EM WEEDS . .To face p. 384 1. Chorda filum. 2. Fucus vesiculosus. 3. „ canaliculatus. 4. Delesseria (Maugeria) sanguinea. 5. Rhodymenia palmata. 6. Chondrus crispus. 7. D7va Zociwca. O.THEB ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. CHALK CLIFF ........ 8 2. WHITECLIFF (CHALK), DOBSET . . . . 4 3. PENLEE POINT, COBNWALL ...... 5 4. BALANUS SHELLS . . . . . . 6 5. A CLUSTEB OF MUSSELS . . . . . .7 6. BBEAKEBS . . . . . . . 8 7. ILLUSTBATING THE TIDE-PBODUCING INFLUENCE OF THE MOON . 10 8. ILLUSTBATING THE TIDES . . . . . 11 9. SPRING TIDES AT PULL MOON . . . . . .12 10. SPBING TIDES AT NEW MOON . . . . 12 11. NEAF TIDES ........ 18 12. CHABT SHOWING THE BELATIVE TIMES OF HIGH TIDE ON DIFFEBENT PABTS OF THE BBITISH COAST . . . . 16 13. THE VASCULUM ........ 22 14. WIBE RING FOB NET . . . . . 24 15. NET FRAME WITH CUBVED POINT . . . . .24 16. RHOMBOIDAL PBAME FOB NET . . . . 24 17. RHOMBOIDAL NET . . . . . . .25 18. SEMICIBCULAB NET . . . . . . 25 19. THE DBEDGE . . . . . . . .25 20. THE CBAB-POT . . . . . . 26 21. AN OLD BIBD-CAGE USED AS A CBAB-POT . . . .27 22. A YOUNG NATUBALIST AT WOBK . . . . 82 23. A GOOD HUNTING-GBOUND ON THE CoBNISH COAST . . .88 24. ROUND BEND HOOK WITH FLATTENED END . . 87 25. LIMEBICK HOOK, EYED . . . . . . .37 26. METHOD OF ATTACHING SNOOD TO FLATTENED HOOK . 38 27. METHOD OF ATTACHING SNOOD TO EYED HOOK . . .88 28. THE LUGWOBM ..... 39 29. THE RAGWOBM ...... .40 80. DIGGING FOB BAIT . . . . . 41 31. METHOD OF OPENING A MUSSEL ... .42 82. FISHING FBOM THE ROCKS . .... 46 33 THE PATERNOSTER . .... 48 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 84. SECTION OF AN AQUARIUM CONSTRUCTED WITH A MIXTURE OF CEMENT AND SAND . . . . . 54 35. CEMENT AQUARIUM WITH A GLASS PLATE IN FRONT . . 55 36. AQUARIUM OF WOOD WITH GLASS FRONT . . 56 87. HEXAGONAL AQUARIUM CONSTRUCTED OF ANGLE ZINC, WITH GLASS SIDES ........ 57 38. METHOD OF AERATING THE WATER OP AN AQUARIUM . 65 39. AQUARIUM FITTED WITH APPARATUS FOR PERIODIC OUTFLOW . 67 40. JARS FOR PRESERVING ANATOMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS . 76 41. SHOWING THE DIFFERENT STAGES IN THE MAKING OF A SMALL SPECIMEN TUBE ....... 77 42. SMALL SPECIMEN TUBE MOUNTED ON A CARD . . . . 78 43. SMALL CRAB MOUNTED ON A CARD . . . . .82 44. SPRING FOR HOLDING TOGETHER SMALL BIVALVE SHELLS . . 84 45. THE TRIPLET MAGNIFIER . . . . . .92 46. A SMALL DISSECTING TROUGH . . . . . . 93 47. CELL FOR SMALL LIVING OBJECTS . . . . .95 48. SHEET OF CORK ON THIN SHEET LEAD . . . . . 99 49. WEIGHTED CORK FOR DISSECTING TROUGH . . . .99 50. THE AM(EBA, HIGHLY MAGNIFIED . . . . . . 102 51. „ „ SHOWING CHANGES OF FOBM .... 103 52. „ „ FEEDING . . . . . . 103 53. „ „ DIVIDING ....... 104 54. A GROUP OF FORAMINIFERS, MAGNIFIED . . . . 105 55. A SPIRAL FORAMINIFER SHELL ..... 106 56. A FORAMINIFER OUT OF ITS SHELL . . . . 106 57. THE SAME FORAMINIFER (FIG. 56) AS SEEN WHEN ALIVE . . 107 58. SECTION OF THE SHELL OF A COMPOUND FOHAMINIFER . . 107 59. SECTION OF A NUMMULITE SHELL ..... 108 60. Globigerina bulloides, AS SEEN WHEN ALIVE, MAGNIFIED . . 108 61. SECTION OF A PIECE OF NUMMULITIC LIMESTONE . , . 109 62. A GROUP OF RADIOLARIAN SHELLS, MAGNIFIED . . . . in 63. THREE INFUSORIANS, MAGNIFIED . . . . .113 64. A PHOSPHORESCENT MARINE INFUSORIAN (Noctiluca), MAGNIFIED . 114 65. SECTION OF A SIMPLE SPONGE ...... 116 66. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF A PORTION OF A COMPLEX SPONGE . 117 67. HORNY NETWORK OF A SPONGE, MAGNIFIED .... 118 68. Grantia compressa . . • • . . 120 69. SPICULES OF Grantia, MAGNIFIED ..... 120 70. Sycon ciliatum ... .... 121 71. Leucosolenin botryoides, WITH PORTION MAGNIFIED . . . 121 72. Ohalina oculata ... . . 122 73. Halichondria panicea . . . . . . . 123 74. SPICULES OF Halichondria, MAGNIFIED . ... 124 75. AN OYSTER SHELL, BORED BY Cliona .... 124 76. SPICULES OF Cliona ....... 125 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xiii FIG. PAGE 77. THREAD CELLS OP A CCELENTEBATE, MAGNIFIED . . . 127 78. THE SQUIBBEL'S-TAIL SEA FIB (Sertularia argentea), WITH A POR- TION ENLARGED ........ 128 79. Sertularia filicula . . . . . . . 129 80. „ cupressina . . . . , . . 130 81. THE HERRING-BONE POLYPE (Halecium halecinum) . . 131 82. Tubularia indivisa . . . . . . 132 83. THE BOTTLE BRUSH (Thuiaria thuja) . . . ,132 84. Antennularia antennia . . . . . . 133 85. Aurelia aurita ........ 135 86. THE EARLY STAGES OF Aurelia . . . . . . 136 87. Bhizostoma .... ... 136 88. Chrysaora . . . , . , . , 136 89. Cydippe pileus ........ 137 90. SECTION OF AN ANEMONE . . . . . . 139 91. STINGING CELLS OF ANEMONE, HIGHLY MAGNIFIED . . . 140 92. DIAGRAMMATIC TBANSVEBSE SECTION OF AN ANEMONE . . . 140 93. LARVA OF ANEMONE ....... 140 94. THE TRUMPET ANEMONE (Aiptasia Couchii), CORNWALL ; DEEP WATER ......... 144 95. Peachia hastata, S. DEVON ...... 145 96. Sagartia pallida, DEVON AND CORNWALL . . . 146 97. Sagartia nivea, DEVON AND CORNWALL . 147 98. Oorynactus viridis, DEVON AND CORNWALL . . . . 148 99. Bunodes thallia, WEST COAST ..... 150 100. Bunodes gemmacea, WITH TENTACLES RETRACTED . . . 151 101. Caryophyllia cyathus ....... 152 102. Sagartia parasitica . . . . . . . 153 103. THE CLOAK ANEMONE (Adamsia palliata) ON A WHELK SHELL, WITH HERMIT CRAB ....... 154 104. LARVA OF THE BRITTLE STABFISH . . . . . 158 105. LABVA OF THE FEATHEB STAR ..... 160 106. THE ROSY FEATHER STAB . . . . . . 160 107. THE COMMON BRITTLE STAB ...... 162 108. SECTION OF THE SPINE OF A SEA UBCHIN . . . . 165 109. SEA UBCHIN WITH SPINES REMOVED ON ONE SIDE . . 166 110. APEX OF SHELL OF SEA UBCHIN . . . . 166 111. SHELL OF SEA UBCHIN WITH TEETH PBOTBUDING . . . 167 112. INTEBIOB OF SHELL OF SEA UBCHIN . . . . 167 113. MASTICATORY APPABATUS OF SEA UBCHIN .... 167 114. SEA UBCHIN DISSECTED, SHOWING THE DIGESTIVE TUBE . . 168 115. THE SEA CUCUMBEB ....... 170 116. A TURBELLABIAN, MAGNIFIED . . . . . . 175 117. Arenicola piscatorum . ...... 178 118. THE SEA MOUSE . . . . . . . . 179 119. TUBE-BUILDING WOBMS: Terebella, Serpula, Sabella . . 182 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTBATIONS FIG. PAGE 120. Terebella REMOVED FROM ITS TUBE . . , . 183 121. A TUBE OF Serpula ATTACHED TO A SHELL . . . 185 122. Serpula REMOVED FROM ITS TUBE . ... 186 123. THE SEA MAT (Flustra) . . . . . .187 124. Flustra IN ITS CELL, MAGNIFIED . . . . 188 125. SEA SQUIRT ........ 189 126. LAHVE OF MOLLUSCS . . . . . . 191 127. SHELL OF THE PRICKLY COCKLE (Cardium aculeatum) SHOWING UMBO AND HINGE ; ALSO THE INTERIOR SHOWING THE TEETH 192 128. INTERIOR OF BIVALVE SHELL, SHOWING MUSCULAR SCARS AND PALLIAL LINE . . . . . . . 193 129. DIAGRAM OF THE ANATOMY OF A LAMELLIBHANCH . . . 194 130. Mytilus edulis, WITH BYSSUS . . . . . 195 131. A BIVALVE SHELL (Tapes virgineana) .... 196 132. Pholas dactylus ........ 199 133. „ „ INTERIOR OF VALVE; AND Pholadidea WITH ANIMAL ........ 201 134. THE SHIP WORM ........ 202 135. 1. Teredo navalis. 2. Teredo norvegica .... 202 136. Gastrochcena modiolina , . . . . . 203 137. 1. Thracia phaseolina. 2. Thracia pubescens, SHOWING PALLIAL LINE ......... 204 138. 1. Mi/a truncata. 2. INTERIOR OF SHELL. 8. Mya arenaria. 4. Corbula nucleus . , . . . . 205 139. Solen siliqua ........ 206 140. 1. Solen ensis. 2. Cerati-solen legumen. 3. Solecurtus candidus 207 141. Tellinidce ......... 208 142. 1. Lutraria elliptica. 2. PART OF THE HINGE OF Lutraria, SHOWING THE CARTILAGE PIT. 3. Macra stultorum. 4. IN- TERIOR OF SAME SHOWING PALLIAL LlNE . . . 210 143. Veneridce ......... 211 144. Cyprinidte ........ 213 145. Galeomma Turtoni . . . . . . 214 146. 1. Cardium pygmceum. 2. Cardium fasciatum. 3. Cardium rusticum ........ 215 147. Cardium aculeatum . . . . . . . 215 148. Pectunculus glycimeris, WITH PORTION OF VALVE SHOWING TEETH, AND Area tetragona ...... 216 149. Mytilus edulis . . . . . . . . 217 150. 1. Modiola modiolus. 2. Modiola tulipa. S. Crenella discors . 218 151. Dreissena polymorpha ....... 219 152. Avicula, AND Pinna pectinata . . . . . 220 153. 1. Anomia epJiippium. 2. Pecten tigris. 3. Pecten, ANIMAL IN SHELL ........ 222 154. Terebratulina. THE UPPER FIGURE REPRESENTS THE INTERIOR OF THE DORSAL VALVE , . 224 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XT FIO PAGE 155. UNDEB SIDE OP THE SHELL op Natica catena, SHOWING THE UMBILICUS ; AND OUTLINE OP THE SHELL, SHOWING THE EIGHT-HANDED SPIRAL ...... 225 156. SECTION OP THE SHELL OP THE WHELK, SHOWING THE COLUMELLA 226 157. DlAGBAM OF THE ANATOMY OP THE WHELK, THE SHELL BEING BEHOVED ........ 228 158. A POBTION OP THE LlNGUAL RlBBON OF THE WHELK, MAGNIFIED J AND A SINGLE BOW OF TEETH ON A MUCH LABGEB SCALE . . 229 159. EGG CASES OF THE WHELK ...... 230 160. PTEBOPODS . . . . . . . . 231 161. NUDIBBANCHS ..... . 234 162. „ .... ... 235 163. SHELLS OF TECTIBBANCHS ...... 236 164. CHITON SHELLS ........ 238 165. SHELLS OF Dentalium ...... 238 166. Patellidas . . . . . . . . . 239 167. Calyptrcea sinensis ....... 241 168. Fissurellidce . . . . . . . . 241 169. Haliotis ......... 242 170. lanthina fragilis . . . . . . . 242 171. Trochus zizyphinut. 2. UNDEB SIDE op SHELL. 3. Trochus » magnus. 4. Adeorbis subcarinatus .... 244 172. Missoa labiosa AND Lacuna pallidula . . . 244 173. SECTION OF SHELL OP Turritella ..... 245 174. Turritella communis AND Ccecu/m trachea . . . . 245 175. Cerithium reticulatum AND Aporrhais pes-pelicani . , 245 176. Aporrhais pes-pelicani, SHOWING BOTH SHELL AND ANIMAL . . 246 177. 1. Odostomia plicata. 2. Eulima polita. 8. Aclis tupranitiJa- 246 178. Cypreea (Trivia) europcea . . . . . . 247 179. 1. Ovulum patulum. 2. Erato Itzvis .... 248 180. Mangelia septangularis AND Mangelia turricula . . . 248 181. 1. Purpura lapillus. 2. EGG CASES OF Purpnra. 3. Nassa reticulata ........ 249 182. Murex erinacens ....... 249 183. OCTOPUS ......... 251 184. Loligo vulgaris AND ITS PEN . . . . . 252 185. Sepiola atlantica . ..... 252 186. Sepia ojficinalis AND ITS ' BONE ' . . . . . 253 187 EGGS OF Sepia ........ 254 188. THE NEBVE-CHAIN OF AN ABTHBOPOD (LOBSTKB) . . . 257 189. SECTION THBOUGH THE COMPOUND EYE OP AN ABTHROPOD . 260 190. FOUB STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THK COMMON SHOBE CBAB ...... . . 261 191. THE BABNACLE ........ 261 192. FOUB STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACORN BABNACLK . 262 193. A CLUSTEB OF ACOBN SHELLS ... . . 263 xvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. rAGE 194. SHELL OF ACORN BARNACLE (Balanus) . . . . 263 195. THE ACORN BARNACLE (Balanus porcatus) WITH APPENDAGES PROTRUDED ...... • 264 196. A GROUP OP MARINE COPEPODS, MAGNIFIED . . . 265 197. A GROUP OF OSTHACODE SHELLS ..... 265 198. Evadne . ... . . . . . . 266 199. MARINE ISOPODS ... . 267 200. MARINE AMPHIPODS . . . . . . 268 201. THE MANTIS SHRIMP (Squilla Mantis) . . . .270 202. THE OPOSSUM SHRIMP (Mysis chamceleon) . . . 271 203. PARTS OF LOBSTER'S SHELL, SEPARATED, AND VIEWED FROM ABOVE ......... 272 204. A SEGMENT OF THE ABDOMEN OF A LOBSTER . . . 272 205. APPENDAGES OF A LOBSTER . . ... 273 206. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE LOBSTER . . . . 274 207. THE SPINY LOBSTER (Palinurus vulgaris) .... 275 208. THE NORWAY LOBSTER (Nephrops norvegicus) . . . 276 209. 1. THE MUD-BORER (Gebia siellata). 2. THE MUD-BCJRROWER (Callianassa. subterranea) ..... 277 210. THE COMMON SHRIMP (Crangon vulgaris) . . . . 278 211. THE PRAWN (Palcemon serratus) ..... 279 212. Dromia vulgaris . . . . . . . . 282 213. THE HERMIT CRAB IN A WHELK SHELL .... 282 214. THE LONG-ARMED CRAB (Corystes Cassivelaunus) . . . 287 215. SPIDER CRABS AT HOME . . . . . .288 216. THE THORNBACK CRAB (Maia Squinado) . . . . 290 217. THE PEA CRAB (Pinnotheres pisum) .... 290 218. THE COMMON SHORE CRAB (Carcinus mcenas) . . . . 291 219. THE SHORE SPIDER . . .... 294 220. THE LEG OF AN INSECT . . . . . . . 295 221. TRACHEA OF AN INSECT, MAGNIFIED . . . . .296 222. SEA-SHORE INSECTS . . . . . . 298 223. MARINE BEETLES OF THE GENUS Bembidium . . . 802 224. MARINE BEETLES ........ 803 225. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE BONY FRAMEWORK OF A TYPICAL VERTEBRATE ANIMAL ..... 806 226. THE SEA LAMPREY . . . . . . 809 227. THE PILCHARD . . . . . . . .810 228. THE SKELETON OF A FISH (PERCH) . . . . 315 229. THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF THE HERRING .... 316 230. THE EGG-CASE OF THE DOGFISH . . . . . 319 231. THE SMOOTH HOUND . . . . . . .320 232. THE COMMON EEL . . . . . . . . 823 233. THE LESSER SAND EEL ...... 826 234. THE THREE-BEARDED EOCKLING . . . . . 827 235. THE SNAKE PIPE-FISH . . 828 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xvii Fit;. PAGE '236. THE RAINBOW WBASS (Labrus julis) . . . , . 880 237. THE CORNISH SUCKER ....... 380 238. THE FIFTEEN-SPIKED STICKLEBACK AND NEST . . . 381 '239. THE SMOOTH BLENNY . . . . . . .333 240. THE BUTTERFISH . . . . . . . . 384 241. THE BLACK GOBY . . . . . . .335 242. THE FATHER LASHBB . . . . . . . 335 243. THE LESSER WEAVER ... ... 837 244. THE COMMON PORPOISE . . . . . 841 245. Callithamnion roseum ...... 359 246. Callithamnion tetricum . . . . . . . 359 247. Griffithsia corallina ....... 361 248. Halurus equiaetifolius . . . . . . 861 249. Pilota plumosa ....... 861 250. Ceramium diaphanum ... ... 868 251. Plocamium . . . . . . . . 866 252. Delesseria alata ........ 868 253. Delesseria hypoglossum . . . . . . 868 254. Laurencia pinnatifida . . . . . . . 371 255. Laurencia obtusa ....... 871 256. Polysiphonia fastigiata . . . . . . . 373 257. Polysiphonia parasitica , .... 374 258. Polysiphonia Brodicei . . . . . . . 374 259. Polysiphonia nigrescens .... . 374 260. Ectocarpus granulosus . . . . . . 373 261. Ectocarpus siliculosus ...... 878 262. Ectocarpus Mertensii . . . . , . . 378 268. Sphacelaria cirrhosa ....... 879 264. Sphacelaria plumosa . . . . . . 879 265. Sphacelaria radicana ....... 880 266. Cladostephus spongiosus . . . . . . . 380 267. Ghordaria flagelliformis ...... 880 268. Laminaria bulbosa . . . . . . . 334 269. Laminaria saccharina ...... 884 270. Alaria esculenta ........ 385 271. Sporochnus pedunculatus ..... 335 272. Desmarestia ligulata .... . 390 273. Himanthalia lorea •.-.... 387 274. Cystoseira ericoides . . . . . . 333 275. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE STEM OF A MONOCOTYLEDON . 391 276. LEAF OF A MONOCOTYLEDON . . . . . 392 277. EXPANDED SPIKELET OF THE OAT . 393 278. THE SEA LYME GRASS . .... 895 279. Knappia agrostidea . . ... 397 280. THE DOG'S-TOOTH GRASS . , . . . . 397 281. THE REED CANARY GRASS .... . 397 xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGK 282. MALE AND FEMALE FLOWEBS OF Carex, MAGNIFIED . . . 899 283. THE SEA SEDGE .... .400 284. THE CUBVED SEDGE .... • 400 285. THE GBEAT SEA RUSH . .400 286. THE BROAD-LEAVED GBASS WBACK . . • 401 287. THE SEA-SIDE ABBOW GBASS ... • 401 288. THE COMMON ASPABAGUS ... • 401 289. THE SEA SPUBGE ..... .403 290. THE PUBPLE SPUBGE . . . . . • • *0* 291. THE SEA BUCKTHOBN ..... .404 292. Chenopodium botryoides . , . . . • • 405 293. THE FROSTED SEA OBACHE .... • 406 294. THE PBICKLY SALT WOBT . . . . . 406 295. THE CBEEPING GLASS WOBT ...... 407 296. THE SEA-SIDE PLANTAIN . . . . . • 408 297. THE SEA LAVENDER ..... .408 298. THE DWABF CENTAUBY , . . . . . 410 299. THE SEA SAMPHIBE .... • 412 800. THE SEA-SIDE EVEBLASTING PEA . . . . 413 301. THE SEA STOBK'S-BILL ...... 414 802. THE SEA CAMPION . . . . . . . . 416 80b. THE SEA PEARL WORT . . . . . .417 304. THE SHRUBBY MIGNONETTE . . . . . 417 805. THE WILD CABBAGE ....... 418 806. THE ISLE OF MAN CABBAGE . . . . • 418 307. THE GREAT SEA STOCK . . . . • • 419 808. THE HOARY SHRUBBY STOCK , . . . . 419 309. THE SCUBVY GEASS . . . . . . .419 810. THE SEA RADISH . . . . . . . . 419 811. THE SEA ROCKET . . . . . . .420 812. THE SEA KALE . , ... 421 813 THE HOBNED POPPY .... 422 THE SEA SHORE CHAPTEK I THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEA SHORE WHAT are the attractions which so often entice us to the sea shore, which give such charm to a ramble along the cliffs or the beach, and which will so frequently constrain the most active wanderer to rest and admire the scene before him ? The chief of these attractions is undoubtedly the incessant motion of the water and the constant change of scene presented to his view. As we ramble along a beaten track at the edge of the cliff, new and varied features of the coast are constantly opening up before us. Each little headland passed reveals a sheltered picturesque cove or a gentle bay with its line of yellow sands backed by the cliffs and washed by the foaming waves ; while now and again our path slopes down to a peaceful valley with its cluster of pretty cottages, and the rippling stream winding its way towards the sea. On the one hand is the blue sea, full of life and motion as far as the eye can reach, and on the other the cultivated fields or the wild and rugged downs. The variety of these scenes is further increased by the frequent changes in the character of the cliff's themselves. Where they are composed of soft material we find the coast-line washed into gentle curves, and the beach formed of a continuous stretch of fine sand ; but where harder rocks exist the scenery is wild and varied, and the beach usually strewn with irregular masses of all sizes. Then, when we approach the water's edge, we find a delight in watching the approaching waves as they roll over the sandy or pebbly beach, or embrace an outlying rock, gently raising its olive covering of dangling weeds, B 2 THE SEA SHORE Such attractions will allure the ordinary lover of Nature — the mere seeker after the picturesque — but to the true naturalist there are many others. The latter loves to read in the cliffs their past history, to observe to what extent the general scenery of the coast is due to the nature of the rocks, and to learn the action of the waves from the character of the cliffs and beach, and from the changes which are known to have taken place in the contour of the land in past years. He also delights to study those plants and flowers which are peculiar to the coast, and to observe how the influences of the sea have produced interesting modifications in certain of our flowering plants, as may be seen by comparing them with the same species from inland districts. The sea birds, too, differing so much as they do from our other feathered friends in structure and habit, provide a new field for study ; while the remarkably varied character of the forms of life met with on the beach and in the shallow waters fringing the land is in itself sufficient to supply the most active naturalist with material for prolonged and constant work. Let us first observe some of the general features of the coast itself, and see how far we can account for the great diversity of character presented to us, and for the continual changes and incessant motions that add such a charm to the sea-side ramble. Here we stand on the top of a cliff composed of a soft calcareous rock — on the exposed edge of a bed of chalk that extends far inland. All the country round is gently undulating, and devoid of any of the features that make up a wild and romantic scene. The coast-line, too, is wrought into a series of gentle bays, separated by inconspicuous promontories where the rock, being slightly harder, has better withstood the eroding action of the sea ; or where a cur- rent, washing the neighbouring shore, has been by some force deflected seaward. The cliff, though not high, rises almost per- pendicularly from the beach, and presents to the sea a face which is but little broken, and which in itself shows no strong evidence of the action of raging, tempestuous seas ; its chief diversity being its gradual rise and fall with each successive undulation of the land. The same soft and gentle nature characterises the beach below. Beyond a few small blocks of freshly-loosened chalk, with here and there a liberated nodule of flint, we find nothing but a continuous, fine, siliceous sand, the surface of which is but seldom broken by the protrusion of masses from below. Such cliffs and beaches do not in themselves suggest any violent action on the part of the sea, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 3 and yet it is here that the ocean is enabled to make its destructive efforts with the greatest effect. The soft rock is gradually but surely reduced, partly by the mechanical action of the waves and partly by the chemical action of the sea-water. The rock being almost uniformly soft, it is uniformly worn away, thus presenting a comparatively unbroken face. Its material is gradually dissolved in the sea ; and the calcareous matter being thus removed, we have a beach composed of the remains of the flints which have been pulverised by the action of the waves. Thus slowly but surely the FIG. 1. — CHALK CLIFF sea gains upon the land. Thus it is that many a famous land- mark, once hundreds of yards from the coast, now stands so near the edge of the cliff as to be threatened by every storm ; or some ancient castle, once miles from the shore, lies entirely buried by the encroaching sea. The coast we have described is most certainly not the one with the fullest attractions for the naturalist, for the cliffs lack those nooks that provide so much shelter for bird and beast, and the rugged coves and rock pools in which we find such a wonderful variety of marine life are nowhere to be seen. But, although it THE SEA SHOEE represents a typical shore for a chalky district, yet we may find others of a very different nature even where the same rock exists. Thus, at Flamborough in Yorkshire, and St. Alban's Head in Dorset, we find the hardened, exposed edge of the chalk formation terminating in bold and majestic promontories, while the inner edge surrounding the Weald gives rise to the famous cliffs of Dover and the dizzy heights of Beachy Head. The hard chalk of the Isle of Wight, too, which has so well withstood the repeated attacks of the Atlantic waves, presents a bold barrier to the sea on FIG. 2. — WHiTECLnr (CHALK), DORSET the south and east coasts, and terminates in the west with the majestic stacks of the Needles. Where this harder chalk exists the coast is rugged and irregular. Sea birds find a home in the sheltered ledges and in the protected nooks of its serrated edge ; and the countless wave-resisting blocks of weathered chalk that have been hurled from the heights above, together with the many remnants of former cliffs that have at last succumbed to the attacks of the boisterous sea, all form abundant shelter for a variety of marine plants and animals. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 But it is in the west and south-west of our island that we find both the most furious waves and the rocks that are best able to resist their attacks. Here we are exposed to the full force of the frontal attacks of the Atlantic, and it is here that the dashing breakers seek out the weaker portions of the upturned and contorted strata, eating out deep inlets, and often loosening enormous blocks of the hardest material, hurling them on the rugged beach, where they are eventually to be reduced to small fragments by the continual clashing and grinding action of the smaller masses as Fra. 3. — PENLEE POINT, CORNWALL they are thrown up by the angry sea. Here it is that we find the most rugged and precipitous cliffs, bordering a more or less wild and desolate country, now broken by a deep and narrow chasm where the resonant roar of the sea ascends to the dizzy heights above, and anon stretching seaward into a rocky headland, whose former greatness is marked by a continuation of fantastic outliers and smaller wave-worn masses of the harder strata. Here, too, we find that the unyielding rocks give a permanent attachment to the red and olive weeds which clothe them, and which provide a hooie 6 for so many inhabitants of our shallow waters. It is here, also, that we see those picturesque rock pools of all sizes, formed by the removal of the softer material of the rocks, and converted into so many miniature seas by the receding of the tide. A more lovely sight than the typical rock pool of the West coast one can hardly imagine. Around lies the rugged but sea-worn rock, partly hidden by dense patches of the conical shells of the Balanus, with here and there a snug cluster of young mussels held together by their intertwining silken byssi. The surface is further relieved by the clinging limpet, the beautifully banded shells of the variable dog-periwinkle, the pretty top shells, and a variety of other FIG. 4. — BALANUS SHELLS common but interesting molluscs. Clusters of the common bladdery weeds are also suspended from the dry rock, and hang gracefully into the still water below, where the mantled cowry may be seen slowly gliding over the olive fronds. Submerged in the peaceful pool are beautiful tufts of white and pink corallines, among which a number of small and slender starfishes may climb unnoticed by the casual observer ; while the scene is brightened by the numerous patches of slender green and red algae, the thread-like fronds of which are occasionally disturbed as the lively little blenny darts among them to evade the intruder's glance. Dotted here and there are the beautiful anemones — the variously-hued animal flowers of the sea, with expanded tentacles gently and gracefully swaying. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 7 ready to grasp and paralyse any small living being that may wander within their reach. Here, under a projecting ledge of the rock, partly hidden by pale green threads, are the glaring eyes of the voracious bullhead, eager to pounce on almost any moving object ; while above it the five -fingered starfish slowly climbs among the dangling weeds by means of its innumerable suckers. In yonder shady corner, where the overhanging rock cuts off all direct rays of the sun from the deeper water of the pool, are the pink and yellow incrustations of little sponges, some of the latter colour resembling a group of miniature inverted volcanic cones, while on the sandy floor of the pool itself may be seen the transparent phantom-like prawn, with its rapidly moving spinnerets and gently-waving antennae, Fro. 5. — A CLUSTER OF MUSSELS suddenly darting backward when disturbed by the incautious approach of the observer ; and the spotted sand-crab, entirely buried with the exception of its upper surface, and so closely imitating its surroundings as to be quite invisible except on the closest inspection. Finally, the scene is greatly enlivened by the active movements of the hermit-crab, that appropriates to its own use the shell which once covered the body of a mollusc, and by the erratic excursions of its cousin crabs as they climb over the weedy banks of the pool in search of food. Thus we may find much to admire and study on the sea shore at all times, but there are attractions of quite another nature that call for notice on a stormy day, especially on the wilder and more 8 THE SEA SHORE desolate western coasts. At such times we delight to watch the distant waves as they approach the shore, to see how they become gradually converted into the foaming breakers that dash against the standing rocks and wash the rattling pebbles high on the beach. The powerful effects of the sea in wearing away the cliffs are now apparent, and we can well understand that even the most obdurate of rocks must sooner or later break away beneath its mighty waves. The extreme mobility of the sea is displayed not only by the storm waves, and by the soft ripples of the calm day, but is seen FIG. 6 — BREAKERS in the gentle currents that almost imperceptibly wash our shores, and more manifestly in the perpetual motions of the tides. This last-named phenomenon is one of extreme interest to the sea-side rambler, and also one of such great importance to the naturalist that we cannot do better than spend a few moments in trying to understand how the swaying of the waters of the ocean is brought about, and to see what determines the period and intensity of its pulsations, as well as some of the variations in the daily motions which are to be observed on our own shores. In doing this we shall, of course, not enter fully into the tech- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 9 nical theories of the tides, for which the reader should refer to authoritative works on the subject, but merely endeavour to briefly explain the observed oscillations of the sea and the general laws which govern them. The most casual observer must have noticed the close connec- tion between the movements of the ocean and the position of the moon, while those who have given closer attention to the subject will have seen that the relative heights of the tides vary regularly with the relative positions of the sun, moon, and earth. In the first place, then, we notice that the time of high tide in any given place is always the same at the same period of the cycle of the moon ; that is, it is always the same at the time of new moon, full moon, &c. Hence it becomes evident that the moon is the prime mover in the formation of tides. Now, it is a fact that the sun, though about ninety-three millions of miles from the earth, has a much greater attractive influence on the earth and its oceans than the moon has, although the distance of the latter is only about a quarter of a million miles : but this is due to the vastly superior mass of the sun, which is about twenty-six million times the mass of the moon. How is it, then, that we find the tides apparently regulated by the moon rather than by the sun ? The reason is that the tide-producing influence is due not to the actual attractive force exerted on the earth as a whole, but to the difference between the attraction for one side of the globe and that for the opposite side. Now, it will be seen that the diameter of the earth— about eight thousand miles— is an appreciable frac- tion of the moon's distance, and thus the attractive influence of the moon for the side of the earth nearest to it will be appreciably greater than that for the opposite side ; while in the case of the sun, the earth's diameter is such a small fraction of the distance from the sun that the difference in the attractive force for the two opposite sides of the earth is comparatively small. Omitting, then, for the present the minor tide-producing influ- ence of the sun, let us see how the incessant rising and falling of the water of the ocean are brought about ; and, to simplify our explanation, we will imagine the earth to be a globe entirely covered with water of uniform depth. The moon attracts the water on the side nearest to it with a greater force than that exerted on the earth itself ; hence the water is caused to bulge out slightly on that side. Again, since the attractive force of the moon for the earth as a whole is greater 10 THE SEA SHORE than that for the water on the opposite side, the earth is pulled away, as it were, from the water on that side, causing it to bulge out there also. Hence high tides are produced on two opposite sides of the earth at the same time, while the level of the water is correspondingly reduced at two other parts at right angles with these sides. This being the case, how are we to account for the observed changes in the level of the sea that occur every day on our shores ? Let us first see the exact nature of these changes : — At a certain time we find the water high on the beach ; and, soon after reach- ing its highest limit, a gradual descent takes place, generally extending over a period of a little more than six hours. This is then followed by another rise, occupying about the same time, and FIG. 7. — ILLUSTRATING THE TIDE-PBODUCING INFLUENCE OF THE MOON the oscillations are repeated indefinitely with remarkable regularity as to time. Now, from what has been previously said with regard to the tidal influence of the moon, we see that the tide must necessarily be high under the moon, as well as on the side of the earth directly opposite this body, and that the high tides must follow the moon in its regular motion. But we must not forget that the earth itself is continually turning on its axis, making a complete rotation in about twenty-four hours ; while the moon, which revolves round the earth in about twenty-eight days, describes only a small portion of its orbit in the same time ; thus, while the tidal wave slowly fol- lows the moon as it travels in its orbit, the earth slips round, as it were, under the tidal wave, causing four changes of tide in approxi- mately the period of one rotation. Suppose, for example, the earth to be performing its daily rotation in the direction indicated by the GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 11 arrow (fig. 8), and the tide high at the place marked A1, just under the inoon, then, in about six hours, this place will have been carried round to A2, where the tide is low ; and, after similar intervals, to A3 and A4 successively, where the tide is high and low respectively. Hence the daily changes are to a great extent determined by the rotation of the earth. But we have already observed that each change of tide occupies a little more than six hours, the average time being nearly six hours and a quarter, and so we find that the high and low tides occur nearly an hour later every day. This is due to the fact that, owing to the revolution of the moon round the earth in the same direction as that of the rotation of the earth itself, the day as FIG. 8. — ILLUSTRATING THE TIDES measured by the moon is nearly an hour longer than the average solar day as given by the clock. There is yet another point worth noting with regard to the relation between the moon and the tidal movements of the water, which is that the high tides are never exactly under the moon, but always occur some time after the moon has passed the meridian. This is due to the inertia of the ocean, and to the resistance offered by the land to its movements. Now, in addition to these diurnal changes of the tide, there are others, extending over longer periods, and which must be more or less familiar to everyone who has spent some time on the coast. On a certain day, for instance, we observe that the high tide flows very far up the beach, and that this is followed, a few hours later, by an unusually low ebb, exposing rocks or sand-banks that are 12 TEE SEA SHOEE not frequently visible. Careful observations of the motions of tho water for some days after will show that this great difference between the levels of high and low- water gradually decreases until, about a week later, it is considerably reduced, the high tide not flowing so far inland and the low-water mark not extending so far seaward. Then, from this time, the difference increases again, till, after about two weeks from the commencement of our observations, we find it at the maximum again. FIG. 9. — SPUING TIDES AT FULL MOON Here again we find that the changes exactly coincide with changes' in the position of the moon with regard to the sun and the earth. Thus, the spring tides — those which rise very high and fall very low — always occur when the moon is full or new ; while the less vigorous neap tides occur when the moon is in her quarters and presents only one-half of her illuminated disc to the - FIG. 10. — SPRING TIDES AT NEW Moon earth. And, as the moon passes through a complete cycle of changes from new to first-quarter, full, last- quarter, and then to new again in about twenty-nine days, so the tides run through four changes from spring to neap, spring, neap, and then to spring again in the same period. The reason for this is not far to seek, for we have already seen that both sun and moon exert a tide-producing influence on the GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 13 earth, though that of the moon is considerably greater than that of the sun ; hence, if the sun, earth, and moon are in a straight line, as they are when the moon is full, at which tune she and the sun are on opposite sides of the earth, and also when new, at which time she is between the earth and sun, the sun's tide is added to the moon's tide, thus producing the well-marked spring tides ; while, when the moon is in her quarters, occupying a position at right angles from the sun as viewed from the earth, the two bodies tend to produce high tides on different parts of the earth at the same time, and thus we have the moon's greater tides reduced by FIG. 11.— NEAP TIDES the amount of the lesser tides of the sun, with the result that the difference between high and low tides is much lessened. Again, the difference between high and low water marks is not always exactly the same for the same kind of tide — the spring tide for a certain period, for example, not having the same limits as the same tide of another time. This is due to the fact that the moon revolves round the sun in an elliptical orbit, while the earth, at the same time, revolves round the sun in a similar path, so that the distances of both moon and sun from the earth vary at different times, And, since the tide-producing influences of both these 14 THE SEA SHORE bodies must increase as their distance from the earth diminishes, it follows that there must be occasional appreciable variations in the vigour of the tidal movements of the ocean. As the earth rotates on its axis, while at the same time the tidal wave must necessarily keep its position under the moon, this wave appears to sweep round the earth with considerable velocity. The differences in the level of the ocean thus produced would hardly be appreciable if the earth were entirely covered with water ; but, owing to the very irregular distribution of the land, the movements of the tidal wave become exceedingly complex ; and, when it breaks an entrance into a gradually narrowing channel, the water is compressed laterally, and correspondingly increased in height. It is thus that we find a much greater difference- between the levels of high and low tides in continental seas than are to be observed on the shores of oceanic islands. We have occupied so much of our time and space in ex- planation of the movements of the tides not only because we think it desirable that all who delight in sea-side rambles should understand something of the varied motions which help to give such a charm to the sea, but also because, as we shall observe later, these motions are a matter of great importance to those who are interested in the observation and study of marine life. And, seeing that we are writing more particularly for the young naturalists of our own island, we must devote a little space to the study of the movements of the tidal wave round Great Britain, in order that we may understand the great diversity in the time of high tide on any one day on different parts of the coast, and see how the time of high tide for one part may be calculated from that of any other locality. Were it not for the inertia of the ocean and the resistance offered by the irregular continents, high tide would always exist exactly under the moon, and we should have high water at any place just at the time when the moon is in the south and crossing the meridian of that place. But while the inertia of the water tends to make all tides late, the irregular distribution of the land breaks up the tidal wave into so many wave-crests and greatly retards their progress. Thus, the tidal wave entering the Atlantic round the Cape of Good Hope mingles with another wave that flows round Cape Horn, and the combined wave travels northward at the rate of several hundred miles an hour. On reaching the British Isles GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 15 it is broken up, one wave-crest travelling up the English Channel, while another flows round Scotland and then southwards into the North Sea. The former branch, taking the shorter course, determines the time of high tide along the Channel coast. Passing the Land's End, it reaches Plymouth in about an hour, Torquay in about an hour and a half, the Isle of Portland in two hours and a half, Brighton in about seven hours, and London in about nine hours and a half. The other branch, taking a much longer course, makes its arrival in the southern part of the North Sea about twelve hours later, thus mingling at that point with the Channel wave of the next tide. It takes about twenty hours to travel from the south-west coast of Ireland, round Scotland, and then to the mouth of the Thames. Where the two waves meet, the height of the tides is considerably increased ; and it will be understood that, at certain points, where the rising of one tide coincides with the falling of another, the two may partially or entirely neutralise each other. Further, the flow and the ebb of the tide are subject to numerous variations and complications in places where two distinct tidal wave-crests arrive at different times. Thus, the ebbing of the tide may be retarded by the approach of a second crest a few hours after the first, so that the ebb and the flow do not occupy equal times. At Eastbourne, for example, the water flows for about five hours, and ebbs for about seven and a half. Or, the approach of the second wave may even arrest the ebbing waters, and produce a second high tide during the course of six hours, as is the case at some places along the Hampshire and Dorset coasts. Those who visit various places on our own coasts will probably be interested in tracing the course of the tidal crests by the aid of the accompanying map of the British Isles, on which the time of high tide at several ports for the same time of day is marked. It will be' seen from this that the main tidal wave from the Atlantic approaches our islands from the south-west, and divides into lesser waves, one of which passes up the Channel, and another round Scotland and into the North Sea, as previously mentioned, while minor wave-crests flow northward into the Irish Sea and the Bristol Channel. The chart thus supplies the data by means of which we can calculate the approximate time of high tide for any one port from that of another. Although the time of high water varies so greatly on the same day over such a small area of country, yet that time for any one 16 THE SEA SHORE George Philip