Division Rang e LIBRARY Skelf....... Received SEASIDE STUDIES NATURAL HISTORY. BY ELIZABETH C. AGASSIZ \\ AND ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, RADIATES. BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. 1865. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, AND COMPANY, C AMBRI DGE. THIS LITTLE BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHORS TO PROFESSOR L. AGASSIZ, WHOSE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION HAVE BEEN THE MAIN GUIDE IN ITS PREPARATION. PREFACE. THIS volume is published with the hope of supplying a want often expressed for some seaside book of a popu- lar character, describing the marine animals common to our shores. There are many English books of this kind ; but they relate chiefly to the animals of Great Britain, and can only have a general bearing on those of our own coast, which are for the most part specifically different from their European relatives. While keeping this ob- ject in view, an attempt has also been made to present the facts in such a connection, with reference to prin- ciples of science and to classification, as will give it in some sort the character of a manual of Natural History, in the hope of making it useful not only to the general reader, but also to teachers and to persons desirous of obtaining a more intimate knowledge of the subjects discussed in it. With this purpose, although nearly all the illustrations are taken from among the most com- mon inhabitants of our bay, a few have been added from other localities in order to fill out this little sketch of Eadiates, and render it, as far as is possible within such limits, a complete picture of the type. VI PREFACE. A few words of explanation are necessary with ref- erence to the joint authorship of the book. The draw- ings and the investigations, where they are not referred to other observers, have been made by MR. A. AGASSIZ, the illustrations having been taken, with very few ex- ceptions, from nature, in order to represent the animals, as far as possible, in their natural attitudes ; and the text has been written by MRS. L. AGASSIZ, with the assistance of MR. AGASSIZ'S notes and explanations. CAMBRIDGE, May, 1865. CONTENTS PAGE ON RADIATES IN GENERAL . . . . . . . 1 GENERAL SKETCH OF THE POLYPS ...... 5 ACTINOIDS .......... 7 MADREPORIANS ......... 16 HALCYONOIDS . . . . . . . . . .19 GENERAL SKETCH OF ACALEPHS 21 CTENOPHOR^: .......... 26 EMBRYOLOGY OF CTENOPHOR.E ...... 34 DISCOPHOR.E .......... 37 HYDROIDS .......... 49 MODE OF CATCHING JELLY-FISHES ...... 85 ECHINODERMS ......... 91 HOLOTHURIANS . . . . . . . . .95 ECHINOIDS 101 STAR-FISHES 108 OPHIURANS ... 115 CRINOIDS 120 EMBRYOLOGY OF ECHINODERMS . . . . . . 123 DISTRIBUTION OF LIFE IN THE OCEAN ..... 141 SYSTEMATIC TABLE . 152 INDEX 154 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. ON RADIATES IN GENERAL. IT is perhaps not strange that the Radiates, a type of animals whose home is in the sea, many of whom are so diminutive in size, and so light and evanescent in substance, that they are hardly to be distinguished from the element in which they live, should have been among the last to attract the attention of naturalists. Nei- ther is it surprising to those who know something of the history of these animals, that when the investigation of their structure was once begun, when some insight was gained into their complex life, their association in fixed or floating communities, their wonder- ful processes of development uniting the most dissimilar individ- uals in one and the same cycle of growth, their study should have become one of the most fascinating pursuits of modern science, and have engaged the attention of some of the most original in- vestigators during the last half century. It is true that from the earliest days of Natural History, the more conspicuous and easily accessible of these animals attracted notice and found their way into the scientific works of the time. Even Aristotle de- scribes some of them under the names of Acalephae and Knidae, and later observers have added something, here and there, to our knowledge on the subject; but it is only within the last fifty years that their complicated history has been unravelled, and the facts concerning them presented in their true connection. Among the earlier writers on this subject we are most indebted to Rondelet, in the sixteenth century, who includes some account of the Radiates, in his work on the marine animals of the Medi- terranean. His position as Professor in the University at Mont- i 2 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. pelier gave him an admirable opportunity, of which he availed himself to the utmost, for carrying out his investigations in this direction. Seba and Klein, two naturalists in the North of Eu- rope, also published at about this time numerous illustrations of marine animals, including Radiates. But in all these works we find only drawings and descriptions of the animals, without any attempt to classify them according to common structural features. In 1776, 0. F. Miiller, in a work on the marine and terrestrial faunae of Denmark, gave some admirable figures of Radiates, several of which are identical with those found on our own coast. Cavolini also in his investigations on the lower marine animals of the Mediterranean, and Ellis in his work upon those of the British coast, did much during the latter half of the past century to enlarge our knowledge of them. It was Cuvier, however, who first gave coherence and precision to all previous investigations upon this subject, by showing that these animals are united on a common plan of structure expres- sively designated by him under the name Radiata. Although, from a mistaken appreciation of their affinities, he associated some animals with them which do not belong to the type, and have since, upon a more intimate knowledge of their structure, been removed to their true positions ; yet the principle intro- duced by him into their classification, as well as into that of the other types of the animal kingdom, has been all important to science. It was in the early part of this century that the French began to associate scientific objects with their government expeditions. Scarcely any important voyage was undertaken to foreign coun- tries by the French navy which did not include its corps of nat- uralists, under the patronage of government. Among the most beautiful figures we have of Radiates, are those made by Sa- vigny, one of the French naturalists who accompanied Napoleon to Egypt ; and from this time the lower marine animals began to be extensively collected and studied in their living condition. Henceforth the number of investigators in the field became inpre numerous, and it may not be amiss to give here a slight account of the more prominent among them. Darwin's fascinating book, published after his voyage to the ON RADIATES IN GENERAL. 6 Pacific, and giving an account of the Coral islands, the many memoirs of Milne Edwards and Haime, and the great works of Quoy and Gaimard, and of Dana, are the chief authorities upon Polyps. In the study of the European Acalephs we have a long list of names high in .the annals of science. Eschscholtz, Pe*roii and Lesueur, -Quoy and Gaimard, Lesson, Mertens, and Huxley, have all added' largely to our information respecting these ani- mals, their various voyages having enabled them to extend their investigations 'over a wide field. No less valuable have been the contributions of Kolliker, Leuckart, Gegenbaur, and Yogt, who in their frequent excursions to the coasts of Italy and France have made a' special study of the Acalephs, and whose descrip- tions have all the mvidness and freshness which nothing but familiarity with' the living specimens can give. Besides these, we have the admirable works of Von Siebold, of Ehrenberg, the great interpreter o'f the microscopic world, of Steenstrup, Dujardin, Dalyell, Forbes, Allman, and Sars. Of these, the four latter were fortunate in having their home on the sea-shore with- in reach of the objects of their study, so that they could watch them in their living condition, and follow all their changes. The charming books of Forbes, who knew so well how to popularize his instructions, and i present scientific results under the most at- tractive form, are welL known to English readers. But a word on the investigations of Sars may not be superfluous. Born near die coast of Norway, and in early life associated with the Church, -his passion for Natural History led him to em- ploy all his spare time in the study of the marine animals im- mediately about him, and his first papers on this subject attracted so much attention, that he was offered the place of Professor at Christiania, and hericeforth devoted himself exclusively to scien- tific pursuits, and especially to the investigation of the Acalephs. He gave us the key to the almost fabulous transformations of these animals, and opened a new path in science by showing the singular phenomenon of the so-called " alternate generations," in, which the different phases of the same life may be so distinct and seemingly so disconnected that, until we find the relation between them, we seem to have several animals where we have but one. 4 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. To the works above mentioned, we may add the third and fourth volumes of Professor Agassiz's Contributions to the Nat- ural History of the United States, which are entirely devoted to the American Acalephs. The most important works and memoirs concerning the Echino- derms are those by Klein, Link, Johannes Miiller, Jager. Des- moulins, Troschel, Sars, Savigny, Forbes, Agassiz, and Liitken, but excepting those of Forbes and Sars, few of these observations are made upon the living specimens. It may be well to mention here, for the benefit of those who care to know something more of the literature of this subject in our own country, a number of memoirs on the Radiates of our coasts, published by the varioiis scientific societies of the United States, and to be found in their annals. Such are the papers of Gould, Agassiz, Leidy, Stimpson, McCrady, Clark, A. Agassiz, and Verrill. One additional word as to the manner in which the subjects included in the following descriptions are arranged. We have seen that Cuvier recognized the unity of plan in the structure of the whole type of Radiates. All these animals have their parts disposed around a common central axis, and diverging from it toward the periphery. The idea of bilateral symmetry, or the arrangement of parts on either side of a longitudinal axis, on which all the higher animals are built, does not enter into their structure, except in a very subordinate manner, hardly to be per- ceived by any but the professional naturalist. This radiate struc- ture being then common to the whole type, the animals compos- ing it appear under three distinct structural expressions of the general plan, and according to these differences are divided into three classes, — Polyps, Acalephs, and Echinoderms. With these few preliminary remarks we may now take up in turn these dif- erent groups, beginning with the lowest, or the Polyps.* * It is to be regretted that on account of the meagre representations of Polyps on our coast, where the coral reefs, which include the most interesting featnres of Polyp life, are entirely wanting, our account of these animals is necessarily deficient in vari- ety of material. When we reach the Acalephs or Jelly-Fishes, in which the fauna of our shores is especially rich, we shall not have the same apology for dulness ; and it will be our own fault if our readers are not attracted by the many graceful forms to which we shall then introduce them. GENERAL SKETCH OF THE POLYPS. GENERAL SKETCH OF THE POLYPS. Fig- 1. BEFORE describing the different kinds of Polyps living on our immediate coast, we will say a few words of Polyps in general and of the mode in which the structural plan common to all Radiates is adapted to this particular class. In all Polyps the body consists of a sac divided by vertical partitions (Fig. 1.) into distinct cavities or chambers. These parti- tions are not, however, all formed at once, but are usually limited to six at first, multiplying indefinitely with the growth of the animal in some kinds, while in others they never in- crease beyond a certain definite number. In the axis of the sac, thus divided, hangs a smaller one, forming the digestive cavity, and supported for its whole length by the six primary partitions. The other partitions, though they extend more or less inward in proportion to their age, do not unite with the digestive sac, but leave a free space in the centre be- tween their inner edge and the outer wall of the digestive sac. The genital organs are placed on the inner edgCvS of the partitions, thus hanging as it were at the door of the chambers, so that when hatched, the eggs naturally drop into the main cavity of the body, whence they pass into the second smaller sac through an opening in its bottom or digestive cavity, and thence out through the mouth into the water. In the lower Polyps, as in our common Actinia for instance, these organs occur on all the radiating partitions, while among the higher ones, the Halcy- onoids for example, they are found only on a limited number. This limitation in the repetition of identical parts is always found to be connected with structural superiority. The upper margin of the body is fringed by hollow tentacles, each of which opens into one of the chambers. All parts of the animal thus communicate with each other, whatever is intro- duced at the mouth circulating through the whole structure, Fig. 1. Transverse section of an Actinia. (Jgassiz.) 6 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. passing first into the digestive cavity, thence through the opening in the bottom into the main chambered cavity, where it enters freely into all the chambers, and from the chambers into the ten- tacles. The rejected portions of the food, after , the process of digestion is completed, return by the same road" and:* are thrown out at the mouth. These general features exist in all Polyps, and whether they lead an independent life as the Actinia, or are; combined in com- munities, like most of the corals and the Habyonpiid^; 'whether the tentacles are many or few ; whether the partitions extend to a greater or less height in the body ; whether they contain. limestone deposit, as in the corals, or remain soft throughout life as the sea- anemone, — the above description applies '=to them all, while the minor differences, either in the tentacles or ?in. the; form, size, color, and texture of the body, are simply modifications of this structure, introducing an infinite variety into the class, and ^breaking it up into the lesser groups designated as orders,' families, genera, and species. Let us now look at some of the - divisions thus estab- lished. / , The class of Polyps is divided into three" orders, — the Halcy- onoids, the Madreporians, and the Actinoids. Of the lowest among these orders, the Actinoid Polyps, our Actinia or sea-ane- mone is a good example. They remain soft through life, having a great number of partitions and consequently. a great number of tentacles, since there is a tentacle corresponding to every cham- ber. Indeed, in this order the multiplication of tentacles and partitions is indefinite, increasing during the whole life of the animal with its growth ; while we shall see; that in some of the higher orders the constancy and limitation in the number of these parts is an indication of superiority, being accompanied by a more marked individualization of the different functions. Next come the Madreporians, of which our Astrangia, 'to be described hereafter, may be cited as an example. In this group, although the number of tentacles still continues to be large, they are nevertheless more limited than in the Actinoids ; but their characteristic feature is the deposition of limestone walls in the centre of the chambers formed by the soft partitions, so that all the soft partitions alternate with hard ones. The tentacles, al- ACTINOIDS. 7 ways corresponding to the cavity of the chambers, may be there- fore said to ride this second set of partitions arising just in the centre of the chambers. The third and highest order of Polyps is that of the Halcyo- noids. Here the partitions are reduced to eight ; the tentacles, according to the invariable rule, agree in number with the cham- bers, but have a far more highly complicated structure than in the lower Polyps. Some of these Halcyonoids deposit limestone particles in their frame. But the tendency to solidify is not lim- ited to definite points, as in the Madreporians. It may take place anywhere, the rigidity of the whole structure increasing of course in proportion to the accumulation of limestone. There are many kinds, in which the axis always remains soft or cartilaginous, while others, as the so-called sea-fans for instance, well known among the corals for their beauty of form and color, are stiff and hard throughout. Whatever their character in this respect, however, they are always compound, living in communities, and never found as separate individuals after their early stages of growth. Some of those with soft axis lead a wandering life, enjoying as much freedom of movement as if they had an indi- vidual existence, shooting through the water like the Pennatula3, well known on the California coast, or working their way through the sand like the Eenilla, common on the sandy shores of our Southern States. ACTINOIDS. Actinia, or Sea-Anemone. (Metridium marginatum EDW.) NOTHING can be more unprepossessing than a sea-anemone when contracted. A mere lump of brown or whitish jelly, it lies like a lifeless thing on the rock to which it clings, and it is difficult to believe that it has an elaborate and exceedingly delicate inter- nal organization, or will ever expand into such grace and beauty as really to deserve the name of the flower after which it has been called. Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5, show this animal in its various stages 8 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. of expansion and contraction. Fig. 2 represents it with all its external appendages folded in, and the whole body flattened ; in Fig. 3, the tentacles begin to steal out, and the body rises slightly ; in Fig. 4, the body has nearly gained its full height, and the ten- Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. tacles, though by no means fully spread, yet form a delicate wreath around the mouth ; while in Fig. 5, drawn in life size, the Fig. 5. Figs. 2, 3, 4 Actinia in different degrees of expansion. (Agassiz.} Fig. 5. The same Actinia (Metridium marginatum) fully expanded ; natural size. METRIDIUM. y whole summit of the body seems crowned with soft, plumy fringes. . We would say for the benefit of collectors that these animals are by no means difficult to find, and thrive well in confinement, though it will not do to keep them in a small aquarium with other specimens, because they soon render the water foul and unfit for their companions. They should therefore be kept in a separate glass jar or bowl, and under such circumstances will live for a long time with comparatively little care. They may be found in any small pools about the rocks which are flooded by the tide at high water. Their favorite haunts, however, where they occiir in greatest quantity are more difficult to reach ; but the curious in such matters will be well rewarded, even at the risk of wet feet and a slippery scramble over rocks covered with damp sea-weed, by a glimpse into their more crowded abodes. Such a grotto is to be found on the rocks of East Point at Nahant. It can only be reached at low tide, and then one is obliged to creep on hands and knees to its entrance, in order to see through its entire length ; but its whole interior is studded with these animals, and as they are of various hues, pink, brown, orange, purple, or pure white, the effect is like that of brightly colored mosaics set in the roof and walls. When the sun strikes through from the opposite extremity of this grotto, which is open at both ends, lighting up its living mosaic work, and showing the play of the soft fringes wherever the animals are open, it would be difficult to find any artificial grotto to compare with it in beauty. There is another of the same kind on Saunders's Ledge, formed by a large boulder resting on two rocky ledges, leaving a little cave beneath, lined in the same way with variously colored sea-anemones, so closely studded over its walls that the surface of the rock is completely hidden. They are, however, to be found in larger or smaller clusters, or scattered singly in any rocky fis- sures, overhung by sea-weed, and accessible to the tide at high water. The description of Polyp structure given above includes all the general features of the sea-anemone ; but for the better explana- tion of the figures, it may not be amiss to recapitulate them here in their special application. The body of the sea-anemone may be described as a circular, gelatinous bag, the bottom of which is fiat 2 10 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. and slightly spreading around the margin. (Fig. 2.) The upper edge of this bag turns in so as to form a sac within a sac. (Fig. rig. e. 6.) This inner sac, s, is the stomach or digestive cavity, forming a simple open space in the centre of the body, with an aperture in the bottom, 5, through which the food passes into the larger sac, in which it is enclosed. But this outer and larger sac or main cavity of the body is not, like the inner one, a simple open space. It is, on the contrary, divided by vertical partitions into a number of distinct chambers, converging from the periphery to the centre. These partitions do not all advance so far as actually to join the wall of the digestive cavity hanging in the centre of the body, but most of them stop a little short of it, leaving thus a small, open space between the chambers and the inner sac. (Fig. 1.) The eggs hang on the inner edge of the partitions ; when mature they drop into the main cavity, enter the inner digestive cavity through its lower opening, and are passed out through the mouth. The embryo bears no resemblance to the mature animal. It is a little planula, semi-transparent, oblong, entirely covered with vibratile cilia, by means of which it swims freely about in the water till it establishes itself on some rocky surface, the end by which it becomes attached spreading slightly and fitting itself to the inequalities of the rock so as to form a secure basis. The upper end then becomes depressed toward the centre, that depression deepening more and more till it forms the inner sac, or in other words the digestive cavity described above. The open mouth of this inner sac, which may, however, be closed at will, since the whole substance of the body is exceedingly contractile, is the oral opening or so-called mouth of the animal. We have seen how the main cavity becomes divided by radiating partitions into numerous chambers ; but while these internal changes are going on, corresponding external appendages are forming in the shape of the tentacles, which add ^o much to the beauty of the animal, and play so important a part in its history. The ten- Fig. 6. Vertical section of an Actinia, showing a primary (0) and a secondary partition g' ; o mouth, t tentacles, s stomach, ff reproductive organs, b main cavity, c openings in partitions, a lower floor, or foot. METRIDIUM. 11 tacles, at first only few in number, are in fact so many extensions of the inner chambers, gradually narrowing upward till they form these delicate hollow feelers which make a soft downy fringe all around the mouth. (Fig. 7.) They do not start abruptly from the summit, but the upper margin Fig. 7. of the body itself thins out to a ,,^,,,0^ form more or less extensive lobes, through which the partitions and chambers continue their course, and along the edge of which the tentacles arise. The eggs are not always laid in the condition of the simple planula described above. They may, on the contrary, be dropped from the par- ent in different stages of develop- ment, sometimes even after the tentacles have begun to form, as in Figs. 8, 9. Neither is it by means of eggs alone that these Fig. 8. Fig. 9. animals reproduce themselves ; they may also multiply by a pro- cess of self-division. The disk of an Actinia may contract along its centre till the circular outline is changed to that of a figure 8, this constriction deepening gradually till the two halves of the 8 separate, and we have an Actinia with two mouths, each sur- rounded by an independent set of tentacles. Presently this sepa- ration descends vertically till the body is finally divided from Fig. 7. View from above of an Actinia with all its tentacles expanded ; o mouth, b crescent-shaped folds at extremity of mouth, a a folds round mouth, 1 1 1 tentacles. Figs. 8, 9. Young Actiuiie in different stages of growth. 12 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. siimmit to base, and we have two Actiniae where there was origi- nally but one. Another and a far more common mode of re- production among these animals is that of budding like corals. A slight swelling arises on the side of the body or at its base ; it enlarges gradually, a digestive cavity is formed within it, tenta- cles arise around its summit, and it finally drops off from the parent and leads an independent existence. As a number of these buds are frequently formed at once, such an Actinia, sur- rounded by its little family, still attached to the parent, may ap- pear for a time like a compound stock, though their normal mode of existence is individual and distinct. The Actinia is exceedingly sensitive, contracting the body and drawing in the tentacles almost instantaneously at the slightest touch. These sudden movements are produced by two powerful sets of muscles, running at right angles with each other through the thickness of the body wall ; the one straight and vertical, ex- tending from the base of the wall to its summit ; the other cir- cular and horizontal, stretching concentrically around it. By the contraction of the former, the body is of course shortened ; by the contraction of the latter, the body is, on the contrary, length- ened in proportion to the compression of its circumference. Both sets can easily be traced by the vertical and horizontal lines cross- ing each other on the external wall of the body, as in Fig. 5. Each tentacle is in like manner furnished with a double set of muscles, having an action similar to that described above. In consequence of these violent muscular contractions, the water im- bibed by the animal, and by which all its parts are distended to the utmost, is forced, not only out of the mouth, but also through small openings in the body wall scarcely perceptible under ordi- nary circumstances, but at such times emitting little fountains in every direction. Notwithstanding its extraordinary sensitiveness, the organs of the senses in the Actinia are very inferior, consisting only of a few pigment cells accumulated at the base of the tentacles. The two sets of muscles meet at the base of the body, forming a disk, or kind of foot, by which the animal can fix itself so firmly to the ground, that it is very difficult to remove it without in- jury. It is nevertheless capable of a very limited degree of RHOD ACTINIA. 13 motion, by means of the expansion and contraction of this foot- like disk. The Actiniae are extremely voracious ; they feed on mussels and cockles, sucking the animals out of their shells. When in confinement they may be fed on raw meat, and seem to relish it ; but if compelled to do so, they will live on more meagre fare, and will even thrive for a long time on such food as they may pick up in the water where they are kept. Rhodactinia. (Rhodactinia Davisii AG.) Very different from this is the bright red Rhodactinia (Fig. 10), quite common in the deeper waters of our bay, while far- ther north, in Maine, it occurs at low-water mark. Occasion- ally it may be found thrown up on our sandy beaches after a storm, and then, if it has not been too long out of its native element, or too severely buffeted by the waves, it will revive on being thrown into a bucket of fresh sea-water, expand to its full size, and show all the beauty of its natural col- oring. It is crowned with a wreath of thick, short tenta- cles (Fig. 10), and though so vivid and bright in color, it is not so pretty as the more common Actinia marginata, with its soft waving wreath of plume-like feelers, in compar- ison to which the tentacles of the Rhodactinia are clumsy and slow in their movements. All Actinias are not attached to the soil like those described above, nor do they all terminate in a muscular foot, some being pointed or rounded at their extremity. Many are nomadic, wan- dering about at will during their whole lifetime, others live buried in the sand or mud, only extending their tentacles beyond the limits of the hole where they make their home ; while others again lead a parasitic life, fastening themselves upon our larger Fig. 10. llhodactinia Davisii Ag. ; natural size. 14 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. jelly-fish, the Cyaneae, though one is at a loss to imagine what sustenance they can derive from animals having so little solidity, and consisting so largely of water. ArachnCLctis. ^Arachnactis brachiolata A. AG.) Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 11. Fig. 13. Arachnactis brachiolata A. Ag., greatly magnified. Young Arachnactis seen so as to show the mouth. Among the nomadic Polyps is a small floating Actinia, called Arachnactis, (Fig. 11,) from its resemblance to a spider. They are found in great plenty floating about during the night, feeling their way in every direction by means of their tentacles, which are large in proportion to the size of the animal, few in number, and turned downward when in their natural attitude. The partitions and the digestive cavity en- closed between them are short, as will be seen in Fig. 11, when compared to the general cavity of the body floating balloon-like above them. Around the mouth is a second row of shorter ten- tacles, better seen in a younger speci- men (Fig. 12). This Actinia differs from those described above, in having two of the sides flattened, instead of being perfectly circular. Looked at from above (as in Fig. 13) this differ- ence in the diameters is very percepti- ble ; there is an evident tendency to- wards establishing a longitudinal axis. In the sea-anemone, this disposition is only hinted at in the slightly pointed folds or projections on opposite sides of the circle formed by the mouth, which in the Arachnactis are so elongated as to produce a somewhat narrow slit (see Fig. 12. Young Arachnactis. BICIDIUM. 15 Fig. 13), instead of a circular opening. The mouth is also a little out of centre, rather nearer one end of the disk than the other. These facts are interesting, as showing that the ten- dency towards establishing a balance of parts, as between an an- terior and posterior extremity, a right and left side, is not forgot- ten in these lower animals, though their organization as a whole is based upon an -equality of parts, admitting neither of pos- terior and anterior extremities, nor of right and left, nor of above and below, in a structural sense. This animal also pre- sents a seeming anomaly in the mode of formation of the young tentacles, which always make their appearance at the posterior extremity of the longitudinal axis, the new ones being placed behind the older ones, instead of alternating with them as in other Actiniae. (Bicidium parasiticum Ao.) The Bicidium (Fig. 14), our parasitic Actinia, is to be sought for in the mouth-folds of the Cyanea, our common large red Jelly-fish. In any moderate-sized specimen of the latter from twelve to eighteen inches in diameter, we shall be sure to find one or more of these parasites, hidden away among the numerous folds of the mouth. The body is long and tapering, having an ap- erture in the extremity, the whole animal being Fig. u. like an elongated cone, strongly ribbed from apex to base. At the base, viz. at the mouth end, are a few short, stout tentacles. This Ac- tinia is covered with innumerable little trans- verse wrinkles (see Fig. 14) , by means of which it fastens itself securely among the fluted mem- branes around the mouth of the Jelly-fish. It will live a considerable time in confinement, at- taching itself, for its whole length, to the vessel in which it is kept, and clinging quite firmly if any attempt is made to remove it. The general color of the body is violet or a brownish red, though the wrinkles give it a somewhat mottled appearance. Fig. 14. Bicidium parasiticum; natural size. 16 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. . (Halcampa albida Ac.) Strange to say, the Actiniae, which live in the mud, are among the most beautifully colored of these animals. They frequently prepare their home with some care, lining their hole by means of the same secretions which give their slimy surface to our common Actiniae, and thus forming a sort of tube, into which they retire when alarmed. But if undis- turbed, they may be seen at the open door of their house with their many-colored disk and mottled tentacles extending beyond the aperture, and their mouth wide open, waiting for what the tide may bring them. By the play of their ten- tacles, they can always produce a current of water about the mouth, by means of which food passes into the stomach. We have said, that these animals are very brightly colored, but the little Halcampa (Fig. 15), belonging to our coast, is not one of the brilliant ones. It is, on the contrary, a small, insignificant Actinia, resem- bling a worm, as it burrows its way through the sand. It is of a pale yellowish color, with whitish warts on the surface. MADREPORIANS. Astrangia. (Astrangia Dance AG.) IN Figure 16, we have the only species of coral growing so far north as our latitude. Indeed, it hardly belongs in this volume, since we have limited ourselves to the Radiates of Massachusetts Bay, — its northernmost boundary being some- what to the south of Massachusetts Bay, about the shores of Long Island, and on the islands of Martha's Vineyard Sound. But we introduce it here, though it is not included under our Fig. 15. Halcampa albida; natural size. MADREPORIANS. 17 title, because any account of the Radiates, from which so impor- tant a group as that of the corals was excluded, would be very incomplete. This pretty coral of rig. 10. our Northern waters is no reef-builder, and does not extend farther south than the shores of North Carolina. It usually es- tablishes itself upon brok- en angular bits of rock, lying in sheltered creeks and inlets, where the vio- lent action of the open sea is not felt. The presence of one of these little communities on a rock may first be detected by what seems like a delicate white film over the surface. This film is, however, broken up by a number of hard calcareous deposits in very regular fbrm (Fig. 20), circular in outline, but divided by numerous partitions running from the outer wall to the centre of every such circle, where they unite at a little white spot formed by the mouth or oral opening. These circles represent, and indeed are themselves the distinct individuals (Fig. 17) composing the community, and they look rig. 17. not unlike the star-shaped pits on a coral head, formed by Astraeans. Unlike the massive compact kinds of coral, however, the indi- viduals multiply by bud- ding from the base chiefly, never rising one above the other, but spreading over the surface on which they have established them- selves, a few additional individuals arising between the older ones. In consequence of this mode of growth, such a commu- Fig. 16. Astranpia colony; natural size. Fig. 17. Magnified individuals of an Astrangia community in different stages of expansion. 3 18 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. nity, when it has attained any size, forms a little white mound on the rock, higher in the centre, where the older members have attained their whole height and solidity, and thinning out toward the margin, where the younger ones may be just beginning life, and hardly rise above the surface of the rock. These communi- ties .rarely grow to be more than two or three inches in diameter, and about quarter of an inch in height at the centre where the individuals have reached their maximum size. When the ani- mals are fully expanded (Fig. 18), with all their tentacles spread, Fig 18> the surface of every such mound becomes covered with downy white fringes, and what seemed before a hard, calcareous mass upon the rock, changes to a soft fleecy tuft, waving gently to and fro in the water. The tentacles are thickly covered with small wart-like appendages, which, on examination, prove to be clusters of lasso-cells, the terminal cluster of the tentacle being quite prominent. These lasso-cells are very formidable weapons, judging both from their appearance when magnified (Fig. 19), and from the terrible effect of their bristling lash upon any small crustacean, or worm, that may be so unfortunate as to come within its reach. The description of the internal arrangement of parts in the Actinia applies in every particular to these corals, with the exception of the hard deposit in the lower part of the body. As in all the Polyps, radiating partitions divide the main cavity of the body into distinct separate chambers, and the tentacles increasing by multiples of six, numbering six in the first set, six in the second, and twelve in the third, are hollow, and open into the cham- bers. But the feature which distinguishes them from the soft Actiniae, and unites them with the corals, re- quires a somewhat more accurate description. In each individual, a hard deposit is formed (Fig. 20), beginning at the base of every chamber, and rising from its floor to about Fig. 18. Single individual of Astrangia, fully expanded. Fig. 19. Magnified lasso-cell of Astrangia. HALCYONOIDS. 19 Fig. 20. one fifth the height of the animal at its greatest extension. This lime deposit does not, however, fill the chamber for its whole width, but rises as a thin wall in its centre. (See Figs. 16, 17.) Thus between all the soft partitions, in the middle of the chambers which separate them, low lime-stone walls are gradually built up, uniting in a solid column in the centre. These walls run parallel with the soft partitions, although they do not rise to the same height, and they form the radiating lines like stiff lamellae, so conspicu- ous when all the soft parts of the body are drawn in. The mouth of the Astrangia is oval, and the partitions spread in a fan-shaped way, being somewhat shorter at one side of the animal than on the other. The partitions extend beyond the solid wall which unites them at the periphery, in consequence of which, this wall is marked by faint vertical ribs. ^tVJEX^ HALCYONOIDS. (Halcyonium carneum AG.) WE come now to the Halcyonoids, represented in our waters by the Halcyonium (Fig. 22). In the Halcyonoids, the highest group of Polyps, the tentacles reach their greatest limitation, which, as above mentioned, is found to be a mark of superiority, and, connected with other struc- rig. 21. tural features, places them at the head of their class. The number of tentacles throughout this group is always eight. They are very compli- cated (Fig. 21), in comparison with the tenta- cles of the lower orders, being deeply lobed, Fig. 20. Limestone parts of an individual of Astrangia 5 magnified. Fig. 21. Single individual of Halcyonium seen from above; magnified. 20 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. and fringed around the margin. Our Haley onium communities F. 22 (Fig. 22) usually live in deep water, attached to dead shells, though they may occasionally be found growing at low-water mark, but this is very rare. They have received a rather lugubri- ous name from the fishermen, who call them " dead-men's fingers," and in- deed, when the animals are contract- ed, such a community, with its short branches attached to the main stock, looks not unlike the stump of a hand, with short, fat fingers. In such a con- dition they are very ugly, the whole mass being somewhat gelatinous in tex- ture, and a dull, yellowish pink in color. But when the animals, which are capable of great extension, are fully spread, as in Fig. 22, such a polyp-stock has a mossy, tufted look, and is by no means an unsightly object. When the individ- uals are entirely expanded, as in Fig. 23, they be- come quite transparent, and their internal structure can readily be seen through the walls of the body ; we can then easily distinguish the digestive cavity, supported for its whole length by the eight radiating partitions, as well as the great size of the main diges- tive cavity surrounding it. Notwithstanding the re- markable power of contraction and dilatation in the animals themselves, the tentacles are but slight- ly contractile. This kind of community increases altogether by budding, the individual polyps remaining more or less united, the tissues of the individuals becoming thicker by the deposition of lime nodules, and thus forming a massive semi-cartilaginous pulp, uniting the whole community. In the neighborhood of Provincetown they are very plentiful, and are found all along the shores of our Bay in deep water. Fig. 22. Ilalcyonium community ; natural size. Fig. 23. Individual of Ilalcyonium fully expanded j magnified. GENERAL SKETCH OF ACALEPHS. 21 GENERAL SKETCH OF ACALEPHS. IN the whole history of metamorphosis, that wonderful chapter in the life of animals, there is nothing more strange or more in- teresting than the transformations of the Acalephs. First, as little floating plamilse or transparent spheres, covered with fine vibratile cilia, by means of which they move with great rapidity, then as communities fixed to the ground and increasing by bud- ding like the corals, or multiplying by self-division, and later as free-swimming Jelly-fishes, many of them pass through phases which have long baffled the investigations of naturalists, and have only recently been understood in their true connection. Great progress has, however, been made during this century in our knowledge of this class. Thanks to the investigations of Sars, Du- jardin, Steenstrup, Van Beneden, and many others, we now have the key to their true relations, and transient phases of growth, long believed to be the adult condition of distinct animals, are now recognized as parts in a cycle of development belonging to one and the same life. As the class now stands, it includes three orders, highest among which are the CTENOPHOR^E, so called on account of their locomotive organs, consisting of minute flappers arranged in vertical comb-like rows ; next to these are the Dis COPHOB^B, with their large gelatinous umbrella-like disks, com- monly called Jelly-fishes, Sun-fishes, or Sea-blubbers, and below these come the HYDROIDS, embracing the most minute and most diversified of all these animals. These orders are distinguished not only by their striking ex- ternal differences, but by their mode of development also. The Ctenophorse grow from eggs by a direct continuous process of development, without undergoing any striking metamorphosis ; the Discophoras, with some few exceptions, in which they develop like the Ctenophorae from eggs, begin life as a Hydra-like ani- mal, the subsequent self-division of which gives rise, by a singular process, presently to be described, to a number of distinct Jelly- fishes ; the Hydroids include all those Acalephs which either pass the earlier stages of their existence as little shrub-like com- 22 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Fig. 24. munities, or remain in that condition through life. These Hy- droid stocks, as they are sometimes called, give rise to buds ; these buds are transformed into Jelly-fishes, which in some in- stances break off when mature and swim away as free animals, while in others they remain permanent members of the Hydroid stock, never assuming a free mode of life. All these buds when mature, whether free or fixed, lay eggs in their turn, from which a fresh stock arises to renew this singular cycle of growth, known among naturalists as " alternate generations." The Hydroids are not all attached to the ground, — some like the Physalia (Portuguese man-of-war), or the Nanomia, that pretty floating Hydroid of our own waters, move, about with as much freedom as if they enjoyed an individual independent ex- istence. As all these orders have their representatives on our coast, to be described hereafter in detail, we need only allude here to their characteristic features. But we must not leave un- noticed one very remarkable Hydroid Acaleph (Fig. 24), not found in our waters, and resembling the Polyps so much, that it has long been asso- ciated with them. The Millepore is a coral, and was therefore the more easily confounded with the Polyps, so large a proportion of which build coral stocks ; but a more mi- nute investigation of its structure (Figs. 25, 26) has recently shown that it belongs with the Acalephs.* This discovery is the more important, not only as explaining the true po- sition of this animal in the Animal Kingdom, but as proving also the presence of Acalephs in the earliest periods of creation, since it re- fers a large number of fossil corals, whose affinities with the millepores are well under- stood, to that class, instead of to the class of Polyps with which they had hitherto been associated. But for this we should have no positive evidence of the existence of Fig. 24. Branch of Millepora alcicornis; natural size. (Agassiz.) Fig. 25. Animals of M. alcicornis expanded; magnified, aaa small Hydroid, b larger Hydroid, I tentacles, m mouth. (Agassiz.) * See " Methods of Study," by Prof. Agassiz. Fig. 25. GENERAL SKETCH OF ACALEPHS. 23 Acalephs in early geological periods, the gelatinous texture of the ordinary Jelly-fishes making their preserva- Fig. 26. tion almost impossible. It is not strange that the true nature of this animal should have remained so long unexplained ; for it is only by the soft parts of the body, not of course preserved in the fossil condition, that their relations to the Acalephs may be detected ; and they are so shy of approach, drawing their tentacles and the upper part of the body into their limestone frame if disturbed, that it is not easy to examine the living animal. The Millepore is very abundant on the Florida reefs. From the solid base of the coral stock arise broad ridges, branching more or less along the edges, the whole surface being covered by innu- merable pores, from which the diminutive animals project when expanded. (Fig. 25.) The whole mass of the coral is porous, and the cavities occupied by the Hydras are sunk perpendicularly to the surface within the stock. Seen in a transverse cut these tubular cavities are divided at intervals by horizontal partitions (Fig. 26), extending straight across the cavity from wall to wall, and closing it up entirely, the animal occupying only the outer- most open space, and building a new partition behind it as it rises in the process of growth. This structure is totally different from that of the Madrepores, Astraeans, Porites, and indeed, from all the polyp corals which, like all Polyps, have the vertical par- titions running through the whole length of the body, and more or less open from top to bottom. The life of the Jelly-fishes, with the exception of the Mille- pores and the like, is short in comparison to that of other Radi- ates. While Polyps live for many years, and Star-fishes and Sea-urchins require ten or fifteen years to attain their full size, the short existence of the Acaleph, with all its changes, is accom- plished in one year. The breeding season being in the autumn, the egg grows into a Hydroid during the winter ; in the spring the Jelly-fish is freed from the Hydroid stock, or developed upon it as the case may be ; it attains its full size in the fall, lays its eggs Fi}?. 26. Transverse section of a branch, showing pits, a a a a, of the large Ilydroids with the hori- zontal floors. (J3ijassiz.~) 24 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. and dies, and the cycle is complete. The autumn storms make fearful havoc among them, swarms of them being killed by the fall rains, after which they may be found thrown up on the beaches in great numbers. When we consider the size of these Jelly- fishes, their rapidity of growth seems very remarkable. Our common Aurelia measures some twelve to eighteen inches in diameter when full grown, and yet in the winter it is a Hydra so small as almost to escape notice. Still more striking is the rapid increase of our Cyanea, that giant among Jelly-fishes, which, were it not for the soft, gelatinous consistency of its body, would be one of the most formidable among our marine animals. Before entering upon the descriptions of the special kinds of Jelly-fishes, we would remind our readers that the radiate plan of structure is reproduced in this class of animals as distinctly as in the Polyps, though under a different aspect. Here also we find that there is a central digestive cavity from which all the radiat- ing cavities, whether simple or ramified, diverge toward the peri- phery. It is true that the open chambers of the Polyps are here transformed into narrow tubes, by the thickening of the dividing partitions, or in other words, the open spaces of the Polyps cor- respond to tubes in the Acalephs, while the partitions in the Polyps correspond to the thick masses of the body dividing the tubes in the Acalephs ; but the principle of radiation on which the whole branch of Radiates is constructed controls the organi- zation of Acalephs no less than that of the other classes, so that a transverse section across any Polyp (Fig. 1), or across any Acaleph (Fig. 50), or across any Echinoderm (Fig. 140), shows their internal structure to be based upon a radiation of all parts from the centre to the periphery. That there may be no vagueness as to the terms used here- after, we would add one word respecting the nomenclature of this class, whose aliases might baffle the sagacity of a police detective. The names Acalephs, Medusae, or the more common appellation of Jelly-fishes, cover the same ground, and are applied indiscrim- inately to the animals they represent. The name Jelly-fish is an inappropriate one, though the gelatinous consistency of these animals is accurately enough expressed by it ; but they have no more structural relation to a fish than to a bird or an insect. GENERAL SKETCH OF ACALEPHS. 25 They have, however, received this name before the structure of animals was understood, when all animals inhabiting the waters were indiscriminately called fishes, and it is now in such general use that it would be difficult to change it. The name Medusa is derived from their long tentacular appendages, sometimes wound up in a close coil, sometimes thrown out to a great distance, sometimes but half unfolded, and aptly enough compared to the snaky locks of Medusa. Their third and oldest appellation, that of Acalephs, — alluding to their stinging or nettling property, and given to them and like animals by Aristotle, in the first instance, but afterwards applied by Cuvier in a more limited sense to Jelly-fishes, — is the most generally accepted, and perhaps the most appropriate of all. The subject of nomenclature is not altogether so dry and arid as it seems to many who do not fully understand the signifi- cance of scientific names. Not only do they often express with terse precision the character of the animal or plant they signify, but there is also no little sentiment concealed under these jaw- breaking appellations. As seafaring men call their vessels after friends or sweethearts, or commemorate in this way some impres- sive event, or some object of their reverence, so have naturalists, under their fabrication of appropriate names, veiled many a grace- ful allusion, either to the great leaders of our science, or to some more intimate personal affection. The Linncea borealis was well named after his famous master, by a disciple of the great Nor- wegian naturalist ; G-oethea semper flor ens, the ever-blooming, is another tribute of the same kind, while the pretty, graceful little Lizzia, named by Forbes, is one instance among many of a more affectionate reference to nearer friends. The allusions of this kind are not always of so amiable a character, however, — witness the " Buffonia," a low, noxious weed, growing in marshy places, and named by Linnaeus after Buffon, whom he bitterly hated. Indeed, there is a world of meaning hidden under our zoological and botanical nomenclature, known only to those who are inti- mately acquainted with the annals of scientific life in its social as well as its professional aspect. 26 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. CTENOPHOE^E. THE Ctenophorae differ from other Jelly-fishes in their mode of locomotion. All the Discophorous Medusae, as well as Hydroids, move by a rhythmical rise and fall of the disk, contracting and expanding with alternations so regular, that it reminds one of the action of the lungs, and seems at first sight to be a kind of res- piration in which water takes the place of air. The Greeks rec- ognized this peculiar character in their name, for they called them Sea-lungs. Indeed, locomotion, respiration, and circulation are so intimately connected in all these lower animals, that what- ever promotes one of these functions affects the other also, and though the immediate result of the contraction and expansion of the disk seems to be to impel them through the water, yet it is also connected with the introduction of water into the body, which there becomes assimilated with the food in the process of digestion, and is circulated throughout all its parts by means of ramifying tubes. In the Ctenophora3 there is no such regular expansion and contraction of the disk ; they are at once dis- tinguished from the Diseophora3 by the presence of external locomotive appendages of a very peculiar character. They move by the rapid flapping of countless little oars or paddles, arranged in vertical rows along the surface of the disk, acting indepen dently of each other ; one row, or even one paddle, moving singly, or all of them together, at the will of the animal ; thus ena- bling it to accelerate or slacken its movements, to dart through the water rapidly, or to diminish its speed by partly furling its little sails, or, spreading them slightly, to poise itself with a faint, quivering movement that reminds one of the pause of the hum- ming-bird in the air, — something that is neither positive motion, nor actual rest.* These locomotive appendages are intimately connected with the circulating tubes, as we shall see when we examine the struc- * The flappers of one side are sometimes in full activity, while those of the other side are perfectly quiet or nearly so, thus producing rotatory movements in every direction. PLEUROBRACHIA. 27 tural details of these animals, so that in them also breathing and moving are in direct relation to each other. To those unaccus- tomed to the comparison of functions in animals, the use of the word breathing, as applied to the introduction of water into the body, may seem inappropriate, but it is by the absorption of aerated water that these lower animals receive that amount of oxygen into the system, as necessary to the maintenance of life in them, as a greater supply is to the higher animals. The name of Ctenophorse or comb-bearers, is derived from these rows of tiny paddles which have been called combs by some naturalists, because they are set upon horizontal bands of muscles, see Fig. 29, reminding one of the base of a comb, while the fringes are compared to its teeth. These flappers add greatly to the beauty of these animals, for a variety of brilliant hues is produced along each row by the decomposition of the rays of light upon them when in motion. They give off all the prismatic colors, and as the combs are exceedingly small, so that at first sight one hardly distinguishes them from the disk itself, the exquisite play of color, rippling in regular lines over the surface of the animal, seems at first to have no external cause. Pleurobrachia. (Pleurobrachia rhododactyla AG.) Among the most graceful and attractive of these animals are the Pleurobrachia (Fig. 29), and, though not first in order, we will give it the precedence in our description, because it will serve to illustrate some features of the other two groups. The body of the Pleurobrachia consists of a transparent sphere, vary- ing, however, from the perfect sphere in being somewhat ob- long, and also by a slight compression on two opposite sides (Figs. 27 and 28), so as to render its horizontal diameter longer in one direction than in the other (Fig. 30). Fi 27 This divergence from the globular form, so slight in Pleurobrachia as to be hardly perceptible to the casual observer, establishing two diameters of different lengths at right angles with each other, is equally true of the other genera. It is inter- esting and important, as showing the tendency in JC Fig. 27. Pleurobrachia seen at right angles to the plane in which the tentacles are placed. (Ayassiz.) 28 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. this highest group of Acalephs to assume a bi- lateral character. This bilaterality becomes still more marked in the highest class of Radiates, the Echinoderms. Such structural tendencies in the lower animals, hinting at laws to be more fully developed in the higher forms, are always signifi- cant, as showing the intimate relation between all parts of the plan of creation. This inequality of the diameters is connected with the disposition of parts in the whole structure, the locomotive fringes and the vertical tubes connected with them being arranged in sets of four on either side of a plane passing through the longer diameter, showing ,thus a tendency toward the establishment of a right and left side of the body, instead of the perfectly equal disposition of parts around a common centre, as in the lower Radiates. The Pleurobrachia are so transparent, that, with some prepara- tory explanation of their structure, the most unscientific observer may trace the relation of parts in them. At one end of the sphere is the transverse split (Fig. 27), that serves them as a mouth ; at the opposite pole is a small circumscribed area, in the centre of which is a dark eye-speck. The eight rows of locomotive fringes run from pole to pole, dividing the whole surface of the body like the ribs on a melon. (Figs. 27, 28.) Hanging from either side of the body, a little above the area in which the eye- speck is placed, are two most extraordinary appendages in the shape of long tentacles, possessing such wonderful power of ex- tension and contraction that, while at one moment they may be knotted into a little compact mass no bigger than a pin's head, drawn up close against the side of the body, or hidden within it, the next instant they may be floating behind it in various posi- tions to a distance of half a yard and more, putting out at the same time soft plumy fringes (Fig. 29) along one side, like the beard of a feather. One who has never seen these animals may well be pardoned for doubting even the most literal and matter- of-fact account of these singular tentacles. There is no variety of curve or spiral that does not seem to be represented in their evolutions. Sometimes they unfold gradually, creeping out softly Fig. 28. Pleurobrachia seen in plane of tentacles. (Agassiz.) PLEUROBRACHIA. 29 and slowly from a state of contraction, or again the little ball, hardly perceptible against the side of the body, drops suddenly to the bottom of Fie 29> the tank in which the animal is float- ing, and one thinks for a moment, so slight is the thread- like attachment, that it has actual- ly fallen from the body ; but watch a little longer, and all the filaments spread out along the side of the thread, it expands to its full length and breadth, and resumes all its graceful evolutions. One word of the internal structure of these animals, to explain its relation to the external appendages. The mouth opens into a wide digestive cavity (Figs. 27, 28), enclosed between two verti- cal tubes. Toward the opposite end of the body these tubes terminate or unite in a single funnel-like canal, which is a reser- voir as it were for the circulating fluid poured into it through an opening in the bottom of the digestive cavity. The food in the digestive cavity becomes liquefied by mingling with the water entering with it at the mouth, and, thus prepared, it passes into this canal, from which, as we shall presently see, all the circulat- ing tubes ramifying throughout the body are fed. Two of these circulating tubes, or, as they are called from the nature of the liquid they contain, chymiferoiis tubes, are very large, starting horizontally and at right angles with the digestive cavity from the point of junction between the vertical tubes (Fig. 30) and the canal. Presently they give off two branches, these again ramifying in two directions as they approach the periphery, so that each one of the first main tubes has multiplied to four, Fig. 29. Natural attitude of Pleurobrachia when in motion. 30 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. before its ramifications reach the surface, thus making in all eight radiating tubes. So far, these eight tubes are horizontal, all diverging on the same level ; but as they reach the periphery each one gives rise to a vertical tube, running along the sur- face of the body from pole to pole, just within the rows of locomotive fringes on the outer surface, and immediately connected with them (Figs. 27, 28). As in all the Ctenophorae, these fringes keep up a constant play of color by their rapid vibrations. In Pleuro- brachia the prevailing tint is a yellowish pink, though it varies to green, red, and purple, with the changing motions of the animal. We have seen that the vertical tubes between which the digestive cavity is enclosed, start like the cavity itself from that pole of the body where the mouth is placed, and that, as they approach the opposite pole, at a distance from the mouth of about two thirds the whole length of the body, they unite in the canal, which then extends to the other pole where the eye-speck is placed. As it is just at this point of juncture between the tubes and the canal that the two main horizontal tubes arise from which all the others branch on the same plane (Figs. 27, 28), it follows that they reach the periphery, not on a level with the pole op- posite the mouth, but removed from it by about one third the height of the body. In consequence of this the eight vertical tubes arising from the horizontal ones, in order to run the entire length of the body from pole to pole, extend in opposite direc- tions, sending a branch to each pole, though the branch running toward the mouth is of course the longer of the two. The tenta- cles have their roots in two sacs within the body, placed at right angles with the split of the mouth. (Figs. 27, 30.) They open at the surface on the opposite side from the mouth, though not immediately within the area at which the eye-speck is placed, but somewhat above it, and at a little distance on either side of it. The tentacles may be drawn completely within these sacs, or be extended outside, as we have seen, to a greater or less degree, and in every variety of curve or spiral. Fig. 30. Pleurobrachia seen from the extremity opposite the mouth. BOLINA. 31 Fig. 31. Bolina. (Bolina alata AG.) THE Bolina (Fig 32), like the Pleurobrachia, is slightly oval in form, with a longitudinal split at one end of the body, forming a mouth which opens into a capacious sac or digestive cavity. But it differs from the Pleurobrachia in having the oral end of the body split into two larger lobes (Fig. 31), hanging down from the mouth. These lobes may gape widely, or they may close completely over the mouth so as to hide it from view, and their different aspects under various degrees of expansion or contrac- tion account for the discrepancies in the description of these animals. We have seen that the Pleurobrachia moves with the mouth upward ; but the Bo- lina, on the contrary, usually carries the mouth downward, though it occasionally reverses its position, and in this attitude, with the lobes spread open, it is exceedingly graceful in form, and looks like a white flower with the crown fully expanded. These broad lobes are balanced on the other sides of the body by four smaller appendages, divided in pairs, two on each side (Fig. 32), called auricles. These so-called auricles are in fact organs of the same kind as the larger lobes, though less developed. The rows of locomotive flappers on the Bo- lina differ in length from each other (Fig. 31), instead of being equal, as in the Pleu- robrachia. The four longest ones are op- posite each other on those sides of the body where the larger lobes are developed, the four short ones being in pairs on the sides where the auricles are placed. At first sight they all seem to terminate at the margin of the body, but a closer Fig. 31. Bolina seen from the broad side ; o eye-speck, m mouth, r auricles, v digestive cavity, g h short rows of flappers, a f long rows of flappers, n x t z tubes winding in the larger lobes ; about half natural size. (Agassiz.) Fig. 32. Bolina seen from the narrow side ; c h short rows of flappers, ab long rows of flappers ; other letters as in Fig. 31. (Ayassiz.') 32 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. examination shows that the circulating tubes connected with the longer row extend into the lobes, where they wind about in a variety of complicated involutions. (Fig. 32.) The movements of the Bolina are more sluggish than those of the Pleurobrachia, and the long tentacles, so graceful an ornament to the latter, are wanting in the former. With these exceptions the description given above of the Pleurobrachia will serve equally well for the Bolina. The structure is the same in all essential points, though it differs in the size and proportion of certain external features, and its play of color is less brilliant than that of the Pleuro- brachia. The Bolina, with its slow, undulating motion, its broad lobes sometimes spreading widely, at other times folded over the mouth, its delicacy of tint and texture, and its rows of vibrating fringes along the surface, is nevertheless a very beautiful object, and well rewards the extreme care without which it dies at once in confinement. Idyid. (Idyia. roseola AG.) The lowest genus of Ctenophora3 found on our coast, the Idyia (Fig. 33), has neither the tentacles of the Pleurobrachia, nor the lobes of the Bolina. It is a simple ovate sphere, the interior of which is almost entirely occupied by an immense digestive cavity. It would seem that the reception and digestion of food is intended rig 33 to be the almost exclusive function of this animal, for it has a mouth whose ample di- mensions correspond with its capacious stom- ach. Instead of the longitudinal split serving as a mouth, in the Bolina and Pleurobrachia, one end of the body in the Idyia is completely open (Fig. 33), so that occasionally some un- suspicious victim of smaller diameter than itself may be seen to swim into this wide por- tal, when suddenly the door closes behind him with a quick contraction, and he finds himself a prisoner. The Idyia does not always obtain its food after this indolent fashion Fig. 33 Idyia roseola seen from the broad side, half natural size ; a anal opening, b lateral tube, c circular tube, d efg h rows of locomotive flappers. (Agassiz.) IDYIA. 33 however, for it often attacks a Bolina or Pleurobrachia as large or even larger than itself, when it extends its mouth to the ut- most, slowly overlapping the prey it is trying to swallow by fre- quent and repeated contractions, and even cutting off by the same process such portions as cannot be forced into the digestive cavity. The general internal structure of the Idyia corresponds with that of the Bolina and Pleurobrachia ; it has the same tubes branching horizontally from the main cavity, then ramifying as they approach the periphery till they are multiplied to eight in all, each of which gives off one of the vertical tubes connected with the eight rows of locomotive flappers. Opposite the mouth is the eye-speck, placed as in the two other genera, at the centre of a small circumscribed area, which in the Idyia is surrounded by delicate fringes, forming a rosette at this end of the body. These animals are exceedingly brilliant in color ; bright pink is their prevailing hue, though pink, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple, sometimes chase each other in quick succession along their locomotive fringes. At certain seasons, when most numer- ous, they even give a rosy tinge to patches on the surface of the sea. Their color is brightest and deepest before the spawning season, but as this advances, and the ovaries and spermaries are emptied, they grow paler, retaining at last only a faint pink tint. They appear early in July, rapidly attain their maximum size, and are most numerous during the first half of August. Toward the end of August they spawn, and the adults are usually de- stroyed by the early September storms, the young disappearing at the same time, not to be seen again till the next summer. It is an interesting question, not yet solved, to know what becomes of the summer's brood in the following winter. They probably sink into deep waters during this intervening period. The Idyia, like the Pleurobrachia, moves with the mouth upward, but in- clined slightly forward also, so as to give an oblique direction to the axis of the body.* * Until this summer only the three genera of Ctenophorae above mentioned were supposed to exist along our coast, but during the present season I have had the good fortune to find two additional ones. One of them, the Lesueuria, resembles a Bolina with the long lobes so cut off, that they have a very stunted appearance in compari- 5 34 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. EMBRYOLOGY OF CTENOPHOR^E. ALL the Ctenophoraa are reproduced from eggs, these eggs being so transparent that one may follow with comparative ease the changes undergone by the young while still within the egg envelope. Unfortunately, however, they are so delicate that it is impossible to keep them alive for any length of time, even by supplying them constantly with fresh sea-water, and keeping them continually in motion, both of which are essential conditions to their existence. It is therefore only from eggs accidentally fished up at different stages of growth that we may hope to ascer- tain any facts respecting the sequence of their development. When hatched, the little Ctenophore is already quite advanced. It is small when compared with the size of the egg envelope, and long before it is set free, it swims about with great velocity with- in the walls of its diminutive prison (Fig. 35). The importance of studying the young stages of animals can hardly find a better illustration than among the Ctenophoras. Before their extraor- dinary embryonic changes were understood, many of the younger forms had found their way into our scientific annals as distinct animals, and our nomenclature thus became burdened with long lists of names which will disappear as our knowledge ad- vances. The great size of their locomotive flappers in proportion to the rest of the body, is characteristic of the young Ctenophoroe. They seem like large paddles on the sides of these tiny trans- parent spheres, and, owing to their great power as compared with those of the adult, the young move with extraordinary rapidity. The Pleurobrachia alone retains its quickness of motion in after life, and although its long graceful streamers appear only as short stumpy tentacles in the young (Fig. 34), yet its active little body would be more easily recognized in the earlier stages of growth son with those of the Bolina. The other, the Mertensia, is closely allied to Pleuro- brachia ; it is exceedingly flattened and pear-shaped. This species was discovered long ago by Fabricius, but had escaped thus far the attention of other naturalists. (A. Agassiz.) EMBRYOLOGY OF CTENOPHOR^E. 35 than that of the other Ctenophorae. Figs. 34, 35, and 36 show the Pleurobrachia at various stages of growth ; Fig. 34, with its thick stunted tentacles and short rows of flappers, is the youngest ; the flappers themselves are rather long at this age, looking more like stiff hairs than like the minute fringes of the adult. In Fig. Fig. 34. Fig. 35. 35 the tentacles are already considerably longer and more deli- cate ; in Fig. 36 the vertical tubes are already completed, while Figs. 27-29 present it in its adult condition. The Idyia differs greatly in appearance at different periods of Fig. 36 Fig. 37. its development, and, indeed, no one would suspect, without some previous knowledge of its transformations, that the young Idyia, Fig. 34. Young Pleurobrachia still in the egg ; t tentacles, e eye-speck, c c rows of locomotive flap- pers, d digestive cavity, greatly magnified. Fig. 36. Young Pleurobrachia swimming about in the egg just before hatching ; magnified. Fig. 36. Young Pleurobrachia resembling somewhat the adult ; /funnel leading to anal opening, I lateral tubes, c c c' c' rows of locomotive flappers; magnified. Fig. 37. Young Idyia, greatly magnified 5 lettering as in Fig. 36 ; d digestive cavity. 36 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. with its rapid gyrations, its short ambulacral tubes, like immense pouches (Fig. 37), its large pigment spots scattered over the sur- face (Fig. 38), was an earlier stage of the rosy-hued Idyia, which glides through the water with a scarcely perceptible motion. Fig. 38. Fig. 39. Fig. 40. Figs. 37 - 40 represent the various stages of its growth. It will be seen how very short are the locomotive fringes (Fig. 39) in comparison with those of the full-grown ones (Fig. 33). It is only in the adult Idyia that these rows attain their full height, and the tubes, ramifying throughout the body (Fig. 40), are completed. The Bolina, in its early condition, recalls the young Pleurobrachia. At this period it has the same rapid motion, and when somewhat more advanced, long tentacles, resembling those of the Pleurobrachia, make their appearance (Fig. 41) ; it is only at a later period that the tentacles become contracted, while the large lobes (Fig. 42), so characteristic of Bolina, are formed by the elongation of the oral end of the body, the auricles becoming more conspicuous at the same Fig. 38. Young Idyia seen from the anal extremity, magnified ; a anal opening, other letters as In Fig. 36. Fig. 39. Idyia somewhat older than Fig. 37, lettering as before 5 magnified. Fig. 40. Young Idyia in which the ambulacral tubes begin to ramify 5 magnified, letters as before. DISCOPHOILE. 37 time (Fig. 43). A little later the lobes enlarge, the movements become more lazy ; it assumes both in form and habits the char- acter of the adult Bolina. The series of changes through which the Ctenophorae pass Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 43. are as remarkable as any we shall have occasion to describe, though not accompanied with such absolutely different con- ditions of existence. The comparison of the earlier stages of life in these animals with their adult condition is important, not only with reference to their mode of development, but also because it gives us some insight into the relative standing of the different groups, since it shows us that certain features, perma- nent in the lower groups, are transient in the higher ones. A striking instance of this occurs in the fact mentioned above, that though the long tentacles so characteristic of the adult Pleuro- brachia exist in the young Bolina, they yield in importance at a later period to the lobes which eventually become the pre- dominant and characteristic feature of the latter. DISCOPHOR^. THE disk of the Discophorse is by no means so delicate as that of the other Jelly-fishes. It seems indeed quite solid, and some- what like cartilage to the touch, and yet so large a part of its bulk consists of water, that a Cyanea, weighing when alive about thirty-four pounds, being left to dry in the sun for some days, was Fig. 41. Young Bolina in stage resembling Pleurobrachia ; greatly magnified. Fig. 42. Young Bolina seen from the broad side, with rudimentary auricles and lobes; magnified. Fig. 43. The same as Fig. 42, seen from the narrow side. 38 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. found to have lost about -ffo of its original weight, — only the merest film remaining on the paper upon which it had been laid. The prominence of the disk in this group of Jelly-fishes is well characterized by their German name, " Scheiben quallen," viz. disk-medusae. We shall see hereafter that the disk, so large and seemingly solid in the Discophorae, thins out in many of the other Jelly-fishes, and becomes exceedingly concave. This is especially the case in many of the Hydroid Medusae, where it assumes a bell-shaped form, and is constantly spoken of as the bell. It should be remembered, however, in reading descriptions of these animals, that the so-called bell is only a modified disk, and per- fectly homologous with that organ in the Discophorae. The Discophorous Medusae are distinguished from all others by the peculiar nature of the reproductive organs. They are con- tained in pouches (Fig. 50, 0,0,0, o), the contents of which are first discharged into the main cavity, and then pass out through the mouth. Pillars support the four angles of the digestive cavity, thus separating the lower from the upper floor of the disk, while the chymiferous tubes (Fig. 50) branch and run into each other near the periphery, forming a more or less compli- cated anastomosing network, instead of a simple circular tube, as is the case with the Hydroid Medusae. (Fig. 74.) Cyanea. (Cyanea arctica P£R. et LES.) In our descriptions of the Discophorae, we may give the pre- cedence to the Cyanea on account of its size. This giant among Jelly-fishes is represented in Fig. 44. It is much to be regretted that these animals, when they are not so small as to escape atten- tion altogether, are usually seen out of their native element, thrown dead or dying on the shore, a mass of decaying gelatinous matter. All persons who have lived near the sea are familiar with the so-called Sea-blubbers, sometimes strewing the sandy beaches after the autumn storms in such numbers that it is diffi- cult to avoid them in walking or driving. In such a condition the Cyanea is far from being an attractive object ; to form an idea of his true appearance, one must meet him as he swims along at midday, rather lazily withal, his huge semi-transparent CYANEA. 39 disk, with its flexible lobed margin, glittering in the sun, and his tentacles floating to a distance of many yards behind him. En- countering one of those huge Jelly-fishes, when out in a row- boat one day, we attempted to make a rough measurement of his dimensions upon the spot. He was lying quietly near the sur- face, and did not seem in the least disturbed by the proceeding, but allowed the oar, eight feet in length, to be laid across the disk, which proved to be about seven feet in diameter. Backing the boat slowly along the line of the tentacles, which were float- ing at their utmost extension behind him, we then measured these in the same manner, and found them to be rather more than fourteen times the length of the oar, thus covering a space of some hundred and twelve feet. This sounds so marvellous that it may be taken as an exaggeration ; but though such an estimate could not of course be absolutely accurate, yet the facts are rather understated than overstated in the dimensions here given. And, indeed, the observation was more careful and pre- cise than the circumstances would lead one to suppose, for the creature lay as quietly, while his measure was taken, as if he had intended to give every facility for the operation. This specimen was, however, of unusual size ; they more commonly measure from three to five feet across the disk, while the tentacles may be thirty or forty feet long. The tentacles are exceedingly numerous (see Fig. 44), arising in eight distinct bunches, from the margin of the disk, and hanging down in a complete laby- rinth. These animals are not so harmless as it would seem, from their soft, gelatinous consistency ; it is no pleasant thing when swimming or bathing to "become entangled in this forest of fine feelers, for they have a stinging property like nettles, and may render a person almost insensible, partly from pain, and partly from a numbness produced by their contact, before he is able to free himself from the network in which he is caught. The weapons by which they produce these results seem so insignifi- cant, that one cannot but wonder at their power. The tentacles are covered by minute cells, lasso-cells as they are called, (simi- lar to those of Astrangia, Fig. 19,) each one of which contains a whip finer than the finest thread, coiled in a spiral within it. Fig. 44. Cyanea arctica ; greatly reduced in size. CYANEA. 41 These myriad whips can be thrown out at the will of the animal, and really form an efficient galvanic battery. Behind the veil of tentacles, and partly hidden by it, four curtains, with lobed or ruffled margins, dimly seen in Fig. 44, hang down from the un- der surface of the disk. The ovaries are formed by four pendent pouches, placed near the sides of the mouth, and attached to four cavities within the disk. Around the circumference of the disk are eight eye-specks, each formed by a small tube protected un- der a little lappet or hood rising from the upper surface of the disk. The prevailing color of this huge Jelly-fish is a dark brownish-red, with a light, milk-white margin, tinged with blue, the tentacles and other pendent appendages having a some- what different hue from the disk. The ovaries are flesh-col- ored, the curtain formed by the expansion of the lobes of the mouth is dark brown, while the tentacles are of different colors, some being yellow, others purple, and others reddish brown or pink. Strange to say, this gigantic Discophore is produced by a Hy- droid measuring not more than half an inch in height when full grown ; could we follow the history of any egg laid by one of these DiscophoraB in the autumn, which has indeed been par- rig. 45. Fig. 47. Fig. 46 tially done, we should see that, like any other planula, the young hatched from the egg is at first spherical, but presently becomes pear-shaped, and attaches itself to the ground. From the upper Fig. 45. Scyphistoraa of a Discophore ; Aurelia flavidula. (Agassiz.) Fig. 46. Scyphistoma, older than Fig. 45. (Agassis.) Fig. 47. Strobila of a Discophore ; Aurelia flavidula. (Jgatsiz.) 6 42 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. end tentacles project (see Fig. 45), growing more numerous, as in Fig. 46, though they never exceed sixteen in number. As it increases in height constrictions take place at different distances along its length, every such constriction being lobed around its margin, till at last it looks like a pile of scalloped saucers or disks strung together (see Fig. 47). The topmost of these disks Fig. 48. falls off and dies ; but all the others separate by the deepening of the constrictions, and swim off as little free disks (Fig. 48), which eventually grow into the enormous Jelly-fish described above. These three phases of growth, before the relation between them was under- stood, have been mistaken for distinct animals, and described as such under the names of Scyphistoma, Strobila, and Ephyra. Fig. 49. Aurelia. (Aurelia flamdula PER. et LES.) Another large Discophore, though by no means to be compared to the Cyanea in size, is our common Aurelia (Figs. 49, 50). Its bluish-white disk measures from twelve to fifteen inches in diameter, but its dimensions are not increased by the tentacles, which have no great power of contraction and expansion, and form a short fringe around its margin, widening and narrowing slightly as the tentacles are stretched or drawn in. It is quite trans- parent, as may be seen in Fig 49, where all the fine ramifications of the chymiferous tubes, as well as the ovaries, are seen through the vault of the disk. Fig. 50 represents the upper surface, with the ovaries around the mouth, occupying the same position as those of the Cyanea, though they differ from the latter in their greater rigidity, and do not hang down in the form of Fig. 48. Ephyra of a Discophore ; Aurelia flavidula. (Ayassiz.) Fig. 49. Aurelia seen in profile, reduced. (Ayassiz.) AURELIA. 43 pouches. The males and females in this kind of Jelly-fish may be distinguished by the difference of color in the reproductive organs, which are rose-colored in the males, and of a dull yellow in the females. The process of development is exactly the same in the Aurelia as in the Cyanea, though there is a very slight difference, in their respective Hydroids. They are, however, so much alike, that one is here made to serve for both, the above figures being taken from the Hydroid of the Aurelia. It is curious, that while, as in the case of the Aurelia and Cyanea, very dissimilar Jelly-fishes may arise from almost identical Hy- droids, we have the reverse of the proposition, in the fact that Hydroids of an entirely distinct character may produce similar Jelly-fishes. The embryos or little planulae, hatched from the Cyanea and Aurelia in the fall, seem to be gregarious in their mode of life, swimming about together in great numbers till they find a suit- able point of attachment, and assume their fixed Hydroid exist- ence. The Cyanese, however, when adult, are usually found singly, while the Aurelige, on the contrary, seek each other, and commonly herd together. Fig. 50. Aurelia flavidula, seen from above ; o mouth, e e e e eyes, mm mm lobes of the mouth, oooo ovaries, tttt tentacles, w w ramified tubes. (Agassiz.) 44 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. The Campanella. (Campanella pachyderma A. AG.) The Campanella (Fig. 51) is a pretty little Jelly-fish, not larger than a pin's head, reproduced directly from eggs, without passing through the Hydroid stage. During its early stages of growth it prob- ably remains attached to floating animals, thus leading a kind of para- sitic existence ; but as its habits are not accu- rately known, this cannot be asserted as a constant fact respecting them. The veil in this Jelly- fish is very large, form- ing pendent pouches hanging from the cir- cular canal (see Fig. 51), and leaving but just room enough for the passage of the pro- boscis between the folds. It may not be amiss to introduce here a general account of this organ, which occurs in many of the Medusae, though it has very different pro- portions in the various kinds. It is a delicate membrane, hang- ing from the circular tube, so as partially to close the mouth of the bell, leaving a larger or smaller opening for the passage of the water, which is taken in and forced out again by the alter- nate expansions and contractions of the bell. Fig. 51. Fig. 62. Campanella seen in profile ; greatly magnified. Same, seen from below. CIRCE. 45 There are but four chymiferous tubes in the Campanella, and four stiff tentacles, which in consequence of the pecu- liar character of the veil appear, when the animal is seen in profile, to start from the middle of the disk. The ovaries con- sist of eight pouches, placed near the point of junction of the four chymiferous tubes. (Fig. 52.) This little Medusa is of a dark yellowish color with brownish ocellated spots, scattered profusely over the upper part of the disk. Circe. (Trachynema digitale A. AG.) Among the Jelly-fishes, the position of which is somewhat doubtful, is the Circe (Fig. 53), differing greatly in outline from the ordinary Jelly- Fig. 53. fishes. As may be seen in Figure 53, the bell forms but a small por- tion of the animal ; it rises in a sharp cone on the summit, thinning out at the lower edge, to form the large cavity in which hangs the long proboscis and the eight ovaries, four of which may be seen in Fig. 53 crowded with eggs. The Circe differs in con- sistency, as well as in form, from other Jelly-fishes. It is hard and horny to the touch, and the veil, usu- ally so light and filmy, is here a thick folded membrane, which at every stroke of the ani- mal forces the water in and out of the cavity. It is very active, moving by powerful jerks, each one of which throws it far on its way. It advances usually in straight lines ; or, if it wishes to change its direction, it drives the water out of the veil suddenly Fig. 53. Trachynema digitale ; about twice the natural size. 46 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. on one side or the other, so as to shoot off, sometimes at right angles with its former path. Four large pedunculated eyes, hid- den in the figure by the tentacles, stand out prominently from the circular tube. When the animal is in motion, the tentacles are carried closely curled around the edge of the disk, as in Fig. 53, where the Circe is represented under a magnifying power of two and a half diameters. This Jelly-fish is of a delicate rose color, the tentacles assuming, however, a dark-purple tint at their extremities when contracted. Lucernaria. (Halyclistus auricula CLARK.) One of the prettiest and most graceful, as well as one of the most common of our Jelly-fishes, is the Lucernaria (Fig. 54). It Fig 54 has such an extraordinary con- tractility of all its parts, that it is not easy to describe it under any definite form or position, since both are constantly changing ; but perhaps of all its various at- titudes and outlines none are more normal to it than those given in Fig. 54. It frequently raises itself in the upright po- sition represented here by the individual highest on the stem, spreading itself in the form of a perfectly symmetrical cup or vase, the margin of which is indented by a succession of inverted scal- lops, the point of junction between every two scallops being crowned by a tuft of tentacles. But watch it for a while, and the sides of this vase turn backward, spreading completely open, till they present the whole inner surface, with the edges even curved a little downward, drooping slightly, and the proboscis rising in the centre. In such an attitude one may trace with ease the shape of the mouth, the lobes surrounding it, as well as the tubes and cavities radiating from it toward the margin. A Fig. 54. Group of Lucernaria; attached to eel-grass ; natural size. LUCERNAEIA. 47 touch is, however, sufficient to make it close upon itself, shrink- ing together in the attitude of the third individual in Fig. 54, or even drawing its tentacles completely in, and contracting all its parts till it looks like a little ball hanging on the stem. These are but a few of its manifold changes, for it may be seen in every phase of expansion and contraction. Let us now look for a mo- ment at the details of its structure. The resemblance to a cup or vase, as in the upper figure of the wood-cut (Fig. 54), is decep- tive ; for a vase is hollow, whereas the Lucernaria, though so deli- cate and transparent that its upper surface, when thus stretched, seems like a mere film, is nevertheless a solid gelatinous mass, traversed by certain channels, cavities, and partitions, but other- wise continuous throughout. The peduncle by which it is at- tached is but an extension of the floor of a gelatinous disk, cor- responding to that of any Jelly-fish. Four tubes pass through the whole length of this peduncle, and open into four chambers, dividing the digestive cavity above into as many equal spaces, (Fig. 55.) These spaces are Fiff 55 produced by folds in the up- per floor of the disk, uniting it to the lower floor at giv- en distances, and forming so many partition-walls, dividing the digestive sac into four dis- tinct cavities. These lines of juncture between the two floors, where the partitions oc- cur, produce the four radial ing lines, running from the proboscis to the margin of the disk, on the upper surface. (Fig. 55.) The triangular figures, running from the mouth to each cluster of tentacles, are pro- duced by the ovaries, which consist of distinct pouches or bags attached to the upper surface of the disk, and hanging down into the cavities below ; every little dot within these triangular spaces represents such a bag. Each bag is crowded with eggs, which drop into the digestive cavity at the spawning season, and are Fig 55. Lucernaria seen from the mouth side 48 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. passed out at the mouth. The tentacles always grow in clus- ters, but are nevertheless arranged according to a regular order. They are club-shaped at their extremities, but are hollow throughout, opening into the chambers of the digestive cavity, two of the clusters thus being connected with each chamber. Their chief office seems to be to catch the food and convey it to the mouth, though they may also be used as a kind of suckers, and the animal not unfrequently attaches itself by means of thes-e appendages. Between every two clusters of tentacles will be ob- served a short, single appendage, of an entirely different appear- ance. These are the so-called auricles, and though so unlike tentacles in the adult animal, when in their earlier stages (Fig. 56) they resemble each other closely. But as their development goes on, the tentacles stretch out into longer, more delicate flexible organs, while the auri- cles remain short and compact throughout life. They contain a slight pigment spot representing an eye, though how far it serves the purpose of vision remains doubtful. They are chiefly used by the animal as a means of adhering to any surface upon which it may wish to fasten itself; for the Lucer- naria, though usually found attached to eel-grass in shoal water, has the power of independent motion, and frequently separates from its resting-place, floating about freely in the water for a while, or attaching itself anew by means of the auricles and tentacles upon some other object. The color of this pretty Acaleph varies from a greenish hue to green, with a faint tinge of red, or to a reddish brown. One of its commonest and most exquisite tints is that of a pale aqua-marine. It may be found along our shores wherever the eel-grass grows, and as far out as this plant extends. It thrives admirably in confinement, and for this reason is espe- cially adapted to the aquarium. Fig. 56 Young Lucernaria ; magnified HYDROIDS. J^ California S^E^^~^_ ,-— UNDER this order, the general character of which has already been explained in the introductory chapter on Acalephs, are in- cluded a number of groups which, whether as Hydroid commu- nities in their earlier phases of existence, or as free swimming Medusas in their farther development, challenge our admiration, both for their beauty of form and color, and their grace of motion. Some of them are so minute that they escape the observation of all but those who are laboriously seeking for the hidden treas- ures of the microscopic world, but the greater number are large enough to be readily found by the most inexperienced collector, when his attention is once drawn to them ; and he may easily stock his aquarium with these pretty little communities, and even trace the development of the Jelly-fishes upon them. To the Hydroids belong the Campanularians, the Sertularians, and the Tubularians. Some examples of each, as represented on our shores, will be found under their different heads, accompa- nied with full descriptions. There is another group usually con- sidered as distinct from Hydroids, and known as a separate order among Acalephs, under the name of Siphonophoraa, but included with them here in accordance with the views of Vogt, Agassiz, and others, in whose opinion they differ from the ordinary Hy- droid communities only in being free and floating, instead of fixed to the ground. Some new facts, published here for the first time, tend to sustain the accuracy of this classification.* With these few preliminary remarks to show the connection of the order, let us now look at some of the animals belonging to it more in detail. Campanularians . All the Campanularians, of which Oceania (Fig. 68), Clytia (Fig. 73), and Eucope (Fig. 61) form a part, belong among those little shrub-like communities of animals called Hydroids, * See Chapter on Nanomia. 50 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. from which most of our Jelly-fishes are developed. They differ in one essential feature from the Tubularians. (Fig. 93.) The whole stem, from summit to base, is enveloped in a horny sheath, extending around both the fertile and sterile individuals of the community, and forming a network at the base of the stem, which serves as a kind of foundation for the whole stock. To the naked eye such a community looks like a tiny shrub (see Fig. 57), with the branches growing in regular alternation on either side of the stems. The reproductive calycles, i. e. the pro- tecting envelopes covering the young Medusae, usually arise in the angles of the branches formed by a prolongation of the sheath. These calycles or bells, as they are called, assume a great variety of shapes, — elliptical, round, pear-shaped, or ringed like the Clytia. (Fig. 72.) In one such bell there may be no less than twenty or thirty Medusa3 developed one below the other ; when ready to hatch, the calycle bursts and allows them to escape. Eucope. (Eucope diaphana AG.) In Figs. 60 and 61 we have a representation of our little Eucope, one of the prettiest of the Jelly-fishes belonging to this Fig. 57. group ; Fig. 57 represents the Hydroid from which it arises ; a single branch with the reproductive bell being magnified in Fig. Fig. 57. Hyrtrarium of Eucope ; natural size Fig. 58. Portion of Fig. 57 ', magnified. EUCOPE. 51 58. In Fig. 59 is seen a portion of the Jelly-fish disk, with the fringe of tentacles highly magnified. The disk of the Eucope (Fig. 60) looks like a shallow bell, of which the proboscis often seems to form the handle ; for the disk has such an extraordi- Fig. 59. Fig. 60. nary thinness that it turns inside out with the greatest ease, so that the inner surface may become at any moment the outer one, with the proboscis projecting from it, as in Fig. 60, while the next movement of the animal may reverse its whole position, and the proboscis then hangs down from the inside, as in other Jelly- fishes. (See Fig. 61.) The tentacles are solid and stiff like little hairs, and two of them, in each quarter-segment of the disk, have small concretions Fig. 81. Fig. 62. at the base, which are no doubt eye-specks. (See Fig. 62.) Along the chymiferous tubes little swellings are developed, which increase gradually, and become either ovaries or spermaries, according to the sex of the animal. (Fig. 63.) In the adult the genital organs hang down, like elongated bags, from the chy- Fig. 59. Part of marginal tube and tentacles of Eucope, greatly magnified ; e eye-speck, b base of tentacle, r reentering base of tentacle. . Fig. 60. Young Eucope ; magnified. Fig. 61. Adult Eucope seen in profile ; magnified. Fig. 62. Quarter disk of Fig 60, seen from below ; e e tentacles bearing eye-speck. 52 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. miferous tubes. (Fig. 64.) The tentacles are numerous, multi- plying to about a hundred and ninety-two in the adult, and in- creasing according to the numerical law to be explained in the description of the Oceania. This little Jelly-fish is one of the most common in our Bay. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. There is not a night or day when they cannot be taken in large numbers, from the early spring till late in the autumn ; and as the breeding season lasts during the whole of that period, they are found in all possible stages of growth. In consequence of this, the course of their development, and the relation between the different r" rases of their existence as Hydroids, and afterwards as Acalephs, are well known, though the successive steps of their growth have not been traced connectedly, as in some of the other Jelly-fishes, the Tima or Melicertum, for instance. The process is, however, so similar throughout the class of Hydroids, that, having followed it from beginning to end in some of the groups, we have the key to the history of others, whose development has not been so fully traced. The eggs laid by the Eucope in the autumn develop into planulae, which acquire their full size as Hydroid communities toward the close of the winter, and the development of the young Medusae upon them, as described above, begins with the opening spring. Fig. 63. Quarter-disk of young Eucope, older than Fig. 62, with a second set of tentacles (2) be- tween the first set (1). Fig. 64. Magnified quarter-disk of adult Eucope. OCEANIA. 53 Oceania. (Oceania languida A. AG.) The Oceania (Fig. 68) is so delicate and unsubstantial, that with the naked eye one perceives it only by the more prominent outlines of its structure. We may see the outline of the disk, but not the disk itself ; we may trace the four faint thread-like lines produced by the radiating tubes traversing the disk from the summit to the margin ; and we may perceive, with far more dis- tinctness, the four ovaries attached to these tubes near their base ; we may see also the circular tube uniting the radiating tubes, and the tentacles hanging from it, and we can detect the edge of the filmy veil that fringes the margin of the disk. But the sub- stance connecting all these organs is not to be distinguished from the element in which it floats, and the whole structure looks like a slight web of threads in the water, without our being able to discern by what means they are held together. Under the mi- croscope, however, the invisible presently becomes visible, and we find that this Jelly-fish, like all others, has a solid gelatinous disk. Let us begin with its earlier condition. When it first escapes from the parent Hydroid stock, the Oceania is almost spherical in form. (See Fig. 65.) The disk is divided by four chymiferous tubes, running from the summit to the margin, where they meet the circular tube in which they all unite. At this time, it has but two well-developed tentacles, opposite each other on the mar- Fig. 65. Fig. 66. t> gin of the disk, just at the base of two of the chymiferous tubes (Fig. 66), while two others are just discernible in a rudimentary Fig. 65. Young Oceania just escaped from its reproductive calycle •, magnified. Fig. 66. The same as Fig. 65, from below, still more magnified ; t long tentacles, t ' rudimentary ten- tacle, e eye-speck 011 each side of base of tentacles. 54 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. state, forming slight projections at the base of the two other tubes. Fig. 66 gives a view of the animal from below, at this stage of its growth, while Fig. 65 shows it in profile. It will be seen by the latter how very spherical is the outline of the disk at this period, while the proboscis, in which are placed the mouth and digestive cavity, is quite long, and hangs down considerably below the lower surface of the disk. As the animal advances in age the disk loses its spherical outline, and becomes much flat- tened, as may be seen in Fig. 67. It may be well to introduce here some explanation of the law ac- Fig. 67. cording to which the different sets of tentacles follow each other in succes- sive cycles of growth, since it is a law of almost universal application in Jelly- fishes and Polyps ; and, owing to the smaller number and simpler arrange- ment of the tentacles in Oceania, it may be more easily analyzed in them than in many others, where the number and complication of the different sets of tentacles make it very difficult to trace their relation to each other dur- ing their successive growth. We have seen that the Oce- ania begins life with only two ten- tacles. These form the first set, and are marked with the number 1 in the subjoined dia- gram, which gives the plan of all the different sets in their regular order. The second set, marked 2, consists also of two, which are developed at equal distances between the first two, i. e. at right angles with them. The third set, however, marked 3, Fig. 67. Young Oceania, older than Fig. 65 ; magnified. OCEANIA. 55 consists of four, as do all the succeeding sets, and they are de- veloped between the first and second. The fourth set comes in be- tween the first and third ; the fifth between the third and second ; the sixth between the first and fourth ; the seventh between the fifth and second ; the eighth between the third and fourth ; the ninth between the fifth and third. The ultimate number of ten- tacles in the Oceania is thirty-two, or sometimes thirty-six, and the cycles always in twos or multiples of two. But whatever be the number included in the successive sets of tentacles, and the unit for the first set ranges from two to forty-eight, the law in different kinds of Jelly-fishes is always the same, the youngest set always forming between the oldest preceding set. Thus the fourth set comes in between the first and third, and the fifth be- tween the second and third, the intervals occupied now by the fourth set, being limited by the first set of tentacles on one side, and by the third set on the other side,' while the intervals occu- pied by the fifth set are bounded by the second and third sets. The little spheres represented be- tween the tentacles on the mar- gin of the disk, in Figs. 65-67, are eye-specks, and these continue to increase in number with age ; in this the Oceania differs from the Eucope, in which it will be remembered there were but two eye-specks in each quarter-seg- ment of the disk throughout life. Fig. 68 represents the adult Oceania in full size, when it aver- ages from an inch and a half to two inches in diameter. It is slow and languid in its movements, coming to the surface only in the hottest hours of the sum- mer days ; at such times it basks in the sun, turning lazily about, and dragging its tentacles after it with seeming effort. Sometimes it remains for hours suspended in the water, not moving even its tentacles, and offering a striking contrast to its former great activity when young, and to the lively little Fig. 68. Adult Oceania ; natural size. 56 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Eucope, which darts through the water at full speed, hardly stop- ping to rest for a moment. If the Oceania be disturbed it flattens its disk, and folds itself up somewhat in the shape of a bale (see Fig. 69), remaining perfectly still, with the tentacles stretching in every direction. When the cause of alarm is removed, it rig 69 gently expands again, re- suming its natural outline and indolent attitudes. The number of these animals is amazing. At certain sea- sons, when the weather is favorable, the surface of the sea may be covered with them, for several miles, so thickly that their disks touch each other. Thus they remain packed together in a dense mass, allowing themselves to be gently drifted along by the tide till the sun loses its intensity, when they retire to deeper waters. Some points, not yet observed, are still wanting to com- plete the history of this Jelly-fish. By comparing such facts, however, as are already collected respecting it, with our fuller knowledge of the same process of growth in the Eucope, Tima, and Melicertum, we may form a tolerably correct idea of its de- velopment. It is hatched from a Campanularia. Clytia. (Clytia bicophora AG.) In Figs. 70 - 73 we have the Acalephian and Hydroid stages of the Clytia (Fig. 73), another very pretty little Jelly-fish, closely allied to the Oceania. When first hatched, like the Oceania, it is very convex, almost thimble-shaped (see Fig. 70), but a little later the disk flattens and becomes more open, as in Fig. 71. In Fig. 72, we have a branch of the Hydroid, a Campanularia, greatly magnified, with the annulated reproductive calycle at- tached to it, and crowded with Jelly-fishes ready to make their escape as soon as the calycle bursts. The adult Clytia (Fig. 73) ' is somewhat smaller and more active than the Oceania, and Fig. 69. Attitude assumed by Oceania when disturbed. CLYTIA. 57 is easily recognized by the black base of its tentacles, at their point of juncture with the margin of the disk. It is more corn- Fig. 70. Fig. 71. monly found at night, than in the day-time, being nocturnal in its habits. Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Zygodactyla. {Zygodactyla groenlandica AG.) Little has been known, and still less published, of this remark- able genus of Jelly-fish (Figs. 74, 75) up to the present time. The name Zygodactyla, or Twinfinger, was given to it by Brandt, from drawings made by Mertens, who had some opportunity of studying it in his journey around the world. These drawings Fig. 70. Young Clytia just escaped from the reproductive calycle. Fig. 71. Clytia somewhat older than Fig. 70. Fig. 72 Magnified portion of Hydrarium of Clytia. Fig. 73. Adult Clytia ; twice natural size. 8 58 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. were published in the Transactions of the St. Petersburg Academy. Iii the year 1848 Professor Agassiz read a paper upon one of the species of this genus belonging to our coast, before the American Academy, in which he called it Rhacostoma, not being aware that it had already received a name, and gave some account of its extraordinary phosphorescent properties. The name Rhacos- toma must of course yield to that of Zygodactyla, which has a prior claim. The average size of this Jelly-fish when full grown is from seven to eight inches in diameter ; sometimes it may measure Vlg. 74. even ten or eleven, but this is rather rare. The light-violet col- ored disk is exceedingly delicate and transparent, its edge being fringed with long fibrous tentacles, tinged with darker violet at their point of juncture with the disk, and hanging down a yard and more when fully extended, though they vary in length ac- cording to the size of the specimen, and, in consequence of their contractile power, may seem much shorter at some moments than at others. The radiating tubes in this Jelly-fish are exceedingly Fig. 74. Zygodactyla seen from above. ZYGODACTYLA. 59 numerous, the whole inner surface of the disk being ribbed with them. (See Figs. 74 and 75.) The ovaries follow the length of the tubes, though they do not extend quite to their extremity, where they join the circular tube around the margin of the disk ; nor do they start exactly at the point where the tubes diverge from the central cavity, but a little below it. (Fig. 74.) Each ovary consists of a long, brownish, flat bag, split along the mid- dle, so closely folded together that it seems like a flat blade attached along the length of the tube. Perhaps a better compar- ison would be to a pea-pod greatly elongated, with the edges split along their line of juncture, and attached to a tube of the same length. The ovaries are not perfectly straight, but slightly wav- ing, as may be seen in Fig. 74, and these undulations are stronger when the ovaries are crowded with eggs, as is the case at the time of spawning. The large digestive cavity hangs from the centre of the under side of the disk (Fig. 75), terminating in the proboscis, which, in Fig. 75. this kind of Jelly-fish, is short in proportion to the diameter of the disk, while the opening of the mouth is very large. (Fig. 74.) It is unfortunate that a variety of inappropriate names, likely to mislead rather than aid the unscientific observer, have been ap- plied to different parts of the Jelly-fish. What we call here di- gestive cavity, proboscis, and mouth, are, in fact, parts of one organ. An exceedingly delicate, transparent, filmy membrane hangs from the under side of the disk ; that membrane forms the outer wall of the digestive cavity, which it encloses ; it narrows Fig. 75. Zygodactyla seen in profile. 60 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. toward its lower margin, leaving open the circular aperture called the mouth ; this narrowing of the membrane is produced by a number of folds in its lower part, while at its margin these folds spread out to form ruffles around the edge of the mouth, and these ruffles again extend into the long scalloped fringes hanging down below. The motion of these Jelly-fishes is very slow and sluggish. Like all their kind, they move by the alternate dilatation and contraction of the disk, but in the Zygodactyla these' undulations have a certain graceful indolence, very unlike the more rapid movements of many of the Medusae. It often remains quite mo- tionless for a long time, and then, if you try to excite it by dis- turbing the water in the tank, or by touching it, it heaves a slow, lazy sigh, with the whole body rising slightly as it does so, and then relapses into its former inactivity. Indeed, one cannot help being reminded, when watching the variety in the motions of the different kinds of Jelly-fishes, of the difference of temperament in human beings. There are the alert and active ones, ever on the watch, ready to seize the opportunity as it comes, but missing it sometimes from too great impatience ; and the slow, steady peo- ple, with very regular movements, not so .quick perhaps, but as successful in the long run ; and the dreamy, indolent characters, of which the Zygodactyla is one, always floating languidly about, and rarely surprised into any sudden or abrupt expression. One would say, too, that they have their aristocratic circles ; for there is a delicate, high-bred grace about some of them quite wanting in the coarser kinds. The lithe, flexible form of the greyhound is not in stronger contrast to the heavy, square build of the bull dog, than are some of the lighter, more frail species of Jelly-fish to the more solid and clumsy ones. Among these finer kinds we would place the Tima. (Fig. 76.) Tima. (Tima formosa AG.) One's vocabulary is soon exhausted in describing the dif ferent degrees of consistency in the substance of Jelly-fishes. Delicate and transparent as is the Tima, it has yet a certain robustness and solidity beside the Oceania, described above. In TIMA. 61 fact, all are gelatinous, all are more or less transparent, and it is not easy to describe the various shades of solidity in jelly. Per- haps they may be more accurately represented by the impression made upon the touch than upon the sight. If, for instance, you place your hand upon a Zygodactyla, you feel that you have come in contact with a substance that has a positive consistency ; but if you dip your finger into a bowl where a Tima is swimming, and touch its disk, you will feel no difference between it and the_ Fig. 76. water in which it floats, and will not be aware that you have reached it till the animal shrinks away from the contact. The adult Tima, represented in Fig. 76, is not more than an inch and a half or two inches in diameter. Instead of count- less tubes diverging from the digestive cavity to the margin of the disk, as in the Zygodactyla, there are but four. The di- gestive cavity in the Tima is much smaller than in the Zygo- dactyla, and is placed at the end of the proboscis, which is long, and hangs down far below the disk. This removal of the diges- tive cavity to the extremity of the proboscis gives to the tubes Fig. 76. Tima ; half natural size. Fig. 77. One of the lips of the mouth at the extremity of the long proboscis j m mouth, d digestive cavity, c chymiferous tube. 62 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. arising from it a very different and much sharper curve than they have in the Zygodactyla. In the Tima they start from the end of the proboscis, as may be seen in the wood-cut (Fig. 76), and then turn abruptly off, when they arrive at the under surface of the disk, to reach its margin. The disk has, as usual, its veil and its fringe of tentacles ; the tentacles in the full-grown Tima are few, — seven in all the four intermediate spaces between the tubes, with one at the base of each tube, making thirty-two in all. The ovaries, which are milk-white, follow the line of the tubes, as in the Zygodactyla, and have -very undulating folds when full of eggs. The tubes meet in the digestive cavity, Fjg 78< the margin of which spreads out to form four ruffled edges that hang down from it. One of these ruffles, considerably magni- fied, is represented in Fig. 77. In Fig. 78 we have a portion of the Hydroid stock from which this Jelly- fish arises, also great- ly magnified. The Tima is very active, yet not abrupt in its motions ; but when in good condition it is constantly moving about, rising to the surface by the regular pulsations of the disk, or swimming from side to side, or poising itself quietly in the water, giving now and then a gentle undulation to keep itself in position. Though not a very frequent visitor of our shores, the appear- ance of the Tima is not limited by the seasons, since they are found at all times of the year. It is a fact, unexplained as yet, that the Tima and many other Jelly-fishes are never seen except when full grown. What may be the haunts and habits of these animals from the time of their hatching till they make their Fig. 78. Magnified head of Hydrarium of Tima. MELICERTUM. 63 appearance again in the adult condition, is not known, though it is probable that they remain at the bottom during this period, and only come to the surface to spawn. This impression is con- firmed by the observations made upon a very young Cyanea which was kept for a long time in confinement ; but a question of this kind cannot of course be settled by a single experiment.* Melicertum. (Melicertum campanula PER. et LES.) A pretty Medusa, smaller and far more readily obtained than the Tima, is the Melicertum. (Fig. 80.) Its disk has a yellow- ish hue, and from its margin hangs a heavy row of yellow tenta- cles, while the eight ovaries (Fig. 79) are of a darker shade of the same color. This little gold- en-tinted Jelly-fish, moving through the water with short, quick throbs, produced by the rapid rise and fall of the disk, is a very graceful ob- ject. Its bright color, made partic- ularly prominent by the darker un- dulating lines of the ovaries, which become very marked near the spawn- ing season, renders it more conspic- uous in the water than one would suppose from its size ; for it does not measure more than an inch in height when full grown. (See Fig. 80.) * Since the above was written, I have had an opportunity of learning some ad- ditional facts respecting the habits of the young Cyanea, which may, perhaps, apply to other Jelly-fishes also. Having occasion to visit the wharves at Provincetown at about four o'clock one morning, I was surprised to find thousands of the spring brood of Cyanese, hitherto supposed to pass the early period of their existence wholly in deep water, floating about near the surface. They varied in size, some being no larger than a three-cent-piece, while others were from an inch in diameter to three inches. It would seem that they make their appearance only during the earliest morning hours, for at seven o'clock, when I returned to the same spot, they had all vanished. It may be that other young Medusse have the same habits of early rising, and that instead of coming to bask in the midday sunshine, like their elders, they prefer the cooler hours of the dawn. (A. Ayassiz.) Fig. 79. Melicertum campanula seen from above ; m mouth, o o ovaries, 1 1 tentacles. ( A and opening into the cavity of the stem. The mouth of this Hydra is very flexible (Fig. Ill), expanding and contracting at the will of the animal, and sometimes acting as a sucker, fastening itself, leech-like, on the object from which it seeks to draw its sustenance. (See Fig. 111.) The tentacles attached to this set of Hydrae are exceed- ingly long and delicate. They arise in a cluster at the upper and inner edge of the Hydra, just at its point of juncture with the stem, and being extremely flexible and contractile, their long tendril-like sprays are thrown out in an endless variety of attitudes. (See Fig. 115.) Along the whole length of this kind of tentacle are attached little pendent knobs at even distances ; Fig. 112 represents such a knob greatly magnified, Fig. 112. and absolutely paved with lasso-cells, the inner and smaller ones being surrounded by a row of larger ones. The second set of Hydrae (Fig. 113), are also open-mouthed, corresponding with those described above, in everything except the tentacles, which are both shorter and thicker, and are coiled in a corkscrew-like spiral. These are thickly studded for their whole length with lasso-cells. (See Fig. 113.) In the third and last set of Hydras (Fig. 114), the mouth Fig. 112. Magnified pendent knob. Fig. 113. Medusa with corkscrew-shaped tentacles. 80 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. is closed ; they have, therefore, no share in feeding the com- munity, but receive their nourishment from the cavity of the stem into which they open. They differ also from the others in having a single tentacle instead of a cluster, and on this tentacle the lasso- Fig. 114. ce^s are scattered at uneven distances (Fig. 114). The special function of these closed Hydrae is yet to be explained ; they have oil bubbles at their upper end (see Fig. Ill, the top Hydra), and though we have never seen them drop off, it seems natural to suppose that they do separate from the parent stock, and found new communities similar to those from which they arise. The intricate story of this singular compound ex- istence does not end here. There is still another set of individuals whose share in maintaining the life of the community is by no means the least important. Little bunches of buds, of a different character from any described above, may be seen at certain distances along the lower part of the stem. These are the reproductive individuals. They are clusters of imperfect sexual Medusae, re- sembling the rudimentary Medusae of Tubularia (Fig. 99), which are never freed from the parent stem, but discharge their contents at the breeding season. Like many other compound Hydroids, the sexes are never combined, in one of these communities ; they are always either male or female, and as those with female buds have not yet been observed, we can only judge by inference of their probable character. From what is already known, how- ever, of Hydroid communities of a like description, we suppose that the process of reproduction must be the same in these, and that the female stocks of Nanomia give birth to small Jelly- fishes, the eggs of which become oil bubbles, similar to that with which our little community began. (Fig. 108.) By the time all these individuals have been added along the length of the stem, the stem itself has grown to be about three inches long (Fig. 115), though the tentacles hanging from the various members of the community give to the whole an appear- ance of much greater length. The motion of this little string of Fig. 114. Medusa with a simple thread-like tentacle. NANOMIA. 81 living beings is most graceful. The oil bubble (Fig. 116) at the upper end is their float ; the swimming bells immediately below it (Fig. 110), by the convulsive contractions of which they move along, are their oars. The water is not taken in and expelled again by all the bells at once, but first from all the bells on one side, beginning at the lower one, and then from all those on the opposite side, beginning also at the lower one ; this alter- Fig. 115. Adult Nanomia, natural size, at rest. 11 82 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. nate action gives to their movements a swinging, swaying charac- ter, expressive of the utmost freedom and grace. Whether such rig no a little community darts with a lightning-like speed through the water, or floats quietly up and down, for its movements are both rapid and gentle, it always sways in this way from side to side. Its beauty is increased by the spots of bright red scattered along the length of the stock at the base and tips of the Hydras, as well as upon the tentacles. The movements and attitudes of the tentacles are most various. Sometimes they shoot them out in straight lines on either side, and then the aspect of the whole thing reminds one of a tiny chandelier in which the coral drops make the pendants, or they may be caught up in a succession of loops or floating in long streamers ; indeed, there is no end to the fantastic forms they assume, ever astonish- ing you by some new combination of curves. The prevailing hue of the whole community is rosy, with the exception of the oil bubble or float, which looks a bright garnet color when seen in certain lights. Let us now compare one of the Hydrae hanging from the stem (Fig. 113) with the Hybocodon (Fig. 102). The reader will remember the unsymmetrical bell of this singular Medusa, one half of its disk more largely developed than the other, with the proboscis hanging from the centre, and the cluster of tentacles from one side. Let us now split the bell so as to divide it in two halves with the proboscis hanging between them ; next enlarge the side where there are no tentacles, and give it a triangular out- line ; then contract the opposite side so as to draw up the cluster of tentacles to meet the base of the proboscis, and what have we ? The proboscis now corresponds to the Hydra of our Nanomia, with the cluster of tentacles attached to its iipper edge (Fig. 113), while the enlarged half of the bell represents the shield. If this homology be correct it shows that the Nanomia is not, as some naturalists have supposed all the Siphonophores to be, a single animal, its different parts being a mere collection of organs endowed with special functions, as feeding, locomotion, repro- Fig. 116. Oil float of Nanomia ; greatly magnified. PHYSALIA. 83 Fig. 117. duction, (fee., but that it is indeed a community of distinct indi- viduals corresponding exactly to the polymorphous Hydroids, whose stocks are attached, such as Hydractinia, and differing from them only in being free and floating. The homologies of the Siphonophoras or floating Hydroids, with many of the fixed Hydroids, is perhaps more striking when we compare the earlier stages of their growth. Suppose, for instance, that the planula of our Melicertum (See Fig. 81) should undergo its development with- out becoming attached to the ground, — what should we then have ? A floating community (Fig. 83), including on the same stock like the Nanomia, both sterile and fertile Hydrae, from the latter of which Medusae bells are developed. The little Hydractinia community (Fig. 100), in which we have no less than four distinct kinds of individuals, each performing a definite distinct function, affords a still better comparison. . (Physalia Arethma TIL.) Among the most beautiful of the Sipho- nophores, is the well-known Physalia or Portuguese man-of-war, represented in Fig. 117). The float above is a sort of crested sac or bladder, while the long streamers below consist of a number of individuals corresponding in their nature and functions to those composing a Hydroid community. Among them are the fertile and sterile Hydrae (Fig. 118), the feeders and Medusas bells (Fig. 119). The Physalia properly belongs to tropical waters, but sometimes floats northward, in the warm current of the Gulf Stream, and is stranded on Cape Cod. When found so far from their home, however, they have usually lost much of their vividness of color ; Fig. 117. Physalia ; ab air sac with crest c, m bunches of individuals, n central tentacles, 1 1 ex- panded tentacles. (Agassiz.) 84 MARINE ANIMALS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. to judge of tlicir beauty one should see them in the Gulf of Mex- ico, sailing along with their brilliant float fully expanded, their crest raised, and their long tentacles trailing after them. Fig. 118. Fig. 113. Velella. ( VeUla mutica Bosc.) Another very beautiful floating Hydroid, occasionally caught in our waters, though its home is also far to the south, is the Fig. 120. Fig. 121. Velella (Fig. 120). It is bright blue in color, and in form noi unlike a little flat boat with an upright sail. Its Medusa (Fig. 121) resembles so much that of some of our Tubu- larians, that it has actually been removed on this account from the old group of Siphonophorae, and placed next the Tubula- rians ; another evidence of the close affinity between the former and the Hydroids. Fig. 118. Bunch of Hydrse ; a base of attachment, b h b single Hydrae, c c tentacles. (Agassiz.) Fig. 119. Bunch of Hydrae ; cluster of Medusae ; b b Hydrse with tentacles, c d bunches of Medusae. ( Agassiz.) Fig. 120. Velella ; m so-called mouth, a tentacles. (Agassiz.) Fig. 121. Free Medusas of Velella ; a proboscis, b chymiferous tube, c circular tube. (Ayassiz.} MODE OF CATCHING- JELLY-FISHES. 85 MODE OF CATCHING JELLY-FISHES. NOT the least attractive featiire in the study of these animals, is the mode of catching them. We will suppose it to be a warm, still morning at Nahant, in the last week of August, with a breath of autumn in the haze, that softens the outlines of the op- posite shore, and makes the horizon line a little dim. It is about eleven o'clock, for few of the Jelly-fishes are early risers ; they like the warm sun, and at an earlier hour they are not to be found very near the surface. The sea is white and glassy, with a slight swell but no ripple, and seems almost motionless as we put off in a dory from the beach near Saunders's Ledge. We are provided with two buckets, one for the larger Jelly-fishes, the Zygodactyia, Aurelia,