ikjfiY . , j.* ,,'jV •- '3 *» *• •» ^ ,• ; Handbook of the Flora and. Fauna of South Australia, issued by the South Australian Branch of the British Science Guild (now incorporated with the British Association for the Advancement of Science), and published by favour of the Honourable the Premier (Hon. T. Playford, M.P.) V The Seaweeds OF ■ ■ ; ■■ 1 * : . ' South Australia V y ! i { T. ; ,V ' NATIONAL HERBARIUM LIBRARY ROYAL r.Crf-M\C GARDENS, STH, YARRA, S.E.1, VIC. Part II. The Red Seaiveeds BY The late A. hL S. Lucas , M A., B.Sc., and Mrs. Florence Perrin (With Introduction and Appendices by H . B. S. Womersley , B.Sc., and J. R. Harris , B.Sc.) WITH ILLUSTRATIONS PRICE: EIGHT SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE NATIONAL HERBARIUM r OVAL LOTANiC GARDENS, Si H, YARRA, &E. 1 , V$C. K. M. STEVENSON, Government Printer, Adelaide. ... - ' 1947 . 589.39 9423 sea - copy 2 ' COPYRIGHT Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, issued by the South Australian Branch of the British Science Guild (now incorporated with the British Association for the Advancement of Science), and published by favour of the Honourable the Premier (Hon. T. Playford, M.P.) The Seaweeds OF South Australia NATIONAL HERBARIUM LIBRARY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS STH. YARRA, S.E.l, VIC. ’ Part II. The. Red Seaweeds BY The late A. H. S. Lucas , M.A . , B.Sc ., and Mrs. Florence Perrin . (With Introduction and Appendices by H. B. S. Womersley , B.Sc., and J . R. Harris , B.Sc.) With Illustrations PRICE: EIGHT SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE COPYRIGHT [Registered at . the General Post Office, Adelaide, for transmission by post as a book.] Wholly set up and printed in Australia by K. M. STEVENSON, Government Printer, Adelaide. 1947. a 366^} g&\>Vf c/4^ 3 ft fix SW 7 / / Handbooks Committee : Dr. J. B. Cleland, Professor of Pathology, University of Adelaide (Chairman). Dr. T. Harvey Johnston, Professor of Zoology, University of Adelaide (Secretary). Mr. H. M. Hale, Director, South Australian Museum (Editor). Mr. J. M. Black, Hon. Lecturer in Botany, University of Adelaide. Dr. J. G. Wood, Professor of Botany, University of Adelaide. I CONTENTS. Page. Editorial Preface Ill Introduction 113 Rhodophyceae 125 Order Bangiales 125 Order Nemalioninae 130 Order Gigartininae 146 Order Rhodymeninae 177 Order Cryptoneminae 373 APPENDICES. Appendix I. — Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) 401 Appendix II. — Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae) 405 Appendix III. — Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) 417 Glossary 437 Index . . . 443 NATIONAL HERBARIUM LIBRARY FOYAL TOTANIC GARDENS, STH. YARRA, S.E.l, Y1C. EDITORIAL PREFACE. Part II. of this handbook deals in the main with the Rhodophyceae or Red Algae. This class of sea-weeds is by far the largest so far as number of species is concerned but has remained one of the least known groups of plants in South Australia. This has been due in large measure to the fact that no comprehensive account of the Australian Algae has been published since Harvey’s “Phycologia Australica” in 1858-1863. Lists of species of South Australian Algae have been published on one or two occasions but descriptions of species, keys and illustrations have not been brought together in one place but occur scattered throughout many and often obscure publications. This handbook is the work of several collaborators. Mr. A. H. S. Lucas, who compiled Part I. of this series, undertook to prepare Part II. At the time of his death in June, 1936, the manuscript was in note form to the end of the Subfamily Laurencieae. Mrs. F. Perrin, of Tasmania, kindly con- sented to complete the text, and Mrs. Perrin is therefore responsible for the arrangement of the work of Mr. Lucas and for the descriptions from the Laurencieae to the end of the classification. The system of classification used by Mr. Lucas and Mrs. Perrin in this handbook is that of De Toni “Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum” (1889-1924). The basis of this classification is a morphological one and in some measure is an artificial one. "Within recent years investigations of the life histories of the Brown and of the Red Algae have tended to place classi- fication upon an entirely new basis, and it appeared desirable that serious students of the Algae should have knowledge of modern classification. The Handbooks Committee therefore invited Mr. H. B. S. Womersley and Mr. J. R. Harris, under the guidance of Professor J. G. W r ood, to prepare revised classifications of the Green, Brown, and Red Algae which occur in South Australia. Mr. Womersley has prepared the appendices on the Green and Red Algae. He has also added numerous descriptions of species and several keys not given by Mr. Lucas and Mrs. Perrin, and using the algae collections in the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide has given definite records of species in South Australian localities. He has also revised the genus Polysiphonia to include all species recorded in the Southern Australian region. Mr. Harris has written an Introduction, which gives a generalized account of the life history of the Red Algae and also the revised classification of the Brown Algae in the Appendix. The illustrations are from photographs by Mrs. Perrin and by Messrs. •Womersley and Harris and also after those in Harvey’s “Phycologia Australica.” Miss Gwen D. Walsh, of the South Australian Museum, also assisted in the preparation of both photographs and drawings. The Handbooks Committee realises that this book forms but the basis for further work which it hopes will by its means be stimulated. Descriptions of species, and especially the range of form, are admittedly often inadequate — and further collections will inevitably enlarge the area of distribution of many species, but these deficiencies are unavoidable in the present state of our knowledge of the Marine Algae in this State. I 1 » f ♦ I f INTRODUCTION. The Algae belong to the plant group Thallophyta, the group which contains those organisms which possess vegetative bodies undifferentiated into root, stem, leaves, etc. They range in form from the simplest unicells, to the collection of unicells in colonies, thence to multicellular, filamentous organis m s and types in which the filaments become compacted in a gelantinous matrix to form a thallus, through to the highest thalloid forms in which the organization becomes more or less parenchymatous. The group Thallophyta includes two very large sub-groups — the Algae and the Fungi. These are differentiated from one another by their mode of nutrition, the former possessing a photosynthetic apparatus and thus being able to syn- thesize organic carbon compounds from simpler inorganic sources, while the latter are saprophytes or parasites requiring organic compounds in a ready-made form. The Algae are divided by F. E. Fritsch, in his “Structure and Repro- duction of the Algae” (1935) into 11 classes. The four listed below are the most important in Australian waters, and although some of the others are undoubtedly present they are otherwise quite unknown. This applies particularly to the large group of the Diatoms or Bacillariophyceae. Chloropiiyceae (Green algae). — Chromatophores grass-green in colour, containing the same four pigments (two green, two yellow) as in higher plants. Reproductive cells motile, ranging from isogamy to oogamy. The class is more widely represented in fresh than in salt water. Phaeophyceae (Brown algae). — Brown colour is due to the brown pigment fucoxanthin masking the chlorophyll in the plastids. Thalli various, ranging from simple to highly developed tissue systems, some of which may attain gigantic proportions. Gametes ciliated with the cilia inserted at the anterior end of the pyriform zooid, and unequal in length. Rhodophyceae (Red algae). — Colour is due to the rose-pink pigment phycoerythrin in the chromatophores. Sexual cells typically non- motile. Carbohydrate storage product is Floridean starch replacing true starch. Thalli very variable in form and organization. Cyanophyceae (Blue-green algae). — Cells simple, with rudimentary nuclei, no proper chromatophore. Characterized by the pigment phycocyanin, giving the cells a blue-green colour. No motile stages known. No sexual reproduction, division occurring vegetatively. They range from unicells to aggregate — filamentous forms. Abundant in fresh waters, and common in the sea, though little is known of the Australian forms. The algal flora of any natural body of fresh-water is predominantly a mixture of Greens, Blue-greens or Yellow-greens; the Browns are not represented, while among the Reds, only a very few of the more primitive types are known from such localities. In Australia an example of such JiAIIQNAL HERBARIUM OF VICTORIA 114 THE SEAWEEDS a type of Red is Batrachospermwm , a mass of branching gelatinous filaments bearing verticils of brownish to greenish branchlets. In salt-water, how- ever, this state of affairs is reversed, and whilst in a cursory examination of a marine flora the coarser Browns are the most strikingly obvious, yet as far as the number of different species is concerned, the Reds pre- dominate. Lucas estimates that the percentage proportions of the various classes in Australian waters are approximately: Greens 11 per cent, Browns 19 per cent, Reds 70 per cent ; so that it may be seen that the Reds contain more than twice as many species as the Greens and Browns together. Among the Reds there is great range and diversity of the form of the thallus, and whilst some adult thalli hardly cover a sixpence, some, e.g., Cathy menia, have a spread of up to 4-5 square feet, but none reaches the immense proportions of some of the coarser brown kelps, e.g., Sarcophycus (bull kelp of Tasmania). In structure the thallus is multicellular, dendroid or forming flat leaf-like expansions, the filaments of cells being united in a gelatinous matrix or closely compacted with an inter-cellular cementing substance so that in section the frond assumes a pseudo-parenchymatous appearance. Unfortunately there are so many variations in the organiza- tion of the thallus that a superficial examination of the form and appearance of the plant may give no clue whatsoever to its true taxonomic position; hence to establish a complete specific identification, in addition to its morphological features some embryological data are also required. The group suffers, too, from the fact that a large number of species are very ill-defined, and seem to merge into one another in a series of gradations, and also that a large number of the species enumerated by early workers in this field are very incomplete or leave much to be desired in their species description, so that positive identification of these plants is often well-nigh impossible. Although the Algae are generally regarded as a primitive and fairly simple group, the cytology of the Reds is by no means simple, and many of the metabolic and respiratory processes of the cell are still practically unknown, but this is principally due to the fact that so little exact work has been done on them. The innermost cells of the thallus are nucleate, clear and colourless, sometimes apparently empty and sometimes containing storage products, e.g., Floridean starch, while the outermost cells contain the pink chromatophores, and are the assimilators, deriving their food supplies directly from the surrounding water, and these apparently are the seat of synthesis of metabolic products required by the plant. In the chromatophores, in addition to phycoerythrin, the chlorophylls a and /3, xanthophyll and carotene are present while in addition, in some species, there are small amounts of phycocyanin which chemically is closely related to phycoerythrin. As yet there is conflicting evidence regarding the precise role of phycoerythrin in the algae, and although it is possible that it plays some vital role in the life of the plant, just what this is exactly is not known. It has been suggested that it is the determining factor enabling the red alga to carry on its processes of photosynthesis under conditions OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 115 of poor light, but the evidence is by no means clear cut. Due to the presence of phvcocyanin in some of the Reds, and of phycoerythrin in some of the Blue-greens, it has been suggested that the two groups arose side by side, possibly even from some common stock, but while the close relationships of the two groups are stoutly affirmed by some pliycologists, others are equally dogmatic in denying them upon grounds of lack of other con- firmatory evidence. Among the higher Reds (Euflorideae) there is also a complicated system of protoplasmic connections between adjacent cells. This generally takes the form of a central pit on the transverse walls closed over by a thin membrane, on either side of which the protoplasm forms denser, gel-like plates with strands passing directly through minute perforations. In this way the protoplasm of the filament is really continuous rather than the individual cells forming separate identities, resulting in the formation of a symplast in which there is a direct interchange of dissolved solutes, although cell inclusions, nucleus, chromatopliores, etc., are unable to pass the barrier. This state of affairs is reminiscent of the connections of the sieve tube elements of the phloem (bast) of higher plants. Growth of the thallus occurs as an increase in length of the individual filaments from apical growing points. Marine algae are subject to more even environmental conditions than many groups of higher plants. The open ocean provides a remarkably constant set of physical conditions over the whole globe. The surface temperature is never lower than 1° C. nor higher than 28° C., while at greater depths the temperature shows even less variation. The alkalinity (pH) of sea-water is remarkably constant as is the salinity which in turn determines its osmotic pressure. Along the coast where rivers flow into the sea there is a constant dilution of the sea-water, and the salinity is not quite as high. Here also the heating and cooling of the land masses will give rise to slightly greater fluctuations in temperature, but even so the sea provides a remarkably constant environment for life. The Rhodophyeeae are com- paratively insensitive to temperature variations, being world wide in distribution and occurring in abundance in both tropical and polar seas, although it is in the latter that they reach their maximum development . On the other hand, the Chlorophyceae are more sensitive to temperature and predominate in tropical oceans, while they are conspicuous by their absence in the polar seas which are essentially Rhoclophycean. The Rhodophyeeae are essentially plants inhabiting gloomy regions where little light penetrates, and so predominate in the depths of the ocean or in marine caverns and rock holes, and do not form as a rule any marked littoral zone which is such a prominent feature of the Browns. Some Reds do, however, flourish even above the high-tide limit, e.g Catcmella, Caloglossa and Bosirychia, where they are only occasionally wetted by ocean spray. As yet little work has been done upon the marine ecology of the algae, but in a shaded rock pool or marine cavern there is quite a marked change from the common littoral flora to one predominantly of Reds more usually 116 THE SEAWEEDS associated with deeper waters, yet able to flourish m the gloom of such places where other plants cannot obtain sufficient light. The Red Algae form a well-marked but comparatively isolated group which arose in the Archaeozoic era. Sexual reproduction shows an alterna- tion of generations in which three kinds of mature individuals may be produced in a regular succession or life-cycle. The life-cycles of the Euflorideae are fairly uniform and follow one or other of the two types which can he illustrated by a discussion of such typical genera as Nemalion and Polysiphonia. In either case there occurs a fusion of non-motile gametes (sexual cells) with consequential nuclear fusion to form a diploid zygote in which formation the chromosome number is doubled to the normal number of the adult plant. The Reds have been compared to the higher seed plants (Phanerogams) in that in both cases the sperm cells are non- motile and without cilia and are hence passively carried to the receptive portions of the female organ which remains imbedded in the mother-plant. Fertilization affects not only the zygote formed by the fusion of the two sex cells, but also cells in the neighbourhood, cf. endosperm in Angiosperms and the so-called auxiliary cells of the Reds, both of these tissues playing a most important role in the nourishment of the developing sporophyte. In the Red Algae this takes the form of the so-called gonimoblast filaments from which carpospores are formed which germinate to give the mature sporophyte generation. Nemalion has a life-cycle typical of many of the simpler Euflorideae, while Polysiphonia is typical of the more advanced types with quite a complex life-cycle. (a) Nemalion possesses a tha.llus consisting of a long, dichotomously- branched cylinder, made up of a dense mass of interwoven, branching fila- ments imbedded in a gelatinous matrix. In the central portions of the thallus the filaments predominantly run lengthwise, with numerous lateral branches arising from these at right angles to form the denser outer portions. The cells of these filaments are uninucleate, and in addition in the outer assimilatory cells there is a single star-shaped plastid in which lies a pyrenoid surrounded by starch granules. Within the filaments adjacent cells are in intercommunication through continuous strands of cytoplasm passing through pores of various sizes on the cross-walls. The male sex organ is the spermatangium, incorrectly termed by some authors an antheridium, borne terminally in dense clusters on a short lateral branch easily distinguished from vegetative branches due to the fact that it is completely colourless, or the cliromatophore is only very poorly developed. The initial of such a branch arises as an apparently normal vegetative cell terminating a lateral filament from the central core, but then proceeds to cut .off a chain of 4-7 cells, each of which becomes a sperma- tangial mother-cell which will give rise to four radially disposed spermatangia. Within this spermatangium the actual male sex cell is the spermatium, consisting of a single nucleus and rudimentary chromatophore, and upon its liberation by rupture of the spermatangial wall, a new sperma tangium develops within the wall of the old one. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 117 The female organ is the earpogonium arising from an initial cell near the base of a lateral filament from the central core, but it acts as an apical cell and proceeds to cut off a number of daughter cells, usually three. The apical one becomes the earpogonium, at first rounded, but soon producing a long, hair-like protuberance at the distal end, the trichogyne, and this becomes the receptive portion of the organ while the swollen base contains the female nucleus and is the egg proper. Sometimes the complete female reproductive organ is termed a procarp, in this case consisting of the earpogonium plus the supporting cells, but Kylin’s definition of a procarp restricts the term to the earpogonium plus an auxiliary cell or auxiliary mother cells, and as these are not formed in Nemalion the term cannot be applied in its properly accepted sense here. A non-motile, uninucleate spermatium is passively carried by water currents to the receptive trichogyne upon which it lodges, and the walls between the two break down at the point of contact allowing the male protoplast to pass into the trichogyne. There it divides almost immediately to produce two male nuclei which pass down the trichogyne, and one of them fuses with the single carpogonial nucleus to form a zygote. The zygote nucleus increases in size, then divides meiotically into two daughter nuclei, one of which, the lower, disintegrates ; the other divides a number of times and the daughter nuclei so formed migrate to peripheral portions of the cell which later begins to form protuberances, from which short compactly-branched filaments, the gonimoblasts, arise. The terminal cells of these filaments become swollen to constitute a carpo- sporangium, the wall of which ruptures at maturity to liberate carpospores, and this is often followed by a proliferation of a new carposporangium within the wall of the old one so that several successive carposporangia may be proliferated in the one season. On germination the carpospore gives rise to a normal Nemalion plant. Thus we see that there is a distinct alternation of generations with a definite gametophyte generation represented by the normal plant, and a definite sporophyte generation, reduced to the gonimoblast filaments on which carpospores are produced. The haploid chromosome number is eight (i.e., of the thallus and carpospores), and of the gonimoblasts and carpo- gonium 16, the diploid number. Diagrammatically the life- cycle can be represented as in Fig. 1. (b) Polysiphonia . — A number of species are known from the Southern Australian region, varying in size from small epiphytes to forms 20 cm. or 30 cm. high. They are typically bushy, with dichotomous, alternate or irregular branching. The stem or branch consists of a central septate tube or siphon, usually small, surrounded by a row of larger cells, which are in many species very regularly arranged in transverse tiers. These pericentral cells vary from four to 24, but are usually constant for a species. In some of the larger species cortication may occur, and although the pericentral cells are still clearly visible in a transverse section, the articulate nature of 118 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 2. — Life cycle of Polysiphonia. OF SOUTH ■ AUSTRALIA. 119 the branches is lost except in the youngest parts. Short, uniseriate, assimila- tory filaments, dichotomously branching, may be formed from an initial cell a few cells from the apical cell, and these are called triclioblasts, being borne in spiral succession and are almost colourless. In some species an early abscission of the trichoblasts occurs, but in some they may be retained longer. Polysiphonia is normally dioecious, the male and female reproductive organs being borne on separate plants, but occasionally cystocarpic plants may produce spermatangia. The spermatia are borne in a densely crowded mass upon short club-shaped branches upon a fertile tricho- blast from which they are liberated in large numbers and passively carried by water currents to the trichogyne of the female organ, the procarp. The procarp develops from a central axial cell next to the apical cell of a short lateral ramulus, and this gives rise to a pericentral cell, the supporting cell, from which a four-celled carpogonial branch grows outwards and upwards in a curved manner so that the terminal cell of the series, which will become the carpogonium, is now situated above the pericentral cell from which it arose. The terminal carpogonium is at first rounded and uni- nucleate, but on mitosis two nuclei are produced, and the carpogonium begins to extend forth a process which is to become the trichogyne, and one of the nuclei migrates into it to become the trichogyne nucleus and the other remains as the female nucleus. Coincident with the extrusion of the trichogyne the supporting cell cuts off the two sterile filament initials, one basally and the other laterally. The lateral filament initial divides immediately, but the basal one remains undivided for a time. At this stage fertilization takes place when a spermatium contacts the trichogyne, essentially in the same manner as for Nemalion, but in this case there is no division of the male nucleus in the trichogyne, and it is a single male nucleus which fuses with the carpogonial nucleus. The trichogyne nucleus is by now very ill-defined, and the trichogyne withers and dies. By now the lateral sterile filament has become four- to ten-celled and the basal sterile filament is two cells long. The supporting cell then buds off another daughter cell at the upper surface just below the carpogonium, and this is the all-important auxiliary cell, which soon establishes a tubular contact between the fertilized carpogonium and the supporting cell, so that a muli- nucleate fusion cell results containing the diploid zygote nucleus and a number of haploid gametophytic nuclei derived from the auxiliary and supporting cells. This cell becomes very large, and from the upper portion of the auxiliary cell the gonimoblast grows out as a densely compacted mass of filaments, each cell of which is uninucleate with a diploid nucleus, i.e., the gonimoblast is sporophytic. Elongate carposporangia are borne ter- minally at the extremities of the gonimoblast filaments and each contains a single carpospore with a diploid nucleus. As the carposporophyte develops at first only the auxiliary cell is involved in producing the gonimoblast initials, but there is a gradual- fusion of the supporting cells, the auxiliary 120 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 3 . — Polysiphonia (after Yamanouchi, Tilden, and Smith): A, young carpogonial branch showing the supporting cell, carpogonial filament and carpogonium with trichogyne; B, the same in transverse section to show the pericentral supporting cell; C, carpogonial branch showing basal sterile filament initial and auxilary cell, with developing pericarp enclosing organ; D, after fertilization showing the zygote nucleus migrating into the fusion cell; E, carpo- sporophyte with gonimoblast filaments bearing carpo- sporangia; F, mature carposporangium ; G, carpospore; H, formation of tetraspores in sporophyte filament; I, mature tetrasporic filament. Nemalion (after Cleland and Smith): J, Nemalion thallus; K, sper- matangial branch; L, carpogonial branch at stage of fertilization showing spermatia, with male nuclei in the trichogyne; M, showing division of zygote after fertilization; N, carposporophyte showing gonimo- blasts with terminal carposporangia. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 121 cell and the cells of the sterile filaments into the one large, irregularly- shaped placental or central cell. The carpogonial filament withers and plays no part in the nutrition of the developing carposporophyte, which when mature is not freely exposed, but is closed over by a flask-shaped or urn-shaped envelope, the pericarp, with a conspicuous ostiole at its distal end. Actually the pericarp begins to develop even before fertilization from pericentral trichoblast cells adjacent to the supporting cell, and the whole fruiting structure of pericarp, supporting cell, auxiliary cell and gonimoblast filaments or carpogonial filaments and carpospores is called a cystocarp. Carpospores are profusely liberated from the cystocarp via the ostiole of th'e pericarp and are carried passively by water currents. They soon fall to the sea floor and in a few hours begin to divide mitotically, the nucleus retaining the diploid number of 40 chromosomes, and eventually develop into mature thalli which bear neither spermatangia nor carpo- gonia. Cytologically this sporophyte thallus differs from the gametophyte thallus which bears sex organs (although they are not morphologically dis- tinguishable) in that tetraspores are produced in unilocular tetrasporangia. The tetrasporangium is formed from a special pericentral cell cut off laterally from axial cells of a ramulus, and rows of tetrasporangia are produced on successive tiers. The fertile pericentral cell first cuts off a daughter cell on its outer face, and this in turn cuts off a pair of cover cells at the upper face, and in some species a smaller peripheral cell in addition. The fertile pericentral cell divides once transversely, and of the two daughter cells formed, the lower is the stalk cell and the upper becomes the tetrasporangium, and this increases in size to become quite large. The chromosome number of the single nucleus is diploid, and by reduction division four tetrahedrally disposed haploid tetraspores are formed. On rupture of the sporangial wall the mature tetraspore escapes. Its germination is very similar to that of a carpospore except that the nucleus contains only 20 chromosomes, the haploid number, and so gives rise to a gametophyte thallus which bears sex organs. Diagrammatically this life-cycle can be represented as in Fig. 2. (c) Modifications in Other Life-cycles. — The typical reproductive cells of the Euflorideae are the non-motile gametes which fuse to form a fer- tilized egg (zygote) which never separates from the mother-plant but which remains in intimate contact with it and is nourished by it to produce the so-called gonimoblasts which in turn bear carpospores. On germination these give rise to new individuals. In Nemalion these are the normal gametophytic thalli which bear sex organs and so complete the life-cycle, but in Polysiphonia these individuals are sporophytes and undergo a reduc- tion division to produce tetraspores from which the gametophytic thalli arise. Thus there are two types of alternation of generations and Svedelius calls the former type as in Nemalion where no tetraspores are formed, the haplobiontic type, and the latter type as in Polysiphonia , where there is a regular alternation between individuals bearing gonimoblasts and 122 THE SEAWEEDS individuals bearing tetraspores, the diplobiontic type. The haplobiontic Euflorideae all belong to the order Nemalionales with one exception, viz., one species of the genus Liagora , a member of this order in which the goni- moblasts produce carpospores and tetraspores. To produce any phylogenetic classification of the Reds, Kylin and his school have shown that it is essential to take into account the nature and formation of the auxiliary cell and the method in which the developing gonimoblast derives nourishment from the mother-plant. Schmitz, as early as 1883, pointed out that sporogenous filaments of the Rhodophyceae con- nect themselves with nutritive cells in the mother-plant, and called these auxiliary cells, but later Kylin (1928) pointed out that these are really of two types, the first being purely nutritional in function and the others serving both as food suppliers and as the starting point of the gonimoblasts, and it is to this latter group that he restricts the term typical auxiliary cells. These are found in the orders (Kylin classification throughout) Cryptonemiales, Gigartinales, Rhodymeniales, and Ceramiales, but they are lacking in the orders Nemalionales and Gelidiales, where they are replaced by various cells of the purely nutritive types. Within the different orders various modifications of the typical life-cycles of Nemalion and Polysiplionia do occur, and briefly they can be listed as below : — Nemalionales. — The gonimoblast derives all its food from the mother- plant via the carpogonial branch (see life-cycle of Nemalion) and is connected to the mother-plant only through this branch. Gelidiales. — Before fertilization many food-storing filaments are developed, and these loosely twine around the central cells of the procarps. The gonimoblasts grow (out) directly from the fer- tilized carpogonium and obtain their nutritive material from these food-containing filaments. The Gelidiales belong to the diplo- biontic Euflorideae. Cryptonemiales, Gigartinales, Rhodymeniales, Ceramiales. — The gonimoblast never develops from the fertilized carpogonium, but the zygote connects itself in some way or other with a cell in the mother-plant and the gonimoblast develops from this, i.e., the typical auxiliary cell of Kylin (see life-cycle of Polysiplionia) after the diploid nucleus has migrated into it. The carpogonial branch plays no part in food transference. Kylin has shown that one of four types of typical auxiliary cell may be produced in the Rhodophyceae. These are: — (1) The Dumontia Type. — The auxiliary cells appear in special acces- sory branches which are developed prior to fertilization. This type is characteristic of the order Cryptonemiales. In the lower forms, e.g., Dumontia , Dudresnaya , and Grateloupia long con- necting filaments transfer the diploid nucleus from the carpo- gonium to a number of auxiliary cells remote from the carpo- gonium. In the higher forms, e.g., Kallymenia and CaUophyllis the carpogonium and auxiliary cells form a unit which is called OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 123 the procarp, generally with direct connection between carpo- gonium and the auxiliary cells. (2) The Platoma Type.— A normal intercalary cell of the mother- plant serves as an auxiliary cell. This type is characteristic of the order Gigartinales, in which the fertilized carpogonium becomes connected to the auxiliary cell in a manner identical with that in the order Cryptonemiales. Examples of the simpler types in this order are Platoma, Furcellaria, Agardhiella, and Rhabdonia, and of the higher types in which a procarp is formed Cystoclonium , Calliblepharis, Hypnea , Phyllophora, and Gigar- tina. (3) The Rhodymenia Type. — The auxiliary cell is already cut off from a daughter cell of the supporting cell prior to fertilization. This type is characteristic of the order Rhodymeniales, in which the carpogonium and auxiliary cell always form a unit, the procarp, with direct connection between the two. (4) The Ceramium Type. — The auxiliary cell is cut off from the sup- porting cell of the carpogonial branch after fertilzation. This type is typical of the order Ceramiales, in which procarps are always formed, but in a few of the more primitive species con- nection may not be direct but through a short one-celled or sometimes two-celled connecting filament, e.g as in Anti- thamnion, Callithamnion, Spermothamnion , and Dasya. For the more advanced types forming the procarp, see the life-cycle of Polysiphoma. The Classification of the Red Algae. From an examination of the life-cycle of Polysiphonia it may be seen that the one species produces three sorts of mature thalli in regular succession, and unless fruiting, these are morphologically indistinguishable. However, some algae are homothallic, i.e. f they bear both male and female organs on the same thallus, and in some species the generation bearing tetraspores is unknown. Kylin and his associates have attempted to classify the Red Algae upon a phylogenetic basis, and to do this they have shown that it is necessary to take into account the manner in which the gonimoblast develops and obtains its nutritional requirements. Such facts as these are not readily ascertained without exact cytological studies, often upon plants grown in artificial culture media, and these require the facilities of a well- equipped botanical laboratory, and while this may be available to the pure taxonomist, it is of little help for the field worker. As the majority of the early phycologists were essentially collectors, their early classifications reflect this viewpoint upon the group and were in the main essentially morphological classifications. However, as any botanist soon becomes aware, a classification based purely upon vegetative structures ceases to be a natural one, and is also very prone to error due to variations from plant to plant reflecting environmental conditions. Among the Red Algae there is such 124 THE SEAWEEDS a large number of species available along any local stretch of coastline, and which seem to exhibit a seemingly unlimited range of thallus forms, that it is not long before the morphologist is well out of his depth. It has already been emphasized that not too much reliance can be placed upon vegetative characters alone in making a species determination, a fact pro- foundly illustrated upon looking through the herbarium of some amateur collector. These seemingly almost identical thalli are found to be assigned to widely separated groups, often in quite different orders, while some species seem to be so sensitive to local environmental conditions that the range of forms exhibited by the species seems at first sight wide enough to accommodate several separate species. Size, texture of the frond and depth of colour can all be quite misleading and seem insufficient grounds for separating allied species. These pitfalls, of course, are not limited to the Reds alone, as numerous examples of such could be quoted at will from both the Greens and the Browns, but outstanding examples in the latter group are such genera as Hormosira and Ectocarpus, which are most dif- ficult to subdivide into a number of species although their generic characters are quite well marked. The text of this book follows the classification of De Toni in his Sylloge Algarum Omnium Hucusque Cognitarum (1889-1924), a classification essen- tially based upon morphological characteristics. It should be emphasized that such a classification is now obsolete and one which would not be retained except that the most natural classification, viz., that based upon the work of Prof. Harald Kylin of Lund, Sweden, is as yet rather incomplete, for although its orders and families are well established, there are still many genera among the Reds which have been incompletely investigated cytologically. Although their probable taxonomic position could be shrewdly guessed at, in the absence of reliable exact investigation they must remain unplaced. In the Appendices to this book there will be found an outline of the Kylin classification, and as many of the South Australian genera as we have been able to find placed are listed. Our information has been principally derived from the following works which use this classifica- tion :• — Tilden, J. E. (1935). — The Algae and Their Life Relations (Min- neapolis) . Taylor, AY. R. (1937). — Marine Algae of the North-Eastern Coast of North America (University of Michigan). Smith, G. M. (1938). — Cryptogamic Botany , Vol. I. (McGraw-Hill). Kylin, H. (1937). — Anatomic der Rhodophyceen (Berlin). Localities are given from which known specimens have been collected in South Australia, but in most cases the range could undoubtedly be extended by more widespread collecting. The term “Eastern Bays” includes Lace- pede, Guichen, Rivoli, and MacDonnell Bays. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 125 RHODOPHYCEAE (Red Seaweeds). Subclass PROTOFLORIDEAE Rosenvinge. Morphological alternation of generations not present, the plants being either entirely non-sexnal, or consisting of monoecious or dioecious gameto- phytes, the zygote representing the sporophyte: protoplasmic continuity between cells not evident. No true trichogyne. Order BANGIALES Schmitz and Hauptfleisch. The only Order with the characters of the Subclass. Family BANGIACEAE Zanardini. Thallus (Australian) erect, filiform or foliaceous, cells with intercalary growth, each containing a single axial stellate chromatophore, with a large central pyrenoid, without pores in the crosswalls. Frond filiform Bangia Lyngbye. Frond foliaceous Porphyra C. Agardh. BANGIA Lyngbye. Frond gelatinous, filiform, attached at base, cylindrical or constricted, densely tufted, at first consisting of a single row of cells, later becoming several cells in thickness. Reproduction non-sexual by means of mono- sporangia (undivided tetrasporangia) and sexual by antheridia and oogonia. Bangia fusco-purpurea (Dillw.) Lyngbye. Growing gregariously in red patches on faces of rocks near high water mark. The threads are 2 cm. to 10 cm. lbng, 18 /x to 60 /x diameter. Red when growing, dark-purple on drying. Widely distributed in temperate waters of both hemispheres. PORPHYRA C. Agardh. Fronds erect, foliaceous, thin, fiat, gelatinous, mostly monostromatic, attached by a disc formed by the cells near the base growing downwards in the way of rhizoids; entire or lobed or laciniate, often undulate at the margin. Colouring matter phycoerythrin, characteristic of the higher Rhodophyceae, and phycocyanin, characteristic of the blue-green Cyano- phyceae. Sexual reproduction by means of motionless sperms and eggs which do not project a true trichogyne, the zygote dividing into 4 to 8 spores; non-sexual reproduction by monosporangia (undivided tetra- sporangia). A genus abounding in cold climates and purely marine. It supplies more food for man than any other alga. Porphyra umhilicalis (L.) J. Agardh. The common species in Australia, occurring from Sydney round the southern coast to Fremantle, and in Tasmania and New Zealand, has been identified by E. S. Barton (Mrs. Gepp) of the British Museum of Natural History as being identical with the P. umhilicalis of the Atlantic and North 126 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 4. — Bangia fusco-purpurea: a , plants attached to a twig; b to e, different portions of same filament; f and g, transverse sections of the plant; h, transverse section of plant showing sperms; i, surface view of plant showing sperms. (After Tilden.) Fig. 5.—Porphyra umbilicalis. / OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 127 Pacific. Here it is found at all seasons of the year. It grows in ribbons at the edge of rough water, lying plastered together on flat surfaces of the rocks when the sea recedes, the fronds covering one another and so retaining a certain amount of moisture when exposed to the sun and air. The colour is an olive-fawn, very dark when seen in mass and becoming more or less red or purple as the plants are dried. The young plants are narrow and simple. The adult become broad, laciniate with undulate margins, mostly 10 cm. to 15 cm. high. Antheridia are formed from most cells in a male plant, the frond becoming paler and thicker as the sperms develop from the mother cells. Bach of these has been observed to form 64, or sometimes 128 colourless sperm cells. The egg cells (carpogonia) are without a trieho- gyne. When fertilized each divides into eight spores without the aid of an auxiliary cell. Fig. 6 . — Porphyra umbilicalis : a, habit of a plant, x J; b, portion of a blade, showing cell arrangement, chromatophores, and carposporangium arrangement, x 160; c, portion of blade, showing spermatangium formation at the margin, x 160. (After Taylor.) The monosporangia (gonidia) each form a single monospore. Very little is known about them, but they seem to take the place of the tetrasporangia of the higher Red Algae. Porphyra furnishes a plentiful supply of food to people in quite distant regions of the globe. In Scotland, Wales, and Ireland it is regarded as a delicacy. The name given to it is Laver, and the baking of Laver bread is not unknown even in Sydney. In Honolulu, China, and Japan systematic use is made of Porphyra. A very tender rosy species P. tenera , is actually cultivated on a large scale in Japan. Tilden states that in 1901 the culti- vated sea-bottom in Japan extended to 2,242 acres. She quotes Hugh M. Smith, who has written a full description of the industry in Tokio Bay. In 1903 the yield was valued at 300,000 dollars. The number of families engaged in the work was estimated at 4,395. Smith’s work was published in 1905. 128 THE SEAWEEDS “In October and November the grounds around Tokio Bay are prepared for the seaweed crop. At low tide men go out in small boats with bundles of bamboo prepared for the purpose. In order to make holes in water up to 10ft. or 15ft. deep at high tide, conical wooden boxes or frames are pushed down into the muddy bottom, then the bundles of bamboo are ‘ planted ’ or set out in these holes, with the result that at low tide the ‘field’ appears to be covered with bamboo ‘bushes’ in regular lines, like rows of corn in a cornfield, only there is much more space between rows. “It is known that the spores of Porphyra float in the water before dropping down and becoming attached to some object. Here they attach themselves to the twigs of the bamboo bushes and develop so rapidly that by January they have grown into full-sized plants. Now it is the turn of the women and girls who finish the business of harvesting the crop. They paddle up and down between the rows of bushes in small boats and with the delicate methods of tea-pickers carefully gather the choice rose-red fronds from the bamboo twigs. ‘ 4 The fresh red fronds of Amanori picked from the twigs are thrown into tubs of fresh water and stirred with long sticks in order to remove the sand and other foreign substances. The plants are then sorted, chopped with sharp knives into fine particles, and spread out in sheets of a uniform size on bamboo mats placed on inclined frames in the open air. In a short time the Amanori sheets are dry. To get them ready for the market they are stripped from the mats, pressed, and then made into bundles of ten sheets each, the dimensions being approximately lOin. by 14in. The sheets have the appearance of dark-brown mottled paper with a glossy surface, and in this form they are sold to the consumer under the name of 1 Asakusanori.’ ” I have thought it well to quote this account of a unique industry, the cultivation of an alga in enclosed sea-waters to furnish human food on a large commercial scale. Unfortunately, I do not know localities where it could be practised in Australia. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 129 Subclass EUFLORIDEAE, CONSPECTUS OF THE ORDERS. N emalioninae. Fertile carpogonial cells evolving into the gonimoblasts, which form erect branching tufts, sometimes laterally expanded. Gonimoblasts themselves sometimes confluent with contiguous cells of the thallus or with auxiliary cells. Gigartininae. Fertile carpogonial cell or short processes fusing with the auxiliary cell, so that the gonimoblast filaments evolve inwards from the fusion cell so formed. Carpogonial filaments articulate and auxiliary cells binate, mostly formed in a procarp proper, rarely occurring singly in the thallus. Rhodymeninae. Fertile carpogonial cell or short processes fusing with the auxiliary cell, so that the gonimoblast filaments evolve towards the exterior region of the thallus from the fusion cell so formed. Carpogonial filaments articulate and auxiliary cells binate, usually formed in a procarp proper. Crypt oneminae. Fertile carpogonial cells situated within the thallus, emitting elongate filaments, often branched, the terminal or intercalary cells fusing with auxiliary cells. Gonimoblasts evolving from the fusion cell so formed, inwards or outwards. Carpogonial filaments and auxiliary cells formed singly in the thallus. 130 THE SEAWEEDS Order NEMALIONINAE. CONSPECTUS OF THE FAMILIES. Helm inthocla diac e ae . Gonimoblast consisting of a crowded convex bunch of articulated branch- ing threads, free or held together by gelatine, the terminal cells transformed into spores. The gonimoblast external to or immersed in the thallus, lacking a pericarpial covering, sometimes accompanied with protective filaments. Sporangia mostly monosporous, sometimes triangularly divided. Ghaetangiaceae. Gonimoblast consisting of a crowded convex or umbellately expanded bunch of articulated threads, the terminal cells transformed into spores. Gonimoblast immersed in the thallus, provided with a solid pericarp. Sporangia cruciately or triangularly divided. GeUdiaceae. Gonimoblast consisting of a cluster of widespread branching threads, often becoming confluent with quasi-auxiliary cells of the thallus. The apices of the fertile branches confluent in a hymenium, from which the spores arise. Sporangia cruciately, zonately, or triangularly divided. Family HELM1N1 HOCLADIACEAE (Harvey) Schmitz. Frond filiform, terete, variously branching, mostly gelatinous, slippery. Structure eminently filamentous with a central axis and radiating cortical threads. CONSPECTUS OF THE GENERA. a. Carpogonia terminal on the younger branches of the cortical threads b. Branches of the carpogonia in the joints of the cortical threads : — (1) Threads of the medullary stratum lax . . (2) Threads of the medullary stratum dense and firmly compacted (3) Threads of the medullary stratum com- bined in a dense fasciculus. Cortical threads slippery. Plants more or less encrusted with carbonate of lime .... N emotion Targioni TozzettL TIelminthocladia J. Agardh. Helminthora J. Agardh. Liagora Lamouroux. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 131 NEMALION Targioni-Tozzetti 1818. Frond terete or slightly compressed, soft and slippery, simple or fur-, cately branched, composed of an axis of closely interwoven filaments surrounded by a zone of loose, anastomosing branched filaments, giving off laterial di- or triehotomous corymbose fascicles of peripheral chromato- phore-bearing moniliform filaments. Spermatangia hyaline, near the apices of modified peripheral filaments. Carpogenic branches terminal as divisions of the peripheral filaments, immersed, usually three-celled, the upper forming the earpogonium; gonimoblasts formed from the upper of two cells formed after fertilization, the lower cell fusing with the rest of the carpogenic branch to form a nutritive cell; gonimoblasts radiating in a spherical mass, the end cells producing carpospores. Nemalion lielminthoides (Velley 1792) Batters. = Nemalion lubricu/m Duby. Thallus simple or once divided at the base, 5 cm. to 20 cm. long, 1 mm. to 4 mm. broad; very elastic, firmly gelatinous, brown or reddish-brown. Thallus structure typical for the genus; cells of moniliform assimilating filaments elongate-ovoid, with gelatinous sheath, 14 to 24 /x long by 7 to 15 n broad. Carpospore masses just immersed in periphery of thallus, spherical, 60 to 80 /x across; carpospores spherical to ovoid, 4 to 8 /x across. Fig. 7 , —Nemalion helminthoides (Velley) Batter*, a. Adult thallus; b , transverse section of thallus, showing central core and peripheral branched filaments; c, peripheral moniliform filaments, with carpogonia and trichogynes; d, carposporangial mass. Fig. H.B.S.W. 132 THE SEAWEEDS Granite Island, Victor Harbour; growing as isolated plants on granite rocks in spray zone, on the south side of the island. Britain, Europe. N emotion multifidum (Weber & Mohr 1804) J. Agardh has recently been recorded for New South Wales. (Linnean Society of N.S.W., 70, p. 121 (1946).) This species is distinguished by its dichotomously branched thallus, but as all gradations in branching, from simple to several times dichotomous, exist, separation of two species is doubtfully valid. If only one species is accepted, N. helminthoides takes priority over N. multifidum. HELMINTHOCLADIA J. Agardh. Frond terete, gelatinous, slimy, branching in all directions. A medul- lary axis of longitudinal threads; the periphery of vertical, dichotomous, moniliform, sub-free. Cystocarps as in Nemalion. Tetrasporangia not known. Helminth ocladia australis Harvey. Attached by a small disc, densely tufted, 10 cm. to 30 cm. high, and as much in the spread of the branches. A main stem serves as a percurrent axis Fig. 8 . — Helminthocladia australis: a, the plant; b. cross-section of a branch; c, partial longitudinal section, showing the arrange- ment of the axile threads, and those of the periphery. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 133 and bears on all sides long worm-like branches tapering at the tips. Colour a dull brownish-purple. Substance tough and elastic, very soft. Especially from Western Australia. Helminthocladia densa (Harvey) Schmitz. Frond with main terete stem, robust, irregularly forked, the stem and branches emitting slender, many times dichotomous, divaricating ramuli ; all the axils very wide. Height 15 cm. to 20 cm. and with an equal spread. Colour very dark brown-red, often blackening when dry. Substance very soft, highly elastic and lubricous. Victoria and Tasmania. ENDOSIRA J. Agardh. J. Agardh described a form gathered by Miss Hussey at Port Elliot as the foundation of a new genus. The peculiarity seems to be in the “cutis,” composed of two orders of cells, one of rounded oblong cells, apparently empty, spaced out forming spheres around the central cell ; the others coloured, occupying intercellular spaces, and joined in jointed threads. Agardh does not connect or contrast it with the other genera of the family. Endosira australis J. Agardh. Frond 7 cm. to 10 cm. tall, about a mm. thick. Inferior branches spread- ing, middle sub-corymbose racemose, upper enclosed in mucus. South Australia (Port Elliot). HELMINTHORA J. Agardh. Frond terete, gelatinous, branching on all sides, with central axis of longi- tudinal fibres and a cortex of radiating vertical threads. No pericarp ; the carpospores are borne in the swollen cells of the peripheral or vertical threads. Tetrasporangia not known. Helminthora tumens J. Agardh. Frond terete, becoming much thickened below, decompound pinnate. Peripheric threads short, elevate, with nearly globose terminal joints. Victoria. Considered by Harvey as identical with the European H. divaricata but separated by Agardh because of its more robust growth. LIAGORA Lamouroux. Frond terete or compressed, mostly dichotomous, but also laterally branched, distinguished by a calcareous deposit in the outer parts. When decalcified manifests the general structure of the family, axial longitudinal branching and intricate fibres, cortical radiating poly dichotomous articulated threads. Cystocarps evolved among the peripheric threads, con- sisting of a fasciculus of pregnant threads. Tetrasporangia in node-like swellings of the upper part of the frond, irregularly cruciately divided. Young parts lubricous. Older parts white with calcareous deposits but not stiff and brittle as the Corallines. 134 THE SEAWEEDS The species of Liagora are very difficult to classify, as they show much variation in habit and the degree of incrustation. Abundant in tropical seas they also occur along our southern coast. The following species are most likely to be met with in South Australia. They grow on reefs about low water mark. Liagora Clift oni Harvey. Frond cartilagino-carnose, scarcely calcareous, terete, dark brownish- purple, many times forked, fastigiate, tomentose ; superficial filaments once or twice forked, coloured, cylindrical, articulated, the joints one and a half times as long as broad. Fifteen cm. to 20 cm. tall, 2 mm. to 4 mm. broad. From Western Australia to Victoria. Liagora Cheyneana Harvey. With but little calcareous deposit ; frond gelatinous, compressed, dichoto- mous with additional lateral branches. Branches erecto-patent, silvery, clothed with a purple tomentum. Peripheric filaments free, cylindrical, forked. Seven cm. to 15 cm. long, 1 mm. to 2 mm. in diameter. Western Australia (Cape Riche) and probably along the Great Aus- tralian Bight. Liagora Harvey ana Zeh. Forming rounded mats from 5 cm. to 10 cm. in diameter. Altogether many times dichotomous, the segments growing slenderer as they radiate. No lateral branches. Hard with impregnation of carbonate of lime. Apices acute. The cortical threads slender, with cylindrical cells, the terminal sub- rounded or sub-clavate. All around the southern coast of Australia and northern Tasmania. Liagora Wilsoniana Zeh. Main branches persisting through the frond, three or four times dichoto- mous, with short lateral branches spaced along the axis, these mostly undivided, about half an inch long. All branches compressed. Cells of the cortical filaments equal, oblong, the terminal shorter. About 12 cm. tall. Rather harsh with incrustation. Victoria and Tasmania. Family CHAETANGIACEAE Schmitz. GALAXAURA Lamouroux. Frond cylindrical or compressed, subtubulose, impregnated with car- bonate of lime. Two strata of cells, the tube occupied by longitudinal hyaline fibres, and the peripheric stratum consisting of shorter subvertical cells, gradually becoming 5 to 6-angled and coalescing in an areolate mem- brane. Cystocarps suspended below the surface, often seriate in transverse OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 135 bands, globose, formed of dichotomous threads radiating from a centre, bearing carpospores in the terminal joints. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided. Galaxaura dolicarthra J. Agardh. A handsome plant, 10 cm. or more in height and spread, densely-branched, regularly forked, or ternate, corymbose, at first pink then whitening. Frond in bold joints separated by stipitate supports. Calcareous crust firm. From West to East along southern Australia from Geraldton to Sydney. Family GELIDIACEAE. Frond terete or compressed, laterally branched, with a distinct articulated central tube, showing a filamentous structure. Gonimoblast consisting of a clump of spreading filaments, often confluent with special auxiliary ceils of the thallus, the apices of the fertile filaments confluent in a membrane from which the carpospores arise. Tetrasporangia variously divided. There are two sub-families of the Australian forms, which are in marked contrast in contours and in structure; the Wrangelieae comprising the genus Wrangelia, and the Gelideae containing the closely related genera Gelidium and Pterocladici. WRANGELIA C. Agardh. Frond erect, terete-filiform with a conspicuous monosiphonous articu- lated axis with long joints, naked or covered with a cortex, decompound branching, verticillately ramellose at the nodes. Cystocarps terminal at the apex of a ramulus, involucrated by a whorl of ramelli, and consisting of a tuft of naked pear-shaped pedicellate spores and slender paranemata. Tetra- sporangia borne on the sides of whorled ramelli, globose, with a hyaline envelope, triangularly divided. Of the 24 named species 20 are Australian ; thus Australia is the headquarters of this beautiful genus. They are all found in the temperate seas of the south. Already seven species have been recorded for South Australia, and others may well be anticipated. A. — Armatae. Ramuli of the verticils rather rigid, more or less diverging, mucronate with a sharp terminal joint. a. Fronds from the base articulate, ecorticate. Wrangelia nitella Harvey. The slenderest species, frond flaccid, pellucidly jointed through- out, decompound pinnate, branches mostly opposite, with whorled ramelli at the nodes. Ramelli di-trichotomously multifid, divisions very patent and very acute. Tetrasporangia globose, sessile on the ramelli. Height 5 cm. to 9 cm., colour a clear, deep, crimson-lake. Western Australia. Wrangelia mucronata Harvey. Stiffer and harsher than the preceding, the verticils spaced apart, but closely appressed. The ramelli once trichotomous, the 136 THE SEAWEEDS joints many times longer than their diameter, the terminal joint forming a strong mucro. Tetrasporangia numerous, globose, sessile on the ramelli. Height about 10 cm. Victoria and Tasmania. b. Fronds from the base ecorticate, but girdled below by a spongy stratum formed by the ramelli curving downwards from verticil to verticil. Wrangelia myriophylloides Harvey. Frond rigid, sparingly pinnately branched, ramelli repeatedly trichotomous, the subdivisions ending each in three oval cells, each tipped by a minute acuminate apical cell. Joints of ramelli constricted at the nodes. Ten cm. to 12 cm. high. Western Australia and South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Robe). c. Fronds corticate far upwards from the base. Wrangelia velutina Harvey. Fronds cartilaginous, corticate, diffusely much branched, branches horizontally patent, once or twice compounded ; the Fig. 9 .—Wrangelia velutina : a, plant; b, apex of a branch, clothed with ramelli, and bearing a cystocarp; c, part of same with ramelli removed and cystocarp present; d, spores and paranemata; e , portion of a ramulus, with tetraspores; f, tetraspore; g, ramellus; h, mucronate apex of one of the divisions. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 137 younger ones densely whorled with minute ramelli ; ramelli dichotomo-multifid, with patent axils and sharply acute apices. Cystocarps terminating short branches. Tetrasporangia numerous, sessile on the ramelli. Height 7 cm. to 15 cm., colour a deep brownish-red. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Robe), Victoria. B. — Plumatae. Ramelli of the whorls pinnate or dichotomous, rather rigid, patent or incurved, passing from a thicker base into an obtuse apex, a. Fronds from the base articulate, ecorticate. Wrangelia protensa HaTvey. Fronds 15 cm. to 30 cm. long, excessively and densely branched; the principal branches long and virgate, several times compound ; the ultimate branches 2 cm. to 5 cm. in length, simple, attenuated. Fig. 10 . — Wrangelia protensa. Fig. 11 . — Wrangelia verticillata. All the branches and their divisions are very erect. The older parts of the frond, though pellucidly articulate and ecorticate, become shaggy with stupose filaments, which issue from the dissepiments, and are deflected downwards like rootlets. Every articulation of the branches and ramuli bears a pair of opposite ramelli, very erect or appressed, simple or branched from the base, often pinnulated in the lower part, but always with a long excurrent point. Tetra- spores scattered on the pinnulae of the ramelli. Substance soft and gelatinous. Colour a rosy-red. Tasmania, Victoria. 138 THE SEAWEEDS Wrangelia halurus Harvey. Frond flaccid, membranaceo-gelatinous, irregularly branched, branches sub-simple, tapering, whorled at each node with di- trichotomous, incurved, imbricated ramelli; articulations of the stem three to four times and of the ramelli, cylindrical, 10 to 12 times as long as the diameter. Cystocarps terminating short branches. Tetrasporangia pedicellate, clustered round the joints of the ramelli. Height 7 cm. to 15 cm. Colour dull-brown. Usually epiphytic on Cymodocea. Western Australia, Victoria, and South Australia (Encounter Bay and Investigator Strait). Wrangelia verticilla^ta Harvey. Fronds ecorticate but girt below by a spongy stratum of threads joining the verticils. Sub-pinnately decompound. The sub- confluent verticils often shorter than the internodes, the joints of the ramelli six to eight times longer than the diameter. From Western Australia through South Australia (Eastern Bays) to Victoria and Tasmania. Wrangelia crassa Hooker and Harvey. Fronds ecorticate but girt below with a sponge of the sub- confluent ramelli, the spongy coat longer than the internodes, sub- pinnately decompound ; ramelli of the whorls incurved, cylindrical, obtuse, the joints three to four times as long as the diameter. West and South coasts of Australia and Tasmania. Wrangelia Wattsii Harvey. Frond rigid, sub-dichotomous; stem and branches clothed with deflexed or decurrent filaments, and whorled at the nodes with erecto-patent ramelli ; joints of the ramelli three to four times as long as broad; apices obtuse. Harvey says that in TV. crassa each articulation has a long narrow endochrome, set in a very wide margin of gelatinous cell-wall; in TV. Wattsii the endochrome fills up the whole space, and the cell-wall is thin and membranous. Seven cm. to 15 cm. high. Dull-brown. South Australia (Port Elliot, Eastern Bays) and Victoria. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 139 Fig. 12 . — Wrangelia Wattsiii a, plant; b , pinnated ramulus or plumule; c, fragment of an old branch with whorled ramuli and deflexed radicular filaments; d, section of a branch. (After Harvey.) B 140 THE SEAWEEDS b. Fronds corticated from the base up. Wrangelia clavigera Harvey. One of the coarsest; frond cartilaginous, thick, decompound pin- nate, throughout densely whorled with imbricate multifid ramelli, the younger branches markedly club-shaped. Ramelli alternately pinnato-multifid, the apices acute. Cystocarps terminating short club-shaped pinnules. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm. Colour reddish- brown. Spencer’s Gulf to Western Port, Port Elliot, Eastern Bays. In Tasmania an allied form with richly pencilled and rosy branches grows to a height of a meter or more. Fig. 13 . — Wrangelia clavigera: a, plant; b, ramellus; c, one of the short, club-like fruit branches, bearing a terminal cystocarp; d, spores and paranemata from the cystocarp. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 141 Wrangelia nob ills Hooker et Harvey. Fronds 15 cm. to 30 cm. long, corticated from base upwards, branches patent, irregularly pinnate. Young fronds are clothed with very delicate rosy-red ramelli, 4 mm. in length, giving a feathery character to the branches ; this tomentum is close pressed and silky. In older fronds the rosy ramelli become much less abundant, and eventually are confined to the tips of the smaller ramuli, while the tomentum becomes more shaggy and uneven. Finally the rosy ramuli fall off entirely, and at this stage the fruits are produced. Cystocarps typical for the genus, borne on longish pedicels issuing from the older branches. Tetraspores densely aggregated in grape-like clusters, surrounded by involucral ramuli, borne on little pedicels rising from the branches. Tasmania. Fig. 14 . — Wrangelia nobilis. Fig. 15 . — Wrangelia balloides. Wrangelia balloides J. Agardh. Fronds to 40 cm. high, corticate with dense filaments from the base ; pinnately branched, with verticillate ramelli at the nodes ; vegetative branches plumose, with the verticils distinct, approxi- mating ; verticils of branches heteromorphic, the one long, subdistiehous, diverging, alternately pinnate and much branched, the other short, leaf -like on both sides; above incurved, subcon- verging, cylindrical ; all apices obtuse, slightly attenuated ; articulations of ramelli about three times as long as broad. Tetra- spores on upper incurved ramelli, triangularly divided. Tasmania. 142 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 16. — Wrangelia plumosa. Fig. 17. — Gelidium australe. Fig. 18.— Gelidium glandulaefolium : a, plant; b, part of a pinnule, with conceptacles in the bristle-shaped ramuli; c, section of a con- ceptacle, showing spores attached to the medial dissepiment; d, part of a ramulus, with tetraspores immersed in the dilated ramuli; e, a ramulus, with its sorus of tetraspores; f, tetraspores. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 143 C. — Penicillatae. Ramelli of the verticils elongate, dichotomous, very soft and collapsing, joined at the apices of the branches to form a pencil or brush, gradually becoming denuded below. Fronds corticated upwards. WrangeUa plumosa Harvey. Much expanded laterally, with long compound pinnate branches very soft when growing, but becoming denuded and rough. Ramelli brush-like, repeatedly dichotomous, very soft, obtuse end- ing; joints of ramelli contracted at the nodes, many times as long as broad. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm. Cystocarps veiled densely by hairy ramelli. Colour purple but very variable. New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania. Wrangelia, princeps Harvey. The tallest species to 60 cm. high. Frond erect, robust, gela- tinous and soft, very easily disintegrated on exposure; pinnae virgate, lanceolate in outline, closely pinnate or bipinnate, the pinnules opposite; nodes of the branches, pinnae and pinnules whorled with byssoid ramelli, ramelli dichotomous, with very long articulations; apices blunt. Cystocarps terminating short pinnules with scarcely an involucre. Tetrasporangia near the base of the ramelli. Colour purplish. Western Australia, South Australia (Investigator Strait), Victoria. GELID IUM Lamouroux. Frond firmly cartilaginous, linear, compressed, decompound; composed of three strata ; the medullary of densely packed, interwoven, longitudinal filaments; the intermediate of polygonal cells; the cortical of minute, coloured cellules arranged in radiating moniliform series. Cystocarps immersed in the ramuli, within a thick pericarp; pear-shaped pedicellate spores dispersed over both surfaces of a medial dissepiment, which renders the cystocarp bilocular. Tetrasporangia forming sori in dilated ramuli, cruciately divided. From Gelidium most of the Agar Agar of commerce is obtained. Gelidium australe J. Agardh. Frond densely decompound pinnate, about 4in. to 6in. high and equally spread, pinnules narrowed at the base, often acuminate, the cystocarps and tetrasporangia ciliate in series along the branches. Colour violaceous. From South Australia (Investigator Strait, Robe, Encounter Bay) to New South Wales. Gelidium glandulae folium Hooker and Harvey. Frond very narrow, distinctly bi-tripinnate ; pinnae few, opposite, naked at the base, fasciculately pinnulate above, pinnules very long, filiform, simple or forked. Both cystocarps and tetrasporangia fringe the pinnules. Height 25 cm. to 40 cm. Colour a dark purplish-red. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Robe), Victoria, Tasmania. 144 THE SEAWEEDS Gelidium rectangulare Lucas. Stem compressed, about 2 mm. wide, naked in lower third, above with long distichously-spreading branches. Height of plant to 30 cm. or more. Rami flat, distichously bipinnate. Ultimate pinnules numerous, opposite, pectinate, arising from the margins of the pinna at right angles, rigid, about 5 mm. long. Tetrasporangia as usual fringing the ultimate pinnules. Western Australia (Flinders Bay), South Australia (Point Le Hunte and Clare Bay at the head of the Great Australian Bight). PTEROCLADIA J. Agardh. Differs from Gelidium only in that the cystocarps are unilocular, and thus appear on the one face of the frond only. Pterocladia lucida (R. Brown) J. Agardh. Frond 15 cm. to 45 cm. high, plane compressed, thickened in the centre and sharply two-edged, pinnately decompound. Very variable in the amount Fig - . 19 . — Pterocladia lucida : a, plant; b, apex of a pinna, bearing conceptacles ; c, vertical section of a conceptacle and of the frond; d, apex of a pinna, bearing tetra- spores in dilated pinnulae; e, tetraspores. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 145 of ramification and in the breadth of the frond, often proliferous. Cysto- carps are formed about the middle of the pinnule. The tetrasporangia are formed among the cortical filaments of dilated pinnules. Colour purplish- red. Surface glossy. Round the coast from Western Australia to New South Wales. Abundant at Lord Howe Island. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). 146 THE SEAWEEDS Order GIGARTININAE. CONSPECTUS OF THE SUBFAMILIES. Acrotylaceae. The gonimoblast, the bundle of fertilized filaments which bear the carpo- spores, closely conjoined with the surrounding tissues, leaving as it were a cavity clothed within by a membrane. Tetrasporangia zonately divided. Gigartinaceae. Gonimoblast consisting of a bundle (caespitulum) of branches passing into and conjoined with the surrounding tissues, evolving the carpospores within the complex. Tetrasporangia mostly cruciately divided. Rhodophyllidaoeae. Gonimoblast divided into several lobes, from auxiliary cells radiating inwards in all directions. Carpospores acrogenous. Tetrasporangia zonately divided. Family ACROTYLACEAE Schmitz. ACROTYLUS J. Agardh. Frond compressed, linear, dichotomous; composed of three strata of cells, the medullary of branching, reticulately-anastomosing slender filaments ; the intermediate of roundish-angular cells; the cortical of seriated, coloured Fig. 20 . — Acrotylus australis : a, plant; b, portion of branch with conceptacles ; c, section through the frond and a con- ceptacle; d, section through a sorus; e, tetraspore. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 147 cells. Cystocarps semi-immersed in the frond, opening by a central pore containing parietal tufts of moniliform spore-threads. Tetrasporangia in defined sori, under the apices of the segments, zonately divided. Acrotylus australis J. Agardh. The only species, 6 cm. to 20 cm. high, 2 mm. to 3 mm. wide. The colour brown-red. The substance tough and leathery. South Australia (Encounter Bay), Victoria, Tasmania. HENNEDYA Harvey. Frond flat membranous, dichotomo-laciniate. Composed of three strata of cells, the medullary of densely interwoven narrow threads, the inter- Fig. 21 . — Hennedya crispa: a, plant; b, apex of a segment, with conceptacles under the tips; c, section through the frond, and through a conceptacle; d, tuft of spores; e, section through a sorus; /, tetraspores from the same. (After Harvey.) mediate of a simpler series of large-squared cells ; the cortical of shortened moniliform vertical chains. Cystocarps show a cavity lined with parietal bundles of pregnant cells. Tetrasporangia below the thickened apex of laciniae, zonately divided. Hennedya crispa Harvey. The only species. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm. Colour brownish-purple. Western Australia, South Australia (MacDonnell Bay). 148 THE SEAWEEDS Family GIGARTINACEAE Schmitz. Frond terete, two-edged, flat, foliaceons ; dichotomous, much branched, or lobed — in fact with all manner of contours. Composed of two or three distinct strata. Cystocarps prominent or immersed. Gonimoblast forming a clump, the branches of which are conjoined with the surrounding tissues, evolving the carpospores within the mass. Tetrasporangia more often cruciately divided. CONSPECTUS OF THE SUBFAMILIES.- A — Thallus traversed by a median axile fasciculus of longitudinal sometimes forked filaments. Thallus endowed most distinctly with a filamentous structure. Tetrasporangia mostly cruciately divided Gigartineae. B. — Thallus most rarely showing filamentous struc- ture. a. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided. Auxiliary cells situated at the outer limit of the cortex, bearing a three-celled carpogonial branch directed outwards Tilocarpeae. 9 b. Tetrasporangia zonately divided. Auxiliary cells situated in the interior region of the cortex, bearing laterally single or several three-celled carpogonial branches. 1. Structure of frond filamentous-cellular . . Mychodeae. 2. Structure of frond altogether cellular . . Dicranemeae. c. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided. Auxiliary cells situated in the interior region of the cortex, bearing a single recurved three-celled carpogonial branch and several lateral one- celled branches Rally menieae. Subfamily Gigartineae J. Agardh. There are two Australian genera, Iridophycus S. & G., a foliaceous form and Gigartina of various contours. In Iridophycus the cystocarps are immersed; in Gigartina they are at length prominent externally. IRIDOPHYCUS Setchell and Gardner. Syns. Iridea Bory, Iridaea J. Agardh. Thallus membranous-expanded, disc prostrate, below more or less shortly stipitate, stipe simple, expanded into an apophysis; apophysis smooth or verrucose, with one or more dichotomies, not bearing lateral processes, thallus expanded above, slightly membranous to cliartaceous ; usually irridescent under water; superficially smooth or more or less verrucose, OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 149 spinulose or papillose; thallus structure net-like. Cystocarps immersed in the thallus, central or almost superficial, with a common nucleus of many spores more or less distinct. Tetrasporangia in sori of circular outline, everywhere in the frond in a sub-cortical position. Iridophycus australasica (J. Ag.) comb. nov. Frond large, to 50 cm. long, stipitate, lanceolate, oval or dilated above, margin entire, slightly undulate or folded, or with small leafy unequal inflations. Cystocarps common, immersed in the frond. Tetraspores cruciately divided, nidulating in sori towards the centre of the frond. Colour purplish-red. Southern Australia (Robe in South Australia) and Tasmania. GIGARTINA Stackhouse. A world-wide genus, with 15 Australian representatives. The contours vary greatly in the different species. The structure shows two strata of cells, the medullary of cylindrical, articulated filaments, anastomosing into a very close network, the cortical of moniliform, vertical, dichotomous fila- ments set in firm gelatine. Cystocarps external, globose, containing within a mass of closely interwoven filaments, a compound nucleus consisting of many confluent nuclei or masses of roundish-angular spores. Tetra- sporangia collected in dense sori lodged beneath the superficial cells. Four species are recorded from South Australia. Gigcirtina Muelleriana Setchell and Gardner. Frond terete, dichotomous-fastigiate, flabellate, segments and pinnules obtuse, solidly cartilaginous. Cystocarps on the flat face of a ramulus, girt by the elevated margin of the pericarp. Sori in the upper segments. Height 8 cm. to 15 cm., 2 to 3 mm. thick. Colour fleshy-yellow. Grows on reefs near low water. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. 150 THE SEAWEEDS Gigartina disticha Sonder. Frond compressed, thick, fleshy, linear, with a few erect main branches and distichous pinnules. Cystocarps said to be solitary in the tips of the pinnules. Sori elongate immersed in the pinnules. Height 20 cm. to 30 cm., width 4 mm. to 5 mm. Colour a livid-purple. Western and South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). Fig. 22.— Gigartina disticha : a, plant; b, cross-section, to show the structure of frond, and an immersed sorus of tetraspores; c, tetra- spores. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 151 Gigartina crassicaulis Setchell and Gardner. Frond rather thick cartilaginous, flattened, distichously compound pin- nate ; ultimate pinnae linear ; greater ones flat, attenuated at both extremities. Height 30 cm. or more. Width of the flattened axis to 7 mm. or more. Cystocarps behind the apex of the pinnules, sessile on the flat face. Sori spreading along the borders of the wide axis among the pinnellae. Colour varying a good deal on condition, when freshest a rich brown-purple. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 23 . — Gigartina crassicaulis : a, branch; b, fertile branchlet; c, ramulus with conceptacle; d, section through conceptacle showing structure of frond and spores; e, spores; f, portion of cortical layer and medullary network. (After Harvey.) 152 THE SEAWEEDS Gigartina Wehliae Sonder. A handsome red plant, 4 cm. to 10 cm. high and as much in spread, flabellate-branching, the whole frond girt by a thickened margin. Segments papillose on the margin, never on the disc. Substance fleshy, thick, harden- ing on drying. Described by Sonder from plants sent to him from MacDonnell Bay by Mrs. Wehl. Gigartina gigantea J. Agardh. Fronds large, stipitate ; stipe short, branching, terete but becoming flattened ; thallus of young plants obovate to round, in older plants vaguely laciniate or proliferous from the margin, at length much expanded with lacerate laciniae. Tetrasporangia in thallus. Cystocarps superficial, laxly papillose on the margin ; sterile papilli long, ligulate, fertile with cystocarps, single, terminal. Southern Australia (Encounter Bay in South Australia), Tasmania. Fig. 24 . — Gigartina gigantea. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 153 Subfamily Tylocarpeae Kutzing. The genus Stenogramme Harvey is the only Australian genus. STENOGRAMME Harvey. Frond rose-red, flat, membranous, nerveless, flabellately laciniate, com- posed of two strata of cells, the medullary of roundish-angular cells in several layers, the cortical of minute coloured cellules. The cystocarps are linear, midrib-like, and .contain within a thick pericarp confluent masses of minute spores. The sori of tetrasporangia scattered in blotches over both surfaces of the frond, and ultimately changed into strings of cruciate tetrasporangia in linear series. Both forms of reproduction are unique. Stenogramme interrupt*! (C. Agardh) Montague. Frond flabelliform. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm. The lines of cystocarps interrupted in each lobe of the frond, sometimes 5 cm. long. The Atlantic and Pacific, New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia (St. Vincent Gulf). Fig. 25 . — Stenogramme interrupta: a, plant -with linear conceptacles ; b, fragment with sori of tetraspores; c, small portion of the frond, with a sorus; d, section through frond and sorus; e, strings of tetraspores; f, portion of frond and conceptacle; g, section through frond and conceptacle. (After Harvey.) 154 THE SEAWEEDS Stenogramme leptopliyllum J. Agardh. Described from Port Phillip Heads; chiefly distinguished by the narrow linear lobes. South Australia (Encounter Bay, St. Vincent Gulf) and Victoria. Subfamily Mychodeae Schmitz. MYCHODEA Harvey. Frond filiform, cartilaginous, alternately decompound, dendroid, com- posed of three strata, the medullary of longitudinal and excurrent, inter- woven and anastomosing filaments; the intermediate of large, rounded, empty cells, smaller outward ; the cortical of minute, coloured, vertically seriated cellules. Cystocarps external, lateral or terminal, containing within a thick-walled pericarp a compound nucleus, consisting of many con- fluent nucleoli or masses of rounded angular spores. Zonate tetrasporangia dispersed in the branches and ramuli. Fig. 26 . — Mychodea terminalis : a, cystocarp-bearing plant; b, apex of a fertile branch; c, trans- verse section through a cystocarp; d, transverse section of frond with tetraspores imbedded in the cortical layer; e, tetra- spores. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 155 Figf. 27. — Mychodea carnosa : a, plant; b, apex of a. small fertile branch with three con- ceptacles ; c, cross-section of frond and of a conceptacle; d, spores from the latter. (After Harvey.) Fig. 28.— Mychodea hamata. 156 THE SEAWEEDS A. Cells of the intermediate stratum very large, the cortical cells in simple vertical series. Frond terete, dichotomous, about 25 cm. high. 1. Cystocarps terminating the ramuli M. terminalis Harvey. 2 Cystocarps occupying the whole of a small ramulus M - memlranacea Harvey. 3. Cystocarps spherical, sessile on the lesser segment M - carnosa Harvey. B. Cells of median stratum large. Cortical cells in dichotomous fastigiate series. a. Frond terete. 4. Dwarf, 5 cm., spreading on all sides M. pusilla (Harvey) J. Agardh. 5. Small, 10 cm., fastigiate M. fastigiata (Harvey) J. Agardh. 6. 15 cm. to 30 cm. long. Ramuli lateral, sub- secu'nd, uncinate, tangled M. hamata Harvey. b. Frond compressed. 7. 20 cm. to 40 cm. Long sub-distichous pinnate branches to 10 mm. broad M. compressa . Harvey. M, nigrescens (Ilarv.) J. Agardh. M. disticlia Harvey. These species are difficult to distinguish and are not satisfactory. c. Frond flat, linear or cuneately dilated, flabellately expanded. 8. M. foliosa (Harv.) J. Agardh. The following species of Mychodea have been collected from the localities given below in South Australia : — M. carnosa Harvey. Eastern Bays. M. hamata Harvey. Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays. M. compressa Harvey. Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. M. nigrescens (Harv.) J. Agardh. Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. M. disiicha Harvey. Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. M. foliosa (Harv.) J. Agardh. Eastern Bays. M. linearis J. Agardh. Fowler ? s Bay. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 157 Subfamily Dicranemeae Schmitz. Comprises the single genus Dicranema. DICRANEMA Sonder. Frond terete, setaceous, dichotomous, formed of three strata ; the medul- lary of slender, closely-packed, longitudinal filaments; the intermediate of angular cells, smaller towards the circumference ; the cortical of vertically seriated, minute, coloured cells. Cystocarps hemispherical, containing within a thick pericarp, pedicellate, obovate spores, attached to a fibro- cellular placenta. Zonate tetrasporangia lodged in the swollen tips of the branches. Dicranema Grevillei Sonder. Frond 5 cm. to 10 cm. high, ultra-setaceous, dichotomo-fastigiate ; axils widely spreading ; apices patent or divaricate. Cystocarps near the obtusely horn-like tip. Pod-like tips erecto-patent. tetraspores in the dilated extremities; f, cross- section, showing the tetraspores in situ; g, tetraspores removed. (After Harvey.) 158 THE SEAWEEDS Abundant and epiphytic on Cymodocea. West Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria. Subfamily Kallymenieae (J. Agardh) Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF THE GENERA. A. — Median (axile) region of the frond cellular, a. Cells of the median region arranged in several series. These cells irregularly arranged, separated by meatuses Callophyllis Kutzing. b. The largest cells of the median region forming a single series Polycoelia J. Agardh. B. — Median region of the frond traversed by thin articulated branching, more or less loose filaments. c. Medullary filaments forked, accompanied by rhizoids directed towards the circumference . Kallymenia J. Agardh. d. Medullary filaments thin, traversed by single rhizoids Meredithia J. Agardh. CALLOPHYLLIS Kutzing. Frond carnose-membranaceous, flat, dichotomous or laciniated, formed of two strata of cells, the medullary of large rounded cells, separated by inter- cellular meatuses, filled with endochrome, the cortical of vertical moniliform filaments. Cystocarps half-immersed, superficial or marginal, containing within a thick closed pericarp a compound nucleus, consisting of several nuclei or masses of spores. Cruciate tetrasporangia dispersed through the cortical layer. Callophyllis cervicornis Sender. Frond di-trichotomous and then irregularly pinnate, with narrow linear segments, here and there with a subulate simple or bifid tooth, the upper segments secund breaking into teeth or prongs of the horns. Cystocarps immersed in the disc of ultimate laciniae. Height 5 cm. to 8 cm. Colour rose-purple. South Australia (Encounter Bay). Callophyllis Harveyana J. Agardh. Frond dichotomously multipartite, sub-fastigiate, broad, flat and entire at the margin, without teeth. Height 20 cm. to 30 cm. The segments are linear-cuneate, obtuse and from 6 mm. to 10 mm. wide. The cystocarps over the surface of the frond. Colour a brilliant rosy-red. The substance is soft and the plant adheres closely to the paper. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 159 Callophyllis marginifera J. Agardh. Frond flattened, thinly membranaceous, like a Nitophyllum, decompound pinnate, the pinnae becoming thinner and ultimately very narrow. Rachis 9 mm. to 10 mm. wide. Cystocarps globose, lateral on the margin and often on the apex of a pinnule reflexed over it. Closely adheres to the paper. South Australia (Fowler's Bay, Eastern Bays). Callophyllis Lambertii (Turner) Greville. The tallest and most robust as well as the commonest species. Rising to 25 cm. to 45 cm., the main rachides are 6 mm. to 8 mm. broad, flat, two- edged and stout, the main branches erect and vaguely dichotomous, the side Fig. 30 . — Callophyllis Lambertii: Two specimens. pinnae spreading and again breaking into laciniae and teeth. Cysto- carps sub-immersed within the apices of the pinnules. Colour deep blood- red. Does not readily adhere to paper. From Western Australia round to Victoria and Tasmania. In South Aus- tralia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). Callophyllis coccinea Harvey. Frond spreading equally, flattened, two-edged, the main rachides dichoto- mous or often with several branches approximating, di-trichotomous. The segments becoming slenderer as they pass outwards. Height 8 cm. to 15 cm. The main rachides as wide as in C. Lambertii. Cystocarps below the apices of the pinnules. The contours are smoothly corymbose. The colour a beautiful rose, and the plant adheres closely to the paper. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. 160 THE SEAWEEDS - -• Fig. 31 .——Callophyllis coccinea. Fig. 32. — Polycoelia laciniata . OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 161 POLYCOELIA J. Agardh. Frond gelatinous-carnose, flat, dichotomous, laciniate or sub-pinnately decompound, composed of two strata, the medullary of a single layer of very large cells, separated by thick gelatinous walls, the cortica] of arti- culated, densely anastomosing vertical threads. Cystocarps closed, immersed in the frond. Tetrasporangia evolved within the cortical stratum, cruciately divided. Polycoelia Ultimata J. Agardh. Frond laciniate, palmatifid or sub-pinnate ; the segments separated by a wide sinus. Segments 7 mm. to 15 mm. wide. Colour red. Western Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays), Tasmania. Polycoelia chondroides J. Agardh. Frond thick fleshy, sub-pinnately dichotomous in a flexuous rachis. 7 cm. to 8 cm. high. Colour purple. South Australia (Waterloo Bay, Eastern Bays). KALLYMENIA J. Agardh. Frond widely expanded in a foliaceous membrane, composed of three strata, the medullary of interwoven and anastomosing filaments, the inter- mediate of large roundish cells, the cortical of minute vertically-seriated coloured cellules. Cystocarps sunk in the frond, containing a compound nucleus, formed of several nucleoli or masses of spores. Tetrasporangia scattered among the cortical cellules. Kallymenia cribrosa Harvey. Frond with a short stipe, expanding into a rounded lamina, 30 cm. to 60 cm. long and broad. The frond is always pierced with holes from pin- Figf. 33 . — Kallymenia cribrosa. Fiff. 34 . — Kallymenia tasmanica. 162 THE SEAWEEDS punctures to circles a cm. in diameter. Colour when fresh a deep crimson- lake, on exposure becoming yellow. Growing in deep water. Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania. Fig. 35. — Kallymenia cribrosa: a, plant; b, section of the frond and of a cystocarp. (After Harvey.) Kallymenia tasmanica Harvey. Frond gelatinous-fleshy, shortly stipitate, expanding into a lamina of two or more square feet, generally rounded, oblong in outline, with marginal lobes and laciniae. Not perforated. Purple. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales. MEREDITHIA J. Agardh. Frond fleshy, flat, on a short stipe, rounded-oblong or dichotomous- palmate, with sinuous lobes. Structure much as in Kallymenia. Cystocarps immersed above the surface* cup-shaped tetrasporangia immersed in the cortical stratum, cruciately divided. Meredithia polycoelioides J. Agardh. Frond stipitate, dichotomous-subpalmatifid, linear sigments below the axils more or less cuneate, terminally dilated, subdigitate-lobed, lobes obtuse ; axils of adults rounded, proliferous from the margin. Cystocarps immersed in median segments, sparse, often confluent into large round spots. The Great Australian Bight, South Australia (Gulf St. Vincent, Eastern Bays), Victoria (Port Phillip), and Tasmania. \ OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 163 GELINARIA Sonder. It is at present doubtful as to the systematic position of this very hand- some genus. The cystocarps have not been seen and the embryology is unknown. The general structure, internally tubular with anastomosing fila- ments and a similar cortex, as well as the cruciate tetrasporangia, seem to show a close relation with Kallymenieae and Cystaclomeae. Two species have been described. Gelinaria ulvoidea Sonder. Holdfast a fleshy disc, half an inch in' diameter. Stipes compressed 2 cm. to 5 cm. long, firmly cartilaginous, expanding into the cuneate base of the frond. Frond 25 cm. to 60 cm. long, and nearly as much in the expansion of the segments, repeatedly and irregularly pinnatifidly divided. The principal segments are 2 cm. to 5 cm. broad, distantly pinnate with linear- lanceolate branches, the tips acute. The colour a rich crimson-lake, and the pigment runs when the plant is placed in fresh water. Western Australia, probably South Australia. Fig. 36 . — Gelinaria ulvoidea : a, plant; b, section through the frond; c, minute portion of the cortical stratum. (After Harvey.) 164 THE SEAWEEDS Gelinaria Harvey ana J. Agardh. With the same structure but very densely compoundly pinnate, with narrower segments. These are crowded and fleshily solid, contrasting with the fewer, bolder, broader segments of G. ulvoidea. Western Australia (King George’s Sound) ; South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria. Family RHODOPHYLLIDACEAE Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF SUBFAMILIES. j Cystoclonieae. Auxiliary cell in a particular protuberance emitting branchlets radiating in all directions. Rhodophyllideae. Auxiliary cell evolving numerous bundles of branchlets. Solierieae. Auxiliary cell within the cavity of the fertile nucleus emitting a thick protuberance bearing at the apex numerous bundles of branches. Subfamily Cystoclonieae (Kutzing) Schmitz. GLOIOPHYLLIS J. Agardh. Thallus flat, irregularly forked-laciniate, composed of two strata, the medullary of two layers of very large cells interwoven with thin rhizoids, the cortical of coloured cellules in one or two layers. Cystocarps external, containing within a pericarp of radiating filaments a compound nucleus formed by bundles of spore threads radiating from a central basal placenta. Tetrasporangia immersed in the cortical stratum, zonately divided. Gloiophyllis Barkeriae (Harvey) J. Agardh. Frond cuneate at base, expanded upwards, deeply divided, the divisions variously cleft. Cystocarps thickly scattered over the surface of the larger laciniae. Height 20 cm. to 40 cm. Breadth of segments 2 cm. to 5 cm. Colour blood-red. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Victoria. Gloiophyllis Engelhardtii Reinbold. A richer ramification than in preceding. Cystocarps globose on the margin of the upper segments. South Australia (Guichen Bay). Subfamily Rhodophyllideae Schmitz. RHODOPHYLLIS Kutzing. Frond flat, membranous, dichotomously or pinnately decompound, mostly margined with leafy or slender processes, composed of two strata, the medul- lary of large roundish empty cells, mostly in two layers, the cortical of coloured cellules in one or few layers. Cystocarps, marginal and external, containing within a pericarp of radiating filaments, a compound nucleus, OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 165 formed of bundles of spore threads radiating from a central basal placenta. Tetrasporangia immersed among the peripheric cells of the marginal pro- cesses. Seen from the surface under the microscope the large cells appear each surrounded by a fosette of the small cortical cells, “rosulate- areolate.” Fig. 37 . — Rhodophyllis volans : a, plant; b, plant in fruit; c, section through a con- ceptacle; d, section of the frond; e, portion of the surface of the frond, with scattered tetraspores; f , some tetraspores, removed. (After Harvey.) A. — Inner cells in two layers, parallel to the surface of the frond. The cortical small cells disposed in a circle round the inner, a. Fronds without veins. Rhodophyllis volans Harvey. Fronds tufted, 5 cm. to 10 cm. long, flabelliform-multipartite, the segments from 6 mm. to 12 mm. broad, eystocarps scattered over the disc of the frond. Tetrasporangia in the pinnae, zonately divided. Western Australia, South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria. 166 THE SEAWEEDS b. Frond traversed by veins or rhizoids. All fringed by marginal processes or cilia, in which appear the cysto carps and tetrasporangia. Rhodophyllis blepharicarpa Harvey. Ten cm. to 14 cm. high. Laciniae 7 mm. to 12 mm. wide, rather rigid South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays). Fig. 38 . — Rhodophyllis blepharicarpa: a, plant; b, apex of a lacinia, bearing cystocarps; c, section through a cystocarp; d, apex of a lacinia, bearing tetraspores in the marginal pro- cesses; e, section of a marginal process, showing the tetraspores in situ ; f, tetra- spores extracted; g, section of the frond. (After Harvey.) Rhodophyllis ramentacea (Ag.) J. Agardh*. Fifteen cm. to 20 cm. high. Segments 5 mm. to 10 mm. wide. Mem- branaceous. South Australia (Eastern Bays). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 167 Rhodophyllis membranacea Harvey. Five cm. to 6 cim high. Segments 2 mm. to 5 mm. wide. Thinly membranaceous. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Tasmania. B. — Inner cells in two layers parallel to the surface of the frond. Rosulate-areolate. No veins. Segments not fringed. Rhodophyllis Gunnii Harvey. Twenty cm. to 30 cm. high. Pinnatifid, segments 2 cm. to 3 cm. wide. Lobes of the pinnules obtuse. South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New Zealand. Rhodophyllis multipartita Harvey. Six inches high, segments 2 mm. wide. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. C. — Inner cells in two layers parallel to the surface, the cells of the layers alternating. Rosulate-areolate. Segments linear, not fringed. Rhodophyllis Brookeana J. Agardh. Seven cm. to 10 cm. high, segments 2 mm. wide. Western Australia (Israelite Bay), South xVustralia (Eastern Bays). D. — Surface rosulate-areolate, the inner cells alternating in two layers parallel to the face of the frond ; the whole enclosed by an evident cuticle. Rhodophyllis Goodwiniae J. Agardh. At length venous. 25 cm. high, lower segments 2 mm. to 3 mm. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Rhodophyllis tenuifolia (Harv.) J. Agardh. Frond below dichotomous, upper segments pinnate and fimbriate at the margins; segments ultimately fimbriate and narrowly acuminate, dentate. Cystocarps immersed in the margin, with a pericarp of radiating cells. Tetrasporangia in upper segments, sparse. South Australia (Holdfast Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Western Australia. 168 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 39 . — Rhodophyllis membranacea. Fig. 40. — Rhodophyllis Gunnii — Variants. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 169 Subfamily Solierieae Harvey. CONSPECTUS OF THE GENERA. A. — Frond terete. 1. Frond moniliform-articulate. Central axial syphon Erythroclonium Sonder. 2. Frond laxly tubulose, branching in all direc- tions Rhabdonia Harvey. 3. Frond succulent, fusiform So lieria J. Agardh B. — Frond flat, two-edged. 4. Traversed by a central syphon Areschougia Harvey. ♦ 5. Frond pinnate, branches mostly opposite . . Tliysanocladia Endlicher. ERYTHROCLONIUM Sonder. * Stem terete, its branches constricted as if jointed, composed of an axial filament, surrounded by three strata, the medullary of interwoven longi- tudinal filaments, the intermediate of several layers of roundish-coloured cells, the cortical of very minute vertically seriate cellules. Cystocarps sessile, depressed, umbilicate, opening by a central pore, containing within a thick pericarp moniliform strings of spores, radiating from a free central placenta. Tetrasporangia dispersed through the cortical stratum, zonately divided. Erythroclonium angustatum Sonder. Almost the whole frond constricted articulate, branches verticillate, the joints narrow-linear, attenuate at both extremities. Height 5 cm. to 8 cm. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Victoria. Erythroclonium Sonderi Harvey. Stipes 1 cm. to 3 cm. long, bulbous, breaking suddenly into several branches, 10 cm. to 15 cm. long, sub-trichotomously decompound, ramuli opposite, the joints elliptic-oblong, clavate, thick and obtuse. Western Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. 170 THE SEAWEEDS Erythroclonium Muelleri Sonder. Stem thick, cylindrical, branched ; branches opposite or whorled, con- stricted, ramuli moniliform, the internodes oval or oblong. Height 15 cm. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 41 . — Erythroclonium Muelleri: a , plants; b, branchlets; c, one of the internodes, with tetraspores; d, tetraspores; e, cross-section of frond; f , longitudinal section. (After Harvey.) RHABDONIA Harvey. Frond terete, cylindrical, branched on all sides, or moniliform, con- stricted into joints, composed of three strata ; the medullary a dense bundle of longitudinal filaments; the intermediate a very laxly fibrous stratum; the cortical thick, composed of many layers of small, coloured cellules. Cystocarps immersed in the branches, enclosed in a network of filaments, radiating from a central placenta. Tetrasporangia dispersed through the superficial stratum, zonately divided. A. — Frond filiform, subcontinuous. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 171 Rhabdonia nigrescens Harvey. Frond filiform, irregularly very much branched, virgately similarly decompound, ramuli constricted at the base, apices acuminate. Infra- cortical cells in one layer. Substance rather rigid. Colour dusky-purple. Height 10 cm. to 14 cm. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Rhabdonia coccinea Harvey. Frond stipitate, dendroid, very much branched and bushy, alternately pinnate decompound, ramuli attenuated at base and apex. Infracortical cells in several layers. Substance cartilaginous and rather soft. Colour when growing is a deep full-red, which becomes a brilliant crimson if the plant is steeped in fresh water. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm., about 1 mm. thick. Western Australia, South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 42 .— -Rhabdonia coccinea : a, plant; b, ramulus with an imbedded conceptacle; c, cross- section of the frond; d, a tetraspore; e, cross-section of a conceptacle; f , one of the spore threads removed. (After Harvey.) 172 THE SEAWEEDS Rhabdonia dendr aides Harvey. Stem robust, 20 cm. to 25 cm. high, corneo-cartilaginous, rigid- decompound. Upper branches dense, tufted at the extremities. The ramuli taper at the apex but not at the base. Colour dull-red. Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays). B. — Juvenile frond, and the branches of the adult, sub-articulately con- stricted, branches arising at the strictures often verticillate. Rhabdonia charoides Harvey. Frond flaccid, caespitose, constricted at intervals into pseudo- joints, whorled at the nodes with similarly constricted branches, whorled with ramuli, internodes of stem and branches fusiform, echinulate, 1 cm. to 3 cm. long. Ramuli tapered, often drawn out into tendrils. Height 7 cm. to 14 cm. Substance soft and delicate. Colour rosy-red. Victoria. Rhabdonia verticillata Harvey. Stem short and thick, beset with wart-like abortive ramuli, emitting numerous decompound branches. Branches constricted into pseudo-joints which decrease in length upwards, and whorled at the nodes with similarly e, cross-section of younger branch; f, cross-section of older branch. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 173 constricted and whorled lesser branches. Lower internodes linear oblong, terminal acute. Height 6 cm. to 30 cm. Substance soft and juicy. Colour deep full-red, becoming dark and brownish on drying. South Australia (Holdfast Bay, Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Rhabdonia clavigera J. Agardh. Frond almost all tubulose (with longitudinal filaments) ' and jointed by regular strictures with verticillate branches, above subcorymbose. Lower joints of the stem very long, narrowly obconical, upper oblong or oval. No thickened base of the stem. The plant has the habit of Erythroclonium Muelleri. Height 10 cm. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. SOLIERIA J. Agardh. Very close to Rhabdonia , constructed of the same three strata. Cystocarps and tetrasporangia evolved in gelatinous, soft, fusiform ramuli. The tetra- sporangia are divided zonately according to Agardh and Harvey, but Kylin says they are cruciately divided. I confess myself baffled by the sporangia of S. robusta; they are small and generally not divided at all, and I have been unable to find one definitely cruciate or definitely zonate. Fig - . 44 . — Solieria robusta. 174 THE SEAWEEDS Solieria r.obusta (J. Ag.) Kylin. Frond dendroid, 30 cm. to 60 cm. high, robust, excessively branched, branches alternate or scattered, many times alternately compounded. Diameter 3 mm. to 6 mm. All the segments pointed at both ends, fusiform. The substance fleshy and succulent, soft and flexible. Colour a deep-red. Grows in fairly deep water. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait), Victoria, Tasmania. ARESCHOUGIA Harvey. Frond compressed, distichous or terete, with all-round branching. In the centre runs a prominent monosiphonous articulated axis, from each joint of which emerges a branch on each side. Around this is a medullary stratum, often of great width, consisting of longitudinal, anastomosing inter- woven filaments; there may follow an intermediate stratum of roundish coloured cells; and outside is the cortical stratum, well developed, of minute vertically-seriate, coloured cellules. Cystocarps immersed in the medullary stratum, enclosed in a network of filaments, and opening by an external pore, containing moniliform strings of spores, radiating from a central placenta, Tetrasporangia in the cortical stratum of the ramuli, zonately divided. All coriaceous-cartilaginous. a. Frond terete. Areschougia Laurencia (Hooker and Harvey) Harvey. Frond equally filiform, terete, sub-dichotomously branched on all sides, above sub-corymbose, below bare ; larger branches erecto-patent, scarcely attenuated; smaller branches narrowly lancoid, with cystocarps immersed in nodose inflations. Colour dark-purple. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Areschougia congest a (Turn.) J. Agardh. = A. gracilarioides Harvey. Frond caulescent, above gradually tapering, terete, branching on all sides ; above subcorymbose, below the smaller ramuli sub-seriate, larger ramuli, erecto-patent at base and scarcely attenuated; ramuli patent, ultimately slightly attenuate on both sides. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. b. Frond two-edged, flat and linear. Areschougia ligidata Harv. == Areschougia australis Harvey. Stem terete at base, compressed, flattened and midribbed upwards, laxly much branched, branches ligulate, linear, elongate, distantly denticulate; ramuli constricted at base, sub-obtuse. Height 50 cm. to 90 cm., width fairly OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 175 uniform throughout the plant, 2 mm. to 5 mm. Substance coriaceous- cartilaginous. Colour a clear deep-red, fading to yellow and creamy-white. Western Australia and South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). spores from the nucleus; /, pseudo-tetra- spore. (After Harvey.) THYSANOCLADIA Endlicher. Frond flat, two-edged, distich ously decompound-pinnate, the pinnae opposite, composed of three strata; the medullary of densely interwoven slender, longitudinal filaments, without an articulated central axis; the intermediate of roundish-oblong cells ; the cortical of minute, vertically seriated, coloured cellules. Cystocarps semi-immersed, containing within a thick pericarp, minute spores arranged in spore-threads radiating from a large placenta. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided. Thysanocladia Harveyana J. Agardh. Frond with terete stipe, above flat and without a midrib, distichously decompound-pinnate; pinnae broadly linear, patent, sub-opposite; pinnules 176 THE SEAWEEDS patent, broadly linear, flat, simple or pinnulate ; axils of pinnae rounded. Sori of tetrasporangia in the dilated apices of the ramuli. Height 30 cm. 2 mm. to 6 mm. wide. Substance coriaceous, firm and tough. Colour a some- what livid-purple. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays) . Thysanocladia laxa Sonder. Greatly resembling the preceding, but with a conspicuous thin midrib in the pinnae. The laciniae often tricuspid. South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales. Thysanocladia oppositi folia (Ag.) J. Agardh. Holdfast a large disc nearly 2 cm. across. Stems usually dividing near the base into several long, simple, virgate secondary stems, each 10 cm. to 40 cm. high, mostly denuded below, but for the greater part of their length closely feathered with opposite decompound pinnae. The segments narrow, subulate. The pinnae rigid and very closely opposed, often overlapping. Colour a very dark brownish-red, even blackening on drying. Western Australia and South Australia (Fowler’s Bay, Rivoli Bay, and Investigator Strait). - Fig. 46 . — Thysanocladia ovpositifolia: a, plant; b, a pinnated ramulus (plumule); c, cross- section cf the frond; d, cross-section of fertile ramulus and conceptacle; e, spore strings. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 177 Order RHODYMENINAE. CONSPECTUS OF FAMILIES. I. — Gonimoblast immersed in the thallus, adnate in the cavity of the cystocarp to a thickened placenta which radiates into the cavity ; the. thickened pericarp perforated at the apex. Sphaerococcaceae. Gonimoblast hemispherical-convex, much branched, compact and con- fluent; carpospores single or in chains on the apices of the branchlets. Tetrasporangia cruciately or zonately divided. Rhodymeniaceae. Gonimoblast divided into several successive lobes; carpospores evolved from almost all the cells of the lobes. Tetrasporangia almost always cruciately divided. II. — Gonimoblast sessile in the thallus, evolved within a cavity convexly elevated and covered by the cortex of the thallus perforated at the apex. Delesseriaceae. Procarps disposed in the middle stratum of the thallus. Gonimoblast adnate to a thickened placenta, lobes usually indistinctly evolved ; carpo- spores single or seriate at the apices of fertile branches. Tetrasporangia triangularly divided. Bonnemaisoniaceae. Procarps disposed in the cortex of the thallus. Gonimoblast adnate to a wide base, forming a much branched caespitulum; carpospores formed from the terminal cells of the fertile branchlets. Tetrasporangia cruciately, triangularly, or more or less irregularly zonately divided. III. — Gonimoblast affixed to the thallus by a pedicel or a broad base, i.e., altogether external or only included by the cortex in a varying way. Rhodomelaceae. Cystocarps attached to the thallus by a short pedicel or broad base. Gonimoblast evolved within the cavity open at the apex; carpospores single, or rarely in chains, on the apices of the fertile branches. Tetra- sporangia triangularly divided. Ceramiaceae. Cystocarps altogether external, or included in the cortex, naked or involucrated loosely by special ramuli. Gonimoblasts single or more often twin, mostly divided into several gonimolobes; carpospores formed from almost all cells of the fruitful caespitulum. Tetrasporangia triangularly, or less frequently cruciately divided. 178 THE SEAWEEDS Family SPHAEROCOCCACEAE (Dumont) Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF THE SUBFAMILIES. A. — Cystocarps evolved in special ramuli. a. Cystocarps borne on summit of a short ramulus. Tetrasporangia zonately divided Phacelocarpeae (J. A g.J Schmitz. b. Cystocarps evolved in special wart-like ramuli. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided Stenocladieae Schmitz. B. — Cystocarps not evolved in special ramuli. c. Carpospore-bearing filaments of several coales- cing bundles of branches. 1. Bundles of filaments dense, of equal height MelanthaUeae J. Agardh. 2. Bundles of filaments lax, of unequal height Gracilarieae (Naeg.) J. Agardh. d. Cavity of cystocarp traversed by a loose net- work. Tetrasporangia zonately divided . . . . Ilypneae (J. Agardh) Harvey. Subfamily Phacelocarpeae (J. Agardh) Schmitz. PH ACELO CARPUS Endlicher and Dietrich. Frond compressed, alternately decompound pinnate, distichously pinnate (in Australian forms), composed of three strata surrounding a central axial articulated syphon; the medullary of longitudinal, densely interwoven fila- ments; the intermediate layer of roundish cells; the cortical of minute, coloured, vertically seriate cellules. Cystocarps pedicellate, between the teeth, round- or kidney-shaped, the upper part thickened, with a pore or slit. Nemathecia (packets of tetrasporangia) round- or egg-shaped, con- taining numerous cavities excavated under the surface-coating and bearing on their walls attached, linear or clavate, zonately divided tetrasporangia, not unlike the strings of spores of a coralline. With the spores are parenemata. A. — The aculei or teeth have a broad wing which margins the midrib of the rachis, the length of the teeth being about equal to the width of the rachis. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 179 Phacelo carpus complanatus Harvey. Frond with an immersed midrib and broadly subulate, flat, slightly incurved, alternately placed .teeth, the length of the teeth equalling the width of the rachis. Cystocarps and nemathecia rounded, ’sessile below the apex of the tooth. Substance tough. Colour dark-purplish. Height 15 cm. to 30 cm. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 47 . — Phacelocarpus complanatus: a, branch; b, apex of branch; c, two fertile lacinulae, bearing nemathecia; d, tetraspores; e, cross-section of stem. (After Harvey.) Phacelocarpus alatus Harvey. Frond distichously pectino-pinnate, a narrow wing margining the broad midrib, the length of the acuminate teeth about equalling the width of the rachis. Warted cystocarps and rounded nematheia terminal on a tooth transformed into a pedicel. Thirty cm. high. Colour deep-red. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria. B.— The teeth with a very narrow wing margining the midrib, the length of the teeth greater than the width of the rachis. 180 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 48 . — Phacelocarpus alatus. Fig. 49 . — Phacelocarpus Labillardieri : a, branch of plant; b, portion of branch in fruit; c, cross-section of stem; d, small fragment of periphery of same; e, longitudinal section through a receptacle, showing many tetraspore cavities; f, tetraspores and paranemata from the same. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 181 Phaceloca? pus Labillardieri (Mertens) J. Agardh. Frond irregularly, alternately compound, pinnate much branched, 20 cm. to 90 cm. high, 2 mm. to 3 mm. in diameter. Teeth subulate, twice as long as the breadth of the rachis. Cystocarps reniform, transversely below the apex of a tooth. Nemathecia clavate, pedicellate. Colour deep-red. The commonest species. Ail round temperate Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Collected in South Australia from Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. Phacelo carpus sessilis Harvey. Almost no margining wing. Length of teeth exceeding width of rachis. Nemathecia clavate-globose, with very short pedicel. Cystocarps not seen. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Victoria, Subfamily Stenocladieae Schmitz. STENOCLADIA J. Agardh. Frond compressed and distichously pinnate or terete and vaguely branched. A central axial syphon, articulated, each joint sending out four lateral branches; a medullary stratum of elongated articulated threads densely interwoven; an intermediate, sometimes wanting, of oblong cells loosely disposed ; a cortical of smaller, vertically seriate coloured cells. Cystocarps external, spherical, sessile on the sides of the branches, within a cellular pericarp, opening by a carpostomium. Tetrasporangia in pod- like swollen branches, cruciately divided. Stenocladia fur cat a (Harvey) J. Agardh. Frond terete, decompound dichotomous, fastigiate, the divisions with rounded axils and acute apices. Height 10 cm. to 15 cm. or more, 1 mm. to 2 mm. diameter. Substance firmly cartilaginous. Colour dark-red. South Australia and Victoria. Stenocladia Harvey ana J. Agardh. Frond compressed above, inconspicuously midribbed, pinnately decom- pound. Height 10 cm. to 15 cm. Diameter 2 mm. Firmly cartilaginous. Dark-red. Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria. Stenocladia ramidosa J. Agardh. = Areschougia dumosa Harvey. Frond dendroid, bushy. Branches slender, dichotomo-multifid. Height 5 cm. to 8 cm., diameter of stem 1 mm. Substance rigid and wiry. Colour very dark red-brown, going black on drying. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Victoria. 18 2 THE SEAWEEDS NIZYMENIA Sonder. Frond horny -membranous, fiat, linear or strap-shaped, decompound, branches distichous, above more regularly, oppositely pinnate, composed of three strata, the medullary of densely woven, anastomosing filaments, the intermediate of roundish-angular cells, the cortical of minute coloured cells. No central tube. Cystocarps sessile, thick-walled, wrinkled, containing minute sub-seriated spores, radiating from a central, basal fibro-cellular placenta. Tetrasporangia not known. Nizymenia australis Sonder. Fronds 15 cm. to 30 cm. high, 3 mm. to 6 mm. wide. Main branches much constricted at the insertion. Segments obtuse. Colour blood-red. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 50 . — Nizymenia australis: a, plant; b, part of small branch, with conceptacles ; c, transverse section of the frond; d, vertical section of a conceptacle. (After Harvey.) J OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 183 Subfamily Melanthaleae J. Agardh. MELANTHALIA Montague. Frond linear, piano-compressed, dichotomous and fastigiate, solid, coriaceous, densely cellular, of two strata, the medullary of elongate angular colourless cells, the outer ones shorter ; the cortical of very minute, coloured, vertically seriated cellules. Cvstocarps marginal, hemispherical, thick- walled, bearing, on a basal placenta, densely tufted moniliform spore- threads, at length separating into minute spores. Tetrasporangia evolved in thickened, sub-club-shaped apices of brandies (nemathecia) , cruciately ( ?) divided. Melanihalia obiusata (Labillardiere) J. Agardh. Frond elongate, 10 cm. to 60 cm. long, repeatedly dichotomous and flabel- liform ; segments 2 mm. to 4 mm. wide, linear, two-edged, bluntly truncate. Substance very tough, leathery. Colour brownish-purple, tending to black. Growing on rocks a little below low water. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 51 . — Melanthalia obtusata: a, plant; b, branch of var. intermedia ; c, horizontal section of a conceptacle and portion of the branch; d, some spore-threads from the nucleus. (After Harvey.) 184 THE SEAWEEDS Melanthalm concinna (R. Brown) J. Agardh. Frond filiform, little compressed; height 10 cm., width 1 mm. Colour reddish. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays) and Victoria. Fig. 52 .— Melanthalia concinna. CURDIEA Harvey. Frond flat, coriaceous-cartilaginous, with broad and narrow laciniae, com- posed of two strata, the medullary of roundish-angular cells, the cortical of very minute, sub-vertieally seriated coloured cellules. Cystocarps marginal, globose, sessile, containing, within a very thick pericarp, minute spores arranged in spore-threads issuing from a large fleshy placenta. Tetra- sporangia in superficial intramarginal warts (nemathecia), cruciately divided. Curdiea laciniata , Harvey. Frond 30 cm. to 60 cm. high, thick, fleshy-coriaceous, divided very irregu- larly into broad and narrow ribbon-like laciniae; from cm. to 2| cm. in width, parallel or palmatifid; the apices blunt or jagged. Cystocarps con spicuous, about 1 mm. across. Colour red or liver-coloured. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), and Victoria, common; rare in Tasmania. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 185 tig. 53 . — Curdiea laciniata : ( Left ) with marginal cystccarps. Fig. 54 . — Curdiea laciniata: a, portion of a frond, with marginal coccidia; b, a fragment, with nema- thecia; c, section of the frond and of a nemathecium; d, a tetraspore and paranemata; e, section of a coccidium. (After Harvey.) 186 THE SEAWEEDS Curdiea Engelhardtii J. Agardh. Frond a foot or more high, decompound pinnate, emitting branches, large and small distichously from the margin ; rachides and pinnae contracted at the base, then flat and linear, coriaceous, prone to divide at the apex. Up to 3 cm. in greatest width. Cystocarps on the flat surface, of the Curdiea structure. South Australia (Lacepede Bay). Subfamily Gracilarieae (Naegeli) J. Agardh. 1. Frond terete or flat. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided Gracilaria Greville. 2. Frond flat, Tetrasporangia zonately divided .... Tylotus J. Agardh. GRACILARIA Greville. Frond filiform, cartilaginous, irregularly branched, composed of two strata ; the medullary of large, rounded cells, smaller outwards, usually con- taining granules; the cortical of minute cellules, vertically seriate, or in a single row. Cystocarps hemispherical or conical, sessile on the branches, containing within a thick pericarp obovate spores arranged in spore-threads issuing from a basal placenta. Tetrasporangia, not in nemathecia, scattered among the surface cellules of the branches and ramuli. A. — The inner medullary cells conspicuously greater than those next out- side to them. Cortical cells sub-monochromatic. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 187 Gracilaria lichenoides (L.) Harvey. Fronds from a radical plexus, caespitose, ascending, rather stiff, terete, vaguely profusely branching, branches elongate, gradually attenuate ; ramuli acuminate, often divaricately forked. Cystocarps densely aggregated on a ramulus. Height 15 cm. to 25 cm. Colour purplish. Australia, Ceylon, Java. Fig. 55 . — Gracilaria lichenoides. 188 THE SEAWEEDS Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Greville. Fronds elongate, like fine twine, flabelliform ; branches elongate, sub- undivided. Cystocarps numerous on the branches, hemispherical. Tetra- sporangia numerous in a thickened filiform branch. Height to one meter. Colour purplish. Widely distributed in the Atlantic, West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, the Philippines, and in Australia and Tasmania. In South Australia, collected from Encounter Bay. B. — The inner medullary cells fairly large, decreasing in size gradually outwards. The cortical cellules disposed in several series. Fig. 56 . — Gracilaria confervoides : a, habit of a plant; b and c, transverse and longitudinal sections of thallus; d, section through cystocarp; e, sporangia. (After Taylor and Tilden.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 189 Gracilaria Harvey ana J. Agardh. Fronds 30 cm. long or more, about 2 mm. thick. Substance solid, fleshy- cartilaginous. Cystocarps minute, scattered over ' the branches. Colour intensely purple. Western Australia and South Australia (Holdfast Bay, Eastern Bays). TYLOTUS J. Agardh. Frond flat, membranaceous-leathery, di-trichotomous, of two strata, the medullary of rounded-angular cells, externally smaller, the cortical of minute cellules joined in vertical threads. Cystocarps sessile, emerging from the face of the frond, in a very thick pericarp, containing minute spores arranged in spore-threads issuing from a large fleshy central placenta. Tetrasp 9 rangia in oblong nemathecia on the middle of a segment, with zonately divided sporangia and parenemata. Tylotus obtusatus (Sonder) J. Agardh. Frond brownish-red, membranaceo-coriaceous, irregularly dichotomous, multipartite; axils and apices rounded. Cystocarps scattered over the disc. Tetrasporangia in oval nemathecia, prominent on both surfaces of the frond, seriated along the larger segments. Height 10 cm. to 15 cm. Western' Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. 190 THE SEAWEEDS Subfamily Hypneae (J. Agardh) Harvey. HYPNEA Lamouroux. Frond terete, irregularly much branched, composed of three strata, the medullary of a few slender longitudinal filaments; the intermediate of oblong, angular, hyaline cells ; the cortical of one or more layers of minute coloured cellules. Cystocarps hemispherical, containing within a thickish pericarp several clusters of pedicellate spores, affixed to slender anastomosing filaments. Tetrasporangia lodged in swollen branches, zonately divided. A. — The older ramuli constricted at the base. Hypnea musciformis (Wulf) Lamouroux. Caespitose, virgately branched, branches filiform, thickened often below the apex and circinately incurved, the ramuli patent divaricate, attenuated at both extremities. To 15 cm. or more high. In Australia the commoner form, var. Esperi, is sub-cartilaginous and coral-red. Widely distributed Mediterranean, West Indies. Western Australia and South Australia (Eastern Bays). Fig. 57 . — Hypnea musciformis: Habit of plant, showing hooked branch tips. (After Taylor.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 191 Hypnea episcopalis Hooker and Harvey. Holdfast branching, frond terete, elongate, much branched, branches attenuate, subsimple, densely set with small secondary branches, and erect subulate ramuli; stem and main branches bearing several long tendril-like branchlets, naked above and thickened and hooked at the extremities. Fig. 58 . — Hypnea episcopalis : a, plant; b, a ramulus, bearing a conceptacle; c, vertical section of a conceptacle; d, a spore cluster from the same; e, ramuli, with swell- ings in which tetraspores are imbedded; f, cross-section of the swelling; g, tetra- spore and surrounding cells from the same. (After Harvey.) Cystocarps small, sessile on the upper face of fusiform, simple, patent ramuli. Tetrasporangia in pod-like, pedicellate and mucronate, thickened ramuli. Height 15 cm. to 40 cm. or more, 1 mm. to 2 mm. thick. Substance soft though cartilaginous. Colour deep-red, becoming scarlet in fresh water. The whole South Coast of Australia, Tasmania. Collected in South Aus- tralia from Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. . B. — Ramuli wider at the base, acuminate. 192 THE SEAWEEDS Hypnea seticulosa J. Agardh. Frond intricate-bushy, branches not much projecting from the bunch, through their whole length bearing spinules, each with a broader base nar- rowed above into a sharp bristle. Height about 15 cm., below about 2 mm. thick. Substance sub-corneous (the whole plant rather like a sponge V Colour dull-red. The South Coast of Australia, Tasmania, J apan. Collected in South Aus- tralia from Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. Hypnea hamulosa (Turn.) Montagne. Apparently very like H. seticulosa, but smaller, 5 cm. to 8 cm. tall and with more marked spines. Cape of Good Hope, Red Sea, South Australia (Investigator Strait). GLOIODERMA J. Agardh. = Horea Harvey. Frond elastic gelatinous, composed of three strata of cells, the central of rounded-oblong cells loosely conjoined, the intermediate of smaller cells or anastomosing threads, the cortical of vertical moniliform threads included in mucus. Cystocarps on papillae, with an angulate-horned pericarp. Tetrasporangia immersed in the cortical stratum, scattered, cruciately divided. The genus is confined to Australia, Tasmania ; three of the five species are already known from South Australia. A. — Cystocarps scattered over face and along margins of the frond. Gloioderma australis J. Agardh. To 15 cm. high, 4 mm. to 8 mm. wide. Named Horea polycarpa by Harvey from the numerous cystocarps scattered over the frond. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. B. — Cystocarps marginal or sub-marginal. a. Frond filiform, less compressed, narrow, 2 mm. to 3.5 mm. wide. Gloioderma fruiticulosum (Harv.) De Toni. Victoria and Tasmania. b. Frond compressed, flat, broader. Gloioderma Wilsonis (J. Ag.) De Toni. Fronds erect, segments straight, almost fastigiate, to 14 mm. wide. Victoria and Tasmania. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 193 Fig. 59 . — Gloioderma fruticulosum: a, conceptacle bearing plant; b, ramulus, with con- cep tacles; c, vertical section of a conceptacle; d, tetraspore bearing plant; e, cross-section of a ramulus, with tetraspores in situ. (After Harvey.) Fig. 60 . — Gloioderma Wilsonis. 194 THE SEAWEEDS Gloioderma halymenioides (Harvey) De Toni. Frond dichotomous, the segments decompound, pin- nate, pinnules and pinnae slender, divaricate, sometimes inosculating, To 8 mm. wide. Western Australia and South Australia (Investigator Strait). Fig. 61 . — Gloioderma halymenioides : a, plant; b, part of a fertile frond; c, section through a pericarp and portion of the frond. (After Harvey.) Gloioderma tasmanica Zan. (= Horea speciosa Harvey.) Frond flat, distichously pinnate, apices of the lower pinnules often hooked. To 6 mm. wide. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 195 The colour of this species is often bright-red. It grows in water five or more fathoms deep, and is best secured by dredging. Fig. 62 . — Gloioderma tasmanica. ^/y/ZL Y R HOZD Y/T7 ZZ /V //? C/Y/E Subfamily Rhodymenieae (J. Agardh) Schmitz. Frond terete or flat, erect. Cellular or filamentose-cellular structure. Cavity of the cystocarp containing only the residue of a restricted plexus. Gonimoblast lobes closely confluent. Placenta often minute. CONSPECTUS OF THE GENERA. A. — Frond solid. a. Tetrasporangia triangularly divided Ilymenocladia J. Agardh. b. Tetrasporangia zonatelv divided Stictosporum (Harv.) Schmitz. c. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided, frond flattened. 1. Cystocarps scattered over the surface of the frond. Structure cellular Rhodymenia. Greville. 2. Cystocarps evolved in leaves prolificating from the surface of the frond Epymenia Kutzing. 3. Cystocarps scattered over the surface of the frond. Structure cellular-filamentous . . Sebdenia Berth. 196 THE SEAWEEDS B. — Frond hollowed or tubular. a. Tetrasporangia cruciately divided. 1. Frond sac-like Gloiosaccion Harvey. 2. Frond cylindrical hollow, with similar lateral prolifications Bindera Harvey. b. Tetrasporangia triangularly divided. 1. Frond tubular, divided by transverse parti- tions ; pericarp osteolate Champia Desvaux. 2. Frond tubular, constricted at nodes, peri- carp without an osteole Chylocladia Greville. 3. Frond consisting of enlarged rounded hollow inflations connected necklace-wise by narrow solid isthmuses Erythrocolon J. Agardh. HYMENOCLADIA J. Agardh. Frond gelatinous-membranaceous, flattened, clistichously subdichotomous or pinnately divided, composed of cells in two strata, the inner or medullary of large rounded-oblong cells mingled loosely with smaller cells, the outer or cortical of extremely minute coloured cells arranged in moniliform threads at right angles to the surface. Cystocarps scattered over the frond, hemispherical, with a thick pericarp, and basal placenta and many small carpospores. Tetrasporangia rather large, triangularly divided (into tetrads). A genus mostly Australian with one other species each in New Zealand and South Africa. There are 10 Australian species. Of these five have already been recorded from South Australia. Section A. Species with terete or narrow compressed frond, dichotomous or with sub- pinnate branching from the margin. Cystocarps marginal. a. Main axis flattened, 5 mm. to 6 mm. wide. 1. Lax, dichotomous, with wide angles and incurved branches, ultimate branches often secund II. dactyloides . Sond. South Australia (Fowler Bay). 2. Branches distichous, pinnate, closely placed, very patent, long (to 25 cm.), tapering with acute apices II. gracilarioides J. Ag. b. Main axis mostly terete, 1 mm. wide. 1. Branches patent, filiform, distantly dichoto- mous, ramuli divaricate and flexuose II. filiformis Champion Bay, Eucla. J. Ag. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 197 Kylin after a study of the type specimens of both, concludes that H. subulosa J. Ag. is not separable from H. filiformis. 2. Very decompound, sub-corymbose, pinnate below, dichotomous above, terete but not fili- form; the ultimate ramuli secund, acuminate, like deer horns H. ceratoclada South Australia (Encounter Bay), Victoria. - Section B. Frond compressed flat, pinnately decompound. Cystocarps scattered over and projecting from the plane face of the frond. 1. Frond dichotomo-pinnate, rachis and branches broadly linear, narrowed at base. Rachis to 12 mm. but usually 6 mm. to 8 mm. Branches ligulate, closely pectinated with patent, simple or pinnulate ramuli ILusnea (R. Br.) J. Ag. Fig. 63. — Hymenocladia usnea: a, plant; b, section of a conceptacle; c, spores from the same; d, cross-section of a frond, with imbedded tetraspores; e, a tetraspore. (After Harvey.) 198 THE SEAWEEDS All round the South Australian coast (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Victoria. Both J. Agardh and De Toni consider H. ramalina (Harv.) J. Ag. as a reduced form of II. usnea. 2. Frond decompound-pinnate, rachis flexuose, narrowed at base and apex, in the middle to 4 mm. wide ; pinnae and pinnulae linear- lanceolate, patent; the ultimate ramuli minute, patent setaceous, close-set II. divaricata (R. Br.) Harv. South. Australia (St. Vincent Gulf, Investi- gator Strait, Eastern Bays). Section C. Frond broad, flat, dichotomous, or bearing segments from the margins. 1. Stipe short, very soon expanding into the base of the frond ; frond dull-red or purplish, very broad (to 60 cm. long and 5 cm. to 8 cm. wide), oblong or ovate, polymorphous, simple with a margin leaf-bearing or cleft into numerous lanceolate segments resembling the main frond in a smaller way ; discs smooth with scattered cystocarps H. polymorpha (Harv.) J. Ag. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania, in deeper water. Fig. 64 . — Hymenocladia polymorpha : Showing variations in form. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 199 2. Stipes short (1-J cm.) passing rather abruptly into the frond ; frond cartilaginous, dark blood-red, simple or sparingly dichotomous, 15 cm. to 20 cm. long to 3 cm. wide, pinnated from the margin ; pinnae variously cleft and fimbriate, sometimes multifid, oculeo-dentate or ciliate at the margin; discs sprinkled with spinous points or lobules and with cystocarps. When juvenile the frond consists of a simple stalked, smooth circular disc II. conspersa (Harv.) J. Ag. Western Australia and Victoria, hence probably to be found in South Australia. In both species the cross-section shows unmingled large cells in the medullary stratum. Hence Harvey attributed them to Rhodymenia and Calliblepharis respectively. ^ STICTOSPORUM Harvey. A genus resembling Rhodophyllis in facies and the presence of zonate tetraspores, but differing in the structure of the frond. Inner and cortical cells are of the same moderate size, the cortical coloured, monostromatic, and the medullary sparingly mingled with longitudinal threads. The cystocarps have not been seen. Tetrasporangia are large, more or less immersed in the cortical stratum, scattered and visible on the surface under a low power lens. Stictosporum nitophylloides Han. Fronds 15 cm. to 20 cm. high, and as much in the spread, from the base divided into many irregularly dichotomous or multifid spreading lacmeae, all the axils wide and rounded. Laciniae from \ cm. to 1-J cm. broad, nearly linear throughout, with toothed margins and blunt apices. The substance is not gelatinous, and the plants do not adhere to the mounting paper. Colour rosy-red when fresh. Western Australia and South Australia (Eastern Bays). The genus should probably be placed under the family Rhodophyllidaceae rather than under Rhodymeniaceae, but its position cannot be determined until the cystocarps have been found. RHODYMENIA Greville. Frond flat, membranaceous, dichotomous or palmate, composed of two strata of cells, the interior of large, uncoloured oblong cells in a few layers, the cortical of minute-coloured cells radiating vertically. Cystocarps scattered over the frond, with a hemispherical pericarp. Tetrasporangia evolved among the superficial cells, rounded, cruciately divided. Colour red. Substance firm, chartaceous. 200 THE SEAWEEDS A world- wide genus with six or seven Australian representatives, which rarely produce cystocarps. Frankly, I find it impossible to distinguish categorically our so-called species. Rhodymenias are common with us, in all the States of the Com- monwealth, but they are rarely found fruiting. European phycologists apparently have had similar difficulties. In his monograph “Die Flori- denordnung Rhodymeniales, ” 1931, Kylin has given great help by produc- ing photographic figures of the original types of leptophylla, linearis , Fig. 65 . — Rhodymenia australis : a, plant; b, apices, bearing cystocarps; c, vertical section of a cystocarp; d, apices, bearing nema- thecia; e, cross-section of lamina and nemathecium; f, a tetraspore; g, longi- tudinal section of lamina. (After Harvey.) foliifera , and stenoglossa , as also of Bory ’s corallina. Harvey identified one of our forms (or perhaps more) as R. corallina of Chile and Peru and Magellan *s Straits, but his identification is reprobated by later writers. The following rough grouping of our species may be of some use in guid- ing collectors. Fruiting forms, sexual and non-sexual, are needed in quantity before an exact taxonomy can be proposed. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 201 A. — Frond from the base broad, 3 mm. to 4 mm., and palmately spread- ing in repeated dichotomies, apices rounded, blunt. Ten cm. to 15 cm. in height and spread. R. foliifera Harv. and R. australis (Sond.) Harvey. I cannot dis- distinguish them. B. — Frond from the base narrow, 1 mm. to 2 mm., flabellate in dichoto- mies. Apices less blunt. Six cm. to 10 cm. long. R. leptophylla J. Ag. and R. linearis J. Ag. Kylin is at a loss to nar- narowly characterize the latter. C. — Frond with a narrow cuneate-linear stipe, dichotomo-fastigiate, proli- ficating again and again from truncated apices. Ten cm. to 15 cm. long. R. prolificans Zan. “Perhaps only a variety of R. australis” De Toni. Very many stems, erect, at base filiform, soon canaliculately flat, passing into a very narrow, 1.5 mm. frond. Older plants beset with strap-shaped marginal processes. About 15 cm. long. SEBDENIA Berthold. Frond compressed flat, sometimes laxly tubulose, forked or irregularly Jaciniate or lobed, rather thick and rigid. Interior stratum of more or less loosely packed branching articulate fibres; surrounded by a context of several series of cells. Cystocarps scattered, small and but little project- ing above the surface of the frond. Tetrasporangia nidulating among the cells of the cortex, cruciately divided. Sebdenia holly menioides (Harv.) De Toni. Frond broadly expanded above a stipe, thinly membranaceous, flat, pro- foundly incised, the thicker margin beset with minute glands. GLOIOSACCION Harvey. Frond bag-like, filled with transparent gelatine, rising from a short cylindrical stipe which is attached by a small conical disc. Composed of three strata; the inner of very large gelatinous cells soon ruptured to leave a cavity ; the intermediate of roundish-angular coloured cells ; the cortical of minute cells set in vertical filaments. Cystocarps immersed in the inter- mediate stratum and composed of numerous confluent nucleoli. NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF YIGIORIA 202 THE SEAWEEDS Gloiosaccion Brownii Harvey. The only species, 6 cm. to 30 cm. high, 2 cm. to 5 cm. in diameter, fusi- form or sausage-shaped, the adult bags filled with a transparent jelly. Colour from rose-red to livid-purple. Western and South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania. Removed to Chrysymenia by De Toni but restored by Kylin. Fig. 66 . — Gloiosaccion Brownii z a, plants; b, section of membrane to show cellular structure; c, section through a favellidium. (After Harvey.) CHRYSYMENIA J. Agardh. Frond sub-terete or piano-compressed (or with a solid branching stem), branched ; the tube empty or with percurrent filaments ; peripheric stratum composed internally of large, roundish-angular, inflated cells, externally of minute, coloured vertically seriated cellules. Conceptacles half-immersed in the frond, hemispherical or conical, containing a simple nucleus (favella) fixed to a basal placenta, surrounded by anastomosing filaments, and con- sisting of very numerous, densely packed, minute spores, enclosed in a mem- brane. Tetraspores cruciate, scattered among the superficial cells of the periphery. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 203 Chrysymenia obovata Sonder. Frond filiform, solid, irregularly dichotomous; the branches set with obovate, crowded, bag-like, horny-membranous ramuli ; conceptacles hemispherical. Very common on the western and southern shores of Australia. Collected in South Australia from Holdfast Bay, Encounter Bay. Fig. 67. — Chrysymenia obovata : a, plant; b, one of the ramuli, bearing conceptacles; c, section of a conceptacle, with part of the periphery of the ramulus; d, spores. (After Harvey.) BIND ERA Harvey. Frond cylindrical saccate, branching with similar prolifications, the external membrane consisting of three strata, the inner of large oblong cells, the intermediate of smaller angular cells, the outer of strings of minute moniliform cells at right angles to the surface of the frond. Cystocarps sub-immersed. Tetrasporangia immersed in the cortical stratum, cruciately divided. Confined to Australia, Tasmania. D 204 THE SEAWEEDS Bindera splachnoides Harvey. Frond cylindrical, bag-shaped, hollow, with similar decompound branches. Holdfast a small disc. Frond 7 cm. to 15 cm. high, filled with a gelatinous substance. Tetrasporangia collected in sori, immersed, cruciately divided. Colour rosy, but fading to pale-brown. According to Kylin Halymenia saccata is identical with B. splachnoides. In deeper water from Western Australia to Port Phillip Heads and Northern Tasmania. Collected in South Australia from Sturt Bay. Fig. 68 . — Bindera splachnoides : a, plant; b, a branch, containing sori; c, section through the membrane of same, showing tetraspores in situ; d, a tetraspore; e, a branch, with conceptacles ; f, a section through a conceptacle. (After Harvey.) Bindera kaliformis J. Agardh. Frond decompound pinnate with branches articulately constricted below, the constrictions emitting similar branches in superposed verticils, apices obtuse. Joints of main branches 2.5 cm. to 3 cm. long. Tetrasporangia cruciate in sori on the upper surface of the thallus. South Australia (Waterloo Bay). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 205 BINDERELLA Schmitz. Harvey confused two plants in describing and figuring Bindera splacfa noides. The second plant served Schmitz for the establishment of a new genus, which he named Binder ella. It differs from Bindera in structure; within is a medullary fascicle of longitudinal threads ; outside this are large cells as in Bindera ; outside these again smaller cells occur in the angles between the large cells. Hence a surface view under the microscope shows the large cells surrounded by a ring of small cells, giving the rosulate appear- ance of a similar view, characteristic of RhodophyUis. The cystocarps are prominent, scattered on both faces of the frond. Tetrasporangia have not been observed. The position of Binderella cannot be certain until the tetra- spores are found. Schmitz placed it among Gelidiaceae. The plant has had a curious fate. Harvey confounded it with Bindera. J. Agardh described it twice, first as Amphiplexia hymenocladioides from plants collected by Wilson at Port Phillip Heads, and secondly as Champia circumcincta from plants collected by Miss Hussey from Port Elliot. The genus contains only the one species, Binderella neglect a Schmitz. Erect fronds cylindrical or somewhat compressed gelatinous, oppositely pinnate, tubulose, the tube divided by cross-cellular dissepiments, the septa sometimes connected sparingly by threads running through the contents of the tube from one to another. The tube is enclosed by a peripheric stratum of rounded-angular cells, the inner ones larger. Cystocarps ovate on the branches. Tetrasporangia evolved in infra-cortical cells, aggregated, large, spherical, triangularly divided. A genus of wide distribution with six Aus- tralian species, of which four have been found in South Australia. A. — Fronds cylindrical, scarcely compressed. 1. Dwarf, 3 cm. to 7 cm. long, much less than 1 mm. wide, in globose bushes, the branches Fig. 69 . — Binderella neglecta : Section through a cystocarp. CHAMPIA Desvaux. 206 THE SEAWEEDS densely intricate so that they can scarcely be separated without tearing. The younger branches show the constrictions and dia- phragms, in the older these are obscured. Colour purple C. parvula (A g.) J. Agardh. South Australia (Eastern Bays). Fig. 70 .— Champia parvula : a, sturdy form of the cysto- carpic plant, showing habit of part of one main branch; b, habit of small portion of a more slender form; c, surface view of portion of a tetrasporangial branch, with several subcortical tetrasporangia and two branch rudiments. (After Taylor.) 2. Frond 15 cm. to 30 cm. long, 1 mm. to 2 mm. diameter, paniculately branching; branches opposite, alternate or whorled. Constrictions and diaphragms conspicuous. Terminal branches often hooked. Colour flesh-purple . C. affinis (II. & H.) J. Agardh. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). 3. Frond like that of affinis but the constrictions and diaphragms completely masked. Pro- bably only a form of affiinis C. obsoleta Harvey. South Australia (Eastern Bays). B. — Fronds obviously compressed. 1. Dwarf , 2 cm. to 5 cm. high, 3 mm. to 4 mm. wide, almost flat, growing in small clumps, mostly bi-pinnate in branching, the branches tapering at both ends. Dissepiments prominent. Colour a reddish-purple, the plants showing a blue fluorescence when grow- ing. A shallow water form C. compressa. Harvey. South Africa, New Caledonia, Ceylon, Australia (?). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 207 2. Frond medium, 7 cm. to 12 cm. long, 1 mm. to 2 mm. diameter, somewhat compressed, verticillate branching, but not strongly. The ultimate segments of axis and branches pro- jecting without ramuli. Colour dark-purple C. tasmanica Harvey. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Port Noarlunga, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). 3. Frond large, 18 cm. long, to 5 mm. diameter, compressed, bi-tri-pinnate, the main rachis conspicuously persistent. Primary branches alternate, 5 mm. to 6 mm. distant, dis- tichously spread. Dissepiments conspicuous. Colour a bright-purple. Substance gelatinous succose C. insignis Lucas. So far, only met with in the estuary of the Derwent, Tasmania. Fronds cylindrical or slightly compressed, vaguely branching, with a narrow tubular canal in the interior, gelatinous-membranaceous. Com- posed of two strata of cells, the interior of jointed threads which traverse the tube, the peripheric of rounded-angular cells in several series, the outer smaller, rounded and coloured. Cystocarps within an external pericarp, nucleus simple oblong, girt by a labyrinth of fine reticulating and anastomosing threads. Tetrasporangia aggregated in dilated branches, large, spherical, triangularly divided. Fig. 72 . — Champia tasmanica. CHYLOCLADIA Greville. 208 THE SEAWEEDS Chylocladia fruticuloso (Reinbold) De Toni. A dwarf plant less than an inch high, epiphytic on Cymodocea. Fronds caespitose, terete, densely branched laterally. Cystoearps large, sub- globose. Tetrasporangia in somewhat dilated ramuli. South Australia (Investigator Strait). ERYTHROCOLON J. Agardh. Frond constricted into large joints separated by narrow isthmuses, branches di-trichotomous or verticillate. Interior cells very large, rounded- cubical disposed parallel to the face of the frond, at length gelatinous and gradually dissolved in the inflated or hollow frond ; exterior cells much smaller, crowded, coloured. Cystoearps scattered over the internodes, small, prominent, containing within the large hollow pericarp a small simple basal nucleus. Tetrasporangia not seen in Australian species. Erythrocolon Muelleri (Sond.) De Toni. A short, solid, cartilaginous stipe breaking up into numerous trichotomous branches 10 cm. to 15 cm. high. Branches fastigiate, pretty regularly trichotomous, constricted into joint-like oblong internodes, 6 mm. to 20 mm. long, separated by short, narrow, solid nodes. The terminal internodes ovate, the basal long and pyriform. Colour a dull purplish-red. Western Australia, South Australia (LeFevre Peninsula, Investigator Strait and Robe) ; New South Wales (Botany Bay). Fig. 73 . — Erythrocolon Muelleri : Some branches with minute cystoearps. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 209 Subfamily Plocamieae (Reichb.) Kutzing. The characters are those of the single genus Plocamium. PLOCAMIUM Lamouroux. Fronds erect, narrowly linear, more or less compressed, the rami and ramuli spreading distichously in one plane. Membranaceous, not gelatinous or mucous* The interior cells longitudinal, oblong, the cortical cells roundish-angular, filled with red endochrome. The primary branching alternate with wide angles. The rachides of rami and ramuli are fringed with characteristic series of ramelli arranged alternately on each margin of the rachis. The ramelli are in pairs or there may be three, four or more in a secund or pectinate series, the lowest simple, the rest pinnulate and more or less decompound. Cystocarps and tetrasporangia on different indi- viduals. Cystocarps single, sessile on the margin of the pinnule, or aggregated in the axils, with a thick pericarp, the spores carried on thin paniculately branching threads without evident placenta. Tetrasporangia zonately divided in two longitudinal series in the sporophylls, modified ramelli; the sporophylls borne on the ramuli, then stellately or pinnately branched, or aggregated in the axils and then simple linear, arcuate. Antheridia evolved in superficial sori, of minute hyaline cells. Colour red of various shades. From the elegance of their fronds and the richness of their colour the plants of Plocamium are strikingly attractive. A genus occurring in the temperate seas of both hemispheres, but having its headquarters in the Southern Ocean, the Cape of Good Hope, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. P. coccineum the favourite of British collectors, closely allied to our P. leptopkyllum if not identical with it, has been gathered at Cape Horn and by the Mawson Expedition in Common- wealth Bay of the Antarctic Continent. Of the 30 species described 11 are Australian. All have been gathered in South Australia except P. patagiatum, so far recorded from Tasmania only. They grow on the rocks in fairly deep water near the land. 210 THE SEAWEEDS The genus may be divided into three groups. A. — Alternating series of three or more pinnellae. Cystocarps sessile on the margins of the famuli, solitary. 1. Sporophylls marginal, branched. Laciniae entire. Rami-slender, 1 mm. diameter P. leptophyllum Kiitzing. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). Fig. 74. — Plocamium leptophyllum: a and h, plants (i>, enlarged); c, cystocarps; d, tetrasporangia. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 211 2. Sporophylls axillary, clustered, simple, arcuate. Laciniae serrate. Rami broader, to 3 mm. diameter P. Preissianum Sonder. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays). Fig. 75. — Plocamium Preissianum: a, plant; b, part of a pinna, with conceptacles ; c, vertical section through a conceptacle and branch; d, part of a pinna with axillary stichidia; e, three of the stichidia removed; f, a tetraspore. (After Harvey.) (P. homatum J. A g. is like P. leptophyllurn, but is of a brighter red, and the lowest of the alternating pinnellae is recurved in a prominent hook. It grows on Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands and on the coast of Queensland 50 miles north of Brisbane.) B.— Alternating series of pinnellae in pairs. Cystocarps sessile on the margin of the ramuli. 1. Sporophylls in the axils, bushy, branched. Laciniae mostly entire. Rami slender, 1 mm. ; not ribbed p angustum (J. Ag.) Hooker and Harvey. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investi- gator Strait, Eastern Bays). 212. THE SEAWEEDS 2. Sporophylls in axillary tufts, branched. Laciniae serrate. Rami broad, 3 mm., costate p. costatum . (J. Ag.) Hooker and Harvey. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investi- gator Strait, Eastern Bays). Fig. 77 . — Plocamium costatum: a, plant; b, branch with clusters of cystocarps. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 213 3. Sporophylls flabellately radiating, subseriate on the minor pinnules, simple, lanceolate, pedi- cellate. Laciniae entire. Rami very slender; 5 mm., ecostate P. gracile J. Agardh. Tasmania. Fig. 78 . — Plocamium gracile. C. — Alternating series of pairs of pinellae. Cystocarps at length fasciculate in the axils, singly pedicellate. 1. Sporophylls fasciculate in the axils, simple, pod-like. Laciniae bushy, inferior short, dichotomously decompound, much like the superior but serrate. Rami narrower, 1 mm to 2 mm P. mdificum (ITarv.) J. Agardh. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investi- gator Strait, Eastern Bays). 214 THE SEAWEEDS 2, 3. Sporophylls clustered, simple, pod-like. Rami broader, 2 mm. to 3 mm., ecostate. (2) Laciniae entire P. procerum (J. A g.) Harvey. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays, Great Australian Bight). Fig. 79 . — Plocamium procerum: a and b, plants (a, enlarged) ; C'j portion of thallus with conceptacles; d, section of a conceptacle; e, spore strings; f , fragment of the thallus showing stichidia; g, two of the stichidia; h, a tetraspore. (Atter Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 215 (3) Laciniae serrate P. Mertensii (Grev.) Harvey. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays). 4. Sporophylls clustered in a dense glomerulus, single with simple branches, pedicellate. Laciniae entire, subulate. Rami broad, sub- ecostate, 3 mm P. patagiatum J. Agardh. Tasmania. 5. Sporophylls simple, clavate oblong, pedicellate, clustered in the axils. Laciniae serrate. Rami broad, thickened medially or with a less developed midrib, 3 mm South Australia (Eastern Bays). Family DELESSERIACEAH (Naegeli) Schmitz. Fronds mostly flat, sometimes latticed, simple or variously lobed, costate or ecostate, parenchymatous. Procarps disposed in the mid-stratum of the thallus. Gonimoblast sessile in the thallus evolved in a cavity covered by a cortex adnate to the middle of a thickened placenta. Carpospores at the apices of fertile ramuli. Tetrasporangia often collected in sori. or borne on special leaflets, triangularly divided. “In this family are included per- haps the most beautiful of all algae. Rose-red in colour, leaf-like, some with midribs (and veins), some with a delicate or net-like structure, all are remarkable for their attractive form.” (Tilden.) P. dilatatum J. Agardh. 216 THE SEAWEEDS CONSPECTUS OF THE SUBFAMILIES. I. — Apical cell mostly indistinct. Cystocarps out- wardly prominent. Lobes of the gonimoblast closely coalescing Nitophylleae. II. — Apical cell conspicuous, transversely articulated at the apex of the vegetative frond. 1. Tetrasporangia evolved in both surfaces of the frond. Cystocarps mostly prominent on both faces Delesserieae. 2. Tetrasporangia in special stichidia or otherwise conspicuous. Cystocarps stout, sub-globose prominent Sarcomenieae. Subfamily Nitophylleae (Naegeli) Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF TIIE GENERA. A. — Frond broad, flabellate, leaf-like, proliferating from the margins, fenestrated B. — Frond flat, foliaceous, continuously mem- branaceous. 1. Cortical cells sub-hexagonal. Sori definite, scattered 2. Cortical cells arranged in twos or fours, like those of Porphyra. Sori showing minute scattered dots 3. Cortical cells sub-cubical. Frond thick and coarse. Sori in linear furrows within the margin MARTENSIA Tiering. Frond flat, simple or dichotomous, or divided into lobes from the base, segments rounded flabellate, the lower area of each areolate-cellular, con- tinuous, the upper forming a network of longitudinal and horizontal trabeculae. Some fronds prolificate from the margin, the new segments also with continuous lower area and trellised upper area. Cystocarps sessile on the walls of the trellis, solitary, scattered, globose; pyriform spores at the ends of threads radiating from a central placenta, within a cellular pericarp. Tetrasporangia sub-seriate in the walls of the trellis, triangularly divided. Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Friendly Islands, and Australia. Martensia denticulata Harvey. Repeatedly dichotomous, 5 cm. to 8 cm. high, the upper margin toothed or lobed. Colour when fresh a greenish-purple, irridescent; on exposure to the air or in fresh water becoming rosy or blood-red. South-West Australia. Martensia Hering. Nitophyllum Greville. Platyclinia J. Agardh. Pachyglossum J. Agardh. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 217 Fig. 81 . — Martensia denticulata: a, b, and c, different varieties; d, portion of the lamina, showing the toothed margin, and part of a network; e, small portions of a network, bearing tetraspores on the longitudinal bars; f, tetraspores in situ ; g, surface cells from the basal portion of the frond. (After Harvey.) 218 THE SEAWEEDS Martensia elegans Hering. Inconspicuously forked, flabellate. Margin not toothed. Colour when growing brown-fawn, on drying red. South Africa, Australia from Fremantle to Newcastle. I regard the large fragments thrown up at times and labelled M. australis and M. gigas by Harvey as being coarse “old man” forms of M. elegans. NITOPHYLLUM Greville. Fronds flat, expanded in one plane, or narrow, almost linear dichoto- mous or pinnate, more usually broader cuneate-flabelliform or palmatisect, sessile or stipitate. Fronds thinly or more firmly membranaceous, consist- ing of one or more strata of rounded or angular sub-hexagonal cells filled with colouring matter usually rose-coloured but sometimes of a duller red or purple, the surface cells giving to the frond, as seen from the surface by aid of the microscope, a beautifully areolated appearance. Cystocarps^and tetrasporangia borne on different individuals. Cystocarps sessile on the frond, depressed, with a wide basal placenta which bears clavate-ovate car- pospores within a radiate cellular pericarp through an opening in which (carpostomium) the spores escape. Nothing seems to be known of the antheridia. The tetrasporangia are rounded, divided tetrahedrally into four spores, and occur in definite groups (sori) which may be scattered over the surface or be local in their disposition. A world-spread genus, with about 24 Australian species. It has been divided up into small new genera by Kylin. KEY TO THE SUBGENERA. J. Agardh divided the genus into four subgenera, basing his classifica- tion on the development of the veins. 1. Leptostroma. — Monostromatic, veinless,. European. 2. Aglaophyllum. — Di-pleio-stromatic, veinless. 3. Cryptoneura . — Di-pleio-stromatic, veins present inconspicuous. 4. Polyneura. — Di-pleio-stromatic, veins well developed, conspicuous. Subgenus Aglaophyllum. Three species have been recorded from South Australia, N. Gunnianum. N. erosum , and N. prist oideum. A. — Frond shortly stipitate, thinly membranaceous, veinless, the margins densely undulate, pro- duced into oblong laciniae. Cystocarps chiefly on the laciniae. Colour rose-red N, crispum (Kuetz) J. Ag. B. — Frond dilated with broadly cuneate segments, the margin armed with small teeth bent alternately upwards and downwards, visible under a lens N. Gunnianum Harvey. XMyriogramme Gunniana (Harv.) Kylin). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 219 C. — Frond pinnately decompound, younger segments linear or oblong, flat, armed with a dentate, serrated or fimbriated margin, the lower por- tion of the frond with a thickened costal region forming a more or less apparent thickened midrib. 1. Very short stipe passing into the cuneate base of a broadly linear, dichotomo-multifid frond. Margin everywhere fringed with minute multi- fid processes N. erosum Harvey. (. Myriogramme erosa (Harv.) Kylin). 2. Frond with an elongated stipe 2 mm. to 4 mm. wide, decompound caulescent, the upper segments flabelliform- fastigiate, crenulate at the margin with minute, rather acute teeth N. prist oideum Harv. (. Myriogramme prist oidea (Harv.) Kylin). Fig. 83 . — Nitophyllum crispum. 220 THE SEAWEEDS Nit'ophyllum Gunnianum Harvey. Frond with a short stipe to 3 mm. long, broadly membranaceous, pro- foundly sub-palmato-laciniate, the laciniae broad, 2 cm. to 10 cm. wide, with narrow axils and blunt apices. Whole frond 15 cm. to 25 cm. long, 20 cm. to 30 cm. wide. In older plants the frond riddled with roundish holes. Cystocarps less than 1 mm. in diameter, dark-coloured and sprinkled over the frond. Sori of tetrasporangia very minute, dispersed over the frond. Colour sometimes rosy, sometimes dark-purple. The Southern States and Tasmania. Fig. 84. — Nitophyllum Gunnianum: a, plant; b, section through a cystocarp and the frond; c, strings of spores from the same; d, small portion of the surface and of the erose margin. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 221 Fig. 85 . — Nitophyllum erosum : a, plant; b, part of a lacinia, with a conceptacle; c, vertical section of a conceptacle; d, frusticle of frond, to show marginal fringe and sori; e, tetraspore. (After Harvey.) Nitophyllum erosum Harvey. Laciniae linear obtuse, 8 mm. to 10 mm. wide, with wide axils. Cysto- carps sparingly scattered over the frond, crowned with forked processes like those of the margin. Frond 2 cm. to 10 cm. long. Sori oblong or oval, i mm. long, thickly strewn over the surface of the frond. Colour a full deep-red. Western Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. 222 THE SEAWEEDS Nitophyllum pristoideum Harvey. Frond 10 cm. to 20 cm. high and 8 cm. to 15 cm. in lateral spread, exces- sively decompound, the greater and lesser branches of nearly uniform breadth about 4 mm. in diameter. Cystocarps most frequent near the ends of the segments. Sori crowded in the ultimate divisions of the frond. Colour a dull dark-red, browner on drying. Substance rather rigidly mem- branous. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays) and Victoria. Fig. 86 . — Nitophyllum pristoideum : a, plant; h, apex with cystocarps; c, section of a cystocarp; d, apex with sori of tetraspores; e, tetra- spore. (After Harvey.) Subgenus Cryptoneura. 1. Fronds elongate, to 15 cm. long, narrow, 2 mm. to 4.5 mm. wide, growing up amongst other algae and clinging to them here and there by a lobe transformed into a cirrhus, other lobes often OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 223 lateral and dilated, generating a solitary sorus within the margin. Colour rosy-red N. uncinatum (Turn.) J. Agardh. (Acrosoninm uncinatum (J. Ag.) Kylin). 2. Frond narrow, almost freely expanded, not cling- ing to other plants by hooks, more or less dilated above the middle, bearing above lobes more or less palmately decompound, ultimate rounded obtuse, at length generating a solitary sorus in the disc. Small, 2 cm. to 4 cm. long, 1 mm. to 3 mm wide N. minus (Sond.) Harvey. ( Acrosonium minus (Sond.) Kylin). South Australia (Eastern Bays). 3. Frond broad, dilated and fan-shaped above, membranaceous, finely-veined even to the apices. Sori numerous, scattered, especially evolved in upper pinnate-lobed segments. Colour sordidly purpurescent. 10 cm. to 15 cm. long. a. Scarcely or not caulescent below N. affine Harvey (. Hymenema afffnis (Harv.) Kylin). Recorded in South Australia from Encounter Bay and Eastern Bays. b. Markedly caulescent below N. Curdieanum Harvey. (. Hymenema Curdieana (Harv.) Kylin). in which I include N. validum J. Agardh and N. polyanthum J. Agardh. These species have been recorded from Encounter Bay, Gulf St. Vincent, Investi- gator Strait, and Eastern Bays. 224 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 87 . — Nitophyllum affine. Fig. 88 . — Nitophyllum affine: Variant. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 225 Fig 89 . — Nitophyllum Curdieanum. Fig. 90 . — N itophyllvrrx Curdieanum: a, plant: b, a frag- ment of a segment, bearing cystocarps; c, section through a cystocarp; d, spore thread; e, frusticle, with sori; f, tetra- spores. (After Harvey.) 226 THE SEAWEEDS PLATYCLINIA J. Agardh. Frond flat, foliaceous, more or less lobed or dissected, membranaceous, the upper parts consisting of three, the lower of more layers. The innermost cells a little larger, the middle shorter, the outermost shorter by half, arranged in twos or fours after the fashion of Porphyra. Ribs and micro- scopic veins are wanting. Cystocarps sub-immersed, scattered, depressed, with the carpospores in chains. Tetrasporangia rather small, scattered. Cape Horn, Campbell Island (New Zealand), Australia. Platyclinia stipitata (Harv.) J. Agardh. Frond with a stipe 2 cm. to 3 cm. long, dilated above into a fan-shaped lamina, 5 cm. to 10 cm. in expansion, upper segments pedatifid with lanceolate-linear laciniae. Substance mucous. Colour rosy-red. South Australia (Port Elliot), Tasmania. Platyclinia purpurea J. Agardh. Frond with sub-dichotomous, acuminate laciniae. To 30 cm. high, with laciniae 10 cm. to 15 cm. long. At the base 2 cm. to 5 cm. wide. Colour dark-purple. South Australia (Hussey). PACHYGLOSSUM J. Agardh. Frond flat, thick, of several layers of cells. Sori of tetraspores in linear furrows within the margins of the frond. Cystocarps sub-singly scattered in the intra-marginal region. Thallus borders smooth, without teeth. Pachyglossum Engelhardtii J. Agardh. Fronds linear, lanceolate prolificating from the margin ; conspicuously attenuated at the base and apex. Colour rosy. South Australia (Eastern Bays). Pachyglossum Hussey anum J. Agardh. Fronds proliferous, with lanceolate-linear leaflets, although several leaflets approximate in rosettes. South Australia (Port Elliot, Eastern Bays). Subfamily Delesserieae (Kutzing) Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF GENERA. A. — Sori of tetrasporangia evolved in special leaves (sporophylls) . a. No transverse veins. 1. Very thin, delicate, membranous. Con- spicuous midrib. Cystocarps over the midrib. Sori of tetrasporangia in the sporophylls prolificating on each side of the midrib Hypoglossum Kutzing. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 227 2. Frond thick and stiff. Midrib present with long linear prolifications from it on each side. Cystocarps borne singly on sporo- phylls from the midrib of the linear leaves. Tetrasporangia in a sorus occupy- ing the middle surface of the sporophyll 3. Frond thick, narrow. Midrib present with linear leaflets prolificating from the mid- rib on each side. These similarly prolifi- cate, and so on till the frond assumes a multo-pinnate form. Cystocarps single over the midrib of a sporophyll. Tetra- sporangia in twin sori on each side of the sporophyll b. Delicate transverse veins present. Thin like Hypoglossum and with cystocarps and sori of tetrasporangia in sporophylls prolificating from the midrib B. — Sori of tetrasporangia not evolved in special sporophylls. Midrib interrupted, cystocarps imposed on the midrib. Sori of tetrasporangia forming several sub-seriate spots within the margin of the frond on each side Chauvinia Harvey. Phitymophora J. Agardh Apoglossum J. Agardh. Hemineura Harvey. HYPOGLOSSUM Kutzing. A beautiful genus of delicate texture, mainly Australian (13 species) with three exotic species. The finest are H. dendroides from Western Aus- tralia and H. serrulata from Botany Bay; each from 20 cm. to 50 cm. high. They are plants growing in deeper water, and so are rarely met with on the beach. Frond is simple, usually more or less lanceolate in out- line, entire or toothed or laciniate on the margins. The midrib is conspicu- ous, and from it the cells pass in arcuate transverse rows to the margin. Cystocarps singly over the midrib. Sori in small sporophylls arising from either side of the midrib. Only three of the species have been recorded from South Australia, but one or two others are included below as likely inhabitants. Hypoglossum spathulatum (Kiitz.)J. Agardh. Fronds linear-lanceolate, to 10 cm. high and 2 mm. to 6 mm. wide, narrowed at both ends. Midrib slender, jointed, composed of three layers of cells. Prolificating folioles linear-lanceolate, acuminate, with entire margins. Colour rosy-carmine. As it is known in Western and Eastern States, will probably be found in South Australia. 228 THE SEAWEEDS Hypoglossum microdontum J. Agardh. Folioles imbricated over midrib, margins of rachis and folioles minutely toothed. South Australia (Encounter Bay). Hypoglossum revolutum (Harv.) J. Agardh. Frond dichotomous, formed of a string of strongly ribbed epiphyllous leaflets, revolute apices. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, serrate, wavy, delicately membranous, pale-red, once and a half to twice as long as their breadth. 10 cm. to 14 cm. high, about 4 mm. wide. Colour a pale rose-red, soon dis- charged in fresh water. At present known from South-Western Australia. ' c Fig. 91 .-—Hypoglossum revolutum: a, plant; b y some of the epiphyllous leaflets, form- ing the extremities of the frond; c, apex of a leaflet. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 229 Hypoglossum denticulatum J. Agardh. Less than 5 cm. high with stout midrib. Folioles decurrent on the midrib, margins with acute deltaeform teeth. South Australia (Guichen Bay). Fig. 92 . — Hypoglossum denticulatum : a, plant; b, a fruit leaf, bearing a sorus of tetraspores; c, section of the membrane of the frond, and semi- section of the midrib; d, frustule, showing the surface cells and the toothed margin. . (After Harvey.) Hypoglossum Lacepedeanum Reinbold. Fifteen cm. high. Similar to preceding, but with entire margins. South Australia (Guichen Bay, Investigator Strait). Apparently fairly rare. 230 THE SEAWEEDS CHAUVINIA Harvey. Frond with pinnate prolifications, rachis and branches mostly linear; several layers of cells, margins entire. Chauvinia coriifolia Harvey. Frond 12 cm. to 20 cm. long, the larger leaves 8 cm. to 14 cm. long, to 15 mm. wide, linear-lanceolate, the apex rounded obtuse ; sporophylls on the midrib of the leaves bearing cystocarps or sori of tetrasporangia. Substance thick, leathery. Colour dark-red. Western and South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays). Fig. 93 . — Chauvinia coriifolia’. a, plant; b, sporophylla, containing tetraspores; c, some tetraspores; d„ semi-section of the lamina in a small leaf; e, section at the midrib, in the same. (After Harvey.) PHITYMOPHOBA J. Agardh. Characters given in the Conspectus of Genera. Phitymophora imbricata J. Agardh. Frond narrow linear, obtuse, entire, wavy or curled, becoming exceed- ing compound by leaflets repeatedly springing from the midribs of older leaves. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 231 Primary frond 10 cm. to 12 cm. long, 4 mm. to 5 mm. broad. Sporophylls rounded or oblong, 4 mm. to 5 mm. long and broad. Cystocarps single over the midrib of a sporophyll. Sori in pairs, one on each side of the midrib of the sporophyll. The sporophylls easily detached in fresh water, so that it is not easy to obtain a complete mount of the plant, ' South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Resembling Hypoglossum in form and prolifications, but the fronds show- ing numerous transverse veins, invisible to the naked eye. Frond to 14 cm. high, the lateral leaves broadly linear, entire, obtuse, to over 5 cm. long and 8 mm. broad. Beautiful rose-red. South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania. APOGLOSSUM J. Agarclh. Apoglossum tasmanicum (F. v. M.) J. Agardh. \ Fig. 94. — Apoglossum tasmanicum: Portion of a frond. 232 THE SEAWEEDS HEMINEURA Harvey. Characters of the species. Hemineura frondosa Harvey. The frond leaf-like, sub-sessile, repeatedly pinnatifid, the marginal laciniae obtuse, serrulate; midrib, of main rachis vanishing upwards, ribs of the laciniae obsolete at base and apex. Height 15 cm. to 60 cm., spread of frond the same. Cystocarps solitary on the midribs of the last segments, with an apiculate pericarp. Sori in rows along the margins of the smaller segments. Colour rosy-red, but often much diluted or faded. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 95 . — Hemineura frondosa: a, plant; b, apex of a frond with cystocarps in situ ; c, vertical section of cystocarp and lamina; d, spore threads; e, apex of frond with sori; f, sorus and part of the membrane. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 233 Subfamily Sarcomenieae Schmitz. CONSPECTUS OF THE GENERA. A. — Frond continuous, nowhere forming a network. a. Sori scattered over the main frond Caloglossa Harvey. b. Sori in simple foliolae, prolificating from the frond. 1. Foliolae fronded in the margin Sarcomenia Sonder. 2. Foliolae from the midrib as in Hypo- glossum . Sonderella Schmitz. B. — Frond forming a network. 1. Feather-shaped, the meshes of the web of the plume rectangular . . Claudea Lamouroux. CALOGLOSSA Harvey. Frond small, flat, dichotomous, midribbed, with a transverse series of cells, and folioles springing from the midrib, as in Hypoglossum. Cysto- carps sessile on the midrib. Tetrasporangia in linear series from midrib to margin, triangularly divided. Caloglossa Leprieurii (Mont.) J. Agardh. Segments linear-lanceolate, constricted in joints. Frond to 5 cm. high, to 2 mm. broad. Tetrasporangia in parallel transverse lines. Colour violet. Attached to rocks or piles by rootlets creeping beneath the dichotomies, often growing at or above high water mark. New South Wales, Tasmania, and Victoria in the estuaries. SARCOMENIA Sonder. Frond broad or narrow, branching by intra-marginal prolifications. The structure of the frond is peculiar, with four pericentral syphon tubes, bordered on each side by two marginal syphons of half the length of the others and set end to end. Cystocarps obovate-globose, pedicellate. Folioles (stichidia) bearing tetrasporangia, these arranged in opposite pairs in two parallel rows. Colour when living light-fawn, becoming bright rosy- red in fresh water. Substance rapidly decomposing in fresh water. A. — E corticate, the whole structure polysiphonious. 1. Hemispherical masses, to 5 cm. across, formed of fine gelatinous threads, of a beautiful cinnabar red S. miniata (Ag.) J. Agardh. 234 THE SEAWEEDS 2. Globose expansion to 8 cm. long formed of dichotomous-decompound branches with thin flattish branchlets bearing above crowded fila- ments 8. mutabilis (Harv.) J. Agardh. Western Australia and South Australia (Investigator Strait). B. — Corticate, only the junior branches poly- siphonous. Caulescent tall species, 30 cm. or more high. 1. Branches opposite S. dasyoides Harvey. Fig. 9 G.—Sarcomenia dasyoides: Two specimens. 2. Branches alternate S. Victoriae (Harv.) J. Agardh. 3. Branches stout below, penicillate above. Fruiting branches secund 8. tenera (Harv.) J. Agardh. Investigator Strait. 4. Branches stout below 3 4 S. * 7 , forming corymbs above 8. corymbosa J. Agardh. S. tenera spreads from Western Australia to Victoria and has been found in South Aus- tralia. The other two species so far only known from Victoria. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 235 Fig. 97 . — Sarcomenia Victoriae. Fig. 98 . — Sarcomenia corymbo&a. Fig. 99 . — Sarcomenia tenera : a, plant; b, fragment of a branch, bearing ceramidia; c, spores; d, apex of a branch, with stichidia and ramelli; e, a tetraspore. (After Harvey.) E 236 THE SEAWEEDS C. — Corticate, tall to 60 cm., flat and to an inch wide. Pinnate, the pinnae springing from within the margin. Sarcomenia delesserioides Sonder. Fronds tufted, 30 cm. to 90 cm. high, originating in an undivided lanceo- late leaf-like flat axis, of varying length, and breadth from 4 mm. to 4 cm., with an evident midrib. This primary frond emits from points within the margin numerous opposite pairs of similar fronds, the primary pinnae, these emitting similar secondary pinnae. Sometimes the ends of the branches end in long clasping tendrils. Pedicellate cystocarps scattered over both primary and secondary pinnae. Stichidia scattered, lanceolate, bearing a double row of tetrasporangia. Colour when growing a fawn- grey, rapidly changing in air or fresh water to a bright rosy-red. Sub- stance easily dissolved. Western Australia, South Australia (Cape Spencer), Victoria to Western Port. Fig. 100 . — Sarcomenia delesserioides : a , variety , latifzlia ; b, variety , passing into variety y ; c, section, to show the cellular structure; d, a ceramidium; e, spores from the same; /, a stichidium; g, a tetraspore. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 237 SONDERELLA Schmitz. The one species. Bonder ella linearis (Harv.) Schmitz. Holdfast a minute disc. Fronds 6 cm. to 20 cm. high, 2 mm. to 3 mm. in breadth, linear, obtuse, proliferous from the slender midrib in leaflets of similar form. The lamina is composed of hexagonal cells, set in obliquely transverse lines. Cystocarps and tetrasporangia borne on small sporophylls springing from the midrib, the cystocarps single, sessile on the midrib, the tetrasporangia in a single row on each side of the midrib. Colour brownish- red, darker on drying. Substance membranaceous, so that the plants do not adhere to the mounting paper. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Victoria. CLAUDE A Lamouroux. Claudea elegans Lamouroux. Frond stipitate, stipe stout filiform, merging into the marginal rib of a unilateral flat open network. The main frond 30 cm. to 45 cm. high is' beauti- fully curved, bearing the reticulated fringe on the convex side of the Fig. 101 . — Claudea elegans: a, portion of a frond; b, portion of a branch bearing ceramidia; c, a metamorphosed leaflet bearing a cera- midium; d, spores from the same; e, portion of the network bearing stichidia; f, stichidium, between sections of two bars; g, tetraspores. (After Harvey.) 238 THE SEAWEEDS marginal rib, and from the concave side spring at intervals similar curved branches or leaflets bearing a network on the convex side. These again may give off similar secondary leaflets. The framework of the network consists of firm parallel ribs which pass at right angles to the marginal rib to project beyond the free margin of the network, something like the teeth of a fine comb or the vanes of a feather. These ribs are joined by short slender bars running at right angles to the ribs, from each to the next. These secondary bars are united similarly by a third series at right angles to the secondary and parallel to the primary ribs. The cystocarps are formed from the cross bars of the first or second order, which become transformed into a winged, clavate, mucronate pedicel, the cystocarp being formed near the summit. The stiehidia are formed out of the secondary bars, and are elliptical, containing transverse rows of tetra- sporangia. Colour dull-red when growing, becoming rose-coloured on dry- ing. Substance firm, somewhat cartilaginous. Claudea elegans has been dredged in 5 fathoms to 10 fathoms of water at Fremantle, in Western Port, and the Tamar estuary. Svedelius records it, together with other typical Australian algae, from the North Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. Truly a remarkable distribution. BONNEMAISONIACEAE (Trev.) Sohn. Erect plants with decompound branched axis, growing in one plane, branches often pectinate with ramuli. SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. A. — Apical cell transversely articulate. Frond flat or two-edged, with midrib and opposite trans- verse nerves from midrib to margin B. — Apical cell obliquely distiehously articulate. No transverse nerves. 1. Frond flat, midribbed. Cystocarps globose, stipitate, borne on the margin of the frond 2. Frond narrow, two-edged, midribbed below alternately pectinate-serrate. Central tube in the axis. Cystocarps ovoid, sessile, lying obliquely on the upper face of the segment near the apex 3. Frond filiform, not compressed. Central tube in the axis. Oppositely ciliate- plumose. Cystocarps stipitate, replacing simple pinnules Leptopliyllis J. Agardh. Ptilonia J. Agardh. Deli sea Lamouroux. Bon nemaisonia C. Agardh. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 239 4. Frond filiform, not compressed. Central tube in the axis. Pectinate-ciliate, much branched, above penicillate. Cystocarps globose, stipitate, replacing simple cilia or pinnules Asparagopsis Montagne. LEPTOPIiYLLIS J. Agardh. Frond membranous, flat, thin, linear, distichously pinnatifid, formed of large polygonal granuliferous internal cells, corticated externally by minute-coloured cellules. Cystocarps ovoid, terminating shortened pinnules, containing a tuft of pear-shaped spores. Sori oblong or linear lying within the margin; tetrasporangia very numerous, rounded, cruciately (not triangularly as Harvey) divided. Lepiopliyllis conferta (R. Br.) J. Agardh. The single species. Height 10 cm. to 15 cm., width 2 mm. to 4 mm. Margin serrulate. Colour rose-red. Victoria and Tasmania. PTILONIA J. Agardh. Frond linear, flat, or two-edged, decompound-pinnate, serrate-dentate, subcostate. Three strata of cells, the inner of longitudinal branching threads, the intermediate of angular-roundish cells, the cortical of smaller, rounded cells. Cystocarps globose, stipitate, borne on the margin of the frond. Sori of tetrasporangia irregular, lying within the margin as in Leptophyllis. (I have only seen the sori in one specimen. The tetra- sporangia seemed to me to be in tetrads but they were not clearly divided. This is the only record of the sori of Ptilonia.) 240 THE SEAWEEDS Ptilonia australasica Harvey. Height 10 cm. to 20 cm., width 8 mm. to 16 mm. Dark red-purple. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria, Tasmania. Fig. 102 . — Ptilonia australasica : Plant with cystocarps. DELISEA Lamouroux. Frond filiform but compressed or two-edged, continuous solid traversed by a central tube, compound pinnate, the branches pectinate with subulate pinnules. Cystocarps ovoid toward the apex of the branch. Tetra- sporangia in warts on both faces surrounding the apices, zonately divided. 1. Cystocarps solitary or binate, seated in the sinus of the marginal cilia. Cilia simple D. elegans (Ag.)‘ Montagne. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 241 2: Very much resembling D. elegans, but the cilia are themselves again pectinate D. hypneoides Harvey. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). 3. Cystocarps terminating the ramuli. A stouter plant and a deeper red than the two former . . D. pulchra (Grev.) Montagne. South Australia (Eastern Bays). All three are tall, 30 cm. to 60 cm. ; all are excessively and elegantly branched. All extend along the southern coast of Australia. Fig. 103 . — Delisea hypneoides : a, plant; b , small portion of a branch, with ramulus; c, apex of a fruiting branch, with its conceptacle; d, some of the barren filaments (para- nemata) from the conceptacle. (After Harvey.) 242 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 104 . — Delisea elegans. Fig. 105 . — Delisea pulchra. Fig. 106 . — Delisea pulchra: a, olant; b , pinnules wUh conceptacles at their apices; c, vertical section of a conceptacle; d, spores from the same; e, apex of a ramulus, with a wart (nemathecium) ; f, cross-section through the same, showing the structure of the frond, and the external growth of the wart; g, tetraspores and paranemata from the same. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 243 BONNEMAISONIA C. Agardh. Frond filiform, compressed, decompound-pinnate , oppositely ciliate- plumose. A central tube, with slender branches passing among the large rounded cells of the intermediate layer, and a cortical layer of minute cellules. Cystocarps pedicellate, transformed from a ramulus. Tetra- sporangia unknown. Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodw.) C. Agardh. Frond to 30 cm. high, below about 2 mm. thick. Colour rosy. The species (and genus) has only been observed in Australia from the specimens collected by Miss Davey in Investigator Strait, and recognized and determined by Reinbold. ASPARAGOPSIS Montagne. Frond filiform, above penicillate, branching, thyrsoid-paniculate, the ramuli pinnulate, opposite with delicate cilia. A central slender tube sur- rounded by large thin cells, and a cortex of minute radiating coloured cells. Cystocarps globose pedicellate, formed from a pinnule. Tetra- sporangia not known. There are two South Australian species, both about 25 cm. high. 244 THE SEAWEEDS Asparagopsis armata Harvey. Fronds springing from creeping rhizomes, alternately branched, main divisions and lesser branches clothed nearly to the base with short penicil- late branchlets, and each armed below with two or three long, naked, patent Fig. 107 . — Asparagopsis armata: a, plant; b, base of one of the penicillate branchlets, with a ceramidium and one of the pinnules; c, spores. (After Harvey.) or arching branchlets, set with alternate reflexed prickles. Svedelius found that these serve as a means of vegetative reproduction, and by becoming attached to steamers this Australian alga has been carried to the coast of France and Algiers, and has grown in the last ten years into extensive colonies. Ultimate ramelli very fine, inarticulate. Cystocarps globose, on short or long peduncles, generally two or three together near the base of the penicillate branchlets. Colour pale or bright purplish-red, sometimes fading to yellow. Substance soft and flaccid. Southern Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Collected in South Aus- tralia from Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 245 Asparagopsis Sanfordiana Harvey. Fronds erect, springing from tangled creeping rhizomes, about 2 mm. thick below, attenuated upwards. Fronds naked for half or three-fourths their length, densely clothed above with penicillate-multifid branchlets. Branchlets 1 cm. to 3 cm. long, inserted on all sides, many times pinnated, and finally capillary. Ultimate ramelli filiform, attenuated, sub- compressed, curved inwards and coated with polygonal irregular cellules. Stem inarticulate, consisting of a slender articulated single-tubed axis and a cortical stratum of large, oblong cells, with a layer of minute coloured celis externally. Cystocarps formed at the apex of abbreviated, transformed ramuli, containing a large tuft of spores. .Colour a dark brownish-red. Western Australia, South Australia (Kangaroo Island). Family RHODOMELACEAE (Reichenbach) Harvey. CONSPECTUS OF THE SUBFAMILIES. a. The whole frond a monopodium, i.e., the primary segments of the frond proceeding from joints arising from the same apical cell, b. Apical cell immersed in a depression. Central axis very imperfectly clothed in a ring of peri- central siphons. Tetrasporangia nidulating immediately below the superficial stratum. of cells Laurencieae. bb. Apical cell not immersed in a depression (except in some Chondriae). Central axis clothed in a perfect ring of pericentral siphons. Tetrasporangia formed from a cell adjacent to a pericentral cell. c. Pericentral cells almost always undivided, d. Fronds radiately constructed. e. Frond destitute of persistent lateral mono-siphonous filaments. f. Tetrasporangia not disposed in the spiral line; in twos or threes in each segment. Pericentral cells five, con- spicuous, corticated Cko'ndrieae. ff. Tetrasporangia, one in each segment disposed in a straight or spiral line. Tetrasporangiferous branches like the sterile, or differing from them and forming stichidia. 246 THE SEAWEEDS g. Fronds erect or decumbent at the base, terete or compressed, branch- ing in all directions (with 4 to 20 pericentral siphons) or corticated (with 4 or 6 to 10, not five siphons). Tetrasporangia in a spiral line gg. Fronds erect or decumbent at the base, terete or compressed, dis- tichously branched. Siphons 4 to 12. Sporangia in a straight line . . ee. Frond adorned with persistent lateral mono-siphonous filaments. Pericentral siphons 4 to 8, naked or corti- cated. Sporangia verticillate in each segment, or single or twinned . . dd. Fronds creeping or erect, endowed with dorso-ventral structure. h. Tetrasporangia single in each seg- ment. i. Frond terete or compressed, branched with pairs of marginal alternating branches, one of each pair short, the other long ii. Frond not with paired branches hh. Tetrasporangia two in each seg- ment, thus forming two longi- tudinal series. Frond various, caespituli of fila- ments (when present) and fruits arranged in a longitudinal series in the dorsal region of the frond ce. Pericentral cells alternately divided by trans- verse septa (sometimes also longitudinal) so that the central axis is quickly obscured. Sporangia spirally disposed, single in each seg- ment. Pericentral cells at first four . . aa. The whole plant a sympodium. Frond usually terete, laterally or sub-dichoto- mously branched. Axis with conspicuous siphons, naked or corticated. Sporangia arranged in definitely constituted proper stichidia, often verticillately grouped Polysiphonieae. Pterosiphonieae. Lophothalieae. Polyzonieae. Herposiphonieae. Rytiphloeae. Heterocladieae. Dasyeae. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. * 247 Subfamily Laurencieae (Harvey) Zanardini. LAURENCIA Lamouroux. Frond erect, terete and branched on all sides, or flattened, branching distichously ; a proper central axis very little conspicuous can be dis- tinguished toward the apex of the frond, with two strata, an interior of oblong-angulate cells, the central longer, smaller, shorter toward the circum- ference of the frond; and an exterior of rounded-angular cells disposed in a simple series. Cystocarps ovate-spherical, transformed out. of a ramulus, containing within a cellular pericarp open by a carpostomium, pear-shaped carpospores in the terminal joints of threads radiating from a central placenta. Tetrasporangia aggregated without order in a transverse zone, below the cortical cells of ramuli. Antheridia numerous included within a salver-shaped receptacle. The substance fleshy, cartilaginous. I. — Fronds terete. A. — Fertile superior ramuli diverse from lower and sterile ramuli. Laurencia heteroclada Harvey. Densely tufted, springing from creeping shoots ; frond livid-purple, terete, tough, 10 cm. to 20 cm. high. The lower sterile fronds closely set with lateral, often secund ramuli very straight and erect, filiform, with narrow axils. The fertile frond stipitate, with panicled or dendroid branches, dividing into many sub-patent secondary branches, which are set throughout with short, multifid, corymbose ramuli. Cystocarps ovate, sessile, borne on otherwise naked ultimate ramuli. Tetrasporangia apical in short, swollen ramuli. Covering the exposed edges of reefs at low water mark, spreading con- tinuously over wide spaces. Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria. B. — Fertile and sterile fronds similar in form, a. Filiform. Laurencia filiformis (C. Ag.) Montagne. Very slender, partially dichotomous, with elongate trailing branches and slim ramuli. Height 4 cm. to 15 cm. Colour rosy. Substance fleshy- membranaceous. Western Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays), Tasmania. Laurencia Forsteri (Mertens) Greville. Stouter than L. filiformis with clavate filiform branches. Height 5 cm. to 15 cm., about 1 mm. thick. Colour rosy-purple, fading to yellow. Often epiphytic on Cymodocea. Common on all the south coast of Australia and Tasmania. South Aus- tralia (Encounter Bay, Holdfast Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays). Laurencia Casuarina J. Agardh. Ultra-setaceous, erect, with verticils of short ramuli. About 4 cm. to 20 cm. high. South Australia (Port Elliot). 248 THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 108 . — Laurencia Forsteri. Fig. 109 .' — Laurencia botryoides : a, plant; b, part of a pinnule with “grape- clusters”; c, tetraspore; d, ramulus, bearing male saucers; e, flocci from the same. (After Harvey.) OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 249 Laurencia majuscula (Harvey) Lucas. An arborescent species, of a rich red-purple colour, growing to the height of 30 cm. or more, very densely compound pinnate, with short crowded branches and branchlets. Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria to North Queensland, Lord Howe Island. Laurencia tasmanica Hooker and Harvey. Frond arborescent, to 30 cm. or more high, somewhat compressed, sub- regularly oppositely branched. Colour livid-purple. South . Australia (Investigator Strait, Port Noarlunga), Victoria, Tasmania. Laurencia botryoides Gaill. Frond distichously pinnate, with a flexuous excurrent rachis; pinnae alternate, patent, once or twice compound ; pinnules conical, obtuse, densely tuberculated, the warts globose. Colour dull-purple. South Australia (Kangaroo Island), Tasmania. II. — Frond compressed. Laurencia elata (C. Ag.) Harvey. Frond 30 cm. to 45 cm. high, 2 mm. diameter, compressed or flat, many times pinnate. Primary branches two to three times pinnate, the lower Fig. 110 . — Laurencia elata: a, branch; b, apex of a fertile ramulus, with cystocarps; c, tuft of spores. ( b and c, after Harvey.) 250 THE SEAWEEDS pinnae longest, all the divisions alternate and erecto-patent. Pinnules \ cm. to 1-| cm. long, linear, truncate. Colour a dark-red. Cystocarps terminating the pinnules, ovate. Western Australia, South Australia (Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait), Victoria, Tasmania. CORYNECLADIA J. Agardh. Fronds terete, sub-caulescent ; ramuli clavate, vaguely or sub-umbellately disposed, cellular, of three strata; inner of sub-stellate anastomosing cells, intermediate of round, external of small cells disposed in simple series. Cystocarps ovate, transformed from ramuli, with a cellular pericarp and osteole. Tetrasporangia in apices of ramuli, aggregated in a transverse zone, formed in infra cortical cells ; triangularly divided. Corynecladia clavata (Sond.) J. Agardh. Fronds 10 cm. to 20 cm. long, 2 mm. thick, subpinnately branched; ramuli sparsely fasciculate and branches often densely ramulose; ramuli cylindrical-clavate, obtuse. Colour blood-red, substance firm. Western Australia, South Australia (LeFevre Peninsula). Corynecladia vmbellata J. Ag. Fronds 7 cm. to 10 cm. long, sub-umbellate, branches cylindrical-clavate; terminal ramuli simple, clavate, obtuse ; articulate in young parts. Western Australia, South Australia (Eastern Bays). JANCZEWSKIA Solms-Laubach. Fronds parasitic, minute, cushion-shaped, surface verrucose; rhizoids penetrating host plant. Cystocarps minute, more or less grouped. Tetra- sporangia triangularly divided. Janczewskia tasmanica Falkenberg. Frond large for the genus, with many elongate tubercles conjoining together. South Australia (Investigator Strait), Tasmania. Occurring on frond of Laurencias. Subfamily Chondrieae (Kutzing) Schmitz. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fronds erect, often large and conspicuous, terete or plane, becoming excessively branched. a. Sterile segments by no means of lax context, poly- siphonous axis always evident, b. Pericentral siphons 5, large, always corticated with minute slender cells in 1 to 2 strata. Sporangia not in a longitudinal line, crookedly . disposed Cladurus Falk. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 251 bb. Pericentral siphons 5, corticated with large cells gradually decreasing in size outwards, c. Ramuli dwarf, ecorticate to axils of most larger branches, densely caespitose. Ramuli pointed, spirally disposed M as chalo stroma Schmitz. cc. Lateral ramuli short, spine-like, spirally dis- posed. Sporangia nidulating in hollows of short ramuli Acanthopliora Lamour. aa. Segments cylindrical or plane, destitute of spines, sterile parts extensive, lax, sometimes full of hyphae. d. Axis polysiphonous, sterile parts lax for a long time, or rather tubulose-hollow, median axis giving off verticillate branches. e. Segments terete, mostly articulate- constricted, branching on all sides (apparently verticillate) Coeloclonium J. Ag. ee. Segments terete or compressed-terete, stipitate, slightly contracted Dolichos celis J. Ag. dd. Axis polysiphonous, sterile parts lax but soon becoming compact, always packed with percurrent hyphae. Segments cylindrical or complanate, branching on all sides, distichous or plane Chondria (Ag.) Harv. CLADURUS Falkenberg. Frond compressed or terete, dendroid, pinnate, transversely striate, corti- cated; the axis articulated, composed of a circle of large oblong cells surrounding a central cell ; the periphery of several rows of small, angular (mostly) coloured cells. Cystocarps ovate, containing a tuft of pear-shaped spores. Stichidea containing tripartite tetrasporangia. Cladurus elatus (Sond.) Falkenberg. = Rytiphcea elata Harvey. Holdfast or attachment a large bulbous disc. Frond 60 cm. or more in height, the stem and larger branches 4 mm. to 6 mm. in diameter, the secondary branches 1 mm. to 2 mm., excessively branched and bushy or dendroid. Stem simple or forked, or irregularly divided; its divisions supporting decompound di-trichotomous, or alternately divided heads of branches. Lateral branches 15 cm. to 20 cm. long, sometimes laxly, some- times very densely ramuliferous ; the ramuli either scattered or fasciculate, 252 THE SEAWEEDS filiform, attenuated at base, tapering and acute, spreading or divaricate. All parts of the frond are opaque, coated with thick layers of minute cellules. Ceramidia ovate, solitary, scattered, on longish pedicels, rarely subsessile, opaque and thick-walled. Stichidia shortly lanceolate or spindle-shaped, in dense tufts on the sides of the ramuli and lesser branches, containing a double row of tetrasporangia. Colour a very dark brownish-purple, becom- ing black in drying. Substance tough and rigid. Does not adhere to paper well in pressing, unless very young. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Western Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania. MASCIIALOSTROMA Schmitz. Frond filiform or compressed, cartilaginous, pinnately or irregularly decompound, opaque, coated with small polygonal, irregular cellules, axis articulated, polysiphonous. Ramuli alternate subulate, acute, trans- versely striate. Cystocarps containing within a membranous pericarp a OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 253 tuft of pear-shaped spores. Tetraspores tripartite, lodged in lanceolate stichidia. Maschalo stroma fastigiata Falkenberg. = Alsidium como'sum Harvey. Stem from 40 cm. to 50 cm. long, 3 mm. to 4 mm. in diameter below, tapering upwards to a fine point, simple and closely set throughout the greater part of its length with lateral branches spreading every way. Fig. 112 . — Maschalostroma fastigiata'. a, plant; b, small portion of a ramulus, bearing articulated ramenta; c, cross-section of a branch. (After Harvey.) Branches 10 cm. to 12 cm. long, virgate, tapering to a slender point, simple, but set with closely placed, filiform, simple ramuli. Ramuli setaceous, about 3 cm. long, clothed with byssoid ramelli. Ramelli 4 mm. to 6 mm. long, extremely soft and delicate, quite simple or forked near the base, articulated ; the articulations cylindrical, many times longer than broad. A cross section of the inarticulate branches shows a single row of coloured, peripheric cells, surrounding a cellular body, in which the articulated axis 254 THE SEAWEEDS is not very obvious. Colour a full rosy-crimson, discharged in fresh water, becoming a brown-red in drying. Substance extremely soft and sub- gelatinous. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Streaky Bay, Eastern Bays), Victoria, Western Australia (Vasse). ACANTHOPHORA Lamouroux. Fronds erect, terete, forming lax intricate tufts, filiform, vaguely branched; the branches alternate or secund, very patent, elongate, distant, hut little divided, gradually attenuate, furnished along their whole extent with minute, tooth-like, alternate, spirally inserted ramuli, one to two lines apart, cleft at the apex into 3-5 short spine-like teeth. Substance carti- laginous. No outward appearances of any joints, but internal. Structure of the frond similar to Maschalostroma. Acanthophora dendroides Harvey. Frond bushy, ramuli irregular, pyramidal, setaceous, the ramelli above the base more setaceous. The bristles in the adult plant spreading, subulate. Stichidia set regularly on the setaceous rachis, subulate, in the apices of the almost denuded ramelli. Western Australia (Rottnest Island), Indian Ocean. o' CCELOCLONIUM J. Agardh. Frond filiform, cartilaginous, dendroid, opaque, coated with polygonal, irregularly placed cells. Axis articulated, polysiphonous. Ramuli clavae- form, much constricted at their insertion. Cystocarps ovate. Tetra- sporangia tripartite, formed irregularly in the clavate ramuli. Cceloclonium verticillatum (Harv.) J. Agardh. = Chondria verticillata Harvey. Attachment discoid. Stems densely tufted, 7 cm. to 13 cm. long, nearly 2 mm. in diameter, simple or umbellately compounded, each partial umbel of 4-5 rays or more, round the base of which a whorl a fascicled ramuli are frequently developed. The secondary branches are long and virgate, simple or umbellately compounded, and are either whorled at short intervals with simple, club-shaped ramuli, or set closely with such ramuli. Ramuli 6 mm. to 12 mm. long, nearly 2 mm. in diameter, strongly constricted at base, very obtuse, patent. Cystocarps ovate, sessile on the ramuli. Tetrasporangia either scattered, or brought together in an irregular sorus, near the middle of the ramulus. Colour a dull purplish-brown becoming darker in drying. Substance succulent. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Western Australia, Victoria (Port Fairy), Tasmania (Georgetown). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 255 Fig. 113. — Coeloclonium verticillatum ; a, plant; b, a ceramidium; c, spores from the same; d, two ramuli, with tetraspores; e, tetra- spores. (After Harvey.) 256 THE SEAWEEDS * Coeloclonium umbellulum (Harv.) Reinbold. = Chondria umbellula Harvey. Attachment a disc. Frond short, dwarfed, 2 cm. to 7 cm. long, sometimes solitary, sometimes in groups, often epiphytic, two or three times umbel lately or verticil! ately branched; ramuli obovate, clavate, joined very delicately. Cystocarps arranged on the middle of the ramelli singly, sessile, Fig. 114 . — Coeloclonium umbellulum : a and b, plants; c, apex of a ramulus, with conceptacles ; d, vertical section of a conceptacle; e, a ramulus, with tetraspores; f, tetraspores. (After Harvey.) ovate, constricted at the base. Tetrasporangia sparsely scattered over the upper part of the ramelli. Colour purplish, changing more or less when dry. Substance soft flaccid, succulent. Adheres to paper. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), Western Australia (Rottnest and Garden Islands). Coeloclonium opuntioides (Harv.) J. Agardh. = Chondria opuntioides Harvey. Elongated, irregular, verticillately branched, the ramuli of the verticils often elongate, regular, more or less moniliform, simple or dichotomous; articulations delicately joined, lower ones cylindrical-elongate, the upper OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 257 ones' obovate. Cystocarps sessile at the apices of the ramelli. Tetra- sporangia on the upper parts of the shortly vesiculose lateral ramelli. Colour purplish, adheres firmly to paper. South Australia (Holdfast Bay, Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays) West and South Coasts generally, common. Ccdoclonium mcrassatum J. Agardh. Frond continuously branching outwards, elongate, irregularly pinnate; stem and principal ramuli thick attenuated, obtuse; ramuli spreading in all directions, singly or soon dividing; lesser branches whorled round the principal ones in fascicles, subeollaterallv ; ramelli subclavate. Cystocarps sessile, arranged along the ramuli, urceolate, globose, prominent above the ramelli. Tetrasporangia mostly on the upper part of the ramelli. Sub- stance firm, gelatinous, adheres to paper. This species hardly differs from C. verticiUata. South Australia (Eastern Bays) and Tasmania. DOLICHOSCELIS J. Agardh. Fronds stipitate, terete, or almost terete, with ramuli branching* in every direction, subdistichous, or corymbose, abundant ; central axis surrounded by many irregular cellules, the outer layer of cells angularly rounded, arranged in a few rows. Tetrasporangia forming a circle a little below the apices, triangularly divided. Dolickoscelis clavifera J. Agardh. Fronds terete, filiform, ramuli branching, more or less decomposite, adult ramuli almost cylindrical, filiform ; branching into similar dispersed ramelli ; some simple, subclavate, some more decomposite ; subverticillate. Tetrasporangia forming a circle a little below the apices, triangularly divided. South Australia (Spencer Gulf, Encounter Bay), Tasmania. Dolickoscelis disticha J. Agardh. Frond subterete, stem bare below, above with ramelli branching from near the margin, subdistichous; the upper ones simple, sublanceolate, obtuse ; lower ones irregular, sending out another row of ramelli. South Australia (Port Elliot). Dolickoscelis gracilipes J. Agardh. Frond terete both above and below, broad, spreading; ramuli ovate, visibly ribbed ; upper part terete, with filiform ramuli branching, forming fertile terminal corymbs. Cystocarps singly below the apices of the ramelli, - obovate, globose, subpedicillate. ^ 50 uth Australia (Port Elliot). CHONDRIA Agardh. Frond slightly terete, compressed, irregular ; branches virgate, con- stricted at the base, polysiphonous in the cortex, five cellules placed at equal distances, circling the axis, with smaller cellules in the cortex. Cysto- carps at the junction of the upper ramelli. Tetrasporangia developed in 258 THE SEAWEEDS the scarcely changed ramelli, in the cells surrounding the central axis, triangularly divided. Antheridia ovate, emerging from the superficial depressions around the apices of the ramelli, within a thin membrane formed of translucent cellules, carrying many small granules. Colour purplish- brown, gelatinous. Chondria tenuissima (G. et W.) C. Agardln Fronds densely tufted, 12 cm. to 30 cm. long, about 1 mm. in diameter below, attenuated upwards. Stem simple or divided, bearing closely-set, slender, alternate, virgate, erecto-patent, undivided branches, often bearing a similar set. Branches slender, tapering to base and apex, more or less densely clothed with setaceous ramuli ; ramuli simple, 4 mm. to 8 mm. long. Fig. 115 . — Chondria fusifolia. Fig. 116 . — Chondria tenuissima. tapering to base and apex, irregularly inserted. Cystocarps ovate, sub- sessile, borne profusely on the sides of the ramuli. Tetraspores contained in the ramuli, globose, scattered. Stem consists of six large cells surround- ing a central one, with a wide cortex of smaller cells. Substance tender, adhering to paper. Colour pale pinkish-purple, fading to yellow. South Australia (Investigator Strait), Tasmania (Georgetown), Mediter- ranean and Atlantic. Chondria fusifolia Hooker f. Frond 20 cm. to 25 cm. high, very irregular, pyramidal, with long spreading ramuli, virgate; ramelli widely spread, fusiform, lanceolate. Stichidia linear, carrying tetrasporangia at the base. Tasmania, Southern Australia. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 259 Chondria lanceolata Harvey. Fronds pyramidal, ramnli irregularly virgate ; ramelli very widely spreading, fusiform, tufted at the ' ends. Stichidia above, pedicellate, elavate-cylindrical, depressed, in accuminate tufts, carrying tetraspores in the depressions in long rows. Cystocarps laterally in the ramelli, shortly pedicellate, almost globose. Western Australia (Rottnest Island). Fig. 117. — Chondria lanceolata : a, a tetrasporic plant; b, a cystocarpic plant; c, ramuli, bearing cystocarps; d, a cluster of spores, from the same; e, ramuli, bearing tetraspores; f, a tetraspore. (After Harvey.) Chondria arborescens J. Agardh. Frond robust, stem below almost naked ; the ramuli and ramelli are often in pairs and almost cylindrical. Stichidia very long, fusiform and exceed- ingly tufted, carrying tetrasporangia at the base in the young plants ; in the fully grown plant, the tetrasporangia are carried in long rows. Cystocarps pedicellate, very scattered on the ramelli, ovate-globose. Colour dark-red, drying nearly black. Victoria (Port Phillip). 260 THE SEAWEEDS Chondria foliifera (J. Ag.) Falkenberg. Frond 25 cm. to 40 cm. high, almost pyramidal; ramuli almost regular, alternately pinnate; pinnae spreading from the rachis, linear-lanceolate, ancipitous, singly or covered with another row of pinnellae, all very fusi- form, the last carrying fruit. Tetrasporangia in the upper part of the lesser pinnulae. Cystocarps on the edges of the pinnulae, singly or in groups. South Coast of Australia. Chondria ovalifolia J. Agardh. Fronds 15 cm. to 25 cm. long, ancipitous, spreading widely and evenly from the edge of the stem; sometimes alternate, at other times almost opposite, branching off close to the main stem; smaller ramelli oval, and larger ones ovate-oblong, all very obtuse and constricted at the base almost into petioles ; cortical cellules ovate-oblong. Colour purplish-red. Adheres to paper closely. Victoria (Port Phililp). Chondria Curdieana Harvey. Fronds paniculate, irregularly pinnat^ly branched, ramuli close together, fascicled ; the ramelli pyriform, clavate, depressed and tufted above, curving to the apices ; numerous ramelli emitted from the inner side of the curve, and forming a second set of ramelli. Stichidia regular, carrying tetraspores on the tufted upper parts of the adult frond. Substance cartilaginous, adheres to paper. South Coast of Australia. Chondria sncculenta (J. Ag.) Falkenberg. Frond 15 cm. to 20 cm. long, terete, sometimes paniculate, at other times fascicled, ramuli and ramelli rising from the cylindrical rachis singly and very attenuated, the younger ramelli elliptical, adult ramuli cylindrical- oblong; slightly tufted. Stichidia tufted and carrying tetrasporangia, with prominent obtuse apices. Cystocarps large, almost globose, shortly pedi- cellate, carried in the apices of the ramelli. Substance gelatinous, adheres to paper. South Australia (Eastern Bays). Chondria dehilis Harvey. Frond 8 cm. to 14 cm. long, very small, widely dichotomous, flexuous, the ramuli alternate, spreading filiform, clavate at the apices, the ramelli spreading and clavate. Tetrasporangia prominent, clustered in the apices of the ramelli. Substance in young plants gelatinous, in older plants firmer. West Australia (King George Sound), Tasmania (Georgetown). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 261 Subfamily Polysiphonieae (Kutzing) Schmitz and Falkenberg. KEY TO THE GENERA. a. Lateral ramuli of vegetative branches sometimes abbreviated, spiral or irregular. Tetrasporangia in upper vegetative ramuli, scarcely altered, single in each articulus. b. Fronds cartilaginous, four pericentral siphons, cortex parenchymatous. Tetrasporangia in a single spiral line Lophurella Schmitz. bb. Fronds filiform, not hair-like, three pericentral siphons, no secondary cortex Falkeniergia Schmitz. bbb. Fronds not carnose- cartilaginous, four to 20 pericentral siphons, ecorticate or' with a rhizoidal or rarely parenchymatous cortex. Tetrasporangia in a single line, straight or spiral Polysiphonia . Greville. aa. Branches covered with larger and shorter ramuli of diverse form. Pericentral siphons four. Ramuli shortly spoon-shaped, incurved, at first spiral and later arboriform, distichous; apices of branches persistent Chiracanthia Falk. LOPHURELLA Schmitz. Frond cartilaginous, erect, terete, much branched, the lower ramelli often secund, distichous, structure parenchymatous. Axis polysiphonous, sur- rounded by four central siphons and almost from the apices to the base surrounded by a thick cortex of minute cellules; monopodial to the apices, with seven transverse cells. Cystocarps globose-ovoid, prolific in young ramuli. Tetrasporangia carried in the upper ramuli sparsely, in the lower ones very plentifully, singly in the articulations, arranged in a long spiral row. Antheridia small cellular bodies,- pedicellate, cylindrical. Colour red, drying almost black. Lophurella periclada (Sond.) Schmitz. = Rhodomela periclados Sond. Frond terete, filiform, simple or pinnate, very much branched, with ramelli very spreading and subulate; the lower ones shorter, more simple and further apart; the upper ones much thicker, simple and on the upper side having another set of ramelli. Articulations in young ramelli hardly noticeable. Colour dark purple-brown. Substance rigid. South Australia (Robe), Victoria (Port Phillip), Tasmania. 262 THE SEAWEEDS Lophurella Hookeriana (J. Ag.) Falkenberg. Frond 25 cm. to 40 cm. high, terete, filiform, pinnate, irregularly branched, the ramuli erect and patent, virgate. Ramelli curved from the base, acuminate. Stichidia subsessile, sublanceolate, a second row of tetra- spores on inner side. Cystocarps carried singly at the base of the ramelli. Colour very dark, substance rigid. Victoria, New Zealand, Cape Horn. FALKENBERGIA Schmitz. Frond erect, filiform, glabrous; laterally branched; ramuli spreading in all directions, often twisted together, the ramuli rising from the articula- tions of the stem. Fronds monopodial. Cells at the apex in seven trans- verse divisions ; the axis is polysiphonous, three central siphons with many others round them, no outer cortex. Tetrasporangia nearly cruciate. Cystocarps and antheridia unknown so far. Falkenbergia vagabunda (Harv.) Falkenberg. = Polysiphonia vagabunda Harvey. Frond very small, tangled, patent, the ramuli long, horizontal or widely curved, the ramelli few, often dividing into a series of branchlets, glabrous, articulations nearly as broad as long. Tetrasporangia irregularly scattered, prominent on the sides of the filaments. Colour brownish-red, darker on drying. Tasmania. Falkenbergia rufolanosa (Harv.) Schmitz. = Polysiphonia rufolanosa Harvey. Frond dwarf, nearly round, loosely twisted, filiform, densely covered with fruits, the ramuli irregular and the ramelli attenuated, patent, glabrous at the apices; the ecortical articulations almost as long as broad. Colour brown-red. West Australia (King George Sound). POLYSIPHONIA Greville. Fronds erect, or primarily decumbent and then erect, terete, rarely sub- compressed, furcate or laterally branched on all sides, ramuli arranged spirally or irregularly, polysiphonous. Structure parenchymatous or parenchymatous-filamentous. Pericentral cells 4 to 24, surrounding a central cell, bare or corticated with shortly articulate rhizoids, coalescing into a quasi-parenchymatous cortex. Cystocarps ovate globose or subur- ceolate, borne on the ramuli, enclosed with a cellular pericarp with an apical aperture ; carpospores pyriform. Tetrasporangia evolved in upper, slightly thicker, ramuli, either in a longitudinal series which may be interrupted, or spirally disposed, single in each articulus. Antheridia lancoid or cylin- drical, stipitate, on bare ramuli. The life cycle of Polysiphonia is outlined in the introduction. This is an immense genus, of over 150 species, dispersed over nearly all oceans, from the Arctic circle to the borders of the Antarctic. The species OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 263 vary greatly in general appearance; some 'are of large size, very robust and shrubby, rigid and cartilaginous; others are exceedingly flaccid and slender, membranaceous or gelatinous. In colour they vary from crimson through purple and brownish red to brown. The greater number of species are epiphytic, a few being parasitic, They grow on varied substrata, some- times typical for a particular species; there may be rocks, stones, shells, wood, or most commonly, other algae. From the original genus Polysiphonia, groups of species have been removed to form new genera, together, in many cases, with other species. At the end of the genus Polysiphonia as here given will be found a list of the species hitherto placed in Polysiphonia, and now removed to other genera. This- arrangement follows De Toni. The genus was divided by J. G. Agardh into two large subgenera ; Oligosiphonia, in which the number of primary siphons is four, or rarely five; and Polysiphonia , in which the number is six or higher. This division is followed here, and the subgenera further divided as given by Harvey in his “Nereis Australis/’ retaining only the groups to which our Australian species belong. Below are described all the species which have been recorded from the South-western, Southern, and Eastern coasts of Australia, and Tasmania. Only a very few species have been recorded from Northern Australia. Many of the forms described have only been recorded once or twice, and the descriptions of many are unsatisfactory. The pressing need of the present time is for extensive collecting in many localities, and careful iden- tification from both descriptions and figures and authentic herbarium specimens. This, unfortunately, is far from easy. Many of the descriptions are in Latin, and often unavailable ; figures, the main essential, are frequently not given with original descriptions; and type or authentic specimens are often not available. However, it is hoped that this com- pilation of all Australian records of this genus will be of help to Australian students of the algae, for the field for work on these groups is unlimited. The main references to each species have been given. These, whenever possible, include one to a figure of the particular species, for in many cases identification is impossible with descriptions alone. Subgenus Oligosiphonia. Siphons primarily four, rarely five. I.— ELONGATAE. Fronds opaque, inarticulate. Kamuli articulate, tetrasiphonous. Polysiphonia Hookeri Harvey. Harv. Nereis Austral, p. 40, t. XII. ; De Toni, Syll. Alg. IV., 905. Frond 30 >cm. to 60 cm. long or more, cartilaginous, about 1 mm. in diameter below, gradually attenuated upwards ; pinnated with patent branches, much slenderer than the main stem, which gradually diminishes in length towards the apex, giving the frond an ovate outline. Branches once or twice pinnated ; branches, pinnae and pinnulae tapering to the base, inarticulate, closely beset with minute subquadrifarous ramuli, subsimple or forked in younger specimens, terminating in capillary, dichotomous, THE SEAWEEDS Fig. 118 . — Polysiphonia abscissa. Fig. 119 . — Polysiphonia Hookeri. Fig. 120 .— Polysiphonia Hystrix. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 265 byssoid fibres; multifid in full-grown fronds; byssoid fibres eventually shed. Articulations only visible in the ramuli, bistriate, one to one and a half times as long as broad. Tetraspores immersed in distorted ramuli. Cysto- carps urceolate, tapering to a subacute apex, sessile on the sides of the ramuli. Colour a dark red-brown. South Australia (Eastern Bays, Encounter Bay), Tasmania, Victoria. Polysiphonia longissima J. Agardh. De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 9U6. Frond 15-20 cm. long, filiform, sparsely pinnate, irregularly branched; ramuli sparse, formed on every side, naked below, subulate above, scattered with minute spines. Four .central siphons, corticate with striate elongate cells to the apices of the branches. Stichidia minute, single or in small subfasciculate clusters, fusiform, articulate; articulations always longer than broad ; tetraspores towards outside of stichidia, not prominent. Colour purple. Southern Australia. Polysiphonia hystrix Hook. fil. et Harvey. Harv. Nereis Austral, p. 41, t. XIV. ; De; Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 906. Frond setaceous, cartilaginous, inarticulate, branching vague or sub- dichomotous ; branches long, far apart, and remarkably arched ; smaller branches patent, similar, all covered with multifid ramuli for their whole length ; ramuli short, subulate, spinose, more compound when fully grown, usually with the apex prolonged beyond the branching part into a subulate acumination. Tetraspores lying to the side of ramuli. Cystocarps laterally inserted on the ramuli. This species is closely allied to P. Hookeri, but presents a quite different aspect, as shown in the figures. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays, Holdfast Bay), Western Australia, Tasmania. Polysiphonia Mallardiae Harvey. Harv. Nereis Austral, p. 40, t. XIII. ; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 908. Frond 15 cm. to 20 cm. long or more, about 1 mm. thick, branched with greater or less regularity in an alternately pinnate or bipinnate manner. Lower stem and branches naked and smooth, upper portion and all branches and pinnulae densely clothed with short, quadrifarous, imbricated, multifid ramuli; ramuli about 2 mm. long, rigid, patent or horizontal, irregularly dichotomous, the only parts showing articulations; articulations as long as broad, bistriate, with obscure dissepiments. Tetraspores immersed in the scarcely distorted upper ramuli, in a single row. Cystocarps ovate- urceolate, with a. slender protruding mouth, sessile on the ramuli. Colour in the dry state intensely black. Closely related to P. Hookeri. South' Australia (Eastern Bays), Western Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Polysiphonia Daveyae Reinbold. Reinb. Meeresalgen von Inv. Str. (1889) n. 49, n. 97; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 913. Frond tall (15-20 cm.), laterally branched, corticated to the smaller branches, four siphoned ; about 1 mm. thick at the base, rigid; flexible 266 THE SEAWEEDS above. Branches erecto-patent, elongate, densely branched, with simple furcate, sparse and irregular ramuli. Secondary and tertiary branches dichotomous, lateral branches subfastigiate. Articulations as long or slightly longer than broad. Tetrasporangia borne in ecorticate ramelli, which are often furcate. Colour brown. Adheres to paper. Only recorded from Investigator Strait, South Australia. Polysiphonia crassiuscula Harvey. Harv. FI. Tasm. II., p. 299; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 885. Fronds 10 cm. to 15 cm. high, not densely tufted, repeatedly dichotomous from the base, the lower axils very patent; cartilaginous, thickly coated with secondary .cells in the lower part, softer and more pellucid above, at Fig. 121 .^—Polysiphonia Mallardiae. Fig. 122 . — Polysiphonia frutex. the ends of the branches flaccid, much attentuated and pellucid. Articula- tions short in all parts of the frond, only equalling their diameter towards the end of the young branches, tetrasiphonous ; lower articulations more or less obliterated, being covered externally with several rows of accessory cells. Tetraspores borne towards the apex of branched ramuli in dense fasciculate clusters; ramuli slightly swollen in region of tetraspores. Colour a dingy reddish-brown when dry. Substance rigid, the tips only adhering to paper. South Australia (Eastern Bays), East Coast of Tasmania. % Polysiphonia dasyoides Zanardini. Zanard. Phyc. Aus. Nov. (1874), p. 489, n. 10; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 954. Frond corticate to the apices, pinnately branching, branches spreading to all sides. Clothed with simple, furcate, dense, four siphoned ramuli, apices ocellate. Primary articulations all obsolete ; in the ramuli the diameter twice the length. Colour red. Sustance soft, succulent. Georgetown, Tasmania. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 267 II.— DICHOTOMAE. Total frond pellucidly articulate, subdichotomous, branched. Hamuli tetrasiphonous. Polysiphonia Roeana Harvey. • Harv. Phyc. Aus. t. 35; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 877. Fronds tufted, 7 cm. to 15 cm., long, very fine, excessively and very irregularly branched; primary divisions dichotomous with frequent sup- pression of one arm of the fork, becoming irregularly zig-zag; secondary branches either alternate or very commonly secund, repeatedly com- pounded; lesser branches tapering gradually to a point. Articulations pellucid in all parts, composed of four tubes surrounding a minute cavity ; the lower several times as long as broad, the upper gradually shorter, ultimate ones scarcely longer than broad. Colour brilliant rosy-red, well preserved on drying; adheres to paper. Substance soft and very flaccid, but not gelatinous ; does not rapidly decompose in fresh water. Dredged off Fremantle, West Australia. Polysiphonia mollis Hooker et Harvey. Harv. Nereis Austral, p. 43; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 877. Fronds' erect, solitary or approximating, but scarcely tufted, to 15 cm. high, setaceous at the base, then capillary, and exceedingly slender above, much branched. Primary stem subdichotomous, but soon lost in the excessive division of the branches and ramuli, which are again and again decompounded in an irregularly dichotomous manner; the ultimate ramuli simple, elongate and erecto-patent, fibrilliferous. Articulations in the lower part very short, those of the principle divisions twice as long as broad, those of the smaller branches gradually shorter. Stem tetrasiphonous. Tetraspores borne in series in apices of distorted flexuose ramuli. Cysto- carps very numerous, minute, shortly stalked, ovate, acute. South Australia (Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays, North Coast of Kangaroo Island), Tasmania, Western Australia. Polysiphonia succulenta Harvey. Harv. FI. Tasm. p. 300; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 879. Frond ultrasetaceous, gelatinose-cartilaginous, to 15 cm. high; much branched dichotomously from the base. Tetrasiphonous, articulate, the articulations below three times as long as broad, ultimately as long as broad. Tetraspores in dense fasciculato-multifid terminal ramuli. Cysto- carps numerous, shortly stalked, ovate. This species resembles a large and coarsely grown P. mollis , but the frond is much more robust and succulent, and the branching more regularly dichotomous. South Australia (American River, Kangaroo Island), Tasmania, Victoria. Polysiphonia abscissa Hooker et Harvey. Syn. P. microcarjm H. and H. Harv. in Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., p. 266; Harv. Nereis Austral, p. 43- De Toni Syll, Alg. IV., 879. Fronds 6 cm. to 10 cm. long, ovate in outline, membranaceous-gelatinous, flaccid, tenaceous. Primary stem sparingly divided, flexuose, emitting 268 THE SEAWEEDS secund, alternate, multifid, filiform branches, becoming shorter towards the apex ; ramuli fibrilliferous, fastigiate. Articulations in branches 4-6 times, in ramuli 2-3 times as long as their diameter; bistriate. Cystocarps small, ovate, shortly pedicellate. Colour purplish-red or crimson. South Australia (Pennington Bay, Kangaroo Island). Victoria, Tasmania, New Zealand, Cape Horn. Polysiphonia laxa Harvey. Harv. FI. Tasm. II., p. 300; Kfitz, Tab. Phyc. XIV., t. 3 ; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 883. Frond to 30 cm. high, slender, setaceous, somewhat rigid. Branching lax, the branches distant, zigzag-bent, throwing off branchlets at the angles; principal branches several cm. long, variously set with short lateral branches, often secund, subsimple, slightly branched, or with a few setaceous ramuli ; all the ramification remarkably patent. Articulate, tetrasiphonous, ecorticate, median articulations 3-4 times, the upper twice, the ultimate as long as broad. Tetrasporangia in sublanceolate ramuli, small, uniseriate. Colour reddish. Tasmania, on Zosteraf Polysiphoma implexa Hooker et Harvey. Harv. in Lond. Journ. Bot IV., p. 538; Kfitz. Tab. Phyc XIV. (1864) p. 12, t. 36; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 889. Caespitose, forming wide, lax, intricate patches on rocks about 2.5 cm. high. Attached to substratum by adhesive discs. Primary stems decum- bent, radical, about 22 d^ thick; secondary branching irregular, articulate;’ lower branches dense, upper sparse, attenuate at the base ; ramuli subulate, patent, divaricate, articulate, tetrasiphonous ; articulations as long as broad. Colour dark ( purple. Adheres to paper. Western Australia (epiphytic on Corallines, King George Sound), Lord Howe Island, New Zealand. Polysiphoma sphacelarioides J. Agardh. J. Ag. Till. Alg. Syst. IV. (viii.) p. 100; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 890. Frond laxly intricate, expanded on all sides, totally ecorticate, capillary, elongate, rooting here and there. Branches distant and densely ramellate, the ra,chis bare and prominent ; ramelli almost vertical, alternate, sub- secund, the young attenuated at the base; older branches soft, articulate, tetrasiphonous; articulations 2-3 times as leng as broad, in the ultimate ramelli as long as broad. Colour reddish. Adheres to paper. South Coast of Australia. • Polysiphonia} infesians Harvey. Harv. Tr. Irish Acad. XVII., p. 539; Kfitz Tab. Phyc. XIV. (1864), p. 14, t, 40; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 891. Fronds 4-8 cm. high, setaceous, attenuated above, pellucidly articulate, much branched. Branches patent, often alternate or interspersed with vaguely divided ramuli; ramuli capillary, simple, patent, tufted; axils OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 269 wide; tetrasiphonous, lower articulations longer than broad, upper about as long as broad. Colour pale violet-red, drying black. Substance carti- laginous. Adheres to paper. Western Australia (epiphytic on Polyphysa peniculns , King George Sound). Polysiphonia ferulacea Suhr. Syns. P. litt oralis Harvey mscr; P. breviarticidata Harvey; J. Ag. Sp. II., 3, p. 980 ; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 892. Fronds caespitose, 6-15 cm. long, dense, rising from intricate rooting masses. Stems slender, mostly undivided below, irregularly dichomotous above, subfastigiate, one branch of a dichotomy often shorter than the other, all axils very acute. In fertile plants the dichotomous lateral branches are short, dense, irregularly fastigiate, basal part swollen with tetrasporangia, long and attenuate above; ramuli of sterile plants often simple, usually sparse, less attenuated, apices obtuse ; lower ramuli patent, upper erect. Articulations in whole frond of subequal length, diameter shorter or equal to length ; tetrasiphonous, ecorticate. Lower nodes swollen, ascending stem often emitting rooting filaments downwards. Tetraspores in lateral fastigiate ramuli, distorted below the apices; extra lateral ramelli prominent. Cystocarps on upper branches, below the apices, sessile, globose, ovate. Colour reddish. South Australia (Eastern Bays) , .Western Australia, Tasmania, Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean. Polysiphonia havanensis Montagne. Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. XIII, t. 72 ; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV, 894. Fronds caespitose, erect, elongate, stems at base articulate and forming nodose masses ; irregularly dichotomous, more or less dense, virgate ; ramuli long, attentuated, patent. Tetra-siphonous, articulations below 6 times, above 2-3 times, as long as broad. Tetrasporangia in unequal ramuli, ver- rucose, sparse. Cystocarps ovate, sessile on upper branches. Colour red- brown. South Australia, Western Australia, Havana, Cuba, Florida. Ilarvey records this species from Lake King, which is 22 miles east of Lake Frome, in the north of South Australia. This lake is probably little more than a large salt pan, but it is a remarkable place to find a Polysiphonia. Polysiphonia Blandi Harvey. Harv. Phyc. Aus. t. 184; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV, 899. Fronds solitary or few together, not entangled 6 cm. to 10 cm. long, about i mm. thick, repeatedly but irregularly forked; the lowest divisions mostly dichotomous, the upper more alternate; all the lower naked, with distant forks and acute axils; the upper somewhat virgate, closely set throughout with short multifid ramuli. Ramuli 4-6 mm. long, corymbose, alternately multifid; all their divisions densely fibrilliferous, with dark- coloured dichotomous fibres. Articulations short; the lower little longer than the upper, none more than three times as long as broad, tetra- siphonous, with thick walls. Tetraspores in distorted ultimate ramuli. 270 THE SEAWEEDS Cystocarps sessile, very wide in proportion to the length, with large aper- tures, lateral or terminal. Colour very dark, rich redbrown, becoming darker and browner in drying. Substance soft and rather flaccid, adheres to paper. Most closely related to P. mollis of the Australian species. South Australia (Eastern Bays), Victoria. Polysiphoma flavescens Zanardini. Zanard. Phyc. Austral. Nov. (1874), p. 490, n. 11; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 955. Frond almost setaceous, ecorticate from the base, branching dichotomous- pinnate ; ultimate ramuli attenuate, elongate, fibrilliferous ; tetrasiplionous, articulate, pellucid; primary articulations 1-6 times as long as broad. Tetrasporangia large, ellipsoid, occupying lateral ramuli on all sides, attenuate and subtorulose. Colour rose. Substance flaccid. Tasmania (Georgetown). OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 271 Polysiphonia spinuligera Zanardini. Zanard. Phyc. Austral. Nov. (1874), p. 490, n. 12; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 955. Fronds ecorticate from the base, almost setaceous, irregularly dicho- tomous-fastigiate, covered with interspersed spiniform ramuli. Tetra- siphonous, articulations as long or slightly longer than broad; lower remark- ably nodose. Colour dark-red. Substance rigid. Tasmania ( Georgetown ) . Polysiphonia macrarthra Zanardini. Zanard. Phyc. Austral. Nov. (1874), p. 490, n. 13; De Toni Syll Alg IV., 955. Fronds totally ecorticate setaceous, much branched irregularly, branches and ramuli alternate, ultimate ones in lateral congested fascicles. Tetra- siphonous, very pellucid, primary articulations 20 times as long as broad, ultimately as long as broad. Tetrasporangia occupying the upper ramuli, sparsely produced. Tasmania (Georgetown). Polysiphonia gelidii Zanardini. Zanard. Phyc. Austral. Nov. (1874), p. 490, n. 14; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 955. Fronds small, very slender, subdichotomously branched; ultimate ramuli lateral, subulate, attenuate. Tetrasiphonous, primary articulations 2-6 times as long as broad, secondary about as long as broad. Cystocarps spherical, sessile on the branches. Lord Howe Island (on fronds of Gelidiaceae) . Polysiphonia zostericola Lucas. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., XLIV., p. 177. Fronds gregarious, forming a thick fringe to Zostera leaves ; not intricate, slender, to 2.5 cm. long. Fronds attached by a small basal disc, branching below dichotomous, above more pinnate; branches emitted at an angle of 45°, giving off, at rather long intervals, other like but gradually slenderer branchlets, the last very slender and sometimes secund. Main axis 180 /a thick; basal articuli 1 x 1, of ramuli 2 x 1, of tetrasporangiferous ramelli lxl. Tetrasiphonous. Tetrasporangia small, in little distorted ramelli. Cystocarps nearly sessile, ovate, 326 /a x 258 /a, contracted at base. Sub- stance rather firm, standing prolonged immersion in water. Colour brownish-purple, darker on drying. Adheres closely to paper. Botany and Middle Harbour, N.S.W. Abundant on Zostera leaves in salt and brackish water. Polysiphonia Baxteri Lucas. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. LX., p. 224. Fronds growing as a fringe on the fruiting stem of Gracilaria. Branches 150 fx thick at base, diminishing upwards. Joints 2x1 below, ultimately 272 THE SEA WEE DS lxl. Tetraaphanous. Cystoearpa with a one- jointed pedkrd. nearly spherical. 170 c diameter Heigh: about 1 cm. Colour vkdaceous. Lord Howe Lsland. PcAysipkonia rutUans Kutzmg, Kutz, Tab. Phye. XIII De Toni Syll. Alg. IV.. 951- Frond densely eaespitose, intricate, prostrate, eeortieate; branches remote, alternate. Articulate, tetrasiphonous, articulations as long as broad, siphons subutrieulate. Colour golden-black. Australia. Little known. De Toni queries whether this species should not be placed under bophosiph onia . Polysiphonia amoena Sender. Kutz. Tab. Phye. XIV. (1861), p. 13, t. 40: De Toni SylL Alg. IV., 959. Fronds erect, 4-7 cm. long., much branched, branches erect apices corymbose-f ast igia t e. T etras i phonous. Articulate, lower articulations 3-4 times as long as broad. Victoria Port Phillip). Subgenus Polysiphonia. Siphous primarily six or more. A. Fronds pellueidly articulate. III. — CANCELLATAE. Siphons usually seven, rarely eight or nine. Fronds dark, drying darker, furrowed, bushy, vaguely branched. Ramuli irregular. Poly siphon iu forcipata Harvey. (Syn P. forfex Harvey.) Harvey Phye. Aus. pi. 96: De Toni Syll. Alg. IV.. 920. Fronds erect, solitary or two or three together, but not densely rafted, 4-8 cm. high, about \ mm. to \ mm. thick, repeatedly and fairly regularly dichotomous : in old specimens only lateral branches may be dichotomous ; smaller branches regularly forked, with the tips of the ramuli acute and approaching each other in pail's, like the arms of scissors. Frond pellueidly articulate, the articulations shorter than broad in all parrs of the frond. Siphous five (six according to Harvey), lateral view quadrate. Tetra* sporangia in lateral cells of corymbose ramuli. prominent. Cysrocarps sessile or nearly so, lateral, at some distance below the last ramifications; very broadly ovate, somewhat broader than long, surface laxly areolate. Colour when growing a pale reddish-grey, more or less tinted with red; when dry, either red-brown or blackish. Substance firm, cartilaginous. Adheres weakly to paper. Western Australia Rottnest Island. Garden Island. King George Sound — epiphytic on Zostera and smaller algae . Tanega Island. Eastern Archi- pelago. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 273 Polysiphonia frutex Harvey, Lond. Joun Bot. III., 439; Ilarv. Nereis Australis, p. 52; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. XII., t. 21; De Toni Syll. Alg IV., 925. Fronds 5-l(em. high, forming globose bushy tufts, branching in every direction fron the immediate base, the branches equalling the stem in length, or no istinct stem visible; all excessively branched, the lesser branches alteiate, very patent or divaricate, setaceous below, attenuated upwards, strait, bi-tripinnate, with distant alternate pinnae; these in turn bearing m base to apex, very short. Stem shows seven siphons surrounding a mall central siphon ; stem furrowed. Cystoearps lateral on upper ramuli numerous, shortly stalked, ovate. Colour dull-grey or brownish. A ore slender plant than P. cancellata, more densely tufted, with rather lager joints and less comparative difference in diameter between each iccessive series, of branches. South Austria (Pennington Bay, Kangaroo Island), Victoria, Tasmania. Polysiphonia fuscescens' Harvey. Lond. Jour Bot. III., 439; Ilarv. Nereis Australis, p. 52; Kutz. Tab. Phyc. XIII., 67 ; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV, 925. Fronds to 2 cm. high, excessively branched and bushy, but not so shrub- like at P. frill o; much divided from near the base into long erect branches or stems, gei ally simple, sometimes emitting long branches similar to themselves. ranches linear or narrow-lanceolate, closely bipinnate throughout t\ r length, the pinnae very short relative to the length of the branch, er.it or erecto-patent, pinnulated with short simple spine-like ramuli, the apes beset with byssoid fibres. Articulations of the stem and branches foiu triate, two-four times longer than broad. Tetrasporangia is slightly vencose ramuli. Colour dull-brown or grey. Adheres well to paper. Nearl allied to P. frutex, but differing in habit and clearly in the length of the rticulations. Victoria, T nania. Polysiphonia cancellata Harvey. Lond. Joui . Bot, III, 440 ; Harv. Nereis Australis, p. 51, tab. XV. ; De Toni Syll Alg. IV., 928. Fronds 8-1 i m. high, very robust (|-L| mm. thick), excessively branched and bushy ; lunches many times alternately divided, the main divisions spreading in d directions, forming a globose frond. Secondary branches much thinner lan those they spring from, tapering to a fine point; bearing ramuli greatl more slender than themselves. Articulate, seven siphoned, articulations ry short, marked with four wide colour cells, separated by broad pellueh spaces, giving the frond a netted appearance under a lens. Tetrasporang; in subsecund stichidia-like ramuli. Cystoearps small, shortly pedicellate, o e. Colour brownish, darker when dry. Adheres to paper. South Aus ilia (Holdfast Bay, Encounter Bay, Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays Western Australia, Tasmania. 274 THE SEAWEEDS Polysiphonia nigrita Sonder. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii., 1048 ; Harv. Nereis Australis, p. 51; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., % 928. Frond very similar to P. cancellata, with very thick main stems, vaguely branching; branches elongate, erecto-patent, decomposite; ramuli stout, slightly curved, subulate, spinaeform, sparse. Articulate, eight-nine siphons, articulations very short. Drying jet black. Substance rigid. De Toni includes P. nigrita under P. cancellata Harvey, and they are undoubtedly very closely related. However, in South Australian specimens of typical P. cancellata, the siphons of the larger branches in particular, and also the smaller, are arranged in very regular transverse layers, while in typical P. nigrita they are very much more irregular, forming no definite transverse layers. The ramuli of P. nigrita are stouter, and the colour very much darker than in P. cancellata. In well developed specimens the ter- minal dichotomous fibres on the ramuli are well developed in P. canoellata, but almost absent in P. nigrita. Harvey also recorded eight or nine siphons in the main stem of P. nigrita and only seven in P. cancellata. South Australian specimens show normally seven large siphons, with an occasional small eighth, in both forms. The principal distinction seems to be in cell arrangement and colour, and a dozen or so specimens examined were not difficult to separate on these characteristics. A much larger series of specimens is required to determine the validity of these distinctions, but P. nigrita seems to be at least a distinct variety of P. cancellata , and they are, therefore, separated here. The following species has been recorded from Victoria, but De Toni’s description is almost useless. The group to which it belongs cannot be ascertained without examination of authentic specimens, and it is placed after Cancellatae (seven, eight or nine siphons) for convenience. Polysiphonia caespitula Sonder. Kfitz. Tab. Phyc. XIX (1864), p. 15, t. 43; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 960. Fronds ecorticate. Eight siphoned. Victoria (Wilson Promontory). IV. — ATRO-RUBESCENTES. Siphons 10-16 or more. Fronds bright red, drying darker, cylindrical, branching vague or pinnate. Ramuli irregular. Polysiphonia atricapilla J. Agardh. J. Ag. Sp. II., 3, p. 1054; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 934. Fronds to 15 cm. high, branching irregular, pinnate; intertwined with finer virgate ramuli, glabrous at base, articulate and ecorticate. Ramuli widely spread, almost horizontal, sublinear, attenuated, obtuse, the lower slightly rigid. Twelve siphoned, articulations all short. Tetrasporangia in slightly verrucose ramuli, sparse, prominent. South Australia (Lacepede Bay), Western Australia, OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 275 Polysiphonia aurata Harvey. Harv. Acc. of W. Aus. no. 95; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 933. Fronds caespitose, 10-20 cm. high, filiform, articulate, irregularly branched; branches alternate or dichotomous, erect, patent; ramuli alternate or secund, apices furcellate. Ten siphoned. Articulations below two-three times as long as broad. Stem seven furrowed. Tetrasporangia large, almost solitary. Cystocarps ovate, sessile. Colour red-brown. Western Australia (King George Sound). The following two species have also been recorded, but very meagre descriptions are given, by De Toni. Examination of type or authentic specimens is required. They are included here as they are ten siphoned : Polysiphonia Argus Kiitzing. Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. XIV. (1864), p. 17, t. 48; De toni Syll. Alg. IV., 960. Ten siphoned. Victoria (Western Port). Polysiphonia angustissima Kiitzing. Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. XIV. (1864), p. 17, t, 47; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV., 960. Fronds ecorticate 10 siphoned, with very short articulations. Similar to P. Eoeuna. Victoria (Brighton Beach, Port Phillip). B. Fronds more or less inarticulate. V. — FULIGINOSAE. Siphons 12-16 or more. Fronds tall, inarticulate and corticated at the base, apices pellucidly articulate. Polysiphonia virgata (Ag.) Spreng. (Syn. P. fuliginosa Rud.) Harv. Nereis Austral., p. 56; Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. XIII.. t. 59; De Toni Syll. Alg. IV, p. 952. Fronds 30 cm. to 50 cm. tall, terete, becoming slenderer upwards; inarticulate, opaque, simple or once or twice forked below, with long virgate, quadrifarous branches throughout, these in turn with lateral branchlets which are again branched. Articulations, where visible, as long as broad. Stem and large branches consisting of a central tube surrounded by a broad belt of small irregular cells, in many rows, round which 16 tubes radiate in an elliptic curve, again surrounded by another broad belt of cells; lesser branches consisting of a central tube surrounded by 16 others, and with a very narrow external cellular coat; a ramulus shows only 16 primary tubes. Tetrasporangia in accessory, dichotomous ramuli in the axils of penultimate branchlets. 'Cystocarps globose-urceolate, disposed on small adventitious ramuli. Colour dark reddish-brown. Substance carti- laginous, soon decomposing in fresh water. Australia (doubtful), Cape of Good Hope, Brazil. 276 THE SEAWEEDS Lucas described the following nine-siphoned species from New South Wales, but did not discuss its relation to other species, so it cannot at present be included in any of the above groups : Polysijjhonia compacta Lucas. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., XXXVIII., p. 56. Fronds forming cushion or moss-like patches covering and following the inequalities of rocks; patches variable in outline, irregularly oval, up to 8 cm. or more in diameter, sometimes confluent. Lower layer forming a firm imbricate reticulum; the upper, to 10-15 mm. high, consisting of free ramuli, very soft. The primary filaments, somewhat stouter than the secondary, creep over the rock surface, and are attached to it by numerous simple or forked colourless rhizoids, up to five from one articulation ; each rhizoid terminating in an expanded adhesive disc. Nine siphons. Each articulation separated by a narrow colourless zone. Tetrasporangia extending in a series of up to nine or more in the centre of the ramuli, not moniliform; fertile ramulus often branched, sometimes bearing an immature fertile ramellus. Farm Cove, Port Jackson, New South Wales. In rock pools left by falling tide. Below are listed the Australian species once placed in Polysiphonia, and which have now been removed to other genera. Descriptions of South Australian species will be found on other pages of this book, and all are dealt with by De Toni. P. rufolanosa TIarv. = Falkenbergia rufolanosa (Harv.) Schmitz. P. vagabunda Harv. = F. vagabunda (Harv.) Falk. P. ericoides Harv. = Bryocladia ericoides (Harv.) Schmitz. P. tasmanica J. Ag. = Pityopsis tasmanioa (Sond.) Falkenberg. P. valida J. Ag. = Chiracantha valida (J. Ag.) Falk. P. pennata J. Ag. = Pterosiphonia pennata (Roth.) Falk. P. cladostephus Mont. = Brongniartella australis (Ag.) Schmitz. # P. Patersonis Sond. (P. spinosissima Harv.) = B. (?) Pater sonis (Sond.) De Toni. P. dendritica Ag. = Dipterosiphonia dendritica (Ag.) Falk. P. prorepens J. Ag. = Dipterosiphonia prorepens (J. Ag.) Falk. P. filipendula Harv. = Herposiphonia filipendula (Harv.) Falk. P. monilifera H. and H. = H. monilifera (II. and H.) Falk. P. pectinella Harv. >= II. pectmella (Harv.) Falk. P. prorepens Harv. = II. prorepens (Harv.) Schmitz. P. rostrata Sond. = II. rostrata (Sond.) Falk. P. versicolor H and H. = II. versicolor (H. and LI.) Falk. (De Toni includes P. scopulorum Harv. and P. Pecten Aresch. under II erposipiionia . ) P. calothrix Harv. = Lophosiphonia calothrix (Harv.) De Toni. P. neglecta Harv. = L. (?) neglecta (Harv.) De Toni. P. prostrata Harv. = L. prostrata (Harv.) Falk. * Recent examination shows that, this species has hairs confined to the ramuli ends, and therefore belongs to the Cancellatae group of Polysiphonia, as originally placed. OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. P. simpliciuscula Crouan = Ophidocladiis simpliciuscidiis (Crouan) Falk. P. callithamnion (Sond.) = Heterosiphonia callith amnion (Sond.) Falk. CHIRACANTHIA Falkenberg. Fronds erect, terete, laterally branched. Branches elongate, poly- siphonous, at length showing dorsiventral construction. Ramuli in lower part covered with aculiform ramelli. Axis polysiphonous, four pericentral cells, soon evolving a parenchymatous cortex. Cvstocarps single on short ramuli. Tetraspores nidulating in thick torulose stichidia, in a single spiral series. Chiracanthia vaZida (J. Ag.) Falkenberg. = Polysiphonia valida J. Agardh. Frond 15 cm. to 25 cm. long, pinnate, irregularly branched, the ramuli and ramelli alternate as far as the apices which are corticate and have no ramelli. The ramelli are short and distantly spaced in a congested subquar- rose mass, on a short stem. The ramelli are rigid, subulate, articulate and polysiphonous. Cystocarps pedicellate, subterminal, globose, with a prominent orifice. Dark-red, drying black. South Australia (Investigator Strait, Eastern Bays), South Coast generally. Chiracanthia arbor ea (Harv.) Falkenberg. Fronds 20 cm. to 50 cm. long, dendroid, excessively branched, opaque in all parts; main stem about 2 mm. in diameter, attenuated upwards. Branches spreading to all sides, bushy, several times decompound, all the divisions erecto-patent, inserted in an irregularly spiral order. Ramuli spine-like, very minute and closely set, with two to three incurved, sub- falcate teeth at the extremity. Cystocarps ovate, on long stalks, densely cellular. Colour dark-brownish or brownish-red. Substance tough. South Australia (Eastern Cove (Kangaroo Island)), Tasmania. Subfamily Pterosiphonieae Falkenberg. KEY TO THE GENERA. a. Pericentral cells four; fronds consisting of long branches in the one plane, irregularly lobed, below decumbent, above erect . Pollexfenia Harv. aa. Pericentral cells six ; fronds erect, distichously branching, branches tall Dictymenia Grev. POLLEXFENIA Harvey. Fronds plane, membranaceous, rose-purple, expanded, ecostate or with a median costa, lacerate, areolate, formed of polygonal cells. Pericentral siphons four. Cystocarps arising from the frond, ovate, osteolate, pericarp thick, carnose, sessile or pedicellate; carpospores pyriform. Stichidia obovate-oblong, subarticulate ; tetrasporangia alternately disposed. 278 THE SEAWEEDS Pollexfenia pedicellate/, Harvey. Frond 10 cm. to 12 cm. long, and equally broad, delicately membranous, with an orbicular outline, more or less deeply divided in a mixed dichoto- mous and pinnate manner ; the segments spreading simple or pinnatifid, the spaces between them wide and rounded ; the apices obtuse, and the margin entire. The substance is very thin, areolated, and destitute of costa, but the frond is transversed throughout with a wide band of pellucid veinlets, or inernal filaments, which have the appearance, under a pocket lens, of deli- cate striae. These veinlets originate at the base of the frond, and radiate towards all the segments, passing through the centre of each, and evidently supply the place of a midrib, without taking its appearance. They are most obvious towards the apices, which is not usually the case with costae or nerves. Colour rosy-purple, becoming brownish-red in drying. Cystocarps Fig. 124 . — Pollexfenia pedicillata. Fig. 125 . — Pollexfenia lobata. abundantly scattered over both surfaces, ovate, acuminate, born on stalks as long as themselves. Stichidia also thickly dispersed, tufted, ovate- lanceolate. South Australia (Holdfast Bay, Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Western Australia, Tasmania. Pollexfenia lobata (H. & H.) Falkenberg. = Jeannerettia lobata Hooker fi-L and Harvey. Attachment or hold-fast small, discoid. Fronds tufted 25 cm. to 50 cm. long, and as much in the expansion of the segments, rising with a filiform, slender stem, which at 2 cm. to 8 cm. above the hold-fast passes into the base of the frond, and is continued upwards as a midrib. This midrib sends off lateral branches, one of which traverses each lobe of the frond until it is lost near the apex ; and the larger branches throw out other laterals, directed towards the smaller lobes. The frond is delicately membranous, but of firm and somewhat rigid substance, and is subdichotomously divided ; the lesser segments alternately inciso-pinnatifid, or lobulate. The margin is everywhere undulated, and the lobes very obtuse. In old specimens the midrib is proliferous, emitting similar fronds. Under a pocket lens the OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 279 lamina appears to be obliquely striate from the midrib to the margin, and especially at the apices of the laciniae.it is marked with radiating striae; these striae' are internal veinlets, forming part of the axial system of the membrane. The membrane is composed of a double row of quadrate cells ; the midrib of several rows of similar but smaller cells. Cystocarps are tufted, pedicellate, ovate, and contain a tuft of pedicellate, pyriform spores. The stichidia, also tufted, are fusiform or clavate, simple and contain a double row of tetraspores. The substance is firmly membranous, glossy when dry, and adheres to paper. The colour is a dark vinous-purple, chang- ing to black when dry. South Australia (LeFevre Peninsula, Encounter Bay, Eastern Bays), Tasmania. Family tx*MA«t