SHALLOW WATER ACOUSTIC AMPLITUDE FLUCTUATIONS AT 35 AND 65 KHz Michael Thomas Korbet L II L onterey, California SHALLOW WATER ACOUSTIC AMPLITUDE FLUCTUATIONS AT 35 AND 65 KHz by Michael Thomas Korbet Thesis Advisor: W. Denner March 197^ Approved Ion public KeJL&a&e.; dU>t>uhation anlimLtad. T160860 Shallow Water Acoustic Amplitude Fluctuations at 35 and 65 kHz by Michael Thomas JCorbet Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1966 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL March 1974 c / ABSTRACT An underwater acoustics experiment conducted in shallow water (70 feet) off the New Zealand east coast in 1972-1973 is described. Short acoustic pulses of 35 and 65 kHz sound were projected along near-orthogonal paths of approximately 300 yards. Environmental parameters were simultaneously observed. Statistical and spectral analyses of pulse heights were performed on 12 selected runs using digital techniques. Coefficients of variation ranged from 2.0% to 15.5%. In almost all cases, higher variability was observed along the acoustic path oriented perpendicular to the predominant swell direction. Along this same path, periods corresponding to common surface swell periods were frequently evident in the autocorrelation functions of the fluctuations. Coherence between the fluctuations along each path was low, averaging about 0.1. Long period oscillations suggestive of modulation by internal waves were apparent in several runs. No signif- icant dependence of variability on acoustic frequency was detected. Microscale temperature fluctuations measured simultane- ously are discussed. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. THE EXPERIMENT 8 A. BACKGROUND 8 B. OVERVIEW 12 C. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13 D. DESCRIPTION OF SENSORS 21 1. General 21 2. Acoustic System 22 3. Temperature System 26 E. DATA ACQUISITION 27 II. DATA ANALYSIS 31 A. STRIP CHART RECORDING ■ 31 B. DIGITIZATION 31 C. CONVERSION 35 D. PULSE HEIGHT MEASUREMENT 35 E. SELECTION OF RUNS FOR DETAILED ANALYSIS 36 F. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 39 G. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 42 H. DISPLAY OF RESULTS 44 III. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 45 A. TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS 45 B. STATISTICAL RESULTS OF PULSE HEIGHT ANALYSIS 46 C. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS RESULTS 48 D. DISCUSSION 52 IV. CRITIQUE OF EXPERIMENT 62 A. PARAMETERS 62 B. RUN LENGTH 63 C. RECORDING OF DATA 64 D. PHASE II RUNS 65 E. RELFECTED SIGNALS 66 F. LOG KEEPING 67 V. SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONCLUSIONS 68 APPENDIX A: PULSE HEIGHT TIME SERIES AND ANALYSIS RESULTS 72 LIST OF REFERENCES 125 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 12 8 FORM DD 1473 130 LIST OF TABLES I. Basic Data on Analyzed Runs 37 II. Sea and Weather Conditions During Each Run 38 III. Summary of Statistical Analysis Results 47 IV. Summary of Selected Results from Spectral Analysis 49 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Map of Auckland-Leigh area in New Zealand 15 2. Map of experiment site near Leigh, New Zealand 16 3. Schematic of acoustic propagation equipment 23 4. a. Typical sample of microscale temperature fluctuations and simultaneously observed acoustic pulse heights 32 4.D. Expanded view of acoustic pulse sequence 32 5. Graph of coefficient of variation versus number of bad pulses 53 6. Graph of bad pulses on Hydrophone 1 versus those on Hydrophone 2 5^ 7. Histogram from Pulse Height Analyzer for pulses recorded during the 5 minute period shown on temperature record: low thermal activity 56 8. Histogram from Pulse Height Analyzer for pulses recorded during the 5 minute period shown on temperature record: high thermal activity ■ 57 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable guidance and encouragement of Dr. Warren W. Denner from whom, through countless hours of stimulating dialogue, I learned the value of innovative and exploratory thinking. The assistance and comments of Dr. Edward B. Thornton and Dr. Robert H. Bourke are greatfully appreciated. Particular note is due the Department of Physics of the University of Auckland for the cooperation extended during the conduct of the experiment. Special gratitude is offered to the staff of the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, especially Mrs. Dorothy Underwood, for the gracious hospi- tality and multiple resources made available during the author's work at that facility. The experimental research discussed in this thesis was supported through contracts from the Naval Ordnance Systems Command (Code 03C) . I. THE EXPERIMENT A. BACKGROUND Acoustic fluctuations in the ocean first gained serious attention as a result of sonar development and acoustic experimentation during and immediately after World War II. Variability in the pressure amplitude of an acoustic signal received from a constant source was attributed to the presence of moving inhomogeneities which continuously altered the ray paths for energy to travel from the source to" the receiver. During this same time frame, the development of quick- response thermopiles enabled Urick and Searfoss (1948, 19^9 ) to measure the micro-scale thermal structure of the ocean near Key West, Florida. Recognizing the prominent role of temperature in affecting the acoustic refractive index, they proposed that the "thermal patches" evidenced in their experiments were the cause of acoustic fluctuations. Subsequent investigations — theoretical, laboratory, and in situ — are summarized through 1964 by Urick (1967) • A more detailed theoretical development and analysis can be found in Skudryzk (1963). Although a clearer understanding of the nature of the ocean'.s fine structure is available now, compared to twenty- five years ago, the equations often used to predict acoustic variability are still those developed by Bergmann (1946) and Mintzer (1953a, 1953b, 1954). Under the condition that r << ka -— where r = range from source to receiver, k = acoustic wavenumber, a = thermal microstructure scale length, i.e., the "patch size", the acoustic variability, calculated as the coefficient of variation, V, is given by: *L Js U2r3 jJs V " ( 15 * a3 where u is the RMS refractive index contrast of the inhomogeneity . 2 At relatively long range, such that r >> ka , the variability is given by: „ _ t IT'S 2, 2 ,h V = ( -75— y k ar)2 These two equations were derived under the assumption of a Gaussian autocorrelation function for the temperature fluctuations. The quantities V and u are calculated as: V = <(P -

)^> (

)2 coefficient of variation; i.e., V is the fractional standard deviation of the pressure amplitude, P V = (1) , where c = sound speed = RMS variation of the refractive index. The "patch size", a , is determined from the space auto- correlation function of the temperature fluctuations as measured by a sensor moving along a line through the tempera- ture field. Invoking the hypothesis of "frozen turbulence," and allowing the temperature field to be advected past a fixed sensor, • "patch size" can also be determined from the temporal autocorrelation function of the temperature fluctu- ations, (t), where x is the lag time, provided the advection velocity is known. Mintzer (195*0 has shown that the autocorrelation func- tion for the acoustic fluctuations, R(x), should be related to the autocorrelation function for the temperature fluctu- ations by the equation to o Ul Z o h- X T- V> 0. O o O tc Z < a u > o X m £ S D, •H <1J d o 23 second oscillator which produced the pulse. The second oscillator, in turn, triggered the power amplifier and simultaneously input the trigger signal to a specially designed sample and hold circuit. The power amplifier drove a horizontally omnidirectional projector at one of the two experimental frequencies, 35 kHz or 65 kHz. The signals from the hydrophones were passed via cabling back to the shore station where they were input to the dual channel sample and hold circuit . This circuit, designed and constructed by personnel of the Physics Department at the University of Auckland in New Zealand (Ash 1972) operated as follows. The trigger signal from the second oscillator initiated a sample inhibit instruction in the sample and hold circuit to prevent the circuit from being falsely triggered while the acoustic pulse was traveling down range. The pulse output from the hydro- phone preamplifier, approximately 2 volts peak-to-peak, was amplified in the circuit to approximately 8 volts peak-to- peak. By the time the pulse arrived at the circuit, the sample inhibit signal had been cancelled. The first cycle from the arriving pulse that exceeded a pre-set comparator level enabled a 200 msec sample hold component. At this point the peak-to-peak voltage value of the pulse cycle was held for 200 msec. The 200 msec output signal was then applied to a tape recorder. Approximately five cycles of the pulse were required to initiate the sample and hold process. After a pulse was Identified, the sampling circuit 2 'J was disabled by a logic sub-circuit to avoid triggering of the system by noise or reflections between direct path pulse arrivals . Pulse durations of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 msec were used in various phases of the experiment. However, this did not affect the operation of the sample and hold circuit since pulse height was determined in the first five cycles of the pulse train and later arrivals were ignored. Pulse repetition rate as determined by the first oscillator also varied, with nominal rates of 1 and 3 pulses per second in use at different times. Problems associated with the higher rate will be discussed in Chapter IV. ■The three transducers used in the experiment were basically identical. Each transducer was comprised of a low frequency and high frequency section, resonant to 35 kHz and 65 kHz respectively. The transducers were Model ITC601D manufactured by the International Transducer Corporation of Goleta, California. Peripheral equipment consisted of an oscilloscope which was used to monitor the performance of the sample and hold circuit and to observe the degree of fluctuation occurring during a run. In the latter stages of the experi- ment, a pulse height analyzer was also placed in line to obtain immediate analysis of height distributions. Range geometry and water depths were such that surface-reflected and bottom-reflected signals arrived at the hydrophones sufficiently late enough to Insure that only 25 direct path measurements were made. During the initial phase of the experiment, however, occasional interference from surface-reflected arrivals did occur at the Bird Cage Site under conditions of low tide and an acoustic frequency of 35 kHz. A satisfactory solution to this problem was obtained by lowering the mast at the site by 5 feet prior to the commencement of later phases. 3. Temperature System Glass encapsulated, fast response thermistors were used for measurement of gross temperature and temperature microstructure . For the gross temperature thermistor, the Wheatstone bridge components were chosen so that the bridge balanced at l4.5°C, the center of the anticipated temperature range of 12°C to 17°C. A temperature range of this magnitude was expected due to the long period of time planned for the conduct of the experiment. With the high resolution required for the micro- structure measurements, a small change in gross temperature would have quickly moved the microstructure bridge off balance if a conventional Wheatstone bridge arrangement were used. Thus, high resolution would have been available only over a very limited temperature range. This problem was overcome by using two equal resistors in the ratio arms of the bridge and two matched thermistors in the opposite arms. Thermal inertia added to one of the thermistors ensured that only slow temperature changes were sensed. The other therm- istor in the adjacent arm sensed both gross temperature and 26 temperature microstructure . Thus, the bridge output was proportional to microscale temperature fluctuations but had the ability to stay balanced over a wide range of gross temperature. The stock of thermistors available was calibrated in a bath from 11°C to 25°C and proved to be very well matched and therefore suitable for this type of arrangement . For the microstructure measurements, a temperature change of 0.1°C was set equivalent to a 1.0 volt change in the bridge output; the microstructure thermistors were essentially linear over a range of ± 0.1°C from the zero point. The gross temperature range of 12°C to 17°C was equivalent to a voltage output range of -2.0 volts to +2.0 volts with 0.0 volts registered at l4.5°C. To make efficient use of the limited conducting cables available, temperature data signals were frequency multiplexed in the' underwater equipment and then transmitted to the shore equipment in the laboratory where the signal was demultiplexed by filters. The carrier frequencies for the two signals were spaced sufficiently far apart to insure that rejection of the unwanted signal by the filters was effective . E. DATA ACQUISITION Preparation for the experiment began during the summer of 1971. This included renovation of the Tripod Site and underwater surveys to determine the best locations for 27 additional instrument masts and optimum routing to bring the armored cables ashore. Placement of cables, masts, and instruments was executed at various times through the summer of 1972. Phase I of the experiment with all sensors operating was conducted during the period 26 September to 19 October 1972. Following a six week break when alterations to the mast at the Bird Cage Site were made, Phase II was executed in the first two weeks of December 1972. Phase III of the experiment took place during the first week of July 1973. The runs analyzed in this thesis were all made during Phase I. In order to establish a comprehensive data base, it was planned to take measurements on an hourly basis and whenever significant phenomena were observed. During Phase I, this schedule was put into effect. However, data storage require- ments dictated that the original schedule be modified to acquisition of acoustic and environmental data four times daily and during unusual occurrences (e.g., high swell, high winds, abnormally calm sea, etc.). The four periods specified were sunrise, midday, sunset, and midnight. This schedule was maintained during the latter stages of Phase I and during Phase II. The schedule for Phase III was further modified to provide for as near-continuous data collection as possible during the two days that spanned this phase. Because of the expansive data accumulation anticipated, run length during Phases I and II was planned to be nominally 10 minutes. It was calculated that a run of this relatively 28 short length would be long enough to satisfy the requirements for statistical and spectral analysis of the fluctuations in the temperature and acoustic data. On occasions when extreme variability was observed, run length was extended to twenty minutes. During Phase III, run length was arbitrary, with the shortest run being 27 minutes and the longest 77 minutes. In order to investigate the frequency dependence of the acoustic fluctuations, runs were generally conducted in series of two, alternating the high and low frequencies in each series. Due to the mechanical manipulations required to change frequency, the two runs in a series were separated by a period of about 8 to 20 minutes. Two magnetic tape recorders were in use during Phases I and II of the experiment. One was a four channel Hewlett- Packard Model 3960, with a tape capacity of 1800 feet of 1.5 mil tape; the second was a seven channel Ampex FR1300 model with a capacity of 2500 feet of 1.5 mil tape. On the Ampex tapes mean temperature, temperature microstructure, pulse heights from both hydrophones, and the current data from the three ducted current meters were recorded. Wave height data, turbulent velocity data from the vertical compo- nent ducted current meter, multiplexed temperature data, and pulse height data on a time-sharing basis were recorded on the Hewlett-Packard recorder. The first half of a run was dedicated to Hydrophone 1 at the Bird Cage Site, and the second half to Hydrophone 2 at the Reef Site. 29 Aanderaa current meter tapes were processed after retrieval by displaying the data on a calibrated strip chart. Except for a few runs in Phase II, ambient noise was not recorded, but was monitored during each run. Also in use was a four channel strip chart recorder which dis- played wave and tide information, gross temperature, and temperature microstructure data on a real time basis. Log-keeping involved recording of dates, times, tape recorder channel allocations, significant wave height (H ,_) stage of the tide, and a summary of weather conditions. Wave height and tide information were determined to the nearest 0.1 foot from the strip chart. Because the experiment was a joint venture between personnel from the University of Auckland and from the Naval Postgraduate School, copying of data tapes was required after each phase to make the data available to both parties. Selected tapes from the Ampex and Hewlett-Packard recordings were transcribed onto one inch, fourteen track magnetic tapes with the use of a Sangamo 3562 tape recorder. Addi- tionally, copies of the experiment logs and of some of the current and wave strip charts were returned to the United States for analysis. During Phase III, the Sangamo recorder was used for initial data acquisition and dubbed tapes were provided to the University of Auckland. 30 II. DATA ANALYSIS A. STRIP CHART RECORDING The first step in the analysis procedure was to survey the transcribed data to determine qualitatively the nature of the experimental runs available. Initially, this was attempted by viewing the data on a dual-trace oscilloscope. However, only two channels could be viewed simultaneously and no permanent visible record was produced. The magnetic data tapes were then played back on the Sangamo tape recorder with the output displayed on an eight channel Brush strip-chart recorder. The two tape channels containing hydrophone information were input directly to the Brush recorder. Each channel containing temperature data was first low pass filtered through a Krohn-Hite Model 33^0 filter at 20 Hz to eliminate high frequency noise that may have contaminated the signal. The filtered data were then displayed on the Brush recorder chart. A typical section of pulse height data and temperature microstructure data is shown in Figure 4(a). Figure 4(b) shows an expanded view of a typical pulse sequence. B. DIGITIZATION After screening the data for noise and run length, thirty- five runs made during the period 30 September through 13 October 1972, and five runs from the period 2 through 3 July 1973 were selected to be digitized. None of the runs from 31 m — i 13 — : i • «\ u ° CD w o o - co --f~^~- ~Z1 1 — ~ P -— co 1-1 =± ^ 1 P-i cz I i ■ r ■• :■ ■! . 1 s 1 i"~" -4 3 cd CO CD co rH P. T -J- J, o d ui E .X. : 1 -3 3 3 3 3 J3 o ctf ^ •H a CO H rH a! e CO • N ffi H C cti .C P f-i cu p cti a) Ph bO . >> • rH (U P CO .G rH hO 3 •H p. rH CO Ph 0) W bO •H bO •H CU Ph P P Cti U CU Xi C P o •H m P •H •H P 0) 0) CO j an a) 3 In a. CD IH bO 32 Phase II of the experiment were chosen. Pour channels of acoustic and temperature data were digitized. Digitization was accomplished through the use of a COMCOR 5000 analog computer, a Scientific Data Systems XDS 9300 digital computer, and a Naval Postgraduate School analog-to-digital conversion program. All of the above were available in the Electrical Engineering Computer Laboratory of the Naval Postgraduate School . In the digitization process, the most critical factor to be specified was the sampling rate. Based on a requirement to accurately define the pulse height on the digitized record, a sampling rate equivalent to 256 samples per channel per digital record was selected. This rate translated to a sampling time increment of 0.04 seconds between samples. Since the length of a pulse was 200 msec (0.2 seconds), the sampling rate insured a minimum of five samples on a normal pulse height and a maximum of six samples if the first sample on the pulse happened to occur exactly at the leading edge. Each hydrophone channel was input directly from the Sangamo tape recorder to the analog patchboard where the signal was amplified 25 times. The Nyquist frequency associated with the sampling rate was given by the equation, f = 1 c 2At where At = sampling time increment. 33 For the increment chosen, 0.04 sec, the Nyquist frequency was 12.5 Hz. This frequency was above the highest frequency of significant fluctuations expected in the temperature microstructure data and was high enough to minimize aliasing. Temperature data were played into the input of the analog patchboard where a plus 10 gain was applied. The amplified signal was then low pass filtered at 50 Hz to eliminate locally generated 60 Hz noise that was apparent in initial trial runs. Because tape playback during digitization was conducted at 16 times real time, the actual temperature data was, in effect, filtered at 3.125 Hz. The filtered signal was then input to the patchboard where a second plus 10 gain was applied. Total amplification of the temperature data was 100 times. Of several methods evaluated for filtering and amplifying the temperature data, the above method appeared to be the most practical and efficient in eliminating the locally introduced 60 Hz signal. In addition to the above procedures, biasing- of the amplified signal was required to keep the signal voltage within the ± 100 volt range of the analog computer. The COMCOR 5000 provided bias adjust on each channel. Each analog run was converted to a digital file of discrete samples. These samples were written on seven track magnetic tape in octal base notation. Each file contained all four channels of digitized data applicable to that run. Data in a file were written in blocks of 1024 samples called digital records; each record spanned 10.24 seconds of real time data. 3'J C. CONVERSION Continued analysis was to be performed on the IBM 360/67 digital computer at the Naval Postgraduate School. However, it was first necesary to make the digitized data compatible with the IBM 360 system. The conversion process involved changing the notation from octal base to hexadecimal base, and rewriting the data on a nine track magnetic tape. The conversion was made using programs available at the Naval Postgraduate School computer center and described in a current technical note (Raney 1973) . D. PULSE HEIGHT EXTRACTION Of the 256 samples per channel in one digital record which represented 10. 24 seconds of data, only about 50 of the acoustic channel samples actually fell on a pulse height peak. Furthermore, these 50 samples accounted for only 10 pulses. In order to conserve core storage, it was necessary to compute and store only the pulse height value, rather than read into memory an entire file, consisting of an average 58 digital records. A program was written to read from the tape only the two channels containing pulse data. When one digital record had been read in, the pulse heights for each acoustic data channel were computed and stored. Upon completion, the next suc- ceeding record was read from the tape and processed. This sequence was continued until the entire file had been analyzed. 35 Programming precautions were taken to insure that no pulse heights were missed on either channel and that only actual pulse heights were retained; i.e., spurious noise spikes were omitted. E. SELECTION OF RUNS FOR DETAILED ANALYSIS Of the 35 runs in Phase I that were digitized, three were unacceptable due to excessive random noise that was apparently acquired during digitizing. From the remaining 32 runs, twelve were selected for detailed analysis. The selection criteria were to form a suite of runs that were representative of all typical environmental conditions, and to choose runs that for one reason or another (e.g., frequency, time of day, time sequence) were suitable for comparison with each other. No runs from Phase III were considered due to low apparent variability and difficulty with the data resulting from unexplained interchannel feedback somewhere in the data acquisition stage. Pertinent details of the twelve analysis files are shown in Table I. Because of digitizing requirements, the file length was always slightly shorter than the actual experiment run length. Table II summarizes the environmental conditions present during each run. The comments section of Table II was synopsized from the original logs kept during the experiment . 36 U to - c-~ O t~- C^ VO CM CM en rH rH rH CM rH CO cvj CM rH in CM CM +5 « rH rH rH m LT\ in in CM in 0 &0 G , ' HCrl 6 B 6 •h a) e B B a a a o S e 6 a\ o e fe ^-^ - VO VO CM C— vo t— on vo CO 0 CD ^ o o rH o o o O o O rH t— O CO CD £h o o O VO vo vo VO VO C\J OJ (M rH h 6 o ON on on ON on on ON on O O 3 -H G -P ^EhH C jG 3 cd P to muc y P -H 3 to -P O G -H P 3 P K ra-d G CD O fc • O ?H CO CD G t—> rHVO CO Cd rH U G rH -H < cd T5 a G G o cd G •H • cd « G P rH T3 O cd vo cd •H Q P CO T) o to o c 3 3 •H Cd 'CS o co c CO cd o o •H CQ vo o T3 ^> a a a a p P P P P P P p CM 0 0 0 0 o O o o O O O o 0 0 t— 00 CO CO CO O O o o o O o o rH P ON £> Cd rH o o o o rH rH rH rH CM CM en on cd Q — on en on en rH rH EH 37 o o g O O co o ^J .C o -p Cd 3 .a o K) CO *\ u > ' O en o r\J OJ 'Ci rH o p rH d o O -H rH Cd \ hO co cd 3 P 13 X3 O M 0) -P CO 2 to •H h X3 3 cu rH O P-i CO CD H o CO & a 5 .H 5 £ u CD > o CJ T3 o rH CJ O H \ C\J -p w % •H rH r? (D > O O oo p cd 3 bO o bO P CO 'r-3 CO ■6 I rH CO P CO I I co Cm O P CO ? ■d CU p CO cd o m u O 'O CO en cd 'd o CD M CJ Cm B CO %.B Cd ° B T3 q on •H vH 3 O CO VO VO O O VO VO O O CTi O oo o t— vo in o o o vo o co H co LO OO m co o o t~- oo co o + o vo + rH + rH I OJ I CM I C\J I OJ I H I in vo OO cr\ vo OO ■=r -=T -=r ^r LT\ LA O rH OO on VO VO VO t— t- rH rH 38 P. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS In order to perform the planned spectral analysis, an accurate determination of the pulse repetition period was required. To obtain this, the average time increment, At, between pulses (Table I) was computed. This increment was the measure of the frequency with which an acoustic pulse "sampled" the medium. The time increment, At, was found by computing the total time elapsed between the first sample on the first pulse in a run, and the first sample on the last pulse in the same run. This elapsed time, referred to as file length in Table I, was then divided by one less than the total number of pulse heights. The analog-to-digital sampling period of 0.0*1 seconds was the maximum error possible between the actual analog file length and the digital file length as computed above. Thus, for a file having a nominal 601 pulses (see Table I), the maximum possible error in the computed average pulse time increment, At, was on the order of: (At) = - •°!ln^ec = ± 6.7 xlO"5 seconds max 600 error An error of this magnitude was considered acceptable for the precision required to perform a valid spectral analysis of the pu]se heights. 39 Computation of certain statistical parameters was the next step in the analysis scheme. A pre-compiled subroutine available in the Naval Postgraduate School IBM 360 library was used to compute the coefficient of variation, the minimum and maximum values and the range of the distribution. The pulse height histogram was also computed and plotted. It was immediately apparent from the histograms that a small percentage of pulses had either extremely high values or low values. However, this result was expected from the Brush recordings which showed a random occurrence of "drop-outs" and "spikes". The origin of these anomalies was not exactly known, but it was apparent that they did not represent real acoustic fluctuations. To eliminate these a program was written to filter the pulse heights through a gate whose width could be varied. The acceptable gate width was determined by a trial and error process. The method employed in this smoothing process was to compare a pulse height with a running mean computed from the previous ten pulses. The first ten pulses In a file were tested against the mean of the first twenty heights to initiate the process, The gate was centered around the mean. A bad value was eliminated by substituting an artificial pulse whose height was determined from a linear interpolation between the preceding good pulse and the next succeeding good pulse. Pulse heights filtered in each computer run were compared with the Brush chart to determine if any good data had been filtered or if any anomalies had been missed. This method HO did not eliminate all bad pulses and on some runs one or two erroneous pulses escaped correction. Since these few represented a very small percentage of the total sample — less than 0.5$ — no further attempts were made to smooth them. Thus the temporal fluctuations in the smoothed distribution were, with rare exception, the result of actual acoustic variability. The smoothed data were then re-analyzed as discussed above. Of all the basic statistics computed, the coefficient of variation was the most pertinent. Skewness and kurtosis, which were computed along with other statistics, would have been valuable for comparison of histograms but were invalidated for this purpose because the class interval varied among distributions. In computing the histograms, the constant factor was the number of class intervals rather than the width of the class interval; this feature was a set characteristic of the subroutine. To facilitate comparison of results among runs, the pulse heights of each run were normalized to the mean for that run. Each pulse height sequence, then, had a mean of 1.0, and each pulse value was expressed as a percentage of the mean. This process had no mathematical effect on the coefficient of variation. Conversion of pulse heights to standard variables was also done so that distribution in terms of standard deviations was available. Hi G. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS Following procedures detailed in Bendat and Piersol (1966), preparation of the pulse height time series for spectral analysis started with removal of the mean and of any linear trend present in the series. An estimate of the autocorrelation function, R(t), for each time series was computed using the formula: , N-m R(t) = ± E (X)(X x ) N , n n+m n=l where N = the number of time samples, i.e., the number of pulses in each run m = the lag number t = the lag time = m(At) X = the individual pulse height value The values for t were incremented from t=0 to a maximum lag value of approximately one-tenth of the file length. The increment used was the At determined by the method in Section II. F. A Parzen lag weighting function was then applied to the autocorrelation function in order to insure a better estimate of the spectral energy density values. The autocorrelation function was Fourier transformed to arrive at an estimate for the spectral energy density function, G(f). The digital programming was derived from the integral expression: H2 G(f) = K I R(x) cos 2TTfT dx 0 where R(t) = the autocorrelation function f = frequency x = lag time Estimates were computed for narrow frequency bands over the range from D.C. to f where f is the Nyquist frequency applicable to each run. The cross correlation function R (x) between Hydrophone xy 1 and Hydrophone 2 was computed next, using the equation: n N-m Rxy(T) = N=m" \ XnYn+m n=l where X = pulse height value for Hydrophone 1 Y = pulse height value for Hydrophone 2 and N, m, and x were as previously defined. As with the autocorrelation functions, a Parzen window was used to smooth the cross correlation function prior to computation of the cross-spectral energy density function. The co-spectral density and quadrature spectral density 2 functions were used to obtain the coherence, y , and phase, 0 , functions for the pulse height time series: 2/ % c 2(f) + Qxy2(f) xy G (f) G (f) xv y '13 -1 Qxv(f) 6 (f) = tan 1 SL xy c (f) xyv 2 where y (f) = coherence between Hydrophone 1 and xy Hydrophone 2 as a function of frequency 6YV(f) = phase between Hydrophone 1 and xy Hydrophone 2 C (f) = co-spectral energy density function Q (f) = quadrature spectral energy density function G (f) = spectral energy density function for Hydrophone 1 G (f) = spectral energy density function for Hydrophone 2 . H. DISPLAY OF RESULTS The following computer generated plots were made on the CALCOMP plotter: 1. relative pulse height time series for each hydrophone 2. autocorrelation functions for each hydrophone 3. auto-spectral energy density of the acoustic fluctuations for each hydrophone !\ . phase and coherence between Hydrophone 1 and 2 . Except for one instance (Run 73) where the file length was longer than usual, all runs were plotted using identical scaling factors. i\H III. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS A. TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS Detailed analysis of the temperature micro-structure data was not performed in the course of this thesis. However, the Brush chart recordings previously described afforded an opportunity for a* qualitative evaluation of the micro- structure activity present during each run. Of the twelve runs under discussion, four showed temperature fluctuations that were considerably more active than the others. The remainder of the runs occurred under temperature conditions varying from negligible to moderate activity. The most active runs were numbers 72, 73, 116, and 117. Representative samples of the twelve temperature records are shown in Appendix A. The temperature microstructure fluctuations were evaluated using the thermistor calibration factors, tape recorder gains, and the gain and chart speed settings for the Brush recorder. An arbitrary classification scheme was employed to assign qualitative descriptors: Temperature Fluctuation Classification < 0.05°C Negligible .05°C to 0.2°C Moderate > 0.2°C High '15 B. STATISTICAL RESULTS OF PULSE HEIGHT ANALYSIS Table III summarizes the statistical results obtained from the analysis. Reference to Tables I and II supplies information relating the acoustic frequency, time of day, and environmental conditions to these results. The coefficients of variation ranged from a low of 2.03$ (Run 56) to a high of 15.53% (Run 116) . The five highest coefficients occurred in runs of relatively high thermal activity. In general, the variation observed on Hydrophone 2 was slightly higher than that on Hydrophone 1, the exceptions being Runs 45, 46, and 72. However, in only four runs (60, 73 » 116, 117) was the difference between the two hydrophones greater than 2%; three of these four runs were also classified as having higher microstructure content than the others. Significant differences between the high frequency runs and low frequency runs were more difficult to determine. For runs that were conducted in high and low frequency pairs (see Table I), the coefficients of variation for both Hydrophone 1 and 2 during the high frequency run were generally slightly higher than during the low frequency run. However, since the two runs in a pair were conducted 8 to 2*1 minutes apart (Table I), the difference may not have been due to frequency change alone. Table III also has two sections pertaining to the range of the distributions of pulse heights. The first of these sections lists the extremes of the distribution in terms of standard deviation. The second shows the range in terms 16 in % Relative to Mean Maximum Range c— C— T~i co co ^j- o o r-i CO men * VO LTV OJ VO rH Ln on t— CO rH r-i C— CO O inoj o oo on-=r D— vo on co rH^T OJ D— VO CVJ i>-cm r-i tr~ rH rH rH^r co on ooco OJ OJ OJ LO O CT\ ■=r o OJ OJ t— on r-i C— -=T CO OJ OO OO oo oj-=r LO OO rH OJ LO rH in co OOOJ OJ -=r OOVO r-i O oj^r ooo co co OOOJ OJ oo inoj ^r in onco onco r-i o o vo invo co o CO ON moo OCO ^r o ON oo -=r co o t— ONI>- on r— o o rH rH moo r-i r-\ r-i r-i rH O rlrH LO t»- rH r-i rH rH co o O r-i r~i r-i OOrH r-i OJ r-i r-i r-i ON <-i r-i H rH r-i l>- r-i r-i r-i rH CO ON OJ r-i r-i r-i r-iKD OOOO H H VO o r-i in rH H r— on rH-=T rH r-i Distribution Minimum VO O ^T r-i ON on vo in co i>- t— co OM— VO O ONOJ r-i VO CM OO O l>- O O ■=r oj o ^r -=r .=3- r-i ON f— in CO r-i t— co ooin t— o o oo ON ON ON UN CO CO VO ON co co oco ON [— CM t-- ON CO ON ON CO l>- O ON ON t— co in co co co o l>-C— rHVO CO VO l—O C— VO co vo OJ ON ON CO ON r-i on cr\ t>-vo OJ r-i VO oo ONOJ ■=r oj co vo VO r-i HVD co oo CO !>- CM LO moo co en rH-=T CO CM vo oo on in in t— Cm a O K VO VO m ON t~- LO LTM>- [-- in vo c— vo in VO LO inin oo i>- vo in vo in n in Tern aximum -=3" CO mvo -=T OO o on OOVO ■^r vo C— OJ r-i^O OJ LO t— oo OOON oooo i>-co r-i r-i on en ON rH r-i O inoo co oo co oj in Ln OOOJ en en 00^3- OOOJ oo oo ■=T OJ oooo OOOJ oo oo OJ CM moo oj on oj en Distributlo Minimum M CO r-i m cm LOCO OO ON OO OJ ON LO OJ c— OJ ON OOVO VO O OS CO t—vo ino r-i ON co oo r-HVO in o CM OO C--OJ r-i in r-i CM on in O OJ r-i OJ on on 1 1 OJ ^J" 1 1 OOOJ 1 1 OJ oo 1 1 OO OO 1 1 OJ oo 1 1 OOOJ 1 1 oocm 1 1 OJ oo 1 i oooo l l OOOJ 1 1 -=r oj l l * — -* Coeff of Variation 1 l>-VO t— ,-i co oo C\J CO •=r t— oo o co .=3- o oo oooo O OJ co in c— o r-i O inoj vo in r-HVO VO ON co o t—LO ON OO vo in OOOJ vo on OJ OJ ^r oj oo-=r ■=r in oj ^r ooin one- on in ON CO in on in in r-i t— in r-i # of Bad Pulses OJ OJ r-i on rH rH r-i r-i vo in rH O rH l>-0O r-i in CD o O r-i rH on VO oo r-i LOCO OOON in oo OJ CO ON OJ Hydro- phone r-i OJ r-i OJ t~\ OJ r-i OJ r-i OJ r-i OJ H OJ r-i CM r-i OJ r-i OJ rH OJ r-i CM It s>a SH oo o CT\H -=r m 'in 1 co m n . ;>: O Q v i J , ! ^s CM f-H ooh VO Q ,1,1 r 1 rH U r-i -p s ■p A w -p r-i W 0) co •H m >, r-i a < rH a o •H ±> W •H -P a -p CO Cm o >> M I CO H H « ii ■m 5 p- - >- X X O 0 □ 1 -B- O D Q3 O Q O- n in o 0) co rH -a cti o 0) e > *^CN 00 G IJJ o _i '" a. cti •H a fc < cti a > IS. ^ O o « z .o -co -P c o •H m N CD >j a, rH 6 cti cd d -p < c • -p o >5 .C P bO C •H ■H £ > CU O ■H W £ P to o CD cti to T3 r-\ O iH 3 -H cd CM U E CD M 6 P. 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I : . . i ■'. ..; i 1_ -— ~ -(N-71 9 I \ >> -p •rH > •H P O Ctf (D P Ctf Jh 0 >cs o 6 10 C o ■H P ctf P o H Cm Q) p ctf U 0> (X E c 76 -co ra -p M •H CD 0) to -m 3 "5 -n -CN in O d O O O NV3W Ol 3AI1V1?1U S1H9I3H 3Sind faO •H (D 0 w cH PL, 0 o (X o -Ci n i i • fM -c>* o d -P Si bO •H (U Sd O) CO .H a+ C\J > K C KV3W 01 3AI1V13U S1H9I3H 3Sind 8? a o ■H -P O C c o ■H -P cd > -ro oo -a l- in o 1^ CM o cf o 6 NV3W 01 3AllV13cJ S1M9I3H 3S"ind 86 M c o •H ■P O c o •H -P : 3 Ph m m iH 2 (I) F- £ O Xi ■<* o. u ^ •c >> w n OA -CN O O NV3W 01 3 AI1V13JJ S1HDI3H 3Sind 89 I o o 1^ •o oo -t^ M e •*• 3 C 2 -*■ -n o 6 NV3W oi 3Aiivi:y snioinn 3sino^ to -p bQ •H * a; w 0 O O U -CI ^g € -CN r- in 5 o 1^ d o d o d NV3W OJ. HAI1V13H S1H9I3H 3Sind 93 -o -CO -t» -° ^. -p 5 96 -o -co w -p £1 60 •H * Q) 3 CO CrH ^3 Ul ± C »- o o -ft CO in -CN r- CM o 6 ri O O 6 NV3W Ol 3AI1V13H S1H9I3H 3Sind 97 -o- -00 o d d O d NV3W 01 3AIIV13U S1H9I3H 3SlHd 98 Kl ■P 2 -T CO 2 3 0 c o .a o -a -ro CO in -• Z UI Q -4.50 \ < 1— o UI a. CO O O -5.25 -6.00 — ' *HP 2 i - I I J. 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.0,- -100 0.75 0.7& FREQUENCY (Hz) ]00 -o> -co -t»- w ■p .G bO •H (i «- QJ 3 CO C H 5 5 2 -*t CD c O .G ft O Ph >3 -co o -CN j? o •o o o 6 NV3W 0.1 3AI1V13H S1H9IHH 3S10d 101 -co -t* -O ^. CD -in ui 2 -t 0 ra 2 3 CM d> o o u •m o U3 c 3 K -CN in 1^ o 6 O O O NV3W Oi 3AI1VT3H S1MDI3H 3SlfUl 102 K> C o •H -P O c O •H -P cd rH • z Ul o -4.50 -J < u UJ a. «/> O -5.25 \l/^ \ /\HP1 \ /^~\ ^■v^^T'Y^^ /HP 2 -1 -6.00 ( ).00 1 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.'7£ 10r- UJ U z iu tc ut X o u 0.0 0.00 0.15 -^ 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 +180r- Ui < a: CL -100I- FRCQULNCY (Hz) 0.75 108 -o. -co "° *-» w ■P w •H 0 K -m ui 2 -t -m -CM CO 2 3 ^ Pm c o a o -a CM £ 3 K "nr- o o in n d o 6 NV3W Ol 3AI1V13H S1H9I3H 3S1Dd Hi'j r~ o- o o d m d -00 CO •p .C h0 ■H n CD O CD 3 w C fH 2 3 dn in CM UJ 2 CD -t -ro C o Xi o. o X) CM CM O d NV3W Oi 3AI1V13U S1H9I3H dS'lDd 110 M c o •H -P O c c o •H •P cti H 0) O o o -p c NOIiDNOd N0liV13a«0D0inV 111 1.0 -1.0 Run 72. Spectral Density, Coherence, and Phase z iu Q < V- O Ul a. © O -3.0 -5.0 -7.0 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 iu U z ui Ui 3C O u 10r- +180r- Ul 1/1 < X 0. -1801- FREQULNCY (Hi) 112 1-° "Sr CO - Run 73- Spectral Density, Coherence, and Phase 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 U z ui de: UI X O o 1.0r- 0.0 yVW A ^/^^/w. AA^An.^/ 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 +180r- < X -1001- FREQUmCY {\\z) 0.75 116 -©> -eo -P £1 bO •H 0 Kl -O^ -m 2 -•<*• c o .£ o u >> -co r-l -CN m I o o 1^ o o o 6 NV3W 01 3AI1V13H SIII0I3H 3Sind 117 -c -oo -t* w -P -O ^ 0) n c -in 2 -** to ■H P-, OJ C o o -a -TO -CM O b 0 ~7_ O O 6 NV3V< Ol 3AI1V13U SIH9I3H 3S"Ifld 118 CO C O ■H ■P O C C o ■H •P cd iH 0) U O o o •p VD r-\ iH NOiiDNnd NOiivnayyoDoinv 119 -2.0 -3.0 Z < DC I- o flu t/J O O -4.0 -5.0 Run 116. Spectral Density, Coherence, and Phase -6.0 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 10r- ui O Z u tu m X O u 0.0 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 +180r- IU < X a. -100 FREOUCMCY (Hz) 0.75 120 -t> -00 -t«. CO -p -o*-. — CO i 3 -in 2 -*r c o o u -M iH iH C d -CN i o o 1^ •o "T- o o O NV3W 01 3AliV13cJ S1H0I3H HSlHd 121 — r o 1^ o o CO -m CO -p .c M ■H 0 ffi M o 0) •• m 3 rH c 3 2 Ph CM Ul CI) i £ -co -CN - -o o 6 NV3W Oi 3AI1V13 Michael Thomas Korbet t. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERS 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS I. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 12. REPORT DATE March 1974 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 131 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS!-// dlllerent from Controlling Office) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 IS. SECURITY CLASS, (of thlt report) Unclassified I5«. DECLASSIFI CATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abttrect entered In Block 20, If different from Report) IB. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Research supported through contracts from Naval Ordnance Systems Command (Code 03C) 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverie tide If necetttry and Identity by block number; Underwater acoustics Shallow water acoustics Acoustic amplitude fluctuations Temperature microstructure 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverie tide II necetttry and Idtnttty by block number) An underwater acoustics experiment conducted in shallow water (70 feet) off the New Zealand east coast in 1972-1973 is described. Short acoustic pulses of 35 and 65 kHz sound were projected along near-orthogonal paths of approximately 300 yards, Environmental parameters were simultaneously observed. Statistical and spectral analyses of pulse heights were performed on 12 selected runs using digital techniques. DD ,^73 1473 (Page l) EOITION OF I NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE S/N 0 102-014- 660 1 I 130 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dele Bnltitri) UNCLASSIFIED 4'bt.URlTY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfWim Dmlm Enttrtd) (20. ABSTRACT continued) Coefficients of variation ranged from 2.0$ to 15 - 5% - In almost all cases, higher variability was observed along the acoustic path oriented perpendicular to the predominant swell direction. Along this same path, periods corresponding to common surface swell periods were frequently evident in the autocorrelation functions of the fluctuations. Coherence between the fluctuations along each path was low, averaging about 0.1. Long period oscil-"' lations suggestive of modulation by internal waves were apparent in several runs. Mo significant dependence of variability on acoustic frequency was detected. Microscale temperature fluctuations measured simultaneously are discussed. DD Form 1473 (BACK) 1 Jan 73 . UIICI ASSTF1FP S/N 01 02-014-()()(> 1 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGF.fH7..n O.r. F.nlmfd) ■i J 1 U b I Thesis K786 Korbet am^f!l°Wwater acoustic amplitude fluctuations at J5 and 65 kHz. 151061 I Thesis i;786 fc.l Korbet . Shallow water acoust- amplitude fluctuations at 35 and 65 kHz. thesK786 Shallow water acoustic amplitude fluctua 3 2768 002 10491 1 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY