‘CHIN ESE HERPETOLOGICAL RESEARCH Soe 科学 技术 文献 出 版 社 重庆 分 社 = 孙 $l BE, 属 引 国产 种 类 的 分 类 学 研究 2 wR 1”) 中 国产 浮 蛙 属 的 染色 体 组 型 , 2 1 一 种 罕见 的 无 尾 类 染色 体 组 型 一 一 对 具有 二 信和 为 26 和 16 的 背 条 和 0 2 几 种 环 蛇 的 染色 体 组 型 a socedscan ipoynrobpis grahami(Boulenger, 1904) 系 依据 云南 昆明 与 曲靖 闻 一 号 标本 所 订 名 , 以 后 曾 在 昆明 与 武 定 采 到 过 标本 。 棕 头 剑 蛇 与 黑头 剑 蛇 很 相近 , 所 以 Pope(1935,81 页 ) 及 Smith(1943,3:276) 仅 以 其 具 较 少 (83 或 以 下 ) BPRSBASIM 〈98 或 以 上 ) 相 区 别 。 Maki(1931) 依 据 我 国 台湾 省 剑 蛇 属 标本 10 号 , 以 其 腹 鳞 数 偏 低 (164-179) 订 为 台湾 亚 种 (Sibynophis collaris formosensis Ee LE Re RTE #Sibyne, . sainensis), & Fe HH Sl 2p MEH 2a ot ABUSES BSA SRB AGS WAR ASR ABET ECR, FCS 数 、 尾 下 鳞 数 或 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 之 和 等 方面 , 二 者 均 未 达到 划分 亚 种 的 标准 。 因 此 认为 台湾 标本 作为 黑头 创 蛇 的 亚 种 是 不 能 成 立 的 。 近年 , 分 别 在 位 于 四 川 与 云南 交界 处 的 泸沽 湖 的 云南 一 侧 及 四 川西 南部 米 易 县 采 到 一 批 创 蛇 属 标本 , 其 尾 下 鳞 数 较 多 与 黑头 剑 蛇 似 , 但 腹 鳞 数 也 较 多 又 与 标 头 剑 蛇 似 , 由 些 引起 作 者 的 注意 。 于 是 , 将 我 国 各 地 被 鉴定 为 此 两 种 的 标本 加 以 比较 , 并 参考 文献 记载 , 结 果 发 Hl, Bs ste SRLS ABW PE: EERO, 3-3-3; 眶 前 鳞 1, 眶 后 鳞 2; Bl 鳞 2 十 2, 仅 个 别 标本 一 侧 的 前 里 鳞 为 1 二 者 的 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 在 两 性 间 无 明显 区 别 , 虽 然 黑 SLAC PRS EEL, SONS EBLE, RRS Pees MR 一 致 ; 此 外 , 二 者 的 色 斑 亦 相似 。 因 此 认为 ,Sibpynrob1mis grahami(Boulenger, 1901) A Sibynophis cjizezsis(Ginther,1889) 的 同 物 异 和 名, 其 中 文 名 仍 称 黑头 剑 蛇 。 在 详细 比较 黑头 剑 蛇 各 地 居 群 的 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 ( 表 工 及 表 2 ), 结 合 地 理 分 布 特点 〈 图 2 及 图 3) 则 可 划分 为 三 种 类 型 。 由 图 2 可 见 , 居 群 A 以 腹 鲜 数 较 少 区 别 于 居 群 B 与 C, 其 两 两 间 的 差异 系数 (Coefficient of Difference) 均 已 达到 划分 亚 种 的 标准 , 居 群 B 以 尾 下 鳞 数 少 于 居 群 C, 彼 此 闻 的 差异 系数 亦 已 达到 划分 亚 种 的 标准 。 居 群 C 以 其 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 之 和 多 于 居 群 A, 彼 此 闻 的 差异 系数 也 达到 划分 亚 种 的 标准 。 因 些 认为, 黑头 剑 蛇 可 划 分 为 3 个 亚 Sah ae Table 1, Ventral and Subcaudal Counts of Sibynophis chinensis. atte n Vente Subcaudals Ventrals + Subcaudals Ainteriale or o Reference Yichang, Hubei 1 182 53+ Type of S. chinensis Sichuan 16 172-184 83-119 258-295 Chengdu Inst. of Biol. Gansu ae Te sey 25+,49+ Feng, 1981 Guizhou 3 171-186 104-114 285-294 Chengdu Inst. of Biol. 2 10 176-185 90-130 270-309 Wu et al., 1985 Guangxi Zo TOTS 50+. 112 288 Fan, 1931 Jiangxi eel tO: ao Weed eee Chang, 1936 ” 2 179, 180 108,101 287.281 Maslin, 1950 Fujian 6 174-180 107-125 287-299 Chengdu Inst, of Biol. Hainan I, 1 173 81 254 Chengdu [nst, of Biol. ” 1 167 115 282 Schmidt, 1925 Taiwan 10 164-179 110-129 281-301 Maki, 1931 ” 1 182 79+ Kuntz, 1983 Vietnam 1 165 107 272 Bourret, 1937 between Kunming and Kutsing 1 185 83 268 Type of S. grahami Yunnan 2 188, 194 Pope, 1935 ” 1 195 93 288 Chengdu Inst, of Biol. Western Guizhou 11 186-208 80-104 267-309 Wu et al., 1985 Miyi, Sichuan 了 189-199 108-119 297-314 Chengdu Inst, of Biol, Lugu, Lake Yunnan 3 196-199 112-115 310-312 Yunnan University erm _ Fopulation Dee A 58 B 15 C 10 = Fee: CIB 105026 male 17-17-17 189 CIB 105027 +» 17-17-17 194 CIB 105028 =» 17-17-17 192 CIB 105030» 17-17-17 198 CIB 105031 =» 17-17-17 199 YU 857012» 17-17-17 198 YU 857013» 17-17-17 199 YU 857021 1» 17-17-17 196 CIB 105025 female 17-17-17 190 CIB 105029» 17-17-17 193 Table 2, Subspecific Differenciation of Sibynophis chinensis. Ventrals Subcaudals Ventrals +Subcaudals range mean S D), fange mean S. iD: range mean Ses 164-187 117. 4 5. 09 81- 130 108.8 10. 93 254-309 285.9 10.78 185-208 193.3 6.32 80-110 95.8 8.32 287-309 289.6 12.67 189-199 194.8 Sy) SU Bes 3.61 297-314 re a 4 Ne = i=) Bs A 5 108 3-3-3 110 3-3-3 119 3-3-3 116 3-3-3 115 3-3-3 112 3-3-3 113 3-3-3 115 3-3-3 56+ 3-3-3 993; 3-3-3 TNS SSA SOT Blears labials | Loreals | Preoculars 9/8( 9(4) 9(4) 9(4) 8(4) 9(4) 10(5) 10(5) 9(4) 8(4) a a od eee 309.1 6.82 Table 3. Description of ssbunophis chinensis miyiensis, ssp nov. EE SE Postoculars 22 | + | Temporals bed Dato aabee 2 二 2 Dares 2 2 让 2t2 2 2 holotype allotype Oonwonwnnrsnns dv WwW PY &Y Figure 1, Head scalation of Chinese species of the genus Sibynophis, upper; Sibynophis collaris lower; Sibynophis chinensis 0. id Fig, 2. Coefficient of Difference among Three Populations of Sibynophis chinensts, WAY . Wy \ : Ww ) , ON ON | ne A \ DN ANN ah id Leth Pape Le 4) be 公 品 } ee Figure 3, Distribution of subspecies of Sibynophis chinensis, Sc, chinensis(dotted line) Sc, grahami(black line) Sc, miyiensis, ssp. nov.(black spot) 种 如 下 , 1. 黑头 剑 蛇 指 名 亚 种 SibynrobHis chinensis chinensis (Gunther, 1889) Ablabes chinensis Ginther, 1889. Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, (6)4:220, Sibynophis hainanensis Schmidt, 1925, Amer, Mus, Novitates, no, 157 (type lo- cality, Nodoa, Hainan), 模式 标本 产地 : 湖北 宜昌 。 形态 特征 , 腹 鳞 数 较 低 (164-187, 平 均 177.4), 尾 下 鳞 数 较 高 (81-130, 平 均 108.8)》, 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 之 和 254-309, 平 均 285.9。 分 布 , 国 内 已 知 产 地 有 :江苏 (栖霞 山 ), 浙 江 ( 桐 让 )、 莫 干 山 ), 湖 北 ( 宣 昌 ), 湖 南 (长 沙 ), 福 建 ( 崇 安 、 南 平 、 福 州 、 福 清 、 德 化 ), 台 湾 , 江 西 ( 声 山 ), 广 东 ( 罗 浮山 、 连 乎 ), 海 南 岛 ( 那 大 、 五 指 山 ), 广 西 ( 罗 香 ), 贵 州 ( 印 江 、 雷 山 、 兴 义 、 赤 水 、 清 镇 、 务 川 、 贵 定 ), 四 川 ( 丸 峰山、 峨眉 山 、 安 县 、 宝 兴 、 宣 宾 ), 甘 肃 ( 徽 县), 山 西 ( 石 泉 )。 国 外 见于 越南 北 部 。 2. SLE) 28 SRW MSibynophis chinensis grahami (Boulenger, 1904) Polydontophis grahami Boulenger, 1904, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, (7)13:132. 模式 标本 产地 : 云南 昆明 曲靖 间 。 形态 特征 , 腹 鳞 数 较 高 (185-208, 平 均 193.3), 尾 下 鳞 数 较 低 (80-I10, 平 均 95.8?, 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 之 和 267-309, 平 均 289.5。 分 布 , 云南 ( 昆 明 、 武 定 ), 贵 州 ( 威 宁 )。 3. 黑头 剑 蛇 米 易 亚 种 ”新 亚 种 Sibpyzopjpis chinensis miyiensis Zhao and Kou, ssp, nov, 模式 标本 ; 正 模 ,CIB105027, 雄 性 , 四 川 米 易 , 海 拔 880mg 1986 年 6 As 康 绍 和 采 。 配 模 ,CIB105025, 肉 性 , 与 正 模 同 。 副 模 ,7 号 雄性 (CIB Nos, 105026, 105028, 105030-1; YU Nos, 857012-3, 857021), = He ¥E(CIB105029), HH CIB 系列 与 正 模 同 ,YU 系列 采 自 四 川 云南 交界 处 的 泸沽 湖 , 海 拔 2600m; 1985 年 ; 寇 治 通 采 。 模式 标 未 产地 :四川 米 易 与 四 川 云南 交界 处 的 泸 活 湖 。 形态 特征 , 腹 鳞 数 (189-199, 平 均 194.8) 与 尾 下 鳞 数 (108-119, 平 均 113.5) 均 较 高 , 腹 鳞 与 尾 下 鳞 数 之 和 (297-314, 平 均 309.1) 亦 较 已 知 另 二 亚 种 为 高 。 分 布 , 目 前 仅见 于 模式 标本 产地 。 综 上 所 述 , 剑 蛇 属 在 我 国有 二 种 , 其 中 黑头 剑 蛇 有 3 PL, maT: 1A |e #10, 3-3-4350; HB wE1 枚 , ce ie es “ ooeee aa ea collaris 1B Ee %9, 3-3-350; Hye ME 2 枚 , ee Pte LSTA -- 2 2A 腹 鳞 187 以 下 , 分 布 于 我 国 东 部 低 山 丘陵 地 区 ………… 史馆 各 亚 和 c. chinensis 2B EMSS Es AAT MAIU MZ Se UTILS sseeevnsvocesenennssesneennn3 3A FA FRELIOW Fs Giang cee: sana SL Si he a SRLS, oc, grahami 3B 尾 下 鳝 108 以 上 , oe a AA 8 区 BS SKE ES WBS , c, miyiensis & = 文 Mm 伍 律 等 , 贵 州 肥 行 类 志 。 贵 州 人 民 出 版 社 ,(1985)。 冯 孝 义 , 甘 肃 的 蛇 类 。 两 栖 爬 行动 物 研究 ,5(5)。 29-44(1981), Chang, M, L, Y, Snakes of Lushan 〈 开 iangsi)rcollected by R. C, Ching, Contrib. Biol, Lab. Sct, Soc, China, 11(10):317-344( 1936), Fan, T, H, Preliminary report of: reptiles from Yaoshan, Kwangsi, China, Bull, Dept, Biol, Cot, Sci, Sun Vatsen Univ,, No. 11(1931), Kuntz, R, E, Snakes of Taiwan, US Naval Medical Research Unit, Yo.2(1963), Maki, M, A Monograph of the Snakes of Japan, Dai-Ichi Shobo, Tokyo (1931), Maslin, T, P, Snakes of the Kiukiang-Lushan area, Kiangsi, China, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sct,, (4) 26(12)2419-466(1950), Pope, C, H, The Reptiles of China, Vol, 10 of Nat, Hist, of Cent, Asia, Amer, Mus, Nat, Hist, (1935), Schmidt, K, P, New reptiles and a new salamander from China, Amer, Mus, Novitates, No. 157(1925), Smith, M, A, Serpentes, vol, 2 of Rept, and Amphib,, The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, London. Taylor & Francis, Ltd,(1943), A TOXONOMIC STUDY ON CHINESE SPECIES OF THE GENUS SIBY NOPHIS Zhao Ermi (Chengdu Institute of Biology, Academic Sinica) Abstract Three species of Sibynophis were recognized from China, S, collaris is readily distinguished from the other two in having ten supralabials with the eighth, which is largest, in contact with the single anterior temporal, S, grahami should be a synonym of S, chinensis, S, chinensis can be divided into three subspecies, The nominate subspecies has less ventrals and more subcaudals; S_ c, grahami, in contrast with the former, has more ventrals but less subcaudals, The total number of ventrals plus subcaudals is the same in these two subspecies, The third one is a new subspecies named as S, c, miyiensis, It has a higher ventral count like the grahami and a higher ventrals plus subcaudals count than the former two subspecies, Sibynophis chinensis miyiensis Zhao and Kou, ssp, nov, TYPES: Holotype: CIB 105027, male; Miyi County, Sichuan Province, China, 880m, 1986; by Kang Shaohe, Allotype: CIB 105025, female; the same as the holo- type, Paratypes: 7 males (CIB Nos, 105026, 105028, 105030-1; YU Nos, 857012-3, 857021) and 1 female (CIB 105029). The CIB number series the same as the holo- type, The YU number series collected from Lugu Lake, Sichuan-Yunnan border, 2600m; 1985; by Kou Zhitong, DIAGNOSIS: This new subspecies differs from the other two subspecies in Be OG es having higher ventrals plus subcaudals count, It differs from S. c. chinensis in having more ventrals and from S, c, grahami in having more subcaudals, DISTRIBUTION: Known from the type locality: Miyi County, southwestern Sichuan and on the shore of Lugu Lake, which constitutes part of the border be- tween Sichuan and Yunnan, This article was read by the author at the annual meetings of ASIH held at Albany 21-25 June, 1987. Chinese Herpetol. Res. 1987:7-11 KARYTYPES OF CHINESE SPECIES OF OCCIDOZYGA (FAMILY RANIDAE), WITH DISCUSSION ON THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF O, laevis martensi (Plate I) Zhao Ermi Tan Anming Wu Guanfu (Chengdu Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica) The number of the species in the ranid genus Occidozyga is comparatively small, but the animals are widely distributed over Southeast Asia, In China, two species, O, lima (Gravenhorst) and O, laevis martensi (Peters) have so far been found, They range mainly over tropical and subtropical areas of Fujian, Hainan Island and the mainland of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Xishuang Banna and Hekou of southern Yun- nan, The taxon martensi has for a long time been considered as a subspecies of O, laevis (Guenther), type locality in the Philippines, However, Liu and Hu (1961, p. 926) pointed out that there were considerable differences in morphology between the taxon martensi collected from China and O, laevis captured in the Philippines, This paper reports the karyotypes of the two species of Occidozyga found in China, compares them with the reported karyotype of O, laevis distributed over the Philippines, and discusses the taxonomic status of the taxon martensi known to Chi- nese herpetologists, The results produce convincing evidence for the establishment of martensi as a valid species, Materials and Methods Table 1 lists the frogs examined in the experiments, Both ends of the femur, tibio-fibula, and humerus bones were scissored off, and the marrow cells were washed out with0.46M KCl for chromosome preparation by a centrifugal air-drying method (Zhao et al,, 1983) and a direct mounting method (Wu, 1982), The samples were stained for 20 min with 2% Giemsa (diluted by PBS, pH 6.8-7.0). Readers 7 ee are asked to refer to the previous report by the same authors (Tan et al,, 1986) for the methods for analysing interspecific chromosome variation and the variation between different populations of martensi, Results Plate 1 depicts the karyotypes of O, lima found in Xishuang Banna and of the two populations, Hainan and Xishuang Banna, of martensi, For the measurement of the karyotypes, see table 2. The diploid number of the above-mentioned frogs is the same, 2n=26, com- prising two groups, The large chromosome group includes chromosome Nos, 1-5, with a relative length (R, L,) larger than 9%, It is worth mentioning that the R, L, of No, 1 in O, lima is very similar to that in the Hainan population of martensi, but quite dif- ferent from that in the Xishuang Banna population, The difference in R, L, of the remaining chromosomes among the three populations is not prominant, With regard to the arm ratio (A, R,), chromosome Nos, 1, 4, and 5 of all three populations are metacentric (m); No, 3 is submetacentric (sm); No, 2 is submetacentric in O, lima, but metacentric in the two populations of martensi, The small chromosome group comprises chromosome Nos, 6-13, with a R, L, less than 7%, The difference in R, L, is not obvious between O, lima and the Hai- nan population of martenst, but is prominant between these two and the Xishuang Banna population of martensi, Nos, 6, 7, 11, and 12 are metacentric; Nos, 8 and 9 submetacentric in all three populations, Nos, 10 and 13 are metacentric in O, lima, but submetacentric in the two populations of martensi, The secondary constrictions of the Hainan population of martensi can be readily observed on the short arms of Nos, 6 and 7, and on the long arms of Nos, 8-10, A satellite can also be seen on the long arm of No, 3 in a few cells (plate I, B), No secondary constrictions were observed on the chromosomes of O, lima and of the Xishuang Banna population, On the whole, the karyotypes of the two populations of martensi are the same, except for some differences in R, L, and in the centromeric type of chromosome No, 13 (sm in the Hainan population but sm or st in the Xishuang Banna popula- tion), Whether these differences are due to population variation caused by geogra- phical isolation or they are the result of errors in observation and measurement is still unknown and will be settled by future studies, Discussion The taxon martensi was first described by Peters (1867) as Phrynoglossus mar- tensi based on the specimens collected from Bangkok, Smith (1923) reported it from Hainan Island; Chang (1942) from Wuxuan and Tengxian Counties, Guangxi, and s 8 ° es @ Similarity O..-marntensi ‘(UHainan Island) Greens IT | , 中 q O. lima (Xishuang Banna) | Numbers of the same kind of centromeric type Total numbers of centromeric types compared “ Similarity= Figure 1, Presumed phylogenetic relationships of the four populations of Occidozyga, Table 1, The specimens examined in this study. Taxon Number Sex Locality Date lima 2 female Xishuangbanna, Yunnan June, 1986 marienst 3 female Xishuangbannaa, Yunnan June. 1986 marienst 1 female Hainao Island Sept., 1985 Table 2, Chromosome measurements of Occidozyga from China, Chieuosené lima (Xishuangbanna) BOAR! 人 | martensi (Hainan) Number ae Arm Ratio Haas Arm Ratio fee Arm Ratio 1 14,310.45 1.28+0.04 15.68 士 0.73 1.15 士 0.06 14.39 十 0.57 1.10-+0.06 2 12.06 士 0.48 1.74+40.17 12.78 十 0.69 1.56 士 0.14 12.35+0.62 1.53+0.11 3 11.20-40.36 1.91 士 0.14 11.33-b0.69 2.19 士 0.13”,“ 10.92 士 0.29 2.20 士 0.15 4 10.28-+0.45 1.64+0.14 10.760. 48 1.57+0.15 10.300. 42 1.59 士 0.15 5 9.58 士 0.52 1.23 士 0.12 9.42 十 0.39 1.31-0.12 9.310.46 1.28 士 0.09 6 6.52+0.39 1.18 士 0.12 6.21 士 0.39 1.29 士 0.13 6.52+0.26 1.14+0.07 了 6.09 士 0.28 1.15 士 0.11 5.79 士 0.30 1.370.17 6.06-40.15 1.17+0.07 8 6.75+0.40 1.97+0.20 5.58 十 0.34 2.55 士 0.39 5.87 十 0.29 2.41+0.23 9 §.44+0.35 1.90+0.19 5.20 士 0.37 2.58+0.43 5.45+0.22 2.32+0.38 10 §.19-40.35 1.190.09 4.82+0.30 2.30200.35 5.08-L0.27 1.98-+0.20 11 4.92 士 0.35 1.22 士 0.12 4.51 十 0.34 1.30 士 0.16 4.93 士 0.21 1.29-+0.10 12 4.540.388 1.30-+0.13 4,230.31 1.362:0.20 4.71 士 0.22 1.40 士 0.17 13 4.1120.26 1.390.12 $.70-40.38 3.0T0.70 4.11-50.30 2.42-50.36 Table 3. The centromeric type of chromosomes of four populations of the genus Occidozyga, Centromeric Type Taxon (Locality) = = = 一:- 2 3 4 5 6 了 8 9 10 11 12 13 lima (Xishuangbamna) m sm sm m m m m sm sm m m m m martensi (Xishuangbanna) m m sm m m m m sm sm sm m m st/sm martenst (Hainan) m TI sm m m m m sm sm Sia m m sm laevis (the Philippines) m m sm m m m m m m m m m m Liu and Hu (1959) from Xishuang Banna, southern Yunnan, These authors, as well as other workers, who deal with the amphibian fauna of China in recent years, identified martensi specimens with O, laevis or its subspecies O, 1, martensi, How- ever, the characteristics of martensi are much different from those of O, laevis, For example, Jaevis has a disc beneath each toe-tip and a distinct longitudinal groove on the upper surface; the toe-tip in martenst only appears as a small swollen ball- like structure or a very indistinct disc, and it has no dorsal longitudinal groove, Moreover, the snout-vent length of laevis (48-49mm) is much greater than that of martensi (20-30mm), Therefore, they are in fact different species as listed in “Am- phibian Species of the World” (Ed, Frost, 1985:464-465). Kuramoto(1980)reported the karyotype of O, laevis from Binangonan, the Philip- pines, with a diploid number, 2n=26, comprising five large and eight small pairs, This is quite similar to our results using Chinese O, lima and the taxon martensi, In laevis, all the chromosomes except No, 3, which is submetacentric, are metacen- tric, This, however, is much different from the cases in O, lima and the taxon martensi, Based on karyotypic materials of the four populations of three species in the genus Occidozyga, the phylogenetic relationship may be illustrated as figure 1, It is therefore very clear, as shown in table 3 and figure 1, that the differ- ences in the centromeric type of their chromosomes are prominent between O, laevis and the taxon martensi, Conclusion On basis of karyotypic and morphological characteristics, the taxon martenst should be regarded as a valid species, The name Occidozyga laevis martensi (Peters), formerly used for the specimens of the taxon martensi collected from Hainan Island, Guangxi and Yunnan, should be revised to Occidozyga martensi (Peters), Acknowledgement The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to Dr, Robert F, Inger of the Field Museum of Natural History at Chicago for kindly reading the manu- script, and Mr, Nianchang Chen for reviewing English text. References Inger, RF 1966: The systematics and zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo, Fieldiana: Zool,, 52, pp, 1-402, 71 figs, Kuramoto, M 1980. Karyotypes of several frogs from Korea, Taiwan and the Phi- lippines, Experientia, 36:826-828. Liu, CC and SC Hu 1961: Tailless Amphibians of China (in Chinese), Beijing: Science Press, ang Tan, AM, Wu, ZA and EM Zhao 1986: Studies on the karyotype, C-bands and Ag-NORs of Rana limnocharis (Boie). Acta Her pet, Sin,, 5(3):176-180, Wu, ZA 1982: A simple method for chromosome preparation from Amphibian bone marrow cells, Hereditas (Beijing) 4(1):38-39, Zhao, EM, Wu, GF and WM Yang 1983: Studies on genus Vibrissaphora( Amphibia: Pelobatidae), 5, A comparative study of the karyotypes of the genus Vibrissaphora, Acta Her pet, Sin,, 2(1):15-20, 中 国产 浮 峙 属 的 染色 体 组 型 , 兼 论 中 国产 圆 舌 浮 圣 的 分 类 地 位 (图 版 1) RS HRY ADK (中 国 科学 院 成 都 生物 研究 所 ) 摘 要 中 国产 尖 舌 浮 蛙 和 圆 舌 浮上 蛙 的 二 倍 染色 体 数 2na 一 26, 由 5 对 大 型 与 8 对 小 型 染色 体 组 成 。 尖 舌 浮 蛙 的 第 2-3,8-9 对 染色 体 为 亚 中 着 丝 粒 型 , 其 余 各 对 为 中 部 着 丝 粒 型 。 圆 舌 浮 蛙 第 3, 8-10,13 对 为 亚 中 着 丝 粒 型, 其 余 各 对 为 中 部 着 丝 粒 型 。 基 于 中 国产 圆 舌 序 蛙 与 非 律 宾 产 O, laevis 在 外 部 形态 上 的 差异 , 在 核 型 上 也 有 多 对 染色 体 的 着 丝 粒 类 型 不 同 。 因 此 , 本 文 认为 , 中 国产 圆 舌 浮 蛙 不 是 非 律 宾 产 O. laeuis (Giinther) 的 亚 种 , 而 是 一 个 种 级 阶 元 , 即 Occidozyga martensi (Peters)。 同 时 , 本 文 也 初步 探讨 了 上 述 3 种 浮 蛙 共 4 个 居 群 的 系统 发 生 关 系 。 This article was read by the senior author at the united annual meetings of SSAR and CHNM held at Veracrus, Mexico 10-14 August, 1987 本 所 储 义 诊 、 曾 晓 茂 二 同志 参加 了 云南 西双版纳 的 野外 标本 采集 工作 , 特 以 致谢 ! ® il e Chinese Herpetol. Res. 1987:12-16 A RARE CASE OF KARYOTYPE IN ANURA—A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE KARYOTYPE OF Philautus doriae (Boulenger) WITH DIFFERENT DIPLOID NUMBERS OF 26 AND 16 (Plate I) Tan Anming (Chengdu Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica) In recent years the studies of the chromosomes of amphibians have been used as a useful method for the solution of some taxonomic and genetic problems, The discovery of more and more exceptional karyotypes has in turn raised new problems in cytogenetics awaiting scientists’ answers, Schmid (1980, 1983) reported two species in Anura with highly developed XX/XY and ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes. Liu Wanguo et al, (1984) and Wu Guanfu et al, (1984) reported several species of Anura that have exceptional karyotypes, e.g, the karyotype of Rana phrynoides consisting of 64 telocentric microchromosomes, the presence of heteromorphic pairs of chromosomes (XX/XY) in Amolops mantzorum,; and the occurence of different diploid numbers, 2n=26 (male) and 2n=27 (female) in Amolops jingjiangensis, In the studies of the karyotypes of pelobatids found in the Hengduan Mountains, another type of karyotypic polymorphism with 2n=26, 27 and 28 in Brachytarso- phrys carinensis has been discovered (Tan et al,, 1987, Acta Herpetologica Sinica 6(2)). The karyotype of Philautus doriae now under discussion is unique to this field. Material and Method Chromosome preparations and karyotype analysis were made after Wu (1980) and Tan et al, (1986), using 7 females and 1 male of Philautus doriae captured from Youle Mountain, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan on June 6, 1986 at the altitude of 1,100 m above sea level, Student’s t-tests were then followed to testify the signif- icance of difference. (ON Results The frequency of different diploid numbers of the 8 specimens examined is presented in Table 1, The frequency of 2n=16 (86.93%) is much higher than that of 26 (13.07%). Table 1, The diploid numbers and frequencies of the 8 specimens examined of Philautus doriae pe a er A i A SE SP LS No Sex 2n=26* 2n= 16 1 ra 6 11 2 os 0 26 3 oe 1 7 4 a 2 10 5 a 0 35 6 ea 0 23 7 a 1 7 8 © 10 14 Total cells observed 20 133 Frequencies 13.07% 86.93% ss oan SIRS SS A ET LD * Qn=26 includes 2n=23(3), 20=24(1) and 2n=25(1). The statistical data for the two different karyotypes are tabulated in Table 2. The karyotype with 2n=26 is composed of 5 pairs of macro- (R,L,>9%) and 8 pairs of microchromosomes (R, L,<7%), Among these chromosomes, Nos, 1 and 4 are metacentric or submetacentric, Nos, 2-3 are submetacentric, and the rest are metacentric, This is quite similar to the case in other species of Rhacopho- ridae having the same diploid number, The karyotype with 20=16 has never been described in rhacophorid frogs, even in Anura, In the case examined, all the 8 pairs of chromosomes are larger ones (R,L,>9%), among which Nos 5-6 are sub- metacentric and the rest are metacentric (Plate ], Table 2), No heteromorphic chromosomes are observed, Analysis and Discussion Preliminary analysis shows that there seems to be a possibility of relationship between the two karyotypes, Despite the apparent differences in chromosome number and morphology, the first five pairs of macrochromosomes in the karyotype with a diploid number of 26 correspond with Nos, 2,4-6, and 8 in the other karyotype, except that the arm ratio of No, 2 in the karyotype of 2n=26 differs significantly from that of No, 4 in the other karyotype, In addition, the total relative length of Nos, 6-13 (41.96-+2,49) is similar to that of Nos, 1, 3, and 7 (40,011.32) of the latter, implying that the two karyotypes may be homogeneous in origin, Further evidence for the homogeny of the karyotypes may be given by determining the DNA ° iS cs Table 2, The two kinds of karyotypes of Philautus doriae (Boulenger)%, (10 Cells) 2n=16 20=26 No. Relative length Arm ratio Type No, Bese length Arm ratio Type 1 15, go-to. 65 1.45-0.12 m 1 14.34 士 0.68 1.68+0.11 msm 2 14.60 十 0.55 1.51 十 0.11 3 13 .54 士 0.44 1.24 士 0.13 m 2 12.110.54 tS=taQeal sm 4 12.62 士 0.61 1.20 士 0.06 m 3 11.54 士 0.58 1.90 士 0.13 sm 5 11.90 士 0.57 2.00 士 0.11 sm. 4 10.670.39 1.61-£0.11 m,sm 6 10.89+0.38 1.82 士 0.10 sm 0 10.55-£0. 23 1.13 士 0.11 m 5 9.59 士 0.54 1.35 士 0.13 m 8 9.83200. 44 1.11-£0.06 m 6 6.77 士 0.38 1.570.100 wm T 6.02 士 0.33 1.460.155 m 8 5.5820. 28 1.300.138 m g 5.48 士 0.28 1.32+0.14 m 10 5.03-40.30 1531GE OMT em 11 4.68+0.34 alee bt Fal 12° 4.41 士 0.23 1*20a20017, an ee m 13 8. 99-0. 35 15£0. 07 * Gee with eine at the ‘cont y the ae arm. Table 3, Statistical analysis of the relationship page te two karyotypes t-value pieces 2n= 26 t-value between no, no relative lengths arm ratios i 2 0.30 1.08 2 4 0.63 2.66” 3 5 0.44 0.59 4 6 0.40 1.41 5 8 0.17 1.68 6-13 1,3,T 0.47 moe insignificantly (P> 0.05). Ve eK K MAS ae 9 0 1 «12 13 Fig 1, Presumed karyotype changes from 2n=26 to 2n=16 Stage I Stage I StageB Random translocation and rearrangement * differs mention (0.01

- > Pericentric inversion Robertsonian fussion and fission oA he content cytochemically in future researches. In the karyotypic evolution of anurans, there is a tendency of decrease in chromosome number, increase in chromosome size and transformation of centromeric position from telocentric to metacentric (Morescalchi, 1973), Chromosomes 1, 3, and 7 in the karyotype with 2n=16 of P, doriae may have evolved from the 8 pairs of microchromosomes in the karyotype with 2n=26 by breakage, inversion and recombination, An assumption of the evolutionary changes concerned is illus- trated in Fig, 1. The fact that there are two different karyotypes of this species constitutes a new problem in cytology and genetics, It is worth investigating how two different karyotypes can occur in an individual and what the genetic mechanism of this or- ganism is, However, the actual existence of two different karyotypes in P. doriae implys that they probably have certain potential advantages so that they are re- tained to form an intraspecific karyotypic polymorphism, which may be relative to adaptation to environment and differentiation of organism, The genus Philautus are mainly distributed over Southeast Asia. In China can be found 10 species of this genus (Tian et al,, 1986), This paper reports for the first time on the karyotype of a species of the genus, Further studies on the kar- yotypes of other species will help to clarify the karyotypic polymorphism in P. doriae as well as the effect of chromosome changes on the differentiation of this species. References Liu, Wanguo,; Zan, Ruiguang, 1984, A special karyotype in the Genus Rana—An investigation of the karyotype, C-banding and Ag-stained NORs of Rana phrynoides Boulenger, Acta Genetica Sinica 11(1). 61-64. Morescalchi, A,, 1973, Amphibia, In, Cytotaxonomy and Vertebrate Evolution (Chiarelli, A, B, and E, Capanna eds, ):233-348, New York and London, Academic Press. Schmid, M,, 1980, Chromosome banding in Amphibia 5, Highly differentiated ZW/ZZ sex chromosomes and exceptional genome size in Pyxicephalus adspersus (Anura, Ranidae), Chromosoma 80:69-96. Schmid, M,, T. Haaf, B, Geile and S, Sims, 1983, Chromosome banding in Am- phibia 8, An unusual XY/XX sex chromosome system in Gastrotheca riobambae (Anura, Hylidae), Chromosoma 88:69-82. Tan, Anming; Wu Zhengan and Zhao Ermi, 1986, Studies on the karyotype, C- bands and Ag-NORs of Rana liminocharis (Boie), Acta Herpetologica Sinica 5 (3):176-180, Tien, Wanshu and Jiang, Yaoming (eds), 1986, Identification booklist of Chinese Amphibians and Reptiles, 65-66, The Science Press, Beijing, e 15 e Wu, Guanfu and Zhao, Ermi, 1984, Two rare karyotypes of Anurans, the karyo- types of Staurois mantzorum and S, liangshanensis, Acta Her petologica Sinica 3 (4):5-10, Wu, Zhengan and Yang, Huiyi, 1980, Karyotype analysis of frogs and toads by the method of lymphocyte culture, Acta Zoologica Sinica 26(1):18-24, Acknowledgement The author would like to express his thanks to Ms, Chu Yizhen and Miss Zhen Xiaomao for taking part in the collection of specimens in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, to Mr, Wu Guanfu and Prof, Zhao Ermi for encouraging this research, and especially to Mr, Chen Nianchang for reviewing the manuscript and giving valuable suggestions for its improvement, 一 种 罕见 的 无 尾 类 染色 体 组 型 一 一 对 具有 二 倍数 为 26 和 16 的 背 条 小 料 些 的 初步 研究 (Ake i) 2 £ (中 国 科学 院 成 都 生物 研究 所 ) 摘 要 在 树 蛙 科 核 型 研究 中 , 发 现 背 条 小 树 蛙 同一 种 内 具有 2a 王 26 和 2a 王 16 两 种 核 型 。 初 步 认为 这 两 种 核 型 间 可 能 存在 一 定 的 联系 。2n 三 26 的 核 型 由 5 对 大 型 、8 对 小 型 染色 体 组 成 2a 三 16 的 核 型 全 由 8 对 天 型 染色 体 组 成 。 从 相对 长 度 和 各 比 指数 看 ,2a 王 26 核 型 中 nos.1-5 对 染色 体 分 别 相当 于 2a 三 16 核 型 中 aos.2,4,5,6,8 对 染色 体 ; 前 者 aos.6-13 对 与 后 者 aos。1, 3,7 对 染色 体 的 相对 长 度 基 本 一 致 。 文 章 认 为 ,2a 王 16 可 能 时 2n=26 的 核 型 演化 而 成 , 两 种 核 型 共存 可 能 是 背 条 小 树 蛙 的 一 种 核 型 多 型 性 。 本 所 储 义 珍 、 曾 晓 茂 二 同志 参加 了 云南 西双版纳 的 野外 标本 采集 工作 , 等 此 致谢 | 全 Chinese Herpetol. Res. 1987:17-21 KARYOTYPES OF SOME SPECIES OF THE GENUS Bungarus (Plates III-V) Michihisa TORIBA (Japan Snake Institute, Yabuzuka, Gunma 379-23 Japan) INTRODUCTION The karyotypes of several species of the elapid genus Bungarus were investi- gated by several previous workers, B_ multicinctus by Nakamura (1935) and Qu et al. (1981); B, caeruleus by Bhatnagar (1960) and Singh et al (1970); and B, fascia- tus by Singh (1974), In the present study, the karyotypes of B, multicinctus and B. fasciatus were re-examined and that of B_ candidus is examined for the first time, Some interesting features, which were not mentioned by previous workers, were observed in them, It is the purpose of this article to document them, MATERIALS AND METHODS The snakes used in this study are, B. multicinctus Blyth, two females from Taiwan B. candidus (Linnaeus), a male from Thailand B. fasciatus (Schneider), a female from southern China and a female from Thailand. All these snakes were obtained via some animal dealers and do not bear pre- cise localities, B, multicinctus was provided by the Japan Snake Institute, B. candidus and B, fasciatus from Thailand were by Mr, H, Sugano, and B,. fasciatus from southern China was obtained by the courtesy of Mr, C, S, Tseng. The chromosomes were observed from the direct preparations of the bone mar- row cells of ribs using the slightly modified techniques described by Yosida and Toriba (1986), (1) 6-8ml/kg (body weight) of 0.005% (w/v) colchicine were in- jected in the peritoneal cavity, (2) Six to eight hours later the snake was anesthe- tized and 8 to 10 ribs were cut off, (3) The bone marrow cells were removed to centrifuge tube from the shaft of the bone in the Dulbecco’s physiological buffer solution (PBS) by use of syringe, (4) The suspension was centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 5 min, after that the PBS was discarded, (5) About 3 ml of the hypotonic e。 17 e solution,1% (w/v) sodium citrate, was added to the tube and suspended by pipette, (6) The suspension was left for 10 min in the room temperature, (7) Five ml of Carnoy 3:1 (absolute alcohol 3: gracial acetic acid 1) solution were added to the tube and mixed with the hypotonic solution, and left for 2 to 3 min, (8) The suspension was centrifuged and the solution was discarded, (9) Three to four ml of the Carnoy solution was added and left for 2 to 3 min, (10) After another centrifu- galization, about 0.2 ml of Carnoy solution were added, (11) A drop of the fixed material was placed on a wet slide glass kept in 50% alcohol, dried quickly over a gas flame, and stained with 4% Giemsa solution, The measurement of chromosomes were made from 10 good metaphase plates from each snake. The centromeric positions are classified following Levan et al, (1964), RESULTS Bungarus multicinctus, The diploid number was 2n=36, 22 macro- and 14 micro- chromosomes are distinguished (Plate I[). The fourth largest pair was hetero- morphic and considered as sex chromosomes, The relative length and centromeric indices of macrochromosomes are shown in Table 1, Biarmed chromosomes were only no, 1 and Z-, A prominent secondary constriction was seen in the chromosomes of pair no, 2, Although less prominent, another secondary constriction was recognized at the tip of longer arm of no, 1 chromosome pair, Meta- or submetacentric chromosomes were not recognized in microchromosomes, Bungarus candidus, The diploid number was 2n=36, There were 22 macro- and 14 microchromosomes (Plate JV), The relative length and centromeric indices of macrochromosomes are shown in Table 1, As seen in figures and table, the karyotype of this species was similar to that of B, multicinctus, The secondary constrictions were also seen in similar position of pair nos, 1 and 2, Bungarus fasciatus, The diploid number was 2n=38, There were 18 macro- and 20 microchromosomes (Plate Y). The relative length and centromeric indices of macrochromosomes are shown in Table 2, The largest three pairs were meta- or submetacentric and other autosomes were telocentric, The fourth largest pair was heteromorphic and regarded as sex chromosomes, Judged from the study by Singh (1974), larger metacentric chromosome was considered as Z-, and smaller one was considered as W-chromosome, W-chromosome was metacentric and different from that of the specimen in India, A prominent secondary constriction was seen in pair no, 1, Another less prominent secondary constriction can be detected at the tip of longer arm of no, 2 chromosome pair, This secondary constriction could be seen only in some plates and could not be detected in other plates, These descriptions were made from the karyotypes of the specimen of Southern China, The specimen from Thailand indicated almost the same features, e 13 e DISCUSSION The similarity in karyotypes of B, multicinctus and B. candidus suggests their close relationship (see Table 3), They are unique in having only 7 pairs of micro- chromosomes, In macrochromosomes, their number of arms is 22 and identical with that of B. fasciatus, Although B. caeruleus has different number of macroautosomal arms, Singh (1974) indicated the correspondence of macrochromosomes between B. fasciatus and caeruleus, Similar, but more simple, relationship in macrochromosomes can be seen between B, multicinctus (or B, candidus) and B, fasciatus. The lost pairs of microchromosomes in 32, multicinctus and candidus may be fused to some telocentric macrochromosomes, The results on karyotype of B, multicinctus in the present study well agree with those of Qu et al, (1981) except the secondary constrictions, Because the prominent secondary constriction has been known in B, caeruleus and B, fasciatus, it is not surprising to find it in B, multicinctus and B. candidus. And the lack of the information on it in the study of Qu et al.(1981) may have been due to the condition of preparation of samples, Another less prominent secondary constriction is found for the first time in the genus Bungarus, Future examination may reveal the presence of this feature in the chromosome of B, caeruleus. W-chromosome of B, fasciatus was reported as telocentric by Singh (1974) based on the specimens from Madras and Calcutta, India, This chromosome was found to be metacentric in the present study based on the specimens from Thailand and southern China, This evidence suggests a geographic variation in the centro- meric position of W-chromosome of this species, Such a intraspecific variation of W-chromosome of snakes is rather rare, although it is variable among species, Re- cently Ma (1986) reported the geographic variation of W-chromosome of Rhabdo- bhis tigrinus, Future study on the species with large distributional range may find much more additional cases, SUMMARY Karyotypes of three species of the genus Bungarus is described, The karyotype of B. candidus is similar to B, multicinctus and their close relationship is suggested. All three species have two kinds of secondary constriction in the homologous position, W-chromosome of B, fasciatus indicates a geographic variation, telocentric in India and metacentric in Thailand and China, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Mr, C, S, Tseng, Mr, Hirofumi Sugano and Dr, Yoshio Sa- wai who made it possible to examine the specimens, The late Dr. Tosihide H, Yosida guided me to make preparation of chromosomes and analyse them, This e 19 。 work was partially supported by the Grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, REFERENCES Bhatnagar, A, N. 1960, Chromosomes of Bungarus caeruleus Schneider (Elapidae: Ophidia), Cytologica, 25:173-178. Levan, A, K, Fredga and A, A, Sandberg 1964, Nomenclature for _ centromeric position on chromosomes, Hereditas 52:201-220, Ma, T. 1986, The karyotype of Rhabdophis tigrinus lateralis from Taiyuan, Acta Her petol, Sinica 5:102-105. Nakamura, K, 1935, Studies on reptilian chromosomes, YI, Chromosomes of some snakes, Mem, Coll, Sci, Kyoto Imp, Univ, Bi0:361-402. Qu, Y., X. Xie, Y, Yang, F, Dong and M, Huang 1981. Chromosomal studies on six species of venomous snakes in Zhejiang, Acta Zool, Sinica 27:218-227 . Singh, L, 1974, Chromosomes of six species of Indian snakes, Herpetologica 30: 419-429, Singh, L,_, T, Sharma and S, P, Ray-Chaudhuri 1970, Multiple sex chromosomes in the common Indian krait, Bungarus caeruleus Schneider, Chromosoma 31:386- oO Yosida, T, H, and M. Toriba 1986. Chromosome evolution and speciation of reptiles, I, karyotype of the Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon blomhof fii blomhof fii (Viperidae, Crotalinae) with special regard to the sex chromosomes, Proc, Japan Acad, §2B:13-16. Table 1, Measurements of the chromosomes of a female B, multicinctus and a male B, candidus, B. multicinctus B. candidus Position of centromere No. RL CI RL CI iL 22.03--1.04 34,212.74 21.85 士 1.18 35.16 十 2.29 sm 2 14.40 填 0.78 8.72+2.39 14.47-b0.55 10.3021 .27 t 3. 14.22--0.97 9.84 十 1.00 13.41 士 0.48 12.15 士 1.79 t 4, 9.45+0.52 14.53 士 2.08 9.04 士 0.52 19.07 士 1.93 st 5. 6.85 十 0.34 0 6.74 士 0.36 0 t 6. 6.050. 46 0 6.24 十 0.23 0 t 化 5.24 十 0.32 0 5.61 士 0.27 0 t 8. 4.570. 42 0 4.71-40.39 0 t 9. 3.78=0.43 0 3.94 士 0.32 0 t 10. 3.01 士 0.44 0 3.27 士 0.35 0 t Ze 10.41 士 0.73 28.91 士 2.67 10.72 士 0.66 30.20 士 1.84 sm Ww, 9.64+1.19 12.92 士 2.89 st RL: relative length, Cl: centromeric index, They are given in the mean and one standard deviation, A FOr Table 2, Measurements of the chromosomes of a female B. fasciatus from southern China, IPPCTrPrRrerrGEPIIGPNUIPrgteteseeegreaeeerrreeeeeereeereeettraeseaevence RE CI position of centromere 1. 27.0611 .05 47 .144+1.32 m oF 22.27+0.80 35.072. 40 sm 3. 14.81-+0.57 45.39+1 .25 m 4, 6.96-+0.44 0 t 6. 5.54 士 0.30 0 t 6. 6.11-b0.27 0 t fs 4,110.36 0 t 8. 3.66 士 0.28 0 t Fae 10.480 .83 好.52 士 1.73 m Ww, 7.970 .56 46 021.99 m Abbreviations are the same as in Table 1. Table 3, Chromosomes of four species of the genus Bungarus, number of autosomal number of macroautosomal an macros micros arms sex B. multicinctus 36 20 14 22 ZW B. candidus 36 20 14 22 ? B. caeruleus» 44( 9.43) 20 20 20 Z:ZaW B, fasciatus 38 16 20 22 ZW? 1) Singh et al, (1970). 2) W-chromosome varies geographically. Ltn eR WH # @2 £ A A (AK I-V) 鸟 羽 通 久 ( 目 本 蛇 类 研究 所 ) 摘 要 作者 首次 报道 了 产 自 泰国 的 Bungarus candidus 的 染色 体 组 型 , 并 观察 了 前 人 已 报道 的 B, multicinctus 〈 产 地 , 中 国 台 湾 ) MB, fasciatus 〈 产 地 , 中 国 南 部 和 泰国 ) 二 种 蛇 擒 染 色 体 组 型 。 讨 论 了 前 人 尚未 提 及 的 某 些 重要 特征 。 妃 .caraidus MB, multicinctus 的 染色 体 组 型 相似 , 提 示 其 亲缘 关系 较 近 。 这 三 种 蛇 均 在 第 1 和 第 2 REAM NEE Ok 痕 。 产 和 目 印度 的 召 . yasciafus 的 鸡 - 染 色 体 为 端 部 着 丝 而 产 自 泰 国 和 中 国 的 为 中 部 着 丝 , 表明 存在 地 理 差 异 。 Chinese Herpetol. Res. 1987:22-59 Reptiles of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Part [I . Serpentes Zbigniew Szyndlar (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Krakow, Poland) Hung Dam O<* (Academy of Sciences of DPRK, Zoological Institute, Pyongyang-T aesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Abstract . -This paper presents morphological descriptions, notes on distribution and natural history of North Korean snakes, The territory of North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is inhabited by 14 ophidian species: Coluber spinalis, Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum, Elaphe davidi, E, dione, E, rufodorsata, E.. schrenckii schrenckii and E. schrenckii anomala, Amphiesma vibakari ruthveni, Rhabdophis tigrinus (Colubridae s, 1,), Hydrophis cyanocinctus, H, mela- nocephalus (Hydrophiidae), Vipera berus berus, Agkistrodon blomhof fii drevicaudus, A. caliginosus, A, saxatalis (Viperidae), Three other species,(7)Sibynophis chinensis and Pelamis Platurus, recorded from South Korea, as well as Elaphe taeniura tae- niura, recently not reported from the Korean Peninsula, are also discussed, The systematic account is supplemented with distributional maps and a key for identi- fication of the Korean snakes. introduction In the present article we attempt to summarize the current knowledge on the reptile fauna of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (abbr, DPRK, often named North Korea), with special reference to its geographical distribution, This summary is on the whole based on available literature concerning this country and on studies of the herpetological collection belonging to the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of DPRK in Pyongyang (abbr, ZIP), The ZIP collection, including 283 specimens of reptiles, has been gathered by the staff of the Zoologi- ©) Oss o 22 o cal Institute since the early 1960s, A part of the collection was probably described in the monograph on Korean herpetofauna by Won (1971), Unfortunately, before 1984 the reptiles belonging to this collection were not catalogued; in most cases we found it impossible to determine which specimens were described in Won’s book. Other reptiles, used for descriptions in the present paper, were col- lected by field parties from the Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow during works in North Korea during the 1980s (abbr, ZZSiD). This paper is devoted to snakes, Thus far, 17 species have been reported from the whole Korean Peninsula, Cheju Island and surrounding sea waters, Of this number, the presence of 14 species, including two sea snakes, has been determined with certainty from the territory of North Korea, Another article, dealing with turtles and lizards, and supplemented by zoogeographical discussions, will be pub- lished in the near future, Literature review The present knowledge on the herpetofauna of North Korea is rather limited, Classical descriptions of the Korean reptiles, included in the monographs of Stejneger (1907) and Maki (1931), dealt almost exclusively with the southern part of the Korean Peninsula (South Korea). Some other minor pre-war publications, mainly by Japanese students, did not contribute much to the survey of North Korean reptiles, Immediately after the Korean War, as a result of the accumulation of herpetological specimens collected by members of the American armed forces, a number of articles were published in the United States in the 1950s. Of these publications, only that of Shannon (1956) presented much data concerning the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, the others concentrated_on South Korean localities only, Up to the present, Shannon’s article has been the only essential source of information in English on the distribution of the North Korean herpetofauna, Subsequent im- portant contributions of American herpetologists, partly based on North Korean materials, include revisions of the snake genera Amphiesma and Aghkistrodon by Mal- nate (1962) and Gloyd (1972), respectively, In the late 1950s, North Koreans themselves began contributing to the herpeto- logical studies of their country, Probably the first publication was a list of the Korean animals, edited by the late Won Hong Koo, long-time director of the Zoological Institute in Pyongyang, Unfortunately, the reptile section of this book, issued in 1956, was incomplete and contained many errors, A similar list, slightly improved, was published later by Won and Choy in 1967, The number of original articles published in North Korea is very small, only four papers dealing with reptiles have been traced in “Saeng-mul” (=J, Biol, Sci,) and “Kwahangwon Tongbo” (= Bull, Acad, Sci, DPRK), the only North Korean journals devoted 5934s to the biological sciences, These articles are: Tong and Yon (1961), Song (1961), Choi (1963), and Li (1970), No doubt, the most important item among North Korean herpetological literature is Won’s (1971) monograph of the amphibians and reptiles of Korea, Among other things, this book contains a lot of valuable ob- servations of living reptiles made in the field and in the Pyongyang Zoo; they are widely cited in the present paper, Unfortunately, probably none of these publica- tions, written in Korean, is familiar to zoologists from beyond North Korea, Since the early 1960s, as the result of the exploration of North Korean terri- tory by Polish zoologists, a number of articles (usually written in English) devot- ed to various groups of animals were issued in Poland, In the field of herpetology, two papers were recently published by Szyndlar (1984, 1985). Localities Eighty-four localities for snakes, lizards and turtles are mapped in Fig, 1, Names of these sites, accompanied by geographic coordinates, are listed in the Gazetteer, The political subdivision and present names were taken fromthe “Ad- ministrative Map of Korea” (1:1,100,000) issued by the Kwahak, Paek Kwasajon Chulpansa (Pyongyang, 1983), Spelling used in this paper follows the system of Romanization employed in the English version of the “Map of Korea” (1:1,500,000) published by the Foreign Languages Publishing House (Pyongyang, 1976), Shannon (1956), followed by Gloyd (1972), pointed out problems in correct allo- cation of Korean localities, because of use in the literature of numerous synonymous names, Unfortunately, Shannon himself mistook the location of several North Korean sites for other ones (Shannon, 1956: Fig, 1), For example, he correctly mapped the well-known locality Musan Pass, i.e,, on the river Tuman-gang in the North Hamgyong Province, but in the text (Shannon, 1956:25) placed this site on the Yalu River (=Amnok-gang), Also Gloyd (1972:573) committed a simi- lar error, placing the same locality in the Ryanggang Province, again on the Yalu River; on his Map 1, Musan is situated in the area of Hyesan, the capital of the Ryanggang Province, In order to avoid any misunderstanding, in the Gazetteer w9? place all older synonyms or different spellings, if used by previous students, On request, the senior author can provide a list of the locality names written in the Korean alphabet’, Systematic account References in the synonymy are made only to original descriptions and to works concerning the Korean territory (including South Korea), Geographic ranges cover the whole distribution of the species, including subspe- cies not occurring in Korea. Localities in North Korea (DPRK) are either taken from the literature or are 3) Ae c | eS seal? 2 based on the examined material. The localities are marked on the accompanying maps (Figs 2-4): circles represent sites of known coordinates (cf, Fig, 1), squares indicate approximate location of sites of unknown coordinates, Numbers, preceding the name of each locality, correspond with those in the Gazetteer. Short morphological descriptions of the ZIP and ZZSiD specimens are compared with data from other publications devoted to Korea (including South Korea). More detailed description of the Korean snakes can be found in Stejneger (1907) and Pope (1935). Data on habitat and habits are restricted to observations made in Korea (in- « Q5 - cluding South Korea), Further information on the natural history of most snakes inhabiting Korea can be found in the work of Pope (1935); of the literature written in English it is still the best and most comprehensive study of the East Asiatic herpetofauna, Remarks touching on taxonomic, or other important, problems are added when necessary , Family Colubridae sensu lato Coluber spinalis (Peters, 1866) Masticophis spinalis Peters, 1866, Monatsber Akad, Wiss, Berlin, p, 91 (type AIG E. rwafoagersata | or " | ZB, ecnrenckil| 人 — GET we a at (x) subsp. achrenckyd — = = | R. tigrinus | locality: “Mexico” ). Zamenis spinclis, - Guenther, 1872, Ann, Mag, Nat. Hist,, (4), 9:22, - Stejne- ger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p. 349. - Mori, 1928, J, Chosen Nat, Hist 'Soc @ Gsb0r Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 76, - Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12: 44.- Dixon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:55, - Webb et al., 1962, Univ. Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat. Hist,, 15:166, - Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl. fauna flora Korea, 17:155, - Paik, 1982, Syst. stud. Serp, Korea, p. 60. Coluber spinalis,-Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci,, (4), 14:98.-Babb, 1955, Philad. Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:21,-Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p.129. Range.-North Korea, South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), 2 27 ° A.b. breviceu Aus A. caliginesus bil A. saxatilis | 5 S: 4 northern half of China (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), southern and central Mongolia (Bannikov, 1958), easternmost Kazakhstan in the USSR (Bannikov et al., 1977), Its presumed presence in the Soviet Far East is uncertain, Early records from Thailand are certainly erroneous (Pope, 1935), Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 2).-]. Pyongyang City, 1. Pyongyang (Shannon, 1956:44).-\¥[. North Hamgyong Province, 37, Hoeryong (Shannon, 1956:44),-Yi. Kangwon Province, 54, Kosong (Won, 1971:131),-K , North Hwanghae Province, 65, Kumchon (ZIP 59).-X . South Hwanghae Province, 73, Ongjin (Won,1971:131), 76, Samchon (ZIP 16), 78. Sunwi-do (Won, 1971:131; ZIP 4), SEIN Description,-Two males (ZIP 4 and 16), ventrals 190 and 204, subcaudals 88 and 89, snout-vent length 460 mm and 610mm, tail length 180mm and 200mm, One female (ZIP 59), ventrals 208, subcaudals 90, snout-vent length 570mm, tail length 190mm, Anal divided, Scales smooth, in 17-15-15 rows in the males, 17-17-15 in the female, Preoculars 2, postoculars 2, temporals 2+2, upper labials 8, upper labials entering eye 4 and 5, lower labials 9 or 10, Dorsum brown with a light- yellow longitudinal band extending from the frontal to near the tail tip, The examined material generally resembles those Coluber spinalis hitherto reported from Korea except for the number of dorsal scales-in previously described specimens the scale row at midbody is always 17, Korean Coluber spinalis reported by Stejneger (1907), Slevin (1925), Maki (1931), Dixon (1956), Shannon (1956), Webb et al. (1962), and Won (1971) have 184-203 ventrals in males and 194-209 in females, 82-102 and 77-96, subcaudals respectively, These data suggest that females usually have more ventrals than do males, Only Paik (1982) reports four females from South Korea with an exceptionally low number of ventrals, i, e., 186-189, Preoculars always 2; postoculars always 2; temporals 2+2, sometimes 2+3; upper labials always 8; lower labials 9,10 or 11, Unlike other authors, Won (1971) noted a male and a female with undivided anals, The largest individual reported from the Korean Peninsula is a female with a total length of 904mm (Shannon, 1956). Habitat and habits,-In Korea Coluber spinalis has been found in various types of habitat including grasses and shrubs on hillsides or high dry valleys (Shannon, 1956; Won, 1971), wooded rocky areas (Dixon, 1956), mountain ridges (Babb, 1955), and also grasses near streams (Webb et al,,1962),It feeds on lizards( Won, 1971), mice (Shannon, 1956) and even small snakes (Webb et al,, 1962), Coluber spinalis moves with considerable speed (Shannon, 1956; Won, 1971), One gravid female contained six eggs, each ca, 35mm in length (Webb et al,, 1962). Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonaium (Cantor, 1842) Lycodon rufo-zonatus Cantor, 1842, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist,, 9:483 (type locality: Chusan Island, China), Dinodon rufozonatus,-Peters, 1881, Sitz, Ber, Ges, Naturf, Freunde Berlin, p.89. Dinodon rufozonatum -Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p,358,-Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif. Acad, Sci., (4), 14:99,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:43,-Dixon,1956, Herpetologica ,12:56,-Webb et al, ,1962, Univ, Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat, Hist, ,15:166. Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum,-Schmidt, 1927, Bull, Amer, Mus, Nat, Hist., 54:523.-Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p.118,-Babb, 1955, Philad, Herp, Soc. Bull , 1:22.-Won, 1956, List animal names, p,254,-Won, 1971, Amph. rept, fauna Korea, p.129.-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:153_- Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p58, Range -North Korea, South Korea excluding Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), Tsu- eo 29 e shima Islands (Nakamura and Ukno,1969), eastern half of China including Taiwan (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), several islands in the Ryu- kyu Archipelago (subspecies walli) (Nakamura and Uéno, 1969), Its presumed presence in the vicinity of Vladivostok in the USSR is uncertain (Bannikov et al,, 1977), Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 2).-], South Pyongan Province: 13, Taesong-ho (ZIP 99, 115).-W, Kangwon Province: 51, Cholwon (Shannon, 1956:43).- .North Hwanghae Province: 67, Paegyang (ZIP 5, 6, 18, 19). -M. Kaesong City: 84. Haeson-ri (a shed skin-Szyndlar, personal observation, October 1984), Description,-Material examined: Three males (ZIP 5, 6 and 19), two females (ZIP 18 and 99), one badly damaged specimen of undetermined sex (ZIP 115), In males, ventrals are 216, 204 and 203, subcaudals 68, 68 and 67, snout-vent length 910, 870 and 730mm, tail length 190, 170 and 140mm, respectively, In females, yventrals are 217 and 212, subcaudals 69 and 77, snout-vent length 610 and 733mm, tail length 150 and 167mm, respectively, Anal undivided, Scales smooth, rows 17 or 19-17 (in one case 19) -15 or 16. Preocular 1, postoculars 2, temporals 2+3, upper labials 8 (in one case 7), upper labials entering eye 3 and 4 or 4 and 5, lower labials 9 (in one case 10), Dorsum black, sometimes dark-brown, with red or orange crossbands throughout its length, Total number of the crossbands ranges from 70 to 92, Other Korean examples of this snake reported by Shannon (1956), Dixon (1956), Won (1971) and Paik (1982) have 199-207 ventrals and 59-78 subcaudals in males, 197-209 ventrals and 58-75 subcaudals in females, The maximum number of ventrals is therefore lower than in the ZIP specimens, The number of scale rows at midbody is always 17, Preoculars 1 and 2; postoculars 2 (one female examined by Dixon, 1956); temporals 2+-2 or 2-3; upper labials usually 8, some- times 7; lower labials 9, 10 or 11, The largest specimen reported from the Korean Peninsula (sex unknown) has a snout-vent length 965 mm and tail length 205 mm (Won, 1971). Habitat and habits.-Dinodon rufozonatum was collected on the lower slopes of hills or in swampy ground both adjacent to and part of rice fields (Shannon, 1956), also in deep forest among granite outcrops, partly wooded areas (Webb et al , 1962) and on roads (Babb, 1955), According to Won (1971), this snake usually occurs in cultivated areas, but it is very rare in rice fields and mountains, A shed skin of this species was found in a grassy area near a wall surrounding a grave of the king Tongmin near Haeson-ri (Szyndlar, personal observation, 1984), The diet consists of frogs (Shannon, 1956), mice and even toads (Won, 1971), Disap- pearance for hibernation occurs in October (Won, 1971). No data on breeding habits are available from Korea, Elaphe davidi (Sauvage, 1884) Tropidonotus davidi Sauvage, 1884, Bull, Soc, Philom, Paris, (7), 8:144 (type Oey ae locality: China). Elaphe davidi,-Pope, 1935, Rept, China, p,238,-Szyndlar, 1985, Snake, 17:163, Elaphe dione coreana Song, 1961, Saeng-mul, p58, Elaphe coreana,-Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p,141, Range, -North Korea and north-eastern provinces of China (An _ Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 2),-], Pyongyang City: 4, Taesong-san (Won, 1971, Table 24, Szyndlar, 1985. Table 1).-], South Pyongan Province: 11, Songchon (Won, 1971; Table 24; Szyndlar, 1985. Table 1).-\¥—, Kangwon Province: 51. Cholwon (Song, 1961: 58; Won, 1971. Table 24; Szyndlar, 1985, Table 1),- N. North Hwanghae Province: 68, Pyongsan (Won, 1971, Table 24; Szyndlar, 1985; Table 1).-X¥ , South Hwanghae Province: 71, Kangryong (Won, 1971; Table 24, Szyndlar, 1985: Table 1).- W[, Kaesong City: 80, Changpung (Won, 1971, Table 24, Szyndlar, 1985. Table 1), Description, -One male (ZIP 24), ventrals 172, subcaudals 62, snout-vent length 920 mm, tail length 160 mm, Two females (ZIP 14 and 15), ventrals 178 and 185, subcaudals 59 and 58, snout-vent length 725 and 840 mm, tail length 147 and 180 mm, respectively, Anal divided, Scales heavily keeled, scale rows 24 (or 25)-23- 19, Preoculars 2, postoculars 2, temporals 2 十 2 or 2+3, upper labials 8, upper labials entering eye 4 and 5, lower labials 11 or 12, Dorsum light brown with a middorsal row of dark spots, accompanied by lateral rows of smaller spots, Habitat and habits,-No data are available from Korea, Remarks .-This snake was first recorded from Korea by Song (1961), who described it as a new subspecies, Elaphe dione coreana, Won (1971) regarded it asa distinct species, Elaphe coreana. The true taxonomic status of this form was ex- plained by Szyndlar (1985), Elaphe dione (Pallas, 1773) Coluber dione Pallas, 1773, Reise Russ, Reichs, 2:717 (type locality: Gratscheff- skoi,¢ Kazakhstan), Elaphe dione,-Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p,315,-Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad. Sci,, (4), 14:98.-Mori, 1928, J, Chosen Nat, Hist, Soc,, 6:50,-Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p,104, -Tanner, 1953, Great Basin Nat,, 13:72,- Steward, 1954, Copeia, p.66,-Babb, 1955, Philad, Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:21,-Shan- non, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:44,-Dixon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:55,-Won, 1956, List animal names, p.254.-Hahn, 1960, J, Ohio Herp, Soc,, 2:21,-Webb et al,, 1962, Univ, Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat, Hist,, 15:167,-Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p.139.-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:160,- Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p,57,-Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov., Diesels Range,-North Korea, South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), vast aul a area of central Eurasia from Crimea to the Soviet Far East (Bannikov et al., 1977), the whole territory of Mongolia (Bannikov, 1958), northern half of China (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), Its presumed presence in Iran is uncertain, Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 2).-II, South Pyongan Province: 7, Kaechon (ZIP 22), 8, Myohyang-san (Szyndlar, 1984:11), 9, Opa (ZIP 23).-III, North Pyongan Province: 16, Chonma-san (ZIP 25).-IV, Chagang Province: 25, Yangcho-ri (Won, 1971:139).-V. Ryanggang Province: 33, Wisupyong (ZIP 76),-VI. North Hamgyong Province: 34, Chayu-ri (Szyndlar, 1984: addendum), 36, Chongjin (Slevin, 1925:98; Shannon, 1956:45), 41, Puryong (Slevin, 1925:98; Shannon, 1956:45), 44, Sanpong (ZIP 121).-VIII, Kangwon Province:51, Cholwon (Shannon,1956:44), 55, Kumgang- — san (ZIP 79, 106, 107), 61, Wonsan (Slevin, 1925:98), -IX, North Hwanghae Province: 63, Chesog-san (ZIP 77, 78), 65. Kumchon (ZIP 122).-X, South Hwang- hae Province: 76. Samchon (ZIP 17). Description, -Material examined: 8 males (ZIP 22, 23, 28, 78, 79, 106, 120, ZLSiD 813), 8 females (ZIP) 17, 25576. 70580) 81, 82) ZZSiD 856); anda 3eindi- viduals of undetermined sex (ZIP 107, 121, 122). In males, ventrals 183-203 (mean 191.5+7.7), subcaudals 60-75 (mean 68,6+4,5), In females, ventrals 191-205(mean 197.4+4.4), subcaudals 55-68 (mean 62,0+4,4), Largest male 770+190 mm (ZIP 22), largest female 770+160 mm (ZIP 77), Anal divided, Scales smooth, Scale rows usually 25-25-19 (several specimens with 23 at midbody), Preoculars 2, post- oculars 2, temporals 2+3 (in one case 2+2), upper labials 8, upper labials entering eye 4 and 5, lower labials 10 (in two cases 11), Dorsum gray, sometimes very dark, with alternating light and dark markings throughout its length, Specimens of Elaphe dione reported from Korea by other authors (Stejneger, 1907; Slevin, 1925, Maki, 1931; Tanner, 1953; Steward, 1954; Shannon, 1956; Dixon, 1956) resemble those described by us, Summary of the features of Elaphe dione given by these authors is as follows: ventrals and subcaudals 181-204 and 60- 76 in males, 193-212 and 56-71 in females; scale rows at midbody 25, sometimes 23 or 27; preoculars 2, very rarely 1; postoculars 2, exceptionally 3, temporals 2 +3, sometimes 2 十 2 or 2+4; upper labials 8, sometimes 9; lower labials 10 or 11, The number of ventrals and subcaudals, given by Paik (1982) for South Korean examples (males: 188-205 and 64-78, females 187-208 and 56-68), is somewhat dif- ferent, especially in the case of females, The lowest numbers of ventrals (155 for males and 153 for females) given by Won (1971) are most likely erroneous, The largest specimens reported from Korea are a male 930 mm in total length and a female 1,003 mm (Dixon, 1956). A male reported by Won (1971) as being 770+260 mm long, has a tail that is proportionally too long for Elaphe dione and probably represents another species, Habitat and habits.-Elaphe dione is one of the most common snakes in North ¢ 826 Korea. It inhabits various types of country, It was collected among roots and rocks on the summit of a mountain (Steward, 1954), on roads and grassy hillsides (Shan- non, 1956), in the water in streams or on the banks of streams (Dixon, 1956), in the vicinity of rice fields (Babb, 1955; Hahn, 1960), on rocky or sparsely wooded hillsides and in cultivated fields (Webb et al,, 1962), and among big rocky blocks in open areas (Szyndlar, 1984), According to Won (1971), this snake is common within and adjacent to cultivated areas, but it is rare in the vicinity of rice fields, it hibernates among roots and in graves, Elaphe dione feeds on small mammals (Steward, 1954, Dixon, 1956; Webb et al,, 1962), lizards (Dixon, 1956) and frogs (Shannon, 1956), Won (1971) presents the following data on its breeding, based on observations of 8 females: eggs are laid in June or July; number of eggs laid is 6-8, their size is 2,8x4,7 mm (obvious errory); incubation takes 30-42 days, A female examined by Webb et al, (1962) contained 6 egge, Dixon (1956) reports (and we can confirm this fact) that all captured specimens were docile and made no attempt to bite, Elaphe rufedorsata (Cantor, 1842) Tropidonotus rufodorsaius Cantor, 1842, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist., 9:483 (type locality: Chusan Island, China), Elaphe rufodorsata,-Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p. 310,-Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci,, (4), 14:96,-Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 86,-Steward, 1954, Copeia, p, 66,-Babb, 1955, Philad. Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:21,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:45, -Dixon, 1956, Herpeto- logica, 12:54,-Won, 1956, List animal names, p, 254,-Hahn, 1960, J, Ohio Herp, Soc,, 2:20.-Webb et al,, 1962, Univ, Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat, Hist,, 15:167.- Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 146,-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encyel, fauna flora Korea, 17:157,-Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov,, 27:11, Enhydris rufodorsata ,-Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 62. Range,-North Korea, South Korea excluding Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), the Soviet Far East (Bannikov et al., 1977), eastern China including Taiwan (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), Oi Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 3).-I, Pyongyang City: 1, Pyongyang (Won, 1971: 150),-I1, South Pyongan Province: 7, Kaechon (ZIP 88, 89, 91-94, 96), 13, Taesong- ho (Szyndlar, 1984:11; ZIP 100, 115),-III, North Pyongan Province : 21, Sonchon (ZIP 87. 90).-VI, North Hamgyong Province: 41, Puryong (Slevin, 1925:97; Shan- non, 1956:45), 43. Sahoe-ri (ZIP 97).-VIII Kangwon Province: 51, Cholwon (Shan- non, 1956:45), 61, Wonsan (Slevin, 1925:96; Shannon, 1956:45). Description, -Material examined: 6 males (ZIP 87, 89, 90, 97, 98, 115), 11 females (ZIP 88, 91-96, 100, 117, ZZSiD 803 and 804), and one juvenile of unde- termined sex (ZIP 126). In males, ventrals 160-174 (mean 168,3+4.9), subcaudals 57-61 (mean 58.3+1.6), In females, ventrals 168-183 (mean 177,.0+4.0), subcaudals 48-57 (mean 52,7+4,1), Anal divided, Scales smooth, Scale rows 23-21-19, Largest e 33 。 male 4254-107 mm (ZIP 89),largest female 592 十 114 mm (ZIP 95), Preoculars 1, postoculars 2, temporals 243, upper labials 7 or 8, upper labials entering eye 3 and 4 or 4 and 5, lower labials 9. Dorsum brown or red brown, with four rows of black-edged dark spots; on the posterior half of the body, including the tail, these spots form continuous longitudinal stripes. On the venter, red (or orange- brown) and black squares form a chequered pattern, A huge sample of specimens of Elaphe rufodorsata, examined by most students of the Korean herpetofauna (Stejneger, 1997; Slevin, 1925; Maki, 1931; Steward, 1954; Shannon, 1956; Dixon, 1956; Webb et al,, 1962; Won, 1971; Paik, 1982, Szyndlar, 1984), displays considerable variation in the number of ventrals and subcaudals-for males 154-181 and 40-67, for females 155-187 and 46-62, respectively, Scale rows 21 at midbody, except for two males reported by Steward (1954) that have 19 rows each, Preoculars always 1; postoculars always 2; temporals 2+3, sometimes 2+2, rarely 1 十 2 or 1+3; upper labials 7 or 8; lower labials 10 or 9, Largest individuals of E, rufodorsata from Korea are a male 576+162 mm and a female 817+174 mm (Maki, 1931). Habitat and habits.-Elaphe rufodorsata is one of the most common snakes in North Korea, All students of the Korean herpetofauna emphasize the semi-aquatic behaviour of this species, It is most common in or near streams, lakes, rice fields and dikes between rice fields (Steward, 1954; Shannon, 1956; Dixon, 1956; Hahn, 1960; Webb et al., 1962; Won, 1971; Szyndlar, 1984), but it also has been found on barren hillsides and roads and along drainage ditches (Webb et al,, 1962). This snake constricts its prey, It usually feeds on frogs (Dixon, 1956; Shannon, 1956; Won, 1971; Szyndlar, 1984), but also takes lizards (Dixon, 1956), toads (Steward, 1954), fish (Shannon, 1956) and beetles (Won, 1971). A case of cannibalism was also noticed (Szyndlar, personal observation, 1980), Elaphe rufodorsata hibernates under roots and rocks and in burrows of rats (Won, 1971), Copulations were observed at the end of April and beginning of May (Webb et al,, 1962), According to Won (1971), these ovoviviparous snakes start to lay eggs in mid-August, usually in crumpled grass; young snakes hatch after one or two minutes (this information may be erroneous;); length of young snakes is snout-vent 170-200 mm, tail 30-45 mm; females copulate immediately after laying of eggs, Three females caught in June 1980 gave birth to 7 babies each from 2 September through 7 October (Sura, 1981; Szyndlar, 1984), Nearly all individuals attempt to bite when captured - (Dixon, 1956; Hahn, 1960; Szyndlar, personal observation) , Remarks -By its ovoviviparity and semi-aquatic habitat Elaphe rufodorsata distinctly differs from other species of the genus Elaphe, which are terrestrial and oviparous, Biochemical studies of this genus, undertaken by Lawson and Dessauer (1981), confirm the distinctiveness of EH, rufodorsata, According to these authors, genetic distances (D) distinguishing EL, rufodorsata from other members of the genus e 34 - Elaphe (sensu lato) exceed the value 0.7. Paik (1982), after having compared E. rufodorsata with several homalopsine snakes, placed rufodorsata in the genus Enhydris. Paik (1982:86) based his startling conclusion on the following features observed in both rufodorsata and members of the genus Enhydris:“---ovoviviparity, aquatic habi- tation, and the number and shape of scales,” Unfortunately, he made no attempt to compare the internal morphology of these snakes, In fact, regarding osteology, Elaphe rufodorsata does not differ significantly from several European and Asiatic species of Elaphe (Szyndlar, unpublished (*)), while it completely differs from homalopsine snakes (see Gyi, 1970, for details), While rufodorsata should, perhaps, be removed from the genus Elaphe, undoubtedly it cannot be included in the genus Enhydris., Elaphe schrenckii schrenckii Strauch, 1873 Elaphis schrenckii Strauch, 1873, Mém, Acad, Imp, Sci, St,-Pétersbourg, (7), 21:100 and 272 (type locality: Khinggan, Siberia). Elaphe schrenckit schrenckii,-Pope, 1935, Rept, China, p, 270. Elaphe schrencki schrencki ,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:46, Range,-Probably northern and eastern parts of North Korea, Chinese Manchuria (Pope, 1935, and references therein), the Soviet Far East (Bannikov et al,, 1977). Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 3),-VIII, Kangwon Province, 61, Wonsan (Sle- vin, 1925:97; Shannon, 1956: 46), Remarks,- According to Shannon (1956), the Korean Peninsula is inhabited by two subspecies of Elaphe schrenckii; the range of anomala is supposed to be restrict- ed to the western coast of North Korea and the whole of South Korea, while that of schrenckii covers the northern and eastern parts of North Korea, The only typi- cal representative of the subspecies schrenckii, recognized by Shannon, 1956 (pre- viously described by Slevin, 1925), comes from Wonsan of the Japanese Sea coast. Unfortunately, Elaphe schrenckii has never been recorded from the northeastern provinces of North Korea; the specimen ZIP 20, coming from the northeasternmost point (Myohyang-san), no doubt represents a typical anomala (vide infra), However, two adult individuals kept in the Pyongyang Zoo (observation in 1984) and with certainty caught in North Korea are typical schrenckii, They are pitch black, with distinct narrow light bands extending from the neck throughout the length; in the anterior portion of the body the bands are white, while in the posterior portion they are yellow, Unfortunately, the exact point of origin of these specimens (or even the province) remains unknown, Elaphe schrenckii anomalc (Boulenger, 1916) Coluber anomalus Boulenger, 1916, Ann, Mag, Nat, Hist., (8), 17:243 (type lo- (*) Examined skeletons of Elaphe rufodorsata:ZZSiD 270 and 367 (adults, Taesong-ho, North Korea) and ZZSiD 299-302 (juveniles, USSR), 5 SIR co cality: Chihfeng, China), Elaphe schrenckii, -Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 313, -Slevin, 1925, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4), 14:97.-Maki, 1931, Monogr. snakes Japan, p, 101,-Won, 1956, List animal names, p, 254.-Won, 1971, Amph. rept, fauna Korea, p, 143, -Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:162,-Paik, 1982, Syst, stud. Serp, Korea, p, 54, Elaphe schrencki, -Babb, 1955, Philad. Herp, Soc. Bull., 1:21, Elaphe schrenckii anomala.-Pope, 1935, Rept, China, pb. 266, Elaphe schrencki anomala,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:45,-Dixon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:55,-Hahn, 1960, J, Ohio Herp, Soc,, 2:21.-Webb et al., 1962, Univ. Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat, Hist_, 15: 168, Range, - Western part of North Korea, South Korea excluding Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), north-eastern China excluding Manchuria (Pope, 1935, and refer- ences therein; An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 3),-II, South Pyongan Province: 8, Myohyang- san (ZIP 20), - II], North Pyongan Province: 24, Unmu-do (ZIP 29), - VIII, Kangwon Province: 51, Cholwon (Shannon, 1956:45), -IX, North Hwanghae Province: 66, Kurig-ri (ZIP 83).-XI, Kaesong City: 81, Kaesong (ZIP 21, 84-86), Description, -Material examined: two males (ZIP 20 and 83),two females (ZIP 21 and 29), and three juveniles of undetermined sex (ZIP 84, 85, and 86), In males, ventrals 226 and 216, subcaudals 70 and 74, snout-vent ant tail lengths 1, 110 +200 and 820+170 mm, respectively, In females, ventrals 222 and 236, subcaudals 72 and 58, snout-vent and tail lengths 1, 330+260 and 1. 070+180 mm, respec- tively, Except for one individual, anal divided, Dorsal scales keeled, especially those on the upper part of the anterior half of the body, Scale rows 23-23-19, in one case 21-21-19. Preocular 1, postoculars 2, temporals 2+3, upper labials 8, upper labials entering eye 4 and 5, lower labials 9 or 10. Dorsum with dark bands posteri- orly (including tail), Anteriorly, the bands areeither indistinct or replaced by small irregular markings; in one case (ZIP 20), the latter are also present on the head, The maximum number of bands in adults 38, On the posteriormost portion of the body and on the tail, the dark bands are separated by broad light interspaces, In juveniles (ZIP 84 and 85), the dorsum is dark, with about 50 narrow, black-edged light bands extending from the neck throughout the length. Features of other specimens known from Korea (Stejneger, 1907; Slevin, 1925; Maki, 1931; Shannon, 1956; Dixon, 1956; Webb et al., 1962) areas follows: ven- trals and subcaudals 211-227 and 62-76 in males, 212-223 and 57-75 in females (lowest number of subcaudals, noted in an individual of unknown sex, is 56-Won, 1971); scale rows always 23 at midbody; anal divided, very rarely single; preocu- lars 1, very rarely 2; postoculars 2, very rarely 1; temporals 2+3, exceptionally 1+3 or 2 十 48 upper labials usually 8; lower labials usually 10, sometimes 9 or 11s SSG he total number of dark bands on the whole body 36-41, in one case (Maki, 1931), 82 (apparently an erroneous value), The number of ventrals, 128 and 129, given by Slevin (1925) for two females, are obviously erroneous, It is to be noted that one of our females (ZIP 29) has an exceptionally high number (236) of ventrals, The largest specimens of Elaphe schrenckii reported from Korea are a male 1,494+ 254 and a female 1,434+213 mm (Maki, 1931), Habitat and habits, - According to Won (1971), Elaphe schrenckii occurs usu- ally in cultivated areas, among stones and in villager’s houses, Specimens described by Webb et al, (1962) were observed on dry, scrubby or forested hillsides and in grassy upland areas, Dixon (1956), who found his only individual in aquatic vege- tation, supposed that this species is semi-aquatic, It feeds on rats, sparrows, and occasionally hen’s eggs (Won, 1971), also on mice and bats (Webb et al., 1962), Disappearance for hibernation occurs at the end of October; the snake hibernates among decaying roots and in homesteads, and reemerges in April (Won,1971), Eggs are laid during the period from June to July; they number 8-21 and measure 24-38 mm, and incubation takes 58-60 days (Won, 1971), A female examined by Webb et al. (1962) contained 17 eggs, each ca, 32 mm long, In South Korea, live snakes are sold in shops and streets (Babb, 1955), Hahn (1960) reported that Koreans believe this snake to be a powerful spirit of the household and treat it with great respect, In Korea, for a very long time up to the present, this snake has served for production of strengthening medicines (Won, 1971), Indeed, in modern North Korea, Elaphe schrenckii is employed as the only non-viperid species in the prepa- ration of a therapeutic brandy. Elaphe taeniura taeniura Cope, 1861 Elaphe taeniurus Cope, 1861, Proc, Acad, Nat, Sci, Philad,, 12:565 (type locali- ty: Ningpo, China), -Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 319, - Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:46, Elaphe taeniura.- Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 146, Elaphe taeniura taeniura, - Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 96, - Babb, 1955, Philad. Herp. Soc, Bull., 1:21,- Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flo- ra Korea, 17:159.-Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 55, Coluber taeniura friesei Werner, 1926, Sitz. Ber, Akad, Wiss, Wien, Abt, 1,135: 245 (type locality: Taiwan), Elaphe taeniura friesei,- Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 94, Elaphe taeniura (sic) friesei.- Won, 1956, List animal names, p, 254, Range,- Western and southern China including Taiwan (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), eastern India (Murthy, 1985), Burma (Smith, 1943), northern and western Indochina (Taylor,1965), Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo (7 subspecies ridleyi and grabowskyi) (de Rooijs 1917; Grandison, 1978). Distribution in DPRK - Recorded only once from an undefined Korean locali- 5 BOR ty (Stejneger, 1907:320), Remarks. - This species is traditionally placed on Korean herpetological lists, albeit since Stejneger’s report (1907) none of the later students has confirmed its presence in the Korean Peninsula, Kim and O (1982), in their popular book on the Korean animals, supposed that Elaphe taeniura is present everywhere in Korea, but is rarely seen because of its secretive habit, This opinion, however, based on neither new records nor field observations, cannot be accepted, The senior author of the present paper, during examination of the ZIP collection in 1984, located a specimen labelled as Elaphe taeniura (locality Ryokpo inthe Pyongyang City prov- ince), but this snake is actually an Elaphe davidi (see Szyndlar, 1985), Two old records from the vicinities of the North Korean frontier, one from the Possiet Bay area (Strauch, 1873) and the other from the valley of the Yalu River (=Amnok- gang)(Sowerby, 1930), have not been confirmed later by new materials, In Pope’s (1935) opinion, Elaphe taeniura may have been introduced into northern China by man, Presence of this snake in Korea remains an open question, Amphiesma vibakari ruthveni (Van Denburgh, 1923) Tropidonotus vibakari Boie, 1826, Isis, p, 207 (type locality, Japan), Nairix vibakari. -Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p.266, -Mori, 1928, J, Chosen Nats 4aist. Socks 6.4495 Natrix vibakari vibakari, -Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci,, (4), 14, 95. Natrix vibakari ruthveni Van Denburgh, 1923, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci,, (4), 13; 3 (type locality, Pusan, South Korea), -Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 34, -Babb, 1955, Philad, Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1, 20, -Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12. 43, -Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 136, -Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17; 149, - Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 46. Amphiesma vibakari ruthveni,- Malnate, 1962, Proc, Acad, Nat, Sci, Philad ., 114, 258. -Webb et al., 1962, Univ, Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat, Hist., 15, 165, Range. - North Korea, South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), north-eastern provinces in China (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), the Soviet Far East including Sakhalin (Bannikov et al., 1977), Japan (subspecies vibakari) (Sengoku, 1979). Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 3),-I, Pyongyang City, 1, Pyongyang (Won,1971 2138), 5. Wonsin-ri (Won, 1971:138), -IIl, North Pyongan Province, 19, Sinuiju (Shannon, 1956, 43; Malnate, 1962. 254).- IV, Chagang Province, 25, Yangcho- ri (ZIP 26, 27), 260° Vangdok-ri (Won 1971.) 138), unknown locality (ZIP) )- VI, North Hamgyong Province, 43, Sahoe-ri (Malnate, 1962, 254), -X, South Hwanghae Province, 78. Sunwi-do (Won, 1971; 138), Description, - One male (ZIP 3), ventrals 146, subcaudals 54, snout-vent length 290 mm, tail length 80 mm, Two females (ZIP 26 and 27), ventrals 142 each, subcaudals 58 and 30 (tail incomplete), snout-vent length 350 and 360 mm, tail 。 38 。 length 100 and 60+ mm, Anal divided. Scales weakly keeled in 19-19-17 rows, in one case (ZIP 26) 18-17-17, Preocular 1, postoculars 3 or 2, temporals 1+1, upper labials 7,upper labials entering eye 3 and 4, lower labials 8. Dorsum is uniformly gray brown, Other specimens reported from Korea have the following numbers of ventrals and subcaudals, males 145-154 and 54-68 (Slevin, 1925; Maki, 1931; Webb etal., 1962; Won, 1971), females 142-153 and 56-65 (Stejneger, 1907; Slevin, 1925; Ma- ki, 1931). According to Malnate (1962), the number of subcaudals of the subspe- cies ruthveni varies from 54 to 69, The number of subcaudals, 29 and 49, observed by Won (1971) in two females, is therefore surprisingly low (most likely their tails are incomplete). Remaining features of the Korean Amphiesmavibakari described by the previous authors are as follows, dorsal scales always 19 at midbody; pre- oculars 1, exceptionally 2; postoculars 2 or 3, in one case 1 (Maki, 1931); tempo- rals 1+1, in one case 1 十 2 (Maki, 1931); upper labials 7, exceptionally 6; lower labials 8. The largest Amphiesma vibakari reported from Korea is a female with a snout-vent length of 385 mm (Won, 1971; unfortunately, the value of 415 mm given for the tail length of this specimen is undoubtedly erroneous), Specimens of similar size, both males, were also reported from Korea by Maki, 1931 (snout- vent length 380 mm, tail length not given), and by Webb et al,, 1962 (3801128 mm) , Habitat and habits.-Amphiesma vibakari inhabits bushy and stony areas in low valleys (Won, 1971), Specimens reported by Webb et al, (1962) were collected in grassy areas, earthen banks of road cuts, and neara stream, Stomach of examined individuals contained earthworms (Webb et al,, 1962) and crickets (Won, 1971), Won (1971) also reported a case where a snake 550 mm long swallowed a frog 220 mm long. Eggs are laid in July, A female examined by Won (1971) contained 5 eggs, 19-22x7-8 mm, Rhabdophis tigrinus (Boie, 1826) Tropidonotus tigrinus Boie, 1826, Isis, p, 205 (type locality, Japan), -Giglioni and Salvadori, 1887, Proc, Zool, Soc,, p, 594, Natrix tigrina,-Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p. 272. - Mori, 1928, J, Chosen Nat, Hist, Soc,, 6:49, Natrix tigrina tigrina. - Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci., (4), 14, 95, Tropidonotus lateralis Berthold, 1859, Nachricht, Ges, Wiss, Goettingen, p, 180 (type locality, China), Natrix tigrina lateralis. - Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 278, Maki, 1931, Monogr. snakes Japan, p, 45, -Tanner, 1953, Great Basin Nat,, 13, 72. -Steward, 1954, Copeia, p, 66, - Babb, 1955, Philad. Herp, Soc, Bull, 1.924. =Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12, 42,- Dixon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12: 54,-Hahn, 1960, J. Ohio Herp. Soc,, 2; 20, - Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p. 135, - 。 39 。 Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17; 151. Rhabdophis tigrina, - Malnate, 1960, Proc, Acad, Nat, Sci, Philad,, 112:49. Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis, -Webb et al,, 1962, Univ, Kansas Publ, Mus, Nat., Hist,, 15:164, Rhabdophis tigrinus lateralis, -Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov., WSL, Rhabdophis tigrina tigrina, - Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 48. Range, - North Korea, South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), eastern half of China except southernmost provinces (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), the Soviet Far East (Bannikov et al., 1977), Japan (¢ subspecies tigrinus) (Nakamura and Uéno, 1969). Distribution in DPRK (Fig. 3). - Il. South Pyongan Province: 8, Myohyang- san (Szyndlar, 1984:11), 13, Taesong-ho (Szyndlar, 1984:11, addendum, ZZSiD 889-892), - Ill, North Pyongan Province : 20, Sogha-ri (Won, 1971 : 135), 21, Sonchon (ZIP 102-104), 23, Uiju (Slevin, 1925:96; Shannon, 1956:43), - VIII, Kangwon Province: 51, Cholwon (Shannon, 1956:42), 55, Kumgang-san (ZIP 105), 59. Samil-po (Szyndlar, 1984:11), 61. Wonsan (Giglioni and Salvadori, 1887:594; Slevin, 1925:96; Shannon, 1956:43).-1X, North Hwanghae Province: 65, Kumchon ZIP 123), 67, Paegyang (Won, 1971:135). Description, - Material examined: 9 males (ZIP 103, 109, 110, 112, 113, (ZZSiD 805, 890-892), 9 females (ZIP 101, 102, 105, 108, 111, 116, 2Z29iD 807, 812, 889), and 3 juveniles of undetermined sex (ZIP 104, 123, 127), In males, 151 -177 ventrals (mean 165.7+7.1), 56-73 subcaudals (mean 63,8+5,5), In females, 153-167 (mean 162.1 十 5.0) ventrals, 49-62 (mean 57,3+7.5) subcaudals, Anal divided, Scales keeled, Scale rows 21-19-17; in two cases 17 scales at midbody, Largest male 757+169 mm (ZZSiD 805), largest female 769+148 mm (ZIP 101), Preoculars 2; postoculars 3; temporals 1+2 or 1+3; upper labials usually 7, in two cases 6; upper labials entering eye 3 and 4; lower labials 8, in one case 7, Dorsum olive green, with series of large black spots, diminishing posteriorly; in the anteriormost part of the body the spots are separated by red interspaces, Ven- ter black, Description of a large number of Rhabdophis tigrinus from Korea (Slevin, 1925; Maki, 1931; Tanner, 1953; Steward, 1954; Shannon, 1956; Dixon, 1956; Won, 1971; Paik, 1982: Szyndlar, 1984) can be summarized as follows: ventrals and subcaudals 153-174 and 57-74 in males (Won, 1971, reported as few as 46 subcau- dals for one male; for another male, from Cheju Island, Paik, 1982, reported 79 subcaudals), ventrals and subcaudals in females 156-177 and 55-72, respectively; scale rows always 19 at midbody; preoculars always 2; postoculars 3, rarely 4 or 2; temporals always 1+2; upper labials 7; lower labials 8 or 9, rarely 10 or 7, Largest specimens reported from Korea are a male 817+174mm (Maki, 1931) and a female 790+167mm (Won, 1971), For further comments see Remarks, s 40 s Habitat and habits, - Rhabdophis tigrinus is one of the commonest North Ko- rean snakes, This species was usually taken in grass bordering streams, small rivers, ponds, lakes and rice fields (Steward, 1954; Babb, 1955; Shannon, 1956; Hahn, 1960; Webb et al,, 1962; Won, 1971; Szyndlar, 1984), It was also observed on small grassy hills (Tanner, 1953), brushy hillsides and along drainage or irrigation ditches (Webb et al., 1962), Although this snake is commonest in close association with water, it was never observed in water (Shannon, 1956), unless it attempted to escape by swimming (Hahn, 1960), Usually this snake escapes away from a stream into the bordering bushes (Steward, 1954), It was only occasionally found in swampy ground or rice fields (Shannon, 1956) and never on dikes between them (Szyndlar, 1984). Frogs form a large part of the diet; they are usually seized by the hind limbs and swallowed rear end first (Szyndlar, personal observations; Shannon, 1956), Rhabdophis tigrinus also feeds on fish, mice, birds (Won, 1971), tad- poles and beetles (Hahn, 1960), The snake emerges from hibernation at the end of April (Hahn, 1960; Won, 1971) and disappears at the beginning of November (Won, 1971). According to Won (1971), females lay 8-32 eggs (egg dimensions given by Won-2.8X3.2mm-are evidently erroneous) and the incubation period lasts from 35 to 40 days, Webb et al, (1962) reported that eggs number 9-10, 15-18 mm in size. A female captured in June, 1980, laid 27 eggs; 3 young snakes hatched after 35 days (Sura, 1981; Szyndlar, 1984), Annoyed specimens flatten the entire length of their bodies dorsoventrally and lift the anterior portion of the trunk above the ground (Hahn, 1960; Szyndlar, personal observation), Another startling behaviour, reported by Hahn (1960), was the bending of the head downwards at the neck about twenty degrees and holding this position rigidly for several minutes, Bites of this opisthomegadontic (but not opisthoglyphous;) snake may produce severe enven- omation in man (Mittleman and Goris, 1974; Kono and Sawai, 1975); also one fatal case was reported from Japan (Mittleman and Goris, 1978), North Koreans also are familiar with the potential danger from this snake’s bite (Won, 1971), Remarks, - Stejneger (1907:278) first observed that the Japanese and conti- nental populations of Rhabdophis tigrinus can be easily differentiated from each other on the basis of subcaudal counts, For the former group (subspecies tigrinus), Stej- neger noted 66-85 subcaudals and for the latter group (subspecies lateralis) 53-64 subcaudals, Stejneger’s observations were generally confirmed by several subsequent authors, although in the meantime, with the accumulation of specimens collected in Korea, it became evident that subcaudal numbers in both populations overlap- ped, Maki (1931:46) also noted a gradual increase in the number of subcaudals from north to south, while Shannon (1956:42) denied this opinion, Other authors (cf. Nakamura and Uéno, 1969:168, and references therein), contending that there is not a clear geographical boundary between the subspecies, suggested that lateralis should be synonymized with tigrinus, Recently Paik (1982:49) demonstrated that the 2 Al . number of subcaudals in Rhabdophis tigrinus from peninsular South Korea is signifi- cantly lower than that from Cheju Island, “--- because of the continuity in the number of subcaudals as well as the small genetic variation---”, Paik regarded lateralis as a synonym of tigrinus, In our opinion, since post-Stejneger studies clearly revealed a wide overlapping of subcaudal counts in the Japanese and Korean populations, there is no reason to recognize the subspecies lateralis any longer. Moreover, because of the doubtful taxonomic status of the two other subspecies of this form, i, e,, formosiana and multiventris, we regard Rhabdophis tigrinus to be a monotypic species, (?)Sibynophis chinensis (Guenther, 1889) Ablabes chinensis Guenther, 1889, Ann, Mag, Nat. Hist, .(6),4:220 (type locality: Ichang, China), Sibynophis chinensis,- Pope, 1935, Rept, China, p.82. Sibynophis collaris, -Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p.23 (part). -Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p.51. Range,- Eastern China including Taiwan (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980). Distribution in DPRK .- Never recorded, Remarks,- A member of this genus, unknown from North Korea, was recently reported by Paik (1982) from Cheju Island, a part of the territory of South Korea, Paik identified his find as Sibynophis collaris (Gray, 1853), however, the presence of this Oriental species in Korea seems to be highly improbable, thus Paik’s snake may belong instead to the closely related S. chinensis, Based on Paik’s description, exact specific allocation of the Cheju specimen cannot be fully demonstrated. Presumably, Paik used the name collaris following the work of Maki (1931), who included both the taxa within a single species, although since Pope (1929) chinensis and collaris are consistently regarded to be clearly distinct species, Presentation by Paik (1982:Table 27) of the combined ranges of both S. chinensis and S, collaris, attributed to the latter species only, support the above supposition, Family Hydrophiidae Hydrophis cyanocinctus Daudin, 1803 FAlydrophis cyanocinctus Daudin, 1803, Hist, Nat, Rept,, 7:383 (type locality: Hainan Strait).- Won, 1971, Amph. rept, fauna Korea, p, 154, Disteira cyanocincta, - Stanley, 1514, J, N.- China Brit, Roy, Asiat, Soc., (n, ser), 45230,/- Babb 1955, ephilademiderpymscc, Billy 22) Range, - Coasts of southern and eastern Asia from the Persian Gulf eastward to the Great Sunda Islands and northward to the Yellow Sea (Minton, 1975), Ex- cept for one uncertain record (Babb, 1955), never reported from South Korea, Distribution in DPRK, - VII, South Hamgyong Province: 48, Kachin (Japanese 2 42 。 Sea) (ZIP or. Description, - A single male (ZIP 2), Ventrals 368, subcaudals 63, Anal quad- ruple, Scale rows 32-38-35, Snout-vent length 1, 550 mm, tail length 130 mm, Preocular 1, Postoculars 2, temporals 2(7?3)+2, upper labials 7, upper labials 3, 4, and 5 entering eye, lower labials 7, Dorsum (in formalin) yellow, with above 70 dark crossbands; the dark bands are less distinct posteriorly than anteriorly, Hydrophis melanocephalus Gray, 1849 Hydrophis sublaevis var, melanocephala Gray, 1849, Cat, snakes Brit, Mus,, p. 53 (type locality: “Indian Ocean”), Disteira spiralis melanoce phala, - Stejneger, 1913, Denkschr, Akad, Wiss, Wien, 40:346.- Won, 1956, List animal names, p.252, Hydrophis melanocephalus ,-Smith, 1926, Monogr, sea snakes, p, 64, - Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:47.- Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 152,- Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:165. Hydrophis melanocephala,- Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 75, Range.- The South China Sea, the Ryukyu Archipelago, the Yellow Sea (Min- ton, 1975), Recorded from South Korea, Distribution in DPRK.- X, South Hwanghae Province: 73, Ongjin (Yellow Sea) @Wiens 19712154) ZIP"): Description, -A single specimen (ZIP 1), probably female, Ventrals 341, sub- caudals 42, Anal quadruple, Scale rows 32-40-37, Snout-vent length 890 mm, tail length 100 mm, Preocular 1, postoculars 2, temporals 1 + (?7)2, upper labials 8, upper labials 4 and 5 entering eye, lower labials 7, Dorsum (in formalin) yellow, with 66 dark crossbands, Pelamis platurus (Linnaeus, 1766) Anguis platura Linnaeus, 1766, Syst, Nat,, ed, 12, p, 391 (type locality:unknown), Hydrus platurus.- Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 439, Pelamydrus platurus, -Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 192, -Babb, 1955, Philad, Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:22.- Won, 1956, List animal names, p 252. Pelamis platurus,-Smith, 1926, Monogr, sea snakes, p, 116,-Shannon, 1956, Herpe- tologica, 12:47,-Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 156,-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:167,-Paik, 1982, Syst. stud, Serp. Korea, p.76. Range. - Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean from the Persian Gulf to the western coasts of Mexico and Central America, northward to the Yellow Sea (Minton, 1975), Distribution in DPRK, - Never recorded, Remarks, - This species is known from both south Korea (Shannon, 1956; Paik, 1982) and the Possiet Bay near the Russian-Korean frontier (Strauch, 1873; a single specimen), Its presence in the seas washing the North Korean coasts is therefore highly probable, ° 43 « Family Viperidas Vipera berus berus (Linnaeus ,1758) Coluber berus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst, Nat., ed. 10,1:217 (type locality: Upsala, Sweden) .-Mori, 1930, J, Chosen Nat, Hist, Soc,, 10:57. Vipera berus,-Daudin, 1803, Hist, nat, rept,, 6:89. Vipera berus sachalinensis Carevskij, 1917, Ezh, Zool, Muz, Akad, Nauk, 21:37 (type locality: Sakhalin),-Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p.195,-Babb,1955, Philad, Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:22,.-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:48. -Won, 1956, List animal names, p.254, -Won, 1971, Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 162, -Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:170. -Paik, 1982,Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 65, Range.-Northernmost parts of the Korean Peninsula, Kirin and Szechwan provinces in northern China (An Illustrated Monograph of the Snakes of China, 1980), north-central Mongolia (Bannikov, 1958), southern East Siberia including Sakhalin (subspecies sachalinensis), central West Siberia and northern half of Euro- pean Russia (Bannikov et al,, 1977), Europe excluding Mediterranean peninsulas, Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 4),-IJ], North Pyongan Province: 19, Sinuiju (Shannon, 1956:48).-V, Ryanggang Province: 27, Kanpaeg-san (ZIP 13), 28, Paegam (Won, 1971:164), 29, Paekdu-san (Won, 1971:164), 31, Rimyongsu (Won, 1971:164; ZIP 9-12), 32. Sobaek-san (Won, 1971:164).-VI, North Hamgyong Province: 38, Kwanmo-bong (Won, 1971:164; ZIP 7, 8), -VlIl. South Hamgyong Province:46, Chail-bong (Won,1971:164; ZIP 58). Description, -Material examined: 4 males (ZIP 7, 8, 9, and 10), 2 females (ZIP 11 and 13), and 2 individuals of undetermined sex (ZIP 12 and 58). These specimens will be described in detail elsewhere (Nilson, Andrén and Szyndlar, in preparation), Habitat and habits,-Won (1971) presented the following observations on Vipera berus from Korea: it inhabits wet bushy areas or the vicinity of running water in high mountains; the species feeds on frogs, birds and bird’s eggs; in 1968, young specimens, 100 mm long, were once observed as early as 1 August, No further data are available from Korea. Remarks,-According to current knowledge of its distribution, the Manchurian -Korean populations of Vipera berus are most likely isolated from those inhabiting Siberia and Mongolia, Maki (1951) first designated the Manchurian-Korean Vipera berus as belonging to the subspecies sachalinensis, and Maki’s interpretation was accepted by later students of the Korean herpetofauna (Shannon,1956; Won,1971; Kang and Yoon, 1975; Paik, 1982). However, in the ZIP specimens we examined the head scutellation is characteristic of the nominate subspecies of V. berus and not sachalinensis, the frontal scales do not adjoin the supraoculars and there is « 44 。 always more than one scale between the nasal and the eye (cf, Carevskij, 1917; Saint Girons, 1978). The Korean adder is therefore provisionally classified as Vipera berus berus, It should be noted that specimens from the Chinese province of Kirin, which borders upon North Korea, were also identified as V. 6, berus (Zhao et al. ,1981). The taxonomic status of the Korean VY, berus will be further discussed in another paper (Nilson, Andrén and Szyndlar, in preparation), Agkistrodon blomhof fii brevicaudus Stejneger, 1907 Trigonocephalus blomhof fii Boie, 1826, Isis, p,214 (type locality: Japan) ,-Giglioni and Salvadori, 1887, Proc, Zool. Soc,, p, 594, Agkistrodon blomhof fii brevicaudus Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 463 (type locality: Fusan, South Korea), -Slevin, 1925, Proc. Calif. Acad Sci, ,(4),14:99 (part).-Mori, 1928,J, Chosen Nat, Hist, Soc. ,6:50.-Tanner, 1953, Great Basin Nat,,13:73.- Gloyd, 1972, Proc, Biol, Soc, Wash., 85:560.-Paik et al,, 1979, Korean J, Zool,, 22:passim,-Paik, 1982, Syst. stud, Serp. Korea, p. 68,-Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov,, 27:12. Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus, -Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 206 (part). -(2) Babb, 1955, Philad, Herp, Soc, Bull,, 1:22, -Won, 1956, List animal names, p. 254.- Hahn, 1960, J. Ohio Herp, Soc,, 2:21,-Webb et al 1962, Univ, Keansas# erably Muse Nat Histys 153870 (part). Ancistrodon halys brevicaudus,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:47 (part). Ancistrodon halys,-Won, 1971,Amph, rept, fauna Korea, p, 158 (epart), Agkistrodon halys.-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:172 (part). Range,-North Korea, South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), the Soviet Far East (subspecies ussuriensis) (Korotkov, 1981), eastern and southern China (opartly subspecies ussuriensis)(Chen et al,,1984), Japan (subspecies blomhof - fii) (Sengoku,1979). Distribution in DPRK (Fig. 4),-1, Pyongyang City: 4, Taesong-san (ZIP 182). -Il. South Pyongan Province:13, Taesong-ho (Szyndlar, 1984:12).-V, Ryanggang Province: 28. Paegam (ZIP 35).-VI, North Hamgyong Province: 38, Kwanmo-bong (Szyndlar, 1984: addendum), 42. Ranam (ZIP 31), 44, Sanpong (ZIP 69-73). -VIII. Kangwon Province:51, Cholwon (Shannon, 1956:47; Gloyd, 1972:563), 61. Wonsan (Slevin, 1925:99; Shannon, 1956:47, 48; Gloyd, 1972:563).-X. South Hwanghae Province :70. Hyongchesom (ZZSiD 888).-XI, Kaesong City: 81, Kaesong (Shannon, 1956:48. Gloyd, 1972:563), 83. Sangdo-ri (Gloyd, 1972:563). Description,-Material examined: One male (ZIP 31),4 females (ZIP 74, ZZSiD 801, 302°, and 888), 8 juveniles of undetermined sex (ZIP 35, 69-73, 182, ZZSiD 855). In the male, ventrals 138, subcaudals 43, snout-vent length 340 mm, tail lencth 70 mm, In the females (ZZSiD 801, 802, 888, and ZIP 74), ventrals 134, 136, (*) The specimens ZZSiD 801 and 802 were erroneously described by Szyndlar (1984:12) as males, © 45° 141, and 156, subcaudals 27, 32, 35, and 37, snout-vent and tail lengths 498 十 51 mm, 427+53mm, 578+76mm (ZIP 74 not measured), Anal undivided, Dorsal scales keeled. Scale rows 23-21-19 or 17, Preoculars 2, postoculars 2, rarely 3; temporals 2 十 3 or 2+4; upper labials 7 or 8; upper labial 3 entering eye; lower labials 9 or 10. Dorsum usually light brown or light gray with dark half bands consisting of paired oval blotches, The half bands number from 36-51, Juveniles are generally characterized by a lighter ground colour and more distinct pattern; one juvenile (ZZSiD 855) is light red with deep-red half bands, Gloyd (1972), who summarized all former descriptions of brevicaudus, presented the following features of this species: ventrals and subcaudals in males 135-145 and 35-44, in females 140-149 and 30-38; number of half bands 23-36, In head scutel- lation Gloyd’s examples do not differ from the ZIP and ZZSiD specimens except for the number of upper labials, which occasionally number 10 or 11, In the sample of South Korean brevicaudus examined by Paik et al,, 1979 (cf, also Paik, 1982), the numbers of ventrals and subcaudals range from 142-151 and 32-52 in males, 140-159 and 32-47 in females, It should be noted that two of our females have distinctly lower number of ventrals and subcaudals, The largest specimens recorded from Korea are a male 620+90 mm and a female 598+82mm (Gloyd, UOUAD. Habitat ,-Agkistrodon blomhoffii has been collected in grassy areas in valleys and in the proximity of rice fields, on brushy hillside slopes with sandy loam soil and talus outcropping, and in bushes near forest (Hahn, 1960; Gloyd, 1972; Szyndlar, 1984), In mid October, 1984, an individual of this species (ZZSiD 888) was found on a tiny island near the coast of the Yellow Sea, During low water this island is connected with the mainland, Agkistrodon caliginosus Gloyd, 1972 Agkistrodon blomhof fii brevicaudus Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 463 (part) .- Slevin, 61925.) Proce Galaty Acadmrsciue. @).691 499. Gpart).: % Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus -Steward, 1954, Copeia, p, 67,-Webb et al., 1962, Univ Wansas .Poble Mis Nat Gedistone 5s 70) G@pant)p Ancistrodon halys breviccudus,-Shannon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:47 (part),-Dixon, 1956, Herpetologica, 12:56. Agkistrodon caliginosus Gloyd, 1972, Proc, Biol, Soc, Wash,, 85:563 (type locality: Seoul, South Korea) ,-Paik et al., 1979, Korean J, Zool,, 22:passim,-Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p, 72,- Gloyd and Conant, 1982, Japan, J, Herp,, 9:77,-Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov,, 27: addendum, Agkistrodon ussuriensis,-Toriba, 1986, Acta Herp, Sinica, 5:62. Range,-North Korea and South Korea including Cheju Island (Paik, 1982). Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 4),-V. Ryanggang Province: 28, Paegam (ZIP 67), -VI, North Hamgyong Province: 39, Maehyang-ri (Szyndlar, 1984: addendum), 41, » AGB 。 Puryong (Slevin, 1925:99, Shannon, 1956:47, 48, Gloyd, 1972:568), 44. Sanpong (ZIP 62, 68), 45. “Shoko” (Slevin, 1925:99, Shannon, 1956:48, Gloyd, 1972:568), -VIIIl, Kangwon Province:51, Cholwon (Shannon, 1956:48, Gloyd, 1972:569), 61. Wonsan (Slevin, 1925:99; Shannon, 1956:47, 48; Gloyd, 1972:569).-XI, Kaesong City:81, Kaesong (Shannon, 1956:48; Gloyd, 1972:569), 83, Sangdo-ri (Gloyd, 1972:569). Description,-One male (ZIP 62), ventrals 146, subcaudals 47, snout-vent length 440 mm, tail length 75 mm, Three females (ZIP 67 and 68, ZZSiD 853), ventrals 141, 152, and 159, subcaudals 30, 42, and 44, snout-vent length 380, 472, and 470 mm, tail length 45, 73, and 75 mm, respectively, Anal undivided, Scales keeled, Scale rows 23-21-17, Preoculars 2, in one case 1; postoculars 2, in one case 3; temporals 2+3, in one case 2+4; upper labials 7 or 8; upper labial 3 entering eye; lower labials 9 or 10, The whole body brown or even black with narrow dark- edged light crossbands, Total number of crossbands 28 (ZZSiD 853). Characteristics of other Korean specimens, summarized by Gloyd (1972), are as follows: ventrals and subcaudals 139-153 and 40-52 in males, 143-155 and 36-48 in females; scale rows always 21 at midbody; preoculars always 2; postoculars always 2; upper labials 7, rarely 6 or 8; lower labials 10, occasionally 9 or 11, For a sample of South Korean caliginosus, described by Paik et al,, 1979 (see also Paik, 1982), the numbers of ventrals and subcaudals are 142-150 and 40-51 for males, 141-152 and 31-47 for females, Lower limit of female subcaudals is therefore less in Paik’s and our material than that stated by Gloyd, The largest female from Korea measured 520+90 mm (Gloyd, 1972), Habitat .-Agkistrodon caliginosus was found on brushy or wooded hillsides; along rock walls or in piles of rocks, in damp, rocky, wooded, bushy or grassy areas near streams; and in low, marshy environment near rice fields, One specimen was observed on a sand island in the middle of a shallow stream (Steward, 1954; Shan- non, 1956; Dixon, 1956; Webb et al,, 1962; data summarized by Gloyd, 1972). Remarks ,-According to the latest studies of Toriba (1986), Agkistrodon caliginosus is considered to be a synonym of ussuriensis, described by Emelianov (1929) from the Soviet Far East. In the opinion of Gloyd and Conant (1982) and Chen et al, (1984) the latter form is one of subspecies of Agkistrodon blomhof fii, Toriba (1986) concluded that ussuriensis is a full species, distinct from Agkistrodon blomhof fii (cf, also Yosida and Toriba, 1986), Agkistrodon saxatilis Emelianov, 1937 Trigonocephalus intermedius Strauch, 1868, Trudy Perv, Ziezda Russ, Inst, Zool., p, 295 (type locality: Irkutsk, Siberia) (gpart), Agkistrodon blomhof fii intermedius | ~Stejneger, 1907, Herp, Japan, p, 464 (part), Agkistrodon blomhof fii brevicaudus ,-Slevin, 1925, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sci,, (4), 14 199 (part), eA Gis Agkistrodon halys intermedius -Maki, 1931, Monogr, snakes Japan, p, 209 (part) .= Won, 1956, List animal names, p. 254. Ancisitrodon halys intermedius,-(7) Babb, 1955, ‘Philad! Herp, ‘Soc.’ Bull’, 1:22: Ancistrodon halys.-Won, 1971, Amph, rept. fauna Korea, p, 158 (7part). Agkistrodon halys,-Kang and Yoon, 1975, Encycl, fauna flora Korea, 17:172 (part), Ancistrodon saxatilis Emelianov, 1937, Vest, Dalnevost. fil, Akad, Nauk SSSR, 24:26 (type locality: Viadivostok, USSR), Agkistrodon saxatilis,-Gloyd, 1972, Proc, Biol. Soc, Wash,, 85:569.-Paik et al., 1979, Korean J, Zool,, 22:passim,-Paik, 1982, Syst, stud, Serp, Korea, p. 70,-Szyndlar, 1984, Acta Zool, Cracov,, 27: 2% Agkistrodon intermedius saxatilis,-Gloyd and Conant, 1982, Japan, J, Herp,, 9:77, Range -North Korea, South Korea excluding Cheju Island (Paik, 1982), the Soviet Far East (Korotkov, 1981), northeastern China (Chen et al, 1984), Distribution in DPRK (Fig, 4),-1, Pyongyang City: 4, Taesong-san (ZIP 181), -I], South Pyongan Province: 8, Myohyang-san (Szyndlar, 1984:addendum),_-V, Ryanggang Province: 28, Paegam (ZIP 66),-VI, North Hamgyong Province: 34, Chayu-ri (Szyndlar, 1984: addendum), 36, Chongjin (Gloyd, 1972:573), 40, Musan (Slevin, 1925:99, Shannon, 1956:48; Gloyd, 1972:573), 42, Ranam (ZIP 32), 44, Sanpong (ZIP 63, 64, 65).-VIII, Kangwon Province: 56, Onjong-ri (Szyndlar, 1984:12), 61. Wonsan (Slevin, 1925:99; Shannon, 1956:47, 48; Gloyd, 1972:573), -IX, North Hwanghae Province: 62, Chabi-san (ZIP 30), 65, Kumchon (ZIP 33, 34, 60, 61).-XI, Kaesong City: 83, Sangdo-ri (Gloyd, 1972:573), Description -Material examined: 7 males (ZIP 30, 32-34, 63, 65, ZZSiD 814), 6 females (ZIP 36,64,75,ZZSiD 851,852, 854), and 3 juveniles of undetermined sex (ZIP 60, 61, 181), In males, ventrals 147-160 (mean 155,0+12,4) and subcaudals 41-44 (mean 42 3+1.0). In females, ventrals.150-164 (mean 156.6 士 5.2) and sub- caudals 33-42 (mean 38.6+3.4), Largest male 600+80 mm (ZIP 30), largest female 590+75 mm (ZIP 64), Anal undivided, Scales keeled, Scale rows 25-23-17 or 19; in one case 21 scales at midbody (ZZSiD 852). Preoculars 2; postoculars 2; tem- porals 2 十 3 or 2+4, upper labials 8 or 7; upper labial 3 entering eye; lower labials ustally 10, in single cases 9, 11, and 12, Dorsum light gray or light brown, with 42-54 (mean 49 3+4.2, N-7) transverse dark bands. Gloyd (1972) presented the following characteristics of Agkistrodon saxatilis: ventrals and subcaudals 149-164 and 37-48 in males, 148-165 and 34-41 in females, scale rows 23, rarely 21, at midbody, preoculars 2; postoculars 2 or 3; upper labials 7 or 8; lower labials 10 or 11; number of transverse bands 29-44 (signifi- cantly lower than in our sample), Numbers of ventrals and subcaudals given by Paik et al. (1979) for South Korean saxatilis are 152-160 and 41-47 for males, 153-167 and 37-48 for females (cf. also Paik, 1982). og Habitat -Specimens from the ZZSiD collection were captured in mountain forests near streams and in grass on bushy and rocky hillsides (Szyndlar, 1984, Dr, T, Tomek, personal communication, 1983). Habits,-Available observations on the natural history of the Korean pit vipers come from rather older literature, when these snakes were regarded as belonging to a single species, Because of this, the following remarks deal with all Korean members of the genus Agkistrodon, According to Won’s (1971) observations on 12 females in the Pyongyang Zoo, eggs are laid from August to the beginning of Sep- tember; number of eggs 6-8 (apparent error-Agkistrodon is not oviparous), Webb et al. (1962) reported two gravid females, containing 14 and 3 embryos, Stomachs of two specimens dissected by these authors contained a mouse and a hamster, Pope’s (1935:394) observations on the stomach contents of “Agkistrodon halys” do not com- prise Korean specimens, as suggested by Shannon (1956:47), This species hibernates in the ground and under roots (Won, 1971), No data on bites caused by these venomous snakes are available from North Korea, In South Korea, Sawai and Lah (1978) summarized clinical studies of 82 snake-bites, including 4 fatal cases. Shan- non (1956) and Hahn (1960) reported that these snakes are provided to South Korean shops for medical use, In North Korea, Agkistrodon is widely used for production of various kinds of therapeutic brandy, known under trade name “Pulrosul” or “Adder liquor”. Key to the snakes of Korea (Figs 5 and 6) The key also includes the species described from South Korea, but never recorded from North Korea; they are indicated with asterisks (*), 1, Sea snakes, ventrals small, tail laterally depressed, nostrils dir ected vertically 人 la, Terrestrial snakes, ventrals large, tail round; nostrils not directed upward ev 2. Ventrals much reduced in size; chin shields scarcely differentiated .….…。….……。。 sesseeee Pelamis platurus (*) 2a. Ventrals smail but distinct; two pairs of distinct chin shields .………… 3 3. Body slender anteriorly, single anterior temporal--- Hydrophis melanocephalus 3a. Body not slender anteriorly; two anterior temporals --- Hydrophis cyanocinctus Ay Solenoglyphous VENOM APPALrAaluUuS present ……。…。… oo Fy 4a. Solenoglyphous venom apparatus Absent -+-rsrreosreeeeeees ses eee cee ces & (see) Figs 6) 5. Loreal pit absent; top of head with numerous small scales anteriorly -+-++«0--.-- tec eemces ccs 3 有 aasevoovsiooeosoooooooossoeseosiseooooooassseeoeois Vipera berus berus 5a. Loreal pit present; top of head with 9 large plates anteriorly ……… 6 6. Scales in 23 rows; cheek stripe not bordered above by well-defined light line; 。 49 。 地 一 DOA CFA 六 二 一: not BIRO ee 2 = ~ ~ a, Zo == : — =. SS SSS Zezen eos seit cae 2 人 Par. CT he ol Silt 6a . 10a . 11a . 12. 12a, 13, 13a, 14, 14a, 15, 15a, 16, 16a, ie body pattern of dark crossbands pp Aghistrodon saxatilis Scales in 21 rows; cheek stripe bordered above by well-defined light line, body pattern not as above PAu Mne can sasicnementcicesercecateiusWeeeheaccertete ses mvaccnie ar eemeeny Body pattern of pairs of dark subelliptical blotches, opposite or alternating, on lighter ground colour; tongue black; tail light at tip cosccccscescccsenecscceecee ses Heed. cheenedbs secrets. Suet: sateen Mesa... Aghisinedon! blomhoy fil Brevicaudus _ Body dark brown or black with narrow, dark-edged, light crossbands; tongue pink, tail dark at CIP ee Agkisirodon caliginosus Scales in 19 or fewer LOWS °ce ccc cee ccc ccc ccc ccc vee ccc coe coe veces cee cle sue ceeee ccc sty cen cells cue : Scales in 21 or more rows Con vececc coerce cee ces cee crc cee Socees BEE Cre lle OBE See les cEDceeeceeeuves 3 Scales smooth, usually 1M 17 TO 到 Se Scales keeled, 11. 19 LOWS cccceecccccccvecseccecce ces ceeccs sce ces ces ceecrc ces cccccesencseccosccees | PD Fewer than 184 ventrals; colour nearly uniform brownish gray above.…。…。, ste cnc eee teeters ccececcec tec ceessosre cee seesec sec sesceeenseeeconceccoeces see ces IIYNO PAS chinensis (#) More than 183 ventrals,; colour pattern not as above…… 和 ee Anal divided; more than 76 pairs of subcaudals; dorsum brown with yellow middorsal stripe extending throughout body length ---+++-+-ee++--»-Coluber spinalis Anal undivided; fewer than 79 pairs of subcaudals, dorsum black with red Or Orange Crossbands .pp Linodon rufozonatum rufozonaium Scales weakly keeled; fewer than 155 ventrals; colour uniform gray above, underside) paleteten tees sseceseecesece seeuietssescsenses one sss osoees Am phicsmalelbabant. nurhoent Scales strongly keeled; more than 152 ventrals; colour olive-green above, immediately behind head with alternative black and red spots, underside dark Seas | Herne EON Ls COLUMN SRO occas coesd Ohad OM ane Mar nus SCAVESMSTIO OU seele leis c/s solicalevelstepiscisisiaelss even sacle a niscismctleciene/oscseeieusveclenoiteneacinaseee cane aenerteei| (4 Scales in 21 rows; fewer than 188 ventrals; dorsum brown with four rows of black-edged spots, underside with black and red squares---Elaphe rufodorsata Scales usually in 25 rows; more than 180 ventrals, dorsum gray with alter- nating light and dark markings; underside pale with irregular dusky spots.……。 DJe dione Fewer than 186 ventrals; dorsum light brown with three rows of round, dark brown spots; underside pale with numerous tiny spots -+-+----+e-+Hlaphe davidi More than 210 ventrals, colour pattern not as AbOVE-rcrrcceree see eee cee 6 Scales usually in 25 rows; more than 225 ventrals, more than 90 pairs of subcaudals, tail with four black and four white longitudinal stripes 。….… oo LV iaphe taeniura taeniura(?*) Scales in 23 rows; fewer than 228 ventrals, fewer than 77 pairs of subcaudals; Cail watt, Crosshbands) -cess+sescccassonmonacninatemsancntecsjesiecscrssclesaceciset ences sesdeccmemmaily] Adults black, with narrow white (anteriorly) and yellow (posteriorly) cross- ° 52 + JORG I COS RC CORDCRSE CORE CHOCICEO COC CCA COU CODERRECEORES CIRCE EHS BeR Contre Elaphe schrenckij schrenckhit 17a, Adults brown, with dark bands, indistinct anteriorly and distinct posteriorly Fe schrenckit anomala Acknowledgements The senior author is indebted to Professor Dong Ryul Chu, the Scientific Di- rector of the Zoological Institute in Pyongyang, for allowing him to examine the reptile collection belonging to this institution, Mr, Hyon Chu Han (Pyongyang) kindly translated a number of Korean papers into Polish. Drs, Richard Estes (San Diego), Brian C, Groombridge (Cambridge, UK), Ren Hirayama (Kyoto), Géran Nilson (Goteborg), Pyong Oh Won (Seoul), and Ermi Zhao (Chengdu) supplied rare items of literature, To all these persons we are most grateful, Special thanks are due to Drs, Marinus S, Hoogmoed (Leiden) and Douglas A. Rossman (Baton Rouge) for critically reading of the manuscript of this paper, The senior author’s visits to North Korea in 1980 and 1984 were made possible by financial support from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of DPRK. Literature cited An Illustrated Monograph of the snakes of China, Shanghai Kexuejishu Chubanshe, Shanghai, 1-166 (1980) (in Chinese). Babb G, H,: An annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Korea, Philadelphia Herp, Soc, Bull, 1(3):17-23 (1955), . 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Kaechon 39°42’ 125°54’ 11, Songchon 39°15’ 1267137 8. Myohyang-san 40°01’ 126°19’ 12, Sukchon SO A240 W125 Boia 9. Opa SOO! Ua ee ei 13. Taesong-ho 3895510025 25° « 5GNE 69 . 70 . 。 Onjong-ri , Changsong Chongju Chonma-san , Ryongampo , Sinmi-do® Sinuiju . Yangcho-ri? , Kanpaeg-san , Paegam Paekdu-san . Puksubaek-san , Chayu-ri , Chilbo-san _ Chongjin® , Hoeryong!” , Kwanmo-bong , Maehyang-ri , Chail-bong _ Changjin . Kachin EGholwon™ , Ichon Kosan , Kosong . Kumgang-san!® 19) _ Chabi-san®» _ Chesog-san® . Kitan-ri . Kumchon Haeju Hyongchesom III, North Pyongan Province 40°28? 125°13? 20. Sogha-ri”? 39°41” 125°13’ 21, Sonchon ADP 2 O55 02" 22. Ssuksom® 39°56" 124°99’ 23. Uiju” 39°33’ 124°54’ 24, Unmu-do 40 ` 06 124 23, IV, Chagang Province 26. Yangdok-ri V. Ryanggang Province 41 50? 128"18, 3 1282480 42°00’ 128°05’ 40°42’ 127°45’ VI, North Hamgyong Province 31, Rimyongsu 32. Sobaek-san 33, Wisupyong® 42°07’ 129°26” 40, Musan AL A022 129836) 41, Puryong!» 41°48" 129°48° 42 Ranam!” Ae lOO Ade 43. Sahoe-ri!® ATA 12 Qing) 44, Sanpong’” AMS 32) 129-24" 45. “Shoko”? VII, South Hamgyong Province 40°38’ 127744” AQu23 eee lela 3913200 etre. 49. Kowon!® 50, Pujon VII Kangwon Province 38°20’ 126°53” 57. Popdong 3828) 126553" 58, Sambang-ri SOMO kml aa 59, Samil-po 38450 5128) Oy 60, Tongchon 38739" 128°07’ 61. Wonsan®” S8ddey 2812" IX, North Hwanghae Province 66, Kurig-ri 67, Paegyang*® 38°22’ 126°29’ 68, Pyongsan 38°09’ 126°29’ X, South Hwanghae Province 387027) le544" 71, Kangryong 37°58" 125°41’ 72. Kuwol-san 38°48’ 124°54’ ie) Uigin Asis Ips AN W127 124032" 390247) fap Om 41°16’ 126°40’ ALA] CT Alsb4A 28 Eton AZALI O AA 42°04’ 129°43’ ALGAAS" 129742" Anodes OnaOr 42°20" 130°24" 41°56’ 129°44’ 3929 127 Va 40°29’ 127°38° 38°58’ 127°04’ 38r 430 127 21" 38 Ai? 1261287 380 gal egeass 39) 09? 5127025 38°29" 126°29" 38:19) 1267277 Siioor 125730) S85 290) 12505. e 57 e 73, Ongjin 3boe sll 522), 77, Sinyang-san*” 74, Paechon 38°00’ 126°19° 78, Sunwi-do 37437) 125en Ge 75, Pyoksong S802 i2oms2h 79, Suyang-san 38°09” 125°42’ 76, Samchon 38 20” 125 18: XI, Kaesong City 80. Changpung 38°04’° 126°41° 83. Sangdo-ri? 37-532 26s 4" 81, Kaesong BYP TOO? ILS B38” 84, Haeson-ri 37759) 1 A2onaue 82, Pagyon-pokpo Son 04126 Ra4 7 Meaning of suffixes used in Korean geographic names: “-bong”= mountain, “_do” = island, “-ho” = barrier lake, “-po” = lake, “*-pokpo” = waterfall, “-ri” = village, “-san” = mountain, Captions Fig, 1, Reptile localities in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, The map shows location of the sites of known coordinates (Arabic numerals), political subdivision of the country into provinces (Roman numerals), and a contour line at 1,000 metres, Serial numbers correspond with those of the localities listed in the Gazettéer, Fig 2. Distribution in DPRK of four species of the Colubridae, Fig. 3. Distribution in DPRK of four species of the Colubridae, Fig, 4. Distribution in DPRK of four species of the Viperidae, Fig. 5, Pictorial key to non-colubrid snakes of Korea (2 and 2a adopted from Stejnezer, 1907), Numbers correspond with those in the “Key”(see pp, 49, 53), Fig, 6, Pictorial key to colubrid snakes of Korea, Abbreviations: A - anal, Sc - subcaudals, sr - scale rows, V - ventrals, Numbers correspond with those in the “Key” (see pp, 52—53), 1) coordinates unknown, 2) in Pyongwon county, coordinates unknown, 3) also known as Sin-do, 4) in Sonchon county, coordinates unknown, 5) formerly Ae-do, 6) Ujo of Slevin (1925), 7) in Chasong county, coordinates unknown, 8) in Pochon county, coordi- nates unknown, 9) Seishin of Gloyd (1972). 10) Hoi-ryong of Slevin (1925), 11) Pu- Ryong of Slevin (1925) and Shannon (1956), 12) Nanam of Shannon (1956), 13) formerly Chonghak-dong, Chonghyang-ni of Malnate (1962). 14) formerly Unggi。 15) Korean name unde!ermined; coordinates fide Gloyd (1972). 16) Kowan of Shannon (1956), 17) Ch’orwen of Shannon (1956) and Gloyd (1972). 18) Szyndlar’s (1984) localities Samson-am, Kuryong and Pyohunsa are referred to as Kumgang-san, 19) Szyndlar’s (1984) locality Singye-sa is referred to as Onjong-ri, 20) Gensan of Giglioni and Salvadori (1887), 21) in Yontan county, coordinates unknown, 22) in Kumchon county, coordinates unknown, 23) in Kum- chon county, coordinates unknown, 24) in Haeju county, coordinates unknown, 25) Songdo of Gloyd (1972). 组 鲜 民 主 主义 人 民 共 和 国 的 卜 行 动物 I . 蛇 亚 目 Zbigniew Szyndlar 《波兰 科学 院 分 类 与 实验 动物 学 研究 所 ) Hung Dam O 《朝鲜 民主 主义 人 民 共 和 国 动物 学 研究 所 ) ii 要 本 文 报道 北朝 鲜 的 14 种 蛇 的 形态 、 分 布 以 及 自然 历史 。 此 外 , 还 讨论 了 仅 分 布 于 南朝 鲜 的 二 种 蛇 ,(?) Sibynophis chinensis 和 Pelamis blaturls, 以 及 近年 来 未 见报 道 自 朝 鲜 半岛 的 Elaphe taeniura iaenitrc。 除 分 类 描述 外 , 还 附 有 朝鲜 蛇 类 的 分 布地 图 和 鉴别 索引 。 。59 。 Chinese Herpetol. Res, 1987, 60-63 A NEW SPECIES OF Varanus FROM YUNNAN, WITH MORPHOLOGICAL COMPARISON BETWEEN IT AND SIX OTHER SPECIES FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA Yang Datong Li Simin (Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica) In Southeast Asia so far have been known six species of Varanus, bengalensis, dumerili, flavescens, monitor, rudicollis, and salvaior (Rooij, 1915; Smith, 1930,1935; Harrison, 1957; and Taylor, 1963), A specimen captured from Yunnan in 1986 is classified as a new species and described as follows, The type specimen is preserved in Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Varanus irrawadicus sp, nov, Type specimen: KIZ86001, adult male, Wanding valley (ca, 24°N, 98°B) , Yunnan, 1986. Diagnosis: V, irrawardicus differs from V, bengaleusis in having, supraoculars small and not widened (Figs, 1, 2:1); nostril at midway between eye and snout tip, i.e, A=B, where A represents the distance from nostril to eye, and B from snout tip to nostril; ventrals in 75 transverse rows; chevron-shaped marking on nape absent, Description: Head elongated, 94 mm long, 48 mm widc; snout length 47 mm; snout-vent length 515 mm; tail length 720 mm; snout rather pointed and a little depressed; rostral process distinct; nostril appearing as an oblique slit at midway between eye and snout tip; scales which are anterior to nostril irregular and larger than the other scales on the head, of which supraoculars are the smallest, and not widened; temporals small, almost equal to supraoculars; tympanum large and oval, distance from eye to tympanum equal to from eye to nostril, mentals slightly smaller than rostrals; chin-shields 4 pairs, with the two posteriormost pairs separated by small scales; a deep mental groove present; nuchals smooth, oval, not enlarged, slightly projected, and pitted; posterior dorsals strongly keeled and all pitted; ventrals between axilla and groin smooth in 75 transverse rows; preanal pores 2 pairs; nuchal folds indistinct; tail with 2 rows of crests, Digits elongated, clawed, and compressed; 3rd finger with 20 and 4th toe with 22 transverse rows of scales on under surface, GO Figure 1 Comparison of the colour patterns of five species i- V.-irrawadicus, s - V, saluator, r -V . rudicollis, b -V. bengalensis, d - V., dumerili, (s, r, b, d, from Harrison 1957). Back blackish brown with small yellow spots; nape without chevron-shaped marking but with marbling on and under the neck, head with black reticular markings, temporal streak dark and distinct; narrow, transverse bar indistinct on tail, ventral and under surface of leg scattered with some blackish brown spots. Morphological comparison between seven species of Varanus: V . bengalensis (Daudin) (Figs, 1, 2:b) 1,5A=B,; supraoculars 4-7, transversely widened; head scales small, subequal, supralabials 21, infralabials 25; nuchals on the anterior surface of nape smooth, roundish and comparatively large; back covered with small, oval, and keeled scales, ventrals smooth in about 80 transverse series; fourth toe with 25-28 transverse tome of scales, V. dumerili (Schleger) (Figs, 1, 2:d) 2A=—B; median supraoculars slightly enlarged; scales between eyes and snout = 61 - Case COCK > Figure 2 The position of the nostril relative to the eye and snout for seven species of Varanus: i-V, irrawadicus m -V, monitor, { -V. flavescens, s -V, salvator, b -V , bengalensis,r -V ,rudicojlis, d-V . dumerili (i - upper veiw showing supraoculars not enjarged) tip slightly enlarged transversely; scales on head not very large, subequal, nuchals very large, almost as long as broad, those at the posterior flattened; ventrals slightly keeled in 75-85 transverse series; fourth toe with 17 transverse rows of scales on under surface; a pair of preanal pores present in males, V . flavescens (Hardwicke and Gray) (Fig, 2:f) A>B; medial supraoculars widened transversely, about 18 supralabials and a similar number of infralabials, nuchals larger than head scales, all keeled; ventrals 62 in 65-75 transverse rows, V . irrawadicus sp, nov, A=B, supraoculars small and irregular, scales on snout and interorbital region smooth, larger than those on head, V. monitor (Linnaeus) (Fig, 2:m) A THE STATE OF HERPETOLOGY .EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY OF PARTHE- NOGENESIS - BIOGEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AMERICA - INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION - SEXUAL SELECTION - SYSTEMATICS AND PHYLOGENY. PALEOHERPE NOLOGY . ECOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY = COMMUNITY ECO: LOGY-BIOLOGY OF SALAMANDERS SYMPOSIA (S), WORKSHOPS (W) and ROUNDTABLES (R) Conservation S.1. CONSERVATION AND MANAGE- Sve MENT OF SPECIES HEALTH AND DISEASE S22) ERE ECS OF POLEURON ON EER: Ret MUCN HERRERO OGNGSRE CUNEISa: PETOFAUNA GROUPS S.3, CAPTIVE MANAGEMENT R.2. CONSERVATION PROBLEMS Behavior S.7. ORIENTATION, NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSES S.5. SEXUAL SELECTION AND COMMU- R.3, OPTIMAL SIZES OF EGGS AND NICATION COACHES S.6. ENVIRONMENTAL SEX DETERMI- Res MIMICRY AND PREDATOR-PREY NATION BEHAVIOR Ecology S.8, LONG-TERM STUDIES 9.12, 百 了 RPETOFAUNAS EXPLORA- TIONS AND STUDIES S.9. SNAKE ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR IRB, | Wald; WICOLOE SN Ole AEN, AU ZVIRA RUA, 5.10. ADAPTATIONS TO EXTREME EN- W.1. SKELETOCHRONOLOGY VIRONMENTS S.11, AMPHIBIAN COMMUNITY ECOLO- W.2, FIELD METHODS AND BIOTELE- GY METRY Evolution 9.16. ISLAND HERPETOFAUNAS 3.13. EVOLUTION AND PHYLOGENY Sl? Tihs HISTORY BVYOLUTION OF OF FROGS TURTLES S.14, ORIGIN OF AMPHIBIA AND REP- R.6. BIOGEOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF THE TILIA CONTINENTS S.15, PALEOHERPETOLOGY R.7, CAECILIAN BIOLOGY AND EVOLU- TION Systematics and Genetics 5,22, BIOLOGY AND GENETICS OF PIPI- DAE 5.18 MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS R.8. PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATI- ON OF LIZARDS Selo, CV ROGENE AICS W.3. MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES S.20, PARTHENOGENESIS AND HYBRID- W.4. AMPHIBIAN LARVAE OGENESIS S.21. SYSTEMATICS AND PHYLOGENY W.5. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS Physiology and Development S.25, FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY S,23, ENERGETICS Sse eee RODUCTINIE SEH SolOL OG 3,24. ECOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY S.27, DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESSES General Topics R.9, FIELD RESEARCH AND NATIONAL R.11. MEDICAL AND RESEARCH AS- REGULATIONS PECTS OF VENOMS R.10. AMATEUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO W.6, PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES HERPETOLOGY EXCURSIONS: Pre- and post-Congress trips are planned to Europe, Russia, the Mediter- ranean, Belize, Honduras, the Amazon, Ecuador, various sites in Africa, Indian Ocean, Pakistan, Malaysia, China and Australia, each led by professional herpetologists. Day or half-day trips to Darwin’s home, London, Cambridge, Oxford and Paris are also planned. FIRST CIRCULAR: The complete program and full details of excursions, including prices, are given in the First Circular, available from the Secretariat. This includes a Provisional Registration Form, Registration begins January 1988; £90 fee covers abstract book and program, refreshments, and costs of hiring meeting rooms and equipment. Advance registration is strongly encouraged for planning purposes and to insure that you receive all other announcements promptly. SECRETARIAT: Address all inquiries to: First World Congress of Herpetology, Ecology Research Group, Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NY, UK. Telephone: (0227) 764000, ext, 3501. Telex: 965449, HRT LER 统一 书号 ,13176. 188 5 定 Ur: Pui JG