*4 a ae: - « BR Pry en vn ee | €3 + SS ee Rea i oe nl : ‘ ® a er oe ae Sr rs > pee Sy $ we fy ye aay Coed Minton te, Ao Sa oe ‘, as f | pee Ay a ee eS . ee saree oo) ee aad "Sa Te a . re - + t. $ 3 " “salt tee ee Cy ‘ tS BASS . t ap tox ‘~ \- ¢ bs ee: Sa a ue Ps. hs e 495 Cs Se eS aaa ee ae $5053 a ae ree * sé DIVISION OF FORESTRY. =F | GIFFORD PINCHOT, Forester. — : OF os \ Es Sg . al a 5 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNI = > - 2 a - As “ae ; Mes WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. OP Se SOR 1900. an @ Z eer ta 4 7 : fe aes ¢ t * - ue : j 7 , a nee’ - Y ; : - a a ; 4 Ang . v3 yes x “= ee s rd ty “ : Vga ge, cs 4 44 ~~“ , mer” 7 _ |. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, = i i ) \ eel Ye 1 e mee Rss } ) ea ese Pot- BULLETIN No. 28. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF FORESTRY. GIFFORD PINCHOT, Forester. — —* yr . ’ _ ~ wy oe Sa SeywV1e ‘ew ae ED i a i ak. will A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. - Prepared in the Division of Forestry. Cr ke =o ane rey tr} pt) Ly Le a RES — pe i ‘—— +: _——— Z Fe Sg RN FN \ TURE 3 WN S ; S> Lin NUACTRSP Nam go 3 Sass WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICH, Igoo. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DrrarTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Division oF ForREsTRY, Washington, D. C., July 28, 1900. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report entitled ‘‘A Short Account of the Big Trees of California,” and to recommend that it be issued as Bulletin No. 28 of this Division. This report was prepared in accordance with your reference of Sena-— tor Hansbrough’s letter of April 25, 1900, and has been transmitted to Congress and printed as Senate Document 393, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session. The original purpose of this report was to furnish information to the Senate Committee on Public Lands, then considering the preserva- tion of the Calaveras and Stanislaus Big Tree groves. Since there is extant no other succinct account of these mammoth trees, it is deemed advisable to issue this publication as one of the regular series of bul- letins of the Division of Forestry. A more detailed account of the Big Trees is in preparation by Prof. W. R. Dudley, of Stanford Uni- versity, a collaborator of this Division, to whom is due the valuable information in this bulletin upon the ioetaoe and ownership of big Trees in Fresno and Tulare counties. Respectfully, GiFFORD PINCHOT, .Lorester. Hon. JAMES WiLson, : Secretary. CGI EEINES:. Sammary of facts about Big Trees--......:----.-----...- TH ge hcl hE ee _ General Reenter eine ek oe el ee Pre meunye Giruwered. 5 2222 2. 220 Sek Ses ee Discov eaarme @iicerrOves. > 50 ood Seek se General description and location of Big Tree groves Calaveras, or ‘‘Mammoth’”’ Grove. ee ie ee Stanislaus, or ‘‘South Calaveras’’ Grove. ..-...- PUNE Mattes 23! fil Se Gs 2 OS Se age 2 Co 2 ES i ge BO ee ee eS Kings River and Kaweah River Grove -..-.--- Tule Riv er lob Sten ovr neem! AT Gy ale one pie of notable Big Trees .--_--..---..- Calaveras or ‘‘Mammoth’’ Grove. .__.......--- 0 OS eee. 2 ee The Mother of the Forest__.._....__-.. whe Mather of the Forest ...-.....-..- ee ee ee) ls oer Table of measurements.......-------- Stanislaus, or ‘‘South Calaveras’’ Grove_.._.--- Smith’s “i gOS OE foe ce eee a 2 Na Se ee oe 2 ee oe nnn manESIORN IS og Pe foe ee oh ee The beauty of Big Trees and their environment... ---- a ee es ae Geologic history of the Big Tree -.......--- oh ie ba ae aie Natural reproduction of the Big Tree.-...------------- Botanical description of the Big Tree...._..--..---.--- ene munenciaigre OF the big Tree. .__.._.......------------------2- Introduction of Big Trees into cultivation.........-.-.- OE EE RS, a ee ara Private holdings Site SDE: Me eee ae Map showing Fresno and Tulare County holdings. - Map showing location of all Big Tree groves....--.- meena Obits (rec lands 2. 2. 2s 2k NONE TNES EMEC OES aS Ts es ob ie dues ne ose Page. OmOwomom oon PLATE 10 10 x¥, . The ‘‘Grizzly Giant’’ in Mariposa Big Tree Grove . Calaveras Big Tree Grove: Section of the Big Tree felled in 1854 . Big Trees'in Mariposa Grove . The Big Tree ‘‘Wawona’’ . Felling a Big Bree with axes . Hauling out Big Tree saw logs on a log slide --__----2-222emeee . Logging railroad in a Big Tree forest, showing train carrying ILLUSTRATIONS. Calaveras Big Tree Grove: Edge of grove, showing the ‘‘Senti- nels’’ and the relative height of other associated forest trees- Fig. 1, Calaveras Big Tree Grove: Sperry’s Hotel, from entrance of grove, with the ‘‘Sentinels”’ on either side. Fig. 2, Cala- veras Big Tree Grove, North Border: One of the largest Big Trees, barked many years ago for exhibition purposes; sugar pine, yellow pine, and white fir in view -_-_-_2 52222 sees with augers; the stump forms the floor in the building.._.-. . Fig. 1, Stanislaus Big Tree Grove, showing interior of forest, with dense stand of seedling and sapling Big Trees, and grazed and tramped spot in foreground. Fig. 2, The Stanislaus Big Tree Grove: Interior of forest, showing a Big Tree 22 feet in diameter, and general appearance of forest. .....--.--.--...- . Smith’s Cabin, a giant Big Tree in the Tuolumne Grove, the hollow base of which was once used as a hunter’s cabin -..-- in the Mariposa Grove, showing the relative size of other conifers compared with Big Trees .__.-- Lumbering Big Trees on Kings River: Making of grape stakes; shows the effect of blasting with powder 3ig Tree timber cut for grape stakes, showing enormous waste in lumbering and desolate appearance of denuded lands -....- Big Tree and yellow pine logs . Calaveras Big Tree Grove, showing trail in interior of forest, with well-preserved dense undergrowth of tree seedlings, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, and a Big Tree badly burnt at base on the right. Fig. 2, Calaveras Big Tree Grove, show- ing dense undergrowth in interior of forest, with fire-scarred Big Tree on right, and sugar pine 8 feet in diameter on left----. Fig. 1, Calaveras Big Tree Grove, showing dense, well-preserved undergrowth, with ‘‘The Pioneer’’ near center of grove, 32 feet in diameter near base. Fig. 2, Calaveras Big Tree Grove, showing dense undergrowth of tree seedlings, shrubs, and herbaceous plants in interior of forest, with Big Tree 28 feet in diameter on the right and largest sugar pines on the left beyond . Map showing location of Big Tree groves in F resno, aa other eounties........ 22.2 cue des oe . Map showing general location of all Big Tree groves, California. Page. 9 16— 16 17 ibd 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Pao 20 2 Or He OO DO SUMMARY OF FACTS ABOUT THE BIG TREE. . The dimensions of the Big Tree are unequaled. . The age of the Big Tree makes it the oldest living thing. . Themajestic beauty of the Big Tree is unique and world-renowned. It now exists only in ten isolated groves on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and nowhere else in the world. . The Mariposa Grove is to-day the only one of consequence which is completely protected. . Most of the scattered groves of Big Trees are privately owned, and therefore in danger of destruction. . Lumbering is rapidly sweeping them off; 40 mills and logging companies are now at work wholly or in part upon Big Tree timber. . The southern groyes show some reproduction, through which there is hope of perpetuating these groves; in the northern groves the species hardly holds its own. . The Big Tree and the smaller Coast Redwood represent a surviv- ing prehistoric genus of trees (the Seguotas) once widely dis- tributed over the globe. 5 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF eh, BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. INTRODUCTION. Before the glacial period the genus of big trees called Sequoia flourished widely in the temperate zones of three continents. ‘There were many species, and Europe, Asia, and America had each its share. But when the ice fields moved down out of the north the luxuriant vegetation of the age declined, and with it these multitudes of trees. One after another the different kinds gave way, their remains became buried, and when the ice receded just two species, the Big Tree and Redwood, survived. Both grew in California, each separate from the other, and each oceupying, in comparison with its former territory, a mere island of space. As we know them now, the Redwood (Sequova sempervirens) lives only in a narrow strip of the coast ranges 10 to 30 miles wide, extending from just within the southern border of Oregon to the bay of Monterey, while the Big Tree (Seqwova washing- toniana) is found only in small groves scattered along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from the middle fork of the American River to the head of Deer Creek, a distance of 260 miles. The utmost search reveals but ten main groups, and the total number of sizable trees in these groups must be limited to figures in the thousands. — Itis, moreover, the plain truth that all the specimens which are remarkable for their size do not exceed 500. The Big Trees are unique in the world—the grandest, the largest, the oldest, the most majestically graceful of trees—and if it were not enough to be all this, they are among the scarcest of known tree species and have the extreme scientific value of being the best living repre- sentatives of a former geologicage. It is a tree which has come down to us through the vicissitudes of many centuries solely because of its superb qualifications. Its bark is often 2 feet thick and almost non- combustible. The oldest specimens felled are still sound at the heart, and fungus is an enemy unknown to it. Yet with all these means of maintenance the Big Trees have apparently not increased their range since the glacial epoch. They have only just managed to hold their own on the little strip of country where the climate is locally favor- able. At the present time the only grove thoroughly safe from destruction is the Mariposa, and this is far from being the most interesting. Most of the other groves are either in process of, or in danger of, being logged. ‘The very finest of all, the Calaveras Grove, with the biggest and tallest trees, the most uncontaminated surroundings, and practically all the literary and scientific associations of the species con- nected with it, has been purchased recently by a lumberman who came 7 8 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. | = into full possession on the 1st of April, 1900. The Sequoia an eral Grant National parks, which are supposed to embrace and giy security to a large part of the remaining Big Trees, are eaten into k a sawmill each, and by private timber claims amounting to a total of — 1,172.87 acres. The rest of the scanty patches of Big Trees are in a fair way to disappear—in Calaveras, Tuolumne, Fresno, and Tulare © counties, they are now disappearing—by the ax. In brief, the major-— ity of the Big Trees of California, certainly the best of them, are owned by people who have every right, and in many cases eyery intention, to cut them into lumber. — GENERAL FACTS. - . First GRovE DISCOVERED. The Calaveras Grove was the first one discovered, having been found in 1841 by John Bidwell, afterward candidate for member of Congress from California. But for some reason this discovery seems to have been generally credited to another person, as shown by the following story quoted from ‘*‘In the Heart of the Sierras,” by J. M. Hutchings: In the spring of 1852, Mr. A. T. Dowd, a hunter, was employed by the Union Water Company, of Murphy’s, Calaveras County, to supply the workmen engaged in the construction of their canal with fresh meat, from the large quantities of game running wild on the upper portion of their works. While engaged in this calling, having wounded a grizzly bear, and while industriously pursuing him, he suddenly came upon one of those immense trees. * * * Returning to camp, he there related the wonders he had seen, when his compan- ions laughed at him, and even questioned his veracity. * For a day or two he allowed the matter to rest; submitting, with chuckling satis- faction, to their occasional jocular allusions to ‘‘his big tree yarn,’’ but continued hunting as formerly. On the Sunday morning ensuing, he went out early as usual, but soon returned * * * when he exclaimed, ‘‘Boys, I have killed the largest grizzly bear that I ever saw in my life. While I am getting a little something to eat, you make every preparation for bringing him in; all had better go that can be spared, as their assistance will certainly be needed.’’ Nothing loath, they were soon ready for the start. * * * On, on they hurried, with Dowd as their guide, through thickets and pine groves; crossing bridges and canyons, flats, and ravines, each relating in turn the adventures experienced, or heard . of from companions, with grizzly bears, and other formidable tenants of the moun- . tains, until their leader came to a halt at the foot of the immen3e tree he hau seen, and to them had represented the approximate size. Pointing to its extraordinary diameter and lofty height, he exultingly exclaimed, ‘‘ Now, boys, do you believe my big tree story? That is the large grizzly I wanted you to see. Do you now think it a yarn? DISCOVERY OF OTHER GROVES. Just how and when the other groves of Big Trees were found is dif- ficult to determine. As early as 1864 Professor Brewer, of Yale, and a party from the California Geological Survey visited the Calaveras and Mariposa groves and also several tracts in the region of Kings River, and by 1870 the majority of Big Trees had been located. __ The following account of the different groves, which is in the main — accurate and complete, is taken from J, D, Whitney’s ‘* Yosemite Guide- Book” (1870): . GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF Bic TREE GROVES. The Big Tree occurs exclusively in ‘‘groves’’ or scattered over limited areas, never forming groups by themselves, but always disseminated among a much largernumber _ of trees of other kinds. These patches on which the Big Trees stand do not equal in AY Sen Doc. 393, 56th Cong., Ist Sess. PLATE l. cc CALAVERAS BIG TREE GROVE: EDGE OF GROVE, SHOWING THE SENTINELS’’? AND THE RELATIVE HEIGHT OF OTHER ASSOCIATED FOREST TREES. ~ Sen Doc, 393, 56th Cong., Ist Sess. PLATE Il. : Fic. 1.—CataverRAs BiG TREE GROVE: SPERRY’S HOTEL FROM ENTRANCE OF GROVE, WITH THE ““SENTINELS ON EITHER SIDE. Fic. 2.—CALAVERAS BiG TREE GROvE, NORTH BORDER: ONE OF THE LARGEST Bia TREES BARKED MANY YEARS AGO FOR EXHIBITION’ PURPOSES; SUGAR PINE, YELLOW PINE, AND WHITE Fir IN VIEW. Sen. Doc. 393, 56th Cong., Ist Sess. PLATE III. be THE GrizzLy GIANT’? IN THE MARIPOSA BIG TREE GROVE. Sen. Doc. 393, 56th Cong., 1st Sess. PLATE IV. CALAVERAS BIG TREE GROVE: SECTION OF THE BIG TREE FELLED IN 1854 BY CUTTING OFF THE TRUNK WITH AUGERS; THE STUMP FORMS THE FLOOR IN THE BUILDING. ‘ 5 ec BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. 9 _ area a hundredth part of that which the redwoods cover exclusively. We are quite unable to state the number of square miles or acres on which the Big Trees grow, except for two of the groves, the Calaveras and Mariposa, both of which have been earefully surveyed by our parties. It may be roughly stated, however, that this area does not, so far as yet known, exceed 50 square miles, and that most of this is ‘in one patch, between Kings and Kaweah rivers, as will be noticed farther on. _ The Calaveras Grove is the most northerly, and one on the south fork of the Tule is the farthest south of any yet known tous. They are also quite limited in vertical ‘range, since they nowhere descend much below 5,000 or rise above 7,000 feet. They follow the other trees of California, in this respect, that they occur lower down on the Sierra as we go northwards; the most northerly grove, that of Calaveras, is the _ lowest in elevation above the sea level. _ There are eight [ten as now constituted] distinct patches or groves of the Big Trees— or nine, if we should consider the Mariposa trees as belonging to two different groups, _ which is hardly necessary, inasmuch as there is only a ridge half a mile in width sepa- rating the upper grove from the lower [now counted as one grove]. The eight groves _ are in geographical order from north to south: First, the Calaveras; second, the _ Stanislaus [or ‘“‘South Calaveras’? Grove]; third, Crane Flat [or Tuolumne Grove]; fourth, Mariposa; fifth, Fresno; sixth, Kings and Kaweah rivers; seventh, North _ Fork Tule River; eighth, South Fork Tule River. Two small groves, the Merced and Dinky, and six trees, called the “North Grove,” in southern Placer County, must be added to the above list. Mr. Whitney’s description of the first eight groves is as follows: CALAVERAS OR ‘‘MAMMOTH’’ GROVE. _ The Calaveras Grove is situated in the county of that name, about 16 miles from Murphy’s Camp, and near the Stanislaus River. It is on or near the road crossing the Sierra by the Silver Mountain Pass. This being the first grove of the Big Trees dis- sovered, and the most accessible, it has come more into notice and been much more visited than any of the others; indeed, this and the Mariposa Grove are the only ones which have become a resort for travelers. The Calaveras Grove has also the great advantage over the others that a good hotel is kept there, and that it is accessible on wheels, all the others being at a greater or less distance from any road. (See Pls. ' I, il, IV, XIV, and XV.) _ This grove occupies a belt 3,200 feet long by 700 feet broad, extending in a north- west and southeast direction, in a depression between two slopes, through which _ meanders a small brook which dries up in summer. There are between 90 and 100! rees of large size in the grove, and a considerable number of small ones, chiefly on the outskirts. Several have fallen since the grove was discovered, one has been cut down, and one has had the bark stripped from it up to the height of 116 feet above the ground. (See PI. II, fig. 2.) The bark thus removed was exhibited in different places, and finally found a resting place in the Sydenham Crystal Palace [England], _ where it was unfortunately burned in the fire which consumed a part of that building _ afew years since. The two trees thus destroyed were perhaps the finest in the grove; the tallest now standing is the one called the ‘‘Keystone State;’’ the largest and ro) - known as the ‘‘Empire State.’”’ The height of this grove above sea level is eet. ce STANISLAUS OR ‘‘ SOUTH CALAVERAS’’ GROVE. The next grove south of the one just noticed is south of the Stanislaus River, near the borders of Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. It has been described to us as being about 10 [now estimated to be 6] miles southeast of the Calaveras Grove, on Beayer Creek, a branch of the Stanislaus. It is said to contain from 600 to 8002 trees, but none as large as those already described. TUOLUMNE GROVE. _ Abont 25 miles southeast of the last-mentioned grove is another, which may be called the Crane Flat Grove, as it is from a mile to a mile and a half from the station of that name on the Coulterville trail to the Yosemite, in a northwesterly direction. _ It was visited by our party in haste, and its extent was not ascertained nor the num- * The former owner of this grove, Mr. J. L. Sperry, gives the number as 101. * The former owner, Mr. J. L. Sperry, places the number at 1,380. 10 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. i ber of trees counted. They stand mostly on the north slope of a hill, rather shelves from the wind, and, so faras observed, are rather smaller than those of the Calaveras — Grove. The largest sound tree measured was 57 feet in circumference at 3 feet from the ground. A stump so burned that only one-half remained was 23 feet in diameter, 8 inside the bark at 3 feet from the ground. A single Big Tree stands in the woods by itself somewhere southwest of the Crane Flat Grove, and between it and the Merced. It is the only instance, so far as we know, of the occurence of this species solitary and alone. There is an almost entirely unexplored region between the Beaver Creek and the Crane Flat groves, and there may possibly be some more Big Trees existing there and not yet discovered. It is about 20 miles, still in a southwesterly direction, from Crane Flat to the Mariposa Grove, and that region has been so thoroughly explored by the Survey, that there is no reason to suppose that any more of these trees will be found there. MARIPOSA GROVE. The Mariposa Grove is situated about 16 miles directly south of the Lower Hotel in the Yosemite Valley, and between 3 and 4 miles southeast of Clark’s ranch, and at an elevation of about 1,500 feet above the last-named place, or of some 5,500 feet above the sea level. It lies i ina little valley, occupying a depression on the back of a ridge which runs along in an easterly direction between Big Creek and the South Merced. One of the branches of the creek heads in the grove. The grant made by Congress is 2 miles square, and embraces, in reality, two dis- tinct or nearly distinct groves; that is to say, two collections of Big Trees between which there is an intervening space without any. The upper grove is in a pretty compact bedy, containing, on an area of 3,700 by 2,300 feet in dimensions, just 365 trees of the Sequoia gigantea of a diameter ‘of 1 foot and over, besides a ereat num- ber of small ones. The lower grove, which is smaller in size and more scattered, lies in a southwesterly direction “from the other, some trees. growing quite high up in the gulches on the south side of the ridge which separates the two groves. The principal trees associated with the Big Trees in this grove are the pitch and sugar pines, the Douglas spruce, the white fir (Picea grandis) [now Abies concolor], and the bastard cedar (Libocedrus decurrens). There are but very few of the young Big Trees growing within the grove, where probably they have been destroyed by fire. Around the base of several of the large trees on the outskirts of the grove there are small [natural] plantations of young Sequoias of all sizes up to 6 or 8 inches in diameter, but only a few as large as this. Those trees which are about 10 feet in diameter and entirely uninjured by fire, in the full symmetry of a vigorous growth of say 500 years, are, although not 2s stupen- dous as the older giants of the forest, still exceedingly beautiful and i impressive. The southern division of the Mariposa Grove, or Lower Grove, as it is usually called, is said to contain about half as many (182) trees as the one just described. They are much scattered among other trees, and do not, therefore, present as impos- ing an appearance as those in the other grove, where quite a large number can often be seen from one point. The largest tree in the lower grove is the one known as the “Grizzly Giant,”’ which is 93 feet 7 inches in circumference at the ground, and 64 feet 3 inches at 11 feet above. (See Pl. III.) Its two diameters at the base, as near as we could measure, were 30 and 31 feet. The calculated diameter at 11 feet above the ground is 20 feet, nearly. The treeis very much injured and decreased in size by burning, for which no allowance has been made in the above measurements. Some of the branches of this tree are fully 6 feet in diameter, or as large as the trunks of the largest elms in the Connecticut Valley, of which Dr. Holmes has so pleasantly discoursed in the Atlantic Monthly. This tree, however, has long since passed its prime, and has the battered and war-worn appearance conveyed by its name. FRESNO GROVE. The next grove south of the Mariposa is one in Fresno County, about 14 miles southeast of Clark’s, and not far from a conspicuous point called Wammelo Rock. Mr. Clark has described this grove, which we had not visited, as extending for above z miles in length by from 1 to 2 in breadth. He has counted 500 trees in it, and behicu the whole number to be not far from 600. The largest measured 81 feet in circumference at 3 feet from the ground. No other grove of Big Trees has been discovered to the southeast of this along the slope of the ‘Sierra, until we reach a point more than 50 miles distant from the Fresno Grove. Here, between the Kings and Kaweah rivers, is by far the most extensive collection of trees of this species which has yet been discovered in the State. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. c 11 KINGS RIVER AND KAWEAH RIVER GROVE. This belt of trees, for grove it can hardly be called, occurs about 30 miles north- northeast of Visalia, on the tributaries of the Kings and Kaweah rivers, and on the divide between. They are scattered over the slopes and on the valleys, but are larger in the depressions, where the soil is more moist. Along the trail which runs from Visalia to the Big Meadows, the belt is 4 or 5 miles wide, and it extends over a vertical range of about 2,500 feet; its total length is as much. as 8 or 10 miles, and maybe more. The trees are not collected together into groves, but are scattered through the forests, and associated with the other species usually occurring at this altitude in the Sierra. They are most abundant at from 6,000 to 7,000 feet elevation above the sea level. Their number is great; probably thousands might be counted. Their size, however, is not great, the average being from 10 to 12 feet in diameter, and but few exceeding 20 feet; but smaller ones are very numerous. One tree, which had been cut, had a diameter of 8 feet, exclusive of the bark, and was 377 years old. The largest one seen was near Thomas’s Mill; this had a circumference of 106 feet near the ground, no allowance being made for a portion which was burned away at the base. When entire the tree may have been 10 or 12 feet more in circumference. At about 12 feet from the ground the circumference was 75 feet. Its height was 276 feet. The top was dead, however, and, although the tree was symmetrical and in good growth, it had passed its prime. Another tree, which had fallen, and had been burned hollow, was so large, that three horsemen could ride abreast into the cavity for a distance of 30 feet, its height and width being about 11 feet. Ata distance of 70 feet the diameter of the cavity was still as much as 8 feet. The base of this tree could not be easily measured, but the trunk was burned through at 120 feet from the ground, and at that point had a diameter (exclusive of the bark) of 13 feet 2 inches; and at.169 feet from its base the tree was 9 feet in diameter. The Indians stated that a still larger tree existed to the north of Kings River. This tree should be looked up and carefully measured; unfortunately, it was not in the power of our party to do this. All through these forests there are numerous young Big Trees, of all sizes, from the seedling upward, and at Thomas’s Mill they are cut up for lumber in a manner quite at variance with the oft-repeated story of the exceptional character of the spe- cies. Prostrate trunks of old trees are also numerous; some of them must haye lain for ages, as they were nearly gone, while the wood is very durable. TULE RIVER GROVES. The only other groves yet discovered are those on the Tule River, of which there are two, one on the north and the other on the south branch of that stream. They are 15 miles apart, and the most northerly of the two is about 30 miles from the grove last described. As the intervening region has been but little explored, it is not at all unlikely that more of the Big Trees may be found along the fork of the Kaweah which intersects this region with its numerous branches. We are not aware that these two Tule groves were known previous to their discovery by Mr. D’ Heurense, one of the topographers of the Geological Survey, in 1867; at least, no notice of them had ever appeared in print. The number of trees in these groves is quite large, as they are scattered over several square miles of area. The largest. of them were said by Mr. D’ Heureuse to be about the size of the largest in the other groves. DINKY AND MERCED GROVES. Very little reliable information is obtainable at present concerning these groves. The Dinky Grove is located on Dinky Creek, one of the north tributaries of Kings River, and is said to have been acci- dentally discovered by two hunters in the early seventies. It is also said to contain only a small number of trees. The Merced Grove is a small group located on and near the head- waters of the Merced River, and reported to contain less than 100 trees. THE NORTH GROVE. This can hardly be called a grove, but is so named for uniformity of designation with other larger groups. It comprises six living trees, 12 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. and is located in southern Placer County, on a tributary stream of the middle fork of the American River. The elevation of the grove is 5,100 feet above sea level. The grove is about 20 miles southeast of Red Point Mine, on the Forest Hill Divide, and about 15 miles west of the mining camp, Michigan Bluff, from both of which points the trees can be reached by trail. The grove is about 70 miles north of the Calaveras or ‘* Mammoth” Big Tree Grove. This grove is said to have been discovered by an old miner, Joe Matlock, in 1855. It appears also to have been long known to the set- tlers of the region, as shown by the dates 1860 to 1890 cut into the smooth-barked alders near the Big Trees. But the first authentic account of this grove was published by W. W. Price in the January issue of the Sierra Club Bulletin for 1898. : Of the six trees comprising the grove, only two are of large size. These are respectively 220 and 240 feet high and 12 and 10 feet in diameter at 4 feet from the ground. The other trees are about 180. feet high and 3 feet in diameter. A few small Big Trees in this grove have been blown down, and one quite large tree is said to have gone down subsequent to 1885. About 200 feet of the trunk is still intact. The full height is not known, as the top of the tree was broken off before the trunk fell. The diameter at the roots of the tree was 20 feet. One other large dead tree, 28 feet in diameter, is said to have been blown down in 1855, but the trunk has since disappeared—probably by forest fires, which have frequently raged through the region. History AND S1zE or NoTaBLeE Bic TREES. CALAVERAS OR ‘‘MAMMOTH’’ GROVE. The history and figures showing the size of notable Big Trees in this grove occur in the following extracts. DEAD TREES. In 1853 one of the largest trees was cut down. It is said to be the original tree discovered by John. Bidwell (or by A. 'T. Dowd, as the more current story has it). Its diameter across the solid wood, after the bark was removed (and which was from 15 to 18 inches in thickness), is 25 feet, although the tree was cut off 6 feet above the ground. However incredible it may appear, on July 4, 1854, the writer! formed one of a cotillion party of 32 persons dancing upon this stump, in addition to which the musicians and lookers-on numbered 17, making a total of 49 occupants on its sur- face at one time. The accompanying sketch was made at that time, and, of course, before the present pavilion was erected over it. There is no more srikingly con- vincing proof, in any grove, of the immense size of the Big Trees, than this stump. — [See Pl. IV.] This tree was 302 feet in height, and, at the ground, 96 feet in circumference, before it was disturbed. Some sacrilegious vandals, from the motive of making its exposi- tion ‘‘pay,”’ removed the bark to the height of 30 feet; and afterwards transported it to England, where it was formed into a room; but was afterwards consumed by fire with the celebrated Crystal Palace at Kensington, England. This girdling of the tree very naturally brought death to it; but even then its majestic form must have perpetually taunted the belittled and sordid spirits that caused it. It is, however, but an act of justice to its present proprietor, Mr. James L. Sperry,” to state that, 1J.M. Hutchings in ‘‘In the Heart of the Sierras.”’ ee ? Mr. Sperry has recently sold this grove to a lumberman, as stated in the intro- duction. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. 13 although he has been the owner of the grove for over twenty years, that act of vandal- . ism was perpetrated before he purchased it, or it would never have been permitted. Mr. Hutchings’ describes the felling of this tree as follows: The next act in this botanical tragedy was the cutting down of the tree, in order to accommodate those who wished to carry home specimens of its wood as souvenirs of their visit. But how to do this was the puzzling conundrum! If one could fit- tingly imagine so ludicrous a sight as a few lilliputian men attempting to chop down this brobdingnagian giant, his contempt would reach its becoming climax. This, therefore, was given up as altogether too chimerical and impracticable. Finally, the plan was adopted of boring it off with pump augers. Thisemployed five men twenty- two days to accomplish; and after the stem was finally severed from the stump, the -uprightness of its position, and breadth of its base, prevented its overthrow; so that two and a half of the twenty-two days were spent in inserting wedges, and driving them into the butt of the tree, by logs suspended on ropes, thereby to compel its downfall. While these slow and apparently hopeless attempts were being under- taken, and the workmen had retired for dinner, a gust of wind took hold of its top, and hurled it over without the least seeming effort; its fall causing the earth to trem- ble as by an earthquake. Thus this noble monarch of the forest was dethroned after “‘ braving the battle and the breeze’”’ for nearly two thousand years. Verily, how little real veneration does the average man possess. The Mother of the Forest.—In this grove once stood a most beautiful tree, graceful in form and unexcelled in proportions; hence (as in human experience) those very qualities at once became the most attractive to the eyes of the unfeeling spoliator. This bore the queenly name of The Mother of the Forest. _ In the summer of 1854, the bark was stripped from its trunk, by a Mr. George Gale, for purposes of exhibition in the East, to the height of 116 feet. (See Pl. II, fig. 2.) It now measures in circumference, at the base, without the bark, 84 feet; 20 set from base, 69 feet; 70 feet from base, 43 feet 6 inches; 116 feet from base, and up to the bark, 39 feet 6 inches. The full circumference at base, including bark, was 90 feet. Its height was 321 feet. The average thickness of bark was 11 inches, although in places it was about 2 feet. This tree is estimated to contain 537,000 feet of sound inch lumber. To the first branch it is 137 feet. The small black marks upon the tree indicate points where 23-inch auger holes were bored, and into these rounds were inserted, by which to ascend and descend while removing the bark. At different distances upward, especially at the top, numerous dates and names of visitors have been cut. It is contemplated to construct ‘a circular stairway around this tree. When the bark was being removed, a young man fell from the scaffolding—or rather out of a descending noose—at a distance of 79 feet from the ground, and escaped with a broken limb. The writer was within a ew yards of him when he fell, and was agreeably surprised to discover that he had not broken his neck. The Father of the Forest.—But a short distance from this [The Mother of the Forest] lies the prostrate form of one that was probably the tallest Sequoia that ever grew— ‘The Father of the Forest. This tree, when standing in its primitive majesty, is accredited with exceeding 400 feet in height, with a circumference at its base of 110 feet; and, although limbless, without bark, and even much of its sap [wood] decayed and gone, has still proportions that once could crown him king of the grove. In falling it struck against ‘‘Old Hercules,”’ another old-time rival in size, by which the ‘upper part of his trunk was shivered into fragments, that were scattered in every direction. While fire has eaten out the heart of ‘‘The Father of the Forest,’’ and consumed his huge limbs, as of many others, the following measurements, recently taken, will prove that he was among the giants of those days, and that ‘‘even in death still lives.’ From the roots, to where the center of the trunk can be reached on horseback, it is 90 feet. The distance that one can ride erect through it on horseback is 82 feet 6 inches. Height of entrance, 9 feet 4 inches; of arch to floor, 10 feet 9 Inches. Across the roots it is 28 feet; to where one would have an idea of standing to chop it down, 23 feet 2 inches; 10 feet from the roots its diameter is 20 feet 8 Inches; 100 feet from roots, 12 feet 1 inch; 150 feet from roots, 10 feet 4 inches; extreme length, to where any sign of top can be found, 365 feet. _ But no one can approximately realize the immense proportions of this prostrate forest sire, without climbing to its top, and walking down it for its entire length; by this, moreover, he will ascertain that it was nearly 200 feet to the first branch. At the end of the burnt cavity within, is a never-failing spring of deliciously cool water. 1J, M. Hutchings in ‘‘In the Heart of the Sierras,’’ 14 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. The handsome group of Santee trees that encompass the ‘‘Father of the Forest,” Rita make it an imposing family circle, and probably assisted in originating thename. _ And this is only one of the numerous vegetable giants that Time’s scythe has laid low, for near here lies ‘‘Old Hercules,”’ the largest standing tree in the grove until 1862, then being 325 feet in height by 95 feet in circumference, at the ground; this was blown down that year during a heavy storm; ‘‘The Miner’s Cabin,”’ 319 feet long by 21 in diameter, thrown over by a gale in 1860; and ‘‘ The Fallen Monarch,”’ which ‘has probably been down for centuries. This trunk is still 18 feet in diameter, and was probably over 300 feet high and 25 or more feet in diameter. LIVING TREES. The following list? includes the notable living trees in the Calaveras Grove. Most of them are marked with marble tablets, which bear the names of States, distinguished statesmen, generals, and scholars. The ‘‘Two Sentinels,’’ over 300 feet high, the larger 23 feet in diameter. [See Pi. Land Pl. 2i, figs A: “‘U.S. Grant,’’ named in 1865. ‘‘W.T.Sherman,’’ named in 1865. mr ys McPherson, ’”? named in 1865. . ‘*Pride of the F orest, ”? once named ‘‘The Eagle;’’ 300 feet hon and 23 feet in diameter. “Phil Sheridan,” 300 feet high. ‘‘Three Graces,”’ standing in close line and the most beautiful cluster in the grove. ‘Andrew Johnson,’’ named in 1865. ‘* Florence N ightingale,”’ once named ‘‘ Nightingale; of the English lady. ‘*Bay State.’’ ‘“W. C. Bryant,’’ named in 1865 by a lady, an admirer of the poet. ‘*W. H. Seward.’’ ‘*Pioneer’s Cabin, its hollow trunk. ‘*Pluto’s Chimney,’’ 280 feet high and 17 feet in diameter; hollowed out on one side by fire for 90 feet above ground. ‘‘Quartette,”’ a cluster of four trees, the tallest, 220 feet. ‘‘America, ? 980 feet high and 13 feet in diameter; named in 1865 by a San Fran- cisco lady. “California,” once called ‘‘Ada;’’? named in 1865. ‘“Broderick,’’ once called ‘‘Mary;’’ named in 1865. ‘Henry W ard Be echer,’’ 280 feet high and 14 feet in diameter. ‘Abraham Lincoln,”’ once called “Hermit; ’? 320 feet high and 18 feet in diameter. ‘‘Klihu Burritt.” ‘*Uncle Sam.’’ ‘‘Alta (Upper) California.”’ “Union. ‘General Wadsworth.”’ ‘*The Twins.”’ ‘‘General Sutter.’’ The trunk divides at 30 feet above ground and forms two trunks, each 280 feet high. ‘*Salem Witch.”’ ‘* Lonefellow.”’ ‘| Prat. Asa Gray:*” ‘*Dr. John Torrey.”’ ‘“‘The Trinity’’; three trees from one trunk, the circumference of which is 60 feet. ‘Starr King,’’ 360 feet high. ‘*Richard Cobden.”? “John Brie¢ht.’’ ‘Daniel O’Connel.”’ ‘‘Edward Everett.’’ ‘“ Keystone State.’’ cea: . 9 Pei se aes \ Named in 1862 by Lady Franklin. ”? named in 1865 by a nephew ” named from the cabin-like chamber and chimney formed by 9 Average height, 260 feet; average diameter, 15 feet. , | Named j in honor of distinguished American botanists. 1Compiled from Nelson’s ‘‘Atlantic and Pacific Tourists’ Guide.” BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. aS) 4 Century” ; named in 1865 in honor of The Century Association, of New York, of which the poet Bryant was president. ‘Whi te.”? b « Seeoh LoConte.” \ Standing close together. : —— 2? es Suecen « \a cluster of three, the ‘‘Queen’’ in the center. “Sir Joseph Hooker’’; named in honor of the English botanist. “John Lindley’’; named in honor of the English botanist who was the first to name and describe the Big Tree. “Mother and Son’’; a large and small tree together. “General Scott,’’ 325 feet high. “Old Bachelor.”’ “Kentucky.”’ “The Siamese Twins.”’ “Daniel Webster.”’ | aver height, 305 feet; average diameter, 20 feet. **Granite State.”’ “The Old Republican.”’ “Henry Clay.”’ “‘ Andrew Jackson.”’ **Vermont.”’ *‘Empire State,’’ 94 feet in circumference. “Old Dominion.’’ ““George Washington.” “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”’ “The Beauty of the Forest.’’ The following table gives additional measurements for some of the above-named Big Trees in the Calaveras Grove. These figures are believed to be conservative and to express more nearly the actual sizes of the trees named: Height and diameter measurements of trees in the Calaveras Grove.' Diameter 6 Name of tree. . feet above | Height. ground. Feet. Feet. a ye I, SE en en a ere 14.3 325 REE Se I I eee ee res We 319 nn amen: (without bark) ’...-.......... 2 < scn2- nae enn nw nec e ene eee enee 19. 4 315 SS ee eet eee ee eee ee 15 307 2 i eteg eee eM ae e2 Pde die ete n ne se 16.6 283 ee ee pe mee pe poh Aadeneccarnsclece iow 284 a a Ree SE See ee 15.3 282 EI ear er eS 8 te ae ae hai > Sacco ww.ce's oe reves caieetogs 2m 15 280 ee Be PS sa a oo ew 2 cee ie wee 5 Dae oh anne aoe ote Secs oe os Aces 14.6 275 EE Ee ee ae ene ee eee 16.2 274 1 ee stk ei Be Re ee ee ee ae 15.6 272 ten SSR a ee ee ee Se ae 15.9 PIL a Set ee eee ee ee SS eS) Oe ee cb Mek vote beubee 9.6 269 tS cee ee geo ie nelson awe vn odin a asale cole 14 268 IE Sree eee oe St 2p BO SL ows Seat oon Ses to Meese 8.6 266 I ie Ae eet Ph ae os wi | sk eee acre Suet SLi ook Sone 17 265 RS eer re ee SS ks ho) eon pe bee oe beeiee! 13.7 265 REI Sa Nd os gS ns oe 2 sae So Sete oh 16.2 261 SS Se ee ee eae Pee aaee 9.6 262 Rt Ba ee pe ee ee ee ee ee ee 15.3 262 a a he SS ap BORE Bet ER ee pee es he He ee ee ee oe ee a 10. 8, 261 EE RE SF ee ee ee 16.2 256 Ra et Pins StS Re cas a eae a AR Se wore Nernscie ane we Sed 13.7 258 ND ee ee Oe Pe ee ee ee ee ee re: 10.8 252 SE Spe te 2" ee ee) Ae ee ee 10.5 250 Nr ee ete eS ra a Oo oo aise waceeels 15.9 250 SS ee Per ereeee eae a ee catatonia 12.4 249 NEN SEE Se ea OS, Se ee le ee ese oe See een oe ae 9.9 246 ERIN Ss ese ae oe Nd noe eD oo ie bined pees = So eins Ss biel 11.8 246 I aaa 0 a Aine Pee aoe kee oe Vee eee nin hapwage tes neecee 8.6 239 Ee Fe EE aig oe ae lind weed ote eed oe owed navecs cobe o9 231 * From J. D. Whitney’s ‘‘ Yosemite Guide-Book.’’ Fora readier conception of size, Mr. Whitney’s circumference measurements are here converted into equivalent diam- 16 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. These measurements will have a new value when it is re that they are now nearly 40 years old—old enough to make reme ment very interesting for comparison. ah agi { 2 ‘SOUTH CALAVERAS’’ GROVE. | ssi 6 STANISLAUS OR This grove contains 1,380 Big Trees, ranging in diameter from 1 foot A to 34 feet. | . ; saa 4 Mr. Hutchings describes the trees of note in this grove as follows: The large number of these immense trees, from 30 feet to over 100 feet in cireum- — ference, at the ground, and in almost every position and condition, would become ~ almost bewildering were I to present in detail each and every one; a few notable examples, therefore, will suffice as representatives of the whole. (See Pl. VY.) The first Big Tree that attracts our attention, and which is seen from the ridge north of the Stanislaus River, is the ‘‘Columbus,’’ a magnificent specimen, with three main divisions in its branches, and standing alone. Passing this wesoon enter the lower end of the South Grove! and arrive at the ‘‘ New York,’’ 104 feet in cir- cumference, and over 300 feet in height. Near to this is the ‘‘ Correspondent,”’ a tree of stately proportions, named in honor of the ‘‘ Knights of the Quill.”” The ‘‘Ohio” © measures 103 feet in circumference, and is 311 feet in height. The ‘‘ Massachusetts’? — is 98 feet, with an altitude of 307. . Near to a large black stump, above this, stands a tree that is 76 feet in circumfer- ence, that has been struck by lightning, 170 feet from its base; where its top was shivered into fragments, and hurled in all directions for over 100 feet from the tree; the main stem being rent from top to bottom, the apex of this dismantled trunk being 12 feetin diameter. The ‘‘Grand Hotel’ is burned out so badly that nothing but a mere living shell is left. This will hold 40 persons. Then comes the ‘‘Canal Boat ;’? which, as its name implies, is a prostrate tree; the upper side and heart of which have been burned away, so that the remaining portion resembles a huge boat; in the bottom of which thousands of young Big Trees have started out in life; and, if no accident befalls them, in a thousand or two years hence, they may be respectable- sized trees, that can worthily take the places of the representatives of this noble genus, and, like these, ae the admiring awe of intellectual giants of that day and age. (See Pl. V, fig. 1. :; ‘‘Noah’s Ark”? was another prostrate shell that was hollow for 150 feet; through which, for 60 feet, three horsemen could ride abreast; but the snows of recent winters have broken in its roof, and blocked all further passage down it. _Next comes the ‘‘Tree of Refuge,’’ where, during one severe winter, 16 cattle took shelter; but sub- — sequently perished from starvation. They found protection from the storm, but their bleaching bones told the sad tale of their sufferings and death from lack of food. Near to this lies ‘‘Old Goliath,’’ the largest decumbent tree in the grove; whose cir- cumference was over 100 feet, and, when erect, was of proportionate height to the tallest. During the gale that prostrated ‘‘ Hercules,’’ in the Calaveras Grove, this grand old tree had also to succumb. One of his stalwart limbs was 11 feet in diameter. SMITH’S CABIN. There is another notable specimen, which somewhat forms a sequel to the above, known as Smith’s Cabin, on account of its having been the chosen residence of a trapper and old mountaineer named A. J. Smith—Andrew Jackson Smith—who made the charred hollow of this burnt-out tree hi lonely home for three years. (See PI. VI.) There isno telling what these old denizens of the mountains can or will do when ~ they have made up their minds to anything. The diameter of his cabin—which was to him a bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, and sometimes, during stormy weather, a stable for his horse—was 21 feet by 16. * * * On one occasion a regular ‘‘south- easter’’ was on the rampage, hurling down trees, twisting off branches, tossing about tree tops, and limbs, in all directions. As the old trapper dare not venture out, he sat listening, with unquestionable interest, to ascertain whether the wind or “‘Smith’s Cabin’’ was becoming the better wrestler of the two. At this juncture an earth- trembling crash came with nerve-testing force, that made his hair stand onend, when _ he jumped to his feet, using certain emphatic words (the synonyms of which can be found in ‘‘holy writ,’’ or elsewhere), thinking, as he afterwards expressed it, “‘that it. 1So called by many from its position immediately southeast of the Calaveras Grov which is often called ‘‘ North Grove.”’ oaks a *1S3YO4 4O FJONVYVAddY IVYANSH ONY ‘Ya LAWVIG NI “GNNOYDSYO4 NI LOdS G3aIdWVY] GNV G3SZVYS5) HLIM *S3S3aY] SIG ONNdvS GNVW SONIN1GS3SS 135354 22 ‘35Y¥L SIG SNIMOHS ‘1S4YO4 4O YOIMSLN| : SAOYD JSY] DIG SNVISINVLG SH|—‘g “9I4 dO GNVLS 3SN3Q HLIM LS3YO4 4O YOINSLN] ONIMOHS “3AOH5 334] DIG SNVISINVLG—‘| “SI4 ‘A ALVId '889S YS] “SUOD YLOG "EGE 90d “UES PLATE VI. Gy PY yp 4 WY N. THE HOLLOW BASE HAVING BEEN USED IN Cael 8 WwW > Oo x Oo a) S A HUNTER’ WISLAU SA THE STA? RE + ) a ® ; Gory WEeeTe ees rept Ee one Es pe Tee i : sz : r ’ P => Sa — ut . ~ : + > = S < Te eee , : » : Heeroma ealghs Sorin py wits tent = pe Ahh emigahinae ee aie m Cars Sen. Doc. 393, 56th Cong., 1st Sess PLATE VII Bic TREES IN THE MariPposA GROVE. Sen. Doc. 393, 56th Cong., 1st Sess PLATE VIII. ce THE Bic TREE ‘© WAWONA”’ IN THE MARIPOSA GROVE, SHOWING THE RELATIVE SIZE OF OTHER CONIFERS COMPARED WITH BiG TREES. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. 17 yas all u-p with him.’’ As this was the downfall of ‘‘Old Goliath,’’ he began to fear hat old Boreas was getting the best of the match, if he did not claim the gate-money, ind that ‘‘Smith’s Cabin”’ would be the next giantthrown. But, beinga brave man— and who could live such a life as his if he were not?—and knowing well that he could not do better, concluded to look this danger unquailingly in the face, as he had done many a one before it, stay where he was, and take the best, or worst, that ight befall him. MARIPOSA GROVE. _ From the following table it will be seen that there are several trees in this grove larger than any in the Calaveras, and that their average size is greater. The average height of the Mariposa trees, however, is less than that of the Calaveras; and the high- est of the former, 272 feet, is 53 feet less than the tallest one of the latter. There is a burned stump on the north side of the grove, nearly all gone, but indicating a tree of a size perhaps a little greater than any now existing there. The beauty of the _ Mariposa Grove has been sadly marred by the ravages of fire, which has evidently swept through it again and again, almost ruining many of the finest trees. Still, the general appearance of the grove is extremely grand and imposing. There are about 125 trees over 40 feet in circumference. (See Pls, VII and VIII.) Height and diameter measurements of trees in the Mariposa Grove.” - pry iameter | at6 feet : at ground. | Above the Remarks. ground. Feet. Feet 2. VAS i oe ae v2 1 i ee 1/1 5.4) Oe (ES Pal Ee eee 4 | (a Hollow. 23.1 17.5 oe a et Bee 14.0 Les J] Ce ees ON ee ae 11.4 9.4 20.7 16.2 8.6 Bs oo ee ae ae 17.8 12.4 ea ne te af 26.0 18.8 Burned at base. 26.0 15.9 A all ae i Le 4 eee fa be ee ee Hee eee 8.8 Fe sae ee 15.9 fy er eee 8.8 ike: a) Oe ee Much burned at base. Pte tes os Badly burned on one side. ote ae ee 13.0 pe eee obs 14.6 | Two trees, united at the base. eG Fess. | Much burned on one side; formerly over 100 feet in circumference. 235 F202). OY Glee Eee Eee Rs ed pee ee eee 20.1 Much burned at base. 226 7: SA eo 15.3 | 236 ye Ae ee eee 14.6 | wg Da ee ¢ ee aera 18.2 | Burned on one side. 239 fie SS Silas See 8.5 245 - 270 26.0 21.4 Do. ‘Ty See PAA 19.1 > ll li ie Lf: all) ea hte Half burned away at base. » et 2 pee 7! A S| ee eee ; 8 epee 7/94 Sasol s eae Burned on one side nearly. to center, LSS Se ee Sh See eee 14.6 on) oa ati ot eee ee 16.2 304 260 PS 893 55 5 All burned away on one side.. From J. D. Whitney’s ‘‘ Yosemite Guide-Book.”’ Compiled from J. D. Whitney’s ‘‘ Yosemite Guide-Book’’ (1870). Ball. 283——-2 18 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. - THE BEAUTY OF BIG TREES AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT. The beauty of the Big Trees and their surroundings is nowhere more vividly described than in Mr. John Muiv’s ‘* Mountains of California.” He says: So exquisitely harmonious and finely balanced are even the very mightiest of these monarchs of the woods in all their proportions and circumstances there never is any- thing overgrown or monstrous-looking about them. On coming in sight of them for the first time, you are likely to say, ‘‘Oh, see what beautiful, noble-looking trees are towering there among the firs and pines!’’ their grandeur being in the meantime in great part invisible, but to the living eye it will be manifested sooner or later, steal- ing slowly on the senses, like the grandeur of Niagara, or the lofty Yosemite domes. Their great size is hidden from the inexperienced observer as long as they are seen at a distance in one harmonious view. When, however, you approach them and walk round them, you begin to wonder at their colossal size and seek a measuring rod. These giants bulge considerably at the base, but not more than is required for beauty and safety; and the only reason that this bulging seems in some cases excessive is that only a comparatively small sec- tion of the shaft is seen at once in near views. One that I measured in the Kings tiver forest was 25 feet in diameter at the ground, and 10 feet in diameter 200 feet above the ground, showing that the taper of the trunk asa whole is charmingly fine. And when you stand back far enough to see the massive columns from the swelling instep to the lofty summit dissolving in a dome of verdure, you rejoice in the unrivaled display of combined grandeur and beauty. About 100 feet or more of the trunk is usually branchless, but its massive simplicity is relieved by the bark furrows, which instead of making an irregular network run evenly parallel, like the fluting of an architectural column, and to some extent by tufts of slender sprays that wave lightly in the winds and cast flecks of shade, seeming to have been pinned on her and there for the sake of beauty only. ; The young trees haye slender, simple branches down to the ground, put on with strict regularity, sharply aspiring at the top, horizontal about half way down, and drooping in handsome curves at the base. By the time the sapling is five or six hundred years old this spiry, feathery, juvenile habit merges into the firm, rounded, dome form of middle age, which in turn takes on the eccentric picturesqueness of old age. No other tree in the Sierra forest has foliage so densely massed or presents outlines so firmly drawn and so steadily subordinate to a special type. A knotty ungovernable-looking branch 5 to 8 feet thick may be seen pushing out abruptly from the smooth trunk, as if sure to throw the regular curve into confusion, but as soon as the general outline is reached it stops short and dissolves in spreading bosses of law-abiding sprays, just as if every tree were growing beneath some huge, invisible bell glass, against whose sides every branch was being pressed and molded, yet some- how indulging in so many small departures from the regular form that there is still an appearance of freedom. The foliage of the saplings is dark bluish green in color, while the older trees ripen to a warm brownish-yellow tint like Libocedrus. The bark is rich cinnamon brown, purplish in young trees and in shady portions of the old, while the ground is covered with brown leayes and burs, forming color masses of extraordinary rich- ness, not to mention the flowers and underbrush that rejoice about them in their seasons. Walk the Sequoia woods at any time of year and you will say that they are the most beautiful and majestic on earth. Beautiful and impressive contrasts meet you everywhere; the colors of tree and flower, rock and sky, light and shade, strength and frailty, endurance and evanescence, tangles of supple hazel bushes, tree pillars about as rigid as granite domes, roses and violets, the smallest of their kind, blooming around the feet of the giants, and rugs of the lowly Chamebatia where the sunbeams fall. Then in winter the trees themselves break forth in bloom, myriads of small four-sided staminate cones crowd the ends of the slender sprays, coloring the whole tree, and when ripe dusting the air and the ground with golden pollen. The fertile cones are bright grass-green, measuring about 2 inches in length by 13 in thickness, and are made up of about 40 firm rhomboidal scales densely packed, with from 5 to 8 seeds at the base of each. A single cone, therefore, contains from 200 to 300 seeds, which are about a fourth of an inch long by three-sixteenths wide including a thin, flat margin that makes them go glancing and wavering in their fall like a boy’s kite. The fruitfulness of Sequoia may be illustrated by two specimen branches 14.and 2 inches in diameter on which I counted 480 cones. No other Sierra conifer produces nearly so many seeds. Millions are ripened annually by a single tree, and in a fruitful year the product of one of the northern groves would be enough BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. | 19 lant all the mountain ranges of the world.’’ But very few of the millions of seeds which fall to the ground germinate, ‘“‘and of those that do perhaps not 1 in 10,000 is suffered to live through the many vicissitudes of storm, drought, fire, and snow- erushing that beset their youth.”’ - AGE OF THE BIG TREES. The extreme age attained by the Big Tree is still an unsettled ques- tion. Statements on the subject vary considerably, some appearing to be exaggerations. One great difficulty, however, in settling the ques- tion of age, at least for existing trees, is the lack of a proper number of trunk sections on which to count the rings of annual growth, thus giving unquestionable data on age. Ring countings from prostrate and burned or decayed trunks and sections of trees felled for other purposes than ring counting, have largely furnished the basis of the age estimates made so far, and from these countings age estimates have been made for trees of other sizes which could not of course be cut down. These generalizations not being based on ring countings from a series of trunk sections representing the full range in diameter of all trees now known, the statements as to the extreme age possible for these trees are necessarily approximative. It is the opinion of Mr. Hutchings that the average rate of growth is 1 inch of diameter for every twelve years, which would make a tree 25 feet through 3,600 years old. Mr. Muir’s observations also roughly corroborate this theory. He writes: Under the most fayorable conditions these giants probably live 5,000 years or more, though few of even the larger trees are more than half as old. I never saw a Big Tree that had died a natural death; barring accidents they seem to be immortal, being exempt from all the diseases that afflict and kill other trees. Unless destroyed by man they live on indefinitely until burned, smashed by lightning, or cast down by storms, or by the giving way of the ground on which they stand. The age of one that was felled in the Calaveras Grove, for the sake of having its stump for a dancing floor, was about 1,300 years, and its diameter, measured across the stump, 24 feet inside the bark. Another that was cut down in the Kings River forest was about the same size, but nearly a thousand years older (2,200 years), though not a very _ old-looking tree. It was felled to procure a section for exhibition, and thus an _ opportunity was given to count its annual rings of growth. The colossal scarred _ monument in the Kings River forest mentioned above is burned half through, and _ I spent a day in making an estimate of its age, clearing away the charred surface _ with an ax and carefully counting the annual rings with the aid of a pocket-lens. _ The wood-rings in the section I laid bare were so involved and contorted in some ___ places that I was not able to determine its age exactly, but I counted over 4,000 rings, which showed that this tree was in its prime, swaying in the Sierra winds, _ when Christ walked the earth. No other tree in the world, as far as I know, has - looked down on so many centuries as the Sequoia, or opens such impressive and ; suggestive views into history. These estimates are confirmed by the most recent investigations on the age of the Big Tree. GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THE BIG TREE. ; Perhaps more impressive even than the size or age of the Big Tree is the past life of the species. As already stated, the fossils show the ap survivor to be the remnant of a once numerous family. . Asa Gray writes: | The same Sequoia which abounds in the same Miocene formations in Northern Europe has been abundantly found in those of Iceland, Spitzbergen, Greenland, 20 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. ~ Mackenzie River, and Alaska. It is named S. Langsdorfii, but is pronounced to be very much like S. sempervirens, our living redwood of the California coast, and to be the ancient representative of it. Fossil specimens of a similar, if not the same, _ species have been recently detected in the Rocky Mountains by Hayden, and deter- mined by our eminent paleontological botanist, Lesquereux; and he assures me that he has the common redwood itself from Oregon, ina deposit of tertiary age. Another Sequoia (S. Sternbergii), discovered in miocene deposits in Greenland, is pronounced to be the representative ofS. gigantea, the Big Tree of the Californian Sierra. If the Taxodium of tertiary time in Europe and throughout the arctic regions is the ancestor of our present bald cypress, which is assumed in regarding them as specifically iden- — tical, then I think we may, with our present light, fairly assume that the two red- woods of California are the direct or collateral decendants of the two ancient species which so closely resemble them. The forests of the arctic zone in tertiary times contained at least three other species of Sequoia, as determined by their remains, one of which, from Spitzbergen, also much resembles the common redwood of California. Another, ‘‘which appears to have been the commonest coniferous tree on Disco,’’ was common in England and some other parts of Europe. So the Sequoias, now remarkable for their restricted station and numbers, as well as for their extraordinary size, are of an ancient stock; their ancestors and kindred formed a large part of the forests which flourished throughout the polar regions, now desolate and ice clad, and which extended into the low latitudes in Europe. On this continent one species at least had reached to the vicinity of its present habitat before the glaciation of the region. Among the fossil specimens already found in California, but which our trustworthy paleonto- logical botanist has not yet had time to examine, we may expect to find evidence of the early arrival of these two redwoods upon the ground which they now, after much vicissitude, scantily occupy. NATURAL REPRODUCTION OF THE BIG TREE. It may be said that the north groves of Big Trees show little or no signs of extending their very limited range, hardly, even, of holding their present place, except under the most favorable conditions. Mr. Sudworth, dendrologist of the Division of Forestry, makes the follow- ing statements about the Calaveras Grove and Stanislaus Grove of Big Trees, which, it is important to notice, have been protected from both fire and grazing since the early fifties: : Unlike the other species of its kind (Sequoia), the Coast Redwood, the Big Tree reproduces itself so slowly and with such uncertainty as to be practically at a stand- still in these groves. A few seedlings took root in 1853-1855 in the Calaveras Grove, | and are now 2 or 8 feet in diameter. There is no other evidence of increase in this grove, although the large trees are in a most thrifty state. The forest is not well watered, and the humus is too dry to encourage the reproduction of this species. Pines, firs, and cedars appear better able to propagate themselves on the same ground. On the borders of the groye the soil is so constantly dry and exposed to the tram- pling of grazing herds as to allow no reproduction outside of the forest. Moreover, the small, heavy seeds are carried to no considerable distance by the winds, as in the case of the pines, firs, and cedars. But if the reproduction of the Big Tree were the best conceivable, it would take several thousand years to replace the present groves after they were destroyed. The Stanislaus Grove is sparingly watered in parts by small perennial spring streams, and as a result shows a few small patches of Big Tree seedlings. (See PI. V. fig. 1.) The constant soil moisture in the vicinity of these streams enables the seed to ger- minate, but only where big logs and other heavy débris exclude cattleand sheep. To lumber this tract would certainly soon effect the drying up of the small water supply, as it has already done elsewhere. The preservation of the race of Big Trees in this locality is unquestionably dependent on maintaining the present groves intact. One region there is, however, where the Big Trees are reproducing themselves with some regularity. This is on the South Fork of the Kaweah River, and particularly on both branches of the Tule River, where there are young trees in abundance and of almost every age. But the discouraging aspect is that these groves are at present likely BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. yA be cut down, and should this happen, the reproduction noted will vail little in perpetuating the species, without the protecting influence of the mother forest. | BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE BIG TREE. — The following technical description of the Big Tree is taken from Prof. C. S. Sargent’s ‘*Silva of North America:” | The average height of Sequoia Wellingtonia is about 275 feet, and its trunk diameter near the ground 20 feet, although individuals from 300 to 320 feet tall, with trunks from 25 to 35 feet thick, are not rare. During four or five centuries the tapering stem is clothed with slender, crowded branches, which are erect above and horizontal near the middle of the tree, and below sweep toward the ground in graceful curves, thus forming a dense narrow strict pyramid. Gradually the lower branches disappear, and those at the top of the tree lose their aspiring habit; the trunk, which is much enlarged and buttressed at the base, and fluted with broad low rounded ridges, becomes naked for 100 or 150 feet; and the narrow, rounded crown of short horizon- tal branches loses its regularity, and gains picturesqueness from the eccentric devel- opment of some of the branches or the destruction of others. (See Pls. III, VI, and VIII.) The bark of old trees is from 1 to 2 feet in thickness, and is divided into flat rounded lobes 4 or 5 feet wide, corresponding to the lobes of the trunk, and sepa- rating into loose-fibrous scales; it is hght cinnamon-red, and the outer scales are slightly tinged with purple, which is more conspicuous on the much thinner bark of young trees. The leading branchlets are stout, pendulous, and furnished with numerous slender crowded much-divided rather closely appressed lateral branch- lets, forming dense masses of spray; dark blue-green, like the leaves when they first appear, at the end of two or three years and after the disappearance of their leaves the branchlets are reddish-brown, more or less tinged with purple, and covered with thin close or slightly scaly bark. The leaves are oyate, acuminate, or lanceolate, rounded and thickened on the lower surface, concaye on the upper surface, and marked with bands of stomata on both sides of the obscure midribs, rigid and sharp pointed, decurrent below, spreading or closely appressed above the middle, and from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch, or on stout leading shoots often one-half an inch in length; on young seedling plants they are linear-lanceolate, short-pointed, thin, spreading, pilose, often ciliate on the margins, and from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in length. The flowers, which open late in the winter or in early spring, are produced in great profusion, especially the staminate, which often cover the whole tree, and dust the forest and the ground below it with their golden pollen. The staminate flower, which is usually terminal, varies from one-sixth to one-third of an inch in length, with ovate acute or acuminate denticulate connectives. and is subtended by broadly ovate scales rounded or acute at the apex, keeled on tlhe back, concave on the inner surface, and slightly erose on the margins. The pistillate flower is about one-third of an inch long, with from 25 to 30, or rarely from 35 to 40 pale yellow scales, slightly keeled. on the back, gradually narrowed into long slender points, and bearing from 3 to 7 ovules under each scale. The fruit is ovate-oblong, from 2 to 33 inches in length, from one-half inch to 2} inches in width, and dark red-brown; the scales are furnished on the upper side, near the base, with two or three large deciduous dark resin-glands, and are gradually thick- ened upward from the base to the apex, which is only slightly dilated, and is from three-fourths of an inch to 1} inches long, and from one-fourth to one-half of an inch wide, deeply pitted in the middle, which is often furnished with an elongated reflexed mucro, and frequently transversely ridged; at maturity they remain straight and rigid and open only slightly, the cone retaining its original form even when dry. From 3 to 7 seeds are produced under each scale; they are linear-lanceolate, com- Oapre. from one-eighth to one-fourth inch in length, light brown, and surrounded y lateral united wings broader than the body of the seed, apiculate at the apex, and often unequal. . The Big Tree is the largest inhabitant of the American forests, and the most massive- stemmed although not the tallest tree in the world. It grows in an uninterrupted belt, chiefly associated with the Sugar Pine, the Douglas Fir, and the Incense Cedar, from the middle fork of the American River southward along the western flank of the California Sierras for a distance of about 260 miles to the head of Deer Creek, the northern limit of this belt being near the thirty-ninth and itssouthern just south igh BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. of the thirty-sixth degree of north latitude, and its elevation from 5,000 to feet above the level of the sea. . otk a +i Pane The wood of the Big Tree is very light, soft, not strong, brittle, and coarse-grained, but very durable in contact with the soil. It is bright clear red, turning darker on exposure, with thin nearly white sapwood, and contains thin dark-colored conspic- uous bands of small summer-cells and numerous thin medullary rays. The specific gravity of the absolutely dry wood is 0.2882, a cubic foot weighing 17.96 pounds. Manutactured into lumber, it is used locally for fencing and in construction,and is made into shingles. . iui |, = BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE OF THE BIG TREE. The selection of the proper scientific name for the Big Tree has been the subject of much discussion, and is a question concerning which — there is still considerable disagreement among authorities. Since the tree first became known to botanists it has received the five following scientific names: 7 1. Wellingtonia gigantea Lindley. 1853. 2. Sequoia gigantea Decaisne. 1854. 3. Taxodium Washingtonianum Winslow. 1854. 4. Sequoia Wellingtonia Seeman. 1855. 5. Sequoia Washingtoniana (Winsl.) Sudworth. 1898. For reasons founded on the fixed principles in botanical law, the first two names are permanently barred from use. The present dissension among authorities centers on which of the last two names should be applied to the Big Tree. It is believed, however, that Sequoia Wash- ingtoniana is the correct name for this tree, as shown in Bulletin 17, Division of Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture. INTRODUCTION OF THE BIG TREE INTO CULTIVATION. William Lobb visited the Calaveras Grove in 1854 and succeeded in introducing this Sequoia into English gardens. It is now one of the most universally cultivated coniferous trees in all the countries of central and southern Europe, but, while it has grown rapidly, it is already beginning to show that the existing climates of Europe do not suit it, and that this glory of the Sierra forests need fear no rival among the emigrants of its race. It has also been occasionally cultivated in the eastern United States, where it does not flourish, although it has occasionally sur- vived in a few sheltered or particularly favorable situations. The best examples of success in cultivating this tree in the Kast are to be seen in the nursery of Messrs. Elwanger and Barry, Rochester, N. Y., where there are two trees about 35 feet high. : OWNERSHIP OF BIG TREE LANDS. The ownership of the Big-Tree timber lands of California is divided among the State, the Federal Government, and private individuals. STATE HOLDINGS. California owns but one tract, which includes the Mariposa Grove. _ This was ceded to California by the United States in 1865, in an act — known as the ‘‘ Yosemite and Big Tree Grant,” by the terms of which ~ the State received the Yosemite Valley proper and the Mariposa _ Grove, to hold and protect as State parks. The extent of the Mari- — posa grant is 2 square miles, or, roughly, about 4 per cent of the total area on which the Big Tree grows. J ae 1Prof. C. 8. Sargent, in ‘‘Silva of North America.”’ ‘x x| ALVId 'Y30MOd HLIM ONILSVIG 4O 1L03449q SHL SMOHS ! SAXVLS ANI\adVuYD ONIMVI) : YSAIY SONIM NO S3SH] OIG ONIMSSWN7] 4 4 Oe ha ee a: Ze Or 0 uas “SGNW] GS0GNN3Q HONS 4O JONVWYVAddyW 3LV1OSSQ GNV DSONIYSEWNT] NI 3LSVAA SNOWHONZ SNIMOHS ‘SSNVLS ANIASdVYS) YOS LNO YSEWI] ASH] SIG ee FE "X 3LV 1 S8OG YS, “HUOT YOG ‘CGE '90q ‘UaS "SaxV HLIM 335Y¥] DIG ¥ ONITISY e e Afp.4 AaLV Id S889 4s] “SUOS YVOG 's6E “90q ‘Uas WX ALVId i ‘dqNg 907] ¥ NO S907 MvS 33yu] DIG ino ONITAVH ‘S8AS 48| “suog ULOG ‘€6E ‘90g ‘Uas *S9O7 ANId MOTNISA GNV 334] SIG ONIANYVO Nive | SNIMOHS “1s3y0+4 33yu] SIG Vv NI avounivy SNIDSDO7F RRNA TERNARY gr pany CE AT ‘ OUT Te ieee “ i wag a Me “WX 3LV1d4 S80G 48] “Suoy YVaG ‘'eéE '90q “Vas OE ———————E————————————— oe ya dase eS cn) ae ees “LHOIY SHL NO 3Svq LY LNYNG ATavg 33y¥] DIG Vv SMOHS ! SLNVId "1437] NO YSLSWVIG NI 1334 8 3NId YVONS ANY LHDIY NO 3au] SIG GayYVvOS-3uI4 HLIM SNOSOVEYSH GNV ‘SENYHS ‘SONITGSSS 3au] JO HLMOYDYAGNA aSNaqg ‘GSAYNas3ayd 1S3¥O4 JO YOIYSLN| NI HLMOYDYSGNA) 3SN3Q ONIMOHS ‘3AOHH 3au] DIG SveaAVIVO—'g ‘DI -113M HIM ‘183404 4O YOINSLN] NI TIVY] SNIMOHS ‘3AONH 33YN] DIG SvYSAVIVO—°| “DI4 ‘ \W\ SS \ N \N\ thy yy, Se le Ye MLE. c, . es » ia SORA AGS ‘Gb yo Mian, Z : ng eo | Saas Mark Cal © \ “AIX JALV1d Bat Re ee "GNOA3Q 1437 3HL NO S3NId YVONG 1S39Nv] GNY LHOIY SHL NO YSLSWVIG NI 1334 82 3duYL DIG HLIM ‘1S3HO4 4O HYOINSLN] NI SLNVIG SnO30vayaH ONY ‘SENYHS "3SVQ YVSN HSL3aWVIG NI 1a34 ZE ‘3AOND 4O YSLNSO YVAN « YSSNO!lq AHL ,, ‘SONITG33S 3au] JO HLMOYDYSGNA) 3SN3Q DNIMOHS ‘3AOND 3au] DIG SVHSAVIVO— ‘Zs ‘DI4 HLIM ‘HLMOYDYSGN() GSANSSSYd-1713M ‘3SNSQ ONINOHS ‘SAONH 3a] DIG SVYSAVIVO—"] “SIS “AX 3LV 1d ‘S805 JS, “Suog yWOG ‘EEE ‘90Q "Ues Map showing Location of Big Tree Groves in Fresno and Tulare Counties, Calilornia. R.22E.. RUZSE. R.24E. R.25E. R.27E. R.28E. R.29E. R.30E. Role. R32E. of S3E. R.34E. RSS: R.36E. | | BR SISTAN DAR PARALLE SOUT Fah aI = | x las | | = ~ | | , Sy, T.13S. S — | ea l ai al - a= ie is sq = 7 | | I \ ak aa eal | ie . ——+ 1 — cal a al ay + ; tb |] Jauka A | | e R.24E. RZ R.26E. RATE. R.28E. > | baat om Rey, R.SIE. _R.OZE. R33E. R.34E. a ROSE. REE. | cale2sMiles =/ /nch. | : Lawl ¢ x x ne, ~ . se =o a a Se 2 2 2 ae 2 & rr =. Ae iy ow +2 , > aw mage Pa ae ae eee sce ns i «lala cadillac lataar esses. POS TE I I: eT , cetemeaa anne ote er -— : ee es ; earl re pean ee iw my an j r ; ame: : i] > ee een + be, ee S 7 aca padi emp tir seater ramon Bamagy hm ees. On _— Se ee ee ee ee + 3 ‘ ‘J 0 tata RE EERO © our ——; tie EE — . — . om a ren Z| ape A eased pt NY AI ae ca (air Ga 4 RAE x 5 op Map showing General Location of Big Tree Groves, California. Scale of Miles. fo 20 BO oe ieee N pS O | hs sll oa ee EOie ee lerth MN len ONE MBE ae 4: vas ant _gues pen 4) vie | ae i ON ert 4 FREE E Bl ce ana oN a AR cs, CPI ao Sere | Va hms ; ‘, ¢ ‘4 mm) 7 aa = = ; ein : rs poe rae ‘ a = a ce - = 4 7 we = me : - 4 = = > : : a = » Ane) rer «< «== » oie nical SGA TS iat) BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. | ys GOVERNMENT HOLDINGS. The United States owns and in part controls two considerable areas, comprised within the Sequoia and General Grant National parks. These are very difficult to define. According to the acts of Congress which established them October 1, 1890, they amount, respectively, to 161,280 and 2,560 acres. But it is well known that in the first at least, the Big Trees stand largely in one group on the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River, with only very scattering neighbors of their own kind; and a like distinction prevails in the General Grant National Park grove. Furthermore, along the west and south boundaries of the Sequoia National Park, there are seven valid private holdings, amount- ing to 1,012.87 acres, and an equally good claim of 160 acres in the General Grant National Park. In the first, also, there is a sawmill operating at the edge of the main clump of Big Tree timber, which is agdin true of the second grove. Consequently, as it is not possible to assert what proportion of these parks contain Big Trees, or just what the private tracts comprise, it is equally impossible to state the extent of the Government holdings in Big Tree timber. It can only be said that they are considerable, but imperfectly defined and poorly protected. PRIVATE HOoLpINas. These include by far the greater part of the Big Trees, and, except some groves in Tulare County, they are held by sawmill or logging companies. The large tract on Kings River is almost entirely so owned; and the famous Calaveras or ‘*‘ Mammoth” Grove, which has been carefully preserved since the early fifties, 1s now owned by a man who is said to represent a lumber syndicate. The Big Trees of Fresno County are controlled by the Sanger Lumber Company. The rest of the southern tracts, in and about and to the south of the Sequoia National Park, are divided chiefly into small areas among private owners. Location oF Bic TREE LANDs. The following list, and accompanying large map (PI. XVI), compiled from notes and a sketch map prepared by Prof. William R. Dudley,’ give the location, amount, and ownership of Big Tree lands in Fresno and Tulare counties. The data compiled is based upon the Tulare County records of 1899-1900, and upon Professor Dudley’s personal exalmination of the areas in question. The accompanying small map (Pl. XVII) gives the general location of all the Big Tree groves. Fresno County. TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST. Pa cae eve ot Name of owner. Residence. | Acres. | 1 1 GAD.) WSUS WPMCO RS oaccs azn cewahoensas iectenes sac. 2 1 aot, fe a as) 2: SAAS S See eee ee 2 2 aso Gat, Gaciitvert aud J; WehOm 22552252705. 2 3 120 | Sanger Lumber Co.............-------------- Sanger, Cal. 11 4 a} VCH S Par WOO. O52 52 sooo ends - bo =~ 11 3 AMY SAMS CCN VEL OO) bees esc see bccn damewe ce Do. 12 3 Ce eee OE Seen 5 erty Ms ot Ses At Do. 12 5 SAL) 3. Ne ata ot ase ee ow ae shes su Daeweeae a 13 3 Za | SAUSELr BMIMMPEEIOO oa 5 foic sta coisieiseoe css dom nee Do. 1 A collaborator in the Division in Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture. cul ” Gee: 24 No. of | No.on section. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. Fresno County—Continued. TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST—Continued. aa oe Name of owner. Acres. © 340:|-S. Sweet & Co: 22. ox eee a ee ce ee eee Visalia, Cal. 3 AQ. | Sanger Lumber Co Saeeeeetece ae eee eee Sanger, Cal. 3 44) |lansec GO-s sian ce ee ee eee Do. 3 320 ieeeee 5 OSM RIN Fr Mey. ere pe SES Sta. Do. 7 820-|' BaD, Sullivan 2a See ee eee eee 3 320 pane Ljm ber' Co... ieee wes ee eee Do. 3 ABO No.2 20 (sac tes Sec Se eee oe a Do. 8 160 | M. W. Kirkland and D. BORce site ee ees San Francisco, Cal. 3 440 | Sanger LumberCox 2. Sas. 4-is- once nee Sanger, Cal. 3 AQM clos Ss 00.25.20 el eee ee eee Do. 9 160°) W..N:i Switzer... 2 3e= ee eee 8 640 | Sanger Lumber'Co.2 2s oe See eee Do. . 3) 640) |. ...2- GO: ossceccte iS See ce ee eee eee Do 3 GAN epee GO. n55 2 eek es oC ee ee Do 3 GO Nosas- GOL cc be BS ae oe ee ee Do 3 560 25522 6 Ko en nn. Sinm dm amen as Do. 10 80)|-James Ts Young) 2 4454 on aoe eee ee eee Lindsay, Cal. 10 GON Seee= (50 eee eee aa I Is Do. 11 80 |: John C;Dunlaps 22-2 Seen. Gane ee eee Dunlap, Cal. 11 160 Geena GO. =4.i2 2 ces ceke Ae ee ee Do. 3 40 | Sanger Lumber Cos..222.-..- 2. ee ee Sanger, Cal. 3 S¥A0) la sage GOs J SA Sen eee Do. 3 440. eee MO ison P32 ee ee CR ee Do. - 3 G40 Hes ee OO oO ests So ee Do 3 GAOT eeeee GO sce sen ee oe Do TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST. 3 80 | Sanrer Lumber Oo.2-2 Bfs:-. 2 See Sanger, Cal = 3 Ua aS A Ow. Soha se oe Secon ees 1+ Sa eee ene 0. eas 3 ALD: | aaoee 0 {0 ORS Os St NI Me tts gry we Do. a 12 160°| J. A.Sehappes 3. iit espe otro eee i a 640 | Sanger Timber Coe. 3-23) 652 555-33 5a-e ee Do. ce 3 G40" eee G0. Ss ee Pen ak ocean Sees Do Ge 3 64) 5.2. GOD ook and ce ee ane Serre eee eee Do. BER 3 640}... -. OO. a ces ae Eee Do. "So E 8 B20 2-3. AO <2 28 Soo eT ee ee Do. ‘ea 6 160 |S. Sweet 2 Co). 2252-22 ies vce eee eae Visalia, Cal. >. 13 160 | ‘Hdaeob.22. sense: 2 a eee eee Do. ‘gi U.S. 160 | ‘United States ..-...... #2... ee — 3 480 | Sanger Lumber Co>.2..22. 2". {2.3 eo Sanger, Cal. . 3 440" sea OG2 sucha. a Baas a3 ee ee eee eee Do. 14 120 | “August Bere. - ses. - cee cee ee eee eee 3 640.| Sanger Lumber ‘Coc... ss266see. ea cee Do. 3 ee oe tis: Jeiw'a,ale'sja:S Seneje ld Es eee Do. 8 64042 2 SO we oo ee ee Do. U.S. 640 tinited States:.50 (oi: . Poe ee rarer eee Wis8. 060.4. 22200022. 2 ek eee ee eae 3 480 Satiger Larmiber. Coie... Sherer oon 0. eae Do. 3 40'| 25. 2dol Ss). 31523212 2 2 ae et ee Dow US 600 United Statesi 2. =... ca xe Sh SR eee 15 40 | Mrs, Ella Byrnes: ij... ee ee ee Visalia, Cal. 16 160.) S. Mitdhell:” = <2. 4855. ..ceaee - i Bee 3 280 | Sanger Lumber. Co.2... 2265 5-..- -.. eee ‘Sanger, Cal. . U.S. 160°) United States... e422 Re ba eee . 3 480 | Sanger Tnimber Cox. 3 5-eeece-. heap eee Do. 16 160 |-S:; Mitetelle fo: 28 2 eee 2 ee eee 3 480 |. Sameer Limber Cot ..5- 3.2 ean eee Do. 17 160 | Fox and Sweetland......325>: . eae Lemoore, Cal. 3 480'| Sanger Lumber ozs. 22 stee ses. oo eee Sanger, Cal. 3 640 |..... OO onde ob ons ocak Do. . 3 480 -eeee do i ey Do. x ‘ U.S. 160 | United States =:.....2¢ 5s .. eee eee t U.S. AGO) 5 GO.238 23 2 ee ee 3 18 200:| John Wi Parker:<4.-25 See 2 eee Dinuba, Cal. 3 280.| Sanger Laimiber '@o-. =... s2eees: one Sanger, Cal. 3 640 fos .2 OO). Se% hae ea ee eee Do. 3 G40) kes GO. 20h ee ee eee Do. 3 169 Sy eed G0 2. 5 esha eee ee Do. : Us. 640 | United States’... .....5252 2 ae eee “ 19 160 | Louis Seligman .- 2.5.5. ee cee eee Dinuba, Cal. 3 320 | Sanger Lumber Co:+. - eee ee eee Sanger, Cal. 20 160.) WE. Weld.) <2 Sa eee Visalia, Cal. “ 480 | Sanger Lamber Go... ee ee Bans Cal. min lew OR Os ain nim pe alata pie w ieimje, oe a ee ete aie oe 0. aSold for taxes, 1899. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. Fresno County—Continued. TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RAN GE 29 EAST. : Name of owner. Residence. : Acres 7 | 3 pep reper tamber ©o ---- 2... 2-5-5 o. 2-22-23: Sanger, Cal. 15 3 1 See ee ee eee. . Ne ede ot Do. 16 3 oe Sas Gene SL ae ee ee Do. -17 3 2.) oo Dope an oe ee ee eee Do. 17 21 MSS oN EET RGR sore 6 2 = foes oa no es ats Alma, Mich. 17} U.S. hey LEERIEEG GS UDEES ee a oe ee rege eee 18} U.S. eae 2 SEE. a ee ee ee 18 | 3 Reeee REC E Larner CO... <-. - sane aos soe eee Sanger, Cal. 19 | 3 Se Se Se ee ee ee ener Do. 21 | 3 ee be. oe ee oh es NE PR oe! Do. 21 22 tee LONE WML yo ac. = | hoe rete s ae Visalia, Cal. v7.) 2 i OAmBeer Bumper CG. ~..-....2. 25s. Voce Sanger, Cal. 26 3 i Teese ane scd oe Ee Ese ine ea Boe DOs: 27 3 > | ae Cr ees oe sake noe ee ae Do. 27 16 Pee CMON ete mee Sa. 27 21 Ll) psy BPeT) SSeS eee ae Alma, Mich. 28 21 ta eg ie ee Pe et a eset Do. 28 23 oy LE SE eo ere Fresno, Cal. 28 3 Pee eens Teen On <= --. 25.- 22 Sacco x sees Do. 29 3 ae oa Ae ee ee ee ee | Do. 30 3 | >. ae Tat See aaa oi = ee aS eS ee ce Co ie | Do. 31 3 | cc || See re ee raat. raat Rie es tA oe De 32 3 | 40 |....- = SET ISU SEs CES ee” Ae Do. 34 3 | Se ap Pee Se ee oo EN Mier Sanger, Cal. 35 3 2 ee pee res ce eh te 82. cee | Do. 36 3 160 | ie Rennes wot eg RSE Ee oth. | Do, Tulare County. TOWNSHIP 14 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST. ot | = | ein Name of owner. Residence. ; ) Acres. 1; 3 | =e Oe SET OOo. Soe nee ee eh tees Sanger, Cal. 2 | eo |) OOF... 2 ee i oes Do. 3 3 160 a= ee ee oe = Se tN, oe Soh sons Do. oe 24 egg | Sold for taxes, 1899, 12 | 24 C4 eee lost ee 7 Ee eee Do. 12 | 25 OL ye a AS Sanger, Cal. 12 3 | Pen rmnoor Lminber CO: oo... ows ecb iste wane Do, 12 26 eee CRAIG © OMNNINCH 5... 29-0 ee a lc oe 13 26 | = ee Cee En ae ee oe SEs Soe aa 13 | 28 | TD Trl ioe’ an ea ee i gt 14 | 26 | Pr 200 | PECERTIAS CASTIUN OCHS 25. ic eae cckee | 24 | 29 | ee ee ee eee ee ’ : er TOWNSHIP 14 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST. 1 | 30 SPEDE A REED Soar tila an ns oo chee a at ok Visalia, Cal. 1 31 160 | L. M. Atwil] and Benj. Hicks................ Do. 1 32 ld LT ee a ee es ene i aS See aoe Do. 1 33 f ICM ERR yo ok ee ee eee Do 2 33 Co os Ce A A eae ere Do 2 34 LL), ES Se = ak Teenie ee Do. y 3 PERUSE’ THMNDCT ODS 822 5 0 FS oe ess Se Sanger, Cal. 3 3 i ae “a le ee ee ee eee Do. 5 35 a reo, WAC Hos ek LN es Visalia, Cal. 7 3 ae tT Sancer Sintper Co... oe ee Sanger, Cal. & 36 ap meyer Eisenman. eS eee Visalia, Cal. 10 37 LED Tra ict aia Detroit, Mich. . 1] 33 Pe ane os Wet ss. Sh a 1G ee Visalia, Cal. 12 33 oy 4 Ue A ee, Fe Do. 13 37 80 | Peter bse: armas et SERS 6 SSP eh od Detroit, Mich. 14 37 Pe Lo Le Re SD, Oa a ec ee ene Weis 14 38 200 Gcoue Ud 0 Spee ES: ° 7 a ee San Piaiel isco, Cal. 15 33 250 |-.:.- OO Me Oe sh io ote ee Ee pe oe oe en Do. 16 39 2 BITC ye ee ee a eee Visalia, Cal. iw) - 37 Re eter Mie ANE oo. ses i et Detroit, Mich, 15 40 Bere nornee Whiner 228 be Orosi, Cal. 15 41 at 2% Boge of —,—. Howard. ..0-56000-25500- Reedley, Cal. ~ : — — x 26 BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. Tulare County—Continued. Be 4 TOWNSHIP 14 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST—Continued. section.| map. | claim, Name of owner. Reside Acres. 15 42 40 |) RZ. Dudley... ..< oSoneeanad ao ee Visalia, Cal. 16 40 160 | Horace Whitaker. 222209222 i eee Orosi, Cal. ie 1-28 160 | Tax deed, State of California ..............-. 16 44 oo0 | Walliam, Ceburit-< 2252 505235 eee '....:.| Springville; Cals 18 13 804 PE diacobeassas2o5—— Msdissecina ee ee ee Visalia, Cal. 19 13 GOR eee (6 Ko ener rn PEN ee amano ces a Reha Do. 21 40 80) Horace Wihitalker/2 5555292522 ee Orosi, Cal. 21 45 120 ||) Mary- I. Evans: -.02235-5:2 0.20) eee is 21 46 AO TT ROONEY. 22555 05-5 ee eee 21 47 80 | J.W. Guinn and E. L. Huffman --.-.- a ee Visalia, Cal. 21 48 40::| Estelle: Ruggles. 2225 <.25.405 bose ee 22 40 40 | Horace Whitaker. >... .-2 222.2828. 0 Ofosi, Cal. 22 | 47 40 | J. W. Guinn and E. L. Huffman._:__-.....- ae Visalia, Cal. 22 42 40 | Rs. Z. Dude yi. st Saas eee 22 37 400) Peter Mi@Ar thir 2s ss- eee ie) Detroti, Mich. . 22 35 120 | E.:O.. Millers. 2. . 22 Steen Se Visalia, Cal. i. 23 38 440 || George D: Bliss:1. 34222 oon ee eee San Francisco, Cal. a: 23 | 37 4)" ("Peter MeArthur.- <2 .._-__. age eee Detroit, Mich. . 23 49 80.) Wm.-Z. Gartom®,...22 5.0525. eee ee 24 37 400) | Peter MeArthim= 22-25. .0- pital lee eee Do. 24 43 80 | Lax deed, State of Californian 925. soaeeeee + 25 50 160: |) ClausiSpreckels.<- 22-6 oes ee eee San Francisco, Cal. aa 25 35 160: E.O, Miller. ..- 2-232) ee eee Visalia, Cal. 26 37 160:;| Peter MeArthur..2.-2..002--as gosaaeep eee Detroit, Mich. 26 51 160 | Estate of Thos: Wootton. 4.2000 .5-5ee Sees Fresno, Cal. 26 52 160) Co We. Clarks oe a5 32 faerie irony a Sacramento, Cal. 27 35 40° | BO. Miller occ. 3 Gack oo cscs ae ae eee Visalia, Cal. 27 53 120 || JeGoldimamn 2. 52055 .< hed on lato eee Tulare, Cal. 27 54 80 | A. R. Orr, one-half, and R. Chatten, one-half. Visalia, Cal. 27 42 40 | R.Z. Dudley ees ere ae aco csosace Do. PA 55 40: R. Chattem..2:..2 be.css ete ace ee eee eee Do. a 56 40 | J..O. OSPOIN: = 3. ss sbe552\s22 a Se eee Exeter, Cal. . 28 53 2800) Je Goldman. 3s ceeeee-- aoe ee 3 Howie ae eee Tulare, Cal. 28 57 80) | “A: LO Was) orcas (EM Seronsits 2 Oa aoe 33 58 160: || A; (D: Malstedd 2323 Je 55. ee a eee ..-| Visalia, Cal. 33 37 $20 | Peter McArthur .. 227) =) oo... - eee Detroit, Mich. 34 iu AO) Pes (6 0 A enya Roe re eh sa PIR Sic couches - Do. 35 52 160 WiGs WoClarkss s,s es: Dee ee Sacrament: Cal. 35 35 160 |'E. O. Miller .2.2+.400.7- 2 See Visalia, Cal. 36 59 40 | Floyd. B. Wilson \22-0.: ~.ss8 bo. te eee TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST. 3 37 120 | Peter McArthur....-..5.----.-.--------.-2!. 225) ee RECINE emi 1 37 ABD Ps 55 2 OO ej cited a) Ree estan aioe eee eee i IDO, r 60 160 | James Halstead.......-: i ae RAPER Sh = Visalia, Cal. 5 37 80") Peter MeArthur-. es. ee eee Detroit, Mich. TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST. 28 61 4D) Jo. JORGaD: 2240. coo gnc ne a eae eee Visalia, Cal. 29 62 120 | W.. Ws Tharp. = 225). 2e65....26- See eee eee Do. 30 61 405) Ji. JOrdam., <<<. .oxseeee eS eke ieee eee eee Do. 33 61 80: 5 ee GO. eink 2-200: ER a eee Do. TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST. 61 J..8. Jordan, one-halfy 20221. 2-- eee ee eee 5 62 230 KN. W. Tharp, one-quarter... 2.22 5.5.2 ae Visalia, Cal. 63 H.D, ‘Tharp, one-quarter... 2.2225 ee eee 61 6 62 160 .| 3 .-De Tharp: . 522222506235 s-562 oe eee Do. 63 a 64 40.) Gus, Weinmam >. 352 so2sc ccs.ccc eee cee eee TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST 20 65 40°} J. L.. Hamilton... oh.52c dene see eee eee eens Exeter, Cal. 21 65 40 | odes GO wee onus c cee ocean! Sea eneee eee Do. “i Sa BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. vil Tulare County—Continued. TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST. No. of | No.on | Size of section.| map. SEES) Name of owner. Residence. Acres. : 23 66 Seip Pere PISMIEE ns tes. Ss 3 fo eaten eek Visalia, Cal. 25 67 EUR eR Enis 2 noe ees EAE Se ere 8 26 67 - ear Se a Cok. ne EON Oe Mae a oe 26 68 Ae Mar eB SOUL WOPLD << = ceSen .os2 oh. de tees 26 69 Pb rears ERRNO K 52 Se ook. 5 2s eR ee eee eee Do. 26 7 Mi NES ISNER nn oe 5 ae ak yes es ne Soe Do. 26 71 BOT AOL. (DARWEIE toa ©. 525 soo ae igs eeese Threerivers, Cal. 26 72 Pon PRN CW rise eee os = he Lor see ee owe eae Visalia, Cal. 27 73 Seren mei WW Ese) OCH ek oor. > SESE 2st oid She Do. 35 67 PTT AE Soe Tye SS 5 es eee gee ee 35 35 Memen y Sir. Chs WEPLI Gr eet att ee ged, he Soa Do. 36 72 err pePRNIY PCW iret es oe 5 os is ee ace Ste sees Do. TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST 10 75 | JaInen MG FROZERN «. - wo... sose. ces be cose ee Threerivers, Cal. 11 75 3) a eee DONE oe eI SS Sie Nee ka ie Do. 76 | d. H. Moore, . ae Hanford, Cal. 30 Be 80 | George E. Guerne, in Enterprise Lumber‘Co.| Springville, Cal. 31 * sles dds... 022i. Do. 31 108 80H, 2 Cospers .asr sas Mee ee ee Hanford, Cal. 31 109 80») J.M: Talbot’. 2.2 3-2-2 ee eee eee -| Santa Rosa, Cal. 31 110 80 | J.M. Bowléss: 322.2 20 eee eee Do. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST. 7. 88 620 | Louisa Greenwald =. 2o5i 5223-28 eee .| San Francisco, Cal. 1 85 AQ) | BS JeNash. 2220 cnct secon Seca en eee eee Salem, Mass. 2 101 160 | EB. W: Haughton.--2.2 2.2222 2tecsoee neers Springville, Cal. 2 88 160 |. Louisa Greenwald 22. ..-.-3.--<.cn:s eee San Francisco, Cal. # 99 40 | Ida'G: Sharp <.-...<% -s2ke. i. 52 oe se ee Munson, Cal. 3 99 80}. 2002 GO sso. e hia dcae oo oso ees Settee ee Do. 10 103 80 | A.M. Mapa Se ee ee ee SR ee ee Springville, Cal. 11 103 AD. Na foc Ox:. Soke Sec Secloce aoe ee ee Oe ee eee Do. 12 88 80 ea Greenwald's 5.42). ..cdestesccepeeer eee San Francisco, Cal. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. 6 88 80 | Louisa Greenwald ............. aa tds ole apne Notes San Franpent Cal. 9 111 40°) Frank:-T: Bowersa: c2sccceo4 0.2 saan eee E. O. Miller, Visalia, Ca 16 112 640:| Samuel Davis's... 32 22520.25 862 oy ae eee agent. 35 | 113 280; Estate of John P. Fleitzo.).:- 2.3 wi.ce see Detroit, Mich. 35 114 160" |) Nelhie I. Marshall: .-222 5-22 ete accee epee 36 113 649 | Estate of John P. Plettg. <2 uc. nne cmncreeee Detroit, Mich. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST. 28 88 320 | Lotlisa Greenwald... oncee .eaces ance eeeeneeeee San Francisco, Cal. 29 88 A00 nse OO wees Sete sad ota Sa eeee oe eee eee Do. 31 88 Ail) 2. Be eS oi eseee@eee nce sone oe cee nU aCe ee eee Do. “9 32 88 360 - cc E20. oo? ie ede. eae eee Do. : es 32 113 80 Estate of John P. Wlettz. 22... -. 2useehe eae Detroit, Mich. = 33 113 390 |\....1 . BO: ods won one ane Do. Ge 33 88 160°} Louisa Greenwald... 22-22-2222 2c ee San Francisco, Cal. =, 34 113 280 | Estate of John P, Fleitz...........-.s020-5--- Detroit, Mich. oe TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. 1 113 640 | Estate of John-P. Pleitzis- 2.2.02 ane-eeee eee Detroit, Mich. 2 113 DAD jos. Se O22) 6 oh. 3 ee Sere Do. 6 113 160 422.2% 1) a EAE Ae orice Sac Do. 7 113 Ct ny sth ees oa connie ce Saeeceee eee ee *.., Der 7 115 199 | James ‘L. Miner <.2. 2233022000322 3S. eee Poplar, Cal. 8 115 19D 5.0 Ge. 1252-05052 see nee ee Do,-rs . 8 88 249 | Louisa Greenwald: 52.22 )25).28ecene cee San Francisco, Cal. 8 113 AD | Estate of John P: Pleiiz+ 52a: noe eeeee Detroit, Mich. 9 113 LO | 5 OOS... Soe eke ae eee ee eee eee Do. 16 88 640 oes Greenwald -. 208.25. eee San Francisco, Cal. 17 88 400 |... ¢..@O. 336 8 Se Se Do. 17 113 240 Estate of John P. Wielitc 2% 22 eee Detroit, Mich. 18 113 160) Joc oe (ee ee Re ene Eig Soc Do. Les it eS . BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. 29 Tulare County—Continued. TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST. No.of | No.on | Size of | = : Name of owner. Residence. section.| map. | claim. | Acres. : : 6 115 120 | Cornelius A. Davidson ....- JR See San Bernardino. 6 88 Ae Ph oticn Green Wales 5. 2.22. 3. eset c wae se ek San Francisco, Cal. 6 113 ie. Sante of Jenn P. Wieitz...-. 2c... ..- 22.2... Detroit, Mich. 7 113 | 400 |..... 2 NS RS OE eee ee Do. 18 113 | | EA BRAT Sc ee SR ees aan ee eee Do. TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. 35 | 113 400 | Pinte of Jonn P. Wlettz. . 2.2.5... 62.5252 2-- | Detroit, Mich. TOWNSHIP 23 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. 1 113 Pe Siti OF JONI IE PICItZ: oo... Ssascacecsc Seuss Detroit, Mich, 2 113 Ie | ee 3 TRA ee See ee Do. 3 113 520) }2.. 2. wee Ee a ae ie ee ok - e Do * 10 113 | iy ane JOR Beer ee a oe ao eee Do 11 113 <5 oe 1 Sie ee ee ee Do 12 113 Ue Eee FOES BR SO See a Do 13 113 - i ee Gea SS Ae RE Be eae Do TOWNSHIP 23 SOUTH, RANGE 3: EAST. 6 113 en taate oF Jonn PF. Heitz ....<..2<2.06--205-5-- Detroit, Mich. 7 113 | Poe te AS Os See 0. 18 113 eee Re tie. 2 lo haa ten Sewo awaits Do. LUMBERING THE BIG TREES. The lumbering of the Big Tree is destructive to a most unusual degree. In the first place the enormous size and weight of the trees necessarily entails very considerable breakage when one of them falls. Such a tree strikes the ground with a force of many hundreds or even thousands of tons, so that even slight inequalities are suffi- cient to smash the brittle trunk at its upper extremity into almost use- less fragments. The loss from this cause is great, but it is only one of the sources of waste. The great diameter of the logs and, in spite of the lightness of the wood, their enormous weight make it impossi- ble to handle many of them without breaking them up. For this pur- pose gunpowder is the most available means. The fragments of logs blown apart in this way are not only often of wasteful shapes, but unless yery nice judgment is exercised in preparing the blast, a great deal of the wood itself is scattered in useless splinters. (See Pls. 1X, X.) At the mill, where waste is the rule in the manufacture of lumber in the United States, the Big Tree makes no exception. This waste, added as it is to the other sources of loss already mentioned, makes a total probably often considerably in excess of half the total volume of the standing tree; and this is only one side of the matter. The Big Tree stands as a rule in a mixed forest composed of many species. The result of Sequoia lumbering upon this forest is best shown by the photographs. (See Pls. IX, X, XI, XII, XIII.) The destruc- tion caused by the fall of the enormous trees is in itself great, but the principal source of damage is the immense amount of débris left on Fas oh ied Deel began. 30 ‘BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. Met the ground—the certain source of future fires. This m: branches, trunks, and bark, is often 5 or 6 or even more feet ness, and necessarily gives rise to fires of great destru even though the Big Tree wood is not specially inflamm devastation which follows such lumbering is as complete and as the untouched forest is unparalleled, beautiful, and worthy o: vation. Asa rule it has not even had the advantage of bein able. Very much of this appalling destruction has been done y leaving the owners of the Big Trees as well off as they were be O I