Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/shorthistoryofna1876buck ^/^ 9459 ui < a: C a~= u w w ■ h- z o I OS to lO c& SUN SODIUM HYDROGEN STAR, NEBUUE SPECTRUM ALDEBARAN A SHORT HISTORY OF NATURAL SCIENCE A.ND OF THE PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY FROM THE TIME OF THE . GREEKS TO THE PRESENT DAY FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND YOUNG PERSONS By ARABELLA :^"bUCKLEY - WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BOSTON COVkJm^ UBI^AKY CHESTKUT HII^ M^^^ ^ NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 AND 551 Broadway. 1876. 67073 f 0 i^t 9^mox^ of MY BELOVED AND REVERED FRIENDS SIR CHARLES and LADY LYELL TO WHOM I OWE MORE THAN I CAN EVER EXPRESS TRUSTING THAT IT MAY HELP TO DEVELOPE IN THOSE WHO READ IT THAT EARNEST AND TRUTH-SEEKING SPIRIT IN THE STUDY OF GOD'S WORKS AND LAWS WHICH WAS THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE OF THEIR LIVES i PREFACE It is not without some anxiety that I offer this Httle work to the public, for it is, I believe, the first at- tempt which has been made to treat the difficult subject of the History of Science in a short and simple way.i Its object is to place before young and unscien- tific people those main discoveries of science which ought to be known by every educated person, and at the same time to impart a living interest to the whole, by associating with each step in advance some history of the men who made it. During the many years that I enjoyed the privi- lege of acting as secretary to the late Sir Charles Lyell, and was thus brought in contact with many of the leading scientific men of our day, I often felt very forcibly how many important facts and generaliza- tions of science, which are of great value both in the formation of character and in giving a true estimate * Mr. Baden Powell's excellent little ' History of Natural Philo- sophy,' published in Lardner's 'Cyclopaedia' in 1834, is scarcely intended for beginners, and does not extend farther than the seven- teenth century. This is the only work of the kind I have been able to find. VL PREFACE, of life and its conditions, are totally unknown to the majority of otherwise well-educated persons. Great efforts are now being made to meet this difficulty, by teaching children a few elementary facts of the various branches of science ; but, though such instruction is of immense value, something more is required in order that the mind may be prepared to follow intelligently the great movement of modern thought. The leading principles of science ought in some measure to be understood ; and these will, I believe, be most easily and effectually taught by showing the steps by which each science has attained its present importance. It is this task which I have endeavoured to ac- complish ; and if teachers will make their pupils master the explanations given in these pages and, wherever it is possible, try the experiments suggested, I venture to hope that this little work may supply that modest amount of scientific information which everyone ought to possess, while, at the same time, it will form a useful groundwork for those who wish afterwards to study any special branch of science. The plan adopted has been to speak of discoveries in their historical order, and to endeavour to give such a description of each as can be understood by any person of ordinary intelligence. This has made it necessary to select among subjects of equal impor- tance those which could be dealt with in plain lan- guage, and to avoid passing allusions to such as did not admit of such explanation. PREFACE. vii The history of the nineteenth century has been a very difficult and I fear scarcely a successful task ; for, while those who know anything of the subjects mentioned, will feel that the accQunt is very defective owing to so much being left out, the beginner will probably find it difficult owing to so much being put in. The reproach on both sides would be just, yet it seemed better to give even a few of the leading dis- coveries and theories of our own time than to leave the student with such crude ideas of many branches of science as he must have had if the history had ended with the eighteenth century. When treating of such varied subjects, many of them presenting great difficulties both as regards historical and scientific accuracy, I cannot expect to have succeeded equally in all, and must trust to the hope of a future edition to correct such grave errors as will doubtless be pointed out, in spite of the care with which I have endeavoured to verify the state- ments made. As the size of the book makes it impossible to give the numerous references which would occur on every page, I have named at the end of each chapter a few of the works consulted in its preparation, choos- ing always in preference those which will be useful to the reader if he cares to refer to them. I had also prepared questions on the work ; but those competent to give an opinion, tell me that teachers in these days prefer to prepare their own lessons. I have there- fore substituted, at p. 439, a chronological table of the viii PREFACE. various sciences, by means of which questions can be framed, either upon the discoveries of any- given period, or on the progressive advance, through several centuries, of any of the five main divisions of science which are dealt with in this volume. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my obliga- tions to many kind friends, and especially to Mr. A. R. Wallace and Mr. J. C. Moore, F.R.S., who have rendered me very material and valuable assistance. I am also much indebted to the Rev. R. M. Luckock, of the Godolphin Grammar School, who read the whole work in manuscript, with a view to pointing out any portions which might be unintelligible to schoolboys. London : December 1875. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction , , . i PART I. SCIENCE OF THE GREEKS. CHAPTER I. 639 TO 470 B.C. Ignorance of the Greeks concerning Nature — Ionian School of Learning — Thales discovers the Solstices and Equinoxes, and knows that the Moon Reflects the Light of the Sun — Anaxi- mander invents a Sun-dial — Discovers the Phases of the Moon — Makes a Map of the Ancient World — Pythagoras teaches that ■ the Earth moves, and that the Morning and Evening Star are the same — He studies Geology, and knows that Land has in some places become Sea — True sayings of Pythagoras and his Followers about Geology ....... 7 CHAPTER n. 499 TO 322 B.C. Anaxagoras studies the Moon — Describes Eclipses of the Sun and Moon — Is Tried and Condemned for Denying that the Sun is a God — Hippocrates the Father of Medicine — Separates the office of Priest and Doctor — Studies the Human Body — Eudoxus has an Observatory — Makes a Map of the Stars — Explains the Movements of the Planets — Democritus studies the Milky Way — Aristotle an Astronomer and Zoologist — Divides Animals into Classes — Teaches that there is a Gradual Succession of Animal Life — Studies the Difference of the Life in Plants and Animals — Theophrastus the first Botanist . -13 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. 320 TO 212 B.C. PAGE School of Science at Alexandria — The Ecliptic and the Zodiac — Greeks believed that the Sun moved round the Earth — Aristar- chus knew that it was the Earth which moved — He also knew of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, and that the Seasons are caused by it — He knew that the Earth turns daily on its Axis — Euclid discovers that Light travels in straight lines— Archimedes dis- covers the Lever — Principle of the Lever — Hiero's Crown, and how Archimedes discovered the principle of Specific Gravity — Screw of Archimedes . . . . . . . .18 CHAPTER IV. 280 TO 120 B.C. Erasistratus and Herophilus study the Human Body — Eratosthenes the Geographer lays down the First Parallel of Latitude and the First Meridian of Longitude — He measures the Circumference of- the Earth — Hipparchus writes on Astronomy — Catalogues 1,080 Stars — Calculates when Eclipses will take place — Discovers the Precession of the Equinoxes . . . . . . .25 CHAPTER V. FROM A.D. 70 TO 200. Ptolemy founds the Ptolemaic System — He writes on Geography — Strabo, a great traveller, writes on Geography — Studies Earthquakes and Volcanoes — Galen the greatest Physician of Antiquity — Describes the Two Sets of Nerves — Proves that Arteries contain Blood — Lays down a theory of Medicine — Greece and her Colonies conquered by Rome — Decay of Science in Greece — Concluding remarks on Greek Science . . 32 CONTENTS. xi PART II. SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES, CHAPTER VL SCIENCE OF THE ARABS. PAGE Dark Ages of Europe — Taking of Alexandria by the Arabs, and burning of the Library — The Arabs, checked in their conquests by Charles Martel, settle down to Science — The Nestorians and Jews translate Greek Works on Science — Universities of the Arabs — Chemistry first studied by the Arabs — Alchemy, or the attempt to make Gold — Hermes the first Alchemist — Hermeti- cally-sealed Tubes — Gases and Vapours called ' Spirits ' by the Arabs — The use of this Word retained by us . . . .39 CHAPTER VII. SCIENCE OF THE ARABS (CONTINUED). Geber, or Djafer, the founder of Chemistry — His Explanation of Distillation — Of Sublimation — Discovers that some Metals in- crease in weight when heated — Discovers strong Acids — Nitric Acid — Sulphuric Acid — Discovery of Sal-Ammoniac by the Arabs — Arabs mix up Astronomy with Astrology — Albateg- nuis calculates the Length of the Year — Mohammed Ben Muse, first writer on Algebra — Uses the Indian Numerals — Gerbert introduces them into Europe — Alhazen's discoveries in Optics — His Explanation why only one image of each object reaches the Brain — His discovery of Refraction, and of its effect on the light of the Sun, Moon, and Stars — His discovery of the magnifying power of rounded glas^ses ....... 43 CHAPTER VIII. SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES IN EUROPE. ' Roger Bacon — His * Opus Majus ' — His Explanation of the Rain- bow—He makes Gunpowder — Studies Gases — Proves a Candle will not burn without Air — His Description of a Telescope — Speaks of Ships going without Sails — Flavio Gioja invents the xii CONTENTS. Mariner's Compass — Greeks knew of the Power of the Load- stone to attract Iron — Use of the Compass in discovering new lands — Invention of Printing — Columbus discovers America — Vasco de Gama sees the Stars of the Southern Hemisphere — Magellan's ship sails round the World — Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. . . . . . . . . . • 5 ^ PART III. RISE AND PROGRESS OF MODERN SCIENCE. CHAPTER IX. SCIENCE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Rise of Modem Science — Dogmatism of the Middle Ages — Reasons for studying Discoveries in the order of their dates — Copernican theory of the Universe — Copernicus goes back to the System of Aristarchus — Is afraid to publish his Work till quite the end of his Life — Work of Vesalius on Anatomy — He shows that Galen made many mistakes in describing Man's Structure — His Banishment and Death — The value of his Work to Science— Fallopius and Eustachius Anatomists — Gesner's Works on Animals and Plants — He forms a Zoological Cabinet and makes a Botanical Garden — His Natural History of Animals — His classification of Plants according to their Seeds — His work on Mineralogy — Csesalpinus makes the First System of Plants on Gesner's plan — Explains Dioecious Plants — Chemistry of Paracelsus and Van Helmont ...... CHAPTER X. SCIENCE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Baptiste Porta discovers the Camera Obscura — Shows that our Eye is like a Camera Obscura — Makes a kind of Magic Lantern by Sunlight — Kircher afterwards makes a Magic Lantern by Lamplight — Dr. Gilbert's discoveries in Electricity — Tycho Brahe, the Danish Astronomer — Builds an Observatory on the Island of Huen — Makes a great number of Observations, and CONTENTS. xiii PAGE draws up the Rudolphine Tables —Galileo discovers the principle of the Pendulum — Calculates the velocity of Falling Bodies, and shows why it increases — Shows that Unequal Weights fall to the Ground in the same time — Establishes the relations of Force and Weight — Stevinus on Statics —Summary of the Science of the sixteenth century 74 CHAPTER XI. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Astronomical discoveries of Galileo — The Telescope — Galileo ex- amines the Moon, and discovers the Earth-light upon it — Dis- covers Jupiter's four Moons — Distinguishes the Fixed Stars from the Planets — The phases of 'Venus confirm the Copernican theory — Galileo notices Saturn's Ring, but does not distinguish it clearly — Observes the spots on the Sun — The Inquisition force him to deny the movement of the Earth — Blindness and Death of Galileo .......... 87 CHAPTER Xn. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Kepler the German Astronomer — Succeeds Tycho as Mathema- tician to the Emperor Rudolph — His description of the Eye — He tries to explain the orbit of the planet Mars — And by com- paring Tycho's tables with observation discovers his First and Second Law of the movements of the Planets — His delight at Galileo's discoveries — Kepler's Third Law — Comparison of the labours of Tycho, Galileo, and Kepler . . . . -95 CHAPTER XIIL SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Francis Bacon, 1561-1626 — He teaches the true method of ■ studying Science in his 'Novum Organum' — Rene Descartes, 1 596-1 650 — He teaches that Doubt is more honest than Ignorant Assertion — Willebrord Snellius discovers the Law of Refrac- tion, 1621 — Explanation of this Law ..... 103 xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Fabricius Aquapendente discovers Valves in the Veins^Harvey's discovery of the Circulation of the Blood — Discovery of the Vessels which carry nourishment to the Blood — Gaspard Asellius notices the Lacteals — Pecquet discovers the Passage of the fluid to the Heart — Riidbeck discovers the Lymphatics . . .no CHAPTER XV. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Torricelli discovers the reason of Water rising in a Pump — Uses Mercury to measure the Weight of the Atmosphere — Makes the First Barometer — M. Perrier, at Pascal's suggestion, demon- strates variations in the pressure of the atmosphere — Otto Guericke invents the Air-pump — Working of the Air-pump — Guericke proves the Pressure of the Atmosphere by the experi- ment of the Magdeburg Spheres — He makes the first Electrical Machine — Foundation of Royal Society of London and other Academies of Science . . . . . . . .116 CHAPTER XVI. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Boyle's Law of the Compressibility of Gases — ^This same Law dis- covered independently by Marriotte — Hooke's theory of Air being the cause of Fire — Boyle's experiments with Animals under the Air-pump — ^John Mayow, the greatest Chemist of the Seventeenth Century — His experiments upon the Air used in Combustion — Proves that the same portion is used in Respira- tion— Proves that Air which has lost its Fire-air is Lighter — MayoVs ' Fire-air ' was Oxygen, and his Lighter Air Nitrogen — He traces out the effect which Fire-air produces in Animals when Breathing . . . . . . . . .128 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Malpighi first uses the Microscope to examine Living Stmctures — He describes the Air-cells of the Lungs — Watches the Circula- tion of the Blood —Observes the Malpighian Layer in the Human Skin — Describes the structure of the Silkworm — Leeuwenhoeck discovers Animalcules — Grew and Malpighi discover the Cellular Structure of Plants — The Stomates in Leaves — They study the Germination of Seeds — Ray and Willughby classify and describe Animals and Plants — The Friendship of these two Men . • 137 CHAPTER XVIII. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). 1642, Birth of Newton — His Education — 1666, His three great Discoveries first occur to him — Method of Fluxions and Dif- ferential Calculus — First Thought of the Theory of Gravitation — Failure of his Results in consequence of the Faulty Measure- ment of the size of the Earth — 1682, Hears of Picart's new Measurement — Works out the result correctly, and proves the Theory of Gravitation — Explanation of this Theory — Establishes the Law that Attraction varies inversely as the squares of the distance — 1687, Publishes the 'Principia' — Some of the Pro- blems dealt with in this Work . . . . . . .147 CHAPTER XIX. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED) Transits of Mercury and Venus — Kepler foretells their occurrence — 163 1, Gassendi observes a Transit of Mercury — 1639, Hor- rocks foretells and observes a Transit of Venus — 1676, Halley sees a Transit of Mercury, and it suggests to him a method for Measuring the Distance of the Sun — 1691-1716, Halley de- scribes this method to the Royal Society — Explanation of Halley's method 156 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Newton's Discovery of the Dispersion of Light — Traces the amount of Refraction of each of the Coloured Rays — Makes a Rotating Disc turning the colours of the Spectrum into White Light — Reason why all Light passing through glass is not Coloured — Mr. Chester More Hall discovers the Difference of Dispersive Power in Flint and Crown Glass — Newton's Papers destroyed bvhis pet dog — Last years of Newton's life . .164 CHAPTER XXL SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Roemer measures the Velocity of Light — Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light — Undulatory or Wave Theory proposed by Huyghens — Invention of Cycloidal Pendulums by Huyghens — Discovery of Saturn's Ring — Sound caused by Vibration of Air — Light by Vibration of Ether — Reasons why we see Light — Reflection of Waves of Light — Cause of Colour — Refraction explained by the Undulatory Theory — Mr. Tylor's Illustration of Refraction — Double Refraction explained by Huyghens — Polarisation of Light not understood till the nineteenth century . 1 72 CHAPTER XXIL Summary of the Science of the Seventeenth Century . 182 CHAPTER XXin. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Great spread of Science in the Eighteenth Century — Advance of the Sciences relating to Living Beings — Foundation of Leyden University in 1574 — Boerhaave, Professor of Medicine at Ley- den, 1 701 — Foundation of Organic Chemistry by Boerhaave — Influence of Boerhaave upon the study of Medicine — Belief of the Alchemists in ' Vital Fluids ' — Boerhaave's Experiments on the Juices of Plants — Dr. Hales's Experiments on Plants — Boer- haave's Analyses of Milk, Blood, &c. — Great popularity of his Chemical Lectures , . . . . . . . .189 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIV. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Childhood of Haller — Foundation of the University of Gottingen in 1736 — Haller made Professor of Anatomy — Haller's Ana- ■ tomical Plates — He discovers the power of Contraction of the Muscles — Rise of Comparative Anatomy — John Hunter's in- dustry in Dissecting and Comparing the Structures of different Animals — His Museum and the arrangement of his Collection — Bonnet's Experiments on Plants — Experiments upon Animals by Bonnet and Spallanzani — Regrowth of different parts when cut off — Bonnet's theory of Gradual Development of Plants and Animals — Anatomical Works of Haller — He discovers the power of the Muscles to contract . . . . . -195 CHAPTER XXV. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Birth and Early Life of Bufifon and Linnaeus compared — Bufifon's Work on Natural History — Daubenton wrote the Anatomical Part — Buffon's Books very interesting, but not always accurate — He first worked out the Distribution of Animals — Struggles of Linnaeus with Poverty — Mr. Clifford befriends him — He becomes Professor at Upsala — He was the first to give Specific Names to Animals and Plants — Explanation of his Descriptions of Plants — Use of the Linnaean or Artificial System — Afterwards super- seded by the Natural System — Linnaeus first used accurate terms in describing Plants and Animals — Character of Linnaeus — Sale of his Collection, and Chase by the Swedish Man-of-war . . 204 CHAPTER XXVL SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). The Study of the Earth neglected during the Dark Ages — Preju- dices concerning the Creation of the World — Attempts to Ac- count for Buried Fossils — Palissy, the Potter, first asserted that Fossil-shells were real Shells — Scilla's Work on the Shells of Calabria, 1670 — Woodward's Description of Different Fonna- tions, 1695 — Lazzaro Moro one of the first to give a true expla- -^^iii CONTENTS. PAGE nation of the facts — Abraham Werner lectures on Mineralogy and Geology, I775 — Disputes between the Neptunists and Vul- canists — Dr. Hutton first teaches that it is by the Study of the Present that we can understand the Past — Theory of Hutton — Sir J. Hall's Experiments upon Melted Rocks — Hutton dis- covers Granite Veins in Glen Tilt — William Smith, the * Father of English Geologists ' — His Geological Map of England . . 214 CHAPTER XXVII. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Birth of Modem Chemistry — Discovery of 'Fixed Air,' or Car- bonic Acid, by Black and Bergmann — Working out of ' Che- mical Affinity ' by Bergmann — He tests Mineral Waters, and proves ' Fixed Air ' to be an Acid — Discovery of Hydrogen by Cavendish — He investigates the Composition of Water — Oxygen discovered by Priestley and Scheele — Priestley's Experiments — He fails to see the true bearing of his Discovery — His Political Troubles and Death — Nitrogen described by Dr. Rutherford — Lavoisier lays the Foundation of Modern Chemistry — He destroys the Theory of ' Phlogiston ' by proving that Combustion and Respiration take up a Gas out of the Air — Discovers the Composition of Carbonic Acid and the nature of the Diamond — French School of Chemistry — Death of Lavoisier . . . 225 CHAPTER XXVIII. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Doctrine of Latent Heat, taught by Dr. Black in 1760 — Water containing Ice remains always at 0° C, and Boiling Water at 100° C, however much Heat is added — Black showed that the lost Heat is absorbed in altering the condition of the Water — Watt's Application of the Theory of Latent Heat to the Steam- engine — Early History of Steam-engines — Newcomen's Engine — Watt invents the Separate Condenser — Diagram of Watt's Engine — Difficulties of Watt and Boulton in introducing Steam- engines ........... 241 CONTENTS. xLc CHAPTER XXIX.. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Benjamin Franklin, born 1706 — His Early Life — Du Faye dis- covers two kinds of Electricity — Franklin proves that Electricity exists in all Bodies, and is only developed by Friction — Positive and Negative Electricity — Franklin draws down Electricity from the Sky — Invents Lightning-conductors — Discovery of Animal Electricity by Galvani — Controversy between Galvani and Volta — Volta proves that Electricity can be produced by the Contact of two Metals — Electrical Batteries — The Crown of Cups — The Voltaic Pile .......... 253 CHAPTER XXX. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Bradley and Delisle, Astronomers — Aberration of the Fixed Stains — Nutation of the Axis of the Earth, Delisle's Method of Mea- suring the Transit of Venus — Lagrange and Laplace — Libration of the Moon accounted for by Lagrange — Laplace works out the Long Inequality of Jupiter and Saturn — Lagrange proves the Stabihty of the Orbits of the Planets — Sir William Herschel constructs his own Telescopes — Discovery of a New Planet — • Discovery of Binary Stars — Herschel studies Star-clusters and Nebulae — Theory of Nebulae being matter out of which Stars are made — The Motion of our Solar System through Space — Weight of the Earth determined by the Schehallien Experiment — Summary of the Science of the Eighteenth Century . . 265 CHAPTER XXXI. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Difficulties of Contemporary History— ^.Discovery of Asteroids and Minor Planets between Mars and Jupiter — Dr. Gibers suggests they may be fragments of a larger Planet — Encke's Comet, and the correction of the size of Jupiter and Mercury — Biela's Comet, noticed in 1826 — It divides into two Comets in 1845 — CONTENTS. PAGE Irregular movements of Uranus — Adams and Leverrier calculate the position of an Unknown Planet — Neptune found by these calculations in 1846 —A Survey of the whole Heavens made by Sir John Herschel — His work in Astronomy — Comets and Meteor-systems ......... 287 CHAPTER XXXII. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Discoveries concerning Light made in the Nineteenth Century — Birth and History of Dr. Young — He explains the Interference of Light — Cause of Prismatic Colours in a Shadow — And in a Soap-bubble — Malus discovers the Polarisation of Light caused by Reflection — Birth and History of Fresnel — Polarisation of Light explained by Young and Fresnel — Complex Vibrations of a Ray of Light — How these Waves are reduced to two separate Planes in passing through Iceland-spar — Sir Da,vid Brewster and M. Biot explain. the colours produced by Polarisation . . 302 CHAPTER XXXIII. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). History of Spectrum Analysis — Discovery of Heat-rays by Sir W. Herschel — And of Chemical Rays by Ritter of Jena — Photo- graphy first suggested by Davy and Wedgwood — Carried out by Daguerre and Talbot — Dark Lines in the Spectrum first ob- served by WoUaston — Mapped by Fraunhofer — Life of Fraun- hofer — He discovers that the Dark Lines are different in Sun- light and Star-light — Experiments on the Spectra of different Flames — Four new Metals discovered by Spectrum Analysis — Artificial Dark Lines produced in the Spectrum by Sir David Brewster — Bunsen and Kirchhofif explain the Dark Lines in the Solar Spectrum — Metals in the Atmosphere of the Sun — Huggins and Miller examine the Stars and Nebulae by Spectrum Analysis . 3 r5 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXIV. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). PAGE Early Theories about Heat — Count Rumford shows that Heat can be produced by Friction — He makes Water boil by boring a Cannon — Davy makes two pieces of Ice melt by Friction — His conclusion about Heat— How 'Latent Heat' is explained on the theory that Heat is a kind of Motion — Dr. Mayer suggests the Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat — Dr. Joule's Experiments on the conversion of Motion into Heat — Dr. Him's Experiments on the conversion of Heat into Motion — Proof of the Indestructibility of Force and Conservation of Energy . 329 CHAPTER XXXV. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ^CONTINUED). Oersted discovers the Effect of Electricity upon a Magnet — Electro- Magnetism — Experiments by Ampere on Magnetic and Electric Currents — Ampere's Early Life — Direction of the North Pole of the Magnet depends on the course of the Electric Currents — Magnetic Currents set up between two Electric Wires — Electro- Magnets made by means of an Electric Current — Arago magne- tises a Steel Bar with an ordinary Electrical Machine — Faraday discovers the Rotatory Movement of Magnets and Electrified Wires — Produces an Electric Current by means of a Magnet — Seebeck discovers Thermo-Electricity, or the production of Elec- tricity by Heat — Schwabe discovers Periodicity of the Spots on the Sun — Sabine suggests a connection between Sun-spots and Magnetic Currents — This proved in 1859 by Observations of Carrington and Hodgson — Electric Telegraph— Wheatstone — Cooke — Steinheil — Morse — Bain ...... 34.1 CHAPTER XXXVI. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED/. Davy discovers that Nitrous Oxide produces Insensibility — Laugh- ing-gas— Safety-lamp, 18 15 — Nicholson and Carlisle discover Decomposition of Water, 1800 — Davy discovers the effect of Electricity upon Chemical Affinity — Faraday's Discoveries in xxii CONTENTS. FAGS Electrolysis — Indestructibility of Force — Various Modes dis- covered of Decomposing Substances — ^John Dalton, chemist — Law of Definite Proportions — Law of Multiple Proportions — Dalton's Atomic Theory — The Study of Organic Chemistry — Liebig, the great teacher in Organic Chemistry . . . 362 CHAPTER XXXVn. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). The Organic Sciences are too difficult to follow out in detail — . Jussieii's Natural System of Plants — Goethe proves the Meta- morphosis of Plants — Humboldt studies the Lines of Average Temperature on the Globe — Extends our knowledge of Physical Geography — Writes the ' Cosmos ' — Death of Humboldt in 1858 380 CHAPTER XXXVin. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). The three Natui'alists, Lamarck, Cuvier, and Geoffroy St.-Hilaire — Cuvier begins the Museum of Comparative Anatomy — La- marck's History of Invertebrate Animals — G. St.-Hilaire brings Natural History Collections from Egypt — Lamarck on the Development of Animals — G. St.-Hilaire on 'Homology,' or the similarity in the parts of different animals — Cuvier's ' Regne Animal ' and his Classification of Animals — Cuvier on the Per- fect Agreement between the Different Parts of an animal — He Studies and Restores the Remains of Fossil Animals — His ' Ossemens Fossiles ' — Death of Cuvier — Von Baer on the Study of Embryology — His History of the Development of Animals, 1828 388 CHAPTER XXXIX. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Prejudices which retarded the study of Geology — Sir Charles Lyell traces out the Changes going on now — Mud carried down by the Ganges — Eating away of Sea-coasts — Eruption of Skap- tar Jokul — Earthquake of Calabria — Rise and Fall of Land — CONTENTS. PAGE •Principles of Geology' published in 1830 — Louis Agassiz: his early life — De Saussure's Study of Glaciers — Agassiz on Europe and North America being once covered with Ice — Boucher de Perthes on Ancient Flint Implements — McEnery on Flint Im- plements in Kent's Cavern, v^dth Bones of Extinct Animals — Swiss Lake-dwellings — ' Antiquity of Man ' .... 404 CHAPTER XL. SCIENCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Facts which led Naturalists to believe that the different kinds of Animals are descended from Common Ancestors — All Animals of each class formed on one Plan — Embryological Structure — Living and Fossil Animals of a country resemble each other — Gradual Succession of Animals on the Globe — Links between different species — Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection — Wallace worked out the same Theory independently — Sketch of the Theory of Natural Selection — Selection of Animals by Man — Selection by Natural Causes — Difficulties in Natural History which are explained by this Theory — Foolish Prejudices against it — Concluding Remarks on the History of Science . . -4^9 A SHORT HISTORY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. INTRODUCTION. As THIS little work is to be a history of Natural Science, it will be as well to begin by trying to understand what Science is. The word itself comes from scio^ I know, and means simply knowledge. The science of botany is therefore the knowledge of plants ; and the science of astronomy, the know- ledge of the heavenly bodies. But now comes the question, What kind of knowledge is required ? You might be able to tell the names of all the plants in the world, and of all the stars in the sky, and yet have scarcely any real knowledge of botany or astronomy. You will easily understand this if we compare it with some- thing you meet with in daily life. Suppose I took you into a large school and told you the names of all the children there ; even if you learnt these names by heart, you could not say you knew the children, or anything about them, beyond their names. One might be ill-tempered, another good-tempered ; one might have a home and a father and 2 HISTORY OF SCIENCE. mother, another might be an orphan and homeless, and you would find their mere names of no use to you if you wished to choose one of them to do any work, or to be your friend and companion. For this you would want to learn their character, their habits, and other real facts about them. Now this last is just the kind of knowledge which is required in science. If, besides the name of a plant, you know its different parts, the shape of its leaves, the number of its seeds, and how they are arranged in the seed-vessel, the number of stamens or thread-like bodies in the middle of the flower, the number and colour of its petals or flower- leaves, and many other points like these, then you know something of structural botany. If you know, besides, how a plant takes up food, how it breathes, and how the sunlight acts upon the leaves and alters the juices of the plant, then you know something of the life of the plant, ox physiological botany. If you know where the plant grows best, in what soil, in what climate, and in what countries, then you know something oi geographical botany ; and if your knowledge is accurate and carefully learnt it is real science. By this you will see that science means not merely know- ledge, but an accurate and clear knowledge about the things which we see around us in the universe. In the present day, people are beginning to teach children much more on these subjects than they did forty years ago, and every intelligent boy or girl probably knows that Astronomy is the science of the sun, stars, and planets; Physics and Mechanics^ the sciences which teach the properties of bodies and their laws of motion ; Biology the science of life ; Geology the science of the earth, teaching us how the different rocks have been formed ; and Chemistry the science which treats of the materials of which all substances are made, and shows the IJ^TROD UCTION. changes which take place when two substances act upon one another so as to make a new substance. There are many simple books written now to explain these sciences, and those who wish can read these books and study the examples and experiments given in them. They tell us what science now is, and the explanations given by the best men about the universe in which we live. But they do not tell us how science has become what it is, and it is this which I hope to tell you in the present book. A man who wishes to understand a steam-engine can do so by going to an engineer and having each part explained to him j but if he wishes to know the history of the steam- engine he must go back to the first one ever made, and study each new improvement as it arose. And so if we go back to the first attempts made by thoughtful men to under- stand nature, and then trace up step by step the knowledge gained from century to century, we shall have at least a mere intelligent understanding of that which is taught us now. But if we have any true love of knowledge we shall gain far more than this ; for in studying the history of those grand and patient men who often spent their lives and made great sacrifices to understand the works of God, the merest child must feel how noble it is to long and strive after truth. When we go back to very early ages we do not find that people understood much of what we now call science. So long as men were chiefly occupied in protecting themselves against other savage men and wild beasts, and had to struggle very hard to get food and clothing, they had very little time or wish to study nature. Still they learnt many things which were necessary for their life. They learnt, for instance, at what times the sun rose and set, for upon this HISTORY OF SCIENCE. their day's work depended. They learnt at what time in the month the moon was full, so that they could see their way by moonlight ; and they remarked very early the times when spring, summer, autumn, and winter came round, because the sowing of their seeds and the gathering of their fruits depended upon these seasons. In this way we find that as far back as history goes men have always had some knowledge of the facts of nature ; and those nations, hke the Egyptians and Chinese, which long ago had become highly civilized, had learnt a very great deal, and must probably have known some things of which we are still ignorant. There has been a great deal written about the science of the Chinese, Indians, and Egyptians, but I shall not tell you anything about them here, because their knowledge has had very little to do with the science which has come down to us, and it would besides be difficult to give you any real idea of what they knew without writing a book on the subject. We will start, therefore, with the Greeks, at the time when they first began to try and explain some of the natural events which they saw taking place every day. This was about the year 700 B.C., when Thales, one of the seven wise men, was living, and you will see in the next chapter that even at this time, when Greece was famous for its learning, the people had still some very strange ideas about the working of the universe. PART I. SCIENCE OF THE GREEKS FROM B.C. 639 TO A.D. 200 Chief Men of Science among the Greeks^ e B.C. Thales . About 640. Anaximander . 610, Pythagoras . 500. Anaxagoras . 499- Democritas . • 459. Hippocrates , . 420. Eudoxus , 406. Aristotle ■ 384. Theophrastus 37t- Aristarchus . 350^ Euclid . 300. Archimedes . 287. Erasi stratus . ? Herophilus . ? Eratosthenes 276. Hipparchus . 160. Strabo . 50 to A.D. 18. Ptolemy . 70. Galen . . 131' CH. I. SCIENCE OF THE GREEKS. CHAPTER I. 639 TO 470 B.C. Ignorance of the Greeks concerning Nature — Ionian School of Learning — Thales discovers the Solstices and Equinoxes, and knows that the Moon Reflects the Light of the Sun — Anaximander invents a Sun- dial— Discovers the Phases of the Moon^-Makes a Map of the Ancient World — Pythagoras teaches that the Earth moves, and- that the Morning and Evening Star are the same — He studies Geology, and knows that Land has in some places become Sea — True sayings of Pythagoras and his Followers about Geology. About 600 years before Christ was born, the Greeks were the most learned people in Europe. They were naturally a handsome and clever race, and their young men were trained to be both good soldiers and good scholars. An English boy, if he could be carried back to those days, would find that the young Greeks could read, write, draw, and argue as well as himself, and probably that they could leap, wrestle, and run far better than himself or any of his schoolfellows. But on some points he would find that their ideas were very strange. If he spoke to them of the woiid as a round globe they would stare in astonishment, and tell him that such an idea was absurd, for everyone knew that the world was flat with the sea flowing all round it. If he asked them, in his turn, about Mount Etna, they would surprise him by replying that the god Vulcan had his smithy underneath the mountain, where he was forging thunderbolts for Jove, and SCIENCE OF THE GREEKS. pt. i. that Etna was the chimney of his forge. But if he spoke of the sun as a globe of Hght, they would turn away from him in horror as a wicked unbeliever in the gods, for who among the Greeks did not know that the sun was the god Apollo, who drove his chariot every day across the sky from east to west ? In fact, the Greeks, though learned and brave, were quite ignorant of what we now call ' natural knowledge ; ' they did not know that the rising and setting of the sun, and the eruption of a volcano, are things which happen from natural causes ; but everything which was not done by man, they thought was the work of invisible beings or gods. It was not long, however, before some wise men began to think more deeply about these things. You will have read in Grecian history how the Greeks, after the taking of Troy, crossed over the Hellespont and founded colonies on the coast of Asia Minor ; one of the largest of these colonies was called Ionia, and the lonians became famous for their learning and wisdom. Thales, 640. — Here Thales, one of the seven wise men of Greece, was born at Miletus, about 640 B.C. Thales travelled in Egypt, and learned many things from the Egyptians, and then returned to his own land and founded a school of learning. He was the first Greek who studied astronomy, and although, like his countrjnnen, he believed that the earth was flat and floated on the water, yet he made several great discoveries. The Greeks had always divided their year into two parts only, summer and winter, but Thales discovered that there are four distinct divisions marked out by the sun. He noticed that in the middle of winter the sun, instead of passing overhead, reached at mid-day only a certain low point in the heavens, and then began to set again, so that CH. I. THALES—ANAXIMANDER, 9 the day was short and the night long. This went on for a few days, and because the sun stood at the same height every day, the name of winter solstice^ or sun-standing, was given to these days in the middle of winter. Afterwards the sun began to rise a very little higher every day, till in three months, when winter had passed away and the plants and trees began to bud, the sun took exactly twelve hoiurs to pass across the sky from sunrise to sunset, so then the day was twelve hours long, and the night also twelve hours ; this was called the spring equi-nox^ or equal night, meaning that the day and night were of equal length. After this the sun still rose higher every day, and in three months more stood for some days nearly overhead at mid-day, thus making a long journey from sunrise to sunset, and causing the day to be long and the night short. This was- the summer solstice. Then the sun began to rise less high every day, and in another three months there was again equal day and equal night — the autumn equinox had arrived. Finally, in another three months, the shortest day arrived again, and the whole round began afresh. This was how Thales marked out the solstices and the equinoxes ; we still call them by the same name as he did, and you may watch these changes of the sun in the sky for yourself. Thales knew that the sun and stars were not gods, and thought they were made of some fiery substance ; he knew also that the moon receives its light from the sun and reflects it like a looking-glass. He was very learned in mathematics, and invented several problems now found in the ' Elements of Euclid.' He is also said to have foretold an eclipse, but this is probably not true, as it requires more knowledge than he is likely to have had. Anaximander of Miletus, 610 b.c, the friend of Thales, lo SCIENCE OF THE GREEKS. ft. I. was the next Greek who made some important discoveries in science. He invented a sun-dial, by making a flat metal plate with the hours of the day marked upon it in a certain order, so that a large pin, or style as it is called, standing in the middle of the plate, cast a shadow on the right hour whenever the sun shone upon it. You can understand that as the sun is low down in the morning and gradually passes overhead during the day, it will cause the pin to throw its shadow in a different direction at different hours. In this way Anaximander taught the Greeks to measure the time of day. He is also said to have been the first as- tronomer who understood why we see the bright face of the moon growing from a crescent to a full moon and then di- minishing again. To know this he must also have known that the moon moves round the earth every month. You can imitate the changes of the moon if you take a round stone and hold it just above your head between you and the suH; you will then have its shady side towards you; pass it slowly round your head, you will find that you see first a bright edge appearing, then more and more of the bright side, till when the stone is on one side of your head and the sun the other, you will see the whole of one side of the stone reflecting the sun's light — this is a full moon. Pass it on slowly round, and you will see this bright side disappear gradually till you bring it back to its old position between you and the sun, when it will be again dark. This is what the moon does every month, producing what are called the phases of the moo7i. Anaximander also made a map of the world, or at least of as much of it as was known in his time. Pythagoras, one of the most celebrated of the learned men of Greece, is the next who tells us anything about science. The time and place of his birth is uncertain, but he lived CH. I. • PYTHAGORAS ON GEOLOGY. ii somewhere between 566 and 470 B.C. He travelled in Egypt, and learnt much there, and afterwards settled at Ta- rentum, in Italy, where he founded a famous sect called the Pythagoreans. You will read of the opinions of Pythagoras in books of philosophy, but we are only concerned with what he taught about nature. He was the first to assert that the earth was not fixed, but moved in the heavens, but he did not know that it m'oves round the sun. He also discovered that the evening and morning star are the same planet; he called this planet Eosphorus, for it did not receive the name of Venus till some time afterwards. Some of the most remarkable truths taught by Pytha-* goras were about geology, or the study of the earth. He noticed that seashells were sometimes to be found far inland imbedded in solid ground in a way that showed they were not brought there by man. Therefore, he argued that to bury j, Rays as they would travel if there were no atmosphere. ' s B A, Ray bent so that the sun becomes visible at A. Supposing the sun to be at s, and a person at a, it is clear that any straight ray from the sun, such as s d, could not reach A, because part of the earth is in the way; neither could a ray, s c, reach the earth, because it would pass above it. But when the rays from s to C strike the at- mosphere at B, they are bent out of their course, and are gradually curved more and more by the denser air till they are brought down to the earth at a, and so the sun becomes visible. Alhazen was also the first to remark that a convex lens, that is, a glass with rounded surfaces, such as our common magnifying glasses and burning glasses, will make things appear larger if held at a proper distance between the eve CH. VII. ALHAZEN— MAGNIFYING GLASSES. 49 and any object, because the two surfaces of the glass, be- coming more and more oblique to each other as they approach the sides, bend the rays inwards, so that they come Fig. 5. A B Arrow magnified by a convex lens. to a focus in the eye. To understand this, draw a line of any kind, say a little arrow, on a sheet of paper, and bring your eye near to it. Your arrow being so close would look very large if you could see it distinctly, but just be- cause it is so near, your eye cannot focus or collect together the rays coming from it so as to make a picture on the retina at the back of the eye ; therefore you see nothing but an indistinct blur. But now take a magnifying glass, c D, fig. 5, and hold it between your eye and the arrow. If you hold it at the right distance you will now see the arrow distinctly, because the greater part of the rays have been bent or refi-acted by the rounded glass so as to come into focus on your retina. But now comes another curious fact. It is a law of sight, that when rays of light enter our eye we follow them out in straight lines, however much they may have been bent in coming to the eye. So your arrow will not appear to you as if it were at a b, but, following out the dotted lines, you will see a magnified arrow, A b, at the I 50 SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. pt. ii. distance at which you usually see small objects distinctly. This observation of Alhazen's about the bending inwards or converging of rays through rounded glasses was the first step towards spectacles. Besides the Arabians whom I have mentioned here, there were many who were very celebrated, but we know very little of their works. Among them was Avicenna A.D. 980, whom you will often hear mentioned as a writer on minerals. But the chief thing to be remembered, besides the discoveries of Geber and Altiazen, and the introduction of the Indian numerals, is that in the Dark Ages, when all Europe seemed to care only for wars and idle disputes, it was the Arabs who kept the lamp of knowledge alight and patiently led the way to modern discoveries. CH. VIII. ROGER BACON. 51 CHAPTER VIII. SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES (CONTINUED). Roger Bacon — His ' Opus Majus ' — His Explanation of the Rainbow — He makes Gunpowder — Studies Gases — Proves a Candle will not burn without Air — His Description of a Telescope — Speaks of Ships going without Sails— Flavio Gioja invents the Mariner's Compass — Greeks knew of the Power of the Loadstone to attract Iron — Use of the Compass in discovering new lands — Invention of Printing — Columbus discovers America — Vasco de Gama sees the Stars of the Southern Hemisphere — Magellan's ship sails round the World — Inventions of Leonai'do da Vinci, We must now return to Europe, where the nations were struggling out of the Dark Ages; and though there were many learned men in the monasteries, very few of them paid any attention to science : while those who did, often lost their time in alchemy, trying to make gold j or in astrology, pre- tending to foretell events by the stars. Roger Bacon, 1214. — In the year 12 14, however, a man was born in England whom every Englishman ought to admire and revere, because in those benighted times he gave up his whole life to the study of the works of nature, and suffered imprisonment in the cause of science. This was Roger Bacon, a great alchemist, who was born at Ilchester in Somersetshire, educated at Oxford and Paris, and then became a friar of the order of St. Francis. For this reason he is often called Friar Bacon. Bacon's great work, called the ' Opus Majus,' is written in such strange language that it 52 SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. pt. ir. is oftQji difficult to find out how much he really knew and how much he only guessed at. We know, however, that he made many good astronomical observations, and that he explained the rainbow by saying that the sun's rays are refiracted or bent back by the falling drops of rain, as was also noticed about the same time by Vitellio, a Polish philosopher. Bacon is famous as the first man in Europe who made gimpowder ; we do not know whether he learnt the method from the Arabs, but it is most likely, for he gives the same receipt for making it as Marcus Gr^ecus did — namely, salt- petre, charcoal, and sulphur. He also knew that there are different kinds of gas, or air as he calls it, and he tells us that one of these puts out a flame. He invented the favourite schoolboy's experiment of burning a candle under a bell-glass to prove that when the air is exhausted the candle goes out. Bacon seems also to have known the theory of a tele- scope. We do not know whether he ever made one, but he certainly understood how valuable it would be. This is what he says about it in his ' Opus Majus,' or ' Great Work ' : * We can place transparent bodies (that is, glasses) in such a form and position between our eyes and other objects that the rays shall be refracted and bent towards any place we please, so that we shall see the object near at hand, or at a distance, under any angle we please ; and thus from an in- credible distance we may read the smallest letter, and may number the smallest particles of sand, by reason of the great- ness of the angle under which they appear.' This is at least a very fair description of a telescope. In the same book he says that one day ships will go on the water without sails, and carriages run on the roads without horses, and that CH. VIII. I^LAVIO GIOJA—MARINER'S COMPASS. ^^ people will make machines to fly in the air. This shows that he must have imagined many things which were not really discovered till more than 300 years afterwards ; but they were all dreams which he could not carry out himself. Before we leave Roger Bacon I must warn you not to con- fuse him with Francis Bacon, Chancellor of England, who was quite a different man, and lived more than 200 years later. Flavio Gioja discovers the Mariner's Compass, 1300. — About ten years after the death of Bacon, a man was born in a little village called Amalfi, near Naples, who made a dis- covery of great value. The man's name was Flavio Gioja, and the discovery was that of the viai'iner's compass. Long before Flavio's time people knew that there was a kind of stone to be found in the earth which attracted iron. There is an old story that this stone was first discovered by a shepherd, who, while resting, laid down his iron shepherd's crook by his side on a hill, and when he tried to lift it again it stuck to the rock. Although this story is probably only a legend, yet it is certain that the Greeks and most of the ancient nations knew that the loadstone attracted iron ; and a piece of loadstone is called a magnet^ from the Greek word magnes, because it was supposed to have been first found at Magnesia,.m Ionia. A piece of iron rubbed on a loadstone becomes itself a magnet, and will attract other pieces of iron. But Flavio Gioja discovered a new peculiarity in a piece of magnetised iron, which led to his making the mariner's compass. He found that if a needle or piece of iron which has been magnetised is hung by its middle from a piece of light string, it will always turn so that one end points to the north and the other to the south. He therefore took a 54 SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. pt. ir. piece of round card, and marking it with north, south, east, and west, he fastened a magnetised needle upon it pointing Fig. 6. from N. to s. j he then fastened ^^^^^^^^^^r~~--t the card on a piece of cork ;:^^^^B%— E— ^^^g\ ^^^ floated it in a basin of ^^^^^^T^iiL^^]] water. Whichever w^ay he ^^^^^^^^^^ turned the card round till the ^^^^^ N. of the needle pointed to Flavio's Compass floating on water. ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ south, and from the other marks on the card he could then tell the direction of the west, north-west, &c. You will see at once how important this discovery was ; for when a ship is at sea, far from land, there is nothing to guide the captain except the stars, and they cannot always be seen, so that before he had a compass he was obliged to •keep in sight of land in order to find his way. But as soon as he had an instrument which pointed out to him which way his ship was going, he could steer boldly and safely right across the sea. There has been much dispute as to who first discovered the compass, and some people think that the Chinese used it in very early times ; but learned men now agree that Gioja discovered it independently, and it is certain that he was the first to use it in a ship. Of course it would have been very inconvenient to have it always floating in a basin of water ; so the card was fitted, by means of a little cap, on to the top of a pin, round which it could turn easily, and this is the way it is still made. As the king of Naples belonged at that time to the royal family of France, Gioja marked the north point of the needle with a fleur-de-lys in his honour, and the mariner's compass of all nations still bears this mark. The CH. VIII. INVENTION OF PRINTING. 55 territory of Principiato, where Gioja was born, has also a compass for its arms, in memory of his discovery. Invention of Printing, 1438. — Before we go on to speak of the wonderful voyages which followed the invention of the compass, we must pause a moment to notice another great change which took place about a hundred years after the time of Bacon and Gioja. This was the invention of printing, in the year 1438. In the early part of the fifteenth century some people began to engrave, that is, to cut on wood, pictures and texts of Scripture, and then to rub them over with ink, and take an impression of them on paper. One day it occurred to a man named John Gutenberg, of Strasburg, that if the letters of a text could be made each one separate, they might be used over and over again. He began to try to make such letters, and with the help of John . Faust of Mayence, and Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim, both of them working mechanics like himself, he succeeded in making metal letters, or types as they are called. These men finished printing the first Bible in the year 1455. In 1465 the first printing-press was started in Italy, and another in Paris in 1469, while Caxton introduced printing into England in 1474. It is easy to see what a great step this invention was towards new knowledge. So long as people were obliged to write out copies of every work, new books could only spread very slowly, and old books were very dear and rare \ but as soon as hundreds of copies could be printed off and sold in one year, the works of the Greeks on science were collected and published by clever men, and were much more read than before ; and what was still more important, books about new discoveries passed quickly from one country to another, and those who were studying new truths were able 56 SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. pt. ii. to learn what other scientific men were also doing. Thus printing was one of the first steps out of the ignorance of the Dark Ages. Voyages round the World. — The next step, as I said just now, was made by the use of the mariner's compass. The Greeks, as you will remember, knew that the earth was a globe, but all this had been forgotten in Europe since the Goths and Vandals came in, and people actually went back to the old idea that the world was flat like a dinner-plate, with the heavens in an arch overhead. Nevertheless, the sailors, who saw ships dip down and disappear gradually as they sailed over the sea, could not help suspecting that it must be a round globe after all ; and Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, was convinced he could find a way round to the East Indies by sailing to the west across the Atlantic. Full of this idea, he started on August 3, 1492, with three small ships and ninety men, from Palos, near Cadiz, in Spain, and sailed first to the Canary Islands. From there he sailed on for three weeks, guided by his compass, but with- out seeing any land; the food in the ship began to run short, and his men became frightened and threatened to throw him overboard if he would not turn back; but he begged them to continue for three days longer, and a little before midnight on October 1 1 there was a cry of ' land ! land ! ' and next morning at sunrise they disembarked on one of the Bahama Islands in the New World. Columbus thought that he had sailed right round and reached the other side of Asia, but if you look at your map you will see he only went a quarter of that distance. He died in 1506, without finding out his mistake, though he made several other voyages. During these he made a very remark- able discovery about the magnetic needle of the compass. It CH. VIII. VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. 57 had long been known that the needle did not point due north, but a little to the east of the north. Columbus, how- ever, found that, as he went westward, the needle gradually lost its eastward direction, and pointed due north, and then gradually went a little way to the west. It remained like this till, on his return, he came back to the same place where it had changed, and then it passed gradually back to its first position. From this he learnt that, although the magnetic needle always points towards the north, it varies a little in different parts of the world. The reason of this is not even now clearly understood, and we must content ourselves here with knowing that it is so. % The next grand voyage of discovery was made by Vasco de Gama, a Portuguese, who set sail July 9, 1497, to try whether it was possible to sail round the south of Africa. He succeeded, and during the voyage he could not help remarking the new constellations or groups of stars, never seen in Portugal, which appeared in the heavens. This proved to him that the earth must certainly be a globe, for if you were to sail for ever round a flat surface, you would always have the same stars above your head. At last there came a third discoverer, Ferdinand Magellan (or Magalhaens), of Spain, who set off August 10, 15 19, deter- mined to sail right round the world. He steered westward to South America, and discovered the Straits which separate Terra del Fuego from the mainland, and which were called after him the Straits of Magellan. Then he sailed north- wards, across the equator again, till he came to the Ladrone Islands, where he was killed fighting a battle to help the native king. Sebastian del Cano, his lieutenant, then took the command of the ship, which arrived safely back in the port of St. Lucar, near Seville in Spain, on September 7, 58 SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. pt. il 1522. This ship, guided by Magellan, was the first which ever sailed quite round the world j and all these voyages, proving that the earth is a round globe, and bringing back accounts of new stars in the heavens, set men thinking that there was much still to be learnt about the universe. Leonardo da Vinci, 1452. — We must not pass on into the sixteenth century without mentioning Leonardo da Vinci, the great painter, who was also very remarkable for the number of interesting inventions which he made in mechanics. Leonardo was bom in 1452 at Vinci, in Tuscany ; he is so generally spoken of as a painter that many^ people do not know that he left behind him fourteen valuable works on Natural Philosophy. He invented water- mills and water-engines, as well as locks to shut off the water, such as are now used on our canals and rivers. He studied the flight of birds, and tried to make a machine for flying, and, besides being one of the best engineers of his day, he made many curious machines, such as a spinning- machine, a water-pump, and a planing-machine. Some of these things were only models which he made for his own pleasure, but they show that he, like Roger Bacon, was very much in advance of his age ; and he did good service to science by the careful experiments which he made, and by insisting that it was only by going to Nature herself that men can really advance in knowledge. Chief Works consulted. — Draper's 'Hist, of Intellectual Develop- ment;' Baden Powell's ' Hist, of Natural Philosophy,' 1834; Sprengel * Histoire de la Medecine,' 1850 ; ' Penny Cyclopaedia,' art. 'Arabians ;' 'Encyclopaedias Metropolitana and Britannica;' Rodwell's 'Birth of Chemistry,' 1874; 'The Works of Geber,' Englished by R. Russell, CH. yiii. SCIENCE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. 59 1678; Whewell's 'History of the Inductive Sciences;' Priestley's 'History of Vision,' 1772 ; Smith's 'Optics,' 1778; ' Edinburgh En- cyclopaedia,' art. Chemistry J Bacon's 'Opus Majus,' by Dr. Jebb, 1733; Bacon, * Sa Vie, ses Ouvrages, et ses Doctrines,' by M. Charles, 1861 ; Ventura, ' Ouvrages Physico-mathematiques de Leon- ardo da Vinci,' 1797; Draper's 'Conflict between Religion and Science,' 1875. PART III. RISE AND PROGRESS OF MODERN SCIENCE FROM A.D. 1500 TO THE PRESENT DAY Chief Scientific Men of the Sixteenth Century A.D. Copernicus .... 1473- 1543. Paracelsus . • 1493-1541. Vesalius . . 1514-1564. Fallopius . . 1520-1563. Eustacliius . 1570. Gesner . 1516-1565. Caesalpinus 15 19-1603. Baptiste Porta . 1545-1615. Gilbert . 1540-1603. Tycho Brahe . 1546-1601. Galileo . 1 5 64- 1 642. Stevinus . 1633. Van Helmont 1 5 77-1 644. Giordano Bruno < 1600. CH. IX. SIXTEENTH CENTURY. 63 CHAPTER IX. SCIENCE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Rise of Modem Science — Dogmatism of the Middle Ages — Reasons for studying Discoveries in the order of their dates — Copernican theory of the Universe — Copernicus goes back to the System of Aristarchus — Is afraid to publish his Work till quite the end of his life — Work of Vesalius on Anatomy — He shows that Galen made many mistakes in describing Man's Structure — His Banishment and Death — The value of his Work to Scipnce— Fallopius and Eustachius Anatomists — Gesner's Works on Animals and Plants — He forms a Zoological Cabinet and makes a Botanical Garden — His Natural History of Animals — His classification of Plants ac- cording to their Seeds — His work on Mineralogy — Csesalpinus makes the First System of Plants on Gesner's plan — Explains Dioecious Plants — Chemistry of Paracelsus and Van Helmont, We have now arrived at the beginning of Modem Science, when the foundations were laid of that knowledge which we possess to-day. With the exception of some original disco- veries made by the Arabs, learned men during the Dark Ages had spent their time almost entirely in translating and repeating what the Greeks had taught ; till at last they had come to believe that Ptolemy, Galen, and Aristotle had settled most of the scientific questions, and that no one had any right to doubt their decisions. But as Europe became more civilised, and people had time to devote their lives to quiet occupations, first one observer and then another began to see that many grand truths were still undiscovered, and 64 SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. that, though the Greeks had learned much about nature, yet their greatest men had only made the best theories they could from the facts they knew, and had never intended that their teaching should be considered as complete or final. And so little by little real observations and experiments began to take the place of mere book-learning, and as soon as this happened science began to advance rapidly — so rapidly that from this time forward we can only pick out the most remarkable among hundreds of men who have added to the general stock of knowledge. A detailed account of all the steps by which the different sciences progressed would fill many large volumes, and would only confuse you, unless you aheady knew a great deal about the subject. In this book we can only throw a rapid glance over the last four cen- turies of modem science, and try to understand • such new discoveries as ought to be familiar to every educated person. But you cannot bear in mind too often that when we come to a great man who discovers or lays down new laws, there have always been a number of less-known observers who have collected the facts and ideas from which he has formed his conclusions, although to mention all these men would only fill your mind with a string of useless names. I must also explain here why I have adopted the plan of giving new discoveries in the order in which they oc- curred. You would no doubt have understood each separate science better if the account of it had been carried on without any break — if, for example, Astronomy had been spoken of first, then Optics, then Mechanics, and so on. But by this arrangement you would not see the gradual way in which our knowledge has grown from century to century, nor how the work done in one science has often helped to bring out new truths in another. Therefore, although by CH. IX. COPERNICAN THEORY OF THE UNIVERSE. 65 following the order of dates we shall be forced sometimes to pass abruptly from one subject to another, it will, I think, be the best way to teach you the ' History ' of Modern Science. Copernican Theory of the Universe, 1474-1543. — It was stated (p. 32) that about the year a.d. 100 Ptolemy formed a ' System of the Universe ' which supposed our little earth to be the centre of all the heavenly bodies ; and the sun, toge- ther with all the stars and planets, to move round us for our use and enjoyment. This system had been held and taught in all the schools for nearly fourteen hundred years, when, in the beginning of the sixteenth century, a man arose who set it aside, and proposed a better explanation of the move- ments which we see in the heavens. In 1473, ^ f^w years before Columbus sailed for America, •Nicolas Copernicus, the son of a small country surgeon, was born at Thorn, in Poland. From his earliest boyhood he had always a great love for science, and after taking a doc- tor's degree at Cracow, he went as Professor of Mathematics to Rome. About the year 1500 he returned to his owm country and was made a canon of Frauenberg, in Prussia. Here he set himself to study the heavens from the window of his garret, and often all night long from the steeple of the cathedral. At the same time he read carefully the ex- planations which Ptolemy and other astronomers had given of the movements of the sun and planets. But none of their theories satisfied him, for he could not make them agree with what he himself observed j until at last, after twenty years of labour, he came to the conclusion that the real explanation was the one which Aristarchus had given (p. 20), and which was called the Pythagorean System, namely, that the sun stands still in the centre of our sys- tem, and that the earth and other planets revolve round it. 66 SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. iii. He now made a large quadrant, that is, an instrument for measuring the angular height of the sun and stars, and with this he made an immense number of obser- vations on the different positions of the sun during the year, all proving how naturally the movements of the dif- ferent planets are explained by supposing the sun to stand still in the middle. This he wrote down in his great work called 'The Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies,' in which he taught that the earth must be round, and must make a journey every year round the sun. He gave his reasons why Ptolemy was mistaken in believing the earth to be the centre of the universe, and added a dia- gram of the orbits of our earth and of the planets round the sun. He then went on to found upon this a whole system of Astronomy, too complicated for us to follow here ; but he did not publish it, because he was afraid of public opinion j for people did not like to believe that our world is not the centre of the whole universe. At last his friends persuaded him to let his book be printed, and a perfect copy reached him only a few days before his death, which occurred in 1543, when he was seventy years of age. This work was the foundation of modern astronomy, and the theory that the earth and the planets move round the sun has ever since been called the Copef^m'can TJuory ; but at the time it was published very few persons believed in it, and it was not till more than sixty years after the death of Copernicus that Galileo's discoveries brought it into general notice. Work of Vesalius on Anatomy, 1542. — While Coper- nicus was proving to himself that Ptolemy's theory of the heavens was not a true one, a Belgian, named Vesalius, was beginning to suspect that Galen, though a good physician, CH, IX. VES ALIUS AND GALEN. 67 had described the structure of man's body very imperfectly, because he had only been allowed to dissect animals. Andreas Vesalius was born at Brussels in 15 14. When he was quite a boy he had a passionate love for anatomy, and, as he had some little fortune, he gave up all his time to this study, and often ran great risks in order to get bodies to dissect ; for in those days it was still considered wicked to cut up dead bodies. In the year 1540 he became Professor of Anatomy at the University of Padua, in Northern Italy, and two years afterwards, when he was only twenty- eight years of age, he published his ' Great Anatomy,' in which Human Anatomy., or the structure of man's body, was care- fully studied and described ; the different parts being illus- trated by the most beautiful and accurate wood engravings, drawn by the best Italian artists. In this book Vesalius pointed out that Galen, having learnt his anatomy from the bodies of animals, had described incorrectly almost all the bones which are peculiar to man. For example, in animals the middle part of the upper jaw, which holds the front and eye-teeth, is a separate bone from the sides of the jaw, and even in monkeys it remains sepa- rate while they are young ; but man is bom with the upper jaw all joined into one solid piece. Now Galen had de- scribed man's upper jaw as composed of separate bones, and therefore it was clear that he had made his description from the skull of an animal. In all instances like this, and there are many, in which man differs from animals, Vesalius showed that it was necessary to examine the human skele- ton, and not to trust merely to Galen's teaching. This was a great step in science, and yet people had become so accustomed to follow authority blindly that Vesalius made many enemies by venturing to think that 6S SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. Galen could be wrong. It happened, unfortunately, 'that one day when he was dissecting the body of a Spanish gentleman who had just died, the bystanders thought that they saw the heart throb. His enemies seized upon this circumstance and accused him of dissecting a living man, and the judges of the Inquisition would have condemned him to death, if Charles V. of Spain, whose physician he had become, had not persuaded them instead to send him on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. On his return from this pil- grimage he was shipwrecked on the island of Zante, in the Grecian Archipelago, and died of hunger when he was only fifty years of age. There are of course many faulty descrip- tions in Vesalius's work, for the study of anatomy was at that time only beginning ; but he made the first attempt to appeal io facts instead of merely repeating what others had taught, and by this he earned the right to be called the Founder of Modern Anatomy. There lived at the same time as Vesalius two other very celebrated anatomists, Gabriel Fallopius, of Modena, and Barthelemy Eustachius, of San Severino, near Naples, who both did a great deal to advance anatomy. Eustachius described the tube running between the mouth and the ear which is still called the Eitstachimi tube, and made many very useful experiments ; but, on the other hand, he at- tacked Vesalius very bitterly for his criticisms of Galen's anatomy. Gesner's Works on Animals and Plants, 1551-1565. — We now come to one of the most interesting lives of the sixteenth century. Many of us know very little of astronomy or anatomy, but any child who has gathered flowers in the country or looked at wild animals in the Zoolorical Gardens must feel interested in Gesner, the first CH. IX. THE FIRST ZOOLOGICAL CABINET. 69 man since the time of Aristotle who wrote anything ori- ginal about animals and plants. Conrad Gesner was born at Zurich in 15 16. He was the son of very poor parents, and, being left an orphan, was educated chiefly by the charity of an uncle and other friends ; but his love of knowledge was so great that he conquered all difficulties, and after taking his degree as a medical man in 1540, earned enough by his profession, and as Professor of Natural History at Zurich, to carry on his favourite studies. He learnt Greek, Latin, French, Italian, English, and even some of the Eastern languages, and read works of science in all these tongues ; and, although he was very delicate, he travelled all over the Alps, Swit- zerland, Northern Italy, and France, in search of plants, and made journeys to the Adriatic and the Rhine in order to study marine and fresh-water fish. He employed a man exclusively to draw figures of animals and plants, and he made a zoological cabinet, which contained the dried parts of animals arranged in their proper order. This was pro- bably the first zoological cabinet which ever existed. He also founded a botanical garden at Zurich, and paid the expenses of it himself. He took great interest in study- ing the medical uses of plants, and often hurt his health by trying the effects of different herbs. His friends once thought that he had killed himself by taking a dose of a poisonous plant called ' Doronicum,' or ' Leopard's Bane,' but he recovered and gave them a most interesting account of his own symptoms. Between the years 155 1 and 1565, Gesner published his famous ' History of Animals,' in five parts ; two on quadru- peds, one on birds, one on fish, and one on serpents. In this book he describes every animal then known, and gives the 70 SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. countries it inhabits and the names it has been called, both in ancient and modem languages. He calculates the ave- rage length of its life j its growth, the number of young ones it will bring up, and the illnesses to which it is subject; its instincts, its habits, and its use ; and to all this he adds care- ful drawings of the animal and its structure. Part of his in- formation he gathered from books and friends, but a great part he collected himself with great care, and to him we owe the first beginning of the Natural History of Animals in modern times. In Botany he made the first attempt at a true classifica- tion of plants, and pointed out that the right way to disco- ver which plants most resemble each other is to study their fiowers and seeds. Before his time plants had been arranged merely according to their general appearance ; but he showed that this system is very false, and that, however different plants may look, yet, if their seeds or flowers are formed alike, they should be classed in the same group. He did not live to publish his great work on plants, but left draw- ings of 1,500 species, which were brought out after his death. Gesner also wrote a book on Mineralogy, in which he traced out the forms of the crystals of different minerals and drew many figures of fossil shells found in the crust of the earth. The same year that this book was pubHshed he died of the plague. When he knew that his death was certain, he begged to be carried into his museum, which he had loved so well, and died there in the arms of his wife. There is something very grand and loveable in the life of Gesner. Bom a poor boy, he struggled manfully upwards to knowledge, and became rich only to work for science. Everyone loved him, and he was well known as a peace- maker among his literary and scientific friends, and for the CH. IX. THE FIRST CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS. 71 readiness with which he would lay aside his own work to help others. Yet, though he had to earn his own living and died before he was forty-nine, he became the first botanist and zoologist of his time, and left remarkably large and valuable works behind him. He was one of the bright examples of what may be done by a true desire for know- ledge, and a humble, honest, loving nature j for while he helped others, he could never have done what he did in zoology and botany if he had not made friends all over the world, who were ready to send him information whenever and wherever they were able. First Classification of Plants by Csesalpinus, 1583. — Nearly thirty years after Gesner's death, Dr. Andrew Csesal- pinus, a physician and Professor of Botany at Padua, first tried to carry out his system of grouping plants according to their seeds. He began by dividing plants into trees and herbs, as Theophrastus had done (see p. 17). Then he di- vided the trees into two classes — ist, those which have the germ at the end of the seed farthest from the stalk, as in the walnut, where you will, find a little thing shaped like a tiny heart lying just at the pointed end ; 2nd, those which have the germ at the end of the seed which is nearest the stalk, as in the apple. The herbs he divided into thirteen classes, ac- cording to the number of their seeds and the way in which they are arranged in the seed-vessels. Some plants, for example, have a single pod or seed-vessel, with a number of seeds inside it, as our common pea j others, like the poppy, have a seed-vessel divided into a number of little cells, each filled with seeds. By grouping together all the plants which had the same kind of seed-vessel, Csesalpinus made thirteen classes, and formed a system of plants which would have been a great 72 SIXTEENTH CENTURY pt. hi. help to botanists, and would soon have led them to make better systems if they had followed it j but it was not gene- rally adopted, and for nearly a hundred years longer many went on in the old way, collecting and naming plants with- out trying to classify them. Caesalpmus knew about 1,500 species of plants, 700 of which he had collected himself. He was the first to point out that the use of flowers which have no seed-vessels but only stajnens (or little thread-like stalks, tipped with yellow powder), is to drop the powder or pollen on flowers which have only seed-vessels and no stamens, and by this means to cause the seeds to grow and ripen. Such plants which have the stamens in one flower and the seed-vessel in another are now called Dioecious plants. Chemistry of Paracelsus and Van Helmont, 1520- 1600. — There is very little worthy of notice in the chemistry of the sixteenth century; but we must mention in passing two famous men : Paracelsus, who was bom 1493 at Einsiedel in Switzerland, and Van Helmont, bom at Brussels in 1577. Paracelsus was at one time Professor of Physic and Sur- gery at Basle, but he gave up his professorship and travelled about Europe during the greater part of his life. Among other things, he pointed out that air feeds flame, and that, if you put iron into sulphuric acid and water, a peculiar kind of air rises from it. He also succeeded in separating gold out of a mixture of gold and silver by using aquafortis or nitric acid, which dissolves the silver and lets the gold fall to the bottom of the vessel. He did not, however, make many discoveries which are valuable now, and he taught a great deal that was absurd and bombastic. Van Helmont was also a wandering physician, but as a chemist he was more careful in his experiments than Paracel- sus. He seems to have known a great many different gases, CH. IX. PARACELSUS AND VAN HELMONT. 73 though he did not describe them clearly, and he particularly mentions the gas which rises from beer and other liquids which ferment. He called this Gas sylvestre. The chief thing to remember about Van Helmont is that he was the first writer to use the word ' gas/ which he took from the German word 'geist/ meaning 'spirit' Chief Works consulted, — Rees's 'Encyclopaedia,' art. 'Coperni- cus ; ' * Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, ' art. ' Astronomy ; ' ' Biographie Universelle,' art. 'Copernicus;' Gassendi's 'Life of Copernicus ; ' 'Encyclopaedia,'" art. 'Anatomy;' Cuvier, 'Histoire des Sciences Naturelles,' 1845; D'Orbigny, 'Diet, des Sciences Naturelles' — In- troduction ; ' Encyclopaedia, ' art. ' Botany ; ' Hoefer, ' Histoire de la Physique et de la Chimie,' 1850. 74 SIXTEENTH CENTURY, pt. hi. CHAPTER X. SCIENCE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Baptiste Porta discovers the Camera Obscura — Shows that our Eye is like a Camera Obscura — Makes a kind of Magic Lantern by Sun- light — Kircher afterwards makes a Magic Lantern by Lamplight — Dr. Gilbert's discoveries in Electricity — Tycho Brahe, the Danish Astronomer — Builds an Observatory on the Island of Huen — Makes a great number of Observations, and draws up the Rudolphine Tables — Galileo discovers the principle of the Pendulum — Cal- culates the velocity of Falling Bodies, and shows why it in- creases— Shows that Unequal Weights fall to the Ground in the same time — Establishes the relations of Force and Weight — Sum- mary of the Science of the sixteenth century. Baptiste Porta's discoveries about Light, 1560. — The next discovery in science was about Light, and it was made by a boy only fifteen years of age. Baptiste Porta was born in Naples ia 1545. He was so eager for new knowledge that when quite a boy he held meetings in his house for any of his friends to read papers about new experiments. These meetings were called * the Academy of Secrets,' and in the year 1560, when Porta was fifteen, he published an account of them in a book called * Magia Naturalist or ' Natural Magic' In the seventeenth chapter of this book he relates the fol- lowing experiment which he had made himself He says he found that by going into a darkened room when the sun was shining brightly, and making a very small hole in the window-shutter, he could produce on the wall of CH. X. CAMERA OBSCURA ' AND AIA GIC LANTERN. 75 the room, opposite the hole, images of things outside the window. These images were exactly the shape of the real objects, and had always their proper colours ; as for example, if a man was standing against a tree outside the house, the green leaves of the tree and the different colours of the man's clothes would be clearly shown on the wall. There was only one peculiarity about the picture, it was always upside down, so that the man stood on his head, or the tree \\A\\\ its trunk in the air. The smaller the hole was, the clearer Fig. 7. were the outline and the colours of the image, and Porta found that by putting a convex lens (that is, a glass with its surfaces bulging in the centre, see p. 49) into the hole he could get a still brighter and clearer picture at a particular point in the room. Porta knew from the works of Alhazen that rays of light are reflected in all directions from every object, and he explained this image on the wall quite correctly, by saying that the small hole lets in only one ray from each point of an object outside j the other rays and those from the sky and other objects being kept out by the shutter. Thus these single rays .fall directly on the wall without being mingled with others, and so make a clear picture. It is easy to see from fig. 7 that the image must be upside down, because the rays cross in going through the hole. This simple discovery of Porta's is called the ' Camera Obscura, or * Dark Chamber.' 76 SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. You may perhaps have been into one at the sea-side, where they build them for visitors to watch the coloured reflec- tion of the passers-by. In the camera obscura, as it is now made, the glasses are so arranged that the figures are up- right. Porta saw at once how useful this" invention would be for making accurate drawings of objects ; for, by tracing out with colours on the wall the figure of the man or tree as it stood, he could get a small image of it with all its proportions and colours correct. But, what is still more important, he was led by this experiment to understand how we see objects, and to prove that Alhazen was right in saying that rays of light from the things around us strike upon our. eye. For, said Porta, the little hole in the shutter with the lens in it, is like the little hole in our eye, which also con- tains a natural convex lens ; and we see objects clearly because the rays pass through this small hole. He did not, however, know which part of our eye represents the wall on which the figure is thrown, nor why we see objects upright ; we shall see (p. 96) that Kepler discovered this many years afterwards. When Porta had succeeded in getting clear images of real things on the wall, he began to try painting artificial pictures on thin transparent paper and passing them across the hole in the shutter, and he found that the sun threw a very fair picture of them on the wall. In this way he pro- duced representations of battles and hunts, and so made a step towards the Magic Lantern. He seems, however, never to have tried it by lamplight ; this was done by Kircher, a Ger- man, about fifty years later. There is no doubt that Porta had a ver}^ good notion of how to use two magnifying glasses so as CH. X. DISCOVERY OF ELECTRICITY. 77 to make objects appear nearer and larger, but it is not certain that he ever really made a telescope. Dr. Gilbert, the Founder of the Science of Electricity, 1540-1603. — It was about this time, while Baptiste Porta was making experiments on light in Italy, that an English- man named Gilbert made the first step in one of the most wonderful and interesting of all the sciences, namely, that of Electricity. So long ago as the time of the Greeks it was already known that amber, when rubbed, will attract or draw towards it bits of straw and other light bodies, and it is from the Greek word electron — amber, that our word electricity is taken. Until the sixteenth century, however, no one had made any careful experiments upon this curious fact, and it was Dr. Gilbert, a physician of Colchester, who first discovered that other bodies besides amber will, when rubbed, attract straws, thin shavings of metals, and other substances. You can easily try this for yourself by rubbing the end of a stick of common sealing-wax on a piece of dry flannel, and then holding the rubbed end near to some small pieces of light paper, or some feathers or bran. You will find that these substances will spring towards the sealing-wax and cling to it for short time, being held there by the electricity which has been produced by rubbing the sealing-wax. Gilbert showed that amber, jet, diamond, crystal, sul- phur, sealing-wax, alum, and many other substances, have this power of attraction when they are rubbed, and he also proved that the attraction was stronger when the air is dry and cold than when it is warm and moist. This may seem very little to have discovered compared to the wonderful facts which we now know about electricity ; but it was the first step, and Gilbert's book on * Magnetism ' (as he called 78 SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. it), which was published in 1600, must be remembered as the earUest beginning of the stuSy of electricity. Tycho Brahe, Astronomer, 1546-1601. — We must now return to Astronomy, in which during the next eighty years wonderful discoveries were made by three celebrated men, Tycho Brahe the Dane, Galileo the Italian, and Kepler the German. Tycho Brahe was born in the year 1546, at Helsinborg, a town in Sweden, which at that time belonged to the Danes. When he was only fourteen he was so much astonished that the astronomers had been able to foretell exactly the moment when an eclipse of the sun took place in 1560, that he determined to learn this wonderful science, which could predict events. His father had intended him to be a lawyer, but Tycho bought a globe and books with his own money, and studied astronomy in secret ; till at last his family consented to let him follow his Q-^mi inclination, and from that time he gave himself up to that science, planning and making the most beautiful instruments for taking obser- vations in the heavens. At this time the theory of Copernicus had made very little impression, and Tycho Brahe rejected it altogether and made a theory of his own called the Tychonic system, which was, however, soon laid aside and forgotten. This, however, mattered very little, for the useful work which Tycho did was not to lay down new laws, but to collect an immense number of accurate facts which were invaluable to the astronomers who came after him. For twenty-five years he lived in the little island of Huen, in the Baltic, which the King, Frederick II. of Denmark, had given him, making accurate observations of the different movements of the planets, and determining the positions of the fixed stars, CH. X. ORIGIN OF THE FEADULUM. 79 of which he catalogued 777. He built there a magnificent observatory, which he called Uranienburg, or the City of the Heavens, and filled it with instruments of every kind, which enabled him to keep a register of the different positions of the heavenly, bodies night after night. When Frederick II. died, Tycho was persecuted and driven into exile by some envious people who grudged him the pension he was receiving. He then went to Bohemia, under the protection of the Emperor Rudolph II., and here he drew up the valuable astronomical tables called the Rudolphine tables, which, as we shall afterwards see, were of immense use to Kepler. Tycho died ini6oi, before* Galileo and Kepler made their greatest discoveries. Galileo's discovery of the principle of the Pendulum, and of the rate of Falling Bodies, 1564-1600.— Galileo dei Galilei was born at Pisa in 1564. His father, though of good family, was poor, but being himself a man of talent and education, he made great exertions to send his son to the University of Pisa, meaning to educate him as a doctor. Here Galileo studied medicine under the famous botanist Caesalpinus ; but having also begun to learn geometry, he became so wrapt up in this pursuit that his father found it was useless to check him, and therefore wisely let him follow his natural bent. It was while he was still at the University, and before he was twenty years of age, that Galileo made his first discovery. When watching a lamp one day which was swinging from the roof of the cathedral, he noticed that, whether it made a long or a short swing, it always took the same time to go from one side to another. To tnake quite sure of this he put his finger on his own pulse, and, compar- ing its throbs with each swing of the lamp, found that there was always the same number of beats to every swing. Fol- 8o SIXTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. lowing up this simple observation he discovered that a weight at the end of a cord will always take the same time to swing backwards and forwards so long as the cord is of the same length and the arc through which the weight moves is small. This was the beginning of pendulums, such as we now have to our clocks, but at first they were only used by physicians to count the rate at which a patient's pulse beats. In 1589 Ferdinand de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany, having heard of Galileo's talents, made him Lecturer of Mathematics at Pisa, and it was while he held this post that he made his next discovery, which was about falling bodies. He observed that a stone or any other body, dropped from a height, falls more and more quickly from the time it starts till it reaches the ground, and after many experiments he succeeded in calculating at what rate its falling increases. At the end of the first second it will be falling at the rate of 32 feet per second, at the end of two seconds it will be falling at the rate of 64 feet per second, at the end of three seconds at the rate of 96 feet per second, and so it will continue, falling 32 feet faster every second till it reaches the ground. Galileo explained this increase of velocity, or quickness of falling, in the following way : It is the weight of the stone, he said, which drags it down ; and when it had been once started downwards by its weight, it would go on moving at the same rate for ever, without any more dragging. But the weight still goes on pulling it down just as much at the end of the first second as it did when it started, and so the stone falls, first with the drag of its start, then with the drag of the first secon fire-air particles was lightest and "rose to the top, so that the top mouse could no longer breathe. By these and a great many other experiments Mayow proved that air is made up of two portions — one heavy, which supports flame and life ; the other light, and which is useless for burning or breathing, and this last was the largest portion. I want you to notice this particularly, because you will see by-and-by that Mayow had really discovered and described two gases. The one which he called yfr^-^/r was oxygen^ which was not known to other chemists for more than one hundred years later, and the other and lighter one is now called nitrogen. Having now proved that an animal in breathing uses up the same part of the air which a candle does in burning, Mayow wanted next to know what this fire- air did inside the animal. Harvey, as you remember, had proved that the blood passes through the lungs and there meets the air which we draw in at each breath. Here then, said Mayow, the fire-air particles must come in contact with the blood, and, joining with it in the same way as they do with the fat of a candle, must cause the heat of the blood. If anyone wants to prove this let him run fast. He will find that he is obliged to breathe more quickly and draw more air into his lungs, which will soon make his blood hotter and move more quickly, till his whole body glows with warmth. But if this mixture of the air with the blood does really take place, the arteries into which blood has just flowed from the lungs and heart ought to be full of air ; and this is easily proved to be the case by putting warm arterial blood under an air- pump, where, as soon as the pressure of the outside air is taken off, innumerable bubbles rise out of the blood as fast as they can come. CH. XVI. BECHER AND STAHL—' PHLOGISTON: 135 In this way, by careful experiments and reasoning Mayow succeeded in proving that fire-ah' (or oxygen) is the chief agent in combustion and respiratmi. If he had not died so young he might have become more known, and men might have studied his discoveries, which he pubHshed in 1674. Unfortunately, however, he did not live to spread his knowledge, and a false theory of combustion caused his work to be forgotten for many a long year. Theory of * Phlogiston,' 1680-1723.— This mistaken theory was proposed by two very eminent chemists, John Joachim Becher (1625-1682) and Ernest Stahl (1660- 1734). Ernest Stahl in particular was a man of great talent and perseverance, and he did a great deal for the study of chemistry by collecting a great number of facts about the way in which different substances combine to- gether, and by arranging these facts into a system. But his theory of combustion was quite mistaken, and it seems very surprising that it should have been received by the chemists of that day in the face of the facts so carefully proved by Mayow. Stahl imagined that all bodies which would bum contained an invisible substance which he called ^Phlo- giston^ and that when a body was burnt it gave up its phlogiston into the air, and could only regain it by taking it out of the air or some other substance. It would only con- fuse you to try and understand how this theory explained some of the facts of chemistry. You will see at once one which it did not explain, namely, why a body should grow heavier when it is burnt, as Geber, 1,500 years before, had shown it does. This fact alone ought to have been sufficient to prevent the theory gaining ground ; but Stahl's fame was so great, and his imaginary ' Phlogiston ' seemed to answer so well in a gi*eat many problems, that chemists believed in it 136 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. for nearly a hundred years, and Mayow's true explanation was forgotten till the eighteenth century, when fresh experi- ments proved Stahl's theory to be false. ^ Chief Works consulted. — Brande's 'Manual of Chemistry' — Intro- duction ; Rodwell's ' Birth of Chemistry ; ' Yeats ' On Claims of INfodems to discoveries in Chemistry and Physiology,' 1798; Birch's * Life of Boyle,' 1744 ; Shaw's ' Philosophical Works of Boyle,' 1725. CH. XVII. FIRST USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. 137 CHAPTER XVII. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Malpighi first uses the Microscope to examine Living Stractures — He describes the Air-cells of the Lungs — Watches the Circulation of the Blood —Observes the Malpighian layer in the human Skin — De- scribes the structure of the Silkworm — Leeuwenhoeck discovers Animalcules— Grew and Malpighi discover the Cellular Structure of Plants — The Stomates in Leaves — They study the Germination of Seeds — Ray and Willughby classify and describe Animals and Plants — The Friendship of these two Men. Use of the Microscope by Malpighi, 1661. — We have now fairly left behind us the first fifty years of the seventeenth century ; indeed, the experiments of Bo3de and Mayow were all made after 1650. But I wish especially here to remind you that we have just begun the second half of the century, because it will help you to remember an important study which began very quietly about this time, but which has in the end opened out to us an entirely new world of discovery. In the year 1609, at the beginning of the century, Galileo brought distant worlds into view by the use of the telescope; and in like manner in the year 1661, or about the middle of the century, Malpighi, by the use oi ^^ microscope^ revealed the wonders of infinitely minute structures, or parts of living bodies ; enabling men to see fibres, vessels, and germs, which were as much hidden before by their minuteness as the moons of Jupiter had been by their distance. It is not quite certain who invented the microscope (fUKpog, little ; aKOTriw, I look) ; but as the first which were made were only telescopes 138 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. ni. (see p. 97), with lenses of such a focus as to look at an object near instead of far off, anyone may easily have hit upon the idea. The important point was the use made of them, and this, as far as regards the structure of living beings, we owe to Malpighi. Marcello Malpighi was born at Crevalcuore, near Bologna, in the year 1628 ; he became Professor of Medi- cine at the University of Bologna in 1656, and was early distinguished for his discoveries in Anatomy, made chiefly by the use of the microscope. It is not possible for us, without a knowledge of anatomy, to understand thoroughly the structures which he described, but we may be able to form a general idea of the work he did. One of his first experiments was the examination of the general circulation of the blood in the stomach of a frog, and he succeeded in demonstrating the fact that the arteries are connected with the veins by means of minute tubes called capillaries, thus proving beyond doubt the truth of Harvey's doctrine. His next work was to study the passage of the blood through the lungs (see p. 113), and to describe the air-cells from which the blood derives its oxygen. If you can get anyone to show you properly under the micro- scope a section of a frog's lung, you will see a number of round spaces bordered by a delicate partition ; these are sections of air-cells, and round them you will see a network of minute tubes. Through these tubes or capillaries the blood flows in a living creature, and takes up oxygen from the air through the coverings or membranes of the air- cells and capillaries, giving back in exchange carbonic acid to be breathed out into the atmosphere. Malpighi was the first to point out these air-cells and to describe the way in which the blood passes over them. After this he turned his CH. XVII. IMPORTANT MICROSCOPIC DISCOVERIES. 139 attention to th-j tongue, and published in 1665 a careful de- scription of all its nerves, vessels, and coverings. He also pointed out that the outside layer of the skin or epidermis of the negro is as white as yours or mine, and that the colouring matter which gives him his dark colour is con- tained in a deeper layer just at the point where the epidermis joins the dermis or real fibrous skin beneath (see Fig 21.) This soft layer is still called the ' Malpighian layer,' and the different colours of the skins of animals are caused by little cells of colouring matter which lie buried in it. After Malpighi had ex- amined many other minute structures of the human body, he began next to study insects, and in 1669 he published a beautiful description of the silkworm. Section of the Skin (Huxley). a, Epidermis, b, Its deeper layer, or Malpighian layer, c, Upper part of the dermis, or true skin, d d, Per- spiration ducts. With his microscope he discovered the small holes or pores which are to be seen along both sides of the body of insects, and he found that these pores were openings into minute air-tubes, which pass into every part of the insect's body, and form a breathing apparatus. He also described the peculiar vessels in which the silkworm secretes the juice from which its silk is made, and he traced the changes which the different parts of the worm undergo as it turns into the moth. In fact, he was the first man who attempted to trace out the anatomy of such small creatures as insects ; a study to which men now often devote their whole lives. But grand as Malpighi's discoveries were, a Dutchman named Leeuwenhceck (born 1632, died 1723) made the micro- I40 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. scope tell even a more wonderful tale, for he detected in water and in the insides of animals those extremely minute beings which he called animalcules. He showed that a piece of the soft roe of the cod-fish not bigger than an ordi- nary grain of sand might contain ten thousand oi these living creatures. When such tiny beings as these could be seen and examined, I think you will acknowledge that I did not speak too strongly when I said that the microscope has opened out to us a new and marvellous world of life. Vegetable Anatomy, Grew and MalpigM, 1670. — From insects IMalpighi next turned to plants j and it is curious that at about the same time an English botanist named Nehemiah Grew (born 1628, died 171 1), who was se- cretary to the Royal Society, also took up the same study ; and the papers of the two men were laid before the Royal Society on the same day in 1670. Malpighi's complete work was afterwards published in 1674, and Grew's in 1682. The investigations of these two men agreed in many re- markable points ; they had both of them examined with great care the flesh (if we may call it so) of plants, and they described for the first time the tiny bags or cells of which every part of a plant is made, and which you may easily see for yourself if you put a very thin piece of the pulpy part of an apple, or better still, of the pith of elder under the microscope (see Fig. 22). They had also noticed the long tubes which He among the woody fibres in the stringy or fibrous part of a plant and in the Cellular tissue from the vcins of the Icavcs, and Grew had pith of the elder (Oliver). ^ pointed out quite truly that these tubes, which are called vessels or ducts^ are composed of cii. XVII. VEGETABLE ANATOMY. 141 Strings of cells which have grown together into one long cell or tube. Grew also first saw those beautifiil little months in the skin of the leaves called stomates, which open when the air is damp, and serve for taking in and giving out air and moisture. To see these you must take a very thin piece of the skin of the under part of a leaf, and place it in water under the microscope ; you will see a number of very small roundish or oval spaces {a, Fig. 23), and if you watch care- fully you will most likely see some of fig. 23. them open in the water. Grew dis- a- covered these stomates and pointed out rCt^s^ their use. He also studied very care- D-ViVa?'''^ fully the way in which seeds begin to v-V^feJs sprout ; but on this point Malpighi did Vn^Ciy the most, for he watched under the ^<-v' microscope the whole process of the ^^^^^ken w ?h?unde!-- growth of seeds, and described all the f^ liZtTX CeUs different states of the germ, comparing "^ '^^ '^^" (Carpenter). them to the growth of a chicken in the Qgg, and showing how much an egg and a seed resemble each other in many particulars. By these few examples you can form an idea how much Grew and Malpighi did towards the study of the structure of plants or Vegetable Anatomy, a science which they may almost be said to have founded, and one which you may work at yourself with the help of a fairly good microscope and an elementary book on Botany. If you will do this with patience and care you will be well repaid; for some of the most beautiful and delicate of the contrivances of Nature lie hid in those frail flowers which we gather for their scent and beauty, and fling away without imagining what 142 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. wonderful structures they can reveal to us even when dead and withered. Classification of Plants and Animals by Eay and Willughby, 1693-1705. — We now come to the history of two friends, which is in itself a pleasure to dwell upon, even if they had not both been great men ; but which be- comes much more interesting when we remember that it was their love of the study of Nature which first brought them together, and which made them inseparable, not only in life, but in their works after death. John Ray, one of the greatest botanists of the seven- teenth century, was born near Braintree, in Essex, in the year 1628. Though only the son of a blacksmith, he re- ceived a good education at the grammar school of the town, and went afterwards to Cambridge, where he remained as a tutor after he had taken his degree. Here one of his first pupils was a Mr. Francis Willughby, of Middleton Hall, in Warwickshire, a man seven years younger than himself, and belonging to quite a different rank in society. These two men, however, had one great interest in common — they were both passionately fond of Natural History, and spent all their spare time in studying it together. They soon found that the descriptions and classifications of plants and animals which had been drawn up by earlier naturalists were very imperfect, and they formed the project of drawing up a complete classification of all known plants and animals, describing them as far as they were able, and arranging them in groups according to their different cha- racters. Willughby undertook the birds, beasts, and fishes, while Ray devoted himself chiefly to plants; but they worked together in all the branches, and Ray, as we shall see, ended by doing far more than his share of the work. CH. XVII. ZOOLOGY. 143 From 1663 to 1666 the two friends travelled together over England, France, Germany, and Italy, making col- lections of animals and plants, and Willughby took a pleasure in using his wealth to add to the knowledge of his poorer companion. Soon after their return Ray was made a fellow of the Royal Society, and Willughby was not long before he received the same honour. Willughby now married, and though Ray continued his travels alone, yet a great part of his time was spent at Middleton Hall, where the two friends made experiments upon sap in the trees and the way it flows. In this way they worked together till, in 1672, Mr. Willughby died of a fever, leaving a sum of sixty pounds a year to Ray, and begging him to bring up his two little sons and to continue his works on Zoology, which he had left un- finished. The way in which Ray fulfilled these requests fully showed the affection which he felt for his lost friend. He brought up the boys till they were removed from his care by relations ; and as to the works, he edited them with so much care and such a touching desire to give every credit to Willughby, that much of the work which must have been Ray's stands in his friend's name, and in fame, as in life, it is impossible to separate them. I can only give you a very general idea of the kind of classifications which Ray and Willughby adopted, for a mere list of classes would be neither interesting nor useful to you. The first book, which was on Quadrtipeds, was published by Ray in 1693. He divided these first, as Aristotle had done, into oviparous, or those that are born from eggs, like frogs and lizards ; and viviparous, or those which are bom alive, like lambs and kittens. He then divided the viviparous quadrupeds into those which have the hoof all in one piece, 144 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. III. like the horse, and those with a spHt hoof, Hke the ox and goat. Those with spUt hoofs he divided again according as they chewed the cud, Hke the ox, or did not, Hke the pig. Then came the animals whose hoofs are split into many parts, as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros ; then those which have nails only in place of toes, as the elephant ; then those which have toes but no separation between the fourth and fifth toes, as the cat, dog, and mole ; and lastly, those which havei the fifth finger, or toe, quite separate, as the monkeys. After this he divided them more fully, by their teeth, and thus made a very fair classification of quadrupeds. The book upon Birds, which comes next in order, had already been published by Ray in 1677, four years after Willughby's death. In it birds were divided first into land- birds and water-birds, and then were classified by the shape of their beak and claws, and according as they fed upon flesh like the vulture, or upon fruit and seeds like the parrot. The water-birds were also divided into those which were long- legged, as the flamingo, or short-legged, as the duck, and according as the web between their toes was more or less complete. The ' History of Fishes ' is given as the joint work of Ray and Willughby ; the groups into which they divided them are nearly the same as those now used, but they are too diflicult to explain here. The ^ History of Insects ' was Ray's work, and was pub- lished by friends after his death, in the same way as he had published Willughby's. He divided insects into — first, those which undergo metamorphosis (that is, turn from the cater- pillar into the moth), as the silkworm, and all moths and but- terflies ; and second, those which do not change their form ; and then he sub-divided them according to the number of their feet, the shape of their wings, and many other characters. CH. XVII. J^AVS CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS. 145 But Ray's greatest work was upon Plants, which he classified much more perfectly than Csesalpinus had done. He divided them first into imperfect plants^ or those whose flowers are invisible, as mosses and mushrooms ; and pei-fect plants^ or those having visible flowers. The perfect plants he divided into two classes — first, the dicotyledons., or those whose seeds open out into two seed-leaves, like the wall- flower or the bean, in which last you can see the two cotyle- dons very clearly if you take off" the outer skin ; and secondly, the monocotyledons, or those whose seeds have only 07ie large seed-leaf, like a grain of wheat. The dicotyledons he again divided into those having simple flowers, like the buttercup, and those whose flowers are compound., like the daisy j for if you pick a daisy to pieces you will find that the centre is made up of a number of little flowers, each of them perfect in itself. It will have its own green calyx and coloured corolla, and its o^vn stamens and seed-vessel ; therefore each daisy is a branch of little flowerets, or a compound ?iow&[:. Ray went on next to class the simple flowers according to the number of seeds they bore, and the way in which the seeds were arranged in the seed-vessel. In this way he made a rough but complete classification of all the known plants. Linnsus, the great botanist of the eighteenth century, adopted many of Ray's divisions, which had mean- while been made more perfect by Joseph Toumefort, a Frenchman, bom at Aix, in Provence, in 1656. Ray outlived his friend Willughby more than thirty years, and died in 1705 at the age of seventy-seven. His death brings us to the end of the Natural History of the seven- teenth century, so far as we have been able to notice it. But I cannot too often remind you that these four men, Malpighi, Grew, Ray, and Willughby, are merely a few among an 8 146 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. immense number of observers in the same line of study. I have picked out those whose work you could best under- stand, and whose names ought to be known to you ; but I could have selected not four but forty others who ought to have been mentioned, if my book and your knowledge had been greater. We must be content to catch here and there a glimpse of the advance that was being made, always remem- bering that an almost inexhaustible store of further infor- mation remains behind when we have opportunity to seek for it. Chief Works consulted. — Cuvier, 'Hist, des Sciences Naturelles ; ' Carpenter's ' Physiology ; ' Sprengel, ' Histoire de la Medecine ; ' Whewell's ' History of Inductive Sciences ; ' Carpenter, ' On the Micro- scope ; ' ' Memorial of John Ray,' E. Lankester, 1846 ; * Life of Ray and Willughby,' Naturalists' Library, vol. xxxv. ; Lardner's * Encyclo- paedia '—Classification of Animals. cii. XVIII. SIR ISAAC NEWTON. 147 CHAPTER XVIII. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). 1642, Birth of Newton — His Education — 1666, His three great Dis- coveries first occur to him — Method of Fluxions and Differential Calculus — First thought of the Theory of Gravitation — Failure of his Results in consequence of the Faulty Measurement of the size of the Earth — 1682, Hears of Picart's new Measurement — Works out the result correctly, and proves the Theory of Gravitation — Ex- planation of this Theory — Establishes the Law that Attraction varies inversely as the squares of the distance — 1687, Publishes the ' Principia ' — Some of the Problems dealt with in this Work. Newton, 1642. — We must now leave the living creation to return to physical science, for, during all those years with which we have been occupied since the time of Galileo and Kepler, a boy had been growing up into rcanhood, who was to become one of the greatest men of science that Eng- land has ever known. In 1642, the same year in which Galileo died, a child was bom at Woolsthorpe, near Gran- tham in Lincolnshire, who was so tiny that his mother said ^ she could put him into a quart mug.' This tiny delicate baby was to become the great philosopher Newton. We hear of him that he was at first very idle and inattentive at school, but, having been one day passed in the class by one of his schoolfellows, he determined to regain his place, and soon succeeded in rising to the head of them all. In his play hours, when the other boys were romping, he amused himself by making little mechanical toys, such as a 148 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. water clock, a mill, turned by a mouse, a carriage moved by the person who sat in it, and many other ingenious contri- vances. When he was fifteen his mother sent for him home to manage the farm which belonged to their estate \ but it was soon clear that he was of no use as a farmer, for though he tried hard to do his work, his mind was not in it, and he was only happy when he could settle down under a hedge with his book to study some difficult problem. At last one of his uncles, seeing how bent the boy was upon study, per- suaded his mother to send him back to school and to college, where he soon passed all his companions in mathe- matics, and became a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1667. But even before this, in the year 1666, his busy mind had already begun to work out the three greatest dis- coveries of his life. In that year he invented the remarkable mathematical process called the ^ Method of Fluxions^ \f\i\Qh is almost the same as that now called the 'Differential Calculus,' invented about the same time by Leibnitz, a great German mathematician. In that year he also made the dis- coveries about Light and Colour ^ which we shall speak of by-and-by ; and again in that year he first thought out the great Theory of Gravitation^ which we must now consider. Theory of Gravitation, 1666. — In the course of his astronomical studies, Newton had come across a problem which he could not solve. The problem was this. Why does the moon always move round the earth, and the planets round the su;i? The natural thing is for a body to go straight on. If you roll a marble along the floor it moves on in a straight line, and if it were not stopped by the air and the floor, it would roll on for ever. Why, then, should the bodies in the sky go round and round, and not straight fo7"ward 1 While Newton was still pondering over this question, the CH. xvni. NEWTON S STUDIES. 149 plague broke out in Cambridge in the year 1665, and he was forced to go back to Woolsthorpe. Here he was sitting one day in the garden, meditating as usual, when an apple from the tree before him snapped from its stalk and fell to the ground. This attracted Newton's attention ; he asked himself, Why does the apple fall ? and the answer he found was, Because the earth pulls it. This was not quite a new thought, for many clever men before Newton had imagined that things were held down to the earth by a kind of force, but they had never made any use of the idea. Newton, on the contrary, seized upon it at once, and began to reason farther. If the earth pulls the apple, said he, and not only the apple but things very high up in the air, why should it not pull the moon, and so keep it going round and round the earth instead of moving on in a straight line ? And if the earth pulls the moon, may not the sun in the same way pull the earth and the planets, and so keep them going round and round with the sun as their centre, just as if they were all held to it by invisible strings ? You can understand this idea of Newton's by taking a ball with a piece of string fastened to it, and swinging it round. If you were to let the string go, the ball would fly off in a straight line, but as long as you hold it, it will go round and round you. Thus Newton imagined that every- thing near the earth is pulled towards it by an invisible force, as you would pull the ball by the string \ but the ball does not come to you, although the string pulls it, because of the other force which is carrying it onwards j and in the same, way the moon would not come to the earth, but would go on revolving round it. Newton felt convinced that this guess was right, and that \kiQ force of gravitation, as he called it, kept the moon going I50 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. ft. hi. round the earth, and the planets round the sun. But a mere guess is not enough in science, so he set to work to prove by very difficult calculations what the effect ought to be if it was true that the earth pulled or attracted the moon. To make these calculations it was necessary to know exactly the distance from the centre of the earth to its surface, because the attraction would have to be reckoned as strongest at the centre of the earth, and then as gradually decreasing till it reached the moon. Now the size of the earth was not accu- rately known, so Newton had to use the best measurement he could get, and to his great disappointment his calcula- tions came out wrong. The moon in fact moved more slowly than it ought to do according to his theory. The difference was small, for the pull of the earth was only one- sixth greater than it should have been : but Newton was too cautious to neglect this error. He still believed his theory to be true, but he had no right to assume that it was, unless he could work it out correctly. So he put away his papers in a drawer and waited till he should find some way out of the difficulty. This is one of many examples of the patience men must have who wish to make really great discoveries. Newton waited sixteen years before he solved the problem, or spoke to anyone of the great thought in his mind. But more light came at last ; it was in 1666, when he was only twenty- four, that he saw the apple fall ; and it was in 1682 that he heard one day at the Royal Society that a Frenchman named Picart had measured the size of the earth very accu- rately, and had found that it was larger than had been sup- posed. Newton saw at once that this would alter all his calculations. Directly he heard it he went home, took out his papers, and set to work again with the new figures. en. XVIII. THE LAW OF GRAVITATION. 151 Imagine his satisfaction when it came out perfectly right ! It is said that he was so agitated when he saw that it was going to succeed, that he was obHged to ask a friend to finish working out the calculation for him. His patience was rewarded \ the attraction of the earth exactly agreed with the rate of movement of the moon, and he knew now that he had discovered the law which governed the motions of the heavenly bodies. This law of Newton's is called the * Law of Gravttatmi,^ and we must now try to understand what it is. Gravitation means the drawing of one thing towards another, or towards a centre. All the objects upon our earth are held there by gravity, which pulls or attracts them towards the centre of the earth. If there were no such thing as gravity there would be nothing to prevent our chairs and tables, and even our- selves, from flying into space ; but they are all held to the earth by gravity, and if you dig a hole under them they fall directly nearer to the centre. Now let us see how this attraction of gravitation affects the planets. Every one of the bodies in the heavens pulls or attracts all the other bodies, just in the same way as the earth attracts the apple on the tree. But as they are all moving rapidly along (like the ball swung round your head) they do not fall into each other, but the smaller bodies move round the larger ones which are near them, just as if they were fastened to them by invisible elastic threads. The smaller ones move round the larger one, because it is not only each body as a whole which pulls the other bodies, but every tiny atom of matter in each planet is pulling at all the atoms in all the other planets; so that the bigger a body is, and the more atoms it has in it, the more it will draw other bodies towards it. Our sun pulls the planets, 152 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. PT. III. and the planets pull the sun ; but our sun has 700 times more atoms in it than all the planets put together, and so it keeps them moving round it. In the same way our earth has eighty times more atoms in it than our moon, and so it keeps the moon moving round it. In this way the force of gravity keeps all the different planets in their paths or orbits. It does not set them moving ; some other force unknown to us first started them across the sky — gravitation is only the force which determines the direc- tion in which they move. It was a grand thing to have discovered this force, but it would have been of little value to Astronomy to know that the heavenly bodies attracted each other unless it could also be known how much influence they have upon each other. This also Newton worked out accurately. You will remem- ber that Kepler had shown that planets move in ellipses, having the sun in one of the two foci (see fig. 10, p. 99). Knowing this, Newton was able to calculate how much the sun attracts a planet when it is near, and how much when it is far off, so as to make it move in an ellipse j and he found that exactly as much as the square of the distance increases, so much the attraction de- creases ; that is, the attraction grows less and less at a regular rate as you go farther away from the body that is pulling. For instance, suppose that at the point i, fig. 24, a planet was one million of miles away from the sun, and was being When it arrived at the point attracted with immense force. CH. XVIII. THE ' FRINCIPIA: 153 3 it would be about twice as far, or two millions of miles distant ; and the square of 2 being 4 (2 x 2 = 4), the at- traction of the sun at this point will be only one-fourth as much as it was at the point i. At the point 7 the planet would be about three times as far, or three millions of miles from the sun, and as the square of 3 is 9 (3 x 3 = 9), the attraction here will be only ith of the attraction at the point I. And so the calculation goes on ; if the planet went 12 millions of miles off, the attraction would be y^^ what it was at first, and at 92 milHons of miles the attraction would be ¥T6"¥ 5 so that when the planet is very far away the attraction becomes very slight indeed, but it will never entirely cease. In scientific language this law is expressed by the words, The attractioit vai'ies inversely as the square of the distance. When once this law was known, it explained in a most beautiful and complete way not only the three laws of Kep- ler, but all the complex movements of the heavenly bodies. These Newton worked out with the greatest accuracy by the help of his ' Method of Fluxions,' which enabled him to calculate all the varying rates at which the planets move in consequence of their mutual attraction ; and he showed that whenever we know clearly the position and mass of all the bodies attracting a planet, the law of gravitation exactly accounts for the direction in which it moves. If you will consider for a moment what a labour it must- be to calculate how much all the different planets pull each other at different times — when they are near together and when they are far off, when they are near each other and near th sun, or near each other and far from the sun, in fact in all the different positions you can imagine — you may form some idea of the tremendous work he did. When he published his great book, the ' Principia,' in 1687, there were 154 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. III. iiot more than eight people in the world who were able to understand the full meaning of his calculations and reason- ings; and though his theory of gravitation was well received, and his name became one of the most renowned and honoured in the world, yet it was more than fifty years before his work was thoroughly appreciated. It may therefore easily be imagined that it is not possible to give a simple sketch of what is contained in the ' Prin- cipia ; ' but some idea may perhaps be formed of the grandeur of the law of gravitation from an enumeration of some of the problems which Newton explained by its action. 1. He explained those laws of motion which Galileo had proved by experiment, and showed that it is the force of gravity which causes the weight of bodies ; and determines, when combined with other laws, the rate at which they fall, and the path they describe. 2. He worked out the specific gravity of the planets, showing, for example, that the matter of which Saturn is composed is about nine times lighter than the matter of our earth. 3. He showed how the attractions of the sun and of the moon cause the tides of the sea, and worked out accurately the reason of the spring and neap tides. 4. He proved that the earth could not be a perfect globe, and measured almost exactly how great the bulge at the equator and the flattening at the poles must be. And this he did entirely by calculation, for no measurements had then been made, to lead anyone to doubt that the earth was a perfect globe. 5. He gave a complete explanation of the cause of the * precession of the equinoxes,' the occurrence of which, as you will remember, Hipparchus had discovered (see p. 30). CH. XVIII. LAW OF GRAVITATfON EXPLAINED. 155 6. He not only showed why the planets move in ellipses while a line joining the sun and a planet cuts off equal areas in equal times; but he also accounted for many irregularities in these movements, arising from their mutual attractions, thus showing that gravitation exj)lains not only the general laws but even apparent exceptions. 7. Of all bodies comets are apparently the most irregu- lar, yet Newton calculated that they probably move in a peculiar curve called a parabola, and since his time it has been proved that the motions of all comets can be suffi- ciently well explained by this theory, with the exception of a few which move in ordinary ellipses like the planets, and return periodically. These and many other problems of the universe Newton showed could all be referred to the action of gravitation ; and he concluded his work with a grand description of the mechanism of the heavens, dwelling with deep reverence upon the thought of that Infinite Mind which gave rise to such a wonderful and complex machinery, working in perfect order. Chief Works consulted. — Brewster's 'Life of Newton;' ' Lives of Eminent Persons ' — Lib. of Useful Knowledge ; Airy's ' Elementary Astronomy ; ' Airy, ' On Gravitation.' 156 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. I'x. in. CHAPTER XIX. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Transits of Mercuiy and Venus — Kepler foretells their occurrence — 1 63 1, Gassendi observes a Transit of Mercury — 1639, Horrocks foretells and observes a Transit of Venus — 1676, Halley sees a Transit of Mercury, and it suggests to him a method for Measuring the Distance of the Sun — 1691-1716, Halley describes this method to the Royal Society — Explanation of Halley's method. First transits ever observed of Mercury and Venus, 1631- 1639. — We must now pause for a moment before passing on to Newton's discoveries in Optics, in order to mention a re- markable astronomical suggestion made about this time by the astronomer Halley (born 1656, died 1742), who was the friend and disciple of Newton. You cannot fail to have heard and read something about the expeditions sent last Decemberj 1874, into all parts of the world to observe the Transit (or Passage) of Venus across the sun. The object of these observations was to measure the sun's distance from the earth j and Halley was the first to propose this method of measurement, in 1691, and to show how it might be accomplished. You know that the two planets Mercury and Venus are nearer to the sun than our earth is, and are therefore con- stantly passing between us and it. But usually they pass either below or above the sun, and it is only rarely that they cross over the bright disc, so as to be seen through CH. XIX. THE TRANSIT OF VENUS FIRST SEEN. 157 the telescope as a round black spot upon the sun's face. With Mercury this happens at intervals of from seven to thirteen years \ but with Venus it is much more rare, for though two transits generally come together with an in- terval of only eight years between them, yet after this there is a gap of more than a hundred years before another transit occurs. After Kepler had finished the famous Rudolphine Tables he was able to use them to calculate when these transits would take place ; and he showed that both Mercury and Venus would cross the sun's disc on certain days in the year 1631. A French philosopher named Gassendi took advantage of this prediction, and managed to observe Mer- cury passing across the face of the sun on November 7, 163 1. He was the first who ever observed a transit. With Venus he was not so fortunate, for the transit of that planet took place when it was night at Paris, and so Gassendi had no chance of observing it. It was not long, however, before this too was seen. You will remember that two transits of Venus occur close together with only eight years between them. Now Kepler had imagined that in 1639 Venus would pass a little to the south of the sun, and so no transit would take place. A young Englishman, however, named Jeremiah Horrocks, only twenty years of age, after going carefully over Kepler's tables, felt convinced that there would be a transit, and he even calculated within a few minutes the time when Venus would enter upon the sun's face. Full of enthusiasm at the chance of seeing this grand sight, he wrote to a friend at a distance, begging him also to watch through the telescope at three o'clock on the afternoon of December 4, 1639. His expectations were not disappointed, for at fifteen minutes 158 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. past three on that day the planet began to creep over the face of the sun. For twenty minutes Horrocks watched it, and then the sun set and he could see no more. He had been able to notice, however, that Venus was much smaller in comparison with the sun than had been formerly supposed. Horrocks and his friend Crabtree were the only people in the whole world who saw this transit of Venus, the first one ever observed. Halley suggests that the Sun's distance may be measured by the Transit of Venus, 1691. — This was all that was known about transits when Halley went to St. Helena in 1676 to study the stars of the southern hemi- sphere. Here he also observed a transit of Mercury, and after watching the small black spot travelling across the face of the sun, and noting the time it took in going from one side to the other, the idea occurred to him that it would be possible to learn the distance of the sun by mea- suring the path of a planet across its face. As Mercury, however, is very fa,r from us, and near to the sun, it would not answer the purpose so well as Venus, which is much nearer the earth. Halley knew that another transit of Venus would take place in 1761, and as he could not hope to live till then, he read a paper to the Royal Society in 1691, and another in 1 7 16, beseeching the astronomers who should live after him not to let such an opportunity pass, and describing the way in which the observations should be made. It is this method which we must now try to understand as far as it is possible without mathematics. First of all I must tell you two facts which astronomers knew already. The proportion of the distances of the planets was ascertained, as you will remember, by Kepler (see p. roo). Therefore it was known that Venus is (^w. round CH. XIX. H ALLEY'S METHOD. 159 numbers) 2\ times as far from the sim as she is from the earth. It was also known by the apparent size of the sun that the sufis distance is about 108 times his diameter., or, in other words, if you could measure the number of miles across the face of the sun and multiply that number by 108, it would give you the sun's distance from the earth. Therefore you see the one point to be learnt was. How many miles wide is the face of the sun ? Now suppose you place a globe or any other object upon the table in the middle of the room, as at G, Fig. 25, and place yourself at the point a. The globe will then hide from you (or eclipse) the point c on the opposite wall. Move your posi- tion to B, and the globe will then hide the point D. If the globe is (as at g) exactly half-way ^. ^ -^ , , ,■" t. , „ .^.. ' ■' ■' Diagram showing how the distance between the between VOU and the points p c and d c can be known, without •' measuring them. wall t"hf» two nnintS D g, A globe half-way between d c and a b. ^, A and c will be the same distance apart as the points a and b. But if you move the globe to g, which is three tim.es as far from the opposite wall as it is from you, then the points d and c will also be three times as far apart as the points a and b. So that by know- ing how much farther the globe is from the wall than it is from you, you can tell accurately the distance between the points hidden without measuring them. It is exactly in this way that Halley proposed to measure off a certain number of miles upon the face of the sun. We are able to learn accurately how many miles distant any two places are upon our globe. Suppose, therefore, that two i6o SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. ft. in. men go to places 7,200 miles apart, and each observes Venus at a particular moment upon the sun's face. Just as you, from two different positions, saw the globe cover two Fig. 26. Venus as seen upon the sun by two observers, one at e' and one at E. (Proctor.) s. The sun. V v', Appearance of Venus on the sun's face. Venus Is travelling- in the direction of the arrow. different points of the wall, so these men will see Venus against different points in the sun, as in Fig. 26 \ and since the distance between Venus and the sun is 2 J times her distance from the earth, the two points will be 2 J times 7,200 miles, that is 18,000 miles apart. Here, then, we have a certain number of miles measured off on the sun's face. But how are we to tell accurately what proportion this interval be- tween the spots bears to the whole diameter of the sun ? By Halley's method the whole time that Venus takes in crossing the sun is used as the means of measurement. The observer at each of the two stations notes exactly the time when Venus begins to cross the face of the sun, and the moment when she passes off it again, and so reckons exactly how long she has taken in making the whole transit. It was already known, from the rate at which Venus moves, exactly how long she would take in crossing the centre or widest part of the sun. We will call this time 6 hours, so as to use whole numbers. But it is clear that in crossing a narrower part of the disc she will take less time. Suppose, therefore, that one man says she was exactly 5 CH. XIX. THE SUN'S DIAMETER. i6i hours crossing from a to b, Fig. 27, and the other that she was 5j hours crossing from c to d. This will give us the measurement necessary to lay p^^ down the position of the two transits on paper. Draw a circle any size you please, and, ruling a line across the centre, divide it into six parts (as in Fig. 27^), to represent the 6 hours which Venus would take in crossing the centre ; each of those parts will then represent the dis- Transit of Venus. tance which she travels in an s, Face of the sun. v, Venus. a b, Transit observed so as to occupy five hour : 5x of these, tlierefore, hours, c d. Same transit observed so as to occupy five-and-a-quarter hours. will be the distance she travels in 5:^ hours. Take this length in your compasses, and place it at any part of the circle where it will meet the edge at both ends, and in that position draw the line c d. Then take a second length of five parts only, and placing it below the other, rule the line a b parallel to c d. These two lines express the path of Venus, as observed by the two men, and we already know that the distance between them is 2 J times 7,200, or 18,000 miles. It is now easy to compare this interval with the sun's diameter. Suppose for instance that 47 such- spaces will cover the whole diameter of the circle, as they would if the lines were drawn accurately in the observed positions, then 18,000 X 47, or 846,000 miles, would be the measure of the sun's diameter. Now, we saw (p 159) that the sun's dis- * It must be drawn very much larger to approach to anything like accuracy. This figure merely indicates the method. iG2 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. tance is io8 times his diameter ; therefore 846,000 x 108, or 91,368,000 miles would, by these measurements, be the distance of the sun from the earth; and this is as near as we can arrive at the truth when taking whole numbers. You will perhaps ask, if the measurement of the transit is such a simple process, why it takes months to make the proper calculations. But you must remember that in our description we have neglected all the difficulties which really occur. Our earth is not standing still as we have supposed it to be. It is not only moving along in its orbit, but it is turning round on its axis all the time, and this has to be very carefully considered in choosing stations for observing the transit, and allowed for in the results. Then, since our earth moves in an ellipse, we are not always at the same distance from the sun ; this also has to be allowed for. Such simple difficulties as these you can understand, but there are a great number of others which make the calcula- tions very complicated indeed. Therefore you must not imagine that you know all about the transit of Venus when you have read this description of Halley's method. If you have some general idea of the way by which the sun's distance is found out, you will have learnt more than many people ; and you must wait till you have studied mathe- matics before you can expect to have a thorough knowledge of the matter. You will- be glad to hear that Halley's advice was not neglected. Several transit expeditions were sent out in 1761, and again in 1769, when the celebrated Captain Cook made a voyage to the Pacific Ocean for this purpose and ; it is to correct these observations that no less than forty-six expe- ditions were sent out last year from Europe and America. Halley made many other valuable astronomical observa- CH. XIX. H ALLEY'S COMET. 163 tions.' He was the first astronomer who foretold the return of a comet. Before his time it was thought that they went away and never came back again ; but when the comet of 1682 appeared, Halley began to search for former records of comets and found that one had been seen about every seventy-six years, reckoning backwards from 1682. There- fore he thought these must all be the same comet, and he foretold its return in 1758. It came as predicted, and has ever since been called ' Halley 's comet' Halley died in 1742, and with him ends the astronomy of the seventeenth century. Chief Works consulted. — Proctor's ' Transits of Venus j ' Herschel's * Astronomy ; ' Denison's * Astronomy without Mathematics ; ' Airy's * Popular Astronomy.' 1 64 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, rr. iii. CHAPTER XX. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Newton's Discovery of the Dispersion of Light — Traces the amount of Refraction of each of the Coloured Rays — Makes a Rotating Disc turning the colours of the Spectrum into white Light — Reason why all Light passing through glass is not Coloured — Mr. Chester More Hall discovers the Difference of Dispersive Power in Flint and Crown Glass — Newton's Papers destroyed by his pet dog — Last years of Newton's life. Newton publishes his Discovery of the Dispersion of Light, 1671. — We must now return to Newton, and consider his third great discovery, which was about Hght. You will remember that he had to wait sixteen years between his first attempt to investigate the law of gravitation, and that new measurement of the earth which enabled him to prove the truth of his theory. During this time he had by no means been idle. He once said that the reason he had succeeded in making discoveries was that he gave all his attention to one subject at a time ; from 1666 to 1671, when his papers on gravitation were quite laid aside, the subject to which he devoted himself was Light. In the early part of the seventeenth century several people had tried to find out what it was that gave rise to different colours. An Italian archbishop named Antonio de Dominis (died 1625) had given a better explanation of the rainbow than Roger Bacon had given before him ; and ClI. XX. THE DISPERSION OF LIGHT. 165 Fig. 28. Descartes had gone farther, and had pointed out that a ray of light seen through a clear, angular, polished piece of glass, called a prism (see Fig. 28), is spread out into colours exactly like the rain- bow ; but no one had yet been able to say what was the cause of these dif- ferent tints. Newton was the first to work this out in his usual accurate and painstaking way. He tells us that in 1666 he 'procured a triangular glass prism, to try therewith the celebrated phenomena of colours,' and in the very first experiment he was struck by a very curious fact. He had made a round hole f (Fig. 29), Glass Prism. Fig. 29. Newton's first Experiment on Dispersion of Light. D E, Window shutter, f, Round hole in it. ABC, Glass prism. M N, Wall on which the spectrum was thrown. about one-third of an inch broad, in the window-shutter, D E, of a dark room, and placed close to it a glass prism, A B c, so as to refract the sun-light upwards towards the opposite wall of the room, m n, making the line of colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), which Descartes had pointed out, and which Newton called a spectrum^ from specto, I behold. While he was watching and admiring the beautiful colours, the thought struck him that it was curious the spectrum should be long instead of round. The rays of 1 1 66 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. light come from the sun, which is round, therefore, if they were all bent or refracted equally, there ought to be a round spot upon the wall ; instead of which it was long with rounded ends, like a sun drawn out lengthways. What could be the reason of the rays falling into this long shape ? At first he thought that it might be because some of them passed through a thinner part of the prism, and so were less refracted ; but when he tested this by sending one ray through a thin part of the prism, and another through a thick part, he found that they were both equally spread out into a spectrum. Then he thought that there might be some flaw in the glass, and he took another prism ; still, however, the spectrum remained long, as before. Next he considered whether the different angles at which the rays of the sun fell upon the prism had anything to do with it, but after calcu- lating this mathematically he found the difference was too small to have any effect. Finally, he tried whether it was possible that the rays had been bent into curves in passing through the prism, but he found by measurement that this again was not the reason. At last, after carefully proving that none of these expla-. nations was the true one, he began to suspect that it mus- be something peculiar in the different coloured rays them- selves, which caused them to divide one from the other. To prove this he made the following experiment : — He made a hole, F, in the shutter, as before, and passed the light through the prism, a b c, throwing the spectrum upon a screen, m n. He then pierced a tiny hole through the screen at the point g, Fig. 30 ; the hole in this board was so small that the rays of only one colour could pass through at a time. Newton first let a red ray pass through, so that it v/as bent by the prism, h i k, and made a shaded red spot on CH. XX. NEWTON— DISPERSION OF LIGHT. 167 the wall at R \ here he put a mark. He now moved the first prism, A B c, a little, so as to let the second, or orange ray, pass through the hole g. This xsiy fell upn exactly the same spot of the second prism, h i k, as the red ray had done, but it did not go to the same spot on the wall ; it was more bent in passing through the prism, and made an orange spot at o. Fig. 30. Diagram showing the Different Refraction of Rays of Different Colours. D E, Shutter. F, Round hole, a b c. First prism. M N, Screen receiving the spectrum, g. Small hole through which the rays of only one colour can pass. H I K, Second prism refracting those rays. above the point r. By this Newton knew that an orange ray is more refracted in passing through a prism than a red ray is. He moved his prism, a b c, again, so as to let the yellow ray through. ^ This was still more bent, and fell above o on the point y. In this way he let all the different coloured rays pass through the hole, marking the points on which they fell, and he found that each ray was more bent than the last one, till he had marked out a second complete spectrum on the wall. Only the two extreme rays, red and violet, are traced out in Fig. 30, to avoid confusion. This experiment proved clearly, ist, that light is made icp of differently coloured rays ; and 2nd, that these rays are differently refracted in passing through a prism. The red rays are least bent, and the violet ones most, while each of the other rays 1 68 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. PT. III. between these have their own course through the prism. I must warn you, however, not to think that there are exactly seven colours : there are really an infinite number, passing gradually into each other j Newton only divided them roughly into seven for convenience. This spreading out of the different coloured rays is called the dispersion of light. I wish I could give you the many beautiful experiments which Newton made to prove it, but I have only room for one, which you can easily try for yourself, by which the different colours which make up the spectrum can be turned back again into white light. You will see at once that if it is true that white light can be divided up into colours, those same colours when re- united must make white. To show this Newton took a round card and painted upon it the seven colours, as pure as possible, five times over, like a spectrum five times repeated (a, Fig. 31), and then spun it round rapidly, so that the eye received the impression of all the seven colours at once (b, Fig. 31). If you do this you will see the card looks a Fig. ^i. A, Newton's disc. B, Disc rotating. dirty white, because the colours blend together just as they do in a ray of light. You will not get a pure white, because CH. XX. THE ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE, 169 the artificial colours are not pure, and also because it is difficult to paint each colour in the proper proportion. But now that we have proved that light is broken up into colours in passing through a denser medium, you may perhaps ask how it is that we do not see coloured rays when- ever we look at the sun through glass or any other trans- parent substance. The reason is that when the two sides of the glass are parallel (that is, lie always at the same distance from each other), the ray of light is bent just as much in going out from the glass into the air as it was when it came in from the air into the glass, and so it remains just as it was at first. When the two sides are not parallel, as in a rounded lens, colours do appear in the thin edges of the glass, and these used to be very troublesome in telescopes and micro- scopes. Newton . thought that they could never be" got rid of, for he did not know that light is spread out or dispersed more in one kind of glass than in another. But two years after his death, in 1729, Mr. Chester More Hall, of Essex, found that two kinds of glass (flint-glass and crown-glass) disperse light differently, so that when you put them together they correct each other, and the coloured rays at the edges are blended into white light. Telescopes and microscopes which are made in this way are called achroinatic (from a, without ; chroma^ colour). A patent for such instruments was taken out by a Mr. Dollond in 1757, and he probably in- vented them without having heard of Mr. Hall's discover}'-. It would require a whole volume to give you all Newton's investigations into the nature of light, and his experiments on the coloured rings of the soap-bubble and other trans- parent substances. His work on Optics was read before the Royal Society in 167 1 and 1672, but the ideas were so new that many clever men, who should have known better, 9 lyo SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. attacked him with a number of foohsh and ignorant ob- jections, till at last he told his friend Huyghens that he was almost sorry he had ever made them public. After his great work, the ' Principia,' had been published in 1687, he next turned his attention to chemistiy, but un- fortunately all the results of his labour in this science were destroyed by an accident. One day when he was in chapel, his pet dog Diamond turned over a lighted taper, which set fire to all the papers on which his work was written. When he returned and found the charred heap it is said that he merely exclaimed, * Oh Diamond, Diamond ! thou little thinkest the mischief thou hast done ! ' but his grief at the loss of his work affected his brain, and though he re- covered and lived another forty years, publishing many editions of his works, yet he never made any more great discoveries. Newton received many honouiG in his old age : in 1699 he was elected Master of the Mint, and a member of the French Royal Academy of Sciences ; in 1703 he was made President of the Royal Society, and in 1705 he was knighted by Queen Anne. Like all truly great men, he was modest as to his own abilities, and always willing to be taught by others. He felt so strongly how much we have still to learn about the Universe, that he considered his own dis- coveries as very trifling indeed. A short time before his death he said of himself, * I know not what the world may think of my labours ; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all un- discovered before me.' Yet this man who spoke so humbly was the discoverer of the greatest and most universal lav/ CH. XX. DEATH OF NEWTON. 171 known to mankind ! He loved to seek out new laws, but he was more anxious to collect facts and to make sure that he was right, than eager to publish his conclusions. It was the truth he loved, and not the fame which it brought. His patience and perseverance were unbounded ; he was never in a hurry, but turned a subject over and over in his mind, for years together, seizing upon every new light shed upon it, and waiting patiently for more. And through all his labours he looked reverently up to the One Great Light whose guiding power he loved to trace and to acknowledge in all the wonders of the universe. He died in 1727 at eighty-five years of age, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, his pall being borne by the first nobles of the land. Chief Works consulted. — Newton's 'Optics,' 1721 j Ganot's 'Physics;' Rossiter's 'Physics;' Brewster's 'Encyclopaedia,' art. * Optics ; ' Herschel's * Familiar Lectures.* 172 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. CHAPTER XXI. SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CONTINUED). Roemer measures the Velocity of Light— Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light — Undulatory or Wave-theory proposed by Huyghens — Invention of Cycloidal Pendulums by Huyghens — Discovery of Saturn's Ring — Sound caused by Vibration of Air — Light by Vibra- tion of Ether — Reasons why we see Light — Reflection of "Waves of Light — Cause of Colour — Refraction explained by the Undulatory Theory — Mr. Tylor's Illustration of Refraction — Double Refraction explained by Huyghens -Polarisation of Light not understood till the nineteenth century. Olaus Eoemer measures the Velocity of Light, 1676.— While Newton was dispersing light in prisms, and finding out its nature, Olaus Roemer, a famous Danish astronomer (born 1644, died 17 10), was engaged in something almost as wonderful. He was measuring the rate at which light travels across the sky ! It seems at first as if this would be impossible, but we now know three different ways of accomplishing it ; Roemer's was the first attempt ever made, and his measurement was very near indeed to the truth. You will remember that Jupiter has four moons, which move round it as our moon moves round our earth. Three of these moons are so near Jupiter and move round it in such a manner that they pass through its shadow and are eclipsed every time they go round. Now it became very cii. XXI. VELOCITY OF LIGHT. 173 useful, for certain astronomical reasons, to know exactly when these eclipses happened, and the time of their occurrence was therefore calculated very carefully ev^ since Galileo first discovered them. There was no difficulty in doing this, and yet, strange to say, the eclipses rarely happened exactly at the right moment. Sometimes they were too early, some- times too late, and they varied according to some regular rule as much as 16 minutes 36 seconds on each side of the exact moment when they ought to have happened. At last it occurred to Roemer, and to an Italian astrono- mer named Cassini, that, as Jupiter is farther away from the earth at one time than at another, the eclipses might be seen some minutes later whenever the rays of light from the moons had to cross a greater distance to reach the earth. Cassini seems to have put the thought aside and not to have worked it out ; but Roemer seized upon it, and by careful calculations proved that it was the tme answer to the diffi- culty. If the earth was at e (Fig. 32) for example, when Jupiter Fig. 32. Diflferent Distances at which Jupiter's Light reaches the Earth. J, Jupiter. E e'. The earth. was at J, the light would not have nearly so far to travel as if the earth was at e' ; and in this last position the 16 minutes 36 seconds would be taken up by the light crossing the earth's orbit from e to e'. This distance was known to be about 190,000,000 miles, so that light travels at the rate 174 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. of 190,000,000 miles in 996 seconds, or about 190,000 miles in a second. This is seven million times as fast as the quickest express train. Huyghens and Newton — Theories of Light. — The time had now come when so much was known about the way in which light behaves, that philosophers began to ask them- selves, ' What is Light?' — a question by no means so easily answered as you may think ; for though it is by means of light that we see everything, yet light in itself is invisible. You will exclaim at once that you can see a sunbeam shining through a crack in a window- shutter. But what you see is not light itself, it is the particles of dust or smoke which are acted upon by light so that they shine. There is one very simple way of proving to yourself that rays of light are not visible lines. When the moon is shining you know that it is reflecting the light of the sun, therefore there must be light crossing the sky and falling upon its surface. But now look up some other night when the moon is not there. All is darkness ; yet the light must be there just the same, and would have caused the moon to shine if it had been there also, but as there is nothing to reflect it to your eye it is invisible. What, then, is this light, invisible in itself, yet without which we can see nothing? Newton thought that it was composed of minute invisible particles of matter which darted out in straight lines from luminous or light-giving bodies, and falling upon our eyes caused the sensation which we call light. This is called the Corpuscular^ or sometimes the Emission, Theory of Light. It was very ingenious, and accounted for a great many of the facts, but there were many others which it did not explain ; and I will not attempt to describe it to you, because another theory, called CH. XXI. VARIOUS THEORIES OF IIGHT. 175 the Undulatory {or Wave) Theory of Lights has now been found to be much more complete and satisfactory. This last theory was first proposed by a Dutch mathematician and astronomer named Christian Huyghens, the son of Constantine Huyghens, Counsellor to the Prince of Orange. Christian Huyghens was born at the Hague, in Holland, in the year 1629 ; when he was only thirteen years old he was already passionately fond of mathematics, and ex- amined every piece of machinery that fell in his way. He received a very good education, and wrote some able treatises upon geometry when he was only two-and- twenty. From this time he advanced very rapidly, both writing valuable papers and making grand discoveries. In 1658 he invented a peculiar kind of pendulum called the cycloidal pendulum, which would keep accurate time when swinging over wide spaces ', and he was also the first to apply pendulums to clocks. In 1659 he made a telescope ten feet long, with which he discovered one of Saturn's satellites, and described accurately Saturn's ring, which Galileo had mistaken for two stars. In 1660 he came to England, and solved some questions which the Royal Society had proposed about the laws of motion. Then he was invited to settle in France, and it was there, in 1678, that he read before the ' Academie des Sciences ' the theory of light which we must now try to understand. Undulatory Theory of Light, 1678.— I must first tell you that Newton, among his many other investigations, had shown that sound is caused by a trembling or vibration of the air. Thus, when you strike the wire of a harp, the trembling of the string shakes the air, and the quivering motion travels along like waves upon a pond, until some wave strikes the drum of your ear and produces the sen- 176 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. iit. sation we call sound. The tighter and shorter the string, is, the more rapid the vibrations or waves will be, and the more shrill will be the note which you hear. Now Huyghens said, ' We can only explain light by sup- posing it to be a vibi-ation like sound.' But here at the very outset came a difficulty. We know that light is not a vibration of the air, for if you draw the air completely out of a glass vessel, light will still pass across it; and besides, we g^t light from the sun and the distant stars, so that it has to come across a great airless space before it reaches the at- mosphere of our earth. And yet, if light is a vibration, it is clear there must be something between the sun and us to vibrate. To meet this difficulty Huyghens supposed the whole of space between our earth and the most distant stars to be filled with an elastic invisible suhsta7tce which he called ^ ether. ^ He assumed this substance to be so fine and subtle that it passes between the atoms, even of solid objects, and that the sun and all luminous bodies cause it to vibrate so that its undulations or waves strike upon our eyes and give rise to the sensation we call light. Thus, according to this theory, when you look at the sun, the invisible ' ether ' filling the whole space between you and it, is moving up and down in rapid vibrations, just as if the sun held one end of a cloth and you the other, and the sun was shaking the cloth so that the waves travelled along it to your eye ; and every wave that hit you would cause the sensation called light. This theory explains very well how light-waves may be in the sky and yet we may not see them ; for if a stick is moving rapidly to and fro in the air, and you go within reach of it you feel pain, but if you keep out of reach no pain is produced. In the same way, when the vibration of CH. XXI. THE UNDULATORY THEORY. 177 this invisible ether strikes your eye you feel light, but though the waves may be travelling rapidly across the sky. so long as they do not fall upon your eye, no light will be produced to you. But suppose you were not looking at the sun, but at the ground, why should you still see ? Because the waves from the sun which strike the ground cannot travel on so easily through the solid earth as through the pure ether, so a great number of them bound off and vibrate back along the ether again, from the ground to your eye ; and as they vibrate dif- ferently according as the ground is rough or smooth,, hard or soft, wet or dry, they make a different impression upon your eye, and cause you to see a picture of the ground as it is. Clear white glass and other perfectly transparent bodies let nearly all the waves of light pass through them and send hardly any back to your eye ; and people have in conse- quence been known to walk right up against glass doors with- out seeing them. Bright polished surfaces, on the contrary, like steel and mercury, turn nearly all the waves back again, and this is why we see our own faces reflected so clearly in a looking-glass, where it is the mercury at the back which is the real mirror. If we had room we might follow out these light-vibrations in a very interesting manner. For instance, why does a leaf look green and a soldier's coat red? Because, as in sound the kind of note you hear depends upon the quick- ness of the vibrations of the air, so in light it depends upon the quickness of the vibrations of the ether what colour you see. The vibrations which produce violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, have travelled all together as white light through the ether, but they are differently treated by the leaf All except the green waves are quenched, or 178 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. in. absorbed 2JS> it is called, by the material of the leaf, and only the green waves bound back upon your eye. In other words, the vibrations of the ether coming from the leaf move exactly fast enough to produce upon your eye the sensation you call green^ just as the vibration of the air caused by a particular string of a harp produces on your ear the sensation of the note you call the middle C. Refraction of Light explained by Hnyghens. — But we must now go back to Huyghens, and point out how beauti- fully he explained by his undulatory theoiy the refraction or bending-back of rays of which we have already spoken so much. When a wave of light is travelling onwards, he said, if it passes vertically into glass or any denser substance, the wave will move more slowly, but it will still go straight on, because both ends of th :^ wave will be equally checked. But if the wave goes into the glass obliquely (see p. 47), one end of it will reach the glass first before the other, and will move slowly, while the other end goes on unchecked, and so the wave will swing round and will have its direction altered. In the same way, when it passes out again from the glass, one end will pass out first, and will move more easily in the air than the end that is still in the glass, and so it will swing round again and make another bend. You must not be disappointed if you do not understand this at once, for it is very difficult \ to make it easier we will borrow a very ingenious illustration given last year (Jan. i, 1874) by Mr. E. B. Tylor, in a periodical called 'Nature.' Take two small wheels about 2 inches round, and mount them loosely upon a stout iron axle measuring about half-an- inch round. This will make a runner like two wheels of a cart, and if you let it roll down a smooth board it will repre- sent very fairly the crests or tops of the waves of light in CH. XXI. DOUBLE REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 179 Fig. 33. the ether. Let your board be about 2 J feet long, and at one end of it glue on pieces of thick-piled velvet of the shape of lenses (see i, 2, 3, Fig. zz\ Let your runner first go straight down the board upon the velvet; it will then run through the velvet with- out changing its course, as a vertical ray does through a lens. Then start it obliquely across the board so that it will reach the lens i in the position B. Here the left wheel of the runner will touch the velvet first, and will be checked by the rough pile, while the right wheel moves on quickly as be- fore, and thus the runner will swing round or be refracted towards the thick part of the lens. Then, as it passes out again the right wheel will come out of the velvet first and will move more quickly on the -::%''" Figures illustrating the passage of the waves of light through difFerent- shaped lenses (Tylor). smooth board, while the left is still checked by the velvet at c ; therefore the runner will again be shifted round or re- fj-aded as it passes out. You can easily foUoAV the course of the runner through the other lenses for yourself,. always noticing that the arrow marks which way the ray of light is coming; and when you have done this you will have a beautiful imitation of the way in which the waves of light are refracted in passing through different mediums. Double Refraction. — There is still one more remarkable i8o SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. ft. hi. fact about light which Huyghens explained; namely, the double refraction of light through a crystal called Iceland spar. A physician of Copenhagen named Erasmus Bartholinus had received from Iceland a crystal in the form of a rhomboid (see Fig. 34), which, when broken, fell into pieces of the same shape. Bartholinus called this Fig. 34. ^ . 7 crystal ' Iceland spar,' and while mak- Z® / ing experiments with it he observed / that an inkspot or any small object A spot of ink seen through a seen through it appeared to be doubled. crystal of Iceland spar. ° He was not able to explain this curious fact, but he published an account of it in 1669, and Huy- ghens accounted for it quite correctly by suggesting that the crystal was more elastic in one direction than in the other, so that a wave of light passing into it was divided into two waves moving at differeat rates through the crystals. This would cause them to be bent differently— one according to Snell's ordinary law of refraction (see p. 107), and the other in an extraordinary way. Thus these two separate rays fall- ing upon the eye would cause there the impression of two objects. This curious effect is very interesting to study, and it led Huyghens to make a number of remarkable experiments. He found that the two rays when they passed out at the other side of the crystal remained quite separate the one from the other, and if they were afterwards sent through another crystal in the same direction that they had gone through the first, they went on each their own way. But now came a very extraordinary fact : if the second crystal was turned round a little so that the rays passed in rather a different direction through it, each ray was again split up into two, so that there w^ere now four rays, sometimes all equally bright, sometimes cir. XXI, POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. 18 1 of unequal brightness, but the light of all four was never greater than the light of the one ray, out of which they had all come. These four rays continued apart while he turned the second crystal more and more round ; till, when he had turned it 90°, or a quarter of a circle, the rays became two again, with this remarkable peculiarity, that they had changed characters ! The ray which before had been refracted in the ordinary way now took the extraordinary direction, while the other chose the ordinary one. This curious effect observed by Huyghens is now known as the ^ ;polai'ization of light ' by crystals. It is very difficult to understand, and you must be content at present to know that he discovered the fact. There is a beautiful explanation of it, but we must wait for that till we consider the science of the nineteenth century, for it is now much better under- stood. Huyghens' * Theory of Light ' was published in 1690, under the title ' Traite de la Lumiere.' He remained in Paris for some years -, but left it and returned to Holland when the persecution of the Protestants began after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. He died in 1695. Chief Works consulted. — Ilerschel's ' Familiar Lectures ' — art. 'Light;' Tylor, < On Refraction'— * Nature,' vol. ix. ; * Edin. Phil. Journal,' vols. ii. and iii. — 'On Double Refraction;' Ganot's 'Phy- sics ;' Encyclopjedias— ' Britannica,' ' Metropolitana,' and Brewster's. 1 82 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. ft. hi. CHAPTER XXIL SUMMARY OF THE SCIENCE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. We have now arrived at the close of the seventeenth century, and it only remains for us, before going farther, to try and picture to ourselves the great steps in advance which had been made between the years 1600 and 1700. We saw at p. 82 that the work of the sixteenth century consisted chiefly in making men aware of their own ignorance, and teaching them to inquire into the facts of nature, instead of merely repeating what they had heard from others. In the seventeenth century we find them following out this rule of patient research, and being rewarded by arriving at grand and true laws. Astronomy. — To begin with Astronomy. Here Galileo led the way with his telescope. The structure of the moon, with its mountains and valleys ; the existence of Jupiter's four moons revolving round it and giving it light by night ; the myriads of stars of the Milky Way j the spots of the sun coming into view at regular intervals, and thus proving that the sun turns on its axis ; all these discoveries forced upon men's minds the truth that our little world is not the centre of everything, but a mere speck among the millions of heavenly bodies. But while they humbled man's false pride in his own importance, they taught him on the other hand the true greatness which God has put in his power by giving CH. XXII. SUMMARY. 1S3 the intellect to discover and understand these wonderful truths if he will only seek them in an earnest and teachable spirit. Then came Kepler with a still grander lesson, for he showed that the movements of the planets are governed by regular and fixed laws, which can be traced out so accurately that an astronomer is able to foretell with confidence what will happen many years after he himself has passed away. Thus we see Gassendi and Horrocks, by the use of Kepler's labours, calculating within a few minutes the time of a planet's passage across the face of the sun and watching the exact fulfilment of the prediction. Nor is this all : so exact and true are these movements, and so completely is man able to read them rightly, that by this simple passage of a small black spot across the sun Halley showed that we may actually number the millions of miles between ourselves and the great light around which we move. We might almost think that we had now travelled as far as man's mind could go, but something far greater remained behind. Newton sitting under his apple-tree and pondering on the wonderful mechanism of the heavens, found the one great law which accounts for the movements of all the bodies in the universe — a law which explains equally why a pin falls to the ground and why a comet which has been lost from sight for more than a hundred years will return to a certain fixed spot at a day and an hour which can be accurately foretold. " Kepler had pointed out fixed and definite laws by which the uni- verse is governed ; Newton demonstrated that one law ex- plains them all. He showed us how one single thought, as it were, of the Divine mind suffices to govern the most complicated as well as the simplest movements of our system. 1 84 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, pt. m. All this advance from Galileo to Newton was the work of the seventeenth century. It began, you see, with certain simple facts j by Galileo seeing that bodies existed in the heavens which were not known to be there before ; it ended in the beautiful law of which we have just spoken. But I want you particularly to notice that this end would never have been reached by men who were content to sit down idly and talk of the greatness of God. It was the result of real work by men who tried first to learn the facts, and from these to prove reverently the way in which it pleases God to bring them about ; and in this labour of love, being brought face to face with the infinite grandeur of nature, they learnt that true humility which led Newton, the greatest of them all, to feel that he was but as a little child gathering pebbles on the shore of the great ocean of truth. Physics. — If we now turn to Physics, we shall find that the way to knowledge lay still along the same road of patient inquiry. Torricelli's barometer and Guericke's hemispheres of Magdeburg both proved by direct experiment that the atmosphere round our earth is pressing downwards with great weight ; and this again brings us round to the force of gravity, which is the cause of this weight; while Boyle's ex- periment showed that air is elastic, being compressed in exact proportion as the weight upon it is increased, and ex- panding again directly it is diminished. Again, in the subject of Light, we begin with hard dry facts, which doubtless you may have thought it wearisome to master, but we end with a theory so wonderful and beautiful that it seems more like a fairy-tale than sober science. The first step here was the invention of the telescope, which, while it opened the road on the one hand to astronomical discoveries, also led to the grinding of lenses, and to a more CH. XXII. SUMMARY. 185 careful study of the laws of light. This it was which caused Snellius to make experiments on the bending of rays with a view to improving telescopes, and so to discover the law of refraction, afterwards more fully stated by Descartes. Then we find this last philosopher trying to explain the rainbow, and studying the colours falling through a prism, and so the subject passed on into the hands of Newton. Here, by experiment again, the threads of light were dis- entangled in the prism, and Newton drew out its many- coloured rays, tracing them one by one on their road, till he had shown that refraction explained them, and that to this law, which seemed so uninteresting at first, we owe all the lovely colours which surround us. And now Huyghens takes up the story and leads us fairly into the invisible world. This light, which Roemer had proved to be travel- ling across space with marvellous speed, Huyghens shows to be no actual substance at all, but most probably a trembling of an invisible and intangible ether — a succession of infinitely tiny waves chasing each other across millions of miles, and striking at last on the minute opening of our eye, bringing to us the wonderful effects of light. As Newton traced colours, so Huyghens traces the invisible waves through many substances, showing us their path and why they take it j and landing us at last in the bewildering effects of polar- ization, leaves us there to wait for more knowledge in a future century. Biology. — And now we come to Biology, or the study of all those sciences which relate to life. Here you must re- member that our account of the discoveries made, must be more than usually imperfect, because the subject is more than usually difficult. Yet we can form some idea of the new light thrown upon the nature of the living body, by Harvey's i86 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. theory of the circulation of the blood and the discoveries which followed concerning the way in which nourishment is carried to it. We can see how Mayow's experiments, proving that part of the air is burnt within us, supplying heat to our bodies, would have been a grand step in advance if he had lived to make them more known, and how, indeed, they did influence those who came after, though his name was for a time forgotten. More clearly still we can under- stand how Malpighi's and Grew's investigations with the microscope, bringing to light hidden parts and vessels of the human frame, gave rise to a totally new branch of science, and enabled men to study the organisation of their own bodies with an accuracy quite impossible before ; while the same method applied to Botany gave the first real insight into the structure of plants, tracing out their delicate organs, and even the tiny cells of which their flesh is composed. And lastly, in the field of Natural History, we find that Ray and Willughby performed the immense task of classifying the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms, and laid the founda- tion of the grand generalizations of Linnaeus in the next century. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Chief Men of Science in the Eighteenth Centtcry. A.D. Boei-hacave 1 668-1 738 Hales I677-I76I Haller 1 708-1 777 Hunter 1 728-1 793 Bonnet 1 720-1 793 Spallanzani 1 729-1 799 Buffon I 707-1 788 Linnaeus 1707-1778 Lazzaro Moro 1687 — Werner 1750-1817 Hutton 1 726-1 797 William Smith % 1 769-1839 Black . I 728-1 792 Bergmann . • 1 735-1 784 Cavendish . . 1731-1810 Priestley I 733-1804 Scheele . I 742-1 786 Rutherford . 1749-1819 Lavoisier . . I 743-1 794 Watt . . 1736-1819 Franklin . 1 706-1 790 Galvani . 1 737-1 798 Volta . 1 745-1827 Maskelyne . . 1732-1811 Lagrange . 1736-1813 Laplace 1 749-1827 Herschel . 1 738- 1 822 CH. XXIII. DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE. 189 CHAPTER XXIII. SCIENCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Great spread of Science in the Eighteenth Century — Advance of the Sciences relating to Living Beings — Foundation of Leyden Univer- sity in 1574 — Boerhaave, Professor of Medicine at Leyden, 1701 — Foundation of Organic Chemistry by Boerhaave — Influence of Boer- haave upon tlie study of Medicine — Belief of the Alchemists in * Vital Fluids ' — Boerhaave's Experiments on the Juices of Plants — Dr. Hales' Experiments on Plants — Boerhaave's Analyses of Milk, Blood, &c. — Great popularity of his Chemical Lectures. We have now arrived at the beginning of the eighteenth century, only 175 years before our own day, when the dif- ferent sciences which we have been tracing in their rise, Hke little rills on the mountain sides, were beginning to swell out into mighty streams, widening and spreading so rapidly that it is in vain we strain our eyes to try and watch them all. The time had now come when any man who wished to be a discoverer was obliged to devote his whole life to one branch of science, following it out in all its in- tricate windings. And so we find that about this time each science begins to have a complete history of its own, with its own eminent men, and its peculiar language growing more and more technical so as scarcely to be understood by ordinary readers. For this reason most general histories of Science stop at this point and refer their readers to special works on the different sciences. I do not, however, propose to do this ; I90 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. for though I must warn you again more strongly than ever that I can only give you little glimpses of the work that was being done, still I think that if we struggle on through the increasing mass of knowledge and gather up a fragment here and there, you will gain a general idea of the progress of science, and be able to read more advanced scientific books with much greater interest, even though you may have learnt very little of any one science. Astronomy, Physics, and to a certain extent Chemistry, had made such a start at the end of the seventeenth century that it was a great many years before those men who came after Newton, Halley, Huyghens, and Stahl, had mastered the new discoveries sufficiently to progress any further. Therefore we find that it was not in these sciences that most advance was made in the beginning of the eighteenth cen- tury, but in those which relate to living beings, and which are all included under the head of Biology, or the science of life. Medicine, Anatomy, and Physiology were the branches which grew -most rapidly about this time ; and the five great men whose names stand out most conspicuously are Boer- haave, Haller, John Hunter, Bonnet, and Spallanzani : Boerhaave, as the founder of the study of organic chemistry, Haller and Hunter as the fathers of coinparative anatomy, and Bonnet and Spallanzani as the discoverers of some very remarkable facts m physiology. We will take these subjects in regular order, and try to understand something of the work which was done in them. Medical School of Leyden Foundation of Organic Chemistry by Boerhaave, 1701. — On the coast of Holland, just where the Rhine empties itself by a number of small channels into the German Ocean, stands the city of Leyden, which became famous in the year 1574, on account of a CH. XXIII. HERMANN BOERHAAVE. 191 siege of four months which the starving inhabitants endured with the utmost heroism, when the Protestant Netherlanders were struggHng for Hfe and Hberty against PhiHp II. of Spain. The Dutchmen were successful at last and drove out the Spanish army, by cutting away the dykes and letting the sea swallow up their beautiful pastures, their neat villages, and their fruitful orchards ; and as a reward for their devotion to the cause, William of Orange founded the University of Leyden, which afterwards became very celebrated. Hermann Boerhaave, of whose work we are now going to speak, was a Professor of Medicine in this University about a hundred years after its commencement. The son of a Dutch clergyman, he was born in 1668 at Vorhout, one of those same small Dutch villages near Leyden which had been for days under the sea in 1574. His father intended him for the church ; but the young student, having been accused of holding false opinions, was only too glad to give up this profession and study medicine, in which he de- lighted. He was so successful that in 1701 he was made Lecturer of Medicine in the University, and a few years later the Professorships of Chemistry and Botany were also given to him. From that time the Medical School of Leyden became famous all over the world. Students flocked to it from all quarters, and most of the best me- dical men of Europe were pupils of Boerhaave. This was due chiefly, of course, to his wonderful medical knowledge and his skill as a lecturer ; but his popularity was greatly increased by his enthusiasm, kindly temper, and the great interest which he took in the success of his pupils. He was always ready to help others and to give them credit for the work they had done, and it is said that even his enemies could not resist his constant and uniform kind- 192 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. pt. hi. ness and good-temper. He loved his science too well to hinder its progress by angry disputes ; and by imparting this spirit to his pupils he did almost as much for the spread of medical science as by the facts which he taught them. But besides his influence upon medicine in general there was one particular study which Boerhaave may be said to have founded j this was the chemistry of living substances, or organic chemistry. You will remember that the false science of alchemy had always been much mixed up with chemistry, and the alchemists had some strange mystical notions about * vital fluids/ which they supposed to exist in animals and plants, and to cause their life and growths Little by little, however, more correct ideas had grown up in the 1 6th and 17th centuries about the nature of life. Vesalius, Harvey, Malpighi, Grew, and many others, had gradually described more and more accurately the working of the dif- ferent organs of a living being, and now Boerhaave went farther, and tried to discover by means of chemistry of what materials these organs themselves are composed. In the same way that Geber had decomposed or divided up inorganic substances, such as metals and earths, by distil- lation and sublimation (see p. 44), so Boerhaave proposed to decompose the organic substances of which plants and ani- mals are made, and to discover the materials contained in them. To accomplish this he took a plant, such as rosemary, and puttiiig fresh moist leaves of it into a furnace, heated them gently and drove out all the moisture, which he col- lected in a separate vessel. When this moisture had cooled down into a liquid he examined it and found that it was made up of water, and of different kinds of oils and essences, according to the plant he had taken. For in- stance, from rosemary he got an essence with the peculiar CH. XXIII. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 193 scent of rosemary ; from the bark of the cinnamon \xQQ,Laurus Camphorum, or Cinnamomum camphoi'um^ he got essence of cinnamon ; from its roots, camphor ; and from its leaves an oil with the taste of cloves. Then after he had extracted all the juice from the plant, he burnt the dry remains, to see what would be contained in its ashes after the fire had driven off part of the solid matter as gas, and he found in them a kind of salt, which was also different in different plants. But if he poured hot water on the plant before burning it, he found no salt in the ashes, for it had been dissolved and carried off in the water. Having now found what substances were in the plant, the next step was to discover where they came from ; so he took several specimens of earth in which plants can grow and examined them also ; and he found that he could extract from them many of the substances, such as salt, alum, borax, and sulphur, which he had also discovered in the ashes of the plants. It was clear, then, that the plant took these salts out of the earth ; and by a number of experi- ments he went on to prove that they are dissolved by the rain-water which sinks into the earth, and are then sucked up by the plants through their roots and carried up to the leaves, where they are exposed to the air and sunshine, and altered so as to become food for the plant The other parts which did not come from the soil he concluded must be taken in from the air. These were splendid facts, and curiously enough a celebrated English chemist. Dr. Hales (born 1677, died 1761), made some of the same experi- ments almost at the same time, which confirmed those of Boerhaave. Hales even went so far as to measure the quantity of water taken in at the roots and given out at the leaves of plants, and he discovered the way in which 10 194 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. pt. ill. plants breathe through the httle stomata^ or mouths, disco- vered by Grew (see p. 141). From the juices of plants Boerhaave next went on to those of animals, and he decomposed in a most beautiful and simple manner milk, blood, bile, and those fluids called chyle and lymph which convey nourishment to the blood. These he compared with the sap, gums, resins, and oils of * plants, and showed that animal bodies are made up of altered vegetable matter, just as plants are in their turn composed of ma