HSSSSiS^ yctcrr - THE ACTINIARIA OF THE SIBOGA EXPEDITION PART I CERIANTHARIA Sib o ga-Exp editie XV a THE ACTINIARIA OF THE SIBOGA EXPEDITION BY DR J. PLAYFAIR Mc MURRICH L'niversity of Tovonto, Canada PART I CERIANTHARIA With 1 plate and 14 text figures (Aided by a grant from the EL1ZABETH THOMPSON SCIENCE FUND) »8>&®fr«8<=— late E. J. BRTLL PUBUSHERS AND PRINTERS LEYDEN I9IO .• LI PART I CERIANTHARIA Before entering upon the special matter of this Report a few remarks seem necessary in explanation of the classification that has been adopted. The classification of the Anthozoa has undergone many changes as increasing knowledge of the structural peculiarities of the forms assigned to the group has revealed the manifold differences of their organization. An historical review of these changes is unnecessary here, as I have already (1893) given an account of the principal ones up to 1 89 1 , and a somewhat more thorough review, brought up to date, has recently been given by Carlgren in the Anthozoa of Bronn's Thierreich (1908). Within recent years two classifications have been proposed as the result of extensive studies of groups of the Anthozoa and to these I desire to refer briefly, since the classification I am adopting here differs from both in certain particulars while agreeing in others. One of these classifications is that proposed by van Beneden (1898) and the other that of Carlgren, in the work just cited. Van Beneden, after a thorough discussion of the questions at issue, divides the Anthozoa into three great groups, the Zoanthactiniaria, Octactiniaria and Scyphactiniaria. The first of these groups is again subdivided into the Zoanthinaria, equivalent to Hertwig's tribe Zoantheae, and the Hexactiniaria which includes the Actiniaria and the Madreporaria. The Octactiniaria correspond to the group more usually known as the Alcyonaria ; the Scyphactiniaria are divisible into three subgroups, the Ceriantharia, including the Ceriantharia and the Antipatharia, the Scyphomedusae and the Rusfosa. In tabular form the arrangement is as follows Anthozoa Zoanthactiniaria . . Zoanthiniaria Hexactiniaria Octactiniaria Scyphactiniaria Ceriantipatharia. . I Scyphomedusae l Madreporaria (Actiniaria (Ceriantharia (Antipatharia 5479* Rugosa SIBOG A-EXPEDITIE XV ö. [*o the principle involved in the firsl of these groups I would offer no objections, the inthiniaria undoubtedly standing in closer phylogenetic relationship to the II' actiniaria than to any of the other groups, and just as undoubtedly the Madreporaria ai ly related to the Actiniaria, an idea sug by Hertwig and abundantly confirmed by recent studies oi the soft parts and development of the coralligenous forms (see especiallj Duerden, 1902 With ,r>l to the third group, however, I am entirely in disaccord. In the first place 1 cannot elationship that the arrangement predicates for the Ceriantharia and Antipatharia. Indications of affinity van Beneden finds in the presence in both groups ol a longitudinal idermal musculature in the column wall, in the weak development of the mesenterial mus- culature and in the similarity in the arrangement of the principal mesenteries. The first two characters do not seem to me to be entitled to great importance, occurring and disappearing .is they do in various groups of Anthozoa; the third is of significance. But is there similarity in this Van Beneden finds it by recognizing but three protocnernes in the Ceriantharia and in this 1 believe he is mistaken. I can sec no reasons for regarding the fourth couple ol m. , that appear in Cerianthan larvae as other than protocnernes, and in later pages ol this Report I shall present further evidence that is afforded by the development in favour of this view. 1 hope to show that the development <>f what I shall term the deuterocnemes in the riantharia begins with the fifth couple of mesenteries and that, consequently, the members of that group take origin from an octamerous condition. Whether the Antipatharia really start trom an hexamerous condition in which there are only three couples ol protocnernes or not .not be determined with certainty at present; we must wait tor further light on the «piestion, until. perhaps, a study of the embryonic development ^\ some member of the group may offer data for a final conclusion. In the mean time it seems that any such close alliance of Ceriantharia and Antipatharia as van Beni den has proposed is inadvisable. In the association of the Scyphomedusae with the Ceriantharia, etc, I believe van Beneden has also fallen into error. Certainly these medusa are more nearly related to the Anthozoa than ;■■ the I Ivdromedtisa-, but instead of forming a suli^roup of a subgroup of the Anthozoa the\ should be of equal value with that group. Their relationship traces back only to remote ancestors, to a stage before the differentiation of the Alcyonaria, Ceriantharia, etc, and to make the phomedusse equivalent to these is an imperfect expression of their phylogenetic atlmities. Finally, with regard to the Rugosae it seems probable that van Beneden himself, with the results obtained by DüERDEN (1905) now at his disposal, would materially alter his views as to their affmities and recognizc their close relationship to the Zoanthactiniaria. The evidence which Duerden has presented as to their primary hexactinian characters seems wel) founded, and while I am not inclined to recognize tbr them so close an affinity to the Zoanthinaria he suggests, nor \ et to follow Carlgren in including them among the Madreporaria. yet I lieve there is reason for associating them with both these groups to the same extent that in associates the Zoanthids and Hexactinians. I would accordingly do away with van Beneden's group Scyphactiniaria and frame a much more resembling that proposed by Carlgren (1908), though differing trom this in tlv n assigned to the Rugosae. Carlgren's classification is as follows: Anthozoa Hexacorallia . Octocorallia. . Dodecacorallia Antipatharia Ceriantharia Zoophytaria Zoantharia Actiniaria Madreporaria In this, again, there is a closer association of the Antipatharia and Ceriantharia than seems advisable, nor should the Madreporaria be separated as distinctly from the Actiniaria as are the Zoantharia. Exception may also be taken to the nomenclature employed in both this and van Beneden's classification, on the ground that in the latter the terminations adopted do not sufficiently differentiate subgroups from groups, while in the former the term Hexacorallia is apt to be misleading both on account of its form and on account of the different sense in which hexamerism has been understood. I would suggest an arrangement and nomenclature somewhat as follows, as representing fairly accurately our present information as to the affinities of the various groups. Alcyonaria Antipatharia Ceriantharia Anthozoa. Zoanthactiniaria Hexactiniae. Zoantheae Rugosae Madreporacea Actiniacea This is essentially the classification I proposed in my paper on the Phylogeny of the Actinozoa (1891), except that the Edwardsiae are now included in the Hexactiniae and the Zoantheae and Rugosae are brought into closer relationship to the same group. This is in accordance with the views I have held as to the significance of the development of the mesen- teries in the different groups. It seems quite certain, both from the comparative study of adult forms and from the embryological development, that a condition with eight mesenteries, developed in couples, is well marked in all the Anthozoan groups with the possible exception of the Antipatharia. Whether these are to be regarded as possessing only six mesenteries, comparable to the eight of the other groups, or whether they are to be regarded as modifications from a primarily eight mesenteried stage remains for demonstration, as does also the question of the significance of all the additional mesenteries occurring in such a form as Leiopathes. In the Alcyonaria the primary eight mesenteries are the only ones present, but in the Ceriantharia and Zoanthactiniaria additional mesenteries are added. In the former group these are always developed in couples, and this is also the case with the four mesenteries which succeed the 3 primaries in th<- Zoanthactiniaria, bul while in the Ceriantharia tl ondary mesenteries always retain the coupled condition, in the Zoanthactiniaria they form pairs with tli<- lateral primary mesent an hexamerous symmetry, with the mesenteries in six pairs, being tlms produced. Finally in th<- Zoanthactiniaria a tertiary group of mesenteries is added, these mesenteries, as a ruif. being developed in pairs. h seems convenient to have distinguishing terms for these three groups of mesenteries. ied the use of the term protocnenv - for the mesenteries constituting the si\ primary j >.iirs of the Zoanthactiniaria, that is to say for th<- primary and secondary :nteries recognized above, and for the additional coupled mesenteries of the Cerian- tharia and for the paired «mes of the Zoanthactiniaria hc employed the term metacnemes. This nomenclature is open to the objection that it disregards the significance of the eight mesenteried stadition found in the Alcyonaria and the Zoanthactiniarian larvse and almost implies that this condition is a derivative from a six-paired one; further it makes the secondary coupled mesenteries of the Ceriantharia equivalent to the paired tertiaries of the Zoanthactiniaria. I would limit the term protocneim ^ to the eight primary coupled mesenteries. and for the secondary coupled 1 would suggest the term deuterocnemes, while for the mesenteries which succeed these in the Zoanthactiniaria and which usually develope in pairs I propose the term zygocnemes. I i rden's term metacnemes might be employed either for these or for the deuterocnenn-s, but to avoid any confusion that might result from its application in a new sense it has seemed preferable to discard it. CERIANTHARIA. Our knowledge of the Ceriantharia dates from 1784 when Spallanzani gave a brief description of the form now generally known as Ccrianthus mcmöranaceus, regarding it as a somewhat aberrant Tubularia, to which genus Rapp (1829) also referred C. solitarius, first described by him. In 1804 Renier, according to Meneghini (1847), had described C. membra- naccus as Adinia cylindrica, thus associating it with the Actiniaria; in 1828 the same author redescribed it as Moscata rododattila-, in 1830 della Chiaje assigned it to the genus Cerianthus under the name C. cornucopi\ the views of van Beneden (1891) concerning the si^niticance of ianthid protocnemes, and the latter author in his account of the arrangement of the in C. lloydii (1898) also regards the fourth couple from the mid-ventral line as the inning of the first quartette. I have given above what seem to me to be good reasons lor regarding the fourth couple as belonging to the same series as the more ventral couples; for regarding, in other words, the four ventral couples as forming a protocnemic group, and all the other couples .1-. forming a deuterocnemic group. and on this ground alone it seems t<> me preferable to regard the quartetti beginning with the fifth couple of mesenteries, that is to say, with the first deuterocnemi quartette arrangement, under such a system of enumeration. would be characteristic of thi 1 rocnemes, leaving the protocnemes as a group apart. The Prol mie Mesenteries. The four couples of mesenteries which represent the protocnemes in tlv adult have a very similar arrangement in those species in which the arrangement has heen longest known, as, for example, in C. membranaceus (Haime, [854; von 79; Faurot, . C. lloydii van Beneden, 1898) C. verrillii (Kingsley, 19 I , that ihc- term that vin his papci "ti Vl RRI1 >l the specific name by I ' ■, 1 on i erlooked the 1 1 and C. americanus (Mc Murrich, 1890). Within recent years, however, a number of forms that show a distinctly different arrangement of these mesenteries have been described, such as Pachycerianthus bcnedeni (Roule, 1904), P. oligopodus (Cerfontaine, 1909) and P. cestuari, P. johnsoni and Botryanthus benedeni (Torrey and Kleeberger, 1 909) v). Since the publication of von Heider's paper (1879) it has been recognized that the most ventral couple of mesenteries of C. memèranaceus is characterized by being short, sterile and destitute of mesenterial filaments, and that the second couple extends to the aboral pole, is fertile and is provided with mesenterial filaments. The same conditions obtain for the corresponding mesenteries of the other three species of Cerianthus mentioned above, and to the most ventral couple the term directives has been applied, while the second couple of mesenteries have been termed the continuous mesenteries, a term which may be conveniently replaced by telocnemes. The third couple resemble the directives in being sterile, except, apparently, in C. verrillii, but they are provided with mesenterial filaments, much coiled in a portion of their course (data with regard to this point being lacking for C. verrillii); their length varies in the different species, but they are always considerably shorter than the mesenteries on either side of them. The fourth couple resembles the telocnemes in being fertile and provided with mesenterial filaments, which, however, do not show the extensive coiling presented by those of the third couple; considerable variation in length is shown by these mesenteries in different species, since in C. lloydii and C. verrillii they are almost as long as the telocnemes, while in C. monbranaceus and C. americanus they are much shorter, in the former species, however, being longer than any of the cleuterocnemes, while in the latter they are surpassed by a number of them. In these four species, therefore, there is a general uniformity in the character of the protocnemes, which may be expressed in a few words by saying that the telocnemes are the second couple. In 1904, however, Roule described an arrangement of the mesenteries in a form which he named Pachycerianthus benedeni, which differs markedly from that just described in that it is the fourth couple instead of the second which become the telocnemes. He finds that the mesenteries are nearly all rather short, extending but a short distance beyond the lower edge of the stomatodaeum, but two of them, which, using van Beneden's nomenclature (1898), he designates S3 reach the aboral pole, enclosing the gouttière impaire, which contains vestiges of the mesenteries D and S1, these being the first and second protocnemic couples. No mention is made in his paper of the third couple of protocnemes, but it is evident that they too must lie in the gouttière impaire. Such an arrangement is exceedingly interesting and important, and it was of no little interest to fincl in the "Siboga" collection two species which also showed it. One of these seems to be identical with the form described by Kwietniewski (1898) as C. fact that Danielssen first employed the Dame in 1860 and that it was given as a synonym of C. lloydii by Sars in 1S61. Danielssen's application of the term certainly has the priority and it is Verrill's use of it that must be given up. It is interesting to note that the term C. danielsseni which Kingsley proposed for C. borealis Dan., was also suggested for that form by Levinsen in 1893, and that the same name has also been bestowed by Roule upon a species described by him in 1905. 1) These last three species the authors refer to the genus Cerianthus. The arrangement of the protocnemes shows that two of them must be referred to the same genus as the Pachycerianthus benedeni of Roule (1904). As to the third if we accept the validity of van Beneden's division of the Cerianthida; into the two groups Acontiferae and Botrucnidifera;, it must be referred to the latter group and therefore must be separated from Cerianthus. I suggest for it the name Botryanthus, unless it be shown in the future to belong to one of the genera van Beneden has established for Botrucnidiferous larvae. I 2 / '• /VVV $& v >V\.VVV nd I -h. til refer to it in what follows ;is Pachycerianthus fitnèriatus l), while the other may be termed /'. monostichus, the specific term referring ti> the arrangement "f the labial tentacles which will 1"- described later. The same arrangemenl is also described by ( i km '\ r \i\i i [909 as occuring in /'. oligopodus. In /'. fimbriatus^ two individuals of which proved to l»- in a most admirable con dition for investigation, the arrangement of the protocnemes was as follows3). The directive mesenteries, like those of other species, were short, sterile and destitute of mesenterial fila- ments. The second and third couples were but little longer than the sterile mesenteries of the deuterocnemic quartettes (see Text-figure II . which they resembled in being provided with mesenterial filaments extensivelj coiled in the lower part of their course. Following von Heider's classification both couples of me teries would be referrcd to the group of Fila- mentsepta, and the only appreciable difference in the two was that the mesenteries of the second couple were slightly longer than those of the third. The fourth couple on the other hand, was formed l>y two mesenteries which wen- fertile and provided with mesenterial filaments that were not extensively coiled, and they alone of all the mesenteries, both protoc- nemes and deuterocnemes, reached tlu: aboral pole. They have. then, all the characters of telocnemes, hut the)- differ from those of C. memöranaceus, etc. in being the fourth couple of protocnemes instead of the second. 1) 1 name given by Kwietnibwski is ch it had already been emp to,1 foi a which he oamed ./. linia elongata, but which was probably Cerianthus eus. 2) The two individuals upon which f which there were quile 11 in a mop rated condition. It was p delermine in a numbcr of these that the general arran identical with that of the formalin exampl In P . monostichus (see Text-figure X), in P. oligopodus and in P. ezstuari, P. Johnsoni and Botryanttms benedeni the arrangement is essentially the same. On either side of the short, sterile directives are two sterile mesenteries, both of which are considerably longer than the directives, though but little longer than the sterile deuterocnemes, those of the second couple being longer than those of the third. The fourth couple of protocnemes consists of fertile mesenteries which reach the aboral pole. In four distinct species, then, the telocnemes are the fourth couple counting from the mid-ventral line, and this arrangement seems therefore to have more than mere specific value. If so, the question arises as to whether indications of the two arrangements can be found in the early stages of development. A study of the various larval forms described so thoroughly by van Beneden (1898), together with my own observations on some additional ones obtained by the "Siboga", have led to some interesting results in this connection. Van Beneden has divided the larvse he studied into two groups characterized by the appendages which occur on certain of the longer mesenteries. In one group these mesenteries bear peculiar aggregations of cells which may be set free within the coelenteron and have been termed botrucnida, while in the other group the appendage is a more or less filamentous structure which van Beneden has identified as an acontium. The Botrucnidiferse need not con- cern us here; but in the Acontiferse will be found certain variations in the mesenteries which bear the acontia, and in correlation with these apparently certain other peculiarities of struc- ture. Unfortunately the acontia are in some cases a little late in making their appearance, and some of the larvse obtained do not possess them, but in several of such cases one or more of the other peculiarities are evident and from these it may be predicted upon what mesenteries the acontia will appear. To consider first the acontia. These occur as a rule only on one or two couples ot mesenteries, the more ventral of which may be either the second or the fourth protocneme. In Arachnactis albida, in his three species of Ovactis and in Dactylactis armata and D. digitata van Beneden found the acontia upon the fourth couple and they are also clearly shown on the fourth couple in Boveri's fig. 3 (1890) although he did not perceive their significance ; Gravier (1904), found them on the fourth and sixth couples in D. benedeni ; and to this list I can add Ovactis wilsoni and from the "Siboga" material Arachnactis siboga and Dactylactis malayensis, all three with the acontia on the fourth couple, so that it would seem fairly certain that in these three genera, Dactylactis, Arachnactis and Ovactis, the acontia are borne by the fourth protocnemes. In the species of the three remaining genera described by van Beneden the acontia had not appeared in the larvae studied, but in the "Siboga" collection I find representatives of two of these genera, namely Apiactis and Peponactis, and in the species belonging to the former the acontia are borne by the second protocnemes and in the species of Peponactis they are present on both the second and fourth protocnemes. In the more advanced larvse of the first group it is found that in addition to the fourth couple being the first to possess acontia, the are also the longest of the protocnemes. This is the case in Arachnactis albida, A. siboga, Ovactis brasiliensis, O. cequatorialis , O. wilsoni, Dactylactis armata, D. digitata, D. benedeni and D. siboga. Of the other known species of ' t tl„- tme that in the oldest yel observed the fourth couple is shorter than the second, but this may justifiably be regarded .is due to the known stages being too young to show the definite length relations of the mesenteries. The fourth couple is formed later than th,- ; and must for a time therefore, be shorter than the second in all species, and it ma) ed that its shortness in the tonus under consideration is .1 condition whicfa will later ,1. in 1 bermudensis we certainly cannot consider the arrangemenl seen in the oldest know larva .is necessarily representing the aduh relations, and this is equally true for Da lermis and D. elegans and perhaps also for Solasteractis macropoda in regard i" which there is yet no information as to the development <>( tin- acontia. It is true that in the oldest known examp Ovactis brasiliensis described l>y van Beneden the second couple is still longer than the fourth, hut in the monstrous form of the same species it is noticeable that one side of the sagittal plane the mesentery of the fourth couple is the longer, and this being the relative length of the couple in other species of the genus, it may be regarded as indicating what the adult relations will be. There are, then, in the protocnemes of quite an extensive series of forms two associated iliarities which seem to be constant, and are therefore to be regarded as characteis oi taxonomie importance. Hut before taking up this question further I wish to consider the arran- nent of the deuteroencmes and certain other structural features ot the order. The Deuterocnemic Mesenteries. The development of our knowledge of the arrangement of the deuterocnemic mesenteries has already been described and the important dis of Faui 91) of the quartette arrangement has been noted. It has also been pointed out that Faurot in his later paper 1 [895) and \ \n 1!im i>i \ [898 begin the enumeration of the (|iiariett<-s with the last protocnemes, a method which is inconsistent with the true relationship ot the two sets of mesenteries. Correctin^ this error, in each of the species hitherto described in which the quartettes have been sufticiently Studied each is composed of two sterile and two fertile mesenteries, the sterile and the fertile alternating. In the different species considerable differen> occur in the relative lengths of the mesenteries composing each quartette, and it seems probable that these differences may have a classificatory value, although this cannot be definitely determined until a greater number of individuals of each species has been studied. B( • illing attention to these differences a few words are necessary as to the of the quartette mesenteries. Von Heider's terms Filamentsepta and Genitalsepta are not quite opposite for several reasons, the fact that in one of the species to be described later the Filamentsepta as well as the Genitalsepta bear reproductive organs being the most important one. and the same fact makes the use of the terms sterile and fertile also inappropriate. In what follows I shall term the longer mesenteries (von Heider's Genitalsepta) macrocnemes and the- shorter ones von Heider's Filamentsepta) brachyenemes. In C. membranaceus the first quartette, that is to say that nearest the protocnemic group, f first a brachyeneme, to which succeeds a macrocneme, then a d brachyeneme horter than the first and then a second macrocneme longer than the first one 111 . [f the brachyenemes be represented by b and B lor the shorter and longer m< tively and the macrocnemes be similarly represented by m and .1/. the '4 i5 arrangement of the quartette may be represented by the formula B — m — b — M. The same formula answers also for the succeeding quartettes, but it will be observed that in each quartette there is a gradual diminution in the length of each of the four kinds of mesenteries compared with the corresponding mesentery of the preceeding quartette. In other words the mesenteries of each kind diminish gradually in length towards the dorsal mid-line, the length of any one kind being proportional to that of the preceeding quartette. Hence, as regards their lengths four different kinds of deuterocnemes may be recognized. Along with this arrangement is to be noted the fact that none of the deuterocnemes approach the aboral pole. In C. verrillii the arrangement of the mesenteries in the quartettes is essentially the same as in C. membranaceus, being expressed by the formula B — m — b — M, and the same correlation in length of the individual mesenteries of each set also occurs. A differance is found, however, in the fact that three of the longer macrocnemes on each side extend almost to the aboral pole and there is a gradual diminution of the remainder of this set towards the dorsal mid-line (See Kingsley, 1904). In P . fimbriatus (See Text-figure II, p. 1 2) the arrangement is similar to that of C. membranaceus, although in the single example carefully examined the regular diminution in length of the various kinds of mesenteries was interrupted in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth quartettes, but resumed in the succeeding ones. None of the deuterocnemes approach the aboral pole. In P. monostichus, so far as I was able to ascertain the arrangement, it was similar to that of C. verrillii, but an account of the details of the arrangement both in this form and in the preceeding one will be given later with the description of the species (See Text-figure X). In these four species, then, the arrangement of the quartettes was according to the formula B — m — b — M. In the two species now to be mentioned we find a different formula is necessary, namely, B — M- — b — m ; that is to say, the longer macrocneme precedes the shorter one in each quartette. This is the case in C. lloydii (Van Beneden, 1898), and in this form we find that while the two sets of brachyenemes have an independently progressing length- diminution towards the dorsal surface, the two sets of macrocnemes form one diminishing series, the shorter macrocneme of the first quartette being longer than the longer one of the second quartette and so on. Furthermore, the macrocnemes of the first two quartettes extend to the neighbourhood of the aboral pole, but with the third quartette a sudden diminution in length comes in, none of the mesenteries from this one extending beyond the middle of the column. In C. americaims (Mc Murrich, 1890; see also Text-figure IV) the quartette arrangement is also B — M — b — ;//. The brachyenemes are all very short, extending but a short distance below the lower border of the stomatodaeum, so that the amount of difference in length of those of each quartette is relatively small though appreciable, and, as a rule, the longer one 15 Fig. III. Diagram showing the arrangement of the mesenteries of Cerianthus membranaceus. Adapted from Faurot. was ih.it nearer the ventral line. Similarly, owing ti> the shortness of these mesenteries their idual diminution in successive quartettes was not very pronounced. \ 'k the macrocnemes, there is a great disparity in the lengths ol the shorter and longer ones, the former extending bul a short distance below the lower border of the stomatodaeum, while the latter reach at l< as far as the middle of the column, some oi them almost to the aboral pole. Nor is the ventro-dorsal diminution of the longer macro cnemes a constant one. In four individuals examined the longer macrocneme of the first < jnartette reached a little beyond the middle of the column, that of the second quartette almost to the aboral pole, that of the third to about the lower fifth of the column, and that of the fourth almost to the aboral pole. Beyond this some variation occurred, the lo mesenteries of the fifth and sixth quartettes reaching to beyond the middle of the column, that of the sixth being usually, but not always, slightly the longer of the two, and then foliowed sometimes one, and sometimes two quartettes in which the mesenteries under consideration almost reached the aboral pole, and in the remaining three or tour quartettes they rapidly diminished in length. In all the forms hitherto described the alternation of sterile and fertile mesenteries is characteristic of the quartettes, but in a form found in the "Siboera" collection and which I identify with C. ambonensis this was not the -e, all the mesenteries. both protocnemes and deuterocnemes, being fertile with the exception of the directive couple. A detailed account of this form will be given later on and it need merely be stated here that the deuterocnemes were arranged in two alternating the brachycnemes extending only to about 3 cm. below the lower border of the stomatodaeum, while the macrocnemes were continued onwards for 5 cm., reaching to within 2 cm., of the aboral pole, the telocnemes, which are the eing the only mesenteries to reach that pole. Whether slight variations in length of ti rocneme each, or even of successive quartettes, wen- always presenl I was unable the arrangement of the deuterocnemes appearing to be in duettes rather than in quarti tl figure V, p. 2 16 IV. g the arrangement of the mesenteries of 1/ The Arrangement of the Tentacles. Since Fischer discovered (1889) in C. membranaceus the existence of an unpaired tentacle corresponding to the ventral siphonoglyph, various attempts have been made to formulate a definite arrangement for the marginal and labial tentacles. Although in their details these attempts have produced somewhat discordant results, vet they have shown that the tentacles of the Cerianthids cannot be regarded as being arranged in cycles comparable to those of the Actiniaceae; that, however, cycles of another type can be made out; that the corresponding tentacles of the marginal and labial sets do not necessarily belong to corresponding cycles; and that the tentacles of the various quartette groups are, in general, defmitely and similarly arranged with regard to the cycles. One of the discrepancies noticeable in the different observations is the number of cycles recognized. Thus, Fischer (1889) recognizes but three, while Cerfontaine (1891), Faurot (1895) and Carlgren (1900) admit four in each set, and van Beneden (1898) recognizes in C. lloydii three in the marginal and four in the labial set. The difference is, however, of comparatively little importance, since the two outer cycles are somewhat crowded together and differences of contraction will readily lead to confusion of the two. In the examples of P. fimbriatus which I have studied there are four cycles in each set, but here and there, at different portions of the circumference, it is difhcult to determine whether a tentacle belongs to the third or the fourth cycle, especially in the case of the marginal set. The differences observed in the arrangement of the tentacles in the various cycles are of greater importance. The arrangement which Faurot (1895) figures for the marginal tentacles of C. incmbraiiacetLS may be represented thus: — 1 | 4, 2, 3, 1 | 4, 2, 3, 1 |J 3, 4, 1, 4, 3 |j 1, 3, 2, 4 | 1, 3, 2, 4 | 1 -, a formula which represents the protocnemic tentacles and two quartettes on either side, and which may better be represented thus; recognizing the fourth tentacle from the mid-ventral line as belonging to the protocnemic set; — 1, 4, 2, 3 | 1, 4, 2, 3 || 1, 3, 4, 1, 4, 3, 1 ;| 3, 2, 4, 1 | 3, 2, 4, 1 -. Earlier, however, Cerfontaine (1891) had found the arrangement to be as follows : 'i ji -i 4 I 'i ji J'4 li ji 4i -1 4i 01 ' | 4i -1 Ji L | <+> -1 01 l 1 the difference arising from a confusion of the third and fourth cycles in the quartette tentacles and of the first and second in the protocnemic ones. Carlgren (1900) confirmed Cerfontaine's results and found the same arrangement in C. lloydii, in which form van Beneden (1898) had described the arrangement as 3i 2> j> ' | 3' 2i ji l | 2> o> 2i 01 - 'iji-i j | xi ji -1 3 which may be better expressed thus : 1 1 Ji -i J I l ! 0> -1 0 | 'i -1 Ji -1 Ji -1 ' | J) 'i Ji ' | J) -1 J' * The difference is explicable, so far as the quartette tentacles are concerned by the fact that van Beneden recognized only three cycles in the marginal set of tentacles; there is, however, a discrepancy in the arrangement of the protocnemic tentacles. In C. solitarius Carlgren found the same arrangement as in the other forms, although the third and fourth cycles are less clearly distinguishable and irregularities, due to the failure of tentacles to develope, occur. 17 SIBOGA-EXrEDITIE XV a. 3 i8 A-> regards the labial tentacles, Fauroi finds in ('. membranaceus an arrangement which inay be expressed thus: 2, i. 3, i 2, i, 2, i 2, i,4, 2 i, 3- \, 3, 4, 3, i 2, 4, 1, 2 | 1, 2, 1, 2 .(, 3. 1,2 — while Cari gri n finds , 1,3,4 2. 3. 2, 4 3. i.3i 2>3i 1» 3 4,2,3,2 4,3,1,2—. \'\n Beneden gives an arrangement for C. lloydii which maj \«- expressed by 2,1,3,4 2.3,1,4 4,2,3,0,3,2,4 4, 1, 3, 2 | 4, 3, 1, 2 — , while Carlgren finds in the same species ■» 1 ■• i I *> ■» "> 1 2 "» 1 { ) 1 1 1 I 2 2 2 I A 2 T 2 In (. Carlefren finds the same arrangement as in C. membranaceus. In looking over these results it seems clear that there is a general similarity and the diffi ■ are probably largely due to the difficulty of correctly following the lines ofthevarious and avoiding the danger of being deceived by differences of contraction. In /'. Hmbriatus the arrangement I found to be 1, 3, 2. 4 | 1. 3, 2. 4 i, 3, 4. 2, 4. 3, 1 4, 2, 3, 1 j 4, 2, 3, 1 -, although it must be said that a distinction between the fourth and third cycles was not always discernible. For the labial tentacles 1 obtained the formula > 1 1 a > 1 2 A 2I121I2A212AÏI2 . The arrangement of the marginal tentacles is, therefore, identical witli what Carlgren found in C. membranaceus, C. lloydii and C. solitarius, but I find a difference in the arrangement of the labial tentacles, a difference which may. however be due rather to the difficulties ot the determination and to the small number of examples (2) suitable for examination. In other forms, however, decided departures from tliis arrangement occur. Thus in C. iaeda the marginal tentacles seem to be arranged in only two cycles, their formula being 2I2ll2I2I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 [21 21 2 1.2 while the labials are on a quadricyclic plan, their formula being 1.2,4,3 1.2,4,3 1,3,4,2,4,3,1 3.4,2,1(3,4.2,1—. In C. monostichus the marginal tentacles, so far as could be determined, seemed to have the same formula as C. taedus, but, on the other hand, the labials were in a single row. In nu larval forms has an arrangement of the ifiitacles in multiple cycles been observed, all, both marginal and labial, lying in a single cycle. The multicyclical arrangement of the adult may be due to merely mechanica! causes, as was suggested by von Heider. This explanation, lic/ by itself hardly sul >r the regularity of the arrangement recurring in the various quartette groups, and the possibility of some additional factor imposed by the arrangement of mesenteries suggests itself. From what is seen in larval forms it is evident that the formation of new mesenteries always precedes that of new tentacles, and, consequently, the tentacles ding to any mesentery is that communicating with the intermesenterial chamber nexl it. An examination of the marginal tentacles of the quartettes wil! show that the proximal cycles are those corresponding to the macrocnemes, while those iS 19 of the two distal cycles correspond to the brachycnemes. The marginal tentacles correspondino- to the protocnemes and the labials do not, however, present this relation, and its value as a determining factor must therefore remain uncertain. The Mesenterial Filaments. The structure of the mesenterial filaments of the Cerianthese has been considered by von Heider (1879), the Hertwigs (1879) and van Beneden (1898). Von Heider noted the occurrence in C. membranaceus of a thickened border to the mesenteries, and observed, too, that the thickening extended to a much lower level upon the fertile mesenteries than upon the sterile ones, the edge of the mesentery below this thickening being occupied by a much smaller swelling. Furthermore he observed that toward its extremity the upper larger thickening on the sterile mesenteries became much contorted and gave off numerous branch filaments, which he identified with acontia. Similar branch filaments, though less numerous, were observed also on the fertile mesenteries and they were found to occur scattered along almost the entire length of the telocnemes. The Hertwigs added to von Heider's description a much more accurate account of the finer structure of the filaments. They figure on PI. VIII, fig. 12 of their paper the upper portion of a mesentery, showing the upper portion of the filament but slightly wavy and bearing numerous slender, branched processes, this portion being succeeded by a stretch in which the filament is greatly coiled. Below this the filament is described as running in a wavy course to the end of the mesentery. In its upper part the filament is shown to consist of three clearly differentiated portions, a median " Nesseldrüsenstreif " and two lateral "Flimmerstreifen", its structure, therefore being exactly comparable to that of the upper trefoil portion of the Actiniacean filament. The processes arising from the filament were shown, however, to be very different in structure from the Actiniacean acontia, being extremely attenuated folds of the filament, possessing "Flimmerstreifen" as well as "Nesseldrüsenstreifen" and of each of these an ascendine as well as a descending limb. Van Beneden confirmed the Hertwigs' observations as to the trefoil structure of the upper portion of the filament and also von Heider's account of the greater extent of the trefoil in the fertile than in the sterile mesenteries ; he noted too that the greatly coiled portion of the filament occurred only on the sterile mesenteries and that the filament in this portion of its course was no longer a trefoil, but simple. His most important addition to our knowledge of the filaments was the discovery of true acontia in larval forms, arising from the free edge of one or more of the fertile mesenteries, usually some distance below the termination of the mesenterial filament and resembling closely in their structure the acontia of the Actiniaceae. This discovery completed the proof of the distinctness of the branching processes of the trefoil portion of the filaments and the acontia, and it consequently seems advisable that we should now have a term to distinguish the processes. The Hertwigs, it is true, named them "Mesen- terialfaden", but this term is a little too similar to mesenterial filament to prevent confusion, and it would seem both convenient and apposite to translate the term and to speak of the processes as craspedonemes. Owing to the excellent preservation of some of the examples of P. fimbriatus in the present collection it has been possible to make a thorough study of the structure and arrange- 19 21 i ment 'i.rtioii and a lower simpler portion, but in the Ceriantheae marked differences in the iment of the two portions are shown by the macrocnemes and brachyenemes. In the latter the uppermöst portion immediately succeeding the lower border of the stomato- an lias an almost straight free border, and throughout this stretch the filament is trilobed. > portion is succeeded l>v a stretch in which the border is much folded and apparently branched, and throughout which the filament is single-lobed (this portion is represented as wavy in text-figure II, p. [2); and below this again, the free edge is almost straight and the single-lobed portion of the filament is continued along it almost to its termination, only the terminal portion of the mesentery being destitute of a filament. In the macrocnemes, on the other hand, the trilobed portion of the filament extends a much greater distance down the mesentery, as shown by the cross marks in text-figure II. the single-lobed portion being limited to its terminal part, which is almost straight and in no case thrown into the complicated folds and branchings seen in the brachyenemes. The filament throughout its trilobed portion, except in its uppermöst part, may give rise to craspedonemes, but considerable differences occur in the different species in the extent of the development and distribution of these structures. In C. memèranaceus and C. americanus they occur in considerable numbers and in the form of long slender threads upon the edges of the mesenteries a short distance below the lower border of the stomatodaïum, and are quite conspicuous in individuals of these species opened under water so that the craspedonemes may float freely. In /'. fimöriatusy on the other hand, they are quite inconspicuous, being few in number and having the form of comparatively short digitiform processes rather than elongated threads. but they are to be found at intervals along the entire length of the trilobed portion of the filaments of the macrocnemes, a condition which does not obtain in C. americanus, although apparently present in C. memèranaceus. The minuter structure of the filaments of /'. fimbriatus in the trilobed portion is as follows. The mesogloea of the edge of the mesentery is enlarged into a somewhat quadrate mass (PI. I. I ig. 12 . whose distal angles are produced into slender processes projecting at right angles to the plane of the mesentery. while the proximal angles are prolonged into stouter recurved | ». ( >ver this t" bilobed and its entire epithelium lias the character of the .listal lateral streaks. In C is lias been stated, bunches of craspedonemes occur on the brachyc- nemes just the simple portion of the filament begins. Sections of these show dy the same structure as the broader and shorter craspedonemes of /'. fimóriatus found in the same regions, except that the endoderm separating the ascending and descending limbs much reduced in size, so that the entire craspedoneme lias a quadrilateral appearance i don (fig. i 4). In the simple portion of the filament (fig. [5J the structure of the epithelium is very siniilar to that of the .listal lateral lobes of the trilobed portion. It contains numerous nematocyst and gland cells, justifying the term Nesseldrüsenstreif generally applied to the corresponding structure in the Actiniacea. No muscle fibres could be distinguished in the deeper layers ot the epithelium. although a linely granular structure immediately above the mesogloea probably represents nerve fihres. The distribution of the acontia has already been described, and concerning their structure 1 have nothing to add to what has heen given by van Beneden (1898). I have not been able ti) find them in the adult individuals examined. It may not be a safe procedure to attempt to deduce from the conditions in the adult the origin of the different portions of the mesenterial filaments. The HERTWIGS and VON Heider have come to diametrically opposite results by this method of study, the former maintaining that the filaments of the Cerianthids are of endodermal origin, while the latter regarded them .1- downgrowths of the stomatodaeal ectoderm. The relations of the filaments to the stomatodaeal ectoderm which I have observed in P. fimöriatus and C. americanus are so definite as to point strongly to the origin of the upper trilobed portion from the stomatodaeal ectoderm as vox Heider supposed, hut the evidence regarding the lower single-lobed portion is very imperfect and I do not propose to consider this portion in what follows. A transverse section through the stomatodamm shows that the mesenteries are attached to that structure in such a way as to alternate with the longitudinal ridges which traverse it. An examination of the stomatodaeal ectoderm near its lower hortier will show that there are decided differences between the epithelium covering the ridges and that lining the depressions •en them. At the summits of the ridges the gland cells and nematocysts are exceedingly abundant, while upon their sides and in the intervening valleys both these elements are few in number and a distinct cuticle and strong cilia are present. In other words, in their histological structure the summits of the ridges agree with the distal lateral streaks ot" the trilobed portion -f the filaments, while the epithelium of the sides of the ridges and of the valleys is closely similar to that found in the proximal lateral streaks of the filaments. If any dependeiice is to '1 on histological structure in such a case, it would seem that the distal and proximal aks of the trilobed portion of the filaments are of ectodermal origin, hut as to the natun- of the median streak my preparations give no definite information. C lassifica ti o n. Until 1898 no attempt was made to divide the order Ceriantheae into other than generic groups, but in that year van Beneden recognized two suborders in the larvae he described, the Botrucnidiferae and the Acontiferae. The Acontiferae are characterized by the marginal tentacles appearing in the same order as the intermesenterial chambers with which they communicate, the unpaired median tentacle, however, always appearing later than the next adjacent couple; certain of the mesenteries bear acontia but never botrucnidre. In the Botrucnidiferae, on the other hand, the order of succession of the marginal tentacles, after the appearance of the first three couples, does not correspond with that of the mesenterial chambers, but they appear on either side in alternate chambers, the intervening chambers developing their tentacles only later, probably simultaneously with the appearance of the median tentacle; none of the mesenteries bear acontia, but a greater or less number of thetn are provided with botrucnidae. These characters seem to definitely limit two groups. In my discussion of the arrangement of the mesenteries of the Ceriantheae (p. 9 et seq.) I have shown that in the forms with which we are at present familiar two principal types are recognizable. In one of these the telocnemes are formed from the second couple of protocnemes and in the other they are formed from the fourth couple. This seems to be a difference of considerable importance, and on the strength of it I would recognize in the Ceriantheae two families, in one of which, the family Cerianthidcr, the telocnemes are the second couple from the mid-ventral line, while in the other, for which the term Arachnactida may be employed, the telocnemes are the fourth couple. We have then two sets of characters which seem to be of oreater than generic importance and the question arises as to what relation, systematically, they bear to one another. The question is at present a very difhcult one to answer. An examination of the known larval Botrucnidiferae seems to indicate that in some members of the group the second, in others the fourth protocnemes form the telocnemes, just as is the case in the Acontiferae. Thus, in Calpanthula guineensis it would seem that the telocnemes were to be formed from the second protocnemes, while in Hensenanthula dactylifera and H. melo it is probable that they are formed from the fourth protocnemes. What may be the fmal result in Cerianthula mediterranen, and H. spinifer is less certain ; in the larvae studied the second protocnemes were the longest, but this condition may be corrected in older stages, the known larvae of both species being in a much earlier stage of development than those of the other forms. In the only adult form known to be botrucnidiferous Botryanthus benedeni (Torrey and Kleeberger, 1909), the telocnemes were formeel by the fourth protocnemes. Accepting this conclusion, if van Beneden's groups be regarded as the more inclusive, both arrangements of the telocnemes will be found in each group, and, conversely, if the telocnemic conditions be taken to represent the larger division, then included in each of these divisions there will be both acontiferous and botrucnidiferous forms. This is not inherently impossible, but it is a difhcult matter to decide which is the more primitive character. The occurrence of botrucnidae is associated with an alternating development of the deuterocnemic tentacles and that of acontia with their successive development. Van Beneden's groups, having thus two associated characters, seem to have the claim to the higher rank. h must be recognized, further, as indicating the importance of the botrucnidae as a classificatory factor, that th<-ir distribution differs markedly from that of the acontia. While, so t'ar as is known, acontia occur only on the second and fourth protocnemes and on the second deuterocnemes, and, furthermore, only on two ol these mesenteries at the most, i. <•. on either the second and fourth protocnemes or on the fourth protocnemes and the second deuterocnemes the distribution of the botrucnidse is much more extensive. Ihus in Cerianthula i and Calpanthula guineensis they occur on th<- second, third and fourth proto- cnemes; in Hensenanthula spinifer and //. melo on th<- same three protocnemes and on a .:n number of deuterocnemes as well, the first in the one case and the first, second and third in the other; and in //. occur on all th<- brachycnemic mesenteries and to be limited to these. The mosl striking feature of this distribution is the occurrence of botrucnidse on the third protocneme in all the larval forms and on brachycnemic mesenteries in both larval forms and Botryanthus, mesenteries upon which acontia have never yet heen observed. In view of these facts, and until a fuller knowledge of adult forms is available it seems more convenient to assign the higher rank to van Beni di n's groups and to recognize in the Ceriantheae two suborders, the Acontiferae and the Botrucnidifera;. The latter will contain the genera Cerianthula, Hensenanthula, Calpanthula and Botryanthus, while the former may agajn be divided into the two families mentioned above, the Cerianthidae containimr the genera Cerianthus, Apiactis, Solasteractis -) and Peponactis, and the Arachnactidae containing the genera Arachnactis, Pachycerianthus, Dactylactis and < )vactis. No Botrucnidiferae occur in the present collection. Suborder ACONTIFERjE van Beneden. Ceriantheae in which the second or fourth protocnemes, or in some cases both these mesent- ar<- provided with acontia at least during the early stages of development. The deuterocnemic marginal tentacles appear in the same order as the mesenteries to which they correspond. Family Cerianthid e. Acontiferae in which the second couple of protocnemes are the telocnemes. The succeeding protocnemes are represented by a brachycnemic couple, usually sterile, and by a macrocnemic couple. Acontia are borne in larval stages upon the telocnemes and in some cases also upon the macrocnemic protocnemes. i) Tliis marked dilTerencc in the distribution of the botrucnidse in //. dactyliftra from what obtains in the other two species i>ility that it mif;ht be well t ■ » regard spinifer and melo as representatives of -\ liUtinct genus. that the form of the tentac^ of da< renl ir whal is shown for the other two spi Ihe ac mtia has nol yel Ijeen determin ictis, which K known only fr.im a single i oot dcveloped. The genus may eventually require transference to the nunily Arachnactidse. 24 Genus Cerianthus Delle Chiaje. Synonomy: Tubularia Spallanzani, 1784; Gmelin, 1788; Rapp, 1829. Actinia (pars), Renier, 1804. Moscata Renier, 1S28. Moschata De Blainville, 1830. Cercus (pars), Ilmoni, 1830. Cerianthus Della Chiaje, 1830. Saccantlius (p.p.), Milne-Edwards, 1857. Bathyanthus (p.p.), Andres, 1883. Dianthea (juv.), Busch, 185 1. Acontiferae living imbedded in mud or sand and provided with a sheath consisting of felted nematocysts and mucus; mesenteries and tentacles usually numerous, so that the quartette arrangement of the deuterocnemes is distinct. Type Cerianthus membranaceus (Gmelin) 1788. It is difficult in the present state of our knowledge to give a satisfactory definition of the genus Cerianthus. The majority of the forms which have been referred to it have been so imperfectly studied that it is impossible to teil whether they really present the structural charac- teristics of the Acontiferae or even of the family Cerianthidae, while the characters of those that have been thoroughly described are rather of specific than generic value, except where they are of ordinal or family importance. Some of the forms show decided departures from the type species in the number of mesenteries, the number and arrangement of the tentacles and the distribution of the gonads, but until a much larger number of forms has been carefully studied as to their structural peculiarities the proper limitations of the genus must remain undetermined. Practically the only generic characters at present available are the mode of life and the occurrence of the sheath, characters which can hardly be regarded as sufficiënt for the delimitation of the genus, although they serve to separate it from the other genera of the family which at present are known only in larval stages. It is probable that further observations will necessitate the recognition of a number of distinct genera, all of which will present the cecological characters of Cerianthus, but will difter in structure. As to the synonomy of the genus, it is a question whether the time honoured and appropriate name of Cerianthus should not be replaced by Moschata. The type species, C. membranaceus, was first recognized by Spallanzani (1784), who somewhat doubtfully referred it to the genus Tubularia. Gmelin (1788) first assigned to it a specific name, termining it Tubularia membranacea, ancl Rapp (1829) attributed his species solitaria to the same genus. In 1804 Renier1) redescribed C. membranaceus as Actinia cylindrica, and again in 1807 as Actinia vestita. Stil! later, in 1828, the same author bestowed another name upon the species, terming it Moscata rododattila but this, on account of its form, cannot be taken as establishing the generic name. In the latinized form Moschata, however, it was accepted by de Blainville in 1830. The possible of Moschata has been however, entirely overlooked, the name Cerianthus, 1) I have not been able to consult the various original memoivs of Renier. The statements here made concerning their contents are based upon the edition of his works published in 1847 by Meneghini (Renieri, S.A., Osservazioni postume di zoologica adriatica, per cura di Meneghini. Venezia. 1847). 25 SIROGA-EXPEDITIE XV a. 4 26 proposed li\ 1 >i 1 1 \ Chiaji in 1830 ') being universallj adopted. If this date for Deli \ CmAjE's genus b( 1. then both it and Moschata belong to the same year, and in the absence ol information as to which reallj had priority, it seems advisable to retain the name which lias nerally employi Regarding the remaining synonyms littl<- need be said. Ilmoni's reference of liis Cereus cuéreus t<> Ok ' ereus is evidently erroneous, tint genus being founded upon the form now known .is c". pedunculatus, and Forbes' reference of his vestita to Edwardsia is also an error. Mum ëdwards' Saccanthus, characterized by the absence of a terminal pore and by : teries being all nearly of equal length, although accepted by Andres (1883) is too imperfectly described u> be retained, especially as its definition does not sumce to distinguish it from Cerianthus. Bathyanthus, erected by Andres (1882) for Moseley's C. bathymetricus{\^-jj\ may be a good genus, possibly equivalent to and therefore supplanting Roule's Pachycerianthus, hut Moseley's description of the single individual examined is too incomplete for certainty. Finally, it seems tolerably certain that Busch's Diantkea nobilis (1851) is the larval form ol l 'eriantkus membranaceus. 1. Cerianthus ambonensis Kwietniewski. Synonym: Cerianthus ambonensis Kwietniewski, 1898. Stat. [81. Amboina anchorage, reef. 1 ex. Stat. 213. Saleyer anchorage, reef. 1 ex. General Form. - The column (PI. I, fig. 1 ), after preservation in alcohol, is stout, the broadest part being about 2.5 cm. from the margin, whence it tapers gradually towards 1 A greal deal of confusion occurs in the literature as to ihc date of the establishment of this term. Haimi 1854 mentions as reference^ !•• i: hult CHIAJE's liever, e notom. degli animali invert. Sic. cit. 1S4I and also the same author's Mem. sulla Storia e 1 degli animali sen?a vert. del regno di Napoli (1829 . 1 \GASSIZ in his Nomenclatoi Zoologicus (1842) does not mention it although he givc-^ Mosi HATA. MlLNE-EDWARDS (1S57J refers it to Della CHIAJE's work of 1S41. and it i> SO • S> 1 DDER ui his 1882). Von Heider refers il to Deli \ 1 hiaji Neapolitan work but gives the date 182S. and Ani tblishment to Della Chiaje's Instituzioni d'Anat. comp. 1832. hut refers the species ('. cornucopia to the work on the Neapolitan inver '-i"g 1 110 date for this as 1S30. 1 \< 1 1 1895) gh i Th' I I have heen ahle t<> tracé them, are as follows. DELI \ CHIAJE's Memorie sulla st.iria e notomia rertebre del re: ■ ->li was published as four volumes of lext and one volume of plates. The text-volumes 1823 iSjS. hut mme of them contains any descript mention nthus. The name first appears .1: 1 the species figured thereon, it being named Cerianthus cornucopia, the same name l'late 103. Neither of these Plates is described in the text. the last plate refened to in establishment of the genus Cerianthus rcst>, Iherefore, on the date of publication of the volume of plates bears tin- date 1S22. bul there ure reasons for douhting that this represents the date- of publication of Plmti insiderable variation in the number of plates contained in different copies of the volume, some the number described in the text volumes, while others contain 74. 8g, or 100. Ii seems probable that Dei.1 \ the publication of a lifth volume of tex! in which the forms figured on Plates 70 — 109 would have heen described, hut this volume and the inference is that the publishers, in the later issues of the plate volume bound in some or all of the prcviously unpublished plates, which, a-, may he concluded from the date of ihe plate volume (1822), had heen printed before tcxt-volumc. It becomes a matter of interest there! ertain the date of issue of tin the titlc-pagc being insufficiënt evidence. The only evidence I have heen ai tin on this ipplied by l'r. I . SCHO that in the copy of the work in the library of the • in l'late 70 to l'late 100 date 1830. It on the evidence availablc, and 103. an studied by means of sections and that the relativa lengths of the mesenteries of the two groups are conjectural. It may be added that in the strip examined sixteen mesenteries wen- counted, which would give 12S as the total number, and this agrees well with the estimated number of tentacles In one important particular the mesenteries differ trom those of other forms that have been examined, and that is in all the mesenteries with the exception of the directives being fertile. The species is hermaphroditic both ova and spermatozoa occurring in the s;ime mesentery, and they are found as well on the brachycnemes as on the macrocnemes. This is a marked departure trom what is found in other Cerianthans. but il does not seem to be a peculiarity which demands the recognition of a new nus, especially as but a single example of the species, and that not in the best state of preservation was available for study. Fig. V. ..... . lüagmni showing thu ' idciltitv this torill with KWTJETNIEWSKl's LcriCllltllUS O »l/>OllCHSlS the mesenteries wjth some hesitation, since in the description given by that author only external characteristics are for the most part referred to. The general dimensions of the two forms are, however, very similar, in both a Iarge number of mesenteries extend to the vicinity of the aboral pole, and both rome from the same locality. These particulars m to warrant the assumption of their identity. 2. Cerianthus sulcatus Kwietniewski. Synonym: Cerianthus sulcatus n. sp. Kwietniewski. 1S98. Stat. 1S1. Amboina anchorage, reef. 1 ex. 'ïeneral Form. The single example il'l. I. lig. 2), preserved in alcohol, had nuch the same form as C. amóonensis, that is to say, it was rather short in proportion to its h, with a constriction about '/■ cm- below the margin, enlarging below this to almost the diameter of the margin and then tapering graduall) to the rounded aboral extremity. The 28 29 longitudinal striation of the column wall, mentioned by Kwietniewski, was but slightly prono- unced and if I am right in my identification, cannot be considered characteristic of the species. The marginal tentacles were long and slender, and numbered 81. They were apparently arranged in four cycles, their formula being i, 4, ■i o ii 3i 2>4 i. I. 2, I 4, '1 Oi !, 4, I -. The labial tentacles were about one-third the length of the marginals and were of the same number, the median tentacle being present, although considerably shorter than the others. The formula for their arrangement in cycles was apparently — 2, i, 3, 4 | 2, 3, i, 4 || 3, i, 4, 2, 4, i, 3 || 4, 1, 3, 2 | 4, 3, 1, 2 •-. Dimensions. — The length of the column was 4 cm.; its diameter at the margin 2.5 cm., and at the middle of the column 2.0 cm. The length of the marginal tentacles was 3.0 — 3,5 cm., and their diameter at the base was 1 mm.; the length of the labial tentacles was 1.0 — 1.2 cm., and their diameter at the base about 1 mm. The length of the stomatodaeum was 1.2 cm. C o 1 o u r. — The column was of a rather pale purple-brown, becoming lighter towards the margin. Both sets of tentacles were almost colourless, a slight tinge of purplish-brown being visible in some of them and appearing to indicate that their colourless condition was the result of preservation. The stomatodaeum was pale, almost salmon-colour, and the siphonoglyph colourless. Structure. — The muscle processes supporting the ectodermal mus- culature of the column wall were well developed and showed a tendency to arise in groups from conical elevations of the mesogloea, a tendency which was less pronounced near the margin than lower down. As in the case of C. amboncnsis the parts were too much macerated to allow of histological study, but by combining the study of sections with dissections, it was possible to make out the arrangement of the mesenteries, so far as their relative lengths were concerned (Text4igure VI). The directive mesenteries extended to a distance of 9 mm. below the lower border of the stomatodaeum and were succeeded on either side by a telocneme which extended to the aboral pole. The third couple of protocnemes extended to about 1.2 cm. below the stomatodaeum and the fourth couple to about 1.7 cm. The cleuterocnemes of the first quartette showed the typical alternating arrangement so far as the brachycnemes were concerned, but no decided alternation of length was discernible in the macrocnemes, these being for the most part of about the same length as the fourth couple of protocnemes, diminishing slightly, however, toward the dorsal mid4ine. The presence or absence of craspedonemes on the upper portions of the mesenteries could not be determined, but they occurred throughout the length of the telocnemes in considerable numbers and were slender in form. No reproductive cells were observed in anv of the mesenteries. Fig. VI. Diagram showing the arrangement of the mesenteries" of Cerianthus sulcatus. 29 It is again with considerable hesitation that this form is identified with Kwietniewski's its dimensions and the fact that it was taken in the same locality being the date upon which the identification is based. The possibility <>l its being a young individual «'t i is not excluded, although it seems improbable rianthus n. sp. St.it. 85. Lat. >., long. 119 2 ('.5 I , Makassar Strait. 724 metres. 1 ex. General Form. The column is cylindrical (PI. I, fig. 3), enlarging slightly near the margin but not tapering t<> any marked degree toward the rounded aboral pole. The marginal tentacles are relatively short and slender, and appear to be arranged in only two their formula being 2, \ , 2. \ ! 2,1.2.1 2,1.2, 1.2.1,2 1,2.1.2 | 1,2.1,2 — . The oral tentacles are al most the same length as the marginals, except the median one, which i> very much smaller than the rest. They are arranged in four cycles, their formula being '. 2, 4, 3 1.2. 4, 3 | 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3. 1 3, 4, 2, 1 | 3, 4, 2, 1 — . In addition to the seven protocnemic oral tentacles there were also five quartettes on eitber side of the middle line, as well as some additional tentacles, possibly an additional (iitartette, so that the total number of oral tentacles was not far from 55 and the number of the marginals the same. Dimensions. — Length of the column 6.0 cm.; diameter at about the middle of its length 0.6 cm.: diameter at the margin 0.9 cm. Length of the marginal tentacles 0.7 cm.; length of the oral tentacles about the same. 1 olour. The column, in the single example preserved in formalin, was colourless throughout the greater part of its extent, becoming, however, purple-brown toward the margin. Both the oral and marginal tentacles were colourless while the disc and stomatodseum were of a pale chocdlate-brown colour. Structure. I am not able to give a full account of the structure of this form. 1 he musculature of the column wall is well developed and the stomatod. rum was about o.S cm. in length, the measurement being taken a little to one side of the siphonoglyph, which is. however, but slightly i ed. The most striking feature observed on laying open the column longitudinally was the smoothness of the lower 2.5 cm. of the column wall, none of the mesent- eries, not even a pair of telocnemes, extending to the aboral pole or even to its vicinity. il important points regarding the arrangement of the mesenteries must be left rtain, owing to an unfortunate error having occurred in making preparations of the single t the sp thi collection. It is certain, however, that the mesenteries were ly sterile and fertile, that is to say, that brachyenemes and macrocnemes alternate, and furthi there were strong indications that the deuterocnemes showed the quartette arrange- \ but what the sequence in each quartette was I could not determine. It may be said, 30 3i however, that the relative widths of the brachycnemes and the level at which they lost their ciliated lobes of their filaments seemed to show that the longer one was the second in each quartette; the relative lengths of the macrocnemes could not be determined. If this be the actual sequence of the brachycnemes it constitutes a third type of arrangement of the deuterocnemes, differino- from the two mentioned above (p. 15), but I do not feel sufficiënt confidence in the reliability of my data to describe it definitely as a type. So far as could be ascertained the mesenterial filaments had the usual cerianthan arrangement and structure, but my preparations did not show any craspedonemes, although I cannot state positively that they were absent. The fertile mesenteries contained both ova and spermatozoa, the species being therefore hermaphrodite. Larval Forms. Genus Apiactis van Ben. Synonym: Apiactis van Beneden, 1898. Cerianthidae whose larval forms are more or less conical is shape, with no constriction of the column wall immediately below the bases of the tentacles. Marginal tentacles short, digitiforni; the median tentacle developes early, and the remaining ones quickly succeed the corresponding mesenteries. The oral tentacles are small, tuberculiform. Siphonoglyph and directive mesenteries short. Acontia in some cases slow in development. I have modified van Beneden's definition of the genus so that it will include the form to be described below, which seems most naturally referable to Apiactis, although it differs from the type species in numerous details. 4. Apiactis oèconica n. sp. Stat. [36. Ternate anchorage. Plankton. 1 ex. Stat. 165. Anchorage on North-east side of Daram Island, (False Pisangs), east coast of Misool. Plankton. 1 ex. Stat. 172. Anchorage between Gisser Island and Ceram-Laut. Plankton. 3 ex. Stat. [84. Anchorage oft" Kampong Kelang, south coast of Manipa Island. Plankton. 1 ex. General form. — The column is conical in form, the aboral pole being truncated as shown in PI. I, fig. 4 and 5, two of the examples from Stat. 172, however, being rounded at the aboral pole and much less tapering. The summit of the column is surrounded by a circle of marginal tentacles varying in number from 16 to 19, short and digitiform in shape and the one corresponding to the directive mesenteries somewhat smaller than the rest (fig. 4). The oral tentacles are small and tuberculiform and, indeed, could not be distinguished clearly in all the specimens, nor could they be readily identified in sections. In one example, in which they were especially distinct, they were nine in number, four on one side of the median line and five on the other, the most medial on each side corresponding to the second intermesenterial chamber on each side of the directive chamber, the three median chambers being without corresponding oral tentacles. 31 Dimensión Nu.- length "t" the column was 2.0 2.5 min. and its diameter al the margin was about the same. olour. rhe column and oral disc had a faint brownish tinge and the tentacles were a deeper shade "t" the same colour. Structure. - rhe genera! arrangement <>t" the mesenteries is shown in the text-figure VII, which represents a plan of one <<( the specimens reconstructed from serial sections '). rhe have, however, been added from another individual, since in the one selected mstruction they could not be clearly identified. The siphonoglyph is but feebly marked and is not prolonged aborally, although the directive mesenteries extend some distance below its lower border The second protocnemes, counting laterally from the directives, are provided with mesenterial filaments throughout nearly their entire length, the filament being of the trefoil form down to a short distance above its termination. These mesenteries are also the longest and just above their termination each bears an acontium. This combination of characters distinguishes them from all the other mesenteries and clearly marks them as the telocnemes. The two remaining protocnemes are similar to ene another in structure, the third being somewhat shorter than the fourth. Each possesses a relatively Ion- trefoil filament, that of the fourth being the longer, and this is succeeded by a well marked branching region. below which the filament disappears. Neither ol these mesenteries bears acontia. I M deuterocnemes there are present on one side five and on the other si.\, the most dorsal mesentery on each side being quite small and hardly projecting beyond the lower border of the stomatodaeum. Among the two varieties may be recognized, in one of which the trefoil portion ot the mesentery is much shorter than in the other, so that the branching portion begins at a much higher level and there is a longer stretch of it devoid of a filament. It seems proper to regard the of this variety as identical with the brachyenemes of the adult forms and those of the other variety as corresponding to macrocnemes, and since the two varieties alternate, is an indication of the quartette arrangement, the formula for the completed quartettes being B M /> »i. No reproductive organs occurred on any of the mesenteries. The state oi preservation of tl Lamined did not permit of any study "f the minuter histological details, but it may be stated that the mesogloea is throughout rather thin and exceedingly so in the mesenteries, a condition very different from that described by van Beneden for Apiactis denticulata. vu. run showing the arrangement of the nu mt tentacle 1:1, of larval form irtions are arbitntry, while drawn to scale, the object beiog i<> reprcsenl thi lengths "I the parts. 11" heavy lin earing the n esents the ! tlie filan 32 00 Genus Peponactis van Ben. Synonomy: Peponactis van Beneden, 1898. Cerianthidae whose larva? are almost spherical in shape, 'with short filiform marginal tentacles, which are, in some species, rather late in developing. The median marginal tentacle is similar to the others. The oral tentacles are small, enlarged at their extremity, and notably inferior in number to the marginals. The siphonoglyph is moderately long; the directive mesenteries are prolonged down the column for a considerable distance. 5. Peponactis pilula n. sp. Stat. 37. Sailus Ketjil, Paternoster Islands. Plankton. 1 ex. Stat. 96. South-east side of Pearl Bank, Sulu Archipelago. Plankton. Numerous ex. Stat. 148. Lat. o°i7'.6S., long. i29°io'.5E. Halmahera Sea. Plankton. 1 ex. Stat. 186. Lat. 30 lo'.5 S., long. i27°2o'.5 E. North side of Manipa Strait. Plankton. 1 ex. The various examples from these different stations seem to belong to the same species, which presents many differences from P. cequatorialis described by van Beneden (1898). In form all the specimens were practically spherical (PI. I, fig. 6) a slight flattening of the oral pole being the only divergence from what would otherwise be a perfect sphere. A slight elongated depression marks the centre of this flattened area. The examples from Station 96 were all transparent, allowing the attachments of the mesenteries to be perceived with ereat clearness throuo-h the column wall, but this was clue to the ectoderm having been mac- erated away over the greater portion of the column, portions of it persisting only in the neigh- bourhood of the depression at the oral pole. In the examples from Station $7 more of the ectoderm had been retained, and in those from Stations 148 and 186 it was entirely preserved, the specimens being in consequence quite opaque and therefore in marked contrast to those from Station 96. In P. czquatorialis van Beneden noted . the occurrence of both oral and marginal tentacles, both sets being minute and filiform. In P. pilula no traces of tentacles could be observed either in surface views or in sections. The difference may be due to difference in age, since although the individuals of the two species that were studied were of practically the same size, nevertheless the individuals of P. czquatorialis were in a somewhat more advanced stage so far as the development of the mesenteries was concerned. Dimensions. The majority of the examples measured from 3.0 to 3.5 mm. in diameter, that from Station 148, however, being somewhat smaller, its diameter measuring only - mm. Coloüration. Most of the specimens were colourless throughout or else showed a yellowish tinge toward the oral pole. The example from Station 37 was, however, yellowish throughout, but whether this was normal or due to discolouration after preservation cannot be determined. Structure. — The series of sections prepared from the 2.0 mm. example was, 33 S1ROGA-EXPEDITIE XV Cl. 5 TIM t ') unfortunately, unsuccessful .nul th< account which follows is based entirely upon series prepared individuals measuring about 3.0 mm. I h<- general arrangement of the mesenteries is shown in t: mpanying textfigure \'I11, from which it will I"- seen that in addition to the eight protocnemes, tuur deuterocnemes were present on either side, a some- wh.it smaller rjumber than that OCCurring in individuals of .tliiiiit the same size "t P. (equator ialis. The firsl couple "f protocnemes were. as usual, short and entirely destitute of mesenterial filaments. The cond couple were, on the other hand, the longest of all the m< •.eiie-,. tor ;i consideratie distance below their separation from the stomatodaeum they possessed no filaments, hut toward the aboral extremity <>f each a filament appeared and it terminated after a short course in a well developed acontium. The third couple po filaments throughout almost their entire length, these filaments branching of the mcsenleric> of a iini of in part of their course. The fourth couple resembled the second so vin. g the a tentene far as the arrangement of the filaments was concerned, except that filaments were even shorter and the acontia smaller. The t'irst and third deuterocnemes on either side resembled the third protocnemes in structure, and the second deuterocnemes resembled the fourth protocneme, except that they -s no acontia: the fourth couple of deuterocnemes were as vet unprovided with filaments. From the second protocnemes onward the lengths of the mesenteries diminished ^radually, quartette arrangement of the deuterocnemes bein^ indicated only by the structure of their filaments. It seems probable, however, that an alternatin^ difference of the quartette mesenteries will appear with further development, since it is already clearly indicated in the figure of /'. aquatorialis yiven by van Beneden. It is to be noted that in that form as well as in pilula, -econd protocnemes are the longest of all the mesenteries and this fact, together with the occurrence of acontia upon them in pilula, renders it ])robable that they will become the telocnemes. The presence of acontia in pilula is in marked contrast to their absence in the somewhat more advanced individuals of aquatorialis. .\s regards the finer structure it may be stated that the mesogloea is thin throughout, ially so in the mesenteries where it forms a sheet of extreme tenuity. The ectoderm lins numerous gland cells and at the aboral pole nematocysts were quite abundant, although wen- r r other portions of the column. The ectodermal musculature was well devel- much ni' than in van Beneden's examples of aquatorialis, the muscle cells being arranged "ii quite well developed muscle processes. The stomatodaeum presented the same ■al histological characters as in other forms and possesses a well marked siphonoglyph. No reproductn were present in any of the mesenteries. 34 Family Arachnactid.e. Acontiferae in which the fourth couple of protocnemes, counting from the mid-ventral line, form the telocnemes. The second and third couples of protocnemes are sterile. Acontia are borne in larval stages by the fourth protocnemes but never by the second. Genus Pachycerianthus Roule. Synonym : Pachycerianthus Roule, 1904. Arachnactidse living imbedded in mud or sand and provided with a sheath composed of felted nematocysts and foreign substances. Mesenteries and tentacles usually numerous and the quartette arrangement of the deuterocnemes distinct. Type P . benedeni Roule, 1 904. In 1 904 Roule established the genus Pachycerianthus for the reception of a form which had been obtained in the Sea of Japan and which presented the peculiar arrangement of the mesenteries (i. e. the telocnemes were the fourth protocnemes instead of the second) which I have taken as one of the chief characteristics of the family Arachnactidae. Roule does not, however, seem to have fully appreciated the taxonomie importance of his discovery, and the name which he chose for the genus refers merely to a remarkable thickness of the directive mesenteries. 6. Pachyceriantlius fimbriatus nor. nom. J). Synonomy: Cerianthus elongatus Kwietniewski, 1898. Stat. 60. Haingsisi, Samau Island, near Timor. Reef. 1 ex. Stat. 172. Gisser Island. Reef. 2 ex. Stat. 174. Waru Bay, North coast of Ceram. Reef. 2 ex. Stat. 213. Saleyer anchorage. Reef. 2 ex. Stat. 220. Pasir Pandjang, west coast of Binongka. Reef. 2 ex. Stat. 234. Nalahia Bay, Nusa-Laut. Reef. 3 ex. Stat. 296. Noimini, south coast of Timor. Litoral. 1 ex. Stat. 301. Pepela Bay, east coast of Rotti Island. Reef. 1 ex. Stat. 303. Haingsisi, Samau Island. Reef. 1 ex. I have already, in the introductory pages, described many of the structural peculiarities of this species, as well as of that which follows, and it will be unnecessary to do more than briefly summarize these here for the better characterization of the species. It may remarked, in the first place, that the majority of the specimens had been preserved in alcohol, with the unfortunate result that the internal organs were greatly macerated, the mesenteries being as a rule so matted together by their craspeda as to render a proper study of their arrangement almost impossible. Two specimens, however, those from Station 172, had been preserved in formalin, and these were found to be in a most excellent state of preservation both for macroscopic and microscopic examination, so that what follows is largely based upon what was found in these individuals, although various points were confirmed, when possible by an examination of others. 1) For explanation of change of name see foot-note p. 12. 35 All the individuals were taken in shallow water near the shore or on reefs and many wei mpanied by the tube which they inhabited and which had the usual appearance and composition. The column is elongated PI. I. fig. ;• and of the usual Cerianthan form, tapering rally, where il is provided with a terminal pore, and flaring out somewhat al the margin, upon which the marginal tentacles are situated. rhese are numerous and rather slender and ed in four cycles at the margin of the funnel shaped disc. h was not always easy to distinguish between the third and fourth cycles, but where this could be done the arrange- ment was found to be — | 1,3, 2,4 [,3,2,4 i. 3, 1- 2, |, 3. ' 4, -• 3i ' 4. -■ 3. i I — ■ The labial tentacles were somewhat shorter than the marginals and appear to have an arrange- ment that may be represented thus ■vi-.ii->->->! > ï 2 2 2 I 2 L2 32A3I2 Kwietniewsk] describes the marginal tentacles as arranged in three cycles, but finds • in the case of the labials. Dimensions. — Different individuals varied considerably in their dimensions. In the two examples trom Station [72 .(preserved in formalin) the column measured in the one case io.; cm. and in the other case 8.5 cm. in length, the diameter at the margin being in each e 2.2 cm. Other individuals (preserved in alcohol) ranged between 15.0 and 4.7 cm. in length, proportionate differences also occurring in the diameters; the measurements of the in- dividuals from Station 172, given above, probably represent a fair average. The tentacles also present a good deal of variation in length. The marginals were in most individuals about 2.0 or 2.5 cm. in length with a diameter at the base ot trom 1 .0 to 1.5 mm., although in some cases they reached a length of 4.0 cm.; the labials were some- what shorter, measuring as a rule about 1.5 cm. in length. Colouration. The column is of the usual purple-brown colour, varying from a very pale to a very deep shade. I he marginal tentacles frequently show traces of a brownish louration, deeper toward the tips, while the labials are of a light greenish-yellow colour. Structure. — In its histological features the column wall presents no special peculiarhi The muscle lamellae for the ectodermal muscles, are from 0.4 to 0.6 mm. in height, and are m^re widely separated than usual. about eighl occurring in each o.i mm. of a section taken ai the leve) of the lower border of the stomatodaeum. A section of C. sulcatus taken at the same level showed about 14 lamellae in the same distance and one of C. americanus about 17. These differences may, however, be due in part or in whole to differences in contraction. The muscle lamellae of the tentacles are noticeably better developed than usual. those ot the marginal being about 0.02 mm. in height, while those of the labials are somewhat lower in ith the lesser size of the tenta. Ii ing the column by a longitudinal incision the stomatod. ium is seen to hav< about 1 cm. and to be provided with a well marked siphonoglyph. Throughout the of its the ectoderm is thrown into well marked folds, each ot which is 37 *•*. o supported upon a mesogloeal lamella. In this folded region the ectoderm is rich in gland cells, its cilia are comparatively short and its basal portion is occupied by muscle fibres arranged in a single layer. As the siphonoglyph is approached the folds suddenly cease at about the line of attachment of the first couple of deuterocnemes, and here also the mesogloea thickens markedly. The general character of the ectoderm remains unchanged, however, up to the line of attachment of the second couple of protocnemes, but there the gland cells almost entirely disappear, the muscle fibres also vanish and the cilia become much longer, these peculiarities distinguishing the siphonoglyph from the general stomatodaeal surface. The arrangement of the mesenteries has been indicated in the introductory portion of this paper and in the definition of the genus, but for the sake of completeness it may be stated again together with certain details previously omitted. The first protocnemes are short (Text-fig. IX) and bear no mesenterial filaments. As in P. bcnedeni they are unusually thick and narrow throughout the extent of their attachment to the stomatoda^um. The second and third protocnemes are alike. Each is but a little longer than the first and like it is sterile, although provided with a mesenterial filament which presents the structure usual on microcnemes. The fourth protocnemes are the telocnemes; they are fertile and extend to the region of the aboral pole. The deuterocnemes are arranged in quartettes, the formula for each of these being B — m — ó — M. None of the deuterocnemes extend much beyond midway between the lower border of the stomatoda^um and the aboral pole, the longer macrocnemes of the six ventral quartettes ending at about this level, while those of the remaining quartettes are gradually shorter toward the dorsal surface. The shorter 37 ^ Vh 38 macrocnemes i>t' the ventral quartettes extend only al. out one-third the distance between the stomatodseum and the aboral pole and the microcnemes are, ol course, even shorter, the longer ones being slightl) ter than the second and third protocnemes. aspedonemes in the form ol relatively short digitiform processes, are scattered at intervals alen- the entire length of the macrocnemes, and the bunches of them, which are so evident in ( ranaeeus and C. americanus a short distance below the stomatodaeum, though rather inconspicuous on account of the shortness of the craspedonemes composing them. In structure, also, the craspedonemes differ from those of C. amerïcanus, the two limbs of the filament being separated 1>\ a distinct band of ectoderm and mesogloea, instead of being tically in contact compare figs. 1 ; and i.j, pi. I All the fertile mesenteries (macrocnemes) contained only ova in the two individuals examined histologically ; there was nut tin- slightes tracé of hermaphroditism. TIn- ova when fully developed contain a considerable amount of volk and have a dark brown colour, thus making the macrocnemes especially conspicuous. Systematic. The identification of this form with Kwietniewski's C.elorigatm (1898) upon somewhat uncertain grounds, owing to the insufficiency of the data eoncernine; that species. The form considered here resembles it, however, in the dimensions of the body and tentacles and in that only two mesenteries extend aborally beyond the middle of the column. These similarities, taken with the fact that the two forms come from the same general locality, form the basis of the identification. It is not improbable that the C. nobilis of Haddon and Shackelton (1893) may also be identical, luit in this case also the data furnished by the sponsors are too incomplete to allov. of certainty. The name nobilis has priority over fimèriatus if the two forms be really identical, luit it seems preferable, lor tin- present, to employ a distinguishing term, leaving open the question of the identity with nobilis. 7. Pachycerianthus monostickus n. sp. Stat. 1S1. Ambon anchorage, reef. 2 ex The two individuals which I refer to this species were both rather short, stout forms with relatively long slender tentacles (PI. I. fig. 8). The greatest diameter of the column was somewhat below the middle. where it tapered slightly to the rounded aboral extremity and panding again a little toward the margin, which was longitudinally ridged. I he marginal tentacles were Ion- and slender and were 47 in number. they were arranged in two cycles, which, for the most part, alternated with one another, although the alternation was not quite regular. The labials were 48 in number and were in marked contrast with the marginals, being, in the first place, very short and, in the second place, arranged in ries, a condition which sug the specific name that has heen chosen. The rnedian ventral tentacle w; ent. Dimensions. — The column measured 4.5 cm. in length, its greatest diameter being 39 2. o cm. The marginal tentacles were from 2.5 to 3.0 cm. in length, their diameter at the base being about 1 mm., while the labials had a length of only 2.0 mm. Colouration. — The column was of a pale violet brown colour, as were also the disc and the labial tentacles. The marginal tentacles were colourless. Structure. — On laying open the column by a dorsal longitudinal incision, the oral disc is seen to be deeply concave and longitudinally ridged. The stomatodaeum possesses a well developed siphonoglyph, on either side of which it becomes markedly longer and then diminishes rapidly as it is traced dorsally, the lower border thus showing a rounded projection on either side of the siphonoglyph. The protocnemes of the first couple are very short, hardly projecting below the lower border of the siphonoglyph (Text-fig. X). The second and third couples are sterile, the second being about two-thirds the length of the column and the third distinctly shorter. The fourth couple constitute the telocnemes; they are fertile and extend to the aboral pole. The deuterocnemes have a well marked quartette arrangement, the formula for each quartette being S, f, s, F. The larger macrocnemes of the two or three ventral quar- tettes extend almost to the aboral pole, but those of the remaining quartettes diminish rapidlv toward the dorsal surface. The shorter macrocnemes of each r J Fig. X. quartette are much shorter than the longer ones, those of the ventral quar- Diagram showing the .. . , . , r , arrangement of the tettes hardly extending to half way between the lower border ot the stoma- mesenteries of Packycer. todaeum and the aboral pole; the longer microcnemes are slightly shorter ianthus morwstichus. than the shorter macrocnemes and the shorter microcnemes extend but a short distance beyond the lower border of the stomatodaeum. Craspedonemes occur on the macrocnemes below the stomatodaeum, but were not found along the margin of the gonophoric portions of the mesenteries as in P. fimbriatus. Larval Forms. Genus Arachnactis M. Sars. Synonym : Arachnactis M. Sars, 1846. Arachnactidae whose larval forms have a spherical body in the early stages, later be- coming elongated. Marginal tentacles long and slender, in the earlier stages several times the length of the column ; the median unpaired marginal tentacle appears only after the development of these corresponding to the fourth intermesenterial chamber. The genus Arachnactis was established in 1846 by M. Sars for the reception of A. alöida, a free-swimminer form found in the autumn and winter at Floroe Island, off the coast of Norway. Since its discovery this species has frequently been under observation, notably by Boveri (1890) Vanhöffen (1895), Fowler (1897) and E. van Beneden (1898). The last named author showed that acontia occurred upon the fourth couple of protocnemes, and his fiorures of forms with nine and thirteen marginal tentacles show that the second and third couples possess a wavy filament, their sterile or microcnemic character being thereby indicated, 39 4° while the filaments of the fourth couple are al most straight, an indication that the) are destined to be fertile or ma mie in character. Add to these indications the facts ili.it in the older larvae studied by van Beneden the fourth couple of protocnemes «rere longer than any of the other mesenteries and that in the oldest individual studied by Vanhöffen these same mesenteries dl) the longest of all and contained immature ova, and their identification as ms fairly certain. In [862 A. Agassiz described another free-swimming Cerianthid larva, which he referred to the genus Arachnactis as . /. brachiolata, an identification which has remained unchall» 1 ever since. In 1890 M Intosh described a single specimen taken in the Bay of St. Andrews as an Arachnactis, and later van Beneden (1891) gave a thorough description of a number of individuals in different stages of development, collected by Bourne off the south-wesl coast «'t* Ireland and referred to - /. albida. Van Beneden recognized .is the results of his studies that these forms were different from those studied by Boveri (1889), and in his later paper identified them with that described by M> Intosh and named them A. lloydii, on the supposition that they would prove to be the young of C. lloydii. Previously to this, however, Fowler had recognized the fact that the forms studied by van Beneden and also indiv- iduals from Plymouth which he had himself studied were different from . /. albida, and named them A. bournei, which term has the priority, until it is made certain that the forms are really the larva' of C'. lloydii. Both . /. brachiolata and . I. bournei present certain marked differences from A. albida. Thus, in early stages the body of albida is short and almost spherical, while in the other two ies it is more elongated and somewhat conical; the tentacles of albida are long and slender, their length being many times the breadth of the disc, while in the other two their 'i is about equal to the diameter of the disc; and in albida the median marginal tentacle appears only when the fourth couple of tentacles are already rather long, while in the other two species the median marginal tentacle developes equally with the tentacles of the third couple. How far these differences may be correlated with differences in the arrangement of the nnot yet be determined. In the case of . /. albida, as has already been noted, individuals with gonads and acontia have been observed, and there seems a tolerable certainty that t; nterial arrangement of these: individuals is of the same type as that of Pachycerianthus ; but no sufficiënt data are at present available for the 'i J' termination of the mesenterial arrangement of either . /. bournei or ./. XL brachiolata. Th( oldest examples of the latter form that I have heen able lhc to obtain possessed only seven tentacles and the mesenterial arrangement arrangement ol . . [ ,eD. was that indicated in the adjoining text-figure (Text-fig. XI). The second couple of protocnemes is much more developed than anv of the other mesent- eries, but whether this is a temporary condition, or really indicates that they to form the teloi nemes is uncertain. ng aside the possibility thus indicated it seems that in the certain differen 1 ibove there is a valid basis for the separation of brachiolata and bournei from albida, ■ • A to be described below, resembles albida in the particulars in question. 4° 4i There are thus tvvo forms, albida and sibogce, which may be definitely regarded as representatives of the genus Arachnactis, and two others, brachiolata and bournei, which should be removed from that genus. What the systematic position of the latter two may be it is a little difficult to say. Van Beneden (1898) has assigned A. bournei to C. lloydii, principally on the basis that the areas of distribution of the two forms is essentially the same, and if this identification be correct, it may be expected that it will be found that the second couple of protocnemes of bournei actually do become the telocnemes. Similarly Kingsley (1904), with an equal amount of probability, has regarded brachiolata as the larval form of C. vcrrillii, and if both these identifications prove correct the two larval forms must be associated with the Dianthca nobilis of Busch (1851), which is generally accepted as the larval form of C. membranacea. 8. Arachnactis sibogcc n. sp. Stat. 96. South-east side of Pearl Bank, Sulu Archipelago. Plankton. 1 ex. Stat. 205. Lohio Bay, Buton Strait. 3 ex. Stat. 282. Between Nusa-Besi and the north-east point of Timor Island. 1 ex. In the majority of the specimens which may be referred to this species the body is short and almost spherical, but in an individual from Station 205 (PI. I, fig. 10) it is more elongated and conical, this individual, however, notwithstanding its greater size and difference of form being in practically the same stage of development as the others. The marginal tentacles in all were nine or ten in number, four on each side of the median plane being long and slender, while a median one was much smaller; four or five labial tentacles were present (PI. I, figs. 9 and 10). The individual from Station 96 cliffered from the rest in being much smaller and the marginal tentacles, while considerably longer than the breadth of the disc, lacked the almost disproportionate length which they possess in the other examples. Dimensions. - In the example from Station 96 the diameter of the column was 0.6 mm. and the length of the longer tentacles was 1.5 mm. In the other spherical examples the diameter of the column was 0.75 mm. and the longer marginal tentacles reached a length of 3.5 mm. The conical example from Station 205 had a length of about 1.5 mm., and the diameter at the margin was 0.6 mm. ; owing to their contorted form the length of the marginal tentacles could not be determined accurately, but they seemed to be relatively shorter than those of the other examples from the same Station. Colouration. — All the specimens were completely colourless, the only indication of a possible presence of pigment being a distinct opacity at the tips of the marginal tentacles. Structure. - The arrangement of the mesenteries is shown in the adjoining, text-figure (Text-fig. XII) prepared from one of the spherical examples from Station 205. In this there were four couples of well developed marginal tentacles, a small median tentacle and on the right side an additional tentacle whose fellow had not yet made its appearance. The labial tentacles were five in number, two couples corresponding to the second and third couples of marginal tentacles, while the odd one was one of an additional couple, developed, like the odd marginal, upon the right sicle. The mesenteries were twelve in number, equally distributed on each side of the median SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XV cl. 6 I ■■ line, although those on the right side were slightly more developed than those on the left. rhe directives hardly projected beyond the lower border of the stomatodaeum, and on either side of tin ut were two mesenteries, apparentlj of the sterile type, which tended to about li;ilt wa\ between the lowei border of the stomatodaeum and the aboral pole. Next on either si. Ie came a long mesentery, extending almost to the aboral pole and bearing each an acontium; these, the fourth iuple of protocnemes 1 take to be the telocnemes. < >f the deuterocnen only two were present on either side of the median line: one of these xii. • ig the was of about the same length as the second and third protocnemes and like these apparenth of the sterile type, while the other hardly projected tentacles in .i larva * * ' ' ' ' J beyond the lower 1 «order ot the stomatodaeum and had not yet developed a mesenterial filament. The locality from which . /. sióoga was obtained seems to preclude any probability of its identity with ./. alóida. But in addition its distinctness is shown by the earlier development of the acontia, the youngesl example of A. alóida described by van Beneden not showing them, although it is in a slightly more advanced stage of development than the examples of A. sióoga, possessing thirteen mesenteries and six labial tentacles as against twelve mesenteries and five labial tentacles. Another difference exists in the length of the stomatodaeum, which is considerably longer in A. siöoga than in . I. alóida, the mesenteries of the former species thereby appearing somewhat shorter. Genus Dactylactis van Beneden. Synonym: Dactylactis van Beneden, 1898. Larval Arachnactidae in which the marginal tentacles in earlv stages are not very much longer than the column and are continuous on their aboral surface with the column wall, nol being separated from it by a groove. Their ectoderm shows more or less distinctly a differentiation into four hands, that of the oral and aboral surfaces being richly provided with nematocysts, while these structures are almost lacking on the lateral surfaces; the median tentacle of the developes early. The oral tentacles develope earlv. Column ovoid, or, in earlv stages, ii al. I he directive mesenteries are prolonged some distance below the lower border of the stomatodaeum and acontia are borne by the mesenteries of the fourth and sixth couples. 9. Dactylactis malayensis n. sp. Stat. 172. Gi ei [sland, anchorage between tliis island and Ceram-Laut. Plankton. Numerous examp] tat. 185. Manipa Strait. HEN tical net, [536 m. to surface. 1 ex. ' )f this form there were numer< imples, the majority of which, however, had been ■ d in alcohol and were considerably distorted and shrunken. A number, fortunately, were llently preserved in }".<„ formalin and these alom- were used for study. all the body was ovoid in form PI. I. fig. \\\ and surmounted by a corona ot 42 43 moderately long tentacles which curved gracefully so that each had somewhat the form of a sickle, as in the D. armata figured by van Beneden (1898), although the additional length of the tentacles in the present species made the curvature more distinct. In some of the smaller individuals, indeed, the tentacles were spread out almost at right angles to the axis of the column as is Solasteractis, but there was no distinct groove marking the.junction of their aboral surfaces with the column wall. Dimensions. — Two distinct stages were represented in the collection. The examples of the younger stage had a column length of about 1.25 mm. and the length of the marginal tentacles varied from 1.0 to 2.0 mm. In the older individuals the length of the column varied from 1.5 to 2.0 mm. and the length of the marginal tentacles was about 2.0 mm., although in one example, owing to a greater contraction, they did not exceed 1 mm. Colouration. — No colour remained in any of the examples. Structure. — In the younger individuals there were seventeen marginal tentacles, that is to say, eight couples and a median tentacle. The latter (PI. I, fig. 11) was indisting- uishable by its length from the adjacent tentacles, while both members of the eighth couple and the left member of the seventh couple were decidedly smaller than the others. Of the labial tentacles there were six couples, the first couple corresponding to the second couple of marginal tentacles and the others successively to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh couples. No labial tentacles corresponding to the median or first couple of the marginals were present, and, employing van Beneden's symbols the formula for the tentacles would be TK T1. TM. T1 + T8 t7— t2 ts— t7. The stomatodseum was rather deep, deepest in the region of the siphonoglyph and diminishins: pradually thence toward the dorsal mid-line. Twenty ^^ mesenteries were present (Text-fig. XIII), an equal number on either side of the mid-plane, although those of the right half of the body were somewhat longer than those of the left half. The directive mesenteries extended some distance below the lower border of the siphonoglyph and were succeeded by two couples provided with mesenterial filaments throughout only a portion of their length. The fourth couple, on the other hand, were provided with filaments throughout almost the whole length of their free border and the filaments terminated in acontia. At this stage, it is to be noted, these acontiferous mesenteries are shorter than those of the second couple. To these protocnemic mesenteries succeed six couples of deuterocnemes, gradually diminishing in length, so that on the left side the last three mesenteries, and on the right side the last two do not extend beyond the lower border of the stomatodseum. The other deuterocnemes, which do extend below the stomatodreum, are provided with mesenterial filaments alternately straight and contorted, except on the left 43 Fig. XIII. Diagram showing the arrangement of the mesenteries and tentacles in a larva of Dactylactis malayensis. 1 1 . ulicn- the mem th couple does not yet show the contorted form which it wil] probably present later. The difference in the form of the filaments may be >, 1 1 j > ] > t<> indicate an alternation ol sterile and fertile mesenteries. In the lai there were twenty marginal tentacles, that is to say, a median tentacle and on the right side ten and on the lefl nine additional om-s, the must dorsal tentacle markedly smaller than the others. < >f labial tentacles there were seventeen, nine to the right of the median line and eight to the left of it. As in the earlier stage there no median labial tentacle, but the most ventral couple now corresponded to the first couple n\ marginals, s<> that the tentacle formula was i ' -T1. T.M. T' + T10 ts— t1. t1— t9. 1 impared with the younger examples the most striking difference is this appearance of the hrst couple of labial tentacles. They are considerably smaller than the second couple and it would seem that their development is practically identical with that of the eighth labial and ninth marginal couples. As regards the mesenteries, these have increased t<> twenty-three, twelve of which be- long to the right side and eleven to the left. They present essentially the same structure and arrangement as in the younger examples, except that the fourth couple of protocnemes, the acontiferous couple, are now decidedly longer than the second couple (Text-fig. XIV The differentiation of the ectoderm of the tentacles into four hands is fairly distinct, but it is not carried to the extenl of giving the tentacles a quadrangular section, the condition they present being somewhat like that described by van Beneden for D. e/egans, although the histological details are quite different. On the lateral surfaces the supporting cells are closely packed, gland cells being rare and nematocysts, though present, relatively few. As a result the nuclei are closely packed and in sections stained with haematoxylin these regions are of a deep blue colour, contrast arly with the oral and aboral surfaces which are much paler in colour. This is due to the fact that on the aboral surface the nematocysts are verj abundant, and on both surfaces there are numerous large unstained gland cells, so that the supporting cells are much numerous and their nuclei somewhat sparsel) scattered. It is highly probable that this form is different from any of those described by van The individuals of /). armata and D. digitata which he described an- of about ;am< ven slightly younger than the younger examples of D. malayensis, and yel ■'.'. less disparity in the lengths of the protocnemes and deuterocnemes, and in both •'.i couple of protocnemes surpasses in length the second couple. And, as a further M XIV. howing the arrangement of the and tentacles in nn older larva nsis. 45 distinction from D. armata, it may be pointed out that D. malayensis shows no exceptional development of nematocysts in the aboral endoderm of the column, nor do its marginal tentacles present a quadrangular form in section. Van Beneden's examples of D. inermis were all in a decidedly earlier stage of development than the younger examples of D. malayensis, and a comparison of the arrangement of the tentacles and mesenteries in the two forms is impossible. The section of a marginal tentacle which van Beneden figures does not show the dense crowding of the nuclei on the lateral surfaces which is so marked in D. malayensis, the aboral band is of an entirely different character and the abundance of coarsely granular gland cells throughout both the lateral and aboral areas is quite unlike what occurs in the malayan form. On account of these differences it seems advisable to regard the two forms as distinct. The example of D. elcgans is even younger than those of D. inermis, but its distinctness from malayensis ma)' be accepted on the basis upon which van Beneden separates it from the other forms described by him, namely, on the occurrence of large nematocysts with a spiral thread. These do not occur in D. malayensis. Gravier's D. bencdeni (1904), notwithstanding that its tentacles and mesenteries were but little in excess numerically of those of the older examples of D. malayensis, is evidently considerably more advanced in development, and it is difficult to say to what extent the differences seen in the structure of the mesenteries in the two forms may be due to this fact. It is possible that later stages of D. malayensis may also show two couples of acontiferous mesenteries and a further development of the deuterocnemes until they resemble those of D. bencdeni in arrangement. Unfortunately Gravier makes no statement as to the presence or absence of a differentiation of the tentacular ectoderm. It seems preferable, in the face of so much uncertainty, to regard the malayan form as distinct for the present. It is not improbable that D. viridis described by Verrill (1898) may be identical with one of the forms described by van Beneden, D. digitata possibly, as Verrill himself suggests. The description which has been given of it is, hower," too inadequate for the determination of its specific status, no account being furnished of its structural peculiarities. Finally, it does not appear probable that D. malayensis can be identified with any of the forms recently described by Senna (1907). Of these D. mammillata, captured in the Pacific to the north of the Galapagos Islands, differs in lacking the differentiation of the ectoderm of the tentacles, while the other three forms, D. discors, D. tardiva and D. prcccox, all from the Bay of Bengal, differ in the fact that notwithstanding that they possess sixteen marginal tentacles they show no indication of the development of labials, a condition in marked contrast to what occurs in D. malayensis. In addition to the forms described above empty tubes of Cerianthids were taken at the followinsjf stations : ö Stat. 213. Saleyer anchorage and surroundings. Stat. 302. Lat. io°27'.qS., long. I23°28'.7E., near Rotti Island. 216 metres. Stat. 313. Anchorage east of Dangar Besar, Saleh Bay. Stat. ? 45 All these presented the usual structure which distinguishes tubes formed bj Cerianthids, but it is impossible t" say by wh.it Species the) were formed. lt may, however, be worth mentioning th.it the tube from Station ?, as well as those inhabited by individuals of P. fimóriatui and taken ,a Stations 171 and : 1 ;. contained imbedded in their substance numerous examples of i ■ impare 1 1 w\ 111 1885). At Station 95, lat. 5 i;.5-\.; long 119 40' E., Sulu Sea, 52 metres, another empt) tube was obtained, which may be that of .1 Cerianthid, although it is ver) different in structure from those usually formed by these creatures. It is 1 ;, cm. in length, and lias a diameter in its flattened condition i>t' ^.5 cm. The outer surface is transversel) wrinkled, while the inner one is al most smooth; it lias a pale brown <>r hempen colour and is rough and somewhat brittle to the touch. In structure it is composed of a loosely felted mass of fine fibres, among which scattered numerous long monaxial sponge spicules and also some elongated brittle dark- brown setae, whose origin I am not able to determine. The fine fibres which compose the main tissue of the tube resemble nematocyst threads, of which the ordinary tubes are formed, excepl that they are many times thicker than these. It' they are reallj nematocyst threads, it may be expected that the species which inhabits such a tube possesses nematocysts of an exceptional size. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1862. AGASSIZ, A. On Arachnactis brachiolata. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. IX. 1862. 1863. On Arachnactis brachiolata, a species of floating Actinia found at Nahant, Massachusetts. Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. VII. 1863. 1842. AGASSIZ, L. Nomenclator zoologicus. 1842. 1883. ANDRES, A. Le Attinie. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. IX. 1883. 1891. VAN BENEDEN, E. Recherches sur Ie développement des Arachnactis. Arch. de Biol. XI. 1891. 1S98. Die Anthozoa. Ergeb. Plankton-Exped. der Humboldt Stift. II, K. e. 1898. 1830. Blainville, H. M. Zoophytes. Dict. Sci. Nat. LX. 1830. 1889. BOVERI, Tm. Über Entwicklung und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Aktinien. Zeit. für wiss. Zool. XLIX. 1889. 185 1. BUSCH, W. Beobachtungen über Anatomie und Entwicklung einiger wirbellosen Seethiere. Berlin. 185 1. 1893. CARLGREN, O. Zur Kenntnis der Septenmuskulatur bei Cerianthen und der Schlundrinnen bei Anthozoen. Ofver. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Forhandl. Stockholm. 1893. 1900. Ost-Afrikanische Actinien gesammelt von Herrn Dr. F. STUHLMANN, 1888 und 1889. Mitth. a. d. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg. XVII. 1900. 1908. Anthozoa. BRONN's Klassen u. Ordn. des Tierreichs. II, 2. 1903 — 1908. 1891. CERFONTAINE, P. Sur 1'organisation et le développement de differentes formes d'Anthozoaires. Buil. Acad. Roy. Belgique. Ser. 3. XXII. 1891. 1909. Contributions a 1'étude des Cérianthides. Nouvelles recherches sur le Cerianthus oligopodus (Cerf). Arch. de Biol. XXIV. 1909. 1830. DELLA CHIAJE, S. Memorie sulla Storia e Notomia degli animali senza Vertebre del Regno di Napoli. Napoli. 1822 — 1830. 1860. DANIELSSEN, D. C. Om Cerianthus borealis n. sp. Forh. vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. 1860. 1902. DUERDEN, J. E. West Indian Madreporarian Polyps. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington. VIII. 1902. 1902'. The Morphology of the Madreporaria. II. Increase of Mesenteries in Madrepora beyond the Protocnemic stage. Arm. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 7. X. 1902. 1905. The Morphology of the Madreporaria. VI. The Fossula in Rugose Corals. Biolog. Buil. IX. 1905. 1891. Faurüt, L. Sur le Cerianthus membranaceus (Gmelin). Mem. Soc. Zool. de France. IV. 1891. 1895. — - Études sur 1'anatomie, 1'histologie et le développement des Actinies. Arch. Zool. Expér. et Gén. Ser. 3. III. 1895. 1889. FlSCHER, P. Sur la disposition des tentacules chez les Cérianthes. Buil. Soc. Zool. de France. XIV. 1889. 1843. FORBES, E. On the genus Edwardsia, with descriptions of new species. Arm. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. I. XII. 1843. [897. FOWLER, G. H. The later development of Arachnactis albida (M. Sars), with notes on Arachnactis bournei (sp. n.). Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1897. 1788. GMELIN, J. F. LiNNÉ's Systema Natura?. Ed. XIII. Lipsise. 1788 — 1793. 1860. Gosse, P. H. Actinologia Britannica. London. 1860. 1902. Gravier, Ch. Sur un Cerianthaire pélagique adulte. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. CXXXV. 1902. 1904. Recherches sur un Cerianthaire pélagique adulte du Golfe de Californie (Dactylactis benedeni n. sp.). Arm. Sci. Nat. Ser. 8. Zool. XX. 1904. 47 ien I chinodermen und Würmci des Adriatischen- und Mittcl ON, Alice M. Description of some new sp I Actiniaria i mi;. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. N. S. VIII. i I. Mémoire sur Ie Cérianthc. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Ser. 4. I. 1 A'. A. On .1 new instance ol Symbiosis. Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales. IX. 1SS5. HEIDER, A. R. Cerianthus membranaceus Haime. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Actinien. k. k. Acad. Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Classe. LXXIX. [879. Hertwig, O. an< R. Dii Actinien. Jenaische Zeitschr. XIV. 1879. Hertwig, R. Report on the Actinaria. Reports Sci. Res. Vo II. M. S. Challenger. Zool. VI. [882. I. Beitrage zui Naturgeschichte der Actinien. [sis. XXIII. 1830. I. S. Description of Cerianthus borealis Verrill. Tufts College Studies. N° 8. 1904. Kwietniewski, C. R. Actiniaria von Ambon und Thursday Island. Jenaische Denkschr. V. 1 in. G. M. R. Anthozoen. Det vidensk. Udbytte af Kan. uil). Hauchs Togter. V. 1893. 890. M< INTOSH, W. I \ ites from St. Andrews Marine 1 aboratory, XI. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. . S90. Mc MüRRlCH, J. 1'. Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa, I. The Structure of Cerianthus americanus. Journ. of Morph. IV. 1 ntributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa. III. The Phylogeny of the Actinozoa. Journ. of Morph. V. 1891. - Report on the Actiniae collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during the Winter of 1887— 1888. Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum. XVI. 1893. Milne-Edwards, II. and Haime, J. Monographie des Polypiers fossiles. Arch. du Muséum. V. 1S52. MiLNE-EDWARDS, II. Histoire naturelle des Coralliaires 011 Polypes proprement dits. Paris. 1 S 5 7 . MoJ .11. N. On new forms of Actiniaria dredged in the deep sea. Trans. Linnean Soc. London. 2. I. 1 kut, W. Ober die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Actinien insbesondere. Weimar. 18 847. Renier, S. A. Osservazioni postume di zoologica Adriatica per cura di Meneghini. Venezia. 1S47. L. Sur un Cerianthaire nouveau. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. CXXXVIII. 1904. 905. - I' scription des Antipathaires et Cérianthaires recueillis par S. A. S. Ie Prince de Monaco 1'Atlantiqu 6 — 1902J. Res. des Campagnes Sci. par ALBERT Ier, Prince Souverain ': XXX. I9O5. -. M. Uber Arachnactis albida, einen schwimmenden Polypen. Fauna littoralis Norvegiae. I. 1846. retning om en i Sommeren 1S59 foretagen zoologisk Reise ved [Cysten af Romsdals Amt. Nyt. Mag. for Naturv. XI. 1861. . II. S. Nomenclator zoologicus. 1 907. - \. Larve pelagiche di Attiniari. Race. planktoniche fatté dalle R.nave Liguria. I. 3. Firenze. 1907. ï.AN/AM. L. Diversi animali nuovi. Mem. Soc. Ital. di Verona. II. 1784. I .II. P. and K F. L. Three Species of Cerianthus from Southern California. University of California Publications. Zool VI. 1909. VANHÖFFEN, I. Untersuchungen über .Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte von Arachnactis albida . Biblioth. Zool. XX. [895. , .\. E. Results "f Recent Dredging Expeditions on the Coast of New England. Amer. Journ. Sci. Ser. 3. V. 1 scriptions of New American Actinians, with critica) Notes on other Species. I. Amer. Journ. VI. l! nres Arachnactis et Cerianthus. Arch. de Biol. VIII. 1888. II. V. ( >n the Development of Manicina areolata. Journ. ol Morph. II. 1888. EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE I. 1. 3- 4- 6. 7- IO. 1 1. 12. '3- '4- IS- tnthus ambonetisis. Station i8i, Ambon I. Natura! size. int kus su /tii /us. Station 1S1. Ambon I. Natura] size. ui/luis teedus. Station 85. Natura] size. Natura Artis Magistra" te Amsterdam. I ><• «Oostersche Handel en Reederij" te Amsterdam. IV Heer B. H i'i Waai. Oud-Consul-Gcneraal der Nederlanden te Kaapstad. M. B. te Amsterdam. The Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE VENTE. i'. L'ouvragc du „Siboga" se composera d'une serie de monographies. 2°. Ces monographies paraitront au fur et a mesure qu'elles seront prêtes. 3°. Le prix de chaque monographie sera différent, raais nous avons adopté comme base générale du prix !.!• 1 4.20 , 5.25 J. J. Tesch. Die Heteropoden dei Siboga-1 icpedition. Mit 14 Tafcln. - ' . . 9- — 30» 1 G. W. Muller. Die Ostracoden der Siboga-Exped. Mit 9 Tafeln. , 3.50 , Franz Eilhard Schulze. Die Xenophy ophoren der Siboga-Exped. Mi: , 2.40 „ 3.— LIV) Maria Boissevain. The Scaphopoda of the Siboga Expeditiön. With '• plates and 39 textfigures 4*8° > 6. — J. Vv\ Spengel. Studiën über die Enteropneusten der Siboga-Exp, Mil 17 l.it'i In und 20 riguren im Text 14.- . 17.50 H. F. Nierstrasz. Die Nematomorpha der Siboga-Exp, Mit 3 Tafcln. . 2.80 , 3.50 XIII Sydney J. Hickson und J. Versluys. Die AJcyoniden der Siboga- 1. Coralliidse, I!. Pscudocladochonus Hicksoni. Mit 3 Tafcln und t61 iguren im Text. , 2.20 „ 2.75 Livr. (Monogr. XXXI, r] P. P. C. Hoek. The Cirripedia of the Siboga Expeditiön. \. Cirripedia pedunculata. With io plates , 5.40 , 6.75 Livr. Xl.llr/ L. Döderlein. Di gestielten Crinoiden der Siboga-Expedition, Mit 23 Tafcln und 12 Figuren im Text „ 8. — , 10. — IX] Albertine D. Lens and Thea van Riemsdijk. The Siphonophores the Siboga Expeditiön. With 24 plates and 53 teXtfigures. 13.50 . 16. 7*5 ■ ' IX 1 M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the SibogarExpedition. Part I. Rhipido and Docoglossa, with an Appendix l>y Trof. R. BERGH. With C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expeditiön. III. The Muriceidae. With 22 plates , 8.50 , 10.75 48c I.ivr. (Monogr. XIII /■ ' C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expeditiön. IV. The Plexauridze. With 4 plates , 1.60 „ 2. — ;r. LVIrf) J. E. W. Ihle. Die Thaliaceen (einschliesslich Pyrosomen) der Expeditiön. Mit 1 Tafel und 6 Figuren im Text , 1.75 , 2.20 ivr. M C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expeditiön. V. The Isldae. With 6 plates , 2.25 . 3.— gr. XXXVII H. J. Hansen. The Schizopoda of the S;boga Expeditiön. With d 3 text figures , 12.75 , 16. — XIII/'3) C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expeditiön. With 1 1 plates „ 4. — , 5. — 53' J. Playfair Mc Murrich. The Actiniaria of the Siboga Expeditiön. With 1 plate and 14 text figures „ 2.20 „ 2.75 r. = Mrk 1.70 = I sh. 8 tl. = frs 2.12 en chiffres arromlics.