F 277 .S18 D6 Copy 1 ^^nga^m A SKETCH OF THE Agricultural Society of St. James, Santee SOUTH CAROLINA. AND AIV ADDRESS ON THE Traditions and Reminiscences of the Parish DELIVERED BEFORE SOCIETY ON 4th of JULY, 1907. By DAVID DOAR. CHARLESTON, S. C. CALDER-FLADGER CO., PRINTERS and BINDERS 1908 A SKETCH OF THE AgrJculturalSocietyof St. James, Santee SOUTH CAROLINA. AND AN ADDRESS ON THE Traditions and Reminiscences of the Parisli DELIVERED BEFORE SOCIETY ON 4TH OF JULY, 1907. By DAVID DOAR, CHARLESTON. S. C. CALDER-FLADGER CO., PRINTERS and BINDERS 1908. /-^.7/ "S/,?^:: Planters' Club. From early times in St James, Santee, Parish there was a club on the river section formed by the rire-planters thereon. The club-house stood on the road which runs parallel to the river, nearly opposite to Bellevue plantation. Dinners were given here, furnished by each member in turn once a month during the Winter. This house was burnt after the Civil War and all of the records, if any were kept, lost, so that only the following members can be given, who composed it during the twenty years, previous to, and including 1800-1. Mr. C. C. Pinckney. Capt. Thomas IMnckney. Mr. Wm. Mazyck. Mr. Stephen D. Doar. Dr. James Schoolbred. Mr. Augustus Schoolbred Dr. Philip Mazyck. Dr. Samuel Cordes. Mr. A. Watson Tordes. Mr. Wm. Lucas. :\]r. Robert H. Lucas. J )r. Alex. E. Gadsden. ])r. John L. Nowell. Mr. Alex. Mazyck. • Mr. Edward ]\Iazyck. Mr. Gabriel Manigault. Mr. Frederic Rutledge. Mr. G. McDuffie Cordes, The Agricultural Society Of St. James, Santce. The Agricultural Society of St. James, Santee, which took the place of and successor of the old ante-belluml Planters' Club of St James, was organized the first part of the year 1884. This Society continued in great activity and usefulness, which redounded to the good of the Parish, both agricul- turally and socially, until the latter part of 1887, when from force of circumjstances it was allowed to lapse, and laid dormant until it was re-organized in 1903. The following were the officers and members of the old Society during its life : President, Capt. Thos. Pinckney. First Vice President, A. W. Leland. Second Vice-President, A. W. Du Pre. Secretary and Treasurer, David Doar. MEMBERS. James C. Doar. Wm. P. Beckman. R. T. Morrison, Jr. Hibben Leland. A. H. Lucas. Lawrence P. McClellan. James B. Morrison. A. H. Seabrook. H. M. Lofton. H. G. Leland. C. H. Leland. A. M. Skipper. Dr. W. T. W. Baker. E. V. Royall. Dr. S. D. Doar. F. D. Hughes. V. Henry Leland. S„ C. Doar. R. M. Lofton. George Campsen. J. M. Phillips. F. R. Baker. J. P. McClellan. R. T. Morrison, Sr. R. V. Morrison. In the year 1903, great need being felt for an association among the farmers of the Parish, to bring them in closer touch with each other, not only socially, but for mutual benefit along agricultural lines, at a meeting held at Mr. A. S. McClellan's plantation, the old Society, with same name was reorganized and the following officers were elected to serve for one year : H. G. Leland, President. J. O. Murray, Vice-President. A. S. McClellan, Secretary and Treasurer. It was agreed that thereafter meetings should be held (luarterly at the different plantations, and that annual meet- ings should be held on the 4th of July, when election of new officers shall be held, and that dinner shall be served on every occasion. At meeting held at Laurel Hill plantation July 4th, 1904. the following were chosen to serve for ensuing year : David Doar, President. H. T. Morrison, Vice-President. J. Palmer McClellan, Secretary and Treasurer. On July 4th, 1905, at meeting held at same place, the same officers were re-elected for following year, except Mr. J. P. McClellan, who had died during his term of office, in Spring of 1905, and Mr. J. J. Murray was elected in his place. At annual m)eeting, held again at Laurel Hill, the same of- ficers Avere unanimously requested to serve Society, with exception, that Mr. L. A. Beckman was chosen Secretary and Treasurer, vice J. J. Murray, who asked to be relieved from acting. The Society met for its annual deliberations and dinner at the school building in McClellanville, July 4th, 1907. After the usual routine business was transacted the following officers were elected to serve for the year : President, David Doar. Vice-President, Horace Leland, (in place of H. T. Morri- son, who declined to serve.) Secretary and Treasurer, L. A. Beckman. The President, David Doar, asked the retiring Vice- President to take the chair, stating that he had been re- quested to deliver the following reminiscences of the Parish of St James, Santee: 1706-1906. (jcntltincn of A(jricultarul ISock'ty of iSt. James: \Vliile 1 was on the cars going to Is'ew Orleans some years ago, just before entering the city, a ueAVsboy walked through the train, ottering the morning newspapers for sale, cry- ing: "Buy one, please, it will tell you where you come from and where you are going." Now'while I cannot tell you where many of you came from, nor would I hazard a guess where you are going, I can tell you a few facts of this section of ours, which nuiy be new at least, to some of you. ^ Go back with me, then, in imagination, to over two hun- dred years, and let us take a glimpse of our I'arish in the l>ast, and of the peoi)le who dwelt here before us, and see for ourselves the change and chances of this mortal life, and note the difference between theirs and our time. Bear, with me, please a little while I try to do faithfully the task I have undertaken, at the re(]uest of one or two of our mem[l)ers. As you all know, this Parish was settled chiefly by French refugees, who came to this country after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantz, 1085. We do not know exactly when they did come to Santee and surrounding country, but we do know that it was sometime between that date and 17()'>. ^oi' in this year we find them on the coast, along the river and on the bank of the Santee, about 25 miles from here, in a Mttle settlement called "James-town," (now, or v^hat used to be. Col. Palmjer's plantation. Mount Moriah.) with church, etc., ])etitioning the Assembly to be made a Parish. There was at this period in the Parish, which included St. Stephens, about 100 families, from France, likewise CA) families from England, who were scattered from the «'oast ui» to St John's. We know very little of their manner of living, customs, etc., until just previous to the Revolution, but we do know that they were peaceable, industrious folks, serving their God faithfully in the wilderness, far away from the strife, from which they had fled for con- science sake. As showinff son-rwhat how these Deoole lived. T will quote from Mr. John Lawson, who went up the Santee River and 8 visited the P^'reiich Settlements on it in the year 1700. After mentioning his course up the river from the mouth, describ- ing the vast cypress swamps, freshets, etc., and alluding to the huge canoes, carrying 50 or GO barrels, built from cypress by the French, which were split in the middle and spliced and keel put in, he goes on to speak of the inhabitants thus : "There are about 70 families settled on this river, who live as decently and happily as any planters in these Southward l)arts of America. The French being a temjperate, indus- trious i>eople, sonu^ of them bringing very little effects, ^-et by their endeavors and mutual assistance amongst them- selves, have outstripped our English, who brought with them larger fortunes." Further he says: "In the Jifternoon we met some French cou\ing from church, they were all of them clean and decent in apparel, their houses anreserving his estate and reputation with the same exact- ness and concern as he does his own ; all seeniiing to share in the misfortunes and rejoice at the advance and rise of their brethren." Mr. Lawson and Mr. Porcher both state that agriculture and Indian trade were the main occui)ation of the early set- tlers, and no doubt they used stock-raising to add to their revenue and comfort. Of course, all that I have said aj)plied to settlers also on coast part of I'arish, for they were a homogenous j)eople intermixed with some Scotch, English and Dutch emigi'ants. These Frenchmen had some curious notions, and one of them was that no good baking could be done outside of a brick oven, and always had them, even in my early days I can remember that in nearly every yard could be seen one under a shed. The pillau was one of their favorite dishes, and the GanlTre, or waffle, the jerked and I)otted beef and venison are still used amongst us as a direct iiilieritaiu'e from tliese old pioneers of good living. Coming down to a later date and qnotiug freely from Messrs. S. Du- Jlose and F. A. l*oi-cliei' : JJetween ITUO and the Kevolntion- ary War, we find these old settlers and their descendants ex- panding in their pnrsnits, in order to gain wealth, engaging ill the cnlture of indigo, rice and cotton, and in working of naval stores and making of tar, to the latter of which the many tar mounds in our woods testify. Taking up each in order as they occur, I will say some- thing about indigo, its culture, etc. This plant cultivated at an early date to a great extent in parishes of St Stephens, St. Johns and St. James, (many of the vats could lately be seen on some of the early settled plantations,) and was a great source of wealth to the then planters, and continued to be so until the colonies became independent and Great Britain withdrew the fostering bounty of Gd. a pound on it, and worse still, bringing the products of her other colonies in competition, when it was abandoned sometime between 1790 and 1794. Before the war the price varied from, fl.OO to I2..50 per pound. A slight sketch of its culture and prep- aration m*ight not be uninteresting. The land was laid off, after being pulverized, in drills 12 or 15 inches apart and seed sown about one inch deep, mixed with lime and ashes. The seed came up in ten days and grew off rapidh', required neat and frequent hoeing until plants were two or three feet high, when they were cut with a hook, and could be cut several times, and carried to vats made of planks and raised some height from the ground; when this was sufficiently filled it was covered with clear water and left to steep until coloring matter was extracted, this water was then drawn off to a lower ♦vat, called the "beater," a long shaft supplied with buckets or armjs ran lengthwise through this, and was turned with a crank on outside. The I)urpose of this was to cause the coloring particles to coag- ulate, lime was then applied. After it had settled the indi- go was drawn off to still another vat and allowed to harden, then cut into lumps about one-fourth pound each and packed into bags or boxes for market. It was said the manufac- ture required great care and good judgment. Naval stores was early taken up and introduced by Capt. John Balmer and others. He was progenitor of the Palmers 10 in upper part of Parish, and was so successful that he went by name of "Tui-pentine John." It continued to be worlvcd by some of his family nearly unto our day, for just be- fore the Civil War his great-grandson, Col. Sam Palmer, was engaged in it near Lenud's Ferry. With this exception, 1 never heard of any one in the lower part of l*arish manu- facturing naval stores until Mr. Boswell Skij)per came in 1858 from North Carolina and settled where Mr. L. P. Mc- Clellan now lives and opened up the business in our vicin ity which has grown to large proportions and is now only languishing for the lack of trees. Kice was introduced in South Carolina before 1700 by Gov. Smith, it Avas planted in our Parish and St. Stephen's princi]>ally at first for home consumption, but as indigo declined the acreage was in- creased 3'ear by year until it became not only one of the chief products of the i)arishes, but of the lower part of the State. When first cultivated high land and little spots of low ground were used for the purpose, but when experience I)rovod that the plant would grow better in these dam]) spots large fields of inland swamps along the various swamps and creeks were cleared and used for the making of this grain, and springs and artificially nmde ''reserves" were used for flowing the land when necessary. These lands be- came so grassy in time that they finally had to be aban- doned, and the industry moved lower down the river to the tidewater region, which was beter adapted to the needs of the i)lant as regards irrigation. All who have seen these in land rice-fields which extend from coasts all through u]»])er T»art of our Parish, and also St. Stephen's, and for the most l)art now abandoned, will be surprised to learn, as ]Mr Du- P>ose stated in 18.58. "that a century ago this body of land grew for ex])ortation 50,000 ba.rrels of rice," and at the tinx* he snoke was utterly abandoned as useless. I need not soeak the tidewater rice i)lanting. most of you know of it, of the vast anif)unt of rice made on these i)lantations, of the Avealth accumulated bv those engaged in it up to our war. of the decline and fall, and finallv of the total abandonment as a cror». When rice was first planted those cultivatina- it were much hampered by the slow process in preDarincr it for market. Tt was thrashed by hand, then pounded with 11 pestle iu woodeu mortai-s liyldiug oue-lialf bushel or three- quarter peck, this last was geuerally giveu to the slaves as au extra task to be performed iu morniugs aud eveuiugs before or after other Avork was done. A little later a rude machiue was coutrived with several pestles, called a ''pecker" machine, from up aud down mjovement of same, and worked by oxen. This slow i^rocess of preparation was continued until just after the Revolutionary War, when a young and ingenious Englishnuin, by name Jonathan Lucas, came to Charleston and was asked by one of the Lynches if he thought he could put up a machine to clean rice in quicker manner* than was then done, the reply was : "That he thought he could, and would attempt it." The result was the designing and putting up of the first pounding machine or mill iu the world on Peachtree plantation, on Lower San- tee River, grind-stones and brushes w^ere then added to the pestles and water from reserves were used as the motive power. This gave great impulse to the pursuit of rice-plant- ing, and ere nmny years had elapsed nearly every planta- tion was eqiiipped with pounding plant. One was even erected on Tibwin place, on coast, and used to pound such rice as was then ])lanted on inland swamps near by. Threshing mills were soon added aud the prosperous era of the grain began. These latter were also, at first, worked by water let into adjacent fields at high tide and machinery turned by it at the ebb. Steam was not used for the purpose until a later time than which I speak. Before leaving the subject, I will mention that the l»ar rels then used for shi})ping clean i)roducts were made at plantation cooper sho])s, with ]>ine staves, birch and white oak hoops as material, and were large enough to hold 000 pounds, this being the weight of the marketable package of the day. Now I come to the great staple of the I'arisli, of our State and of our South — Cotton — and we will see from what a small baby the giant of our day s])rung. Can you imagine the time when cotton was not planted here and little known in our country? Yet. such is the fact, for less than t-^>0 vears aeo it was not ]>lanted in our parishes, and if it was heard of, little notice was taken of it. Xow please. Iwar 12 with me, if 1 dwell long- on this subject, my excuse is thiit 1 know you are all interested and would like to get all in- formalion concerning it. Of course, 1 am falling back on works of early writers, as you cannot expect one of my age to know all this. Mr. DuEose, speaking of short cotton, says as early as 1748 we tind among the exports from Charleston to Great Britain seven bags of cotton wool, val ued at three jjounds, lis, Gd (near |18) per bag. Again in 1754 a few bags were exported from South Carolina. In 1770 there was shipped to Liverpool three bags from NeAV York, four from Virginia and Maryland and thre^ barrels from North Carolina. In 1785, 14 bags ; 178G, six bags ; 1787, 101) bags; 1788, 380 bags; 1780, 842 bags; 1700, 81 bags. The export of cotton steadily increased until 1704, when a great impetus was given to cotton culture by the inven- tion of the saw gin by Eli Whitne}'. We can hardly realize the vast increase from the beggardly seven bags in 1748 to 12,000,000 (twelve millions) bales in 190G. When the staple was first made in our jjarishes the great difficulty was to separate the seed from the lint, this was done in the early days by the field laborers, in addition to their ordinary work, and about four pounds clean cotton was required per w eek. It was pressed into bales by wooden screw presses from top of scr-ew extended ''A^' shaped arms, pulled around by mules, which served to drive and re- verse the screws, and ropes were used to tie the bales. I will say in passing that for domestic piu'poses in these prim- itive days wool and cotton yarn were spun at home and sent to the nearest weaver to be n^ade into cloth. There w^as one of these establishments near Murray's Ferry, on the Santee River, in AVilliamsburg District,' run by Irish set- tlers, which supplied the country around. Thus we see the beginning of manufacturing in South Carolina. Long- staple sea island or black seed cotton, as an experiment, was first grown in Georgia in 178G, and in 1788 the first bag exported was groAvn on St. Simons Island. The earliest attempt to raise a crop in South Carolina was made in 1788 by Mr. Kinsy Burden, of St. Paul's Parish, and in 1793 General Moultrie planted a crop of 150 acres on his North- ampton plantation, St. John's, which proved a failure, ow- 13 ing to his lack of knowledge of the culture, etc., but this did uot check its advauce, for the culture progressed rap- idly in all the parishes. Indigo and rice on upper Santee v.as abandoned, and cotton took their place, which it holds to-da}'. The black seed, or long cotton, of those days was not as 3'ou may suppose the fine staple of to-day, improved by selection, cultivation, etc., but that was of a coarser grade, 1 judge, for even in my day there was planted on upper ii^antee a grade of cotton called in the miarket ''Santees," and better staple than common short cotton, perhaps some- thing like the Georgias and Floridas of this time. Origin- ally the cultivation in our parishes of cotton was very slovenly and crude, the seed was by some put in hills five feet square, and by others holes were dug in the ground on the level, some distance apart, four hoeings were considered sufi'icient to make it, the first being a hoeing down or flush process, afterwards it was drawn up. Tlie thinning was done by careful hands, three and a half aci'es the first and four acres the second thinning. Strange as it may seem to you the ploAV was practically unknown, and no uianuring was ever done by these early settlers. The system then was to clear new fields when the old were exhausted. A school boy now knows more about phosphate, nitrogen and potash than those old planters. Seldom more than 100 pounds to the acre was made until nearer plant- ing was later adopted. The preparing of the lint for market was very carelessly done, and consequently badly cleaned, no pains were taken to pick the cotton free from leaves, dirt, etc., and the only process of moting was by whiDpimr it with twigs on the floor after it was sunned; and often the bag contained stained cotton as well as good. The packing was done, as todav. in bass, an old iron axle ivcc or pestle used to beat it in. To r>ack one basr of cotton was r-onsidpred n mnn's dav's work, and a woman onlv sewed un five baos ns her sl'arp. The lint was i^icked from seed bv I'onfl imtil the roller pin camp into use. This was at first n r-lnnitiilv ponstructpd foot p-irt. wbicli servpd its itiivnoso im + il f]io iiiiTiro\'pd pin of tod;iv onmp nloi^o-. Most of fhp nrnn ti'hs tbpn pipnpd bv sTnvps n^tpv tlip task xvovk \vn«! flopp 171 thp pveniups or pnvlv in thp morninp; before thev 14 went out, and four or five pounds was done each time. Evi- dently these old, old planters knew how to economize time. The tirst gin made to be worked by animal (»r water power was the "Eaves," and several followed, all modilicatious of the Eaves, but none stood the test and were tinally given up for the old foot gin. In my boyhood, days I remember seeing at my aunt's/ place. Walnut Grove, the negro women ginning on these gins, so you see there is scarcely a half generation between the clumsy negro power gin and the beautiful steam work- ing one of this day. 1 remember, too, on Mr. McClellan's l»lace, where Mr. G. Leland's house now stands, was a building with gins in room above turjied by mules walking in a circle below, and: many a ride did we boys take on the beam as it went round. The price obtained, as near as I can learn, was from 5U to 75 cents per pound. No doubt somie will ask where, did these old pioneers get their lum- ber. Well, in days gone by they did their lumber business as crudely as they did everything else, but they came out on top everytime. After the pole and blockhouse period had passed: they began to get boards and lumber, planks, etc., by laboriously hewing with the axe, and I have seen some of this hewed stuff on trunks and negro houses not long ago, and then the saw pit was used, why it was so called I do not know, unless originally a i)it was dug for the lower man to stand in, for it was above ground and made of ten large poles, or six or eight posts on each side four or five feet apart, parallel and connected with stout bars. The log to be cut u}) was i)ried up to the toi) of these, and one man stood above and one below working what was called a whip saw u}* and down until the log was cut into lum- ber. The task was one hundred running feet per day. This mode was used in the i)arish up to and even after the Civil War, and I have now several of the old saws. Saw mills began to be erected in this Parish shortly after the Revolutionary War. There was one at Millbrook on Wam- baw Creek, T know, and perhaps there were others of which I am ignorant. I have it from good authority that the pro- prietor at Millbrook, Mr Gaillard, nearly lost all the prop- erty he had there, and had to give up to save himself. Some 15 of yon modern niiill men can jndge whether tliis is possible from yonr experience. Now somewliere abont 1780 Dr. John B. Lynch had Mr. Jonathan Lncas to pnt npon Marsli Island, opposite Cape Romaine Lighthouse, a brick wind- mill, which for years sawed all. the lumber that was floated to it from the adjacent mainland and no doubt furnished the lumber from which many of our old houses were construct- ed. The tower was, I suppose, near the proportion of the old lighthouse, and stood until after our war. It was in operation as late as 1789, for Mr, Wml. Lucas, father of Mr. Alex. Lucas, was born there in that year. Lumber, too, was brought from Charleston after mills went into operation there. These mills were equipi)ed with what we call gang saws, running uj) and down. This Dr. LyncJi was an eccentric character, lived at Peachtree until he moved to Tennessee, leaving all his landed property behind him. He it was who spent the Summer at Raccoon Keys and built his house in a fiat, so if a storm came, he would float ashore. He buried his daughter on l*eatield by standing coft'in on end and bank- ing up dirt around it, a tree now grows out of the top of the grave. Eccentric as he was, he was enterprising, as evinced by his building of this saw and pounding mill. Where the bricks in the early days of the Parish came from we do not know, for I can find no record of a brick kiln here, unless they were brought from Charleston or George town ; at latter place the Messrs. Withers had a brick mak- ing plant, where depot noAV stands, at a very early time. The lime we knowi was made from shells of the oysters, which abounds along the coast, for oni nearly every bluff" contiguous to the creeks are the remains of lime kilns; and as late as 1800, Mr. A. J. McClellan used to burn lime for sale at what we used to call ''Big Landing," in McClellan- ville, where Mr. L. P. McClellan 's house now stands, and my aunts, the Misses Doar, did the same thing at Walnut Grove. A fine tabby work was made from this lime mixed with small shells, which j-itands the test of time remarka- bly well; specimens of this work can now be seen in sur- rounding country. 16 But let us pass ou to other matters, which ought to be brought to your attention. The records and traditions show that all the old settlers lived the year round upon their plantations, it was even said that persons came up from Charleston and elsewhere in .mid-summer to enjoy the cool and delights of the country ou these same places that are now considered so baneful to health — as late as 1794, when Summer places were established as much for society as for health. From this time, those that did not go to Charleston or the up-country went to the coast and pineland from May to November. In this Parish there were such settlements on Cedar Island, Murphy's Island and other points on the coast, and at the end of the "Seven-Mile Road" there was a collec- tion of several families. The Episcopal parsonage also stood on this road, and the overseers of the river plantations went to houses along the river road. The people of the upper part of Parish lived at ''Ger- man's pineland," what is now "Honey Hill," the Palmers and others, n few miles above on sam;e road. Of later day McClellanville absorbed the whole, except its rival, Honey Hill. The first church of the Parish was, of course, the Hu- guenot Church, which in after years was merged into the Church of England, and this, after the Revolutionary War, into the Episcopal, which has come down to our day. The first building was erected of wood, before 1700. at Jamestown, a settlement on the Santee River, the second on Echaw Creek, a little loAver down the river, also of wood, in 1714; the third, of brick, on the same spot in 1748, and in 17GS the i)resput church, near Wambaw Creek, of brick, was finished. The Rev Fenner Warren, and his illus- ti'ious son. Col. Samuel Warren, and one of the Horrys lie in the churchyard of Echaw; Jonah Collins and one of the Rutledges in that of Wambaw, and in each of them others of "the rude forefatliers of the Hamlet sleep." All of these churches are in ruins except the last, Avhere services are still held. In 1S90 our little chapel at McClellanville was erected. 17 During the British raid in the I'ari.sh the liible and the I'rayer Book, presented by Mrs. Kebeeea Motte, was stolen and carried to England, and returned to the elinreh after the Revolutionary ^^'ar. At the same time the Silver Service given by Thomas lyvncli was lost. During the Civil War the Northern raiders stole some of the remaining silver communion i)late from the house of Mr. Stephen D. Doar, warden, bnt it was recovered after some trouble; (uie piece, the chalice, through the efforts of the Rev. Alexander Glenrie, of Georgetown, and Mr. R. G. Barclay, of Charleston. This service has been in use since befiu-e the Revolution, and is still used. The register of the Parish goes back to 1750, and those of the church who come and those who go, are still written in it. This regis- ter holds the names of the forefathers of many of those who are now shining lights in other Christian bodies. For this church alone and its pastors watched with jealous care over the s])iritual affairs of all in the Parish, and tendered ''the Bread of T>ife" to such as would receive it, until Methodism, its offsi)ring, came to share its burdens and to help lead men to salvation, in the latter ]tart of the ISth century. The new church grew rai)idly from the old, until it has be<'ome stronger than its mother, and is one of the strong- est in the I'arish. From the early records we know of only two of their churches amiongst us, one, and the oldest, was the "Nazareth Meeting House.'' which stomfort to the sick and afflicted without thought of heat or cold, or of hardshin that might come on the morrow. They stoi)i)ed wherever nii>ht caucht them, eatint;- and drinkinff what was set before them with- out a murniur. and T need add never had occasion to shake 18 liie duist ol any housc^ oil' tlieii- feet, lor they were welcomed aiiu respecieu. vvneiievei- uiey came the service wda for tlie whole day. I'rom moriiui^ imrii mid-aay — tiieii an intermission or re- cess, ana umuer was eaten amongst tiie trees around, then anoiiier service, lasting until evening. Many times have i and oriiers here attenued tnese meetings, and boys as we wer^ enjoyed theiu, though 1 fear we had some fun, too, witn tne girls. My aunt, the Misses Doar, w^ere truly ji others oi Israel iii this iSazareth Church, and 1 verily be iieve that they thought they had special charge of it and its ministers, 'lo show how hard it was for them to forego any of its services: just after the ^V"ar, when their horses were stolen, tne minister came on his rounds, the}' could not walk but go they would. kSo had a yoke of oxen caught and hitched to the carriage, ordered the old coachman, with beaver hat, to the box, and drove to church, quite un- conscious of the amusement they were creating, and inno^ cent of any loss of pride. In those days the feeling that all men were brethren obtained, and creed or sect made no difference in kindly feeling. Here is a little incident that proved this : There was an old blind Methodist preacher, a Mr. Davis, who came to this Parish and chanced to stop at Dr. John Palmer, (an Episcopalian,) and there he re- mained for twenty-five or thirty years, having family pray- ers for them night and morning, and was tenderly cared for until he died. I have seen him often, he preached at the upper chapel and was buried there. Another Methodist, who dwelt amongst us. much beloved by all, though he often took men to task for their shortcomings, both in and out of the i)ulifit, was the Rev. Daniel DuPre, reared by Col. Samuel Warren, and under the influence of the Episcopal Church, he was converted and joined the Methodist Church, became a i)reacher, remaining faithfully to the last, doing such work as came within his sphere; though a Methodist, he seemed never to have forgotten the Liturgy of his early Church, or to have any repugnance to using it. For years lie Avas T>astor of the TTuguenot Church in Charleston; also for a long time served the rice planters on Santee River, reading our Ei»isco]»al service and ]>reaching every Sunday 19 in Wamlmw Cluu-cli. Alter iiwliile one of the IJisliops of the Cliureli, objecting to one, not episcopally ordiuned; holding service m iiie i urish Cuui-ch, TJie siubboi-u old planters shut up their church and built one of wood on the "Eiver Road," in which lie couid serve them without hin- drance. He was sent with Mr, Alexander Mazyck as I'arish representative to Secession Convention in ISGU, and signed that document. He was quite an aged man at the time of his death. In life he was esteemjed and honored, and in death deeply mourned by all. The next church in succession to Nazareth, Avhich was burnt, was built by Mr. Wrenn on "Moss ^wamp Road" soon after the War, and still stands. Later, the McOlel- lanville Church was built a few years ago. There was no Presbyterian Church in our Parish until after the Civil War, and one was put up at McClellanville. The nearest to us being Wappetaw, in Christ Church I'arish. Mr. DuBose states that, in his boyhood, between 1790 and 1812, he remembered seeing an aged man of God riding past their house, and when asked where he was going replied that he was on his way to Mr. McCauley's Church, forty miles away, to partake of the Communion. How many of us would do this now? Mi-. McCauley was a noted Pres- byterian Divine of the day and was pastor of Wappetaw Church; he lived there. Before going on, I will mention that none of the old brick churches in the lower parishes were ever in early times episcopally consecrated to the worship of God, nor were they any confirmations, as the Church commands, for the sim])le reason that they were no Bishops in the Ignited Slates until 1784, when Rev. Sea- brook, of Conned icut, went to Scotland and was E]»iscopal- ly consecrated by P>isho|> Kelgoin and several otlier P>ishoi)S at Aberdeen, Scot land, and bccamie first I>isho]» of our ('()untr3^ Of the schools in the Parish we have the records running from 1814, but nothing before this. At that date there were two schools kept, one in u])]>er part of Parish, near Echaw Cliurch, and so called, and the otlier in the lower part, called the Wanibaw School. This last school was kept, prior to records and after, just above where the bridge crosses to 20 *>■() to Mr. Morrison's place, and near the end of Mr. L. P. McClellan's field, on 32-Mile House Road, pnt there, I sup- pose, to accommodate the children livino- on both sides of Jeremy Creek. It remained there until 1815, when it was moved, or one was built near Nazareth Meeting House. Mr. Robert Norrell was teacher here in 1822. My father, Mr. S. I). Doar, Mr. A. J. McCUellan and old Mr. William Lucas mentioned going to the first and my mother to the second, where her father, Dr. Samuel Cordes, lived at Tibwin. In 1824 there were two other schools established, one at Half Way Creek and the other on Seaboard. I can not locate this latter, but was probably where McClellanville now is. The schools before 1860 were so moved about, especially in upi)er part of Parish, for convenience of pupils, that it is alinost impossible to keep track of location. In 1854 there were four schools carried on, one on Seashore and Half Way Creek, and two in Ecliaw district. In 1840 there was a sm,all school at Awendaw, but this was soon discontinued for lack of scholars. The Seashore School;, as it was called, was tauglit by N. H. AVells in 1824, Wm Rose, 1837, and Sam Mc(2ueen, 1839, and Mr. George Scott, 1844. It was finally moved to Mr. McClellan's place, and stood until 1800, Avliere D. Doar's house now is. We find Mr. Charles Grimke teaching tliere from 1851-1855. Mr Gray, 1850-50, when Mr. J H. Leland took charge and kept it until 1803 when he moved away during the War, and re-opened in 18()(;, taught until old regime and commissioners were abolished by U. S. Governntient in that year. Mr, Leland's report for 18(>0-01 showed thirty ])upils in attendance. Allow me please to say a few words about our teacher. He was a man of ability and thorough education, and Avas one of the best expiipped to carry out the work entrusted to him. He was a first-class teacher and strict disci})linarian. No boy or girl ever entered his school with- out behaving themselves, and none left it that were not thoroughly grounded in the text books that were taught in his day. Mr. Leland served this community for years also as magistrate and postmaster, and Avas held in esteem by everyone. 2i From lS(;:i-(;5, Mr. Hyatt, the Epis<-()pjil rectoi', liatinj; to see the children running around, opened a school for them and taught from sheer love of doing good, for there was no money in it. After his death, 1805, James C. Doar taught it for a short while. In early days the schools were managed by five commis- sioners appointeridge. At these grounds there were many hot political discussions and, times, many a good dinner, and on 4th of July there was always a patriotic orator to laud his coun- try and deeds of her men. According to law eA^ery man be- longed to the militia company, and the company was ex- pected to n)|eet and drill six times a year. I haA'e been told th.at they carried out the letter of the hiAV and let the spirit take care of itself, and that they would meet as ordered, dressed in every conceivable cos- tume and armed Avith pAery kind of weapon, from flintlock to stick, march around a short while in crooked lines, when someone Avould cry out : "We have had enough, boys, let us 23 take a drink, have a lioi-se race, oi- go to dinner," as tlie ease niav be. And ranks wonld be broken fortliwith. The officers were the only ones dressed in gorgeous uni- forms and cocked liats witli feathers; they strutted around with conscious authority. These uniforms, tliey say, were always lianded down to successors and were worn, no matter what fit tliey niadf; on recipient. Another duty of this militia was to patrol the country to keep the negroes in bounds. No negro was allowed off their owners' plantation after dark, without pass, and the patrol system was inaugurated to enforce these orders. Some of you remember the old re- frain of the darkey — "Run, nigger, run, de patrol coniin','' In order to show style of summons I will reproduce one in my possession : MusTERFiELD, 23 Feb., 182vQ, Patrol Beat No 2. Mr. .S. D. Doar, 0ir : You are hereby required to take under your command, all persons, Mable to patrol Duty, from Uellevue to D. Hor- ry's VVam] aw plantation, and from Wm. Lucas's Wsmbaw place, to Islington, the last included, and perform patrol duty accor'.ling to law, and return this Warrant with a list of DefauKers, on oath, to Commanding Officer of Company, at next Muster day. (Signed) John Butler^ Capt. The plant(n's on river, and around, also had a clubhouse on River Road, where they met, once a month, during Winter for social intercourse. Each man took his turn to furnish dinner and all necessaries. It was found at first that there was great rivalry amongst members, as to who should have the best spread. So. to put the richer and poorer contribu- tors on same footing and prevent comlpetition, only a cer- tain nundjer of dishes of a certain class were to be provided, 24 and this Avns rioidlv enforced. In order, too, that diners shoiihl not drink too nincli. or *;et under tlie table, only a certain ie. have disdained (!ancinnt tliey never quailed anrietor of the Inn could know how many to prepare supper for. The ferry from Charleston (her. was above the present Mt. Pleasant. At what was one time called Hibbens and Clement ferries, and before steam was used, the boat was propelled by paddle wheels turned 27 by mules, or liorses, walking around on deck, which was called a ''team-boat." We know that there were few Colonial postoffices as early as 1700. In 1790 there existed in the United States only 75 postoffices and 1,875 miles of post routes. We can tell therefore very little of how our forefathers communi- cated Avith each other by letter, or how these letters were carried, in this section, very probably by private opportu- nities, for we are certain that at first there were no, or very few public posts. Sometime in the early part of last cen- tury there was some kind of postoffice in Charleston, for I have heard of letters being brought by stage. Those be- longing to persons in vicinity of 32 Mile House were left there, and those for the River ( Santee) people were dropped at Ferry, all to be called for. This was carried on until stages were discontinued, and a once-a-week sulky line was established, going through to North Santee. In 1852 there were only 484 postoffices in South Carolina. The earliest })ostoffice I can remember, 1859-00, was kept near Ferry by Mr. Baxley, and the next, during the War, a mile or so lower down at Parsonage. Rev. Mr. Hyatt attending to it. This he did later, when afterAvards he moved to McClel- lanville. The mail service just after the Civil War was very ])oor, once a week. I remember at one time a negro, for a short while, walked the route going and returning. Tn the early days of the postoffice the postage charged was four pence, six and a half cents, per letter, and it had to be prepaid in coin, and if there was no postoffice near sender the receiver of it had to pay before it was delivered. Think you there would be much correspondence carried on or duns sent if those conditions prevailed now? Neither was there then. The postage during our War was ten cents. T had a letter to my father, some time in the '40s, on which was written in place of stamp, not then used, "Charge to Robinson and Blackloch," — his factors. Neither were there any envelopes in those days, the letter was so written that it could be folded, and the ends stuck in. and fastened by a little wafer moistened in the mouth. The early freight to and from Charleston was carried in long, ungainly boats with one large sail, and worse look- 28 irig- ones, called Congaree l)oats, with cabiu far to stern, plied lip and down the river. Col. I'alniei' had one of these craft called the "l*ineli-ee," (a good name,) afterwards owned by Mr. t?kippei'. It was so long that the boys used to say that her bow reached the village from up the creek in the nioining, and that her stern passed the following night. ^Vhen the rice schooners came they were of a bet- ter class, but were none noted for speed. On ti-ips time was no consideration, with the negroes, who were the crew, and whenever the tide and wind were against them they stopped until favorable, consequently two and sometimes three weeks rolled around before- they made the trij). When Mr. Ben. McClellau with a little sloop, "Frank Kavenel," after the War, made the trip from Charleston to McClel- lauville in a week it was considered a wonderful feat. Mr. C. H. Leland afterwards beat his record, and thence for- ward we had ra^jid transit. There being no stores in the Parish jou can imagine with these slow vessels, that house- hold and other supplies very often ran out and persons had to resort to borrowing from more fortunate neighbors; bor rowing was no disgrace at such times, for the borrower well knew that he in his turn may soon be the lender of those around, and things would be evened up. I wish 3'ou noAV to take a glance at the rise of McClel- lanville, and 1 trust I shall never be called u]»on to record its fall. The land on which the village is built was formerly two tracts. The dividing line was near the ditch that runs by the Episcoi)al Church. One part was owned by Mr. A. J. McClellan and the other at one time by a ]Mr. MattheAvs, then his son-in-law, Colburn. It was bought before the War, 185(1, by Mr. R. T. Morrison, tlie latter, in 1858-59. sold three lots, one each to Mr. Baxley, Mr. Leland and Mr: Augustus Whilden, who built upon them. Mr. Morrison putting up the house he now lives in. Br. Cordes, Dr. Smith and Mr. Morrison had houses in the village prior to this, Mr. ^lorrison's house stood where Col. Rutledge's now is; this land was not sold to them, only leased bv Mr. McClellan. In 1800 Mr. McClellan sold his first 29 lots to Capt. Torn. Pinckney, Mr. Gabriel Manigaiilt aud Mr. Stephen D. Doar for |5(I0 each, and .soon after one to Dr. John and Mr. Andrew DnPre. When I first went to the village in 18G0 there were only six houses there, not counting the old school house, and the other new one, just huilt. These houses were Mr. Morrison's, Mr. Hilben Le- land's, Mr. Baxley's, where Mr. R. V. Morrison lives; Dr. Cordes, where S. C. Dear's house is; Dr. Smith. On Dr. P>aker's lot, Mr. A. J. McClellan's. An old house stood where L. P. McClellan's is now, and a little shanty, where Mr. Skipper's new house is, occupied by Mr. A. Priner. Mr. McClellan's negro houses were where the Methodist Church now stands. All lands except Mr. IMcClellan's fields were woods and old fields. Mr. Munn and Mr. Coleman had just moved there. Mr. Munn to point back of where young Dick L. Morrison's house is; Mr Coleman back of Mr. S. B. King's. Mr. Finklea occupied a house which stood where Mr. Ward's house was burnt. Mr. J. B. Skipper lived on Mr. L. P. McClellan's place. After this the place began to grow, but was nameless for some years, until it became necessary to christen it soinc- fJiiiif/ for postoflfice and other purposes. Several names were |)roposed and discussed — Estherville for ^frs. DuPre; Jere- my or Jerryville, after the creek, but with one accord it was finally drop]»ed into ^IcClellanville from McClellan's ]»lace, and stuck there. Allow me to state before I go on, that the point now owned by Mr. Skipper, originally the ])ro]>erty of the Mouzon family, was bought by Col Samuel Palmer. He and his brother. Dr. John, s])ent the summer there until our War. Nearly all of the War soldiers were encamjied there, a bridge being across creek by Mr. Morri- son's. From 1801-1S70, and after, the people of the little village were more like one large family than otherAvise, drawn together by the calamities which follow war. They worshipped together. They were together in adversity and joy, in sickness and in death. They worked with each other for the common welfare and were willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Visiting from house to house was universal. It was the custom during the War and after for the young ])eople to 30 go to "the l>ig- House" of Mr. S. ]). Dour's on Ir^unday even- ings, and si)end several lionrs having saered music, a ]uelo- deon was the only instrument they had there. 1 fear, though, that some of the boys and girls did not attend alone for the music, judging by some of the tctc-a-tcte in the cor- ners. 'The Cottage," as it was called, Avhere I now live, was a great rendezvous for the boys, and they always found a bed there when they staid up too long with the girls, or too late to go liome. Here it was that Jim Morrison slapped old Mr. Percival Vaux, who was visiting Mr. S. D. Doar, mistaking him in the dark for one of the boys. His apology was most pro- fuse when mistake was discovered. Here it was that Hibben Leland shot, out of the window, with (unloaded!) gun and scared himself and others. Many other amusing incidents happened here, had I space or time to tell. In 1S59 a new school house Avas needed in the village, and Mr. R. T. Morrison donated the land. All of the planters joined together and put up a building, gave it in charge of trustees to be used by the community as a school house and free church. Mr. Leland taught here on every Friday. He employed the scholars with speaking, composition, rules in arithmetic, mieasures, etc., until 12 o'clock, when the Rev. Mr. Hyatt would come in, hold short service and address the pupils. He also preached here un- til his death, in 1S05. Often have I seen him on Sundays walking from Mr. Leland's house, where he staid, in his clerical gown going to hold service, and no one th(»ught about it as peculiar. A few words about this good man ; for twenty years Epis- coi)al rector of the Parish, he went about doing good, and wherever he thought he was most needed in the Parish there he Avas to be found, deeply interested, working with might and nmin. He lived amongst his people, and during the War administered unto all that came near, comfort- ing the sick and wear}', burying the dead and serving his • Hock, even in any secular manner that he could, and soon after the Confederacy died he laid down his burden. After 31 his death the chiuvli was opened regularly t^abbath after Sabbath by lay readers, and all that were religiously dis posed attended. The men who kept the peojile together to serve God have all gone to their reward, but their works live after them. They were Mr. J. H. Lelaud, Mr. C. B. (Joehran, Mr. A. H. Seabrook, Dr. Baker and Mr. James C. Doar. Mr. Lelaud/ Mr. Seabrook and others also conducted a prayer meeting each week, and whenever the venerable Mr. DuPre could preach or other minister came they had the united congregation to hear them and the chapel at their disposal. During those days the men with no thought of denomi- national dogma, creed or doctrine attended any service, hustled for a living and fought with indomitable perse verance the white Radicals and the black allies, who were sucking the life blood; of their beloved Parish and State. No one who was not in it can realize the mortification of being lorded over by negro constables and trial justices, etc, and the desolation and degradation of negro domination. Also the almost despairing task of meeting and overcoming the black majority of nearly ten to one at the election polls in the woods, but they won in the end and we are now en- joying the fruits of that victory gained by their manhood. I will surprise you when I say there w^ere no stores in the Parish, or village, until Mr. W. P. Beckman opened one and built a house opposite the Methodist Church soon after the War. He w^as stationed here with the German Artillery during the Givil War, saw the place, liked it and one of its girls, came back to settle and made one of our most progres- sive citizens. Afterwards he built and moved u]> in the then woods, and ])eople thought it was a foolish move, but he had faith in our future and acted accordingly, and the years justified his judgment. Mr. C. H. Leland kept store in this first building until he built where Mr. Gibson now lives. He was our second mtn-chant. T will ^ay for the benefit of the boys i)resent that in our school days we were our own haulers and hewers of wood and drawers of water that was used in our school house, and 32 if we t^ot a Avliii)piiig' il i»ai(l iis to bear oni' ])aiii in silence, for if we told it at home we ^^■el•e sni-e to i;el another for having- deserved the first. To go back a little, 1 will mention the fact that some- time after the settlenijent of the l*arisli a great manv of the Frenchmen wlio first settled here moved further u\) the river into St. Stephen's and St. John's, thus leaving- tlie English in the majority and somewhat cutting down i)opulation. Dr. Ihilcho states that in ISl!) the Tarish only contained 411 white inhabitants. Of course, it has steadily increased until the jtresent time. Tradition says that there was at least one lynching in the l*arish in olden times. It seems that soon after the Kev- olutionary \\'ar a negro girl by name of Jemlima murdered her mistress, a widow named I'erderiau, lied her two chil- dren, rifled the closets and went to enjoy herself at a dance, which was progressing nearby. One of the children got loose and Ued to Col. Warren. A number of men gathered, caplured the Avoman and burnt liei- at the stake. It was said that her own father started the lire. The Parish has to be credited wilh two murder^•^ one, Mr. l>cn. Fort, shot by negro on his ])iazza one night just after the War. The olher, Mr McCay, shot near I'almer's liridge by an unknown jterson. The ukmi of this Parish liave never been ''laggards in ])eace or dastards in Avar" whenever duty called them they were to be found ever in the forefront. In i)eace look over our land and see the efforts of these old ])ioneers. Look at the ditching and draining work they (lid; mightier in I hose days than now; look at the rice fields they bi-ought into subjection, look at the swamps they cleared, the houses they built, the reserves they made. Verily, they took a wilderness in hand, conquered the land, the Indian and the beasts of the forests, turned it ovvv (o us subjugated to agriculture, to the use of men, free from foreign rule, civilized, and Ave are getting the benefit of their hardshi]) and toil. Tell us not that Ave must not re- vere these men and speak of them and of the past. This drainage and clearing fever seemi to run in the blood, for our old and esteemed friend, R. T. Morrison, a descend- 33 ant of oue of these old FreiK-hmeii, Lej;ai-(\ has in his younger days drained and brought into use and jti-oduction part of Wambaw Swamp, and showed its capabilities under cultivation. Let us see Avhat the men of St. James have furnished to the country and State, and who will live in history. Tol. Samuel Warren served in both milifary and civil capacity, was in the patriot army all during the Hevolution. Was in the siege of Savannah and there lost his leg. Also after the War president of the State Senate for many years. It is told of him that an old aunt in England sent him word that if he fought against his King she hojted his leg would be shot off, and when it did happen he promptly had it boxed and forwarded to her. Gen. Thomas Pinckney likewise did his duty in this War and was afterwards for many years Minister to England. Daniel Horry, Peter Horry. Thomas Evance, John lilake, Isaac Motte, Avere all captains in the second regimient of Colonial troops; some of them subsequently were in Ma- rion's Brigade. This regiment, (second,) commanded by Col. Willam Moul trie, was a part of the force that fought the Battle of Fort Moultrie. I have still in m|,v possession the regimental receipt book of Major Thomas Evance, who was paymaster, containing the signatures of all of the officers of the secrivates of these com- mands so I could call them by name, for they were true men and did men's part nobly at th(>ir country's call, and will be honored as long as men value bravery and duty well done. I have often heard it said of such and such a company : "Oh, they saw no fighting, they were stationed on the coast during the War.'' ^ly friends, this should not be said, these men were just as courageous and devoted as those who went through the storm of battle. No one knows but that they chafed under the enforced inactivity. They were men and soldiers who obeyed orders, even at the expense of inclination and amidst sneers. Because they knew some body had to keep the enemy from the coast and guard Tlie mothers, wives and little ones of those that were away from home. Speak not again, then, of any nmn who from force of circumstances remained near home, for he Avas do- ing his part in the great drama and enabling you to do vours. 37 To go on, I will mention some of the men of onr section who saw service in other commands than those above; if I omit any or uwike a mistake 1 assure you it is not inten- tional, for it would give me delight to honor these men. Col. H. M. Rutledge went out as Major in Clingman's North Carolina Regiment, and afterwards became Colonel of same. Dr. fc5. D. Doar was attached to same regiment as Surgeon., or assistant surgeon, then he went to Thornton's Vir- ginia liattery, and afterwards ordered to hospital work. Mil)ben J.eland joined the I'ee Dee Artillery, of Darlington, and went through the War with them. K. V. Morrison first served in Hami»ton's Jx^gion, afterwards in Whilden's Comh pany. He was foolish enough to try to stop a bullet with his arm — and suc(;eeded — but he feels it yet. John M. Lof- ton was a member of a IMt. Pleasant company, later in Col. r.enbow's Regiment, and a courier. H. M. ]jofton went as Captain of a Marion company, Avas afterwards in quarter- master's or commissary department. William, Munn and •lohn Coleman enlisted in Manigault's tenth regiment, the former was killed and latter died in camp. James C. Doar was a trooper in the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, Gary's Jirigade, seventh regiment of cavalry, and went through to A]»pom)attox with them. Thonms, IMiilip, John, James and Stephen Palmer served in company and regiments unknown to me. The three lat- ter gave up their lives for the cause. Philip and Edmund Mazyck did their piirt as officers in companies which I can not recall. J. B. Morrison and l>en. McClellan also went in near the close of the War, but commands have escaped me. Archie McClellan, Jr, M. O. J. Elliott, Bates, Fortes, Brinson, etc, served in one or other of the companies raised here. A. H. Lucas was Ca]»tain on Ceii. Trapier's staff, of the School- breds, James Nvent through in some command ; J. Stanyarne Schoolbred was an intrepid scout in Virginia. Willie Lucas in Marion Artillery. Joel H. Raybourne in Gaillard's Battery was captured on i)icket duty with others of his company at Harrietta plantation and carried oil by the Northerners during a raid. 38 Jonathan Lucas was in Pinckney's Coniipanv, then in the Nitre Bureau; R. H. Lucas, in the engineer corps. (}. Mc- Duffie Cordes was in Pinckney's ('oni])any and quartermas- ter. Dr. John DuPre was Surgeon, (J. S. A. Last, but not least, Mr. Peter Manigault, though over age, went into the ranks to. do his part and was killed or died in camp. During the War the Federal gunboats Avould make raids up Sautee River, the men wovld burn houses, mills, etc., and take off the negroes. At one of these times they were met at Blake's plantation by Gaillard's Battery, Byrd's Battalion and Pinckney's ('ompany. A skirmish ensued, but neither suffered and the enemy withdrew alter burning Blake's house and mill. About this time Mr. Mclnness, Blake's manager, was killed by mistake at night on the rice field bank by Confed- erate pickets. Near close of AVar these same men made night raids, aided by negroes, on some of the planters' houses, carrying off' all they wished — horses, cattle, poultry, household supplies, ar- ticles of value or whatever took their fancy. I went through two of these incursions as a boy, and can speak of the hor- rors of being^ waked up in the dead of night and having the house ransacked by hordes of Northern vandals and ne- groes. Just after the War a negro company was stationed at McClellanville, and later white infantry. It is but fair to say that the Federals, who looted and taught the negroes to loot, were only the men from the gunboats which steamed up the river. For the regular United States infantry, who came afterwards, were a better class of men and behaved themselves as soldiers should. They were otficered by gen- tlemen. Affiliating with our people, they did all in their poAver to restore order and to keep the negroes within bounds. They even went so far as to disarm and punish the unruly. While some of the negroes during the War went off" to the enemy the majority staid at home, faithful to the task of making i)rovisions, serving their mistresses and doing all that could be exjiected of them to fulfil the trust im- posed by their masters, who were away. 39 However, as soon as the end caiue they, with a few nota- ble exceptions, seenijed tt) have lost all control over them- selves and to think that all of their master's property was their's by ri<>ht of war. They took possession without much ado, for white people to go upon plantations at this time was to run the risk of losing life at their hands. More than once, to my knowledge, some of the jilanters were surrounded or shot at. On one occasion my father, Mr. S. 1). Doar, was waylaid on the way to his plantation by a gang of his own negroes, and only by the swiftness of his horse Avas his life saved. The F. S. Government took charge of all affairs concern- ing the negroes, even regulating any contract for planting or otherwise they wished to make with the Southerners, so that the planters were often hampered or worried in their planting operations by ca])tious officers in Tharleston. I still have on hand some of the orders emanating from this source. We had two gentlemen here who refused to be reconstructed. Mr. Alexander Mazyck and Gabriel Mani- gault, said they would not live under the U. S. Government. so moved to Canada and died there, exiled for principle's sake. After the War our men showed the true grit that was in them, for after battling for four years with the enemy they returned with heavy heart and little else, but their hands to fight with poverty and to rebuild devastated homes and fields. It is needless for me to dwell on tliis, for you well know how they conquered obstacles and gained a livelihood. I every now and then hear a young person ask : But what did you do for such and such an article during the War? Well, I'll tell you, we did without a great many things, and luxuries were not to be had and not thought of, for we were closed to all nations and articles of contraband brough! in by blockade runners were only for lln^ rich and favored few. As necessity is the mother of invention we in rented, and we got almost to believe that the substitute was as good as the genuine. Now listen. What we did for coffee, we had parched rye, oats or grist; it was hot and black, but it was 40 not ('(tffoe. For swoctoiiing we had sor<»liiiiii synij), called l(.n.i» sw(M'1(Miiiio'. It took faith to drink it, but sn»ar we conhl not j^et. For wheat flour, which we of the coast never saw, we had rice flour; clean rice dampened, beaten in a mor- tar and sifted; and corn flour. We made our homespun clothes, tanned our own leather, made our own shoes, but they were not pretty to look at. i'oiled our own salt. Twisted our own lines and r<;pe, pulled out old duds and forgotten finery from long forgotten ti-uuks. Cut up car})ets and bed ticking for the negroes, and lived on such plain fare as the farms atforded, and wei'e as content as possible, esi»ecially as long as we heard that our boys were licking "the f(»e" at the front. For medicine, dye stuffs, we went to the herbs of the field. For hats, baskets, etc, we used rushes, shucks sind <»ur old friend, the jialmetto. Salt was the great industry at ^IcClellanville during the War, and thousands of bushels were n;ade and distributed to suri-ounding country and mid00 per 41 barrel. Teas latter part of the War Avas .flO or |2() per bushel. Corn was the same. 1 bought meal in Sumter ( 'ounty tor |(> per bushel, and tobacco |2 to .f8 a plug. From an old bill I copied: Hams, |5; bacon, |4.50; lard, |4 per pound; and from a. letter in which a party offered hogs alive, 1 1.50 per pound. Rice was comparatively cheap here, as there was a good deal of it on hand Avith no sale, and conld only be used for consumption of onr people and ne- groes around. For writing miaterial, pa})er from old blank books, brown or wall paper, or any such thing was used for this pur[>osc. Envelopes were home-n^ade out of some stnlf, and geuer ally turned and sent back with reply. It may be news to some of you that the Confederate Gov- ernment, at times, received taxes in provisions. I have in my possession a receipt from C. S. A. quartermaster for some of this tax in kind. Now, I come to the part of my theme which I know not how to approach, for I cannot express in words my admira- tion for them — our women during the War and after. Think you the men suffered? The women suffered more. Think you the men brave? The women were more so. Think you the men loved the cause? The women were more devoted to it. The men felt the shock of battle and the discomforts of the body in the field. The women in the lone farm houses and plantations suffered the mental pain of anxiety, of suspense, of the care of the little ones, of the homes and of the absent ones, and least of all, of the coarse living of those days. God only knows what they passed through and suffered, for they told it not to the world nor uttered a murmur. They made the men what they were, for to them they ever Avore a braA'e front, and Avith aching hearts nnd (piivering lips bade fathers, husbands, lovers, brothers and sons— Go. Not in the words of the dames of ancient (Ireece and Rome: "liring your shield back Avith honor or be brought on it," but go to your countr-y's call and do your duty at the front and I will do mine at home. (Jlod and my jirayers be with you. Those men made the best soldiers the world ever saAv; for they Avere inspired by and fought 42 for the noblest, gentlest, most self-sacrificing women in the world — the women of our I'arish and of our Houth. They never despaired, but toiled with unflagging zeal to feed and clothe themselves and those dependent upcm them. They made candles, they made soap, they knitted, they spun and they wove. But I regret to record that they were never clothed like the lilies of the field, for homespun dresses and palmetto hats were the best they had, but they wore them like queens and felt proud that they were per- mitted to put on this badge of allegiance to their coun- try and to their dear ones. Let us hope the race will never die out in old !?>t. James, that the daughters will be like their mothers, beyond compare, and take my word for it the men will never be found wanting, for the women make the men. Before passing on it may be of interest to mention some of the plantations and who owned, lived on and have them now. Starting at the western end of Parish, "Owendaw" A^as llrst owned by Governor Johnson. He it was that first tried to make salt by evaporation on one of his plantations, near- by, on the coast in Christ Church Parish, which has since gone by the name of "Salt Pond. " Owendaw was afterwards bought by Mr. Peter Manigault, who lived there until he died in the Civil War. It now goes by the name of "Mani gault Barony." ''Walnut Grove" was settled by Major Percy, and was his home until bought by Mr. David Doar in 1825 or 'U.S, where his father and family lived until they died. It is now owned by the estate of Br. Horace W. Leland. On this place is the old family cemetery of the Doars. "Kensington," the adjoining x)lace, was OAvned by AVilliam H. Doar, now by his heirs. "Buck Hall" belonged to Gen. Richai'd Vanderhorst. He had his family cemetery there, then it became the property of Mr. Stephen D. Doar. "Laurel Hill" was settled by the Legares, and bought by R. T. Morrison in 1850, is now the home of R. Tillia Morri- son. "Doe Hall" was owned by a Mr. Jones, ])robably the same who kept "Jones's Inn," (32 ]\Iile House.) It was sold fo 43 Ml'. R. T. Morrison, and in after vears b.v liini to Dr. Ed- nmnd and Mr. Bacot AUston, who livod tliere. It is now owned by James I>. ]Morrisou. "Tibwin"' formerly belonged to Jonali Collins, then to Mr. Matthews; later to his son-in-law. Colbnrn. after him to A. M. Skipi)er, now to H. G. Leland. At "Kit Hall" Mr. Thomas Doar's family lived nntil they moved to Walnnt (Jrove, 1825-28, now owned by M. F. Skipper. "The I'oint," ojtposite Mcriellanville, was the ]»lantation of tlio Mouzons until bonght by Col. Samnel J. Palmer. He and Dr. John S. l*almer spent the Sumlmers there. It was afterwards owned by J. B. Skipper, who lived there. The MeClellans ahvays owned and lived on a portion of the present site of McClellanville. The other part was the l)ro|)erty of Mr. Matthews, then Hnnt, later R. T. ]Morrison. ''Oak Grove." back of MeGlellan's field, was the home of Mr. John Doar, afterwards bonght by Mr. A. J. McClellan. "Palmetto," Mr. DuPre's place, was settled by W. TI. \>'ells, afterwards bonght by Rev. Daniel DnI're, who made it his home. The old house stood not far in from where the outer gate now stands. The next places, I am not very certain abont, bnt tlie r?kinners, Shokes, Westbnrys. Rayburns, etc., lived along the coast. I believe a family of DesGliamps were there also. Mr. Ward's place was owned originally by Mr. Tom. Bnt- I( r, afterwards b^' Mr. Newell. "Ormond Hall," the next place, was occupied for ye.-u-s bv Alexander Watson, a Scotch planter, who lost all of his famiily in the gale of 1822. The place Avas afterwards owned by Arthur Blake, now by Santee Club. "Bellfield," nearby, was settled by Mr. Bell, who lived there. At Bucheit's Bridge, on Georgetown Road, the Bucheils owned a place, which was afterwards occupied by Mr. Jack Simons. Isaac Skipper lived across (he bi-idge on same road. u The Midieaiix lived nenr a bi-idiieOf that name on the ( 'olfee Koail. Two old bachelors, Mr. Alexander Mazyck and brother, had a place on Moss Swamp Koad, and were there as late as 1812. Mazyck's Jiranch takes its name from them. Coffees, Thomsons, etc.y take their name from former owners. "Blue Honse" was the plantation of the Bonneaus. ^'Wamibaw" (npper) was the place of Theodore (Jaillard. "Ej^ypt," of Dr. Samuel Cordes. "Wanipee," of Major Thomas E. Evance. "Sprin<>tield," owned by l>r. John S. Palmer at one time. Along the Santee River, starting from its mouth, first, Murphy's Island, owned by the Horrys, then by William lAicas, Avho turned it from a cotton into rice ]»lanlation, now by Santee Club. "Washoe and Cape" formerly belonged to ^liddletons, then to Arthur Blake; now to Sa;ntee Club. "Eldorado'' was the home of the Mottes, then the l*inck- neys, now owned by Capt. Tom. Pinckney. Col. Samuel Mortimer had a little place between Eldora- do and Indianfield at one time called Mortimer Hill. "Indianfield was originally the plantation of Jonah Col- lins, then the Vauderhorsts, now the Mazjcks. "Harrietta" was owned first by David Deas Inglis, second by Mrs. Harriott Horry, third by Mr. Stephen I). Doar, >\ hose father w as born there, and lastly by David Doar. "Egremont" Avas the residence of Alex. Watson, bought by JMr Xowell, then by S. D. Doar. "Woodville'' W'as owned by the Middletons, then by Dr. James Shoolbred, then by S, D. Doar, later by T. W. Gra Imni. "The Wedge," by the Middletons, was settled by Mr. Wm. Lucas, now the home of Mr. A. H. Lucas. "Palo Alto," owned first by Farr, second by Douxsaint, third John Axon, fourth Dr. Alex. Gadsden, fifth Stephen D. Doar, now the home of Samuel C. Doar. "JJellevue," owned by the Lynches, but David Duas lived 45 and pluuted liei-e for numy year.s, afterward occupied by Dr. Xowell. "Fairfield." owned first by tlie Lynclies, second by Col. Tlionias Pinclcney, now l)y Capt. Tlio.s. I'inckney. • 'Teaclitree" and "I'eafield" belonged to the Lynches. Thomas Lynch senior and junior lived here; their brick house burned about 1S40 and in ruins uow. "Montgomery" (''Oldfield") was settled by Dr. IMiilij. ■Mazyck for his son, Alex. Mazyck, who lived there and was for mauy years Senator from this I'arish; then by S. D. Doar, after by James C. Doar. Mr. Hallwell kept an Inn and lived at the ferry, i hynchen. ) ''Romney-' was the residence of Dr Philip INIazyck, then of his son-in-law, Gabriel Manigault. "Hampton" was the home of Col. Daniel Horry, after- wards of the Rutledges. "Wambaw." (on creek,) owned first by the Horrys tlien by Mr. Wm. Lucas. "Ehnwood" belonged to the Horrys, was bonght and set- tled by S. D. Doar, who lived there. Dr. Samuel Cordes also spent several years at this place. "Waterhorn" belonged to Hugers, then Horrys, then to Mr. Frederic Rntledge, afterwards to J. B. Skipper and L. r. McClellan. At "Millbrook" lived ^Ir. John Gaillard, then became tlu> property of Mrs. Rosa Tzard, afterwards was bought by R. I 'on Lowndes. "Cedar Hill" was the place of Dr. Tideman, then the property of the Hazzards or Trenholms, then to A. AV. Le- lund. The third Episcopal Parsonage stood on river road near lo and opposite Peafleld. It was burnt after the Civil War. From here up the river for four or live miles I cannot find an}' record of old owners, or names of places until we get to where the Jerman family liv-ed below Echaw. On this creek an old river road, just by bridge, stood old Echaw Church, built in 1748, now in ruins. Just behind the church near the Glebe lands, on which lived the pastor, Rev. Fen- 46 ner ^^'a^re^, and liis distiiigiii.slied son, ('ol. Samuel War- ren, both of Avhoni lie bni-ied in the yai-d of the chnvcii they served so faithfnlly. Above here and along the river eani,e the plantations and homes of the Steadmans, the lilakes, the Guerrys, the Bnt- lers, the Balls, the Whites, the Palmers, Col. I'on and others; and "Woodstock," the home of David Gaillard, and near by the plantation of Mr. Wm. Gaillard; Mount Moriah, the site of eTamestown, the i^lantation of Col. Samuel Palmer. Lastly Lenuds, at Lenuds, formerly Skrime's Ferry. Here stood the stone marking the northern boundary of the Parish after St. Stephen was cut off fronj it in 1754. Of course, the interior of the Parish was thickly popu- lated, but I have not the time nor space to mention names did I know them all. Coming down near the coast again Islington Avas settled and OAvned by John Axon, then S. T). Doar, at present by S, B. King. Mr. William Webb lived on Georgetown Road, near Moss Swamp, (where Mr. A. vS. McClellan's place now is,) and his brother. Job, had a plantation adjoining a little higher up on the road, wliere he ])assed his life. One of these old men, when dying requested that he be buried on the place under a large magnolia tree, near road. His wishes were carried out. Three miles from Lynch's Ferry, on Georgetown Road, stands the Parish church of St James, and is now in good state of preservation and services are held there occasional- ly- This church was built in 17(18 and took the place of old Fchaw, which was used as the chapel of J'^ase until it fell in ruins. Let me hasten on as time presses. Before closing I would like to make a few quotations from a recent writer in the ''State," which fits into my subject: ''Nations have gone down in heroic struggles for the meas- ure of Liberty which the modern man possesses. INIyriads of strong men have died on battlefields to shape the insti- tutions Avhicli he now enjoys. Tn our own history alone the page is a bright one. The adventurous and strong peoi>le 47 wlio settled (lie pai-isli and riiited States and striitialed aniMst fi'ijiiitt'iil liardsliips for generations, were working lliat citizens of this day might enj(ty the fruits of the splen- did but hard-earned victory. And the snug and Indilferent citizen of to-day who imagines in his folly that he is in- dependent is the inheritor, in a direct line of the noble men of the past, who bore the brunt of the battle and the heat of the day. Civilization is a great co-operative society, and every man is a debtor to the Past." Here are few extracts from address of Bisho]) Fitzgerald, Methodist Church : "In the old South, and I add old Parish, were the roots of the new. They have to-day the same soil, the same heredity, the same traditions. The men of the South in days of old fought Indians, drank all the strong drink that was good for them' and more, exhibited a passion for politics that has descended to their children and to their children's children, and cherished a punctiliousness on points of honor and a devotion to principle that was derided by those who Avould have done better by imitating them. "Those old Southerners were a peculiar peojjle, trouble- some to tyrants and puzzling to i)olitical tricksters and trimmers. There never was a liner manhood on earth than that of the old South. "If called upon to give my advice to our young men I should say to them: 'Stay where you are and hold on to your lands. There is no nobler secular calling than that of a farmer. Conditions have changed somewhat but we un- derstand one another, and with less assistance from abroad, that we do not ask for, and the exercise of a reasonable degree of common sense; and every square mile of this Southern land would bloom in bountifulness and beauty,' " .My tale is told, im])erfectly done, I know, but it has been a labor of pleasure to me. Now it is left for you to say whether it has been one of interest to you, or will serve as an incentive to better and nobler work hereafter. I trust it will. That it may incite you to strive for the uplifting of your homes and your I'arish. Tn order to do this well be united, live as the men of old, as brothers, working in a 48 couiinon cause. And whenever rupture, caused bv d'tler- ence in opinion, seems imminent, retlect and think of the old rule which may tide you over the rocks : "In essentials. Unity; non-essentials. Liberty, and in all things. Charity." Try to advance your section and our neighbors', so that it will be not only written of you when the records of your deeds are nmde up : That the Parish has received no detri- ment at your hands. Uut that her banner has bee i car- ried forward, and when your grip on it has been relaxed, and it has been taken up by the hands of your children, it will have been planted in the forefront of progress and pros- perity of your time. See to it that you serve faithfully your State, your Parish, your nation and the Ood of your fathers. "Indeed and in truth." Do this and you have the promise that '"all things will work together for your good" and for old St. James. Thanks, gentlemen, for your attention and patience. At conclusion of address Mr. J. B. Morrison moved that the thanks of this body be tendered to President David Doar, Avhich Avas seconded by Mr. A. W. Leland and unani- mously carried. Mr. R. L. Morrison then made a few remarks stating that he thought this address and history of the Society ought to be published in pamphlet form for the benefit of members ; and moved that President appoint a committee of three to carry out these views, which was seconded by Pro- fessor H. Swinton McGillivray in short speech. The motion was adopted. The President appointed the following gentlemen on com- mittee : R. L. Morrison, L. A. Beckman, R. Tillia Morrison. Dinner was then served and the vSociety adjourned to meet at Doe Hall plantation on x\ugust IGth, 1907. L. A. Beckjnian. Seo-cfa)'!/. 49 Members of Society, July 4, 1908. A. W. Lei and. .T. O. MiiiTay. E. A. Gardner. David Dear. Isaac Epps. A. S. McClellan. J. J. Murray. H. S. McGillivray. H. G. Leland. H. Leland. G. W. Moore. A. D. McClellan. R. H. Morrison. f?. C. Doar. G. E. Lincoln. A. O. Atkinson. K. L. Morrison. W. W. Sadler. E. J. Lincoln, d B. Sutler. J. B. Morrison, Sr. C. H. Leland. P. G. Sessions. A. H. Lucas. S. L. Baker. E. J. Grissell. R. E. Gibson. G. W. Ward. Wm. F. Leland. Thos. P. Rutledge. C W. Browder. R. Tillia Morrison. L A. Beckman. D. J. Moore. J. L. Bazen. R. V. Morrison. C. C. Marlow. H. T. Morrison. R. P. Bee. J. H. Corbett. H. W. Leland. S. B. King, Sr. G. W. Wilson. G. E. Fort. J. L. Fort. G. E. Beckman. Arthur Hodge. J. W. Graham. J B. Morrison, Jr. S, B. King, Jr. R. E. Graham. AA'. T. Player. J. T. Hills. J. G. DuPre. Ossie McClellan. G. W. Munn. J. N. Cantey. A. A. Wilson. J. Frankel. H. M. Rutledge. A. W. Leland, Jr. LIBRftRY OFcoNGRf!? 0 014 419 450 0